Are you a scared of getting braces put on soon? Here are some tips to prepare for the day and so you're ready to start your new life with braces! you may not like them but soon you'll have an amazing, straight smile!
Prepare for Getting Braces
Did you just get braces or are you going to get them soon? Why not make yourself a lovely little survival kit to help you out on your journey to straight teeth?
Make Your Own Braces Survival Kit
Chickenpox affects many children, teens, and adults each year. This virus leads to the formation of painful itchy blisters all over the body. Sometimes, these blisters can leave scars.
Treat Chicken Pox Scars
Braces are a tool used by orthodontists to straighten teeth, close gaps, and create a more uniform smile and bite pattern. Like any medical procedure or implement, braces are a commitment that requires advanced preparation as well as lifestyle adjustment in order for the treatment to be successful.
Prepare for the Day That You Get Braces
Keloid scars are a growth of more than normal scar tissues and can be caused by acne, burns, piercings, surgery, vaccinations, and even from minor scratches or cuts.
Remove Keloid Scars at Home
People get scars for many reasons. They might get scars from an old cut, from a fire, from acne, or a variety of other causes. Unfortunately, while some scars heal entirely, others only fade and continue to be visible for years.
Reduce the Appearance of Old Scars
Leg scars can look unsightly and may cause you to feel embarrassed about exposing your legs. Although it is not possible to completely remove scars, there are many creams and gels, medical procedures and home remedies that can significantly reduce their appearance.
Remove Scars on Legs
If you've sustained an injury, large or small, you may end up with a scar. It's a natural outcome in the process of wound healing: collagen in the deeper layers of your skin becomes exposed and rises to the surface to "close" the wound, and in the process, forms a scar.
Prevent Scarring
Some people are born with noticeable marks on their skin. These birthmarks can vary in size, shape, color, texture and appearance. There are a number of different types of birthmarks, which are divided into two categories, pigmented or colored birthmarks and vascular birthmarks.
Lighten Birthmarks Naturally
Nothing can leave you feeling more self-conscious than a nasty scar. While some scars are simply unavoidable after an abrasion, burn, or cut, there are proven techniques that can help you reduce the appearance of a scar.
Prevent Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars
Self-harm or self-injury is when someone purposefully inflicts physical pain on themselves to cope with emotional or psychological trauma. [1] Most people who self-harm or who have in the past do not want others to stare at their scars, but these scars can be difficult to hide, especially if they are in places like the wrists, thighs, or chest.
Hide Self Harm Scars
Facial scars can be be raised, sunken, or darkly pigmented. They may be itchy or painful. They can result from acne, injury, or surgery. There are many methods that can help you heal, diminish, and cover your scars.
Reduce the Appearance of Scars from Your Face
Scars can be worn as “badges of honor” for some, but for many other individuals, scars are unpleasant reminders of past injuries and can be both physically and psychologically detrimental, even if they are painless after the healing is complete.
Reduce Scars Naturally
Perhaps you have cut yourself shaving, or your knife slipped while working in the kitchen. Accidents can produce cuts you would prefer to hide. There is also a possibility you've cut yourself intentionally.
Hide Cuts
A keloid, or keloid scar, is a skin growth that occurs when a person's body creates too much scar tissue after an injury. [1] Keloids are not dangerous, but for many people they are a cosmetic nuisance.
Heal a Keloid
Stretch marks, or striae, develop when your skin suddenly needs to stretch beyond the limits of its natural growth rate. The middle layer of your skin breaks in places, causing the lower layers of your skin to show through. "
Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast
Acne is a condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. When the plug is formed, bacteria can thrive, which results in inflammation.
Hide Acne Scars
While there are no miracle cures when it comes to healing scars fast, there are a variety of treatments you can try. Although not all might work for you, some might.
Heal Scars Fast
Stitches are usually performed on deep cuts or wounds or following an operation, and they require proper upkeep and daily cleaning to ensure you do not get a scar from the stitches.
Get Rid of Stitch Marks
Cellulitis is an infection of the skin that can develop when your skin breaks due to a cut, scrape or injury and is exposed to bacteria. Streptococcus and staphylococcus are the most common types of bacteria that lead to cellulitis, which is characterized by a warm, red, itchy rash that spreads and causes a fever.
Treat Cellulitis
Itching, medically referred to as pruritus, is an extremely common affliction in humans and other animals. Itching can be caused by many factors, including bug bites, dry skin, and rashes like eczema.
Stop Itching
Rash is a change of skin in terms of color, texture or appearance. The skin may become bumpy, scaly or reddish. It is often the result of itching (and not the other way around) due to any of a variety of medical conditions.
Stop a Rash from Itching
Dermatitis is a very general term for skin inflammation. There are many different kinds of dermatitis, and they have a range of causes, from common allergic reactions to genetic disorders.
Treat Dermatitis
Dealing with itchy skin, also called pruritis, often depends upon the cause of the itch. In general, it’s best not to scratch an itch because you could worsen the underlying cause, irritate your skin further, or cause an infection.
Stop Scratching Irritated Skin
Pregnant women can develop an itchy belly due to their growing uterus — as the uterus grows, the skin on the belly stretches and gets dry, leading to itchiness.
Soothe an Itchy Pregnancy Belly
Have you developed a sudden rash? Is it itchy, inflamed, and blistered? You may have contact dermatitis. Dermatitis is a general term for inflammation of the skin and has many varieties and possible causes.
Spot Contact Dermatitis Symptoms
Psoriasis is a common skin condition where surface skin cells build up rapidly forming thick, silvery scales and itchy, sometimes painful, dry red patches.
Sleep Better when You Have Psoriasis
Staph infections are caused by the staph bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus ). Staph bacteria is commonly found on the skin and in the nose and usually does not present any problems; however, if the bacteria enters your body through a cut or other wound, a potentially dangerous (and even deadly) staph infection can occur.
Recognize Staph Infection Symptoms
In the vast majority of cases, scratching is used to sate itching around the body. While this often leads to a pleasant sensation of relief, overdoing it can lead to rashes and even scarring.
Hives, which are also known as urticaria, are a reaction on your skin that causes itchy and swollen welts. [1] The welts can range from small spots to large blotches that are several inches in diameter.
Recognize Hives (Rash)
Infections begin when the body is invaded by microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that do not naturally occur in the body.
Prevent Skin Infections
Having a scratch on your back can be irritating. In the event you need to scratch your back, you have many options. To start, you can try to simply use your nails.
Scratch Your Back
Skin rashes are inflamed or red areas of the skin that can be accompanied with a variety of other symptoms (pain, itching, and swelling). Skin rashes can result from allergic reactions, infections, inflammatory conditions, contact with irritants or heat, and other medical issues.
Prevent Skin Rashes
Shingles (also known as herpes zoster, though it’s different from the sexually transmitted disease herpes ) is a painful blistering skin rash caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV).
Recognize Shingles Symptoms (Herpes Zoster Symptoms)
For as casual as it looks, learning how to flick a Zippo lighter—and maintain your cool while doing so—takes effort. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re presenting the proper context for this move through your dress and attitude.
Light a Zippo and Look Cool
Got a Zippo lighter and want to get better or more creative with opening and lighting it? There are several cool ways you can flick a Zippo lighter open, from simply opening your lighter with your thumb, to flicking and lighting the Zippo on your pants.
Flick a Zippo Lighter
Sometimes a lighter can get stuck or broken. Generally it's a quick fix, but it's also very easy to buy a new one. The first step is diagnosing what is wrong with your lighter, and then you can get to work fixing it.
Fix a Lighter
Flicking a Bic lighter is easy once you get the hang of it. Use your thumb to roll the metal spark wheel down toward the red ignition button. Hold down the button to release gas.
Flick a Bic Lighter
There is a special kind of misery in having dry, chapped lips. Suffering from a parched, scaly pucker not only feels very painful — it can also make your formerly beautiful lips look like they belong on the set of a zombie movie.
Treat Dry Lips
Peeling lips are a problem for many people. You can stop your lips from peeling by taking preventative actions like protecting your lips from the wind and sun.
Stop Peeling Lips
Your lips are unique! Human lips are the only lips that have what is called a “vermillion border,” which describes the natural color changes (from shades of red to shades of pink).
Take Care of Your Lips
Licking or biting your lips may be a sign of stress or health concerns. Dentists, doctors, and beauticians all agree that this is a bad habit that should be broken.
Stop Licking Your Lips
You might bite your lips casually when you're nervous, or you might compulsively chew them. Like blinking too often or picking your nails, it's probably something you unconsciously start doing when stress begins to build up, and you need an outlet.
Stop Biting Your Lips
Dry, cracked lips are a common problem during colder months and allergy seasons. While not usually dangerous, they can be annoying and painful. There are many options for treating cracked lips, from changing your day-to-day habits to investing in balms and creams.
Repair Severely Cracked and Dry Lips
Moisturizing your lips is very important, especially before you go to bed. You want to wake up with soft, smooth lips.
Moisturize Your Lips Before Bed
Dry or chapped lips can be can be symptomatic of dehydration, skin burn, dry weather, excessive licking, certain medications, and more. Relieving chapped lips is relatively easy and painless, but it's important to go beyond relief and treat the underlying cause, too.
Treat and Prevent Dry or Cracked Lips
Sore lips are often a by-product of dryness and chapping, though they may also be an allergic reaction or a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
Heal Sore Lips
Peeled lips can occur for a variety of reasons. While rarely a serious medical concern, they can be painful and cause a great deal of irritation. If peeled lips have been a problem for you, a variety of over-the-counter and at-home treatments can help provide relief.
Heal Peeling Lips
Have you ever wanted to have very soft lips? well, you have come to the right place!
Keep Your Lips Moist
Chapped lips are hard to avoid, and can't be instantly fixed. For most people, prevention is the best cure. For others, chapped lips aren't preventable.
Help Chapped Lips
Moisturizing your lips is a daily challenge, especially if you are prone to dry lips. Cold and dry conditions can also lead to dry lips, so you may need to do even more to moisturize your lips depending on the weather.
Moisturize Lips
Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide, according to the American Lung Association, and is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the United States.
Prevent Lung Cancer
Tetanus, also known as Lockjaw, is a disease of the nervous system caused by bacteria entering an open wound. This article will will help you to reduce the risks of contracting tetanus.
Prevent Tetanus (Lockjaw)
Dry, chapped lips can be painful and annoying. Since lips don’t contain oil glands, this condition can easily occur any time of year. Many products available at drug stores contain preservatives or fragrances that can be irritating to those with sensitive skin.
Heal Chapped Lips Naturally
Lymphedema refers to the buildup of fluids in the body's soft tissues due to blockage or removal of the lymph nodes. Lymphedema is most commonly caused by the removal of the lymph nodes following cancer treatment, but may also be caused by environmental factors or genetics.
Prevent Lymphedema
If you want to prevent infections caused by makeup, it is important to maintain good hygiene and to practice safe cosmetic use strategies. These will greatly diminish your chances of developing an infection related to makeup use.
Prevent Infections Caused by Makeup
Allium sativum is commonly known as garlic. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, and chive. The garlic plant's bulb is the most commonly used part of the plant.
Prevent Infection and Diseases by Allium Sativum
Hernias occur when an organ or other tissue pushes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle and fascia tissue of the abdominal wall and creates a bulge in your skin.
Prevent Hernia
Many people with braces are excited to get their braces off but are shocked to find their teeth full of white spots and stains. In fact, these white spots, referred to as white spot lesions, are due to enamel dehydration and a buildup of dental plaque on your teeth, and are early signs of tooth decay.
Keep from Having White Spots when Your Braces Come Off
Clear ceramic braces are made of ceramic alloys. Because of their transparency, they also have a great following, especially among adults who are to correct their teeth but without announcing it to the whole world.
Look Good in Ceramic Braces
Braces are a fact of life for many of us, and the benefits they confer are important. If you are currently wearing braces, you know that in the end your smile will be straighter and your bite will be more comfortable.
Hide Braces
Poking wires on braces are a very common and irritating problem. These can cause sores and small cuts and abrasions on your gums and cheeks. Reducing discomfort is the first goal of dealing with this problem, followed by fixing the wire.
Handle Poking Wires on Braces
As any orthodontist will tell you, while flossing can be difficult when you have traditional metal braces, it's more important than ever to keep the gaps in your teeth clean when you have these devices.
Floss With Braces
If you have just gotten braces or had them tightened, it can be tough on your teeth and very painful for the first few days. That pain tends to go away after a few days, but it's really important to make conscious food choices during that time.
Eat Food With New or Tightened Braces
Eating can be quite a challenge with braces, particularly during the first few painful weeks and after the brackets are tightened. Brackets can poke into your gums and cheeks, and you may not be able to chew as usual because your teeth don't touch as they did before you had braces.
Eat With Braces
Braces can limit your food options because you need to avoid things that are too hard or sticky. You definitely do not want to bite into a whole apple if you have braces, but luckily there are plenty of ways you can still enjoy this delicious and healthy fruit.
Eat an Apple If You Have Braces
Dental braces work by applying continuous pressure over a period of time to slowly move teeth in a specific direction. [1] The problem is the slowly part.
Get Your Braces off Faster
Many people associate white, even teeth with health and beauty. If your teeth aren't naturally straight, though, you can consider braces either for cosmetic reasons or to address medical issues.
Determine if You Need Braces
Braces can be frustrating, but there are many things you can do to adjust. To start, learn to brush and floss your teeth with your new braces. From there, deal with pain with cold food and over-the-counter painkillers.
Deal with Braces
Ever been eating or playing a sport and one of your braces wires come loose? Or have you been having issues with braces wires digging into your cheek?
Fix a Broken Braces Wire
Everybody loses things from time to time, but losing your retainer for your teeth can be especially frustrating. Retainers only work if you wear them as much as possible, so every moment with a lost retainer is a moment that your smile isn't being cared for.
Find Your Retainer
Scars can come in all shapes and sizes and are rarely something you'd like to show off. To get rid of scars, consider applying safe yet unverified natural remedies believed to promote healing (e.g., lemon juice, Indian gooseberry, cucumber paste) or rely on proven medical treatments, like scar creams containing alpha hydroxy acids or silicone, laser treatments, and dermabrasion.
Get Rid of Scars
This wikiHow will show you how to get rid of a cut on your face. It will cover caring for the wound , seeking professional treatment , continuing treatment , and reducing scaring.
Get Rid of a Cut on Your Face
Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes a red circular patch to develop on your skin. It is a contagious condition that even your pets can transmit to you.
Get Rid of Ringworm Scars
Keloids scars can be a nuisance because they continue to grow even after the scar has healed. They rise above the rest of the skin and usually have a smooth top, are rough to the touch, and have a pink or purple colour.
Get Rid of Keloids
Sometimes we need cuts to disappear. Depending on the size and placement of your cut, here are a few techniques to treat it and cover it up.
Get Rid of a Cut
Weight fluctuations, pregnancy and fast growth spurts can cause skin to stretch and scar. Not only weight gain, but weight loss as well can cause stretch marks.
Cover Up Stretch Marks on Legs
Having visible scars on your body can be uncomfortable in any social situation. Scars can affect self-esteem, so some people prefer to cover facial or body scars daily.
Camouflage a Scar
Acne breakouts are caused when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Acne frequently appears on the delicate skin of the face, but it can also occur on the upper back, the shoulders, and other parts of the body.
Prevent Skin Breakouts
Scars can make you feel imperfect and uncomfortable. However, there are several ways to overcome your discomfort with your scar. If your scar is deep and visible, you might find that talking about it and exposing it to friends and family makes you feel better.
Feel Comfortable With a Scar
Granuloma annulare (GA) is a skin condition or type of rash that usually consists of small, reddish or skin-colored bumps that generally form a circular or ring pattern.
Naturally Stop Granuloma Annulare
Acne is a skin condition where you develop blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, pustules cysts, and nodules on your body, primarily your face and your back.
Prevent Acne Naturally
Skin redness is not considered a medical condition itself, but a symptom of a condition. There are various reasons for red skin ranging from allergies and insect bites to eczema and rosacea.
Prevent Redness of the Skin
Fiberglass is widely used in various forms as an insulator or lightweight building material, both in industries and at home. Handling it can leave fiberglass splinters lodged in the skin, causing irritation and intense itching (contact dermatitis).
Lessen Fiberglass Itch
Over 80% of women over 20 develop cellulite. Some do not care about their cellulite, while others would prefer to reduce it. Minimising cellulite is possible with diligence and care.
Minimize Cellulite Naturally
Hiking or being in nature is enjoyable, but exposure to poison oak causes a very itchy, blistery rash that will quickly put a damper on your fun. The leaves of this plant have a recognizable appearance if you know what to look for.
Identify Poison Oak
Proper skin care is important, and when choosing skin care products, it is important to consider your skin type. It is especially important to identify whether or not you have sensitive skin since the wrong products can cause irritation, which can sometimes be severe.
Know if You Have Sensitive Skin
Armpit rashes are itchy and can keep you from focusing on more important things, such as work or school. If you have an armpit rash, read this wikiHow to learn how to heal it.
Heal Armpit Rash
Cellulitis is a relatively common bacterial infection of the skin and the tissues beneath it. It can develop in apparently normal skin, but more often, trauma to the skin provides a portal of entry for invading organisms.
Help Cellulitis Heal Faster
Inflammation of the skin is known as dermatitis. There are many types of dermatitis and numerous causes. The most common type of skin inflammation is contact dermatitis, which occurs when your skin comes into direct contact with an irritant.
Heal Inflamed Skin
Shaving rash, also known as razor burn, can be an annoying and painful experience. The likelihood of a shaving rash depends on many things, including skin type, routine, method, and razor.
Get Rid of Shaving Rash
We all get rashes. After they are gone, we end up with marks from it, kind of like a scar from an operation. Here is how to make those marks from your old rash go away, so you won't be embarrassed to show off your body!
Get Rid of Rash Marks
Poison oak is most commonly found in Oregon, Washington, and California. It generally grows in open spaces as a small shrub or in forest areas as a climbing vine.
Get Rid of Poison Oak Rash
Hives, or urticaria, are a type of skin rash that is the result of an allergic reaction. They are raised, reddish, itchy bumps on the skin that, when pressed, turn white.
Get Rid of Hives on the Face
Everybody wants pearly, white teeth for a dazzling smile. And while good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist will help to keep your teeth looking good, sometimes you need a more immediate solution -- especially if you want whiter teeth for a particular event or occasion.
Whiten Teeth in an Hour
Have you ever been nearly driven mad with itchy skin? Itching can occur because of many factors, like insect bites, allergic reactions, sunburns, skin infections, dry and cold weather, medications, medical conditions, and even pregnancy or aging.
Get Rid of Itchy Skin with Home Remedies
A bright, healthy smile can boost your self-confidence. Additionally, keeping your mouth clean helps you avoid various infections and diseases. Some of the most important steps in your oral hygiene routine are brushing and flossing, while certain home remedies also help improve your smile.
Whiten Teeth Naturally
"Miswak" is a special type of tooth-cleaning twig that's traditionally used for oral hygiene in many Middle Eastern and African countries in a way that's similar to the way a modern toothbrush is used.
Use Miswak
Disclosing tablets can be used to reveal plaque and help you brush your teeth more effectively. They’re an excellent choice if your doctor or dentist has expressed concern about plaque buildup or if you’re unsure of how well you’re brushing.
Use Disclosing Tablets
Enamel is the outermost layer that covers the crown of the teeth. It is thin, translucent and the hardest tissue in the body. Enamel acts as a protective layer helping to safeguard the teeth while they undergo the daily stress and strain of chewing, biting, crunching, and grinding.
Treat Tooth Enamel Loss