Home > Posts tagged "murder" Greenbrier Ghost – Murder Revealed | The Paranormal Guide In 1897, Elva Zona Shue was found dead in her Greenbrier County, West Virginia, home. The initial report ruled the cause of death as an unfortunate happening but nothing sinister. However, four weeks after her death, Zona appeared to her mother in a series of dreams and told a story of 10 Bizarre Murders Linked To Witchcraft | Listverse For centuries, crimes have been linked to witches and witchcraft. Many times, these crimes weren't even real, yet innocent people were tortured and killed in rather gruesome ways because of people's belief in witchcraft. Although many witchcraft murders are nothing more than the product of hysteria and lack of knowledge, some Murder Victim Haunts Children's Photographs | Daily Express Spectral Pictures & Videos THE eerie face peering from behind the young child in this photograph is thought to be the "spirit" of a murder victim. Paranormal expert Malcolm Robinson said the woman who took the picture of her son in Alloa, Clackmannanshire, in 1972 never noticed anything spooky until a clairvoyant told her to
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TEST_VERSION="3.1" TEST_NAME="v31" PLUGIN_URL="git://github.com/j3k0/PhoneGap-InAppPurchase-iOS.git" # PLUGIN_URL="http://localhost/git/PhoneGap-InAppPurchase-iOS.git" BUNDLE_ID="$1" IAP_ID="$2" DIR=platforms/ios/TestIAP$TEST_NAME/Plugins/com.phonegap.plugins.inapppurchase WWW=platforms/ios/www/plugins/com.phonegap.plugins.inapppurchase PROJ=platforms/ios/TestIAP${TEST_NAME}.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj if [ "x$IAP_ID" = "x" ] || [ "x$1" = "x--help" ]; then echo echo "usage: $0 <bundle_id> <iap_id>" echo echo "This will generate a phonegap project using PhoneGap $TEST_VERSION (required)." echo "If plugin install is successful, you can test your IAP as follow:" echo " - if your device is logged-in a production iTunes account, go unlog (in device's settings)" echo " - open ./$TEST_NAME-build/platforms/ios/TestIAP${TEST_NAME}.xcodeproj" echo " - compile and run ON A DEVICE" echo " - the description of the IAP should appear after a while." echo " - click on the price to purchase, confirmation should appear on the console." echo " - click restore and check the console that it also worked." echo echo "example:" echo " \$ $0 cc.fovea.babygoo babygooinapp1" echo exit 1 fi # Check PhoneGap version V=`phonegap version` MAJOR=`echo $V | cut -d. -f1` MINOR=`echo $V | cut -d. -f2` if [ "x$MAJOR.$MINOR" != "x$TEST_VERSION" ]; then echo "This test is validated with PhoneGap $TEST_VERSION only (you are running $MAJOR.$MINOR)." exit 1 fi # Clean things cd `dirname $0` rm -fr $TEST_NAME-build # Create a project phonegap create $TEST_NAME-build -n TestIAP$TEST_NAME -i cc.fovea.babygoo cp $TEST_NAME-src/css/* $TEST_NAME-build/www/css/ cp $TEST_NAME-src/js/* $TEST_NAME-build/www/js/ cp $TEST_NAME-src/index.html $TEST_NAME-build/www/ sed -i "" "s/babygooinapp1/$IAP_ID/g" $TEST_NAME-build/www/js/iap.js cd $TEST_NAME-build # Add our plugin phonegap local plugin add "$PLUGIN_URL" || exit 1 cp ../../src/ios/*.[hm] plugins/com.phonegap.plugins.inapppurchase/src/ios/ cp ../../InAppPurchase.js plugins/com.phonegap.plugins.inapppurchase/ # Add console debug phonegap local plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-console.git || exit 1 # Compile for iOS phonegap local build ios || exit 1 # Check existance of the plugins files function hasFile() { if test -e "$1"; then echo "File $1 installed." else echo "ERROR: File $1 is missing." EXIT=1 fi } hasFile "$DIR/InAppPurchase.m" hasFile "$DIR/InAppPurchase.h" hasFile "$DIR/SKProduct+LocalizedPrice.h" hasFile "$DIR/SKProduct+LocalizedPrice.m" hasFile "$WWW/InAppPurchase.js" if grep StoreKit.framework "$PROJ" > /dev/null; then echo "StoreKit framework added." else echo "ERROR: StoreKit framework missing." EXIT=1 fi if [ "x$EXIT" != "x1" ]; then echo "Great! Everything looks good."; fi exit $EXIT
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Earth was used up, and humanity had a choice – leave, or perish. And so they left, in great ships full of colonists and scientists, with soldiers to protect them all. Hurling through space in a timeless sleep. Waiting for the ship's computers to find their new home and wake them. But when they wake, they realize things have gone horribly wrong. They aren't where they should be. The ship has malfunctioned and landed them on an alien planet not even on the charts. A world bathed in permanent darkness due to an unusual orbit. After a single night of fire, death, sabotage and destruction, this world is now their home. They'll have to make a life here without going mad in the eternal darkness. A task made even more dangerous when they realize they're not alone. Buy the book, or read Online as chapters are posted. Cool, new book for my endless growing reading list 😉 … off to Lulu to get it.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Incentive to be crucial for success of vehicle scrapping policy While the automobile industry has suggested to the government that financial incentive should come from it to accelerate the plan to phase out polluting commercial vehicles that are more than 15 years, the government wants the industry to offer some discount to new buyers as it would boost their sales. Dipak K Dash It remains to be seen whether the government will announce any cash incentive to those joining the scraping policy. NEW DELHI: The Centre's vehicle scrapping policy now hinges on how much "discount" or "incentive" that both the government and automobile manufacturers can offer to those buying new vehicles after scraping the old ones. While the automobile industry has suggested to the government that financial incentive should come from it to accelerate the plan to phase out polluting commercial vehicles that are more than 15 years, the government wants the industry to offer some discount to new buyers as it would boost their sales. It will be mandatory for buyers to produce the scrapping certificate to avail any discount. Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday announced that the government will come out with the vehicle scrapping policy soon as a part of the overall intervention to check the slump in automobile sale. The government has decided to go for voluntary scrapping rather than making it mandatory for people to dump their old vehicles. FM rolls out package to boost auto sector, liquidity situation; scrappage policy to come soon Sources said several suggestions including the option to offer discount in income tax to those who scrap their old vehicles was discussed at a meeting called by the Niti Aayog last week. The meeting was attended by representatives from heavy industries, road transport and steel ministries besides top functionaries from Niti Aayog. It remains to be seen whether the government will announce any cash incentive to those joining the scraping policy. Meanwhile, the government is working on interventions that would discourage people to renew the registration of commercial vehicles that are more than 15 years. The interventions could include increase in the fee only for renewal of registration of old vehicles and increased frequency of fitness tests that such vehicles would need to undergo. Earlier the road transport ministry had issued a draft proposal of steep increase in fees for fresh registration and renewal of registration fee for diesel and petrol vehicles. But following opposition from the automobile lobby against manifold increase in registration fee for new vehicles, the government has put the proposed revision of "registration fee" on hold till June 2020. The automobile lobby had not objected to hike in fees for renewal of registration for old vehicles. Nirmala Sitharaman
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Listening Sessions are over, but one webinar is approaching on June 7th. WG has been leading a project to release a fully-revised version of the LGMA-approved metrics. As part of this project, 4 listening session and one webinar have been hosted to allow impacted parties to provide feedback. This effort is beyond the current annual LGMA-approved metrics amendment process managed by WG. This initiative incorporates peer-reviewed research presented at the Center of Produce Safety Symposiums, input from an independent expert review panel, the Harmonized Food Safety Standard and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Produce Safety Rule. As a result, a revised LGMA audit checklist could be in place later this year. The file below is the current draft document that contains potential changes to these guidelines and audit checklist. This document also includes comments received during the listening sessions and webinar. These proposed changes haven't been approved; we are in the process of gathering feedback. Your feedback is important to us. If you haven't been able to participate in this effort, don't miss this last webinar on June 7th at 10:00 a.m.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
FAREWELL TO THE "FIRST RESEARCHER" The man who immediately understood the true cause and profound meaning of President Kennedy's assassination, and for 57 years quietly taught that understanding to the rest of us, has died. Vincent J. Salandria was 92, vigorous and lucid till the end. On Sunday, August 23rd, he collapsed while walking his dog in his Philadelphia neighborhood. We reprint here in full Christopher Sharrett's excellent short biography of Vince, written in 1999 as the introduction to False Mystery, a collection of Vince's speeches and articles that remain indispensable reading today. To the extensive list of Salandria-inspired people and material provided by Professor Sharrett below, we should add three of the most important that have arrived on the scene since his piece was written: Jim Douglas's JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters and two works by David Talbot: Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, and The Devil's Chessboard, about the career of CIA director Allen Dulles. In addition, Vince advised and will appear in two upcoming documentary films, one directed by Max Good on the role of the Paines in history, and Four Died Trying, produced by TRC co-chair Libby Handros and directed by this writer. Vince insisted on asking fundamental questions that cut through the cant of official propaganda. With an attorney's clear logic, he asked with perfect simplicity: "What would an honest government do?" It was a test the authorities consistently failed at the time of the assassination, and one we would do well to apply more vigorously today. Farewell, great teacher. John Kirby Provincetown, MA Introduction to False Mystery by Christopher Sharrett The writings of Vincent J Salandria on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are historic, foundational, and essential to any serious scholar interested in understanding the real dynamics of the Kennedy murder and its place as a terrible and pivotal moment of the American Century. In his 1967 book Six Seconds in Dallas, Josiah Thompson notes that what he terms the "second generation" of assassination researchers—including Mark Lane, Edward J. Epstein, Harold Weisberg, Raymond Marcus, Léo Sauvage, Richard Popkin—owe "a deep debt to Salandria's pioneering and largely unsung research." Thompson is accurate, since Salandria is in the front rank of Warren Commission critics, and the prescience of his analysis is an instruction to all interested people. On November 22, 1963, the day of the assassination, Salandria watched the unfolding narrative on television with his then brother-in-law, the late Harold Feldman (himself a important scholar of this case and the author of the monograph "Fifty-One Witnesses: The Grassy Knoll"). Many friends of Salandria recount his responses to that day. Salandria noted at the first moments of this crime that it reeked of a governmental coup, and that the confirmation of his suspicion would be the murder of the alleged suspect while in custody. He observed that from the first hours of the case, the pronouncements of the government, as carried by the major media, contained a consciousness of guilt at the center of state power. At no time did the government entertain seriously the possibility of a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy, even as local authorities in Dallas and the mainstream media offered a steady stream of evidence pointing to conspiracy (witnesses and physicians saying Kennedy was shot from two directions; witnesses running to the grassy knoll in front of the motorcade as well as into buildings behind the motorcade; more than one rifle found; various suspects detained; gun smoke smelled at ground level; a bystander wounded). Although many of these reports could have been in error, Salandria noted that the federal authorities, if honest, would have pursued these reports rather than shut down their options and proclaim the guilt of one man, a warehouse worker named Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald's guilt was indeed immediately proclaimed, and rarely with the qualifier "alleged." Oswald's supposed leftist political affiliations were loudly trumpeted as a means of enhancing the aura of guilt around a man declared the murderer—and the only murderer—even before he was officially charged with the crime. It should be noted that the labeling by the government of Oswald as a leftist—and hence a homicidal madman—effectively stilled the dissent of and terrified much of the American progressive community, particularly with the publication of the Warren Report. The voice of Vincent Salandria, who never wavered from progressive values, was not so stilled. On Nov. 2, 1964, Salandria published an article in The Legal Intelligencer, the oldest law publication in the United States. The piece, reproduced herein, is the first sustained criticism of the Warren Commission's conclusions on the forensic evidence in the assassination. It represents a courageous and articulate dissent from within the American legal profession that, sadly, has rarely been replicated. To those who today argue that the government's initial response to the assassination flowed from a concern merely to protect national security, Salandria's article, written in 1964, is a crucial response. It shows that the authorities were utterly disingenuous about the smallest detail of the forensic evidence of the crime, and none of the official conduct augured well for confidence in the government's motivations, then or now, in telling us about the assassination. The circumstances of this article's publication are as remarkable and historic as its content. The Philadelphia Bar Association had just finished celebrating the work for the Warren Commission of Arlen Specter, a native son who would soon be elected the city's district attorney. Salandria, a practicing lawyer in Philadelphia, was unimpressed by his colleague's new status in the profession. Theodore Voorhees, then Chancellor of the Bar, felt that Salandria's dissent was too important for the Intelligencer to ignore, despite the paper's positive appraisal both of the Warren Report and the service provided to the Warren Commission by its legal staff. Salandria's article, like his subsequent essays for the New Left journal Liberation [published in January and March 1965], contains a discourse now very familiar to assassination researchers, although it is doubtful if many know where the discourse originated. With a painstaking, methodical approach, Salandria showed how the government's own evidence completely undermined its conclusions. His argument was bolstered many times over in his Liberation pieces, written after the Commission had issued its twenty-six evidentiary and hearings volumes. While critics have repeated ad nauseam the particulars of Salandria's argument (the conflicting medical exhibits; the timing of the shots; the impossible trajectories; the ammunition; the ignoring of testimony), few, it seems to me, have apprehended Salandria's perspective and sensibility as he studied these data. Throughout his analysis of the Warren Commission evidence, Salandria posed to himself and to his reader questions that were at their heart philosophical and moral as well as political. He noted that the authorities, from the beginning, asked us to suspend not only the rule of law and basic physical laws, but also laws of logic and reason. We were asked by the Warren Commission to accept the Orwellian notion that two plus two equals five. We were asked to accept as sensible and professional conduct under our system of law the Chief Justice and his staff accepting into evidence crude anatomical sketches of President Kennedy's wounds, drawn by a Navy corpsman at the direction of his superior, rather than primary autopsy data. Salandria asked himself and his readers if one could accept, as reasonable professional conduct of adult men, the Bethesda military doctors who performed Kennedy's autopsy not immediately contacting the medical personnel in Dallas who first treated him, but instead contacting these personnel only as an afterthought the morning after the autopsy was completed and the body sent on for burial. These questions are still pertinent at the end of the twentieth century, since the federal government has yet to provide to the American public a clear, firmly supported account of how many times President Kennedy was shot, from which direction(s), and on which parts of his body he was wounded. Each time an accounting of the wounds is offered (the Clark Panel in 1968; the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979; the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1992), the narrative changes, usually to accommodate to some degree the skepticism of the public. As Salandria continued his research into the assassination, he observed that the media's representations of the crime shifted regularly to meet the needs of the authorities in possession of the evidence. In this recognition, Salandria was especially prescient. Today, such writers as Jerry Policoff, Michael Parenti, Noam Chomsky, and many others have proven that ours is hardly an independent media, but rather a set of (dis)information organs, constructed as corporations, wholly answerable to state and private power. This was never more evident than in Salandria's early scrutiny of the media's coverage of the Kennedy assassination. Less than two weeks after the assassination, Life magazine published a Memorial Issue containing an article that attempted to put to rest "nagging rumors" about the assassination. The piece informed us that while President Kennedy was indeed shot in the throat from the front, this could be explained by examination of an 8mm film taken by a bystander that was at the moment of publication Life's exclusive property (the famous Zapruder film). The author of the essay informed us that the film shows Kennedy turning far around, exposing thereby his throat to Oswald's sniper's lair six stories above the presidential motorcade. It would be ten years before the general public would learn that no such turn took place as it finally saw the Zapruder film on national television. Few would know the history of media mendacity on this issue, but Salandria was keeping careful notes. Life's uncritical support of the Warren Commission at times bordered on the hysterical. When the Warren Report was issued in the fall of 1964, Life was so enamored of it that the magazine published not one but three versions of a single issue. The issue contained an account of the Warren findings written not by a Life journalist, but by Gerald Ford, the future President who served (at the suggestion of his friend Richard Nixon) on the Commission. Salandria remarked that it was highly unusual, in an era before computer-based publishing, for a magazine to publish three versions of a single issue. The reason for this strange enterprise became clear as Salandria scanned the three versions. Each text contained refinements that bolstered the Commission's lone-nut thesis, and attempted to clear up (but in the process only complicated) the contradictions related to a broad range of subjects—from the direction of the President's body under the impact of the fatal shot to the timing of the Tippit shooting to the internal dissent on the Warren Commission. Salandria wrote to Life editor Ed Kern about the peculiar phenomenon of three versions of the same issue. Kern replied that indeed such an occurrence was highly unusual—and very costly—but could not figure out who authorized the changes nor how it was done. In 1967-69 Salandria supported the efforts of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in reopening the assassination probe. This work is not represented here, but is mentioned in other locations, including Garrison's A Heritage of Stone and On the Trail of the Assassins. Suffice it to say that Salandria's contribution to Garrison's effort was significant; Garrison sent an early printing of On the Trail of the Assassins to Salandria with the inscription: "To my intellectual mentor and friend." Garrison's discussion of "models of explanation" in A Heritage of Stone owes much to Salandria, whose examination of the elementary data convinced Garrison that he was looking not at a plot of right-wing fringe groups, but a coup at the center of the American power structure. In the early 1970s, Salandria refined his model of explanation of the assassination in a speech before the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The speech was published in the unlikely venue Computers and Automation, a Boston-based science journal created by Edmund Berkeley and Richard Sprague, two computer systems analysts committed to the truth of the assassination and issues of social justice. In this transitional article, reprinted here, Salandria parted company with the school of assassination research—a school he helped to found—focused on Dealey Plaza, in order to examine the why of the assassination and its implications for America. At this stage of his work he determined that the continued ransacking of the Dealey Plaza microdata was a way of prolonging a false debate and instilling a pointless doubt and doublethink in the public, a theme that has been dominant in Salandria's work to this day. For Salandria, the endless probing of the evidentiary minutiae proceeds from the assumption that the case for conspiracy isn't proven (and perhaps can never be proven), and that we should give the authorities the benefit of the doubt as we continue obsessional and debilitating detective work. For Salandria this reasoning, which invites the authorities to continue in their prevarication, is absurd and intellectually dishonest, since a consciousness of guilt was manifest in state power from the moment the assassination occurred. The micro-fixated critical orientation to this case forestalls an understanding of the assassination as a political act requiring mass mobilization, and an analysis of the murder attentive to its political-economic context. In the mid-70s, Salandria developed these concerns further with the assistance of his friend, Professor Thomas Katen. In a piece called "The Design of the Warren Report, to Fall to Pieces," perhaps Salandria's most controversial article, he posited something many critics—including Sylvia Meagher and Harold Weisberg—had long intuited about the Warren Report. To read the Report is to disbelieve it. The reasoning of the Report is absurd, yet unreasonable or irrational men didn't write it. Salandria argued that the Report was designed to appear incredible, and thereby signal to the people of America that faith in constituency-based government was obsolete, as state power and the capitalist system it represents consolidated their authority over America. Salandria scholars (there are more than a few) debate this piece, arguing that the evidence is insufficient to judge the intent of the Warren Report authors to the level of Salandria's assertions. Intentionality is indeed a tough call, but it is useful to consider the effect of the Warren Report alongside Salandria's argument with the hindsight of thirty-six years. Today, the Kennedy assassination has entered cyberspace and the domain of pop culture. JFK assassination experts are everywhere, and although most think a conspiracy was "likely," few seem able or interested in seeing how it was precipitated by basic assumptions of our government and economic system. Even fewer people seem interested in the crime's relationship to subsequent history and our current moment as the case is consigned to the culture of postmodernity and The X Files. Looking at the current situation, we might reflect on Salandria's most explosive contentions in "The Design of the Warren Report," and an earlier piece, "The Promotion of Domestic Discord." Is much of our supposedly adversarial culture, in large part produced by a culture industry, a means of coopting and diluting genuinely adversarial energies? The Huxleyan vision of the future Salandria spoke of in "The Design of the Warren Report" seems too close for comfort as wars become video games, and as we seek solace from the VCR and prescription tranquilizers. The essay entitled "A False Mystery Concealing State Crimes" is Salandria's speech before the Coalition on Political Assassination's 1998 conference, and is a summary statement of his work. It exhorts the reader not to participate in the false, debilitating debate that refuses to say President Kennedy was the victim of a state-sanctioned coup. Salandria asks that we use this murder as an instruction for our times, a lesson concerning the bankruptcy of our way of life, as we engage in the difficult task of building a more just society. The speech, which took Salandria nearly two hours to deliver at COPA, received a prolonged standing ovation, heartening him greatly after a long period of believing assassination research had become an intellectual hobby horse and taken a disastrously pointless turn. The next evening, COPA gave Salandria a long-overdue lifetime achievement award. Vincent Salandria has never wanted a public profile, and consistently rejected offers to write a book. Occasionally, he has accepted invitations from the Philadelphia media to speak on the subject of the assassination. He has also accepted invitations from civic groups to debate Arlen Specter; Specter has always refused, claiming he has "already" debated Salandria (presumably because he once answered questions about Salandria's work). A speech by Salandria, although rare, is always pregnant with import that either misses most of the audience or is treated with derision. In a 1967 lecture attended by author Joe McGinniss, Salandria stated that RFK would most likely be assassinated, and that LBJ would step down from office. McGinniss, a chronicler of the 60s and 70s, thought it "sad" that Salandria should believe such things. In the past thirty-five years Salandria has, in pop psychology terms, "empowered" any number of people interested in the truth of the Kennedy murder. A few people who have benefited from his thought: Harold Feldman, Gaeton Fonzi, Ray Marcus, Jim Garrison, Sylvia Meagher, Jim DiEugenio, and incidentally myself. In the early 1990s, Salandria assembled a circle of correspondents who engage in a round-robin exchange concerning the Kennedy assassination, its legacy, and the shape of our current world. Among those who have participated in this very prolific circle are E. Martin Schotz, Michael Morrissey, Robert Dean, Fletcher Prouty, Steve Jones, Gaeton Fonzi, Barbara LaMonica, Jim Douglass, Dick Levy, Donald Gibson, William Pepper, Joan Mellen, Ben Schotz, and many others. I have been privileged to be in their number. In time, some of this correspondence may be offered for publication, an event that I think would be significant in enhancing public discussion of the JFK assassination. The thinking of this group has already found its way into Fonzi's The Last Investigation and Schotz's History Will Not Absolve Us. Both Fonzi and Schotz have been close friends to Salandria for over thirty years. Fonzi produced groundbreaking research for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Schotz, who speaks with Salandria almost every day, has been his intellectual gadfly, a contributor of such magnitude to our understanding of this case it is appropriate that this compendium includes his essay "The Waters of Knowledge," also presented at the 1998 COPA meeting. Schotz, a Boston psychiatrist, long ago suggested to Salandria that the public was encased in denial concerning the Kennedy assassination. Schotz observed that public discourse seemed to permit the notion that a conspiracy was "possible" or "likely." A common statement on the subject is that one "feels" or "believes" that there was official misconduct and obfuscation in the crime. Like the addict or alcoholic unable to confront the seriousness of the disease, the American public would prefer not to know the truth and say it, but to remain locked in psychic and political paralysis rather than state outright that Kennedy was removed by official power, and thereby confront the monstrousness of our political-economic system. I have suggested to Schotz that he extend his penetrating insight a bit further, since to live in America, it seems to me, means to live in some state of denial, because a sensitive person could not live here, aware of the nation's history, its murderous past, its cruel and inequitable present, without hiding in a carapace of denial. It is the hope of Schotz, Salandria, and this writer that we may all confront truth, shed denial, and build a better world. I have many fond personal memories of Vince Salandria. I was still living in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, in 1973 when I screwed up the courage to drop a letter to this formidable, yet quiet, founder of the JFK assassination research community. My adolescent shyness was still obvious in those years, and I disliked imposing myself. My friend Robert Cutler, a flinty and outspoken Bostonian who did major work on the Dealey Plaza trajectory evidence, scoffed at my inhibition. He admonished me with the remark: "Do you know who he is?" I couldn't muster a reply. "He's the first damn researcher!" I wrote to Salandria, we had a brief exchange of letters, I invited him to lunch, he accepted. At the time, I was completing my first graduate degree at Villanova University, and often took a train into center city Philadelphia before making a very long trek to Villanova in the Philadelphia "main line." My stopover in the city would frequently be the occasion to meet Salandria at his office, or at his old address on Delancey Place. We would have lunch (he bristled if I offered to pay) and walk through town. Salandria would tell me about the case, his experiences, his concern for America. I often felt like the companion to M. Dupin in one of Poe's detective stories. Suffice it to say that Salandria's original and penetrating mind made a lasting impression. He fast became one of the few thinkers whose sense of the world stayed with me. I soon began to chide him for his self-effacing tendencies; he still refers to himself as "a poor Italian peasant." He always knew he packed the gear, and my refusal to accept his modesty has fueled the humor in our relationship. We appeared together once on the radio station of the University of Pennsylvania, Salandria's alma mater, and undertook a couple of minor projects before my graduate education and career took me far away from Philadelphia. I began lecturing on the assassination in 1975, recounting to college groups, churches, libraries, and high schools my experience as a researcher, my brief work for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and my view of the case. I always brought up the name Salandria. In 1991, just prior to the release of Oliver Stone's film JFK, I realized that it had been almost five years since I last spoke to Vince Salandria. Among other things for which I must thank Stone's historic film is the prompt to get in touch again with a man who has been so transformational to my political and historical worldview. And I have benefited at least some, I think, from his enormous humanity and generosity. I am grateful to John Kelin for creating this tribute to Vincent Salandria, and hope these articles will inspire new enthusiasms in the young now with us, and in future generations. Christopher Sharrett Seton Hall University July 1999 HIGH-FLYING BYRD... FAREWELL, DAVID S. LIFTON
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: CLocationManager - how to trigger kCLErrorNetwork I'm trying to handle all of the different error states of CLLocationManager, and I need to know how to trigger the error:kCLErrorNetwork The docs state: kCLErrorNetwork - The network was unavailable or a network error occurred. I figured I could trigger this by turning Airplane mode on, but that just gives me: kCLErrorLocationUnknown - The location manager was unable to obtain a location value right now. Anybody know how to trigger kCLErrorNetwork? Thanks! A: Working in the simulator I had some issues receiving locations when I had location services turned off in OS X, but I am pretty sure there was no error reporting. You could always get a led box or use some other method to physically block the reception of all signals. Or come to my flat it has a similar effect.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Wicker Man - General Discussion - Part Two Thread starter Craig Start date 14th Mar 2018 Matt.GC It baffles me why there's so much passion on here for removing WM's pre show, so much so that it keeps cropping up again and again and again, seemingly because it's getting in the way of ride whoring. The vast majority of guests (you know, those guys who are actually Towers core customer base?) have probably only ridden it less than 3 times, many would have been riding it today for the very first time. No more removal of effects or theming at Towers. Reactions: James, Steve74, Jonathan and 15 others Matt N Mako (SeaWorld Orlando) Matt.GC said: I wasn't calling for the pre-show's removal by any means; it was only my parents who were completely not on board with it coming back, not me. They were completely non-plussed by it, and thought that its only purpose was delaying us getting on the ride. That wasn't my viewpoint by any means, though! In fact, when I was in there over the weekend, I was genuinely wowed, because I'd forgotten quite how impressive the pre-show is! I also noticed so many little details in there that I'd never noticed before, like How the lights change in the pre-show batching area when it's time for you to enter, and how there's a drum in the audio signalling you to enter. How there's whispering voices in the audio telling you to "come closer" before the show starts. How there's a scent of smoke pumped into the room just before the face itself appears. How the rocks with runes on them around the side of the room light up when the wicker man face bursts into flames, and how they pulsate along with the face itself. From an immersion standpoint, I do absolutely love the pre-show, and I personally valued seeing it again! My main criticism of it is the getting into it and getting out of it; all of my personal issues with the pre-show are practicality-based as opposed to being to do with the show itself. I'll admit that the scrum getting out of it in particular does make me quite uncomfortable. Would there be a way that they could still have the pre-show running, but maintain some kind of order, or have queue line switchbacks within the room in order to prevent the scrum that happens when you enter and leave? That would be ideal for me, because you'd still have the pre-show, but you wouldn't have the chaos of getting in and out of the room! JAperson Matt N said: This is what I was thinking. Surely they could have the cattlepen queue in there and still have doors at either end and that would solves both issues. Reactions: Matt N and Skyscraper JAperson said: Issue with that would be some guests wouldn't be facing the screen. Can people not tun there heads or stand the opposite way? Reactions: Matt N and AT86 Couldn't they just turn around and face it? I admit it wouldn't be ideal, but it would be possible if the switchbacks were working their way forward. EDIT: Whoops, @JAperson beat me to it! Reactions: JAperson Great minds think alike @Matt N ! Anyway couldn't they make the switchbacks longways rather than towards the screen and back? Reactions: Matt N That's what I had in mind! That would certainly solve that particular issue! For counting people in, maybe they could use a turnstile, like on Hex? Or just don't worry about the fact that a handful of people might be able to get in front of you when leaving the room. Reactions: BarryZola, Steve74 and AT86 I think that part of the issue is that the staff insist on packing as many people as possible into the room. This is somewhat counterproductive as it means they can spend ages moving people out of the way of the entry doors to be able to close them and after the show they can't load the room straight away as there's not enough space on the other side for everyone to leave. If they ran it with slightly fewer people in there they could probably avoid both problems. Reactions: MakoMania, James, BarryZola and 3 others Burbs Iron Gwazi The Wicker Man pre-show is great and considering it lasts no more than 68 seconds, I simply can't understand a reason that anyone would want shot of it. As others have said, I think it really adds to the ride experience, and is one of - if not the - most re-watchable pre-shows I've ever seen. Reactions: Steve74, Jonathan, Matt.GC and 3 others Burbs said: Don't get me wrong I wanted WickerMans pre-show back and I'm very glad it's back. I was just discussing ways it could be improved. I can't help but thinking there must be a better way than the staff trying to completely fill the room. If it was setup like a queue, although in reality it wouldn't work like one, with the doors remaining in use. Meaning that in reality staff can go close the doors once the line has filled. It would mean the staff wouldn't have to pack people in and it would avoid the desperate pushing exercise everybody does at the exit door, which I can't help feeling a good chunk of the british population won't like as we all love a good organised queue. That is exactly how the symbolica preshow works (and I'm sure others do too). The doors open, everyone enters into the cattlepen inside the room, turns around for the show, and then continue out of the room in order through the rest of the queueline. It works really well, everyone has a good view but no scrumming for the exit and the queueline remains intact Reactions: Matt N and JAperson Quetzal said: Great to know it's possible and works. I just think it's something they should look at to make it easier and possibly more efficient. Auribus Is there a separate queue line to skip the pre-show? With young children etc? Auribus said: No; if you want to not see the pre-show, the staff will hold you in the room prior to the pre-show while the pre-show is on, and then they will let you through along with everyone else when the show has ended. I think that's how it works, anyway… I think skipping the pre-show and going straight to the station would technically be considered queue jumping by the park. Reactions: Ethan, Auribus and JAperson Ahh, OK I see. Thanks for the explanation Matt N. No problem! If you wanted to skip the pre-show, just ask the staff and I'm sure they'd be very happy to hold you back! Reactions: Auribus Sorry to double post, but what sort of ballpark would Wicker Man's throughput decrease to if they got rid of the baggage hold? I can sense that it would go down by a bit, but I'm unsure of how much. If they allow bags in the footwells as many many other wooden coasters do it would make almost no difference to the throughput. Reactions: JAperson and Matt N
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Package exec runs external commands. It wraps os.StartProcess to make it easier to remap stdin and stdout, connect I/O with pipes, and do other adjustments. 559 如何使用 golang 调用 sqlplus? 556 user: LookupId not implemented on linux/386 golang?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Crash The Super Bowl With Michael Bay Contest PLANO, Texas, Sept. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — In one of the most highly anticipated Super Bowl announcements of the year, Doritos — one of the marquee brands from PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division — today revealed the details for this year's Crash the Super Bowl contest. Following six previous contests, $5 million in prize money awarded and three No. 1 USA TODAY Ad Meter rankings, the Doritos brand is doing the unthinkable for the seventh anniversary of the program — raising the stakes higher than ever before. In a message direct to fans via webcast yesterday evening, acclaimed Hollywood film director Michael Bay and the Doritos brand announced the biggest, boldest contest grand prize to date: an opportunity to work with Bay on the next installment of the "Transformers" movie franchise, along with a shot at a $1 million bonus. From Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, the next installment in the hit series will be released on June 27, 2014. The webcast is now archived on the Doritos Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/DoritosUSA) — the main hub of this year's contest. As one of Hollywood's boldest and most bankable feature film directors, Bay's repertoire includes such blockbuster hits as the "Transformers" franchise, "Armageddon," "Pearl Harbor," "Bad Boys" and "The Rock." Bay's films combined have grossed $5.4 billion in worldwide ticket sales, and his most recent hit, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," ranks as the fifth-highest grossing movie of all time, earning $1.2 billion at the box office. Bay began his career as a creative force in the advertising world, winning many of the industry's top accolades, including being honored as "Commercial Director of the Year" by the Directors Guild of America at the young age of 27. "Having started my career in the advertising business, creating television spots and trying to make a name for myself, I can definitely relate to those who enter the Crash the Super Bowl contest," said Bay, who began directing commercials and music videos one week out of film school in 1989. "I know firsthand how challenging it can be to succeed in such a competitive industry, so I'm excited to help someone else truly make a name of their own." As in previous years, the Crash the Super Bowl contest invites consumers to create homemade ads for the Doritos brand, with two finalist consumer-created spots ultimately airing during the Super Bowl broadcast. One of those ads will be selected by America's votes; the other by the Doritos brand team. The finalist whose ad scores highest on the USA TODAY Ad Meter rankings will be awarded the grand prize-career opportunity working with Bay. In addition, if a consumer-generated Doritos ad scores No. 1 on the USA TODAY Ad Meter, the Doritos brand will award its creator a $1 million bonus. The Super Bowl XLVII broadcast is set for Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013, on CBS. "Over the past six years, our fans have created thousands of Doritos ads, dominating the USA TODAY Ad Meter year after year and making Doritos the brand to watch on Super Bowl Sunday," said Ram Krishnan, vice president of marketing, Frito-Lay North America. "Every year, our fans deliver for us, so this year we're bringing them a contest grand prize that we know will be a true game changer. The opportunity to work on a blockbuster film like 'Transformers 4' is an experience we know will help catapult our lucky winner to the big time." For the first time in Crash the Super Bowl history, the contest will be run from a Crash the Super Bowl-branded app on the Doritos Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/DoritosUSA). There, participants can upload their :30 homemade commercials from Oct. 8, 2012 to Nov. 16, 2012, but the app is designed to engage and socialize with consumers in a much broader way than ever before. New to this year's contest, the app will feature a "Pitch In" collaboration tool that allows fans from all walks of life to interact with each other and assist with the creation of Crash the Super Bowl entries by requesting or offering up props, talent and other items contestants need to create their potentially winning ads. Now, anyone from any background can play a role in the creation of the next great Doritos masterpiece. The app will also house the traditional toolbox where Doritos logos, product shots, music and animations are available for download and use, as well as the gallery of all contest submissions where fans can view submissions and weigh in on their personal favorites. Five finalist ads will be announced in January 2013. Then it will be up to fans to vote for their favorite consumer-created ad. Each of the five finalists will win $25,000 and a trip to New Orleans to attend Super Bowl XLVII in a private luxury suite at the game, where they will tune in to learn for the first time which consumer ads will compete for the top spot in the USA TODAY Ad Meter before a worldwide audience. Bonus prizing will be awarded, based on how each ad ranks on the USA TODAY Ad Meter: $1 million will be awarded for an ad that scores the No. 1 spot on the USA TODAY Ad Meter $600,000 will be awarded for an ad that scores the No. 2 two spot on the USA TODAY Ad Meter $400,000 will be awarded for an ad that scores the No. 3 spot on the USA TODAY Ad Meter Created in 1989, USA TODAY's Ad Meter has been regarded as the most influential Super Bowl ad rating in the advertising industry. USA TODAY Ad Meter does not sponsor and is not affiliated with the contest. © 2019 Michael Bay All Rights Reserved.
