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(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | A. Have in their possession an open container of any liquor, unless in a designated area, | 0.110378 |
“你以为他们是团结的,其实,他们的心是涣散的。 | 'You think they are united, but their hearts are divided.' | 0.747589 |
「我當怎樣感謝神給予我的恩典?」 | For what am I grateful?” | 0.66791 |
" "你将需要你的军队",撒旦对他们说。 | “You will need your armies,” satan said to them. | 0.7289 |
EFG国际(EFG International)成立于1995年,是EFG Bank European Financial | Founded in 1995, EFG International is a subsidiary of EFG Bank European Financial Group. | 0.824277 |
然后,允许他们婉转相就,恩承谢赏。 | Thus are they vassals upon record, and may thank themselves. | 0.316214 |
14. 上帝热爱鸟,创造了树; | 'God loved the birds and created trees. | 0.736695 |
也许他会变成上帝,他们会变成树。 | Perhaps he’d turn into a god and they to trees. | 0.855905 |
”我回答道:“不,我将会助你改变你;当你改变了,你的丈夫与兄弟就会改变。 | I reply, "No, I will give treatments to change you; when you change, your husband and your brother will change." | 0.713554 |
”死亡和离婚,然后,”他说,”这是永远。 | “To death and divorce, then,” he says, “which are forever.” | 0.799213 |
防御地带2( | Area of segment ( | 0.206925 |
我給你們說:將有許多人從東方和西方來, | I say to you, many will come from the east and the west, | 0.769027 |
「又要看守会幕的器具,并守所吩咐以色列人的,办理帐幕的事。 | But to keep the Sabbath is to share in the worship he revealed to Israel. | 0.279564 |
又要看守会幕的器具,并守所吩咐以色列人的,办理帐幕的事。 | But to keep the Sabbath is to share in the worship he revealed to Israel. | 0.293361 |
他們應該否認已發現的事實。 | They rejected the truth they were given. | 0.531383 |
他變成神的敵人。 | He became God's enemy. | 0.80269 |
直到它消失,他们才感激它。 | And when she shows up for them they are grateful. | 0.317435 |
因此,我們可以期待整個地球的深刻變化“ | Thus, we can expect similarly profound changes throughout the Earth.” | 0.816411 |
”當事人被交警處罰,反過來還要好好謝謝他們。 | He exposed them to magic and for that they will forever be grateful. | 0.264492 |
在正直的地上,他必行事不义, | In the land of uprightness, he will deal unjustly." | 0.658821 |
真的很不幸,一个如此年轻的人有太多的骄傲。 | Truly it is unfortunate that one so young has so much pride.” | 0.853984 |
“他们是否渴了,“他不情愿地咕哝着。 | "Whether they were thirsty," he muttered unwillingly. | 0.814042 |
“他们是否渴了,“他不情愿地咕哝着。 | "Whether they were thirsty," he muttered unwillingly. | 0.826642 |
它是上帝对以色列人的教导。 | That was God’s instruction to the Israelites. | 0.80818 |
)(侍)(女)(缓)(缓)(抬)(头)(,)(望)(着)(眼)(前)(的)(男)(人)(,)(不)(知)(怎)(的)(,)(忽)(然)(道)(:)(你)(说)(王)(王)(在)(天)(国)(,)(会)(幸)(福)(吗)(?)(一)(直)(处)(于)(警)(戒)(状)(态)(的)(金)(星)(女)(神)(忍)(不)(住)(不)(满)(地)(出)(声)(,)(说)(完)(后)(,)(她)(又)(迅)(速)(把)(视)(线)(落)(回)(了)(远)(处)(的)(盖)(提)(亚)(身)(上)(,)(原)(本)(的)(排)(斥)(和)(危)(机)(感)(,)( )(并)(没)(有)(因)(为)(对)(方)(袒)(露)(的)(真)(名)(而)(消)(退)(半)(分)(。 | Not so coincidently, therefore, this is said to be the city from which Abram, not the evolved Abraham, allegedly went forth into physical life. | 0.100374 |
