Why is it so difficult to make likeminded Muslim friends?
Salaam everyone, sorry if this isn’t the right place to post, I’m not a big Reddit user so still getting to grips with it! I’m a 22 year old woman living in London, and I’m really starting to feel not having Muslim girl friends. I finished uni (london based uni) last year and unfortunately, for several different reasons (not something I’ll get into), I didn’t make a great set of friends and I really didn’t take the opportunity to meet new people through isoc. I wasn’t as fussed about making Muslim friends while at uni, but in the last year as I’ve become more religious, I really feel not having Muslim friends who think in the same way as me. I’m not the best Muslim and I definitely have a lot to improve on, and while I have nothing against those who don’t practice Isl, sometimes it would just be nice to meet new people who do practice their faith and will see Islam in the same way I do. I’ve met a couple of Muslims since finishing uni but because of their beliefs it can be a bit conflicting hanging out with them often eg they drink and want to go out to bars, but I’m not very comfortable around alcohol. This isn’t me looking down on anyone due to how they follow their faith - when I was younger I definitely didn’t practice Islam like I should have and I definitely still have a lot to improve on. But sometimes it can be a little lonely being the only one amongst my friends like this. I feel so bummed that I didn’t make the the most of uni and meet likeminded people there. I work in a very ‘white/English’ industry so I know it’ll be difficult to meet Muslims through work, and I have no idea where else I can meet new people. It’s starting to feel quite lonely. Not sure if anyone else can relate?
How long until update after RFE response received?
We received an RFE rejecting our joint sponsor. Marriage-based to USC. Our lawyer thought the rejection was in error, but we redid all the I-864 paperwork and evidence for USC spouse (whose income now qualifies, but the job is pretty new) joint sponsor, and adding in the intending immigrant to USC household income, with employment verification letter. It’s been a week since RFE response was received. How long does it take typically for USCIS to review the RFE response and decide whether to accept it or reject it? How will I know either way. It’s nerve-wracking to not know if it will be accepted.
What’s the most fun you’ve had on your PS5?
Curious to see what everyone has been doing so far! For me probably unboxing it and immediately playing Miles Morales on it while experiencing the Haptic feedback for the first time.
How do you deal with adc that can't manage their waves or mana? (Plat Elo)
Example: A sivir constantly spamming Q against a bad matchup, pushing the wave into their tower, and essentially causing a freeze for the enemy and denying us exp. Or an MF that farms with E for some reason and ends up not having any mana by 4 minutes for trades in lane.
What were Naruto's most impactful retcons? [SPOILERS FOR NARUTO AND NARUTO SHIPPUDEN]
I see many people talk about power retcons, but I'm more interested in lore retcons. Some examples 1) Itachi being good. 2) The Nine Tails didn't simply attack the Village 3) Jiraya being Naruto's godfather What other retcons do you remember? What do you think of them?
Looking to purchase a hybrid but haven't the foggiest when it comes to buying. Any recommendations are welcome!
As the title suggests, I'm looking to buy a hybrid for both use on the road and off-road (mostly gravel trails). I previously owned a Carrera Crossfire and loved it. I was interested in the Voodoo Marasa but can't find it in stock anywhere sadly. I'd appreciate any recommendations, as I'm pretty lacking in knowledge when it comes to bikes. - Budget: I'd be looking to spend around £500 at most. - Planned use: Mostly gravel/dirt trails and the occasional road. - Size preferences: I'm a 6′ 1″ lanky guy, so would need something with a large-ish frame Thanks!
Fifth Night Free and Certs Combined?
I’m wondering if it is possible to book a 5 nights trip while using 2 free night certificates and getting fifth night free at the same time?
[WTS] Three 1 oz secondary market silver bars, one 1 oz john wick continental silver coin, and one 5 oz silver bar.
All has been sold to u/KSO150 Looking to sell my small silver collection. Would like to sell all of it together if possible for a total of 270 plus shipping. They are still sealed in the bags from Apmex. If individual it would be as follows. Secondary bars = $31 each. John wick continental coin = $34 5oz bar = $155. These are the photos. Proof
accurate description of how I "lie"
Here "OC" = overcontrolled (sort of the opposite of impulsive) >OC tendencies to mask inner feelings and minimize distress can sometimes make suicidal risk assessment challenging. For example, unless directly asked about suicidal thoughts and behavior most OC clients are not likely to independently report them (especially in the first session). Moreover, their natural tendencies to mask inner feelings and minimize distress make their underreporting of suicidal behavior more likely than underreporting of suicidal behavior in other clinical groups. In addition, OC clients are experts at blocking discussion of topics they don’t want to discuss, without making it obvious. The good news is that, in general, OC clients are less likely to overtly lie or deceive a therapist when asked directly about suicidal behavior (recall that OC clients value honesty and integrity). However, they will covertly lie in order to avoid imagined disapproval or maintain an appearance of competence by not disclosing important facts or details unless they are specifically asked. Examples of downplaying or avoidance include changing the subject by bringing up a new one that seems equally significant (“Before I answer that question, I think you should know that I haven’t been touched by another person for seventeen years”); talking a great deal but never answering the question (“I do occasionally think about death—I was raised Catholic, and as an altar boy I had to attend funerals at a young age”); and implying that prevention concerns are unnecessary (“My previous therapist said suicidal thoughts are normal”) or inappropriate, since further discussion would be damaging, too painful, or too revealing, or because the client’s “other doctor” is already taking care of the issue. There are many other ways in which covert lying can manifest; most of them involve indirect rather than direct methods of communication, and that makes them plausibly deniable, or difficult to challenge. From: Lynch, Thomas R. *Radically open dialectical behavior therapy: Theory and practice for treating disorders of overcontrol.* New Harbinger Publications, 2018.
My doctor husband's income?
I married Harvey. Not for his money, of course. I like boring, predictable, reliable men irl, so Harvey seemed the obvious choice of all the bachelors. He's a great husband so far, don't get me wrong. He's exactly what I hoped he'd be. But I'm carrying the family financially. He's a doctor, for crying out loud. The game should really adjust for a two income household. He's made a few meals and watered the dog, which is great. But can't a doctor brother spring for a few seeds now and then? I guess aviation is an expensive hobby...
A note for holidays: there are 2 kinds of pregnancies...
1) There are other people with Free Babies. 2) And there is you and your community here. These babies are fought for with every single test and dollar and cycle and 3am scroll and posts and wondering if you can do anything better. You and people with Free Babies are equally valuable people. For holidays like today, when you come home from an event or seeing other people with free babies, come here and drop your smile. It really does suck. We all get it. Don’t hate them. Don’t hate yourself for hating them. I’m pretty old and I think it all works out in the end between who gets kids, good v bad deliveries deliveries, easy kids, life challenges and more. In the end we are all on our own journeys. You love is so precious because you give it so generously. Hang in there. Be kind to yourself and your partner. (That last bit is for me: I can get so mad on these &@@)@!!?!# hormones and shots!) Heads up: I heard from a husband of a family with tots he had a good Memorial Day burger because he ate for 5 minutes when it was warm(!) without someone needing him. So the grass is always greener. I suggest don’t look at social media of friends/family on holidays or especially the day after kid ones by the way: protect your heart. There is no timeline. Your love will not grow old, “never get lost, never fade, never end”. Your body is not too old to love, ever. You are loved, and we are just different species, apples and oranges, Free Baby People and IVF People. Be with your People.