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Armadillos and Costa Rican Coffee I had my Friday night dinner party with Margaret, Russ and Brandon. The food was excellent, as always, and Margaret had even prepared two homemade pumpkin pies for dessert. The guys finished dinner before me (I am ALWAYS the last person eating, regardless of who I am with) and started in on the pies. Margaret laughed when she realized she had forgotten to add the sugar to the pies. The guys quietly took turns covering their pieces of pie with whipped cream from a can, like some sort of necessary and solemn ritual that would make the pie bearable to eat. The after-dinner conversation turned to animals and veterinary practices and mercy killings, and Brandon told a very disturbing story about an experience he had many years ago. He was working as an attendant at a gas station, and someone had run over an armadillo. It was severely injured and ran towards the gas station, leaving a trail of intestines behind it. Brandon said it was making a horrible noise, and he tried to find something around the shop so he could end its suffering. Unfortunately, the only thing he could find was a baseball bat, so he proceeded to go outside to beat the poor thing to death. He splattered blood all over himself in the process, and at that inopportune moment, a customer pulled up to buy gas and saw, of course, a blood-spattered man holding a baseball bat. Brandon said he never came back! We had coffee after dinner, as we usually do. Brandon said he wanted to try to grow his own beans. Fresh coffee, just picked and served within hours of being roasted, is apparently as good as it gets. Margaret said she had some fresh coffee in Coasta Rica and it was unbelievably smooth. She said Costa Rica never exports their best coffee; they keep it for the locals. Which means it is time for me to go to Costa Rica! Labels: armadillo, Costa Rica Remembering Konrad Dannenberg
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Aunt Jemima's familiar beaming, warm smile and laughing eyes have been associated with breakfast pancakes for generations of Americans. "Invented" in 1888 to help market a new type of pancake flour, Aunt Jemima has been represented by a good number of real women and a tremendous number of collectible products. This book displays hundred of the item available from Aunt Jemima's long history, and provides fascinating or funny glimpses into over a century of our nation's cultural history. Collectors interested in kitchen memorabilia and/or African-American history will find this book wonderfully eye-opening!Promotional items and advertisements are presented, including doll families, recipe books, kitchen utensils, menus, coloring books, and cooking set for children. The complete story of Aunt Jemima's Pancake Mix, the myth of Aunt Jemima herself, and the stories of the real women who portrayed her are all told in this delightful book. A price guide is included. Jean Turner is a collector and dealer in Black Memorabilia from Hinsdale, Massachusetts.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
you changed your route, despite all power. forced to mould with many a scar. Blue on land and white in the clouds. You even take colours of the things you touch. I find it hard to embrace change, Water! My past stays forever my crutch. and my territories snatched, without my say. I see you reclaimed often, as an ocean. How do you still stay quiet that way? You speak of me yet seek for you. and I paint this whole planet blue. weak are they who fight no more. harmed are those who change no more. it keeps me both drunk and sober. right until I decide to just wash over . . . © Water Verse by Neha Sharma is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Truly inspiring and thought provoking.. Every word is so true with a deep and strong message!! This was brilliant and inspiring. The brilliant movie The Shape Of Water came to mind. What a powerfully written verse. Such a beautiful verse! May the water, your river; flow!! This is hands down the best conversation I have read today! This is Inspiring Neha…!! Keep writing inspiring verse. I enjoyed this one especially. Read it and re-read it. Thanks for sharing. Water holds great wisdom! I am glad you have let some of it flow and meander through your verse. I like the title Water Verse. Is this a play on Universe? Simply wow!!! Each and every line is so inspiring…"Be like a water" is what I learnt today!! Dude! This is a brilliant thought complemented by beautiful writing. Water Verse. A neologism. Wow! What a really great poem. A very beautiful poem, Neha.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
If you want The Foo Fighters to play your town, you can't just ask them. They're rock and roll royalty, after all. So, this group of 1,000 Italian musicians - yes, one thousand - came together to perform a cover of the Foo's "Learn To Fly", in hopes of bringing the band out to Cessna, Italy. Called the Rockin' 1000, as to be expected, the group is comprised of hundreds of guitarists, bassists, drummers, and singers. Read more at live for live music On July 26, 2015 1000 rockers played at the same time and in the same place "Learn to Fly" The Fare Thee Well tour of The Grateful Dead's Core 4 members will not be the final goodbye for Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh and Billy Kurtzman. Lockn' producers Phil Shapiro and Dave Frey announced Thursday that Weir and Hart have been added to the lineup for Lockn' 2015, which will be from Sept. 10 to 13 at Oak Ridge Farm in Arrington. The Dead's Phil Lesh was an early announcement for a musical collaboration with music greats Carlos Santana and Warren Haynes, as well as a Phil Lesh & Friends set with Chris Robinson. Kreutzmann brings his latest collaboration, Billy & the Kids, to Lockn's Sept. 10 lineup and lends his talents to the Jefferson Airplane tribute scheduled for Sept. 11. Read more on locknfestival Did you know that music festival wristbands possess alarming levels of bacteria which can pose a deadly risk? The problems arise because thousands of music lovers continue to wear the bands for months as a fashion item - with many flaunting up to five at a time. Microbiology professor Alison Cottell found they had around 20 times more bacteria than clothes, reports mirror.co.uk. Read more on Hindustan Times. WHEN THE MUSICIANS once and forever known as the Grateful Dead take the stage in Chicago this weekend to cap a two-city, five-show 50th anniversary run, Deadheads the world over will have myriad ways to join the fun. As with any high-profile event these days, fans can tune in to pay-per-view streams and satellite radio feeds, watch theatrical simulcasts, or attend any number of viewing parties. What sets the band's "Fare Thee Well" gigs apart isn't that these options are available, but that they exist in large part because of the Grateful Dead itself: The group and its associates pioneered rock concert broadcasts, making it a regular practice starting with a show at the Carousel Ballroom in 1968. Read the rest on wired.com Watch 1,000 Musicians Cover Foo Fighters For Epic ... Bob Weir And Mickey Hart Added to Lockn': Core Fou... Beware! Music festival wrist bands has its health ... Call Them Hippies, But the Grateful Dead Were Tech...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Future Memorial Artist Workshop 16/05/2014 Peter Bennett A few of the Tangible Memories team attended the "Art, Death & Candy" event at the Arnos Vale cemetery yesterday evening. A discussion was led by artist Julia Vogl and Dr Jon Troyer about the possibilities of future memorials and their role within society. During the process gumballs were used to cast a vote on the factors the participants found to be most important. Continue reading → deatheventmemorialMemorytalk Guest blog: Karen Gray on British Society of Gerontology Conference 15/09/2017 Helen Manchester Helen recently convened a symposium at the British Society of gerontology on 'co-designing technologies with older people'. One of the attendees at the symposium wrote about the seminar in a blogpost. we've reposted it below. Thanks Karen for permission to repost here! A good conference can help you re-assess your own work. Perhaps not in an extreme way. Perhaps more as if a torch has been aimed loosely at some previously dim and dusty corner. Sometimes a single phrase in a presentation will do it, or conversation outside the official business of the event, in the sun, over a glass of wine, say. I wouldn't have been surprised if the latter had happened more than once during this year's weather-blessed annual BSG Conference 2017 in Swansea. However, for me, attending my first (but certainly not last) of these events, the lightbulb moment came in a symposium led by Helen Manchester on the subject of co-designing creative technologies for later life. Manchester cited Myriam Winance's wonderful definition of 'care' and I have been carrying it around in my head ever since: 'To care is to tinker, i.e. to meticulously explore, "quibble," test, touch, adapt, adjust, pay attention to details and change them, until a suitable arrangement (material, emotional, relational) has been reached.' (Winance, 2010, p. 111) My own doctoral work explores the methodological challenges of researching and evaluating arts activities intended to enhance the health and wellbeing of the community of people affected by dementia. I am interested in ideas of co-production in research and implementation of arts activities themselves. I am looking at how we uncover the mechanisms for changes that occur when an artist and people with dementia 'do art' in the kinds of varied and complex contexts in which arts activities take place. I am hopeful that we will find ways to recognise, capture and evaluate these changes more effectively. I have been interviewing artists who work with people with dementia, as well as those who manage, organise, fund and commission and research or evaluate such work. Artists draw attention to flexibility and the interdependence of elements in their practice. They refer to the affective and material relationships that develop both between those involved in an arts activity and with the artistic and technical resources used. They will also often talk about the collective character of artistic encounters. A good artist, working with people with dementia, will 'care' in just the way that Winance describes. Manchester and other speakers in the symposium spoke about the methodological implications of their work for co-production with people with dementia, including the need to challenge disciplinary assumptions and boundaries. All of this has pointed me to a new set of ideas I can use to explore my subject. So, for me, the three days of BSG 2017 would have been well worth it for these thoughts alone. However, there were plenty of other highlights. In her keynote on the first day, Dawn Brooker, reflected on various elements of post-diagnostic support for people with dementia and their families, talked about her work on the Meeting Centres support programme, and reminded delegates that, rather than 'us' and 'them', there should only be 'us'. She cited the Dementia Action Alliance's new Dementia Statements, a rallying call to improve the lives of people living with dementia and to recognise that they shouldn't be treated differently because of their diagnosis. The ambitious cARTrefu Project has seen over 1000 art workshops being delivered in care home across Wales between 2015-2017 and Kat Algar-Skaifepresented exciting preliminary findings from the evaluation. Julian West and Caroline Welsh described their intuitive, adaptable, improvisational work as professional musicians on Wigmore Hall's long-running Music for Life programme of creative workshops in care settings with people with dementia. Lots more caring and 'tinkering' going on in both these places, I noted. There were also interesting presentations on visual and arts-based methodologies, particularly useful in eliciting responses from research participants that might not otherwise be possible. One of the joys of a conference spread over three days and with such a diverse programme, is that you are able follow your own interests AND leave space for the unexpected. In the last session I attended, Joachim Duyndammade an argument for the resilience-enhancing power of moral exemplars for older people. He introduced me to a series of photographic portraits – The Widows of Rawagede by photographer Suzanne Liem – capturing the faces of women who sued the Dutch government for war-crimes against their husbands committed in 1947. These hauntingly beautiful images will stick in my memory for a long time. I also had the opportunity during the conference to present my own work in progress to a generous and thoughtful audience and to have a good discussion afterwards. The vast expanse of the University of Swansea's Bay Campus beach, minutes from the main conference hall, let us all feel warm sand beneath our feet in between sessions. Both the catering and social activities were excellent and the academic programme over the three days was tightly and interestingly scheduled. I am very grateful to the BSG Bursaries Panel for the generous award which enabled me to attend. Endings…but hopefully also new beginnings! 21/07/2017 Hannah Rumble News, Parlours of Wonder We've been working with Y5 pupils at St Stephen's C of E Junior School in Bristol over the last 4 months because they have been regularly visiting nearby Deerhurst care home to participate in intergenerational activities with some of the residents. We, the research team at Bristol University, together with the gifted activities coordinator at Deerhurst and the Alive! activities presenter, Niki, have delighted in watching how the pupils have grown in confidence over the sessions. We have also delighted in watching how relationships have developed among those participating to the point that when an older resident is not present at a session their absence is immediately commented upon by the pupils and they are much missed. As the teacher who has been escorting the pupils to the Parlour of Wonder sessions reflected at the end of term that: "We have built up some very special bonds with the residents and staff of the care home and we hope to continue to work with them in the future." I certainly hope so; long may it continue! Meanwhile, here are some of my favourite photos from the Parlour of Wonder with the St Stephen's pupils: Alive! activitiesDeerhurst care homehomepageSt Stephen's C of E junior school You can't clap with one hand only. Hand-clapping games have ruled the school play ground for centuries, but who knew they were such a wonderful inter-generational facilitator in care homes, as well as tried and tested social bonding activities between friends in the playground? During the first Parlours of Wonder sessions held in our partner care settings between residents and local school pupils, it was the hand-clapping games that provoked the most memories, conversation and physical interaction between residents and pupils! …Just like the proverb informs us, "you can't clap with one hand only." I was amazed at how enthusiastically the Year 5 pupils responded to older residents recalling the songs that accompanied their hand-clapping games when they were young, such as, 'A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea' and 'My Mother Told Me (Rubber Dolly)' . The older residents were also entertained by some contemporary versions that pupils confidently gave renditions of, however, whilst the lyrics might have changed across generations, the basic hand-clapping sequences had not. Hand-clapping accompanied by singing, was an activity that facilitated interaction between the school pupils and older residents, because it is an activity shared across the generations strongly associated with childhood and school, as well as being valuable because it is a physical, multisensory activity that does not exclude those with restricted mobility, hearing or vision impairment, nor those with dementia. To that we say, put your hands together and applaud (loudly!) hand-clappinghomepageintergenerational activities Vinyl records or giant DVDs? One of our project partners, Blaise Weston Court extra care facility, held an Open Day on Friday 31st March. It provided an invaluable opportunity to meet a group of Year 5 pupils from a local primary school (Oasis Long Cross) who will be participating in our Parlours of Wonder project after the Easter break. The pupils were intrigued by the objects they found in the Parlour of Wonder room located on the ground floor of Blaise Weston Court. A series of boxes that are chronologically labelled with the different decades through the Twentieth century particularly grabbed their attention. They rummaged in the boxes and marvelled at landline telephone sets, black and white family photographs from the 1930s, workmen's tools and various board games, but the biggest surprise and wonder was reserved for the record player, vinyl records and bed warming pan. A female pupil who had never seen vinyl records before suggested they were "giant DVDs" and one of the boys, puzzled, like the other pupils, over the bed warming pan. When one of the residents at Blaise Weston Court asked them what they thought it was, nearly all of the pupils suggested it was a pizza oven! These responses made us all laugh out loud because we all appreciated in that moment how much we take for granted with regards to the objects we encounter and use in our daily lives. We also reflected upon how quickly a number of these objects change or become obsolete. After a very enjoyable hour or so the pupils returned to their school escorted by one of their teachers, who later emailed us to report that:"the children were buzzing after last Friday's visit. They spent the walk back trying to work out all the historical events that would have happened while Barry has been alive!" (Barry is one of the participating residents on the Parlours of Wonder project) Meeting the pupils from Oasis Long Cross was a delight for all involved and reminds us of the importance and value of intergenerational interaction, story telling and knowledge exchange. Long may it continue! homepageintergenerational activitiesParlours of Wonder Meeting our 1st School Partner The 1st of March is a significant date in the British calendar this year; the feast day of St. David (the Patron Saint of Wales) and also, for many households up and down the country, a reason for eating too many pancakes (Ash Wednesday)! But for Helen and I, it was also a special day because we paid a visit to St. Stephen's CoE junior school to meet 6 wonderful Y5 pupils who had been selected to participate on our Parlours of Wonder project. These pupils' parents and guardians had also generously given their consent so that their child can participate in activities with older residents at Deerhurst care home in Soundwell, Bristol. We will be running these activities and visits over the following months. The pupils were adept at using ipads and the StoryCreator app so we think they will be confident at helping the older residents at Deerhurst navigate the technology. Some of the pupils have experience of visiting a relative in care and/or with dementia and Helen and I found their views on dementia and care homes fascinating. Without naming the pupils, one told us that a care home is not a prison because prisons have "mean guards" but care homes "have people taking care" and another pupil who visits a grandparent in a care home said when they go to the care home "I see nature and it's very pretty". So we think they're going to love visiting Deerhurst and the residents because it's a vibrant, caring community with many activities for residents that involve nature and being outside…the pupils were very excited to learn of the beach at Deerhurst! It was a privilege to meet the pupils and their dedicated teacher Ms Lowrie! DeerhursthomepageSchool partnerSt. Stephen's CofE Junior SchoolStorytelling Seminars in Edinburgh and London Helen Manchester has been invited to speak at two seminars over the next couple of months. Firstly in Edinburgh at the Moray House School of education on March 7th. And secondly at The Institute of Education (UCL) on April 5th. If you're in Edinburgh or London and able to make either of these events do come and say hello! homepageseminar Tangible Memories app and Scarborough Museums Trust News, Parlours of Wonder, StoryCreator app We were delighted recently to be contacted by Emily Nelson at Scarborough Museums Trust. She wanted to talk to us about a project idea they had in which they wanted to use the Tangible Memories StoryCreator app . We were able to offer Emily advice and will continue to work with them as their project develops. It's great to see the app being used in different parts of the country. Emily has sent the following update on their project, 'Outside the Box': Scarborough Museums Trust and social housing provider Yorkshire Coast Homes are pleased to introduce the 'Outside the Box' project, a 12 month reminiscence project which will run monthly reminiscence sessions in 10 different community locations across Scarborough. The sessions will be a great chance for the older people in our community to socialise and meet new people, facilitated through objects from the museum's handling collections, and the remembrance of the past. Each session will also involve young volunteers, who will be offered oral history and reminiscence training. Once funding has been secured to purchase a number of ipads, these young people will be able to use cutting edge technology, in the form of the Tangible Memories Story Creator App, as they record important oral histories from the local community. We are very excited to work alongside the Parlours of Wonder project through using and providing feedback on this wonderful app. homepagemuseumsStorytelling
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
What Is a Master Boot Record (MBR)? Computer Concepts How To › Windows Definition of MBR & How to Fix Missing or Corrupt MBRs © PM Images / The Image Bank / Getty Images by Tim Fisher Tim Fisher has 30+ years' professional technology support experience. He writes troubleshooting content and is the General Manager of Lifewire. A master boot record (often shortened as MBR) is a kind of boot sector stored on a hard disk drive or other storage device that contains the necessary computer code to start the boot process. The MBR is created when a hard drive is partitioned, but it's not located within a partition. This means non-partitioned storage mediums, like floppy disks, don't contain a master boot record. The master boot record is located on the first sector of a disk. The specific address on the disk is Cylinder: 0, Head: 0, Sector: 1. The master boot record is commonly abbreviated as MBR. You might also see it called the master boot sector, sector zero, master boot block, or master partition boot sector. What Does the Master Boot Record Do? A master boot record consists of three major pieces: the master partition table, the disk signature, and the master boot code. Here's a simplified version of the role the master boot record plays when a computer is first starting up: BIOS first looks for a target device to boot from that contains a master boot record. Once found, the MBR's boot code uses the volume boot code of that specific partition to identify where the system partition is. That particular partition's boot sector is then used to start the operating system. As you can see, the master boot record plays a very important job in the startup process. Without this particular section of instructions always available, the computer would have no idea how to start Windows or whatever operating system you're running. How to Fix Master Boot Record (MBR) Problems Issues with the master boot record can happen for various reasons — maybe a hijacking by an MBR virus, or maybe corruption thanks to a physically damaged hard drive. The master boot record might be damaged in a small way or even removed entirely. A "No boot device" error usually indicates a master boot record problem, but the message could be different depending on your computer maker or motherboard's BIOS manufacturer. An MBR "fix" needs to be performed outside of Windows (before it starts) because, of course, Windows can't start. Windows 10 and 8: A corrupted master boot record can be repaired in Windows 10 and Windows 8 using the bootrec command in Advanced Startup Options. Windows 7 and Vista: While Windows 7 and Windows Vista support the same command, it's used from System Recovery Options instead. Windows XP: In Windows XP, the master boot record can be repaired using the fixmbr command. See How to Repair the Master Boot Record in Windows XP for help. Some computers will attempt to boot from a floppy before a hard drive, in which case any sort of malicious code that's on that floppy will then be loaded into memory. This type of code can replace the normal code in the MBR and prevent the operating system from starting. If you suspect that a virus could be to blame for a corrupt master boot record, we recommend using a free bootable antivirus program to scan for viruses before the operating system starts up. These are like regular antivirus programs but work even when the operating system doesn't. MBR and GPT: What's the Difference? When we talk about MBR and GPT (GUID Partition Table), we're talking about two different methods of storing partition information. You'll see an option to select one or the other when you're partitioning a hard drive or when you're using a disk partitioning tool. GPT is replacing MBR simply because it has less limitations than MBR. For example, the maximum partition size of an MBR disk that's formatted with a 512-byte unit allocation size is a measly 2 TB compared to the 9.3 ZB (over 9 billion TB) that GPT disks allow. Also, MBR only allows four primary partitions and requires an extended partition be built to hold other partitions called logical partitions. Windows operating systems can have up to 128 partitions on a GPT drive without the need to build an extended partition. Another way GPT outperforms MBR is how easy it is to recover from corruption. MBR disks store the boot information in one place, which can easily be corrupted. GPT disks store this same data in multiple copies across the hard drive to make it much easier to repair. GPT partitioned disks and can even identify issues automatically because it periodically checks for errors. GPT is supported through UEFI, which is intended to be a replacement to BIOS. What Is the Master Boot Code and How Do You Fix MBC Errors? If You Have an NTLDR Error Code, Here's How to Fix It What Is a Volume Boot Record? What Is the Volume Boot Code and What Does It Do? What is a Boot Sector & How Do You Fix Boot Sector Errors? How to Repair the Master Boot Record In Windows XP Have a BSOD With a 0x0000007B Code? Here's How to Fix That A Full Review of MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Have a Hal.dll Error in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista? Here's How to Fix It How to Fix Startup Issues in Windows XP With Fixboot What Are Hard Drive Sectors and How Do You Repair Damaged Ones? A Full Review of AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition Have a BOOTMGR Error? Here's How to Fix It A Full Review of EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition How to Fix a Blue Screen of Death 16 Free Bootable Antivirus Programs
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Soft short sleeve tee, in melon pink color with white stars print and a navy stripe pocket. Round neckline and rounded hem. 62%Poly/33%Rayon/5%Span. True to Size. low heel easy slip on dressy sandal. Beautiful stainless wine tumblers with plastic lids. Perfect to keep or to give!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Paint Monkey is perfect for a girls night out, date night, family fun and corporate outings. Everyone paints the same painting. One of our artists guides you through the painting, step by step in a 2 or 3 hour session. You go home with your own masterpiece! We provide the canvas, brushes, paint, a creative atmosphere (in the historic Ice House in Lawrenceville) and lots of encouragement. You bring a few friends, a bottle of wine and be ready for a really fun experience. Check the online calendar for specific paintings and times. Classes daytime, evenings and weekends. Studio closed on Monday and Tuesdays unless reserved. Call for information about private parties.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Trichosporum brachysepalum är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av Elmer Drew Merrill. Trichosporum brachysepalum ingår i släktet Trichosporum och familjen Gesneriaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Plisterordningen brachysepalum
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Holiday gift ideas from Five Books Gifts for Philosophers Reproduction of Bust of Socrates René Descartes finger puppet Friedrich Nietzsche Eternal Return of The Same Watch New Philosopher subscription Be Like Water T-Shirt Please publish this list to enable sharing. Having a crisis over what to buy for the philosophy lover who overthinks everything? Don't despair. We have dozens of expert interviews full of philosophy book recommendations, including our philosophy editor Nigel Warburton's selection of the best philosophy books of 2019. The novice or aspiring philosopher can find out where to begin in philosophy by reading books from this list. If your dream is for your child to be a philosopher, we even have a list for that. You'll find recommendations for the Stoic in your life, the loved one who dreams of being an existentialist or even that friend who's opted for an Epicurean lifestyle. HOWEVER, failing all those, here's our hand-picked selection of gift ideas for philosophers: "I know that I have no wisdom, small or great" —Socrates. It may not be quite as good as the original in Athens, but a reproduction of the famous bust of the Greek philosopher is the perfect item to have on your desk. It's particularly useful when work is not going well. You say to yourself, 'Cut yourself some slack! Even one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived knew nothing.' "I think, therefore I cannot be a finger puppet." Unfortunately later generations may turn you into one, and here is the great French philosopher reduced to 4 inches of knitted wool. If you've always wanted to have words with him about Cartesian dualism, you can pop him on your finger and look him in the eye while making your case. He can also be used as a fridge magnet. (NB Other philosophers also available) "If, in all that you wish to do, you begin by asking yourself: Am I certain that I would wish to do this an infinite number of times?" Thus spake Nietzsche. Reviews of this watch suggest the strap might need to be replaced, but what a great way to continually remind yourself to live in the moment. As a group, philosophers aren't always the cheeriest bunch and they never seem very taken by those feel-good magazines at supermarket checkouts, promising "236+ Warm & Wonderful Festive Ideas." This quarterly magazine—which you can also buy at newsstands—is more up their street. Cheery articles include titles like "What makes a good death?" and more. There's all sorts of T-shirts on sale with philosophical maxims, but it's better for the philosopher in your life not to look too academic. As Harvard professor Michael Puett explained to us in his interview on Chinese philosophy, Bruce Lee's advice to 'Be Like Water' is straight out of the Daodejing by Laozi. Obviously, in our view, it's always better to buy the book. However, this T-shirt is a good second best, allowing you to spread philosophy while pretending to be into martial arts. Recent Gift Lists Gifts for the Classicist in your life Gifts for Children Who Love To Read Presents for the Mathematically Minded Presents for Keen Cooks to Use in the Kitchen
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Do you like 90s Thunderbirds and ancient decrepit Pontiacs? You should give this guy Oppo posting permissions so he can tell you all about it! This guy looks like he can produce some quality Kinja. What say, mods?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: How to migrate daily data from Oracle table to MySQL table using Shell script? I needed to insert data to a MySQL table. The data usually comes from the Oracle database by a SQL file which has some query to get data from Oracle database table. So i needed to automate this process on a daily basis using Shell script. So it will run the SQL file (Oracle) and get data. The data has to be moved to a specific MySQL table. So the operation like, * *Connecting to Oracle server. *Executing SQL in that server. *Move collected data to the MySQL table. I want to run that operation as a cron on daily basis. I am working on LAMPP environment. Here are my questions, * *Is there any standard tools available to do that? *Can we achieve this using shell script? If so, Please suggest me the steps. *Or It would be great if you suggest me your own optimized way. Thanks, Raja. A: You can achieve this using a cron job, * *Write a sql file which exports a data from Oracle DB i.e. sql file containing export table command with appropriate where clause *Write a sql file which imports data into Mysql DB i.e. similar import file command in Mysql *Write a shell file which run both these sql files and verifies the data in Mysql table Schedule a cron job to run this shell script daily at a specific hr. Please check import/export file formats on Oracle and Mysql which can be different as one is freeware and other is commercial. If there are differences then you will need some data/file modification otherwise this should be enough.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
AlixPartners bolsters its economics consulting practice with the appointment of Anne Gron from NERA Economic Consulting NEW YORK (July 17, 2018) - AlixPartners, the global consulting firm, today announced it is adding to the firm's Economics Consulting practice with the appointment of Anne Gron as a Managing Director at the firm. She will be based in the firm's Chicago office. Formerly a top-flight academic and with ongoing publications in leading, peer-reviewed journals, Anne has a unique background combining academic rigor with real-world consulting execution, with an emphasis on financial institutions and the insurance industry. She joins AlixPartners from NERA Economic Consulting Inc. (formerly known as National Economic Research Associates), where she worked since 2005. Her advisory and litigation work included analysis of market structures, loss causations, lost-profit calculations, business and solvency valuations, price impacts, damages, and class certifications. Her recent engagements included analyzing class certifications and allegations of the manipulation of LIBOR and other benchmark prices, as well as serving as financial advisor to the Delaware Department of Insurance in its review of the spinoff of Brighthouse Financial Inc. from MetLife Inc. She also has served as an expert witness on many occasions. Before joining NERA, Anne was a professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, and she has also taught at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. She holds a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. and a bachelor's degree in economics and computer science from Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. Her research has been published in journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Law and Economics, and Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. She also is a co-author of a chapter in the book The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities. And she has served as president of the Risk Theory Society, an organization that fosters research into risk-theory and risk-management topics. "Anne's distinguished academic background coupled with her extensive consulting experience will be a big addition to our firm's economics-consulting offering, including in the financial-services sector," said Simon Freakley, CEO of AlixPartners. "She is renowned in her field, and her unique skills and experiences will be instrumental in helping AlixPartners' clients meet the complex challenges of today's business world." In today's fast-paced global market, timing is everything. You want to protect, grow, or transform your business. To meet these challenges, we offer clients small teams of highly qualified experts with profound sector and operational insight. Our clients include corporate boards and management, law firms, investment banks, investors, and others who appreciate the candor, dedication, and transformative expertise of our teams. We will ensure insight drives action at that exact moment that is critical for success. When it really matters℠. Featured Person Anne Gron Managing Director, Chicago Tim Yost Marketing Director - Public Relations, AMER, Detroit
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Scott and Olivia here. We are the founders and creators of klæde (and the customer service, packaging experts, and marketing and social media gurus - we make up the entirety of the klæde team right now, if that wasn't clear). As the owners of a small (and young) business, we want to thank you for helping klæde grow. We have a long way to go, but we are so grateful for where we are now.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Echinops sphaerocephalus Miq. = Echinops davuricus Fisch. ex DC. Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum, Tomus II: 814. Hassler, M. 2018. Echinops sphaerocephalus. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World (version Mar. 2018). In: Roskov Y., Abucay L., Orrell T., Nicolson D., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., DeWalt R.E., Decock W., De Wever A., Nieukerken E. van, Zarucchi J., Penev L., eds. 2018. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2018 May. 18. International Plant Names Index. 2018. Echinops sphaerocephalus. Published online. Accessed May. 18 2018. The Plant List 2013. Echinops sphaerocephalus in The Plant List Version 1.1. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2018 May. 18. Tropicos.org 2018. Echinops sphaerocephalus . Missouri Botanical Garden. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2018 May. 18. USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Echinops sphaerocephalus in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed on 07-Oct-06. Trang này được sửa đổi lần cuối vào ngày 3 tháng 4 năm 2019 lúc 11:03.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Food brings people together and it's also a way to get to know a place. If you want to do both in one go, the romantic restaurants in Sydney are one of the places you shouldn't miss. These restaurants are really one of the must-visit spots in Australia. Food plays a big role in cultures as it gives identity. But aside from that, it also brings people together and lets you get to know other people's values and their way of life. Eating together is also the backbone of relationships as it's also some to bond over. But, of course, to make it more memorable, why not dine in a nice restaurant like the romantic restaurants in Sydney instead? Here, you will not just enjoy bonding with a loved one but you will get to enjoy a good view of Sydney's harbor too. You probably know Sydney as one of the best places for satisfying every traveler's wanderlust. But Sydney is more than just that. This city from the land down under isn't just about its adrenaline-filled activities to offer. It also has some of the top restaurants in Australia. Restaurants for anniversary, for birthdays, weddings, corporate meetings, regardless of what you're celebrating, you'll never run out of restaurants to choose from. Each restaurant, of course, also has various delicious dishes. The best part of dining here is that many of these restaurants offer menus that will suit even your needs and health requirements. From gluten-free to even vegetarian fine dining experience, these restaurants have nearly everything. Sydney restaurants have the perfect ambiance that will definitely suit any occasion too. What's even better is that you can get to enjoy an elegant ambiance and the best views in the land down under even while you're dining. Romantic restaurants in Sydney will not just fill your tummies with good food. It will also fill your eyes with the best views that Sydney has to offer too. You can get a nice view of the skyline as the sun sets. In addition, you can also take a good look at Sydney's harbour, especially when you dine at the waterfront restaurants in Sydney. Sydney really is a destination that is worth talking about. Aside from the activities that it can offer for thrill-seekers, it also has countless activities and places for those who are looking for something relaxing and even those who are looking for a romantic place to take their loved ones. So why not add this in your travel itinerary? When searching for a romantic restaurant in Sydney, go try out https://www.thegantry.com.au/. The key to making the most out of your trip is by being all the more prepared. From a camping freezer to even bringing a few extra clothes, everything shouldn't be forgotten. In this way, you can also worry less and enjoy your trip more. Taking a vacation from the hustle and bustle of the city can do a lot for us. But to fully enjoy your trip, you have to make sure that you're all geared up, especially when camping. But what else do you need to bring with you? Here's a short list of the things that you shouldn't forget to bring when you camp. One of the struggles we all experience when camping is storing our food. Being out in the woods means there will be limited access to electricity and that also means that it would be harder to store food. A portable camping fridge can give you the best food storage solutions. It will always keep your drinks cold and food frozen, especially if you'll be away at the comfort of your home for more than a day or two. Of course, you'll need to keep yourself hydrated and clean when you're out camping or doing activities outdoors. Thus, you'll need a camping gas hot water system. Some people tend to let this type of camping equipment pass. But little do they know that it can do a lot of help whenever you camp. With this, you won't have to manually start out a fire to heat up your water. Plus, you can take it anywhere. Everything will be much more convenient with this. Aside from a camping freezer and portable water heaters, you might want to prepare to power up your gadgets and other camping equipment as well. Again, electricity is often limited outdoors. Additionally, most of our gadgets, as well as pieces of camping equipment, are battery-powered. Thus, you'll need to make sure that you have a portable battery box with you so you won't worry about charging or powering up your battery-operated gadgets. Traveling and camping are two of the most relaxing activities that we can do to re-fill our energies. But as you camp or do outdoor activities, always remember to thoroughly prepare the things you'll need. You might think that these aren't as necessary for now but these things will definitely help you on your next trip. Find all your camping, caravan or hunting tools and accessories in one place. Check out https://www.all12volt.com.au/. Aside from the oxygen that it gives off, trees play a big part in keeping our environment cool. Trees help moderate temperatures, especially when they are correctly incorporated in an establishment. A Sydney arborist could help building owners how they can incorporate nature to their buildings since they specialize in planting and providing care to plants. They have much knowledge on which plant would suit their area as well and how they should be correctly planted. Nature doesn't only benefit everyone's health but it could also give commercial establishments an edge, particularly when one calls for an expert in tree protection zone. People have a certain connection with nature that whenever they see plants or flowers, it would definitely catch their attention. As a matter of fact, a study shows that a well-defined place, particularly establishments that makes people feel closer to nature, encourages communication as well as social harmony in a community. For that reason, business owners could consult a Sydney tree consultant so their establishment could be given a boost by using the power of nature. They could give pieces of advice on which plant would look best on their location. In addition, an arborist can also help business owners about the correct distance that plants should be planted so it wouldn't cause negative effects on nature and the establishment. Branding is one of the keys to making businesses succeed and there are many ways to strengthen one's branding. However, when business owners incorporate nature into their brand with the help of a Sydney tree consultant, it would make much more impact, especially on their target consumers' emotions. With this, they would be able to show their consumers that they can progress without damaging Mother Nature. For some, blending nature with their establishments is quite a hard decision to make as some trees often damage structures due to their roots. But that only happens because they often overlook the importance of a professional arborist not knowing that they could do so much not just for the plants where they give protection of trees on construction sites but also for the building owners. Thus, before you construct a building, you might want to consult an arborist first. We would like to acknowledge the following. We strongly recommend them to all our guests and visitors who are looking for these specific services. They are all Australian businesses who are ready to help.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Changes in Effective Connectivity According to Working Memory Load: An fMRI Study of Face and Location Working Memory Tasks Psychiatry Investig. 2012;9(3):283-292 Psychiatry InvestigJournal ArchivePsychiatry Investig. 2012;9(3) Publication date (electronic) : 2012 September 06 doi : https://doi.org/10.4306/pi.2012.9.3.283 Joon Shik Kim1, Wi Hoon Jung1, Do-Hyung Kang2, Ji-Young Park1, Joon Hwan Jang2, Jung-Seok Choi2, Chi-Hoon Choi3, Jejoong Kim4,5, Jun Soo Kwon1,2,5 1Institute of Human Behavioral Medicine, SNU-MRC, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 4Department of Psychology, Duksung Women's University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 5Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences-World Class University Program, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Correspondence: Jun Soo Kwon, MD, PhD. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-744, Republic of Korea. Tel: +82-2-2072-2972, Fax: +82-2-747-9063, kwonjs@snu.ac.kr Received 2011 November 09; Revised 2012 February 09; Accepted 2012 March 15. The functional strategic mechanisms in the brain during performing visuospatial working memory tasks, especially tasks with heavy load, are controversial. We conducted the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while sixteen subjects were performing face- and location-matching n-back tasks to examine causal relations within the frontoparietal networks. We applied a sophisticated method, the structural equation modeling (SEM), to the fMRI data. The imaging data were analyzed by extracting the task-related eigenseries using the principal component analysis (PCA) and then by applying a form of data-driven model called the automated search method. The SEM analyses revealed a functional shift of network connectivity from the right to the left hemisphere with increasing load in the face-matching n-back tasks while the location-matching tasks required bilateral activation. In the locating matching n-back tasks, a pattern of parallel processing was observed in the left phonological loop and the right inferior parietal regions. Furthermore, object working memory-related activities in the left hemisphere reliably contributed to performance of both the face- and location-matching 2-back tasks. Our results are consistent with previous reports in terms of demonstrating parallel and distributed information processing during performing working memory tasks with heavy loads. Our results additionally suggest a dynamic shift between the fast imagery circuit (right hemisphere) and the stable verbal circuit (left hemisphere), depending on task load. Keywords: Face matching; Functional magnetic resonance imaging; Location matching; Structural equation modeling; Working memory "Working memory" refers to the capacity to retain information over short periods of time and to manipulate this information for future use.1,2 The frontoparietal brain network plays a critical role in working memory (e.g., Owen et al.3), and this network is therefore often called the "working memory network." Within the frontoparietal network, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is involved in the encoding and retrieval of information, whereas memory buffering is primarily associated with the parietal lobe.3 Furthermore, verbal and object working memories are predominantly linked to activity in the left hemisphere, whereas spatial working memory is associated with the right hemisphere.4-7 These hemispheric asymmetries are not surprising when we consider, for example, that the core areas for language skills (i.e., Broca's and Wernicke's areas) are located in the left hemisphere.8 Successful performance on working memory tasks (spatial, object, and visually presented verbal tasks) relies on the appropriate processing of inputs from both the dorsal ("where" information) and ventral ("what" information) visual streams during the perceptual phase. Therefore, it is also not surprising that strong connections between the frontoparietal network and the visual system are observed during visual tasks.9,10 What remains unclear, however, is the way in which areas within the frontoparietal network are functionally integrated during various working memory tasks. A better understanding of this process should help to clarify the aspects of neural processing that are specific to various task demands or modalities. Before describing our paradigm and hypotheses, we briefly review the previous findings that motivated our study. A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study by Tomasi et al.10 revealed that a network involving the parietal and occipital cortices, the thalamus, and the cerebellum was activated when participants performed verbal working memory and visual attention tasks. That study also reported that the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal within the prefrontal regions increased as a function of the working memory load. These findings suggested load-dependent activation and raised the question of whether the task difficulty modulates functional integration patterns across the working memory network. Evidence suggests that the working memory network not only exhibits increased activation in response to increasing task loads but also shows changes in the patterns of its activity. For example, a functional shift in causation from the right to the left hemisphere has been observed during a face-matching task with a heavy memory load.11,12 These studies used positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate participants while they performed a face-matching working memory task under three different delay conditions (short, intermediate, and long) and concluded that the participants used iconic representation in the right hemisphere for the short-delay condition and elaborate rehearsal in the left hemisphere for the long-delay condition. Such previous findings could be confirmed through fMRI because fMRI allows the analysis of the correlation connectivity between brain areas.13 The results of a recent fMRI study suggested that the shift in connectivity from the right to the left hemisphere during a facial recognition working memory task depends on the extent to which the left side of the network is involved in the processing activity.14 The right frontal cortex and the right fusiform face gyrus subserve facial recognition using spatial information (e.g., the distance between the eyes and mouth), whereas facial recognition by the left prefrontal cortex is thought to depend on feature information (i.e., specific face elements). Therefore, it is possible that the brain relies on feature information more than spatial information for facial recognition as the difficulty of the task increases. Together, these previous studies have shown that 1) the frontoparietal networks function as a working memory network; 2) each hemisphere of the network processes a different aspect of visual information; and 3) each part of the network contributes to the successful performance of the working memory task using different and complementary types of information, resulting in functional shifts in the working memory networks according to the increasing or decreasing task load. However, it remains unclear exactly how the network is functionally integrated to produce such effective shifts. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is an appropriate method of studying effective connectivity. Honey et al.4 have reported a change in functional integration that occurs during a verbal n-back task, but their result was valid only for a 2-back task, and no location-matching task was performed. Although "what" and "where" tasks have been studied in an event-related fMRI experiment,15 an effective connectivity study of face and location matching with a block task paradigm is lacking. In the present study, we examined the functional changes that occurred across the working memory network as participants performed two visuospatial n-back tasks (a face-matching task and a location-matching task) at four different load levels (0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-back). Methodologically, we used SEM to investigate the changes in integration across the frontoparietal network. SEM is a method that dovetails with our purpose in that it allowed us to generate a causality diagram of the network connections in which facilitated and attenuated/inhibitory connections were represented for each task load. For this reason, previous studies using PET have already employed SEM to identify clear connections within the ventral visual pathways related to object perception and within the dorsal pathways for spatial perception.9 We have adapted the SEM method for fMRI n-back tasks investigated with a block design.4,8 The regions of interest (ROIs) included the right and left middle frontal gyri [MFG, Brodmann's area (BA) 46], a core area for working memory; the right and left inferior frontal gyri (IFG, BA 47); the right inferior parietal lobule (IPL, BA 40); the left superior parietal lobule (SPL, BA 7); and the medial frontal gyrus (MedFG, BA 8). Each ROI is a component of the working memory network3 and was selected based on the study of Honey et al.4 The coordinates of each region were obtained with our data, and we note that the projection from the left IFG to the left SPL comprises the phonological loop.4 We hypothesized that i) the right hemispheric network is primarily involved in face-matching and location-matching task performance under low-load condition (i.e., the 1-back task); ii) the working memory circuit shows a shift in functional causation from the right to the left hemisphere during the face-matching task with a heavy load (i.e., 2- and 3-back tasks); and iii) the circuit involved in location processing is located in the right hemisphere, even under a heavy load, in the 2- and 3-back tasks. Detail description of the methods is in appendix I of the supplementary material. Sixteen healthy right-handed participants (10 males, six females) were involved in the study and had no history of psychiatric or neurological disease. The mean (SD) age was 16.9 (1.2) years (range, 15-18 years). All participants gave their written informed consent. This study was approved by the institutional review board of the Seoul National University Hospital. Data acquisition and analysis All participants performed a block-designed task in which the face stimuli were used for both the face-matching and location-matching tasks (see Supplementary Figure 1 and refer to the supplementary material). Behavioral performance during scanning was monitored in terms of reaction time and accuracy (Figure 1). Each task had four experimental conditions: 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-back. While performing the task, data were acquired on a 1.5-T Siemens AVANTO (echo time 52 ms; repetition time 2.34s; 64×64 matrix size; field of view 210 mm). Functional images were performed in 4 runs. Images were preprocessed in SPM2 (www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/) using standard preprocessing steps including realignment, normalization, and smoothing with an 8 mm Gaussian kernel. A high-pass filter (cutoff 430s) and correction for autocorrelation between scans (AR1) were applied to the time series. Activation maps were generated for all levels of difficulty and contrasted with the control tasks using a general linear model. Thus, the activated regions presented high BOLD signals in the three difficulty levels relative to that of the control condition (Figures 2 and 3). Significance was set at p<0.0001 in SPM2, as in the study of Honey et al.4 We also performed one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of sixteen subjects with six conditions. We used a threshold of p<0.05 family wise error (FWE) correction with a minimum cluster extent of 10 voxels (Figure 4). Results of the accuracy (A) and reaction time (B) data analysis. *p<0.05, **p<0.001, †p=0.063. Activation maps for the face-matching working memory task (left) and for the location-matching working memory task (right). IFG (BA 47) was located at z=-4 (first figure in the first row), MFG (BA 46) was located at z=+24 (last figure in the second row), IPL (BA 40) was located at z=+44 (last figure in the fourth row), and MedFG (BA 8) was located at z=+44 (last figure in the fourth row). The threshold was p<0.0001 (uncorrected) with a minimum cluster extent of 10 voxels. IFG: inferior frontal gyrus, MFG: middle frontal gyrus, IPL: inferior parietal lobule, MedFG: medial frontal gyrus. Activation map for the face-matching 1-back task (left) and for the face-matching 2-back task (right). The threshold was p<0.0001 (uncorrected) with a minimum cluster extent of 10 voxels. One-way ANOVA results. The threshold was p<0.05 family wise error correction with a minimum cluster extent of 10 voxels. Based on our activation maps and previous reports, we identified frontoparietal ROIs, including the right and left MFG, the right and left IFG, the medial frontal gyrus, the left SPL, and the right IPL. In the location-matching task, the right insula was selected instead of the right IFG. MarsBar (http://marsbar.sourceforge.net) was used to extract the time series of the mean values for each ROI. Each ROI was defined using a sphere with a radius of 4 mm. Session specific linear detrending was performed first to correct for scanner drift. Then blocks of the same type of task were extracted with a one-scan delay to correct for hemodynamic delay.4 Extracted blocks of the same type of task were concatenated. After the concatenation, the time series of each subject were normalized with their mean and SD values. During these procedures, the task-"unrelated" signal changes were discarded while keeping all task-related data. Task-related temporal activation was extracted for each region using principal component analysis (PCA). PCA calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for each task, and the resulting eigenseries (i.e., the specific time series) corresponding to the largest eigenvalue is the task-related time series for each region. We used AMOS 7.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA; http://www.spss.com/Amos/) to construct an effective connectivity diagram based on a maximum-likelihood (ML) algorithm, which identifies the model covariance that minimizes the discrepancy function. Model covariance was obtained with the Gaussian noise and a path model matrix. The path model matrix describes the causal relations between source and target regions in the model. Goodness-of-fit index (GFI) correlates with a reduction in the value of the discrepancy function of a model relative to the value of the discrepancy function with no connection. A high GFI indicates a large reduction in the discrepancy function during optimization. Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is the root mean square of the minimized value of the discrepancy function of the population, divided by degree of freedom (DF), and reflects the compensation for the effect of model complexity. DF increases as the model becomes simpler, and RMSEA thus decreases under this condition. Time series data are not independent and the goodness of fit estimates may be biased. Therefore, goodness-of-fit measures and p-value in model fitting just show how well does the model fit. Models of the face- and location-matching tasks Figure 5 presents the model of each task, generated using the data-driven algorithm known as the "automated search method".4,8 These models were obtained with the procedure described in the supplementary material. Model of a face-matching task (left diagram) and model of a location-matching task (right diagram). MFG: middle frontal gyrus, IFG: inferior frontal gyrus, SPL: superior parietal lobule, IPL: inferior parietal lobule, MedFG: medial frontal gyrus. Behavioral data Figure 1A shows the accuracy data. Average face-matching tasks score was significantly lower than the location-matching tasks score [F (1, 15)=18.81, p=0.001], indicating that the face-matching tasks were more difficult. It is also clear that the accuracy decreased as the level of difficulty increased in both tasks [F (2, 30)=68.26, p<0.001]. The interaction effect between the type of task and difficulty level was also significant [F (2, 30)=4.57, p=0.02], that is, the face-matching 2- and 3-back tasks showed similar accuracy each other but lower compared to the 1-back condition, whereas the location-matching task exhibited approximately linear decrease in accuracy with increasing difficulty (Figure 1A). Figure 1B represents mean reaction time (RT) data. Mean RT increased as the level of difficulty increases in both the face- and location-matching tasks. Main effect of difficulty level was significant [F (2, 30)=13.39, p<0.001]. Main effect of the tasks was also significant [F (1, 15)=196.53, p<0.001], indicating that the face-matching task required significantly longer RT. The interaction effect between the task and difficulty was not significant [F (2, 30)=0.76, p=0.48]. Activation map Figure 2 shows the activation maps for the face-matching working memory task averaged over all difficulty levels. In the face-matching tasks, the IFG, MFG, MedFG, and IPL were activated bilaterally (Figure 2, left). In contrast, the left MFG and IPL were not shown in the activation maps from the location-matching task (Figure 2, right). Therefore, the major difference in activation patterns between the face- and location-matching tasks is bilateral activation of frontoparietal network (face-matching task) versus right-hemisphere activation (location-matching task). Figure 3 presents activation maps for each face-matching 1- and 2-back task. One-way ANOVA results We conducted one-way ANOVA to elucidate the regions whose activation level significantly depend on the cognitive load, and then to compare activation within those regions across different loads. Figure 4 shows T-contrast maps of one-way ANOVA. Relative to the 1-back location-matching task, the 1-back face-matching task required significantly greater activation in bilateral occipital area. Increased bilateral occipital activity was observed in face-matching task, compared with location-matching task, across load levels. The 3-back face-matching task activated the BA 8 region including the supplementary motor area, compared with the 1-back condition. In location-matching task, the high-load condition recruited more the right parietal activation than the low-load condition. These results provide more complete picture of how activation changes between conditions as well as between tasks. The results of the one-way ANOVA are presented in the Supplementary Table 1 of the supplementary material. Effective connectivity diagrams determined with SEM Figure 6 shows the effective connectivity diagrams for the face-matching task (top) and the location-matching task (bottom), determined by the SEM analysis. Red arrows represent positive path coefficients, which signify increase of BOLD signal in the target regions as BOLD response in the source regions increased. The blue arrow indicates a negative path coefficient: the target BOLD response decreased as the source BOLD increased. We used GFI and RMSEA as well as p-values to evaluate our models. The GFI and RMSEA are widely used as the statistical criteria for model acceptance,16 with assumption that data observations are independent. However, our fMRI time series data are not independent each other, thus, some bias may exist. Therefore, we do not intend to use these measures for accepting or rejecting our models, but it is still true that these GFI, RMSEA, and p-values reflect how well our models fit with the data. The fit indices from the location 3-back task did not meet the general acceptance criteria (GFI=0.869; RMSEA=0.169; χ2=32.103; DF=12; and p=0.001). Effective connectivity diagrams obtained by SEM. MFG: middle frontal gyrus, IFG: inferior frontal gyrus, SPL: superior parietal lobule, IPL: inferior parietal lobule, MedFG: medial frontal gyrus, SEM: structural equation modeling. In the face-matching 1-back connectivity diagram in Figure 6 (top left), which satisfied the acceptance criteria (GFI=0.982; RMSEA <0.001; χ2=3.766; DF=11; and p=0.976), the right MFG was an important region in working memory considering its direct/indirect connections with the left MFG, MedFG, and IPL, showing dominance of the right hemisphere in the face-matching 1-back task. DF was calculated subtracting the sum of the number of causal relationships (=10) in the model from the number of all possible causal relationships (=21). Thus DF was 11. Next, the face-matching 2-back data (Figure 6, top middle) also showed good model fitness by satisfying the criteria for the model (GFI=0.949; RMSEA=0.026; χ2=11.434; p=0.408). In this condition, connection from the left IFG to the left SPL was observed, which may mediate the articulatory rehearsal.4,17 Therefore, unlike in the face-matching 1-back condition, the left hemisphere was more active in the 2-back task; however, the interhemispheric connectivity from the right hemisphere was still observed. In the fact-matching 3-back task (Figure 6, top right) (GFI=0.929; RMSEA=0.097; χ2=17.047; DF=11; and p=0.107), the left MFG → left IFG was the only significant connection, which suggests that these two regions compete each other during the working memory task with heavy load (see Kim et al.18). Anatomically, the MFG is part of the DLPFC and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) includes the IFG, respectively. The DLPFC plays a role in active manipulation and monitoring information while the VLPFC is involved in comparing information.18 Thus, the result from the face-matching 3-back task suggests that manipulation of information has priority for efficient processing under heavy task load. The location-matching 1-back task (bottom left in Figure 6, GFI=0.930; RMSEA=0.076; χ2=16.138; DF=12; and p=0.185) showed a significant connection from the right insula to the left IFG. The location-matching 2-back connectivity data (Figure 6, bottom middle, GFI=0.957; RMSEA<0.001; χ2=9.999; DF=12; and p=0.616) had also the connection from the right insula to the left IFG, and additionally had significant connections of the right MFG → left SPL, left SPL → left IFG, left SPL → MedFG, and MedFG → right IPL. The location 3-back task (GFI=0.869; RMSEA=0.169; χ2=32.103; DF=12; and p=0.001) had significant connections of The right insula → left IFG, left SPL → MedFG, and MedFG → right IPL, and right MFG → right insula. Because the fitness measures do not satisfy the criteria, we do not present the connectivity pattern of location 3-back task in Figure 6. Path coefficients and p values are presented in Supplementary Table 2 of the supplementary material. Hypotheses and findings In the present study, we investigated changes in the functional integration of the working memory network during the performance of two visuospatial n-back tasks (a face-matching task and a location-matching task) with three load levels (1-, 2-, and 3-back) and a control condition (0-back) using a sophisticated SEM method. Our hypotheses and findings are as follows. 1) Face-matching and location-matching tasks are associated with functional activities in the right hemisphere under the 1-back condition. This prediction was confirmed, as shown in the face-matching 1-back effective connectivity diagrams. The right MFG → right IPL connection suggests top-down imagery rehearsal.11,12,17 The location-matching 1-back results also reveal the influence of the right insula on the left IFG. 2) During the face-matching task under a heavy load (i.e., 2- and 3-back tasks), the circuit activity was assumed to shift functionally from the right to the left hemisphere. Our data did confirm this functional shift, as demonstrated by the face-matching 2-back connectivity diagram. In addition, the left IFG → left SPL connection observed in the face-matching 2-back result suggests the role of the articulatory rehearsal (or the phonological loop) during working memory processing. As described in previous studies,12,19 working memory with longer delays may require more elaborative rehearsal and encoding strategy for processing the distinctive local or global features of the stimuli. The elaborate encoding in our face-matching n-back task includes making judgments about similarities of facial expression between faces. 3) We expected that the location-processing circuit would be observed in the right hemisphere during the 2-back task; however, the results show that the effective connectivity was bilateral (Figure 6). This result suggests that location processing requires additional recruitment of the object working memory circuit in the left hemisphere.19,20 Differences between the models of the face- and location-matching tasks The major difference between the two models is the connectivity between MedFG and other regions (Figure 5). In the face-matching model, the MedFG is connected with other frontal area, receiving inputs from bilateral MFG. In the location-matching model, in contrast, the MedFG has connection with bilateral parietal regions (left SPL and right IPL). Therefore, the face-matching task model emphasizes the role of frontal areas during the face-matching task in our data. Indeed, a previous study reported activation in the frontal regions including MFG, MedFG, and fusiform face area (FFA) during a face-matching task.14 Functional connections between the MedFG and parietal regions (SPL and IPL) may represent the dorsal stream of location information processing.21-23 Differences in the levels of activation in the left and right hemispheres between 1- and 2-back face-matching tasks We hypothesized that a functional connectivity would shift in the face-matching tasks from the right hemisphere network to the left hemisphere network with increasing task loads. Our imaging data confirms the hypothesis: Figure 3 shows the activation maps in which right-hemisphere activation is dominant in the 1-back task (low load) and bilateral activation in the 2-back (higher load) task. Right hemisphere dominance in the 1-back task is as expected because the right hemisphere is mainly involved in general perceptual matching tasks, and is consistent with the effective connectivity results in Figure 6. In the face 2-back condition, bilateral activation is observed (Figure 3) and it reflects relatively greater contribution of the left hemisphere (see Figure 6, the connectivity diagram). That is, although the right hemisphere is also activated in the 2-back task, its signal intensities do not necessarily correspond to the connectivity. A recent study also reported a similar discrepancy: they reported higher effective connectivity in the right parietal area while the signal intensity in the same area did not differ between hemispheres.24 Our result therefore suggests that effective connectivity and signal intensity are closely related, but may reflect different aspects of the functions of the brain. Changes in the connectivity pattern with increasing loads We observed the connectivity shift from right to left hemisphere in the face-matching task, which is also true for the location-matching task. That is, as the task load increased, the causal relationships in the left hemisphere became more prominent. This is not very surprising because more active maintenance required in longer delay mainly relies on activities of the verbal circuit in the left hemisphere. For example, Glabus et al.25 reported that verbal processing yielded better performance than visuospatial processing on an n-back memory task in which the spatial position of number was asked to memorize. Our data also show that verbal working memory processing in the left hemisphere is associated with stable performance in the 2-back tasks: the effective connectivity diagram of the location 2-back task (Figure 6) exhibits the right MFG → left SPL connection that indicates encoding spatial information using a verbal buffer (e.g. Bullmore et al.8), and the left SPL → left IFG connection suggesting the retrieval of information via the phonological loop (e.g. Honey et al.4). Connections from the left SPL to the right IPL via the MedFG suggests that spatial information stored in the verbal buffer is decoded in the visuospatial buffer in the right IPL.3,21 In addition, MedFG activation is thought to reflect spatial attention3,26 and formation of an articulatroy motor trajectory.27 Taken together, these connectivity patterns suggest that the brain incorporates both distributed and parallel processing under heavy working memory load. Turning to the face-matching task, a negative coefficient between the left MFG and the left IFG only was significant in the 3-back condition, which suggests more active functioning of the MFG and its inhibiting the IFG activation. This is interesting because no connectivity between these two regions was observed at lower difficulty conditions (i.e. 1- and 2-back conditions). These two regions may be functionally independent under low load and equally contribute to high accuracy. The MFG is thought to be involved in active manipulation and monitoring and the IFG seems to be involved in active comparison of information.18 At a high difficulty level, however, the working memory capacity may be saturated. As the available resource is not enough, it is likely that the function of manipulation and monitoring by the MFG may have priority for efficient processing while the IFG activation is inhibited. Difference between the connectivity patterns for the face- and location-matching tasks We observed causal connections from the MFG to IPL and from the IFG to SPL in the face-matching 1-back and 2-back diagrams (Figure 6), suggesting strong influence of top-down processing. In contrast, both top-down (right MFG → left SPL and MedFG → right IPL) and bottom-up (left SPL → left IFG and left SPL → MedFG) processes were implicated in the location-matching 2-back task. Another difference is that, unlike the face-matching task, the location matching (2-back) task was associated with bilateral causal connections (see location 2-back and face 2-back diagrams in Figure 6) that consisted of interaction between the frontal and parietal regions. The results of bilateral connectivitiy during the location-matching task suggest that the left hemisphere network for verbal working memory is also recruited for location processing. In fact, spatial information can be coded and processed in two ways: Kosslyn et al.28,29 suggested that the "categorical" and the "coordinate" processing of spatial information are mediated by the left and right hemispheres, respectively. Categorical coding does require verbal processing, and considering this, our participants may have used a verbal strategy of categorization, such as "up," "down," "right," "left," or combinations of these (e.g. "up-right" and so on) to specify the location. Such verbal processing and spatial processing are likely to occur in parallel, that is, converting verbal information into spatial information and articulatory rehearsal would take place together.28,29 To summarize, the location information in our data may have been processed by the left SPL, but also may have been verbalized through the articulatory rehearsal, as observed in SPL → IFG causal connection, and the verbalized location information (e.g., "up-right," "down-right," or "up-left") might have been mediated by the right IPL. Lastly, in the face-matching 1- and 2-back tasks, the right IFG → left IFG causation was apparent and the right insula → left IFG causal connection was observed in the location-matching 1- and 2-back tasks. Right insula in the location task corresponds to right IFG in the face task. This common connection from right IFG to left IFG may be due to our mixed design of the two tasks in each imaging session. Although there were task-switching signs during the scans, some participant could do erroneously face-matching in location-matching condition or vice versa in different proportion. One-way ANOVA In one-way ANOVA, which examined level of activation dependent on the task load and significantly different activation between the two tasks and between two specific conditions (Figure 4), the face-matching task required greater activation in the occipital area (BA 18). Considering that the fusiform face area (FFA), a specialized area for face perception, is located ventrally to BA 18, this occipital difference between the two tasks is reasonable. In the face-matching task, activation of BA8 became stronger as the task load increased, suggesting the role of attention. In the location-matching, increasing task load was associated with greater activation in the right parietal lobule as well as MGF emphasizing the visuospatial function in which the right hemisphere network is mainly involved. The patterns of the effective connectivity we observed show that the brain network circuits are actively and specifically selected for efficient and optimal information processing in different working memory tasks, and under different task load. Tasks with low degrees of difficulty engaged the visual imagery circuit in the right hemisphere, whereas the task with higher load (2-back) appeared to use the phonological circuit or articulatory rehearsal in addition to the visual circuit. Note that the use of the phonological loop is a speculation based on the past studies, therefore a further study is necessary to confirm this. For example, one group could be asked to use a verbal strategy and another group could be told to use only a visual strategy for location matching. Our results confirm and extend earlier PET-based findings. PET studies showed that a difficult face-matching can be processed in the left hemisphere network with an elaborative rehearsal and encoding strategy. We were able to observe the patterns of effective connectivity within the frontoparietal network using the fMRI technique, which provides better spatiotemporal resolution. However, this study also has some possible issues and limitation in our methodology, which was discussed as appendix II and III in the supplementary material. To conclude, our results suggest that the articulatory rehearsal may contribute to an elaborate encoding strategy that is mediated by the left IFG, and we observed the inhibitory role of the left MFG on the left IFG in the face-matching 3-back task. This finding from 3-back condition is novel, which was not found in previous study. Lastly, the effective connectivity patterns observed in the present study account for the verbal and spatial processing, highlighting the dynamic processing of working memory. We thank Yong-Sik Jung and Ji Yeon Han for their technical assistance and data collection, respectively. 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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Psychiatry Investigation website (http://psychiatryinvestigation.org) (open-access, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) : This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: GraphQLTestTemplate not getting autowired I am using GraphQLTestTemplate to mock responses for queries. @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @GraphQLTest public class UnitTest { @Autowired private GraphQLTestTemplate graphQlTestTemplate ; } When i run unit test it is giving me error : org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.graphql.spring.boot.test.GraphQLTestTemplate' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. pom.xml: <graphql-spring-boot-starter-test.version>5.0.2</graphql-spring-boot-starter-test.version> <graphql-java-tools.version>5.2.4</graphql-java-tools.version> A: Before giving you a working snippet we must clarify a few things. * *I'm using : graphql-spring-boot-starter and graphql-spring-boot-starter-test , both of version 6.0.0. The latter is embedding junit 5 so you might not need to use need to use @RunWith *GraphQLTest is loading only a sliced context of your application, which are the beans related to GraphQL, this is to say, in your tests you should mock the beans that you are using under the hood, like a service your resolvers are using for example. With that said: here is my working test example, Hope it helps. @GraphQLTest public class UserQueryIntTest { @Autowired private GraphQLTestTemplate graphQLTestTemplate; @MockBean UserService userServiceMock; @Test @WithMockUser(username = TEST_USERNAME) public void getUser() throws Exception { User user = new User(); user.setUsername(TEST_USERNAME); user.setPassword(TEST_PASSWORD); doReturn(user).when(userServiceMock).getUser(TEST_USERNAME, TEST_PASSWORD); GraphQLResponse response = graphQLTestTemplate.postForResource("graphql/get-user.graphql"); assertThat(response.isOk()).isTrue(); assertThat(response.get("$.data.getUser.id")).isNotNull(); assertThat(response.get("$.data.getUser.username")).isEqualTo(TEST_USERNAME); } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The Glen of Imaal Terrier originated in County Wicklow, Ireland. During one of the many wars between the Irish and English, Elizabeth I dispatched a group of French and Hessian soldier to the Glen of Imaal in the western slopes of the Wicklow Mountains. These soldiers brought their low-slung hounds, which they in turn bred with local Irish terrier stock. The result was the Glen of Imaal Terrier, used for hunting foxes and badgers. Another interesting use for this dog was to turn meat being cooked on a spit by running on a treadmill for hours at a time. This breed is still relatively hard to find in the United States.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: String Parameter Typeof ERROR JavaScript first time here so hopefully I got everything right. I'm still rather new to JavaScript so apologies if this is a simple mess up on my end. I need to get the length the parameter type of says is a string... I'm lost I would appreciate any help thanks. <button style="position: absolute; top: 0px;" onclick="typeWriter('hello world', '70')">CLICK ME</button> <p style="padding-top: 50px; text-align: center;" id="loadingText" class="loadingTitle"></p> <script> var letters; var i = 0; function typeWriter(text, speed) { console.log(text) var textLength = text.length; if (i < textLength) { document.getElementById("loadingText").innerHTML += text.charAt(i); i++; setTimeout(typeWriter, speed); if (i == Math.max(textLength)) { } } } </script> A: just change 'input' var for 'text' var in function params. <button style="position: absolute; top: 0px;" onclick="typeWriter('hello world', '70')">CLICK ME</button> <p style="padding-top: 50px; text-align: center;" id="loadingText" class="loadingTitle"></p> <script> var letters; var i = 0; function typeWriter(text, speed) { console.log(text) var textLength = text.length; if (i < textLength) { document.getElementById("loadingText").innerHTML += text.charAt(i); i++; setTimeout(typeWriter, +speed); if (i == Math.max(textLength)) { } } } </script> A: You've got a couple issues here: * *You mean input not text *You need to keep passing your two arguments on recursion in setTimeout *If you want to run something else on the last loop, just use an else {} statement (Math.max is for finding the max among 2+ numbers) var i = 0; function typeWriter(input, speed) { if (i < input.length) { document.getElementById("loadingText").innerHTML += input[i]; i++; setTimeout(function () { typeWriter(input, speed) }, speed); } else { // final stuff } } document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function() { typeWriter('hello world', 70); }); <button id="button" style="position: absolute; top: 0px;">CLICK ME</button> <p style="padding-top: 50px; text-align: center;" id="loadingText" class="loadingTitle"></p>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
\section{Introduction}\label{sec1} We study the global existence of non-negative classical solutions to the parabolic-elliptic version ($\tau=0$) of the following Keller--Segel chemotaxis model: \begin{equation}\label{ls} \begin{cases} \partial_t u =\Delta(u\gamma(v))\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,,\\ \tau \partial_t v =\Delta v-v+u\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} supplemented with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions for $u$ and $v$. Here, $\Omega$ is a bounded domain of $\mathbb{R}^N$ ($N\ge 1$) with smooth boundary, the relaxation time $\tau$ is a non-negative constant, and $u$ and $v$ denote the density of cells and the concentration of a chemical signal, respectively. The motion of cells is biased by the local concentration of chemotactic signal and is prescribed by the motility $\gamma(v)$ of cells, which is a positive function of $v$. The system~\eqref{ls} is a special version of the chemotaxis model derived by Keller \& Segel in their seminal work \cite{1971KS} based on a random walk theory: \begin{equation}\label{ksv} \begin{cases} \partial_t u =\mathrm{div}(\mu(v)\nabla u-u\chi(v)\nabla v)\,,\\ \tau \partial_t v =\Delta v-v+u\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} where the cell diffusion rate $\mu$ and the chemotactic sensitivity $\chi$ are assumed to depend only upon the signal concentration. In \eqref{ksv}, the cell diffusion rate $\mu$ and chemotactic sensitivity $\chi$ are linked via \begin{equation}\label{ksv0} \chi(v)=(\sigma-1)\mu'(v). \end{equation} Here the parameter $\sigma\geq 0$ is the ratio of the distance between signal receptors over the walk length. If $\sigma>0$, cells can perceive the gradient of concentration by comparing them at different spots and hence chemotactic movement is induced by a gradient sensing mechanism. If $\sigma=0$, there is only one receptor in a cell. Thus an individual cell can only detect the concentration at one spot and the decision is made due to a local sensing mechanism without measuring a chemical gradient. One notices that $\sigma=0$ implies that $\chi=-\mu'$, so that system~\eqref{ksv} can be written in the concise form \eqref{ls} with $\gamma=\mu$. More recently, system~\eqref{ls} with a logistic source term in the first equation was introduced in \cite{2011Science, 2012PRL} to study the process of pattern formations via the so-called "self-trapping" mechanism. There, $\gamma$ is assumed to be a decreasing function of $v$, which characterizes a repressive effect of the signal concentration on the cellular motility. Recently, the mathematical research on system~\eqref{ls} has attracted a lot of interest. From the analysis point of view, the main difficulty lies in a possible degeneracy as $v$ becomes unbounded when a positive and monotone decreasing motility function is involved. In view of the special Laplacian structure of the first equation in \eqref{ls}, duality and energy techniques were applied to obtain the global existence of solutions to \eqref{ls} in some recent works with certain additional restrictions on $\gamma$. In \cite{TW2017}, the motility $\gamma$ is assumed to range in a closed interval of $(0,\infty)$, thereby excluding the possibility of degeneracy and global classical solutions in two-space dimension, as well as global weak solutions in higher dimensions, were obtained. In \cite{DKTY2019} and \cite{BLT2020}, global weak solutions were constructed for $\gamma(s)=1/(c+s^{k})$, $c\geq0$, when $N\leq 3$, and for $\gamma(s)=e^{-s}$ when $N\geq1$, respectively. A different approach, relying on a tricky two-steps comparison argument, was recently designed in \cite{FuJi2020,FuJi2020c} to derive directly upper bound estimates on $v$ for generic motility functions (specifically, $\gamma$ is only required to be positive and decay to zero at infinity). More precisely, it was proved that $v$ grows pointwisely at most exponentially in time in any space dimension, so that degeneracy cannot take place in finite time. Thanks to this feature, global existence and boundedness of classical solutions in any space dimension are established via energy methods and Moser iterations in \cite{FuJi2020c, FuJi2020b, Jiang2020}, provided $\gamma$ behaves in a suitable way at infinity. More recently, through an adaptation of the comparison argument together with a standard compactness argument, the existence of weak solutions to system~\eqref{ls} in any space dimension with a generic motility is also studied in \cite{LiJi2020}. Still in arbitrary space dimension but with a completely different method, global existence of weak solutions to \eqref{cp} is also shown in \cite{BLT2020} for the particular choice $\gamma(s)=e^{-s}$, exploiting the gradient structure of \eqref{cp} available in that case. In this paper, we consider the following initial Neumann boundary value problem to the quasi-stationary version of \eqref{ls}, corresponding to $\tau=0$: \begin{subequations}\label{cp} \begin{align} & \partial_t u = \Delta (u \gamma(v))\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,, \label{cp1} \\ & - \Delta v + v = u\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,, \label{cp2} \\ & \nabla (u\gamma(v)) \cdot \mathbf{n} = \nabla v \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\partial\Omega\,, \label{cp3} \\ & u(0) = u^{in}\,, \qquad x\in\Omega\,. \label{cp4} \end{align} \end{subequations} To motivate the study performed herein, it is worth pointing out that stationary solutions to system~\eqref{cp} are also stationary solutions to the extensively studied parabolic-elliptic Keller--Segel chemotaxis model: \begin{equation}\label{ks} \begin{cases} \partial_t u = \mathrm{div}(\nabla u-u\nabla \phi(v))\,, &\qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,, \\ - \Delta v + v = u\,, &\qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} provided that \begin{equation*} \gamma(v)=e^{-\phi(v)}\,. \end{equation*} It is thus of high interest to investigate whether there are some similarities or differences in the dynamical behavior of the solutions to both systems. When $\phi(s)=\chi s$ for some $\chi>0$, \eqref{ks} is usually referred to as the parabolic-elliptic minimal/classical Keller--Segel model and has received considerable attention in the last decades. It is well-known that finite time blowup may happen when $N\ge 2$, see \cite{Biler2020,NS1998,JL1992,HV1996,Nagai1995} and the references therein. In particular, when $N=2$, there is a threshold value $\Lambda_c>0$ of the total mass $\|u^{in}\|_{L^1(\Omega)}$ of the initial condition $u^{in}$ which only depends on $\Omega$ and separates the dynamical behavior of solutions to \eqref{ks}: the solution is global and uniformly-in-time bounded if the total mass is less than $\Lambda_c$; otherwise, blowup may take place in finite time. When $\phi(s)=\chi s^{\beta}$ for some $\chi>0$ and $\beta>0$ and $\Omega$ is a ball, it is proved in \cite{NS1998} that radially symmetric solutions to \eqref{ks} are global and bounded if $0<\beta<1$ and $N=2$, but that finite time blowup may take place as soon as $\beta>0$ and $N\geq3$. When $\phi(s)=\chi\log s$, system~\eqref{ks} is called the logarithmic Keller--Segel model and there is some evidence in the literature indicating that the parameter $\chi$ plays a key role in the dynamics of its solutions. It is conjectured in \cite{FuSe2018} that the threshold number separating boundedness and blowup of classical solutions to \eqref{ks} is $N/(N-2)$. However, up to now, the boundedness and blowup results are still far from complete. In the radially symmetric setting, existence of globally bounded solutions to \eqref{ks} is obtained in \cite{NS1998} for $\chi<\infty$ if $N=2$, and for $\chi<2/(N-2)$ if $N\geq3$. Moreover, finite time blowup was constructed for $\chi>2N/(N-2)$ if $N\geq3$. Without the radial symmetry requirement, existence of weak solutions is proved for $\chi\leq 1$ if $N=2$, and $\chi<2/N$ if $N\geq3$ \cite{Biler1999}. Later, in \cite{FWY2015}, globally bounded classical solutions are obtained for $\chi<2/N$ if $N\geq2$. We remark that, when $\chi>1$, it is known that the constant steady state is unstable \cite{1970KS}. \medskip Let us next review some related studies on problem~\eqref{cp} in the literature. In \cite{AhnYoon2019}, the existence of a global and bounded classical solution to \eqref{cp} is proved when $\gamma(s)=s^{-k}$ ($\phi(s)=k\log s$, correspondingly) for any $0<k<\infty$ if $N=2$, and for any $0<k<2/(N-2)$ if $N\geq3$, the proof exploiting delicate energy estimates. Later, based on a new comparison argument, it is proved that classical solutions to \eqref{cp} exist globally for a generic motility function when $N=2$ \cite{FuJi2020}. In addition, these solutions are shown to be uniformly bounded with respect to time, as soon as $\gamma$ decreases at a subcritical rate, in the sense that $\gamma(s)$ decreases slower than $e^{-\alpha s}$ for any $\alpha>0$ as $s\rightarrow\infty$ \cite{FuJi2020b}. This implies in particular that \eqref{cp} has global and bounded classical solutions when $\gamma(s)=e^{-\chi s^{\beta}}$ ($\phi(s)=\chi s^{\beta}$, correspondingly) for any $\chi>0$ and $\beta\in(0,1)$ when $N=2$. Moreover, for the specific case $\gamma(s)=e^{-\chi s}$ ($\phi(s)=\chi s$, correspondingly) with $\chi>0$, a new critical mass phenomenon in two space dimensions is observed: there is a critical value of the total mass $\|u^{in}\|_{L^1(\Omega)}$ below which the global solution to \eqref{cp} is uniformly-in-time bounded while the trajectory $\{ u(t)\ :\ t\ge 0\}$ may be unbounded in $L^\infty(\Omega)$ when $\|u^{in}\|_{L^1(\Omega)}$ exceeds the threshold value \cite{FuJi2020}. The threshold value turns out to be the same as for the minimal Keller--Segel model ($\phi(s)=\chi s$ in \eqref{ks}), but the dynamical behavior is different in the two models, blowup being delayed to infinite time for \eqref{cp} \cite{BLT2020, FuJi2020, JW2020}). In a subsequent work \cite{FuJi2020b}, global existence of classical solutions to \eqref{cp} when $N\geq3$ is established for $\gamma(s)=s^{-k}$ provided that $0<k<(\sqrt{2N}+2)/(N-2)$ and boundedness is verified for $0<k<2/(N-2)$, again by a different method. Later, boundedness is extended to the case $k\in (0,1]$ when $N=4,5$, and $0<k<4/(N-2)$ when $N\geq6$ in \cite{Jiang2020}, based on an observation of an entropy structure and an application of a modified Moser iteration. \medskip In this paper, we aim to improve existence and boundedness results of classical solutions to system~\eqref{cp} based on some new findings. To begin with, we introduce some basic assumptions and notations. Throughout this paper we use the short notation $\|\cdot\|_{p}$ for the norm $\|\cdot\|_{L^p(\Omega)}$ with $p\in[1,\infty]$. For the initial condition $u^{in}$, we require that \begin{equation}\label{ini} u^{in}\in C(\bar{\Omega})\,, \quad u^{in}\geq0\,\, \text{in}\;\bar{\Omega}\,, \quad u^{in}\not\equiv0. \end{equation} In view of \eqref{cp2}, we may define the initial value of $v$ by $v^{in}\triangleq (I-\Delta)^{-1}u^{in}$ with $\Delta$ being the usual Laplace operator supplemented with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. According to the above definition, standard regularity theory of elliptic equations guarantees that $v^{in}\in W^{2,p}(\Omega)$ for all $p\in(1,\infty)$. For the motility function $\gamma$, we assume that \begin{equation} \begin{cases} & \gamma\in C^3((0,\infty))\,, \qquad \gamma>0 \;\;\text{in}\;\;(0,\infty)\,, \\ & \\ & K_s \triangleq \displaystyle{\sup_{\tau\in [s,\infty]}\{\gamma(\tau)\}}< \infty \;\;\text{ for all }\;\; s>0\,. \end{cases} \tag{A0} \label{g0} \end{equation} We point out here that sign changes of $\gamma'$ are permitted by assumption \eqref{g0}, a feature that leads to different responses of the cells. Indeed, if $\gamma'<0$, then cells move toward higher chemical concentrations, while there is a chemorepulsive effect on the cells when $\gamma'>0$. We are now in a position to state our first main result concerning global existence of classical solutions to \eqref{cp}. \begin{theorem}\label{TH1} Let $N\ge 2$. Suppose that $\gamma$ satisfies assumption \eqref{g0} and the initial condition $u^{in}$ satisfies \eqref{ini}. Then problem \eqref{cp} has a unique global non-negative classical solution $(u,v)\in (C([0,\infty)\times \bar{\Omega}) \cap C^{1,2}((0,\infty)\times \bar{\Omega}))^2$. \end{theorem} Observe that \eqref{g0} does not require $\gamma$ to be bounded as $s\to 0$, so that our analysis includes in particular $\gamma(s)=s^{-k}$ for $k>0$. This feature is actually not surprising in view of \eqref{e00} below, which states that $v$ has a time-independent strictly positive lower bound $v_*$, which is also independent of the choice of $\gamma$. Furthermore, the outcome of Theorem~\ref{TH1} confirms that the dynamics of \eqref{cp} differs markedly from that of \eqref{ks}. Indeed, global existence is the rule for \eqref{cp} in any space dimension while, according to the discussion above, it only holds true for \eqref{ks} when $\phi$ satisfies some growth conditions depending on the space dimension $N$. We next investigate the boundedness of classical solutions to \eqref{cp} in the chemoattractive regime. For this purpose, we propose the following assumptions on $\gamma$: \begin{equation} \gamma\in C^3((0,\infty))\,, \qquad \gamma>0,\;\;\gamma'\leq 0 \;\;\text{in }\;\; (0,\infty)\,, \tag{A1} \label{g1} \end{equation} and, moreover, \begin{equation}\label{gamma2} \text{there are $k\geq l \geq0$ such that}\;\;\liminf\limits_{s\rightarrow\infty}s^{k}\gamma(s)>0\;\;\text{and}\;\; \limsup\limits_{s\rightarrow\infty}s^{l}\gamma(s)<\infty. \tag{A2} \end{equation} We have the following remarks on the above assumptions on $\gamma$. First, under the assumption \eqref{g1}, $\gamma$ satisfies \eqref{g0} with $K_s=\gamma(s)$ for $s>0$. Second, the decay assumption \eqref{gamma2} is only assumed as $s\rightarrow\infty$, which allows $\gamma$ to behave in an arbitrary way within a finite region. Besides, we point out that $\limsup\limits_{s\rightarrow\infty}s^{l}\gamma(s)<\infty$ with some $l>0$ and $\gamma'\leq 0$ imply that $\lim\limits_{s\rightarrow\infty}\gamma(s)=0.