Reddit, What's your worst breakup story?
I have a friend who was going to propose to his girlfriend in March and she just left him for her ex. I've never seen him like this and it jut got me wondering about you guys/gals.
How can I find out what a girl likes?
Hi Reddit, Longtime /r/ra lurker here, but now I have a question of my own :) I have been dating this girl for a while now (we are both in our mid-20), but just casual and nothing very intimate yet. I think I want to ask if she wants to be my "girlfriend" on our next date (or is it too soon?). But my main question is that I want to get/send her something for Valentine's day to express that I like her.. I was thinking about flowers, but i'm not sure if she likes flowers.. I got her flowers once before but she never actually told me she liked them, just said thanks.. :) How can I find out what she really likes without being to obvious? How would you ask these questions? And if i don't find out, do you think a call or a text message on v-day will suffice?
She likes it rough, I'm not used to it so what do i do?
I have a girlfriend and we been together for a month almost. anyways, she likes the pulling the hair, the biting, the dirty talk and rough sex, role playing. however, i'm used to the more 'traditional' sex shit, you know missionary, doggy style, and whatever and thats it. I really like this girl and she really likes me. I'm very interested in her and i want to be able to do these kinky and dirty things but its new to me. Any ideas of how to act and what to do? please reddit this would help thank you. also she is aware of how i am not used to it but i told her i'm very interested in this but my previous girlfriends have not been so into it. Basically, i'm a nube with this and any advise would help! thanks reddit.
After spending time talking with Muslim apologists on YouTube, I'm starting to genuinely hate Islam.
I know it's not the "done" thing to be openly hostile towards Islam, that at some point our culture decided that the best way to deal with an ideology that is diametrically opposed to our notions of freedom of speech, life and liberty was to never say anything to it that may be mildly upsetting. But I've found Muslim apologists to be on the whole far more obnoxious, illogical and hateful than their Christian counterparts. Perhaps a lifetime of hearing the same diatribe of nonsense from Christians has immunised me to it, and to hear Islam is like learning to deal with a pain in your left leg only for the pain to appear in your right. Sure it's the same pain except in a different place, but it's still a pain in the ass you don't want to have to deal with. They are overtly dismissive and unresponsive to criticism. They outright declare any forms of deviancy from expected ideas of Islamic thinking as automatically invalid. The advocacy of the prospect of Islam conquering the world and Muslim's becoming the Master Race both disturbs me and makes me enraged to my very core. Acceptance is one thing but when a group of people is actively making it clear that they are rubbing their hands in glee at the real-life prospect of complete control over their fellow human beings, well that ticks me off a little bit. I can throw away concepts like Evangelicals waiting for the Rapture because I know it's nonsense. But when someone talks about having direct control over the world like some kind of gaggle of Bond-villains, all the while practically wallowing in their own sense of superiority, even the most open-parts of my mind want to shut themselves off faster than an Anderson shelter in an air-raid. Nothing in Islam is appealing to me, the Quran is filled with contracted rants about the glory of Allah and the sub-human nature of non-believers. I don't want to hate this religion, I realise that there is cultural and historical significance in the expansive Islamic culture. But as it stands every Muslim I have spoken to has made me despise Islam more and more until I'm now at a point where I can no longer contain my anger at their practices and thoughts. So does this have a point? Not really, I suppose most of you will be vicious and thorough in your demolition of my position. Such is par for the course on this website. But I just wanted to put it out there for you all to comment on; I hate Islam, and it's Muslims who are to blame. Not through terrorism or anything like that, just by making their religious faith seem like a cancer of the mind. EDIT: I'll clarify that I do have a number of Islamic friends. The anonymity of the Internet therefore gives me something of a condensed, Islamic-based presentation of these people I encounter. So if I'm raging against anything it's the part of these people that could be considered Islamic. I'm not saying "All Muslims are assholes", I'm primarily against the Islamic mindset.
My dog's cherry eye is bleeding - need advice. :(
I have a three month old bulldog puppy. Over the weekend his left eye became very red and swollen. I brought him to the vet today and they told me that he has cherry eye and that they'll operate on it in two months when they neuter him. In the mean time, they gave antibiotics to put on it. Tonight though, he was playing with our (full-grown) Pugs and his eye is now bleeding. Does anything have experience with this? Is it a normal symptom of cherry eye? Thanks!!
Reddit, what's your favorite drink?
Mine's rum&coke. Bonus point's if it's made with cruzan black strap rum. There's somethin about a good rum an coke. Simple, elegant, smooth. Packs quite a punch, too. The runner up is a white russian, of course. The only reason it's not number 1 is that it requires three liquids. I'm a minimalist xD
Is it so hard for Reddit to actually have a search engine that works ?
Every time I try to search for something i get the following error: "Our search machines are under too much load to handle your request right now. :( Sorry for the inconvenience."
Is anyone else with a decent pc and video card having framerate issues with Bad Company 2 Beta?
I am running what I thought to be a top of the line PC and video card (from about 1.5 years ago) capable of running almost every game up until now at near max settings and 1920x1200 resolution, yet I am sitting around 20-38 frames per second in this game on low settings at 1680x1050 with DirectX 9 forced and the "+fullproc" option turned on. I fully expected to be able to run this game with at least minimal settings and retain a great framerate, but now find myself having to fight the urge to do yet another upgrade to my PC in order to run what I think will be a great game. Should I just chalk it up to beta blues?
How do you productively kill time?
So recently I have had a lot of free time on my hands, but don't really want to completely waste it all playing flash games or staring at the floor. Any suggestions as how to waste time without turning my brain to mush? Maybe a self-improvement project or a new hobby (something a little more worthwhile than seeing how long I can hold my breath)? How do you spend free time without wasting it? I've been doing things like reading and watching TED talks, but there's only so much of that I can do in a day...
Advice: Go for it. You miss 100% of the shots you never take.
/r/relationship_advice is swamped with comments from geeks who are afraid of doing the wrong thing, of potentially making a mistake, or of getting rejected. Guess what, kids? You're all human, and you all will make mistakes. You will get rejected. It's going to happen. Even if you bat .406 like the great Ted Williams, that's still .594 you're not on base. Hank Aaron was the home run king for years, but also led the league in strikeouts. Instead of trying to avoid the rain and thus staying home, go out and live life and know that sometimes it rains out, and if it does rain, so what? Eventually it stops. So go ahead and ask that girl out. Say hi to that cute barista. Tell your boyfriend you want to do something kinky. The worst they can do is say "no." The alternative is years later saying "if only I'd done X." Now get off Reddit, go make the move, and tell us how it worked out. xoxo, Andy
Can someone Please tell me what this is?
