So what was our secret sauce?
I started looking at them really carefully.
I looked at my friend, who drilled seven dry wells, writing off more than a billion dollars for the company, and found oil on the eighth.
我研究我的朋友, 他鑽了七座乾油井。 花了公司超過十億元, 在第八座井挖到了石油。
I was nervous for him ...
but he was so relaxed.
I mean, these guys knew what they were doing.
And then it hit me: it was about fairness.
然後,我突然靈光一現: 這和公平有關。
These guys were working in a company where they didn't need to worry about short-term results.
這些人在這間公司工作, 他們不需要擔心短期的績效。
They weren't going to be penalized for bad luck or for an honest mistake.
他們不會因為運氣不好 或是無心之過而受罰。
They knew they were valued for what they were trying to do, not the outcome.
他們知道,公司珍視 他們嘗試著在做的事情, 而非結果。
They were valued as human beings. They were part of a community.
他們被當做人來珍視。 他們是這個共同體的一部分。
Whatever happened, the company would stand by them.
不論發生什麼事, 公司會站在他們這一邊。
And for me, this is the definition of fairness.
It's when you can lower those unfairness antennae, put them at rest.
當你可以收起偵測 不公平的天線,讓它們休息。
Then great things follow.
These guys could be true to their purpose, which was finding oil and gas.
他們忠於他們的目標, 也就是找到石油和天然氣。
They didn't have to worry about company politics or greed or fear.
他們不用擔心公司政治、 貪婪,或恐懼。
They could be good risk-takers, because they weren't too defensive and they weren't gambling to take huge rewards.
他們可以大膽地冒險, 因為他們沒有很強的防禦心, 而且他們不會為了大獎賞而冒險。
And they were excellent team workers.
They could trust their colleagues.
They didn't need to look behind their backs.
And they were basically having fun.
They were having so much fun, one guy even confessed that he was having more fun at the company Christmas dinner than at his own Christmas dinner.
他們開心到 有個人甚至承認, 他在公司的聖誕節晚餐 遠比他自己家裡的 聖誕節晚餐更開心。
(Laughter) But these guys, essentially, were working in a fair system where they could do what they felt was right instead of what's selfish, what's quick, what's convenient, and to be able to do what we feel is right is a key ingredient for fairness, but it is also a great motivator.
(笑聲) 基本上,這些人是在 一個公平的體制下工作, 在這裡他們能做他們覺得對的事, 而不是去做自私的、 快速的、方便的事。 能夠去做我們認為對的事, 就是公平的關鍵要素, 同時也是強大的動因。
And it wasn't just explorers who were doing the right thing.
There was an HR director who proposed that I hire someone internally and give him a managerial job.
有位人力資源的主任, 提議要我在內部僱用某個人, 給他一個管理職位。
This guy was very good, but he didn't finish high school, so formally, he had no qualifications.
這個人很優秀,但他沒讀完高中, 正式來說,他不符合資格。
But he was so good, it made sense, and so we gave him the job.
但他真的很優秀,很適合這個工作, 所以我們給了他那個職位。
Or the other guy, who asked me for a budget to build a cheese factory next to our plant in Ecuador, in the village.
還有另一個人,他向我 要建造一間起司工廠的預算, 位於我們厄瓜多工廠 旁邊的一間村落中。
It didn't make any sense: no one ever built a cheese factory.
這個要求很難讓人理解: 公司裡沒有人曾經建過起司工廠。
But this is what the village wanted, because the milk they had would spoil before they could sell it, so that's what they needed.
但那是那個村落想要的, 因為他們的牛奶在賣出之前就壞了, 所以他們需要起司工廠。
And so we built it.
So in these examples and many others, I learned that to be fair, my colleagues and I, we needed to take a risk and stick our head out, but in a fair system, you can do that.
從這些例子以及許多其他例子, 我學到:若要公平, 我的同事和我得要冒風險 並把我們的頭伸出去, 但在一個公平的體制下,
You can dare to be fair.
So I realized that these guys and other colleagues were achieving great results, doing great things, in a way that no bonus could buy.
所以,我了解到 這些人以及其他同事 所達成的極佳結果 並做出了不起的事, 不是任何獎金能買到的。
So I was fascinated.
I wanted to learn how this thing really worked, and I wanted to learn it also for myself, to become a better leader.
我想要知道 實際上這是如何運作。 我自己也想學這些, 以成為更好的領導者。
So I started talking to colleagues, to coaches, to headhunters and neuroscientists, and what I discovered is that what these guys were up to and the way they worked is really supported by recent brain science.
所以,我開始和同事、教練、 人才仲介,以及神經科學家交談。 我發現的是, 這些人熱衷的事 以及他們工作的方式, 其實與近期的大腦科學發現相符合。
And I've also discovered that this can work at all levels in any type of company.