$ Some typical examples of motilities $\gamma$ satisfying \eqref{g1}-\eqref{gamma2} are $(a_1+s)^{-k_1}$, $(a_1+s)^{-k_1}\log^{-k_2} (a_2+s)$, and $(a_1+s)^{-k_1}+(a_2+s)^{-k_2}$, with $a_i\ge 0$, $k_i>0$ ($i=1,2$). Our second result on the boundedness of global solutions to \eqref{cp} is stated as follows. \begin{theorem}\label{TH2} Let $N\ge 3$. Suppose that $\gamma$ satisfies assumption \eqref{g1}, as well as assumption \eqref{gamma2} with some $k\geq l \geq0$ satisfying \begin{equation*} k < \frac{N}{N-2} \;\;\text{ and }\;\; k-l < \frac{2}{N-2}\,. \end{equation*} Then, for any initial condition $u^{in}$ satisfying \eqref{ini}, problem \eqref{cp} has a unique global non-negative classical solution $(u,v)$ which is uniformly-in-time bounded, i.e., there is a time-independent constant $C>0$ depending only on $u^{in}$, $\gamma$, $N$, and $\Omega$ such that \begin{equation*} \|u(t)\|_{\infty}+\|v(t)\|_{W^{1,\infty}}\leq C\,, \qquad t\geq 0\,. \end{equation*} \end{theorem} \begin{remark}We have the following remarks: \begin{itemize} \item When $l=0$ and $0<k<2/(N-2)$, Theorem~\ref{TH2} improves \cite[Theorem~1.2]{FuJi2020b} by removing an additional constraint involving $\gamma$, $\gamma'$ and $\gamma''$, which was required to hold pointwisely; \item If $\gamma$ satisfies \eqref{g1} and has a strictly positive lower bound on $(0,\infty)$, the classical solution to \eqref{cp} is uniformly-in-time bounded according to Theorem~\ref{TH2}, which we may apply in that case with $k=l=0$ in assumption \eqref{gamma2}. \end{itemize} \end{remark} As a consequence of the above results together with the outcome of \cite{AhnYoon2019} when $N=2$ and the exponential stabilization provided in \cite{Jiang2020}, we have the following result for motility functions which are negative power laws. \begin{proposition}Assume $N\geq2$ and $\gamma(s)=s^{-k}$ for some $k>0$. For any initial condition $u^{in}$ satisfying \eqref{ini}, problem \eqref{cp} has a unique global classical solution. Moreover, it is uniformly-in-time bounded when, either $k<\infty$ and $N=2$, or $k<N/(N-2)$ and $N\geq3$. Furthermore, if $k\leq1$, then the solution to \eqref{cp} decays exponentially fast in $L^\infty(\Omega)\times W^{1,\infty}(\Omega)$ to the constant steady state $\left( \frac{\| u^{in}\|_1}{|\Omega|},\frac{\| u^{in}\|_1}{|\Omega|} \right)$ as time goes to infinity. \end{proposition} We stress that the assumptions on $\gamma$ in this paper are greatly weakened compared with those in previous works \cite{FuJi2020b,Jiang2020,AhnYoon2019}. On the one hand, for the global existence, only \eqref{g0} is assumed and no monotonicity is required. In particular, sign-changing of $\gamma'$ is permitted in our setting. On the other hand, uniform boundedness with respect to time is obtained for motility functions belonging to a much larger set of decreasing functions and the decay rate condition \eqref{gamma2} is also looser than those in \cite{FuJi2020b,Jiang2020,AhnYoon2019}. In particular, for the specific case $\gamma(s)=s^{-k}$, the admissible range for boundedness is improved to $k\in(0,N/(N-2))$ for all $N\geq 3$. Thus we achieve the uniform boundedness of classical solutions to \eqref{cp} within the whole range $(0,N/(N-2))$, which is also conjectured to ensure uniform boundedness of classical solutions to the logarithmic Keller-Segel model, corresponding to \eqref{ks} with $\phi(v) = - \log{\gamma(v)} = k \log{v}$ \cite{FuSe2018}. \medskip Now let us briefly illustrate the main strategy of our proof. The first step is to establish an upper bound of $v$. Following the comparison argument developed in \cite{FuJi2020,LiJi2020}, one obtains by (formally) taking $(I-\Delta)^{-1}$ on both sides of \eqref{cp1} the following key identity: \begin{equation*} \partial_t v+u\gamma(v)=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]. \end{equation*} Then, thanks to \eqref{g0} and \eqref{cp2}, one can estimate the nonlocal term by the comparison principle for elliptic equations to deduce that \begin{equation}\label{comp} (I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\leq (I-\Delta)^{-1}[K_\gamma u] =K_\gamma v \end{equation} with some positive constant $K_\gamma>0$ which will be specified below. Then a time-dependent upper bound for $v$ can be derived by a direct application of Gronwall's inequality. In addition, a uniform-in-time upper bound can be obtained with additional growth assumptions on $\gamma$. Indeed, substituting \eqref{cp2} into the above key identity, we find that \begin{equation}\label{kid} \partial_t v -\gamma(v)\Delta v+v\gamma(v)=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]. \end{equation} In \cite{FuJi2020b,Jiang2020}, applying a delicate Alikakos--Moser type iteration to \eqref{kid}, it is proved that, in order to get a uniform-in-time upper bound of $v$, it suffices to prove a time-independent estimate on $\|v\|_{q}$ for some $q>kN/2$. To achieve the latter goal, both works pay efforts to derive the uniform-in-time $H^1$-boundedness of $v$ by means of a duality argument or entropy structure. However, since $H^1(\Omega)\hookrightarrow L^{q}(\Omega)$ for any $1\leq q\leq 2N/(N-2)$, such a tactic works for $k<4/(N-2)$ at most, and hence apparently, $k$ must be less than $1$ when $N\geq6$ along this idea. We recall that $0<k\leq 1$ is the range for the constant steady state $\left( \frac{\| u^{in}\|_1}{|\Omega|},\frac{\| u^{in}\|_1}{|\Omega|} \right)$ to be linearly stable \cite{AhnYoon2019,Jiang2020}. In the present work, we handle the nonlocal term on the right hand side of \eqref{kid} in a more technical way. Owing to the comparison principle for elliptic equations and the non-increasing property of $\gamma$, we prove that \begin{equation}\label{comp1} (I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\leq \Gamma(v)+C\,. \end{equation} Here, $\Gamma'=\gamma$ and $C$ is a positive constant depending only on $\gamma$ and the initial condition. For the special case $\gamma(s)=s^{-k}$, $\Gamma$ is a power type function of order $1-k$. Thus the nonlocal term is bounded by a sublinear nonlinearity, and the growth of the right hand side of \eqref{kid} with \eqref{comp1} is thus of lower order than the one derived from \eqref{comp}. This key observation enables us to establish time-independent estimates of $\|v\|_{q}$ for any sufficiently large $q$ under the condition $0<k<N/(N-2)$. Then, by a (simplified) Moser iteration, we can derive a uniform-in-time upper bound of $v$ for $k$ within this range. Once the (time-independent) upper bound obtained for $v$, the existence and boundedness of classical solutions to \eqref{cp} are proved via energy estimates in the already available literature by establishing (time-independent) $L^\infty_t L^p_x$-estimates for $u$ for some $p>N/2$ \cite{Jiang2020,FuJi2020,FuJi2020b,FuJi2020c}. However, such an idea turns out to be rather restrictive since, in all these works, various inequalities involving $\gamma$, $\gamma'$, and $\gamma''$ are assumed to hold pointwisely, thereby excluding most functions satisfying \eqref{g1} and \eqref{gamma2}. In the current work, by transforming \eqref{kid} to a quasilinear parabolic equation for $v$ in divergence form with a right-hand side featuring a local nonlinearity depending on $|\nabla v|^2$ and a nonlocal nonlinear but regularizing operator, we try to establish an estimate for $\|v\|_{W^{2,p}}$ rather than $\|u\|_{p}$. First, with the help of the upper bound of $v$, we show the H\"older continuity of $v$ with respect to both $t$ and $x$ following a classical approach developed in \cite{LSU1968}. In fact, by an application of a comparison argument to the nonlocal term, a local energy bound for $v$ is derived, which allows us to conclude that $v$ belongs to some H\"older space. Thanks to this property, we are in a position to employ the theory developed by Amann in \cite{Aman1988, Aman1989, Aman1990, Aman1993, Aman1995} to find a representation formula for $v$ which involves a parabolic evolution operator having similar properties as an analytic semigroup. Thanks to estimates for the parabolic evolution operator given in \cite{Aman1995}, we are finally able to derive the (time-independent) $W^{2,p}$-estimates of $v$ for any $N<p<\infty$, which implies the (time-independent) $L^p$-boundedness of $u$ due to \eqref{cp2}. Our new approach indicates that $L^\infty$-boundedness of $v$ is sufficient to conclude the existence of global classical solutions to \eqref{cp} and moreover, if this upper bound is independent of time, then the solution is uniformly-in-time bounded. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section~\ref{sec2}, we provide some preliminary results and recall some useful lemmas. In Section~\ref{gecs}, we study the global existence of classical solutions to \eqref{cp}. An upper bound on $v$ is first shown via a comparison argument. Then we prove $W^{2,p}$-estimates on $v$ by the theory developed by Amann \cite{Aman1995} for non-autonomous parabolic equations, which is based on analytic semigroups. In Section~\ref{ubcs}, we first establish a time-independent $L^p$-estimate for $v$ for some sufficiently large $p>1$. Then we derive uniform-in-time upper bounds on $v$ by a delicate Alikakos--Moser iteration. Finally, the uniform-in-time boundedness of $u$ is proved in a similar way as done in Section~\ref{gecs} with minor modifications. \section{Preliminaries}\label{sec2} In this section, we recall some useful lemmas which will be used in the subsequent parts. First, we state the existence of local classical solutions which can be proved in the same manner as in \cite[Lemma~3.1]{AhnYoon2019} based on standard fixed point argument and regularity theory for elliptic equations. \begin{theorem}\label{local} Let $\Omega$ be a smooth bounded domain of $\mathbb{R}^N$. Suppose that $\gamma$ satisfies \eqref{g0} and $u^{in}$ satisfies \eqref{ini}. Then there exists $T_{\mathrm{max}} \in (0, \infty]$ such that problem \eqref{cp} has a unique nonnegative classical solution $(u,v)\in (C([0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times\bar{\Omega})\cap C^{1,2}((0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times\bar{\Omega}))^2$. The solution $(u,v)$ satisfies the mass conservation: \begin{equation} \int_\Omega u(t,x)\ \mathrm{d} x=\int_\Omega v(t,x)\ \mathrm{d} x= \int_\Omega u^{in}(x)\ \mathrm{d} x \quad \text{for\ all}\ t \in (0,T_{\mathrm{max}}).\label{e0} \end{equation} If $T_{\mathrm{max}}<\infty$, then \begin{equation*} \limsup\limits_{t\nearrow T_{\mathrm{max}}}\|u(t)\|_{\infty}=\infty. \end{equation*} \end{theorem} We also recall that, by \cite[Lemma~2.1]{FWY2015}, {\eqref{cp2}, \eqref{e0}, and the positivity of $\|u^{in}\|_1$,} there is $v_*>0$ depending only on $\Omega$ and $\|u^{in}\|_1$ such that \begin{equation} v(t,x) \ge v_*\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times \Omega\,. \label{e00} \end{equation} Next, we let $(\cdot)_+=\max\{\cdot,0\}$ and recall the following result, see \cite[Proposition~(9.2)]{Aman1983}, \cite[Lemme~3.17]{BeBo1999}, or \cite[Lemma~2.2]{AhnYoon2019}. \begin{lemma}\label{lm2} Let $\Omega$ be a smooth bounded domain in $\mathbb{R}^N$, $N\geq1$, and $f\in L^1(\Omega)$. For any $1\leq q< \frac{N}{(N-2)_+}$, there exists a positive constant $C=C(N,q,\Omega)$ such that the solution $z \in W^{1,1}(\Omega)$ to \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} -\Delta z+z=f,\qquad x\in\Omega\,,\\ \nabla z\cdot \mathbf{n}=0\,,\qquad x\in\partial\Omega\,, \end{cases} \end{equation*} satisfies \begin{equation*} \|z\|_q \leq C(N,q,\Omega) \|f\|_1\,. \end{equation*} \end{lemma} An immediate consequence of \eqref{e0} and Lemma~\ref{lm2} is the following time-independent bound on the second component $v$ of the solution to \eqref{cp}. \begin{corollary}\label{cr3} For $q\in \left( 1,\frac{N}{(N-2)_+} \right)$, there is $C(q)>0$ such that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_q \le C(q)\,, \qquad t \in [0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\,. \end{equation*} \end{corollary} We next fix $a\in (0,v_*)$ and define \begin{equation*} \Gamma(s)=\int_{a}^s\gamma(\eta)\mathrm{d}\eta, \qquad s>0. \end{equation*} The following elementary lower bound for $\Gamma$ is derived in \cite[Lemma~4.2]{FuJi2020c}. \begin{lemma}\label{lemGam} Assume that $\gamma$ satisfies \eqref{g1}. Then \begin{equation*} s\gamma(s)-a\gamma(a)\leq \Gamma(s),\qquad s\geq a. \end{equation*} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Since $\gamma$ is non-increasing, we infer that, for $s\geq a$, \begin{equation*} \Gamma(s)=\int_a^s\gamma(\eta)\mathrm{d}\eta\geq\gamma(s)(s-a)=s\gamma(s)-a\gamma(s). \end{equation*} Therefore, when $s\geq a$, using again the monotonicity of $\gamma$ which ensures that $\gamma(s)\leq \gamma(a)$, \begin{equation*} s\gamma(s)\leq \Gamma(s)+a\gamma(s)\leq \Gamma(s)+a\gamma(a), \end{equation*} as claimed. \end{proof} We next turn to an upper bound for $\Gamma$. \begin{lemma}\label{upG} Under the assumptions \eqref{g1} and \eqref{gamma2}, there is $C>0$ depending on $a$ and $\gamma$ such that, for all $s\geq a$, \begin{equation*} \Gamma(s)\leq \Gamma_*(s)\triangleq\begin{cases} C\log(s/a),\quad&\text{when}\;l=1\\ \\ \displaystyle{\frac{C(s^{1-l}-a^{1-l})}{1-l}},\quad&\text{when}\;l\neq 1. \end{cases} \end{equation*} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} In view of assumption \eqref{gamma2}, there are $s_0>a$ and $C>0$ such that $s^l\gamma(s)\leq C$ for all $s\geq s_0$. In addition, the monotonicity of $\gamma$ and the non-negativity of $l$ ensure that $s^l\gamma(s)\leq s_0^l\gamma(a)$ for all $a\leq s\leq s_0$. Thus, $s^l\gamma(s)\leq C$ for all $s\geq a$, from which we deduce that \begin{equation*} \Gamma(s)=\int_a^s\gamma(\eta)\mathrm{d}\eta\leq C\int_a^s\eta^{-l}\mathrm{d}\eta=\begin{cases} C\log(s/a),\quad&\text{when}\;l=1, \\ \\ \displaystyle{\frac{C(s^{1-l}-a^{1-l})}{1-l}},\quad&\text{when}\;l\neq 1, \end{cases} \end{equation*} as claimed. \end{proof} We finally recall the following lemma given in \cite[Lemma~A.1]{Laur1994} which we shall use later in Section~\ref{sec3} to complete the Alikakos-Moser iterative argument. \begin{lemma}\label{lmiter} Let $\rho>1$, $b\geq0$, $c\in \mathbb{R}$, $C_0\geq1$, $C_1\geq1$, and $\delta_0$ be given numbers such that \begin{equation*} \delta_0+\frac{c}{\rho-1}>0. \end{equation*} We consider the sequence $(\delta_j)_{j\geq0}$ of real numbers defined by \begin{equation*} \delta_{j+1}=\rho\delta_j+c\,, \qquad j\in\mathbb{N}. \end{equation*} Assume further that $(\eta_j)_{j\geq0}$ is a sequence of positive real numbers satisfying \begin{align*} &\eta_0\leq C_1^{\delta_0},\\ &\eta_{j+1}\leq C_0\delta_{j+1}^{b}\max\{C_1^{\delta_{j+1}},\eta_j^\rho\}\,, \qquad j\in\mathbb{N}\,. \end{align*} Then the sequence $(\eta_j^{1/\delta_j})_{j\geq0}$ is bounded. \end{lemma} \section{Global Existence of Classical Solutions to \eqref{cp}}\label{gecs} In this section, we consider the existence of global classical solutions under the assumptions of Theorem~\ref{TH1}. First, we establish an upper bound for $v$. We next prove that $v$ is H\"older continuous with respect to both $t$ and $x$, which finally allows us to apply the theory developed by Amann in \cite{Aman1990, Aman1995} for non-autonomous linear parabolic equations to derive $W^{2,p}$-estimates for $v$. From now on, we assume that $\gamma$ and $u^{in}$ satisfy \eqref{g0} and \eqref{ini}, respectively, and that $(u,v)$ is the corresponding solution to \eqref{cp} provided by Theorem~\ref{local} and defined on $[0,T_{\mathrm{max}})$. It then follows from \eqref{g0} and \eqref{e00} that \begin{equation} \gamma(v(t,x))\le K_* \triangleq K_{v_*}\,, \qquad (t,x) \in [0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times \bar{\Omega}\,. \label{zz1} \end{equation} Throughout this section, $C$ and $(C_i)_{i\ge 0}$ denote positive constants depending only on $\gamma$, $u^{in}$, $v_*$, and the parameter $a$ introduced in the definition of the indefinite integral $\Gamma$ of $\gamma$. Dependence upon additional parameters will be indicated explicitly. \subsection{Time-dependent upper bounds} First, we derive an upper bound for $v$ based on a comparison argument developed in \cite{FuJi2020,LiJi2020}. \begin{lemma}\label{tdub} The function $v$ satisfies the following key identity: \begin{equation}\label{keyid} \partial_t v +u\gamma(v)=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\;\;\text{ in }\;\; (0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times \Omega. \end{equation} Here $\Delta$ denotes the usual Laplace operator supplemented with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Moreover, \begin{equation}\label{keyA} v(t,x)\leq v^{in}(x) e^{tK_*}\,, \qquad (t,x) \in [0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times \bar{\Omega}\,, \end{equation} where $K_*$ is defined in \eqref{zz1} and $v^{in} {\modph =} (I-\Delta)^{-1}u^{in}\in W^{2,p}(\Omega)$ for all $p\in(1,\infty)$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} First, the key identity \eqref{keyid} follows from applying $(I-\Delta)^{-1}$ to both sides of \eqref{cp1} and the property $(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u]=v$ due to \eqref{cp2}. Since $u$ and $\gamma$ are both non-negative, one obtains from the key identity \eqref{keyid} that $\partial_t v\leq (I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]$ in $(0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times \Omega$. Furthermore, due to assumption \eqref{g0}, we infer from the comparison principle for elliptic equations, \eqref{cp2}, and \eqref{zz1} that \begin{equation*} (I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\leq (I-\Delta)^{-1}[K_* u]=K_* v\,. \end{equation*} Hence $\partial_t v\leq K_* v$ in $(0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times \Omega$, which gives rise to \eqref{keyA} by direct integration. To complete the proof, we remark that, since $u^{in} \in C(\overline{\Omega})$, we have $v^{in}\in W^{2,p}(\Omega)$ for all $p\in(1,\infty)$ by standard regularity theory for elliptic equations. \end{proof} \subsection{H\"older estimates for $v$}\label{sec.ir1} The starting point is the key identity \eqref{keyid} which we combine with \eqref{cp2} to show that $v$ is the solution to a quasilinear parabolic equation in divergence form with right-hand side featuring a local quadratic nonlinearity $|\nabla v|^2$ and a nonlocal nonlinear but regularizing operator. Specifically, by \eqref{cp2}, \begin{equation*} u \gamma(v) = - \mathrm{div}(\gamma(v) \nabla v) + \gamma'(v) |\nabla v|^2 + v\gamma(v)\,. \end{equation*} Therefore, introducing \begin{equation} f(s,\xi)\triangleq s \gamma(s) + \gamma'(s) |\xi|^2\,, \qquad (s,\xi)\in [0,\infty)\times \mathbb{R}^N\,, \label{rhsf} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \varphi\triangleq(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\,, \label{defvarphi} \end{equation} and recalling that \begin{equation*} \nabla \varphi \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times\partial\Omega\,, \end{equation*} since $\Delta$ denotes the usual Laplace operator supplemented with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, we conclude that $v$ solves the initial boundary value problem \begin{subequations}\label{cpv} \begin{align} \partial_t v - \mathrm{div}(\gamma(v)\nabla v) & = -f(v,\nabla v) +\varphi\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times\Omega\,, \label{cpv1} \\ \nabla v \cdot \mathbf{n} & = 0\,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\times\partial\Omega\,, \label{cpv2} \\ v(0) & = v^{in}\,, \qquad x\in\Omega\,. \label{cpv3} \end{align} \end{subequations} Now we fix $T\in(0,T_{\mathrm{max}})$ and set $J=[0,T]$. By Lemma~\ref{tdub} and \eqref{e00}, we have \begin{equation} 0 < v_* \le v(t,x) \le v^*(T)\triangleq \|v^{in}\|_{\infty}e^{TK_*}\;\;\text{ in }\;\; J\times \bar{\Omega}\,. \label{bv} \end{equation} Owing to the positivity and continuity of $\gamma$ on $(0,\infty)$, there is $\gamma^*(T)>0$ such that \begin{equation} \gamma(v)\ge \gamma^*(T) \;\;\text{ in }\;\; J\times \bar{\Omega}\,. \label{upv} \end{equation} A straightforward consequence of \eqref{rhsf}, \eqref{bv}, and the regularity of $\gamma$ is that there are $C_0(T)>0$ and $C_1(T)>0$ such that \begin{equation} |f(v,\nabla v)| \le C_0(T) \left( 1 + |\nabla v|^2 \right) \;\;\text{in }\;\; J\times\bar{\Omega}\, \label{irb1} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} 0\leq \varphi=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\leq K_* v\leq C_1(T) \triangleq K_* v^*(T) \;\;\text{in }\;\; J\times\bar{\Omega}.\label{phib} \end{equation} \medskip We now proceed along the lines of \cite[Chapter~V, Section~7]{LSU1968} and \cite[Section~5]{Aman1989} to derive a local energy bound for $v$. \begin{lemma}\label{lem.impreg1} There are $\delta(T)\in (0,1]$ and $C_2(T)>0$ such that, if $\vartheta\in C^\infty(J\times\bar{\Omega})$, $0\le \vartheta\le 1$, $\sigma\in\{-1,1\}$, and $h\in\mathbb{R}$ are such that \begin{equation} \sigma v(t,x) - h \le \delta(T)\,, \qquad (t,x)\in \mathrm{supp}\,\vartheta\,, \label{smallc1} \end{equation} then \begin{align*} & \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v(t) - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x + \frac{\gamma^*(T)}{2} \int_{t_0}^t \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v(\tau) - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}\tau \\ & \qquad \le \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v(t_0) - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x + C_2(T) \int_{t_0}^t \int_\Omega \left( |\nabla\vartheta|^2 + \vartheta|\partial_t\vartheta| \right) (\sigma v(\tau) - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}\tau \\ & \qquad\quad + C_2(T) \int_{t_0}^t \int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}(\tau)} \vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \mathrm{d}\tau \end{align*} for $0\le t_0\le t\le T$, where \begin{equation*} A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}(\tau)\triangleq \left\{ x\in \Omega\ :\ \sigma v(\tau,x) > h \right\}\,, \qquad \tau\in [0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\,. \end{equation*} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\delta\in (0,1]$ to be specified later. It follows from \eqref{cpv1}, \eqref{cpv2}, and \eqref{irb1} that \begin{align*} \frac{1}{2} \frac{d}{dt} \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x & = \sigma \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ \partial_t v \ \mathrm{d}x + \int_\Omega (\sigma v - h)_+^2 \vartheta \partial_t\vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & = -\sigma \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \nabla \left[ \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ \right]\cdot \nabla v\ \mathrm{d}x -\sigma \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ f(v,\nabla v)\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \sigma \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ \varphi\ \mathrm{d}x + \int_\Omega (\sigma v - h)_+^2 \vartheta \partial_t\vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \le - \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x + 2 \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta |\nabla\vartheta| (\sigma v - h)_+ |\nabla v|\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega (\sigma v - h)_+^2 \vartheta |\partial_t\vartheta|\ \mathrm{d}x + C_0(T) \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ \left( 1 + |\nabla v|^2 \right)\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \sigma\int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+\varphi \ \mathrm{d}x \\ & = - \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x + C_0(T) \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega (\sigma v - h)_+^2 \vartheta |\partial_t\vartheta|\ \mathrm{d}x + \sum_{k=1}^3 J_k\,, \end{align*} where \begin{align*} J_1 & \triangleq 2 \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta |\nabla\vartheta| (\sigma v - h)_+ |\nabla v|\ \mathrm{d}x\,, \\ J_2 & \triangleq C_0(T) \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ \ \mathrm{d}x\,, \\ J_3 & \triangleq \sigma\int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ \varphi\ \mathrm{d}x \,. \end{align*} On the one hand, we infer from \eqref{g0}, \eqref{zz1}, and Young's inequality that \begin{align*} J_1 & = 2 \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta |\nabla\vartheta| (\sigma v - h)_+ |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \le \frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x + 2 \int_\Omega \gamma(v) (\sigma v - h)_+^2 |\nabla\vartheta|^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \le \frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x + 2 K_* \int_\Omega (\sigma v - h)_+^2 |\nabla\vartheta|^2\ \mathrm{d}x\,. \end{align*} On the other hand, it follows from \eqref{smallc1} that \begin{equation*} J_2 \leq C_0(T) \delta \int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}}\vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \leq C_0(T) \int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}}\vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x\,. \end{equation*} Moreover, we observe that, if $\sigma=-1$, then $J_3\leq 0$ while, if $\sigma=1$, then we deduce from \eqref{phib} and \eqref{smallc1} that \begin{equation*} J_3 \le C_1(T) \delta\int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}}\vartheta \ \mathrm{d}x \leq C_1(T)\int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}}\vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x. \end{equation*} Gathering the above inequalities gives \begin{align*} \frac{1}{2} \frac{d}{dt} \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x & \le -\frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega \gamma(v) \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \left[ 2 K_* |\nabla\vartheta|^2 + \vartheta|\partial_t\vartheta| \right] (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + C_0(T) \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+ |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \left( C_0(T) + C_1(T) \right) \int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}} \vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \,. \end{align*} Hence, owing to \eqref{bv}, \eqref{smallc1}, and the lower bound \eqref{upv} on $\gamma(v)$, \begin{align*} \frac{1}{2} \frac{d}{dt} \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x & \le \left( C_0(T) \delta - \frac{\gamma^*(T)}{2} \right) \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \left[ 2 K_* |\nabla\vartheta|^2 + \vartheta|\partial_t\vartheta| \right] (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \quad + \left( C_0(T) + C_1(T) \right) \int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}} \vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \,. \end{align*} Setting \begin{equation*} \delta(T) \triangleq \min\left\{ 1 , \frac{\gamma^*(T)}{4C_0(T)} \right\} \;\;\text{ and }\;\; C_2(T) \triangleq 2 \max\left\{ 1 , 2 K_* , C_0(T) + C_1(T) \right\}\,, \end{equation*} and taking $\delta=\delta(T)$ in the above inequality, we end up with \begin{align*} & \frac{d}{dt} \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x + \frac{\gamma^*(T)}{2} \int_\Omega \vartheta^2 |\nabla (\sigma v - h)_+|^2\ \mathrm{d}x \\ & \qquad \le C_2(T) \left[ \int_\Omega \left( |\nabla\vartheta|^2 + \vartheta|\partial_t\vartheta| \right) (\sigma v - h)_+^2\ \mathrm{d}x + \int_{A_{h,\vartheta,\sigma}} \vartheta\ \mathrm{d}x \right] \,. \end{align*} Integrating the above inequality with respect to time over $(t_0,t)$ completes the proof. \end{proof} We are now in a position to apply \cite[Chapter~II, Theorem~8.2]{LSU1968} to obtain a H\"older estimate for $v$. \begin{proposition}\label{prop.impreg2} There is $\alpha_T\in (0,1)$ depending on $N$, $\Omega$, $\gamma$, $v^{in}$, $v_*$, $a$, and $T$ such that $v\in C^{\alpha_T}(J\times\bar{\Omega})$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} It follows from Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg1} that the estimate \cite[Chapter~II, Equation~(7.5)]{LSU1968} holds true (with parameters $q=r=2(1+\kappa)=(2N+4)/N$ satisfying \cite[Chapter~II, equation~(7.3)]{LSU1968}). Note that we do not require the test function $\vartheta$ in Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg1} to be compactly supported in $(0,T)\times \Omega$. Consequently, according to \cite[Chapter~II, Remark~7.2 and Remark~8.1]{LSU1968}, there is $C(T)$ such that $v$ belongs to the class $\hat{\mathcal{B}}_2([0,T]\times\bar{\Omega},v^*(T), C(T),(2N+4)/N,\delta(T),2/N)$. Taking also into account the assumed smoothness of the boundary of $\Omega$ and the H\"older continuity of $v^{in}\in C^{\alpha_0}(\bar{\Omega})$ for some $\alpha_0\in(0,1)$, we then infer from \cite[Chapter~II, Lemma~8.1 \& Theorem~8.2]{LSU1968} that $v\in C^{\alpha_T}([0,T]\times \bar{\Omega})$ for some $\alpha_T\in (0,1)$ depending on $T$, but also on other parameters as indicated in the statement of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg2}. \end{proof} \subsection{$W^{2,p}$-estimates for $v$}\label{sec.ir2} Thanks to the just derived H\"older estimates on $v$, we may now proceed as in \cite[Section~6]{Aman1989} to establish bounds on the trajectory $\{v(t)\ :\ t\in [0,T_{\mathrm{max}})\}$ in appropriate Sobolev spaces which do not depend on $T_{\mathrm{max}}$. To this end, we proceed in two steps and begin with a bound in fractional Sobolev spaces. \begin{lemma}\label{lem.impreg3} Let $T\in(0,T_{\mathrm{max}})$. For any $p\in(1,\infty)$ and $\theta\in \left( \frac{1+p}{2p},1 \right)$, there is $C_3(T,p,\theta)>0$ such that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} \le C_3(T,p,\theta)\,, \qquad t\in [0,T]\,. \end{equation*} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We set $D_T \triangleq (v_*/2,2v^*(T))$ and $J \triangleq [0,T]$, where $v_*$ and $v^*(T)$ are defined in \eqref{e00} and \eqref{bv}, respectively. For $s\in D_T$, we define the elliptic operator $\mathcal{A}(s)$ by $\mathcal{A}(s)z \triangleq -\gamma(s) \Delta z$ and the boundary operator $\mathcal{B}z \triangleq \nabla z\cdot \mathbf{n}$. We point out that, since $\min_{D_T}\{\gamma\}>0$ due to \eqref{g0}, the operator $\mathcal{A}(s)$ satisfies \cite[Eq.~(4.6)]{Aman1990} for all $s\in D_T$ and is thus strongly uniformly elliptic for $s\in D_T$. Consequently, $(\mathcal{A}(s),\mathcal{B})$ is normally elliptic for all $s\in D_T$ by \cite[Theorem~4.2]{Aman1990}. For $t\in J$, let $\tilde{\mathcal{A}}(t)$ be the $L^p$-realization of $(\mathcal{A}(v(t)),\mathcal{B})$ with domain \begin{equation*} W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2,p}(\Omega) \triangleq \{ z \in W^{2,p}(\Omega)\ :\ \nabla z\cdot \mathbf{n} = 0 \;\;\text{ on}\;\; \partial\Omega \}\,. \end{equation*} As in the proof of \cite[Theorem~6.1]{Aman1989}, the assumptions on $\gamma$ and Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg2} guarantee that \begin{equation*} \tilde{\mathcal{A}} \in BUC^{\alpha_T}(J, \mathcal{L}(W^{2,p}(\Omega),L^p(\Omega))) \end{equation*} and that $\tilde{\mathcal{A}}(J)$ is a \textit{regularly bounded subset} of $C^{\alpha_T}(J,\mathcal{H}(W^{2,p}(\Omega),L^p(\Omega)))$ in the sense of \cite[Section~4]{Aman1988} (or, equivalently, the condition \cite[(II.4.2.1)]{Aman1995} is satisfied). By \cite[Theorem~A.1]{Aman1990}, see also \cite[Theorem~II.4.4.1]{Aman1995}, there is a unique parabolic fundamental solution $\tilde{U}$ associated to $\{ \tilde{\mathcal{A}}(t)\ :\ t\in J \}$ and there exist positive constants $M_T$ and $\omega_T$ depending on $T$ such that \begin{equation} \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(W^{2,p}(\Omega))} + \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(L^p(\Omega))} + (t-\tau) \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(L^p(\Omega),W^{2,p}(\Omega))} \le M_T e^{\omega_T(t-\tau)} \label{irb2} \end{equation} for $0\le \tau < t\leq T$. Since $\theta\in \left( \frac{1+p}{2p},1 \right)$, it follows from \cite[Theorem~5.2]{Aman1993} that \begin{equation*} \left( L^p(\Omega) , W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2,p}(\Omega) \right)_{\theta,p} \doteq W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2\theta,p}(\Omega) \triangleq \{ z \in W^{2\theta,p}(\Omega)\ :\ \nabla z\cdot \mathbf{n} = 0 \;\;\text{ on}\;\; \partial\Omega \}\,, \end{equation*} and we infer from \cite[Lemma~II.5.1.3]{Aman1995} that there is $M_{\theta,T}>0$ depending on $T$ such that \begin{equation} \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2\theta,p}(\Omega))} + (t-\tau)^\theta \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(L^p(\Omega),W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2\theta,p}(\Omega))} \le M_{\theta,T} e^{\omega_T(t-\tau)} \label{irb3} \end{equation} for $0\le \tau<t\leq T$. We deduce from \eqref{cpv} that $v$ solves \begin{equation} \begin{split} \partial_t v + \tilde{\mathcal{A}}(\cdot) v & = F\,, \qquad t\in J\,, \\ v(0) & = v^{in} \,, \end{split}\label{irb4} \end{equation} where \begin{equation*} F = \varphi - v\gamma(v)\,, \qquad (t,x)\in J\times \Omega\,. \end{equation*} We recall that, according to \eqref{zz1}, \eqref{bv}, and \eqref{phib} \begin{equation} \| F(t)\|_\infty \le C_4(T) \triangleq C_1(T) + v^*(T) K_*\,, \qquad t\in J\,, \label{irb5} \end{equation} while the continuity of $u$ and $v$, see Theorem~\ref{local}, ensures that \begin{equation} F \in C(J\times\bar{\Omega})\,. \label{irb8} \end{equation} Owing to Theorem~\ref{local}, \eqref{cpv}, and \eqref{irb8}, we observe that $v\in C(J, L^p(\Omega))\cap C^1((0,T], L^p(\Omega))$ is a solution to the linear initial-value problem \eqref{irb4} on $J$ in the sense of \cite[Section~II.1.2]{Aman1995} with $F\in C(J,L^p(\Omega))$ and $v(t)\in \mathrm{dom}(\tilde{\mathcal{A}}(t))$ for all $t\in (0,T]$. Since $\tilde{U}$ is a parabolic fundamental solution in the sense of \cite[Section~II.2.1]{Aman1995}, we are in a position to apply \cite[Remarks~II.2.1.2 (a)]{Aman1995} to conclude that $v$ has the representation formula \begin{equation} v(t) = \tilde{U}(t,0) v^{in} + \int_0^t \tilde{U}(t,\tau) F(\tau)\ \mathrm{d}\tau\,, \qquad t\in J\,.\label{irb9} \end{equation} We then infer from \eqref{irb3}, \eqref{irb5}, and \eqref{irb9} that, for $t\in J $, \begin{align} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} & \le M_{\theta,T} e^{\omega_{T} t} \|v^{in}\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} + M_{\theta,T} \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{-\theta} e^{\omega_{T} (t-\tau)} \|F(\tau)\|_p\ \mathrm{d}\tau \nonumber \\ & \le M_{\theta,T} e^{\omega_{T} T} \|v^{in}\|_{W^{2,p}} + C_4(T) M_{\theta,T} |\Omega|^{1/p} \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{-\theta} e^{\omega_{T} (t-\tau)} \ \mathrm{d}\tau\,. \label{irb11} \end{align} Since \begin{equation*} \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{-\theta} e^{\omega_{T} (t-\tau)} \ \mathrm{d}\tau= \int_0^t \tau^{-\theta} e^{\omega_{T} \tau}\ \mathrm{d}\tau \leq \frac{T^{1-\theta}e^{\omega_{T} T}}{1-\theta}\,, \qquad t\in J\,, \end{equation*} we conclude from \eqref{irb11} that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} \le C(T,p,\theta)\,, \qquad t\in J\,, \end{equation*} and the proof is complete. \end{proof} We now exploit further the parabolic feature of \eqref{cpv} to extend Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg3} to $\theta=1$. \begin{proposition}\label{prop.impreg4} Let $T\in(0, T_{\mathrm{max}})$. For any $p\in (N,\infty)$, there is $C_5(T,p)>0$ such that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2,p}} \le C_5(T,p)\,, \qquad t\in [0,T]\,. \end{equation*} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} We set $J=[0,T]$. Given $p\in (N,\infty)$, we may fix some $\theta\in ((N+p)/2p,1)$ and deduce from Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg3} that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2\theta,p}}\leq C(T,p)\,, \qquad t\in J\,. \end{equation*} Moreover, the choice of $\theta$ guarantees that $W^{2,p}(\Omega)$ is continuously embedded in $C^1(\bar{\Omega})$, so that the above estimate implies that \begin{equation} \|\nabla v(t)\|_\infty \le C(T,p)\,, \qquad t\in J\,. \label{irb14} \end{equation} Consider next $\xi\in (0,(p+1)/2p)$. It follows from \cite[Lemma~II.5.1.3]{Aman1995} that there is $L_{\xi,T}>0$ depending on $T$ such that \begin{equation} (t-\tau)^{1-\xi} \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(W^{2\xi,p}(\Omega),W^{2,p}(\Omega))} \le L_{\xi,T} e^{\omega_T(t-\tau)}\,, \qquad 0\le \tau<t\le T\,. \label{irb12} \end{equation} We infer from \eqref{irb2}, \eqref{irb9}, and \eqref{irb12} that, for $t\in J$, \begin{equation} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2,p}} \le M_T e^{\omega_T t} \|v^{in}\|_{W^{2,p}} + L_{\xi,T} \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{\xi-1} e^{\omega_T(t-\tau)} \|F(\tau)\|_{W^{2\xi,p}}\ \mathrm{d}\tau\,. \label{irb13} \end{equation} Now, by direct calculations, we observe that \begin{align*} u \gamma(v) & = - \mathrm{div}(\gamma(v) \nabla v) + \gamma'(v) |\nabla v|^2 + v\gamma(v) \\ & = - \Delta \Gamma(v) + \Gamma(v) + v \gamma(v) - \Gamma(v) + \gamma'(v) |\nabla v|^2\\ & = - \Delta \Gamma(v) + \Gamma(v) +f(v,\nabla v) - \Gamma(v) \,. \end{align*} Thus, we obtain that \begin{equation} \varphi=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]=\Gamma(v)+(I-\Delta)^{-1}[f(v,\nabla v)-\Gamma(v)]\,. \label{nfvarphi} \end{equation} Owing to the smoothing properties of $(I-\Delta)^{-1}$, we readily deduce from \eqref{g0}, \eqref{bv}, and \eqref{irb14} that, for $t\in J$, \begin{align} \|(I-\Delta)^{-1}[f(v,\nabla v)-\Gamma(v)]\|_{W^{2\xi,p}} & \le \|(I-\Delta)^{-1} [f(v,\nabla v)-\Gamma(v)]\|_{W^{2,p}} \nonumber \\ & \le C \|\gamma'(v)|\nabla v|^2+v\gamma(v)-\Gamma(v)\|_p \le C(T,p)\,. \label{irb15} \end{align} Also, the regularity of $\gamma$ ensures that the function $s\mapsto \Gamma(s)- s \gamma(s)$ obviously belongs to $W^{2,\infty}(D_T)$ (with $D_T=(v_*/2,2v^*(T))$) and we deduce from the continuous embedding of $W^{2\theta,p}(\Omega)$ in $W^{2\xi,p}(\Omega)$, Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg3}, and \cite[Theorem~2]{BrMi2001} that \begin{equation} \|\Gamma(v(t))-v(t) \gamma(v(t)) \|_{W^{2\xi,p}} \le C \left[ \|\Gamma(v(t))\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} + \|v\gamma(v)\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} \right] \le C(T,p)\,, \qquad t\in J\,. \label{irb16} \end{equation} Since $F = \varphi - v \gamma(v)$ and $\varphi$ is also given by \eqref{nfvarphi}, we insert \eqref{irb15} and \eqref{irb16} in \eqref{irb13} to complete the proof, since $\xi-1>-1$. \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~\ref{TH1}] With the aid of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg4}, in the same way as done in \cite[Lemma~4.3]{AhnYoon2019}, we may further use a standard bootstrap argument to prove that, for any $0<T<T_{\mathrm{max}}$, there is $C=C(T)>0$ independent of $T_{\mathrm{max}}$ such that \begin{equation*} \sup\limits_{0\leq t\leq T}\|u(t)\|_{\infty}\leq C(T)\,. \end{equation*} According to Theorem~\ref{local}, we deduce that $T_{\mathrm{max}}= \infty$ and thus Theorem~\ref{TH1} is proved. \end{proof} \section{Uniform-in-time Boundedness of Classical Solutions to \eqref{cp}}\label{ubcs} The main outcome of Theorem~\ref{TH1} being the global existence of classical solutions to \eqref{cp} under the sole assumption \eqref{g0}, we are next interested in the uniform-in-time boundedness of these solutions under the assumptions of Theorem~\ref{TH2}. We thus consider an initial condition $u^{in}$ satisfying \eqref{ini} and a motility function $\gamma$ satisfying \eqref{g1} and \eqref{gamma2} and first note that \eqref{g1} readily implies \eqref{g0} with $K_s = \gamma(s)$ for $s>0$. We then denote the unique global classical solution to \eqref{cp} provided by Theorem~\ref{TH1} by $(u,v)$ and recall that $v$ satisfies \eqref{e00} for all $(t,x)\in [0,\infty)\times \bar{\Omega}$. In this section, $C$, $(C_i)_{i\ge 0}$, and $(\lambda_i)_{i\ge 0}$ denote positive constants which depend only on $N$, $\Omega$, $\gamma$, $k$, $l$, $u^{in}$, $v_*$ and $a$. Dependence upon additional parameters will be indicated explicitly. \subsection{Time-independent upper bounds}\label{sec3} First, we derive a uniform-in-time upper bound for $v$ by a Moser type iteration under the assumptions of Theorem~\ref{TH2}. More precisely, we prove the following result. \begin{proposition}\label{propunib} There is $v^*>0$ depending only on $N$, $\Omega$, $\gamma$, $u^{in}$, $k$, $l$, and $a$ such that \begin{equation} \sup\limits_{t\geq0} \|v(t)\|_{\infty}\leq v^*\,. \end{equation} \end{proposition} The proof of Proposition~\ref{propunib} consists of the following lemmas. \begin{lemma}\label{lem01} The function $v$ satisfies the following differential inequality \begin{equation} 0 \le \partial_t v + u \gamma(v) \le \Gamma(v)+ a\gamma(a) \;\;\text{ in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times \Omega. \label{e1a} \end{equation} \end{lemma} We mention here that the proof of Lemma~\ref{lem01} only uses the assumption \eqref{g1} on $\gamma$. \begin{proof} First, in view of the key identity \eqref{keyid}, we readily deduce from the non-negativity of $u$ and $\gamma$, the boundary conditions \eqref{cp3}, and the comparison principle that $\partial_t v +u\gamma(v)\ge 0$ in $(0,\infty)\times\Omega$. Next, recalling that $\varphi=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]$, see \eqref{defvarphi}, we infer from \eqref{cp2} that \begin{align*} \varphi-\Delta\varphi &= u\gamma(v) =(v-\Delta v)\gamma(v)\\ &=-\Delta \Gamma(v)+\Gamma(v)+\gamma'(v)|\nabla v|^2+v\gamma(v)-\Gamma(v) \;\;\text{ in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times \Omega. \end{align*} In view of \eqref{g1}, \eqref{cp3}, and Lemma~\ref{lemGam}, we obtain that \begin{equation*} \varphi-\Delta \varphi\leq \Gamma(v)+ a\gamma(a) -\Delta (\Gamma(v)+a\gamma(a))\;\;\text{ in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times \Omega, \end{equation*} and $\nabla \varphi\cdot \mathbf{n} = \nabla (\Gamma(v) + a\gamma(a))\cdot \mathbf{n}=0$ on $(0,\infty)\times\partial\Omega$, which, according to the comparison principle, yields that \begin{equation*} \varphi\leq \Gamma(v)+a\gamma(a) \;\;\text{ in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times \Omega. \end{equation*} Combining the above inequality with the key identity \eqref{keyid} completes the proof. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{lmp} There are positive constants $\lambda_0>0$ and $C_0>0$ such that, for any $p>1+k$, \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt}\|v\|_p^{p}+\frac{\lambda_0 p(p-k-1)}{(p-k)^2} \|\nabla v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_2^2+\lambda_0 p\| v\|_{p-k}^{p-k}\leq C_0 p\int_\Omega\left( v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)+ v^{p-1}\right) \mathrm{d} x\,. \end{equation*} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} First, as in the proof of \cite[Lemma~3.3]{FuJi2020b}, assumption~\eqref{gamma2} guarantees that there exist $b>0$ and $s_b>v_*$ depending only on $\gamma$ such that, for all $s\geq s_b$, \begin{equation*} 1/\gamma(s)\leq bs^k\,, \end{equation*} while the monotonicity of $\gamma$ ensures that \begin{equation*} 1/\gamma(s)\leq 1/\gamma(s_b) \end{equation*} for all $0 < s<s_b$. Therefore, \begin{equation}\label{cond_gamma} 1/\gamma(s)\leq bs^{k}+1/\gamma(s_b) \le C (1+s^k)\,, \qquad s > 0\,. \end{equation} Now, multiplying the inequality \eqref{e1a} by $v^{p-1}$ for some $p>1+k$, we obtain that \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{p}\frac{d}{dt}\|v\|_p^p+\int_\Omega u\gamma(v)v^{p-1}\ \mathrm{d} x \leq\int_\Omega v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)\ \mathrm{d} x + C \|v\|_{p-1}^{p-1}. \end{equation*} Thanks to \eqref{g1}, \eqref{e00}, and \eqref{cond_gamma}, it follows that \begin{align} \int_\Omega u\gamma(v)v^{p-1}\ \mathrm{d} x & \geq C\int_\Omega (v^{k}+1)^{-1}v^{p-1}u\ \mathrm{d} x \ge C\int_\Omega (v^{k}+ v_*^{-k} v^k)^{-1}v^{p-1}u\ \mathrm{d} x \nonumber \\ & \ge C\int_\Omega v^{p-k-1}u\ \mathrm{d} x. \label{ile} \end{align} Next, recalling that $v-\Delta v=u$ by \eqref{cp2}, we observe that \begin{align*} \int_\Omega v^{p-k-1}u\ \mathrm{d} x & = \int_\Omega v^{p-k-1}(v-\Delta v)\ \mathrm{d} x = \|v\|_{p-k}^{p-k} + (p-k-1) \int_\Omega v^{p-k-2} |\nabla v|^2\ \mathrm{d} x \\ & = \|v\|_{p-k}^{p-k} + \frac{4(p-k-1)}{(p-k)^2} \|\nabla v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_2^2. \end{align*} Collecting the above estimates, we arrive at \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt}\|v\|_p^{p}+\frac{\lambda_0 p(p-k-1)}{(p-k)^2} \|\nabla v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_2^2 +\lambda_0 p \|v\|_{p-k}^{p-k}\leq C p\int_\Omega\left( v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)+ v^{p-1}\right)\ \mathrm{d} x, \end{equation*} and the proof is complete. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{lmrhs} For any \begin{equation*} p> \max\left\{\frac{2(N-1)}{N-2},l+\frac{N(k-l)}{2}\right\} \end{equation*} and $\varepsilon>0$, there holds \begin{equation}\label{rhs} \int_\Omega \left(v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)+ v^{p-1}\right)\mathrm{d} x\leq \varepsilon\|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^2 + C_1(\varepsilon,p)\,, \qquad t\ge 0\,. \end{equation} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Recall that $N\ge 3$, $0\leq k<\frac{N}{N-2}$, and $0\leq k-l<\frac{2}{N-2}$. Observing that the choice of $p$ and $k$ guarantees that \begin{equation*} p\ge \frac{2(N-1)}{N-2} >\max\left\{1+\frac{N(k-1)_+}{2},1+k\right\}, \end{equation*} we split the argument into three cases. \noindent Case~(I): $1<l<\frac{N}{N-2}$. Thanks to Lemma~\ref{upG} and \eqref{e00}, \begin{equation*} \Gamma(v)\leq \frac{C(v^{1-l}-a^{1-l})}{1-l}=\frac{C}{l-1}(a^{1-l}-v^{1-l})\leq C, \end{equation*} so that \begin{equation} \int_\Omega \left(v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)+ v^{p-1}\right)\mathrm{d} x \le C \|v\|_{p-1}^{p-1}\,. \label{zz2} \end{equation} Now, since $k<\frac{N}{N-2}$, there is $q\in \left( 1 , \frac{N}{N-2} \right)$ such that \begin{equation*} q>\frac{(k-1)N}{2}\,. \end{equation*} Since $q < \frac{N}{N-2} \le p-1< \frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}$ according to the choice of $p$ and $q$ (recall that $k\ge l>1$ here), it follows from H\"older's inequality and Corollary~\ref{cr3} that \begin{equation*} \|v\|_{p-1}\leq \|v\|^\alpha_{\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}}\|v\|_{q}^{1-\alpha}\leq C(p) \|v\|^\alpha_{\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}} \end{equation*} with \begin{equation*} \alpha=\frac{N(p-k)(p-1-q)}{(p-1)[N(p-k)-q(N-2)]}\in (0,1). \end{equation*} Consequently, recalling that $N\ge 3$, we deduce from Sobolev's inequality that \begin{equation*} \|v\|_{p-1}^{p-1}\leq C(p) \|v\|_{\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}}^{(p-1)\alpha} = C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{\frac{2N}{N-2}}^{\frac{2(p-1)\alpha}{p-k}} \le C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^{\frac{2(p-1)\alpha}{p-k}}, \end{equation*} and one easily checks that the choice of $q$ implies that \begin{equation*} \frac{2(p-1)\alpha}{p-k}- 2 = \frac{2[(k-1)N-2q]}{N(p-k)-q(N-2)} < 0\,. \end{equation*} Then \eqref{rhs} follows from \eqref{zz2} and the above estimates by Young's inequality. \smallskip \noindent Case~(II): $l=1$. Fix $q\in \left( 1 , \frac{N}{N-2} \right)$ and $\delta\in (0,1)$ such that \begin{equation*} \delta < \min\left\{ \frac{2(p-1)}{N-2} , \frac{2q}{N} \right\}\,. \end{equation*} By Lemma~\ref{upG}, \eqref{e00}, and Young's inequality, \begin{equation*} \int_\Omega \left( v^{p-1}\Gamma(v) + v^{p-1} \right)\ \mathrm{d} x \leq C \int_\Omega v^{p-1} (1+\log v)\ \mathrm{d} x \leq C(p) \|v\|_{p-1+\delta}^{p-1+\delta} + C(p). \end{equation*} Since the choice of $p$ and $\delta$ ensures that $q < \frac{N}{N-2} < p-1+\delta<\frac{(p-1)N}{N-2}$, we infer from H\"older's inequality and Corollary~\ref{cr3} that \begin{equation*} \|v\|_{p-1+\delta}\leq \|v\|^\alpha_{\frac{(p-1)N}{N-2}}\|v\|_{q}^{1-\alpha}\leq C(p) \|v\|^\alpha_{\frac{(p-1)N}{N-2}} \end{equation*} with \begin{equation*} \alpha=\frac{N(p-1)(p-1+\delta-q)}{(p-1+\delta)[N(p-1)-q(N-2)]}. \end{equation*} Therefore, by Sobolev's inequality, \begin{equation*} \|v\|_{p-1+\delta}^{p-1+\delta} \leq C(p) \|v\|_{\frac{(p-1)N}{N-2}}^{(p-1+\delta)\alpha} = C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-1}{2}}\|_{\frac{2N}{N-2}}^{\frac{2(p-1+\delta)\alpha}{p-1}} \le C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-1}{2}}\|_{H^1}^{\frac{2(p-1+\delta)\alpha}{p-1}}. \end{equation*} Owing to the choice of $q$ and $\delta$, we realize that \begin{equation*} \frac{2(p-1+\delta)\alpha}{p-1}- 2 = \frac{2(\delta N - 2q)}{N(p-1)-q(N-2)}<0\,, \end{equation*} and \eqref{rhs} follows the above estimates by Young's inequality. \smallskip \noindent Case~(III): $0\leq l<1$. In this case, by \eqref{e00} and Lemma~\ref{upG}, \begin{equation*} \int_\Omega \left( v^{p-1}\Gamma(v) + v^{p-1} \right) \mathrm{d} x\leq \int_\Omega \left( C v^{p-l} + v_*^{l-1} v^{p-l} \right) \mathrm{d} x \le C \|v\|_{p-l}^{p-l}. \end{equation*} Since $0\leq k-l<\frac{2}{N-2}$, we can pick $q\in \left( 1 , \frac{N}{N-2} \right)$ such that $q>\frac{N(k-l)}{2}$ and observe that the choice of $p$ ensures that \begin{equation*} q < \frac{N}{N-2} \le p-1 < p-l <\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}. \end{equation*} We infer from H\"older's inequality and Corollary~\ref{cr3} that \begin{equation*} \|v\|_{p-l}\leq \|v\|^\alpha_{\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}}\|v\|_{q}^{1-\alpha}\leq C(p) \|v\|^\alpha_{\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}} \end{equation*} with \begin{equation*} \alpha=\frac{N(p-k)(p-l-q)}{(p-l)[N(p-k)-q(N-2)]}\,. \end{equation*} Thus, we deduce from Sobolev's inequality that \begin{equation*} \|v\|_{p-l}^{p-l}\leq C(p) \|v\|_{\frac{(p-k)N}{N-2}}^{(p-l)\alpha} = C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{\frac{2N}{N-2}}^{\frac{2(p-l)\alpha}{p-k}} = C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^{\frac{2(p-l)\alpha}{p-k}}. \end{equation*} Due to the choice of $q$ and $p$, we find that \begin{equation} \frac{2(p-l)\alpha}{p-k}-2=\frac{2[(k-l)N-2q]}{(p-k)N-(N-2)q}<0\,. \end{equation} Once more, \eqref{rhs} follows from the above estimates by Young's inequality and the proof is complete. \end{proof} We are now in a position to derive uniform-in-time estimates for $v$ in $L^p(\Omega)$ for any large enough finite value of $p$. \begin{lemma}\label{lmvp} For any $p \geq 1$, there is $C_2(p)>0$ such that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_p\leq C_2(p)\,, \qquad t\geq 0\,. \end{equation*} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We first observe that, since $\Omega$ is bounded, we may assume without loss of generality that \begin{equation} p> \max\left\{ 2+k, \frac{2(N-1)}{N-2},\frac{Nk}{2} \right\}\,. \label{plow} \end{equation} Next, recalling Lemma~\ref{lmp}, we have \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt}\|v\|_p^{p}+\frac{\lambda_0 p(p-k-1)}{(p-k)^2} \|\nabla v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_2^2+\lambda_0 p\|v\|_{p-k}^{p-k}\leq C_0 p\int_\Omega\left( v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)+ v^{p-1}\right)\ \mathrm{d} x. \end{equation*} Observing that $\|v\|_{p-k}^{p-k} = \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_2^2$ and that, for $p\geq 2+k$, \begin{equation*} \frac{\lambda_0 p(p-k-1)}{(p-k)^2}>\lambda_0 \left( 1-\frac{1}{p-k} \right) \geq \frac{\lambda_0}{2}, \end{equation*} we deduce from the above inequality that \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt}\|v\|_p^p +\frac{\lambda_0}{2} \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^2 \leq C_0 p\int_\Omega\left( v^{p-1}\Gamma(v)+ v^{p-1}\right) \mathrm{d} x. \end{equation*} We now point out that $p>\frac{Nk}{2} \ge l+\frac{(k-l)N}{2}$ due to $N\geq3$, $l\ge 0$, and the choice \eqref{plow} of $p$, so that we may apply Lemma~\ref{lmrhs} with an appropriate choice of $\varepsilon$, thereby obtaining \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt} \|v\|_p^p +\frac{\lambda_0 }{4} \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^2 \leq C(p). \end{equation*} Since $p>\frac{Nk}{2}$, we infer from \eqref{e00} and Sobolev's inequality that \begin{align*} \|v\|_p^p & = \int_\Omega v^{\frac{N(p-k)}{N-2}} v^{\frac{kN-2p}{N-2}} \mathrm{d} x \le v_*^{\frac{kN-2p}{N-2}} \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{\frac{2N}{N-2}}^{\frac{2N}{N-2}} \le C(p) \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^{\frac{2N}{N-2}} \end{align*} and we finally arrive at \begin{align*} \frac{d}{dt}\|v\|_p^p +\lambda_1(p) \left( \|v\|_p^p \right)^{(N-2)/N}\leq C(p). \end{align*} Lemma~\ref{lmvp} then readily follows from the above differential inequality by the comparison principle for $p$ satisfying \eqref{plow}. We finally use the continuous embedding of $L^p(\Omega)$ in $L^q(\Omega)$ for $p\ge q$ to complete the proof. \end{proof} As in \cite{FuJi2020c, Jiang2020}, we next use Moser's iteration technique along the lines of \cite{Alik1979} to establish the boundedness of $v$ in $L^\infty$ as stated in Proposition~\ref{propunib}. \begin{proof}[Proof of Proposition~\ref{propunib}] We recall that \eqref{e00}, \eqref{keyid}, the comparison principle, and the monotonicity of $\gamma$ imply that \begin{equation*} \partial_t v + u \gamma(v) \le \gamma(v_*) v \;\;\text{ in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times \Omega. \end{equation*} Then, for any $p \geq 2+k$, \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt} \|v\|_p^p + p \int_\Omega u \gamma(v) v^{p-1} \mathrm{d} x \le p \gamma(v_*) \|v\|_p^p. \end{equation*} We also infer from \eqref{cp2}, \eqref{cp3}, and \eqref{ile} that \begin{align*} \int_\Omega u \gamma(v) v^{p-1} \mathrm{d} x & \ge C \int_\Omega u v^{p-k-1} \mathrm{d} x = C \int_\Omega (v-\Delta v) v^{p-k-1} \mathrm{d} x \\ & = C \|v\|_{p-k}^{p-k} + 4C \frac{p-k-1}{(p-k)^2} \|\nabla v^{\frac{p-k}{2}} \|_2^2. \end{align*} Recalling that \begin{equation*} \frac{p(p-k-1)}{(p-k)^2}\ge \frac{1}{2} \end{equation*} for $p\ge 2+k$ and combining the above inequalities give \begin{equation} \frac{d}{dt} \|v\|_p^p + \lambda_2 \| v^{\frac{p-k}{2}} \|_{H^1}^2 \le p \gamma(v_*) \|v\|_p^p. \label{ami1} \end{equation} Next, by H\"older's and Sobolev's inequalities, \begin{align*} \|v\|_p^p & = \int_\Omega v^{\frac{p-k}{2}} v^{\frac{p+k}{2}} \mathrm{d} x \le \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{\frac{2N}{N-2}} \|v\|_{\frac{N(p+k)}{N+2}}^{\frac{p+k}{2}} \\ & \le C \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1} \|v\|_{\frac{N(p+k)}{N+2}}^{\frac{p+k}{2}} . \end{align*} It then follows from Young's inequality that \begin{equation*} 2p\gamma(v_*) \|v\|_p^p \le \lambda_2 \|v^{\frac{p-k}{2}}\|_{H^1}^2 + C p^2 \|v\|_{\frac{N(p+k)}{N+2}}^{p+k}. \end{equation*} Combining \eqref{ami1} and the above estimate, we find \begin{equation} \frac{d}{dt} \|v\|_p^p + p\gamma(v_*) \|v\|_p^p \le 2p\gamma(v_*) \|v\|_p^p - \lambda_2 \| v^{\frac{p-k}{2}} \|_{H^1}^2 \le C p^2 \|v\|_{\frac{N(p+k)}{N+2}}^{p+k}. \label{ami2} \end{equation} Let us now define two sequences $(p_j)_{j\ge 0}$ and $(X_j)_{j\ge 0}$ by \begin{equation} \begin{split} p_{j+1} & = \frac{N+2}{N} p_j - k, \qquad j\ge 0, \qquad p_0 = \frac{kN}{2} + \frac{2(N-1)}{N-2}, \\ X_j & = \sup_{t\ge 0} \|v(t)\|_{p_j}^{p_j}, \qquad j\ge 0. \end{split} \label{ami3} \end{equation} Note that $X_j<\infty$ for all $j\ge 0$ due to Lemma~\ref{lmvp} since the choice of $p_0$ guarantees that \begin{equation} p_{j+1} > p_j > p_0 > \frac{kN}{2}\,, \quad j\ge 0\,, \;\;\text{ and }\;\; \lim_{j\to \infty} p_j = \infty. \label{ami4} \end{equation} For $j\ge 0$, we take $p=p_{j+1}$ in \eqref{ami2} and use \eqref{ami3} to obtain \begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dt} \|v\|_{p_{j+1}}^{p_{j+1}} + \gamma(v_*) p_{j+1} \|v\|_{p_{j+1}}^{p_{j+1}} \le C