6 values
Gabriel Jarry-Bolduc
Charles Audet, Warren Hare, Gabriel Jarry-Bolduc
The cosine measure relative to a subspace
The cosine measure was introduced in 2003 to quantify the richness of a finite positive spanning sets of directions in the context of derivative-free directional methods. A positive spanning set is a set of vectors whose nonnegative linear combinations span the whole space. The present work extends the definition of cosine measure. In particular, the paper studies cosine measures relative to a subspace, and proposes a deterministic algorithm to compute it. The paper also studies the situation in which the set of vectors is infinite. The extended definition of the cosine measure might be useful for subspace decomposition methods.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:34:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Audet", "Charles", "" ], [ "Hare", "Warren", "" ], [ "Jarry-Bolduc", "Gabriel", "" ] ]
Christian Rubio-Montiel PhD
M. Abreu, J. B. Gauci, D. Mattiolo, G. Mazzuoccolo, F. Romaniello, C. Rubio-Montiel, T. Traetta
A sharp upper bound for the harmonious total chromatic number of graphs and multigraphs
11 pages, 5 figures
A proper total colouring of a graph $G$ is called harmonious if it has the further property that when replacing each unordered pair of incident vertices and edges with their colours, then no pair of colours appears twice. The smallest number of colours for it to exist is called the harmonious total chromatic number of $G$, denoted by $h_t(G)$. Here, we give a general upper bound for $h_t(G)$ in terms of the order $n$ of $G$. Our two main results are obvious consequences of the computation of the harmonious total chromatic number of the complete graph $K_n$ and of the complete multigraph $\lambda K_n$, where $\lambda$ is the number of edges joining each pair of vertices of $K_n$. In particular, Araujo-Pardo et al. have recently shown that $\frac{3}{2}n\leq h_t(K_n) \leq \frac{5}{3}n +\theta(1)$. In this paper, we prove that $h_t(K_{n})=\left\lceil \frac{3}{2}n \right\rceil$ except for $h_t(K_{1})=1$ and $h_t(K_{4})=7$; therefore, $h_t(G) \le \left\lceil \frac{3}{2}n \right\rceil$, for every graph $G$ on $n>4$ vertices. Finally, we extend such a result to the harmonious total chromatic number of the complete multigraph $\lambda K_n$ and as a consequence show that $h_t(\mathcal{G})\leq (\lambda-1)(2\left\lceil\frac{n}{2}\right\rceil-1)+\left\lceil\frac{3n}{2}\right\rceil$ for $n>4$, where $\mathcal{G}$ is a multigraph such that $\lambda$ is the maximum number of edges between any two vertices.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:37:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Abreu", "M.", "" ], [ "Gauci", "J. B.", "" ], [ "Mattiolo", "D.", "" ], [ "Mazzuoccolo", "G.", "" ], [ "Romaniello", "F.", "" ], [ "Rubio-Montiel", "C.", "" ], [ "Traetta", "T.", "" ] ]
Kabe Moen
Cong Hoang, Kabe Moen, and Carlos P\'erez
New pointwise bounds by Riesz potential type operators
We investigate new pointwise bounds for a class of rough integral operators, $T_{\Omega,\alpha}$, for a parameter $0<\alpha <n$ that includes classical rough singular integrals of Calder\'on and Zygmund, rough hypersingular integrals, and rough fractional integral operators. We prove that the rough integral operators are bounded by a sparse potential operator that depends on the size of the symbol $\Omega$. As a result of our pointwise inequalities, we obtain several new Sobolev mappings of the form $T_{\Omega,\alpha}:\dot W^{1,p}\rightarrow L^q$
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:43:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hoang", "Cong", "" ], [ "Moen", "Kabe", "" ], [ "Pérez", "Carlos", "" ] ]
Jurgen Alfredo Julio Batalla
Jurgen Julio-Batalla
A note on sign-changing solutions to supercritical Yamabe-type equations
math.AP math.DG
On a closed Riemannian manifold $(M^n ,g)$, we consider the Yamabe-type equation $-\Delta_g u + \lambda u = \lambda |u|^{q-1}u$, where $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}_{+}$ and $q>1$. We assume that $M$ admits a proper isoparametric function $f$ with focal submanifolds of positive dimension. If $k>0$ is the minimum of the dimensions of the focal submanifolds of $f$, we let $q^* =\frac{n-k+2}{n-k-2}$. We prove the existence of infinite $f$-invariant sign-changing solutions to the equation when $1<q<q^*$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:46:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Julio-Batalla", "Jurgen", "" ] ]
Andrew Nelson
A. O. Nelson, D. T. Garnier, D. J. Battaglia, C. Paz-Soldan, I. Stewart, M. Reinke, A. J. Creely, J. Wai
Implications of Vertical Stability Control on the SPARC Tokamak
To achieve its performance goals, SPARC plans to operate in equilibrium configurations with a strong elongation of $\kappa_\mathrm{areal}\sim1.75$, destabilizing the $n=0$ vertical instability. However, SPARC also features a relatively thick conducting wall that is designed to withstand disruption forces, leading to lower vertical instability growth rates than usually encountered. In this work, we use the TokSyS framework to survey families of accessible shapes near the SPARC baseline configuration, finding maximum growth rates in the range of $\gamma\lesssim100\,$s$^{-1}$. The addition of steel vertical stability plates has only a modest ($\sim25\%$) effect on reducing the vertical growth rate and almost no effect on the plasma controllability when the full vertical stability system is taken into account, providing flexibility in the plate conductivity in the SPARC design. Analysis of the maximum controllable displacement on SPARC is used to inform the power supply voltage and current limit requirements needed to control an initial vertical displacement of $5\%$ of the minor radius. From the expected spectra of plasma disturbances and diagnostic noise, requirements for filter latency and vertical stability coil heating tolerances are also obtained. Small modifications to the outboard limiter location are suggested to allow for an unmitigated vertical disturbance as large as $5\%$ of the minor radius without allowing the plasma to become limited. Further, investigations with the 3D COMSOL code reveal that strategic inclusion of insulating structures within the VSC supports are needed to maintain sufficient magnetic response. The workflows presented here help to establish a model for the integrated predictive design for future devices by coupling engineering decisions with physics needs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:51:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nelson", "A. O.", "" ], [ "Garnier", "D. T.", "" ], [ "Battaglia", "D. J.", "" ], [ "Paz-Soldan", "C.", "" ], [ "Stewart", "I.", "" ], [ "Reinke", "M.", "" ], [ "Creely", "A. J.", "" ], [ "Wai", "J.", "" ] ]
Cl\'ement Stahl
Cl\'ement Stahl, Nicolas Mai, Benoit Famaey, Yohan Dubois, Rodrigo Ibata
From inflation to dark matter halo profiles: the impact of primordial non-Gaussianities on the central density cusp
20 pages, 10 figures, comments welcome :)
It has recently been shown that local primordial non-Gaussianities (PNG) with significant amplitude ($|f_{\rm NL}| \sim 1000$), at small (Mpc) scales, can help in forming simulated galaxies with more disky baryonic kinematics than in the Gaussian case, while generating matter power spectra that can differ by up to 20% from the Gaussian case at non-linear scales. Here, we explore in detail the consequences of such small-scale PNG on the dark matter halo profiles. We show in particular that, for negative $f_{\rm NL}$, dark matter halos formed in collisionless simulations are not always well described by the traditional Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profiles, as supported by their sparsity distribution. We conclude that NFW profiles are not as clear attractors for the density profiles of dark matter halos in the presence of PNG than in the case of a Gaussian contrast density field. We show how a minimal extension of the NFW profile can describe halos both in the Gaussian and non-Gaussian cases. From the combination of our sparsity analysis and the quality of the adjustments of the density profiles with a minimal extension to NFW, we conclude that $z=1$ halos carry the most interesting information about PNG.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:52:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Stahl", "Clément", "" ], [ "Mai", "Nicolas", "" ], [ "Famaey", "Benoit", "" ], [ "Dubois", "Yohan", "" ], [ "Ibata", "Rodrigo", "" ] ]
Geetanjali Bihani
Geetanjali Bihani, Julia Taylor Rayz
Learning Shortcuts: On the Misleading Promise of NLU in Language Models
Accepted at HICSS-SDPS 2024
cs.CL cs.AI
The advent of large language models (LLMs) has enabled significant performance gains in the field of natural language processing. However, recent studies have found that LLMs often resort to shortcuts when performing tasks, creating an illusion of enhanced performance while lacking generalizability in their decision rules. This phenomenon introduces challenges in accurately assessing natural language understanding in LLMs. Our paper provides a concise survey of relevant research in this area and puts forth a perspective on the implications of shortcut learning in the evaluation of language models, specifically for NLU tasks. This paper urges more research efforts to be put towards deepening our comprehension of shortcut learning, contributing to the development of more robust language models, and raising the standards of NLU evaluation in real-world scenarios.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:55:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bihani", "Geetanjali", "" ], [ "Rayz", "Julia Taylor", "" ] ]
Caleb Grimms
Caleb J. Grimms and Robert D. Nevels
Rotationally symmetric transverse magnetic vector wave propagation for nonlinear optics
physics.optics nlin.PS
In this paper the theory and simulation results are presented for 3D cylindrical rotationally symmetric spatial soliton propagation in a nonlinear medium using a modified finite-difference time-domain general vector auxiliary differential equation method for transverse magnetic polarization. The theory of 3D rotationally symmetric spatial solitons is discussed, and compared with two (1+1)D, termed "2D" for this paper, hyperbolic secant spatial solitons, with a phase difference of pi (antiphase). The simulated behavior of the 3D rotationally symmetric soliton was compared with the interaction of the two antiphase 2D solitons for different source hyperbolic secant separation distances. Lastly, we offer some possible explanations for the simulated soliton behavior.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:57:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Grimms", "Caleb J.", "" ], [ "Nevels", "Robert D.", "" ] ]
Chee Sheng Fong
Chee Sheng Fong
Sphaleron portal baryogenesis
20 pages (~11 main text), 1 figure. Feedback is welcome!
Nontrivial topological vacua of non-Abelian gauge symmetry $SU(3)\times SU(2)_{L}$ of the Standard Model play an important role in baryogenesis. In particular, the baryon (and lepton) number violation from $SU(2)_{L}$ sphaleron is a crucial ingredient for baryogenesis at weak scale or higher. In this work, we point out that generically, a baryon asymmetry is induced by an asymmetry generated in the new sector through strong $SU(3)$ and/or weak $SU(2)_{L}$ sphaleron portals and vice versa. In the standard radiation-dominated early Universe, due to phenomenological constraints, the sphaleron portal baryogenesis has to take place at cosmic temperature $T\gtrsim10^{6}-10^{8}$ GeV together with a $(B-L)$-violating source. As an example, we show an explicit model where strong sphaleron portal baryogenesis occurs at the scale of Peccei-Quinn breaking to solve the strong CP problem and this coincides nicely with the scale where the Weinberg operator responsible for Majorana neutrino mass is in equilibrium.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:58:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fong", "Chee Sheng", "" ] ]
Rosario Gonzalez-Ferez
David Mellado-Alcedo, Alexander Guttridge, Simon L. Cornish, H. R. Sadeghpour, Rosario Gonzalez-Ferez
Ultralong-range Cs-RbCs Rydberg molecules: non-adiabaticity of dipole moments
8 pages, 8 figures
physics.atom-ph quant-ph
We consider ultralong-range polyatomic Rydberg molecules formed by combining a Rydberg cesium atom and a ground-state RbCs molecule. We explore the regime where the charge-dipole interaction due to the Rydberg electron with the diatomic polar molecule couples the quantum defect Rydberg states Cs(ns) to the nearest degenerate hydrogenic manifold. We consider polyatomic Rydberg molecules in states which are amenable to production in optical tweezers and study the influence of nonadiabatic coupling on the likelihood of their formation. The decay rates of the vibrational states reflect the interference signature of wave function spread in different coupled potential wells.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:05:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mellado-Alcedo", "David", "" ], [ "Guttridge", "Alexander", "" ], [ "Cornish", "Simon L.", "" ], [ "Sadeghpour", "H. R.", "" ], [ "Gonzalez-Ferez", "Rosario", "" ] ]
Francesco Di Renzo
F. Di Renzo (1), D. A. Clarke (2), P. Dimopoulos (1), J. Goswami (3), C. Schmidt (4), S. Singh (4) and K. Zambello (5) ((1) U. Parma and INFN, Parma (2) U. Utah (3) RIKEN (4) U. Bielefeld (5) U. Pisa and INFN, Pisa)
Detecting Lee-Yang/Fisher singularities by multi-point Pad\`e
8 pages, Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2023), July 31st - August 4th, 2023, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2301.03528
The Bielefeld Parma Collaboration has in recent years put forward a method to probe finite density QCD by the detection of Lee-Yang singularities. The location of the latter is obtained by multi-point Pad\`e approximants, which are in turn calculated matching Taylor series results obtained from Monte Carlo computations at (a variety of values of) imaginary baryonic chemical potential. The method has been successfully applied to probe the Roberge Weiss phase transition and preliminary, interesting results are showing up in the vicinity of a possible QCD critical endpoint candidate. In this talk we will be concerned with a couple of significant aspects in view of a more powerful application of the method. First, we will discuss the possibility of detecting finite size scaling of Lee-Yang/Fisher singularities in finite density (lattice) QCD. Second, we will briefly mention our attempts at detecting both singularities in the complex chemical potential plane and singularities in the complex temperature plane. The former are obtained from rational approximations which are functions of the chemical potential at given values of the temperature; the latter are obtained from rational approximations which are functions of the temperature at given values of the chemical potential.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:11:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Di Renzo", "F.", "" ], [ "Clarke", "D. A.", "" ], [ "Dimopoulos", "P.", "" ], [ "Goswami", "J.", "" ], [ "Schmidt", "C.", "" ], [ "Singh", "S.", "" ], [ "Zambello", "K.", "" ] ]
Anjali, Rachee Singh and Michael M. Swift
Cost-effective and performant virtual WANs with CORNIFER
21 pages
cs.NI cs.PF
Virtual wide-area networks (WANs) are WAN-as-a-service cloud offerings that aim to bring the performance benefits of dedicated wide-area interconnects to enterprise customers. In this work, we show that the topology of a virtual WAN can render it both performance and cost inefficient. We develop Cornifer, a tool that designs virtual WAN topologies by deciding the number of virtual WAN nodes and their location in the cloud to minimize connection latency at low cost to enterprises. By leveraging millions of latency measurements from vantage points across the world to cloud points of presence, Cornifer designs virtual WAN topologies that improve weighted client latency by 26% and lower cost by 28% compared to the state-of-the-art. Cornifer identifies virtual WAN topologies at the Pareto frontier of the deployment cost vs. connection latency trade-off and proposes a heuristic for automatic selection of Pareto-optimal virtual WAN topologies for enterprises.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:13:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Anjali", "", "" ], [ "Singh", "Rachee", "" ], [ "Swift", "Michael M.", "" ] ]
Jes\'us Camacho-Rodr\'iguez
Ashvin Agrawal, Tim Brown, Anoop Johnson, Jes\'us Camacho-Rodr\'iguez, Kyle Weller, Carlo Curino, Raghu Ramakrishnan
XTable in Action: Seamless Interoperability in Data Lakes
Contemporary approaches to data management are increasingly relying on unified analytics and AI platforms to foster collaboration, interoperability, seamless access to reliable data, and high performance. Data Lakes featuring open standard table formats such as Delta Lake, Apache Hudi, and Apache Iceberg are central components of these data architectures. Choosing the right format for managing a table is crucial for achieving the objectives mentioned above. The challenge lies in selecting the best format, a task that is onerous and can yield temporary results, as the ideal choice may shift over time with data growth, evolving workloads, and the competitive development of table formats and processing engines. Moreover, restricting data access to a single format can hinder data sharing resulting in diminished business value over the long term. The ability to seamlessly interoperate between formats and with negligible overhead can effectively address these challenges. Our solution in this direction is an innovative omni-directional translator, XTable, that facilitates writing data in one format and reading it in any format, thus achieving the desired format interoperability. In this work, we demonstrate the effectiveness of XTable through application scenarios inspired by real-world use cases.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:18:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Agrawal", "Ashvin", "" ], [ "Brown", "Tim", "" ], [ "Johnson", "Anoop", "" ], [ "Camacho-Rodríguez", "Jesús", "" ], [ "Weller", "Kyle", "" ], [ "Curino", "Carlo", "" ], [ "Ramakrishnan", "Raghu", "" ] ]
Rahul Yedida
Rahul Yedida and Tim Menzies
SMOOTHIE: A Theory of Hyper-parameter Optimization for Software Analytics
cs.SE cs.LG
Hyper-parameter optimization is the black art of tuning a learner's control parameters. In software analytics, a repeated result is that such tuning can result in dramatic performance improvements. Despite this, hyper-parameter optimization is often applied rarely or poorly in software analytics--perhaps due to the CPU cost of exploring all those parameter options can be prohibitive. We theorize that learners generalize better when the loss landscape is ``smooth''. This theory is useful since the influence on ``smoothness'' of different hyper-parameter choices can be tested very quickly (e.g. for a deep learner, after just one epoch). To test this theory, this paper implements and tests SMOOTHIE, a novel hyper-parameter optimizer that guides its optimizations via considerations of ``smothness''. The experiments of this paper test SMOOTHIE on numerous SE tasks including (a) GitHub issue lifetime prediction; (b) detecting false alarms in static code warnings; (c) defect prediction, and (d) a set of standard ML datasets. In all these experiments, SMOOTHIE out-performed state-of-the-art optimizers. Better yet, SMOOTHIE ran 300% faster than the prior state-of-the art. We hence conclude that this theory (that hyper-parameter optimization is best viewed as a ``smoothing'' function for the decision landscape), is both theoretically interesting and practically very useful. To support open science and other researchers working in this area, all our scripts and datasets are available on-line at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:23:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yedida", "Rahul", "" ], [ "Menzies", "Tim", "" ] ]
Michael Howland
Jaime Liew, Kirby S. Heck and Michael F. Howland
Unified Momentum Model for Rotor Aerodynamics Across Operating Regimes
Despite substantial growth in wind energy technology in recent decades, aerodynamic modeling of wind turbines relies on momentum models derived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which are well-known to break down under flow regimes in which wind turbines often operate. This gap in theoretical modeling for rotors that are misaligned with the inflow and also for high-thrust rotors has resulted in the development of numerous empirical corrections which are widely applied in textbooks, research articles, and open-source and industry design codes. This work reports a unified momentum model to efficiently predict power production, thrust force, and wake dynamics of rotors under arbitrary inflow angles and thrust coefficients without empirical corrections. This unified momentum model can form a new basis for wind turbine modeling, design, and control tools from first-principles and may enable further development of innovations necessary for increased wind production and reliability to respond to 21st century climate change challenges.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:27:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liew", "Jaime", "" ], [ "Heck", "Kirby S.", "" ], [ "Howland", "Michael F.", "" ] ]
