Kris: I did it Hiram: Did what Kris: You know very well ;> Hiram: Ohhh noooo please tell me you didn’t broke into her house Kris: Old lady Pratchet, yesss 8-) Hiram: Omg you’re crazy what if somebody saw you Kris: Naaah I was careful Hiram: So how was it? Kris: Extremely clean, many pieces of art, looks like a museum Hiram: Haha that’s what I expected!! No dead people, any ghosts? ;> Kris: Hah no, but I stole her glove Hiram: Glove? What for? Kris: Just as a souvenir :D Hiram: Youre sick xd Kris: Plus maybe she will find out and start thinking that SOMEBODY was in her house!!! Hiram: Even more sick
Kris broke into lady Pratchet's house and stole a glove as a souvenir.
Ida: Can you get another ticket? Mark: ticket for what? Ida: the concert duh! Mark: hmm I'll try Mark: but it might have sold out Ida: ok please try Mark: sure no prob Ida: and let me know Mark: who's the ticket for? Ida: my sister Mark: ok
Ida wants to get a ticket for a concert for her sister. Mark will see what he can do about it. He is afraid the tickets have sold out.
Noah: I'm gonna be late! Clair: OK. I'll wait. Noah: Sorry. Some traffic jam. 3 more minutes. Clair: OK. Chill.
Noah will be late, he's in a traffic jam.
Liam: John called Liam: asked if we have plans for New Year's Eve Miley: tell him to come by if he wants to!! Liam: I did :) Miley: good Miley: And make him bring a salad or sth :P Liam: Haha okay Miley: Nothing with mayo though!! Liam: :*
John will come to New Year's Eve party and bring a salad.
Debbie: Olivia I made this!! Delicious but I left garlic out x Olivia: Gonna try this x Debbie: Olivia there are loads on here...where he uses works out like this. Half a cup is about 150mls x Nnadi: Thanks To This New Japanese Joint Pain Relief Formula, I Feel Great! Turmeric Wasn’t Enough, But Proflexoral Is!
Nnadi feels great thanks to the new Japanese Joint Pain Relief Formula. Debbie made some without garlic and Olivia wants to try it.
Jack: Did you see the latest? Linda: No, been working. Jack: They're postponing the Brexit vote! Linda: No fucking way! Jack: Yep. Unbelievable. Linda: I cannot believe they are going to drag this out more! Jack: You watch. They will roll it back! Linda: How can they? People voted to do it! Jack: The EU pretty much opened the door for cancelling it. Linda: They can't do that! Jack: They just might! Stay tuned! Linda: Ugh. So sick of it! Jack: You and the whole damn country!
Brexit vote is being postponed. Linda and Jack are tired of politicians dragging it out.
Mattie: guys sorry for not hanging out lately, I'm broke :c Will: chill dude we can buy u a drink or sth Mattie: I had to pay a fortune for a dentist Bill: that's shitty dude but don't worry we can meet up at my place for ex. Will: no homo tho :D Mattie: :D
Mattie is broke as he had to pay a lot for the dentist.
Chris: W8! There's more! June: Feed it to me! Rly curious now! Chris: At some point, we smashed into a wall downstairs and made a hole in it. June: Jeez! Chris: W8! There's more! June: Do I want to know? Chris: He was so wasted that he puked down between the drywall! June: WTF?! Chris: So funny! And he remained with his head in the wall for like 2 hrs! June: Why didn't anybody help him? Chris: Y would they? :) June: He could've choked to death! Chris: Nah, afaik he moaned from to time. June: Please tell me that's the most hardcore thing that happened? Chris: Oh, no! This party will be legendary! June: What else? Chris: Well, then there was this someone who started cooking. June: Nothing out of the ordinary. Chris: W8 for it! It turns out that they cooked one of Luke's fish! June: WTF?! These really expensive sea fish? Chris: Idk which one. It was rather big. June: Not Nemo! Chris: Lol. That's what the guy was shouting! That's Nemo all over again. June: I rly liked that fish! :( Chris: I can imagine what Luke will be feeling when he sobers up. June: Poor Luke. I'll give him a call l8r. Did u know that he went 2000 kms just to buy that fish? It was in a way unique! Chris: In what way? June: Idk. He tried explaining it to me, but I forgot. Chris: Shame on u! June: Yeah, I know.
Chris was at a wild party. The worst thing that happened was cooking Luke's most valuable fish, Nemo.
Greg: Dude, I'm confused... Greg: Is it possible that people have actually never landed on the Moon? Diego: I've heard such opinions, indeed Diego: It seems that it's one of the most famous conspiracy theories Greg: After I'd watched a popular video on youtube I became suspicious Greg: What if the whole thing was just a hoax? Diego: It was a well-prepared hoax then Diego: Maybe NASA screwed the entire humankind, I can't tell you :D Greg: The American flag is flying on the recorded movie Greg: There's no wind on the Moon so how the hell is that possible?! Greg: The rocks found on the Moon are similar to the ones that are common in Antarctica Greg: There're no stars on the photos taken on the Moon's surface Greg: And finally a misterious death of the project's participants Greg: 12 of them died tragically within a few years... Diego: That's all thought-provoking, I agree Diego: But I think that if you'd look for some reasonable explanations, you'll find them Diego: I take all those conspiracy theories with a grain of salt Diego: Don't let them bother your mind Diego: Rather accept them as a kind of entertainment Greg: I guess you're right... Diego: I know a few people who are obsessed with such theories Diego: They've been swallowed by those things so much that they started to see conspiracy at every turn Diego: This is insane! Greg: Diego, it was a good decision to have this conversation with you Greg: It seems that you managed to nip my problem in the bud, thanks :) Greg: I'm not going to become a conspiracy theories' freak Diego: My pleasure :) Good for you
Diego talks Greg out of his conspiracy theories about the moon landing scam.
Carter: a pretty good standup this weekend Talbot: oh cool im in. where Carter: at Chariot's. Sat and Sun Talbot: i can do Sat not sure about Fri Barton: dunno how you like standup Ulf: i dont even understand half of it lol Barton: yeah Ulf you make me laugh more than these pranksters Carter: why? some of them are really clever and all Talbot: Carts right. just depends what you like Barton: perhaps ur right. Ulf: german standup. that would be funny Carter: well frankly i cant imagine that Talbot: yeah me neither Barton: anyway im not going. ulf lets meet up and drink some beer Ulf: sounds really interesting Carter: good so we all get what we like Talbot: hell yeah. what time shows end? Carter: l8. prbbly midnite or l8r Talbot: too late to joins the boys ye? Carter: well see mate well see
Carter and Talbot are going to see some standup on Saturday. Ulf and Barton don't like it, so they're meeting for a beer instead.
Sally: Do you need any help? Jo: No thanks, I am OK at the moment :-) Sally: Good. If you need anything just let me know :-) Jo: I am good at this stage, but I hate double checking things and I never see my own mistakes. Sally: So you do need my help :-) No problem. When do you think you'll be done? Jo: By 3pm? Sally: Perfect, I will drop by. Jo: Thank you, you're so nice :-)
Sally will drop by Jo's at 3pm to help her.