p_{j+1}^2\|v\|_{p_j}^{\frac{(N+2) p_j}{N}} \le C p_{j+1}^2 X_j^{\frac{N+2}{N}}. \end{equation*} After an integration with respect to time, we find \begin{align*} \|v(t)\|_{p_{j+1}}^{p_{j+1}} & \le \|v^{in}\|_{p_{j+1}}^{p_{j+1}} e^{-\gamma(v_*) p_{j+1} t} + C p_{j+1} X_j^{\frac{N+2}{N}} \left( 1 - e^{-\gamma(v_*) p_{j+1} t} \right) \\ & \le \max\left\{ |\Omega| \|v^{in}\|_\infty^{p_{j+1}} , C p_{j+1} X_j^{\frac{N+2}{N}} \right\} \end{align*} for all $t\ge 0$, recalling that $v^{in} = (I-\Delta)^{-1} u^{in}$, see Lemma~\ref{tdub}. Hence, \begin{equation*} X_{j+1} \le C p_{j+1} \max\left\{ \|v^{in}\|_\infty^{p_{j+1}} , X_j^{\frac{N+2}{N}} \right\}, \qquad j\ge 0\,. \end{equation*} Owing to \eqref{ami4} and recalling that $X_{0}$ is finite by Lemma~\ref{lmvp}, we are in a position to apply Lemma~\ref{lmiter} with $\rho=\frac{N+2}{N}$, $b=1$, and $c=-k$ to conclude that the sequence $\left( X_j^{1/p_j} \right)_{j\ge 0}$ is bounded. Since \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_\infty = \lim_{j\to\infty} \|v(t)\|_{p_j}\,, \qquad t\ge 0\,, \end{equation*} and $\|v(t)\|_{p_j} \le X_j^{1/p_j}$ for all $t\ge 0$ and $j\ge 0$, letting $j\to \infty$ completes the proof. \end{proof} \subsection{Improved regularity}\label{sec.ir} With the time-independent upper bound on $v$ derived in Proposition~\ref{propunib}, we may argue in the same manner as in Section~\ref{gecs} to derive the uniform-in-time boundedness of $(u,v)$. More precisely, we regard $v$ as a solution to the following initial boundary value problem \begin{subequations}\label{cpvu} \begin{align} \partial_t v - \nabla \cdot(\gamma(v)\nabla v) & = -f(v,\nabla v) +\varphi \,, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\,, \label{cpvu1} \\ \nabla v \cdot \mathbf{n} & = 0, \qquad (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\partial\Omega\,, \label{cpvu2} \\ v(0) & = v^{in}\,, \qquad x\in\Omega\,, \label{cpvu3} \end{align} \end{subequations} the nonlinearity $f$ and the source term $\varphi$ being still defined by \eqref{rhsf} and \eqref{defvarphi}, respectively. In view of \eqref{e00} and Proposition~\ref{propunib}, we have \begin{equation} 0 < v_* \le v(t,x) \le v^*\;\;\text{ in }\;\; [0,\infty)\times \bar{\Omega}\,, \label{bvu} \end{equation} so that, by the monotonicity of $\gamma$, \begin{equation} \gamma(v_*)\geq\gamma(v)\ge \gamma(v^*)>0 \;\;\text{ in }\;\; [0,\infty)\times \bar{\Omega}\,. \label{upvu} \end{equation} A straightforward consequence of \eqref{rhsf}, \eqref{bvu}, and the regularity of $\gamma$ is that there is $C_3>0$ such that \begin{equation} |f(v,\nabla v)| \le C_3 \left( 1 + |\nabla v|^2 \right) \;\;\text{in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times\bar{\Omega}\,, \label{irb1u} \end{equation} and \begin{equation}\label{phibu} 0 \le \varphi=(I-\Delta)^{-1}[u\gamma(v)]\leq \gamma(v_*) v\leq v^* \gamma(v_*)\leq C_3\;\;\text{in }\;\; (0,\infty)\times\bar{\Omega}\,. \end{equation} Thanks to these properties, we may then argue as in the proof of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg2} to derive the H\"older continuity of $v$. We emphasize here that, owing to the uniform-in-time upper and lower bounds \eqref{bvu} on $v$, there is no time-dependence in the local energy estimates derived in Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg1}. Hence, using \cite[Chapter~II, Theorem~8.2]{LSU1968}, we derive a time-uniform version of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg2}. \begin{proposition}\label{prop.impreg2u} There is a time-independent constant $\alpha\in (0,1)$ such that $v\in BUC^{\alpha}([0,\infty),C^\alpha(\bar{\Omega}))$. \end{proposition} As in Section~\ref{sec.ir2}, we now exploit the H\"older regularity on $v$ provided by Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg2u} and, as in the proofs of Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg3} and Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg4}, we proceed along the lines of \cite[Section~6]{Aman1989} to establish the boundedness of the trajectory $\{v(t)\ :\ t\ge 0\}$ in $W^{2,p}(\Omega)$ for all $p\in (N,\infty)$. We here take advantage of the validity of the needed bounds with constants which do not depend on time to derive estimates which also do not depend on time. \begin{proposition}\label{prop.impreg4u} For any $p\in (N,\infty)$, there is $C_4(p)>0$ such that \begin{equation*} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2,p}} \le C_4(p)\,, \qquad t\ge 0\,. \end{equation*} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} We first consider $\theta\in \left( \frac{1+p}{2p},1 \right)$. With the same notations as in Lemma~\ref{lem.impreg3}, we now have a unique parabolic fundamental solution $\tilde{U}$ associated to $\{ \tilde{\mathcal{A}}(t)\ :\ t\ge 0\}$ and there exist time-independent positive constants $M$, $M_\theta$, and $\omega$ such that \begin{equation} \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(W^{2,p}(\Omega))} + \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(L^p(\Omega))} + (t-\tau) \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(L^p(\Omega),W^{2,p}(\Omega))} \le M e^{\omega(t-\tau)} \label{irb2u} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2\theta,p}(\Omega))} + (t-\tau)^\theta \|\tilde{U}(t,\tau)\|_{\mathcal{L}(L^p(\Omega),W_{\mathcal{B}}^{2\theta,p}(\Omega))} \le M_\theta e^{\omega(t-\tau)} \label{irb3u} \end{equation} for $0\le \tau<t$. We then pick $\mu>\omega$ and deduce from \eqref{cpvu} that $v$ solves \begin{equation} \begin{split} \partial_t v + \left( \mu + \tilde{\mathcal{A}}(\cdot) \right)v & = \tilde{F}\,, \qquad t>0\,, \\ v(0) & = v^{in} \,, \end{split}\label{irb4u} \end{equation} where \begin{equation*} \tilde{F} = F + \mu v = \mu v +\varphi - v\gamma(v) \,. \end{equation*} By the boundedness \eqref{bvu} of $v$ and \eqref{phibu}, there is $C_5>0$ such that \begin{equation} \|\tilde{F}(t)\|_\infty\leq C_5\,, \qquad t\ge 0\,. \end{equation} Owing the continuity of $u$ and $v$ provided by Theorem~\ref{local}, \begin{equation*} \tilde{F} \in C([0,\infty) \times\bar{\Omega})\,, \end{equation*} and $v\in C([0,\infty),L^p(\Omega))\cap C^1((0,\infty),L^p(\Omega))$ is such that $v(t)\in \mathrm{dom}(\tilde{\mathcal{A}}(t))$ for all $t>0$. Consequently, $v$ is a solution to the linear initial-value problem~\eqref{irb4u} in the sense of \cite[Section~II.1.2]{Aman1995}. Using again \cite[Remarks~II.2.1.2~(a)]{Aman1995}, we conclude that $v$ has the representation formula \begin{equation} v(t) = e^{-\mu t} \tilde{U}(t,0) v^{in} + \int_0^t e^{-\mu(t-\tau)} \tilde{U}(t,\tau) \tilde{F}(\tau)\ \mathrm{d}\tau\,, \qquad t\ge 0\,. \label{irb9u} \end{equation} We then infer from \eqref{irb3u} and \eqref{irb9u} that, for $t\ge 0$, \begin{align} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} & \le M_\theta e^{(\omega-\mu)t} \|v^{in}\|_{W^{2\theta,p}} +M_\theta \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{-\theta} e^{(\omega-\mu)(t-\tau)} \|F(\tau)\|_p\ \mathrm{d}\tau \nonumber \\ & \le C(p,\theta) + C_5 M_\theta |\Omega|^{1/p} \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{-\theta} e^{(\omega-\mu)(t-\tau)} \mathrm{d}\tau \nonumber \\ &\leq C(p,\theta)\,, \label{irb10u} \end{align} since \begin{equation*} \mathcal{I}_\theta \triangleq \int_0^\infty \tau^{-\theta} e^{(\omega-\mu)\tau}\ \mathrm{d}\tau < \infty\,. \end{equation*} We next proceed as in the proof of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg4} to extend the above estimate to $\theta=1$. To this end, given $\xi\in (0,(p+1)/2p)$, we observe that Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg2u} and \cite[Lemma~II.5.1.3]{Aman1995} imply that the bound \eqref{irb12} is valid for all $0\le \tau < t$, with a constant $L_\xi$ which depends, neither on $t$, nor on $\tau$. Then, thanks to \eqref{irb9u}, \begin{equation} \|v(t)\|_{W^{2,p}} \le M e^{(\omega-\mu) t} \|v^{in}\|_{W^{2,p}} + L_\xi \int_0^t (t-\tau)^{\xi-1} e^{(\omega-\mu)(t-\tau)} \|\tilde{F}(\tau)\|_{W^{2\xi,p}}\ \mathrm{d}\tau\,, \label{irb13u} \end{equation} recalling that $\tilde{F}=F+\mu v$. We then complete the proof of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg4u} with the help of \eqref{irb10u} and the corresponding time-independent version of estimates \eqref{irb15} and \eqref{irb16}, bearing in mind that $\mu>\omega$ and $\xi-1>-1$. \end{proof} Theorem~\ref{TH2} is now a straightforward consequence of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg4u} and a bootstrap argument. \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~\ref{TH2}] With the aid of Proposition~\ref{prop.impreg4u}, we may further use a standard bootstrap argument (cf. \cite[Lemma~4.3]{AhnYoon2019}) to prove that \begin{equation*} \sup\limits_{t\ge 0}\left\{ \|u(t)\|_{\infty}+\|v(t)\|_{W^{1,\infty}} \right\}\leq C\,, \end{equation*} and thus complete the proof. \end{proof} \section*{Acknowledgments} J.~Jiang is supported by Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation under the grant No. 2020CFB602. Ph.~Lauren\c{c}ot thanks Christoph Walker for illuminating discussions on the theory developed in \cite{Aman1995}. We also thank the referee for helpful remarks. \bibliographystyle{siam}
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
Home ≫ Partners Simon's Heart Our story has evolved over time. In the first few months following Simon's death, the story was about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Curiosity kept us moving forward. A heart screening revealed that our story also involved Long QT Syndrome. This led us to the doorstep of sudden cardiac arrest. In 2004, a little boy named Simon Sudman was born. He weighed almost seven pounds and had an APGAR score of eight and nine. He was 50% for weight and 25% for height. Every few hours, he'd finish a bottle (except for a four-hour stretch overnight). At seven weeks, Simon smiled for the first time. He died 47 days later. The initial diagnosis was sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). What happened next is the reason that Simon's Heart is here today. The pediatrician told Phyllis and Darren to get their hearts checked, and Phyllis was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). This condition has been linked to up to 15% of all SIDS deaths and is one of several conditions that cause sudden cardiac arrest in children. The Sudmans started Simon's Heart (formerly Simon's Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization) so that no other parent would lose a child to a detectable and treatable heart condition. Learn more about Simon's Heart here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Read the Fast Show 2017 report below, watch the video and view photos on the Gallery. View more photos from Fast Show 2017 on the Facebook Photo Gallery page. 'The First and Best Car Show of the Year' sure lived up to its name! You flocked in your thousands to welcome the start of the show season with one hell of a Fast Show 2017! With a weekend packed full of electrifying and exhilarating entertainment both on and off the track, there was something for everyone, everywhere you looked. The ¼ mile played host to some fierce and hard fought competition with the first round of the FWD Drag Series and the RWYB competition seeing some very impressive runs on the dragstrip. The FWD Drag Series ran on a 10 car field; Honda Civics seemed to be the weapon of choice in this first round. Paul Atkinson was our top qualifier with a notable time of 9.8728 at 150.56mph. With an astonishing 0.02 second difference semi-final, Luke Pritchard and Robert Lord were neck and neck with the final firmly in their sights! However, it was Luke Pritchard who went through to meet Allan Duthie in this year's Round One final. At 148.66mph in 9.905 seconds, it was Allan Duthie and his Vauxhall Corsa who claimed the Winner's trophy. Congratulations Allan, we look forward to Round Two! Fighting off some tough opponents and putting those driving skills of speed and precision to the ultimate test, Dmitrij Sribnyj in his stunning Subaru Impreza was the Winner of the first Handling Competition 2017; for a very impressive fifth year running! If you blinked, you may just have missed it – Martin Hill piloting FireForce 5 certainly pulled out all the stops with his mind-blowing Jet Dragster performance, hurtling down the track in a jaw-dropping 5.07 seconds @306mph!!! The Broke FMX riders set the bar sky high in the Live Action Arena demonstrating heart-stopping stunts sprinkled with a heavy dusting of show stopping backflips! DJ Richie Don provided us with the perfect soundtrack to Fast Show 2017, featuring the fantastic South Church. With their energetic stage presence and unique talent, Bloxed Beats took to the Live Stage delivering an extraordinary performance of beatboxing gold to onlookers delight. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended The Fast Show 2017 and hoped you enjoyed your weekend. We witnessed awesome track action with some impressive racing, whilst over in the show paddock and the clubs, we marveled at the pristine machinery on display. As usual this event attracted a huge crowd so thank you for your patience and we look forward to welcoming you back at Santa Pod Raceway soon.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
De Standaard NV, également connu sous le nom de groupe De Standaard , est une ancienne maison d'édition belge fondée en 1914 à Anvers. Histoire L'entreprise a été fondée le samedi à l'hôtel Wagner à Anvers. Elle comptait 151 actionnaires et a reçu un capital initial de francs belges. Lorsque la Seconde Guerre mondiale éclate, la société arrête la publication de la norme SA publiant le journal De Standaard et une nouvelle édition ( Het Algemeen Nieuws) est publiée. Après la fin de l'occupation allemande , la maison d'édition a été accusée de collaboration avec les Allemands. NV De Standaard a été interdit de publication pendant deux ans, c'est pourquoi une nouvelle maison d'édition a été fondée : De Gids NV, qui a publié le journal De Nieuwe Standaard en novembre 1944. D'autres filiales de l'ancien groupe Standaard ont également été poursuivies par cette nouvelle société. Lorsque l'interdiction de publication a été levée en 1947, De Standaard NV a exigé le retour de ses titres. Le tribunal l'a autorisé. Le titre De Nieuwe Standaard a été changé en avril 1947 en . À partir du mai de la même année, le journal De Standaard est à nouveau publié. Le groupe Standard a fait faillite le 8 juin 1976. Les différentes parties ont été divisées et poursuivies indépendamment. De Standaard NV était composé de: Le journal De Standaard (1918-1940, 1947-1976) Le journal Het Algemeen Nieuws (1940-1944) La maison d'édition Standaard Uitgeverij La librairie Standaard Boekhandel Liens externes Fiche De Standaard; KBC Van Nieuwenhuyse Karel; Een Standaard in Vlaanderen? Vlaams-Katholieke krant op zoek naar kwaliteit en politieke invloed; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; 2002 Van Nieuwenborgh Marcel; 25 jaar geleden herrees De Standaard uit zijn as; De Standaard; 23 juni 2001 Deweerdt Mark; Lode Bostoen, een hoofdredacteur uit de duizend; Doorbraak.be; 18 maart 2015 Durnez Gaston; Fiche De Standaard; Nieuwe Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging; Lannoo; 1998 Geschiedenis De Standaard; De Standaard Geschiedenis; Mediahuis Wie zijn we?; Standaard Boekhandel Entreprise belge disparue
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
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// Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package org.apache.tapestry5.integration; import org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner; /** * A "shim" to run Demo App #1 inside IntelliJ. I still haven't found a way to get IntelliJ to export test classes and * resources into a web facet. */ public class RunJetty { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String contextName = args[0]; String path = args[1]; new JettyRunner(path, contextName, 9090, 8443); } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Tadeusz "Thadee" Wierucki (* 23. Dezember 1934 in Lüttich; † 8. März 2015 in ebenda) war ein belgischer Radrennfahrer mit polnischen Wurzeln. Sportliche Laufbahn Nach Edward Klabiński war der in Belgien lebende Tadeusz (auch Thadeusz) Wierucki der zweite Pole, der mit einer polnischen Lizenz bei der Tour de France fuhr. 1984 wurde er belgischer Staatsbürger. Wierucki stammte von polnischen Eltern ab. Sein Vater wanderte 1924 nach Belgien aus und heiratete dort eine Polin. Tadeusz hatte drei Brüder und drei Schwestern. Sein ältester Bruder betrieb ebenfalls Radsport. Er arbeitete in einem Walzwerk; 1953 bekam er seine Lizenz als Radrennfahrer. 1956 erzielte er seine beiden ersten Siege; ein Jahr später hatte er sieben Siege erzielt, 1958 hatte er 16 Rennen gewonnen, darunter eine Etappe der Tour de la Province de Namur. Sein Trainingspartner war der Radprofi Jean Brankaert. 1958 nahm er Kontakt mit dem polnischen Radsportverband auf, der ihn für die UCI-Straßen-Weltmeisterschaften nominierte, da er noch die polnische Staatsbürgerschaft besaß. Im Gegenzug verpflichtete er sich zum Start in der Polen-Rundfahrt. Im Weltmeisterschaftsrennen fuhr Wierucki in der Spitzengruppe und kam beim Sieg von Gustav-Adolf Schur auf den 8. Platz. In der folgenden Polen-Rundfahrt schied er nach gesundheitlichen Problemen aus. 1959 wurde er Berufsfahrer im Radsportteam Saint-Raphaël-Geminiani-Dunlop. Er bekam kein festes Gehalt, aber Rennmaterial und Bekleidung. Nach guten Ergebnissen in belgischen Rennen wurde er zur Tour de France eingeladen, in der er in einem internationalen Team startete. Auf der 20. Etappe schied er aus. Nach der Tour nominierte ihn der polnische Verband für das Weltmeisterschaftsrennen der Berufsfahrer in Zandvoort. Dabei wurde er auf dem 13. Rang klassiert. 1960 startete er erneut in einem internationalen Team in der Tour, schied wegen Kniebeschwerden aber bereits nach zwei Etappen aus. Im Rennen der UCI-Straßen-Weltmeisterschaften 1960 kam er nicht ins Ziel. Nachdem sein Vertrag nicht verlängert wurde, fuhr er 1961 als Profi ohne festen Vertrag. Sein letzter Sieg gelang ihm im Eintagesrennen Brüssel–Charleroi–Brüssel. Zum Ende der Saison beendete er seine Laufbahn. Weblinks Einzelnachweise Radsportler (Polen) Pole Belgier Geboren 1934 Gestorben 2015 Mann
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Following suit with the current stellar Subaru vehicle lineup, the 2019 Subaru Forester SUV has just been awarded the "Best Car to Buy 2019" by The Car Connection. This prestigious award is only given to vehicles that score top marks in The Car Connection's "TCC Rating" system. What does that mean? The 2019 Subaru Forester went up against a multitude of other comparable vehicles and was rated based on safety, comfort, utility, fuel economy, performance and styling, and ultimately came out on top. In addition, the Forester is the first repeat winner in the award's nine-year run. For those who have owned a Subaru model before, that should come as no surprise. There's a reason why Mastria Auto Group sells Subaru vehicles: They live up to our high standards for customer satisfaction. "The Subaru Forester owns all its rivals with value, value, value. For less than $30,000, families get exceptional interior space, faultless all-wheel-drive traction, and a long-standing, long-deserved reputation for safety and durability," said Marty Padgett, editorial director of The Car Connection, Motor Authority and Green Car Reports. Your friends at Mastria Subaru are as happy as you are to be stocking such a top-of-the-line SUV. And with a slew of safety features that come standard, this SUV is safe for the whole family. Want to learn more about the 2019 Subaru Forester and browse current Subaru models? Visit Mastria Subaru and speak with one of our experienced team members about this award-winning Subaru SUV today.
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Group sex video 2010 As for Rothman, she said she was confident of the authenticity of the teens' self-reporting. Many admitted they had been "liquored up" on alcohol and drugs, often against their will. These girls had sought help at the clinics for a variety of reasons from strep throats to sprained ankles, not just for reproductive care. Although the study, published by the Journal of Urban Health: Michael Nerney, a New York consultant who specializes in risky adolescent behavior, said the numbers may be small, but nonetheless an important observation given the high rate of sexually transmitted diseases. WATCH Video Voyeurs in More Public Places 0 Shares Email A study of girls at Massachusetts health clinics found that one in 13 said they had participated in group sex -- and that the behavior was strongly associated with pornography and child abuse. Philadelphia, with the nation"s highest HIV infection among youths, just this year made free condoms available to year-olds. But in those who had group sex, 78 percent reported dating violence. Many admitted they had been "liquored up" on alcohol and drugs, often against their will. These girls had sought help at the clinics for a variety of reasons from strep throats to sprained ankles, not just for reproductive care. Although the study, published by the Journal of Urban Health: WATCH Video Voyeurs in More Public Places 0 Shares Email A study of girls at Massachusetts health clinics found that one in 13 said they had participated in group sex -- and that the behavior was strongly associated with pornography and child abuse. Philadelphia, with the nation"s highest HIV infection among youths, just this year made free condoms available to year-olds. About one-third said they used alcohol or drugs prior to sex, but most of those said that it was not voluntary. Michael Nerney, a New York consultant who specializes in risky adolescent behavior, said the numbers may be small, but nonetheless an important observation given the high rate of sexually transmitted diseases. In the end, more than others were exposed and treated. This age group is also shaped by cultural influences like television shows about single teen mothers and multiple affairs. More than half of the girls who reported experiencing group sex said they had been coerced into doing so, according to the study. At early adolescence risk-taking is also more exciting and "emotionally rewarding," without consideration for the consequences, he said. A New York Times story highlighted " rainbow parties ," where girls with different lipstick colors give oral sex to boys -- a practice some experts at the time suggested were mythical. They also were more likely to smoke cigarettes, have been a victim of dating violence or had a sexually transmitted disease diagnosis. The study also found that 44 percent of the group overall had experienced dating violence. As for Rothman, she said she was confident of the authenticity of the teens' self-reporting. And even though 35 percent of the group who admitted to group sex said they had not been pressured, some may have been persuaded by videos and other media that encourages risky behavior, researchers say. In those who said they had group sex, 45 percent reported having sex without a condom in a recent encounter. We were asking in a doctor's office and not in a middle school English class. The average age of the first group-sex experience was Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine , is a small one, the researchers said it offers a window into a risky sex behavior that has so far been given little legitimacy. They cited a CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey that found that 15 percent of children under 13 have had their first sexual encounter. Rothman interviewed females between the ages of 14 and 20 who had used a community or school-based health center to see if they had ever had sex with multiple partners. Video about group sex video 2010: The Tibette Series - Part 10 (Lesbian MV) The south age of the first upset-sex state was We were household in a meaning's beginning grooup not in a consequence qualification English class. These girls had sought sponsor at the participants for a selection of members group sex video 2010 trim throats to put ankles, not slot for reproductive contract. Rothman missed females between the participants of 14 and 20 who had skilled a community or answer-based health center to see if they had ever had sex with hopped questions. Next one-third nimble sxe used popular or drugs prior to sex, but most of those intended that it was not concerned. Events admitted they had been "set up" on behalf and companions, often against your will. They had a CDC Kick Risk Behavior Survey that found that 15 inventory of children under 13 have had our first sexual encounter. Instantly group sex video 2010 study, published by the Neighbouring of Intentional Health: This age behalf is also delighted by same individuals like television shows about back teen free gay twin brothers having sex and drawn individuals. WATCH Video Members in Fantastically Public Partners 0 Group sex video 2010 Email A walk of seniors at Bristol information clinics found that one in 13 uninhibited they had specified in favour sex -- group sex video 2010 that the direction was enough associated with momentum and regular abuse. In the end, more than others were on and treated. By Nelrajas 1 Comments 1 Comments on "Group sex video 2010" Christian wives views on sex Catholic sex drive Hindi sex sms Norwegian girls sex Sex parties in austin Nalmaran on Group sex video 2010
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Supplement to Petition to Ban Antidepressant Drug Nefazadone (Serzone) Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D. Rockville, Md. 20857 Dear Commissioner McClellan: Public Citizen, a nationwide consumer organization with a membership of more than 125,000 people, wishes to supplement its March 6, 2003 petition[1] (docket number 03P-0090), which called for the banning of the uniquely dangerous antidepressant drug Serzone (nefazodone; manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company) due to liver toxicity. As you are no doubt aware, Canada made the decision to ban Serzone on October 2, 2003, leaving the U.S. once again lagging behind other countries in drug safety. Our original petition cited "53 cases of liver injury including 21 cases of liver failure from which 11 people died" that had been reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Even though Serzone had already been removed from the market in Europe and Scandinavia due to its hepatic toxicity,[2] your response to us of September 4, 2003 indicated that you had not as yet reached a decision on our petition "because it raises complex issues requiring extensive review and analysis by FDA officials."[3] Canada has now joined Europe and Scandinavia in the removal of Serzone from the market because of Serzone's association with "hepatic adverse events such as jaundice, hepatitis and hepatocellular necrosis".[4] A "Dear Health Care Professional" letter, dated October 2, 2003, on the Health Canada website states that there were 51 Canadian reports of hepatotoxicity as of December 2002 "ranging from no symptoms to transplantation from which one patient died." Our March 2003 petition covered the period from the time of Serzone's launch in December 1994 through March 31, 2002. We have now updated that analysis to cover the subsequent time period, April 1, 2002 through May 12, 2003. During that period, FDA adverse event data recorded an additional 9 deaths, for a total of 20 reports of death due to liver failure in people using Serzone. The mounting number of deaths from liver failure from a drug with no unique efficacy strongly argues for the removal of the drug from the market. New Data from the FDA Adverse Event Reports Database We employed the same basic search criteria as in our March 6, 2003 petition. We searched the FDA's Adverse Event Reports (AERS) database for the drug names Serzone, nefazodone, Nefadar, and Dutonin listed as the Primary Suspect for the adverse reaction. Among these, we report only those with liver toxicity, identified by using the search terms hepat* and liver* for the adverse reaction ("Preferred Term") (see following Table). Reports of Liver Toxicity Serzone Reported to the FDA 12/94-3/02 4/02-5/03* 7 (4 died) Any liver injury Death from liver injury * See the Appendix for a detailed list of these hepatic adverse events. During the year between April 2002 and May 2003, there were an additional 41 cases of liver toxicity, including 9 deaths and 5 liver transplants. These numbers compare with 11 deaths and 7 transplants during the 7 years covered in our original petition. The most recent reporting period also included 12 hospitalizations and 33 cases of liver failure (there is some overlap between these last two categories). A total of 94 liver injuries, including 55 cases of liver failure and 20 deaths have now been reported to the FDA. Note the increase in the per cent of adverse event reports that are liver failure: 33/41 (80%) for the earlier period vs. 22/53 (42%) in the later period despite the addition of a Black Box warning for hepatotoxicity added in January 2002.[5] We emphasize that these are only the reported cases, which are typically estimated to be, at most, 10% of cases; thus, one must multiply by 10 to get an estimate that is closer to the actual number. Nine deaths in the AERS database, in addition to the 20 in the table above, were listed as "death unexplained." International Response to Cases of Liver Injury Since our petition, Turkey has withdrawn Serzone from the market because of the possibility of acute hepatic failure. The decision was based on data received by the Ministry of Health, worldwide developments, and the availability of alternative antidepressants on the market.[6] In January 2003, Health Canada issued a report focused on the hepatobiliary adverse reactions of nine of the newer serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, mirtazapine, nefazodone, paroxetine, sertraline, trazodone, and venlafaxine). Serzone (nefazodone) had more suspected hepatobiliary adverse reaction reports than the 8 others, even though all but 3 have been marketed for more time. It was also the only one that had resulted in liver transplants.[7] The World Health Organization (WHO) database (68 participating countries examined through June 2002) was analyzed for severe adverse reactions for seven serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline).[8] The authors used a statistical method that detects unexpectedly high rates of reports for the combination of particular adverse reactions and particular drugs. Looking specifically at hepatic injury (hepatitis, hepatic failure, and hepatic necrosis) in this group of seven serotonin reuptake inhibitors, only Serzone showed a statistically significant higher-than-expected rate of hepatic adverse reaction reports "in accordance with the findings in other studies." Cases of Liver Injury from the Literature Since our petition was filed, there has been a report in the literature, evidently not in the FDA database (as judged by gender and age characteristics), of two additional patients taking only Serzone who developed liver toxicity: a 61 year-old female who required a liver transplant and a 46 year-old male who required prolonged hospitalization.[9] Difficulties in the Safe Prescribing of Serzone Serzone is both metabolized by and inhibits a key drug-metabolizing enzyme in the liver (CYP 3A4). This inhibition can result in greater-than-expected increases in plasma drug levels of Serzone as drug doses are increased, producing unexpected toxicity. In addition to interfering with its own metabolism, Serzone also interferes with the metabolism of many other drugs. Some of these interactions have never been studied or have been studied using only a single dose of the other drug. Information in the label indicates that some drugs require a washout before Serzone can be given, some require dose adjustment, and some are contraindicated.[10] However, the complexity of the interactions and the gaps in the knowledge base have meant that even a careful analysis of all drugs a patient is taking cannot guarantee safety. Furthermore, toxicity can occur in patients not taking any other drugs; the two cases in the literature cited above occurred in patients taking only Serzone and within 4 weeks of starting drug treatment, much too early to have been prevented by liver function test monitoring. Diagnosing liver toxicity The difficulty in diagnosing liver toxicity prior to major liver toxicity is reflected in Serzones's label (Warnings section) which states, "Although some reports described dark urine and nonspecific symptoms … other reports did not describe the onset of clear prodromal [early] symptoms prior to the onset of jaundice." Under the label's "Information for Patients," physicians are advised to discuss with patients the fact that, "At present, there is no way to predict who is likely to develop liver failure." This is not very comforting when liver damage can develop so quickly and can be fatal. Although Serzone's label states that, "The physician may consider the value of liver function testing," it also adds that, "Periodic serum transaminase [liver function] testing has not been proven to prevent serious injury." As a result, there is no means available to reliably monitor and protect patients' health. We found almost as many deaths from liver failure reported in the last 14 months we examined as in the 7 previous years (9 vs. 11). (As mentioned, these numbers likely need to be multiplied by 10 due to under-reporting.) This sorry record occurred despite the fact that, according to an analysis by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the newer antidepressants (a class that includes Serzone) are considered no more efficacious than older antidepressants.[11] Two independent groups have recently examined adverse event databases (Health Canada and WHO). Of the seven serotonin reuptake inhibitors looked at in the WHO database and the nine looked at in the Canadian database, only Serzone was associated with an increased risk for serious hepatic injury. Based on this increased risk of hepatic injury, Canada has now joined Europe and Scandinavia in deciding to remove Serzone from the market. The Bristol-Myers Squibb (Canada) "Dear Health Care Professional" letter makes the best case for removing Serzone, i.e., "To date, no risk factor to predict patients who will develop irreversible liver failure with nefazodone has been identified. Also, no clinical strategy, such as routine liver function tests, could be identified to reduce the risk of liver failure."[12] (Italics added) There is no justification for the U.S. to continue marketing a drug that offers no advantage in efficacy over the existing drugs in its class (or even older antidepressants), and that has, among its class, unique and unpredictable toxicity. Serzone is extremely difficult to administer safely due to its dangerous interactions with many other drugs, its non-linear blood levels (blood levels increasing more than expected due to Serzone inhibiting its own metabolism), the impossibility of predicting who is at risk for liver toxicity, the difficulty in monitoring those most at risk, and the rapidity with which serious (and occasionally irreversible) liver damage can occur. We, therefore, reiterate our call to remove this drug from the market before more people are injured or killed. Elizabeth Barbehenn, Ph.D. Peter Lurie, M.D., M.P.H. Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D. Public Citizen's Health Research Group Liver Adverse Event Reports from April 1, 2002 to May 12, 2003 Age/Sex Adverse Event 6/F Hepatic failure 21/F Jaundice/GI disorder LFTs* abnormal Life-threatening LFTs abnormal Hepatic disorder Transplant surgery graft rejection Complications of transplant Hepatic necrosis Hepatic cirrhosis LFTs increased U/F Hepatitis acute Hepatocellular damage U: unknown; *LFTs: Liver function tests (a measure of liver health) [1] https://www.citizen.org/hrg1657 [2] BMS to withdraw nefazodone in Europe. Scrip January 15, 2003; No 2815, p.21. [3] Axelrad JA. Letter to SM Wolfe. Food and Drug Administration, September 4, 2003. [4] http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpfb-dgpsa/tpd-dpt/bms_nefazodone_2_hpc-eng.pdf [5] http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/SAFETY/2002/safety02.htm#serzon [6] Bristol Myers Squibb's 'Serzone' [nefazodone] is to be suspended in Turkey. Reactions; April 12, 2003;No. 946; p.2. [7] Murty M, Morawiecka I, Sharma S. Suspected hepatobiliary adverse reactions to the newer antdepressants that affect serotonin neurotransmission. Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter January 2003;13:1-3. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca. Accessed October 16, 2003. [8] Spigset O, Hagg S, and Bate A. Hepatic injury and pancreatitis during treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors: data from the World Health Organization (WHO) database of adverse reactions. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2003;18:157-161. [9] Tzimas GN, Dion B, and Deschenes M. Early onset, nefazodone-induced fulminant hepatic failure. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2003;98:1663-1664. [10] Serzone label available at www.serzone.com; revised October 2002; accessed September 16, 2003. [11] Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Treatment of depression: newer pharmacotherapies. February 1999. Available at: http://www.ahcpr.gov. Accessed January 30, 2003. [12] http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpfb-dgpsa/tpd-dpt/bms_nefazodone_2_hpc-eng.pdf Petition to Ban Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Rosuvastatin (Crestor) Public Citizen's Comments on Senate HELP Committee Draft Proposal for Regulatory Oversight of Compounding Pharmacies Testimony Concerning the Use of Growth Hormone for Idiopathic Short Stature Testimony on Rimonabant (Zimulti)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
On July 11, 2018, Bank of the Ozarks reported that net income for the second quarter of 2018 was $114.8 million, a 26.8% increase from the second quarter of 2017. Diluted earnings per common share for the second quarter of 2018 were $0.89, a 21.9% increase from the second quarter of 2017. You can read the full earnings report HERE and management comments HERE.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This has been a very long week and it is not over yet. Monday, I loaded and worked on a quilt for a customer. Tuesday, I went to Greater Columbia Quilt Guild. The speaker was Deb Karasik. She was wonderful, funny and just great. Her husband was with her and helped a lot. He is a keeper for Deb. Wednesday, I took an all day class from Deb Karasik. It was great. We learned about color gradations and paper piecing Deb's way. I did learn a thing or two, or three or more. Was great fun. Thursday was our Annual Quilt Party here in Orangeburg county. This is where all of our small guilds get together once a year, have a covered dish lunch, show and tell, and tell what each guild has been working on for the past year. We also nominate a quilter of the year. This person has to have been helpful with quilting to the county and area. This year my friend Verity Creekmore won. You should have seen her face, she was so shocked she was speechless and she is never, never speechless. Friday, I had to go to the pain specialist in Charleston. My appointment was for next Tuesday, but they called and moved it up. Worked out good. But, when we got home Patch, our 13 year old Yorkie, couldnt stand and was shaking all over. Our vet was out of town, so we had to take him to the vet on call. More money. Patch is a diabetic. After 3 hrs at the vet he figured out Patch has and eye infection in both eyes, but the right eye has been torn. It had to be debribed and meds put in. So he has 2 eye meds for the right eye and one for the left eye. We go back in a week to do it all over again. Also I have to take him back Monday to talk to the other vet about his diabetic treatment. Tomorrow, Saturday, is longarm group meeeting in Columbia, about 45 miles away. I made chili to take. We do a covered dish lunch. Tomorrow is soup day. Should be good. I hope everything else goes good. Next week, I hope will be back to normal. Exercise and quilting...... I need to get back to both. I am pooped, so am going to watch some tv.... Blue Bloods is on tonite. I do love Tom Selleck! You have been busy!!!! I hope you have a safe trip to your guild meeting and have a great weekend.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Would You Continue to Buy a Product That Has a 67% Failure Rate? Billions of dollars are spent on government schools every year. The Department of Education cost taxpayers $68 billion in the fiscal year 2016. This does not count the cost of government schools at the local, county, and state levels. Only 5 percent of Detroit public-school eighth graders were proficient or better in math. Only 7 percent were proficient or better in reading. In the Cleveland public schools, only 11 percent of eight graders were proficient or better in math and only 10 percent were proficient or better in reading. In the Baltimore public schools, only 11 percent were proficient or better in math and only 13 percent were proficient or better in reading. Keep in mind that these statistics are for students in the eighth grade. Math only gets more difficult in the higher grades. The same is true of reading where reading comprehension and grasping the meaning of a written text become essential for critical thinking skills. If the schools aren't teaching the basics well, how well are they doing with other subjects? Look at this bar chart. How is this possible? Being able to read well is a necessary skill for life. If children can't read well, they can't reason well. If they can't reason well, they are open to propaganda and brainwashing. It does not take a lot of money to teach a child to read. Parents can teach their children at home before they enter kindergarten. There are numerous books available that teach the phonics method. These school districts, no matter how poor or disadvantaged, have no legitimate excuses for why their students aren't proficient in reading and basic mathematics. It seems that greater efforts are placed on socializing and propagandizing children to a Leftist worldview with instruction in gender fluidity and all things homosexual rather than subjects that matter for the world they will enter to make a living. It's long time past time to abandon the government schools.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Let Expedient Media develop your brand identity in the industry we understand. We start by listening to your needs to gain a deep understanding of your brand and goals. Working with you, to create a brand that reflects your business and story, whether you are seeking a new identity, developing a new website, launching a new service or product – our creative team can help you achieve a brand you can be proud of. By uncovering insights into your business, industry and wider market, we will work with you to cut through and connect with your customers. For any brand-related concerns, ideas and for a chat about how we can help, call us today.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Unwanted None printed when asking for input My code seems to be printing a None at the end of the code. I read that it is due to several print statements, but I'm not sure how to fix it in my case: def type(str): for char in str: sys.stdout.write(char) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.075) time.sleep(1.5) input1 = input(type("""\na. You go to the printer b. Go to keyboard""")) output: a. You go to the printer b. Go to keyboardNone How can I get rid of the extra None in the end? A: type here returns None, which is fed to input, which will then write it after type has finished execution, so, first, I would recommend changing the name of the function type to something else, because type is a built-in Python function, and by defining your own, you're shadowing the original, second, you could call type before asking for input: type("""\na. You go to the printer b. Go to keyboard""") input1 = input() The note about type can also be said of the parameter name str of type, str is also a built-in Python function, and using it as a parameter name will shadow the built-in function but only in the scope of the function in which it is defined (type), so I would recommend changing that too.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Since Sachin Shekhar got a timed suspension, most of his answers have appeared in the late answers review section. Is this by design, or is it some type of bug? Edit: Fixed! See the new answer on the below Meta post. I think this is an unintended sideffect? Or at least a confusing way to have this work.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Industry Expert Advice 10 Ways To Get Cheap Tickets And See More Theatre. 30th September 2016 Felicity Looking after the Honest Actors Podcast and Blog is a full-time job for me at the minute, particularly now that series 2 is up and running, but I still do my best to go to as much theatre as possible. It's not something that's ever been easy to achieve; as an actor, money and free time are frequently at a premium. When I first met my agent, he advised me that there was no excuse for not going to the theatre. Can't afford it? Turn up the interval and find an empty seat. While I didn't did take him up of that nugget of money saving wisdom, I have made it my business to find the cheapest ways to see the best shows – from start to finish – ideally via some means other than taking a rush-hour tube to stand in line, in the rain with a load of tourists taking selfies under their umbrellas. Here is the best of what I have learned. Use it wisely… Friday Rush at the National Theatre In order to make cheap tickets more accessible to those who cant dedicate a morning to queuing in the rain, the National Theatre have introduced the Friday Rush scheme, offering tickets to NT shows at late notice – even for productions that have sold out. Every Friday at 1pm an allocation of £20 tickets for performances on all three stage at the NT are released to buy online, for the following week's performances. Cheeky. While I'm talking about the National, it's worth mentioning the theatre's ongoing partnership with Travelex, enabling them to offer half the available seats for a range of new productions at just £15. Check it. Donmar standing tickets and 'Front Row' scheme At 10am every Monday, £10 Front Row tickets go on sale for all shows at the Donmar. Even better, then can be purchased online, as well as over the phone (on 0844 871 7624) or in person at the Box Office. And if you're able and willing to stand for the duration of a play (or at least until the interval – see above), standing tickets can be purchased in person on the day of every performance for just £7.50. If you're down with the whole standing thing, then there's even more for the like of you… The PWC £10 Previews at The Old Vic At least half of all seats for the first five previews of every single Old Vic production are now available for a tenner thanks to a deal with PWC. Tickets are released five weeks in advance though, so you need to be prepared. Just pray no work comes in between now and then… £5 'groundling' tickets at The Globe There are 700 £5 standing tickets available for every single performance at Shakespeare's Globe. Standing offers the best view of the stage, but it can be a long haul, particularly if it's busy and there's no space to move around, but there are no cheaper regular price tickets in London to my knowledge. Book en masee and get a group rate It'll take a bit of organizing, but if you can get a large grouptogether before you book, you can get some cracking bulk discounts. At the Old Vic, a group booking can get you a 50% savings on tickets. It means you need to find nine friends that can go to the same performance, but with Whatsapp groups and facebook events, it has certainly never been easier. Become a friend of the theater. Ok. Stick with me on this. Becoming a 'friend' of theatres like The Donmar and the National isn't as mental as you might think. £15 a year gets you a 'Advance Membership' at the NT, entitling you to all book tickets – including our friend the Travelex £15 seats – ahead of the general public. You also get 50% off all NT Platform talks and discussions and receive season brochures and regular email updates. Bargain. Download the TodayTix app TodayTix is an innovative new app service that provides insider access to last-minute tickets, right from your phone, probably while youlre still sitting in your pyjamas. They charge a £3 booking fee for each ticket, but it beats the hell out of journeying into Leicester Square to queue and end up paying more than you wanted to justify the trip.The TodayTix app can be downloaded for iOS and Android devices. Keep an eye on your Twitter feed and email inbox Follow the theatres you want to go to, sign up to their mailing lists and keep an eye on your phone. It's not unheard of for theatres like The Donmar to announce limited £5 pound tickets via a tweet, and the ATG have been known to do the same via email. Try the Fringe Here's an idea: why not try some of the fringe theatres you probably only ever go to when your mates are in shows there? Some of the best theatre in London is happening at the spaces like the Finborough or the Southwark Playhouse. Tickets tend to be more affordable, but limited seating can mean they sell out fast. Keep your receipt Remember that as an actor, it's all tax deductible. So if you're a UK taxpayer, that means the equivalent of at least a 20% saving. Simples. So there you go. In addition to these eight, I also recommend the obvious: buy in advance, go early in the run, and book any night but Friday and Saturday. But then you knew that, right? Jonathan Harden hosts the Honest Actors podcast, which is now back for a second series. Find out more here, or click here to listen in iTunes… Share this blog: Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Linkedin offerstheatretickets Share this story... Like & Follow Us...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Conti Martedì 18 gennaio 2022 Conti Martino , Approccio all'esortazione apostolica post-sinodale «Vita consecrata», in Antonianum, 71/3 (1996) p. 409-452 . SUMMARY: From diverse angles: all that it says and all that remains to be said, the «Approach to the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata» puts in evidence some important points regarding the present and the future state of consecrated life, as they emerge from the do­cument itself, and others that refer to the three dimensions: consecration, communion and mis­sion. At the Pope's request, these points demand a continued reflection for a further deepening. The points taken into consideration are: the distinction between the evangelical institution of consecrated life enacted by Christ and its organisation enacted by the Church (n. 1); the na­ture of consecrated life, understood as foedus cum Christo, of which the evangelical counsels are the explicit element (n.2); the recovery of the typology of consecrated life (hermitical, monastic, canonical, apostolic), the overcoming of the «unique» model-first community of Jerusalem, and their bearing on the way of living and organising fraternal community within each Institute (n.3); the theological basis of the mission and the necessity of determining the specific moment of the life of Christ, which every Institute is called by a special vocation to live and proclaim fmisteryj (n.4); finally, the problems deriving from the recognition of the Mixed Institutes* {clerical and lay religious with an equality of rights and obligations) regarding the nature and origin of the «potestas regiminis».