Giovanni Pasqualino
Giovanni Pasqualino, Luca Guarnera, Alessandro Ortis, Sebastiano Battiato
MITS-GAN: Safeguarding Medical Imaging from Tampering with Generative Adversarial Networks
eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG
The progress in generative models, particularly Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), opened new possibilities for image generation but raised concerns about potential malicious uses, especially in sensitive areas like medical imaging. This study introduces MITS-GAN, a novel approach to prevent tampering in medical images, with a specific focus on CT scans. The approach disrupts the output of the attacker's CT-GAN architecture by introducing imperceptible but yet precise perturbations. Specifically, the proposed approach involves the introduction of appropriate Gaussian noise to the input as a protective measure against various attacks. Our method aims to enhance tamper resistance, comparing favorably to existing techniques. Experimental results on a CT scan dataset demonstrate MITS-GAN's superior performance, emphasizing its ability to generate tamper-resistant images with negligible artifacts. As image tampering in medical domains poses life-threatening risks, our proactive approach contributes to the responsible and ethical use of generative models. This work provides a foundation for future research in countering cyber threats in medical imaging. Models and codes are publicly available at the following link \url{}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:30:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pasqualino", "Giovanni", "" ], [ "Guarnera", "Luca", "" ], [ "Ortis", "Alessandro", "" ], [ "Battiato", "Sebastiano", "" ] ]
C. W. Chu
Liangzi Deng (1), Jianbo Zhang (2), Yuki Sakai (3), Zhongjia Tang (4), Moein Adnani (1), Rabin Dahal (1), Alexander P. Litvinchuk (1), James R. Chelikowsky (3 and 5), Marvin L. Cohen (6 and 7), Russell J. Hemley (8), Arnold Guloy (4), Yang Ding (2), Ching-Wu Chu (1 and 7) ((1) Texas Center for Superconductivity and Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA, (2) Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, Beijing, China, (3) Center for Computational Materials, Oden Institute of Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, (4) Texas Center for Superconductivity and Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA, (5) Department of Physics and McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, (6) Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA, (7) Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA, (8) Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA)
Pressure-induced superconductivity in a novel germanium allotrope
30 pages, 13 figures
High-pressure studies on elements play an essential role in superconductivity research, with implications for both fundamental science and applications. Here we report the experimental discovery of surprisingly low pressure driving a novel germanium allotrope into a superconducting state in comparison to that for alpha-Ge. Raman measurements revealed structural phase transitions and possible electronic topological transitions under pressure up to 58 GPa. Based on pressure-dependent resistivity measurements, superconductivity was induced above 2 GPa and the maximum Tc of 6.8 K was observed under 4.6 GPa. Interestingly, a superconductivity enhancement was discovered during decompression, indicating the possibility of maintaining pressure-induced superconductivity at ambient pressure with better superconducting performance. Density functional theory analysis further suggested that the electronic structure of Ge (oP32) is sensitive to its detailed geometry and revealed that disorder in the beta-tin structure leads to a higher Tc in comparison to the perfect beta-tin Ge.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:32:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Deng", "Liangzi", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Zhang", "Jianbo", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Sakai", "Yuki", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Tang", "Zhongjia", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Adnani", "Moein", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Dahal", "Rabin", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Litvinchuk", "Alexander P.", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Chelikowsky", "James R.", "", "3 and 5" ], [ "Cohen", "Marvin L.", "", "6 and 7" ], [ "Hemley", "Russell J.", "", "1 and 7" ], [ "Guloy", "Arnold", "", "1 and 7" ], [ "Ding", "Yang", "", "1 and 7" ], [ "Chu", "Ching-Wu", "", "1 and 7" ] ]
Lukas Novak
Lukas Novak
Quadratic twists of genus one curves
13 pages, comments welcome
For a given irreducible and monic polynomial $f(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ of degree $4$, we consider the quadratic twists by square-free integers $q$ of the genus one quartic ${H\, :\, y^2=f(x)}$ \[ H_q \, :\, qy^2=f(x). \] We say that a curve $C$ is everywhere locally soluble (ELS) if it has a solution in $\mathbb{R}$ and in $\mathbb{Q}_p$ for every prime $p$ (i.e. if $C(\mathbb{R})\neq \emptyset$ and $C(\mathbb{Q}_p)\neq \emptyset$ for all primes $p$). Let $L=\{q\in \mathbb{N} :\, q \text{ is square-free and } H_q \text{ is ELS}\}$ denote the set of positive square-free integers $q$ for which $H_q$ is everywhere locally soluble. For a real number $x$ let ${L(x)= \#\{q\in L:\, q<x\}}$ be the number of elements in $L$ that are less then $x$. Furthermore, let us denote with \[ F(s)=\sum_{n \in L} \frac{1}{n^s} \] the corresponding Dirichlet's series of the set $L$. In this paper, we obtain that \[ L(x) = c_f \frac{x}{(\ln{x})^{m}}+O\left(\frac{x}{(\ln{x})^\alpha}\right) \] for some constants $c_f$, $m$ and $\alpha$ only depending on $f$ such that $m<\alpha \leq 1+m$. We also express the Dirichlet's series $F(s)$ via Dedekind's zeta functions of certain number fields.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:33:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Novak", "Lukas", "" ] ]
Jiasong Chen
Jiasong Chen, Linchen Qian, Linhai Ma, Timur Urakov, Weiyong Gu, Liang Liang
SymTC: A Symbiotic Transformer-CNN Net for Instance Segmentation of Lumbar Spine MRI
eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG
Intervertebral disc disease, a prevalent ailment, frequently leads to intermittent or persistent low back pain, and diagnosing and assessing of this disease rely on accurate measurement of vertebral bone and intervertebral disc geometries from lumbar MR images. Deep neural network (DNN) models may assist clinicians with more efficient image segmentation of individual instances (disks and vertebrae) of the lumbar spine in an automated way, which is termed as instance image segmentation. In this work, we proposed SymTC, an innovative lumbar spine MR image segmentation model that combines the strengths of Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Specifically, we designed a parallel dual-path architecture to merge CNN layers and Transformer layers, and we integrated a novel position embedding into the self-attention module of Transformer, enhancing the utilization of positional information for more accurate segmentation. To further improves model performance, we introduced a new data augmentation technique to create synthetic yet realistic MR image dataset, named SSMSpine, which is made publicly available. We evaluated our SymTC and the other 15 existing image segmentation models on our private in-house dataset and the public SSMSpine dataset, using two metrics, Dice Similarity Coefficient and 95% Hausdorff Distance. The results show that our SymTC has the best performance for segmenting vertebral bones and intervertebral discs in lumbar spine MR images. The SymTC code and SSMSpine dataset are available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:34:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Jiasong", "" ], [ "Qian", "Linchen", "" ], [ "Ma", "Linhai", "" ], [ "Urakov", "Timur", "" ], [ "Gu", "Weiyong", "" ], [ "Liang", "Liang", "" ] ]
Leello Dadi
Leello Dadi, Ioannis Panageas, Stratis Skoulakis, Luca Viano, and Volkan Cevher
Polynomial Convergence of Bandit No-Regret Dynamics in Congestion Games
We introduce an online learning algorithm in the bandit feedback model that, once adopted by all agents of a congestion game, results in game-dynamics that converge to an $\epsilon$-approximate Nash Equilibrium in a polynomial number of rounds with respect to $1/\epsilon$, the number of players and the number of available resources. The proposed algorithm also guarantees sublinear regret to any agent adopting it. As a result, our work answers an open question from arXiv:2206.01880 and extends the recent results of arXiv:2306.15543 to the bandit feedback model. We additionally establish that our online learning algorithm can be implemented in polynomial time for the important special case of Network Congestion Games on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) by constructing an exact $1$-barycentric spanner for DAGs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:37:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dadi", "Leello", "" ], [ "Panageas", "Ioannis", "" ], [ "Skoulakis", "Stratis", "" ], [ "Viano", "Luca", "" ], [ "Cevher", "Volkan", "" ] ]
David Picard
David Picard
Multiple Locally Linear Kernel Machines
This paper was written in 2014 and was originally submitted but rejected at ICML'15
cs.LG stat.ML
In this paper we propose a new non-linear classifier based on a combination of locally linear classifiers. A well known optimization formulation is given as we cast the problem in a $\ell_1$ Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) problem using many locally linear kernels. Since the number of such kernels is huge, we provide a scalable generic MKL training algorithm handling streaming kernels. With respect to the inference time, the resulting classifier fits the gap between high accuracy but slow non-linear classifiers (such as classical MKL) and fast but low accuracy linear classifiers.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:43:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Picard", "David", "" ] ]
Debesh Jha
Debesh Jha, Nikhil Kumar Tomar, Koushik Biswas, Gorkem Durak, Alpay Medetalibeyoglu, Matthew Antalek, Yury Velichko, Daniela Ladner, Amir Borhani, Ulas Bagci
CT Liver Segmentation via PVT-based Encoding and Refined Decoding
eess.IV cs.CV
Accurate liver segmentation from CT scans is essential for computer-aided diagnosis and treatment planning. Recently, Vision Transformers achieved a competitive performance in computer vision tasks compared to convolutional neural networks due to their exceptional ability to learn global representations. However, they often struggle with scalability, memory constraints, and computational inefficiency, particularly in handling high-resolution medical images. To overcome scalability and efficiency issues, we propose a novel deep learning approach, \textit{\textbf{PVTFormer}}, that is built upon a pretrained pyramid vision transformer (PVT v2) combined with advanced residual upsampling and decoder block. By integrating a refined feature channel approach with hierarchical decoding strategy, PVTFormer generates high quality segmentation masks by enhancing semantic features. Rigorous evaluation of the proposed method on Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS) 2017 demonstrates that our proposed architecture not only achieves a high dice coefficient of 86.78\%, mIoU of 78.46\%, but also obtains a low HD of 3.50. The results underscore PVTFormer's efficacy in setting a new benchmark for state-of-the-art liver segmentation methods. The source code of the proposed PVTFormer is available at \url{}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:44:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jha", "Debesh", "" ], [ "Tomar", "Nikhil Kumar", "" ], [ "Biswas", "Koushik", "" ], [ "Durak", "Gorkem", "" ], [ "Medetalibeyoglu", "Alpay", "" ], [ "Antalek", "Matthew", "" ], [ "Velichko", "Yury", "" ], [ "Ladner", "Daniela", "" ], [ "Borhani", "Amir", "" ], [ "Bagci", "Ulas", "" ] ]
Favour Nerrise
Favour Nerrise (1 and 2), Andrew Sosa Sosanya (2), Patrick Neary (2) ((1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA, USA, (2) SandboxAQ, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
Physics-Informed Calibration of Aeromagnetic Compensation in Magnetic Navigation Systems using Liquid Time-Constant Networks
Accepted at the NeurIPS 2023 Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop, 7 pages, 4 figures, see code here:
cs.LG cs.SY eess.SY physics.comp-ph physics.geo-ph
Magnetic navigation (MagNav) is a rising alternative to the Global Positioning System (GPS) and has proven useful for aircraft navigation. Traditional aircraft navigation systems, while effective, face limitations in precision and reliability in certain environments and against attacks. Airborne MagNav leverages the Earth's magnetic field to provide accurate positional information. However, external magnetic fields induced by aircraft electronics and Earth's large-scale magnetic fields disrupt the weaker signal of interest. We introduce a physics-informed approach using Tolles-Lawson coefficients for compensation and Liquid Time-Constant Networks (LTCs) to remove complex, noisy signals derived from the aircraft's magnetic sources. Using real flight data with magnetometer measurements and aircraft measurements, we observe up to a 64% reduction in aeromagnetic compensation error (RMSE nT), outperforming conventional models. This significant improvement underscores the potential of a physics-informed, machine learning approach for extracting clean, reliable, and accurate magnetic signals for MagNav positional estimation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:46:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nerrise", "Favour", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Sosanya", "Andrew Sosa", "" ], [ "Neary", "Patrick", "" ] ]
Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie
M. S. Avirett-Mackenzie, C. Villforth, M. Huertas-Company, S. Wuyts, D. M. Alexander, S. Bonoli, A. Lapi, I. E. Lopez, C. Ramos Almeida, F. Shankar
A post-merger enhancement only in star-forming Type 2 Seyfert galaxies: the deep learning view
Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 20 pages, 13 figures (+ 5 in appendix)
Supermassive black holes require a reservoir of cold gas at the centre of their host galaxy in order to accrete and shine as active galactic nuclei (AGN). Major mergers have the ability to drive gas rapidly inwards, but observations trying to link mergers with AGN have found mixed results due to the difficulty of consistently identifying galaxy mergers in surveys. This study applies deep learning to this problem, using convolutional neural networks trained to identify simulated post-merger galaxies from survey-realistic imaging. This provides a fast and repeatable alternative to human visual inspection. Using this tool, we examine a sample of ~8500 Seyfert 2 galaxies (L[OIII] ~ $10^{38.5 - 42}$ erg/s) at z < 0.3 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and find a merger fraction of $2.19_{-0.17}^{+0.21}$% compared with inactive control galaxies, in which we find a merger fraction of $2.96_{-0.20}^{+0.26}$%, indicating an overall lack of mergers among AGN hosts compared with controls. However, matching the controls to the AGN hosts in stellar mass and star formation rate reveals that AGN hosts in the star-forming blue cloud exhibit a ~$2\times$ merger enhancement over controls, while those in the quiescent red sequence have significantly lower relative merger fractions, leading to the observed overall deficit due to the differing $M_{\ast} - $SFR distributions. We conclude that while mergers are not the dominant trigger of all low-luminosity, obscured AGN activity in the nearby Universe, they are more important to AGN fuelling in galaxies with higher cold gas mass fractions as traced through star formation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:48:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Avirett-Mackenzie", "M. S.", "" ], [ "Villforth", "C.", "" ], [ "Huertas-Company", "M.", "" ], [ "Wuyts", "S.", "" ], [ "Alexander", "D. M.", "" ], [ "Bonoli", "S.", "" ], [ "Lapi", "A.", "" ], [ "Lopez", "I. E.", "" ], [ "Almeida", "C. Ramos", "" ], [ "Shankar", "F.", "" ] ]
Rashmish Mishra
Rashmish K. Mishra, Lisa Randall
Phase Transition to RS: Cool, not Supercool
39 pages, 13 figures
hep-ph gr-qc hep-th
Motivated by the warped conifold compactification, we model the infrared (IR) dynamics of confining gauge theories in a Randall-Sundrum (RS)-like setup by modifying the stabilizing Goldberger-Wise (GW) potential so that it becomes large (in magnitude) in the IR and back-reacts on the geometry. We study the high-temperature phase by considering a black brane background in which we calculate the entropy and free energy of the strongly back-reacted solution. As with Buchel's result for the conifold (arXiv:2103.15188), we find a minimum temperature beyond which the black brane phase is thermodynamically unstable. In the context of a phase transition to the confining background, our results suggest that the amount of supercooling that the metastable black brane phase undergoes can be limited. It also suggests the first-order phase transition (and the associated gravitational waves from bubble collision) is not universal. Our results therefore have important phenomenological implications for early universe model building in these scenarios.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:54:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mishra", "Rashmish K.", "" ], [ "Randall", "Lisa", "" ] ]
John Rodriguez
J. J. Rodr\'iguez-Vega and O. F. Casas-S\'anchez
Explicit formula in a imaginary quadratic number field
In \cite{Haran_1990}, Haran, using Riesz potentials, presents a version of the classical explicit formula for the Riemann zeta function that treats all places equally. In this article, we extend Haran's results to the case of an imaginary quadratic extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. To this end, we define Riesz kernels for both the totally ramified and complex cases. Although Haran implicitly addressed the unramified extension, we also include this case for the sake of completeness. Following Haran's approach with the Riemann zeta function, we demonstrate that these Riesz kernels naturally arise in connection with the contributions of the totally ramified and complex places to the Dedekind zeta function of the imaginary quadratic extension.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:08:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rodríguez-Vega", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Casas-Sánchez", "O. F.", "" ] ]
Nagaraj Vernekar
Nagaraj Vernekar, Sara Lucatello, Angela Bragaglia, Andrea Miglio, Nicoletta Sanna, Gloria Andreuzzi, Antonio Frasca
Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Abundance analysis of nearby red giants and red clump stars: combining high resolution spectroscopy and asteroseismology
24 pages, 23 figures, Accepted for Publication in A&A
astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA
Context: Asteroseismology, a powerful approach for obtaining internal structure and stellar properties, requires surface temperature and chemical composition information to determine mass and age. High-resolution spectroscopy is a valuable technique for precise stellar parameters (including surface temperature) and chemical composition analysis. Aim: We aim to combine spectroscopic parameters with asteroseismology to test stellar models. Method: Using high-resolution optical and near-IR spectra from GIARPS at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, we conducted a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 16 stars photometrically selected to be on the red giant and red clump. Stellar parameters and chemical abundances for light elements (Li, C, N, F), Fe peak, $\alpha$ and n-capture elements were derived using a combination of equivalent widths and spectral synthesis techniques, based on atomic and molecular features. Ages were determined through asteroseismic scaling relations and compared with ages based on chemical clocks, [Y/Mg] and [C/N]. Results: Spectroscopic parameters confirmed the stars as part of the red giant branch and red clump. Two objects, HD 22045 and HD 24680 exhibited relatively high Li abundances, with HD 24680 potentially being a Li-rich giant resulting from mass transfer with an intermediate-mass companion, which already underwent its AGB phase. Stellar parameters derived from scaling different sets of relations were consistent with each other. For what concerns ages, the values based on asteroseismology were in excellent agreement with those derived from theoretical evolutionary tracks, but did not align with ages derived from the chemical clocks [Y/Mg] and [C/N].