I was sitting in art history one day pondering communication and I started drawing lines of bi-lateral conversation. My theory went as follows... If there is one person there are 0 possibilities for conversation. If there are 2 people then there is one possibility. If there are three people there are 3 possible bi-lateral conversations. People=Conversations 1=0 2=1 3=3 4=6 Sooo here is what a drew up and my math for finding out how many single bi-lateral conversations can exist in a room full of x amount of people. This one shows the math behind it the best. Here I went a little crazy with having a lot of people. On this one I just went mad. Can someone tell me what this is called? I know some one before me has created something similar to this. *edit* I apologize for my grammar mistakes. *edit* Thank you all a ton. This sat in my notebook for a whole year burning my subconscious.
i came rather close to making a fake account to post this.
so, long story short, my wife and i were drunk one day back last july. i heard this awesome track on a bizarre cd and decided it needed to hurt. ever since, i've been dutifully adding a few bars whenever i could to extract the maximum possible sonic hullaballoo and requisite ear bleedery, and i think i'm there. please note: this audio is, by no means, meant to be taken seriously or orally. also please note: i guess i technically wrote zero music during the "creation" of this "song." this is by no means my standard style, what with the taking pre-existing music and simply making it less audible and stuff. fair warning: amen break ahoy. bpm: 210 genre: ragtimecore? djabacus is truly ashamed to present: with apologies to JRM. [edit] well good morning reddit. a few folks have asked for a downloadable mp3. for some perverse reason, the internet gods have seen fit to allow me carry out this task. point your html-rendering-browser-thingy at and laugh at my inability to make websites, then look in the middle frame for the link to the track. should be the first link on the page, actually.
Hey reddit, it's time to move on to an open standard. Opt-in to the HTML5 betas now.
I'm getting pretty tired of Flash crashing. It's a proprietary platform and as Steve Jobs put it, Adobe is too lazy to do anything. I think it's time to move on. For YouTube, all you need to do is go to and click on "Join the HTML5 Beta". In Vimeo, you click on the link in the bottom, and voila, video will no longer be in Flash. There are [some more detailed instructions here, if needed. Let's get rid of Flash together!
The secret to starting a chess board:
Now, I'm not sure if this is proper, or if I'm doing something redundant, but, it's what I did to get it started: Edit: Okay, **hgg**'s is *much* better. β™œ | β™ž | ♝ | β™› | β™š | ♝ | β™ž | β™œ ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ β™– | β™˜ | β™— | β™• | β™” | β™— | β™˜ | β™– **Copy and paste:** β™œ | β™ž | ♝ | β™› | β™š | ♝ | β™ž | β™œ ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ β™– | β™˜ | β™— | β™• | β™” | β™— | β™˜ | β™– You can copy and paste that and get your own chess board. I don't know of an easy way to change the pieces after that, except being persistent. ==
Dear Reddit, what's the meanest thing you've done to the opposite sex after sex?
I just wrote this in response to another reddit, I think this was pretty awful to the girl. What have other people done?
Sorry for sounding ignorant, but how would I get text to appear in a specific place on a web page?
Let's say I want to have my text "You have won an internet" to appear 110 pixels from the top and 210 pixels from the side. How can this be accomplished with HTML and CSS? A bit more technical: If the website were to be displayed on a screen with a larger resolution, I'm assuming that all the text and graphics would be out of place. How do the professionals keep this from happening? Also, would there be any further tutorials or resources that I can be directed to pertaining to this topic?
Hey /r/Music! Is anybody else as stoked as I am at the new music coming out of SWEDEN?
Specifically: * JJ * El Perro Del Mar * The Tallest Man On Earth * Taken By Trees * Robyn * Peter Bjorn and John * Fever Ray]( / [The Knife * Jens Lekman * Loney,Dear And of course, the classic Swedish bands are not to be forgotten: ABBA, Roxette, The Cardigans, The Concretes, Europe, Ace Of Base GO SWEDEN!
I am trying to start a small business and I need some educational resources :)
I don't really know where to start... Are there any (free) websites that have information about starting a business? Are there some helpful tips any of you brilliant redditors have?
Who else LOOOOOVES mobile phone companies?!!!!
I received this e-mail today: "Dear Valued Client, IMPORTANT CHANGES TO LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE RATES Please note that on March 4th, 2010, the monthly fee for Call Canada 30, Nationwide 30, North America 35, or Unlimited Web, Email and Instant Messaging will increase by $5. We recognize that you have a choice for your wireless services and we thank you for choosing TELUS. Sincerely, Dan Golberg Vice President, Client Loyalty & Retention" Blargh!! My contract is up in under a year. I will be switching providers. Do any of you have suggestions as to which company to switch to? (In Canada). I am interested in WIND's ideals.
This polar bear is PISSED.
This is the original University of Alaska-Fairbanks Hockey intro video. They have a new one here, but I think this one is even better. Someone pissed this bear off and he is out to fuck everyone up.
What is the best thing you've said after sex? [Most likely NSFW]
My girlfriend is a little older than me (29 vs my 22). I love her to death. The other night after a particularly good session in bed, I just to had to say it. "Hey honey, you know the best thing about having sex with 29 year olds?" What's yours? EDIT: To eliminate confusion, the answer is "There's twenty of them."