Dan: hiya, are you still selling the bongo? Rob: yeah we are indeed Dan: how much are you wanting for it? Rob: we are looking for £1600, it comes with a awning. Dan: how old is it and what is the mileage? Rob: it is from 1996, and has done 200.000 miles Rob: It starts fine every time and has just passed its MOT, just needs some TLC and small repairs on the inside Dan: like what? Rob: the drivers window needs a new panel as it doesn't open at the moment and the radio front is missing, the aircon works but not very well Rob: it also has the infamous rust on the rear wheel arches, but very little for its age Dan: cool thanks, can I come and view it? Rob: yeah sure, we are based in Cardiff Dan: cool, we are in Swansea. maybe on Sunday? Rob: we are free from midday on Sunday Dan: what's the address please? Rob: 24 Bellevue road Dan: thanks, see you then
Dan is interested in buying Rob's car. Dan will go to Cardiff on Sunday to see it.
Stowe: <file_gif> Lorelle: u bored stowe? Graham: i can give u stuff 2 do. just say it
Stowe is bored.
Hannah: Have you seen Mandy's cat? :D Lucy: Yes! She's so beautiful <3 :) Hannah: Do you know what her name is? Lucy: I think it's Miranda Hannah: <3
Mandy's cat is called Miranda.
Hugo: yo! do you have a minute? Olaf: sure, what's up? Hugo: I have some free tickets to a game this Saturday at 4 PM. Hugo: so if you have some time and would like to come let me know. Olaf: oh, great, sure I can come. Hugo: that was quick :) I have at least two additional tickets so if you want to bring someone feel free. Hugo: just let me know so I stop looking for additional people ;) Olaf: thanks but I guess I will be by myself. Hugo: that works as well. Hugo: as I have all the tickets with me, we need to meet up before the game. Olaf: of course. Hugo: great, I'm supposed to meet with the others at 3 PM near the A1 Gate. Hugo: can you make it? Olaf: sure, I will be there. Hugo: well that's it then. Hugo: see you on Saturday! Hugo: if anything changes, I will let you know.
Olaf will go with Hugo to a game this Saturday at 4 PM. They will meet at 3 PM near the A1 Gate.
Wyatt: <file_photo> Monopoly up for grabs. Megan: Hannah wants it Morgan: Is seems a common idea for our interns to get this board game. Either it's the easiest to understand in English, or they all need some help with learning how to use their money. They might also want to use fake money to pay for things. 😜 Ridge: Maybe we should think about creating our version of this game – with bus passes, train tickets, wifi providers and the Holylands as key components😊 Wyatt: Could be fun! Christmas party as the high-end property? highlight of the year anyway…
Hannah wants Monopoly board game. According to Ridge, an improved version of this game is worth considering.
James: so, I’ve been thinking… Lily: about what? James: have you noticed that coffee at our university is rather expensive? Lily: thanks for stating the obvious, James… have you ever seen me with a cup of coffee there? (btw this is a rhetoric question) James: but that’s not the point Lily: then what is? James: that I’ve been thinking about buying a portable electric kettle Lily: you must be joking James: no… Lily: and where, pray tell, would you boil water? James: in a classroom… Lily: James has finally lost it ;D ;D ;D James: bad idea? Lily: TERRIBLE!!!!
As coffee at the university is rather expensive, James has been thinking about buying a portable electric kettle to boil water in the classroom. Lily thinks it's not a good idea.
Caroline: You looked so fine in the pink Gucci pants at the gala tonight Justina: thanks sis, you also looked amazing Caroline: Love you Justina: love you too
Caroline and Justina went to a gala tonight and both looked amazing.
Tilda: shit.. I can't force myself to study...;-( ;-( Tilda: any advice? Agnes: so don't do it. Agnes: easy...:P :P Tilda: I have to... Tilda: I have a test in 10 days:/ :/ Tilda: no time for a day off..:-( Agnes::uhh.. shit happens.. Agnes: so maybe try to go for a walk? "D Tilda: done it already...:P Agnes: and it didn't help? Tilda: i got more energetic but when I start reading I get sooooo sleepy.... Agnes: bath??? ^^ Tilda: this makes me even more sleepy.. Agnes: cold shower? :D :D Tilda: whattt?? Tilda: no way!! Agnes: Have u tried some special music? Tilda: what do u mean??? Agnes: like meditation or study music. Agnes: <file_other> Tilda: hmm... nice! Tilda: this might be a solution... Tilda: thx Agnes: I really love them! Agnes: they help me to focus. Tilda: kk, thx, gonna try now.
Tilda has no motivation to study. She has a test in ten days. Agnes sends her some music suitable for studying. Tilda will give it a chance,
Luca: Hello everybody, the transportation has been arranger. I will see you at 4.30 pm LT donwstairs Jake: Thank you! In full uniform? Rhonda: Thank you, will be there. BTW my bill is already paid, Luca Luca: Jake, you and I in full uniform, Rhonda, you can be in civilian clothes just wear your ID Rhonda: Thank you! will save me time to get ready! Jake: I hope they will bring my laundry on time, I've already called in three times... Luca: Jake, do you want me to check with them? Rhonda: Jake, you might want to go downstairs and check with them, they are a bit slow in this hotel. I waited for over an hour for a soup yesterday! Jake: Thanks for the offer, Luca, but I think I will go to the reception first and try to take it from there! Luca: Good idea! Let me know how it goes. Rhonda: Jake, don't forget we have a discount here Jake: Oh, cool, didn't know that. How much? Rhonda: 15%, I think. Luca? Luca: it's 25 :) Jake: Fantastic! Thank you guys! Let's hope it works!
The transportation has been arranged so Luca and Jake in full uniform and Rhonda in civilian clothes are meeting at 4.30. Jake's still waiting for his laundry so he has to make sure at the reception the clothes are ready on time. They have a 25% discount at the hotel.
Alan: I got something for my baby :))))))) Mindy: what is it?? Alan: surprise! ;>
Alan's got a surprise for Mindy.
Kolby: Have you forgotten about me already ;) Helene: Noooo of course not, I’m just busy, a lot of work. Kolby: But is everything alright? Helene: Yea, more or less, just a lot of stress Kolby: Something happened? Helene: Aaaah recently I had a disagreement with my manager and she reported it Kolby: Was it bad? Helene: I told her what people think about her, that’s it Kolby: It’s probably one of the worst things to do ;) Helene: I know, don’t torture me T___T Kolby: OK, I’m sorry, you said something else? Helene: That I’m sorry that her life is fucked up but it’s not my fault xD Kolby: I’m afraid to ask if that was it ;p Helene: Eeem no right after I said that she went to her desk and wrote a report xp Kolby: So what now? Hope you won’t lose your job? Helene: I think they will just give the warning Kolby: Who? Helene: There is like a small apartment that takes care of such things and they will read the report, then I have a meeting with them, they give me a reprimand, blah blah Kolby: Haha you’ll have to behave ;) Helene: Yesss, definitely
Helene had a disagreement with her manager and she reported it. Helene will probably get a reprimand. Kolby hopes Helene won't lose her job.
Wyatt: guess im takin a week off Barnes: oh yeah how come? Avery: no holiday this year. I need time out too Wyatt: tell me about it Barnes: so you have some plans? Wyatt: no just stay home watch stupid movies and play stupid games Avery: eat junk food and dont wash Barnes: sounds like perfect week off. unless married Wyatt: we always told you that a mistake mate Barnes: no worries. theyre upsides too Avery: yeah for Vera wed all try to look good and smell good Barnes: i bet you would
Wyatt is taking a week off and wants to stay at home watching movies and playing games. Avery needs holiday too.
