Pregnancy is one of the most difficult phases of a woman's life. And every woman expects her man, her companion to be there to sail through it smoothly.
Help Your Pregnant Wife Feel Comfortable
A pregnancy can be a magical thing, even if it's not exactly real. If you want to make a pregnancy test positive for whatever reason, then read on for a way to game the test.
Make a Positive Pregnancy Test
Diarrhea during pregnancy is very common, and can be a sign that labor is near if you’re in your 3rd trimester. Diarrhea can also happen in 1st trimester, because of sudden changes in your body due to sudden dietary alterations, prenatal vitamins, and higher water intake.
Naturally Treat Diarrhea During Pregnancy
A Cesarean section, or C-section, is the surgical birth of a child. The C-section is a major surgery, and healing from one takes longer than healing from a vaginal birth, and requires different techniques.
Heal Faster from a C Section
Pregnancy brings its own set of beauty challenges, especially when it comes to your skin. Along with an influx of pregnancy hormones, your body is changing rapidly and all of it affects your appearance.
Maintain Beauty During Pregnancy
Heartburn is a term used to describe the irritation of the esophagus that results when acid from the stomach is released into the esophagus. Heartburn isn’t a serious problem unless it becomes constant and chronic.
Get Rid of Heartburn when Pregnant
Sexual intercourse with the intention of avoiding a resulting pregnancy requires planning. With family planning skills and contraceptives available to sexually active people today, pregnancy does not need to happen if you are careful and attentive.
Not Get Pregnant
A pelvic ultrasound scan is done or requested by your doctor to help diagnose some trouble you've been having with your uterus, ovaries and/or early pregnancy.
Prepare for a Pelvic Ultrasound
Many couples trying to conceive hope to have twins. Their reasons vary, from ensuring that their child has a close sibling through childhood to simply wanting a large family.
Raise Your Chances of Having Twins
Prepare your body for the most exciting series of changes it will undergo in its life! Taking care of your body and preparing it for pregnancy is not difficult and it leads to a series of habits that should accompany you not only in this period, but for the rest of your life.
Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is an emergency medical condition, in which there is excessive and potentially life-threatening blood loss from the vagina after birth.
Prevent and Treat Postpartum Hemorrhage
Pregnancy is an exciting time for any expectant parent. Expectant moms and dads are flooded with a range of emotions from happy and excited, to overwhelmed and concerned.
Prepare for the Birth of Twins
If your girlfriend tells you she's pregnant, it can be quite a shock. Whether or not you expected the news, you can feel stressed, confused, happy, or all of these at once.
React When Your Girlfriend Tells You She's Pregnant
Recurring bouts of acid reflux (or heartburn) during pregnancy is very common because the higher levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the lower esophageal sphincter to weaken and allow stomach acid to splash into the esophagus.
Prevent Acid Reflux During Pregnancy
One of the more surprising changes in the postpartum periods is sweating. Sweating is caused by all of the hormone changes your body is experiencing.
Reduce Postpartum Sweating
A woman's body endures many changes during the first trimester of pregnancy. These include the introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin, also called the pregnancy hormone, and an increase in estrogen production.
Reduce Nausea During Pregnancy
Many pregnant women experience bouts of fatigue from time to time. You may feel sluggish and tired and your energy levels will be lower than normal.
Reduce Fatigue During Pregnancy
Edema is a medical condition characterized by a buildup of fluid within the tissues. During pregnancy, your body produces more blood and body fluids to sustain your developing baby.
Reduce Edema During Pregnancy
Amniocentesis is a pregnancy test that screens for genetic abnormalities and provides accurate information about the development of the baby. This test involves the removal of a sample of amniotic fluid, which is the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb.
Recover from an Amniocentesis
Preeclampsia is a medical condition that occurs in pregnant women, as a result of high blood pressure and the presence of proteins in urine. It is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention in order to avoid complications.
Reduce Postpartum Preeclampsia
Fever is your body’s normal defense mechanism against infection or injury; however, if it continues for an extended period of time it can have negative impact on you and your unborn baby.
