Definition: In this task, you are given a text of news article and corresponding headline of an article. Your task is to give label "match" if headline is correct for article, otherwise give label "no". Input: Article: Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has been found dead of an apparent drug overdose at his Manhattan apartment, a law enforcement source told Headline: U-Haul packed with undocumented immigrants discovered in South Texas Output:
The Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health said that the government is committed to building a new hospital in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, that would be separate from the military hospital. Translate to French
La MNHA s’inquiétait tout particulièrement du fait que, comme nous l’avons dit plus haut, des civils devront sans doute quitter les habitations qu’ils occupent actuellement dans la Base, ce qui accroîtra la demande en ville.
Translate "The possibility still exists that Eastern European countries will inequitably and unjustly be deprived of the reward they would have received for fulfilling their actual emission reduction commitments in the Kyoto system, while infringing parties will face no penalties whatsoever." to Romanian?
Există încă posibilitatea ca țările est-europene să fie private în mod inechitabil și pe nedrept de recompensa pe care ar fi primit-o pentru îndeplinirea angajamentelor lor actuale de reducere a emisiilor în cadrul sistemului Kyoto, în timp ce statele care încalcă aceste angajamente nu vor fi penalizate în niciun fel.
Here is a review left by a customer on a product. Would you say he was satisfied or dissatisfied? Title: Watch out - defective phones from amazon Review: I ordered two of these phones last week (for me and my wife) and i activated it yesterday and when i tried to use it, turned out both the phones were defective and wouldn't work. After spending hours on the phone with the customer care and tech support and going to the store in person, i'm still not able to get it working and i'm returning the phones to amazon. Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a passage and a question in Persian. You need to write an answer in Persian for the question. Try to keep your answers as short as possible. Q:?????????????????????????? (photoreceptor)?????????? (?????????? ).???????? -???????????????????????? –????????????????????.???????????????????? (fovea centralis)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.???????????????????????????????????? (macula)??????????.?????????????? Osterberg????.???? Oyster???????????? (Curcio(1995??????????????????????????????????????????.?? sep> Question:???????????? A:
⁇ ⁇ ⁇
Teacher:In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story and the first four sentences. Your job is to write the last sentence of the story to not connect with the rest of the story. Ensure that the generated sentence is contextually relevant to the story. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Title: Tabitha. Sentence 1: Tabby was a sweet girl. Sentence 2: She had long brown hair and native cheekbones. Sentence 3: She always told everyone she was a native american. Sentence 4: It wasn't true, but people believed it. Student:
She purchased it happily.
Population and development component Translate to French
Élément population et développement
Found the following article online, use it to answer the question: What is the first name of the person who considered grounding all planes in the Oklahoma City area? At 9:45 am, Governor Frank Keating declared a state of emergency and ordered all non-essential workers in the Oklahoma City area to be released from their duties for their safety. President Bill Clinton learned about the bombing at around 9:30 a.m. while he was meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Tansu?? iller at the White House. Before addressing the nation, President Clinton considered grounding all planes in the Oklahoma City area to prevent the bombers from escaping by air, but decided against it. At 4:00 pm, President Clinton declared a federal emergency in Oklahoma City and spoke to the nation: The bombing in Oklahoma City was an attack on innocent children and defenseless citizens. It was an act of cowardice and it was evil. The United States will not tolerate it, and I will not allow the people of this country to be intimidated by evil cowards. He ordered that flags for all federal buildings be flown at half-staff for 30 days in remembrance of the victims. Four days later, on April 23, 1995, Clinton spoke from Oklahoma City.No major federal financial assistance was made available to the survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing, but the Murrah Fund set up in the wake of the bombing attracted over $300,000 in federal grants. Over $40 million was donated to the city to aid disaster relief and to compensate the victims. Funds were initially distributed to families who needed it to get back on their feet, and the rest was held in trust for longer-term medical and psychological needs. By 2005, $18 million of the donations remained, some of which was earmarked to provide a college education for each of the 219 children who lost one or both parents in the bombing. A committee chaired by Daniel Kurtenbach of Goodwill Industries provided financial assistance to the survivors. The answer to this question is:
Here is a review left by a customer on a product. Would you say he was satisfied or dissatisfied? Title: Everyone liked it!! Review: This bike is an awesome looking was so cool looking that it just got stolen from our backyard over a more expensive bike! Now I'm having trouble finding a replacement. It was a great ride, worked well, no problems in two years. LOVED IT! The answer to this question is:
Teacher:Given a travel related situation, and given a specific question about the situation, summarize the question into a title Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: I am trying to use Google Maps in China. I know that Google is blocked, which is why I downloaded the map of Beijing offline. However, when I open the app my phone attempts to find GPS satellites but finds none. I know location works because my location works fine when I am on WiFi. Is this a China blocking GPS thing or something else? I am using a Verizon HTC One (M8) with Android 5.0.1 and HTC Sense. Note: This question has also been cross-posted to Android.SE. Update 1: All my testing for this question was done on the 7th floor of a downtown office building. Yesterday after waiting a while, I was able to recieve GPS signal (using both Google Maps and GPS Status) while on the 17th floor of a suburban apartment building. I was then also able to recieve signal in another part of downtown that lacked many tall buildings. When I get back to the office tomorrow I will be able to judge if it was just taking a mega-long time to get the satellite data as @Vince suggested, or if it is the urban canyon as @Loren suggested. Thank you all for the help and explanations! Update 2: After some testing, it seems that this does simply come down to an urban canyon problem. The GPS does not find any satellites at my desk in the office, however, if I bring it next to a window it finds 2 satellites (not enough for a location, but enough to answer this question). When I take the phone outside the building I am able to get location in some areas. Thank you all again for the help and the wealth of new knowledge. Note: all testing was done with data and WiFi services turned off. Based on a comment, I have asked a question in GIS.SE asking about the urban canyon and how it compares to Beijing versus NYC. Student:
Why does my phone's GPS not work in China?
Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: How is the St Matthew Passion structured? - Part I ends with a chorale fantasia that is based on the opening chorus of the "St John Passion" in its second version, also performed by both choirs in unison, whereas the opening chorus is for double choir with the chorale "" as the cantus firmus, which was originally played, later sung. - What about Part II? - The closing chorus is in da capo form for two choirs. - What about Part III? -
Column 1 of the table is the movement number in the Neue Bach-Ausgabe; column 2 is this number in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis.
