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Largest citiesMalanje ★ZungueZua CandangiZenguelZatulaZaflChinganecaA. DinizA. MoraisA. PassosA. PereiraAgostinho BaltazarAlangangaAldeia de Santa MariaAldeia FormosaAldeia MotaAleixoAlitoAndalaAndre CassuaAngola em LutaAnguiaAnibalAtacoAzevedoBacalaBagicaBailundoBaixo CahalaBalanca do GomaBalanga a MalengueBambiBamboBandaBande a HuiBandoBandolaBandulaBange VungeBango a NzenzaBangula SambaBanza CatecoBanza LunguiBarqueiroBataBegeBeira AltaBela VistaBemboBento CardosoBenzaBibiBimbiBingeBingueBissanzoBisseioBoa VistaBomboBondoBongoBragancaBritaBuacaBuaca Bento ia LungoBuaca CualeBuaca NzangoBualoBuca CoxiBuindaBula TadiBuloBulucaBulungoBumba CassambiBumba-LussechiBumbatumba de BaixoBumbatumba de CimaBunguloButaC.te ValodiaCabacaCabaca do SambaCabaca MuhongoCabadiCabalabalaCabanda de BaixoCabanda de CimaCabariCabatuquila PrimeiroCabatuquila SegundoCabemboCabengo PrimeiroCabengo SegundoCabeteleCabilaCabinganoCabissaCaboaCaboachCaboloboloCabolocaCabombo do ForteCabondeCabriaCabubiCabucoCacaCacatombaCachandilaCachangaCachimba quia CambalaCachindeCachingaCachingeCachingue PrimeiroCacocaCacolocaCacolongaCacomaCacongoCacualoCacuiCaculaCaculamaCacunhaCacuso de BaixoCadifeleCadilaCadissoCafetaCafuaCafumaCafumenessaCafundangaCafuxiCagiaCagingaCagizaCagiza de ZundoCahilaCahinha CamunuaCahinha CohambaCahongaCahongoCahuiCahuliCaibolaCaieCaingueloCainguilaCaingundoCainzuriCaiomboCaiongo TemboCaissacaCaissocoCajiaCajimbinzaCajingungoCajocotaCalabandeCalabolaCalaiCalaialaCalamboloCalandulaCalandula de BaixoCalangaCaleiaCaleleCalele de BaixoCalele de CimaCalepaCaliloCalocoCalogeCalolo NovoCalolo VelhoCalouaCalueCaluetoCalueto CacombaCalueto CambandeCaluhiCaluiaCaluigiCaluloCalumbiCalundanga de BaixoCalundanga de CimaCalunga NgunzaCalunganganaCaluocaCalussaCamabolCamacaCamachicaCamacoloCamacondecaCamacuaCamacunduaCamagiCamahachiCamahohoCamalaCamalanga CambaxiCamalendeCamaloloCamalongaCamalongoCamambomboCamana BandeCamana CamboCamana CassambaCamana IssangaCamana NgangaCamanacasaCamanhanguaCamanongueCamariCamassessaCamassocoCamataCamatangaCamatariCamatemoCamateteCamatoaCamavoCamaxalalaCambalaCambala CambombaCambalongoCambambeCambangoCambanveCambaumboCambaxiCambendeCambeuCambissa CatoleCambo CamanaCambo CambingueCamboboCamboloCambondoCambumbaCambumbeCambundi CatemboCambunzoCamburiCambutaCamelundaCamemeCameriaCamessoCamibacoCamiculaCamicusoCamiejiCamigoCamilendeCamiloloCaminucaCamisageCamissangaCamissochiCamissogeCamissoloCamitoboCamitobo de BaixoCamitobo de CimaCamitungoCamizalelaCamizombeCamizueCamoeiaCamonguaCamuangaCamuegiCamueia MuhunzoCamundendeCamundongoCamungoCamupiCamussocoriCanambuaCananduaCanboCandaCanda dia CocomaCanda ToquessaCandaelaCandalaCandangiCandendeCandenoCandjungoCandombeCandongoCandumbaCandumboCanengueCangalaCangandalaCangandoCangangaCangeCangilaCangindongoCangingo ValodiaCangolondoCangombeCangongaCangongoCangueleCanguenheCanguilimaCangundo NdomboCanguriCanhanguloCanhicaCanhocaCanhoegiCanhongoCanjeCanondeCanutoCanvucaCanzagiCanzaigeCanzenzeCapalassaCapassa CamboCapassa IssangaCapataz LinhaCapechiCapeengueCapelaCapelongoCapembeCapembe PrimeiroCapendaCapilaCapocaCapucoCapundaCaputoCaquemaCaquiengueCardosoCariaiCarianecaCarianga CapinganaCaricaCarimaCariovaCarivaCasagiCasalCasas NovasCasola CamboCaspatoCassalalaCassamabaCassambaCassambeleCassangi CanzagiCassanzaCassanze QuingunzaCasseco-SecoCassefoCassegueCassembeleCassemoCassendaCassenoCassequeleCassocaCassongue PrimeiroCassongue SegundoCassonheCassucinaCassucoCassuleCassule CandalaCassule CangongaCassule CatembaCassunsoCastembalaCasteveCatala BingaCatala CangonguaCatala Canjinga NovaCatala Canjinga VelhaCatapetaCatariCatataCateaCatecaCateco CangolaCatelaCatembeleCatenda do CeuCatenda do MeioCatepaCateteCatingaCatobuelaCatochiCatocoCatoiCatombaCatombe NovoCatovoCatucaCatugiCatumbo CambingueCatuquilaCaturi PrimeiroCaturi SegundoCatutaCatuta de BaixoCatuta de CimaCatutoCatuvaCauaaCauacoCauahaCauassaCauhendaCauimaCauissoCaumbiCaungaCavamboCavangoCavembaCavulaCavulamitaCaxiCaxiboCaxindeCaxingaCaxingeCaxingueCaxito CameiaCazacaCazamaCazanga PrimeiroCazanga SegundoCazenze QuinjicaCazuaCazumbalaCazundoCeciloCeuCha CalumboCha CaringaCha QuiumboCha SambaChacaleiaChafanaChamucabucaChamudieChavangoChefe-ia-BombaChibacaChicambaChicongoChicuatiChiculoChifulegiChigiChiguicaChilambaChiminhaChingandoChinganecaChingangoChingovoChinguicaChipelengaChiquitaChirimbimbiChitanguaChiuauaChiuendeChivangeCibangaCicaloCimangaCimanha (Pedro Mufuma)CindaCindandiCiqueleCirimCochi ia ZalaCojaneneCojeColaColameneColeCole PrimeiroCole SegundoCole TerceiroColiColo LuingaColonato do NgangassoleColongoColucoCombaComba CaluetoCombatenteConjunjoConzeCoradoCosso CapembeCotaCovuca NovoCovuca VelhoCoxiCrioeCruzCualeCubangoCuboiaCucumbeCufunaCui ia LuambaCui ia MiangoCuia MazauCuicaCulamagiaCulamuxitoCumbissaCunda BanzaCunda dia BazeCunda Ria-BazaCungambangoCungoCungueCuqueCuramagiaCurindiCutequeCuto CubungoCuvoCuzuaDala CaomboDalacaxiriDalachilaDalangoDalavungeDalissassaDambaDamba QuitambaDambiDambi-CassambiDamboDeiaDembueDeminaDeolindaDiamaDiangaDiangombeDianzeDiataDimbaDingaDitariDiuilaDiva PrimeiroDiva SegundoDocaDombo CatandalaDomingosDomingos AgostinhoDomingos da CantinaDomingos ZundoDoriDumba a TemboDumba CambangoDumba MuhondoDumba NgongeDundaDundoDungaDungoEboElegeEmiseteErmoFacoFamorosaFazenda A. GasparFazenda Bela VistaFazenda Bom JardimFazenda CamilungoFazenda CamonguaFazenda CanguenheFazenda FernandesFazenda GomesFazenda GriloFazenda J. TeixeiraFazenda JerusalemFazenda LenaFazenda LuteteFazenda LuxiloFazenda MalheiroFazenda Manuel GasparFazenda ProgressoFazenda RicardinaFazenda TeixeiraFazenda Tres MariasFequissaFerroFilipe RibeiroFinaFiquissaFocolaForcaFrancisco ChilumbaFucaFucoleFumbaFumbucaFungoGamboGanacaingaGanangombeGangagonaGangassolGangoGangueiraGasper AbelGazelaGiculaGihaGimbaGimboGindongoGingi ia QuissuaGingi QuinguanguaGinguicaGioGogeGola MuingaGola-FugeGoleGolomboleGombe-ia-TumbaGongoGorilaGracaGraniinha ActividadeGuengoGuidaGuilarGuineGuireGundaGunjeGunzaGunza-MuanhaGuriHafaHangaHeji ia NgombeHeleHele PezoHelegi de CimaHendaHengaHojeHojiHolo dia HoxiHomboHongoHopaHoqueHui-CaculoHuiahongoHuihuaHulo CangombeHumbiHungaIandaIango ia ColoIcoloIenguiImbondeiroInacioIrimboJ. CorreiaJandoJesus PedroJingaJinga CamboJinga MuingaJinga MutueJingamboJoao DiasJoao JoaquimJoao MarinhoJoao MuhongoJoao NgulomeJoaquim AlexandraJose ArrobaJungoJungo ia CucaJuntaLambaLaondaLembaLengeLimaLivuriLizoLogeLombeLongaLongoLualeLuambandoLucala NgongaLuchilo de BaixoLuchilo de CimaLucianoLuegeLuegiLufugicaLuhandaLuhangueLumaLumbo MedileLunguiLunjeLuquemboLuquinjeLussunguaLutauLutuegiLutulaLuvuriLuxiloLuzemboMabaca-SamboMabangoMacageiaMacala CalembaMacala QuissuquiMacandaMacariMachindaMachindeMachinde LuteteMacondeMacongoMacubaMacumbaMacuriMacutoMadele ia SendaMafumaMagilaMahambalaMahengi AssambaMahomboMaiaialaMajor CanhanguloMalamboMalanjeMaluandaMalungo de BaixoMalungo de CimaMaluvo a NgongaManaMangandoMangando do PovoMangoMangombalaMangombala CapeleManguanguaMangumbaMangumbalaMangumboManjondoManuel CubindamaMaquinaMarcoMarimbaMarimba NguengoMarimba NzenzaMassacaMassacreMassambaMassango QuizemboMassanzaMassassaMassengoMassesseMassolaMatagungaMatandalaMateusMateus MotaMatombeMauezeMaundoMavalalaMavangaMavoMazabanaMazambangoMazengoMbamba CotonangMbandiMbange NgolaMbangiMbangi VelhoMbanja MudiliMbegeMbendjelaMbendo CassalalaMbimbe a TemboMbimbiMbindangoMbinga PrimeiroMbinga SegundoMbingue a MboloMbingue a TumboMbingue AluetoMbingue MutaMbondo AlungaMbongoMbucoMbuiMbulo AtumbaMbulungoMbundaMbundiMburiMcojeMedile a BangaMeia PuingueMela AntigaMela NovaMelabaMelazaMeloMendoncaMenhaMenha a NzambiMessaregeMeterangueseMicessaMicoloMicongoloMicumbaMidiliMilandoMiquiriquiriMiringueMissao do ZengueleMisseteMissongoMissoxeMitoceMitundoMjangoMoaMocamedesMocundiMofumaMoiaMolaMolundoMombulaMonheMonzoMonzo MuculoMua MungoaMualaMuamungoaMuamuxindaMuanda CandaMuandangoMuandumbaMuanguaMuanhaMuanha CassangiMuanha MuchicaMuanha QuicassaMuassongaMuatchiheheMuatchissengueMuatiMuauelelaMubaleMubandaMubetoMubeto TomboMucamboMucandeMucariMucassaMucelegiMuchicaMucocaMucocoMucoloMucombiMucondaMucondoMucongoMuconzoMucuanhaMucucuigiMucuicheMucuichiMucula a NgolaMuculugiMucumbaMudigeMudigiMudiquixiMueleleMuelequeteMuendaMuene MuiloMuene NchambaMuenga CuanzaMuengoMufongoMufuma CambunzeMufuma SelelaMugindoMuhanda CungaMuhanga CanonaMuheMuhondoMuhongo QuinguanguaMuhongo ua MuanhaMuhungoMuhunguaMuhunzoMuingaMuizaMulangeMulangiMulendiMulendoMulingaMuloMulondoMulumbaMulumbilaMumbidiMuna MaialaMundaMundalaMundambiMundendeMundondoMundundeMunhanoMunhebaMunzangalaMuongoMupolo CagingaMuquixeMussaboMussalala PrimeiroMussalala SegundoMussalala TerceiroMussambaMusselo a TemboMussendelequeMussendoMusserengoMussoloMussongoMussonzoMussungoMutaMuta CamboMuta ManaMuta MbandiMuta MbingueMutaluquilaMutandaMutatulaMutembaMutengueMutoboMutongaMutotoMutuangandoMutuanguengoMutumbaMutumboMutumbua MutrombetaMuxi a CucoMuxibeMuxixiMuzambaMuzocoloN'GoloN'GuriNambuaNavioNbongeNdala CabuilaNdala CalungaNdala CalunguiNdala CamboNdala CanhangueNdala CatuculaNdala CuanzaNdala GanzaNdala LuambaNdala Maquita PrimeiroNdala Maquita SegundoNdala MatabaNdala MedileNdala MutaNdala NdungeNdala NgongoNdala NvungiNdala QuetaNdala QuiangaNdala TumbaNdala TumboNdalangoNdalango NzambaNdalango QuizangaNdalanhongaNdambiNdambi ia QuimaNdambi ia SambaNdembo ia CuiNdembueNdendeNdengueNdomboNdombo EstradaNdongoNduaNdumbaNdumba TemboNdungiNessa PrimeiroNessa SegundoNevesNgana MbungoNgana MuchibiNganangombeNgandeleNgando CalombaNgando Tembo NovoNgando Tembo VelhoNgangaNgangassole PrimeiroNgangassole SegundoNgioNgola CaniniNgola IfungiNgola IotaNgola LuquissaNgola MbandiNgola MuingaNgola MungoNgola NdambiNgola NetoNgola NhiangueNgola QuiluangeNgolombaleNgolomeNgolome-VelhoNgoma TemboNgombe ia TumbaNgombiNgonda Mbande e MahoneNgondoNgonga CanhongoNgonga LengueNgonga MbandiNgonga MilongaNgonga NdalaNgonga NgueliaNgonga NguihoNgonga XiloNgongua MuanhaNgongueloNgotchioNguanguaNguiri CambondeNguiri CazomboNguiri ia CapessaNgulia MuxitoNguloNgulo a MboloNgululoNgumaNgumba a SendaNgundoNgungaNgunga PalangaNgunza CamboNgunza ComboNgunza GuimaraesNgunza ia QuibunaNgunza ManaNgunza MuanhaNguvuloNhaengoNhanga CajizaNhangueNhangue-ia-CuloNhataNhocaNjungo de BaixoNjungo de CimaNoleNuma MonzaNumbafoNvulaNvungiNvungi a MbandoNzage CamutendaNzamba CavulamitaNzamba de BaixoNzamba MuculoNzamba SequeiraNzambangoNzambi ia PungoNzandaNzanguiNzariNzeuNzeu NovoNzeu VelhoNzinga MbandiNzongaNzongoNzongo CaiangaNzonzoNzundo SalvadorNzungueOlecaOleca CamungoOmuangaP. HenriquesPacacaPachecoPaiolPaisPalancaPalanca ChifundoPalanga MixingaPambalaPangatePapelaPapelePapo SecoPara SemprePassagemPauloPaxePecarPedro MussambaPedro UloPegadoPegado de CimaPembangangaPenza MalamboPereiraPipa NemaPocoPoloPomboPrimeiro de MaioPuicaPundiPungo AndongoQuarto de FevereiroQuatro de FevereiroQuebelaQuelaQuembaQuembeQuengaQuengololaQuenguejeQuetangangaQueveQuiabembaQuiahalaQuiamachicaQuiambataQuiambaxiQuiandaQuiandongoQuianecoQuiangombeQuiaulaQuibabaQuibalanganzaQuibaleQuibaloQuibangaQuibauQuibembaQuiboaQuibuabuaQuibuangomaQuibubaQuibuco GiputoQuibuco QuiamboleQuibuco QuiangingiQuibuengueleQuibumoQuibusquisputoQuicalaQuicamba quia TecaQuicandaQuicassaQuicassa QuissuaQuicatumuaQuicequeQuichimaQuichinga MbambiQuichungaQuiciataQuicuangaQuicuca NovoQuicuca VelhoQuiculangoQuicundoQuicunga NunoQuicussoQuicutoQuidanguilaQuididiQuididi quia CombaQuifucussaQuigingiQuiglbaQuihingaQuihombaQuihuhiQuihuhuQuihungaQuilamba QuiaxiQuilangiQuilomboQuiluangiQuiluangi CambalaQuiluangi quia NgomaQuiluigiQuilundulaQuimaQuima MauegiQuimacoQuimanaQuimbacheQuimbalaQuimbala MbanjiQuimbalambangeQuimbango quia MutumbaQuimbangomaQuimbilaQuimbisseQuimbondoQuimbumbaQuimbungoQuimecanzaQuimessesseQuimomaQuimozengoQuimuezoQuimuginga do CuangoQuindala CussaQuindondaQuindongoQuinduaQuingaQuingaregeQuingeQuingilaQuingila Primeiro (Cota)Quingila SegundoQuingingiQuingoma CamilandoQuingombeQuinguanguaQuinguangua PrimeiroQuinguengeQuinguengueQuinguloQuingunjeQuinguri QuiabanguelaQuinhanguaQuinjeQuinjicaQuinoQuinuahojiQuinzovoQuinzunzoQuiocundoQuiojeQuionguaQuipanda MangaQuipangeQuipingueQuipipaQuipungoQuiquendeQuiriassaQuiriataQuirimaQuirimacagiQuirimbaQuirindaQuiringeQuirirQuirireQuissaiQuissambaQuissandaQuissandandoQuissanga ia TecaQuissanga MbandeQuissangiQuissangoQuissaoQuissaquinaQuissenoQuissenzeleQuissolQuissoleQuissondoQuissuaQuissua CulaQuissua QuiemucheQuissuacacaQuissumuaQuitacaQuitacoQuitaiQuitala MbanzaQuitala-BanzaQuitambiQuitavelaQuitecaQuitembaQuitexiQuitololaQuitotaQuitubico PrimeiroQuitubico SegundoQuitumba quia CassangiQuitutaQuituxiQuiuaQuiuaba NzogiQuiuaiangaQuiuecaQuiuloQuiungaQuivotaQuivuangoQuivudissaQuixingeQuixocaQuizambaQuizanga BananeiraQuizombaQuizuaQuizuculaRampaRenleRiangaRimbaRio CeuRio CuangoRitondoRuteSabimassaSacaSacaiaSacambeiaSacambiembiaSacambinzaSacandongoSacapasseSacassamboSacolaSacongoSacueiSafaSaiapaSaiassuaSaivengaSalazarSaluzimaSamacaSamacundiSamaiembaSamba CaieSamba CangoSamba NgombeSamba SendaSambanjeSambiSambumbaSamessumbaSametutoSamezundoSaminguengueSamoaSamomaSampaio DiogoSampaio EboSamuabaSamuacaSamuandiSamuelSamunungaSamutimaSandalaSandangoSandongoSanga PandeSangiSangolungoSanguloSanhinguineSanzanzaSao TomeSao TomistaSassiabalaSassondeSatchicutaSatchindeleSatembaSatocaSatrezaSautarSebastiaoSecoSecucaSelecaSeque-SequeSessaSiboloboloSicangiSiconhaSicuamaSicutaSifiroSifundaSilomboSimangaSimbangoSinaiSinendeleSingombeSingombiSingongoSingulaSinguloSinhangaSinongueSinzoleSiocaSioioSipundoSissomboSiuisseSivuteSizambaSoba MundoSocola PrimeiroSocola SegundoSolalaSolarSomboSonaSonheSoquessaSossoSuanda NguandaSuangaSucoSuecaSuingueSumbulaSungingiSungueTacaTala MungongoTambelaTanguaTchahumaTchamaengoTchambambeTchamujibaTchicunheTchihungaTchimangaTchimbindiTchindingoTchingongoTchinhanaTchipacaTchititoTchitongoTeca dia MatambaTeca dia MbandeTeca dia NdalaTeca dia QuicassaTeca dia QuindaTeca dia QuinguanguaTeixeiraTembaTemboTembo AlumaTendaTendoTerra Nova do QuizengaTiangulungoTindaTintaTitoTocaTochiTomaTombaTombeTondi CurindiTongoToquessaToxeTua dia CamboTualungoTubaTulumbaTumaTumbaTunda CalelamoTunda CamizaiTunda CatulaTunda CuicaTunda dia MolaTungo ia TenaTunguicaTurigeTxicunheUassunguaUemanaUloUlo CassambaUtendeUtomboValussengueVascoVianaVila MatildeVila NovaVoanvoalaVulambongoVulangombeVulangombe de CimaVunda dia ButaVungeVunjeXamessangaXandelXangaXilaXimbengueXinganecaXingomboXirimbimbiXissaXitaXixilaZaflZageZaila NgolaZambelaZandaZangulaZanzecaZatulaZecoZelaZenguelZenguele QuimucoZingoZolessaZombaZongaZongoZongo AmbelaZua CandangiZumbungoZumoZundiZundoZundo CamboloZundo CariangaZungueZuzoZuzo CatandoZuzo Macolo | 69e312dd80fc4bdb745e0f60891079169b0e5664b3fa1bc116e2a67b64915469 | 556 | 14,109 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 |
G a l e r ía M u n i c i p a l d e A r te P a n c h o F i e r r o P a s a j e S a nt a R o s a 114, Pl a z a d e A r m a s / Ce nt r o H i s tó r i co d e L i m a , Pe r ú d e l 29 d e m a y o a l 29 d e j u n i o d e 2014 B i e n a l d e F o to g r a f í a d e L i m a 2014 | 1b505b5a15bb96149584c1c97ebc0e6ccefbd79cc7a093536910def93343edd6 | 127 | 148 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7.09 | 18 |
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Clarissa Bancroft bedding set, 2017-08-19 07:16:03. When designing an informal bedroom or a styled room, country bedding is usually a great choice. The bedding shows the geometric outlines and shades that adjust well for most decors, but can also stand by itself as part of a theme. When used appropriately the bedding provides a lifetime memory of relaxation and character. The bedding is available in a vast variety of designs. They have a common style of colour and comfort. The bedding uses the conventional shades of the common comforters and bedding manufactured in the Southwest. You'll find a selection of bedding that is consisting mainly of unique earthen tones that have dark or dark crimson features. This bedding gives a person with the experience that they have moved back in time and are in a comfy room and home. | ce18f30c1914d6e21ca4cd9cbff7d1993868e6baa3d03f616cda7ad072d11b0c | 139 | 690 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.44 | 9 |
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UNkulunkulu ubona ngale kwengqikithi yomuntu. Emazwini kaNkulunkulu, uNkulunkulu ubonakala “ehlushwe” kakhulu umuntu kangangokuba akasenalo nothando lokuqhubeka nokunaka umuntu, ngisho nethemba elincane kuye; umuntu, kubonakala sengathi, akafanelwe yinsindiso. “Ngibone abantu abaningi bekhala izinyembezi zehla ezihlathini zabo, futhi ngibone abantu abaningi benikela izinhliziyo zabo ukuze bathole ingcebo Yami. Ngaphandle kwalobo ‘bungcwele’ angikaze nginikele konke okwami ngokukhululekileyo kumuntu ngenxa yokufikelwa ukufisa ngokushesha ngoba umuntu akaze azimisele ngentokozo ukuzinikela phambi Kwami.” Lapho uNkulunkulu embula imvelo yomuntu, umuntu uba namahloni ngaye, kodwa lokhu kumane nje kuwulwazi olukha phezulu, futhi akakwazi ukwazi ngempela imvelo yakhe emazwini kaNkulunkulu; ngalokho, abantu abaningi abayiqondi intando kaNkulunkulu, ngeke bathole indlela yempilo yabo emazwini kaNkulunkulu, futhi lapho beba yiziwula ngokwengeziwe, kuyilapho uNkulunkulu ebahleka kakhulu ngokwengeziwe. Ngalokho, ngokungazi bangena endimeni yomuntu onamancoko— futhi ngokwalokho, bazazi bona njengoba begwazwa “inkemba ethambile.” Amazwi kaNkulunkulu abonakala ehalalisela izenzo zomuntu, futhi ekhuthaza izenzo zomuntu—kodwa abantu njalo banomuzwa wokuthi uNkulunkulu uyabahleka. Ngakho, lapho befunda amazwi kaNkulunkulu, imisipha esebusweni babo idikiza njalo, njengokungathi bayadlikiza. Lokhu ukungcola konembeza babo, futhi kungenxa yalokhu bedikiza bengathandi. Ubuhlungu babo yilobo obubenza bafune ukuhleka kodwa bangakwazi—bafune ukukhala kodwa bangakwazi, ngokuba ubuwula babantu buvulelwe ngesilawuli-kude “se-VCR,” kodwa abakwazi ukuyicima, futhi okuwukuphela abangakwenza ukubekezela. Nakuba “ukugxila emazwini kaNkulunkulu” kushunyayelwa ngakho phakathi nayo yonke imihlangano yabasebenzisanayo, ubani ongayazi imvelo yamaqanda kadrako omkhulu obomvu? Ebusweni, balalela njengamawundlu, kodwa lapho befulathela banesihluku njengezimpisi, okubonakala emazwini kaNkulunkulu athi “abantu abaningi bangithanda ngobuqotho uma nje ngibanikeza amazwi Ami, kodwa abawazisi amazwi Ami emiphefumulweni yabo, kunalokho bawasebenzisa nje sengathi yimpahla yomphakathi bawajikijele lapho evele khona noma yinini uma sebethanda.” Kungani uNkulunkulu emdalule njalo umuntu? Lokhu kubonisa ukuthi imvelo endala yomuntu ayikaze iguquke ngisho nakancane. NjengeNtaba iTaishan, ivelele ezinhliziyweni zabantu abayizigidi zamakhulu, kodwa usuku luzofika lapho uYu Gong eyisusa leyo ntaba, futhi lolu uhlelo lukaNkulunkulu. Emazwini Akhe, akukho lapho uNkulunkulu engenzi khona izindinganiso zomuntu, exwayisa umuntu, noma edalula imvelo ebonakaliswa ekuphileni kwakhe: “Uma umuntu eqhelile Kimi, futhi engilinga, ngiyazifihla kuye emafwini. Ngenxa yalokho, akakwazi nokuthola umkhonjwana nje Wami, aphile nje ngesandla somubi, enze konke lokho akucelayo.” Eqinisweni, abantu abavamile ukuba nethuba lokuphila ebukhoneni bukaNkulunkulu, ngenxa yokuthi banesifiso esincane kakhulu sokufuna; ngokwalokho, nakuba abantu abaningi bethanda uNkulunkulu, baphila ngaphansi kwesandla somubi, futhi konke abakwenzayo kuqondiswa omubi. Ukube abantu bebephila ngempela ekukhanyeni kukaNkulunkulu, befuna uNkulunkulu ngaso sonke isikhathi nsuku zonke, besingeke sibe khona isidingo sokuba uNkulunkulu akhulume ngale ndlela, akunjalo? Lapho abantu bebeka imibhalo eceleni, ngokushesha babeka uNkulunkulu eceleni kanye nencwadi, ngakho bazinakela izinto zabo siqu, ngemva kwalokho uNkulunkulu anyamalale ezinhliziyweni zabo. Kodwa lapho bephinda bethatha incwadi, babona masinyane ukuthi babeke uNkulunkulu ngemva kwemiqondo yabo. Injalo ke impilo yomuntu “ongenayo inkumbulo.” Lapho uNkulunkulu ekhuluma ngokwengeziwe, amazwi Akhe aphakama kakhulu. Lapho efinyelela eqophelweni eliphezulu, wonke umsebenzi uyaphethwa, futhi ngenxa yalokho, uNkulunkulu uyawamisa amazwi Akhe. Isimiso uNkulunkulu asebenza ngaso ukuba aphethe umsebenzi Wakhe lapho ufinyelela eqophelweni lawo eliphezulu; akaqhubeki esebenza lapho ufinyelela eqophelweni lawo eliphezulu, kodwa uyama masinyane. Akawenzi umsebenzi ongenasidingo. | ed660706aca37e02a510531dd32e7309310113ee5f329f25b735cd7b15bf112c | 465 | 3,629 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
with cloud computing driving a higher percentage of enterprise it budgets every year, it becomes increasingly important to plant your flag in this fast--expanding business opportunity. submit your speaking proposal ...apr. 30, 2017 02:45 am edt reads: 1,746[session] juniper networks' digital cohesionby carmen gonzalezthe age of digital disruption is evolving into the next era – digital cohesion, an age in which applications securely self--assemble and deliver predictive services that continuously adapt to user behavior. information from devices, sensors and applications around us will drive services seamlessly across mobile and fixed devices/infrastructure. this evolution is happening now in software defined services and secure networking. four key drivers – performance, economics, interoperability and trust ...apr. 30, 2017 01:45 am edt reads: 1,074collabnet named ""bronze sponsor"" cloud expo nyby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that collabnet, a global leader in enterprise software development, release automation and devops solutions, will be a bronze sponsor of sys--con's 20th international cloud expo®, taking place from june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. collabnet offers a broad range of solutions with the mission of helping modern organizations deliver quality software at speed. the company’s latest innovation, the devops lifecycle manager (dlm), supports value s...apr. 30, 2017 01:15 am edt reads: 1,450[session] iot data, fog and edge computingby yeshim denizwith billions of sensors deployed worldwide, the amount of machine--generated data will soon exceed what our networks can handle. but consumers and businesses will expect seamless experiences and real--time responsiveness. what does this mean for iot devices and the infrastructure that supports them? more of the data will need to be handled at -- or closer to -- the devices themselves.apr. 30, 2017 12:15 am edt reads: 1,196[slides] webrtc for the iotby elizabeth whiteweb real--time communication apis have quickly revolutionized what browsers are capable of. in addition to video and audio streams, we can now bi--directionally send arbitrary data over webrtc's peerconnection data channels. with the advent of progressive web apps and new hardware apis such as webbluetooh and webusb, we can finally enable users to stitch together the internet of things directly from their browsers while communicating privately and securely in a decentralized way. apr. 29, 2017 11:15 pm edt reads: 9,241how to build and scale an iot platform by carmen gonzalezin his keynote at @thingsexpo, chris matthieu, director of iot engineering at citrix and co--founder and cto of octoblu, focused on building an iot platform and company. he provided a behind--the--scenes look at octoblu’s platform, business, and pivots along the way (including the citrix acquisition of octoblu).apr. 29, 2017 10:45 pm edt reads: 1,814iot: how to handle all this data ‘power panel'by liz mcmillanmultiple data types are pouring into iot deployments. data is coming in small packages as well as enormous files and data streams of many sizes. widespread use of mobile devices adds to the total. in this power panel at @thingsexpo, moderated by conference chair roger strukhoff, panelists will look at the tools and environments that are being put to use in iot deployments, as well as the team skills a modern enterprise it shop needs to keep things running, get a handle on all this data, and deli...apr. 29, 2017 10:30 pm edt reads: 2,778grapeup to exhibit at cloud expo silicon valleyby yeshim denizgrape up is a software company, specialized in cloud native application development and professional services related to cloud foundry paas. with five expert teams that operate in various sectors of the market across the usa and europe, we work with a variety of customers from emerging startups to fortune 1000 companies.apr. 29, 2017 10:15 pm edt reads: 2,603fintech @cloudexpo new york at javits centerby elizabeth whitefinancial technology has become a topic of intense interest throughout the cloud developer and enterprise it communities. | 0a489731d879712175812298644dd3dfd1bc3fb41f5f6291df31ea925a53a2dc | 626 | 3,516 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.638978 | 4.95 | 11 |
this post examines what fast monitoring means, and explains how incident management teams can implement this approach to realize great benefits.feb. 20, 2017 07:45 am est reads: 893megatrend of artificial intelligence updateby bob gourleyartificial intelligence is the discipline of thinking machines. the field is growing dramatically with the proliferation of high powered computers into homes and businesses and especially with the growing power of smartphones and other mobile devices. artificial intelligence software is assisting people in most every discipline. the many functions of ai are considered by many to be threatening many human jobs across multiple industries, but others consider it a great producer of jobs since it will help create entirely new industries and free more humans to innovate and create.feb. 19, 2017 08:00 pm est reads: 1,316modernize your data center with vcloud by allwyn sequeiracloud computing is here to stay. the agility and scalability of the cloud model – as well as its ability to transform up--front capital expenditures into flexible operating expenditures – are too compelling to ignore. for cios in organizations of all sizes, the question is no longer whether to take advantage of the cloud … but how. unfortunately, that question isn't as easy to answer as it might sound. not all cloud providers are created equal. different vendors offer different features, terms and service levels. and once you engage with one vendor, it can be difficult to change your mind down...feb. 19, 2017 07:15 pm est reads: 1,561futurescape: worldwide cloud 2017 predictionsby antonella cornocloud usage continues to gain momentum across all industries. in a recent futurescape: worldwide cloud 2017 predictions report, idc predicted that between 60 percent and 70 percent of all software, services and technology spending will be on the cloud by 2020. with this increase in cloud usage comes a corresponding need for employees with cloud skills. supply has not kept pace with demand, however. the state of cloud readiness study 2016 found that 53 percent of it leaders are struggling to acquire the necessary skills to support cloud initiatives within their organizations, while almost hal...feb. 19, 2017 06:30 pm est reads: 1,752hospital operations and advanced data scienceby leantaas blogone minute of utilized operating room (or) time can be worth more than $70 in revenue and one minute of staffed or time can cost $50 or more, making underutilized or time a huge problem. each year, roughly 51 million surgeries are performed in the 5,000+ hospitals and 5,000+ surgery centers in the u.s. mgma estimates that the corresponding utilization of operating rooms across these centers is, at best, 55--60 percent.feb. 19, 2017 05:00 pm est reads: 1,282[slides] iot business value with data scienceby elizabeth whiteyou think you know what’s in your data. but do you? most organizations are now aware of the business intelligence represented by their data. data science stands to take this to a level you never thought of – literally. the techniques of data science, when used with the capabilities of big data technologies, can make connections you had not yet imagined, helping you discover new insights and ask new questions of your data. in his session at @thingsexpo, sarbjit sarkaria, data science team lead at phemi, discussed how data science is changing our ideas of what’s possible with data, using examp...feb. 19, 2017 05:00 pm est reads: 8,030[session] iot data, fog and edge computingby elizabeth whitewith billions of sensors deployed worldwide, the amount of machine--generated data will soon exceed what our networks can handle. but consumers and businesses will expect seamless experiences and real--time responsiveness. what does this mean for iot devices and the infrastructure that supports them? more of the data will need to be handled at -- or closer to -- the devices themselves.feb. 19, 2017 05:00 pm est reads: 1,631snow, backup, disaster recovery and continuityby mark campbelli work from boston 4 days a week and we're in the middle of a blizzard. (note: i commute to boston. i live 4 days a week at unitrends' boston/burlington offices and 3 days a week at unitrends' columbia south carolina offices. so it's fair to note that given my south carolina roots that a single snowflake could cause a massive panic attack. nevertheless, i think winter storm niko is a fairly big deal even to folks who have lived their whole lives in the northeast.) it reminds me of all of the winter--related disasters i've seen since i joined unitrends.feb. 19, 2017 04:00 pm est reads: 1,171data industry and business model transformation by william schmarzoi recently read an mit sloan management review article by clayton christensen’s recent book titled “the hard truth about business model innovations.” while the article is full of great observations about business model transformation, the most important motivation for business model transformation is found at the end: “..our understanding of the business model journey allows us to see that, over the long term, the greatest innovation risk a company can take is to decide not to create new businesses that decouple the company’s future from that of its current business units.”feb. 19, 2017 12:00 pm est reads: 1,812seven secrets of cloud expo's top speakersby carmen gonzalezwith 10 simultaneous tracks, keynotes, general sessions and targeted breakout classes, cloud expo and @thingsexpo are two of the most important technology events of the year. since its launch over eight years ago, cloud expo and @thingsexpo have presented a rock star faculty as well as showcased hundreds of sponsors and exhibitors! in this blog post, i provide 7 tips on how, as part of our world--class faculty, you can deliver one of the most popular sessions at our events. but before reading these essential tips, please take a moment and watch this brief video from sandy carter.feb. 19, 2017 10:45 am est reads: 7,856 | 4c7766bb46477dad4f2ef3f7a7f77827c39a1c28b3b5350160709f62a46534e7 | 956 | 5,049 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.41841 | 5.75 | 15 |