Reduce Fever During Pregnancy
An ultrasound may be performed for a variety of reasons, but looking at a baby in the womb is the most common reason. If you have recently had an ultrasound and you want to know how to interpret the images on your ultrasound, then you may benefit from learning about some of the basics of ultrasound imaging.
Read an Ultrasound Picture
Preeclampsia is a dangerous medical condition that appears in between 5% and 8% of all pregnant women, typically after the twentieth week. Women with preeclampsia develop high blood pressure and high protein levels in their urine, which, if allowed to progress, can cause the potentially fatal seizures and strokes associated with full-blown eclampsia.
Recognize Preeclampsia
HELLP syndrome is a placental disease that occurs during the last three months of the pregnancy. The acronym "HELLP" is an abbreviation of H for Hemolysis of red blood cells; EL for Elevated Level of liver enzymes and LP stand for low number of platelets.
Recognize and Treat HELLP Syndrome in Pregnancy
A small percentage of pregnant women suffer from an incompetent cervix, leaving them at risk for premature birth or miscarriage if left untreated. An incompetent cervix or cervical insufficiency is most frequently diagnosed early on in the second trimester, but can present as late as the beginning of the third trimester.
Prolong a Pregnancy With an Incompetent Cervix
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is an emergency medical condition, in which there is excessive and potentially life-threatening blood loss from the vagina after birth.
Recognize the Signs of a Postpartum Hemorrhage
In the early days of a healthy pregnancy, the fertilized egg moves through your fallopian tube and implants in the uterus. In an ectopic pregnancy, though, the egg implants in another place, usually in a fallopian tube.
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy
Yeast infections are a common complaint among pregnant women. The pH level in the body is very delicate, and during pregnancy, the yeast and acidic levels can easily become imbalanced leading to an overgrowth of yeast.
Prevent Yeast Infections During Pregnancy
While pregnant women often need to urinate more frequently, the physical changes of pregnancy may have other effects upon your urinary tract. Your uterus sits on top of your bladder.
Prevent UTI During Pregnancy
Pregnancy stretch marks are a natural result of the skin around the abdomen stretching out to accommodate a growing belly. They start out as red streaks and turn silvery over time.
Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks
Loose skin is a common complaint among women post-pregnancy. This problem is difficult to avoid completely, but you can take a few precautionary measures to help prevent some of the sagging skin after pregnancy.
Prevent Sagging Skin After Pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy can become an uncomfortable problem, even for women who have never dealt with the condition before. Hormonal changes can relax the valve at the base of your esophagus that typically keeps stomach acids from backing up.
Prevent Heartburn While Pregnant
Pregnancy and childbirth greatly alter the levels of hormones in the body. These changes in hormones can in turn trigger changes in hair growth. [1] During pregnancy, your hair will remain in the growth or transitional stages, so it becomes much thicker with hair that would normally have stopped growing or fallen out.
Prevent Hair Loss after Pregnancy
It's no surprise that your body goes through many changes during pregnancy. You're probably prepared for the morning sickness, hormone changes, and weight gain.
Prevent Swollen Feet During Pregnancy
Blood clots during pregnancy happen most commonly in the veins. Veins carry blood back to the heart from all over the body. The most common type of blood clots that happen during pregnancy originate from deep veins and are called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). “
Prevent Blood Clots During Pregnancy
There are a variety of birth control methods on the market, but many of the most popular contraceptives – including birth control pills, injections, patches, and rings – rely on synthetic hormones to prevent pregnancy.
Prevent Pregnancy without Hormones
Vaginal bleeding can occur at any point during pregnancy, due to many possible causes. In fact, vaginal bleeding affects approximately 4% of pregnancies greater than 20 weeks gestation ,with only about half having a clear diagnosis.
Prevent Bleeding During Pregnancy
A baby's hearing develops while they are still in the womb. Generally, babies react to sounds coming from the outside by moving, or displaying a rapid or slow heartbeat.