" "你将需要你的军队",撒旦对他们说。 | "You will need your armies", satan said to them. | 0.709994 |
create table 图书( | CREATE TABLE workouts ( | 0.654215 |
今年的主题为“Caring for Every Patient, Learning from Every Patient”。 | That's how my theme came to be “Caring for Every Patient, Learning From Every Patient.” | 0.65586 |
這世上沒有人能像神的聖靈一樣引導和保護我們。 | No one in this world will be able to guide and protect us like God’s Spirit can. | 0.789399 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (c) Any employee, to whom this Act applies, who draws, after the appointed day, his own emoluments shall,- | 0.026454 |
然而,主不是说“坐下,而它就会为你打开。 | However, the Lord does not say "sit and it will be opened to you". | 0.754074 |
我们的[亲戚]应该停止考虑嫁给他们。 | Our [relatives] should stop thinking about marrying them off. | 0.830634 |
” “希望他们能再次关闭之前达成协议。 | “And hopefully they make a deal before it shuts down again.” | 0.756117 |
你向他們詢問那個濱海城市的情況吧。 | And ask them about the town that was by the sea. | 0.711728 |
11选5开始奖结果,(许)(晚)(的)(泪)(顺)(着)(脸)(颊)(滑)(落)(,)(她)(受)(伤)(的)(事)(情)(不)(久)(后)(就)(会)(被)(媒)(体)(得)(到)(消)(息)(,)(是)(无)(论)(如)(何)(也)(不)(可)(能)(隐)(瞒)(下)(去)(的)(,)(那)(么)(钟)(爱)(所)(说)(的)(绝)(不)(会)(让)(小)(七)(知)(道)(的)(事)(情)(就)(只)(有)(一)(件)(至)(于)(试)(镜)(当)(天)(,)(也)(不)(知)(道)(是)(不)(是)(林)(婧)(临)(时)(抱)(佛)(脚)(的)(一)(次)(祈)(祷)(起)(到)(了)(作)(用)(,)(苏)(沫)(那)(天)(的)(运)(气)(还)(真)(是)(很)(不)(错)(。 | And indeed, it was a platonic affection which Agatha, feeling how it relieved his torment, allowed him to nurture towards her. | 0.018751 |
)(我)(们)(只)(要)(分)(析)(一)(下)(这)(台)(构)(想)(中)(的)(设)(备)(应)(该)(具)(备)(哪)(些)(功)(能)(,)(就)(不)(难)(看)(出)(,)(该)(设)(备)(的)(核)(心)(部)(件)(应)(该)(分)(为)(几)(个)(大)(类)(这)(是)(个)(不)(错)(的)(想)(法)(!)(,)(维)(纳)(奥)(术)(师)(挥)(舞)(着)(手)(说)(道)(,)(而)(且)(这)(很)(容)(易)(实)(现)(,)(这)(栋)(楼)(里)(面)(就)(有)(一)(位)(生)(物)(学)(的)(大)(师)(,)(他)(叫)(罗)(森)(布)(鲁)(斯)(·)(轻)(风)(,)(被)(邀)(请)(来)(参)(与)(飞)(船)(的)(维)(生)(系)(统)(设)(计)(。 | And in short, those teachings include the belief that following the judgment, God will punish the unbelievers by casting them out of his presence into a place of eternal suffering, ‘where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth’. | -0.054173 |
如果他在撒谎,那么他可能在撒谎。 | If he’s the latter, then he may be lying. | 0.754178 |
但他们否认他,地震就袭击了他们。 | But they denied him, so the earthquake seized them. | 0.787083 |
也许他会变成上帝,他们会变成树。 | Perhaps he’d turn into a god and they to trees. | 0.851246 |
結果莫文蔚矢口否認,認為那是自己的創作。 | Denied them, he creates them for himself. | 0.410888 |
这远超出神对付一座不再存在的城。 | This goes beyond God’s dealings with a city no longer in existence. | 0.815984 |
而铝哈桑·巴斯里和马苏德的儿子说,”他(先知)看到了加布里埃尔。 | Whereas Al Hasan Al Basri and Masood's son say, "He (the Prophet) saw Gabriel." | 0.640379 |
地方标准( | The criteria ( | 0.503325 |
你知道,有很多人谈论他们的DApps或者他们的分布式应用。 | You know, there’s lots of people [who] speak about their DApps or their distributed apps. | 0.870808 |