Zack: Excuse me, Mr. Cooke, what time does the meeting start? Raymond: 9 a.m. But I expect you to be at least 10 minutes earlier. Sharon: Room A, am I right? Raymond: Indeed. Zack: Thank you, sir!
The meeting starts at 9.a.m. Raymond expects Zack and Sharon ten minutes earlier.
Ben: Having a quality day.. doing nothing! Ella: such a quality day then?! x Nick: sounds boring! Eva: i need a day doing nothing once in a while! x Jenny: have a nice day! Kevin: i hate you! I've got so much to do today!
Ben isn't doing anything today. Kevin has a lot to do today.
Nathaniel: history classes were moved to 2PM by the way Patrick: thx for info Peter: I already knew but thanks
The history classes that Nathaniel, Patrick and Peter attend will be at 2 p.m. from now on.
Gustav: have you seen my parrot? Gustav: <file_video> Gustav: it's so cute :) Vinnie: it is :) Vinnie: can he talk? Gustav: no, he just sings a lot Vinnie: so sweet :)
Gustav have a parrot, it doesn't talk but sings. Vinnie finds it sweet.
Terence: I think I'm sick Terence: maybe it's serious Terence: maybe it's cancer? Terence: I really think sth is wrong Alison: did u go to a doctor? Terence: nope, not yet Alison: then u should and after that u'll be sure
Terence thinks he's seriously sick but she hasn't gone to the doctor's yet.
Naomi: When u off on holiday? Naomi: <file_gif> Alice: Hey just arrived to London and not a good start.. Alice: I left one of the tablets on the frigging plane!!!!!!!!! Naomi: Oh crap... Alice: Soooooo annoyed with myself Naomi: But did you call the airline?? Alice: Yes, Alex is sorting it out Naomi: 👍 Alice: I hope they find it Alice: But we need it for our holiday Alice: 😕 Naomi: Yes I hope so 😕 Naomi: I suppose they would have found it whilst cleaning up the plane Naomi: We are not robots.. we can't be on top of everything all the time.. :( Naomi: But of course it's not just any gadget 😕 Alice: Luckily it was given to Alex as a present, so it’s a cheap one.. but still.. Alice: It’s the fact that I left it on the bloody plane Alice: First time ever 🙄 Naomi: <file_gif> Alice: 😩 Alice: And it’s for the kids on holiday, so they have one each, and for the plane 😩😩😩😩 Naomi: Yes I get u, it's a huge disappointment Naomi: Fingers crossed that they find it 👍 Naomi: ❤️ Alice: Thanks Alice: How are u? Naomi: Just about to do some yoga, then lunch 🧘 Alice: Have a good session my love, chat to you later 💛
Alice left a tablet on the plane after she landed in London. Naomi is going to do some yoga and eat lunch.
Chloe: So guess what I heard today! Patrick: Omg girl what?? Chloe: I GOT INTO GRAD SCHOOL! Patrick: I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! Chloe: Thank you! We have to go out tonight! I was thinking the Abbey? Patrick: Perfect. I'll tell my roommates. Say around 10 pm?
Chloe got into grad school. Patrick is proud of Chloe. Chloe and Patrick are going out tonight around 10 pm.
Fiona: Hey, I found it:) Barb: Found what? Fiona: Never mind:=)
Fiona has found it.
Declan: Do you have Agatha Cooke's number? i changed my phone and i don;t have her number and i wanted to ask her something? Charlie: Sure - sorry it's so late :/ 765938451 Charlie: er, maybe it would be better if I wrote it like this: 765 938 451 Declan: great thanks Charlie: No problem Declan: do you know how to login to the dropbox? Charlie: I have no clue... Declan: honestly I didn't really understand what we are supposed to do Charlie: Yeah, I have a feeling that we're going to have to schedule another meeting Declan: okay, thanks
Declan asks Charlie for Agatha Cooke's phone number and is informed that it is 765 938 451. Neither Declan nor Charlie know how to login to the dropbox and it is not clear what they are supposed to do, so Charlie suggests they have another meeting.
Fernando: Marge, where are you? Marge: Oh my God... We were supposed to meet up for lunch, weren't we? I'm so sorry! I'll be on my way in a sec! Fernando: It's okay if you can't come, we can have lunch some other day. Marge: Oh no, I really want to come today! Can you wait just a little? Fernando: If you can make it here in 15 minutes, it's not a problem. Marge: I'll be there in a flash!
Marge forgot about lunch with Fernando. She'll be there in less than 15 minutes.
Robert: Mom? Where are you? I'm home and nobody's here. Mom: My sweetheart, I'm on my way home but caught in a traffic jam. Absolute chaos here! Can't tell you how long it will take. Robert: And where's dad? Mom: He should be home any moment really. He would phone if anything kept him. Robert: I'm hungry. Mom: Darling, wait till dad comes. He'll fix you something to eat before I come. There's now so much commotion and police here, and ambulances, and recovery vehicles. It'll be over soon. Robert: Mom? Can I go over to the Woodies? Sure Helen is already serving dinner. Mom: No, darling, please don't. Dad is on his way and we're starting to move too. I won't be long. Robert: But I'm hungry. Mom: Oh Robert! Please stop being childish! Eat an apple. Or drink some juice. I think we are moving. Robert: Where are you exactly? How long before you're home? Mom: Can't write now. Here's my location. <file_gps> Robert: But it's still miles away! Robert: Mom? Mom: Trafic lights on Carrington Xing.
Mom and Dad are not home to prepare food for Robert. Robert is hungry but he cannot go to the Woodies for dinner. Mom will be home shortly.
Eve: Would you like to join us and go horse-riding? Eve: I'm sure you'll love it! Mary: And where is that? Eve: Smarzewo, 40mins drive Eve: We're all in love with this place Mary: Sounds good. What time are you going? Eve: Friday 5pm Mary: You're sure that we can come too? Eve: yes! Mary: Ok, so I'll meet you at the shops and will join you then! Eve: That's great! See you soon :)
Eve invited Mary for horse-riding in Smarzewo. They are going to meet at the shops on Friday at 5 P.M.
Jonas: Hey Jonas: Fedora is having a cosmetics consultant tonight Jonas: Wanna join? xd Shayla: Oh interesting! Shayla: Idk if I can make it tonight Shayla: I will letcha know ok? Jonas: It will be very informative! Jonas: Just letcha know if you're coming then! Shayla: okay xd
Fedora is having a cosmetics consultant tonight so Jonas wants Shayla to join. Shayla will let him konw if she can make it.
Marcel: Dude.. if you keep sleeping in classes you will fail the exams! Jiovanni: Argh I know.. But I've been playing World of Warcraft and that game is just so life consuming xD Can't help it Marcel: Well you better get it together or else you are screwed xD Jiovanni: I not that far behind. I also study out of school you know.. unlike some people ahahah Marcel: That's because I pay attention during class xDD Jiovanni: Yeah yeah :p
Jiovanni is sleeping in classes because he has been playing World of Warcraft. Marcel warned Jiovanni that he may fail the exams if he won't study.
Greg: Hi Mom. How are you? Linda: Hello. How are you? Greg: Could you possibly do the babysitting today? It's an emergency... Linda: Is everything ok? Greg: Yes and no. Both of us have to deal with some urgent matters at work and we are in trouble now. Linda: Ok. All take care of him. Greg: You're a wonder! Thank you a thousand times! Linda: Shall I help you at home anyhow? Shopping, dinner, ironing... Greg: No, thanks. Just Johnny. Linda: My pleasure. Greg: I know I should have let you know earlier. It's kind of unexpected. Linda: That's ok. I understand. I'll take care of everything. Don't worry.
