1 value
ahh, I accidently removed all kde4-packages by removing libxine - how can I install them again? - is there some metapackage for kde4?
you could try: sudo tasksel
{"user_question": "_julian_", "user_answer": "DistroJockey"}
can someone tell me a command line runlevel editor?
sysvconfig is one I like
{"user_question": "cherva", "user_answer": "DistroJockey"}
hello, im trying to 'apt-get install screen' but ubuntu(server) wants the cdrom and i dont have physical access to the server, is it possibile to install it via the web?
comment out the CD/DVD lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
{"user_question": "elius", "user_answer": "DistroJockey"}
hi , i'd like to know where does users-admin tool write its configuration
autologin relies upon the user being added to the 'nopasswdlogin' group, and in /etc/pam.d/*
{"user_question": "emamdouh", "user_answer": "TJ-"}
Kind of off topic, and perhaps not for this chan, but which desktop environment is going to give me the best performance? ( Brnd new to Ubuntu/deb)
try Lubuntu
{"user_question": "thomasj73", "user_answer": "MonkeyDust"}
hey all i have a process that i just cannot kill, is there something i have to do to force a kill?
kill -9 <PID>
{"user_question": "Zack1403", "user_answer": "Xang"}
anyone know if Ubuntu 8 has a torrent out yet? The servers are super slow
{"user_question": "saminthemiddle", "user_answer": "yell0w"}
anyone using windowmaker?
what issues you having with WM
{"user_question": "RickX", "user_answer": "rwycuff"}
hey i need help i want to search for everything expect *.gz how i can do it with find command or other? Thx
`find -name \*.gz -o -print`, I think
{"user_question": "need_help", "user_answer": "Araneidae"}
how do i create the following dir using a single command : /dir1/dir2/dir3
mkdir -p
{"user_question": "noobee", "user_answer": "Araneidae"}
Hi, can someone tell me how to install OTR (Off-The Record) plugin for gaim. there is a packet for kopete, but not for gaim, help?
install the pidgin-otr package
{"user_question": "timefrost", "user_answer": "jrib"}
Is there anyway to install ubuntu over itself without erasing everything? Or have it repair itself?
see /msg ubotu clone
{"user_question": "efirewick", "user_answer": "Jack_Sparrow"}
hey, I'm trying to find latex2pdf on ubuntu but I can't find the package. I have tetex installed. Is there an equivalent package?
{"user_question": "stwange", "user_answer": "Myrtti"}
I have a quick and simple question, is the performance of linux faster on a memory stick or a usb flash drive?
they attatch to the same usb bus some higher class sd cards (class 6) are faster but cost more
{"user_question": "ma5t3rw1tt", "user_answer": "ActionParsnip"}
is there a way to be able to watch youtube vids with sound on firefox while having rhythmbox open?
try apt-get install libflashsupport
{"user_question": "George", "user_answer": "Juozapas"}
Guys, anyone can help me with wireless between two ubuntu laptops? I followed this guide: and I got the a wireless connection created on the server laptop. The other detected the connection. When i click on it, I am prompted to enter passphrase. I don't know what must be chosen, passphrase, hex or ascii? Also what authentication must i select? Open System or Shared Key?
{"user_question": "natalisushka_", "user_answer": "ActionParsnip"}
how to find which version of ubuntu I am using
lsb_release -a
{"user_question": "spsneo", "user_answer": "Pici"}
hey what good voice-chat/IM software does Ubuntu have?
Ubuntu comes with Ekiga, an excellent VoIP client
{"user_question": "Peaker", "user_answer": "m-c"}
how can i easily burn a bootable ubuntu image onto a cd?
you are doing this within ubuntu, right? right click on the iso image and select Write to Disc
{"user_question": "jo4", "user_answer": "m-c"}
I have a 5 button mouse. Is there anyway to bind the other 2 buttons?
{"user_question": "Sitherae", "user_answer": "m-c"}
I'm running Gutsy - how come it's possible to run X without a xorg.conf file?
type 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf'
{"user_question": "Flamekebab", "user_answer": "soulrider__"}
hi all, anyone know how to create a wifi hotspot using ubuntu laptop with cable connection?