See the conversation. DIALOG: What is meant by "There is nothing new under the sun" - Moriarty's stating "There is nothing new under the sun. - Is there any other statements of this nature? - It has all been done before" comes from one of Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories, "A Study in Scarlet". - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - But also refers to the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes (Ch1 Vs9): "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Mycroft's mentioning of the Manor House Case references "The Greek Interpreter". - Was there any controversy? -
In the UK, "The Abominable Bride" pulled in strong ratings overnight, scoring more than 8.4 million viewers on New Year's Day for BBC One.
What was likely said next? DIALOG: What is the Amarillo Venom? - Amarillo Venom The Amarillo Venom are a professional indoor football team in the Champions Indoor Football league. - Where did they play? -
They play their home games at the Amarillo Civic Center.
DIALOG: What happened with Darya Safai in 1992? - This action caused a lot of controversy. - Why was she banned? - Olympic officials and security personnel threatened to eject her for holding the banner in front of the cameras. - Did she protest? - But she didn't go and displayed the sign during different games. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? -
On June 2 2017, Darya Safai and a fellow activist showed the 'Let Iranian Women Enter Their Stadiums' banner during the Italy-Iran FIVB Volleyball World League match in Pesaro, Italy.
Fill in the response. DIALOG: What is known about the episode "The Adventure of the Rings"? - First transmitted 6 February 2002, this story is based on a reference from Conan Doyle's short story "The Adventure of the Second Stain": "You must have observed, Watson, how she manoeuvred to have the light at her back. - Why did she manoeuvre to have the light at her back? - She did not wish us to read her expression... - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - You remember the woman at Margate whom I suspected for the same reason. - What happened at Margate? - No powder on her nose—that proved to be the correct solution." When a leading actor is stabbed to death, Holmes and Watson step behind the scenes into a world of pretense and deception. - What happened in "The Adventure of the Tobacco Pipe"? -
First transmitted 13 February 2002, this story is based on a reference from Conan Doyle's short story "The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist": "He was immersed at the moment in a very abstruse and complicated problem concerning the peculiar persecution to which John Vincent Harden, the well-known tobacco millionaire, had been subjected." A mysterious metal object found in a dead man's stomach holds a vital clue to his death.
What was likely said next? DIALOG: What was the proposed name change of the Berkeley Student Cooperative? - In the summer of 2013 there was an attempt to change the name of the hall to the cool and modern Two Hand House, however the motion was ultimately defeated. - Why was the name change proposed? - Stebbins Hall houses 64 students during the school year and 41 or more in the summer. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - The African American Theme House is located close to the University of California, Berkeley, near Memorial Stadium and the International House. - What is the African American Theme House? -
It is the second smallest house in the BSC and houses 21 residents (11 during summer).
What is the next dialog turn? DIALOG: What is incompressibility? -
Incompressibility Incompressibility may refer to:
Q:The exercise is to decide whether the question accepts the proposed suggestion as a correct answer. If yes, write "True", otherwise write "False". Question: what is a mule in coins Suggestion: The name derives from the mule, the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey, due to such a coin having two sides intended for different coins, much as a mule has parents of two different species. A:
Process: - Humans are born as babies - Babies become infants - Infants become children - Children learn skills - Children become teenagers - Teenagers undergo puberty - Teenagers become adults - Adults have children - Adults become elderly - Elderly humans die. Question: suppose if no birth prevention methods are used happens, how will it affect MORE babies. How does the supposed perturbation influence the second effect mentioned. Answer by more, less or no effect The answer to this question is:
DIALOG: Who was John Brandon-Jones? - John Brandon-Jones John Brandon-Jones (18 September 1908 – 1 May 1999) was a British architect. - What did he do? - His work was heavily influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, of which he was a noted architectural historian. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? -
Brandon-Jones was born in Hendon into a family with a strong Unitarian tradition, and was christened by the Rev Charles Voysey (with whose grandson Brandon-Jones would later enter into an architectural partnership).
Is this product review positive? Title: Dont buy this item,, not worth the chance... Review: Bought this item for my dodge pick- up..after I installed it. I opened my tailgate for the first time to try it out and the spring bar snapped it two pices just missing hitting my face... Its not worth the chance of safety.. it is a spring bar with a lot of tention. could be very dangerous........ Answer:
2014: The year of Narendra Modi Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi trended throughout 2014. After 30 years of coalition politics, New Delhi got a government by a single party. While India's grand old political party Congress, was still trying to shrug off its one-family dominance, the right-wing Hindu party submerged into one-man's gut. One can easily deduct that Modi and media were two clear winners of 2014. This was an election that was aggressively fought on TV screens and the social media space. While cable and satellite invaded the rural households, "likes" and "retweets" managed to engage the hand-helds. With the wisdom of hindsight, one can easily conclude that Modi was not fighting a beleaguered Congress; he was fighting a battle to demolish old images and create new imprints. Thus his home state of Gujarat, which became infamous for the 2002 riots, had to be resold as "Vibrant Gujarat"- a development model. The 2014 electoral battle was a meltdown for the ruling party. Congress was not fighting Modi, the party was busy fighting its own image, severely dented by various scams and a sense of drift which had set in after 10 years of rule. Their governance story was buried deep down somewhere under the corruption narrative. With no clear leadership and ill-prepared political thought, had them gasping from the word go. To the observers, it was clear that the ballot would be cast against the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA), though no one was sure of the degree of the defeat. Modi had the gift of the gab to mesmerise rural voters who still wanted to be 'ruled' rather than being 'governed'. He had the acumen to realise that corporate India was fed up with the ante-room access which Congress offered them and was raring to join the high-table of power. Modi sensed that for urban India, leadership is not limited to just the "political". He deftly used leaders in various fields, from Bollywood celebrities to business tycoons to religious and cult gurus, to share selfie spaces with him, which in turn, were marketed as 'endorsements' through the right-wing party's cyber warriors. And finally, Modi went on to become the first prime minister to be born in an independent India, a moment which author Harish Khare describes as the granting of "an unlimited mandate to a limited man". This narrative dominated the first six months of 2014. With the immediate euphoria of victory over, hashtags #Modi were expected to stop