25Aug/19Off This is the FIRST article in my series on the design aspects of my new RPG in-the-making... Atomic Age! In thinking about what Atomic Age is going to be, one has to start at the thing that is the basis for the entire system: what dice to use. There are so many different systems out there that it's not as easy a decision as one would think, and it all depends on what you want to get out of the system. So, first of all, let's define what we want to get out of the system: Do not overcomplicate the math. I don't want a system that will involve adding eight different numbers before I can determine if the roll was successful or not. So, basically, I want something along the lines of [die roll]+[modifier] >= [target number] to determine success or failure. Make it flexible, so that the die rolls can be improved or hindered in a variety of ways. Make it easy for people to understand and relate to. Let's get one thing out of the way: although I appreciate and acknowledge all the many d6-based systems out there, I want Atomic Age to be based on the d20. But there's more to it than that. I also like to have a mechanism by which, the more of an advantage you have, the more dice you roll. Mainly because it makes the advantage feel more tangible, and players do like rolling dice after all. But I also don't want a system where the players end up dumping a Shadowrun-sized vat full of d6s on the table and then have to calculate up all the dice. Probability Analysis For all the probability analysis that will follow, I'm going to use AnyDice to generate charts and probability math. As for what we will use as a basis for the math, let's assume that you're making an attack with a base +5 attack bonus against an AC of 15. The concept of "roll two d20s and pick the better one" is not a new thing... it's been around for some time, and there are several systems that use it. Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition gave the mechanic a name: "advantage" and "disadvantage". In past editions, figuring out a roll involved adding a lot of numbers. Attribute bonus, proficiency bonus, attack modifiers, target DC modifiers, etc... The notion of "advantage" was reflected by simply adding more modifiers to your roll so that your end result is more likely to be higher than the target DC. The 5th Edition mechanic of advantage/disadvantage simplified all that. Your modifiers generally don't ever change due to circumstances (there are some exceptions, like adjusting AC due to cover, but still), and if you're in an advantageous position, rather than add more numbers to your roll, you simply roll two dice. It's easy to resolve! It has one drawback, however: "roll two dice" is the ONLY thing you can do. "Rules As Written" you can't roll three or four if your situation is even more advantageous. For example, consider these possible attack rolls: Attacking a target that you are flanking with an ally. Attacking a target that is paralyzed. Attacking a target that is unconscious. In all those situations, "advantage" is pretty much all you get, although attacks #2 and #3 should clearly be significantly more advantageous in terms of your ability to hit. Attack #3 has the added benefit of being an automatic crit or "coup de grace", but the chance of hitting is the same; it's an advantage attack roll against the target's AC. "Rules as Written" there is no mega-advantage mechanic. There is nothing documented where you would roll three d20s. Except for spell modifiers (we'll talk about that later), it's always two and only two d20s. So take our probability example... A standard die roll of 1d20+5>=15 has a 55% chance of succeeding. With advantage, that probability rockets up to almost 80%... ...and with disadvantage it plummets to 30%. Disadvantage is brutal in 5E; when rolling disadvantage, the probability of success plummets dramatically. And, as mentioned above, that's it. If you have a superior advantage, it won't be more than 80%. It is what it is, pretty much always. Rather than use the "advantage" mechanic of 5E, I looked to another system for inspiration... Shadow of the Demon Lord. SotDL uses a system where you still roll a d20 and add modifiers, but you can also add a "boon" or a "bane". A "boon" is adding a d6 to the d20 result, while a "bane" is subtracting a d6 from the d20 result, and they cancel each other out. If you have more than one boon or bane, you roll multiple dice and choose the higher result. Personally, I like this mechanic for a variety of reasons... It physically acknowledges a superior advantage. If you have a high advantage, you'll be rolling a fistful of d6s. Even with a fistful of d6s, the probability does not increase linearly. It allows the boon/bane dice to be modified using external abilities. So the base probability remains the same... 55% success. ... but, instead of advantage, we add a "boon" d6. That increases the probability to a little over 72%, which is comparable to the 80% of advantage. ...and let's say you have two boons. It increases slightly, to 77%. On the other side of the card, one bane isn't as painful as disadvantage; 37% chance instead of disadvantage's sharp drop to 30%. ...and two banes is still at 32%. I kinda like this... The probabilities work out the same, albeit it might be a little more swingy, and the advantage or disadvantage is both visual and tangible. How would this work? Well, take D&D spells like Bless for example... it normally adds a d4 to rolls. Using this mechanic, Bless will simply add one boon. You flanking someone? Add a boon. The target paralyzed? Add a boon. Flanking a paralyzed target? That's two boons total... make him pay! One mechanic I liked from 13th Age is the notion of increasing or decreasing a die roll one or more "steps". For example, if the base die of your attack is a d6 and a feat allows you to increase it one step, the base die becomes a d8. The way I see it, this can be worked in to this system a little easier. For example, there may be a spell or class ability that will allow you to make your first boon die a d8 instead of a d6, or turn your first bane die into a d4 instead of a d6. So taking all that into consideration, here's my plan for Atomic Age: Bonus and Penalty Dice I don't want to call them "boon" or "bane" for obvious reasons, so for now let's call them "bonus" and "penalty" dice. Standard die is a d6, and it may increase or decrease steps depending on abilities. "Bonus" and "penalty" dice cancel each other out, and if rolling multiple dice you choose the highest result in the pool. Attack Rolls [1d20]+[ability score]+[proficiency modifier*] vs target AC (NOTE: I'm debating keeping the notion of "proficiency"; more on that at another time) Skill/Ability Checks Untrained: [1d20]+[ability score] vs Target DC. Trained: [1d20]+[ability score]+[trained bonus (TBD)] vs Target DC. Have some sort of advantage (like Bless, for example)? Add one or more "bonus" d6s. Have some sort of hindrance (like Bane, for example)? Add one or more "penalty" d6s. Stuff To Be Determined What I need to figure out still is what defines the modifier. I'd like to avoid the notion of a proficiency bonus or the linear escalation of numbers (which was absurd in 4E). In the best of all possible worlds, I'd like an average DC to always be DC 15 regardless of whether you're level 1 or level 10, although it would be more likely you'll succeed the higher level you are. Filed under: Atomic Age, Design, Mechanics Comments Off Hey, GenCon People… Please Read This » « A New Beginning
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Brain FUNdamentals Positive changes through movement. Meet Them Where They Are *Please note- this blog post was written during my time at Brain Fit Academy Inc. I have since continued this amazing work under my own company- Brain FUNdamentals LLC. I hope you enjoy! I climbed into the back seat of his mother’s car the best I could. He had just arrived home from school and it was time for our session, but this nine year old boy was in complete “freeze” mode and wouldn’t come out of the car. I climbed in and just started “working” on him. I didn’t say a word because he was so stuck in the freeze response, in the lower part of the brain that we call the “baby brain”, that words wouldn’t have done any good. He wouldn’t have been able to access them- his brain was in the “freeze” of the Fight/Flight/Freeze response and was reacting to the “threat” by making his body (literally) freeze in the seat of the car. I started by rubbing his ears with a Brain Gym® activity that’s called “Thinking Caps”. Thinking Caps can be very calming for some people and stimulates more than 400 acupuncture points in the ears! Next, I did another activity called “Positive Points”. Positive points can help bring blood flow away from the brain stem (the baby brain) to the thinking part of the brain so that a person can “respond” instead of “react”. I acted intuitively, and never said a word. I continued those two activities and another one or two. Eventually, and although I don’t know the time frame exactly (but I would say it was probably about 5-10 minutes later) he was ready to come inside and start his session. When we work with Brain Fit clients, this type of thing can happen. You see- it’s the body’s way of showing us exactly where they are in development. This boy was in freeze mode. He needed me to “meet him where he was”. Which, in this case was literally inside his mother’s car. Sometimes, meeting a client “where they are” means that they come to the session and immediately drop to the floor. And where do I go? To the floor. They are showing me what they need, and I respond by meeting them there. Or- maybe the client hides under blankets, or in a corner. I meet them where they are and join them if they let me (which, by the way is most times-especially once I have built a relationship with them during our sessions). If you read my post The Body Knows- it Just Might Need a Reminder, then you’ll understand that I already recognize that a person’s body knows what it needs. This is no different. It’s about looking for the subtle clues that are telling me what their body needs. Not only for that day or that week, but in that very minute. And if the child is in Fight/Flight/Freeze mode, I can tell you this- I know I won’t get very far by talking. And, if that means that we spend the first 10 or 15 minutes on the floor (or in a car, or under a blanket) with me just doing passive movements to the child, then that’s what I do. It doesn’t matter what plan I have, or what is “number one” on the schedule for the session. I meet them where they are in order to get them to a place where we can move on. And if that 10 or 15 minutes turns into half the session? Then so be it. And if I need to, I explain to the parent why that needed to happen and I continue on. I will tell you though- that at least with my experience so far- it doesn’t usually take more than that short amount of time to “move” the client into a better space where they can continue on with the rest of the session. I meet them where they need me to, and then we can move on. We meet the client where they are because in order to move forward, you have to start where you left off. In order to integrate the primitive reflexes- be it Fear Paralysis or MORO, or STNR or any of the others- you have to start where it left off. We at Brain Fit meet the client where they are and move them forward. And we do that to get them to the best place they can be in life. Little-by-little. Amy Brewis August 7, 2020 January 30, 2022 Previous Previous post: There’s Someplace Else Next Next post: The (Last) Day LATEST FROM MY BLOG: Hungry Hungry Hippos March 9, 2023 You Can’t Reason With Fear January 12, 2023 I Can’t Believe He Likes That! January 2, 2023
{"url": "https://brainfundamentals.com/2020/08/07/meet-them-where-they-are/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "brainfundamentals.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:06:07Z", "digest": "sha1:AHYT4XFDWLRRE6SJ2WV3A4ITMBJSTYK7"}
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Schools & Education Online Fundraisers in Elizabethtown, Kentucky Check out all the fundraising campaigns and money being raised in Elizabethtown. Want to start a campaign for yourself, a loved one, a friend or your community?
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Non-Profit and Charity Online Fundraisers in Frankfort, Kentucky Check out all the fundraising campaigns and money being raised in Frankfort. Want to start a campaign for yourself, a loved one, a friend or your community?
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Brookes Restorations has been a family owned and operated business since 1982. It is owned by husband and wife team, Geoff Brookes and Elena Horowitz-Brookes. With its two locations, Brookes serves the greater Los Angeles area as well as Malibu and the Conejo and San Fernando Valleys. Geoff learned his craft in Stoke-on-Trent, the heart of the fine porcelain and pottery industry in England. Elena began her career as a professional restorer shortly after graduating University of California, Santa Barbara with a fine arts degree in 1977. Brookes Restorations’ extensive client list includes a diverse selection of high profile collectors from both the public and private sector. Much of our business comes by way of referral from many of the most prestigious stores, galleries, interior designers, and museums. Working alongside Elena and Geoff is the Brookes team of highly trained artisans to serve the needs of our clientele, with their diverse collections of art and arifacts.
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The Women Behind the Japanese Woodblock Print Collection Posted on April 7, 2021 by Erin Hurley By Erin Hurley, User Services & Accessioning Archivist One of UCSF Archives & Special Collections’ most famous and beloved collections is the Japanese Woodblock Print collection – a collection of over 400 colorful and informative woodblock prints on health-related themes, such as women’s health and contagious diseases like cholera, measles, and smallpox. According to the Library website dedicated to the prints, they “offer a visual account of Japanese medical knowledge in the late Edo and Meiji periods. The majority of the prints date to the mid-late nineteenth century, when Japan was opening to the West after almost two hundred and fifty years of self-imposed isolation.”[1] The collection has been used, most recently, in a documentary about woodblock prints to be aired on NHK, Japan’s public broadcasting network, and has been a subject of enduring interest to researchers. I’ve heard colleagues wonder aloud about how UCSF came to own this unique collection, so I did some research. Naturally, an enterprising curator and librarian – Atsumi Minami, MLS – is to thank for the collection’s arrival at UCSF. Walters, Tom F., “Atsumi Minami with items from UCSF Library East Asian Collection,” 1968. UCSF History Collection. While I was not able to find the exact dates of her employment at UCSF Library, I do know that Minami began working at UCSF Library in 1959, and soon took charge of a small collection of 70 titles of materials related to East Asian medicine started in 1963 by John B. de C.M. Saunders (a shortening of his full name, John Bertrand de Cusance Morant Saunders), then Provost and University Librarian.[1] Minami could read Japanese script, so she became responsible for the collection and was soon given free rein to begin collecting additional materials. In order to do this, Minami “traveled to Japan and China and purchased items from various smaller, private collections, acquiring the woodblock prints as well as hundreds of rare Chinese and Japanese medical texts, manuscripts, and painted scrolls.”[2] Her collecting efforts spanned over 30 years, and produced a collection with over 10,000 titles. It would appear that Minami was still working at UCSF when this informative article was written for a 1986 issue of UCSF Magazine.[3] At the time that article was published, the East Asian medicine collection was also the only active collection of its kind in the U.S., making it even more notable. Another woman who was influential in shaping the East Asian collection was Ilza Veith, a German medical historian and former UCSF professor in both the Department of the History and Philosophy of Health Sciences and the Department of Psychiatry. Veith, who in 1947 was awarded the first ever U.S. Ph.D.in the History of Medicine from Johns Hopkins University, was also awarded later, in 1975, the most advanced medical degree conferred in Japan, the Igaku hakase, from Juntendo University Medical School in Tokyo. Veith was extremely knowledgeable about both Chinese and Japanese medicine, and, in her time at Hopkins, translated Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Wen, or The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine – the oldest known document in Chinese medicine. Though the text has somewhat mythical origins that make its author and date a little difficult to determine, it probably dates from around 300 BC. Veith also helped shaped UCSF’s East Asian medicine collection by donating a number of her Japanese medical books. “Ilza Veith,” 1968. UCSF History Collection. I would encourage anyone interested in the collection to browse the prints on our website, and to read more about their history via a finding aid on the Online Archive of California. Archives & Special Collections also houses the Ilza Veith papers. While we don’t yet have an Atsumi Minami collection, we welcome donations and would appreciate any information that the present-day UCSF community has about this amazing woman. [1] “Glory of the Special Collections,” UCSF Magazine, V. 9, Issue #342, 1986: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31378005349033&view=1up&seq=341&q1=”Atsumi Minami” [2] “About the Collection,” UCSF Japanese Woodblock Print Collection, 2007, https://japanesewoodblockprints.library.ucsf.edu/about.html. Accessed April 6, 2021. This entry was posted in Collections, Digital Projects, East Asian Collection, History, Japanese Wood Block Print Collection, Rare Books and tagged archives, artifacts, Japanese Woodblock Print Collection, Laurie Garrett by Erin Hurley. Bookmark the permalink.
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Do you know how many vents does your roof needs in Smyrna? 🥵 Knowing how many vents my roof needs in Smyrna is a very valuable piece of information in construction. Nowadays we encounter different situations in which we need access to systems that allow us to combat the outside temperature. Although there are devices that allow us to perform this task, they are not always the answer. That is to say, since housing construction began, comfort has always been sought. That is why systems are used to deflect heat away from the property. This does not require any additional element, it is simply the position of the materials that achieves this task. Of course, nowadays there are many ways to make a house more cool. Building systems have evolved a lot over time in order to offer us more solutions. In the past, you only had to put the walls and the roof with the materials that you could find nearby. Now there is the possibility of acquiring materials of great durability and that are special to resist the aggressive effects of the climate. Is it advisable to use ventilation systems? It depends on the climatic conditions of the place where you live. Of course, this type of supplements for our home can be very beneficial. After all, the damage that can occur in our home is not long in coming. For that reason, we must be prepared when it comes to making improvements to our roof, one of the places that usually deteriorates the most. Today you should know how to protect your property against the effects of great enemies such as humidity. Although it may seem harmless, once it spreads through your home it can become a real problem. Vents for your Smyrna roof are very important How do I know how many vents my roof needs in Smyrna? This is a very interesting question. First of all, we should know why these types of systems are so important in protecting our roof. As we know, this area of our home is usually the most affected by external agents such as weather and pollution. That is why we must equip it so that it can withstand all the coming damages: 1. Lower the temperature Normally the attic is an area that is exposed to temperature changes that happen outside. This means that if it is very hot outside, our attic will also see its temperature increase. It is problematic that this temperature spreads to the inside of our home. 2. Combat humidity Moisture comes mainly from water deposits that can form on our roof. However, by using ventilation to lower the temperature in the attic, you also decrease water evaporation. This means you will have fewer problems with moisture. 3. Control electrical costs Air conditioners are a big favorite when it comes to hot summer days. What not many people know is that if the temperature inside your home is too high, your air conditioning system will have to work harder. This means that it will have to use more electricity, increasing the value of your bills. In addition, the device itself may deteriorate from overworking. 4. A legal problem There is generally a building code for homes in almost every city in the United States. This usually requires roofs to have at least one vent to ensure proper energy consumption. Avoid getting in trouble later for not complying with the law. How many vents should your Smyrna property have? Now it’s time to ask, how many vents does my roof in Smyrna need? You can really only speak in general terms as each house or property has its own characteristics. Size, number of rooms, design, all have an influence on how many systems should be installed. However, the best way to calculate how many vents your property requires is through the attic. First of all, you should measure the square footage of this area of your house. For example, the general calculation states that one square foot of ventilation is required for every 600 square feet of attic space. One element that influences this calculation is the use of vapor barriers in the roof. This material is responsible for preventing water vapor from spreading and therefore preventing moisture from becoming a problem. If your roof has this feature, you will only need 1 square foot of ventilation for every 300 square feet of attic space. As we have already mentioned, this is a calculation that is not very accurate. It is best to work with specialists who can find the best solution for your roof. In addition, the vents must be of high quality so that they can do their job. In this sense, we want you to know the best option on the market. The best option is to have a store that has all the services in the installation of vents. This way you won’t have to look elsewhere, since you will have access to everything you need. Put vents on your roof in Smyrna with BSR roofing Supply Already know how many vents your roof in Smyrna needs? It’s time to get the job done. To access the best ventilation systems in this city and throughout the state of Georgia you must access BSR roofing Supply. No one sells better products at promotional prices. Plus, this is a store that offers you many benefits when you shop. Perhaps the greatest benefit is access to the best contractors for vent installation. Don’t know how many of these you need for your roof? They’ll take care of everything. Working with professionals is the best way to secure your home’s future. Avoid problems with heat and humidity through professional workmanship. Want more information? on our website you can find information such as prices of our products. We have delivery throughout the state of Georgia and that’s why we are the option you should always consider when building or repairing your home. Use only the best materials that BSR roofing Supply has to offer. High performance ventilation at BSR roofing Supply
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art: ch25265-71-8 Molar mass 134.18 g/mol CAS number 25265-71-8 1kg Dipropylene Glycol $135.00 Dipropylene Glycol quantity Dipropylene glycol is a mixture of three isomeric chemical compounds, 4-oxa-2,6-heptandiol, 2-(2-hydroxy-propoxy)-propan-1-ol, and 2-(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-ethoxy)-propan-1-ol. It is a colorless, nearly odorless liquid with a high boiling point and low toxicity. Dipropylene glycol finds many uses as a plasticizer, an intermediate in industrial chemical reactions, as a polymerization initiator or monomer, and as a solvent. Its low toxicity and solvent properties make it an ideal additive for perfumes and skin and hair care products. It is also a common ingredient in commercial fog fluid, used in entertainment industry fog machines. Be the first to review “Dipropylene Glycol” Cancel reply
{"url": "https://brumer.com/products/dipropylene-glycol/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "brumer.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:35:33Z", "digest": "sha1:RF3UBJONWQ4C4PILHBLRKWUP46KNIIKY"}
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Advertise in Birmingham Birmingham has the second largest population in the United Kingdom, with over a million people living in the city and its suburbs. Once a big manufacturing town, Birmingham has changed its profile over the years, becoming one of Europe’s leading commercial centres and one of UK’s most important economic, event and transport hubs. Knowing your exact target group can help you boost your sales and make the most of the outdoor advertising opportunities Birmingham has to offer. Just have a read below to start planning your outdoor advertising campaign in Birmingham. Or view all available panel on our online platform and advertise in Birmingham. According to the 2011 Census, there are 10 districts in Birmingham with an average population of circa 107,000, ranging in size from Sutton Coldfield (95,000) to Ladywood (127,000). Hall Green and Hodge Hill are the most densely populated, with 59 people per hectare, compared with 17 people per hectare in Sutton Coldfield. Moreover, around 20% people living in Sutton Coldfield are pensioners, compared with just 7% in Ladywood. The commercial area of the city is a prime attraction for tourists and locals alike, offering a plethora of boutiques, fine dining, nightspots and accommodation that attract thousands of people day and night. Areas around The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham Hippodrome, the Pen Museum and other smaller galleries are always buzzing with tourists and art-lovers. Moreover, Broad Street is Birmingham’s busiest and most popular entertainment, leisure and business destination, offering great outdoor advertising opportunities. Advertise towards Students The city also boasts four big universities, Aston University, University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University and Newman University College, accommodating students from B4 all the way to B32. The highest numbers of economically active, full-time students are to be found in Ladywood (12.8%), Selly Oak (10.2%), Edgbaston (8.4%), and Perry Barr (7.6%). Advertise towards the Birmingham Commuters Birmingham is a major transport hub, so public transport in the city can be overcrowded at times, with busy areas around stations such as New Street and Snow Still. Moreover, over 90% of public transport in the West Midlands is by bus and coach, a fact that makes bus stops prime locations for advertising your business. Birmingham is also an ethnically diverse city, with a population of ~50% made up of White-British. The three main minority groups are Pakistani (13.5%), Indian (6%) and Black Caribbean (4%). Moreover, out of the 10 districts, 4 of them have a larger number of people who identified themselves as Non-White than the general average of 46.9%. These were, Hall Green (69.5%), Hodge Hill (66.9%), Ladywood (78.7%) and Perry Barr (65.2%). Also, more than half (52.1 %) of the residents of Hodge Hill said they were Muslim. The districts with the largest percentage of people of White ethnicity are Sutton Coldfield (88.7%), Northfield (85.8%), Erdington (73.1%), Edgbaston (68.7%). The districts with the largest population of Asian or Asian British are Hodge Hill (49.8%), Hall Green (49.5%), Ladywood (40.5%), Perry Barr (38.8%). People of Black ethnicity are more common in areas like Ladywood (22.6%) and Perry Bar (15.2%), while those of Arab ethnicity are most likely to live in Hall Green (5%) and Ladywood (3.6%). The largest number of pensioners are found in Northfield, Sutton Coldfield, Erdington and Selly Oak. Interestingly enough, these areas also have the highest number of households with one or more dependent children and the highest number of owner occupied tenures (with an average of 75-80% of the residents owning the house they live in). Comparatively, in the district of Ladywood more than 70% of residents rent from the local authority or from a landlord, with only 29.8% owning a property. These area are rich with Phone boxes and Bus stops to advertise one. Check our online booking platform for all advertising poster spots on Bus shelters and Phone boxes.
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Dragalevski Monastery “St. Mary”. How do we get to Near the Dragalevtsi residential area of Sofia, about 1.5 kilometers southwest is the Dragalevski monastery “St. Mary of Vitosha”. It was established by Tsar Ivan Alexander (ruled 1331 – 1371 AD) in about 1341 and remained after the Ottoman conquest in 1382. The monastery church was renovated and painted in 1476. The monastery complex consists of a church, residential buildings, and outbuildings. In the 17th century, it also had a monastery school. The monastery had provided refuge for the revolutionist Vasil Levski (1837 – 1873). The monastery was declared a cultural monument. The library holds its early liturgical books and a manuscript of the 4th Gospel of 1534 AD. 15 August – the day of the Virgin Mary was chosen for a memorial day. Throughout the year – 8.30 am – 12.00 am and 1.30 pm – 6.00 pm Day off – Monday The Dragalevski Monastery can be reached by an asphalted road, separated from the road Dragalevtsi – Aleko hut. Tourist Information Center – Sofia Monday – Friday: 9:30 – 18:00 Sofia City, the underpass of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Tel.: +359 2 4918344 E-mail: tourist@info-sofia.bg Tourist Information Center – Largo Metrostation Serdica 2 Tel.: +359 2 49 49 315 E-mail: largo@info-sofia.bg Info Point Chitalnyata (The reading room) Monday – Sunday: 10:00 – 20:00 In the city garden E-mail: chitalnyata@gmail.com Website: https://www.visitsofia.bg Virtual map Dragalevski Monastery © All images, advertising and video materials and/or other information published on this website are property of the Ministry of Tourism and are protected by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, according to the Bulgarian laws to all applicable international and relevant acts of the European Union. University Botanical Garden in Sofia National Art Gallery Borovets Archaeological Institute and Museum at the Bulgarian Science Academy – Sofia City National Representation for Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Consumer Protection Commission Information and recommendations Sofia, 1000, Sveta Nedelya Square № 1 Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria This web site uses cookies. By clicking “Allow All”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation. Check out our Privacy Policy.
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8.5x26mm Mars Cartridge Data Published On: February 12, 2015 at 11:24 am by Bullet-Blog and last updated on February 12, 2015 at 11:24 am Please see: 8.5mm Mars The 8.5x26mm Mars cartridge is also known in many areas by other names, such as: 8.5mm Mars, 8.5x26mm Mars, .330 Mars. For complete information on this cartridge, Please See: 8.5mm Mars
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S&W Seed Co Form 10-K June 30, 2015 DOC x ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015 ¨ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 or 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ________________________ to _______________________________ Commission File Number 001-34719 S&W SEED COMPANY 7108 North Fresno Street, Suite 380 (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code) Common Stock, $0.001 Par Value Nasdaq Capital Market Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. ¨ Yes x No Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. ¨ Yes x No Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. x Yes ¨ No Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 229.405 of this Chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files). x Yes ¨ No Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K (§ 229.405) is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. ¨ Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer or a smaller reporting company. See the definitions of "large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer" and "smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one): Large accelerated filer ¨ Accelerated filer ¨ Non-accelerated filer ¨ (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) Smaller reporting company x Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). ¨ Yes x No The aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by non-affiliates computed by reference to the price at which the common equity was last sold, or the average bid and asked price of such common equity, as of the last business day of the registrant's most recently completed second fiscal quarter was $47,396,596. The number of shares outstanding of common stock of the Registrant as of September 22, 2015 was 13,463,455. Portions of the registrant's Proxy Statement for the 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders are incorporated herein by reference in Part III of this Annual Report on Form 10-K to the extent stated herein. Such proxy statement is to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days of the registrant's fiscal year ended June 30, 2015. Unresolved Staff Comments Mine Safety Disclosures Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities Selected Financial Data Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Financial Statements and Supplementary Data Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence Principal Accountant Fees and Services Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, as well as assumptions that, if they never materialize or prove incorrect, could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The statements contained in this Report that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements, including but not limited to any projections of revenue, margins, expenses, tax provisions, earnings, cash flows and other financial items; any statements of the plans, strategies and objectives of management for future operations; any statements regarding our ability to raise capital in the future; any statements concerning expected development, performance or market acceptance relating to our products or services or our ability to expand our grower or customer bases; any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance; any statements of expectation or belief; any statements regarding our ability to retain key employees; and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of words such as, but not limited to, "anticipate," "believe," "can," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "will," "plan," "project," "seek," "should," "target," "will," "would," and similar expressions or variations intended to identify forward-looking statements. We have based these forward-looking statements on our current expectations about future events. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual results and the timing of certain events to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include the following: whether we are successful in securing sufficient acreage to support the growth of our alfalfa seed business, the continued ability of our distributors and suppliers to have access to sufficient liquidity to fund their operations; trends and other factors affecting our financial condition or results of operations from period to period; the impact of crop disease, severe weather conditions, such as flooding, or natural disasters, such as earthquakes, on crop quality and yields and on our ability to grow, procure or export our products; the impact of pricing of other crops that may be influence what crops our growers elect to plant; our plans for expansion of our business (including through acquisitions) and our ability to successfully integrate acquisitions into our operations; whether we are successful in aligning expense levels to revenue changes; whether we are successful in monetizing our stevia business; the cost and other implications of pending or future legislation or court decisions and pending or future accounting pronouncements; and other risks that are described herein including but not limited to the items discussed in "Risk Factors" below, and that are otherwise described or updated from time to time in our filings with the SEC. You are urged to carefully review the disclosures made concerning risks and uncertainties that may affect our business or operating results, which include, among others, those listed in Part I, Item 1A. "Risk Factors" of this Report. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance or achievements. Many factors discussed in this Report, some of which are beyond our control, will be important in determining our future performance. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from those that might be anticipated from the forward-looking statements. In light of these and other uncertainties, you should not regard the inclusion of a forward-looking statement in this Report as a representation by us that our plans and objectives will be achieved, and you should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements included herein are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained or referred to in this section. Furthermore, such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this Report. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Founded in 1980 and headquartered in the Central Valley of California, we believe we are the leading producer and distributor of alfalfa seed in the world. We produce or grow seed in the Western United States, Canada and Australia and sell our seed varieties in more than 30 countries across the globe. Historically, we have been recognized as the leading producer of non-dormant alfalfa seed varieties, which varieties have been bred for warm climates and high-yields, including varieties that can thrive in poor, saline soils. Our December 2014 acquisition of certain alfalfa research and production facility and conventional (non-GMO) alfalfa germplasm assets of DuPont Pioneer, a wholly-owned subsidiary of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, has provided us with the opportunity to become a leading producer of dormant, high yield alfalfa seed varieties, which are the varieties suitable for cold weather conditions. We also have agreements with Monsanto Corporation to develop unique traits into specific S&W-developed varieties that exhibited high yield and salt tolerance. We have licensing agreements with Monsanto and Forage Genetics International, LLC, a subsidiary of Land O' Lakes, Inc. to produce, breed and eventually sell Roundup Ready alfalfa seed varieties. As a result of the above activity, our alfalfa seed business now encompasses the production, breeding and sale of non-dormant and dormant conventional varieties and the potential for future production and sale of GMO (genetically modified organism) varieties. In addition to alfalfa seed production and sales, which is our core business, we also conduct an ongoing stevia breeding program. Following our initial public offering in fiscal 2010, we expanded certain pre-existing business initiatives and added new ones, including: diversifying our production geographically by expanding from solely producing seed in the San Joaquin Valley of California to initially adding production capability in the Imperial Valley of California, then expanding into Australia (primarily South Australia) and, most recently, adding production in other western states and Canada; expanding from solely offering non-dormant varieties to now having a full range of both dormant and non-dormant varieties; teaming with FGI and Monsanto to develop GMO alfalfa seeds, using our germplasm and Monsanto's genetically modified traits; expanding the depth and breadth of our research and development capabilities in order to develop new varieties of both dormant and non-dormant alfalfa seed with traits sought after by our existing and future customers; expanding our distribution channels and customer base, initially through the acquisition of the customer list of our key international customer in the Middle East in July 2011, and thereafter, through certain strategic acquisitions; expanding our sales geographically both through the expansion of our product offerings to have product needed in regions we historically did not cover and through an expansion of our sales and marketing efforts generally; and implementing a stevia breeding program to develop new stevia varieties that incorporate the most desirable characteristics of this all-natural, zero calorie sweetener. We have accomplished these expansion initiatives through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions, foremost among them: the acquisition of Imperial Valley Seeds, Inc. ("IVS") in October 2012, which enabled us to expand production of non-GMO seed into California's Imperial Valley, thereby ensuring a non-GMO contaminated source of seed due to the prohibition on GMO crops in the Imperial Valley, as well as enabling us to diversify our production areas and distribution channels; the acquisition of a portfolio of dormant germplasm in August 2012 to launch our entry into the dormant market; the acquisition of the dominant local producer of non-dormant alfalfa seed in South Australia, Seed Genetics International Pty Ltd ("SGI") in April 2013, which greatly expanded our production capabilities and geographic diversity; and the acquisition of the alfalfa production and research facility assets and conventional (non-GMO) alfalfa germplasm from DuPont Pioneer in December 2014, thereby substantially expanding upon our initial entrance into the dormant alfalfa seed market that began in 2012 and enabling us to greatly expand our production and research and product development capabilities. We believe our 2013 combination with SGI created the world's largest non-dormant alfalfa seed company and gave us the competitive advantages of year-round production in that market. With the completion of the acquisition of dormant alfalfa seed assets from DuPont Pioneer in December 2014, we believe we have become the largest alfalfa seed company worldwide (by volume), with industry-leading research and development, as well as production and distribution capabilities in both hemispheres and the ability to supply proprietary dormant and non-dormant alfalfa seed. Our operations span the world's alfalfa seed production regions, with operations in the San Joaquin and Imperial Valleys of California, five additional Western states, Australia and three provinces in Canada. We now sell our seed products in more than 30 countries worldwide. We also own and operate seed-cleaning and processing facilities in Five Points, California and Nampa, Idaho. Our newly-acquired Nampa Facility sits on approximately 80 acres and includes conditioning, treating, bagging and warehouse facilities that had been used by DuPont Pioneer for its alfalfa seed processing needs. World Agriculture One of the biggest challenges of the 21st century will be to expand agricultural production so that it can meet the food and nutritional demands of the world's growing population. According to World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision, published by the United Nations in June 2013, the world population is estimated to surpass 9.6 billion by 2050. Improvements in farm productivity have allowed agriculture to keep pace with growing food demand. Yield-enhancing technologies such as mechanization, hybrid seed and crop protection chemicals have enabled farmers to meet the ever-growing demand for food. Because of decreases in the amount of arable land and shrinking worldwide fresh water resources, further increases in agricultural production must come from improvements in agricultural productivity. We address this need by breeding high-yielding alfalfa seed that is tolerant to inferior, saline soils, thereby allowing farmers to make marginal soils with inferior water quality as productive as superior soils. Alfalfa Seed Industry Alfalfa seed is primarily used for growing alfalfa hay, which is grown throughout the world as "forage" for livestock, including dairy and beef cattle, horses and sheep. It is most often harvested as hay, but can also be made into silage, grazed, or fed as greenchop to ruminant livestock. The alfalfa industry (and therefore the alfalfa seed industry) is highly dependent on the dairy industry, which is the largest consumer of alfalfa hay. As markets around the world continue to expand to a more westernized diet with high-protein consumption, the demands for alfalfa production around the world continue to increase. Alfalfa is indigenous to the Middle East where it is considered a "non-dormant" plant, meaning it grows year round. "Dormant" varieties of alfalfa have adapted to cold climates by going dormant during periods when frost or snow conditions would otherwise kill them. Dormancy is rated using a numerical system under which "dormant" varieties are rated toward the lower end of a 1 through 11 scale, such as 2 through 4, while "non-dormant" varieties are rated toward the upper end of the scale, such as 8 through 11. The number typically identifies the number of cuttings that a farmer might be able to obtain each year. For the past 30 years, we have focused our efforts on the "non-dormant" market, which is best suited to hot, dry climates, where the growing season lasts for most of the year, resulting in larger yields per acre. While exact production estimates worldwide are difficult to obtain, approximately 150 million pounds of alfalfa seed are produced worldwide each year, roughly divided evenly between non-dormant and dormant production. Alfalfa seed for the non-dormant marketplace is primarily grown in just a few key regions of the world, including the San Joaquin Valley of California, the Imperial Valley of California, and Southern Australia. However, the growing regions for "non-dormant" alfalfa hay include the Southwestern U.S., the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America and other hot, arid regions of the world. "Dormant" alfalfa seed, by contrast, is grown in the western United States and Canada for production of alfalfa hay in colder climates, including the northern regions of the United States, Canada, Europe and China. Alfalfa seed production is demanding for even the most experienced farmers. Farming practices must be tailored to the climatic conditions of each area. Irrigation must be carefully controlled and timed to stress the plants to cause maximum flowering and seed production. Weed control is essential in order to pass inspections for purity needed for certification. Insect pests, especially lygus bugs, must be managed throughout the season, using strategies that protect pollinators, such as honey bees, leafcutter bees and alkali bees. Fields are desiccated using chemicals that remove moisture and then are harvested as quickly thereafter as possible to limit or avoid rain damage. Stevia and the Sweetener Industry Stevia is a relative newcomer in the estimated over $50 billion global sweetener market. Although this market is still dominated by sugar, sugar substitutes continue to increase in market share as consumer concern over sugar intake continues to increase. Stevia leaf and its refined products constitute a natural, non-caloric high intensity sweetener, estimated to be 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Its taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar. It has the advantage of not breaking down with heat, making it more stable for cooking than other sugar alternatives. In the U.S., approximately 70% of all new products formulated with stevia are beverages, with the remainder split between diverse categories, including dairy products and baked goods. The stevia plant is indigenous to the rain forests of Paraguay and has been used as a sweetener in its raw, unprocessed form for hundreds of years. In recent years, it has been grown commercially in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, parts of Central America, Thailand, China and the U.S. Currently, the majority of global commercial stevia production occurs in China. The incorporation of stevia-derived extracts into foods and beverages in the U.S. has seen a rapid increase since the beginning of 2009, when stevia was first introduced as a sweetener alternative to sugar in food and beverages. According to Mintel and Leatherhead Food Research, the value of stevia as an additive for use in food and beverage manufacture in 2013 totaled approximately $110 million, and they estimate that this total will grow to approximately $275 million by 2017. Their report further states that, while sales of artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, acesulfame K and sucralose still dominate the market for sugar substitutes, consumer demand for artificial sweeteners has seen a decline since the introduction of stevia. Mintel and Leatherhead Food Research expect to this trend to continue, with plant-derived sweeteners, such as stevia, providing the main area of growth in the sweetener market in the future. We strive to enhance our growth potential and improve gross margins by increasing our alfalfa seed business, by leveraging our expertise in plant discovery and development and by continually assessing opportunities to expand into the production and sale of other, higher margin crops. Our goal is to grow our alfalfa seed business by: increasing the number of acres under contract with growers in the Central and Imperial Valleys of California, in other western states and Canada and in South Australia; increasing distribution into foreign markets through sales in the Middle East, Africa, Mexico and Latin America; expanding and improving our domestic distribution channels; promoting worldwide the economic advantages of our high-yielding alfalfa seed varieties and our salt-tolerant alfalfa seed varieties; continuing our breeding program in order to develop new varieties with those characteristics most desired by farmers; and expanding our assortment of available varieties. These goals are being accomplished both through organic growth of our legacy business and through strategic acquisitions. We will continue to look for additional acquisition or internal opportunities that will expand our existing business or provide us with a gateway to entering new markets that complement our existing business. We also are continuing to exploit the emerging market for stevia through our stevia breeding program. The goal of this program is to leverage our research, development and breeding expertise to invent stevia varieties with flavor characteristics that best complement the food and beverages into which stevia is increasingly being incorporated or that can be consumed on its own. Our Current Alfalfa Seed Products We have a history of innovation in alfalfa breeding, dating back to the early 1980s when S&W's first non-dormant varieties were introduced to the market. Starting in 2001, our Australian subsidiary, SGI, began a breeding program targeted at creating varieties that maximize seed yields, thereby reducing the cost of seed production. Historically, we differentiated our products by optimizing our varieties for geographical regions that have hot climates and, in the case of S&W varieties, challenging soil conditions such as high-salt content, while maximizing crop yield. Our December 2014 acquisition of DuPont Pioneer's conventional, dormant alfalfa seed varieties builds upon our initial 2013 launch into dormant alfalfa seed markets by adding a wide selection of dormant alfalfa seed varieties that are suited for higher elevation and cooler climate conditions. Fall Dormancy Ratings of Our Varieties Fall dormancy is a key characteristic that can vary among alfalfa varieties. Fall Dormancy (FD) ratings are assigned to varieties based on their performance in standardized tests for the onset of dormancy in the fall. Standard check varieties span an FD rating continuum from FD 1 to FD 11, where the onset of dormancy is measured as fall height relative to standard check varieties. FD1 represents the earliest onset of fall dormancy, whereas FD 12 represents a completely non-dormant growth habit. Early FD ratings are generally most suited to cold winter climates where plants must cease fall growth early allowing individual plants to survive cold winters and frozen soils conditions for lengthy periods. FD 2 and FD 3 ratings are typically associated with early onset fall dormancy, when grown in the upper Midwest for example. FD 9 and FD 10 ratings are typically non-dormant, are characterized as having relatively little slowdown in fall growth and are more suited for continuing forage yield production and improved yield potential in warm winter climates where soils do not freeze. Our current commercial product line-up includes alfalfa seed varieties that span from FD 3 (our earliest onset of fall-dormancy) to FD 10 (our most non-dormant, most winter active). The legacy S&W product development efforts were focused on FD 8, FD 9 and FD 10, with some breeding effort devoted to FD 4, FD 6 and FD7. S&W Varieties S&W varieties are all bred and developed to meet the guidelines for certification by the California Crop Improvement Association ("CCIA"). In February 2012, we announced the certification of our first proprietary dormant alfalfa seed variety, which was specifically bred to thrive in high altitude and cooler climates. In August 2012, we purchased the rights to a portfolio of alfalfa varieties suited for higher elevations and colder climate conditions, marking our commitment to expand more aggressively into the dormant variety market. The colder climate or higher elevation varieties that we acquired are in the range of FD 3, FD 4 and FD 5. In December 2014, we acquired from DuPont Pioneer one of the alfalfa industry's largest portfolios of dormant alfalfa germplasm, along with their active breeding program. The Pioneer breeding program amassed a significant germplasm base that spans from FD 3 through FD 9. The primary focus of the Pioneer breeding program was FD 4 and FD 5 for the North America market. These acquisitions of dormant germplasm significantly expand the range of geographic and climatic growing regions where we can offer adapted varieties. Our most non-dormant varieties (FD 8, FD 9 and FD 10) represent a large proportion of our business and are best suited to hot, arid climates. Our salt tolerant non-dormant varieties do well in salty irrigation waters and salty soils. Our leading non-dormant varieties include SW 10, SW 9720, SW 9215, SW 9628, SW 8421S and SW 8718. Of these varieties, SW 9720, SW 9215 and SW 8421S are bred to perform very well in highly saline conditions that would stunt or kill ordinary alfalfa. Our FD 3, FD 4 and FD 6 S&W varieties are adapted to the winter-hardy intermountain west and to irrigated areas of the Sacramento Valley and Northern San Joaquin Valley of California. These include Rhino, Trophy and SW 6330. In addition, we have grown introductory volumes of several new varieties derived from the Pioneer germplasm base for commercial introduction as S&W brand varieties, or potentially as varieties for licensing to third party brands. Our breeding and genetics experts continue the multi-year process of developing improved varieties over much of the dormancy spectrum, but concentrating primarily on high salt- and heat-tolerant, non-dormant alfalfa seed, where we have established ourselves as a leading provider. We also create blends of seed varieties. IVS Varieties IVS markets both common and certified alfalfa seeds, sourced from growers located in the Imperial Valley of Southeast California. A portion of the alfalfa seed sold by IVS in fiscal 2015 was common varieties (i.e., uncertified seed) while the balance consisted of certified CUF (a public variety) and proprietary varieties. The primary proprietary varieties we acquired in the IVS acquisition are LaJolla, Catalina and Saltana. SGI Varieties SGI has developed well-known proprietary varieties of alfalfa, such as SuperSonic, SuperNova, SuperStar, SuperCharge, SuperAurora, SuperSequel and SuperSiriver. Since 2002, the varieties developed by SGI have attracted an expanding grower base, and in 2012, SGI accounted for more than 60% of the total Australian certified proprietary alfalfa seed production. SGI's alfalfa seed varieties are bred to resist disease, create persistence in the field and produce higher yields of both the alfalfa hay forage and alfalfa seed production for our seed growers. SGI's proprietary varieties exhibit superior seed yield capability compared to traditional non-proprietary alfalfa varieties in Australia with the most recent varieties showing the highest seed yields. Forage yields of the older SGI proprietary varieties are at least equivalent to traditional non-proprietary varieties and the forage yields of the more recent SGI varieties are even better. All of SGI's proprietary alfalfa varieties, excluding SuperAurora, have FD ratings of 8-9 and therefore achieve optimum growth and forage production in Mediterranean to desert climates. SGI has a number of developments within its breeding program pertaining to semi-dormant and highly non-dormant alfalfa varieties and tropical alfalfa seed varieties. Additionally, SGI has a breeding and production platform of proprietary white clover varieties, including SuperHuia, SuperLadino, SuperHaifa and SuperHaifa II. Similar to SGI's alfalfa varieties, SGI's clover varieties produce comparatively higher seed yields. In fiscal 2015, clover sales represented 5% of SGI's total seed sales. SGI's white clover varieties are used for forage and ornamentation. Genetically Modified Organism Alfalfa Currently, Europe, the Middle East and certain other parts of the world prohibit the sale of genetically modified organism (GMO) alfalfa. Therefore, historically, we have not employed genetic engineering in the breeding of our current commercial seed varieties for these markets, and consequently, we have products that can be sold throughout the world. As a result of the January 2011 deregulation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (the "USDA") of Roundup Ready® alfalfa, a GMO product, Roundup Ready® alfalfa is currently being grown in the United States without any federal or state regulations governing field isolation and other protections. Collaborative stewardship programs have been developed to facilitate the coexistence of GMO and non-GMO seed. For example, in 2010, the AOSCA launched its Alfalfa Seed Stewardship Program (the "ASSP"). The ASSP is a voluntary, fee-based certification program for the production of alfalfa seed to be sold into markets that prohibit the sale of GMO alfalfa. ASSP certification of seed fields includes testing for GMO material and observance of a minimum stated isolation distance of five miles from any GMO alfalfa seed production field. Also in 2010, the California Crop Improvement Association (the "CCIA") developed a web-based alfalfa seed field isolation "pinning" map for alfalfa seed production in the Western U.S. This map is intended to pin both GMO and non-GMO seed fields. Although beneficial to growers and customers alike these stewardship programs do not afford legal protection to non-GMO growers. We believe that our farming practices currently meet the ASSP and CCIA requirements, including the field isolation requirements. We continue to evaluate our options with respect to incorporating biotechnology into our alfalfa seed traits and the resulting impact on our business strategy and operations. In April 2013, we entered into a license agreement with FGI to develop and commercialize seed varieties that incorporate proprietary traits, including the Roundup Ready® trait. This agreement further documented and formalized our previously announced collaboration with FGI and Monsanto to develop genetically modified versions of certain of our proprietary alfalfa varieties. This development of biotech seed varieties consists of several phases including lab work and field trials to confirm agronomic performance and trait efficiency of each developed variety. Upon completion of the field trials for any developed variety, we may elect to commercialize the variety and enter into a variety-specific license agreement with FGI pursuant to which we would pay certain royalties and access fees. Although we will no longer be internally farming to produce our proprietary non-GMO alfalfa seed varieties following the 2015 fall harvest, depending on the progress we make in our collaborative efforts with FGI and Monsanto, we could acquire additional farmland acreage in the future for Roundup Ready® seed stock production and testing or for other biotechnology trait production purposes. In December 2014, we entered into a Contract Alfalfa Production Services Agreement with DuPont Pioneer, whereby we produce for a service fee, alfalfa seed of commercial Pioneer varieties containing the Roundup Ready® gene. These varieties are exclusive to Pioneer and accordingly, we do not produce them for or sell them to any other customer. In connection with the DuPont Pioneer acquisition, we only acquired conventional alfalfa varieties. However, the parties agreed to the terms of a second asset purchase agreement to be entered into under certain circumstances relating to the purchase of DuPont Pioneer's GMO alfalfa assets: If required third party consents are received from Monsanto, FGI and others prior to November 30, 2017 and subject to the satisfaction of certain other specified conditions, either we or DuPont Pioneer has the right to enter into (and require the other party to enter into) the second asset purchase agreement on or before December 29, 2017 pursuant to which we would acquire DuPont Pioneer's GMO germplasm varieties and other related assets for a purchase price of $7,000,000. There is no assurance that we will purchase the DuPont Pioneer GMO assets. As a result of the increasing use of Roundup Ready® alfalfa by traditional hay farmers and the lack of federal or state rules requiring adequate isolation of Roundup Ready® alfalfa fields from conventional fields to prevent cross-pollination of GMO plants with non-GMO plants, we have experienced an increase in the number of seeds in recent harvests that have tested positive for the adventitious presence of GMO. To date, the low percentage of seeds that have tested positive has not undermined our ability to meet international demand, and we expect to be able to sell these seeds domestically and in other jurisdictions that permit the importation of GMO alfalfa at our customary prices for certified seed. Nevertheless, we are taking proactive steps to protect our seed crops to ensure we have sufficient seed to meet the demand for our varieties in international markets. These steps include seeking collaborative agreements, regulations or other measures to ensure neighboring farms that grow GMO alfalfa in the San Joaquin Valley limit the extent to which they allow the flowering and cross-pollination of their GMO-based crops with our conventional non-GMO crops to occur; and expanding our contracted grower base in the Imperial Valley of California, as well as other western states (including Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Kansas), as well as the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, where we now have growers as a result of the DuPont Pioneer acquisition, and seed growing regions where GMO alfalfa is less prevalent. We also have begun to grow S&W varieties in South Australia, where there is no GMO activity in alfalfa, and intend to increase that production in future growing seasons. Alfalfa Seed Cleaning and Processing Alfalfa seed processing is similar in all of our growing regions and begins with the harvest. Each field is harvested and identified separately with unique information such as variety, lot number, grower name, field name, acres and certification number. During harvest, our growers load field run harvested seed separately for each field out of the combine into bulk containers for transport to the processing facility. When the containers arrive at the facility, each container is weighed, labeled with the unique field information and a sample is taken. Harvested seed is then sent to seed-cleaning lines where it is cleaned and foreign matter such as weeds, inert matter and other crop seed is removed. Clean seed samples are taken and tested for purity and germination to meet company quality standards. The clean seed is then stored in bulk until needed to fulfill a sales order. Upon receipt of a sales order, the clean seed is pulled from inventory and processed through our packaging equipment to meet specific customer requirements such as treatment, package size and unique bag and labeling. With the successful acquisition of the DuPont Pioneer alfalfa business, we now have a processing facility in Nampa, Idaho in addition to our existing processing facilities in Five Points. The facility in Nampa, Idaho gives us exclusive access to the use of patented coating technology that, among other things, allows for the extension of rhizobium (seed treatment) lifespan. We handle processing of our Imperial Valley seed under a long-term service agreement. S&W Processing S&W proprietary seed is packaged into an S&W branded seed bag as well as unique customer-specific branded seed bags. Final packaging for customers includes attaching a label with variety name and physical quality data, and attaching a State Certification tag (also known as a "blue tag") to each individual bag. When the seed is treated with any type of seed treatment, a treatment tag must also be attached to each individual bag. S&W proprietary seed production is produced under a state seed certification program. As part of the DuPont Pioneer acquisition, we acquired a CCIA certified lab that enables us to collect, analyze and submit to the state all of the data needed for certification of our seed varieties so that we no longer are required to outsource that function. Certification by these programs ensures both physical and genetic quality standards for individual lots of seed. Additional testing may be required, dependent on the market to which the shipment is destined, such as Saudi Arabia or Mexico. Samples may be sent to the Federal Seed Laboratory (U.S. Department of Agriculture) or a State Department of Agriculture laboratory for further physical quality testing and/or market specific phytosanitary testing. Unlike many other plant species, the physiological characteristics of alfalfa seed allow for longer term storage without losing physical quality of the seed. When we have unsold inventory at the end of a sales season, these seed characteristics ensure the ability to store and sell the inventory in subsequent years. As our alfalfa seed business grows, processing facility utilization will be increased by implementing process improvements such as autonomous maintenance and quicker material changeovers to reduce downtime. In addition, we will increase throughput by sequencing operations to remove bottlenecks and by adding work shifts. Finally, we may make capital improvements to our facilities when business opportunities exist to create a strong return on investment. SGI Processing SGI's growers contract directly with independent mills in the southeast region of Southern Australia for the cleaning and preparation of SGI's varieties. Four milling facilities are used by SGI's growers to clean and process the majority of SGI alfalfa seed, and one company, Tatiara Seeds Pty Ltd, which owns two of the four milling facilities, processes approximately 70% of seed grown for SGI. One other milling facility cleans the majority of SGI's white clover. Although most of SGI's milling requirements are processed through Tatiara-owned mills, we are aware of other mills that would serve our purposes were we no longer able or willing to process the SGI seed through Tatiara-owned mills. The SGI growers are required to deliver seed that meets SGI's processing specifications, based on international and domestic certification standards. In a typical year, approximately 90-95% of product received from the growers meets SGI's specifications. Alfalfa Seed Product Development Our alfalfa breeding program is designed to make steady genetic improvement in our germplasm base that is used to create better performing varieties for our customer. A typical alfalfa variety can take as little as five years or as long as 18 years to be developed, depending on methodology and the desired agronomic traits. Because of the many years required to develop a new alfalfa variety, we believe our successful breeding program allows us to offer seed varieties incorporating a combination of characteristics desired by farmers that are not available from any other source, thereby providing us with a competitive advantage. The breeding program has three distinct phases; screening, crossing, and classification. In connection with the breeding of our non-GMO varieties, in each phase of the breeding process, we conduct tests to ensure that we have no adventitious presence (AD) of GMO contamination. Both field and greenhouse breeding locations are used in our breeding program. For the screening phase, seed is seeded in flats in the greenhouse. Seedlings are inoculated with various pathogens to improve host plant resistance. We have locations that specialize in nematode screening, disease screening, salt tolerance screening and insect pest screening. We screen hundreds of thousands of plants throughout the year, then these resistant plants are transplanted to the field and are inoculated with additional pathogens and evaluated for resistance and agronomic characteristics, such as yield, tolerance to lodging, forage quality, color, crown size, dormancy and other traits that are needed by farmers. The second phase, or crossing phase, begins with selecting plants from field nurseries and clonally propagating them by taking stems and rooting them in the greenhouse. These rooted clonally propagated plants are cross-pollinated to make the first generation or SYN 1 seed of the new varieties. This SYN 1 seed is used for variety characterization and also increased to ensure ample seed is available for multiplication for the life of the variety. The characterization phase is the most difficult part of the breeding operation. To determine performance levels and environmental adaptation, extensive testing across many environments for yield, forage quality, yield stability across environments, dormancy, tolerance to lodging, regrowth from cutting; as well as being characterized for as many as 15-18 pests and diseases. We are also looking to build on our research and development expertise and expand our biotechnology initiatives. As such, we look for opportunities to collaborate with other companies that have technologies that we believe complement our proprietary products and/or our research and development breeding expertise to develop as yet unavailable specialized alfalfa seed products and potentially, other seed products. We currently are in the initial phase of working with Calyxt, Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cellectis Plant Sciences) to research, develop, produce and commercialize alfalfa seed products involving next generation gene editing technology on our elite alfalfa seed genetics. We also are forming a joint corporation in Argentina with Bioceres, S.A. for the purpose of collaborating on developing specific GMO traited seed for the Argentina market. Both of these relationships are in their infancy, and we do not expect that we will see a material impact on our revenue for at least two years, if ever. However, both of these biotech initiatives demonstrate our willingness and ability to expand our research and development efforts beyond our classically-bred proprietary alfalfa seed breeding program. Sales, Marketing and Distribution S&W Sales and Marketing Historically, we primarily sold high quality proprietary "non-dormant" seed varieties to those parts of the world with hot, arid climates. Our primary geographical focus for non-dormant seed is the Middle East and North Africa, although we currently sell to customers in a broad range of areas, including the Western U.S., Mexico, South America, Middle East and Africa, as well as other countries with Mediterranean climates. Unlike in cooler climates, the geographic areas on which we have historically concentrated are able to sustain long growing seasons and therefore alfalfa growers can benefit from our high-yielding, non-dormant varieties. In recent periods, we have expanded geographically into colder climates where our newly-acquired dormant varieties thrive. Our customers are primarily our distributors and dealers. Our distributors and dealers, in turn, sell to farmers, consisting primarily of dairy farmers, livestock producers and merchant hay growers. Although we have a sales team, we primarily sell our seed through our network of distributors and dealers, as well as through the services of seed brokers. We do not have formal distribution agreements with most of our distributors, but instead operate on the basis of purchase orders and invoices. We believe that selling through dealers and distributors enables our products to reach hay growers in areas where there are geographic or other constraints on direct sales efforts. We select dealers and distributors based on shared vision, technical expertise, local market knowledge and financial stability. We build dealer/distributor loyalty through an emphasis on service, access to breeders, ongoing training and promotional material support. We limit the number of dealers and distributors with whom we have relationships in any particular area in order to provide adequate support and opportunity to those with whom we choose to do business. Historically, all of our international sales were made to U.S. distributors who then, in turn, sold our seed into foreign markets. However, our approach to international sales shifted beginning in fiscal 2012, and most of our international sales are now made to non-U.S. customers. Through our distributors, our primary export market historically had been Saudi Arabia and to a lesser extent, certain other Middle Eastern and North African countries. The overall international sales mix changed beginning in fiscal 2013 with our acquisition of SGI in South Australia. In recent years, in addition to sales to Saudi Arabia and Australia, we have been selling to customers in Sudan, Morocco, Egypt and Libya, and to customers in other regions of the world, including Latin America, (Argentina and Mexico) and South Asia (Pakistan), both of which we view as an important regions for potential expansion. In total, we sell our alfalfa seed varieties in approximately 25 countries throughout the world. Domestic seed marketing is based primarily upon the dormancy attributes of our varietals as suited to climates in target markets. Prior to the DuPont Pioneer acquisition, we marketed our alfalfa seed, which consisted primarily of non-dormant varieties, in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Nevada. We slowly began broadening our domestic geographic reach beginning in fiscal 2013, with our first sales of dormant alfalfa seed, and significantly expanded in fiscal 2015 following the acquisition of DuPont Pioneer's dormant alfalfa seed assets. In connection with that acquisition, we entered into a distribution agreement with DuPont Pioneer pursuant to which we became the sole supplier, subject to certain exceptions, of certain alfalfa seed products for sale to customers by DuPont Pioneer through September 2024. In fiscal 2015, DuPont Pioneer accounted for approximately 34% of our revenue. Given its historical market share in the sale of dormant alfalfa seed, we expect sales to DuPont Pioneer to be a significant portion of annual sales throughout the period of the distribution agreement. A disruption in this relationship could have a material adverse impact on our results of operations. The price, terms of sale, trade credit and payment terms are negotiated on a customer-by-customer basis. Our arrangements with our distributors do not include a right of return. Typical terms for domestic customers require payment in full within 60 days of the date of shipment. Our credit terms with DuPont Pioneer are governed by the distribution agreement, as amended, and provide that we receive equal installment payments in September, January and April of each year. Sales to our international customers are paid in advance of shipment or typically within 120 days of shipment and may also be accomplished through use of letters of credit, cash against documents and installment payment arrangements. Our credit policies are determined based upon the long-term nature of the relationship with our customers. Credit limits are established for individual customers based on historical collection experience, current economic and market conditions and a review of the current status of each customer's trade accounts receivable. In fiscal 2015, DuPont Pioneer, a domestic customer, and Sorouh Agricultural Company, an international customer, collectively accounted for approximately 49% of our alfalfa seed revenue. In fiscal 2015, sales to domestic customers increased as a percentage of our total sales, primarily as a result of the agreements we entered into with DuPont Pioneer, but international customers accounted for more than a majority of the sales (59%) in the past fiscal year. Both farmers (dairy farmers and hay growers) and dealers use pest-control advisors who recommend the varieties of alfalfa that will produce the best results in a particular location. Therefore, a key part of our marketing strategy is to educate the consultants, as well as the farmers, as to benefits of our seed varieties. We believe that our best marketing tool is the dissemination of information regarding the quality and characteristics of our propriety seed varieties of those persons who make the hay growing decisions. We intend to continue to place advertisements in trade journals, participate in seed industry conferences and trade shows and engage in various other educational and outreach programs as we deem appropriate. Most of our international marketing efforts are accomplished through face-to-face meetings with our existing and potential customers, and their end users. In addition, we participate in international trade shows to boost our international presence and sales efforts. SGI Sales and Marketing SGI sells a majority of its proprietary alfalfa seed (approximately 70-90% of its total sales per year) into Saudi Arabia, the United States and Argentina. SGI sells the bulk of its proprietary clover seed to China, Europe and the U.S. Similar to S&W Seed, SGI has historically relied upon a network of distributors to market and sell its products. In marketing its products, SGI's initial impetus was to gain market penetration through the sale of improved versions of proven varieties (e.g., SuperSiriver and SuperAurora) in the market place at competitive pricing. Subsequently, SGI used its established market presence to launch additional superior varieties such as SuperSonic. SGI utilizes a variety of distribution strategies. Through distribution arrangements SGI's proprietary varieties are marketed directly as SGI brands or under customer brand labels, and strategic allocations of full and partial exclusivity rights are made in specific countries and geographical regions to incentivize distributors to establish markets for SGI products. Seed Production As of the end of our 2015 fiscal year, we have seed production capabilities in California and most of the other states in the Western United States, including higher elevations and colder climatic regions where dormant alfalfa seed is produced, the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and in South Australia. S&W and IVS Production Historically, we fulfilled all of our alfalfa seed requirements under contracts with farmers primarily located in the San Joaquin Valley of California. For a brief period, beginning in fiscal 2013, we were engaged in own internal farming operations and acquired, through purchase and lease, acreage on which to grow our own seed. However, in fiscal 2015, we made a strategic decision to move away from internal farming, and we began selling some of the farmland acreage we had been using for that purpose. After completion of the fall 2015 harvest, we will no longer be internally farming as a source of our alfalfa seed, and instead, will be sourcing all of our production from third party growers. As of June 30, 2015, we had contracts with several hundred growers in the Western United States and Canada. Generally, we enter into contracts to produce alfalfa seed, which is typical industry practice. Our normal contracts range from one to three years, include a price for the seed that we fix annually and that generally do not vary from grower to grower or variety to variety. Under these contracts, we pay our growers based on the weight of cleaned and processed seed. The growers contracts that we acquired in connection with the DuPont Pioneer acquisition were primarily for production in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. These contracts follow the same cadence and terms as the existing production with the current grower base. Seed is harvested annually beginning in July for the southwest region of the United States and concluding in October in the Canadian provinces. Our network of growers has that expertise to grow alfalfa seed which is an extremely demanding crop, for which most farmers do not have the requisite skill or experience needed to obtain consistently satisfactory results. We have worked with many of the same growers for much of the past 25 years, and we believe that we have strong relationships with them. We allocate our seed production among our growers so that we can purchase the proper mix of seed varieties each year. The growers incur the greatest cost in the first year of production, when they plant seed, eradicate weeds and pests and manage the pollination process; they then may be able to harvest seed from the same stands for several additional years, with the average alfalfa seed field producing for three years. With the added resources of the acquired DuPont Pioneer alfalfa business, we believe we are in a strong position to expand our production capabilities in the Western United States and Canada with both existing growers and by recruiting new growers in these regions. SGI Production As of June 30, 2015, SGI had contracts with approximately 150 individual growers in Western Victoria and South Australia to grow its alfalfa seed varieties on a total of approximately 20,000 irrigated and 8,000 non-irrigated acres. In the Southern Hemisphere, alfalfa seed is grown counter seasonally to the Northern Hemisphere and is harvested annually, in March through early May. Under its current form of seed production agreement, SGI provides foundation seed to each grower and grants each grower a license to use its seed for the purposes of production of seed for sale to SGI. Each grower is responsible for all costs of the crop production. Title in the produced seed passes to SGI upon it being certified compliant; and, if the seed is not compliant, title will only pass to SGI upon SGI's further agreement to purchase the non-compliant seed. SGI uses a staggered payment system with the growers of its alfalfa and white clover and the payment amounts are based upon an estimated budget price ("EBP") for compliant seed. EBP is a forecast of the final price that SGI believes will be achieved taking into account prevailing and predicted market conditions at the time the estimate is made. Following the grower's delivery of uncleaned seed to a milling facility, SGI typically pays 40% of the EBP to the grower based on a percentage of the pre-cleaning weight. Following this initial payment and prior to the final payment, SGI will make a series of scheduled progress payments and, if applicable, a bonus payment for "first grade" (high quality) alfalfa seed. The final price payable to each grower (and therefore the total price) is dependent upon and subject to adjustment based upon the clean weight of the seed grown, on the average price at which SGI sells the pooled seed and other costs incurred by SGI. Accordingly, the total price paid by SGI to its grower may be more or less than the EBP. SGI's seed production agreements for alfalfa provide for an initial term of seven years and an optional renewal term of three years. SGI's seed production agreements for white clover provide for an initial term of two years and an optional renewal term of one year. Historically, SGI has not required its growers to harvest seed in every year under the seed production agreement. Some growers have elected to have non-harvest years, and their alfalfa is cut for hay or used for grazing instead of being harvested for seed production. Stevia Breeding, Research and Development Over the past five years, our stevia activities have evolved from exploring on a small scale the potential commercial production of stevia in California to establishing and growing a stevia breeding, research and development department. As of fiscal 2013, we are no longer pursuing the commercial production of stevia. In our breeding program, we have identified stevia plant lines that we believe grow to heights and plant mass that compare favorably to the results for stevia plants grown in China and Paraguay, which have historically been the primary regions for growing stevia. Our lines contain high overall steviol glycosides, including Reb A, Reb B and Reb C. We anticipate breeding these new lines with their higher overall steviol glycosides. We have been recently conducting extensive HPLC sample testing of stevia plants under development and will be making further selections and crosses of these plants based upon test results. The goal is to develop a stevia plant with an inherently pleasant taste profile, a large and hardy plant mass and high Reb A content. We are focused on developing our proprietary stevia germplasm into commercial varieties. Towards that end, we have filed two patent applications and expect to file a third patent application in the first half of fiscal 2016. As our breeding program produces new lines, we plan to file additional patent applications in the future. One of the filed patent applications cover lines that have been developed with a very good taste profile, thereby enabling the resulting dried leaf to be consumed directly. At the present time, two large organic farmers in California are conducting trials with this variety. If these trials yield satisfactory results, we expect to be paid a royalty calculated as a percent of the gross sales made by these farmers. We also have developed lines that have been bred for processing in order to produce a stevia extract suitable for use in foods and beverages. These lines are high in sweetener content, have large plant mass and generally offer a superior source of stevia leaf for the extraction market. Currently several of these varieties are going into trials in North America and Europe. The results of these trials will be available during 2016. We contract with growers based upon our anticipated market demand; we mill, clean and stock the seed during the harvest season and ship from inventory throughout the year. However, our alfalfa seed business is seasonal, with our highest concentration of sales falling in the third and fourth fiscal quarters (January through June). This differs from our historical operations in which sales were concentrated in the first six months of our fiscal year (July through December). Since fiscal 2013, we have had operations and customers in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It was the acquisition of SGI in fiscal 2013, with its operations in South Australia, that initially had the greatest impact on the shift in seasonal sales, as the fourth quarter is typically a significant sales quarter for SGI. Perhaps even more significantly, because the distribution agreement with DuPont Pioneer provides that one-third of the purchased seed is paid for in the third quarter and one-third is paid for in the fourth quarter, we expect that future years will see the highest concentration of sales revenue in those two quarters. Tests show that seed that has been held in inventory for over one year improves in quality. Therefore, provided that we have sufficient capital to carry additional inventory, we may increase our seed purchases and planned season end inventory if, in our judgment, we can generate increased margins and revenue with the aged seed. This will also reduce the potential for inventory shortages in the event that we have higher than anticipated demand or other factors, such as growers electing to plant alternative, higher priced crops, reducing our available seed supply in a particular year. Ownership of and access to intellectual property rights are important to us and our competitors. We sell only our proprietary alfalfa seed varieties that have been specially selected to manifest the traits we deem best suited to particular regions in which our seed is planted for alfalfa hay. Our ability to compete effectively is dependent upon the proprietary nature of the seeds, seedlings, processes, technologies and materials owned by or used by us or our growers. If any competitors independently develop any technologies that substantially equal or surpass our process technology, it will adversely affect our competitive position. In addition to patent protection for some of our alfalfa seed varieties that we acquired from DuPont Pioneer, we guard our proprietary property by exercising a high degree of control over the supply chain. As part of this control process, we require our growers to deliver back to us all seed derived from our proprietary varieties. Historically, we have found that this control mechanism has been an effective means to protect our proprietary seed. However, because we do not have more formal proprietary rights protections in place with our growers, it would be possible for persons with access to our seed or plants grown from our seed to potentially reproduce proprietary seed varieties, which could significantly harm our business and our reputation. In the future, we may deem it appropriate to implement more formal proprietary rights protections. We are also developing proprietary stevia lines for which we have filed two patent applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We expect to file a third patent application in the first half of fiscal 2016, and it is our intention to build a patent portfolio of proprietary stevia lines developed through the efforts of our stevia breeding program. SGI registers its varieties under the Australian Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth) (the "PBR Act"). Currently the varieties SuperSequel, SuperSiriver, SuperAurora, SuperSonic, SuperStar, SuperSiriver II, SuperNova, SuperLadino, SuperHuia and SuperHaifa are protected under the PBR Act. Seed from varieties with plant breeder's rights ("PBR") protection can only be bought from the PBR registrant, commercial partner, licensee or an agent authorized by the registrant. Exceptions exist for use of a PBR variety, including for private and non-commercial purposes, for experimental purposes, and for breeding other plant varieties. PBR protections last for 20 years in Australia in respect of registered plant varieties, and generally for 20 years in other member countries of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants ("UPOV"), an international convention concerning plant breeder's rights. There are currently more than 70 countries that are members of the UPOV. SGI has licensed production and marketing rights of several of its varieties in exchange for royalties. In addition to PBR and licensing arrangements, SGI controls dissemination of its proprietary lines by including a demand right in its form of seed production agreement for the return of unused foundation seed if a grower fails to propagate the seed within 60 days after the grower's acquires it. Competition in the alfalfa seed industry both domestically and internationally is intense. We face direct competition by other seed companies, including small family-owned businesses, as well as subsidiaries or other affiliates of chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, many of which have substantially greater resources than we do. Our principal competitors in our alfalfa seed business are Forage Genetics International (a subsidiary of Land O' Lakes, Inc.), Dairyland Seed Co., Inc. (owned by Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company), Seed Services, Inc. and Pacific International Seed Company, Inc. We believe that the key competitive drivers in the industry are proven performance, customer support in the field and value, which takes into account not simply the price of the seed but also yield in the field. Breeding a new variety of alfalfa seed takes many years and considerable expertise and skill. We believe that our reputation for breeding and producing high-quality proprietary varieties of alfalfa seed that manifest the traits the farmers need provide us with a competitive advantage, not only in the niche market for high salt- and heat-tolerant, non-dormant alfalfa seed, which has been our core business for several decades, but also, with the recent acquisition of the research and development assets of DuPont Pioneer, in the full range of dormant varieties suited for colder climates as well. We believe our research and development capabilities are unmatched in the industry and provide us with a distinct competitive advantage. In addition to our competitors, SGI's principal regional competitors in the proprietary alfalfa seed market are PGG Wrightson Seeds Limited and Heritage Seeds Pty. Ltd. Blue Ribbon Seeds Pty. Ltd., PGG Wrightson, Heritage Seeds, Naracoorte Seeds Pty. Ltd., Seed Distributors Pty. Ltd. and various other minor companies compete with SGI through sales of Siriver, a common alfalfa variety. SGI also faces competition from lower value alfalfa seed produced in the European Union and, to a lesser extent, Argentina. With the exception of Blue Ribbon Seeds, SGI faces similar competitors in its proprietary white clover business. These companies compete with SGI for acres and in sales by selling Haifa, a common white clover variety. Competitively priced white clover is also produced and sold from the European Union and New Zealand. Despite the advantages we perceive we, including SGI, have over many of our competitors, many of our existing and potential competitors have substantially greater research and product development capabilities and financial, marketing and human resources than we do. As a result, these competitors may: succeed in developing products that are equal to or superior to our products or potential products or that achieve greater market acceptance than our products or potential products; devote greater resources to developing, marketing or selling their products; respond more quickly to new or emerging technologies or scientific advances and changes in customer requirements, which could render our products or potential products obsolete or less preferable; obtain patents that block or otherwise inhibit our ability to develop and commercialize potential products we might otherwise develop; withstand price competition more successfully than we can; establish cooperative relationships among themselves or with third parties that enhance their ability to address the needs of our customers or prospective customers; take advantage of acquisition or other opportunities more readily than we can; and control acreage and growers located in zones where GMO seed production is forbidden, thereby lessening the risks of GMO traits contaminating seed produced for overseas markets. We are not aware of any significant domestic or international persons or companies engaged in ongoing stevia breeding activities similar to or that could be considered competitive with our stevia breeding program. Environmental and Regulatory Matters Our agricultural operations are subject to a broad range of evolving environmental laws and regulations. These laws and regulations include the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. These environmental laws and regulations are intended to address concerns related to air quality, storm water discharge and management and disposal of agricultural chemicals relating to seed treatment both for domestic and overseas varieties. We maintain particulate matter air emissions from our milling activities below annual tonnage limits through cyclone air handling systems. We maintain storm water onsite, which eliminates the risk of waterway or tributary contamination. Pesticide and agricultural chemicals are managed by trained individuals, certified and licensed through the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. County agricultural commissioners monitor all seed-treating activity for compliance. Compliance with these laws and related regulations is an ongoing process that is not expected to have a material effect on our capital expenditures, earnings or competitive position. Environmental concerns are, however, inherent in most major agricultural operations, including those conducted by us, and there can be no assurance that the cost of compliance with environmental laws and regulations will not be material. Moreover, it is possible that future developments, such as increasingly strict environmental laws and enforcement policies thereunder, and further restrictions on the use of agricultural chemicals, could result in increased compliance costs. We also are subject to the Federal Seed Act (the "FSA"), which