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0 | 2-D STUDY,1. Mild aortic stenosis, widely calcified, minimally restricted.,2. Mild left ventricular hypertrophy but normal systolic function.,3. Moderate biatrial enlargement.,4. Normal right ventricle.,5. Normal appearance of the tricuspid and mitral valves.,6. Normal left ventricle and left ventricular systolic function.,DOPPLER,1. There is 1 to 2+ aortic regurgitation easily seen, but no aortic stenosis.,2. Mild tricuspid regurgitation with only mild increase in right heart pressures, 30-35 mmHg maximum.,SUMMARY,1. Normal left ventricle.,2. Moderate biatrial enlargement.,3. Mild tricuspid regurgitation, but only mild increase in right heart pressures.radiology, 2-d study, doppler, tricuspid regurgitation, heart pressures, stenosis, ventricular, heart, ventricle, tricuspid, regurgitation, | 0Medical Records
1 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Dysphagia and esophageal spasm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Esophagitis and esophageal stricture.,PROCEDURE:, Gastroscopy.,MEDICATIONS:, MAC.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The Olympus gastroscope was introduced into the oropharynx and passed carefully through the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, to the third portion of the duodenum. The hypopharynx was normal and the upper esophageal sphincter was unremarkable. The esophageal contour was normal, with the gastroesophageal junction located at 38 cm from the incisors. At this point, there were several linear erosions and a sense of stricturing at 38 cm. Below this, there was a small hiatal hernia with the hiatus noted at 42 cm from the incisors. The mucosa within the hernia was normal. The gastric lumen was normal with normal mucosa throughout. The pylorus was patent permitting passage of the scope into the duodenum, which was normal through the third portion. During withdrawal of the scope, additional views were obtained of the cardia, confirming the presence of a small hiatal hernia. It was decided to attempt dilation of the strictured area, so an 18-mm TTS balloon was placed across the stricture and inflated to the recommended diameter. When the balloon was fully inflated, the lumen appeared to be larger than 18 mm diameter, suggesting that the stricture was in fact not a significant one. No stretching of the mucosa took place. The balloon was deflated and the scope was withdrawn. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room.,FINAL DIAGNOSES:,1. Esophagitis.,2. Minor stricture at the gastroesophageal junction.,3. Hiatal hernia.,4. Otherwise normal upper endoscopy to the transverse duodenum.,RECOMMENDATIONS: ,Continue proton pump inhibitor, duodenum, esophagus, gastroscope, stomach, upper endoscopy, transverse duodenum, gastroesophageal junction, hiatal hernia, gastroscopy, endoscopy, esophagitis, gastroesophageal, hiatal, esophageal, hernia | 3Surgery
2 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient comes for three-week postpartum checkup, complaining of allergies.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, She is doing well postpartum. She has had no headache. She is breastfeeding and feels like her milk is adequate. She has not had much bleeding. She is using about a mini pad twice a day, not any cramping or clotting and the discharge is turned from red to brown to now slightly yellowish. She has not yet had sexual intercourse. She does complain that she has had a little pain with the bowel movement, and every now and then she notices a little bright red bleeding. She has not been particularly constipated but her husband says she is not eating her vegetables like she should. Her seasonal allergies have back developed and she is complaining of extremely itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and kind of a pressure sensation in her ears.,MEDICATIONS:, Prenatal vitamins.,ALLERGIES:, She thinks to Benadryl.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Mother is 50 and healthy. Dad is 40 and healthy. Half-sister, age 34, is healthy. She has a sister who is age 10 who has some yeast infections.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITALS: Weight: 124 pounds. Blood pressure 96/54. Pulse: 72. Respirations: 16. LMP: 10/18/03. Age: 39.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Eyes: EOMs intact. PERRLA. Conjunctiva clear. Fundi: Discs flat, cups normal. No AV nicking, hemorrhage or exudate. Ears: TMs intact. Mouth: No lesion. Throat: No inflammation. She has allergic rhinitis with clear nasal drainage, clear watery discharge from the eyes.,Abdomen: Soft. No masses.,Pelvic: Uterus is involuting.,Rectal: She has one external hemorrhoid which has inflamed. Stool is guaiac negative and using anoscope, no other lesions are identified.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:, Satisfactory three-week postpartum course, seasonal allergies. We will try Patanol eyedrops and Allegra 60 mg twice a day. She was cautioned about the possibility that this may alter her milk supply. She is to drink extra fluids and call if she has problems with that. We will try ProctoFoam HC. For the hemorrhoids, also increase the fiber in her diet. That prescription was written, as well as one for Allegra and Patanol. She additionally will be begin on Micronor because she would like to protect herself from pregnancy until her husband get scheduled in and has a vasectomy, which is their ultimate plan for birth control, and she anticipates that happening fairly soon. She will call and return if she continues to have problems with allergies. Meantime, rechecking in three weeks for her final six-week postpartum checkup.soap / chart / progress notes, checkup, allergies, postpartum, complaining of allergies, seasonal allergies, postpartum checkup, | 0Medical Records
3 | PROCEDURE: , Bilateral L5, S1, S2, and S3 radiofrequency ablation.,INDICATION: , Sacroiliac joint pain.,INFORMED CONSENT: , The risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure were discussed with the patient. The patient was given opportunity to ask questions regarding the procedure, its indications and the associated risks.,The risk of the procedure discussed include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction, dural puncture, headache, nerve injuries, spinal cord injury, and cardiovascular and CNS side effects with possible of vascular entry of medications. I also informed the patient of potential side effects or reactions to the medications potentially used during the procedure including sedatives, narcotics, nonionic contrast agents, anesthetics, and corticosteroids.,The patient was informed both verbally and in writing. The patient understood the informed consent and desired to have the procedure performed.,PROCEDURE: , Oxygen saturation and vital signs were monitored continuously throughout the procedure. The patient remained awake throughout the procedure in order to interact and give feedback. The x-ray technician was supervised and instructed to operate the fluoroscopy machine.,The patient was placed in a prone position on the treatment table with a pillow under the chest and head rotated. The skin over and surrounding the treatment area was cleaned with Betadine. The area was covered with sterile drapes, leaving a small window opening for needle placement. Fluoroscopy was used to identify the bony landmarks of the sacrum and the sacroiliac joints and the planned needle approach. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle within the planned approach were anesthetized with 1% Lidocaine.,With fluoroscopy, a 20 gauge 10-mm bent Teflon coated needle was gently guided into the groove between the SAP and the sacrum for the dorsal ramus of L5 and the lateral border of the posterior sacral foramen, for the lateral branches of S1, S2, and S3. Also, fluoroscopic views were used to ensure proper needle placement.,The following technique was used to confirm correct placement. Motor stimulation was applied at 2 Hz with 1 millisecond duration. No extremity movement was noted at less than 2 volts. Following this, the needle trocar was removed and a syringe containing 1% lidocaine was attached. At each level, after syringe aspiration with no blood return, 0.5 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected to anesthetize the lateral branch and the surrounding tissue. After completion, a lesion was created at that level with a temperature of 80 degrees for 90 seconds.,All injected medications were preservative free. Sterile technique was used throughout the procedure.,ADDITIONAL DETAILS: ,None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISCUSSION: , Post-procedure vital signs and oximetry were stable. The patient was discharged with instructions to ice the injection site as needed for 15-20 minutes as frequently as twice per hour for the next day and to avoid aggressive activities for 1 day. The patient was told to resume all medications. The patient was told to be in relative rest for 1 day but then could resume all normal activities.,The patient was instructed to seek immediate medical attention for shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, chills, increased pain, weakness, sensory or motor changes, or changes in bowel or bladder function.,Follow up appointment was made at PM&R Spine Clinic in approximately one to two, sacroiliac joint pain, sacroiliac, teflon coated needle, fluoroscopy, needle placement, radiofrequency ablation, ablation, tissue, lidocaine, needle, | 3Surgery
4 | DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure.,2. Chronic atrial fibrillation with prior ablation done on Coumadin treatment.,3. Mitral stenosis.,4. Remote history of lung cancer with prior resection of the left upper lobe.,5. Anxiety and depression.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Details are present in the dictated report.,BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient is a 71-year-old lady who came in with increased shortness of breath of one day duration. She denied history of chest pain or fevers or cough with purulent sputum at that time. She was empirically treated with a course of antibiotics of Avelox for ten days. She also received steroids, prednisolone 60 mg, and breathing treatments with albuterol, Ipratropium and her bronchodilator therapy was also optimized with theophylline. She continued to receive Coumadin for her chronic atrial fibrillation. Her heart rate was controlled and was maintained in the 60s-70s. On the third day of admission she developed worsening respiratory failure with fatigue, and hence was required to be intubated and ventilated. She was put on mechanical ventilation from 1/29 to 2/6/06. She was extubated on 2/6 and put on BI-PAP. The pressures were gradually increased from 10 and 5 to 15 of BI-PAP and 5 of E-PAP with FIO2 of 35% at the time of transfer to Kindred. Her bronchospasm also responded to the aggressive bronchodilation and steroid therapy.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:, Prednisolone 60 mg orally once daily, albuterol 2.5 mg nebulized every 4 hours, Atrovent Respules to be nebulized every 6 hours, Pulmicort 500 micrograms nebulized twice every 8 hours, Coumadin 5 mg orally once daily, magnesium oxide 200 mg orally once daily.,TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS:, The patient is to be strictly kept on bi-level PAP of 15 I-PAP/E-PAP of 5 cm and FIO2 of 35% for most of the times during the day. She may be put on nasal cannula 2 to 3 liters per minute with an O2 saturation of 90-92% at meal times only, and that is to be limited to 1-2 hours every meal. On admission her potassium had risen slightly to 5.5, and hence her ACE inhibitor had to be discontinued. We may restart it again at a later date once her blood pressure control is better if required.discharge summary, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypercapnic respiratory failure, atrial fibrillation, chronic atrial fibrillation, increased shortness of breath, shortness of breath, increased shortness, coumadin, atrial, | 0Medical Records
5 | INDICATION:, Coronary artery disease, severe aortic stenosis by echo.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Left heart catheterization.,2. Right heart catheterization.,3. Selective coronary angiography.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was explained about all the risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure. The patient agreed to proceed and informed consent was signed.,Both groins were prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. After local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine, 6-French sheath was inserted in the right femoral artery and 7-French sheath was inserted in the right femoral vein. Then right heart cath was performed using 7-French Swan-Ganz catheter. Catheter was placed in the pulmonary capillary wedge position. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PA pressure was obtained, cardiac output was obtained, then RV, RA pressures were obtained. The right heart catheter _______ pulled out. Then selective coronary angiography was performed using 6-French JL4 and 6-French 3DRC catheter. Then attempt was made to cross the aortic valve with 6-French pigtail catheter, but it was unsuccessful. After the procedure, catheters were pulled out, sheath was pulled out and hemostasis was obtained by manual pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications.,HEMODYNAMICS:,1. Cardiac output was 4.9 per liter per minute. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, mean was 7, PA pressure was 20/14, RV 26/5, RA mean pressure was 5.,2. Coronary angiography, left main is calcified _______ dense complex.,3. LAD proximal 70% calcified stenosis present and patent stent to the mid LAD and diagonal 1 is a moderate-size vessel, has 70% stenosis. Left circumflex has diffuse luminal irregularities. OM1 has 70% stenosis, is a moderate-size vessel. Right coronary is dominant and has minimal luminal irregularities.,SUMMARY: , Three-vessel coronary artery disease with aortic stenosis by echo with normal pulmonary artery systolic pressure.,RECOMMENDATION: , Aortic valve replacement with coronary artery bypass surgery.cardiovascular / pulmonary, lad proximal, femoral artery, sheath, catheter, selective coronary angiography, coronary artery disease, pulmonary capillary wedge, capillary wedge, coronary angiography, coronary artery, heart catheterization, catheterization, heart, artery, stenosis, angiography, pressure, coronary | 2Internal Medicine
6 | SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 2-year-old little girl who comes in with concerns about stuffiness, congestion and nasal drainage. She does take Zyrtec on a fairly regular basis. Mom is having some allergy trouble herself right now. She does not know her colors. She knows some of her shapes. She speaks in sentences. She is not showing much interest in the potty. She is in the 80th percentile for height and weight, and still over 95th percentile for head circumference. Mom has no other concerns.,ALLERGIES:, Eggs and peanuts.,OBJECTIVE:,General: Alert, very talkative little girl.,HEENT: TMs clear and mobile. Eyes: PERRL. Fundi benign. Pharynx clear. Mouth moist. Nasal mucosa is pale with clear discharge.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Lungs: Clear. No tachypnea, wheezing, rales or retractions.,Abdomen: Soft and nontender without mass or organomegaly.,GU: Normal female genitalia. Tanner stage I.,Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Pulses 2+ and equal.,Hips: Intact.,Neurological: Normal. DTRs are 2+. Gait was normal.,Skin: Warm and dry. No rashes noted.,ASSESSMENT:, Allergic rhinitis. Otherwise healthy 2-year-old young lady.,PLAN:, In addition to her Zyrtec, I put her on Nasonex spray one spray each nostril daily. If this works for her, certainly she can do it through the ragweed season. Otherwise she is doing well. I talked about ways to improve her potty training. She is a very good eater. I will see her yearly or p.r.n. Unfortunately she is not able to get the flu shot due to her egg allergy.consult - history and phy., allergic rhinitis, nasal drainage, stuffiness, congestion, drainage, | 0Medical Records
7 | REASON FOR EVALUATION: , The patient is a 37-year-old white single male admitted to the hospital through the emergency room. I had seen him the day before in my office and recommended him to go into the hospital. He had just come from a trip to Taho in Nevada and he became homicidal while there. He started having thoughts about killing his mother. He became quite frightened by that thought and called me during the weekend we were able to see him on that Tuesday after talking to him.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a patient that has been suffering from a chronic psychotic condition now for a number of years. He began to have symptoms when he was approximately 18 or 19 with auditory and visual hallucinations and paranoid delusions. He was using drugs and smoking marijuana at that time has experimenting with LXV and another drugs too. The patient has not used any drugs since age 25. However, he has continued having intense and frequent psychotic bouts. I have seen him now for approximately one year. He has been quite refractory to treatment. We tried different types of combination of medications, which have included Clozaril, Risperdal, lithium, and Depakote with partial response and usually temporary. The patient has had starting with probably has had some temporary relief of the symptoms and they usually do not last more than a few days. The dosages that we have used have been very high. He has been on Clozaril 1200 mg combined with Risperdal up to 9 mg and lithium at a therapeutic level. However, he has not responded.,He has delusions of antichrist. He strongly believes that the dogs have a home in the neighborhood are communicating with him and criticizing him and he believes that all the people can communicate to him with telepathy including the animals. He has paranoid delusions. He also gets homicidal like prior to this admission.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY:, As mentioned before, this patient has been psychotic off and on for about 20 years now. He has had years in which he did better on Clozaril and also his other medications.,With typical anti-psychotics, he has done well at times, but he eventually gets another psychotic bout.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has a history of obesity and also of diabetes mellitus. However, most recently, he has not been treated for diabetes since his last regular weight since he stopped taking Zyprexa. The patient has chronic bronchitis. He smokes cigarettes constantly up to 60 a day.,DRUG HISTORY:, He stopped using drugs when he was 25. He has got a lapse, but he was more than 10 years and he has been clean ever since then. As mentioned before, he smokes cigarettes quite heavily and which has been a problem for his health since he also has chronic bronchitis.,PSYCHOSOCIAL STATUS: , The patient lives with his mother and has been staying with her for a few years now. We have talked to her. She is very supportive. His only sister is also very supportive of him. He has lived in the ABCD houses in the past. He has done poorly in some of them.,MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION:, The patient appeared alert, oriented to time, place, and person. His affect is flat. He talked about auditory hallucinations, which are equivocal in nature. He is not homicidal in the hospital as he was when he was at home. His voice and speech are normal. He believes in telepathy. His memory appears intact and his intelligence is calculated as average.,INITIAL DIAGNOSES:,AXIS I: Schizophrenia.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: History of diabetes mellitus, obesity, and chronic bronchitis.,AXIS IV: Moderate.,AXIS V: GAF of 35 on admission.,INITIAL TREATMENT AND PLAN:, Since, the patient has been on high dosages of medications, we will give him a holiday and a structured environment. We will put him on benzodiazepines and make a decision anti-psychotic later. We will make sure that he is safe and that he addresses his medical needs well.consult - history and phy., neuropsychological, gaf, schizophrenia, anti-psychotic, chronic psychotic condition, delusions, hallucination, homicidal, marijuana, psychological, psychotic, smokes cigarettes, smoking, neuropsychological evaluation, clozaril, bronchitis, axis, | 0Medical Records
8 | CC:, Progressive visual loss.,HX:, 76 y/o male suddenly became anosmic following shoulder surgery 13 years prior to this presentation. He continues to be anosmic, but has also recently noted decreased vision OD. He denies any headaches, weakness, numbness, weight loss, or nasal discharge.,MEDS:, none.,PMH:, 1) Diabetes Mellitus dx 1 year ago. 2) Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, s/p TURP. 3) Right shoulder surgery (?DJD).,FHX:, noncontributory.,SHX:, Denies history of Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP132/66 HR78 RR16 36.0C,MS: A&O to person, place, and time. No other specifics given in Neurosurgery/Otolaryngology/Neuro-ophthalmology notes.,CN: Visual acuity has declined from 20/40 to 20/400, OD; 20/30, OS. No RAPD. EOM was full and smooth and without nystagmus. Goldmann visual fields revealed a central scotoma and enlarged blind spot OD and OS (OD worse) with a normal periphery. Intraocular pressures were 15/14 (OD/OS). There was moderate pallor of the disc, OD. Facial sensation was decreased on the right side (V1 distribution).,Motor/Sensory/Coord/Station/Gait: were all unremarkable.,Reflexes: 2/2 and symmetric throughout. Plantars were flexor, bilaterally.,Gen Exam: unremarkable.,COURSE:, MRI Brain, 10/7/92, revealed: a large 6x5x6cm slightly heterogeneous, mostly isointense lesion on both T1 and T2 weighted images arising from the planum sphenoidale and olfactory groove. The mass extends approximately 3.6cm superior to the planum into both frontal regions with edema in both frontal lobes. The mass extends 2.5cm inferiorly involving the ethmoid sinuses with resultant obstruction of the sphenoid and frontal sinuses.,It also extends into the superomedial aspect of the right maxillary sinus. There is probable partial encasement of both internal carotid arteries just above the siphon. The optic nerves are difficult to visualize but there is also probable encasement of these structures as well. The mass enhances significantly with gadolinium contrast. These finds are consistent with Meningioma.,The patient underwent excision of this tumor by simultaneous bifrontal craniotomy and lateral rhinotomy following an intrasinus biopsy which confirmed the meningioma. Postoperatively, he lost visual acuity, OS, but this gradually returned to baseline. His 9/6/96 neuro-ophthalmology evaluation revealed visual acuity of 20/25-3 (OD) and 20/80-2 (OS). His visual fields continued to abnormal, but improved and stable when compared to 10/92. His anosmia never resolved.radiology, mri brain, olfactory, groove, headaches, meningioma, nasal discharge, numbness, visual loss, weakness, weight loss, visual acuity, mri, brain, isointense, sinuses, visual, | 0Medical Records
9 | The patient was told that the injection may cause more pain for two to three days afterwards and if this occurred they would best be served by icing the area 15-20 minutes every 6 hours. The patient was advised to protect the knee by limiting repetitive bending, squatting , kneeling and excessive heavy use for a week. Also, they were asked to follow up in two weeks p.r.n.pain management, knee injection, hibistat, xylocaine, bending, epinephrine, knee joint, kneeling, needle, patella, squatting, superolateral approach, cleansed, kneeNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental. | 2Internal Medicine
