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stringlengths 61
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Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: MRRs are used primarily for cross -forward line of own troops operations
Sentence 2: Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (CBRNE) defense
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Transition is a process rather than an event and sits in the context of other environmental factors
Sentence 2: iii Nonmilitary Agencies And Request for Prot ection 4 Constituents of Pr otection 4 Protection And Mi ssion Command 6 Checklist 7 Chapter
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: non-NATO participating nations at its peak, and lasted for over decade, this guide and its Army users would profit from Lessons Learned in that large multinational operation
Sentence 2: It is normally a major UN agency such as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Children™s Fund, or the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanita rian Affairs, which is part of the UN secretariat
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The HRSC also provides theater-wide technical guidance and training assistance for personnel accountability, casualty, and postal Sustainment of Unified Action
Sentence 2: What are the medical support requirements for detainee operations and facilities?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Airsp ace coordinating measures(Air Corridor(AIRCOR)) Usage Name/USMTF Abbreviation Joint Definition Joint/Army Planning Considerations Remarks Air Corridor (AIRCOR) A restricted air route of travel specified for use by friendly aircraft established for the purpose of preventing friendly aircraft from being fired upon by friendly forces
Sentence 2: 5 , small, unmanned aircraft systems flew approximately 60 0
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: A lead nation is a nation with the will, capability, competence, and influence to provide the essential elements of political consultation a nd military leadership to coordi nate the planning, mounting, and execution of a multinational operation (JP
Sentence 2: The USAMC manages and the ASC executes the APS program and provides accountability, storage, maintenance, and transfer (issue and receipt) of all equipment and stocks (except medical supplies and subsistence items)
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Restricted area (RA) A designated area, established by appropriate authority, over which flight of aircraft is restricted
Sentence 2: Extern al support contracts normally include a mix of U. S. citizens, HN , and local national contractor employees
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: They adjust it throughout the operation as subordinates develop the situation or conditions change
Sentence 2: The support pr o vided includes materiel integrat ion and sealift support conducted by USAMC and United States Transportation Command ( USTRANSCOM )
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Note: Organizing* and Training* are not considered sustainment responsibilities
Sentence 2: The degree of involvement, liaison, and influence of each organization vary greatly depending on the situation
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: In future TAIS software versions, any device with an HMTL 5 compliant web browser on the network can access the TAIS
Sentence 2: There are many nongovernmental organization players and no one speaks for them all
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Maritime forces are forces that operate on, under, or above the sea to gain or exploit command of the sea, sea control, or sea denial a nd/or to project power from the sea
Sentence 2: Accounts for c urrent and potential adversary offensive and defensive courses of action
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Staffed with ALOs and other terminal attack controllers, TACPs perform liaison and control functions appropriate to the level of combat maneuver force supported
Sentence 2: Airspace c oordinating m easure ( Restricted Operations Zone (ROZ) ) (continued) Usage Name/USMTF Abbreviation Joint Definiti on Joint/Army Planning Considerations Remarks Reconnaissance area (RECCE) Airspace established specifically for aircraft conducting reconnaissance
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: National s upport e lements operating in the NATO com the status of forces agreement, memorandums of agreements, and other HN arrangements
Sentence 2: It discusses the n ature of unified land operations and unified action
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Large MAGTFs bring the full joint capability to control airspace over the MAGTF AO
Sentence 2: Have the command relationships been defined and analyzed for the following?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Some examples of working groups which airspace elements support are listed below
Sentence 2: Advises the commander on international directives and agreements that form the basis for the multinational operations
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders also task units (general troops) under their command to carry out civil affairs operations tasks
Sentence 2: Using planning data from the fires and aviation planners Army airspace planners can inte grate Army airspace requirements into the overall airspace control plan
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Control and coordinate all air defense operations by the component commanders
Sentence 2: UAS capabilities are ma ximized when employed as part of an integrated Chapter
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: An operation is a series of military actions to achieve assigned objectives and accomplish the mission
Sentence 2: Key resource management tasks are providing advice and recommendations to the commander, identifying sources of funds, forecasting, capturing, analyzing and managing costs; acquiring funds, distributing and controlling funds; tracking costs and obligations; establishing and managing reimbursement processes; and
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Engineers cannot work effectively and protect themselves at th e same time
Sentence 2: The multinational commander strives to achieve unity of effort in the logistic effort
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Topographic support relies on availability of a fundamental layer of geospatial information
Sentence 2: The air and missile defense element confirms that all tracks are processed for identification
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Multinational logistics are flexible, responsive, and predictive and provide timely sustainment throughout the entire multinational force
Sentence 2: This can be looked at in bands: Small UA S Œ Raven, Tactical UAS Œ Shadow, Large UAS Œ Gray Eagle
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: These control measures either eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk (probability or severity) of a hazardous incident occurring
Sentence 2: Theater closing also includes redeployment, drawdown, closing operational contracts, an d port closing
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: 01 A ) task A clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority
Sentence 2: Execution Have the engineer mission, tasks, or both changed?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Monitoring terrestrial areas of interest throug h information collection assets to help reveal the enemy™s location and disposition, reveal rout e, area, zone, and force reconnaissance, and attempt to identify the enemy™s intent
Sentence 2: Flexibility and responsiveness to fluid and dynamic situations due to size and independence
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Have the command relationships been defined and analyzed for the following?