🕯️ WAX Token - Join a Gang of Candlemakers (LAUNCHING IN 5 MINUTES)
Hey everyone! I know there’s a lot to choose from out there, so I’ll keep this one simple… In 5 minutes I'll be fair-launch my first project on BSC. In efforts to stabilize portfolios in these trying times, I’ve created the WAX token! I’m just out here trying to spread the word. I will be adding **1 BNB in liquidity**, **burning all LP tokens** immediately, and renouncing ownership of the contract (which has been verified on BSC Scan). You can find more information about WAX tokenomics with any of the links below... but what you’re really looking at a community-backed, redistribution token that can hold your wallet together when the smart chain’s acting up. What you need to know: * 40% of initial supply melted * 100% of Dev and Contract LP tokens melted, forever * 5% of every transaction added to the pool of wax & LP tokens are melted * 5% of every transaction redistributed to the candlemakers If you’re interested, please help yourself. It’s definitely best to DYOR! ⁃ telegram: t.me/waxcomputer ⁃ twitter: **@waxcomputer** ⁃ online: wax.computer \- contract adress: **0xf557f4f77019be61fbead291ca25d27490e89bcc** Please drop by and have a chat, I’m happy to answer any questions you have. I want to build a strong, long-lasting community. Full transparency ***Fun Fact:*** *The number one ingredient in green candles is WAX* ***Fun Fact No. 2:*** *Candles don’t make themselves*
Have you tried adrenal supplements?
I just bought ashwaganda and adrenal gland supplement pills, and I was wondering if anybody has ever tried them...are they better taken in the morning or night? Together or separate? Thank you so much 😁
What next for the appeal & current motions
I am confused after the recent flurry of new motions, replies, motion to strike reply and motion for miscellaneous relief. Which one is the court considering 1st and do we know a likely timeline of any reply from the court?
Any shops around here that buy or take ammunition as a trade?
I've got a lot of Factory ammunition, mainly 5.56 that i've had stored loose. I have way more than I really need and was wondering if there are stores around here that take ammo at a reasonable value....and no i don't mean the over inflated market prices right now. NOTE: I can understand dealers not wanting to take loose rounds, but they are all the same manufacturer, crimped and sealed primers; all this to say anyone looking at them would know it's factory and not handloads/remans.
Sow the Land: "I ate animal based diet (carnivore) for 30 days to heal my severe eczema" - he's now reaching 60 days because it's working so well.
I ate animal based diet (carnivore) for 30 days to heal my severe eczema Today I share with you how I am doing since starting the Carnivore Diet and how it is helping me with my full body eczema! (this is not medical advice, Just sharing my journey. Do your own research)
Easily the best CQB FPS today
Quite new to ground branch, a big fan of Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, slower thinking man's approach to single or group ops fps, following this game to final release, glad Microprose is helping devs. Been playing multiplayer and wish we see more traffic. Thanks and be safe all
Lite & Medium Optimization Settings for NHQM
Hi, since the GitHub site continues to be down for QuickMiner due to the audit, can anyone share the settings that Lite and Medium optimization profiles use for a 3090? I’d be happy to just dial those into Afterburner, whatever they were worked really well. Appreciate any help here!
I hate chocolate chip cookies.
I mean, the chocolate is fine, and the cookie is fine, but not together. In fact, the overuse of chocolate in everything is annoying. Like, why do ALL the cannolis have to have either a chocolate lining or chocolate chips in the ricotta or BOTH? Why does there have to be chocolate chips in trail mix? Why is chocolate added to so many things that would be better without it? (e.g. cannolis). So really, it's just mixing chocolate with anything other than other chocolate that I really really dislike. So, I really hate chocolate chip cookies.
ISO Movie Poster Recommendations
Anyone have a good place to buy misc movie posters online? Looking for Pulp Fiction in particular. Maybe La La Land and some others. Help! I also would love to support a small business.
LF Fanfiction: Tonks throws out Luipn for betraying Harry
As title says, I'm looking for a fanfiction I read before that has this scene where Tonks is at her flat with Remus, and he confesses to betraying Harry or doing something for Dumbledore that he knew would hurt Harry. Tonk's reaction is to throw Remus out and they do not get back together in the story. Later on there is small scene of Remus standing outside in the rain watching Tonk's flat and he's confront by a couple of police officers and told to move along. I not 100% sure but I don't believe it was a Tonks/Harry pairing but they were close friends at least in the story, I could be wrong through :) **Spoiler Alert**: Pretty sure it's a betrayal story but I cant remember much other then near the end Tonks is still an Auror and she reads a report about werewolf that died and she releases it's Remus and she's a bit upset but has moved on as it's years later. Any help is appreciated.
[TOMT][MEME][ANIME] A video meme of L from death note
A funny video of L from deathnote giving a death stare I think he was staring at someone.
How come I can't find any 15A+ Power Socket Inlet Modules?
Is there a reason I can't easily find any power socket inlet modules that are rated above 15A? 15A are extremely common. The PSU I am using is 12V 29A, and while I might not ever even use that much power (like 350W), I would rather just be safe. I have found only one 20A power socket inlet module on Amazon, and even then I feel like if possible I should go above 29A just in case, cuz its better to not max specs if not needed. Basically it is for a 3D printer power PSU power plug + switch, for this But I just don't understand why its so hard to find a switch + inlet module. I can't be the only one wanting such a thing so I feel like I am just doing something wrong.
What Is The Most Useless Utensil?
I know there’s like 22 more, but just from these 3 View Poll
What lifestyle and career best enables a Stoic life?
What is the ideal stoic lifestyle? I mean the lifestyle that gives you the best chance of living the ideal stoic life? I understand the people of all occupations and lifestyles can be stoics. However, I don’t buy the idea that every lifestyle and occupation equally maximizes your chances at becoming the best stoic you can be. To use an example, I don’t think a career as an investment banker gives you the best odds of being a great stoic. * If you’re working 80-100 hours a week you don’t have the time to learn more about stoicism or to reflect on your actions. * If you are an investment banker, then you are likely surrounded by people who value wealth and status above all else, including virtue. I believe that surrounding yourself with people like this makes it harder to practice stoicism not easier. * If you live in an expensive Manhattan condo, are you really going to spend some time depriving yourself of life’s luxuries to ensure that you haven’t tied your vision of success to luxury?
I am grossed out by most foods and have to make myself eat every day. Help?
For context I am 22F, normal weight, active. I have an aversion to many foods, but it’s not that I just don’t like the taste – often it actually repulses me to think about eating. There are certain foods I consistently like such as curries, pies and soups (usually hot foods), but in general I don’t want to eat. The only thing that makes me eat consistently is the fact that I run often so need to keep my energy up, but other than that I have very little appetite. I especially hate fruit so I try to make up for that by eating vegetables (which are tolerable if they’re cooked). When I find a food/meal I do like, I usually eat that repeatedly because it's the most reliable option, but often something will switch and I will suddenly become averse to it. At social events, the thought of eating repulses me but people find it weird if you don’t eat so I will usually order something just to look normal. As a teenager I did struggle with food restriction and bingeing but I wouldn’t still consider that an issue – I am confident in my body and enjoy being active. The main leftover issue from my teen years is that I don’t like to feel full, but that just means I stop eating before I feel full. Can anyone else relate or help me?
Rules with multiple incounters
Just got the game and having a blast with it!!!! But what happens when you are currently in a encounter with a alien and during the revolver development you have another alien in your room!? Have read alot of the the rules but can 2 enemies (Aliens) be in the same room as a player??! Example: I was in a room full of noise checks and during the intruder bag development a adult was drawing meaning every one does a noise check! Thanks again! Zoy6776
Dry eyes from retinol or veganism?
