seeking new knowledge, following the way,
until at last my SOUL, in great travail,
broke from its bondage and bounded away.
Free was I from the bondage of earth-men.
Free from the body, I flashed through the night.
Unlocked at last for me was the star-space.
Free was I from the bondage of night.
Now to the end of space sought I wisdom,
far beyond knowledge of finite man.
Far into space, my SOUL traveled freely
into infinity's circle of light.
Strange, beyond knowledge, were some of the planets,
great and gigantic, beyond dreams of men.
Yet found I Law, in all of its beauty, working
through and among them as here among men.
Flashed forth my soul through infinity's beauty,
far through space
I flew with my thoughts.
Rested I there on a planet of beauty.
Strains of harmony filled all the air.
Shapes there were, moving in Order,
great and majestic as stars in the night;
mounting in harmony, ordered equilibrium,
symbols of the Cosmic, like unto Law.
Many the stars I passed in my journey,
many the races of men on their worlds;
some reaching high as stars of the morning,
some falling low in the blackness of night.
Each and all of them struggling upward,
gaining the heights and plumbing the depths,
moving at times in realms of brightness,
living through darkness, gaining the Light.
Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage.
Know that darkness is only a veil.
Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal,
waiting the moment of freedom to conquer,
waiting to rend the veil of the night.
Some I found who had conquered the ether.
Free of space were they while yet they were men.
Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things,
far in space constructed they a planet,
drawn by the force that flows through the ALL;
condensing, coalescing the ether into forms,
that grew as they willed.
Outstripping in science, they, all of the races,
mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars.
Long time I paused, watching their wisdom.
Saw them create from out of the ether cities
gigantic of rose and gold.
Formed forth from the primal element,
base of all matter, the ether far flung.
Far in the past, they had conquered the ether,
freed themselves from the bondage of toil;
formed in their mind only a picture and swiftly
created, it grew.
Forth then, my soul sped, throughout the Cosmos,
seeing ever, new things and old;
learning that man is truly space-born,
a Sun of the Sun,
a child of the stars.
Know ye, O man, whatever from ye inhabit,
surely it is one with the stars.
Thy bodies are nothing but planets revolving
around their central suns.
When ye have gained the light of all wisdom,
free shall ye be to shine in the ether --
one of the Suns that light outer darkness --
one of the space-born grown into Light.
Just as the stars in time lose their brilliance,
light passing from them in to the great source,
so, O man, the soul passes onward,
leaving behind the darkness of night.
Formed forth ye, from the primal ether,
filled with the brilliance that
flows from the source,
bound by the ether coalesced around,
yet ever it flames until at last it is free.
Lift up your flame from out of the darkness,
fly from the night and ye shall be free.
Traveled I through the space-time,