1 value
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hi My father is struggling with severe low back pain that is at the end where spinal gets over for the above past 5 days and he had Taken the tablet of HIFENAC-MR but still no improvement , still same prob continues
HiI may suggest an x-ray of lower spine and consultation with orthopedic doctor He may take Tramadol or Vicodin tab for pain. Also make him sit in tub filed with hot water (site bath) for 10 minutes twice a day. Tail end of spine called coccyx may be inflamed called coccidynia-its a painful condition. Short course of prednisone will also help., otherwise local infiltration with injection depose Chat Doctor. But for above, an examination by an orthopedic doctor for confirmation of diagnosis is a must. The above stated suggestions are only a guideline which may be kept in minds history for prostate, bowel habits, urinary functions have to be simultaneously assessed for
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 235269, 1249, 590, 3448, 861, 2962, 33733, 1833, 1490, 1654, 139, 5958, 1916, 861, 8164, 1517, 955, 2151, 2961, 5842, 603, 26794, 675, 14586, 3178, 1355, 4380, 674, 603, 696, 573, 1580, 1570, 46684, 6803, 1163, 604, 573, 3131, 3433, 235248, 235308, 2705, 578, 693, 1093, 67911, 573, 18922, 576, 184930, 980, 1462, 235290, 11415, 901, 2076, 793, 13194, 1688, 2076, 1809, 11757, 11614 ]
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Why does my body feel wierd one day Im dizzy headache the next day Im tired and feel discomfort in my upper chest area and other days feels like my body wants to give up. I just feel wierd and dont know what to think. I get worried alot and stress out so I really dont know if that maybe the cause. I always think I feel like its my heart but I was checked before and its not that. I know when I did some cardio workout for a lil while couple days of the week my body felt so much better. So what could it be??
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. By your history and description, possibility of stress and anxiety related symptoms is more. Your symptoms are improving with Cardio workout. Heart and lung diseases actually precipitate after Cardio workout. So possibility of major heart and lung diseases is very less. Stress and anxiety can cause similar symptoms. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counseling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4385, 1721, 970, 2971, 2375, 206477, 974, 1744, 7335, 103595, 47799, 573, 2351, 1744, 7335, 17955, 578, 2375, 53221, 575, 970, 8776, 15704, 2713, 578, 1156, 2705, 12051, 1154, 970, 2971, 8507, 577, 2734, 908, 235265, 590, 1317, 2375, 206477, 578, 8280, 1230, 1212, 577, 1742, 235265, 590, 947, 21343, 44016, 578, 7512, 921, 712, 590, 2277, 8280, 1230, 1013, 674, 7669, 573, 4557, 235265, 590, 2593, 1742, 590, 2375, 1154, 1277, 970, 3760, 901, 590, 729, 15062, 1794, 578, 1277, 780, 674, 235265, 590, 1230, 1185, 590, 1498, 1009, 27921, 29639, 604, 476, 49026, 2183, 5591, 2705, 576, 573, 2788, 970, 2971, 6220, 712, 1683, 2525, 235265, 1704, 1212, 1538, 665, 614, 4481 ]
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My AORTIC VALVE was replaced 10 years ago twice in a span of 17 days since the first open heart surgery had gone bad on account of one of the suitchers had opened very next day. Since then, I am on CLAVIX 75 and ACITROM 1mg/2mg per day and the INR Values are ranging between1.15 to 1.58 and at times it shoots up to 13/14 when I start urinating blood. I am taking the following medicines besides CLAVIX 75 and ACITROM : - Remistar 5 mg - 1 BD,Lanoxin 6/7, Frusalac DS 1 OD, Amtas 5 1 OD, Arkamin 1 BD and Derriphylin Retard 150 mg 1 BD. Kindly advise if I should continue with CLAVIX 75 and ACITROM?
I presume that you have metallic prosthetic valve, i feel you may discontinue Plavix .and stop temporarily citron if INR is above 13,also evaluate yourself for any urological abnormality causing hematuria. Once INR returns around 2 you should restart Citron.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 586, 4377, 1146, 194951, 729, 14221, 235248, 235274, 235276, 1658, 3958, 11594, 575, 476, 14664, 576, 235248, 235274, 235324, 2705, 2754, 573, 1370, 2174, 3760, 15505, 1093, 7751, 3338, 611, 3185, 576, 974, 576, 573, 742, 6327, 618, 1093, 9338, 1508, 2351, 1744, 235265, 8533, 1492, 235269, 590, 1144, 611, 7425, 3536, 6594, 235248, 235324, 235308, 578, 10099, 1169, 6244, 235248, 235274, 6333, 235283, 235284, 6333, 842, 1744, 578, 573, 96566, 28841, 708, 27127, 1865, 235274, 235265, 235274, 235308, 577, 235248, 235274, 235265, 235308, 235321, 578, 696, 3023, 665, 47012, 908, 577, 235248, 235274, 235304, 235283, 235274, 235310, 1185, 590, 2238, 111204, 1384, 5330, 235265, 590, 1144, 4998, 573, 2412, 45923, 24259, 7425, 3536, 6594, 235248, 235324, 235308, 578, 10099, 1169, 6244, 865, 728, 6538, 114528, 235248, 235308, 11606, 728, 235248, 235274, 43229, 235269, 31647, 147615, 235248, 235318, 235283, 235324, 235269, 633, 7661, 492, 550, 28038, 235248, 235274, 45367, 235269, 83016, 508, 235248, 235308, 235248, 235274, 45367, 235269, 21832, 4534, 235248, 235274, 43229, 578, 5991, 505, 8782, 2013, 225579, 235248, 235274, 235308, 235276, 11606, 235248, 235274, 43229, 235265, 172111, 26637, 1013, 590, 1412, 5374, 675, 7425, 3536, 6594, 235248, 235324, 235308, 578, 10099, 1169, 6244, 235336 ]
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Hi I went to urgent care today, haven t been feelin well. Extreme nausia, loose stools and headaches . A few months ago I had What I believed to be gallstones, the pain was severe but after an hour or two pain subsided so I never sought treatment, now I get dull pains upper right abdominal under rib, but not as painful as I had experienced before, I also had some blood in my stool for 2 days which has currently stopped. But I had a UA done about a month ago that came back with abnormal WBC when culture and sensitivity was done it came back negative. At urgent care today my Bloodwork came back fine but my UA showed 500 count leukocytes. I m going to have ct done of gallbladder . I am a 20 year old female , any idea what could be wrong
Hi young lady, you do have both gastrointestinal and urinary problems from the information provided. The CT scan will give us some information about how your kidneys and gallbladder look. Are you having any white discharge per vagina which is contaminating the urine? Infection of the urinary tract is the most common cause of pus cells in the urine. Repeat the culture. If repeated cultures are negative and there is no kidney stone on CT scan, you will need tests to look for causes of Sterile Syria. Blood in stools is not due to gallstones nor urine infection - it needs further assessment. Most commonly it is due to hemorrhoids (piles), but a doctor (surgeon/ GP) should examine you to confirm or negate this.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 590, 3815, 577, 34722, 2212, 3646, 235269, 9563, 474, 1125, 2375, 473, 1578, 235265, 43101, 18975, 3394, 235269, 16462, 101806, 578, 68556, 954, 586, 2619, 4063, 3958, 590, 1093, 2439, 590, 13277, 577, 614, 18357, 39102, 235269, 573, 4380, 729, 14586, 901, 1452, 671, 6370, 689, 1378, 4380, 160331, 712, 590, 2447, 16561, 5158, 235269, 1490, 590, 947, 33191, 42903, 8776, 1833, 43209, 1362, 20791, 235269, 901, 780, 685, 28222, 685, 590, 1093, 11549, 1794, 235269, 590, 1170, 1093, 1009, 5330, 575, 970, 54566, 604, 235248, 235284, 2705, 948, 919, 7094, 11892, 235265, 2005, 590, 1093, 476, 67049, 3015, 1105, 476, 2514, 3958, 674, 3392, 1355, 675, 45407, 155374, 1185, 6981, 578, 23284, 729, 3015, 665, 3392, 1355, 8322, 235265, 2625, 34722, 2212, 3646, 970, 16329, 1815, 3392, 1355, 4948, 901, 970, 67049, 8588, 235248, 235308, 235276, 235276, 1625, 41954, 47499, 235265, 590, 519, 2319, 577, 791, 30238, 3015, 576, 213492, 954, 590, 1144, 476, 235248, 235284, 235276, 1162, 2187, 8914, 1688, 1089, 4268, 1212, 1538, 614, 5206 ]
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Hello, Doctor! If I may ask, is there any danger of overdosing on a birth control pill? I took 4 today to catch up. I have PCOS and my doctor advised me to take Diane35.
Hi, Overdosing up to two pills is done to make up for a missed pill, but taking four pills at a time is not going to help make up the missed doses and the cycle is no longer protected. You may also see a breakthrough bleeding due to excessive hormone levels. Other side effects like rashes, nausea, breast tenderness or abdominal pain, apart from vascular disturbances, may also be seen with high doses. I do not think you should be using some other form of pill once you are on Diane 35. You are amply protected if you are regular with your medication. Hope this helps.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4521, 235269, 18570, 235341, 1927, 590, 1249, 5291, 235269, 603, 1104, 1089, 8416, 576, 1163, 2735, 574, 611, 476, 5951, 2582, 14021, 235336, 590, 3895, 235248, 235310, 3646, 577, 3365, 908, 235265, 590, 791, 184554, 578, 970, 9353, 24456, 682, 577, 1987, 54042, 235304, 235308, 235265 ]
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My daughter and son in law have been trying for 2 years to have a baby. In that time they have suffered 2 miscarriages. They have 1 unsuccessful attempt at artificial insemination and 1 unsuccessful IVF treatment. The doctors say it is unexplained infertility. They are both healthy in every way. So I discovered the Natura Cure product and want to know if it is safe and worth giving it a try before I recommend it to them?