Play Music for a Baby in the Womb
Fathers are an important part of any child’s life. They also play an important role in their child’s birth and wellbeing. This includes supporting labor to advocating for the mother during delivery, regardless of their relationship with her.
Prepare For the Birth of a Child As a Father
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect someone's ability to move and command the way in which they hold or carry themselves. CP is caused by brain damage.
Prevent Cerebral Palsy
Constipation is never a comfortable issue to deal with - especially when you're pregnant. Having hard to pass stools or irregular bowel movements is a common side effect of pregnancy (especially early pregnancy).
Prevent Constipation During Pregnancy
Most pregnant women are advised by their doctor not to take very hot baths, as soaking in very hot water could reduce blood flow to the baby, and put the baby under stress.
Take a Bath When Pregnant
It can be the most awkward thing in the world to ask a woman if she is pregnant, especially if it turns out she is not. Maybe you are just curious and want to know, or maybe you’re trying to decide if you should give up your seat on the bus.
Tell if Someone is Pregnant
Pregnancy-related sciatica is a condition which appears when the fetus is applying pressure to the mother’s sciatic nerve, situated in the lower part of the body, running through the backside and down the lower limb.
Relieve Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy
Toning your body during pregnancy can help you stay healthy, feel good about your body, and better prepare you for labor. In fact, pregnant women should try to do at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, or 30 minute workouts five days a week to stay healthy.
Safely Tone Your Body During Pregnancy
The first week after birth is an exciting and exhausting time. Both you and your baby will be bonding. At the same time, you will be recovering emotionally and physically from the birth.
Survive the First Week After Birth
The medical definition of pregnancy starts at the beginning of your last menstrual cycle, rather the date of conception. If you want to know how long you have been pregnant, this guide below will take you through the most common pregnancy symptoms during your first trimester.
Tell How Pregnant You Are
Home pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a woman's urine. Known as the pregnancy hormone, hCG is only found in pregnant women.
Use a Home Pregnancy Test
During pregnancy, women need to pay more attention to their nutritional needs and their overall health. Many herbalists and natural practitioners believe that using herbs can help to promote the health of your pregnancy and your baby.
Use Herbs During Pregnancy
Creating a birth plan is a great way to make your wishes known as you go through labor and delivery of your baby. If a birth plan is important to you, you should review the plan with your physician.
Write a Birth Plan
About 1 percent of women out of 3,000 are diagnosed with breast cancer during their pregnancy. Often, breast cancer is diagnosed in pregnant women during a breast exam by their doctor as well as a biopsy of the lump to confirm it is cancerous.
Treat Breast Cancer During Pregnancy
Working while pregnant presents a lot of challenges. You may feel sick or tired. This can make it extra hard just to make it out the door! Taking proper care of yourself and communicating effectively with your employer will make your days easier as you work during pregnancy.
Work During Pregnancy
Asthma has been shown to affect 3.7 to 8.4% of pregnant women in the United States, making it perhaps the most pervasive health complication during pregnancy.
Treat Asthma During Pregnancy
As a pregnant woman, you may balk at the idea of crunching your belly and working your ab muscles for fear that these exercises might harm your baby.
Work out Your Abs While Pregnant
Red raspberry leaf tea has been used for many years by women during pregnancy to help ease the length and pain of labor. A number of women and midwives also believe it has many other benefits during pregnancy.
Use Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy
A pregnancy pillow is a great investment because it is useful not only during your pregnancy, but afterwards as well. Many women continue to use their pregnancy pillow long after they have given birth and their baby has been weaned.
Use a Pregnancy Pillow
Pregnancy is often a joyous life experience, full of anticipation and hopes for a bright future. With it, however, comes aches and pains that can affect joints and muscles, especially in the lower back.
Use a Heating Pad During Pregnancy
Morning sickness, also known as nausea/vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) affects over half of all pregnant women. It is characterized by feelings of nausea, although not all women actually vomit, and is usually accompanied by fatigue and listlessness.
Understand Morning Sickness
You may feel confused as to how to continue treatment for bipolar disorder when you are planning to become pregnant or after you have become pregnant.