我也發現,這在任何層級、任何公司 都能行得通。
You don't need the fixed salaries or the stable careers.
你不需要有固定的薪水 或穩定的職涯。
This is because science shows that humans have an innate sense of fairness.
這是因為,科學研究顯示 人類有與生俱來的公平感。
We know what is right and what is wrong before we can talk or think about it.
我們都知道什麼是對的、 什麼是錯的。 在我們說出來 或思考以前就知道了。
My favorite experiment has six-month old babies watching a ball trying to struggle up a hill.
我最愛的實驗, 是讓六個月大的寶寶 看著一顆球努力地爬上山丘。
And there's a helpful, friendly square that pushes the ball up the hill, and then a mean triangle pushes the ball back down.
有一個熱心助人又友善的方形, 幫忙推著球上山丘, 然後有個卑鄙的三角形 把球推下去。
After watching this several times, they ask the babies to pick, to choose what to play with.
在看了這影片好幾遍之後, 他們要求寶寶去挑選, 選擇要玩什麼。
They can pick a ball, a square or a triangle.
他們可以挑的有球、 方形,以及三角形。
They never pick up the triangle.
All the babies want to be the square.
And science also shows that when we see or perceive fairness, our brain releases a substance that gives us pleasure, proper joy.
科學也顯示, 當我們看見或感知到公平時, 我們的大腦會釋放一種物質, 使我們覺得愉快, 和適量的喜悅感。
But when we perceive unfairness, we feel pain ...
但當我們感知到不公平時, 我們感到痛苦......
even greater pain than the same type of pain as if I really hurt myself.
甚至比我們傷害自己 那類型的痛苦更痛。
That's because unfairness triggers the primitive, reptile part of our brain, the part that deals with threats and survival, and when unfairness triggers a threat, that's all we can think about.
那是因為不公平觸發了我們大腦中 原始的,與爬蟲類的腦一樣的部分。 這部分處理我們受到威脅時 有關存亡的情況。 當不公平感觸發了受威脅感, 我們就無法釋懷。
Motivation, creativity, teamwork, they all go way back.
動機、創意、團隊合作, 都被拋到腦後。
And it makes sense that we're wired this way, because we're social animals.
我們天生如此,這是可以理解的, 因為我們是社交動物。
We need to be part of a community to survive.
我們得要是共同體的 一部分,才能生存。
We're born so helpless that someone needs to look after us until we're maybe 10 years old, so our brain evolves towards food.
我們生出來時很無助, 需要有人來照顧我們, 直到大約十歲。 所以我們的大腦根據食物來演化。
We need to be in that community.
So whether I like it or not, not being invited to the friend's wedding, my lizard brain is generating the same response as if I'm about to be pushed out from my community.
所以,不管我喜不喜歡, 沒被邀請參加朋友的婚禮, 我的蜥蜴大腦會產生出 如同我將被趕出我的共同體的反應。
So science explains quite nicely why fairness is good and why unfairness makes us really defensive, but science also shows that in a fair environment, not only do we all want to be the square, but we tend to be the square, and this allows other people to be fair in turn.
所以,科學很合理地解釋了 為什麼公平是個好事, 以及為什麼公平會 讓我們生起防禦心。 但科學也顯示, 在一個公平的環境中, 我們不僅都想要當方形, 我們也傾向去當方形。 接著其他人也會對我們公平對待,
This creates a beautiful fairness circle.
But while we start off fair ...
one drop of unfairness contaminates the whole pool, and unfortunately, there's plenty of drops in that pool.
一滴不公平就能污染整池水。 不幸的是,在那池水中 有很多不公平的水滴。
So our effort should be to filter out as much unfairness as we can from everywhere, starting from our communities, starting from our companies.
所以,我們該努力做的 是要盡我們所能 去過濾掉來自各處的不公平。 從我們的共同體開始, 從我們的公司開始。
I worry about this a lot because I lead a team of 3,000 excellent people, and the difference between 3,000 happy, motivated team workers and 3,000 clock-watchers is everything.
我很擔心這一點,因為我領導的團隊 有三千名出色的成員。 三千名快樂、有動機的團隊工作者 和三千名看著時鐘等下班的人, 兩者之間的差別極為重要。
So the first thing I try to do in my fairness crusade is to try to take myself out of the equation.
所以,在我的促進公平的努力中, 我首先嘗試去做的事情 是試著把我自己從方程式中抽掉。
That means being aware of my own biases.
For example, I really like people who say yes to whatever I suggest.
