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updates screwed up, how can i reinstall all packages part of ubuntu-desktop | i dont know what im talking about tho, would wait for someone to answer | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Guest17506", "user_answer": "[_miT_]"} |
what do you know about X forwarding via SSH? | try this xD | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "SliMM", "user_answer": "Cristi"} |
hey what's with - what is it? | doesn't need to be run if the ./configure and files are there | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "c4lman", "user_answer": "Starnestommy"} |
how do I update just one package through apt-get? | That will update it. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "shadowvice1", "user_answer": "owh"} |
how to see the speed from a devie? usb stick, hdd, sd card and so on | for hard drive, sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda (or whatever your drive(s) are) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "DIFH-iceroot", "user_answer": "nickrud"} |
anybody know how to - chown: invalid user: 'apache' | the user is called www-data and not apache | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ibm_", "user_answer": "DIFH-iceroot"} |
Hey guys, sorry to bother you, I just installed the latest ubuntu distrib on a usb drive. Console works fine, but gdm does nothing after login. Shutting down gdm and running 'startx' gives a working gnome. Any ideas ? | take a look at /var/log/gdm , might be a clue there | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "morpheus_bc", "user_answer": "nickrud"} |
how do I get rid of the 'beep' noise on ubuntu desktop when press 'tab' key. On the cli I use tab completion alot and it's freaking anoying to here that beep everytime I press tab | in the sounds, set the sound scheme to none, however sound apps and the like will make sounds, to kill those simply mute the volume as you expect | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "kpettit", "user_answer": "ActionParsnip"} |
i am using an asus 1500ah netbook which may explain why 11.10 is so slow. what is the temp workaround you mentioned? | see 'longer battery life' at | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "usertwo", "user_answer": "morsedl3"} |
ok, another approach: if i have 2 disks, one with that huge delay on grub loading and one which works fine (same disks, and almost the same partition layout (at least / and /boot)), what configs i should try to compare? (same kernel versions also) | also see if they are both ext3 or one is ext2 (which will be slightly slower) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "stodan", "user_answer": "HardDisk"} |
Just upgraded to 11.10, but there seems to be no way to set up the screensavers anymore... where did it go? | might help, it talks about no screen savers in gnome, although i'm not sure if that also applies to unity | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "wad", "user_answer": "morsedl3"} |
whats the path of hard disk drives in the root directory | You might also see it in your 'Places' menu as 'XX.X GB Media'. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "lonetech1920", "user_answer": "recon"} |
whats the command for changing the gnome menus again? | alacarte | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jarco", "user_answer": "onexused"} |
what small things? | like cheese | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "anom001", "user_answer": "jiltdil"} |
is there a way to remove a package without removing dependencies | dpkg --ignore-depends=<package> | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jpastore", "user_answer": "Dedi"} |
is there a way to disable computer beep from ubuntu ? | check out | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "keddy", "user_answer": "srf211"} |
can someone remind me what that package name is for the extended gnome display manager? | twinview or xinerama or cinerella | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "zackfs14", "user_answer": "Jack_Sparrow"} |
i just installed the .deb package file for ayttm and now i cant find it in the Apps menu. | have you tried to exit out of your X and login again? may be it's there it just needs to be refreshed | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "linuxpwns", "user_answer": "Bhavesh"} |
hello, how do I 'kill' an application that I don't think is shut down all the way? | you can try to do killall -9 app name | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "vices_", "user_answer": "Bhavesh"} |
Anyone know a command that can search for a string in a directory of files? | grep | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Hew", "user_answer": "ikonia"} |
does anyone know how to put the trash in the desktop? | : gconf-editor<apps<nautilus>desktop> ttrash icon visible>check that one | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "onisciente", "user_answer": "zvacet"} |
can anyone tell me how I set up my system so that is starts in a shell not gnome? thanks. | check /etc/inittab to see what the default run level is set to | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "thesaint4444", "user_answer": "hoban"} |
Shoot! I accidentally pressed ctrl-z while a process was running in terminal, and I got '[1] Stopped' How do I resume this? | use the 'bg' or 'fg' command | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "d0wn", "user_answer": "Dr_Willis"} |
Is there a way to check the current version of software that is in repositories with apt? | apt-cache policy package | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "d0wn", "user_answer": "llutz"} |
i restarted my system and everywhere else fonts are okay, but in firefox fonts has started to sucks, they are reset to Serif or whatever the default ubuntu font is, same goes for the notifications | did you set the fonts in firefox? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "error404notfound", "user_answer": "thiebaude"} |
should i be able to use unetbootin to put a ubuntu .iso onto a usb hard drive (not just a thumb drive) to do an install from? | the notion of 'reinstalling' is a Windows concept. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "helo", "user_answer": "rly"} |
how do I get a lost of all packages installed in my ubuntu? | dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Ddorda", "user_answer": "Pici"} |