Hi, I have gone through your query. NaturaCure is a herbal product, and it claims to treat infertility, but Success has not been documented. It is better to avoid all these products. As you have mentioned that they have gone for IVF also, then there may be some abnormality in semen analysis or uterine problem in your daughter. You can upload their reports on my page so that I can have look at it. Better than Naturalize, give him Oligocene and her Ova care. Hope I have answered you. You can contact me on my page Chat Doctor. Regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 8531, 578, 2032, 575, 2912, 791, 1125, 5326, 604, 235248, 235284, 1658, 577, 791, 476, 5760, 235265, 878, 674, 1069, 984, 791, 18465, 235248, 235284, 2586, 2269, 42515, 235265, 2365, 791, 235248, 235274, 60949, 8697, 696, 18225, 12585, 9500, 578, 235248, 235274, 60949, 130324, 5158, 235265, 714, 20671, 1931, 665, 603, 146161, 129977, 235265, 2365, 708, 2145, 9606, 575, 1535, 1703, 235265, 1704, 590, 13437, 573, 109320, 68971, 3225, 578, 1938, 577, 1230, 1013, 665, 603, 5985, 578, 5123, 7385, 665, 476, 3418, 1794, 590, 5656, 665, 577, 1174, 235336 ]
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My son 5 years old is suffering from high fever around 103 def F and complaining throat infection . It seems to be a viral fever. We had ice cream and food outside yesterday. . Pls advise, we can use the Crixan Syrup with Ibugesic plus. or Advise accordingly. regards rakesh
Hello Rakesh. I'm sorry to hear that about your son. Did the fever only start today? How is he after you give the fever medicine? Is he active and eating well? Fever can be due to a viral or bacterial infection. Aside from the throat pain, does he have colds or cough? For most viral infections, the patients appear well after given antipyretic (fever medicine like Eugenic or Paracetamol) in between fever episodes. The throat infection caused by viruses is usually accompanied by colds. Viral infections are not given antibiotics like Azithromycin or Brian. It is mainly supportive like giving fever medicine, lots of fluids, antibacterial gargle. Fever caused by viral infections can last from 3 days to a week. After 3 days, you will notice the fever to go down and the patient will show improvement already. You may try to check his throat to see if the tonsils are red and swollen sometimes with streaks of pus. If you see this, chances are the throat infection is caused by a bacteria like streptococcus or what we call as the strep throat. Patients who have strep throat can also have severe headache, difficulty swallowing, sometimes with rashes. Bacterial throat infection will be more sick looking compared to that caused by viruses. For this you will need antibiotics that is properly computed based on your children weight. I hope I was able to help you. Sincerely, Handle Dulay-See, M.D. Pediatrics
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[ 2, 2926, 2032, 235248, 235308, 1658, 2187, 603, 17332, 774, 1536, 23391, 2449, 235248, 235274, 235276, 235304, 1698, 633, 578, 49261, 27542, 15618, 954, 1165, 4930, 577, 614, 476, 28241, 23391, 235265, 1448, 1093, 8357, 9450, 578, 2960, 5162, 13351, 235265, 954, 138897, 26637, 235269, 783, 798, 1281, 573, 585, 3809, 481, 130692, 675, 85341, 1233, 520, 2755, 235265, 689, 2009, 13521, 27558, 235265, 13807, 1051, 132049 ]
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my age is 25 and my husband is 28. we planned for a kid. consulted a gynecologist. sperm count for my hubby is 27 million but his motility percent is 0. Our gynecologist referred as an urologist and adviced to take qu energy tablet. i want to know the seriousness of our problem
Hello, I can understand your concern. Kindly share the total semen analysis report. The sperm count is low in your husband. There is no information about the number of live sperms. Mobility is zero which indicates that sperms would not be able to move to reach the ova. Due to all these features you are facing infertility. Kindly consult an Chat Doctor. Certain causes of male fertility are total treatable. Donor get disheartened. This requires thorough examination for proper evaluation. Hope you are satisfied with the response. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor
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[ 2, 1723, 3911, 603, 139, 235284, 235308, 578, 970, 8616, 603, 235248, 235284, 235321, 235265, 783, 14196, 604, 476, 8586, 235265, 59980, 476, 138328, 178771, 235265, 58469, 1625, 604, 970, 157462, 603, 235248, 235284, 235324, 4416, 901, 926, 152579, 5243, 603, 235248, 235276, 235265, 5626, 138328, 178771, 13059, 685, 671, 52387, 18311, 578, 6303, 23877, 577, 1987, 700, 4134, 18922, 235265, 496, 1938, 577, 1230, 573, 87571, 576, 1167, 3210 ]
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i am 45 yrs old. ive pulled my groin several times playin ball when younger, and working in the drywall business. about 10 years ago i hurt myself carrying drywall and had a hernia on the shaft of my penis that i had removed. about three years ago i noticed a lump about the size of a "jack" ball on my left testicle. not painful..but afraid to go to the dr. what could it be
Hi.welcome to Chat Doctor.I have analyzed your query thoroughly. If I were your treating doctor, I will advise you to do an ultrasound scrotum. Testicular biopsy may be sometimes needed to arrive to a perfect diagnosis. Consult your surgeon immediately. Thank you. Hope I have answered your question.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 1144, 235248, 235310, 235308, 57358, 2187, 235265, 61013, 16487, 970, 153753, 3757, 3023, 1554, 473, 5744, 1185, 16119, 235269, 578, 3434, 575, 573, 145297, 2567, 235265, 1105, 235248, 235274, 235276, 1658, 3958, 496, 13941, 6836, 14817, 145297, 578, 1093, 476, 126983, 611, 573, 28966, 576, 970, 58209, 674, 496, 1093, 8701, 235265, 1105, 2149, 1658, 3958, 496, 14069, 476, 49520, 1105, 573, 2395, 139, 559, 476, 664, 14796, 235281, 5744, 611, 970, 2731, 9881, 2574, 235265, 780, 28222, 723, 1852, 15002, 577, 871, 577, 573, 4136, 235265, 1212, 1538, 665, 614 ]
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Hi...i have been masturbating regularly since puberty...5-6 times a day...i have less grown beard and my penis upon erection curves to the left... i also have itching problem in my penis and scrotum. My crotch remains dry and has developed scars. can u help me?
His understand your concern. Masturbation is normal and physiological function of the body. It will not affect your health. It won't harm so do not worry. Itching in pubic area may be due to local infection. Wwash with warm water regularly. Medicines like antibiotic and antifungal can help. Do not scratch it. If it is Chat Doctor. Do not wear tight and uncomfortable underwear. Still if you have a problem then consult dermatologist. Happy to help you further. Thank you. Get well soon.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 955, 235252, 791, 1125, 123774, 1384, 16969, 2754, 124309, 955, 235308, 235290, 235318, 3023, 476, 1744, 955, 235252, 791, 2644, 13968, 38175, 578, 970, 58209, 3054, 77393, 21975, 577, 573, 2731, 955, 496, 1170, 791, 100576, 3210, 575, 970, 58209, 578, 1513, 231021, 235265, 2961, 187600, 9168, 6050, 578, 919, 6990, 61014, 235265, 798, 606, 1707, 682, 235336 ]
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hi ive been suffering lower abdominal pain now for 7 months ive been to the gp numerous times and have been referred for an ultrasound scan, recently after sexual intercourse i started bleeding bright red fresh blood, after the intercourse myself and my partner could feel like a lump on the front wall of my cervix and abdominal pain increased
Hi, thank you for your query, Vaginal bleeding, and a cervical mass may indicate the presence of malignancy. Also, moderate pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge are symptoms of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm arising from cells originating in the cervix uteri. The pain in your lower abdomen is mostly because of the lump on the cervix. The most common cause for cervical cancer is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)At this point i would suggest you to undergo a basic Pap Screening and a further Biopsy of the lump to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on that your OB/GUN will start the prescribed treatment.thanking you, wishing you good health
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[ 2, 544, 61013, 1125, 17332, 4581, 43209, 4380, 1490, 604, 235248, 235324, 4063, 61013, 1125, 577, 573, 49407, 12404, 3023, 578, 791, 1125, 13059, 604, 671, 66391, 11138, 235269, 7378, 1452, 13103, 63670, 496, 4604, 35717, 8660, 3118, 6422, 5330, 235269, 1452, 573, 63670, 6836, 578, 970, 9670, 1538, 2375, 1154, 476, 49520, 611, 573, 4059, 3587, 576, 970, 150247, 578, 43209, 4380, 6629 ]
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My hematologist thinks I have vasculitis. I cant see my rheumatologist until April 30. I am scheduled to fly to Florida on April 5 and am wondering is this condition is contagious (I will be visiting family) and is it ok to fly? My arms and chest are covered with sores.
Hello, Vasculitis is not contagious at all. You can meet your family. It is an autoimmune disorder, in which our own antibody attacks our own healthy cells and tissues. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[ 2, 2926, 68035, 39538, 18287, 590, 791, 14155, 1449, 76789, 235265, 140, 235285, 12609, 1443, 970, 24813, 176460, 18311, 3274, 4623, 235248, 235304, 235276, 235265, 141, 235285, 1144, 17221, 577, 8960, 577, 11651, 611, 4623, 235248, 235308, 578, 1144, 20057, 603, 736, 4913, 603, 93789, 591, 235285, 877, 614, 17584, 2730, 235275, 578, 603, 665, 4634, 577, 8960, 235336, 142, 2926, 10246, 578, 15704, 708, 8758, 675, 149104, 235265 ]
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My grandmother recently passed away from gallbladder cancer and i have a lot of questions about her death. I feel like they made her pass away faster then she was suppose to. I can be wrong but i would like to investigate my grandmother death because something doesnt seem right. She was 75 year old and the doctor just found out she had gallbladder cancer and they had surgery on her and tried to cut it and he said it spreaded. I thought thats very high risk with her being that old. Ever scince then my poor grandmother. Could not eat,talk,smile she couldnt even open her eyes.they put her in hospice she didnt even stay in their for a week she passed within 2days. I want to get to the bottom of this because it doesnt sound right. She couldnt even say anything to any of her kids and grandkids before she passed away. Someone please help me!
Gall bladder cancers are silent killers. By the time the cancer is detected the tumor will have usually spread to the liver making treatment futile and survival poor. Surgery attempts at removing as much of the tumor mass as possible in order to reduce the tumor load to prolong life and make the residual tumor more susceptible to anti-cancer Chat Doctor. Overall prognosis in gall bladder tumors is very poor.
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[ 2, 2926, 37869, 7378, 7206, 3024, 774, 213492, 9198, 578, 496, 791, 476, 2940, 576, 3920, 1105, 1070, 4168, 235265, 590, 2375, 1154, 984, 1644, 1070, 2307, 3024, 13042, 1492, 1284, 729, 17402, 577, 235265, 590, 798, 614, 5206, 901, 496, 1134, 1154, 577, 24260, 970, 37869, 4168, 1861, 2775, 43453, 3307, 1833, 235265, 2475, 729, 235248, 235324, 235308, 1162, 2187, 578, 573, 9353, 1317, 1942, 921, 1284, 1093, 213492, 9198, 578, 984, 1093, 15505, 611, 1070, 578, 6423, 577, 3652, 665, 578, 693, 1180, 665, 847, 42082, 235265, 590, 3421, 26631, 1508, 1536, 5685, 675, 1070, 1855, 674, 2187, 235265, 17157, 1513, 1799, 1492, 970, 6528, 37869, 235265, 20337, 780, 7812, 235269, 33085, 235269, 68934, 1284, 125759, 1693, 2174, 1070, 4628, 235265, 12944, 2507, 1070, 575, 145743, 1284, 37275, 1693, 4692, 575, 1024, 604, 476, 2788, 1284, 7206, 2819, 235248, 235284, 11805, 235265, 590, 1938, 577, 947, 577, 573, 6837, 576, 736, 1861, 665, 43453, 4835, 1833, 235265, 2475, 125759, 1693, 1931, 4341, 577, 1089, 576, 1070, 5982, 578, 225008, 1794, 1284, 7206, 3024, 235265, 40211, 3743, 1707, 682, 235341 ]
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Hi, i just wanted to get some information on herpes type 1. Ive been dating this girl with it and she rarely gets cold sores to me i beleive its minor but i never get more information about it from her and i researched alot about it lately but everything is still the same. She told me she would tell me if she had a breakout but im scared and i really care about her. I sometimes afraid to kiss her even when her face is clear (which it usually always is). Can you please help me with some information on being able to coup with it and if i would be able to show any affection to her at all?