trending but the prime minister had different plans. He aimed to trend globally. From Indians he turned his focus to non-resident Indians. The modus operandi remained the same: crowded events, cheering attendees, unsuspecting endorsers with dollops of nationalism. Through these PR blitzkriegs, he still managed to talk to his constituency. Unluckily for Modi, world leaders like Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Russian President Vladimir Putin were hogging too much of the international media limelight this year, what with Abbott's threats of "shirtfronting" Putin and the Russian president's intense face-off with most of the western world. However, with the confirmation of US President Barack Obama's January trip to India, Modi has made sure he trends again in the first month of 2015. And although, Modi did not make the shortlist of eight finalists selected by TIME for its annual 'Person of the Year' title, he did win the publication’s readers' poll online, securing more than 16 percent of the almost five million votes cast. Through this and many other "twitter wars" fought every day, the Indian prime minister's devoted fans and followers showcase their growing confidence. It is important that we don't forget the other big player of 2014 - media. Many believe that the Indian media gave a lot to Modi. Some of them even became part of the campaign. But right from the start, a big part of the "fresh start" given to Modi was what we now call "spin". Large media houses in India seemed almost determined to stay focused on the positive when it came to reporting on the new Indian prime minister. It remains to be seen how 2015 will play out. In 2014, media proved that the entire geographical expanse of India is under its coverage area and they can manage, influence and even motivate opinion. In the world's largest democracy, media emerged as a real power tool in the hands of
India's prime minister won different battles by demolishing old images and creating new imprints.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given dialogue, and you have to find the most critical location in the given conversation. Q: Hey my friend. I would like to know about Isle of Man please Sure thing! The isle of Man is an Island in the Irish Sea, It is located off of the coast of Great Britian. The capital city is Douglas. This Name is very curious to me. Can you explain me a little about its name? I am curious as well however, I do not have that information at this time. I can give you meaning of their flag. It has a red background and 3 armoured legs that are joined together. That is interesting. What else can you tell me The flag has the message " whichever way you throw us, we always land on our feet. So the symbol is now known as the three legs of Mann. That must be weird, I will look for that flag later! And how is the government there? It is defiantly interesting looking. Would you like to know about the government? Yes please. What can you tell me about it? The government of the Isle of Man has made calls for a integrated relationship with commonwealth. British citizens with Manxman status are similarly restricted from working in the EU. Incredible. Is there any interesting fact or funny fact abut this curious island? The isle of Mann has three newspaper, all weeklies and are all owned by the same company. It is a division of Edinburgh media company called the Johnston Press. Thank you so much for all the information you provided to me. It has been my pleasure! Happy to help. A:
Isle of Man
Translate the following sentence to Turkish: The festival drew participants from BiH, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia-Montenegro.
Festivale BH, Makedonya, Romanya ve S ⁇ rbistan-Karada ⁇ 'dan topluluklar kat ⁇ ld ⁇ .
Write the response. DIALOG: What are the other ventures of Salima Hashmi? - She also co-founded Lahore's "Rohtas 2 Gallery", an art gallery featuring works of young artists. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Salima Hashmi has exhibited her works internationally and she has travelled all over the world and lectured extensively for it. - What are some of the exhibitions she had? - She has organised several international art shows in England, Europe, United States, Australia, Japan and India. - What is the most interesting aspect of this article, in your opinion? - Hashmi comes from a socially and politically active family. - Who were her parents? -
Her father was the communist Pakistani writer, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, and her mother, the British-born Alys Faiz was a journalist and peace activist in Pakistan.
@reinvoke YEAH EXACTLY a lot of them seem to be from animenext too and those pics weren't exactly spectacular... orz How would the sentiment of this tweet be described?
Write a correct answer for the question. You should reason about prototypical situations and provide the correct answer. Avoid answers that provide incomplete justification for the question. name something you can draw a picture with.
Based on this review, would the user recommend this product? === Review: Did an absolutely perfect job cutting a bunch of 10 series 80/20 extrusions on a table saw. Ends had a mirror finish.It was a bit noisy going through, but I assume that's of the complex shape. Answer: Answer:
Given the question: Title: Have 18! Review: I've got the Tinker mare and her foal.The foal is so cute!She is wonderful and fun for girls. Does this product review convey a negative or positive sentiment? The answer is:
Fill in the response. DIALOG: What happened in the peerage? -
The Committee declined to follow its own earlier decision in the "Devon Peerage Claim" (1831) 5 English Reports 293, in which a grant to "heirs male" had been allowed to pass to heirs male collateral.
GOOGLE MRLOVECHILD YALL! Describe the sentiment embodied by this tweet.
What was likely said next? DIALOG: Who is Sergei Zenjov? - Sergei Zenjov Sergei Zenjov (born 20 April 1989) is an Estonian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Kazakh club Shakhter Karagandy and the Estonia national team. - When did Zenjov begin playing? - Zenjov began playing football for a local club Pärnu, where he was coached by Juri Ivanov. - What year did Zenjov debut? - He made his senior league debut in the II liiga with Pärnu Pataljon in 2005. - Did Zenjov play for any other teams? -
Zenjov made his debut in the Meistriliiga on 8 March 2006, playing for Vaprus, and scored his side's only goal in a 1–3 away loss to TVMK.
Write the conversation response. DIALOG: What is GT? -
Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School, also known as GT, is a governmental secondary school in Ongwediva in the Oshana Region of northern Namibia.
Write the conversation response. DIALOG: What are the different types of Chinese adjectives? - Chinese adjectives Chinese adjectives () differ from those in English in that they can be used as verbs (for example ; "sky black ") and thus linguists sometimes prefer to use the terms static or stative verb to describe them. - What are some examples of the adjectives? - When a noun is modified using an adjective, the associative particle "de" is inserted between the adjective and the noun. - Can you give me examples of the nouns? - For example, "g?? o x?? ng de hái zi" "happy child". - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - is sometimes omitted to reduce repetitiveness ("e.g.", two or more instances of within a sentence); it is also omitted in some established adjective-noun pairs to improve sentence flow (e.g., the TV show in China). - In what circumstances would this be used? - It is also more typical to omit when a single-syllable adjective is used than for a multi-syllable adjective (e.g., compare () with ). - Would this be considered grammatically correct? -
In general, there are no strict rules regarding when can be omitted; however, some adjectives and adjective-noun pairs are more often seen without the associative particle than others.
Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What was the Orange Bowl in 2009? - 2009 Orange Bowl The 2009 FedEx Orange Bowl was the 75th edition of the annual American college football bowl game known as the Orange Bowl. - Who played in the game? - It pitted the 2008 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) champion Virginia Tech Hokies against the Big East Conference champion Cincinnati Bearcats on January 1, 2009, at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. - Who won the game? - Virginia Tech defeated Cincinnati, 20–7. - Was there anything else interesting about the game? - The game was the second contest in the 2008–2009 Bowl Championship Series (BCS) of the 2008 NCAA Division I FBS football season and was the concluding game of the season for both teams. - Was it popular? -
The game was televised in the United States on FOX, and an estimated 9.3 million viewers watched the broadcast live.
From the given sentence, extract the phrase (often noun or verb) that carries the given relationship. The generated phrase should be present in the sentence. Q: Given Relationship: 'be governor of', Sentence: 'Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee defended South Carolina s right to display the confederate flag on public grounds.' A:
Definition: In this task you will be given a list of numbers. You should remove any number that is not an integer (whole number). If every number is not an whole number then an empty list ("[]") should be returned. Otherwise, answer with the list of whole numbers separated by comma inside brackets. Input: [-11.876, -76, 17, -21, -2, -33.849] Output:
[-76, 17, -21, -2]
Translate to French: The second country programme (2002-2006) focused on building capacity to provide high-quality basic reproductive health services, emphasizing maternal mortality reduction, fistula treatment and prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention among young people (including the military and national conscripts) and the elimination of female genital cutting.
4.1 Dans ses observations du 27 novembre 2002, l'État partie indique que, par la note verbale 1066 datée du 7 octobre 1999, les États-Unis d'Amérique ont demandé le placement en détention provisoire aux fins d'extradition de Luis Carlos Zuluaga Quinceno, en vue de le traduire en justice pour des délits relevant de la législation fédérale en matière de stupéfiants et d'autres infractions connexes.
Detailed Instructions: This task is about generating an incorrect answer to a question given the question and a true statement related to the question. The answer must be related to the question, but incorrectly answer it given the context. Problem:Fact: alligators eat fish. Question: If a person wants to feed their pet alligator, they will stock up on? Solution:
What was the response? DIALOG: What did the re-run of the 1983 election teach us about Frank Walsh? - However, the Playmander was strong enough that Labor only netted 21 seats to the LCL's 18, for a paper-thin majority of two seats. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - In nearly every other state, Labor's margin would have been enough for a landslide majority government. - Is there anything else that is notable? - Walsh thus became the first Labor Premier of South Australia in 32 years, as well as the first Catholic to hold the post. - What did he do as premier? - He also served as his own Treasurer and Minister for Immigration. - What else did he do in this time? - Walsh found himself the head of an inexperienced government, as no current ALP parliamentarian had previously served as a minister. - How did he handle this? -
This left him no choice but to entrust sensitive portfolios to men more used to criticising the LCL.
Given the question: Pick one category for the following text. The options are - company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work. Arsène Millocheau - Arsène Millocheau was a French cyclist of the early 1900s. He was born in Champseru in 1867.He participated in the 1903 Tour de France the first Tour and came last finishing behind the winner Maurice Garin by 64 hours 57 minutes and 8 seconds winning the Lanterne rouge (French: red lantern).In 1921 54 years old Millocheau competed in the 1200 km Paris–Brest–Paris.He died in Paris in 1948. The answer is:
Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What year did Iván de la Pe?? a retire? - His physical problems continued to bother him tremendously, to a point which he said that if this became a major issue he would retire, which happened on 22 May 2011 at the age of 35, immediately after a home match against Sevilla. - Did he play for any other teams during his career? - De la Pe?? a, alongside the likes of Gaizka Mendieta, Fernando Morientes and Ra?? l, played for the Spanish under-21s at both the 1996 UEFA European Championship and the 1996 Summer Olympics, helping the nation reach the quarter-finals in the latter. - What did he play for the Spanish national team in? - Despite this, he did not make his debut for the senior team until 9 February 2005, at the age of 28 years and 9 months in a 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifier against San Marino (Almer?? a, 5–0). - What other games did he play in? -
He subsequently played for Spain on five occasions during the year, with his last coming against the same opponent.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, positions of two consecutive words have been swapped. You need to output the position of the swaped words. e.g. in the sentence 'Seattle has nice a weather', the word 'a' and 'nice' have been swapped. These words are at 3rd and 4th position respectively. So, the output should be (3, 4). Note that the index of first word is 1. Problem:woman a sitting on a bench surrounded by plants Solution:
(1, 2)
If "The attractive young brunette girl in a red bikini jumps into a pool in the backyard.", does this mean that "A girl jumps into a pool."?
Definition: In this task, you are given a sentence in the Bulgarian language and corresponding English translation of this sentence. Here, your job is to generate label "yes" if translation is right, otherwise generate label "no". Input: Bulgarian:?? ре?? ор?? ките к?? м?? омиси?? та?? а устав на?? вро?? е?? ското?? астно дру?? ество (вот), English: That concludes the vote. Output:
Translate "Belarus Member State since 24 October 1945" to French?
Bélarus Date d'admission : 24 octobre 1945
DIALOG: What was the leading principle in the age of pop - Whither Socialism? - what was the leading principle in the age of pop - Whither Socialism? - what is the definition of whither socialism -
is a book on economics by Joseph Stiglitz, first published in 1994 by MIT Press. "Whither Socialism?" is based on Stiglitz's Wicksell Lectures, presented at the Stockholm School of Economics in 1990 and presents a summary of the central themes of information economics and serves as a primer on the theory of markets with imperfect information and imperfect competition as well as being a critique of both free market and market socialist approaches (see Roemer critique, op. cit.). Stiglitz explains how the neoclassical, or Walrasian model (""Walrasian economics"" refers to the result of the process which has given birth to a formal representation of Smith's notion of the invisible hand, along the lines put forward by Walras and encapsulated in the general equilibrium model of Arrow–Debreu), which has dominated economic thought over the past half century, may have wrongly encouraged the belief that market socialism could work.
Teacher:You are given a sentence in Spanish. Your job is to translate the Spanish sentence into Farsi. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Todas estas son preguntas sobre complejidad y la ciencia de la computación nos dice que éstas son preguntas muy dif?? ciles. Student:
⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ . ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ .
Write a sentence not in English.
La progression des mauvaises habitudes alimentaires chez les jeunes, et par voie de conséquence l'augmentation du nombre de maladies liées à l'alimentation, est alarmante.
Translate "All six variants were under single gene control as determined by tetrad and random spore analysis." to French?