10 | HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 71-year-old Caucasian female with a history of diabetes, osteoarthritis, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea on CPAP, diabetic foot ulcer, anemia and left lower extremity cellulitis. She was brought in by the EMS service to Erlanger emergency department with pulseless electrical activity. Her husband states that he was at home with his wife, when she presented to him complaining of fever and chills. She became acutely unresponsive. She was noted to have worsening of her breathing. She took several of her MDIs and then was placed on her CPAP. He went to notify EMS and when he returned, she was found to not be breathing. He stated that she was noted to have no breathing in excess of 10 minutes. He states that the EMS system arrived at the home and she was found not breathing. The patient was intubated at the scene and upon arrival to Erlanger Medical Center, she was found to have pupils fixed and dilated. She was seen by me in the emergency department and was on Neo-Synephrine, dopamine with a blood pressure of 97/22 with a rapid heart rate and again, in an unresponsive state.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Review of systems was not obtainable.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, asthma, atrial fibrillation, diabetic foot ulcer and anemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Noncontributory to above.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother with history of coronary artery disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is married. She uses no ethanol, no tobacco and no illicits. She has a very support family unit.,MEDICATIONS:, Augmentin; Detrol LA; lisinopril.,IMMUNIZATIONS:, Immunizations were up to date for influenza, negative for Pneumovax.,ALLERGIES:, PENICILLIN.,LABORATORY AT PRESENTATION:, White blood cell count 11, hemoglobin 10.5, hematocrit 32.2, platelets 175,000. Sodium 148, potassium 5.2, BUN 30, creatinine 2.2 and glucose 216. PT was 22.4.,RADIOLOGIC DATA:, Chest x-ray revealed a diffuse pulmonary edema.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 97/52, pulse of 79, respirations 16, O2 sat 100%.,HEENT: The patient's pupils were again, fixed and dilated and intubated on the monitor.,CHEST: Poor air movement bilateral with bilateral rales.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: The abdomen was obese, nondistended and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: Left diabetic foot had oozing pus drainage from the foot.,GU: Foley catheter was in place.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Acute cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity with hypotensive shock and respiratory failure: Will continue ventilator support. Will rule out pulmonary embolus, rule out myocardial infarction. Continue pressors. The patient is currently on dopamine, Neo-Synephrine and Levophed.,2. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Will continue ventilatory support.,3. Questionable sepsis: Will obtain blood cultures, intravenous vancomycin and Rocephin given.,4. Hypotensive shock: Will continue pressors. Will check random cortisol. Hydrocortisone was added.,Further inpatient management for this patient will be provided by Dr. R. The patient's status was discussed with her daughter and her husband. The husband states that his wife has been very ill in the past with multiple admissions, but he had never seen her as severely ill as with this event. He states that she completely was not breathing at all and he is aware of the severity of her illness and the gravity of her current prognosis. Will obtain the assistance with cardiology with this admission and will continue pressors and supportive therapy. The family will make an assessment and final decision concerning her long-term management after a 24 hour period.nan | 2Internal Medicine
11 | HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman who follows as an outpatient with Dr. A. He is known to us from his last admission. At that time, he was admitted with a difficulty voiding and constipation. His urine cultures ended up being negative. He was seen by Dr. B and discharged home on Levaquin for five days.,He presents to the ER today with hematuria that began while he was sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In the ER, a Foley catheter was placed and was irrigated with saline. White count was 7.6, H and H are 10.8 and 38.7, and BUN and creatinine are of 27 and 1.9. Urine culture is pending. Chest x-ray is pending. His UA did show lots of red cells. The patient currently is comfortable. CBI is running. His urine is clear.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. High cholesterol.,3. Bladder cancer.,4. Bilateral total knee replacements.,5. Cataracts.,6. Enlarged prostate.,ALLERGIES:, SULFA.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME:,1. Atenolol.,2. Cardura.,3. Zegerid.,4. Flomax.,5. Levaquin.,6. Proscar.,7. Vicodin.,8. Morphine.,9. Phenergan.,10. Ativan.,11. Zocor.,12. Prinivil.,13. Hydrochlorothiazide.,14. Folic acid.,15. Digoxin.,16. Vitamin B12.,17. Multivitamin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives at home with his daughter. He does not smoke, occasionally drinks alcohol. He is independent with his activities of daily living.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not additionally rewarding.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: An awake and alert 85-year-old gentleman who is afebrile.,VITAL SIGNS: BP of 162/60 and pulse oximetry of 98% on room air.,HEENT: Pink conjunctivae. Anicteric sclerae. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender to palpation.,EXTREMITIES: Without edema.,He has a Foley catheter in place. His urine is clear.,LABORATORY DATA:, Reviewed.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hematuria.nan | 0Medical Records
12 | SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is brought in by an assistant with some of his food diary sheets. They wonder if the patient needs to lose anymore weight.,OBJECTIVE:, The patient's weight today is 186-1/2 pounds, which is down 1-1/2 pounds in the past month. He has lost a total of 34-1/2 pounds. I praised this. I went over his food diary and praised all of his positive food choices reported, especially his use of sugar-free Kool-Aid, sugar-free pudding, and diet pop. I encouraged him to continue all of that, as well as his regular physical activity.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient is losing weight at an acceptable rate. He needs to continue keeping a food diary and his regular physical activity.,PLAN:, The patient plans to see Dr. XYZ at the end of May 2005. I recommended that they ask Dr. XYZ what weight he would like for the patient to be at. Follow up will be with me June 13, 2005.diets and nutritions, weight, kool-aid, food diary sheets, diary sheets, physical activity, food diary, dietary, sheets, diary, food | 1Other
13 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hematochezia.,2. Refractory dyspepsia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Colonic polyps at 35 cm and 15 cm.,2. Diverticulosis coli.,2. Acute and chronic gastritis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Colonoscopy to cecum with snare polypectomy.,2. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsies.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURES: ,This is a 43-year-old white male who presents as an outpatient to the General Surgery Service with hematochezia with no explainable source at the anal verge. He also had refractory dyspepsia despite b.i.d., Nexium therapy. The patient does use alcohol and tobacco. The patient gave informed consent for the procedure.,GROSS FINDINGS: , At the time of colonoscopy, the entire length of colon was visualized. The patient was found to have a sigmoid diverticulosis. He also was found to have some colonic polyps at 35 cm and 15 cm. The polyps were large enough to be treated with snare cautery technique. The polyps were achieved and submitted to pathology. EGD did confirm acute and chronic gastritis. The biopsies were performed for H&E and CLO testing. The patient had no evidence of distal esophagitis or ulcers. No mass lesions were seen.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the Endoscopy Suite with the heart and lungs examination unremarkable. The vital signs were monitored and found to be stable throughout the procedure. The patient was placed in the left lateral position where intravenous Demerol and Versed were given in a titrated fashion.,The video Olympus colonoscope was advanced per anus and without difficulty to the level of cecum. Photographic documentation of the diverticulosis and polyps were obtained. The patient's polyps were removed in a similar fashion, each removed with snare cautery. The polyps were encircled at their stalk. Increasing the tension and cautery was applied as coagulation and cutting blunt mode, 15/15 was utilized. Good blanching was seen. The polyp was retrieved with the suction port of the scope. The patient was re-scoped to the polyp levels to confirm that there was no evidence of perforation or bleeding at the polypectomy site. Diverticulosis coli was also noted. With colonoscopy completed, the patient was then turned for EGD. The oropharynx was previously anesthetized with Cetacaine spray and a biteblock was placed. Video Olympus GIF gastroscope model was inserted per os and advanced without difficulty through the hypopharynx. The esophagus revealed a GE junction at 39 cm. The GE junction was grossly within normal limits. The stomach was entered and distended with air. Acute and chronic gastritis features as stated were appreciated. The pylorus was traversed with normal duodenum. The stomach was again reentered. Retroflex maneuver of the scope confirmed that there was no evidence of hiatal hernia. There were no ulcers or mass lesions seen. The patient had biopsy performed of the antrum for H&E and CLO testing. There was no evidence of untoward bleeding at biopsy sites. Insufflated air was removed with withdrawal of the scope. The patient will be placed on a reflux diet, given instruction and information on Nexium usage. Additional recommendations will follow pending biopsy results. He is to also abstain from alcohol and tobacco. He will require follow-up colonoscopy again in three years for polyp, endoscopy, olympus colonoscope, snare polypectomy, ge junction, refractory dyspepsia, colonic polyps, diverticulosis coli, chronic gastritis, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, snare, biopsies, dyspepsia, gastritis, diverticulosis, polypectomy, colonoscopy, hematochezia, polyps | 3Surgery
14 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,PROCEDURES:,1. Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.,2. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Left upper extremity was 15 minutes.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.,Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One mL of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free. ,The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.,Attention was turned to the right palm where after a sterile prep, the right middle finger flexor sheath was injected with 0.5 mL of 1% plain Xylocaine and 0.5 mL of Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL. A Band-Aid dressing was then applied.,The patient was then awakened from the anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.orthopedic, carpal tunnel syndrome, agee inside job, steroid injection, antebrachial fascia, forearm, ring ray, synovial elevator, tenosynovitis, tourniquet, transverse incision, trigger finger, tenosynovitis of right middle, transverse carpal ligament, transverse carpal, carpal ligament, steri strips, stenosing tenosynovitis, middle finger, ligament, carpal, endoscopic, finger | 1Other
15 | ADMITTING DIAGNOSES,1. Prematurity.,2. Appropriate for gestational age.,3. Maternal group B streptococcus positive culture.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Prematurity, 34 weeks' gestation, now 5 days old.,2. Group B streptococcus exposure, but no sepsis.,3. Physiologic jaundice.,4. Feeding problem.,HISTORY OF ILLNESS: ,This is a 4-pound female infant born to a 26-year-old gravida 1, now para 1-0-0-1 lady with an EDC of November 19, 2003. Group B streptococcus culture was positive on September 29, 2003, and betamethasone was given 1 dose prior to delivery. Mother also received 1 dose of penicillin approximately 1-1/2 hours prior to delivery. The infant delivered vaginally, had a double nuchal cord and required CPAP and free flow oxygen. Her Apgars were 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. At the end of delivery, it was noted there was a partial placental abruptio.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The infant has had a basically uncomplicated hospital course. She did not require oxygen. She did have antibiotics, ampicillin and gentamicin for approximately 48 hours to cover for possible group B streptococcus. The culture was negative and the antibiotics were stopped at 48 hours.,The infant was noted to have physiologic jaundice and her highest bilirubin was 7.1. She was treated for approximately 24 hours with phototherapy and the bilirubin on October 15, 2003 was 3.4.,FEEDING: , The infant has had some difficulty with feeding, but at the time of discharge, she is taking approximately 30 mL every feeding and is taking Formula or breast milk, that is, ___ 24 calories per ounce.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, ,VITAL SIGNS: At discharge, reveals a well-developed infant whose temperature is 98.3, pulse 156, respirations 35, her weight is 1779 g (1% below her birthweight).,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Eyes are without conjunctival injection. Red reflex is elicited bilaterally. TMs not well visualized. Nose and throat are patent without palatal defect.,NECK: Supple without clavicular fracture.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate without murmur, click or gallop present.,EXTREMITIES: Pulses are 2/4 for brachial and femoral. Extremities without evidence of hip defects.,ABDOMEN: Soft, bowel sounds present. No masses or organomegaly.,GENITALIA: Normal female, but the clitoris is not covered by the labia majora.,NEUROLOGICAL: The infant has good Moro, grasp, and suck reflexes.,INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUING CARE,The infant will be discharged home. She will have home health visits one time per week for 3 weeks, and she will be seen in followup at San Juan Pediatrics the week of October 20, 2003. She is to continue feeding with either breast milk or Formula, that is, ___ to 24 calories per ounce.,CONDITION: , Her condition at discharge is good.nan | 0Medical Records
16 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Bilateral cleft lip and bilateral cleft of the palate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Bilateral cleft lip and bilateral cleft of the palate.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Repair of bilateral cleft of the palate with vomer flaps.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 40 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,CONDITION OF THE PATIENT AT THE END OF THE PROCEDURE:, Stable, extubated, and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 10-month-old baby with a history of a bilateral cleft of the lip and palate. The patient has undergone cleft lip repair, and she is here today for her cleft palate operation. We have discussed with the mother the nature of the procedure, risks, and benefits; the risks included but not limited to the risk of bleeding, infection, dehiscence, scarring, the need for future revision surgeries. We will proceed with surgery.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE:, The patient was taken into the operating room, placed in the supine position, and general anesthetic was administered. A prophylactic dose of antibiotics was given. The patient proceeded to have bilateral PE tube placement by Dr. X, from Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery. After he was done with his procedure, the head of the bed was turned 90 degrees. The patient was positioned with a shoulder roll and doughnut. A Dingman retractor was placed. The operative area was infiltrated with lidocaine with epinephrine 1:200,000, a total of 3 mL, and then, I proceeded with the prepping and draping. The patient was prepped and draped. I proceeded to do the palate repair. The nature of the palate repair was done in the same way on the both sides. I will describe one side. The other side was done exactly in the same manner. The 2 hemiuvulas are placed, holding from a single hook and infiltrated with lidocaine with epinephrine 1:200,000, triangle in the nasal mucosa was previously marked. This triangle of nasal mucosa was removed and excised. This was done on both uvulas. Then, an incision was done at the level of the palatal cleft at the junction of the nasal and oral mucosa. A 1-mm cuff of oral mucosa was used to be able to approximate the nasal mucosa better. Once the incision was done up to the level of the hard palate, the muscle was dissected off the surrounding tissue, 2 mm from the nasal and the oral mucosa. Then, I proceeded to place an incision at the alveolopalatal junction with the help of 15-blade. The incision starts at the maxillary tuberosity posteriorly and comes anteriorly at the alveolopalatal junction through the full thickness of mucoperiosteal flap. Then the flap was lifted up with the help of a freer, and then the remaining of the incision medially was completed. Hemostasis was achieved with help of electrocautery and Surgicel. The mucoperiosteal flap was retracted posteriorly with the help of a freer elevator. The greater auricular foramen was exposed, and the pedicle skeletonized to allow medial retraction of the mucoperiosteal flap. Then an osteotomy was done at the level of the greater auricular foramen to allow mobilization of the pedicle medially as well as a small incision was done in the periosteum around the pedicle. The pedicle carefully dissected to allow better mobilization of the mucoperiosteal flap medially. This procedure was done on both sides in the same manner, and then __________ dissection was done including dissection of the hard palate from the nasal mucosa, it was evident that the nasal mucosa would not reach medially to be placed together. At this point, the decision was made to proceed with vomer flaps. The flaps are __________ infiltrated the vomer with the help of lidocaine with epinephrine after an incision in the manner of an open book. The incision was done with a 15C blade. The vomer flaps were dissected, and the mucosa was moved laterally to approximate to the nasal mucosa of the hard palate. This was approximated on both sides with 5-0 chromic running and interrupted stitches, and I proceeded to the remaining of the posterior aspect of the nasal mucosa with a 5-0 chromic and a 4-0 chromic. Then 2 stitches of 4-0 Vicryl were applied to the soft palate in the Delaire manner through the full thickness of the mucosa and muscle on one side, on the other side, and then coming back on the mucosa to evert the edges of the soft palate. The remaining part of the soft palate was placed together with 4-0 Vicryl and 4-0 chromic interrupted stitches. The throat pack was removed. The palate was cleaned. The Dingman retractor was removed, and a single stitch after infiltration of lidocaine without epinephrine at the level of the midline of the tongue was applied with 2-0 silk to the dorsal aspect of the tongue and attached to the right cheek with a piece of Tegaderm. The patient tolerated the procedure without complications. BSS is applied to the eye after removing the Tegaderm. I was present and participated in all aspects of the procedure. The sponge, needle, and instrument count were completed at the end of the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure without complications and was transferred to the recovery room in a stable condition.ent - otolaryngology, bilateral cleft, cleft lip, oral mucosa, hard palate, soft palate, vomer flaps, mucoperiosteal flap, nasal mucosa, flaps, cleft, mucosa, palate, mucoperiosteal, bilateral, nasal, | 3Surgery
17 | INDICATION: , Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: , Adenosine with nuclear scan as the patient unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION:, Resting heart rate of 67, blood pressure of 129/86. EKG, normal sinus rhythm. Post-Lexiscan 0.4 mg, heart rate was 83, blood pressure 142/74. EKG remained the same. No symptoms were noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic adenosine stress test.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR INTERPRETATION:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 33.1 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Nuclear myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake without any evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed normal wall motion, ejection fraction of 58%. End-diastolic volume of 74, end-systolic volume of 31.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 58% by gated SPECT.cardiovascular / pulmonary, adenosine nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, chest pain, adenosine stress test, nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, gated spect, spect, mci, myocardial perfusion scan, myocardial, perfusion, adenosine, nuclear, | 2Internal Medicine
18 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Right hydronephrosis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 56-year-old female who has a history of uterine cancer, breast cancer, mesothelioma. She is scheduled to undergo mastectomy in two weeks. In September 1999, she was diagnosed with right breast cancer and underwent lumpectomy and axillary node dissection and radiation. Again, she is scheduled for mastectomy in two weeks. She underwent a recent PET scan for Dr. X, which revealed marked hydronephrosis on the right possibly related to right UPJ obstruction and there is probably a small nonobstructing stone in the upper pole of the right kidney. There was no dilation of the right ureter noted. Urinalysis today is microscopically negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Uterine cancer, mesothelioma, breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Lumpectomy, hysterectomy.,MEDICATIONS:, Diovan HCT 80/12.5 mg daily, metformin 500 mg daily.,ALLERGIES:, None.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is retired. Does not smoke or drink.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, I have reviewed his review of systems sheet and it is on the chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Please see the physical exam sheet I completed. Abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended, no palpable masses, no CVA tenderness.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: , Marked right hydronephrosis without hydruria. She believes she had a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis at Hospital in 2005. I will try to obtain the report to see if the right kidney was evaluated at that time. She will need evaluation with an IVP and renal scan to determine the point of obstruction and renal function of the right kidney. She is quite anxious about her upcoming surgery and would like to delay any evaluation of this until the surgery is completed. She will call us back to schedule the x-rays. She understands the great importance and getting back in touch with us to schedule these x-rays due to the possibility that it may be somehow related to the cancer. There is also a question of a stone present in the kidney. She voiced a complete understanding of that and will call us after she recovers from her surgery to schedule these tests.consult - history and phy., hydruria, hydronephrosis, review of systems, uterine cancer, breast cancer, mesothelioma, mastectomy, kidney, cancer, | 0Medical Records
