indo_wiki /
sabilmakbar's picture
Syncing the docs and the codes
history blame
7.96 kB
- no-annotation
- crowdsourced
- ace
- ban
- bjn
- bug
- gor
- id
- jv
- mis
- min
- ms
- nia
- su
- tet
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- gfdl
- multilingual
- Wikipedia-HF
- text-generation
- fill-mask
- language-modeling
- masked-language-modeling
pretty_name: Wikipedia Archive for Indonesian Languages & Local Languages
- Wikipedia
- Indonesian
- Sundanese
- Javanese
- Malay
- Dialect
- Javanese Dialect (Banyumase/Ngapak)
- Indonesian Language
- Malay Language
- Indonesia-related Languages
- Indonesian Local Languages
- config_name: indowiki_all
- name: url
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: ace
num_bytes: 4875688
num_examples: 12932
- name: ban
num_bytes: 17561379
num_examples: 20243
- name: bjn
num_bytes: 6669628
num_examples: 10460
- name: bug
num_bytes: 3297641
num_examples: 15877
- name: gor
num_bytes: 6007726
num_examples: 14572
- name: id
num_bytes: 1103106307
num_examples: 657990
- name: jv
num_bytes: 70335030
num_examples: 73150
- name: map_bms
num_bytes: 5215803
num_examples: 13574
- name: min
num_bytes: 116481049
num_examples: 227024
- name: ms
num_bytes: 416001194
num_examples: 367463
- name: nia
num_bytes: 1938378
num_examples: 1651
- name: su
num_bytes: 47489084
num_examples: 61557
- name: tet
num_bytes: 1452716
num_examples: 1465
download_size: 1803193334
dataset_size: 1800431623
- config_name: indowiki_dedup_all
- name: url
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: ace
num_bytes: 4867838
num_examples: 12904
- name: ban
num_bytes: 17366080
num_examples: 19837
- name: bjn
num_bytes: 6655378
num_examples: 10437
- name: bug
num_bytes: 2072609
num_examples: 9793
- name: gor
num_bytes: 5989252
num_examples: 14514
- name: id
num_bytes: 1100932403
num_examples: 654287
- name: jv
num_bytes: 69774853
num_examples: 72667
- name: map_bms
num_bytes: 5060989
num_examples: 11832
- name: min
num_bytes: 116376870
num_examples: 225858
- name: ms
num_bytes: 410443550
num_examples: 346186
- name: nia
num_bytes: 1938121
num_examples: 1650
- name: su
num_bytes: 47410439
num_examples: 61494
- name: tet
num_bytes: 1447926
num_examples: 1460
download_size: 1793103024
dataset_size: 1790336308
- config_name: indowiki_dedup_id_only
- name: url
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: train
num_bytes: 1100932403
num_examples: 654287
download_size: 1103131493
dataset_size: 1100932403
# **Indonesian Wikipedia Data Repository**
license: cc-by-sa-3.0
Welcome to Indonesian Wikipedia Data Repository. The datasets are extracted from [Wikipedia HF]( and processed using the scripts available in this repository for reproducibility purpose.
# **FAQS**
### What are the available languages provided in dataset?
Please check the following table.
|Lang Code|Lang Desc|Wiki Info|Total Data|Total Size (bytes)|
|ace|Acehnese|[Wiki Link](|12904|4867838|
|ban|Balinese|[Wiki Link](|19837|17366080|
|bjn|Acehnese|[Wiki Link](|10437|6655378|
|bug|Buginese|[Wiki Link](|9793|2072609|
|gor|Gorontalo|[Wiki Link](|14514|5989252|
|id|Indonesian|[Wiki Link](|654287|1100932403|
|jv|Javanese|[Wiki Link](|72667|69774853|
|map_bms|Banyumasan - Dialect of Javanese|[Wiki Link](|11832|5060989|
|min|Minangkabau|[Wiki Link](|225858|116376870|
|ms|Malay|[Wiki Link](|346186|410443550|
|nia|Nias|[Wiki Link](|1650|1938121|
|su|Sundanese|[Wiki Link](|61494|47410439|
|tet|Tetum|[Wiki Link](|1465|1452716|
### How do I extract new Wikipedia Dataset of Indonesian languages?
You may check to the script [_``````_]( to understand its implementations, or you can adjust the bash provided in [_``````_]( to extract it on your own. Please note that this dataset is extensible to any languages of your choice.
### How do I extract new Wikipedia Dataset of Indonesian languages?
You may visit this [Wikipedia Dump Index]( to check any latest available data and this link [Wikipedia Language Coverage]( to map into any languages that you're wanting to extract.
### How does the data being preprocessed? What makes it different from loading it directly from Wikipedia HF?
The data available in here are processed with following flows:
1. Raw data is being deduplicated on ```title``` and ```text``` (text-content from a given article), to remove articles containing boilerplate text (template text that are used usually for no-available informations or asking for contributions of content in that article), which usually deemed noisy for NLP data.
2. Furthermore, the ```title``` and ```text``` data are being checked for string-matching duplication (duplication of text that are being pre-processed, i.e symbols removed, HTML tags striped, or ASCII-chars validated). You may check this [ ``````]( script to understand its implementation.
# Getting Started #
### To read the datasets directly ###
Use one of the following code chunks to load it from HuggingFace Hub:
You can refer to the 2nd args of ```config name``` using the following script
dataset = load_dataset(
"indo_wiki_dedup_data" # a config name, can be "indo_wiki_raw_data" or "indowiki_dedup_id_only", defaults to "indo_wiki_dedup_data"
Or you can provide both ```lang``` and ```date_stamp``` (providing only one will thrown an error)
dataset = load_dataset(
lang = "id", # see the splits for complete lang choices
### To replicate the whole dataset generation process ###
1. Set-up a new Python/Conda Environment (recommended Python version: 3.9.6 to 3.9.18 or 3.10.0 to 3.10.13) and install the requirements on ```requirements.txt``` use this codebase via ```pip install -r requirements.txt```.
2. Activate the chosen Python/Conda environment which the requirements are being installed.
3. Run this ```sh``` script for extractions from Wikimedia Dump:
4. Run this ```sh``` script of deduplication:
## Citation Info:
author = "Wikimedia Foundation",
title = "Wikimedia Downloads",
url = ""}
title = "Huggingface Wikipedia Dataset",
url = ""}