Les six variants étaient contrôlés par un gène unique, comme l'ont démontré l'analyse des tétrades et l'analyse aléatoire des spores.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a sentence which is either in the Gujarati language or English language. You task is to identify the language of input sentence. Input sentence can be in Gujarari or English language only and also it cannot have two languages at a time.????????????????????????.
What was likely said next? DIALOG: What is meant by RMF? -
RGR can then be rewritten as a function of the Root Mass Fraction (RMF), the concentration of that element in the plant and the specific uptake rate of roots for the element of interest.
A text is given in Telugu. Translate it from the Telugu language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.????????????????????????????????.????????????????????????????????????????.
⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇
In this task, you are given the abstract of a research paper. Your task is to generate a summary of this abstract. Your summary should not be very short, but it's better if it's not more than 30 words. Character-based neural machine translation (NMT) models alleviate out-of-vocabulary issues, learn morphology, and move us closer to completely end-to-end translation systems. Unfortunately, they are also very brittle and easily falter when presented with noisy data. In this paper, we confront NMT models with synthetic and natural sources of noise. We find that state-of-the-art models fail to translate even moderately noisy texts that humans have no trouble comprehending. We explore two approaches to increase model robustness: structure-invariant word representations and robust training on noisy texts. We find that a model based on a character convolutional neural network is able to simultaneously learn representations robust to multiple kinds of noise.
CharNMT is brittle
You are considering whether to buy a product. You look at the reviews. Would the following review decrease or increase the chances of you buying the product? Review title: Pretty Cool Product review: I bought this for my dad for Christmas. As he already has a St. Christopher medal for his truck, I thought he would like one for his Harley... and he certainly did like it! Neither of us had ever seen one specifically for motorcycles. Very cool!
Teacher:In this task, you are given a context tweet, a question and corresponding answer of given question. Your task is to classify given passage into two categories: (1) "yes" if the given context is useful in answering the question, and (2) "no" if the given context is not useful. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Context: Well, there goes my job. MT @CNNBrian: Due to cold weather, @VisitIthaca is encouraging people to visit Keys instead. VISIT FLORIDA (@VISITFLORIDA) February 16, 2015 Question: where is @visitithaca encouraging people to visit? Answer: keys Student:
Please answer the following question: Title: All liberals should have to watch this movie 100 times Review: Excellent film about the hardship of being forced to fight for your life againest real enemy. Gritting scarey, sad, about the human experience under the most stressful conditions possible. The real experience of lossing a friend or friends in combat no bs. Is the review positive or negative? Answer:
Write a sentence not in English.
Utilisation de produits de service « verts » 4.
What was the response? DIALOG: When did the anime The Promised Neverland start in the US? - Aniplex of America streamed the series on Crunchyroll, Hulu, FunimationNow, and Hidive, starting on January 9, 2019. - Where there any other countries it aired? -
The series simulcasted on AnimeLab in Australia and New Zealand.
Write the conversation response. DIALOG: What is the conservation status of Diuris heberlei? -
Heberle's donkey orchid grows in winter-wet areas between sand dunes between Albany and Augusta in the Jarrah Forest and Warren biogeographic regions. "Diuris heberlei" is classified as "Priority Two" by the Western Australian Government Department of Parks and Wildlife meaning that it is poorly known and from only one or a few locations.
Les sables de plage échantillonnés exhibent une plus grande maturité minéralogique et chimique que les sables fluviatiles étudiés. Which language is this?
What was the response? DIALOG: What did Maria Callas do that was so important? - She knew "exactly" what she wanted, and "why" she wanted it." Despite this, Bing's admiration for Callas never wavered, and in September 1959, he sneaked into La Scala in order to listen to Callas record "La Gioconda" for EMI. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? -
Callas and Bing reconciled in the mid 1960s, and Callas returned to the Met for two performances of "Tosca" with her friend Tito Gobbi.
Here is a review left by a customer on a product. Would you say he was satisfied or dissatisfied? Title: Not the edition as pictured Review: I opened the packaging and it was the 2nd edition of the book and not the 3rd as is pictured. Sort of false advertising... It was not enough money to make me send it back and all the hassle cause i needed a book for my math class and the examples in the book are not numbered the same but with some looking back and forth i can find the same examples as the teacher gave thanks to a class mate letting me take part of it. But for a bigger sized lecture this book had been unusable..
Q: Based on this review, would the user recommend this product? === Review: Christopher Catherwood's review (like his brilliant book on Islam) is right to say that Christians cannot be beaten into extinction. But he is wrong to say that Christians are not being persecuted in the USA by liberals - there, Limbaugh is triumphantly right. So while Catherwood is right to say that the Gospel will prevail, Limbaugh's book is essential reading to all Christians wanting to know how to survive the current persecution. Read both books and you get the right balance. Answer: A:
Liste des déchets Décision 2000/532/CE [Journal officiel L 226 du 06.09.2000] Décision de la Commission, du 3 mai 2000, remplaçant la décision 94/3/CE établissant une liste de déchets en application de l'article 1er, point a), de la directive 75/442/CEE du Conseil relative aux déchets et la décision 94/904/CE du Conseil établissant une liste de déchets dangereux en application de l'article 1er, paragraphe 4, de la directive 91/689/CEE du Conseil relative aux déchets dangereux. Could you please translate this to English?
Waste list Decision 2000/532/EC [Official Journal L 226 of 06.09.2000] Commission Decision of 3 May 2000 replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste.
Translate to French: The new architecture will be organised in four separate environments, themselves focused on sets of strategic data corresponding to different levels of information processing: raw data received from information providers in the reception environment; harmonised data rounded off in the production environment; aggregated data for communication to the outside world in the reference environment; and products for dissemination in the dissemination environment.
La nouvelle architecture s'organisera en 4 environnements séparés, eux-mêmes centrés sur des ensembles de données stratégiques, correspondant à différents niveaux d'élaboration de l'information : données brutes reçues des fournisseurs d'information dans l'environnement de réception, données harmonisées et complétées dans l'environnement de production, données agrégées communicables à l'extérieur dans l'environnement de référence, produits de diffusion dans l'environnement de dissémination.
Wir begrüßen dies sehr. Which language is this?