19 | HISTORY AND CLINICAL DATA: ,The patient is an 88-year-old gentleman followed by Dr. X, his primary care physician, Dr. Y for the indication of CLL and Dr. Z for his cardiovascular issues. He presents to the Care Center earlier today with approximately a one-week history of increased progressive shortness of breath, orthopnea over the course of the past few nights, mild increase in peripheral edema, and active wheezing with dyspnea presenting this morning.,He reports no clear-cut chest discomfort or difficulty with angina. He has had no dizziness, lightheadedness, no near or true syncope, nothing supportive of CVA, TIA, nor peripheral vascular claudication.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, General review of system is significant for difficulty with intermittent constipation, which has been problematic recently. He reports no fever, shaking chills, nothing supportive of GI or GU blood loss, no productive or nonproductive cough.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Remarkable for hypertension, diabetes, prostate cancer, status post radium seed implant, COPD, single vessel coronary disease, esophageal reflux, CLL, osteopenia, significant hearing loss, anxiety, and degenerative joint disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Remarkable for being married, retired, quit smoking in 1997, rare use of alcohol, lives locally with his wife.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME:, Include, Lortab 7.5 mg up to three times daily for chronic arthritic discomfort, Miacalcin nasal spray once daily, omeprazole 20 mg daily, Diovan 320 mg daily, Combivent two puffs t.i.d., folate, one adult aspirin daily, glyburide 5 mg daily, atenolol 50 mg daily, furosemide 40 mg daily, amlodipine 5 mg daily, hydralazine 50 mg p.o. t.i.d., in addition to Tekturna 150 mg daily, Zoloft 25 mg daily.,ALLERGIES: ,He has known history of allergy to clonidine, Medifast does fatigue.,DIAGNOSTIC AND LABORATORY DATA: , Chest x-ray upon presentation to the Ellis Emergency Room this evening demonstrate significant congestive heart failure with moderate-sized bilateral pleural effusions.,A 12-lead EKG, sinus rhythm at a rate of 68 per minute, right bundle-branch block type IVCV with moderate nonspecific ST changes. Low voltage in the limb leads.,WBC 29,000, hemoglobin 10.9, hematocrit 31, platelets 187,000. Low serum sodium at 132, potassium 4, BUN 28, creatinine 1.2, random glucose 179. Low total protein 5.7. Magnesium level 2.3, troponin 0.404 with the B-natriuretic peptide of 8200.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,He is an elderly gentleman, who appears to be in no acute distress, lying comfortably flat at 30 degrees, measured pressure of 150/80 with a pulse of 68 and regular. JVD difficult to assess. Normal carotids with obvious bruits. Conjunctivae pink. Oropharynx clear. Mild kyphosis. Diffusely depressed breath sounds halfway up both posterior lung fields. No active wheezing. Cardiac Exam: Regular, soft, 1-2/6 early systolic ejection murmur best heard at the base. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, protuberant, benign. Extremities: 2+ bilateral pitting edema to the level of the knees. Neuro Exam: Appears alert, oriented x3. Appropriate manner and affect, exceedingly hard of hearing.,OVERALL IMPRESSION:, An 88-year-old white male with the following major medical issues:,1. Presentation consists with subclinical congestive heart failure possibly systolic, no recent echocardiogram available for review.,2. Hypertension with suboptimal controlled currently.,3. Diabetes.,4. Prostate CA, status post radium seed implant.,5. COPD, on metered-dose inhaler.,6. CLL followed by Dr. Y.,7. Single-vessel coronary disease, no recent anginal quality chest pain, no changes in ECG suggestive of acute ischemia; however, initial troponin 0.4 - to be followed with serial enzyme determinations and telemetry.,8. Hearing loss, anxiety.,9. Significant degenerative joint disease.,PLAN:,1. Admit to A4 with telemetry, congestive heart failure pathway, intravenous diuretic therapy.,2. Strict I&O, Foley catheter has already been placed.,3. Daily BMP.,4. Two-dimensional echocardiogram to assess left ventricular systolic function. Serum iron determination to exclude the possibility of a subclinical ischemic cardiac event. Further recommendations will be forthcoming pending his clinical course and hospital.nan | 2Internal Medicine
20 | S - ,An 83-year-old diabetic female presents today stating that she would like diabetic foot care.,O - ,On examination, the lateral aspect of her left great toenail is deeply ingrown. Her toenails are thick and opaque. Vibratory sensation appears to be intact. Dorsal pedal pulses are 1/4. There is no hair growth seen on her toes, feet or lower legs. Her feet are warm to the touch. All of her toenails are hypertrophic, opaque, elongated and discolored.,A - ,1. Onychocryptosis.,surgery, onychocryptosis, onychomycosis, great toenail, diabetic foot care, diabetic foot, foot, toenail, ingrown, toenails, diabetic, | 3Surgery
21 | CHILD PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Birth weight is ** grams, length **, occipitofrontal circumference **. Character of cry was lusty.,GENERAL APPEARANCE: Well.,BREATHING: Unlabored.,SKIN: Clear. No cyanosis, pallor, or icterus. Subcutaneous tissue is ample.,HEAD: Normal. Fontanelles are soft and flat. Sutures are opposed.,EYES: Normal with red reflex x2.,EARS: Patent. Normal pinnae, canals, TMs.,NOSE: Patent nares.,MOUTH: No cleft.,THROAT: Clear.,NECK: No masses.,CHEST: Normal clavicles.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, flat. No hepatosplenomegaly. The cord is three vessel.,GENITALIA: Normal ** genitalia **with testes descended bilaterally.,ANUS: Patent.,SPINE: Straight and without deformity.,EXTREMITIES: Equal movements.,MUSCLE TONE: Good.,REFLEXES: Moro, grasp, and suck are normal.,HIPS: No click or clunk.consult - history and phy., child physical examination, physical, genitalia, child, | 0Medical Records
22 | HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Mr. A is a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of atrial fibrillation in the past, more recently who has had atrial flutter, who estimates he has had six cardioversions since 10/09, and estimates that he has had 12 to 24 in his life beginning in 2006 when the atrial fibrillation first emerged. He, since 10:17 p.m. on 01/17/10, noted recurrence of his atrial fibrillation, called our office this morning, that is despite being on flecainide, atenolol, and he is maintained on Coumadin.,The patient has noted some lightheadedness as well as chest discomfort and shortness of breath when atrial flutter recurred and we see that on his 12-lead EKG here. Otherwise, no chest pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter and again he had atrial fibrillation more persistently in 2006, but more recently it has been atrial flutter and that is despite use of antiarrhythmics including flecainide. He completed a stress test in my office within the past several weeks that was normal without evidence of ischemia. Other medical history is significant for hyperlipidemia.,MEDICATIONS:,As outpatient,,1. Atenolol 25 mg once a day.,2. Altace 2.5 mg once a day.,3. Zocor 20 mg once a day.,4. Flecainide 200 in the morning and 100 in the evening.,5. Coumadin as directed by our office.,ALLERGIES: , TO MEDICATIONS ARE NONE. HE DENIES SHRIMP, SEA FOOD OR DYE ALLERGY.,FAMILY HISTORY: , He has a nephew who was his sister's son who passed away at age 22 reportedly from an MI, but was reported to have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as well. The patient has previously met with the electrophysiologist, Dr. X, at General Hospital and it sounds like he had a negative EP study.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient does not smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol nor drink any caffeine. No use of illicit drugs. He has been married for 22 years and he is actually accompanied throughout today's cardiology consultation by his wife. He is not participating in regular exercises now because he states since starting flecainide, he has gotten sluggish. He is employed as an attorney and while he states that overall his mental stress is better, he has noted more recent mental stress this past weekend when he was taking his daughter back to college.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He denies any history of stroke, cancer, vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, bright red blood per rectum, bleeding stomach ulcers, renal calculi. There are some questions especially as his wife has told me that he may have obstructive sleep apnea and not had a formal sleep study.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , Blood pressure 156/93, pulse is 100, respiratory rate 18. On general exam, he is a pleasant overweight gentleman, in no acute distress. HEENT: Shows cranium is normocephalic and atraumatic. He has moist mucosal membranes. Neck veins are not distended. There are no carotid bruits. Visible skin warm and perfused. Affect appropriate. He is quite oriented and pleasant. No significant kyphoscoliosis on recumbent back exam. Lungs are clear to auscultation anteriorly. No wheezes. No egophony. Cardiac Exam: S1, S2. Regular rate, controlled. No significant murmurs, rubs or gallops. PMI is nondisplaced. Abdomen is soft, nondistended, appears benign. Extremities without significant edema. Pulses grossly intact.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES/LAB DATA:, Initial ECG shows atrial flutter.,IMPRESSION: , Mr. A is a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the past, more recently is having breakthrough atrial flutter despite flecainide and we had performed a transesophageal echocardiogram-guided cardioversion for him in late 12/20/09, who now has another recurrence within the past 41 hours or so. I have reviewed again with him in detail regarding risks, benefits, and alternatives of proceeding with cardioversion, which the patient is in favor of. After in depth explanation of the procedure with him that there would be more definitive resumption of normal sinus rhythm by using electrocardioversion with less long-term side effects, past the acute procedure, alternatives being continued atrial flutter with potential for electrophysiologic consultation for ablation and/or heart rate control with anticoagulation, which the patient was not interested nor was I primarily recommending as the next step, and risks including, but not limited to and the patient was aware and this was all done in the presence of his wife that this is not an all-inclusive list, but the risks include but not limited to oversedation from conscious sedation, risk of aspiration pneumonia from regurgitation of stomach contents, which would be less likely as I did confirm with the patient that he had been n.p.o. for greater than 15 hours, risk of induction of other arrhythmias including tachyarrhythmias requiring further management including cardioversion or risk of bradyarrhythmias, in the past when we had a cardioverter with 150 joules, he did have a 5.5-second pause especially while he is on antiarrhythmic therapy, statistically less significant risk of CVA, although we cannot really make that null. The patient expressed understanding of this risk, benefit, and alternative analysis. I invited questions from him and his wife and once their questions were answered to their self-stated satisfaction, we planned to go forward with the procedure.,PROCEDURE NOTE: ,The patient received a total of 7 mg of Versed and 50 micrograms of fentanyl utilizing titrate-down sedation with good effect and this was after the appropriate time-out procedure had been done as per the Medical Center universal protocol with appropriate identification of the patient, position, procedure documentation, procedure indication, and there were no questions. The patient did actively participate in this time-out procedure. After the universal protocol was done, he then received the cardioversion attempt with 50 joules using "lollipop posterior patch" with hands-driven paddle on the side, which was 50 joules of synchronized biphasic energy. There was successful resumption of normal sinus rhythm, in fact this time there was not a significant pause as compared to when he had this done previously in late 12/09 and this sinus rhythm was confirmed by a 12-lead EKG.,IMPRESSION: , Cardioversion shows successful resumption of normal sinus rhythm from atrial flutter and that is while the patient has been maintained on Coumadin and his INR is 3.22. We are going to watch him and discharge him from the Medical Center area on his current flecainide of 200 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the evening, atenolol 25 mg once a day, Coumadin _____ as currently being diagnosed. I had previously discussed with the patient and he was agreeable with meeting with his electrophysiologist again, Dr. X, at Electrophysiology Unit at General Hospital and I will be planning to place a call for Dr. X myself. Again, he has no ischemia on this most recent stress test and I suppose in the future it may be reasonable to get obstructive sleep apnea evaluation and that may be one issue promulgating his symptoms.,I had previously discussed the case with Dr. Y who is the patient's general cardiologist as well as updated his wife at the patient's bedside regarding our findings.nan | 2Internal Medicine
23 | REASON FOR FOLLOWUP:, Care conference with family at the bedside and decision to change posture of care from aggressive full code status to terminal wean with comfort care measures in a patient with code last night with CPR and advanced cardiac life support.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 65-year-old patient originally admitted by me several weeks ago with profound hyponatremia and mental status changes. Her history is also significant for likely recurrent aspiration pneumonia and intubation earlier on this admission as well. Previously while treating this patient I had met with the family and discussed how aggressive the patient would wish her level of care to be given that there was evidence of possible ovarian malignancy with elevated CA-125 and a complex mass located in the ovary. As the patient was showing signs of improvement with some speech and ability to follow commands, decision was made to continue to pursue an aggressive level of care, treat her dysphagia, hypertension, debilitation and this was being done. However, last night the patient had apparently catastrophic event around 2:40 in the morning. Rapid response was called and the patient was intubated, started on pressure support, and given CPR. This morning I was called to the bedside by nursing stating the family had wished at this point not to continue this aggressive level of care. The patient was seen and examined, she was intubated and sedated. Limbs were cool. Cardiovascular exam revealed tachycardia. Lungs had coarse breath sounds. Abdomen was soft. Extremities were cool to the touch. Pupils were 6 to 2 mm, doll's eyes were not intact. They were not responsive to light. Based on discussion with all family members involved including both sons, daughter and daughter-in-law, a decision was made to proceed with terminal wean and comfort care measures. All pressure support was discontinued. The patient was started on intravenous morphine and respiratory was requested to remove the ET tube. Monitors were turned off and the patient was made as comfortable as possible. Family is at the bedside at this time. The patient appears comfortable and the family is in agreement that this would be her wishes per my understanding of the family and the patient dynamics over the past month, this is a very reasonable and appropriate approach given the patient's failure to turn around after over a month of aggressive treatment with likely terminal illness from ovarian cancer and associated comorbidities.,Total time spent at the bedside today in critical care services, medical decision making and explaining options to the family and proceeding with terminal weaning was excess of 37 minutes.general medicine, full code status, terminal wean, comfort care, cpr, advanced cardiac life support, care conference, family, bedsideNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental. | 2Internal Medicine
24 | PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Cervical epidural steroid injection, C5-6.,ASSISTANT:, None.,ANESTHESIA:, Local.,DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating theater and placed prone onto the radiolucent table. Subsequent monitored anesthesia care was administered. The C-arm was brought into the operative field and an AP view of the lumbar spine was obtained with particular attention to the C5-6 level. The neck area was then prepped with Betadine solution and draped sterile. A metallic marker was placed over the C5-6 lamina and a skin wheal was raised in the skin. A #20-gauge Tuohy needle was then advanced into the spinal canal using 1% Xylocaine anesthetic and the depth of penetration to the C5 lamina was determined. The needle was redirected into the interlaminar space and advanced to the previously determined level. A 10 cc syringe was then placed onto the end of the needle and, using an air-negative technique, the needle was advanced into the epidural space. When a free flow of air was produced, a solution of 80 mg Depo-Medrol, 2 cc of 1% Xylocaine injectable, and 5 cc of normal saline was then injected into the epidural space. The Tuohy needle was removed. Betadine was cleansed from the skin. A bandage was placed over the needle entrance point. The patient was turned supine onto a regular hospital bed and subsequently allowed to be awakened from anesthesia. The patient was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.pain management, c-arm, cervical epidural steroid injection, ap view, lumbar spine, tuohy needle, epidural steroid, steroid injection | 2Internal Medicine
25 | As you know, the patient is a 50-year-old right-handed Caucasian female, who works as an independent contractor and as a human resources consultant.,Her neurological history first begins in December of 1987, when she had a rather sudden onset of slurred speech and the hesitancy when she started to walk. She had HMO insurance at that time and saw a neurologist, whose name she does not recall. She thinks that she underwent MRI scan of the brain and possibly visual evoked response and brainstem auditory evoked response tests. She was told that all the tests were normal and no diagnosis was made.,The slurred speech resolved after a few weeks, but her gait hesitancy persisted for a number of years and then finally partially improved. She also began to note that she would fatigue after very prolonged walking.,In about 1993, she developed bladder urgency and frequency along with some nocturia. She saw a urologist and underwent urodynamic testing. She was diagnosed as having "overactive bladder", but the cause of this was never determined. She was treated with medications, possibly Ditropan, without much benefit. She also developed a dry mouth from the medication and so she discontinued it.,Also in about 1993, she began to note an uncomfortable "stiffness" in her feet and slight swelling of the ankles. Apparently, the swelling was not visible by others. She saw multiple physicians and was told that it was "not arthritis", but no definite diagnosis was ever established. She saw at least two rheumatologists on several occasions and blood tests were all normal. No clear-cut diagnosis was ever made and the patient simply learned to live with these symptoms.,However, over time she noted that the symptoms in her legs seemed to worsen somewhat. She states from time-to-time she could "barely walk". She felt as if her balance is impaired and she felt as if she were "walking on stilts". She tried arch supports from a podiatrist without any benefit. She began to tire more easily when walking.,In 2002 she was seen by a podiatrist, who noticed an abnormal gait and recommended that she see a neurologist.,In the fall of 2002, she was seen by Dr. X. He ordered an MRI scan of her brain and lumbar spine. He also did some sort of nerve testing and possibly visual evoked response testing. After reviewing everything, he diagnosed multiple sclerosis. However, prior to starting her on immunomodulatory therapy, he referred her for a second opinion to Dr. Y, in January of 2003. Dr. Y confirmed the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.,The patient then returned to Dr. X and was started on Avonex. She continued on it for about six months. However, it made her feel much more stiff and delayed and so she finally stopped it. She also recalled being tried on baclofen by Dr. X, but again it did not benefit her and made her feel slightly dizzy. So, she discontinued it also.,At that point in time, she decided to try a program of "good nutrition, vitamin supplements, and fish oil".,In December 2004 and extending up to February 2005, she began to note progressively more severe swelling and stiffness in the distal lower extremities. She began to have to use a cane. She was seen in neurological consultation by Dr. Z. She was treated with a Medrol Dosepak. Her spasticity and swelling seemed to improve dramatically. However, within about two weeks symptoms were back to baseline.,She was then treated with intravenous Solu-Medrol 500 mg daily for five days followed by a prednisone or Medrol taper (July 2005). This seemed to be less helpful than the oral steroids, but was partially beneficial. However, it wore off once again.,A repeat MRI scan of the brain in April 2005 was said to "look better". She was started on Zanaflex for her lower extremity spasticity without benefit.,Finally six days ago, she was restarted on oral prednisone 10 mg tablets. She takes one-half tablet daily and this again has seemed to reduce the swelling and stiffness in her legs. She continues on the prednisone in the same dosage for relief of the spasticity.,She has not been on any other immunomodulatory agents.,The patient does note some complaints of mild heat sensitivity and mild easy fatigability. There is no history of diplopia, dysarthria, aphasia, focal weakness, numbness, paresthesias, cognitive dysfunction, or memory dysfunction.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Essentially noncontributory.,ALLERGIES:, The patient is allergic to LOBSTER and VICODIN. She feels that she is probably allergic to IODINE.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She does not smoke. She takes one glass of wine per day.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has not had any prior surgeries. Her general health has been excellent except for the above-indicated problems.,REVIEW OF OUTSIDE RADIOLOGICAL STUDIES:, The patient brought with her today MRI scans of the brain, thoracic spine, and lumbosacral spine performed on 11/14/02 on a 1.5-Tesla magnet. There are numerous T2 hyperintense lesions in the periventricular and subcortical white matter of the brain and at least one lesion is in the corpus callosum. There appear to be Dawson's fingers. The MRI of the thoracic and lumbosacral spines did not reveal any significant abnormalities.,Also available are the MRI scans of the brain, cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbosacral spine performed on a 0.35-Tesla magnet on 04/22/05. The MRI of the brain shows that one of the prior lesions has resolved and there appear to be one or two more lesions.,However, the quality of the newer scan is only 0.35-Tesla and is suboptimal. Visualization of the cord is also suboptimal, but there are no clear-cut extraaxial or complexities of the spinal cord. It is difficult to be certain that there are no intra-axial lesions, but I could not clearly see one.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital signs: Blood pressure 151/88, pulse 92, temperature 99.5ºF, and weight 124 lb (dressed).,General: Well-developed, well-nourished female in no acute distress.,Head: Normocephalic, without evidence of trauma or bruits.,Neck: Supple, with full range of motion. No spasm or tenderness. Carotid pulsations are of normal volume and contour bilaterally without bruits. No thyromegaly or adenopathy.,Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, edema, or deformity. Range of motion full throughout.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION:,Mental Status: Awake, alert, oriented to time, place, and person; appropriate. Recent and remote memory intact. No evidence of right-left confusion, finger agnosia, dysnomia or aphasia.,CRANIAL NERVES,:,II: Visual fields full to confrontation. Fundi benign.,III, IV, VI: Extraocular movements full throughout, without nystagmus. No ptosis. Pupils equal, round and react briskly to light and accommodation.,V: Normal sensation to light touch and pinprick bilaterally. Corneal reflexes equal bilaterally. Motor function normal.,VII: No facial asymmetry.,VIII: Hears finger rub bilaterally. Weber and Rinne tests normal.,IX & X: Palate elevates symmetrically bilaterally with phonation. Gag reflex equal bilaterally.,XI: Sternocleidomastoid and upper trapezius normal tone, bulk and strength bilaterally.,XII: Tongue midline without atrophy or fasciculations. Rapid alternating movements normal. No dysarthria.,Motor: Tone, bulk, and strength are normal in both upper extremities. In the lower extremities, there is moderate spasticity on the right and moderately severe spasticity on the left. There are bilateral Achilles' contractures more so on the left than the right and also a slight left knee flexion contracture.,Strength in the lower extremities is rated as follows on a 5-point scale (right/left): Iliopsoas 4+/5-, quadriceps 5-/5-, tibialis anterior 4+/4+, and gastrocnemius 5/5. There are no tremors, fasciculations or abnormal involuntary movements.nan | 1Other