Why I'm not dead yet: my confessions
I'm just 26 but still I've seen quite a lot of persons who chose suicide. I even saw people who chose to deliberately get into an accident with a truck, making sure they will die in the accident. Maybe I refused to admit it, but all those years of emotional abuse, during my childhood created psychological trauma. I grew up as if I didn't exist and I did fell like a ghost sometimes. I'm not posting here to complain about my past or anything, I just hope I will be able to encourage people. I had countless moments where I fell it would be easier to just give up and die. When I was 20, I just wanted to be "normal", I tried therapy and I read theory as if knowing the theory would be enough to heal myself. Then, I became comfortably numb again for more than 5 years. I refused to try anything that could improve my situation because I was tired of all my past failure. I switched from one college degree to another for too long and then, I ended up in graphic design simply because I was too tired to do anything else and I couldn't even believe I could do something involving anything more than this. Then, last year I saw a glimmer of hope because I finally realized I was able to help people through volunteer work (suicide hotline). All my hopes were bases on the assumption that I would start a bachelor degree in social work but then, I failed again and I ended up looking for jobs. I had a series of failures while I was looking for a new job too. I worked for one weeks then I was told I had a lack of self confidence and things would have to change if I wanted to keep that job. I just told them I wanted to leave because I thought I couldn't fit in there and anyway, I wouldn't want to stay in an office job. They agreed and I got back on unemployment insurance but I just fell like a total retard trying desperately to do something good of his life. I was so desperate that I can't remember how often I thought of suicide. There was just one thing keeping me alive, I wanted to go all the way through the end of my suffering and I wanted sweet revenge on those who caused emotionals abuse when I was young. Those things are still the main driving force pushing me and allowing me to believe I can still try something even if I sent countless number of curriculum vitae with no answer and those few times, I got an interview, I didn't receive any positive feedback. I also had a discussion with my mother and I just found out she had to go through the same suffering 16 years ago. I couldn't believe what she told me, she had a plan with a precise way to do it, all because of the same stupid sect which caused so much pain in my family.
This morning, the State of New York asked me to serve as a juror for the trial of a man accused of several non-violent drug possession charges. In an attempt to be honest, I told the court why that might be a bad idea ...
So I was summoned for jury duty this morning, and when the lot of us got into the courtroom, the charges against the defendant were read, and, while complicated and filled with legalese, amounted to several drug possession charges. No robbery, no assault, no violence, no intent to sell (as far as I could tell). Generally, I have no aversion to jury duty - I served as a juror in a weapons possession trial several years ago, and found it quite interesting, if not tedious at times. Being an engineer, I relished the chance to apply my analytical abilities to a non-technical problem. But when I heard the charges read in this case, I knew I could not in good conscience ever vote to convict this defendant. See, I'm one of those folks who opposes the War on Drugs. I see it not as an attempt to limit the use of dangerous substances, but rather an attempt to jail as many poor people as possible while employing as many law enforcement personnel as possible. Taking a cue from the writing staff of The Wire (see this article: ), I decided a couple of years ago that I would never vote to convict a defendant of non-violent drug-related charges if asked to serve on such a jury. When the court read the charges today, I wondered: Would the prosecutor even think to ask if I had moral objections to drug laws? I doubted it. Eventually, the judge said that anyone who had issues that might impede them from being an impartial juror in the case (like knowing the defendant, for example) should approach the bench and explain their issue. So I did. I politely told the judge that I felt the War on Drugs as carried out in America is morally wrong, and that I had vowed some time ago to engage in jury nullification if asked to serve on a jury for a trial involving only non-violent drug possession charges. The judge smiled, thanked me for my honesty, and excused me. Could I have had a greater impact by hiding my beliefs, getting on the jury, and hanging it (or convincing the jury to acquit)? Probably. But that seemed really dishonest to me; the court wanted impartial jurors, and I clearly didn't fit that bill in this case. Will the defendant be convicted anyway? Maybe. But I won't have played an active role in doing so, and that's what matters most to me. I'm sure some will think otherwise, but I'm not posting this because I want some silly, meaningless recognition from the denizens of my favorite news aggregation site. Rather, I simply want other Redditors who feel the same way I do about the drug war to know that this avenue of protest (if you could call it that) is open to them. I was not arrested, intimidated, or scorned in any way. I was not accused of shirking my civic duty, nor cajoled to reconsider. I genuinely felt that my opinion was respected. That being said, hopefully someday I'll get to serve on a jury again, when the defendant is accused of a genuine crime. EDIT: Thanks for all the insightful replies. It's clear to me now that I should have stuck around for voir dire, if only to get the chance to air my opinion in front of the entire jury pool in the hopes of tainting it. (*creates new file in mental Life Lesson directory*) EDIT2: Just to be clear, I was never on the jury. I was in a pool of about 150 potential jurors for a case needing 12 (+ 2 alternates). During selection, randomly drawn groups of 14 people are questioned by the attorneys, who can object to any potential juror for any reason (except race / ethnicity, etc.), stated or otherwise. Once enough jurors have been seated, selection ends, and the other potential jurors are dismissed. Therefore, not every potential juror is questioned.
Can we create a frame option to display the original title of the Redditor's post on the link in a new tab?
Sorry if this isn't the write place to ask this. Is it possible / can it be made possible to have the new tab I open up links posted by Redditors display the original title of the post of the link? It's no fun opening up ten different images or links and then forgetting what the Redditor titled it--often the link's punch line or clincher. Does anyone else feel the way or have solutions to improve this?
Fellow Redditors, how do I tell my parents I am leaving the Mormon church?
I am an 18 year old (currently) Mormon male attending BYU, and I don't believe it's true any more. Looking at everything through a non-biased viewpoint, it's hard to believe I lasted this long in this sea of nonsense. And here comes the hard part. I somehow have to tell my hardcore, lifelong Mormon parents. I called my mom today, and she told me how excited she was that my mission was coming up, and how she hoped I would go to Germany, where her mom was from, and all the preparations we would go through, and how proud she was, and I almost started crying. Hopefully sometime this month she'll be coming up to visit me, but I don't know what I'm gonna do then. Reddit, you are my entire social life, and most of the rest of my life too, so tell me, what am I supposed to do here? Update: So, during that phone call I told you about, I briefly mentioned in passing that there was something I wanted to tell her in person. Apparently, her imagination got the better of her and she just called me begging to know what it was. I just did it. Hardest thing I've ever done. My hands are still shaking. That was a conversation full of long awkward pauses. The worst part was near the end, I could hear her crack and start crying. Thanks everyone for all the advice but damn, this sucks. And by the way, my real account is TheTwilightPrince. Now that I've done it I might as well let everyone know.
I was kidnapped in Thailand on 01/01/2010, AMA.
At the Full Moon Party in Ko Phangan I was clubbed on the head and taken by Ferry to the mainland where I was driven south towards Hat Yai. I lost my short term memory from that evening and from the previous 4 days but have managed to recover certain parts of it. The last memory I had was half waking up in a fan and not being able to move my arms. Scarring on my wrist makes me think they were bound. The next memory was running through dense forest. The memory is very sparse but after the running it was walking for several hours along the main road. I had only a pair of footy shorts on. Once in Hat Yai I focused on getting some food and some clothes and through the good will of local Thai people I was able to get 100 baht (3 AUD) to buy some food to eat. I then began walking to the airport where I could speak to someone who spoke some English. I was very dazed and confused and this seemed like the best option. I ended up going to the tourist police station who then contacted my hotel. The hotel manager was friends with the chief of police who pulled some strings to have me shipped back to Samui. I got back to my hotel on the 3rd of Jan wearing some clothes for someone half my age with a scar on my wrist and on my knuckle. Edit: This is my path of travel. Pink is where I left and walked\ran to a main road and hitched a ride. Also, according to the police chief at least 8 people were unaccounted for after the party.