Provided your wifi chip is capable of 'master mode', you're in business
{"user_question": "davidvip1", "user_answer": "soreau"}
how can i see what driver my network card is using?
try lshw -C network
{"user_question": "helix", "user_answer": "SeaPhor"}
how do I enable antialiasing in OpenGL? (nvidia driver)
have you installed nvidia-settings?
{"user_question": "PovAddict", "user_answer": "SeaPhor"}
is there a non-pidgin IM client? it's full of typical amateur bugs
kopete (is for KDE though)
{"user_question": "dibblego", "user_answer": "kdorf"}
can i ask hardy questions in here yet?
yes, that will be a new install cd. If you install now, and keep up with updates, you'll get that version transparently
{"user_question": "gramm", "user_answer": "nickrud"}
Do you guys know of any good websites to help with the learning of Linux?
I would start with, the !cli stuff is only if you like command line
{"user_question": "coleosis", "user_answer": "jrib"}
so how would you export environment variables into the gnome shell upon login? Say I want to modify gnome's default path, or to set JAVA_HOME, or something else?
~/.xprofile used to work too and be X-specific but not sure if that's still the case
{"user_question": "jbwiv_", "user_answer": "jrib"}
Whats the problem Nick_Meister?
change the shell settings to some different colours on the server ? Or select which env parameters get passed with the sendenv and PATTERN functions in your ssh_config (must be supported by server). Or alias your ssh client to a shell file that spawns a new shell in different colours and passes on the input paramters.
{"user_question": "earthmeLon", "user_answer": "pepparkaka"}
what's the name of the program that will tell me the #'s of my m ouse buttons?
xev maybe?
{"user_question": "lasivian", "user_answer": "jcrawford"}
how can i set it up so users don't have access to list files in other users home directories?
its good to do on multiuser systems :)
{"user_question": "poridge", "user_answer": "ActionParsnip"}
hi... what purpose does the language pack serve? is it ok if i don't have any language packs installed?
if you want your sistem to write messages in your own natal language, say if u wer from romania, and u wanted your mather to use linux but she doesn't know english u install the language pack for romania
{"user_question": "KalEl", "user_answer": "gligorhoria"}
ok, but does it keep the procesor at 100% ? that would be cool to test a new computer for 24 h to see any flows, temperature at full load etc...
if you want to burn in your sever, one way to peg the processor is to use the 'yes' command, it will keep it busy for awhile
{"user_question": "gligorhoria", "user_answer": "jappdev"}
hi guys! can anyone lease recommend me some webcamera that works with ubuntu and skype with just plug and play???
I don't know how up-to-date this site is but:
{"user_question": "darthubious", "user_answer": "usr13"}
so, my sound is busted on ubuntu, but it works fine on the livecd anyway i can take the sound information from the livecd and replace it on my current ubuntu install because i cant figure out why its not working
have you checked alsamixer to make sure its not muted?
{"user_question": "gregcha117", "user_answer": "ani1"}
am working with GPRS conn ,the epiphany change to workoffline often when am online ,how can i tell the network manager am online or is there workaround ?
i heard something about this the other night with ppp connections in firefox thinking that your offline when your not also happens with data cards. I dont remember *exactly* but i believe its fixed with hardy
{"user_question": "foxiness", "user_answer": "ani1"}
How do I go about changing a single icon on my desktop to something else under Gnome?
right click on it, select properties, then in the basic tab, click on the current icon, an dyou can select a new one.
{"user_question": "twistage", "user_answer": "therealnanotube"}
kde has a ksudo to launch programs that require SU privlidegeds, does gnome having something like that ?