when i installed karmic i couldn't connect WEP networks. is that fixed in the network manager PPA? | network manager has supported WEP networks for years | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Ddorda", "user_answer": "magnetron"} |
hello .. i'm experiencing lots of trouble with Firebox under Ubuntu recently .. the browser window hangs (and turns grey) sometimes for seconds, sometimes minutes, sometimes indefinitely ... what can be the cause? | under security disable tell me about visiting an attack site or forgery, though it is not ideal to dissable this extra security | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "andersfeder", "user_answer": "dns53"} |
Hi, I'm a new user and having some trouble setting up my wireless. I'm pretty sure I need to download the drivers, but i'm not sure where or how to go about that, if anyone could help me I'd appreciate it. | | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "komies", "user_answer": "ireland"} |
Hi all! I was wondering: What handles the loading bar/image after the Grub2 selection screen and before the login screen? | Plymouth? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Demicolon9", "user_answer": "phlak_user"} |
Hey, Ubuntu auto-connects to my home network. Is there any place I can go to see the DNS and Host info ? | /etc/resolve.conf <-- dns info | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "curb", "user_answer": "rampageoberon"} |
how can i format my exeternal harddisk? | i'd use gparted to format | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "PennyCostco", "user_answer": "rampageoberon"} |
Hi anyone can tell me where i can delete or add links on the start menu on ubuntu? | or System -> Preferences -> main Menu | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "hanak", "user_answer": "rampageoberon"} |
can ubuntu live CD shrink ntfs partitions?? anyone | settings > admi > partition manager | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jobr", "user_answer": "LetsGo67"} |
is there a way to suppress the 'entered the room' and 'left the room' messages here? (using pidgin, if it matters) | with a plugin called join/part hide | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "idhtns", "user_answer": "musikgoat"} |
how do i change this default orange background? (not the desktop picture -- the pale orange that shows during boot. i'm trying other window managers and it shows up all over) | Thats what you want to hit | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "idhtns", "user_answer": "triggerhapp"} |
how do i make my sound work after i bring my laptop out of 'suspend' ? | atleast you are able to bring it back from suspend... | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "dryrot", "user_answer": "elibaskin"} |
hello, can some one please tell me how to edit (add/remove) items in places menu, items like drives(for example: floppy drive), for some reason my places menu in nautilus has one more item 'Filesystem'(points to /) in the second drive's section as the places menu in gnome-panel, is there a way to sync them? (btw. i do not want to know how to add custom folders ~/.gtk-bookmarks). there is nothing about it in the documentation(library.gnome... pages | System --> --- Preferences --- menu Items | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "icqnumber", "user_answer": "Syeem"} |
hi all. how to create a backup file of all evolution settings and mails? i am on dapper | .evolution folder in your home directory | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "rdz", "user_answer": "arahim"} |
beautiful, i have experience with Route and Iptables, hopefully i can figure it out :P | I had a headless cent box routing for me here until the motherboard crapped out; if I had a box I could load an IDE drive in, I'd give you my iptables file | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "christo_m", "user_answer": "craigbass1976"} |
what's the command to get the alternate install list? It'll show postfix, LAMP, and others | tasksel ? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "MaarekStele", "user_answer": "erUSUL"} |
Could anyone help me? Since I've been updating Ubuntu I have to choose which Ubuntu kernel I want to load. If I don't choose anything it loads some 'safe mode' type Ubuntu. | set the default in /boot/grub/menu.lst | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "fenrisx", "user_answer": "hwilde"} |
is there a way to mount in the shell so that any GUI can handle it? | i think its the 'user' or 'users' option tht controlls if users can unmount somthing | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "mangan", "user_answer": "Dr_Willis"} |
Which is the image file type that requires the less disk space? | jpg or png i think | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "amikrop", "user_answer": "Bhavesh"} |
hi, i've a problem: my desktop display the content of my ~/ instead of ~/Desktop, how i change this ? | edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and make sure XDG_DESKTOP_DIR='$HOME/Desktop' | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "lyhana8", "user_answer": "erUSUL"} |
How to setup timeserver? | then edit /etc/ntp.conf | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "tonysan", "user_answer": "yell0w"} |
I'm running fluxbox as wm and it's great, except one thing :/ My iPod won't load in rhythmbox. When I switch to my gnome-session it works fine but not using fluxbox (it connects without problem, but not listed in rhythmbox). How do I solve this? Or is there another good music manager that I can use with iPod support (playing from the iPod) and scrobble? | im using Exale media player, and i beleive it has support for what your wanting. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "xintron", "user_answer": "lazyPower"} |
hey guys can i switch to 'classic' in the new ubuntu version? | you need to install gnome .. its removed in new ubuntu | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ultrixx", "user_answer": "TB|Vibe-X"} |
could anyone at least test my ffmpeg command line to see if it is a sytnax/dependency problem ? | i looked at the man page, and i have to apologize as i can't completely figure out how to run ffmpeg <.<;; | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "artista-frustrad", "user_answer": "Jalathan"} |