Sentence 2: Providing update of solar environment and the impact to both terrestrial and space-based segments of friendly communications systems
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: To support the corps and division mission, airspace elements in the main command post Š Provide airspace control expertise for the commander
Sentence 2: The larger force is th en under the multinational force commander™s operational control
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The purpose of control measures is to ensure a thorough understanding between and among echelons of duties and responsibilities related to the conduct of operations
Sentence 2: The multinational logistic procurement support board helps with the multinational force contracts to ensure these policies and procedures are incorporated into contributing nation™s contracts and included in their national contract oversight
Response: | neutral | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The legal advisor helps a commander understand the problems of multinational operations
Sentence 2: In some situations , for example, very lightly used airspace or airspace with few unified action partner airspace users, the division may delegate this authority
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: However, the command they become a part of does not formally task their sending unit through the liaison officer
Sentence 2: This quadripartite standardization agreement is equally applicable to phases during operations with little modification
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: It also organizes and controls functional areas including logistics and civil-military operations
Sentence 2: Regardless of context, transition fu lfills a political objective first
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Initially, a coordination center is the focal point for support issues such as force sustainment, medical support, infrastructure engineering, host nation support, and movement control
Sentence 2: Airspace control overlays can be digital (containing all data associated with ACMs), or graphic (drawn on plastic or paper for use during degraded network operations)
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: may not have been used explicitly, the ideas have consistently pervaded Army doctrine
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: At each succeeding echelon, the staff coordinates the plan across the warfighting functions to ensure complete integration of fire support coordination measures and AMD planning
Sentence 2: In -transit visibility provides the distribution manager the ability to assess how well the distribution process is responding to supported force needs
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Are assessments continuously monitoring and evaluating current situations towards the desired end state?
Sentence 2: United States Army Financial Management Command coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates financial management between strategic partners and the operational and tactical Army levels
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders and staffs participating in multinational operations should be able to answer the following questions with respect to civil affairs operations
Sentence 2: When the size and scope of events exceed the capabilit ies or capacities of domestic civilian agencies a governor or federal civilian agency requests support
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: It provides a unifying purpose and focus t o all operations
Sentence 2: What are the possible environmental impacts on the host nation providing this support?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The practice of civil law includes environmental law, the law of federal employ ment, federal labor relations, government information practices, federal litigation, regulatory law, and intellectual property law
Sentence 2: Through mission command, commanders initiate and integrate all military functions and actions toward a common goal of mission accomplishment
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Not all multinational members are pa rty to the same treaties
Sentence 2: Commanders understand the importance of integrating resource management with mission needs to execute multinational operations
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: It will always require compromises or mutually agreed standards figood enoughfl in a host nation context
Sentence 2: Smaller specialist forces and civilian shippi ng requires sea control by other forces or escorts
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The M EDCOM (DS) integrates and synchronizes all AHS operations and provides mission command of medical brigades (support), medical battalions (multifunctional), and other AHS units providing force health protection and health service support to tactical command ers
Sentence 2: They are about the tasks that commanders and staffs at various headquarters carry out to achieve goals set by political leaders
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders, depending on the circumstances at the time, require significant civilian support in the joint operations area
Sentence 2: If the JACCE performs liaison duties for the commander, Air Force forces and JFACC staff, then it tailor s the duties with the expertise necessary to perform effectively
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The functions and responsibilities of this commander, the airspace control authority, and the area air defense commander must be integrated to unite joint air operations, airspace control, missile detection and warning, and air defense operations to support the multinational plan
Sentence 2: What is the status of law enforcement capabilities in the current environment?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: All participants perceive missions as appropriate, achievable, and equitable in burden and risk sharing
Sentence 2: Commanders understand the four humanitarian principles to understand the civil-military relationship
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Human resource services include casualty operations management, postal, and essential personnel services (promotions, aw ards, evaluations, and the like)
Sentence 2: These recommendations are focused on near -real -ti me airspace control or on posturing for future use of airspace
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: guides Army professionals (both Soldiers and Department of the Army Civilians ) in their understanding of the entire body of professional knowledge and beliefs that shape the art and science of their profession
Sentence 2: Will the multinational force provide communications capability to the incoming force?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Theater closing also includes redeployment, drawdown, closing operational contracts, an d port closing
Sentence 2: Whatever the type of SPOD, it should be capable of accommodating a n armored BCT
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Have basing rights and diplomatic clearan ces critical to mobility been secured?