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:09:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Vernekar", "Nagaraj", "" ], [ "Lucatello", "Sara", "" ], [ "Bragaglia", "Angela", "" ], [ "Miglio", "Andrea", "" ], [ "Sanna", "Nicoletta", "" ], [ "Andreuzzi", "Gloria", "" ], [ "Frasca", "Antonio", "" ] ]
Ali Eghbali
Ali Eghbali, Adel Rezaei-Aghdam
A hierarchy of WZW models related to super Poisson-Lie T-duality
26 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, 1 appendix
Motivated by super Poisson-Lie (PL) symmetry of the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model based on the $(C^3+A)$ Lie supergroup of our previous work [A. Eghbali {\it et al.} JHEP 07 (2013) 134], we first obtain and classify all Drinfeld superdoubles (DSDs) generated by the Lie superbialgebra structures on the $({\C}^3+ {\A})$ Lie superalgebra as a theorem. Then, introducing a general formulation we find the conditions under which a two-dimensional $\sigma$-model may be equivalent to a WZW model. With the help of this formulation and starting the super PL symmetric $(C^3+A)$ WZW model, we get a hierarchy of WZW models related to super PL T-duality, in such a way that it is different from the super PL T-plurality, because the DSDs are, in this process, non-isomorphic. The most interesting indication of this work is that the $(C^3+A)$ WZW model does remain invariant under the super PL T-duality transformation, that is, the model is super PL self-dual.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:10:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Eghbali", "Ali", "" ], [ "Rezaei-Aghdam", "Adel", "" ] ]
Hussein Mozannar
Niklas Mannhardt, Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly, Barbara Lam, Chloe O'Connell, Mercy Asiedu, Hussein Mozannar, Monica Agrawal, Alejandro Buendia, Tatiana Urman, Irbaz B. Riaz, Catherine E. Ricciardi, Marzyeh Ghassemi, David Sontag
Impact of Large Language Model Assistance on Patients Reading Clinical Notes: A Mixed-Methods Study
cs.HC cs.AI cs.CL
Patients derive numerous benefits from reading their clinical notes, including an increased sense of control over their health and improved understanding of their care plan. However, complex medical concepts and jargon within clinical notes hinder patient comprehension and may lead to anxiety. We developed a patient-facing tool to make clinical notes more readable, leveraging large language models (LLMs) to simplify, extract information from, and add context to notes. We prompt engineered GPT-4 to perform these augmentation tasks on real clinical notes donated by breast cancer survivors and synthetic notes generated by a clinician, a total of 12 notes with 3868 words. In June 2023, 200 female-identifying US-based participants were randomly assigned three clinical notes with varying levels of augmentations using our tool. Participants answered questions about each note, evaluating their understanding of follow-up actions and self-reported confidence. We found that augmentations were associated with a significant increase in action understanding score (0.63 $\pm$ 0.04 for select augmentations, compared to 0.54 $\pm$ 0.02 for the control) with p=0.002. In-depth interviews of self-identifying breast cancer patients (N=7) were also conducted via video conferencing. Augmentations, especially definitions, elicited positive responses among the seven participants, with some concerns about relying on LLMs. Augmentations were evaluated for errors by clinicians, and we found misleading errors occur, with errors more common in real donated notes than synthetic notes, illustrating the importance of carefully written clinical notes. Augmentations improve some but not all readability metrics. This work demonstrates the potential of LLMs to improve patients' experience with clinical notes at a lower burden to clinicians. However, having a human in the loop is important to correct potential model errors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:14:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mannhardt", "Niklas", "" ], [ "Bondi-Kelly", "Elizabeth", "" ], [ "Lam", "Barbara", "" ], [ "O'Connell", "Chloe", "" ], [ "Asiedu", "Mercy", "" ], [ "Mozannar", "Hussein", "" ], [ "Agrawal", "Monica", "" ], [ "Buendia", "Alejandro", "" ], [ "Urman", "Tatiana", "" ], [ "Riaz", "Irbaz B.", "" ], [ "Ricciardi", "Catherine E.", "" ], [ "Ghassemi", "Marzyeh", "" ], [ "Sontag", "David", "" ] ]
Sonit Singh
Sonit Singh, Gordon Stevenson, Brendan Mein, Alec Welsh and Arcot Sowmya
Automatic 3D Multi-modal Ultrasound Segmentation of Human Placenta using Fusion Strategies and Deep Learning
eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG
Purpose: Ultrasound is the most commonly used medical imaging modality for diagnosis and screening in clinical practice. Due to its safety profile, noninvasive nature and portability, ultrasound is the primary imaging modality for fetal assessment in pregnancy. Current ultrasound processing methods are either manual or semi-automatic and are therefore laborious, time-consuming and prone to errors, and automation would go a long way in addressing these challenges. Automated identification of placental changes at earlier gestation could facilitate potential therapies for conditions such as fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia that are currently detected only at late gestational age, potentially preventing perinatal morbidity and mortality. Methods: We propose an automatic three-dimensional multi-modal (B-mode and power Doppler) ultrasound segmentation of the human placenta using deep learning combined with different fusion strategies.We collected data containing Bmode and power Doppler ultrasound scans for 400 studies. Results: We evaluated different fusion strategies and state-of-the-art image segmentation networks for placenta segmentation based on standard overlap- and boundary-based metrics. We found that multimodal information in the form of B-mode and power Doppler scans outperform any single modality. Furthermore, we found that B-mode and power Doppler input scans fused at the data level provide the best results with a mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.849. Conclusion: We conclude that the multi-modal approach of combining B-mode and power Doppler scans is effective in segmenting the placenta from 3D ultrasound scans in a fully automated manner and is robust to quality variation of the datasets.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:17:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Singh", "Sonit", "" ], [ "Stevenson", "Gordon", "" ], [ "Mein", "Brendan", "" ], [ "Welsh", "Alec", "" ], [ "Sowmya", "Arcot", "" ] ]
Shuge Lei
Shuge Lei
Uncertainty Modeling in Ultrasound Image Segmentation for Precise Fetal Biometric Measurements
eess.IV cs.CV
Medical image segmentation, particularly in the context of ultrasound data, is a crucial aspect of computer vision and medical imaging. This paper delves into the complexities of uncertainty in the segmentation process, focusing on fetal head and femur ultrasound images. The proposed methodology involves extracting target contours and exploring techniques for precise parameter measurement. Uncertainty modeling methods are employed to enhance the training and testing processes of the segmentation network. The study reveals that the average absolute error in fetal head circumference measurement is 8.0833mm, with a relative error of 4.7347%. Similarly, the average absolute error in fetal femur measurement is 2.6163mm, with a relative error of 6.3336%. Uncertainty modeling experiments employing Test-Time Augmentation (TTA) demonstrate effective interpretability of data uncertainty on both datasets. This suggests that incorporating data uncertainty based on the TTA method can support clinical practitioners in making informed decisions and obtaining more reliable measurement results in practical clinical applications. The paper contributes to the advancement of ultrasound image segmentation, addressing critical challenges and improving the reliability of biometric measurements.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:21:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lei", "Shuge", "" ] ]
Anmol Dwivedi
Anmol Dwivedi, Santiago Paternain, Ali Tajer
Blackout Mitigation via Physics-guided RL
eess.SY cs.AI cs.SY
This paper considers the sequential design of remedial control actions in response to system anomalies for the ultimate objective of preventing blackouts. A physics-guided reinforcement learning (RL) framework is designed to identify effective sequences of real-time remedial look-ahead decisions accounting for the long-term impact on the system's stability. The paper considers a space of control actions that involve both discrete-valued transmission line-switching decisions (line reconnections and removals) and continuous-valued generator adjustments. To identify an effective blackout mitigation policy, a physics-guided approach is designed that uses power-flow sensitivity factors associated with the power transmission network to guide the RL exploration during agent training. Comprehensive empirical evaluations using the open-source Grid2Op platform demonstrate the notable advantages of incorporating physical signals into RL decisions, establishing the gains of the proposed physics-guided approach compared to its black box counterparts. One important observation is that strategically~\emph{removing} transmission lines, in conjunction with multiple real-time generator adjustments, often renders effective long-term decisions that are likely to prevent or delay blackouts.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:27:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dwivedi", "Anmol", "" ], [ "Paternain", "Santiago", "" ], [ "Tajer", "Ali", "" ] ]
Tian-Le Yang
Tian-Le Yang, Kuang-Yao Lee, Kun Zhang, Joe Suzuki
Functional Linear Non-Gaussian Acyclic Model for Causal Discovery
cs.LG math.ST q-bio.NC stat.ME stat.TH
In causal discovery, non-Gaussianity has been used to characterize the complete configuration of a Linear Non-Gaussian Acyclic Model (LiNGAM), encompassing both the causal ordering of variables and their respective connection strengths. However, LiNGAM can only deal with the finite-dimensional case. To expand this concept, we extend the notion of variables to encompass vectors and even functions, leading to the Functional Linear Non-Gaussian Acyclic Model (Func-LiNGAM). Our motivation stems from the desire to identify causal relationships in brain-effective connectivity tasks involving, for example, fMRI and EEG datasets. We demonstrate why the original LiNGAM fails to handle these inherently infinite-dimensional datasets and explain the availability of functional data analysis from both empirical and theoretical perspectives. {We establish theoretical guarantees of the identifiability of the causal relationship among non-Gaussian random vectors and even random functions in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.} To address the issue of sparsity in discrete time points within intrinsic infinite-dimensional functional data, we propose optimizing the coordinates of the vectors using functional principal component analysis. Experimental results on synthetic data verify the ability of the proposed framework to identify causal relationships among multivariate functions using the observed samples. For real data, we focus on analyzing the brain connectivity patterns derived from fMRI data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:27:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Tian-Le", "" ], [ "Lee", "Kuang-Yao", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Kun", "" ], [ "Suzuki", "Joe", "" ] ]
Mohammadamin Safdari
Mohammadamin Safdari, Roya Zandi, Paul van der Schoot
Dynamics of elongation of nematic tactoids in an electric field
Nematic tactoids are spindle-shaped droplets of a nematic phase nucleated in the co-existing isotropic phase. According to equilibrium theory, their internal structure and shape are controlled by a balance between the elastic deformation of the director field, induced by the preferred anchoring of that director field to the interface, and the interfacial free energy. Recent experiments on tactoids of chitin nanocrystals dispersed in water show that electrical fields can very strongly elongate tactoids, at least if the tactoids are sufficiently large in volume. However, this observation contradicts the predictions of equilibrium theory as well as findings from Monte Carlo simulations that do not show this kind of extreme elongation to take place at all. To explain this, we put forward a relaxational model based on the Oseen-Frank free energy of elastic deformation of a director field coupled to an anisotropic surface free energy. In our model, we use two reaction coordinates to describe the director field and the extent of elongation of the droplets, and evaluate the evolution of both as a function of time following the switching on of an electric field. Depending on the relative magnitude of the fundamental relaxation rates associated with the two reaction coordinates, we find that the aspect ratio of the drops may develop a large and very long-lived overshoot before eventually relaxing to the much smaller equilibrium value. In that case, the response of the curvature of the director field lags behind, explaining the experimental observations. Our theory describes the experimental data reasonably well.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:28:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Safdari", "Mohammadamin", "" ], [ "Zandi", "Roya", "" ], [ "van der Schoot", "Paul", "" ] ]
Rui Zhang
Rui Zhang and Shawn Tsai and Jiaying Ren and Oliver Sun
Generalized Reference Signals Design for Integrated Communication and Sensing with High-Resolution Algorithms
eess.SP cs.NI
Delay and Doppler ambiguities of comb reference signal patterns are investigated through time delay and Doppler shift detection using high-resolution sensing algorithms. Necessary conditions of designing comb RS patterns and synthesizing different reference signal patterns in general are derived under the goal of eliminating side peaks and preserving the best achievable ambiguity performance of OFDM signals for target detection.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:28:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Rui", "" ], [ "Tsai", "Shawn", "" ], [ "Ren", "Jiaying", "" ], [ "Sun", "Oliver", "" ] ]
Elliot J. Carr
Elliot J. Carr
Total fraction of drug released from diffusion-controlled delivery systems with binding reactions
10 pages, 5 figures
In diffusion-controlled drug delivery, it is possible for drug molecules to bind to the carrier material and never be released. A common way to incorporate this phenomenon into the governing mechanistic model is to include an irreversible first-order reaction term, where drug molecules become permanently immobilised once bound. For diffusion-only models, all the drug initially loaded into the device is released, while for reaction-diffusion models only a fraction of the drug is ultimately released. In this short paper, we show how to calculate this fraction for several common diffusion-controlled delivery systems. Easy-to-evaluate analytical expressions for the fraction of drug released are developed for monolithic and core-shell systems of slab, cylinder or sphere geometry. The developed formulas provide analytical insight into the effect that system parameters (e.g. diffusivity, binding rate, core radius) have on the total fraction of drug released, which may be helpful for practitioners designing drug delivery systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:28:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Carr", "Elliot J.", "" ] ]
Fawaz Aseeri
Fawaz Aseeri, Julian Kaspczyk
The conjugacy diameters of non-abelian finite $p$-groups with cyclic maximal subgroups
25 pages
math.GR math.CO
Let $G$ be a group. A subset $S$ of $G$ is said to normally generate $G$ if $G$ is the normal closure of $S$ in $G.$ In this case, any element of $G$ can be written as a product of conjugates of elements of $S$ and their inverses. If $g\in G$ and $S$ is a normally generating subset of $G,$ then we write $\| g\|_{S}$ for the length of a shortest word in $\mbox{Conj}_{G}(S^{\pm 1}):=\{h^{-1}sh | h\in G, s\in S \, \mbox{or} \, s{^{-1}}\in S \}$ needed to express $g.$ For any normally generating subset $S$ of $G,$ we write $\|G\|_{S} =\mbox{sup}\{\|g\|_{S} \,|\,\, g\in G\}.$ Moreover, we write $\Delta(G)$ for the supremum of all $\|G\|_{S},$ where $S$ is a finite normally generating subset of $G,$ and we call $\Delta(G)$ the conjugacy diameter of $G.$ In this paper, we determine the conjugacy diameters of the semidihedral $2$-groups, the generalized quaternion groups and the modular $p$-groups. This is a natural step after the determination of the conjugacy diameters of dihedral groups, which were recently found by the first author (finite case) and by Kedra, Libman and Martin (infinite case).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:28:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aseeri", "Fawaz", "" ], [ "Kaspczyk", "Julian", "" ] ]
David Thulke
David Thulke and Yingbo Gao and Petrus Pelser and Rein Brune and Rricha Jalota and Floris Fok and Michael Ramos and Ian van Wyk and Abdallah Nasir and Hayden Goldstein and Taylor Tragemann and Katie Nguyen and Ariana Fowler and Andrew Stanco and Jon Gabriel and Jordan Taylor and Dean Moro and Evgenii Tsymbalov and Juliette de Waal and Evgeny Matusov and Mudar Yaghi and Mohammad Shihadah and Hermann Ney and Christian Dugast and Jonathan Dotan and Daniel Erasmus
ClimateGPT: Towards AI Synthesizing Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL
This paper introduces ClimateGPT, a model family of domain-specific large language models that synthesize interdisciplinary research on climate change. We trained two 7B models from scratch on a science-oriented dataset of 300B tokens. For the first model, the 4.2B domain-specific tokens were included during pre-training and the second was adapted to the climate domain after pre-training. Additionally, ClimateGPT-7B, 13B and 70B are continuously pre-trained from Llama~2 on a domain-specific dataset of 4.2B tokens. Each model is instruction fine-tuned on a high-quality and human-generated domain-specific dataset that has been created in close cooperation with climate scientists. To reduce the number of hallucinations, we optimize the model for retrieval augmentation and propose a hierarchical retrieval strategy. To increase the accessibility of our model to non-English speakers, we propose to make use of cascaded machine translation and show that this approach can perform comparably to natively multilingual models while being easier to scale to a large number of languages. Further, to address the intrinsic interdisciplinary aspect of climate change we consider different research perspectives. Therefore, the model can produce in-depth answers focusing on different perspectives in addition to an overall answer. We propose a suite of automatic climate-specific benchmarks to evaluate LLMs. On these benchmarks, ClimateGPT-7B performs on par with the ten times larger Llama-2-70B Chat model while not degrading results on general domain benchmarks. Our human evaluation confirms the trends we saw in our benchmarks. All models were trained and evaluated using renewable energy and are released publicly.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:29:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Thulke", "David", "" ], [ "Gao", "Yingbo", "" ], [ "Pelser", "Petrus", "" ], [ "Brune", "Rein", "" ], [ "Jalota", "Rricha", "" ], [ "Fok", "Floris", "" ], [ "Ramos", "Michael", "" ], [ "van Wyk", "Ian", "" ], [ "Nasir", "Abdallah", "" ], [ "Goldstein", "Hayden", "" ], [ "Tragemann", "Taylor", "" ], [ "Nguyen", "Katie", "" ], [ "Fowler", "Ariana", "" ], [ "Stanco", "Andrew", "" ], [ "Gabriel", "Jon", "" ], [ "Taylor", "Jordan", "" ], [ "Moro", "Dean", "" ], [ "Tsymbalov", "Evgenii", "" ], [ "de Waal", "Juliette", "" ], [ "Matusov", "Evgeny", "" ], [ "Yaghi", "Mudar", "" ], [ "Shihadah", "Mohammad", "" ], [ "Ney", "Hermann", "" ], [ "Dugast", "Christian", "" ], [ "Dotan", "Jonathan", "" ], [ "Erasmus", "Daniel", "" ] ]
Zihao He
Minh Duc Chu, Aryan Karnati, Zihao He, Kristina Lerman
Characterizing Online Eating Disorder Communities with Large Language Models
cs.SI cs.CL cs.CY
The rise in eating disorders, a dangerous mental health condition with high mortality and morbidity, has been linked to the proliferation of idealized body images on social media. However, the link between social media and eating disorders is far more complex. We argue that social media platforms create a feedback loop that amplifies the growth of content and communities that promote eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Specifically, social media platforms make it easy for vulnerable individuals to find and connect to like-minded others, while group dynamic processes encourage them to stay engaged within communities that promote and glorify harmful behaviors linked to eating disorders. We characterize this dynamic empirically through a combination of network and language analysis. We describe a novel framework that leverages large language models to analyze the discourse within online communities and probe their attitudes on topics related to eating disorders to identify potentially harmful content. Our work emphasizes the need for better social media moderation to disrupt harmful feedback loops and protect vulnerable individuals.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:32:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chu", "Minh Duc", "" ], [ "Karnati", "Aryan", "" ], [ "He", "Zihao", "" ], [ "Lerman", "Kristina", "" ] ]
Rui Zhang
Rui Zhang and Shawn Tsai and Tzu-Han Chou and Jiaying Ren
Comb Reference Signal Pattern Design for Integrated Communication and Sensing
eess.SP cs.NI
Ambiguity performances of reference signal patterns for integrated communication and sensing are studied via time delay and Doppler shift detection. A reference signal pattern with a staggering offset of a linear slope relatively prime to the transmission comb is suggested for low-complexity, standard-resolution sensing algorithms. We also propose an extended guard interval design to extend the maximum time delay for post-FFT sensing algorithms.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:33:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Rui", "" ], [ "Tsai", "Shawn", "" ], [ "Chou", "Tzu-Han", "" ], [ "Ren", "Jiaying", "" ] ]
David Valderrama
David Valderrama
Cardinal invariants related to density
21 pages, 3 figures
We investigate some variants of the splitting, reaping, and independence numbers defined using asymptotic density. Specifically, we give a proof of Con($\mathfrak{i}<\mathfrak{s}_{1/2}$), Con($\mathfrak{r}_{1/2}<\mathfrak{b}$) and Con($\mathfrak{i}_*<2^{\aleph_0}$). This answers two questions raised in arXiv:1808.02442v3. Besides, we prove the consistency of $\mathfrak{s}_{1/2}^{\infty} < $ non$(\mathcal{E})$ and cov$(\mathcal{E}) < \mathfrak{r}_{1/2}^{\infty}$, where $\mathcal{E}$ is the $\sigma$-ideal generated by closed sets of measure zero.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:34:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Valderrama", "David", "" ] ]
Yuhan Liu
Yuhan Liu, Jayadev Acharya
The role of shared randomness in quantum state certification with unentangled measurements
29 pages, 2 tables. Comments welcome
quant-ph cs.CC cs.IT math.IT
Given $n$ copies of an unknown quantum state $\rho\in\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}$, quantum state certification is the task of determining whether $\rho=\rho_0$ or $\|\rho-\rho_0\|_1>\varepsilon$, where $\rho_0$ is a known reference state. We study quantum state certification using unentangled quantum measurements, namely measurements which operate only on one copy of $\rho$ at a time. When there is a common source of shared randomness available and the unentangled measurements are chosen based on this randomness, prior work has shown that $\Theta(d^{3/2}/\varepsilon^2)$ copies are necessary and sufficient. This holds even when the measurements are allowed to be chosen adaptively. We consider deterministic measurement schemes (as opposed to randomized) and demonstrate that ${\Theta}(d^2/\varepsilon^2)$ copies are necessary and sufficient for state certification. This shows a separation between algorithms with and without shared randomness. We develop a unified lower bound framework for both fixed and randomized measurements, under the same theoretical framework that relates the hardness of testing to the well-established L\"uders rule. More precisely, we obtain lower bounds for randomized and fixed schemes as a function of the eigenvalues of the L\"uders channel which characterizes one possible post-measurement state transformation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:44:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Yuhan", "" ], [ "Acharya", "Jayadev", "" ] ]
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens, Changyu Gao, Connor Pryor, Stephen Wright, Lise Getoor
Convex and Bilevel Optimization for Neuro-Symbolic Inference and Learning
cs.LG cs.AI math.OC
We address a key challenge for neuro-symbolic (NeSy) systems by leveraging convex and bilevel optimization techniques to develop a general gradient-based framework for end-to-end neural and symbolic parameter learning. The applicability of our framework is demonstrated with NeuPSL, a state-of-the-art NeSy architecture. To achieve this, we propose a smooth primal and dual formulation of NeuPSL inference and show learning gradients are functions of the optimal dual variables. Additionally, we develop a dual block coordinate descent algorithm for the new formulation that naturally exploits warm-starts. This leads to over 100x learning runtime improvements over the current best NeuPSL inference method. Finally, we provide extensive empirical evaluations across $8$ datasets covering a range of tasks and demonstrate our learning framework achieves up to a 16% point prediction performance improvement over alternative learning methods.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:45:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dickens", "Charles", "" ], [ "Gao", "Changyu", "" ], [ "Pryor", "Connor", "" ], [ "Wright", "Stephen", "" ], [ "Getoor", "Lise", "" ] ]
Heinke Frerichs
H. Frerichs, J. van Blarcum, Y. Feng, L. Li, Y. Q. Liu, A. Loarte, J.-K. Park, R. A. Pitts, O. Schmitz, S. M. Yang
Heuristic predictions of RMP configurations for ELM suppression in ITER burning plasmas and their impact on divertor performance
submitted in Nuclear Fusion
A subspace of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) configurations for edge localized mode (ELM) suppression is predicted for H-mode burning plasmas at 15 MA current and 5.3 T magnetic field in ITER. Perturbation of the core plasma can be reduced by a factor of 2 for equivalent edge stability proxies, while the perturbed plasma boundary geometry remains mostly resilient. The striation width of perturbed field lines connecting from the main plasma (normalized poloidal flux $< 1$) to the divertor targets is found to be significantly larger than the expected heat load width in the absence of RMPs. This facilitates heat load spreading with peak values at an acceptable level below 10 MW m${}^{-2}$ on the outer target already at moderate gas fueling and low Ne seeding for additional radiative dissipation of the 100 MW of power into the scrape-off layer (SOL). On the inner target, however, re-attachment is predicted away from the equilibrium strike point due to increased upstream heat flux, higher downstream temperature and less efficient impurity radiation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:50:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Frerichs", "H.", "" ], [ "van Blarcum", "J.", "" ], [ "Feng", "Y.", "" ], [ "Li", "L.", "" ], [ "Liu", "Y. Q.", "" ], [ "Loarte", "A.", "" ], [ "Park", "J. -K.", "" ], [ "Pitts", "R. A.", "" ], [ "Schmitz", "O.", "" ], [ "Yang", "S. M.", "" ] ]
Cheng Tao Yang
Cheng Tao Yang
Elementary Particles and Plasma in the First Hour of the Early Universe
PhD thesis, 150 pages, 31 figures. Includes work done in collaboration with Andrew Steinmetz, Christopher Grayson, Martin Formanek, Jeremiah Birrell, and Johann Rafelski Martin Formanek, Cheng Tao Yang, and Johann Rafelski
hep-ph astro-ph.CO
This dissertation aims to deepen the understanding of the primordial composition of the Universe in the temperature range 300 MeV>T>0.02 MeV. I exploit known properties of elementary particles and apply methods of kinetic theory and statistical physics to advance the understanding of the cosmic plasma. Within the Big Bang model, we begin by considering the Universe being a highly energetic fireball, an ultra-relativistic plasma exhibiting distinct properties. Fundamental particles such as quarks, leptons, and even heavier gauge bosons play a crucial role in the understanding of the early Universe. Our research focuses on the investigation of these fundamental particles as constituents of the dense Universe plasma during the epoch which transits from primordial quark-gluon plasma to the era of normal hadron matter, passing through the decoupling of neutrinos and addressing in detail the electron-positron antimatter plasma.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:52:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Cheng Tao", "" ] ]
Ignacio Astaburuaga
Ignacio Astaburuaga
User Study: Comparison of Picture Passwords and Current Login Approaches
In this research, we conduct a user study that compares different computer/system authentication methods. More specifically, we look into comparing regular password authentication with picture authentication. Picture authentication means selecting a sequence of pictures from a set of pictures (30). We present users with both interfaces; various metrics are tracked while the participants conduct a variety of user authentication-related tasks. Other metrics include user perception of security with such technologies.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:02:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Astaburuaga", "Ignacio", "" ] ]
Yuqi Zhao
Yuqi Zhao, Dylan Renaud, Demitry Farfurnik, Subhojit Dutta, Neil Sinclair, Marko Loncar, Edo Waks
Cavity-enhanced narrowband spectral filters using rare-earth ions doped in thin-film lithium niobate
On-chip optical filters are fundamental components in optical signal processing. While rare-earth ion-doped crystals offer ultra-narrow optical filtering via spectral hole burning, their applications have primarily been limited to those using bulk crystals, restricting their utility. In this work, we demonstrate cavity-enhanced spectral filtering based on rare-earth ions in an integrated nonlinear optical platform. We incorporate rare-earth ions into high quality-factor ring resonators patterned in thin-film lithium niobate. By spectral hole burning in a critically-coupled resonance mode, we achieve bandpass filters ranging from 7 MHz linewidth, with 13.0 dB of extinction, to 24 MHz linewidth, with 20.4 dB of extinction. These filters outperform those of the highest quality factor ring resonators demonstrated in the thin-film lithium niobate integrated platform. Moreover, the cavity enables reconfigurable filtering by varying the cavity coupling rate. For instance, as opposed to the bandpass filter, we demonstrate a bandstop filter utilizing an under-coupled ring resonator. Such versatile integrated spectral filters with high extinction ratio and narrow linewidth could serve as fundamental components for optical signal processing and optical memories on-a-chip.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:03:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Yuqi", "" ], [ "Renaud", "Dylan", "" ], [ "Farfurnik", "Demitry", "" ], [ "Dutta", "Subhojit", "" ], [ "Sinclair", "Neil", "" ], [ "Loncar", "Marko", "" ], [ "Waks", "Edo", "" ] ]
Tan Chen
Tan Chen, Jintao Yan, Yuxuan Sun, Sheng Zhou, Deniz G\"und\"uz, Zhisheng Niu
Mobility Accelerates Learning: Convergence Analysis on Hierarchical Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks
Submitted to IEEE for possible publication
cs.LG cs.AI cs.DC
Hierarchical federated learning (HFL) enables distributed training of models across multiple devices with the help of several edge servers and a cloud edge server in a privacy-preserving manner. In this paper, we consider HFL with highly mobile devices, mainly targeting at vehicular networks. Through convergence analysis, we show that mobility influences the convergence speed by both fusing the edge data and shuffling the edge models. While mobility is usually considered as a challenge from the perspective of communication, we prove that it increases the convergence speed of HFL with edge-level heterogeneous data, since more diverse data can be incorporated. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a higher speed leads to faster convergence, since it accelerates the fusion of data. Simulation results show that mobility increases the model accuracy of HFL by up to 15.1% when training a convolutional neural network on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:09:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Tan", "" ], [ "Yan", "Jintao", "" ], [ "Sun", "Yuxuan", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Sheng", "" ], [ "Gündüz", "Deniz", "" ], [ "Niu", "Zhisheng", "" ] ]
Matias Jones
Matias I. Jones, Yared Reinarz, Rafael Brahm, Marcelo Tala Pinto, Jan Eberhardt, Felipe Rojas, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud, Arvind F. Gupta, Carl Ziegler, Melissa J. Hobson, Andres Jordan, Thomas Henning, Trifon Trifonov, Martin Schlecker, Nestor Espinoza, Pascal Torres-Miranda, Paula Sarkis, Solene Ulmer-Moll, Monika Lendl, Murat Uzundag, Maximiliano Moyano, Katharine Hesse, Douglas A. Caldwell, Avi Shporer, Michael B. Lund, Jon M. Jenkins, Sara Seager, Joshua N. Winn, George R. Ricker, Christopher J. Burke, Pedro Figueira, Angelica Psaridi, Khaled Al Moulla, Dany Mounzer, Matthew R. Standing, David V. Martin, Georgina Dransfield, Thomas Baycroft, Diana Dragomir, Gavin Boyle, Vincent Suc, Andrew W. Mann, Mathilde Timmermans, Elsa Ducrot, Matthew J. Hooton, Sebastian Zuniga-Fernandez, Daniel Sebastian, Michael Gillon, Didier Queloz, Joe Carson, and Jack J. Lissauer
A long-period transiting substellar companion in the super-Jupiters to brown dwarfs mass regime and a prototypical warm-Jupiter detected by TESS
Accepted in A&A
astro-ph.EP astro-ph.SR