NOKULUNGA NGOBESE >>nokulungan@myecho.co.za IN just a month since schools have reopened in the prov ince, violence seems to be on the rife with separate stab bing incidents at Mehlokazulu and KwaMncane high schools recently. At Mehlokazulu, it is alleged that a group of pupils who had been involved in faction fighting in their areas took the fight school. SAPS spokesperson, Captain Thu lani Zwane, said that a 19 yearold victim was stabbed on the school premises during lunch break. “Two suspects, Mthobisi Shezi (18) and Sbongiseni Shezi (23), appeared in the magis trate’s court last Monday . The situation is under police control at this stage,” he said. In a similar incident, a 24 year old man was stabbed in his back on Wednesday, fol lowing an argument between two pupils from KwaMncane High School. A pupil, who did not want to be identified, said the two pupils had been drinking, and started fighting. During school break, the one went out and came back with knives that had been hidden in the bush es. Several boys who were not students also showed up, and lured a group of pupils outside the school premises, where one of them was stabbed. Zwane said their de tectives are investigating the incident. He said a case of assault had been opened and that a 24yearold man was stabbed in his back by the suspect. “The incident took place outside the school premises and the victim is not a pupil. No arrests have been made,” he said. KwaZulu Natal Department of Educa tion spokesperson Sihle Mlot shwa said “This is a societal problem which extends to our schools.We ask societies to ensure that our communities are safe and free from vio lence. If we can tackle this is sue at a societal level, we will not find this problem at our schools. We urge all stake holders including parents, to work with the department in curbing these incidents.” | e09be75fdcd36e9ba0bf3c1ccb7802a8a0ef549a14d3007704fb2be91d053f38 | 323 | 1,549 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.55 | 11 |
5 umose wabiza wonke u--israyeli+ wathi kuye: “o israyeli, yizwa iziqondiso nezinqumo zokwahlulela+ engizikhuluma ezindlebeni zenu namuhla, nizifunde futhi niqaphele ukuba nizenze.+ 2 ujehova unkulunkulu wethu wenza isivumelwano nathi ehorebe.+ 3 ujehova akasenzanga nokhokho bethu lesi sivumelwano, kodwa wasenza nathi, thina sonke esiphilayo lapha namuhla. 4 ujehova wakhuluma nani ubuso nobuso entabeni phakathi komlilo.+ 5 ngangimi phakathi kukajehova nani ngaleso sikhathi+ ukuze nginitshele izwi likajehova, (ngoba nanesaba ngenxa yomlilo futhi anikhuphukelanga entabeni,)+ elithi, 6 “‘ngingujehova unkulunkulu wakho,+ owakukhipha ezweni lasegibhithe, endlini yezigqila.+ 7 ungalokothi ube nabanye onkulunkulu ngokumelene nobuso bami.+ 8 “‘akumelwe uzenzele umfanekiso oqoshiwe+ nanoma isiphi isimo+ esinjenganoma yini esemazulwini phezulu noma esemhlabeni phansi noma esemanzini ngaphansi komhlaba. 9 akumelwe ukukhothamele noma uholelwe ukuba ukukhonze,+ ngoba mina jehova unkulunkulu wakho ngingunkulunkulu ofuna ukuzinikela kimi kuphela,+ oletha isijeziso ngenxa yesiphambeko soyise kubantwana nasesizukulwaneni sesithathu nesesine, kulabo abangizondayo;+ 10 kodwa obonisa umusa wothando esizukulwaneni senkulungwane kulabo abangithandayo bagcine imiyalo yami.+ 11 “‘ungaliphathi ngeze+ igama likajehova unkulunkulu wakho, ngoba ujehova ngeke angamjezisi umuntu ophatha igama lakhe ngeze.+ 12 “‘njengoba ugcina usuku lwesabatha ukuze uluphathe njengolungcwele, njengoba nje ujehova unkulunkulu wakho ekuyalile,+ 13 kumelwe unikele inkonzo futhi wenze wonke umsebenzi wakho ngezinsuku eziyisithupha.+ 14 kodwa usuku lwesikhombisa luyisabatha kujehova unkulunkulu wakho.+ akumelwe wenze noma imuphi umsebenzi,+ wena noma indodana yakho noma indodakazi yakho noma isigqila sakho noma isigqilakazi sakho noma inkabi yakho noma imbongolo yakho noma isiphi isilwane sakho osifuyile noma umfokazi okuwe ongaphakathi kwamasango akho,+ ukuze isigqila sakho nesigqilakazi sakho baphumule njengawe.+ 15 kumelwe ukhumbule ukuthi waba yisigqila ezweni lasegibhithe+ futhi ujehova unkulunkulu wakho wakukhipha lapho ngesandla esinamandla nangengalo eyeluliwe.+ yingakho ujehova unkulunkulu wakho akuyala ukuba ugcine usuku lwesabatha.+ 16 “‘hlonipha uyihlo nonyoko,+ njengoba nje ujehova unkulunkulu wakho ekuyalile; ukuze izinsuku zakho zibe zinde futhi kukuhambele kahle+ ezweni ujehova unkulunkulu wakho akunika lona. 17 “‘ungabulali.+ 18 “‘ungaphingi.+ 19 “‘ungebi.+ 20 “‘ungafakazi amanga ngomunye umuntu.+ 21 “‘ungafisi umfazi+ womunye umuntu. unganxaneli ngobugovu indlu yomunye umuntu, insimu yakhe noma isigqila sakhe noma isigqilakazi sakhe, inkomo yakhe noma imbongolo yakhe noma yini engeyomunye umuntu.’+ 22 la mazwi ujehova wawakhuluma kulo lonke ibandla lenu entabeni phakathi komlilo,+ ifu nesigayegaye, ngezwi elikhulu, futhi akanezelanga lutho; okwathi ngemva kwalokho wawaloba ezibhebheni ezimbili zamatshe wanginika zona.+ 23 “kwathi nje lapho senilizwile izwi elaliphuma phakathi kobumnyama, ngesikhathi intaba ivutha umlilo,+ nasondela kimi, zonke izinhloko zezizwe zenu namadoda enu amadala. 24 khona--ke nathi, ‘bheka, ujehova unkulunkulu wethu usibonise inkazimulo yakhe nobukhulu bakhe, futhi sizwé izwi lakhe liphuma phakathi komlilo.+ namuhla sibonile ukuthi unkulunkulu angakhuluma nomuntu kodwa aqhubeke ephila.+ 25 manje kungani kufanele sife, ngoba lo mlilo omkhulu ungase usiqothule?+ uma singaphinda futhi silizwe izwi likajehova unkulunkulu wethu, ngokuqinisekile sizofa.+ 26 ngoba ngubani kuyo yonke inyama oke wezwa izwi likankulunkulu+ ophilayo likhuluma phakathi komlilo kodwa waqhubeka ephila njengoba thina silizwile? 27 wena ngokwakho sondela uzwe konke ujehova unkulunkulu wethu azokusho; futhi nguwe ozokhuluma nathi konke lokho ujehova unkulunkulu wethu azokukhuluma kuwe,+ ngokuqinisekile sizolalela futhi senze.’ 28 “ngakho ujehova wawezwa amazwi enaniwakhuluma lapho nikhuluma nami, futhi ujehova waqhubeka wathi kimi, ‘ngiwazwile amazwi akhulunywa yilesi sizwe, esiwakhulumile kuwe. senzé kahle kukho konke esikukhulumile.+ 29 ukube nje besiyoyihlakulela le nhliziyo yaso ukuba singesabe+ futhi sigcine yonke imiyalo yami+ ngaso sonke isikhathi, ukuze kusihambele kahle sona nabantwana baso kuze kube nini nanini!+ 30 hamba uthi kuso: “buyelani ekhaya ematendeni enu.” 31 wena yima lapha nami, mangikhulume kuwe wonke umyalo nazo zonke iziqondiso nezinqumo zokwahlulela okufanele usifundise+ zona nalezo okufanele sizenze ezweni engisinika lona ukuba silidle.’ 32 kumelwe niqaphele ukwenza njengoba nje ujehova unkulunkulu wenu eniyalile.+ akumelwe niphendukele kwesokunene noma kwesobunxele.+ 33 kufanele nihambe ngayo yonke indlela ujehova unkulunkulu wenu aniyale ngayo,+ ukuze niphile futhi kube kuhle kini+ futhi ngempela nizandise izinsuku zenu ezweni enizolidla. | 514226591213a7b979a9aead4602817f97329810b6ede9156ba0711e1a1d48ee | 598 | 4,217 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.52 | 5 |
BathingIn the quiet forests of Doriath, the sunlight was falling dappled through the leaves high above. The birds were singing, the branches were rustling, small animals were hopping happily through the undergrowth. A slight breeze whispered through the trees, and a small brook murmured nearby. All in all, perfect day in the forest.Galadriel, however, was unable to enjoy it."I feel disgusting," she complained, pulling sharply on her reins to steer her horse around a small bush. "Do you people never wash?"Her Sindar guides looked offended, but were unsure how to respond. She was a high lady of the Noldor, after all. As usual when in need of guidance, they turned to their lord.Celeborn sighed quietly and gave Galadriel a mild smile. "We will be in Menegroth very soon, my lady. Be assured that King Thingol's halls have very beautiful baths."A frown marred the loveliness of Galadriel's face. "We will be in Menegroth in two days. I feel disgusting now." She huffed out a breath and pulled her × Bathing by Burning-Nightingale, | 89e4bc601a859421241f2c4858bbc24e88246ab84ca7988d75f93d0265f60224 | 171 | 865 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.58 | 5 |
"The Psychology of Superheroes" by Robin S. Rosenberg (editor) is an outstanding collection of eighteen essays about the insights we can gain in human psychology by studying the behavior of comic book superheroes. Almost all of the authors are college professors or doctoral candidates in psychology who expertly blend their professional knowledge with their love of comics. The result is a clever, witty and intriguing book that should appeal to anyone interested in psychology or pop culture.Several authors dedicate their essays to studing how individual superheroes fit or deviate from standard psychological models and practices. For example, Christopher Patrick and Sarah Patrick contend that the Incredible Hulk suffers from a textbook example of reactive aggression triggered by the extreme physical and emotional maltreatment he suffered as a youth. Robert Biswas-Diener finds that the Spider-Man alter ego allows Peter Parker to gain encouragement through performance and an increase in personal happiness in general accordance with positive psychology theory. On the other hand, Bradley Daniels informs us that the insanity plea seems to be used far more frequently in the comics than in real life; and thankfully, no realworld mental institution exists that is as easily escapable as Gotham's notorious Arkham Asylum.The moral behavior of superheroes is discussed in several pieces. Peter DeScioli and Robert Kurzban compare and contrast the absolutist ethics of Superman with the more complex utilitarian ethics of Batman, who nonetheless retains a consistent sense of purpose to ensure socially just outcomes. Andrew Getzfeld suggests that The Punisher's moral outrage over the murder of his family compels him to engage in an extreme form of vigilantism that, unfortunately, would probably remain intractable even if he was afforded the benefit of intensive clinical treatment.Other articles shed light on the psychology of groups, institutions and society. Mikhail Lyubansky shows how the X-Men embody the ideology of tolerance and diversity within the walls of the Xavier Institute but are unfairly scapegoated for their enviable talents by human society. Chuck Tate studies the history of Wonder Woman to discuss how changing societal attitudes towards women has made the struggle to depict a strong, independent woman to remain a highly problematic task.These are just a few of the many remarkable essays contained in this fun, intelligent book. It is highly recommended to everyone. | 9632f0234d5c9697f2dbf49a62567c8052bb9359ad8cec97bd5f1e5a5b715412 | 379 | 2,124 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
izwi lamashayina nginguhans rey oqeqeshiwe wasentabeni osezingeni lomakadebona owake waba ngumpetha womhlaba wonke of freeride and founder of the charity wheels 4 life. ibhayisekili lami lasentabeni uchungechunge lwe--adventure luhlanganisa ukugibela kwamanye amadolobha amakhulu emhlabeni ukuthi zizungezwe imvelo enhle futhi imizila konke mayelana umehluko phakathi kwemvelo nokuxakaxaka kokuvumelana kanye namahlathi asedolobheni. ngemuva kwetrans angeles kanye itrans napoli, itrans hong kong kwakuyindlela enhle yokubhekana ngokuzayo ngihlanganyele futhi uhlole nami hong kong ezinsukwini ezinhlanu ezilandelayo kulungile usuku lwanamuhla omunye we--transguta hongo yasedolobheni engingena kuyo ama--new territories enyakatho yehong kong enetiger ngakho ungumgibeli wendawo futhi uzongijoyina namhlanje ngosuku lokuqala nangelisonto lonke ngizo uhlanganyele nabanye abagibeli bendawo nomartin maes ongukuphela kwakhe. ngijabule ngokuhamba nawe namuhla ngisemncane ngibone ividiyo yakho 'yenkawu monkey do ', oh yebo kwakumnandi kakhulu bese ngigibela ibhayisekili lokulingwa kanye nebhayisekili lasezintabeni. ukuthi uqale kanjani ukubuka amavidiyo ami amadala, amahle. ama--new territories anezindlela eziningi ezakhelwe inhloso zokuhamba ngebhayisekili ezinhle amahlathi nemvelo enhle yokubalekela idolobha elinabantu abaningi kulesi sifunda etholakala enyakatho yekowloon futhi eduze ne--china mpaka yonke indawo lapho ubheka ukuthi i--hong kong ayisiyinhle kangako kodwa ibe ngaphezu kwesikhombisa izigidi zabantu zihlala lapha uma kukhulunywa ngezindlu okuwukuphela kwendlela yokwanda okuphezulu enyakatho yenew territories ubona amadolobha amaningi amasha nentuthuko ivela ngokubonga isikhala esiningi esiluhlaza sasisele sodwa esijabulayo namuhla. akukubi qala etrans hong kong yethu. ibhayisekili lentaba elihle kakhulu elakhelwe inhloso imizila lokhu kufana nolunye lwendlela ehamba phambili lapha? yiqiniso izindlela eziningi ezinhle lapha. yebo ngokulandelayo sizogibela i--tin man, ukuthi umkhondo omuhle yebo kuhle kakhulu -- yebo yebo kulungile kukhona hong kong esikwenzile sibonga kakhulu ndoda lokho kwakumangalisa. ukugibela ehong kong kusasa? yebo sizokwenza ehlathini zasemadolobheni namuhla ngihlanganiswe nomartin maes omunye we--enduro eshesha futhi wehla abagibeli bebhayisekili bezintaba emhlabeni sizohamba ngomgwaqo umakhelwane wekowloon intaba edonsa kanzima futhi ekhohlisayo eduze komgogodla omncane ukufinyelela iphuzu ikakhulukazi ngesithuthuthu emhlane wakho ngendlela esihlangane ngayo inala izivakashi zasendaweni ezinobungane futhi ezixoxa ngokufanayo konke kuyisimungulu kwasungulwa ukusifakaza ngamabhayisekili lokhu kungenye yamaphuzu aphezulu ekowloon ngokumangalisa okungenakuqhathaniswa ukubukwa okwakhayo kwedolobha elingezansi ukusuka lapha ungathola okuncane umbono wokuhlukahluka kwehong kong kusuka eziqhingini ezigcwele impela iziphithiphithi zedolobha lasekowloon kuya kwizakhiwo ze--dingy rundown tenement top omunye nomunye ku--new territories kuya ezibukweni ze--monolithic skyscrapers kungenzeka indawo okuyiyo abantu ababezibona beyimangalisa ukuthi mangaki millenials wema onqenqemeni bethatha izithombe zabo kanye nomunye kaninginingi isikhathi sokuzithokozisa esibucayi kwesizukulwane se--instagram sehle sangena ekowloon emizileni ehamba ngamabhomu sihamba ngemigwaqo kudonsa izixuku zabantu yonke indlela eya endaweni yamanzi. ukutholwa okuhle kwasendaweni ukudla kuhlale kuyingxenye yohambo lwami njengoba sithutha ngesitolo semakethe esincane esathola a ibhikawozi lisuse amashalofu aqhuma ngezinto ezibukeka zimnandi lokhu kwamenza umartin wamamatheka ukuthi angakwazi ukudla ukuphela kwasenyakatho kwakufana nemigwaqo emincane yasekowloon evalekile ngezimakethe, i--neon sign ukukhangisa izinto esingakwazi ukuziqonda. we wavala izixuku futhi ithrafikhi ithatha iphunga nemisindo engajwayelekile umsindo mkhulu futhi awupheli sivakashele isakhiwo esiseflethini esakhiwe njengendawo efanelekile eyakhiwe i--quad yangaphakathi phansi iphansi yakhuphuka phezulu yenza isikhala sibe mnyama futhi singasebenzi sakhangazwa amaqembu amaningi abesifazane anezingane ukuhlangana ndawonye abahleli phansi ngokhonkolo kanzima bekungabasizi bendawo ezindlini ezingenhla zithatha amakhefu abo amakamelo mancane futhi angathanda imvamisa izindlu ezintathu zemindeni eminingi bekungeke kube khona isikhala somphakathi kulawo makhaya asikho ngisho indawo eyanele yawo wonke amalungu omndeni lala ngasikhathi sinye manje ikowloon inika amandla okuhola imali yayo isikhumulo sezindiza esidlulisiwe kude nendawo entsha ethekwini nolwandle olwandle luguquliwe izakhiwo glitzy ekhuphuka amade futhi egqamile izibuko izibonakaliso of the super i--yacht ebhula phezu kwamanzi mhlawumbe idolobha elihlaba umxhwele kakhulu engake ngalibona empilweni yami nansi imali ihamba emabhange izinkampani zomshuwalense ezitolo ezinhle futhi swanky amahhotela ubucwebe emqhele kufanele abe yi--ritz--carlton ngaleso i--international convention center lesi isakhiwo esikhulu kunazo zonke ehong kong idolobha enezakhiwo ezingama--7,000 zezulu eziphakeme kanye nenani eliphakeme kakhulu lama--skyscrapers e umhlaba. umatasatasa kakhulu ehong kong ngemuva kwesidlo sakusihlwa siphume ngaphandle kanti lesi sigameko besingcono njengoba sihamba ekhaya sihlangane nobufakazi obunqamukile bezingilazi ezishayisile izitolo kanye i--cacophony engaguquki yezinsimbi eshayisa ebusuku umbhikisho ngempela sikhuphuke izinyawo ngenkathi sisalapho imiboniso yaqhamuka ngokungahleliwe bonke phezu kwendawo efana nesithombe esivela ku--ridley scott movie kodwa lokhu bekuyi akukho ifilimu lokhu bekungokoqobo futhi kuyesabisa okuncane esingase sibe lapha ngesikhathi lapho sibona ihong shintsha i--kong kuze kube phakade man kukhona ezinye izintaba ezinkulu elantau azikho. yebo nokubukwa okuhle, kepha ake hlola imikhondo. kulungile asenze lokhu etholakala eningizimu--ntshonalanga yehong kong island manje isiyikhaya lehong entsha i--kong international airport lantau yaziwa nangokuthi yikhaya ledisneyland futhi abakhi bezitimela bendawo bakhele i--disneyland ye ukugibela amabhayisikile asezintabeni kwanamuhla ukuhamba ngalezi zindlela ezakhelwe inhloso futhi avivinye izimpahla well sine--spank track entsha lapha. kuhle ukukubona futhi. le yi--hm lena ngumartin. i--hm ihamba phambili guy in ukwakha imizila e--asia udabuka esingapore kodwa wazakhela zonke izindlela zasehong kong azisebenzela i--dirt traction futhi usebenzela i--imba nomuntu opholile. ngijabule kakhulu ukuba nawe lapha. yebo, uthole ini lapha konke lokhu kubukeka kumangalisa uh yipaki entsha yebhayisekili indawo yokufundela yasemakhaya esisebenza kuyo ukuthi yinhle amakhilomitha ayisishiyagalombili emizila lapha, amathrekhi wepompu nendawo yentsha, amanye athuthukayo imigqa kanye nomkhondo wokuwela izwe onqubekela phambili we abagibeli besizukulwane esisha. yebo thina sigibele imizila embalwa bese sibona leyo track emnandi phakathi akukho ndawo futhi kuhle ukukubona wazi ukubona amathrekhi wepompo lapha ehong kong futhi uyazi badumile kakhulu futhi ubabona bebahle kakhulu yonke indawo manje ngakho--ke kwakumangalisa amaqembu amaningi ommeli asebenze ezindaweni eziseduze nasehong kong kubandakanya ilantau ukwakha izindlela ezengeziwe zokuhamba ngebhayisikili ezintabeni kule ndawo zinemvelo emangalisayo futhi ukubuka imizila kuyinto esezingeni lomhlaba futhi ngokuqinisekile ibingomunye wabagibeli abahle kakhulu kufanele sikwenze kuleli sonto ekupheleni kwesitimela sechi ma wan kufanele sigeze uthuli oluseningizimu china sea ngesikhathi sokudla kwasekuseni ngosuku lwesine sabona kumabonakude ukuthi imibhikisho yayisanda ikakhulukazi ecentral hong kong lapho sasihlelelwe ukugibela khona namhlanje sizohamba kufanele uqaphele kakhulu futhi ugweme izindawo ezishisayo sesizohlangana nonick dover umhlahlandlela wendawo ukuze asikhombise indlela ezungeze ihong kong isiqhingi sithatha isitimela siya endaweni yethu yokuhlangana kodwa yize bekunjalo isikhathi esisheshayo imetro ibukeka ilahliwe hhayi uphawu oluhle -- ekuseni sawubona unjani? kuhle ukukubona ngakho--ke usukulungele ukuya ehong kong, ukulungele ukukwenza. asambe esikebheni esidume ngaphesheya kwe--bay nick sichaza ukuthi kukhona uhlelo lokusebenza olukhethekile olusiza ukuqapha imibhikisho nemisebenzi yamaphoyisa ngakho ungahlala ngaphandle kwenkinga okwamanje sisesiqhingini sasehong kong, ungabona imisebenzi eminingi lapha oh ngempela manje yebo yebo ake sizame futhi sikugweme lokho futhi ngethemba lokuthola kulula okuhle indlela enyukela esiqongweni, kufanele ibe yinhle umartin zama enye yale kwenzenjani? zama eyodwa wow yinhle inkolo nempilo ikhokha ingxenye enkulu kusiko lama china tai chi kuyabonakala okwenziwe kuyo yonke indawo emapaki endaweni yokwazisa nendawo eluhlaza kanye yebo umuthi wasendulo waseshayina uyimbali ngokusebenza kwawo ngempumelelo imigwaqo kanye hills kukhona amachashaza amathempeli ezinye amancane hhayi ngaphezulu kwe isithombe noma isithombe nesithombe sempepho ezinye zikhulu futhi zibonisa ubuso ngombala ocacile namasiko lokhu kungahle kube nokuthile okwenza ukuthi abahlali basehong kong baphila isikhathi eside isilinganiso somuntu kwabesifazane sineminyaka engama--87 kanti amadoda angama--82 futhi naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi lo muzi ungcoliswe kakhulu mhlawumbe ingokomoya labo lixubekile ku ukuzivocavoca kwenza iqhinga lokuphila isikhathi eside ivictoria peak igquma eliphakeme kakhulu esiqhingini sasehong kong esinemibono emihle ngaphezulu kwesibhakabhaka esimangazayo futhi imigwaqo ematasa ngezansi siyazula indlela yethu kusuka kweziqongo ezipaka izitebhisi nezindawo ezikude zokuya kude a umakhelwane owaziwa ngokuthi yi--soho ecentral hong kong ngakho--ke kwenzekani lapha kulungile ngakho--ke singene nje ebumnyameni baso nje ungene esifundeni esikhulu sebhizinisi kubonakala sengathi nge--des voeux road west kukhona ezinye ama--raptor aphoqa igesi eningi okungenzeka ukuthi idonsela phansi kukhona imfucumfucu endleleni kanjalo ababhikishi bangene lapha emaphoyiseni asindayo wonke umuntu ekhona ngakho--ke sikhona ngizozama ukugwema leyongxenye yedolobha ngicabanga ukuthi akuyona ukuhlakanipha kakhulu ukuya lapho futhi baxubeke ngoba bekulokhu kukhulu impela bayadubula izinhlamvu zenjoloba zikhipha igesi zinamathimba e--swat lapho kukhona zonke izinhlobo zemfucumfucu kanye nemfucuza emigwaqweni abantu begijima kakhulu ngokushesha lapho ngicabanga ukuthi kudingeka siphume lapha njengamanje masikhuphuke ibhuloho lapha, cha linda ungayi lapho, amaphoyisa asevele akhona. yebo masingayi lapho nje ezimbalwa emabhulokhi away impilo ibukeka ijwayelekile ngokuphelele kubantu abadla shop kanye ukuzivocavoca njengalo lonke usuku esiqeda usuku lwethu sibuka i--symphony enhle of izibani show on the skyscrapers kanye nokuzitika kokudla ejwayelekile endawo siselamma island silinde nje ukuthi kufike omunye wabasendaweni ukuzobukisa nathi asizungeze kumele sibonge u--andy yebo siyabonga ngokuza ngaphandle. uhlala lapha yebo ngokugcwele ngisebenza ekhaya -- ake ngihambe ngigibele -- kulungile isiqhingi saselamma siphambene ngokuphelele nehong kong ebekwe emuva emuva kancane kwe hippie vibe ama--expats amaningi azikho izimoto ku isiqhingi kuphela abantu abahamba ngamabhayisekili noma abagibeli noma behamba ngezinyawo ukuya ngasendleleni kwakumangalisa ukubona abantu behla ngesikebhe ekugcineni kosuku ezembathweni zabo zasedolobheni futhi ugxuma emabhayisikilini abo ukubuyela ekhaya empilweni yabo yesiqhingi ungabona ukuthi kungani lokhu isiqhingi sikhanga kakhulu ukugibela isikebhe esiyimizuzu engu--20 futhi ungashiya umsindo onenhlokomo kanye nokungcoliswa kwezwe elisemuva kokuqala phansi ukuthula nokuzola. ulamma wayekhona esinye sezindawo eziyizintaba ezingamakhompiyutha asentabeni esehong kong kusukela lapho khona--ke ziningi ezinye izindawo zokugibela esike sazilingisa ezinye zalezi ezakhiwe ngesandla imizila kulungile, andy, ubonge lowo owayelungile umartin -- enye itrans hong kong kong encwadini -- encwadini saqeda itrans hong kong ngobhiya futhi sabuka ilanga lincibilika kuleli i--china sea isiphetho esifanelekile se--adventure yasemadolobheni engalibaleki kubukeka sengathi istarbucks ikwazisile ukuphepha kwayo, imibhikisho oh uthole umxhasi omusha ucarmen | 6dfac8de7e1dcf886ff7dc763b9d514dac0c5f8abf8b4d27b7a38a2609dbd066 | 1,427 | 10,799 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.56 | 8 |
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▼ this study defines and applies a theory of tragedy which is based on the work of friedrich nietzsche in the birth of tragedy. in the first chapter the writer argues for the need of a widely accepted theory of tragedy and show that we do not presently have one. in the same chapter, the writer presents the theory that tragedy is a very specific art type which transcends genre and which is the product of a synthesis of the dionysiac and apollonian forces in western culture. the writer argues that by understanding the philosophical and aesthetic nature of the forces as they are expressed in tragedy we can isolate and define the essential elements of tragedy. tragedy must have a person of heroic stature as its main protagonist. it must have a specific kind of plot in which a reversal of the hero's experience of the universe occurs. it must have a choric element, which is a combination of two components: communality and lyricism. finally, tragedy must contain a mythic background which allows for the expression of two themes, the dionysiac theme and the apollonian theme. advisors/committee members: henderson, sam h., smith, john t., mitchell, giles r., wright, eugene patrick, 1936--. | de6d041b425d413120b7f20249631aaa7d14ae3afa56ac04bcf37ceb750677e2 | 202 | 996 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.99 | 10 |
Mapela siliovala khena semiya leuwademi mwada simani makhala khala bawa mitaga gala isuki valu deli yamila; vakhela bigaokuva wala! Tuvela, avakha besa vakhela khatupwepwaya wa ‘base’ o, khena olalasi besa tomota e, manilaga am-metogiyala? Avela isiseki? Party lapilasi gala tona, khena makhasana wala K5,000 e deli khekwabu biyosari. Iboda candidates bikamturisa amtogiyala simani. Kidamwaga gala besa bo khena levakhomedasi mani gewagewa. Gala tanukwarisa khena wa sula lema khena gala? Kidamwa wasula, mtona candidate etagwala e lesui lema mapela gala wala idoki biyowola pela sula. E, pela bogwa leiseuri makhala, avetuta biwini besa bogwa ekaturirisi wowola e, wa sula wala bisisakhaula. Sula kedala makhadasi, biga mokwita gala wala kwetala Khabitam makwena. Tetala candidate elukwegu silovala (2007) lelai makhasana K60,000 pela election campaign. Party epilasi K5,000 wala. E pelaga 2002, lelai makhasana K200,000. Party lapilasi, makhasana K20,000 wala. E, teyuwelaga pela 2007, khalagigisa wala layobesobesa adoki makhasana K500,000 lelai galaga, K1,000,000 million kina. E kidamwaga bivakhasisa biloki mokwita wamwau, maresina deli gugwadi si School Fees (SF) mapula – tomota bo emati bivitusisa e, biboutisa wala. Taga makhala tomota sinagowa e, makhala goli candidates. Yomada wala metoya oigimakhava. Bo ebwadi bitavabwadisa makhadana nanamsa e bitakhatum-mwesisa nagowa. | b454886a0d7260093188240eeba95ff7d2d728e126212fc191657f6879563783 | 193 | 1,193 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.07 | 6 |
21 oshikunino shoka osha li sha longekidhwa kujehova mwene. osha yela kutya osha li ehala dhingi kombanda yevi. omiti adhihe dhamo odha li dhihokitha nomiwanawa okutala nenge hadhi imi iiyimati iitoye. osha li hashi tekelwa nawa, sha andjuka nawa noshu udha iinamwenyo yomaludhi gi ili nogi ili yihokitha. adam naeva oya li ye na kehe shimwe tashi ya nyanyudha monkalamwenyo, mwa kwatelwa iilonga tayi mbilipaleke noya li taya nyanyukilwa eendathano ewanawa. jehova oye a kala e ya hole tango noya li ye na etompelo ewanawa okukala ye mu hole. ihe inaye shi ninga. pehala lyokuvulika nohole kuhe gwomegulu, oye mu tukululile oshipotha omolwokwiihola.—genesis, ontopolwa 2. | b9327c6f373d2229aecbb3d425c0b7edd8d3c63d0c64f1f021ecdcef535eaa3f | 105 | 568 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.9 | 5 |
3 Jehova okwa shitile ovanhu votete, Adam naEva, ndele te va hombolifa va kale omushamane nomukulukadi. Okwa li e va tula meduparadisa liwa — oshikunino shaEden — ndele te va lombwele va dale ounona. Jehova okwa ti: “Dalafaneni nokuhapupala ndee yadifeni edu.” (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18, 21-24) Osho kashi fi ashike ehokololo longaho ile ongano, molwaashi Jesus okwa li a ulika kutya osho Genesis ta popi shi na sha nokuhovela kwonghalamwenyo youkwaneumbo oshoshili. (Mateus 19:4, 5) Nonande ohatu shakeneke omaupyakadi mahapu, nonghalamwenyo kai li ngaashi Kalunga a li a lalakanena i kale, natu konakoneni kutya omolwashike omaukwaneumbo taa dulu okukala a hafa. | a89d5f67841063a8e49f3c661ce3891f2a68b93c7db4d72f19d9398637ccbc10 | 101 | 561 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7.92 | 5 |
In this article we compare two eras where in the olden days co-wives or sister wives it can be by marrying in polygamous marriage or by marrying brothers would look after each other. For instance when one wife can’t bear children, the other wife would be a surrogacy and give the other her child. This also happens if it is a man that can’t bear children where his brother would sleep with his wife to assist his brother. This act was kept as a secret within the family. Nowadays, young brides or wives are competing against each other. And there are cases where you hear stories of sisters taking each other’s husbands. And what is important was that in the olden days it was a disgrace for a woman to have more than one partner which today is done openly and women can justify why they are doing it. | bb538a37f426d4d2ec88b4c2b9d83be397d4a86ff223b39e1a6fb3f7ea742790 | 149 | 653 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