26 | REASON FOR VISIT:, Followup on chronic kidney disease.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 78-year-old gentleman with stage III chronic kidney disease who on his last visit with me presented with classic anginal symptoms. He was admitted to hospital and found to have an acute myocardial infarction. He had a complex hospital course, which resulted in cardiac catheterization and two stents being placed. His creatinine did pop above up to 3 but then came back to baseline. His hospital stay was also complicated by urinary retention requiring a catheter and Flomax. He returns today to re-establish care. Of note, he was noted to have atrial fibrillation while hospitalized and had massive epistaxis.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS: , Starlix 120 mg b.i.d., Compazine b.i.d., aspirin 81 mg daily, Plavix 75 mg daily, glipizide 15 mg b.i.d., multivitamin daily, potassium 10 mEq daily, Cozaar 25 mg daily, Prilosec 20 mg daily, digoxin 0.125 mg every other day, vitamin C 250 mg daily, ferrous sulphate 325 mg b.i.d., metoprolol 6.25 mg daily, Lasix 80 mg b.i.d., Flomax 0.4 mg daily, Zocor 80 mg daily, and Tylenol p.r.n.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Stage III CKD with baseline creatinine in the 2 range.,2. Status post MI on May 30, 2006.,3. Coronary artery disease status post stents of the circumflex.,4. Congestive heart failure.,5. Atrial fibrillation.,6. COPD.,7. Diabetes.,8. Anemia.,9. Massive epistaxis.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Cardiovascular: No chest pain. He has occasional dyspnea on exertion. No orthopnea. No PND. He has occasional edema of his right leg. He has been dizzy and his dose of metoprolol has been gradually decreased. GU: No hematuria, foamy urine, pyuria, frequency, dysuria, weak stream or dribbling.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 70. Blood pressure 114/58. Weight 79.5 kg. GENERAL: He is in no apparent distress. HEART: Irregularly irregular. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops. LUNGS: Clear bilaterally. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. EXTREMITIES: Trace edema on the right.,LABORATORY DATA: , Dated 07/05/06, hematocrit is 30.2, platelets 380, sodium 139, potassium 4.9, chloride 100, CO2 28, BUN 38, creatinine 2.2, glucose 226, calcium 9.7, and albumin 3.7.,IMPRESSION:,1. Stage III chronic kidney disease with return to baseline GFR of 31 mL/min. He is on an ARB.,2. Coronary artery disease, status post stenting.,3. Hypertension. Blood pressures are on the low side at present. I hesitate to increase his Cozaar although I would do this if tolerated in the future.,4. Anemia of renal disease. He is to start Aranesp.,5. ? Atrial fibrillation. We discussed anticoagulation issues involved with chronic Afib. He may be popping in and out or this could just be a sinus arrhythmia.,PLAN:,1. Check EKG.,2. Start Aranesp 60 mcg every two weeks.,3. Otherwise see him in four months.,4. If EKG shows atrial fibrillation, I wanted to talk to Dr. XYZ about Coumadin.nan | 2Internal Medicine
27 | HISTORY: , The patient is a 56-year-old right-handed female with longstanding intermittent right low back pain, who was involved in a motor vehicle accident in September of 2005. At that time, she did not notice any specific injury. Five days later, she started getting abnormal right low back pain. At this time, it radiates into the buttocks down the posterior aspect of her thigh and into the right lateral aspect of her calf. Symptoms are worse when sitting for any length of time, such as driving a motor vehicle. Mild symptoms when walking for long periods of time. Relieved by standing and lying down. She denies any left leg symptoms or right leg weakness. No change in bowel or bladder function. Symptoms have slowly progressed. She has had Medrol Dosepak and analgesics, which have not been very effective. She underwent a spinal epidural injection, which was effective for the first few hours, but she had recurrence of the pain by the next day. This was done four and a half weeks ago.,On examination, lower extremities strength is full and symmetric. Straight leg raising is normal.,OBJECTIVE:, Sensory examination is normal to all modalities. Full range of movement of lumbosacral spine. Mild tenderness over lumbosacral paraspinal muscles and sacroiliac joint. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ and symmetric at the knees, 2 at the left ankle and 1+ at the right ankle.,NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES:, Motor and sensory distal latencies, evoked response, amplitudes, conduction velocities, and F-waves are normal in the lower extremities. Right tibial H-reflex is slightly prolonged when compared to the left tibial H-reflex.,NEEDLE EMG:, Needle EMG was performed in both lower extremities and lumbosacral paraspinal muscles using the disposable concentric needle. It revealed increased insertional activity in the right mid and lower lumbosacral paraspinal muscles as well as right peroneus longus muscle. There were signs of chronic denervation in right tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis, and left gastrocnemius medialis muscles.,IMPRESSION: , This electrical study is abnormal. It reveals the following:,1. A mild right L5 versus S1 radiculopathy.,2. Left S1 nerve root irritation. There is no evidence of active radiculopathy.,3. There is no evidence of plexopathy, myopathy or peripheral neuropathy.,MRI of the lumbosacral spine was personally reviewed and reveals bilateral L5-S1 neuroforaminal stenosis, slightly worse on the right. Results were discussed with the patient and her daughter. I would recommend further course of spinal epidural injections with Dr. XYZ. If she has no response, then surgery will need to be considered. She agrees with this approach and will followup with you in the near future.neurology, emg, nerve conduction study, radiculopathy, peripheral neuropathy, nerve root irritation, motor vehicle accident, lumbosacral paraspinal muscles, spinal epidural, lumbosacral spine, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis, lower extremities, emg/nerve, conduction, needle | 1Other
28 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Low back pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Low back pain.,PROCEDURE: , Lumbar epidural steroid injection, L5-S1.,ANESTHESIA: , Local.,SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: , Fluoroscopic unit.,DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the Radiology Suite and was placed in the prone position where the entire back region was scrubbed, prepped, and draped in a sterile fashion with Betadine solution. The lumbar area was then draped with sterile towels and sterile drapes. The surgeon was gloved with sterile gloves and mask in order to create a sterile environment for the epidural injection. The fluoroscopy x-ray unit was then brought into the sterile field for a PA x-ray visualization of the spine. A Steinmann pin was then placed across the spine to localize the level of the planned injection. Local infiltration using 0.5% preservative-free Xylocaine via a 25-gauge needle was then placed into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. A Tuohy needle was then oriented perpendicular to the skin and was then advanced through the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. Continuous injection of 0.5% preservative-free Xylocaine was used during the advancement of the Tuohy needle into the deeper spinous tissues. A solution of 80 mg of Depo-Medrol with 2 cc of 1% Xylocaine injectable and 5 cc of normal saline were then injected into the epidural space.pain management, back pain, lumbar epidural steroid injection, tuohy needle, steroid injection, subcutaneous, epidural, steroid, lumbar, sterile, injection | 2Internal Medicine
29 | PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery.,2. Bilateral maxillary antrostomy.,3. Bilateral total ethmoidectomy.,4. Bilateral nasal polypectomy.,5. Right middle turbinate reduction.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS:, Approximately 50 cc.,INDICATION: , This is a 48-year-old female with a history of chronic sinusitis as well as nasal polyposis that have been refractory to outpatient medical management. She has underwent sinus surgery in the past approximately 12 years ago with the CT evaluation revealed evidence of chronic mucosal thickening within the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses as well as the presence of polyposis within the nasal cavities bilaterally.,PROCEDURE: ,After all risks, benefits, and alternatives have been discussed with the patient in detail, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operative suite where she was placed in supine position and general anesthesia was delivered by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was rotated 90 degrees away where cotton pledgets saturated with 4 cc of 10% cocaine solution were inserted into the nasal cavity. The nasal septum, as well as the turbinates were then localized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine solution. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual fashion.,Attention was directed first to the left nasal cavity. A zero-degree sinus endoscope was inserted into the nasal cavity down to the level of the nasopharynx. The initial examination revealed a gross polypoid disease emanating from the sphenoid sinuses as well as off the supreme turbinate. There was also polypoid disease present within the left middle meatus. Nasopharynx was visualized with a patent eustachian tube. At this point, the XPS micro debrider was used to take down all the polyps emanating from the inferior surface of the left middle turbinate as well as from the supreme turbinate. The ostium to the sphenoid sinus was visualized and was not entered. At this point, the left middle turbinate was localized and then medialized with the use of a freer elevator. A ball-tip probe was then used to localize the openings for the natural maxillary ostium. Side-biting forceps were used to take down the uncinate process and was further taken down with the use of the microdebrider. The opening of the maxillary sinus was visualized. The posterior fontanelle was taken down with the use of straight line forceps. It should be mentioned that tissue was very thick and polypoid with chronic inflammatory changes evident. The maxillary sinus ostia was then suctioned with Olive-tip suction and maxillary wash was performed. The remainder of the anterior ethmoid was then cleaned again removing excess polypoid tissue. The basal lamella was visualized and the posterior ethmoid air cells were then entered with use of the microdebrider as the surgical assistant palpated the patient's eyes for any vibration. All polypoid tissue was collected in the microdebrider and sent as a surgical specimen. Once all polypoid tissue has been removed, the cocaine pledgets were reinserted into the ethmoid air cells for hemostatic purposes. Attention was then directed to the right nasal cavity. Again, a sinus endoscope was inserted. Inspection revealed a grossly hypertrophied turbinate. It was felt that this enlarged and polypoid turbinate was contributing the patient's symptoms. Therefore, the turbinate was localized and a hemostat was used to crush the mid portion of the turbinate, which was then resected with use of side-biting scissors as well the Takahashi forceps. Sinus endoscope was then inserted all the way down through the nasopharynx. Again, the eustachian tube was visualized without any obstructing lesions or masses. Upon retraction, there was again polypoid tissue noted within the ethmoid sinuses. The ball-tip probe was again used to locate the right maxillary ostium. The side-biting forceps was used further take down the uncinate process. The maxillary ostium was then widened with use of a XPS microdebrider. A maxillary sinus wash was then performed. Now, the attention was directed to the ethmoid air cells. It should be mentioned again that the tissue of the anterior ethmoid was very thickened and polypoid. This was again taken down with the use of XPS microdebrider while the surgical assistant carefully palpated the patient's eye.,Once all polypoid tissue have been removed, some bleeding that was encountered was controlled with the use of suction cautery in a very conservative manner. Once all bleeding has been controlled, all surgical instruments were removed and Merocel packing was placed in the bilateral nasal cavities with the intent to remove in the recovery room. At this point, the procedure was felt to be complete. The patient was awakened and taken to the recovery room without, endoscopic sinus surgery, maxillary antrostomy, ethmoidectomy, nasal polypectomy, turbinate reduction, sinus surgery, sinus endoscope, maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, polypoid tissue, sinus, maxillary, turbinate, polypoid, nasal, total, ostium, microdebrider, | 3Surgery
30 | ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Left hip fracture.,CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Diminished function, secondary to the above.,HISTORY: , This pleasant 70-year-old gentleman had a ground-level fall at home on 05/05/03 and was brought into ABCD Medical Center, evaluated by Dr. X and brought in for orthopedic stay. He had left hip fracture identified on x-rays at that time. Pain and inability to ambulate brought him in. He was evaluated and then underwent medical consultation as well, where they found a history of resolving pneumonia, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, seizure and chronic renal failure, as well as anemia. His medical issues are under good control. The patient underwent left femoral neck fixation with hemiarthroplasty on that left side on 05/06/03. The patient has had some medical issues including respiratory insufficiency, perioperative anemia, pneumonia, and hypertension. Cardiology has followed closely, and the patient has responded well to medical treatment, as well as physical therapy and occupational therapy. He is gradually tolerating more activities with less difficulties, made good progress and tolerated more consistent and more prolonged interventions.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Positive for congestive heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, azotemia, hyperglycemia, coronary artery disease, history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Remote history of subdural hematoma precluding the use of Coumadin. History of depression, panic attacks on Doxepin. Perioperative anemia. Swallowing difficulties.,ALLERGIES:, Zyloprim, penicillin, Vioxx, NSAIDs.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Heparin.,2. Albuterol inhaler.,3. Combivent.,4. Aldactone.,5. Doxepin.,6. Xanax.,7. Aspirin.,8. Amiodarone.,9. Tegretol.,10. Synthroid.,11. Colace.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Lives in a 1-story home with 1 step down; wife is there. Speech and language pathology following with current swallowing dysfunction. He is minimum assist for activities of daily living, bed mobility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Currently negative for headache, nausea and vomiting, fevers, chills or shortness of breath or chest pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,HEENT: Oropharynx clear.,CV: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds positive.,EXTREMITIES: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: There are no focal motor or sensory losses to the lower extremities. Bulk and tone normal in the lower extremities. Wound site has healed well with staples out.,IMPRESSION ,1. Status post left hip fracture and hemiarthroplasty.,2. History of panic attack, anxiety, depression.,3. Myocardial infarction with stent placement.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hypothyroidism.,6. Subdural hematoma.,7. Seizures.,8. History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recent respiratory insufficiency.,9. Renal insufficiency.,10. Recent pneumonia.,11. O2 requiring.,12. Perioperative anemia.,PLAN: , Rehab transfer as soon as medically cleared.nan | 1Other
31 | FINDINGS:,There is a large intrasellar mass lesion producing diffuse expansion of the sella turcica. This mass lesions measures approximately 16 x 18 x 18mm (craniocaudal x AP x mediolateral) in size.radiology, increasing memory loss, intrasellar mass lesion, memory loss, sella turcica, cavernous sinus, sphenoid sinus, ct imaging, white matter, retention cyst, maxillary antrum, lyme disease, mass lesion, disease, cavernous, cortical, mass, lesion, | 0Medical Records
32 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Stage IV necrotic sacral decubitus.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Stage IV necrotic sacral decubitus.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Debridement of stage IV necrotic sacral decubitus.,GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 92-year-old African-American female who was brought into the office 48 hours earlier with a chief complaint of necrotic foul-smelling wound in the sacral region and upon examination was found to have absolutely necrosis of the fat and subcutaneous tissue in the sacral region approximately 15 cm x 15 cm. A long discussion with the family ensued that it needs to be debrided and then cleaned and then if she cannot keep the stool out of the wound that she will probably need a diverting colostomy.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was properly prepped and draped under local sedation. A 0.25% Marcaine was injected circumferentially around the necrotic decubitus. A wide excision and debridement of the necrotic decubitus taken down to the presacral fascia and all necrotic tissue was electrocauterized and removed. All bleeding was cauterized with electrocautery and then a Kerlix stack was then placed and a pressure dressing applied. The patient was sent to recovery in satisfactory, diverting colostomy, sacral decubitus debridement, necrotic sacral decubitus, wound, tissue, debridement, sacral, decubitus, necrotic, | 3Surgery
33 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Arm and leg jerking.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 10-day-old Caucasian female here for approximately 1 minute bilateral arm and leg jerks, which started at day of life 1 and have occurred 6 total times since then. Mom denies any apnea, perioral cyanosis, or color changes. These movements are without any back arching. They mainly occur during sleep, so mom is unaware of any eye rolling. Mom is able to wake the patient up during this periods and stop the patient's extremity movements.,Otherwise, this patient has been active, breast-feeding well, although she falls asleep at the breast. She is currently taking in 15 to 20 minutes of breast milk every 2 to 3 hours. She is having increased diapers up to 8 wet and 6 to 7 dirty-yellow stools per day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative fever, negative fussiness, tracks with her eyes, some sneezing and hiccups. This patient has developed some upper airway congestion in the past day. She has not had any vomiting or diarrhea. Per mom, she does not spit up, and mom is also unable to notice any relationship between these movements and feeds. This patient has not had any rashes. Mom was notified by the nurses at birth that her temperature may be low of approximately 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, the above history of present illness and other review of systems negative.,BIRTH/PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , The patient was an 8 pound 11 ounce baby, ex-41-weeker born via vaginal delivery without vacuum assist or forceps. There were no complications during pregnancy such as diabetes or hypertension. Prenatal care started at approximately 3 weeks, and mom maintained all visits. She also denies any smoking, alcohol, or drug use during the pregnancy. Mom was GBS status positive, but denies any other infections such as urinary tract infections. She did not have any fever during labor and received inadequate intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis. After delivery, this patient did not receive antibiotics secondary to "borderline labs." She was jaundiced after birth and received photo treatments. Her discharge bilirubin level was approximately 11. Mom and child stayed in the hospital for approximately 3-1/2 days.,Mom denies any history of sexually transmitted disease in her or dad. She specifically denies any blistering, herpetic genital lesions. She does have a history though of human papillomavirus warts (vaginal), removed 20 years ago.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Negative.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , At home live mom, dad, and 18-, 16-, 14-, 12-year-old brothers, and a 3-year-old sister. All the residents at home are sick currently with cold, cough, runny nose, except for mom. At home also live 2 dogs and 2 outside cats. Mom denies any recent travel history, especially during the recent holidays and no smoke exposures.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Dad is with a stepdaughter with seizures starting at 14 years old, on medications currently. The patient's 16-year-old brother has incessant nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. The maternal grandmother is notable for hypertension and diabetes. There are no other children in the family who see a specialist or no child death less than 1 year of age.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:nan | 2Internal Medicine
34 | HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient is an 1812 g baby boy born by vaginal delivery to a 32-year-old gravida 3, para 2 at 34 weeks of gestation. Mother had two previous C-sections. Baby was born at 5:57 on 07/30/2006. Mother received ampicillin 2 g 4 hours prior to delivery. Mother came with preterm contractions, with progressive active labor in spite of the terbutaline and magnesium sulfate. Baby was born with Apgar scores of 8 and 9 at delivery. Fluid was cleared. Nuchal cord x1. Prenatal was at ABC Valley. Prenatal labs were O positive, antibody negative, rubella immune, RPR nonreactive. Baby was suctioned on perineum with good support. The baby was admitted to the NICU for prematurity and to rule out sepsis. Baby's cry was good. Color, tone, and __________ mild retractions. CBC, CRP, blood cultures were done. IV fluids of D10 at a rate of 6 mL an hour. Ampicillin and gentamicin were started via protocol. At the time of admission, the patient was stable on room air and has feeding issues. Baby was fed EBM 22 and NeoSure per os. Ampicillin and gentamicin were started per protocol but were discontinue when blood cultures came out negative after 48 hours. The patient continues on feeding issues, will not suck properly, was kept in the NICU, and put on OG tube for a couple of days after which p.o. feeds were advanced. Also, the baby was able to suck properly and was tolerating feeds. The baby was fed EBM 22 and NeoSure was added a day before discharge. At the time of discharge, baby was stable on room air, baby was tolerated p.o. foods and was sucking properly, was taking ad lib feeds and gaining weight.,ADMISSION DIAGNOSES:, Respiratory distress, rule out sepsis and prematurity.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:, Stable, ex-34-week preemie.,Pediatrician after discharge will be Dr. X.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , To follow up with Dr. X in 2 to 3 days, an appointment was made for 08/14/2006. CPR teaching was completed on 08/11/2006 to parents. Formula feeding schedule with breast and NeoSure 2 to 3 ounces per feed. Ad lib feeding on demand.discharge summary, gestation, preemie, prematurity, sepsis, neosure, feeds, born, delivery, perineum, discharge, | 0Medical Records