Where do you keep your private "stuff" on your computer?
I used to keep my porn in C:\Windows\Norp but got lazy now it's just C:\users\me\Contacts. Easy to get to but no one ever looks in there.
A "stomp" style performance from my high school talent show
Last year my friends and I put together a musical/drumming group called Street Symphony, based off of acts such as "Stomp" and other street performers. We've performed about a dozen times, mainly for school, but we've also played at club-hosted events. Here's a video of our latest show. Hope you guys enjoy it! Any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated. We are just amateurs after all.
Reddit, have any of you ever had a sexual encounter with any professor/assistant prof./tutor/etc in school?
I ask because I have found myself extremely attracted to a teacher's assistant I have this year at a university I currently attend. I'm a 19 year old female and he's about 24 or 25. I'm not sure why exactly I'm so turned on by the thought of us having sex, but I REALLY want to make it happen. I figured I'd come to reddit to ask if any of you have been in my position before (or any males who have been in his position!) or even know any basic policies universities adopt to either discourage or prohibit this kind of thing. Are there any? Am I totally off-base here? Regardless, I'd love to here some stories if any of you have any!
How can I get over my fear of studying abroad?
I'm looking into a study-abroad program for the summer in Tokyo. I am a Japanese major, and so this would be a perfect thing for me to sign up for. The problem is, the concept of being on my own in Japan for 6 weeks terrifies me. I want to do it, but I also don't want to be terrified and miserable the entire time I'm there. I was in Japan for 2 weeks in 2006 through a brief exchange program, and that was the longest that I've ever been away from home. I'm a junior in college who stll lives with his parents, so that's at least part of the problem.
I am reformatting my laptop for the first time tomorrow. What is the best way to organize my data?
Hello Reddit, I will be reformatting tomorrow and I am curious if you have any tips on how to better organize my data. Has there been any methods that you have learned that made a difference in storing your media/documents? Cheers!
My roommate deleted my 10 page paper, stole $25, and tried to hook up with my girlfriend. It's payback time.
My roommate and I have not been getting along recently. We started the year off well, but now he has ruined our relationship by being a disrespectful jerk. I can't explain what changed between us, but ever since we returned to school from winter break, he has been a completely different person. He deleted a 10 page paper I had spent a week working on, stole $25 dollars from my personal drawer, and tried to hit on my girlfriend. Enough is enough. So Reddit, I am asking you to give me advice on how I can get this punk back. I am looking for any suggestions, big or small. I'll be sure to post any pics of the outcome.
I have a question about how our body absorbs Vitamin D - The Sunlight Vitamin.
Is vitamin D absorbed through our eyes, or skin? I ask because of seasonal affected disorder in the winter when there is less sun. Do we absorb it through our eyes (which leaves me wondering about blind people) or do we absorb it through our skin (considering how many more clothes we wear in the winter, our skin is less exposed). thanks
Oh God? Religion. I want to learn.
I am aware that there is a religion subreddit, but it's a bit overwhelming. I want to learn more about other religions. I'm looking for books (not the Bible) that talk about other religions, web links that help me see other people's perspectives....any solid resource. Any good suggestions?
I'm just getting a giant "PFFFTTCHCHC" face guy in the entire browser when going to the fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu subreddit. What's going on?
EDIT: The rest of the page doesn't even appear. Screenshot: EDIT2: For all you smart-ass commenters: D:< FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU EDIT3: Seems to be fixed, although the reddit logo is a bit wonky. FINAL EDIT: Back to normal!
Are there any good small lenses for indoor sports?
Hey All, I'm heading to the winter olympics for a few days and am going to see some hockey and speed skating. I have a canon 40d and closest thing to a lens I'd want to bring that I own right now is the 28-135mm canon lens that came with it. The thing is I don't want some big bulky lens that's going to be in the way, especially since I'll have to carry it all day. Unfortunately I don't know where I'll be sitting yet which also makes it hard to know what I need :( I'm almost thinking of just buying a point and shoot instead to keep things simple and light.
So something awesome just happened.
I am broke and dry, and I really just wanted to get high. So I began the frantic search for fallen weed, and decided to look in my car. I often smoke in my car with friends when at parties and what not, so there are not 30 heads on one bowl. So I get my flashlight and start looking on the floor to find a beautiful little bud! It was about enough for a large bowl pack, but it was good. If I didnt find that it could have gotten me arrested, but instead it got me high. That made my day, just thought I would share.
Open internet debate... the trolls are fighting back!!
I have been engaging an obvious telecom shill on the openinternet.gov discussion forum. Unfortunately even though most of my arguments are somewhat sound IMHO, I am afraid I am being troll-baited. Does anyone else want to take a stab and/or see what is being discussed? Edit: A link would definitely be helpful! Here That is just one example. First time posting at all, sorry if I broke any of the rules.
Looking for good singer/songwriter or acoustic albums.
Lately I've been listening to a lot of Michael Hedges, Nick Drake, and Andy McKee. I'm looking for some other artists to check out.
Can I get a psychiatrist's opinion? Or anyone familiar with mental health.
Do you think it is possible to be depressed(and unaware of it) for so long that you become accustomed to it and learn to cope with living in a depressed perception of reality? The world seems so plain and boring to me, but it's not, it's huge and there are unlimited things to interact with in it. So basically I think that I am normal -> I think the world sucks -> the world sucks(because that's how I perceive it.) The reality of it is - I am depressed >ROADBLOCK DO NOT PROCEED< the world is great and I am happy The roadblock is the depressed state of mind preventing me from perceiving the normal reality, and the fact that I think I am normal is preventing me from denying this sucky 'reality' which sustains my depressed state of mind. Does this make sense? Is it possible to be depressed for so long that you are convinced that depressed = normal? >Also, another thing to add on; How large of an effect can depression have on the way you feel about life? In additionnnnn, when I say accustomed to it I mean that I don't typically appear to be depressed, like I am able to enjoy myself semi-frequently, and I desire to do things.