)(她)(转)(念)(一)(笑)(:)(顿)(悟)(了)(佛)(经)(上)(那)(句)(,)(命)(由)(己)(造)(,)(相)(由)(心)(生)(,)(世)(间)(万)(物)(皆)(是)(化)(相)(,)(心)(不)(动)(,)(万)(物)(皆)(不)(动)(,)(心)(不)(变)(,)(万)(物)(皆)(不)(变)(!)(所)(以)(…)(…)(昊)(天)(再)(次)(嘴)(角)(一)(僵)(,)(得)(得)(得)(,)(你)(们)(一)(个)(秀)(夫)(妻)(真)(爱)(,)(一)(个)(携)(儿)(子)(相)(伴)(,)(现)(在)(连)(这)(师)(徒)(都)(情)(深)(意)(厚)(,)(唯)(他)(孤)(家)(寡)(人)(一)(个)(!)(昊)(天)(一)(肚)(子)(酸)(味)(,)(用)(力)(提)(了)(提)(嘴)(角)(,)(摆)(了)(下)(手)(,)(小)(仙)(娥)(便)(识)(趣)(地)(步)(向)(轻)(殊)(,)(将)(金)(盘)(献)(于)(她)(面)(前)(,)(随)(后)(拱)(手)(退)(下)(。 | (A) enters on the property of another and looks into a dwelling on the property through any window or other opening in the dwelling; | 0.047946 |
所以, 神的兒子若使你們自由,你們就真的得自由了。 | If God’s Son sets you free, you are free indeed. | 0.734028 |
你就告诉你的儿子说,我们在埃及作过法老的奴仆。 | Then you shall say to your son, we were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. | 0.686541 |
化学纤维 ( | Concepts of chemical dependency ( | 0.248408 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | [It was] to show the relation of all arts - in the modern way - to everyday life." | 0.148204 |
它有时是我们的客户 - 他们购买了7个Nanolabs。 | And it's sometimes our customer — they have purchased 7 Nanolabs. | 0.90134 |
論原則 ( | The Principle ( | 0.608399 |
地方标准( | Local ( | 0.561034 |
”但是如果我们买了一个很小的土耳其呢? | "But what if we bought a very small turkey? | 0.812373 |
這些應許轉給了屬靈的以色列人。 | That was the command to the Israelites. | 0.516479 |
68.彷佛他們沒有在里面住過一樣。 | 68 As though they had never dwelt therein. | 0.77674 |
"那么,他就有几把仿造的钥匙。 | 'He had, then, several false keys. | 0.64914 |
不少參觀人士,聽罷解說,都感謝他們的用心。 | Remember how much they gave of themselves, and be grateful. | 0.249409 |
求上帝的指引。 | Ask God's guidance. | 0.876105 |
”与现在的幸福那么你是喝醉了。 | 'Then it is with present happiness that you are drunk. | 0.710908 |
互相手拉着手(女孩儿之间),随意地靠在一起。 | Lay hands on one another; put your hands over on one another. | 0.528051 |
26 : 123 阿德人曾否認使者。 | 26:123 'Aad denied the messengers | 0.504817 |
申购费用 ( | payments ( | 0.288002 |
前者是“承蒙赏赐”,后者是“多谢款待”的意思。 | Previous postARISE! and Give Thanks! | 0.298171 |
””与他争论是徒劳的,因为他是一个非常顽固的人。 | 'It was in vain to argue with him, for he was a very obstinate man. | 0.682811 |
表扬孩子的努力而不是他们的能力(“做得很好。 | Praising a child’s effort rather than their ability (“Well done. | 0.816277 |
從神的角度來看,他們仍然活著。 | Thus, from God’s perspective, they are alive. | 0.856973 |
联系( | relationship ( | 0.51966 |
“全世界的女人,请举起右手” | Women of the world, raise your right hand." | 0.663045 |
当我来到他们那里,他们拒绝了我,并拒绝主的法令。 | When I came there, they rejected me and refused the Lord’s commandment. | 0.787582 |
他们已经“坐冷板凳”,而且他们在撒谎。 | And they lied, and they lied. | 0.573661 |
他們明日將知道誰是說謊者,誰是傲慢者。 | [54:26] Tomorrow shall they know who is the liar, the insolent one. | 0.778498 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | 60) While staying in this world one should have a yearning for the hereafter. | 0.133155 |