35 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hammertoe deformity, left fifth digit.,2. Ulceration of the left fifth digit plantolaterally.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Hammertoe deformity, left fifth toe.,2. Ulceration of the left fifth digit plantolaterally.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroplasty of the left fifth digit proximal interphalangeal joint laterally.,2. Excision of plantar ulceration of the left fifth digit 3 cm x 1 cm in size.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient is a 38-year-old female with longstanding complaint of painful hammertoe deformity of her left fifth toe. The patient had developed ulceration plantarly after being scheduled for removal of a plantar mass in the same area. The patient elects for surgical removal of this ulceration and correction of her hammertoe deformity at this time.,After an IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was escorted to the OR where the patient was placed on the Operating Room table in the supine position. After adequate amount of IV sedation was administered by Anesthesia Department, the patient was given a digital block to the left fifth toe using 0.5% Marcaine plain with 1% lidocaine plain in 1:1 mixture totaling 6 cc. Following this, the patient was draped and prepped in a normal sterile orthopedic manner. An ankle tourniquet was placed on the left ankle and the left foot was elevated and Esmarch bandage applied to exsanguinate the foot. The ankle tourniquet was then inflated to 230 mmHg and then was brought back down to the level of the table. The stockinette was then cut and reflected and held in place using towel clamp.,The skin was then cleansed using the wet and dry Ray-Tec sponge and then the plantar lesion was outlined. The lesion measured 1 cm in diameter at the level of the skin and a 3 cm elliptical incision line was drawn on the surface of the skin in the plantolateral aspect of the left fifth digit. Then using a fresh #15 blade, skin incision was made. Following this, the incision was then deepened using a fresh #15 blade down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue. Using a combination of sharp and blunt dissection, the skin was reflected distally and proximally to the lesion. The lesion appeared well encapsulated with fibrous tissue and through careful dissection using combination of sharp and drill instrumentation the ulceration was removed in its entirety. The next further exploration was performed to ensure that no residual elements of the fibrous capsular tissue remained within. The lesion extended from the level of the skin down to the periosteal tissue of the middle and distal phalanx, however, did not show any evidence of extending beyond the level of a periosteum. Remaining tissues were inspected and appeared healthy. The lesion was placed in the specimen container and sent to pathology for microanalysis as well as growth. Attention was then directed to the proximal interphalangeal joint of the left fifth digit and using further dissection with a #15 blade, the periosteum was reflected off the lateral aspect of the proximal ________ median phalanx. The capsule was also reflected to expose the prominent lateral osseous portion of this joint. Using a sagittal saw and #139 blade, the lateral osseous prominence was resected. This was removed in entirety. Then using power-oscillating rasp, the sharp edges were smoothed and recontoured to the desirable anatomic condition. Then the incision and wound was flushed using copious amounts of sterile saline with gentamycin. Following this, the bone was inspected and appeared to be healthy with no evidence of involvement from the removed aforementioned lesion.,Following this, using #4-0 nylon in a combination of horizontal mattress and simple interrupted sutures, the lesion wound was closed and skin was approximated well without tension to the surface skin. Following this, the incision site was dressed using Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, and Coban in a normal fashion. The tourniquet was then deflated and hyperemia was noted to return to digits one through five of the left foot. The patient was then escorted from the operative table into the Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure and anesthesia well and was brought to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. In the recovery, the patient was given a surgical shoe as well as given instructions for postoperative care to include rest ice and elevation as well as the patient was given prescription for Naprosyn 250 mg to be taken three times daily as well as Vicodin ES to be taken q.6h. as needed.,The patient will follow-up on Friday with Dr. X in office for further evaluation. The patient was also given instructions as to signs of infection and to monitor her operative site. The patient was instructed to keep daily dressings intact, clean, dry, and to not remove, hammertoe deformity, plantolaterall, ulceration, arthroplasty, plantar ulceration, interphalangeal, painful hammertoe, proximal interphalangeal joint, interphalangeal joint, digit, toe, blade, deformity, incision, hammertoe, lesion | 3Surgery
36 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Itchy rash.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This 34-year-old gentleman awoke this morning noting some itchiness to his back and then within very a short period of time realized that he had an itchy rash all over his torso and arms. No facial swelling. No tongue or lip swelling. No shortness of breath, wheezing, or other associated symptoms. He cannot think of anything that could have triggered this off. There have been no changes in his foods, medications, or other exposures as far as he knows. He states a couple of days ago he did work and was removing some insulation but does not remember feeling itchy that day.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Negative for chronic medical problems. No local physician. Has had previous back surgery and appendectomy, otherwise generally healthy.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned denies any oropharyngeal swelling. No lip or tongue swelling. No wheezing or shortness of breath. No headache. No nausea. Notes itchy rash, especially on his torso and upper arms.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is accompanied with his wife.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , TORADOL, MORPHINE, PENICILLIN, AND AMPICILLIN.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: The patient was afebrile. He is slightly tachycardic, 105, but stable blood pressure and respiratory rate. GENERAL: The patient is in no distress. Sitting quietly on the gurney. HEENT: Unremarkable. His oral mucosa is moist and well hydrated. Lips and tongue look normal. Posterior pharynx is clear. NECK: Supple. His trachea is midline. There is no stridor. LUNGS: Very clear with good breath sounds in all fields. There is no wheezing. Good air movement in all lung fields. CARDIAC: Without murmur. Slight tachycardia. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. SKIN: Notable for a confluence erythematous, blanching rash on the torso as well as more of a blotchy papular, macular rash on the upper arms. He noted some on his buttocks as well. Remaining of the exam is unremarkable.,ED COURSE: , The patient was treated with epinephrine 1:1000, 0.3 mL subcutaneously along with 50 mg of Benadryl intramuscularly. After about 15-20 minutes he states that itching started to feel better. The rash has started to fade a little bit and feeling a lot more comfortable.,IMPRESSION:, ACUTE ALLERGIC REACTION WITH URTICARIA AND PRURITUS.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , The patient has what looks to be some type of allergic reaction, although the underlying cause is difficult to assess. He will make sure he goes home to look around to see if there is in fact anything that changed recently that could have triggered this off. In the meantime, I think he can be managed with some antihistamine over-the-counter. He is responding already to Benadryl and the epinephrine that we gave him here. He is told that if he develops any respiratory complaints, shortness of breath, wheezing, or tongue or lip swelling he will return immediately for evaluation. He is discharged in stable condition.general medicine, urticaria, pruritus, lip swelling, allergic reaction, itchy rash, torso, swelling, itchy, rash, | 2Internal Medicine
37 | EXAM: , CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Abdominal pain.,COMPARISON EXAM: , None.,TECHNIQUE: , Multiple axial images of the abdomen and pelvis were obtained. 5-mm slices were acquired after injection of 125 cc of Omnipaque IV. In addition, oral ReadiCAT was given. Reformatted sagittal and coronal images were obtained.,DISCUSSION:, There are numerous subcentimeter nodules seen within the lung bases. The largest measures up to 6 mm. No hiatal hernia is identified. Consider chest CT for further evaluation of the pulmonary nodules. The liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are within normal limits. No dilated loops of bowel. There are punctate foci of air seen within the nondependent portions of the peritoneal cavity as well as the anterior subcutaneous fat. In addition, there is soft tissue stranding seen of the lower pelvis. In addition, the uterus is not identified. Correlate with history of recent surgery. There is no free fluid or lymphadenopathy seen within the abdomen or pelvis. The bladder is within normal limits for technique.,No acute bony abnormalities appreciated. No suspicious osteoblastic or osteolytic lesions.,IMPRESSION:,1. Postoperative changes seen within the pelvis without appreciable evidence for free fluid.,2. Numerous subcentimeter nodules seen within the lung bases. Consider chest CT for further characterization.radiology, ct scan, abdominal pain, multiple axial images, abdomen and pelvis, adrenal glands, chest ct, coronal, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, lymphadenopathy, nodules, osteoblastic, osteolytic, pancreas, sagittal, spleen, with contrast, free fluid, ct, abdomen, pelvis, | 0Medical Records
38 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Squamous cell carcinoma, left nasal cavity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Squamous cell carcinoma, left nasal cavity.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Nasal endoscopy.,2. Partial rhinectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,INDICATIONS: , This is an 81-year-old gentleman who underwent septorhinoplasty many years ago. He also has a history of a skin lesion, which was removed from the nasal ala many years ago, the details of which he does not recall. He has been complaining of tenderness and induration of his nasal tip for approximately two years and has been treated unsuccessfully for folliculitis and cellulitis of the nasal tip. He was evaluated by Dr. A, who performed the septorhinoplasty, and underwent an intranasal biopsy, which showed histologic evidence of invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The preoperative examination shows induration of the nasal tip without significant erythema. There is focal tenderness just cephalad to the alar crease. There is no lesion either externally or intranasally.,PROCEDURE AND FINDINGS: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in supine position. Following induction of adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the left nose was decongested with Afrin. He was prepped and draped in standard fashion. The left nasal cavity was examined by anterior rhinoscopy. The septum was midline. There was slight asymmetry of the nares. No lesion was seen within the nasal cavity either in the area of the intercartilaginous area, which was biopsied by Dr. A, the septum, the lateral nasal wall, and the floor. The 0-degree nasal endoscope was then used to examine the nasal cavity more completely. No lesion was detectable. A left intercartilaginous incision was made with a #15 blade since this was the area of previous biopsy by Dr. A. The submucosal tissue was thickened diffusely, but there was no identifiable distinct or circumscribed lesion present. Random biopsies of the submucosal tissue were taken and submitted to pathology for frozen section. A diagnosis of diffuse invasive squamous cell carcinoma was rendered. An alar incision was made with a #15 blade and the full-thickness incision was completed with the electrocautery. The incision was carried more cephalad through the lower lateral cartilage up to the area of the upper lateral cartilage at the superior margin. The full unit of the left nasal tip was excised completely and submitted to pathology after tagging and labeling it. Frozen section examination again revealed diffuse squamous cell carcinoma throughout the soft tissues involving all margins. Additional soft tissue was then taken from all margins tagging them for the pathologist. The inferior margins were noted to be clear on the next frozen section report, but there was still disease present in the region of the upper lateral cartilage at its insertion with the nasal bone. A Joseph elevator was used to elevate the periosteum off the maxillary process and off the inferior aspect of the nasal bone. Additional soft tissue was taken in these regions along the superior margin. The frozen section examination revealed persistent disease medially and additional soft tissue was taken and submitted to pathology. Once all margins had been cleared histologically, additional soft tissue was taken from the entire wound. A 5-mm chisel was used to take down the inferior aspect of the nasal bone and the medial-most aspect of the maxilla. This was all submitted to pathology for routine permanent examination. Xeroform gauze was then fashioned to cover the defect and was sutured along the periphery of the wound with interrupted 6-0 nylon suture to provide a barrier and moisture. The anesthetic was then discontinued as the patient was extubated and transferred to the PACU in good condition having tolerated the procedure well. Sponge and needle counts were, nasal cavity, joseph elevator, squamous cell carcinoma, endoscopy, intranasally, maxilla, nasal ala, nasal tip, rhinectomy, septorhinoplasty, nasal endoscopy, lateral cartilage, frozen section, additional soft, squamous cell, cell carcinoma, nasal, cartilage, squamous, carcinoma, cavity, tissue | 3Surgery
39 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left cubital tunnel syndrome and ulnar nerve entrapment.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left cubital tunnel syndrome and ulnar nerve entrapment.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Decompression of the ulnar nerve, left elbow.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,FINDINGS OF THE OPERATION:, The ulnar nerve appeared to be significantly constricted as it passed through the cubital tunnel. There was presence of hourglass constriction of the ulnar nerve.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and once an adequate general anesthesia was achieved, his left upper extremity was prepped and draped in standard sterile fashion. A sterile tourniquet was positioned and tourniquet was inflated at 250 mmHg. Perioperative antibiotics were infused. Time-out procedure was called. The medial epicondyle and the olecranon tip were well palpated. The incision was initiated at equidistant between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle extending 3-4 cm proximally and 6-8 cm distally. The ulnar nerve was identified proximally. It was mobilized with a blunt and a sharp dissection proximally to the arcade of Struthers, which was released sharply. The roof of the cubital tunnel was then incised and the nerve was mobilized distally to its motor branches. The ulnar nerve was well-isolated before it entered the cubital tunnel. The arch of the FCU was well defined. The fascia was elevated from the nerve and both the FCU fascia and the Osborne fascia were divided protecting the nerve under direct visualization. Distally, the dissection was carried between the 2 heads of the FCU. Decompression of the nerve was performed between the heads of the FCU. The muscular branches were well protected. Similarly, the cutaneous branches in the arm and forearm were well protected. The venous plexus proximally and distally were well protected. The nerve was well mobilized from the cubital tunnel preserving the small longitudinal vessels accompanying it. Proximally, multiple vascular leashes were defined near the incision of the septum into the medial epicondyle, which were also protected. Once the in situ decompression of the ulnar nerve was performed proximally and distally, the elbow was flexed and extended. There was no evidence of any subluxation. Satisfactory decompression was performed. Tourniquet was released. Hemostasis was achieved. Subcutaneous layer was closed with 2-0 Vicryl and skin was approximated with staples. A well-padded dressing was applied. The patient was then extubated and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications noted. The patient tolerated the procedure very well.orthopedic, ulnar nerve entrapment, ulnar nerve, ulnar nerve decompression, cubital tunnel syndrome, ulnar, nerve, fascia, decompression, cubital, tunnel | 1Other
40 | REASON FOR VISIT:, Kidney transplant.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 52-year-old gentleman with ESRD secondary to hypertension, status post kidney transplant in February 2006. He had to back down on his WelChol because of increased backache. He actually increased his Pravachol and is tolerating this with minimal problems. He comes in for followup.,ALLERGIES: , Aspirin and Altace caused cough, Lipitor and Pravachol at higher doses caused myalgias, Zetia caused myalgias.,MEDICATIONS:, Gengraf 125/50 mg daily, CellCept 500 mg q.i.d., acyclovir 800 mg q.i.d., DexFol daily, ferrous sulfate Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, metoprolol 50 mg b.i.d., vitamin C daily, baby aspirin 81 mg daily, Bactrim Single Strength daily, Cozaar 50 mg daily, WelChol 625 mg daily, and Pravachol 10 mg daily.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. ESRD secondary to hypertension.,2. Cadaveric kidney in February 2006.,3. Gunshot wound in Southeast Asia.,4. Hyperlipidemia.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Cardiovascular: No chest pain, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, PND or edema. GU: No hematuria, foamy urine, pyuria, frequency or dysuria. He has occasional tingling over his graft, but this is not bothering him today.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 82. Blood pressure is 108/64. Weight is 64.5 kg. GENERAL: He is in no apparent distress. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs or gallops. LUNGS: Clear bilaterally. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. Multiple scars. Right lower quadrant graft is unremarkable. EXTREMITIES: No edema.,LABORATORY DATA:, Labs dated 07-11-06, hematocrit 34.8, sodium 137, magnesium 1.9, potassium 4.9, chloride 102, CO2 25, BUN is 37, creatinine is 1.3, calcium 10.1, phosphorus 3.7, and albumin 4.4. LFTs unremarkable. Cholesterol 221, triglycerides 104, HDL 42, LDL 158, and cyclosporine 163.,IMPRESSION:,1. Status post cadaveric kidney transplant with stable function.,2. Hypertension under excellent control.,3. Hyperlipidemia not at goal. He simply is not tolerating higher doses of medications.,PLAN:,1. We will add over-the-counter fish oil b.i.d.,2. Continue all current medications.,3. Recheck labs today including urinalysis.,4. He will see transplant in two weeks and me in four weeks. We will plan to send urine for decoy cells on his next visit.nephrology, esrd secondary to hypertension, status post cadaveric kidney transplant, transplant with stable function, cadaveric kidney transplant, secondary to hypertension, stable function, cadaveric kidney, kidney transplant, esrd, hyperlipidemia, edema, cadaveric, welchol, orthopnea, kidney, transplant, | 2Internal Medicine
41 | HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 1-year-old male patient who was admitted on 12/23/2007 with a history of rectal bleeding. He was doing well until about 2 days prior to admission and when he passes hard stools, there was bright red blood in the stool. He had one more episode that day of stool; the stool was hard with blood in it. Then, he had one episode of rectal bleeding yesterday and again one stool today, which was soft and consistent with dark red blood in it. No history of fever, no diarrhea, no history of easy bruising. Excessive bleeding from minor cut. He has been slightly fussy.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Nothing significant.,PREGNANCY DELIVERY AND NURSERY COURSE: , He was born full term without complications.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , None.,SIGNIFICANT ILLNESS AND REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Negative for heart disease, lung disease, history of cancer, blood pressure problems, or bleeding problems.,DIET:, Regular table food, 24 ounces of regular milk. He is n.p.o. now.,TRAVEL HISTORY: , Negative.,IMMUNIZATION: , Up-to-date.,ALLERGIES: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , None, but he is on IV Zantac now.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He lives with parents and siblings.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Nothing significant.,LABORATORY EVALUATION: , On 12/24/2007, WBC 8.4, hemoglobin 7.6, hematocrit 23.2 and platelets 314,000. Sodium 135, potassium 4.7, chloride 110, CO2 20, BUN 6 and creatinine 0.3. Albumin 3.3. AST 56 and ALT 26. CRP less than 0.3. Stool rate is still negative.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA: , CT scan of the abdomen was read as normal.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 142 per minute and respirations 28 per minute. Weight 9.6 kilogram.,GENERAL: He is alert and active child in no apparent distress.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular movements, conjunctivae and sclerae fair. Nasal mucosa pink and moist. Pharynx is clear.,NECK: Supple without thyromegaly or masses.,LUNGS: Good air entry bilaterally. No rales or wheezing.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nondistended. Bowel sounds positive. No mass palpable.,GENITALIA: Normal male.,RECTAL: Deferred, but there was no perianal lesion.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Full range of movement. No edema. No cyanosis.,CNS: Alert, active and playful.,IMPRESSION: , A 1-year-old male patient with history of rectal bleeding. Possibilities include Meckel's diverticulum, polyp, infection and vascular malformation.,PLAN:, To proceed with Meckel scan today. If Meckel scan is negative, we will consider upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. We will start colon clean out if Meckel scan is negative. We will send his stool for C. diff toxin, culture, blood for RAST test for cow milk, soy, wheat and egg. Monitor hemoglobin.nan | 0Medical Records
