A small child being held by a woman, holding on to her shirt.
A babay clutches a woman's shirt.
A baby lifts a car.
A group of hikers are climbing up a snowy mountain.
Hikers climbing a mountain.
A group of people climbing a building.
Climbers with hiking boots and blue helmets ascend a snow covered mountain.
People climb a snow covered mountain.
People rest on a small hill.
A group of people are hiking up an icy hillside.
It is cold outside.
A group of tourists walk along a sunny path together.
A group of people are climbing in cold weather.
The group of people are climbing despite the cold.
The group of people are descending down the mountain.
Swimmers swim in a large, blue pool.
People are swimming in a pool
Elephants are in a pool.
Police in riot gear are walking down a street.
There are police walking along a street.
A group of hippies are walking down a street.
A large group of police dressed in riot gear walk down a street.
A group of police walking.
An Army soldier combat training on a football field.
a young girl standing alone in a hallway.
There is no one else in the hallway.
The girl is a blood demon.
A spotted dog catching a ball on a snowy field.
Dog playing in the field
Dog throws a ball
The sunlight casts long vertical shadows on the back of a young girls' denim jacket.
a young girl has shadows on her jacket
a young girl is swimming in the rain
A person taking a picture of group of other people.
A person is taking a picture
A person is sleep.
Thin woman dressed in navy blue pants and light blue thin parka with a top to cover her head, seems to be floating in a kitchen at 1:55 pm, according to the clock on the wall and she has a glass in her left handheld up from the bottom of it
a woman looks as if shes floating in a kitchen
a man sits on the ground and eats cake
A stern woman passing a man in a town square.
A woman is stern
The people are in a war
a man reads his paper on the bench.
The man is outside catching up on the latest headlines.
The man is spraying water on the growing brush fire near the park bench.
People dishing up their plates at a buffet.
people are at a buffet
people sit down to be served at a fancy restaurant
A brown dog shakes himself dry.
A brown dog is drying himself off.
A brown dog is taking a nap.
A man wearing a red shirt sits on a cement bench and reads the paper.
A man sits on a bench.
A man is sleeping on a park bench.
A bearded man reads while sitting on a wall in a park.
The man reads outdoors.
The man types up pages of his manuscript.
An old man sits outside reading a newspaper.
an elderly man reads the paper
a young lady reads a harry potter book
An old man with a white beard is reading.
There is a man reading.
The old man has a black beard.
Two children get into a van.
Two kids enter a vehicle.
The class was sitting in school taking a test.
Two children getting into a van while one child waits for them.
The waiting child is smiling.
The children are all sitting on a bench.
Adults look at an artistic image in a museum.
Adults look at a painting.
The adults are jumping off a cliff.
Two little boys climbing into the gray van and the third little boy secure in his car set.
The boys are getting into the car.
Three boys are running in a yard.
Two boys are getting into a van and a younger boy is in a car seat.
There are people getting into a vehicle.
There are people driving a van.
There are items hanging up in the background and then there are picnic tables made of wood and two big grills where people are cooking and a man watching.
People are grilling.
There are items on the ground.
Several individuals, some possibly of Hispanic descent at a street market, grilling meat.
A group of people cooking meat.
A group of middle eastern people roast veggies indoors
Three people stand outside around two grills where meat is being cooked.
Three people are outside
Three people are sitting inside while meat is being cooked
A young child winds up to roll a bowling ball.
A child winds up to roll a bowling ball.
A young man winds up to roll a bowling ball.
A tall wrought-iron fence casts horizontal shadows in the sun on a woman's back.
There is a woman close to a iron fence.
There is a woman
A man about to throw a bowling ball down a bowling lane.
A man prepares to bowl.
A woman sits alone at a bar.
A guy in a gray shirt is bowling at a bowling alley with a black ball in his left hand.
A guy in a gray shirt is bowling at a bowling alley.
A lady in a dress is knitting a scarf.
A boy, wearing a gray shirt and black pants, is bowling with a black bowling ball with only two pins left to knock down.