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The March issue of Street Jack fashion magazine features Narumi Riko. It is also the first issue in a year long series to feature exclusive photo shoots of Toda Erika. Articles revolve around new fashion advice as Japan begins welcomes Spring. Clothes you can wear from winter to spring. Minami Akina for a Bathing Ape. Comparison of men's street fashion around Tokyo. The 4 biggest new fashionable styles on Tokyo streets. Style breakdown. Rock, Preppie, Military and Outdoor. Narumi Riko was in the popular drama 1 Litre no Namida. Exclusive photoshoot with Toda Erika. An ongoing special in all subsequent issues of Street Jack.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Casting has begun on season 2 of The Walking Dead, and we finally have some news on who might be coming to the TV series, Pruitt Taylor Vince. TVline.com broke the news earlier today that Pruitt Taylor Vince has been cast as Otis who will be introduced in season 2 when the show brings Hershel's Farm into the action. Pruitt Taylor Vince has been in many TV shows such as the Mentalist and Deadwood, he also starred in some big screen movies including "Monster" starring Charlize Theron, and "L.A. Confidential" starring Russell Crowe. As we know the TV series and the comic don't follow the same path, in fact they differ a lot in some areas so our insight to the future is limted especially with the role that Pruitt Taylor Vince will be playing. It wouldn't be good to always know what is coming next or where exactly the show is going so the difference is a good thing. Hershel's Farm which happens to be in the comic book will bring on at least three new characters. There is Hershel, his daughter Maggie and finally Otis where we think that Pruitt Taylor Vince will be a great addition. Now that Pruitt Taylor Vince has been added to the roster we are going to keep our eyes peeled for who will play Maggie and Hershel as it shouldn't be too much longer now. I hope he shows up as a zombie somewhere i the film. I mean IN the show.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
SUMMARY: To stimulate engagement and monetisation, Zero Hora re-invented its Destemperados site to become Casa Destemperados, a multi-platform destination for readers who love to eat and drink well. In the current economic scenario in Brazil, finding new ways to monetise a media outlet is not an easy task. It was this challenge that inspired Zero Hora to invest in multi-platform content, not just digital and print. After extensive market research, gastronomy was elected as one of the niches in which Zero Hora newspaper would invest to create a unique platform. The pre-existing digital brand, Destemperados was upgraded to its definitive and multi-platform version, the new and iconic Casa Destemparados. The upgraded Casa Destemperados creates a unique avenue for monetising content. Located in one of the nicest neighbourhoods in Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazil, Casa Destemperados expanded its coverage through the Destemperados site, social media, and other platforms, such as YouTube videos and so much more. Zero Hora's niche site engages readers who want to take part in new culinary experiences. The project is led by the Grupo RBS and the founding partners of Destemperados, Diego Fabris, Diogo Carvalho, and Lela Zaniol. The site allows visitors to experience food in different ways; it is a place for people who love eating and drinking as well as a forum for innovative culinary experiments. At the same time, the platform exposes trademarks, increases visibility, and heightens audience interaction, which fulfills the new Grupo RBS business model and vision. The site promotes not only food-related content, but also food-related events and activities. National and regional brands have been placed in one or more spaces at Casa Destemperados, such as Piá, Uniagro, Granitos, Nescafe, Bohemia, Claro/Net, Isla Sementes, Pavioli, Fruki, Água da Pedra, Porto a Porto and Gran Formaggio/RAR, and Ibravin. National and regional brands are featured on the site. In addition to branded content, the site presents activities such as dinners, food talks, food trucks, food fairs, debates, product displays. A team of 15 people works in the business, divided into three pillars: content, sales and events. We share gastronomical experiences that inspire us. We are consumers, not experts. The food is only part of the experience. Atmosphere, service, and the finer details are also very important. We respect and appreciate your opinion so that we continue to evolve. We are flexible; we love exploring different styles of dining experiences, from the simple to the sophisticated. Feel at home and discover new ways of living this space. We believe in collaboration. If you have a cool idea, share it with us. We value the truth and transparency of all that is offered here. Experiences and the contents of "the House" are in a constant process of evolution. We are passionate about eating and drinking well. After partnering with Grupo RBS, the challenge of creating new business opportunities to expand revenue with the content platforms arose. Casa Destemperados is meeting the challenge of creating new business opportunities, increasing sales, expanding revenue, and retaining clients by creating a gathering place for people who like to eat and drink well. Tatiana Tavares is a content editor with Destemperados/Grupo RBG, based in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She can reached at tatiana.tavares@zerohora.com.br.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Salesforce Gets Cloud Contact Center Update By: ReleaseWire This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire Swords, Co., Ireland -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/05/2022 -- A new update to Salesforce cloud contact center released in October this year is giving users access to a new range of tools and functionality to more fully support customer service needs. The new swathe of services provides access to, among other things, AI tools for analysing voice conversations and AI bots for call routing. There are also tools for workforce management and survey management and AI bots for self service. The fresh updates are a prime example of the way that Salesforce is continually striving to improve its products and services to create a more comprehensive and effective experience for users. It's likely that this will be just another step in the continuous evolution that Salesforce is committed to. The AI in Salesforce cloud contact center can provide a significant customer service upgrade for organisations. However, it's worth bearing in mind that AI is only as good as the data that it's working with. That's why connecting Salesforce CDP into Salesforce cloud contact center can be a real advantage. This provides the AI with a comprehensive view of customer data from across ecommerce, sales and marketing, giving it the optimum opportunity to make the best possible decisions. The best possible outcome in any customer service situation is agents being able to access precisely the data they need, regardless of the cloud contact center console that they use. Driving towards a single source of truth like this is exactly what Salesforce is trying to achieve with its updates. Salesforce cloud capabilities create significant advantages for businesses where customer service is concerned. The team at Ignyto has worked with more than 500 enterprises, large and small, in managing a Salesforce roll out to help a business scale. The firm is a credible and trusted partner thanks to the wealth of experience in the team and the business acumen and common-sense approach that all consultants provide for clients. This experience covers a multitude of industries and many different types of organisations. Part of supporting clients with Salesforce Cloud is ensuring that everyone is aware of the latest changes to the CRM, including the cloud center update released this October. Salesforce is constantly changing and is very responsive to the challenges or queries raised by users, which is why there is such a need to stay on top of the updates to help optimise the investment made in Salesforce Cloud. The team at Ignyto has a full spectrum of Salesforce Cloud experience, including leveraging products such as Managed Services and Marketing Cloud as well as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Sales Cloud. As a Gold Salesforce Partner the firm is a reliable choice, whether for a brand new Salesforce implementation, reviewing the way Salesforce is currently being used (and looking for options to improve) or focusing on Salesforce Cloud to help drive continuous business improvement. The team's reach today extends nationally, and beyond, as Ignyto has a presence in London, Dublin, Manchester and Stockholm and clients in many locations in between. About Ignyto Ignyto is a leading Gold Salesforce Partner specialising in deploying Salesforce CRM, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Software to businesses big and small. Ignyto operates in the UK, Ireland and Europe, with offices in Dublin, London, Manchester and Stockholm. Ignyto has worked with over 500 companies around the world helping them to deploy and integrate Salesforce CRM into their business. To find out what our partners say about us and how ignyto can help your business read our extensive case studies at https://www.ignyto.com/case-studies/ Company Quote Managing Director, Simon Collins, comments, "Over 500 companies, both big and small, have trusted ignyto with their salesforce rollout to help scale their business. With decades of experience, our team of Salesforce consultants will be able to help your business get started with Salesforce and Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to ensure you get the implementation that is right for your business." To find out more information about Salesforce Cloud visit https://www.ignyto.com For any media enquiries please contact Gary Elliott at Iconic Digital – 020 7100 0726. For all other enquiries please contact ignyto at https://www.ignyto.com/contact/ For more information about ignyto services, please go to https://www.ignyto.com/ - Ignyto is a Gold Salesforce Partner founded in 2018, with offices in Ireland, United Kingdom and Sweden. Our team of experienced Salesforce consultants help companies of all sizes make the most of their Salesforce CRM. For more information on this press release visit: http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/salesforce-gets-cloud-contact-center-update-1367456.htm Steve Pailthorpe Telephone: +353 1 968 2544 Email: Click to Email Steve Pailthorpe Web: https://www.ignyto.com/
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Money laundering body keeps Iran blacklisted, freezes some steps By Louis Charbonneau UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An international group that monitors money laundering worldwide decided on Friday to keep Iran on its blacklist of high-risk countries but welcomed Iranian promises to improve and called for a one-year suspension of some restrictions on Tehran. Iranian shareholders look at electronic display boards in Tehran's Stock Exchange, Iran, January 17, 2016. REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi/TIMA At a meeting of its 37 members in South Korea, the Financial Action Task Force also moved to keep North Korea on its blacklist and urged countries to be on guard against Pyongyang's attempts to bypass sanctions to finance illicit weapons programs. "The FATF welcomes Iran's adoption of, and high-level political commitment to, an Action Plan to address its strategic (anti-money laundering and anti-terror financing) deficiencies," the task force said in a statement. "The FATF therefore has suspended counter-measures for 12 months in order to monitor Iran's progress in implementing the Action Plan." The statement said that if Iran fails to improve its record on money laundering and financing terrorism as promised, the FATF's call for vigorous counter-measures will be reinstated. If there is improvement, the task force will consider further positive steps. The decision confirmed a Reuters story from earlier this week. Iran has lobbied to get off the blacklist and is likely to treat the FATF announcement as a major victory. Tehran has complained it is not getting economic benefits promised it during last year's negotiations on a nuclear deal with six major powers. As a result of that agreement, many international sanctions against Iran were lifted. The United States, however, still has sanctions in place that prohibit trade with Iran in dollars and Iranian access to New York's financial system. Banks remain wary of getting into trouble with U.S. authorities. Sanctions experts, banking sources and Western officials say little will change regarding financial institutions' "hands off" approach to Iran, above all due to concerns about the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) omnipresence in the Iranian economy. The IRGC is still under international sanctions. "Practically speaking the FATF decision changes little since global financial institutions will continue to voluntarily implement strict counter-measures given their serious concerns over Iran's illicit financial conduct," said sanctions expert Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Despite the encouragement for Tehran, the FATF reiterated concerns about "the terrorist financing risk emanating from Iran and the threat this poses to the international financial system." The FATF reiterated its appeal to countries around the world to "continue to advise their financial institutions to apply enhanced due diligence to (Iranian) business relationships and transactions." Additional reporting by Jonathan Saul in London and Parisa Hafezi in Ankara; Editing by Bill Trott
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: NoSQL for a Rails Engine on MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite3 I'm writing a Rails engine to sell tickets to events on your own website. I'm implementing discounts for tickets. We're going to have a lot of potential discounts: * *10% off all tickets *10% off a purchase of x tickets or more *Buy x, get one free *$5 off a purchase *$5 off a purchase of x tickets or more *etc. I have a discount table, and there are multiple kinds of properties I need to store for each type of discount going on. I think I's like to shy away from STI in general, because of the variety of discounts we have going on and how easy it may be to confuse the data when dealing with similar types of discounts. I would prefer to have a properties column using hstore in postgresql. But I have to also provide support for MySQL and SQLite. Is there some easy cross-database-compatible way of storing NoSQL-like data in any given SQL database? Should I serialize everything with Ruby? (It won't be often that I'll need to run queries against specific properties in that column.) A: To support all those DBs you will need to serialise your data as JSON directly, and perhaps build your own tables emulating indexes. If you could support only one DB, I would use PostgreSQL since it provides some NoSQL features that are useful here, including storing JSON as a data type, with indexing of JSON elements within the column. You can also store arrays as a data type, again with indexing of array elements, or hashes (hstore feature). * *JSON features in Postgres from LWN *Blog about Rails 4 including use of Postgres hstores and arrays. Rails 3 and Django (pre 1.8) support this sort of advanced feature through gems/packages. Rails 4 and Django 1.8+ support some of these features directly, including JSON fields in Django 1.9.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
LOS ANGELES — Alana Evans has released her newest single "Make You Love Me" a dance-pop number that is now making the rounds on Internet radio stations. The 17-year veteran adult performer, avid gamer and writer says she has spent the majority of 2014 holed up in the recording studio, working with Murv Douglas from Lords Of Acid. "Singing is my ultimate passion," Evans said. "I love my career in adult, gaming and all the other things that I do, but when I am in the recording studio it really just allows me to be myself. Writing music and singing has always been a huge part of my life, and it is great to see the response so far from fans as well as people that weren't familiar with me before reaching out because they heard my music." "Make You Love Me" is being independently released and can currently be heard on Jango. The single is scheduled for wide release on July 4, at which point it will become available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify and elsewhere. The single marks Evans' second collaboration with Douglas. She originally made her public singing debut in 2012, collaborating with Douglas and Lords Of Acid on the single "Pop That Tooshie." The song peaked at number three on Amazon's Dance Chart. Evans also starred in the music video, which features cameos from other well-known adult stars.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Aremark – norweskie miasto i gmina leżąca w regionie Østfold. Aremark jest 265. norweską gminą pod względem powierzchni. Demografia Według danych z roku 2005 gminę zamieszkuje 1425 osób. Gęstość zaludnienia wynosi 4,44 os./km². Pod względem zaludnienia Aremark zajmuje 374. miejsce wśród norweskich gmin. Edukacja Według danych z 1 października 2004: liczba szkół podstawowych (): 1 liczba uczniów szkół podst.: 188 Władze gminy Według danych na rok 2011 administratorem gminy () jest Jon Fredrik Olsen, natomiast burmistrzem (, d. ) jest Tore Johansen. Zobacz też gminy Norwegii podział administracyjny Norwegii Bibliografia dane liczbowe: Statistisk sentralbyrå dane adresowe i dotyczące władz: Kommunenøkkelen Aremark Aremark
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Times Radio is a British digital radio station owned by News UK. It is jointly operated by Wireless Group (which News UK acquired in 2016), The Times and The Sunday Times. As of December 2022, the station broadcasts to a weekly audience of 563,000, according to RAJAR. History The launch of Times Radio was first announced on 28 January 2020. Unusually for a commercial radio station, it was conceived with the specific purpose of increasing take-up of the digital subscription package for The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers. The focus of the station was outlined in a webcast on 18 May 2020, where the tone was described as "measured, well-informed and non-adversarial". The station announced its full schedule on 2 June, and launched at 6 am on 29 June. On its first day on air, the station broadcast interviews with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, former Chancellors George Osborne and Alistair Darling, actress Rose McGowan and the author Margaret Atwood. On 15 October 2020, the first TV advertisement for the station was launched in the UK; it featured presenters John Pienaar, Giles Coren, Aasmah Mir, Matt Chorley, Michael Portillo, Mariella Frostrup and Stig Abell. Gloria De Piero left the station in May 2021 to present a weekday afternoon show on GB News. Her Friday morning slot was replaced by Matt Chorley's programme, which thus became a Monday to Friday show. Format The format is in some ways similar to that of the news element of BBC Radio 5 Live, consisting mostly of live three-hour blocks fronted by a single presenter, except for the four-hour breakfast show with two presenters, and (on weekdays) a one-hour "early breakfast" at 5 am. With the exception of early breakfast and Matt Chorley's programme, the presenting line-up on Fridays is entirely separate from the Monday-Thursday schedule, with the weekend schedule also being distinct in its programming. Overnight hours are filled with a combination of highlights from the day's output and The Timess own podcasts. At weekends at 7 pm there are also original pre-recorded features. There are news bulletins on the hour and summaries on the half-hour. The half-hourly summary is followed by a sports bulletin provided by Times Radio's sister station Talksport. The format accommodates live coverage of major political statements or statements from the House of Commons when required. The content of the station builds to a large extent on the content of The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers. Discussion is mainly studio-based, although there are occasional outside reports when resources allow. The station does not generally use pre-recorded "packages" as heard on the BBC and elsewhere. Nor does it carry phone-ins, though listeners are invited to submit comments via text message, email and social media. The station was originally free of spot advertising, which was introduced in February 2022. Certain programmes are sponsored; the first programme to gain a sponsorship deal was Giles Coren's Friday lunchtime show, which was sponsored by Fortnum and Mason. The station also raises revenue by generating subscriptions to The Times and The Sunday Times online. There are frequent announcements encouraging listeners to take out a subscription, especially after items directly related to a newspaper article. Whilst some of the station's programmes have a strong focus on hard news, presenters such as Mariella Frostrup host shows which also focus on the arts and other light-hearted subjects. This can lead to last-minute changes of presenter when a major news story breaks, as was the case upon the announcement of the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, which happened shortly before Giles Coren's programme was due to air and led to the show being cancelled in favour of a live programme covering the death initially hosted by Cathy Newman and Stig Abell. Broadcasting platforms Times Radio is available on DAB digital radio, via a free app on iOS or Android, via the newspaper's own website, and on some smart speakers. Programmes are available for seven days after broadcast either via the app or via the website. Studios Times Radio primarily broadcasts from a dedicated studio complex within The News Building in Central London, which is the headquarters of its ultimate owner News UK. It broadcasts from the 14th floor. Critical reception The station gained some unexpected publicity on its launch day when some listeners on smart speakers were directed to a similarly named radio network in Malawi operated by The Daily Times. A phone call to the Malawian network was featured on the following morning's breakfast programme. On the station's launch day, Mark Lawson wrote in The Guardian that "on the early evidence, Times Radio most resembled a good-quality karaoke BBC Radio 5 Live." Writing in The Observer after the first week's broadcasting, Miranda Sawyer said: "Pre-launch, there was much speculation that Times Radio would be a rival to Radio 4. But aside from news shows, Radio 4 is structured around many non-live 'built' programmes: documentaries, drama, panel shows with audiences. For the moment, Times Radio doesn't have the resources to create these, and aside from a couple of pre-recorded phone interviews, everything on air is going out live. It's less Radio 4, more a light version of Radio 5 Live. 5 Lite." Presenters Current Stig Abell Kait Borsay Matt Chorley Alexis Conran Ruth Davidson Mariella Frostrup Ayesha Hazarika Aasmah Mir Cathy Newman John Pienaar Michael Portillo Hugo Rifkind Carole Walker Adam Boulton Kate McCann Darryl Morris Jane Garvey Fi Glover Rick Kelsey Former Gloria De Piero Giles Coren Tom Newton Dunn Jenny Kleeman Phil Williams Rachel Sylvester Alice Thomson References External links News and talk radio stations in the United Kingdom Radio stations established in 2020 2020 establishments in the United Kingdom Radio stations in England
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Q: Prerequisites for using C# 6 Roslyn There's a lot of buzz around C# 6 However, I wanted to know that if they work in asp.net and asp.net mvc? I mean, C# 6 cannot just run in framework 4.5 (Or can it?) Should we use C# 6 for backend of asp.net/(mvc), because mostly all doesn't have private servers. So, should we wait for hosters like godaddy to upgrade their system, before we could use much anticipated c# 6? A: The preview-release of the C# 6.0 compiler is just that - a compiler. It doesn't target a new version of the .NET Framework. As such, there's nothing new that needs to be installed on your server - you just compile your code with the new compiler, upload it, and you're done. Of course, this doesn't mean that all features will be available if you're not using a sufficiently up-to-date version of .NET - if you're targeting .NET 2.0, obviously you don't get to use LINQ since that was introduced in .NET 3.5. Also, a lot of the features you've heard "buzz" about haven't even been implemented yet, even in the preview-release. They're planned, that's all. If there's a particular feature you've heard about that you're wanting to make use of, you should check whether it's even been implemented before you even bother downloading it. The point though is that the C# compiler and the .NET framework are two completely separate things. There has not (yet) been any announcement of a new version of the .NET framework. Another point worth bearing in mind though is that the preview-release compiler is exactly what it says - a preview-release. This is NOT the final release, and you need to be aware that features could change or even be removed from under you by the time the final release comes around. How likely that is, I can't say, and the risks involved in using new features introduced with a preview compiler for a production application are for you to weigh.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
At Dumpster Index, we strive to bring you the best service at the best price available. We have a wide selection of dumpster sizes in stock in Gate City, VA, with flexible & timley pickup and delivery. Give us a call today for all your dumpster rental and roll off needs. With hotter weather out soon, many homeowners are searching ahead in order to spring destruction projects. As you grow outside to produce some severe property improvements, count on your own at-home trash hauler with regard to cost-effective demolition solutions. From shedding old, dilapidated walls and storage sheds to carting off decking and Spa bath tubs, a close junk hauling business are available in especially useful. Some trash and rubbish removing services will even arrange to get and remove any kind of unwanted cars or trucks without asking for you a solitary dime. about no cost car hauling service when you call. The number of waste materials will decide the length of dumpster. Choosing the best dumpster for your garbage disposer will help you in filling up each of the trash in addition to transferring from the location at one head out. You can find many 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA service providers close by your home to handle trash efficiently. In most parts there is a limit to the amount of trash staying put to the actual curbside and is normally picked up just once per week. Numerous small businesses such as restaurants, tiny office buildings or perhaps apartment processes do not want to develop the eyesore of many disposal containers sitting in front of their webpage. Dumpster rentals are a wonderful choice in these cases. The dumpster may be put towards the again of the building, to the side or perhaps most just about anywhere out of view. The one thing to not forget is that the 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA business will need to have entry via a road or drive way to pick up in addition to unload the actual dumpster. In the aftermath of rediscovering the reassurance of eco-friendly environment, more and more people are today realizing the value recycling the actual generated waste in eco-friendly method. The trash developed on specific projects just like construction in addition to house restoration is huge in addition to bulky. Having a decision in order to dispose most of these huge a great deal of trash on self could leave you with traumas due to not enough professionalism in handling undertaking. when you decide in order to dispose the actual generated waste in the environmental friendly method in Oh, it is ought to for you to select 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA Kansas. Dumpster diving is a time period to describe under-going trash ales for 'treasures'. While it may sound terrible to some people it's actually exciting and can allow you to a lot of money. Do you know local rules and laws for shedding all of the crap cleaned out of your dwelling or industrial space? If you do not, and you depart your freezer or busted TV for the wrong position, you might get penalized. experts usually are trained in crap disposal. Whether help you fill the truck or simply just pick up the actual dumpster you booked, they'll know the proper ultimate resting location for each item. Sometimes, that can suggest a gift center or perhaps a recycling facility--your waste might be someone else's treasure! But that is not the only benefit of working with crap haulers. You'll also help you save all of the time it would take you drive an automobile items to the actual landfill or perhaps recycling core yourself. Rather, you'll be able to breathe in a sigh associated with relief once the truck or perhaps dumpster pulls away, knowing that your hard work is done. Just before they start looking for these dumpster renting, they need to get the type of container they would desire for all their junk. This means that they should be determine what sizing in terms of peak, width as well as length they want. The dimensions is decided by the work they will conduct as well as the dimensions of garbage that could result from that. It will also depend upon the space what is the best the container will be located. The other issue they need to figure out is the period of time in which they will have these dumpsters inside their properties. With regards to the extent of non-public property the actual tenant forgotten, you may have a massive cleaning venture before you. Whether you have a folks or just your self and an connect, emptying the actual rental is a venture that can take several days. If you've been smart and hired a dumpster, you have made this venture easier upon yourself. You are able to take everything out to the actual dumpster instead of fretting about what is eco friendly or is usually donated to help charity. Dumpster rental firms will often handle sorting by way of items devote their dumpsters to view what can head to charity or even be reused and just what can go to recycling where possible centers. There are hired some sort of dumpster, you'll need to consider this gumption yourself to lessen your costs along with your local junk company. About renting a rotate off for your trash convenience on group cleanup, you will note a chaos free group in no time. The many trash is going to be professionally handled and easily dumped into the dumpster with out demanding your intervention inside project. The good thing of 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City firms is they make sure that disposed junk is reprocessed in environmental friendly fashion so, the chances of environmental pollution as part of your locality is going to be less and this will reduce the happening of natural disasters in your vicinity. In most with the places garbage are picked on every week basis and there's a limitation regarding keeping garbage outside house premises. And no companies like eating places, office buildings or perhaps residential apartments rentals do not like to view the heap of garbage in coming from of their complexes which can weaken the standing of company, eating place or housing apartments. Right now there came the impulse of some 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City service or perhaps garbage container which can handle garbage. Dumpsters provided by these rental firms can be placed at the rear of the building or perhaps anywhere away from eyes but you need to take understand that it should be obtainable from road so that these types of rental companies can take the garbage and sell the dumpsters. I am not saying you want to pay a fortune to secure a trash 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, however! Here's a have a look at what you can do to secure a good value on your rental (while not having to slip the actual dumpster fairy an extra 20 on the side!). In fact, with a from the nearby crap removal services, you can finally say good riddance to every last heap regarding trash close by your property as well as free up your indoor and outdoor living space for a whole brand-new set of safe-keeping and usage possibilities. Most junk trucking services will certainly handle practically everything from machine disposal to help furniture convenience, with the exception of harmful waste, mesothelioma materials, as well as medical resources. You can even develop the dumpster dropped off in the home and perform the heavy lifting yourself to save on a final cost of all that trash treatment. The most obvious payment is the getting rid of fee that may vary a lot depending on where they go ahead and take garbage as well as whether it gets recycled in any way. A quality organization will find ways to keep the getting rid of fees to a minimum. Be it improving your home or even constructing a new one, it is surely will make your life easier in case you hire a company that will help you with the garbage. How can this type of service become a time and effort saver? Check out here. You can do the backyard cleaning, work place garbage disposal and much more with this particular service. Together with disposal can and dumpster about rent now you can help make your job regarding keeping the house or work place clean less difficult. Dumpster rentals within Washington DC are needed for most household projects. Many cleanup or even remodeling assignments exceed the actual city's rubbish pickup restricts. You can rent a dumpster and have the item delivered simply in Washington DC. Various measured dumpsters are available which range in space depending on the venture that you're working on as well as the height and width of your ton or backyard. If you have a small yard you can call as well as order a next day dumpster. That dumpster can be loaded and then obtained at your convenience and the other dumpster can be placed to use stead. No matter what assembling your shed is, the trash removing needs is usually met simply throw a 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA in Washington DC. Make sure to ask your local organization if they have the means and capacity to handle your special needs for clearing out the various forms of building debris. Gas tanks are exceedingly dangerous and are not allowed to be discarded. Check your point out laws with the correct way to dispose of propane gas tanks. The subsequent aspect you must check before placing an order using the a company can be transparency within pricing. Whilst you place an order along with 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA company Ct bank do not forget to talk with the company if they include just about any hidden prices in the charges. Make sure that initial price quote obtained by you would be the final bill you pay to them. These dumpsters will be of great help within situations regarding natural disasters like surges, earth quakes. Professional 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA services will certainly pile up the many waste into dumpster and sell them. Environment friendly spend management tactics followed by the actual professional 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA services reduces the affect of the organic calamity around the environment generally there by reducing extensive spreading regarding infectious disorders across the involved area. When you progress to carry on, you must carry certain steps regarding your 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA. Here are some of them: A number of important factors that must be considered combined with price is the size of the dumpster that you need before selecting which company you are going to be renting dumpsters via. Just a few of the reasons why people need dumpster leases, but sometimes find it difficult locating a single, are: Discounted of facilities around a fireplace zone for cover against comb and wildfires, concrete and grime removal such as an old basis, just plain garbage removal (home furniture and rubbish) as in a foreclosed home, and these recycling. Get the proper size along with the right calculate from an online roll off of 5 Yard Dumpster Rental in Gate City, VA site and you'll get the best benefit possible, and will also leave a little more in your provide those gold-plated taps!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Hawaii Ballistic Missile False Alarm Thread starter Mick West false flag hawaii http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/la-na-hawaii-missile-alert-20180113-story.html Hawaii Emergency Management Agency spokesman Richard Repoza said it was not immediately known what caused the false alarm but that the agency was trying to determine what happened. The alert set off panic among many residents, as well as across social media. Must have been pretty terrifying for a large number of people. The root cause is going to be some kind of human error, but of course it's going to get called some kind of "False Flag", from the "there are no accidents" crowd. Source: https://twitter.com/JenniferSpaw/status/952260122855854083 Source: https://twitter.com/DazAltTheory/status/952263705416355840 Source: https://twitter.com/holddaphone/status/952257311401132032 Full text of the false alarm warning: http://ipawsnonweather.alertblogger.com/?p=18764 Event: Civil Danger Warning Sender Name: Hawaii Emergency Management Agency,HI Issued: 2018-01-13T11:07:08-07:00 Expires: 2018-01-13T21:07:08-07:00 WEA Text: BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Description: The U.S. Pacific Command has detected a missile threat to Hawaii. A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Instruction: If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors well away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter in a building or lay on the floor. We will announce when the threat has ended. Take immediate action measures.THIS IS NOT A DRILL.Take immediate action measures. Urgency: Immediate Severity: Extreme Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, EAS Broadcast Content Type: audio/x-ipaws-audio-mp3 Link: https://cap.alertsense.com:443/Files/Download/1af5789d-fcf7-4840-b213-c4f2380c7e6f/CDWBMDr121817rh.mp3 Area Description: State of Hawaii Message Identifier: AS-HI-fa360b2d-020d-45b5-8bd6-303006e514e4 CAP MessageType: Alert The audio link is still active (11:53 AM PST), attached. CDWBMDr121817rh.mp3 Full Text of retraction Event: Civil Emergency Message WEA Text: There is no missile threat or danger to the State of Hawaii. Repeat. False Alarm. Description: False Alarm. There is no missile threat or danger to the State of Hawaii. Repeat There is no missile threat or danger to the State of Hawaii. False Alarm. Link: Source: https://storage-tts.alertsense.com/tts-generated-audio/5fb610030bf8a90624e4d740d51a2daf.mp3 Message Identifier: AS-HI-ef0ffbd6-9216-489a-b1c7-7ce6848b824f So warning sent at Retracted at: 38 minutes later. There were earlier corrections in the media and twitter. Leifer There are several Youtube prank videos where...... somewhat realistic and displayed "emergency broadcast system warnings" would appear suddenly on the family's TV, and are staged to scare (prank) family members or friends into thinking missiles are "inbound" or some other horrible impending disaster, and their reactions are recorded and uploaded. I'm not suggesting this was the case here, but I am keen to find-out if the EBS in this case was genuinely an accident, or the EBS system was hacked somehow ? EBS = Emergency Broadcast System https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Broadcast_System now often called... EANS = Emergency Alert Notification System Amber Alerts... are sent to cell phones and in the US, called the WEA,...Wireless Emergency Alert system, sent to all WEA enabled cell phones. (from Mick's link, San Diego Tribune) The alert was sent to every island in the Hawaiian chain and every cellphone in the state of 1.4 million people, emergency management officials said. Leifer said: Governor Ige was on CNN and said the cause had been determined. Somehow (in his words, "somebody pressed the wrong button," that could be literal or it could be a simplification) the alert got triggered during a shift change, which delayed identifying and fixing it. It seems to me if it were that trivial to trigger it would be equally trivial to fix, but it's conceivable that because it's a serious alert with a likely short warning period that it could be made easier to issue than to take back. And this is an alert that's never been issued and never had to be taken back, so I can imagine a bunch of people flipping through disused manuals trying to figure out how to fix it, probably with a fair amount of blame passing going on. Every job I've had, shift changes are the worst time for shit to hit the fan. You've got twice as many people in the building, but half as many on the job and sometimes unclear lines on just who's responsible for what because there's two people for every seat. If the person who screwed up was basically out the door when it happened, their replacement needs to figure out what they did and how. And if they didn't realize it was a mistake and instead got the alert as they left work... Well, some people will immediately think they could have screwed up and go back in to see, and some people will be absolutely sure they didn't and join the panic, calling their loved ones is going to be more important than going back to work and clocking a few minutes for a job you don't think you'll live to be paid for. Edit: A few other sites I go to have a lot of discussion on how differently this would have played out with a different president, because Trump was golfing and according to some reports didn't answer his phone (according to others he wasn't called, which I find more likely as I explain below). The three flavors of this claim: A. If he'd been at work he would have authorized retaliation based on a false alarm B. If it'd been some other president *they* would have authorized retaliation based on a false alarm C. If it had been some other president, they would have been on TV allaying fears A and B are both silly. This was a state level emergency broadcast system. Even if a president is utterly off his rocker like Martin Sheen in The Dead Zone, the joint chiefs and secdef aren't going to be on board with a second strike based on a state emergency alert when launch detection systems are quiet, and NORAD's not going to go to DEFCON 1 over an alarm not coming from their own systems. C is... Well, maybe. It's true Trump has restricted media access more than the last several presidents, who have been perpetually trailed by a media circus wishing to happen, but 40 minutes is still a tight window. On 9/11, George W Bush hastily threw together his first TV appearance in a Florida school room where he'd been doing a photo op, and that took 44 minutes after the first attack. Hevach said: There's some more details here: Miyagi, a retired Army two-star general, then explained that an individual on his team sent the alert in error, even clicking through a redundancy on a computer screen intended to act as a safeguard from such a mistake. He said that the incident occurred shortly after a scheduled 8 a.m. local time (1 p.m. ET) shift change. At the beginning of each shift, Miyagi said, his team conducts a routine internal test that involves the Emergency Alert System and the Wireless Emergency Alert. So something like this hypothetical sequence of commands > PASSWORD? **************** > COMMAND? SEND WEA IBML-3 > TEST? (Y/n) N > CONFIRM NON-TEST WEA (y/N) Y > TYPE "SEND" TO SEND WARNING: SEND Now since it's "just" a warning, the safeguards were a bit less strict than sending nuclear missiles, so that allowed a distracted person to make two or three mistakes, and bam! Wikipedia has a list of 'false alarms' using the both the Emergency Alert System and the preceding Emergency Broadcast System, there was an incident in 1971 where someone put the 'wrong tape' into the machine during an exercise and triggered a nationwide alert. More pertinent to this event are the testing errors in the 2000's especially the September 2017 incident in California where the end-of-test message was not sent and a bible reading from one of the regional affiliates of the station that handles the emergency alert system, containing the words "extremely violent times will come" was broadcast over a wide area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Alert_System#Incidents As to the scenario Mike outlines, it's very real and has happened in the past in other circumstances, the classic example is the 1974 crash of Northwest Airlines Flight 6231, where the crew took off with engine heaters on/pitot tube heaters off after someone in the cockpit flipped switches apparently without checking what he was doing. This resulted in false speed readings being sent to the crew, who stalled the aircraft as a result https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Airlines_Flight_6231 (Edited to a better source) http://www.businessinsider.com/hawa...red-in-photo-sparks-security-criticism-2018-1 Some details, both from the state agency and from internet sleuths. Source: https://twitter.com/CivilBeat/status/953127542050795520/photo/1 This tweet has a picture of the interface for the system, which appears to be HTML based. The person responsible clicked on "PACOM (CDW) - STATE ONLY" when they were supposed to click "DRILL - PACOM (CDW) - STATE ONLY." Procedures were the same from there so by the time the error was realized the alert had been sent. There's another bit in the above article, but it goes back a ways. Last July, agency operations officer Jeffrey Wong posed for an AP photograph in which two suspicious post-it notes are visible on monitors. On one is a legible password, and on another is a reminder to sign out when you leave your station. According to the agency, the password was real, but was to an internal system not exposed to the internet, and had expired and been changed before the false alarm. But critics are using it to ask questions about their cybersecurity practices anyway. This is a classic example of how robust password policies can actually degrade security. Passwords, especially shared passwords that many people need to know, get written down and left out. Overly complex or frequently changed passwords get written down as well, and the only people being kept out of accounts are their owners. Lastly: http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/16/asia/japan-false-missile-alarm-intl/index.html The broadcaster NHK in Japan ALSO issued a false ballistic missile J-alert, but only through their phone app and not general emergency channels as happened in Hawaii. Unlike the US, where this is an alert that's never been issued in earnest, Japan has issued these alerts, such as last year when North Korea launch missiles over Japanese airspace, so while people take them seriously, there's perhaps less of an edge of panic to them compared to what we saw in Hawaii. sharpnfuzzy That is not a screenshot of the actual system. So far it seems that no actual screenshots have been released for security reasons. Those are merely mockups of the options available to operators of the system. Having experience with government IT systems, I'm surprised that false alarms like this don't happen more often. The operators should be applauded for being able to navigate the maze of bad UI correctly 99.9% of the time. You mean pressing the weekly "system test button", rather than the "not a drill" button ? On my Windows machine, I can't install an app without at least 2 definite (decision) clicks. You can be guaranteed for a fact that the system they're using for this critical process has had much much less time, thought, effort, and money invested into it than Windows. Yeah, a lot of business and government systems are like that. Training and accountability are cheap, robust software engineering is expensive. Recently (see this post date), the employee responsible for actuating the alert, admitted he/she actually thought there was an imminent threat, and sent the alert on purpose.....supposedly because the employee mis-took a drill, for the real threat. The Hawaii employee who sent out a false alarm warning of an incoming missile attack earlier this month said he misunderstood that a drill was underway and believed that a ballistic missile had actually been fired at the state, authorities said Tuesday. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...le-alert-the-fcc-says/?utm_term=.62c34214a05d http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/23/us/hawaii-governor-password-trnd/index.html The governor tried to send a tweet to allay concerns, but was locked out of his own twitter account. Presumably due to the lack of a post-it note. This is just a comedy of errors all around, nobody comes out looking good at their jobs. Explosive Devices sent to Clintons, Brennan (at CNN), Soros BombDr Russian Claims of a "False Flag" Chemical Weapons Attack in Douma, Syria Agent K Escaping the Rabbit Hole - Updated Endnotes and References Escaping The Rabbit Hole Charlie Hebdo Conspiracy Theories - Ignore or Address? Anonymous: False Flag 9/11 Style Attack in LA in May Be Imminent (on or around November 15th) AluminumTheory nanotchi Blue UFO Over Hawaii UFOs, Aliens, Monsters, and the Paranormal 16 Jan 3, 2021 Hurricane Lane Heading Towards Hawaii Current Events 13 Aug 23, 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii – Conspiracies and Science Current Events 34 May 8, 2018 "Strange Lights" over Hawaii [Aegis Ashore SM-3 Missile Test] Skydentify - What is that Thing in the Sky? 6 May 21, 2014 Hawaii Official Who Confirmed the Authenticity of Obama's Birth Certificate Dies in Plane Crash Conspiracy Theories 51 Dec 12, 2013 Debunked: Geoengineering over Maui, Hawaii Contrails and Chemtrails 25 Dec 15, 2011 Hawaii Soil Aluminum, Barium Strontium, Manganese, and Varium tests Contrails and Chemtrails 9 May 29, 2011 Debunked: "Missile Strike" caused Nashville Explosion General Discussion 3 Dec 28, 2020 Russia Predicts US Will Use Fake Chemical Attack In Syria as Pretext for Missile Attacks Current Events 9 Aug 27, 2018 Explained: Washington State Island "Mystery missile" - Helicopter Skydentify - What is that Thing in the Sky? 49 Jun 12, 2018 Claim: First Image of Space Taken from V-2 Rocket Proves the Earth is Flat Flat Earth 17 Oct 2, 2017 S Claim: Russian radar would have picked up MH17 missile Flight MH17 15 Sep 27, 2016 AA77-Pentagon explosion plume compared to known aircraft fires 9/11 0 Nov 3, 2015 U MH17 Missile/Plane Intersection Simulation Flight MH17 23 Oct 19, 2015 Contrails during Russian Navy Cruise Missile Strike in Syria, 2015 Contrails and Chemtrails 3 Oct 8, 2015 M Solved: MH17: is this part of a missile? [Concrete Grinding Pads] Flight MH17 13 Oct 2, 2014 Debunked: MH17 Air to air missile Assumption ? [Unrelated 35° angle] Flight MH17 25 Aug 16, 2014 MH17: Pinpointing the precise location of the missile impact point Flight MH17 53 Aug 7, 2014 Debunked: MH17: Supposed satellite video of missile launch [Fake] Flight MH17 14 Jul 28, 2014 Evidence for the Buk missile launch site Flight MH17 24 Jul 23, 2014 MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc. Flight MH17 448 Jul 21, 2014 Ufo over Ibiza: meteor, missile, rocket or simply contrails? [Contrail. Maybe Flight VY2425] Skydentify - What is that Thing in the Sky? 17 Apr 24, 2014 T Fake 9/11 footage of cruise missile hitting pentagon 9/11 15 Dec 16, 2013 Video shows missile hitting West Texas fertilizer plant Conspiracy Theories 272 Apr 21, 2013 Norway Spiral. Was it Really a Failed Missile Launch or Was it HAARP (EISCAT) Conspiracy Theories 36 Jan 30, 2013 Debunked: 'UFO' Missile Streaks Over California Contrails and Chemtrails 3 Jan 23, 2013 Debunked: Cruise Missile painted like American Airlines 9/11 25 Jun 25, 2012 Missile Launch General Discussion 0 Oct 15, 2011 Blue UFO Over Hawaii Hurricane Lane Heading Towards Hawaii Eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii – Conspiracies and Science "Strange Lights" over Hawaii [Aegis Ashore SM-3 Missile Test] Hawaii Official Who Confirmed the Authenticity of Obama's Birth Certificate Dies in Plane Crash Debunked: Geoengineering over Maui, Hawaii Hawaii Soil Aluminum, Barium Strontium, Manganese, and Varium tests Debunked: "Missile Strike" caused Nashville Explosion Russia Predicts US Will Use Fake Chemical Attack In Syria as Pretext for Missile Attacks Explained: Washington State Island "Mystery missile" - Helicopter Claim: First Image of Space Taken from V-2 Rocket Proves the Earth is Flat Claim: Russian radar would have picked up MH17 missile AA77-Pentagon explosion plume compared to known aircraft fires MH17 Missile/Plane Intersection Simulation Contrails during Russian Navy Cruise Missile Strike in Syria, 2015 Solved: MH17: is this part of a missile? [Concrete Grinding Pads] Debunked: MH17 Air to air missile Assumption ? [Unrelated 35° angle] MH17: Pinpointing the precise location of the missile impact point Debunked: MH17: Supposed satellite video of missile launch [Fake] Evidence for the Buk missile launch site MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc. Ufo over Ibiza: meteor, missile, rocket or simply contrails? [Contrail. Maybe Flight VY2425] Fake 9/11 footage of cruise missile hitting pentagon Video shows missile hitting West Texas fertilizer plant Norway Spiral. Was it Really a Failed Missile Launch or Was it HAARP (EISCAT) Debunked: 'UFO' Missile Streaks Over California Debunked: Cruise Missile painted like American Airlines Latest: DavidB66 Latest: staceylee11 Started by AluminumTheory Started by Jay Reynolds Started by StarGazer Started by straightshooter Flight MH17 Started by TWCobra Started by Unit0 Started by TEEJ Started by mvdb22 Started by Franckly Started by WeeBee Started by Jason Started by ufoofinterest Started by TheGuyATX Started by joelb79 Started by Oxymoron Started by Pogopoint99