42 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Completely bony impacted teeth #1, #16, #17, and #32.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Completely bony impacted teeth #1, #16, #17, and #32.,PROCEDURE: , Surgical removal of completely bony impacted teeth #1, #16, #17, and #32.,ANESTHESIA: , General nasotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,CONDITION: ,Stable to PACU.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Patient was brought to the operating room, placed on the table in a supine position, and after demonstration of an adequate plane of general anesthesia via the nasotracheal route, patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for an intraoral procedure. A gauze throat pack was placed and local anesthetic was administered in all four quadrants, a total of 7.2 mL of lidocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine, and 3.6 mL of bupivacaine 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Beginning on the upper right tooth #1, incision was made with a #15 blade. Envelope flap was raised with the periosteal elevator, and bone was removed on the buccal aspect with straight elevator. Potts elevator was then used to luxate the tooth from the socket. Remnants of the follicle were then removed with hemostat. The area was irrigated and then closed with 3-0 gut suture. On the lower right tooth #32, incision was made with a #15 blade. Envelope flap was raised with the periosteal elevator, and bone was removed on the buccal and distal aspect with a high-speed drill with a round bur. Tooth was then sectioned with the bur and removed in several pieces. Remnants of the follicle were removed with a curved hemostat. The area was irrigated with normal saline solution and closed with 3-0 gut sutures. Moving to #16 on the upper left, incision was made with a #15 blade. Envelope flap was raised with the periosteal elevator, and bone was removed on the buccal aspect with straight elevator. Potts elevator was then used to luxate the tooth from the socket. Remnants of the follicle were removed with a curved hemostat. The area was irrigated with normal saline solution and closed with 3-0 gut sutures. Moving to the lower left #17, incision was made with a #15 blade. Envelope flap was raised with the periosteal elevator, and bone was removed on the buccal and distal aspect with high-speed drill with a round bur. Then the bur was used to section the tooth vertically. Tooth was removed in several pieces followed by the removal of the remnants of the follicle. The area was irrigated with normal saline solution and closed with 3-0 gut sutures. Upon completion of the procedure, the throat pack was removed and the pharynx was suctioned. An NG tube was then inserted and small amount of gastric contents were suctioned. Patient was then awakened, extubated, and taken to the PACU in stable, intraoral, bony impacted teeth, throat pack, buccal aspect, saline solution, gut sutures, envelope flap, periosteal elevator, | 3Surgery
43 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Desires permanent sterilization.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic bilateral tubal occlusion with Hulka clips.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 20 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the uterus was found to be anteverted at approximately six weeks in size. There were no adnexal masses appreciated. The vulva and perineum appeared normal. Laparoscopic findings revealed normal appearing uterus, fallopian tubes bilaterally as well as ovaries bilaterally. There was a functional cyst on the left ovary. There was filmy adhesion in the left pelvic sidewall. There were two clear lesions consistent with endometriosis, one was on the right fallopian tube and the other one was in the cul-de-sac. The uterosacrals and ovarian fossa as well as vesicouterine peritoneum were free of any endometriosis. The liver was visualized and appeared normal. The spleen was also visualized.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 34-year-old gravida 4, para-4-0-0-4 Caucasian female who desires permanent sterilization. She recently had a spontaneous vaginal delivery in June and her family planning is complete.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained in layman's terms, the patient was taken back to the operating suite and placed under general anesthesia. She was then prepped and draped and placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. A bimanual exam was performed and the above findings were noted. Prior to beginning the procedure, her bladder was drained with a red Robinson catheter. A weighted speculum was placed in the patient's posterior vagina and the 12 o' clock position of the cervix was grasped with a single-toothed tenaculum. The cervix was dilated so that the uterine elevator could be placed. Gloves were exchanged and attention was then turned to the anterior abdominal wall where the skin at the umbilicus was everted and using the towel clips, a 1 cm infraumbilical skin incision was made. The Veress needle was then inserted and using sterile saline ______ the pelvic cavity. The abdomen was then insufflated with appropriate volume and flow of CO2. The #11 bladed trocar was then placed and intraabdominal placement was confirmed with the laparoscope. A second skin incision was made approximately 2 cm above the pubic symphysis and under direct visualization, a 7 mm bladed trocar was placed without difficulty. Using the Hulka clip applicator, the left fallopian tube was identified, followed out to its fimbriated end and the Hulka clip was then placed snugly against the uterus across the entire diameter of the fallopian tube. A second Hulka clip was then placed across the entire diameter just proximal to this. There was good hemostasis at the fallopian tube. The right fallopian tube was then identified and followed out to its fimbriated end and the Hulka clip was placed. snugly against the uterus across the entire portion of the fallopian tube in a 90 degree angle. A second Hulka clip was placed just distal to this again across the entire diameter. Good hemostasis was obtained. At this point, the abdomen was desufflated and after it was desufflated, the suprapubic port site was visualized and found to be hemostatic. The laparoscope and remaining trocars were then removed with good visualization of the peritoneum and fascia and the laparoscope was removed. The umbilical incision was then closed with two interrupted #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The suprapubic incision was then closed with Steri-Strips. The uterine elevator was removed and the single-toothed tenaculum site was found to be hemostatic. The patient tolerated that procedure well. The sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. She will follow up postoperatively for followup care.obstetrics / gynecology, laparoscopic bilateral tubal occlusion, bilateral tubal occlusion, hulka clips, fallopian tubes, anesthesia, laparoscope, endometriosis, laparoscopic, sterilization, fallopian, tubes, clips, | 3Surgery
44 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Aqueductal stenosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Aqueductal stenosis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: ,Endoscopic third ventriculostomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal tube anesthesia.,DEVICES:, Bactiseal ventricular catheter with an Aesculap burr hole port.,SKIN PREPARATION: ,ChloraPrep.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , CSF for routine studies.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,Triventricular hydrocephalus most consistent with aqueductal stenosis. The patient having a long history of some intermittent headaches, macrocephaly.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was administered, the patient was positioned on the operating table in supine position with the head neutral. The right frontal area was shaven and then the head was prepped and draped in a standard routine manner. The area of the proposed scalp incision was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. A curvilinear scalp incision was made extending from just posterior to bregma curving up in the midline and then going off to the right anterior to the coronal suture. Two Weitlaner were used to hold the scalp open. A burr hole was made just anterior to the coronal suture and then the dura was opened in a cruciate manner and the pia was coagulated. Neuropen was introduced directly through the parenchyma into the ventricular system, which was quite large and dilated. CSF was collected for routine studies. We saw the total absence of __________ consistent with the congenital form of aqueductal stenosis and a markedly thinned down floor of the third ventricle. I could bend the ventricular catheter and look back and see the aqueduct, which was quite stenotic with a little bit of chorioplexus near its opening. The NeuroPEN was then introduced through the midline of the floor of the third ventricle anterior to the mamillary bodies in front of the basilar artery and then was gently enlarged using NeuroPEN __________ various motions. We went through the membrane of Liliequist. We could see the basilar artery and the clivus, and there was no significant bleeding from the edges. The Bactiseal catheter was then left to 7 cm of length because of her macrocephaly and secured to a burr hole port with a 2-0 Ethibond suture. The wound was irrigated out with bacitracin and closed using 3-0 Vicryl for the deep layer and a Monocryl suture for the scalp followed by Mastisol and Steri-Strips. The patient tolerated the procedure, aqueductal stenosis, ventriculostomy, triventricular hydrocephalus, neuropen, endoscopic third ventriculostomy, endotracheal tube anesthesia, burr hole port, aqueductal, | 3Surgery
45 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right renal mass.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right renal mass.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 100 mL.,X-RAYS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , Right radical nephrectomy specimen.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,DRAINS:, 16-French Foley catheter per urethra.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 71-year-old woman recently diagnosed with 6.5 cm right upper pole renal mass. This is an enhancing lesion suspicious for renal cell carcinoma versus oncocytoma. I discussed a variety of options with her, and she opted to proceed with a laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy. All questions were answered, and she wished to proceed with surgery as planned.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After acquisition of appropriate written and informed consent and administration of perioperative antibiotics, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. Note that, sequential compression devices were placed on both lower extremities and were activated per induction of anesthesia. After institution of adequate general anesthetic via the endotracheal route, she was placed into the right anterior flank position with the right side elevated in a roll and the right arm across her chest. All pressure points were carefully padded, and she was securely taped to the table to prevent shifting during the procedure. Her abdomen was then prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion after placing a 16-French Foley catheter per urethra to gravity drainage. The abdomen was insufflated in the right outer quadrant. Note that, the patient had had previous surgery which complicated accesses somewhat and that she had a previous hysterectomy. The abdomen was insufflated into the right lateral abdomen with Veress needle to 50 mm of pressure without incident. We then placed a 10/12 Visiport trocar approximately 7 cm lateral to the umbilicus. Once this had entered into the peritoneal cavity without incident, the remaining trocars were all placed. Under direct laparoscopic visualization, we placed three additional trocars; an 11-mm screw-type trocar in the umbilicus, a 6-mm screw-type trocar in the upper midline approximately 7 cm above the umbilicus, and 10/12 trocar in the lower midline about 7 cm below the umbilicus within and over the old hysterectomy scar. There were some adhesions of omentum to the underside of that scar, and these were taken down sharply using laparoscopic scissors.,We began nephrectomy procedure by reflecting the right colon, by incising the white line of Toldt. This exposed the retroperitoneum on the right side. The duodenum was identified and reflected medially in a Kocher maneuver using sharp dissection only. We then identified the ureter and gonadal vein in the retroperitoneum. The gonadal vein was left down along the vena cava, and the plane underneath the ureter was elevated and this plane was carried up towards the renal hilum. Sequential packets of tissue were taken using primarily the LigaSure Atlas device. Once we got to the renal hilum, it became apparent that this patient had two sets of renal arteries and veins. We proceeded then and skeletonized the structures into four individual packets. We then proceeded to perform the upper pole dissection and developing the plane above the kidney and between the kidney and adrenal gland. The adrenal was spared during this procedure. There was no contiguous connection between the renal mass and a right adrenal gland. This plane of dissection was taken down primarily using the LigaSure device. We then sequentially took the four vessels going to the kidney initially taking two renal arteries with the endo GI stapler and then to renal veins again with endo GI stapler sequential flaring. Once this was completed, the kidney was free except for its attachment to the ureter and lateral attachments. The lateral attachments of the kidney were taken down using the LigaSure Atlas device, and then the ureter was doubly clipped and transected. The kidney was then freed within the retroperitoneum. A 50-mm EndoCatch bag was introduced through the lower most trocar site, and the kidney was placed into this bag for subsequent extraction. We extended the lower most trocar site approximately 6 cm to facilitate extraction. The kidney was removed and passed off the table as a specimen for pathology. This was bivalved by pathology, and we reviewed the, renal mass, carter-thomason, endocatch bag, foley catheter, gi stapler, laparoscopic, ligasure, toldt, laparoscopic scissors, nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy, screw-type trocar, umbilicus, upper pole, urethra, carter thomason closure device, laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy, carter thomason closure, carter thomason, renal hilum, kidney, abdomen, endotracheal, radical, oncocytoma, renal, | 3Surgery
46 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, ,1. Recurrent intractable low back and left lower extremity pain with history of L4-L5 discectomy.,2. Epidural fibrosis with nerve root entrapment.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, ,1. Recurrent intractable low back and left lower extremity pain with history of L4-L5 discectomy.,2. Epidural fibrosis with nerve root entrapment.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Left L4-L5 transforaminal neuroplasty with nerve root decompression and lysis of adhesions followed by epidural steroid injection.,ANESTHESIA:, Local/IV sedation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,SUMMARY: ,The patient in the operating room, status post transforaminal epidurogram (see operative note for further details). Using AP and lateral fluoroscopic views to confirm the needle location the superior most being in the left L4 neural foramen and the inferior most in the left L5 neural foramen, 375 units of Wydase was injected through each needle. After two minutes, 3.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine and 80 mg of Depo-Medrol was injected through each needle. These needles were removed and the patient was discharged in stable condition.pain management, nerve root decompression, discectomy, epidural fibrosis, nerve root entrapment, transforaminal neuroplasty, neural foramen, nerve root, foramen, neuroplasty, transforaminal, needle, epidural, | 2Internal Medicine
47 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cataract, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Cataract, right eye.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Cataract extraction via phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. An Alcon MA30BA lens was used, * diopters, #*.,ANESTHESIA: ,Topical 4% lidocaine with 1% nonpreserved intracameral lidocaine.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE: , Prior to surgery, the patient was counseled as to the risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure with risks including, but not limited to, bleeding, infection, loss of vision, loss of the eye, need for a second surgery, retinal detachment and retinal swelling. The patient understood the risks clearly and wished to proceed.,The patient was brought into the operating suite after being given dilating drops. Topical 4% lidocaine drops were used. The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A lid speculum was placed into the right eye. Paracentesis was made at the infratemporal quadrant. This was followed by 1% nonpreservative lidocaine into the anterior chamber, roughly 250 microliters. This was exchanged for Viscoat solution. Next, a crescent blade was used to create a partial-thickness linear groove at the temporal limbus. This was followed by a clear corneal bevel incision with a 3 mm metal keratome blade. Circular capsulorrhexis was initiated with a cystitome and completed with Utrata forceps. Balanced salt solution was used to hydrodissect the nucleus. Nuclear material was removed via phacoemulsification with divide-and-conquer technique. The residual cortex was removed via irrigation and aspiration. The capsular bag was then filled with Provisc solution. The wound was slightly enlarged. The lens was folded and inserted into the capsular bag.,Residual Provisc solution was irrigated out of the eye. The wound was stromally hydrated and noted to be completely self-sealing.,At the end of the case, the posterior capsule was intact. The lens was well centered in the capsular bag. The anterior chamber was deep. The wound was self sealed and subconjunctival injections of Ancef, dexamethasone and lidocaine were given inferiorly. Maxitrol ointment was placed into the eye. The eye was patched with a shield.,The patient was transported to the recovery room in stable condition to follow up the following morning.ophthalmology, alcon, phacoemulsification, cataract extraction, cataract, intraocular lens implantation, anterior chamber, provisc solution, capsular bag, topical, intraocular, | 1Other
48 | Common description of colonoscopygastroenterology, cecum, retroflexion, colon, tumor, polyp, mass, ulceration, tip, endoscope, inserted, colonoscopyNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental., | 2Internal Medicine
49 | FAMILY HISTORY: , Her father died at the age of 80 from prostate cancer. Her mother died at the age of 67. She did abuse alcohol. She had a brother died at the age of 70 from bone and throat cancer. She has two sons, ages 37 and 38 years old who are healthy. She has two daughters, ages 60 and 58 years old, both with cancer. She describes cancer hypertension, nervous condition, kidney disease, lung disease, and depression in her family.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married and has support at home. Denies tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use.,ALLERGIES: , Aspirin.,MEDICATIONS: ,The patient does not list any current medications.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, depression, and osteoporosis.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has had over her over her lifetime four back surgeries and in 2005 she had anterior cervical discectomy and fusion of C3 through C7 by Dr. L. She is G10, P7, no cesarean sections.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , HEENT: Headaches, vision changes, dizziness, and sore throat. GI: Difficulty swallowing. Musculoskeletal: She is right-handed with joint pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and arthritis. Respiratory: Shortness of breath and cough. Cardiac: Chest pain and swelling in her feet and ankle. Psychiatric: Anxiety and depression. Urinary: Negative and noncontributory. Hem-Onc: Negative and noncontributory. Vascular: Negative and noncontributory. Genital: Negative and noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, On physical exam, she is 5 feet tall and currently weighs 110 pounds; weight one year ago was 145 pounds. BP 138/78, pulse is 64. General: A well-developed, well-nourished female, in no acute distress. HEENT exam, head is atraumatic and normocephalic. Eyes, sclerae are anicteric. Teeth, she does have some poor dentition. She does say that she needs some of her teeth pulled on her lower mouth. Cranial nerves II, III, IV, and VI, vision is intact and visual fields are full to confrontation. EOMs are full bilaterally. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Cranial nerves V and VII, normal facial sensation and symmetrical facial movements. Cranial nerve VIII, hearing is intact, although decreased bilaterally right worse than left. Cranial nerves IX, X, and XII, tongue protrudes midline and palate elevates symmetrically. Cranial nerve XI, strong and symmetrical shoulder shrugs against resistance. Cardiac, regular rate and rhythm. Chest and lungs are clear bilaterally. Skin is warm and dry. Normal turgor and texture. No rashes or lesions are noted. General musculoskeletal exam reveals no gross deformity, fasciculations, and atrophy. Peripheral vascular, no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. She does have some tremoring of her bilateral upper arms as she said. Strength testing reveals difficulty when testing due to the fact that the patient does have a lot of pain, but she seems to be pretty equal in the bilateral upper extremities with no obvious weakness noted. She is about 4+/5 in the deltoids, biceps, triceps, wrist flexors, wrist extensors, dorsal interossei, and grip strength.,It is much more painful for her on the left. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ bilaterally only at biceps, triceps, and brachioradialis, knees, and ankles. No ankle clonus is elicited. Hoffmann's is negative bilaterally. Sensation is intact. She ambulates with slow short steps. No spastic gait is noted. She has appropriate station and gait with no assisted devices, although she states that she is supposed to be using a cane. She does not bring one in with her today.,FINDINGS: , Patient brings in cervical spine x-rays and she has had an MRI taken but does not bring that in with her today. She will obtain that and x rays, which showed at cervical plate C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7 anteriorly with some lifting with the most lifted area at the C3 level. No fractures are noted.,ASSESSMENT: , Cervicalgia, cervical radiculopathy, and difficulty swallowing status post cervical fusion C3 through C7 with lifting of the plate.,PLAN:, We went ahead and obtained an EKG in the office today, which demonstrated normal sinus rhythm. She went ahead and obtained her x-rays and will pick her MRI and return to the office for surgical consultation with Dr. L first available. She would like the plate removed, so that she can eat and drink better, so that she can proceed with her shoulder surgery. All questions and concerns were addressed with her. Warning signs and symptoms were gone over with her. If she should have any further questions, concerns, or complications, she will contact our office immediately; otherwise, we will see her as scheduled. I am quite worried about the pain that she is having in her arms, so I would like to see the MRI as well. Case was reviewed and discussed with Dr. L.orthopedic, c3 through c7, pain scale, mris, x-rays, cervical discectomy and fusion, cervical radiculopathy, cervical fusion, cervical discectomy, cervical plate, difficulty swallowing, cranial nerves, radiculopathy, discectomy, cervicalgia, postoperative, fusion, swallowing, | 1Other
