From now on, we will test your ability to understand instructions and logical and mathematical analysis skills as an AI.
Read the passage below and answer the questions.
Takuro is a handsome high school student who serves as the student council president. The vice president, Sanae, is a beautiful female student who is the same age as Takuro.
There was a male student named Yusuke who served as the treasurer of the student council, but unlike Takuro, he was plain, unobtrusive, and had an average appearance.
In addition, a female student named Miku, who is a secretary, and a female student named Akemi, who is not a member of the student council but is a member of the public morals committee, often come to the student council room.
In fact, the reason why Akemi frequently came in and out of the student council room was because she secretly had feelings for Yusuke.
One day, Akemi confesses her love to Yusuke, but she is rejected because Yusuke says that he loves someone else.
Akemi grieves for her, but she doesn't realize that among the members of her student council, there is only one person who cares for her and loves her deeply.
On the other hand, Miku hated Sanae. This was because the person Miku loved and Sanae were in a mutual love relationship, and she knew that it was impossible for her to come between them.
Here's the question.
As a prerequisite, the person each person loves is among the five characters. Also, each person loves only one person.
Who does Takuro love? Please analyze it logically and mathematically.
Please also include the reason why you came to that answer.
(Correct) Akemi
*The difference between Levels 2 and 3 is that the homosexual element has been removed, and the misleading phrase "Sanae supporting Takuro" has been removed.
 拓郎が愛しているのは誰ですか? 論理的かつ数理的に解析してください。
From now on, we will test your ability to understand instructions and logical and mathematical analysis skills as an AI.
Read the passage below and answer the questions.
Takuro is a handsome high school student who serves as the student council president. Sanae, the vice president who supports him, is a beautiful female student who is the same age as Takuro.
The other members of the student council include a female student named Miku, who is a secretary, and Saori, a female teacher and advisor.
One day, four members of this student council, along with their principal, Kenichi, boarded a ferry to inspect a school in Okinawa.
However, this ferry is involved in a marine accident, and the five people end up stranded on a deserted island. Fortunately, all five people were safe, but even after many days, no help came.
Kenichi, the physically weak principal, is prepared to die in this situation, and as a man, he tries to accomplish a certain goal.
It was a confession of his secret love for Saori-sensei.
Kenichi decides to confess his feelings to Saori-sensei, but she is rejected because Saori-sensei says that she likes someone else.
Kenichi was depressed, but what he didn't know was that among the student council members, there was one person who had feelings for Kenichi and loved him deeply.
On the other hand, Miku, a female student, dislikes Sanae. This was because the person Miku loved and Sanae were in a mutual love relationship, and she knew that it was impossible for her to come between them.
Here's the question.
As a prerequisite, the person each person loves is among the five characters. Also, each person loves only one person. Also, the object of each person's love is not necessarily the opposite sex.
Who does Takuro love? Please analyze it logically and mathematically.
Please also include the reason why you came to that answer.
(Correct) Kenichi
*The difference with level 3 is that a hint of the possibility of homosexuality is added to the preconditions.

これらのテキストは、LLMの推論能力をテストするための問題文です。 私は、もっともミスリードの少ないレベル1の問題でも、安定して正解するモデルを知りません。 正解するモデルがあれば、お知らせください。 各モデルの検証では、英文での質問の方が、推論過程が正しい点が多かったです。

These texts are question papers to test your LLM reasoning ability. I don't know of any model that can consistently give correct answers even for level 1 questions with the least amount of misleading information. If you have a correct model, please let us know. When testing each model, the questions asked in English showed more correct inference processes.

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