We report on the confirmation and follow-up characterization of two long-period transiting substellar companions on low-eccentricity orbits around TIC 4672985 and TOI-2529, whose transit events were detected by the TESS space mission. Ground-based photometric and spectroscopic follow-up from different facilities, confirmed the substellar nature of TIC 4672985 b, a massive gas giant, in the transition between the super Jupiters and brown dwarfs mass regime. From the joint analysis we derived the following orbital parameters: P = 69.0480 d, Mp = 12.74 Mjup, Rp = 1.026 Rjup and e = 0.018. In addition, the RV time series revealed a significant trend at the 350 m/s/yr level, which is indicative of the presence of a massive outer companion in the system. TIC 4672985 b is a unique example of a transiting substellar companion with a mass above the deuterium-burning limit, located beyond 0.1 AU and in a nearly circular orbit. These planetary properties are difficult to reproduce from canonical planet formation and evolution models. For TOI-2529 b, we obtained the following orbital parameters: P = 64.5949 d, Mp = 2.340 Mjup, Rp = 1.030 Rjup and e = 0.021, making this object a new example of a growing population of transiting warm giant planets.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:10:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jones", "Matias I.", "" ], [ "Reinarz", "Yared", "" ], [ "Brahm", "Rafael", "" ], [ "Pinto", "Marcelo Tala", "" ], [ "Eberhardt", "Jan", "" ], [ "Rojas", "Felipe", "" ], [ "Triaud", "Amaury H. M. J.", "" ], [ "Gupta", "Arvind F.", "" ], [ "Ziegler", "Carl", "" ], [ "Hobson", "Melissa J.", "" ], [ "Jordan", "Andres", "" ], [ "Henning", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Trifonov", "Trifon", "" ], [ "Schlecker", "Martin", "" ], [ "Espinoza", "Nestor", "" ], [ "Torres-Miranda", "Pascal", "" ], [ "Sarkis", "Paula", "" ], [ "Ulmer-Moll", "Solene", "" ], [ "Lendl", "Monika", "" ], [ "Uzundag", "Murat", "" ], [ "Moyano", "Maximiliano", "" ], [ "Hesse", "Katharine", "" ], [ "Caldwell", "Douglas A.", "" ], [ "Shporer", "Avi", "" ], [ "Lund", "Michael B.", "" ], [ "Jenkins", "Jon M.", "" ], [ "Seager", "Sara", "" ], [ "Winn", "Joshua N.", "" ], [ "Ricker", "George R.", "" ], [ "Burke", "Christopher J.", "" ], [ "Figueira", "Pedro", "" ], [ "Psaridi", "Angelica", "" ], [ "Moulla", "Khaled Al", "" ], [ "Mounzer", "Dany", "" ], [ "Standing", "Matthew R.", "" ], [ "Martin", "David V.", "" ], [ "Dransfield", "Georgina", "" ], [ "Baycroft", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Dragomir", "Diana", "" ], [ "Boyle", "Gavin", "" ], [ "Suc", "Vincent", "" ], [ "Mann", "Andrew W.", "" ], [ "Timmermans", "Mathilde", "" ], [ "Ducrot", "Elsa", "" ], [ "Hooton", "Matthew J.", "" ], [ "Zuniga-Fernandez", "Sebastian", "" ], [ "Sebastian", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Gillon", "Michael", "" ], [ "Queloz", "Didier", "" ], [ "Carson", "Joe", "" ], [ "Lissauer", "Jack J.", "" ] ]
Tochukwu Elijah Ogri
Tochukwu Elijah Ogri, Muzaffar Qureshi, Zachary I. Bell, Kristy Waters, Rushikesh Kamalapurkar
An adaptive optimal control approach to monocular depth observability maximization
eess.SY cs.SY
This paper presents an integral concurrent learning (ICL)-based observer for a monocular camera to accurately estimate the Euclidean distance to features on a stationary object, under the restriction that state information is unavailable. Using distance estimates, an infinite horizon optimal regulation problem is solved, which aims to regulate the camera to a goal location while maximizing feature observability. Lyapunov-based stability analysis is used to guarantee exponential convergence of depth estimates and input-to-state stability of the goal location relative to the camera. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified in simulation, and a table illustrating improved observability is provided.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:14:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ogri", "Tochukwu Elijah", "" ], [ "Qureshi", "Muzaffar", "" ], [ "Bell", "Zachary I.", "" ], [ "Waters", "Kristy", "" ], [ "Kamalapurkar", "Rushikesh", "" ] ]
Sam Mayo
Thomas Buffard, Gabriel Levrel, Sam Mayo
Borel Determinacy: A Streamlined Proof
First proved my Donald Martin in 1975, the result of Borel determinacy has been the subject of multiple revised proofs. Following Martin's book [1], we present a recent streamlined proof which implements ideas of Martin, Moschovakis, and Hurkens. We aim to give a concise presentation that makes this proof approachable to a wider audience.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:17:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Buffard", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Levrel", "Gabriel", "" ], [ "Mayo", "Sam", "" ] ]
Tingting Zhao
Tingting Zhao, Qing Han, Jinfeng Zhang
Data-Driven Assessment of the County-Level Breast Cancer Incidence in the United States: Impacts of Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors
Female breast cancer (FBC) incidence rate (IR) varies greatly by counties across the United States (US). Factors responsible for such high spatial disparities are not well understood, making it challenging to design effective intervention strategies. We predicted FBC IRs using prevailing machine learning techniques for 1,754 US counties with a female population over 10,000. Outlier counties with the unexpectedly high or low FBC IRs were identified by controlling the non-modifiable factors (demographics and socioeconomics). Impacts of the modifiable factors (lifestyle, healthcare accessibility, and environment) were mapped. Our study also shed light on hidden FBC risk factors at the regional scale. Methods developed in our study may be used to discover the place-specific, population-level, modifiable factors for the intervention of other types of cancer or chronic diseases.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:18:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Tingting", "" ], [ "Han", "Qing", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Jinfeng", "" ] ]
Jinxin Hu
Jin-Xin Hu, Chuanchang Zeng, Yugui Yao
Colossal Layer Nernst Effect in Twisted Moir\'{e} Layers
6 pages, 4 figures
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mes-hall
Intriguing Nernst effects offer the prospect of engineering micro- and nano-sized thermoelectric devices, facilitating heat harvesting, energy conversion, and directional temperature control. In this Letter, we establish a theoretical analysis of the layer Nernst effect (LNE) in twisted moir\'{e} layers subjected to a temperature gradient. Our analysis reveals the emergence of a layer-contrasted Nernst voltage perpendicular to the direction of the temperature gradient. This phenomenon arises from the trigonal warping of the Fermi surface and the layer pseudomagnetic field. The Fermi surface's trigonal warping, breaking intra-valley inversion symmetry, leads to an imbalance between left and right movers, resulting in a non-vanishing LNE. We validate our theoretical framework by applying it to twisted bilayer graphene (TBG). Importantly, our findings indicate that the Nernst coefficient in TBG can reach values as high as $\mu$A/K, surpassing those of previously known materials by three orders of magnitude. These results provide a foundation for utilizing TBG and other twisted moir\'{e} layers as promising platforms to explore layer caloritronics and develop thermoelectric devices.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:25:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hu", "Jin-Xin", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Chuanchang", "" ], [ "Yao", "Yugui", "" ] ]
Yeonhee Jang
Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang and Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
On keen bridge splittings of links
In this paper, we extend the concept of {\it (strongly) keenness} for Heegaard splittings to bridge splittings, and show that, for any integers $g$, $b$ and $n$ with $g\ge 0$, $b\ge 1$, $n\ge 1$ except for $(g,b)=(0,1)$ and $(g,b,n)=(0,3,1)$, there exists a strongly keen $(g,b)$-splitting of a link with distance $n$. We also show that any $(0,3)$-splitting of a link with distance $1$ cannot be keen.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:30:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ido", "Ayako", "" ], [ "Jang", "Yeonhee", "" ], [ "Kobayashi", "Tsuyoshi", "" ] ]
Moein Malekakhlagh
Moein Malekakhlagh, Timothy Phung, Daniel Puzzuoli, Kentaro Heya, Neereja Sundaresan, and Jason Orcutt
Enhanced Quantum State Transfer and Bell State Generation over Long-Range Multimode Interconnects via Superadiabatic Transitionless Driving
14 pages, 12 figures, 4 appendices
Achieving high-fidelity direct two-qubit gates over meter-scale long quantum interconnects is challenging in part due to the multimode nature of such systems. One alternative scheme is to combine local operations with remote quantum state transfer or remote entanglement. Here, we study quantum state transfer and entanglement generation for two distant qubits, equipped with tunable interactions, over a common multimode interconnect. We employ the SuperAdiabatic Transitionless Driving (SATD) solutions for adiabatic passage and demonstrate various favorable improvements over the standard protocol. In particular, by suppressing leakage to a select (resonant) interconnect mode, SATD breaks the speed-limit relation imposed by the qubit-interconnect interaction $g$, where instead the operation time is limited by leakage to the adjacent modes, i.e. free spectral range $\Delta_c$ of the interconnect, allowing for fast operations even with weak $g$. Furthermore, we identify a multimode error mechanism for Bell state generation using such adiabatic protocols, in which the even/odd modal dependence of qubit-interconnect interaction breaks down the dark state symmetry, leading to detrimental adiabatic overlap with the odd modes growing as $(g/\Delta_c)^2$. Therefore, adopting a weak coupling, imposed by a multimode interconnect, SATD provides a significant improvement in terms of operation speed and consequently sensitivity to incoherent error.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:39:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Malekakhlagh", "Moein", "" ], [ "Phung", "Timothy", "" ], [ "Puzzuoli", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Heya", "Kentaro", "" ], [ "Sundaresan", "Neereja", "" ], [ "Orcutt", "Jason", "" ] ]
Kazumi Asai
Kazumi Asai, Tatehiro Mihara, Kento Sakai, and Aya Kubota
X-ray Iron absorption line in Swift J1858.6-0814
6 pages, 5 figures
PASJ 2024
We present the spectral analysis of bright steady states in an outburst of the transient neutron star low-mass X-ray binary (NS-LMXB) Swift J1858.6-0814 observed with NICER. We detected an ionized iron K absorption line (H-like Fe) at 6.97keV in the spectrum. We estimated the photoionization parameter using the ratio of the equivalent widths (EWs) of the FeXXVI (H-like) (17+\-5eV) and FeXXV (He-like) (<3eV) and discuss the origin of the iron absorption line. The irradiated gas producing the absorption line would locate within (3-6)*1E9cm from the X-ray source. We suggest that the observed H-like Fe absorption line originates from the highly-ionized gas in the inner accretion disk in Swift J1858.6-0814.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:46:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Asai", "Kazumi", "" ], [ "Mihara", "Tatehiro", "" ], [ "Sakai", "Kento", "" ], [ "Kubota", "Aya", "" ] ]
Vishwaraj Doshi
Jie Hu and Vishwaraj Doshi and Do Young Eun
Accelerating Distributed Stochastic Optimization via Self-Repellent Random Walks
Accepted for oral presentation at the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)
math.PR cs.LG math.OC
We study a family of distributed stochastic optimization algorithms where gradients are sampled by a token traversing a network of agents in random-walk fashion. Typically, these random-walks are chosen to be Markov chains that asymptotically sample from a desired target distribution, and play a critical role in the convergence of the optimization iterates. In this paper, we take a novel approach by replacing the standard linear Markovian token by one which follows a nonlinear Markov chain - namely the Self-Repellent Radom Walk (SRRW). Defined for any given 'base' Markov chain, the SRRW, parameterized by a positive scalar {\alpha}, is less likely to transition to states that were highly visited in the past, thus the name. In the context of MCMC sampling on a graph, a recent breakthrough in Doshi et al. (2023) shows that the SRRW achieves O(1/{\alpha}) decrease in the asymptotic variance for sampling. We propose the use of a 'generalized' version of the SRRW to drive token algorithms for distributed stochastic optimization in the form of stochastic approximation, termed SA-SRRW. We prove that the optimization iterate errors of the resulting SA-SRRW converge to zero almost surely and prove a central limit theorem, deriving the explicit form of the resulting asymptotic covariance matrix corresponding to iterate errors. This asymptotic covariance is always smaller than that of an algorithm driven by the base Markov chain and decreases at rate O(1/{\alpha}^2) - the performance benefit of using SRRW thereby amplified in the stochastic optimization context. Empirical results support our theoretical findings.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:50:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hu", "Jie", "" ], [ "Doshi", "Vishwaraj", "" ], [ "Eun", "Do Young", "" ] ]
Nathan Lichtl\'e
Nathan Lichtl\'e, Kathy Jang, Adit Shah, Eugene Vinitsky, Jonathan W. Lee, Alexandre M. Bayen
Traffic Smoothing Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Real-World Trajectory Data
Accepted to be published as part of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2023, Bilbao, Spain, September 24-28, 2023
eess.SY cs.AI cs.MA cs.SY
Designing traffic-smoothing cruise controllers that can be deployed onto autonomous vehicles is a key step towards improving traffic flow, reducing congestion, and enhancing fuel efficiency in mixed autonomy traffic. We bypass the common issue of having to carefully fine-tune a large traffic microsimulator by leveraging real-world trajectory data from the I-24 highway in Tennessee, replayed in a one-lane simulation. Using standard deep reinforcement learning methods, we train energy-reducing wave-smoothing policies. As an input to the agent, we observe the speed and distance of only the vehicle in front, which are local states readily available on most recent vehicles, as well as non-local observations about the downstream state of the traffic. We show that at a low 4% autonomous vehicle penetration rate, we achieve significant fuel savings of over 15% on trajectories exhibiting many stop-and-go waves. Finally, we analyze the smoothing effect of the controllers and demonstrate robustness to adding lane-changing into the simulation as well as the removal of downstream information.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:50:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lichtlé", "Nathan", "" ], [ "Jang", "Kathy", "" ], [ "Shah", "Adit", "" ], [ "Vinitsky", "Eugene", "" ], [ "Lee", "Jonathan W.", "" ], [ "Bayen", "Alexandre M.", "" ] ]
Xueheng Kuang
Xueheng Kuang, Pierre A. Pantale\'on Peralta, Jose Angel Silva-Guill\'en, Shengjun Yuan, Francisco Guinea, Zhen Zhan
Optical properties and plasmons in moir\'e structures
Topical Review in Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter
The discoveries of numerous exciting phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) are stimulating significant investigations on moir\'e structures that possess a tunable moir\'e potential. Optical response can provide insights into the electronic structures and transport phenomena of non-twisted and twisted moir\'e structures. In this article, we review both experimental and theoretical studies of optical properties such as optical conductivity, dielectric function, non-linear optical response, and plasmons in moir\'e structures composed of graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and/or transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). Firstly, a comprehensive introduction to the widely employed methodology on optical properties is presented. After, moir\'e potential induced optical conductivity and plasmons in non-twisted structures are reviewed, such as single layer graphene-hBN, bilayer graphene-hBN and graphene-metal moir\'e heterostructures. Next, recent investigations of twist-angle dependent optical response and plasmons are addressed in twisted moir\'e structures. Additionally, we discuss how optical properties and plasmons could contribute to the understanding of the many-body effects and superconductivity observed in moir\'e structures.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:58:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kuang", "Xueheng", "" ], [ "Peralta", "Pierre A. Pantaleón", "" ], [ "Silva-Guillén", "Jose Angel", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Shengjun", "" ], [ "Guinea", "Francisco", "" ], [ "Zhan", "Zhen", "" ] ]
Shuaifeng Li
Shuaifeng Li, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Xiaoming Mao and Jinkyu Yang
Topological pumping in origami metamaterials
6 pages, 3 figures
null nlin.PS
In this study, we present a mechanism of topological pumping in origami metamaterials with spatial modulation by tuning the rotation angles. Through coupling spatially modulated origami chains along an additional synthetic dimension, the pumping of waves from one topological edge state to another is achieved, where the Landau-Zener transition is demonstrated by varying the number of coupled origami chains. Besides, the inherent nonlinearity of origami metamaterials enable the excitation-dependent Landau-Zener tunneling probability. Furthermore, with the increase of nonlinearity, the topological states tend to localize in several regions in a way reminiscent of discrete breathers. Our findings pave the way towards inter-band transitions and associated topological pumping features in origami metamaterials.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:59:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Shuaifeng", "" ], [ "Kevrekidis", "Panayotis G.", "" ], [ "Mao", "Xiaoming", "" ], [ "Yang", "Jinkyu", "" ] ]
Jonathan J. Zhu
Keaton Naff and Jonathan J. Zhu
Half-space intersection properties for minimal hypersurfaces
27 pages, 2 figures; comments welcome!