how can i upgrade ubuntu to the latest dev version with the console? | you do not want to upgrade to jaunty now. it is in very early alpha stage | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ExElNeT", "user_answer": "bazhang"} |
How do I make totem player, play a real media file? It doesn't pull up a codec list or anything. It just flat out, doesn't play. | or install the gstreamer packages | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "FuRom", "user_answer": "Ziroday"} |
Is there any way to install the .NET framework 3.0 in WINE? I can't find it via google, because of .net domains. | check appdb | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "FuRom", "user_answer": "bazhang"} |
When running xubuntu instead of ubuntu. How much do I need to focus on what programs I install ? As in some programs are made for gnome, and some for xfce or am I completely wrong ? | It doesn't matter. It is true that some programs are made for Gnome, but they'll run in XFCE anyway. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "powergiant", "user_answer": "tonyyarusso"} |
I have an iso and I want to burn it to a DVD. What is the recommended 'Disc Burner' or whatever? | brasero is one I think | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "drop33", "user_answer": "l403"} |
when i run a virtualbox machine swap space is used. When i close the VM swap isn't cleared. How can i see what applications are using swap space when there is a lot of free memory? | I think it will move stuff out of there once it's accessed | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "lvlefisto", "user_answer": "Slart"} |
what is that issue with audio you are talking about? | the sound won't work | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "lvlefisto", "user_answer": "RandomUsr"} |
I have downloaded Ubuntu hardy Heron, and want to now upgrade my hoary dist (Pretty much a clean install) Is there a way i can do this using the iso without burning it to a cd? I dont have a cd and want to get it done now :P | like kanotix? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Mercuree", "user_answer": "TuniX12"} |
please tell me about virtual box | you'll need to install virtualbox, then get a copy of Win 7.. then install it there just like you would on another computer | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "PaSsI_", "user_answer": "KM0201"} |
Hello everyone, I just upgraded and am stuck because gnome doesn't show the bar on top correctly | thers only one fix that i know of, reinstall, and dont upgrade always do a full install | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ButlerGeorge", "user_answer": "zelozelos"} |
hi can i know what the md5 hash for ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso, it still not list in | See | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "twenex", "user_answer": "Pici"} |
What do I do about a black screen with blinking cursor on Ubuntu CD install? | you might need the alternative disk instead | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "happyface_", "user_answer": "mattwj2002"} |
whats the command to see the partition of your computer? fdisk -i or something? | sudo fdisk -l | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "sugi", "user_answer": "histo"} |
is there a program that will let me print a file to pdf? | open office exports to pdf | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "joanki123", "user_answer": "thruxton"} |
hi... im kinda new to unix... i've managed to setup a ec2 instance with ubuntu... i have a lot of files on another server ... can connect through FTP.. i want to copy (or download) files to this installation.... can someone help me with a recursive command i should use? | use scp maybe | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "sush24", "user_answer": "Raboo"} |
nick registration - I think I have done this for this #ubuntu (I think....) but will it valid also on other ubuntu channels such as #ubuntu-meeting? | but you need to check your email first to verify your account | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "candtalan_", "user_answer": "Starnestommy"} |
what do i install to get flash to work in firefox? | install that and you will get flash | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "cgentry72", "user_answer": "neurobuntu"} |
Is it only me, or does everybody think Opera is better than Firefox? Seriously, I want to know this before I go off churning from Firefox. | opera is great too, but firefox has better plugins, and is open source | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "slashjamiec", "user_answer": "bringatowel"} |
is there a way to make it so drives and network drives don't show up on the desktop? | Look through the nat settings in gconf-editor | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "gleesond", "user_answer": "MeVsTheVoices"} |
Just had a question about ssh, if I'm on A ssh'ing into B, and from the terminal on B i can navigate to the file I want to scp over, is there an easy way to just scp the file over from the command line in B? | if you used Kermit as your terminal (configuring it to communication over the ssh tunnel) than you could kermit the file across the ssh connection. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Vock", "user_answer": "jimd"} |
wheres is my php library installed? ---ubuntu 11.10 | find / -iname 'php' ? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "djjonex", "user_answer": "Pessimist"} |
what's the command to list what's been installed? | : dpkg --get-selections > installed-software | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "a-l-p-h-a_", "user_answer": "zvacet"} |
hi, when i boot using cd for ubuntu 7.04 it shows: [0.000000] ACPI: BIOS age (1998) fails cutoff (2000), acpi=force is required to enable ACPI. anyone can help me? | At the first screen on live cd press F6.. add that command to the command line before th '--' | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "httuip", "user_answer": "Jack_Sparrow"} |
Can someone please give me a hand ? I need someone to check their /etc/auth-client-config/profile.d directory for an 'example_local' profile within one of the files.. I need that entry to restore the authentication system back to its 'pre ldap/nss' glory | I don't have an /etc/auth-client-config/ | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "iratik", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