比如,我真的很喜歡 贊同我的所有建議的人。
(Laughter) But that's not very good for the company and not very good for anyone who has different ideas.
(笑聲) 但那樣對公司並不是很好, 對有不同想法的人也不是很好。
So we try to actively promote a culture of diversity of opinions and diversity of character.
所以,我們試著積極推動 一種有著意見多樣性 和性格多樣性的文化。
The second thing we do is a little more procedural.
We look at all the rules, the processes, the systems in the company, the ones we use to take decisions and allocate resources, and we try to get rid of anything that's not very clear, not very rational, doesn't make sense, and we also try to fix anything that's limiting the transfer of information within the company.
我們檢視公司所有做決策和分配資源 所根據的規則、程序和體制。 我們嘗試捨棄任何不太清楚的、 不太理性的、不合理的。 我們也試著使 公司內部的資訊轉移 盡量不受到限制。
We then look at the culture and the motivation for the same reasons.
接著,基於同樣的理由, 我們檢視公司裡的文化和動機。
But my point is that however hard you look at the rules, the processes, the systems -- and we have to do that -- but however hard we look, we're never going to do enough to get to the real essence of fairness.
但是我的重點是, 不論你如何努力檢視規則、 程序、體制——我們得要那麼做—— 但不論我們多努力檢視, 我們做的永遠無法 觸及公平的真正本質。
That's because the last mile of fairness requires something else.
那是因為,公平的最後一哩路 需要的是其他的東西。
It's about what people's emotions are, what their needs are, what's going on in their private lives, what society needs.
那就是人們的情緒為何、 他們的需求為何、 他們的私人生活中發生了什麼事, 以及社會需要的是什麼。
These are all questions and elements that are very hard to put into a spreadsheet, into an algorithm.
這些都是很難放入試算表、 放入演算法的問題以及元素。
It's very hard to make them part of our rational decision.
很難把它們變成我們 理性決策的一部分。
But if we miss these, we're missing key important points, and the outcome is likely to feel unfair.
但如果我們忽略這些, 我們就是忽略了關鍵重點, 而結果很可能會讓人感覺不公平。
So we should cross-check our decisions with our fairness center switched on.
所以我們應該在將公平中心打開的 情況下交叉檢查我們的決策。
Is it right that this guy should get the job he's really hoping to get?
讓這個人得到他真的 很想要的工作,是對的嗎?
Is it right that this guy should be fired?
Is it right that we should be charging so much for this product?
我們這個產品的收費這麼高, 是對的嗎?
These are tough questions.
But if we take the time to ask ourselves whether the rational answer is the right one ...
但如果我們花時間問問自己, 理性的答案是否是對的答案?
we all know deep inside what the answer is.
We've known since we were babies.
And to know what the right answer is is pretty cool for decision-making.
知道對的答案是什麼, 對於決策來說是很酷的事。
And if we turn on our hearts, that's the key to getting the real best out of people, because they can smell it if you care, and only when you really care will they leave their fears behind and bring their true selves to work.
如果我們把心開啟, 那是能讓人發揮到最好的關鍵。 因為如果你在乎,他們能聞得到, 只有當你真正在乎時, 他們才會放下他們的恐懼, 帶著最真實的自己去工作。
So if fairness is a keystone of life, why isn't every leader making it their priority?
所以,如果公平是人生的楔石, 為什麼並非每個領導人 都把它當作首要任務呢?
Wouldn't it be cool to work in a company that was more fair?
在一間比較公平的公司工作, 不是很酷嗎?
Wouldn't it be great to have colleagues and bosses that were selected and trained for fairness and for character and not based on 60-year-old GMATs?
如果同事和老闆都根據 公平和性格而挑選和訓練, 而不根據已經用了六十年了的 管理科入學考試分數,不是很棒嗎?
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to knock on the door of a Chief Fairness Officer?
如果我們都能去敲「首席公平長」的 辦公室門,不是很好嗎?
We'll get there, but why is it not happening now?
我們最終會到達那裡, 但為什麼現在還沒有發生?
Well, partly, it's because of inertia, partly, it's because fairness isn't always easy.
有部分原因是惰性, 有部分原因是公平通常並不容易。
It requires judgment and risk.
Drilling that eighth well was a risk.
Promoting the guy who didn't finish high school was a risk.
晉升沒有完成高中 學業的人是風險。
Building a cheese factory in Ecuador was a risk.
But fairness is a risk worth taking, so we should be asking ourselves, where can we take this risk?
但公平是值得冒的風險, 所以,我們應該要問自己, 我們能在哪裡冒這種風險?
Where can we push ourselves a little bit further, to go beyond what's rational and do what's right?
我們在哪裡能把自己 再向前推進一點, 超越理性,去做對的事?