Greg and his partner have urgent matters to solve at work today. Linda will babysit for them.
Paul: Hey, did you buy the food for tomorrow? John: Yep, it should be more than enough. Paul: Okayyy! John: And did you guys get the beer? Paul: You bet! More beer than even Luke can handle. John: That's to be seen, hah. Paul: Ok, we'll be at your place tomorrow after 8. John: Ok, see you tomorrow then! Oh, and say hi to Jane from me. Paul: Ok.
John has stocked up on beer for tomorrow. Paul and John are meeting tomorrow after 8 pm.
Alexis: How much is the fare to town? Joe: 1.5 dollars. Alexis: Okay Joe: Are you not going? Alexis: I only have a dollar Joe: Okay then next time.
Alexis is not coming to town because she has 1 dollar and the fare is 1.5.
Jason: Yo, what are you doing after work? Mike: Going to the gym and then home boy. Jason: You eating at home? Mike: Yep, bring your food and come over. Jason: Will do. Afterwards we play some Destiny 2 on ps4? Mike: You bet ya, that game is so addictive! Jason: Ok cya later then!´ Mike: Oh yeah👌
Mike is going to the gym after work. Then he's going home and he will eat and play Destiny 2 with Jason.
Bob: Hi hun, what's for dinner tonight? Jen: dunno yet, why? Bob: long time since we had sushi... Jen: bought or home-made? Bob: could we do it at home today? Jen: would have to run to the store and get some fresh fish. and avocado. other stuff we have at home. Even nori Bob: we do? Jen: yeah, last time I ordered it from amazon, better price and you order in bult. and it doesn't spoil. Bob: yay! so what, rolling tonite? Jen: I guess... Bob: yum!
Bob and Jen discuss their dinner plans. They want to prepare sushi. Jen would have to go to the store to get the products. She wants to order it from amazon. Bob agrees.
Gemma: Oh the weather outside is weather! Sarah: haha Sarah: and the fire is so fire-ful Gemma: hahahahaha Gemma: and if you've got no place to goooo Sarah: let it hail, let it hail, let it haaaail Gemma: I think this should be the theme of our xmas party Sarah: Misunderstood carols? Gemma: yes Gemma: the most creative butchering of a holiday classic gets a carton of eggnog as a prize Sarah: XD Sarah: this is genius Sarah: I'll write an update on the event page Gemma: sweet :D
Sarah will write an update about the theme of the Christmas party - Misunderstood Carols - on the event page.
Adam: Sorry we had to cancel :/ Dave: Don't worry Dave: It's actually better for me Adam: Right, you have some more interesting friends, I know Dave: :') Dave: Yeah right... Dave: The kids have a flu and I guess Gaby would appreciate if I stay at home Adam: Gina is sick too Adam: She took a flu shot in october Dave: Liam and Kirsten too Dave: No idea, some new virus or what? Adam: There are new influenza viruses every year Adam: But it's better to vaccinate anyway Dave: Sure Dave: Less risk of complication
Adam cancelled an event. Dave is going to stay at home with Gaby, who has a flu. Gina is sick too, even though she, Liam and Kirsten had their flu shots in October.
Morton: weve found a cheap flight to dubai Peyton: oh cool and accommodation? Hettie: my bro was there last year and say hotels r not that expensive Morton: well some are Hettie: yeah just depends on depth of your wallet Oberon: in case its deep enough you still owe a 20 Mort Morton: cant hear cant see Oberon: yeah typical Peyton: anyways got any hotel in sight mort? Morton: havent checked yet. but I guess its affordable so well see Peyton: and when you think your going? Morton: that’s the point. Next thursday for six nights Oberon: haha you remember about youknowhat? Morton: I know. she might kill me as well Peyton: oyu mean Vinnie? She gonna be mad if u dont make it Morton: perhaps I need to talk to her first. your right
Morton wants to go to Dubai as he's found a cheap flight next Thursday. Hettie's brother was there last year. Oberon and Peyton suggest he talks to Vinnie first.
Arianna: In the meantime, I think you'll appreciate this little gem from sunny Camden Market... <file_photo> Mackenzie: Oh Ari. Did you go in? What was it like? Overrated?? Arianna: So it was FULL so I just got a grilled cheese to go and it was great!! Less of a cheese shop and more of a Cafe if that makes sense. Camden Market is culinary heaven though ❤ Danielle: Tomorrow around Liverpool Street station, in Shoreditch area, there is a's so nice, and it’s just on Sundays and you can find everything from vintage clothes and accessories to food from all over the world. Arianna: Where exactly? Danielle: It's not in one single place. It goes all around streets and alleys 😍. It used to be one of my favourite things to do on Sunday in London! Here you have a link: Arianna: I'll try to ask our friends about it, sounds nice! Danielle: Highly recommended and then you can walk down until the Tower of London, cross Tower Bridge and then go along the Thames up to Tate Modern and even upper until The Houses of Parliament! Mackenzie: I hate London so much! Much better here!!! Arianna: Thanks again Danielle.
Ariana is in London and Danielle recommends her some places to visit.
Ann: Are you better? Sandra: Not really :-( Still terrible cough and fever. Ann: Have you been to the doctor? Sandra: Yes. I have all the meds that he prescribed. Guess they need some time to start working. Ann: Poor you :-( Take care! Sandra: Thanks.
Sandra is sick and is taking the medication prescribed by the doctor.
Sammy Brown: Dear Mrs Woodson, I hope you're doing well. I just thought I'd ask you if you would like a good few pounds of apples from our orchard. We really have got tons this year. All sorts, all very tasty, all organic. I could sort out the best ones for you and bring them to your place today. Mary Woodson: Thank you Ms Brown! Very thoughtful of you. Yes, I'd love to. Sammy Brown: Then I'll prepare for you one basketful of cooking apples and two basketfuls with different sorts of dessert apples. Will it be to your liking? Mary Woodson: Splendid! Thank you. Or maybe the other way round? More cooking apples if it's all right with you? I'd love to make some apple chutney. Sammy Brown: No problem at all. In fact we've got more of cooking apples and they seem to be less popular. I'll be passing your house this afternoon and can bring them to your doorstep. Will it suit you, Mrs Woodson? Mary Woodson: That's absolutely lovely of you, Ms Brown. Thank you very much. We are at home in the afternoon. Sammy Brown: Very well. So see you in the afternoon. Mary Woodson: Thank you and see you! Mary Woodson: Kind regards to your husband from us!
Sammy Brown is going to bring two basketfuls of cooking apples and one basketful of dessert apples for Mary Woodson in the afternoon.
Barbara: Happy anniversary! Barbara: Congratulations for another wonderful year of falling in love with each other! Vera: Thank you Barbara! Vera: You have the anniversary next month, am I right? Barbara: Yes, and I can’t wait to see what surprise John is going to prepare for me 😊 Vera: Do you have any guesses? Barbara: He doesn’t want me to know anything 😉 Enough for me. How’s your anniversary? Vera: Well, we’re going on a date 😊
Barbara congratulates Vera an anniversary. Barbara has an anniversary too and she can't wait the to see what surprise John prepared for her. Vera is going on a date to celebrate her anniversary.