A boy has knocked down most of the bowling pins.
The boy is sleeping.
Men sitting and conversing.
The men are chatting.
The men are sleeping.
An old man with a long gray beard sits on a stoop with two other men.
An old man sits on a stoop.
A group of men watch a football game.
A man pats the back of an old bearded man with a cane sitting next to him.
an old man getting patted on the back
two women sitting together
Two old people are speaking on a sidewalk.
humans outside
a woman eating hot wings
Two young black boys are riding a bike through the street.
Two kids are on transportation.
Two kids are on dolphins.
Two young boys riding a bicycle.
Boys are riding a bicycle.
Boys are riding a horse.
Two brown-skinned boys, One in a yellow t-shirt and beige pants with sandals, riding behind a smaller boy in a striped blue shirt and white pants, both riding a blue chopper bicycle.
Boys are on a bicycle.
Sisters are riding a trike.
A boy in a yellow shirt rides on the back of another boy's bicycle down a paved street.
Two boys are riding a bike.
Two boys are riding in the car.
Two black boys riding a bike.
Two boys are riding on a bike.
A group of five friends are going for a walk.
A group of New Yorkers is protesting the war with signs asking to bring home the troops.
A group of New Yorkers is protesting the war asking to bring home the troops.
The man from Berkeley is joining the army.
A medium shot of a crowd protesting to bring the troops home.
The are lots of people.
The people are suffocating.
An Asian couple are sitting on a wooden bench in a wooded area reading and looking around.
The Asian couple is outside.
The Asian couple is at the mall.
A woman hanging a star on a Christmas tree.
a woman hanging ornaments on the tree
a woman hanging clothes to dry
A woman in a striped denim jacket is walking by a fence.
The woman is outside.
The woman is on a couch.
Two dark-haired people are seated on a bench reading magazines, and looking around.
two people are reading magazines on a bench
two people are dancing
An older woman and a young man play bingo.
Two people are playing bingo.
A woman is playing bingo alone.
A shirtless man in a white chair looks out.
A bare chested man sitting in a white chair.
A man wearing a red shirt sitting in a blue chair.
A happy Woman holding a guitar.
A lady grasping an instrument.
A lady plays the xylophone.
A group of people are protesting against the army.
The people are in protest.
The people are happy with the military.
A man in yellow red flowery dress is playing guitar
The man is making music.
The man is naked.
A woman in glasses plays guitar.
There is a woman in this picture playing a musical instrument.
The woman sits and listens to an old-style record player in the backroom of a bar.
An elderly person wearing a very brightly colored shirt, playing the acoustic guitar.
the old person is wearing a bright shirt while playing the guitar
the man is wearing a dark colored shirt playing the flute
A person in a yellow-floral shirt is playing the guitar.
Someone is playing guitar.
Someone in a blue shirt is playing the drums.
A little girl in pink waves happily to the camera while riding the carousel.
The girl knows the camera holder.
The girl is wearing green.
Five photographers take pictures while one works on their equipment.
6 people are in the picture
The people are drinking together
Some kids are sitting and watching a show.
Kids are watching a show.
Kids are napping/
A woman stands reading from a book to a group people gathered around.
The woman is reading to people.
The woman is dancing for the group of people.
A girl in a black shirt is putting a star on top of a Christmas tree.
A girl is decorating for Christmas.
A man is cutting down a Christmas tree.
There are five skiers, with backpacks, in the snow.
There are skiers in the snow.
There are hikers walking through the muddy dirt.
A construction worker by the side of the road stands next to a pile of tree branches.
a person on the side of the road stands next to a pile of branches.
A construction worker by the side of the road sits next to a pile of leaves.
A crowd of boys riding a vehicle.
Boys are riding.
Some boys are washing a car.
People are eating cake outside.
people are eating cake
people are in the movie theater
A woman with long red-hair is standing next to a bright red phone booth, talking with a man.
A woman with long hair standing next to a bright red phone booth talking with a man standing next to her outside.
A woman with short hair sitting next to a man in a clinic.