{"user_question": "qbert", "user_answer": "CJS3141"}
What's a really good CD burning program? I would like to burn audio/data/ISO CDs. BTW, when I use the Nautilus burner, it complains that my CD isn't blank/rewritable, when the file browser shows nothing on it.
or gnome-baker
{"user_question": "CJS3141", "user_answer": "selinuxium"}
if I have a executeable in ~/bin.. how do I put it into PATH gand so its always there?
then logout and login
{"user_question": "styrman", "user_answer": "kbrooks"}
Q: What software can I use to join / concatenate several video files?
check out Lives! at It's a fast moving project that has lots of promise
{"user_question": "Toznoshio", "user_answer": "Scunizi"}
what's the name of a great piece of software that fixes HDs and moves so-so sectors out of the way? I can't remember...
there is no tool capable of fixing hd physical damage, you can use the badblocks command to scan and mark damaged sector blocks
{"user_question": "urlwolf", "user_answer": "Lamego"}
Yes, that helped! There's the Ubuntu font now. :) I wonder how it's been used by GNOME before, without the package...
:D i have no idea
{"user_question": "vatzec", "user_answer": "juk"}
how do i completely remove xchat and all its settings? i managed to bork it and it crashes whilst opening
though I'ld just rename it incase I wanted anything out of it
{"user_question": "ogre", "user_answer": "dreamor"}
implementing a system to bypass logging in is going to require a significant amount of effort, especially in an integrated distribution such as ubuntu
rename s/JPG/jpg/ *.JPG
{"user_question": "Fryguy--", "user_answer": "zcat[1]_"}
Hello, I have a question regarding file permissions. I have 2 groups on my system, with various users in them. How can I have files where 1 group has full read/write and the other has read only
you can't. Use ACLs if you really need that kind of control. Your other option is to just give everyone read permissions and 1 specific group write permissions
{"user_question": "brent113", "user_answer": "jrib"}
how do i undelete contents of a folder?
Did you accidentally delete something permanently, aka not in the trash?
{"user_question": "bluebanana", "user_answer": "brent113"}
Bah my memory is shot, could anyone remind me where packages are kept (from synaptic not websites)
{"user_question": "pnjh", "user_answer": "jrib"}
I've got this delay when my cursor drags between windows in unity. how can I cancel it?
Go to display properties and turn off sticky edges
{"user_question": "haled", "user_answer": "DJones"}
hei, do anyone knows about a writer program for terminal?
if you're talking about a terminal based text editors then there are: nano & vim <--- well the most popular atleast :)
{"user_question": "skandee_", "user_answer": "sw0rdfish"}
can anyone give the line i type into terminal to download and install azureus?
sudo apt-get install azureus
{"user_question": "Respatix", "user_answer": "damo22"}
why do they hide the md5 sums in such a unfindable location instead of right on the home, i had to open up the irc chat and click on one of the topic links to find them?
I never had any trouble looking for them (just scroll down the download page i think and its there) and i only burned ubuntu to a cd twice in my life
{"user_question": "dave11", "user_answer": "Mimi"}
what does this mean: 'You need to add it to the Apache config files because it only installs a link to the folder in the /var/www/ folder. I'll find the lines that you need in a minute.' with regards to phpmyadmin?
most probably apache2.conf or httpd.conf
{"user_question": "[[thufir]]", "user_answer": "esteth"}
is it possible to get stuck in a loop of running the update manager to from 7.10 to 8.x? I've already run it once and it's running again for a partial update.
can you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and post the terminal output to pastebin?
{"user_question": "[[thufir]]", "user_answer": "RAdams"}
Should i have a unformatted partition ready when i run the text-based installation or is it easy to resize and make a new one during the installation?å
you can easily resize and create partitions with the tekt-based installer.
{"user_question": "poppe", "user_answer": "magnetron"}
sorry to bug but did you find that article on the wii we talked about?
just a second
{"user_question": "zedster__", "user_answer": "bazhang"}
how do i format a partition? and what is the equivalent of scandisk in ubuntu?
scandisk=checkdisk but not the same or neccessary.. your sys will self check every 30 days.
{"user_question": "Radit", "user_answer": "Scunizi"}
hey, after i update my /etc/bash.bashrc file, do i have to reboot my computer?
no, just type this: . /etc/bash.bashrc and subsequent logins will catch it too
{"user_question": "wizo_", "user_answer": "_Scooter_"}
Does anyone know how to use the Live CD to determine a Windows XP password?
