An adult and two children play in piles of fallen leaves.
People are playing in a pile of leaves.
People are building a snowman.
Two men are playing basketball on a basketball court with spectators behind them.
There are men playing basketball.
Two men are driving to their house.
The curly-haired white dog is running down a wooded path.
A white dog is running outdoors.
The dog is asleep in the house.
Man lying down in the sidewalk.
Man lying on a sidewalk.
A man is running on a pad.
A man laying down in the street.
man lays down
girl cant find dog
A man lays on the ground in the street.
There is a person lying down on the streets.
The streets are crowded with cars.
A man passed out on the ground in the street.
The man is passed out
The man is not passed out
A man who has removed his shoes is laying down in the street.
man removed his shoe in the road.
kirl wears chappel from the home.
A man with a lot of jewelry and punk rock clothes poses against a brick wall.
A person with a lot of jewelry and punk rock clothes poses against a brick wall.
A woman with a lot of jewelry and punk rock clothes poses against a brick wall.
two women riding a red moped.
two women riding
two women not riding
A girl with a purple stuffed animal and a boy wearing a necklace are walking down a street.
Two children are walking outside.
Two children are playing together in a yard.
Children walking together with a purple and gold stuffed animal.
Kids take a walk while holding onto their stuffed animals
Children rip a stuffed animal to shreds during a fight
A lady is doing some acting.
The lady is acting.
A man is reading.
A woman balancing a sword on her head.
An acrobat performing with a weapon.
A choir sings hallelujah.
A woman is balancing a sword on the stop of her head.
The woman has something on her head.
The woman has a bowl on her head.
A belly dancer in white and blue dances with a sword on her head.
A belly dancer dances with a sword.
A belly dancer uses a sword to cut a ham.
A worker checking out a machine.
A worker inspecting a machine.
A worker sleeping in his bed.
A skateboarder completes a jump while another man records it.
Skateboarder completes a filmed jump.
Skateboarder sits on a bench.
A woman in a colorful dress dances in the street.
a colorful girl outside dancing
a woman in all black loves to dance
A man in a Puma shirt holds a blond baby in a plaid dress.
The baby is not on the ground
The women play poker
Two young men are skateboarding at a park near a large house.
Two men are skateboarding near a house.
A dog is running in the road.
Two girls are walking down the street towards a bigger group of people.
the girls walk to the crowd
the pigs eat cheese
A little boy is running excitedly in a mountainous area.
A child is outside
A boy sits patiently for someone to bring him some smores
Two women's backs in towels on the beach.
Two women are at the beach.
Two women are eating cake.
Many people are walking around outside.
The sun is shining.
People are sitting in a restaurant.
two women walk down the crowded street.
Two women are walking down a street.
Two women are sitting at the bar.
Woman in black dress with red accessories is walking down the street.
The lady is walking down the street wearing a black dress that is adorned with red accessories.
The woman in the black dress is sitting on the bench.
People passing by stuffed animal stand.
Stuffed animals are available for sale.
People stealing from the stuffed animal stand.
Two workers in hard hats work on machine in close off area with barbed wire.
two working work on a machine
two cats work on a machine
A skateboarder does a trick on a ramp as another guy takes a picture.
Someone is taking a picture of a skateboarder.
A man is throwing a discus.
People looking at a rack of stuffed animals on the street.
The people are outside.
The people are looking at a rack of exotic snakes.
People standing, waiting for a subway.
People stand around waiting for the subway train.
People are waiting in line to get on a plane.
People look onto a vendor with many stuffed toys.
People are looking at a vendor
people are not looking at the vendor
A group of children playing musical chairs outside.
Kids outside playing a game.
kids in house watching the game
A boy wearing brown swings in a playground against a blue sky.
A child wears brown
A girl is sitting on her porch.
A football player in purple is running the ball while another in white attempts to tackle him.
A football player in white tries to tackle a player in purple.
Two football players are wearing dresses and playing chess.
A blacksmith hard at work.
A blacksmith is working.
The blacksmith is asleep.
a man in a black sweater plays the stand up bass outdoors
The man is playing bass.
The man is playing baseball.
A man standing in front of a crowd.
people gathered while a man standing in front of them
man walking
A man wearing a beret and black glasses strums his cello happily in the streets of an urban area.
a man plays music on the street
A man is playing a stringed instrument in a place far from civilization.
Girls playing in the water fountain hugging and kissing and taking their clothes off.
Girls are hugging and kissing and taking their clothes off in a water fountain.
Girls are getting dressed in the room.
one person performing a show in front of a large audience sitting on the lawn
There is one person performing.
There is a group of performers.
A man in a green sweater and hat plays red upright bass on a city street.
A man is playing an instrument.
There are no people outside.
A woman is walking down the street with a broken umbrella and her shopping bag on her arm.
Thw woman is walking.
The woman is buried in the sand.
Kid rides high on fair swing.
Kid rides a fair swing.
Kid rides a horse at the fair.
The two people carrying skis are walking in the snow.
people carry skies
horse looks at barn
Two skis hike uphill, through a barren, snowy landscape.
Two skis out in the winter.
A pickle riding a cat.
Man is sitting in a swing on a carnival ride.
The man is sitting in the swing on the ride.
The man is sitting on a bench.
Two people hiking up a snow covered mountain
People climbing a mountain.
Two people climbing a stairs.
A man plays an accordion outdoors.
a man is outside playing an accordion.
A woman is playing tennis in a red dress.
An aged man stands against a wall playing an accordion.
An old man plays an accordion.
An old man is swimming.
A mustachioed man plays the accordion on the street.