Has anyone here developed dry eyes from being a vegan? That was what my eye doctor suggested to me (she guessed correctly that I was vegan from looking at my eyes). Suspected a vitamin A deficiency, which I unfortunately was not able to get tested for due to Covid. However, I had also been using a non prescription retinol serum for about a month when this problem really started to emerge in a severe form (had some dry eyes before from contacts)... She said the percentage wasn’t strong enough to cause issues but I’m not sure what I think. Can low percentage retinol cause severe dry eyes? As in not isotret or tret but plain retinol. Very confused about the cause of my dry eyes and how to figure it out, and I believe knowing the cause is essential to treat it. Would appreciate any input anyone has on this and any tips! Also I am no longer vegan and take omega 3 supplements now:)
[US-VA] [H] 60% cyan "5-degree" case; 60% hot-swap pcb; 60% brass plate; Phoenix/Aristotle 2.0, Box Navy, and lubed Gateron Black switches; Outemu hotswap sockets; switch trays; freebies [W] PayPal
Timestamp Add $5 to listed prices for shipping to locations in the continental US. For shipping elsewhere, I'll calculate the cost based on your location and the weight of the items you want. KBDfans 5° 60% case, cyan: $75 * Like new * Comes with blockers]( as well as case foam of varying thicknesses that I cut to match the shape of the case (see [here]( and [here. * Sold out at KBDfans, but was selling for $88. ~~BM60 RGB pcb: $35~~ *SOLD* * 60%, hot swappable * Selling for $48.90 at KPrepublic ~~60% brass plate w/ 2.25u left shift: $25~~ *SOLD* * Compatible with DZ60 RGB pcb, as well as the BM60 pcb listed above * Has some scratches, but otherwise in good shape. Selling at KBDfans for $39.90 plus shipping. ~~73x Phoenix (aka Aristotle 2.0): $20~~ *SOLD* * Clear top (no slot), Blue-ICE base, 75g spring. * Includes an extra 2 stems, 3 tops, and 13 springs. * Springs are lubed with hbheroinbob’s Krytox blend #3 * These are discounted because, after lubing, some weren't as clicky as they should be. You may want to clean them and re-lube (or use without lube). There are ~13 that are significantly muted, ~30 that sound pretty clicky, and ~30 that are in between. ~~32x Box Navies: $10~~ *SOLD* * Also comes with 2 BOX Pink switches * Sold out at NovelKeys]( Selling for $4.20 per 10 at [KBDfans]( or $37.00 if you [buy 90, plus shipping. ~~70x Gateron Blacks: $15~~ *SOLD* * Milky tops, black bottoms. * Lightly lubed. If I remember correctly, I used the leftover Krytox blend #3 from the Phoenix switches mentioned above. * Sold out at NovelKeys]( Selling for $2.40 (unlubed) per 10 at [KBDfans. 300x hotswap sockets: $0.05 per pair * Compatible with Outemu switches. The pins on other switches are usually too wide to fit in these hotswap sockets. ~~11x~~ 10x switch trays: $0.50 each 31x Yellow Gateron stems: Free with purchase upon request Stickers: Free with purchase upon request Coiled cables: Free with purchase upon request * One cable of your choice per item purchased * The two longer cables are each ~7-8 inches of coils, with ~6 inches of straight cable on each end of the coils. ~~One is USB-C/USB-C.~~ *TAKEN* The other is USB-C/USB-A. * The two shorter cables are each ~3.5 inches of coils, with ~3 inches of straight cable on each end of the coils. One is USB-C/USB-C. The other is USB-C/mini-USB.
What do you think of women’s role in slasher films?
In a video I watched Siskel and Ebert argue that most slasher films are misogynistic exploitation films, while James Kendrick argues that Siskel and Ebert are failing to recognize female empowerment in these films. What is your opinion on the role of women in slasher films? Could it be misogynistic or feminist?
Special considerations before removing battery 17' Subaru Outback?
Roommates car has SERIOUS build up around her battery, and suffered a no-start condition, and all her computer systems are screwy. Obviously I told her get a new battery ASAP, but in the meantime I'm going to clean it off for her to fix the whacky computer symptoms. Do Subarus have any special things to know before disconnecting the battery (i.e. My Honda has a radio pin that must be re-entered after removing the battery.)?
Relapsed and I only half want to stop
In hindsight, there were probably some signs that this was on the horizon and things I should have been doing to keep a better eye on my mental health. But in the moment, it felt super out of the blue. Friday night I felt some urges, but then I went to the gym and came home thinking I was feeling much better. Then, next thing you know, I'm in a full-blown relapse and binging all weekend. I haven't used since last night, but I haven't slept in at least 36 hours and I haven't had any appetite at all today. I managed to eat a small slice of cake and two bites of a taco salad. I've been in a slump all day. I've hardly left my bed except to feed the dog. I've been an emotional wreck too. Swinging between being super irritable and angry at people for no reason (they're not even here, I'm just coming up with issues with them in my head, or depression and suicidal thoughts. These feelings, of course, make me want to use again. I haven't, because part of me is fully aware of the scary path I'm staring down and how much it sucks to go down it. But another part of me is still tempted to anyway. I've spent the afternoon trying to schedule a therapy appointment with a new therapist because my last one left the state. That's been frustrating to find someone who meets my criteria (trauma-informed, trained in LGBT issues, trained in addiction) and is accepting new clients. I can't really afford therapy right now, but I know I need it, so that's an extra stressor too. I was scrolling through a list of my friends to see if I could reach out to someone and realized I don't feel good about reaching out to any of them. They would be supportive and understanding and kind, but I'm just too full of shame to do it. It would be so much easier to just keep using.
29F/5'7"/220 lbs. Looking for advice on where to start/what to change.
Sorry if this is long. Also cross posted to r/weightlossadvice. I've been overweight my whole life. My heaviest has been 230 lbs but I've maintained 220 lbs for at least a year. I struggle with overeating, indulging in cravings and being overly tired all the time. I live with my husband who eats like a pig and doesn't gain a pound. I work 4 days/week in a hospital pharmacy where I spend about half my time standing/walking, and the other half sitting. On work days, my diet looks roughly like this: cereal with 1% milk for breakfast, coffee with creamer, half cup cottage cheese with an apple for first break, usually pasta or some meat/veggies for lunch, and then home to eat literally anything for supper and try my best not to snack at night but I usually end up snacking on a small amount of chips or sweets, or chocolate milk. On my days not spent at work its basically a free for all. If I'm home alone I don't eat a whole lot but what I do eat, absolutely no thought goes into it. Once the evening hits the snacking hits. I crave chocolate A LOT. I don't really exercise except for walking my dog, and that's only if my husband hasn't done it before me. I would like to start. My goals: reduce weight overall and stop feeling so tired. My first goal is to be below 200 lbs, and I really struggle with belly fat, which wasn't always the case. I used to carry my weight fairly evenly but now I have a big belly. I'm not looking for a massive lifestyle change or a massive weight loss. Below 200 lb is my goal, and if I can hit that, I've always looked and felt great at 180 lbs. What I've tried: calorie counting. I can stick with it only up to a week. I don't have a great attention span and measuring/weighing out all my food was dreadful. I've upped my water intake quite a bit and cut down on a lot of sugary drinks (except chocolate milk and iced coffees which are also my downfall). I don't want to join a gym as it's not financially reasonable for me, but I have a dog and I own a bike. I've also changed my work day snacks from prepackaged granola bars and such to cottage cheese and fruit, and my lunches went from almost exclusively pasta to meat/veggies some days, pasta others.
