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(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (b) The discussion of cumulative impacts shall reflect the severity of the impacts and their | -0.020725 |
因他違背了耶和華的約,又因他在以色列中,行了愚妄的事。 | And [the Lord] became impatient over the misery of Israel. | 0.383517 |
我们拯救了世界,或者至少停止两个世界碰撞。 | We saved the world, or at least stopped two worlds colliding.” | 0.868832 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | To me, [differences] in their backgrounds, in their style, in their culture are huge. | -0.006636 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | A. In having a foretaste in grace here of what shall be more fully enjoyed in glory hereafter, 1 Cor. | 0.174713 |
然后,您将入侵罗马,真主将使您能够征服它。 | You will then invade Rome, and Allah will enable you to conquer it. | 0.668024 |
也许今晚或明天[星期三]我会发言。 | Maybe tonight or tomorrow [Wednesday] I will speak.” | 0.836183 |
前者是“承蒙赏赐”,后者是“多谢款待”的意思。 | They use what is before them, give thanks for it, | 0.435005 |
上帝创造了男女,所以他们可以生孩子,”穆加贝说。 | God made men and women so they can bear children,” Mugabe said. | 0.760816 |
”他们让事情发生在舞台上;他们发明;他们创造。 | 'They make things happen on the stage; they invent; they create.” | 0.858633 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (4) the provision(s) in the agreement claimed to be violated, together with a copy thereof; | 0.117753 |
神的儿子使你有自由,你就真正得自由。 | If God’s Son sets you free, you are free indeed. | 0.713013 |
"但是,为什么有一个仆人要回来呢?" | 'But why should one servant return?' | 0.767123 |
願你看見你兒女的兒女!願平安歸於以色列!(《詩》128:6) | And mayest thou see thy children’s children; peace be upon Israel . | 0.62286 |
“这些男人唯一有罪的就是想要保护你和我。 | The only thing these men were guilty of was wanting to protect you and me." | 0.809094 |
但是瑪黎安無法從真主的話語裡聽見安慰。 | But Mariam could not hear comfort in God's words. | 0.724217 |
"而這麼做的途徑之一[就是]通過食物來體現。 | “One of the ways of doing that [was] through the food. | 0.862539 |
create table 图书( | CREATE TABLE activity ( | 0.65768 |
我们看到旁边有一些尸体,还有一些人被救起。 | We saw dead bodies on the side, and some being rescued." | 0.859336 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (b) contain any other information the EPA may require; and (c) be accompanied by the prescribed fee (if any). | 0.042563 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (a) a period of life in darkness and negligence when the Truth is hidden; | 0.087222 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (ee) To provide for taking a census of the inhabitants of the city, whenever the council sees fit, and to | 0.066171 |
因為________________________________ | “‘(3) The committee shall, | 0.20828 |
“这就是你们如何对待自己的人民”,另一个说。 | “This is how you treat your own people,” said another. | 0.771558 |
要是上帝的儿子使你们得到自由,你们就真的是自由人了。 | If God’s Son sets you free, you are free indeed. | 0.681472 |
现在这款MEGA Privacy ( | This privacy policy ( | 0.34775 |
”””这是一个樱桃种子;你当然会提高樱桃。 | "It is a cherry seed; of course you will raise a cherry." | 0.670687 |
“对他来说没有什么令人兴奋的 - 好吧,直到今天,”他说。 | “There was nothing exciting about him — well, until today,” he said. | 0.849793 |
“他们将在返回地球后被要求创造一些东西。 | 'They will be asked to create something after they return to Earth. | 0.904621 |
我们看到旁边有一些尸体,还有一些人被救起。 | We saw dead bodies on the side, and some being rescued.” | 0.859466 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (o) The difference between the provision made for the defendant and J. on the one hand and the provision made for the plaintiff on the other is striking. | -0.00938 |