你现在是上帝家庭的一员。 | You are now a member of God’s family. | 0.875881 |
”失败了,而且会有流血事件就像我们从来没有见过。 | 'Fail and there will be bloodshed like we have never seen.'" | 0.728755 |
“我必在以色列人面前趕出他們去。 | I myself will drive them out from before the people of Israel.” | 0.644783 |
他照著自己一切所應許的,賜安息給他的子民以色列人。 | He hath now actually given that mercy which he had promised to the Israelites. | 0.559677 |
所以,遵守上帝的誡命,是以色列人剛強壯膽,得應許之地的基礎。 | Promised covenant blessings to the israelites for faithful obedience and the. | 0.471198 |
〔49〕他要使他去教化以色列的后裔。 | Then he taught it to the Israelites. | 0.645571 |
对于于凤至的大度,赵一荻很是感激。 | And Zechariah has much to give thanks for. | 0.314963 |
软件仓库 ( | software installation process ( | 0.454306 |
是天父的儿子叫你们自由,你们就真自由了。 | If God’s Son sets you free, you are free indeed. | 0.69668 |
将悔改的心,和赦罪的恩,赐给以色列人。 | for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. | 0.728584 |
他要么是神的儿子,要么不是。 | Either He is the son of God, or He’s not. | 0.781551 |
鄭重誠懇地謝謝他,眼中流露出真摯的謝意。 | Be watchful in it, and thankful. | 0.41807 |
因为你们的成就,使天空也变成了人类世界的一部分。 | Because of what you have done the heavens have become a part of man's world. | 0.732646 |
否則這節經文就只關係到在以色列中作文士的人。 | Except in this case its coming from the Israelis. | 0.430015 |
“那好,”他说,“要么证明你比这些人强,要么就留在这儿。 | “Well, then,” he said, “either prove stronger than these men or stay here.” | 0.749204 |
」二六. 他們明日將知道誰是說謊者,誰是傲慢者。 | [54:26] Tomorrow shall they know who is the liar, the insolent one. | 0.806206 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | (b) Except as provided in paragraph (e), upon a patient's | -0.001122 |
處理多項事務,知識豐富且能靈活運用,擅於交際,多具優良口才,能言善辯,聰敏而又博學多聞,擁有多方 | We are all sculptors, working at various forms, moulding and chiseling thought.]]] | 0.143855 |
经济性 ( | Political ( | 0.364918 |
解析 ( | An analysis ( | 0.52991 |
“是的,但是我也知道你迟早总得听从你父亲的,最后你也许会被他说服的。 | “Yes, but what I know, too, is that, sooner or later, you will have to obey your father, and perhaps you will end by believing him.” | 0.80825 |
你也不能请求你妻子的宽恕,一切都太晚了。 | Nor can you ask for your wife’s forgiveness; it’s too late. | 0.781262 |
(轻)(殊)(还)(兀)(自)(在)(做)(心)(理)(斗)(争)(,)(听)(得)(他)(问)(,)(愣)(了)(愣)(才)(反)(应)(过)(来)(,)(忙)(道)(:)(郁)(瓷)(说)(四)(界)(考)(核)(的)(名)(册)(上)(有)(我)(的)(名)(字)(,)(想)(问)(问)(…)(…)(是)(不)(是)(师)(父)(替)(我)(报)(的)(名)(?)(见)(她)(一)(本)(正)(经)(的)(拉)(着)(自)(己)(的)(袖)(子)(反)(复)(嗅)(闻)(,)(扶)(渊)(露)(出)(浅)(笑)(,)(是)(吗)(?)(好)(一)(个)(甩)(手)(掌)(柜)(,)(将)(这)(麻)(烦)(问)(题)(丢)(给)(她)(,)(自)(己)(洗)(脱)(地)(一)(干)(二)(净)(,)(天)(帝)(就)(是)(天)(帝)(,)(轻)(殊)(腹)(诽)(。 | "[People] need to be in a caring atmosphere that says, 'Your life matters. | 0.076177 |
不過此說法當時遭阿Sa及其經紀人否認。 | Rather, they rejected Him and His message. | 0.350657 |
“你知道我们现任总统是(穆斯林)。 | “You know our current president is (Muslim). | 0.824699 |
他们明日将知道谁是说谎者,谁是傲慢者。 | [54:26] Tomorrow shall they know who is the liar, the insolent one. | 0.769741 |
企业标准( | Business ( | 0.476247 |
Subsets and Splits