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Having a sore tongue may result in symptoms such as pain, a burning sensation, or dryness of the tongue. There are different causes of a sore tongue, [1] including biting or burning your tongue, infections such as the fungal infection oral thrush, mouth ulcers, and burning mouth syndrome, also known as glossodynia or burning tongue syndrome. | Heal a Sore Tongue |
Tooth decay is caused by plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque forms when sugars in your mouth attract bacteria. Plaque is very acidic and causes the enamel of your teeth to erode away. | Avoid Tooth Decay |
Thrush is caused by the yeast Candida albicans and it typically forms after either the mother or infant has taken antibiotics, as yeast tends to grow after bacteria in the body are destroyed. | Get Rid of Thrush in Infants |
Bedwetting can be an embarrassing problem for anyone to have, regardless of age. Thankfully there are many steps you can take at home to limit the frequency of bedwetting incidents. | Prevent Bed Wetting |
After purchasing cloth diapers and plastic pants for your older bedwetting child—depending on the age of the child—the parents and/or older siblings may need to assist them with diapering themselves. | Pin a Cloth Diaper on an Older Bedwetting Child |
Involuntary nighttime bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) in older children and teenagers is more common than most people think, affecting between one and two percent of fifteen-year olds. | Manage Bedwetting in Older Children and Teenagers |
Bedwetting at any age is difficult to deal with. It is important to seek treatment. Bedwetting is a common problem, affecting approximately 15% of all 5 year olds, 7% of 8 year olds, and 3% of 12 year olds with males predominating in all age groups. | Deal With a Bedwetting Problem |
Starting college is a very exciting time for many people. However, if you suffer from a bedwetting problem, you may be anxious about having roommates and sharing a living space. | Manage Bedwetting in College |
Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is the involuntary release of urine while sleeping. Though children tend to be the most prone to bedwetting, it can happen to individuals in college and well into adulthood. | Clean Up After Bedwetting |
You may have to clean a wet bed due to a spill. Or you may need to clean it after a bed-wetting incident. Cleaning a wet bed can be done easily in just a few steps. | Clean a Wet Bed |
While most healthy kids eventually outgrow it, both daytime and nighttime wetting may persist in some for longer than expected. Nighttime wetting may even become a source of family stress, poor self-esteem, and disrupted socialization. | Choose the Right Incontinence Product for Kids |
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is a condition that can affect people of all ages. For some, a possible solution is to wear diapers at night. Many older children and teenagers that wet the bed will strongly resist wearing diapers. | Encourage Older Children and Teenagers to Wear Diapers for Bedwetting |
Whether it's the result of a bedwetting accident or some other need, kids past the age of four years-old generally won't need to be diapered any more. | Encourage Big Kids to Wear Diapers |
Since bed wetting is such a common problem many camp counselors are well versed in how to deal with it. This article will guide you in choosing how to keep the fact that you wear diapers to bed for bed wetting, a secret. | Discreetly Wear Diapers for Bedwetting as a Camper |
Being older and having to wear diapers can be uncomfortable. Especially if you have to have some type of caretaker. Read this article to learn what to do. | Discreetly Wear Diapers for Bedwetting (for Your Babysitter) |
If your family members aren't aware that you have to wear diapers, the situation can become awkward. Read this article to learn what to do. | Discreetly Wear Diapers for Bedwetting (for Your Relatives) |
Some disabled people are obliged to wear nappies (diapers) for a variety of reasons, including incontinence, inability to use a bathroom unaided etc. | Cope With Wearing Nappies As a Person with a Disability |
Starting college is an exciting time in a young adult’s life. However, for those who struggle with incontinence issues, which require them to wear diapers; starting college can be downright stressful. | Discreetly Wear Diapers as a College Student |
If your young (potentially elementary school age) child came up to you one day and asked you crying and whining one day wondering Mommy, mommy! Could you diaper me again? | Determine if You Should Diaper a Young School‐Age Child Again (If They Asked You To) |
People of all ages wear diapers for many different reasons. You are not the only one. Wearing diapers to school can be scary. You may feel confused, embarrassed, or ashamed. | Cope With Wearing Diapers to School |