Jean: Is anybody in Brussels now? Terry: I'm here Terry: But I'm leaving tomorrow morning Theresa: I'm heading to Brussels again tomorrow Jean: ahahah, just like Theresa May, and also not happy it seems Terry: 🤣🤣🤣 Theresa: hahah, indeed not excited Jean: to negotiate a deal? Theresa: not really Theresa: However, marriage is a kind of a deal! right? Terry: Sure, it is Theresa: We're marring with Paul on Friday Terry: what??? And I don't know anything? 😱 Theresa: it's only to get the Belgian citizenship after Brexit, pure formality, no party, not even parents evolved Jean: We can at least have some drinks Friday night Theresa: With pleasure, let's celebrate a fake wedding with a fake party 😛
Terry is in Brussels, he's leaving tomorrow morning. Theresa is going to Brussels again tomorrow. She's marrying Paul on Friday as a formality to get the Belgian citizenship after Brexit. Jean will celebrate with Theresa on Friday night.
John: Hey Michael, have you seen my register? Michael: What does it look like? John: It got a picture of Messi on its cover. Michael: Yeah i remember. I have seen this register. John: Where? Michael: I saw it with Ava. John: Oh yeah i remember . She waned to copy notes. Michael: There you go. Problem solved.
Michael saw John's register with Ava, who wanted to copy notes.
Mark: I've got a weekend off Mark: A miracle! ;) Julie: :) Mark: Let's go to the botanics if the weather is okay Jo: Good idea! Jo: There is a nice path from your place Jo: 25 mins walk Julie: The one with the colourful playground? Jo: Yeah Mark: Saturday afternoon? Julie: works for me Julie: Jo? Jo: I'm not 100% at the moment Jo: Will give you a call later
Mark has a weekend off so wants to go to the botanics. Mark and Julie agree on Saturday afternoon. Jo isn't sure at the moment and will give Julie a call later.
Mom: Is everything okay? Denise: Of course it is. I wanted to call you. I've got some news 😉 Mom: What news? Denise: I'm moving to the new apartament, which will be closer to the uni. Mom: I got to know all the details. When can I call you? Denise: Last class is at 6. Call me at 8 or later. Denise: Jess broke up with her boyfriend and she wants to move to Warsaw. I will not be able to pay for rent alone. Denise: I was thinking about moving in with Dan. But you're right, we gotta talk about it. Mom: That is serious! I'm surprised. Mom: But whatever makes you happy. Denise: Thank you😍 Denise: Btw that cheesecake you gave me was delicious! All gone already Mom: ❤️ Denise: Can't wait to talk to you. Is dad at home? Mom: He will be at home soon. If you wish we can talk on Skype. Denise: Good idea! Okay, let's make it 8:30. I will install it first. Denise: I hope dad will be in a good mood. Mom: If not, I will not tell him about our little Skype session 😜 Denise: Haha it's fine, tell him. I miss him too. But he will help me carry my stuff very soon.😊 Denise: OK, I should stop texting now. Mom: I forgot you are on that lecture! Talk later Denise: 👋
Denise is moving to the new apartment, which will be closer to the uni. Jess broke up with her boyfriend and she wants to move to Warsaw, so Denise won't be able to pay the rent alone. Denise has her last class at 6, so her mum will call her on Skype at 8.30. Dad will be home soon too.
Jonathan: Hi Monica: hey how are you Jonathan: Im good and you Jonathan: I've been wondering if the field trip is mandatory Monica: It is Monica: she will take attendance Jonathan: Oh no xd Monica: So yea, everyone is going haha Monica: Apparently, she's giving additional marks for coming Jonathan: I am struggling in that class\ Monica: oh no Jonathan: So I guess I have to impress her Jonathan: So that I can pass the class Monica: I tell you Monica: Just go Monica: there will be group work and she will mark it Monica: So we can get you covered hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 Jonathan: Right on, thanks much Monica: see u there!
Jonathan doesn't want to go on the field trip, but it's mandatory. The group work will be marked and he needs to impress to pass the class.
Jocelyn: <file_photo> Is it a good moment to call the helpline? Aaliyah: Yes Cody: Ask for an on-site assistance 😱 Aaliyah: I was about to call it today because I got lost in Makro 😜 Jocelyn: Help me 😂 Jackson: Holy smokes - the size of that spider! Better call Lily, she was dealing with snakes today 🤣 Lily: Fuck off 😂😂😂
Jocelyn is afraid of a big spider she found.
Sisi: Do you know anything about the classes on Friday? Bobo: Which one? Sisi: Introduction to Culture Theory. Bobo: Nothing Sisi: I was thinking of taking a break on Friday, going to the library, going home for the weekend. Last time the classes were cancelled due to Dr Phisik's illness. I was counting on a repeat :-) Bobo: Bad luck! Just checked it. He's already back. Sisi: Don't get me wrong. He's a really nice man and he knows his stuff. But I'm a little intimidated by him and all the material we need to study for his exam. Bobo: Me too. Sisi: I find it a litle overwhelming so I wouldn't like to miss his classes because then I will have even bigger backlog. Bobo: You may have. My notes are usually extensive and detailed but when I come home I understnad more or less half of that. Sisi: Same with me :-( I'd better be there. See you. Bobo: See you.
Sisi wishes Dr Phisik's lecture was cancelled just like the last time, but he is already back. Sisi and Bobo are overwhelmed with the material they need to study for his exam, so they won't miss this class.
Hazel: is anyone going by car? Evan: don't know yet, probably uber Rob: I'll take my car, want me to pick you up? Hazel: yes please! :) Rob: ok no problem Hazel: thanks! :*
Rob will pick up Hazel with his car. Evan takes an uber.
Hugh: Hey, how's the heating in your apartment? Frank: It's ok, why do you ask? Hugh: Because it's so cold in mine. Last year we were spending like 400 a month on heating. Frank: Well, I think our bills were around 200. Hugh: Remember that we joined the 2 apartments. There's no radiator in between. No matter how high I put up the furnace, it's never warm enough. Frank: Hmm... maybe you should put in a door. Hugh: I took off the door to join them, now I'm going to put it back in? Frank: How about a sliding door? A modern glass door. Hugh: That's not a bad idea. It might be a little more comfy that way. Frank: Yeah, you should definitely look into it. I think if you close off the heat in the bottom apt, you'll spend a lot less, plus it would be warmer. Hugh: Hey, I'm glad I came to you with this :) Frank: No problem. If you want, I can ask my brother as he knows a lot of contractors. Hugh: Wow, great! Thanks Frank: No problem
It's very cold in Hugh's apartment. Frank will help him find a contractor to put is a modern glass door. This will make the apartment warmer.
Andrew: oh you're back on facebook! Andrew: ! Mia: only for a while Mia: i'm waiting to be accepted to a group because i want to sell something Mia: facebook is ugly Andrew: <file_gif> Andrew: no it's not Andrew: because it has the best fox stickers Mia: it's the only nice part Andrew: it's the best part :$ Andrew: what are you selling? Mia: a bed Andrew: :O Andrew: you got a new one for christmas? Mia: haha no Mia: i've had the new one for a long time now Mia: the old one is still here though Andrew: ok :D Mia: anyway don't write to me here Mia: write on skype Andrew: okay
Mia got her Facebook account back to sell her bed on one of Facebook groups.
Irma: Verteidigt!! 😁 Helen: What? Helen: Is it good or bad? Irma: I mean I just got my Master's degree! Helen: CONGRATS Helen: <file_gif> Irma: I'm so happy 😊 Helen: The whole family is very proud of you ❤️ Irma: Word gets around 😀 Helen: 🙂
Irma just got her Master's degree. Helen and the whole family are proud of her.