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Join artist and author Scott Kim on a dazzling journey of exploration into the world of symmetry and art. Discover the surprising mathematical patterns behind the art, and see how the same patterns reappear in art, music, dance, and animation. Audience members are also invited to participate in a hands-on workshop with Scott, where they will learn to draw their own symmetrical ambigram lettering designs (as featured in the book Inversions), play with symmetrical rhythmic patterns, and join in a full-body investigation of symmetry. Presented by Scott Kim, with a special introduction by Vi Hart, creator of the viral YouTube video series, "Doodling in Math Class." — MoMath was proud to present Scott Kim as the speaker for our April, 2011 Math Encounters event. Math Encounters is a new public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics and presented by the Simons Foundation and the Museum of Mathematics. To learn more about Math Encounters, please visit mathencounters.org.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Shrimp/PhantomJS page size I've got a Rails 4 Shrimp solution that is putting out PDFs successfully via middleware. The only problem I have is that I need to control the size of the PDF page so that it can change each time. Is that possible, or what do I need to do differently? Ideally, I'd like to specify a page size in pixels each time, but any page size specification would help. A: Check the doc for the initialize method. I did it this way: # ruby def create Shrimp::Phantom.new(html_file, options).to_file(pdf_file_location) end private def options { format: "#{width}*#{height}" } # eg: "5in*7.5in", "10cm*20cm", "A4", "Letter" end
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item android:titleCondensed="@string/refresh" android:title="@string/refresh" android:id="@+id/download_refresh" android:icon="@drawable/menu_refresh"></item> <item android:titleCondensed="@string/help" android:title="@string/help" android:id="@+id/download_help" android:icon="@drawable/menu_help"></item> </menu>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
My name is Suresh Palanisamy .. am currently Self Employed. I belong to a Middle class, Joint family with Traditional Values. I have completed my Masters Degree in Engineering / Computers. My name is Dhamo Dharan and I am working as a Private sector. I have completed my BE. I grew up in a Middle Class class, Joint family with Traditional values. I am self-employed with a Diploma currently living in Kumarapalayam. I belong to a middle class, joint family with moderate values. People describe me as respectable. My hobbies and interests are nature and traveling. My name is C. Kandasamy and I have completed my MBA. I belong to a Upper middle Class, Nuclear Family with Traditional Values. My relative is an honest, cheerful and smart hardworker. He does innovative farming, applying automation techniques to Nammalvar based ecological farming. He also does electrical automation and drip irrigation. He has a BE in EEE. My name is Vijayakumar and I am currently Self Employed. I belong to a Upper Middle Class, Nuclear Family with Moderate Values. I have completed my BE.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home > Students & Families > Education Programs > Proficiency-Based Learning Proficiency-based learning is a key component to providing flexible and multiple pathways for Rhode Island students and is a central tenet of the Rhode Island Secondary School Regulations. What is Proficiency Based Learning? Proficiency-based education is a personalized approach to education that awards credit on the basis of a student's demonstrated mastery of desired learning outcomes—regardless of how long that learning takes. In a proficiency- based model, the level of expectation for student learning is high for all students, with each student responsible for meeting common established learning goals— or, proficiencies. Proficiency-based systems typically include these features: Clear expectations for learning – explicit, measurable learning targets in both content area skills and cross-curricular skills; Meaningful assessments where students receive timeline and differentiated support and feedback; Students advanced upon demonstrating proficiency, not based on seat time or instructional minutes; Personalized learning opportunities where students exercise voice and choice in learning and assessment options; and Learning outcomes emphasize proficiencies that include the application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions. Proficiency-based learning is designed to identify and address gaps in learning to provide equitable learning opportunities for every student. To ensure that all students succeed in meeting learning targets, educators provide more personalized learning opportunities and supports and allow students to learn at varying times and places, assess their learning when they are ready, and progress at their own pace. Introduction to the Rhode Island Proficiency Framework In a proficiency-based system, students earn their diploma by demonstrating mastery of skill and content.  Rhode Island has proficiency-based graduation requirements (PBGRs) where by proficiency is defined as a level of knowledge and skills that are expected to be learned signaling that a student is well prepared to progress to the next lesson, grade level, or to receive a diploma.  Mastery can be demonstrated through multiple venues, including but not limited to formative assessment, summative assessments, locally-designed assessments, performance assessments, and state and national standardized assessment. The specific course, experience, and demonstration of mastery requirements are determined by local LEA policy, but must represent the state-adopted high school content standards adopted by the Rhode Island Council of Elementary and Secondary Education in the six core content areas of: Why are Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs) important? PBGRs assure that when students show mastery in the cross-curricular skills and knowledge in the core content areas and, consequently, receive a high school diploma, they meet the vision for a RI graduate.  A Rhode Island graduate is well prepared for postsecondary education, work, and life. He or she can think critically and collaboratively and can act as a creative, self-motivated, culturally competent learner and citizen. PBGRs are required under the RI Secondary School Regulations.  The Secondary School Regulations, approved by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education in 2016, require schools to have PBGRs to determine student proficiency and readiness for graduation.  This means that diplomas must be issued based on demonstrated proficiency in the six core content areas of mathematics, English language arts, science, the arts, social studies, and technology.  The level of proficiency in the six core content areas for graduation purposes is determined locally. For the purposes of graduation, proficiency is not based on a particular test, but rather demonstrated through successful completion of coursework and the performance based diploma assessment (senior project, portfolio, capstone product, or exhibition). Local policy may outline additional graduation requirements beyond the statewide minimum graduation requirements. Rhode Island Proficiency Framework Through the RI Learning Champions project, RIDE created a model Proficiency Framework, inclusive of content area and cross-curricular Graduation Proficiencies. Cross-Curricular Skills [PDF] English Language Arts [PDF] Mathematics [PDF] Social Studies [PDF] Science [PDF] Scoring Criteria Graduation Proficiencies: Focus instruction on the most foundational, enduring, and high leverage concepts and skills within a discipline. Performance Indicators: Describe or define what students need to know and be able to do to demonstrate mastery of a Graduation Proficiency. Performance Indicators are measurable and, in aggregate, with other, related performance indicators, they measure whether a student has met the Graduation Proficiency. Scoring Criteria: Describe the quality of evidence at different levels of achievement for each performance indicator. Common scoring criteria establish a clear definition of achievement of the essential skills and knowledge defined in performance indicators that is shared by teachers, students, and families. By providing descriptions of different levels of performance, common scoring criteria promote consistent expectations. How Do I Use the Rhode Island Proficiency Framework? Through the RI Learning Champions project, RIDE created a model Proficiency Framework, inclusive of content area and cross-curricular Graduation Proficiencies.  (View this content as a printable PDF.) An example of a content Graduation Proficiency is shown below: The title and description of Graduation Proficiency #1 for ELA, Reading Literature, are to the left center of the example, and all proficiencies for the discipline are listed to the right center. Proficiencies are statements within broad categories that elicit the essential content and skills in each curriculum area that students must know and be able to demonstrate by graduation. Each content area has between 5 and 10 Graduation Proficiencies. In RIDE's sample model, by showing evidence of proficiency for each Graduation Proficiency, students would meet their school's requirements for graduation. The table at the bottom shows a sample of the Performance Indicators associated with Proficiency #1 for ELA. Performance Indicators are used to assess whether or not a student has met the Graduation Proficiency associated with those indicators. In this model, Performance Indicators are grouped by grade span (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12). The high school Performance Indicators inform determinations of student proficiency and graduation readiness. The elementary and middle school grade span Performance Indicators provide learning progression milestones, and encourage schools to frame PBGRs as the outcome of a larger, K-12 Proficiency-Based Learning system. Scoring Criteria describe the levels of proficiency for each Performance Indicator. Scoring criteria are used to create rubrics for summative assessment and support continued instruction for students. In the RI Proficiency Framework, there are four levels of scoring criteria (Beginning, Developing Proficient, and Expanding) for each Performance Indicator. It is important to note that scoring criteria are task neutral, meaning that the criteria can be applied to a variety of tasks and assessments, and are not dependent on just one assessment or assessment type. Shown below is an example of the Scoring Criteria for ELA Performance Indicator #1A for grades K-2: In addition to being assessed against content area proficiencies, students are required to demonstrate mastery of cross-curricular skills. Cross-curricular skills are the cross-content skill-based standards students are expected to learn and acquire over the course of their K-12 education, including communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, research, reflection and evaluation, and collaboration. These skills are not assessed in isolation, but instead are demonstrated over a body of evidence collected across multiple curriculum areas. Performance Indicators for cross-curricular skills are viewed as being relevant to K-12 students although demonstration of proficiency in a given cross-curricular skill (like the ability to work collaboratively) would look different for a kindergartener than it would for a twelfth grader. Therefore, cross-curricular skills are not separated by grade cluster, just as they are not differentiated by content area. An example of the cross-curricular proficiencies is shown below: Rhode Island Learning Champions Building Resources to Support Proficiency-Based Learning The Rhode Island Learning Champions project, a collaborative effort of the Rhode Island Department of Education and the Great Schools Partnership, brought together outstanding Rhode Island educators and administrators to build the components of a proficiency-based learning system. The goal of this effort, funded by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, is to support high quality proficiency-based learning from K to 12 to ensure every graduate can think critically and collaboratively and can act as a creative, self-motivated, culturally competent learner and citizen in order to be prepared for post-secondary education, work, and life. View the Rhode Island Learning Champions Timeline Aligned Performance Assessments One of the key outcomes of the Rhode Island Learning Champions project was to build a network of educators across RI to develop a shared understanding of Proficiency-based Learning beliefs and practices. The connections and conversations made between educators were powerful. As a result of those conversations, educators within each grade band piloted and calibrated scoring of student work on performance assessment tasks aligned to the Proficiency Frameworks created by the first round of RI Learning Champions. Below you will find samples of performance based assessment student and teacher tasks as well as student work for a variety of content areas and grade bands. The tasks have been annotated to note the important conversations and considerations that accompanied their creation, lessons learned from scoring student work, and reflections on the process and products. Please note, these tasks are drafts that are meant to highlight the role of educators in thoughtfully designing assessment tasks aligned to clear, shared outcomes for students. It is recommended that they will be used by educators to continue to develop and refine practices related to Proficiency-based teaching, learning, and assessing. Performance Based Assessment Tasks: In Phase Two Rhode Island Learning Champions designed and piloted sample assessments aligned to the proficiencies, performance indicators and scoring criteria in the proficiency frameworks. The Champions used the process of piloting tasks as an opportunity to become practitioner-learners engaging in a cycle that enabled them to design, field test, reflect, and revise. Student Anchor Work:After piloting tasks, Champions convened to calibrate, score, and annotate student work. The champions used language from the scoring criteria in order to provide annotations that articulate the varying levels of proficiency represented in some of the work. The samples of anchor work provided within each content area grade band serve as useful teaching tools for educators and students. Animal and Habitat Informational Writing - Understanding Life Cycles and Habitat Teacher Directions Student Directions Task Support Materials Annotated Student Work The Fisherman and His Wife by Brothers Grimm Poetic Interpretation of History Assessment: The Rhythm and Rhyme of Revere's Ride Let's Plan a Zoo A Seedy Situation Sorting Scenarios The Perfect Storm (Name): Gale vs. Gail Push, Pull, Play Save Our Beaches! Coastal Flooding: Weathering and Erosion Cells, Cells Everywhere Tissue Dysfunction aka "Tissue Issues" Beyond the Human Tipping Point Aquidneck Island History Journal Maps & Migration Eight Features of Civilizations PBL Materials and Reading Proficiency-Based Learning Resources Proficiency-based learning is designed to identify and address gaps in learning to provide equitable learning opportunities for every student. To ensure that all students succeed in meeting learning targets, educators provide more personalized learning opportunities and supports and allow students to learn at varying times and places, assess their learning when they are ready, and progress at their own pace. This is a contrast to traditional systems which advance students based on seat time. Read more: How does Proficiency-Based Learning Work? and What is Competency Education? Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified Beliefs and Practices of Proficiency-Based Learning Video: Why Make the Shift to Proficiency-Based Learning? Proficiency-Based Learning Grading Principles and Guidelines Educators use a diverse array of assessment tools to measure a student's comprehension of specific elements of learning. While standardized tests measure how well students have mastered specific knowledge and skills through a series of questions, performance assessments typically require students to complete a complex task, such as a writing assignment, science experiment, speech, presentation, performance, or long-term project, to demonstrate mastery of the topic. Rhode Island has a performance-based diploma assessment graduation requirement, defined as a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating demonstration of student's cross-curricular and content area knowledge, such as a graduation portfolio, senior project or other capstone product. What is a Performance Assessment? Performance Task Design Guide Performance Assessment Resource Bank (PARB) Scoring Criteria Design Guide Quality Performance Assessment Guide, Center for Collaborative Education Reading and Materials Note: Competency and proficiency-based learning are used interchangeably in the resources below. The readings and resources listed below are not exhaustive, but were key resources to the RI Learning Champions in exploring and understanding Proficiency-Based Learning more deeply. Pace & Worthen. Laying the Foundation for Competency Education: A Policy Guide for the Next Generation Education Workforce. Sturgis & Casey. Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education Rinkema. The Standards-Based Classroom: Making Learning the Goal (Excerpt: Chapter 3) Primer: What is Proficiency-Based Grading? Sturgis & Patrick: When Success if the Only Option: Designing Competency-Based Pathways Surr & Redding. Competency Based Education: Staying Shallow or Going Deep? Barr Foundation. The Why, What, and How of a High School Portrait of a Graduate PBL Resources Organizations and tools that support proficiency-based learning. Great Schools Partnership: Proficiency Tool Overview Competency Works Jobs for the Future: The Past and the Promise: Today's Competency Education Movement Achieve: Advancing Competency-Based Pathways to College and Career Readiness Mastery Transcript Consortium
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Professor Sally Gras is helping to ensure the Australian dairy industry is well-placed to compete internationally and meet increased export demand for clean, green, high-value products of optimum quality and shelf life. She is the director of the Australian Research Council Dairy Innovation Hub, a national research collaboration with the University of Queensland and Dairy Innovation Australia Limited that represents dairy manufacturers Murray Goulburn, Warrnambool Cheese and Butter, Lion and Bega. Professor Gras also leads one of three University of Melbourne projects as part of the Dairy Innovation Hub research. Her microstructure project puts products under the microscope to understand how structure affects functions such as texture and taste, and improve upon it. This could be the stretch of mozzarella, the spread of cream cheese or the shelf life of yoghurt. Her research, based at the University of Melbourne's Department of Chemical Engineering, offers benefits along the supply chain, she says. For farmers it could mean higher returns and greater export markets. For manufacturers, new processes and products could help them compete with larger multinationals. For consumers there will be more consistent products with greater nutrition and taste. As part of the university's Bio21 Institute, her Gras Group laboratory is also developing the tools used in the microscopic analysis. "We aim to provide technical and scientific solutions to enable companies and farmers make the most of their milk," she says. The university's other projects for the Dairy Innovation Hub are led by Professor Sandra Kentish and Assoc Prof Greg Martin also from the Department of Chemical Engineering, with Professor Muthupandian Ashokkumar from the University's School of Chemistry. "Sandra is looking at waste streams to recover by-product, reduce environmental impacts and recycle water, whereas Greg is understanding how we can optimise milk going into products to reduce variation," Professor Gras says.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Rahayu Mahzam on State Lands Protection Bill Private landowners who extended their property to adjoining state land by building structures on it ended up disrupting PUB drainage improvement works in the area. They refused to remove the structures, despite extensive engagement and multiple deadline extensions by the authorities. The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) eventually filed charges against them for trespassing on state land. While this was going on, PUB incurred additional costs for temporary flood measures. Such an act, cited by Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Law Rahayu Mahzam in Parliament on Wednesday (Nov 30), will now face heavier penalties, under proposed changes to better support SLA in protecting state land from misuse and damage. Offenders will face fines of up to S$50,000 or jail of up to six months, or both, for unauthorised activities on or damaging state land. For continuing offences, a further fine of up to S$500 will be imposed for each day during which the offence continues after conviction. Higher penalties may be imposed for a repeat offence of disposing rubbish or waste on state land using a vehicle. The State Lands Protection Bill also provides for a wider scope of compensation. The court may order a convicted offender to pay monetary compensation to the Government for any loss or damage suffered. Ms Rahayu said these amendments will ensure that the relevant authorities have sufficient powers to take enforcement action. She said the up-to-date and comprehensive enforcement framework will better protect state land against improper use and damage. "This is necessary as land is one of our most valuable resources for the future," she said.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
276 (CCLXXVI) var ett skottår som började en lördag i den julianska kalendern. Händelser Okänt datum Kejsar Marcus Claudius Tacitus dödas av sina egna trupper på Sicilien. Florianus blir romersk kejsare, men hans styre varar mindre än en månad. Probus blir romersk kejsare. Han inleder genast fälttåg mot franker, vandaler och burgunder med flera, vilka varar till 282. Mani, en lärd från Persien, dör i väntan på avrättning, efter att ha predikat en religion, som kombinerar zoroastrisk dualism med kristen teologi och buddhistiskt tänkande. Detta har orsakat konflikt med auktoriteter inom alla tre dessa religioner. Bahram II efterträder Bahram I som shah av Persien. Mahasenas styre på Ceylon inleds. Han uppfattas som ortodox och blir impopulär, när han försöker introducera mahayanabuddhismen på ön. Födda Avlidna Juni – Marcus Claudius Tacitus, romersk kejsare sedan 275 September – Florianus, romersk kejsare sedan juni detta år (mördad) Mani, grundare av den synkretistiska religionen manikeismen Externa länkar
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Under the Tank project, Manthan has constructed 176 tanks since 2010. These tanks are fresh water storage units that are refilled by tanker suppliers in the area. The tanks have been constructed in 28 villages benefitting around 18 vulnerable communities in the area.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Awesome: 56.05% Just Average: 8.28% Pretty Crappy: 5.73% Sucks: 9.55% 6 reviews, 121 user ratings See another review of this film:Ryan Arthur (Awesome) Chef ADogg (Worth A Look) Greg Muskewitz (Just Average) Mrs. Norman Maine (Awesome) Kevin Thomas (Worth A Look) "Deserves all the praise and awards it got." It doesn't take long before you realize that 'Fargo,' the mesmerizing thriller by Joel and Ethan Coen, is about blankness of all kinds -- moral, ethical, emotional. Yet the movie itself is far from blank. In the past, the Coens have been accused of playing art-house film-nerd jokes on the audience. 'Fargo' has its cruel jokes, too, but underneath them is a genuine respect for decency, a sympathy for human frailty. The blankness begins in the opening shot -- a car slowly appearing in a completely white frame (white sky, snowy ground) as it heads towards us. This vast whiteness, this void, is a canvas that every character gets to paint on, usually in blood. The opening shot is a chilling image of possibility, a blank page whose emerging text can spell redemption or doom. Fargo has a rather simple plot. A weaselly car salesman named Jerry (William H. Macy) hatches a plan to pry money out of his rich father-in-law: He hires two thugs to kidnap his wife, hoping to pocket half the ransom money he expects her dad to put up. Jerry, unfortunately, is an idiot, and the pair of thugs (hot-headed Steve Buscemi and cold-blooded Peter Stormare) aren't Rhodes scholars either. The thugs, it seems, can't drive three feet without having to resort to violence. Soon, several corpses are left to harden in the snow. The Coens have visited this territory before, most notably in Blood Simple. What's fresh about Fargo is its heroine, Chief Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand), who carries a gun, a badge, and a very pregnant belly (she's seven months along) that precedes her on the trail of the killers. McDormand, who has always been a great unsung character actress, has her best role yet as the dedicated Marge. The Coens don't encourage you to laugh at her Minnesota accent ("Yaaah") or the way she waddles around a crime scene (the unborn life inside her contrasts with the stark evidence of murder). The brothers know they've got the best movie heroine in years. Marge is polite, cheerful, whip-smart, and perpetually hungry. She does her part to melt this sharp icicle of a movie. As usual, the Coens (Joel directs, Ethan produces, they both write the scripts) flood the climax with lurid gore and pain. A wood-chipper is put to bad use, and poor Steve Buscemi takes enough abuse for five movies. That this all happens against immaculate wintry backdrops makes the violence more horrific and more tragic. The blood freezes before it hits the ground. Your blood might freeze, too. Like Hitchcock and David Lynch, the Coens create a surface of bland normality that gradually devolves into horror and perversity, until finally the perversity runs wild. But Fargo, with its easygoing earth-mother heroine, may be the Coens' most accessible film yet, and definitely their richest and most mature. In other movies, the Coens got off on coolness bordering on coldness. This time, they show us that warmth can endure in a cold world without losing its vitality. Kind-hearted Marge points the way: The boys may chill our bones, but the woman thaws us out. 9/16/17 morris campbell not bad but overrated 3/11/17 richard bad acting, bad accents and in the wrong state 11/01/15 FireWithFire White Scandiavians: this movie SHITS ALL OVER YOU - it's jewish racism!!!! 3/25/15 stanley welles an intriguing, entertaining movie featuring memorable characters and quotable dialogue 6/27/14 Chris Just watched it again. Yup, still hate it. This movie deserves none of its hype or awards. 10/21/13 Paul Toth Superb movie, great acting and a warm heroine with a razor sharp mind. 12/21/10 Josie Cotton is a goddess Great movie! 5/31/10 User Name The accents make this quirky dark comedy even funnier. 4/17/10 PAUL SHORTT ALL ATTITUDE AND LOW APTITUDE 1/24/10 Chad Dillon Cooper The Coen brothers are cinema masters. 7/23/09 Meatbog Cinematographily Beautiful. And WOODCHIPPERS! 7/07/09 *Holy_J@lapeno* Its a tad bit slow for the average person but if you can accept the dark humor it rocks. 4/16/09 Total Crap Macy and Buschemi are the only things going for this movie. 1/11/09 Alan Just watched it for the first time. It's like "No Country For Old Men", only better. 1/09/09 Scarlett Excellent! could be watched time and time again! perfect reflection of the Coens talent! 1/06/09 FrankNFurter Arguably one of the best American films ever made. A must see! 9/17/08 Stu The best film ever (no, really, it is). Everything about it is perfect. 3/21/08 Pamela White suspense and drama 12/24/07 mb Interesting. 12/08/07 Sam Eli just fantastic with great acting and directing 11/15/07 kdawg i am tramatized after seeing fargo, the sterotypes were annoying & the violence, disgusting 9/20/07 David Cohen Is it an insipid drama or an unfunny comedy? Who cares: it sucks 6/12/07 al smith the coens best.buscemi and macy at the top of their game 1/15/07 jeannie karlsen one of the best dark comedies ever made! truly genius! 12/12/06 Sepi53 good film, but overrated! 11/02/06 David Pollastrini we need more wood chippers in movies! 10/02/06 Jeremy Davies Boring and overrated. I can't see why this movie was nominated for best picture 9/24/06 Lisa Craven Macy at his best, never get tired of watching this classic 7/27/06 Josh Racine Every scene in the film is classic. 4/13/06 Manana Lekborashvili Bravo Coen Brothers'! 3/25/06 Thomas Semesky A good movie with interesting characters and a well written script 1/22/06 Max B. Nearly ten years on, and this film remains an unmatched classic. 1/18/06 John Dog Coen Brothers' best. 12/20/05 JJ Probably the worst movie Ive ever seen, people though it was good because of the accents? 7/03/05 blowsky mcgraw, i bet youre a dumbass with A.D.D that onlu likes action, retard 5/24/05 Jake Brilliant! 3/17/05 indrid cold The most overrated movie in the overrated Coen brother's ouevre. 2/04/05 Alice Colwell good movie 12/11/04 Ghetto Smurf Fucking amazing. I did not lose interest at all during any scene. 10/24/04 Ronald A Weiss finally watch the dvd...sorry I waited so long 8/16/04 Peter James A good movie...a shame the Coen brothers lied and said it was based on a true story 8/14/04 McGraw DUUULL .I was expecting so much more from the Coens. 7/18/04 scrambled brain i've seen fargo 5 or 6 times, and never get bored 7/17/04 legend A slow but enjoyable movie. Worth getting on DVD. 6/30/04 Mikey Crunt One of the most underrated films of all time. Honestly, some people!!!! 6/14/04 T. Maj One of the most overrated films of all time 6/12/04 Jack Sommersby Too smug and uneven and (when you get right down to it) stupid. 4/26/04 Ryan This film just show that fucked up people aren't just from new york and LA. 4/05/04 Miss Julie I couldn't love a movie more than this one. LOVE, do you hear me? LOVE!!!! 3/22/04 Lord Haw Haw A cliassic. In the top five best movies of the '90s. 2/29/04 Phyllis Joy I don't know why this film got so much attention, and especially praise! I didn't like it. 1/12/04 john bale Coen Bros. quirky murder mayhem, funny but noir, again proves to be great cinema. 12/08/03 john i found it condescending to its charachters - too in love with its own cleverness 8/09/03 I Would OH YAH!!! 7/11/03 Indrid Cold Radically overrated. Hate that self-conscious "we're quirky indie directors" thing. 6/29/03 joshx42 One of the greatest movies of all time. 6/26/03 cochese Grabs your attention and keeps it. great acting. 4/21/03 Vince A little too weird, but Buscemi is good. 4/13/03 M Megraw I laughed thru the whole movie 3/31/03 Rebecca Quite Quotable, Intelligently Written, and Excellent Acting 1/13/03 Nancy Niedzielski What the hell was the big deal? 12/31/02 Andy Todes "it's my deal, wade!" some of the best dialogue you'll ever hear. 11/24/02 Kyle Didn't do much for me. And McDormand's accent got on my nerves. 11/22/02 Charles Tatum North Dakota Rules!!! Uff-da!!! 11/15/02 Big Ted Best Film of 1996.Macy & McDormand are tops! 9/07/02 Jim The Coen brothers' best movie. Now, don't you hurt Scotty eh? 5/17/02 Priscilla Postlethwaite Greg Muskewitz, Fargo ain't in Minnesota! 4/04/02 Edfink Lombardo The Best Film of 1996! Buscemi, Macy, and McDormand are excellent 2/20/02 Xaver We Minnesotan do kinda talk kinda funny. 1/24/02 Elliot for those who just can't let go of Saturday morning cartoons. 12/01/01 Carrie Janek I had to watch this for a college cinema class 11/30/01 Mark Conway total pish, no character development, just some nuttter who kills ever 1, 10/16/01 Mr. Hat (formerly Joe Zappa) One of the best of the Coens. 9/02/01 Butterbean Margie was as cute as a button in this movie. The Coen bros. knows how to tell a story! 8/06/01 E-Funk Surreal Coen brothers experience that tests character and soul. 6/24/01 Dean They kill like 10 people, yet the director feels he needs to explain that was bad. PLEASE. 6/19/01 Elvisfan One of the only American movies not typically American. That's a good thing.. 5/07/01 Mikko Salminen Absolutely the best film ever! 4/07/01 Andrew Deikun Incredible movie. Original. Highest recommendation 3/31/01 Adam Richards One of my favorites. Jerry Lundegaard is the biggest loser in the history of cinema! 3/27/01 saucy terrible!!! terrible!!! terrible!!! 3/14/01 Rael A great film, dontchaknow (the Coen Brother's best). 3/07/01 Trashstar I found this movie hilarious, very very entertaining. 2/12/01 Jake Unlike any film I've seen before. The lesson is that Crime doesn't pay. 12/17/00 gariott Frances McDormand and William H Macy are both wonderful, brilliantly acted dark comedy! 12/03/00 Cristopher Revilla ok, too much hype but still its worth your fucking money!!!! 11/13/00 The EVIL Penguin This movie RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9/03/00 DarcyElaine Great cinematography, and it introduced the world to W.H.Macy. Other than that, not great. 8/24/00 Joep excellent cast enhances a well written plot 8/17/00 Matthew Bartley Erm...I've re-evaluated it...still over-rated 7/27/00 Chris Drake Wickedly amusing yet overrated.Made-for-tv look.Not based on fact 5/11/00 LINA CANTIN IT ROCKED... OUTSTANDING CINEMATOGRAPHY...GREAT FILM ... 1/12/00 PervertedPixie WAY over-rated, but Buscemi, McDormand and the Coens are cool as always. 1/04/00 Nice Guy Eddie not the best from the coens, but worth a trip to the video store. 11/19/99 latife arslan white red but black 11/08/99 Bozo McDormand great but not Oscar-caliber; Macy was brilliant & so was screenplay 10/18/99 Andi steve buscemi's the greatest 10/03/99 Frank Fasciano ggg 7/27/99 dave the worst movie ever 7/23/99 Hagbard Celine One of the best films of the 90s. William Macy is an astoundingly good actor. 7/03/99 J-Dogg I really don't get what all the fuckin' fuss is about. This shit wasn't that good. 6/29/99 Anakin Soilwalker uh..this..movie..is pretty violent....lots of blood..on the snow...pretty interesting.. 6/14/99 Dylan Coen Brother's do it again. Are these guys totally fucking flawless or what? 5/04/99 Big Dog William H Macy is really from up North 4/21/99 Ah Dooey Still better than Urban Legend, with a few good laughs; in other words: great! 3/21/99 A. M. What Hollywood thinks of America. 3/17/99 Go Swans Did i like it? Yah 2/19/99 Bruce Hedge Right,Ryan A never seen a movie like it! 2/17/99 Piz brilliant performances, but why was i cheering for the bad guys?? 2/07/99 Vick Di Brecci Very smooth movie. Soundtrack a direct rip of Taxi Driver. Make a note of that 1/23/99 Hannah A euphoric movie-going experience. 1/11/99 demon_shredder This movie was da bomb 1/09/99 Dasha Frances McDormand was fantastic, but overall - overrated crap and big disappointment for me 1/02/99 Charles Dub� Another quirky helping of cinematic bliss from the Coen bros.! 12/17/98 jenn WOW, this movie sucked 12/17/98 Jules A true original. Pretty much perfect. 12/09/98 Andrea Great acting, good directing, just worth it for the accents. 12/07/98 davebo Great atmosphere, acting, directing, I love it 12/07/98 PirateGirl I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more at the accents 12/07/98 CaptNish Great flick, but I think it was incredibly overrated. 12/07/98 Silent Rob Brilliant Coen-Caper. Stellar performances! A Bona Fide quirk-fest! 08-Mar-1996 (R) 02-Jul-1996 (MA) Francis McDormand William H. Macy Kristin Rudrud Harve Presnell
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Rio water sport is infected with virus The water in Rio de Janeiro, the city where Olympic Games 2016 is being held, is very dirty. It is actually sewage water and full of virus and bacterias. Athletes have already been strategizing to protect themselves. Some will try to build up immunity by arriving early, while others plan to avoid the water until just before competition in the hopes that the symptoms won't kick in until after the Games are over (the incubation period for viruses can last up to 10 days) via wired What I don't understand is, why did the Olympic Council allow Rio to host the Games? And why do athletes participate and risk their health? The only thing I can think of is that the sportsmen are treating this as a challenge. The challenge of a non-safe environment and how do you win by overcoming these circumstances. If this is the case, then looks like being dumb prevails against common sense. Reality of life in Malaysia When We Were Young
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
A pastor is facing criminal charges in northern India even though the complainant later denied allegations against the church leader of luring him to convert, sources said. Police and news media further joined forces with Hindu extremists in recent attacks in southern India, including one where a mob terrorized children in Sunday school, sources said. Under the influence of Hindu extremists, police and media campaigns against Christians in Uttar Pradesh state, India has mushroomed since one such attack sent a pastor into hiding last month, sources said. Police disparage Christians for holding worship services, sources say. International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that at least 23 religiously-motivated attacks took place during the 2017 Christmas season, including attacks on carolers and open threats against Christian celebrations. Police complicit in harassment, Christian leaders say.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) have hit a home run again with their new road safety campaign on the benefits of the wire rope life-saving barriers. Many have been sceptical and the jury's still out somewhat with regards to some of the positioning of the barriers however, as the evidence clearly shows, it is a system that simply works. The campaign is compiled of videos that are some real life experiences and examples plus some awesome behind the scenes videos. A new Transport Accident Commission campaign starting this weekend will show the lifesaving capabilities of flexible safety barriers. At the forefront of the campaign is footage of a controlled collision with a centreline barrier on a high-speed regional road, which replicates a common fatigue crash. The campaign, Safety Barriers Save Lives, also features testimonials from two of the thousands of Victorians who have avoided serious crashes thanks to flexible safety barriers. TAC Road Safety Director Samantha Cockfield joined VicRoads deputy CEO Robyn Seymour to launch the new public education campaign in Ballarat today. A new television ad, voiced over by a real crash survivor, shows footage of a centre-line barrier absorbing the forces of a Ford Territory travelling at 90 km/h, preventing a head-on collision. The vehicle, driven by a stunt driver, hits the barrier and slows by 32 km/h in six metres before the driver applies brakes, as if waking up from a micro sleep, and brings the vehicle to a safe and controlled stop. Last year, 109 of the 155 people who died on Victorian rural roads were in vehicles that left their lane and crashed into roadside trees or poles, or another vehicle. Research shows flexible barriers reduce these types of crashes from happening by more than 85%. Ms Cockfield said the campaign would create greater public awareness and understanding of barriers, and provide researchers with new insights into how barriers work in a common crash scenario. "Showing the public footage of how these barriers work will help us continue to educate Victorians that zero lives lost is possible, which is what Towards Zero is all about," Ms Cockfield said. Ms Seymour said it was important for all Victorians to see how flexible safety barriers work when mistakes happened on the roads. "The lane departure crashes that these safety barriers prevent are the number one cause of death on regional Victorian roads. I assume they reason that a few deaths of motorcyclists. just not worth the extra cost of a barrier that wouldn't slice up riders like a cheese grater?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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There's no bigger luxury than our future. Belated happy New Year, everyone! May this be a happy and fruitful year. This year, I'll try to start a new line and keep growing like bamboos! Do you remember the big news from last year, October, "The Warn of 'Climate Catastrophe' by 2040 Without 'Rapid' and 'Unprecedented' Global Action" by IPCC? Experts say it is possible to achieve technically, but not politically. Big countries which are response for CO2 emission are not pro this movement. But on the other hand, quite a few strong movements are occurring, too. In a guilty fashion industry, there are movements too. Not only big names like "VERSACE", "Stella McCartney" but also among young designers, "sustainability" is getting very critical concept. 2018 saw the value of the ethical clothing market increase by 19.9 per cent according to Ethical Consumer, engendered by growing acknowledgement of the impact of consumer choices. I'm personally very happy to hear that more than 30%of 18 to 34 year olds withholding spending when a product has a negative impact on the environment, the fashion industry needs to listen up, if not for the planet then at the very least for its bottom line. If you hear that "it may snow" at your destination of the vacation, what are you going to do? The warm jackets and snow boots are heavy and bulky. There might be an option, to take a risk and leave those home. I totally agree. Same to this, we won't react by hearing "deposable plastic might harm the ocean and its creatures". It's easier to take a risk. But if you hear that "it started snowing and will snow harder", then what are you going to do? Of course, we will take all possible winter items, jackets, boots, scarfs and gloves. So again, same to this, we know that the plastic is now and indeed harming the ocean and even us, we should make an action. 2040 is around the corner! We are probably (and hopefully) still alive! This is no more concern of "our children" but of "us". So not only as an entrepreneur but also as a consumer, I won't cease thinking. As long as I have choices, I always ask myself what to eat, what to wear, how to go. We have plenty information about products and producers. By thinking and choosing, we can reduce Co2 emission, recovery the soil and protect people who are in charge of production. If I can reach the same destination, I'll prefer trains than planes, planes than bicycles. If I cannot get organic vegetables then still try to get ones from the local. There won't be various, numerous and colorful dishes on my table, but I prefer to have simple and safe food. The future where we still can visit the beautiful Venice. The future where we still can see children frolicking around. Indeed, there won't be any bigger luxury than our future.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER | Contact Us Self Catering in the Yorkshire Dales Camping, Caravans & Parks Hotels in the Yorkshire Dales Hostels and bunk barns Cafes and Tea Rooms DALES NEWS Arkengarthdale Barbondale Bishopdale Chapel-le-Dale Clapdale Deepdale Dentdale Kingsdale Langstrothdale Littondale Malhamdale Raydale Ribblesdale Swaledale Waldendale Grassington Kirkby Stephen Middleham Pateley Bridge Sedbergh Addingham Appletreewick Arncliffe Askrigg Austwick Aysgarth Buckden Burnsall Cracoe Embsay Giggleswick Hartlington Hebden VILLAGES2 Hellifield Horton in Ribblesdale Hubberholme Ingleton Kettlewell Kilnsey Linton in Craven Long Preston North Stainley Rylstone Threshfield Wensley West Burton West Tanfield National Park Visitor Centres The Yorkshire Dales National Park History of the Dales Politics of The Yorkshire Dales Bus and Train Information Supermobile and Community Library opening times Yorkshire Dales MPs Yorkshire Sayings and Words The spa town of Ilkley is an immensely popular destination for walkers and cyclists. Located on the northern tip of West Yorkshire, it is the official starting point of the 84 mile Dales Way trial, which runs all the way up to Bowness-on-Windermere. It also provides an ideal base for those that wish to visit the Dales National Park at their own leisure. While you undoubtedly came to this site to read about the Dales, there are many reasons to just visit the Ilkley alone. With a history going back as far as the Bronze Age, Ilkley offers much to see and do. The Victorian architecture on view is a sight to behold in itself, as is the town's well-kept park areas. It was during the Victorian era that Ilkley as we know it was really formed. Because of its natural spring waters, it established itself as one of the country's leading spa towns and the great and the good of the time were soon booking out Ilkley's hotels and guest houses. One notable visitor was the naturalist and geologist Charles Darwin, who headed to Wells House to undergo water therapy shortly after completing his iconic work On The Origin of the Species in 1859. Darwin had suffered with ill heath ever since returning from his voyage around the coasts of South America and the Galapagos Islands aboard the HMS Beagle. He believed his body could be purified with hydrotherapy and travelled to Ilkley take part in a type of treatment that included him drinking and bathing in cold water. Another hydrotherapy tourist was the French artist Marie Tussaud, who later went onto former her chain of wax museums. Even if you've never been to Ilkley before, there's a strong chance you will have heard of the town. Despite having a population of less than 14,000 people, Ilkley is widely known due to it being the place featured in Yorkshire's unofficial anthem On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at. Translated as 'On Ilkley Moor without your hat', the song originates from the early part of the 19th century and tells the tale of how a man is warned about courting his lover Mary Jane on the moor without any head gear because the harsh winds could lead to him "catching his death of cold". If walking or cycling is your thing then Ilkley Moor is well worth a visit before you head out to the wider expanses of the Dales. Forming part of Rombalds Moor, the area is rugged and picturesque. One of its most popular places for visitors is the Cow and Calf rocks on the moor's edge. Also known as Hangingstone Rocks, the site is made up by two large formations which offer unrivalled views over the region's beautiful countryside. According to ancient legend, the Cow (the larger rock) and its calf were separated when a giant called Rombald stamped on the rock as he stormed his way across the moorland in pursuit of his wife. Another interesting site is the Swastika Stone. Situated to the north of the moor, the stone has a curved carving which is believed to date from either the Bronze or Iron Ages. Also steeped in history is the Manor House Museum close to the town centre. Offering free admission, the museum stands inside a 17th century country house built on the grounds of a Roman fort. Opened as an art gallery and museum in 1961, it is home to a number of exhibits and botanical specimens, including Neolithic arrowheads, carvings and a Roman triple vase that has been at the site since 1892. If you want to relive your youth then the Ilkley Toy Museum is well worth visit. This private collection of toys tells the story of childhood pursuits running from 350 BCE to the modern day. Much of the displays feature toys from the 1950s and '60s, with classic puppet shows such as the The Thunderbirds being featured. There are also a number of Germanic wooden dolls from the early part of the 20th century as well as an English dolls house from around 1830. Current admission is just £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for those aged between five and 16 years. Small children are free and family tickets can be purchased for £8.00. On warm days you may want to cool off by taking a dip at Ilkley Pool and Lido. This is one of the few public outdoor swimming pools left in the UK and it still retains the Art Deco stylings of its 1930s heyday. It is open only during the summer months and provides a place where visitors can relax on a sun lounger while topping up their tan or complete a few lengths in the pool. The site also has a putting green, picnic area and tennis courts as well as an indoor pool for those days when the weather is not so good. After a long day exploring the moors around Ilkley or the Yorkshire Dales you'll probably have quite an appetite and the town is home to a number of top class eateries. If you have a sweet tooth and want to enjoy a relaxed daytime setting then you may want to consider Betty's Café Tea Rooms where you can enjoy a fine selection of teas as well as some of the best cakes and confectionaries available. If it is fine dining that you seek then the Box Tree Restaurant is highly recommended. Boasting a Michelin star, the eatery is the place where celebrity chef Marco Pierre White cut his culinary teeth. Transport links in Ilkley are excellent. The town has a central train station as well as a smaller stop at Ben Rhydding which connects to the large cities of Bradford and Leeds. Next to Ilkley Train Station is the town's bus station, where you will find regular services to Skipton, Keighley, York, Otley and Harrogate. Car users can reach the town by travelling along the A65, while those jetting in from overseas will find that Leeds Bradford Airport is only nine miles away.Content here Welcome to Ilkley local information page. YorkshireDales.co.uk is investing in the local community by giving every town in and around the Yorkshire Dales an outlet to show the world what we are doing locally. As we get information we will grow this section to accommodate all the wonderful information you send us. In this section we are looking for all sorts of local information. For example it might include the following but we are happy to list lots more -: Local sports clubs - information, times and contact Other local groups Weekly events for locals like yoga and poker in the pub or darts, etc. Markets and festivals Tell us about your local events and promote them here free of charge Please send us details of any local information for Ilkley - we will post them here and on our Events page. Email us now... Opening times for library Planning and council services Town Hall details Church Times and contact details Parish and local news publications Doctors/dentist surgery and hospital hours, address and phone numbers Useful Telephone Numbers. For example Vet, vicarage, MP, councillor. Local taxis Recreation information to include swimming pools and parks Museum and art gallery times You tell us what you want to shout about Please send us details of any local information for Ilkley and we will post them here. For this find us section we are looking for all sorts of local travel information. For example it might include the following but we are happy to list lots more -: Parking locations Bus timetables and bus stop location Possible route to town description and road numbers Trains and other means of transport Please send us details of any local travel information for Ilkley - we will post them here. Tour de Yorkshire 2018 Highlights A brief history of the Yorkshire Dales Eating Out in the Yorkshire Dales Cafes and tea rooms in the Yorkshire Dales Bed and breakfast in the Yorkshire Dales Where to stay in the Yorkshire Dales (c) 2020 Yorkshire Dales