This article expands on some of the other WikiHow articles about bedwetting but is specifically designed for teenagers who are having difficulty coming to terms with wearing diapers to manage their bedwetting. | Cope With Wearing Diapers for Bedwetting if You're a Teenager |
Many adults suffer from nocturnal enuresis, the clinical term for adult bedwetting, and many of these individuals opt to wear diapers to bed. Although some adults can come to terms with this there are many others who feel like a baby because they have to wear a diaper to bed. | Come to Terms with Wearing Diapers if You're an Adult Bedwetter |
Although most people associate bedwetting with children and teenagers many adults also suffer from this problem. Statistics vary but anywhere from 1 to 3% of adults wet the bed. | Choose What Type of Diaper to Wear if You're an Adult Bedwetter |
Diapers are a part of everyday life for many people with disabilities or other physiological issues. It is important to be prepared and efficient when changing the diaper of a teen as they may be easily embarrassed by the process. | Change Teen Diapers |
For the parents of a bedwetters, there's nothing more frightening than your child waking up to a wet bed in the middle of the night. But fear not, as there is a simple form of protection that comes in a handy special diaper for their own special uses. | Change a Disposable Bedwetting Diaper |
For those people who are required to wear pull-up diapers nonstop, you'll occasionally find the need where you'll need to know how to change your diaper. | Change a Disposable Pull‐Up Style Adult Diaper |
For those people who are required to wear diapers nonstop, have you most often found yourself laying down when finding that your diaper needs to be changed? | Change a Disposable Adult Diaper While Lying Down |
For those people who are required to wear diapers nonstop, have you most often found yourself standing when you find out that your diaper needs to be changed? | Change a Disposable Adult Diaper While Standing |
This article elaborates on and gives additional information for parents about pin-on cloth diapers for older children and teenagers that wet the bed. | Choose Pin‐On Cloth Diapers for Older Children and Teenagers With Bedwetting Problems |
For those people who are required to wear diapers nonstop, have you most often found yourself needing to change your diaper while you are sitting down. | Change a Disposable Adult Diaper While Sitting |
When changing an adult diaper, it is important to know the correct technique and to be calm and respectful. You can change an adult diaper while the person is lying down or while they are sitting on a toilet. | Change a Disposable Adult Diaper |
Got an older relative that needs a cloth diaper to be taken care of every few hours? It is not the most pleasant thing to do but after reading the article you will see it's not much different from changing that of a baby's cloth diaper. | Change a Cloth Adult Diaper |
People who must manage incontinence include youth, adults and seniors. To choose the most effective adult diaper for your lifestyle, consider your activity level. | Buy Adult Diapers and Briefs |
Incontinence pads absorb and properly contain urine and feces. They have acquisition layers that promote the rapid passage of urine through the pad and force the fluid to stay in the absorbent core. | Apply Incontinence Pads |
If you've been wetting the bed, you're not alone. Many older children, teens, and even adults have this problem. It's not your fault, and you do have a right to get help for it, both from your parents and your doctor. | Approach Your Parents About Wearing Diapers for Bedwetting |
Body image is often a major concern for women, and during pregnancy this can become even more important. Some women embrace their new shape, seeing it as a tangible sign of the miraculous process their body is undergoing. | Cope With Your Changing Body Image During Pregnancy |
Many women suffer heartburn during pregnancy, particularly in their final few months. Old wives' tales say it means the baby has lots of hair! In reality, it mainly occurs for two reasons: hormones released during pregnancy relax the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach, which allows digestive acid to creep up. | Cope With Heartburn During Pregnancy |
Whether your pregnancy is a surprise or a planned event, you will feel a variety of extreme emotions while pregnant. Negative feelings can stem from not feeling ready or not knowing what to expect, among other things. | Cope With Negative Feelings During Pregnancy |
Several years ago, insurers could discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. They might refuse to cover them or charge a higher premium. | Cover a Pregnancy With Health Insurance in the United States |
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for any expectant mother. But when stress becomes too much to cope with it can have serious consequences. It can contribute to pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, for instance. | Cope With Stress and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy |
There are both healthy and satisfying ways to handle the many food cravings that pregnancy may bring to expectant mothers. Food cravings during pregnancy are believed to be caused by hormonal changes that occur in the body. | Cope With Food Cravings During Pregnancy |
Mood swings are common for most women during pregnancy. Learning how to cope with yours to get through your pregnancy, is essential. To learn the steps that can help you cope during this tough time, this article can explain these steps to you. | Cope with Mood Swings During Pregnancy |
Bringing a child into this world is a miraculous thing, but being pregnant also has its share of discomforts. In particular, cramps can be a major pain. | Control Cramps During Pregnancy |
Every mother will experience a certain amount of discharge after she gives birth. Normally this discharge will go through three stages that last for a total of six weeks. | Control Discharge After Pregnancy |
During your pregnancy, your doctor may put you on bed rest. At first, bed rest may sound like a great relaxing vacation. However, being on bed rest can be taxing emotionally and physically. | Cope with Bed Rest in Pregnancy |
Progesterone is a natural female hormone, and has been known to help women suffering from fertility issues. The hormone plays a very important role in fertility, as it maintains the lining of the uterus and makes it possible for a fertilized egg to attach and survive. | Use Progesterone Cream for Fertility |
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of a woman's reproductive system. [1] It occurs when bacteria (often sexually transmitted) spread from the vagina to other reproductive organs, such as the uterus, Fallopian tubes and/or ovaries. | Treat PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) |
If you've noticed uncomfortable itching in your genital region, you may have crabs (pubic lice). Crabs are usually sexually transmitted, with the risk of infestation from sexual skin to skin contact at more than 90%. | Treat Crabs (Pubic Lice) |
After developing a strong relationship with a partner, you may want to move on to sex. Here is how to communicate this desire to your partner. | Tell Your Partner You're Ready for Sex when You're Autistic |
If you have contact with the genitals of another person, you are at risk for contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI), also sometimes called a sexually transmitted disease (STD). | Tell Signs of Sexual Infection from Penis |
Discussing sex and reproduction with a child for the first time can be an uncomfortable subject. However, it's best your child learns about these topics from you first rather than being exposed to inaccurate information on the playground. | Talk About the Birds and the Bees |
Sexual disorders can happen to men or women at any age. Sometimes there are underlying medical or emotional problems. Regardless of the reason for your sexual disorder, you should talk openly and honestly with your partner so he or she can help you overcome the problem and regain your sex life. | Tell Your Partner About Your Sexual Disorder |
Clomid, also known as clomiphene citrate, is an FDA-approved drug that has been used to induce ovulation, or egg production, in women for more than 40 years. | Take Clomid |
Menopause is part of the natural aging process, as a woman's estrogen and progesterone levels decrease. The process triggers a series of emotional and physical symptoms, including the discontinuation of menstruation. | Take Care of Yourself During Menopause |
You probably talk with your friends about all kinds of important issues, so what's the big deal about talking about safe sex? Talking frankly about sex can be surprisingly hard to do, but there are good reasons to learn to do it. | Talk to Your Friends About Safe Sex |
Staying a virgin in a sex-obsessed society can be a challenging task. You'll find that setting strong and healthy personal boundaries is key to maintaining autonomy over your own body, and, further, to setting the terms of what you are and are not comfortable with doing with a partner. | Stay a Virgin |
Wet dreams, sometimes called "nocturnal emissions," involve involuntary ejaculation during sleep. They are a regular part of adolescence, but can be embarrassing. | Stop Wet Dreams |
Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomata, are non-cancerous tumors that form on the uterus. [1] At some point in their lives, up to 70% of women will develop fibroids. | Shrink Fibroids Naturally |
There's no room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone; in fact, over time you might feel overwhelmed and trapped by boredom and fear. Perhaps it's time to stretch those limits a little! | Step Out of Your Comfort Zone |
New Year’s resolutions are goals or promises that people make for the New Year holiday to try to make their upcoming year better in some way. Many people sometimes find it difficult to maintain and accomplish their resolutions. | Accomplish Your New Year's Resolutions |
Einstein is quoted as having said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. | Define a Problem |
Someday Syndrome: not doing what you want to because you don’t know what it is, probably because you’re procrastinating about it, or because you have too much stuff getting in your way. | Cure Someday Syndrome |
Confucius once said that there were three ways to learn wisdom: "First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." | Be Wise |
No one likes being disorganized. Organization takes time, but when you get the hang of it, life becomes much easier after it. To be truly organized, you need to organize your space and organize your time, making sure you keep track of all your appointments and commitments. | Be Organized |
Life involves making a lot of decisions. In fact, one of the decisions you have to make right now is "Should I finish reading this article or shouldn't I?" | Make a Decision Using a Quantitative Scoring System |
Self-improvement is universal to the human experience; we all have things we’d like to change about ourselves. Perhaps you want to lose weight, improve your skills in a certain area, be more comfortable socially, be happier, or more productive. | Improve Yourself |
You make decisions everyday about your work, school, life, and your future. It may seem overwhelming at times, having so many different responsibilities. | Improve Your Decision‐Making Skills |
Willpower, also known as self-discipline, self-control, or determination, is your ability to control your behavior, emotions, and attention. [1] Willpower involves the ability to resist impulses and put off immediate gratification in order to reach goals, the ability to override unwanted thoughts, feelings, or impulses, and the ability to self-regulate. | Have Willpower |
Accomplishing success in life, work, and relationships requires an understanding of how to stop making excuses. Psychology theories can help us understand why we make excuses and therefore how to stop making excuses and take responsibility for our actions. | Stop Making Excuses |
It is easy to become overwhelmed with everything our culture expects of us. Many people go through life so bogged down with small obligations that they lose track of their priorities. | Sort Your Life Out |
SMART is an acronym that represents a framework for creating effective goals. It stands for five qualities your goals should have. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. | Set SMART Goals |
Whether you have small dreams or lofty expectations, setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain, while others can be completed in the course of a day. | Set Goals |
The characteristics of a virtuous woman have been explored in religious texts and in the works of philosophers throughout the ages. While each source can vary on the exact details, there are a few common principles that most great thinkers agree on. | Be a Virtuous Woman |
Negative emotions can spiral. If you want to stop letting yourself sink down into bad feelings, you can train yourself to let the light in. You can learn to find the bright side and stay positive, avoiding negativity in your life, and going about the process of improving yourself for the better. | Be a Positive Thinker |
You've probably heard the expression "one thing at at time." Indeed, trying to pursue too many goals at once can make it hard to make progress on any of them. | Achieve More with Bundled Goals |
Making decisions can be challenging, especially when everyone has an opinion. Focus on feeling self-assured to avoid unwanted influence from outsiders. | Avoid Having Your Decisions Changed by Others |
Abundance is the quality of possessing plenty. The concept of attracting abundance typically refers to drawing into your life the things that make you feel satisfied and fulfilled. | Attract Abundance |
Many experts agree that one of the keys to happiness is having something to look forward to. Anticipating something fun means that you get to enjoy the happy experience for longer. | Always Have Something to Look Forward To |
Sick of coming up with the same old tired solutions to your problems? Want to re-wire your brain to be more creative and clever? With a few easy-to-follow mental tips, you'll be engaging all of your creative neurons in no time. | Be a Creative Thinker and Problem Solver |
High achievers tend to be achievement-driven people with a great deal of self-motivation. [1] There are many pursuits in which being a high achiever can be useful: in school, in work, or in creative pursuits. | Be a High Achiever |
Certified life coaches are people who are trained in helping others reach their potential in their professional and personal lives. While there are no regulations regarding becoming a life coach, those who chose to be certified by a respected coaching body must complete training requirements, log hours of coaching, and complete a competency exam. | Become a Certified Life Coach |
We all have roles to play in life. What is yours? Will you be remembered for it years from now, when you’re long gone? A legend is someone who leaves behind an unforgettable impression on others. | Become a Legend |
Being successful can seem hard sometimes, especially when you are faced with a lot of challenges. Read on if you would like to know how to be successful, even in the hard times. | Be Successful After Facing Lots of Challenges |
Many people want to achieve success in life, but it's easier said than done. While they like to be successful, others accept to live their lives anyhow. | Be Successful |
Being more rational in your everyday life can be beneficial in a variety of ways. Becoming more rational is a process of changing your internal experience as well as changing your behavior. | Be Rational |
A strong girl is brave, adventurous, and powerful. She is confident, willing to try new things, and persistent in learning new skills. | Be Strong As a Girl |
Being self-motivated means being ready for driven, focused discussion and behavior. It also means being sharp and smart enough not to be manipulated and to be open to positive learning. | Be Self Motivated |
You can be successful and have your dreams come true. This is just a start. Have faith. Faith is key to durable success. | Be Successful and Make Your Dreams Come True |
The pope is the head of the Catholic church. Technically, the only requirements to become pope are that you be a male and a practicing Catholic. This leaves a pretty wide field, but every pope for the past several centuries has been a cardinal who was elected in a papal conclave by other cardinals. | Become Pope |
While there is no single secret to success, successful people do have many traits and habits in common with one another. Emulating the habits of successful people, and theorizing how to be more productive in your own life, can help you become a successful in whatever you pursue. | Become a Success |
No matter if you are shy or already outgoing, any person may want to be more of an extrovert. This type of person is generally outgoing, energetic, and likely to say yes to adventure or excitement. | Become More Outgoing and Daring in Life |
A self-made man or woman is one who who is able to rise above their humble origins to leave behind a lasting legacy. Through sheer determination, discipline, and strength of character, the self-made man or woman can overcome poverty or other hardships through education and hard work. | Become a Self Made Man or Woman |
Ever wanted to take good, professional pictures even though you are young? You're in luck! It's as simple as 1-2-3! | Become a Photographer at a Young Age |
We all need an escape from reality once in awhile. While we may not be able to jump on the next plane to an island-getaway, we all can escape from reality mentally. | Mentally Escape from Reality |
One truism holds that changing one’s perspectives is like changing the window through which you view the world. [1] Acknowledging and thinking about different perspectives is an important part of developing throughout one’s life. | Change Your Perspective |
In life, there are times that you will be working in a group. You may have to lead a discussion as part of a school assignment. In work, you may be responsible for leading a discussion during a meeting. | Conduct a Group Discussion |
For some people, life can be boring and tiresome. They feel that they need to spice up their lives. If this sounds like you, please read on! | Change Your Life After Doing the Same Thing for So Long |
A decision tree is a graphic flowchart that represents the process of making a decision or a series of decisions. It is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences. | Create a Decision Tree |
Is there something that you know you should be doing? Maybe it's earning a college degree, completing a book report or dropping a few extra pounds. You feel strongly about doing this, but, for some reason, you just don't believe that you can. | Convince Yourself That You Can Do Something |
A summer bucket list helps you to identify the things that you want to do over the summer, and helps you to reach these goals. While you’re making your summer bucket list, you want to set goals that you can achieve and that can be accomplished during the summer months. | Create a Summer Bucket List |