Conor: You know Jill? Carson: Jill yeah wb her? Conor: I think she is hitting on me Conor: Every time I talk to her she gives very strong eye contact Carson: She's ok you can go for her Conor: I don't like her tho Carson: haha omg Carson: Well bro ignore her Conor: Thats what I will do
Conor thinks Jill is hitting on him as she gives him a lot of eye contact. Conor doesn't like her and will ignore her as Carson advised him to do.
Erin: How are you doing? Jacob: not bad, you? Erin: not good, haha Jacob: why? Erin: a horrible hangover Jacob: poor you, did you drink so much last night? Erin: too much apparently Jacob: drink a lot of water Jacob: it always helps Erin: I've just vomited again Jacob: So maybe it's not after alcohol Erin: it is, I drank excessively Jacob: so maybe try to sleep a bit? Erin: I will Jacob: let me know how you feel later Erin: thank, I'll write you Jacob: take care!
Erin has thrown up because she is hungover. Jacob advises drinking water and taking a nap.
Michael: Did you see what your son was watching this a.m.? Lolly: It's okay if he watches the weather channel, isn't it? Michael: Slightly strange, but yes, okay. Lolly: You'll be glad to know he has a crush on the one girl who is on. That's why he watches it. Michael: Whew! I thought he was just a nerd! Lolly: LOL! Michael: You know, like a sciency type. Lolly: What's wrong with that? Michael: He'll be smarter than me! Lolly: Like that's hard. Michael: Hey! Lolly: J/K! Michael: Besides, he's only 4. Lolly: Just let him live!
Lolly's 4-year-old son was watching the weather channel this morning as he has a crush on the girl who appears there.
Lia: are you at the canteen? Maria: Yes, queuing already to pay Tom: me too Lia: ok, I'll join you
Lia will join Maria and Tom at the canteen.
Pete: Wanna see my new baseball shirt? Mike: Sure, you’ve promised me last week;-) Pete: <file_photo> :-) Mike: Sooo cool, you’re gonna flash it around;-) Pete: I know :-)
Pete is showing Mike his new baseball shirt and Mike likes it.
Shari: Happy Birthday! Woot! William: Thank you! 29 again! LOL! Shari: Me too! LOL! William: How are you? Shari: Busy as usual! Are you going to the reunion? William: Not if I can help it! Call you next week and we’ll meet up.
William and Shari have mistakenly received wishes for 29th birthday. William isn't going to the reunion.
Sam: Y do u think so? Tom: My friend got a credit card and now he's in deep. Sam: How come? Tom: He went on a shopping spree a couple of times and it didn't end well for him. Sam: What did he buy?! Tom: The most extravagant thing was a jet ski ;) Sam: Srsly? A jet ski? Tom: Yeah. Dunno y. He can't even enjoy it. Sam: Problems with the ride? Tom: Nah. The bailiff took it. Sam: He didn't pay his bills, then? Tom: How could he? He owes the bank like a 100 grand Sam: How did he even manage that? When I spend like 2k a month I feel bad about it. Tom: What do u spend 2k on?! Sam: Say 1k for home, food, bills and so on and the rest on pleasures. Tom: And ur still sure that a credit card is a good idea? Sam: Absolutely!
Tom's friend shopped too much and owes the bank around 100k. Sam spends around 2k a month.
Bethany: You won't believe who's knocked up! Laura: Tell me! Bethany: Mary, I just found out! Laura: No way! She just split with Simon, is it his? Bethany: Allegedly, but I doubt it. Laura: What a mess! Can't wait until he hears about it. Bethany: It will be hell, that's for sure, lol it's a circus with this gang. OK, gotta go, talk later! Laura: Sure, see ya! :*
Mary is pregnant. Mary has just split with Simon.
Derek: Do you have internet upstairs? Jim: Yup Patricia: Hm, I do, but only on my laptop Derek: Weird, I don’t have any connection Jim: Maybe there’s something wrong with the router Patricia: Now it’s gone even on my laptop Derek: Hm, still nothing. I’ll call the provider Jim: Thanks man, now I don’t have it either Derek: I’m just wondering why you had it when we didn’t Patricia: He was probably using all of it :P
Jim, Derek and Patricia have no internet connection. Derek will call the provider.
Shelby: Does anybody know how to arrive to the place? Cole: She sent us some pics, right? Shelby: they are not very readable, at least I don't get it how to get there :P Tristan: Where are you know? Tristan: I know the way, I'm driving my car so you could just follow me Shelby: <file_other> Tristan: right, stay there at the patrol station, I'll be there in about 15-20 min and we can go together Shelby: perfect! thx!
She sent some pictures how to arrive, but they are not readable. Tristan is going there by car. He will join Shelby in 15-20 minutes at the petrol station and show her the way.
Lucas: There is pizza downstairs! Mike: Uhuuu Bella: I'm coming!!!
The pizza for Lucas, Mike and Bella has arrived. It's downstairs.
Ann: Should we stay in Corralejo tomorrow? Marie: I know I want to sleep first Marie: now alarm clocks, no people in my life before 10AM Silvia: hahaha, ok, but afterwards? Marie: beach! water! Victoria: but in Corralejo or somewhere else? Marie: I'd stay here tomorrow Ann: ok
Ann, Marie and Silvia will stay in Corralejo tomorrow. They will go to the beach.
Nicole: my dog is sick again Nicole: i am so worried :( Delilah: sorry to hear that honey Quinn: aww i am so sorry too :( Quinn: are you home? Nicole: yes i am taking care of Trixy, she can't be left alone now Quinn: Would you like some help? Quinn: i can come by after work Nicole: not really help but some company would be nice :) Quinn: ok i will call you later Delilah: maybe i will also manage to meet with you girls, i will let you know later
Nicole's dog Trixy is sick. She stayed at home to take care of it. Quinn and Delilah might come later to keep her company.
Joe: Hi how are you? Luke: Everything's fine. How about you? Joe: I'm good too Joe: Actually I wanted to ask you what are you doing on the last weekend of January? Luke: Man I have no idea Luke: It's February. Why? Joe: Me with a couple of friends are planning a small trip Luke: Cool, where? Joe: To Ukraine Luke: What? That doesn't sound like a small trip and it will be expensive Joe: No way! We've already the most part Luke: Didn't you hear that you have to wait about 6 hours on the border to check your pass? Joe: We're going by the train because it doesn't have to wait Luke: Okay and what do you want to do there Joe: Our destiny Is Kiev but then who knows? :D Luke: Cool I've heard a lot about that city and I would love to visit it Joe: So come with us! Luke: And what about the food? Eating in restaurants will be expensive and taking food in the train isn't a good idea a think Joe: You don't have to worry, my friend Leo was in Ukraine a half a year ago and will help us Luke: Okay I'll check when are my exams and goive you an answer by the end of the week Luke: Is that okay? Joe: Yeah of course no problem!
Joe is going to Kiev and the rest of Ukraine in January by train. His friend, Leo, will help him. Luke worries about the cost and immigration procedures. He will check his exam dates before giving an answer by the end of the week..
Harry: you free this afternoon? Karen: no, I've a job interview :) Harry: wow! good luck then! Karen: thanks, will need it! Harry: fingers crossed, let me know how it went!
Karen has a job interview this afternoon.