Sentence 2: iii Nonmilitary Agencies And Request for Prot ection 4 Constituents of Pr otection 4 Protection And Mi ssion Command 6 Checklist 7 Chapter
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders comprehend multinational forces™ doctrine and have good relations with subordinate commanders and civilian leaders
Sentence 2: Technical intelligence is intelligence derived from the collection, processing, analysis, and exploitation of data and information pertaining to foreign equipment and materiel for the purposes of preventing technological surprise, assessing foreign scientific and technical capabilities, and developing countermeasures designed to neutralize an adversary™s technological advantages (JP
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: (a) The coordination level is requested and initiated by component airspace elements and approved by the airsp ace control authority for inclusion in the airspace control plan and ACO
Sentence 2: Clarity of tasks, standardized and interoperable procedures, and clearly defined command relationships contribute to simplicity
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Planning Challenges for Multinational Operations This chapter begins by giving a multinationa l operations overview
Sentence 2: The first area includes cases where the sending st ate has exclusive jurisdiction
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: 0) joint fires Fires delivered during the employment of forces from two or more components in coordinated action to produce desired effects in support of a common objective
Sentence 2: If a coordinating altitude has been established, an AIRCOR is implemented by the using authority
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: What are the commander™s requirements for intelligence briefings and products?
Sentence 2: What are the phases and flow of engineer units , capabilities, and materiel to the mission area to support the plan?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Army components of the AAGS consist of airspace elements, fires cells, air and missile defense sections, and coordination and liaison elements embedded in Army com mand posts
Sentence 2: This chapter includes health service support an d operational contract support
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders and staffs use the main and supporting efforts to indicate the shifting of priorities of support by each warfighting function when the complexity of operations requires sequential application of combat power using phases or when circumstances require a change in the conc ept of operations
Sentence 2: Termination criteria should account for a wide variety of operational tasks th at the joint force may need to accomplish, to include disengagement, force protection (including force health protection support to conduct retrograde cargo inspections and pest management operations), transition to post -conflict operations, reconstitution , and redeployment
Response: | neutral | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The corps airspace element retains responsibility for airspace control over portions of the AO not assigned to subordinate units
Sentence 2: Airspace control includes th e capabilities and procedures used to increase operational effectiveness by promoting the safe, efficient, and flexible use of airspace (JP 3 -
Response: | neutral | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: What are the commander™s requirements for intelligence briefings and products?
Sentence 2: As with command relationships, an organization evolves that has some national assets and intelligence at the multinational force™s disposal, while others are under national control
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Planners are scarce and there is a long-lead time to deploy the requirements
Sentence 2: Has the multinational headquarters established the support capabilities and levels of serviceŠ including national environmental restrictionsŠt hat nation™s aviation forces offer each other?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Operational reach enables commanders to determine where to engage the enemy by giving them the ability to strike enemy decisive points to achieve decisive force at the appropriate time and place
Sentence 2: Medical Support in Multinational Operations This chapter begins by discussing the role and principles of Army health system (AHS) support and continues on to medical staff, command surgeon responsibilities, command relationships in medical support, medical planning, and health threat assessment
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The delineations beginning in paragraph 2 -13 are listed roughly in hierarchical order, highest to lowest (although joint and multinational doctrine are often co -equal in the hierarchy)
Sentence 2: Transition is a process rather than an event and sits in the context of other environmental factors
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Have standards for operational or logistic capabilities been established for certifying units to participate in the operation?