regulates the interstate shipment of agricultural and vegetable seed. The FSA requires that seed shipped in interstate commerce be labeled with information that allows seed buyers to make informed choices and mandates that seed labeling information and advertisements pertaining to seed must be truthful. The FSA also helps promote uniformity among state laws and fair competition within the seed industry. Because, under our existing business plan, we will only be acting as a breeder of stevia leaf and will not be extracting Reb-A or other derivatives from the leaves or adding such derivatives to any food or beverages, we believe that we do not need to apply to the FDA for a GRAS no-objections determination or any other FDA approval. However, should our plans with respect to stevia cultivation and processing expand in future years, we will then reexamine the advisability of seeking a GRAS determination or other FDA approval. We do not believe that our current stevia operations are subject to any special regulatory oversight. Internationally, we are subject to various government laws and regulations (including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar non-U.S. laws and regulations) and local government regulations. To help ensure compliance with these laws and regulations, we have adopted specific risk management and compliance practices and policies, including a specific policy addressing the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. We are also subject to numerous other laws and regulations applicable to businesses operating in California, including, without limitation, health and safety regulations. Our Australian operations are subject to a number of laws that regulate the conduct of business in Australia, and more specifically, SGI's agricultural activities. Laws regulating the operation of companies in Australia, including in particular the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) are central to SGI's corporate actions and corporate governance issues in Australia. Competition laws and laws relating to employment and occupational health and safety matters are also of fundamental importance in the Australian regulatory environment. These include the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) and related regulations. Notably Australian employment laws are much more favorable to the employee than U.S. employment laws. SGI's intellectual property rights in Australia are protected and governed by laws relating to plant breeder's rights, copyright, trademarks, the protection of confidential information, trade secrets and know-how. These include the PBR Act, the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth) and related regulations. Our Australian operations are also subject to a number of environmental laws, regulations and policies, including in particular the Environment Protection Act 1993 (SA), the Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Act 2002 (SA), the Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004 (SA), the Dangerous Substances Act 1979 (SA), the Controlled Substances Act 1984 (SA) and related regulations and policies. These laws regulate matters including air quality, water quality and the use and disposal of agricultural chemicals. As of September 18, 2015, S&W had 64 full-time employees, of which 11 are employed by SGI. We also employ eight part-time employees, of which three are SGI employees. We also retain consultants for specific purposes when the need arises. None of our employees is represented by a labor union. We consider our relations with our employees to be good. From 1980 until 2009, our business was operated as a general partnership. We bought out the former partners beginning in June 2008, incorporated in October 2009 in Delaware, and completed the buyout of the general partners in May 2010. We reincorporated in Nevada in December 2011. SGI, which is our wholly owned subsidiary was incorporated as a limited proprietary corporation in South Australia in 1993, as Harkness Group, changed its name to Seed Genetics Australia Pty Ltd in 2002, and in 2011 changed its name to Seed Genetics International Pty Ltd. Our principal business office is located at 7108 North Fresno Street, Suite 380, Fresno, CA 93720, and our telephone number is (559) 884-2535. Our website address is www.swseedco.com. Information contained on our website or any other website does not constitute part of this Form 10-K. Risks Relating to Our Business and Industry Our earnings can be negatively impacted by declining demand brought on by varying factors, many of which are out of our control. A variety of factors, notably a severe downturn in the domestic dairy industry, could have a negative effect on sales of alfalfa hay, and as a result, the demand for our alfalfa seed in the domestic market. At times, including fiscal 2014, the demand for our seed has also declined in the Middle East as the result of common, uncertified seed flooding the market at lower prices than those at which we were willing to sell our certified seed. In fiscal 2015, many of these factors started to correct themselves, but these circumstances could continue or reoccur, and our earnings could be negatively impacted. In addition, demand for our products could decline because of other supply and quality issues or for any other reason, including products of competitors that might be considered superior by end users. A decline in demand for our products could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Our earnings may also be sensitive to fluctuations in market prices. Market prices for our alfalfa seed can be impacted by factors such as the quality of the seed and the available supply, including whether lower quality, uncertified seed is available. Growing conditions, particularly weather conditions such as windstorms, floods, droughts and freezes, as well as diseases and pests and the adventitious presence of GMO, are primary factors influencing the quality and quantity of the seed and, therefore, the market price at which we can sell our seed to our customers. A decrease in the prices received for our products could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Our earnings are vulnerable to cost increases. Future increase in costs such as the costs of growing seed through growers or by us internally, could cause our margins and earnings to decline unless we are able to pass along the increased price of production to our customers. We may not be able to increase the price of our seed sufficiently to maintain our margins and earnings in the future. Our inventory of seed can be adversely affected by the market price being paid for other crops. Our seed production, both in the U.S. and Australia, substantially relies on unaffiliated growers to grow our proprietary seed and to sell it to us at negotiated prices each year. Growers have a choice of what crops to plant. If a particular crop is paying a materially higher price than has been paid in the past, growers may decide to not grow alfalfa seed in favor of receiving a higher return from an alternative crop planted on the same acreage. If our growers decline to a significant degree to plant the acreage on which we rely, and if we cannot find other growers to plant the lost acreage, our inventory of seed could be insufficient to satisfy the needs of our customers, and our business, results of operations and financial condition could materially decline. In addition, our customers could look to other suppliers for their seed if we cannot satisfy their requirements, and we may not be able to regain them as customers once our inventory levels have returned to normal. Adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, crop disease, pests and other natural conditions can impose significant costs and losses on our business. Alfalfa seed, our primary product, is vulnerable to adverse weather conditions, including windstorms, floods, drought and temperature extremes, which are common but difficult to predict. In addition, alfalfa seed is vulnerable to crop disease and to pests, which may vary in severity and effect, depending on the stage of production at the time of infection or infestation, the type of treatment applied and climatic conditions. Unfavorable growing conditions can reduce both crop size and quality. After the 2015 crop harvest, we will no longer be direct farming our proprietary seed. However, these factors can nevertheless directly impact us by decreasing the quality and yields of our seed and reducing our inventory and the supply of seed we sell to our customers. These factors can increase costs, decrease revenue and lead to additional charges to earnings, which may have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Because our alfalfa seed business is highly seasonal, our revenue, cash flows from operations and operating results may fluctuate on a seasonal and quarterly basis. We expect that the majority of our revenues will continue to be generated from our alfalfa seed business. Our alfalfa seed business is highly seasonal, with the highest concentration of sales occurring during the third and fourth fiscal quarters. The seasonal nature of our operations results in significant fluctuations in our working capital during the growing and selling cycles. We have experienced, and expect to continue to experience, significant variability in net sales, operating cash flows and net income on a quarterly basis. We have had a material concentration of revenue from a small group of customers that fluctuates, and the loss of any of these customers in any quarter could have a material adverse effect on our revenue. On a historical basis, we have experienced a material concentration of revenue from a small group of customers. This concentration fluctuates from quarter to quarter, depending on our customer's specific requirements, which are themselves cyclical. However, in any particular quarter, we generally have a small group of customers that accounts for a substantial portion of that quarter's revenue. Most of these customers are not contractually obligated to purchase seed from us. The loss of one or more of these customers on a quarterly basis, when taken year over year, could have a material adverse impact on our business, financial position, results of operations and operating cash flows. We could also suffer a material adverse effect from any losses arising from a major customer's disputes regarding shipments, product quality or related matters, or from our inability to collect accounts receivable from any major customer. There are no assurances that we will be able to maintain our current customer relationships or that they will continue to purchase our seed in the current projected quantities. Any failure to do so may materially adversely impact our business. Because we depend on a core group of significant customers, our sales, cash flows from operations and results of operations may be negatively affected if our key customers reduce the amount of products they purchase from us. We rely upon a small group of customers for a large percentage of our net revenue. Overall, two customers accounted for 49% of our fiscal 2015 revenue. We expect that a small number of customers will continue to account for a substantial portion of our net revenue for the foreseeable future. The loss of, or a significant adverse change in, our relationship with these customers, or any other major customer, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial position, results of operations and operating cash flows. The loss of, or a reduction in orders from, any significant customers, losses arising from customers' disputes regarding shipments, product quality, or related matters, or our inability to collect accounts receivable from any major customer could have a material adverse effect on us. There is no assurance that we will be able to maintain the relationships with our major customers or that they will continue to purchase our seed in the quantities that we expect and rely upon. If we cannot do so, our results of operations could suffer. Because we do not grow most of the alfalfa seed that we sell, we are substantially dependent on our network of growers, and our sales, cash flows from operations and results of operations may be negatively affected if we are unable to maintain an adequate network of contract growers to supply our seed requirements. After completion of the fall 2015 harvest, we no longer will be growing any of the alfalfa seed that we sell, and therefore, we are entirely dependent upon our network of growers. While we have some supply contracts with our growers of two or three years, many of our grower contracts cover only one year, which makes us particularly vulnerable to factors beyond our control. Events such as a shift in pricing caused by an increase in the value of commodity crops other than seed crops, increase in land prices, unexpected competition or reduced water availability could disrupt our supply chain. Any of these disruptions could limit the supply of seed that we obtain in any given year, adversely affecting supply and thereby lowering revenues. Such disruption could also damage our customer relationships and loyalty to us if we cannot supply the quantity of seed expected by them. In particular, we have had some of our California growers decide to not grow alfalfa seed due to drought conditions. This situation could reoccur and could negatively impact our revenues if we do not otherwise have sufficient seed inventory available for sale. SGI relies on a pool of approximately 150 Australian growers to produce its proprietary seeds. Each grower arrangement is typically made for a term of seven to ten harvests. Although SGI's grower pool is diversified, it is not without risks. Adverse agronomic or climatic factors could lead to grower exodus and negatively impact SGI's revenues if SGI does not otherwise have sufficient seed inventory available for sale. A lack of availability of water in the U.S. or Australia could impact our business. Adequate quantities and correct timing of the application of water are vital for most agriculture to thrive. Whether particular farms are experiencing water shortages depends, in large part, on their location. However, continuing drought conditions can threaten all farmland other than those properties with their own water sources. Although alfalfa seed is not a water-intensive crop, the availability or the cost of water is a factor in the planting of the alfalfa hay grown from our seed, and we have experienced a decline in the willingness of some California farmers to grow alfalfa seed as a result of the ongoing severe California drought conditions. Moreover, if the dairy farmers and others who purchase our alfalfa seed to grow hay cannot get an adequate supply of water, or if the cost of water makes it uneconomical for the farmers to grow alfalfa, we may not be able to sell our seed, which could have an adverse impact on our results of operations. We cannot predict if water shortages will impact our business in the future, but if alfalfa hay growers are impacted by water shortages, our business could also materially decline. We face intense competition, and our inability to compete effectively for any reason could adversely affect our business. The alfalfa seed market is highly competitive, and our products face competition from a number of small seed companies, as well as large agricultural and biotechnology companies. We compete primarily on the basis of consistency of product quality and traits, product availability, customer service and price. Many of our competitors are, or are affiliated with, large diversified companies that have substantially greater marketing and financial resources than we have. These resources give our competitors greater operating flexibility that, in certain cases, may permit them to respond better or more quickly to changes in the industry or to introduce new products more quickly and with greater marketing support. Increased competition could result in lower profit margins, substantial pricing pressure, reduced market share and lower operating cash flows. Price competition, together with other forms of competition, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial position, results of operations and operating cash flows. If we are unable to estimate our customers' future needs accurately and to match our production to the demand of our customers, our business, financial condition and results of operations may be adversely affected. We sell our seed primarily to dealers and distributors who, in turn, sell primarily to hay and dairy farmers who grow hay for dairy cattle and other livestock. Due to the nature of the alfalfa seed industry, we normally produce seed according to our production plan before we sell and deliver seed to distributors and dealers. Our dealers and distributors generally make purchasing decisions for our products based on market prices, economic and weather conditions and other factors that we and our dealers and distributors may not be able to anticipate accurately in advance. If we fail to accurately estimate the volume and types of products sought by the end users and otherwise adequately manage production amounts, we may produce more seed than our dealers and distributors want, resulting in excess inventory levels. On the other hand, if we underestimate demand, which has happened in the past, we may not be able to satisfy our dealers and distributors' demand for alfalfa seed, and thus damage our customer relations and end-user loyalty. Our failure to estimate end users' future needs and to match our production to the demand of our customers may adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. Our third-party distributors may not effectively distribute our products. We depend in part on third-party distributors and strategic relationships for the marketing and selling of our products. We depend on these distributors' efforts to market our products, yet we are unable to control their efforts completely. In addition, we are unable to ensure that our distributors comply with all applicable laws regarding the sale of our products, including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 78dd-1, et seq. If our distributors fail to effectively market and sell our products, and in full compliance with applicable laws, our operating results and business may suffer. We extend credit to our largest international customer and to certain of our other international customers, which exposes us to the difficulties of collecting our receivables in foreign jurisdictions if those customers fail to pay us. Although payment terms for our seed sales generally are 90 to120 days, we regularly extend credit to our largest international customer, Sorouh Agricultural Company, and to other international customers. Sales of our alfalfa seed varieties to Sorouh and to other international customers represented a material portion of our revenue in fiscal 2015 and that we will continue to extend credit in connection with those sales. Because these customers are located in foreign countries, collection efforts, were they to become necessary, could be much more difficult and expensive. Moreover, future political and/or economic factors, as well as future unanticipated trade regulations, could negatively impact our ability to timely collect outstanding receivables from these important customers. The extension of credit to our international customers exposes us to the risk that our seed will be delivered but that we may not receive all or a portion of the payment therefor. If these customers are unable or unwilling to fully pay for the seed they purchase on credit, our results of operations and financial condition could be materially negatively impacted. Moreover, our internal forecasts on which we make business decisions throughout the year could be severely compromised, which could, in turn, mean that we spend capital for operations, investment or otherwise that we would not have spent had we been aware that the customer would not honor its credit extension obligation. Our current reliance on the seed development and production business does not permit us to spread our business risks among different business segments, and thus a disruption in our seed production or the industry would harm us more immediately and directly than if we were diversified. We currently operate mainly in the alfalfa seed business, and we do not expect this to change materially in the foreseeable future. Without business line diversity, we will not be able to spread the risk of our operations. Therefore, our business opportunities, revenue and income could be more immediately and directly affected by disruptions from such things as drought and disease or widespread problems affecting the alfalfa industry, payment disruptions and customer rejection of our varieties of alfalfa seed. If there is a disruption as described above, our revenue and income could be reduced, and our business operations might have to be scaled back. If we fail to introduce and commercialize new alfalfa seed varieties, we may not be able to maintain market share, and our future sales may be harmed. The performance of our new alfalfa seed varieties may not meet our customers' expectations, or we may not be able to introduce and commercialize specific seed varieties. Reorder rates are uncertain due to several factors, many of which are beyond our control. These include changing customer preferences, which could be further complicated by competitive price pressures, our failure to develop new products to meet the evolving demands of the end users, the development of higher-demand products by our competitors and general economic conditions. The process for new products to gain market recognition and acceptance is long and has uncertainties. If we fail to introduce and commercialize a new seed variety that meets the demand of the end user, if our competitors develop products that are favored by the end users, or if we are unable to produce our existing products in sufficient quantities, our growth prospects may be materially and adversely affected, and our revenue may decline. In addition, sales of our new products could replace sales of some of our current similar products, offsetting the benefit of even a successful product introduction. The presence of GMO alfalfa in Australia or California could impact our sales. GMO crops currently are prohibited in most of the international markets in which our proprietary seed is currently sold, and there are regions in the United States, including the Pacific Northwest, where even small quantities of GMO material inadvertently interspersed with conventional seed make the seed undesirable, which causes customers to look elsewhere for their alfalfa seed requirements. The greater the use of GMO seed in California and other alfalfa seed growing regions, the greater the risk that the adventitious presence of GMO material in our seed production will occur due to pollination from hay fields or other seed fields. We regularly test for the adventitious presence of GMO in our conventional seed, and we have seen a slight increase in the percentage of GMO material over the past several years. Our seed containing GMO material can only be sold domestically or in other jurisdictions that permit the importation of GMO alfalfa. If we are unable to isolate our conventional (non-GMO) seed from inadvertently being contaminated by GMO seed, we may find it more difficult to sell that seed in our key markets, which could materially adversely impact our revenue over time. The stevia market may not develop as we anticipate, and therefore our continued research and development activities with respect to stevia may never become profitable to us. There are a number of challenges to market acceptance of stevia as a natural, non-caloric sweetener. Stevia has its own unique flavor, which can affect the taste of some foods and beverages. A common complaint about stevia is that some of its extracts and derivatives have a bitter aftertaste, and its taste does not uniformly correspond to all regional taste preferences or combine well with some food flavors. Other factors that could impact market acceptance include the price structure compared to other sugar substitutes and availability. If the high-intensity, non-caloric sweetener market declines or if stevia fails to achieve substantially greater market acceptance than it currently enjoys, we might not ever be able to profit from our continued research and development activities relating to stevia or any commercial applications that we derive therefrom. Even if products conform to applicable safety and quality standards, sales could be adversely affected if consumers in target markets lose confidence in the safety, efficacy and quality of stevia. Adverse publicity about stevia or stevia-based products may discourage consumers from buying products that contain stevia. Any of these developments could adversely impact the future amount of dry leaf stevia, processed stevia leaves or extract we are able to sell, which could adversely impact our results of operations. If we are unable to acquire sufficient raw materials or produce sufficient finished product, we will not be able to meet the demands of our customers. We must acquire sufficient alfalfa seed to meet the demands of our customers. An alfalfa seed shortage could result in loss of sales and damage to our reputation. Because we no longer grow any of our seed ourselves, our proprietary seed is only available from our contract growers. Therefore, if our growers become unable or unwilling to produce the required commercial quantities of alfalfa seed on a timely basis and at commercially reasonable prices, we will likely be unable to meet customer demand. The failure to satisfy our customers not only could adversely impact our financial results but could irreparably harm our reputation. The loss of key employees or the failure to attract qualified personnel could have a material adverse effect on our ability to run our business. The loss of any of our current executives, key employees or key advisors, or the failure to attract, integrate, motivate and retain additional key employees, could have a material adverse effect on our business. Although we have employment agreements with our Chief Executive Officer, our Chief Financial Officer and our Chief Operating Officer, as well as certain other employees, any employee could leave our employ at any time if he chose to do so. We do not carry "key person" insurance on the lives of any of our management team. As we develop additional capabilities, we may require more skilled personnel who must be highly skilled and have a sound understanding of our industry, business or processing requirements. Recruiting skilled personnel is highly competitive. Although to date we have been successful in recruiting and retaining qualified personnel, there can be no assurance that we will continue to attract and retain the personnel needed for our business. The failure to attract or retain qualified personnel could have a material adverse effect on our business. We may not be able to manage expansion of our operations effectively. We expect our operations to grow rapidly in the near future, both as we expand our historical alfalfa seed business both domestically and internationally through internal grown and synergistic acquisitions and increase our growers' production. We currently face these challenges in connection with the integration of the business operations we acquired from Pioneer, which expanded our operations into five states and three Canadian provinces. These efforts will require the addition of employees, expansion of facilities and greater oversight, perhaps in diverse locations. If we are unable to manage our growth effectively, we may not be able to take advantage of market opportunities, execute on our business strategies or respond to competitive pressures, and we may have difficulties maintaining and updating the internal procedures and the controls necessary to meet the planned expansion of our overall business. Our management will also be required to maintain and expand our relationships with customers, suppliers and third parties as well as attract new customers and suppliers. We expect that our sales and marketing costs will increase as we grow our product lines and as we increase our sales efforts in new and existing markets. Our current and planned operations, personnel, systems and internal procedures and controls may not be adequate to support our future growth. We may be unable to successfully integrate the businesses we have recently acquired and may acquire in the future with our current management and structure. As part of our growth strategy, we may acquire additional businesses, product lines or other assets. We may not be able to locate or make suitable acquisitions on acceptable terms, and future acquisitions may not be effectively and profitably integrated into our business. Our failure to successfully complete the integration of the businesses we acquire could have an adverse effect on our prospects, business activities, cash flow, financial condition, results of operations and stock price. Integration challenges may include the following: assimilating the acquired operations products and personnel with our existing operations, products and personnel; estimating the capital, personnel and equipment required for the acquired businesses based on the historical experience of management with the businesses they are familiar with; minimizing potential adverse effects on existing business relationships with other suppliers and customers; developing and marketing the new products and services; entering markets in which we have limited or no prior experience; and coordinating our efforts throughout various distant localities and time zones. The diversion of management's attention and costs associated with acquisitions may have a negative impact on our business. If management's attention is diverted from the management of our existing businesses as a result of its efforts in evaluating and negotiating new acquisitions and strategic transactions, the prospects, business activities, cash flow, financial condition and results of operations of our existing businesses may suffer. We also may incur unanticipated costs in connection with pursuing acquisitions and strategic transactions. SGI's grower pool is dependent on a limited number of milling facilities to process its seed, with particular dependence on a dominant operator whose commercial interests may be adverse to SGI. Only five milling facilities are regularly used by SGI's grower pool to clean and process SGI seed. Should one or more of these facilities become unusable, there could be a significant effect on SGI's ability to get its Australian seed to market in a timely manner or at all. SGI's growers use Tatiara Seeds Pty Ltd ("Tatiara") to process approximately 70% of seed grown for SGI. The owner of Tatiara has begun to sell his own common seed and is now a competitor of SGI. This competing seed business creates a potential conflict of interest for Tatiara in the care and handling of SGI's product. SGI is thinly capitalized and may become dependent upon us for financing. Because SGI has relatively little net working capital, it is substantially dependent upon its credit arrangement with NAB to purchase its seed inventory. SGI has breached debt covenants relating to this credit arrangement in the past, and if future breaches of this credit arrangement or other reasons cause this credit arrangement to become unavailable to SGI, SGI may become reliant on us to finance its operations or for financial guarantees. We currently are a guarantor on SGI's NAB credit facility. SGI's financial dependency upon us could have a negative adverse effect upon our financial condition. SGI is dependent on a pool of seed growers and a favorable pricing model. SGI relies on a pool of approximately 150 Australian contract growers to produce its proprietary seeds. In this system, growers contract with SGI to grow SGI's seed for terms of seven to ten years in the case of alfalfa and two to three years for white clover. SGI uses a staggered payment system with the growers of its alfalfa and white clover; the payment amounts are based upon an estimated budget price, or EBP, for compliant seed. EBP is a forecast of the final price that SGI believes will be achieved taking into account prevailing and predicted market conditions at the time the estimate is made. Following the grower's delivery of uncleaned seed to a milling facility, SGI typically pays 40% of the EBP to the grower based on pre-cleaning weight. Following this initial payment and prior to the final payment, SGI will make a series of scheduled progress payments and, if applicable, a bonus payment for "first grade" alfalfa seed. The final price payable to each grower (and therefore the total price) is dependent upon and subject to adjustment based upon the clean weight of the seed grown, on the average price at which SGI sells the pooled seed and other costs incurred by SGI. Accordingly, the total price paid by SGI to its growers may be more or less than EBP. This arrangement exposes SGI's business to unique risks, including, the potential for current growers to make collective demands that are unfavorable to SGI and the potential for our competitors to offer more favorable terms for seed production, including fixed (instead of variable) payment terms. SGI's reliance upon an estimated purchase price to growers could result in changes in estimates in our consolidated financial statements. Our subsidiary SGI does not fix the final price for seed payable to its growers until the completion of a given year's sales cycle, pursuant to the standard contract production agreement. We record an estimated unit price and accordingly inventory, cost of goods sold and gross profits are based upon management's best estimate of the final purchase price to our SGI growers. To the extent the estimated purchase price varies from the final purchase price for seed, the adjustment to actual could materially impact the results in the period when the difference between estimates and actuals are identified. If the actual purchase price is in excess of our estimated purchase price, this would negatively impact our financial results including a reduction in gross profits and net income. The value of SGI's rights under the Australian Plant Breeder's Rights (PBR) Act could diminish due to technological developments or challenges by competitors, making its proprietary alfalfa seed varieties less competitive. SGI is substantially dependent upon the PBR Act for the protection of its proprietary varieties. Currently, SGI's SuperSiriver, SuperSequel, SuperAurora, SuperHaifa, SuperLadino, SuperHuia, SuperSonic, SuperStar, SuperSiriver II and SuperNova varieties are protected under the PBR Act. If any competitors of SGI independently develop new seeds that customers or end users determine are better than SGI's existing varieties, such developments could adversely affect SGI's competitive position. We may need to raise additional capital in the future. We may find it necessary or advisable to raise additional capital in the future, whether to enhance our working capital, fund acquisitions or for other reasons. If we are required or desire to raise additional capital in the future, such additional financing may not be available on favorable terms, or available at all, may be dilutive to our existing stockholders if in the form of equity financing, or contain restrictions on the operation of our business if in the form of debt financing. If we fail to obtain additional capital as and when required, such failure could have a material impact on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Changes in government policies and laws could adversely affect international sales and therefore our financial results. Historically, sales to our distributors who sell our proprietary alfalfa seed varieties outside the U.S. have constituted a substantial portion of our annual revenue. We anticipate that sales into international markets will continue to represent a meaningful portion of our total sales and that continued growth and profitability will require further international expansion, particularly in the Middle East and Africa. Our financial results could be affected by changes in trade, monetary and fiscal policies, laws and regulations, or other activities of U.S. and non-U.S. governments, agencies and similar organizations. These conditions include but are not limited to changes in a country's or region's economic or political conditions, trade regulations affecting production, pricing and marketing of products, local labor conditions and regulations, reduced protection of intellectual property rights in some countries, changes in the regulatory or legal environment, burdensome taxes and tariffs and other trade barriers. International risks and uncertainties, including changing social and economic conditions as well as terrorism, political hostilities and war, could lead to reduced distribution of our products into international markets and reduced profitability associated with such sales. We are subject to risks associated with doing business globally. Our operations, both inside and outside the United States, are subject to risks inherent in conducting business globally and under the laws, regulations and customs of various jurisdictions and geographies. Although we sell seed to various regions of the world, a large percentage of our sales outside the United States in fiscal year 2015, including those of SGI, were principally to customers in the Middle East, North Africa and Mexico. Accordingly, developments in those parts of the world generally have a more significant effect on our operations than developments in other places. Our operations outside the United States are subject to special risks and restrictions, including: fluctuations in currency values and foreign-currency exchange rates; exchange control regulations; changes in local political or economic conditions; governmental pricing directives; import and trade restrictions; import or export licensing requirements and trade policy; restrictions on the ability to repatriate funds; and other potentially detrimental domestic and foreign governmental practices or policies affecting U.S. companies doing business abroad, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the trade sanctions laws and regulations administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. Acts of terror or war may impair our ability to operate in particular countries or regions, and may impede the flow of goods and services between countries. Customers in weakened economies may be unable to purchase our products, or it could become more expensive for them to purchase imported products in their local currency, or sell their commodity at prevailing international prices, and we may be unable to collect receivables from such customers. Further, changes in exchange rates may affect our net income, the book value of our assets outside the United States, and our stockholders' equity. Failure to comply with the laws and regulations that affect our global operations could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. Failure to comply with the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or similar laws could subject us to penalties and other adverse consequences. We are subject to the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which generally prohibits United States companies, including their suppliers, distributors and other commercial partners, from engaging in bribery or other prohibited payments to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. Corruption, extortion, bribery, pay-offs, theft and other fraudulent practices occur from time-to-time in the countries in which we distribute products. We have adopted formal policies and procedures designed to facilitate compliance with these laws. If our employees or other agents, including our distributors or suppliers, are found to have engaged in such practices, we could suffer severe penalties and other consequences that may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Environmental regulation affecting our alfalfa seed or stevia products could negatively impact our business. As an agricultural company, we are subject to evolving environmental laws and regulations by federal and state governments. Federal laws and regulations include the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, the Federal Seed Act, and potentially regulations of the FDA. In addition, the State of California regulates our application of agricultural chemicals in connection with seed harvest. Our failure to comply with these laws and related regulations could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. Moreover, it is possible that future developments, such as increasingly strict environmental laws and enforcement policies thereunder, and further restrictions on the use of agricultural chemicals, could result in increased compliance costs which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. Insurance covering defective seed claims may become unavailable or be inadequate. Defective seed could result in insurance claims and negative publicity. Although we carry general liability insurance to cover defective seed claims, such coverage may become unavailable or be inadequate. Even if coverage is offered, it may be at a price and on terms not acceptable to us. If claims exceed coverage limits, or if insurance is not available to us, the occurrence of significant claims could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. We may be exposed to product quality claims, which may cause us to incur substantial legal expenses and, if determined adversely against us, may cause us to pay significant damage awards. We may be subject to legal proceedings and claims from time to time relating to our seed or dried stevia leaf quality. The defense of these proceedings and claims can be both costly and time consuming and may significantly divert efforts and resources of our management personnel. An adverse determination in any such proceeding could subject us to significant liability and damage our market reputation and prevent us from achieving increased sales and market share. Protracted litigation could also result in our customers or potential customers deferring or limiting their purchase of our products. The recent global economic downturn has significantly impacted the agricultural industry which in turn has negatively affected our business. The global economic downturn of the past several years has significantly impacted the agricultural industry, with many farmers losing their farms or laying fallow their fields, as well as other negative impacts. The full effect of this global economic downturn on growers, customers, vendors and other business partners cannot be known with any certainty. For example, major customers may have financial challenges unrelated to us that could result in a decrease in their business with us or, in extreme cases, cause them to file for bankruptcy protection. Similarly, parties to contracts may be forced to breach their obligations. Although we exercise prudent oversight of the financial strength of our major business partners and seek to diversify our risk to any single business partner, there can be no assurance that a significant grower, customer or other business partner that may be unable to meet its contractual commitments to us. Similarly, continued stresses and pressures that could have wide-ranging negative effects on our industry's future. Capital and credit market issues could negatively affect our liquidity, increase our costs of borrowing and disrupt the operations of our growers and customers. The capital and credit markets have experienced increased volatility and disruption over the past several years, making it more difficult for companies to access those markets. Although we believe that our operating cash flows, recent access to the capital market and our lines of credit will permit us to meet our financing needs for the foreseeable future, continued or increased volatility and disruption in the capital and credit markets may impair our liquidity or increase our costs of borrowing, if we need to access the credit market. Our business could also be negatively impacted if our growers or customers experience disruptions resulting from tighter capital and credit markets or a continued slowdown in the general economy. If we are unable to protect our intellectual property rights, our business and prospects may be harmed. Our ability to compete effectively is dependent upon the proprietary nature of the seeds, seedlings, processes, technologies and materials owned by or used by us or our growers. If any competitors independently develop new traits, seeds, seedlings, processes or technologies that customers or end users determine are better than our existing products, such developments could adversely affect our competitive position. In addition to patent protection for some of our alfalfa seed varieties that we acquired from DuPont Pioneer, we guard our proprietary property by exercising a high degree of control over the alfalfa seed supply chain from our S&W varieties, as well as over our stevia material. In Australia, SGI has secured protection under the PBR Act for its most popular varieties. However, even with these measures in place, it would be possible for persons with access to our seed or plants grown from our seed to reproduce and market our proprietary seed varieties, which could significantly harm our business and our reputation. Litigation may be necessary to protect our proprietary property and determine the validity and scope of the proprietary rights of competitors. Intellectual property litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of our management and other resources. If we are unable to successfully protect our intellectual property rights, our competitors could market products that compete with our proprietary products without obtaining a license from us. We currently depend on Pioneer for substantially all of our sales of dormant alfalfa seed and have agreed to limitations on other sales of the seed varieties we sell to Pioneer. Any decline in Pioneer's demand will have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. Our distribution agreement with Pioneer limits our ability to otherwise sell the specific varieties of dormant alfalfa seed we supply to Pioneer in the sales territory covered by Pioneer. The Pioneer sales territory includes the United States, Europe and many other of the principal dormant alfalfa seed markets. In these markets, our ability to sell the specified varieties through distribution channels other than Pioneer is limited to certain blended, private label and variety not stated forms and cannot exceed a specified percentage of Pioneer's demand. As result of these limitations, sales to Pioneer represent and for the foreseeable future will continue to represent the vast majority of all of our sales of dormant alfalfa seed. Any decline in Pioneer's demand for our dormant alfalfa seed products will have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. Pioneer may purchase alfalfa seed from other sources and reduce their purchase commitments to us. Under our distribution agreement with Pioneer, Pioneer has made minimum purchase commitments for our dormant alfalfa seed products that extend through September 30, 2024. However, there are circumstances under which Pioneer's is permitted to purchase seed from other sources and reduce its purchase commitments to us, including: Production Shortfalls. If in any year we fail to produce an adequate supply of alfalfa seed to meet Pioneer's demand and we are unable to source alternative supply, Pioneer may purchase seed from third parties to meet the shortfall in our production. New Products. If a third party offers for license a new product (a new transgenic and/or native trait for dormant alfalfa seed) that offers a superior value pricing opportunity compared to varieties we offer and Pioneer wishes to sell the new product, then we would have a one-year period to obtain rights to produce and sell the new product to Pioneer. If we fail to obtain rights to the new product within the one-year period or otherwise don't offer the new product on substantially the same terms as offered by a third party, then Pioneer would be free to purchase the new product from the third party and Pioneer's minimum purchase commitment to us would be reduced by the amount of the new product purchased. GMO-Traited Varieties. Unless and until we complete the transactions contemplated under our second asset purchase agreement with Pioneer. Pioneer may purchase certain GMO-traited varieties of alfalfa seed from third parties. See "Risk Factors-If we do not complete the acquisition under our second asset purchase agreement, Pioneer may pursue alternative production arrangements for its GMO-traited varieties and reduce purchases from us." Any reduction in Pioneer's purchase commitment to us will have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. We are committed to sell dormant alfalfa seed to Pioneer at initial fixed prices with fixed subsequent maximum price increases per year. Increases in our costs of production at rates higher than our contractual ability to increase prices would erode our profit margins and have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. Under our distribution agreement with Pioneer, we are committed to sell dormant alfalfa seed at initial fixed prices for the 2015 and 2016 sales years. In subsequent sales years, we can increase our prices up to a fixed percentage per year by variety. Although Pioneer has agreed to discuss in good faith an increase in the fixed maximum percentage price increase cap for any sales year in which an increase in grower compensation costs due to changes in market conditions cause our total production costs to increase at a percentage exceeding the amount of the cap, we cannot be certain that any such discussions will result in additional pricing flexibility for us. If our grower compensation costs or other productions costs increase at a rate greater than the fixed maximum percentage increase per year, our profit margins would erode and we could potentially be required to sell product at a loss. Any such change in our cost structure would have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. If we do not complete the acquisition under the second asset purchase agreement, Pioneer may pursue alternative production arrangements for its GMO-traited varieties and reduce purchases from us. We are currently producing certain GMO-traited varieties for Pioneer under our production agreement with Pioneer. The production agreement expires on December 31, 2017 or upon the earlier closing of our acquisition of certain GMO germplasm and related assets from Pioneer pursuant to a second asset purchase agreement. However, we may never enter into the second asset purchase agreement or close the acquisition of Pioneer's GMO germplasm and related assets. If Pioneer and we do not obtain certain third-party consents and agreements on or before November 30, 2017 (or certain other conditions above are not satisfied), then the obligations of the parties to enter into the second asset purchase agreement will terminate and we will have no right or obligation to acquire the GMO germplasm and related assets. In that case, our production agreement with Pioneer (relating to GMO-traited varieties) would terminate on December 31, 2017, Pioneer would be free to pursue alternative production arrangements for the GMO-traited varieties, and Pioneer's minimum purchase commitments to us under the distribution agreement would be materially reduced. If we fail to perform our obligations under our distribution agreement and production agreement with Pioneer, Pioneer could terminate the agreements and reduce or eliminate purchases of alfalfa seed from us, and we could be exposed to claims for damages. The distribution agreement and the production agreement impose numerous obligations on us relating to, among other things, product and service quality and compliance with laws and third party obligations. Both the distribution agreement and the production agreement permit Pioneer to terminate the agreement if we materially breach the agreement and fail to cure the breach within a 60-day notice period, or in the case of certain bankruptcy or insolvency events. Pioneer can also immediately terminate the production agreement if we breach certain agreements or policies with third parties related to the production of GMO-traited varieties. If Pioneer terminates either the distribution agreement or the production agreement, Pioneer could reduce or eliminate altogether its purchase of alfalfa seed from us, and we could be left with inventory of seed that it would be difficult or impossible for us to dispose of on commercially reasonable terms. In addition, we could be exposed to significant claims for damages to Pioneer if the termination of an agreement results from our material breach of the agreement. If we do not meet seed planting and production commitments to Pioneer, we could incur significant financial penalties. Under our distribution agreement with Pioneer, if we fail to plant sufficient acreage (based on historical yields), together with any carryover inventory, to meet 110% of Pioneer's demand and we actually fail to meet Pioneer's demand, then we are obligated to pay Pioneer a cash penalty based on the amount of the shortfall. A similar penalty provision applies only with respect to 2017 under our Production Agreement with Pioneer, if we fail to plant or cause to be planted a specified number of planting acres. We contract all of our production of dormant alfalfa seed with third-party growers. If, in any year, we are unable to obtain sufficient grower commitments to meet Pioneer's demand, we could be obligated to pay significant financial penalties to Pioneer. Risks Related to Investment in Our Securities The value of our common stock can be volatile. Our common stock are listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market. The overall market and the price of our common stock can fluctuate greatly. The trading price of our common stock may be significantly affected by various factors, including but not limited to: economic status and trends in the dairy industry, which underlies domestic demand for our alfalfa seed; market conditions for alfalfa seed in the Middle East and Africa, where a substantial amount of our seed historically has been purchased by end users; quarterly fluctuations in our operating results; our ability to meet the earnings estimates and other performance expectations of investors or financial analysts; fluctuations in the stock prices of our peer companies or in stock markets in general; and general economic or political conditions. Our quarter-to-quarter performance may vary substantially, and this variance, as well as general market conditions, may cause the price of our securities to fluctuate greatly and potentially expose us to litigation. Our alfalfa seed business, our primary source of revenue, is highly seasonal because it is tied to the growing and harvesting seasons. If sales in particular quarters are lower than expected, our operating results for these quarters could cause our share price to decline. Our future expense estimates are based, in large part, on estimates of future revenue, which is difficult to predict. We expect to continue to make significant expenditures in order to expand production, sales, marketing and administrative systems and processes. We may be unable to, or may elect not to, adjust spending quickly enough to offset any unexpected revenue shortfall. If our increased expenses are not accompanied by increased revenue in the same quarter, our quarterly operating results would be harmed. In one or more future quarters, our results of operations may fall below the expectations of investors or analysts, and the trading price of our securities may decline as a consequence. We believe that quarter-to-quarter comparisons of our operating results will not be a good indication of our future performance and should not be relied upon to predict the future performance of our stock price. In the past, companies that have experienced volatility in the market price of their stock have often been subject to securities class action litigation. We may be the target of this type of litigation in the future. Securities litigation against us could result in substantial costs and divert our management's attention from other business concerns, which could seriously harm our business. If we issue shares of preferred stock, the holdings of those owning our common stock could be diluted or subordinated to the rights of the holders of preferred stock. Our board of directors is authorized by our articles of incorporation to establish classes or series of preferred stock and fix the designation, powers, preferences and rights of the shares of each such class or series without any further vote or action by our stockholders. Any shares of preferred stock so issued could have priority over our common stock with respect to dividend or liquidation rights. Although we have no plans to issue any shares of preferred stock or to adopt any new series, preferences or other classification of preferred stock, any such action by our board of directors or issuance of preferred stock by us could dilute your investment in our securities or subordinate your holdings to the higher priority rights of the holders of shares of preferred stock issued in the future. Our actual operating results may differ significantly from our guidance. We routinely release guidance in our quarterly earnings releases, our quarterly earnings conference calls and in other forums we consider appropriate. Such guidance regarding our future performance represents our management's estimates as of the date of release or other communication. This guidance, which includes forward-looking statements, is based on projections prepared by our management. These projections are not prepared with a view toward compliance with published guidelines of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and neither our registered public accountants nor any other independent expert or outside party compiles or examines the projections, and accordingly, no such person expresses any opinion or any other form of assurance with respect thereto. Projections are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while presented with numerical specificity, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control and are based upon specific assumptions with respect to future business decisions, some of which will change. If we issue guidance, we will generally state possible outcomes as high and low ranges that are intended to provide a sensitivity analysis as variables are changed but are not intended to represent that actual results could not fall outside of the suggested ranges. The principal reason that we would release guidance would be to provide a basis for our management to discuss our business outlook with analysts and investors. We do not accept any responsibility for any projections or reports published by any such persons. Guidance is necessarily speculative in nature, and it can be expected that some or all of the assumptions of the guidance furnished by us will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results. Accordingly, our guidance, when given, is only an estimate of what management believes is realizable as of the date of release or other communication. Actual results will vary from our guidance, and the variations may be material. In light of the foregoing, investors are urged not to rely upon, or otherwise consider, our guidance in making an investment decision about our securities. We do not anticipate declaring any cash dividends on our common stock. We have never declared or paid cash dividends on our common stock and do not plan to pay any cash dividends in the near future. Our current policy is to retain all funds and any earnings for use in the operation and expansion of our business. If we do not pay cash dividends, our stock may be less valuable to investors because a return on their investment will only occur if our stock price appreciates. Anti-takeover provisions and our right to issue preferred stock could make a third-party acquisition of us difficult. Our articles of incorporation and bylaws contain provisions that would make it more difficult for a third party to acquire control of us, including a provision that our board of directors may issue preferred stock without stockholder approval. In addition, certain anti-takeover provisions of Nevada law, if and when applicable, could make it more difficult for a third party to acquire control of us, even if such change in control would be beneficial to our stockholders. Risks Relating to the Private Placement of Debentures and Warrants On December 31, 2014, we issued an aggregate of $27,000,000 in principal amount of 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures and common stock purchase warrants for the purchase of up to 2,699,999 shares of our common stock. The following are identified risks that are specifically associated with the issuance of these securities. If the price adjustment provision of the Debentures and Warrants and/or the weighted average dilution provision of the Warrants is triggered, there would be a decrease in conversion and/or exercise prices. Although the initial conversion price of the Debentures and the initial exercise price of the Warrants is $5.00, which was a premium to the price on closing of $4.00, both securities contain provisions that could adjust downward the respective conversion and exercise prices. Both securities contain a ratchet provision under which the conversion and exercise prices could be adjusted to as low as $4.15 (subject to adjustment for stock splits and similar events) if, on September 30, 2015, our stock price is below the then-conversion/exercise price. The adjusted conversion and exercises prices, if applicable, will be based on a formula specified in the securities based on the lowest 10 day average VWAP of our common stock over a 20-day lookback period. If the price adjusts, we could be required to issue a greater number of shares pursuant to the Debentures and could ultimately raise less money upon exercise of the warrants. In addition, the Warrant also contains a weighted average price protection provision that is operable for the first three years of the term of the Warrants. Our stockholders will have a reduced ownership and voting interest after issuance of the shares issuable upon conversion of the Debentures and exercise of the Warrants and may exercise less influence over management. In the event the holders of the Debentures and Warrants elect to exercise their conversion and/or exercise rights pursuant to these securities during the remainder of the term thereof, and, without taking into account any adjustment to the conversion price of the Debentures, an aggregate of 3,655,172 shares of our common stock could be issued upon conversion and exercise of the securities, based on a remaining $18,275,862 in principal amount of the Debentures at September 23, 2015. Based on the current number of shares outstanding of 13,463,455 on September 22, 2015, the new issuances would represent 21.4%, of the shares outstanding after these issuances. In addition, although we have no intention of doing so, to the extent we issue shares to service the debt, the ownership percentages of the new investors would increase incrementally. As a result, our current stockholders as a group would own a substantially smaller interest in us and may have less influence on our management and policies than they now have. Our repayment obligations under the Debentures are secured by a lien on our assets. Our obligations to the holders of the Debentures are secured by a lien on all of our assets pursuant to a security agreement, which was entered into with respect to the issuance of the Debentures. This lien is subordinate only to the lien of certain permitted senior creditors, pursuant to an inter-creditor and subordination agreement, which was entered into simultaneously with the security agreement. If we default under the terms of the Debentures or under the terms of any permitted senior indebtedness (which is an event of default under the Debentures), the holders of the Debentures may exercise various remedies against us, including acceleration of the entire remaining principal amount of the Debentures and all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, and remedies against our collateral. An acceleration of the Debentures or an exercise of remedies against our assets as collateral could have a material adverse effect on our ability to conduct our business or could force us to invoke legal measures to protect our business, including, but not limited to, for filing for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The following is a description of our owned and leased properties: Leased or Owned Fresno (Fresno County), Corporate headquarters for S&W Leased(1) Sacramento (Sacramento County), CA Five Points (Fresno County), CA 40 acres (3) Milling facilities Calipatria (Imperial Valley), Alfalfa seed farmland Owned(4) Kern County, CA Farmland suitable for farming alfalfa seed and alfalfa hay Connell (Franklin County) WA Agricultural research facilities Nampa (Canyon County), Idaho 80 acres (approx.) Seed production facilities Owned (subject to mortgage) Arlington (Columbia County), Wisconsin Alfalfa research and product development Unley, South Australia Corporate headquarters for SGI Keith, South Australia Processing facility (1) The lease expires in February 2018. These facilities are adequate for our current needs. However, we believe there is readily available office facilities available for rent in the Fresno area, if our needs change. (2) The lease expires in November 2017. These facilities are adequate for our current needs. However, we believe there is readily available office facilities available for rent in the Sacramento area, if our needs change. (3) This facility occupies five acres of mill and processing structures, consisting of 20,336 square feet of office and production space and 46,912 square feet of warehousing facilities. We believe that our facilities are generally well maintained and are in good operating condition. We currently have excess capacity and therefore believe that our facilities will be adequate for our needs. (4) One-half interest. (5) The lease expires in September 2024. (6) Lease expires in December 2017. (7) Lease expires in February 2018. From time to time, we are involved in lawsuits, claims, investigations and proceedings, including pending opposition proceedings involving patents that arise in the ordinary course of business. There are no matters pending that we expect to have a material adverse impact on our business, results of operations, financial condition or cash flows. Market Information Regarding Our Common Stock Prior to May 4, 2010, there was no public market for our company's securities. From May 4, 2010 through June 11, 2010, our common stock traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market as part of a unit under the ticker symbol "SANWU." Each unit consisted of two shares of common stock, one Class A warrant and one Class B warrant. On June 14, 2010, the unit separated, and the components began trading as separate securities under the ticker symbols "SANW," "SANWA" and "SANWZ," for the common stock, Class A warrants and Class B warrants, respectively. The Class A warrants were redeemed in April 2013, and the Class B warrants expired in accordance with their terms in May 2015. The following table sets forth the range of high and low sales prices per share of Common Stock as reported on NASDAQ for the periods indicated. Year Ended June 30, 2014 On September 22, 2015, the closing price as reported on the NASDAQ Capital Market of our common stock was $4.52 per share. As of September 22, 2015, we had 13,463,455 shares of common stock outstanding held by 17 stockholders of record. Because many of our shares of common stock are held by brokers and other institutions on behalf of stockholders, we are unable to estimate the total number of beneficial stockholders represented by these record holders. We have never declared or paid any cash dividends on our common stock. For the foreseeable future, we intend to retain any earnings to finance the development and expansion of our business, and we do not anticipate paying any cash dividends on our common stock. Any future determination to pay dividends will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors and will be dependent upon then existing conditions, including our financial condition and results of operations, capital requirements, contractual restrictions, business prospects and other factors that the Board of Directors considers relevant. In addition, our credit facility contains restrictions on our ability to pay dividends. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities; Use of Proceeds from Registered Securities On April 20, 2015, we issued 200,000 shares of our common stock at a per share price of $4.64 to Bioceres, S.A., in exchange for 1,263 newly-issued shares of Bioceres. The newly-issued shares were issued pursuant to the exemption from registration as set forth in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The availability of the exemption was predicated on the fact that the sale was made to a single accredited, sophisticated investor who was familiar with our business, who had access to business and financial information about our company and with whom we have established a joint working relationship. Securities Authorized for Issuance under Equity Compensation Plans The information required by this item with respect to our equity compensation plan is incorporated by reference to our Proxy Statement for the 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015. Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliate Purchasers As a smaller reporting company, we are not required to provide information typically disclosed under this item. You should read the following discussion of our financial condition and results of operations in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and the related notes included in Part II, Item 8, "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data" of this Annual Report on Form 10-K. In addition to our historical consolidated financial information, the following discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates, and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as referred to on page 2 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K. Factors that could cause or contribute to these differences include those discussed below and elsewhere in this Annual Report on Form 10-K, particularly in Part I, Item 1A, "Risk Factors." Founded in 1980 and headquartered in the Central Valley of California, we believe we have become the largest alfalfa seed company worldwide (by volume), with industry-leading research and development, as well as production and distribution capabilities in both hemispheres and the ability to supply proprietary dormant and non-dormant alfalfa seed. Our operations span the world's alfalfa seed production regions, with operations in the San Joaquin and Imperial Valleys of California, other Western states, South Australia and three provinces in Canada, and we sell our seed varieties in more than 30 countries across the globe. Historically, we have been recognized as the leading producer of non-dormant alfalfa seed varieties, which varieties have been bred for warm climates and high-yields, including, in particular, varieties that thrive in high saline soils. Our December 2014 acquisition of certain alfalfa research and production facility and conventional (non-GMO) alfalfa germplasm assets of DuPont Pioneer provided us with the opportunity to become a leading producer of dormant, high yield alfalfa seed varieties, which are the varieties suitable for cold weather conditions. We also have agreements with Monsanto to develop unique traits into specific S&W-developed varieties that have exhibited high yield and salt tolerance. We have licensing agreements with Monsanto and FGI to produce, breed and eventually sell Roundup Ready alfalfa see varieties. In sum, our alfalfa seed business now encompasses the production, breeding and sale of nearly the full spectrum of non-dormant and dormant conventional varieties (from FD 2 through FD 10) and the potential for future production and sale of transgenic ("GMO") -varieties, which are being bred to combine the most desirable characteristics of certain of our varieties with the Roundup Ready gene. In addition to alfalfa seed breeding, production and sales, which is our core business, we also offer seed cleaning and processing for other seed manufacturers and conduct an ongoing stevia breeding program. Components of Our Statements of Operations Data Revenue and Cost of Revenue We derive most of our revenue from the sale of our proprietary alfalfa seed varieties. We expect that over the next several years, a substantial majority of our revenue will continue to be generated from the sale of alfalfa seed, although we are continually assessing other possible product offerings or means to increase revenue, including expanding into other, higher margin crops. Fiscal 2016 will be the first full year in which we will have a full range of non-dormant and dormant varieties, which will enable us to significantly expand the geographic reach of our sales efforts. The mix of our product offerings will continue to change over time with the introduction of new alfalfa seed varieties resulting from our robust research and development efforts, including our potential expansion into genetically-modified varieties in future periods. Currently, we have a long-term distribution agreement DuPont Pioneer, which we expect will be the source of a significant portion of our annual revenue for the next ten years. Our revenue will fluctuate depending on the timing of orders from our customers and distributors. Because some of our large customers and distributors order in bulk only one or two times a year, our product revenue may fluctuate significantly from period to period, however some of this fluctuation is offset by having operations in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Our stevia breeding program has yet to generate any meaningful revenue. However, management continues to evaluate this portion of our business and assess various means to monetize the results of our effort to breed new, better tasting stevia varieties. Such potential opportunities including possible licensing agreements and royalty-based agreements. Cost of revenue relates to sale of our alfalfa seed varieties and consists of the cost of procuring seed, whether we purchase the seed from third party contract growers or grow the seed on property we own or lease, plant conditioning and packaging costs, direct labor and raw materials, and overhead costs. Research and Development Expenses Research and development expenses consist of costs incurred in the discovery, breeding and testing of our products and products in development incorporating the traits we have specifically selected. These expenses consist primarily of employee salaries and benefits, consultant services, land leased for field trials, chemicals and supplies and other external expenses. These costs are expensed as incurred. Because we have been in the alfalfa seed breeding business since our inception in 1980, we have expended far more dollars in development of our proprietary varieties throughout our history than on our stevia breeding program, which we commenced in fiscal 2010. In fiscal 2013, we determined to shift the focus of our stevia program away from commercial production and towards the breeding of improved varieties of stevia. We have continued that effort, which has resulted in the filing of two patent applications, with the expectation of a third patent application to be filed in the first half of fiscal 2016. We expect our research and development expenses to increase on an absolute dollar basis for the foreseeable future, although our research and development expenses may increase significantly if we choose to accelerate certain research and development programs. Our research and development expenses may also fluctuate from period to period as a result of the timing of various research and development projects. Our research and development costs are charged to expense as they are incurred. Therefore, internal research and development costs are expenses as incurred, while third party research and developments costs are expensed when the contracted work has been performed or as milestone results have been achieved. The costs associated with equipment or facilities acquired or construed for research and development activities that have alternative future uses are capitalized and depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset. Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses Selling, general, and administrative expenses consist primarily of employee costs, including salaries, employee benefits, and share-based compensation, as well as professional service fees, insurance, marketing, travel and entertainment expense, public company expense and other overhead costs. We proactively take steps on an ongoing basis to control selling, general and administrative expense as much as is reasonably possible. Most of the depreciation and amortization expense on our statement of operations consists of amortization expense. We amortize intangible assets, including those acquired from DuPont Pioneer in December 2014, using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of the asset, consisting of periods of 10-30 years for technology/IP/germplasm, 20 years for customer relationships and trade names and 2-20 years for other intangible assets. Property, plant and equipment is depreciated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of the asset, consisting of periods of 18-28 years for buildings, 3-10 years for machinery and equipment and 3-5 years for vehicles. Impairment Charges We evaluate our long-lived assets for impairment annually or more often if events and circumstances warrant. Events relating to recoverability may include significant unfavorable changes in business conditions, recurring losses or a forecasted inability to achieve break-even operating results over an extended period. We evaluate the recoverability of long-lived assets based upon forecasted undiscounted cash flows. Should impairment in value be indicated, the carrying value of long-lived assets is adjusted, based on estimates of future discounted cash flows resulting from the use and ultimate disposition of the asset. A triggering event during the quarter ended December 31, 2014 prompted a review of certain farmland related costs. The carrying value of these assets was deemed in excess of fair value, so we recorded an impairment charge of $500,198 in the consolidated statement of operations during the year ended June 30, 2015. Other expense consists of foreign currency gains and losses, changes in the fair value of derivative liabilities related to our warrants, changes in the fair value of our contingent consideration obligation and interest expense in connection with amortization of debt discount. In addition interest expense consists of interest costs related to our outstanding borrowings on our Wells Fargo revolving lines of credit and on SGI's credit facilities in South Australia, our 8% senior secured convertible promissory notes that were issued in December 2014 and mature in June 2017, a three-year secured promissory note issued in connection with the DuPont Pioneer acquisition, a five-year subordinated promissory note that matures in October 2017 that was issued in connection with the IVS acquisition, and a term loan for a vehicle purchase that matures in February 2018. Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Our effective tax rate is based on income, statutory tax rates, and tax planning opportunities available to us in the various jurisdictions in which we operate. Under U.S. GAAP, if we determine that a tax position is more likely than not of being sustained upon audit, based solely on the technical merits of the position, we recognize the benefit. Tax regulations require certain items to be included in the tax return at different times than when those items are required to be recorded in the consolidated financial statements. As a result, our effective tax rate reflected in our consolidated financial statements is different than that reported in our tax returns. Some of these differences are permanent, such as expenses that are not deductible on our tax return, and some are temporary differences, such as depreciation expense. Temporary differences create deferred tax assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets generally represent items that can be used as a tax deduction or credit in our tax return in future years for which we have already recorded the tax benefit in our consolidated statements of operations. Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 Compared to the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Revenue for fiscal year ended June 30, 2015 was $81,208,903 compared to $51,533,643 for the year ended June 30 2014. The $29,675,260 increase in revenue for the year ended June 30, 2015 was primarily attributable to sales under our distribution and production agreements with DuPont Pioneer. We are also experiencing an increase in sales activity for the Middle East as we began to see recovery from the market surplus of low priced 2013 Australian crop that negatively impacted sales in prior periods. Sales direct to international customers represented 59% and 81% of revenue during the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Domestic revenue accounted for 41% and 19% of our total revenue for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The increase in domestic revenue is directly attributed to sales to DuPont Pioneer. We expect DuPont Pioneer to represent a significant portion of our domestic sales, as well as overall sales, for the foreseeable future. Cost of revenue of $64,607,502 in the year ended June 30, 2015 was 80% of revenue, while the cost of revenue of $41,561,736 in the year ended June 30, 2014 was 81% of revenue. Total gross profit margins were 20.4% and 19.4% for years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The increase in gross profit margins is due to higher margins from the sale of dormant alfalfa seed varieties acquired from DuPont Pioneer, improvement in seed pricing, as well as the benefits of our on-going optimization initiative. While there will continue to be quarterly fluctuations in gross profit margin based on product sales mix, we continue to anticipate improved gross margins in Fiscal 2016 as a result of a number of initiatives we are deploying, as well as pricing improvement in the alfalfa seed market, particularly in certain key markets. SG&A expense for the year ended June 30, 2015 totaled $9,620,807 compared to $6,815,575 for the year ended June 30, 2014. The $2,805,231 increase in SG&A expense versus the prior year was primarily due to non-recurring transaction expenses of approximately $1,290,926 and the expenses associated with the newly acquired DuPont Pioneer business. As a percentage of revenue, SG&A expenses were 12% in the current year compared to 13% in the year ended June 30, 2014. R&D for the year ended June 30, 2015 totaled $1,890,234 compared to $840,578 in the year ended June 30, 2014. The increase of $1,049,656 from 2014 to 2015 was primarily driven by additional research and development activities acquired from DuPont Pioneer. Depreciation and amortization expense for the year ended June 30, 2015 was $2,179,638 compared to $1,265,739 for the year ended June 30, 2014. Included in the amount was amortization expense for intangible assets, which totaled $1,600,360 in the year ended June 30, 2015 and $951,892 in the year ended June 30, 2014. The $913,899 increase in depreciation and amortization expense over the prior year is a result of depreciation and amortization of assets acquired from DuPont Pioneer. Impairment Expense We recorded an impairment charge of $500,198 during the year ended June 30, 2015, as the carrying value of certain farmland related assets was deemed in excess of net realizable value. These farmland assets were sold in March 2015, and an additional loss on disposal of $24,646 was recorded during the year ended June 30, 2015. There was no comparable impairment charge in the year ended June 30, 2014. Foreign Currency (Gain) Loss We incurred a foreign currency loss of $159,763 for the year ended June 30, 2015 compared to a gain of $51,571 for the year ended June 30, 2014. The foreign currency gains and losses are associated with SGI, our wholly-owned subsidiary in Australia. Change in Derivative Warrant Liability The derivative warrant liability is considered a level III fair value financial instrument and will be measured at each reporting period. The $1,396,000 charge to non-cash change in derivative warrant liability expense represents the increase in fair value of the outstanding warrants issued in December 2014. The increase is driven by a $0.88 increase in the closing stock price at June 30, 2015, from the initial measurement date of December 31, 2014. Change in Contingent Consideration Obligation The contingent consideration obligation is considered a level III fair value financial instrument and will be measured at each reporting period. The $74,000 charge to non-cash change in contingent consideration obligation expense represents the decrease in the present value discount factor used to estimate the fair value of the contingent consideration obligation. The fair value of the contingent consideration obligation is expected to increase each quarter until the end of the earn-out measurement period. Interest Expense - Amortization of Debt Discount Non-cash amortization of debt discount expense for the year ended June 30, 2015 was $2,934,164 compared to $52,550 for the year ended June 30, 2014. The increase represents the amortization of the debt discount and debt issuance costs associated with the convertible debentures issued December 31, 2014. The discount is amortized using the effective interest method and the quarterly expense will decrease as the net carrying value of the convertible debentures decrease. The year ended June 30, 2015 includes $1,146,090 of accelerated amortization expense as a result of the $5,000,000 early principal redemption of the convertible debentures. We expect to incur $2,930,225 of amortization of debt discount during fiscal 2016. Interest Expense - Convertible Debt and Other Interest expense during the year ended June 30, 2015 totaled $1,831,057 compared to $600,740 for the year ended June 30, 2014. Interest expense for fiscal 2015 primarily consisted of interest incurred on the convertible debentures issued on December 31, 2014, on the note payable issued to DuPont Pioneer as part of the purchase consideration for the DuPont Pioneer acquisition and the working capital credit facilities with NAB and Wells Fargo. The $1,230,317 increase in interest expense in fiscal 2015 is primarily driven by $971,680 of interest on the convertible debentures and $150,000 on the DuPont Pioneer Note, all of which were issued on December 31, 2014, and $108,637 of interest expense attributed to higher levels of working capital resulting in additional borrowings on the working capital facilities. Provision (Benefit) for Income Taxes Income tax benefit totaled $845,979 for the year ended June 30, 2015 compared to income tax expense of $87,116 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. Our effective tax rate was 21.1% during the year ended June 30, 2015 compared to 18.9% in fiscal 2014. The decrease of the estimated annual effective tax rate from 24.4% as of December 31, 2014 was primarily due to adjustments for the change in fair value of the derivative warrant liability. The charges associated with the fair value adjustments are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. The Company's effective tax rate differs from the US federal statutory rate as a result of these nondeductible expenses. We had a net loss of $3,163,127 for the year ended June 30, 2015 compared to net income of $373,100 for the year ended June 30, 2014. The loss in the current fiscal year was attributable primarily to the non-recurring transaction charges, the change in derivative warrant liability and incremental interest expense associated with the convertible debentures discussed above. The net loss per basic and diluted common share was $(0.25) for the year ended June 30, 2015 compared to net income per basic and diluted share of $0.03 for the year ended June 30, 2014. Our working capital and working capital requirements fluctuate from quarter to quarter depending on the phase of the growing and sales cycle that falls during a particular quarter. Our need for cash has historically been highest in the second and third fiscal quarters (October through March) because we historically have paid our California contracted growers progressively, starting in the second fiscal quarter. In fiscal 2015, we paid our California growers from our legacy business approximately 50% in October 2014 and the remaining 50% was paid in February 2015. The grower base acquired in the recent Pioneer Acquisition will be paid on a schedule similar to our historical North American grower base. SGI, our Australian-based subsidiary, has a production cycle that is counter-cyclical to North America; however, it also puts a greater demand on our working capital and working capital requirements during the second, third and fourth quarters based on timing of payments to growers in the second through fourth quarters. As a result of the Pioneer Acquisition, going forward we anticipate our working capital demands to be highest in second and third quarters due to the progressive payment schedule of our North American grower base. Historically, due to the concentration of sales to certain distributors, which typically represented a significant percentage of alfalfa seed sales, our month-to-month and quarter-to-quarter sales and associated cash receipts were highly dependent upon the timing of deliveries to and payments from these distributors, which varied significantly from year to year. The timing of collection of receivables from DuPont Pioneer is defined in the distribution and production agreements with DuPont Pioneer and consists of three installment payments, one in each of the first, third and fourth quarters. Our future revenues and cash collections pertaining to the new production and distribution agreements with DuPont Pioneer will provide us with greater predictability as sales to DuPont Pioneer will be concentrated in our third and fourth fiscal quarters and payments will be received in three installments over the September to mid-April time period. We continuously monitor and evaluate our credit policies with all of our customers based on historical collection experience, current economic and market conditions and a review of the current status of the respective trade accounts receivable balance. Our principal working capital components include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid expense and other current assets, accounts payable and our working capital lines of credit. In addition to funding our business with cash from operations, we have historically relied upon occasional sales of our debt and equity securities and credit facilities from financial institutions, both in California and South Australia. With respect to recent equity and debt financings, we raised an aggregate of $31,658,400 in gross proceeds in two separate private placements that closed on December 31, 2014. In the first of these two financings, we sold 1,294,000 shares of our common stock at $3.60 per share for gross proceeds of $4,658,400 to one accredited investor in a private transaction exempt from registration under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506(b) of Regulation D promulgated thereunder. On the same day, we also sold $27,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures due November 30, 2017, together with warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,699,999 shares of our common stock that expire on June 30, 2020 in a private transaction exempt from registration under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506(b) of Regulation D promulgated thereunder. The monthly interest is payable cash, in shares of our common stock, provided all of the applicable "equity conditions" defined in the debentures are satisfied, or in any combination of cash and shares, at our option. Beginning on July 1, 2015, we are required to make monthly redemption payments, payable, at our option, in cash, shares of common stock or a combination thereof, provided (in the event we elect to pay in shares) all of the applicable equity conditions are satisfied. The debentures contain certain rights of acceleration and deferral at the holder's option in the event a redemption payment is to be made in stock and contains certain limited acceleration rights of the company, if we have elected to redeem in cash and provided certain other conditions are satisfied. The debentures also provided for redemption of up to $5,000,000 in principal amount, payable in cash without prepayment penalty, if redeemed by July 1, 2015. Such early redemption was required in the event of certain real estate sales and otherwise was optional. In March 2015, following the sale of farmland we previously owned in California's Imperial Valley, we were required to, and did, redeem $5,000,000 in principal amount of the debentures on a pro rata basis. The debentures are senior secured obligations, subject only to certain secured obligations of KeyBank (which replaced Wells Fargo as our secured lender on September 22, 2015) and DuPont Pioneer (limited to a purchase money security interest in the assets purchased in the Pioneer Acquisition). The rights of those secured creditors are set forth in an inter-creditor and subordination agreement that was entered into in connection with the closing of the issuance of the debentures (the "Intercreditor Agreement"). The offering expenses of the debenture and warrant offering totaled approximately $2,355,218, yielding net proceeds of approximately $24,644,782. The net proceeds from these two December 2014 financing transactions were used primarily to fund the cash portion of the purchase price of the Pioneer Acquisition, with the balance available for working capital and general corporate purposes. On December 31, 2014 in connection with the Pioneer Acquisition, we issued a secured promissory note (the "Note") payable by us to DuPont Pioneer in the initial principal amount of $10,000,000 (issued at closing), and a potential earn-out payment (payable as an increase in the principal amount of the Note) of up to $5,000,000 based on our sales under the distribution and production agreements entered into in connection with the Pioneer Acquisition, as well as other sales of products we consummate containing the acquired germplasm in the three-year period following the closing. The Note accrues interest at a rate of 3% per annum, and interest is payable in three annual installments, in arrears, commencing on December 31, 2015. Our obligations under the Note are secured by certain of the assets purchased in the Pioneer Acquisition and are subject to the Intercreditor Agreement. The Note matures on December 31, 2017. From 2011 until September 22, 2015, we had one or more ongoing revolving credit facility agreements with Wells Fargo. On February 21, 2014, we entered into our most recent credit agreements with Wells Fargo and thereby became obligated under new working capital facilities (collectively, the "Wells Facilities," which were terminated as of September 22, 2015 (see below). The New Facilities include (i) a domestic revolving facility of up to $4,000,000 to refinance our outstanding credit accommodations from Wells Fargo and for working capital purposes, and (ii) an export-import revolving facility of up to $10,000,000 for financing export-related accounts receivable and inventory (the "Ex-Im Revolver"). The availability of credit under the Ex-Im Revolver is limited to an aggregate of 90% of the eligible accounts receivable (as defined under the credit agreement for the Ex-Im Revolver) plus 75% of the value of eligible inventory (also as defined under the credit agreement for the Ex-Im Revolver), with the term "value" defined as the lower of cost or fair market value on a first-in first-out basis determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. All amounts due and owing under the New Facilities were required to be paid in full on or before the October 1, 2015 maturity date. The Wells Facilities bore interest either (i) at a fluctuating rate per annum determined by Wells Fargo to be 2.75% above the daily one-month LIBOR Rate in effect from time to time, or (ii) at a fixed rate per annum determined to be 2.75% above LIBOR in effect on the first day of the applicable fixed rate term. Interest is payable each month in arrears. The Wells Facilities were satisfied in full and terminated as of September 22, 2015 as a result of our new credit facility with KeyBank, described below. On September 22, 2015, the Company entered into an up to $20,000,000 aggregate principal amount credit and security agreement (the "Credit Facility") with KeyBank National Association ("KeyBank"). The use of proceeds for advances under the Credit Facility are to: (i) refinance the Company's existing senior indebtedness with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association; (ii) finance the Company's ongoing working capital requirements; and (iii) provide for general corporate purposes. All amounts due and owing, including, but not limited to, accrued and unpaid principal and interest due under the Credit Facility, will be payable in full on September 21, 2017. The Credit Facility generally establishes a borrowing base of up to 85% of eligible accounts receivable (90% if insured) plus up to 65% of eligible inventory, subject to lender reserves. Loans may be based on a Base Rate or Eurodollar Rate (which is increased by an applicable margin of 2% per annum) (both as defined in the September 22, 2015 credit and security agreement (the "Credit Agreement")), generally at the Company's option. In the event of a default, at the option of KeyBank, the interest rate on all obligations owing will increase by 3% per annum over the rate otherwise applicable. The Company's domestic subsidiaries have guaranteed all of the Company's obligations under the Credit Facility. Subject to certain exceptions, the Credit Facility is secured by a first priority perfected security interest in all now owned and after acquired tangible and intangible assets of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries. The Credit Facility is further secured by a lien on, and a pledge of, 65% of the stock of the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, S&W Australia Pty Ltd. With respect to its security interest and/or lien, KeyBank has entered into an Intercreditor Agreement with Hudson Bay Fund LP (as agent for the holders of the senior secured debentures issued by the Company on December 31, 2014) and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. In July 2012, we obtained a term loan from Wells Fargo in a principal amount of up to $2,625,000 (the "Term Loan"), which we used to fund a portion of the purchase of 640 acres of Imperial Valley farmland. The Term Loan bore interest at a rate per annum equal to 2.35% above LIBOR as specified in the term note. As of June 30, 2015, $0 was outstanding on the Term Loan. In March 2015, we closed on the sale of the 759 acres of farmland in Calipatria (Imperial Valley), California for a purchase price of $7,100,000. We used the proceeds to pay-off the existing $2.2 million Wells Fargo Term Loan, and with the remaining proceeds, redeemed $5,000,000 in principal amount (and accrued interest thereon) of the convertible debentures issued in December 2014. At June 30, 2015, the Company has outstanding $21,954,483 in principal amount of the debentures following the real estate sale redemption. The reduction in principal was applied on the back end of the term, and as a result, does not reduce the dollar amount of the monthly redemption payments that commenced on July 1, 2015, but the redemption does have the effect of reducing the term of the debentures from December 1, 2017 to June 1, 2017. SGI finances the purchase of most of its seed inventory from growers pursuant to a seasonal credit facility with National Australia Bank Ltd ("NAB"). In April 2015, the NAB working capital credit facilities were amended and renewed and will expire on March 31, 2016 (the "2015 NAB Capital Facilities"). The 2015 NAB Capital Facilities, as currently in effect, comprise two distinct facility lines: (i) an overdraft facility (the "Overdraft Facility"), having a credit limit of AUD $980,000 (USD $750,190 at June 30, 2015) and a trade refinance facility (the "Trade Refinance Facility"), having a credit limit of AUD $12,000,000 (USD $9,186,000 at June 30, 2015). The Overdraft Facility permits SGI to borrow funds on a revolving line of credit up to the credit limit. Interest accrues daily, is calculated by applying the daily interest rate to the balance owing at the end of the day and is payable monthly in arrears. As of June 30, 2015, the Overdraft Facility accrued interest at approximately 7.12% calculated daily. The Trade Refinance Facility generally permits SGI to borrow funds for periods of up to 180 days, at SGI's discretion. Interest for each drawdown is set at the time of the drawdown as follows: (i) for Australian dollar drawings, based on the Australian Trade Refinance Rate plus 1.5% per annum and (ii) for foreign currency drawings, based on the British Bankers' Association Interest Settlement Rate for the relevant foreign currency for the relevant period, or if such rate is not available, the rate reasonably determined by NAB to be the appropriate equivalent rate, plus 1.5% per annum. As of June 30, 2015, the Trade Refinance Facility accrued interest on Australian dollar drawings at approximately 5.17%, calculated daily. The Trade Refinance Facility is secured by a lien on all the present and future rights, property and undertakings of SGI, the mortgage on SGI's Keith, South Australia property and our corporate guarantee (up to a maximum of USD $13,000,000). Interest is payable each month in arrears on both the Overdraft Facility and the Trade Refinance Facility. In the event of a default, as defined in the NAB Facility Agreement, the interest rate will increase on both facilities by 4.5% per annum. The 2015 NAB Facilities contains customary representations and warranties, affirmative and negative covenants and customary events of default that permit NAB to accelerate SGI's outstanding obligations, all as set forth in the NAB facility agreements. Both facilities constituting the 2015 NAB Facilities are secured by a fixed and floating lien over all the present and future rights, property and undertakings of SGI and are guaranteed by the Company as noted above. The 2015 NAB Facilities contain customary representations and warranties, affirmative and negative covenants and customary events of default that permit NAB to accelerate SGI's outstanding obligations, all as set forth in the NAB facility agreements. SGI was in compliance with all NAB debt covenants at June 30, 2015. In January 2015, SGI and NAB entered into a new business markets - flexible rate loan in the amount of AUD $650,000 (USD $497,575 at June 30, 2015) (the "Keith Building Loan") and a machinery and equipment facility in the amount of up to AUD $1,350,000 (USD $1,033,425 at June 30, 2015) (the "Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility"). The Keith Building Loan and Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility (collectively, the "Keith Credit Facilities") are being used for the construction of a new building on SGI's Keith, South Australia property and for the machinery and equipment to be purchased for use in the operations of the new building. The Keith Building Loan matures on November 30, 2024. The interest rate on the Keith Building Loan, which is payable monthly in arrears, varies from pricing period to pricing period (each such period approximately 30 days), based on the weighted average of a specified basket of interest rates (6.135% as of June 30, 2015).. The Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility generally permits SGI to draw down amounts up to a maximum amount of AUD $1,350,000 (USD $1,033,425) for periods of up to 180 days, in SGI's discretion. The Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility bears interest, payable in arrears, based on the Australian Trade Refinance Rate quoted by NAB at the time of the drawdown, plus 2.9%. The Keith Credit Facilities are both secured by a lien on all the present and future rights, property and undertakings of SGI, our corporate guarantee and a mortgage on SGI's Keith, South Australia property. At June 30, 2015, the principal balance on the Keith Building Loan was AUD $609,382 (USD $466,482), and the principal balance on the Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility was AUD $202,034 (USD $154,657). Summary of Cash Flows The following table shows a summary of our cash flows for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014: Years Ended Cash flows from operating activities $ 11,112,350 $ (17,867,038) Cash flows from investing activities (31,189,676) (764,109) Cash flows from financing activities 22,405,272 7,944,391 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash 40,009 73,185 Net increase (decrease) in cash 2,367,955 (10,613,571) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 1,167,503 11,781,074 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 3,535,458 $ 1,167,503 Operating Activities For the year ended June 30, 2015, operating activities provided $11,112,350 in cash. Net loss adjusted for non-cash items generated $3,587,636 in cash, and changes in operating assets and liabilities generated $7,524,714. The increase in cash from changes in operating assets and liabilities was primarily driven by decreases in inventory balances of $21,308,005, partially offset by an increase in accounts receivable balances of $4,391,780 and reduction of payables of $11,014,912. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014, operating activities used $17,867,038 in cash, as a result of a net income of $373,100 and an increase in accounts receivable of $11,301,001, an increase in inventories of $2,135,746 and a decrease in accounts payable (including related parties) of $4,740,089. Investing Activities Investing activities during the year ended June 30, 2015 used $31,189,676 in cash. The Pioneer Acquisition accounted for $36,688,881 of the cash used in investing activities, proceeds from the March 2015 sale of the Calipatria (Imperial Valley) farmland provided $7,100,000 and $1,595,813 was used in additions to property, plant and equipment, primarily for the build out of the new packaging and distribution facility in Keith, Australia. Investing activities during the year ended June 30, 2014 used $764,109 in cash. This amount consisted of $351,899, which was used to acquire a minority investment in shares of Bioceres S.A., an Argentinian agrobiotechnology company, and the remaining $434,416 was used to purchase equipment. Financing Activities Financing activities during year ended June 30, 2015 provided $22,405,272 in cash. The convertible debt offering consummated concurrently with the Pioneer Acquisition provided gross proceeds of $27,000,000, less $1,931,105 of debt issuance costs. The equity offering that closed concurrently with the Pioneer Acquisition provided net proceeds of $4,161,937, consisting of $4,658,400 in gross proceeds and $496,463 of related fees. We used the proceeds from the sale of our Calipatria farmland to pay off the Term Loan with Wells Fargo and to redeem $5,000,000 in principal amount (and accrued interest thereon) of convertible debentures. Financing activities during the year ended June 30, 2014 provided $7,944,391 in cash, consisting primarily of net borrowings and repayments on working capital lines of credit of $8,914,888, offset by $746,789 of principal payments on long-term loans. Inflation Risk We do not believe that inflation has had a material effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. However, if our costs were to become subject to significant inflationary pressures, we may not be able to fully offset such higher costs through price increases. Our inability or failure to do so could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations. We did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements during the year ended June 30, 2015. Capital Resources and Requirements Our future liquidity and capital requirements will be influenced by numerous factors, including: the extent and duration of future operating income; the level and timing of future sales and expenditures; working capital required to support our growth; investment capital for plant and equipment; our sales and marketing programs; investment capital for potential acquisitions; competition; and market developments. Critical Accounting Policies The accounting policies and the use of accounting estimates are set forth in the footnotes to the consolidated financial statements. In preparing our financial statements, we must select and apply various accounting policies. Our most significant policies are described in Note 2 - Significant Accounting Policies set forth in the notes to the financial statements. In order to apply our accounting policies, we often need to make estimates based on judgments about future events. In making such estimates, we rely on historical experience, market and other conditions, and on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable. However, the estimation process is by its nature uncertain given that estimates depend on events over which we may not have control. If market and other conditions change from those that we anticipate, our results of operations, financial condition and changes in financial condition may be materially affected. In addition, if our assumptions change, we may need to revise our estimates, or to take other corrective actions, either of which may also have a material effect on our results of operations, financial condition or changes in financial condition. Members of our senior management have discussed the development and selection of our critical accounting estimates, and our disclosure regarding them, with the audit committee of our board of directors, and do so on a regular basis. We believe that the following estimates have a higher degree of inherent uncertainty and require our most significant judgments. In addition, had we used estimates different from any of these, our results of operations, financial condition or changes in financial condition for the current period could have been materially different from those presented. Intangible Assets: All amortizable intangible assets are assessed for impairment whenever events indicate a possible loss. Such an assessment involves estimating undiscounted cash flows over the remaining useful life of the intangible. If the review indicates that undiscounted cash flows are less than the recorded value of the intangible asset, the carrying amount of the intangible is reduced by the estimated cash-flow shortfall on a discounted basis, and a corresponding loss is charged to the consolidated statement of operations. Significant changes in key assumptions about the business, market conditions and prospects for which the intangible asset is currently utilized or expected to be utilized could result in an impairment charge. Stock-Based Compensation: We account for stock-based compensation in accordance with FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 Stock Compensation, which establishes accounting for equity instruments exchanged for employee services. Under such provisions, stock-based compensation cost is measured at the grant date, based on the calculated fair value of the award, and is recognized as an expense, under the straight-line method, over the employee's requisite service period (generally the vesting period of the equity grant). We account for equity instruments, including stock options issued to non-employees, in accordance with authoritative guidance for equity-based payments to non-employees (FASB ASC 505-50). Stock options issued to non-employees are accounted for at their estimated fair value. The fair value of options granted to non-employees is re-measured as they vest. Beginning with the quarter ended December 31, 2014, we adopted the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model to estimate the fair value of options granted under share-based compensation plans. The Black-Scholes-Merton model requires us to estimate a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the expected term of the award, stock price volatility, dividend rate, risk-free interest rate. The input factors to use in the valuation model are based on subjective future expectations combined with management judgment. The expected term used represents the weighted-average period that the stock options are expected to be outstanding. We have used the historical volatility for our stock for the expected volatility assumption required in the model, as it is more representative of future stock price trends. We use a risk-free interest rate that is based on the implied yield available on U.S. Treasury issued with an equivalent remaining term at the time of grant. We have not paid dividends in the past and currently do not plan to pay any dividends in the foreseeable future, and as such, dividend yield is assumed to be zero for the purposes of valuing the stock options granted. We evaluate the assumptions used to value stock awards on a quarterly basis. If factors change and we employ different assumptions, share-based compensation expense may differ significantly from what we have recorded in the past. When there are any modifications or cancellations of the underlying unvested securities, we may be required to accelerate, increase or cancel any remaining unearned share-based compensation expense. To the extent that we grant additional equity securities to employees, our share-based compensation expense will be increased by the additional unearned compensation resulting from those additional grants. Income Taxes: We regularly assess the likelihood that deferred tax assets will be recovered from future taxable income. To the extent management believes that it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will not be realized, a valuation allowance is established. When a valuation allowance is established or increased, an income tax charge is included in the consolidated financial statements and net deferred tax assets are adjusted accordingly. Changes in tax laws, statutory tax rates and estimates of our future taxable income levels could result in actual realization of the deferred tax assets being materially different from the amounts provided for in the consolidated financial statements. If the actual recovery amount of the deferred tax asset is less than anticipated, we would be required to write-off the remaining deferred tax asset and increase the tax provision, resulting in a reduction of net income and stockholders' equity. Inventories: All inventories are accounted for on a lower of cost or market basis. Inventories consist of raw materials and finished goods as well as in the ground crop inventories. Depending on market conditions, the actual amount received on sale could differ from our estimated value of inventory. In order to determine the value of inventory at the balance sheet date, we evaluate a number of factors to determine the adequacy of provisions for inventory. The factors include the age of inventory, the amount of inventory held by type, future demand for products and the expected future selling price we expect to realize by selling the inventory. Our estimates are judgmental in nature and are made at a point in time, using available information, expected business plans and expected market conditions. We perform a review of our inventory by product line on a quarterly basis. Our subsidiary, SGI, does not fix the final price for seed payable to its growers until the completion of a given year's sales cycle pursuant to its standard contract production agreement. We record an estimated unit price, accordingly, inventory, cost of revenue and gross profits are based upon management's best estimate of the final purchase price to our SGI growers. To the extent the estimated purchase price varies from the final purchase price for seed, the adjustment to actual could materially impact the results in the period when the difference between estimates and actuals are identified. If the actual purchase price is in excess of our estimated purchase price, this would negatively impact our financial results including a reduction in gross profits and net income. Recently Adopted and Recently Enacted Accounting Pronouncements In February 2013, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, or FASB, issued Accounting Standards Update, or ASU, 2013-02, Comprehensive Income: Reporting of Amounts Reclassified Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, which requires companies to report, in one place, information about significant reclassifications out of accumulated other comprehensive income, or AOCI, and disclose more information about changes in AOCI balances. We adopted this ASU in the first quarter of fiscal 2014. The adoption of this standard did not have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements. In July 2013, the FASB issued ASU 2013-11, Presentation of an Unrecognized Tax Benefit When a Net Operating Loss Carryforward, a Similar Tax Loss, or a Tax Credit Carryforward Exists, which provides guidance for the financial statement presentation of an unrecognized tax benefit when a net operating loss carryforward, a similar tax loss, or a tax credit carryforward exists. We will adopt the standard effective July 1, 2014. The adoption of this ASU is not expected to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements. Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures about Market Risk Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2015 and 2014 Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive (Loss) Income Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of S&W Seed Company We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of S&W Seed Company (the "Company") as of June 30, 2015, and the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive (loss) income, stockholders' equity, and cash flows for the year then ended. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audit included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of June 30, 2015, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. /s/ Crowe Horwath LLP /s/ M&K CPAs LLP Inventories, net Property, plant and equipment, net Crop production costs, net Accounts payable - related parties Accrued expenses and other current liabilities Foreign exchange contract liabilities Current portion of long-term debt Current portion of convertible debt, net Non-compete payment obligation, less current portion Contingent consideration obligation Long-term debt, less current portion Convertible debt, net, less current portion Derivative warrant liabilities Preferred stock, $0.001 par value; 5,000,000 shares authorized; no shares issued and outstanding Common stock, $0.001 par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized; 13,479,101 issued and 13,454,101 outstanding at June 30, 2015; 11,665,093 issued and 11,640,093 outstanding at June 30, 2014 Treasury stock, at cost, 25,000 shares at June 30, 2015 and at June 30, 2014 See notes to consolidated financial statements. Disposal of property, plant and equipment loss (gain) Income from operations Foreign currency loss (gain) Change in derivative warrant liabilities (Loss) income before income taxes (Benefit) provision for income taxes Net (loss) income Net (loss) income per common share: Weighted average number of common shares outstanding: Comprehensive (loss) income (A NEVADA CORPORATION) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Paid-In Stockholders' Balance, June 30, 2013 Stock-based compensation - options, restricted stock, and RSUs Common stock issued for exercise of underwriter warrant and A warrant Net issuance to settle RSUs Cancellation of restricted shares for withholding taxes Treasury stock purchases Common stock issued for exercise of options Proceeds from sale of common stock, net of fees and expenses Common stock issued for additional minority interest investment in Bioceres Other comprehensive loss Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income from operating activities to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities Change in allowance for doubtful accounts Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment Change in deferred tax asset Change in foreign exchange contracts Amortization of debt discount Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net: (11,301,001) Crop production costs Additions to property, plant and equipment Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of business Investment in Bioceres Net proceeds from sale of common stock Net proceeds from warrant exercises Proceeds from exercise of common stock options Common stock repurchased Taxes paid related to net share settlements of stock-based compensation awards Borrowings and repayments on lines of credit, net Proceeds from sale of convertible debt and warrants Borrowings of long-term debt Repayments of convertible debt Repayments of long-term debt NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of the period SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURES OF CASH FLOW INFORMATION NOTE 1 - BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION S&W Seed Company, a Nevada corporation (the "Company") began as S&W Seed Company, a general partnership in 1980 and was originally in the business of breeding, growing, processing and selling alfalfa seed. The corporate entity, S&W Seed Company, was incorporated in Delaware in October 2009 and is the successor entity to Seed Holding, LLC, which had purchased a majority interest in the general partnership between June 2008 and December 2009. Following the Company's initial public offering in May 2010, the Company purchased the remaining general partnership interests and became the sole owner of the general partnership's original business. Seed Holding, LLC remains a consolidated subsidiary of the Company. In December 2011, the Company reincorporated in Nevada as a result of a statutory short-form merger of the Delaware corporation into its wholly-owned subsidiary, S&W Seed Company, a Nevada corporation. On April 1, 2013, the Company, together with its wholly-owned subsidiary, S&W Seed Australia Pty Ltd, an Australia corporation ("S&W Australia"), closed on the acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Seed Genetics International Pty Ltd, an Australia corporation ("SGI"), from SGI's shareholders (the "SGI Acquisition"). Since its establishment, the Company, including its predecessor entities, has been principally engaged in breeding, growing, processing and selling agricultural seeds, primarily alfalfa seed. The Company owns seed cleaning and processing facilities, which are located in Five Points, California and Nampa, Idaho. The Company's products are primarily grown under contract by farmers as well as by the Company itself under a small direct farming operation. The Company began its stevia initiative in fiscal 2010 and is currently focused on breeding improved varieties of stevia and developing marketing and distribution programs for its stevia products. On December 31, 2014, the Company purchased certain alfalfa research and production facilities and conventional (non-GMO) alfalfa germplasm assets and assumed certain related liabilities ("the Pioneer Acquisition") of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. ("DuPont Pioneer"). The Company's operations span the world's alfalfa seed production regions with operations in the San Joaquin and Imperial Valleys of California, five other US states, Australia, and three provinces in Canada, and the Company sells its seed products in more than 25 countries around the globe. NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Company maintains its accounting records on an accrual basis in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP"). The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Seed Holding, LLC and its other wholly-owned subsidiaries, S&W Australia, which owns 100% of SGI, and Stevia California, LLC. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Estimates are adjusted to reflect actual experience when necessary. Significant estimates and assumptions affect many items in the financial statements. These include allowance for doubtful trade receivables, inventory valuation, asset impairments, provisions for income taxes, grower accruals (an estimate of amounts payable to farmers who grow seed for the Company), contingent consideration, derivative liabilities, contingencies and litigation. Significant estimates and assumptions are also used to establish the fair value and useful lives of depreciable tangible and certain intangible assets, goodwill as well as valuing stock-based compensation. Actual results may differ from those estimates and assumptions, and such results may affect income, financial position or cash flows. Certain Risks and Concentrations The Company's revenue is principally derived from the sale of alfalfa seed, the market for which is highly competitive. The Company depends on a core group of significant customers. Two customers accounted for 49% of its revenue for the year ended June 30, 2015, and two customers accounted for 21% of its revenue for the year ended June 30, 2014. Three customers accounted for 53% of the Company's accounts receivable at June 30, 2015. One customer accounted for 32% of the Company's accounts receivable at June 30, 2014. Sales direct to international customers represented 59% and 81% of revenue during the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The net book value of fixed assets located outside the United States were 11% and 3% at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Cash balances located outside of the United States may not be insured and totaled $1,039,326 and $42,074 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The following table shows revenue from external sources by destination country: Years Ended June 30, The Company translates its foreign operations' asset and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies into U.S. dollars at the current rates of exchange as of the balance sheet date and income and expense items at the average exchange rate for the reporting period. Translation adjustments resulting from exchange rate fluctuations are recorded in the cumulative translation account, a component of accumulated other comprehensive income. Gains or losses from foreign currency transactions are included in the consolidated statement of operations. The Company derives its revenue primarily from sale of seed and other crops and milling services. Revenue from seed and other crop sales is recognized when risk and title to the product is transferred to the customer. No customer has a right of return. The Company recognizes revenue from milling services according to the terms of the sales agreements and when delivery has occurred, performance is complete, and pricing is fixed or determinable at the time of sale. Additional conditions for recognition of revenue for all sales include the requirements that the collection of sales proceeds must be reasonably assured based on historical experience and current market conditions, the sales price is fixed and determinable and that there must be no further performance obligations under the sale. The Company records purchasing and receiving costs, inspection costs and warehousing costs in cost of revenue. When the Company is required to pay for outward freight and/or the costs incurred to deliver products to its customers, the costs are included in cost of revenue. For financial statement presentation purposes, the Company considers time deposits, certificates of deposit and all highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash and cash equivalents. At times, cash and cash equivalents balances exceed amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Company provides an allowance for doubtful trade receivables equal to the estimated uncollectible amounts. That estimate is based on historical collection experience, current economic and market conditions and a review of the current status of each customer's trade accounts receivable. The allowance for doubtful trade receivables was $155,595 and $72,556 at June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014, respectively. Inventories consist of alfalfa seed purchased from the Company's growers under production contracts, alfalfa seed produced from its own farming operations and packaging materials. Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market, and an inventory reserve permanently reduces the cost basis of inventory. Inventories are valued as follows: Actual cost is used to value raw materials such as packaging materials, as well as goods in process. Costs for substantially all finished goods, which include the cost of carryover crops from the previous year, are valued at actual cost. Actual cost for finished goods includes plant conditioning and packaging costs, direct labor and raw materials and manufacturing overhead costs based on normal capacity. The Company records abnormal amounts of idle facility expense, freight, handling costs and wasted material (spoilage) as current period charges and allocates fixed production overhead to the costs of finished goods based on the normal capacity of the production facilities. The Company's subsidiary, SGI, does not fix the final price for seed payable to its growers until the completion of a given year's sales cycle pursuant to its standard contract production agreement. SGI records an estimated unit price; accordingly, inventory, cost of revenue and gross profits are based upon management's best estimate of the final purchase price to growers. Inventory is periodically reviewed to determine if it is marketable, obsolete or impaired. Inventory that is determined to be obsolete or impaired is written off to expense at the time the impairment is identified. Because the germination rate, and therefore the quality, of alfalfa seed improves over the first year of proper storage, inventory obsolescence for alfalfa seed is not a material concern. The Company sells its inventory to distributors, dealers and directly to growers. Growing Crops Expenditures on growing crops are valued at the lower of cost or market and are deferred and charged to cost of products sold when the related crop is harvested and sold. The deferred growing costs included in inventories in the consolidated balance sheets consist primarily of labor, lease payments on land, interest expense on farmland, cultivation and on-going irrigation, harvest and fertilization costs. Costs included in growing crops relate to the current crop year. Costs that are to be realized over the life of the crop are reflected in crop production costs. Components of inventory are: Raw materials and supplies $ 276,339 $ 173,922 Work in progress and growing crops 5,415,402 3,990,678 Finished goods 19,830,006 24,320,984 $ 25,521,747 $ 28,485,584 Expenditures on crop production costs are deferred and charged to cost of products sold when the related crop is harvested and sold. The deferred crop production costs included in the consolidated balance sheets consist primarily of the cost of plants and the transplanting, stand establishment costs, intermediate life irrigation equipment and land amendments and preparation. Crop production costs are estimated to have useful lives of three to five years depending on the crop and nature of the expenditure and are amortized to growing crop inventory each year over the estimated life of the crop. Components of crop production costs are: Alfalfa seed production $ - $ 1,747,429 Alfalfa hay 92,037 16,885 Other crops 120,194 187,786 Total crop production costs, net $ 212,231 $ 1,952,100 Property, plant and equipment is depreciated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of the asset - periods of 18-28 years for buildings, 3-10 years for machinery and equipment, and 3-5 years for vehicles. Intangible assets acquired in business acquisitions are reported at their initial fair value less accumulated amortization. Intangible assets are amortized using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of the asset. Periods of 10-30 years for technology/IP/germplasm, 20 years for customer relationships and trade names, and 2-20 for other intangible assets. The weighted average estimated useful lives are 24 years for technology/IP/germplasm, 20 years for customer relationships and trade names, and 19 years for other intangible assets. Goodwill originated from acquisitions of Imperial Valley Seeds and Seed Genetics International during the fiscal year 2013 and the acquisition of the alfalfa business from DuPont Pioneer in fiscal year 2015. Goodwill is assessed annually, or when certain triggering events occur, for impairment using fair value measurement techniques. These events could include a significant change in the business climate, legal factors, a decline in operating performance, competition, sale or disposition of a significant portion of the business, or other factors. The Company first assesses qualitative factors to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount, including goodwill. If management concludes that it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount, management conducts a two-step quantitative goodwill impairment test. The first step of the goodwill impairment test is used to identify potential impairment by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount, including goodwill. The Company uses a discounted cash flow methodology to estimate the fair value of a reporting unit. A discounted cash flow analysis requires various judgmental assumptions including assumptions about future cash flows, growth rates, and discount rates. The assumptions about future cash flows and growth rates are based on the Company's budget and long-term plans. Discount rate assumptions are based on an assessment of the risk inherent in the respective reporting units. If the fair value of a reporting unit exceeds its carrying amount, goodwill of the reporting unit is considered not impaired, and the second step of the impairment test is unnecessary. If the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value, the second step of the goodwill impairment test is performed to measure the amount of impairment loss, if any. The second step of the goodwill impairment test compares the implied fair value of the reporting unit's goodwill with the carrying amount of that goodwill. If the carrying amount of the reporting unit's goodwill exceeds the implied fair value of that goodwill, an impairment loss is recognized in an amount equal to that excess. The implied fair value of goodwill is determined in the same manner as the amount of goodwill recognized in a business combination. That is, the fair value of the reporting unit is allocated to all of the assets and liabilities of that unit (including any unrecognized intangible assets) as if the reporting unit had been acquired in a business combination and the fair value of the reporting unit was the purchase price paid to acquire the reporting unit. The Company determined it has two reporting units for goodwill impairment testing purposes. Its reporting units are the United States operations and Australia. The Company conducted a qualitative assessment of goodwill and determined that it was more likely than not there was no impairment. Cost Method Investments Investee companies not accounted for under the consolidation or the equity method of accounting are accounted for under the cost method of accounting. Under this method, the Company's share of the earnings or losses of such Investee companies is not included in the consolidated balance sheet or statement of operations. However, impairment charges are recognized in the consolidated statement of operations. If circumstances suggest that the value of the Investee company has subsequently recovered, such recovery is not recorded. The Company is engaged in ongoing research and development ("R&D") of proprietary seed and stevia varieties. All R&D costs must be charged to expense as incurred. Accordingly, internal R&D costs are expensed as incurred. Third-party R&D costs are expensed when the contracted work has been performed or as milestone results have been achieved. The costs associated with equipment or facilities acquired or constructed for R&D activities that have alternative future uses are capitalized and depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on differences between the financial statement and tax bases of assets and liabilities, as well as a consideration of net operating loss and credit carry forwards, using enacted tax rates in effect for the period in which the differences are expected to impact taxable income. A valuation allowance is established, when necessary, to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount that is more likely than not to be realized. The Company evaluates its long-lived assets for impairment annually or more often if events and circumstances warrant. Events relating to recoverability may include significant unfavorable changes in business conditions, recurring losses or a forecasted inability to achieve break-even operating results over an extended period. The Company evaluates the recoverability of long-lived assets based upon forecasted undiscounted cash flows. Should impairment in value be indicated, the carrying value of long-lived assets will be adjusted, based on estimates of future discounted cash flows resulting from the use and ultimate disposition of the asset. A triggering event during the quarter ended December 31, 2014 prompted a review of certain farmland related costs. The carrying value of these assets was deemed in excess of fair value, and the Company recorded an impairment charge of $500,198 in the consolidated statement of operations. Foreign Exchange Contracts The Company's subsidiary, SGI, is exposed to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations in the normal course of its business, which the Company at times manages through the use of foreign currency forward contracts. The Company has entered into certain derivative financial instruments (specifically foreign currency forward contracts), and accounts for these instruments in accordance with ASC Topic 815, "Derivatives and Hedging", which establishes accounting and reporting standards requiring that derivative instruments be recorded on the balance sheet as either an asset or liability measured at fair value. The Company's foreign currency contracts are not designated as hedging instruments under ASC 815; accordingly, changes in the fair value are recorded in current period earnings. Derivative Liabilities The Company reviews the terms of the common stock, warrants and convertible debt it issues to determine whether there are embedded derivative instruments, including embedded conversion options and redemption options, which are required to be bifurcated and accounted for separately as derivative financial instruments. Fair Value of Financial Instruments The Company discloses assets and liabilities that are recognized and measured at fair value, presented in a three-tier fair value hierarchy, as follows: Level 1. Observable inputs such as quoted prices in active markets; Level 2. Inputs, other than the quoted prices in active markets, that are observable either directly or indirectly; and Level 3. Unobservable inputs in which there is little or no market data, which require the reporting entity to develop its own assumptions. The assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the Pioneer Acquisition were valued at fair value on a non-recurring basis as of December 31, 2014. No assets or liabilities were valued at fair value on a non-recurring basis as of June 30, 2015 or June 30, 2014. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts payable, short-term and all long-term borrowings other than the convertible debentures, as reflected in the consolidated balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments or interest rates commensurate with market rates. There have been no changes in operations and/or credit characteristics since the date of issuance could impact the relationship between interest rate and market rates. The fair value of the convertible debentures is $21,828,653 at the balance sheet date and the carrying value is $18,042,970. The fair value was calculated using a discounted cash flow model and utilized a 10% discount rate which is commensurate with market rates given the remaining term, principal repayment schedule and outstanding balance. The convertible debentures are categorized as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. The Company used a discounted cash flows approach, to measure the fair value using Level 3 inputs. Assets and liabilities that are recognized and measured at fair value on a recurring basis are categorized as follows: Fair Value Measurements as of June 30, 2015 Using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Foreign exchange contract liability $ - $ 59,116 $ - Contingent consideration obligation - - 2,078,000 Derivative warrant liabilities - - 6,258,000 Total $ - $ 59,116 $ 8,336,000 Foreign exchange contract asset $ - $ 627 $ - Total $ - $ 627 $ - Reclassifications Certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts to conform to classifications adopted in the current period. The reclassifications had no effect on net loss, cash flows, or stockholders' equity. In April 2015, the FASB issued ASU No. 2015-03, Interest - Imputation of Interest (Subtopic 835-30) which requires debt issuance costs related to a recognized debt liability to be presented in the balance sheet as a direct deduction from the carrying amount of that debt liability, consistent with debt discounts. The Company elected to adopt this update as of March 31, 2015 and debt issuance costs related to a recognized debt liability are presented in the consolidated balance sheet as a direct deduction from the carrying amount of that debt liability. The update was adopted because management believes it provides a more meaningful presentation of its financial position. This change in accounting principle has been applied on a retrospective basis and the June 30, 2014 consolidated balance sheet has been adjusted to reflect the period specific effects of applying the new guidance. The retrospective application of this change in accounting principle did not have an impact on the June 30, 2014 consolidated balance sheet as the Company did not have debt issuance costs at that date. The adoption of this change in accounting principle on the March 31, 2015 consolidated balance sheet reclassified debt issuance costs of $1,272,676 which were previously presented as a long-term asset, and reduced the carrying value of the convertible notes by the same amount. The adoption did not have an impact on the Company's consolidated statement of operations. NOTE 3 - BUSINESS COMBINATIONS On December 31, 2014, the Company purchased certain alfalfa research and production facilities and conventional (non-GMO) alfalfa germplasm assets (and assumed certain related liabilities) of DuPont Pioneer. The acquisition expanded the Company's production capabilities, diversified its product offerings and provided access to new distribution channels. The Pioneer Acquisition was consummated pursuant to the terms of an asset purchase and sale agreement. The purchase price under the Agreement was up to $42,000,000, consisting of $27,000,000 in cash (payable at closing), a three year secured promissory note (the "Note") payable by the Company to DuPont Pioneer in the initial principal amount of $10,000,000 (issued at closing), and a potential earn-out payment (payable as an increase in the principal amount of the Note) of up to $5,000,000 based on S&W sales under distribution and production agreements as well as other Company sales of products containing the acquired germplasm in the three-year period following the closing. The Note accrues interest at a rate of 3% per annum and interest will be payable in three annual installments, in arrears, commencing on December 31, 2015. Principal on the Note is payable at maturity on December 31, 2017. The Pioneer Acquisition has been accounted for as a business combination, and the Company valued and recorded all assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their estimated fair values on the date of the Pioneer Acquisition. The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date of December 31, 2014: (initially reported) Period Adjustments (as adjusted) Production agreement Grower relationships Technology/IP - germplasm Technology/IP - seed varieties Total acquisition cost allocated The acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred consisted of the following: Contingent earn-out Amount payable to seller The current liabilities assumed relate to inventory acquired in the acquisition. Subsequent to December 31, 2014, the Company determined that at the acquisition date, the seller had already paid the third party growers $9,684,646 for the inventory acquired in the acquisition. As a result, the carrying amount of the current liabilities assumed was retrospectively decreased by $9,684,646 on December 31, 2014, due to this new information, with a corresponding increase to the acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred. In addition, subsequent to the issuance of the December 31, 2014 financial statements, the Company obtained final support to adjust the estimates previously made on inventory purchases and grower payables assumed as well as acquired property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net assets acquired, amounting to $5,353,317, was recorded as goodwill on the consolidated balance sheet. The primary item that generated goodwill was the premium paid by the Company for the ability to control the acquired business, technology, and the assembled workforce of Pioneer. Goodwill is not amortized for financial reporting purposes, but is amortized for tax purposes. Management assigned fair values to the identifiable intangible assets through a combination of the relief from royalty method and the multi-period excess earnings method. The contingent consideration requires the Company to increase the principal amount of the Seller note by up to an additional $5,000,000 if the Company meets certain performance metrics during the three year period following the acquisition. The fair value of the contingent consideration arrangement at the acquisition date was $2,004,000. The fair value of the contingent consideration was estimated using a probability-weighted cash flow model. The fair value measurement is based on significant inputs not observable in the market and thus represents a Level 3 measurement. The key assumptions in applying the income approach were as follows: 24% present value discount factor and probability adjusted revenue assumptions based on the number of expected units produced. As of June 30, 2015, the estimated fair value of the contingent consideration is $2,078,000. The increase in the estimated fair value is recorded as an expense in the statement of operations. The values and useful lives of the acquired DuPont Pioneer intangibles are as follows: Total identifiable intangible assets The Company incurred $863,048 of acquisition costs associated with the Pioneer Acquisition that have been recorded in selling, general and administrative expenses on the consolidated statement of operations. The newly acquired business generated revenues of approximately $27.9 million during the year ended June 30, 2015. In the transaction, DuPont Pioneer retained ownership of its GMO (genetically modified) alfalfa germplasm and related intellectual property assets, as well as the right to develop new GMO-traited alfalfa germplasm. The retained GMO germplasm assets incorporate certain GMO traits that are licensed to DuPont Pioneer from third parties (the "Third Party GMO Traits"). The Company was interested in acquiring the GMO assets at the time it acquired the conventional (non-GMO) alfalfa seed assets, and DuPont Pioneer was interested in selling those assets, but terms could not be agreed-upon, in part because of the need for agreements with the third parties from whom the Third Party GMO Traits are licensed. The agreements related to the Pioneer Acquisition provide that both the Company and DuPont Pioneer will work towards obtaining the necessary consents from and agreements with third parties such that the GMO assets can be transferred from DuPont Pioneer to the Company. If such consents and agreements are obtained before November 30, 2017, the Company has committed to buy and DuPont Pioneer has committed to sell the GMO assets at a price of $7,000,000 on or before December 29, 2017. The following unaudited pro forma financial information presents results as if the Pioneer Acquisition occurred on July 1, 2013. Net loss per basic and diluted share For purposes of the pro forma disclosures above, the primary adjustments for the year ended June 30, 2015 include: (i) the reduction of DuPont Pioneer historical revenue to reflect the shift from end customer to wholesale pricing; (ii) the reduction of cost of revenue to remove DuPont Pioneer's historical sales incentives included in cost of sales; (iii) the elimination of acquisition and financing related charges of $1,290,927; (iv) amortization of acquired intangibles of $698,050; (v) depreciation of acquired property, plant and equipment of $221,884; (vi) additional interest expense on the convertible notes issued concurrent to the acquisition, including non-cash amortization of debt issuance costs and accretion of debt discount of $3,054,343; (vii) additional interest expense of $150,000 for the promissory included in total consideration for the Pioneer Acquisition; and (viii) adjustments to reflect the additional income tax expense assuming a combined effective tax rate of 21.1%. The primary adjustments for the year ended June 30, 2014 include: (i) the reduction of DuPont Pioneer historical revenue to reflect the shift from end customer to wholesale pricing; (ii) the reduction of cost of revenue to remove DuPont Pioneer's historical sales incentives included in cost of sales; (iii) amortization of acquired intangibles of $1,396,100; (iv) depreciation of acquired property, plant and equipment of $443,767; (v) additional interest expense on the convertible notes issued concurrent to the acquisition, including non-cash amortization of debt issuance costs and accretion of debt discount of $6,053,604; (vi) additional interest expense of $225,000 for the promissory included in total consideration for the Pioneer Acquisition; and (vii) adjustments to reflect the additional income tax expense assuming a combined effective tax rate of 18.9%. NOTE 4 - GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS The following table summarizes the activity of goodwill for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Balance at Foreign Currency Balance at July 1, 2014 Additions Translation June 30, 2015 Goodwill - United States $ 1,402,000 $ 5,353,317 $ - $ 6,755,317 Goodwill - Australia 3,537,462 - (662,500) 2,874,962 $ 4,939,462 $ 5,353,317 $ (662,500) $ 9,630,279 Goodwill - United States $ 1,402,000 $ - $ - $ 1,402,000 Goodwill - Australia 3,430,050 - 107,412 3,537,462 $ 4,832,050 $ - $ 107,412 $ 4,939,462 Intangible assets consist of the following: Technology/IP GI customer list Supply agreement Amortization expense totaled $1,600,360 and $951,892 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Estimated aggregate remaining amortization is as follows: NOTE 5 - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Components of property, plant and equipment were as follows: Land and improvements $ 2,247,379 $ 7,698,811 Buildings and improvements 5,439,712 2,095,362 Machinery and equipment 3,520,168 1,397,288 Vehicles 940,627 332,714 Construction in progress 1,113,137 44,080 Total property, plant and equipment 13,261,023 11,568,255 Less: accumulated depreciation (1,784,087) (1,211,446) Property, plant and equipment, net $ 11,476,936 $ 10,356,809 Depreciation expense totaled $579,278 and $313,847 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. NOTE 6 - DEBT Total debts outstanding, excluding convertible debt addressed in Note 7, are presented on the consolidated balance sheet as follows: Working capital lines of credit National Australia Bank Limited Total working capital lines of credit Term loan - Wells Fargo Term loan - Ally Keith facility (machinery & equipment loan) - National Australia Bank Limited Unsecured subordinate promissory note - related party Promissory note - SGI selling shareholders Debt discount - SGI Total current portion Term loan (Keith building) - National Australia Bank Limited Promissory note - Dupont Pioneer Total long-term portion Since 2011, the Company has had an ongoing revolving credit facility agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association ("Wells Fargo"). In July 2012, the Company and Wells Fargo agreed to add a new term loan in the amount of $2,625,000 (the "Term Loan"). The Term Loan bore interest at a rate per annum equal to 2.35% above LIBOR as specified in the Term Loan. Under the Term Loan, the first installment of monthly principal repayments commenced in August 2012 and continued at a fixed amount per month until the first annual increase in July 2013. Thereafter the amount of monthly principal reduction was subject to annual increases, with the last monthly payment in July 2019. There were annual principal payments in August 2013 and 2014 in the amount of $56,000, with a final installment, consisting of all remaining unpaid principal due and payable in full on July 5, 2019. In March 2015, the Company paid off the entire outstanding balance of the Term Loan concurrent with the sale of 759 acres of farmland property located in the Imperial Valley of California. On February 21, 2014, the Company entered into new credit agreements with Wells Fargo and thereby became obligated under new working capital facilities (collectively, the "New Facilities"). The New Facilities include (i) a domestic revolving facility of up to $4,000,000 to refinance the Company's outstanding credit accommodations from Wells Fargo and for working capital purposes, and (ii) an export-import revolving facility of up to $10,000,000 for financing export-related accounts receivable and inventory (the "Ex-Im Revolver"). The availability of credit under the Ex-Im Revolver will be limited to an aggregate of 90% of the eligible accounts receivable (as defined under the credit agreement for the Ex-Im Revolver) plus 75% of the value of eligible inventory (also as defined under the credit agreement for the Ex-Im Revolver), with the term "value" defined as the lower of cost or fair market value on a first-in first-out basis determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. All amounts due and owing under the New Facilities must be paid in full on or before October 1, 2015, pursuant to the most recent amendments to the New Facilities as discussed below. The New Facilities are secured by a first priority lien on accounts receivable and other rights to payment, general intangibles, inventory, and equipment. The New Facilities are further secured by a lien on, and a pledge of, 65% of the stock of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Seed Genetics International Pty Ltd. The New Facilities, as entered into in February 2014, bear interest either at (i) a fluctuating rate per annum determined by Wells Fargo to be 2.25% above the daily one-month LIBOR Rate in effect from time to time, or (ii) a fixed rate per annum determined to be 2.25% above LIBOR in effect on the first day of the applicable fixed rate term. Interest is payable each month in arrears. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, as defined under the credit agreement for each of the New Facilities (collectively, the "Credit Agreements"), the principal balance due under the Facilities will thereafter bear interest at a rate per annum that is 4% above the interest rate that is otherwise in effect under the Facilities. The Credit Agreements contain customary representations and warranties, affirmative and negative covenants and customary events of default that permit Wells Fargo to accelerate the Company's outstanding obligations under the New Facilities, all as set forth in the Credit Agreements and related documents. As consideration for the Ex-Im Revolver, the Company was required to pay a one-time, non-refundable commitment fee of $100,000 to Wells Fargo. Pursuant to the terms of a Borrower Agreement between the Company and the Export-Import Bank of the United States (the "Ex-Im Bank"), the Ex-Im Bank agrees to guarantee 90% of amounts outstanding and owing under the Ex-Im Revolver. On February 27, 2015, the Company executed and entered into a Third Amendment to Credit Agreement and Revolving Line of Credit Note with respect thereto, and a Third Amendment to Ex-Im Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement and Revolving Line of Credit Note with respect thereto (collectively, the "Third Amendments"). Pursuant to the Third Amendments, the respective principal amounts available under the Credit Agreements and the Ex-Im Revolver remain unchanged, with the maturity date extended to July 1, 2015. Under the Third Amendments, both the Credit Agreement Note and the Ex-Im Revolver bear interest either (i) at a fluctuating rate per annum determined by Wells Fargo to be 2.75% above the daily one-month LIBOR Rate in effect from time to time, or (ii) at a fixed rate per annum determined to be 2.75% above LIBOR in effect on the first day of the applicable fixed rate term. The Third Amendments include minimal changes to certain financial covenants, including the manner in which the net income financial covenant (itself unchanged) is calculated for the period ended June 30, 2015 and, with respect to the Asset Coverage Ratio, which also remains unchanged, the addition of the requirement that such ratio be maintained at any time rather than as of month end. On March 27, 2015, the Company entered into a Fourth Amendment to Credit Agreement and a Fourth Amendment to Ex-Im Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement, the purpose of which was to permit the Company to enter into a new guarantee with National Australia Bank Limited ("NAB") in connection with amended credit facilities to be consummated between NAB and SGI. On June 30, 2015, the Company entered into a Fifth Amendment to Credit Agreement and Revolving Line of Credit Note with respect thereto, and a Fifth Amendment to Ex-Im Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement and Revolving Line of Credit Note related thereto (collectively, the "Fifth Amendments"). Pursuant to the Fifth Amendments, the respective principal amounts available under the Credit Agreement and the Ex-Im Revolver remain unchanged, with the maturity date extended to October 1, 2015. Seed Holding LLC and Stevia California LLC, both subsidiaries of the Company, executed continuing guarantees in connection therewith. On September 22, 2015, the Company paid-off and terminated the credit facilities with Wells Fargo. See Note 15 for further discussion of the replacement credit facility with KeyBank National Association. On October 1, 2012, the Company issued a five-year subordinated promissory note to Imperial Valley Seeds, Inc. in the principal amount of $500,000 (the "IVS Note"), with a maturity date of October 1, 2017 (the "Maturity Date"). The IVS Note will accrue interest at a rate per annum equal to one-month LIBOR at closing plus 2%, which equals 2.2%. Interest will be payable in five annual installments, in arrears, commencing on October 1, 2013, and on each succeeding anniversary thereof through and including the Maturity Date (each, a "Payment Date") and on the Maturity Date. Amortizing payments of the principal of $100,000 will also be made on each Payment Date, with any remaining outstanding principal and accrued interest payable on the Maturity Date. The outstanding balance on the IVS Note was $300,000 at June 30, 2015. In March 2013, the Company entered into a term loan for a vehicle purchase. The loan is payable in 59 monthly installments and matures in February 2018. The loan bears interest at a rate of 2.94% per annum. On April 1, 2013, the Company issued a three-year subordinated promissory note to the selling shareholders of SGI in the principal amount of US $2,482,317 (the "SGI Note"), with a maturity date of April 1, 2016 (the "SGI Maturity Date"). The SGI note is non-interest bearing. A principal payment of $482,317 was made in October 2013, and the remaining $2,000,000 will be paid at the SGI Maturity Date. Since the note is non-interest bearing, the Company recorded a debt discount of $156,880 at the time of issuance for the estimated net present value of the obligation and accretes the net present value of the SGI Note obligation up to the face value of the SGI Note obligation using the effective interest method as a component of interest expense. Accretion of the debt discount totaled $52,570 and $51,438 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Accretion of the debt discount was charged to the consolidated statement of operations. On December 31, 2014 the Company issued a three-year secured promissory note to DuPont Pioneer in the initial principal amount of $10,000,000 (the "Pioneer Note"), with a maturity date of December 31, 2017 (the "Pioneer Maturity Date"). The Pioneer Note will accrue interest at 3% per annum. Interest will be payable in three annual installments, in arrears, commencing on December 31, 2015, and on each succeeding anniversary thereof through and including the Pioneer Maturity Date. The principal balance remains outstanding until maturity on December 31, 2017. SGI finances the purchase of most of its seed inventory from growers pursuant to a seasonal credit facility with NAB. The current facility, referred to as the 2015 NAB Facilities, was amended as of March 31, 2015 and expires on March 31, 2016. As of June 30, 2015, AUD $4,906,336 (USD $3,755,800 at June 30, 2015) was outstanding under the 2015 NAB Facilities. The 2015 NAB Facilities, as currently in effect, comprises two distinct facility lines: (i) an overdraft facility (the "Overdraft Facility"), having a credit limit of AUD $980,000 (USD $750,190 at June 30, 2015) and a trade refinance facility (the "Trade Refinance Facility"), having a credit limit of AUD $12,000,000 (USD $9,186,000 at June 30, 2015). The Trade Refinance Facility permits SGI to borrow funds for periods of up to 180 days, at SGI's discretion, provided that the term is consistent with its trading terms. Interest for each drawdown is set at the time of the drawdown as follows: (i) for Australian dollar drawings, based on the Australian Trade Refinance Rate plus 1.5% per annum and (ii) for foreign currency drawings, based on the British Bankers' Association Interest Settlement Rate for the relevant foreign currency for the relevant period, or if such rate is not available, the rate reasonably determined by NAB to be the appropriate equivalent rate, plus 1.5% per annum. As of June 30, 2015, the Trade Refinance Facility accrued interest on Australian dollar drawings at approximately 5.17%, calculated daily. The Trade Refinance Facility is secured by a lien on all the present and future rights, property and undertakings of SGI, the mortgage on SGI's Keith, South Australia property and the Company's corporate guarantee (up to a maximum of USD $13,000,000). The Overdraft Facility permits SGI to borrow funds on a revolving line of credit up to the credit limit. Interest accrues daily and is calculated by applying the daily interest rate to the balance owing at the end of the day and is payable monthly in arrears. As of June 30, 2015, the Overdraft Facility accrued interest at approximately 7.12% calculated daily. For both the Overdraft Facility and the Trade Refinance Facility, interest is payable each month in arrears. In the event of a default, as defined in the NAB Facility Agreement, the principal balance due under the facilities will thereafter bear interest at an increased rate per annum above the interest rate that would otherwise have been in effect from time to time under the terms of each facility (i.e., the interest rate increases by 4.5% per annum under the Trade Refinance Facility and the Overdraft Facility upon the occurrence of an event of default). The 2015 NAB Facilities contains customary representations and warranties, affirmative and negative covenants and customary events of default that permit NAB to accelerate SGI's outstanding obligations, all as set forth in the NAB facility agreements. In January 2015, NAB and SGI entered into a new business markets - flexible rate loan (the "Keith Building Loan") in the amount of AUD $650,000 (USD $497,575 at June 30, 2015), and a machinery and equipment facility (the "Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility") of up to AUD $1,350,000 (USD $1,033,425 at June 30, 2015). The Keith Building Loan and the Keith Machinery and Equity Facility, collectively referred to as the Keith Credit Facilities, have a combined maximum credit amount of AUD $2,000,000 (USD $1,531,000 at June 30, 2015). The Keith Credit Facilities are being used for the construction of a new building on SGI's Keith, South Australia property and for the machinery and equipment to be purchased for use in the operations of the new building. The Keith Building Loan matures on November 30, 2024. The interest rate on the Keith Building Loan varies from pricing period to pricing period (each such period approximately 30 days), based on the weighted average of a specified basket of interest rates (6.135% as of June 30, 2015). Interest is payable each month in arrears. The Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility permits SGI to draw down amounts up to the maximum of AUD $1,350,000 (USD $1,033,425) for periods of up to 180 days, in SGI's discretion, provided the term is consistent with SGI's trading terms. The Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility bears interest, payable in arrears, based on the Australian Trade Refinance Rate quoted by NAB at the time of the drawdown, plus 2.9%. The two Keith Credit Facilities contain customary representations and warranties, affirmative and negative covenants and customary events of default that permit NAB to accelerate SGI's outstanding obligations, all as set forth in the facility agreement. They are secured by a lien on all the present and future rights, property and undertakings of SGI, the Company's corporate guarantee and a mortgage on SGI's Keith, South Australia property. At June 30, 2015, the principal balance on the Keith Building Loan was AUD $609,382 (USD $466,482), and the principal balance on the Keith Machinery and Equipment Facility was AUD $202,034 (USD $154,657). The annual maturities of short-term and long-term debt (excluding debt discount), excluding convertible debt addressed in Note 7, are as follows: Fiscal Year Amount 2016 $ 2,263,651 2018 10,181,328 Thereafter 131,482 Total $ 12,945,723 NOTE 7 - SENIOR CONVERTIBLE NOTES AND WARRANTS On December 31, 2014, the Company consummated the sale of senior secured convertible debentures (the "Debentures") and common stock purchase warrants (the "Warrants") to various institutional investors ("Investors") pursuant to the terms of a securities purchase agreement among the Company and the Investors. At closing, the Company received $27,000,000 in gross proceeds. Offering expenses of $1,931,105 attributed to the Debentures were recorded as deferred financing fees and recorded as a debt discount on the consolidated balance sheet and offering expenses of $424,113 attributed derivative warrants were expensed to the statement of operations during the year ended June 30, 2015. The net proceeds were paid directly to DuPont Pioneer in partial consideration for the purchase of certain Pioneer assets, the closing for which also took place on December 31, 2014. See Note 3 for further discussion of the Pioneer Acquisition. The Debentures are due and payable on November 30, 2017, unless earlier converted or redeemed. The Debentures bear interest on the aggregate unconverted and then outstanding principal amount at 8% per annum, payable in arrears monthly beginning February 2, 2015. Commencing on the occurrence of any Event of Default (as defined in the Debentures) that results in the eventual acceleration of the Debentures, the interest rate will increase to 18% per annum. The monthly interest is payable in cash, or in any combination of cash or shares of the Company's common stock at the Company's option, provided certain "equity conditions" defined in the Debentures are satisfied. Beginning on July 1, 2015, the Company is required to make monthly payments of principal as well, payable in cash or any combination of cash or shares of its common stock at the Company's option, provided all of the applicable equity conditions are satisfied. The Debentures contain certain rights of acceleration and deferral at the holder's option in the event a principal payment is to be made in stock and contains certain limited acceleration rights of the Company, provided certain conditions are satisfied. The Debentures provided for redemption of up to $5,000,000 in principal amount, payable in cash without prepayment penalty, if redeemed by July 1, 2015. Such early redemption was required in the event of certain real estate sales and otherwise was optional. In accordance with the terms of the Debentures, following the sale of 759 acres of farmland property in the Imperial Valley of California in March 2015, which resulted in sale proceeds of $7,100,000, the Company redeemed $5,000,000 in principal amount of the Debentures on a pro rata basis. At June 30, 2015, the Company has outstanding $21,954,482 in principal amount of the Debentures following the real estate sale redemption. The reduction in principal was applied on the back end of the term, and as a result, does not reduce the dollar amount of the monthly redemption payments that commence on July 1, 2015, but does have the effect of reducing the term of the Debentures from December 1, 2017 to June 1, 2017. Following the real estate redemption, the Company may otherwise redeem the Debentures before maturity upon payment of the optional redemption price, which is equal to 120% of the sum of the principal amount of the Debentures, all accrued and unpaid interest, all other interest that would accrue if the Debentures were held to maturity and any unpaid liquidated damages that may be assessed under any of the transaction documents, including the Securities Purchase Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement and the Warrants. The Debentures are convertible, at the holder's option, into the Company's common stock at an initial conversion price of $5.00, subject to adjustment for stock splits, reverse stock splits and similar recapitalization events. If, on September 30, 2015, the conversion price of $5.00 exceeds the arithmetic average of the 10 lowest daily volume weighted average prices ("VWAPs") of the common stock during the 20 consecutive trading days ending on the trading day that is immediately prior to September 30, 2015 the conversion price will adjust to that arithmetic average but in no event will the price be reset below $4.15 (as adjusted for any stock dividends, stock split, stock combination, reclassification or similar transaction occurring after December 30, 2014). The Company has a one-time optional forced conversion right, exercisable if specified conditions are satisfied. The Debentures are the Company's senior secured obligations, subject only to certain secured obligations of Wells Fargo and DuPont Pioneer (limited to a purchase money security interest in the purchased assets). The rights of Wells Fargo, DuPont Pioneer and the holders of the Debentures are set forth in an inter-creditor and subordination agreement that was entered into in connection with the closing of the issuance of the Debentures. The Warrants entitle the holders to purchase, in the aggregate, 2,699,999 shares of common stock. The Warrants are exercisable beginning June 30, 2015 and expire on June 30, 2020, unless earlier redeemed. The Warrants are initially exercisable at an exercise price equal to $5.00, subject to adjustment for stock splits, combinations or similar recapitalization events. If, on September 30, 2015, the exercise price then in effective exceeds the arithmetic average of the 10 lowest daily VWAPs of the Company's common stock during the 20 consecutive trading days ending on the trading day that is immediately prior to September 30, 2015 then the exercise price for the Warrants will be reset to that arithmetic average, but in no event will the reset price fall below $4.15 (as adjusted for any stock dividends, stock split, stock combination, reclassification or similar transaction occurring after December 30, 2014). In addition, if the Company issues or is deemed to have issued securities at a price lower than the then applicable exercise price during the three year period ending December 31, 2017, the exercise price of the Warrants will adjust based on a weighted average anti-dilution formula ("down-round protection"). The Warrants may be exercised for cash, provided that, if there is no effective registration statement available registering the exercise of the Warrants, the Warrants may be exercised on a cashless basis. At any time after July 1, 2015, provided that (i) all equity conditions set forth in the Warrant have been satisfied, and (ii) the closing sales price of the common stock equals or exceeds $12.00 for 15 consecutive trading days (subject to adjustment for stock splits, reverse stock splits and other similar recapitalization events), the Company may redeem all or any part of the Warrants then outstanding for cash in an amount equal to $0.25 per Warrant. Accounting for the Conversion Option and Warrants The aggregate gross proceeds of $27,000,000 were allocated between the Debentures and the Warrants. Due to the down-round price protection included in the terms of the Warrants, the Warrants are treated as a derivative liability in the consolidated balance sheet, measured at fair value and marked to market each reporting period until the earlier of the Warrants being fully exercised or December 31, 2017, when the down-round protection expires. The initial fair value of the Warrants on December 31, 2014 was $4,862,000. The Warrants were initially valued using the Monte Carlo simulation model, under the following assumptions: (i) expected life of 5.5 years, (ii) volatility of 53.4%, (iii) risk-free interest rate of 1.65%, and (iv) dividend rate of zero. The exercise price re-set feature was captured within the Monte-Carlo simulation by creating a series of stock price paths and examining whether or not the simulated stock price was less than the original stated exercise price. If the simulated value was less, the exercise price was adjusted downward using the formula per the warrant purchase agreement. If the simulated stock price was higher, the exercise price remained set at the originally stated exercise price. The remaining $22,138,000 of proceeds was allocated to the Debentures. The required redemption contingent upon the real estate sale was determined to be an embedded derivative not clearly and closely related to the borrowing. As such, it was bifurcated and treated as a derivative liability, recorded initially at its fair value of $150,000, leaving an allocation to the host debt of $21,988,000. The difference between the initial amount allocated to the borrowing and the face value of the Debentures will be amortized over the term of the Debentures using the effective interest method. In addition, debt issuance costs totaling $1,931,105 are being amortized over the term of the Debentures using the effective interest method. While the conversion feature of the Debentures does not require separate accounting as either a derivative or an equity component, the potential reset of the conversion price on September 30, 2015 created a contingent beneficial conversion feature. If the conversion price is adjusted at September 30, 2015 to a price less than $4.88 per share, a beneficial conversion feature will be recognized at that time. Initially, the maximum beneficial conversion feature was approximately $3,900,000, based on a potential reset to the floor of $4.15 per share. The redemption of $5,000,000 in principal amount of Debentures means that the maximum beneficial conversion feature that may be recognized has decreased to $3,200,000. Any beneficial conversion feature recognized will reduce the recognized value of the debt and be treated as additional debt discount, which will be accreted to interest expense over the remaining term of the Debentures. Accounting for the Redemption The redemption of $5,000,000 in principal amount of the Debentures was accounted for as a partial extinguishment of the borrowing, as well as the settlement of the derivative recognized initially. The redemption resulted in a loss of $1,183,687, which is included in the interest expense - amortization of debt discount line item on the consolidated statement of operations. Total convertible debt outstanding, excluding debt addressed in Note 6, is presented on the consolidated balance sheet as follows: Senior secured convertible notes payable Debt discount Total convertible debt, net The annual maturities of convertible notes are as follows: NOTE 8 - INCOME TAXES Significant components of the provision (benefit) for income taxes from continuing operations are as follows: Federal $ 42,453 $ 70,046 State 14,528 800 Foreign 519,910 300,727 Total current provision 576,891 371,573 Deferred: Federal (1,146,961) (383,324) State (192,907) (129,645) Foreign (83,002) 228,512 Total deferred provision (benefit) (1,422,870) (284,457) (Benefit) provision for income taxes $ (845,979) $ 87,116 The difference between income tax benefits and income taxes computed using the U.S. federal income tax rate are as follows: Tax expense (benefit) at statutory tax rate $ (1,363,097) $ 156,635 State taxes (benefit), net of federal tax (benefit) (115,851) 8,018 Stock compensation 104,090 79,981 Mark to market on financial instruments 474,640 - Warrant financing costs 145,479 - Other permanent differences 29,161 27,649 Federal and state research credits - current year (59,233) (29,181) Impact of change in federal and state effective income tax rates (8,467) (71,466) Foreign Rate Differential (58,756) (69,541) Other 6,055 (14,979) $ (845,979) $ 87,116 The Company recognizes federal and state current tax liabilities or assets based on its estimate of taxes payable to or refundable by tax authorities in the current fiscal year. The Company also recognizes federal and state deferred tax liabilities or assets based on the Company's estimate of future tax effects attributable to temporary differences and carry forwards. The Company records a valuation allowance to reduce any deferred tax assets by the amount of any tax benefits that, based on available evidence and judgment, are not expected to be realized. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, the Company considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during periods in which those temporary differences become deductible. The Company considers projected future taxable income and planning strategies in making this assessment. Based on the projections for the taxable income and planning strategies, the Company has determined that it is more likely than not that the deferred tax assets will be realized. Accordingly, no valuation allowance has been recorded as of June 30, 2015 or 2014. Significant components of the Company's deferred tax assets are shown below. Deferred tax assets: Net operating loss carry forwards $ 4,124,109 $ 2,844,500 Stock compensation 275,027 268,104 Tax credit carry forwards 140,524 81,290 Other, net 475,120 142,095 Total deferred tax assets 5,014,780 3,335,989 Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets - - Deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance 5,014,780 3,335,989 Intangible assets (70,911) (147,397) Fixed assets (660,609) (328,197) Total deferred tax liabilities (731,520) (475,594) Net deferred tax assets $ 4,283,260 $ 2,860,395 As of June 30, 2015, the Company had federal and state net operating loss carry forwards of approximately $10,921,582 and $6,130,593, respectively, which will begin to expire June 30, 2030, unless previously utilized. The Company has federal research credits of $123,965 which will expire June 30, 2030, unless previously utilized. The Company has state research credits of $25,089 that do not expire. As of June 30, 2015, the Company has not provided for U.S. federal and state income taxes and foreign withholding taxes on approximately $3,115,000 of undistributed earnings of its foreign subsidiary as these earnings are considered indefinitely reinvested outside of the United States. Determination of the amount of any potential unrecognized deferred income tax liability is not practicable due to the complexities of the hypothetical calculation. If management decides to repatriate such foreign earnings in future periods, the Company may incur incremental U.S. federal and state income taxes as well as foreign withholding taxes. However, the Company's intent is to keep these funds indefinitely reinvested outside the U.S. and its current plans do not demonstrate a need to repatriate them to fund our U.S. operations. The Company recognizes liabilities for uncertain tax positions based on a two-step process. The first step is to evaluate the tax position for recognition by determining if the weight of available evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained on audit, including resolution of related appeals or litigation processes, if any. The second step is to measure the tax benefit as the largest amount that is more than 50% likely of being realized upon settlement. While the Company believes that it has appropriate support for the positions taken on its tax returns, the Company regularly assesses the potential outcome of examinations by tax authorities in determining the adequacy of its provision for income taxes. The Company believes that it has appropriate support for the income tax positions taken on its tax returns and that its accruals for tax liabilities are adequate for all open years based on an assessment of many factors, including past experience and interpretations of tax law applied to the facts of each matter. The Company is open for audit for all years since the entity became a corporation. The Company's policy is to recognize interest expense and penalties related to income tax matters as a component of income tax expense. The Company has not accrued interest and penalties associated with uncertain tax positions as of June 30, 2015. The Company does not expect its unrecognized tax benefits to change significantly over the next 12 months. NOTE 9 - WARRANTS The following table summarizes the warrants outstanding at June 30, 2015: Per Share / as of June 30, New Issuances Class B warrants Underwriter warrants - units Underwriter warrants The warrants issued in December 2014 are subject to down-round price protection. See Note 7 for further discussion. NOTE 10 - FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS The Company's subsidiary, SGI, is exposed to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations in the normal course of its business, which the Company manages through the use of foreign currency forward contracts. These foreign currency contracts are not designated as hedging instruments; accordingly, changes in the fair value are recorded in current period earnings. These foreign currency contracts have a notional value of $7,180,179 at June 30, 2015 and maturities range from July 2015 to December 2015. The Company records an asset or liability on the consolidated balance sheet for the fair value of the foreign currency forward contracts. The foreign currency contract liabilities totaled $59,116 at June 30, 2015 compared to a foreign currency contract asset of $627 at June 30, 2014. The Company recorded a loss on foreign exchange contracts of $469,738 which is reflected in cost of revenue for the year ended June 30, 2015. The Company recorded a gain on foreign exchange contracts of $111,815 during the year ended June 30, 2014, which is reflected in cost of revenue. NOTE 11 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES In the Pioneer Acquisition, DuPont Pioneer retained ownership of its GMO (genetically modified) alfalfa germplasm and related intellectual property assets, as well as the right to develop new GMO-traited alfalfa germplasm. The retained GMO germplasm assets incorporate certain GMO traits that are licensed to DuPont Pioneer from third parties (the "Third Party GMO Traits"). Pursuant to the terms of the Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Pioneer Acquisition, if required third party consents are received prior to November 30, 2017 and subject to the satisfaction of certain other conditions specified in the Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement, either the Company or DuPont Pioneer has the right to enter into (and require the other party to enter into) on December 29, 2017 (or such earlier date as the parties agree) a proposed form of asset purchase and sale agreement, as the same may be updated in accordance with the terms of the Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement, pursuant to which Company would acquire additional GMO germplasm varieties and other related assets from DuPont Pioneer for a purchase price of $7,000,000. The Company has entered into various non-cancelable operating lease agreements. Rent expense under operating leases was $174,903 and $83,670 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The following table sets forth the Company's estimates of future lease payment obligations as of June 30, 2015: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Thereafter Operating lease obligations $ 568,062 $ 529,957 $ 399,271 $ 237,333 $ 276,548 $ 1,098,096 The Company is not currently a party to any pending or threatened legal proceedings. Based on information currently available, management is not aware of any matters that would have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. NOTE 12 - RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Glen D. Bornt, a member of the Company's Board of Directors, is the founder and President of Imperial Valley Milling Co. ("IVM"). He is its majority shareholder and a member of its Board of Directors. Fred Fabre, the Company's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, is a minority shareholder of IVM. IVM had a 15-year supply agreement with Imperial Valley Seeds, Inc., and this agreement was assigned by IVS to the Company when it purchased the assets of IVS in October 2012. IVM contracts with alfalfa seed growers in California's Imperial Valley and sells its growers' seed to the Company pursuant to a supply agreement. Under the terms of the supply agreement, IVM's entire certified and uncertified alfalfa seed production must be offered and sold to the Company, and the Company has the exclusive option to purchase all or any portion of IVM's seed production. The Company paid $10,227,254 to IVM during the year ended June 30, 2015. Amounts due to IVM totaled $834,158 and $651,611 at June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014, respectively. Simon Pengelly, SGI's Chief Financial Officer, has a non-controlling ownership interest in the partnership Bungalally Farms ("BF"). BF is one of SGI's contract alfalfa seed growers. SGI currently has entered into seed production contracts with BF on the same commercial terms and conditions as with the other growers with whom SGI contracts for alfalfa seed production. During year ended June 30, 2015, the Company purchased a total of $428,796 of alfalfa seed that BF grew and sold to SGI under contract seed production agreements. SGI currently has seed production agreements with BF for 123 hectares of various seed varieties as part of its contract production for which SGI paid BF the same price it agreed to pay its other growers. Mr. Pengelly did not personally receive any portion of these funds. Amounts due to BF totaled $293,772 and $373,341 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. NOTE 13 - EQUITY-BASED COMPENSATION 2009 Equity Incentive Plan In October 2009 and January 2010, the Company's Board of Directors and stockholders, respectively, approved the 2009 Equity Incentive Plan (the "2009 Plan"). The plan authorized the grant and issuance of options, restricted shares and other equity compensation to the Company's directors, employees, officers and consultants, and those of the Company's subsidiaries and parent, if any. In October 2012 and December 2012, the Company's Board of Directors and stockholders, respectively, approved the amendment and restatement of the 2009 Plan, including an increase in the number of shares available for issuance as grants and awards under the Plan to 1,250,000 shares. In September 2013 and December 2013, the Company's Board of Directors and stockholders, respectively, approved the amendment and restatement of the 2009 Plan, including an increase in the number of shares available for issuance as grants and awards under the Plan to 1,700,000 shares. The term of incentive stock options granted under the 2009 Plan may not exceed ten years, or five years for incentive stock options granted to an optionee owning more than 10% of the Company's voting stock. The exercise price of options granted under the 2009 Plan must be equal to or greater than the fair market value of the shares of the common stock on the date the option is granted. An incentive stock option granted to an optionee owning more than 10% of voting stock must have an exercise price equal to or greater than 110% of the fair market value of the common stock on the date the option is granted. The Company measures the cost of employee services received in exchange for an award of equity instruments based on the grant-date fair value of the award. Stock options issued to non-employees are accounted for at their estimated fair value. The fair value of options granted to non-employees is re-measured as they vest. The Company amortizes stock-based compensation expense on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period. Beginning with the quarter ended December 31, 2014, the Company began utilizing a Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model, which includes assumptions regarding the risk-free interest rate, dividend yield, life of the award, and the volatility of the Company's common stock to estimate the fair value of employee options grants. The fair value of grants issued prior to the quarter ended December 31, 2014 were estimated using a lattice model. The weighted average assumptions used in the Black-Scholes-Merton model were:( i) 1.4% - 1.5% risk free rate of interest; (ii) 0% dividend yield and (iii) 50.8% volatility of common stock. The Company applied forfeiture assumptions of 5.2%-14.9% to the estimated fair values to determine the net expense to record in the consolidated financial statements. On December 8, 2012, the Company granted 175,000 stock options to its directors, officers, and employees at an exercise price of $7.20, which was the closing price for the Company's common stock on the date of grant. These options vest in equal quarterly installments over one- and three-year periods, commencing on January 1, 2013, and expire five years from the date of grant. During the year ended June 30, 2014, the Company granted 270,000 stock options to its officers and employees at exercise prices ranging from $5.94 to $8.29, which was the closing price for the Company's common stock on the respective dates of grant. These options vest in equal quarterly installments over periods ranging from six months to three years and expire five years from the date of grant. During the year ended June 30, 2015, the Company granted 227,197 stock options to its directors, officers and employees at exercise prices ranging from $3.61 to $6.25. These options vest in equal quarterly installments over periods ranging from one to three years and expiration dates range from five to ten years from the date of grant. A summary of stock option activity for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 is presented below: Weighted - Average Average Remaining Aggregate Number Exercise Price Contractual Intrinsic Outstanding Per Share Life (Years) Value Outstanding at June 30, 2013 827,000 $ 4.74 2.8 $ 2,632,060 Granted 270,000 6.44 4.5 Exercised - - - Canceled/forfeited/expired (10,000) 4.10 1.6 Outstanding at June 30, 2014 1,087,000 5.17 2.5 1,562,712 Exercised (400,000) 4.00 - Canceled/forfeited/expired (12,500) 7.75 - Outstanding at June 30, 2015 901,697 5.33 4.1 392,850 Options vested and exercisable at June 30, 2015 585,133 5.58 2.6 195,429 Options vested and expected to vest as of June 30, 2015 890,020 $ 5.34 4.1 $ 381,416 The weighted average grant date fair value of options granted and outstanding at June 30, 2015 was $1.08. At June 30, 2015, the Company had $387,158 of unrecognized stock compensation expense, net of estimated forfeitures, related to the options under the 2009 Plan, which will be recognized over the weighted average remaining service period of 2.6 years. The Company settles employee stock option exercises with newly issued shares of common stock. On May 7, 2012, the Company issued 73,000 shares of restricted common stock to certain members of the executive management team. The restricted common shares vest annually in equal installments over a three-year period, commencing one year from the date of the grant. The Company recorded $124,287 and $146,000 of stock-based compensation expense associated with this grant during the year ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The value of the award was based on the closing stock price on the date of grant. A summary of activity related to non-vested restricted shares is presented below: Weighted - Number of Average Remaining Nonvested Grant Date Contractual Restricted Shares Fair Value Life (Years) Beginning nonvested restricted shares outstanding 24,332 $ 6.00 - Granted - - - Vested (24,332) 6.00 - Forfeited - - - Ending nonvested restricted shares outstanding - $ - - On March 16, 2013, the Company issued 280,000 restricted stock units to certain members of the executive management team. The restricted stock units have varying vesting periods whereby 34,000 restricted stock units vested on July 1, 2013 and the remaining 246,000 restricted stock units vest quarterly in equal installments over a four and one-half year period, commencing on July 1, 2013. The Company recorded $576,951and $577,299 of stock-based compensation expense associated with this grant during the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The fair value of the award was $2,984,800 and was based on the closing stock price on the date of grant. A summary of activity related to non-vested restricted share units is presented below: Number of Weighted - Average Nonvested Average Remaining Restricted Grant Date Contractual Share Units Fair Value Life (Years) Beginning nonvested restricted units outstanding 191,336 $ 10.66 - Vested (54,664) 10.66 - Ending nonvested restricted units outstanding 136,672 $ 10.66 2.3 At June 30, 2015, the Company had $1,302,486 of unrecognized stock compensation expense related to the restricted stock units, which will be recognized over the weighted average remaining service period of 2.3 years. At June 30, 2015 there were 224,581 shares available under the 2009 Plan for future grants and awards. Stock-based compensation expense recorded for stock options, restricted stock grants and restricted stock units for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 totaled $896,882 and $872,711, respectively. NOTE 14 - NON-CASH ACTIVITIES FOR STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS The below table represents supplemental information to the Company's consolidated statements of cash flows for non-cash activities during the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. (Increase) decrease in non-cash net assets of subsidiary due to foreign currency translation gain (loss) $ (3,427,922) $ 435,069 Fair value of assets acquired 60,937,152 - Cash paid for the acquisition (27,000,000) - Promissory note issued (10,000,000) - Contingent consideration issued (2,004,000) - Amount payable to seller (9,684,646) - Liabilities assumed $ 12,248,506 $ - NOTE 15 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS On July 1, 2015, the Company issued 9,354 shares of common stock in the settlement of previously granted RSU's that vested on July 1, 2015. On July 15, 2015, the Company granted an aggregate of 120,000 options to purchase its common stock at an exercise price of $4.76 to its Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. The options vest over 12 quarters commencing on October 1, 2015 and are exercisable for 10 years. On July 15, 2015, the Company awarded an aggregate of 88,333 restricted stock units ("RSUs") to members of its executive management team. The RSUs vest quarterly over 12 quarters, commencing with the initial vesting on October 1, 2015, at which time 15% of the total grant will vest. The RSU grants will be fully vested on July 1, 2018, subject to continued service with the Company on each vesting date. The Company shall maintain one or more lockbox or cash collateral accounts at KeyBank, in KeyBank's name, which shall provide for the collection and remittance of all proceeds from sales of Company product (which is collateral for the Credit Facility) on a daily basis. Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure Item 9A. Controls and Procedures Disclosure Controls and Procedures Our management, with the participation of our Principal Executive Officer and our Principal Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of June 30, 2015 (the "Evaluation Date"). The term "disclosure controls and procedures," as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act, means controls and other procedures of a company that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC's rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the company's management, including its principal executive and principal financial officers, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and management necessarily applies its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures. Based on the evaluation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of June 30, 2015, our Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer concluded that, as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective at the reasonable assurance level. Management's Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) of the Exchange Act. Internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Management has conducted, with the participation of our Principal Executive Officer and our Principal Accounting Officer, an assessment, including testing of the effectiveness, of our internal control over financial reporting as of Evaluation Date. Management's assessment of internal control over financial reporting was conducted using the criteria in Internal Control over Financial Reporting - Guidance for Smaller Public Companies issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of our annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. In connection with our management's assessment of our internal control over financial reporting as required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, we have not identified any material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting as of Evaluation Date. We have thus concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of the Evaluation Date. This annual report does not include an attestation report of our registered public accounting firm regarding internal control over financial reporting. Management's report was not subject to attestation by our registered public accounting firm pursuant to an exemption for smaller reporting companies under Section 989G of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. There have been no significant changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act) or in other factors that occurred during the period of our evaluation or subsequent to the date we carried out our evaluation that have significantly affected, or are reasonably likely to significantly affect, our internal control over financial reporting. Item 9B. Other Information Item 1.02 of Form 8-K - Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement In connection with the establishment of a new credit facility with KeyBank National Association, on September 22, 2015 we paid off all outstanding principal and accrued interest and terminated our then-existing credit facilities with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. A summary of material terms of the Wells Fargo credit facilities are described in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Liquidity and Capital Resources on page 46 in this Report on Form 10-K. Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance The information required by Item 10 regarding directors, executive officers, promoters and control persons is incorporated by reference to the information appearing under the caption "Directors and Executive Officers" in our definitive Proxy Statement relating to our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the close of our fiscal year. Our written Code of Ethics applies to all of our directors and employees, including our executive officers, including without limitation our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller or persons performing similar functions. The Code of Ethics is available on our website at http://www.swseed.com in the Investors section under "Corporate Governance." Changes to or waivers of the Code of Ethics will be disclosed on the same website. We intend to satisfy the disclosure requirement under Item 5.05 of Form 8-K regarding any amendment to, or waiver of, any provision of the Code of Ethics by disclosing such information on the same website. Item 11. Executive Compensation The information required by Item 11 is incorporated by reference to the information appearing under the caption "Executive Compensation" in our definitive Proxy Statement relating to our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the close of our fiscal year. Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters The information required by Item 12 is incorporated by reference to the information appearing under the caption "Security Ownership" in our definitive Proxy Statement relating to our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the close of our fiscal year. Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence The information required by Item 13 is incorporated by reference to the information appearing under the caption "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions" in our definitive Proxy Statement relating to our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the close of our fiscal year. Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and Services The information required by Item 14 is incorporated by reference to the information appearing under the caption "Principal Accounting Fees and Services" in our definitive Proxy Statement relating to our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the close of our fiscal year. Item 15. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules (1) Financial Statements: Reference is made to the Index to Consolidated Financial Statements of S&W Seed Company under Item 8 in Part II of this Form 10-K. (2) Financial Statement Schedules: As a smaller reporting company, no financial statement schedules are required. (3) Exhibits: The following exhibits are filed herewith or incorporated by reference: Incorporated by Reference Exhibit Description SEC File Number Herewith Purchase and Assignment of Membership Interests, Assumption of Obligations, Agreement to be Bound by Limited Liability Company Agreement and Admission of Substituted Member, dated January 28, 2010 333=174599 Agreement and Plan of Merger between S&W Seed Company, a Delaware corporation and S&W Seed Company, a Nevada corporation, adopted December 10, 2011 Asset Acquisition Agreement among the Registrant, Imperial Valley Seeds, Inc. ("IVS"), Glen D. Bornt, Fred Fabre and the Bornt Family Trust, dated September 28, 2012 Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. ("Pioneer"), dated December 19, 2014 First Amendment to Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014 Second Amendment to the Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated April 23, 2015 Third Amendment to Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated July 23, 2015 Registrant's Articles of Incorporation Registrant's Amended and Restated Bylaws, together with Amendments One, Two and Three thereto(1) Form of Common Stock Certificate Form of Underwriter Warrant issued to Rodman & Renshaw, LLC Securities Purchase Agreement between the Registrant and MFP Partners, L.P., dated December 31, 2014 Form of Securities Purchase Agreement between the Registrant and each of the purchasers of 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures and Common Stock Purchase Warrants, dated December 30, 2014 Form of 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures Form of Common Stock Purchase Warrant Assignment and Assumption Agreement between the Registrant and IVS, dated October 1, 2012 Supply Agreement between IVS and Imperial Valley Milling Co. ("IV Milling"), dated October 1, 2012 (assigned to the Registrant) 10-Q Subordinated Promissory Note made by the Registrant in favor of IVS, dated October 1, 2012 Service Level Agreement with IV Milling dated April 4, 2014 10-K Roundup Ready® Alfalfa Co-Breeding Agreement between the Registrant and Forage Genetics International, LLC, dated March 21, 2013(3) Contract Alfalfa Production Services Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2)(3) First Amendment to Contract Alfalfa Production Services Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated July 23, 2015 Second Amendment to Contract Alfalfa Production Services Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated August 7, 2015 Alfalfa Distribution Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2)(3) First Amendment to Alfalfa Distribution Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated July 23, 2015 Second Amendment to Alfalfa Distribution Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated August 7, 2015 Research Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2)(3) Non-Exclusive Alfalfa Licensing and Assignment Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(3) Lease Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2)(3) Information Technology Transition Services Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2)(3) Promissory Note issued by the Registrant in favor of Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(3) Security Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014 Mortgage from the Registrant to Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014 Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing among the Registrant, TitleOne Corporation, as trustee, and Pioneer, as beneficiary, dated December 31, 2014 Patent License Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014 Patent Assignment Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2) Know-How Transfer Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2) Data Transfer Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2) Assignment Agreement of Plant Variety Certificates, Plant Breeders' Rights, Maintenance Rights and Registration Rights between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014(2) First Amendment to the Assignment Agreement of Plant Variety Certificates, Plant Breeders' Rights, Maintenance Rights and Registration Rights between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated April 23, 2015 Assignment and Assumption Agreement between the Registrant and Pioneer, dated December 31, 2014 General Warranty Deed by Pioneer in favor of the Registrant, dated December 31, 2014 Warrant Deed by Pioneer in favor of the Registrant, dated December 31, 2014 Form of Registration Rights Agreement among the Registrant and purchasers of the 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures and Warrants Form of Security Agreement among the Registrant and purchasers of the 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures Form of Guaranty provided by Seed Holding, LLC and Stevia California, LLC in favor of the purchasers of the 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures Form of Intercreditor and Subordination Agreement among Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Hudson Bay Fund LP, in its capacity as agent for the holders of the 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures and Pioneer Form of Indemnification Agreement with Officers, Directors and Employees of the Registrant and Subsidiaries Amended and Restated 2009 Equity Incentive Plan as amended through Amendment No. 2, forms of Stock Option Grant and Agreement, Restricted Stock Unit Grant and Restricted Stock Award(1) Employment Agreement between the Registrant and Mark S. Grewal, dated February 26, 2013* Employment Agreement between the Registrant and Matthew K. Szot, effective April 1, 2013* Amendment No. 1 to Employment Agreement between the Registrant and Matthew K. Szot, effective August 6, 2014* Contract of Employment between Seed Genetics International Pty, Ltd. and Dennis C. Jury, dated as of March 28, 2013* Collaboration Agreement between the Registrant and Calyxt, Inc., dated May 28, 2015 and entered into by the Registrant on June 4, 2015CTR Business Letter of Offer dated September 21, 2007 from National Australia Bank ("NAB") for Seed Genetics International Pty Ltd ("SGI") loan facilities Business Letter of Advice dated February 26, 2013 from NAB for SGI credit facilities Business Letter of Offer dated February 27, 2013 from NAB for SGI credit facilities Business Letter of Offer dated January 19, 2015 from NAB for SGI credit facilities Business Letter of Offer dated April 13, 2015 from NAB for SGI credit facilities Business Letter of Advice dated April 13, 2015 from National Australia Bank modifying SGI Farm Management Overdraft Facility Corporate Guarantee executed by the Registrant on April 21, 2015 in favor of National Australia Bank with respect to SGI credit facilities Memorandum of Lease effective March 1, 2013 between United Investments Pty Ltd and SGI for office space in Unley, South Australia Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated as of February 1, 2014 Revolving Line of Credit Note dated as of February 1, 2014 in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Continuing Security Agreement: Right to Payment and Inventory, dated as of February 1, 2014 Security Agreement: Equipment, dated as of February 1, 2014 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of February 1, 2014 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Borrower Agreement EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Revolving Line of Credit Note dated as of February 1, 2014 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee: Continuing Security Agreement: Rights to Payment EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Continuing Security Agreement: Equipment First Amendment to Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of July 2, 2014, entered into on July 28, 2014 First Amendment to EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of July 2, 2014, entered into on July 28, 2014 General Pledge Agreement dated as of July 2, 2014, entered into on July 28, 2014 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee General Pledge Agreement, dated as of July 2, 2014, entered into on July 28, 2014 Amendment and Waiver Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated December 31, 2014 Third Amendment to Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated as of February 27, 2015 Revolving Line of Credit Note dated as of February 27, 2015 payable to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Third Amendment to EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of February 27, 2015 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Revolving Line of Credit Note dated as of February 27, 2015 payable to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 5/15//15 Fourth Amendment to Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of March 26, 2015 Fourth Amendment to EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of March 26, 2015 Fifth Amendment to Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of June 23, 2015 Revolving Line of Credit Note dated as of June 23, 2015 in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Continuing Guarantee provided by Seed Holding, LLC in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of June 23, 2015 Continuing Guarantee provided by Stevia California, LLC in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of June 23, 2015 Fifth Amendment to EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Credit Agreement between the Registrant and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of June 23, 2015 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Revolving Line of Credit Note dated as of June 23, 2015 payable to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Continuing Guaranty provided by Seed Holding, LLC in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of June 23, 2015 EX-IM Working Capital Guarantee Continuing Guaranty provided by Stevia California, LLC in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated as of June 23, 2015 Credit and Security Agreement between the Registrant and KeyBank, National Association ("KeyBank"), dated September 22, 2015(4) Revolving Credit Note dated September 22, 2015 in favor of KeyBank(4) Intellectual Property Security Agreement of the Registrant in favor of KeyBank, dated September 22, 2015(4) Pledge Agreement by the Registrant in favor of KeyBank, dated September 22, 2015(4) Security Agreement (Subsidiary) by U.S. Subsidiaries of Registrant in favor of KeyBank, dated September 22, 2015(4) Guaranty of Payment (Subsidiary) by U.S. Subsidiaries of Registrant in favor of KeyBank, dated September 22, 2015 Intercreditor and Subordination Agreement among KeyBank, Hudson Bay Fund LP, in its capacity as agent for the holders of the 8% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures and Pioneer, dated September 22, 2015(4) Subsidiaries of the Registrant Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Power of Attorney (see signature page) Chief Executive Officer Certification pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended Chief Financial Officer Certification pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended Chief Executive Officer Certification pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002** Chief Financial Officer Certification pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002** The following materials from the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, formatted in XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language): (i) the Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014; (ii) the Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014; (iii) the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive (Loss) Income for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014; (iv) the Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity; (v) the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014; and (vi) the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements CTR Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment. ** This certification accompanies the Form 10-K to which it relates, is not deemed filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of Registrant under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (whether made before or after the date of the Form 10-K), irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing. (1) Previously filed exhibit. Filed herewith to consolidate original document and all amendments thereto. (2) Exhibits and schedules to this agreement have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(b) of Regulation S-K. The Registrant hereby undertakes to furnish supplementally a copy of any omitted exhibit or schedule to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request. (3) Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to an effective order for confidential treatment. (4) As of September 22, 2015, the KeyBank Credit Facility (Exhibits 10.76 through 10.81) replaces the Wells Fargo Credit Facilities (Exhibits 10.48 through 10.75) and the Intercreditor and Subordination Agreement (Exhibit 10.82) replaces Exhibit 10.32. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. By: /s/ Mark S. Grewal Mark S. Grewal KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears below constitutes and appoints Mark S. Grewal and Matthew K. Szot, or any of them, his attorneys-in-fact, for such person in any and all capacities, to sign any amendments to this report and to file the same, with exhibits thereto, and other documents in connection therewith, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, hereby ratifying and confirming all that either of said attorneys-in-fact, or substitute or substitutes, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated. /s/ Mark S. Grewal President, Chief Executive Officer and Director (Principal Executive Officer) /s/ Matthew K. Szot Matthew K. Szot Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer) /s/ Mark J. Harvey Mark J. Harvey /s/ Glen Bornt Glen Bornt /s/ Michael M. Fleming Michael M. Fleming /s/ Alexander C. Matina Alexander C. Matina /s/ Michael N. Nordstrom Michael N. Nordstrom /s/ Charles B. Seidler Charles B. Seidler /s/ William S. Smith William S. Smith /s/ Grover T. Wickersham Grover T. Wickersham /s/ Mark Wong Mark Wong
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38047, 1.0], [38047, 38364, 1.0], [38364, 38821, 1.0], [38821, 38836, 0.0], [38836, 39535, 1.0], [39535, 39790, 1.0], [39790, 39823, 0.0], [39823, 40457, 1.0], [40457, 40814, 1.0], [40814, 41444, 1.0], [41444, 41893, 1.0], [41893, 42270, 1.0], [42270, 43492, 1.0], [43492, 43526, 0.0], [43526, 43550, 0.0], [43550, 44174, 0.0], [44174, 44519, 1.0], [44519, 45467, 1.0], [45467, 46465, 1.0], [46465, 47673, 1.0], [47673, 48146, 1.0], [48146, 48450, 0.0], [48450, 48705, 1.0], [48705, 49166, 1.0], [49166, 49490, 1.0], [49490, 49901, 1.0], [49901, 50168, 1.0], [50168, 50192, 0.0], [50192, 50541, 1.0], [50541, 51244, 1.0], [51244, 51260, 0.0], [51260, 51590, 1.0], [51590, 51613, 0.0], [51613, 51819, 0.0], [51819, 52313, 1.0], [52313, 53051, 1.0], [53051, 53195, 1.0], [53195, 54242, 1.0], [54242, 54257, 0.0], [54257, 54640, 1.0], [54640, 55883, 0.0], [55883, 56703, 1.0], [56703, 56745, 0.0], [56745, 57064, 1.0], [57064, 57821, 1.0], [57821, 58152, 1.0], [58152, 58568, 1.0], [58568, 59002, 1.0], [59002, 59174, 1.0], [59174, 59492, 0.0], [59492, 60130, 1.0], [60130, 60720, 1.0], [60720, 61361, 1.0], [61361, 62216, 1.0], [62216, 62576, 1.0], [62576, 63404, 0.0], [63404, 63570, 1.0], [63570, 63674, 1.0], [63674, 63970, 1.0], [63970, 64318, 1.0], [64318, 64836, 1.0], [64836, 65573, 1.0], [65573, 66404, 1.0], [66404, 66706, 0.0], [66706, 66888, 0.0], [66888, 66965, 0.0], [66965, 67162, 0.0], [67162, 67297, 0.0], [67297, 67356, 0.0], [67356, 67522, 0.0], [67522, 67605, 0.0], [67605, 67782, 1.0], [67782, 67996, 1.0], [67996, 68033, 0.0], [68033, 68390, 1.0], [68390, 69110, 1.0], [69110, 69773, 1.0], [69773, 70243, 1.0], [70243, 70874, 1.0], [70874, 71294, 1.0], [71294, 71465, 1.0], [71465, 72253, 1.0], [72253, 72580, 1.0], [72580, 73115, 1.0], [73115, 73465, 1.0], [73465, 73667, 0.0], [73667, 74020, 1.0], [74020, 74306, 1.0], [74306, 74350, 0.0], [74350, 74479, 1.0], [74479, 75428, 1.0], [75428, 75497, 1.0], [75497, 76153, 1.0], [76153, 76200, 1.0], [76200, 76547, 1.0], [76547, 76643, 1.0], [76643, 77631, 1.0], [77631, 77784, 1.0], [77784, 78554, 1.0], [78554, 78754, 1.0], [78754, 78919, 1.0], [78919, 79457, 1.0], [79457, 79661, 1.0], [79661, 80479, 0.0], [80479, 80837, 1.0], [80837, 81062, 1.0], [81062, 81355, 1.0], [81355, 82133, 1.0], [82133, 82450, 1.0], [82450, 83594, 1.0], [83594, 84016, 1.0], [84016, 84100, 1.0], [84100, 85244, 1.0], [85244, 85366, 1.0], [85366, 86408, 1.0], [86408, 86623, 1.0], [86623, 87860, 1.0], [87860, 87934, 1.0], [87934, 88149, 0.0], [88149, 88569, 1.0], [88569, 88804, 1.0], [88804, 90281, 1.0], [90281, 90567, 1.0], [90567, 91227, 1.0], [91227, 91378, 1.0], [91378, 92300, 0.0], [92300, 92537, 1.0], [92537, 92616, 1.0], [92616, 93812, 1.0], [93812, 93986, 1.0], [93986, 95373, 1.0], [95373, 95524, 1.0], [95524, 96162, 1.0], [96162, 96307, 1.0], [96307, 97389, 1.0], [97389, 97459, 1.0], [97459, 98379, 1.0], [98379, 98845, 1.0], [98845, 99002, 1.0], [99002, 99546, 0.0], [99546, 99660, 0.0], [99660, 99838, 0.0], [99838, 99946, 0.0], [99946, 100002, 0.0], [100002, 100072, 0.0], [100072, 100151, 1.0], [100151, 100274, 1.0], [100274, 100700, 1.0], [100700, 100894, 1.0], [100894, 101490, 1.0], [101490, 101564, 1.0], [101564, 102171, 1.0], [102171, 102245, 1.0], [102245, 103596, 0.0], [103596, 103823, 1.0], [103823, 103961, 1.0], [103961, 104749, 1.0], [104749, 104972, 1.0], [104972, 105465, 1.0], [105465, 105520, 1.0], [105520, 106181, 1.0], [106181, 106301, 1.0], [106301, 107343, 0.0], [107343, 107603, 1.0], [107603, 107668, 1.0], [107668, 109765, 1.0], [109765, 109914, 1.0], [109914, 110761, 1.0], [110761, 110870, 1.0], [110870, 111271, 0.0], [111271, 111429, 1.0], [111429, 111940, 1.0], [111940, 112022, 1.0], [112022, 112524, 1.0], [112524, 112712, 1.0], [112712, 113314, 1.0], [113314, 113455, 1.0], [113455, 114512, 1.0], [114512, 114673, 1.0], [114673, 115412, 1.0], [115412, 115516, 1.0], [115516, 117012, 1.0], [117012, 117288, 1.0], [117288, 118164, 1.0], [118164, 118262, 1.0], [118262, 118452, 0.0], [118452, 118591, 0.0], [118591, 118842, 1.0], [118842, 119557, 1.0], [119557, 119997, 0.0], [119997, 120116, 1.0], [120116, 120450, 1.0], [120450, 121458, 1.0], [121458, 121654, 1.0], [121654, 122264, 0.0], [122264, 122802, 1.0], [122802, 123057, 1.0], [123057, 124172, 1.0], [124172, 124291, 1.0], [124291, 124804, 1.0], [124804, 125058, 1.0], [125058, 125104, 0.0], [125104, 125151, 1.0], [125151, 125403, 0.0], [125403, 125507, 0.0], [125507, 125658, 0.0], [125658, 125707, 0.0], [125707, 125821, 0.0], [125821, 125912, 0.0], [125912, 125954, 1.0], [125954, 126170, 1.0], [126170, 126443, 1.0], [126443, 126960, 1.0], [126960, 127358, 1.0], [127358, 127751, 1.0], [127751, 127918, 1.0], [127918, 128723, 1.0], [128723, 128796, 1.0], [128796, 129198, 0.0], [129198, 129583, 1.0], [129583, 130475, 1.0], [130475, 131069, 1.0], [131069, 131140, 1.0], [131140, 131545, 1.0], [131545, 131663, 1.0], [131663, 132137, 1.0], [132137, 132204, 0.0], [132204, 132534, 1.0], [132534, 132740, 1.0], [132740, 133674, 1.0], [133674, 133831, 1.0], [133831, 134048, 1.0], [134048, 134535, 1.0], [134535, 135073, 1.0], [135073, 135157, 1.0], [135157, 136281, 1.0], [136281, 136348, 0.0], [136348, 136364, 0.0], [136364, 136388, 0.0], [136388, 136419, 0.0], [136419, 136429, 0.0], [136429, 136464, 0.0], [136464, 136496, 0.0], [136496, 136509, 0.0], [136509, 136528, 0.0], [136528, 136558, 0.0], [136558, 136580, 0.0], [136580, 136589, 0.0], [136589, 136605, 0.0], [136605, 136664, 0.0], [136664, 136693, 0.0], [136693, 136726, 0.0], [136726, 136755, 0.0], [136755, 136774, 0.0], [136774, 136801, 0.0], [136801, 136829, 0.0], [136829, 136868, 0.0], [136868, 136909, 0.0], [136909, 136932, 0.0], [136932, 136963, 0.0], [136963, 136986, 0.0], [136986, 137006, 0.0], [137006, 137224, 1.0], [137224, 137446, 1.0], [137446, 137839, 1.0], [137839, 137862, 1.0], [137862, 137903, 1.0], [137903, 137939, 1.0], [137939, 137975, 1.0], [137975, 138322, 1.0], [138322, 138368, 0.0], [138368, 139037, 1.0], [139037, 139182, 1.0], [139182, 139207, 0.0], [139207, 139330, 1.0], [139330, 139664, 1.0], [139664, 140355, 1.0], [140355, 140439, 0.0], [140439, 141064, 1.0], [141064, 141131, 0.0], [141131, 141422, 1.0], [141422, 141492, 0.0], [141492, 141604, 1.0], [141604, 142412, 0.0], [142412, 143131, 0.0], [143131, 144482, 1.0], [144482, 144530, 0.0], [144530, 144558, 0.0], [144558, 145587, 1.0], [145587, 145964, 1.0], [145964, 146316, 1.0], [146316, 146623, 1.0], [146623, 146657, 0.0], [146657, 147326, 1.0], [147326, 147676, 1.0], [147676, 148087, 1.0], [148087, 148643, 1.0], [148643, 148689, 0.0], [148689, 149120, 1.0], [149120, 149807, 1.0], [149807, 149826, 0.0], [149826, 150766, 1.0], [150766, 151635, 1.0], [151635, 151664, 0.0], [151664, 152790, 1.0], [152790, 152870, 0.0], [152870, 153174, 0.0], [153174, 153373, 1.0], [153373, 153852, 1.0], [153852, 154028, 1.0], [154028, 154687, 1.0], [154687, 155152, 1.0], [155152, 155408, 1.0], [155408, 155893, 1.0], [155893, 155912, 0.0], [155912, 156315, 1.0], [156315, 156344, 0.0], [156344, 156594, 1.0], [156594, 156633, 0.0], [156633, 157087, 1.0], [157087, 157133, 0.0], [157133, 157645, 1.0], [157645, 157694, 0.0], [157694, 158422, 1.0], [158422, 158468, 0.0], [158468, 159285, 1.0], [159285, 159322, 0.0], [159322, 159995, 1.0], [159995, 160557, 1.0], [160557, 161803, 1.0], [161803, 162753, 1.0], [162753, 162960, 0.0], [162960, 163214, 1.0], [163214, 163452, 1.0], [163452, 163628, 1.0], [163628, 163940, 1.0], [163940, 166503, 1.0], [166503, 167431, 1.0], [167431, 167549, 1.0], [167549, 168743, 1.0], [168743, 169253, 1.0], [169253, 169450, 1.0], [169450, 169734, 1.0], [169734, 169912, 1.0], [169912, 170099, 1.0], [170099, 170510, 1.0], [170510, 170622, 1.0], [170622, 171267, 1.0], [171267, 171637, 1.0], [171637, 172023, 1.0], [172023, 172466, 1.0], [172466, 172616, 1.0], [172616, 173129, 1.0], [173129, 173488, 1.0], [173488, 174461, 1.0], [174461, 174959, 1.0], [174959, 175495, 1.0], [175495, 176137, 1.0], [176137, 176462, 1.0], [176462, 176836, 1.0], [176836, 177249, 1.0], [177249, 177271, 0.0], [177271, 177369, 0.0], [177369, 177381, 0.0], [177381, 177446, 0.0], [177446, 177506, 0.0], [177506, 177564, 0.0], [177564, 177618, 0.0], [177618, 177673, 0.0], [177673, 177741, 0.0], [177741, 177806, 0.0], [177806, 177827, 0.0], [177827, 178311, 1.0], [178311, 178613, 1.0], [178613, 178634, 0.0], [178634, 179075, 1.0], [179075, 179367, 1.0], [179367, 179388, 0.0], [179388, 180026, 1.0], [180026, 180277, 1.0], [180277, 180292, 0.0], [180292, 180682, 1.0], [180682, 180770, 1.0], [180770, 180805, 0.0], [180805, 180902, 0.0], [180902, 180954, 0.0], [180954, 181009, 0.0], [181009, 181057, 0.0], [181057, 181101, 0.0], [181101, 181135, 0.0], [181135, 181182, 0.0], [181182, 181199, 0.0], [181199, 181220, 1.0], [181220, 181249, 0.0], [181249, 181382, 1.0], [181382, 182664, 1.0], [182664, 183020, 1.0], [183020, 183766, 1.0], [183766, 184300, 1.0], [184300, 184655, 1.0], [184655, 186480, 1.0], [186480, 186797, 0.0], [186797, 187434, 1.0], [187434, 188318, 1.0], [188318, 189102, 1.0], [189102, 189166, 0.0], [189166, 189767, 1.0], [189767, 190304, 1.0], [190304, 190372, 0.0], [190372, 190426, 0.0], [190426, 190514, 0.0], [190514, 190569, 0.0], [190569, 190667, 0.0], [190667, 190755, 0.0], [190755, 190798, 0.0], [190798, 190818, 0.0], [190818, 191280, 1.0], [191280, 192426, 1.0], [192426, 192743, 1.0], [192743, 192765, 0.0], [192765, 192782, 0.0], [192782, 192799, 0.0], [192799, 192834, 0.0], [192834, 192861, 0.0], [192861, 192896, 0.0], [192896, 192943, 0.0], [192943, 192981, 0.0], [192981, 193015, 0.0], [193015, 193056, 0.0], [193056, 193109, 0.0], [193109, 193145, 0.0], [193145, 193182, 0.0], [193182, 193226, 0.0], [193226, 193257, 0.0], [193257, 193321, 0.0], [193321, 193354, 0.0], [193354, 193416, 0.0], [193416, 193479, 0.0], [193479, 193541, 0.0], [193541, 193618, 0.0], [193618, 193666, 1.0], [193666, 193720, 0.0], [193720, 193743, 0.0], [193743, 193772, 0.0], [193772, 193813, 0.0], [193813, 193847, 0.0], [193847, 193884, 0.0], [193884, 193902, 0.0], [193902, 193938, 0.0], [193938, 193992, 0.0], [193992, 194020, 0.0], [194020, 194043, 0.0], [194043, 194091, 0.0], [194091, 194099, 0.0], [194099, 194113, 0.0], [194113, 194136, 0.0], [194136, 194199, 0.0], [194199, 194269, 0.0], [194269, 194297, 0.0], [194297, 194353, 0.0], [194353, 194378, 0.0], [194378, 194422, 0.0], [194422, 194483, 0.0], [194483, 194559, 0.0], [194559, 194584, 0.0], [194584, 194660, 0.0], [194660, 194708, 0.0], [194708, 194750, 0.0], [194750, 194807, 0.0], [194807, 194836, 0.0], [194836, 194873, 0.0], [194873, 194903, 0.0], [194903, 194953, 0.0], [194953, 194966, 0.0], [194966, 194988, 0.0], [194988, 195031, 0.0], [195031, 195087, 0.0], [195087, 195111, 0.0], [195111, 195134, 0.0], [195134, 195173, 0.0], [195173, 195209, 0.0], [195209, 195256, 0.0], [195256, 195281, 0.0], [195281, 195360, 0.0], [195360, 195410, 0.0], [195410, 195462, 0.0], [195462, 195491, 0.0], [195491, 195522, 0.0], [195522, 195551, 0.0], [195551, 195604, 0.0], [195604, 195655, 0.0], [195655, 195705, 0.0], [195705, 195742, 0.0], [195742, 196456, 1.0], [196456, 196658, 1.0], [196658, 196997, 1.0], [196997, 197649, 1.0], [197649, 197923, 1.0], [197923, 198216, 1.0], [198216, 198268, 0.0], [198268, 198435, 1.0], [198435, 198700, 1.0], [198700, 199768, 1.0], [199768, 199801, 0.0], [199801, 200149, 1.0], [200149, 200324, 1.0], [200324, 200732, 1.0], [200732, 200812, 0.0], [200812, 200833, 0.0], [200833, 201382, 1.0], [201382, 201635, 1.0], [201635, 201850, 1.0], [201850, 202181, 1.0], [202181, 202455, 1.0], [202455, 202793, 1.0], [202793, 203204, 1.0], [203204, 203384, 1.0], [203384, 204230, 1.0], [204230, 204606, 1.0], [204606, 205091, 1.0], [205091, 205105, 0.0], [205105, 205675, 1.0], [205675, 205704, 0.0], [205704, 205751, 0.0], [205751, 205806, 0.0], [205806, 205843, 0.0], [205843, 205869, 0.0], [205869, 206470, 1.0], [206470, 206511, 0.0], [206511, 206551, 0.0], [206551, 206577, 0.0], [206577, 206605, 0.0], [206605, 206660, 0.0], [206660, 206888, 1.0], [206888, 207444, 1.0], [207444, 207881, 0.0], [207881, 210483, 1.0], [210483, 210507, 0.0], [210507, 211039, 1.0], [211039, 211612, 1.0], [211612, 212089, 1.0], [212089, 213028, 1.0], [213028, 213055, 0.0], [213055, 213272, 1.0], [213272, 213847, 1.0], [213847, 213870, 0.0], [213870, 214189, 1.0], [214189, 214225, 0.0], [214225, 214378, 0.0], [214378, 214446, 0.0], [214446, 214566, 0.0], [214566, 214706, 1.0], [214706, 214967, 1.0], [214967, 215984, 1.0], [215984, 216103, 0.0], [216103, 216154, 0.0], [216154, 216178, 0.0], [216178, 216231, 0.0], [216231, 216281, 0.0], [216281, 216326, 0.0], [216326, 216357, 0.0], [216357, 216403, 0.0], [216403, 216423, 0.0], [216423, 216441, 0.0], [216441, 216653, 1.0], [216653, 217966, 0.0], [217966, 218117, 1.0], [218117, 218148, 0.0], [218148, 218504, 1.0], [218504, 219410, 1.0], [219410, 219635, 1.0], [219635, 219785, 0.0], [219785, 219806, 0.0], [219806, 219825, 0.0], [219825, 219839, 0.0], [219839, 219860, 0.0], [219860, 219881, 0.0], [219881, 219907, 0.0], [219907, 219938, 0.0], [219938, 219971, 0.0], [219971, 220064, 0.0], [220064, 220084, 0.0], [220084, 220109, 0.0], [220109, 221374, 1.0], [221374, 222510, 1.0], [222510, 222597, 0.0], [222597, 222634, 0.0], [222634, 222957, 1.0], [222957, 223663, 1.0], [223663, 224149, 1.0], [224149, 224278, 1.0], [224278, 224315, 0.0], [224315, 225315, 1.0], [225315, 226185, 1.0], [226185, 226225, 0.0], [226225, 226339, 1.0], [226339, 226378, 0.0], [226378, 226427, 0.0], [226427, 226492, 0.0], [226492, 226545, 0.0], [226545, 226593, 0.0], [226593, 226650, 0.0], [226650, 226701, 0.0], [226701, 226739, 0.0], [226739, 226783, 0.0], [226783, 226797, 0.0], [226797, 226814, 0.0], [226814, 226831, 0.0], [226831, 227000, 0.0], [227000, 227039, 0.0], [227039, 227100, 0.0], [227100, 227146, 0.0], [227146, 227193, 0.0], [227193, 227237, 0.0], [227237, 227262, 0.0], [227262, 227304, 0.0], [227304, 227362, 0.0], [227362, 227417, 0.0], [227417, 227478, 0.0], [227478, 227587, 1.0], [227587, 227601, 0.0], [227601, 227734, 0.0], [227734, 227766, 0.0], [227766, 227798, 0.0], [227798, 227836, 0.0], [227836, 227860, 0.0], [227860, 227877, 0.0], [227877, 227955, 0.0], [227955, 228009, 0.0], [228009, 228052, 0.0], [228052, 228072, 0.0], [228072, 228094, 0.0], [228094, 228155, 0.0], [228155, 228188, 0.0], [228188, 228212, 0.0], [228212, 228352, 1.0], [228352, 229283, 1.0], [229283, 231186, 1.0], [231186, 231828, 1.0], [231828, 232203, 1.0], [232203, 232620, 0.0], [232620, 233484, 1.0], [233484, 233849, 1.0], [233849, 234685, 1.0], [234685, 235514, 1.0], [235514, 235721, 1.0], [235721, 236677, 1.0], [236677, 236997, 0.0], [236997, 237240, 1.0], [237240, 237601, 1.0], [237601, 237954, 1.0], [237954, 238988, 1.0], [238988, 239350, 1.0], [239350, 240164, 1.0], [240164, 240703, 1.0], [240703, 242320, 1.0], [242320, 242466, 0.0], [242466, 242485, 0.0], [242485, 242502, 0.0], [242502, 242518, 0.0], [242518, 242537, 0.0], [242537, 242556, 0.0], [242556, 242603, 0.0], [242603, 243537, 1.0], [243537, 244209, 1.0], [244209, 244723, 1.0], [244723, 245699, 1.0], [245699, 247109, 1.0], [247109, 247548, 1.0], [247548, 248531, 0.0], [248531, 249440, 1.0], [249440, 249490, 0.0], [249490, 250722, 1.0], [250722, 251454, 1.0], [251454, 252395, 1.0], [252395, 252425, 0.0], [252425, 252626, 0.0], [252626, 252800, 1.0], [252800, 252931, 0.0], [252931, 252972, 0.0], [252972, 252986, 0.0], [252986, 253014, 0.0], [253014, 253073, 0.0], [253073, 253095, 0.0], [253095, 253205, 0.0], [253205, 253231, 0.0], [253231, 253248, 0.0], [253248, 253272, 0.0], [253272, 253312, 0.0], [253312, 253322, 0.0], [253322, 253352, 0.0], [253352, 253378, 0.0], [253378, 253403, 0.0], [253403, 253460, 0.0], [253460, 253518, 0.0], [253518, 253642, 0.0], [253642, 253710, 0.0], [253710, 253778, 0.0], [253778, 253812, 0.0], [253812, 253862, 0.0], [253862, 253896, 0.0], [253896, 253938, 0.0], [253938, 254006, 0.0], [254006, 254088, 0.0], [254088, 254132, 0.0], [254132, 254153, 0.0], [254153, 254174, 0.0], [254174, 254736, 1.0], [254736, 255466, 1.0], [255466, 255543, 1.0], [255543, 255564, 0.0], [255564, 255622, 0.0], [255622, 255657, 0.0], [255657, 255698, 0.0], [255698, 255725, 0.0], [255725, 255771, 0.0], [255771, 255819, 0.0], [255819, 255887, 0.0], [255887, 255924, 0.0], [255924, 255957, 0.0], [255957, 256008, 0.0], [256008, 256056, 0.0], [256056, 256458, 1.0], [256458, 257284, 1.0], [257284, 258037, 1.0], [258037, 258435, 1.0], [258435, 258790, 1.0], [258790, 258808, 0.0], [258808, 258882, 0.0], [258882, 258894, 0.0], [258894, 258909, 0.0], [258909, 258923, 0.0], [258923, 258940, 0.0], [258940, 258969, 0.0], [258969, 258990, 0.0], [258990, 259106, 1.0], [259106, 259143, 0.0], [259143, 259647, 1.0], [259647, 260220, 1.0], [260220, 260260, 0.0], [260260, 260635, 1.0], [260635, 261394, 1.0], [261394, 261593, 1.0], [261593, 261705, 0.0], [261705, 261741, 0.0], [261741, 261831, 0.0], [261831, 262114, 1.0], [262114, 262151, 0.0], [262151, 263189, 1.0], [263189, 264083, 1.0], [264083, 264119, 0.0], [264119, 264146, 0.0], [264146, 265100, 1.0], [265100, 265713, 1.0], [265713, 266151, 1.0], [266151, 266952, 1.0], [266952, 268068, 1.0], [268068, 268166, 0.0], [268166, 268185, 0.0], [268185, 268213, 0.0], [268213, 268257, 0.0], [268257, 268298, 0.0], [268298, 268358, 0.0], [268358, 268383, 0.0], [268383, 268399, 0.0], [268399, 268444, 0.0], [268444, 268502, 0.0], [268502, 268529, 0.0], [268529, 268572, 0.0], [268572, 268626, 0.0], [268626, 268699, 0.0], [268699, 268784, 0.0], [268784, 269235, 1.0], [269235, 269751, 1.0], [269751, 269833, 0.0], [269833, 269844, 0.0], [269844, 269872, 0.0], [269872, 269905, 0.0], [269905, 269947, 0.0], [269947, 270013, 0.0], [270013, 270027, 0.0], [270027, 270050, 0.0], [270050, 270066, 0.0], [270066, 270121, 0.0], [270121, 270784, 1.0], [270784, 270871, 0.0], [270871, 270900, 0.0], [270900, 270928, 0.0], [270928, 270962, 0.0], [270962, 270998, 0.0], [270998, 271065, 0.0], [271065, 271089, 0.0], [271089, 271155, 0.0], [271155, 271372, 1.0], [271372, 271475, 1.0], [271475, 271675, 1.0], [271675, 271734, 0.0], [271734, 271926, 1.0], [271926, 272055, 0.0], [272055, 272098, 0.0], [272098, 272143, 0.0], [272143, 272181, 0.0], [272181, 272227, 0.0], [272227, 272266, 0.0], [272266, 272303, 0.0], [272303, 272331, 0.0], [272331, 272471, 1.0], [272471, 272758, 1.0], [272758, 273163, 1.0], [273163, 273433, 1.0], [273433, 273526, 0.0], [273526, 273559, 0.0], [273559, 273594, 0.0], [273594, 274143, 0.0], [274143, 275238, 1.0], [275238, 275310, 0.0], [275310, 276061, 1.0], [276061, 276577, 1.0], [276577, 277261, 1.0], [277261, 277647, 1.0], [277647, 278061, 1.0], [278061, 278088, 0.0], [278088, 278159, 0.0], [278159, 278675, 1.0], [278675, 278739, 0.0], [278739, 279151, 1.0], [279151, 279850, 1.0], [279850, 279882, 0.0], [279882, 280213, 1.0], [280213, 280317, 0.0], [280317, 280644, 1.0], [280644, 280727, 0.0], [280727, 281082, 1.0], [281082, 281130, 0.0], [281130, 281477, 1.0], [281477, 281529, 0.0], [281529, 281555, 0.0], [281555, 281686, 1.0], [281686, 281721, 0.0], [281721, 281800, 1.0], [281800, 281814, 0.0], [281814, 281886, 0.0], [281886, 281912, 0.0], [281912, 281932, 0.0], [281932, 281948, 0.0], [281948, 281957, 0.0], [281957, 282154, 0.0], [282154, 282165, 0.0], [282165, 282313, 0.0], [282313, 282479, 0.0], [282479, 282613, 0.0], [282613, 282726, 0.0], [282726, 282841, 0.0], [282841, 282950, 0.0], [282950, 282989, 0.0], [282989, 283086, 0.0], [283086, 283119, 0.0], [283119, 283179, 0.0], [283179, 283280, 0.0], [283280, 283472, 0.0], [283472, 283521, 0.0], [283521, 283559, 0.0], [283559, 283649, 0.0], [283649, 283777, 0.0], [283777, 283782, 0.0], [283782, 283873, 0.0], [283873, 283933, 0.0], [283933, 283938, 0.0], [283938, 284070, 0.0], [284070, 284183, 0.0], [284183, 284305, 0.0], [284305, 284429, 0.0], [284429, 284526, 0.0], [284526, 284632, 0.0], [284632, 284740, 0.0], [284740, 284825, 0.0], [284825, 284945, 0.0], [284945, 285027, 0.0], [285027, 285146, 0.0], [285146, 285235, 0.0], [285235, 285314, 0.0], [285314, 285379, 0.0], [285379, 285562, 0.0], [285562, 285647, 0.0], [285647, 285738, 0.0], [285738, 285829, 0.0], [285829, 285916, 0.0], [285916, 286098, 0.0], [286098, 286297, 0.0], [286297, 286393, 0.0], [286393, 286478, 0.0], [286478, 286554, 0.0], [286554, 286689, 0.0], [286689, 286800, 0.0], [286800, 286949, 0.0], [286949, 287150, 0.0], [287150, 287258, 0.0], [287258, 287443, 0.0], [287443, 287532, 0.0], [287532, 287622, 0.0], [287622, 287732, 0.0], [287732, 287849, 0.0], [287849, 287987, 0.0], [287987, 288138, 0.0], [288138, 288223, 0.0], [288223, 288307, 0.0], [288307, 288390, 0.0], [288390, 288471, 0.0], [288471, 288596, 0.0], [288596, 288735, 0.0], [288735, 288865, 0.0], [288865, 288961, 0.0], [288961, 289055, 1.0], [289055, 289147, 0.0], [289147, 289207, 0.0], [289207, 289336, 0.0], [289336, 289387, 0.0], [289387, 289478, 0.0], [289478, 289560, 0.0], [289560, 289633, 0.0], [289633, 289776, 0.0], [289776, 289951, 0.0], [289951, 290032, 0.0], [290032, 290146, 0.0], [290146, 290252, 0.0], [290252, 290368, 0.0], [290368, 290462, 1.0], [290462, 290611, 0.0], [290611, 290737, 1.0], [290737, 290746, 0.0], [290746, 290861, 0.0], [290861, 291008, 0.0], [291008, 291121, 0.0], [291121, 291212, 1.0], [291212, 291325, 0.0], [291325, 291443, 0.0], [291443, 291588, 0.0], [291588, 291710, 1.0], [291710, 291854, 0.0], [291854, 292003, 0.0], [292003, 292131, 0.0], [292131, 292201, 0.0], [292201, 292309, 0.0], [292309, 292393, 0.0], [292393, 292509, 0.0], [292509, 292623, 0.0], [292623, 292830, 0.0], [292830, 292861, 0.0], [292861, 292918, 0.0], [292918, 292957, 0.0], [292957, 293092, 0.0], [293092, 293227, 0.0], [293227, 293364, 0.0], [293364, 293501, 0.0], [293501, 294167, 0.0], [294167, 294264, 1.0], [294264, 294702, 1.0], [294702, 294808, 1.0], [294808, 295071, 1.0], [295071, 295177, 1.0], [295177, 295430, 1.0], [295430, 295639, 1.0], [295639, 295662, 0.0], [295662, 295677, 0.0], [295677, 296226, 1.0], [296226, 296432, 1.0], [296432, 296451, 0.0], [296451, 296529, 0.0], [296529, 296549, 0.0], [296549, 296565, 0.0], [296565, 296693, 0.0], [296693, 296712, 0.0], [296712, 296727, 0.0], [296727, 296742, 0.0], [296742, 296753, 0.0], [296753, 296776, 0.0], [296776, 296795, 0.0], [296795, 296819, 0.0], [296819, 296839, 0.0], [296839, 296864, 0.0], [296864, 296885, 0.0], [296885, 296908, 0.0], [296908, 296927, 0.0], [296927, 296948, 0.0], [296948, 296965, 0.0], [296965, 296990, 0.0], [296990, 297011, 0.0], [297011, 297025, 0.0], [297025, 297034, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 12, 0.0], [12, 40, 0.0], [40, 127, 0.0], [127, 167, 0.0], [167, 258, 0.0], [258, 349, 0.0], [349, 382, 0.0], [382, 399, 0.0], [399, 435, 0.0], [435, 467, 0.0], [467, 488, 0.0], [488, 519, 0.0], [519, 541, 0.0], [541, 672, 0.0], [672, 808, 0.0], [808, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1547, 0.0], [1547, 1887, 0.0], [1887, 2178, 0.0], [2178, 2191, 0.0], [2191, 2217, 0.0], [2217, 2237, 0.0], [2237, 2261, 0.0], [2261, 2307, 0.0], [2307, 2335, 0.0], [2335, 2450, 0.0], [2450, 2789, 0.0], [2789, 2897, 0.0], [2897, 3248, 0.0], [3248, 3274, 0.0], [3274, 3298, 0.0], [3298, 3407, 0.0], [3407, 3431, 0.0], [3431, 3517, 0.0], [3517, 3561, 0.0], [3561, 3646, 0.0], [3646, 3701, 0.0], [3701, 3796, 0.0], [3796, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3909, 0.0], [3909, 3952, 0.0], [3952, 6139, 0.0], [6139, 6248, 0.0], [6248, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6476, 0.0], [6476, 6679, 0.0], [6679, 6777, 0.0], [6777, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6999, 0.0], [6999, 7060, 0.0], [7060, 7197, 0.0], [7197, 7400, 0.0], [7400, 7634, 0.0], [7634, 8774, 0.0], [8774, 10441, 0.0], [10441, 10580, 0.0], [10580, 10915, 0.0], [10915, 11038, 0.0], [11038, 11162, 0.0], [11162, 11381, 0.0], [11381, 11614, 0.0], [11614, 11840, 0.0], [11840, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12146, 0.0], [12146, 12506, 0.0], [12506, 12618, 0.0], [12618, 12853, 0.0], [12853, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 14065, 0.0], [14065, 14385, 0.0], [14385, 14403, 0.0], [14403, 14755, 0.0], [14755, 15423, 0.0], [15423, 15445, 0.0], [15445, 16066, 0.0], [16066, 16898, 0.0], [16898, 17719, 0.0], [17719, 18401, 0.0], [18401, 18435, 0.0], [18435, 19211, 0.0], [19211, 19572, 0.0], [19572, 20508, 0.0], [20508, 20793, 0.0], [20793, 20843, 0.0], [20843, 21012, 0.0], [21012, 21125, 0.0], [21125, 21185, 0.0], [21185, 21319, 0.0], [21319, 21441, 0.0], [21441, 21490, 0.0], [21490, 21821, 0.0], [21821, 22200, 0.0], [22200, 22234, 0.0], [22234, 23101, 0.0], [23101, 23140, 0.0], [23140, 24232, 0.0], [24232, 24552, 0.0], [24552, 24566, 0.0], [24566, 24705, 0.0], [24705, 24914, 0.0], [24914, 25734, 0.0], [25734, 26217, 0.0], [26217, 26994, 0.0], [26994, 27008, 0.0], [27008, 27436, 0.0], [27436, 27450, 0.0], [27450, 28585, 0.0], [28585, 28751, 0.0], [28751, 29151, 0.0], [29151, 29189, 0.0], [29189, 29840, 0.0], [29840, 30881, 0.0], [30881, 32244, 0.0], [32244, 32588, 0.0], [32588, 33431, 0.0], [33431, 35197, 0.0], [35197, 35234, 0.0], [35234, 35790, 0.0], [35790, 36336, 0.0], [36336, 36798, 0.0], [36798, 36813, 0.0], [36813, 37245, 0.0], [37245, 38047, 0.0], [38047, 38364, 0.0], [38364, 38821, 0.0], [38821, 38836, 0.0], [38836, 39535, 0.0], [39535, 39790, 0.0], [39790, 39823, 0.0], [39823, 40457, 0.0], [40457, 40814, 0.0], [40814, 41444, 0.0], [41444, 41893, 0.0], [41893, 42270, 0.0], [42270, 43492, 0.0], [43492, 43526, 0.0], [43526, 43550, 0.0], [43550, 44174, 0.0], [44174, 44519, 0.0], [44519, 45467, 0.0], [45467, 46465, 0.0], [46465, 47673, 0.0], [47673, 48146, 0.0], [48146, 48450, 0.0], [48450, 48705, 0.0], [48705, 49166, 0.0], [49166, 49490, 0.0], [49490, 49901, 0.0], [49901, 50168, 0.0], [50168, 50192, 0.0], [50192, 50541, 0.0], [50541, 51244, 0.0], [51244, 51260, 0.0], [51260, 51590, 0.0], [51590, 51613, 0.0], [51613, 51819, 0.0], [51819, 52313, 0.0], [52313, 53051, 0.0], [53051, 53195, 0.0], [53195, 54242, 0.0], [54242, 54257, 0.0], [54257, 54640, 0.0], [54640, 55883, 0.0], [55883, 56703, 0.0], [56703, 56745, 0.0], [56745, 57064, 0.0], [57064, 57821, 0.0], [57821, 58152, 0.0], [58152, 58568, 0.0], [58568, 59002, 0.0], [59002, 59174, 0.0], [59174, 59492, 0.0], [59492, 60130, 0.0], [60130, 60720, 0.0], [60720, 61361, 0.0], [61361, 62216, 0.0], [62216, 62576, 0.0], [62576, 63404, 0.0], [63404, 63570, 0.0], [63570, 63674, 0.0], [63674, 63970, 0.0], [63970, 64318, 0.0], [64318, 64836, 0.0], [64836, 65573, 0.0], [65573, 66404, 0.0], [66404, 66706, 0.0], [66706, 66888, 0.0], [66888, 66965, 0.0], [66965, 67162, 0.0], [67162, 67297, 0.0], [67297, 67356, 0.0], [67356, 67522, 0.0], [67522, 67605, 0.0], [67605, 67782, 0.0], [67782, 67996, 0.0], [67996, 68033, 0.0], [68033, 68390, 0.0], [68390, 69110, 0.0], [69110, 69773, 0.0], [69773, 70243, 0.0], [70243, 70874, 0.0], [70874, 71294, 0.0], [71294, 71465, 0.0], [71465, 72253, 0.0], [72253, 72580, 0.0], [72580, 73115, 0.0], [73115, 73465, 0.0], [73465, 73667, 0.0], [73667, 74020, 0.0], [74020, 74306, 0.0], [74306, 74350, 0.0], [74350, 74479, 0.0], [74479, 75428, 0.0], [75428, 75497, 0.0], [75497, 76153, 0.0], [76153, 76200, 0.0], [76200, 76547, 0.0], [76547, 76643, 0.0], [76643, 77631, 0.0], [77631, 77784, 0.0], [77784, 78554, 0.0], [78554, 78754, 0.0], [78754, 78919, 0.0], [78919, 79457, 0.0], [79457, 79661, 0.0], [79661, 80479, 0.0], [80479, 80837, 0.0], [80837, 81062, 0.0], [81062, 81355, 0.0], [81355, 82133, 0.0], [82133, 82450, 0.0], [82450, 83594, 0.0], [83594, 84016, 0.0], [84016, 84100, 0.0], [84100, 85244, 0.0], [85244, 85366, 0.0], [85366, 86408, 0.0], [86408, 86623, 0.0], [86623, 87860, 0.0], [87860, 87934, 0.0], [87934, 88149, 0.0], [88149, 88569, 0.0], [88569, 88804, 0.0], [88804, 90281, 0.0], [90281, 90567, 0.0], [90567, 91227, 0.0], [91227, 91378, 0.0], [91378, 92300, 0.0], [92300, 92537, 0.0], [92537, 92616, 0.0], [92616, 93812, 0.0], [93812, 93986, 0.0], [93986, 95373, 0.0], [95373, 95524, 0.0], [95524, 96162, 0.0], [96162, 96307, 0.0], [96307, 97389, 0.0], [97389, 97459, 0.0], [97459, 98379, 0.0], [98379, 98845, 0.0], [98845, 99002, 0.0], [99002, 99546, 0.0], [99546, 99660, 0.0], [99660, 99838, 0.0], [99838, 99946, 0.0], [99946, 100002, 0.0], [100002, 100072, 0.0], [100072, 100151, 0.0], [100151, 100274, 0.0], [100274, 100700, 0.0], [100700, 100894, 0.0], [100894, 101490, 0.0], [101490, 101564, 0.0], [101564, 102171, 0.0], [102171, 102245, 0.0], [102245, 103596, 0.0], [103596, 103823, 0.0], [103823, 103961, 0.0], [103961, 104749, 0.0], [104749, 104972, 0.0], [104972, 105465, 0.0], [105465, 105520, 0.0], [105520, 106181, 0.0], [106181, 106301, 0.0], [106301, 107343, 0.0], [107343, 107603, 0.0], [107603, 107668, 0.0], [107668, 109765, 0.0], [109765, 109914, 0.0], [109914, 110761, 0.0], [110761, 110870, 0.0], [110870, 111271, 0.0], [111271, 111429, 0.0], [111429, 111940, 0.0], [111940, 112022, 0.0], [112022, 112524, 0.0], [112524, 112712, 0.0], [112712, 113314, 0.0], [113314, 113455, 0.0], [113455, 114512, 0.0], [114512, 114673, 0.0], [114673, 115412, 0.0], [115412, 115516, 0.0], [115516, 117012, 0.0], [117012, 117288, 0.0], [117288, 118164, 0.0], [118164, 118262, 0.0], [118262, 118452, 0.0], [118452, 118591, 0.0], [118591, 118842, 0.0], [118842, 119557, 0.0], [119557, 119997, 0.0], [119997, 120116, 0.0], [120116, 120450, 0.0], [120450, 121458, 0.0], [121458, 121654, 0.0], [121654, 122264, 0.0], [122264, 122802, 0.0], [122802, 123057, 0.0], [123057, 124172, 0.0], [124172, 124291, 0.0], [124291, 124804, 0.0], [124804, 125058, 0.0], [125058, 125104, 0.0], [125104, 125151, 0.0], [125151, 125403, 0.0], [125403, 125507, 0.0], [125507, 125658, 0.0], [125658, 125707, 0.0], [125707, 125821, 0.0], [125821, 125912, 0.0], [125912, 125954, 0.0], [125954, 126170, 0.0], [126170, 126443, 0.0], [126443, 126960, 0.0], [126960, 127358, 0.0], [127358, 127751, 0.0], [127751, 127918, 0.0], [127918, 128723, 0.0], [128723, 128796, 0.0], [128796, 129198, 0.0], [129198, 129583, 0.0], [129583, 130475, 0.0], [130475, 131069, 0.0], [131069, 131140, 0.0], [131140, 131545, 0.0], [131545, 131663, 0.0], [131663, 132137, 0.0], [132137, 132204, 0.0], [132204, 132534, 0.0], [132534, 132740, 0.0], [132740, 133674, 0.0], [133674, 133831, 0.0], [133831, 134048, 0.0], [134048, 134535, 0.0], [134535, 135073, 0.0], [135073, 135157, 0.0], [135157, 136281, 0.0], [136281, 136348, 0.0], [136348, 136364, 0.0], [136364, 136388, 0.0], [136388, 136419, 0.0], [136419, 136429, 0.0], [136429, 136464, 0.0], [136464, 136496, 0.0], [136496, 136509, 0.0], [136509, 136528, 0.0], [136528, 136558, 0.0], [136558, 136580, 0.0], [136580, 136589, 0.0], [136589, 136605, 0.0], [136605, 136664, 0.0], [136664, 136693, 0.0], [136693, 136726, 0.0], [136726, 136755, 0.0], [136755, 136774, 0.0], [136774, 136801, 0.0], [136801, 136829, 0.0], [136829, 136868, 0.0], [136868, 136909, 0.0], [136909, 136932, 0.0], [136932, 136963, 0.0], [136963, 136986, 0.0], [136986, 137006, 0.0], [137006, 137224, 0.0], [137224, 137446, 0.0], [137446, 137839, 0.0], [137839, 137862, 0.0], [137862, 137903, 0.0], [137903, 137939, 0.0], [137939, 137975, 0.0], [137975, 138322, 0.0], [138322, 138368, 0.0], [138368, 139037, 0.0], [139037, 139182, 0.0], [139182, 139207, 0.0], [139207, 139330, 0.0], [139330, 139664, 0.0], [139664, 140355, 0.0], [140355, 140439, 0.0], [140439, 141064, 0.0], [141064, 141131, 0.0], [141131, 141422, 0.0], [141422, 141492, 0.0], [141492, 141604, 0.0], [141604, 142412, 0.0], [142412, 143131, 0.0], [143131, 144482, 0.0], [144482, 144530, 0.0], [144530, 144558, 0.0], [144558, 145587, 0.0], [145587, 145964, 0.0], [145964, 146316, 0.0], [146316, 146623, 0.0], [146623, 146657, 0.0], [146657, 147326, 0.0], [147326, 147676, 0.0], [147676, 148087, 0.0], [148087, 148643, 0.0], [148643, 148689, 0.0], [148689, 149120, 0.0], [149120, 149807, 0.0], [149807, 149826, 0.0], [149826, 150766, 0.0], [150766, 151635, 0.0], [151635, 151664, 0.0], [151664, 152790, 0.0], [152790, 152870, 0.0], [152870, 153174, 0.0], [153174, 153373, 0.0], [153373, 153852, 0.0], [153852, 154028, 0.0], [154028, 154687, 0.0], [154687, 155152, 0.0], [155152, 155408, 0.0], [155408, 155893, 0.0], [155893, 155912, 0.0], [155912, 156315, 0.0], [156315, 156344, 0.0], [156344, 156594, 0.0], [156594, 156633, 0.0], [156633, 157087, 0.0], [157087, 157133, 0.0], [157133, 157645, 0.0], [157645, 157694, 0.0], [157694, 158422, 0.0], [158422, 158468, 0.0], [158468, 159285, 0.0], [159285, 159322, 0.0], [159322, 159995, 0.0], [159995, 160557, 0.0], [160557, 161803, 0.0], [161803, 162753, 0.0], [162753, 162960, 0.0], [162960, 163214, 0.0], [163214, 163452, 0.0], [163452, 163628, 0.0], [163628, 163940, 0.0], [163940, 166503, 0.0], [166503, 167431, 0.0], [167431, 167549, 0.0], [167549, 168743, 0.0], [168743, 169253, 0.0], [169253, 169450, 0.0], [169450, 169734, 0.0], [169734, 169912, 0.0], [169912, 170099, 0.0], [170099, 170510, 0.0], [170510, 170622, 0.0], [170622, 171267, 0.0], [171267, 171637, 0.0], [171637, 172023, 0.0], [172023, 172466, 0.0], [172466, 172616, 0.0], [172616, 173129, 0.0], [173129, 173488, 0.0], [173488, 174461, 0.0], [174461, 174959, 0.0], [174959, 175495, 0.0], [175495, 176137, 0.0], [176137, 176462, 0.0], [176462, 176836, 0.0], [176836, 177249, 0.0], [177249, 177271, 0.0], [177271, 177369, 0.0], [177369, 177381, 0.0], [177381, 177446, 0.0], [177446, 177506, 0.0], [177506, 177564, 0.0], [177564, 177618, 0.0], [177618, 177673, 0.0], [177673, 177741, 0.0], [177741, 177806, 0.0], [177806, 177827, 0.0], [177827, 178311, 0.0], [178311, 178613, 0.0], [178613, 178634, 0.0], [178634, 179075, 0.0], [179075, 179367, 0.0], [179367, 179388, 0.0], [179388, 180026, 0.0], [180026, 180277, 0.0], [180277, 180292, 0.0], [180292, 180682, 0.0], [180682, 180770, 0.0], [180770, 180805, 0.0], [180805, 180902, 0.0], [180902, 180954, 0.0], [180954, 181009, 0.0], [181009, 181057, 0.0], [181057, 181101, 0.0], [181101, 181135, 0.0], [181135, 181182, 0.0], [181182, 181199, 0.0], [181199, 181220, 0.0], [181220, 181249, 0.0], [181249, 181382, 0.0], [181382, 182664, 0.0], [182664, 183020, 0.0], [183020, 183766, 0.0], [183766, 184300, 0.0], [184300, 184655, 0.0], [184655, 186480, 0.0], [186480, 186797, 0.0], [186797, 187434, 0.0], [187434, 188318, 0.0], [188318, 189102, 0.0], [189102, 189166, 0.0], [189166, 189767, 0.0], [189767, 190304, 0.0], [190304, 190372, 0.0], [190372, 190426, 0.0], [190426, 190514, 0.0], [190514, 190569, 0.0], [190569, 190667, 0.0], [190667, 190755, 0.0], [190755, 190798, 0.0], [190798, 190818, 0.0], [190818, 191280, 0.0], [191280, 192426, 0.0], [192426, 192743, 0.0], [192743, 192765, 0.0], [192765, 192782, 0.0], [192782, 192799, 0.0], [192799, 192834, 0.0], [192834, 192861, 0.0], [192861, 192896, 0.0], [192896, 192943, 0.0], [192943, 192981, 0.0], [192981, 193015, 0.0], [193015, 193056, 0.0], [193056, 193109, 0.0], [193109, 193145, 0.0], [193145, 193182, 0.0], [193182, 193226, 0.0], [193226, 193257, 0.0], [193257, 193321, 0.0], [193321, 193354, 0.0], [193354, 193416, 0.0], [193416, 193479, 0.0], [193479, 193541, 0.0], [193541, 193618, 0.0], [193618, 193666, 0.0], [193666, 193720, 0.0], [193720, 193743, 0.0], [193743, 193772, 0.0], [193772, 193813, 0.0], [193813, 193847, 0.0], [193847, 193884, 0.0], [193884, 193902, 0.0], [193902, 193938, 0.0], [193938, 193992, 0.0], [193992, 194020, 0.0], [194020, 194043, 0.0], [194043, 194091, 0.0], [194091, 194099, 0.0], [194099, 194113, 0.0], [194113, 194136, 0.0], [194136, 194199, 0.0], [194199, 194269, 0.0], [194269, 194297, 0.0], [194297, 194353, 0.0], [194353, 194378, 0.0], [194378, 194422, 0.0], [194422, 194483, 0.0], [194483, 194559, 0.0], [194559, 194584, 0.0], [194584, 194660, 0.0], [194660, 194708, 0.0], [194708, 194750, 0.0], [194750, 194807, 0.0], [194807, 194836, 0.0], [194836, 194873, 0.0], [194873, 194903, 0.0], [194903, 194953, 0.0], [194953, 194966, 0.0], [194966, 194988, 0.0], [194988, 195031, 0.0], [195031, 195087, 0.0], [195087, 195111, 0.0], [195111, 195134, 0.0], [195134, 195173, 0.0], [195173, 195209, 0.0], [195209, 195256, 0.0], [195256, 195281, 0.0], [195281, 195360, 0.0], [195360, 195410, 0.0], [195410, 195462, 0.0], [195462, 195491, 0.0], [195491, 195522, 0.0], [195522, 195551, 0.0], [195551, 195604, 0.0], [195604, 195655, 0.0], [195655, 195705, 0.0], [195705, 195742, 0.0], [195742, 196456, 0.0], [196456, 196658, 0.0], [196658, 196997, 0.0], [196997, 197649, 0.0], [197649, 197923, 0.0], [197923, 198216, 0.0], [198216, 198268, 0.0], [198268, 198435, 0.0], [198435, 198700, 0.0], [198700, 199768, 0.0], [199768, 199801, 0.0], [199801, 200149, 0.0], [200149, 200324, 0.0], [200324, 200732, 0.0], [200732, 200812, 0.0], [200812, 200833, 0.0], [200833, 201382, 0.0], [201382, 201635, 0.0], [201635, 201850, 0.0], [201850, 202181, 0.0], [202181, 202455, 0.0], [202455, 202793, 0.0], [202793, 203204, 0.0], [203204, 203384, 0.0], [203384, 204230, 0.0], [204230, 204606, 0.0], [204606, 205091, 0.0], [205091, 205105, 0.0], [205105, 205675, 0.0], [205675, 205704, 0.0], [205704, 205751, 0.0], [205751, 205806, 0.0], [205806, 205843, 0.0], [205843, 205869, 0.0], [205869, 206470, 0.0], [206470, 206511, 0.0], [206511, 206551, 0.0], [206551, 206577, 0.0], [206577, 206605, 0.0], [206605, 206660, 0.0], [206660, 206888, 0.0], [206888, 207444, 0.0], [207444, 207881, 0.0], [207881, 210483, 0.0], [210483, 210507, 0.0], [210507, 211039, 0.0], [211039, 211612, 0.0], [211612, 212089, 0.0], [212089, 213028, 0.0], [213028, 213055, 0.0], [213055, 213272, 0.0], [213272, 213847, 0.0], [213847, 213870, 0.0], [213870, 214189, 0.0], [214189, 214225, 0.0], [214225, 214378, 0.0], [214378, 214446, 0.0], [214446, 214566, 0.0], [214566, 214706, 0.0], [214706, 214967, 0.0], [214967, 215984, 0.0], [215984, 216103, 0.0], [216103, 216154, 0.0], [216154, 216178, 0.0], [216178, 216231, 0.0], [216231, 216281, 0.0], [216281, 216326, 0.0], [216326, 216357, 0.0], [216357, 216403, 0.0], [216403, 216423, 0.0], [216423, 216441, 0.0], [216441, 216653, 0.0], [216653, 217966, 0.0], [217966, 218117, 0.0], [218117, 218148, 0.0], [218148, 218504, 0.0], [218504, 219410, 0.0], [219410, 219635, 0.0], [219635, 219785, 0.0], [219785, 219806, 0.0], [219806, 219825, 0.0], [219825, 219839, 0.0], [219839, 219860, 0.0], [219860, 219881, 0.0], [219881, 219907, 0.0], [219907, 219938, 0.0], [219938, 219971, 0.0], [219971, 220064, 0.0], [220064, 220084, 0.0], [220084, 220109, 0.0], [220109, 221374, 0.0], [221374, 222510, 0.0], [222510, 222597, 0.0], [222597, 222634, 0.0], [222634, 222957, 0.0], [222957, 223663, 0.0], [223663, 224149, 0.0], [224149, 224278, 0.0], [224278, 224315, 0.0], [224315, 225315, 0.0], [225315, 226185, 0.0], [226185, 226225, 0.0], [226225, 226339, 0.0], [226339, 226378, 0.0], [226378, 226427, 0.0], [226427, 226492, 0.0], [226492, 226545, 0.0], [226545, 226593, 0.0], [226593, 226650, 0.0], [226650, 226701, 0.0], [226701, 226739, 0.0], [226739, 226783, 0.0], [226783, 226797, 0.0], [226797, 226814, 0.0], [226814, 226831, 0.0], [226831, 227000, 0.0], [227000, 227039, 0.0], [227039, 227100, 0.0], [227100, 227146, 0.0], [227146, 227193, 0.0], [227193, 227237, 0.0], [227237, 227262, 0.0], [227262, 227304, 0.0], [227304, 227362, 0.0], [227362, 227417, 0.0], [227417, 227478, 0.0], [227478, 227587, 0.0], [227587, 227601, 0.0], [227601, 227734, 0.0], [227734, 227766, 0.0], [227766, 227798, 0.0], [227798, 227836, 0.0], [227836, 227860, 0.0], [227860, 227877, 0.0], [227877, 227955, 0.0], [227955, 228009, 0.0], [228009, 228052, 0.0], [228052, 228072, 0.0], [228072, 228094, 0.0], [228094, 228155, 0.0], [228155, 228188, 0.0], [228188, 228212, 0.0], [228212, 228352, 0.0], [228352, 229283, 0.0], [229283, 231186, 0.0], [231186, 231828, 0.0], [231828, 232203, 0.0], [232203, 232620, 0.0], [232620, 233484, 0.0], [233484, 233849, 0.0], [233849, 234685, 0.0], [234685, 235514, 0.0], [235514, 235721, 0.0], [235721, 236677, 0.0], [236677, 236997, 0.0], [236997, 237240, 0.0], [237240, 237601, 0.0], [237601, 237954, 0.0], [237954, 238988, 0.0], [238988, 239350, 0.0], [239350, 240164, 0.0], [240164, 240703, 0.0], [240703, 242320, 0.0], [242320, 242466, 0.0], [242466, 242485, 0.0], [242485, 242502, 0.0], [242502, 242518, 0.0], [242518, 242537, 0.0], [242537, 242556, 0.0], [242556, 242603, 0.0], [242603, 243537, 0.0], [243537, 244209, 0.0], [244209, 244723, 0.0], [244723, 245699, 0.0], [245699, 247109, 0.0], [247109, 247548, 0.0], [247548, 248531, 0.0], [248531, 249440, 0.0], [249440, 249490, 0.0], [249490, 250722, 0.0], [250722, 251454, 0.0], [251454, 252395, 0.0], [252395, 252425, 0.0], [252425, 252626, 0.0], [252626, 252800, 0.0], [252800, 252931, 0.0], [252931, 252972, 0.0], [252972, 252986, 0.0], [252986, 253014, 0.0], [253014, 253073, 0.0], [253073, 253095, 0.0], [253095, 253205, 0.0], [253205, 253231, 0.0], [253231, 253248, 0.0], [253248, 253272, 0.0], [253272, 253312, 0.0], [253312, 253322, 0.0], [253322, 253352, 0.0], [253352, 253378, 0.0], [253378, 253403, 0.0], [253403, 253460, 0.0], [253460, 253518, 0.0], [253518, 253642, 0.0], [253642, 253710, 0.0], [253710, 253778, 0.0], [253778, 253812, 0.0], [253812, 253862, 0.0], [253862, 253896, 0.0], [253896, 253938, 0.0], [253938, 254006, 0.0], [254006, 254088, 0.0], [254088, 254132, 0.0], [254132, 254153, 0.0], [254153, 254174, 0.0], [254174, 254736, 0.0], [254736, 255466, 0.0], [255466, 255543, 0.0], [255543, 255564, 0.0], [255564, 255622, 0.0], [255622, 255657, 0.0], [255657, 255698, 0.0], [255698, 255725, 0.0], [255725, 255771, 0.0], [255771, 255819, 0.0], [255819, 255887, 0.0], [255887, 255924, 0.0], [255924, 255957, 0.0], [255957, 256008, 0.0], [256008, 256056, 0.0], [256056, 256458, 0.0], [256458, 257284, 0.0], [257284, 258037, 0.0], [258037, 258435, 0.0], [258435, 258790, 0.0], [258790, 258808, 0.0], [258808, 258882, 0.0], [258882, 258894, 0.0], [258894, 258909, 0.0], [258909, 258923, 0.0], [258923, 258940, 0.0], [258940, 258969, 0.0], [258969, 258990, 0.0], [258990, 259106, 0.0], [259106, 259143, 0.0], [259143, 259647, 0.0], [259647, 260220, 0.0], [260220, 260260, 0.0], [260260, 260635, 0.0], [260635, 261394, 0.0], [261394, 261593, 0.0], [261593, 261705, 0.0], [261705, 261741, 0.0], [261741, 261831, 0.0], [261831, 262114, 0.0], [262114, 262151, 0.0], [262151, 263189, 0.0], [263189, 264083, 0.0], [264083, 264119, 0.0], [264119, 264146, 0.0], [264146, 265100, 0.0], [265100, 265713, 0.0], [265713, 266151, 0.0], [266151, 266952, 0.0], [266952, 268068, 0.0], [268068, 268166, 0.0], [268166, 268185, 0.0], [268185, 268213, 0.0], [268213, 268257, 0.0], [268257, 268298, 0.0], [268298, 268358, 0.0], [268358, 268383, 0.0], [268383, 268399, 0.0], [268399, 268444, 0.0], [268444, 268502, 0.0], [268502, 268529, 0.0], [268529, 268572, 0.0], [268572, 268626, 0.0], [268626, 268699, 0.0], [268699, 268784, 0.0], [268784, 269235, 0.0], [269235, 269751, 0.0], [269751, 269833, 0.0], [269833, 269844, 0.0], [269844, 269872, 0.0], [269872, 269905, 0.0], [269905, 269947, 0.0], [269947, 270013, 0.0], [270013, 270027, 0.0], [270027, 270050, 0.0], [270050, 270066, 0.0], [270066, 270121, 0.0], [270121, 270784, 0.0], [270784, 270871, 0.0], [270871, 270900, 0.0], [270900, 270928, 0.0], [270928, 270962, 0.0], [270962, 270998, 0.0], [270998, 271065, 0.0], [271065, 271089, 0.0], [271089, 271155, 0.0], [271155, 271372, 0.0], [271372, 271475, 0.0], [271475, 271675, 0.0], [271675, 271734, 0.0], [271734, 271926, 0.0], [271926, 272055, 0.0], [272055, 272098, 0.0], [272098, 272143, 0.0], [272143, 272181, 0.0], [272181, 272227, 0.0], [272227, 272266, 0.0], [272266, 272303, 0.0], [272303, 272331, 0.0], [272331, 272471, 0.0], [272471, 272758, 0.0], [272758, 273163, 0.0], [273163, 273433, 0.0], [273433, 273526, 0.0], [273526, 273559, 0.0], [273559, 273594, 0.0], [273594, 274143, 0.0], [274143, 275238, 0.0], [275238, 275310, 0.0], [275310, 276061, 0.0], [276061, 276577, 0.0], [276577, 277261, 0.0], [277261, 277647, 0.0], [277647, 278061, 0.0], [278061, 278088, 0.0], [278088, 278159, 0.0], [278159, 278675, 0.0], [278675, 278739, 0.0], [278739, 279151, 0.0], [279151, 279850, 0.0], [279850, 279882, 0.0], [279882, 280213, 0.0], [280213, 280317, 0.0], [280317, 280644, 0.0], [280644, 280727, 0.0], [280727, 281082, 0.0], [281082, 281130, 0.0], [281130, 281477, 0.0], [281477, 281529, 0.0], [281529, 281555, 0.0], [281555, 281686, 0.0], [281686, 281721, 0.0], [281721, 281800, 0.0], [281800, 281814, 0.0], [281814, 281886, 0.0], [281886, 281912, 0.0], [281912, 281932, 0.0], [281932, 281948, 0.0], [281948, 281957, 0.0], [281957, 282154, 0.0], [282154, 282165, 0.0], [282165, 282313, 0.0], [282313, 282479, 0.0], [282479, 282613, 0.0], [282613, 282726, 0.0], [282726, 282841, 0.0], [282841, 282950, 0.0], [282950, 282989, 0.0], [282989, 283086, 0.0], [283086, 283119, 0.0], [283119, 283179, 0.0], [283179, 283280, 0.0], [283280, 283472, 0.0], [283472, 283521, 0.0], [283521, 283559, 0.0], [283559, 283649, 0.0], [283649, 283777, 0.0], [283777, 283782, 0.0], [283782, 283873, 0.0], [283873, 283933, 0.0], [283933, 283938, 0.0], [283938, 284070, 0.0], [284070, 284183, 0.0], [284183, 284305, 0.0], [284305, 284429, 0.0], [284429, 284526, 0.0], [284526, 284632, 0.0], [284632, 284740, 0.0], [284740, 284825, 0.0], [284825, 284945, 0.0], [284945, 285027, 0.0], [285027, 285146, 0.0], [285146, 285235, 0.0], [285235, 285314, 0.0], [285314, 285379, 0.0], [285379, 285562, 0.0], [285562, 285647, 0.0], [285647, 285738, 0.0], [285738, 285829, 0.0], [285829, 285916, 0.0], [285916, 286098, 0.0], [286098, 286297, 0.0], [286297, 286393, 0.0], [286393, 286478, 0.0], [286478, 286554, 0.0], [286554, 286689, 0.0], [286689, 286800, 0.0], [286800, 286949, 0.0], [286949, 287150, 0.0], [287150, 287258, 0.0], [287258, 287443, 0.0], [287443, 287532, 0.0], [287532, 287622, 0.0], [287622, 287732, 0.0], [287732, 287849, 0.0], [287849, 287987, 0.0], [287987, 288138, 0.0], [288138, 288223, 0.0], [288223, 288307, 0.0], [288307, 288390, 0.0], [288390, 288471, 0.0], [288471, 288596, 0.0], [288596, 288735, 0.0], [288735, 288865, 0.0], [288865, 288961, 0.0], [288961, 289055, 0.0], [289055, 289147, 0.0], [289147, 289207, 0.0], [289207, 289336, 0.0], [289336, 289387, 0.0], [289387, 289478, 0.0], [289478, 289560, 0.0], [289560, 289633, 0.0], [289633, 289776, 0.0], [289776, 289951, 0.0], [289951, 290032, 0.0], [290032, 290146, 0.0], [290146, 290252, 0.0], [290252, 290368, 0.0], [290368, 290462, 0.0], [290462, 290611, 0.0], [290611, 290737, 0.0], [290737, 290746, 0.0], [290746, 290861, 0.0], [290861, 291008, 0.0], [291008, 291121, 0.0], [291121, 291212, 0.0], [291212, 291325, 0.0], [291325, 291443, 0.0], [291443, 291588, 0.0], [291588, 291710, 0.0], [291710, 291854, 0.0], [291854, 292003, 0.0], [292003, 292131, 0.0], [292131, 292201, 0.0], [292201, 292309, 0.0], [292309, 292393, 0.0], [292393, 292509, 0.0], [292509, 292623, 0.0], [292623, 292830, 0.0], [292830, 292861, 0.0], [292861, 292918, 0.0], [292918, 292957, 0.0], [292957, 293092, 0.0], [293092, 293227, 0.0], [293227, 293364, 0.0], [293364, 293501, 0.0], [293501, 294167, 0.0], [294167, 294264, 0.0], [294264, 294702, 0.0], [294702, 294808, 0.0], [294808, 295071, 0.0], [295071, 295177, 0.0], [295177, 295430, 0.0], [295430, 295639, 0.0], [295639, 295662, 0.0], [295662, 295677, 0.0], [295677, 296226, 0.0], [296226, 296432, 0.0], [296432, 296451, 0.0], [296451, 296529, 0.0], [296529, 296549, 0.0], [296549, 296565, 0.0], [296565, 296693, 0.0], [296693, 296712, 0.0], [296712, 296727, 0.0], [296727, 296742, 0.0], [296742, 296753, 0.0], [296753, 296776, 0.0], [296776, 296795, 0.0], [296795, 296819, 0.0], [296819, 296839, 0.0], [296839, 296864, 0.0], [296864, 296885, 0.0], [296885, 296908, 0.0], [296908, 296927, 0.0], [296927, 296948, 0.0], [296948, 296965, 0.0], [296965, 296990, 0.0], [296990, 297011, 0.0], [297011, 297025, 0.0], [297025, 297034, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 12, 3.0], [12, 40, 6.0], [40, 127, 16.0], [127, 167, 8.0], [167, 258, 16.0], [258, 349, 6.0], [349, 382, 4.0], [382, 399, 3.0], [399, 435, 6.0], [435, 467, 3.0], [467, 488, 3.0], [488, 519, 5.0], [519, 541, 3.0], [541, 672, 25.0], [672, 808, 27.0], [808, 1160, 64.0], [1160, 1547, 66.0], [1547, 1887, 57.0], [1887, 2178, 43.0], [2178, 2191, 2.0], [2191, 2217, 4.0], [2217, 2237, 3.0], [2237, 2261, 3.0], [2261, 2307, 8.0], [2307, 2335, 4.0], [2335, 2450, 23.0], [2450, 2789, 56.0], [2789, 2897, 18.0], [2897, 3248, 58.0], [3248, 3274, 3.0], [3274, 3298, 3.0], [3298, 3407, 14.0], [3407, 3431, 3.0], [3431, 3517, 11.0], [3517, 3561, 5.0], [3561, 3646, 11.0], [3646, 3701, 6.0], [3701, 3796, 12.0], [3796, 3870, 8.0], [3870, 3909, 5.0], [3909, 3952, 5.0], [3952, 6139, 307.0], [6139, 6248, 17.0], [6248, 6369, 18.0], [6369, 6476, 16.0], [6476, 6679, 33.0], [6679, 6777, 18.0], [6777, 6926, 20.0], [6926, 6999, 11.0], [6999, 7060, 9.0], [7060, 7197, 20.0], [7197, 7400, 35.0], [7400, 7634, 37.0], [7634, 8774, 166.0], [8774, 10441, 253.0], [10441, 10580, 19.0], [10580, 10915, 46.0], [10915, 11038, 18.0], [11038, 11162, 18.0], [11162, 11381, 34.0], [11381, 11614, 33.0], [11614, 11840, 35.0], [11840, 12008, 22.0], [12008, 12146, 18.0], [12146, 12506, 56.0], [12506, 12618, 19.0], [12618, 12853, 33.0], [12853, 13221, 52.0], [13221, 14065, 125.0], [14065, 14385, 46.0], [14385, 14403, 2.0], [14403, 14755, 57.0], [14755, 15423, 94.0], [15423, 15445, 3.0], [15445, 16066, 100.0], [16066, 16898, 143.0], [16898, 17719, 123.0], [17719, 18401, 103.0], [18401, 18435, 5.0], [18435, 19211, 122.0], [19211, 19572, 59.0], [19572, 20508, 146.0], [20508, 20793, 43.0], [20793, 20843, 10.0], [20843, 21012, 27.0], [21012, 21125, 16.0], [21125, 21185, 7.0], [21185, 21319, 17.0], [21319, 21441, 18.0], [21441, 21490, 6.0], [21490, 21821, 49.0], [21821, 22200, 59.0], [22200, 22234, 5.0], [22234, 23101, 128.0], [23101, 23140, 6.0], [23140, 24232, 176.0], [24232, 24552, 56.0], [24552, 24566, 2.0], [24566, 24705, 20.0], [24705, 24914, 32.0], [24914, 25734, 132.0], [25734, 26217, 85.0], [26217, 26994, 119.0], [26994, 27008, 2.0], [27008, 27436, 65.0], [27436, 27450, 2.0], [27450, 28585, 162.0], [28585, 28751, 23.0], [28751, 29151, 55.0], [29151, 29189, 4.0], [29189, 29840, 99.0], [29840, 30881, 158.0], [30881, 32244, 201.0], [32244, 32588, 54.0], [32588, 33431, 134.0], [33431, 35197, 279.0], [35197, 35234, 5.0], [35234, 35790, 87.0], [35790, 36336, 91.0], [36336, 36798, 71.0], [36798, 36813, 2.0], [36813, 37245, 72.0], [37245, 38047, 125.0], [38047, 38364, 50.0], [38364, 38821, 64.0], [38821, 38836, 2.0], [38836, 39535, 111.0], [39535, 39790, 35.0], [39790, 39823, 4.0], [39823, 40457, 101.0], [40457, 40814, 54.0], [40814, 41444, 92.0], [41444, 41893, 72.0], [41893, 42270, 52.0], [42270, 43492, 182.0], [43492, 43526, 4.0], [43526, 43550, 4.0], [43550, 44174, 94.0], [44174, 44519, 46.0], [44519, 45467, 147.0], [45467, 46465, 157.0], [46465, 47673, 183.0], [47673, 48146, 75.0], [48146, 48450, 47.0], [48450, 48705, 35.0], [48705, 49166, 71.0], [49166, 49490, 53.0], [49490, 49901, 62.0], [49901, 50168, 37.0], [50168, 50192, 4.0], [50192, 50541, 59.0], [50541, 51244, 97.0], [51244, 51260, 2.0], [51260, 51590, 52.0], [51590, 51613, 4.0], [51613, 51819, 32.0], [51819, 52313, 85.0], [52313, 53051, 122.0], [53051, 53195, 23.0], [53195, 54242, 176.0], [54242, 54257, 2.0], [54257, 54640, 59.0], [54640, 55883, 211.0], [55883, 56703, 143.0], [56703, 56745, 5.0], [56745, 57064, 49.0], [57064, 57821, 124.0], [57821, 58152, 53.0], [58152, 58568, 69.0], [58568, 59002, 73.0], [59002, 59174, 28.0], [59174, 59492, 49.0], [59492, 60130, 104.0], [60130, 60720, 95.0], [60720, 61361, 98.0], [61361, 62216, 137.0], [62216, 62576, 60.0], [62576, 63404, 119.0], [63404, 63570, 24.0], [63570, 63674, 16.0], [63674, 63970, 49.0], [63970, 64318, 47.0], [64318, 64836, 83.0], [64836, 65573, 114.0], [65573, 66404, 129.0], [66404, 66706, 44.0], [66706, 66888, 28.0], [66888, 66965, 10.0], [66965, 67162, 28.0], [67162, 67297, 19.0], [67297, 67356, 8.0], [67356, 67522, 23.0], [67522, 67605, 13.0], [67605, 67782, 26.0], [67782, 67996, 32.0], [67996, 68033, 4.0], [68033, 68390, 50.0], [68390, 69110, 95.0], [69110, 69773, 95.0], [69773, 70243, 72.0], [70243, 70874, 106.0], [70874, 71294, 58.0], [71294, 71465, 23.0], [71465, 72253, 116.0], [72253, 72580, 47.0], [72580, 73115, 77.0], [73115, 73465, 60.0], [73465, 73667, 33.0], [73667, 74020, 58.0], [74020, 74306, 45.0], [74306, 74350, 7.0], [74350, 74479, 22.0], [74479, 75428, 158.0], [75428, 75497, 11.0], [75497, 76153, 104.0], [76153, 76200, 7.0], [76200, 76547, 62.0], [76547, 76643, 17.0], [76643, 77631, 171.0], [77631, 77784, 21.0], [77784, 78554, 121.0], [78554, 78754, 30.0], [78754, 78919, 25.0], [78919, 79457, 83.0], [79457, 79661, 36.0], [79661, 80479, 126.0], [80479, 80837, 57.0], [80837, 81062, 37.0], [81062, 81355, 51.0], [81355, 82133, 126.0], [82133, 82450, 54.0], [82450, 83594, 190.0], [83594, 84016, 67.0], [84016, 84100, 15.0], [84100, 85244, 190.0], [85244, 85366, 18.0], [85366, 86408, 152.0], [86408, 86623, 34.0], [86623, 87860, 201.0], [87860, 87934, 9.0], [87934, 88149, 34.0], [88149, 88569, 66.0], [88569, 88804, 36.0], [88804, 90281, 227.0], [90281, 90567, 46.0], [90567, 91227, 104.0], [91227, 91378, 27.0], [91378, 92300, 146.0], [92300, 92537, 37.0], [92537, 92616, 13.0], [92616, 93812, 192.0], [93812, 93986, 27.0], [93986, 95373, 211.0], [95373, 95524, 26.0], [95524, 96162, 103.0], [96162, 96307, 25.0], [96307, 97389, 173.0], [97389, 97459, 12.0], [97459, 98379, 136.0], [98379, 98845, 75.0], [98845, 99002, 25.0], [99002, 99546, 81.0], [99546, 99660, 14.0], [99660, 99838, 25.0], [99838, 99946, 13.0], [99946, 100002, 8.0], [100002, 100072, 12.0], [100072, 100151, 10.0], [100151, 100274, 18.0], [100274, 100700, 59.0], [100700, 100894, 31.0], [100894, 101490, 105.0], [101490, 101564, 12.0], [101564, 102171, 95.0], [102171, 102245, 14.0], [102245, 103596, 233.0], [103596, 103823, 34.0], [103823, 103961, 20.0], [103961, 104749, 127.0], [104749, 104972, 31.0], [104972, 105465, 65.0], [105465, 105520, 10.0], [105520, 106181, 110.0], [106181, 106301, 16.0], [106301, 107343, 146.0], [107343, 107603, 35.0], [107603, 107668, 10.0], [107668, 109765, 313.0], [109765, 109914, 23.0], [109914, 110761, 121.0], [110761, 110870, 14.0], [110870, 111271, 57.0], [111271, 111429, 22.0], [111429, 111940, 74.0], [111940, 112022, 11.0], [112022, 112524, 80.0], [112524, 112712, 31.0], [112712, 113314, 94.0], [113314, 113455, 19.0], [113455, 114512, 163.0], [114512, 114673, 24.0], [114673, 115412, 116.0], [115412, 115516, 17.0], [115516, 117012, 228.0], [117012, 117288, 47.0], [117288, 118164, 137.0], [118164, 118262, 15.0], [118262, 118452, 27.0], [118452, 118591, 20.0], [118591, 118842, 42.0], [118842, 119557, 125.0], [119557, 119997, 60.0], [119997, 120116, 19.0], [120116, 120450, 54.0], [120450, 121458, 169.0], [121458, 121654, 28.0], [121654, 122264, 94.0], [122264, 122802, 79.0], [122802, 123057, 40.0], [123057, 124172, 171.0], [124172, 124291, 18.0], [124291, 124804, 85.0], [124804, 125058, 40.0], [125058, 125104, 7.0], [125104, 125151, 9.0], [125151, 125403, 42.0], [125403, 125507, 16.0], [125507, 125658, 25.0], [125658, 125707, 6.0], [125707, 125821, 16.0], [125821, 125912, 16.0], [125912, 125954, 5.0], [125954, 126170, 31.0], [126170, 126443, 44.0], [126443, 126960, 80.0], [126960, 127358, 65.0], [127358, 127751, 61.0], [127751, 127918, 29.0], [127918, 128723, 134.0], [128723, 128796, 10.0], [128796, 129198, 55.0], [129198, 129583, 56.0], [129583, 130475, 138.0], [130475, 131069, 96.0], [131069, 131140, 12.0], [131140, 131545, 75.0], [131545, 131663, 17.0], [131663, 132137, 76.0], [132137, 132204, 10.0], [132204, 132534, 51.0], [132534, 132740, 31.0], [132740, 133674, 151.0], [133674, 133831, 26.0], [133831, 134048, 33.0], [134048, 134535, 77.0], [134535, 135073, 88.0], [135073, 135157, 14.0], [135157, 136281, 179.0], [136281, 136348, 11.0], [136348, 136364, 3.0], [136364, 136388, 3.0], [136388, 136419, 4.0], [136419, 136429, 1.0], [136429, 136464, 4.0], [136464, 136496, 5.0], [136496, 136509, 3.0], [136509, 136528, 2.0], [136528, 136558, 3.0], [136558, 136580, 3.0], [136580, 136589, 1.0], [136589, 136605, 3.0], [136605, 136664, 9.0], [136664, 136693, 4.0], [136693, 136726, 3.0], [136726, 136755, 4.0], [136755, 136774, 3.0], [136774, 136801, 3.0], [136801, 136829, 4.0], [136829, 136868, 4.0], [136868, 136909, 5.0], [136909, 136932, 3.0], [136932, 136963, 4.0], [136963, 136986, 3.0], [136986, 137006, 2.0], [137006, 137224, 35.0], [137224, 137446, 35.0], [137446, 137839, 60.0], [137839, 137862, 3.0], [137862, 137903, 7.0], [137903, 137939, 6.0], [137939, 137975, 6.0], [137975, 138322, 52.0], [138322, 138368, 6.0], [138368, 139037, 117.0], [139037, 139182, 26.0], [139182, 139207, 5.0], [139207, 139330, 22.0], [139330, 139664, 54.0], [139664, 140355, 106.0], [140355, 140439, 11.0], [140439, 141064, 103.0], [141064, 141131, 8.0], [141131, 141422, 48.0], [141422, 141492, 10.0], [141492, 141604, 17.0], [141604, 142412, 120.0], [142412, 143131, 107.0], [143131, 144482, 202.0], [144482, 144530, 7.0], [144530, 144558, 5.0], [144558, 145587, 163.0], [145587, 145964, 60.0], [145964, 146316, 49.0], [146316, 146623, 52.0], [146623, 146657, 4.0], [146657, 147326, 99.0], [147326, 147676, 59.0], [147676, 148087, 61.0], [148087, 148643, 82.0], [148643, 148689, 5.0], [148689, 149120, 57.0], [149120, 149807, 101.0], [149807, 149826, 2.0], [149826, 150766, 140.0], [150766, 151635, 133.0], [151635, 151664, 4.0], [151664, 152790, 182.0], [152790, 152870, 15.0], [152870, 153174, 49.0], [153174, 153373, 33.0], [153373, 153852, 77.0], [153852, 154028, 34.0], [154028, 154687, 107.0], [154687, 155152, 75.0], [155152, 155408, 41.0], [155408, 155893, 77.0], [155893, 155912, 2.0], [155912, 156315, 69.0], [156315, 156344, 4.0], [156344, 156594, 43.0], [156594, 156633, 5.0], [156633, 157087, 72.0], [157087, 157133, 5.0], [157133, 157645, 74.0], [157645, 157694, 6.0], [157694, 158422, 110.0], [158422, 158468, 6.0], [158468, 159285, 127.0], [159285, 159322, 5.0], [159322, 159995, 113.0], [159995, 160557, 95.0], [160557, 161803, 195.0], [161803, 162753, 139.0], [162753, 162960, 32.0], [162960, 163214, 33.0], [163214, 163452, 35.0], [163452, 163628, 28.0], [163628, 163940, 50.0], [163940, 166503, 401.0], [166503, 167431, 149.0], [167431, 167549, 19.0], [167549, 168743, 186.0], [168743, 169253, 91.0], [169253, 169450, 27.0], [169450, 169734, 40.0], [169734, 169912, 30.0], [169912, 170099, 30.0], [170099, 170510, 71.0], [170510, 170622, 15.0], [170622, 171267, 105.0], [171267, 171637, 72.0], [171637, 172023, 61.0], [172023, 172466, 77.0], [172466, 172616, 24.0], [172616, 173129, 81.0], [173129, 173488, 61.0], [173488, 174461, 157.0], [174461, 174959, 77.0], [174959, 175495, 84.0], [175495, 176137, 106.0], [176137, 176462, 54.0], [176462, 176836, 62.0], [176836, 177249, 67.0], [177249, 177271, 4.0], [177271, 177369, 19.0], [177369, 177381, 2.0], [177381, 177446, 7.0], [177446, 177506, 7.0], [177506, 177564, 7.0], [177564, 177618, 9.0], [177618, 177673, 7.0], [177673, 177741, 9.0], [177741, 177806, 9.0], [177806, 177827, 2.0], [177827, 178311, 70.0], [178311, 178613, 48.0], [178613, 178634, 2.0], [178634, 179075, 66.0], [179075, 179367, 44.0], [179367, 179388, 2.0], [179388, 180026, 93.0], [180026, 180277, 37.0], [180277, 180292, 2.0], [180292, 180682, 63.0], [180682, 180770, 15.0], [180770, 180805, 4.0], [180805, 180902, 13.0], [180902, 180954, 8.0], [180954, 181009, 9.0], [181009, 181057, 7.0], [181057, 181101, 6.0], [181101, 181135, 5.0], [181135, 181182, 5.0], [181182, 181199, 2.0], [181199, 181220, 2.0], [181220, 181249, 3.0], [181249, 181382, 20.0], [181382, 182664, 200.0], [182664, 183020, 53.0], [183020, 183766, 110.0], [183766, 184300, 73.0], [184300, 184655, 50.0], [184655, 186480, 279.0], [186480, 186797, 51.0], [186797, 187434, 98.0], [187434, 188318, 145.0], [188318, 189102, 125.0], [189102, 189166, 7.0], [189166, 189767, 85.0], [189767, 190304, 86.0], [190304, 190372, 9.0], [190372, 190426, 9.0], [190426, 190514, 14.0], [190514, 190569, 6.0], [190569, 190667, 15.0], [190667, 190755, 15.0], [190755, 190798, 7.0], [190798, 190818, 4.0], [190818, 191280, 66.0], [191280, 192426, 169.0], [192426, 192743, 50.0], [192743, 192765, 4.0], [192765, 192782, 4.0], [192782, 192799, 2.0], [192799, 192834, 5.0], [192834, 192861, 4.0], [192861, 192896, 4.0], [192896, 192943, 6.0], [192943, 192981, 4.0], [192981, 193015, 5.0], [193015, 193056, 6.0], [193056, 193109, 6.0], [193109, 193145, 3.0], [193145, 193182, 5.0], [193182, 193226, 6.0], [193226, 193257, 3.0], [193257, 193321, 8.0], [193321, 193354, 5.0], [193354, 193416, 8.0], [193416, 193479, 9.0], [193479, 193541, 9.0], [193541, 193618, 15.0], [193618, 193666, 6.0], [193666, 193720, 8.0], [193720, 193743, 3.0], [193743, 193772, 4.0], [193772, 193813, 5.0], [193813, 193847, 5.0], [193847, 193884, 5.0], [193884, 193902, 3.0], [193902, 193938, 6.0], [193938, 193992, 7.0], [193992, 194020, 3.0], [194020, 194043, 3.0], [194043, 194091, 5.0], [194091, 194099, 1.0], [194099, 194113, 1.0], [194113, 194136, 4.0], [194136, 194199, 7.0], [194199, 194269, 11.0], [194269, 194297, 5.0], [194297, 194353, 7.0], [194353, 194378, 3.0], [194378, 194422, 7.0], [194422, 194483, 11.0], [194483, 194559, 10.0], [194559, 194584, 3.0], [194584, 194660, 11.0], [194660, 194708, 7.0], [194708, 194750, 6.0], [194750, 194807, 9.0], [194807, 194836, 5.0], [194836, 194873, 5.0], [194873, 194903, 4.0], [194903, 194953, 7.0], [194953, 194966, 1.0], [194966, 194988, 3.0], [194988, 195031, 6.0], [195031, 195087, 8.0], [195087, 195111, 3.0], [195111, 195134, 3.0], [195134, 195173, 7.0], [195173, 195209, 5.0], [195209, 195256, 7.0], [195256, 195281, 3.0], [195281, 195360, 11.0], [195360, 195410, 8.0], [195410, 195462, 8.0], [195462, 195491, 4.0], [195491, 195522, 4.0], [195522, 195551, 4.0], [195551, 195604, 8.0], [195604, 195655, 8.0], [195655, 195705, 6.0], [195705, 195742, 5.0], [195742, 196456, 108.0], [196456, 196658, 30.0], [196658, 196997, 49.0], [196997, 197649, 94.0], [197649, 197923, 34.0], [197923, 198216, 46.0], [198216, 198268, 7.0], [198268, 198435, 24.0], [198435, 198700, 36.0], [198700, 199768, 144.0], [199768, 199801, 4.0], [199801, 200149, 60.0], [200149, 200324, 28.0], [200324, 200732, 68.0], [200732, 200812, 11.0], [200812, 200833, 4.0], [200833, 201382, 78.0], [201382, 201635, 44.0], [201635, 201850, 34.0], [201850, 202181, 49.0], [202181, 202455, 44.0], [202455, 202793, 48.0], [202793, 203204, 60.0], [203204, 203384, 24.0], [203384, 204230, 130.0], [204230, 204606, 59.0], [204606, 205091, 75.0], [205091, 205105, 2.0], [205105, 205675, 92.0], [205675, 205704, 4.0], [205704, 205751, 6.0], [205751, 205806, 8.0], [205806, 205843, 4.0], [205843, 205869, 2.0], [205869, 206470, 94.0], [206470, 206511, 6.0], [206511, 206551, 4.0], [206551, 206577, 4.0], [206577, 206605, 4.0], [206605, 206660, 7.0], [206660, 206888, 35.0], [206888, 207444, 78.0], [207444, 207881, 64.0], [207881, 210483, 418.0], [210483, 210507, 3.0], [210507, 211039, 79.0], [211039, 211612, 87.0], [211612, 212089, 77.0], [212089, 213028, 137.0], [213028, 213055, 3.0], [213055, 213272, 33.0], [213272, 213847, 80.0], [213847, 213870, 2.0], [213870, 214189, 44.0], [214189, 214225, 5.0], [214225, 214378, 23.0], [214378, 214446, 11.0], [214446, 214566, 19.0], [214566, 214706, 23.0], [214706, 214967, 46.0], [214967, 215984, 153.0], [215984, 216103, 19.0], [216103, 216154, 9.0], [216154, 216178, 6.0], [216178, 216231, 5.0], [216231, 216281, 4.0], [216281, 216326, 4.0], [216326, 216357, 3.0], [216357, 216403, 5.0], [216403, 216423, 2.0], [216423, 216441, 1.0], [216441, 216653, 31.0], [216653, 217966, 208.0], [217966, 218117, 24.0], [218117, 218148, 4.0], [218148, 218504, 45.0], [218504, 219410, 146.0], [219410, 219635, 35.0], [219635, 219785, 23.0], [219785, 219806, 2.0], [219806, 219825, 2.0], [219825, 219839, 2.0], [219839, 219860, 2.0], [219860, 219881, 2.0], [219881, 219907, 2.0], [219907, 219938, 3.0], [219938, 219971, 4.0], [219971, 220064, 12.0], [220064, 220084, 2.0], [220084, 220109, 4.0], [220109, 221374, 190.0], [221374, 222510, 171.0], [222510, 222597, 14.0], [222597, 222634, 4.0], [222634, 222957, 45.0], [222957, 223663, 109.0], [223663, 224149, 80.0], [224149, 224278, 19.0], [224278, 224315, 7.0], [224315, 225315, 146.0], [225315, 226185, 127.0], [226185, 226225, 6.0], [226225, 226339, 18.0], [226339, 226378, 6.0], [226378, 226427, 8.0], [226427, 226492, 6.0], [226492, 226545, 5.0], [226545, 226593, 4.0], [226593, 226650, 5.0], [226650, 226701, 5.0], [226701, 226739, 3.0], [226739, 226783, 6.0], [226783, 226797, 1.0], [226797, 226814, 3.0], [226814, 226831, 2.0], [226831, 227000, 23.0], [227000, 227039, 6.0], [227039, 227100, 9.0], [227100, 227146, 5.0], [227146, 227193, 5.0], [227193, 227237, 5.0], [227237, 227262, 3.0], [227262, 227304, 5.0], [227304, 227362, 7.0], [227362, 227417, 5.0], [227417, 227478, 7.0], [227478, 227587, 16.0], [227587, 227601, 3.0], [227601, 227734, 19.0], [227734, 227766, 5.0], [227766, 227798, 4.0], [227798, 227836, 6.0], [227836, 227860, 4.0], [227860, 227877, 3.0], [227877, 227955, 9.0], [227955, 228009, 6.0], [228009, 228052, 5.0], [228052, 228072, 3.0], [228072, 228094, 3.0], [228094, 228155, 8.0], [228155, 228188, 4.0], [228188, 228212, 3.0], [228212, 228352, 20.0], [228352, 229283, 161.0], [229283, 231186, 306.0], [231186, 231828, 97.0], [231828, 232203, 60.0], [232203, 232620, 62.0], [232620, 233484, 146.0], [233484, 233849, 59.0], [233849, 234685, 123.0], [234685, 235514, 136.0], [235514, 235721, 38.0], [235721, 236677, 160.0], [236677, 236997, 52.0], [236997, 237240, 34.0], [237240, 237601, 63.0], [237601, 237954, 55.0], [237954, 238988, 167.0], [238988, 239350, 62.0], [239350, 240164, 129.0], [240164, 240703, 88.0], [240703, 242320, 261.0], [242320, 242466, 21.0], [242466, 242485, 3.0], [242485, 242502, 2.0], [242502, 242518, 2.0], [242518, 242537, 2.0], [242537, 242556, 2.0], [242556, 242603, 7.0], [242603, 243537, 139.0], [243537, 244209, 106.0], [244209, 244723, 83.0], [244723, 245699, 164.0], [245699, 247109, 215.0], [247109, 247548, 68.0], [247548, 248531, 156.0], [248531, 249440, 146.0], [249440, 249490, 7.0], [249490, 250722, 193.0], [250722, 251454, 114.0], [251454, 252395, 144.0], [252395, 252425, 4.0], [252425, 252626, 31.0], [252626, 252800, 26.0], [252800, 252931, 19.0], [252931, 252972, 5.0], [252972, 252986, 2.0], [252986, 253014, 4.0], [253014, 253073, 9.0], [253073, 253095, 4.0], [253095, 253205, 15.0], [253205, 253231, 3.0], [253231, 253248, 3.0], [253248, 253272, 3.0], [253272, 253312, 5.0], [253312, 253322, 1.0], [253322, 253352, 3.0], [253352, 253378, 3.0], [253378, 253403, 3.0], [253403, 253460, 6.0], [253460, 253518, 7.0], [253518, 253642, 20.0], [253642, 253710, 9.0], [253710, 253778, 10.0], [253778, 253812, 4.0], [253812, 253862, 7.0], [253862, 253896, 4.0], [253896, 253938, 5.0], [253938, 254006, 9.0], [254006, 254088, 13.0], [254088, 254132, 5.0], [254132, 254153, 3.0], [254153, 254174, 2.0], [254174, 254736, 89.0], [254736, 255466, 115.0], [255466, 255543, 11.0], [255543, 255564, 3.0], [255564, 255622, 7.0], [255622, 255657, 4.0], [255657, 255698, 6.0], [255698, 255725, 4.0], [255725, 255771, 6.0], [255771, 255819, 6.0], [255819, 255887, 9.0], [255887, 255924, 4.0], [255924, 255957, 4.0], [255957, 256008, 6.0], [256008, 256056, 6.0], [256056, 256458, 62.0], [256458, 257284, 125.0], [257284, 258037, 121.0], [258037, 258435, 68.0], [258435, 258790, 57.0], [258790, 258808, 3.0], [258808, 258882, 11.0], [258882, 258894, 2.0], [258894, 258909, 4.0], [258909, 258923, 2.0], [258923, 258940, 3.0], [258940, 258969, 3.0], [258969, 258990, 2.0], [258990, 259106, 18.0], [259106, 259143, 5.0], [259143, 259647, 76.0], [259647, 260220, 96.0], [260220, 260260, 5.0], [260260, 260635, 54.0], [260635, 261394, 126.0], [261394, 261593, 29.0], [261593, 261705, 18.0], [261705, 261741, 6.0], [261741, 261831, 9.0], [261831, 262114, 44.0], [262114, 262151, 5.0], [262151, 263189, 175.0], [263189, 264083, 146.0], [264083, 264119, 4.0], [264119, 264146, 4.0], [264146, 265100, 144.0], [265100, 265713, 113.0], [265713, 266151, 67.0], [266151, 266952, 121.0], [266952, 268068, 186.0], [268068, 268166, 18.0], [268166, 268185, 2.0], [268185, 268213, 3.0], [268213, 268257, 5.0], [268257, 268298, 6.0], [268298, 268358, 9.0], [268358, 268383, 4.0], [268383, 268399, 1.0], [268399, 268444, 4.0], [268444, 268502, 9.0], [268502, 268529, 3.0], [268529, 268572, 3.0], [268572, 268626, 9.0], [268626, 268699, 12.0], [268699, 268784, 15.0], [268784, 269235, 71.0], [269235, 269751, 84.0], [269751, 269833, 12.0], [269833, 269844, 1.0], [269844, 269872, 4.0], [269872, 269905, 4.0], [269905, 269947, 6.0], [269947, 270013, 7.0], [270013, 270027, 1.0], [270027, 270050, 3.0], [270050, 270066, 1.0], [270066, 270121, 5.0], [270121, 270784, 105.0], [270784, 270871, 13.0], [270871, 270900, 4.0], [270900, 270928, 3.0], [270928, 270962, 4.0], [270962, 270998, 6.0], [270998, 271065, 7.0], [271065, 271089, 3.0], [271089, 271155, 8.0], [271155, 271372, 33.0], [271372, 271475, 18.0], [271475, 271675, 28.0], [271675, 271734, 9.0], [271734, 271926, 27.0], [271926, 272055, 17.0], [272055, 272098, 6.0], [272098, 272143, 6.0], [272143, 272181, 4.0], [272181, 272227, 4.0], [272227, 272266, 5.0], [272266, 272303, 3.0], [272303, 272331, 4.0], [272331, 272471, 25.0], [272471, 272758, 49.0], [272758, 273163, 70.0], [273163, 273433, 44.0], [273433, 273526, 13.0], [273526, 273559, 5.0], [273559, 273594, 4.0], [273594, 274143, 85.0], [274143, 275238, 154.0], [275238, 275310, 9.0], [275310, 276061, 106.0], [276061, 276577, 69.0], [276577, 277261, 105.0], [277261, 277647, 55.0], [277647, 278061, 63.0], [278061, 278088, 4.0], [278088, 278159, 11.0], [278159, 278675, 77.0], [278675, 278739, 8.0], [278739, 279151, 61.0], [279151, 279850, 106.0], [279850, 279882, 4.0], [279882, 280213, 51.0], [280213, 280317, 14.0], [280317, 280644, 51.0], [280644, 280727, 10.0], [280727, 281082, 54.0], [281082, 281130, 7.0], [281130, 281477, 54.0], [281477, 281529, 7.0], [281529, 281555, 3.0], [281555, 281686, 24.0], [281686, 281721, 4.0], [281721, 281800, 11.0], [281800, 281814, 2.0], [281814, 281886, 10.0], [281886, 281912, 3.0], [281912, 281932, 2.0], [281932, 281948, 3.0], [281948, 281957, 1.0], [281957, 282154, 27.0], [282154, 282165, 1.0], [282165, 282313, 23.0], [282313, 282479, 25.0], [282479, 282613, 18.0], [282613, 282726, 17.0], [282726, 282841, 18.0], [282841, 282950, 17.0], [282950, 282989, 4.0], [282989, 283086, 13.0], [283086, 283119, 5.0], [283119, 283179, 9.0], [283179, 283280, 14.0], [283280, 283472, 28.0], [283472, 283521, 7.0], [283521, 283559, 6.0], [283559, 283649, 13.0], [283649, 283777, 19.0], [283777, 283782, 1.0], [283782, 283873, 15.0], [283873, 283933, 10.0], [283933, 283938, 1.0], [283938, 284070, 17.0], [284070, 284183, 14.0], [284183, 284305, 17.0], [284305, 284429, 17.0], [284429, 284526, 12.0], [284526, 284632, 15.0], [284632, 284740, 15.0], [284740, 284825, 11.0], [284825, 284945, 15.0], [284945, 285027, 11.0], [285027, 285146, 14.0], [285146, 285235, 14.0], [285235, 285314, 11.0], [285314, 285379, 10.0], [285379, 285562, 26.0], [285562, 285647, 12.0], [285647, 285738, 12.0], [285738, 285829, 12.0], [285829, 285916, 12.0], [285916, 286098, 23.0], [286098, 286297, 27.0], [286297, 286393, 13.0], [286393, 286478, 14.0], [286478, 286554, 13.0], [286554, 286689, 19.0], [286689, 286800, 16.0], [286800, 286949, 24.0], [286949, 287150, 32.0], [287150, 287258, 14.0], [287258, 287443, 28.0], [287443, 287532, 13.0], [287532, 287622, 13.0], [287622, 287732, 17.0], [287732, 287849, 19.0], [287849, 287987, 22.0], [287987, 288138, 22.0], [288138, 288223, 14.0], [288223, 288307, 14.0], [288307, 288390, 14.0], [288390, 288471, 14.0], [288471, 288596, 18.0], [288596, 288735, 22.0], [288735, 288865, 21.0], [288865, 288961, 16.0], [288961, 289055, 18.0], [289055, 289147, 14.0], [289147, 289207, 9.0], [289207, 289336, 20.0], [289336, 289387, 6.0], [289387, 289478, 15.0], [289478, 289560, 10.0], [289560, 289633, 8.0], [289633, 289776, 25.0], [289776, 289951, 29.0], [289951, 290032, 15.0], [290032, 290146, 19.0], [290146, 290252, 16.0], [290252, 290368, 19.0], [290368, 290462, 17.0], [290462, 290611, 23.0], [290611, 290737, 21.0], [290737, 290746, 1.0], [290746, 290861, 19.0], [290861, 291008, 23.0], [291008, 291121, 19.0], [291121, 291212, 18.0], [291212, 291325, 20.0], [291325, 291443, 20.0], [291443, 291588, 23.0], [291588, 291710, 21.0], [291710, 291854, 24.0], [291854, 292003, 24.0], [292003, 292131, 16.0], [292131, 292201, 11.0], [292201, 292309, 15.0], [292309, 292393, 13.0], [292393, 292509, 16.0], [292509, 292623, 17.0], [292623, 292830, 31.0], [292830, 292861, 4.0], [292861, 292918, 7.0], [292918, 292957, 6.0], [292957, 293092, 20.0], [293092, 293227, 20.0], [293227, 293364, 21.0], [293364, 293501, 21.0], [293501, 294167, 105.0], [294167, 294264, 15.0], [294264, 294702, 71.0], [294702, 294808, 14.0], [294808, 295071, 40.0], [295071, 295177, 16.0], [295177, 295430, 35.0], [295430, 295639, 35.0], [295639, 295662, 5.0], [295662, 295677, 3.0], [295677, 296226, 88.0], [296226, 296432, 35.0], [296432, 296451, 4.0], [296451, 296529, 9.0], [296529, 296549, 4.0], [296549, 296565, 3.0], [296565, 296693, 16.0], [296693, 296712, 4.0], [296712, 296727, 3.0], [296727, 296742, 3.0], [296742, 296753, 2.0], [296753, 296776, 4.0], [296776, 296795, 3.0], [296795, 296819, 4.0], [296819, 296839, 3.0], [296839, 296864, 4.0], [296864, 296885, 3.0], [296885, 296908, 4.0], [296908, 296927, 3.0], [296927, 296948, 4.0], [296948, 296965, 3.0], [296965, 296990, 4.0], [296990, 297011, 3.0], [297011, 297025, 3.0], [297025, 297034, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 12, 0.0], [12, 40, 0.32], [40, 127, 0.0952381], [127, 167, 0.15789474], [167, 258, 0.09090909], [258, 349, 0.0], [349, 382, 0.25806452], [382, 399, 0.0], [399, 435, 0.20588235], [435, 467, 0.0], [467, 488, 0.0], [488, 519, 0.14814815], [519, 541, 0.0], [541, 672, 0.02362205], [672, 808, 0.03030303], [808, 1160, 0.04105572], [1160, 1547, 0.02917772], [1547, 1887, 0.03963415], [1887, 2178, 0.01083032], [2178, 2191, 0.0], [2191, 2217, 0.0], [2217, 2237, 0.0], [2237, 2261, 0.0], [2261, 2307, 0.0], [2307, 2335, 0.0], [2335, 2450, 0.02727273], [2450, 2789, 0.02431611], [2789, 2897, 0.13592233], [2897, 3248, 0.04360465], [3248, 3274, 0.0], [3274, 3298, 0.0], [3298, 3407, 0.0], [3407, 3431, 0.0], [3431, 3517, 0.0], [3517, 3561, 0.0], [3561, 3646, 0.0], [3646, 3701, 0.0], [3701, 3796, 0.0], [3796, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3909, 0.0], [3909, 3952, 0.0], [3952, 6139, 0.00671463], [6139, 6248, 0.0], [6248, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6476, 0.0], [6476, 6679, 0.0], [6679, 6777, 0.0], [6777, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6999, 0.0], [6999, 7060, 0.0], [7060, 7197, 0.0], [7197, 7400, 0.0], [7400, 7634, 0.00444444], [7634, 8774, 0.0], [8774, 10441, 0.00615385], [10441, 10580, 0.02985075], [10580, 10915, 0.0], [10915, 11038, 0.0], [11038, 11162, 0.0], [11162, 11381, 0.0], [11381, 11614, 0.01754386], [11614, 11840, 0.0], [11840, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12146, 0.0], [12146, 12506, 0.01156069], [12506, 12618, 0.03636364], [12618, 12853, 0.01769912], [12853, 13221, 0.02209945], [13221, 14065, 0.01212121], [14065, 14385, 0.00643087], [14385, 14403, 0.0], [14403, 14755, 0.04651163], [14755, 15423, 0.0], [15423, 15445, 0.0], [15445, 16066, 0.0], [16066, 16898, 0.01243781], [16898, 17719, 0.00378788], [17719, 18401, 0.0], [18401, 18435, 0.0], [18435, 19211, 0.01321004], [19211, 19572, 0.0], [19572, 20508, 0.01967213], [20508, 20793, 0.0], [20793, 20843, 0.0], [20843, 21012, 0.0], [21012, 21125, 0.0], [21125, 21185, 0.0], [21185, 21319, 0.0], [21319, 21441, 0.0], [21441, 21490, 0.0], [21490, 21821, 0.0], [21821, 22200, 0.0], [22200, 22234, 0.0], [22234, 23101, 0.01891253], [23101, 23140, 0.0], [23140, 24232, 0.01022305], [24232, 24552, 0.03278689], [24552, 24566, 0.0], [24566, 24705, 0.0], [24705, 24914, 0.03921569], [24914, 25734, 0.01361386], [25734, 26217, 0.08172043], [26217, 26994, 0.00924703], [26994, 27008, 0.0], [27008, 27436, 0.00963855], [27436, 27450, 0.0], [27450, 28585, 0.01083032], [28585, 28751, 0.0], [28751, 29151, 0.01302083], [29151, 29189, 0.0], [29189, 29840, 0.00633914], [29840, 30881, 0.00791296], [30881, 32244, 0.00593032], [32244, 32588, 0.01186944], [32588, 33431, 0.0230303], [33431, 35197, 0.0], [35197, 35234, 0.0], [35234, 35790, 0.0], [35790, 36336, 0.0], [36336, 36798, 0.0], [36798, 36813, 0.0], [36813, 37245, 0.0], [37245, 38047, 0.0], [38047, 38364, 0.0], [38364, 38821, 0.0], [38821, 38836, 0.0], [38836, 39535, 0.00293686], [39535, 39790, 0.01626016], [39790, 39823, 0.0], [39823, 40457, 0.00318979], [40457, 40814, 0.0], [40814, 41444, 0.0], [41444, 41893, 0.00452489], [41893, 42270, 0.01092896], [42270, 43492, 0.0], [43492, 43526, 0.0], [43526, 43550, 0.0], [43550, 44174, 0.0], [44174, 44519, 0.0], [44519, 45467, 0.0], [45467, 46465, 0.01035197], [46465, 47673, 0.0152027], [47673, 48146, 0.00433839], [48146, 48450, 0.01], [48450, 48705, 0.0], [48705, 49166, 0.02690583], [49166, 49490, 0.0], [49490, 49901, 0.0], [49901, 50168, 0.0], [50168, 50192, 0.0], [50192, 50541, 0.01190476], [50541, 51244, 0.0], [51244, 51260, 0.0], [51260, 51590, 0.01234568], [51590, 51613, 0.0], [51613, 51819, 0.0199005], [51819, 52313, 0.01659751], [52313, 53051, 0.00827586], [53051, 53195, 0.0], [53195, 54242, 0.00193424], [54242, 54257, 0.0], [54257, 54640, 0.04825737], [54640, 55883, 0.0016488], [55883, 56703, 0.0], [56703, 56745, 0.0], [56745, 57064, 0.01277955], [57064, 57821, 0.0], [57821, 58152, 0.01230769], [58152, 58568, 0.0], [58568, 