every year, a significant number of au students have the opportunity to participate in internships with smucker. two years ago, denman transitioned to vice president, hr operations, where he became responsible for recruiting and the internship program. “this is something i am passionate about and it allows me to continue fostering the strong relationship with ashland university,” he said. and denman is quick to point out that the relationship between au and smucker is important to the company. “at smucker, we have a special commitment to education. one of the ways we fulfill this is through our company’s internship program, which provides meaningful on--the--job learning and experience for college students, and is our primary source for filling entry--level positions,” denman said. one of au’s priorities in its “ashland rising 2020” strategic plan is its commitment and focus on developing each and every student’s individual potential, and the university believes that offering internships is one of the best ways to make this happen. denman said au students continually show their talent and potential | d40a04ab75356604a1468ec102ed246d0708e3892439983f7328c1064516c6a3 | 172 | 944 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.58 | 5 |
▼ the struggle for centralised rule has dominated afghan politics of power. the balance between local and central rule was upset by the drive for centralisation and the imposition of social changes without delivering material benefits. collaboration with foreign empires created the resource base for central governments to strive for centralisation. ! the state--building project after the u.s. invasion set up a highly centralised state and imposed social changes while structurally disregarding the prevalence of non state governance. although initially welcomed it failed to provide material benefits to the population which steadily delegitimised the government. the taliban was able to resurge in this environment by addressing the feelings of alienation and fuelling perceptions of foreign cooption of the government. ! isaf has learned in light of the dysfunctional government that it can only counter the taliban by winning the popular support and thus by engaging non state governance mechanisms. these mechanisms are systemic to afghan governance as they provide public goods, such as security, to the population in light of state collapse and a violent environment. ! public good provision is conducted through patron--client structures following a transactional model. cooperation and interaction of local communities with military actors in the provision of security is therefore likely to resemble to a transaction. in this sense transactionalism provides a way of explaining social action in afghanistan. however this thesis does not assume that social action is solely and adequately described by transactionalism as social life cannot be simplified into a game theoretic calculation. advisors/committee members: fumerton, m.. | b5ed4577d1319a36afceba3e8042d0809de6119f0c1533a882d18dbfb32dd866 | 255 | 1,489 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.57 | 6 |
this malibu is a world car and this model will sell in over 100 markets worldwide. though we complain about the high price of fuel, in most other countries, gas is two to three times more expensive than here. in most markets, the malibu is a very large car, yet it needs to be very fuel efficient. the north american malibu won’t be offered with a v6 engine. in the ’70s you could get a chevy malibu with a 454--cubic inch engine. the largest engine in the new one will be 2.5 liters or about 150 cubic inches. the eco model which is a light hybrid is rated at 25 city, 37 highway mpg. for a 3,600--pound midsize sedan, those are very good numbers. by comparison, last year’s tiny chevy aveo sub--compact had a 35 mpg highway rating. | 92aea6ad51ccaaf59981c2c40349fb96b5b20a55a72b943f7cb78cda095ae561 | 138 | 596 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.35 | 8 |
a time of winning and renewal the fall of 2016 saw more success for au’s athletic department. ashland’s volleyball team made its return to the ncaa division ii postseason, a few other programs were on the cusp, an eagle cross country runner returned to national prominence, three student--athletes earned academic all--american honors and the men’s soccer team returned to the field. volleyball – the eagle volleyball team finished the regular season winning 11 of its last 12 matches to make both the great lakes intercollegiate athletic conference and ncaa tournaments. ashland finished 2016 at 23--11, including a spotless 11--0 record at kates gymnasium. senior right--side hitter alli cudworth earned first--team college sports information directors of america (cosida) academic all--america honors, and both she and senior outside hitter casey clark became the second and third players in program history to reach the coveted 1,000--1,000 club (career kills and digs). cross country – senior nick hall returned to the course after a redshirt year and earned his second all--america honor, placing 16th at the division ii national meet in november in st. leo, fla. hall became the first au cross country runner to become a multiple--time all--american since ashland hall of famer nick cordes (1999--2000, 2002). hall also placed second at the midwest regional meet earlier in november in evansville, ind., where the eagle men were 10th as a team and the au women finished 24th. at the gliac championships at ferris state in october, hall was sixth individually, while ashland’s teams took fifth (men) and 10th (women), respectively. football – ashland finished 9--2 overall and 7--2 in the gliac, winning the conference’s south division championship. despite ending the regular season 16th in the american football coaches association (afca) ncaa division ii coaches’ top 25 poll, the eagles were the only team in that poll to not be selected for the national playoffs. junior tight end adam shaheen set school and d--ii tight end records for single--season touchdown catches with 16, and, among other honors, was named firstteam academic all--american, afca and ncaa division ii conference commissioner’s association (d2cca) first--team all--america, and was the first tight end in gliac history to be named the conference’s offensive player of the week (oct. 10). women’s soccer – the eagles (10--3--4, 7--2--2) were on the verge of a return to the ncaa postseason, while also playing in the gliac tournament for the fourth consecutive season. ashland allowed just 16 goals in 17 games, and shut out nine | 731be73a82e5ea8c600482a2ef604172efae03ad90b2664ffd4d4f6a15fbcba9 | 413 | 2,201 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.57 | 9 |
this whole zinophobia issue is a whole lot bigger than you understand,abafazi bayaba raper,they forcefully take property from anyone they think is foreign,they have even gone to the extent yokuxotsha ama--pedi lama--xhosa,and some of you have the audacity to try and make this whole thing sound as if it is justifiable?,you sit in front of your expensive computers khonapho e--uk,safe in the knowledge that no one is going to barge into your bedroom and rape your wife and your daughter while you watch,and you want to make it sound as if ku right,i beg to differ.dont get me wrong,im not saying ukuthi ama zimbabwean ase goli have a right to be there,im just saying ukuthi they could have at least been given a warning ukuthi bazoyenza ubugebengu obunje,most people would have preferred to go home than be subjected to this inhumane treatment.its not like ama zimbabwean aqale ukufika egoli izolo,kudala abantu bebuya egoli.the whole seems a bit premeditated,if for one second you think it was spontaneous thing,you are very wrong,these people have been mobilised by some higher political power,maybe ifp,or some organisation called sanco,kodwa bottom line is into le iwrong. we have left the whole shona thingt for too long,and we cant just budge into bulawayo,guns blazing and start killing every shona in sight,i like to believe we are a bit more civil than that,kodwa make no mistake,siyawazonda amashona lawo futhi ayazi,but its complicated,lest we be likened to these uneducated,myopic,ignorant,foolhardy cousins of ours okuthwa ngamazulu,we will deal with the shona issue less vehemantly. | 4919c2b96872315d46be104e6788c7adc646712e64e117ae3d28bfcab4ef4cab | 253 | 1,344 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
also served as the ball’s longtime he words “grandeur” protocol chief. and “fun” seldom Several years ago she asked mix — except at the me to join her in this pleasant International Red Cross task. Questions pertaining to Ball, a long-standing high point of the dress code were frequently the Palm Beach social season. asked about the three-day event: During a decade of writing a luncheon (since dropped), about this always elegant ball, Friday’s Ambassadors Dinner and I’ve never seen it more colorful Saturday’s Ball. than this year, or with more After Trump began flying the Washington-connected guests. ambassadors down, their wives General Chair man Mary Ourisman, formerly ambassador had different queries. One asked if to Barbados and the Eastern she could bring a second suitcase. Mary and Mandy Ourisman get the dancing started at the International Caribbean, is a blonde dynamo I happily told her there was space Red Cross Ball in Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. Ourisman was the first who has long organized innovative to hold five steamer trunks if she Washingtonian in 40 years to chair the event. (Photo by Lucien Capehart) events in Washington. liked because “The Donald” had She and her two co-chairmen all wore line headed by Stuart Bernstein, a former reconfigured his jet. Originally built to hold magnificent shades of red, the evening’s ambassador to Denmark and the ball’s chief of 158 commercial passengers, it now more than sartorial hallmark. At dinner at Donald Trump’s protocol. It is always an impressive sight as the comfortably accommodates a total of only 23. famed Mar-à-Lago Club, Beef Wellington envoys stand before their respective flags in the This year, while Trump didn’t fly anyone and tripartite desserts were served on deep white and gold ballroom. from Washington, he gave Bonnie McElveenred tablecloths aflutter with appliquéd roseTo the strains of the “Triumphal March” from Hunter a check for $50,000 just as the ball was hued gauze petals, and topped by tall vases “Aida,” Marines escorted ambassadors and ball getting started, presumably to help underwrite of dramatically outsized handmade red roses. officials, along with Trump and his wife Melania, the ambassadorial flight. She is chairman of the American Red Cross, the only woman Ourisman also dreamed up the glowingly red into dinner as Bernstein announced each one. Trump purchased Mar-à-Lago, once ever raised to that top spot. Formerly U.S. dance floor that drew dancers like moths to a flame, not wasting a minute of ball-favorite the Florida vacation home of cereal heiress ambassador to Finland, her name is often Peter Duchin’s music. Marjorie Merriweather Post, to create a private on lists of America’s top businesswomen as The event usually takes a year to plan. club. He has continued the custom of flying the founder and head of Pace Communications, “Mary had only three months to pull it ambassadors down on a private plane, a practice the nation’s largest custom publishing house. together,” said co-chairman Mary Mochary, “so Post began. She presented the Chairman’s Award for I came on board again this year to help,” as did Post was helped by her close friend, the Leadership to honorary ball chairmen Michele co-chairman Susan Keenan, a Palm Beach-er late Garnett Stackelberg, a journalist whose and Howard Kessler. Michele Kessler is a who once lived in Washington. husband, an Estonian baron, was related hands-on supporter, and has worked here and Fewer tiaras and white ties appeared this to Queen Sophia of Spain, Lord Louis abroad to eradicate a fatal strain of measles. year, though some of the guests, including Mountbatten and many other royal and Ourisman said this year’s ball raised a ambassadors from Barbados, Denmark, Mexico, aristocratic notables. hefty $2 million, and Rob Levine, the Red Morocco, Slovenia, Trinidad and Tobago and Stackelberg helped invite the ambassadors Cross regional head, lauded Mary and her coSweden, sported medals, stars and sashes. each year and worked with Marion “Joe” chairmen for their success and her husband U.S. Marines escorted them to the receiving Smoak, a former U.S. chief of protocol who Mandy for his generous support. | 9a95febcdd56d130c30d03a4f6a31ca5866ae8946345c14db89dfb9a13937b49 | 674 | 3,516 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.89 | 20 |
Syed - details and analysis The word Syed has a web popularity of 54200000 pages.What means Syed?The meaning of Syed is: Fortunate, blissful, luckyWeb synthesis about this name:...Syed is one of the great man of this century who contributed to.Syed is campaigning to raise awareness of his case and to gain public support.Syed is known for running the best insectary in canada.Syed is a graduate from sri venkateshwara university.Syed is an educator and is a professor of nuclear medicine and a clinical professor of medicine.Syed is from bangalore but left his hometown to pursue his dream of being a successful model and.Syed is currently the departmental representative on tucfa.Syed is persuing his phd in the education department at vut studying the impact of new learning technologies on the practice of literacy and basic education.Syed is quick to point out that further studies are needed to determine the effects of mercury on brain cells with established connections and to show that.Syed is a tribute to the man and a selection of his work. | df152ecf38a18064791f707cc8e69d7bb72abb7c6f7991bf12d4dedf8c9bb059 | 172 | 881 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.581395 | 1.16 | 7 |
dc.description.abstract Workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention play a phenomenal role in organisations. Insurance companies form part of the organisations affected by retention of employees. Employees need to be physically, spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually, occupationally and environmentally well to perform, commit and remain in the organisation for longer. The objective of the study was to (i) establish a relationship between workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention among employees of an insurance organisation in Johannesburg, (ii) to establish whether a relationship exists between the variables and the demographics age, gender, race groups, marital status and education levels. A deductive quantitative research method with systematic sampling was utilized to gather and evaluate the data in a sample of 726 randomly selected participants. A 22.59% response rate was obtained. The findings indicate significant relationships between the respondents', workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention, also between workplace wellness, retention and education level. This is an indication that workplace wellness and organisational commitment has an influence on retaining employees and that employees with a level of education attest to that. No significant relations found between variables workplace wellness, organisational commitment, retention and the biographical variables age, gender, marital status, employment levels. No significant relations were found between organisational commitment and education level. The findings of this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing human resource managers and practitioners with insights on specific commitment and retention strategies that will make employees commit and remain longer in the organisation. An important understanding gained on retention strategies will assist human resource managers to design relevant interventions to have committed employees and retain them. en | 7c1bff1abd2a4a6b53a8cb7cdf7a0282e1cef56b858a0233b3ad7397375439b5 | 269 | 1,766 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.74 | 5 |
6 Ohole yaJesus yokuhola eongalo lovahongwa vaye oya tulila po ovashamane oshihopaenena sha wanenena. Jesus “okwa li e va hole fiyo exulilo,” e va yambela omwenyo waye, nonande ova li inava wanenena. (Johannes 13:1; 15:13) Sha faafana, ovashamane otava ladipikwa taku ti: ‘Kaleni mu hole ovakainhu veni, nye inamu va ningila onyanya.’ (Ovakolossi 3:19, yelekanifa NW.) Oshike tashi ka kwafela omushamane a tule moilonga omayele oo, unene tuu ngeenge omafimbo amwe omukainhu waye oha dopa okukatuka pandunge? Oku na okudimbuluka kutya naye oha ningi omapuko nosho yo osho e na okuninga opo a diminwe po kuKalunga. Mbela oku na okuninga shike? Oku na okudimina po ovo tava nyono kuye, naasho osha kwatela mo omukainhu waye. Doshili, omukainhu oku na yo okukala ha dimine po. (Mateus 6:12, 14, 15) Mbela ou shii kutya omolwashike vamwe va popya kutya ohombo i na omupondo oyoyo i na ovanhu vavali hava diminafana po nehalo liwa? | 65d69029a311496976e8fc30170bf467a71ae7c4f29f044ea53c8f9f1ef73ab6 | 151 | 775 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.64 | 10 |
At Akua Treatment Programs, we combine treatment for the mind, body, and spirit into a holistic therapeutic method in beautiful Southern California. Blending clinical excellence with a healing and rejuvenating holistic environment, we have created a detoxification approach fusing the latest advances in addiction medicine with comfort. Akua is more than a hospital or a residential facility; it is a revitalizing detoxification retreat for those who need assistance in dealing with drug or alcohol addictions. Our integrative approach combines physical, psychological, spiritual, and science-based approaches to achieve not only detoxification but a solid foundation for recovery. Our goal is for you to emerge from your stay at our high-end treatment facility in Orange County with the tools you need to confront drug and alcohol dependency. We enable you to do this through the following methods: | d9db1290c69d4949d1c0f26e5ff6d22e5eec36c721a9993e2c2b526f7b1f2f63 | 135 | 765 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
9 Njengombana adlula, wabona umuntu owabelethwa asiphofu. 2 Abafundi bakhe bambuza bathi: “Rabi, ngubani owonileko, mumuntu lo namkha babelethi bakhe, bona abelethwe asiphofu nje?” 3 UJesu waphendula wathi: “Akukoni yena namkha ababelethi bakhe, kodwana lokho kuvule ithuba lokuthi imisebenzi kaZimu ibonakaliswe ngaye. 4 Kufuze senze imisebenzi yaloyo ongithumileko kusesesemini; ubusuku buyeza lapho kungekhe kube nomuntu osebenzako. 5 Ikani nangisesesephasini, ngikukhanya kwephasi.” 6 Ngemva kokutjho lokhu, wakhafulela ehlabathini wenza idaka ngamathe, waninda idakelo emehlweni womuntu loyo 7 wathi kuye: “Khamba uyokuhlamba esizibeni seSilowama” (nakutjhugululwako kutjho ukuthi “Thunyiweko”). Wakhamba wayokuhlamba, wabuya abona. 8 Abomakhelwana nalabo egade bajayele ukumbona abawa bathi: “Umuntu lo akusuye na loya ovame ukuhlala phasi abawe?” 9 Abanye bebathi: “Nguye.” Abanye bathi: “Akusuye, ufana naye.” Kodwana yena bekasolo athi: “Nginguye.” 10 Yeke bambuza bathi: “Alo-ke amehlwakho avuleke njani?” 11 Wathi: “Umuntu okuthiwa nguJesu wenze idaka walizesa emehlwenami wathi kimi, ‘Khamba uyokuhlamba eSilowama.’ Ngatjhinga khona, ngahlamba bese ngabona.” 12 Nabezwa lokho bathi kuye: “Uphi umuntu loyo?” Wathi: “Angazi.” 13 Bathatha umuntu obekasiphofu lo batjhinga naye ebaFarisini. 14 Ngelanga uJesu enza ngalo idaka wavula amehlo wesiphofwesi bekuliSabatha. 15 NabaFarisi babuza umuntu lo ukuthi ubone njani. Wathi kibo: “Uninde idaka emehlwenami, ngahlamba, nje sengiyabona.” 16 Abanye babaFarisi bathi: “Umuntu loyo akaveli kuZimu, ngombana akalihloniphi iSabatha.” Abanye bathi: “Umuntu osisoni angazenza njani iimbonakaliso ezinje?” Yeke kwaba nokuhlukana hlangana nabo. 17 Godu bathi emntwini obekasiphofu: “Wena uthini ngaye, njengombana avule amehlwakho nje?” Umuntu lo wathi: “Umphorofidi.” 18 Kodwana amaJuda bewangakholwa ukuthi bekasiphofu nokuthi sekayabona, bekwaba kulapho abiza ababelethi bomuntu obekasiphofu loyo. 19 Ababuza athi: “Yindodanenu le na enithi ibelethwe isiphofu? Alo-ke kuza njani seyibona nje?” 20 Ababelethi bakhe baphendula bathi: “Iye kuliqiniso ukuthi le yindodanethu nokuthi yabelethwa isiphofu. 21 Kodwana ukuthi kuza njani ukuthi nje seyiyabona, asazi; nokuthi ngubani ovule amehlwayo, asazi. Ibuzeni. Seyiyidala. Ayizikhulumele.” 22 Ababelethi bakhe batjho njalo ngombana bebasaba amaJuda, ngombana amaJuda besewavumelene ukuthi nanyana ngubani ozokuvuma ukuthi uJesu unguKrestu, kufuze aqothwe esinagogeni. 23 Kungalokho ababelethi bakhe bathi: “Seyiyidala. Ibuzeni.” 24 Nje-ke babiza umuntu ogade asiphofu ihlandla lesibili bathi kuye: “Dumisa uZimu; siyazi ukuthi umuntu lo usisoni.” 25 Wathi: “Ukuthi usisoni, angazi. Yinye into engiyaziko, kukuthi bengisiphofu, kodwana nje sengiyabona.” 26 Bathi kuye: “Ukwenzeni? Uwavule njani amehlwakho?” 27 Wathi kibo: “Nginitjelile, kodwana akhenge nilalele. Kubayini nifuna ukwizwa godu? Kghani nani senifuna ukuba bafundi bakhe?” 28 Nabezwa lokho bamkgharameja bathi: “Nguwe omfundi womuntu loyo, kodwana thina sibafundi bakaMosi. 29 Siyazi bona uZimu wakhuluma noMosi, kodwana umuntu lo, asazi ukuthi uvelaphi.” 30 Umuntu obekasiphofu wathi kibo: “Yazi indaba le iyarara, bona anazi ukuthi uvelaphi, kodwana uvule amehlwami. 31 Siyazi ukuthi uZimu akazilaleli izoni, kodwana nangabe umuntu uyamsaba begodu enze intando yakhe, uyamlalela. 32 Kusukela mandulo azange khekuzwakale bona kukhona owavula amehlo womuntu owabelethwa asiphofu. 33 Ngathana umuntu lo bekangaveli kuZimu, bekangekhe enze litho.” 34 Bathi kuye: “Wena wabelethelwa esonweni, kodwana ufundisa thina?” Bamqotha! 35 UJesu wezwa ukuthi bamqothile, nakamfumanako wathi: “Uyakholelwa na eNdodaneni yomuntu?” 36 Umuntu lo wathi: “Mnumzana, ingubani, bona ngingakholelwa kiyo na?” 37 UJesu wathi kuye: “Uyibonile, kuhlekuhle, ngiyo le ekhuluma nawe.” 38 Wathi: “Ngiyakholelwa kiyo, Kosi.” Wamkhothamela. 39 Yeke uJesu wathi: “Ngizele isahlulelwesi ephasini, ukuthi labo abangaboniko, babone nababonako baphophale.” 40 Abanye babaFarisi ebebanaye bamuzwa atjho lokho, bathi kuye: “Utjho bona nathi siziimphofu?” 41 UJesu wathi kibo: “Ngathana beniziimphofu, bengekhe nibe nesono. Kodwana nje nithi, ‘Siyabona.’ Isono senu siyahlala.” | db59266383056d5e46ab6a283820a8dd95b10b14a4e18c362b37b1eef1e238e5 | 539 | 3,663 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7.61 | 8 |
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now nakoke izinto zimbi, what to do? see someone, at church a friend a healer and be practical about your issues. sharing your problems is good for you. you will begin to recover when you start to be grateful of what you have had instead of worrying about what you don't have. this can be a life--changer for most of us. most people on the earth do not even a plate of food as we speak and you are busy online with access to the internet. you have food in the pantry, heat when its winter. yes, you may be living in a government housing project, but that shouldn't matter to you anymore. you don’t have a range rover, even tough its nice to have… and all of those things that so many people believe are what is important in life are just meaningless things. have practical solutions as to how you are going to come out of debt, abusive relationship. most women complain that abanamadoda because all of them bafuna ama bee and they are very few and far inbetween these days nansi nenkandla report ibhilitile. try to think of what you do have instead of what you lack. recognize the curse in order to get set free and stay free, you have to admit you have a problem. that sounds simple, but we live in a day and age of denial. if you really want to be free, you will accept that responsibility and don’t say my dad must, my aunt must, ask yourself what can youuuu do.you hear umuntu ethi hhay ngeke senzelutho engekho ubabomdala. | ff4b2ce554af1d1079aece70c317b6074cada0c97db144c65823dd05519fade2 | 268 | 1,160 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.373134 | 0 | 8 |
iposi Wonderful! Trip, you have a beautiful family, and I thank you for sharing your heart. Although my husband and I are both white, we grew up very differently. He is a true country boy and self-proclaimed redneck. I have always felt more comfortable around black people, even as a small child. I was never opposed to marrying a white man, but my preferences were definitely geared toward men in the hip-hop culture. People often ask us how we ended up together, and most people are shocked to find out my husband is white. He isn’t what I had envisioned for myself growing up, but he is everything I needed in a husband and father for our kids. The Lord has truly blessed me, and I can’t imagine my life any other way! | 5724fcda92aa9763ed46626e5ffc99264c17ba6d5da4e504366d9be07d5117da | 133 | 589 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
month and three-month art residency, respectively, at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris. The Gerard Sekoto Award is made possible through a partnership between Absa, SANAVA, the Alliance Francaise of Southern Africa, the Institut Français Afrique du Sud and the French Embassy in South Africa. While the main prize also features a cash prize of R330 000 and is open to all entrants, the Gerard Sekoto Award is reserved for the most promising South African artist who has previously entered the L’Atelier. Similarly, the first merit award prize comprises a three-month art residency at the Bag Factory in South Africa; the second merit award, a twomonth art residency at the Sylt Foundation, on the island of Sylt in Germany, and the third merit award, a onemonth art residency with the Ampersand Foundation in New York, U.S.. All entrants are eligible for the merit award prizes. All top 10 finalists in the competition are also placed on a two-day art professionalism course to assist them in managing their careers — a vital aspect in helping young artists turn their talent into profitable businesses. Dr Paul Bayliss, Absa art and museum curator, says the competition has played a significant role in the careers of many influential visual artists from across the African continent, particularly the winners, who have benefited from the exposure afforded to them through the residencies. | 0c178172f2d9f224cb3935df832fe4731f331204ce27e9c10d00d0321e9e7edf | 227 | 1,173 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.32 | 8 |
▼ This thesis deals with the design of a business model for rural telephony based on a wireless mesh network for a rural community, the Mankosi community, located in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Its aim is to understand the social, economic and technical issues that are involved in the adoption of information and communication technologies for development and how they relates to trust in e-services. Externally funded projects tend to be expensive and are often unsustainable once the external funding ceases. The cost of a mesh network (once implemented) is almost negligible, apart from its maintenance. The pillars of the project are sustainability and community ownership, and the aim was to design the wireless mesh network, provide telephony service to the community and use solar power to charge mobile phones. The community leaders of Mankosi indicated that they do not want the service to be completely free, but would charge a small fee for each call in order to generate the funds needed for the maintenance of the system. In order to do so, a prototype billing system was configured and adapted to the needs and expectations of the community. The principles and steps of soft systems methodology were used to manage the research process of this case study. This methodology was a powerful tool to carry out the research and address the research problem in a participative way with the stakeholders. The participatory design process used in the design phase of the project had the added advantage that the community understood the purpose of the network, and since they contributed to its design, they felt that they owned it and could trust its billing system. A further benefit was that a core group of participants were committed to the project and felt that the overall quality of community members' lives would be improved by it and similar projects. The process contributed to the personal development of the participants by giving the community a voice and sense of power – the ability to change things – and it vastly expanded community members’ vision of what they are capable of. It was found that the current means of communication, i.e. using mobile phones, is expensive for local users in relation to their average income. The proposed billing system – designed with the help of the community – will be trusted by the community and provide Mankosi with a low-cost communication system by making use of the existing experimental mesh network. The community will be able to sustain their network with the income generated. The network will in future provide access to the Internet and will be able to handle breakout calls to external networks. Advisors/Committee Members: Venter, Isabella (advisor), Tucker, William (advisor). | a9e7210a179683d1cb3ffb29fea20d915955cf3df343a3586050e9e700b9f4ee | 454 | 2,313 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.1 | 11 |