Q: Title: Love it! Review: Shipped quickly, arrived in great condition and really enjoyed watching whith my family! Would recommend to anyone. Fantastic show and wish it didn't have to end. Is this product review negative? The answer is:
Please answer the following question: I am a movie director and I just received the following movie plot. Could you help me answer this question? If not, let me know by writing "Not answerable". Plot title: Red-Headed Woman Movie plot: Jean Harlow in a pre Hay's code movie portrays a young beautiful woman who intends to sleep her way to the top in the Great Depression. Miss Harlow wearing a'red' wig stops at nothing to sleep with the boss's son, Chester Morris, ruin his marriage to Leila Hyamas (who is a size '0' or less) for money. and marriage. Lots of sex and innuendo let us know that Jean Harlow is a healthy girl who enjoys a good sex life with the Chester's character Bill Legendre before marriage. Once married to Chester Morris, Jean's character is not accepted by his well to do friends and is made a laughing stock. Leaving town Jean heads to New York where she starts an immediate affair with an old friend of the family, over 60, and the family chauffer just for good measure. However Chester Morris finds out what is going on and tells her new lover, with her new engagement broken she heads back to Chester. Wise to her now and with a hopefull reunion with his first wife, she is rejected but accepts a payoff and heads off into the sunset with the chauffer. Now able to speak French, Jeam Harlow now finds herself a French millionaire and keeps the chauffer. Jean Harlow's character wears revealing clothes and is topless in one scene when changing. Una Merkel as her best friend is a great down to earth friend who accepts it all as quite normal behaviour for 1932. Very entertaining. My question: Who is the boss's son? A:
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Arabic. Q: Here it is. That's the same kid. A:
⁇ ⁇ . ⁇ ⁇ ⁇
The Uranie was a 44-gun frigate of the French Navy lead ship of her class.She served in the Mediterranean first under captain Maistral and later under Margollé operating from Ancona.She was beached and scuttled by fire on 3 February 1814 to avoid capture by the British. Given a list of categories: company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, what category does the paragraph belong to? A:
Mean Of Transportation
Write the conversation response. DIALOG: What happens during the aftermath of Shinjiro's death? - On October 7, Shinjiro's funeral is held at Gekkoukan High, and only Akihiko is absent throughout the funeral. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - After the ending credits, Ryoji Mochizuki is seen standing at the Moonlight Bridge. - Who produced this film? -
"Persona 3 The Movie: #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream" was animated by A-1 Pictures.
Fill in the response. DIALOG: What happened in the Howard years? - Following the landslide victory of John Howard at the 1996 election, Reith was appointed Minister for Industrial Relations, and Leader of the House. - Was he successful? - He was one of the best-known and most influential members of Howard's cabinet. - What are some important things that happened under his leadership? - His responsibilities involved drafting and implementing the government's industrial relations policy, and he is perhaps best known for the significant productivity reforms which followed the 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. - Did he have any major oppositions? - Reith's handling of the dispute, in which he strongly supported Patrick Corporation in its contest with the Maritime Union of Australia, led to bitter opposition from the unions and the Australian Labor Party (ALP). - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? -
Reith also introduced and implemented reforms to the Commonwealth public service, a significant package of reforms for small business, and an innovative employment programme for indigenous Australians.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a counterfactual context, the task is to generate a new story ending aligned with the counterfactual context and as close to the original ending as possible. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context and the story's general plot. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. You should write a new story ending that edits the original story ending as little as possible to regain coherence with the counterfactual context. To sum up, you should write the last three sentences of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the counterfactual context(second sentence) of the story. Premise: Sonia wanted to make coffee for her mother but didn't know how. Initial Context: She put all the beans in the coffee machine. Original Ending: She added some water. She waited for the coffee to brew. She was aghast, when at the end, watery beans came out in the cup. Counterfactual Context: She decided to buy her mom a Starbucks drink.
She ordered a coffee from the barista. She waited for the coffee to be ready. She was aghast, when at the end, the drink tasted burnt and bitter.
Definition: In this task, you're given a context, further information available on a particular linked term from the statement, and an answer term. Your job is to generate a question that can use the information provided to obtain the given answer. You should use the information on both context and link information to create the question. Note that the answer to the question should be exactly the given answer, and if the answer is none, the answer to the question shouldn't be obtainable from the context or linked information. Input: Context: In an open letter to the President, the Congress, and the American people, eighty economists, including Nobel Laureate Vernon L. Smith, stated that the FairTax would boost the United States economy. Link Information: Smith shared the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Daniel Kahneman for his contributions to Behavioral Economics. Answer: 2002 Output:
What year did the Nobel Laureate who stated that the FairTax would boost the United States economy win the aforementioned award?
Write the conversation response. DIALOG: What is Overkill (Flying Buffalo)? - Overkill (Flying Buffalo) Overkill is a role-playing game adventure for "Tunnels & Trolls" published by Flying Buffalo. - When was it published? - "Overkill" is an adventure initially written in 1977 by Mike Brines for "Tunnels & Trolls", and later was later redesigned in 1980 by Michael Stackpole. - Was it well-received? - Gerald E. Giannattasio reviewed the Stackpole version of "Overkill" in "The Space Gamer" No. 31. - What did the review say? - Giannattasio commented that "The Stackpole "Overkill" is a sound solo adventure. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? -
The excessive difficulty of some routes will involve frustration.
A text is given in Marathi. Translate it from the Marathi language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.????????,????????????????????????.
Goods and Services Tax- GST ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ - ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ Mining, Fertilizers, Textiles, Aviation, Health, Defence, Construction, Real Estate, Food Processing, ⁇ ⁇ sector ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ reforms ⁇ ⁇ ⁇
Facts: - clubs: vigerslev if dalum if odense bk hvidovre if - caps: 90 - position: defender - nationalcaps: 14 - currentclub: chiefscout - fc nordsj?? lland - years: 1987-2000 2000-2003 2003-2004 2004-2006 - managerclubs: hvidovre -rrb- fc nordsj?? lland -lrb- chiefscout -rrb- if -lrb- playing manager -rrb- ob -lrb- chiefscout - nationalyears: 1990-1992 - youthclubs: vigerslev if dalum if - nationalgoals: 0 - birth date: 25 february 1970 - fullname: steen nedergaard - name: steen nedergaard - nationalteam: denmark under-21 - manageryears: 2005-2006 2011-2013 2014 - - goals: 5 Based on these bullet points, write a short biography describing the life of steen nedergaard. A:
steen nedergaard -lrb- born 25 february 1970 in aalborg , denmark -rrb- is a danish former professional footballer who played in the full-back position .nedergaard spent the larger part of his career in denmark with odense bk .he gained 14 caps for the danish under-21 national side , and was lauded as 1990 danish ⁇ under-21 player of the year '' .in the summer of 2000 , he signed a three year contract with norwich city f.c. in england .his first season was wrecked by injuries , however in his second season he found good form and came second in the vote for norwich city player of the year .the team reached the final of the english division one play-offs , however nedergaard missed the play-off matches after suffering another injury .at the end of his third season in england , nedergaard opted to return to denmark and signed again for odense bk .he maintained connections with norwich city and was instrumental in persuading compatriot thomas helveg to return to odense in the summer of 2004 .from 2005 to 2006 he was the manager of hvidovre if .