We prove ``half-space" intersection properties in three settings: the hemisphere, half-geodesic balls in space forms, and certain subsets of Gaussian space. For instance, any two embedded minimal hypersurfaces in the sphere must intersect in every closed hemisphere. Two approaches are developed: one using classifications of stable minimal hypersurfaces, and the second using conformal change and comparison geometry for $\alpha$-Bakry-\'{E}mery-Ricci curvature. Our methods yield the analogous intersection properties for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces in space form balls, even when the interior or boundary curvature may be negative. Finally, Colding and Minicozzi recently showed that any two embedded shrinkers of dimension $n$ must intersect in a large enough Euclidean ball of radius $R(n)$. We show that $R(n) \leq 2 \sqrt{n}$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:03:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Naff", "Keaton", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Jonathan J.", "" ] ]
Yinmin Zhong
Yinmin Zhong, Shengyu Liu, Junda Chen, Jianbo Hu, Yibo Zhu, Xuanzhe Liu, Xin Jin, Hao Zhang
DistServe: Disaggregating Prefill and Decoding for Goodput-optimized Large Language Model Serving
DistServe improves the performance of large language models (LLMs) serving by disaggregating the prefill and decoding computation. Existing LLM serving systems colocate the two phases and batch the computation of prefill and decoding across all users and requests. We find that this strategy not only leads to strong prefill-decoding interferences but also couples the resource allocation and parallelism plans for both phases. LLM applications often emphasize individual latency for each phase: time to first token (TTFT) for the prefill phase and time per output token (TPOT) of each request for the decoding phase. In the presence of stringent latency requirements, existing systems have to prioritize one latency over the other, or over-provision compute resources to meet both. DistServe assigns prefill and decoding computation to different GPUs, hence eliminating prefill-decoding interferences. Given the application's TTFT and TPOT requirements, DistServe co-optimizes the resource allocation and parallelism strategy tailored for each phase. DistServe also places the two phases according to the serving cluster's bandwidth to minimize the communication caused by disaggregation. As a result, DistServe significantly improves LLM serving performance in terms of the maximum rate that can be served within both TTFT and TPOT constraints on each GPU. Our evaluations show that on various popular LLMs, applications, and latency requirements, DistServe can serve 4.48x more requests or 10.2x tighter SLO, compared to state-of-the-art systems, while staying within latency constraints for > 90% of requests.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:03:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhong", "Yinmin", "" ], [ "Liu", "Shengyu", "" ], [ "Chen", "Junda", "" ], [ "Hu", "Jianbo", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Yibo", "" ], [ "Liu", "Xuanzhe", "" ], [ "Jin", "Xin", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Hao", "" ] ]
Sagar Shrestha
Sagar Shrestha and Xiao Fu
Towards Identifiable Unsupervised Domain Translation: A Diversified Distribution Matching Approach
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CV
Unsupervised domain translation (UDT) aims to find functions that convert samples from one domain (e.g., sketches) to another domain (e.g., photos) without changing the high-level semantic meaning (also referred to as ``content''). The translation functions are often sought by probability distribution matching of the transformed source domain and target domain. CycleGAN stands as arguably the most representative approach among this line of work. However, it was noticed in the literature that CycleGAN and variants could fail to identify the desired translation functions and produce content-misaligned translations. This limitation arises due to the presence of multiple translation functions -- referred to as ``measure-preserving automorphism" (MPA) -- in the solution space of the learning criteria. Despite awareness of such identifiability issues, solutions have remained elusive. This study delves into the core identifiability inquiry and introduces an MPA elimination theory. Our analysis shows that MPA is unlikely to exist, if multiple pairs of diverse cross-domain conditional distributions are matched by the learning function. Our theory leads to a UDT learner using distribution matching over auxiliary variable-induced subsets of the domains -- other than over the entire data domains as in the classical approaches. The proposed framework is the first to rigorously establish translation identifiability under reasonable UDT settings, to our best knowledge. Experiments corroborate with our theoretical claims.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:07:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shrestha", "Sagar", "" ], [ "Fu", "Xiao", "" ] ]
Ken-Ji Hamada
Ken-ji Hamada
Quantum Gravity Effective Action Provides Entropy of The Universe
16 pages, 2 figures
hep-th astro-ph.CO gr-qc hep-ph
The effective action in renormalizable quantum theory of gravity provides entropy because the total Hamiltonian vanishes. Since it is a renormalization group invariant that is constant in the process of cosmic evolution, we can show conservation of entropy, that is an ansatz in the standard cosmology. Here we study renormalizable quantum gravity that exhibits conformal dominance at high energy beyond the Planck scale. The current entropy of the universe is derived by calculating the effective action under the scenario of quantum gravity inflation caused by its dynamics. We then argue that ghost modes must be unphysical, but necessary for the Hamiltonian to vanish and for entropy to exist in gravitational systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:14:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hamada", "Ken-ji", "" ] ]
Zhongliang Guo
Zhongliang Guo, Kaixuan Wang, Weiye Li, Yifei Qian, Ognjen Arandjelovi\'c and Lei Fang
Artwork Protection Against Neural Style Transfer Using Locally Adaptive Adversarial Color Attack
9 pages, 5 figures
cs.CV cs.CR cs.LG eess.IV
Neural style transfer (NST) is widely adopted in computer vision to generate new images with arbitrary styles. This process leverages neural networks to merge aesthetic elements of a style image with the structural aspects of a content image into a harmoniously integrated visual result. However, unauthorized NST can exploit artwork. Such misuse raises socio-technical concerns regarding artists' rights and motivates the development of technical approaches for the proactive protection of original creations. Adversarial attack is a concept primarily explored in machine learning security. Our work introduces this technique to protect artists' intellectual property. In this paper Locally Adaptive Adversarial Color Attack (LAACA), a method for altering images in a manner imperceptible to the human eyes but disruptive to NST. Specifically, we design perturbations targeting image areas rich in high-frequency content, generated by disrupting intermediate features. Our experiments and user study confirm that by attacking NST using the proposed method results in visually worse neural style transfer, thus making it an effective solution for visual artwork protection.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:18:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guo", "Zhongliang", "" ], [ "Wang", "Kaixuan", "" ], [ "Li", "Weiye", "" ], [ "Qian", "Yifei", "" ], [ "Arandjelović", "Ognjen", "" ], [ "Fang", "Lei", "" ] ]
Daosen Zhai
engfei Du, Tingyue Xiao, Haotong Cao, Daosen Zhai
QoS-Aware 3D Coverage Deployment of UAVs for Internet of Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation
eess.SY cs.SY
It is a challenging problem to characterize the air-to-ground (A2G) channel and identify the best deployment location for 3D UAVs with the QoS awareness. To address this problem, we propose a QoS-aware UAV 3D coverage deployment algorithm, which simulates the three-dimensional urban road scenario, considers the UAV communication resource capacity and vehicle communication QoS requirements comprehensively, and then obtains the optimal UAV deployment position by improving the genetic algorithm. Specifically, the K-means clustering algorithm is used to cluster the vehicles, and the center locations of these clusters serve as the initial UAV positions to generate the initial population. Subsequently, we employ the K-means initialized grey wolf optimization (KIGWO) algorithm to achieve the UAV location with an optimal fitness value by performing an optimal search within the grey wolf population. To enhance the algorithm's diversity and global search capability, we randomly substitute this optimal location with one of the individual locations from the initial population. The fitness value is determined by the total number of vehicles covered by UAVs in the system, while the allocation scheme's feasibility is evaluated based on the corresponding QoS requirements. Competitive selection operations are conducted to retain individuals with higher fitness values, while crossover and mutation operations are employed to maintain the diversity of solutions. Finally, the individual with the highest fitness, which represents the UAV deployment position that covers the maximum number of vehicles in the entire system, is selected as the optimal solution. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can effectively enhance the reliability and vehicle communication QoS.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:24:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Du", "engfei", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Tingyue", "" ], [ "Cao", "Haotong", "" ], [ "Zhai", "Daosen", "" ] ]
Oleg Lavrentovich
Priyanka Kumari, Bijaya Basnet, Maxim O. Lavrentovich, Oleg D. Lavrentovich
Chiral ground states of ferroelectric liquid crystals
24 pages, 13 figures
cond-mat.soft cond-mat.mtrl-sci
Ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals are formed by achiral molecules with large dipole moments. Its three-dimensional orientational order is universally described as unidirectionally polar. We demonstrate that the ground state of ferroelectric nematic unconstrained by externally imposed alignment directions is chiral, with left- and right-hand twists of polarization. Although the helicoidal deformations and defect walls separating domains of opposite handedness increase the elastic energy, the twists reduce the electrostatic energy and become weaker when the material is doped with ions. The study shows that the polar orientational order of molecules could trigger chirality in the soft matter with no chemically induced chiral centers.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:27:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kumari", "Priyanka", "" ], [ "Basnet", "Bijaya", "" ], [ "Lavrentovich", "Maxim O.", "" ], [ "Lavrentovich", "Oleg D.", "" ] ]
Loo Kang Wee
Loo Kang Wee, Darren Tan, F\'elix Jes\'us Garcia Clemente, Francisco Eequembre
Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJSS) Data Analytics for Singapore
10 pages, 12 figures, 26th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL'26)
We have integrated Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJSS) Data Analytics into the national Learning Management System for Singapore schools, known as the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS). EJSS Data Analytics enhances the teaching and learning experience for educators and students by enabling educators to monitor and evaluate students interactions with interactive computer simulations. The data analytics and visualisation capabilities are delivered using the Moodle platform and version 1.3 of the specifications for Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). In this paper, we showcase the potential for EJSS Data Analytics to identify students learning difficulties and misconceptions. Four examples of EJSS Data Analytics applications are provided to illustrate insights on aspects that include understanding a students sequential actions leading to specific task outcomes, the frequency of task attempts by each student, and the ratio of students achieving correct versus incorrect task completions. We identify five key considerations for designing the EJSS teacher dashboard. These considerations relate to Student Thought Process, Student Behaviour, Student Engagement, Student Choice, and Teacher Feedback. These five facets provide a framework for aligning our design efforts with the needs of students and teachers, also drawing upon research in data analytics for education.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:42:44 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wee", "Loo Kang", "" ], [ "Tan", "Darren", "" ], [ "Clemente", "Félix Jesús Garcia", "" ], [ "Eequembre", "Francisco", "" ] ]
Xuan Wang
Xuan Wang, Mengyuan Liu
Eye Motion Matters for 3D Face Reconstruction
6 pages, 5 figures
Recent advances in single-image 3D face reconstruction have shown remarkable progress in various applications. Nevertheless, prevailing techniques tend to prioritize the global facial contour and expression, often neglecting the nuanced dynamics of the eye region. In response, we introduce an Eye Landmark Adjustment Module, complemented by a Local Dynamic Loss, designed to capture the dynamic features of the eyes area. Our module allows for flexible adjustment of landmarks, resulting in accurate recreation of various eye states. In this paper, we present a comprehensive evaluation of our approach, conducting extensive experiments on two datasets. The results underscore the superior performance of our approach, highlighting its significant contributions in addressing this particular challenge.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:47:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Xuan", "" ], [ "Liu", "Mengyuan", "" ] ]
Simon Chu
Simon Chu, Justin Koe, David Garlan, and Eunsuk Kang
Integrating Graceful Degradation and Recovery through Requirement-driven Adaptation
Pre-print for the SEAMS '24 conference
cs.SE cs.FL cs.LO cs.SY eess.SY
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are subject to environmental uncertainties such as adverse operating conditions, malicious attacks, and hardware degradation. These uncertainties may lead to failures that put the system in a sub-optimal or unsafe state. Systems that are resilient to such uncertainties rely on two types of operations: (1) graceful degradation, to ensure that the system maintains an acceptable level of safety during unexpected environmental conditions and (2) recovery, to facilitate the resumption of normal system functions. Typically, mechanisms for degradation and recovery are developed independently from each other, and later integrated into a system, requiring the designer to develop an additional, ad-hoc logic for activating and coordinating between the two operations. In this paper, we propose a self-adaptation approach for improving system resiliency through automated triggering and coordination of graceful degradation and recovery.The key idea behind our approach is to treat degradation and recovery as requirement-driven adaptation tasks: Degradation can be thought of as temporarily weakening an original (i.e., ideal) system requirement to be achieved by the system, and recovery as strengthening the weakened requirement when the environment returns within an expected operating boundary. Furthermore, by treating weakening and strengthening as dual operations, we argue that a single requirement-based adaptation method is sufficient to enable coordination between degradation and recovery. Given system requirements specified in signal temporal logic (STL), we propose a run-time adaptation framework that automatically performs degradation and recovery in response to environmental changes. We describe a prototype implementation of our framework and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach using a case study in unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:04:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chu", "Simon", "" ], [ "Koe", "Justin", "" ], [ "Garlan", "David", "" ], [ "Kang", "Eunsuk", "" ] ]
Michael Plank
Samik Datta, Giorgia Vattiato, Oliver J Maclaren, Ning Hua, Andrew Sporle, Michael J Plank
The impact of Covid-19 vaccination in Aotearoa New Zealand: a modelling study
q-bio.PE physics.soc-ph
Aotearoa New Zealand implemented a Covid-19 elimination strategy in 2020 and 2021, which enabled a large majority of the population to be vaccinated before being exposed to the virus. This strategy delivered one of the lowest pandemic mortality rates in the world. However, quantitative estimates of the population-level health benefits of vaccination are lacking. Here, we use a validated mathematical model to investigate counterfactual scenarios with differing levels of vaccine coverage in different age and ethnicity groups. The model builds on earlier research by adding age- and time-dependent case ascertainment, the effect of antiviral medications, improved hospitalisation rate estimates, and the impact of relaxing control measures. The model was used for scenario analysis and policy advice for the New Zealand Government in 2022 and 2023. We compare the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations, deaths, and years of life lost in each counterfactual scenario to a baseline scenario that is fitted to epidemiological data between January 2022 and June 2023. Our results estimate that vaccines saved 6650 (95% credible interval [4424, 10180]) lives, and prevented 74500 [51000, 115400] years of life lost and 45100 [34400, 55600] hospitalisations during this 18-month period. Making the same comparison before the benefit of antiviral medications is accounted for, the estimated number of lives saved by vaccines increases to 7604 [5080, 11942]. Due to inequities in the vaccine rollout, vaccination rates among M\=aori were lower than in people of European ethnicity. Our results show that, if vaccination rates had been equitable, an estimated 11-26% of the 292 M\=aori Covid-19 deaths that were recorded in this time period could have been prevented. We conclude that Covid-19 vaccination greatly reduced health burden in New Zealand and that equity needs to be a key focus of future vaccination programmes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:07:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Datta", "Samik", "" ], [ "Vattiato", "Giorgia", "" ], [ "Maclaren", "Oliver J", "" ], [ "Hua", "Ning", "" ], [ "Sporle", "Andrew", "" ], [ "Plank", "Michael J", "" ] ]
Yue Zhong
Jiawen Kang, Yue Zhong, Minrui Xu, Jiangtian Nie, Jinbo Wen, Hongyang Du, Dongdong Ye, Xumin Huang, Dusit Niyato, Shengli Xie
Tiny Multi-Agent DRL for Twins Migration in UAV Metaverses: A Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Stackelberg Game Approach
cs.AI cs.GT
The synergy between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and metaverses is giving rise to an emerging paradigm named UAV metaverses, which create a unified ecosystem that blends physical and virtual spaces, transforming drone interaction and virtual exploration. UAV Twins (UTs), as the digital twins of UAVs that revolutionize UAV applications by making them more immersive, realistic, and informative, are deployed and updated on ground base stations, e.g., RoadSide Units (RSUs), to offer metaverse services for UAV Metaverse Users (UMUs). Due to the dynamic mobility of UAVs and limited communication coverages of RSUs, it is essential to perform real-time UT migration to ensure seamless immersive experiences for UMUs. However, selecting appropriate RSUs and optimizing the required bandwidth is challenging for achieving reliable and efficient UT migration. To address the challenges, we propose a tiny machine learning-based Stackelberg game framework based on pruning techniques for efficient UT migration in UAV metaverses. Specifically, we formulate a multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg model considering a new immersion metric of UMUs in the utilities of UAVs. Then, we design a Tiny Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (Tiny MADRL) algorithm to obtain the tiny networks representing the optimal game solution. Specifically, the actor-critic network leverages the pruning techniques to reduce the number of network parameters and achieve model size and computation reduction, allowing for efficient implementation of Tiny MADRL. Numerical results demonstrate that our proposed schemes have better performance than traditional schemes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:14:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kang", "Jiawen", "" ], [ "Zhong", "Yue", "" ], [ "Xu", "Minrui", "" ], [ "Nie", "Jiangtian", "" ], [ "Wen", "Jinbo", "" ], [ "Du", "Hongyang", "" ], [ "Ye", "Dongdong", "" ], [ "Huang", "Xumin", "" ], [ "Niyato", "Dusit", "" ], [ "Xie", "Shengli", "" ] ]
Philip Amortila
Philip Amortila, Dylan J. Foster, Nan Jiang, Ayush Sekhari, Tengyang Xie
Harnessing Density Ratios for Online Reinforcement Learning
ICLR 2024
cs.LG stat.ML
The theories of offline and online reinforcement learning, despite having evolved in parallel, have begun to show signs of the possibility for a unification, with algorithms and analysis techniques for one setting often having natural counterparts in the other. However, the notion of density ratio modeling, an emerging paradigm in offline RL, has been largely absent from online RL, perhaps for good reason: the very existence and boundedness of density ratios relies on access to an exploratory dataset with good coverage, but the core challenge in online RL is to collect such a dataset without having one to start. In this work we show -- perhaps surprisingly -- that density ratio-based algorithms have online counterparts. Assuming only the existence of an exploratory distribution with good coverage, a structural condition known as coverability (Xie et al., 2023), we give a new algorithm (GLOW) that uses density ratio realizability and value function realizability to perform sample-efficient online exploration. GLOW addresses unbounded density ratios via careful use of truncation, and combines this with optimism to guide exploration. GLOW is computationally inefficient; we complement it with a more efficient counterpart, HyGLOW, for the Hybrid RL setting (Song et al., 2022) wherein online RL is augmented with additional offline data. HyGLOW is derived as a special case of a more general meta-algorithm that provides a provable black-box reduction from hybrid RL to offline RL, which may be of independent interest.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:21:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Amortila", "Philip", "" ], [ "Foster", "Dylan J.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Nan", "" ], [ "Sekhari", "Ayush", "" ], [ "Xie", "Tengyang", "" ] ]