59002, 0.00934579], [59002, 59174, 0.0], [59174, 59492, 0.0], [59492, 60130, 0.01277955], [60130, 60720, 0.0], [60720, 61361, 0.0], [61361, 62216, 0.0], [62216, 62576, 0.01129944], [62576, 63404, 0.01005025], [63404, 63570, 0.01273885], [63570, 63674, 0.0], [63674, 63970, 0.00684932], [63970, 64318, 0.0], [64318, 64836, 0.0], [64836, 65573, 0.0], [65573, 66404, 0.0], [66404, 66706, 0.0], [66706, 66888, 0.0], [66888, 66965, 0.0], [66965, 67162, 0.0], [67162, 67297, 0.0], [67297, 67356, 0.0], [67356, 67522, 0.0], [67522, 67605, 0.0], [67605, 67782, 0.0], [67782, 67996, 0.0], [67996, 68033, 0.0], [68033, 68390, 0.0], [68390, 69110, 0.0], [69110, 69773, 0.0], [69773, 70243, 0.0], [70243, 70874, 0.0], [70874, 71294, 0.0], [71294, 71465, 0.0], [71465, 72253, 0.02091503], [72253, 72580, 0.02572347], [72580, 73115, 0.03898635], [73115, 73465, 0.02967359], [73465, 73667, 0.08121827], [73667, 74020, 0.05797101], [74020, 74306, 0.08823529], [74306, 74350, 0.0], [74350, 74479, 0.0], [74479, 75428, 0.00860215], [75428, 75497, 0.0], [75497, 76153, 0.0], [76153, 76200, 0.0], [76200, 76547, 0.0], [76547, 76643, 0.0], [76643, 77631, 0.0], [77631, 77784, 0.0], [77784, 78554, 0.00531915], [78554, 78754, 0.0], [78754, 78919, 0.0], [78919, 79457, 0.0], [79457, 79661, 0.0], [79661, 80479, 0.0], [80479, 80837, 0.0], [80837, 81062, 0.0], [81062, 81355, 0.02090592], [81355, 82133, 0.0], [82133, 82450, 0.0], [82450, 83594, 0.00354925], [83594, 84016, 0.00724638], [84016, 84100, 0.0], [84100, 85244, 0.0], [85244, 85366, 0.0], [85366, 86408, 0.0], [86408, 86623, 0.0], [86623, 87860, 0.0], [87860, 87934, 0.0], [87934, 88149, 0.0], [88149, 88569, 0.02222222], [88569, 88804, 0.0], [88804, 90281, 0.00619408], [90281, 90567, 0.0], [90567, 91227, 0.0], [91227, 91378, 0.0], [91378, 92300, 0.0], [92300, 92537, 0.0], [92537, 92616, 0.0], [92616, 93812, 0.0], [93812, 93986, 0.0], [93986, 95373, 0.0], [95373, 95524, 0.0], [95524, 96162, 0.0], [96162, 96307, 0.0], [96307, 97389, 0.0], [97389, 97459, 0.0], [97459, 98379, 0.0], [98379, 98845, 0.0], [98845, 99002, 0.0], [99002, 99546, 0.0], [99546, 99660, 0.0], [99660, 99838, 0.0], [99838, 99946, 0.0], [99946, 100002, 0.0], [100002, 100072, 0.0], [100072, 100151, 0.0], [100151, 100274, 0.0], [100274, 100700, 0.0], [100700, 100894, 0.0], [100894, 101490, 0.00344828], [101490, 101564, 0.0], [101564, 102171, 0.0], [102171, 102245, 0.0], [102245, 103596, 0.00378501], [103596, 103823, 0.0], [103823, 103961, 0.0], [103961, 104749, 0.0], [104749, 104972, 0.0], [104972, 105465, 0.0], [105465, 105520, 0.0], [105520, 106181, 0.0], [106181, 106301, 0.0], [106301, 107343, 0.0], [107343, 107603, 0.0], [107603, 107668, 0.0], [107668, 109765, 0.00194647], [109765, 109914, 0.0], [109914, 110761, 0.0], [110761, 110870, 0.0], [110870, 111271, 0.0], [111271, 111429, 0.0], [111429, 111940, 0.0], [111940, 112022, 0.0], [112022, 112524, 0.0], [112524, 112712, 0.0], [112712, 113314, 0.0], [113314, 113455, 0.0], [113455, 114512, 0.0], [114512, 114673, 0.0], [114673, 115412, 0.0], [115412, 115516, 0.0], [115516, 117012, 0.0], [117012, 117288, 0.0], [117288, 118164, 0.0], [118164, 118262, 0.0], [118262, 118452, 0.03243243], [118452, 118591, 0.0], [118591, 118842, 0.0], [118842, 119557, 0.0], [119557, 119997, 0.0], [119997, 120116, 0.0], [120116, 120450, 0.0], [120450, 121458, 0.00801603], [121458, 121654, 0.0], [121654, 122264, 0.02003339], [122264, 122802, 0.01145038], [122802, 123057, 0.0], [123057, 124172, 0.00181653], [124172, 124291, 0.0], [124291, 124804, 0.014], [124804, 125058, 0.0], [125058, 125104, 0.0], [125104, 125151, 0.0], [125151, 125403, 0.0], [125403, 125507, 0.0], [125507, 125658, 0.0], [125658, 125707, 0.0], [125707, 125821, 0.0], [125821, 125912, 0.0], [125912, 125954, 0.0], [125954, 126170, 0.0], [126170, 126443, 0.0], [126443, 126960, 0.0], [126960, 127358, 0.0], [127358, 127751, 0.0], [127751, 127918, 0.0], [127918, 128723, 0.0], [128723, 128796, 0.0], [128796, 129198, 0.0], [129198, 129583, 0.0], [129583, 130475, 0.0], [130475, 131069, 0.0], [131069, 131140, 0.0], [131140, 131545, 0.0], [131545, 131663, 0.0], [131663, 132137, 0.0], [132137, 132204, 0.0], [132204, 132534, 0.06896552], [132534, 132740, 0.0], [132740, 133674, 0.02087912], [133674, 133831, 0.0], [133831, 134048, 0.0], [134048, 134535, 0.0443038], [134535, 135073, 0.03250478], [135073, 135157, 0.0], [135157, 136281, 0.0], [136281, 136348, 0.0], [136348, 136364, 0.0], [136364, 136388, 0.0], [136388, 136419, 0.0], [136419, 136429, 0.14285714], [136429, 136464, 0.0], [136464, 136496, 0.0], [136496, 136509, 0.3], [136509, 136528, 0.0], [136528, 136558, 0.0], [136558, 136580, 0.0], [136580, 136589, 0.16666667], [136589, 136605, 0.0], [136605, 136664, 0.0], [136664, 136693, 0.0], [136693, 136726, 0.0], [136726, 136755, 0.0], [136755, 136774, 0.13333333], [136774, 136801, 0.0], [136801, 136829, 0.0], [136829, 136868, 0.0], [136868, 136909, 0.0], [136909, 136932, 0.0], [136932, 136963, 0.0], [136963, 136986, 0.0], [136986, 137006, 0.0], [137006, 137224, 0.02380952], [137224, 137446, 0.02336449], [137446, 137839, 0.02864583], [137839, 137862, 0.05555556], [137862, 137903, 0.13513514], [137903, 137939, 0.15625], [137939, 137975, 0.15625], [137975, 138322, 0.0], [138322, 138368, 0.0], [138368, 139037, 0.046875], [139037, 139182, 0.0], [139182, 139207, 0.26086957], [139207, 139330, 0.07692308], [139330, 139664, 0.04907975], [139664, 140355, 0.0], [140355, 140439, 0.0], [140439, 141064, 0.04152824], [141064, 141131, 0.0], [141131, 141422, 0.04513889], [141422, 141492, 0.0], [141492, 141604, 0.0], [141604, 142412, 0.01145038], [142412, 143131, 0.00854701], [143131, 144482, 0.00531511], [144482, 144530, 0.0], [144530, 144558, 0.0], [144558, 145587, 0.00395257], [145587, 145964, 0.0], [145964, 146316, 0.0], [146316, 146623, 0.0], [146623, 146657, 0.0], [146657, 147326, 0.01215805], [147326, 147676, 0.02325581], [147676, 148087, 0.0], [148087, 148643, 0.0], [148643, 148689, 0.0], [148689, 149120, 0.0], [149120, 149807, 0.03298351], [149807, 149826, 0.0], [149826, 150766, 0.01954397], [150766, 151635, 0.01985981], [151635, 151664, 0.0], [151664, 152790, 0.0], [152790, 152870, 0.15584416], [152870, 153174, 0.14482759], [153174, 153373, 0.02030457], [153373, 153852, 0.06034483], [153852, 154028, 0.19631902], [154028, 154687, 0.0311042], [154687, 155152, 0.11389522], [155152, 155408, 0.16528926], [155408, 155893, 0.12311015], [155893, 155912, 0.0], [155912, 156315, 0.08461538], [156315, 156344, 0.0], [156344, 156594, 0.09623431], [156594, 156633, 0.0], [156633, 157087, 0.05895692], [157087, 157133, 0.0], [157133, 157645, 0.00992063], [157645, 157694, 0.0], [157694, 158422, 0.08677098], [158422, 158468, 0.0], [158468, 159285, 0.08838384], [159285, 159322, 0.0], [159322, 159995, 0.07361963], [159995, 160557, 0.07948244], [160557, 161803, 0.01306122], [161803, 162753, 0.0], [162753, 162960, 0.0], [162960, 163214, 0.0], [163214, 163452, 0.0], [163452, 163628, 0.08284024], [163628, 163940, 0.07432432], [163940, 166503, 0.03460765], [166503, 167431, 0.03790412], [167431, 167549, 0.0877193], [167549, 168743, 0.03141361], [168743, 169253, 0.0242915], [169253, 169450, 0.07692308], [169450, 169734, 0.0], [169734, 169912, 0.03508772], [169912, 170099, 0.03351955], [170099, 170510, 0.02035623], [170510, 170622, 0.0], [170622, 171267, 0.01275917], [171267, 171637, 0.06818182], [171637, 172023, 0.07377049], [172023, 172466, 0.06759907], [172466, 172616, 0.0], [172616, 173129, 0.1205074], [173129, 173488, 0.02571429], [173488, 174461, 0.02561366], [174461, 174959, 0.01232033], [174959, 175495, 0.02656546], [175495, 176137, 0.06942149], [176137, 176462, 0.05806452], [176462, 176836, 0.05337079], [176836, 177249, 0.07672634], [177249, 177271, 0.0], [177271, 177369, 0.10526316], [177369, 177381, 0.0], [177381, 177446, 0.2962963], [177446, 177506, 0.26923077], [177506, 177564, 0.28301887], [177564, 177618, 0.19607843], [177618, 177673, 0.32608696], [177673, 177741, 0.24193548], [177741, 177806, 0.25454545], [177806, 177827, 0.0], [177827, 178311, 0.11159737], [178311, 178613, 0.15], [178613, 178634, 0.0], [178634, 179075, 0.09546539], [179075, 179367, 0.0866426], [179367, 179388, 0.0], [179388, 180026, 0.09210526], [180026, 180277, 0.10970464], [180277, 180292, 0.0], [180292, 180682, 0.0], [180682, 180770, 0.07142857], [180770, 180805, 0.0], [180805, 180902, 0.0], [180902, 180954, 0.0], [180954, 181009, 0.0], [181009, 181057, 0.0], [181057, 181101, 0.0], [181101, 181135, 0.0], [181135, 181182, 0.0], [181182, 181199, 0.0], [181199, 181220, 0.0], [181220, 181249, 0.0], [181249, 181382, 0.0], [181382, 182664, 0.00079681], [182664, 183020, 0.0], [183020, 183766, 0.0], [183766, 184300, 0.00580271], [184300, 184655, 0.01470588], [184655, 186480, 0.00335946], [186480, 186797, 0.0], [186797, 187434, 0.0], [187434, 188318, 0.0], [188318, 189102, 0.0], [189102, 189166, 0.0], [189166, 189767, 0.0239726], [189767, 190304, 0.02862595], [190304, 190372, 0.01515152], [190372, 190426, 0.19230769], [190426, 190514, 0.11627907], [190514, 190569, 0.0], [190569, 190667, 0.10526316], [190667, 190755, 0.11627907], [190755, 190798, 0.0], [190798, 190818, 0.0], [190818, 191280, 0.01351351], [191280, 192426, 0.0], [192426, 192743, 0.01954397], [192743, 192765, 0.0], [192765, 192782, 0.0], [192782, 192799, 0.0], [192799, 192834, 0.0], [192834, 192861, 0.0], [192861, 192896, 0.0], [192896, 192943, 0.0], [192943, 192981, 0.0], [192981, 193015, 0.0], [193015, 193056, 0.0], [193056, 193109, 0.0], [193109, 193145, 0.0], [193145, 193182, 0.0], [193182, 193226, 0.0], [193226, 193257, 0.0], [193257, 193321, 0.19642857], [193321, 193354, 0.0], [193354, 193416, 0.22222222], [193416, 193479, 0.39285714], [193479, 193541, 0.39285714], [193541, 193618, 0.23943662], [193618, 193666, 0.0], [193666, 193720, 0.0], [193720, 193743, 0.0], [193743, 193772, 0.0], [193772, 193813, 0.0], [193813, 193847, 0.0], [193847, 193884, 0.0], [193884, 193902, 0.0], [193902, 193938, 0.0], [193938, 193992, 0.0], [193992, 194020, 0.0], [194020, 194043, 0.0], [194043, 194091, 0.0], [194091, 194099, 0.0], [194099, 194113, 0.0], [194113, 194136, 0.3], [194136, 194199, 0.0], [194199, 194269, 0.0], [194269, 194297, 0.0], [194297, 194353, 0.0], [194353, 194378, 0.0], [194378, 194422, 0.0], [194422, 194483, 0.0], [194483, 194559, 0.0], [194559, 194584, 0.0], [194584, 194660, 0.0], [194660, 194708, 0.0], [194708, 194750, 0.0], [194750, 194807, 0.0], [194807, 194836, 0.0], [194836, 194873, 0.0], [194873, 194903, 0.0], [194903, 194953, 0.0], [194953, 194966, 1.0], [194966, 194988, 0.0], [194988, 195031, 0.0], [195031, 195087, 0.0], [195087, 195111, 0.0], [195111, 195134, 0.0], [195134, 195173, 0.0], [195173, 195209, 0.0], [195209, 195256, 0.0], [195256, 195281, 0.0], [195281, 195360, 0.0], [195360, 195410, 0.0], [195410, 195462, 0.0], [195462, 195491, 0.0], [195491, 195522, 0.0], [195522, 195551, 0.0], [195551, 195604, 0.0], [195604, 195655, 0.0], [195655, 195705, 0.0], [195705, 195742, 0.02941176], [195742, 196456, 0.02898551], [196456, 196658, 0.02061856], [196658, 196997, 0.01597444], [196997, 197649, 0.00627943], [197649, 197923, 0.0234375], [197923, 198216, 0.00701754], [198216, 198268, 0.02040816], [198268, 198435, 0.0], [198435, 198700, 0.01181102], [198700, 199768, 0.0], [199768, 199801, 0.0], [199801, 200149, 0.04747774], [200149, 200324, 0.09638554], [200324, 200732, 0.12596401], [200732, 200812, 0.0], [200812, 200833, 0.10526316], [200833, 201382, 0.0], [201382, 201635, 0.0], [201635, 201850, 0.0], [201850, 202181, 0.0], [202181, 202455, 0.0], [202455, 202793, 0.0], [202793, 203204, 0.05778894], [203204, 203384, 0.0], [203384, 204230, 0.0], [204230, 204606, 0.0], [204606, 205091, 0.0], [205091, 205105, 0.0], [205105, 205675, 0.0], [205675, 205704, 0.0], [205704, 205751, 0.3], [205751, 205806, 0.28], [205806, 205843, 0.5], [205843, 205869, 0.94117647], [205869, 206470, 0.0], [206470, 206511, 0.0], [206511, 206551, 0.22580645], [206551, 206577, 0.43478261], [206577, 206605, 0.48], [206605, 206660, 0.2826087], [206660, 206888, 0.04147465], [206888, 207444, 0.02777778], [207444, 207881, 0.01860465], [207881, 210483, 0.0], [210483, 210507, 0.0], [210507, 211039, 0.0], [211039, 211612, 0.0], [211612, 212089, 0.0], [212089, 213028, 0.01302932], [213028, 213055, 0.0], [213055, 213272, 0.0], [213272, 213847, 0.01067616], [213847, 213870, 0.0], [213870, 214189, 0.0], [214189, 214225, 0.0], [214225, 214378, 0.0], [214378, 214446, 0.01538462], [214446, 214566, 0.00869565], [214566, 214706, 0.00735294], [214706, 214967, 0.07114625], [214967, 215984, 0.02014099], [215984, 216103, 0.0], [216103, 216154, 0.125], [216154, 216178, 0.13043478], [216178, 216231, 0.12195122], [216231, 216281, 0.1627907], [216281, 216326, 0.18421053], [216326, 216357, 0.63157895], [216357, 216403, 0.08571429], [216403, 216423, 0.33333333], [216423, 216441, 0.0], [216441, 216653, 0.0], [216653, 217966, 0.03571429], [217966, 218117, 0.0], [218117, 218148, 0.03571429], [218148, 218504, 0.01744186], [218504, 219410, 0.05069124], [219410, 219635, 0.0], [219635, 219785, 0.04081633], [219785, 219806, 0.0], [219806, 219825, 0.0], [219825, 219839, 0.0], [219839, 219860, 0.0], [219860, 219881, 0.0], [219881, 219907, 0.0], [219907, 219938, 0.0], [219938, 219971, 0.0], [219971, 220064, 0.0], [220064, 220084, 0.0], [220084, 220109, 0.0], [220109, 221374, 0.03168156], [221374, 222510, 0.02697842], [222510, 222597, 0.0], [222597, 222634, 0.0], [222634, 222957, 0.0477707], [222957, 223663, 0.0], [223663, 224149, 0.03983229], [224149, 224278, 0.03968254], [224278, 224315, 0.0], [224315, 225315, 0.04297694], [225315, 226185, 0.04216867], [226185, 226225, 0.02702703], [226225, 226339, 0.09090909], [226339, 226378, 0.0], [226378, 226427, 0.23913043], [226427, 226492, 0.45652174], [226492, 226545, 0.48780488], [226545, 226593, 0.9], [226593, 226650, 0.36842105], [226650, 226701, 0.48780488], [226701, 226739, 0.90909091], [226739, 226783, 0.0], [226783, 226797, 0.0], [226797, 226814, 0.0], [226814, 226831, 0.0], [226831, 227000, 0.14465409], [227000, 227039, 0.02857143], [227039, 227100, 0.0], [227100, 227146, 0.37837838], [227146, 227193, 0.33333333], [227193, 227237, 0.35897436], [227237, 227262, 0.54545455], [227262, 227304, 0.31578947], [227304, 227362, 0.30769231], [227362, 227417, 0.31111111], [227417, 227478, 0.32], [227478, 227587, 0.21782178], [227587, 227601, 0.09090909], [227601, 227734, 0.00775194], [227734, 227766, 0.0], [227766, 227798, 0.0], [227798, 227836, 0.0], [227836, 227860, 0.0], [227860, 227877, 0.0], [227877, 227955, 0.0], [227955, 228009, 0.0], [228009, 228052, 0.0], [228052, 228072, 0.0], [228072, 228094, 0.0], [228094, 228155, 0.0], [228155, 228188, 0.0], [228188, 228212, 0.0], [228212, 228352, 0.03030303], [228352, 229283, 0.05629139], [229283, 231186, 0.02293829], [231186, 231828, 0.00159236], [231828, 232203, 0.02253521], [232203, 232620, 0.01481481], [232620, 233484, 0.0202864], [233484, 233849, 0.01690141], [233849, 234685, 0.02339901], [234685, 235514, 0.05343511], [235514, 235721, 0.065], [235721, 236677, 0.06550218], [236677, 236997, 0.06976744], [236997, 237240, 0.05106383], [237240, 237601, 0.13450292], [237601, 237954, 0.134375], [237954, 238988, 0.02409639], [238988, 239350, 0.02542373], [239350, 240164, 0.00752823], [240164, 240703, 0.12474849], [240703, 242320, 0.04305913], [242320, 242466, 0.00724638], [242466, 242485, 0.0], [242485, 242502, 0.91666667], [242502, 242518, 0.92307692], [242518, 242537, 0.35294118], [242537, 242556, 0.57142857], [242556, 242603, 0.02272727], [242603, 243537, 0.0443459], [243537, 244209, 0.02147239], [244209, 244723, 0.00992063], [244723, 245699, 0.06567797], [245699, 247109, 0.02481752], [247109, 247548, 0.0], [247548, 248531, 0.04936975], [248531, 249440, 0.02275313], [249440, 249490, 0.0], [249490, 250722, 0.02946128], [250722, 251454, 0.04078762], [251454, 252395, 0.04262295], [252395, 252425, 0.0], [252425, 252626, 0.03589744], [252626, 252800, 0.04216867], [252800, 252931, 0.00787402], [252931, 252972, 0.0], [252972, 252986, 0.0], [252986, 253014, 0.0], [253014, 253073, 0.0], [253073, 253095, 0.05263158], [253095, 253205, 0.0], [253205, 253231, 0.52631579], [253231, 253248, 0.53333333], [253248, 253272, 0.57142857], [253272, 253312, 0.32432432], [253312, 253322, 0.0], [253322, 253352, 0.59090909], [253352, 253378, 0.63157895], [253378, 253403, 0.55], [253403, 253460, 0.27659574], [253460, 253518, 0.23404255], [253518, 253642, 0.0], [253642, 253710, 0.23214286], [253710, 253778, 0.17241379], [253778, 253812, 0.35483871], [253812, 253862, 0.13043478], [253862, 253896, 0.2], [253896, 253938, 0.25641026], [253938, 254006, 0.16949153], [254006, 254088, 0.12], [254088, 254132, 0.27027027], [254132, 254153, 0.5625], [254153, 254174, 0.91666667], [254174, 254736, 0.0], [254736, 255466, 0.01388889], [255466, 255543, 0.0], [255543, 255564, 0.0], [255564, 255622, 0.28571429], [255622, 255657, 0.375], [255657, 255698, 0.28947368], [255698, 255725, 0.52173913], [255725, 255771, 0.34146341], [255771, 255819, 0.0], [255819, 255887, 0.22580645], [255887, 255924, 0.36666667], [255924, 255957, 0.46153846], [255957, 256008, 0.27272727], [256008, 256056, 0.35897436], [256056, 256458, 0.11578947], [256458, 257284, 0.01614907], [257284, 258037, 0.00269179], [258037, 258435, 0.0], [258435, 258790, 0.02292264], [258790, 258808, 0.06666667], [258808, 258882, 0.08450704], [258882, 258894, 0.0], [258894, 258909, 0.15384615], [258909, 258923, 0.0], [258923, 258940, 0.0], [258940, 258969, 0.0], [258969, 258990, 0.0], [258990, 259106, 0.04464286], [259106, 259143, 0.05882353], [259143, 259647, 0.04285714], [259647, 260220, 0.07913669], [260220, 260260, 0.05405405], [260260, 260635, 0.0], [260635, 261394, 0.02553763], [261394, 261593, 0.11111111], [261593, 261705, 0.05555556], [261705, 261741, 0.57142857], [261741, 261831, 0.52857143], [261831, 262114, 0.0], [262114, 262151, 0.05882353], [262151, 263189, 0.04417671], [263189, 264083, 0.04272517], [264083, 264119, 0.0625], [264119, 264146, 0.15384615], [264146, 265100, 0.05869565], [265100, 265713, 0.02483444], [265713, 266151, 0.0], [266151, 266952, 0.03285151], [266952, 268068, 0.05102041], [268068, 268166, 0.10526316], [268166, 268185, 0.0], [268185, 268213, 0.0], [268213, 268257, 0.0], [268257, 268298, 0.0], [268298, 268358, 0.48979592], [268358, 268383, 0.52380952], [268383, 268399, 0.0], [268399, 268444, 0.27027027], [268444, 268502, 0.5], [268502, 268529, 0.45], [268529, 268572, 0.23529412], [268572, 268626, 0.47916667], [268626, 268699, 0.34328358], [268699, 268784, 0.30666667], [268784, 269235, 0.06192661], [269235, 269751, 0.06412826], [269751, 269833, 0.0], [269833, 269844, 0.0], [269844, 269872, 0.0], [269872, 269905, 0.0], [269905, 269947, 0.0], [269947, 270013, 0.13559322], [270013, 270027, 0.0], [270027, 270050, 0.5], [270050, 270066, 0.0], [270066, 270121, 0.0], [270121, 270784, 0.0970266], [270784, 270871, 0.0], [270871, 270900, 0.0], [270900, 270928, 0.0], [270928, 270962, 0.0], [270962, 270998, 0.0], [270998, 271065, 0.16666667], [271065, 271089, 0.52941176], [271089, 271155, 0.2], [271155, 271372, 0.07211538], [271372, 271475, 0.16161616], [271475, 271675, 0.11578947], [271675, 271734, 0.03636364], [271734, 271926, 0.05376344], [271926, 272055, 0.11403509], [272055, 272098, 0.21052632], [272098, 272143, 0.21052632], [272143, 272181, 0.25806452], [272181, 272227, 0.17948718], [272227, 272266, 0.21875], [272266, 272303, 0.28571429], [272303, 272331, 0.08], [272331, 272471, 0.10526316], [272471, 272758, 0.08633094], [272758, 273163, 0.06443299], [273163, 273433, 0.0], [273433, 273526, 0.01098901], [273526, 273559, 0.03225806], [273559, 273594, 0.0], [273594, 274143, 0.02646503], [274143, 275238, 0.00558659], [275238, 275310, 0.0], [275310, 276061, 0.01085482], [276061, 276577, 0.0], [276577, 277261, 0.01038576], [277261, 277647, 0.00787402], [277647, 278061, 0.0199005], [278061, 278088, 0.04], [278088, 278159, 0.06060606], [278159, 278675, 0.01980198], [278675, 278739, 0.03278689], [278739, 279151, 0.02216749], [279151, 279850, 0.00589102], [279850, 279882, 0.06666667], [279882, 280213, 0.02752294], [280213, 280317, 0.01960784], [280317, 280644, 0.02786378], [280644, 280727, 0.025], [280727, 281082, 0.02564103], [281082, 281130, 0.04347826], [281130, 281477, 0.02623907], [281477, 281529, 0.04], [281529, 281555, 0.04545455], [281555, 281686, 0.02362205], [281686, 281721, 0.03225806], [281721, 281800, 0.0], [281800, 281814, 0.1], [281814, 281886, 0.0], [281886, 281912, 0.0], [281912, 281932, 0.0], [281932, 281948, 0.0], [281948, 281957, 0.0], [281957, 282154, 0.03125], [282154, 282165, 1.0], [282165, 282313, 0.04255319], [282313, 282479, 0.03921569], [282479, 282613, 0.0483871], [282613, 282726, 0.05454545], [282726, 282841, 0.05357143], [282841, 282950, 0.05660377], [282950, 282989, 0.0], [282989, 283086, 0.01098901], [283086, 283119, 0.0], [283119, 283179, 0.0], [283179, 283280, 0.06315789], [283280, 283472, 0.03723404], [283472, 283521, 0.0212766], [283521, 283559, 0.0], [283559, 283649, 0.05747126], [283649, 283777, 0.04237288], [283777, 283782, 0.66666667], [283782, 283873, 0.05681818], [283873, 283933, 0.0862069], [283933, 283938, 0.66666667], [283938, 284070, 0.056], [284070, 284183, 0.0754717], [284183, 284305, 0.05042017], [284305, 284429, 0.04132231], [284429, 284526, 0.08888889], [284526, 284632, 0.05825243], [284632, 284740, 0.04761905], [284740, 284825, 0.1025641], [284825, 284945, 0.06140351], [284945, 285027, 0.10666667], [285027, 285146, 0.07142857], [285146, 285235, 0.08333333], [285235, 285314, 0.07894737], [285314, 285379, 0.09677419], [285379, 285562, 0.03448276], [285562, 285647, 0.07317073], [285647, 285738, 0.08139535], [285738, 285829, 0.08235294], [285829, 285916, 0.08536585], [285916, 286098, 0.04022989], [286098, 286297, 0.03108808], [286297, 286393, 0.06451613], [286393, 286478, 0.07317073], [286478, 286554, 0.08219178], [286554, 286689, 0.0075188], [286689, 286800, 0.00917431], [286800, 286949, 0.00689655], [286949, 287150, 0.00515464], [287150, 287258, 0.0], [287258, 287443, 0.03351955], [287443, 287532, 0.07142857], [287532, 287622, 0.05882353], [287622, 287732, 0.05769231], [287732, 287849, 0.05454545], [287849, 287987, 0.08333333], [287987, 288138, 0.04255319], [288138, 288223, 0.07228916], [288223, 288307, 0.07317073], [288307, 288390, 0.07407407], [288390, 288471, 0.07594937], [288471, 288596, 0.04878049], [288596, 288735, 0.04379562], [288735, 288865, 0.03937008], [288865, 288961, 0.05494505], [288961, 289055, 0.05617978], [289055, 289147, 0.05681818], [289147, 289207, 0.08928571], [289207, 289336, 0.04098361], [289336, 289387, 0.0], [289387, 289478, 0.05681818], [289478, 289560, 0.0], [289560, 289633, 0.0], [289633, 289776, 0.08148148], [289776, 289951, 0.06626506], [289951, 290032, 0.14285714], [290032, 290146, 0.10185185], [290146, 290252, 0.06], [290252, 290368, 0.05405405], [290368, 290462, 0.06741573], [290462, 290611, 0.04225352], [290611, 290737, 0.05], [290737, 290746, 1.0], [290746, 290861, 0.05504587], [290861, 291008, 0.04285714], [291008, 291121, 0.05607477], [291121, 291212, 0.06976744], [291212, 291325, 0.05660377], [291325, 291443, 0.05405405], [291443, 291588, 0.04347826], [291588, 291710, 0.05172414], [291710, 291854, 0.04411765], [291854, 292003, 0.04255319], [292003, 292131, 0.05932203], [292131, 292201, 0.10606061], [292201, 292309, 0.06796117], [292309, 292393, 0.08860759], [292393, 292509, 0.06542056], [292509, 292623, 0.05607477], [292623, 292830, 0.04020101], [292830, 292861, 0.0], [292861, 292918, 0.0], [292918, 292957, 0.0], [292957, 293092, 0.09448819], [293092, 293227, 0.09448819], [293227, 293364, 0.10077519], [293364, 293501, 0.10077519], [293501, 294167, 0.07898894], [294167, 294264, 0.0], [294264, 294702, 0.02830189], [294702, 294808, 0.00990099], [294808, 295071, 0.01568627], [295071, 295177, 0.00980392], [295177, 295430, 0.13191489], [295430, 295639, 0.03940887], [295639, 295662, 0.0], [295662, 295677, 0.0], [295677, 296226, 0.0], [296226, 296432, 0.01970443], [296432, 296451, 0.0], [296451, 296529, 0.0], [296529, 296549, 0.0], [296549, 296565, 0.0], [296565, 296693, 0.0], [296693, 296712, 0.0], [296712, 296727, 0.0], [296727, 296742, 0.0], [296742, 296753, 0.0], [296753, 296776, 0.0], [296776, 296795, 0.0], [296795, 296819, 0.0], [296819, 296839, 0.0], [296839, 296864, 0.0], [296864, 296885, 0.0], [296885, 296908, 0.0], [296908, 296927, 0.0], [296927, 296948, 0.0], [296948, 296965, 0.0], [296965, 296990, 0.0], [296990, 297011, 0.0], [297011, 297025, 0.0], [297025, 297034, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 12, 0.0], [12, 40, 0.0], [40, 127, 0.0], [127, 167, 0.0], [167, 258, 0.0], [258, 349, 0.0], [349, 382, 0.0], [382, 399, 0.0], [399, 435, 0.0], [435, 467, 0.0], [467, 488, 0.0], [488, 519, 0.0], [519, 541, 0.0], [541, 672, 0.0], [672, 808, 0.0], [808, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1547, 0.0], [1547, 1887, 0.0], [1887, 2178, 0.0], [2178, 2191, 0.0], [2191, 2217, 0.0], [2217, 2237, 0.0], [2237, 2261, 0.0], [2261, 2307, 0.0], [2307, 2335, 0.0], [2335, 2450, 0.0], [2450, 2789, 0.0], [2789, 2897, 0.0], [2897, 3248, 0.0], [3248, 3274, 0.0], [3274, 3298, 0.0], [3298, 3407, 0.0], [3407, 3431, 0.0], [3431, 3517, 0.0], [3517, 3561, 0.0], [3561, 3646, 0.0], [3646, 3701, 0.0], [3701, 3796, 0.0], [3796, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3909, 0.0], [3909, 3952, 0.0], [3952, 6139, 0.0], [6139, 6248, 0.0], [6248, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6476, 0.0], [6476, 6679, 0.0], [6679, 6777, 0.0], [6777, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6999, 0.0], [6999, 7060, 0.0], [7060, 7197, 0.0], [7197, 7400, 0.0], [7400, 7634, 0.0], [7634, 8774, 0.0], [8774, 10441, 0.0], [10441, 10580, 0.0], [10580, 10915, 0.0], [10915, 11038, 0.0], [11038, 11162, 0.0], [11162, 11381, 0.0], [11381, 11614, 0.0], [11614, 11840, 0.0], [11840, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12146, 0.0], [12146, 12506, 0.0], [12506, 12618, 0.0], [12618, 12853, 0.0], [12853, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 14065, 0.0], [14065, 14385, 0.0], [14385, 14403, 0.0], [14403, 14755, 0.0], [14755, 15423, 0.0], [15423, 15445, 0.0], [15445, 16066, 0.0], [16066, 16898, 0.0], [16898, 17719, 0.0], [17719, 18401, 0.0], [18401, 18435, 0.0], [18435, 19211, 0.0], [19211, 19572, 0.0], [19572, 20508, 0.0], [20508, 20793, 0.0], [20793, 20843, 0.0], [20843, 21012, 0.0], [21012, 21125, 0.0], [21125, 21185, 0.0], [21185, 21319, 0.0], [21319, 21441, 0.0], [21441, 21490, 0.0], [21490, 21821, 0.0], [21821, 22200, 0.0], [22200, 22234, 0.0], [22234, 23101, 0.0], [23101, 23140, 0.0], [23140, 24232, 0.0], [24232, 24552, 0.0], [24552, 24566, 0.0], [24566, 24705, 0.0], [24705, 24914, 0.0], [24914, 25734, 0.0], [25734, 26217, 0.0], [26217, 26994, 0.0], [26994, 27008, 0.0], [27008, 27436, 0.0], [27436, 27450, 0.0], [27450, 28585, 0.0], [28585, 28751, 0.0], [28751, 29151, 0.0], [29151, 29189, 0.0], [29189, 29840, 0.0], [29840, 30881, 0.0], [30881, 32244, 0.0], [32244, 32588, 0.0], [32588, 33431, 0.0], [33431, 35197, 0.0], [35197, 35234, 0.0], [35234, 35790, 0.0], [35790, 36336, 0.0], [36336, 36798, 0.0], [36798, 36813, 0.0], [36813, 37245, 0.0], [37245, 38047, 0.0], [38047, 38364, 0.0], [38364, 38821, 0.0], [38821, 38836, 0.0], [38836, 39535, 0.0], [39535, 39790, 0.0], [39790, 39823, 0.0], [39823, 40457, 0.0], [40457, 40814, 0.0], [40814, 41444, 0.0], [41444, 41893, 0.0], [41893, 42270, 0.0], [42270, 43492, 0.0], [43492, 43526, 0.0], [43526, 43550, 0.0], [43550, 44174, 0.0], [44174, 44519, 0.0], [44519, 45467, 0.0], [45467, 46465, 0.0], [46465, 47673, 0.0], [47673, 48146, 0.0], [48146, 48450, 0.0], [48450, 48705, 0.0], [48705, 49166, 0.0], [49166, 49490, 0.0], [49490, 49901, 0.0], [49901, 50168, 0.0], [50168, 50192, 0.0], [50192, 50541, 0.0], [50541, 51244, 0.0], [51244, 51260, 0.0], [51260, 51590, 0.0], [51590, 51613, 0.0], [51613, 51819, 0.0], [51819, 52313, 0.0], [52313, 53051, 0.0], [53051, 53195, 0.0], [53195, 54242, 0.0], [54242, 54257, 0.0], [54257, 54640, 0.0], [54640, 55883, 0.0], [55883, 56703, 0.0], [56703, 56745, 0.0], [56745, 57064, 0.0], [57064, 57821, 0.0], [57821, 58152, 0.0], [58152, 58568, 0.0], [58568, 59002, 0.0], [59002, 59174, 0.0], [59174, 59492, 0.0], [59492, 60130, 0.0], [60130, 60720, 0.0], [60720, 61361, 0.0], [61361, 62216, 0.0], [62216, 62576, 0.0], [62576, 63404, 0.0], [63404, 63570, 0.0], [63570, 63674, 0.0], [63674, 63970, 0.0], [63970, 64318, 0.0], [64318, 64836, 0.0], [64836, 65573, 0.0], [65573, 66404, 0.0], [66404, 66706, 0.0], [66706, 66888, 0.0], [66888, 66965, 0.0], [66965, 67162, 0.0], [67162, 67297, 0.0], [67297, 67356, 0.0], [67356, 67522, 0.0], [67522, 67605, 0.0], [67605, 67782, 0.0], [67782, 67996, 0.0], [67996, 68033, 0.0], [68033, 68390, 0.0], [68390, 69110, 0.0], [69110, 69773, 0.0], [69773, 70243, 0.0], [70243, 70874, 0.0], [70874, 71294, 0.0], [71294, 71465, 0.0], [71465, 72253, 0.0], [72253, 72580, 0.0], [72580, 73115, 0.0], [73115, 73465, 0.0], [73465, 73667, 0.0], [73667, 74020, 0.0], [74020, 74306, 0.0], [74306, 74350, 0.0], [74350, 74479, 0.0], [74479, 75428, 0.0], [75428, 75497, 0.0], [75497, 76153, 0.0], [76153, 76200, 0.0], [76200, 76547, 0.0], [76547, 76643, 0.0], [76643, 77631, 0.0], [77631, 77784, 0.0], [77784, 78554, 0.0], [78554, 78754, 0.0], [78754, 78919, 0.0], [78919, 79457, 0.0], [79457, 79661, 0.0], [79661, 80479, 0.0], [80479, 80837, 0.0], [80837, 81062, 0.0], [81062, 81355, 0.0], [81355, 82133, 0.0], [82133, 82450, 0.0], [82450, 83594, 0.0], [83594, 84016, 0.0], [84016, 84100, 0.0], [84100, 85244, 0.0], [85244, 85366, 0.0], [85366, 86408, 0.0], [86408, 86623, 0.0], [86623, 87860, 0.0], [87860, 87934, 0.0], [87934, 88149, 0.0], [88149, 88569, 0.0], [88569, 88804, 0.0], [88804, 90281, 0.0], [90281, 90567, 0.0], [90567, 91227, 0.0], [91227, 91378, 0.0], [91378, 92300, 0.0], [92300, 92537, 0.0], [92537, 92616, 0.0], [92616, 93812, 0.0], [93812, 93986, 0.0], [93986, 95373, 0.0], [95373, 95524, 0.0], [95524, 96162, 0.0], [96162, 96307, 0.0], [96307, 97389, 0.0], [97389, 97459, 0.0], [97459, 98379, 0.0], [98379, 98845, 0.0], [98845, 99002, 0.0], [99002, 99546, 0.0], [99546, 99660, 0.0], [99660, 99838, 0.0], [99838, 99946, 0.0], [99946, 100002, 0.0], [100002, 100072, 0.0], [100072, 100151, 0.0], [100151, 100274, 0.0], [100274, 100700, 0.0], [100700, 100894, 0.0], [100894, 101490, 0.0], [101490, 101564, 0.0], [101564, 102171, 0.0], [102171, 102245, 0.0], [102245, 103596, 0.0], [103596, 103823, 0.0], [103823, 103961, 0.0], [103961, 104749, 0.0], [104749, 104972, 0.0], [104972, 105465, 0.0], [105465, 105520, 0.0], [105520, 106181, 0.0], [106181, 106301, 0.0], [106301, 107343, 0.0], [107343, 107603, 0.0], [107603, 107668, 0.0], [107668, 109765, 0.0], [109765, 109914, 0.0], [109914, 110761, 0.0], [110761, 110870, 0.0], [110870, 111271, 0.0], [111271, 111429, 0.0], [111429, 111940, 0.0], [111940, 112022, 0.0], [112022, 112524, 0.0], [112524, 112712, 0.0], [112712, 113314, 0.0], [113314, 113455, 0.0], [113455, 114512, 0.0], [114512, 114673, 0.0], [114673, 115412, 0.0], [115412, 115516, 0.0], [115516, 117012, 0.0], [117012, 117288, 0.0], [117288, 118164, 0.0], [118164, 118262, 0.0], [118262, 118452, 0.0], [118452, 118591, 0.0], [118591, 118842, 0.0], [118842, 119557, 0.0], [119557, 119997, 0.0], [119997, 120116, 0.0], [120116, 120450, 0.0], [120450, 121458, 0.0], [121458, 121654, 0.0], [121654, 122264, 0.0], [122264, 122802, 0.0], [122802, 123057, 0.0], [123057, 124172, 0.0], [124172, 124291, 0.0], [124291, 124804, 0.0], [124804, 125058, 0.0], [125058, 125104, 0.0], [125104, 125151, 0.0], [125151, 125403, 0.0], [125403, 125507, 0.0], [125507, 125658, 0.0], [125658, 125707, 0.0], [125707, 125821, 0.0], [125821, 125912, 0.0], [125912, 125954, 0.0], [125954, 126170, 0.0], [126170, 126443, 0.0], [126443, 126960, 0.0], [126960, 127358, 0.0], [127358, 127751, 0.0], [127751, 127918, 0.0], [127918, 128723, 0.0], [128723, 128796, 0.0], [128796, 129198, 0.0], [129198, 129583, 0.0], [129583, 130475, 0.0], [130475, 131069, 0.0], [131069, 131140, 0.0], [131140, 131545, 0.0], [131545, 131663, 0.0], [131663, 132137, 0.0], [132137, 132204, 0.0], [132204, 132534, 0.0], [132534, 132740, 0.0], [132740, 133674, 0.0], [133674, 133831, 0.0], [133831, 134048, 0.0], [134048, 134535, 0.0], [134535, 135073, 0.0], [135073, 135157, 0.0], [135157, 136281, 0.0], [136281, 136348, 0.0], [136348, 136364, 0.0], [136364, 136388, 0.0], [136388, 136419, 0.0], [136419, 136429, 0.0], [136429, 136464, 0.0], [136464, 136496, 0.0], [136496, 136509, 0.0], [136509, 136528, 0.0], [136528, 136558, 0.0], [136558, 136580, 0.0], [136580, 136589, 0.0], [136589, 136605, 0.0], [136605, 136664, 0.0], [136664, 136693, 0.0], [136693, 136726, 0.0], [136726, 136755, 0.0], [136755, 136774, 0.0], [136774, 136801, 0.0], [136801, 136829, 0.0], [136829, 136868, 0.0], [136868, 136909, 0.0], [136909, 136932, 0.0], [136932, 136963, 0.0], [136963, 136986, 0.0], [136986, 137006, 0.0], [137006, 137224, 0.0], [137224, 137446, 0.0], [137446, 137839, 0.0], [137839, 137862, 0.0], [137862, 137903, 0.0], [137903, 137939, 0.0], [137939, 137975, 0.0], [137975, 138322, 0.0], [138322, 138368, 0.0], [138368, 139037, 0.0], [139037, 139182, 0.0], [139182, 139207, 0.0], [139207, 139330, 0.0], [139330, 139664, 0.0], [139664, 140355, 0.0], [140355, 140439, 0.0], [140439, 141064, 0.0], [141064, 141131, 0.0], [141131, 141422, 0.0], [141422, 141492, 0.0], [141492, 141604, 0.0], [141604, 142412, 0.0], [142412, 143131, 0.0], [143131, 144482, 0.0], [144482, 144530, 0.0], [144530, 144558, 0.0], [144558, 145587, 0.0], [145587, 145964, 0.0], [145964, 146316, 0.0], [146316, 146623, 0.0], [146623, 146657, 0.0], [146657, 147326, 0.0], [147326, 147676, 0.0], [147676, 148087, 0.0], [148087, 148643, 0.0], [148643, 148689, 0.0], [148689, 149120, 0.0], [149120, 149807, 0.0], [149807, 149826, 0.0], [149826, 150766, 0.0], [150766, 151635, 0.0], [151635, 151664, 0.0], [151664, 152790, 0.0], [152790, 152870, 0.0], [152870, 153174, 0.0], [153174, 153373, 0.0], [153373, 153852, 0.0], [153852, 154028, 0.0], [154028, 154687, 0.0], [154687, 155152, 0.0], [155152, 155408, 0.0], [155408, 155893, 0.0], [155893, 155912, 0.0], [155912, 156315, 0.0], [156315, 156344, 0.0], [156344, 156594, 0.0], [156594, 156633, 0.0], [156633, 157087, 0.0], [157087, 157133, 0.0], [157133, 157645, 0.0], [157645, 157694, 0.0], [157694, 158422, 0.0], [158422, 158468, 0.0], [158468, 159285, 0.0], [159285, 159322, 0.0], [159322, 159995, 0.0], [159995, 160557, 0.0], [160557, 161803, 0.0], [161803, 162753, 0.0], [162753, 162960, 0.0], [162960, 163214, 0.0], [163214, 163452, 0.0], [163452, 163628, 0.0], [163628, 163940, 0.0], [163940, 166503, 0.0], [166503, 167431, 0.0], [167431, 167549, 0.0], [167549, 168743, 0.0], [168743, 169253, 0.0], [169253, 169450, 0.0], [169450, 169734, 0.0], [169734, 169912, 0.0], [169912, 170099, 0.0], [170099, 170510, 0.0], [170510, 170622, 0.0], [170622, 171267, 0.0], [171267, 171637, 0.0], [171637, 172023, 0.0], [172023, 172466, 0.0], [172466, 172616, 0.0], [172616, 173129, 0.0], [173129, 173488, 0.0], [173488, 174461, 0.0], [174461, 174959, 0.0], [174959, 175495, 0.0], [175495, 176137, 0.0], [176137, 176462, 0.0], [176462, 176836, 0.0], [176836, 177249, 0.0], [177249, 177271, 0.0], [177271, 177369, 0.0], [177369, 177381, 0.0], [177381, 177446, 0.0], [177446, 177506, 0.0], [177506, 177564, 0.0], [177564, 177618, 0.0], [177618, 177673, 0.0], [177673, 177741, 0.0], [177741, 177806, 0.0], [177806, 177827, 0.0], [177827, 178311, 0.0], [178311, 178613, 0.0], [178613, 178634, 0.0], [178634, 179075, 0.0], [179075, 179367, 0.0], [179367, 179388, 0.0], [179388, 180026, 0.0], [180026, 180277, 0.0], [180277, 180292, 0.0], [180292, 180682, 0.0], [180682, 180770, 0.0], [180770, 180805, 0.0], [180805, 180902, 0.0], [180902, 180954, 0.0], [180954, 181009, 0.0], [181009, 181057, 0.0], [181057, 181101, 0.0], [181101, 181135, 0.0], [181135, 181182, 0.0], [181182, 181199, 0.0], [181199, 181220, 0.0], [181220, 181249, 0.0], [181249, 181382, 0.0], [181382, 182664, 0.0], [182664, 183020, 0.0], [183020, 183766, 0.0], [183766, 184300, 0.0], [184300, 184655, 0.0], [184655, 186480, 0.0], [186480, 186797, 0.0], [186797, 187434, 0.0], [187434, 188318, 0.0], [188318, 189102, 0.0], [189102, 189166, 0.0], [189166, 189767, 0.0], [189767, 190304, 0.0], [190304, 190372, 0.0], [190372, 190426, 0.0], [190426, 190514, 0.0], [190514, 190569, 0.0], [190569, 190667, 0.0], [190667, 190755, 0.0], [190755, 190798, 0.0], [190798, 190818, 0.0], [190818, 191280, 0.0], [191280, 192426, 0.0], [192426, 192743, 0.0], [192743, 192765, 0.0], [192765, 192782, 0.0], [192782, 192799, 0.0], [192799, 192834, 0.0], [192834, 192861, 0.0], [192861, 192896, 0.0], [192896, 192943, 0.0], [192943, 192981, 0.0], [192981, 193015, 0.0], [193015, 193056, 0.0], [193056, 193109, 0.0], [193109, 193145, 0.0], [193145, 193182, 0.0], [193182, 193226, 0.0], [193226, 193257, 0.0], [193257, 193321, 0.0], [193321, 193354, 0.0], [193354, 193416, 0.0], [193416, 193479, 0.0], [193479, 193541, 0.0], [193541, 193618, 0.0], [193618, 193666, 0.0], [193666, 193720, 0.0], [193720, 193743, 0.0], [193743, 193772, 0.0], [193772, 193813, 0.0], [193813, 193847, 0.0], [193847, 193884, 0.0], [193884, 193902, 0.0], [193902, 193938, 0.0], [193938, 193992, 0.0], [193992, 194020, 0.0], [194020, 194043, 0.0], [194043, 194091, 0.0], [194091, 194099, 0.0], [194099, 194113, 0.0], [194113, 194136, 0.0], [194136, 194199, 0.0], [194199, 194269, 0.0], [194269, 194297, 0.0], [194297, 194353, 0.0], [194353, 194378, 0.0], [194378, 194422, 0.0], [194422, 194483, 0.0], [194483, 194559, 0.0], [194559, 194584, 0.0], [194584, 194660, 0.0], [194660, 194708, 0.0], [194708, 194750, 0.0], [194750, 194807, 0.0], [194807, 194836, 0.0], [194836, 194873, 0.0], [194873, 194903, 0.0], [194903, 194953, 0.0], [194953, 194966, 0.0], [194966, 194988, 0.0], [194988, 195031, 0.0], [195031, 195087, 0.0], [195087, 195111, 0.0], [195111, 195134, 0.0], [195134, 195173, 0.0], [195173, 195209, 0.0], [195209, 195256, 0.0], [195256, 195281, 0.0], [195281, 195360, 0.0], [195360, 195410, 0.0], [195410, 195462, 0.0], [195462, 195491, 0.0], [195491, 195522, 0.0], [195522, 195551, 0.0], [195551, 195604, 0.0], [195604, 195655, 0.0], [195655, 195705, 0.0], [195705, 195742, 0.0], [195742, 196456, 0.0], [196456, 196658, 0.0], [196658, 196997, 0.0], [196997, 197649, 0.0], [197649, 197923, 0.0], [197923, 198216, 0.0], [198216, 198268, 0.0], [198268, 198435, 0.0], [198435, 198700, 0.0], [198700, 199768, 0.0], [199768, 199801, 0.0], [199801, 200149, 0.0], [200149, 200324, 0.0], [200324, 200732, 0.0], [200732, 200812, 0.0], [200812, 200833, 0.0], [200833, 201382, 0.0], [201382, 201635, 0.0], [201635, 201850, 0.0], [201850, 202181, 0.0], [202181, 202455, 0.0], [202455, 202793, 0.0], [202793, 203204, 0.0], [203204, 203384, 0.0], [203384, 204230, 0.0], [204230, 204606, 0.0], [204606, 205091, 0.0], [205091, 205105, 0.0], [205105, 205675, 0.0], [205675, 205704, 0.0], [205704, 205751, 0.0], [205751, 205806, 0.0], [205806, 205843, 0.0], [205843, 205869, 0.0], [205869, 206470, 0.0], [206470, 206511, 0.0], [206511, 206551, 0.0], [206551, 206577, 0.0], [206577, 206605, 0.0], [206605, 206660, 0.0], [206660, 206888, 0.0], [206888, 207444, 0.0], [207444, 207881, 0.0], [207881, 210483, 0.0], [210483, 210507, 0.0], [210507, 211039, 0.0], [211039, 211612, 0.0], [211612, 212089, 0.0], [212089, 213028, 0.0], [213028, 213055, 0.0], [213055, 213272, 0.0], [213272, 213847, 0.0], [213847, 213870, 0.0], [213870, 214189, 0.0], [214189, 214225, 0.0], [214225, 214378, 0.0], [214378, 214446, 0.0], [214446, 214566, 0.0], [214566, 214706, 0.0], [214706, 214967, 0.0], [214967, 215984, 0.0], [215984, 216103, 0.0], [216103, 216154, 0.0], [216154, 216178, 0.0], [216178, 216231, 0.0], [216231, 216281, 0.0], [216281, 216326, 0.0], [216326, 216357, 0.0], [216357, 216403, 0.0], [216403, 216423, 0.0], [216423, 216441, 0.0], [216441, 216653, 0.0], [216653, 217966, 0.0], [217966, 218117, 0.0], [218117, 218148, 0.0], [218148, 218504, 0.0], [218504, 219410, 0.0], [219410, 219635, 0.0], [219635, 219785, 0.0], [219785, 219806, 0.0], [219806, 219825, 0.0], [219825, 219839, 0.0], [219839, 219860, 0.0], [219860, 219881, 0.0], [219881, 219907, 0.0], [219907, 219938, 0.0], [219938, 219971, 0.0], [219971, 220064, 0.0], [220064, 220084, 0.0], [220084, 220109, 0.0], [220109, 221374, 0.0], [221374, 222510, 0.0], [222510, 222597, 0.0], [222597, 222634, 0.0], [222634, 222957, 0.0], [222957, 223663, 0.0], [223663, 224149, 0.0], [224149, 224278, 0.0], [224278, 224315, 0.0], [224315, 225315, 0.0], [225315, 226185, 0.0], [226185, 226225, 0.0], [226225, 226339, 0.0], [226339, 226378, 0.0], [226378, 226427, 0.0], [226427, 226492, 0.0], [226492, 226545, 0.0], [226545, 226593, 0.0], [226593, 226650, 0.0], [226650, 226701, 0.0], [226701, 226739, 0.0], [226739, 226783, 0.0], [226783, 226797, 0.0], [226797, 226814, 0.0], [226814, 226831, 0.0], [226831, 227000, 0.0], [227000, 227039, 0.0], [227039, 227100, 0.0], [227100, 227146, 0.0], [227146, 227193, 0.0], [227193, 227237, 0.0], [227237, 227262, 0.0], [227262, 227304, 0.0], [227304, 227362, 0.0], [227362, 227417, 0.0], [227417, 227478, 0.0], [227478, 227587, 0.0], [227587, 227601, 0.0], [227601, 227734, 0.0], [227734, 227766, 0.0], [227766, 227798, 0.0], [227798, 227836, 0.0], [227836, 227860, 0.0], [227860, 227877, 0.0], [227877, 227955, 0.0], [227955, 228009, 0.0], [228009, 228052, 0.0], [228052, 228072, 0.0], [228072, 228094, 0.0], [228094, 228155, 0.0], [228155, 228188, 0.0], [228188, 228212, 0.0], [228212, 228352, 0.0], [228352, 229283, 0.0], [229283, 231186, 0.0], [231186, 231828, 0.0], [231828, 232203, 0.0], [232203, 232620, 0.0], [232620, 233484, 0.0], [233484, 233849, 0.0], [233849, 234685, 0.0], [234685, 235514, 0.0], [235514, 235721, 0.0], [235721, 236677, 0.0], [236677, 236997, 0.0], [236997, 237240, 0.0], [237240, 237601, 0.0], [237601, 237954, 0.0], [237954, 238988, 0.0], [238988, 239350, 0.0], [239350, 240164, 0.0], [240164, 240703, 0.0], [240703, 242320, 0.0], [242320, 242466, 0.0], [242466, 242485, 0.0], [242485, 242502, 0.0], [242502, 242518, 0.0], [242518, 242537, 0.0], [242537, 242556, 0.0], [242556, 242603, 0.0], [242603, 243537, 0.0], [243537, 244209, 0.0], [244209, 244723, 0.0], [244723, 245699, 0.0], [245699, 247109, 0.0], [247109, 247548, 0.0], [247548, 248531, 0.0], [248531, 249440, 0.0], [249440, 249490, 0.0], [249490, 250722, 0.0], [250722, 251454, 0.0], [251454, 252395, 0.0], [252395, 252425, 0.0], [252425, 252626, 0.0], [252626, 252800, 0.0], [252800, 252931, 0.0], [252931, 252972, 0.0], [252972, 252986, 0.0], [252986, 253014, 0.0], [253014, 253073, 0.0], [253073, 253095, 0.0], [253095, 253205, 0.0], [253205, 253231, 0.0], [253231, 253248, 0.0], [253248, 253272, 0.0], [253272, 253312, 0.0], [253312, 253322, 0.0], [253322, 253352, 0.0], [253352, 253378, 0.0], [253378, 253403, 0.0], [253403, 253460, 0.0], [253460, 253518, 0.0], [253518, 253642, 0.0], [253642, 253710, 0.0], [253710, 253778, 0.0], [253778, 253812, 0.0], [253812, 253862, 0.0], [253862, 253896, 0.0], [253896, 253938, 0.0], [253938, 254006, 0.0], [254006, 254088, 0.0], [254088, 254132, 0.0], [254132, 254153, 0.0], [254153, 254174, 0.0], [254174, 254736, 0.0], [254736, 255466, 0.0], [255466, 255543, 0.0], [255543, 255564, 0.0], [255564, 255622, 0.0], [255622, 255657, 0.0], [255657, 255698, 0.0], [255698, 255725, 0.0], [255725, 255771, 0.0], [255771, 255819, 0.0], [255819, 255887, 0.0], [255887, 255924, 0.0], [255924, 255957, 0.0], [255957, 256008, 0.0], [256008, 256056, 0.0], [256056, 256458, 0.0], [256458, 257284, 0.0], [257284, 258037, 0.0], [258037, 258435, 0.0], [258435, 258790, 0.0], [258790, 258808, 0.0], [258808, 258882, 0.0], [258882, 258894, 0.0], [258894, 258909, 0.0], [258909, 258923, 0.0], [258923, 258940, 0.0], [258940, 258969, 0.0], [258969, 258990, 0.0], [258990, 259106, 0.0], [259106, 259143, 0.0], [259143, 259647, 0.0], [259647, 260220, 0.0], [260220, 260260, 0.0], [260260, 260635, 0.0], [260635, 261394, 0.0], [261394, 261593, 0.0], [261593, 261705, 0.0], [261705, 261741, 0.0], [261741, 261831, 0.0], [261831, 262114, 0.0], [262114, 262151, 0.0], [262151, 263189, 0.0], [263189, 264083, 0.0], [264083, 264119, 0.0], [264119, 264146, 0.0], [264146, 265100, 0.0], [265100, 265713, 0.0], [265713, 266151, 0.0], [266151, 266952, 0.0], [266952, 268068, 0.0], [268068, 268166, 0.0], [268166, 268185, 0.0], [268185, 268213, 0.0], [268213, 268257, 0.0], [268257, 268298, 0.0], [268298, 268358, 0.0], [268358, 268383, 0.0], [268383, 268399, 0.0], [268399, 268444, 0.0], [268444, 268502, 0.0], [268502, 268529, 0.0], [268529, 268572, 0.0], [268572, 268626, 0.0], [268626, 268699, 0.0], [268699, 268784, 0.0], [268784, 269235, 0.0], [269235, 269751, 0.0], [269751, 269833, 0.0], [269833, 269844, 0.0], [269844, 269872, 0.0], [269872, 269905, 0.0], [269905, 269947, 0.0], [269947, 270013, 0.0], [270013, 270027, 0.0], [270027, 270050, 0.0], [270050, 270066, 0.0], [270066, 270121, 0.0], [270121, 270784, 0.0], [270784, 270871, 0.0], [270871, 270900, 0.0], [270900, 270928, 0.0], [270928, 270962, 0.0], [270962, 270998, 0.0], [270998, 271065, 0.0], [271065, 271089, 0.0], [271089, 271155, 0.0], [271155, 271372, 0.0], [271372, 271475, 0.0], [271475, 271675, 0.0], [271675, 271734, 0.0], [271734, 271926, 0.0], [271926, 272055, 0.0], [272055, 272098, 0.0], [272098, 272143, 0.0], [272143, 272181, 0.0], [272181, 272227, 0.0], [272227, 272266, 0.0], [272266, 272303, 0.0], [272303, 272331, 0.0], [272331, 272471, 0.0], [272471, 272758, 0.0], [272758, 273163, 0.0], [273163, 273433, 0.0], [273433, 273526, 0.0], [273526, 273559, 0.0], [273559, 273594, 0.0], [273594, 274143, 0.0], [274143, 275238, 0.0], [275238, 275310, 0.0], [275310, 276061, 0.0], [276061, 276577, 0.0], [276577, 277261, 0.0], [277261, 277647, 0.0], [277647, 278061, 0.0], [278061, 278088, 0.0], [278088, 278159, 0.0], [278159, 278675, 0.0], [278675, 278739, 0.0], [278739, 279151, 0.0], [279151, 279850, 0.0], [279850, 279882, 0.0], [279882, 280213, 0.0], [280213, 280317, 0.0], [280317, 280644, 0.0], [280644, 280727, 0.0], [280727, 281082, 0.0], [281082, 281130, 0.0], [281130, 281477, 0.0], [281477, 281529, 0.0], [281529, 281555, 0.0], [281555, 281686, 0.0], [281686, 281721, 0.0], [281721, 281800, 0.0], [281800, 281814, 0.0], [281814, 281886, 0.0], [281886, 281912, 0.0], [281912, 281932, 0.0], [281932, 281948, 0.0], [281948, 281957, 0.0], [281957, 282154, 0.0], [282154, 282165, 0.0], [282165, 282313, 0.0], [282313, 282479, 0.0], [282479, 282613, 0.0], [282613, 282726, 0.0], [282726, 282841, 0.0], [282841, 282950, 0.0], [282950, 282989, 0.0], [282989, 283086, 0.0], [283086, 283119, 0.0], [283119, 283179, 0.0], [283179, 283280, 0.0], [283280, 283472, 0.0], [283472, 283521, 0.0], [283521, 283559, 0.0], [283559, 283649, 0.0], [283649, 283777, 0.0], [283777, 283782, 0.0], [283782, 283873, 0.0], [283873, 283933, 0.0], [283933, 283938, 0.0], [283938, 284070, 0.0], [284070, 284183, 0.0], [284183, 284305, 0.0], [284305, 284429, 0.0], [284429, 284526, 0.0], [284526, 284632, 0.0], [284632, 284740, 0.0], [284740, 284825, 0.0], [284825, 284945, 0.0], [284945, 285027, 0.0], [285027, 285146, 0.0], [285146, 285235, 0.0], [285235, 285314, 0.0], [285314, 285379, 0.0], [285379, 285562, 0.0], [285562, 285647, 0.0], [285647, 285738, 0.0], [285738, 285829, 0.0], [285829, 285916, 0.0], [285916, 286098, 0.0], [286098, 286297, 0.0], [286297, 286393, 0.0], [286393, 286478, 0.0], [286478, 286554, 0.0], [286554, 286689, 0.0], [286689, 286800, 0.0], [286800, 286949, 0.0], [286949, 287150, 0.0], [287150, 287258, 0.0], [287258, 287443, 0.0], [287443, 287532, 0.0], [287532, 287622, 0.0], [287622, 287732, 0.0], [287732, 287849, 0.0], [287849, 287987, 0.0], [287987, 288138, 0.0], [288138, 288223, 0.0], [288223, 288307, 0.0], [288307, 288390, 0.0], [288390, 288471, 0.0], [288471, 288596, 0.0], [288596, 288735, 0.0], [288735, 288865, 0.0], [288865, 288961, 0.0], [288961, 289055, 0.0], [289055, 289147, 0.0], [289147, 289207, 0.0], [289207, 289336, 0.0], [289336, 289387, 0.0], [289387, 289478, 0.0], [289478, 289560, 0.0], [289560, 289633, 0.0], [289633, 289776, 0.0], [289776, 289951, 0.0], [289951, 290032, 0.0], [290032, 290146, 0.0], [290146, 290252, 0.0], [290252, 290368, 0.0], [290368, 290462, 0.0], [290462, 290611, 0.0], [290611, 290737, 0.0], [290737, 290746, 0.0], [290746, 290861, 0.0], [290861, 291008, 0.0], [291008, 291121, 0.0], [291121, 291212, 0.0], [291212, 291325, 0.0], [291325, 291443, 0.0], [291443, 291588, 0.0], [291588, 291710, 0.0], [291710, 291854, 0.0], [291854, 292003, 0.0], [292003, 292131, 0.0], [292131, 292201, 0.0], [292201, 292309, 0.0], [292309, 292393, 0.0], [292393, 292509, 0.0], [292509, 292623, 0.0], [292623, 292830, 0.0], [292830, 292861, 0.0], [292861, 292918, 0.0], [292918, 292957, 0.0], [292957, 293092, 0.0], [293092, 293227, 0.0], [293227, 293364, 0.0], [293364, 293501, 0.0], [293501, 294167, 0.0], [294167, 294264, 0.0], [294264, 294702, 0.0], [294702, 294808, 0.0], [294808, 295071, 0.0], [295071, 295177, 0.0], [295177, 295430, 0.0], [295430, 295639, 0.0], [295639, 295662, 0.0], [295662, 295677, 0.0], [295677, 296226, 0.0], [296226, 296432, 0.0], [296432, 296451, 0.0], [296451, 296529, 0.0], [296529, 296549, 0.0], [296549, 296565, 0.0], [296565, 296693, 0.0], [296693, 296712, 0.0], [296712, 296727, 0.0], [296727, 296742, 0.0], [296742, 296753, 0.0], [296753, 296776, 0.0], [296776, 296795, 0.0], [296795, 296819, 0.0], [296819, 296839, 0.0], [296839, 296864, 0.0], [296864, 296885, 0.0], [296885, 296908, 0.0], [296908, 296927, 0.0], [296927, 296948, 0.0], [296948, 296965, 0.0], [296965, 296990, 0.0], [296990, 297011, 0.0], [297011, 297025, 0.0], [297025, 297034, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 12, 0.33333333], [12, 40, 0.21428571], [40, 127, 0.67816092], [127, 167, 0.05], [167, 258, 0.67032967], [258, 349, 0.01098901], [349, 382, 0.09090909], [382, 399, 0.76470588], [399, 435, 0.11111111], [435, 467, 0.09375], [467, 488, 0.14285714], [488, 519, 0.12903226], [519, 541, 0.13636364], [541, 672, 0.04580153], [672, 808, 0.04411765], [808, 1160, 0.01988636], [1160, 1547, 0.03100775], [1547, 1887, 0.03823529], [1887, 2178, 0.01718213], [2178, 2191, 0.07692308], [2191, 2217, 0.03846154], [2217, 2237, 0.05], [2237, 2261, 0.04166667], [2261, 2307, 0.02173913], [2307, 2335, 0.03571429], [2335, 2450, 0.04347826], [2450, 2789, 0.00294985], [2789, 2897, 0.02777778], [2897, 3248, 0.05413105], [3248, 3274, 0.11538462], [3274, 3298, 0.125], [3298, 3407, 0.10091743], [3407, 3431, 0.125], [3431, 3517, 0.08139535], [3517, 3561, 0.09090909], [3561, 3646, 0.07058824], [3646, 3701, 0.09090909], [3701, 3796, 0.09473684], [3796, 3870, 0.08108108], [3870, 3909, 0.1025641], [3909, 3952, 0.09302326], [3952, 6139, 0.01143118], [6139, 6248, 0.0], [6248, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6476, 0.0], [6476, 6679, 0.0], [6679, 6777, 0.0], [6777, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6999, 0.0], [6999, 7060, 0.0], [7060, 7197, 0.0], [7197, 7400, 0.02463054], [7400, 7634, 0.03418803], [7634, 8774, 0.00877193], [8774, 10441, 0.02879424], [10441, 10580, 0.00719424], [10580, 10915, 0.03283582], [10915, 11038, 0.0], [11038, 11162, 0.06451613], [11162, 11381, 0.0], [11381, 11614, 0.01287554], [11614, 11840, 0.0], [11840, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12146, 0.00724638], [12146, 12506, 0.06111111], [12506, 12618, 0.00892857], [12618, 12853, 0.04680851], [12853, 13221, 0.01902174], [13221, 14065, 0.02251185], [14065, 14385, 0.0375], [14385, 14403, 0.11111111], [14403, 14755, 0.02840909], [14755, 15423, 0.00598802], [15423, 15445, 0.13636364], [15445, 16066, 0.00644122], [16066, 16898, 0.00841346], [16898, 17719, 0.0365408], [17719, 18401, 0.00879765], [18401, 18435, 0.08823529], [18435, 19211, 0.01030928], [19211, 19572, 0.03878116], [19572, 20508, 0.01495726], [20508, 20793, 0.00350877], [20793, 20843, 0.02], [20843, 21012, 0.04142012], [21012, 21125, 0.05309735], [21125, 21185, 0.0], [21185, 21319, 0.0], [21319, 21441, 0.0], [21441, 21490, 0.0], [21490, 21821, 0.0060423], [21821, 22200, 0.00527704], [22200, 22234, 0.14705882], [22234, 23101, 0.01845444], [23101, 23140, 0.12820513], [23140, 24232, 0.02564103], [24232, 24552, 0.0625], [24552, 24566, 0.21428571], [24566, 24705, 0.07194245], [24705, 24914, 0.01913876], [24914, 25734, 0.03292683], [25734, 26217, 0.0621118], [26217, 26994, 0.03474903], [26994, 27008, 0.28571429], [27008, 27436, 0.05140187], [27436, 27450, 0.28571429], [27450, 28585, 0.04229075], [28585, 28751, 0.01807229], [28751, 29151, 0.07], [29151, 29189, 0.10526316], [29189, 29840, 0.04147465], [29840, 30881, 0.06820365], [30881, 32244, 0.02054292], [32244, 32588, 0.04360465], [32588, 33431, 0.04033215], [33431, 35197, 0.03510759], [35197, 35234, 0.10810811], [35234, 35790, 0.00719424], [35790, 36336, 0.00732601], [36336, 36798, 0.03030303], [36798, 36813, 0.2], [36813, 37245, 0.01851852], [37245, 38047, 0.03241895], [38047, 38364, 0.00630915], [38364, 38821, 0.00656455], [38821, 38836, 0.26666667], [38836, 39535, 0.05007153], [39535, 39790, 0.04313725], [39790, 39823, 0.12121212], [39823, 40457, 0.00473186], [40457, 40814, 0.03081232], [40814, 41444, 0.00634921], [41444, 41893, 0.02004454], [41893, 42270, 0.00530504], [42270, 43492, 0.01554828], [43492, 43526, 0.08823529], [43526, 43550, 0.16666667], [43550, 44174, 0.02724359], [44174, 44519, 0.00869565], [44519, 45467, 0.00632911], [45467, 46465, 0.03507014], [46465, 47673, 0.02649007], [47673, 48146, 0.02114165], [48146, 48450, 0.00657895], [48450, 48705, 0.00392157], [48705, 49166, 0.02386117], [49166, 49490, 0.00617284], [49490, 49901, 0.00486618], [49901, 50168, 0.00749064], [50168, 50192, 0.20833333], [50192, 50541, 0.06303725], [50541, 51244, 0.03840683], [51244, 51260, 0.125], [51260, 51590, 0.03333333], [51590, 51613, 0.26086957], [51613, 51819, 0.02912621], [51819, 52313, 0.00404858], [52313, 53051, 0.02303523], [53051, 53195, 0.04166667], [53195, 54242, 0.01146132], [54242, 54257, 0.26666667], [54257, 54640, 0.04177546], [54640, 55883, 0.03378922], [55883, 56703, 0.02926829], [56703, 56745, 0.0952381], [56745, 57064, 0.00940439], [57064, 57821, 0.02509908], [57821, 58152, 0.00906344], [58152, 58568, 0.00961538], [58568, 59002, 0.01612903], [59002, 59174, 0.00581395], [59174, 59492, 0.02201258], [59492, 60130, 0.02351097], [60130, 60720, 0.00508475], [60720, 61361, 0.00624025], [61361, 62216, 0.00935673], [62216, 62576, 0.01944444], [62576, 63404, 0.07125604], [63404, 63570, 0.06626506], [63570, 63674, 0.02884615], [63674, 63970, 0.02364865], [63970, 64318, 0.00574713], [64318, 64836, 0.05984556], [64836, 65573, 0.00814111], [65573, 66404, 0.07220217], [66404, 66706, 0.01655629], [66706, 66888, 0.0], [66888, 66965, 0.0], [66965, 67162, 0.0], [67162, 67297, 0.0], [67297, 67356, 0.0], [67356, 67522, 0.0], [67522, 67605, 0.0], [67605, 67782, 0.03389831], [67782, 67996, 0.0046729], [67996, 68033, 0.08108108], [68033, 68390, 0.06442577], [68390, 69110, 0.0125], [69110, 69773, 0.00452489], [69773, 70243, 0.03191489], [70243, 70874, 0.03486529], [70874, 71294, 0.03809524], [71294, 71465, 0.01169591], [71465, 72253, 0.04568528], [72253, 72580, 0.04892966], [72580, 73115, 0.06168224], [73115, 73465, 0.04], [73465, 73667, 0.02475248], [73667, 74020, 0.05949008], [74020, 74306, 0.04195804], [74306, 74350, 0.11363636], [74350, 74479, 0.00775194], [74479, 75428, 0.00737619], [75428, 75497, 0.01449275], [75497, 76153, 0.00914634], [76153, 76200, 0.0212766], [76200, 76547, 0.00576369], [76547, 76643, 0.01041667], [76643, 77631, 0.00809717], [77631, 77784, 0.00653595], [77784, 78554, 0.00649351], [78554, 78754, 0.005], [78754, 78919, 0.00606061], [78919, 79457, 0.00743494], [79457, 79661, 0.00490196], [79661, 80479, 0.00733496], [80479, 80837, 0.00558659], [80837, 81062, 0.00444444], [81062, 81355, 0.01023891], [81355, 82133, 0.00514139], [82133, 82450, 0.00315457], [82450, 83594, 0.00699301], [83594, 84016, 0.03791469], [84016, 84100, 0.04761905], [84100, 85244, 0.00699301], [85244, 85366, 0.00819672], [85366, 86408, 0.00575816], [86408, 86623, 0.00465116], [86623, 87860, 0.00485044], [87860, 87934, 0.01351351], [87934, 88149, 0.00930233], [88149, 88569, 0.02619048], [88569, 88804, 0.00425532], [88804, 90281, 0.00744753], [90281, 90567, 0.0034965], [90567, 91227, 0.00606061], [91227, 91378, 0.00662252], [91378, 92300, 0.00542299], [92300, 92537, 0.00421941], [92537, 92616, 0.07594937], [92616, 93812, 0.0326087], [93812, 93986, 0.00574713], [93986, 95373, 0.00576784], [95373, 95524, 0.00662252], [95524, 96162, 0.00783699], [96162, 96307, 0.00689655], [96307, 97389, 0.01478743], [97389, 97459, 0.01428571], [97459, 98379, 0.00652174], [98379, 98845, 0.00643777], [98845, 99002, 0.00636943], [99002, 99546, 0.00735294], [99546, 99660, 0.0], [99660, 99838, 0.0], [99838, 99946, 0.0], [99946, 100002, 0.0], [100002, 100072, 0.0], [100072, 100151, 0.0], [100151, 100274, 0.00813008], [100274, 100700, 0.00469484], [100700, 100894, 0.03092784], [100894, 101490, 0.05536913], [101490, 101564, 0.04054054], [101564, 102171, 0.04283361], [102171, 102245, 0.04054054], [102245, 103596, 0.03849001], [103596, 103823, 0.01321586], [103823, 103961, 0.02173913], [103961, 104749, 0.01269036], [104749, 104972, 0.05381166], [104972, 105465, 0.09533469], [105465, 105520, 0.01818182], [105520, 106181, 0.00453858], [106181, 106301, 0.00833333], [106301, 107343, 0.0134357], [107343, 107603, 0.0], [107603, 107668, 0.01538462], [107668, 109765, 0.01812113], [109765, 109914, 0.04697987], [109914, 110761, 0.01416765], [110761, 110870, 0.00917431], [110870, 111271, 0.06483791], [111271, 111429, 0.03797468], [111429, 111940, 0.00391389], [111940, 112022, 0.01219512], [112022, 112524, 0.00796813], [112524, 112712, 0.00531915], [112712, 113314, 0.00664452], [113314, 113455, 0.0070922], [113455, 114512, 0.00567644], [114512, 114673, 0.00621118], [114673, 115412, 0.00405954], [115412, 115516, 0.00961538], [115516, 117012, 0.01403743], [117012, 117288, 0.01811594], [117288, 118164, 0.01826484], [118164, 118262, 0.01020408], [118262, 118452, 0.02631579], [118452, 118591, 0.00719424], [118591, 118842, 0.01992032], [118842, 119557, 0.01118881], [119557, 119997, 0.04318182], [119997, 120116, 0.01680672], [120116, 120450, 0.00898204], [120450, 121458, 0.00694444], [121458, 121654, 0.0255102], [121654, 122264, 0.03278689], [122264, 122802, 0.0260223], [122802, 123057, 0.01176471], [123057, 124172, 0.01076233], [124172, 124291, 0.01680672], [124291, 124804, 0.01754386], [124804, 125058, 0.01574803], [125058, 125104, 0.10869565], [125104, 125151, 0.0212766], [125151, 125403, 0.02380952], [125403, 125507, 0.0], [125507, 125658, 0.01986755], [125658, 125707, 0.0], [125707, 125821, 0.0], [125821, 125912, 0.0], [125912, 125954, 0.0], [125954, 126170, 0.00462963], [126170, 126443, 0.00732601], [126443, 126960, 0.00773694], [126960, 127358, 0.00502513], [127358, 127751, 0.00763359], [127751, 127918, 0.00598802], [127918, 128723, 0.00372671], [128723, 128796, 0.01369863], [128796, 129198, 0.00995025], [129198, 129583, 0.01298701], [129583, 130475, 0.0044843], [130475, 131069, 0.00673401], [131069, 131140, 0.01408451], [131140, 131545, 0.00740741], [131545, 131663, 0.00847458], [131663, 132137, 0.00632911], [132137, 132204, 0.08955224], [132204, 132534, 0.02121212], [132534, 132740, 0.01941748], [132740, 133674, 0.01284797], [133674, 133831, 0.01910828], [133831, 134048, 0.01382488], [134048, 134535, 0.01232033], [134535, 135073, 0.00743494], [135073, 135157, 0.02380952], [135157, 136281, 0.0133452], [136281, 136348, 0.01492537], [136348, 136364, 0.125], [136364, 136388, 0.125], [136388, 136419, 0.09677419], [136419, 136429, 0.1], [136429, 136464, 0.14285714], [136464, 136496, 0.1875], [136496, 136509, 0.0], [136509, 136528, 0.05263158], [136528, 136558, 0.1], [136558, 136580, 0.04545455], [136580, 136589, 0.11111111], [136589, 136605, 0.25], [136605, 136664, 0.01694915], [136664, 136693, 0.17241379], [136693, 136726, 0.03030303], [136726, 136755, 0.13793103], [136755, 136774, 0.0], [136774, 136801, 0.03703704], [136801, 136829, 0.03571429], [136829, 136868, 0.1025641], [136868, 136909, 0.02439024], [136909, 136932, 0.13043478], [136932, 136963, 0.12903226], [136963, 136986, 0.13043478], [136986, 137006, 0.05], [137006, 137224, 0.02293578], [137224, 137446, 0.02252252], [137446, 137839, 0.00763359], [137839, 137862, 0.04347826], [137862, 137903, 0.04878049], [137903, 137939, 0.05555556], [137939, 137975, 0.05555556], [137975, 138322, 0.00576369], [138322, 138368, 0.13043478], [138368, 139037, 0.07473842], [139037, 139182, 0.06206897], [139182, 139207, 0.12], [139207, 139330, 0.08130081], [139330, 139664, 0.00898204], [139664, 140355, 0.01157742], [140355, 140439, 0.0952381], [140439, 141064, 0.0176], [141064, 141131, 0.08955224], [141131, 141422, 0.03436426], [141422, 141492, 0.08571429], [141492, 141604, 0.00892857], [141604, 142412, 0.03712871], [142412, 143131, 0.02086231], [143131, 144482, 0.02220577], [144482, 144530, 0.10416667], [144530, 144558, 0.10714286], [144558, 145587, 0.00777454], [145587, 145964, 0.00530504], [145964, 146316, 0.00852273], [146316, 146623, 0.00325733], [146623, 146657, 0.08823529], [146657, 147326, 0.00597907], [147326, 147676, 0.00571429], [147676, 148087, 0.00486618], [148087, 148643, 0.00539568], [148643, 148689, 0.08695652], [148689, 149120, 0.00464037], [149120, 149807, 0.01310044], [149807, 149826, 0.10526316], [149826, 150766, 0.00851064], [150766, 151635, 0.02186421], [151635, 151664, 0.13793103], [151664, 152790, 0.01154529], [152790, 152870, 0.1125], [152870, 153174, 0.02960526], [153174, 153373, 0.01507538], [153373, 153852, 0.02505219], [153852, 154028, 0.01704545], [154028, 154687, 0.01213961], [154687, 155152, 0.03655914], [155152, 155408, 0.03125], [155408, 155893, 0.02061856], [155893, 155912, 0.10526316], [155912, 156315, 0.01736973], [156315, 156344, 0.13793103], [156344, 156594, 0.032], [156594, 156633, 0.1025641], [156633, 157087, 0.01982379], [157087, 157133, 0.08695652], [157133, 157645, 0.01171875], [157645, 157694, 0.10204082], [157694, 158422, 0.01236264], [158422, 158468, 0.10869565], [158468, 159285, 0.02692778], [159285, 159322, 0.10810811], [159322, 159995, 0.01783061], [159995, 160557, 0.01245552], [160557, 161803, 0.02006421], [161803, 162753, 0.01789474], [162753, 162960, 0.00483092], [162960, 163214, 0.00393701], [163214, 163452, 0.01680672], [163452, 163628, 0.01136364], [163628, 163940, 0.0224359], [163940, 166503, 0.01716738], [166503, 167431, 0.02478448], [167431, 167549, 0.03389831], [167549, 168743, 0.02428811], [168743, 169253, 0.04509804], [169253, 169450, 0.05583756], [169450, 169734, 0.03521127], [169734, 169912, 0.02247191], [169912, 170099, 0.01604278], [170099, 170510, 0.02919708], [170510, 170622, 0.04464286], [170622, 171267, 0.04651163], [171267, 171637, 0.05405405], [171637, 172023, 0.03108808], [172023, 172466, 0.01580135], [172466, 172616, 0.06666667], [172616, 173129, 0.07017544], [173129, 173488, 0.03064067], [173488, 174461, 0.04830421], [174461, 174959, 0.05220884], [174959, 175495, 0.05597015], [175495, 176137, 0.07165109], [176137, 176462, 0.03076923], [176462, 176836, 0.07754011], [176836, 177249, 0.08232446], [177249, 177271, 0.13636364], [177271, 177369, 0.02040816], [177369, 177381, 0.16666667], [177381, 177446, 0.01538462], [177446, 177506, 0.01666667], [177506, 177564, 0.01724138], [177564, 177618, 0.01851852], [177618, 177673, 0.01818182], [177673, 177741, 0.01470588], [177741, 177806, 0.01538462], [177806, 177827, 0.0952381], [177827, 178311, 0.00826446], [178311, 178613, 0.00662252], [178613, 178634, 0.0952381], [178634, 179075, 0.02494331], [179075, 179367, 0.0239726], [179367, 179388, 0.0952381], [179388, 180026, 0.02194357], [180026, 180277, 0.00796813], [180277, 180292, 0.13333333], [180292, 180682, 0.00769231], [180682, 180770, 0.02272727], [180770, 180805, 0.08571429], [180805, 180902, 0.01030928], [180902, 180954, 0.0], [180954, 181009, 0.0], [181009, 181057, 0.0], [181057, 181101, 0.0], [181101, 181135, 0.0], [181135, 181182, 0.0], [181182, 181199, 0.0], [181199, 181220, 0.0], [181220, 181249, 0.10344828], [181249, 181382, 0.0075188], [181382, 182664, 0.00936037], [182664, 183020, 0.00561798], [183020, 183766, 0.0080429], [183766, 184300, 0.02808989], [184300, 184655, 0.02816901], [184655, 186480, 0.01150685], [186480, 186797, 0.01577287], [186797, 187434, 0.00313972], [187434, 188318, 0.00904977], [188318, 189102, 0.0127551], [189102, 189166, 0.09375], [189166, 189767, 0.06489185], [189767, 190304, 0.05772812], [190304, 190372, 0.10294118], [190372, 190426, 0.07407407], [190426, 190514, 0.07954545], [190514, 190569, 0.09090909], [190569, 190667, 0.08163265], [190667, 190755, 0.09090909], [190755, 190798, 0.09302326], [190798, 190818, 0.2], [190818, 191280, 0.02164502], [191280, 192426, 0.01483421], [192426, 192743, 0.01577287], [192743, 192765, 0.22727273], [192765, 192782, 0.47058824], [192782, 192799, 0.05882353], [192799, 192834, 0.02857143], [192834, 192861, 0.03703704], [192861, 192896, 0.02857143], [192896, 192943, 0.0212766], [192943, 192981, 0.02631579], [192981, 193015, 0.02941176], [193015, 193056, 0.02439024], [193056, 193109, 0.01886792], [193109, 193145, 0.02777778], [193145, 193182, 0.02702703], [193182, 193226, 0.02272727], [193226, 193257, 0.03225806], [193257, 193321, 0.015625], [193321, 193354, 0.0], [193354, 193416, 0.01612903], [193416, 193479, 0.01587302], [193479, 193541, 0.01612903], [193541, 193618, 0.03896104], [193618, 193666, 0.02083333], [193666, 193720, 0.01851852], [193720, 193743, 0.04347826], [193743, 193772, 0.03448276], [193772, 193813, 0.02439024], [193813, 193847, 0.02941176], [193847, 193884, 0.02702703], [193884, 193902, 0.05555556], [193902, 193938, 0.02777778], [193938, 193992, 0.01851852], [193992, 194020, 0.03571429], [194020, 194043, 0.7826087], [194043, 194091, 0.875], [194091, 194099, 0.25], [194099, 194113, 0.07142857], [194113, 194136, 0.08695652], [194136, 194199, 0.06349206], [194199, 194269, 0.02857143], [194269, 194297, 0.14285714], [194297, 194353, 0.01785714], [194353, 194378, 0.04], [194378, 194422, 0.02272727], [194422, 194483, 0.01639344], [194483, 194559, 0.02631579], [194559, 194584, 0.04], [194584, 194660, 0.01315789], [194660, 194708, 0.0], [194708, 194750, 0.02380952], [194750, 194807, 0.01754386], [194807, 194836, 0.03448276], [194836, 194873, 0.02702703], [194873, 194903, 0.03333333], [194903, 194953, 0.02], [194953, 194966, 0.0], [194966, 194988, 0.04545455], [194988, 195031, 0.02325581], [195031, 195087, 0.01785714], [195087, 195111, 0.04166667], [195111, 195134, 0.08695652], [195134, 195173, 0.02564103], [195173, 195209, 0.02777778], [195209, 195256, 0.0212766], [195256, 195281, 0.04], [195281, 195360, 0.01265823], [195360, 195410, 0.02], [195410, 195462, 0.01923077], [195462, 195491, 0.03448276], [195491, 195522, 0.03225806], [195522, 195551, 0.03448276], [195551, 195604, 0.81132075], [195604, 195655, 0.43137255], [195655, 195705, 0.88], [195705, 195742, 0.78378378], [195742, 196456, 0.04761905], [196456, 196658, 0.04950495], [196658, 196997, 0.08554572], [196997, 197649, 0.02147239], [197649, 197923, 0.05839416], [197923, 198216, 0.04095563], [198216, 198268, 0.80769231], [198268, 198435, 0.05389222], [198435, 198700, 0.06792453], [198700, 199768, 0.0093633], [199768, 199801, 0.09090909], [199801, 200149, 0.02011494], [200149, 200324, 0.03428571], [200324, 200732, 0.0245098], [200732, 200812, 0.0125], [200812, 200833, 0.14285714], [200833, 201382, 0.01092896], [201382, 201635, 0.01581028], [201635, 201850, 0.00930233], [201850, 202181, 0.00302115], [202181, 202455, 0.01459854], [202455, 202793, 0.02071006], [202793, 203204, 0.01459854], [203204, 203384, 0.01111111], [203384, 204230, 0.00827423], [204230, 204606, 0.0212766], [204606, 205091, 0.01030928], [205091, 205105, 0.14285714], [205105, 205675, 0.00701754], [205675, 205704, 0.03448276], [205704, 205751, 0.0212766], [205751, 205806, 0.01818182], [205806, 205843, 0.02702703], [205843, 205869, 0.0], [205869, 206470, 0.00499168], [206470, 206511, 0.02439024], [206511, 206551, 0.025], [206551, 206577, 0.03846154], [206577, 206605, 0.03571429], [206605, 206660, 0.01818182], [206660, 206888, 0.00438596], [206888, 207444, 0.01438849], [207444, 207881, 0.02745995], [207881, 210483, 0.00922367], [210483, 210507, 0.125], [210507, 211039, 0.01315789], [211039, 211612, 0.02792321], [211612, 212089, 0.00419287], [212089, 213028, 0.01064963], [213028, 213055, 0.11111111], [213055, 213272, 0.02764977], [213272, 213847, 0.0226087], [213847, 213870, 0.08695652], [213870, 214189, 0.00626959], [214189, 214225, 0.11111111], [214225, 214378, 0.0130719], [214378, 214446, 0.02941176], [214446, 214566, 0.01666667], [214566, 214706, 0.01428571], [214706, 214967, 0.02681992], [214967, 215984, 0.00884956], [215984, 216103, 0.00840336], [216103, 216154, 0.09803922], [216154, 216178, 0.125], [216178, 216231, 0.01886792], [216231, 216281, 0.02], [216281, 216326, 0.02222222], [216326, 216357, 0.03225806], [216357, 216403, 0.02173913], [216403, 216423, 0.05], [216423, 216441, 0.05555556], [216441, 216653, 0.00943396], [216653, 217966, 0.01904037], [217966, 218117, 0.01324503], [218117, 218148, 0.77419355], [218148, 218504, 0.03089888], [218504, 219410, 0.02207506], [219410, 219635, 0.02666667], [219635, 219785, 0.01333333], [219785, 219806, 0.0], [219806, 219825, 0.10526316], [219825, 219839, 0.0], [219839, 219860, 0.04761905], [219860, 219881, 0.04761905], [219881, 219907, 0.11538462], [219907, 219938, 0.09677419], [219938, 219971, 0.03030303], [219971, 220064, 0.01075269], [220064, 220084, 0.05], [220084, 220109, 0.04], [220109, 221374, 0.01106719], [221374, 222510, 0.01144366], [222510, 222597, 0.04597701], [222597, 222634, 0.02702703], [222634, 222957, 0.01857585], [222957, 223663, 0.06090652], [223663, 224149, 0.04938272], [224149, 224278, 0.03100775], [224278, 224315, 0.02702703], [224315, 225315, 0.01], [225315, 226185, 0.01149425], [226185, 226225, 0.775], [226225, 226339, 0.01754386], [226339, 226378, 0.1025641], [226378, 226427, 0.08163265], [226427, 226492, 0.04615385], [226492, 226545, 0.03773585], [226545, 226593, 0.0], [226593, 226650, 0.05263158], [226650, 226701, 0.03921569], [226701, 226739, 0.0], [226739, 226783, 0.02272727], [226783, 226797, 0.21428571], [226797, 226814, 0.11764706], [226814, 226831, 0.05882353], [226831, 227000, 0.01775148], [227000, 227039, 0.74358974], [227039, 227100, 0.01639344], [227100, 227146, 0.02173913], [227146, 227193, 0.0212766], [227193, 227237, 0.02272727], [227237, 227262, 0.04], [227262, 227304, 0.02380952], [227304, 227362, 0.01724138], [227362, 227417, 0.01818182], [227417, 227478, 0.01639344], [227478, 227587, 0.01834862], [227587, 227601, 0.57142857], [227601, 227734, 0.01503759], [227734, 227766, 0.03125], [227766, 227798, 0.125], [227798, 227836, 0.02631579], [227836, 227860, 0.125], [227860, 227877, 0.11764706], [227877, 227955, 0.06410256], [227955, 228009, 0.01851852], [228009, 228052, 0.09302326], [228052, 228072, 0.2], [228072, 228094, 0.04545455], [228094, 228155, 0.09836066], [228155, 228188, 0.09090909], [228188, 228212, 0.04166667], [228212, 228352, 0.06428571], [228352, 229283, 0.03759398], [229283, 231186, 0.03258014], [231186, 231828, 0.02647975], [231828, 232203, 0.06666667], [232203, 232620, 0.07194245], [232620, 233484, 0.03935185], [233484, 233849, 0.08219178], [233849, 234685, 0.06818182], [234685, 235514, 0.05186972], [235514, 235721, 0.02898551], [235721, 236677, 0.04393305], [236677, 236997, 0.05], [236997, 237240, 0.02469136], [237240, 237601, 0.07202216], [237601, 237954, 0.06798867], [237954, 238988, 0.04642166], [238988, 239350, 0.03038674], [239350, 240164, 0.03808354], [240164, 240703, 0.08719852], [240703, 242320, 0.05875077], [242320, 242466, 0.01369863], [242466, 242485, 0.15789474], [242485, 242502, 0.0], [242502, 242518, 0.0], [242518, 242537, 0.05263158], [242537, 242556, 0.05263158], [242556, 242603, 0.78723404], [242603, 243537, 0.02462527], [243537, 244209, 0.02232143], [244209, 244723, 0.01361868], [244723, 245699, 0.02151639], [245699, 247109, 0.0177305], [247109, 247548, 0.03644647], [247548, 248531, 0.02034588], [248531, 249440, 0.01320132], [249440, 249490, 0.08], [249490, 250722, 0.01623377], [250722, 251454, 0.01229508], [251454, 252395, 0.01062699], [252395, 252425, 0.06666667], [252425, 252626, 0.01492537], [252626, 252800, 0.0], [252800, 252931, 0.01526718], [252931, 252972, 0.02439024], [252972, 252986, 0.07142857], [252986, 253014, 0.03571429], [253014, 253073, 0.01694915], [253073, 253095, 0.68181818], [253095, 253205, 0.00909091], [253205, 253231, 0.03846154], [253231, 253248, 0.05882353], [253248, 253272, 0.04166667], [253272, 253312, 0.025], [253312, 253322, 0.1], [253322, 253352, 0.03333333], [253352, 253378, 0.03846154], [253378, 253403, 0.04], [253403, 253460, 0.01754386], [253460, 253518, 0.01724138], [253518, 253642, 0.02419355], [253642, 253710, 0.01470588], [253710, 253778, 0.01470588], [253778, 253812, 0.02941176], [253812, 253862, 0.02], [253862, 253896, 0.02941176], [253896, 253938, 0.02380952], [253938, 254006, 0.01470588], [254006, 254088, 0.01219512], [254088, 254132, 0.06818182], [254132, 254153, 0.04761905], [254153, 254174, 0.0], [254174, 254736, 0.01245552], [254736, 255466, 0.01232877], [255466, 255543, 0.02597403], [255543, 255564, 0.04761905], [255564, 255622, 0.01724138], [255622, 255657, 0.02857143], [255657, 255698, 0.02439024], [255698, 255725, 0.03703704], [255725, 255771, 0.02173913], [255771, 255819, 0.02083333], [255819, 255887, 0.01470588], [255887, 255924, 0.02702703], [255924, 255957, 0.03030303], [255957, 256008, 0.01960784], [256008, 256056, 0.02083333], [256056, 256458, 0.02238806], [256458, 257284, 0.02179177], [257284, 258037, 0.00929615], [258037, 258435, 0.01005025], [258435, 258790, 0.01971831], [258790, 258808, 0.66666667], [258808, 258882, 0.02702703], [258882, 258894, 0.16666667], [258894, 258909, 0.06666667], [258909, 258923, 0.14285714], [258923, 258940, 0.11764706], [258940, 258969, 0.03448276], [258969, 258990, 0.04761905], [258990, 259106, 0.03448276], [259106, 259143, 0.75675676], [259143, 259647, 0.0218254], [259647, 260220, 0.01919721], [260220, 260260, 0.775], [260260, 260635, 0.07466667], [260635, 261394, 0.03689065], [261394, 261593, 0.0201005], [261593, 261705, 0.02678571], [261705, 261741, 0.02777778], [261741, 261831, 0.01111111], [261831, 262114, 0.01413428], [262114, 262151, 0.75675676], [262151, 263189, 0.06743738], [263189, 264083, 0.05480984], [264083, 264119, 0.75], [264119, 264146, 0.11111111], [264146, 265100, 0.03039832], [265100, 265713, 0.00978793], [265713, 266151, 0.01369863], [266151, 266952, 0.01872659], [266952, 268068, 0.01344086], [268068, 268166, 0.02040816], [268166, 268185, 0.10526316], [268185, 268213, 0.10714286], [268213, 268257, 0.11363636], [268257, 268298, 0.14634146], [268298, 268358, 0.03333333], [268358, 268383, 0.04], [268383, 268399, 0.0625], [268399, 268444, 0.02222222], [268444, 268502, 0.03448276], [268502, 268529, 0.03703704], [268529, 268572, 0.02325581], [268572, 268626, 0.03703704], [268626, 268699, 0.02739726], [268699, 268784, 0.02352941], [268784, 269235, 0.01773836], [269235, 269751, 0.01550388], [269751, 269833, 0.01219512], [269833, 269844, 0.09090909], [269844, 269872, 0.10714286], [269872, 269905, 0.12121212], [269905, 269947, 0.14285714], [269947, 270013, 0.01515152], [270013, 270027, 0.07142857], [270027, 270050, 0.04347826], [270050, 270066, 0.0625], [270066, 270121, 0.01818182], [270121, 270784, 0.01508296], [270784, 270871, 0.01149425], [270871, 270900, 0.10344828], [270900, 270928, 0.10714286], [270928, 270962, 0.11764706], [270962, 270998, 0.16666667], [270998, 271065, 0.01492537], [271065, 271089, 0.04166667], [271089, 271155, 0.01515152], [271155, 271372, 0.01382488], [271372, 271475, 0.02912621], [271475, 271675, 0.01], [271675, 271734, 0.76271186], [271734, 271926, 0.015625], [271926, 272055, 0.00775194], [272055, 272098, 0.02325581], [272098, 272143, 0.02222222], [272143, 272181, 0.02631579], [272181, 272227, 0.02173913], [272227, 272266, 0.02564103], [272266, 272303, 0.02702703], [272303, 272331, 0.71428571], [272331, 272471, 0.05], [272471, 272758, 0.03832753], [272758, 273163, 0.04197531], [273163, 273433, 0.03333333], [273433, 273526, 0.07526882], [273526, 273559, 0.12121212], [273559, 273594, 0.08571429], [273594, 274143, 0.0291439], [274143, 275238, 0.01369863], [275238, 275310, 0.11111111], [275310, 276061, 0.01464714], [276061, 276577, 0.04457364], [276577, 277261, 0.01608187], [277261, 277647, 0.03108808], [277647, 278061, 0.00966184], [278061, 278088, 0.14814815], [278088, 278159, 0.09859155], [278159, 278675, 0.05232558], [278675, 278739, 0.09375], [278739, 279151, 0.0315534], [279151, 279850, 0.02575107], [279850, 279882, 0.09375], [279882, 280213, 0.03625378], [280213, 280317, 0.09615385], [280317, 280644, 0.03669725], [280644, 280727, 0.08433735], [280727, 281082, 0.03943662], [281082, 281130, 0.10416667], [281130, 281477, 0.04034582], [281477, 281529, 0.09615385], [281529, 281555, 0.07692308], [281555, 281686, 0.11450382], [281686, 281721, 0.08571429], [281721, 281800, 0.01265823], [281800, 281814, 0.07142857], [281814, 281886, 0.01388889], [281886, 281912, 0.07692308], [281912, 281932, 0.1], [281932, 281948, 0.3125], [281948, 281957, 0.11111111], [281957, 282154, 0.08121827], [282154, 282165, 0.0], [282165, 282313, 0.09459459], [282313, 282479, 0.12048193], [282479, 282613, 0.08955224], [282613, 282726, 0.07964602], [282726, 282841, 0.07826087], [282841, 282950, 0.08256881], [282950, 282989, 0.07692308], [282989, 283086, 0.08247423], [283086, 283119, 0.12121212], [283119, 283179, 0.13333333], [283179, 283280, 0.10891089], [283280, 283472, 0.07291667], [283472, 283521, 0.10204082], [283521, 283559, 0.13157895], [283559, 283649, 0.08888889], [283649, 283777, 0.109375], [283777, 283782, 0.2], [283782, 283873, 0.08791209], [283873, 283933, 0.11666667], [283933, 283938, 0.2], [283938, 284070, 0.10606061], [284070, 284183, 0.07079646], [284183, 284305, 0.08196721], [284305, 284429, 0.08064516], [284429, 284526, 0.06185567], [284526, 284632, 0.0754717], [284632, 284740, 0.07407407], [284740, 284825, 0.05882353], [284825, 284945, 0.075], [284945, 285027, 0.06097561], [285027, 285146, 0.06722689], [285146, 285235, 0.05617978], [285235, 285314, 0.06329114], [285314, 285379, 0.06153846], [285379, 285562, 0.07650273], [285562, 285647, 0.07058824], [285647, 285738, 0.06593407], [285738, 285829, 0.07692308], [285829, 285916, 0.06896552], [285916, 286098, 0.08241758], [286098, 286297, 0.08542714], [286297, 286393, 0.0625], [286393, 286478, 0.07058824], [286478, 286554, 0.06578947], [286554, 286689, 0.07407407], [286689, 286800, 0.07207207], [286800, 286949, 0.10738255], [286949, 287150, 0.09452736], [287150, 287258, 0.07407407], [287258, 287443, 0.0972973], [287443, 287532, 0.07865169], [287532, 287622, 0.07777778], [287622, 287732, 0.08181818], [287732, 287849, 0.09401709], [287849, 287987, 0.07971014], [287987, 288138, 0.1192053], [288138, 288223, 0.11764706], [288223, 288307, 0.11904762], [288307, 288390, 0.12048193], [288390, 288471, 0.12345679], [288471, 288596, 0.112], [288596, 288735, 0.07194245], [288735, 288865, 0.1], [288865, 288961, 0.09375], [288961, 289055, 0.10638298], [289055, 289147, 0.07608696], [289147, 289207, 0.06666667], [289207, 289336, 0.12403101], [289336, 289387, 0.17647059], [289387, 289478, 0.13186813], [289478, 289560, 0.14634146], [289560, 289633, 0.15068493], [289633, 289776, 0.08391608], [289776, 289951, 0.10857143], [289951, 290032, 0.0617284], [290032, 290146, 0.10526316], [290146, 290252, 0.09433962], [290252, 290368, 0.09482759], [290368, 290462, 0.10638298], [290462, 290611, 0.12080537], [290611, 290737, 0.13492063], [290737, 290746, 0.0], [290746, 290861, 0.09565217], [290861, 291008, 0.12244898], [291008, 291121, 0.09734513], [291121, 291212, 0.10989011], [291212, 291325, 0.11504425], [291325, 291443, 0.11016949], [291443, 291588, 0.12413793], [291588, 291710, 0.13934426], [291710, 291854, 0.13888889], [291854, 292003, 0.13422819], [292003, 292131, 0.0859375], [292131, 292201, 0.08571429], [292201, 292309, 0.07407407], [292309, 292393, 0.07142857], [292393, 292509, 0.0862069], [292509, 292623, 0.0877193], [292623, 292830, 0.07729469], [292830, 292861, 0.06451613], [292861, 292918, 0.10526316], [292918, 292957, 0.05128205], [292957, 293092, 0.06666667], [293092, 293227, 0.06666667], [293227, 293364, 0.08029197], [293364, 293501, 0.08029197], [293501, 294167, 0.07807808], [294167, 294264, 0.04123711], [294264, 294702, 0.03196347], [294702, 294808, 0.01886792], [294808, 295071, 0.03802281], [295071, 295177, 0.00943396], [295177, 295430, 0.06719368], [295430, 295639, 0.02392344], [295639, 295662, 0.17391304], [295662, 295677, 0.2], [295677, 296226, 0.06921676], [296226, 296432, 0.01941748], [296432, 296451, 0.15789474], [296451, 296529, 0.1025641], [296529, 296549, 0.15], [296549, 296565, 0.1875], [296565, 296693, 0.09375], [296693, 296712, 0.15789474], [296712, 296727, 0.2], [296727, 296742, 0.13333333], [296742, 296753, 0.18181818], [296753, 296776, 0.13043478], [296776, 296795, 0.15789474], [296795, 296819, 0.125], [296819, 296839, 0.15], [296839, 296864, 0.12], [296864, 296885, 0.14285714], [296885, 296908, 0.13043478], [296908, 296927, 0.15789474], [296927, 296948, 0.14285714], [296948, 296965, 0.17647059], [296965, 296990, 0.12], [296990, 297011, 0.14285714], [297011, 297025, 0.14285714], [297025, 297034, 0.22222222]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 297034, 0.46036905]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 297034, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 297034, 0.2730338]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 297034, -13280.55808067]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 297034, 4.53633444]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": 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Helbiz Provides Transparency on Filed Proxy Statement By: Helbiz, Inc. via Business Wire Palella: "I have always stated that the reverse split would be our last option of choice.” Helbiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ), a leading global provider of electric shared micro-mobility solutions, announced today that it has filed a proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to hold a special meeting of stockholders to seek approval for a reverse stock split of the Company's Class A common stock. Helbiz is a global leader in micro-mobility services. Launched in 2015 and headquartered in New York City, the company offers a diverse fleet of vehicles including e-scooters, e-bicycles and e-mopeds all on one convenient, user-friendly platform with over 65 licenses in cities around the world. Helbiz utilizes a customized, proprietary fleet management technology, artificial intelligence and environmental mapping to optimize operations and business sustainability. For additional information, please visit www.helbiz.com. The reverse stock split is intended to bring the Company into compliance with the minimum $1 bid price requirement for maintaining its continued listing on Nasdaq. The reverse stock split is being considered by the Company if its stock price does not appreciate beyond $1.00 by the necessary time to do so. However, the Board of Directors reserves the right to delay or abandon the reverse stock split if it determines that it is no longer necessary to regain compliance for Nasdaq’s minimum bid price. Salvatore Palella, CEO of Helbiz, said: "I have always stated that the reverse split would be our last option of choice. We remain confident that we will be able to bring additional value to the Company and fulfill Nasdaq requirements through our strategic growth plan." The Company also signed a new standby equity purchase agreement (SEPA) with Yorkville Advisors Global LP, allowing the Company to raise up to $20 million through sales of shares of common stock. This funding will be used primarily to follow the Company's strategic growth plan, which will generate more revenue and support us in our path to achieving profitability. “The equity facility gives us flexibility and access to capital that will enable us to pursue our strategic growth plan," said Giulio Profumo, Chief Financial Officer of Helbiz. "We are committed to making investments that create long-term value. It also gives us greater financial flexibility to cover our global vehicle capital expenditures, while strengthening our liquidity position and balance sheet. Our focus remains on continuing to prioritize profitability efforts, lowering costs and operating with greater efficiency”. About Helbiz Certain statements made in this press release are “forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “estimate”, “plan”, “outlook”, and “project” and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements reflect the current analysis of existing information and are subject to various risks and uncertainties. As a result, caution must be exercised in relying on forward looking statements. Due to known and unknown risks, actual results may differ materially from the Company’s expectations or projections. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements: (i) the failure to meet projected development and production targets; (ii) changes in applicable laws or regulations;(iii) the affect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Company and its current or intended markets; and (iv) other risks and uncertainties described herein, as well as those risks and uncertainties discussed from time to time in other reports and other public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) by the Company. Additional information concerning these and other factors that may impact the Company’s expectations and projections can be found in its periodic filings with the SEC, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 and its Quarterly Reports for the first three quarters of 2022. The Company’s SEC filings are available publicly on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release is based only on information currently available to Helbiz and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. Helbiz undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law. "I have always stated that the reverse split would be our last option of choice. We remain confident that we will be able to bring additional value to the Company and fulfill Nasdaq requirements through our strategic growth plan." press@helbiz.com
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City district: Balashivka Balashivka Production of bread and bakery products. LLC “Zavod-firma” “Os”” was founded in 1992. The enterprise manufactures more than 100 types of products for woodworkers and more than 20 basic cargo and specialized types of trailers for cars and trucks and special vehicles. techniques The company’s products are delivered to all regions of Ukraine. “Zavod-firma” “Os” LLC is a developer and manufacturer of all products manufactured by the plant. The mission of the enterprise is to meet the needs of consumers and ensure the harmonious development of the plant and Ukraine The company performs works on the laying of communications to ensure high-quality, reliable and efficient work of our customers. We use and implement innovative technologies. We perform punctures under roads (railroads, lakes, rivers, communications, under natural and artificial obstacles, etc.) by the method of horizontal directional drilling (HDB) and horizontal directional pressing. The technology is used for trenchless construction and restoration of underground communications (water pipeline, sewage, gas pipeline, electric cable, communication cables, heat supply, various pipelines and cases), in case of difficulty or impossibility of performing works by traditional methods. It is used in the construction of new underground engineering networks, repair and restoration works of existing pipelines with an increase in their diameter and throughput. Our company offers a comprehensive turnkey approach in the design and construction of new communication facilities (transmitting communication lines and switching equipment, etc.), maintenance of existing communication facilities, commissioning and commissioning of systems transfer, commissioning of built objects and their further maintenance. Many years of experience working with such companies as: PJSC “VF Ukraine”; LLC “Astelit”; PJSC “Kyivstar J.S.Em”; LLC “Intertelecom”; PJSC “Datagroup”; “Evrotranstelecom” LLC; Ministry of Defense of Ukraine JSC “Ukrainian Railways””; JSC “Ukrtelecom”; “Ukravtodor” And other mobile operators and customers. The extensive structure allows the company to provide services throughout Ukraine. The company can create new structural divisions anywhere. Our production allows you to significantly reduce the cost of construction work, due to the use of products of our own manufacture. The company is engaged in the production of separate types of equipment for the horizontal directional drilling method, which is not inferior in speed and efficiency to foreign analogues, while being much cheaper. The company also offers reinforced concrete products of various purposes and designs for the construction of communications. The company has its own electrotechnical laboratory with certified devices and tools, transport, earthmoving and drilling equipment. The electrotechnical laboratory has an accreditation certificate, carries out installation and measurement of all types of fiber-optic and copper communication cables, construction and installation of regeneration points, control and measurement points, as well as input, operational and acceptance control during the construction of linear structures. For the successful and timely construction of communication lines and the laying of engineering communications, the company formed mechanized columns equipped with mechanisms for laying communications using trenchless and traditional (open) methods. The method of horizontal directional drilling is used for the construction of new and restoration of existing pipelines It has been operating since 1991. A wide range of goods with delivery throughout Ukraine, in particular to Kropyvnytskyi and the region. Popular products include: A LARGE SELECTION OF METIZNA GROUP PRODUCTS RESPIRATORY PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION TOOL ELECTRIC TOOL EQUIPMENT FOR THE TOOL PAINTING AND PLASTER TOOLS WOOD-CUTTING TOOL WELDING AND SOLDERING EQUIPMENT, etc. Manufacturer of furniture panels and furniture made of oak, ash and pine. We also offer wooden windows, doors, stairs and much more. From the ladle to the finished product, the “Interresursy” company provides a full production cycle Construction and production company, construction of warehouse and production premises, production of metal structures of any purpose. PE “Maximarin” IT Center takes a leading position in the market of Ukraine in the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at preserving and regulating soil moisture, improving soil quality indicators. The company produces products under the “MaxiMarin” trademark, which allows plants to make the most complete use of natural moisture, reduce watering by more than 50% in terms of frequency and volume, thereby reducing irrigation costs, and improving aeration and drainage in wet soils. The specialists of the “Maximarin” PE NVC IT company offer innovative technologies and many years of experience to solve urgent issues of moisture regulation, implementing a comprehensive approach to the characteristics of soils and the specifics of each culture Production of paints and varnishes A manufacturing enterprise for the production and sale of a wide range of paint and varnish materials for household, industrial and special purposes, as well as the sale of a large assortment of solvents and auto chemistry items of joint own production by the enterprises of the Khimrezerv company. The average number of employees is 162. The annual production volume is more than 3 thousand tons of products.
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Home Posts tagged keynote ABC’s Ann Compton to Keynote Springfield Regional Chamber’s Virtual 2021 Outlook SPRINGFIELD — Longtime ABC News White House correspondent Ann Compton will headline the Springfield Regional Chamber’s virtual Outlook on April 28, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Presented by Baystate Health, Outlook generally brings together more than 500 business leaders to network and hear from expert speakers on local, state, and federal issues. Keynote speaker Compton has 41 years of on-air experience for ABC News. Her tenure spanned seven presidents and 10 presidential campaigns. Assigned to the White House in 1974, she reported for ABC News broadcasts from Washington and around the globe, traveling with presidents, vice presidents, and first ladies. Notably, Compton was the first woman assigned to cover the White House on network television. Compton received special recognition onboard Air Force One during the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the awards bestowed on ABC’s coverage which included an Emmy, a Peabody, and a SilverBaton from the DuPont awards at Columbia University. “This year’s Outlook program will look a little different, but it’s important to note that the content will be just as informative,” said Nancy Creed, president of the Springfield Regional Chamber. “It has been a challenging year for our business community, our region, our Commonwealth and our country, but we do have a path forward and are making strides in our recovery. We’re thrilled to be able to discuss what lies ahead with key leaders who are helping our communities rebuild a sustainable future.” The Outlook event will once again be hosted by Congressman Richard E. Neal, who will provide insights on what is happening on Capitol Hill, the American Rescue Plan stimulus package, and what is on the horizon relative to a major infrastructure spending bill. The event will include remarks from recently elected speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Ronald Mariano, who has represented the third Norfolk District, comprised of Quincy, Weymouth, and Holbrook in the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 1991. Additional speakers will include Michael Knapik, vice president of Government and Community Relations at Baystate Health, who will serve as the event’s emcee; Springfield’s Mayor Domenic Sarno, and representative of the 8th Hampden District and assistant majority leader, Joseph Wagner. This year’s Outlook is supported by platinum sponsors: Comcast, Mercy Medical Center, Health New England, Eversource, and United Personnel along with gold sponsors MGM Springfield and BusinessWest. Print and television media partners include The Republican/MassLive and WWLP-TV 22. Tickets cost $39.95 for Springfield Regional Chamber members and $49.95 for general admission. Enterprise-level tickets (six access passes) for members are available for $179 and enterprise level tickets (six access passes) for general admission are available for $225. Visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com to register. For additional information, visit [email protected]. Women of Impact Speaker Says People Need to Find It in Their Work ‘Passion and Purpose’ Lisa Tanzer says it took her a while to find work she was truly passionate about. But it was well worth the wait and the effort. “It took me a long while to get here, but I learned along the way that I need to be working every day on something I’m excited about and passionate about,” she said. “You need to do what you love every day and find a way to put passion into what you do.” This, in a nutshell, is the message Tanzer, president of Life Is Good — a lifestyle brand that now generates more than $100 million in annual revenue and also operates the Life Is Good Kids Foundation — intends to leave with attendees at BusinessWest’s second annual Women of Impact luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 5 at the Sheraton Springfield. In a phone interview, Tanzer told BusinessWest that Life Is Good provides her passion and purpose not merely because of what it sells or how much it sells, but because of how it spreads the “power of optimism,” as she put it. Elaborating, she said ‘Life Is Good,’ the slogan placed on a T-shirt along with a smiling face by brothers Bert and John Jacobs as a last-ditch effort to stay in business, has received a great reaction from the public. “People from all sorts of demographics started resonating with the brand,” she explained. “In the early days, they started to get letters from people who were wearing ‘Life Is Good’ who were facing terrible adversity — illness or loss of a loved one. “They connected with the positive message of Life Is Good and realized there was more depth to the brand than ‘hey, life is good, enjoy the beach, enjoy the outdoors,’” she went on. “People really needed optimism in their lives and started to understand the power of optimism. So the company became more mission-driven.” Tanzer’s keynote address will be one of many highlights at the second annual Women of Impact Luncheon, which will honor eight women who are making an impact in different ways. They are: • Tricia Canavan, president, United Personnel Services; • Carol Moore Cutting, president, CEO, and general manager, Cutting Edge Broadcasting; • Jean Deliso, principal, Deliso Financial Services; • Ellen Freyman, partner, Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin; • Mary Hurley, Massachusetts Governor’s Councilor; • Lydia Martinez-Alvarez, assistant superintendent, Springfield Public Schools; • Suzanne Parker, executive director, Girls Inc. of the Valley; and • Katherine Putnam, managing director, Golden Seeds. Tanzer, who speaks to a wide variety of audiences on many topics each year, will bring a broad range of corporate experience to the podium at the Women of Impact event. Indeed, she has more than 25 years of consumer brand experience, working for powerhouse brands such as Hasbro, Staples, Gillette, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. • What: The Second Annual Women of Impact Gala • When: Dec. 5, 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. • Where: Sheraton Springfield, One Monarch Place • Keynote Speaker: Lisa Tanzer, president of Life Is Good • Tickets: $65 (tables of 10 available) • For More Information: Visit HERE or call (413) 781-8600, ext. 100. Starting very early in her career, though, she started working with nonprofits, especially one founded by a high-school classmate called Project Joy, which helped homeless children find purpose and connection through play. The talk Tanzer will give at the Women of Impact Luncheon concerns how she determined long ago that she wanted to blend work in the corporate world with “making people happy and providing joy in people’s lives.” And while it was a rather circuitous route and there was a good deal of serendipity along the way, she found all of what she was looking for at Life Is Good. To hear the full story, you’ll need to be at the Sheraton on Dec. 5. And you should be there to salute the eight outstanding honorees who make up the Women of Impact class of 2019. The Women of Impact program is sponsored by Country Bank and TommyCar Auto Group (presenting sponsors), Comcast Business and Granite State Developing (supporting sponsors), New Valley Bank & Trust (speaker sponsor), and WWLP 22 News/CW Springfield (media sponsor). For more information, or to order tickets, call (413) 781-8600, or go HERE.