我来警告天主的子女们,他们的罪过能够并将会被宽恕。 | I come to warn God’s children that their sins can and will be forgiven. | 0.811478 |
撒旦的军队将会把重心集中在他们的毁灭上。 | Satan’s armies will be focused on their destruction. | 0.757578 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (This is usually understood that they are punished in this world to atone for their sins so that their reward in the next world will be complete.) | 0.116932 |
沒有人能坐大衛王位 none will sit on the throne of David | None of them will sit on David’s throne. | 0.571646 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (which then in every part lay ruinated and waste) to the publick use of | 0.09713 |
而當神絕望時,他們就會說謊。 | When they Deny it, they are lying. | 0.514019 |
国家法律 ( | Political ( | 0.31099 |
交通银行( | The Minister for Transport ( | 0.280693 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | b) Without any knowledge whatever that anyone on Earth conflated the two meanings, | 0.113627 |
这个意思是说,神的知识从来不会改变或增加。 | This means that God’s knowledge never changes or grows. | 0.854044 |
用过数字钱包的人,都知道私钥的重要性。 | They will use the info from whomever responds fastest. | 0.175147 |
然後就沒有然後了‧‧‧‧‧‧ | a is from the following set {1,2,3,4} | 0.068148 |
158.不然,真主已把他擢升到自己那里。 | 158: Rather, God raised him up to Himself. | 0.681704 |
〔呂振中譯〕「以色列人因米甸人的緣故,呼求永恆主,」 | Come, call down evil on the people of Israel.’ | 0.339747 |
.这就是你们所否认的判决之日。 | (It will be said) : "This is the Day of Judgment which you used to deny." | 0.640068 |
因为他们会清楚地理解 - 他们选择奴隶。 | Because they will clearly understand - they choose slaves. | 0.859358 |
"他想,"否认,否认,否认。 | "He thought, 'Deny, deny, deny. | 0.820717 |
你们不是你们自己的神,也永远不会成为一个“小神”。 | You are not your own god nor will you ever be a “little god”. | 0.805856 |
他们已经“坐冷板凳”,而且他们在撒谎。 | They have the right to lie, and they will lie. | 0.509257 |
“或許,”他建議說,“這是因為上帝需要我們的幫助。 | "Perhaps," he suggested, "it is because God needs our help." | 0.940885 |
男人可以对你撒谎,但他们也可以对自己撒谎。 | Men can lie to you, but they can also lie to themselves. | 0.864984 |
这就是为什么你用十八只手臂看到它们。 | That’s why you see them with eighteen arms. | 0.782244 |
萎靡不振(致命萎靡不振),作者是美国有专利的的本地的医生,Don。 | “They that deny a God destroy man’s nobility; for certainly man is of kin to the beasts in his body; and, if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature.” — Sir Francis Bacon | 0.179313 |
“给我一个喜欢啤酒的女人,我将征服世界。 | Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world." | 0.822728 |
分析属于( | An analysis ( | 0.531771 |
对于这些传言,当年李蒙一概否认。 | [For] the people of Lot [also] denied the warning. | 0.371388 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (j) the Testing Party shall have the right to case or line each emplacement hole; and | 0.061118 |
来人:我怎样成为真主的朋友? | How do I become God’s friend? | 0.664257 |
“它找到了和平。 | 'He has found peace. | 0.743367 |
巴勒斯坦 ( | of Palestine ( | 0.560938 |
畫 名 : 最後審判 The Crucifixion; The Last Judgment | The Crucifixion; The Last Judgment | 0.64264 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | [Note: In the Spiritual Life, this is known as Temporal Punishment Due to Sin. | 0.109744 |
158.不然,真主已把他擢升到自己那里。 | 158: Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. | 0.709623 |
欧洲联盟( | (The European Union ( | 0.802972 |
講題: 等候主意 ( | Point of View ( | 0.323171 |
他们也应该这样做,“不是为我们,而是为他们自己的人民。 | And they should do so, “not for us, but for their own people.” | 0.831041 |
观致3 五门版( | 3 Recital 5 of the European Union ( | 0.263812 |