21 apo nomba balikwete ishina lya mu malembo ilya kuti inte sha kwa yehova, ababomfi ba kwa lesa balikosele mu kushimikila. ba edward grimes na bena mwabo ba jessie, abalebomba bupainiya ku united states, abasangilweko ku kulongana kwa mu 1931, mu columbus batile: “ilyo twaile mu kulongana twaleitwa ukuti abasambi ba baibolo, lelo ilyo twabwelele twaleitwa ukuti inte sha kwa yehova. twalitemenwe ukuti nomba natwinikwa ishina ilyali no kutwafwa ukusansabika ishina lya kwa lesa wesu.” pa numa ya kulongana, ba nte bamo batendeke ukubomfya inshila iipya iya kusansabikilamo ishina lya kwa lesa. pa kutendeka ukulanshanya na bene ba mayanda, balebapeela kardi apalembelwe amashiwi ya kuti: “ndi nte ya kwa yehova, ndeshimikila pa bufumu bwa kwa yehova lesa wesu.” ca cine, abantu ba kwa lesa balayumfwa aba cilumba pa kulaitilwa kwi shina lya yehova, kabili baliitenye ukubila pa fyo lyacindama icalo conse.—esa. 12:4. | a31e12c8ecfa518015f48abae94dc67e2634692825c32ee6376211c83a79597b | 142 | 778 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.11 | 11 |
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in his session at 20th cloud expo, ed featherston, director/senior enterprise architect at collaborative consulting, will discuss the key considerations around quality, volume, timeliness, and pedigree that must be dealt with in order to properly fuel that engine.feb. 24, 2017 04:00 am est reads: 3,802dcd named media sponsor of @cloudexpoby yeshim denizsys--con events announced today that datacenterdynamics has been named “media sponsor” of sys--con's 18th international cloud expo, which will take place on june 7–9, 2016, at the javits center in new york city, ny. datacenterdynamics is a brand of dcd group, a global b2b media and publishing company that develops products to help senior professionals in the world's most ict dependent organizations make risk--based infrastructure and capacity decisions.feb. 24, 2017 03:00 am est reads: 1,826[video] matrix' john woolf on ‘iot and webrtc'by elizabeth white""matrix is an ambitious open standard and implementation that's set up to break down the fragmentation problems that exist in ip messaging and voip communication,"" explained john woolf, technical evangelist at matrix, in this sys--con.tv interview at @thingsexpo, held nov 4–6, 2014, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca.feb. 24, 2017 02:15 am est reads: 13,206sandy carter keynote cloud expo silicon valleyby liz mcmillangrowth hacking is common for startups to make unheard--of progress in building their business. career hacks can help geek girls and those who support them (yes, that's you too, dad!) to excel in this typically male--dominated world. get ready to learn the facts: is there a bias against women in the tech / developer communities? 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mobile is the strategy that enterprise transformation centers on to drive customer engagement. in his general session at @thingsexpo, roger woods, director, mobile product & strategy – adobe marketing cloud, covered key iot and mobile trends that are forcing mobile transformation, key components of a solid mobile strategy and explored how brands are effectively driving mobile change throughout the enterprise.feb. 23, 2017 11:00 pm est reads: 7,025[slides] operational hadoop for streaming databy liz mcmillanapache hadoop is emerging as a distributed platform for handling large and fast incoming streams of data. predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, and internet--of--things analysis are examples where hadoop provides the scalable storage, processing, and analytics platform to gain meaningful insights from granular data that is typically only valuable from a large--scale, aggregate view. one architecture useful for capturing and analyzing streaming data is the lambda architecture, represent...feb. 23, 2017 10:00 pm est reads: 4,622delaplex to present fintech at @cloudexpoby yeshim denizsys--con events announced today that delaplex will exhibit at sys--con's @cloudexpo, which will take place on june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. delaplex pioneered software development as a service (sdaas), which provides scalable resources to build, test, and deploy software. it’s a fast and more reliable way to develop a new product or expand your in--house team.feb. 23, 2017 09:15 pm est reads: 1,538[video] iot keynote: are you seeing dots?by carmen gonzalezthe explosion of new web/cloud/iot--based applications and the data they generate are transforming our world right before our eyes. in this rush to adopt these new technologies, organizations are often ignoring fundamental questions concerning who owns the data and failing to ask for permission to conduct invasive surveillance of their customers. organizations that are not transparent about how their systems gather data telemetry without offering shared data ownership risk product rejection, regu...feb. 23, 2017 08:45 pm est reads: 1,309how to sponsor and exhibit at @thingsexpo by carmen gonzalezwith major technology companies and startups seriously embracing iot strategies, now is the perfect time to attend @thingsexpo 2016 in new york. learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is as ""iot--ready"" as it can be! internet of @thingsexpo, taking place june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, new york, is co--located with 20th cloud expo and will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry p...feb. 23, 2017 08:30 pm est reads: 1,465[slides] next generation development platforms by elizabeth whitethe internet of things will challenge the status quo of how it and development organizations operate. or will it? certainly the fog layer of iot requires special insights about data ontology, security and transactional integrity. but the developmental challenges are the same: people, process and platform and how we integrate our thinking to solve complicated problems. in his session at 19th cloud expo, craig sproule, ceo of metavine, demonstrated how to move beyond today's coding paradigm and sh...feb. 23, 2017 07:45 pm est reads: 3,410iot now named “media sponsor” of cloud expoby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that iot now has been named “media sponsor” of sys--con's 20th international cloud expo, which will take place on june 6–8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. iot now explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing csps, and it passes on some lessons learned from those who have taken the first steps in next--gen iot services. feb. 23, 2017 06:45 pm est reads: 1,466winesoft to exhibit at cloud expo new yorkby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that winesoft will exhibit at sys--con's 20th international cloud expo®, which will take place on june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. based in seoul and irvine, winesoft is an innovative software house focusing on internet infrastructure solutions. the venture started as a bootstrap start--up in 2010 by focusing on making the internet faster and more powerful. winesoft’s knowledge is based on the expertise of tcp/ip, vpn, ssl, peer--to--peer, mob...feb. 23, 2017 06:30 pm est reads: 1,732[slides] evolution from big data to smart databy elizabeth whiteas organizations realize the scope of the internet of things, gaining key insights from big data, through the use of advanced analytics, becomes crucial. however, iot also creates the need for petabyte scale storage of data from millions of devices. a new type of storage is required which seamlessly integrates robust data analytics with massive scale. these storage systems will act as “smart systems” provide in--place analytics that speed discovery and enable businesses to quickly derive meaningf...feb. 23, 2017 06:30 pm est reads: 6,306[slides] ge's iiot connected airportsby yeshim denizthe internet of things can drive efficiency for airlines and airports. in their session at @thingsexpo, shyam varan nath, principal architect with ge, and sudip majumder, senior director of development at oracle, discussed the technical details of the connected airline baggage and related social media solutions. these iot applications will enhance travelers' journey experience and drive efficiency for the airlines and the airports. feb. 23, 2017 06:00 pm est reads: 1,525webrtcsummit blog launched by @thingsexpoby carmen gonzalezsys--con media announced today that @webrtcsummit blog, the largest webrtc resource in the world, has been launched. | f29a2e0cd3eea299b326c0187397553e847eea27d81b54cff4fe5df76ad90c97 | 1,353 | 7,625 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.665188 | 5.03 | 14 |
avetuta bukuitusi keda komwedona letaboda e, besa dimdim ledidokhesa kheyola boteri. khs lakhetota besa tuta bo ebwadi bitadoki kheyola boteri. kidamwa bukugisi makhena boteri, osibula khedumwalu wala lema ela oilavala e, eitoula levasisikwa. osibula ela oilavala besa toginigini khala bawa otop--up lesusuisiga khs. avetuta levakhanasa okheyola boteri besa bogwa olumolela khs, grade 9 deli 10. pela senela sisikwa okheyola boteri, esekemwa toginigini ekomsekikinasi avela bipeula bila grade 11 deli 12. teyu wala tetolu bilosa e, mabudanaga komwedona bikeitasima bimesa tasimwesa ovalu. pela makhatupona okheyola sena sisikwa, sena mwau. e, besa khs layogewagewa deli lakhepwapota.besa uula, bweikwanelawa gugwadi dubasi bisunapulasi top--up e, avetutaga bilosa khs biwesa igigibwadi kheyasi. ikimmari wala siginigini ikeitasima imesa ovalu tasimwesa. mapela makwa ginigini khs besa tuta ikwani wala bitadoki kheyola boteri. avetuta bitaitusi makhala, khs sena mokwita kwevekha la sula pela ikubudubwadi kilivila lakhabitam deli lakeda biesaesa. besa uula mtosi teyu gugwadi bisuisi csh deli hsh gala, khelui wala. bimweeya offer pela paisewa gala mokwita bwena bibanisa. mokwita wala kheilugwala gugwadi dubasi kidamwa gala bitakibwelakisa besa tuta bwena aom, desi takhatusunupuleyesa gugwadi metoya oginigini. taga tayomadasi tuta – gala ave high school tuvela bisuisi. khenaga gala, bwena kunei keda kulau latum igini alotau, moresby, lae o, khena ave valu sitana bwena. pela gugwadi sikeda khadatinidesi wala oduvalusi -- khs mitaga, khadagewagewa khadamwedona. ula masi kwematala: khalasimalaluva skuru -- resurrection of kiriwina high (khs) and watuluma high (whs) | 41dbd920af0301c6fa077c1fdb86a489ff0d160d198d4893e2df9da3d1437c9f | 231 | 1,443 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.03 | 7 |
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Submit newsBizcommunity has over 400 industry contributors and we always welcome further contributions and contributors.Submit newsMobile giant makes dreams come true 17 Aug 2007 | Save | Email | Print | PDF By: Emeka EnyadikeNokia's Defend Your Street (DYS) is a “street” football implementation program that connects Nigerian youth to their dreams, encourages them to focus on their goals and desires - and helps them stay at the top of their game.Lagos – Nokia's Vithesh Reddy, described DYS as “Nokia's dream of connecting with over 3000 aspiring young footballers in the country”. And it's not just for the fun of the game but to also to allow them enjoy the similar experience and passions with other individuals across the continent. The program is running in South Africa and will be rolled out in Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as well.Reddy explained that DYS aims at delivering a sense of real involvement and interaction with youth, by tapping into their optimism and confidence to take on all comers…and win! DYS is a series of 15-minute, five-a-side games that will be played in three cities: Lagos, Port Harcourt and Kano, with a total of 128 teams to be recruited in each city. Knock-out matches will be played at the regional level, during which six zonal champions will emerge to play in the National Championship to be held in Lagos. All of these games will be played between September 1st and September 14. The overall winners - the National Champions – will play against the Boys From Brazil.“The Boys from Brazil is a select team of young football players who have demonstrated excellent skills playing street football in Brazil. Nokia identified their talent and is taking them on a continental tour to connect them with their peers,” Reddy said.“The Boys will be in Nigeria for one week connecting with Nigerian youth at every level. They will showcase their talents against the Nigerian National Champions in the final match that will be played at the Kings' College grounds in Victoria Island on September 16.”DYS will involve players aged 16 to 25, registered as teams of eight. There are no goalkeepers but three substitutes are allowed during each game. The regional competition will kick off in Kano on September 1-2; Port Harcourt on September 8- 9 and Lagos on September 13-14. “We believe in developing Nigerian youth both in mind and body. This is one reason we have also chosen to identify with street football, a phenomenon that is growing in leaps and bounds in Nigeria. We believe that the youth of this country can take on the Boys from Brazil as well as peers from other parts of the world…and win,” Reddy said.Registration of teams for DYS is currently on-going; for more information go to http://www.nokia.com/defendyourstreet‹ Like Save Email Print PDFFollow Connect (Emeka Enyadike knows me)ColleagueWeve done business togetherWeve worked togetherMet in personInteracted with onlineClassmateFriendFamilyFollow onlyCreate new groupEmeka Enyadike's articlesAbout Emeka EnyadikeEmeka Enyadike is a multi-dimensional writer on sports, marketing, sponsorship, broadcasting and online trends drawing from his rich diverse global expertise. He has deep industry know-how, built through a distinguished sporting career that makes him one of the most respected sports commentators and analysts from Africa. Contact Emeka at ku.oc.oohay@akemrevil.Comment on thisCommentComment guidelines and disclaimerLEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Message Board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the Message Boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). All posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. The maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. People that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. Bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' IP addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.stonestupid- ,una faboPosted on 7 Sep 2007 19:44LikeReplyReportRelatedInnovation Prize for Africa winnersAfrican Audiovisual and Cinema Commission establishedEnergy investors merge to create pan-Africa power groupTurning garbage into growth the future city wayBy Kudzai Danha NewsShow moreSubscribeReceive free email newsletterMake us your homepageAdd us to your favoritesRSS feedGet biz on your phoneFollow usInviteTell a friend about us | 5bcdea83c2b075c1dbdac892f5ae774372a5c360cca8f7080281ba8f0e9fb398 | 906 | 5,604 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.772627 | 2.65 | 20 |
Lehua Kyllikki Bench, 2017-09-03 17:28:23. However, if a teak garden bench is not in your budget, hardwood benches are additionally a terrific option and much more affordable. You can locate hardwood benches in various designs and with several unique finishes. You can easily paint a bench made of hardwood, but a teak bench must not be painted because of the oils that are in the wood. Benches made of hardwood may be relocated from one spot to another since they're fairly light. While hardwood is not as heavy as some wood varieties, you'll find it to be long-wearing and solid. Certainly a bench made of hardwood also smells great. | 863e9e021fa09aea1d48323c77dbc34a33ad6b42bbba19137e30a685edbdd695 | 109 | 527 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.83 | 5 |
15 kristus ila ye igegeli chog deus. iwe ngo kristus ila ye yoh le si wiri ngo deus ila si tema wiri. iy mele ye metamol subdoh le lol deus ngo ye tagiyet mo imol pangal mekla deus ye hasbudoh. 16 irel kristus mele deus ye hasbudoh pangal formel wol laeng mo wol talop, le mekla sima wiri mo ikla si tema wiri, mo yalus kala yor kkeler, mo ikla re tamol, mo ikla yor mele re lamli, mo ikla yor kkeler irel formel. deus ye hasub pangal formel lal laeng mo woal talop irel kristus mo yagel kristus. 17 ye moal mel kristus mo imol pangal formel, ngo iy mele ye hafle pangal formel le bela mel liliyal. 18 iy mele ye tamolu eklesia le ila mala holongol — ngo iy mele chapil molowal holong. iy mele metamol lol deus, ngo deus ye hamolowa tefali mo irel maes, bo fael mala hal iy chog mele yebe hamo mo imol pangal formel. eph 1:22–23 19 bo deus mele ye hatugulu bo mala lol yebe mel le be wochog iy deus. 20 iy deus ye hatugulu le be tefael pangal formel ngali, le mala lol mele yebe hasi tefaeli. deus ye foru hopos mo irel yal mes molwe lol wol krud, ngo ila mele yela yoh le be tefael pangal formel ngali, le meka ye mel wol talop mo ikla ye mel wol laeng. eph 2:16 | 97de398c82a429d1987d9bb2ed466a233f64abc151b2f88b73ff0c869448e8d4 | 235 | 929 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.83 | 5 |
"ungakwazi ukuthola ulwazi olusha kuphela uma ubeka eceleni imibono yakho emidala, kepha ulwazi oludala alusho ngempela imibono emidala. “imibono” ikhuluma ngezinto ezicatshangwa ngumuntu ngamehlo engqondo ezingavumelani neqiniso. uma ulwazi oludala bese luvele lusemuva ngenkathi endala, futhi lwavimba umuntu ukuthi angene emsebenzini omusha, ngakho ulwazi olunjalo nalo luwumbono. uma umuntu engakwazi ukulubuka ngendlela efanele lolo lwazi, futhi akwazi ukufinyelela ekwazini unkulunkulu ngezindlela eziningi ezihlukene, ulwazi oludala luphenduka usizo kumuntu, futhi luphenduka isisekelo umuntu angena ngaso enkathini entsha. isifundo sokwazi unkulunkulu sidinga wena ukuthi uqondisise imiyalelo eminingi: ungena kanjani endleleni yokwazi unkulunkulu, imaphi amaqiniso okufanele uwaqonde ukuze wazi unkulunkulu, nokuthi ungenza kanjani ukuthi imibono nemvelo yakho endala ithobele wonke amalungiselelo omsebenzi kankulunkulu omusha. uma usebenzisa lezi zimiso njengesisekelo sokungena esifundweni sokwazi unkulunkulu, ulwazi lwakho luyoya lujula. uma unolwazi olucacile ngezigaba ezintathu—okusho ukuthi, uhlelo lokuphatha lukankulunkulu selulonke—futhi uma ungahlanganisa ngokuqhathanisa izigaba ezimbili zangaphambilini zomsebenzi kankulunkulu nesigaba samanje, futhi ukwazi ukubona ukuthi umsebenzi owenziwe ngunkulunkulu oyedwa, uyoba nesisekelo esiqinile kakhulu. izigaba ezintathu zomsebenzi zenziwa unkulunkulu oyedwa; lokhu umbono omkhulu kunayo yonke, futhi iyona kuphela indlela yokwazi unkulunkulu. izigaba ezintathu zomsebenzi bezingenziwa unkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe, futhi akekho umuntu ongamenzela lo msebenzi—okusho ukuthi unkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe kuphela obengenza umsebenzi wakhe siqu kusukela ekuqaleni kuze kube manje. nakuba izigaba ezintathu zomsebenzi kankulunkulu zenziwe ezinkathini nasezindaweni ezehlukene, futhi nakuba umsebenzi wazo ngasinye uhlukile, wonke umsebenzi wenziwe ngunkulunkulu oyedwa. emibonweni iyonke, lona umbono omkhulu kunayo yonke umuntu okufanele ayazi, futhi uma uqondwa ngokuphelele umuntu, ngakho uyokwazi ukuma aqine. namuhla, inkinga enkulu kakhulu amahlelo nezinkolo ezibhekene nayo ukuthi aziwazi umsebenzi womoya ongcwele, futhi azikwazi ukuhlukanisa phakathi komsebenzi womoya ongcwele nomsebenzi okungewona owomoya ongcwele—ngakho azikwazi ukubona noma lesi sigaba somsebenzi, njengalezi zigaba ezimbili zomsebenzi ezigcinile, naso senziwa ngunkulunkulu ujehova. nakuba abantu belandela unkulunkulu, abaningi abakwazi ukubona noma yindlela elungile yini. umuntu uyakhathazeka ngokuthi le ndlela yindlela eholwa ngunkulunkulu ngokwakhe mathupha, nokuthi ukuthatha kwesimo sesintu kukankulunkulu kuyiqiniso, futhi abantu abaningi namanje abakwazi ukwehlukanisa uma sekuza ezintweni ezinjalo. labo abalandela unkulunkulu abakwazi ukucacisa indlela, ngakho imilayezo ekhulunywayo inomphumela ongaphelele phakathi kwala bantu, futhi ayikwazi ukusebenza ngokuphelele, ngakho lokhu kuyayithikameza impilo yabantu abanjalo. uma umuntu engabona ezigabeni ezintathu zomsebenzi ukuthi zenziwa ngunkulunkulu uqobo ezikhathini ezehlukene, ezindaweni ezehlukene, kanye nakubantu abahlukene, ngakho umuntu uyobona ukuthi, [a] nakuba umsebenzi uhlukile, wonke wenziwa unkulunkulu oyedwa. njengoba kuwumsebenzi owenziwa unkulunkulu oyedwa, ngakho kufanele ukuthi ulungile, futhi awunawo amaphutha, futhi noma ungavumelani nemibono yabantu, akukho ukungabaza ukuthi umsebenzi wankulunkulu oyedwa. uma umuntu engasho ngokuqiniseka ukuthi ngumsebenzi wankulunkulu oyedwa, ngakho imibono yomuntu izomane iphenduke ubala nje, engafanelekile ngisho ukuthi ungakhuluma ngakho. ngenxa yokuthi imibono yomuntu ayicacanga, futhi umuntu wazi ujehova njengonkulunkulu, nojesu njengenkosi, futhi unemiqondo emibili mayelana nonkulunkulu othathe isimo sesintu wanamhlanje, abantu abaningi baqhubeka nokuzinikela emsebenzini kajehova nojesu, futhi bakhungathwe imibono ngomsebenzi wanamhlanje, abantu abaningi bahlale bengabaza, futhi abawuthathi umsebenzi wanamhlanje ngokuthi ubalulekile. umuntu akanayo imibono mayelana nezigaba ezimbili zokugcina zomsebenzi, ezazingabonakali. yingoba umuntu akaliqondi iqiniso mayelana nezigaba ezimbili zokugcina zomsebenzi, futhi akazange azibonele zona mathupha. yingoba azibonakali yingakho umuntu ezicabangela njengoba ethanda; akukhathaliseki ukuthi uvezani, awekho amaqiniso azifakazelayo, futhi akekho ozozilungisa. umuntu unikezela ngokungenamkhawulo ukuzibonela kwakhe ngokwemvelo engakhathaleli lutho futhi evumela ukucabanga ngamehlo engqondo kwakhe kukhululeke, ngoba akunamaqiniso ongaqinisekisa ngawo, ngakho ukucabanga komuntu kuphenduka “iqiniso,” akukhathaliseki noma bukhona yini ubufakazi kukhona. ngakho umuntu ukholelwa kunkulunkulu wakhe emqondweni wakhe, futhi angamfuni unkulunkulu weqiniso. uma umuntu oyedwa enenkolelo ethize, ngakho phakathi kwabantu abalikhulu abanezinkolelo kunezinhlobo eziyikhulu zezinkolelo. umuntu unalezo zinkolelo ngoba akaliboni iqiniso lomsebenzi kankulunkulu, ngoba usawuzwe ngezindlebe zakhe kuphela futhi akakawuboni ngamehlo akhe. umuntu usezwe izinganekwane nezindaba kodwa—akavamisile ukuzwa ulwazi ngamaqiniso omsebenzi kankulunkulu. kungenxa yemibono yabo ukuthi abantu osekuphele unyaka owodwa nje bengamakholwa, ukuthi bakholwe ngunkulunkulu, lokhu kuyiqiniso futhi nakulabo asebekholwe kunkulunkulu iminyaka yabo yonke. labo abangawaboni amaqiniso abasoze bakwazi ukuphunyuka okholweni lapho benemibono ngonkulunkulu. umuntu ucabanga ukuthi usezikhululile ezibophweni zemibono yakhe emidala, futhi usengene endaweni entsha. umuntu akazi ukuthi ulwazi lwalabo abangabuboni ubuso beqiniso bukankulunkulu luyimibono nenzwabethi nje kuphela? umuntu ucabanga ukuthi imibono yakhe ilungile, futhi ayinaphutha, futhi ucabanga ukuthi le mibono ivela kunkulunkulu. namhlanje, lapho umuntu ebona umsebenzi kankulunkulu, udedela imibono eseyakheleke eminyakeni eminingi. imicabango yokubuka ngomqondo kanye namacebo akudala aphenduka abayisithiyo emsebenzini wale sigaba, futhi kwaba lukhuni kumuntu ukuthi ashiye imibono enjalo futhi aphikise amacebo anjalo. imibono ngalo msebenzi ohambisa ngesinyathelo nesinyathelo sabaningi balabo abakade belandela unkulunkulu kuze kube namuhla seyiye ngokunyukela yabanzima kakhulu futhi laba bantu kancane kancane sebakhe ubutha obunenkani nonkulunkulu othathe isimo sesintu, futhi isisusa sale nzondo yimibono nokucabanga ngamehlo engqondo kwabantu. ingenxa kanye yokuthi amaqiniso akamvumeli umuntu ukuthi akhulule ukubuka kwakhe ngamehlo engqondo, futhi, ngaphezu kwalokho, akulula ukuthi aphikiswe ngumuntu, futhi nemibono nokubona ngamehlo engqondo komuntu, akuvumeli ukubakhona kwamaqiniso, phezu kwalokho, ngoba umuntu akacabangi ngokulunga nokunemba kwamaqiniso, futhi ngokuzicabangela yedwa umane adedele imibono yakhe, futhi asebenzise ukubona kwakhe ngamehlo engqondo, ukuthi imibono nemicabango yomuntu isiphenduke isitha somsebenzi namhlanje, umsebenzi ongavumelani nemibono yamuntu. lokhu kungathiwa nje kuphela iphutha lemibono yomuntu, futhi ngeke kuthiwe iphutha lomsebenzi kankulunkulu. umuntu angacabanga noma yini ayithandayo, kodwa akakwazi ukuphikisa ngokukhululeka nanoma isiphi isigaba somsebenzi kankulunkulu noma ucezu lwaso; ukubakhona komsebenzi kankulunkulu akunakoniwa ngumuntu. ungakhulula ukucabanga kwakho ngamehlo engqondo, futhi ungaqoqa ndawonye izindaba ezinhle ngojehova nojesu, kodwa awukwazi ukuphikisa iqiniso nganoma isiphi isigaba somsebenzi kajehova nojesu ngasinye; lokhu isimiso, futhi njalo kuyisimemezelo sokuphatha, futhi kufanele uqonde ukubaluleka kwalezindaba. umuntu ukholwa ukuthi le sigaba somsebenzi asihambisani nemibono yomuntu, futhi nokuthi lokhu akunjalo mayelana nezigaba zomsebenzi ezimbili ezingaphambilini. ekubukeni kwakhe ngamehlo engqondo, umuntu ukholwa ukuthi umsebenzi wezigaba ezimbili zangaphambilini ngokuqinisekile awufani nomsebenzi wanamhlanje—kodwa wake wacabanga ukuthi imiyalelo yomsebenzi kankulunkulu zonke ziyafana, ukuthi umsebenzi wakhe ungobonakalayo njalo, nokuthi, akukhathali inkathi, kuyohlala kukhona inkindlane yabantu abamelana futhi baphikise iqiniso lomsebenzi wakhe? bonke labo namuhla abamelana futhi baphikise le sigaba somsebenzi akungabazeki ukuthi babeyophikisana nonkulunkulu ezikhathini zakudala, ngoba abantu abanjalo bayohlala beyizitha zikankulunkulu. abantu abazi iqiniso ngomsebenzi kankulunkulu bazobona izigaba ezintathu zomsebenzi njengomsebenzi kankulunkulu oyedwa, futhi bazoshiya phansi imibono yabo. laba ngabantu abamaziyo unkulunkulu, futhi abantu abanjalo yilabo abalandela unkulunkulu ngeqiniso. uma ukuphatha kwankulunkulu sekukonke sekusondela ekupheleni, unkulunkulu uzohlela zonke izinto ngohlobo lwazo. umuntu wenziwa izandla zomdali, futhi ekugcineni kufanele abuyisele umuntu ngaphansi kombuso wakhe; lesi isiphetho sezigaba ezintathu zomsebenzi. isigaba somsebenzi ezinsukwini zokugcina, nezigaba ezimbili ezingaphambilini kwa--israyeli nasejudiya, ziwuhlelo lokuphatha lukankulunkulu emhlabeni jikelele. akekho ongakuphika lokho, futhi kuyiqiniso lomsebenzi kankulunkulu. nakuba abantu abakawuboni noma bazizwele okuningi ngalo msebenzi, amaqiniso aselokhu engamaqiniso, futhi lokhu kungephikiswe nanoma imuphi umuntu. abantu abakholwa kunkulunkulu emazweni wonke emhlabeni jikelele bonke bazokwemukela izigaba ezintathu zomsebenzi. uma wazi isigaba esithile somsebenzi, futhi ungaziqondi lezi ezinye izigaba ezimbili, ungaqondi umsebenzi kankulunkulu ezikhathini ezedlule, ngakho awukwazi ukukhuluma iqiniso lonke lohlelo lokuphatha lukankulunkulu, futhi ulwazi lwakho ngonkulunkulu lunohlangothi olulodwa, ngoba okholweni lwakho kunkulunkulu awumazi, noma awumqondi, ngakho awufanele ukufakazela unkulunkulu. akukhathaliseki ukuthi ulwazi lwakho lwamanje lwalezi zinto lujulile noma lukha phezulu, ekugcineni, kufanele ube nolwazi, futhi ukholiseke ngokucophelela, futhi bonke abantu bayowubona umsebenzi kankulunkulu usuwonke futhi bathobe ngaphansi kokubusa kukankulunkulu. ekupheleni kwalo msebenzi, wonke amahlelo ayoba elilodwa, zonke izidalwa ziyobuyela ngaphansi kombuso womdali, zonke izidalwa ziyokhonza unkulunkulu oyedwa oyiqiniso, futhi zonke izinkolo mbumbulu ziyophela, futhi zingaphinde zivele. | 9e938e568473e24063cf042e9aa52ff63d7a88d1a9915343e548813bb10741df | 1,134 | 9,069 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
▼ In this dissertation, I investigate how agreement, movement, and pronunciation determine surface position of a phrase. The main interest of this dissertation is in the question why in some cases an element is pronounced in the position where it is interpreted while in other cases, there is a discrepancy between the position for interpretation and the position for pronunciation. To investigate this issue, I will first discuss a relation between agreement and movement. Inspired by Reverse Agree (Wurmbrand 2012), I will clarify a condition of movement. Based on the suggested relation between agreement and movement, I will propose three different types of movement: phrasal movement, parasitic phrasal movement, and parasitic head movement. The crucial difference between phrasal movement and parasitic (phrasal/head) movement is that an element does undergo movement in the case of phrasal movement, while an element does NOT undergo movement in the case of parasitic movement. Following the copy theory of movement, I assume that an element that undergoes phrasal movement leaves its copies in its base position and its destination along with other intermediate positions, unlike one that undergoes parasitic movement. Thus, PF needs to choose which copy to pronounce when there is more than one copy in a chain. Zooming in the issue of selection of copy for pronunciation, I will discuss PF constraints that play a role in copy-selection. Especially, adopting Landau (2007)’s intuition that EPP is a pure PF requirement, I will argue that a high-copy privilege assumed in the previous studies are misled by pronunciation-wise reinterpreted EPP. Furthermore, I will argue that once we get rid of the effects of EPP, a low copy is rather preferred to be selected for pronunciation due to economy conditions. I will show how the interaction between the EPP as a PF constraint and an economy condition favoring low-copy pronunciation accounts for both (i) prevalent high-copy pronunciation and (ii) apparent lack of a high-copy privilege across languages. Based on the system developed, I will provide a typological study in two representative cases of movement: (i) subject agreement/movement and (ii) wh-agreement/movement. This system provides a new approach for the typology of in-situ subjects and in-situ <i>wh</i>-phrases. In the proposed system, in-situ subject/<i>wh</i>-phrases are the results of either parasitic movement or low-copy pronunciation in phrasal movement. An in-situ phrase generated by parasitic movement does not have a copy in a higher position, so it cannot take a high scope. Furthermore, since the phrase does not undergo movement, it is insensitive to movement constraints (e.g. island constraints). By way of contrast, an in-situ phrase generated by a low-copy pronunciation in a movement chain shows “high” behaviors in addition to sensitivity to movement constraints. I will show how the two theoretically possible in-situ subjects/<i>wh</i>-phrases are realized in languages. … | 69227274db2ac4f211e9ed6bbc1920994e8732110e1d4a455b322057d1a097bd | 459 | 2,559 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.217865 | 0.65 | 18 |