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Home Posts tagged Richard Johnson By George O'Brien September 15, 2021 Counseling and Testing Prevention and Education Program Director, New North Citizens Council Inc. He Has Made a Career of Being There for People Who Need Help, Direction Richard Johnson has a simple and laudable philosophy when it comes to those seeking help. And it goes a long way to explaining why he’s a Healthcare Hero for 2021 in the always-competitive Community Health category. “When people who are in need find the fortitude to step out of themselves and ask for assistance, there should be somebody to respond,” he told BusinessWest. “That’s because it takes a lot sometimes for many people to ask for help. And so, I like to make sure that, if I’m able, I can be that person to respond.” For more than two decades now, during a lengthy career in public health, most recently as Counseling and Testing Prevention and Education Program director for the New North Citizens Council Inc., Johnson has been able — and ready — to respond and provide that help, in the many forms it can take. His title is a mouthful, and there is a lot that goes into it. Indeed, from his office at the Deborah Hunt Prevention and Education Drop-in Center, Johnson helps those in the Mason Square area of Springfield and beyond cope with issues ranging from HIV and sexually transmitted diseases to opioid and other addictions; from sickle-cell anemia awareness to treatment for mental-health issues. And with the arrival of COVID-19, that list has only grown, with new responsibilities including everything from securing PPE for those in need to educating residents about the importance of vaccination. In short, he and his team have been helping people live with everything else going on in their lives and COVID. “When people who are in need find the fortitude to step out of themselves and ask for assistance, there should be somebody to respond. That’s because it takes a lot sometimes for many people to ask for help. And so, I like to make sure that, if I’m able, I can be that person to respond.” “We wanted to provide an education for these individuals so they could limit or at least mitigate some of their risk factors for contracting COVID and other things,” he explained. “So 2020 became COVID-intense. Our focus changed; our priority was educating people on how communicable this disease was, and saying to them, ‘yes, I understand that you have addiction challenges and housing challenges, but you really need to pay attention to how to prevent contracting COVID, and then we can work on some of the other things.’” A day in the life for Johnson takes him to the drop-in center, but also to the neighborhoods beyond for off-site presentations and testing at various facilities on subjects ranging from substance abuse to prevention of communicable diseases to overdose prevention and Narcan distribution. These sites include the Friends of the Homeless facility, Carlson Detox Center, Opportunity House, Bowen Center, and Valor Recovery Center. Richard Johnson, center, with many of the team members staffing the Deborah Hunt Prevention and Education Drop-in Center in Mason Square. COVID has reduced the numbers of such visits, but the work goes on, he said, adding that it is highly rewarding in many respects, because through it, he is helping not only individuals but neighborhoods and the larger community become more resilient. This has become his life’s work, and his devotion to that work, that mission, has made him a Healthcare Hero for 2021. Source of Strength As he talked with BusinessWest in the tiny lab set up in the drop-in center, near the Rebecca Johnson School, Johnson said the facility lives up to every word over the door. It is, indeed, a drop-in center, where one can find testing, counseling, education, and help with prevention. There is a team of individuals working there, but Johnson is the leader, in every aspect of that word. Meaning, he sets a tone for the work there, one born from experience working with this constituency and trying to meet its many and diverse needs. He first became involved in community health in 2002, when he volunteered for an agency called Northern Educational Services, funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. “There were a number of folks I knew who were impacted by substance use and HIV,” he explained. “So this provided an opportunity for me to be directly involved in trying to navigate them to some sort of care.” After this stint as a volunteer, he joined Northern Educational Services as a relapse counselor, and from there, he went from relapse prevention to HIV case management, starting first as an assistant and then working his way up to senior case manager. Ultimately, he became the director of Counseling and Testing Prevention and Education Services. “Much of my work as a case manager centered on really just helping people to adjust to a new reality with regard to being diagnosed with HIV and confronting some of the stigmas associated with that,” he told BusinessWest. “I helped them understand that there are treatments that were effective, and helping them to communicate with their physican or medical provider as to what their concerns were and how their lives worked in terms of some of the stigmas associated with it and being able to talk to loved ones about their new status. “That was really challenging for some,” he went on. “And so, case management at that time was a very hands-on thing; we made a great difference in the lives of those who were living with HIV, but equally so those who were unaware of how it was transmitted, and what prevention methods could be deployed by them, and that it was OK to have dinner with someone who was living with HIV, as opposed to some of the rumors, stories, or myths that they’d heard.” Elaborating, he said that, for many, substance use and HIV went hand-in-hand, and efforts focused on helping people find recovery through detox and treatment facilities and helping these individuals understand that it was OK to live substance-free and face and confront some of their challenges involved with having a diagnosis that was highly stigmatized. In 2010, he assumed that same title — director of Counseling and Testing Prevention and Education Services — with the New North Citizens Council, and has been continuing that challenging but needed work to counsel those in need and help with the medical and social aspects of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and substance abuse, while connecting people with healthcare providers. “We’ve been very fortunate to have built relationships with medical providers that lend themselves to understanding that when we have an individual, that service, that treatment, needs to be provided, and they’re willing to provide it,” he said, listing Baystate Medical Center, Mercy Medical Center, and the Caring Health Center among the providers he and his team work with. Over the years, Johnson has become involved with a number of community groups, boards, and commissions, including the Mason Square C-3 Initiative, the Massachusetts Integrated Planning Prevention Committee, Baystate Health’s Mason Square Neighborhood Health Center Community Advisory Board, the Baystate Health Community Benefits Advisory Council, and the Springfield Food Policy Committee. As noted earlier, COVID has added new layers to the work and the mission for Johnson and his team. While helping individuals and families cope with what would be considered everyday matters, there is also a once-in-a-century pandemic to contend with. Work to distribute PPE and other needed items, from masks to hand sanitizer, socks to toothpaste, goes on, said Johnson. “We still go about daily and provide PPE to people who are on the margins and often don’t have ready access to such items.” Critical work on vaccination goes on as well, and comes in many forms, from education to dispel myths and misinformation to getting shots in arms. He mentioned a clinic at the drop-in center the day before he talked with BusinessWest, at which nine people received their second shot and two more got their first. “Vaccination has been a challenge because there is a lot of information out there, and not all of it is accurate,” he explained. “There’s a significant amount of resistance based on information that individuals have received, so it’s really about re-educating people and helping them achieve a level of comfort receiving new information. As great and wonderful as the internet and social media are, sometimes it doesn’t provide both sides of a story.” Helping individuals and families achieve a needed level of comfort with many aspects of their lives — from living with HIV to battling substance abuse — has long been the best way to describe Johnson’s work and his commitment to the community. As we noted that at the top, he fully understands just how hard it is to seek help. And that’s why it’s been his mission to be there for those who find the strength and fortitude to take that step. His unwavering commitment to that mission has made him a Healthcare Hero. George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]
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Home » Net Worth » Hollywood » Joaquin Phoenix Net Worth (Forbes 2022) Salary Cars House Joaquin Phoenix Net Worth (Forbes 2022) Salary Cars House Updated on: May 21, 2022 by Federick Brown Name: Joaquin Phoenix Salary: $10 Million Weight: 79kg (174 lbs) Profession: Actor 1. Joaquin Phoenix Net Worth 2. Joaquin Phoenix’s Assets & Investments 3. Joaquin Phoenix Salary per movie 4. Joaquin Phoenix Car Collection 5. Joaquin Phoenix’s Childhood 6. Joaquin Phoenix’s Early Acting Career 7. Joaquin Phoenix’s Success Joaquin Phoenix Net Worth is over $75 Million dollars. Joaquin Phoenix is one of the highest-paid actors in the Hollywood with over $10 million salary income from each movie. Joaquin Phoenix has received various accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Grammy Award, and two Golden Globe Awards. In 2020, The New York Times named him one of the greatest actors of the 21st century. Phoenix is an animal rights activist. He has been vegan since the age of three and regularly supports charitable causes and has produced several documentaries. Joaquin Phoenix Net Worth Salary $10 Million Assets $32 Million Investments $20 Million Loans & Liabilities $7 Million Joaquin Phoenix’s Assets & Investments Joaquin Phoenix owns over 3 real estate properties, 8 Cars, 3 Luxury Yachts. Joaquin Phoenix’s Assets also include Cash reserves of over $15 Million. Joaquin Phoenix also owns an investment portfolio of 12 stocks that are valued at $15 Million. Joaquin Phoenix Salary per movie Movie Name Salary Napoleon $10 Million Joker $8 Million Reservation Road $3 Million Hotel Rwanda $2 Million Gladiator $900,000 Joaquin Phoenix Car Collection Joaquin Phoenix has recently bought a BMW X6 for $74,000 USD. Joaquin Phoenix also owns a Audi Q8 that cost him $155,000 USD. A Few other cars owned by Joaquin Phoenix are listed below. Joaquin Phoenix’s Childhood Joaquin Phoenix was born on October 28, 1974, in the Río Piedras district of San Juan, Puerto Rico to John Lee Bottom, the founder of a landscape gardening company, and Arlyn “Heart” Bottom (née Dunetz), who was an executive secretary at NBC and whose connection to an agent provided her children with acting work. Soon after the second child was born, they joined the religious cult called Children of God and started traveling throughout South America and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean as Christian missionaries, where the next two children were born. In 1979, after Phoenix’s father had to stop working because of an old spinal injury, the whole family moved to Los Angeles where the mother met a high-profile child agent named Iris Burton, who got the children into commercials and bit parts on TV. Joaquin Phoenix’s Early Acting Career Phoenix made his feature film debut in the adventure film SpaceCamp (1986) as a young boy who goes to Kennedy Space Center to learn about the NASA space program and undergoes amateur astronaut training. In 1989, Phoenix co-starred as Garry, the withdrawn teenage nephew of Steve Martin’s character in Ron Howard’s comedy-drama Parenthood. In 1995, Phoenix returned to acting in Gus Van Sant’s black comedy To Die For, based on the novel of the same name by Joyce Maynard, which in turn was inspired by the Pamela Smart murder case. In 1997, Phoenix played a small-town troublemaker in Oliver Stone’s U Turn, and a poor man in love with a rich woman in Inventing the Abbotts. Joaquin Phoenix’s Success In 2000, Phoenix co-starred in three films. In the first of these, he portrayed a fictionalized version of Roman Emperor Commodus in Ridley Scott’s historical epic film Gladiator. The film received positive reviews and grossed $457 million worldwide, making it the second highest-grossing film of 2000. His next film marked his first collaboration with director James Gray in The Yards. The crime film follows the corruption in the rail yards of Queens. Although failing to perform well at the box office. The following year, Phoenix starred in the satirical film Buffalo Soldiers as a U.S. Army soldier. The world premiere was held at the 2001 Toronto International Film Festival in early September. The science fiction thriller Signs (2002) marked Phoenix’s first collaboration with director M. Night Shyamalan. In the film, he played Merrill Hess, a former Minor League baseball player who, along with his older brother Graham (Mel Gibson), discovers that Earth has been invaded by extraterrestrials. In his next film of the year, he starred opposite John Travolta in the drama film Ladder 49 as a Baltimore firefighter. In preparation for the role, Phoenix trained for two months with the Baltimore Fire Department, putting out actual fires. In 2005, Phoenix co-starred alongside Reese Witherspoon in the James Mangold directed film Walk the Line, a Johnny Cash biopic, after Cash himself approved of Phoenix. In 2018, Phoenix portrayed Jesus in the biblical drama Mary Magdalene, written by Helen Edmundson and directed by Garth Davis. The film, and his performance, received mixed reviews. In 2019, Phoenix starred as the DC Comics character Joker in Todd Phillips’s psychological thriller Joker; an alternative origin story for the character. At the beginning of his career, Phoenix was often referred to as “the second most famous Phoenix”, his name associated most closely with the death of his brother River Phoenix. 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cal armistead Being Henry David: Synopsis and Notable Achievements Reviews Are In! Tag Archives: vesica pisces Part 9: My Secret Obsession “So, how many entries there will there be in your blog journey?” my pal Sherry asked last night during a Zoom dinner with the husbands. The only response I could come up with was, “Um, I guess I’ll keep writing about this until I’m done writing about this.” I’m not sure yet what done will feel like. This stuff has been percolating for over four years, with over 2,000 pages of notes and messages and inspirations to draw on. I’ve been waiting (not always patiently) for “the fullness of time” in which it seemed right to share it, which came for me on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 with the siege of the Capitol. Maybe I’ll feel “done” after the inauguration on January 20th? We’ll see…I’m following my gut through this whole adventure, so I’ll just keep doing that. You know, come to think of it, this blog itself is an example of a Venn diagram. Right? There’s me. There’s you. And now, there’s This. It’s the almond-shaped site of connection, the mandorla we create together. The missing ingredient was you, all along. I’m going to keep this Saturday entry short. I’ve been so consumed by writing this past week that I’ve neglected other things. Like doing the laundry and taking down the Christmas tree (although it’s still so pretty with all the lights…hmm, maybe just a few more days…) and preparing meals for the family that are not microwavable leftovers or peanut butter sandwiches or takeout, again. So instead of going into detail now, I will simply share an image to serve as “a scene from the next episode.” Does anyone recognize it? Have you, perhaps, read The Mists of Avalon? Anyway, more to come… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Chalice Well Cover, Glastonbury, Somerset, England) Tagged as Chalice Well Cover, connection, mandorla, obsession, Venn diagram, vesica pisces, vesica piscis January 15, 2021 · 12:24 pm In which I explain: Why do Christians affix fish decals to the backs of their minivans, and why does the Pope wear a vagina hat for special occasions? I want to go back to the symbol that started all of this, the one that haunted my daydreams and night dreams and nudged me and pestered me until I finally dug into research to see what the heck it was trying to tell me. The Venn diagram. It makes sense that this is the image that bombarded my thoughts as I’ve agonized over the state of our country and its heartbreaking divisions. If only a circle representing Republicans could do the Venn thing with a circle representing Democrats, just think of what could be learned in the place where they join—the place called mandorla, meaning “almond” in Italian. Within the mandorla, the two sets can clearly see the ways in which they are inexorably the SAME. This is a good place to interject that another image that keeps nudging me is that of a lens or a filter, something through which information can be brought into pure, lucid focus. If only we had such a lens, we could clearly see through the metaphysical malfeasance stuffed down our throats by unscrupulous people in power. We could see through our own potentially warped views of the world. I’m talking about a lens capable of clarifying Truth. Man, how useful would that be? With these two things demanding a closer look, I began my research. The definition in Wikipedia started with what we already know about Venn diagrams: they reveal similarities between different sets, a concept conceived by English mathematician, logician and philosopher John Venn in 1880. I learned that another term for the almond-shaped place in the middle is vesica pisces, (or piscis) Latin for “bladder of a fish”, reflecting the shape’s resemblance to the conjoined dual air bladders found in most fish. (Aaaand it also looks like a fish…more later on that…) When I looked up vesica pisces, I read these words: “Mathematically, the vesica pisces is a special case of a lens, the shape formed by the intersection of two disks.” Gaaaah, and there it is. I almost fell off my chair. A lens! If we can figure out a way to peer through the lens-place where we connect, we can see things more clearly. Because that’s what lenses do. Holy crap! This felt like a significant revelation, but the Venn diagram was far from done with me. As I’ve mentioned, I discovered that in pre-Christian times, people believed the vesica pisces represented the vagina of Venus. When I first read this, the hair on the back of my neck prickled. I’d been calling my female nighttime visitor Aphrodite, after the Greek goddess of Love. Venus is the Roman counterpart, the same goddess by a different name. It seemed like a sign that I was on the right track. So…let’s talk for a moment about vaginas. I’m a fan. It is literally the passageway to life, its opening designed to accommodate an infant’s skull as it enters the world. No wonder ancient people viewed the vesica pisces as a sacred symbol. It is fecundity, procreation, renewal. It represents the baffling miracle of life itself. The Greeks and Romans were not the first to embrace the vesica pisces as a mystical symbol. Long before John Venn conceived of his diagram in terms of mathematics, the Buddhists took note. The fish shape is a symbolic footprint of Buddha, and Buddha himself is described as a Fisher of Men. The vesica pisces can also be found in the history of Judiasm, Islam, Hinduism, Mitraisim, Zorostrianism, as well as the Celtic, Pagan, and Mayan cultures. And Christians? The Christians went crazy over the vesica pisces. It makes sense. One circle of the Venn is EARTH. The other is HEAVEN. The union of both creates the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Fisher of Men. In fact, early Christians scrawled fish drawings on the outside of houses where fellow believers lived, so they’d know how to find each other and find shelter from persecution. And this, my friend, is also why we see fish decals on the back of minivans on the highway to this very day. The Christian driver may not be aware of its history, but there it is. Why are there so many pointy-arched windows and doors in the Gothic architecture used in cathedrals and churches? The vesica pisces. Why do you so often see an icon of Christ or Mary, angels or saints, depicted inside an almond shape, such as Our Lady of Guadalupe? Now you know. It is a fish, it is a womb, it is the passageway to life, it is Christ, it is sacred. Huh. I wonder if Pope Francis knows that the pointy hat he wears for special occasions is based on a symbol that is also the vagina of Venus? Ha. Frankly, I hope he does. I like to imagine he’s evolved enough to celebrate the symbolism. This is a lot. But it all seems to verify, at least to me, that my obsession means something, and I am set on a journey to understand more fully what that is. One reason I’m so hungry to share this with you, is because I believe that’s what this assignment has been about all along. To share, to generate thought and conversation, to plant seeds of inspiration and to create a Venn place to explore this concept together. But there is still more to tell. To catch up on past entries of this blog journey, click on this link and scroll down. Thank you for joining me! https://calarmistead.com (Christ in Majesty, in a mandorla, surrounded by emblems of the evangelists. From the 13th Century. In the Musee de Cluny, Paris, France.) Tagged as Aphrodite, connection, fish car decal, mandorla, metaphysical malfeasance, pagan preacher's daughter, pope's pointy hat, the unveiling, vagina of Venus, Venn diagram, Venus, vesica pisces, vesica piscis Now where was I? I promised to tell you more about the mysterious female presence. I’ll start with this: Methodist preacher’s daughters are not encouraged to believe in female deities. If anything, they’re strongly discouraged. I mean, it sounds so Pagan-ish, right? Apparently it’s a slippery slope from goddess worship to dancing naked by a bonfire in the moonlight and drinking bull’s blood. Or something. Protestants are not even instructed to pray directly to Mary, mother of Christ. That of course, would be way too (gasp) Catholic. These are the things I was taught, or picked up by osmosis. But years ago during a particularly devout period, I attended a women’s retreat in which a woman I greatly admired whispered in confidence, “I think the Holy Spirit is a woman.” My eyes widened. I think I gasped. Not because it was outlandish and sacrilegious, but because it felt so right. I mean, why couldn’t the Holy Spirit—the “still small voice within”—be female? The triune God is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Why not Father, Son, and Mother? (A meme I saw recently: “I believe in God. I just don’t believe he’s a single parent.”) But why does it feel so deviant to say that out loud? I filed this under “stuff that doesn’t fit traditional doctrine but resonates with me on a visceral, gut-deep level,” and went about my business. That file is now bursting with meaningful info, but much of it I keep secret. There are people who would worry about me for roaming so far outside the box, concluding that my soul is vulnerable and therefore in danger. There are others who would arch a brow and say, “Girl, you’re drinking the woo-woo Kool-aid.” But it’s like this: I feel as though I’m delving into an innate, exciting, organic, inherently good Truth. One that is both ancient and evolving. And some of it might be defined as (yeah, I’m going there) Pagan. Quick fact: True pagans never called themselves pagans. They were country dwellers like my Celtic ancestors, just trying to survive and live off the land. For roughly 30,000 years, the deities humans worshipped were female, because country dwellers thought of the earth as Mother, source of all life. Then—I won’t go into detail because there is plenty written about this elsewhere—but Christianity arrived, demonizing anything that wasn’t Christianity, and patriarchy in general demonized the worship of female deities. (Side note: I’m no theologian, but I don’t think this kind of strong-arming is what Jesus had in mind.) I remember being told that Christians should see themselves as being “in the world, but not of the world.” Meaning that our eyes should always be on heaven. But I am proudly of this world, product of this mother. Made of nature stuff. Paganism seems to express a profound love of the earth, and I am all about this. And so, I admit that in addition to celebrating the usual Christian holidays, I follow the Pagan circle of the year, savoring rituals that welcome spring and the new moon and the harvest and the longest/shortest days. I will admit to lighting candles and burning sage and contemplating colorful stones in cupped hands and looking for signs and feeling blessed once when I snatched a blue jay feather from the sky before it hit the ground. I will admit to imagining my feet sprouting roots that I dig into the ground to root myself in my mother planet, and imagining my arms sprouting branches that I spread toward the stars to access the energy of my father sky. Here is where I invoke my favorite shape, the Venn diagram. Imagine one circle is “earth,” and the other circle “heaven.” Surely the almond-shaped intersection, a.k.a. the mandorla, of the two can be seen as the product of both: A creature cobbled together from the stuff of nature, with a soaring imagination capable of hungering for some kind of mystical God or Goddess or Parent or Creator. The mandorla in this scenario is me. It’s you. And…here is something startling I also discovered when delving deeper into the significance of the Venn diagram: in the ancient, pre-Christian world, the mandorla was seen to represent (I am not making this up) the vagina of Venus. (Now that you see it, you can’t un-see it, can you?) And later in Christianity, the mandorla represented none other than Jesus Christ himself. But now I’m getting ahead of myself… …The journey continues Tagged as Aphrodite, Christian goddess, connection, holy ghost is a woman, holy ghost is female, mandorla, obsession, pagan preacher's daughter, the unveiling, Venn diagram, vesica pisces, vesica piscis January 13, 2021 · 10:52 am Recap: Around the time of the 2016 election, I found myself obsessed and haunted by Venn diagrams. (And I have a lot more to tell you about that.) Heartsick and deeply disturbed by the swelling hostility in our country, I appealed to The Something Greater Than I Can Fathom and got more than I bargained for in return. A female presence visited me one night and offered me an assignment. I was so dazed and stupefied and in love with her that I said yes without even asking for the specifics. I named her Aphrodite because she spoke so eloquently about love. (I also have a lot more to tell you about her.) Then the messages in the night began bombarding me, and in the four years since, I’ve filled 2,083 pages with material that felt—and still feels—vastly meaningful to me. But what to DO with it? The material has hijacked several novels I’ve been trying to write. It is far too huge to contain in essays. (Believe me, I’ve tried.) Talk about frustrating. I feared I was failing The SGTICF, that perhaps some other writer should have been approached, someone who could do a better job. Then January 6, 2021 happened, one week ago today. The swelling hostility in our country erupted violently at the Capitol building in Washington DC with shattered glass and breached barriers and death. Shock, horror, dismay and helplessness brought me here to my website, and I started to write. I blurted out my obsessions. I showed off my secret, hard-to-explain tattoo. Many of you have responded, saying tell me more. And oh, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that. So I have to tell you the rest. I can’t stop now. The loudest message I have received since this whole adventure began was on a morning in January, 2017. This was unusual, because most of them came in the night, just as I was falling asleep. This one jolted me awake. It was two words drifting among my sleep thoughts like your basic flotsam and/or jetsam bobbing in a wave headed for shore: Metaphysical Malfeasance. Confession: I wasn’t 100% sure what they meant, especially not strung together like that, especially not while groggy with sleep. So I shrugged them off and focused on an incoming dream. The words came again, louder. Then louder still. I cracked an eye open. By the time they were shouted in my brain, METAPHYSICAL MALFEASANCE, I was awake, murmuring okay, okay. I wrote them down, misspelling “malfeasance,” scrawling question marks and my in-the-moment reaction: “What does that mean?” When I got up, I looked up both of the words. Metaphysical has to do with metaphysics, “the philosophical study of reality and being.” Some synonyms are: Spiritual, Mystical, Universal, Transcendental, Abstract, Supernatural, Psychic. Huh, I thought. Interesting. And malfeasance? That’s easier to grasp. It’s “wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official.” Alternate terms: Impropriety, Misbehavior, Corruption, Breach of Trust, Immorality, Crime, Injustice, Evil-Doing, Abuse. I don’t know about you, but METAPHYSICAL MALFEASANCE (a.k.a. Universal Breach of Trust, Mystical Misbehavior, Spiritual Abuse; in short, manipulating our understanding of reality and morality) sounded to me like a warning. And it didn’t take a Ph.D in etymology to interpret what it was a warning against. People in positions of power were (are) messing with our understanding of what is real, what is true, what is healthy for us. We don’t know which public officials to believe, if any of them. Even though some give lip service to “unity,” they’re tearing us apart as if “divide and conquer,” is their true rallying cry. This is the exact opposite of another message I keep hearing over and over again in my nighttime dispatches, which is: WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. All of this feels critical to share right now. Our biggest enemy is Metaphysical Malfeasance and those who perpetrate it. I have another message to share, one that I feel is linked to this, and perhaps even the antidote. It is this: The Apocalypse. We may be heading there. It sounds scary, but I have good news. Really good news. The word “apocalypse?” Its meaning in Greek is this: The Unveiling. It may get violent, it may get messy, but I believe the Truth is in the process of being unveiled. (Photo by Cal, 1-27-2017) Tagged as mandorla, metaphysical malfeasance, obsession, the apocalypse, Venn diagram, vesica pisces, vesica piscis, we're all in this together "This compelling, suspenseful debut, a tough-love riff on guilt, forgiveness and redemption, asks hard questions to which there are no easy answers." -Kirkus Starred Review Being Henry David is now available! Find an independent bookstore near you at IndieBound. Buy your copy now at Amazon or Barnes & Noble! BEING HENRY DAVID: The Movie! I Call Them “Calliope Creations” I Do It Because I Can’t Not Do It Why I Can’t Take Down My Christmas Tree BHD Journey Books Are My Life Hey, thanks for stopping by! Have a seat, make yourself comfortable, and I'll send somebody right over to fetch you a refreshing beverage. I hope you enjoy perusing my page, in which I will share a few Deep Thoughts, and a bunch of Not So Deep ones. If you haven't read it yet, I hope you'll pick up a copy of my debut novel, BEING HENRY DAVID (available where all books are sold--support small independent bookstores if you can!). I continue to write every day, working hard to get more books out in the world. Because I want to, because I love it, because it's what I do. (And because I'm hopeless at any job that's even vaguely math-related. That rules out a whole lot of professions when you think about it.) Anyway, like I said, thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave comments here, or contact me at: cal.armistead@yahoo.com I’d love to hear from you! cal armistead ·
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[9452, 9518, 0.0], [9518, 9819, 0.0], [9819, 10143, 0.0], [10143, 10459, 0.0], [10459, 11122, 0.0], [11122, 11563, 0.0], [11563, 11938, 0.0], [11938, 11975, 0.0], [11975, 11998, 0.0], [11998, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12229, 0.0], [12229, 13319, 0.0], [13319, 13370, 0.0], [13370, 13794, 0.0], [13794, 13844, 0.0], [13844, 14062, 0.0], [14062, 14399, 0.0], [14399, 14746, 0.0], [14746, 14935, 0.0], [14935, 14964, 0.0], [14964, 15192, 0.0], [15192, 15498, 0.0], [15498, 15963, 0.0], [15963, 16085, 0.0], [16085, 16317, 0.0], [16317, 16362, 0.0], [16362, 16461, 0.0], [16461, 16487, 0.0], [16487, 16631, 0.0], [16631, 16804, 0.0], [16804, 16840, 0.0], [16840, 16894, 0.0], [16894, 16941, 0.0], [16941, 16971, 0.0], [16971, 17004, 0.0], [17004, 17038, 0.0], [17038, 17078, 0.0], [17078, 17090, 0.0], [17090, 17108, 0.0], [17108, 17969, 0.0], [17969, 17984, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 14, 2.0], [14, 67, 7.0], [67, 83, 3.0], [83, 111, 4.0], [111, 139, 5.0], [139, 397, 48.0], [397, 905, 90.0], [905, 1160, 44.0], [1160, 1548, 65.0], [1548, 1730, 34.0], [1730, 1752, 4.0], [1752, 1805, 0.0], [1805, 1858, 6.0], [1858, 1964, 14.0], [1964, 1992, 6.0], [1992, 2143, 28.0], [2143, 2363, 45.0], [2363, 2381, 3.0], [2381, 2849, 79.0], [2849, 3327, 84.0], [3327, 3395, 12.0], [3395, 3617, 32.0], [3617, 3893, 47.0], [3893, 4061, 30.0], [4061, 4272, 41.0], [4272, 4767, 87.0], [4767, 5098, 55.0], [5098, 5545, 77.0], [5545, 5611, 10.0], [5611, 5929, 57.0], [5929, 6109, 37.0], [6109, 6475, 70.0], [6475, 6712, 45.0], [6712, 7134, 79.0], [7134, 7167, 7.0], [7167, 7304, 23.0], [7304, 7443, 23.0], [7443, 7656, 28.0], [7656, 7739, 15.0], [7739, 8255, 84.0], [8255, 8847, 107.0], [8847, 9452, 105.0], [9452, 9518, 13.0], [9518, 9819, 48.0], [9819, 10143, 49.0], [10143, 10459, 59.0], [10459, 11122, 118.0], [11122, 11563, 76.0], [11563, 11938, 62.0], [11938, 11975, 7.0], [11975, 11998, 3.0], [11998, 12201, 28.0], [12201, 12229, 6.0], [12229, 13319, 197.0], [13319, 13370, 9.0], [13370, 13794, 72.0], [13794, 13844, 12.0], [13844, 14062, 40.0], [14062, 14399, 55.0], [14399, 14746, 58.0], [14746, 14935, 23.0], [14935, 14964, 4.0], [14964, 15192, 28.0], [15192, 15498, 48.0], [15498, 15963, 83.0], [15963, 16085, 20.0], [16085, 16317, 43.0], [16317, 16362, 8.0], [16362, 16461, 20.0], [16461, 16487, 4.0], [16487, 16631, 19.0], [16631, 16804, 25.0], [16804, 16840, 6.0], [16840, 16894, 8.0], [16894, 16941, 9.0], [16941, 16971, 5.0], [16971, 17004, 5.0], [17004, 17038, 9.0], [17038, 17078, 8.0], [17078, 17090, 2.0], [17090, 17108, 4.0], [17108, 17969, 157.0], [17969, 17984, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 14, 0.0], [14, 67, 0.0], [67, 83, 0.0], [83, 111, 0.0], [111, 139, 0.03846154], [139, 397, 0.0], [397, 905, 0.02226721], [905, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1548, 0.0], [1548, 1730, 0.0], [1730, 1752, 0.0], [1752, 1805, 0.0], [1805, 1858, 0.0], [1858, 1964, 0.0], [1964, 1992, 0.4], [1992, 2143, 0.0], [2143, 2363, 0.0], [2363, 2381, 0.0], [2381, 2849, 0.0], [2849, 3327, 0.0], [3327, 3395, 0.0], [3395, 3617, 0.01843318], [3617, 3893, 0.0], [3893, 4061, 0.0], [4061, 4272, 0.0], [4272, 4767, 0.0], [4767, 5098, 0.0], [5098, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5611, 0.0], [5611, 5929, 0.0], [5929, 6109, 0.0], [6109, 6475, 0.0], [6475, 6712, 0.0], [6712, 7134, 0.0], [7134, 7167, 0.0], [7167, 7304, 0.0], [7304, 7443, 0.01550388], [7443, 7656, 0.0], [7656, 7739, 0.0], [7739, 8255, 0.0], [8255, 8847, 0.0], [8847, 9452, 0.0], [9452, 9518, 0.0], [9518, 9819, 0.01718213], [9819, 10143, 0.0], [10143, 10459, 0.0], [10459, 11122, 0.0], [11122, 11563, 0.0], [11563, 11938, 0.0], [11938, 11975, 0.0], [11975, 11998, 0.0], [11998, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12229, 0.4], [12229, 13319, 0.00754717], [13319, 13370, 0.10638298], [13370, 13794, 0.0], [13794, 13844, 0.0], [13844, 14062, 0.01895735], [14062, 14399, 0.00917431], [14399, 14746, 0.0], [14746, 14935, 0.0], [14935, 14964, 0.0], [14964, 15192, 0.0], [15192, 15498, 0.0], [15498, 15963, 0.0], [15963, 16085, 0.0], [16085, 16317, 0.0], [16317, 16362, 0.0], [16362, 16461, 0.0], [16461, 16487, 0.35], [16487, 16631, 0.0], [16631, 16804, 0.0], [16804, 16840, 0.0], [16840, 16894, 0.0], [16894, 16941, 0.0], [16941, 16971, 0.0], [16971, 17004, 0.0], [17004, 17038, 0.0], [17038, 17078, 0.0], [17078, 17090, 0.0], [17090, 17108, 0.0], [17108, 17969, 0.0], [17969, 17984, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 14, 0.0], [14, 67, 0.0], [67, 83, 0.0], [83, 111, 0.0], [111, 139, 0.0], [139, 397, 0.0], [397, 905, 0.0], [905, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1548, 0.0], [1548, 1730, 0.0], [1730, 1752, 0.0], [1752, 1805, 0.0], [1805, 1858, 0.0], [1858, 1964, 0.0], [1964, 1992, 0.0], [1992, 2143, 0.0], [2143, 2363, 0.0], [2363, 2381, 0.0], [2381, 2849, 0.0], [2849, 3327, 0.0], [3327, 3395, 0.0], [3395, 3617, 0.0], [3617, 3893, 0.0], [3893, 4061, 0.0], [4061, 4272, 0.0], [4272, 4767, 0.0], [4767, 5098, 0.0], [5098, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5611, 0.0], [5611, 5929, 0.0], [5929, 6109, 0.0], [6109, 6475, 0.0], [6475, 6712, 0.0], [6712, 7134, 0.0], [7134, 7167, 0.0], [7167, 7304, 0.0], [7304, 7443, 0.0], [7443, 7656, 0.0], [7656, 7739, 0.0], [7739, 8255, 0.0], [8255, 8847, 0.0], [8847, 9452, 0.0], [9452, 9518, 0.0], [9518, 9819, 0.0], [9819, 10143, 0.0], [10143, 10459, 0.0], [10459, 11122, 0.0], [11122, 11563, 0.0], [11563, 11938, 0.0], [11938, 11975, 0.0], [11975, 11998, 0.0], [11998, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12229, 0.0], [12229, 13319, 0.0], [13319, 13370, 0.0], [13370, 13794, 0.0], [13794, 13844, 0.0], [13844, 14062, 0.0], [14062, 14399, 0.0], [14399, 14746, 0.0], [14746, 14935, 0.0], [14935, 14964, 0.0], [14964, 15192, 0.0], [15192, 15498, 0.0], [15498, 15963, 0.0], [15963, 16085, 0.0], [16085, 16317, 0.0], [16317, 16362, 0.0], [16362, 16461, 0.0], [16461, 16487, 0.0], [16487, 16631, 0.0], [16631, 16804, 0.0], [16804, 16840, 0.0], [16840, 16894, 0.0], [16894, 16941, 0.0], [16941, 16971, 0.0], [16971, 17004, 0.0], [17004, 17038, 0.0], [17038, 17078, 0.0], [17078, 17090, 0.0], [17090, 17108, 0.0], [17108, 17969, 0.0], [17969, 17984, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 14, 0.0], [14, 67, 0.11320755], [67, 83, 0.1875], [83, 111, 0.07142857], [111, 139, 0.14285714], [139, 397, 0.03488372], [397, 905, 0.02362205], [905, 1160, 0.03529412], [1160, 1548, 0.01546392], [1548, 1730, 0.03846154], [1730, 1752, 0.04545455], [1752, 1805, 0.0], [1805, 1858, 0.11320755], [1858, 1964, 0.04716981], [1964, 1992, 0.03571429], [1992, 2143, 0.03311258], [2143, 2363, 0.00909091], [2363, 2381, 0.11111111], [2381, 2849, 0.02564103], [2849, 3327, 0.0125523], [3327, 3395, 0.02941176], [3395, 3617, 0.02702703], [3617, 3893, 0.01086957], [3893, 4061, 0.02380952], [4061, 4272, 0.02843602], [4272, 4767, 0.03434343], [4767, 5098, 0.01812689], [5098, 5545, 0.04697987], [5545, 5611, 0.06060606], [5611, 5929, 0.0754717], [5929, 6109, 0.01666667], [6109, 6475, 0.03278689], [6475, 6712, 0.03797468], [6712, 7134, 0.01895735], [7134, 7167, 0.03030303], [7167, 7304, 0.01459854], [7304, 7443, 0.0647482], [7443, 7656, 0.02347418], [7656, 7739, 0.03614458], [7739, 8255, 0.02713178], [8255, 8847, 0.04898649], [8847, 9452, 0.01983471], [9452, 9518, 0.04545455], [9518, 9819, 0.01993355], [9819, 10143, 0.02469136], [10143, 10459, 0.02531646], [10459, 11122, 0.01508296], [11122, 11563, 0.02721088], [11563, 11938, 0.02933333], [11938, 11975, 0.05405405], [11975, 11998, 0.04347826], [11998, 12201, 0.01970443], [12201, 12229, 0.03571429], [12229, 13319, 0.03853211], [13319, 13370, 0.03921569], [13370, 13794, 0.03066038], [13794, 13844, 0.06], [13844, 14062, 0.02752294], [14062, 14399, 0.02077151], [14399, 14746, 0.09510086], [14746, 14935, 0.04761905], [14935, 14964, 0.10344828], [14964, 15192, 0.06578947], [15192, 15498, 0.11111111], [15498, 15963, 0.05591398], [15963, 16085, 0.03278689], [16085, 16317, 0.04310345], [16317, 16362, 0.08888889], [16362, 16461, 0.03030303], [16461, 16487, 0.07692308], [16487, 16631, 0.01388889], [16631, 16804, 0.02312139], [16804, 16840, 0.08333333], [16840, 16894, 0.05555556], [16894, 16941, 0.08510638], [16941, 16971, 0.56666667], [16971, 17004, 0.15151515], [17004, 17038, 0.26470588], [17038, 17078, 0.2], [17078, 17090, 0.33333333], [17090, 17108, 0.22222222], [17108, 17969, 0.04529617], [17969, 17984, 0.0]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 17984, 0.52547419]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 17984, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 17984, 0.18967551]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 17984, -534.07942006]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 17984, 130.2008168]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 17984, -1736.70632764]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 17984, 221.0]]}
More in News and Events CalArts Hosts &NOW 2015—A Festival of New Writing Literary festival on CalArts campus in Valencia, California celebrates work that explodes the boundaries of visual art, music, filmmaking, and performance: March 25-28, 2015 UPDATE: Panelist Claudia Rankine wins 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award Valencia, CA, February 26— &Now is a biennial literary festival known for bringing new and unique forms of writing to a global audience. It stands as a leading voice for innovative writing—generating an intense and lively space for panels, readings and performances, and uniting writers from different discourses, genres, geographies and traditions. The theme of &NOW 2015 is BLAST RADIUS: Writing and the Other Arts. &Now BLAST RADIUS is hosted by the MFA Creative Writing Program in the School of Critical Studies at California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). The festival takes place from March 25-28 on CalArts campus in Valencia, California. It opens on Wednesday, March 25 with the “Rules of the Cosmos” at 8 pm, an interactive reading organized by the Red Rover series. The reading is preceded by a reception from 6-8 to welcome participants and audience. “Our scheduled panels, events and performances offer up a remarkable insight into the relationship between writing and other art forms, as well as the links between experimental writing and social justice, as exemplified in the work of our keynote speaker M. NourbeSe Philip,” noted Janet Sarbanes, Program Chair of CalArts MFA Creative Writing Program. Philip is well known for her critically acclaimed poem cycle Zong!, which transforms public records to expose and reflect on an18th Century slave ship massacre. In keeping with the spirit and educational mission of CalArts, the festival celebrates writing that explodes the boundaries of visual art, music, filmmaking, and performance to create entirely new artistic forms. The three-and-a-half day festival features over 65 performances, readings, panels and installations. &Now BLAST RADIUS will also host a book fair devoted to innovative publishing, group readings from selected national small presses, and an offering of site-responsive performances throughout the CalArts campus. Blast Radius Featured Events: Thursday morning: “(Re)Figuring Voice: A Talk, a Screening, a Performance and Two Readings.” featuring National Book Award recipient Claudia Rankine, Christina Miletti, Miranda Mellis, Christine Hume and Laura Elrick. “(Re)Figuring Voice” explores various dimensions of “voice” in writing: “disembodied, ventriloquized, multiple, natural, denatured, captive, reproduced, silenced, uncontrollable, queer, nonsynchronous, post-wounded, vulnerable, racialized, post-racialized, exploitative and authoritative.” Thursday evening: “Mongrel Poetiks,” an investigation of hybridity, bodily and poetic, with Laura Glenum, Eunsong Kim, Lucas de Lima, Jennifer Tamayo and Ronaldo Wilson. Friday evening: “Collaboration for the Duration,” a panel and performance exploring the dynamics of collaboration, featuring 3 sets of long-time literary and artistic collaborators: Carla Harryman, Rachel Levitsky, Judd Morrissey, Jon Raskin and Jennifer Scappettone. Saturday evening: keynote address by M. NourbeSe Philip. To see the complete schedule or register for the conference, please visit andnow2015.com. Each &Now festival promises a vital and dynamic re-thinking of writing as it is known and understood today. &Now Festivals have been hosted by a succession of universities including the University of Notre Dame (2004), Lake Forest College (2006), Chapman University (2007), the University at Buffalo (2009), UC San Diego (2011), Université de la Sorbonne, Paris (2012), and most recently, the University of Colorado at Boulder. Full registration for all three-and-a-half days of the conference may be purchased for $100. A day rate of $35 is also available. • News and Events • Press Kit • Press Releases
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Optimizing an unknown function by the method of bounded least squares optimizingunknow00buck.pdf (3.195Mb) Buck, Ralph V. Larson, H.J. The problem of estimating the position of an extreme point of an unknown function of several independent variables is examined for the case where the dependent variable is known to be bounded. The classical method of least sequres is formulated as a quadratic programming problem to be solved numerically on a digital computer, where the coefficients of the fitted equation are determined subject to restrictions on both the independent variables and the dependent variable. Several two dimensional models were examined using synthetic experimental design techniques. The results, though not conclusive, indicate that the method of bounded least squares can be a useful computational tool in some two dimensional problems. It remains to be shown whether the algorithm is useful in problems involving more than two independent variables. Discrete Optimizing Solution Procedures for Linear and Non-Linear Integer Programming Problems  Reiter, Stanley; Rice, Donald B. (1966-07); We present a method for approximating the solution of mixed integer nonconcave programming problems in bounded variables. We present computational results for 39 test problems which suggest that the procedure offers a ... Interaction of a vortex pair with a free surface.  Elnitsky, John II. (1987-09); The trailing vortices generated by the control planes of submarines give rise to surface signatures in the form of scars and striations. Two counter-rotating vortices were generated in a novel experimental system and their ... An investigation of low Marangoni number fluid flow in a cold corner  Huber, Michael R. (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1993-06); A large pool of liquid with a horizontal free surface in bounded on one side by a vertical solid wall. The wall is maintained at a cold temperature to a depth of unity, with a warmer temperature below that point. The fluid ...
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DETERRENCE IN THE ARCTIC: IS NATO A SOLUTION FOR A PEACEFUL ARCTIC? 20Dec_Tomica_Ciprian-Stelian.pdf (1.391Mb) Tomica, Ciprian-Stelian Burks, Robert E. Greenshields, Brian H. Global warming has increased the Arctic's geopolitical significance, especially for Russia, which has taken steps to expand its military and economic influence there. This thesis sought to develop a strategy that the United States and its allies can use to minimize Russian influence in the Arctic. The research considered the Arctic’s economic importance to Russia, security matters associated with the region, and Russia's national pride regarding the Arctic. It also looked at the implications of bringing the Arctic to NATO’s attention and analyzed the capabilities of the United States and its allies to deter Russia and maintain the status quo in the region. This study determined that Russia is using the Arctic to pursue an economic resurrection and is maintaining an ambiguous political environment in which it might use the threat of military incursion to accomplish its foreign policy objectives. Moreover, there is little each Arctic country can do to predict or to deter Russia’s actions in the region. The Western states need to align in a collective response to prevent Russia from taking a leading role in the Arctic. Pulling the Arctic into NATO’s orbit might be a solution, but the implications and risks of doing this need to be considered carefully. Copyright is reserved by the copyright owner. An evaluation of the Arctic--will it become an area of cooperation or conflict?  Trent, Packard C. (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2011-03); Climate change and the vast amount of natural resources in the Arctic region have prompted awareness of the need for new policies among Arctic states, including the U.S., and stimulated throughout the entire international ... The circulation and fluxes from the Arctic into the North Atlantic Ocean 1979-2002 model results  Williams, Catherine E. (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2004-09); The recent decreasing trend of sea ice cover in the Arctic region and its projected future reduction has direct implications for the global thermohaline circulation and the U.S. Navy. This thesis provides a qualitative and ...
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Worship Service 11 am Sunday, Mar 26, 11:00 - 12:30pm Main Campus - 8241 31 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2C 1H9 Join us as we come together in Worship and study the infallible Word of God.
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Towering Musical Theater Master Stephen Sondheim Dies At 91 Rakell, Stolarz Help Ducks End Skid In 4 Published on 03 December 2021, 14:49 -06:00 Stephen Sondheim, the Pulitzer Prize-winning American lyricist and Broadway icon behind iconic musicals like “West Side Story” and “A Little Night Music,” has died at 91. Stephen Sondheim, a towering musical theater master and Oscar-winning composer for “West Side Story,” died at the age of 91. (AP) — NEW YORK (AP) — Stephen Sondheim, the lyricist whose brilliant, elaborately rhymed lyrics, use of evocative melodies, and willingness to tackle odd themes transformed American musical theater in the second part of the twentieth century, has died. He was 91 years old when he died. NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 19: Stephen Sondheim visits the Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts’ 2019 American Songbook Gala on June 19, 2019 in New York City. (Photo courtesy of Getty Images/Roy Rochlin) READ MORE: Black Friday Security: More ‘Smash-And-Grab’ Robberies Prompt Mall Security Increase, Pleas To Be Aware While Shopping Rick Miramontez, president of DKC/O&M, reported Sondheim’s death, and Sondheim’s Texas-based attorney, Rick Pappas, informed The New York Times that the composer died Friday at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut. With such classic musicals as “Company,” “Follies,” and “Sweeney Todd,” which are regarded among his greatest work, Sondheim impacted numerous generations of theater composers. “Send in the Clowns,” his most renowned song, has been recorded hundreds of times, notably by Frank Sinatra and Judy Collins. The artist refused to repeat himself, drawing inspiration for his shows from a film by Ingmar Bergman (“A Little Night Music”), the opening of Japan to the West (“Pacific Overtures”), French painter Georges Seurat (“Sunday in the Park With George”), Grimm’s fairy tales (“Into the Woods”), and even assassins of American presidents (“Assassins”). As actors and writers alike paid tribute to a theatrical icon, tributes filled social media. “We will sing your songs forever,” Lea Salonga wrote. “We are very blessed to have what you’ve given the world,” Aaron Tveit wrote. “The world has lost one of its finest and most creative authors, and the theater has lost one of its greatest geniuses.” In commemoration, producer Cameron Mackintosh stated, “Unfortunately, there is now a behemoth in the sky.” Sondheim got a Pulitzer Prize (“Sunday in the Park”), an Academy Award (for the song “Sooner or Later” from the film “Dick Tracy”), five Olivier Awards, and the Presidential Medal of Honor in addition to six Tony Awards for outstanding score. He was honored with a Tony Award for lifetime achievement in 2008. Sondheim’s music and lyrics give his shows a dark, tragic edge, while musicals had a bubbly, comedic tone before him. Sondheim was sometimes chastised for writing unhummable tunes, but he didn’t mind. “He might make me a lot happy if he’d compose more songs for saloon singers like me,” said Frank Sinatra, who scored a success with Sondheim’s “Send in the Clowns.” Sondheim’s subtlety and creativity made him a legend among theatergoers. His name was given to a Broadway theater. “Is Sondheim God?” a New York magazine cover wondered. “Is Stephen Sondheim the Shakespeare of musical theater?” wondered the Guardian at one point. Sondheim’s love of language shined through as a master wordsmith and enthusiastic word game player. In “Everyone Can Whistle,” he wrote, “The opposite of left is right/The opposite of right is wrong/So anyone who is left is wrong, right?” “Good things become better/Bad things grow worse/Wait — I guess I meant it in reverse,” he wrote in “Company.” NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 15: Stephen Colbert hosts The Late Show with Stephen Sondheim on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. (Photo courtesy of CBS/Scott Kowalchyk via Getty Images) ) In his first collection of collected lyrics, he outlined the three guiding principles for songwriters: Content Dictates Form, Less Is More, and God Is in the Details. “All of these truisms are in service of Clarity, without which nothing else matters,” he wrote. “It’s a pretty short route from the pinch and the punch to the paunch, the pouch, and the pension,” they wrote together. Sondheim, who was taught by none other than Oscar Hammerstein II, took the musical into a darker, deeper, and more cerebral territory. “If you conceive of a theater lyric as a short tale, as I do, then every line has the weight of a paragraph,” he said in the first volume of his collection of songs and remarks, “Finishing the Hat,” published in 2010. Sondheim composed the lyrics for two works that are regarded American theatrical classics: “West Side Story” (1957) and “Gypsy” (1958). (1959). Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” was transferred to the streets and gangs of modern-day New York in “West Side Story,” with music by Leonard Bernstein. With Jule Styne’s music, “Gypsy” recounted the backstage tale of the ultimate stage mother and her daughter, Gypsy Rose Lee. Sondheim didn’t write both music and lyrics for a Broadway production until 1962, and it was a hit – the raunchy “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,” starring Zero Mostel as a cunning slave in ancient Rome pining for freedom. However, his following production, “Anyone Can Whistle” (1964), was a disappointment, running just nine times but attaining cult status once the cast album was published. “Do I Hear a Waltz?” a 1965 lyric collaboration between Sondheim and composer Richard Rodgers proved to be difficult as well. The musical, which was based on the play “The Time of the Cuckoo,” played for six months but was a tumultuous experience for both men. Sondheim’s fame was confirmed with the Broadway premiere of “Company” in April 1970. The serial exploits of a bachelor (played by Dean Jones) who can’t commit to a relationship were praised for perfectly expressing the compulsive attitude of ambitious, self-centered New Yorkers. Hal Prince produced and directed the musical, which earned Sondheim his first Tony Award for outstanding score. Elaine Stritch’s song “The Ladies Who Lunch” became a classic. The next year, Sondheim composed the music for “Follies,” a musical about the broken aspirations and shattered ambitions of ladies who had participated in opulent Ziegfeld revues. The music and lyrics pay tribute to former great composers like Jerome Kern, Cole Porter, and the Gershwins. “A Little Night Music,” starring Glynis Johns and Len Cariou, was released in 1973. This wistful romance of middle-aged lovers, based on Bergman’s “Smiles of a Summer Night,” includes the song “Send in the Clowns,” which went on to become a hit outside of the play. In 2009, a revival starring Angela Lansbury and Catherine Zeta-Jones was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Revival. READ MORE: ‘No Employees Showing Up Today’ At Rancho Cucamonga Boston Market, Customers Who Prepaid For Thanksgiving Meals Find The Store Closed In 1976, “Pacific Overtures” was released, with a book by John Weidman. The musical, which was also produced and directed by Prince, was a commercial failure, but it displayed Sondheim’s devotion to unconventional material by telling the story of Japan’s westernization via a hybrid American-Kabuki style. Sondheim and Prince worked on “Sweeney Todd,” a gory yet sometimes darkly hilarious musical that many consider to be Sondheim’s greatest, in 1979. Cariou appeared as a killer barber whose clients end up in meat pies prepared by Todd’s eager collaborator, Angela Lansbury, in this elaborate film. After “Merrily We Roll Along,” a musical that tracked a relationship backward from its protagonists’ compromised middle age to their idealistic youth, the Sondheim-Prince collaboration fell up two years later. The Broadway production, which was based on a play by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, barely lasted two weeks. Like “Anyone Can Whistle,” the original cast recording helped “Merrily We Roll Along” become a classic among musical theater fans. Sondheim’s most personal play is “Sunday in the Park,” which he co-wrote with James Lapine. It portrayed the life of artist Georges Seurat, played by Mandy Patinkin, and his rigorous aesthetic production. For his painting, the painter submerges his whole life, including his connection with his model (Bernadette Peters.) In 2017, Jake Gyllenhaal starred in a Broadway revival of the play.) Sondheim and Lapine teamed again three years after the premiere of “Sunday,” this time on the fairy-tale musical “Into the Woods.” The play featured Peters as a gorgeous witch and focused on the tumultuous relationships between parents and children, incorporating figures from popular fairy tales such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel. It was most recently staged in Central Park by The Public Theater in the summer of 2012. From John Wilkes Booth to John Hinckley, “Assassins” began off-Broadway in 1991 and focused on the men and women who intended to assassinate presidents. The production garnered generally unfavorable reviews in its first run, but when it was revived on Broadway 13 years later and won a Tony Award for best musical revival, many of those reviewers changed their minds. “Passion” was another dark look at infatuation, this time starring Donna Murphy as a desperate lady in love with a gorgeous soldier. Despite winning the Tony Award for Best Musical in 1994, the production only lasted six months. During the summer of 2004, a new version of “The Frogs” was performed at Lincoln Center, featuring additional songs by Sondheim and a reworked script by Nathan Lane (who also appeared in the performance). The production, which is based on Aristophanes’ comedy, was first performed at the Yale University swimming pool 20 years ago. “Road Show,” which reunited Sondheim and Weidman and took years to develop, was one of his most difficult productions. After passing through numerous different titles, directors, and casts, this story of the Mizner brothers’ get-rich schemes in the early twentieth century eventually got way to the Public Theater in 2008. He’d been working on a new musical with David Ives, the author of “Venus in Fur,” who praised him as a genius. In 2013, Ives stated, “Not only are his musicals amazing, but I can’t think of any theater practitioner who has so eloquently captured an entire era.” “In some ways, he is the spirit of the times.” Sondheim was born into a rich family on March 22, 1930, as the only son of dressmaker Herbert Sondheim and Helen Fox Sondheim. Sondheim’s parents split when he was 10, and his mother acquired a home in Doylestown, Pa., where they lived next door to writer Oscar Hammerstein II, whose son, James, was Sondheim’s boarding school roommate. Oscar Hammerstein became a professional mentor and a dear friend to the young guy. He had an isolated upbringing, which included verbal abuse from his cold mother at one point. In his forties, he got a letter from her in which she expressed remorse for having given birth to him. He continued to financially support her and visit her on occasion, but he did not attend her burial. Sondheim received his bachelor’s degree in music from Williams College in Massachusetts. He was awarded a two-year scholarship to study with avant-garde composer Milton Babbitt after graduation. One of Sondheim’s earliest gigs was writing scripts for the two-year-running television program “Topper” (1953-1955). Simultaneously, Sondheim was working on his first musical, “Saturday Night,” about a group of young people in Brooklyn in the 1920s. It was supposed to launch on Broadway in 1955, but the musical’s producer died just as it was ready to go into production, and the play was canceled. In 1997, a modest off-Broadway production of “Saturday Night” opened in New York. Sondheim seldom wrote for the cinema. He co-wrote the narrative for the 1973 murder mystery “The Last of Sheila” with actor Anthony Perkins, and in addition to his work on “Dick Tracy” (1990), he composed music for films including Alain Resnais’ “Stavisky” (1974) and Warren Beatty’s “Reds” (1981). Many Broadway revivals of Sondheim plays have taken place throughout the years, including “Gypsy,” which has starred Angela Lansbury (1974), Tyne Daly (1989), and Peters (2003). But there were also productions of “A Funny Thing,” one with Phil Silvers in 1972 and another with Nathan Lane in 1996; “Into the Woods,” with Vanessa Williams in 2002; and even “Assassins” and “Pacific Overtures,” both in 2004. The opera “Sweeney Todd” has been performed in theaters all around the globe. In 2020, a reinvented “West Side Story” debuted on Broadway, while in 2021, a scrambled “Company” debuted on Broadway with the performers’ genders reversed. “Side by Side by Sondheim” (1976) on Broadway and “Putting It Together,” off-Broadway with Julie Andrews in 1992 and on Broadway with Carol Burnett in 1999, are two of the most well-known revues including Sondheim’s songs. In 2011, the New York Philharmonic staged a star-studded production of “Company,” with Neil Patrick Harris and Stephen Colbert. Songs from his musicals have recently been heard on shows like “Marriage Story” and “The Morning Show.” “Six by Sondheim,” an HBO documentary produced by Lapine, broadcast in 2013 and showed that he preferred to create while laying down and sometimes drank a drink to relax when writing. He also said that he didn’t fall in love until he was 60, first with playwright Peter Jones and then with Jeff Romley in his latter years. The Henry Miller Theatre was renamed the Stephen Sondheim Theatre in September 2010. “I’m humiliated to say the least. As the sun set over scores of cheering fans in Times Square, he added, “I’m happy, but horribly humiliated.” “I’ve always despised my last name,” he said, revealing his perfectionist nature. It just does not sing.” Jackson scores 21 points as the Clippers defeat the Pistons 107-96. (The Associated Press owns the copyright to this image.) All Rights Reserved by the Author. It is forbidden to print, broadcast, rewrite, or disseminate this content. Stephen Sondheim, a towering musical theater master who wrote such classics as “West Side Story,” “Gypsy” and “Company,” died on Sunday at the age of 91. Reference: follies musical. company musical John Porter, San Luis Obispo • SAN LUIS OBISPO – This story is part of a series of… The Hundred: Oval Invincibles, Southern Brave & Birmingham Phoenix set for Lord’s final The final of the inaugural edition of The Hundred, a 100-ball contest… Green Bay Packers defensive coordinator Mike Pettine will not return in 2021 GREEN BAY, Wis. — Defensive coordinator Mike Pettine, one of the few… Griezmann Has Message For Riqui Puig After Barcelona Win Getty Barcelona celebrate their victory over Real Sociedad. Antoine Griezmann sent a…
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Yang Ming the latest carrier to see its bottom line sink into the depths by Canadian Sailings | Sep 13, 2018 | Ocean Carriers, Other By Mike Wackett Taiwanese ocean carrier Yang Ming has become the latest container line to report a heavy loss in the second quarter of the year, posting a net deficit of $129 million, which means that all three members of THE Alliance vessel-sharing agreement have now posted negative results for the period. Yang Ming attributed its loss in Q2 to “unexpected higher fuel prices” and an “oversupply of tonnage”. It said its average fuel price had jumped by 25 per cent, compared with the same quarter the year before, and that the container shipping industry faced “arduous and continued challenges this year”. The carrier boosted its liftings in the quarter by 11.8 per cent year on year, to 1.29 million TEUs, but this was achieved at the expense of rate levels, as its revenue improved by only 1.1 to $1.14 billion. Yang Ming’s accumulated loss for the half year reached $195 million from 2.52 million TEUs carried and a total revenue of $2.2 billion. In May it dismissed a Q1 $66 million loss as a “typical first-quarter slack season”, after having scraped an $11 million profit for Q1 17, but this deteriorating result will worry shippers who have long been concerned about the carrier’s future. The Loadstar is aware of a number of shippers that have decided not to ship with Yang Ming while its losses continue. Moreover, the carrier has been forced to issue several reassurances regarding its financial stability, and has had to tap “government-related investors” – who now control 45 per cent of the company – for cash. Yang Ming said its average freight rates in the first six months “were about 10% lower”, which, combined with the hike in bunker costs, assured the carrier of a ‘red ink’ result. The carrier did not publish its average rate per TEU, but its comment suggests that it was below those of its peers. On the outlook it warned: “Circumstances surrounding the global trade economy also present challenges and difficulties for the shipping industry.” It said it expected its second-half results to improve, based on a strong peak season and less new tonnage being delivered, but it is difficult to see how Yang Ming can avoid suffering a significant end-of-year loss. Yang Ming said it was optimistic for 2019, given the predicted growth demand of 4.2 per cent, compared with supply, which is expected to increase by 3.7 per cent. It is also taking steps to reduce its costs by redelivering seven “high-cost chartered vessels” in the fourth quarter, and recently announced that it entered into charter party agreements to lease five 11,000 TEU and five 12,000 TEU fuel-efficient newbuilds for delivery in 2020-21. Members of THE Alliance racked up a cumulative $329 million in losses in the second quarter. Lead line Hapag-Lloyd announced an $80 million trading deficit, while the newly-merged Japanese carrier Ocean Network Express (ONE) reported a loss of $120 million in its first quarter of trading.
{"url": "https://canadiansailings.ca/yang-ming-the-latest-carrier-to-see-its-bottom-line-sink-into-the-depths/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "canadiansailings.ca", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:20:19Z", "digest": "sha1:IIY7FPRNA5EMNDB65LDCGMUJSTUK7D5P"}
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This post features the buckhorn cholla but it was an interesting struggle to sort out the differences between a buckhorn and a staghorn cholla and then determine whether what I had been seeing were buckhorn or staghorn or both. I ultimately determined that what I had been seeing were buckhorn cholla. Buckhorn and staghorn cholla are similar to silver cholla, but the stem segments are longer (six inches or more, verses silver cholla where the segments are four inches or less). The stem tubercles are also a little longer: three times longer than they are wide for buckhorn and staghorn, while the silver cholla tubercles are about twice as long as wide. The flower colors vary from red, yellow, orange, pink, purple and greenish or brownish, often all in the same local population. The anther-bearing filaments of buckhorn are dark red and the staghorn filaments are yellowish green. The buckhorn flowers tend to be larger than the staghorn flowers. Staghorn cholla is very similar to buckhorn cholla and it can be very difficult to differentiate between them. The easiest way to differentiate them is by their fruit. The staghorn fruit is fleshy, spineless or weakly spined, and persistent for more than a year (one source said it was pale yellow). Therefore, the staghorn cholla is always in fruit when mature. The buckhorn fruit is covered with numerous long spines, is dry, and falls withn a few months of maturity. One source said that staghorn spines are up to 5/8ths of an inch long, number about 7 to 10 per areole and tend to be reddish and spread out in all directions. Buckhorn spines are up to 1 1/2 inches long, number up to 25 spines per aeole and are tan to straw colored. Both buckhorn and staghorn may be tinged with red or purple, but it happens more often to the staghorn. The buckhorn is widespread in the northern Sonoran and Mojave Deserts. Staghorn is restricted to Pinal, Santa Cruz and eastern Pima counties in Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico. Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is in western Pima County and so it is more likely that the staghorn cholla is not there, or if there, is more limited. Buckhorn cholla is extremely variable in vegetative characteristics, such as plant height, branching angle, color, number and size of spines and size and shape of tubercles. There are four varieties and almost every mountain range and valley has a different-looking population. In looking at various websites I found lots of differing and conflicting information about buckhorn and staghorn cholla. Ultimately, I used information on the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum website as the arbiter where information was inconsistent. But even then, that website did not go into the detail of some other website. With a little more knowledge of cactus on my last trip to Organ Pipe, I noticed buckhorn cholla seemingly everywhere. It tends to be less pretty and interesting than other types of cactus. Based on location in Organ Pipe (western Pima County) and the lack of fruit, I determined that all of the above were buckhorn cholla. Below are several pictures of buckhorn cholla growing deciduous leaves. The leaves give them a very strange appearance.
{"url": "https://cannundrum.blogspot.com/2010/04/buckhorn-cholla.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cannundrum.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:04:09Z", "digest": "sha1:2LEM6GNNA3WPU7FZRR6AROGEILT7LAYV"}
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Home What’s on News Men and eating disorders research Men and eating disorders research By Catherine Street 15 December 2022 06 March 2023 Could you help improve services for men with eating disorders? The Seen But Not Heard Collective Advocacy Project are conducting interviews as part of a research project about men and eating disorders. If you live in the UK and identify or align with the experience of being a man with an eating disorder, we would like to invite you to take part in an interview. Participants will get a £15 voucher. Seen But Not Heard is carrying out the research. We are a collective advocacy group for people with personal experience of eating disorders. We work to promote the voice of people with lived experience of eating disorders, to raise awareness and campaign for change. We come together to share our stories to create awareness, to help educate others and to reduce stigma. Members of the group choose what they want to work on. We decide what is important. We draw on our experiences to raise awareness with the view to improving knowledge about eating disorders and eating disorder services. We have decided to carry out this research into men with eating disorders. To take part, or for any questions, please contact: research@capsadvocacy.org Related categories:NewsRelated topics:Collective Advocacy
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Find and Research a Healthcare Provider Find a Geriatric Medicine Doctor Near Morristown, TN Dr. Ketan Kakalbhai Patel, MD Geriatric Medicine Doctor Dr. Ketan Patel, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Milford, OH with 1 additional practice location. He has been practicing for over 27 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 5714 Signal Hill Ct Milford, OH 45150 Dr. Syed A Moqeeth, MD Dr. Syed Moqeeth, MD is an Internist, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 619 Oak St Cincinnati, OH 45206 Robert Scott Keyes, MDPHD Dr. Robert Keyes, MDPHD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH with 1 additional practice location. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 4900 Babson Pl Cincinnati, OH 45227 Jason P. Graff, MD Dr. Jason Graff, MD is an Internist, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH with 2 additional practice locations. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Internal Medicine. Milla Karev, MD Dr. Milla Karev, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH with 2 additional practice locations. She is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 237 William Howard Taft Rd Rm 3-064 Cincinnati, OH 45219 Laura M Trice, MD Dr. Laura Trice, MD is a Family Doctor, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH with 1 additional practice location. She has been practicing for over 21 years and is board certified. 4750 Wesley Ave Cincinnati, OH 45212 Nenuka Dargani Reddy, MD Dr. Nenuka Reddy, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH with 1 additional practice location. She is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 151 W Galbraith Rd Cincinnati, OH 45216 Dr. James I Fidelholtz, MD Dr. James Fidelholtz, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH. He has been practicing for over 44 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 6103 Hamilton Ave Cincinnati, OH 45224 Dr. Jeffrey L Schneider, MD Dr. Jeffrey Schneider, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH. He has been practicing for over 32 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 9403 Kenwood Rd Cincinnati, OH 45242 Dr. Andrew D Grubbs, MD Dr. Andrew Grubbs, MD is an Internist, who primarily practices in Cincinnati, OH. He has been practicing for over 33 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 4015 Executive Park Dr Cincinnati, OH 45241 Saba Azher Ansari, MD Dr. Saba Ansari, MD is a Hospitalist, who primarily practices in Lebanon, OH with 1 additional practice location. She has been practicing for over 17 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 100 Arrow Springs Blvd Ste 2700 Lebanon, OH 45036 Christine Elizabeth Kistler, MD, MASc Dr. Christine Kistler, MD, MASc is a Family Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC with 2 additional practice locations. She is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. 101 Manning Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27514 See contact information Gregg Warshaw, MD When I was in college, I was seeking a career that would allow me to use my aptitude for science and my interest in social action. 100 Eastowne Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Lindsay A. Wilson, MD, MPH Dr. Lindsay Wilson, MD, MPH is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. She is board certified. Jena Ivey Burkhart, Pharm D Dr. Jena Ivey Burkhart, Pharm D is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. She is board certified. Trevor A. Jolly, MBBS Dr. Trevor Jolly, MBBS is a Hematology / Oncology Specialist, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine, and American Board of Internal Medicine. Serana Markham, MSN, ANP-BC, RN, BSN Dr. Serana Markham, MSN, ANP-BC, RN, BSN is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. She is board certified. Marvin McBride, MD, MBA Dr. Marvin McBride, MD, MBA is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. He has been practicing for over 34 years and is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. Elizabeth Prata, FNP, BC Dr. Elizabeth Prata, FNP, BC is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. She is board certified. Dr. Terrence Holt, MD Preventive Medicine Specialist Dr. Terrence Holt, MD is a Preventive Medicine Specialist, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. He has been practicing for over 16 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. M. Andrew Greganti, MD Dr. M. Greganti, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. He has been practicing for over 44 years and is board certified. Debra Lynn Bynum, MD Dr. Debra Bynum, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. She has been practicing for over 22 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. John Stephen Kizer, MD Dr. John Kizer, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Laura C. Hanson, MD, MPH Dr. Laura Hanson, MD, MPH is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC with 1 additional practice location. She is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD Dr. Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. She is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Internal Medicine. Gary Winzelberg, MD, MPH Dr. Gary Winzelberg, MD, MPH is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC with 1 additional practice location. He has been practicing for over 20 years and is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Timothy Platts-Mills, MD Emergency Doctor Dr. Timothy Platts-Mills, MD is an Emergency Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC. He is board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and American Board of Emergency Medicine. Margaret Rose Helton, MD I became a provider because I enjoy the blend of science, ethics, humility, compassion and cultural awareness that characterizes the modern practice of medicine. John Alexander Batsis, MB, BCH I have dedicated my professional career to caring for older adults through clinical care, research and education. 6011 Farrington Rd Ste 101 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Margaret A. Drickamer, MD Dr. Margaret Drickamer, MD is a Geriatric Medicine Doctor, who primarily practices in Chapel Hill, NC with 1 additional practice location. She is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. HomeGeriatric Medicine DoctorTNMorristown
{"url": "https://care.everydayhealth.com/specialists/geriatric-medicine-doctor/tn/morristown/?page=3", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "care.everydayhealth.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:49:47Z", "digest": "sha1:GRZWKG7KFQOH4WMWM3PRUCX4WQHHVMOP"}
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Long-Term Grade 4 Substitute Teacher Early Childhood General Studies Teacher Location: Potomac, Maryland McLean School (mcleanschool.org), a K-12 co-educational independent school in Potomac, Maryland. We seek applicants for a Long-Term Grade 4 Substitute Teacher to begin August 2023 thru December 2023. McLean School has for over sixty-five years been helping bright students realize their full potential by providing a comprehensive college preparatory program that emphasizes small classes and differentiated instruction. Through our Abilities Model®, we embrace both traditional learners and ones with mild to moderate learning challenges. We recognize and teach to individual strengths, responding to areas of challenge, but never defining students by them. This position requires a candidate with a college degree and some teaching experience. Additionally, this candidate should be able to teach to a diverse population of students who possess a wide range of learning strengths and challenges. Most importantly, the McLean Long-term Substitute Teacher will subscribe to our Core Values, our Mission, and our Philosophy. McLean School is an equal opportunity employer and considers all qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, disability, genetic status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. If you need a reasonable accommodation due to a disability during the recruitment process, please contact Executive Support Manager, Robin Speller. Interested applicants should fill out an online Application, and upload their Cover Letter and Résumé. About McLean School of Maryland McLean School of Maryland (www.mcleanschool.org) is an independent, co-educational, K-12 day school serving the Washington, DC metropolitan area since 1954. Our mission has always been to serve a broad range of students including those with learning issues. Connections working at McLean School of Maryland https://careercenter.aisgw.org/jobs/18148296/long-term-grade-4-substitute-teacher
{"url": "https://careercenter.independenteducation.org/jobs/18148296/long-term-grade-4-substitute-teacher", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "careercenter.independenteducation.org", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:58:43Z", "digest": "sha1:QK7CW6Y7C4HMIKH3FI6KHBVWWBIFCYQ2"}
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Patient Attendant Safety Aide-Float Pool Sr. Clinical Quality RN - Hybrid Role in Southfield, MI Sr. Clinical Quality Consultant RN, Optum NV Location: Durham, North Carolina Quality/Risk Management Duke University Hospital is consistently rated as one of the best in the United States and is known around the world for its outstanding care and groundbreaking research. Duke University Hospital has 1,048 licensed inpatient beds and offers comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, including a regional emergency/trauma center; a major surgery suite containing 65 operating rooms; an endo-surgery center; a separate hospital outpatient surgical department with nine operating rooms and an extensive diagnostic and interventional radiology area. For 2021-2022, U.S. News and World Report ranked Duke University Hospital nationally in 11 adult specialties: cancer, cardiology & heart surgery, diabetes & endocrinology, ear, nose & throat, gastroenterology & GI surgery, gynecology, neurology & neurosurgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, pulmonology & lung surgery, and urology. Duke University Hospital is also ranked first in North Carolina and first in the Raleigh-Durham area. In addition to its hospitals, Duke Health has an extensive, geographically dispersed network of outpatient facilities that include primary care offices, urgent care centers, multi-specialty clinics and outpatient surgery centers. Schedule: Days/Nights 7a-7p and 7p-7a rotating. Weekends as needed by department, but at least 2 weekends/month. Float to assigned unit and hospital. Dress Code: black polo top with khaki pants Base Pay: $17 per hour/base rate Perform work under the supervision of a registered nurse, the patient attendant safety aide maintains constant direct observation and visualization of identified patient(s). Duties and Responsibilities of this Level Constant and direct observation of the patient. Monitoring changes in the patient's physical, emotional, and mental condition. Communicate the status of the patient, including any changes. Observing and reporting patients' behavioral changes. Document observation in electronic health record. Support staff with ambulation and mobilization of patients. Support staff with personal hygiene: bathing, oral hygiene, nail care, and grooming. Support staff with repositioning, feeding, and toileting. Other duties as assigned: Personal Protective Equipment Observer: Assist with applying and removing of clinical outerwear of health care professionals. Screener: Assist with wellness screening of employees upon arrival to the hospital. Required Qualifications at this Level Work requires completion of a high school diploma or equivalent. Work generally requires six months of experience in the hospital setting. OR AN EQUIVALENT COMBINATION OF RELEVANT EDUCATION AND/OR EXPERIENCE Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Understands basic first aid and CPR, and is capable of administering them if need be. Demonstrates a personal interest in the health and well-being of others. Is willing to place the needs of others first. Has the ability to work without supervision. Is able to maintain patient confidentiality. Possesses good time management skills. Has good physical strength and stamina. Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual's age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas-an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values. Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essentialjob functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department. About Duke University Health System As a world-class academic and health care system, Duke Health strives to transform medicine and health locally and globally through innovative scientific research, rapid translation of breakthrough discoveries, educating future clinical and scientific leaders, advocating and practicing evidence-based medicine to improve community health, and leading efforts to eliminate health inequalities. Connections working at Duke University Health System https://careercenter.nahq.org/jobs/18346210/patient-attendant-safety-aide-float-pool
{"url": "https://careercenter.nahq.org/jobs/18346210/patient-attendant-safety-aide-float-pool", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "careercenter.nahq.org", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:05:57Z", "digest": "sha1:CGDDITAXNIXPBZRF6VYX5HD7GNJLYX75"}
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Posting Title: Consultant on the Institutional Development of Corruption Eradication Commission Supervisory Board Department/Office: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Duty Station: JAKARTA Job Opening Number: 23-United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-204315-Consultant Approved report on UNODC Technical Assistance to the Supervisory Board Home-based with possibility of travel to Indonesia 1 May - 15 June 2023 The new KPK Law No. 9 of 2019 mandates the establishment of a Supervisory board (Dewan Pengawas) of KPK, with the duties as follow: a. supervising the implementation of the duties and authorities of the KPK; b. developing and stipulating the code of ethics of the KPK Commissioners and Employees; c. receiving and processing the report from the public regarding the alleged violation code of conduct by the Commissioners and Employees of the KPK and/or violation of provisions in this Law; d. convening hearings to examine suspected violations of the code of ethics by the KPK Commissioner and Employee; and e. evaluating the performance of the KPK Commissioner and Employee regularly 1 (one) time in 1 (one) year. f. reporting the implementation of their tasks periodically 1 (one) time in 1 (one) year to the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia. The new law changes the structure and institution of KPK. The new law stated that KPK is consist of three organs, the Supervisory Board of KPK, the Commissioners of KPK, and the officers of KPK. The new law also changes the mechanism of internal monitoring and supervision in KPK. Previously, the code of ethics and code of conduct was stipulated by the Commissioners of KPK. The monitoring and supervision of the code of ethics and code of conduct was conducted by the Directorate of Internal Monitoring. In carrying out its duties, the Supervisory Board is assisted by the Secretariat of the Supervisory Board (President Regulation No.91 of 2019). The secretariat is tasked to perform administration and technical support for the Supervisory Board. As a new organ in KPK, the Supervisory Board had limited source and was still exploring how the supervision of KPK should be conducted. The supervisory Board highlighted their needs to learn from other Supervisory Board of Anti-Corruption Agencies and to seek inputs on how to manage the operation of its duties effectively. Currently, a national consultant has been selected and provides technical assistance to the Supervisory Board to identify the strength, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats to develop the management of its operation to deliver its duties effectively and to draw upon further organizational development plan, which may include supervisory systems and human resources development. In addition to the national consultant the UNODC is hiring an international consultant to provide further insights and advice on the development of the Supervisory Board institutional framework. 2. Purpose of the assignment: To conduct a review and provide guidance and recommendation on the finalization of the Report on the Technical Assistance to the Supervisory Board. 3. Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant: Under the supervision of the National Anti-Corruption Officer and of the Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, the consultant will: conduct a series of interviews and review of documents related to the activities of the Supervisory Board and provide guidance and recommendation to the draft report that is prepared by the national consultant., The international consultant will be performed as an advisor and co-worker of the national consultant to finalize the report on the technical assistance provided to the Supervisory Board of KPK. A. Education An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in the fields of law, political sciences, economics is required, or another relevant field, in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience, may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree B. Work Experience A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in research and analysis of anti-corruption or governance issues, including drafting technical and papers is required. Relevant working experience as an advisor on anti-corruption institution development is desirable. English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position, fluency in English, with excellent drafting and communication skills, is required. Knowledge of another United Nations official language is an advantage.
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The Catholic Church & History Pinched from a blog post on the excellent Motes 'n' Beams blog - Belloc on the Church: "The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine - but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight". English-speaking Catholics have been long blessed to benefit from the uncommon common-sense of Hilaire Belloc's books and essays on just about every subject under the sun, but especially regarding the Catholic Church and history. In keeping with that fine tradition of English Catholics fearlessly relating true history as it should be told, Carmel Books is itself blessed to be able to offer newly published works that help give proper formation to new generations of Catholics; books like Hugh Williams' indispensable reference book From Ur to Us and Bella (the new 'Bellac') d'Abrera's riveting trilogy on the Tudors. Those who don't understand the past, as they say, won't understand the present. And those who don't understand the present, can't shape the future. This Sainted Queen Newly published - This Sainted Queen; the final book in a wonderful and much-needed trilogy of historical truth-seeking Bella d’Abrera is a London-based historian with specialist expertise in the history of the Catholic Church, the relationship between Church and State, and religious dissent in society. In 2003 she was awarded a Ph.D. in History from the University of Cambridge. She also has an M.A. in Spanish from the University of St Andrews and a B.A. in History and Spanish from Monash University, Melbourne. She has already written The King with a Pope in his Belly and Papists, Spaniards & Other Strangers .She draws upon impeccable sources to challenge conventional assumptions about this turbulent period in the history of England. She makes the persuasive argument that far from being being a popular uprising, the Reformation was a social and cultural revolution imposed by the State with violent force upon the populace. 1500 years of Catholic culture was uprooted and replaced with a New Order based upon the revolutionary principles which had been introduced by Martin Luther into Germany. These principles were adopted by self-interested princes, deputies, and like-minded autocrats throughout Europe and became the direct cause of religious and social upheaval in those countries where they took hold. Dr d’Abrera manages to bring to life the key events and conflicts of the time by exploring the thoughts and motivations of the protagonists. She exposes the many examples of human fallibilities and contrasts these with acts of unspeakable bravery and heroism. But the terrifying contemporary accounts of hardship and persecution are intermittently alleviated with a dose of dry humour. Her style is akin to journalistic reportage, and her books are both compact and welcomingly accessible to the non-historian. This Sacred Choral Music is Magnificat! Traditional Catholic composer Nicholas Wilton began writing sacred choral music in 1990, having previously composed mainly for the piano. His first introduction to music was the Mozart and Schubert Lieder which his German mother sang to her children. In his twenties he came to admire the sacred music of the sixteenth century Catholic masters. He is delighted that the acclaimed choir Magnificat should be the first to record his music. Sir James Galway wrote of this CD, in review, that: "This is one of my favourite CD's. Masterfully written, beautifully sung. It brings me closer to God. I have given it as a gift to many of my friends." BBC Music Magazine: "Nicholas Wilton's 14 short motets take their harmonic language straight from the 16th century. Expressive suspensions abound... simple but effective music, beautifully sung." St. Serenus the Gardener February 23rd - Serenus was by birth a Grecian. He quitted estate, friends, and country to serve God in celibacy, penance and prayer. With this design he bought a garden in Sirmium in Pannonia, which he cultivated with his own hands, and lived on the fruits and herbs it produced. One day there came thither a woman, with her two daughters. Serenus, seeing them come up, advised them to withdraw, and to conduct themselves in future as decency required in persons of their sex and condition. the woman, stung at our saint's charitable remonstrance retired in confusion, but resolved on revenging the supposed affront. She accordingly wrote to her husband that Serenus had insulted her. He, on receiving her letter, went to the emperor to demand justice, whereupon the emperor gave him a letter to the governor of the province to enable him to obtain satisfaction. The governor ordered Serenus to be immediately brought before him. Serenus, on hearing the charge, answered: "I remember that, some time ago, a lady came into my garden at an unseasonable hour, and I own I took the liberty to tell her it was against decency for one of her sex and quality to be abroad at such an hour". This plea of Serenus having put the officer to the blush for his wife's conduct, he dropped his prosecution. But the governor, suspecting by this answer that Serenus might be a Christian, began to question him, saying, "Who are you, and what is your religion?" Serenus, without hesitating one moment, answered, "I am a Christian. It seemed a while ago as if God rejected me as a stone unfit to enter His building, but He has the goodness to take me now to be placed in it; I am ready to suffer all things for His name, that i may have a part in His kingdom with His saints". The governor, hearing this, burst into rage and said, "Since you sought to elude by flight the emperor's edicts, and have positively refused to sacrifice to the gods, I condemn you for these crimes to lose your head". The sentence was no sooner pronounced than the saint was carried off and beheaded, on the 23rd February, in 307. Reflection - The garden affords a beautiful emblem of a Christian's continual progress in the path of virtue. Plants always mount upwards, and never stop in their growth till they have attained to that maturity which the Author of nature has prescribed. So in a Christian, everything ought to carry him toward that perfection which the sanctity of his state requires; and every desire of his soul, every action of his life should be a step advancing to this in a direct line. Traditional Holy Week Book - Stock Just Arrived Carmel Books is pleased to report that the long-awaited Holy Week: The Complete Offices in Latin and English has just arrived in stock. This liturgical gem was first published in 1926 and was compiled by the Rt. Rev. Abbot Fernand Cabrol, O.S.B., who had been a prior at Solesmes Abbey, and who, in 1896, was appointed the very first prior and then the founding abbot, in 1903, of the new foundation of St. Michael's at Farnborough, Hampshire, a daughter house of Solesmes. St. Severianus In the reign of Marcian and St. Pulcheria, the Council of Chalcedon, which condemned the Eutychian heresy, was received by St. Euthymius and by a great part of the monks of Palestine. But Theodosius, an ignorant Eutychian monk, and a man of a most tyrannical temper, under the protection of the Empress Eudoxia, widow of Theodosius the Younger, who lived at Jerusalem, perverted many amongst the monks themselves, and having obliged Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem, to withdraw, unjustly possessed himself of that important See, and, in a cruel persecution which he raised, filled Jerusalem with blood; then, at the head of a band of soldiers, he carried desolation over the country. Many, however, had the courage to stand their ground. No-one resisted him with greater zeal and resolution than Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis, and his recompense was the crown of martyrdom; for the furious soldiers seized his person, dragged him out of the city, and massacred him, in the latter part of the year 452 or in the beginning of the year 453. Reflection - With what floods of tears can we sufficiently bewail so grievous a misfortune, and implore the Divine Mercy, in behalf of so many souls! How ought we to be alarmed at the consideration of so many dreadful examples of God's inscrutable judgments, and tremble for ourselves! "Let him who stands beware lest he fall". "Hold fast what thou hast," says the oracle of the Holy Ghost to every one of us, "lest another bear away thy crown". St. Simeon "St. Simeon was the son of Cleophas, otherwise called Alpheus, brother to St. Joseph, and of Mary, sister to the Blessed Virgin. He was therefore nephew both to St. Joseph and to the Blessed Virgin, and cousin of Our Saviour. We cannot doubt but that he was an early follower of Christ, and that he received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentacost, with the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles. When the Jews massacred St. James the Lesser, his brother Simeon reproached them for their atrocious cruelty. St. James, Bishop of Jerusalem, being put to death in the year 62, twenty-nine years after Our Saviour's Resurrection, the Apostles and disciples met at Jerusalem to appoint him a successor. They unanimously chose St. Simeon, who had probably before assisted his brother in the government of that Church. In the year 66, in which Sts. Peter and Paul suffered martyrdom at Rome, the civil war began in Judea, by the seditions of the Jews against the Romans. The Christians in Jerusalem were warned by God of the impending destruction of that city. They therefore departed out of it the same year - before Vespasian, Nero's general, and afterwards emperor, entered Judea - and retired beyond Jordan to a small city called Pella, having St. Simeon at their head. After the taking and burning of Jerusalem they returned thither again, and settled themselves amidst its ruins, till Adrian afterwards entirely razed it. The Church here flourished, and multitudes of Jews were converted by the great number of prodigies and miracles wrought in it. Vespasian and Domitian had commanded all to be put to death who were of the race of David. St. Simeon had escaped their searches; but, Trajan having given the same order, certain heretics and Jews accused the saint, as being both of the race of David and a Christian, to Atticus, the Roman governor in Palestine. The holy bishop was condemned to be crucified. After having undergone the usual tortures during several days, which, though one hundred and twenty years old, he suffered with so much patience that he drew on him a universal admiration, and that of Atticus in particular, he died in 107. He must have governed the Church of Jerusalem about forty-three years. Reflection - We bear the name of Christians, but are full of the spirit of worldlings, and our actions are infected with the poison of the world. We secretly seek ourselves, even when we flatter ourselves that God is our only aim; and whilst we undertake to convert the world, we suffer it to pervert us. When shall we begin to study to crucify our passions and die to ourselves, that we may lay a solid foundation of true virtue and establish its reign in our hearts"? Pre-Bugnini Breviary In the Pipeline? Priests interested in purchasing copies of the pre-Bugnini Missale Romanum have already started to express their interest to Carmel Books, and a common point was raised with each enquiry. "We need a pre-Bugnini Breviary"! Carmel Books sent this feedback to the USA-based publishers who are engaged in working on producing the 1948-based Altar Missal. This is what we were told: "Our next project is exactly as you mentioned, the pre-1945 four volume Breviarium". We understand that this second project of producing an uncontaminated Breviary depends entirely upon the success of the current project to produce the Altar Missal. The publishers require a certain number of pre-orders before they can go ahead and print, so if you're in Britain, Ireland or elsewhere in Europe please don't delay in contacting Carmel Books so we can pass on your pre-orders. Posted by Carmel Books at 21:17 3 comments: The Catholic Mass: Just Another Fashion for Conciliar Clowns in The Big Tent of a New World Religion The Catholic Mass is just one expression of many 'fashions' and 'experiences' in the Big Tent of the Conciliar Church, as reported on Vatican Radio yesterday: "When we were discussing those who are fond of the ancient liturgy and wish to return to it, it was evident that the Pope speaks with great affection, attention, and sensitivity for all in order not to hurt anyone. However, he made a quite strong statement when he said that he understands when the old generation returns to what it experienced, but that he cannot understand the younger generation wishing to return to it. 'When I search more thoroughly' - the Pope said - 'I find that it is rather a kind of fashion. And if it is a fashion, therefore it is a matter that does not need that much attention' ". Pre-Bugnini Altar Missal before the Year is Up? Carmel Books received the very welcome news today that a project is well-underway to bring back into print an Altar Missal unaffected by the modernising changes brought about by the Commission for Liturgical Reform led by Annibale Bugnini. The Easter Vigil and Holy Week remain intact with all twelve prophecies and the original Good Friday prayers. Small pre-50's hand missals for the laity have been widely available for decades, and for decades have popularly constituted the great bulk of hand missals sold by Carmel Books. The Liber Usualis is also available in its 1953 edition, as is a pre-50's Ordo. Now, at last, it seems that an Altar Missal based on the 1948 Typical Edition will be available by the end of this year. * Genuine Leather Cover * Raised Bands along the Spine * Gold Guilding on Cover and Pages * Quality End Papers * Six Ribbon Markers * Genuine Leather Page Tabs * Smythe Sewn Triple Reinforced * Based on the 1948 Typical Edition * 1224 Pages * 29cms x 22cms x 7cms "This Missale is made with the finest craftsmanship available today. The binding is triple-re-enforced genuine leather with gold end-sheets that lay flat when open. The gold stamping on both the inside and outside covers is truly suitable for an altar. The tabs are made of genuine leather and the raised bands along the spine are made from natural materials. This Missale is made to last. This project has been in the design phase for several years on a very limited budget. The next step is to obtain a certain number of pre-orders to fund the entire printing. It is estimated that before the year is over this number will be achieved. With your help we can bring this much needed edition of the Holy Mass back to the faithful who desire it and supply those priests whose hearts are devoted to the declarations of the Council of Trent with an Altar Missal worthy of their intentions". Priests and faithful who might be interested in purchasing a copy of this Missale Romanum when it becomes available, please contact us in that regard so we can gauge how many copies will be needed in Britain and Ireland. Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. He was apprehended, and sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises to make him renounce his faith ineffectual, commanded him to be beaten with clubs, and afterward to be beheaded, which was executed on 14th February, about the year 270. Pope Julius I is said to have built a church near Ponte Mole to his memory, which for a long time gave name to the gate now called Porta del Popolo, formerly Porta Valentini. The greater part of his relics are now in the Church of St. Praxedes. To abolish the heathen's lewd superstitious custom of boys drawing the names of girls, in honour of their goddess Februata Juno, on the 15th of this month, several zealous pastors substituted the names of saints in billets given on this day. Reflection - In the cause of justice and truth, prudence should not be held in account; otherwise prudence is mere human respect. St. Paul says: "The wisdom of the flesh is death". St. Catherine de Ricci "Alexandrina of Ricci was the daughter of a noble Florentine. At the age of thirteen she entered the Third Order of St. Dominic in the monastery of Prato, taking in religion the name Catherine, after her patron and namesake of Siena. Her special attraction was to the Passion of Christ, in which she was permitted miraculously to participate. In the Lent of 1541, being then twenty-one years of age, she had a vision of the crucifixion so heartrending that she was confined to bed for three weeks, and was only restored, on Holy Saturday, by an apparition of St. Mary Magdalene and Jesus risen. During twelve years she passed every Friday in ecstasy. She received the sacred stigmata, the wound in the left side, and the crown of thorns. All these favours gave her continual and intense suffering, and inspired her with a loving sympathy for the yet more bitter tortures of the Holy Souls. In their behalf she offered all her prayers and penances; and her charity toward them became so famous throughout Tuscany that after every death the friends of the deceased hastened to Catherine to secure he prayers. St. Catherine offered many prayers, fasts and penances for a certain great man, and thus obtained his salvation. It was revealed to her that he was in Purgatory; and such was her love of Jesus crucified that she offered to suffer all the pains about to be inflicted on that soul. Her prayer was granted. The soul entered Heaven and for forty days Catherine suffered indescribable agonies. Her body was covered with blisters, emitting heat so great that her cell seemed on fire. Her flesh appeared as if roasted, and her tongue like red-hot iron. Amid all she was calm and joyful, saying "I long to suffer all imaginable pains, that souls may quickly see and praise their Redeemer". She knew by revelation the arrival of a soul in Purgatory, and the hour of its release. She held intercourse with the saints in glory, and frequently conversed with St. Philip Neri at Rome without ever leaving her convent in Prato. She died, amidst angels' songs, in 1589. Reflection - If we truly love Jesus crucified, we must long, as did St. Catherine, to release the Holy Souls whom He has redeemed but has left to our charity to set free". 11th February is the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to St. Bernadette Soubirous. "Her visions in 1858 of a "Beautiful Lady" would forever change the lives of countless people, and establish Lourdes as the most visited Catholic shrine in the world. Our Lady's timeless message of "penance, conversion, and love" is as much needed now as it was then. Inspired by the many accounts of the famous story, but drawing especially from the wonderful book, St. Bernadette Soubirous by Abbe Francis Trochu and the first-hand account, The Appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Grotto of Lourdes by Jean Baptiste Estrade, this film is perfectly suited for the entire family. Featuring stunning locations, a rich musical score, and a cast of over 160 Catholic children, St. Bernadette of Lourdes is an inspiration for young and old alike". Small Confession Small confession .... that is the confession of small children, has just become the next targetted attack against the Church founded by Christ by the despicable anti-clerical 'presstitutes' of a modern media that is itself soaked in the glorification of sexual perversion and awash with near-pornography. In a ludicrous attempt to blame Pope Saint Pius X for clerical child abuse, a new book written by the greatly-discredited hack John Cornwall claims that by lowering the age of First Communion and First Confession the holy pope opened the doors to paedophilia. Totally ignoring the fact that in the Catholic confessional priest and penitent are physically separated by a wall and grille with separate entrances when 'in the box', the media hacks are actually complaining of the 'come into my room and relax on this comfy sofa' practice of the Conciliar Church and the worldly pre-conciliar Liberals who gave rise to it in the first place. But, of course, the anti-clerical enemies of the Catholic Church insist on calling their monstrous and parasitical creation the 'Catholic' Church. It successfully drives poor souls away from the One Ark of Salvation. Posted by Carmel Books at 19:31 1 comment: Martyrs of Alexandria Tomorrow, 9th February, the liturgical calendar normally celebrates the Feast of St. Apollonia and the martyrs of Alexandria. "At Alexandria, in 249, the mob rose in savage fury against the Christians. Metras, an old man, perished first. His eyes were pierced with reeds, and he was stoned to death. A woman named Quinta was the next victim. She was led to a heathen temple and bidden worship. She replied by cursing the false god again and again, and she too was stoned to death. After this the houses of the Christians were sacked and plundered. They took the spoiling of their goods with all joy. St. Apollonia, an aged virgin, was the most famous amongst the martyrs. her teeth were beaten out, she was led outside the city, a huge fire was kindled, and she was told she must deny Christ, or else be burned alive. She was silent for a while, and then, moved by a special inspiration of the Holy Ghost, she leaped into the fire and died in its flames. The same courage showed itself the next year when Decius became emperor, and the persecution grew until it seemed as if the very elect must fall away. The story of Dioscorus illustrates the courage of the Alexandrian Christians, and the esteem they had for martyrdom. He was a boy of fifteen. To the arguments of the judge he returned wise answers: he was proof against torture. His older companions were executed, but Dioscorus was spared on account of his tender years; yet the Christians could not bear to think that he had been deprived of the martyr's crown, except to receive it afterwards more gloriously. "Dioscorus," writes Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria at this time, "remains with us, reserved for some longer and greater combat". There were indeed many Christians who came, pale and trembling, to offer the heathen sacrifices. But the judges themselves were struck with horror at the multitudes who rushed to martyrdom. Women triumphed over torture, till at last the judges were glad to execute them at once and put an end to the ignominy of their own defeat. Reflection - Many saints, who were not martyrs, have longed to shed their blood for Christ. We, too, may pray for some portion of their spirit; and the least suffering for the Faith, borne with humility and courage, is the proof that Christ has heard our prayer". 30% of Children Know Nothing Of Christ First Friday Reminder The BBC is reporting that 30% of children in our modern wasteland know nothing about Christianity and have hardly even heard of Holy Scripture. "Surveys for the Bible Society found almost three in 10 young people were unaware the story of the birth of Jesus came from the Bible. A similar number of children had never read or heard about tales of the Crucifixion or Adam and Eve. The report was based on a poll of 800 children aged eight to 15 and about 1,100 parents. The study revealed a generation of children with little knowledge of the most important stories forming the basis of Christianity, and parents who often knew little more. Of the children who were questioned, more than a third failed to identify either the Good Samaritan or David and Goliath as Biblical stories. Many of the parents who responded saw the Bible as a source of good values for their children. But almost half did not recognise the story of Noah's Ark as coming from the Bible, and many confused Biblical stories with plotlines from well-known films such as Harry Potter". St. Dorothy "St. Dorothy was a young virgin, celebrated at Caesarea, where she lived, for her angelic virtue. Her parents seem to have been martyred before her in the Diocletian persecution, and when the Governor Sapricius came to Caesarea he called her before him, and sent the child of martyrs to the home where they were waiting for her. She was stretched upon the rack, and offered marriage if she would consent to sacrifice, or death if she refused. But she replied that "Christ was her only Spouse, and death her desire". She was then placed in the charge of two women who had fallen away from the Faith, in the hope that they might pervert her; but the fire of her own heart rekindled the flame in theirs, and led them back to Christ. When she was set once more on the rack, Sapricius himself was amazed at the heavenly look she wore, and asked her the cause of her joy. "Because," she said, "I have brought back two souls to Christ, and because I shall soon be in Heaven rejoicing with the angels". Her joy grew as she was buffeted in the face and her sides burned with plates of red-hot iron. "Blessed be Thou," she cried, when she was sentenced to be beheaded - "blessed be Thou, O Thou lover of souls! Who dost call me to Paradise, and invitest me to to Thy nuptial chamber". St. Dorothy suffered in the dead of winter, and it is said that on the road to her passion a lawyer called Theophilus, who had been used to calumniate and persecute the Christians, asked her, in mockery, to send him "apples or roses from the garden of her Spouse". The saint promised to grant his request, and, just before she died a little child stood by her side bearing three apples and three roses. She bade him take them to Theophilus and tell him this was the present which he sought from the garden of her Spouse. St. Dorothy had gone to Heaven and Theophilus was still making merry over his challenge to the saint when the child entered his room. He saw that the child was an angel in disguise, and the fruit and flowers of no earthly growth. He was converted to the Faith, and then shared in the martyrdom of St. Dorothy. Reflection - Do you wish to be safe in the pleasures and happy in the troubles of the world? Pray for heavenly desires, and say, with St. Philip, "Paradise, Paradise!" UN Instructs Vatican to Implement Systematic Child Abuse Programme Today, on the Feast of St. Agatha, holy Virgin martyred for the love of purity and chastity, the United Nations urged the Vatican to get with the programme and institute a real and effective policy of systematic child abuse. The would-be New World Order government, whose Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hailed the election of Jorge Bergoglio last year, presented its instruction in a report published today by its 'Committee on the Rights of the Child'. The UN report critically examined the Vatican's response to sexual predators, concluding that it didn't like Vatican officials pussy-footing around, wasting time and effort covering up for child molesters. The UN child abuse authorities urged the Vatican to implement more effective policies by promoting contraception, sodomy and the annihilation of unborn children as soon as possible. Presstitution We received today by email an interesting article that re-enforces the astute observations made by Hilaire Belloc in his almost prescient The Free Press, nearly 100 years ago. Some frank admissions: Recently, Seymour Hersh, America's top mainstream investigative reporter, broke the news that the US government's claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 is “a big lie. There is not one word of truth in it.” Hersh went on to harshly criticize his long-time employer, the New York Times, and other big media outlets: “We lie about everything, lying has become the staple.” ....... Sherwood Ross, an award-winning journalist who has worked for the City News Bureau of Chicago, the Chicago Daily News, and for Reuters and other wire services..... explained that American journalists are no longer free to expose even the most outrageous official falsehoods and fabrications..... Another leading American journalist, Paul Craig Roberts, has also been banned from US mainstream media for telling the truth about 9/11. Dr. Roberts served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, won the French Legion of Honor and other awards for his contributions to economics, and has been a regular columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and other mainstream publications. But since he spoke out about the controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11, Paul Craig Roberts has been put on the mainstream media's no-publish list..... "It's no longer run by journalists, it's run by corporate advertising executives. The value of these media conglomerates resides in their federal broadcast licenses. And so they can't dare offend the government. Their licenses may not get renewed, and the entire multi-billion-dollar value of the companies would disappear. So, the so-called mainstream media is no longer the media. It doesn't tell you anything. It's a propaganda ministry - the Ministry of Propaganda. Gerald Celente calls them 'presstitutes'.” The Times They are A-Changin' "If you had been of the world, the world would love its own". An MTV Press Release from December reminds us that "... Francis doesn't stop being acclaimed throughout the whole world. MTV College declares him as the man of the year because he's not pressured by Catholic dogma and is more inclusive for gays (sic) and also talks about not obsessing with closed mind rules when speaking of abortion, contraception and homosexuality". Not to be left behind in the adoration stakes an issue of Rolling Stone magazine devotes its cover and an inside article to the man it fondly describes as being revolutionary and "a change agent". NewVatican approves, of course, re-tweeting a photograph showing cartoon-character graffiti depicting the adoring world's latest and greatest superhero. But don't worry - Carmel Books has plenty of kryptonite in stock. St. Brigit: Mary of the Gael St. Brigit was born at Faughart near Dundalk. Her parents were baptized by St. Padraig, whom she developed a close friendship with. Her father was Dubhthach, an Irish chieftain of Leinster, and her mother, Brocca, a slave at his court.As a young girl she formed an interest in the religious life and took the veil from St. Macaille at Croghan. She was professed by St. Mel of Armagh, who conferred abbatial authority on her. Brigit settled with seven other virgins at the foot of Croghan Hill for a while, and then with St. Macaille followed St. Mel to Meath. About the year 470 she founded a small oratory at Cill-Dara which became a centre of great learning and spirituality, and around it gradually formed the cathedral city of Kildare. Two monastic institutions were established in Kildare by Brigit, one for men and one for women, and St. Conleth was appointed as spiritual director of both, with Brigit as abbess of the convent. The Abbess of Kildare then founded a school of art and its illuminated manuscripts became famous, notably the Book of Kildare, which was praised as the finest illuminated Irish manuscript before it was destroyed by heretics during the Reformation. St. Brigit is famed for her extraordinary spirituality, boundless charity, and compassion for those in distress. Known as The Mary of the Gael because of her great virtue, she is buried at Downpatrick along with St. Columbcille and St. Padraig, with whom she is the patron of Ireland. The Catholic Mass: Just Another Fashion for Concil... UN Instructs Vatican to Implement Systematic Child...