Thoughts or advice on the Inca Trail in Peru
Hey guys i am hiking the inca trail at the end of June this summer. Has anyone done it and want to share any advice or anything? How is the weather at that time. Is it a tough hike and should a i do a lot of conditioning beforehand? how heavy did you pack? Any advice or other recommendations on what to do would be great, thanks.
Have you ever worked your ass off for something only to be severely disappointed by the results?
I recently studied my ass off for our first big biology test of the semester and thought I was going to go in and ace it. We got our tests back and I was all excited but then I saw a big fat D on my paper. Kinda ruined my week. Yours doesn't have to be test related, I'm just wondering what other people's experiences with disappointment are.
Sounds like Apples tablet sucks, so which one is worth getting?
Okay, so I understand tablets have been around a long time and everyone is now jumping on the band wagon because of Apple but I agree with atara_x_ia on how improvements have made it a more commercially viable technology. bageloid's comment on the awesomeness of OneNoted and its ability to voice record while linking with the notes you are taking pretty much sold me on the idea the rest of the way. That said, I plan on buying by this August and am wondering what my fellow redditors think about those currently available or those scheduled for release between now and then. With Apples launch should I wait for some new competition to come to market or would now be just as good a time as any to buy?
I dated a Craig's List sex worker. AMA
We dated for nearly two years; she was doing this for about the first month that we dated. All in all, I think she did it sporadically for about a year.
Videos of Dextrophobia; The latest rock band that kicks your ass.
Dextrophobia, San Antonio based Rock. We're missing one member (trumpet) in these videos. #/pages/Dextrophobia/213833863961?v=app_2392950137
Is it too much of s stretch to have faith in both God and science?
I'm an agnostic theist and find it completely rational to believe that there can be a being greater than myself on some other plane of existence. I don't know about you, but if I were the all powerful creator of the universe I wouldn't limit myself to my own rules (i.e. science). I whole-heartedly believe in science as well, the earth is 6,000 years old? Don't make me laugh. I'm just trying to say that both God and science can coexist, separate from each other.
Did Anybody Else's parents get divorced at a young age, screwing you up for life?
From minor things like being too busy fighting to care about you enough to make you brush your teeth regularly, resulting in yellow disgusting teeth. To major things like fear of conflict, and fear of everything that could cause conflict (Stating your opinion or showing emotion). Also very self-conscious and Social Anxiety. Fear of change. Depression. Narcissism. Well, I guess I have to thank them for the nice house I lived in. Oh, no wait, I had a nice house when they were married, then they sold it and bought two pieces of shit for themselves. Well, they did feed me, I'll give them that. Thanks Parents! Edit: Just a little tidbit, I have been through *really* bad physical pain before, most likely more than a good percentage of you have. Yet, I have to say, what's worse than that, is the emotional pain and scar of never being loved as a child.
Hey guys. I want to write music for iPhone apps and I'll do it for free. Any takers? (samples inside)
Cell Phone Symphony is a song I created using *only* a recording of my old phone receiving a text message. I'll Never Stop and Think is a song I created using *only* sounds from my voice and/or body. Atlantic Prelude is a psuedo-classical song I wrote on the piano. Let me know if you're interested or if you have any tips. Thanks!
Protecting myself getting into a marriage (Ontario) ?
I keep hearing about people getting divorces around me and the whole pain of it. I'm **not** going to get married soon but I'd like to be well-informed about this whole business. Some tips, advice based on personal experience, references, books to read...etc to consult before getting married so I don't get screwed later. The only thing I know about right now is *prenups* but that too can get messy. I have a well paying job, a car, no house, and money in the bank. I want to make sure I'm in the best position and power (mainly financially, but also legally... etc) getting into the marriage and in the eventuality of a divorce. Also advice like when it's better to buy a house (before/after marriage).. that sort of thing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like this kind of info. I live in Ontario, Canada . Hopefully this is the right subreddit to ask.
Ok reddit, come through for me. I need a gift idea.
My son is turning 14 and I need gift advice. He has all the video and computer games that he needs... so I need something else, but I'm at a loss.
What are some of your favorite audio books?
I haven't had a chance to listen to many, but I am curious to hear what you guys will come up with. edit: what distinguishes it from it's page-bound counterpart? (great voice acting, authors commentary, better insight into the characters via intonation)
IAmA 2nd Year Law Student at a Top Tier Law School and I Can't Find A Job That Pays Over $10 an Hour.
This sucks because in college I tutored economics and made $20 an hour and I loved the work. I understand that in a year when I pass the bar my value to society goes up, but there are unpaid internships that are turning me down left and right. I am in the top third of my class and have good credentials. I am going through all this and it would be nice to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Stop exploiting America's fragile race relations in order to make your point
I just finished reading this despicable thread It's obvious to any astute observer that throughout most of that thread, many of you were using "religious" as a codeword for "nigger". Just take a look at this map Is it just a co-incidence that you've singled out America's blackest states for condemnation? Blaming African Americans for their poverty, crime rates and their low IQ scores taken from culturally biased tests is like blaming an innocent woman for being raped.
Hey Reddit: What is the best publishing websites out there?
I'm currently on Lulu but I'm not sure if it's good compared to others or if Self Publishing the approach to go at all.
MAPS Conference in April, Sasha and Ann Shulgin will be there. Details within.
Subj: Psychedelic Science Conference, April 15-18, 2010 Greetings, The following message comes from Rick Doblin, Ph.D., NORML Board Member and Founder and Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (www.maps.org) Dear NORML Members and Friends, I would like to invite you to attend Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century, (www.maps.org/conference), April 15-18, 2010, in San Jose, California, with a $50 discount for NORML supporters. This is the largest conference dedicated to psychedelics to take place in the U.S. in 17 years. The conference will feature presenters from around the world. Ironically, there is a global renaissance in psychedelic research while medical marijuana research is still being blocked. (www.maps.org/mmj/) Among dozens of world renowned presenters are: -Stanislav Grof, M.D., co-founder of transpersonal psychology -Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., consciousness researcher & student of Timothy Leary and Ram Dass -David Nichols, Ph.D., medicinal chemist and pharmacologist, LSD researcher -Franz Vollenweider, M.D., Swiss neuroscientist -Alex and Allyson Grey, visionary artists -Earth and Fire Erowid, Founders of erowid.org, the greatest online resource about psychoactive substances -Michael Mithoefer, M.D., psychiatrist who conducted MAPS’ MDMA/PTSD study One of the most exciting parts of the event will be a banquet to honor psychedelic luminaries, the godfather and godmother of MDMA, authors of TIHKAL and PIHKAL, Sasha and Ann Shulgin. Tickets for the benefit dinner are limited and are likely to sell out. The conference is scheduled to take place simultaneously with the Patients Out of Time medical marijuana conference in Rhode Island. Integrative medicine proponent Andrew Weil, M.D. will speak by video link to both events. I hope that you will join all of the amazing people attending the event. Medical doctors, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals can earn continuing education credits at the conference. For more information or to register, visit www.maps.org/conference or call MAPS at (831) 429-MDMA (6362). There is a $50 discount on the registration fee for MAPS members that we are extending to NORML supporters. Just indicate on our registration page that you are a NORML supporter and heard about this offer from the NORML listserve. Psychedelically yours, Rick Doblin, Ph.D. NORML Board Member Founder and Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies www.maps.org
........ soreness (possible NSFW)
my current/only gf has a tendency to get sore within 30 minutes of penetration, we always she is well lubricated when we start but eventually she tells me to stop because I'm causing her pain, after which we don't have intercourse in a couple of days because she still sore ...is this natural?