Ngokuqinisekile unekhanda lakho ligcwele ukungabaza othandweni, noma udinga ukwazi ukuthi ikusasa lithini emsebenzini wakho, wazi ukuthi kuyoba yini impilo yakho ezinyangeni naseminyaka elandelayo, ukwazi ukuthi umndeni uyohlala uhlala kahle yini, uma kwenzeka izingozi ezithombeni zakho umndeni noma cha, uma umlingani wakho ekuthanda noma ekukopela. Hechizos y amarres de amor caseros es una aplicación que te ayudase a realizar hechizos de amor de manera gratuita desde tu casa. Ngomunye nomunye umbonisi angakwenza uzizwe uphephile uma iziprofetho zazo zithumela amandla amandla futhi zakha isithombe esinembile sesikhathi esizayo. Ninyi mmekuwa sasa binti zake kama mkitenda mema bila kuogopa tisho lolote. Katika sehemu utapata inaelezea fedha inaelezea Haga clic aquí para más información kuondokana deni, kuuza nyumba, kushinda bahati nasibu, kupata pesa za ziada na inaelezea ili kuvutia fedha au kutoka kwenye umaskini. | 606e01c9cadc17f2c8c36b7909ff431035345deebd863821c54de8de5d054f67 | 129 | 802 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
nonefishtreefeathertreetreefeatherfishfeatherfishtribaltribaltribala cut abovea cut abovea cut aboveanchoranchoranchorwingwingwingbirdbirdbirdvikingvikingvikingcherry blossomcherry blossomcherry blossomnaturenaturenaturewolfwolfwolflatino skulllatino skulllatino skullloveloveloveart nouveauart nouveauart nouveausavanasavanasavanabousillebousillebousillemotormotormotorbicyclebicyclebicycletotemtotemtotempin'uppin'uppin'upsky sharksky sharksky sharkviking dragonviking dragonviking dragonjapanese dragonjapanese dragonjapanese dragonalectonalectonalectonopen seaopen seaopen seabikerbikerbikerroperoperopebeetlebeetlebeetleplaneplaneplanegalleongalleongalleonsuccubussuccubussuccubuselfelfelfesotericesotericesotericeagleeagleeaglespraysprayspraywinterwinterwinterwavewavewaveodinodinodinangelsangelsangelsvroomvroomvroomart decoart decoart deco192019201920madonnamadonnamadonnawatch movementwatch movementwatch movementcatcatcatskiskiskiclimbingclimbingclimbingwildernesswildernesswildernesstopographytopographytopographyblossomblossomblossomsilver wilkinsonsilver wilkinsonsilver wilkinsonhunting dayhunting dayhunting daytrouttrouttroutthe flightthe flightthe flightpheasantpheasantpheasantdeerdeerdeertrektrektrekgrizzlygrizzlygrizzlyindian skullindian skullindian skullillusionillusionillusiondream catcherdream catcherdream catcherastroastroastromandalamandalamandalainfiniteinfiniteinfinitesnakesnakesnaketheoremtheoremtheoremcloudscloudscloudslionlionlioncafe racercafe racercafe racermake a wishmake a wishmake a wishterra incognitaterra incognitaterra incognitapartitionpartitionpartitionhowlhowlhowlmanuscriptmanuscriptmanuscriptversaillesversaillesversaillespacificpacificpacificpurebredpurebredpurebredpolynesianpolynesianpolynesianscorpionscorpionscorpionrosesrosesroseselven bladeelven bladeelven bladevisionvisionvisionride or dieride or dieride or dietreefeatherfishtribala cut aboveanchorwingbirdvikingcherry blossomnaturewolflatino skullloveart nouveausavanabousillemotorbicycletotempin'upsky sharkviking dragonjapanese dragonalectonopen seabikerropebeetleplanegalleonwavefishtreefeathertribala cut aboveanchorwingbird [vikingcherry blossomnaturewolflatino skullloveart nouveausavanabousillemotorbicycletotempin'upsky sharkviking dragonjapanese dragonalectonopen seabikerropebeetleplanegalleonwavetreefeatherfishtribala cut aboveanchorwingbirdvikingcherry blossomnaturewolflatino skullloveart nouveausavanabousillemotorbicycletotempin'upsky sharkviking dragonjapanese dragonalectonopen seabikerropebeetleplanegalleonwaveeagleeagleeagleangelsangelsangelsvroomvroomvroomspraysprayspraywinterwinterwintersuccubussuccubussuccubuselfelfelfesotericesotericesotericodinodinodinart decoart decoart deco192019201920madonnamadonnamadonnawatch movementwatch movementwatch movementcatcatcatskiskiskiclimbingclimbingclimbingwildernesswildernesswildernesstopographytopographytopographyblossomblossomblossomsilver wilkinsonsilver wilkinsonsilver wilkinsonhunting dayhunting dayhunting daytrouttrouttroutthe flightthe flightthe flightpheasantpheasantpheasantdeerdeerdeertrektrektrekgrizzlygrizzlygrizzlyindian skullindian skullindian skullillusionillusionillusiondream catcherdream catcherdream catcherastroastroastromandalamandalamandalainfiniteinfiniteinfinitesnakesnakesnaketheoremtheoremtheoremcloudscloudscloudslionlionlioncafe racercafe racercafe racermake a wishmake a wishmake a wishterra incognitaterra incognitaterra incognitapartitionpartitionpartitionhowlhowlhowlmanuscriptmanuscriptmanuscriptversaillesversaillesversaillespacificpacificpacificpurebredpurebredpurebredpolynesianpolynesianpolynesianscorpionscorpionscorpionrosesrosesroseselven bladeelven bladeelven bladevisionvisionvisionride or dieride or dieride or die" | be08639750832191de3b9b3843020432b7df5823a04cdf3afb2212ee0f9685e1 | 140 | 3,600 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
pax ivanna bench, 2017--08--28 05:18:31. it's a small bulgy footstool made up of leather. it looks like a miniature chair. pouffe is its french name. the factor that distinguishes these mini benches from a stool is that they are covered by cloth completely, so their legs aren't visible. always buy a tuffet with large hard cushion featuring an internal wooden frame. a larger pouffe has more storage space as well as meets the needs of the user efficiently. the large storage place can be used to store the things you need every day. apart from the space it also look very stylish and cool for the home decor. | 898a11835237264419abe4298fcb098c2d37b11afd20605c48980bbe80167f63 | 108 | 503 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.85 | 5 |
woodlanddrivenwwashingtondc this stately residence has 4,400 sq. ft. of interior space with an embassysized foyer, gourmet kitchen, and living and dining rooms with soaring 12--ft. ceilings. french doors throughout the main level open onto a picturesque terrace overlooking a buildable 1/3--acre lot. the upper level has four bedroom suites with full baths, including a master bedroom which boasts a living room with fireplace and built--ins. additional amenities include a large elevator, two bedroom/office spaces, laundry room, storage and a sizable unfinished space to install a home gym or media room. asking price: $4,195,000 listing agent honor ingersoll 202--297--9681 ttr sotheby’s international realty | 6c8c72520c4f6f7875f31aefbac2fb23cab4f7dc78799981bf4e8767acf905b7 | 102 | 628 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.94 | 7 |
antigama’s brand of brutal truth worship is awesome and present in full force. there has been a dearth of full--on brutal crushing grindcore music out there recently and antigama is the solution. drugs of faith is no slouch either. this is grinding madness again with perhaps a bigger nod to hardcore, albeit with a definitely bigger bass sound. the bass guitar here crushes -- as does everything else. as an added bonus, drugs of faith is not one to take the easy way out via ambiguously abstract or fantasy lyrics. out of the six songs the only oddity or idiosyncratic cut is antigama’s remake of goblin’s zombi which is a nice fantasy--oriented instrumental with symphonic synthesized surges. it is like those serial--ready pieces warren appleby likes to put out, but on steroids. ignoring that this split cd will crack skulls selfmadegod has just released the perfect back--to--school gift. let’s educate the youth! ps: order through drugs of faith and you might get a free venom pin as a bonus. -- ali “the metallian” | 748d98af80561e2d332ca02eade196c79d00faf4ee2ddeb07fc3458d1d255856 | 173 | 851 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.16 | 6 |
data tup0 a sourceconstructorstup0 instancesfunctor tup0 applicative tup0 foldable tup0 traversable tup0 tup tup0 tupconcat tup9 tup0 tup9 tupconcat tup8 tup0 tup8 tupconcat tup7 tup0 tup7 tupconcat tup6 tup0 tup6 tupconcat tup5 tup0 tup5 tupconcat tup4 tup0 tup4 tupconcat tup3 tup0 tup3 tupconcat tup2 tup0 tup2 tupconcat tup1 tup0 tup1 tupconcat tup0 tup9 tup9 tupconcat tup0 tup8 tup8 tupconcat tup0 tup7 tup7 tupconcat tup0 tup6 tup6 tupconcat tup0 tup5 tup5 tupconcat tup0 tup4 tup4 tupconcat tup0 tup3 tup3 tupconcat tup0 tup2 tup2 tupconcat tup0 tup1 tup1 tupconcat tup0 tup0 tup0 eq (tup0 a) (num (tup0 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup0 a) num a => num (tup0 a) eq (tup0 a) => ord (tup0 a) read (tup0 a) show (tup0 a) monoid a => monoid (tup0 a) storable a => storable (tup0 a) data tup1 a sourceconstructorstup1 a instancesfunctor tup1 applicative tup1 foldable tup1 traversable tup1 tup tup1 tupconcat tup8 tup1 tup9 tupconcat tup7 tup1 tup8 tupconcat tup6 tup1 tup7 tupconcat tup5 tup1 tup6 tupconcat tup4 tup1 tup5 tupconcat tup3 tup1 tup4 tupconcat tup2 tup1 tup3 tupconcat tup1 tup8 tup9 tupconcat tup1 tup7 tup8 tupconcat tup1 tup6 tup7 tupconcat tup1 tup5 tup6 tupconcat tup1 tup4 tup5 tupconcat tup1 tup3 tup4 tupconcat tup1 tup2 tup3 tupconcat tup1 tup1 tup2 tupconcat tup1 tup0 tup1 tupconcat tup0 tup1 tup1 eq a => eq (tup1 a) (num (tup1 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup1 a) num a => num (tup1 a) (eq (tup1 a), ord a) => ord (tup1 a) read a => read (tup1 a) show a => show (tup1 a) monoid a => monoid (tup1 a) storable a => storable (tup1 a) data tup2 a sourceconstructorstup2 a a instancesfunctor tup2 applicative tup2 foldable tup2 traversable tup2 tup tup2 tupconcat tup7 tup2 tup9 tupconcat tup6 tup2 tup8 tupconcat tup5 tup2 tup7 tupconcat tup4 tup2 tup6 tupconcat tup3 tup2 tup5 tupconcat tup2 tup7 tup9 tupconcat tup2 tup6 tup8 tupconcat tup2 tup5 tup7 tupconcat tup2 tup4 tup6 tupconcat tup2 tup3 tup5 tupconcat tup2 tup2 tup4 tupconcat tup2 tup1 tup3 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show (tup3 a) monoid a => monoid (tup3 a) storable a => storable (tup3 a) data tup4 a sourceconstructorstup4 a a a a instancesfunctor tup4 applicative tup4 foldable tup4 traversable tup4 tup tup4 tupconcat tup5 tup4 tup9 tupconcat tup4 tup5 tup9 tupconcat tup4 tup4 tup8 tupconcat tup4 tup3 tup7 tupconcat tup4 tup2 tup6 tupconcat tup4 tup1 tup5 tupconcat tup4 tup0 tup4 tupconcat tup3 tup4 tup7 tupconcat tup3 tup1 tup4 tupconcat tup2 tup4 tup6 tupconcat tup2 tup2 tup4 tupconcat tup1 tup4 tup5 tupconcat tup1 tup3 tup4 tupconcat tup0 tup4 tup4 eq a => eq (tup4 a) (num (tup4 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup4 a) num a => num (tup4 a) (eq (tup4 a), ord a) => ord (tup4 a) read a => read (tup4 a) show a => show (tup4 a) monoid a => monoid (tup4 a) storable a => storable (tup4 a) data tup5 a sourceconstructorstup5 a a a a a instancesfunctor tup5 applicative tup5 foldable tup5 traversable tup5 tup tup5 tupconcat tup5 tup4 tup9 tupconcat tup5 tup3 tup8 tupconcat tup5 tup2 tup7 tupconcat tup5 tup1 tup6 tupconcat tup5 tup0 tup5 tupconcat tup4 tup5 tup9 tupconcat tup4 tup1 tup5 tupconcat tup3 tup5 tup8 tupconcat tup3 tup2 tup5 tupconcat tup2 tup5 tup7 tupconcat tup2 tup3 tup5 tupconcat tup1 tup5 tup6 tupconcat tup1 tup4 tup5 tupconcat tup0 tup5 tup5 eq a => eq (tup5 a) (num (tup5 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup5 a) num a => num (tup5 a) (eq (tup5 a), ord a) => ord (tup5 a) read a => read (tup5 a) show a => show (tup5 a) monoid a => monoid (tup5 a) storable a => storable (tup5 a) data tup6 a sourceconstructorstup6 a a a a a a instancesfunctor tup6 applicative tup6 foldable tup6 traversable tup6 tup tup6 tupconcat tup6 tup3 tup9 tupconcat tup6 tup2 tup8 tupconcat tup6 tup1 tup7 tupconcat tup6 tup0 tup6 tupconcat tup5 tup1 tup6 tupconcat tup4 tup2 tup6 tupconcat tup3 tup6 tup9 tupconcat tup3 tup3 tup6 tupconcat tup2 tup6 tup8 tupconcat tup2 tup4 tup6 tupconcat tup1 tup6 tup7 tupconcat tup1 tup5 tup6 tupconcat tup0 tup6 tup6 eq a => eq (tup6 a) (num (tup6 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup6 a) num a => num (tup6 a) (eq (tup6 a), ord a) => ord (tup6 a) read a => read (tup6 a) show a => show (tup6 a) monoid a => monoid (tup6 a) storable a => storable (tup6 a) data tup7 a sourceconstructorstup7 a a a a a a a instancesfunctor tup7 applicative tup7 foldable tup7 traversable tup7 tup tup7 tupconcat tup7 tup2 tup9 tupconcat tup7 tup1 tup8 tupconcat tup7 tup0 tup7 tupconcat tup6 tup1 tup7 tupconcat tup5 tup2 tup7 tupconcat tup4 tup3 tup7 tupconcat tup3 tup4 tup7 tupconcat tup2 tup7 tup9 tupconcat tup2 tup5 tup7 tupconcat tup1 tup7 tup8 tupconcat tup1 tup6 tup7 tupconcat tup0 tup7 tup7 eq a => eq (tup7 a) (num (tup7 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup7 a) num a => num (tup7 a) (eq (tup7 a), ord a) => ord (tup7 a) read a => read (tup7 a) show a => show (tup7 a) monoid a => monoid (tup7 a) storable a => storable (tup7 a) data tup8 a sourceconstructorstup8 a a a a a a a a instancesfunctor tup8 applicative tup8 foldable tup8 traversable tup8 tup tup8 tupconcat tup8 tup1 tup9 tupconcat tup8 tup0 tup8 tupconcat tup7 tup1 tup8 tupconcat tup6 tup2 tup8 tupconcat tup5 tup3 tup8 tupconcat tup4 tup4 tup8 tupconcat tup3 tup5 tup8 tupconcat tup2 tup6 tup8 tupconcat tup1 tup8 tup9 tupconcat tup1 tup7 tup8 tupconcat tup0 tup8 tup8 eq a => eq (tup8 a) (num (tup8 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup8 a) num a => num (tup8 a) (eq (tup8 a), ord a) => ord (tup8 a) read a => read (tup8 a) show a => show (tup8 a) monoid a => monoid (tup8 a) storable a => storable (tup8 a) data tup9 a sourceconstructorstup9 a a a a a a a a a instancesfunctor tup9 applicative tup9 foldable tup9 traversable tup9 tup tup9 tupconcat tup9 tup0 tup9 tupconcat tup8 tup1 tup9 tupconcat tup7 tup2 tup9 tupconcat tup6 tup3 tup9 tupconcat tup5 tup4 tup9 tupconcat tup4 tup5 tup9 tupconcat tup3 tup6 tup9 tupconcat tup2 tup7 tup9 tupconcat tup1 tup8 tup9 tupconcat tup0 tup9 tup9 eq a => eq (tup9 a) (num (tup9 a), fractional a) => fractional (tup9 a) num a => num (tup9 a) (eq (tup9 a), ord a) => ord (tup9 a) read a => read (tup9 a) show a => show (tup9 a) monoid a => monoid (tup9 a) storable a => storable (tup9 a) ""tupping""" | cb3df3c0213ea5805e585fa913930aae014a68868b1de13a4346bc0166a22331 | 1,279 | 5,842 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.02 | 112 |
filled environment. Architecturally dramatic interior spaces allow for gracious entertaining on an embassy scale. Hans Wydler of Long & Foster was the buyers’ agent while Sherry Davis and Lauren Davis of Washington Fine Properties were the listing agents. MARYLAND Jon Siegel of Jon Mark Homes sold Robert and Diana Taylor boughtARMAT CUSTER ROAD to Edan and Anne DRIVE in Bethesda from the Mark Levitt Orgad for $1,950,000. The five-bedroom Trust for $2,850,000. Mr. Taylor is president of Mediterranean-style house in Bethesda was Thoron, a District-based real estate investment built in 2011 and boasts a wall of windows in firm. The five-bedroom contemporary in the great room, a posh library, exercise room, Longwood was built in 1988 and sits on a media room, gourmet kitchen and beautiful three-quarter-acre lot with towering trees back porch with full-height gas fireplace. The surrounding a private pool. The unique property sits on a 15,000-square-foot lot that property features high ceilings, with soaring overlooks Greenwich Park. Long & Foster’s windows and skylights that create a sun- Jeanne Kayne was the listing agent while the | 28d2ffad4016b04ab5bbf2099bca83c0ed67c7cce7f66fd98f77591c929a0379 | 179 | 981 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.91 | 7 |
@ThingsExpo StoriesOutscale to Exhibit at @CloudExpo New YorkBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that Outscale will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Outscale's technology makes an automated and adaptable Cloud available to businesses, supporting them in the most complex IT projects while controlling their operational aspects. You boost your IT infrastructure's reactivity, with request responses that only take a few seconds.May. 27, 2017 12:15 AM EDT Reads: 924CFP for @DevOpsSummit Silicon Valley OpensBy Pat RomanskiDevOps at Cloud Expo – being held October 31 - November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA – announces that its Call for Papers is open. Born out of proven success in agile development, cloud computing, and process automation, DevOps is a macro trend you cannot afford to miss. From showcase success stories from early adopters and web-scale businesses, DevOps is expanding to organizations of all sizes, including the world's largest enterprises – and delivering real r...May. 27, 2017 12:00 AM EDT Reads: 1,181CollabNet Named "Bronze Sponsor" Cloud Expo NYBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that CollabNet, a global leader in enterprise software development, release automation and DevOps solutions, will be a Bronze Sponsor of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, taking place from June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. CollabNet offers a broad range of solutions with the mission of helping modern organizations deliver quality software at speed. The company’s latest innovation, the DevOps Lifecycle Manager (DLM), supports Value S...May. 26, 2017 11:15 PM EDT Reads: 6,216Enzu at Cloud Expo New York & Silicon ValleyBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that Enzu will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and the 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place October 31-November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. Enzu’s mission is to be the leading provider of enterprise cloud solutions worldwide. Enzu enables online businesses to use its IT infrastructure to their competitive ad...May. 26, 2017 11:00 PM EDT Reads: 4,540Peak 10 to Exhibit at Cloud Expo New YorkBy Pat RomanskiSYS-CON Events announced today that Peak 10, Inc., a national IT infrastructure and cloud services provider, will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Peak 10 provides reliable, tailored data center and network services, cloud and managed services. Its solutions are designed to scale and adapt to customers’ changing business needs, enabling them to lower costs, improve performance and focus intern...May. 26, 2017 09:45 PM EDT Reads: 6,305[video] Dion Hinchcliffe's IoT KeynoteBy Carmen GonzalezA strange thing is happening along the way to the Internet of Things, namely far too many devices to work with and manage. It has become clear that we'll need much higher efficiency user experiences that can allow us to more easily and scalably work with the thousands of devices that will soon be in each of our lives. Enter the conversational interface revolution, combining bots we can literally talk with, gesture to, and even direct with our thoughts, with embedded artificial intelligence, whic...May. 26, 2017 09:15 PM EDT Reads: 5,408[session] A Real-World Look at Hybrid ITBy Pat RomanskiEverywhere we turn in our industry we can find strong opinions about the direction, type and nature of cloud’s impact on computing and business. Another word that is used in every context in our industry is “hybrid.” In his session at 20th Cloud Expo, Alvaro Gonzalez, Director of Technical, Partner and Field Marketing at Peak 10, will use a combination of a few conceptual props and some research recently commissioned by Peak 10 to offer a real-world consideration of how the various categories of...May. 26, 2017 08:30 PM EDT Reads: 1,312[session] IoT Deployment in BusinessBy Elizabeth WhiteIn order to meet the rapidly changing demands of today’s customers, companies are continually forced to redefine their business strategies in order to meet these needs, stay relevant and continue to see profitable growth. IoT deployment and development is integral in this transformation, and today businesses are increasingly seeing the value of investing their resources into IoT deployments. These technologies are able increase ROI through projects such as connecting supply chains or enabling sm...May. 26, 2017 08:15 PM EDT Reads: 296IBM Named "Diamond Sponsor" in NY and CABy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that SoftLayer, an IBM Company, has been named “Gold Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 18th Cloud Expo, which will take place on June 7-9, 2016, at the Javits Center in New York, New York. SoftLayer, an IBM Company, provides cloud infrastructure as a service from a growing number of data centers and network points of presence around the world. SoftLayer’s customers range from Web startups to global enterprises.May. 26, 2017 06:45 PM EDT Reads: 7,719IoT: How to Handle All This Data ‘Power Panel'By Liz McMillanMultiple data types are pouring into IoT deployments. Data is coming in small packages as well as enormous files and data streams of many sizes. Widespread use of mobile devices adds to the total. In this power panel at @ThingsExpo, moderated by Conference Chair Roger Strukhoff, panelists will look at the tools and environments that are being put to use in IoT deployments, as well as the team skills a modern enterprise IT shop needs to keep things running, get a handle on all this data, and deli...May. 26, 2017 06:45 PM EDT Reads: 5,269Fantastic Cloud Expo June 6-8 at the Javits CenterBy Liz McMillanWith major technology companies and startups seriously embracing Cloud strategies, now is the perfect time to attend @CloudExpo | @ThingsExpo, June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY and October 31 - November 2, 2017, Santa Clara Convention Center, CA. Learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is on the right path to Digital Transformation.May. 26, 2017 04:00 PM EDT Reads: 5,468Keynote: DevOps & Age of Cloud CraftsmanshipBy Elizabeth WhiteFive years ago development was seen as a dead-end career, now it’s anything but – with an explosion in mobile and IoT initiatives increasing the demand for skilled engineers. But apart from having a ready supply of great coders, what constitutes true ‘DevOps Royalty’? It’ll be the ability to craft resilient architectures, supportability, security everywhere across the software lifecycle. In his keynote at @DevOpsSummit at 20th Cloud Expo, Jeffrey Scheaffer, GM and SVP, Continuous Delivery Busine...May. 26, 2017 04:00 PM EDT Reads: 3,944delaPlex to Present FinTech at Cloud Expo NYBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that delaPlex will exhibit at SYS-CON's @CloudExpo, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. delaPlex pioneered Software Development as a Service (SDaaS), which provides scalable resources to build, test, and deploy software. It’s a fast and more reliable way to develop a new product or expand your in-house team.May. 26, 2017 03:30 PM EDT Reads: 4,992delaPlex to Present FinTech at @CloudExpo NYBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that delaPlex will exhibit at SYS-CON's @ThingsExpo, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. delaPlex pioneered Software Development as a Service (SDaaS), which provides scalable resources to build, test, and deploy software. It’s a fast and more reliable way to develop a new product or expand your in-house team.May. 26, 2017 03:15 PM EDT Reads: 4,430[session] Amazon's Cloud Billowing into IoT, AIBy Elizabeth WhiteAmazon started as an online bookseller 20 years ago. Since then, it has evolved into a technology juggernaut that has disrupted multiple markets and industries and touches many aspects of our lives. It is a relentless technology and business model innovator driving disruption throughout numerous ecosystems. Amazon’s AWS revenues alone are approaching $16B a year making it one of the largest IT companies in the world. With dominant offerings in Cloud, IoT, eCommerce, Big Data, AI, Digital Assis...May. 26, 2017 03:15 PM EDT Reads: 319Carbonite to Exhibit at Cloud Expo New YorkBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that Carbonite will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Carbonite protects your entire IT footprint with the right level of protection for each workload, ensuring lower costs and dependable solutions with DoubleTake and Evault.May. 26, 2017 03:15 PM EDT Reads: 2,897EARP Integration to Exhibit at Cloud ExpoBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that EARP Integration will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. EARP Integration is a passionate software house. Since its inception in 2009 the company successfully delivers smart solutions for cities and factories that start their digital transformation. EARP provides bespoke solutions like, for example, advanced enterprise portals, business intelligence systems an...May. 26, 2017 03:15 PM EDT Reads: 1,631[session] Critical Role of Machine LearningBy Liz McMillanDetecting internal user threats in the Big Data eco-system is challenging and cumbersome. Many organizations monitor internal usage of the Big Data eco-system using a set of alerts. This is not a scalable process given the increase in the number of alerts with the accelerating growth in data volume and user base. Organizations are increasingly leveraging machine learning to monitor only those data elements that are sensitive and critical, autonomously establish monitoring policies, and to detect...May. 26, 2017 03:00 PM EDT Reads: 1,244Pulzze Exhibitor at Cloud Expo NY & Silicon ValleyBy Yeshim DenizWe build IoT infrastructure products - when you have to integrate different devices, different systems and cloud you have to build an application to do that but we eliminate the need to build an application. Our products can integrate any device, any system, any cloud regardless of protocol," explained Peter Jung, Chief Product Officer at Pulzze Systems, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at @ThingsExpo, held November 1-3, 2016, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CAMay. 26, 2017 02:45 PM EDT Reads: 5,622Progress Named “Bronze Sponsor” of Cloud ExpoBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that Progress, a global leader in application development, has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. | a93e7f1d31ebb2403a144d6c718390c89acf3f024d7e32e8674fc8ba7e0d43fb | 1,737 | 9,413 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.690846 | 6.22 | 28 |
23 ubukombe ubwaluma pali turi:+ lileni imisowa, mwe mato ya ku tarshishi!+ pantu naonaulwa kabili tali icabu, tali apa kwingilila iyo.+ nababasokolwela ukufuma ku calo ca kitimu.+ 2 talaleni, mwe bekashi ba mu lulamba lwa bemba. bashimakwebo ba ku sidone,+ abaleabuka bemba, baisula mu mwenu. 3 kabili ukulobolola kwa mu naelo, icibwesha cakwe, e kutila, imbuto sha ku shihore,+ shasendeelwe pa menshi ayengi; kabili caishileba icibwesha ca nko.+ 4 ba ne nsoni, iwe sidone.+ pantu iwe, we wacingilila bemba, bemba nasosa ukutila: “nshaculapo no kukalipwa kwa pa kupaapa, kabili nshafyalapo, nangu kukusha abana abaume, nangu banacisungu.”+ 5 nga filya cali pa lyashi lya pali egupti,+ abantu bakatutuma nga nshi ilyo baumfwa ilyashi pali turi.+ 6 abukileni ku tarshishi; lileni imisowa, mwe bekashi ba mu lulamba lwa bemba. 7 bushe e uyu musumba wenu uwaleanga ukutula ku nshiku sha kale na kale, ukutula ku nshiku sha uko isha kubalilapo? amakasa yakwe yalemuleta ukufuma ukutali pa kuti ese ekale mu ncende shimbi. 8 bushe nani apingwile+ ici pali turi, uufwika ifilongwe, uo bashimakwebo bakwe bali ni bacilolo, uo abasulushi bakwe bali e bashimucindikwa ba pe sonde?+ 9 yehova wa mabumba umwine napingula,+ pa kuti akuseebanye pa kuyemba konse uko uituntumbilapo,+ ku kusaalula bashimucindikwa bonse aba pe sonde.+ 10 abuka icalo cobe ngo mumana wa naelo, we mwana mwanakashi uwa ku tarshishi.+ takuli apa kupangila no kulungishisha amato.+ 11 natambulwila ukuboko kwakwe pali bemba; nalenga amabufumu ukusunkana.+ yehova umwine nasosa amashiwi pali foinike, ku konaula amalinga yakwe ayakosa.+ 12 kabili atila: “tawakasekelele na kabili,+ we wacushiwa, we mwana mwanakashi nacisungu wa mu sidone.+ ima, abukila ku kitimu.+ na ko kwine tawakatuushe.” 13 moneni! icalo ca bena kaldi.+ aba e balengele ukuti abe icifulo ca nama sha mu fiswebebe,+ te asiria+ iyo. nabakuula ifibumba no kushinga umusumba,+ nababongolola amayanda yakwe aya pa malinga;+ umo namonaula.+ 14 lileni imisowa, mwe mato ya ku tarshishi, pantu ubucingo bwenu nabonaulwa.+ 15 kabili muli ubo bushiku turi akalabwa imyaka amakumi cinelubali (70),+ ukulingana ne nshiku sha mfumu imo. ilyo imyaka amakumi cinelubali ikalapwa, ifikacitikila turi, ni filya ifyaba mu lwimbo lwa kwa cilende, ulutila: 16 “buula nsango, shinguluka umusumba, we cilende+ walabwa. lisha bwino ifilimba; fusha inyimbo shobe, pa kuti wibukishiwe.” 17 kabili ilyo imyaka amakumi cinelubali (70) ikapwa yehova akapempula turi, kabili turi akatendeka ukupoka amalipilo+ yakwe no kucita bucilende na mabufumu yonse aya pe sonde.+ 18 kabili icibwesha cakwe na malipilo+ yakwe fikaba ica mushilo kuli yehova. tafyakasungwe, nangu kutuulikwa, pantu amalipilo yakwe yakaba aya bekala ku cinso ca kwa yehova,+ ukuti balye no kwikuta no kufwala ifisuma.+" | 3e0cea4ad97162c5512270b9cd25f72a3ebdbd8a23cc88e1058607de01d3ab6a | 422 | 2,373 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.74 | 11 |