I have had good results with a boot CD from sysinternals
{"user_question": "Creationist", "user_answer": "Toshio"}
I'm having trouble starting oracle ... where can i find error logs?
it may be called alertSID.log, I don't remember exactly, but look for alert without the .log part
{"user_question": "Dmole", "user_answer": "Toshio"}
hey amigo i install qemu where do i find it
No idea.. is it not in the menus.. I dont do wine or any of that stuff
{"user_question": "audio", "user_answer": "Jack_Sparrow"}
I compiled my own kernel, so I couldn't install the proprietary nvidia drivers through the restricted drivers manager application (says I need to have linux-restricted-modules-, which doesn't exist obviously), so I used envy to install the drivers, but now I can't select custom settings in the appearance configuration, to use compiz, is there any workaround?
can't select or doesn't appear?
{"user_question": "Hamled", "user_answer": "saikor"}
How do I keep my screen fading to black after a few minutes while watching movies
adjust the screensaver prefs
{"user_question": "robby_", "user_answer": "mneptok"}
how do i print a command to a txt file
if you want to put it somewhere, just list that explicit directory, like (command) > /home/username/blah.txt
{"user_question": "xb3rt", "user_answer": "Gopher99"}
Can someone help me share files!!!!!!
if nfs,
{"user_question": "tyler", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
how can i find more detailed info on my processor? i know about cat /proc/cpuinfo, basically i need to know what AMD i got
sudo lshw
{"user_question": "kindofabuzz", "user_answer": "Gun_Smoke"}
when is the next LTS?
{"user_question": "lafon", "user_answer": "jasef"}
what is a good text/cli web browser?
{"user_question": "hotmonkeyluv", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
Is there a way for apt-get to install older versions of applications?
in the synaptic preferances you tell it to use older versions
{"user_question": "diagon", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
Q) 10.04 Server tasksel install lamp-server all works fine except netstat -antp show no 443. Q) how do i get https working ? thanks...
type 'sudo a2ensite default-ssl', then 'sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf' and add a NameVirtualHost and Listen directive for 443, then type 'sudo service apache2 reload'
{"user_question": "random123", "user_answer": "jasef"}
Can someone help me, Opera no longer remembers passswords or usernames on my computer.
your best bet would be the opera forums
{"user_question": "sluimers", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
Should Firefox 3 Beta 5 be taking up over 100mb of memory after about 5 minutes of casual use?
100mb is nothing nowadays for browsers to use
{"user_question": "alecwh", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
i have a GF 6200 (AGP).. should i install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new?
i suggest using Envy, it will pick the best driver
{"user_question": "RxDx", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
Does anyone have a reccomendation for a p2p client for ubuntu
i just use limewire and for totrrents i use deluge
{"user_question": "nich0s", "user_answer": "kindofabuzz"}
I will give someone a high five if they can tell me how to turn the join/part messages in irssi
srry dont know how in irssi but there is a plugin for it in pidgin irc
{"user_question": "TehSnarf", "user_answer": "Emanon"}
hey, simple question--in these steps ( ), which way do I go about 'Install fglrx closed source driver for ATI video cards.'
sudo apt-get install fglrx
{"user_question": "DarkShadow_", "user_answer": "Lamego"}
What's the advantages (if any) of not shuting down the computer every day (As I read some people saying about linux: 'forget about shuting down your computer, you can work with it for months turned on')?
no boot times, leaving downloads on overnight, erm... running folding@home... not much :P
{"user_question": "RonLut", "user_answer": "SRabbelier"}
Has anybody's flash player (nonfree) broken in firefox with the most recent update? I get the thing to install additional plugins, but tis already installed :\
you may need to sudo aptitude clean to clear out your package cache before sudo aptitude reinstall flashplayer-nonfree
{"user_question": "Haden", "user_answer": "MoLE_"}
how do i list connected bluetooth there something like lsusb?
the command i posted scans for bluetooth devices in the air, such as phones and mice etc.. if you want to scan attached bluetooth adapter on your box, try: lsusb , or: lspci
{"user_question": "nerxgas", "user_answer": "rdz"}
can some one help me with setting up a broadcom 4328 wireless driver?
what do u need?