$SKY has big things coming after our partnership with AerDrop. CRYPTO AND ROBOTS ARE OUR FUTURE. SKYNET IS HERE
# ✈ SkyNet has announced its partnership with Aerdrop! ✈🦾 🤑Every $AER holder will receive a free airdrop of $SKY - with a total of 200,000,000 $SKY being distributed amongst $AER holders - currently worth $4,000 🤑 In Return SkyNet will be receiving big promotions from AER an already established big name in the BSC space taking it to new heights and helping us get to our goal of 2m marketcap for our first donation! 🚀x99 Potential - 1 day old with a whitepaper published already, SkyNet is a charity token with ambitious goals. Having a 9% redistributive tax and planning a first donation at $2,000,000 market cap, while currently being at $50,000, SkyNet is a potential moonshot supporting medical robotics research. 🚀 🛫x99 Potential - Aerdrop has launched $AERSTATION less than 24H ago! The concept is simple - you hold $AER and you get access to VETTED low market cap projects with moon potential... AND you get a FREE airdrop of that 3rd party token! Currently at $1,000,000 market cap! Already on CG and CMC in the next week! 🛫 💰DYOR and grab a couple of bags! Find out more about both projects: 💰 🛫Aerdrop🛫 Tickr: $AER Contract address: 0x1a6c2c3c52cd3cc21db2b8f2b331ca9c4780f1ee Website: Telegram: 🦾Skynet 🦾 Tickr: $SKY Contract address: 0x51b50b4bead85ce9713d6dc16d70ae8640305db2 Website: sky-net.life Telegram t.me/skynetbsc
F28 free all day f4A edging and gooning #online
F28 free all day f4A edging and gooning Send me tasks you want me to do.... torture me whatever way you like Nothing is off limits. I love to be treated like a slut by anyone Anyone is welcome but if you are a woman then oh my gosh would love for you give me some tasks Looking forward to be tortured and teased
Are most student jobs taken by masters or international students?
Read on this subreddit by someone that masters or international students get preference to take most student jobs such as graders, TAs, or any other student worker jobs on campus? Is that really true, would it not be fair for anyone to become to a TA or get a student worker job on campus?
We need a new BEST BURGER thread
A while back some guy went on a mission to find the best burger in Central Oregon. His website is unfortunately gone now. Here's an old thread about it. I recommended Pono Farms which unforunately is now gone. Let's get a 2021 edition going. Who makes the best burgers in the area. I'll start with a relatively unknown one but my current favorite - Kelly D's.
[Waterloo, ON][H] Paypal, Cash [W] AMD Ryzen 3700x, 3800x
I'm looking for an upgrade to my current CPU, either a 3700x or a 3800x would work. I'd prefer BNIB but open to used if the price is right + it's in good condition. Budget is up to 340.
How do you use the DALL·E program
Do you have to have a laptop or desktop to access DALL·E and use it
DoorDasher struggle - Rant
Hi all, this is my first time posting. I work on a to go team for a large restaurant chain. I'm one of two people who work the to go area exclusively for DD pick up. I try to maintain a clean and efficient workspace (0% errors on most nights when the team is in sync, woo!). But my problem is the way Dashers treat us at the front. I get phones pressed up against the window or banging on the glass. I get yelled at, threatened with violence on occasion, told I should be fired for not knowing the order name when they refuse to say who they are picking up for, hit on and touched. They disrespect our hosts and bartender. Last night I had a Dasher argue that he shouldn't have to tell me the name of the order, I should just know. As if I'm not handing like 20 other orders in the same breath as he's arguing with me. I fully know this isn't ever single one. In fact, we've got a solid handful who are respectful and have stepped in between me and other aggressive Dashers. We allow full access to the bathrooms, will provide water if asked for and allow Dashers to step inside to wait if the weather is too hot/cold/bad. We're all trying to make enough money to live in this crappy economy but when the hell are we going to stop with DoorDash? It's a constant fight between managers, Dashers and FOH staff getting yelled at on a constant basis. It didn't used to be this bad.
🕯️ WAX Token - Join a Gang of Candlemakers (LAUNCHING IN 5 MINUTES)
Hey everyone! I know there’s a lot to choose from out there, so I’ll keep this one simple… In 5 minutes I'll be fair-launch my first project on BSC. In efforts to stabilize portfolios in these trying times, I’ve created the WAX token! I’m just out here trying to spread the word. I will be adding **1 BNB in liquidity**, **burning all LP tokens** immediately, and renouncing ownership of the contract (which has been verified on BSC Scan). You can find more information about WAX tokenomics with any of the links below... but what you’re really looking at a community-backed, redistribution token that can hold your wallet together when the smart chain’s acting up. What you need to know: * 40% of initial supply melted * 100% of Dev and Contract LP tokens melted, forever * 5% of every transaction added to the pool of wax & LP tokens are melted * 5% of every transaction redistributed to the candlemakers If you’re interested, please help yourself. It’s definitely best to DYOR! ⁃ telegram: t.me/waxcomputer ⁃ twitter: **@waxcomputer** ⁃ online: wax.computer \- contract adress: **0xf557f4f77019be61fbead291ca25d27490e89bcc** Please drop by and have a chat, I’m happy to answer any questions you have. I want to build a strong, long-lasting community. Full transparency ***Fun Fact:*** *The number one ingredient in green candles is WAX* ***Fun Fact No. 2:*** *Candles don’t make themselves*
hearing loss and nasal spray K
today I had my second session of nasal spray ketamine with a psychiatrist (I am in IL) and I put on my airpods to listen to music- something I had not done in my first session. I chose Moby's "We are all made of stars" since its a song I know well and I know won't stress me out or make me sad. First thing I noticed was I had to turn the volume down halfway because it was so overwhelming and loud. I have bilateral hearing loss and usually have to listen to music and podcasts at FULL volume on my iphone, my Tv is always at 30+ and subtitles. I also noticed certain instruments I have never heard before on this song. After the second spray (I do 3 sprays in each nostril within the one hour session) I layed back in the chair and closed my eyes and I felt like I was at a concert right next to Moby! Just wanted to share. Not sure if anyone else has hearing loss or is deaf and has had experiences with ketamine- nasal or otherwise.
Why am I so powerful outside of the campaign?
I'm a new player and I just hit 60 in Shadowlands and selected a covenant. Before continuing with my covenant campaign, I'd like to acquire the "High Priest" title for my character, so I went to the Broken Isles in order to complete the Priest Campaign. Just curious what's going on?
What did you do after your first failure?
Hi everyone, new here. I normally can get away doing assignments very late before the deadline (at least relative to my friends) and I often get really good results given the time and effort I put in. But yesterday I think my luck finally ran out. It was a coding assignment, so of course, I did not give enough time to write tests, debug, test out my code against other people's (it was an AI tournament). I feel like this will be the worst I'm going to do in a long while. What did you guys do after your first failure/your procrastination finally caught up to you and you had to pay the price? I feel quite sad about my this recent assignment, but I don't feel like I've learnt my lesson yet.
Why do some childfree women (who accidentally got pregnant) have a hard time emotionally on deciding to do an abortion?
As the topic suggests, if a woman is adamantly 100% childfree but accidentally gets pregnant (slips on her birth control), why would she have. tough time with deciding to do an abortion vs. carrying the baby to term and birthing it? I get that societal/familial pressure may do that to her, make her think she needs to carry the baby to term and birth it. But she needs to think about what she needs to do. If I was a childfree woman who accidentally got pregnant, I would think it'd be super easy to say "Hey, I'll get an abortion, done with it" but idk. Why do some childfree women struggle with deciding to get an abortion if she winds up accidentally pregnant? I'm super confused.
Sorry if this has been asked before but
Is there a list of characters who react a certain way if you name your character something specific? Like Easter eggs. Again sorry if this has been asked
WIBTA if I told my aunt to stop texting me about baby sitting?
TLDR; my aunt cheated on my uncle and now I don’t want to talk to her, she keeps asking me to babysit and I don’t want to babysit for her unless its my uncle whose asking So some background is that my aunt and uncle have been together for a long time and I’ve always been really close with them. I always knew they had a couple problems in their marriage but what couple doesn’t? Anyways a few months ago it came out that she has been cheating on my uncle for years and they baby that they just had together (she just turned 1 and is absolutely adorable which is why I feel bad about it) isn’t biologically my uncles. My uncle still wants to work things out with her and is trying to be civil. And by civil I mean they still go out on dates a lot. Which is why they keep asking me to babysit. I don’t have a problem with babysitting because I absolutely adore their little girl and have been babysitting since she was born until recently when I got a new job. Now she is the only one who asks if I will babysit for them and he doesn’t. I have a problem with this because he is my favorite uncle and I love him with so much of my heart and to see her break his just fills me with so much anger. This is where I feel I may be the asshole. When it came out that she cheated almost everyone in my family cut her off entirely and will not talk to her at all. We were her only family and now she has none. I feel as though if I told her to stop talking to me or asking me to babysit that I’ll be isolating her even more and making her feel even more alone especially since me and her used to be so close. So, WIBTA if I told her to stop talking to me and if she needs a babysitter to go through my uncle to ask me? EDIT: there seems to be some confusion, I never said that I won’t babysit if she asks or just won’t babysit at all. I’m asking if I told my aunt that I want her to go through my uncle to ask me to babysit for them wibta (because I still will if I’m free)
I love 1 and 2, will I like 3!?