The man has a mustache
The man is clean shaven
a man leaning on the side of a building is playing the accordion.
a man is playing a musical instrument
a man is at the grocery store
A mustached man wearing a dark gray shirt plays an accordion.
A man is using an instrument to make music.
A man is playing an electric guitar.
A football player in purple running while another player in white is coming from behind him to get the tackle.
The football players are playing a football game.
The white player is running from the player in purple.
A man on a bicycle wearing an orange and black sweatshirt is carrying a long bunch of sticks.
A man is carrying sticks.
A man on a bike is carrying a bunch of 2X4s.
Two women with ID cards around their necks are staring in the same direction.
They are looking at something.
They are taking naps.
A parade drummer playing for the crowd.
A musician plays a drum.
An old lady plays the organ in a church.
Women dancing in the street wearing beautiful costumes.
Women dance in costumes.
Women dance nuce.
Traditional woman dancers perform in the street.
Woman dance in the street
Male dancers perform in the street
A man playing musical instruments.
The man is making music.
The man is writing a book.
A man is sitting outside playing music.
A guy is outdoors.
A man is sleeping.
A man is laying back while a man and woman look in his direction.
The woman looks at a man.
The woman has no eye sight.
A group of people sit on a bench outside that looks like a tree trunk.
A group of people sitting on a bench.
A group of people sleeping on wooden benches.
Spanish dancers perform in the street.
The performers are dancing outdoors
A spanish couple watches a play
Three people, two seated on a large rolled up piece of artifcial turf and a female standing talking to one of the seated men.
A woman was standing and talking to two men who were on artificial turf.
Three people were sitting in the grass talking.
Concert in what seems to be a very small venue with a fair amount of people.
The concert played to an intimate venue.
The concert filled the biggest arena in the world.
A woman walking in front of concrete barricades
A woman is walking
A woman is sitting on a concrete pillar at a concert
A man playing guitar performing to a crown inside of a bar.
A guitarist is performing at a bar.
A man is playing a piano at a bar.
Child running on the beach.
The child is near the sand.
The child is sitting alone at the computer desk.
people at the bar singing
Humans singing.
People fighting in a bar.
A little girl runs on the wet sand near the ocean.
Her feet sink into the sand.
Her feet don't get wet.
A little boy runs away from the approaching waves of the ocean.
A little boy runs away from the waves.
A little boy is sailing on a boat with his dad.
A young girl runs across a wet beach with the ocean in the background.
A girl runs across a beach.
A grown woman jogs across a beach.
Three men and a woman celebrating on a basketball court.
There are four people on the court.
The people are on a tennis court.
A tan-skinned woman with a braided ponytail stands beside a net in a pink, short-sleeved shirt.
The woman has a tan.
The woman is as pale as a ghost.
A group of people consisting of three members of the Argentine team standing on a basketball court, with the guy closest to the camera clapping while another player excitedly walks toward him.
Three men are standing.
The people are sitting at a a table.
Basketball athlete walking towards his teammates with a huge grin on his face.
An athlete is pleased and is showing his team with a smile.
Governor Chris Christie shows the boys down at the Rec Center how it's done.
One of the many volleyball players in the tournament.
There is a volleyball tournament.
A basketball tournament is going on.
A man wearing a winter jacket is taking a picture.
A man in a jacket takes a photograph.
A sniper prepares his next shot.
Four people are sitting down on a sidewalk.
There are at least three people shown.
The people are racing.
Two men with black pants and tank tops goofing around on a stage outside.
Some men are playing around on a stage.
Some men are playing guitar on stage.
young adults posing for a photo at night, somewhat chilly outside.
A group of people are outside.
A group of people are having a sleepover.
A multicultural group of friends sitting down in an outdoor floor and hanging out to together during a cold busy night.
The friends are many different races.
Only one individual is sitting outside at night.
A group of friends seated on concrete waiting for something.
A group of people sitting on concrete waiting.
A group of ducks sitting on concrete waiting.
Three women and a man in a hat sitting cross legged in a group.
The people are sitting.
The people are standing.
A youth wearing a shirt and tie crouching down and giving the peace sign.
a youth crouching
a youth asleep at homer alone
Asian school children are on a field trip listening to a speech, except for one girl who is posing for the camera.
Children listen to a speech.
Children are eating from their trays in the cafeteria.
An asian girl is flashing the peace-sign.
The girl is giving a sign.
The child is trying to get someone's attention.
A group of Asian students in their uniforms.
Some students with uniforms.
Some horses in a field.
A young girl wearing screen printed teal tank top and white embellished summer pants walks up a sidewalk path while carrying an orange lunch box.
A young girl in a teal tank top and white pants walks outdoors with an orange lunch box.
A young girl wearing a tank top and white pants carries a puppy while walkiing down a street.
The young boy is pushing the cart inside the store.
a child pushes a shopping cart
a man is riding a shopping cart down a hill
A girl in a blue dress is standing with her hand on her hip.
A girl in a dress is standing with her hand on her hip.
A boy in a blue dress is standing with her hand on her hip.
A beautiful seascape invites these young men to jog and play.
The young men are playing
The men are old
A woman showing her pretty blue dress and new hairdo, with a man standing behind her.
A woman poses in a blue dress.
A woman is looking at a dress in a dressing room.
woman sitting on a tall, white wall.
A woman is sitting.
A woman is sitting next to a blue wall.
A woman in a blue dress standing.
A woman is on her feet.
A woman is sitting.
A woman stops at red light on her bike.
The woman on the bike is sitting at a red light.
The woman on the bike rode right throught the red light.
Five women holding drinks are smiling into the camera.
the woman are drinking.
the women are in church.
Excavation work being done in a city.
Part of the city is being dug up.
The city has no work going on in it.