Use Mood Stabilizers During Pregnancy
Using sharpies to make pregnancy tests positive is elementary. We're adults and we're better than that. Using a hCG solution is the most realistic way to yield positive results on a pregnancy test and it works 100% of the time.
Use a HCG Solution to Make a Pregnancy Test Positive
Prenatal checkups enable your doctor to do a systematic series of tests to ensure the health of both mother and baby. Testing will be done throughout the pregnancy.
Understand the Stages of Prenatal Testing
Thinking of using a doula for your upcoming birth? Here is what to expect.
Use a Doula During Pregnancy
Babies born from the 37th week onward are considered full-term babies. The following information deals with the final weeks of pregnancy.
Understand the Final Weeks of Pregnancy
In developed countries, there are many opportunities to learn about the stages of pregnancy such as antenatal classes for expectant parents. The quality of information varies widely and fortunately today, there is ample opportunity for parents to evaluate the quality of information they are receiving through printed, visual and electronic media.
Understand the Stages of Pregnancy
Almost 40% of infertility cases account from blocked fallopian tubes. Very often, only one of the fallopian tubes is blocked, with the other functioning normally.
Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally
While it is common for a baby to be in the breech position (bottom down) several times through-out a pregnancy, approximately three percent (3%) of babies remain in the breech position until they reach full term.
Turn a Breech Baby
One in ten women will get a urinary tract infection (UTI) during pregnancy. This is common due to your changing body and hormones. [1] UTIs are easy to treat with antibiotics if you catch them early, but can become dangerous for you and your baby if they progress.
Treat Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids are one of pregnancy's most unpleasant side effects. And what's worse - it's not even socially acceptable to complain about them, unlike with nausea or swollen feet!
Treat Pregnancy Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids, or Piles, are varicose blood vessels in the rectum. Piles are a common pregnancy related illness, especially in the third trimester. [1] When suffering from this condition, the blood vessels located in your anus and lower rectum become inflamed and swollen.
Treat Pregnancy Hemorrhoids at Home
There are many reasons why a pregnant woman may need or want to travel by plane during pregnancy: business, vacation, family visits, holidays, emergencies, and more.
Travel by Plane when Pregnant
Finding out that you are pregnant may be the most exciting news of your life. You may want to tell your husband the second you find out, but if you can restrain your excitement, you can also give your spouse the news in a few fun and unexpected ways.
Tell Your Husband That You Are Pregnant
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) isn’t easy to deal with under any circumstances. When you’re also going through the physical and emotional stress of pregnancy, managing your PTSD can be even more difficult.
Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder During Pregnancy
For most women, travel during pregnancy is completely safe and comfortable. Keep your travel plans as flexible as possible as issues with your pregnancy may arise at any moment.
Travel During Pregnancy
If you are expecting a new baby, you may want to tour your hospital or birthing center in advance of delivery. This can help to ease some of the stress associated with delivery.
Tour a Hospital or Birthing Center During Pregnancy
”Diastasis recti”, also known as abdominal separation, is a medical condition that often occurs in pregnant women (during the second or third trimester of pregnancy) and infants.
Test for Diastasis Recti During Pregnancy
Finding out that you are pregnant is a life changing experience. It is also very emotional. Maybe you have been trying to get pregnant or maybe this is unexpected.
Tell Your Boyfriend You're Pregnant
Vaginal discharge is normal and necessary for the proper function of your vagina. It keeps your vagina lubricated and maintains a normal pH balance, which is slightly acidic.
Tell if Vaginal Discharge Is Normal
Having a baby is a big deal, and it’s something that the whole family can discuss and enjoy. At some point, it will be time to break the news to your grandparents.
Tell Your Grandparents You're Pregnant
Your baby will do lots of twisting and turning while they’re in the womb! It can be a fun and magical experience feeling your baby’s movement, and exciting to try to determine what positions they settle into.
Tell the Position of a Baby in the Uterus
If you think you might be pregnant, it's important to take a home pregnancy test and schedule an appointment with your doctor to find out -- this is the only way you'll know for sure.