I love the first two games, how is the third entry!? Is this worth picking up? I saw it on sale for PS4!
Bloco Combativo no 29M em São Paulo!
Ontem construímos o 29M: Bloco Combativo! junto com vários camaradas de luta de São Paulo. Diante da impaciência e da revolta crescente da população pobre e trabalhadora da cidade, levamos para o Dia Nacional de Lutas a exigência da construção da Greve Geral pela vida, por salários, por empregos e por direitos.
If someone gives you something can they report theft if you keep it?
Context: My ex cheated on me and we've since broke up. In January she gave me a phone and asked for it back today and I said no because she gave it to me and I needed it for work. Shes now threatening to report me for theft. Legally can I be prosecuted for this?
Building zone mortalis columns
Hey everyone! Just picked up Hive War and am EXTREMELY EXCITED to get into Necromunda. As I'm building the columns it's telling me not to glue them together. Is this what the community also recommends? Seems like it could fall apart easily if I nudge it while it's on the table. Any advice is appreciated!
Can't open MKV files even with "Enable MKV Reader"
So, I wanted to work with a file in MKV, but it needs some editing, I saw a tutorial that teached me how to enable experimental MKV support via "Preferences" - "File I/O" - "Enable MKV Reader". Did this and still can't work with MKV files. I saw some people had the same problem but no solution. ​ Answers: 1. VEGAS PRO 18 2. 8th Gen I7, NVIDIA GEForce MX120 3. Windows 10 4. It's pirated 5. I did 6. Yes.
Is it just me or is ian a lot more quiet now
I watched the podcast basically since it started out and I remember ian being a lot more engaged at the start when he first joined the crew now it feels like he’s never really there. Really missing Ian tbh should get him to do another PowerPoint or something
Help - Problems with the Secret Security Clearance Form
Hi all! I'm in the process of applying for secret clearance and having some problems with the online application form. As is standard, I have to list out all the places where I've lived for the past 10 years. I've done this, with avoiding overlap, with an example below to illustrate what I mean: - Residence 1, May 2020 - May 2021 (current) - Prior Residence, May 2018 - April 2020 - Prior to that, April 2018 - April 2018 - Prior to that, Sept 2015 - March 2018 For some reason, I keep getting "Error: Minimum of ten (10) years required (there should be no gaps)(only 2 concurrent residences allowed)" Anyone have any experience with this? I'm using Chrome and its with CBSA FYI. Thanks! UPDATE: The problem was the web browser I was using. Chrome autofills the dates in the wrong format; so does Edge. I used Firefox and it submitted without problem! Thanks all for your input!
Why not Elden Ring with Playstation?
I might have missed it or not read enough, but beside xbox and namco, why does nobody mention playstation for Elden Ring? Is there something that I do not know which makes it unlikely to be presented by them or could indeed Elden Ring show at the playstation portion. Pretty sure it is not xbox exclusive, this is why I do not get it. Note that I know nothing about how these events and deal functions, so explain what I do not get.
Posting links to other posts? Can you see this?
Tried posting a link to another post earlier (about an hour now), I haven't seen it on this sub.
How difficult is it to change majors?
I was just admitted as a spring transfer to Dornsife, but i want to switch my major to something like Media Arts + Practices, Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation, Music Industry, or PR in Annenberg. Does anyone have experience with doing so/know how difficult it is? Thanks!
community creation xp glitch
​ i played this community creation gamemode for 32 minutes and didnt get any xp
International relationship, not sure why she (23F) is into me (30M)
I occasionally use the international section on dating apps, mostly out of boredom, and never really expected anything to come of it. I've never been in a long distance relationship before, let alone an international one, and never considered it as something that would realistically happen. That said, about a month ago I matched with an Indonesian girl and proceeded to start chatting with her. Despite a bit of a language barrier, we've messaged daily since then and it's been really nice. A few days ago I asked her if she was looking for a relationship or if this was more of a pen pal thing. She was open to more, so I asked her if we could make official and she happily agreed. Since then, she's been very affectionate and things have been going pretty well. However, I'm left wondering why she's attracted to me. As a bit of background, I'm a fairly average guy who lives in the suburbs of a medium sized city in a flyover state. I have an average job as an engineer and have a few fairly mundane hobbies. I'm not trying to demean myself here, just trying to make it clear that there's nothing about me that I would expect to captivate her. At first, I was a little worried that this might be one of those stereotypical cases where I'd eventually be asked to help her financially or be her ticket out of a developing country. Luckily, that's turned out not to be the case. She has a college degree, her family owned a business prior to covid, she owns her own house and car, etc. While I'm glad that I'm not being used, it leaves me feeling a little more clueless as to why she wants to date someone on the other side of the world. I'm only getting more confused as I learn more about her. In addition to being financially independent, she's really quite amazing. She's without a doubt quite good looking, she's a good cook, she plays sports a couple times a week, she hikes around to beautiful sites all the time, she plays guitar, and occasionally sings professionally. If she lived here, I'd be punching so far above my weight that I wouldn't even try my luck. All of these things have me feeling very self-conscious that I'm bound to be boring or disappointing at some point, especially if we ever meet in person. Objectively I understand that I'm projecting some of my self-doubts onto her, but at the same time I feel like it's a genuine concern in a situation where we can't get to know each other in person. I can live with it if a girl's not into me after a first date, but it mortifies me to think one of us might fly halfway around the world at some point only for me to be a bit of bore in comparison to the life she lives. Has anyone else ever been in a similar situation with a LDR, especially with someone from a different country? Is there something I should be doing to make sure her expectations are realistic? Am I overthinking this? tl;dr: I met a really amazing Indonesian girl online and things have been going great, but I can't fathom why she'd want to be in a LDR with me.
[USA-VA][H] Paypal, Cash [W] Budget GPU
Repost from a few days ago. Hello, I am looking to build a budget gaming pc for my nephew and I have everything I need except for the GPU. I am looking for the best GPU I can get for $175. It will be paired with an AMD Ryzen 3 1200AF. Looking at 1080p60 gaming in older games like Minecraft and Fortnite. Thanks.
All my books free on Amaozon.co.uk [until Jun 10]
Amazon.co.uk is offering all my books for free until Jun 10. 1. The Reminder \Suspense/Thriller\]: [ 2. A Starlet is Born \Fantasy\]: [ 3. Da Vinci in Love \Romantic Comedy\]: [ 4. The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther \Historical Fiction\]: [ 5. Black Messiah \Suspense/Thriller\]: [
Can someone just tell me everything is gonna be okay?
I just cried for... about 30 minutes.. after seeing a beautiful painting of a pregnant woman. Seeing that and knowing that I'll never have that, or two X chromosomes pains me more than anything else in this world. I am on HRT but I just want to be beautiful... I just want to have a body that matches my mind. And mine does not. I mean I'm 17 and so people say HRT will have stronger effects on me, and I hope to God it's true. I love you all so much
should i stop identifying as sunni?
someone pointed out to me that the prophet didn't belong to a sect. Of course i know the story behind why we have sects, but i never really thought about it like that before. Now im unsure if i should continue identifying as a sunni, or just call myself muslim.