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint Herpes type 1 infection causes cold sores over the lips and face and commonly involves the lips. In case if a person has a history of cold sores he/she tend to transmit infection to other individuals by close contact like kissing and using things like glass, towels etc. But in case if there is no cold sore present then the viral count seems to be very low over the skin of infected individual, although it does not become zero. But in this condition the individual is considered clean and chances for other person to get infected are less.Moreover, you can go for her blood investigation to rule out for viral count so that the exact status can be clear. But in case if her skin is completely clear then you are at a lesser risk of getting infected. She should also take a long course of antiviral medications to prevent recurring episodes of outbreak of infection. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
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[ 2, 2151, 235269, 496, 1317, 5466, 577, 947, 1009, 2113, 611, 109424, 1916, 235248, 235274, 235265, 79735, 1125, 23433, 736, 4602, 675, 665, 578, 1284, 21159, 6803, 7033, 149104, 577, 682, 496, 33285, 1266, 1277, 9629, 901, 496, 2447, 947, 978, 2113, 1105, 665, 774, 1070, 578, 496, 90903, 44016, 1105, 665, 31057, 901, 4553, 603, 2076, 573, 1809, 235265, 2475, 4203, 682, 1284, 1134, 3337, 682, 1013, 1284, 1093, 476, 104788, 901, 1485, 26632, 578, 496, 2277, 2212, 1105, 1070, 235265, 590, 6947, 15002, 577, 16772, 1070, 1693, 1185, 1070, 3142, 603, 3110, 591, 7769, 665, 5250, 2593, 603, 846, 2551, 692, 3743, 1707, 682, 675, 1009, 2113, 611, 1855, 3326, 577, 15973, 675, 665, 578, 1013, 496, 1134, 614, 3326, 577, 1500, 1089, 28062, 577, 1070, 696, 832, 235336 ]
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im doing ivf,my 1st step is the ovarn stimulation, im takeing injectoble med.follistim aq my does was 300 ui for 3days then i take a blood and sono test then my does went up 300 ui a day to 300 twice a day for7 days, my doc say that the farcols is growing slow, it should alrady been it size.. is something rong with my ovaries to make these farcols grow slow?
HelloWelcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. As your follicles don't enlarge with stimulation, then I would advise going for hormonal study. As hormonal disturbance may restrict follicles to get develop. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
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[ 2, 571, 3900, 17445, 235266, 235269, 1723, 235248, 235274, 490, 4065, 603, 573, 493, 1155, 235254, 40771, 235269, 1485, 1987, 574, 166813, 511, 660, 2407, 235265, 1213, 18090, 2363, 100408, 970, 1721, 729, 235248, 235304, 235276, 235276, 24850, 604, 235248, 235304, 11805, 1492, 496, 1987, 476, 5330, 578, 8628, 2121, 1492, 970, 1721, 3815, 908, 235248, 235304, 235276, 235276, 24850, 476, 1744, 577, 235248, 235304, 235276, 235276, 11594, 476, 1744, 604, 235324, 2705, 235269, 970, 2865, 1931, 674, 573, 2166, 20991, 603, 8547, 6080, 235269, 665, 1412, 717, 204869, 1125, 665, 2395, 723, 603, 2775, 154934, 675, 970, 145922, 577, 1501, 1450, 2166, 20991, 2664, 6080, 235336 ]
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I have had pain in my feet for some time now. It started with sensation of walking on stones especially under big toe joint. My right heel clicks, I have burning pain to top of feet and middle toe left foot is painful. Walking is becoming quite traumatic and I can hardly get down stairs in the mornings.
It is either due to using a rough unhealthy hard shoes.or increased uric acid in your body...change your shoes to a soft sports shoes .avoid salt and high purines foods .do not stand up still for long time. An insole of silicon can help you.
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[ 2, 235285, 791, 1093, 4380, 575, 970, 5368, 604, 1009, 1069, 1490, 235265, 1165, 4604, 675, 37548, 576, 10350, 611, 21069, 5199, 1362, 2824, 17297, 10390, 235265, 2961, 1833, 26267, 50991, 235269, 590, 791, 18620, 4380, 577, 2267, 576, 5368, 578, 7185, 17297, 2731, 4701, 603, 28222, 235265, 43110, 603, 12433, 4756, 76518, 578, 590, 798, 17791, 947, 1706, 29519, 575, 573, 77263, 235265 ]
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Hi Doctor I am 35 weeks pregnant and am experiencing regular trembles or shakes in my tummy, like the baby is having a small seizure or like when an adult has that weird involuntary tremble down the back of the neck. What is this? and is it normal? Thanks Lishai
Hallow Lisa, The baby inside the uterus is continually moving. It is calm when the baby is sleeping. This movement is felt by the mother from about 20 weeks of the gestation or earlier. As the pregnancy advances, the water around the baby goes on diminishing and hence the movements of the baby are more perceived. You may please count the score of the movements. During 12 hours time if it is moving about 10 times, you do not have to worry. This is normal and is indicating a healthy active fetus. Any variation in the fetal movement count needs to be reported to the Obstetrician. I hope this helps you.
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[ 2, 2151, 18570, 590, 1144, 235248, 235304, 235308, 5976, 22594, 578, 1144, 31752, 5748, 2521, 95295, 689, 73442, 575, 970, 116059, 235269, 1154, 573, 5760, 603, 3372, 476, 2301, 69322, 689, 1154, 1185, 671, 11787, 919, 674, 16312, 111645, 65032, 1706, 573, 1355, 576, 573, 8935, 235265, 2439, 603, 736, 235336, 578, 603, 665, 4500, 235336, 7807, 23277, 10037 ]
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I am 38 Yr Old man. I am having a female child of 5 years old. I am suffering from varicocele problem fully on left side and mild on right side. on having none sperm count i undergo homeopathic treatment for 6 months and my sperm count increases to 25 millions / cumm. and motility 23 % active., volume 3.0 ml ph - 8.2 70% of morphology is normal. whether fertyl 25 helps me to improve my counts . i need your suggestion to get second child. my wife is normal.
Hihaving varicocele is the most common cause of male infertility, I would like to know the complete semen analysis report for better advise. If you are having varicocele then you should be more worried about the decreased motility of sperms rather than the sperm count as varicocele leads to qualitative defect rather than quantitative defect, moreover you have sperm count of 25 million which is good enough for fertilization.I would recommend you to start cap.Evian and tab. Lycopene which are natural antioxidants, and they will improve the health of sperms, secondly I would advise you to get operated for your varicocele as varicocele cause States of blood in testis, and it increases the temperature within the testes which causes the sperms to die or deform ultimately causing reduced sperms' motility.
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[ 2, 235285, 1144, 235248, 235304, 235321, 135839, 9057, 916, 235265, 590, 1144, 3372, 476, 8914, 2047, 576, 235248, 235308, 1658, 2187, 235265, 590, 1144, 17332, 774, 2706, 2581, 37668, 3210, 7382, 611, 2731, 2857, 578, 21870, 611, 1833, 2857, 235265, 611, 3372, 8031, 58469, 1625, 496, 38442, 2078, 93388, 5158, 604, 235248, 235318, 4063, 578, 970, 58469, 1625, 12062, 577, 235248, 235284, 235308, 15011, 1148, 11362, 235262, 235265, 578, 152579, 235248, 235284, 235304, 2348, 6066, 1173, 6620, 235248, 235304, 235265, 235276, 8010, 1591, 139, 235290, 235248, 235321, 235265, 235284, 235248, 235324, 235276, 235358, 576, 57027, 603, 4500, 235265, 4270, 4760, 149137, 235248, 235284, 235308, 7154, 682, 139, 511, 4771, 970, 21123, 954, 496, 1476, 861, 22076, 577, 947, 2257, 2047, 235265, 970, 6152, 603, 4500, 235265 ]
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hi,i am 28 yrs old single girl, i have problem with irregular menstruation and i am worried about is there will be any problem to conceive?also,i am having breast tenderness and pain before my periods. and i am always embarrassed about my small breast as i am please provide me good suggestion accordingly.
Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. Yes irregular cycles cause infertility. So I suggest you following investigations to know the cause of irregular cycles and take treatment accordingly.-- thyroid profile, serum prolactin, ultrasound abdomen to rule out polycystic ovary disease (PCs). The pain in breast during cycles is seen in some people. Don't worry about that. You can take primrose tablet after consulting your doctor and painkiller. Normally breast develop in proportionate to body. If you still feel your breasts are small compared to your body then for external appearance you can wear thick padded bra. For your sexual life, then you can go for breast enlargement surgery by a plastic surgeon. Hope I have been helpful. Regards Chat Doctor.
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[ 2, 544, 235269, 235252, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235321, 57358, 2187, 3821, 4602, 235269, 496, 791, 3210, 675, 25699, 165532, 578, 496, 1144, 21343, 1105, 139, 502, 1104, 877, 614, 1089, 3210, 577, 64976, 235336, 16692, 235269, 235252, 1144, 3372, 14665, 75545, 578, 4380, 1794, 970, 16049, 235265, 578, 496, 1144, 2593, 60910, 1105, 970, 2301, 14665, 685, 496, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235321, 93364, 235265, 931, 3743, 3658, 682, 1426, 22076, 27558, 235265 ]
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Hi, Im 29 years old, regular paps and regular periods. Ive been off birth control for 2 years and have not conceived. Is it normal after intercourse for his siemen to come out? Does any of it stay in? I keep thinking there is something wrong with me.
Hi there, I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. 1. First do not panic 2. As you have regular cycles, please get ovulation study on USG from day 10 of the cycle to know about the day of ovulation. 3. Post menstrual HSG - hysterosalpingography, within first ten days of the cycle will be helpful to know about the patency of fallopian tubes. 4. Please get husbands semen analysis done with abstinence of 3 to 5 days. This helps to know about quality and quantity of sperms. 5. You can simply opt for unprotected sex act on and around the day of ovulation. 6, Lastly, about your concern of seminal fluid coming out of vagina. Normally, the motile sperms start travelling inside the womb and the seminal fluid remains in the vagina. This fluid leaks out of vagina after some time. So you need not worry about it. I hope this answer helps you May God bless you with a bundle of joy. Thanks.
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[ 2, 2151, 235269, 7335, 235248, 235284, 235315, 1658, 2187, 235269, 5748, 6059, 235256, 578, 5748, 16049, 235265, 139, 102307, 1125, 1401, 5951, 2582, 604, 235248, 235284, 1658, 578, 791, 780, 44868, 235265, 139, 2437, 665, 4500, 1452, 63670, 604, 926, 4021, 631, 577, 2063, 921, 235336, 139, 11227, 1089, 576, 665, 4692, 575, 235336, 139, 235285, 2745, 7166, 1104, 603, 2775, 5206, 675, 682, 235265 ]
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I am a vet tech at a small animal hospital. I was scratched during a dog nail trim a week ago. It has almost fully healed but now I m getting sever pain in my arm from the elbow to my hand, on the bottom side (sensitive ski. Area) is there any concern from the scratch or is this something totally different? No swelling and no rash.
Hi, Thank you for contacting us. I will to ad Chat Doctor. The single most important thing to rule out here is an infection. Antibiotics are prescribed for bite wounds to prevent infection in certain situations. For example, if:1. You have been bitten by a cat. All cat bites are usually treated with antibiotics, as they are much more likely to get infected than dog bites.2. The bite wound is on an arm or leg - especially a hand. These sites are particularly prone to nasty infections that can cause severe damage after a dog or cat bite.3. The wound is large, deep or punctured. A puncture wound may not look large but may go deep into the tissues.4. Your injury needed an operation to clean it out, or repair the damage.5. Your resistance to infection is low. For example, if you are on chemotherapy; have no working spleen; have diabetes; have an immune system problem such as AIDS.6. You have an artificial heart valve (and sometimes, if you have an artificial joint). Antibiotics will also be prescribed if your wound has already become infected. It might be infected if:It is getting more painful rather than improving as time goes by. It has become red or swollen. It is oozing. Sometimes the doctors exam will discover some red lines in the skin of the arm - this is known as lymphangitis - this also needs antibiotics. Best to get this checked by your doctor as soon as possible. I hope this helps. Please message me back if you have any further questions. Best wishes and I hope you get better soon.A
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[ 2, 235285, 1144, 476, 13512, 2400, 696, 476, 2301, 8205, 7454, 235265, 590, 729, 88756, 2290, 476, 5929, 23393, 16817, 476, 2788, 3958, 235265, 1165, 919, 4461, 7382, 70731, 901, 1490, 590, 519, 4225, 3113, 4380, 575, 970, 7762, 774, 573, 48091, 577, 970, 1634, 235269, 611, 573, 6837, 2857, 591, 50623, 14585, 235265, 10927, 235275, 603, 1104, 1089, 11115, 774, 573, 24935, 689, 603, 736, 2775, 13749, 2167, 235336, 1307, 46740, 578, 793, 53849, 235265 ]
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hi sir, my name is vinod dubey, age 48 years, 5.5 ft, 82 kg and had first typhoid and then chikunkuniya and now finally suffering from joint problem at knee and unable to stand up on it, once i stand up i am unable to sit, infact i am unable to transfer my bodyweight onto my knees. please suggest me ...........