Sentence 2: Manned aircraft determine AMSL with a barometric altimeter corrected for local air pressure
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Bands help shape the environment for interagency and HN success during stability
Sentence 2: Once a commander approves ACMs, they are then added to the UAP for addition to the daily ACO
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The result of the unit perform ing the collective tasks in paragraphs 3-27 through 3-37 is Appendix
Sentence 2: Large maritime forces using an area for their own purposes achieve and maintain sufficient sea control
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Details of medical planning are contained in American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Z ealand (ABCA) Armies™ Program Publication
Sentence 2: Without near -real -time situational awareness, airspace element personnel facilitate risk r eduction by requiring airspace users to use preplanned coordination measures and by reserving large volumes of airspace for possible use
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: A variety of functions help commanders build and sustain combat power
Sentence 2: It™s flattened slightly at the poles and bulging somewhat at the equator
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Subsequently, the regional air movement coordinat ion center coordinates with the FAA, National Guard Bureau, and the Air Force ™ s Tanker Airlift Control Center to determine and issue time slots for aircraft transiting the available airfields
Sentence 2: Multinational commanders seek assistance from governmental agencies to assess other countries™ capabilities
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Details of medical planning are contained in American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Z ealand (ABCA) Armies™ Program Publication
Sentence 2: What intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and international and national donor agencies operate in the joint operations area?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Refer to Appendix 7 (Air and Missile Defense) to Annex D ( Fires ) if the info rmation is located there
Sentence 2: Said another way, combat power is the actual physical incarnation of all the capabilities available to the commander for the conduct of operations
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Have armies adopted standard guidance for interpreting hazards identified by chemical detectors?
Sentence 2: Organizations and functions do not have missions until they are employed
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: A UN survey and assessment team evaluates opera tional requirements and develops planning data for sustainment
Sentence 2: To augment the FAA ™ s airspace control plan, each state maintains an airspace control plan signed by the adjutant general, maintained by
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: National s upport e lements operating in the NATO com the status of forces agreement, memorandums of agreements, and other HN arrangements
Sentence 2: This negotiation process may facilitate force tailoring by identifying available resources (such as infrastructure, transportation, warehousing, and other requirements) which if not available would require deploying additional sustainment assets to su pport
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders anticipate how adversaries use the media to achieve their own version of inform and influence activities
Sentence 2: Does the deployment plan provide for early deploy ment of intelligence assets in the theater of operations?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Other special instructions sections , such as tanker procedures or cruise missile procedures , also address airspace procedures within those particular sections
Sentence 2: The Archival and Special Collections in the Combined Arms Research Library (CARL), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas contains copies
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: intermediate staging base A tailorable, temporary location used for staging forces, sustainment and/or extraction into and out of an operational area
Sentence 2: Advises the command on issues affecting the detention of persons who attack or disrupt the force according to customary international law, applicable UN Security Council resolutions, alliance or multinational directives, and national policies
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Operational Considerations for Multinational Forces This chapter discusses fire support and engineer support
Sentence 2: Peace operations cover a range of activities including conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and peace building
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: influence activities are a key factor in the global in formation environment and essential in the military information environment for a co mmander to achieve success
Sentence 2: What are the multinational force™s capabilities to receive, store, and issu e dry cargo, fuel, and water including water production and purification capability?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Protection of minorities, refuge es, and displ aced persons
Sentence 2: Preparing finance and disbursing policies, procedures, and guidelines for the personnel annex of the operation plan or operation order
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: What are the specific AO characteristics that aff ect interoperability, such as severe climatic conditions?