Dermi: What app do you spend most of your time on? Konnor: Youtube :P Dermi: What kind of videos do you watch? Konnor: I watch Liza Koshy Dermi: Send me the link of her channel Konnor: wait Dermi: k Konnor: <file_link>
Konnor spends most of his time on YouTube watching Liza Koshy's channel. Dermi wants a link to it.
Lilianne: <file_photo> Lilianne: thursday, 9pm, shineeeeeeeeeeeee Lilianne: who's in? Jeremy: i'm in gurl B-) Stephen: me too Stephen: we can meet earlier at my place, come in guys Josephine: sounds cool, but i'm afraid i can't go :/ Jeremy: why? Lilianne: ???? Josephine: i'm probably going home on thursday Josephine: my mum's sick, it's getting worse and i need to take care of know Stephen: that's bad...i hope she'll be ok and you'll stay Lilianne: yeah...keep us updated Josephine: i will Matthew: heeeey i'm in!!!! finally some party Matthew: i'm gonna get fucked up like never before Lilianne: ahahahahhha slow down Matt Jeremy: xDDDDD oh man Matthew: honesty first B-)
Lilianne, Jeremy, Stephen and Matthew are going to the party on Thursday at 9 PM. Josephine's mom is sick so she'll probably have to go home on Thursday.
Yonas: You flying home? JC: I wish JC: I have to find a ride Yonas: Wanna come with me? JC: You going to Calgs for xmas? Yonas: I am, my family is there already JC: Sure JC: I will give u gas money Yonas: np
Yonas is driving to Calgs for Christmas and can give JC a ride.
Gina: You & me swimming pool today? Rose: Sorry, babe, got my period :( I’m dying… Gina: :( Gina: Do you need anything? Soup? Tea? Blanket? Good company? Rose: <3 Thank you but I’d rather die alone :D Gina: How about a period playlist on Spotify? Rose: Are you kiddin me? You have one? Gimme! Gina: <other_file> Rose: This is perfect! All Ed Sheeran songs hahahah Luv ya!
Rose got her period so she cannot swim. Gina shared with Rose her period playlist on Spotify.
Gina: get flowers Hank: where the hell am i soppose to get flowers at this hour Gina: don't care Gina: get her flowers Hank: oh FML
Gina orders Hank to buy flowers.
Dora: Sorry Kev, I cant come to the party Dora: my moms ill and I need to look after Lucy:( Kev: Im sorry... But I see Lori: Oh, what a pity, Dora! Dora: :( Lori: Whats up with your mom? Dora: She has a fever, about 39 degrees, and a terrible cough Kev: thats too bad:( Lori: I hope she gets better soon! Give her my regards :* Dora: thanks!
Dora can't come to Kev's party. Her mum's ill and she has to take care of Lucy.
Danielle: just finished the last episode of house of cards, we can talk about it finally Haley: so? what do you think? Danielle: i am disappointed, it's just not the same without Kevin Spacey Haley: i know... they should not have kicked him out Danielle: yeah, I mean i liked how strongly they portrayed woman and everything but... something was missing Haley: not something - Frank Underwood was missing Danielle: agreed... it's really a shame, it was such a good show Haley: yeah, everyone just turned from fans straight to haters because of Frank's absence Danielle: totally justified lol Haley: ye, i am glad it's over ;) i would not stand another crappy season
Danielle and Haley are disappointed with the way "House of Cards" ended. They agree it was not the same without Kevin Spacey's character.
Leisha: So, how are you Zelda: Good, the first shower in 10 days, I’m in ecstasy xd Leisha: Yea, me too, I spend there like half an hour straight ;p Zelda: Me not that much, I wanted my bed too much ;d Leisha: Eh it was tough, but so great!! Zelda: Yes, now I know scouting is hardcore ;p Leisha: Do you think you’re going for the next camp? Zelda: I think so, yes, but now I just need to rest and do nothing for 3 days xp Leisha: Me too! Good thing theres no school Zelda: Yea that would kill us definitely, that’s why I’m concerned about the next one Leisha: What do you mean? Zelda: It’s in the winter and we will have classes right after coming back Leisha: Well my parents will let me not to go, to rest Zelda: Mine probably not ;/ Leisha: It sucks o.o But it’ll be cold, we’re not going to live in tents like this time??? Zelda: No, they always find some places, empty schools, government building or sth Leisha: Creepy ;p
Zelda and Leisha came back from a scout camp. They had their first shower in 10 days. They would like to go for the next camp, but their parents probably won't let them. In winter scouts don't sleep in tents but in empty schools or government buildings etc.
Gail: Y do u think that's ok? Julia: 'cause I know her. She was speaking in general and not about anyone in particular. Gail: Ru sure? Julia: Yeah. Actually, she has this friend on Facebook... Joanna, I think... Gail: Yes, she does :) Julia: Wow! Ur quick! Anyway, Joanna posts everything! And with pictures. As soon as she opens her eyes in the morning, she posts a good morning! And so on. Gail: Now she's really hooked on Facebook. Julia: Not only Facebook but all the hyped social media sites. Gail: Rly? Julia: Yeah. Gail: We'd never do that, right? Julia: Never :)
She has a friend, Joanna, who posts a lot on social media. Gail and Julia would never do that.
Amanda: I have lost my swimming costume!!!! Joiner: oh no!!!!! Amanda: I had it last week and now it's disappeared! Joiner: Have you got an old one? Amanda: maybe...let me look Joiner: If you can't find one we will have to go for a walk instead. Amanda: Ok, see you soon!!!
Amanda lost her swimming costume. If she can't find one, Joiner and she will go for a walk.
Gina: <file_photo> Gina: What do you think? Kate: Grab it! At that price it is an absolute bargain.
Kate wants Gina to buy it because it's cheap.
Tom: call back mum Richard: smth wrong? Tom: no, she just worries, call her
Richard is supposed to call Tom's mother.
Emily: Hey Jacob, are you UEFA final... Jacob: Obviously..Who would miss such a mtch.. Its a final.. Emily: Can you send me the link ... I can't find the streaming site.. Jacob: Sure.. <link> Emily: Thank you Jacob.. Who are you supporting by the way?? Jacob: Real Madrid of course.. Emily: I am supporting Liverpool... Jacob: Lets see who wins.. Emily: Lets see..
Jacob is sending Emily the streaming site for the UEFA final. Jacob is supporting Real Madrid. Emily is supporting Liverpool.
Ada: Hi, thank you very much for your feedback, I'm really grateful. where and when I can get it? Unfort, I don't have anything in exchange, but I can pay. Gigi: hello! I will be more than happy to give you a spath. You can get it under the address I gave you. When would you like to come? Ada: That's awesome! I coulde be tomorrow around noon, is it OK for you? Gigi: Perfect. I'm at home with a baby, almost all the time. Ada: Fantastic. I will be in touch and I'm gonna target 12:00 Gigi: See you then :)) Ada: (Y)
Ada will come to Gigi at about noon tomorrow to get a spath. Gigi is at home with a baby.
Thomas: I'm buying a ticket to Paris, when are you flying? Hunter: 26 Dec Evan: I am flying 27 Dec, I bought it quite late, there were no cheap flights on 26 any more Thomas: I've just found a flight for €25 Evan: shite! how? Thomas: skyscanner Evan: Ryanair? Thomas: of course Evan: ok, with the luggage etc, it will be more than 50 Thomas: yup, but still cheap
Hunter is flying to Paris on Dec 26th, Evan on the 27th. Thomas has found a 25€ flight for the 26th. It will cost more than 50 with luggage.