Have you named your titan and what is its name
I named my scorth surtur and my legion Rohas (ro-hause how to pronounce it)
Minecraft Hard Mode Is Harder?
is it just me or is Minecraft Hard mode like even harder. I haven't played in like 4 months, and I decided to make a Minecraft Realm server and the amount creepers and zombies is insane. My old private world is in hard mode and I don't remember it having that much. Maybe it's just me but it caught me off guard to be honest.
Finn Cole in Animal Kingdom
I’d anyone else amazed how Finn Cole plays pretty much the exact same role in the show Animal Kingdom?
How Do You Sell Outside of Business Hours?
I've been setting up a side-hustle that I intend to use to hopefully bring in enough money to replace my upcoming new job. I have gathered enough courage to decide to cold call to bring in sales (I just had a whole day where I made cold calls! Not as scary as I thought!). Unfortunately, however, I seem to face the ironic problem that calling businesses during business hours... would be the same business hours that I work. The problem isn't really having the time for cold calling... it's more about having the time for presentations and setting up appointments. Does anyone know of a clever way to do sales while you have a job during typical business hours? I've tried using Google and searching posts on this sub, but haven't found anything. Here are ideas that I have come up with: 1. Try weekends if possible (looks unprofessional because it basically says "I have a job and this business doesn't have enough experience to do full time") 2. Call a couple hours right before/after job, ex. if on PST, call EST from 5am-8am. If on EST, call PST from 5pm-8pm (this limited time is possible although inflexible for the prospect, but also looks unprofessional if you can only set up appointments in the same 3 hours every day) 3. Call the other side of the world in your off-job-hours but their on-job-hours (doable, though I don't know anything about how viable it is) 4. Get a part time or temp job, in which you either work 4 hours a day or you work hard for 2 weeks and not at all for 2 weeks (the most viable idea, with the only hiccup being that it needs to be a job that pays enough in 20 hours a week to cover cost of living) 5. Have a job that doesn't monitor you while you work (i.e. try to have a remote job in which you can call while you are supposed to be working, and maybe limit yourself to 1 appointment per day. I'm sure you can see the potential pitfall, but it's doable) 6. Call local and let your local-ness build enough rapport to pitch after-hours (viable, but similar to #1) 7. Hire a sales team (doable, but would need to be commission-only at first and there is the problem of not having the proof of concept to convince reps to sell it) 8. Have sales be communicated solely through text a la email or LinkedIn, no face-to-face presentations (destroys the actual advantage of sales because of no human interaction, no ability to answer questions or overcome objections on the spot, and the prospect's ability to just ignore the messages) Thoughts? Any other ideas?
Are Team bounty payouts broken?
I was just in a team with two friends. We went bounty hunting at an RES and while it was showing up that we earned a reward for each wanted ship, when the leader of the team turned in the bounties he received money and we received nothing.
How to win the Wallachian Revolution?
Title says it all. I have 6 divisions. 3 cannons and 3 infantry. I can mobilize 5-6 peasant stacks. The Ottomans are also at war with Egypt if that helps (Russia helped the break away). That’s about it. Edit: I can also ally with Serbia who has a couple of divisions.
F28 free all day f4A edging and gooning #online
F28 free all day f4A edging and gooning Send me tasks you want me to do.... torture me whatever way you like Nothing is off limits. I love to be treated like a slut by anyone Anyone is welcome but if you are a woman then oh my gosh would love for you give me some tasks Looking forward to be tortured and teased
Need help deleting Undertale demo off my computer
I was interested in buying undertale, and was going to play the demo before buying the game during the next steam sale. I got the demo from this link, and when i tried to run the game, nothing happened, and the files opened. I tried to delete the demo instead, but my computer wouldn't let me. I tried to cut the file, and it just greyed out the file and says that my computer can't find the file location. Does anyone know how to remove the demo permanently off my computer? Edit: I shredded the file using McAfee, and the file disappeared off of my screen shortcuts, but the file is still in my computor.
Are the Romans and Italians the same people?
I know Rome is in what’s now Italy but are they the same people? View Poll
Discipleship Quads by the Franciscan University of Steubenville
Hey y'all! I was answering a post in r/CatholicDating about social groups and felt that this should be posted here as well. Protestants are good at creating close discipleship groups and this is a proper Catholic response to that. Check and see if there are any Discipleship Quads going on in your parish. It’s a program from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Just you and three other guys (or women), and you go through scripture, how the scripture relates to your life, your relationship with God and how your week has gone. The questions are meant to be conversation starters. It’s a time to be vulnerable with the group and it has been absolutely amazing for my bros and myself. It’s supposed to be an 1 1/2 hour discussion but we end going at least 30 minutes over bc we jive so well. We’re about to go get some drinks and food in the next few weeks. We also had a huge gathering last week for all ongoing Quad groups as this is the second year it’s been going and it is awesome to see how large it’s gotten. Next year’s gathering is gonna have to be a dang lakeside barbecue 😂. You meet once a week, and dedicate your time to that group for a year. Once it’s done, you’ll grab three others and start leading your own group. If you can’t find one at your parish, then talk to your priest about starting one, bc the first official group actually begins with him. A link for for more info:
What defines this decade of music?
The title is pretty broad so let me elaborate. What do you think is the face for this decade of music? Every decade has an iconic feel or bunch of instruments that when you hear it you can automatically guess the time period. For example how everything was electronica from the 2010s (I think) or that one drum that’s used a lot in 80s songs and the synth. As time went on in the late 2010s I couldn’t find something that really reminds me of our period we live in right now. These are some factors that might be the reason for me: 1.) we are living in the present and we couldn’t reminisce about our music style yet. 2.) people are now using retro and are taking styles from the past and are propagating them into their songs. 3.) music has gotten so diverse that there’s not really a style to pinpoint on. What do you guys think represents the music of the modern 21st century well?
My photo is being taking when my boyfriend’s children ask to speak to me during their designated FaceTime call.
I can usually see two sides to everything but I cannot for the life of me come up with a reason she would need to hold the phone and take my photo while talking to her children. Her son said, ‘Mommy, why are you taking pictures?’ I’ve actively stayed out of their relationship when she found me on Facebook and LinkedIn and I have stayed out of any issues they have while coparenting. I literally just treat the kids like my own and we definitely share a mutual love for each other, hence them asking to speak with me. What would taking multiple photos of me do for her? He asked her why she was taking screenshots and she will not answer. I’m just trying to understand the motive. Thank you! Also, we’ve been dating over a year and live together. She’s known about me since he let her know he’d be introducing the kids to me 8 months ago. She sought me out on social media and I just blocked her to avoid drama.
CMV: The amount of morally-questionable or coup-like conflicts the US military has been involved in makes it much harder to be proud of the US military and the troops in general - even in regard to obviously legitimate conflicts like WWII
As Americans, we're always told to "support the troops"--and in many cases this seems harmless... But as I've learned more about history, it just is becoming harder and harder to "support the troops" knowing how many morally-questionable conflicts our country has been involved in...Iraq being the latest example... Maybe I should think of it more as a "the troops are a necessary deterrent for future freedom" rather than that the conflicts they've been involved in in the past have been unnecessary? And we should support our current troops as they guarantee future freedoms? ...and that the troops have had nothing to do with those previously-questionable decisions -- they were just following orders? What might be a healthier attitude for addressing these ambivalent feelings? Edit - thanks for the replies everyone --- I'll try to think more of the individual sacrifices that each and every individual member of the military has made and the higher purposes for why they joined in the first place -- rather than thinking troops=US Military and the things the US military and its controlling leaders at the time have done in the past, for better or worse. (and also hindsight is 20:20 for judging some of the things the US. Govt has done in the past...today's troops don't get the luxury of knowing what will happen in the future--which makes the job even more difficult). Thank you to all of the troops and the sacrifices they have made
Disaster for Anson Funds + Their updated Strategy for Recon Africa
Well today was an absolute disaster for Anson Funds. We have news from inside the Anson office (you will LOVE this) and an update on what their short strategy is. I hope regulators are watching. Full story here: PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE. We need to get the word out.