26 : 123 阿德人曾否认使者。 | 26:123 'Aad denied the messengers | 0.511765 |
回头时候,惟有感激。 | Only this one has returned to give thanks.” | 0.588124 |
我有上帝的话语——它是生命和光明。 | I have God’s Word – and it is Life and Light. | 0.775268 |
”11 我曾急促地说:“人都是说谎的。 | 11 I said in my haste, All men [are] liars. | 0.562188 |
之后,我们说“很高兴见到你,“每一次。 | After that, we say "Nice to see you," every time. | 0.80117 |
"是的,但我也知道你迟早总得听从你父亲的,最后你也许会被他说服的." | “Yes, but what I know, too, is that, sooner or later, you will have to obey your father, and perhaps you will end by believing him.” | 0.777342 |
這個意思是說,神的知識從來不會改變或增加。 | This means that God’s knowledge never changes or grows. | 0.819683 |
将他们的地,赏赐他的百姓以色列为业。 | And gave their land for an inheritance, for an inheritance to his people Israel. | 0.538807 |
“你知道我们现任总统是(穆斯林)。 | "You know our current president is (Muslim). | 0.82283 |
)(埃)(布)(尔)(,)(你)(应)(该)(去)(看)(过)(生)(产)(工)(厂)(了)(,)(是)(否)(见)(过)(工)(人)(们)(是)(如)(何)(生)(产)(弗)(里)(登)(计)(算)(器)(的)(?) | One was brought before them and the commander of the [Gestapo] asked his question, and decided [then] who of the people was to go to Switzerland and who was not. | 0.017164 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | [They] did not have as much of a stake in World War I as they did in World War II. | -0.169197 |
EGF为什么这么贵? | EGF was so helpful in facilitating the whole process. | 0.483443 |
交通银行( | The Department of Transportation ( | 0.424727 |
李莲英说:侍上以敬,事下以宽; | Narrated 'Ata: Jabir said, "The Prophet ordered 'Ali to keep the state of Ihram." | 0.259704 |
他會把他們帶來死亡 - 他們會因此愛他。 | He’ll bring them death — and they will love him for it. | 0.846578 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | [6] I shall consider a class to be unbounded in number, space and time. | 0.180181 |
他们咧嘴一笑,道谢地接受了。 | They laugh and are genuinely thankful. | 0.700773 |
“他手里只拿了三文治,他们却以为是手枪。 | 'He had a sandwich in his hand, and they thought it was a gun. | 0.674843 |
又要看守會幕的器具,並守所吩咐以色列人的,辦理帳幕的事。 | But to keep the Sabbath is to share in the worship he revealed to Israel. | 0.260568 |
你在我的祈祷名单上,达琳”。 | You are on my prayer list, darlin’. | 0.737209 |
又要看守會幕的器具,并守所吩咐以色列人的,辦理 帳幕的事。 | But to keep the Sabbath is to share in the worship he revealed to Israel. | 0.26511 |
格陵兰 ( | Greenland ( | 0.466374 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (p) any other matter which by this Act is to be, or may be, prescribed. | 0.119866 |
这世上没有人能像上帝的圣灵一样引导和保护我们。 | No one in this world will be able to guide and protect us like God’s Spirit can. | 0.828029 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (IA) is understood as the area in between the phases, such as the surface of a droplet. | 0.075496 |
54.他们要求你早日昭示刑罚。 | (54) (54) They urge you to hasten the punishment. | 0.703767 |
一个女孩可以并且将被称为相同的 - Nastya。 | A girl can and will be called the same - Nastya. | 0.879581 |
他們是兇手,而且他們是說謊者。 | They deny that, but they are liars. | 0.531273 |
如果你想要新鲜的水果和蔬菜,你必须付钱。 | If you want fresh fruit and vegetables, you have to pay for them." | 0.892429 |
没有人应该经历他必须忍受的事情,以帮助揭示真相,“唐说。 | No one should have to go through what he had to endure for helping to reveal the truth,” said Tong. | 0.684881 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (2) An ordinary return required by this Part shall be in the prescribed form and shall contain - | 0.052844 |
EGF的发现使生命的逆转成为可能。 | The EGF aims to help workers who are victims of the relocation of companies, and it is essential for facilitating access to new employment. | 0.267605 |
Subsets and Splits