Hello, In case of post chikungunya in a good number of cases there are chances of having joint pain. This is due to an immune reaction with joints. As you have already consulted your physician and there is a confirmation diagnosis then I will suggest you following for relief:1. Take a mild analgesic like diclofenac 100 mg on your doctor advice2. I used to treat severe pain in such cases witChatDoctorbination of pregabalin. You may discuss this with your doctor3. Do mild warm fomentation over knee4. Take some medicines which can help in resolving joint inflammation like combination of hyaluronic acid available in market. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[ 2, 544, 11291, 235269, 970, 1503, 603, 5700, 643, 1344, 13925, 235269, 3911, 235248, 235310, 235321, 1658, 235269, 235248, 235308, 235265, 235308, 9801, 235269, 235248, 235321, 235284, 8904, 578, 1093, 1370, 155947, 578, 1492, 3089, 235273, 3621, 4795, 2194, 578, 1490, 6247, 17332, 774, 10390, 3210, 696, 22644, 578, 14321, 577, 2249, 908, 611, 665, 235269, 3631, 496, 2249, 908, 496, 1144, 14321, 577, 5045, 235269, 2083, 1094, 496, 1144, 14321, 577, 5853, 970, 2971, 7553, 10401, 970, 32429, 235265, 3743, 9337, 682, 122559 ]
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hi. My name is Cathie, i m a 56 y.o. woman, caucasion, obese, and I suffer from Type 2 diabetes x 20 yrs., chronic depression and chronic pain. Lately I can t sleep.[1-2hrs/24 hrs,] my major symptom is a twitchy, spasm all over my body. do you think you could tell me what is happening?
Hello ! I read your question and understand your concern. In my opinion the twitchy spasm all over your body may be a disorder called myoclonus or myoclonic jerk. It may be caused by different problems like : seizures, diabetic amyotrophic or polineuropathy. It is very common during sleep, in patients with diabetes. I would recommend monitoring your blood glucose better, and have an Electroneurography and an EEG to exclude the above-mentioned disorders. If I were your doctor I would recommend treatment with clonazepam. It is a very effective Chat Doctor. Other therapy I would recommend would be Pyrimidine, L'Oréal etc. Hope to have been of help! Thank you for using Chat Doctor! Best wishes,
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[ 2, 544, 235265, 2961, 1503, 603, 6828, 15415, 235269, 496, 519, 476, 235248, 235308, 235318, 597, 235265, 235253, 235265, 4323, 235269, 4621, 4352, 587, 235269, 92044, 235269, 578, 590, 7971, 774, 6215, 235248, 235284, 19641, 1141, 235248, 235284, 235276, 57358, 1173, 19424, 20374, 578, 19424, 4380, 235265, 218541, 590, 798, 474, 6284, 19047, 235274, 235290, 235284, 48932, 235283, 235284, 235310, 34740, 71532, 970, 3885, 55415, 603, 476, 78022, 235267, 235269, 192877, 832, 1163, 970, 2971, 235265, 749, 692, 1742, 692, 1538, 3337, 682, 1212, 603, 15404, 235336 ]
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I am 41 year old woman who has been taking Venlafaxine 75 mg/OD since May 2012. The medication helped me with Major Depressive, Anxiety attacks and severe PMS disorder initially for a month or so after that I seem to fall back to my previous state. I am unable to get in touch with my primary or a specialist. Is it alright for me to increase the dose to 150 mg/BD. i am also Dx with Hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxine now at dose of 50 mg/OD. I was taking armourthyroid 60mg/OD but cannot find that medication hence the change
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. Increasing the dose of your antidepressant Venlafaxine from 75 mg OD to 150 mg BD is a Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 1144, 235248, 235310, 235274, 1162, 2187, 4323, 1064, 919, 1125, 4998, 12883, 522, 35392, 622, 235248, 235324, 235308, 11606, 235283, 2120, 2754, 2782, 235248, 235284, 235276, 235274, 235284, 235265, 714, 28413, 10088, 682, 675, 16665, 3346, 7911, 235269, 60019, 15502, 578, 14586, 122206, 24283, 21166, 604, 476, 2514, 689, 712, 1452, 674, 590, 3307, 577, 3881, 1355, 577, 970, 4509, 2329, 235265, 590, 1144, 14321, 577, 947, 575, 6437, 675, 970, 7920, 689, 476, 25336, 235265, 2125, 665, 43137, 604, 682, 577, 4740, 573, 17050, 577, 235248, 235274, 235308, 235276, 11606, 235283, 9739, 235265, 496, 1144, 1170, 176180, 675, 66449, 134536, 578, 1987, 1709, 1076, 9539, 54119, 622, 1490, 696, 17050, 576, 235248, 235308, 235276, 11606, 235283, 2120, 235265, 590, 729, 4998, 37050, 102474, 235248, 235318, 235276, 6333, 235283, 2120, 901, 2952, 1717, 674, 28413, 16099, 573, 2669 ]
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For the past several months, my 42 year old husband has been experiencing headaches, dizziness, light headed, weakness, fatigue, unstable blood pressure going really high or really low with no in between, night sweats, and says he s freezing a lot in the evening hours. No fever. He s had exams/blood work for diabetes, etc. along with MRI and stress test, which all report back normal. He has passed out with these symptoms. It appears to get worse each week. There s definitely something going on with him but we re not getting results from family physician or ER physicians. I truly feel he may have a blockage decreasing blood flood to the brain. Yes, he has smoked since he was 15-16 years old. Please advise.
Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! I understand your concern and would explain that his symptoms could be related to blood pressure fluctuations. It is important to investigate for the possible causes of these blood pressure fluctuations. For this reason, I would recommend performing some tests (if you have not performed them yet): - blood electrolytes- PCR, sedimentation rate for inflammation- thyroid hormone levels for possible thyroid dysfunction- a Head Up Tilt test for possible orthostatic hypotension. Considering the fact that he has been smoking for such a long time, I would also recommend performing a Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 1636, 573, 3433, 3757, 4063, 235269, 970, 235248, 235310, 235284, 1162, 2187, 8616, 919, 1125, 31752, 68556, 235269, 110423, 235269, 2611, 24819, 235269, 23432, 235269, 30411, 235269, 48002, 5330, 5601, 2319, 2277, 1536, 689, 2277, 3178, 675, 793, 575, 1865, 235269, 3354, 28897, 235269, 578, 2889, 693, 485, 40503, 476, 2940, 575, 573, 9478, 3763, 235265, 1307, 23391, 235265, 1315, 485, 1093, 29550, 235283, 33896, 1160, 604, 19641, 235269, 3687, 235265, 3731, 675, 53417, 578, 7512, 2121, 235269, 948, 832, 3484, 1355, 4500, 235265, 1315, 919, 7206, 921, 675, 1450, 12447, 235265, 1165, 8149, 577, 947, 12302, 1853, 2788, 235265, 2456, 485, 8118, 2775, 2319, 611, 675, 1357, 901, 783, 582, 780, 4225, 3190, 774, 2730, 25895, 689, 11335, 37977, 235265, 590, 11135, 2375, 693, 1249, 791, 476, 155970, 40804, 5330, 17468, 577, 573, 9494, 235265, 6287, 235269, 693, 919, 53415, 2754, 693, 729, 235248, 235274, 235308, 235290, 235274, 235318, 1658, 2187, 235265, 5651, 26637, 235265 ]
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About 5 weeks ago i sprained my ankle & dislocated my knee cap and have been taking physical therapy & have seen an improvement but am still feeling tenderness on the outside of my ankle & it is tender around the ballpoint as well as i have a small range in movement and stiffness in 2 of my toes what could this mean?
It means your physical therapist is good put is giving more attention than he supposed to do to your ankle I suggest simpler exercise to your ankle and using an anti-inflammatory (alphintern)3 times a day for a week hope I was of help to you Good Luck
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[ 2, 4398, 235248, 235308, 5976, 3958, 496, 847, 55451, 970, 37553, 724, 989, 49803, 970, 22644, 1983, 578, 791, 1125, 4998, 6915, 13414, 724, 791, 3624, 671, 13194, 901, 1144, 2076, 7965, 75545, 611, 573, 5162, 576, 970, 37553, 724, 665, 603, 17580, 2449, 573, 5744, 3371, 685, 1578, 685, 496, 791, 476, 2301, 3001, 575, 8069, 578, 59890, 575, 235248, 235284, 576, 970, 41521, 1212, 1538, 736, 2714, 235336 ]
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hi.. my dad, 93y/o very physically active b4 he had cough/sob that seeked him admission 2 d hosp. on 9/14/14. right now, he s been treated 4pneumonia..he was in ICU 4close monitoring, 2r/o pneumothorax vs. atelectasis.. had chest tube inserted 2drain out excess air..chest tube still in since his admission. his Dr. advised him to have surgery to repair d collapsed lungs.m my questions are..1. how long can a chest tube stay in to drain d air out? 2. is it advisable to have surgery to repair his lungs at his age? 3. his pneumonia hasn t been r/o jst yet.. he s given Zithromax 500mg iv q24hrs..what is best to do, considering not much antibiotics to choose from in the PHILIPPINES on top of high costs.. ThNKS A LOT FOR D RESPONSE...
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Surgery is not at all advised at this age (93). Because lung surgery is considered as major surgery and heart lung bypass is needed during surgery. And chances of post-operative complications are very high at this age. So I will not advise surgery for him because of his age. Better to keep ICD and wait for resolution of pneumothorax. Better to get done sputum culture to identify organism. And also get done sensitivity report to guide the antibiotic therapy. Once infection is resolved, pneumothorax will definitely subside. So discuss all these with your doctor and plan accordingly.
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[ 2, 544, 723, 970, 13110, 235269, 235248, 235315, 235304, 235267, 235283, 235253, 1508, 27888, 6066, 518, 235310, 693, 1093, 37201, 235283, 44321, 674, 8361, 509, 1357, 23630, 235248, 235284, 499, 19560, 235265, 611, 235248, 235315, 235283, 235274, 235310, 235283, 235274, 235310, 235265, 1833, 1490, 235269, 693, 485, 1125, 11017, 235248, 235310, 179172, 10192, 723, 480, 729, 575, 83332, 235248, 235310, 3446, 14251, 235269, 235248, 235284, 235255, 235283, 235253, 171476, 115699, 5135, 235265, 19040, 1352, 15775, 723, 1093, 15704, 13005, 30898, 235248, 235284, 104875, 921, 17001, 2681, 723, 78559, 13005, 2076, 575, 2754, 926, 23630, 235265, 926, 3718, 235265, 24456, 1357, 577, 791, 15505, 577, 12158, 499, 49762, 39980, 235265, 235262, 970, 3920, 708, 723, 235274, 235265, 1368, 1497, 798, 476, 15704, 13005, 4692, 575, 577, 16800, 499, 2681, 921, 235336, 235248, 235284, 235265, 603, 665, 56599, 577, 791, 15505, 577, 12158, 926, 39980, 696, 926, 3911, 235336, 235248, 235304, 235265, 926, 60723, 19373, 474, 1125, 548, 235283, 235253, 678, 490, 3599, 723, 693, 485, 2764, 1271, 652, 514, 2615, 235248, 235308, 235276, 235276, 6333, 17445, 4036, 235284, 235310, 48932, 723, 5049, 603, 1963, 577, 749, 235269, 14113, 780, 1683, 58108, 577, 6475, 774, 575, 573, 117994, 227944, 611, 2267, 576, 1536, 6331, 723, 904, 235300, 8975, 586, 51361, 4921, 608, 94876, 955 ]
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For three days I have a constat sharp pain on the left side of my abdomen which becomes more intense when i cough or burp or inhale. This started when I was sedentary, I was not involved in strenous activity. I have felt this pain in the past, but Id always explain it away due to excersize or intense walking. What could be causing this? Also my period is very late and Im certain this is not due to pregnancy. I am 42 years old.
Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about this pain. It would be difficult to tell what the exact cause of this pain is. I will suggest that you get consulted and evaluated for the possible cause of this pain and treated accordingly. A primary care doctor would be a good person to start with. I hope this ad Chat Doctor. Feel free to ask for clarifications and more information if need be. I wish you well. Thanks for utilizing our services, we very much appreciate it.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 1636, 2149, 2705, 590, 791, 476, 74463, 15280, 4380, 611, 573, 2731, 2857, 576, 970, 48958, 948, 8485, 978, 18786, 1185, 496, 37201, 689, 6286, 235263, 689, 161500, 235265, 1417, 4604, 1185, 590, 729, 156842, 235269, 590, 729, 780, 6664, 575, 97323, 819, 5640, 235265, 590, 791, 6220, 736, 4380, 575, 573, 3433, 235269, 901, 6739, 2593, 10200, 665, 3024, 3402, 577, 217235, 1934, 689, 18786, 10350, 235265, 2439, 1538, 614, 17318, 736, 235336, 6793, 970, 4037, 603, 1508, 5245, 578, 7335, 3383, 736, 603, 780, 3402, 577, 22310, 235265, 590, 1144, 235248, 235310, 235284, 1658, 2187, 235265 ]
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weak moustache and beard...hw much it will coast the treatment for stimulate the growth and get a stiffer moustache and 29 year old. i feel my testes and penis are also smaller when compared with my friends...pls let me knw the treatment coast..
Hii.welcome to Chat Doctor.I understand your opinion is that,1.take nutritious foods.2.have good sleep of about 8 hours a day.3.avoid stress.4.take multivitamin tablets once daily in night.5.apply eucalyptus oil in beard area to get thick beard. Thank you. Hope my answer will help you.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 37335, 146667, 578, 38175, 955, 24394, 1683, 665, 877, 10324, 573, 5158, 604, 48831, 573, 5115, 578, 947, 476, 222920, 146667, 578, 38175, 955, 571, 235248, 235284, 235315, 1162, 2187, 235265, 496, 2375, 970, 110100, 578, 58209, 708, 1170, 9595, 1185, 7631, 675, 970, 4078, 955, 66660, 2142, 682, 11448, 235271, 573, 5158, 10324, 723 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
I had surgery on my carodid artery in 86. . I am having trouble with my breathilng going up stairs trouble talking,, heart palpitations, Dr at St Josephs Toronto found that I have a bow in my vocal cord and after the surgery in 86 my husband was told that I may not be able to talk when I woke up. I did have trouble talking at the time and my voice has been raspy off and on. Now I have a very low paulse and have a lot of trouble with my voice. What kind of a doctor do I see with this problem Sheila
Get done 2D echo to check if your heart is pumping fine. And for voice, visit ENT surgeon. And if any further queries, DON'T hesitate to revert.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 1093, 15505, 611, 970, 1226, 643, 539, 47782, 575, 235248, 235321, 235318, 235265, 954, 590, 1144, 3372, 10779, 675, 970, 10690, 540, 512, 2319, 908, 29519, 10779, 8161, 12716, 3760, 170518, 903, 235269, 3718, 696, 997, 10954, 235256, 19590, 1942, 674, 590, 791, 476, 7181, 575, 970, 28381, 16461, 578, 1452, 573, 15505, 575, 235248, 235321, 235318, 139, 1723, 8616, 729, 4203, 674, 590, 1249, 780, 614, 3326, 577, 5063, 1185, 590, 42142, 908, 235265, 590, 1498, 791, 10779, 8161, 696, 573, 1069, 578, 970, 7061, 919, 1125, 1051, 34857, 1401, 578, 611, 235265, 4414, 590, 791, 476, 1508, 3178, 1557, 20216, 578, 791, 476, 2940, 576, 10779, 675, 970, 7061, 235265, 2439, 2858, 576, 476, 9353, 749, 590, 1443, 675, 736, 3210, 89151 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
AGE 36, LAST year in july i have already operation lamber spine L5-S1 disc prolesped,after few month i m attacked spondylosis same disc suggest the operation but i can t after physio thereaphy i m well but some time i have some problem, please u suggest me
Hello, I will suggest you to continue the spine strengthening exercises as advised by a professional physiotherapist. Avoid over straining your spine. Do not lift heavy weights. Do not lean down to lift a weight placed on floor. Sit in a lordosis posture (your tummy protruding in front) on chair. If you need to lift a weight from floor you need to sit on floor first and stand up with a strong support. If physiotherapy keeps your spine healthy you can wait on being operated. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 3525, 235248, 235304, 235318, 235269, 52404, 1162, 575, 47513, 496, 791, 3303, 6791, 683, 1550, 37262, 629, 235308, 235290, 235277, 235274, 9027, 656, 982, 4427, 235269, 10808, 2619, 2514, 496, 519, 25900, 847, 160727, 162632, 1809, 9027, 656, 16912, 723, 32171, 9337, 573, 6791, 901, 496, 798, 474, 1452, 29196, 5416, 535, 8782, 496, 519, 1578, 901, 1009, 1069, 496, 791, 1009, 3210, 235269, 3743, 606, 9337, 682 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
i am 22 yrs of age who has hep b. can it help taking mx3my family history has hep and i think i got it from my mom. i have hep b and the doctor said it is acute. what should i do? do i need to continue taking mx3? and what good things or nutrients that you can get form taking mx3?
Hi thanks for asking question. No specific need here for using mx3. I need to know duration of hepatitis b.... Mostly if you acquire from mother you are having chronic hepatitis and now in active stage. In chronic hepatitis active stage determine by liver enzymes' estimation, HBO DNA and Head estimation.... If you are in chronic active stage antiviral specific medication started.Meanwhile, take low fat diet. Fruits taken more. Green leafy veg useful... Avoid alcohol. If jaundice occur immediately consult doc. Close clinical follow-up necessary. Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235284, 57358, 576, 3911, 1064, 919, 31628, 518, 235265, 798, 665, 1707, 4998, 28322, 235304, 1723, 2730, 4281, 919, 31628, 578, 496, 1742, 496, 2371, 665, 774, 970, 3278, 235265, 496, 791, 31628, 518, 578, 573, 9353, 1180, 665, 603, 21825, 235265, 1212, 1412, 496, 749, 235336, 749, 496, 1476, 577, 5374, 4998, 28322, 235304, 235336, 578, 1212, 1426, 2652, 689, 37132, 674, 692, 798, 947, 1736, 4998, 28322, 235304, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
My husband has G6PD. He just found out about three months ago when having a treatment for cancer when he had multiple organ failure , and a stroke . He is home now but he is itching on his buttocks and on the sides of his genital area. What creams or medication can I try with him. I have tried the cortizone and lotrimin but it is not working.
You’re husband can try Tab Atari 25 mg thrice daily after food for 5 days. It contains antihistamine which will reduce the allergic itching. U can apply Ubisoft gel 1% locally which contains HY Chat Doctor. Along with the above two your husband can take T. Forcan 150 mg once daily after food for 7 days. Forcan contains antifungal agent fluconazole. These 3 medications should reduce the itching in your husbands buttocks and genital areas.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 8616, 919, 653, 235318, 4023, 235265, 1315, 1317, 1942, 921, 1105, 2149, 4063, 3958, 1185, 3372, 476, 5158, 604, 9198, 1185, 693, 1093, 6733, 2359, 9633, 1688, 578, 476, 21339, 954, 1315, 603, 2078, 1490, 901, 693, 603, 100576, 611, 926, 171040, 578, 611, 573, 10012, 576, 926, 75766, 2713, 235265, 2439, 101006, 689, 28413, 798, 590, 3418, 675, 1357, 235265, 590, 791, 6423, 573, 183039, 9544, 578, 2940, 228335, 901, 665, 603, 780, 3434, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
i have a 5 year son who for about a week now is having these random coughing spurts and sometime will make him vomit. he does not have any fever but very fatigue. it sometimes happens atleast 4 to 5 times a day. he cannot even talk during these spouts of coughing. what you quote I feel that he might be having a pertussis cough and the infection would have been caused by an atypical organism. If the child is coughing in bouts and the eyes are becoming red and face is becoming red during the cough bout and if after cough he is having a whooping inspiratory noise then it could be whooping cough or pertussis cough. I suggest you consult your pediatrician and get an antibiotic prescription and a cough suppressant. Once started this type of cough can last for 4-6 weeks. Regards -
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 791, 476, 235248, 235308, 1162, 2032, 1064, 604, 1105, 476, 2788, 1490, 603, 3372, 1450, 6253, 109293, 49102, 617, 578, 44195, 877, 1501, 1357, 122569, 235265, 139, 480, 1721, 780, 791, 1089, 23391, 901, 1508, 30411, 235265, 139, 500, 6947, 9597, 97514, 235248, 235310, 577, 235248, 235308, 3023, 476, 1744, 235265, 139, 480, 2952, 1693, 5063, 2290, 1450, 847, 10760, 576, 109293, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
A friend of mine in Thailand has a son with what I strongly suspect is Icthyosis. My friend says he heard of an herbal remedy produced by a company in Connecticut. I have not been able to find anything on this remedy on the net. Do you know of anything that can help. The boy is about 20 and is beginning to have social problems due to the disease.
I don't aware about the medicine that u mentioned.ichthyosis diagnosed as genetic origin little time to take treat. Depending upon the severity and type of ichthyosis, affected individuals may need treatment from about 6 to12 months, in order to significantly improve from this condition. Ayurvedic treatment for this condition includes oral and external medication along with some diet restriction. If needed (yoga also)If u give a clear detail of this patient I can guide u more.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235280, 4034, 576, 7889, 575, 28141, 919, 476, 2032, 675, 1212, 590, 16066, 20627, 603, 136828, 9539, 18118, 235265, 2961, 4034, 2889, 693, 5884, 576, 671, 49381, 32838, 7784, 731, 476, 3277, 575, 32232, 235265, 590, 791, 780, 1125, 3326, 577, 1717, 4341, 611, 736, 32838, 611, 573, 3117, 235265, 2390, 692, 1230, 576, 4341, 674, 798, 1707, 235265, 714, 5780, 603, 1105, 235248, 235284, 235276, 578, 603, 7489, 577, 791, 3127, 4552, 3402, 577, 573, 7197, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hi i am a 27 year old healthy male suffering from hair loss and hair thinning problem. I was prescribed R89 by a doctor (20 drops thrice a day). However the chemist also suggested me to take Weisbaden 200 (5 drops daily) along with R 89 as supplement to it. what should i do. Also is there any side effect of these nedicines..??