How well does your e-reader handle PDFs?
I have a metric shit-ton of PDFs on my computer that I would love to read but never do (who wants to read a 400+page book on a laptop screen? Not I!) I'm considering getting an e-reader, but I'm concerned about how well the small ones will handle PDFs... the Kindle DX is still very expensive and I don't foresee any cheaper 9"+ readers on the market any time soon. Thoughts?
Just got my first drum set, where to from here?
Sorry to post such a lame question. I just got my first drum set off craigslist (sweet sparkly blue kit from the 60's), I'm 40 and have the house to myself for 2 hrs a day. I'm wondering if anyone had good suggestions for instructional websites. I've been reading some posts here and I plan on learning some James Brown, stat! Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Again, if my lame post has offended, please accept my appologies.
What's the nastiest medical condition you've ever had?
I had a staph infection on my taint through the entire summer about 7 years ago. It was quite purulent and oozy.
What does anyone know about the effects of eating mangoes & smoking bud?
I've done my own research on it via the internet before & everything I've seen basically states to eat the mango about a 45 minutes or an hour prior to smoking so the myrcene mixes with the plasma of your blood or something? Can anyone verify this or give more detailed information?
Software for importing texts from phone?
Hey reddit, I posted this yesterday in /r/software, but it looks like it got hit by the spam filter. I was wondering if anyone had some advice as to importing the contents of the inbox and saved messages of a regular Nokia phone. I use mine to jot down a lot of ideas when I typically don't have a notebook handy, so I'd like a preferably free method of transferring all of those files onto my desktop. I use a non-smartphone, and I have a Bluetooth connection which I use to transfer regularly.
Does /r/snowboarding have any tips on spinning?
I've been hitting the slopes pretty regularly and have even taken some professional lessons to the point where I can slide any rail and clear 30 foot jumps but have yet to conquer spinning. To those of you that know how to spin, would you mind throwing out some tips?
[meta] Should we create a new submission for each game?
I assume that would be the rule, but I don't think I've seen it stated anywhere so I'd just like to be clear so I don't misunderstand and mess things up.
Dear Mr Obama: Please tell K-Rudd not to censor our Internet!
The US president is due to visit Australia in late march according to most news sources including the ABC: I know it may not get through to him before then, but if we write/email him in large enough numbers we may just have a chance of getting his attention. Nothing will knock the wind out of the sails of this proposed internet restriction like a scathing review from the president of the USA.
So say, hypothetically, a redditor legally bought a gram of 10x salvia and had never smoked it before...
How should said redditor smoke said product? I've heard to mix it with pot, I've heard to smoke it straight, and then at the same time, how much should one smoke?
I just learned this in my General Relativity class and I thought I'd share.
Sometimes when I'm sitting on a plane I think about this. The closer you are to a gravitational object, the more highly time is dilated (if youre near a black hole, youre time slows down a LOT) So being high up, time should run slower for someone on the ground. But you are also moving at around 500 miles per hours, so special relativity says time should slow down in the plane. So which effect wins? Does time slow down more than a person standing on the earth because of your velocity? or does time speed up in the plane because of their proximity to the surface of the earth? I finally found the answer, which is as follows. The way you can calculate the effect of gravity to first approximation is to just consider an inertial frame on the airplane and let it fall. Due to the equivalence principle, this is the same as letting starting a person at rest and accelerating them away from you and then a second observer accelerates past you (the guy on the ground as you fall). YOu can calculate the speed when that person gets next to the 'falling' inertial observer by 1/2mv^2 = mgh and solving for v. You get about 1000 miles per hour, double the horizontal velocity, so the gravitational effect is twice as strong as the special relativity effect. So in some respect, if you are standing on something higher up than someone else, you are traveling 'faster' than they are, even though both of you are standing still, because youre both in an accelerated frame of reference.
[TOMT] an episode of mst3k
It seemed like the movie was made in like the seventies, and I'm pretty sure there was a bigfoot like creature, they were in an american mountain (appalachian?) setting. There is a scene where their jeep gets stuck in the mud and a girl in camouflage and a red bandanna gets out of the car, and one of the robots says "oh my god, a floating bandanna!"
What's your experience with glitches and hacks in online multiplayers(the worst, the first, the most recent, the enjoyable)?
I am 16 so I haven't encountered so many of them. I remember my online multiplayer experience was Conker: live & reloaded. The game had so many exploits... but they were fun for me, to get killed by them was not so annoying. Sometimes they just suck. The reason I post this is to kill time while the infinite care package glitch in MW2 gets fixed, and I though, hey I wonder how this compares.
Why are my electronics going crazy? I press one button and something else happens...
Both my TV and my DVD player do completely random things when I press a button. Change channel and the menu pops up. Press play on the DVD player and it ejects the DVD, pause it and it fast forwards. Lower the volume, changes the input. It doesn't happen if use the remote, but what's going on? Edit: Started to happen sporadically, but now it's the norm.
Need some advise regarding a potential gun swap I may be trying to set up. (Semi Auto Handguns)
I have a Kimber Eclipse Custom II .45 mo. 1911 about 1200 rounds through it... I've been beginning to take interest in the FN Five-Seven as it has quite a better muzzle velocity and a more unique style... Would this be a potentially fair trade? The kimber is close to 1200 retail new and the FN is close to 900 New. PS: Looking to trade for new. Thanks.