umndeni wethu selokhu wawungumndeni osingatha izihambi, kwathi ngelinye ilanga ngonyaka ka--2005, ngenxa yombiko womenzi okubi, abazali bami nabanye babafowethu nodade baboshwa amaphoyisa eccp. udadewethu engizalwa naye ngenhlanhla wacishe waminza kodwa wasinda ngoba wabaleka, wasinda nje ngoba unkulunkulu wamvikela. abazali bami nabafowethu nodadewethu ekhaya lomndeni wami bagcinwa khona bahlawuliswa, futhi bonke bahlushwa, bonke basala nezingozi belimele. ngithe uma ngizwa izindaba, ngahluleka ukubamba imizwa yami. angikwazanga ukugcwalisa izibopho zomsebenzi wami. ngacabanga ngathi, “esikhathini esifana nalesi nakanjani kufanele ngigoduke. abazali bami bangikhulisile, manje basenkingeni, ngisho noma kungekho engizokwenza kodwa okungenani ukuba ngiyobahlola nje ngibaduduze.” ngakho--ke ngagibela isitimela esibheke ekhaya ngaqonda ngqo ekhaya likababekazi wami wasohlangothini lukababa (naye okholwa kunkulunkulu) ukuze ngiyobona abazali bami. ngaleso sikhathi ngabona ukuthi amanxeba ayengakapholi, ngezwa ngidabuka ngaphakathi, izinyembezi zaphihlika emehlweni ami. ngabona sengathi abazali bami babehlazisiwe. yilapho--ke abazali bami bathi kimina: ngenkathi yokubalekela amaphoyisa, udadewethu engizalwa naye waziphonsa emfuleni (lokhu kwenzeka ngozibandlela, kusihlwa). amanzi ayefinyelela amqaleni wakhe, umsinga wawunamandla kakhulu, izitshalo zasendle zabambeka emlenzeni webhulukwe lakhe, izicathulo zakhe zabambeka odakeni, futhi wayengakwazi nokubhukuda, ngakho kuseyimfihlakalo nje ukuthi wafinyelela kanjani kolunye uhlangothi. kusho ukuthi unkulunkulu wamvikela ngendlela eyisimangaliso, kungenjalo imiphumela yayizoba yinhlekelele engacabangeki (amanzi ajulile nomsinga onamandla kwakumuke nempilo yomlisa owayeseminyakeni ehamba kwengama--40 ezinsukwini ezingengaki ezidlule). kamuva, udadewethu eselamana naye wacasha ekhaya likadade owayesekhulile nowamnika izingubo zokushintsha ngenkathi ekhala futhi omisa izingubo zakhe emlilweni, futhi nje wamnakekela kahle. ezinsukwini ezimbalwa emva kwalokho waphinde wathola ukuthi nekhaya likadade omdala lalingasaphephile, ngakho udadewethu eselamana naye waya kocasha ekhaya likababekazi ozalana nomama. waphuma emini ehambise incwadi ebhekiswe ebandleni lethu ibikela umholi webandla ngesimo somndeni wami, kodwa uthe uma esebuya, indodakazi encane kababekazi ozalana nomama wathi kuye, “we mzala, ubuyeleni? bengicabanga ukuthi uhambile. sesiwusongile nombhede.” udadewethu wabona ukuthi ubabekazi ozalana nomama wayesaba ukubandakanyeka futhi engafuni ukuba ahlale ekhaya lakhe, ngakho ekhala izinyembezi, wahamba ekhaya labo, wazibeka engcupheni yokuba aboshwe weza ekhaya ngoba wayengenayo enye indawo ayengaya kuyona. emva kokudedelwa kwabazali bethu, uma bezwa ngokuthi udadewethu wayecishe waminza ukuthi wayexoshwe kanjani ngubabekazi ozalana nomama, bathukuthela kakhulu, kodwa ubabekazi ozalana nomama, ngephimbo elalinesiqiniseko sokuthi akwenzile kwakulungile, waphendula wathi, “kunjalo, vele siyesaba ukubandakanyeka. nina nizilethele nina loku kuboshwa. naninempilo enhle emnandi, kodwa nakuchitha konke lokho, manje nicishe nabulalisa umuntu!” ngangingakaze ngicabange ukuthi isihlobo esisondelene kanje nathi, abantu ababesondelene nami ngaphambilini, esikhathini lapho iccp ibopha umndeni wami nezimpilo zabo zisengcupheni, ngesikhathi lapho induduzo yayidingeka ngempela, wayengakhipha amazwi anobulwane kanje noma enze izinto ezinonya kangaka. ukwazi ukuthi wayengangidangalisa kangaka. akekho noyedwa kubantu esabasiza kakhulu ngaphambilini oweza wazosibheka noma asiduduze. labo esasinobudlelwane obuhle nabo abagcinanga nje ngokungabakhulumisi abazali bami uma behlangana nabo emgaqweni, kodwa babebabalekela. abanye ababejwayele ukunqekuzisa amakhanda basibingelele uma behlangana nathi manje babesifulathela basihlebe. ngabafowethu nodade kuphela abafika bazosivakashela futhi bahlanganyela nathi kusihlwa. ngangingakaze ngicabange ukuthi umndeni wethu wawuyoke ubhekane nokuhlukumezeka okungaka, ngaphinda ngavinjezelwa ubuhlungu, nginanemicabango yokumkhaphela unkulunkulu ngaphakathi enhliziyweni yami. kamuva, emva kokuthola isambulelo esivela kunkulunkulu, ngabhekana nalokho abafowethu nodade esikhonza nabo ababeke bakhuluma ngakho, “ubudlelwane phakathi kwabantu abusekelwe ndawo ngaphandle kwezintshisekelo ezifanayo, umndeni nabangani bamane basizane nje esisekelweni esizuzisa izingxenye zombili.” ngaphinde ngacabanga emuva engxoxweni yami nabazali bami emayelana nalokho abakuzuza kulesi sehlakalo sokuboshwa kwabo, isibonelo: ngenkathi amaphoyisa esebenzisa isitswebhu sesikhumba eshaya ubaba, uthi akezwanga ubuhlungu obutheni, nokuthi ibhande lagqashuka laba yizingcucu ezintathu ngenkathi bemshaya. udadewethu uthi akezwanga kwesaba nhlobo ngenkathi ebhekene nesakhe isehlakalo, futhi yize noma kwakunguzibandlela, uthi akezwanga makhaza avela emanzini. unkulunkulu wamnikeza amandla athe xaxa nokuzethemba. ukuboshwa yiccp empeleni kwakubenze bazimisela nakakhulu. kwakubenze banamandla kakhulu. ubaba wathi wayengakaze akholwe emazwini kankulunkulu ngaphambilini mayelana nendlela unkulunkulu aveza ngayo ububi, ukuzonda iqiniso kweccp enkathini edlule, nokuthi wayekade eyihlonipha inkosi yodeveli, kodwa lesi sehlakalo samkhombisa ukuthi iccp kwakuyiqeqebana nje lezinswelaboya, izigcwelegcwele ezazithathela noma yini ekhaya lethu ebizayo futhi ezazibopha izakhamuzi ezithobela umthetho ezikholwa kunkulunkulu kunokubopha ababulali nabokheli bomlilo empahleni. ngaba namahloni uma ngiqonda ukuthi sonke siphila ngaphansi kobuholi bukankulunkulu, yonke into esibhekana nayo iyingxenye yobukhulu bukankulunkulu nezinhlelo, akekho umuntu onamandla okusiza abanye, ukuthandana kwemindeni kuyosixoshela le kude nonkulunkulu, nokuthi izinto abantu abakwazi ukusizana ngazo zihambelana nenyama, hhayi iqiniso. imicabango efana nokuthi “ukungafuni inyama yabazali bami ihlupheke” ayigcini nje ngokungalethi mhlomulo empilweni yabo, futhi ayibaletheli mhlomulo ensindisweni yabo. unkulunkulu kuphela owazi okudingwa ngumuntu, futhi ngunkulunkulu othanda umuntu ukudlula bonke abantu. ngabona indinyana yezwi likankulunkulu eyayithi, “kusukeka ngesikhathi edala umhlaba, unkulunkulu wenze umsebenzi omningi obandakanya ukubaluleka kokuphila, wenze umsebenzi omningi onika umuntu ukuphila, futhi wakhokha inani elikhulu ukuze umuntu aphinde abe nokuphila, ngoba unkulunkulu uqobo uwukuphila okungunaphakade, futhi unkulunkulu uqobo uyindlela umuntu avuswa ngayo. unkulunkulu uhlala ekhona enhliziyweni yomuntu, futhi uphila phakathi komuntu ngaso sonke isikhathi. nguye obeqhubekisa ukuphila komuntu, isisekelo sobukhona bomuntu, futhi utshale lukhulu ukuze umuntu aphile emuva kokuzalwa. wenza umuntu azalwe kabusha, futhi wenza akwazi ukuphila endimeni nendima okumele abe kuyo. sibonga amandla akhe, kanye namandla akhe okuphila angeshatshalaliswe, umuntu uphile izizukulwane eziningi, kukho konke amandla kankulunkulu yiwo akade enza ukuthi umuntu aqhubeke nokuba khona, futhi unkulunkulu ukhokhe inani umuntu ojwayelekile angakaze alikhokhe. amandla empilo kankulunkulu angachuma kunanoma amaphi amandla, phezu kwalokho, edlula wonke amandla. ukuphila kwakhe kungunaphakade, amandla akhe makhulu ngokwedlulele, futhi amandla akhe okuphila awehlulwa yinoma yini edaliwe noma amandla esitha. amandla kankulunkulu akhona, futhi akhanyisa bha, noma ngabe yisiphi isikhathi noma indawo. izulu nomhlaba kungaba nezinguquko ezinkulu, kodwa ukuphila kukankulunkulu kuhlala kufana. zonke izinto ziyedlula, kodwa ukuphila kukankulunkulu kulokhu kumile, ngoba unkulunkulu ungumthombo wobukhona bazo zonke izinto, futhi ungumsuka wobukhona bazo. ukuphila komuntu kuvela kunkulunkulu, izulu likhona ngenxa kankulunkulu, futhi ubukhona bomhlaba busuka emandleni okuphila kukankulunkulu. akukho okubalulekile okungadlula ubukhulu bukankulunkulu, futhi akukho okunamandla okuphuma emandleni okuphathwa ngunkulunkulu. ngale ndlela, ngisho noma bangobani, bonke abantu kumele bathobele ukubusa kukankulunkulu, bonke abantu kumele baphile ngaphansi kokulawulwa unkulunkulu, futhi akekho umuntu ongaphunyuka elulawuleni kwakhe” (“ukristu wezinsuku zokugcina kuphela onganika umuntu indlela yokuphila ingunaphakade” encwadini ethi izwi livela lisenyameni). ngenxa yamazwi kankulunkulu nempilo yangokoqobo, ngabona ubukhulu nokumangalisa kwamandla empilo kankulunkulu, ukuthi uphila phakathi kwabantu ngaso sonke isikhathi, kwesinye isikhathi uhola umuntu aphinde akhombise amandla akhe, kanye nokuthi wonke umuntu uphila ngezihlelo ezihlelwe ngunkulunkulu. ngibhekene nezwi likankulunkulu, ngabona ukuthi ngangimncinyane kangakanani nokuthi ukuxhumana ngemimoya kwakungabalulekile kangakanani. yini engangingayenza ngibhekene nobunzima bomndeni wami? angithi unkulunkulu kwakunguye futhi obavikelayo, obanakekelayo, nobaholayo ezimweni zabo eziyingcuphe? kungenzeka uthando lomuntu ngomunye umuntu lube lukhulu kunothando lukankulunkulu lomuntu? ngesikhathi esifanayo, amazwi kankulunkulu angahlulela, “ngubani phakathi kwenu ongazikhandla ngokugcwele ngenxa yami futhi anikele konke okwakhe ngenxa yami? nonke aninamdlandla, imicabango yenu iyazungeza izungeze, icabanga ngekhaya, izwe elingaphandle, ukudla nokokugqoka. ngaphezu kweqiniso lokuthi uphambi kwami ungenzela izinto, enhliziyweni yakho usacabanga ngomkakho, abantabakho nabazali bakho ekhaya. ngabe bonke bayinto yakho? kungani ungababeki ezandleni zami? awukholwa ngokwanele kimi? noma ngukuthi wesaba ukuthi ngiyokwenzela amalungiselelo angafanele? kungani uhlala ukhumbula ikhaya? futhi ukhumbula abanye abantu! ngabe nginaso isikhundla esithile enhliziyweni yakho? futhi usakhuluma ngokungivumela ngibe nokubusa phakathi kuwe futhi ngihlale kubo bonke ubuwena—konke lokhu kungamanga okukhohlisa! bangaki kinina abangabebandla ngazo zonke izinhliziyo zenu? futhi ngubani phakathi kwenu ongazicabangi yena, kodwa ongowombuso wanamuhla? cabanga ngokucophelela kakhulu ngalokhu” (“isahluko 59” sombhalo othi amazwi kakristu ekuqaleni encwadini ethi izwi livela lisenyameni). ngabona ukuthi into engangisayithanda kakhulu enhliziyweni yami kwakuseyiwo umndeni wami, ngoba ngangingenalo ukholo lweqiniso kunkulunkulu, ngangingakakwazi ukubathatha ngibabeke ezandleni zikankulunkulu; ngabona ukuthi ngangingaphili eqinisweni, futhi yize noma ngangiyigcwalisa imisebenzi yami endlini kankulunkulu, esikhathini esiningi ngangiselokhu ngikhathazeke ngomndeni wami, futhi ngingadedeli unkulunkulu agcwalise inhliziyo yami. ngangingakwazi ukuhlonipha unkulunkulu ngaphezu kwabo bonke abanye bese ngenza imisebenzi yami ngokuthembeka. ngangikhohliswe ngalinyazwa usathane. ukube kwakungeve kungenxa yalezi zehlakalo “ezingamashwa” ezazingehlela, ngangisoze ngakwazi ukubona izinto ngokucacile. kunjengoba leli hubo lamazwi kankulunkulu lisho, “uma kuza esimweni sokuphila komuntu, umuntu usahlalelwe ukuthola ukuphila okungokoqobo, akakayiboni incithakalo nezimo ezinosizi zomhlaba; ukuba bekungekhona ngenxa yokufika kwenhlekelele, abantu bebeyolokhu bebambelele emvelweni, futhi bebeyolokhu bezilibazisa ekunambithekeni ‘kwempilo.’ ngabe leli akulona iphimbo lensindiso unkulunkulu alikhuluma kumuntu? kungani, phakathi kwesintu, kungekho muntu oke wathanda unkulunkulu ngokweqiniso? kungani umuntu ethanda unkulunkulu kuphela phakathi kokusolwa, kodwa akekho othanda unkulunkulu ngaphansi kokuvikela kwakhe?” (“isintu asiyazi insindiso kankulunkulu” kwethi landelani iwundlu nihlabelele izihlabelelo ezintsha). ukube kwakungeve kungenxa yalezi zimo engazembulelwa, ngangingasoze ngaqonda ngokuyikho ubudlelwane phakathi kwabantu, futhi ngabe ngisalawula ubudlelwane bemindeni, uthando, nobungane, ngisabambeke ngokudlulele ekulangazeleleni nasekulandeleni lezi zinto, ngikhohliswe futhi ngihlushekiswe yikona, ngijabule ekungazini kwami; ngale kwalokho, ngangingasoze ngamukela iqiniso, ngingasoze ngathatha indlela elungile empilweni, futhi kwakuyinsindiso kankulunkulu eyangivumela ukuba ngingaphinde ngithole ukuzwa ukunambitheka “kwempilo” futhi. lapho sengiqonda konke lokhu, nganquma ukuba ngikholwe ngenhliziyo yami yonke ukuba ngikholwe kunkulunkulu futhi ngilandelele iqiniso ukuze ngikhokhe uthando angithande ngalo unkulunkulu. | c638f349ed62aaa8877083350780aa2fe5e2f1b6d817cfff7016b976edb8a97b | 1,343 | 10,851 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.07 | 12 |
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dc.description.abstract There has been considerable debate amongst feminist scholars as to whether the normalization of cosmetic surgery positively impacts women, empowers women by promoting agency and choice (Gimlin 2002, Kuczynski 2006), or oppresses women by propagating patriarchal ideologies that confine women’s bodies and consequently inhibit their voice (Blum 2003, Blood 2005, Heinricy 2006, Clarke and Griffin 2007, Tait, 2007). Rather than entering this debate my argument proceeds from a premise that the normalization of cosmetic surgery is a form of implicit and exclusive violence. Using a selection of post‐structuralist, feminist, and psychoanalytic theories, I analyze the manner in which this form of violence confines women’s bodies and structures the psyche. Using Jacques Lacan, Judith Butler, and Michel Foucault’s argument on pastoral power, I deconstruct the formation of the normalized self, the conscience, and the act of confession as it translates in the context of the cosmetic surgical body itself. Furthermore, I highlight liberal feminism’s role in this form of oppression. In so doing, I theoretically show the continual and effective functioning of pastoral power in the context of an individualization technique that oppresses women in the second decade of the twenty‐first century. I argue that the normalization of cosmetic surgery provokes a silencing of woman’s voices, an exploitation and oppression of the individual’s psyche, and an invalidation of the living body by a less visible, less explicit, mode of incarceration that is concealed by an aesthetic and moral veil. It is in this context that I present a counter discourse to the oppression that underlies the normalizing discourses promoted by the cosmetic surgical industry, a destabilization of patriarchal norms embedded within cosmetic surgical discourses, and a theoretical reconstruction that involves an inscription of what I refer to as an authentic feminist voice in contemporary consumer culture – a mode of intimate unconscious insurgence. I advocate a return to Julia Kristeva’s theory and the intimate revolt promoted by her ethical approach. Furthermore, I present a voice that demonstrates an intimate revolt – a voice that challenges patriarchal norms and is not exclusively confined by the mechanisms of normalization that shape the twenty‐first century woman with emphasis on the cosmetic surgical industry and its superincumbent discourses – the South African poet Antjie Krog. It is Krog’s skillfully structured poetic texts that facilitate my theoretical reconstruction. Applying Kristeva’s theory on semanalysis, I theoretically show that Krog’s work fabricates an excess to the confines of the law of the Father and the mechanisms of normalization itself. In addition, I present an “originary attachment” as an adaption of Kristeva’s argument on the chora and my proposal of an “originary ideal” challenges Kristeva’s emphasis on phonetic grams in the context of that which underlies the realm of the paternal metaphor. Using Louise Viljoen’s analysis of Krog’s work and Bridget Garnham’s research on emerging designer cosmetic surgical discourses as support, I then present Krog’s poetic texts as a counter discourse to the “moral” cosmetic surgical discourses that exploit the ageing individual in the second decade of the twenty‐first century. In addition, applying Kristeva’s theory on paragrams to Krog’s poetic text(s), I present a destabilization of the patriarchal norms implicit within cosmetic surgical discourses. Furthermore, I extend Kristeva’s theory on the principle of negativity to present a re‐translation of the act‐of‐confession in Krog’s poetic text(s), an extension of Foucault’s pastoral power and Butler’s argument on the exclusivity of normalization, and a reclamation of her ageing body in Verweersrkrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). en | 3bb6c2b2174c8889d2c32b8ee76db129b71f285ff6a77db286a36530bb95302d | 574 | 3,306 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.92 | 16 |
SoftLayer operates a global cloud infrastructure platform built for Internet scale. With a global footprint of data centers and network points of presence, SoftLayer provides infrastructure as a service to leading-edge customers ranging from Web startups to global enterprises. SoftLayer’s modular architecture, full-featured API, and sophisticated automation pro...Jul. 7, 2015 08:45 AM EDT Reads: 1,573Slides: A Connector-Less ApproachBy Pat RomanskiThe basic integration architecture, as defined by ESBs, hasn’t changed for more than a decade. Most cloud integration providers still rely on an ESB architecture and their proprietary connectors. As a result, enterprise integration projects suffer from constraints of availability and reliability of these connectors that are not re-usable across other integration vendors. However, the rapid adoption of APIs and almost ubiquitous availability of APIs amongst most SaaS and Cloud applications are rapidly redefining traditional integration approaches and their reliance on proprietary connectors. ...Jul. 7, 2015 08:15 AM EDT Reads: 617WHOA.com “Bronze Sponsor” of Cloud ExpoBy Carmen GonzalezSYS-CON Events announced today that WHOA.com, an ISO 27001 Certified secure cloud computing company, participated as “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 16th International Cloud Expo® New York, which took place June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. WHOA.com is a leader in next-generation, ISO 27001 Certified secure cloud solutions. WHOA.com offers a comprehensive portfolio of best-in-class cloud services for business including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Secure Cloud Desktop, Cloud Storage, Disaster Recovery, Integrated Applications and Security. Jul. 7, 2015 08:00 AM EDT Reads: 648[session] Redefining Airline Experience Using IoTBy Liz McMillanToday air travel is a minefield of delays, hassles and customer disappointment. Airlines struggle to revitalize the experience. GE and M2Mi will demonstrate practical examples of how IoT solutions are helping airlines bring back personalization, reduce trip time and improve reliability. In their session at @ThingsExpo, Shyam Varan Nath, Principal Architect with GE, and Dr. Sarah Cooper, M2Mi’s VP Business Development and Engineering, will explore the IoT cloud-based platform technologies driving this change including privacy controls, data transparency and integration of real time context wi...Jul. 7, 2015 07:15 AM EDT Reads: 625Cloud Expo Sponsorship Opportunities Announced By Carmen Gonzalez17th Cloud Expo, taking place Nov 3-5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world. Cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. Yesterday's debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. Meanwhile, 94% of enterprises are using some form of XaaS – software, platform, and infrastructure as a service. Jul. 7, 2015 07:00 AM EDT Reads: 722MORE » Latest Stories[slides] The DevOps DrumbeatBy Elizabeth WhiteJul. 7, 2015To Share, or Not to ShareBy Jason BloombergJul. 7, 2015The Consumption Cloud EconomyBy Ian KhanJul. 7, 2015[video] Infrastructure as a Toolbox By Pat RomanskiJul. 7, 2015[slides] Why Workloads Are Not on Public CloudBy Pat RomanskiJul. 7, 2015[video] The Evolution of WebRTCBy Pat RomanskiJul. 7, 2015CloudBees Ad Campaign on 'DevOps Journal'By Elizabeth WhiteJul. 7, 2015[slides] How Microservices Extend DevOpsBy Pat RomanskiJul. 7, 2015The Emergence of Business Agility By Jason BloombergJul. 7, 2015Solgenia to Exhibit at Cloud ExpoBy Pat RomanskiJul. 7, 2015[webinar] The Cloud Just Killed Your LAN and WANBy Elizabeth WhiteJul. 7, 2015[slides] Moving to Connected Marketplaces By Elizabeth WhiteJul. 7, 2015[slides] WCaaS - [Who Cares?] as a ServiceBy Elizabeth WhiteJul. 7, 2015DaliborSiroky and 'Getting Time-to-Value Faster'By Liz McMillanJul. 7, 2015Cloud Expo Speaking OpportunitiesBy Carmen GonzalezJul. 7, 2015 | 718d479edf667030ae9085c2bc59a7ba352f2c26580f7de10808809a981b6a6f | 588 | 3,557 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.510204 | 7.14 | 16 |
11. Umsebenzi wezinsuku zokugcina awuhambisani nayo yonke imithetho, futhi akukhathaleki noma uqalekisiwe noma ujezisiwe, inqobo nje uma usiza umsebenzi Wami, futhi uwusizo emsebenzini wokunqoba wanamuhla. Futhi akukhathalekile noma uyinzalo kaMowabi noma uyinzalo kadrako omkhulu obomvu, inqobo nje uma wenza umsebenzi walowo odalwe nguNkulunkulu kulesi sigaba somsebenzi, futhi wenza konke okusemandleni akho, umthelela ofanele uzofezeka. Uyinzalo kadrako omkhulu obomvu, futhi uyinzalo kaMowabi; sekukonke, bonke abaphila enyameni bayizidalwa zikaNkulunkulu, futhi badalwa nguMdali. Ungodaliweyo kaNkulunkulu, akufanele ube nokuzikhethela, futhi lona ngumsebenzi wakho. Impela, namhlanje umsebenzi woMdali uqondiswe endaweni yonke. Akukhathaleki ukuthi uyinzalo kabani, Ngaphezu kwakho konke ungomunye wabadaliwe bakaNkulunkulu, wena—nzalo kaMowabi—niyingxenye yabadalwe nguNkulunkulu, ukuthi nje ninezinga eliphansi kakhulu. Njengoba, namhlanje, umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu wenziwa phakathi kwabo bonke abadaliwe, futhi uqondiswe endaweni yonke, uMdali ukhululekile ukukhetha noma ibaphi abantu, izindaba, noma izinto ukuze kwenziwe umsebenzi Wakhe. Akukhathaliseki ukuthi wawuyinzalo kabani; inqobo nje uma ungomunye wabadaliwe Bakhe, futhi inqobo nje uma uwusizo emsebenzini Wakhe—umsebenzi wokunqoba kanye nokufakaza—uzokwenza umsebenzi Wakhe kuwe ngaphandle kokungabaza. Lokhu kuyahlakaza imibono yabantu yendabuko, engukuthi uNkulunkulu akasoze asebenza phakathi kwabeZizwe, ikakhulukazi labo abaqalekisiwe futhi abaphansi; ngoba labo abaqalekisiwe, izizukulwane zabo ezilandelayo nazo ziyoqalekiswa ungunaphakade, abasoze baba nethuba lokusindiswa; uNkulunkulu akasoze ehla futhi asebenze ezweni labeZizwe, futhi akasoze abeka unyawo ezweni elinokungcola ngoba Yena ungcwele. Yazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu unguNkulunkulu wabo bonke abadaliwe, ubusa phezu kwamazulu nomhlaba nazo zonke izinto, futhi akayena uNkulunkulu wabantu bakwa-Israyeli kuphela. Ngakho, lo msebenzi usemqoka kakhulu eShayina, futhi angeke yini usabalele ezizweni zonke? Ubufakazi obukhulu bangesikhathi esizayo ngeke bugcine eShayina; uma uNkulunkulu ubenqobe wena kuphela, amadimoni abengakholiseka? Abakuqondi ukunqotshwa, noma amandla amakhulu kaNkulunkulu, futhi uma bonke abadaliwe sebenqotshiwe ilapho kuphela abantu abakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu beyobona imithelela yasekugcineni yalo msebenzi. Abekho abasemuva noma abakhohlakele njengenzalo kaMowabi. Uma nje laba bantu benganqotshwa—bona abakhohlakele kunabo bonke, abangazange bamvume uNkulunkulu noma bakholwe ukuthi uNkulunkulu ukhona, uma sebenqotshiwe, futhi bavuma uNkulunkulu ngemilomo yabo, baMdumisa, futhi bakwazi ukumthanda—ilapho lokhu kuyoba ubufakazi bokunqotshwa. Nakuba ungeyena uPetru, uphila njengoPetru, uyakwazi ukuba nobufakazi bukaPetru, kanye nobukaJobe, futhi lobu ubufakazi obukhulu kakhulu. | bf613e1e381f364e851c1bdad530aed7eca1e43a78f205afe0006adf274a3d36 | 321 | 2,526 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.31 | 6 |
ake umane nixoxe ngodisemba 31, 2015 kancane … oluwela a ngolwesine in north america. yilokho a big no--akukho kuze kufike aaa video game ukukhishwa hamba. empeleni, ukuthi elikhulu akukho--akukho ngisho european noma lokho abakufisayo, bangabi ngononina njengoba pal ukukhishwa. in the u.k., ikakhulukazi, omkhulu isiqophi imidlalo ukwethula on a friday. in america elikhulu isiqophi imidlalo ukwethula on a ngolwesibili. isikhathi kuphela games ukwethula on a ngolwesithathu kuphi emhlabeni kulapho kungcono kuphela ukukhululwa digital. nintendo ngokufanayo phakathi abamemezeli abalulekile kuphela ukukhulula isiqophi imidlalo emhlabeni wonke ngolwesihlanu njengoba kuqhathaniswa ngolwesibili north america. ngakho bamane ngenxa ukungaguquguquki uma kuziwa video game ukukhishwa, iwa 4 angahambisani ngaphakathi asemakhaya noma iyiphi ividiyo eziphawulekayo udlala emasimini okuyinselele. | b1a66479e97c51511143b24440ad08e9e03d027721d5d7e087e2f21aaf6d6bd5 | 111 | 781 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.900901 | 3.6 | 5 |
Apply to UKZN Student Portal International Relations Staff Portal Research Teaching & Learning Office Explore UKZN Alumni Donate to UKZN The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is located in the picturesque province of KwaZulu-Natal. It is a teaching and research-led university with a proud and rich heritage of academic excellence. In 2010 our province celebrated 100 years of Higher Education – a centenary of scholarship, innovation and community engagement. This vast wealth of knowledge production lies at the heart of the university’s success as one of the top institutions on the African continent and one of only three South African Universities listed amongst the top 500 Universities in the world according to the Academic Rankings of World Universities (ARWU). At UKZN we are passionate about teaching and learning. Our motto: Every Student Matters, transcends the social, cultural and academic discourse across disciplines. The University encourages and embraces diversity in all facets of student experience. UKZN is a residential university structured on a College model. Four Colleges comprising of two disciplines each offer a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across five campuses: Edgewood, Howard College, Medical School, Pietermaritzburg and Westville. The UKZN offers innovative curricula for accredited professional degrees through dynamic teaching and learning. Research activities are conducted in state-of-the art laboratories and span the natural, biomedical, humanities and social sciences. In addition, the UKZN offers the opportunity to take part in extensive sporting and cultural activities. The University promotes access to learning that will increase educational and employment opportunities for the historically disadvantaged. It supports transformation and redress and aims to provide an enabling environment for all its students to ensure individual intellectual development, an awareness of social responsibility and sound ethical practice in our diverse society. The university’s international partnerships in 44 countries provide an opportunity for direct interface and global academic exchange that enhances scholarship and the student experience. Join UKZN and embrace the many and diverse opportunities that will equip you to realize your potential and make a difference as a future leader. Yenza Umlando Inyuvesi yakwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) itholakala esifundazweni esihle saKwaZulu-Natali. Iyinyuvesi egxile kwezicwaningo nasekufundiseni kanti futhi iyaziqhenya ngomlando onothile wokuba ngungqaphambili kwezokufunda. Ngonyaka wezi-2010 isifundazwe sethu sasibungaza iminyaka eyikhulu yeMfundo Ephakeme- ikhulunyaka lezokufunda, izindlela ezintsha zokwenza izinto kanye nokuxhumana nomphakathi. Lo mnotho obanzi wokukhiqizwa kolwazi iwona oyimbangela yempumelelo yenyuvesi njengoba iyingxenye yamanyuvesi ahamba phambili ezwekazini lase-Afrika futhi ingenye yamanyuvesi amathathu kuphela aseNingizimu Afrika akleliswe kwangama-500 ahamba phambili emhlabeni jikelele ngokokukleliswa ngokwezemfundo kwamanyuvesi Omhlaba (Academic Ranking of World Universities). E-UKZN sinentshisekelo ngokufunda nokufundisa. Isiqubulo sethu : Wonke Umfundi Ubalulekile, sitholakala kuyo yonke imikhakha uma kukhulunywa ngezenhlalo, amasiko, nezokufunda. Inyuvesi igqugquzela futhi iyakwamukela okwehlukahlukana kwezinhlangothini zonke zempilo yomfundi. I-UKZN iyinyuvesi yomphakathi ewuhlobo olwakhelwe phezu kwamakolishi. Amakolishi mane anemikhakha emibili ngalinye anikeza izifundo ezinhlobonhlobo kwezabaneziqu kanye nabangenazo kumakhempasi amahlanu : iEdgewood, Howard College, Medical School, Pietermaritzburg kanye neWestville. I-UKZN inezinhlelo zokufunda ezintsha zeziqu ezigunyaziwe ngokufunda nokufundisa okusezingeni eliphezulu. Ucwaningo lwenziwa emalebhu kanokusho atholakala emikhakheni yezemvelo, ezempilo ngemvelo, ezoluntu kanye nezenhlalo yomphakathi. Ngaphezulu kwalokho, i-UKZN inikeza ithuba lokubamba iqhaza kwezemidlalo nezamasiko. Inyuvesi igqugquzela ukutholakala kwamathuba okufunda okukhulisa amathuba kwezemfundo kanye nokuthola umsebenzi kwababencishiwe amathuba ngaphambilini. Inyuvesi yesekela ukuguquka nokulungisa okuhlose ukunikeza abafundi indawo eqinisekisa ukuthuthuka ngolwazi, ukwazi ngokunikela emphakathini kanye nokuziphatha ngobulungiswa emphakathini wethu. Ubudlelwano benyuvesi emhlabeni jikelele namanye amanyivesi angama-44 kunikeza amathuba okuxhumana ngqo kanye nokucobelelana ngokwezemfundo okwengeza kwezokufunda kubafundi. Zihlanganise neUKZN usingathe amathuba amaningi anhlobonhlobo azokwenza ufeze okungangekhono lakho futhi wenze umahluko njengomholi wangomuso. Click here to visit Applications and Information website General Enquiries DBN: +27 31 260 1111 | 6e1d522f364faec60c2b6a247bc528508422aca6fc71e1b737c073f7c6a16492 | 583 | 4,186 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.06 | 8 |