Hi, You may be having halogen effluvium. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect treatment. I think your medicine are homeopathic. They are innocent without side effects. Remember.there are many other good medicines in allopatry...ok. so, consult the dermatologist. Hope this helps. Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 496, 1144, 476, 235248, 235284, 235324, 1162, 2187, 9606, 9202, 17332, 774, 5054, 4783, 578, 5054, 99642, 3210, 235265, 590, 729, 27893, 625, 235321, 235315, 731, 476, 9353, 591, 235284, 235276, 18969, 126135, 476, 1744, 846, 4560, 573, 100637, 1170, 11480, 682, 577, 1987, 78043, 101373, 235248, 235284, 235276, 235276, 591, 235308, 18969, 7074, 235275, 3731, 675, 625, 235248, 235321, 235315, 685, 19168, 577, 665, 235265, 1212, 1412, 496, 749, 235265, 6793, 603, 1104, 1089, 2857, 4232, 576, 1450, 21485, 520, 1542, 723, 4481 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hi doc my cervical lymph nodes are enlarged bilateral discrete nd not matted no. is increasing along with size. fnac report is chronic non specific lymphadenitis. complete blood pic is normal except esr is 44. i hav a fear could it be any malignancy
No you need not worry, it doesn't mean cancer. But only thing is to followup after 1 to 2 weeks of antibiotics and get examined once again.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 2865, 970, 60985, 71372, 15822, 708, 47879, 49627, 39890, 17139, 780, 1926, 691, 793, 235265, 603, 8185, 3731, 675, 2395, 235265, 15910, 550, 3484, 603, 19424, 2173, 3724, 34816, 234673, 17945, 235265, 3407, 5330, 4348, 603, 4500, 7694, 875, 235255, 603, 235248, 235310, 235310, 235265, 496, 38790, 476, 7440, 1538, 665, 614, 1089, 186312 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Red pin prick rash in my 2 and a half year daughter, itchy skin, eczema has fleared up with it, just had antibiotics for suspected chest infection rash has come back since she finished antibiotics but worse. It s all over body except her face, normal self most of the time until she starts itching. More tiered then usuall, drinking and eating ok. No temperature,
Hello dear your child might be suffering from atomic dermatitis. Kindly meet a dermatologist and get proper diagnosis done.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 5200, 6644, 87334, 53849, 575, 970, 235248, 235284, 578, 476, 3933, 1162, 8531, 235269, 139347, 5239, 235269, 131557, 919, 9506, 17787, 908, 675, 665, 235269, 1317, 1093, 58108, 604, 31693, 15704, 15618, 53849, 919, 2063, 1355, 2754, 1284, 9351, 58108, 901, 12302, 235265, 1165, 485, 832, 1163, 2971, 7694, 1070, 3142, 235269, 4500, 2011, 1546, 576, 573, 1069, 3274, 1284, 11207, 100576, 235265, 3696, 146958, 1492, 24368, 668, 235269, 16036, 578, 12150, 4634, 235265, 1307, 5809, 235269 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Hi. I have started exercising and Im getting heel pain in my right heel. Recently I also noticed that I had worn the heels down on the left shoe only, the right looks perfect. Are they related? Is this posture or gait thing and who can help? Thank you
Hello thank you for using Chat Doctor I read your question and understood your concern. I think this is plantar fasciitis. You should do stretching exercises for the Achilles tendon and heel cord. Also using arch support shoe inserts helps. Sleeping with night splints will help you also. I wish you quick recovery
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 235265, 590, 791, 4604, 56518, 578, 7335, 4225, 26267, 4380, 575, 970, 1833, 26267, 235265, 48238, 590, 1170, 14069, 674, 590, 1093, 21547, 573, 33366, 1706, 611, 573, 2731, 22043, 1297, 235269, 573, 1833, 4713, 4434, 235265, 5881, 984, 5678, 235336, 2125, 736, 48065, 689, 88353, 3166, 578, 1064, 798, 1707, 235336, 9105, 692 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
heloo doctor i got bacterial infection first doctor gave me augmentin 650 but after taking this heldi got itching al over body then he prescribed azithral 500 what would be dosage he said to tk augmentin thrice daiy whether azithral shold also be taken thrice pl help
Fellow, you have not mentioned your infection clearly, azithral 500 mg once a day is given normally in many conditions it's not given thrice a day, Buti suggest you to visit your physician and confirm the dosage.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 480, 31939, 9353, 496, 2371, 39183, 15618, 1370, 9353, 5645, 682, 35126, 473, 235248, 235318, 235308, 235276, 901, 1452, 4998, 736, 139, 3549, 543, 2371, 100576, 717, 1163, 2971, 1492, 693, 27893, 4722, 652, 3219, 235248, 235308, 235276, 235276, 1212, 1134, 614, 58044, 693, 1180, 577, 32173, 35126, 473, 126135, 1260, 24179, 4270, 4722, 652, 3219, 943, 1022, 1170, 614, 3443, 126135, 1046, 1707 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Sudden pain in left shoulder, under shoulder blade. Took Tramadol, and rubbed topical pain relief. Pain gradually moved from back to chest mid-breast bone. Difficulty taking deep breath without heaviness in chest. Took 2 puffs albuterol, drank 16oz of water. Pain slowly moving to top left arm. Now tightness in arm and chest. All this began around 5:30 pm today. Pain and pressure went from severe to mild by 9:15 pm EST. Should I go to urgent care or emergency room tonight or check with Dr tomorrow?
First You do investigations like ECG x-ray c will be helpful for diagnosis until I will suggest you some Ayurvedic medicine tab yoga juggle 2 beta Karaganda vat 1bt
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 204236, 4380, 575, 2731, 14999, 235269, 1362, 14999, 21846, 235265, 87131, 2569, 216876, 235269, 578, 73301, 85074, 4380, 13011, 235265, 20198, 20914, 8509, 774, 1355, 577, 15704, 3465, 235290, 129172, 14354, 235265, 51546, 4998, 5271, 10690, 2346, 4761, 1790, 575, 15704, 235265, 87131, 235248, 235284, 162864, 717, 1852, 221780, 235269, 51524, 235248, 235274, 235318, 12377, 576, 2003, 235265, 20198, 13708, 8096, 577, 2267, 2731, 7762, 235265, 4414, 151611, 575, 7762, 578, 15704, 235265, 2262, 736, 6343, 2449, 235248, 235308, 235292, 235304, 235276, 5757, 3646, 235265, 20198, 578, 5601, 3815, 774, 14586, 577, 21870, 731, 235248, 235315, 235292, 235274, 235308, 5757, 17039, 235265, 13688, 590, 871, 577, 34722, 2212, 689, 13738, 2965, 18887, 689, 2701, 675, 3718, 14610, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
i was in a severe car accident 4 months ago with head trauma. ive really had no problems other than dizzy spells so the doctor then did an mri and it came back fine. but then today i was standing in a line talking to my aunt and i was talking and all of a sudden all that would come out was mumbles. like i was totaly drunk. my whole body went very limp and i had to sit. it scared me so bad all i couls do was cry cause i knew what i needed to say but couldnt say iyt. this lasted for about 10 minutes then for about 30 minutes after i was stuttering a little and shaking. now i feel ok just like my balance is off a little what could this have possibly been?
Hi! I read carefully your query. I think that you have vertiginous disease which may be:- Central from cerebral disease and to exclude it you should do brain MRI-Peripheral from middle ear disease (Manner disease) which excluded witChatDoctormertonal proves and Audio gram. Every diagnosis may treatment but the first by neurologist and the second by otorhinolaringologyst. I think so that your problem is not related with the accident. Wish you fast recovery. Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 729, 575, 476, 14586, 1226, 10764, 235248, 235310, 4063, 3958, 675, 2206, 32211, 235265, 61013, 2277, 1093, 793, 4552, 1156, 1178, 103595, 45869, 712, 573, 9353, 1492, 1498, 671, 519, 505, 578, 665, 3392, 1355, 4948, 235265, 901, 1492, 3646, 496, 729, 9980, 575, 476, 2017, 8161, 577, 970, 47189, 578, 496, 729, 8161, 578, 832, 576, 476, 10334, 832, 674, 1134, 2063, 921, 729, 519, 90645, 235265, 1154, 496, 729, 3051, 235267, 30214, 235265, 970, 3733, 2971, 3815, 1508, 18844, 578, 496, 1093, 577, 5045, 235265, 665, 26632, 682, 712, 3338, 832, 496, 2903, 1560, 749, 729, 5619, 4557, 496, 6608, 1212, 496, 4880, 577, 1931, 901, 125759, 1931, 496, 14688, 235265, 736, 40389, 604, 1105, 235248, 235274, 235276, 4363, 1492, 604, 1105, 235248, 235304, 235276, 4363, 1452, 496, 729, 199545, 476, 2356, 578, 40851, 235265, 1490, 496, 2375, 4634, 1317, 1154, 970, 7739, 603, 1401, 476, 2356, 1212, 1538, 736, 791, 13592, 1125, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hi..would you please give the ways of conceiving. my semen analysis says: liquifaction 25, volume 3 ml, low viscosity,pH 7.5, sperm conc.110million/ml, motile sperm conc.90m/ml, total motility 81%, progressive motility 75, non-progressive motility 25, vitality 81% live, morphology 50%, autoagglutination positive, leucocytes 8-10 and fructose positive.
HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts and report of your semen analysis that you have posted it appears that your semen parameters are well within normal range of WHO standards except presence of pus cells (Leukocytes) and auto agglutination which suggest presence of infection either in Seminal Vesicle or Prostate. Please get your semen culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. You need to take appropriate antibiotic for 6-8 weeks to combat infection completely. Repeat semen analysis after completion of course of antibiotics. With this you should not have any problem to impregnate your wife. Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 723, 24831, 692, 3743, 2734, 573, 5742, 576, 14243, 3786, 235265, 970, 94843, 4084, 2889, 235292, 18581, 648, 2314, 235248, 235284, 235308, 235269, 6620, 235248, 235304, 8010, 235269, 3178, 51339, 235269, 22955, 235248, 235324, 235265, 235308, 235269, 58469, 5631, 235265, 235274, 235274, 235276, 34659, 235283, 1522, 235269, 705, 7777, 58469, 5631, 235265, 235315, 235276, 235262, 235283, 1522, 235269, 3051, 152579, 235248, 235321, 235274, 13520, 29102, 152579, 235248, 235324, 235308, 235269, 2173, 235290, 159448, 152579, 235248, 235284, 235308, 235269, 66547, 235248, 235321, 235274, 235358, 3685, 235269, 57027, 235248, 235308, 235276, 13520, 3072, 737, 58074, 14397, 6222, 235269, 107832, 47564, 235248, 235321, 235290, 235274, 235276, 578, 162835, 6222, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Hello - I have had low back pain for about a week, steadily becoming more severe. I cannot bend to put socks on - it hurts in every position. It spreads across my entire lower back equally. I ve been taking muscle relaxers & pain killers, with some relief. What KIND of doctor should I see, so I do not waste time & money?
hi kindly consult a orthopedic surgeon or spine surgeon
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4521, 728, 590, 791, 1093, 3178, 1355, 4380, 604, 1105, 476, 2788, 235269, 45421, 12433, 978, 14586, 235265, 590, 2952, 25614, 577, 2507, 28931, 611, 728, 665, 42794, 575, 1535, 3668, 235265, 1165, 60030, 4492, 970, 4805, 4581, 1355, 16404, 235265, 590, 1408, 1125, 4998, 15990, 10228, 618, 724, 4380, 97070, 235269, 675, 1009, 13011, 235265, 2439, 69892, 576, 9353, 1412, 590, 1443, 235269, 712, 590, 749, 780, 9007, 1069, 724, 3370, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Hi Doctor, My baby is 3 months old . Till now he is taking breast feed milk. In another couple of weeks, my wife need to go to work. Can we give him Lactogen or cow milk ? If so how much dosage we need to give ? Can you please help us on this. Thanks,
Breast milk is the best milk followed by formula milk like Nan followed by lactose followed by cows milk. U can store expressed breast milk in fridge and give it to baby in mothers absence. If still needed then supplement with formula milk by wait spoon (no bottle).