"DoorDash doesn't let us go up to apartments"
Yeah. That's what my driver just told me. I dash myself too and never once have I not been able to go in to an apartment (eta: the building, not inside the person's indivdual apartment itself) even during the worst part of COVID and she said "well doordash just sent out an email about it...." as if to try and catch me in a bind... Nah, she was just being lazy and didn't want to take the elevator to the 3rd floor of the apartment. I took the time to contact support and adjust my tip and don't feel bad. Bitch.
Battletech Mercenaries is Looking for Players
The following is a recruiting effort from the Mercenary Review & Bonding Commission The MRBC is recruiting! Mercenary units all over the Inner Sphere are looking for pilots! Mercenaries are in demand all over the Inner Sphere! Consult your nearest MRBC office, and start your career as a mercenary TODAY! Battletech Mercenaries is a long-standing Battletech roleplaying group, with a custom, player-led canon beginning in 3067, and continuing into the 32nd Century. Here, the Word of Blake was driven out by the Second Star League, which lasted until 3085. Its crumbling led to the Fifth Succession War, which lasts to this day, and has only escalated after the Free Worlds League seized Terra, making Captain-General Agatha Rousset-Marik the most dangerous woman in the Inner Sphere. Here, the Inner Sphere is firmly inside the Age of Agatha! New factions have come into play, including the Liberty Holds, forged from the remnants of the Star League; the Confederated Systems of Tikonov, freshly independent with the backing from the Free Worlds League; and Clan Rift Tiger, a new Clan created by former Bondsmen seeking a greater destiny. A forum-based roleplay, BTM has a number of player-led Mercenary & Clan units who take on contracts, write collaborative stories to meet their objectives, and get paid to expand and improve their Mercenary units. Powerful units are even granted landholds and their leaders given titles of nobility! Here are the player-led units who are currently recruiting: ​ Protecting Paradise The Eden's Guard consist of former Star League soldiers, engineers, doctors, spies, and even diplomats. In the wake of the Second Star League, the Eden's Guard launched to continue to serve the people of the Inner Sphere. Led by Major Penelope Trumbull, the Eden's Guard are known for their combined-arms tactics, use of combat engineering, and even diplomatic representation. ​ If you need an army, we have one Under the command of Lt. General Lance McRaven, the Black Talon Phoenixes have risen from the ashes more than once; initially built from the Red Star Legion, the BTP have expanded into one of the largest and most successful mercenary commands serving in the Inner Sphere. With landholds within the Lyran Alliance, the Black Talon Phoenixes continue to serve with distinction. ​ Fly Strong Reborn from a faction of another major Mercenary unit from a low point in their volatile history, the Aura Wings currently consist of the 2nd Aura Wings constituting 'Mech, Armor, and Infantry regiments, but are best known for their Aerospace regiments, which are renowned throughout the Inner Sphere. The Aura Wings have served mostly in the employ of Houses Kurita and Liao since their formation in 3076. ​ Pack of House Black The Black Wolf Rangers was formed in 3079 by the unification of a small group of dissatisfied Taurian Concordat soldiers. Organized into a unique unit and rank structure, the Ranger’s became well known for their pack tactics and strategies. Adept at hit and run tactics, ambushes and deep recon, the BWR has served all Inner Sphere Realms save the Draconis Combine, with a landhold in the Federated Suns. Check out our Discord, and feel free to ask any questions! Join today! (Posted with permission from Poopenshire & Jarl Dane)
Anyone have experience with multistate claim [California]
I now live in FL but work had worked for a company based in CA since May 2019 so I filed a claim with CA EDD. My total claim amount and WBA reflects only my wages worked while I lived in CA which means my claim amount is super low since I only worked in CA for one month of 2020. I sent in my 2020 W2 as proof of wages showing I worked throughout all of 2020 but just got a letter in the mail that I was denied any additional claim amount. Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation? I will be calling tomorrow, but am worried that I will not get anything added to my claim. I only have about $1500 left out of my entire claim amount
Laptops for visually impaired
Hi I’m a student with a visual impairment and I need a laptop for my studies. I was wondering if anyone knew what the best laptop was in terms of accessibility for people with low vision
Okinawa Slave Island English Patch
*This isn't my patch. It was released by an anonymous translator in July 2020. I'm just reposting it as only the patch files instead of the pre-patched game. Don't ask about game download links here; buy the game!* 2010 bara game by Underground Campaign in which the protagonist enslaves and abuses men on a remote island. VNDB Japanese site (NSFW) English patch Buy the game on Booth (NSFW) (See this guide To use the patch, delete the data.xp3 and patch.xp3 files in the game folder, then move the data.xp3 file from the patch archive into the game folder. As a side note for those who read Japanese, Underground Campaign has their 2004 game Ore to Mahou no Koibito available as a free download on their website.
best tablet for $200 - $300 for a beginner digital artist?
I'm mainly wanting to learn digital painting, I might get into drawing later on but I just wanna get better at digital painting. a heard that some of the cheaper tablets can't do this simple feature. Why I don't know. I do have some experience with basic tracing, but I never learned coloring, I use to own a Wacom 480 a while back and it was decent for drawing but was pretty complicated to use. Any suggestions on devices with screens for a novice?
Will a brand new phone battery go bad from sitting?
I have a brand new phone in-box. I do not intend on using it yet. However, since it's simply sitting unused, can the battery go bad, or lose capacity? It is a lithium-polymer battery.
Crimson Crusade mission 4 bugged?
There's no nav point for the city and nothing happens when I get there.
Why does 30fps gameplay on PC looks significantly chopper than 30fps on console?
I've recently found myself lucky enough to own a decent PC and a Series X at the same time and I've found myself playing a bunch of the same games on both platforms out of curiosity. I've noticed that a lot of games, when locked at 30fps, looks significantly choppier than the same game running on Xbox at a locked 30fps. I should also mention that I own a FreeSync gaming monitor that is also G-Sync Compatible, which means that both my PC and console are able to take advantage of these technologies. That being said, I can't help but feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me as most of the locked-30fps games I played still look choppier when compared to running on Xbox. This has nothing to do with graphical fidelity, since most of the Xbox games I was playing on PC weren't One X or Series X-optimized (and ran at max settings on PC). So, am I crazy? Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is there something here that the PC isn't doing that makes it look choppier at lower frame rates?
Mtf transition recommendations? (Toronto)
Heyy, a friend came out as a trans woman a year ago and wants to start her transition. She is looking for places to go to, to start hormone therapy in Toronto. Do you have any recommendations for places to contact to start? (Also if you have any surgeon recommendations that would be great too!)
25% bonus might op's buff question
In the buff shop there is a buff that gives +25% chance to bonus stages appearing. Assuming the bonus stage has a 1% chance (which with my luck so far seems plausible) Will this buff increase it to 26% or 1.25% which honestly knowing this game so far seems like the latter but I just wanted to ask
My pitch for a Doom 6/2024 story (Doom: Absolution)
Over the next century after TAG2's events, the Doom Slayer was sent back to his Fortress as all demonkind is slowly eradicated. Maykrs, too, go extinct, as they were essentially demons native to Urdak. With Argent Energy lost forever, the demons of Hell can't survive and therefore infight themselves to extinction. In the final wake of it all, the Ancient Gods are the last to go. With their last breath, they lift the seal of the Doomguy's entombment due to a great evil coming, that is neither demon or Maykr. Waking up many (more) years into the future, Doomguy - back to normal although still immortal, discovers that a Lovecraftian monstrosity known only as Currmakk ~~Carmack,~~ has awakened after the end of Hell and Urdak. Currmakk is a devourer of life spheres, therefore he is the "mysterious voice" of Urdak, and was the creator of Davoth and all other life. Having created himself in his own vast and unknown dimension, the concept of the existence he created - and all it led to - had since driven him into hopeless and shapeless insanity (among the likes of Giygas) that is terrified of death, thus eating his own creations to survive. The Father, pre-evil Davoth and King Ormero defeated him through combat, an overloading him with an Argent powered Soul Cube, and banished him back to his void dimension. Currmakk is accompanied by Samur - now back as Samuel Hayden in a new Maykr cyborg body (so he has his full memory and Seraphim power), who is giving him life spheres to keep Currmakk alive, in order to manipulate his boundless power to revive The Father with an artificial life sphere. Hayden wants to do this in order to destroy Currmakk and have The Father helplessly tag along in his journey of galactic domination - and to stave off a horrific Maykr mutation growing along his cyborg body that, as hinted by Hugo, can turn him into a monstrosity even behind transfiguration. Currmakk creates slews of unearthly abominations that essentially serve as the game's stand-in for demons. Building a new Praetor Suit that emulates his Divinity Machine capabilities, Doomguy and the forces of Argent D'Nur sets out to finish Hayden and destroy Currmakk if it meant the end of the journey. Other details I've thought of is Hayden recreating the Mother Demon through Currmakk remaking her embryo shown in Doom 4 as a defense against the Doomguy. It would be revealed at some point that Doom 3 is a prequel to the rest of the series and that he is the Doomguy in all of those...including the Martian hero. During his endless four age crusade in the prelude of Doom 4, his rage was so boundless that he tore through time and defeated the Mother Demon in the very distant past, before killing his way right back into the present. As for bosses, they would be Hayden as a recurring boss (the final fight happening after he fully mutates); the scrapped Dark Lord dragon fight (or Davoth's will reborn as a mindless beast); The Mother Demon and Resurrector revived as a two-on-one fight; a three-phase fight with Currmakk (which has you use a Soul Cube of course); and lastly the reborn Father, revealed to have an appearance like the Maykr Slayer and his full name being Khanus Maykr. Khanus is obliterated by the power of several Wraiths, and at the end Doomguy and the Night Sentinels appoint themselves as the guardians of Earth. ​ This is fucking stupid
[WTT] Pmags for trade. $ (WI)
I'm hoping to trade 7 black 5.56 pmags (5 m2, 2 m3) for like 3 Mini 14 mags, preferably 20 rounders but open to 30s. Lower flair ships first or if we're about equal we can both ship around the same time. I'll ship tomorrow around lunch time if we can make a deal before then. $70 tv.
Ladies and Gents Welcome to SkyNet. I’m sure we’ve all seen the movie terminator once or twice, right? Well just like Skynet we are coming to take over the BSC network but instead of destroying civilization we are here to save it. Come join John and Sarah Connor in destroying the terminators of the BSC network (aka snipe bots). With the power of all of us we will beat these snipe bots to the prize, the juicy SkyNet coin. Along the way we will also be contributing to Medical Robotics research in our attempt to make the world a better place. **LIQUIDITY IS LOCKED** **OWNERSHIP IS RENOUNCED** **WHITE PAPER IS NOW LIVE ON WEBSITE** **ACTIVE MARKETING HAS INITIATED** **Audit the contract** **0x51b50b4bead85ce9713d6dc16d70ae8640305db2** Tokenomics: 9% tax on transactions that gets redistributed to all holders. 1% max buy/sell to prevent whales and dumping. 1% burn on transactions. 50% liquidity locked and 50% burned. **Website: **Come join us on Telegram @Skynetbsc**
F28 free all day f4A edging and gooning #online
F28 free all day f4A edging and gooning Send me tasks you want me to do.... torture me whatever way you like Nothing is off limits. I love to be treated like a slut by anyone Anyone is welcome but if you are a woman then oh my gosh would love for you give me some tasks Looking forward to be tortured and teased
Rank these RB Handcuffs going into the 2021 season.
Some handcuffs are obviously worth more than others based on talent, likelihood for play time, and team dynamics. So going into the 2021 how would you rank some of the backups like: T. Pollard, A. Mattison, R. Penny, K. Vaughn, D. Evans, D. Booker, B. Snell, K. Drake, N. Hines, J. Williams, S. Perine, C. Hubbard and others. Are there backups that you think are worth going after and ones that you aren't touching even with you last bench spot?
My daughter's grandma told me that the reason she cries for attention and throws food off the table is because we are all "born sinners" and we need Jesus
One day I think I'll look back at this and laugh, but right now I'm feeling really emotional and it hurt my feelings. They look at my beautiful daughter exploring her world and they don't feel amazed at how curious she is and the drive in her to find out how things work. They don't see that her brain is wired to get us to spend time with her because she's a social creature. Of course, I get annoyed with her sometimes, all parents do. But there's nothing wrong with her, she's just a curious baby who wants to learn. ETA- going to elaborate that if I believe in the concept of sin, I think it requires a decision. It means you're old enough to know better and deliberately do something that hurts someone else. Even if she is making decisions now, she doesn't have the capacity to understand right and wrong or someone else's perspective. That's why I need to be the parent and teach her as she grows up. Also, my daughter is not even a year yet. She can't even talk yet, but sure, she's making complex moral decisions.
How do you eat the hash brown in a McDonald’s breakfast?
I always add mine to the McMuffin/roll as it just feels wrong to eat it separately but I’ve never seen anyone else do this
How to sell my wife on an EV. Update.
Well we test drove the Mach-E at the local rural Ford Dealership where we bought both of our previous vehicles and were very impressed. She was warming up. Then we drove 2 hours to Ottawa to test drive a Model Y. The sales guy was great. He put us in a performance MY, set it for sport mode and told us to go see what it could do. I think she peed a little when I punched it down on a straight stretch. Then she drove it and she was hooked. I ordered it that night. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement in the original thread from about 3 months ago. I would link it here if I knew more about reddit. The Model Y should arrive around Sept and hopefully the CT will be here early next year and it will be so long ICE vehicles for us.
I love 1 and 2, will I like 3!?
I love the first two entries, will I like the third one!? Is it any good? I see it on sale on PS4! Thanks
Convicting someone of the death penalty is nuts giving them a way out of their punishment, life in prison is a far worse sentence.
When someone who commits a horrendous crime is given the death penalty it just makes me so upset because they are getting an easy way out of life and dealing with the consequences of their actions. If you’ve seen any documentaries on prison life, you know death row is a special place and inmates get special treatments, and then they just get to die without dealing with the consequences of their actions. Normal good people who struggle with mental health sometimes unfortunately take their lives to escape the pain of dealing with life. So someone who committed such a violet crime shouldn’t be able to be given that luxury to be killed and escape their lives. Life in prison would be a far better and just punishment for the crime.
Will my boogers ever go back to normal?
I'm serious. I've been off heroin (I snorted it if that wasn't apparent) 3ish weeks and going to the methadone clinic. I know what the opinion is about that but this is about my extremely fucked up boogies. I snorted everything in my left nostril and it made my boogers super sticky and I can smell the fuckers when they are in my nose and they are an absolute pain in the ass to dig out and off of my nose piercing. They literally feel like sticky ass dried glue. No I am not joking. It's not a huge deal but it does get on my nerves and I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced heroin boogies. (Nothing is wrong with my sinuses thankfully, the little cartilage membrane bit is obviously a little scarred up from my illicit substance use for so damn long but that's the extent of the damage)
34m 29f seeking kinky night
Illinois couple looking for a third or other couple to have some fun with! ;) I'm a 29f hers a 34m. Neither of us ha e done this before but I have been interested for awhile. Message me to chat and arrange a meeting! Looking to hookup anytime this weekend or next week