many people seem to think that roller skates are a relatively recent invention, and a popular 20th--century kids’ toy. nokho, roller skates have actually been around for over two centuries, and have many other uses apart from child’s play. the most commonly seen kind of roller skates today are actually roller blades, also known as inline skates. they have all the wheels in a line instead of arranged in the classic car--style formation, which allows you to travel much faster at the expense of making it a little more difficult to balance, a similar trade--off to that made with a two--wheeled bicycle. empeleni, the original purpose of roller skates was as a means of transportation: a kind of ‘wheeled shoe’ that you could fix to your feet and move from one place to another with little effort. although it is rare, some people still use them this way today ‘ particularly teenagers, but also office workers in cities who don’t have too far to go and don’t want to take a bike. roller--skating is also a popular sport, and it is even thought that it might soon be added to the olympics. skate--parks that have been designed to accommodate the resurgence of skateboarding can also be easily used for roller--skating, and skaters can pull off similar tricks and manoeuvres to skateboarders this way. roller skate racing is also quite popular, with people competing to get from one side of an obstacle course to the other in the fastest time. if you’re still not convinced of the popularity of roller skating, it’s worth noting that every week in many of the world’s largest cities, tens of thousands gather and skate together. the biggest and most famous event is paris’ friday--night pari roller, but smaller events can be found in berlin, tokyo and london, among others. uku--roller skater – umdlalo othandwayo | 774ed9eaee465d3559153cc826b77efe108da0c5923d48e54bc8065d00efb171 | 309 | 1,507 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.65 | 10 |
2 Ukudla Ukudla Okunempilo I s i t a s h i I m i f n o n e z i t h e l o A m a p h r o t h e n i / I n y a m a Ushuk e l a n a m a f u t h a I m i k h i q i z o y o b i s i Izitashi: zinezihlaka ezakha amandla emzimbeni ( njengestambhu, ipasta, ilayisi noma isinkwa). Ububanzi Ukukalwa kwenzalo emabhizinisini alawulwayo, asebenzisanayo noma ayinhlanganisela yelinye ezitatimendeni zezimali ezihlukahlukene ( Izigaba. | e5be53b93848b0d24972beb28bff0b18a168d59147b592486bb6c8b7de2d9b07 | 100 | 318 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 |
Kunena, Jehova Kalunga oha popi natse okupitila mOohapu dhe dha nyolwa, Ombiimbeli. (2 Timoteus 3:16, 17) Omolwashike tatu tile ngawo? Opo tu shi thaneke: Natu tye ando owa yakula ontumwafo ya za kukuume koye kopothingo. Uuna we yi lesha, otashi vulika wu lombwele yalwe wa nyanyukwa, “ondu uva kukuume kandje!” Ihe okukwatathana kakwa li pakupopya ihe opakunyola. Sha faathana, okupitila mokulesha Ombiimbeli, oto pe Jehova ompito a popye nangoye. Gina ngoka a popiwa moshitopolwa shotango, okwa ti: “Ondi wete kutya ngele onda hala Kalunga a kale a tala ndje ko ndi li kuume ke, ondi na okukonakona ontumwafo ndjoka e tu pa, sha hala okutya Ombiimbeli.” Okwa gwedha ko a ti: “Okulesha Ombiimbeli esiku kehe okwa hedhitha ndje popepyeelela naKalunga.” Oho etha ngaa Jehova a popye nangoye esiku kehe okupitila mokulesha Oohapu dhe, Ombiimbeli? Okuninga ngaaka otaku ke ku kwathela wu hedhe popepyeelela naKalunga. | 44a64a0ed6b4454e771ffb0ed6c257de5a050ba0d696fe9bb45ad74a14447e56 | 144 | 771 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.08 | 7 |
the aim of this study was to determine the key factors which explain the adoption of mobile data services in south africa and incorporate them into an explanatory framework that can be used to indicate whether a new mobile data service that is introduced into the south african mobile market will be successful. additionally, it shows that the current usage of mobile data services in south africa supports the framework. the research used a design based on a mixed methods methodology. the research was conducted using a literature survey and two research phases. the literature survey was an extensive review of communication technology adoption frameworks and all the possible factors of adoption. this literature survey was also used to develop the discussion document which was used as the guidelines for the phase 1 interviews. the interviews were with experts in the telecommunications market in south africa and were used to determine the key drivers of adoption and possible moderating factors of mobile data services. from those interviews a preliminary model was proposed. phase 2 was a market survey which tested the framework and moderating factors in different metropolitan areas as well as examined the current usage of mobile data services. the statistical analysis used in determining the framework incorporated descriptive statistics, factor analysis, using principal axis factoring, and structural equation modelling. the framework, which was based on the technology acceptance model, introduced two new constructs. the first new construct was the mobile service providers marketing tactics and the second was social pressure and aspirational value. the two constructs combined can be used to explain why mobile service providers with low cost strategies are not successful. demographic factors such as age were found to influence the adoption as well as socio--economic factors such as income. personal factors such as technical knowledge, ability and skills and attitude towards technology were also found to influence adoption. geographical location was found to be the most important moderating factor. the current mobile data usage supported the framework. the results of data usage highlighted the fact that nearly 50% of the study’s participants spent over 4 hours per day interacting with their mobile devices and that the participants from gauteng spent more than 2½ times on mobile services than those in the other metropolitan municipalities of cape town and ethekwini | 0b4f51b321e6a18940f611525fa0e74478736d1dbf6b557b8388363b803ad47f | 384 | 2,115 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.3 | 6 |
jack pyke english oak stealth fabric breathable waterproof silent jacket size large breathable waterproof silent made with the same soft, silent and waterproof stealth fabric as the hunters jacket. the hunters trousers are perfect for gaining in on your prey without disturbing or making hardly any noise. the stealth fabric is completely breathable, giving the hunter a much more comfortable experience whilst in the big outdoors. the outer shell is made from 100% polyester brushed tricot with a laminated membrane, accompanied by a 100% polyester mesh lining. the hunting trousers consists of two upper pockets with weather flaps, two additional side pockets with flaps and press--stud fastening. the trousers also have a 14 leg zip running on the outside leg , this opens your trousers out and makes it a lot easier to attend to your hunting boots or wellingtons. the trousers have a fully elasticated waist band, the fabric on the seat and knee area has been reinforced for extra hard wearing. available in english oak, english woodland, hunter green and wildlands camo designs. sizes: s up--to 3xl | ee56440e3ad49ff5207080549add3df02858944bb5bdc68081de38bb31fee78e | 181 | 928 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.31 | 6 |
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the biggest idea since the creation of the Worldwide Web more than 20 years ago.Jun. 1, 2015 07:30 PM EDT Reads: 1,935Peter Dunkley and ‘The State of WebRTC’By Liz McMillan“In the past year we've seen a lot of stabilization of WebRTC. You can now use it in production with a far greater degree of certainty. A lot of the real developments in the past year have been in things like the data channel, which will enable a whole new type of application," explained Peter Dunkley, Technical Director at Acision, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at @ThingsExpo, held Nov 4–6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.Jun. 1, 2015 06:15 PM EDT Reads: 5,514Yasser Khan and ‘IoT Connections’By Pat Romanski“Connect2Me is basically a game changer in the IoT industry. We have created IoT connecter middleware that can enable a connection to any kind of device," explained Yasser Khan, CTO of Connect2Me, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at @ThingsExpo, held Nov 4–6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. | 6c0d986c80aa5917f3655d08340b35dd917a7a89fc00fc987a2cfdbeb89934aa | 179 | 886 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.15 | 5 |
Amen, on Sunday 10 August 2014, I received a call and there was this lady screaming and weeping. I saved the number and decided to call later since it was a number i did not know and neither was the voive familiar. To my surprise, 30 minutes later we get a call that my grand father and my grand mother have been both shot. We rushed to their home and its an hours drive, the place was packed with ambulances and the police, and immedialte went to GJ Crookes hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. My grand mother was then referred to portshepstone, scanned and the doctor suggested that she goes for another referral to Chief Albert in Durban. The durban specialst said they could not help or act by removing the bullets. Both were shot on the head. On tuesday morning she had already slipped into a comma, i went there with a dear friend of mine who is also gifted ngokomoya to give her the last rites. I went emsamo ngamcelelindlela before the rites were done. Surprisingly, she came out of the commer as soon as we started praying for her and anointed her with holy oil. A miracled happened for a while since we had all given up hope. She opened her eyes, wanted to take off the drips and talk. I told her to keep calm coz its was like the spirit is moving in her njengomuntu ovukwa idlozi like. | e06a1cc724545321c2f1346c1f53ccdab7da0757affe86dfa37611819605b033 | 246 | 1,063 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.22 | 6 |
I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, a show-me gal who loves Creative Expression. I went to SIUE and SWIC after I retired from the legal typing profession. I've authored two books, Sculpting the Heart's Poetry, and Sculpting the Heart: Surviving Depression with Art Therapy, many poems, articles and news events on Art Therapy. If you are happy, you will enjoy my books, ebooks and website articles at www.sculptingtheheart.com. If you're not happy, you need them. They are filled with inspirational music, poetry, pictures of my clay art work, articles and activities for your inner artist! For me, this book was an exploration, and most of the time, it was an exscuse to live perpetually in fantasy-land; a way to avoid all the mental and physical problems of an imperfect world. Every word written is a victory against dysfunction. Not everybody gets a second chance at living a worthwhile life. I thankfully, did. Writing and making art put me in touch with my inner artist who was choking to create a new me, a happy, self-achieving me. I've been slowly and quietly growing and changing into the person I've always wanted to be, a writer, a poet and an authority on surviving depression with Art Therapy. It is my hope this book will help others as much as writing it helped me. I'm Winged for Art Therapy. http://wingedforarttherapy.com/ Nonfiction, Poetry/Art/Art Therapy/Depression/How-to/Self-help | b86aad1cce6b4fdef9530cb34166b58a59fdbdadfe66ee79797d69cac3990b0f | 231 | 1,174 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 |
Murangi u tangana na khonani yawe ya kale ye a dzhena tshikolo, ane zwino o didzhenisa kha vhugevhenga ha u tswa dzigoloi, u rengisa zwidzidzivhadzi na u zwi shumisa. Mashudumavhi, uyu u xedza Murangi - fhedzi wo vha mudifho wa tshifhinganyana. Kha nganea iyi munwali u bvisela khagala uri mihuvhi a i vhuyedzi nahone mulenzhe wa munwe a u kandiwi ngawo. Nganea iyi i sumbedza tsheo mmbi dza vhaswa na u didzhenisa havho kha vhudzekani vhu songo tsireledzea naho vha tshi divha masia nda itwa azwo. Iyi ndi bugu ine vha i fara vha nga si i tutshela, munwali ndi Rudzani Tshianane ane a vha muwini wa pfufho tharu dza vhunwali na munwali wa zwitori zwo vhalaho zwa radio. "Munwali o shumisa thero ya musalauno kha heli linwalwa lawe. Thero iyi yo tewa kha fhethuvhupo hune ha vha dungunudzi la tsela, vhuvemu na vhufushathumbu ho kalulaho." Ndivhuho Mutsila, muhatuli wa MML Literature Awards Nganea iyi i swikelela thodea dza kharikhulamu ntswa dza u guda manwalwa. | 85cd022aedab56bdee3db19f8dc41b6af680a5f9c9f8b26286d0ff3d93bd0310 | 165 | 801 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.61 | 9 |
For branded featured events, see our Rate Card.Submit an eventDigital Strategy and Social Media Master ClassSave | Email | Print | PDF Day 1 (Tues 12 Feb): Digital StrategyIn times of chaotic change, strategy is everything. Learn how to be strategically competitive and reposition your business to a customer base that uses the web as its decision-making tool. Every business today needs to have a digital strategy that typically extends beyond e-marketing. An integrated digital strategy ensures that the business stays ahead of competitors and remains customer-centric. This course looks at the big picture, explains how the digital landscape is evolving, and explores what shifts in customer communication and decision-making processes mean for the evolution of the business and its marketing.You'll learn the eight step methodology for cutting through the chaos of the digital revolution and building clearly focused, measurable strategies for success. You'll learn how to integrate all of the different elements of e-marketing into a balanced, prioritised and achievable approach, and you'll discover how best to structure your organisation to exploit the right digital opportunities.Some of what is covered: Staying ahead of competitors The evolving digital landscape Customer-centricity Innovating the customer experience Customer communication and decision-making processes Eight step methodology for building digital strategies How to structure your organisation for digital How to integrate all the elements of digital marketing Day 2 (Wed 13 Feb): Social Media Marketing This intensive course examines the best strategic approaches to exploiting social media, and how to integrate these with traditional communication approaches. If you have a marketing, creative, planning, media, PR, CRM or customer engagement responsibility, this is a must! Today the medium you have to master is the mobile networked consumer, but the size of your fan base is not a meaningful metric of success, and social media doesn't work the way it is hyped. This course brings clarity to socially networked communication and provides the strategic business framework for effectively integrating online word of mouth and reputation management into your digital initiatives. You will gain insight into how best to leverage the major social tools such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Foursquare. You'll learn powerful strategies, tactics and methodologies (such as Britefire's Social Media Lens). You'll explore alternative approaches to structuring your organisation to best manage social engagement, and you'll discover the best tools and techniques for measuring, reporting, and staying ahead of the curve. This course: Clarifies why socially networked communication is so powerful Explains global best practices in social media Provides a strategic business framework Offers expert insight into applying Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare and others Analyses case studies from large and small businesses, local and global Outlines strategies, tactics and methodologies for marketing, reputation management Explores organisation structures appropriate to your social maturity level Clarifies how you should manage social engagement Recommends tools and techniques for measuring and reportingThis two-day intensive master class is led by Godfrey Parkin, a digital strategist, e-marketer, author, USBED faculty member, on their social media and digital strategies. Godfrey's primary expertise is in creating and implementing business strategies that build profitable relationships with the online consumer. International internet business veteran and founder of Britefire. Godfrey has advised some of the world's largest corporations.Date: 12 February 2013 to 13 February 2013Time: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PMVenue: TBC - JHB Based, JohannesburgCost: DMA Members: R4 400-00 excl VAT | Non DMA Member: R5 000-00 excl VatContact: Nadine NagelCompany name: Pollen InteractionsTelephone number: 011 894 2767Email address az.oc.snoitcaretninellop@stneve‹ Like Save Email Print PDF | 8c187c5cb877f6b686824f040028301e1838a6b3cee3dc7856571566840bc7af | 582 | 3,498 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.78 | 8 |
frontera resources, an international oil and gas company. the six--bedroom beaux arts house in kalorama was built in 1919 and features an impressive brick and limestone façade. the former residence of the ambassador of the organization of the american states to the united states, it boasts spectacular entertaining spaces with grand rooms opening to a double lot with tiered gardens, terrace and heated pool.the listing agents were washington fine properties’ margot wilson,william f.x. moody and robert hryniewicki; the buyers’ agent was richard newton of washington fine properties. gary and patricia duncan bought klinglestreetnw for $2,070,000 from willard freeman. mr. freeman is ceo of concordis advisors, a philadephia--based real estate advisory firm. the six--bedroom, fiveand--one--half--bathroom french colonial in kent was built in 1990. the property features a four--car garage, large sunny rooms and a wine cellar. the listing agent was cynthia howar of washington fine properties while the buyers’ agent was re/max’s ellen mcrae. joseph duffey sold newmexico avenue nw to the trafford trust for $1,150,000. mr. duffey is a well--known academic, political appointee and former head of the national endowment for the humanities and the u.s. information agency. his wife, the late anne wexler, was an influential lobbyist and public policy advisor. the one--bedroom condominium is in the colonnade, a large complex built in 1966. | 249d7988aeb3e489e859a9f4987951570fdd1ab8cd4f1b8bc5f9813789db5cfa | 218 | 1,246 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.67 | 6 |
The praying mantis (isithwalambiza in isiZulu) is a little creature that is respected by the Zulu community. The Zulus refer to it as ugogo, meaning ‘the granny’. They believe it represents a female ancestral spirit. If this creature appears in a home of a Zulu person they believe that there is a message from the ancestors. In most families when the praying mantis appears, a Zulu beer will be made, the ancestors are thirsty. It is also believed that the praying mantis might appear after it has protected someone from danger. When this creature appears it should not be touched and it will disappear on its own. The praying mantis should not be killed at all. | 73c5e8badb1e0a35e91ab0cc4b1b6f240764e8457c6e44911f4a88e93a6d0d9d | 116 | 548 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Transcript JHMJ\IUJNAMOI ‘4 JLLTrJMGAJUK PUBLISHED BY NENITAUMAJUK LABRADOR INUIT ASSOCIATION LABRADOR INUIT KATETSIKATEGININGANUT ILLONATIK UNIPKAUTAUSIMAJUT ISSUMAGEJAUJULLO L . I . A . ‐KUNIT PISSEMAINALUNGELAT. AKKESOIJIULAULANIATUK‐AMOS DICKER GKINATUINAMOT ILLENGAJUME JULIANA TUGLAVINA, BERTHA BARBOUR. NAIN,LABRADOR.MAY.9,I980.VOL.4,NO.!2 PUIJENEK KATTETSUINEK SULLIAGEJATSAK PEGIASENENGA (Happy Val ley )Pui jenek k a t t e t s u i n e k s u l l i a g e j a t s a k p e g i a s e v o k i l l a u t e m a d ‑ l u n e Off ‐Shore Labrador B i o l o g i c a l S ‑ tudies(OLABS) nunaKategene Naineme,H‑opedaleme, KippoKame,Makkovikme ama R‑i g o l e t e m e . Doug Saunders,Labrador Resources A‐d v i s o r y C o u n c i l OLABS KemeKotenga,ek‑a j u t e n g a l o Wendel l Hamel,manaKamek o‑t e l a u K o t Tachanet ,aKesuiKadlutek p u i ‑ Jenut k a t t e t s u i n e m e k s u l l i a g e j a t s a m ‑ u t . S u l l i a g e j a t s a k i l l a K a t e s e v u k k a t t ‑ etsuinemek neaKongenek aKeagongenelo n a t s e t o t j u i l o p u i j e t , p e n a s u a t e n e t o g g a n i a n e l o . Tu k e n g a tamatsomap s u l l i ‑ a g e j a t s a u p K a u j e g o m a l o t e k j a r e n g e n e k sunaunengenek,ama negeKatajangenek p u i j e t . Te g u l a t e t k a t t e t s u i n e m u t nunalene okuangovut;Henry Webb,Naineme,Eddy Gear Hopedaleme,Wilfred LaneTKippoK‑ame, Wilson M i t c h e l l Makkovikme,George R i c h R i g o l e t e m e . $ 5 . 0 0 ‐ t u t a k e l i u t e k t u n e j a u K a t a n i a K o k p e n a s u a t e n u t o g g a n ‐ i a n u l o , a t s e K a t a j o n u t Kenugajaujonek a t e n u t a g l a t a u m a j o n u t K o l a n e . L a b r a d o r Resources A d v i ‑ s o r y C o u n c i l . Happy V a l l e y . ************************************ KAUJEGATSAK R.C.M.P.-KUNET ( N a i n ) Naineme RCMP‐kut i n e n g a mana p e t a K a l e k o k anenemut o t u t e m e k , a t u t a ‑ u l a l e t u m e k manakut.Anenemut o t u t e k , o t u t i u v u k Kanok angetegejomek imese‑majoKamangat i n u p aungane anenengagut otudlugo.Canadame m a l l e g a t s a l i a n g o s ‑ emangelak a u l a g i a m u t a u l a u t e k u t .08 o p v a l o 8 0 m i l l i g r a m s e n e k imesemajoK‑ (Mumigok) THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF L . I . A. ACTING EDITOR - AMOS DICKER KINATUINAMOT ILLENGAJUK STAFF JULIANA TUGLAVINA AND BERTHA BARBOUR. 2 5 ¢ SEAL COLLECTION PROGRAM UNDERWAY (Happy Va l l e y ) A s e a l c o l l e c t i o n p r o ‑ gram i s now underway as p a r t of t h e Off ‐Shore L a b r a d o r B i o l o g i c a l S t u d i e s (OLABS) in t h e communities of Nain,H‑o p e d a l e , P o s t v i l l e , M a k k o v i k and R i g o ‑ l e t . Doug Saunders,the L a b r a d o r Resour‑ces A d v i s o r y C o u n c i l OLABS r e s e a r c h e r , a n d h i s a s s i s t a n t Wendel l Hamel,re~ c e n t l y r e t u r n e d f r o m t h e N o r t h Coast where t h e y were s e t t i n g u p t h e s e a l c o l l e c t i o n program.The program i n v o l ‑ ves t h e c o l l e c t i o n o f t h e heads and stomachs of t h e Jar and square fl i p p ‑ e r s e a l s f r o m t h e h u n t e r s and fi s h e r ‑ men.The purpose of t h e p r o g r a m is to d e t e r m i n e t h e a g e , s e x and d i e t o f t h e s e a l s . C o l l e c t o r s i n t h e f o l l o w i n g commun‑i t i e s aregHenry Webb i n Nain,Eddie G‑e a r i n H o p e d a l e , W i l f r e d Lane i n P o s t ‑ v i l l e , W i l s o n M i t c h e l l i n Makkovik and George R i c h i n R i g o l e t . A $5.00 b o u n t y i s b e i n g o f f e r r é d t o t h o s e h u n t e r s and fishermen who t u r n i n t h e i r samp‑l e t o t h e c o l l e c t o r s mentioned above. L a b r a d o r Resources Ad‑v i s o r y C o u n c i l Happy V a l l e y . ************************************ NOTICE FROM R.C.M.P. ( N a i n ) The N a i n Detachment of t h e R.C M.P. now h a s a B r e a t h a l y z e r and i t w ; i l l b e i n u s e w i t h i n t h e n e x t f e w d ‑ a y s . T h e B r e a t h a l y z e r i s an instrument t h a t measures t h e amount of a l c o h o l i n a p e r s o n ' s b l o o d b y means o f a b r ‑ e a t h t e s t . I n Canada i t i s i l l i g a l t o d r i v e a motor v e h i c l e w i t h more t h a n (Continuedl | b2c7743f4fca8b823c36d4a90964d095c55ca4a6951f4ac0f1d1a629e30cb8f2 | 1,438 | 2,851 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.01 | 113 |
out to kgothalo, admitting her mistakes and asking for forgiveness. gabriel finally delivers the goods for nina. generations thursday, march 22 kabisi and bab’cele come up with a plan to save their families’ reputation. zitha worries that her sister’s good news might not be so good after all.lesedi is urged to make things right with brandon. friday, march 23 cosmo makes it clear he is, and always will be, the man of the house. mazwi proves again what a bastard he can be. wandi is over the moon when her video starts trending. monday, march 26 getty asks for a job at #hashtag. fana is devastated after seeing what’s been written about him. a woman he barely knows makes a move on smanga. tuesday, march 27 tshidi wants jack to want her. the doctors can’t figure out what is wrong with daniel. lesedi refuses to tell gog’flo what’s wrong with her. wednesday, march 28 mazwi can’t help softening when he sees wandi’s pain. tau finally figures out what’s going on. brandon is thrown to hear he needs a friend. muvhango thursday, march 22 james is faced with a hard decision. gugu gives rashaka and answer to his | f1ffa95dd6fe6c26f29f7fad3f07e94c95f1266b9e5c876b26cc2ffe30ca8b29 | 197 | 917 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.507614 | 3.05 | 7 |
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extracted from text ... 69 the handicap of inexperience: a case of poetic justice when susan porreco claimed the prenuptial agreement she signed with louis porreco had to be voided because he had allegedly misrepresented the engagement ring as a diamond, justice j michael eakin wrote a seven stanza opinion in porreco v porreco.21 it reads as follows: a groom must expect matrimonial pandemonium when his spouse finds he's given her a cubic zirconium instead of a diamond in her engagement band the one he said was worth twenty--one grand. our deceiver would claim that when his bride relied on his claim of value, .. | a6009154e1bb0d83f1436194aa0504d646a866395948873a1ae496f8bcd0e8a2 | 105 | 519 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.952381 | 2.86 | 6 |
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i am a 32 year old white female. i was just explaining trayvon’s story to my 12 year old daughter. i explained how i feel about all of it. i read your blog above. i respect you, and i also feel that this issue needs to be discussed. i look at it like my marriage, in a way… if my husband and i have a conflict, we work it out until we have an understanding. we are two separate bodies, but by marriage we are one (my husband and i), just as all of us are put into categories, whether we like it or not. i teach my children that color doesn’t matter, character is what matters, but nonetheless i am white, you are black and we can’t change that. it is a fact about ourselves, just like right now i am wearing a red shirt and if maybe all people wore red shirts everyday, we could get passed all of this, be treated equal by each other, and all be called “red shirt people”, but that’s not going to happen. we all need to come to an understanding about each other like in my marriage. conflicts need to be fixed, “don’t go to bed angry”. our races have been in conflict for too long. we’ve never really come to an understanding, or have learned to respect each other fully… now our bottles of emotion have hit their pressure limits and we’re exploding with irrationality. our races have never really married each other, so to speak. it’s time to get married… you explained in your blog why you have been emotionally invested in the trayvon martin case. that this is the story about you, your father, your grandfather, that you have been racially profiled. let me tell you that, as a white woman, i treat every stranger with caution regardless of their skin color. i lock my doors, clench my purse, and children tighter no matter who i walk past on the street. there are dangerous white rapist, serial killers, kidnapping, njll. crime happening everywhere just as much as there are in any other skin color there is… i want to help change hearts and minds. just because someone is profiled, doesn’t make it racist. it is because there are sick evil monsters in every color and we have to be cautious. ngakho, if we lived in a safe happy world where everyone was kind and loving, we would not have to worry i guess, but this isn’t heaven. god bless you, t.l. love and peace be with you. | 280619ba2ed7710d8c430a7690d9758f2845b28dd79276852dc142f91d09a994 | 429 | 1,853 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.932401 | 0.47 | 7 |