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 18570, 235269, 2961, 5760, 603, 235248, 235304, 4063, 2187, 954, 36363, 1490, 693, 603, 4998, 14665, 5513, 9512, 235265, 878, 2550, 5591, 576, 5976, 235269, 970, 6152, 1476, 577, 871, 577, 1160, 235265, 2551, 783, 2734, 1357, 177857, 1056, 689, 13910, 9512, 1654, 1927, 712, 1368, 1683, 58044, 783, 1476, 577, 2734, 1654, 2551, 692, 3743, 1707, 917, 611, 736, 235265, 7807, 235269 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
My 8 year old daughter and her family returned to summit county, co (elevation HIGH!) from NY a few weeks ago and she was having pretty bad nose bleeds for a week. Followed by a week of headaches (still happening) and after school today she told me she was seeing spots and blurred vision in 1 it time to take her to see her pediatrician
Hi,Nose bleed in chil ChatDoctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 235248, 235321, 1162, 2187, 8531, 578, 1070, 2730, 8496, 577, 31439, 10348, 235269, 910, 591, 48781, 28950, 13420, 774, 11268, 476, 2619, 5976, 3958, 578, 1284, 729, 3372, 4786, 3338, 16482, 218477, 604, 476, 2788, 235265, 171431, 731, 476, 2788, 576, 68556, 591, 30432, 15404, 235275, 578, 1452, 2493, 3646, 1284, 4203, 682, 1284, 729, 9601, 18881, 578, 69384, 9678, 575, 235248, 235274, 6312, 1376, 502, 665, 1069, 577, 1987, 1070, 577, 1443, 1070, 198718 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Have taken azithromycin for bronchial asthmatic infection. Taking 250 mg for last 4 days. Have one pill left. My condition is completely better but the med. is causing me to have a bad stomach and a dizzy feeling. Would it do any harm if I didn t take that last pill?
Hello,First bronchial asthma is not an infection. It is a condition in which there is spasm of bronchial muscles and air pipe which causes breathing difficulty. Whenever we start any antibiotic, the course should be completed even if you are feeling better before the course gets completed. The reason behind it is if you do not complete the course, the bacteria or infective agent develops resistant to the antibiotic which you didn't complete the course. And next time if you again get the infection by the same infective agent, the antibiotic won't work the next time, and you will need higher antibiotic. So whenever you are put on any antibiotic make sure you complete the course as per prescribed by your doctor. I hope I have given you satisfactory answer. Thank you
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 9374, 3443, 4722, 652, 142684, 604, 187645, 685, 489, 5560, 15618, 235265, 36173, 235248, 235284, 235308, 235276, 11606, 604, 2001, 235248, 235310, 2705, 235265, 9704, 974, 14021, 2731, 235265, 2961, 4913, 603, 7322, 2525, 901, 573, 2407, 235265, 603, 17318, 682, 577, 791, 476, 3338, 22197, 578, 476, 103595, 7965, 235265, 16248, 665, 749, 1089, 14649, 1013, 590, 3528, 474, 1987, 674, 2001, 14021, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Hi Respected doctor, My sister in law is 62 years and general medical specialist referred her to cardiologist for stress thalliumtest/debulleaine plus minusCA-RP. She is diabetic for the last 22 years. We consulted the cardiologist who after seeing the history and on going treatment first conducted TMT and then advised and carried out angiography, Angiography report is as underHTN, DMII, CA-DOE, TMT moderately positive(21/03/11) and CAG-Triple VesselDisease(22,03.11)Past History k/c/o DMII 22 yrs on reglar Medicine ,HTN since 20 yrs on regular medicineNo H.o RHD/BA.TB/ other chronicillnessangio graphy report as followsLmca normalLAD MID AND DISTA lad-SEVERE CALCIFICATION,LONG TUBULAR 70 PERCENT Stenosis Ds normalLCX Co Dominent VesselOMs-OMI-Diffused DiseasedRCA Dominent Vessel- Mid RCA 75 percent stenosis PLV/PDA-NormalLV ANGIO NOT DONEFINAL DIAGNOSES CAD, Triple Vessel Disease DMII,TMT POSITIVE (MODERATELY)RECOMMENDATION Stress Thallium for Inducible Ischemia.Now we are advised to go in for Thallium Test. Kindly advise whether Thallium test only as recommended by medical specialist should have been carried out before Angiography or the cardiologist has used his discretion as we are laymen and did not know about thallium test . If thallium test was not available in cardiologists clinic/hospital why he did not refer us to another hospital where Nuclear Science test facility for Thallium test was available. ALso we shall be grateful for the correct advice at this stage to safeguard the interest of the patient ,.REGARDS
After having gone through the reports and the finding of triple vessel disease on coronary angiography, i don't think stress thallium would achieve anything much as far as diagnosis is concerned. It has probably been advised because TMT has come put to be moderately positive instead of being strongly positive which would be expected with the angiography findings. She mostly needs a coronary area by pass surgery (CABG).
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[ 2, 2151, 1745, 6513, 9353, 235269, 2961, 11000, 575, 2912, 603, 235248, 235318, 235284, 1658, 578, 3311, 6910, 25336, 13059, 1070, 577, 27921, 18311, 604, 7512, 155062, 20124, 2195, 235283, 495, 7216, 29019, 622, 2755, 21083, 4922, 235290, 26903, 235265, 2475, 603, 63799, 604, 573, 2001, 235248, 235284, 235284, 1658, 235265, 1448, 59980, 573, 27921, 18311, 1064, 1452, 9601, 573, 4281, 578, 611, 2319, 5158, 1370, 12028, 584, 10340, 578, 1492, 24456, 578, 8405, 921, 229734, 235269, 3990, 171911, 3484, 603, 685, 1362, 3991, 235300, 235269, 18918, 2694, 235269, 7062, 235290, 105970, 235269, 584, 10340, 55947, 6222, 235278, 235284, 235274, 235283, 235276, 235304, 235283, 235274, 235274, 235275, 578, 172990, 235290, 71445, 104483, 98314, 235278, 235284, 235284, 235269, 235276, 235304, 235265, 235274, 235274, 235275, 30349, 7874, 638, 235283, 235260, 235283, 235253, 18918, 2694, 235248, 235284, 235284, 57358, 611, 1296, 2596, 17241, 1688, 3991, 235300, 2754, 235248, 235284, 235276, 57358, 611, 5748, 15300, 1294, 640, 235265, 235253, 625, 13460, 235283, 6024, 235265, 19795, 235283, 1156, 19424, 936, 1746, 129841, 5989, 235267, 3484, 685, 139, 100635, 91649, 557, 139, 9503, 150607, 36800, 3228, 608, 45094, 21544, 235290, 86330, 191943, 30188, 235269, 30624, 127640, 28498, 235248, 235324, 235276, 101565, 47116, 18118, 140, 47378, 4500, 9257, 235356, 141, 3078, 19004, 579, 104483, 1907, 235256, 235290, 102914, 235290, 29827, 3909, 17439, 1953, 136799, 19004, 579, 104483, 235290, 7346, 73903, 235248, 235324, 235308, 5243, 145832, 141, 3632, 235330, 235283, 160132, 235290, 15273, 18299, 30321, 3080, 6544, 82337, 60781, 118426, 53704, 988, 139, 37744, 235269, 49221, 104483, 26995, 166, 15506, 2694, 235269, 235279, 10340, 201336, 591, 203495, 152214, 235275, 147308, 2600, 140, 62228, 95701, 20124, 604, 125237, 25950, 2125, 127977, 235265, 5375, 139, 966, 708, 24456, 577, 871, 575, 604, 95701, 20124, 4671, 235265, 172111, 26637, 4270, 95701, 20124, 2121, 1297, 685, 10064, 731, 6910, 25336, 1412, 791, 1125, 8405, 921, 1794, 139, 7768, 171911, 689, 573, 27921, 18311, 919, 1671, 926, 29227, 685, 783, 708, 215523, 578, 1498, 780, 1230, 1105, 155062, 20124, 2121, 954, 1927, 155062, 20124, 2121, 729, 780, 2506, 575, 27921, 28869, 26682, 235283, 48891, 139, 18177, 693, 1498, 780, 4773, 917, 577, 2550, 7454, 1570, 32557, 6809, 2121, 13318, 604, 95701, 20124, 2121, 729, 2506, 235265, 6135, 931, 783, 3213, 614, 22617, 139, 746, 573, 5112, 8111, 696, 736, 6325, 577, 57439, 573, 3273, 576, 573, 7679, 179452, 11701, 42520 ]
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hi, about a year ago i took kenalog injection for a keloid on my leg. now, d skin around site of injection is much lighter than my skin (i am dark skinned) and slightly dented. i read it usually reverts with time but i am tired of waiting. is there anything i can do about it? especially d color. thanks
Analog contains triamcinolone which is corticosteroid. Local steroid therapy can produce atrophic skin changes such as thinning of the skin, irreversible striae, hypopigmentation and telangiectasia, and even a Chat Doctor.
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[ 2, 544, 235269, 1105, 476, 1162, 3958, 496, 3895, 23503, 5859, 24687, 604, 476, 14224, 1108, 611, 970, 2590, 235265, 1490, 235269, 499, 5239, 2449, 3440, 576, 24687, 603, 1683, 30763, 1178, 970, 5239, 591, 235252, 1144, 4868, 172508, 235275, 578, 9677, 1600, 691, 235265, 496, 1682, 665, 5250, 14467, 617, 675, 1069, 901, 496, 1144, 17955, 576, 9316, 235265, 603, 1104, 4341, 496, 798, 749, 1105, 665, 235336, 5199, 499, 2881, 235265, 6402 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Why is it that if I believed doctors I would have already been dead three times? Now I have prostate cancer two doctors told me only surgery, and other suggested radiation . I refused all of these, and took two herbs that stopped the symptoms in three weeks that I had for more than a year. Yes, I could die in a couple more years as they expected, but I would rather die than have surgery.
Hi, I am extremely sorry to know the condition. I want to assure you that prostate cancer is slowly progressive disease. The treatment depends on the stage. You have not mentioned any detail of investigation. Specially serum PSA, Gleason score, and invasion size and lymph node status to be mentioned. In early stage if life expectancy is more (like more than 10 years or 5 years depending on additional criteria) radical treatment is offered. As they have offered surgery or RT probably your disease is at early stage. Anyway if you do not want surgery then go for radiotherapy. Radiotherapy can be given Dy image guided technique and is non-invasive. Minimal toxicity is there. Adjuvant hormone therapy will be prescribed also. There is a good chance of total tumor control. Consult your radiation oncologist.