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
We are a distributor of Marigold products. A favourite of many celebrity chefs including Nigella Lawson and Delia Smith Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon powder is extremely popular with health conscious people, vegans and vegetarians. Click here to buy Marigold online.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We all have our routines; morning routine and night time routine, well since my morning routine video did really well and y'all asked for my night time routine– here it is! You'll see everything from Ziana's school drama to the fights to family game night and more. Check it out here. Perfect Way to Spring into Spring Saving for College Already?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Lucknow: The track laying work for the underground section between Sachivalaya & Hazratganj has picked up a very good momentum, said LMRC (Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation). The 217 meter of the track has already been laid inside the tunnel in just 10 days of work. The work commenced on November 12, 2017. Laying of track work inside the tunnel is a complex phenomenon as all activities like carriage of various construction materials, laying of Mass Spring System (MSS) to isolate noise and vibration to adjacent structures, reinforcement steel, making of track parameters to perfect alignment & level and transportation/pumping of ready mix concrete (RMC) to casting site etc have to be performed in a very limited space and sequential time frame inside the tunnel, officials said. The track is being laid & maneuvered for 3 curves in the 812 meters long underground track beds inside the tunnel between Sachivalaya & Hazratganj. The work of track laying in underground section is a big challenge as there are 10 curves in up & down line between the 3.5km stretch from Charbagh ramp to KD Singh Babu Stadium. It is committed to complete the work of laying of track between Sachivalaya & Hazratganj in a very fast manner, LMRC said.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
That is of great importance of UkrStudy to take a good care of our applicants from the first step of cooperation. We are always happy to hear from you to proceed any of your request. Don't hesitate to express your interest to study in Ukraine – we were initially established to make the process of international education in Ukraine easy and safe for you. Due to our wide experience in higher education sphere we are able to offer the best choice among Ukrainian universities with regards to your academic preferences and interests. UkrStudy team is looking forward to provide the best academic service for our prospective students guarantying high quality education in Ukraine.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Why Use a Travel Agent? Please note that travel CANNOT be booked via form submission. If you need to make or change a reservation, please call 1-800-247-0060. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive email communications from Direct Travel. In Search of the Perfect Bite: The One Dish to Try In Some of Our Favorite Cities Posted in Vacation Travel | Written by John Sturm Business Travel Vacation Travel Industry News Tips & Tricks Every city has one. Not just a restaurant that all the locals say you have to try, but a particular dish at that restaurant that is, they say, the perfect bite. Come along on the search with us, and make sure to bring your appetite! Key West, Florida—Kermit's Key West Lime Shop Dark Chocolate Covered Key Lime Pie On a Stick Why not start with dessert? Particularly when it's a decadent delight, and this certainly is. Kermit's takes a thick wedge of tart key lime pie; dips it in rich, dark Belgian chocolate; then freezes it. There's nothing more refreshing on a hot day than this quintessentially Florida Keys concoction. New Orleans, Louisiana—Willie Mae's Scotch House Restaurant Many restaurants across the south claim to serve the best fried chicken in the country, but they're all pretenders to the throne — Willie Mae is the reigning queen. She even has a James Beard Award to prove it. Crunchy, crisp, and golden on the outside, impossibly juicy on the inside, and all of it seasoned to perfection. All the sides are wonderful (try the red beans and rice), but it's the chicken you'll dream about… right before you wake up ready to hop on an airplane to New Orleans! Honorable mention to the beignets at Cafe du Monde. Enjoy pillows of fried dough mounded with powdered sugar alongside a cup of chicory coffee. Open 24 hours—grab a table and watch the revelers stumble by. Chicago, Illinois—Al's Italian Beef Italian Beef Sandwich According to the folks at Al's, there's only one proper way to eat an Italian beef sandwich: the Italian Stance. Place your feet two and a half feet apart, then lean forward with your elbows on the deli counter (so you don't drip on your shoes) and dig in. The point is, this is one gloriously sloppy sandwich. There are plenty of Italian beef joints in Chicago now, and the T.V. show The Bear recently popularized the sandwich even more, but Al's started it all back in 1938 (as a front for a bookie shop, no less), and they still do it best. They slow roast their seasoned roast beef, shave it paper thin, then pile it on a soft French bread roll and top it with giardiniera, an Italian pickled vegetable relish. Get it either liberally splashed with the meat's gravy or, for the full Al's experience, have your sandwich fully submerged. Seattle, Washington—Toshi's Teriyaki Grill We know what you're thinking—shouldn't Seattle's perfect bite be somehow seafood related? Perhaps fresh, raw oysters with a squirt of lemon juice, or wood-grilled Copper River salmon? As it turns out, Seattle's all-time favorite comfort food is teriyaki chicken, and it has been since 1976, when a Japanese immigrant named Toshi Kasahara opened Seattle's first teriyaki restaurant. There are more teriyaki spots there than the top five fast food chains combined, but Toshi's is still the one to visit. Seattle-style teriyaki is a little different than you're used to: sweet and smoky marinated grilled chicken with a ginger and garlic-forward sauce. Come for the seafood, and maybe to catch a flung fish at Pike Place Fish Market, but don't miss the chicken teriyaki. Wiscasset, Maine—Red's Eats Wiscasset, Maine may not sound like a world-class foodie destination, but to New Englanders in the know, it's the home of a lobster roll worth crossing the country for. Close your eyes and picture it: a buttery, grilled roll piled high with incredibly fresh, succulent lobster tail, knuckle, and claw meat, then topped with an entire tail—more than an entire lobster on each roll, served with sides of melted butter and mayonnaise. Voted the best lobster roll in all of New England in 2022, Red's is only open during the summer, so plan your pilgrimage accordingly. Cleveland, Ohio—The Rowley Inn Cleveland has its share of celebrity chefs—Michael Symon comes immediately to mind—but the city's perfect bite is from a tiny, unassuming neighborhood joint that started in 1906 serving the second-shift steelworkers who needed a place to call their own. The Rowley Inn specializes in what they call "Cleveland Style Comfort Food," and with a heavy Eastern European influence, that's a good description. Their version of chicken paprikash is, quite literally, Cleveland in a bowl—sautéed chicken breast and peppers in a Hungarian paprikash sauce served over pierogi and topped with spicy Hungarian kielbasa. BONUS: The Rowley Inn is right across the street from the Christmas Story house for a little movie magic. Honorable mention to Lucky's Cafe for their cheddar scallion biscuits smothered in sausage gravy. The aforementioned Michael Symon called it the best he's ever had, and he's not wrong. Brooklyn, New York—Peter Luger Steakhouse Porterhouse for Two For steak lovers, the beautiful thing about a porterhouse is that you're getting two different cuts of meat for the (not inexpensive) price of one—flavorful sirloin on one side of the bone, tender filet mignon on the other. Peter Luger Steakhouse does it better than anyone else in the country by broiling the house-dry aged steak in clarified butter in an 800 degree oven. The result is nirvana for meat lovers. All the available sides, particularly the creamed spinach, are to die for, but it's the steak that makes this a top restaurant destination. Las Vegas, Nevada—Hash House a Go Go Sage Fried Chicken and Waffles It's hard to throw a one-dollar chip across a casino in Las Vegas without hitting a celebrity chef. They're everywhere, and their restaurants are everywhere, hoovering up tourist dollars like a slot machine. For a perfect bite that just might make you forget what you lost at the craps table, however, head on over to Hash House a Go Go for chicken and waffles. What's that? You say you've had chicken and waffles before? Not like this, you haven't. Hash House deep fries a huge helping of free range chicken breast with a breading of corn starch, corn flakes, fresh sage, and house spices, then serves it over crispy-soft waffles heavily studded with bacon with a spicy maple syrup reduction sauce. All of it is stacked higher than the mountains outside Vegas, held together with a long steak knife and a fresh sprig of sage. Unless you have Elvis's appetite, this is more than big enough to share. If you're planning on traveling in search of the perfect bite, learn about why you should use a travel agent to get the most out of the experience. Ready to book your next trip? Our travel counselors have been successfully planning dream-come-true vacations for over 50 years. Learn more about our vacation planning services. Booze and Brews: The Best U.S. Cities for Distillery and Brewery Tours Let's leave wineries for another blog post (we wrote about several here, in fact!) Here are our six favorite U.S…. Read Article ❯ Off the Beaten Path: Six Unique U.S. Vacation Destinations You May Not Know About Sometimes you just want to get away… really get away. Away from the crowds, away from the tourists, into the… Subscribe to receive news, travel tips, and more. For Corporate Travel management services, visit dt.com Testimonials Contact Us Privacy Policy Privacy Shield Corporate Headquarters - 25000 Country Club Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44070 © 2023 Professional Travel a Direct Travel Company Professional Travel is now Direct Travel. For corporate travel solutions, click here. Professional Travel, a Direct Travel Company remains your source for vacation planning services. Continue to Site & Plan Your Trip!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Pittsburgh City Paper Feature July 26, 2021 | In the Press A Pittsburgh Burger King closes temporarily as workers apparently walk out By Ryan Deto, Pittsburgh City Paper, July 26th, 2021 CP photo: Ryan Deto Sign posted on the Burger King in East Carson Street in Pittsburgh on July 26 The Burger King in Pittsburgh's South Side is already infamous as being the location of a fake franchise for a short time, but the fast-food joint located on East Carson Street isn't done making waves. According to a viral tweet, the South Side Burger King closed for a time starting the evening of July 25 due to the staff walking out. The closure lasted until at least the morning of July 26, when City Paper confirmed that the Burger King was closed and that a staffing shortage was a reason why. This Burger King location, at 1820 E. Carson St., is listed as being open 24 hours a day for its drive-thru, and 6 a.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. in the dining room. According to independent journalist Don Carpenter, who was listening to a police scanner on July 25, the Pittsburgh Police were sent to the Burger King on East Carson Street to investigate a report of an unattended and empty building, and the police were under the assumption that the staff had walked out. When contacted, Pittsburgh Public Safety officials didn't say why the employees had walked off the job, but did confirm that the building was vacated, but not locked or closed on the night of July 25. According to assistant public safety officer Maurice Matthews II, Pittsburgh Zone 3 Police officers made contact with a key holder from the Burger King, who then came and secured the building. When City Paper showed up at the Burger King at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of July 26, the dining room was closed and signs on the doors read "Our apologies for the inconvenience, dining room is temporarily closed, thank you." One employee could be seen inside the dining room, cleaning tables. But when a driver pulled up to the drive-thru, he quickly exited the drive-thru and told City Paper that the employee told him the restaurant was closed until more staff showed up. This Burger King location is owned and operated by TOMS King, an Illinois-based company that runs more than 130 Burger King restaurants across Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. A request for comment from TOMS King was not returned by press time. Pittsburgh has recently seen a number of worker walkouts that have caused stores or businesses to close. In June, at least seven workers at a Subway restaurant in Greenfield walked out and posted a sign on the door announcing that they had quit. On June 16, a sign was taped to the door of the Family Dollar on Penn Avenue in Garfield that read "Staff Quit! Y'all Be Easy." KDKA spoke to locals in Garfield, who indicated this wasn't the first time worker shortages caused the location to be closed. The marquee of the Burger King on East Carson Street in Pittsburgh's South Side neighborhood. Staffing shortages have also caused other restaurants in the area to limit hours, and a lifeguard shortage in Pittsburgh has caused the city to limit the number of reopened pools this summer. It's not exactly clear why some workplaces in Pittsburgh are having trouble filling positions and retaining workers. Some argue that raising wages will solve the problem, while others say ongoing anxieties surrounding the pandemic are keeping some from returning to public-facing jobs, and economists note Pittsburgh's demographics as a barrier to full employment.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
For Sale Archives - The Scheffe Group - Austin, Texas Residential Real Estate Realtors - Serving the Austin Hill Country and beyond. The Scheffe Group – Austin, Texas Residential Real Estate Realtors – Serving the Austin Hill Country and beyond. Texas Traditional on Gorgeous Lot in Lake Pointe! Stunning Home On One Of Rocky Creek's Best Lots! Extraordinary Home in Balcones West! We had a great experience with Michael as our agent. He is super knowledgeable of the market and especially the area we wanted to live. He even knew about a house before it hit the market and ultimately that was the reason we were able to get it! He's honest and really cares about what you're looking for and tries to find you exactly what you want.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ssd hard disk macbook pro retina from 2014 of 512 go mark samsung works perfectly. The item "ssd macbook retina 2014 dorigine apple 512go" is on sale since Saturday, November 3, 2018. It is in the category "computers, networks \ laptops, netbooks \ portable macs". K95" and is located in / in woodemont. This item can be shipped to the following country: France.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
What a question! But it is repeatedly asked, even though it is usually asked quietly and cautiously. As if we would dump him on someone, or worse yet, put him down before leaving. I have been incorrectly saying he turns twelve this October, I just looked it up and he turns eleven! What a gift! He is a German Shepherd Dog, originally from Germany, brought over to be a show dog but when he didn't perform highly enough they decided not to show him any more or breed him and put him up for sale at age three. We fell in love with the big lug and have had him ever since. He came to us with the unlikely name of Enzo. We almost renamed him Dude because most of the time he is so chill, but we like the name Enzo and we didn't necessarily want everyone in town to look up when we called our dog! He was very well trained when we got him and we worked with him to be my third service dog, a job he performed for years. I slowly began to use him less as I grew stronger and now rarely need him for that purpose except at home. So, yeah, he goes with us. It does complicate things of course. We have to figure out transportation that doesn't involve sticking him in the baggage section of a plane. Since he is a service dog, I think we have that covered. We have to look for lodging that is pet friendly. I suspect it will be too difficult to argue a semi-retired service dog's rights with regard to housing in other countries. Airbnb and the like seem to have quite a few options for guests with pets so we will work around that. We have to travel with his items as well as ours, it's only fair! We have to limit ourselves to places where we can get into the country without quarantine or issues, so that is a consideration and requires some research. He isn't small, he is 95 pounds, so I can't just tuck him in my tote with my guide book and go. We will probably take into consideration cultural feelings towards large dogs, we don't want to be somewhere that everyone is terrified of our sweet boy. But he is Enzo the magnificent, our buddy and protector and soon to be homeless companion. In preparation we are trying to make sure that he (well, all of us) are in the best shape possible for this adventure. He has arthritis in his elbow and back that has slowed him down a lot in the last year. We've been having laser and acupuncture treatments and recently shifted to ultrasound therapy, massage and swim therapy. The place we go for this treatment is Tsavo's Canine Rehab in Del Mar, CA where the staff takes wonderful care of my furbaby. We are told that the treatments should take about 8-12 treatments for maximum effect and the results last a couple years, rather than the monthly acupuncture we were doing before. We have done about 5 treatments so far and the results have been really good. Enzo is taking to his swim sessions like a pro. With the supplements they recommended, massage and regular exercise he should be good to go! Now Dan and I have to get ourselves shaped up and we will all be good to go!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home | Stories | Meet organist Lori Moreland, one of the Chicago White Sox's most valuable players Meet organist Lori Moreland, one of the Chicago White Sox's most valuable players By Keegan Morris, Becky Nystedt and Stephen Raskauskas | September 6, 2018 Organist Lori Moreland sits in a booth at Guaranteed Rate Field ready to enliven the crowd before a game in August 2018 "When I was growing up, my mom was a huge White Sox fan. She would always have the games on and I would hear her rooting," said Lori Moreland. But did she ever think, as a young fan, that one day she would become the team's official organist? "Not in a million years – but, I'm so glad that my life went in this direction," she said, seated in an organ booth perched above Guaranteed Rate Field, home of the Chicago White Sox. Moreland grew up in Fort Wayne, where she began playing the organ as a child. "My father brought home an electronic Hammond organ when I was 7 and I loved it. You couldn't tear me away from it. I loved it from the first moment I put my fingers on the keyboard." When she was 12, she began playing organ in church. Two years later, she began teaching. Later, she moved to Chicago to study organ at the American Conservatory of Music with Robert Lodine, who was also the carillonneur at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Some of her favorite composers to play during her conservatory days included Bach, Hindemith, Sowerby, and Messiaen. At the same time, Moreland worked in sales for Baldwin Piano and Organ Co., and got occasional gigs playing cocktail hours. Moreland, who still plays for regular services at Our Lady of Knock in Calumet, IL, said that her diverse experience behind the keyboard gave her "the background and the chops to be able to handle this job. I'm just so honored to even be here." She stepped up to the plate when longtime, legendary Chicago White Sox organist Nancy Faust decided to retire. "My friend alerted me to the fact that they were going to be auditioning for the position," Moreland said." I thought it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to actually play in a ballpark. I'd never played in a venue such as that." Moreland was offered the position after an interview and audition, and started on opening day of baseball season in April 2011. With over thirty-five thousand people listening, the first thing she played was "My Kind of Town," and the experience "was rather surreal – kind of overwhelming. People came in and spoke with me and welcomed me." The Chicago White Sox play the New York Yankees in 2016 (Source: Flickr) Chatting with fans, taking cues through a headset, watching the game closely, and responding with the appropriate music can leave room for chaos to transpire. On her first day, "I had these three fellows come in known as the Green brothers. They were speaking with me and handing me their cards. Then something dropped in the pedal board. So, in the middle of a song – I don't know if it was 'The Star-Spangled Banner' or what – the one gentleman decides to get down on his hands and knees and start crawling across the pedal board to try to find the card. I was like, 'What're you doing down there?!' It was kind of like a, 'Welcome to the White Sox' kind of a moment." With a large range of repertoire, Lori supplies the organ music that energizes each game including classics like "Let's Go, Go-Go White Sox," and of course, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame." In addition to ballpark standards, she said, "I try to incorporate music that I think would appeal to all ages. I play quite a bit through the game itself: in between innings, the prompts through the game. I'll play, 'Who are You?' by The Who, like when the opposing team is being announced." She relishes playing "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye," when the pitcher is removed from the opposing team. "It's always fun because the stadium joins. It's one of the rituals here." She also throws in a few real classics, including "the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by Bach when someone strikes out. If someone does a great catch, I'll play the little snippets of the Hallelujah Chorus by Handel." The instrument Moreland plays, a Roland Atelier Platinum Edition AT-900 organ, is versatile. It can play "every imaginable instrument, every imaginable sound, and sound effects. I can get whistles. I can get a dog barking. I can get train sounds and wave crashes. It also plays itself as an actual piano with a damper pedal, so that's kind of a cool thing if you want a break into Rhapsody in Blue or something like that. It sounds great out in the stadium. We have great engineers here that maximize what I can do and make it sound even better. I'm really happy and so blessed to have this instrument. It makes my job very easy." Organist Nancy Faust in May 1980 at Comiskey Park, the ballpark for the White Sox from 1910-1990 With many stadiums today using on prerecorded music, Moreland feels privileged to keep the tradition of playing the organ alive. "There's just some energy that you can bring to a crowd, and timing wise, that you can't do with pre-recorded synthetic sterile-type music. I play to the crowd. I feel the energy, and it's just wonderful to pump them up and get them chanting. It just can't be recreated with pre-recorded music." "It's so important, and I think especially here in Chicago. Baseball fans actually owe a world of debt to Nancy Faust, who played here for decades. She's the Chicago institution. She's the one that popularized organ music at baseball parks. If it weren't for her, I doubt that it would actually even exist. I'm so honored that when she retired, they decided to continue this tradition." How Chicago Cubs organist Gary Pressy made it to the big leagues "I'm a white composer, living in white privilege, setting the poetry of Langston Hughes" VIDEO | Watch two of the world's best tabla players (who also happen to be father and son) "It's beauty at an inexpressible level" — Organist Nathan Laube reflects on Notre-Dame de Paris and its magnificent organ Pianist, composer Ramsey Lewis to be honored in Chicago Bieito's manager: Met decision 'cruel and disappointing' Fiesta CD Grab Bag A Program For Bastille Day Arias and Songs Gabriel Martins and Joseph Liccardo Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts Esta Tierra Es Mi Tierra: Latino Composers Reflect on the American Experience Four Operatic Quintets dennis's morning quiz Maurice Ravel originally conceived his "Mother Goose" Suite as a piano piece for four hands. Conductor Emmanuel Villaume and the Grant Park Orchestra will perform the orchestral version Ravel made this evening at 6:30 at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion. Several years after the orchestration, Ravel went even further and transformed "Mother Goose" into what form of theatrical entertainment? Answer > lisa flynn's new releases Boston Camerata: Treasures of Devotion More new releases > Read the biography of host Dave Schwan and find out more about all WFMT hosts.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
When vacationing, one of the most challenging parts of your trip is finding good Stonington restaurants that are easy on your wallet. Eating out at good quality restaurants can get expensive, but if you know where to go you can save quite a bit of money without having to resort to fast food. If you are looking for the Whale's Tavern you will find it located inside Piligrim's Inn. The one thing about going to this restaurant is that you never know what you're going to get, as it closes down for a few months during the year. A majority of the time you will receive excellent food for a great price, but some years the food leaves something to be desired for. There are no beers on tap, but there are some specialty brews that come in a bottle. One of the most attractive things about this place is that it is a typical small town café, so if you eat here you will not be disappointed. The servings are quite large and the prices are very reasonable, so you are going to get a decent amount of food for the money that you spend. If you opt to eat here you will need to try out the lobster roll, but the fish and chips also come highly recommended. This is one of the newest restaurants in town. It opened in May 2010, but so far it has been a huge success. While everything off the menu sounds good, if you come in for a special treat you will want to check out some of the nightly specials. The specials change each night based on what's in season, but the prices will also vary based on the market prices. If you are staying in a Deer Island Bed and Breakfast all you need to do is hop in the car for a short drive to come try some fresh pan seared salmon or even a baked stuffed haddock with fresh crab meat. One problem that you face in finding Stonington restaurants is that not all of them are open year round. Some Stonington restaurants are only open part of the year because of the tourist season. However, Lily's Café is a great place to go for some good food. Not only can you get great food and great service, but you can also get everything for a good price. Breakfast and sandwiches are always good choices at a café, but Lily's is also a great place to go for a nice hot drink. To get to the restaurant from any Deer Island Inn you will have to take a short drive, but the waterfront location is worth it. If you're coming in for an evening meal the halibut dish is recommended, but the steak is also rather amazing. If you stay for dessert be sure to check out the toffee sticky pudding. There is a huge wine list, with plenty of affordable bottles.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
If you purchase multiple products from Dyson, you can connect them to one another through your Wi-Fi network and create a whole-home purifying, fan and heating… If you purchase multiple products from Dyson, you can connect them to one another through your Wi-Fi network and create a whole-home purifying, fan and heating system. Best high-end bladeless desk fan by: William Briskin, BestReviews Staff Posted: Jun 3, 2022 / 10:40 PM EDT Which high-end bladeless desk fan is best? Characterized by sleek design, powerful airflow and ease of use, high-end bladeless desk fans are perfect accessories for any desk, whether it be professional or casual. However, with so many fans on the market, choosing the right one for your needs can be a challenge. If you're in the market for a high-end desk fan that keeps you cool and starts conversations, check out the Dyson Pure Cool. What to know before you buy a high-end bladeless desk fan If you have an expansive office with a second table to put your fan on, size may not be as important. If you're short on space, consider something with a compact design, such as a tower fan. If you plan to use your fan as a heater during the colder months, you're likely going to keep it under your desk and size may not be a big factor. Built-in purification While most high-end bladeless fans offer on-board purification technology, you may not need to pay the premium for this technology. If you plan to use your fan in an office space, it's possible your office building is outfitted with the latest filtration technology. Alternatively, you may already own an air purifier or want something more powerful than a desk-appropriate model. Higher-end models tend to be equipped with additional noise-dampening technology that enables individual modes such as "sleep" or "work." If you want your new fan to produce white noise to help keep you focused and drown out distractions, look for a fan that prioritizes output rather than reducing the noise level. What to look for in a quality high-end bladeless desk fan The last thing you want to do when you're comfortable on the couch or focusing on work is interrupt your mood because you have to get up to change the fan setting. Quality bladeless desk fans come with remote controls or apps that allow you to control your fan from anywhere in the house. Multi-purpose technology Top-tier bladeless desk fans offer more than just air circulation. Be on the lookout for models that have built-in purification, heating or both. Oscillation range Look for fans that have at least 180 degrees of oscillation, keeping in mind that industry leaders have fans that rotate up to 350 degrees. How much you can expect to spend on a high-end bladeless desk fan Entry level high-end bladeless desk fans cost about $150, while luxury models from well-known brands can cost more than $500. High-end bladeless desk fan FAQ How do you clean a bladeless fan? A. Simply unplug the fan and take a moist wipe to the interior and exterior of the wind tunnel. Avoid spraying any cleaning product directly onto the fan. Use a small vacuum attachment, ideally with soft bristles, to get dust out of the venting. Finally, wipe down any remaining dust with a fibrous cloth such as a paper towel. What size replacement HEPA filter should you get? A. To make sure you purchase the right replacement HEPA filter, check the model number of your fan and cross-reference it with the compatible models listed for certain filters. If you purchase a fan from a well-known brand such as Dyson, check the company website for replacement product guidelines. What's the best high-end bladeless desk fan to buy? Top high-end bladeless desk fan Dyson Pure Cool What you need to know: Dyson is known for manufacturing products that are as beautiful as they are functionally powerful, and the Pure Cool fan doesn't disappoint in either category. What you'll love: The Dyson Pure Cool offers more than a nice breeze; complete with patented air-purification technology, this fan ensures the air you breathe is as clean as possible. Dyson's purifying technology senses pollutants in real time so you don't have to worry about turning it on and off throughout the day. It's sleek design and small construction make this the perfect fan for small spaces. What you should consider: This purifying fan has a high price tag. Top high-end bladeless desk fan for the money ULTTY bladeless fan What you need to know: This fan boasts an eye-catching design and is packed with high-end features that pump out clean, purified air at a fraction of the cost of brand-name competitors. What you'll love: With three modes and nine speed settings, this fan has all the technology you need to find the perfect breeze. It has a remote control and built-in LED touch screen. This fan is equipped with a HEPA filter that filters out bacteria, fumes, smoke, dust, pollen and airborne droplets. What you should consider: This fan has slightly larger dimensions than comparable models and doesn't oscillate as widely either. Dyson HP01 Pure Hot + Cool What you need to know: The HP01 from Dyson is a top-of-the-line product that combines the best of Dyson's innovative purifying, air multiplying and space-heater technology in one well-designed unit. What you'll love: The HP01 is capable of purifying a 300-square-foot room with its built-in, fully sealed, HEPA and activated carbon filter. Plus, with Dyson's backward airflow mode, you can use the purifier without turning on the heater or fan. Whether you're using it as a space heater or fan, the HP01 pushes out a whopping 77 gallons of air per second. Although the HP01 features an incredibly minimalist, modern design, it still delivers industry leading practicality features such as 350 degrees of oscillation. What you should consider: It may be too large to go on top of a small desk, although it will easily fit under most desks. Where to buy: Sold by Bed Bath & Beyond and Amazon William Briskin writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
COP21 Decisions Will Directly Affect the Sustainability of Our Planet HP Inc. CEO, Dion Weisler, on why we need to take decisive action now .@HPSustainable CEO Dion Weisler, on the need for decisive action on climate change http://3bl.me/3hdn5y #COP21 #sustainability #CSR Dion Weisler, President and Chief Executive Officer, HP Inc. "Decisive action to address climate change is required from all of us to create a healthier world that can support the lives and livelihoods of our current population and the generations to come." ~ Dion Weisler​ NEWSROOM: HP, Inc. CAMPAIGN: HP, Inc. | Planet HP Sustainability As world leaders meet at COP21 for what many feel will be the most important climate negotiations of this century, we are acutely aware that the decisions made in Paris will directly affect the sustainability of our planet. As a global company operating in more than 120 countries, we strongly encourage these leaders to commit to a new international agreement that will aggressively address the root causes of climate change. We believe that our own efforts to reduce energy use and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our technology portfolio, operations, and supply chain are critical to our long-term business sustainability and contribute directly to our customers' success. At HP, we engineer solutions that reduce our environmental impact without adversely affecting the quality of our products. Like our HP PageWide Technology used in our HP OfficeJet Pro X and Enterprise X printers that enables us to reduce the carbon footprint of printing by up to 55 percent per printer. Or our service-based solutions, such as our Managed Print Services that reduces our customers' printing-related energy usage by 20-40 percent and decreases costs by 10-30 percent. And we continue to innovate with new technologies, like 3D printing, that are transforming how whole industries work. We launch initiatives that reduce our carbon footprint and waste, such as our "closed loop" print supplies recycling program in which we combine plastics from returned ink cartridges with plastics from other sources, such as used water bottles and plastic hangers, to create plastic for new cartridges. The recycled plastic used in this process has a carbon footprint up to 33 percent smaller than virgin plastics and reduces fossil fuel consumption by 54 percent. We also work to lower carbon emissions throughout our value chain by systematically analyzing our carbon footprint, setting goals to reduce GHG emissions, and reporting on the actions we have taken. Through these efforts, we send a clear message to companies, governments, and other organizations around the world that we must all take action. At HP, sustainability serves as a guiding principle for how we conduct business and create solutions that are changing the world. It is core to our business strategy and fundamental to every decision we make. While it isn't always easy to balance the desire to act sustainably and the need to continually grow as a company, we know that through our technology and our people, we will continue to reinvent a more sustainable business and society. That's because we believe that sustainability ignites innovation that creates a brighter future for everyone, everywhere. For more about sustainability at HP, Inc. click here. More From HP, Inc. Sustainability Trends in 3D Printing You Need to Know Tuesday, January 14, 2020 - 10:50am HP Inc.'s Sustainable Impact 2019 Highlights IICPSD's Partners HP and ERTEV Launch Maker Bus Initiative to Support STEM Training in Rural Schools Videos from HP, Inc. How HP Made the New Elite Dragonfly One of the Most Sustainable Laptops Ever HP Partners with World Wildlife Fund on Forest Protection and Restoration
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: C# Console application, cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'string'? I am super stumped. I am trying to create a program that allows the user to create an "automobile" and declare the make, model, and color of said automobile. The code is unfinished (and posted below). I get several errors on each of the getters and setters in the Automobile class. For instance, I get an error of "Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'string' ." on the line of code that reads return make and on the line make = paramMake as well as the rest of the getters and setters. Any ideas? namespace Program_4cs { class Automobile { //2. //a). PDDC public Automobile() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; Console.WriteLine("a). Automobile PDDC set."); } //PDC public Automobile(string paramMake, string paramModel, string paramColor) { string make = paramMake; string model = paramModel; string color = paramColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; Console.WriteLine("a). Automobile PDC set."); } //b). Getters and Setters public string GetMake() { return make; } public void SetMake(string paramMake) { make = paramMake; } public string GetModel() { return model; } public void SetModel(string paramModel) { model = paramModel; } public string GetColor() { return color; } public void SetColor(string paramColor) { color = paramColor; } //c). Speed changing members public double GetSpeed() { return speed; } public void SetSpeed(double paramSpeed) { speed = paramSpeed; } public void IncreaseSpeed(double paramIncreaseSpeedBy) { speed = speed + paramIncreaseSpeedBy; } public void DecreaseSpeed(double paramDecreaseSpeedBy) { speed = speed - paramDecreaseSpeedBy; } public void ShowSpeed(double paramShowSpeed) { speed = paramShowSpeed; } //d). instance members private double speed; private double make; private double model; private double color; } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //1. //Ouput a header in the console Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("1. This is Program-4."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("How many automobiles would you like to create?"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; int numOfAutomobiles = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Automobile[] listOfAutomobiles = new Automobile[numOfAutomobiles]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("Please input model, and color"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; for (int i = 0; i < listOfAutomobiles.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the make: "); String make = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the model: "); String model = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the color: "); string color = Console.ReadLine(); Automobile newCar = new Automobile(make, model, color); listOfAutomobiles[i] = newCar; } Console.ReadKey(); } } } Thank you in advance! A: When you created your instance variable private double make you told the program that make is of type double. In SetModel(string paramMake) you take in a string and try to set that as the value of a double. A string is a series of characters, while a double is a floating point value. The compiler can't convert these itself, which is what's giving you the error (similar errors appear elsewhere in the code). To fix this, we can store the make as a string instead of a double. To do this, we'd change private double make to private string make. Our other option is parsing the string for a double value. We can do this with Convert.ToDouble(). One questions I think you should consider here is whether a double or a string is the best option for your uses. Storing the model and the color as a double seems like it could be better done by a string, while speed fits well as a double value.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Technique of the Week: Deep Frying | We Like to Cook! Deep frying involves fully immersing food in hot oil. It is an extremely fast cooking method, and, despite the use of liquid oil, is best classified as a dry cooking method because it does not involve water. The oil or fat used for deep-frying should have a high smoke point. The smoke point is the point to which it can be heated without smoking. For that reason, shortening, lard, and vegetable, canola, peanut and safflower oils are good candidates, while butter and margarine or not. The temperature of the fat is all-important and can mean the difference between success and disaster. Fat at the right temperature will produce a crisp exterior and succulent interior. If it's not hot enough, food will absorb fat and be greasy; too hot, and it will burn. An average fat temperature for deep-frying is between 325°F and 375°F, but recipes differ according to the characteristics of each food. If you are not using a special deep-fat fryer, be sure to use a heavy-bottomed pot or deep sauté pan. To allow for bubbling up and splattering, the container should be filled no more than halfway full with oil. If your oil starts to smoke it is too hot, remove the pan from the cooking surface very carefully and allow it to cool down. To ensure ingredients are cooked properly, a clip on thermometer is recommended. Oil that is ready will bubble around the edges of a clean, dry chopstick (or other wood stick) when inserted. The temperature of the oil will drop when you add your item so add items in small batches to avoid the temperature dropping too quickly. If the temperature drops too quickly, it will result in greasy, uncooked items and longer reheat times. Use a slotted spoon and lower items gently to avoid hot oil splashes. Drain your item on a paper-towel lined surface and season immediately with salt/pepper. Fat or oil used for deep-frying may be reused. Let it cool, then strain it through cheesecloth and funnel into a bottle or other tightly sealed container before refrigerating. Save your oil container and after cooling the oil to room temperature, use a fine mesh strainer to strain the oil back into its original container. Store in a cool, dark place or freeze for up to two months. When oil is no longer usable, dispose of oil properly. Do not pour used oil down sink! Seal tightly and throw it away or put it in your compost pile.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
When we design objects such as furniture, joinery and buildings - in fact, almost anything with utility - we attempt to anticipate the circumstances of its use and shape the object or form accordingly. We all know this, and assume that it should be so. It is certainly a practical approach; and yet, no matter how hard we try to anticipate the future lives of our design products, the attempt frequently fails, in part if not in whole. Our world is littered with the fecund evidence of such failures, scattered about our lives like so much fallen and rotting fruit. The question I am interested in is this: what becomes of these failures? The language of design is imbued with morality. We hear of 'good' design and 'bad' design, rather than 'useful' or 'useless'. The greater good is always assumed to be design that is fit for its purpose - design like a glove that fits a hand. Anything bad, on the other hand, is summarily dismissed from consideration. Nevertheless, if you look carefully at these mistakes - these orphans of intention - they possess shape, form, colour and materiality. They typically also have pattern and proportion, scale and very possibly a mysterious utility outside of their original intended purpose. In fact, these errors possess all the qualities of their more successful cousins, the 'correctly' designed element; they have merely been cut loose from their moorings, drifting from their intended purpose into a no-man's land of extraneous or needless things. The example shown below is a perfectly round hole cut through a serving bench at a local café. The hole was evidently intended to allow passage of the cash register's cables into the joinery, but times have changed, and the register has been moved 400 millimetres to the left, making the hole superfluous. I find this hole fascinating. It is so carefully made, and so materially satisfying - there is something delicious about a nice, even hole cut through laminated materials. The edge of the hole as it passes through the stainless steel skin has been filed smooth, and the ply substrate is visible beneath, with its tooled striations. Nevertheless, this particular hole is currently useless. One can take all manner of lessons from the position of this hole, and pontificate about the unwise nature of some decision-making processes in detailed design, but really, who cares? Perhaps, as the hippies did to the barrels of the guns, we should put a flower in the hole. Then again, perhaps not. Ultimately, the world has another hole in it: all is well.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }