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Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | 1 turėti įgytą aukštąjį ar aukštesnįjį iki metų arba specialųjį vidurinį, įgytą iki metų, pedagoginį išsilavinimą ir pedagogo kvalifikaciją; 2 turi turėti skaitmeninio raštingumo žinių, gebėjimų ir supratimo šiose informacinių technologijų srityse: informacijos valdymo, komunikavimo, skaitmeninio mokymo ir mokymosi, informacijos valdymo saugumo; 3 kiti specialieji reikalavimai: išmanyti mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų raidos ypatumus, ugdymo(si) technologijas, būdus, formas, metodus, gebėti juos taikyti praktikoje; gebėti dirbti su elektroniniu dienynu, valdyti, kaupti, sisteminti, apibendrinti informaciją, rengti išvadas, planuoti ir organizuoti savo veiklą; spręsti iškilusias problemas ir konfliktus, dirbti komandoje | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Technologijų mokytojo darbas gimnazijoje | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Organizacijos įvaizdžio plėtojimas ir reklaminių kampanijų įgyvenidimas, organizacijos akcijų įgyvendinimas siūlant paslaugas, skyriaus vadovo numatytų užduočių įgyvendinimas, aktyvi komunikacija su kolegomis | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | metalo konstrukcijų dažymo darbai; dažymas: pulverizatoriais; milteliniu būdu; voleliais, teptukais; dažymo darbų defektų taisymo darbai | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | elektros įrenginių ir elektros instaliacijos montavimo darbai iki V: apsaugos, priešgaisrinių, vaizdo stebėjimo sistemų montavimas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Didėjant gamybos apimtims, UAB "Kelmės pienas" ieško komandos pastiprinimo laboratorijoje! Darbo pobūdis - atlikti fiziko – cheminius tyrimus gamybinėje laboratorijoje | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | - Krovininio autobusiuko vairavimas (B ir C kategorijos); - Produkcijos vežiojimas (įvairūs miestai) - Smulkus papildomi darbai | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Paslaugų pirkimų apskaita Skolų likučių derinimas Ataskaitų rengimas ir teikimas Kitos su buhalterine apskaita ir įmonės finansais susijusios užduotys | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | darbas UAB "Artilux NMF" metalo padalinyje su lazerio pjovimo ir štampavimo įranga Prima Power, Salvagnini Atlikti technologinio proceso valdymo programavimo ir techninės priežiūros darbus | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | automobilių nuomos paslaugų pardavimas; bendravimas su klientais; automobilių administravimas, pasiūlymų, sutarčių ir ataskaitų rengimas | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas restorano virtuvėje - Patiekalų (sudarytas meniu) gaminimas; - Darbo vietos tvarkos palaikymas; - Darbas pamainomis | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Santechniniai darbai Reikalinga darbo patirtis, vairuotojo pažymėjimas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Švaros, tvarkos patalpose palaikymas, maisto vaikams pateikimas, vaikų priežiūra Patalpų valymas Pagalba mokytojams ugdant vaikus | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas mėsos perdirbimo įmonėje Krovos darbų organizavimas, prekių atrinkimas, paruošimas produktų transportavimui Tvarkos palaikymas sandėlyje | 4 - Clerical support workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Administruojamų namų nuolatinės apžiūros, statinių periodinės ir specializuotos apžiūros, statinių priežiūros metinių ir ilgalaikių planų rengimas, techninių specifikacijų rengimas darbų pirkimams vykdyti, daugiabučių namų renovacijos proceso vykdymas | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | -Krovinių priėmimas, svėrimas, rūšiavimas, surinkimas ir išdavimas; -Krovinių kokybės tikrinimas | 4 - Clerical support workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | gaminamos santechnikos produkcijos svėrimas, pakavimas į dėžes, krovimas ant palečių, sandėliavimas | 4 - Clerical support workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Restorano patiekalų gamyba Kasdieniai virtuvės darbai | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Kviečiame prisijungti prie Švaros brolių komandos Ieškome patalpų valytojos (-o) Lvovo g Pobūdis: Administracinių patalpų valymas: grindų plovimas, kilimų siurbimas, dulkių valymas nuo paviršių, wc patalpos valymas, virtuvėlės valymas, šiukšlių išnešimas Darbo grafikas: I-V 18: :00 | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | baro, viešbučio ir administracinių patalpų valymas, priežiūra | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Langų ir durų montavimas naujai statomuose arba renovuojamuose namuose | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbo vieta Baltupiuose, Kalvarijų g Padėti auklėtojai prižiūrėti ir ugdyti 2-3 metų vaikučius, tvarkyti, valyti grupės ir bendras patalpas | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | darbas šašlykinėje: maisto (šaltų ir karštų patiekalų) ruošimas pagal technologines korteles, pagalbos teikimas vyr virėjai Higienos reikalavimų laikymasis, virtuvės įrangos priežiūra | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Apskaitos tvarkymas, pirminių dokumentų tikrinimas ir suvedimas į apskaitos programą | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Ieškome virėjo darbui su išvežamuoju maitinimu Panašaus darbo patirtis (mokyklos virtuvės, vestuvių maitinimo ar pan ) būtų privalumas Darbas pamaininis, pilnu etatu Kartais dirbame ir savaitgaliais, pamainos gali būti gan ankstyvos | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas valytojams Vilniaus senamiestyje, Šv Mykolo g 6, restorane Slenkantis ir lankstus grafikas Yra galimybė prisiderinti Pageidautina be žalingų įpročių Patalpų valymas, indų plovimas, ivairūs smulkūs valymo darbai, švaros darbo vietoje palaikymas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | valdyti lazerines pjovimo stakles, CNC frezavimo stakles | 3 - Technicians and associate professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas metalinių durų varčių paruošime ir surinkime Privalumas- suvirintojo įgūdžiai Apmokoma darbo vietoje | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Gaminamo produkto atitikties kontrolė, darbas su matavimo įrankiais, pastebėtų defektų fiksavimas, darbas su kompiuteriu | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas susideda iš dviejų dalių: 2/3 laiko: auklėt (du vaikai 2 ir 3 m ) 1/3 laiko: valymas Susidomėjus rašykite SMS arba el | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | • statinių elektros instaliacijos montavimas, elektros įrangos paleidimo bei derinimo darbai; • statinių aktyvios ar pasyvios apsaugos nuo žaibo įrengimas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | medienos ruošinukų baldams gamyba naudojant paprastas (nekompiuterizuotas arba minimaliai kompiuterizuotas) medienos stakles; darbai: medienos gaminių įsidėjimas į stakles, staklių nustatymas pjovimui, pagamintų detalių sudėjimas į joms nustatytą vietą | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Vairavimo mokymo centrui UAB “RIGVEDA” reikalingas vairavimo instruktorius darbui Kaune su B kategorija Darbas pilnu etatu, su naujais įmonės automobiliais Būtina turėti vairavimo instruktoriaus galiojančią licenciją Sudarius sutartį tarp darbdavio ir darbuotojo pati įmonė siunčia į kursus vairavimo mokymo instruktoriaus licencijai gauti | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas su paviršinio montažo linijos įrenginiais Žaliavų surinkimas Komponentų kokybės tikrinimas | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | į UAB „Valumina“ komandą kviečiame prisijungti lauko teritorijos valytoją Būtina turėti B kategorijos vairuotojo pažymėjimą Lauko teritorijos priežiūra: smulkių šiukšlių surinkimas, šlavimas, žolės pjovimas Duodama visa reikalinga įranga | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Vidaus ir lauko elektros montavimo darbai | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Antraeilėms Socialinio darbuotojo pareigoms 10val /sav užimti kviečiame specialistą, lankyti paliatyvius pacientus Jų pačių namuose pagal lankstų, iš anksto suderintą darbo grafiką Būtina darbo patirtis ir paliatyvios pagalbos pažymėjimas Informuosime tik atrinktus kandidatus Darbo pobūdis: Organizuoti ir koordinuoti socialinių paslaugų teikimą paciento namuose Pacientui sudaryti individualų paslaugų teikimo planą ir jį koordinuoti Konsultuoti pacientą ir jo artimuosius Išsilavinimas: socialinio darbuotojo kvalifikacija Papildomi sugebėjimai: vairuotojo pažymėjimas suteiktų pranašumą | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | gaminių lekalų konstravimas pagal užsakovo pateiktus duomenis; naujų gaminių lekalų koregavimas bendradarbiaujant su siuvėju ir technologu; paruoštų lekalų sukirpimas; patvirtintų sukirpimo lekalų suvedimas į kompiuterinę sukirpimo programą (CAMSUITE); sukirpimo išklotinių ruošimas ir koregavimas esant poreikiui | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | prekybinių patalpų kasdienio valymo darbai, švaros palaikymas Darbai atliekami vadovaujantis nustatytomis taisyklėmis ir darbų atlikimo eiliškumu, laikantis darbo ir sveikatos saugos reikalavimų bei higienos normų | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | gamybos įrenginių elektrinės dalies priežiūra ir remontas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Patalpų valymas, švaros palaikymas parduotuvėje Darbas tinkamas studentams, neįgaliems, pensijinio amžiaus bei papildomo darbo ieškantiems žmonėms | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | • Socialinių dirbtuvių arba Dienos socialinės globos centro veiklų organizavimas kartu su komanda; • Socialinėse dirbtuvėse veiklos organizavimas lauko ir keramikos darbuose, įtraukiant žmones su intelekto negalia (visko apmokysime) arba • Dienos socialinės globos centro veiklos organizavimas keramikos darbuose, įtraukiant žmones su intelekto negalia (visko apmokysime) ; • 1 k per savaitę maisto gaminimas virtuvėje, įtraukiant žmones su intelekto negalia • Asistavimas žmonėms su intelekto negalia kasdieninėje veikloje ir kitose bendruomenės veiklose: stovyklose, išvykose, mugėse, rekolekcijose ir kt ; • Vairavimas (B kat ) | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Valyti ir palaikyti švarą ir tvarką mūsų kliento PC "Maxima" patalpose, esančiose Pramonės pr 29, Kaunas Darbas 0,5 et | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Siūlome darbą valytojai ( -ui ) Dainavos poliklinikoje, Pramonės pr 31, Kaune Darbo laikas nuo 14:00 val iki 22:00 val ir nuo 6:00 val iki 14:00 val Budintis valytojas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Patiekalų gaminimas pagal technologines korteles mokyklos valgykloje, švaros ir tvarkos palaikymas darbo vietoje | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Metalo gaminių paruošimas, abdorojimas: smėliavimas-šratavimas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Techninio pobūdžio darbų planavimas ir organizavimas; Gamybinių įrengimų tikrinimas eksploatavimui; Techninė gamybinių įrengimų ir jų dalių (tarpinių, filtrų, atsarginių detalių) priežiūra, gedimų nustatymas, remontas; Kylančių techninių problemų analizavimas ir sprendimas | 3 - Technicians and associate professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | darbas prie gamybos įrengimo (Holzma staklės); užsakymų komplektavimas; kokybės užtikrinimas Registruokitės arba susisiekime tel 6! | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas mėsos perdirbimo ceche su įrengimais (apmokymas vietoje) | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Įvairūs valymo darbai, nemonotoniškas, darbas, apmokome darbo vietoje Yra galimybė dirbti ribotą darbingumą turintiems asmenims | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | administracinių patalpų kasdienio valymo darbai, švaros palaikymas Darbai atliekami laikantis darbo, sveikatos, saugos, higienos normų ir valymo programos reikalavimų | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Maisto gamyba mokiniams ir kiti pagal pareigas būtini darbai | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | patiekalų gaminimas pagal technologines korteles, vidaus valgykloje , higienos normų laikymasis | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas prekybos centre "Šilas": -Prekių krovimas į lentynas; -Klientų aptarnavimas dirbant kasos aparatu; -Prekių galiojimo terminų kontrolė | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | šilumos punktų priežiūra | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | naujų klientų paieška ir pritraukimas Įmonės paslaugų pristatymas potencialiems klientams Potencialių klientų bazės kūrimas | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Nedidelio prekybos centro, esančio M Gimbutienės g , Petrašiūnuose, Kaune, patalpų tvarkymas: grindų plovimas (rankiniu būdu ir su automatine plovimo mašina), šiukšlių nešimas, prekių krepšelių dezinfekavimas ir kiti švaros palaikymo darbai Darbas 0,57 etatu Dėl detalesnės informacijos skambinkite | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Mūsų klientas – įmonė, teikianti trumpalaikio ir ilgalaikio apgyvendinimo bei nuomos administravimo paslaugas, prie komandos kviečia prisijungti APGYVENDINIMO PASLAUGŲ PADALINIO VADOVĄ (-Ę) • Efektyvus trumpalaikės nuomos padalinio veiklos valdymas ir organizavimas; • Atsakomybė už padalinio veiklos rezultatus; • Kasdienis objektų priežiūros koordinavimas, atsakomybė už pavaldaus personalo darbą (paieška ir atranka, poreikio planavimas, darbo kontrolė, atleidimas ir kt ); • Padalinio biudžeto planavimas ir įgyvendinimo priežiūra; • Profesionalus įmonės atstovavimas telefonu bei štu (anglų, rusų ir lietuvių kalbomis); • Bekontakčio svečių įsiregistravimo ir išsiregistravimo valdymas, pagalba telefonu; • Darbas viešbučių valdymo sistema (Ericsoft), užsakymų koordinavimas, apmokėjimų kontrolė, sąskaitų faktūrų išrašymas, bankinių pavedimų ruošimas (Rivilė); • Įmonės paskyrų Booking, Airbnb bei kitose platformose valdymas; • Operatyvus iškilusių problemų sprendimas | 3 - Technicians and associate professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darželio bendrų patalpų( san mazgų, koridorių, kabinetų) valymas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | • Aktyvūs pardavimai • Produkto vadyba • Marketingas • Duomenų analizė • Ryšių su esamais ir potencialiais verslo klientais palaikymas ir vystymas; • Susitikimų su klientais organizavimas • Pristatymai bei komercinių pasiūlymų teikimas • Rinkos ir klientų poreikių analizė | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | -montuoti elektrinę dalį į vėdinimo įrenginius; -pajungti automatiką; atlikti gaminio elektrinės dalies patikrą; -jungti komponentus pagal pateiktus projektus; -laikytis darbo principų ir tvarkos | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Wok patiekalų ruošimas Švaros, tvarkos palaikymas darbo vietoje | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Patalpų valymas, švaros palaikymas parduotuvėje Maxima | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas prie laminavimo įrenginio: sklandaus aparato veiklos užtikrinimas, smulkių gedimų šalinimas, kokybės tikrinimas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Langų, fasadų, pertvarų plovimas, kiliminių dangų valymas, generalinis valymas, po statybiniai valymo darbai ir t t Darbas komandoje, skirtinguose objektuose pagal sudarytą darbo grafiką Darbas mobilioje brigadoje | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Ieškoma virėja maitinimo įmonės virtuvėje (progimnazijos valgykla) Lietuviški patiekalai Darbas slenkančiu grafiku Patirtis būtina! | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | • Vykdyti darbuotojų ir lankytojų patekimo į saugomą pastatą (-us) ir (arba) teritoriją kontrolę • Kontroliuoti darbuotojų ir lankytojų tinkamą naudojimąsi saugomos teritorijos automobilių stovėjimo aikštelėmis, nustatytu laiku užrakinti teritorijos vartus • Vykdyti kitus tiesioginio vadovo nenuolatinio pobūdžio pavedimus, susijusius su pareigybe • Stebėti patalpas (jų duris ir langus) ir saugomų pastatų teritoriją (vartus ir kitus įėjimus); • Išduoti bendrųjų patalpų raktus asmenims, turintiems teisę patekti į tas patalpas, ir kontroliuoti, kad bendrosios patalpos, jomis pasinaudojus, visada būtų užrakintos; • Neleisti, kad iš saugomų pastatų ir teritorijos būtų išnešamos arba išvežamos materialinės vertybės be kompetentingų darbuotojų leidimo; • Nustatyta tvarka registruoti pastebėtus pastato (-ų) sistemų (elektros, vandens, šildymo, vėdinimo, apsauginės priešgaisrinės signalizacijos, vartų, kompiuterių ir kt ) gedimus ir , esant būtinybei iškviesti atitinkamas avarines tarnybas; • Valstybinių švenčių ir kitomis atmintinomis dienomis nustatytu laiku iškelti ir nukelti valstybinę vėliavą | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Pusryčių patiekalų gamyba ir pasiruošimas jiems | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | • Pardavimų plėtra Lietuvos ir užsienio rinkose, bendradarbiavimo vystymas (B2B sektorius); • Aktyvių pardavimų vykdymas; • Atstovaujamų produktų pristatymų, seminarų organizavimas; • Dalyvavimas parodose ir konferencijose; • Komercinių pasiūlymų rengimas, derybų vedimas, sutarčių sudarymas; • Rinkos analizė, įmonės pardavimų strategijos tobulinimas ir įgyvendinimas | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbo aprašymas • bendradarbiauti su HoReCa klientais (barais, restoranais, viešbučiais ir pan ); • užmegzti, palaikyti prekybinius santykius su klientais; • vykdyti aktyvius pardavimus, siekti nustatytų pardavimų rezultatų; • pristatyti naujus produktus klientams; • nuolat ieškoti naujų klientų paskirtoje teritorijoje; • kontroliuoti atsiskaitymus ir skolas Reikalavimai • turi aktyvių pardavimų darbo patirties ir esi vienas (-a) iš geriausių savo kolegų tarpe; • puikiai išmanai alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimo ar gamybos ypatumus; • pasižymi orientacija į rezultatus; • gebi dirbti savarankiškai ir komandoje; • esi komunikabilus (-i), iniciatyvus (-i) ir pareigingas (-a); • turi vairuotojo pažymėjimą (B kategorija); Privalumai: • turi gerus derybų įgūdžius • anglų kalbos žinios Įmonė siūlo • dinamišką, perspektyvų darbą ir puikias darbo sąlygas jauname bei draugiškame kolektyve; • į vystymąsi ir profesinį augimą orientuotą aplinką; • tarnybinį automobilį darbui ir asmeniniam naudojimui ir kt naudų paketą; • sveikatos, nelaimingų atsitikimų ir kelionių draudimus; • bazinę algą nuo į rankas bei motyvacinius priedus už darbo rezultatus | 3 - Technicians and associate professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Pagalba konditeriui Kepinių paruošimas kepimui pagal technologines korteles | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | valyti rūbų parduotuvę prieš atidarymą Švaros ir tvarkos palaikymas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | - Metalo gaminių dažymas; - Gaminių paruošimas prieš dažymą; - Dažų paruošimas; - Dažymo procesų kontrolė; - Gaminamų gaminių kokybės užtikrinimas ; - Darbo sauga ir drausmė ceche | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | grybų rūšiavimas ir pakavimas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | UAB „Medicinos linija“ - pasaulio rinkose žinoma prekinio ženklo „i-dental“ vardu – inovatyvi, dantų priežiūrai, gydymui ir restauravimui skirtų odontologinių medžiagų gamintoja Šiuo metu įmonė stiprina savo komandą ir siūlo prisijungti prie kolektyvo Gamybos operatoriui, kurio pareigybė: - Valdyti darbo vietos organizavimo, technologinio proceso principus - Dalyvauti įmonės odontologinių produktų ir paslaugų asortimento gamyboje - Prižiūrėti ir teisingai eksploatuoti veikiančius produktų gamybos įrenginius Darbas ypatingai švariose patalpose | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | metalo konstrukcijų virinimas ir surinkimas, turėklų, vartų, tvorų, laiptų gamyba ir kt | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Organizuoti efektyvų gamybos padalinio darbą bei užtikrinti savalaikį produkcijos užsakymų vykdymą Pagrindinės atsakomybės: organizuoti pamainos darbą siekti iškeltų gamybos tikslų įgyvendinimo užtikrinti saugią aplinką darbuotojams užtikrinti efektyvų gamybos resursų naudojimą užtikrinti maisto produktų saugos reikalavimų vykdymą Turėti aukštesnįjį arba aukštąjį išsilavinimą (pageidautina maisto pramonės ar maisto technologijų srityje), darbo saugos ir maisto produktų saugos reikalavimų gamybos pramonėje žinias | 1 - Managers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Kūrybiška, iššūkius priimanti ir į rezultatą orientuota profesionalų komanda šiuo metu ieško PARDAVIMŲ SKYRIAUS VADOVO (-ĖS) Tikimės bendrus tikslus sėkmingai keliančio bei patirtį pardavimų srityje turinčio lyderio, kuris taps mūsų pardavimų komandos dalimi Jūs būsite atsakingas už: įmonės gaminamos produkcijos pardavimų plėtrą užsienyje ir pardavimo kanalų (pvz : tarpininkų bei distributorių) paiešką bei vystymą (Didžioji Britanija, Skandinavijos šalys, Vokietija, Prancūzija ar kt ); pardavimų proceso organizavimą ir efektyvumo kontrolę; pardavimų planavimą, veiklos rezultatų bei rinkos analizę; vadovavimą pardavimų komandai Komandos rezultatų analizę ir jų gerinimo sprendimų paiešką, komandos formavimą bei atsakomybę už komandos rodiklių pasiekimą; santykių su naujais potencialiais partneriais ir klientais kūrimą ir palaikymą Lietuvoje bei užsienyje; derybas su pirkėjais, pasiūlymų ir sutarčių sudarymą; veiklos ir rezultatų analizę, ataskaitų ruošimą ir atskaitomybę vadovui; įmonės atstovavimą tarptautinėse parodose; sklandų bendradarbiavimą su projektavimo ir gamybos padaliniais | 1 - Managers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | • Planuoti, organizuoti ir įgyvendinti spektaklių pastatymų ir kitų kultūros projektų vadybinį procesą • Rengti spektaklių ir kitų kultūrinių projektų sąmatas ir sutartis bei kontroliuoti jų vykdymą • Atlikti sutarčių ir perkamų prekių ir paslaugų išankstinę ir einamąją finansinę kontrolę; vykdyti pirkimo iniciatoriaus funkcija viešųjų pirkimų procese • Dalyvauti spektaklių ir kitų projektų viešinimo procese • Vykdyti nuolatinę stebėseną specialių programų/projektų (nacionalinių ir tarptautinių), skirtų teatrinės veiklos finansavimui; Rengti paraiškas ir ataskaitas | 3 - Technicians and associate professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas darželyje, švaros tvarkos palaikymas grupėje, indų plovimas, maisto išdalinimas Pagalba mokytojui | 5 - Service and sales workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Mūsų klientas – ilgametę patirtį savo srityje sukaupusi įmonė, veiklą vystanti didmeninėje, mažmeninėje ir elektroninėje prekyboje, šiuo metu ieško TIEKIMO VADYBININKO (-ĖS) Darbo pobūdis: • Prekių asortimento pardavimo kanalui formavimas, pirkimų ir tiekimo procesų valdymas; • Bendradarbiavimo palaikymas su esamais tiekėjais, derybos, sutarčių sudarymas, naujų tiekėjų paieška; • Pirkimų organizavimas ir dokumentų administravimas, atsargų valdymas; • Kainodaros formavimas ir akcijų planavimas; • Kiti darbai, susiję su tiekimo, pirkimo procesais | 3 - Technicians and associate professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas pradinėse klasėse | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas su įrengimais medinių ir PVC (plastikinių) langų /lauko durų gamybos ceche Darbų atlikimas pagal gamybinių užduočių ir tiesioginio darbo vadovo reikalavimus Įrangos priežiūra, švaros ir tvarkos palaikymas darbo vietoje | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | 0,4 - 10 kV įtampos modulinių, stulpinių transformatorinių įrengimas, kabelinių movų montavimas, oro linijų ir kabelinių elektros linijų statyba ir montavimas; gedimų, avarinių sutrikimų ir atsijungimų elektros tinkluose likvidavimas; pavestų užduočių vykdyma Turėti profesinę kvalifikaciją Darbo patirtis šioje srityje (privalumas); pradinė elektrosaugos kategorija (PK) (privalumas); apsaugos nuo elektros kvalifikacija (VK) (privalumas); aukštalipio pažymėjimas (privalumas); vairuotojo pažymėjimas B kategorija, C kategorija - privalumas Aprūpiname darbui reikalingomis priemonėmis (darbo drabužiai, batai, įrankiai ir kt ) | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Į UAB „Valumina“ komandą kviečiame prisijungti valymo darbų vykdytoją Administracinių patalpų valymas, švaros palaikymas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Ieškome patalpų tvarkytojų ''Senukai'' prekybos centrui Pociūno g Vilniuje Darbo grafikas: 3 darbo / 3 laisvos Darbo laikas: 07: :00 Laukiame kandidatų ir su daliniu darbingumu Telefono numeris | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Planuoja ir organizuoja sklandžią transporto skyriaus ir transporto aptranavimo baro veiklą; užtikrina kokybišką produkcijos pristatymą klientams bei žaliavinio pieno surinkimą ir pervežimą; transporto priemonių parengimą darbui ir saugią jų eksploataciją; vidinės degalinės eksploatavimo attitikimą teisės aktams | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Dirbti su pradinių klasių mokiniais | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Gamybinių patalpų valymas, švaros ir tvarkos palaikymas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | daugiabučių namų laiptinių valymas (naujos statybos namai) | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | BUHALTERĖ (-is) - KASININKĖ (-as): Tvarko grynųjų pinigų apskaitą, priima ir išduoda grynus pinigus iš kasos, išrašo kasos pajamų ir išlaidų orderius, tikrina faktišką pinigų sumos atitikimą kasos knygose nurodytiems likučiams, veda kasos knygas; pirminių apskaitos dokumentų suvedimas; kiti su įmonės buhalterija susiję darbai | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | UAB "Valumina" - profesionalias valymo paslaugas teikianti įmonė šiuo metu siūlo darbą valymo darbų vykdytojui mobilioje komandoje: valymo, tvarkymo, priežiūros darbai objektuose, švaros palaikymas Važinėsite Šiaulių mieste įmonės skirtu automobiliu; Automobilyje visada turėsite visus reikiamus įrankius ir priemones; Nenešiosite vandens kibirų ir negręšite grindų šluosčių rankomis, nes darbe taikoma nauja, darbą palengvinanti valymo metodika; Tvarkysite/valysite nedidelio ploto klientų patalpas | 9 - Elementary occupations. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Vidaus apdailos darbai (dažymas, glaistymas, gipso kartono pertvarų montavimas, plytelių klijavimas ir kt ) | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Vežti krovinius, Lietuva, Vokietija, Belgija, Lietuva | 8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Betoninių kelio bortų statymas ir montavimas; Trinkelių klojimas; Kelio paruošimas | 7 - Craft and related trades workers. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas Klinikos laboratorijoje pagal patvirtintą medicinos biologo pareigybę | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Tapus BTA dalimi mes Tau patikėsime: Derinti, sudaryti ir administruoti draudimo sutartis; Konsultuoti, teikti pagalbą kolegoms ir draudimo tarpininkams | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | užtikrinti tinkamą įstaigai reikalingų paslaugų ir darbų, viešųjų pirkimų procedūrų atlikimą bei savalaikį maisto produktų sąskaitų sutvarkymą | 2 - Professionals. |
Classify the given job description based on the primary tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications. Assign the appropriate occupational category or categories from the following list:
1 - Managers
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians and associate professionals
4 - Clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
9 - Elementary occupations | Darbas statybinių medžiagų parduotuvės sandėlyje Statybinių medžiagų pakrovimas ir iškrovimas Darbas tiek krautuvu, tiek rankomis | 4 - Clerical support workers. |
Subsets and Splits