Nokho, unyaka omusha wawusanda kuqala ngo-1998 ngenkathi ngelinye ilanga ngingazelele ngihlangana nomuntu othile waseBandleni LikaNkulunkulu USomandla futhi ngaba nenhlanhla yokulalela indlela yoNyazi LwaseMpumalanga okokuqala. Ngalolo suku, udadewethu omdala wangishayela ucingo wase engimemela endlini yakhe. Wayememe futhi nodadewethu uHu wasesigodini sangakubo ukuba naye eze, futhi wathi lapho engibona wangimoyizelela wathi: "O kuhle nawe uzile, isihlobo sami esiseduze esiyikholwa singivakashele, woza, masihlanganyele ndawonye." Ngavuma ngenjabulo. Kungekudala, uDade uHu wabuya nesihlobo sakhe. Lapho lo dade esibona wasibingelela ngomdlandla. Nakuba ngangingakaze ngihlangane naye ngaphambili kodwa ngazizwa ngisondelene naye. Wathi: "Kukhona incithakalo esabalele emabandleni ezinsukwini zanamuhla. Abashumayeli abanalutho olusha abangashumayela ngalo, futhi kuyo yonke imihlangano uma bengakhulumi ngokuthi bangamelana kanjani noNyazi LwaseMpumalanga, konke abakwenzayo ukulalela nje izingoma eziqoshiwe nokucula amaculo. Yiyo-ke le imibuthano. Abalingani abasebenzisanayo banomona ngabanye futhi babe nezingxabano, bakha uzungu futhi baxokize, bonke bayaziqhenya kakhulu futhi wonke umuntu wenqaba ukulalela wonke umuntu; abafowethu nodadewethu banombono ophambene futhi babuthakathaka, futhi abanalo ukholo nothando. Abaningi sebayishiya iNkosi ukuba babuyele emhlabeni ukuze benze imali." Ekujuleni ngaphakathi kimina ngangizizwa ngendlela efanayo, futhi njengoba nganginqekuzisa ikhanda ngatshela udade ngathi: “Kunjalo impela lapho nami ngikhonza khona. Kuqala sasiye sibe nabantu abangu-20 kuya ku-30 emihlanganweni yethu yenyanga, kodwa manje sekukhona nje abadala abambalwa, ngisho nabashumayeli baye ezweni ukuze bayozenzela imali! Akunanjabulo etholakala emibuthanweni." Lo dade wavuma ngekhanda lakhe wabe esethi: "Lolu hlobo lwesimo alutholakali nje emabandleni athile kuphela, kuyinto ejwayelekile kulo lonke izwe lezenkolo. Lokhu kubonisa ukuthi umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele awusatholakali ngaphakathi ebandleni manje, ngakho izenzo ezingekho emthethweni zizoqhubeka zilokhu zivela njalo. Lokhu kuyisibonakaliso sokubuya kweNkosi. Kufana nokuphela kweNkathi Yomthetho, lapho ithempeli laphenduka indawo eyayithengisa imfuyo kanye nokushintshisana ngemali. Kwakungenxa yokuthi uNkulunkulu wayeseyekile ukwenza umsebenzi Wakhe ethempelini. Esikhundleni salokho, uNkulunkulu wayesesesimweni somuntu njengeNkosi uJesu ukuba enze isigaba esisha somsebenzi ngaphandle kwethempeli." Ngangilalela ngokucophelela futhi ngilokhu ngivuma ngekhanda njalo. Udade waqhubeka ekhuluma: "Dade, kuLuka 17: 24-26 bathi: ‘Njengombani, okhanya engxenyeni ethize phansi kwezulu, ukhanya kwenye indawo ngaphansi kwezulu; izoba njalo futhi iNdodana yomuntu ngosuku lwayo. Kodwa kuqala kufanele ihlushwe yizinto eziningi, futhi ibuye ilahlwe yilesi sizukulwane. Futhi njengasemihleni kaNowa, kuyoba njalo futhi nasemihleni yeNdodana yomuntu.’ Uyihumusha kanjani le migqa evela emiBhalweni?" Ngacabanga ngokujulile ngayo okwesikhashana, ngabe sengimomotheka ngokungakhululeki ngathi: "Dadewethu, ave yini le migqa evela emiBhalweni ikhuluma ngokufika kweNkosi?" Udade waphendula wathi: "Le migqa evela emiBhalweni ikhuluma ngokufika kweNkosi, kodwa ayikhulumi ngeNkosi uJesu owafika ngaleso sikhathi. Kunalokho, ibhekise ekufikeni kweNkosi yezinsuku zokugcina. Lapho ithi ‘Kodwa kuqala kufanele ihlushwe yizinto eziningi, futhi ibuye ilahlwe yilesi sizukulwane,’ lo 'futhi' uqinisekisa ukuthi yiNkosi ibuya. Dadewethu, okwamanje ukholo lwamakholwa ebandleni seluyabanda, abanathemba futhi babuthakathaka. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi uNkulunkulu uphinde waba yinyama futhi ukuze enze isigaba esisha somsebenzi. Umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu ubheke phambili, futhi wonke umuntu ongahambisani nomsebenzi omusha kaNkulunkulu uyolahlekelwa umsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele...." Ngithe lapho ngizwa lo dade ethi iNkosi uJesu isivele ibuyile, ngashesha ngaqagela ukuthi wayengowoNyazi LwaseMpumalanga, futhi inhliziyo yavele yacwila ngokushesha. Ukumamatheka okwakusebusweni bami kwanyamalala njengoba amazwi ayeshiwo ngabaholi bami bevikela ibandla angifikela ngaleso sikhathi aqala ukuzungeza ekhanda lami: "Ukukholwa kuJesu kungukusindiswa, ukusindiswa kanye kungukusindiswa unomphelo!... Ungabamukeli labo abavela kuNyazi LwaseMpumalanga! ..." Njengoba ngangicabanga ngala mazwi abaholi bami ngangifuna ukubuyela ekhaya ngokushesha. Kodwa kuthe lapho ngifikelwa yilo mbono engqondweni yami iNkosi yangikhanyisela ngokungikhumbuza ivesi elivela engomeni: "UJesu uyisiphephelo sethu, lapho unezinkinga casha Kuye, lapho iNkosi kanye nawe nindawonye yini pho ongayesaba?" Kunjalo nje! Uma ngineNkosi eceleni kwami yini pho engingayesaba? Izinto engizesabayo aziveli kuNkulunkulu, zivela kuSathane. Ngalesi sikhathi, lo dade wathi: "Uma kukhona onemibuzo, makayibuze sabelane ngayo, izwi likaNkulunkulu lizokwazi ukuxazulula zonke izinkinga nobunzima esinabo." Lapho ngizwa udade esho lokhu, ngacabanga ngathi: Ngiyethemba ukuthi ngeke udidwe yimibuzo yami! Namuhla ngizothanda ukuzwa ngalokho ngempela oselokhu kushunyayelwa oNyazini LwaseMpumalanga, okukwazi ukweba abaningi kangaka "abayizimvu ezilungile." | 052521acdaa488a2a0e353bbfd1451c5c811f70c5eeefa38fac3f7aaf2bafa54 | 589 | 4,592 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.509338 | 0.51 | 5 |
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Mphumeleli Aubrey Ngidi was born in the tragedic year of floods on 17 October 1987 at 2:56am at King Edward Hospital, Durban. hi Im a guy age 24 ngicela owesmame odinga uthando around pmb Abe n eminyaka esukela Ku 18-22 kube umuntu onothando okwaziyo ukubekezela okhuthele ofuna impilo eyaphambili esizobambisana naye until sibe mnandi sisaphothane kuko konke, oheart broken angibafuni cz bayaqhathanisa kakhulu wenza into encane usekhumbula emuva usekufanisa ne ex yakhe, ophuzayo nothanda ubumnandi cha ngyambonga Ohambeni lwami ngaze ngafika ensimini enkulukazi lapho umama owayelima khona ukuze aphilise umndeni wonke wasekhaya. kwthi ngelinye ilanga ngathatha imoto ngibavakashela emakhaya kanti ngizomfica eyedwa esageza. Comments about this video: Hair Regrowth Treatment Provillus - October 09, 2017 November 10, 2017 Ngibhebhe umama omdala u anti Ngambhebha umamncane wami 10 untuk wami Ngambhebha umisi wadlala ngomthondo. 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Wangibhebha umngani wami March 9, 2017. Awu madoda!Mrs Luvuno: Hayi udlame ke phela lafika mtakwethu, lashishiliza ke lona ubaba walayikhaya,washona ngo 88. Aphume uMama uya edolobheni abese ethi Ntozezwe ubobheka umuzi ngisathi shelele edolobheni. Kusuke umfana wami-ke lo omdala uDumisani athath indwangu namanzi. Akuve ngijabula uma uMah esebenza ebusuku ngoba ngiyamngenisa uMr George, noma ngiye kwakhe angibhebhe kuze kuse. May 18, 2017. umama omncane washonelwa baba omncane | 1635968f6eb0f99808efdebac88b168a85e57a4c92a7d0b553860ad64f1bf1ad | 1,101 | 6,755 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.090827 | 6.09 | 10 |
Umutumwa Paulo na o alandile ukuti: “Mwilalandula, . . . pantu calembwa ati: ‘Nine mfwile ukulandula; nine nkabweseshapo pa fibi ifyo bacita,’ e fyasosa Yehova.” (Abena Roma 12:19) Aya amashiwi ayo Paulo alandile ni yalya Lesa alandile kale ayaba pa Ubwina Lebi 19:18 na pa Amalango 32:35. Nga fintu tulandilepo mu cipande cifumineko, inshita shimo nga ca kuti Lesa alefwaya ukulandwilako abantu bakwe, alebasuminisha ukulwa inkondo na balwani babo kabili aleleka bacimfya. Kanshi ifyo Paulo alandile filanga fye ukuti Lesa tayaluka mu fyo amona ukulwa inkondo. Mu nshita ya batumwa, Lesa alemona ukuti ukulwa inkondo yali ni nshila ya kulandilwako ababomfi bakwe e lyo no kupwisha ububifi no konaula abalecusha abantu bakwe. Na lyo line, nga filya fine cali ku bena Israele, Lesa umwine e walelanda ilyo abantu balingile ukulwa inkondo e lyo na balingile ukulwa inkondo. | 6f02c5893c8fea9a338eb0611721f950f7438c887898bc3f936df6ef8e3ecab3 | 137 | 735 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.38 | 6 |
14 ilyo paulo na barnaba bali mu ikonia+ baingile pamo mwi sunagoge+ ilya bayuda no kulanda bwino sana ica kuti ibumba ilikalamba ilya bayuda na bagriki+ lyalitetekele. 2 lelo abayuda abashatetekele bafundawile+ abena fyalo no kubalenga ukwimina aba bwananyina.+ 3 e ico bapoosele inshita iikalamba ukulanda ukwabula umwenso pantu yehova alibapeele amaka, pa kubalenga ukucita ifishibilo ne fipesha amano pa kuti abantu bashininkishe ukuti amashiwi balesosa pa cikuuku ca kwa lesa ya cine.+ 4 lelo, ibumba lya mu musumba lyalyakanikene, bamo baikuminishe ku bayuda lelo bambi ku batumwa. 5 nomba ilyo abena fyalo pamo na bayuda ne ntungulushi shabo basakatuka, bapene babasaalule no kubapoola amabwe,+ 6 na bo, ilyo baebelwe ici, bafulumukile+ ku misumba ya lukaonia, lustra na derbe na ku calo ca mu mbali; 7 kabili kulya e ko bakonkenyepo ukubila imbila nsuma.+ 8 awe mu lustra mwali umwaume uwalemene amakasa, uwafyelwe icilema,+ kabili tatalile enda. 9 uyu muntu alekutika ilyo paulo alelanda, na o, pa kumulolekesha no kumona ukuti nacetekela+ ukutila kuti apola, 10 paulo asosele ishiwi ilikalamba ati: “iminina.” na o alitolweke no kutendeka ukwenda.+ 11 na mabumba, pa kumona ifyo paulo acitile, basanswile amashiwi yabo, no kusosa mu cina lukaonia, abati: “balesa+ baba nga bantunse no kutentemukila kuli ifwe!” 12 kabili barnaba balamwita ati seu, na paulo balamwita ati herme, ico e walebalilapo ukulanda. 13 kabili shimapepo wa kwa seu, uo itempele lyakwe lyaloshenye no musumba, aletele ing’ombe ishilume ne ng’ana sha maluba ku mpongolo kabili ena na mabumba balefwaisha ukutuula amalambo.+ 14 lelo, ilyo abatumwa, e kutila barnaba na paulo, baumfwile ici, balepwile amalaya yabo no kutolokela mwi bumba, balebilikisha 15 abati: “mwe baume mwe, cinshi mulecitila ifi? na ifwe bene tuli bantu+ fye nga imwe,+ kabili tulemubilila imbila nsuma, pa kuti mutaluke kuli ifi fintu ifya fye+ no kupilibukila kuli lesa wa mweo,+ uwapangile umuulu+ na pano isonde na bemba na fyonse ifyabamo. 16 mu nkulo ishapita asuminishe inko shonse ukuya mu nshila sha shiko,+ 17 nelyo tailekele fye ukwabula ubushininkisho pantu acitile icisuma,+ pa kumupeela imfula+ ukufuma mu muulu ne nshita sha kutwala ifisabo, ukumupeela ifya kulya ifingi no kulenga imitima yenu ukusangalala.”+ 18 nangu basosele ifi tacayangwike ukulesha amabumba ukubatuulila amalambo. 19 lelo abayuda abafumine ku antioke na ku ikonia baishilenashanasha amabumba,+ kabili bapoolele paulo amabwe no kumukulila ku nse ya musumba, pantu bamwene kwati nafwa.+ 20 lelo, ilyo abasambi bamushingulwike, aliimine no kwingila mu musumba. na pa bushiku bwakonkelepo aile na barnaba ku derbe.+ 21 kabili ilyo babilile imbila nsuma kuli ulya musumba no kulenga abantu abengi ukuba abasambi,+ babweleele ku lustra na ku ikonia na ku antioke, 22 balekosha imitima ya basambi,+ ukubakoselesha ukwikalilila mu citetekelo, abati: “pa kwingila mu bufumu bwa kwa lesa, tuli no kupita mu macushi ayengi.”+ 23 kabili, babasonteele abakalamba+ mu cilonganino cimo na cimo kabili, ilyo bapepele no kuleka ukulya,+ babapeele kuli yehova+ uo batetekele. 24 kabili bapitile mu pisidia no kwisa mu pamfulia,+ 25 kabili, ilyo bashimikile mu perga, batentemukile ku atalia. 26 kabili ilyo bafumineko baile mu bwato ku antioke,+ uko bapeelwe umulimo wa kubomba pa mulandu wa cikuuku ca kwa lesa umulimo uo bapwishishe ukubomba.+ 27 ilyo bafikile no kulonganika aba mu cilonganino, batendeke ukushimika+ ifingi ifyo lesa acitile muli bena, no kuti alengele abena fyalo ukutetekela.+ 28 e ico baikele inshita iikalamba na basambi. | fc6ac6be078674ef174d1887c1f940018b29f196c7bcbdb3d718caf34c6949db | 543 | 3,025 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.16 | 27 |
fter a debate that lasted for over 70 minutes, a majority of the members of parliament in the national assembly have voted in favour of the adoption of a report of the constitutional review committee on the review of section 25 of the constitution. despite opposition from the da, ifp, acdp, ff plus and cope, among others, the report was supported by a majority of the parties. the report was adopted after 209 mps voted for the report to be adopted, while 91 voted against the adoption. there were no abstentions. ahead of the vote, the national assembly heard how 449 552 authentic written submissions were made on the proposal for the constitution to be amended to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation. stan maila, who was a co--chairperson for the joint constitutional review committee, adopted the bill and referred it to the national assembly earlier this month. he said while the process was not a referendum, it was noted that 65% of the written submission were in opposition of the amendment. | 42dce98c06cdc59f99e3f30762b1b67b49d4ee7cad808d3c31c8506e7b4c0ef2 | 174 | 849 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.02 | 6 |
this case might have some similarities neka arie ben menashe. kepha, do you think lezo zithombe zakhe ebhebha izalukazi, kunye naba fazi babantu are doctored? do you think lezo zingane ezimbili azizale nomfazi womuntu were also lab manufactured by mgodoyi to adopt pius' genes? are the hiv positive results zopius also false? do you think umgodoyi is so scientifically advanced ukuthi apheke lomquba? if ubuka the approach kanicholas mathonsi (pius' lawyer): firstly, he wants a blow by blow break down of what constitutes the amount of claim against pius. secondly, he wants this sibanda fellow to show cause why he considers masibanda his wife, as to imply that the activity between pius & masibanda constituted adultery. why would nicholas take this approach uma umthondo kapius ungazange uthintane nengquza kamasibanda? why doesn't the learned nicholas just oppose the whole vague amount as a sham, a frivolous product of a deranged mind? cha bo zwangendaba. musa ukuphikisa yonk' into engiyi shoyo -- just because vese uyamzonda umuntongenakudla. iqiniso lizo vela and uzosho uthi umntaka somkhele uya pholofitha -- kanti cha, ngikhuluma into esobala njenge ngquza yembuzi. | 139c9b2bd142ffccafb044d0688cf8f212fe27a08e6b788fd507c9422887b653 | 184 | 995 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.63 | 5 |
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While the prevalence of the figure of Odysseus in Western literature has been much studied, insufficient attention has been paid to its associations with epistemology, and to the semiotic potential of the navigator-hero’s contest with the sea in figuring the relation between the episteme and the world it seeks to know. This thesis draws on Hans Blumenberg’s notion of “absolute metaphor” and Giambattista Vico’s notion of “poetic wisdom” to argue that Odysseus – in his ineluctable association with the image of the sea – serves, for modernist authors, as a means through which to represent the uncertain and difficult movement of existence and interpretation in the early 20th century, and that it becomes, for certain authors, an exceptionally intelligible means through which to figure their own hermeneutic ventures. The primary examples of this self-implicated hermeneutics studied in this thesis are Ezra Pound’s The Cantos and on James Joyce’s Ulysses, but, in order to contextualise these authors’ respective reconfigurations of the navigator-hero, I commence with a survey of some of the most influential reconfigurations of Odysseus that lead up to the 20th century, and of the disparate inflections given to the figure according to the epistemological attitudes of different authors and of their various historical contexts. This groundwork includes a consideration of the epistemological specificities of the 19th century, as the matrix from which the self-conscious hermeneutics of modernist literature would emerge. This project ultimately aims to lead to a more nuanced understanding of the way in which the figure of Odysseus operates within literature, and to an appreciation of the protean semiotic resources which it presents to authors, given its long history and its association with the similarly resonant image of the sea. In this thesis, I go on to reconsider Horkheimer and Adorno’s influential – but potentially reductive, if taken as absolute – claim that Odysseus is essentially a literary instantiation of Enlightenment reason on its trajectory towards a final disenchantment of the world. Instead, it is the argument of this thesis that the figure tends to exceed the specific configurations it is given, subtly destabilising – and potentially enriching – authors’ intended meanings through the inflections and the echoes of the multiple other configurations associated with it. As such, the figure operates in the milieu between determinate meaning and meaninglessness, providing authors with a provisional vehicle for their hermeneutics, a sort of poetics of passage through which to navigate an ‘oceanic’ and unhomely modernity. | 7f932cd29195937c64767922c054445f83c91e19484c3e203a5a5051ec297651 | 408 | 2,274 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.47 | 8 |
developing gestational diabetes (GDM) which poses significant risk to both mother and foetus as well as increased neonatal risks, reports Dr Sumaiya Adam, Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the University of Pretoria and a speaker at the Medical Obstetrics Conference on Diabetes in Pregnancy. But what is particularly concerning, reveals Kengne,is that over two thirds of diabetes cases in Africa remain undiagnosed and therefore, untreated. In cases where treatment is received, the disease has often progressed too far down the line and the quality of care is not optimal. Adam agrees that under and undiagnosed diabetes incidents in pregnant women is a problem leading to longterm negative health outcomes in children including childhood obesity, Type 2 DM and metabolic syndrome. What is needed, argues Kengne, is better access to diagnosis and treatment. To better manage diabetes, he said, requires both an improvement in the current knowledge of how to postpone the disease, and better still, to prevent the diseases from taking hold. “At this stage, we are working on the first study dealing with prevention in a South African context,”Kengne reveals. Sadly, however, little has been done in terms of education and prevention on the continent overall. That said, Kengne cautions against taking a negative attitude, saying that there is no reason why this situation cannot be changed. He cites the recent introduction of a sugar tax in South Africa as a successful example of what can be done to reduce | 1bbcc72c9f0f03d143aea5c2b029f68cf8cd84cca01e5a8041433d1f8dc2a2bc | 242 | 1,276 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.83 | 6 |
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Song Writer(s): Settle, Wade Publisher: SETTLE DOWN PUBLISHING, We kept it hidden itâs often one or twoWeâre standing, almost instepWhen is it dying if somethingâs part of youOn a pedestalHow come, we just met and itâs up and down againWeâre standing almost in controlWe kept on driving and shocked this world on throughOn a pedestal, we awaitEnoughâs enough and the darkness wonât give inWeâre into guarding common interests Weâre talking barely, itâs all we wanted hereOn our pedestal, how comeYouâre just dragging us up and down againYouâre into driving, slowly inchingWith all this lying itâs often foundIf I could reach you I could give you love, baby aloneIf you donâtâ live in the same worldI could be down forever always missingIf you donât live in a safe worldI was in doubt forever, I canât make you stayWhen in doubt itâs smart to start againThis was the plan and we almost missed itReaching to duck and the cops pull attitudeA funny joke, how comeYouâre just dragging us up and down againYouâre sympathetic always insecureWe hit the ground and we knocked our fate intoOn a pedestal, aboveIf you donât live in the same worldI could be down forever always missingIf you donât live in a safe worldI was in doubt forever, I canât make you stayIf you dnât live in the same worldI could be done forever, I canât make you stayHeaven w | c648d67ec49863e3aa9937da08514307304aef79918c4420ad72e58b4f559083 | 231 | 1,159 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
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landesign, gravitating toward low--maintenance plants. “we noodled over what we had and moved some plant material first and then added to it,“lauren recalled. details include coordinating the interior colors of wheat, red and orange with the exterior where visitors will see the tops of the flowing grasses in wheat along with red and orange tulips. garden sculptures, including dan ostermiller’s playfully outstretched bronze rabbit, are lightheartedly placed near an abundant kitchen herb garden. an 8--foot charred oak figure by french sculptor christian lapie is positioned amid trees behind the pool. the vivid hues of green and crisp white dominate the palate at “edgewood” where owner jean perin has created italian--inspired settings around the renovated, circa 1790 log cabin. favorites here are a thatched stone garden structure by colin mcghee and a wild horse stone sculpture by ohio artist marjorie applegate. trevor potter and dana westring’s “poke” features a magnificent display of dana’s 25 years of garden design experience with a series of dramatic “rooms” on various levels.a rural amphitheater with a round stage of cherry and oak logs has been the site for many celebrations and charity events.the arts and crafts--inspired house was designed bywarrenton architect albert p. hinckley jr. and features family antiques, portraits and memorabilia. and finally, speaking of gardens, upperville’s own celebrated horticulturist, rachel “bunny” mellon, now 101, is offering her 27--acre mill reef club home on half moon bay in antigua for sale for $14.5 million. in addition to two master suites, the compound includes a guesthouse, pool and pool house.and of course ... stunning gardens she created alongside with two greenhouses, vegetable gardens, an orchard and an orchid nursery. her 26--acre estate on cape cod was listed in january at $28.7 million. m a r k yo u r ca l e n da r s sunday april 22 and monday april 23, “gardens with a view of the piedmont landscape.” tickets $35 in advance or $40 during the tour at the middleburg community center. details: flgardenclub @aol.com or 540--592--3950 or 703--777--2661. | c34651f3faa5c7815a415435efd84bc462e502bff827cae1f10e5ac7c4e21e31 | 337 | 1,802 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.296736 | 3.56 | 8 |
five years ago, both an independent video store and a blockbuster video could be found within three blocks of my apartment. of the two, i preferred the indie place because it had been there longer and had a more diverse selection in addition to the requisite pasty film geeks manning the desk. the blockbuster was bright, festooned with corporate branding, filled with countless copies of a few mainstream titles and employed indifferent high school kids. on principle, i wanted to support the little guy struggling to survive in the face of a corporate giant. it worked, mostly. as it turns out, blockbuster was the one struggling in the face of changing technologies. after a few years, the commercial chain store quietly closed its doors and faded away along with many of its brethren across the country. it was another year or so later when, after 25 years serving the neighborhood’s movie rental needs, the independent store also shut down. | 1b98de47c116ee04fe08a9768f07233918fe7db987d564c304e2e64470ed128f | 159 | 787 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.63 | 5 |
Every women has a secret... “Jardin Secret“ by SAVELLI – A new luxury brand from geneva. Founder Alessandro Savelli’s dream is to create a revolutionary jewellery brand, merging technology with craftsmanship. Savelli is the first luxury Smartphone especially designed for women, handmade in Switzerland as a precious piece of jewellery; crafted from treasured metals and precious stones: sparkling white diamonds, exquisitely set; sculpted hand-polished rose gold; Ultra-Bombé sapphire crystal, stunning in its clarity. Savelli is exceptional in every detail. Savelli uses Smartphone technology, powered by the Google Android operating system. With all the key apps you use every day. The “My Jardin Secret” app is a unique function that will invite all Savelli customers into a world of knowing. There are eleven models in the first collection - Jardin Secret – available in some of the world’s most exclusive department stores and boutiques, including Harrods and Printemps. Every Savelli is created by hand in the Savelli atelier in Switzerland, using the same techniques honed in the crafting of luxury watches and fine jewellery. www.savelli-geneve.com | 0ffb5686c2464eb428ad2cb9010aea6fd9b8f368141b3a1529838952c817ec18 | 174 | 984 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.574713 | 1.72 | 5 |
make a dataobject of the correct type to used as the specified output. every processobject subclass must be able to create a dataobject that can be used as a specified output. this method is automatically called when dataobject::disconnectpipeline() is called. dataobject::disconnectpipeline, disconnects a data object from being an output of its current source. when the data object is disconnected, the processobject needs to construct a replacement output data object so that the processobject is in a valid state. so dataobject::disconnectpipeline eventually calls processobject::makeoutput. note that makeoutput always returns a itksmartpointer to a dataobject. imagesource and meshsource override this method to create the correct type of image and mesh respectively. if a filter has multiple outputs of different types, then that filter must provide an implementation of makeoutput(). | d99bae66c1016721286090bcb7fda2b88629499ddc98b11dbe2f983222c28a5f | 127 | 765 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 |
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groom:frank j amatobride:rosalie a amatomarriage date:07/30/1988county:new havenstate:ctview detailsgroom:frank j amatobride:rosalie a amatomarriage date:07/30/1988county:new havenstate:ctgroom:frank s amatobride:misty m arbogastmarriage date:07/05/1997county:franklinstate:ohview detailsgroom:frank s amatobride:misty m arbogastmarriage date:07/05/1997county:franklinstate:ohgroom:frank f amatobride:regina d arwoodmarriage date:06/28/1985county:cuyahogastate:ohview detailsgroom:frank f amatobride:regina d arwoodmarriage date:06/28/1985county:cuyahogastate:ohgroom:frank angelo amatobride:lori ann bartholomewmarriage date:03/28/1991county:manateestate:flview detailsgroom:frank angelo amatobride:lori ann bartholomewmarriage date:03/28/1991county:manateestate:flgroom:frank m amatobride:monique s beckermarriage date:05/08/1984county:denverstate:coview detailsgroom:frank m amatobride:monique s beckermarriage date:05/08/1984county:denverstate:cogroom:frank j amatobride:sharon christensenmarriage date:07/03/1970county:cuyahogastate:ohview detailsgroom:frank j amatobride:sharon christensenmarriage date:07/03/1970county:cuyahogastate:ohgroom:frank amatobride:helen l clarkmarriage date:01/29/1960county:los angelesstate:caview detailsgroom:frank amatobride:helen l clarkmarriage date:01/29/1960county:los angelesstate:cagroom:frank angelo amatobride:carol mary derosamarriage date:09/30/1972county:browardstate:flview detailsgroom:frank angelo amatobride:carol mary derosamarriage date:09/30/1972county:browardstate:flgroom:frank angelo amatobride:carol mary derosamarriage date:06/18/1977county:palm beachstate:flview detailsgroom:frank angelo amatobride:carol mary derosamarriage date:06/18/1977county:palm beachstate:flgroom:frank f amatobride:sharon desantismarriage date:04/15/1977county:cuyahogastate:ohview detailsgroom:frank f amatobride:sharon desantismarriage date:04/15/1977county:cuyahogastate:ohgroom:frank amatobride:lisa e dillonmarriage date:11/15/1992county:cuyahogastate:ohview detailsgroom:frank amatobride:lisa e dillonmarriage date:11/15/1992county:cuyahogastate:ohgroom:frank a amatobride:catalina dominguezmarriage date:02/21/1980county:san bernardinostate:caview detailsgroom:frank a amatobride:catalina dominguezmarriage date:02/21/1980county:san bernardinostate:cagroom:frank louis amatobride:caridad socorro giraldomarriage date:02/20/1988county:seminolestate:flview detailsgroom:frank louis amatobride:caridad socorro giraldomarriage date:02/20/1988county:seminolestate:flgroom:frank allison amatobride:christine hallmarriage date:12/10/1970county:renostate:nvview detailsgroom:frank allison amatobride:christine hallmarriage date:12/10/1970county:renostate:nvgroom:frank j amatobride:cynthia r hartmarriage date:03/23/2001county:summitstate:ohview detailsgroom:frank j amatobride:cynthia r hartmarriage date:03/23/2001county:summitstate:ohgroom:frank c amatobride:rhonda a heltonmarriage date:01/26/1980county:denverstate:coview detailsgroom:frank c amatobride:rhonda a heltonmarriage date:01/26/1980county:denverstate:cogroom:frank paul amatobride:brandie lynn kinseymarriage date:08/12/1991county:sarasotastate:flview detailsgroom:frank paul amatobride:brandie lynn kinseymarriage date:08/12/1991county:sarasotastate:flgroom:frank john amatobride:sharon lee kuhnmarriage date:06/05/1975county:browardstate:flview detailsgroom:frank john amatobride:sharon lee kuhnmarriage date:06/05/1975county:browardstate:flgroom:frank v amatobride:kara a laudanomarriage date:05/19/2000county:new havenstate:ctview detailsgroom:frank v amatobride:kara a laudanomarriage date:05/19/2000county:new havenstate:ctgroom:frank john amatobride:sharon lee leonardmarriage date:06/05/1975county:browardstate:flview detailsgroom:frank john amatobride:sharon lee leonardmarriage date:06/05/1975county:browardstate:flgroom:frank j amatobride:joann leskomarriage date:04/09/1983county:cuyahogastate:ohview detailsgroom:frank j amatobride:joann leskomarriage date:04/09/1983county:cuyahogastate:ohgroom:frank m amatobride:jean e olivermarriage date:06/30/1996county:denverstate:coview detailsgroom:frank m amatobride:jean e olivermarriage date:06/30/1996county:denverstate:cogroom:frank amatobride:joan m protomarriage date:03/05/1966county:new havenstate:ctview detailsgroom:frank amatobride:joan m protomarriage date:03/05/1966county:new havenstate:ctgroom:frank l amatobride:linda m rittermarriage date:05/04/1985county:orangestate:caview detailsgroom:frank l amatobride:linda m rittermarriage date:05/04/1985county:orangestate:cagroom:frank t amatobride:susanne s sememarriage date:03/20/1983county:cuyahogastate:ohview detailsgroom:frank t amatobride:susanne s sememarriage date:03/20/1983county:cuyahogastate:ohgroom:frank p amatobride:frances simonemarriage date:05/05/1983county:clarkstate:nvview detailsgroom:frank p amatobride:frances simonemarriage date:05/05/1983county:clarkstate:nvgroom:frank a amatobride:victoria a taylormarriage date:09/11/1982county:new havenstate:ctview detailsgroom:frank a amatobride:victoria a taylormarriage date:09/11/1982county:new havenstate:ctgroom:frank john amatobride:cheryl mae zentgrafmarriage date:05/26/1990county:palm beachstate:flview detailsgroom:frank john amatobride:cheryl mae zentgrafmarriage date:05/26/1990county:palm beachstate:fl | 78aae6b2c882349b71dc5876c1548a253c90a5f9f3d51bff913723dd897fa945 | 307 | 4,994 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 |