Tell if You're Pregnant Without a Test
Though most women are mentally stronger and more confident during their second pregnancy, it's important to be aware that not everything will be the same during your second pregnancy as it was for your first, particularly when it comes to labor.
Tell if You Are in Labor with a Second Pregnancy
If you are excited about your pregnancy, you want to tell your family in a fun way. Fortunately, social media and email make it easy to make the announcement through pictures.
Tell Your Family You're Pregnant
You just found out you're expecting and must relay the news to your boss. He or she, most likely, will be concerned about schedules and work that must be done during your pregnancy and maternity leave.
Tell Your Boss You're Pregnant
Maternity photos aim to capture life-changing and significant moments in parenthood and motherhood. Before your little one arrives on the scene, consider preserving your experience with some thoughtful, beautiful photos that showcase your baby bump.
Take Maternity Photos
Finding out you’re pregnant is an exciting time. However, you may not be excited to tell your boss or coworkers. Many women get nervous about how their colleagues will react to their happy news.
Tell Coworkers You're Pregnant
You have just found out a baby is on the way! Whether it was a surprise or planned, you may be wondering what you can do to make her life easier for the next nine months, as well as demonstrate that you’re going to make a great parent.
Take Care of Your Wife or Girlfriend During Pregnancy
In recent years, there have been numerous studies investigating the potential health benefits of pregnant women taking fish oil supplements. While the results of these studies have been largely mixed, [1] it is thought that the practice is safe for most pregnant women.
Take Fish Oil During Pregnancy
Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fats that are essential for adequate nutrition in the human body and can be especially beneficial during pregnancy for your health and the development of your baby.
Take Omega 3 in Pregnancy
Medication you take while pregnant almost always affects the fetus as well. Your unborn child is vulnerable to many medications which are harmless to adults.
Take Medication While Pregnant
Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman’s body and hormonal makeup. A pregnant woman’s body produces more hormones — particularly estrogen and progesterone — which causes a number of noticeable changes.
Take Care of Your Skin During Pregnancy
Being pregnant is a very important and special time in a women's life. The time where in the baby is in the womb is called "prenatal period" and the term prenatal care is a series of check ups and exams that aim to monitor maternal and child health.
Take Care of Your Unborn Child
A twin pregnancy can require some extra care. It can come with unique challenges, which you can manage with personal care and the help of your doctor.
Take Care of Your Twins Pregnancy
Getting through school while pregnant is a challenge, but the rewards are huge. While college students may have the option to take some time off with no consequences, middle and high school students often struggle to stay in classes and avoid dropping out.
Survive School Being Pregnant
‘High risk’ is a term that doctors use when they want a mother and baby to be given extra medical attention. If you have been deemed to have a high risk pregnancy, your doctor will advise you on how to best keep yourself and your baby safe.
Take Care of Yourself During a High Risk Pregnancy
Burping is a natural act, but it's also a social gaff. During pregnancy, women often find themselves burping more frequently. It can cause embarrassment as well as discomfort.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy
Diarrhea / diarrhoea and pregnancy usually go hand in hand, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that many pregnant women become more sensitive to the food they eat when pregnant.
Stop Diarrhea During Early Pregnancy
Staying hydrated while pregnant is important because it affects the health of your growing fetus. You can encourage yourself to drink more through tips and tricks.
Stay Hydrated During Pregnancy
Being a pregnant teen can be stressful and overwhelming, but that doesn't mean you have to go through it alone. If the father of your child isn't in the picture, find other supports to help you through this process.
Survive Going Through Pregnancy Alone As a Teen
When you become pregnant, it's best to quit smoking for the health of your baby. Even if you're already a few months in, it's still best to stop smoking now.
Stop Smoking While Pregnant
Expectant women often wonder how to stay fit during their pregnancies. It’s important to continue activities that can help maintain your fitness during pregnancy, as they can help keep you and your unborn baby healthy.
Stay Fit While You're Pregnant