{"user_question": "ramiel77", "user_answer": "administrator_"}
if i want to get a new computer and run ubuntu on it, what's the best kind of computer to run ubuntu on? ubuntu preinstalled!!
{"user_question": "ramiel77", "user_answer": "hwilde"}
is it just me or is really slow?
could very well be, try to find a mirror nerby, i have one just down the street (not literally...) and it's much faster
{"user_question": "bmz", "user_answer": "stefano_"}
iam connect to irc from ssh can scrole the converstion history?
Pageup and Pagedown
{"user_question": "casa", "user_answer": "Apple_Cat"}
hi everybody. does anybody use gamepad or joystick? i have bot two gamepads, saitek p990, all is ok, I can play with both. the only question is: some applications allow to set keys configuration, another use some default values. where can I find this values? how can I override them? my gamepad use 2 modes: analog and ... not analog =) both of them working ok, switching (all like in windows, I've testing it). but in windows there is an application to change
not sure if this is what you are after, but joy2key might help
{"user_question": "pisecx", "user_answer": "astro76"}
Is there any Ubuntu Alpha release coming soon? (with latest kernel).
oneiric is beta 1
{"user_question": "BlackAss", "user_answer": "urlin2u"}
How do I get mime support in Dapper?
Check out re: mime magic
{"user_question": "DigitalNinja", "user_answer": "sharkos"}
[Maverick] Nautilus > HTML document name > Epiphany will open this document. Although System > Preferences > Preferred Applications shows Webbrowser=Firefox. How can I change to open a HTML document with Firefox automatically?
just right click on the HTML doc and change the properties.
{"user_question": "bullgard", "user_answer": "arvind_khadri"}
how do I tell apt-get to show all installed .deb packages?
dpkg -l | grep '^ii'
{"user_question": "xaphir", "user_answer": "jrib"}
hey guys, anyone who knows how to check a package where is placed in? (e.g. main, universe ...)
apt-cache policy packagename
{"user_question": "ray", "user_answer": "arvind_khadri"}
anyone know how to make a program (such as pidgin) start automatically upon login?
go to System->preferences->session there add pidgin
{"user_question": "omni", "user_answer": "arvind_khadri"}
When is 9.04 set to be released?
23rd April
{"user_question": "Makuseru", "user_answer": "arvind_khadri"}
[KERNEL HELP] sudo modprobe DRIVER works for me. But I have to do it on every boot. How do I have it automated?
ya that too can be done... what fde said
{"user_question": "ramvi", "user_answer": "arvind_khadri"}
where I can find list of all ubottu '!blablabla' commands?
{"user_question": "macer1", "user_answer": "oCean"}
which IRC channel should I use to ask questions about apps compilation for ubuntu?
You might find this interesting:
{"user_question": "and7ey", "user_answer": "Sidewinder1"}
1) how can i find out who is connected to my computer through ssh? 2) how can i disconnect them?
also look in /var/log/auth.log to see who's logging in
{"user_question": "KalEl", "user_answer": "artenius"}
what should to update hoary? my /etc/apt/sources.list no longer works
go here and get a more recent version ;]
{"user_question": "jhoffa", "user_answer": "bazhang"}
Anyone give me the URL from where i can check the MD5SUM of Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop AMD64 ?
{"user_question": "shashi__", "user_answer": "b33r"}
In Ubuntu, when you install a package either through 'ADD/Remove' or 'Synaptic' , where it will keep the downloaded packages ?
{"user_question": "shashi__", "user_answer": "astro76"}
hey is there a way to resize my ubuntu partition....I need it to be smaller...what program can i use?
{"user_question": "Integration", "user_answer": "marge"}
anyone dual booting windows vista and ubuntu?
the installer will offer to split your hard disk between Windows and Ubuntu and install a boot manager so you can choose.
{"user_question": "Integration", "user_answer": "soundray"}