Two people are talking near a red phone booth while construction workers rest nearby.
Two people are talking.
The people are ignoring eachother.
A man is leaning against the railing on the third floor of a terminal.
Somebody is kicking back in the building waiting for his flight.
Two girls are dancing.
Two people are standing and waiting for someone to come out of the red phone booth in the city.
Someone is in a phone booth outside.
Two people are using the phone.
A red telephone box sits in the middle of a crowded sidewalk.
A telephone is near the roadside.
A phone is in the building.
A carpenter is fixing up a chair.
A carpenter is working on a chair.
The carpenter is taking a break.
A man is building a wooden straight-backed chair.
A man is building something.
A man is destroying a wooden chair.
An older black woman is walking along a tree-covered city street.
An older black woman is outside walking.
A young child is standing outside.
Carpenter building a wooden chair.
The man is a builder.
The man is building a toy chest.
Woman in gray sweater stands beside display of fish.
A woman standing near a fish display.
A man adjusts his tie.
4 men playing rugby two on the green team, two on the white team, one is jumping up.
the 4 men playing two green team and two white team one of this jump
the 4 men playing 4 players with ground
A man in a pink shirt is crossing his legs.
The mans legs are touching.
The man is wearing a red shirt.
A man standing at te corner of a barn wearing a green shirt staring into the sunset.
A man stares into the sun.
A man solves a math problem.
A man and woman are standing in front of an advertisement on a wall while she looks at it, he looks away.
Some people are standing.
There are no advertisements.
A young boy rides a brown horse bareback.
A human riding
Nobody is riding
A young boy is punching a yellow ball.
A young boy is playing with a ball.
A young boy reading a book.
A young boy moving towards a yellow ball.
A boy is going towards a ball.
A boy is sitting down.
A child in a red and black striped shirt plays with a yellow ball on a wooden deck.
A child in a striped shirt plays with a ball on a deck.
An adult in a red and black striped shirt plays with a yellow ball on a concrete deck.
A guy is skateboarding.
A man riding a skateboard.
A girl rollerblading.
A young girl waves to the camera while riding a ferris wheel.
The girl waves on the ferris wheel.
The girls is riding the roller coaster.
a boy wearing a red shirt on a skateboard jumps up some stairs
A boy skateboards on stairs.
A boy skates down the halfpipe.
A person wearing a purple shirt stands on a skateboard at the top of a small stairway.
A person skateboarding.
A person in a black shirt running a marathon.
People sitting on the ground watching a little boy and man doing something.
there is a little boy and man on the ground
people dancing
A man with red shirt and black hat stares at another man.
A man wearing a hat and a red shirt is looking at someone else.
Two women are sitting down together and talking.
A man in a wetsuit with a surfboard walks along a beach
A man walks on the beach with a surfboard.
A man walks on the beach without a surfboard.
A little boy holds many inflated balloons.
A boy holds balloons.
A girl hols balloons.
A Person with white and black suit board waking into the waves.
There is someone outside.
A person is at church.
A person in a wetsuit is carrying a surfboard into the ocean.
the person is wearing a wetsuit.,
the person is playing a guitar.
a surfer in a dark wetsuit carries a white surfboard towards the ocean.
A surfer carries his surfboard.
A surfer exits the ocean with his blue surfboard.
A surfer in a black wetsuit carrying a surfboard into the waves.
The surfer is outdoors.
The surfer is sitting by the beach.
A blond girl is performing karate and kicking through blocks of wood.
A young girl kicks through blocks while practicing karate.
A young girl is training to be a ninja.
Two men from opposing teams jump and reach high in the air in an attempt to grab a Frisbee.
Two men try to grab a frisbee.
Two women try to grab a frisbee.
A martial arts class, with a girl demonstrating how to kick a board in front of spectators.
The girl is demonstrating a move
The boy is demonstrating a move
A girl with a green belt in karate is in a white karate uniform kicking, and she is surrounded by other people in white uniforms.
There is a green belt.
The belt is red.