Ying Fu
Wenbin Zhu, Runwen Qiu and Ying Fu
Comparative Study on the Performance of Categorical Variable Encoders in Classification and Regression Tasks
Categorical variables often appear in datasets for classification and regression tasks, and they need to be encoded into numerical values before training. Since many encoders have been developed and can significantly impact performance, choosing the appropriate encoder for a task becomes a time-consuming yet important practical issue. This study broadly classifies machine learning models into three categories: 1) ATI models that implicitly perform affine transformations on inputs, such as multi-layer perceptron neural network; 2) Tree-based models that are based on decision trees, such as random forest; and 3) the rest, such as kNN. Theoretically, we prove that the one-hot encoder is the best choice for ATI models in the sense that it can mimic any other encoders by learning suitable weights from the data. We also explain why the target encoder and its variants are the most suitable encoders for tree-based models. This study conducted comprehensive computational experiments to evaluate 14 encoders, including one-hot and target encoders, along with eight common machine-learning models on 28 datasets. The computational results agree with our theoretical analysis. The findings in this study shed light on how to select the suitable encoder for data scientists in fields such as fraud detection, disease diagnosis, etc.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:21:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhu", "Wenbin", "" ], [ "Qiu", "Runwen", "" ], [ "Fu", "Ying", "" ] ]
Shinsei Ryu
Edwin Langmann, Shinsei Ryu, Ken Shiozaki
Higher bracket structure of density operators in Weyl fermion systems and topological insulators
28 pages
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall
We study the algebraic structure of electron density operators in gapless Weyl fermion systems in $d=3,5,7,\cdots$ spatial dimensions and in topological insulators (without any protecting symmetry) in $d=4,6,8,\cdots$ spatial dimensions. These systems are closely related by the celebrated bulk-boundary correspondence. Specifically, we study the higher bracket -- a generalization of commutator for more than two operators -- of electron density operators in these systems. For topological insulators, we show that the higher-bracket algebraic structure of density operators structurally parallels with the Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman algebra (the $W_{1+\infty}$ algebra), the algebra of electron density operators projected onto the lowest Landau level in the quantum Hall effect. By the bulk-boundary correspondence, the bulk higher-bracket structure mirrors its counterparts at the boundary. Specifically, we show that the density operators of Weyl fermion systems, once normal-ordered with respect to the ground state, their higher bracket acquires a c-number part. This part is an analog of the Schwinger term in the commutator of the fermion current operators. We further identify this part with a cyclic cocycle, which is a topological invariant and an element of Connes' noncommutative geometry.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:23:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Langmann", "Edwin", "" ], [ "Ryu", "Shinsei", "" ], [ "Shiozaki", "Ken", "" ] ]
Jae Hyung Cho
Jae Hyung Cho and Emilie Dressaire
Spreading of Low-viscosity Ink Filaments Driven by Bath Viscoelasticity in Embedded Printing
physics.flu-dyn cond-mat.soft
Inks deposited in conventional direct ink writing need to be able to support their own weight and that of the upper layers with minimal deformation to preserve the structural integrity of the three-dimensional (3D) printed parts. This constraint limits the range of usable inks to high-viscosity materials. Embedded printing enables the use of much softer inks by depositing the materials in a bath of another fluid that provides external support, thus diversifying the types of 3D printable structures. The interactions between the ink and bath fluids, however, give rise to a unique type of defect: spreading of the dispensed ink behind the moving nozzle. By printing horizontal threads made of dyed water in baths of Carbopol suspensions, we demonstrate that the spreading can be attributed to the pressure field generated in the viscous bath by the relative motion of the nozzle. As the pressure gradient increases with the viscosity of the bath fluid while the viscosity of the ink resists the flow, a larger bath-to-ink viscosity ratio results in more spreading for low-concentration Carbopol baths. For high-concentration, yield-stress-fluid baths, we find that the steady-state viscosity alone cannot account for the spreading, as the elastic stress becomes comparable to the viscous stress and the bath fluid around the dispensed ink undergoes fluidization and resolidification. By parameterizing the transient rheology of the high-concentration Carbopol suspensions using a simple viscoelastic model, we suggest that the ink spreading is exacerbated by the elasticity but is mitigated by the yield stress as long as the yield stress is low enough to allow steady injection of the ink. These results help illuminate the link between the bath rheology and the printing quality in embedded 3D printing.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:25:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cho", "Jae Hyung", "" ], [ "Dressaire", "Emilie", "" ] ]
Alberto Accomazzi
Alberto Accomazzi
Decades of Transformation: Evolution of the NASA Astrophysics Data System's Infrastructure
10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to the ADASS 2023 proceedings
astro-ph.IM cs.DL
The NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is the primary Digital Library portal for researchers in astronomy and astrophysics. Over the past 30 years, the ADS has gone from being an astronomy-focused bibliographic database to an open digital library system supporting research in space and (soon) earth sciences. This paper describes the evolution of the ADS system, its capabilities, and the technological infrastructure underpinning it. We give an overview of the ADS's original architecture, constructed primarily around simple database models. This bespoke system allowed for the efficient indexing of metadata and citations, the digitization and archival of full-text articles, and the rapid development of discipline-specific capabilities running on commodity hardware. The move towards a cloud-based microservices architecture and an open-source search engine in the late 2010s marked a significant shift, bringing full-text search capabilities, a modern API, higher uptime, more reliable data retrieval, and integration of advanced visualizations and analytics. Another crucial evolution came with the gradual and ongoing incorporation of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing algorithms in our data pipelines. Originally used for information extraction and classification tasks, NLP and ML techniques are now being developed to improve metadata enrichment, search, notifications, and recommendations. we describe how these computational techniques are being embedded into our software infrastructure, the challenges faced, and the benefits reaped. Finally, we conclude by describing the future prospects of ADS and its ongoing expansion, discussing the challenges of managing an interdisciplinary information system in the era of AI and Open Science, where information is abundant, technology is transformative, but their trustworthiness can be elusive.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:27:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Accomazzi", "Alberto", "" ] ]
Zhaoheng Ni
Qiquan Zhang, Meng Ge, Hongxu Zhu, Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Qi Song, Zhaoheng Ni, Haizhou Li
An Empirical Study on the Impact of Positional Encoding in Transformer-based Monaural Speech Enhancement
eess.AS cs.SD
Transformer architecture has enabled recent progress in speech enhancement. Since Transformers are position-agostic, positional encoding is the de facto standard component used to enable Transformers to distinguish the order of elements in a sequence. However, it remains unclear how positional encoding exactly impacts speech enhancement based on Transformer architectures. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive empirical study evaluating five positional encoding methods, i.e., Sinusoidal and learned absolute position embedding (APE), T5-RPE, KERPLE, as well as the Transformer without positional encoding (No-Pos), across both causal and noncausal configurations. We conduct extensive speech enhancement experiments, involving spectral mapping and masking methods. Our findings establish that positional encoding is not quite helpful for the models in a causal configuration, which indicates that causal attention may implicitly incorporate position information. In a noncausal configuration, the models significantly benefit from the use of positional encoding. In addition, we find that among the four position embeddings, relative position embeddings outperform APEs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:31:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Qiquan", "" ], [ "Ge", "Meng", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Hongxu", "" ], [ "Ambikairajah", "Eliathamby", "" ], [ "Song", "Qi", "" ], [ "Ni", "Zhaoheng", "" ], [ "Li", "Haizhou", "" ] ]
Erfan Amini
Erfan Amini, Reza Marsooli, Mehdi Neshat
Multi-faceted Methodology for Coastal Vegetation Drag Coefficient Calibration: Implications for Wave Height Attenuation
The accurate prediction of wave height attenuation due to vegetation is crucial for designing effective and efficient natural and nature-based solutions for flood mitigation, shoreline protection, and coastal ecosystem preservation. Central to these predictions is the estimation of the vegetation drag coefficient. The present study undertakes a comprehensive evaluation of three distinct methodologies for estimating the drag coefficient: traditional manual calibration, calibration using a novel application of state-of-the-art metaheuristic optimization algorithms, and the integration of an established empirical bulk drag coefficient formula (Tanino and Nepf, 2008) into the XBeach non-hydrostatic wave model. These methodologies were tested using a series of existing laboratory experiments involving nearshore vegetation on a sloping beach. A key innovation of the study is the first application of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for calibrating the drag coefficient, which enables efficient automated searches to identify optimal values aligning with measurements. We found that the optimization algorithms rapidly converge to precise drag coefficients, enhancing accuracy and overcoming limitations in manual calibration which can be laborious and inconsistent. While the integrated empirical formula also demonstrates reasonable performance, the optimization approach exemplifies the potential of computational techniques to transform traditional practices of model calibration. Comparing these strategies provides a framework to determine the most effective methodology based on constraints in determining the vegetation drag coefficient.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:34:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Amini", "Erfan", "" ], [ "Marsooli", "Reza", "" ], [ "Neshat", "Mehdi", "" ] ]
Jing Li
Zelin Lu, Jing Li, Jing Lu and Lan Zhou
Controlling atom-photon bound states in a coupled resonator array with a two-level quantum emitter
5pages, 6 figures
We consider a one-dimensional (1D) coupled-resonator array (CRA), where a two-level quantum emitter (2LE) is electric-dipole coupled to the modes of two adjacent resonators. We investigate the energy spectrum, the photon probability distribution of the bound states and the emission process of the 2LE into the CRA vacuum. A quantum phase transition is found which is characterized by the change of the number of the out-of-band discrete levels. The condition for this change is also presented. The photon wave functions of bound states are found to be asymmetry around the position of the 2LE when the coupling strengths between the 2LE and the resonator are not equal, and they have the same preferred directions which are primary determined by the larger one among the coupling strengths. The presence of the atom-photon bound states is manifested in the form of a stationary oscillation or a non-vanishing constant in the long enough time.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:35:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lu", "Zelin", "" ], [ "Li", "Jing", "" ], [ "Lu", "Jing", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Lan", "" ] ]
Barun Ghosh
Barun Ghosh, Yugo Onishi, Su-Yang Xu, Hsin Lin, Liang Fu, and Arun Bansil
Probing quantum geometry through optical conductivity and magnetic circular dichroism
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall
Probing ground-state quantum geometry and topology through optical response is not only of fundamental interest, but it can also offer several practical advantages. Here, using first-principles calculations on antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ thin films, we demonstrate how the generalized optical weight arising from the absorptive part of the optical conductivity can be used to probe the ground state quantum geometry and topology. We show that three septuple layers MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ exhibit an enhanced almost perfect magnetic circular dichroism for a narrow photon energy window in the infrared region. We calculate the quantum weight in a few septuple layers MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ and show that it far exceeds the lower bound provided by the Chern number. Our results suggest that the well-known optical methods are powerful tools for probing the ground state quantum geometry and topology.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:41:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ghosh", "Barun", "" ], [ "Onishi", "Yugo", "" ], [ "Xu", "Su-Yang", "" ], [ "Lin", "Hsin", "" ], [ "Fu", "Liang", "" ], [ "Bansil", "Arun", "" ] ]
Xing Rong
Yang Wu, Yunhan Wang, Xiangyu Ye, Wenquan Liu, Zhibo Niu, Chang-Kui Duan, Ya Wang, Xing Rong and Jiangfeng Du
Third-order exceptional line in a nitrogen-vacancy spin system
The exceptional points (EPs) aroused from the non-Hermiticity bring rich phenomena, such as exceptional nodal topologies, unidirectional invisibility, single-mode lasing, sensitivity enhancement and energy harvesting. Isolated high-order EPs have been observed to exhibit richer topological characteristics and better performance in sensing over 2nd-order EPs. Recently, high-order EP geometries, such as lines or rings formed entirely by high order EPs, are predicted to provide richer phenomena and advantages over stand-alone high-order EPs. However, experimental exploration of high-order EP geometries is hitherto beyond reach due to the demand of more degrees of freedom in the Hamiltonian's parameter space or a higher level of symmetries. Here we report the observation of the third-order exceptional line (EL) at the atomic scale. By introducing multiple symmetries, the emergence of the third-order EL has been successfully realized with a single electron spin of nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Furthermore, the behaviors of the EP structure under different symmetries are systematically investigated. The symmetries are shown to play essential roles in the occurrence of high-order EPs and the related EP geometries. Our work opens a new avenue to explore high-order EP-related topological physics at the atomic scale and to the potential applications of high-order EPs in quantum technologies.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:42:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Yang", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yunhan", "" ], [ "Ye", "Xiangyu", "" ], [ "Liu", "Wenquan", "" ], [ "Niu", "Zhibo", "" ], [ "Duan", "Chang-Kui", "" ], [ "Wang", "Ya", "" ], [ "Rong", "Xing", "" ], [ "Du", "Jiangfeng", "" ] ]
Koki Yamane
Koki Yamane, Sho Sakaino, Toshiaki Tsuji
Imitation Learning Inputting Image Feature to Each Layer of Neural Network
IEEE The 18th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC2024)
cs.RO cs.AI cs.LG
Imitation learning enables robots to learn and replicate human behavior from training data. Recent advances in machine learning enable end-to-end learning approaches that directly process high-dimensional observation data, such as images. However, these approaches face a critical challenge when processing data from multiple modalities, inadvertently ignoring data with a lower correlation to the desired output, especially when using short sampling periods. This paper presents a useful method to address this challenge, which amplifies the influence of data with a relatively low correlation to the output by inputting the data into each neural network layer. The proposed approach effectively incorporates diverse data sources into the learning process. Through experiments using a simple pick-and-place operation with raw images and joint information as input, significant improvements in success rates are demonstrated even when dealing with data from short sampling periods.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:44:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yamane", "Koki", "" ], [ "Sakaino", "Sho", "" ], [ "Tsuji", "Toshiaki", "" ] ]
Arash Bahramian
Alessandro Paduano, Arash Bahramian, James C. A. Miller-Jones, Adela Kawka, Tim J. Galvin, Liliana Rivera Sandoval, Sebastian Kamann, Jay Strader, Laura Chomiuk, Craig O. Heinke, Thomas J. Maccarone, Stefan Dreizler
Ultra-deep ATCA imaging of 47 Tucanae reveals a central compact radio source
ApJ in press, 25 pages, 10 figures
astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA
We present the results of an ultra-deep radio continuum survey, containing $\sim480$ hours of observations, of the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tucanae with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. This comprehensive coverage of the cluster allows us to reach RMS noise levels of 1.19 $\mu Jy~\textrm{beam}^{-1}$ at 5.5 GHz, 940 $nJy~\textrm{beam}^{-1}$ at 9 GHz, and 790 $nJy~\textrm{beam}^{-1}$ in a stacked 7.25 GHz image. This is the deepest radio image of a globular cluster, and the deepest image ever made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We identify ATCA J002405.702-720452.361, a faint ($6.3\pm1.2$ $\mu Jy$ at 5.5 GHz, $5.4\pm0.9$ $\mu Jy$ at 9 GHz), flat-spectrum ($\alpha=-0.31\pm0.54$) radio source that is positionally coincident with the cluster centre and potentially associated with a faint X-ray source. No convincing optical counterpart was identified. We use radio, X-ray, optical, and UV data to show that explanations involving a background active galactic nucleus, a chromospherically active binary, or a binary involving a white dwarf are unlikely. The most plausible explanations are that the source is an undiscovered millisecond pulsar or a weakly accreting black hole. If the X-ray source is associated with the radio source, the fundamental plane of black hole activity suggests a black hole mass of $\sim54-6000$ M$_{\odot}$, indicating an intermediate-mass black hole or a heavy stellar-mass black hole.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:46:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Paduano", "Alessandro", "" ], [ "Bahramian", "Arash", "" ], [ "Miller-Jones", "James C. A.", "" ], [ "Kawka", "Adela", "" ], [ "Galvin", "Tim J.", "" ], [ "Sandoval", "Liliana Rivera", "" ], [ "Kamann", "Sebastian", "" ], [ "Strader", "Jay", "" ], [ "Chomiuk", "Laura", "" ], [ "Heinke", "Craig O.", "" ], [ "Maccarone", "Thomas J.", "" ], [ "Dreizler", "Stefan", "" ] ]
Hong Quan Vu
Vu Hong Quan, Le Hoang Ngan, Le Minh Duc, Nguyen Tran Ngoc Linh, and Hoang Quynh-Le
EfficientRec an unlimited user-item scale recommendation system based on clustering and users interaction embedding profile
Published in 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS), 2022
cs.IR cs.LG
Recommendation systems are highly interested in technology companies nowadays. The businesses are constantly growing users and products, causing the number of users and items to continuously increase over time, to very large numbers. Traditional recommendation algorithms with complexity dependent on the number of users and items make them difficult to adapt to the industrial environment. In this paper, we introduce a new method applying graph neural networks with a contrastive learning framework in extracting user preferences. We incorporate a soft clustering architecture that significantly reduces the computational cost of the inference process. Experiments show that the model is able to learn user preferences with low computational cost in both training and prediction phases. At the same time, the model gives a very good accuracy. We call this architecture EfficientRec with the implication of model compactness and the ability to scale to unlimited users and products.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:48:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Quan", "Vu Hong", "" ], [ "Ngan", "Le Hoang", "" ], [ "Duc", "Le Minh", "" ], [ "Linh", "Nguyen Tran Ngoc", "" ], [ "Quynh-Le", "Hoang", "" ] ]
Ilyas Farhat
Ilyas Farhat (1), Etinosa Ekomwenrenren (1), John W. Simpson-Porco (2), Evangelos Farantatos (3), Mahendra Patel (3), Aboutaleb Haddadi (3) ((1) University of Waterloo, (2) University of Toronto, (3) Electric Power Research Institute)
A Multi-Area Architecture for Real-Time Feedback-Based Optimization of Distribution Grids