is there a graphical tool for configuring tv-out? | there's grandr, but I've never gotten s-video to work with my intel card | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "vpalle", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
usermod -d will change a user's home directory. Is there a way I can print what the current home directory is set to for particular user? | echo $HOME ? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "maestrojed", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
How do I run the file browser as root? What's the command | Be careful: gksu nautilus | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "herbert", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
ok this is not good, i installed new nvidia drivers and now X cant start... | sudo apt-get install pastebinit | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "mizipzor", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
is there any way to use nohup after a process is already started? | screen lets you have nice virtual terminals that can be detached and reattached whenever | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "xtian", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
how can i kill a program from terminal? | see kill and pkill | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "fwaokda", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
please don't likn to a specific mirror use | I'm impatient (: | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "kbrosnan", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
how do i set the 'search' button on my logitech mouse *not* to open beagle or tracker search tool? | Check system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts, you can reassign most of the stuff from there | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "conrad_", "user_answer": "ASULutzy"} |
Hi all, My flash-drive is 'un-mountable. How do I format my USB. Please. | gparted being the GUI one | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "candive", "user_answer": "dmsuperman"} |
Hi all, I have the new 8.10 cd how do i upgrade using my cd. internet very slow. thank's | put the cd in, go to system -> admin -> software sources and it should be in there | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "candive", "user_answer": "vox"} |
Is it possible to attach a screen shot to the ubuntu paste bin? How?? | sudo apt-get install firefox | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "candive", "user_answer": "jrib"} |
Hello people. I have had a mac for about one year now and have previously been using Ubuntu. I have stopped using Ubuntu because the sudden problems it caused were eating away my time. They were hardware problems, from my other pc. I want to try out Ubuntu on my Mac, see how it goes there. But i do not want to damage anything, that means no dual boot. Something like Wubi. How do i install ubuntu safely? | Get a real computer. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Arelis", "user_answer": "Sa[i]nT"} |
isn't there any software that configures grub automatically? | i think there is some grub command that performs setup (that is used in the initial install) but im not sure. you could try looking at config with kgrubeditor | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "blivori", "user_answer": "bring3"} |
hello, I've just deleted my partition table, any ideas? | use gpart to recover it | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ix_", "user_answer": "SunTsu"} |
hrm, suddenly nothing but firefox plays sound now, has firefox locked the sound system somehow? | try killall pulseaudio | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "adante", "user_answer": "unavailable"} |
ok, how do i find out which character coding terminal is using? | ubottu is dead right now | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "dennister", "user_answer": "unavailable"} |
*poke* guys, still no takers on my flicker issues? | that is a driver limitation, don't use compiz if you want 3d apps to be flicker-free | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "waffe", "user_answer": "crdlb"} |
I am new to ubuntu. Could anyone direct me to a website that can show me how to use it as efficiently as possible? | use the ubuntu help first. that gives you good links | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "hank221", "user_answer": "sriramoman"} |
uhm looks like one can request a 9.04 live cd on the website now | It will resume the download when you start it up again later. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "dlozarie", "user_answer": "Lord_Devi"} |
what's a good program to play shoutcast streams? | beep media player imo | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "magentar", "user_answer": "pepperjack"} |
what user do jobs in /etc/cron.daily/ run as? | root | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "biagidp", "user_answer": "askreet"} |
where does ubuntu start compiz at startup by default pls? | if its not there try in apperance under 'visual effects' and make it none. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "red22", "user_answer": "bcl1713"} |
to execute a .bin with spaces in its name, is it './Name of bin'? | yes, but you may have to type 'chmod 755 Whatever.bin' first | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "RAdams", "user_answer": "fdskajfe"} |
Can anyone explain all these audio layers? Why is this such a mess? ALSA OSS and PulseAudio... amoung others. Why so many? | i admit it isn't transparent, but with and for guidance it can produce impressive results on simple hardware (that doesn't answer your question, io realize that :) ) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "BeBoBli", "user_answer": "glitsj16"} |
HI all, After doing updates it seems flash isnt working on my system I tried reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree but it doesnt seem to fix it . Any suggestions ? :D Im on Ubuntu HH 64 bit | the 32 bit flash player won't work unless you use 32 bit firefox | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Filled-Void", "user_answer": "TiZ_"} |
a windows software running in wine has frozen ...what to do ? | Wine has problably frozen. I press Alt + F2 and type xkill and click on the windows app | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "yaris123456789", "user_answer": "CPUFreak91"} |