Ask Scotch: Storing your bottles for the long haul.
Hey guys, I've managed to accumulate a pretty sizable collection of single malts and I've got a question for you about storage. I'm afraid that I might be doing harm to the scotch by leaving a half finished bottle on the shelf for months (or even for some by now a year or so) on end. I keep them corked and in the box, so I'm hoping this helps. I've heard conflicting reports about whether they lose any characteristics with age in a bottle that has been opened and resealed. Some say it doesn't make a difference, others say it loses some taste. Any experience with this? I'd hate to think my special dram I leave on the shelf for anniversaries would be going to waste... Also, if there are problems with leaving them sitting around are there any suggestions for keeping special bottles long term? *EDIT: Had to resubmit because I was a moron and left out the title.*
how many cds stacked upon each other would crack a cd, and which one?
So, I have a bunch of cds stacked up on my desk and I was just wondering how many cds stacked on each other would it take to crack one of the cds? And extra credit, which one would it be? EDIT: maybe, you guys can show your work also ... And, I do not actually know the answer.... This is not a science project, just curiosity! EDIT 2: I was also just thinking of how many cd cases it would take to do the same thing! Any new comments?
Weight Gain, Confidence, and Sex
Reddit Readers, I am in a loving, caring, LDR (2.5 years). We're college aged. I'm female. I recently started Oral Contraceptives. One side affect: Minor weight gain. When my boyfriend and I met, I was at my heaviest (120 - 125 lbs.). Please note that I am 5'5", petite yet athletic (muscular) build. Over the course of about a year, I began to take better care of myself and was stable at around 108. Having started taking birth control, I am now at 112 - even though I eat right and go to the gym, and live an extremely hectic/stressful lifestyle. Also note, I struggled with Anorexia for about 2 years in HS. With my new breast growth (I was always fairly flat), and generally less muscle tone, I feel less sexy. I am trying to not let this hinder our sexual life - easy to do on skype dates. However, I am worried that he is going to be disappointed in my body/ I'm going to feel less sexy. Now, he only raves about my body. And I know I am not fat. I just, well, am feeling a bit down about it! Any words of wisdom??
My 7 year old son is suddenly terrified of dying because he doesn't know what will happen to him....
My 7 year old son is suddenly terrified of dying becuase he doesn't know what will happen to him.... I want very much to tell him that he will go to heaven and see all the people he loves, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don;t want to lie to him but I want to comfort him. What in the world do I tell him?
Lets start this r/hiphop thing over and get it going for real!
Check out for the NEW hiphop subreddit. I'll be an active moderator and I wouldn't mind some help. I've got some ideas in store. It'll have the latest hiphop news, mp3s, mixtapes, discussions, etc! I just started it today so lets get it going reddit hiphopheads! I know you guys (and girls) are out there!
What companies have you been laid off by in the 'recent' economic downturn?
It seems that everyday a new company is announcing layoffs. What Redditors have been affected and what company were you at?
My GF of two years just broke up with me.
I don't really know what to do. I can't talk to any of our friends. I have been super depressed and despondent for a long time. I never cry really but now I can't stop. There doesn't seem to be any happy outcome. All I can do to keep from sobbing is think about how I'm going to get her back. I wanted to marry her. I've never been in a relationship nearly this serious before. All I can think of to win her back is to exercise and get really fit because she say's she doesn't find me attractive anymore... What's worse is that she is already trying to move on with some guy she is chatting with online. He lives far away but the thought still hurts a lot. I don't even know if I want her back now. I have health problems that have been plaguing me for years too. I'm pretty much constantly in pain. Since, for the past two years I've been dating her I have pulled away from friends and now I'm completely isolated. Edit: Thanks to all of you and your advice. I forgot to mention that I live with her but she is watching her sisters house for a couple weeks. I am doing the exact opposite of what the general consensus is. I'm planning a large valentines gift to try and get her back. I'm also not been eating much and doing exercise... I threw my cell phone against a wall and I started crying in a few public places. I have a few suicide plans that you'll be happy to know are pretty painless.
First post on reddit so i'll plug my band....in a shameless fashion.
Few recordings from my UK based band on the facebook page (scroll down) and constructive critique welcomed! Facebook page here!
Did Stephen King predict the success of Avatar and the destruction of Haiti in one of his novels?
I'm in the middle of reading King's *Dreamcatcher* and I come across this sentence: "Not just any movie either, but the sort of James Cameron extravaganza where the catering costs alone would amount to enough to feed the people of Haiti for two years." Probably nothing more than weird coincidence, but creepy enough to share. edit: My question is more of a tongue-in-cheek kind, not meant to actually say that Stephens predicted anything. I understand history seems to repeat and echo in weird ways. It was just really eerie how relevant that quote was to today : / any other interesting coincidences out there?
If you're a man, do you open doors or hold them open for women?
I'm fascinated to see your response. I'm 44 and was raised to be polite, and a part of that was opening doors, or holding them open for women. I still do too - for all females I identify as post-adolescent. Most times I am smiled at and get a "thank you". Sometimes not. Recently though I have noticed a lot of men failing to do this, and I wonder if today's boys are being taught about good manners regarding doors. What's *your* behaviour?
Gaming Reddit: What console do you regret selling the most?
For me, (and I'm guessing many people,) it was selling my SNES. I was a kid, and I assumed that every generation was going to be better than the next. The SNES brought about more Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, and newer Mario games. So the PSX and N64 era should be even better! Closely followed by selling my Dreamcast, the platform with the best 2D fighters and the worst controller to try and play them on.
A few more questions from the guy who knows shit all about Gimp...
I have an entire page, its all done except I don't know how to stroke my text bubbles... Erm... I want a pixel thick black line surrounding my text bubble, but i can't figure out how to do it. Also two side questions, any one know a good comic book font? Also If i wanted to do 2d animations what software would i use? Edit: the page is made. Everything is taken care of. Thanks all.
Would you like to play me? I am a n00b
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36 hours in labor. Any similar experiences?
My sister lives in Australia and recently gave birth to a baby boy. This is my first niece/ nephew, and I'm incredibly excited to be an aunt! However the labor was long and difficult and I was wondering if her experience was as all normal. My sister lives in Australia where you have two options when having a baby. You can give birth in a private or a public hospital. My sister decided to go with the public option. When she first went into labor they loaded up and went to the hospital where they were quickly sent home again and told to come back after her contractions became closer together. Thirty six hours, one midline episiotomy and a whole lot of blood later my 9lb 11oz nephew was born: My sister said that no one suggested a C-section to her until after the episiotomy (at which point she said "No thanks, one set of stitches is enough"). So I was wondering if this is at all normal?