Sentence 2: Commanders comprehend multinational forces™ doctrine and have good relations with subordinate commanders and civilian leaders
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: For Army forces, airspace control primarily aims to integrate airspace us ers during planning and in near -real -time execution
Sentence 2: These running estimates project consumption rates for key classes of supply, casualty figures, maintenance requirements, and other sustainment requirements
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: airspace elements through th e JAGIC but brigades can be delegated the authority to directly coordinate by the division
Sentence 2: In this case, the MAGTF requires authorized direct liaison to coordinate airspace and air operations directly with the JAOC
Response: | neutral | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Understanding this context is necessary to ensure that large -scale combat operation s are part of a coherent and cohesive whole
Sentence 2: R EFERENCED F ORMS Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) Web site ( )
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The word doctrine , from Latin doctrina , generally means the body of teachings pre sented to a group for acceptance
Sentence 2: What part will simulators play in the transition to war training strategy?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Smaller MAGTFs , a Marine expediti onary brigade with a regimental -based ground comba t element and a composite group -based aviation combat element (with unmanned aircraft systems) may integrate in a similar manner with BCTs
Sentence 2: There are many nongovernmental organization players and no one speaks for them all
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: If the JACCE performs liaison duties for the commander, Air Force forces and JFACC staff, then it tailor s the duties with the expertise necessary to perform effectively
Sentence 2: These running estimates project consumption rates for key classes of supply, casualty figures, maintenance requirements, and other sustainment requirements
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Army bands provide support to the force by tailoring music support throughout military operations
Sentence 2: In -transit visibility provides the distribution manager the ability to assess how well the distribution process is responding to supported force needs
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Under this method, one nation provides a particular class of supply or service for all or most of the multinational force
Sentence 2: Friendly aircraft are reasonably free from friendly surface fires, with artillery, helicopters, and fixed -winged airc raft given specific lateral or vertical airspace within which to operate
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: It includes a vast array of DOD, government, and private sector agencies that participate in the sustainment enterprise
Sentence 2: Medical planning develops a system that provides the best possible use of medical support resources in a given situation
Response: | neutral | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The HIDACZ command authority controls all airspace users (including fires) within the HIDACZ using positive, procedural, or a combi nation of controls (ATP 3 -
Sentence 2: Has an information operations plan been developed and synchronized with other multinational force contributors to defense support of civil authorities?
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: *theater opening The ability to establish and operate ports of debarkation (air, sea, and rail), establish a distribution system and sustainment bases, and to facilitate port throughput for the reception, staging, onward mo vement and integration of forces within a theater of operations
Sentence 2: This area reference system provides a common language between the components and simplifies communications
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Commanders continuously integrate airspace users throughout their areas of operations while conducting operations
Sentence 2: Sustainment p lanning continues with an analysis of the cond itions in the operational environment with emphasis on the enemy and operational variables mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The element builds and maintains the airspace control overlay consisting of the joint airspace control order, any local airspace coordinating measures the airspace control authority does not publish on the airspace control order, and near -real -time airspace coordinating measures too transient to be published in an airspace control order change
Sentence 2: When the operation is an exercise in regional peacekeeping, participating nations establish a legally sound basis for such an operation sustainable under international law
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: However, the CCDR must formally delineate this directive authority by function and scope
Sentence 2: Preparing finance and disbursing policies, procedures, and guidelines for the personnel annex of the operation plan or operation order
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: It provides a unifying purpose and focus t o all operations
Sentence 2: In most cases, an intergovernmental organization, such as the UN, performs this task
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Are memorandum of understandings and technical agreements for this support in place?
Sentence 2: Airspace elements perform a series of collective tasks to integrate airspace use in near -real -time
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: This picture provides commanders with situational awareness and situational understanding of the operational area
Sentence 2: However, within this manual the preferred term multinational will be the term used to describe thes e actions and has replaced the older terms of combined in almost all usages except NATO: An alliance forms the basis for responding to a variety of regional threats
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: It delivers the right quantity as determined by logisticians in synchronization with operational commanders and mission
Sentence 2: Based on the identification and assessment of potential hazards by airspace personn el, leaders balance the risks (readiness, political, economic, and environmental) against the costs of each course of action as they develop control measures
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The airspace element ensures all manually reported tracks are integrated into the common operational picture
Sentence 2: Host nation support is civil and military assistance rendered by a nation to foreign forces within its territory during peacetime, crises or emergencies, or war based on agreements mutually concluded between nations
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY This publication is available at the Army Publishing Directorate site ( ) and the Central Army Registry site ( )
Sentence 2: Promulgate and employ common procedures for air operation management and the reduction of mutual interference
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: Providing update of solar environment and the impact to both terrestrial and space-based segments of friendly communications systems
Sentence 2: What part will simulators play in the transition to war training strategy?
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: T actical operational data is required to establish an integrated air defense (such as defense sectors, combat air patrol stations, and missile engagement zones)
Sentence 2: It is normally performed by the owning unit or a supporting unit using tools and test equipment found in the unit
Response: | different | mit-sentencesimilarity |
Determine whether the two statements are 'similar', 'different', or 'neutral'. No explanation is required. | Input:
Sentence 1: The degree of involvement, liaison, and influence of each organization vary greatly depending on the situation
Sentence 2: The multinational force commander establishes logistics coordination or the control center headed by a senior logistic coordinator or commander to coordinate common logistic support in the AO
Response: | similar | mit-sentencesimilarity |