13 pages, 11 figures, for the supplement document (pdf), see!AmH_VfOdVVKazYUpDEVplHjtvj-7ZA?e=oyfXD4
eess.SY cs.SY
A challenge in transmission-distribution coordination is how to quickly and reliably coordinate Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) across large multi-stakeholder Distribution Networks (DNs) to support the Transmission Network (TN), while ensuring operational constraints continue to be met within the DN. Here we propose a hierarchical feedback-based control architecture for coordination of DERs in DNs, enabling the DN to quickly respond to power set-point requests from the Transmission System Operator (TSO) while maintaining local DN constraints. Our scheme allows for multiple independently-managed areas within the DN to optimize their local resources while coordinating to support the TN, and while maintaining data privacy; the only required inter-area communication is between physically adjacent areas within the DN control hierarchy. We conduct a rigorous stability analysis, establishing intuitive conditions for closed-loop stability, and provide detailed tuning recommendations. The proposal is validated via case studies on multiple feeders, including IEEE-123 and IEEE-8500, using a custom MATLAB-based application which integrates with OpenDSS. The simulation results show that the proposed structure is highly scalable and can quickly coordinate DERs in response to TSO commands, while responding to local disturbances within the DN and maintaining DN operational limits.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:49:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Farhat", "Ilyas", "" ], [ "Ekomwenrenren", "Etinosa", "" ], [ "Simpson-Porco", "John W.", "" ], [ "Farantatos", "Evangelos", "" ], [ "Patel", "Mahendra", "" ], [ "Haddadi", "Aboutaleb", "" ] ]
Yue Fu
Yue Fu, Yixin Chen, Zelia Gomes Da Costa Lai, Alexis Hiniker
Should ChatGPT Write Your Breakup Text? Exploring the Role of AI in Relationship Dissolution
cs.HC cs.AI
Relationships are essential to our happiness and wellbeing. The dissolution of a relationship, the final stage of relationship's lifecycle and one of the most stressful events in an individual's life, can have profound and long-lasting impacts on people. With the breakup process increasingly facilitated by computer-mediated communication (CMC), and the likely future influence of AI-mediated communication (AIMC) tools, we conducted a semi-structured interview study with 21 participants. We aim to understand: 1) the current role of technology in the breakup process, 2) the needs and support individuals have during the process, and 3) how AI might address these needs. Our research shows that people have distinct needs at various stages of ending a relationship. Presently, technology is used for information gathering and community support, acting as a catalyst for breakups, enabling ghosting and blocking, and facilitating communication. Participants anticipate that AI could aid in sense-making of their relationship leading up to the breakup, act as a mediator, assist in crafting appropriate wording, tones, and language during breakup conversations, and support companionship, reflection, recovery, and growth after a breakup. Our findings also demonstrate an overlap between the breakup process and the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change. Through the lens of TTM, we explore the potential support and affordances AI could offer in breakups, including its benefits and the necessary precautions regarding AI's role in this sensitive process.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 02:53:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fu", "Yue", "" ], [ "Chen", "Yixin", "" ], [ "Lai", "Zelia Gomes Da Costa", "" ], [ "Hiniker", "Alexis", "" ] ]
Andrew Raim
Andrew M. Raim, James A. Livsey, and Kyle M. Irimata
Rejection Sampling with Vertical Weighted Strips
stat.ME stat.CO
A number of distributions that arise in statistical applications can be expressed in the form of a weighted density: the product of a base density and a nonnegative weight function. Generating variates from such a distribution may be nontrivial and can involve an intractable normalizing constant. Rejection sampling may be used to generate exact draws, but requires formulation of a suitable proposal distribution. To be practically useful, the proposal must both be convenient to sample from and not reject candidate draws too frequently. A well-known approach to design a proposal involves decomposing the target density into a finite mixture, whose components may correspond to a partition of the support. This work considers such a construction that focuses on majorization of the weight function. This approach may be applicable when assumptions for adaptive rejection sampling and related algorithms are not met. An upper bound for the rejection probability based on this construction can be expressed to evaluate the efficiency of the proposal before sampling. A method to partition the support is considered where regions are bifurcated based on their contribution to the bound. Examples based on the von Mises Fisher distribution and Gaussian Process regression are provided to illustrate the method.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:00:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Raim", "Andrew M.", "" ], [ "Livsey", "James A.", "" ], [ "Irimata", "Kyle M.", "" ] ]
Qi-Bo Zeng
Bo Hou, Han Xiao, Rong L\"u, and Qi-Bo Zeng
Dissolution of non-Hermitian skin effect in one-dimensional lattices with linearly varying nonreciprocal hopping
7 pages, 5 figures
quant-ph cond-mat.dis-nn
We study the one-dimensional non-Hermitian lattices with linearly varying nonreciprocal hopping, where the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) is found to be dissolved gradually as the strength of nonreciprocity increases. The energy spectrum under open boundary condition is composed of real and imaginary eigenenergies when the nonreciprocal hopping is weak. Interestingly, the real eigenenergies form an equally spaced ladder, and the corresponding eigenstates are localized at the boundary with a Gaussian distribution due to NHSE. By increasing the nonreciprocity, the number of real eigenenergies will decrease while more and more eigenenergies become imaginary. Accompanied by the real-imaginary transition in the spectrum, the eigenstates are shifted from the boundary into the bulk of the lattice. When the nonreciprocity gets strong enough, the whole spectrum will be imaginary and the NHSE disappears completely in the system, i.e., all the eigenstates become Gaussian bound states localized inside the bulk. Our work unveils the exotic properties of non-Hermitian systems with spatially varying nonreciprocal hopping.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:01:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hou", "Bo", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Han", "" ], [ "Lü", "Rong", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Qi-Bo", "" ] ]
Xingyuan Xu
Weiwei Han, Zhihui Liu, Mengxi Tan, Chaoran Huang, Jiayang Wu, Kun Xu, David J. Moss, and Xingyuan Xu
Photonic RF Channelization Based on Microcombs
This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
In recent decades, microwave photonic channelization techniques have developed significantly. Characterized by low loss, high versatility, large instantaneous bandwidth, and immunity to electromagnetic interference, microwave photonic channelization addresses the requirements of modern radar and electronic warfare for receivers. Microresonator-based optical frequency combs are promising devices for photonic channelized receivers, enabling full advantage of multicarriers, large bandwidths, and accelerating the integration process of microwave photonic channelized receivers. In this paper, we review the research progress and trends in microwave photonic channelization, focusing on schemes that utilize integrated microcombs. We discuss the potential of microcomb-based RF channelization, as well as their challenges and limitations, and provide perspectives for their future development in the context of on-chip silicon-based photonics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:05:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Han", "Weiwei", "" ], [ "Liu", "Zhihui", "" ], [ "Tan", "Mengxi", "" ], [ "Huang", "Chaoran", "" ], [ "Wu", "Jiayang", "" ], [ "Xu", "Kun", "" ], [ "Moss", "David J.", "" ], [ "Xu", "Xingyuan", "" ] ]
Tianbo Song
Xiaonan Xu, Bin Yuan, Yongyao Mo, Tianbo Song, Shulin Li
Curriculum Recommendations Using Transformer Base Model with InfoNCE Loss And Language Switching Method
4pages, 2 figures, ICAICA2023
cs.CL cs.AI
The Curriculum Recommendations paradigm is dedicated to fostering learning equality within the ever-evolving realms of educational technology and curriculum development. In acknowledging the inherent obstacles posed by existing methodologies, such as content conflicts and disruptions from language translation, this paradigm aims to confront and overcome these challenges. Notably, it addresses content conflicts and disruptions introduced by language translation, hindrances that can impede the creation of an all-encompassing and personalized learning experience. The paradigm's objective is to cultivate an educational environment that not only embraces diversity but also customizes learning experiences to suit the distinct needs of each learner. To overcome these challenges, our approach builds upon notable contributions in curriculum development and personalized learning, introducing three key innovations. These include the integration of Transformer Base Model to enhance computational efficiency, the implementation of InfoNCE Loss for accurate content-topic matching, and the adoption of a language switching strategy to alleviate translation-related ambiguities. Together, these innovations aim to collectively tackle inherent challenges and contribute to forging a more equitable and effective learning journey for a diverse range of learners. Competitive cross-validation scores underscore the efficacy of sentence-transformers/LaBSE, achieving 0.66314, showcasing our methodology's effectiveness in diverse linguistic nuances for content alignment prediction. Index Terms-Curriculum Recommendation, Transformer model with InfoNCE Loss, Language Switching.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:09:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xu", "Xiaonan", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Bin", "" ], [ "Mo", "Yongyao", "" ], [ "Song", "Tianbo", "" ], [ "Li", "Shulin", "" ] ]
Xiaorui Sun
Wenyu Jin and Xiaorui Sun and Mikkel Thorup
Fully Dynamic Min-Cut of Superconstant Size in Subpolynomial Time
SODA 2024
We present a deterministic fully dynamic algorithm with subpolynomial worst-case time per graph update such that after processing each update of the graph, the algorithm outputs a minimum cut of the graph if the graph has a cut of size at most $c$ for some $c = (\log n)^{o(1)}$. Previously, the best update time was $\widetilde O(\sqrt{n})$ for any $c > 2$ and $c = O(\log n)$ [Thorup, Combinatorica'07].
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:09:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jin", "Wenyu", "" ], [ "Sun", "Xiaorui", "" ], [ "Thorup", "Mikkel", "" ] ]
Wenshuai Liu
Wenshuai Liu
Formation of Retrograde Hot Jupiter Triggered by Close Encounter with Tidal Circularization
4 pages, 2 figures
astro-ph.EP astro-ph.HE
A new mechanism is proposed to account for the formation of retrograde hot Jupiter in coplanar star-planet system via close encounter between a Jupiter mass planet and a brown dwarf mass planet. After long timescale scattering between several Jupiter mass planets with inner orbits, the remaining planets still rotating around the star could have large semimajor with large eccentricity. If there exists a brown dwarf mass planet in distant orbit around the star, planetary encounter may happen. After encounter, the Jupiter mass planet may rotate around the star in a retrograde orbit with extremely large eccentricity and the periastron can reach 0.01 AU, which means that, within the first several orbits around the star, tidal interaction from the star can shrink the semimajor axis of the planet quickly. Thus, the Jupiter mass planet is isolated from the brown dwarf mass planet due to the quick decrease of its apastron distance and eventually evolves into a retrograde hot Jupiter.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:09:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Wenshuai", "" ] ]
Xianjin Cheng
Xianjin Cheng, Zhenxin Liu, Lixin Zhang
The multiplicative ergodic theorem for McKean-Vlasov SDEs
23 pages
math.DS math.PR
In this paper, we establish the multiplicative ergodic theorem for McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations, in which the Lyapunov exponent is defined using the upper limit. The reasonability of this definition is illustrated through an example; i.e., even when the coefficients are regular enough and their first-order derivatives are bounded, the upper limit cannot be replaced by a limit, as the limit may not exist. Furthermore, the example reveals how the dependence on distribution significantly influences the dynamics of the system and evidently distinguishes McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations from classical stochastic differential equations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:18:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cheng", "Xianjin", "" ], [ "Liu", "Zhenxin", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Lixin", "" ] ]
Haoran Deng
Haoran Deng, Yang Yang, Jiahe Li, Cheng Chen, Weihao Jiang, Shiliang Pu
Fast Updating Truncated SVD for Representation Learning with Sparse Matrices
math.NA cs.NA
Updating a truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is crucial in representation learning, especially when dealing with large-scale data matrices that continuously evolve in practical scenarios. Aligning SVD-based models with fast-paced updates becomes increasingly important. Existing methods for updating truncated SVDs employ Rayleigh-Ritz projection procedures, where projection matrices are augmented based on original singular vectors. However, these methods suffer from inefficiency due to the densification of the update matrix and the application of the projection to all singular vectors. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel method for dynamically approximating the truncated SVD of a sparse and temporally evolving matrix. Our approach leverages sparsity in the orthogonalization process of augmented matrices and utilizes an extended decomposition to independently store projections in the column space of singular vectors. Numerical experiments demonstrate a remarkable efficiency improvement of an order of magnitude compared to previous methods. Remarkably, this improvement is achieved while maintaining a comparable precision to existing approaches.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:21:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Deng", "Haoran", "" ], [ "Yang", "Yang", "" ], [ "Li", "Jiahe", "" ], [ "Chen", "Cheng", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Weihao", "" ], [ "Pu", "Shiliang", "" ] ]
Zhichao Chen
Zhichao Chen, Zixu Li
Mutation invariants of cluster algebras of rank 2
33 pages
math.RT math.CO math.RA
We consider the mutation invariants of cluster algebras of rank 2. We characterize the mutation invariants of finite type. Two examples are provided for the affine type and we prove the non-existence of Laurent mutation invariants of non-affine type. As an application, a class of Diophantine equations encoded with cluster algebras are studied.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:25:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Zhichao", "" ], [ "Li", "Zixu", "" ] ]
Zhaohan Feng
Zhaohan Feng, Jie Chen, Wei Xiao, Jian Sun, Bin Xin, Gang Wang
Learning Hybrid Policies for MPC with Application to Drone Flight in Unknown Dynamic Environments
To be published in Unmanned Systems
cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY
In recent years, drones have found increased applications in a wide array of real-world tasks. Model predictive control (MPC) has emerged as a practical method for drone flight control, owing to its robustness against modeling errors/uncertainties and external disturbances. However, MPC's sensitivity to manually tuned parameters can lead to rapid performance degradation when faced with unknown environmental dynamics. This paper addresses the challenge of controlling a drone as it traverses a swinging gate characterized by unknown dynamics. This paper introduces a parameterized MPC approach named hyMPC that leverages high-level decision variables to adapt to uncertain environmental conditions. To derive these decision variables, a novel policy search framework aimed at training a high-level Gaussian policy is presented. Subsequently, we harness the power of neural network policies, trained on data gathered through the repeated execution of the Gaussian policy, to provide real-time decision variables. The effectiveness of hyMPC is validated through numerical simulations, achieving a 100\% success rate in 20 drone flight tests traversing a swinging gate, demonstrating its capability to achieve safe and precise flight with limited prior knowledge of environmental dynamics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:32:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Feng", "Zhaohan", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jie", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Wei", "" ], [ "Sun", "Jian", "" ], [ "Xin", "Bin", "" ], [ "Wang", "Gang", "" ] ]
Abel Souza
Abel Souza, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Johan Tordsson
A HPC Co-Scheduler with Reinforcement Learning
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 24th International Workshop, JSSPP 2021, Virtual Event, May 21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers 24
Although High Performance Computing (HPC) users understand basic resource requirements such as the number of CPUs and memory limits, internal infrastructural utilization data is exclusively leveraged by cluster operators, who use it to configure batch schedulers. This task is challenging and increasingly complex due to ever larger cluster scales and heterogeneity of modern scientific workflows. As a result, HPC systems achieve low utilization with long job completion times (makespans). To tackle these challenges, we propose a co-scheduling algorithm based on an adaptive reinforcement learning algorithm, where application profiling is combined with cluster monitoring. The resulting cluster scheduler matches resource utilization to application performance in a fine-grained manner (i.e., operating system level). As opposed to nominal allocations, we apply decision trees to model applications' actual resource usage, which are used to estimate how much resource capacity from one allocation can be co-allocated to additional applications. Our algorithm learns from incorrect co-scheduling decisions and adapts from changing environment conditions, and evaluates when such changes cause resource contention that impacts quality of service metrics such as jobs slowdowns. We integrate our algorithm in an HPC resource manager that combines Slurm and Mesos for job scheduling and co-allocation, respectively. Our experimental evaluation performed in a dedicated cluster executing a mix of four real different scientific workflows demonstrates improvements on cluster utilization of up to 51% even in high load scenarios, with 55% average queue makespan reductions under low loads.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:32:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Souza", "Abel", "" ], [ "Pelckmans", "Kristiaan", "" ], [ "Tordsson", "Johan", "" ] ]
Rong Qiang Wei
Rong Qiang Wei, Qing Li Zeng
Spring-block friction model for landslides: Application to Vaiont and Maoxian landslides
12 pages; 5 figures; 1 Table
It is necessary to study the kinematics of landslide prior to its failure for accurately estimating the time of landslide instability. Based on a spring block model, considering the Dieterich Ruina's friction, the kinematic displacement and velocity of landslide along the slip surface are analyzed under quasistatic approximation. A algebraic relationship including three parameters between the displacement (or velocity) and time is obtained, and then applied to two typical landslides: Vaiont in Italy, and Maoxian in China. The results show that the proposed spring block friction model can well describe the kinematic data of landslides before their failure. If the effective data of displacement can be obtained to determine the three parameters above, this simple physical model could be used to estimate the time of landslide instability. Based on this spring block friction model, we also provide a clear physical basis for the usual inverse velocity method of the landslide warning, and point out that it can only to be used for the monitoring velocity data near the landslide failure.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:39:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wei", "Rong Qiang", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Qing Li", "" ] ]
Marko Znidaric
Urban Duh and Marko Znidaric
Classification of same-gate quantum circuits and their space-time symmetries with application to the level-spacing distribution
11 pages
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
We study Floquet systems with translationally invariant nearest-neighbor 2-site gates. Depending on the order in which the gates are applied on an N-site system with periodic boundary conditions, there are factorially many different circuit configurations. We prove that there are only N-1 different spectrally equivalent classes which can be viewed either as a generalization of the brick-wall or of the staircase configuration. Every class, characterized by two integers, has a nontrivial space-time symmetry with important implications for the level-spacing distribution -- a standard indicator of quantum chaos. Namely, in order to study chaoticity one should not look at eigenphases of the Floquet propagator itself, but rather at the spectrum of an appropriate root of the propagator.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:41:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Duh", "Urban", "" ], [ "Znidaric", "Marko", "" ] ]