Camilla: wassup guuuuuuuuuys Domenico: <file_photo> Domenico: at work Cindy: just chillin Cindy: oh, Dom, you're working today? Domenico: yep, come in if you're free Camilla: well...actually it's a very good idea Domenico: you see B-) Cindy, how about you? Cindy: I'm coming as well! Camilla, 9pm? Camilla: yep
Camilla and Cindy will come to Domenico's work at 9 pm.
Doylan: Idk when to go home Doylan: I don't know if I should go out Friday or Saturday Beau: Hmm that is actually Beau: A tough decision to make Doylan: U think going home on Friday and Doylan: Coming back on Saturday for partying would be the best Beau: Idk bro Beau: But it sounds reasonable hahaha Doylan: XD
Doylan is wondering when he should party, and when to go home. He considers going home on Friday and partying on Saturday.
Jules: Hi there! Anna: Hey, I meant to contact you yesterday :) Anna: Any suggestions or preferences? Jules: are you talking about the birthday present? Anna: Yes :) Jules: elsa accessories would be ok Anna: great, thanks! Anna: and how are you doing these days? Jules: we're good thanks Jules: i've changed my working hours and now I only work 7hrs Anna: super! Jules: I can pick her up earlier and she isn't so tired Anna: sure Jules: And how are you doing? Anna: good, thanks Anna: I'm busy studying for the exam Anna: it's on Friday Jules: So soon? Anna: Yeah Jules: Ok, I don't want to distract you from studying ;) Jules: Good luck and be in touch, girl! Anna: Thanks, speak to you soon
According to Jules, Elsa accesories will make a good present. She works less now. Anna is preparing for the Friday's exam.
Matthew: Hello, boss, could you check your e-mail, please. Michael: I'm in a meeting, can it wait? Matthew: I'm afraid it's rather urgent. Mr. Nicholson demands that we change the whole design and get back to him ASAP. Michael: Is he serious?! Matthew: I know, but I need to answer him something. Michael: Wait, I'll contact him myself. Can you forward me his e-mail? Matthew: He's sent it to both of us. And he's already called me twice. Michael: Okay, then send me his phone number, I'll talk to him. Matthew: Alright, just give me a moment. Michael: Of course. Matthew: Okay, I sent you an SMS with his number. Michael: Thank you. And meanwhile I read his e-mail. How long would it take you to prepare something for him? Matthew: If Mary can help me, I think we should have something ready by tomorrow 2 p.m. Michael: Good, I'll tell him tomorrow EOD to be safe. But wait for confirmation before you start doing anything. I'll be calling him in a minute and then I'll get back to you. Matthew: Okay, thank you, boss!
Matthew needs Michael to respond to Mr. Nicholson's demand.
Thomas: well i hope you have some success :) Thomas: I bought a car on Wednesday! :) Geoff: you did what? Geoff: like real one? Geoff: for use in Ireland? Geoff: why would you do that? Thomas: just seemed like a good idea at the time Thomas: 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 Thomas: I feel like driving and I need to get my licence and everything and get practice so that if I want a job where I can work on call like in service desk on-call role then I don't have any issues with doing that Geoff: oh well Geoff: why not - on plus side - that car will work in UK as good as it works in Ireland Thomas: haha yeah I can take it to the UK and having driving licence will be helpful in future Thomas: anyway I'm going to bed, work tomorrow. nice to chat, speak soon xoxoxoxoxoxox Geoff: nn sweet prince
Thomas bought a 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 on Wednesday. He needs to get his licence and some practice to be able to work in service desk on-call role. The car works in the UK and in Ireland as well.
Thomas: Sir, we have a problem. Marshall: What is it? Thomas: We recorded an authorized access last night in the lab. Marshall: How’s that possible? Were all security systems on? Thomas: Yes, he knew the knew the access code to our mainframe, in such case systems may be disabled, but I have created my own system that informs me if something like that happens. Marshall: He? You know, who was it? Thomas: Broderick spencer, sir. Marshall: Him? Well, there will be a very interesting conversation between us, then I have to dismiss him. Thomas: Sir? You can’t tell ANYONE you know about it. Marshall: Why not? Thomas: Because then everyone will know I have this backup system, it’s illegal and strictly forbidden by my agreement. Marshall: Great, so why you’re giving me an information I can’t even use? Thomas: You can. You can control him closely, even spy on him let’s say and after he makes something like that again, boom, he’s imprisoned. Marshall: That would be a bit harsh… Thomas: But he will be an example for the others!! Marshall: It is true, of course… Thomas: I told you ; ) Marshall: OK, Mr. Penn, thank you for this information, you did a right thing. Thomas: Always here for you, sir :D Marshall: If it happens again, you know what to do. Thomas: Informing you immediately sir, I know : )
Thomas is informing Marshall that Broderick Spencer accessed the lab last night. Thomas doesn't want Marshall to talk to anyone about it as it'll turn out he has the backup system, which is forbidden by his agreement. Instead Marshall can control Broderick closely and even spy on him.
Rachel: Hi, how are you doing? Charlie: good, but super busy Rachel: are you in town? Charlie: no, in the US Rachel: wow, you travel all the time Charlie: This is my job Rachel: I envy you this life style Charlie: I worked long to be able to live like this Rachel: I know and you deserve it Rachel: Where in the US are you? Charlie: New York Rachel: My favourite city in the world Charlie: yes, it's amazing, I like it too Charlie: just crazily expensive Rachel: I know, I spend there 200$ per day usually Charlie: so one can't really stay too long in New York Rachel: until you earn 3000$ per month Charlie: Exactly Rachel: so when are you coming back? Charlie: in a week Rachel: great, so we have to go for a coffee! Charlie: we will!
Charlie is in New York. Rachel will see Charlie when he's back in a week.
Estrella: But I will try to get some job in lisbon for 2 months. So I would leave poland in july. Or at the end of June Maximilian: It's a great idea. Lisboa is loveliest between March and July. Estrella: If not, I will come to lisbon for min 2 weeks or even a month before going to faro Maximilian: Sounds good. Either way, we should hook up when we're there. It would be nice. Estrella: Sure! If I stay there just 2 weeks, I will probably stay at my friend's place in sintra. If I get any job, I will try to rent something in lisbon Maximilian: I never asked: how did your English test go? I recall doing it with you at the time. I'll probably stay at a place rented by my firm. Estrella: Yes I remembered it as well but I don't remember why I had to do that test 😂 It went very well though Maximilian: Sintra is one of my favourite places. Estrella: I prefer lisbon or cascais. A way closer to the river or the ocean Maximilian: I can believe that. I wouldn't live in Sintra -not now. But to visit. Estrella: Exactly Maximilian: I'm glad it went well. Estrella: :) Maximilian: It was fun doing it with you. You were very demanding but it was worth it! Haha Estrella: Hahahahhah Maximilian: It must have been important. Estrella: Yes it was Maximilian: So Im glad I helped a little. Estrella: But damn i don't remember why haha. You helped a lot ! :) Maximilian: Haha I have no idea either.
Estrella is going to try and get a job in Lisbon for 2 months commencing late June or July. When in Lisbon, Estrella will meet Maximilian. If Estrella does not get a job, she will come to Portugal anyway and stay in Sintra for 2 weeks then head to Faro.
Zoe: Hiii Sammy: NO Zoe: what? Sammy: you can't do that Zoe: :/
Too general; no specific info.