In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of numbers. Each list is presented with brackets and comma-separated values. For example, a list of numbers is [1,2,3] and a list of two lists of numbers is [[1,2],[3,4,6]]. You should sum up the values at every position of every inner list and put it as an element of your answer, that is, you should sum the first members of each inner list together and put it as the first element of the list, then sum the second members of each inner list together and put it as the second element of your list, etc. The output should be a list of numbers with the same length as the longest inner list. [[-93, -98, -15, -46, -71, 60, -36], [-98, 24, -46], [-75, 66, 97, 76, 34, -79, -81, -11]]
[-266, -8, 36, 30, -37, -19, -117, -11]
With direct contact to more than 50.000 masterminds, we have one of the largest expert networks in the German-speaking region at our disposal. Translate to German
Mit direktem Kontakt zu über 50.000 cleveren Köpfen verfügen wir über eines der größten Expertennetzwerke im deutschsprachigen Raum.
See the conversation. DIALOG: Who is Thomas Hudson Jones? - Thomas Hudson Jones Thomas Hudson Jones (July 24, 1892 in Buffalo, New York – November 4, 1969 in Hyannis, Massachusetts) was a U.S. sculptor for the Army's Institute of Heraldry. - Did he have a wife? - His wife was Mildred Dudley. - Did he have any children? - They had four children Ann, Kim, June and Peter. - Did he have any jobs? - His father was an engraver and encouraged him from childhood to be a sculptor. - Did he go to school? -
He attended the Albright Art School in Buffalo, New York.
Please answer the following question: Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: Must have book for every DBA Review: This is a very unusual book. It doesn't contain the usual description of V$ tables or pictures of disk distribution.It does contain, however, extremely useful reference of the trace file format, which was not available except in the form of Metalink notes. It also gives a solid mathematical foundation to performance engineering as well as numerous useful examples. Combined with Cary's clear and easy to follow writing style, this book certainly is a must have for any oracle DBA. Answer: Answer:
What is the next dialog turn? DIALOG: Are there any other interesting aspects about this article about Woodchips? - Woodchips used for chemical pulp must be relatively uniform in size and free of bark. - Why is that? -
The optimum size varies with the wood species.
In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage which has extra information available on certain terms mentioned in it, i.e., the proper nouns in the passage. Your job is to determine whether information from more than one term is needed to answer the question. Indicate your choice as?? a?? for Yes or?? b?? for No. Question: What was the age of the person who was the mother of the reigning queen when she began serving as regent? Passage:When Isabella first became queen, she was only three years old. The queen mother, Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies, served as regent. The first and foremost political division of the Isabeline era was between Carlists and Cristinos (or Isabelinos), the former being supporters of Infante Carlos, Count of Molina, a rival claimant to the throne and the latter being supporters of Maria Christina and Isabella. The former supported absolute monarchism and the traditionalism of the Antiguo Régimen ("Old Regime"); they were uniformly close to the Roman Catholic Church, and generally clericalist. The latter were generally supporters of constitutional monarchy (although some, including Maria Christina herself, were more inclined toward enlightened absolutism); they were liberals of one stripe or another, ranging from liberal conservatives and those whose liberalism was strictly economic to social liberals. In the 1830s, these two groups faced off in the First Carlist War, which the Cristinos won. The terms of surrender—notably the Convention of Vergara—left an opportunity for relatively moderate Carlists to continue to play a role in the country's politics, and many did so over the ensuing decades.
AHR Expo - сама?? кру?? на???? рмарка индустрии о?? о?? рева, вентил?? ии и конди?? ионировани?? во?? ду?? а (HVAC&R).?? менно?? дес???? редставл?? т свои нове?? ие систем??, о?? орудование,?? родукт?? и услу?? и как веду?? ие?? рои?? водители, так и нов?? е и?? роки?? то?? о р?? нка. Which language is this?
Detailed Instructions: You're given a fill-in-the-blank question where the answer is PersonX. You need to minimally change the given question so that the answer flips to PersonY. This task typically involves replacing one word i.e., the 'trigger word' with its antonym (e.g., changing from "sympathetic" to "stern"). You should not change any content in the given question beyond a word or two i.e. the trigger word/phrase. PersonX and PersonY should not be equally likely to fill the blank. For your question, PersonY should be a well-agreed answer to fill in the blank. Your generations should NOT contain potentially explicit, offensive, or adult content. Do not use the names of real people or generic names (e.g., Donald Trump, John Doe, etc.) in your question. Avoid repeating the same style or phrase in generating your modified question e.g. this task can be always solved using a simple negation i.e. by adding not, never, etc. Instead, try to increase the word diversity. Your question must contain at least 15 and at most 30 words. Your question must have at least 70% overlapping words with the given question. You must utilize the given context word while writing the question. Your question must contain only one blank. Make sure that PersonX and PersonY have the same gender. In your question, PersonX and PersonY should be used only ONCE and PersonX should appear earlier than PersonY. Although there are many correct answers, you only need to write one of them. Problem:Context Word: foundation. Question: PersonX always had to use makeup foundation but not PersonY because _ had damaged face skin. Answer: PersonX Solution:
PersonX always had to use makeup foundation but not PersonY because _ had smooth face skin.