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5066, 1.0], [5066, 5327, 0.0], [5327, 5641, 1.0], [5641, 5859, 1.0], [5859, 5972, 1.0], [5972, 6448, 1.0], [6448, 6496, 0.0], [6496, 6632, 1.0], [6632, 6970, 1.0], [6970, 6985, 0.0], [6985, 7169, 1.0], [7169, 7666, 1.0], [7666, 7720, 1.0], [7720, 8024, 1.0], [8024, 8470, 1.0], [8470, 8481, 0.0], [8481, 8707, 1.0], [8707, 8871, 1.0], [8871, 8981, 1.0], [8981, 9286, 1.0], [9286, 9741, 1.0], [9741, 10022, 1.0], [10022, 10335, 1.0], [10335, 10693, 1.0], [10693, 11163, 1.0], [11163, 11201, 1.0], [11201, 11423, 1.0], [11423, 11552, 1.0], [11552, 11664, 1.0], [11664, 12056, 1.0], [12056, 12100, 0.0], [12100, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12360, 0.0], [12360, 12575, 1.0], [12575, 12784, 1.0], [12784, 12971, 1.0], [12971, 13019, 1.0], [13019, 13369, 1.0], [13369, 13748, 1.0], [13748, 13772, 0.0], [13772, 13803, 0.0], [13803, 13838, 0.0], [13838, 13859, 0.0], [13859, 13880, 0.0], [13880, 13908, 0.0], [13908, 13940, 0.0], [13940, 13976, 0.0], [13976, 13989, 0.0], [13989, 14012, 0.0], [14012, 14402, 1.0], [14402, 14650, 1.0], [14650, 14899, 1.0], [14899, 15120, 1.0], [15120, 15253, 1.0], [15253, 15524, 1.0], [15524, 15769, 1.0], [15769, 16011, 1.0], [16011, 16192, 1.0], [16192, 16215, 0.0], [16215, 16449, 1.0], [16449, 16810, 1.0], [16810, 17105, 1.0], [17105, 17322, 1.0], [17322, 17868, 1.0], [17868, 18004, 1.0], [18004, 18236, 1.0], [18236, 18277, 1.0], [18277, 18449, 1.0], [18449, 18547, 1.0], [18547, 18714, 1.0], [18714, 19137, 1.0], [19137, 19301, 1.0], [19301, 19318, 0.0], [19318, 19623, 1.0], [19623, 19883, 1.0], [19883, 20261, 1.0], [20261, 20478, 1.0], [20478, 20521, 0.0], [20521, 20543, 0.0], [20543, 20669, 1.0], [20669, 20745, 1.0], [20745, 21143, 1.0], [21143, 21498, 1.0], [21498, 22241, 1.0], [22241, 22571, 1.0], [22571, 22835, 1.0], [22835, 22874, 0.0], [22874, 22896, 0.0], [22896, 23040, 1.0], [23040, 23175, 1.0], [23175, 23276, 1.0], [23276, 23365, 1.0], [23365, 23536, 1.0], [23536, 23678, 1.0], [23678, 23773, 1.0], [23773, 23952, 1.0], [23952, 23964, 0.0], [23964, 24293, 1.0], [24293, 24480, 1.0], [24480, 24694, 1.0], [24694, 24959, 1.0], [24959, 25239, 1.0], [25239, 25760, 1.0], [25760, 25990, 1.0], [25990, 26070, 1.0], [26070, 26238, 0.0], [26238, 26305, 0.0], [26305, 26530, 1.0], [26530, 26758, 1.0], [26758, 27146, 1.0], [27146, 27160, 0.0], [27160, 27336, 1.0], [27336, 27359, 0.0], [27359, 27581, 1.0], [27581, 27753, 1.0], [27753, 28049, 1.0], [28049, 28629, 1.0], [28629, 29142, 1.0], [29142, 29172, 0.0], [29172, 29234, 1.0], [29234, 29355, 1.0], [29355, 29604, 1.0], [29604, 29801, 1.0], [29801, 29954, 1.0], [29954, 30020, 1.0], [30020, 30049, 0.0], [30049, 30474, 1.0], [30474, 30984, 1.0], [30984, 31232, 1.0], [31232, 31517, 1.0], [31517, 31571, 1.0], [31571, 31624, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 117, 0.0], [117, 359, 0.0], [359, 589, 0.0], [589, 980, 0.0], [980, 1128, 0.0], [1128, 1147, 0.0], [1147, 1267, 0.0], [1267, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 2468, 0.0], [2468, 2979, 0.0], [2979, 3019, 0.0], [3019, 3157, 0.0], [3157, 3270, 0.0], [3270, 3364, 0.0], [3364, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3509, 0.0], [3509, 3661, 0.0], [3661, 3857, 0.0], [3857, 3882, 0.0], [3882, 4016, 0.0], [4016, 4163, 0.0], [4163, 4500, 0.0], [4500, 4813, 0.0], [4813, 5066, 0.0], [5066, 5327, 0.0], [5327, 5641, 0.0], [5641, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5972, 0.0], [5972, 6448, 0.0], [6448, 6496, 0.0], [6496, 6632, 0.0], [6632, 6970, 0.0], [6970, 6985, 0.0], [6985, 7169, 0.0], [7169, 7666, 0.0], [7666, 7720, 0.0], [7720, 8024, 0.0], [8024, 8470, 0.0], [8470, 8481, 0.0], [8481, 8707, 0.0], [8707, 8871, 0.0], [8871, 8981, 0.0], [8981, 9286, 0.0], [9286, 9741, 0.0], [9741, 10022, 0.0], [10022, 10335, 0.0], [10335, 10693, 0.0], [10693, 11163, 0.0], [11163, 11201, 0.0], [11201, 11423, 0.0], [11423, 11552, 0.0], [11552, 11664, 0.0], [11664, 12056, 0.0], [12056, 12100, 0.0], [12100, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12360, 0.0], [12360, 12575, 0.0], [12575, 12784, 0.0], [12784, 12971, 0.0], [12971, 13019, 0.0], [13019, 13369, 0.0], [13369, 13748, 0.0], [13748, 13772, 0.0], [13772, 13803, 0.0], [13803, 13838, 0.0], [13838, 13859, 0.0], [13859, 13880, 0.0], [13880, 13908, 0.0], [13908, 13940, 0.0], [13940, 13976, 0.0], [13976, 13989, 0.0], [13989, 14012, 0.0], [14012, 14402, 0.0], [14402, 14650, 0.0], [14650, 14899, 0.0], [14899, 15120, 0.0], [15120, 15253, 0.0], [15253, 15524, 0.0], [15524, 15769, 0.0], [15769, 16011, 0.0], [16011, 16192, 0.0], [16192, 16215, 0.0], [16215, 16449, 0.0], [16449, 16810, 0.0], [16810, 17105, 0.0], [17105, 17322, 0.0], [17322, 17868, 0.0], [17868, 18004, 0.0], [18004, 18236, 0.0], [18236, 18277, 0.0], [18277, 18449, 0.0], [18449, 18547, 0.0], [18547, 18714, 0.0], [18714, 19137, 0.0], [19137, 19301, 0.0], [19301, 19318, 0.0], [19318, 19623, 0.0], [19623, 19883, 0.0], [19883, 20261, 0.0], [20261, 20478, 0.0], [20478, 20521, 0.0], [20521, 20543, 0.0], [20543, 20669, 0.0], [20669, 20745, 0.0], [20745, 21143, 0.0], [21143, 21498, 0.0], [21498, 22241, 0.0], [22241, 22571, 0.0], [22571, 22835, 0.0], [22835, 22874, 0.0], [22874, 22896, 0.0], [22896, 23040, 0.0], [23040, 23175, 0.0], [23175, 23276, 0.0], [23276, 23365, 0.0], [23365, 23536, 0.0], [23536, 23678, 0.0], [23678, 23773, 0.0], [23773, 23952, 0.0], [23952, 23964, 0.0], [23964, 24293, 0.0], [24293, 24480, 0.0], [24480, 24694, 0.0], [24694, 24959, 0.0], [24959, 25239, 0.0], [25239, 25760, 0.0], [25760, 25990, 0.0], [25990, 26070, 0.0], [26070, 26238, 0.0], [26238, 26305, 0.0], [26305, 26530, 0.0], [26530, 26758, 0.0], [26758, 27146, 0.0], [27146, 27160, 0.0], [27160, 27336, 0.0], [27336, 27359, 0.0], [27359, 27581, 0.0], [27581, 27753, 0.0], [27753, 28049, 0.0], [28049, 28629, 0.0], [28629, 29142, 0.0], [29142, 29172, 0.0], [29172, 29234, 0.0], [29234, 29355, 0.0], [29355, 29604, 0.0], [29604, 29801, 0.0], [29801, 29954, 0.0], [29954, 30020, 0.0], [30020, 30049, 0.0], [30049, 30474, 0.0], [30474, 30984, 0.0], [30984, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31517, 0.0], [31517, 31571, 0.0], [31571, 31624, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 30, 4.0], [30, 117, 16.0], [117, 359, 41.0], [359, 589, 34.0], [589, 980, 63.0], [980, 1128, 24.0], [1128, 1147, 3.0], [1147, 1267, 17.0], [1267, 1664, 65.0], [1664, 2468, 123.0], [2468, 2979, 79.0], [2979, 3019, 6.0], [3019, 3157, 19.0], [3157, 3270, 19.0], [3270, 3364, 16.0], [3364, 3457, 16.0], [3457, 3509, 10.0], [3509, 3661, 29.0], [3661, 3857, 26.0], [3857, 3882, 4.0], [3882, 4016, 22.0], [4016, 4163, 27.0], [4163, 4500, 54.0], [4500, 4813, 52.0], [4813, 5066, 50.0], [5066, 5327, 45.0], [5327, 5641, 64.0], [5641, 5859, 38.0], [5859, 5972, 20.0], [5972, 6448, 82.0], [6448, 6496, 7.0], [6496, 6632, 23.0], [6632, 6970, 59.0], [6970, 6985, 2.0], [6985, 7169, 32.0], [7169, 7666, 79.0], [7666, 7720, 9.0], [7720, 8024, 53.0], [8024, 8470, 78.0], [8470, 8481, 2.0], [8481, 8707, 40.0], [8707, 8871, 31.0], [8871, 8981, 17.0], [8981, 9286, 49.0], [9286, 9741, 78.0], [9741, 10022, 44.0], [10022, 10335, 56.0], [10335, 10693, 60.0], [10693, 11163, 86.0], [11163, 11201, 5.0], [11201, 11423, 34.0], [11423, 11552, 20.0], [11552, 11664, 19.0], [11664, 12056, 64.0], [12056, 12100, 8.0], [12100, 12201, 18.0], [12201, 12360, 26.0], [12360, 12575, 39.0], [12575, 12784, 35.0], [12784, 12971, 36.0], [12971, 13019, 8.0], [13019, 13369, 56.0], [13369, 13748, 68.0], [13748, 13772, 3.0], [13772, 13803, 5.0], [13803, 13838, 6.0], [13838, 13859, 3.0], [13859, 13880, 3.0], [13880, 13908, 4.0], [13908, 13940, 4.0], [13940, 13976, 6.0], [13976, 13989, 2.0], [13989, 14012, 5.0], [14012, 14402, 65.0], [14402, 14650, 46.0], [14650, 14899, 45.0], [14899, 15120, 39.0], [15120, 15253, 23.0], [15253, 15524, 48.0], [15524, 15769, 48.0], [15769, 16011, 41.0], [16011, 16192, 31.0], [16192, 16215, 4.0], [16215, 16449, 41.0], [16449, 16810, 63.0], [16810, 17105, 51.0], [17105, 17322, 36.0], [17322, 17868, 95.0], [17868, 18004, 24.0], [18004, 18236, 41.0], [18236, 18277, 7.0], [18277, 18449, 32.0], [18449, 18547, 16.0], [18547, 18714, 28.0], [18714, 19137, 70.0], [19137, 19301, 27.0], [19301, 19318, 2.0], [19318, 19623, 45.0], [19623, 19883, 44.0], [19883, 20261, 64.0], [20261, 20478, 33.0], [20478, 20521, 8.0], [20521, 20543, 3.0], [20543, 20669, 18.0], [20669, 20745, 13.0], [20745, 21143, 74.0], [21143, 21498, 68.0], [21498, 22241, 124.0], [22241, 22571, 57.0], [22571, 22835, 46.0], [22835, 22874, 7.0], [22874, 22896, 3.0], [22896, 23040, 24.0], [23040, 23175, 25.0], [23175, 23276, 19.0], [23276, 23365, 18.0], [23365, 23536, 27.0], [23536, 23678, 24.0], [23678, 23773, 18.0], [23773, 23952, 30.0], [23952, 23964, 2.0], [23964, 24293, 57.0], [24293, 24480, 33.0], [24480, 24694, 43.0], [24694, 24959, 50.0], [24959, 25239, 53.0], [25239, 25760, 97.0], [25760, 25990, 43.0], [25990, 26070, 15.0], [26070, 26238, 29.0], [26238, 26305, 9.0], [26305, 26530, 39.0], [26530, 26758, 36.0], [26758, 27146, 56.0], [27146, 27160, 1.0], [27160, 27336, 28.0], [27336, 27359, 3.0], [27359, 27581, 39.0], [27581, 27753, 27.0], [27753, 28049, 44.0], [28049, 28629, 91.0], [28629, 29142, 76.0], [29142, 29172, 5.0], [29172, 29234, 13.0], [29234, 29355, 18.0], [29355, 29604, 41.0], [29604, 29801, 35.0], [29801, 29954, 18.0], [29954, 30020, 11.0], [30020, 30049, 6.0], [30049, 30474, 74.0], [30474, 30984, 88.0], [30984, 31232, 39.0], [31232, 31517, 48.0], [31517, 31571, 8.0], [31571, 31624, 7.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 117, 0.0], [117, 359, 0.0], [359, 589, 0.0], [589, 980, 0.0], [980, 1128, 0.0], [1128, 1147, 0.0], [1147, 1267, 0.0], [1267, 1664, 0.01044386], [1664, 2468, 0.00506329], [2468, 2979, 0.0], [2979, 3019, 0.0], [3019, 3157, 0.02962963], [3157, 3270, 0.0], [3270, 3364, 0.0], [3364, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3509, 0.0], [3509, 3661, 0.0], [3661, 3857, 0.02162162], [3857, 3882, 0.0], [3882, 4016, 0.01587302], [4016, 4163, 0.0], [4163, 4500, 0.0], [4500, 4813, 0.0], [4813, 5066, 0.0], [5066, 5327, 0.0], [5327, 5641, 0.0], [5641, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5972, 0.04587156], [5972, 6448, 0.0], [6448, 6496, 0.0], [6496, 6632, 0.0], [6632, 6970, 0.0375], [6970, 6985, 0.0], [6985, 7169, 0.0], [7169, 7666, 0.0], [7666, 7720, 0.0], [7720, 8024, 0.02033898], [8024, 8470, 0.0], [8470, 8481, 0.0], [8481, 8707, 0.0], [8707, 8871, 0.0], [8871, 8981, 0.0], [8981, 9286, 0.00682594], [9286, 9741, 0.00457666], [9741, 10022, 0.0], [10022, 10335, 0.0], [10335, 10693, 0.00862069], [10693, 11163, 0.0], [11163, 11201, 0.0], [11201, 11423, 0.0], [11423, 11552, 0.032], [11552, 11664, 0.03809524], [11664, 12056, 0.0], [12056, 12100, 0.12195122], [12100, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12360, 0.0], [12360, 12575, 0.0], [12575, 12784, 0.0], [12784, 12971, 0.0], [12971, 13019, 0.0], [13019, 13369, 0.0], [13369, 13748, 0.03269755], [13748, 13772, 0.0], [13772, 13803, 0.0], [13803, 13838, 0.0], [13838, 13859, 0.0], [13859, 13880, 0.0], [13880, 13908, 0.0], [13908, 13940, 0.0], [13940, 13976, 0.12121212], [13976, 13989, 0.4], [13989, 14012, 0.25], [14012, 14402, 0.0], [14402, 14650, 0.0], [14650, 14899, 0.0], [14899, 15120, 0.0], [15120, 15253, 0.0], [15253, 15524, 0.01908397], [15524, 15769, 0.0], [15769, 16011, 0.00847458], [16011, 16192, 0.0], [16192, 16215, 0.0], [16215, 16449, 0.0], [16449, 16810, 0.01142857], [16810, 17105, 0.0], [17105, 17322, 0.0], [17322, 17868, 0.0], [17868, 18004, 0.0], [18004, 18236, 0.0], [18236, 18277, 0.11111111], [18277, 18449, 0.0], [18449, 18547, 0.02105263], [18547, 18714, 0.02484472], [18714, 19137, 0.0], [19137, 19301, 0.01910828], [19301, 19318, 0.0], [19318, 19623, 0.0], [19623, 19883, 0.0], [19883, 20261, 0.0], [20261, 20478, 0.0], [20478, 20521, 0.125], [20521, 20543, 0.0], [20543, 20669, 0.00826446], [20669, 20745, 0.04225352], [20745, 21143, 0.0], [21143, 21498, 0.0], [21498, 22241, 0.0], [22241, 22571, 0.0], [22571, 22835, 0.0], [22835, 22874, 0.05405405], [22874, 22896, 0.0], [22896, 23040, 0.0141844], [23040, 23175, 0.01515152], [23175, 23276, 0.0], [23276, 23365, 0.10465116], [23365, 23536, 0.0], [23536, 23678, 0.0], [23678, 23773, 0.0], [23773, 23952, 0.0], [23952, 23964, 0.0], [23964, 24293, 0.0], [24293, 24480, 0.0], [24480, 24694, 0.0], [24694, 24959, 0.0], [24959, 25239, 0.0], [25239, 25760, 0.0], [25760, 25990, 0.0], [25990, 26070, 0.0], [26070, 26238, 0.0], [26238, 26305, 0.0], [26305, 26530, 0.0], [26530, 26758, 0.0], [26758, 27146, 0.0], [27146, 27160, 0.0], [27160, 27336, 0.01744186], [27336, 27359, 0.0], [27359, 27581, 0.02347418], [27581, 27753, 0.0], [27753, 28049, 0.0], [28049, 28629, 0.01071429], [28629, 29142, 0.0], [29142, 29172, 0.0], [29172, 29234, 0.0], [29234, 29355, 0.0], [29355, 29604, 0.0], [29604, 29801, 0.0], [29801, 29954, 0.0], [29954, 30020, 0.0], [30020, 30049, 0.0], [30049, 30474, 0.0], [30474, 30984, 0.00603622], [30984, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31517, 0.0], [31517, 31571, 0.0], [31571, 31624, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 117, 0.0], [117, 359, 0.0], [359, 589, 0.0], [589, 980, 0.0], [980, 1128, 0.0], [1128, 1147, 0.0], [1147, 1267, 0.0], [1267, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 2468, 0.0], [2468, 2979, 0.0], [2979, 3019, 0.0], [3019, 3157, 0.0], [3157, 3270, 0.0], [3270, 3364, 0.0], [3364, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3509, 0.0], [3509, 3661, 0.0], [3661, 3857, 0.0], [3857, 3882, 0.0], [3882, 4016, 0.0], [4016, 4163, 0.0], [4163, 4500, 0.0], [4500, 4813, 0.0], [4813, 5066, 0.0], [5066, 5327, 0.0], [5327, 5641, 0.0], [5641, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5972, 0.0], [5972, 6448, 0.0], [6448, 6496, 0.0], [6496, 6632, 0.0], [6632, 6970, 0.0], [6970, 6985, 0.0], [6985, 7169, 0.0], [7169, 7666, 0.0], [7666, 7720, 0.0], [7720, 8024, 0.0], [8024, 8470, 0.0], [8470, 8481, 0.0], [8481, 8707, 0.0], [8707, 8871, 0.0], [8871, 8981, 0.0], [8981, 9286, 0.0], [9286, 9741, 0.0], [9741, 10022, 0.0], [10022, 10335, 0.0], [10335, 10693, 0.0], [10693, 11163, 0.0], [11163, 11201, 0.0], [11201, 11423, 0.0], [11423, 11552, 0.0], [11552, 11664, 0.0], [11664, 12056, 0.0], [12056, 12100, 0.0], [12100, 12201, 0.0], [12201, 12360, 0.0], [12360, 12575, 0.0], [12575, 12784, 0.0], [12784, 12971, 0.0], [12971, 13019, 0.0], [13019, 13369, 0.0], [13369, 13748, 0.0], [13748, 13772, 0.0], [13772, 13803, 0.0], [13803, 13838, 0.0], [13838, 13859, 0.0], [13859, 13880, 0.0], [13880, 13908, 0.0], [13908, 13940, 0.0], [13940, 13976, 0.0], [13976, 13989, 0.0], [13989, 14012, 0.0], [14012, 14402, 0.0], [14402, 14650, 0.0], [14650, 14899, 0.0], [14899, 15120, 0.0], [15120, 15253, 0.0], [15253, 15524, 0.0], [15524, 15769, 0.0], [15769, 16011, 0.0], [16011, 16192, 0.0], [16192, 16215, 0.0], [16215, 16449, 0.0], [16449, 16810, 0.0], [16810, 17105, 0.0], [17105, 17322, 0.0], [17322, 17868, 0.0], [17868, 18004, 0.0], [18004, 18236, 0.0], [18236, 18277, 0.0], [18277, 18449, 0.0], [18449, 18547, 0.0], [18547, 18714, 0.0], [18714, 19137, 0.0], [19137, 19301, 0.0], [19301, 19318, 0.0], [19318, 19623, 0.0], [19623, 19883, 0.0], [19883, 20261, 0.0], [20261, 20478, 0.0], [20478, 20521, 0.0], [20521, 20543, 0.0], [20543, 20669, 0.0], [20669, 20745, 0.0], [20745, 21143, 0.0], [21143, 21498, 0.0], [21498, 22241, 0.0], [22241, 22571, 0.0], [22571, 22835, 0.0], [22835, 22874, 0.0], [22874, 22896, 0.0], [22896, 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[8707, 8871, 0.04878049], [8871, 8981, 0.05454545], [8981, 9286, 0.04262295], [9286, 9741, 0.04395604], [9741, 10022, 0.02135231], [10022, 10335, 0.03833866], [10335, 10693, 0.01675978], [10693, 11163, 0.01276596], [11163, 11201, 0.13157895], [11201, 11423, 0.04054054], [11423, 11552, 0.05426357], [11552, 11664, 0.02678571], [11664, 12056, 0.0255102], [12056, 12100, 0.06818182], [12100, 12201, 0.13861386], [12201, 12360, 0.05660377], [12360, 12575, 0.00930233], [12575, 12784, 0.00478469], [12784, 12971, 0.02673797], [12971, 13019, 0.125], [13019, 13369, 0.04571429], [13369, 13748, 0.03166227], [13748, 13772, 0.125], [13772, 13803, 0.09677419], [13803, 13838, 0.11428571], [13838, 13859, 0.14285714], [13859, 13880, 0.14285714], [13880, 13908, 0.14285714], [13908, 13940, 0.125], [13940, 13976, 0.08333333], [13976, 13989, 0.07692308], [13989, 14012, 0.0], [14012, 14402, 0.01794872], [14402, 14650, 0.01209677], [14650, 14899, 0.02811245], [14899, 15120, 0.02262443], [15120, 15253, 0.05263158], [15253, 15524, 0.01107011], [15524, 15769, 0.05306122], [15769, 16011, 0.01239669], [16011, 16192, 0.02762431], [16192, 16215, 0.13043478], [16215, 16449, 0.04700855], [16449, 16810, 0.03047091], [16810, 17105, 0.02033898], [17105, 17322, 0.01382488], [17322, 17868, 0.02014652], [17868, 18004, 0.02205882], [18004, 18236, 0.03448276], [18236, 18277, 0.02439024], [18277, 18449, 0.04651163], [18449, 18547, 0.06122449], [18547, 18714, 0.02994012], [18714, 19137, 0.04491726], [19137, 19301, 0.0304878], [19301, 19318, 0.11764706], [19318, 19623, 0.00983607], [19623, 19883, 0.04230769], [19883, 20261, 0.01322751], [20261, 20478, 0.04147465], [20478, 20521, 0.06976744], [20521, 20543, 0.09090909], [20543, 20669, 0.04761905], [20669, 20745, 0.03947368], [20745, 21143, 0.02261307], [21143, 21498, 0.01690141], [21498, 22241, 0.02018843], [22241, 22571, 0.01212121], [22571, 22835, 0.02272727], [22835, 22874, 0.12820513], [22874, 22896, 0.13636364], [22896, 23040, 0.04861111], [23040, 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30049, 0.13793103], [30049, 30474, 0.04705882], [30474, 30984, 0.03529412], [30984, 31232, 0.02822581], [31232, 31517, 0.04210526], [31517, 31571, 0.12962963], [31571, 31624, 0.13207547]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 31624, 0.85244912]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 31624, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 31624, 0.69725531]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 31624, 862.69221583]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 31624, 472.71195231]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 31624, 499.90812582]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 31624, 290.0]]}
Robert "Bob" Bernard Burkemper Recommend Robert "Bob"'s obituary to your friends Send Flowers for Robert "Bob" Obituary of Robert "Bob" Bernard Burkemper Please share a memory of Robert "Bob" to include in a keepsake book for family and friends. A Mass of Christian Burial for Robert Bernard “Bob” Burkemper of Winfield, MO will be held at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, March 16, 2023 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Elsberry, MO. Father Charles Tichacek, church pastor, will officiate, assisted by Bob’s nephew, Father Dane Westhoff and cousin, Father Tim Cook. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery in Clarksville, MO. Serving as pallbearers will be Mike Bickhaus, Marc Czapla, Karl Dewey, Ken Reckelhoff, Brett Vaughn, Steven Vaughn, Chad Vaughn and Alan Gregory. Bob, 79, passed away Wednesday, March 8, 2023 the result of a farming accident near Annada, MO. Born November 17, 1943 in St. Charles, MO, he was the son of Victor Henry and Esther Marie Wilke Burkemper. Bob was a 1961 graduate of Winfield High School. He was united in marriage on November 12, 1966 in Wentzville, MO to Linda Katherine Hunsel. This union was blessed with eight children: Kristine, Jill, Scott, Julie, Bethany, Joseph, Jeremy and Katherine. Bob and Linda celebrated 41 years of marriage before Linda’s passing on November 28, 2007. He was a lifelong farmer at Annada Valley Farm and a logger for many years. Bob was known for helping anyone at any time, for his smiles and giving a “thumbs up”. He was married again on January 24, 2009 in Elsberry to Sandra Sue Henry Vaughn. He was on the board and served as Treasurer of the Annada Area Flood Control Association. Bob was an active member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, especially assisting with the annual chicken dinner. He was preceded in death by his parents, Victor and Esther Burkemper; one son, Scott Burkemper, who died on October 9, 2016; and his first wife, Linda Burkemper in 2007. Survivors include his beloved wife of 14 years, Sandy Burkemper of Winfield; five daughters: Kristine Bickhaus and her husband, Michael, of Quincy, IL, Jill Czapla and her husband, Marc, of St. Louis, MO, Julie Dewey and her husband, Karl, of Louisiana, MO, Bethany Burkemper of Annada and Katherine Reckelhoff and her husband, Kenneth, of Lenexa, KS; two sons: Joseph Burkemper and his wife, Laura, of Wentzville, and Jeremy Burkemper of Little Rock, AR; and sixteen grandchildren. Bob also leaves three step-sons: Brett Vaughn of Moscow Mills, MO, Steven Vaughn of Austin, TX, and Chad Vaughn of Seattle, WA; two brothers: Gene Burkemper and his wife, Terry, of Elsberry and Don Burkemper and his wife, Jean, of Clarksville; several nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends. Visitation will be held from 4:00-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at Carter-Ricks Funeral Home near Winfield. Memorials may be made to Wounded Warriors Project in care of Carter-Ricks Funeral Home, 3838 East Highway 47, P.O. Box 253, Winfield, MO 63389. Online condolences may be made at www.carterricksfuneralhome.com. Carter Ricks Funeral Home 3838 East Highway 47 Winfield, Missouri, United States Church Visitation 714 Lincoln Street Elsberry, Missouri, United States Greenwood Cemetery Hwy 79 to Clarksville, Hwy W to 2nd Gravel Rd. Clarksville, Missouri, United States Tribute Book orders begin printing on March 22 Robert "Bob" Burkemper Robert "Bob" Carter-Ricks Funeral Homes 107 South Fifth Street Elsberry, MO Winfield, MO
{"url": "https://carterricksfuneralhome.com/tribute/details/2014/Robert-Bob-Burkemper/obituary.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "carterricksfuneralhome.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:56:55Z", "digest": "sha1:2EOCGXNZB27LFRFQYLLASC4UWEKBV4BL"}
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February 2, 2021 2 years ago Ross Video hires new director of sales for EMEA North OTTAWA — Broadcast technology solution provider Ross Video announced today Mark Gardner (above) has joined the company as its new director of sales for the EMEA North region. Gardner’s previous experience in the broadcast industry includes R&D/engineering, product management and sales management/director roles with a number of brands including Vistek, ProBel, Snell, SAM and most recently Grass Valley. “Our industry has experienced an enormous amount of upheaval and change over the last five years,” said Gardner, in a press release announcing his appointment. “Throughout that period, Ross has consistently grown and built up an enviable profile in the region. I...
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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. JABAR GILLIAM AKA AKA AKA JB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. JABAR GILLIAM AKA AKA AKA JB (2016) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Appellee, v. JABAR GILLIAM, AKA Jamal Gilliam, AKA Jabal Gilliam, AKA JB, Defendant-Appellant. Docket Nos. 15-387 Before: NEWMAN, WINTER, and CABRANES, Circuit Judges. Robert A. Culp, Law Office of Robert A. Culp, Garrison, NY, for Appellant. Kristy J. Greenberg, Asst. U.S. Atty., New York, NY (Preet Bharara, U.S. Atty., Adam S. Hickey, Asst. U.S. Atty., New York, NY, on the brief), for Appellee. The principal issue on this appeal from a conviction for sex trafficking involving a minor is whether information from a global positioning system (“GPS”) can be obtained and used without a warrant to locate a suspect. This issue arises on an appeal by Jabar Gilliam from the January 28, 2015, judgment of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Thomas P. Griesa, District Judge). Gilliam was convicted of sex trafficking offenses after a jury trial and sentenced to imprisonment for 240 months. We conclude that exigent circumstances justified obtaining and using GPS location information without a warrant and therefore affirm. Offense conduct. The Defendant's offenses concern sex trafficking of a minor known as Jasmin. She recounted at trial the facts concerning Gilliam's offenses. Gilliam met Jasmin in Maryland in late October or early November 2011. She was sixteen at the time, but told Gilliam that she was seventeen. Gilliam asked Jasmin to work for him as a prostitute after she told him she was working for another pimp. Gilliam told Jasmin that he was going to take her to New York, where she could work for him. Jasmin worked for Gilliam as a prostitute in Maryland in November 2011. On two occasions he punched her. On one occasion he had sex with her against her will in a hotel room and on November 30, Gilliam brought Jasmin to New York City after threatening to require her fifteen-year-old sister to work as a prostitute for him if Jasmin refused to go. Gilliam purchased Jasmin's bus ticket for the trip, and on the ride to New York City, Gilliam told Jasmin to sit near the window and then put his legs up beside her so that Jasmin could not get out of her seat. Gilliam brought Jasmin to his mother's apartment in the Bronx, where he had sex with her against her will. Jasmin worked as a prostitute for Gilliam in the Bronx, giving him all the money that she earned. Locating and arresting Gilliam. On November 30, Jasmin's foster mother reported to the Sheriff's Office in Frederick County, Maryland, that Jasmin was missing from home. The foster mother told authorities that Jasmin had mentioned a “boyfriend,” known to her as “Jabar,” who was later identified as Gilliam. On December 2, the case was referred to the Maryland State Police, which assigned Corporal Chris Heid to investigate. Corporal Heid spoke with Jasmin's social worker, who expressed concern that Jasmin was being forced into prostitution by Jabar Gilliam. The social worker based her concern on conversations with Jasmin's biological mother. Heid then spoke with Jasmin's biological mother, who confirmed this information. She told Heid that Gilliam had communicated with her directly and told her that he was planning to take Jasmin to New York to work there as a prostitute. On that same day, based on this information, Heid contacted Sprint Corporation (“Sprint”), a telecommunications company. He told Sprint that he was “investigating a missing child who is ․ being prostituted,” and requested GPS location information for Gilliam's cell phone. Heid said that he was making the request because of “an exigent situation involving ․ immediate danger of death or serious bodily injury to a[ ] person.” Sprint complied with Heid's request and began providing real-time GPS location information to the Maryland State Police, which passed the information on to the FBI and the New York City Police Department (“NYPD)”. Also on December 2, Jasmin placed a phone call to her biological mother from the Bronx apartment of Gilliam's mother. NYPD officers went to that apartment and questioned Gilliam's mother. Location information provided by Sprint indicated that Gilliam's cell phone was a few blocks away. Canvassing the neighborhood, two NYPD officers saw Gilliam and Jasmin on the street and followed them to the third floor of an apartment building. When an officer confronted Gilliam, he attempted to flee. A scuffle ensued, after which Gilliam was arrested. Charges, trial, and conviction. A grand jury charged Gilliam in Count One with sex trafficking of a minor by force, fraud, or coercion in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1591(a), (b)(1), and (b)(2), and in Count Two with transporting a minor in interstate commerce for purposes of prostitution in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2423(a). Gilliam was convicted on both counts after a jury trial and sentenced to imprisonment for 240 months. I. Use of GPS Location Information The District Court denied Gilliam's motion challenging the use of GPS location information to determine where Gilliam was, information that led to his arrest. The Court ruled that the Stored Communications Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2702(c)(4), authorized, and exigent circumstances permitted, Corporal Heid to obtain location information from Sprint without a warrant. Section 2702(c)(4) provides: A provider ․ may divulge a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber ․ (not including the contents of communications covered by [other subsections] ) – ․ (4) to a governmental entity, if the provider, in good faith, believes that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure without delay of information relating to the emergency. 18 U.S.C. § 2702(c)(4) (emphasis added). The initial statutory issue presented by Sprint's disclosure of GPS location information is whether it was “other information” within the meaning of subsection 2702(c)(4). Congress intended the phrase “other information” to cover “information about the customer's use of the service.” S. Rep. No. 99-541, at 38 (1986). Several district courts have interpreted the phrase to include the location of a customer's cell phone. See United States v. Graham, 846 F. Supp. 2d 384, 396 (D. Md. 2012) (subsequent history omitted); In re Application of the United States for an Order Authorizing the Release of Historical Cell-Site Info., 809 F. Supp. 2d 113, 125 (E.D.N.Y. 2011); In re Application of the United States for Prospective Cell Site Location Info. on a Certain Cellular Telephone, 460 F. Supp. 2d 448, 460-61 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). We agree that “other information” includes the location of a subscriber's cell phone.1 The second statutory question is whether the circumstances presented to Sprint showed “an emergency involving danger of ․ serious physical injury to any person.” We think it obvious that “involving,” 18 U.S.C. § 2702(c)(4), includes a realistic threat of such injury, not just a completed injury. That statutory question also arises in connection with the constitutional issue presented by Sprint's disclosure at the request of a law enforcement officer and the use of that information to locate and arrest Gilliam without a warrant. That issue is whether such a disclosure and arrest without a warrant violated the Fourth Amendment.2 Both the second statutory issue and the Fourth Amendment issue turn on whether the circumstances known to law enforcement and presented to Sprint were within the category of “exigent circumstances” that permit warrantless searches. See Riley v. California, 134 S. Ct. 2473, 2487 (2014). “The core question is whether the facts ․ would lead a reasonable, experienced officer, to believe that there was an urgent need to ․ take action.” United States v. Klump, 536 F.3d 113, 117–18 (2d Cir. 2008) (internal citations and quotation marks omitted). “A district court's determination as to whether exigent circumstances existed is fact-specific, and will not be reversed unless clearly erroneous.” United States v. MacDonald, 916 F.2d 766, 769 (2d Cir. 1990) (in banc) (citations omitted). We agree with the District Court that exigent circumstances justified GPS tracking of Gilliam's cell phone. The evidence available to law enforcement at the time of the search for Gilliam's location was compelling. Based on Heid's discussions with Jasmin's foster mother, social worker, and biological mother, law enforcement officers had a substantial basis to believe that Gilliam was bringing Jasmin to New York City to require her to work there as a prostitute. That type of sexual exploitation of a minor has often been found to pose a significant risk of serious bodily injury. See, e.g., United States v. Daye, 571 F.3d 225, 234 (2d Cir. 2009), abrogated on other grounds by Johnson v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 2551 (2015); United States v. Curtis, 481 F.3d 836, 838-39 (D.C. Cir. 2007). As the Ninth Circuit has observed, prostitution of a child involves “the risk of assault or physical abuse by the pimp's customers or by the pimp himself” and “a serious potential risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.” United States v. Carter, 266 F.3d 1089, 1091 (9th Cir. 2001) (internal citations and quotation marks omitted). Several courts have found that exigent circumstances justified warrantless entry into premises to avoid risk of injury to a minor held there. See, e.g., Hunsberger v. Wood, 570 F.3d 546, 555 (4th Cir. 2009); United States v. Kenfield, 270 F. App'x 695, 696-97 (9th Cir. 2008); United States v. Thomas, No. 3:14-CR-00031 (RNC), 2015 WL 164075, *4-5 (D. Conn. Jan. 13, 2015); United States v. Williams, No. 12-CR-6152G(MWP), 2015 WL 429087, at *12-13 (W.D.N.Y. Feb. 2, 2015), report and recommendation adopted, No. 12-CR-6152(FPG), 2015 WL 3454430 (W.D.N.Y. May 29, 2015). Locating on the streets a victim of sexual exploitation might seem to present a less immediate need for police action than entering premises where such a victim is being held, but it is nonetheless sufficient to constitute exigent circumstances. Gilliam contends that the time required to obtain a warrant would not have significantly added to the risk of injury to Jasmin. That argument calls to mind the plight of social workers who have to decide whether to face a lawsuit for quickly removing a child from the home of an abusive parent or for failing to act in time to prevent the child's injury. “If they err in interrupting parental custody, they may be accused of infringing the parents' constitutional rights. If they err in not removing the child, they risk injury to the child and may be accused of infringing the child's rights.” Van Emrik v. Chemung County Dep't of Social Services, 911 F.2d 863, 866 (2d Cir. 1990). Faced with exigent circumstances based on credible information that Gilliam was engaged in prostituting a missing child across state lines, Corporal Heid acted reasonably in obtaining Gilliam's cell phone location information without a warrant. Congress has “deemed it reasonable to subordinate any individual privacy interest in cell phone location information to society's more compelling interest in preventing an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury,” and has therefore given service providers the authority to decide whether there existed an “emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person.” United States v. Caraballo, 963 F. Supp. 2d 341, 360 (D. Vt. 2013) (citations omitted), aff'd, 831 F.3d 95 (2d Cir. 2016). Based on Heid's affirmation, Sprint had a good faith basis for believing that the disclosure of Gilliam's cell phone location was necessary to protect a missing child from being prostituted and subject to serious physical injury. II. Other Claims Gilliam's other claims do not require extended discussion. His arrest was supported by probable cause, based both on events occurring at the scene of his arrest and his sex trafficking with respect to Jasmin. There was no error in the jury charge, and the evidence fully supported the jury's verdict. The judgment of the District Court is affirmed. 1. The cited cases involve interpretation of 18 U.S.C. § 2703, a statute different from, but closely related to, section 2702. Section 2703 concerns mandatory disclosures pursuant to a warrant. Subsection 2703(c) requires disclosure of “a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber ․ (not including the contents of communications) ․,” language identical to the language of subsection 2702(c). 2. “[T]he Government assumes for purposes of this appeal that cell phone users have a reasonable expectation of privacy in [location] information under the Fourth Amendment.” Br. for Appellee 14 n.3 at 15. We make the same assumption. JON O. NEWMAN, Circuit Judge:
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GOUJUN ZHOU v. JEFFERSON SESSIONS III UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL GOUJUN ZHOU v. JEFFERSON SESSIONS III UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL (2017) GOUJUN ZHOU, Petitioner, v. JEFFERSON B. SESSIONS III,*UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL, Respondent. Decided: May 25, 2017 PRESENT: JON O. NEWMAN, JOSÉ A. CABRANES, CHRISTOPHER F. DRONEY, Circuit Judges. FOR PETITIONER: Goujun Zhou, pro se, Flushing, NY. FOR RESPONDENT: Benjamin C. Mizer, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General; Terri J. Scadron, Assistant Director; Anthony W. Norwood, Senior Litigation Counsel, Office of Immigration Litigation, United States Department of Justice, Washington, DC. Petitioner Goujun Zhou, a native and citizen of the People's Republic of China, seeks review of an August 28, 2015, decision of the BIA affirming an April 14, 2014, decision of an Immigration Judge (“IJ”) denying asylum, withholding of removal, and relief under the Convention Against Torture (“CAT”). In re Goujun Zhou, No. 205 825 460 (B.I.A. Aug. 28, 2015), aff'g No. A205 825 460 (Immig. Ct. N.Y. City Apr. 14, 2014). We assume the parties' familiarity with the underlying facts and procedural history in this case. We have reviewed the IJ's decision as modified by the BIA, i.e., minus the findings that the BIA declined to reach—the adverse credibility determination and the conclusion that the harm suffered did not rise to the level of persecution. See Xue Hong Yang v. U.S. Dep't of Justice, 426 F.3d 520, 522 (2d Cir. 2005). The applicable standards of review are well established. See 8 U.S.C. § 1252(b)(4)(B); Yanqin Weng v. Holder, 562 F.3d 510, 513 (2d Cir. 2009). The agency did not err in finding that Zhou failed to satisfy his burden for asylum, withholding of removal, or CAT relief. Asylum and Withholding of Removal In order to demonstrate eligibility for asylum and withholding of removal, “the applicant must establish that race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant.” 8 U.S.C. § 1158(b)(1)(B)(i); see also 8 U.S.C. § 1231(b)(3)(A); In re C-T-L-, 25 I. & N. Dec. 341, 348 (B.I.A. 2010). Relief “may be granted where there is more than one motive for mistreatment, as long as at least one central reason for the mistreatment is on account of a protected ground.” Acharya v. Holder, 761 F.3d 289, 297 (2d Cir. 2014) (internal quotation marks omitted). To establish that persecution or a fear of persecution is on account of an applicant's political opinion, the applicant must “show, through direct or circumstantial evidence, that the persecutor's motive to persecute arises from the applicant's political belief,” rather than merely by the persecutor's own opinion. Yueqing Zhang v. Gonzales, 426 F.3d 540, 545 (2d Cir. 2005) (emphasis added). Although retaliation for an applicant's opposition to endemic government corruption may constitute persecution on account of a political opinion, a persecutor's suppression of an applicant's challenge to isolated, aberrational acts of greed or malfeasance does not. See id. at 548. Zhou claimed that police in China detained and beat him when he refused to leave his employer's office in protest of his employer's failure to pay him. Zhou testified that his employer had informed him that the company could not afford to pay anyone their entire salary, and he admitted that he had no bases to conclude that the company's inability to pay was due to corruption or other malfeasance. Further, he admitted that he was not politically active or a member of any unions or other organizations in China. Because Zhou did not assert any facts to support a finding that he had acted (or that police believed him to have acted) in opposition to corruption or other malfeasance, the agency did not err in finding his account insufficient to demonstrate that the harm he suffered was on account of his political opinion. See Yan Fang Zhang v. Gonzales, 452 F.3d 167, 172 (2d Cir. 2006) (protesting economic layoffs and being removed from premises by police during a protest of layoffs does not indicate political motive); cf. Yueqing Zhang, 426 F.3d at 547 (“Where the dispute is such that the asylum seeker did not merely seek economic advantage but mounted a challenge to the legitimacy and authority of the ruling regime itself, and where the applicant can show that this political threat is the motive for the persecution perpetrated or feared, the applicant can meet the definition of a refugee.” (internal quotation marks omitted)). Accordingly, the agency reasonably determined that Zhou failed to demonstrate a nexus between the harm he suffered and fears and his political opinion, and did not err in denying him asylum and withholding of removal. See 8 U.S.C. §§ 1158(b)(1)(B)(i), 1231(b)(3)(A). Convention Against Torture An applicant for CAT relief must “establish that it is more likely than not that he or she would be tortured if removed to the proposed country of removal.” 8 C.F.R. § 1208.16(c)(2). Unlike asylum and withholding of removal, CAT relief does not require a nexus to any ground. See id. There is no merit to Zhou's contention that the agency failed to consider his eligibility for CAT relief independent of its nexus finding. The IJ independently evaluated Zhou's claim of a likelihood of torture. IJ Bias Although rare, remand may be required when an IJ demonstrates bias and hostility towards an asylum applicant. See Guo-Le Huang v. Gonzales, 453 F.3d 142, 148 (2d Cir. 2006). A review of the record reveals that the IJ appropriately exercised his statutory authority to “interrogate, examine, and cross-examine the alien,” 8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(1), and performed his duty to develop the record without assuming the role of advocate for either Zhou or the Government, see Islam v. Gonzales, 469 F.3d 53, 55 (2d Cir. 2006). For the foregoing reasons, the petition for review is DENIED. As we have completed our review, any stay of removal that the Court previously granted in this petition is VACATED, and any pending motion for a stay of removal in this petition is DISMISSED as moot. Any pending request for oral argument in this petition is DENIED in accordance with Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 34(a)(2), and Second Circuit Local Rule 34.1(b). FOR THE COURT: Catherine O'Hagan Wolfe, Clerk
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NEC Display: Henry Ford Health System To improve the quality of its radiological images and advance the precision of patient consultations, Henry Ford Health System installed NEC MultiSync® EA, PA and MD Series LCD desktop monitors. Facility: Henry Ford Health System Vertical: Healthcare Location: Detroit, Michigan Challenges: Improve the quality of radiological images, while advancing the precision of consultations Solution: NEC MultiSync® LCD desktop monitors Result: Repeatable imaging precision from radiologists' workstations to conference rooms Date: Fall 2010 Since 1895, when German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the ability of X-rays to pass through solid objects and provide a view of what is inside, medical professionals have relied on the field of medical imaging. Film-based X-rays were the standard until recently, when many hospitals and healthcare facilities started replacing them with digital images – first in the traditional grayscale and later with colored images that helped provide a more detailed look at the inner workings of the human body. Among the early adopters of digital medical imaging was the Henry Ford Health System (HFHS), one of the leading healthcare providers in the U.S. Staff members helped pioneer the use of digital images in hospitals and have remained at the leading edge. They were interested in the possibilities color imaging offered for case review and diagnosis, but the cost of the equipment was a significant barrier – particularly because they knew that once it was introduced, the entire medical staff would want it. Founded in 1915 as Henry Ford Hospital by the automobile pioneer who is its namesake, HFHS is a nonprofit healthcare enterprise primarily serving the greater Detroit metropolitan area. The hospital recorded $3.7 billion in revenues in 2008, while providing more than $160 million in uncompensated medical care. The full health system, including hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices, employs more than 23,000 medical and support staff. Henry Ford healthcare providers perform more than 81,000 ambulatory surgery procedures, and more than 102,000 patients are admitted to hospitals in the system each year. Click here for the full case study Click here for the case study in pdf
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COECSA Responds to Bukid Kabataan Request Sis Ailyn BInco, RGS, of Bukid-Kabataan requested the university’s help with needs of the institution. The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Architecture (COECSA) sent a team of faculty members to discuss the matter. After the discussion between COECSA and Bukid Kabataan representatives on August 4, 2021, and a site visit on August 17, 2021, it was learned that the latter needed the following: drawing of emergency evacuation plan for the building, standard fire exit and fire extinguisher labels, building labels, plans for additional ladders for fire exit, and key plan in site. The COECSA team quickly drafted an action plan corresponding to the needs identified. The completion of the project is underway and COECSA’s Architect Alma Libranda is monitoring the progress of the project.
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How to approach social mobility on a global level Managing social mobility in a global organisation requires coherent guidance that applies across multiple offices, geographies and societies. The shockwaves sent through the economy, labour market and children’s education by the pandemic must be addressed in order to repair social mobility, according to the Resolution Foundation. In its report Social Mobility in the Time of Covid, the think tank says deteriorating returns of unemployment, the knock-on effect to earnings and careers, and the sustained interruption of children’s education are all problem areas that need to be targeted with focused policies. The report also highlights how the unique shocks of the pandemic are different to those of previous recessions. There is less sectoral change, but instead structural issues with the economy, skills mismatch and geographical differences have caused imbalance in the costs of housing and transport, all of which contribute to social immobility. Previous recessions caused workers to be unemployed for long periods, such as the recession of 1981, which was in part caused by a shift away from manufacturing to a services-based economy. The loss of employment was prolonged, affected the lower paid and damaged incomes and careers for decades after. This recession is different, says author of the report Andrew Eyles, Research Economist at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics. “It’s a weird aggregate shock, but not as structural to the economy, so there are grounds for optimism that this won’t be as bad as previous recessions in that sense. However, policymakers need to make sure unemployment is as brief as possible,” he says. There has been a rise in those who have been made unemployed becoming self-employed over the past two years, with self-employed people now representing 15.3% of workers, up from 12% in 2000. Some are also retraining and moving sectors, he explains, which is encouraging for people’s resilience to economic shock. Wealth inequality Getting back into work will be hard for many, though, cautions Eyles, and the experience of unemployment has been very unequal. “People who have worked from home during the past two years have accumulated savings, so the wealth divide has increased between those working from home and the unemployed. This is quite an important factor when it comes to house prices,” he says. “Those who need to move for work, particularly those moving to London or who don’t have savings, will find it more difficult as housing is more expensive and the cost of living is rising.” “This means people will be less geographically mobile, which can lead to less social mobility. The ease at which you can move up the salary scale is related to where you are in the country,” he adds, with the best-paid jobs and opportunities clustered around London and a few other metropolitan areas. “These problems with mobility have been going on for a long time and may get worse as prices in general are going up. Even people on middle incomes will not see their wages rise in real terms,” he says. Existing social immobility The pandemic has undoubtedly caused disruption to children’s education, which also has a knock-on effect on social mobility. “If you look at school closures, in some cases kids from less affluent families have done almost no work for a year and a half. That could be due to a lack of computer, for example, or lack of space to study in the house,” says Eyles. “But from the day schools closed, kids in private schools tended to have better access to a computer and smaller online lesson groups. That educational gap is going to be difficult to close.” The government has done some small things, like the national tutoring programme for disadvantaged children to make up the difference for the lack of schooling, but the amount of money put into it is nowhere near what it needs to be, he says. Getting a degree is more important than ever for social mobility as it allows greater access to better pay and prospects, so it is important that this educational gap is addressed by policymakers. Any policy change should aim to prevent the decline in social mobility and allow those from less affluent backgrounds to catch up on the loss of education during the pandemic. “There is evidence, though, that the direct effect of income is not as strong as you might think,” Eyles explains. “There are myriad differences between average household environments across the distribution of income and not all of these differences relate to market purchases such as extra tuition. Falls in income might not necessarily be as disastrous for social mobility, but may be if greater financial stress impedes an individual’s ability to parent effectively.” Skills mismatch As regards the macro perspective, reports from the Office for Economic Co-operation and Development on skills mismatching show that the UK is not great at matching the jobs that need doing to the skills workers actually have, says Eyles. Many existing economic problems are due to low productivity – it has been stagnant for the past 20 years and that has meant no change in average wages, according to the Resolution Foundation report. “There are too many university graduates – about 43% of young people go to university now, but only one third of employers need a degree,” Eyles says. This surplus of degrees to posts does not necessarily negate the need for prospective jobseekers to have a degree to access them in the first place. There are, however, shortages of paid apprenticeships and trade training. “There are large gaps in skilled trades, IT and the education sector,” Eyles continues. “Getting those skills is difficult as the training can be expensive, often beyond the reach of working class families, and it’s not transparent.” There needs to be more awareness and access to trades and professions that fall outside the university route, he explains. With this in mind, the government has introduced the National Skills Fund with about £500m of resources to make some vocational training free for people. “The government is cognisant of the fact that young people are struggling through the pandemic, and they need skills they don’t have to get back into the labour market. It isn’t obvious whether its skills fund is going to be enough yet,” he cautions. Geographical differences It is difficult for governments to change the economy with levelling-up schemes to try to make certain places more affluent, says Eyles. “Cities, such as Manchester and Liverpool, have done quite well with employment growth, but then house prices have grown in a corresponding way. Because of rising house prices, people are going to move to cheaper areas such as the North East.” In provincial cities, housing costs are lower, but transport links might be poor. “This is the big opportunity to improve – it’s a real conduit for economic mobility,” says Eyles. According to the Resolution Foundation report, policymakers should: Make sure any policy is highly targeted, for example getting people back into employment or closing the education gap. Manage local areas with specific focus on transport, housing and industry. Young people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, so will need focused support for mental health, retraining, education or skills management. Job losses due to the pandemic have fallen hardest on those with the least resources. Policy or funding must address the lowest income families first. This article was first published by ICAEW at the following URL: https://www.icaew.com/insights/viewpoints-on-the-news/2022/Feb-2022/How-to-approach-social-mobility-on-a-global-level
{"url": "https://cawnetworkusa.com/insight/approach-social-mobility-global-level/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cawnetworkusa.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:01:09Z", "digest": "sha1:QTBIEBMRZBQIYAIAKQM2VE4LG2C56WSF"}
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Forget Big Data – the future is in connected and public data By Ryan Herman, CA Magazine We are living in the age of misinformation. Kerry McGuire CA, Director of Global Data Design at YouGov, tells Ryan Herman why data should be democratised and disseminated to all. At the start of the previous decade, the concept of Big Data generated a lot of excitement across government and the private sector. That was swiftly followed by the realisation, however, that there is simply way too much information out there. Our ever-increasing use of, and reliance on, technology has led to the storage of vast repositories of information on people’s interests and behavioural habits, ranging from what they search for online to the contents of their fridge. Kerry McGuire CA, Director of Global Data Design at YouGov, says that the way to cut through information overload comes via connected data. “YouGov’s co-founder Stephan Shakespeare likens data to roads and utilities in terms of its importance to a nation’s infrastructure. It’s what helps companies and governments to make decisions,” McGuire says. “The idea of connected data is to make sense of all this information, to pull it together and create a narrative that can lead to tangible decisions being made.” YouGov is perhaps best known for its political surveys, but the core of its business revolves around the continuous polling of people across the globe, including around one million Britons. Together, these polls provide information on anything from preferred holiday destinations to how people feel about shopping with a face mask. McGuire says that there are obvious benefits to its method: “We have more than 40 panels that we own globally and we design the questions for our panellists to answer. The fact we can collect data from them on a continuous basis becomes really powerful. “You might have data on current customers through a loyalty scheme. With connected data, somebody can dive in and understand what those customers look like in terms of their gender, age group, geography, earnings, disposable income or their world view, etc. “If a client thinks, ‘I’ve got a product I want to launch, and this is the target group I’ve identified’ [through connected data] then we can reconnect with that target group on our panel to ask some product-specific questions to help the client make an informed decision, get approval from their board, and hopefully it will be a commercial success.” McGuire is also a keen advocate of public data. “Public data isn’t mutually exclusive from connected data,” she says, “but in its simplest form, it’s about making data easy to understand and digestible. Information doesn’t have to be used only by specialist marketing teams or data scientists. “We’ve looked at the impact of Covid-19 through many different markets and we’ve also been tracking behavioural data around the crisis. Were people scared about catching the virus? Were they listening to the lockdown rules? Are they wearing face masks? “There are also questions around trust in government and we’re asking those on a rolling basis to all our panellists around the world. One of the questions we’ve asked is, ‘Who do you trust on public information messaging – is it the government, the media or health professionals? And we’ve looked at how that has changed over time. We’ve teamed up with Imperial College London and the World Health Organisation to provide them with that data for free. “Anyone can look on our website to see not only how this country is feeling but how other countries are feeling as well. It’s a really good example of the power and importance of public data, although I obviously hope Covid in particular is a one-off example.” In the age of fake news, there has never been a greater need for trustworthy information. One of the pitfalls of social media is the echo chamber effect – the way posts are filtered to prioritise comments that are in line with the user’s own outlook. This adds greater weight to YouGov’s work. “We are in a place where there is a lot of data out there and it’s not always reliable or it is coming from a certain perspective,” McGuire concludes. “At YouGov, we feel we have a part to play in making sure that unbiased data is available to everyone.” This article was first published by ICAS. You can read the original article here.
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Solar Energy Making Ultra-Green Homes davidc@ccr-mag.com November 29, 2015 Energy-efficient homes of the future have arrived and are growing in popularity. According to a report by McGraw Hill Construction, nearly one-third of new single-family homes in the U.S. will be green by 2016. They are energy and natural resource efficient, designed to reduce overall impact on human health and the environment. An increased number of consumers are going a step further and striving for net-zero energy homes that use renewable energy solutions, such as solar power systems, to offset all or most of their energy consumption. Across the country, the number of net-zero energy residential and commercial buildings doubled between 2012 and 2014 as cited by the New Buildings Institute. Experts predict the trend will continue. This is partly because reliable solar has become more accessible and affordable than ever, delivering dramatic energy savings to customers. The Solar Energy Industries Association reports that since 2006, the price to install solar has plummeted by more than 70 percent, and innovative technologies are making solar panels increasingly more efficient. Today there are close to one million solar energy systems operating in the U.S., which in terms of reduced carbon emissions is the equivalent of taking 5.4 million vehicles off the road each year. “Homeowners across the U.S. are opting for green homes to maximize energy efficiency while increasing electricity savings, and SunPower has partnerships with eight of the top ten homebuilders nationwide to meet this consumer demand with reliable solar energy solutions,” said Tom Werner, president and CEO of SunPower, one of the world’s most innovative solar companies known for the industry’s most efficient commercially available solar panels. SunPower is also the first and only solar manufacturer to earn the prestigious Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Silver designation for its panels manufactured in Mexico and France, comprising 75 percent of shipments globally. “The future of energy is giving customers the power to choose where their electricity comes from, when they use it, and at what price,” Werner continued. “SunPower is paving the way with a fully-integrated approach to solar power, providing solar panels that deliver 70 percent more energy than conventional panels in the same amount of roof space, and energy management software that enables homeowners to set goals and take control of their energy future.” In Washington D.C. this week at Greenbuild, the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to green building, SunPower will offer an inside look at what will be the industry’s first turn-key home solar energy solution that is wholly designed and built by one manufacturer. It is scheduled to be available to U.S. customers in 2016. While most companies offer conventional solar systems made with parts from various manufacturers, customers can trust that every major component of a SunPower solar system is created by SunPower and designed to work seamlessly together - from high efficiency solar cells, to panels, to mounting hardware, to monitoring software. The revolutionary, fully-integrated solar solution will feature: SunPower® Signature™ Black high efficiency solar panels with built-in microinverters that minimize bulky conduit and wiring, and allow for increased design flexibility across different roof types and orientations Proprietary low-profile mounting hardware to give the system a sleek, floating appearance for best-in-class aesthetics Software to track energy production and consumption, with built-in Smart Energy technology to set energy and savings goals Werner points out that all solar energy systems are not created equal. It’s important to research what type of panels and inverters are offered by local installers. Here are three simple questions to ask when you’re shopping for solar and some FAQs. “There is no denying that solar power is now mainstream, and for 30 years we’ve helped SunPower customers stay well ahead of the energy curve with high efficiency solar solutions that deliver clean electricity and significant energy savings,” Werner added. “At SunPower, we believe in changing the way our world is powered. And it’s never been a better time for homeowners to make the change.” About SunPower As one of the world's most innovative and sustainable energy companies, SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWR) provides a diverse group of customers with complete solar solutions and services. Residential customers, businesses, governments, schools and utilities around the globe rely on SunPower's more than 30 years of proven experience. From the first flip of the switch, SunPower delivers maximum value and superb performance throughout the long life of every solar system. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, SunPower has dedicated, customer-focused employees in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America. For more information about how SunPower is changing the way our world is powered, visit www.sunpower.com.
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CDC History Online Proceedings and Videos Tutorial Sessions Video Recording Instructions Travel & Venue The Conference Venue: The Marriott Cancún Collection Child Care Reimbursement Local Attractions and Tours Visa/Certificates Student Travel Support Best Student Paper Award Student Workshop Support Meet the Faculty Candidates Poster Session 2022 IEEE Control Systems Award Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory (MERL), located in Cambridge, MA, is the North American R&D organization for Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a $40B global manufacturer of electrical products including elevator and escalators, HVAC systems, electrical power systems, satellites, factory automation equipment, automotive electronics and visual information systems. Controls researchers at MERL collaborate with corporate R&D laboratories, business units in Japan and academic partners around the world to develop new control algorithms and control technologies that extend the performance envelope of these systems. For students who are interested in pursuing an exciting summer of research, please check out our internship program and learn more at facebook or @MERL_news. MERL interns work closely with top researchers, and gain valuable industry experience – at an impressive 1:1 intern to researcher ratio. Internships are expected to lead to publications in major conferences and journals. We also recently started a PostDoc program. For PhD graduates interested in applying please see our website www.merl.com We offer competitive compensation and relocation assistance. Boston is a fantastic student-oriented city, home to some of the best universities in the world. The summer season is especially lively as MERL and Boston are teeming with researchers and visitors from all over the world. The MATLAB and Simulink product families are fundamental applied math and computational tools at the world’s educational institutions. Adopted by more than 6,500 universities and colleges, MathWorks products accelerate the pace of learning, teaching, and research in engineering and science. MathWorks products also help prepare students for careers in industry worldwide, where the tools are widely used for data analysis, mathematical modeling, and algorithm development in collaborative research and new product development. Application areas include data analytics, mechatronics, communication systems, image processing, computational finance, and computational biology. As the central innovation hub for Raytheon Technologies and its businesses, the Raytheon Technologies Research Center puts technical vision to work. Our engineers, scientists and researchers anticipate the discoveries destined to change everything, and they help our businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon Intelligence & Space and Raytheon Missiles & Defense – transform that research into solutions and products that shape the future of aerospace and defense. We are empowering innovation across our company, solving customers’ critical problems, developing breakthroughs for a safer, sustainable and more connected world, partnering with universities and national laboratories on groundbreaking research projects in complex integrated systems, advanced materials and manufacturing, autonomy-enabling technologies, electrification and sustainability, and disruptive technologies. Quanser is the world leader in innovative technology for engineering education and research. With a heritage in creating leading-edge platforms for controls, mechatronics, and robotics, Quanser has built a legacy over the past 30 years of transformational solutions that bring emerging technologies including autonomous robotics, IoT, self-driving, and virtual reality to students worldwide. Quanser is unique as the only commercial organization that offers a comprehensive, academically sound platform for delivering programs that push the boundaries of traditional engineering education and research. Though a wide network of academic partners and faculty equivalent researchers and course designers, Quanser works with institutions to solve the challenges of modern engineering as true colleagues as opposed to conventional vendors. SIAM publishes textbooks, monographs, software guides, and more. Visit our booth to browse new and backlist titles, and take advantage of the available at discounted conference pricing. SIAM partners with authors to publish books of outstanding quality and accessible pricing. If you’re interested in writing a book, speak to Executive Editor Elizabeth Greenspan at the SIAM booth. Discover Springer Nature’s journals and books in all areas of Engineering, serving researchers, professionals, lecturers and students. Our outstanding program reflects the diversity of topics in research, teaching and practice and focuses on the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering as well as interdisciplinary areas such as mechanics and biomedical engineering. We offer basic knowledge for students as well as high-quality books and research literature for engineers, practitioners and researchers. Our publications include the prestigious journal Nonlinear Dynamics, the book series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering and the Springer Handbook of Robotics. We publish many prestigious journals in Computer Science, including a number of fully open access journals. Our book and eBook portfolio comprises conference proceedings, book series, textbooks and major reference works from distinguished authors, such as recipients of the Turing Award. Well-known publications include: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) as well as LNBIP and CCIS proceedings series, International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (UTiCS) and the bestselling The Algorithm Design Manual. Society partners include the China Computer Federation (CCF) and International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Springer Nature’s journals, books and eBooks in all areas of Mathematics, serving researchers, lecturers, students, and professionals. We publish many of the most prestigious journals in Mathematics, including a number of fully open access journals. Our book and eBook portfolio comprises monographs, textbook series, reference works and conference proceedings from the world’s most distinguished authors. The Computer Science department at Elsevier publishes more than 100 journals, including all 8 IFAC titles and the IFAC-PapersOnLine proceedings volumes. With portfolios covering topics from control and signal processing to computer vision & pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, the subject range is wide, cutting-edge and comprehensive. Dating back to 1880, Elsevier is today a global information analytics business, specialising in science and health, with an aim to play an integral role in the progression of knowledge. Journals publishing is a key strength of the company, with many of the world’s top journal brands included in Elsevier’s collection. Elsevier – and Computer Science at Elsevier – leads the way in innovation and seeks to partner with researchers to offer them the platforms and tools they need to progress their discoveries and make an impact. Open science and open access initiatives, conference leadership, researcher training, reproducibility activities and society partnerships are just a few examples of what we offer to the communities we serve. Check our website to learn more: https://www.elsevier.com/physical-sciences-and-engineering/computer-science, and visit us at the booth in the Exhibit area. Franklin Open is a new open-access, rapid turn-around peer reviewed journal focused on the fields of engineering and applied mathematics. Franklin Open is a partner journal to the longstanding Journal of The Franklin Institute, which has been publishing scientific research and discoveries for almost 200 years. The journal was created to not only continue that legacy, but to provide a sustainable platform for new research to be widely disseminated from all voices in the scientific and academic communities. Franklin Open aims to publish high quality manuscripts under such topics as, Complex Networks & Cyber-Physical Systems, Control Engineering & Robotics, Energy & Power Systems, Information & Communications, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks & Learning Systems, and Speech, Image, & Signal Processing. We welcome new submissions through our website. If you have any questions, please contact franklinopen@fi.edu. ©Copyright 2022 IEEE – All rights reserved. Use of this website signifies your agreement to the Terms of Use | A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Website Developed by Resource Stack
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6 Tips on Joining a Church Community James Lepine· 7 min read Two years ago I moved to Denver. I was pursuing the woman who is now my wife. She was starting at Denver Seminary, pursuing a master’s degree in counseling. I was working from home at the time, so finding work wouldn’t be an issue. I arrived in town on a Sunday, and that night EA […]
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Calexico Chronicle, Number 13, 27 October 1955
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Calexico Chronicle, Number 17, 24 November 1955
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Calexico Chronicle, Number 34, 29 March 1956
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Calexico Chronicle, Number 41, 17 May 1956
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Desert Sun Desert Sun, Volume 43, Number 228, 30 April 1970
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Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA) 7 September 2001 Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA), Volume 105, Number 35, 7 September 2001
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Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA) 14 December 2001 Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA), Volume 105, Number 49, 14 December 2001
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Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA) 18 January 2002 Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA), Volume 106, Number 3, 18 January 2002
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Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA) 15 February 2002 Jewish bulletin of Northern California (San Francisco, CA), Volume 106, Number 7, 15 February 2002
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Texas v. Richter Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit in federal court over the Biden Administration’s decision to unlawfully strip away Texas’s 1115 Medicaid waiver extension, which would have ensured stable funding for providers of healthcare for children, people with disabilities, and the elderly. Attorney General Ken Paxton is seeking to reinstate the extension of the Medicaid waiver and prevent the federal government from forcing the adoption of its own unsuitable program. Texas v. Yellen Alabama v. Dep’t of Commerce
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In their book, Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future, Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum say that Americans don’t trust science. A lot of that, as they point out, is a result of negative portrayals in television and movies, attacks from politicians and religious groups, and a general disconnect of scientific research from most of our daily lives. I have always revered science, or at least the classical scientific principles that have been proven over time. Just as I would rather listen to classical music than the latest hits, or get my information from books instead of streaming newscasts, I tend to prefer the thoroughly digested long-term overview of science over the day-to-day research process. When we get down to day-to-day findings, or even decade-to-decade findings, science hasn’t always earned our trust. The same people who brought us “better living through chemistry” also brought us bisphenol-A, PCBs, Agent Orange, and a host of household chemicals with dangers and toxicity levels that the average person is either unaware of or chooses to ignore. Science has overall raised our standard of living, but it has also led to overpopulation as food has become more plentiful, people live longer, and many diseases have been eradicated or made less severe. We are more comfortable, healthier, and able to enjoy life more than ever, and yet there is a sense of loss in that we seem to have more and more odd seasons–here in northeast Ohio we seem to have a lot of unusually warm winters and cool summers of late. Visit a park like Smoky Mountain National Park today and it just doesn’t have the feeling of wilderness that it used to have. It hasn’t been developed any more than it used to be, but as more people visit the park it just doesn’t feel like you are getting as close to nature as you used to feel. As we build more roads, buy more cars, and develop more suburbs, things start to look the same everywhere you go–I loved the term Generica that someone coined for the strip malls that all have the same stores and restaurants. Admittedly, all of these observations are indirectly a result of the science that made them possible. It is perhaps unfair to blame science for it, because it has more to do with how people have chosen to use the science. In pure scientific research we see practices that also lead us to suspect scientists’ motives. Researchers receive funding from drug companies to test the effectiveness of the drugs, but do not disclose the funding source. Negative experiment results are simply not reported. In my own field of psychology, all kinds of things can go wrong with experiments. Many researchers do their best to avoid introducing biases or errors into their experiments, but results are often open to interpretation. A lot depends on how the questions are asked or how the results are interpreted. Experiments are supposed to be reproducible, but how often does someone actually try to reproduce any but the most classical experiments that are demonstrated in student labs. More likely, when a result is published, it will motivate someone else to come up with a counterexample or way of demonstrating an opposing view, and a subsequent experiment will argue for the opposite interpretation. Over time we might get to the truth, but it will take a long time to get there. This entry was posted in How I see things on September 30, 2010 by Cliff Lewis. ← Great things happening in northeast Ohio Persuading technical people →
{"url": "https://cewrite.com/blog/building-trust-in-science/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cewrite.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T12:08:07Z", "digest": "sha1:3FOH2EAZKFB23YKMBAM42O654TGP7AAB"}
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Category Archives: Overview Do your meetings suffer from lack of focus, arguing, drifting off topic, and private agendas? If not, please share with all of us how you manage. Dialog mapping offers one way to help keep meetings focused and moving forward. I have taken an interest in it, and I can foresee using it during meetings with clients, not just to take notes for my own use, but also to help the clients reach a consensus on what messages they really want to get across. Dialog mapping is not the same as sentence diagramming, something I never had any use for. Neither is it just a form of meeting facilitation. Unlike a facilitator, the dialog mapper is usually not leading the meeting, but is acting as a scribe whose notes can be seen by everyone in the meeting. Through a web meeting such as WebEx or Zoho Meeting, it is possible for the mapper to work remotely and have the computer screen activities visible to others. Some people who practice dialog mapping are skilled graphic artists who make hand sketches in front of the meeting room. But for those of us who are less graphically inclined, there is a free program, called Compendium, that allows complex maps to be drawn with little artistic skill. The value of dialog mapping is that it treats everyone’s input in the meeting equally and objectively. If people have agendas or special interests, those views are noted on the map and discussion is freed to move on. If people ramble off topic, it becomes clear quickly either through unimportant nodes being posted to the map or by the mapper having to ask for clarification about how the current topic should be represented in relation to the other meeting notes. Contact me if you would like help improving your meetings using dialog mapping. I offer a free consultation to your next meeting between now and May 1. This entry was posted in Overview on September 30, 2010 by Cliff Lewis. This blog is dedicated to the mission of Cliff’s Edge, L.L.C., which is to disseminate information about advanced technologies. I started to act on that idea a few years ago when I was helping the Center for Regional Economic Issues (REI), which is now I-Open. We wanted to publicize how much innovative research and development was going on in northeast Ohio, which most people rarely hear about. Yes, the local newspapers and business press cover technology, but a lot of their technology reporting is about how such-and-such advanced technology company spent so many dollars on a new facility in the region (or more recently has filed for bankruptcy). The coverage is also mostly about the larger, established companies. Important news, certainly, but it misses out on a lot of the gee-whiz factor you see when you start to learn about all the cutting-edge ideas being tossed around in this area’s research institutes and startup companies. Unfortunately the funding for the webzine we envisioned never materialized. We did create a sample issue, and several of the writing samples on my web site are taken from that issue. As I learn about new technologies, I hope to report on them in this blog. I can’t give the glitzy coverage that the webzine offered, because I am much more talented as a writer than as a graphic artist. I will also favor northeast Ohio, but will not limit my coverage to that area. This entry was posted in Advanced Technology, Overview on April 3, 2008 by Cliff Lewis.
{"url": "https://cewrite.com/blog/category/overview/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cewrite.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:06:55Z", "digest": "sha1:K7UCIRKHYL4OAKA23H6JH2WCZBIQZFBZ"}
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Discernment Day About the Day 09:00 am – 10:00 am – Registration 10:00 am – 04:00 pm – Discernment Day Program 12:00 pm – Lunch break (lunch is provided)
{"url": "https://charlottediocese.org/vocations/discernment-day/about-the-day/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "charlottediocese.org", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:48:32Z", "digest": "sha1:FXA6QXLRYC5AES7WVODKFT3TQQDR4CYI"}
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I was expecting Junichiro Tanizaki’s The Makioka Sisters to be a challenging read. Tanizaki, after all, is one of Japan’s most famous writers and the book is a good 530 pages of small print. After reading Naomi which impressed me considerably, I finally took The Makioka Sisters off my TRB shelf after it lay there languishing for too many years. And it was a revelation. Naomi took as its main character a young woman in Tokyo who falls into a degenerate and modern lifestyle as opposed to the traditional Japanese lifestyle that was slowly vanishing. The Makioka Sisters, on the other hand, tells the story of four sisters belonging to an old and venerable merchant family in Osaka who are clinging to the traditional way of life amidst the onset of war and financial hardship. Tsuruko and Sachiko are the two elder sisters who have been married for over ten years to Tatsuo and Teinosuke who have both taken the Makioka name, Tsuruko’s husband Tatsuo becoming the head of the Makioka family after their father’s death. The story follows their attempts at getting the third sister Yukiko married. Until she does, the youngest sister Taeko (or Koi-san as she is known) is unable to get married herself. The search for a suitable husband proves to be full of obstacles not least of which is an old scandal involving Taeko and the youngest son of a rich Osaka family. Compared to Yukiko who is passive and non-commital, Taeko is full of life, wanting to try new things and making a living for herself (which is frowned upon as unsuitable for her social station by her brother-in-laws). As the years go by, with Japan’s military intrusion into world affairs and the rise of war in the West, the Makiokas themselves begin to feel that what is acceptable behaviour in society is slowly beginning to change. Tanizaki portrays each sister with different characteristics, but because it is Sachiko, the second sister, who narrates most of the novel, it is a little difficult to discern the thoughts of Yukiko and Taeko about whom she worries so much. In fact, I found Yukiko’s passivity and Taeko’s rebelliousness baffling at times because we are unable to understand their motives. In a society where marriage is equal to social status, being unmarried was a stigma not only for that person but for the whole extended family. Even though this was so, Yukiko who is in her early thirties seemed unbothered by her single status. Taeko on the other hand is eager to get away and start a life of her own. Although the Makioka family is far more lenient than would be expected during this period (both Yukiko and Taeko are allowed to stay with Sachiko instead of Tsuruko and still keep their allowance) and although their family fortune has dwindled since their father’s death, their life is still one of luxury and leisure. Tanizaki does not focus on eroticism and degeneracy as in some of his other work, but there is still a hint of it with Taeko’s involvement with the unsuitable men in her life. It would seem that by the time Tanizaki came to write The Makioka Sisters (or Sasameyuki, it’s Japanese title), he had fallen out of love with everything modern and Western and had moved away from Tokyo towards Osaka and Kobe where most of this novel is set. Even so, Tanizaki cannot help including snippets of detail such as the cafe Juccheim’s in Kobe (which still exists) and the Leica with which the Makioka sisters take photographs of the weeping cherry trees in Kyoto. They are always eating out at European restaurants and seem to have a fondness of everything German including German beer and medicine. In a sense I found that Tanizaki was caught between his love for the modern and Western and the traditional and Japanese. He also highlights the difference between the people of Osaka and Tokyo in their manner and their use of language which still exist today. Tanizaki’s treatment of the Makioka sisters portrays the confusion in the changing social milieu and mirrors the theme of modern vs. traditional which runs through the novel. But it is not a simple delineation between the two as all four sisters portray both aspects from switching between kimonos and dresses to drinking sake and wine, smoking and even preferring European food. Ultimately the sisters are brought back into the traditional fold through marriage and it is only Taeko who becomes more modern, and therefore degenerate, who pays the price for her choice. I don’t know whether this was intended but it seemed a little harsh that Taeko who strived to do things her way and make her own life was ultimately punished for refusing to think of the consequences of her actions for the people around her. The Makioka Sisters felt as though it was a very modern novel, albeit one set in the late 1930s. Considering Tanizaki’s main characters were mostly women in this novel, I thought he was fair in their portrayal, although veering slightly towards the extreme in the case of Yukiko and Taeko. But his portrayal of Sachiko and her marriage was beautiful and sympathetic and you can see his fascination with women and their struggles. As much as it is a novel of the four sisters, it is also a novel of the men in their lives, the husbands, the brother-in-laws and the suitors. Together you can build a picture of a society struggling towards modernity but constantly being held back by convention. I didn’t expect to enjoy The Makioka Sisters so much. And I appreciated it more as I read along. It’s a book to savour and enjoy and this may be due to its origins as a serial novel. I only wish it was a little longer because I wanted to know how the sisters fared. Did they find their own happiness in the end? How was the family affected by war? I was surprised at how much I cared about the gentle Makiokas and how much they made me think about life as a woman and the choices we are given. Following on from Naomi, The Makioka Sisters has whetted my appetite for Tanizaki’s writing and I will definitely seek out more books by Tanizaki to read. I am counting this book for both the Japanese Literature Challenge 3 and the Women Unbound Challenge. Filed in Books, Challenges, Fiction, Historical, Japanese Tags: Japanese Literary Challenge, junichiro tanizaki, The Makioka Sisters, Women Unbound A Japanese Thing: Yoshoku Here’s an interesting article I found about Japanese Western food from a post on Frugal Traveller. What has this to do with books? I hear you say. Well, food is a joyous thing in my life and I’m always happy when it makes an appearance in the books I read. Yoshoku, translated as Western food, became popular once Japan opened up to the West, especially in the Meiji, Taisho and post-war eras. Essentially it’s a bastardised version of Western food revamped to suit Japanese tastes. Most famous are hamburgers (hambagoo), Japanese curry (kare raisu) and katsu (like a Wiener Schnitzel but thicker and eaten with a Worcestershire-like sauce called ‘sauce’ or ‘sōsu’). I always have problems romanising Japanese loan words as I automatically translate them into English, and feel a bit shy about saying it in a Japanese way when I am perfectly capable of saying it in English. Anyone else feel this way? Recently I finished reading Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki for Bellezza’s Japanese Literary Challenge 3 in which the main characters, Naomi and Jōji, considered themselves ‘modern’ and set themselves apart from their peers by learning Western dance, living in a Western style house and eating yoshoku. A lot of the literature from that period that were trying to emulate the West focussed on the idea of modernity and what it was to be modern. A change in dress style, food and language were the main things they incorporated into their previously traditional Japanese existence. Young mogas and mobos (modern girls and modern boys) were considered fast, often seen out drinking, smoking and dancing. Now yoshoku is often considered traditional Japanese Western food as there are a plethora of incredibly good, authentic Western restaurants that can be found all over Japan. My friends and I all grew up with hamburgers, Japanese curry and katsu and it often brings back nostalgic memories of when we were young. Filed in Books, Challenges, Fiction, Food, Japanese Tags: Japanese Literary Challenge, junichiro tanizaki, Naomi, yoshoku
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GoldenEye’s canceled Xbox 360 remake leaks online, and it’s playable A remake of the Nintendo 64 classic GoldenEye 007 has leaked online, and it’s playable on PC using an emulator, Video Games Chronicle reports. The game, which was originally destined for the Xbox 360’s Live Arcade service, includes the original single-player campaign, as well as local split-screen multiplayer, but online multiplayer and leaderboards are reportedly missing. The whole package has received a graphical overhaul, but players can switch back to the original graphics with a button-press. The remake was never released, after it was canceled back in 2008 as it neared completion. According to a report from 1Up at the time which has now been corroborated by VGC, the issue came down to the sheer number of rights-holders for the game. This included not just Nintendo (publisher of the N64 original), and Microsoft (owner of Rare, the original game’s developer), but also Bond-license holders Eon Productions, as well as the actors whose likenesses appeared in the game. Footage of the remake has surfaced before, including a two-hour gameplay video that emerged just last month, but now the single-player campaign and local multiplayer game is playable for anyone who’s able to find a copy of the ROM on file-sharing sites and configure an Xbox 360 emulator (Xenia is apparently the way to go here). But if that sounds like too much effort, then this livestream from Digital Foundry offers a great overview of the contents of the remaster: Although this specific GoldenEye 007 remaster was never released, there are a host of other related projects that saw the light of day over the years. While the complexities of the Bond license may have prevented Rare from remaking GoldenEye, it was eventually able to release a remake of its spiritual successor, Perfect Dark, on Xbox Live Arcade back in 2010. Perfect Dark was a similar style of game to GoldenEye, and ran on an upgraded version of its engine, but was based on an original IP. Meanwhile, a separate GoldenEye 007 remake was eventually developed by Activision (which held the rights to develop and publish Bond games between 2006 and 2013) and released for the Wii in 2010 (it was ported to the Xbox 360 and PS3 the following year). This remake was generally well received, but it bore little relation to the N64 original. At the time, many remarked that it felt more like a Call of Duty game that also happened to be based on the 1995 Bond film, rather than a remake of the 1997 game. Away from official projects, there have also been a number of attempts at fan-made remakes of GoldenEye 007 over the years. GoldenEye: Source was a remake of the original game’s multiplayer made in Valve’s Source engine (it’s available to download here), while GoldenEye 25 was an attempt to rebuild the original game’s campaign in Unreal Engine 4 that was shut down last year.
{"url": "https://cheatselsword.com/goldeneyes-canceled-xbox-360-remake-leaks-online-and-its-playable/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cheatselsword.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:00:49Z", "digest": "sha1:QNTO2ILY66D7RXE6WXSVJAF55ENYPFHL"}
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Sony’s PlayStation 5 is available at Target [UPDATE: Sold Out] Update March 9th, 2021 10:36AM ET: Target has sold out of both PS5 consoles. After less than a year on the market, Sony’s latest gaming console, the PlayStation 5, has become one of the most sought-after devices. With supplies limited and demand high, it has been difficult to try to secure a unit. If you are still looking to grab a PS5 for yourself or a loved one, Target has the console in stock right now in both the digital edition and disc drive variants. Demon’s Souls Remake Spider-Man: Miles Morales (Ultimate Launch Edition) DualSense PlayStation Plus membership (one year) Sony’s flagship next-gen console, starting at $399.99. The biggest difference between both models is the Digital Edition can only play digital games, while the $500 PS5 includes a disc drive, allowing you to play both digital and physical games. If you are fortunate enough to buy Sony’s new gaming console, I have a few suggestions on some additional items you may want to buy. Of course, you’ll likely want to buy some games for your new console. The PS5 is home to some of the most popular titles right now, such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and the 2020 remake of Demon’s Souls, as well as some other fun games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Bugsnax, and Sackboy: A Big Adventure. A remake of the 2009 game Demon’s Souls by FromSoftware, rebuilt from the ground up by Bluepoint Games. The second Spider-Man game developed by Insomniac Games. The Ultimate Launch Edition also includes a digital copy of Spider-Man Remastered. The latest Assassin’s Creed has you exploring an open-world environment that’s full of Vikings, Norse mythology, and beautiful vistas. If you plan to share this console with family and want to play local co-op games, an extra controller is a must-buy. Some games require an online subscription to play, so a subscription to PlayStation Plus is a good purchase. But you’re not just paying to play most games (excluding free-to-play titles) online, as PS5 users with an active PS Plus subscription also have access to a digital library of PS4 classics thanks to the PlayStation Plus Collection. The controller designed for the PS5, featuring adaptive triggers, a built-in microphone, and haptic feedback technologies inside the controller. PlayStation Plus allows PS4 and PS5 gamers to play games online and receive free games each month along with discounts on the PS Store. Gaming Tech PlayStation
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Participants, organizers, and volunteers at the 2019 Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl gather in MIT's iconic Killian Court for a group photo. Photo by Songela Chen National competition veterans pay it forward at regional science contest by Laura Carter | School of Science | February 28, 2019 March 6, 2019 Categories: MIT News, Students More than 100 middle school students compete at the fourth Northeast Regional Science Bowl, hosted by students at MIT and sponsored by the School of Science. On Saturday, Feb. 23, more than 100 middle school students gathered at MIT to compete in the annual Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl. The event, now in its fourth year, was coordinated and executed by Kathleen Schwind, a senior in the five-year program in the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, and Songela Chen, a senior in the MIT Department of Chemistry. Many of the organizers and volunteers, including Schwind and Chen, are veterans of middle and high school National Science Bowl (NSB) competitions. “The Northeast Middle School Science Bowl really is something special,” says Schwind. “[It’s] an event run by young people for young people, and an opportunity to not only celebrate the youth in our community, but also inspire them to continue being a part of NSB and to give back to other young people one day, too.” The first several rounds were a round-robin style warmup for the 21 teams of four or five middle school students representing 10 schools from Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Correctly answered questions in fields such as life science, physical science, earth and space science, and math won a team points and the chance at a bonus question. An incorrect answer passed the question over to the other team, who could then attempt an answer. After a lunch break and group photo, elimination rounds began. Those knocked out switched their attention to fun engineering challenges such as building a tower out of supplied paper bags, aluminum foil, cups, and straws. At the end of the day, eliminated participants watched the tight race for third place, followed by a championship round for the title. This year, that title went to Jonas Clarke Middle School Team One from Lexington, Massachusetts. William Diamond Middle School Team One, also from Lexington, took second. The winning team received a coveted trophy and the opportunity to represent the Northeast in the National Science Bowl hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington in April. However, the competition was not about winning, said several participants, all of whom wore matching green shirts stating, “Keep calm and science bowl on.” Instead, it was about the fun and comradery of being part of a team. “It gives you purpose,” said a seventh-grade student from William Diamond Middle School. Being on MIT’s campus was an opportunity to interact with an even larger scientific community. “It’s fun and confusing and kind of scary,” said an eighth grader from Jonas Clarke, who wants to be a marine biologist. “Scary because of the number of people and how big MIT is,” she clarified with a laugh. As a student at MIT, Schwind founded the Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl when she learned the region lacked a local chapter. She used experience gained from founding and coordinating such events since age 16 — the youngest coordinator to date. “The science bowl is extremely valuable for promoting science and the broader appreciation of science, so I am delighted to continue my support through MIT’s School of Science for this year’s event,” School of Science Dean Michael Sipser says of his recurring interest in sponsorship of the event. Schwind also recruited the help of fellow National Science Bowl alumni, such as Chen. Although both will graduate in the spring, Schwind and Chen plan to continue running this event next year, remotely if necessary. As a seven-year alumna of middle and high school science bowls, Chen says it was a motivator for her career in science and she hopes to pay it forward, “to show middle school students how valuable and rewarding science can be.” “There is nothing like seeing a competitor have that sparkle in their eyes after the event and tell you that they now want to be a scientist or mathematician and go to MIT one day,” Schwind says.
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Performance Licensing for Your Easter Programs We are less than a month out from what is often considered the most important Christian holy day. Despite various meeting...
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The Aeronauts ★★ by Nick Adrian Some movies just don’t seem to come out at the right time. The climate around a film never determines its quality, but it can certainly help. Big, CGI-laden adventure fantasies are sure not a thing of the past in 2019, but it seems that tastes have shifted toward a more science fiction-centered oeuvre than the period piece; people are looking forward, not backward. That being said, Tom Harper’s The Aeronauts falls into this unfortunate category. While certainly not a bad film, it feels as though the audience for it has passed and in that, feels out of place alongside our multiple 2019 cinematic offerings. Inspired by true events, the film centers on 19th century meteorologist James Glaisher (Eddie Redmayne) and Amelia Wren (Felicity Jones), two renowned aeronauts publicly attempting to reach the highest altitude recorded for a hot air balloon. Their adventure is “clouded” with risk and heartbreak, though; this is James’ last opportunity to prove to his community (and the world) that it is possible to predict the weather. It is Amelia’s chance to prove to herself that she can overcome her husband’s death – coincidentally also balloon-related. But their troubles are multiplied when they aim too high- literally- and acts of God themselves get in the way. Along their journey, the film uses several instances of flashbacks to reveal the characters’ backstory: James’ attempts to gain funding to experiment with flying, his burgeoning partnership with Amelia, and the two’s attempts to make their flight. What is concerning is that the flashback scenes cause the pacing to go awry. Perhaps presenting the scenes in chronological order would have been a better choice…or maybe it wouldn’t have helped at all. While thinly disguised as a biopic or biographical film, The Aeronauts is ultimately a disaster/survival movie, this time the disaster simply being set on a hot-air balloon voyage. It isn’t necessarily the most intriguing plot and sadly doesn’t result in the most intriguing film. A more formal study on the history of balloon flight may have been a better subject to examine, but one wonders if the material would have sufficed to make a thoroughly entertaining film. With a wealth of disaster and survival films already released, audience just might not be as interested anymore. It seems as if The Aeronauts was purely made to generate Oscar buzz, but ultimately failed in providing subject matter worthy of acclaim. This being said, there are positive aspects of the film. Some of the climactic scenes are exciting, albeit riddled with slightly less than believable CGI. The choices cinematographer George Steel makes to induce anxiety and fear in the characters during their most desperate hours is infectious. The picture begins to blur, inducing a sense of dread in the viewer so naturally that they may not even realize it. Most of all, Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones have great chemistry together. Already being paired with each other before, they exhibit an honest movie duo that could be put to great use if they were not so inclined to mediocre biographical period films. Ultimately, The Aeronauts is not a boring watch. The action keeps things tense, though it might have been beneficial to save it for the latter half of the film instead of making it the entire main plot point. Overall, it is a fine film for anyone interested in the period and its many inventions. But if viewers are in the mood for something more memorable, they may have to look elsewhere. TagsEddie Redmayne • England • Felicity Jones • Himesh Patel • Tom Harper About Nick Adrian In middle school, Nick watched an all-day Alfred Hitchcock movie marathon on TV that changed his life forever. His interest in film blossomed as he dove into the filmographies of many classic and contemporary directors. He found film criticism to be a perfect marriage for his love of cinema and writing and he currently pursues both fields in college. His favorite directors include Stanley Kubrick, Jean-Luc Godard, David Lynch, Andrei Tarkovsky, Ingmar Bergman, Martin Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson, and naturally, Alfred Hitchcock. 0 comments on “The Aeronauts ★★”
{"url": "https://cineccentric.com/2019/12/26/the-aeronauts/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cineccentric.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:49:47Z", "digest": "sha1:X5KPV5PCC2XYYROA7OYP5ZNRX7HWU4LV"}
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By Jessica M. Vaughan on June 26, 2015 Most of the illegal border crossers from Central America who arrived in last year's surge have skipped out on their hearings, according to immigration court statistics obtained by Fox News. Only about 1 percent of the total have been awarded legal status or relief from deportation by immigration judges, but a significant number (37 percent) of the unaccompanied juvenile arrivals have had their cases closed or terminated, which indicates that they most likely also will be allowed to avoid deportation. In spite of these facts, yesterday the Obama administration announced that it will release the few illegal crossers who were detained, as well as any new arrivals who "state a claim" for asylum. The immigration court statistics are the latest evidence that the Obama administration's response to the surge has been an utter failure. Very few of the aliens are cooperating with the generous due process that they have been allowed. Only a small number are qualifying for asylum. Most concerning, it is now clear that very few of the illegal arrivals will ever be repatriated, even if they fail in their request for asylum or other status, and that the administration's repeated assurances that they would be sent back were insincere and misleading. The statistics were obtained by Fox News from the Executive Office of Immigration Review, which runs the immigration courts and is an agency of the Department of Justice. These figures cover those illegal aliens who were put into deportation proceedings between July 18, 2014, and May 26, 2015. No information is available on what has happened to the 85,000 unaccompanied juveniles and 50,000 parents and children who arrived before July 2014. In total, only about 12 percent of the aliens in this sample had been detained. Only 9 percent of the adults with children were detained. The 9 percent have been the beneficiaries of an intense and emotional (and now successful) campaign to pressure the administration to release them and to end use of immigration detention altogether. While the proceedings have begun in most cases, fewer than one-third of the 77,000 have concluded, indicating that the administration's process is far from efficient, especially for those in detention — the population that ought to be receiving the swiftest processing possible. Not surprisingly, there is a stark difference in compliance rates for aliens who are detained vs. those who have been released: 84 percent of the adults with children who were released from custody subsequently failed to appear for their court hearings. In contrast, 29 percent of the adults with children and 10 percent of the other adult illegal border crossers skipped out on their hearings. How could any detained person flee from proceedings, especially when the proceedings often occur right in the detention center via videoconference? It is because some of those labeled "detained" in fact were detained only for a time and then were released from custody, giving them the opportunity to abscond. These very low compliance rates indicate that, contrary to the claims of advocacy groups, very few of the illegal aliens in the surge could have arrived with the intention of pursuing an asylum claim based on fear of persecution or danger in their homeland. Instead, as the Border Patrol found at the time, their goal was to receive a "permiso", which is the actually the Notice to Appear, or immigration charging document. The compliance rate for unaccompanied juveniles was better (41 percent), but still fewer than half showed up for their hearings, which can hardly be called a success. Absconding is probably the smartest choice for most of these illegal aliens. Court statistics reveal that only a very tiny share — 1 percent overall — are succeeding in obtaining legal status in immigration court. The success rate is higher for detained adults with children (21 percent). That is likely because the administration has provided legal counsel to those in detention and those advocates can provide aliens with the right buzzwords to enable asylum adjudicators to grant their requests. It is likely that a number of the aliens whose cases were terminated by immigration judges (mostly juveniles) were thrown out because the aliens may have received asylum or the special green card for juveniles (Special Immigrant Juvenile Status) from USCIS, the immigration benefits-processing agency. A larger number were administratively closed or simply washed out of the system under the administration's sweeping application of "prosecutorial discretion". In total, 37 percent of the juvenile cases were closed or terminated — which means the aliens get to stay. While the vast majority (81 percent) of these cases concluded with the alien being ordered removed or ordered to depart voluntarily (of their own accord within a certain time), this does not mean that any of these aliens have actually departed the United States. These statistics refer only to initial case outcomes, which can be appealed. Or the aliens can simply ignore the removal (or Voluntary Departure) order. Currently there are more than 900,000 aliens who have been ordered removed, but who have not departed. Of course, ICE attorneys can appeal any grants of relief awarded by immigration judges, just like they can appeal any court orders to release aliens, but that would be a real career-killer nowadays. ICE has yet to disclose how many of the illegal aliens apprehended in the surge have been removed, with or without an immigration court hearing. Given the very small number of Central American arrivals who are able to qualify for relief, and the very large number who are not showing up for hearings, the administration should be pressed to explain its recent decision to henceforth allow the release of arriving adults with children when it is clear that they are going to remain as illegal aliens. The administration's actions are practically begging Congress to step in to restore some semblance of enforcement to curb the continuing influx over the southern border. Topics: Illegal Immigration Alternatives to Detention or Alternatives to Enforcement? Pennsylvania County Scraps Sanctuary Policy U Visas for Illegal-Alien Crime Victims: Yet Another Amnesty Ploy
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The Public Works mission is to provide effective management, construction, and maintenance of City-owned infrastructure and facilities while maintaining the highest levels of customer service and professionalism in support of strategic goals and objectives as defined in the City’s Strategic Plan. Additionally, the Public Works Department serves to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents through the employment of new technologies and application of industry proven standards. The Public Works Department is instrumental in constructing, maintaining, repairing, and managing public property and infrastructure. The Department consists of five divisions with a wide variety of responsibilities including, but not limited to: streets, canals, sidewalks, drainage, parks, facilities, fleet, landscaping, and capital projects. Additionally, the Department performs administrative functions including but not limited to grant preparation and administration, as well as contract and project management. With a staff of 30 dedicated employees, the Public Works Department strives to provide residents with quality services in the most professional, cost effective, and efficient manner possible. Each member of the Public Works Department is an integral part of our team and takes pride in the high level of diverse services we provide to each and every resident. Our staff possesses diverse mechanical, technical and analytical skills as well as the essential knowledge, skills and abilities required in the field of public works. With the exception of public holidays, the Administrative Offices are open Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm and can be reached at 954.757.4119. All email inquiries can be sent to Public Works Information. Administration Division
{"url": "https://cityofparkland.org/80/About-Public-Works", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cityofparkland.org", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:42:23Z", "digest": "sha1:SD7Q4WRQCSEPVXI4IJF4FQLAU3NOZRW5"}
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Gene Symbol PMS2 Synonyms HNPCC4 | LYNCH4 | MLH4 | MMRCS4 | PMS-2 | PMS2CL | PMSL2 Gene Description PMS2, PMS1 homolog 2, mismatch repair system component, interacts with MLH1 to form the MutL-alpha complex, which functions in DNA mismatch repair (PMID: 18157157, PMID: 24333356) and is associated with microsatellite instability (MSI) (PMID: 30121009) and genomic stability (PMID: 31747945). Germline PMS2 mutations are associated with Lynch syndrome (PMID: 15528792), mutations in PMS2 are associated with susceptibility to colon cancer and endometrial cancer (PMID: 24978665), and overexpression has been reported in prostate cancer (PMID: 27803051). ACMG Incidental List v3.0: Yes, Lynch syndrome (PMID: 34012068) 5395 7 7p22.1 NM_000535 Tumor suppressor (PMID: 30606230) Clinical Trials 103 Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance A423T missense unknown PMS2 A423T does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). A423T demonstrates reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. C843Y missense loss of function - predicted PMS2 C843Y does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). C843Y results in reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity in an in vitro assay compared to wild-type Pms2 and MMR activity similar to a Pms2 deficient control (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. D414fs frameshift loss of function - predicted PMS2 D414fs results in a change in the amino acid sequence of the Pms2 protein beginning at aa 414 of 862, likely resulting in premature truncation of the functional protein (UniProt.org). D414fs has not been characterized, however, due to the effects of other truncation mutations downstream of D414 (PMID: 12697830), is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. D60E missense unknown PMS2 D60E does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). D60E demonstrates reduced mismatch repair compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. D70N missense loss of function - predicted PMS2 D70N does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). D70N results in reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity in an in vitro assay (PMID: 23709753), and therefore, is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. E663A missense unknown PMS2 E663A does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). E663A demonstrates mismatch repair (MMR) activity comparable to E541K, a polymorphic PMS2 allele, but below the levels of wild-type Pms2 in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. E705K missense loss of function PMS2 E705K does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). E705K results in reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity in an in vitro assay (PMID: 16873062, PMID: 24027009). G132V missense unknown PMS2 G132V does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). G132V has not been characterized in the scientific literature and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Dec 2022). G207E missense unknown PMS2 G207E does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). G207E results in Pms2 expression level comparable to wild-type protein in cell culture, and demonstrates proficient mismatch repair (MMR) activity and ATPase activity similar to wild-type Pms2 in in vitro assays (PMID: 30653781, PMID: 24027009), but demonstrates higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. G480R missense unknown PMS2 G480R does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). G480R has been identified in sequencing studies (PMID: 31386297), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Oct 2022). G750D missense unknown PMS2 G750D does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). G750D demonstrates reduced mismatch repair compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. G857A missense no effect - predicted PMS2 G857A does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). G857A demonstrates mismatch repair activity similar to wild-type Pms2 in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, is predicted to have no effect on Pms2 protein function. H479Q missense unknown PMS2 H479Q does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). H479Q demonstrates reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. hypermethylation unknown unknown PMS2 hypermethylation indicates an increased methylation of the PMS2 gene. However, the mechanism causing the hypermethylation is unspecified. I18V missense no effect - predicted PMS2 I18V does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). I18V demonstrates mismatch repair activity similar to wild-type Pms2 in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, is predicted to have no effect on Pms2 protein function. inact mut unknown loss of function PMS2 inact mut indicates that this variant results in a loss of function of the Pms2 protein. However, the specific amino acid change has not been identified. K541E missense unknown PMS2 K541E does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). K541E is a common Pms2 polymorphism (PMID: 18768816, PMID: 23709753, PMID: 24728327), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Oct 2022). K593Sfs*2 frameshift loss of function - predicted PMS2 K593Sfs*2 indicates a shift in the reading frame starting at amino acid 593 and terminating 2 residues downstream causing a premature truncation of the 862 amino acid Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). K593Sfs*2 has not been characterized, however, due to the effects of other truncation mutations downstream of D414 (PMID: 12697830), is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. K651R missense unknown PMS2 K651R does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). K651R has been identified in the scientific literature (PMID: 30709382, PMID: 30603682), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Dec 2022). L263V missense unknown PMS2 L263V does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). L263V demonstrates reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. L42_E44del deletion loss of function PMS2 L42_E44del results in the deletion of three amino acids in the Pms2 protein from amino acid 42 to 44 (UniProt.org). L42_E44del results in decreased Pms2 expression in cell culture, reduced mismatch repair activity and a loss of ATPase activity in in vitro assays (PMID: 30653781). L571I missense unknown PMS2 L571I does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). L571I demonstrates mismatch repair (MMR) activity comparable to E541K, a polymorphic PMS2 allele, but below the levels of wild-type Pms2 (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. loss unknown loss of function PMS2 loss indicates loss of the PMS2 gene, mRNA, and protein. M622I missense unknown PMS2 M622I does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). M622I demonstrates mismatch repair (MMR) activity comparable to E541K, a polymorphic PMS2 allele, but below the levels of wild-type Pms2 (PMID: 24027009), and demonstrates decreased binding to Mlh1 in culture (PMID: 11793469), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. M797R missense unknown PMS2 M797R does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). M797R demonstrates reduced mismatch repair compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. mutant unknown unknown PMS2 mutant indicates an unspecified mutation in the PMS2 gene. N575D missense unknown PMS2 N575D does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). N575D has not been characterized in the scientific literature and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Oct 2022). negative unknown loss of function PMS2 negative indicates a lack of the PMS2 gene, mRNA, and/or protein. P246fs frameshift loss of function - predicted PMS2 P246fs results in a change in the amino acid sequence of the Pms2 protein beginning at aa 246 of 862, likely resulting in premature truncation of the functional protein (UniProt.org). P246fs has not been characterized, however, due to the effects of other truncation mutations downstream of P246 (PMID: 12697830), is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. P376S missense unknown PMS2 P376S does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). P376S has not been characterized in the scientific literature and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Sep 2022). P470S missense no effect - predicted PMS2 P470S does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). P470S results in similar levels of mismatch repair activity to wild-type protein (PMID: 23709753), and therefore, is predicted to have no effect on Pms2 protein function. positive unknown unknown PMS2 positive indicates the presence of the PMS2 gene, mRNA, and/or protein. Q205P missense unknown PMS2 Q205P does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). Q205P demonstrates reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. R20Q missense loss of function PMS2 R20Q does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). R20Q results in mismatch repair (MMR) proficiency in an in vitro assay (PMID: 23709753), but leads to both an inability to stabilize p73 in vitro and induce apoptosis in response to DNA damage in cell culture, and promotes tumor formation (PMID: 18768816, PMID: 23981578). R315* nonsense loss of function - predicted PMS2 R315* results in a premature truncation of the Pms2 protein at amino acid 315 of 862 (UniProt.org). R315* results in decreased Pms2 protein expression in a patient sample (PMID: 31056861), and due to the effects of other truncation mutations downstream of R315 (PMID: 12697830), is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. R563* nonsense loss of function - predicted PMS2 R563* results in a premature truncation of the Pms2 protein at amino acid 563 of 862 (UniProt.org). R563* has not been characterized, however, due to the effects of other truncation mutations downstream of R563 (PMID: 12697830), is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. R563L missense no effect - predicted PMS2 R563L does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). R563L demonstrates mismatch repair activity similar to wild-type Pms2 in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, is predicted to have no effect on Pms2 protein function. R802* nonsense unknown PMS2 R802* results in a premature truncation of the Pms2 protein at amino acid 802 of 862 (UniProt.org). R802* has been identified in the scientific literature (PMID: 28805995, PMID: 16507833), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Dec 2022). S455F missense unknown PMS2 S455F does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). S455F has been identified in sequencing studies (PMID: 23017166), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Feb 2023). S46I missense loss of function PMS2 S46I does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). S46I confers a loss of function to the Pms2 protein as it results in reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared wild-type Pms2 and MMR activity similar to a Pms2 deficient control in in vitro assays (PMID: 23709753, PMID: 24027009). S46N missense loss of function - predicted PMS2 S46N does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). S46N results in reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2 and MMR activity similar to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. T485K missense unknown PMS2 T485K does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). T485K demonstrates reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. T511A missense unknown PMS2 T511A does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). T511A demonstrates mismatch repair (MMR) activity comparable to E541K, a polymorphic PMS2 allele, but below the levels of wild-type Pms2 (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. T511M missense unknown PMS2 T511M does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). T511M demonstrates reduced mismatch repair (MMR) activity compared to wild-type Pms2, but higher MMR activity compared to a Pms2 deficient control in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. T597S missense unknown PMS2 T597S does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). T597S demonstrates mismatch repair (MMR) activity comparable to E541K, a polymorphic PMS2 allele, but below the levels of wild-type Pms2 (PMID: 24027009) and demonstrates decreased binding to Mlh1 in culture (PMID: 11793469), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown. V609* nonsense loss of function - predicted PMS2 V609* results in a premature truncation of the Pms2 protein at amino acid 609 of 862 (UniProt.org). V609* results in impaired nuclear localization (PMID: 12697830), and therefore, is predicted to lead to a loss of Pms2 protein function. V796I missense unknown PMS2 V796I does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). V796I has not been characterized in the scientific literature and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown (PubMed, Oct 2022). Y519C missense unknown PMS2 Y519C does not lie within any known functional domains of the Pms2 protein (UniProt.org). Y519C demonstrates mismatch repair (MMR) activity comparable to E541K, a polymorphic PMS2 allele, but below the levels of wild-type Pms2 in an in vitro assay (PMID: 24027009), and therefore, its effect on Pms2 protein function is unknown.