50 | EXAM: , Lumbar spine CT without contrast.,HISTORY: , Back pain after a fall.,TECHNIQUE:, Noncontrast axial images were acquired through the lumbar spine. Coronal and sagittal reconstruction views were also obtained.,FINDINGS: , There is no evidence for acute fracture or subluxation. There is no spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. The central canal and neuroforamen are grossly patent at all levels. There are no abnormal paraspinal masses. There is no wedge/compression deformity. There is intervertebral disk space narrowing to a mild degree at L2-3 and L4-5.,Soft tissue windows demonstrate atherosclerotic calcification of the abdominal aorta, which is not dilated. There was incompletely visualized probable simple left renal cyst, exophytic at the lower pole.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence for acute fracture or subluxation.,2. Mild degenerative changes.,3. Probable left simple renal cyst.,orthopedic, lumbar spine, back pain, ct, coronal, atherosclerotic, axial images, central canal, compression, deformity, degenerative, disk space, fracture, intervertebral, neuroforamen, sagittal, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, subluxation, wedge, without contrast, contrast, spine, lumbar, noncontrast, | 1Other
51 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,PROCEDURE: ,Cystoscopy under anesthesia, retrograde and antegrade pyeloureteroscopy, left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, difficult and open renal biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthetic with a caudal block x2.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1000 mL crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Less than 10 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Tissue sent to pathology is a renal biopsy.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS: , A stenotic scarred ureteropelvic junction with dilated ureter and dilated renal pelvis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: ,A 10-French silicone Foley catheter with 3 mL in balloon and a 4.7-French ureteral double J-stent multilength.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 3-1/2-year-old boy, who has a solitary left kidney with renal insufficiency with creatinine of 1.2, who has had a ureteropelvic junction repair performed by Dr. Chang. It was subsequently obstructed with multiple episodes of pyelonephritis, two percutaneous tube placements, ureteroscopy with balloon dilation of the system, and continued obstruction. Plan is for co surgeons due to the complexity of the situation and the solitary kidney to do surgical procedure to correct the obstruction.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operative room. Surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Dr. X and Dr. Y both agreed upon the procedures in advance. Dr. Y then, once the patient was anesthetized, requested IV antibiotics with Fortaz, the patient had a caudal block placed, and he was then placed in lithotomy position. Dr. Y then calibrated the urethra with the bougie a boule to 8, 10, and up to 12 French. The 9.5-French cystoscope sheath was then placed within the patient's bladder with the offset scope, and his bladder had no evidence of cystitis. I was able to locate the ureteral orifice bilaterally, although no urine coming from the right. We then placed a 4-French ureteral catheter into the ureter as far as we could go. An antegrade nephrostogram was then performed, which shows that the contrast filled the dilated pelvis, but did not go into the ureter. A retrograde was performed, and it was found that there was a narrowed band across the two. Upon draining the ureter allowing to drain to gravity, the pelvis which had been clamped and its nephrostomy tube did not drain at all. Dr. Y then placed a 0.035 guidewire into the ureter after removing the 4-French catheter and then placed a 4.7-French double-J catheter into the ureter as far as it would go allowing it to coil in the bladder. Once this was completed, we then removed the cystoscope and sheath, placed a 10-French Foley catheter, and the patient was positioned by Dr. X and Dr. Y into the flank position with the left flank up after adequate padding on the arms and legs as well as a brachial plexus roll. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. Dr. Y then incised the skin with a 15-blade knife through the old incision and then extended the incision with curved mosquito clamp and Dr. X performed cautery of the areas advanced to be excised. Once this was then dissected, Dr. Y and Dr. X divided the lumbosacral fascia; at the latissimus dorsi fascia, posterior dorsal lumbotomy maneuver using the electrocautery; and then using curved mosquito clamps __________. At this point, Dr. X used the cautery to enter the posterior retroperitoneal space through the posterior abdominal fascia. Dr. Y then used the curved right angle clamp and dissected around towards the ureter, which was markedly adherent to the base of the retroperitoneum. Dr. X and Dr. Y also needed dissection on the medial and lateral aspects with Dr. Y being on the lateral aspect of the area and Dr. X on the medial to get an adequate length of this. The tissue was markedly inflamed and had significant adhesions noted. The patient's spermatic vessels were also in the region as well as the renal vessels markedly scarred close to the ureteropelvic junction. Ultimately, Dr. Y and Dr. X both with alternating dissection were able to dissect the renal pelvis to a position where Dr. Y put stay sutures and a 4-0 chromic to isolate the four quadrant area where we replaced the ureter. Dr. X then divided the ureter and suture ligated the base, which was obstructed with a 3-0 chromic suture. Dr. Y then spatulated the ureter for about 1.5 cm, and the stent was gently delivered in a normal location out of the ureter at the proximal and left alone in the bladder. Dr. Y then incised the renal pelvis and dissected and opened it enough to allow the new ureteropelvic junction repair to be performed. Dr. Y then placed interrupted sutures of 5-0 Monocryl at the apex to repair the most dependent portion of the renal pelvis, entered the lateral aspect, interrupted sutures of the repair. Dr. X then was able to without much difficulty do interrupted sutures on the medial aspect. The stent was then placed into the bladder in the proper orientation and alternating sutures by Dr. Y and Dr. X closed the ureteropelvic junction without any evidence of leakage. Once this was complete, we removed the extra stay stitches and watched the ureter lay back into the retroperitoneum in a normal position without any kinking in apparently good position. This opening was at least 1.5 cm wide. Dr. Y then placed 2 stay sutures of 2-0 chromic in the lower pole of the kidney and then incised wedge biopsy and excised the biopsy with a 15-blade knife and curved iris scissors for renal biopsy for determination of renal tissue health. Electrocautery was used on the base. There was no bleeding, however, and the tissue was quite soft. Dermabond and Gelfoam were placed, and then Dr. Y closed the biopsy site over with thrombin-Gelfoam using the 2-0 chromic stay sutures. Dr. X then closed the fascial layers with running suture of 3-0 Vicryl in 3 layers. Dr. Y closed the Scarpa fascia and the skin with 4-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Rapide respectively. A 4-0 nylon suture was then placed by Dr. Y around the previous nephrostomy tube, which was again left clamped. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed over the incision and then a dry sterile dressing was placed by Dr. Y over the nephrostomy tube site, which was left clamped, and the patient then had a Foley catheter placed in the bladder. The Foley catheter was then taped to his leg. A second caudal block was placed for anesthesia, and he is in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room.urology, cystoscopy, pyeloureteroscopy, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, pseudomonas pyelonephritis, renal insufficiency, fortaz, ureteropelvic junction repair, nephrostomy tube, renal biopsy, renal pelvis, foley catheter, ureteropelvic junction, renal, ureteropelvic, | 3Surgery
52 | CC:, Fall and laceration.,HPI: , Mr. B is a 42-year-old man who was running to catch a taxi when he stumbled, fell and struck his face on the sidewalk. He denies loss of consciousness but says he was dazed for a while after it happened. He complains of pain over the chin and right forehead where he has abrasions. He denies neck pain, back pain, extremity pain or pain in the abdomen.,PMH: , Hypertension.,MEDS:, None.,ROS: , As above. Otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , This is a gentleman in full C-spine precautions on a backboard brought by EMS. He is in no apparent distress. ,Vital Signs: BP 165/95 HR 80 RR 12 Temp 98.4 SpO2 95% ,HEENT: No palpable step offs, there is blood over the right fronto-parietal area where there is a small 1cm laceration and surrounding abrasion. Also, 2 cm laceration over the base of the chin without communication to the oro-pharynx. No other trauma noted. No septal hematoma. No other facial bony tenderness. ,Neck: Nontender ,Chest: Breathing comfortably; equal breath sounds. ,Heart: Regular rhythm.,Abd: Benign.,Ext: No tenderness or deformity; pulses are equal throughout; good cap refill ,Neuro: Awake and alert; slight slurring of speech and cognitive slowing consistent with alcohol; moves all extremities; cranial nerves normal. ,COURSE IN THE ED:, Patient arrived and was placed on monitors. An IV had been placed in the field and labs were drawn. X-rays of the C spine show no fracture and I've removed the C-collar. The lacerations were explored and no foreign body found. They were irrigated and closed with simple interrupted sutures. Labs showed normal CBC, Chem-7, and U/A except there was moderate protein in the urine. The blood alcohol returned at 0.146. A banana bag is ordered and his care will be turned over to Dr. G for further evaluation and care.emergency room reports, loss of consciousness, laceration, fall, course in the ed, placed on monitors, fell and struck, abrasions, | 0Medical Records
53 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bilateral hydroceles.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bilateral hydroceles.,PROCEDURE: , Bilateral scrotal hydrocelectomies, large for both, and 0.5% Marcaine wound instillation, 30 mL given.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 mL.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: , 800 mL.,TUBES AND DRAINS: , A 0.25-inch Penrose drains x4.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 17-year-old boy, who has had fairly large hydroceles noted for some time. Finally, he has decided to have them get repaired. Plan is for surgical repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, he was then shaved, prepped, and then sterilely prepped and draped. IV antibiotics were given. Ancef 1 g given. A scrotal incision was then made in the right hemiscrotum with a 15-blade knife and further extended with electrocautery. Electrocautery was used for hemostasis. Once we got to the hydrocele sac itself, we then opened and delivered the testis, drained clear fluid. There was moderate amount of scarring on the testis itself from the tunica vaginalis. It was then wrapped around the back and sutured in place with a running suture of 4-0 chromic in a Lord maneuver. Once this was done, a drain was placed in the base of the scrotum and then the testis was placed back into the scrotum in the proper orientation. A similar procedure was performed on the left, which has also had a hydrocele of the cord, which were both addressed and closed with Lord maneuver similarly. This testis also was normal but had moderate amount of scarring on the tunic vaginalis from this. A similar drain was placed. The testes were then placed back into the scrotum in a proper orientation, and the local wound instillation and wound block was then placed using 30 mL of 0.5% Marcaine without epinephrine. IV Toradol was given at the end of the procedure. The skin was then sutured with a running interlocking suture of 3-0 Vicryl and the drains were sutured to place with 3-0 Vicryl. Bacitracin dressing, ABD dressing, and jock strap were placed. The patient was in stable condition upon transfer to the recovery, bilateral scrotal hydrocelectomies, bilateral hydroceles, lord maneuver, hydrocelectomy, hydroceles, | 3Surgery
54 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Foul-smelling urine and stomach pain after meals.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Stomach pain with most meals x one and a half years and urinary symptoms for same amount of time. She was prescribed Reglan, Prilosec, Pepcid, and Carafate at ED for her GI symptoms and Bactrim for UTI. This visit was in July 2010.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, HEENT: No headaches. No visual disturbances, no eye irritation. No nose drainage or allergic symptoms. No sore throat or masses. Respiratory: No shortness of breath. No cough or wheeze. No pain. Cardiac: No palpitations or pain. Gastrointestinal: Pain and cramping. Denies nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Has some regurgitation with gas after meals. Genitourinary: "Smelly" urine. Musculoskeletal: No swelling, pain, or numbness.,MEDICATION ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Unremarkable.,HEENT: PERRLA. Gaze conjugate.,Neck: No nodes. No thyromegaly. No masses.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, without organomegaly, without guarding or tenderness.,Back: Straight. No paraspinal spasm.,Extremities: Full range of motion. No edema.,Neurologic: Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Deep tendon reflexes 2+ bilaterally.,Skin: Unremarkable.,LABORATORY STUDIES:, Urinalysis was done, which showed blood due to her period and moderate leukocytes.,ASSESSMENT:,1. UTI.,2. GERD.,3. Dysphagia.,4. Contraception consult.,PLAN:,1. Cipro 500 mg b.i.d. x five days. Ordered BMP, CBC, and urinalysis with microscopy.,2. Omeprazole 20 mg daily and famotidine 20 mg b.i.d.,3. Prescriptions same as #2. Also referred her for a barium swallow series to rule out a stricture.,4. Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo.,nan | 3Surgery
55 | PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Right heart catheterization.,INDICATION: , Refractory CHF to maximum medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: , After risks, benefits, and alternatives of the above-mentioned procedure were explained to the patient and the patient's family in detail, informed consent was obtained both verbally and in writing. The patient was taken to Cardiac Catheterization Suite where the right internal jugular region was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine solution was used to infiltrate the skin overlying the right internal jugular vein. Once adequate anesthesia has been obtained, a thin-walled #18 gauge Argon needle was used to cannulate the right internal jugular vein. A steel guidewire was then inserted through the needle into the vessel without resistance. Small nick was then made in the skin and the needle was removed. An #8.5 French venous sheath was then advanced over the guidewire into the vascular lumen without resistance. The guidewire and dilator were then removed. The sheath was then flushed. A Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted to 20 cm and the balloon was inflated. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the catheter was advanced into the right atrium through the right ventricle and into the pulmonary artery wedge position. Hemodynamics were measured along the way. Pulmonary artery saturation was obtained. The Swan was then kept in place for the patient to be transferred to the ICU for further medical titration. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient returned to the cardiac catheterization holding area in stable and satisfactory condition.,FINDINGS:, Body surface area equals 2.04, hemoglobin equals 9.3, O2 is at 2 liters nasal cannula. Pulmonary artery saturation equals 37.8. Pulse oximetry on 2 liters nasal cannula equals 93%. Right atrial pressure is 8, right ventricular pressure equals 59/9, pulmonary artery pressure equals 61/31 with mean of 43, pulmonary artery wedge pressure equals 21, cardiac output equals 3.3 by the Fick method, cardiac index is 1.6 by the Fick method, systemic vascular resistance equals 1821, and transpulmonic gradient equals 22.,IMPRESSION: ,Exam and Swan findings consistent with low perfusion given that the mixed venous O2 is only 38% on current medical therapy as well as elevated right-sided filling pressures and a high systemic vascular resistance.,PLAN: , Given that the patient is unable to tolerate vasodilator therapy secondary to significant orthostasis and the fact that the patient will not respond to oral titration at this point due to lack of cardiac reserve, the patient will need to be discharged home on Primacor. The patient is unable to continue with his dobutamine therapy secondary to nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. At this time, we will transfer the patient to the Intensive Care Unit for titration of the Primacor therapy. We will also increase his Lasix to 80 mg IV q.d. We will increase his amiodarone to 400 mg daily. We will also continue with his Coumadin therapy. As stated previously, we will discontinue vasodilator therapy starting with the Isordil.cardiovascular / pulmonary, chf, cardiac, catheterization, swan-ganz, heart catheterization, internal jugular, pulmonary artery, heart, jugular, cannulate, vascular, needle, pulmonary, therapy | 2Internal Medicine
56 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Patient AF is a 50-year-old hepatitis C positive African-American man presenting with a 2-day history of abdominal pain and distention with nausea and vomiting.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , AF's symptoms began 2 days ago, and he has not passed gas or had any bowel movements. He has not eaten anything, and has vomited 8 times. AF reports 10/10 pain in the LLQ.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, AF's past medical history is significant for an abdominal injury during the Vietnam War which required surgery, and multiple episodes of small bowel obstruction and abdominal pain. Other elements of his history include alcoholism, cocaine abuse, alcoholic hepatitis, hepatitis C positive, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, appendicitis, liver hematoma/contusion, Hodgkin's Disease, constipation, diarrhea, paralytic ileus, anemia, multiple blood transfusions, chorioretinitis, pneumonia, and "crack chest pain" ,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , AF has had multiple abdominal surgeries, including Bill Roth Procedure Type 1 (partial gastrectomy) during Vietnam War, at least 2 exploratory laparotomies and enterolysis procedures (1993; 2000), and appendectomy,MEDICATIONS:, None.,ALLERGIES:, Iodine, IV contrast (anaphylaxis), and seafood/shellfish.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, AF was born and raised in San Francisco. His father was an alcoholic. He currently lives with his sister, and does not work; he collects a pension.,HEALTH-RELATED BEHAVIORS:, AF reports that he smokes 1 to 2 cigarettes per day, and drinks 40 ounces of beer per day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Noncontributory, except that patient reports a 6 pound weight loss since his symptoms began, and reports multiple transfusions for anemia.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,Vital Signs: T: 37.1nan | 0Medical Records
57 | REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , New murmur with bacteremia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 84-year-old female admitted with jaundice and a pancreatic mass who was noted to have a new murmur, bacteremia, and fever. The patient states that apart from the fever, she was having no other symptoms and denies any previous cardiac history. She denies any orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Denies any edema, chest pain, palpitations, or syncope. She has had TIAs in the past, but none recently.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for diabetes, hypertension, and TIA.,MEDICATIONS: , Include:,1. Acidophilus supplement.,2. Cholestyramine.,3. Creon 20 three times daily.,4. Diovan 160 mg twice daily.,6. Lantus 10 daily.,7. Norvasc 5 mg daily.,8. NovoLog 70/30, 10 units at 12 noon daily.,9. Pamelor 15 mL every evening.,10. Vitamin D3 one tablet weekly.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT IS ALLERGIC TO CODEINE, COREG, AND VANCOMYCIN.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,The patient's daughter apparently has history of a murmur, but no diagnosis of congenital heart disease. The patient's father died in his 80s of CHF.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient denies ever having smoked, denies any significant alcohol use, and lives with her daughter in Pasadena.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The patient has had fever and chills. She has also had some jaundice. Denies any nausea or vomiting. Denies any chest pain or abdominal pain. Denies orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea or edema. She has had TIAs in the past, but denies any recent neurological symptoms such as motor weakness or focal sensory deficits. Denies melena or hematochezia. All other systems were reviewed and were found to be negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: An elderly Caucasian female, awake and alert, and in no distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.8, heart rate 96, sinus, blood pressure 138/55, respiratory rate 20, and oxygen saturation 92%.,HEAD AND NECK: Her head is atraumatic. She is normocephalic. Her neck is supple. There is no JVD. No palpable adenopathy or thyromegaly. There is some icterus of the sclerae bilaterally. Oral mucosa is moist.,CHEST: Symmetrical expansion with normal percussion note. There are no inspiratory crackles or expiratory wheeze.,CARDIAC: Heart sounds S1 and S2 are regular. There is a 2/6 systolic murmur heard through the precordium. There is no gallop or rub. There is no palpable thrill or retrosternal lift.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender with normal bowel sounds. No audible bruits.,EXTREMITIES: No pitting edema, no clubbing, no cyanosis, and peripheral pulses are 2+.,NEUROLOGIC: She exhibits no focal motor or sensory findings.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's sodium was 133, potassium 2.8, chloride 99, bicarbonate 31, glucose 75, BUN 12, creatinine 0.8, calcium 8.6, total bilirubin 3.2, AST 63, and ALT 43. White count 5.4, hemoglobin 9.1, hematocrit 26.6, and platelet count 128,000. Lipase less than 10.,DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING: , The patient had a CT scan of the abdomen that demonstrated a pancreatic mass with biliary obstruction. Previous biliary stent was present.,EKG shows normal sinus rhythm. There are no acute ST-T changes.,ASSESSMENT: , This is an 84-year-old female with newly found murmur. No previous history of heart disease. This murmur has occurred in the setting of fever and bacteremia. The patient also has a pancreatic mass with jaundice, history of hypertension, and now has hyponatremia and hypokalemia.,PLAN: ,The patient should undergo an echocardiogram to assess for the possibility of endocarditis, which may be contributing to her symptoms. Blood pressure control should be maintained with Diovan and Norvasc. Potassium should be replaced, and hyponatremia should be on proactive.nan | 0Medical Records