Help me out Proggit, I want to learn my first language!
But I don't know which I should learn. I'm not just being lazy, I've tried to do research, but I'd like to hear some advice, preferences, stories and warnings from Reddit! I know this is a broad question and open to preference and interpretation, but I'd like to get a wide analysis of programmers to see what I can do to make a good pick! I'll try to answer any questions, and my friends and I thank you in advance for your help!!
What about circumcision as a mens rights issue?
I was reading the IAMA about foreskin restoration: Have not really thought about circumcision in general. When my son was born we elected not to. Never really thought of it as a traumatic event (I am cut), but apparently it can be. Especially as it can lead to difficulties in the boner department. The irony is that for much of modern history its been other men snipping male babies. How come there is no uproar over this practice?
Where did all the decent stuff, like music videos, go on youtube?
You know, I'm pretty sick of this copyright crap. I used to be able to go on and do a search for a song like, Hurt Feelings by Flight of the Conchords, and immediately watch the full video on youtube. Now I can't find anything decent except user submitted @#$%. Where are you guys going to watch music videos and things worth watching. Sorry I just needed to bitch for a minute
Those of you that make music on the Mac - what are your favorite Audio Units?
I like Automat (subtractive synthesis, free, alphakanal.de]( quite a bit, though I haven't used it recently, and Crystal (subtractive & fm synthesis, free, [greenoak.com
Is Gmail down for anyone else? :O
404 error!!1 EDIT: Actually it's a "This webpage has a redirect loop." error!!1 EDIT: OK, it was just a bug of some kind. Signed in and out at google.com and it's fixed. :3
HAE noticed that the Samoas/Caramel deLites are shockingly smaller this year?
They were always such a wonderfully hefty cookie. Losing a trivial amount of Thin Mint to the wavy outline was one thing. But now Samoas are practically the size of Thin Mints. They are SIGNIFICANTLY tinier, and I do not like it.
I know we are tired of Modern Warfare 2 posts...
...but I was just in a game and a level 1 guy (non-prestige) was running around with a Tactical Knife. Maybe it's my lack of sleep, but how would a lv 1 already have a Tac knife? Edit: I should mention he had lightweight and unlimited sprint.
Hey Twee Subreddit! Let's Make a Mixtape.
I had an idea to make a collaborative mixtape, and then post the mix as a sort of "introduction" to twee on the main music subreddit. My basic idea was to start in 1986 (for no particular reason) and pick 1 song for every two year period to make our mix. So 1 song for 1986-87, one for 88-89 etc. What do you think? If this sounds like fun, start posting ideas!
Ask /r/Buddhism: Do you have any techniques for maintaining proper thought or mindfulness throughout the day?
For example, one technique for inducing lucid dreams is to set one's watch to ding periodically throughout the day. When it goes off, one takes stock of one's situation: Am I dreaming? Am I flying? Are there aliens? Is anything weird or out of place? Do lightswitches work? Am I dreaming? The idea being that this trains the mind to periodically take stock of its situation and that eventually this will happen when sleeping and the response will be, appropriately, "Yes, I am dreaming." Does anybody here use similar techniques to help train themselves towards proper mental action? Self-assessments, games, reminders, one-liners, anything?
Does anyone have any thoughts on art museum ethics?
OL 505: Organizational Ethics Term Research Paper Ethics in Organizations Actual organizations and the ethical dimensions of their decision making processes Institutional codes of conduct, their nature and effectiveness The moral and social impacts that organizations have on their communities 1. What is the process in choosing an exhibit for an Art Museum? 2. Do you ever feel like you cannot fully explore all that available in our community because of the art has to be of the liking to everyone? 3. Do board members ever exclude items that may be considered too risky for the community? 4. Have you ever experienced an incident where an opening was controversial to the community? 5. Have you ever had problems with donors not being pleased with a show because it offended them? 6. Is there a scale or set rules to what is exhibited at the Art Museum? 7. Do you find your community to be accepting to most art? How does your community of art lovers compare to other cities? 8. When selecting items for exhibits have you ever encountered controversy with artists making large donations in order to have their piece in the show? 9. How do you make sure exhibits are diverse and that the museum displays an array of different artists?
San Francisco Bay Area Meet Up
Hi Everyone! Anyone in SF want to meet up? Let's get this thing rolling out here.
Thinking about making a GW chat room
Since I found out about the GW chat rooms, I have been there every night. I love the community even when there is no one going wild. Everyone is friendly and talkative. But one thing I have noticed with tinychat is that it blows, and blows hard. It's laggy and doesn't do a very good job with the cams. So this is where I come to ask you guys. Would anyone support the idea of me and maybe some other people creating a chat room server just for GW? What do you guys think, Flash, Java, Or try to go for HTML5?
Does anyone know of a video player that can play multiple embedded sources simultaneously in one screen?
I want to be able to open multiple embedded links in one player and play them all at once. Please help Reddit, I want an entertainment overload.
Is the recognition of potential downvotes a recognition of the narrow mindedness of reddit?
If reddit is really such a free thinking and intellectual community, why must anyone with a recognizable, unpopular opinion be gun shy?
Update: Things not going quite so well
Psy-kosh was kind enough to check in me with a message a few days ago. I figure I should write an update since my last post. I've felt pretty down a couple of times, including suicide ideation. Nothing immediate. I'm mostly keeping it at, "In three months when my money runs out..." I am starting to worry about my money situation. I'm also feeling extremely frustrated with my incredible disorganization, memory, and attention/focusing problems. It seems I have a lot of ideas for stories or other projects, but I can't actually do them. I'm also worried about applying for jobs because I can't remember my last jobs. I have only vague recollections of what I did. Usually, there are questions ask about specific circumstances... which I can't answer in details (if at all). There are lots of moments I really just feel like giving up. In many ways I already have. When I quit my last job in the middle of last year, I basically did so with the intention of killing myself once I ran out of money.
Hey D.C. redditors, I'm visiting your fine city this weekend. I'm gonna have 78 hours, $200 dollars, and 2 friends. What should I do?
Leaving Boston this Thursday and driving all night, coming back on Sunday. Were looking for cool cheap bars, museums, music, and well.. anything fun! P.S. Sleep is very optional.