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[14204, 14540, 0.07738095], [14540, 14907, 0.06811989], [14907, 15314, 0.07616708], [15314, 15600, 0.04895105], [15600, 15862, 0.0610687], [15862, 16218, 0.07303371]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 16218, 0.46286863]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 16218, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 16218, 0.08733732]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 16218, -985.83852345]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 16218, -173.10111038]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 16218, 220.6010829]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 16218, 138.0]]}
Meet transitional deacon candidate Andrew Sanchez Twelve men will be ordained May 16 as transitional deacons, six for New Orleans On May 16, 12 men will be ordained as transitional deacons – the final step before ordination to the priesthood next year – at a 10 a.m. Mass celebrated by Archbishop Gregory Aymond at St. Louis Cathedral. Six of the transitional deacons will be ordained for the Archdiocese of New Orleans; the remaining six will be ordained for other dioceses in the U.S. and Africa. The Clarion Herald asked the diaconate candidates for the Archdiocese of New Orleans to reflect on their service, particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic. They also were asked to reflect on the reasons they selected the person who will vest them with their deacon’s dalmatic during the Ordination Mass. The Mass will be broadcast live on WLAE-TV and live-streamed at nolacatholic.org. Andrew Sanchez Home parish: St. Luke the Evangelist, Slidell Diaconate internship: St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Metairie Who will vest you and why did you select him? Deacon and soon- to-be-Father Sylvester Adoga. I chose him because he is a very humble and virtuous man who always shows a great love for God and his holy Word in Sacred Scripture. What has your seminary discernment been like? Discernment has been a gift from God. I feel truly blessed for my time at Notre Dame Seminary. The rector, Father James Wehner, the resident priests and the faculty do an excellent job of making Notre Dame Seminary a great place to discern the will of God. It has not always been easy, but God is always faithful and continues to be generous in his gifts to me through my seminary formation. How challenging have the last two months been since the seminary went into lockdown? Do you have any thoughts about how the world may have changed? The challenges of the last two months have come and gone. In the beginning, when I was busy with seminary assignments, it was easy for me to forget that we were “locked down,” but as the semester started to finish I was met with the struggle of wanting to be with my family. By God’s grace, I was able to use the time for concentrated prayer and study. It seems to me that people are more aware of their blessings and have a greater appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation. I hope that people will also come to appreciate the gift of the sacraments as a result of our current situation. What are you most looking forward to in your ministry as a deacon, knowing there still may be some restrictions on the size of the parish congregation for weeks or months? I am looking the most forward to encountering Christ in the people of God, regardless of the size of the congregation.
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Michael Morris “Mike” Engnehl, 71, of Victoria, VA passed away on Saturday, March 5, 2022. He was preceded in death by his parents Denny L. Engnehl and Elizabeth J. Engnehl. He was the owner and operator of Kenbridge Transmission for many years. In his spare time he loved to “piddle” with his collection of antique cars and tractors. He is survived by his sister, Dee Bickel (Jerry); his children, Victoria J. Eastwood (Clint) and Mick F. Engnehl (Autumn); five grandchildren, C.J. Eastwood, Atticus R. Eastwood, Brenden Engnehl, Kash Engnehl, Kori “KK” Engnehl. Mike will be dearly missed by family and friends. Memorial services will be held privately in Louisville, KY.
{"url": "https://clarkeandstaples.com/michael_morris_engnehl", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "clarkeandstaples.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:28:01Z", "digest": "sha1:FA4YIWKBUHHICD5UEIKPD4V5A4LSDJYY"}
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Tuesday, February 14 2023 William Yates Bill Herndon Jr Herndon, William Yates “Bill”, Jr., of Aylett, VA, passed away Tuesday, February 14, 2023. He was preceded in death by his parents, Lucille Bowman and William Yates Herndon, Sr., of Rehoboth, VA. Bill was a US Navy Veteran, a former Mecklenburg County VA Sheriff’s Deputy, a VA State Trooper, and a Special Agent with The Department of US Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). He was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mechanicsville, VA, where he served as an Elder and on various committees. Bill is survived by his wife of 59 years, Lozetta Tharp Herndon; sons, William Patrick Herndon (Teresa), and Mark Yates Herndon (Maria Nichols); and grandsons, William James “Will” Herndon and Nathan Patrick Herndon. The family will receive friends from 10 to 11 a.m., with services beginning at 11 a.m., Saturday, February 18, 2023 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 8100 Shady Grove Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23111. Interment will follow at 3:30 p.m. in Cool Spring Christian Church Cemetery, Keysville, VA. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Association, 200 Vesey Street, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10281 or St Paul Lutheran Church Memorial Fund.
{"url": "https://clarkeandstaples.com/william_yates_herndon_jr", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "clarkeandstaples.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T12:03:23Z", "digest": "sha1:KJYH3ARLCZRIAZ72CDP4HSFXNB6Q7L7R"}
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Forecasters predict quiet hurricane season for 2014 April 14, 2014—Cleanfax Staff DENVER, CO — Top forecasters from Colorado State University are predicting a quiet 2014 Atlantic hurricane season, suggesting that nine tropical storms will form, but only three will become full-blown hurricanes, according to USA Today. The forecast follows two consecutive poor forecasts: The 2012 season, when more than twice as many hurricanes formed as had been predicted, and the 2013 season, when only two hurricanes formed after a spring prediction of nine, the article stated. According to the article, a typical year, based on weather records dating to 1950, has 12 tropical storms, of which seven become hurricanes. "The tropical Atlantic has … cooled over the past several months, and the chances of a moderate to strong El Niño event this summer and fall appear to be quite high. Historical data indicate fewer storms form in these conditions," said meteorologist Philip Klotzbach from Colorado State University's Tropical Meteorology Project. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, the article noted. Click here to read the article in its entirety.
{"url": "https://cleanfax.com/forecasters-predict-quiet-hurricane-season-for-2014/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cleanfax.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:17:33Z", "digest": "sha1:FVJPHPNNBQOMXHSZTF7B3QA3HGRQ7YIN"}
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TRC Disaster Solutions donates turkeys for holiday season WOOD DALE, IL — TRC Disaster Solutions headquartered in Tulsa, OK, has donated thousands of turkeys for residents of Tulsa, according to a press release. John 3:16 Mission, Catholic Charities of Tulsa, The Salvation Army, Disabled American Veterans and Street School of Tulsa were better equipped to provide Thanksgiving dinner to Tulsa residents, thanks to the generosity of TRC Disaster Solutions, the release stated. According to the release, on Friday, November 16, 2012, TRC Disaster Solutions distributed thousands of turkeys to representatives of the aforementioned charitable organizations, who will prepare the turkeys and serve them to those who might otherwise go without. "Throughout the year, John 3:16 provides food, shelter and care for Tulsa's hungry and homeless," said Steve Whitaker, president at John 3:16. “During the Thanksgiving season, it's especially important to make sure nobody goes hungry. We're extremely appreciative of TRC's generosity and ongoing community support in changing the lives of Tulsa's at-risk population," Whitaker added. Each year, TRC provides 100 turkeys for every year they've been in business; this year, they will donate 2,600 turkeys, the release noted.
{"url": "https://cleanfax.com/trc-disaster-solutions-donates-turkeys-for-holiday-season/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cleanfax.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:14:00Z", "digest": "sha1:M4GHBXZ7BJEHGELNFDBUH5HRUY4ZI5XH"}
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MaxITC E-Invoicing & E-Way Bill Black (Save & Invest) ClearOne - Invoicing for SMEs Products for Tax Experts Tax Consultant Services Crypto Taxation Explore Income Tax ClearChronicles File ITR Income Tax e-Filing Last Date To File ITR For 2022-23 Income Tax Slabs FY 2023-24 Business, Professional & Freelance Efiling Income Tax Return Income Tax Refunds Paying Tax Due Other income sources Advance Tax Income Tax Notices Budget 2023 Highlights: PDF Download, Key Takeaways, Important Points Budget 2023 Expectations For Income Tax: 80C & 80D Limit Increase, Tax Slab Changes For Salaried Employees Budget 2023: Full List of Cheaper and Costlier Items How to file ITR Online – Step by Step Guide to Efile Income Tax Return, FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23) Which ITR Should I File? Types of ITR Forms for FY 2021-22, AY 2022-23 – All ITR Forms UAN Login, Portal Registration, Universal Account Number Activation & Status Check Income Tax Raid, Search and Seizure – What, When, How ITR U – What is ITR-U Form and How to File ITR-U Updated on: Jan 31st, 2023 - 7:41:16 AM The government will announce Union Budget 2023 on 1st February 2023 at 11:00 AM. This Budget announcement, the salaried individuals who account for nearly 50% of the income tax return filers are pinning high hopes that Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman would provide some major tax reliefs leaving them with higher disposable income. While the world continues to grapple with the fear of recession and economic decline, including job losses due to layoffs, taxpayers have a lot of anticipation regarding this Budget. The government is expected to introduce many populist measures in this Budget as this is their last full Finance Budget before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Earlier this month, Nirmala Sitharaman stated “I, too, belong to the middle class and can understand their pressures. I identify myself with the middle class, so I know”. She not only empathised with the middle class but also assured them that the government would consider their concerns. Changes In Tax Slab For Salaried Employees The taxpayers are hoping that the current basic exemption limit of Rs. 2.5 lakh will be increased to Rs. 5 lakh under both tax regimes. The exemption limit of Rs 2.5 lakh has remained unchanged since FY 2014-15. The limit may be reevaluated based on various macro events, such as an increased cost of living, inflation, etc. The current threshold of Rs. 10 lakhs for the 30% tax bracket may also be raised to Rs. 20 lakhs. On the other hand, the new tax regime didn’t receive a good response from the taxpayer since many of the deductions must be foregone to avail of the benefit. Therefore, it is likely that a simpler tax system may be proposed merging both the tax regimes with additional deductions and exemptions. Presently, the highest effective tax rate goes up to 42.744% for individuals earning more than Rs. 5 crore. This accounts for a major part of an individual’s income. The surcharge rates could be amended to increase the disposable income in the hands of taxpayers. 80C and 80D Limit Increase Deductions under Section 80C may also be enhanced from the current threshold of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. 80C is a major deduction claimed by individuals, consisting of many investment options, including National Savings Certificates, Public Provident Funds, home loan repayment, LIC Premiums, etc. Section 80C offers a Rs 1.5 lakhs deduction on a basket of investments, including investment in Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificates, home loan repayment, investment in Sukanya Samridhi account, etc. A hike in the current threshold of Rs 1.5 lakhs to Rs. 2,50,000 can be anticipated, increasing the disposable income in the hands of taxpayers. 80C also encourages individuals to invest in long-term instruments, which can help boost the economy. Another major change taxpayers expect is an increase in the threshold for claiming deduction under Section 80D. Section 80D allows an individual to claim a deduction for payment of medical insurance premiums of up to Rs. 25,000. In the case of senior citizens, this threshold is Rs. 50,000. The COVID pandemic is poised to have financially affected people due to a sudden rise in medical expenses and insurance premiums. It has left the country with mounting medical debt. The government is expected to provide tax relief by revising the erstwhile limit of Rs 25,000/Rs 50,000 to Rs 50,000/Rs 1 lakh, respectively. An increase in the standard deduction limit from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1 lakh may also be seen, which will increase the disposable income in the hands of the taxpayers. In the fiscal year 2018-19, the introduction of standard deduction led to the removal of tax-free medical reimbursements and travel allowance exemptions. Despite the deduction remaining the same, there has been a significant increase in medical expenses and fuel costs. Therefore, there is a strong argument for increasing the standard deduction from its current limit of Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh. Additionally, extending the standard deduction under the new tax regime would be beneficial, as these expenses are unavoidable for any salaried taxpayer. Currently, taxpayers can claim a deduction for interest paid on a home loan up to Rs. 2 lakhs. This limit may be revised as EMIs have skyrocketed in the last several months due to changes in the repo rate by RBI. This limit may also be provided under the new tax regime to make it more lucrative for taxpayers. A hike in this limit will also boost the real estate sector. Surcharge Rate Individuals who fall in the highest tax bracket (earning more that Rs. 5 crore p.a.) are charged an effective tax rate of 42.744%. This rate needs to be rationalized to ensure that there is higher disposable income in the hands of the taxpayer. Enhancement Of Other Deductions An increase in the threshold under Section 80TTA (Deduction on saving bank interest), 80EEA (interest on housing loan) and 80EEB (electric vehicle loan) are also expected. Currently, an individual can claim a deduction of Rs. 10,000 on saving bank interest. The current lock-in on 80EEB to the electric vehicle sector maybe extended by 2 years. Children's Education And Hostel Allowance The Child Education Allowance, which currently provides exemptions of Rs 100 and Rs 300 per child per month for education and hostel expenses, has not been updated for nearly 20 years. With the rising cost of education, it may seem reasonable to raise the limits to Rs 1,000 and Rs 3,000 per child per month (for up to two children), respectively. Amidst the tech layoffs and global recession, taxpayers are counting on this budget to get a sense of relief. The aim of this budget should be widening the tax base to grow tax revenues of the government along with providing adequate relief to the taxpayers. GST Payments & Refunds Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Company PolicyTerms of use
{"url": "https://cleartax.in/s/budget-2023-expectations", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cleartax.in", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:17:35Z", "digest": "sha1:JZWJ2DML25CNK7T4N2VRHYCYPZIOFCHG"}
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Главная • treatment of the elbow joint in Krivoy Rog treatment of the elbow joint in Krivoy Rog
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Join Cliveden for thought-provoking discussion. Reconstructing Black Families: Stories from the Chew Papers Wednesday, April 18, 2023 | 6:30 pm in-person & on Zoom Spread throughout the 288.5 linear feet of the Chew Family Papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania is the evidence of the lives of early American families of African descent, both free and enslaved. Recent digitization work and research by the African American Genealogy Group (AAGG) has started to re-create family groups from the Mid-Atlantic region. Hear from members of AAGG on their findings and learn from Cliveden staff about the impact this work has on the interpretation at a local historic site. The first hour will be a presentation, available both in person at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and on Zoom. A hands-on workshop to view recently digitized materials after the presentation will be available from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Registration for Reconstructing Black Families is available via Eventbrite and is free. Reconstructing Black Families Program Speakers Adrienne G. Whaley, African American Genealogy Group Adrienne G. Whaley is an educator and history-lover who currently serves as Director of Education and Community Engagement at the Museum of the American Revolution and Programming Chair of Philadelphia’s African American Genealogy Group. Adrienne earned her Bachelor's degree in African American Studies from Harvard University and her Master's in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. She has worked in both art and history museums, and carries her love of history and for uncovering the stories of common people into her spare time as an avid genealogist. As both a museum educator and as a genealogist, she has presented on television and in workshops and conferences both locally and nationally. She is a 2022 recipient of the Paul Edward Sluby Meritorious Achievement Award from the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. Carolyn Wallace, Cliveden of the National Trust Carolyn Wallace received a BA in History and Art History from Ursinus College and a MA in American Fine and Decorative Arts from Sotheby's Institute of Art in New York. After a short time as a Cataloguer for Samuel T. Freeman & Co, she spent 4 years working with sites in Historic Germantown, including as a guide for the award-winning History Hunters Youth Reporter Program, and Program Coordinator for Historic Germantown, the consortium of 18 historic sites in Northwest Philadelphia. Carolyn started at Cliveden in 2012 as the Museum Coordinator. As Education Director, she is focused on research and interpretation of diverse narratives, collections management and programming for youth and adults. Built as a country house for attorney Benjamin Chew, Cliveden was completed in 1767 and was home to seven generations of the Chew family. Cliveden has long been famous as the site of the American Revolutionary War Battle of Germantown in 1777, as well as for its Georgian architecture. New research is unearthing a more complicated history at Cliveden, which involves layers of significance, including the lives of those who were enslaved and in service to the Chew family. This information broadens the meaning of Cliveden as a preserved historic place, exploring themes and stories of American identity and freedom. Traces of the history of the Cliveden property and its occupants can be found throughout the five acre woody landscape. www.cliveden.org. The African American Genealogy Group was founded in January 1989 in response to the ever-increasing number of people who expressed a desire to research their family “roots.” Our mission is to educate, provide resources, and create a community for anyone interested in African American family history and genealogical research. Based in Philadelphia, PA and with a membership largely from the Tri-State region, we serve those who are interested in researching their family history locally, regionally, and nationally. https://aagg.org/ The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, founded in 1824, is one of the nation’s largest archives of historical documents. We are proud to serve as Philadelphia’s Library of American History, with over 21 million manuscripts, books, and graphic images encompassing centuries of US history. Through educator workshops, research opportunities, public programs, and lectures throughout the year, we strive to make history relevant and exhilarating to all. For more information, visit hsp.org. This project was funded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Interpretation and Education Endowed Fund that was made possible by a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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Home House Arrest House Arrest Written by K. A. Holt Timothy is on probation. It’s a strange word — something that happens to other kids, to delinquents, not to kids like him. And yet, he is under house arrest for the next year. He must check in weekly with a probation officer and a therapist, and keep a journal for an entire year. And mostly, he has to stay out of trouble. But when he must take drastic measures to help his struggling family, staying out of trouble proves more difficult than Timothy ever thought it would be. By turns touching and funny, and always original, House Arrest is a middle grade novel in verse about one boy’s path to redemption as he navigates life with a sick brother, a grieving mother, and one tough probation officer.
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Anita’s Quilt Anita Tattrie is originally from the Eastern Townships, and received her nurse training at the Montreal General. Here, she met her husband, a Nova Scotia native. They moved to Saskatoon, where her husband completed his PhD, and then to Ottawa. During this busy time, Anita worked in a doctor’s office, while she and her husband raised four children. Anita has always felt a strong connection to her time at the Montreal General and thought how she might be able to give back to young nursing students. After graduating from the Montreal General, Anita had begged her fellow classmates to give her their nursing uniforms. She never dreamed that some day she might make something beautiful with them, that might someday help send another young nurse to school. “It’s something I always wanted to do, although I hadn’t made a lot of quilts, my passion being for making teddy bears! The quilt is made from pink fabric with monograms, all from uniforms given to me by the girls from nursing school when they graduated in the early 1950s, as they didn’t need them anymore. My original intention had been to give it to one of my alumni group. I hoarded material, like every quilter does. You’d think that after all these years, the fabric would be pretty rotten, but it’s wonderful cotton – the best! Sandra Evans for several years owned a quilting shop called The Nesting Hen, and she helped me a lot. ” Draw June 20th! Tickets 1/$25 OR 3/$50 [red-button url=”https://www.imakeanonlinedonation.org/cnf-fiic/QUILT/”]Purchase Raffle Tickets[/red-button]
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August 28, 2014 • Uncategorized Managing a Large Number of Athletes Mark Ellington, girls cross country coach at Carmel High School (Indiana), talks about how he manages the large number of athletes within his program.
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Ajay Mitchell Bernardo da Silva Basketball Men's college basketball Sports UC Santa Barbara Hawaii Mitchell's layup lifts UC Santa Barbara past Hawaii, 65-64 - Jan. 27, 2023 02:14 AM EST HONOLULU (AP) — Ajay Mitchell's layup with a second left allowed UC Santa Barbara to maintain its hold on first-place in the Big West Conference with a 65-64 win over Hawaii on Thursday night. UC Santa Barbara (17-3) is now 8-1 in conference play, one game ahead of UC Riverside (7-2) and a game-and-a-half ahead of UC Irvine (6-2). Hawaii (15-6) is now two games back at 6-3. The Gauchos led by eight points after Mitchell scored at the basket with 7:13 left, 61-53, but Hawaii rallied to take the lead on a layup by Bernardo da Silva with 2:44 left, 64-63. Neither scored until Mitchell's last-second layup. Mitchell finished with 23 points to lead the Gauchos. Cole Anderson added 13 points. Samuta Avea paced the Warriors with 13 points and da Silva added 12.
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dry AMD Macular Degeneration the Leading Cause of Vision Loss in Older Adults Macular Degeneration, also called age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is a deterioration of the macula, the central area of the retina that controls the sharpness of your vision. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss among people over 50 years old. The disease typically is marked by slow, painless loss of central vision, […] Filed under Filed Under: Diseases & Conditions
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JJ Abrams Will Write and Direct Star Wars: Episode IX By Kieran Dickson September 12, 2017 The last year or so of Star Wars filmmaking has been an absolute rollercoaster for fans, and not necessarily in a good way. Following the extensive reshoots of Rogue One: A Star War Wars Story, a series of reshuffles saw two other movies in the franchise losing their directors. First off, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller departed their Han Solo movie, with Ron Howard coming in to replace the pair. Then, earlier this month, Colin Trevorrow parted ways with LucasFilm and left his role as director of Star Wars: Episode IX. The questions surrounding who would replace Trevorrow as director of what will arguably be the most high profile Star Wars movie in years were, understandably, setting the Internet alight. But, just as they did with the Han Solo movie shuffle, LucasFilm hasn’t left us waiting long for an answer. In a statement posted to StarWars.com today, the studio revealed that JJ Abrams would not only be returning to direct Episode IX, but he was also going to be writing it. “With The Force Awakens, J.J. delivered everything we could have possibly hoped for, and I am so excited that he is coming back to close out this trilogy,” said Lucasfilm’s President, Kathleen Kennedy. It’s hard to argue with Lucasfilm’s reasoning here. With The Force Awakens, Abrams delivered a movie that won over the majority of fans and critics, and delivered staggering results at the box office in the process. But, saying this is just a safe bet wouldn’t be doing the situation justice. The Last Jedi‘s director Rian Johnson, who had been linked with the Episode IX job, had worked with Abrams to ensure a smooth narrative and tonal transition between The Force Awakens and its sequel. Now, it would seem, the pair will get to swap notes once more as the gatekeepers to what might end up being the biggest box office trilogy ever made. ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ Originally Had a Different Ending — and It Actually Screened in Theaters If you consider yourself a Star Wars buff, then you probably think you know everything there is to know about The Empire Strikes Back. The second film in the series is widely considered to be the best of the franchise, and with the movie celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, you’d think there wouldn’t... George Miller Shares Details on the Next ‘Mad Max’ Movie If you’re like most people and thought that the best thing about Mad Max: Fury Road was Charlize Theron’s Furiosa, then you’re in luck, because a Furiosa prequel is officially slated to be the next installment in the franchise. Director George Miller recently shared some new details about the upcoming film, and it sounds... ‘Avatar 2’ Set Photo Teases Insane Underwater Motion Capture Avatar 2 has been talked about for so long that it sounds like a pipe dream at this point, but it is actually a real film that’s in the process of being made. As proof of that fact, the film’s official Twitter account has gifted us a photo from the set of the movie, and... Michael Bay Is Producing a Pandemic Thriller That Will Film in Quarantine Michael Bay is not a filmmaker who’s known for his subtlety. The explosion connoisseur is the brains behind such bombastic cinematic showcases as Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, and the Transformers movies, and now he’s about to unleash what could be his most insane movie yet. Bay is set to produce a new horror-thriller based...
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Vince McMahon Reportedly Has Moved on From Lars Sullivan By Jeremy Snodgrass - January 23, 2019 12:18 pm EST Not long ago, Lars Sullivan was rumored to be John Cena's WrestleMania 35 opponent. But a reported anxiety attack has kept him out of WWE, forcing the company to alter their plans. And apparently, Vince McMahon isn't too thrilled about it. According to Rajah.com, instead of waiting on Sullivan to return, Vince McMahon decided that plans for the NXT star should be scrapped. And from this vantage, it looks like WWE has moved on from Sullivan. The story goes that Sullivan was supposed to attack Cena before the Rumble, to the point where the 16-time WWE Champion would be too "injured" for the battle royal. This was supposed to set up a WrestleMania match, but that looks to be off the table. Cena did get his "injury" but WWE partially blamed Drew McIntyre for Cena's bum ankle. As of now, Cena's Royal Rumble status is questionable, but it has little to do with a limp and more to do with him being set to film Playing With Fire — his new movie. Cena is supposed to be on set from February to April, which means that he won't be competing in WWE during that time. He could certainly show up and cut promos or be involved in a non-physical drama which would be enough for he and WWE to set the table for 'Mania. Right now, it looks like WWE may have swapped Sullivan for McIntyre, but things are so ambiguous, that we can only offer our own speculation. Here's WWE's statement on Cena's injury: "John Cena's status in the Men's Royal Rumble Match is in question following an apparent left ankle injury sustained during the main event of this past Monday night's edition of Raw, WWE.com can now confirm," the site reported. "The injury was exacerbated earlier today as Cena was training his legs at the gym, which has cast doubt on whether he will be able to compete in the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match this Sunday," the site reported.
{"url": "https://comicbook.com/wwe/news/lars-sullivan-missing-anxiety-attack-vince-mcmahon-wwe/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "comicbook.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:45:58Z", "digest": "sha1:NUEGYGQIXJJQDAS3HUBN6QJYUDAKZRTI"}
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Norway Massacre A lot of people have been asking me about this so I’m posting a few comments about it. The right-wing maniac who killed a bunch of kids in Norway last week used one of my cartoons in the video he posted about his political beliefs. The still image below, about 2 1/2 minutes into his video, is the one in which my cartoon appears. Mine isn’t the only cartoon he employed; the entire video is one image after another, and a lot of editorial cartoons are used to support his point. This is a larger view of the Bizarro cartoon he used and it is about the ridiculous lengths people will sometimes go to to be “politically correct” and “multicultural.” Evidently, the Norwegian Maniac has a huge problem with other cultures (read: Islam) and believes they are systematically dismantling European (read: white/Christian) traditions and culture in an effort to turn the entire world Muslim. As for myself, I agree with Christopher Hitchens: Religion Poisons Everything. All of the Big 3 are equally guilty. (That is NOT to say that all people who believe in one of the Big 3 religions is a violent whack-job. Far from it.) And I just noticed that he is not only a bigot and deranged killer, but a copyright infringer. My signature and copyright are missing from the lower right corner. Perhaps that is why I have not heard from the Norwegian police. I don’t agree with his political views and wish he hadn’t used my cartoon in his video, but he did so that’s that. Even more, I wish he hadn’t killed a bunch of kids.
{"url": "https://comicskingdom.com/trending/blog/2011/07/29/norway-massacre", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "comicskingdom.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:55:04Z", "digest": "sha1:DOD3BMH5PPH5OJRHL4UST4U6HDJUPH5A"}
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The emblem of Washington University in St. Louis is derived from three sources: the coat of arms of President George Washington, the official seal of the university and the emblem of King Louis IX of France, after whom the city of St. Louis is named. The official seal The Washington University in St. Louis official seal was originally developed in 1896 by Holmes Smith, professor of drawing and history of art at the university, and adopted by the Board of Trustees in March 1897. Professor Smith’s design included elements that symbolize both the origins of the university’s name and the university’s location in St. Louis. Stars, a book and fleurs-de-lis The three stars and two horizontal bands are part of George Washington’s coat of arms and also represent the stars and stripes of the American flag. The three fleurs-de-lis at the bottom of the crest symbolize King Louis IX of France, after whom the city of St. Louis is named; the open book represents a university. The university’s motto, adopted in 1915, appears across the pages of the book: Per Veritatem Vis, “Strength through Truth.”
{"url": "https://commencement.wustl.edu/history-traditions/university-shield/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "commencement.wustl.edu", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:02:07Z", "digest": "sha1:PQF22WBUPGMFZZCM6KMCKTSLINY7SMNK"}
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ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd 4:2008 Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Amendment 4: Cham, Game Tiles, and other characters : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Coded character sets 35.040.10 Coding of character sets
{"url": "https://committee.iso.org/ru/standard/46311.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "committee.iso.org", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:51:14Z", "digest": "sha1:BXU24EFIKEUXJKFHWCAJGKBWJRUTJUEA"}
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Queen visits Catholic church in Northern Ireland The Queen made her first visit to a Catholic church in Northern Ireland today at the start of a historic two-day visit which will also include a meeting with the former IRA commander Martin McGuinness. The monarch wore a powder blue coat and hat with white detail and a shamrock brooch for the […] June 26th, 2012 | Tags: Earl Mountbatten, Enniskillen, IRA, Martin McGuinness, Queen Elizabeth II, Sinn Féin, St Macartin's Church of Ireland Cathedral | Category: Great Britain, History, Politics, religion, terrorism | Comments are closed
{"url": "https://commonamericanjournal.com/tag/st-macartins-church-of-ireland-cathedral/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "commonamericanjournal.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:49:28Z", "digest": "sha1:MJA2A4CXP5ZXGNZW2Y6D3DPRWYMC3HVF"}
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Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD Ian Mansfield, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)Follow As the theme of this edition of the Journal of Mine Action is about the use of the military in mine action, I would like to remind readers of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) publication titled "The Role of the Military in Mine Action." This study was originally requested by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and completed in mid-2003. The study found that over the past 15 years, military forces—both local and visiting—have made a significant contribution to mine action. Mansfield, Ian (2016) "Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD," Journal of Mine Action : Vol. 8 : Iss. 1 , Article 25.
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set up investment fund in Italy During the last few years, the Italian Government has implemented various reforms in order to attract foreign investors in as many industries as possible. One of these industries is the investment funds sector, including real estate and pension funds. The main laws governing investment funds in Italy are: - the Unified Financial Act of 1988;…
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__________ is not used as a material of construction in thermocouples. A. Alumel B. Rhodium C. Constantan D. Duralumin Show all Chemical Engineering Basics MCQ Which of the following materials has the poorest electrical conductivity? Increasing the carbon content of steel Heat transfer to the water wall in a high pressure water wall type boiler… Referring to the periodic table of elements, it is found that with increasing… The cooling rate required to freeze 1 ton of water at 0°C into ice… __________ property of steel increases by addition of large amount of… Which of the following metals is the most prone to work hardening? Which of the following has the least value of ultimate tensile strength… Which of the following is not a principal alloying element for the structural… Adhesives Metal cutting by oxy-acetylene flame is accomplished by the __________… 'Flare tower' used in industry is meant for Cast iron contains __________ percent carbon. 'Ice point' is designated on Fahrenheit temperature scale by Which of the following phenomenon will exhibit the minimum heat transfer? The property of material, by which a given amount of energy is absorbed… Secondary hardening in steels arises out of the The dew point of moist air becomes __________ with decrease in its relative… Thermistors are used in __________ devices. The ratio of the shear stress to the principal stress on a principal plane… Case hardening of a material is Hydro-cyclone is a Maximum change in the hardness of martensite occurs in the carbon content… Exposure to __________ accelerates the degradation of plastics. In an eutectic system, two elements are completely Which of the following is not categorised as the ore agglomeration process? Most important property of steels for use in automobile bodies is the Sacrificial anode method is used in the protection of pipelines which… Normalising does not __________ of a metal. Oxyacetylene reducing flame is used while carrying out welding on Antonyms MCQ Drawing Inference MCQ Angiosperms (Embryology Life Cycles) MCQ Rearrangement Set 10 MCQ Articles MCQ Sitting Arrangement MCQ Pipes and Cistern MCQ Visual Basic .NET MCQ Data Sufficiency MCQ Series MCQ Fluid Mechanics MCQ Botany MCQ
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No events scheduled for December 5, 2022. Jump to the next upcoming events. Nicole Coleman 12/5/2022 December 5, 2022
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Watch Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul as pay-per-view on Fanmio in February 2021 Floyd Mayweather, Logan Paul YouTuber Logan Paul, 25, of Westlake, Ohio, United States will fight undefeated boxer Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr., 43, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA in a special exhibition match on February 20, 2021. Boxing fans can watch it as a pay-per-view (PPV) on Fanmio. Founded in 2017, Fanmio is a website that allows people from around the world to pay for customized videos from celebrities and franchises. The company is headquartered in Miami Beach, Florida, United States. The PPV price for the match between Mayweather and Paul on Fanmio is $24.99 for the first 1 million sales. It will rise to $39.99 then to $59.99 on December 29, 2020. On February 11, 2021, the price will lock in at $69.99. Fanmio will give away limited edition fight T-shirt and will select 20 winners who will receive a video meet-and-greet with Mayweather and Paul. On November 19, 2020, Mayweather took to Twitter to call out Paul. The undefeated boxer said that he can beat the YouTuber just like how he defeated former UFC Lightweight Champion Conor “Notorious” McGregor, 31, of Dublin, Ireland. These YouTube girls better find some Barbie dolls to play with cause I’m not the one for the kid games. 3 years ago a fighter from the UFC said my name and I had to put a muzzle on that bitch. @loganpaul can get the same treatment before I go conquer Japan again. — Floyd Mayweather (@FloydMayweather) November 19, 2020 On August 26, 2017, McGregor made his professional boxing debut by fighting Mayweather at the light middleweight limit, which is 154 lbs, at the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, Nevada, USA. By knocking out his Irish opponent in the 10th round, the African-American boxer improved his professional boxing record to 50 wins and 0 loss. On December 31, 2018, Mayweather fought his fellow undefeated boxer Tenshin Nasukawa (那須川 天心), 22, of Tokyo, Japan in a three-round exhibition boxing match at the Saitama Super Arena in Chūō-ku, Saitama City, Saitama, Japan. The Japanese boxer lost via technical knockout in the first round. Mayweather was born in Grand Rapids on February 24, 1977. He is 173 tall. Paul stands 188cm. He was born in Westlake on April 1, 1995. On November 9, 2019, Paul made his professional boxing record at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, USA. He lost via split decision after six three-minute rounds to his fellow YouTuber Olajide Olayinka Williams “KSI” Olatunji, 27, of London, England, United Kingdom. It was a rematch between Paul and KSI. Their first encounter on August 25, 2018 in Manchester, England ended in a majority draw. Categories: boxing & kickboxing, brands, Business & Technology, companies, North America, Sports, United States Tagged as: Fanmio, Floyd Mayweather, Logan Paul Danny Presti biography: 13 things about Mac’s Public House co-owner Gabe Vincent biography: 10 things about Nigerian-American basketball player
{"url": "https://conandaily.com/2020/12/07/watch-floyd-mayweather-vs-logan-paul-as-pay-per-view-on-fanmio-in-february-2021/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "conandaily.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:51:21Z", "digest": "sha1:HYJWRBWYCO7ATC3G2THBZGUTGD536A22"}
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Acupuncture and Cervical Health Jan 18, 2019 | Acupuncture, Women's Health Women’s health is a big part of the healthcare industry. And acupuncture can be very beneficial in caring for the overall health of women. Acupuncture has been especially effective in helping with things like infertility, turning breech babies, inducing labor and clearing up infections. The cervix is just one small part of the uterus. Specifically it is the lower part of the uterus that opens to allow passage between the uterus and the vagina. The cervix widens during childbirth to allow the baby to pass, it also allows the passage of menstrual fluids from the uterus out of the body and it is vital for sperm to pass through the cervix to reach the uterus when trying to procreate. The cervix is very vulnerable to several health conditions, such as chronic inflammation, polyps, dysplasia and even cancer. Cervical conditions rarely present symptoms in the early stages, which makes it extremely important for women to get regular pap smears. If an abnormality is detected, there are several ways to address it, depending on the severity. In the early stages of any of the aforementioned conditions, acupuncture can be a positive addition to Western medical treatments. Acupuncture is very good at decreasing inflammation and helping to dissolve polyps and tumors. Acupuncture can also balance hormones, which allows the body to correct any imbalances. One of the most studied areas of acupuncture is in treating fertility issues. When invitro fertilization by itself does not get the job done, adding acupuncture may be the last piece of the puzzle. Acupuncture does much more than just balance the hormones. When a woman is trying to get pregnant and struggling with it due to fertility issues, the stress levels are extremely high. And high stress levels have been proven to disrupt the body’s ability to conceive. One of the things that acupuncture is really successful at is decreasing stress levels. This can make it easier for the fertility treatments to work. Acupuncture has also been shown to increase blood flow to areas of the body, including the uterus. This can help to make a very hospitable place for a baby to grow. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are also widely used for treating infections and sexually transmitted diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine, most infections have some sort of heat or discharge associated with them. This medicine uses principles, herbs and acupressure points that have specific properties that can drain heat and expel toxins from the body. This can lead to an overall improvement in both uterine and cervical health. Another area where acupuncture can help with cervical health is at the time of birth. About four percent of babies are presented in the breech position prior to birth. An accessory modality known as moxibustion, has proven time and time again, that it can actually turn the baby to the proper birthing position. Moxibustion involves the burning of an herb, dried mugwort, very near the skin on a specific acupressure point that is located on the outer edge of the pinky toe. By performing moxibustion several times a day, the baby and the body somehow know that there needs to be a repositioning and the baby tends to turn during the night. When it comes to women’s health, acupuncture is an amazing resource. Finding a licensed acupuncturist in your area is as simple as doing an internet search. But there are also acupuncturists who specialize in fertility and women’s health issues. So be sure to research before you schedule your appointment. Miriam Pineles is Board certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine and Licensed in Acupuncture by the state of NY. Miriam graduated from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City with a Master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine and has a private practice in midtown NYC. Miriam studies regularly with world-reknown acupuncturist Dr. Richard Tan to give her patients immediate relief of pain and the highest quality Acupuncture treatment. In addition to treating infertility, Miriam treats a variety of women’s health conditions, digestive disorders, physical pain, headaches and anxiety and depression.
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All posts by 419424ss Articles, Business Case Sustaining success: Lessons from South Korea’s OhmyNews May 2, 2015 419424ss Leave a comment If you are one of the billions of people who use social media regularly, then it is most likely that you are familiar with the image on the left. It was diffused very fast throughout the internet, simply because it describes something strange, yet very real. These, and many other companies simply endorse the exchange between customer groups, while they just play the role of coordinator-facilitator. Companies with similar business models, realize that people hold in their hands valuable tangible or intangible property and that they just need the appropriate incentive in order to share it and create value, both for the company and for other people. Eastern countries have surprised repeatedly the western business world with their creativity. OhmyNews is a company that comes from South Korea and it is an example of customer empowerment. OhmyNews is an online newspaper that was established by Oh Yeon Ho on February 22, 2000, while in 2004 an international website was created. Similarly to the companies of the image, OhmyNews has just 70 Journalists who produce less than 20% of the content, simply because this is a citizens’ job. As one of the most influential news websites in South Korea, the company operates on the principle “every citizen in the world is a reporter”. They allow the citizens to play the role of news hunters by promoting direct democracy at the same time. Specifically, company’s editors screen citizens’ articles before posting them on the website to ensure content integrity without exercising censorship. Consequently, OhmyNews is a representative example of a company that crowdsource almost 80% of its content. Large news providers hire thousands of journalists around the world in order to support timely and effective news capturing. On the other hand, costs rise along with employees, something that forces them to introduce multiple revenue sources. For OhmyNews this should not represent a dilemma since its model allows access to the most specialized and diversified news with minor costs. However, there is another part of the story that is far from a fairytale. The international site is inactive since 2010 because 70 employees were overloaded with information from around the world that they could not manage. The company was also struggling financially for a long period, with revenues that were falling dramatically month by month. The founder stated that the website was not a profit seeking move at the beginning, but like every organization, the company had to find a way to finance its expenses. It was clear to the executives that the existing model leads to failure with rapid pace. Thus, in 2009 OhmyNews started to make plans for a new and sustainable business model. The transformation was a great challenge. Back in the days most of their revenues (70%) were generated by advertisements. Now many local portals entered the game and absorb more than 90% of the advertisement revenues, something that does not leave room for fast growth towards this direction to OhmyNews. They introduced two new models that account about 50% of their revenues. The first is the “tip” model which allows readers to donate a tip for a story they like, while the biggest portion of the “tip” is given as reward to news contributors. The second is called “100,000 club” and consists of 100,000 members that pay €7 per month to attend live or recorded lectures organized by the company itself. Thanks to its passionate supporters the South Korean site is still running, but this time more sustainable. What prevented the company leaders from taking advantage of the huge success of their business? Obviously, innovation and customer involvement do not guarantee success. OhmyNews-international experienced firsthand what a tremendous customer involvement means when you are unprepared. Furthermore, when your service is free, it is necessary to find other sources of income that could be sustainable in the long run. The lesson: Innovation does not last forever, it needs to be continuous. Even disrupters can be disrupted when they do not find new ways to adapt their business model into new situations. Joyce, Mary, (2007). The Citizen Journalism Web Site ‘OhmyNews’ and the 2002 South Korean Presidential Election. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2007-15 http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/stories/2006-11-01/ohmynews-oh-my-biz-problembusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice (Last accessed: 2/5/2015) http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/jul2009/gb20090714_537389.htm (Last accessed: 2/5/2015) http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2009/0330/050-oh-my-revenues.html (Last accessed: 2/5/2015) https://vimeo.com/17184251 (Last accessed: 2/5/2015) business caseco-creation Star Wars: The consumer strikes back April 26, 2015 419424ss Leave a comment How Does the Variance of Product Ratings Matter? What do consumers look when they make a purchase decision? Consider that you want to buy a new laptop. First, you usually determine your needs and then you try to find a product that matches these needs. Trying to find a perfect match, you can address to multiple different sources and product descriptions offered both by companies and experts. This process, is greatly facilitated by the evolution of information technology. However, information technology also facilitates the spread of another type of product information which stems from a different source, but it is as influencing (or even more) than the information provided by conventional sources. This type of information are the user generated content. User generated content is a very broad term that does not refer only to products. It can also exist for entertainment purposes such as videos or even for journalistic purposes. User product reviews are usually different methods that customers use to express their personal opinions and experiences about a certain product. They can take the form of a text or the form of a quantifiable scale usually from 1 to 5. Many retailers have adopted these review methods to help their customer in their decisions, while star ratings are one of the most prevalent review methods. Star ratings are characterized by 3 Vs, namely Volume, Valence and Variance. Volume refers to the number of reviews, valence to the degree of positive or negative sentiment (Mudambi, Schuff, Zhang, 2014) and variance to the distribution of the ratings within the scale. Sun, 2012 identifies a research gap regarding the variance characteristic and focuses her research on answering how consumers perceive different types of variance, how it affects subsequent demand and whether variance is interrelated with average rating (valence). The methods and the findings are discussed in the next paragraph, while the last paragraph focuses on practical implications. The author recognizes that none of the three aforementioned Vs can deliver meaningful information about how customers interpret ratings when the product and consumer attributes are ignored. Consequently, an econometric model is developed that incorporates the notions of perceived quality and mismatch. The latter describes the level in which the attributes of a product allow customers to be satisfied, therefore, products with high mismatch are more likely to be niche products. The theoretical model suggests that the higher the product quality, the higher the average rating will also be, since every consumer will enjoy a high quality product more, irrespective of their preference match. Hence high average rating is perceived as result of high quality by consumers. Furthermore, the author suggests that when the average rating is low, consumers may not perceive the product as low in quality, if the variance, hence mismatch, is relatively high. The interesting explanation that the author provides is that high variance is perceived as the main factor of the low average rating, something that does not signal low quality, since the existence of bad reviews dramatically deteriorates the average score. The second finding of the model, which is the main proposition of the paper, is confirmed empirically. The effect was also reflected on sales which increased when both the conditions (high variance, low average) were met. The research of Sun, 2012 is fruitful for different parties. Retailers that sell products with low ratings but with high variance, can exploit the opportunity of the well-matched consumers by increasing the price. For example, the Motorola in the image below has an average rating of 3 stars, however it also has a high rating deviation. Therefore, Amazon in this case could increase the price in order to exploit the group of people who still prefer an “old school” cell phone by expressing their opinion through high ratings. Finally, managers can use variance to make predictions about future demand, product life-cycle and make better portfolio decisions. Mudambi, S. M., Schuff, D., & Zhang, Z. (2014). Why Aren’t the Stars Aligned? An Analysis of Online Review Content and Star Ratings. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference, 3139-3147 Sun, M. (2012). How does the variance of product ratings matter? Management Science, 58(4), 696-707. http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-K1-Unlocked-Slot-International-Warranty/dp/B000JL4Y3Y/ref=pd_rhf_gw_s_cp_2_12Z5?ie=UTF8&refRID=0CFVB2S6H2494MEHE02R (Retrieved 24/4/2015) A MORE EFFICIENT WAY OF LEARNING April 4, 2015 419424ss 2 Comments Customers hold knowledge about their own needs. Companies want to benefit by offering products or services that match these needs. Value co-creation tries to bridge this information asymmetry gap by engaging customers into the creation of value. The internet facilitates companies’ turn towards this direction by enabling the evolution of existing business models that traditionally excluded customer engagement, or by allowing the creation of new ones. Skillshare, a company lunched in 2011, is classified in the second category. Numerous business posts do not hesitate to describe the company as a game changer in the education sector. Skillshare’s co-founder, Michael Karnjanaprakorn states: “The problem of education today is that is no longer about learning”. “All I’m doing in college is drinking, eating and memorizing things for exams that have nothing to do with real life.” As a graduate student himself, Karnjanaprakorn knows firsthand what it means to enter the job market without practical skills. The missing link between education and learning is what initially motivated Karnjanaprakorn to create the company. Skillshare is an online platform for learning anything from anyone. Doers from all over the world introduce themselves and share their skills with anyone who is interested in them. Skillshare brings world’s diversity into a single platform resulting to dozens of different categories of online courses such as design, entrepreneurship, programming, culinary and the list goes on. Unlike other massive open online courses (MOOCs), Skillshare focuses on learning by doing. Thus, learning is not only about watching prerecorded videos. Interaction is a major part of the learning process and it is carried out by the completion of specific projects. Furthermore, PhDs are not a criterion for joining instructors’ community. The team believes that the best teachers are among people with no formal education at all. Until 2014, instructors were able to set their own price for each course and a 12% fee was charged by the company. The average price that could be found was $20. In 2014 the revenue model altered to monthly subscription. “Hardcore” students were happy to see such a change, since they can save more than $75 per month according to company’s research. But let’s return to the disruption. Do Skillshare and other types of MOOCs threaten traditional universities? According to Laseter (2012), universities do not provide their students with the necessary accoutrements for improving their chances when they apply for a skill demanding position. Education applicants will realize more and more this weakness of the conventional university and will focus on education that meets their expectations and guarantees future recruitment. Given the disruptive potential of the online learning, which Christensen (2011) also underlines in his book The Innovative University, in combination with the continuously increase of the tuition fees in traditional universities, it is expected that online educators will attract more and more students through MOOCs. Universities that consolidate rather than change the situation will lose large proportion of their market share in the future. What is your opinion? Christensen, C., Eyring, H. (2011). The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out. John Wiley & sons Laseter, T. (2012). The university’s dilemma. Booz & Co http://www.inc.com/abigail-tracy/35-under-35-skillshare-online-education-platform.html http://www.skillshare.com http://venturebeat.com/2014/03/19/skillshare-debuts-new-spotify-like-membership-model-for-online-education-exclusive/ co-creationeducation
{"url": "https://consumervaluecreation.com/author/419424ss/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "consumervaluecreation.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T11:54:01Z", "digest": "sha1:F6FDQPMFA3NQD3EYAILRWDZLXA5V2UEJ"}
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1220 Gregory Lane, Jackson, WY WAREHOUSE SOLD https://contourproperties.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ContourInvestmentProperties.png 0 0 molly_stewart https://contourproperties.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ContourInvestmentProperties.png molly_stewart2022-05-24 10:56:522022-05-24 10:56:521220 Gregory Lane, Jackson, WY
{"url": "https://contourproperties.com/commercial-transactions/listing/1220-gregory-lane-jackson-wy/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "contourproperties.com", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:51:39Z", "digest": "sha1:3KSOTXHHVG4275CJWT2GE6RC65MC4CMZ"}
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Justia Forms Business Contracts Categories Business Finance Warrant Agreements NuVasive Inc NuVasive Inc (76) | Warrant Agreements (13) Confirmation for additional warrant transaction dated as of June 2, 2020, between Royal Bank of Canada and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 4, 2020) Confirmation for additional warrant transaction dated as of June 2, 2020, between Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 4, 2020) Confirmation for additional warrant transaction dated as of June 2, 2020, between Bank of America, N.A. and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 4, 2020) Confirmation for additional warrant transaction dated as of June 2, 2020, between Barclays Bank PLC and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 4, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of May 27, 2020, between Royal Bank of Canada and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 1, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of May 27, 2020, between Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 1, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of May 27, 2020, between Bank of America, N.A. and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 1, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of May 27, 2020, between Barclays Bank PLC and the Company (Filed With SEC on June 1, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of February 26, 2020, between Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc and the Company (Filed With SEC on March 2, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of February 26, 2020, between JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association and the Company (Filed With SEC on March 2, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of February 26, 2020, between Royal Bank of Canada and the Company (Filed With SEC on March 2, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of February 26, 2020, between The Bank of Nova Scotia and the Company (Filed With SEC on March 2, 2020) Confirmation for base warrant transaction dated as of February 26, 2020, between Barclays Bank PLC and the Company (Filed With SEC on March 2, 2020)
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Coolidge Library Coolidge Speeches The Coolidge Quarterly The Coolidge Connection 2010 JFK Symposium A Man of Character Not “Silent Cal,” Thinking Cal: Correcting The Faulty Historical Image of Calvin Coolidge L. John Van Til, Ph.D. Consult almost any history or political science textbook of the past 50 years as it comments on the 1920s, and very likely it will portray Calvin Coolidge negatively, frequently referring to him as a dumb, indolent, anti-intellectual pawn of Big Business. In this view, Coolidge was a political accident who, upon becoming President of the United States on August 2, 1923, slept through his five-and-a-half-year presidency. While he slept, say his critics, the nation drifted towards disaster — which came in the form of a gigantic stock market crash and great economic depression. How did this apparent political naif, this so-called simpleton, this relic of the 19th century become President, conventional historians and political scientists ask in their best-selling texts. After penning a few lines of ridicule, most historians then push any serious consideration of President Coolidge off to the side and continue their speculation about what, in their opinion, “should have been” in the 1920s — that “lost” decade between Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Let’s find the real Coolidge and see what difference it makes for the historical record. Sadly, decades of hostile historical comment about Coolidge in hundreds of texts has left a large percentage of the American public with a decidedly negative image of him. It is the contention of this essay that Calvin Coolidge certainly should be appreciated for several reasons. First, the textbook image of him believed by most who have matriculated in the nation’s schools is simply dead wrong. The prevailing view of him is not merely a matter of interpretation, it is a question of facts, and the texts have the facts wrong in most instances. Second, as I found in a several years-long study of his writings, Coolidge was a very thoughtful man with a comprehensive view of the world. Indeed, the nation would be much better served if more of its Presidents had a world view as consistent as Coolidge’s. We should strongly suggest that his writings be read today because they have a deep wisdom in them that was born of the man’s basic common sense. Besides, he was a man of great humor and we all can use more of that. Fortunately a more balanced view of him may emerge as a result of a modest Coolidge renaissance that is now under way. Evidence of this appears in several new scholarly biographies of him by leading historians, numerous conferences devoted to a further exploration of Coolidge and his era, and not least of all, in a quirky political endorsement of him by a recent, very popular President. The last reference, of course, is to the now-famous White House scene in which Ronald Reagan, upon assuming office, ordered Coolidge’s portrait to be hung in the Cabinet Room. Reporters snickered, and when their inquiries about it reached Reagan, he emphatically said that Coolidge was his kind of President because he cut government spending and lowered taxes — two things Reagan hoped to do. British historian Paul Johnson also contributed to the Coolidge revival, especially in his thoughtful evaluation of Coolidge in his best selling Modern Times. In fact, it was Johnson’s view that encouraged me to find Coolidge’s works and read them for myself. It was soon clear that they were not easily available and out of print since the 1920s. It occurred to me that a new edition of his main works would be valuable for the emerging Coolidge revival and for others interested in him and his era. I resolved to study and prepare a new edition of Coolidge’s published works and then write an account of his intellectual development. Both of these projects are now complete. Two main things emerged from my study of his writings, one expected and the other not. Naturally a better understanding of Coolidge flowed from this study. On the other hand, to my surprise, it became evident that Calvin Coolidge was a very thoughtful man, a quality never implied or suggested by text writers and critics. After reviewing several notebooks full of quotations gleaned from my study of his speeches and addresses, it was also evident that Coolidge’s writings displayed a rather well-thought-out set of ideas about society, government, business, the nature of man, and related topics. Was it possible that the proverbial “Silent Cal” was also “Thinking Cal?” And, since Coolidge wrote all of his own speeches and addresses, they reflect his thought, not the thinking of speech writers as is often the case with subsequent Presidents. Concluding that Coolidge was exceptionally thoughtful raised the question: How did he get that way? Did he read his way to a comprehensive world view? His personal library, preserved in the Forbes Library, Northampton, Massachusetts, suggests that he was, indeed, very widely read. The same message, in the form of copious literary quotations and paraphrases, jumps out of the pages of his dozens of essays and speeches. And, his extensive knowledge of history is everywhere present in his writings. Coolidge himself, however, tells us very clearly in his Autobiography from whence it was that he obtained his interest in the way the world works, that is, how he developed a coherent world view. It was, he says, his professors at Amherst who opened the door to a comprehensive view of life. Quoting a crucial passage from his Autobiography sums up his intellectual development very succinctly in his own words. After noting that he studied history and literature in his first years at Amherst, Coolidge focused on what to him was the critical point in his education: “It always seemed to me that all our other studies were in the nature of preparation for the course in philosophy. The head of the department was Charles E. Garman, who was one of the most remarkable men with whom I ever came in contact.… Beginning in the spring of the junior year, his course extended through four terms. The first part was devoted to psychology, in order to find out the capacity and the limits of the human mind.… We were not only learning about the human mind but learning how to use it, learning how to think.… The human mind has the power to weigh evidence, to distinguish between right and wrong and to know the truth. (emphasis mine) I should call this the central theme of his philosophy.… We looked upon Garman as a man who walked with God. His course was a demonstration of the existence of a personal God, of our power to know Him.… The conclusions which followed from this position were logical and inescapable. It sets man off in a separate kingdom from all other creatures in the universe, and makes him a true son of God and a partaker of the Divine nature…. He believed in the Bible and constantly quoted it to illustrate his position.… To Garman was given a power which took his class up into a high mountain of spiritual life and left them alone with God.… What he revealed to us of the nature of God and man will stand. Against it ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail.’” It seems remarkable, indeed, that all of this was still so clear in Coolidge’s mind thirty- five years distant from the classroom at Amherst. No doubt, it is evidence of the strength of Garman’s influence on the shaping of Coolidge’s mind. The power of Garman’s influence is everywhere evident in Coolidge’s two major works, The Price of Freedom and Foundations of the Republic, first published in 1924 and 1926 respectively. We turn now to a consideration of two principal characteristics of Coolidge’s life and thought. First, Coolidge had a systematic and comprehensive view of the world, one that was obviously and distinctively Christian. Second, he had supreme confidence in the societal and governmental principles the Founding Fathers hammered out for the new nation in their own writings and in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. These features of Coolidge’s thought are woven into virtually every speech he delivered and essay he wrote. Turning to the first theme, we may observe that many of Coolidge’s contemporaries, Americans who came to maturity in the last quarter of the 19th century, would not be surprised to hear someone refer to Coolidge as having a Christian world view, because most of them thought of their own lives and world in the same way. Notwithstanding late twentieth-century intellectuals’ and Supreme Court Justices’ views to the contrary, America into the 1920s was in many ways a Christian society — meaning that the prevailing flavor of culture assumed Christian principles. This congruence between Coolidge’s view of America and many Americans’ view of it was one of the reasons why Coolidge was the most popular public figure in America throughout the decade of the 1920s, even after he left office and was replaced by Hoover. Once out of office he was paid a small fortune for articles he wrote for magazines and newspapers because the public wanted to know what Coolidge thought about any and every thing. There was, however, something distinctive about Coolidge’s Christian world view, rooted as it was in the teaching of his beloved professor, Charles Garman. We can only touch a few of the highlights of this view here. Beyond the usual Christian assumptions about life — that God was sovereign, that He made man in His image to rule over the Creation, that man sinned and could be redeemed, that man had a duty as image-bearer to create civilizations, and more — Coolidge focused on societal structures and how they ought to work. He thought society had a natural balance among its several segments — family, business, religious institutions, labor, education and the like. Significantly, following Professor Garman, Coolidge believed that this balance had been disrupted by business practices during the Industrial Revolution, especially since the Civil War. Leaders of industry had obtained power a thousand times greater than any man had held in the days of craftsmen, Coolidge noted. The new Captains of Industry, as they were called, gained great wealth and power while others working as laborers lost almost all control over their own lives and labor. It was especially frightful, and immoral, to Coolidge, that such workers had no outlet for their creativity — an image-bearing quality each worker should exercise either on the job or in some other realm, Coolidge argued. It should be noted in passing that this focus by Coolidge on creativity as part of life was but one dimension of his continuous emphasis on the spiritual, immaterial and transcendent aspects of human nature. Indeed, he pondered this at length in another of, what I have called, his “big picture essays,” this one entitled “The Things That Are Unseen.” The concluding lines of that piece sum up very well the importance of the spiritual dimension of life that Coolidge believed was crucial in one’s view of man. Said Coolidge: “We do not need more material development, we need more spiritual development. We do not need more intellectual power, we need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge, we need more character. We do not need more government, we need more culture. We do not need more law, we need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen.” Elsewhere Coolidge spoke and wrote at length about the need for character, moral power and religion. In addition, he was adamant about his claim that we do not need “more laws.” What was needed, he said, was a much better enforcement of existing laws. To return to the main point here, an accumulation of great power by the Captains of Industry, Coolidge did not merely refer to it in the abstract in his speeches and essays. He put flesh and blood on this claim, especially in his essay “Theodore Roosevelt,” delivered as an address in New York City, just weeks before he was inaugurated as Vice President. Though he thought the problem had been largely tamed by that time, 1920, he wanted to make his view clear about the imbalance that had developed after the Civil War, an imbalance that Roosevelt had largely corrected through his anti-trust efforts. His remarks about Roosevelt provide an example of another of his “big picture” essays and addresses. Noteworthy, too, is the fact that a number of these essays were biographical. That was no accident, as the following quotation makes clear. He states here, as in many other biographical essays, that great men have been sent from time to time to aid civilizations’ development in special ways. Stated Coolidge: “Great men are the ambassadors of Providence sent to reveal to their fellow men their unknown selves. To them is granted the power to call forth the best there is in those who come under their influence. Sometimes they have come as great captains, commanders of men, who have hewed out empires, sometimes as statesmen, ministering to the well-being of their country, sometimes as painters and poets, showing new realms of beauty, sometimes as philosophers and preachers, revealing to the race ‘the way, the truth, and the life,’ but always as inspirers of noble action, translating high ideals into practical affairs of life. There is something about them better than anything they do or say.… They come and go, in part mystery, in part the simplest of all experience, the compelling influence of the truth. They leave no successor.” These remarks set the stage for the main point of this, his essay, that is, that Teddy Roosevelt was a God-given leader who corrected the economic imbalance that had developed in America since the Civil War. Of course, this is part of Coolidge’s larger view of history, a view that may be termed “Augustinian,” with elements of a devotion to “manifest destiny” in it. In short, history was a development through stages and now in America the last stage was unfolding. His view, in these respects, was much like that of many other Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, though his focus on the “unseen” is more dramatic. Coolidge’s view of societal structures and the need to keep them in balance illustrates the scope of his considerable thinking about how institutions should relate to one another in a civilization. Indeed, it was the foundation of his policies while in government service. Significantly, he saw government as just another of society’s institutions. To be sure it had specific duties, as is evident in his view of Roosevelt’s use of governmental power to correct an imbalance in the economic sphere. Stated another way, in his view government was limited in its role just as religion and business were limited. We turn now to see how Coolidge developed his view of government. A basic distinction for him in this matter was to be found between the terms government and state. Government for him and his generation meant the constitutional apparatus that provided for the ruling or governing of society. It included the separate branches of government, limitations on the powers and duties of each branch, an election process, amending powers, and the like. State for Coolidge, and again for his generation, referred to the series of social relationships found among citizens — political parties, religious organizations (including churches), family, unions, business firms, fraternal organizations, and more. Strange as it may seem to most twentieth-first-century minds, each of these institutions in the minds of early twentieth-century Americans also had its own government: Churches had ecclesiastical governments; families had paternal governments; and so on with all societal institutions. Stated another way, the government in each realm applied the rules (laws) which regulated its realm and its realm only. These distinctions have been largely lost today as the federal government has usurped power and authority previously held by each. To emphasize, when Coolidge talked about government and its powers, he thought of it as civil government, one not possessed with immediate authority over all societal realms. In short, he understood, as did his contemporaries, that civil government was but one kind of government, one with limited powers to be sure. In this, as in many other intellectual matters discussed here, he reflects the thinking of his beloved mentor, Charles Garman. Government, or Civil Government as Coolidge liked to call it, was that government created by the Constitution. And, it was limited in two ways in his view. First, by the Constitution itself because it was a document that enumerated the powers of the government it created. This feature was strengthened by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, worth quoting here: Amendment IX (1791) — The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment X (1791) — The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. In addition to the limitations on the Civil Government found in the Constitution and its Amendments, it was also limited, in Coolidge’s view, by virtue of the fact that it was but one of many institutions in society. To emphasize, it stood among the others — business, family, churches, labor, etc., and all together they constituted a part of the natural order of things. From another angle, it may be said that Civil Government was not a superior or supreme institution in society, in Coolidge’s view. How different this view is from that held by most in American society today! Today most people expect and assume that the Civil Government is the first resort in solving problems rather than the last one as Coolidge and his contemporaries believed. With this view of government as limited, Coolidge constantly worked to reduce government — which had expanded greatly during World War I, as governments always do during wars. Harding had created the Bureau of the Budget just before his untimely death and Coolidge soon put teeth into it. He gave it life as a tool to help in the control and reduction of government expenditures. We must note in passing that Coolidge was not opposed to new programs as many of his critics suggest, nor was he a mindless Dickens-like Scrooge, who delighted in destroying programs to save money. He favored many new projects over the years, when they made economic sense. He pushed developments in transportation, for example, both on water and on land. Moreover, he was among the first to see the bright future of air transportation. And where did Coolidge get his view of limited government ultimately? In addition to what he found in the Constitution itself, he learned much from the Founders themselves. It is evident in his essays and speeches that he was an accomplished student of the Founders’ lives and writings. He spoke and wrote about many of them, noting the unique contribution each made to the American System. It may be said with confidence, based upon his own writing and the contents of his library, that Coolidge was very likely as knowledgeable as any President about American history, and especially so when it came to the Founding Fathers. Significantly, he not only quotes them, but often he also refers to them as he did to Theodore Roosevelt, as “ambassadors of Providence.” Like Lincoln, Coolidge thought that the Declaration of Independence was in a way more important than the Constitution. At least, the latter was not possible without the former. This fascination with the Declaration is not only evident throughout his writings but especially clear in his address delivered on the one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary of this document. Interestingly, at that time in American history, when July 4 fell on a Sunday, the celebration took place on the next day. So it was that Coolidge presented his remarks about the Declaration on July 5, 1926, in Philadelphia under the title “The Inspiration of the Declaration.” Among other things, Coolidge stated that the annual celebration of the Declaration was not so much a time to “proclaim new theories and principles as it was a time to reaffirm and reestablish those old theories and principles which time and the unerring logic of events have demonstrated to be sound.” Something of Coolidge’s power with the pen is evident in this address. He noted that people from other lands as well as Americans viewed Independence Hall as hallowed ground. Indeed, to him it seemed to be as important to many as the Holy Land — a sacred place. He went on to say: “In its main features the Declaration of Independence is a great spiritual document. It is a declaration not of material but of spiritual concepts. Equality, liberty, popular sovereignty, the rights of man — these are not elements which we can see and touch. These are ideals. They have their source and their roots in religious convictions. They belong to the unseen world. Unless the faith of the American people in these religious convictions [endures], the principles of our Declaration will perish. We can not continue to enjoy the result if we neglect and abandon the cause.” In this we see the close tie in his mind between the faith of the Founders and the principles of the Declaration. The large audience before him at Independence Hall that day in July, 1926, would have felt perfectly comfortable with his view of the Founder’s faith and the Declaration. Before concluding this essay, a point or two more should be clearly emphasized. First, it is good to emphasize that Coolidge’s considerable thought-life had two principal features, two pillars as it were — a comprehensive world view rooted in the Christian philosophy of his beloved Amherst mentor, Charles Garman. Mrs. Coolidge noted that throughout their married life Coolidge always had two books on his bedside stand — Garman’s Letters, Lectures and Addresses.… and the Bible. The second pillar of Coolidge’s thinking was, as pointed out here, a deep devotion to the Founding Fathers and their achievements in creating the American System, its substance being on display in the Declaration and the Constitution. And, one more point. Being a quiet and modest man, Coolidge seldom referred to an achievement of which he was most proud. During his senior year at Amherst — he subsequently was graduated magna cum laude — Coolidge entered a national essay contest which was open to all seniors of America’s colleges and universities. The topic was the causes of the American Revolution. The prize was a one hundred fifty dollar gold piece — worth a lot of money at that time. The judges decided, weeks after graduations around the country, that Coolidge won. When notified, Coolidge characteristically said nothing, placing the medal on his desk in the law office where he had begun to study law. Days later, a senior partner, and fellow Amherst graduate, walked in and saw the medal, congratulating Coolidge. Coolidge, who later as a seasoned politician said of speech, “Be brief. Above all, be brief,” responded merely, “Thank you.” His great, though quiet pride in winning the national contest is evident in his book Foundations of the Republic. In it he included the prize essay as the last item in the collection. The prestige associated with this prize in 1895 would be similar to, if not greater than, Rhodes Scholarships awarded today. An obvious point to be made here, too, is the fact that this prize essay is powerful evidence of the fact that Coolidge was already a gifted and thoughtful person at an early age — reenforced by the fact that he was also graduated magnum cum laude from a top school, such as Amherst. And so we conclude by asking: Was Coolidge an anti-intellectual simpleton and dullard as New Deal historians suggest? Winning the top collegiate oratorical contest in the nation and being graduated magnum cum laude from a first rate school, Amherst, do not support such a view. Further, a sustained examination of his life and writings does not support such a claim either. As a matter of fact, such an examination of the record strongly suggests the opposite. Students and politicians today would be better off studying his life and ideas rather than those of recent Presidents. For, unlike them, he shows much wisdom about how to live a successful life as a public servant, based on Christian principles and a sound understanding of the Founding Fathers and their work.
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ABB Analyze, powered by Glimpse April 19, 2021 /0 Comments/in Corporate Optometrist /by Corporate Optometry Every practice’s data tells a story. Not just of where they’ve been, but where they’re going. That data can serve as the North Star, guiding the strategic direction of the practice. The planning that follows most often begins with evaluating previous performance, setting a goal, determining the activities in which to execute to achieve that goal, implementing those activities and adjusting along the way based on the results – rinse, repeat. All the intricacies that make up the plan can be complex and of course, ever-changing. But those complications shouldn’t apply to the collecting, storing and organization of that data. That’s where ABB Analyze, powered by Glimpse comes in. At ABB Analyze, our sole purpose is to help practices succeed by making business analytics simple. Created by private business owners looking to maximize their performance, ABB Analyze understands first-hand, the challenges of successfully managing a business. The system is designed to be intuitive, customizable and readily available. We show you opportunities, areas of improvement and how you compare to your colleagues. Most importantly, we save practices time so you can focus on what should be your number one priority, your patients. To get the most out of your practice, you need to get the most out of your data. ABB Analyze will provide a clearer pathway toward increasing revenues and practice success. To learn more watch this 2 minute video Now Available! ABB Analyze Lite – FREE Access to 9 Key Practice Metrics – Get Started Here! Jeremy Bono – Sr. Technology Product Marketing Manager, ABB Optical Group https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/abb2.png 229 300 Corporate Optometry https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Logo-CO4.jpg Corporate Optometry2021-04-19 16:16:232021-04-20 09:23:18ABB Analyze, powered by Glimpse Turn More Callers into New Optometry Patients with Call Analytics Call analytics has become an important component of marketing a practice. It allows you to understand consumer needs and wants in order to attract and retain clients. Train your staff to receive calls efficiently in order to convert more callers into new optometry patients. Here is how your business can benefit from call analytics: Call analytics can help you gather valuable information about your target audience. Phone logs are usually collected when patients make a phone call to your practice. You can figure out the clients’ phone numbers, date and time of the call, call duration, the number of times particular clients have called, and even an audio recording of the entire call. Analyze the reasons why people call in order to better understand consumer demand. Clients usually call to schedule an appointment or make changes to their appointment. On the other hand, people who are potential customers may call to survey the products and services you offer. Collect and organize data from calls to help with your marketing campaign. Staff members who answer the calls should be trained to connect with patients and potential customers in a happy and upbeat manner. Use words unique to your practice to showcase the professional values of your business. Ask the caller’s name in the beginning and keep using it throughout the conversation to keep them engaged. Work on the rapport by listening to the caller attentively and avoiding outside distractions. Monitor the call and notice the words used by the customers. This can help you improve keyword search on your website. As a result, your marketing budget will be allocated in a way that maximizes profits. You can also use the phone numbers to send text messages advertizing your optometry practice. Reduce the number of calls that are routed to voicemail. Make it easy for people to connect to a human staff member rather than an automated response system. If it is necessary to activate voicemail sometimes, make sure a representative gets back to them shortly. Engaging customers effectively will help you draw up an effective marketing plan. Tracking and recording phone calls can help you determine the efficacy of your customer service. It will enable you to identify and rectify shortcomings in order to enhance customer satisfaction and conversion rates. Monitoring the sales team’s conversations with patients and prospective clients will also help you evaluate their interaction and work on areas that require improvement. Optimize Your Marketing Campaign According to studies, the conversion rate of calls is 10 to 15 times higher than web leads. Consider purchasing a call analytics software to get a clear idea of where your marketing campaign stands. They offer different levels of tracking, such as keyword level, campaign level, and multi-channel attribution tracking. Detailed insight can help you determine which individual marketing are most beneficial for your optometry practice. Keyword tracking will allow you note which keywords are most used during conversations. This data has the potential to drastically improve your digital marketing campaigns, such as pay-per-click ads. Information gathered through campaign level tracking helps identify which online and offline marketing campaigns are successful in drawing in the most customers. Multi-channel attribution tracking allows you to measure the entire journey of a client from the beginning to the end. It will enable you to figure out which online marketing channels result in offline phone call conversions. Customer experience is of the utmost importance for an optometry practice. You need to be attentive to customer requirements and expectations in order to make your practice a success. A careful evaluation of call analytics helps turn more callers into new optometry patients. https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/image-2.png 338 507 Corporate Optometry https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Logo-CO4.jpg Corporate Optometry2021-04-17 04:58:002021-04-17 04:58:02Turn More Callers into New Optometry Patients with Call Analytics 4 Ways to differentiate yourself in Optometry April 4, 2021 /0 Comments/in Corporate Optometrist /by Corporate Optometry Optometry school may have equipped you with all the technical knowledge and expertise you need, but did you know that this alone does not a great optometrist make? Read on as we take a look at some of the things they should be teaching you in optometry school, but don’t. Listening to patients This may seem like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised to know that some medical professionals don’t truly listen to what patients are trying to tell them. Each patient is different. Rushing through appointments isn’t going to do anyone any good. As an optometrist, you owe it to patients to give them your time and respect. After all, hearing out a patient is integral to determining what is troubling them, and coming through with the correct diagnosis. A good place to start the conversation would be finding out what the patient in question does for a living. This can help you gather basic insights into the kind of lifestyle they lead, and reach a more informed place before treating them. The importance of this simply can not be stressed enough, especially considering current pandemic times. You can be almost certain that the equipment you need, or the medicine you require is either in short supply, or is not going to be delivered on time. It would thus be prudent to be proactive and take out the time to figure out all that you might be needing to ensure the smooth running of your practice. Dealing with numbers No matter what your profession, it would serve you well to follow these words of wisdom to a tee. It’s important to understand that at the end of the day, you’re running a business. While it’s understandable that as an optometrist, you may want to focus on treating patients while hiring someone else to deal with the monetary side of things, you must set aside a bit of time poring over orders, receipts, and invoices. No one’s asking you to do a deep-dive, but it will only benefit you and your practice if you’re aware of some basics: service rates by the hour, supply pricing, and how to avail the benefits of loyalty programs offered by various companies. People management is not as simple as it’s deemed to be. It is, in fact, one of the more challenging aspects to running a practice. Any practice that is running like a well-oiled machine is sure to have an efficient, meticulous team working behind the scenes. Maintain employee motivation by empowering them, trusting them, and granting them due recognition for their efforts. A good way to go about this is by first trying to gauge how good they are at making decisions. To do this, you don’t necessarily have to entrust them with a task; you can start by having routine discussions at the clinic to see where everyone stands. The tactics mentioned above will help add value to your practice, and even guarantee long-term success. https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/ophthalmic-testing-device.jpg 1364 2048 Corporate Optometry https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Logo-CO4.jpg Corporate Optometry2021-04-04 05:46:362021-04-04 05:46:384 Ways to differentiate yourself in Optometry The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Optometry Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that uses various techniques that aim to mirror human intelligence. One AI technique is machine learning, which relies on vast data sets to learn and predict results without human intervention. Artificial intelligence has slowly made its way to optometry as well. It is unlikely that it will ever replace an optometrist but instead has the potential to ease their jobs. This doesn’t mean that robots will be running around in our healthcare facilities, but rather AI focuses on a large amount of patient data to give insight into diagnosis and treatment methods. Let’s look at how it has the potential to change an optometrist’s practice. Streamline management Many software is coming to the market that provides autonomous management of tasks related to patients. Repetitive tasks like scheduling, billing, and follow-ups can be done on the fly and updated as new information is received. This improves organizational productivity for many optometry practices, making them more efficient, and leaves more focus on patient care. One of AI’s advantages is that it can process vast amounts of data more quickly as a computer is doing most of the legwork. This especially comes in handy when processing optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, retinal images and dry eye. It can look for patterns within these images that optometrists might miss because of the subjective nature by which these images are analyzed. Machine learning can monitor these images over time and see if any changes are occurring that lead to eye diseases that manifest progressively. FDA-approved AI systems are already appearing on the market that analyze fundus photography to detect elements of diabetic retinopathy such as hemorrhages, aneurysms, and other lesions. It can detect these changes early on, leading optometrists to formulate a health plan with the patient. Additionally, this system requires minimal training and can outperform humans. The technology is currently in its early stages to detect other ocular diseases such as glaucoma by fundus photographs, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and visual fields. It is beneficial for open-angle glaucoma cases where symptoms don’t typically exhibit themselves. Since glaucoma can’t be cured, early detection may help manage the disease to prevent it from getting worse to the point of blindness. New technology has emerged in the Dry eye arena. Advanced Opthalmic Systems. When it comes to talking to patients about their dry eye disease, a picture is worth a thousand words. Conversations become easier when you can show a patient an image of their ocular surface. Suddenly it all clicks. (Pun intended) AOS is one company that takes it a step further with innovative technology. The platform automatically grades an image for Bulbar Redness, Injection and Lid Redness. In Staining mode the software counts punctate of a fluorescein image. It can also convert a fluorescein image into 2D and 3D which brings a real wow factor. The images show patients proof of their condition and the analysis provides context. It’s much like the difference between stating a fact and telling a story. We can now give meaning to symptoms felt and seen in the eye. And it’s especially useful for assessing progress during follow up appointments. Lower redness numbers or lower punctate counts tell me and the patient we are on the right track. AOS analysis improves patient education which helps boost compliance. Better compliance leads to better outcomes and that leads to happy, loyal patients. Reduce false positives False positives occur when a test result shows that a disease is present when it is not in reality. Here AI can help as well. By looking at vast amounts of medical data regarding symptoms that a patient presents, it can predict the likelihood of a disease or condition is present. This helps the patient from any unnecessary discomfort in terms of added consultations to their optometrist or an ophthalmologist, saves their time, and saves money on any unnecessary medication they may require. Artificial intelligence is showing its potential in many medical fields other than optometry, like oncology, dermatology, pharmacology, and genetics. Though still in its infancy, improvements in this technology will help doctors verify their diagnoses and interpret data faster independently. This does not mean that a doctor’s work will become redundant, as AI algorithms are not yet 100% accurate. There will cases when a doctor’s insight will be invaluable in diagnosing diseases. It can be considered a tool to their advantage. https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/An-AI-computer-program-scaled.jpg 1700 2560 Corporate Optometry https://corporateoptometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Logo-CO4.jpg Corporate Optometry2021-04-01 13:34:522021-04-01 13:34:54The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Optometry
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[5864, 6156, 0.05136986], [6156, 6202, 0.04347826], [6202, 6277, 0.08], [6277, 6441, 0.00609756], [6441, 6549, 0.00925926], [6549, 6571, 0.04545455], [6571, 6730, 0.00628931], [6730, 6899, 0.01775148], [6899, 7030, 0.00763359], [7030, 7270, 0.00833333], [7270, 7375, 0.00952381], [7375, 7526, 0.00662252], [7526, 7680, 0.00649351], [7680, 7701, 0.04761905], [7701, 7799, 0.01020408], [7799, 8121, 0.00621118], [8121, 8362, 0.00414938], [8362, 8494, 0.01515152], [8494, 8622, 0.0078125], [8622, 8739, 0.00854701], [8739, 8990, 0.00796813], [8990, 9094, 0.00961538], [9094, 9386, 0.03082192], [9386, 9440, 0.09259259], [9440, 9690, 0.016], [9690, 10059, 0.01355014], [10059, 10135, 0.01315789], [10135, 10157, 0.04545455], [10157, 10525, 0.00815217], [10525, 10910, 0.02077922], [10910, 11423, 0.01559454], [11423, 11831, 0.01470588], [11831, 11908, 0.06493506], [11908, 12463, 0.03243243], [12463, 13017, 0.01624549], [13017, 13040, 0.04347826], [13040, 13321, 0.01779359], [13321, 13534, 0.00469484], [13534, 14066, 0.01315789], [14066, 14369, 0.04950495]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 14369, 0.26211727]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 14369, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 14369, 0.05353677]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 14369, -976.36643523]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 14369, -112.26167873]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 14369, -897.00640324]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 14369, 138.0]]}
REASONS TO GET AN APPRAISAL Every year, countless people in the United States buy, sell or refinance their own slice of the American Dream. Most, if not all, of these transactions include a simple line item for an appraisal. It has become an understood and accepted part of a real estate transaction. "Let's bring in the expert and make sure we're not spending too much on this property." But is this the only reason to get an appraisal? Are there other times when the services of a certified, licensed, independent real estate professional might come in handy? You bet. PURCHASE OF A HOME One of the most important issues involved in purchasing a property is developing an opinion of what it's worth so that you can make an informed offer to purchase. A professional appraisal report performed by a qualified, state-licensed appraiser can provide you with an objective, third party opinion of a property's current Market Value. And for the small price of this service, you can give yourself "peace of mind" prior to making an offer to purchase that you're offering a fair price for the property. REFINANCE OR GET A HOME EQUITY LOAN If you need to consolidate bills, have a college tuition to pay, or just want to tap into the equity of your home, you'll need a new loan, which oftentimes requires a new appraisal of the property. PMI REMOVAL Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI is the supplemental insurance that many lenders ask home buyers to purchase when the amount being loaned is more than 80% of the value of the home. Very often, this additional payment is folded into the monthly mortgage payment and is quickly forgotten. This is unfortunate because PMI becomes unnecessary when the remaining balance of the loan - whether through market appreciation or principal paydown - dips below this 80% level. In fact, the United States Congress passed a law in 1998 (the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998) that requires lenders to remove the PMI payments when the loan-to-value ratio conditions have been met. Many appraisers offer a specific service for home owners that believe they have met the 80% loan-to-value metric. For a nominal fee, the appraiser can provide you with a statement regarding the home value. Some will even take the next step and help you file a challenge with your mortgage company. The costs of these services are very often recovered in just a few months of not paying the PMI. DIVORCE SETTLEMENT A divorce can be a particularly traumatic experience for both parties and is often further complicated by the difficult decision of "Who gets the house?". In most divorce cases, the Court won't usually force the parties involved to "buyout" the other party's interest but it may however order the sale of the home so each party gets an equal share of the equity. Regardless of the situation, it's a good idea to order an appraisal so both parties are fully aware of what the true market value is. If the parties want to sell the home, they'll have a better idea of what price to set. And on the flipside, if a "buyout" is the chosen option, both parties will feel like they've gotten a fair assessment. The loss of a loved one is a difficult time in life and settling an estate from a death, or probate, often requires an appraisal to establish Fair Market Value for the residential property involved. The ethics provision within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) binds us with confidentiality, ensuring the fullest degree of discretion. Unlike many wealthy individuals, the majority of Americans do not have dedicated estate planners or executors to handle these issues. Also, in most cases, a home or other real property makes up a disproportionate share of the total estate value. Here too, an appraiser can help. Often the first step in fairly disposing of an estate is to understand its true value. Where property is involved, the appraiser can help determine the true value. At this point, equitable arrangements can more easily be arrived at among disputing parties. Everyone walks away knowing they've received a fair deal. We understand the stress involved with an employee relocation. We take great care in establishing a convenient appointment time for the appraisal inspection. During our thorough inspection, we encourage relocating employees to provide input on the positive attributes of their property along with information about any recent sales or listings in their neighborhood that they want considered. HOME IMPROVEMENTS TO ADD VALUE Before you decide to sell your home, there are several decisions to be made. First and foremost: "How much should it sell for?" But don't forget there may be other equally important questions to ask yourself such as "Would it be better to paint the entire house before we sell it?", "Should I put in that third bathroom?", "Should I complete my kitchen remodel?" Many things which we do to our houses have an effect on their value. Unfortunately, not all of them have an equal effect. While a kitchen remodel may improve the appeal of a home, it may not add nearly enough to the value to justify the expense. Whether you choose to sell your home on your own or use the assistance of a real estate agent, a professional appraisal can help you make a better educated decision when determining your selling price. Unlike a real estate agent, an appraiser has no vested interest in what amount the house sells for. It's easy for them to step in and give you the information to help you make your decision. Appraiser fees are based on efforts to complete the report and not a percentage of the sales price. So seeking a professional appraisal can often help homeowners make the best decisions on investing in their homes and setting a fair sales price. Coston Appraisal & Research Phone: Fax: E-mail: WwxID1E3Fe7PSJp9ShLs7Bbs8mhuKRrdWRoj1JPXVJ0= Staff Profiles | Contact Us | Appraisal Info | Home Seller Services | Home Buyer Checklist | For Buyers | Estate | Divorce | Expert Witness | Tell a Friend | FAQ | Real Estate Glossary | About PMI | For Homeowners | Why an appraisal? | Home | About AVM's | Mortgage Fraud | Faster Appraisals | Residential Investment Copyright © 2023 Coston Appraisal & Research
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Greatest internet dating for males trying to meet up, come across appreciate, and pretty much everything in between Best Free Dating Apps For Guys What is it about the best dating app for guys that keeps attracting guys like moths to a flame? Is there anything they all have in common? What do they all offer? Do they all sound like they have your best interest at heart? Let’s find out together and see if we can’t have an idea of what a great dating service is by the end of this article. What is it about the best dating apps for guys that makes them such a hot commodity? What is it about the top of the line dating apps for guys that has the guys swooning over them like it’s no big deal? Well, here’s some hot new information about the best of the best new dating apps for guys and you just may find one that’s perfect for you. First of all, what is it that so many top of the line dating sites have on their roster? Well, the best dating app for guys has to be Bumble. Linked up with professional short guys, this is easily the best new dating app for short men around. Dating is tough enough without having to also try to find dates on your own or even with the help of an online dating site. This simple dating app for short guys makes the whole process easier on the guys that are looking to attract ladies. The best dating app for men looking for women online comes in the form of Matchrac. This is an online dating service that allows men looking for women all over the world to connect with other men looking for women. How does it work exactly? It works by allowing men looking for females to create profiles that include all of the relevant information about themselves. They can list their interests, where they are looking to meet women and what they hope to accomplish when dating a woman. If you are serious about trying to find someone to date this might be the ideal app for you. If you haven’t tried Reddit before though you might want to do so once you discover this app. This is a very easy way to connect with people that have similar interests as yourself. Instead of having to resort to other platforms like Imax and Best Buy to find someone, all you have to do is go to rss and see what is on the waters. When you see something that interests you just click on it and view the picture and you are set to go meet that person. It’s fast and convenient, and all you have to do is a couple of minutes worth of time and you could be connected with someone in ten minutes. Another of the many black singles dating apps out there that has been created for black singles is Single black American. Here you will be able to find the best places in your city that you can go and meet black singles. The best thing about Single black American is that it gives you a chance to view pictures of other black men and women along with some of the most amazing profiles on the site. If you want a great black dating community with tons of opportunities then this is definitely one of the best black dating apps for guys out there. The last of the great black dating apps for guys that I am going to discuss is Rhapsody. If you love listening to romance songs then Rhapsody is probably a dating app that you should check out. Guys who like listening to romance songs will appreciate this app, because not only can they get to date beautiful single women, but they can also get to a date beautiful black women as well. With Rhapsody all you have to do is go to their website and sign up. Once you do this all you have to do is make a list of songs that you think would be good for a relationship and then go to a radio station that plays those songs. This is how the whole relationship making process works, you just choose the perfect song for your date, listen while you drive, and then you can get a good night’s sleep. The last of the best free dating apps for guys is Tinderella. Tinderella may sound like a new kind of dating site, but it is actually very similar to Rhapsody, except that it is a little bit more upscale. You can find many people sick of the typical dating site, because Tinderella offers a unique twist to meeting new people. Basically you can get paid to date people, and it sounds like an amazing deal. This is definitely worth checking out if you are looking to improve your love life. Your Serious Good reasons The reason Online Adult dating Is definitely Negative With regard to A person’s Mind Wellbeing Dating Information Ebook To get Adult men – Employing Texting for you to Interest Romance
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Dating Book for Men – Getting the Girl of Your Dreams What’s it worth to you to uncover the dating playbook for men? For as little as $30 you can download a copy of the best-kept secrets of other men. How valuable would it be to have access to such a well-honed system that will practically guarantee success with virtually any woman you want to date, impress, and seduce? For as little as $30 you can gain access to the dating playbook for men that has been used by countless others and which is still going strong today. Wouldn’t you love to be able to put an end to all those dates that went nowhere, failed to make any type of progress, and which ended up sowing seeds for future heartache? If you have been living in a fantasy world since college all this time, it is about time that you lived one! That’s right, the dating game can change dramatically. The fact is that you can actually have the power to be the one that makes the first move in any woman’s attraction process. What you have to understand is that there is a very simple reason that this happens. The fact is that when you get to the highest level of dating you unlock the doors to a very exciting, highly stimulating, highly enjoyable dating life. So how do you get to the highest level of dating and the dating life that you have always imagined? You do it by taking action. What is it that you need to do to take action? There are literally thousands of dating gurus who have been successful at this game. Some of these gurus have published books that provide amazing insight into how to get the girl of your dreams and achieve the results that you are after. However, some of the most powerful information in the world simply is not printable in the conventional sense. For example, it would not be proper to publish the details of a highly successful dating strategy or a proven technique for getting the girl of your dreams in a mainstream magazine. This is because this kind of information has never before been seen to make such a difference to the dating game. What if you could harness the power of the Internet and put it into action in a matter of minutes instead of years or months or even years? What if you could get the dating advice that you want in an hour instead of the days or weeks or months necessary to accomplish it? It is possible to accomplish this today. Today, you can use the dating advice of the author of the dating playbook for men, Andrew Ferraribee, to put the fast action bonuses in your dating life inside just minutes. What is this information and how does it work? This information is available in the newly released eBook “The Dating playbook For Men – How To Get The Girl Of Your Dreams In 48 Hours Or Less”, which can be purchased from Amazon or downloaded from the website at the website link below. In the eBook, Andrew Ferraribee reveals his secret dating blueprint which consists of a series of video clips where he demonstrates what it takes to use the secrets of the dating business to put women in the mood to be approached. In addition to this, the book also contains bonus material that teaches readers how to increase their confidence level, how to effectively answer date questions, and how to create the best first impression. Further, the eBook also includes the strategies for dealing with the number one problem that most other books do not address – approach anxiety. As you might guess, approach anxiety is the number one reason that most men are not making the progress they desire when it comes to dating. By mastering the techniques taught in the dating playbook for men, you will be able to eliminate the barrier that is keeping you from approaching and attracting the woman of your dreams. One of the keys to getting the girl of your dreams is to master the art of attraction. This is accomplished by following the proven 90-day game plan that Andrew Ferraribee outlines in the dating guide. Each day, follow the plan one step at a time and become the person that girls want to spend time with. Each day, add a little bit more to the process until eventually, you will have a complete picture of what it takes to attract the woman of your dreams. Follow the course laid out by the dating guru in this dating guide and you will be amazed at the progress you make every time you apply the strategies. Finally, when you purchase the downloadable eBook, you can get access to bonus material that teaches you how to choose carefully when it comes to picking the perfect girl to date. This is achieved by using proven pick up methods that the dating guru has used to attract hundreds of women that want to get closer to him. Once you have the dating tricks down pat, you will be amazed at the amazing results that you get from each interaction you have. These strategies have been tried and tested and are sure to get you results quickly. Purchase the dating playbook for men today and use the tips and strategies that the guru has put together in this product. 9 very best dating books for girls ranked by the dating coach Online dating Assistance Book With regard to Adult men – Making use of Texting to help Of curiosity Relationship Best adult dating sites for guys wanting to sleep, locate like, along with almost everything amongst
{"url": "https://cougardatingsite.biz/just-about-every-teens-minimal-dark-colored-e-book-for-intercourse-and-also-online-dating---blaine-bartel---the-search-engines-textbooks", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "cougardatingsite.biz", "date_download": "2023-03-21T10:17:42Z", "digest": "sha1:2ASUFBBNYPPCQYCP7H3PL44H3FYI7QUA"}
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Raise must come with higher productivity Published on April 13, 2021 by Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam While civil servants have a right to expect a raise, any increment in salary should be tied to an equitable increase in productivity. In line with this, the government must find a way to measure productivity of its employees, according to public policy expert Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam. Ramon, who is chairman of the Centre for Public Policy at the Asia Strategy and Leadership Institute, said that in all fairness, every civil servant should have a report card on his performance and that report card should be made public. “Cuepacs (Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services) may want the government to raise salaries, but it should also explain how productivity can be increased,” he told the Sun. “After all, money does not grow on trees. Cuepacs must show the way.” Ramon was commenting on a call by Cuepacs for the government to review the Malaysian Remuneration System for civil service to meet current economic needs and cost of living. According to Cuepacs, the starting monthly salary of civil servants should be raised from RM1,200 to RM1,800 in line with the revision of the poverty line to RM2,208. It claimed that half of the 1.62 million civil servants are in Grade 40 and below where remuneration starts at RM1,200. Cuepacs president Adnan Mat said a salary revision is essential to ensure that civil servants earn enough to cover living expenses. Ramon proposed that a royal commission be set up to look into the salary scheme, terms and conditions as well as the size of the civil service. He also highlighted the fact that the government has enlarged the civil service workforce without giving enough consideration for the need to evaluate productivity. Nonetheless, he agreed that the minimum starting salary at RM1,200 is too low. But, he stressed, if the government agrees to an increase, it should be done progressively. “In principle I agree to an increase but due to a large number of pensioners that the government has to bear, we may not be able to sustain it.” Former finance minister Lim Guan Eng said it would be too costly to revise the starting pay of civil servants. “Rather than raise salaries, the government could raise allowances, but progressively, to ensure low-income earners get a reasonable take home pay.” Lim said that in view of their worsening financial situation, the government should raise allowances to the point where the lowest paid civil servants could take home at least RM2,000 a month. “It should be done progressively so that there is no sudden increase in the government’s salary bill.” This article was originally published on April 13, 2021 in The Sun. Photo by kxithvisuals on Unsplash Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam Assistance to B40 group should reach only deserving individuals and done on a temporary basis, says economist Responsibility of govt and Bank Negara to throw lifeline to drowning businesses, workers: Economists Stimulus packages boost cash flow, but wage subsidies fail to help employees keep jobs Plan well for a smooth sail Transparency and Good Governance
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Tagged with Hamilton … Hamilton, Schoolhouse Rock, What’s Next? This week I saw two very different musicals. Well, to be honest, I saw all of one and parts of another. I was one of millions who have had the opportunity to see the PBS documentary on Hamilton, the Broadway smash musical that combines hip hop and history to tell the story of Alexander Hamilton, … Continue reading →
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New Zealand vs India, 2nd T20I at Maunganui, Nov 20, 2022 Cricket News sort by New Zealand vs India, 2nd T20I at Maunganui, Nov 20, 2022 Suryakumar Yadav’s scintillating ton lifts India to 65-run win in 2nd T20I vs New Zealand Published on :Nov 21, 2022 04:48 In-form Team India batter Suryakumar Yadav scored a spectacular 111 off 51 balls as the Men in Blue beat New Zealand by 65 runs in the second T20I of the three-match series in Mount Maunganui on Sunday, November 20. Tags: India tour of New Zealand 2022, New Zealand vs India, 2nd T20I at Maunganui, Nov 20, 2022, India, New Zealand
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