Given the question: Here is a review left by a customer on a product. Would you say he was satisfied or dissatisfied? Title: Original Theatrical Release Version Blu Ray? Alas no. Review: What is the point of this uber version if a blu ray version of the original theatrical release is not included? Star Wars was the first movie I saw in the theater as a child and it set a precedent. Those are the versions I want, and I will not pay for this desecrated odium. Still waiting. The answer is:
Fill in the response. DIALOG: What are the different nationalities of Belarus? - Likewise, the adjective "Belorussian" or "Byelorussian" was replaced by "Belarusian" in English. " Belarusian" is closer to the original Belarusian term of '. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Belarusian intelligentsia in the Stalin era attempted to change the name from "Byelorussia" to a form of "Krivia" because of the supposed connection with Russia. - Was there any controversy because of this? - Some nationalists object to the name for the same reason. - Did anything else happen in regards to this? - Several local newspapers kept the old name of the country in Russian in their names, for example ', which is the localized publication of a popular Russian newspaper. - Did the country eventually adopt the new name? -
Also, those who wish for Belarus to be reunited with Russia continue to use "Belorussia".
Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What is Huta Dzier?? y?? ska? - Huta Dzier?? y?? ska Huta Dzier?? y?? ska is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Krynice, within Tomaszów Lubelski County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. - Where is it located? - It lies approximately north of Tomaszów Lubelski and south-east of the regional capital Lublin. - How many miles is it from Lublin? -
⁇ br>
What was likely said next? DIALOG: What type of households were there in Collinsville, Virginia? -
There were 3,466 households out of which 27.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 47.1% were married couples living together, 12.2% had a female householder with no husband present, and 36.6% were non-families.
Write the conversation response. DIALOG: What happened during Luis Santos' fight with Jose Abbasov? - He struck Abbasov in the body with a knee causing him to tap out in the first round. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Santos faced Ben Askren in the main event at ONE Championship: Valor of Champions April 24. - What happened during this fight? - The fight was ruled "No Contest" after an eye poke from Askren at 2:19 of round 1 rendered Santos unable to continue. - Did he have any other fights? -
Santos is married to fellow MMA fighter Carina Damm.
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a context and a verb separated with a newline character. You have to identify if the given verb implies an opinion, an intention, a wish or not. Please note that a verb refers to an intention only if it refers to an event planned to happen in the future and is not conditional (or part of a condition). The output should be: 'Yes' if the verb refers to an opinion, an intention, or a wish; and 'No' otherwise. Q: For the people of Poland, high noon comes today. The Czech foreign minister, Jan Kavan, who lived in London from 1968, when the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia, until 1989, said he had remained buoyant during his opposition work as an emigre by believing that communism would eventually (fall). Verb: fall A:
Translate the following sentence to French: The light we have today I kept it open yesterday, too much and grumpy.
La lumière que nous avons aujourd'hui Je l'ai gardée Ouverts hier, trop et grincheux.
Translate "Information on the proposed Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area was sent to the Mining Association of British Columbia and the British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines requesting their input." to French?
De l'information sur la zone de protection marine du champ hydrothermal Endeavour proposée a été envoyée la Mining Association of British Columbia et à la Chambre des mines de la Colombie-Britannique et du Yukon pour leur demander leur point de vue.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a negotiation between two participants, answer 'Yes' if both participants agree to the deal, otherwise answer 'No'. THEM: can ihave the book and 2 hats? YOU: deal. Output:
Read the article and select the best answer. Article: A good teacher is many things to many people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded the most discipline from their students. I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remember very vividly a sign over her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, "Laboratory--in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized, not the last seven." In other words, I guess, labor for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches. She prepared her work very carefully and demanded us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the homework load would be reduced, but it continued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had read them. I think sometimes teachers who demand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit the students. Question: Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer? Options: A: A patient teacher. B: An honest teacher. C: A strict teacher. D: A hard-working teacher. Answer:
Please answer the following question about this movie plot. If it's un-answerable, please output "No answer". Question: Which police department chased Nichols and Kimble? Movie plot title: The Fugitive Movie plot: Dr. Richard Kimble, a prominent Chicago vascular surgeon, arrives home to find his wife Helen killed by a prosthetic man, struggling with the killer who escapes. The lack of evidence, Helen's valued life insurance, and a misunderstood 911 call result in Kimble's conviction of first-degree murder. Being bused to death row at Menard Correctional Center, fellow prisoners attempt an escape that sends the bus down onto an oncoming train. Kimble escapes and flees. Deputy U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerard and partners Renfro, Biggs, Newman and Poole arrive at the crash site, searching for Kimble. Kimble sneaks into a hospital to treat his wounds and alter his appearance. He eludes the authorities, but Gerard corners him at a storm drain edge at a dam as he jumps into the water below. Chicago, Illinois, where the story takes place. Kimble returns to Chicago to hunt for the murderer and acquires money from his friend and colleague Dr. Charles Nichols. Posing as a janitor, Kimble enters the county hospital's prosthetic department and obtains a list of people who had their prosthesis replaced after his wife's murder. Following a police lead confirming Kimble's whereabouts, Gerard speculates Kimble is searching for the killer. Kimble breaks into the residence of Fredrick Sykes, one on the list, discovering him the murderer, employed by pharmaceutical company Devlin MacGregor who is to release a new drug called Provasic. Kimble previously discovered that it caused liver damage, preventing FDA approval. He later deduces that Nichols, the development leader, arranged a cover-up and ordered Sykes to kill him: His wife's death was incidental. Gerard follows Kimble's lead to Sykes' home and reaches the same conclusion. As Kimble takes an elevated train to confront Nichols at the drug's presentation in a hotel, Sykes attacks him. In the struggle, Sykes shoots a transit cop before being subdued and handcuffed to a pole. Kimble arrives at the conference and interrupts Nichols's speech, accusing him of falsifying his medical research... The answer to this question is:
Enfin, il y a eu « l’Indien victime » quand la victoire a été assurée et que les Canadiens se sont moins intéressés à la guerre en Europe qu’à la paix sur leur territoire. Translate this to English?
Finally, that public image morphed into the "Indian-victim," as victory became more certain and Canadian gazes turned from winning the war in Europe to winning the peace at home.
Cela implique que l'infestation des arbres entraîne une dépense considérable d'énergie et de nutriments pour la production de bois peu fonctionnel même durant les périodes de stress. Translate this to English?
This implies that infested trees expend considerable energy and nutrients for the production of poorly functioning wood even during periods of stress.
Teacher:In this task, you're given a statement, further information available on a particular linked term from the statement, and a question. Your job is to generate the answer to the question by using the information provided. If there is no clear answer obtainable, output 'none'. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Context: He served during the Second Boer War in South Africa between 1900 and 1901. Link Information: South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 24th-largest country in the world by land area and, with over 58 million people Question: What is the current population of the country where Baker served during the Second Boer War? Student:
Answer: over 58 million people