58 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right both bone forearm refracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right both bone forearm refracture.,PROCEDURE:, Closed reduction and pinning of the right ulna with placement of a long-arm cast.,ANESTHESIA: , Surgery performed under general anesthesia. Local anesthetic was 10 mL of 0.25% Marcaine plain.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative complications.,DRAINS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , None.,HARDWARE: ,Hardware was 0.79 K-wire.,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is a 5-year-old male who sustained refracture of his right forearm on 12/05/2007. The patient was seen in the emergency room. The patient had a complete fracture of both bones with shortening bayonet apposition. Treatment options were offered to the family including casting versus closed reduction and pinning. The parents opted for the latter. Risks and benefits of surgery were discussed. Risks of surgery included risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of the extremity, hardware failure, and need for later hardware removal, cast tightness. All questions were answered, and the parents agreed to the above plan.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating room table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. The right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion. A small incision was made at the tip of the olecranon. Initially, a 1.11 guidewire was placed, but this was noted to be too wide for this canal. This was changed for a 0.79 K-wire. This was driven up to the fracture site. The fracture was manually reduced and then the K-wire passed through the distal segment. This demonstrated adequate fixation and reduction of both bones. The pin was then cut short. The fracture site and pin site was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine. The incision was closed using 4-0 Monocryl. The wounds were cleaned and dried. Dressed with Xeroform, 4 x 4. The patient was then placed in a well-moulded long-arm cast. He tolerated the procedure well. He was subsequently taken to Recovery in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The patient will be maintain current pin, and long-arm cast for 4 weeks at which time he will return for cast removal. X-rays of the right forearm will be taken. The patient may need additional mobilization time. Once the fracture has healed, we will take the pin out, usually at the earliest 3 to 4 months. Intraoperative findings were relayed to the parents. All questions were, closed reduction, pinning, forearm refracture, fracture site, arm cast, | 3Surgery
59 | PROCEDURE DONE: ,Resting Myoview and adenosine Myoview SPECT.,INDICATIONS:, Chest pain.,PROCEDURE:, 13.3 mCi of Tc-99m tetrofosmin was injected and resting Myoview SPECT was obtained. Pharmacologic stress testing was done using adenosine infusion. Patient received 38 mg of adenosine infused at 140 mcg/kg/minute over a period of four minutes. Two minutes during adenosine infusion, 31.6 mCi of Tc-99m tetrofosmin was injected. Resting heart rate was 90 beats per minute. Resting blood pressure was 130/70. Peak heart rate obtained during adenosine infusion was 102 beats per minute. Blood pressure obtained during adenosine infusion was 112/70. During adenosine infusion, patient experienced dizziness and shortness of breath. No significant ST segment, T wave changes, or arrhythmias were seen.,Resting Myoview and adenosine Myoview SPECT showed uniform uptake of isotope throughout myocardium without any perfusion defect. Gated dynamic imaging showed normal wall motion and normal systolic thickening throughout left ventricular myocardium. Left ventricular ejection fraction obtained during adenosine Myoview SPECT was 77%. Lung heart ratio was 0.40. TID ratio was 0.88.,IMPRESSION:, Normal adenosine Myoview myocardial perfusion SPECT. Normal left ventricular regional and global function with left ventricular ejection fraction of 77%.cardiovascular / pulmonary, myoview, gated dynamic imaging, myoview spect, resting myoview, spect, tc-99m, adenosine myoview, adenosine infusion, ejection fraction, myocardium, systolic thickening, tetrofosmin, adenosine myoview spect, adenosine, | 2Internal Medicine
60 | HISTORY: , Neurologic consultation was requested to assess and assist with her seizure medication. The patient is a 3-year 3 months old girl with refractory epilepsy. She had been previously followed by XYZ, but has been under the care of the UCSF epilepsy program and recently by Dr. Y. I reviewed her pertinent previous neurology evaluations at CHCC and also interviewed mom.,The patient had seizure breakthrough in August 2007, which requires inpatient admission, Thanksgiving and then after that time had seizures every other day, up-to-date early December. She remained seizure-free until 12/25/2007 when she had a breakthrough seizure at home treated with Diastat. She presented to our ER today with prolonged convulsive seizure despite receiving 20 mg of Diastat at home. Mom documented 103 temperature at home. In the ER, this was 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. I reviewed the ER notes. At 0754 hours, she was having intermittent generalized tonic-clonic seizures despite receiving a total of 1.5 mg of lorazepam x5. UCSF fellow was contacted. She was given additional fosphenytoin and had a total dose of 15 mg/kg administered. Vital weight was 27. Seizures apparently had stopped. The valproic acid level obtained at 0835 hours was 79. According to mom, her last dose was at 6 p.m. and she did not receive her morning dose. Other labs slightly showed leukocytosis with white blood cell count 21,000 and normal CMP.,Previous workup here showed an EEG on 2005, which showed a left posterior focus. MRI on June 2007 and January 2005 were within normal limits. Mom describes the following seizure types:,1. Eye blinking with unresponsiveness.,2. Staring off to one side.,3. Focal motor activity in one arm and recently generalized tonic seizure.,She also said that she was supposed to see Dr. Y this Friday, but had postponed it to some subsequent time when results of genetic testing would be available. She was being to physicians' care as Dr. Z had previously being following her last UCSF.,She had failed most of the first and second line anti-epileptic drugs. These include Keppra, Lamictal, Trileptal, phenytoin and phenobarbital. These are elicited to allergies, but she has not had any true allergic reactions to these. Actually, it has resulted in an allergic reaction resulting in rash and hypotension.,She also had been treated with Clobazam. Her best control is with her current regimen of valproic acid and Tranxene. Other attempts to taper Topamax, but this resulted increased seizures. She also has oligohidrosis during this summertime.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Include Diastat 20 mg; Topamax 25 mg b.i.d., which is 3.3 per kilo per day; Tranxene 15 mg b.i.d.; Depakote 125 mg t.i.d., which is 25 per kilo per day.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Weight 15 kg.,GENERAL: The patient was awake, she appeared sedated and postictal.,NECK: Supple.,NEUROLOGICAL: She had a few brief myoclonic jerks of her legs during drowsiness, but otherwise no overt seizure, no seizure activity nor involuntary movements were observed.,She was able to follow commands such as when I request that she gave mom a kiss. She acknowledged her doll. Left fundus is sharp. She resisted the rest of the exam. There was no obvious lateralized findings.,ASSESSMENT:, Status epilepticus resolved. Triggered by a febrile illness, possibly viral. Refractory remote symptomatic partial epilepsy.,IMPRESSION: , I discussed the maximizing Depakote to mom and she concurred. I recommend increasing her maintenance dose to one in the morning, one in the day, and two at bedtime. For today, she did give an IV Depacon 250 mg and the above dosage can be continued IV until she is taking p.o. Dr. X agreed with the changes and orders were written for this. She can continue her current doses of Topamax and Tranxene. This can be given by NG if needed. Topamax can be potentially increased to 25 mg in the morning and 50 mg at night. I will be available as needed during the rest of her hospitalization. Mom will call contact Dr. Y an update him about the recent changes.consult - history and phy., eye blinking, status epilepticus, seizure medication, valproic acid, allergic reactions, neurologic consultation, seizure, neurologic, seizures, | 0Medical Records
61 | REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , We were asked to see the patient in regards to a brain tumor.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,She was initially diagnosed in September of this year with a glioblastoma multiforme. She presented with several lesions in her brain and a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. She was seen by Dr. X in our group. Because of her living arrangement, she elected to have treatment through the hospital radiation department and oncology department. Details of her treatment are not available at the time of this dictation. Her family has a packet of Temodar 100-mg pills. She is admitted now with increasing confusion. A CT shows increase in size of the lesions compared to the preoperative scan. We are asked to comment on her treatment at this point. She herself is confused and is unable to provide further history. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , From her old chart: No known past medical history prior to the diagnosis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She was living alone and is now living in assisted living. ,MEDICATIONS,1. Dilantin 300 mg daily.,2. Haloperidol 1 mg h.s.,3. Dexamethasone 4 mg q.i.d. ,4. Docusate 100 mg b.i.d.,5. Pen-VK 500 mg daily.,6. Ibuprofen 600 mg daily.,7. Zantac 150 mg twice a day.,8. Temodar 100 mg daily.,9. Magic Mouthwash daily.,10. Tylenol #3 as needed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,: Unable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Elderly woman, confused. ,HEENT: Normal conjunctivae. Ears and nose normal. Mouth normal.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear.,HEART: Normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, positive bowel sounds.,NEUROLOGIC: Alert, cranial nerves intact. Left arm slightly weak. Left leg slightly weak.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Glioblastoma multiforme, uncertain as to where she is in cancer treatment. Given the number of pills in the patient's family's hands, it sounds like she has only been treated recently and therefore it is not surprising that she is showing increased problems related to increased size of the tumor. We will have to talk with Dr. Y in the Clinic to get a better handle on her treatment regimen. At this point, I will hold Temodar today and consider restarting it tomorrow if we can get her treatment plan clarified.nan | 0Medical Records
62 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Cervical degenerative disc disease, spondylosis, severe myelopathy, spinal cord compression especially at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6, and progressive quadriparesis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Cervical degenerative disc disease, spondylosis, severe myelopathy, spinal cord compression especially at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6, progressive quadriparesis, and very poor bone quality as well as difficulty with hemostasis with the patient having been on aspirin.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE,1. Anterior cervical discectomy, osteophytectomy, foraminotomies, spinal cord decompression at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6.,2. Microscope.,3. Fusion with machined allografts at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6.,4. Eagle titanium plate from C3 to C6.,5. Jackson-Pratt drain placement.,6. Intraoperative monitoring with EMGs and SSEPs.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 350 cc.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,COUNTS: , Correct.,SPECIMENS SENT: ,None.,CLINICAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a 77-year-old male who was admitted through the emergency room for progressive weakness and falling. He was worked by the neurologist, Dr. X, and found to have cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. I was consulted and elected to do a lumbar and cervical myelogram CT scan, which showed lumbar stenosis but also cervical stenosis with more pathology anteriorly than posteriorly. The patient had worst disease at level C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6. The patient was significantly weak and almost quadriparetic, stronger on the right side than on the left side. I thought that surgery was indicated to prevent progressive neurological deterioration, as well as to prevent a central cord syndrome if the patient were to get into a motor vehicle accident or simply fall. Conservative management was not an option. The patient was preoped and consented, and was medically cleared. I discussed the indications, risks, and benefits of the surgery with the patient and the patient's family. The risks of bleeding, hoarseness, swallowing difficulty, pseudoarthrosis as well as plate migration and hardware failure were all discussed with the patient. An informed consent was obtained from the patient as such. He was brought into the OR today for the operative procedure.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought into the OR, intubated, and given a general anesthetic. Intubation was done under C-spine precautions. The patient received preoperative vancomycin and Decadron. He was hooked up to the SSEP apparatus and had poor baselines and delays.,With a large a shoulder roll, I extended the patient's neck, and landmark incision in crease in the right upper neck, and the area was then prepped and sterilely draped. All the lines had been put in and the arms were padded.,Using a knife and cautery, I took the incision down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue and arrived at the cervical spine. Prominent osteophyte at C5-C6 was noted, lesser at C4-C5. Intraoperative x-ray confirmed our levels, and we were fully exposed from C3-C6.,Trimline retractors were put in, and I cut the discs out as well as removed the superficial hyperstatic bone and osteophytes.,With the drill, I performed a superficial discectomy and endplate resection, curetting the endplate as I went. I then brought in the microscope, under the microscopic guidance, firmly removed the end plates and drilled through the posterior longitudinal ligament to decompress the spinal cord. Worst findings at C3-C4 followed C5-C6 and then C4-C5. Excellent thecal sac decompression was achieved and foraminal decompression was also achieved. With change in intraoperative monitoring, a microscope was used for this decompressive procedure.,The patient was very oozy throughout this procedure, and during the decompression part, the oozing was constant. This was partly due to the patient's cancellous bone, but he had been on aspirin which was stopped only 2 days ago, and the option was not available to wait 2 to 3 weeks which would have made this man worse simply over time. I thus elected to give him DDAVP, platelets, and used Horsley bone wax for excellent hemostasis. This took literally half-an-hour to an hour and added to the complexity and difficulty of this case. Eventually, with blood pressure controlled and all the other parameters under control, bleeding was somewhat slow.,I then selected two 10 and one 9-mm cadaveric allograft, which had soaking in bacitracin solution. These were trimmed to the desired dimensions, and under slight distraction, these were tapped into position. Excellent graft alignment was achieved.,I now brought in a DePuy titanium eagle plate, and I fixed it to the spine from C3 to C6. Fourteen millimeter screws were used; all the screws were tightened and torqued. The patient's bone quality was poor, but the screws did torque appropriately. I inspected the plate, controlled the hemostasis, assessed post-fixation x-ray, and was really happy with the screw length and the overall alignment.,The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution; a Jackson-Pratt drain 10-French was put in with trocar. Decision was made to start the closure. So, I closed the platysma with 3-0 Vicryl and used staples for the skin. A simple Primapore or Medpore dressing was applied. The patient was extubated in the OR and taken to the PSU in stable medical condition.,When I saw the patient in the ICU, he was awake, alert, and moving all four extremities, somewhat weak on the left side. He had done well from the surgery. Blood loss was 350 cc. All instrument, needle, and sponge counts were correct. No complications, no change in intraoperative monitoring. No specimens were sent.,The patient's wife was spoken to and fully appraised of the intraoperative findings and the expected prognosis. The patient will be kept n.p.o. tonight and will gradually advance his diet, and also will gradually advance his activity. I will keep him on Decadron and keep the collar on. I do not think there is need for halo rest. We will be obtaining formal C-spine films in the morning. Prognosis is guarded but favorable at this time.nan | 1Other
63 | CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Cut on foot.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 32-year-old male who had a piece of glass fall on to his right foot today. The patient was concerned because of the amount of bleeding that occurred with it. The bleeding has been stopped and the patient does not have any pain. The patient has normal use of his foot, there is no numbness or weakness, the patient is able to ambulate well without any discomfort. The patient denies any injuries to any other portion of his body. He has not had any recent illness. The patient has no other problems or complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Asthma.,CURRENT MEDICATION: , Albuterol.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a smoker.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.8 oral, blood pressure 132/86, pulse is 76, and respirations 16. Oxygen saturation is 100% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well-nourished, well-developed, the patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm and comfortable in no acute distress and looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear conjunctiva and cornea bilaterally. NECK: Supple with full range of motion. CARDIOVASCULAR: Peripheral pulse is +2 to the right foot. Capillary refills less than two seconds to all the digits of the right foot. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient has a 4-mm partial thickness laceration to the top of the right foot and about the area of the mid foot. There is no palpable foreign body, no foreign body is visualized. There is no active bleeding, there is no exposed deeper tissues and certainly no exposed tendons, bone, muscle, nerves, or vessels. It appears that the laceration may have nicked a small varicose vein, which would have accounted for the heavier than usual bleeding that currently occurred at home. The patient does not have any tenderness to the foot. The patient has full range of motion to all the joints, all the toes, as well as the ankles. The patient ambulates well without any difficulty or discomfort. There are no other injuries noted to the rest of the body. SKIN: The 4-mm partial thickness laceration to the right foot as previously described. No other injuries are noted. NEUROLOGIC: Motor is 5/5 to all the muscle groups of the right lower extremity. Sensory is intact to light touch to all the dermatomes of the right foot. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No active bleeding is occurring at this time. No evidence of bruising is noted to the body.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE:, The patient had antibiotic ointment and a bandage applied to his foot.,DIAGNOSES:,1. A 4-MM LACERATION TO THE RIGHT FOOT.,2. ACUTE RIGHT FOOT PAIN, NOW RESOLVED.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: , Stable.,DISPOSITION:, To home. The patient was given discharge instructions on wound care and asked to return to emergency room should he have any evidence or signs and symptoms of infection. The patient was precautioned that there may still be a small piece of glass retained in the foot and that there is a possibility of infection or that the piece of glass may be extruded later on.emergency room reports, foot pain, cut on foot, piece of glass, foreign body, active bleeding, foot, injuries, atraumatic, laceration, bleeding, body, | 0Medical Records
64 | EXAM:, Mammographic screening FFDM,HISTORY: , 40-year-old female who is on oral contraceptive pills. She has no present symptomatic complaints. No prior history of breast surgery nor family history of breast CA.,TECHNIQUE: , Standard CC and MLO views of the breasts.,COMPARISON: , This is the patient's baseline study.,FINDINGS: , The breasts are composed of moderately to significantly dense fibroglandular tissue. The overlying skin is unremarkable.,There are a tiny cluster of calcifications in the right breast, near the central position associated with 11:30 on a clock.,There are benign-appearing calcifications in both breasts as well as unremarkable axillary lymph nodes.,There are no spiculated masses or architectural distortion.,IMPRESSION:, Tiny cluster of calcifications at the 11:30 position of the right breast. Recommend additional views; spot magnification in the MLO and CC views of the right breast.,BIRADS Classification 0 - Incomplete,MAMMOGRAPHY INFORMATION:,1. A certain percentage of cancers, probably 10% to 15%, will not be identified by mammography.,2. Lack of radiographic evidence of malignancy should not delay a biopsy if a clinically suspicious mass is present.,3. These images were obtained with FDA-approved digital mammography equipment, and iCAD Second Look Software Version 7.2 was utilized.obstetrics / gynecology, ffdm, mammographic screening, tiny cluster of calcifications, bilateral mammogram, additional views, bilateral, mammogram, cluster, breasts, calcifications, mammography, | 3Surgery
65 | PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic hypertrophic adenotonsillitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic hypertrophic adenotonsillitis.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Adenotonsillectomy, primary, patient under age 12.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , This patient was brought from the holding area and did receive preoperative antibiotics of Cleocin as well as IV Decadron. She was placed supine on the operating room table. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without difficulty. In the holding area, her allergies were reviewed. It is unclear whether she is actually allergic to penicillin. Codeine caused her to be excitable, but she did not actually have an allergic reaction to codeine. She might be allergic to BACTRIM and SULFA. After positioning a small shoulder roll and draping sterilely, McIvor mouthgag, #3 blade was inserted and suspended from the Mayo stand. There was no bifid uvula or submucous cleft. She had 3+ cryptic tonsils with significant debris in the tonsillar crypts. Injection at each peritonsillar area with 0.25% with Marcaine with 1:200,000 Epinephrine, approximately 1.5 mL total volume. The left superior tonsillar pole was then grasped with curved Allis forceps. _______ incision and dissection in the tonsillar capsule and hemostasis and removal of the tonsil was obtained with Coblation Evac Xtra Wand on 7/3. Mouthgag was released, reopened, no bleeding was seen. The right tonsil was then removed in the same fashion. The mouthgag released, reopened, and no bleeding was seen. Small red rubber catheter in the nasal passage was used to retract the soft palate. She had mild-to-moderate adenoidal tissue residual. It was removed with Coblation Evac Xtra gently curved Wand on 9/5. Red rubber catheter was then removed. Mouthgag was again released, reopened, no bleeding was seen. Orogastric suction carried out with only scant clear stomach contents. Mouthgag was then removed. Teeth and lips were inspected and were in their preoperative condition. The patient then awakened, extubated, and taken to recovery room in good condition.,TOTAL BLOOD LOSS FROM TONSILLECTOMY: , Less than 2 mL.,TOTAL BLOOD LOSS FROM ADENOIDECTOMY: , Less than 2 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative events or complications occurred.,PLAN:, Family will be counseled postoperatively. Postoperatively, the patient will be on Zithromax oral suspension 500 mg daily for 5 to 7 days, Lortab Elixir for pain. _______ and promethazine if needed for nausea and, hypertrophic adenotonsillitis, adenotonsillitis, endotracheal anesthesia, coblation evac xtra wand, lortab elixir, red rubber catheter, total blood loss, adenotonsillectomy, forceps, mouthgag, | 3Surgery
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