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[ 2, 4385, 603, 665, 674, 1013, 590, 13277, 20671, 590, 1134, 791, 3303, 1125, 5455, 2149, 3023, 235336, 4414, 590, 791, 62884, 9198, 1378, 20671, 4203, 682, 1297, 15505, 235269, 578, 1156, 11480, 19144, 954, 590, 18951, 832, 576, 1450, 235269, 578, 3895, 1378, 39044, 674, 11892, 573, 12447, 575, 2149, 5976, 674, 590, 1093, 604, 978, 1178, 476, 1162, 235265, 6287, 235269, 590, 1538, 1303, 575, 476, 5591, 978, 1658, 685, 984, 5043, 235269, 901, 590, 1134, 4644, 1303, 1178, 791, 15505, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
I feel like I constantly need a wee like someone has put a weight in my bladder and everytime I go to the toilet after a few seconds I m in so much pain that I m nearly crying or make a painful noise and I have to stop myself from weeing. I thought it was just normal after I had sex about 3 weeks ago but it has been on and off a lot since then and it s resulted in me holding in my wee because I don t like going to the toilet
Hello, We have to rule out the overactive bladder. Consult a urologist and get evaluated. Detailed evaluation is required including an MRI scan. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[ 2, 235285, 2375, 1154, 590, 16263, 1476, 476, 56062, 1154, 4630, 919, 2507, 476, 5171, 575, 970, 53368, 578, 97186, 590, 871, 577, 573, 19384, 1452, 476, 2619, 10102, 590, 519, 575, 712, 1683, 4380, 674, 590, 519, 8167, 26483, 689, 1501, 476, 28222, 11277, 578, 590, 791, 577, 4673, 6836, 774, 783, 34856, 235265, 590, 3421, 665, 729, 1317, 4500, 1452, 590, 1093, 5500, 1105, 235248, 235304, 5976, 3958, 901, 665, 919, 1125, 611, 578, 1401, 476, 2940, 2754, 1492, 578, 665, 485, 19499, 575, 682, 8576, 575, 970, 56062, 1861, 590, 1453, 474, 1154, 2319, 577, 573, 19384 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Ive been in hospital twice during the last 3 weeks... first they thought it was galstones or blood clot through my lung. It started with pain in my lower back... felt like the start of labour... then it moved to the front over my liver and I had some stabbing pain too.... the to just below my sternum (very sore when I breath in ).... then I also had pain in my right shoulder and up the right ride of my neck. They could not find blood clots or galstones.... my bloods seemed normal except for CRP 92 and D-dimer 663 and after the third test they told me my liver function was slightly off...Bili 12, ALP102,GGT43,ALT61, CRP 11. By week two the pain was much less and they send me home with antibiotics. Now another week on.... I feel like something get stuck under my ribs - feels like when a baby pushes with his feet against it (not sore, but pressure).... I also get a feeling of movement in my stomach from time to time... again like when you are pregnant... I am not!!! Had my period a week ago.... and I am 46. They also found a haemangioma in my liver during the scan, but said it was small and could not have caused the pain (1-2cm). I am worried about this... something is not right.
Hello, Welcome at Chat Doctor. I have read details of your question. As per your details, it looks to be a pain due to gall bladder problem. There can be inflammation of gall bladder which is not detected by other investigations. At present, you should have HIDE scan. This is a test which is able to detect the dysfunction of gall bladder, which may be the reason for your pain. Hope this will help you. With best wishes.
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[ 2, 102307, 1125, 575, 7454, 11594, 2290, 573, 2001, 235248, 235304, 5976, 955, 1370, 984, 3421, 665, 729, 7128, 39102, 689, 5330, 120096, 1593, 970, 15382, 235265, 139, 1718, 4604, 675, 4380, 575, 970, 4581, 1355, 955, 6220, 1154, 573, 2238, 576, 16055, 955, 1492, 665, 8509, 577, 573, 4059, 1163, 970, 19967, 578, 590, 1093, 1009, 123029, 4380, 1980, 1376, 573, 577, 1317, 3582, 970, 217791, 591, 1190, 37507, 1185, 590, 10690, 575, 1968, 1376, 1492, 590, 1170, 1093, 4380, 575, 970, 1833, 14999, 578, 908, 573, 1833, 11316, 576, 970, 8935, 235265, 2365, 1538, 780, 1717, 5330, 171425, 689, 7128, 39102, 1376, 970, 5330, 235256, 9238, 4500, 7694, 604, 159182, 235248, 235315, 235284, 578, 608, 235290, 225038, 235248, 235318, 235318, 235304, 578, 1452, 573, 4906, 2121, 984, 4203, 682, 970, 19967, 1411, 729, 9677, 1401, 955, 235305, 1219, 235248, 235274, 235284, 235269, 179534, 235274, 235276, 235284, 235269, 173267, 235310, 235304, 235269, 36280, 235318, 235274, 235269, 159182, 235248, 235274, 235274, 235265, 3339, 2788, 1378, 573, 4380, 729, 1683, 2644, 578, 984, 5527, 682, 2078, 675, 58108, 235265, 139, 5375, 2550, 2788, 611, 1376, 590, 2375, 1154, 2775, 947, 17530, 1362, 970, 48259, 728, 12051, 1154, 1185, 476, 5760, 65580, 675, 926, 5368, 2691, 665, 591, 1665, 37507, 235269, 901, 5601, 136596, 590, 1170, 947, 476, 7965, 576, 8069, 575, 970, 22197, 774, 1069, 577, 1069, 955, 1653, 1154, 1185, 692, 708, 22594, 955, 590, 1144, 780, 4762, 139, 29157, 970, 4037, 476, 2788, 3958, 1376, 578, 590, 1144, 235248, 235310, 235318, 235265, 139, 4508, 1170, 1942, 476, 78966, 754, 72550, 575, 970, 19967, 2290, 573, 11138, 235269, 901, 1180, 665, 729, 2301, 578, 1538, 780, 791, 8830, 573, 4380, 591, 235274, 235290, 235284, 2890, 846, 590, 1144, 21343, 1105, 736, 955, 2775, 603, 780, 1833, 235265 ]
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My screening of whole spine report is screening sagittal T2 weighted image through cervical spine reveal mild changes of spondylosis . C5-6 disc show posterior protrusion. C4-5 & C6-7 discs reveal mild diffuse posterior bulge. Screening sagittal T2 weighted images through lumbar spine reveal mild changes of spondylosis . There is small posterior protrusion of L3-4 disc.L4-5 disc show right paracentral bulge. My lower back & legs have pain.Can you tell what to do to stop pain
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your complaints and MRI spine findings. I would like to reassure you that these abnormalities are minor and do not represent any serious neurological disease. For pain relief, you can take pregabalin or gabapentin capsules. In addition, physiotherapy with IT/ultrasound and neck extension exercises would also help. In some cases, epidural injections are required for pain relief. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 26083, 576, 3733, 37262, 3484, 603, 26083, 207201, 3559, 584, 235284, 44269, 2416, 1593, 60985, 37262, 20469, 21870, 4559, 576, 847, 160727, 162632, 954, 585, 235308, 235290, 235318, 9027, 1500, 22968, 104072, 6862, 235265, 585, 235310, 235290, 235308, 724, 585, 235318, 235290, 235324, 57513, 20469, 21870, 57514, 22968, 158482, 235265, 68010, 207201, 3559, 584, 235284, 44269, 5191, 1593, 96321, 37262, 20469, 21870, 4559, 576, 847, 160727, 162632, 954, 2456, 603, 2301, 22968, 104072, 6862, 576, 629, 235304, 235290, 235310, 9027, 235265, 235301, 235310, 235290, 235308, 9027, 1500, 1833, 755, 550, 3819, 158482, 235265, 2961, 4581, 1355, 724, 13713, 791, 4380, 235265, 3611, 692, 3337, 1212, 577, 749, 577, 4673, 4380 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hello sir , we have unprotected sex on 15th apr night , 16th morning and night, my last period date was on 5th apr, kindly advice can i go for ipill as i have taken the same before 2 months ago and felt lower abdominal pain for a long tym or should i wait for my nex period
Hello misunderstand your concerns think you have to take the pill to prevent the unwanted pregnancy as you did sex around the time of ovulation as sperm live in the female genital tract for the 4-5 days. So I advise you take I pill, You can also take postinor-2 or unwanted 72. You should to take as early as possible after sex or with in 72 hours after the sex. If you have pain then take analgesic like metal spas. Chat Doctor. Period may be delayed or earlier after taking pill. Hope this may help noncontact further Chat Doctor for any health issue. Best regards
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[ 2, 17534, 11291, 1688, 783, 791, 139312, 5500, 611, 235248, 235274, 235308, 489, 31205, 3354, 1688, 235248, 235274, 235318, 489, 5764, 578, 3354, 235269, 970, 2001, 4037, 3209, 729, 611, 235248, 235308, 489, 31205, 235269, 35167, 8111, 798, 496, 871, 604, 16075, 936, 685, 496, 791, 3443, 573, 1809, 1794, 235248, 235284, 4063, 3958, 578, 6220, 4581, 43209, 4380, 604, 476, 1497, 24886, 689, 1412, 496, 4307, 604, 970, 69306, 4037 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
I am 73 years old female. I have been diagnosed with lupus but in the past few months I have become almost immobile due to painful joints and a very stiff body. It is painful anytime I try to bend or move. My entire body is one complete sore, painful, stiff mess and I have no idea what is going on.
Hi painful arthritis is part of Lupus. It needs same treatment as for Lupus, more intensified. Please see your doctor about this--regards
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[ 2, 235285, 1144, 235248, 235324, 235304, 1658, 2187, 8914, 235265, 590, 791, 1125, 35564, 675, 122455, 901, 575, 573, 3433, 2619, 4063, 590, 791, 3831, 4461, 153282, 3402, 577, 28222, 29743, 578, 476, 1508, 26979, 2971, 235265, 1165, 603, 28222, 36344, 590, 3418, 577, 25614, 689, 3124, 235265, 2961, 4805, 2971, 603, 974, 3407, 37507, 235269, 28222, 235269, 26979, 6741, 578, 590, 791, 793, 4268, 1212, 603, 2319, 611, 235265 ]
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I broke my wrist 3 weeks ago today (compression fracture) and my fingers are still swollen and it cracks a lot. Is this normal? I have not taken any pain medication and by far am not a baby about pain, but I would say this is most often very uncomfortable.
Hi, As mentioned in history about the compression fracture, were you in the cast for 3 days? If so then this is just weakness of the muscles and will become better with simple exercise of the hand and wrist. Using hot water fermentation for relaxing the muscle will be also helpful before the exercises. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 15203, 970, 29351, 235248, 235304, 5976, 3958, 3646, 591, 69869, 40977, 235275, 578, 970, 18976, 708, 2076, 75320, 578, 665, 41470, 476, 2940, 235265, 2125, 736, 4500, 235336, 590, 791, 780, 3443, 1089, 4380, 28413, 578, 731, 2166, 1144, 780, 476, 5760, 1105, 4380, 235269, 901, 590, 1134, 1931, 736, 603, 1546, 3695, 1508, 38070, 235265 ]
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i am just trying to report something that happened to me upon taking flexiril. 2 days after beginning to take it, I pulled a muscle in my right lower back while doing virtually nothing. 4 days later, I was feeling better then I pulled the muscle in my lower left back. again, for doing almost nothing. It has now been over 2 weeks and I am still recovering. I am worried that this might be my new normal state. If so, I am screwed. I quit taking the drug and my recovery has been extremely slow. I don t know if anyone else has had similar problems.
Hello, As a tablet, Flexeril is also a muscle relaxant, but your symptoms not relieved. You can take tablet Myosins D instead of that. Along with that, you continue with physiotherapy as advised. Take rest for some days. You can do an x-ray back or MRI back after consultation. You can apply Diclofenac gel or Voting spray. I will suggest you review here with detailed history or consult with the orthopedic with reports. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 1144, 1317, 5326, 577, 3484, 2775, 674, 7522, 577, 682, 3054, 4998, 6931, 235252, 6646, 235265, 235248, 235284, 2705, 1452, 7489, 577, 1987, 665, 235269, 590, 16487, 476, 15990, 575, 970, 1833, 4581, 1355, 2183, 3900, 27810, 4285, 235265, 235248, 235310, 2705, 3416, 235269, 590, 729, 7965, 2525, 1492, 590, 16487, 573, 15990, 575, 970, 4581, 2731, 1355, 235265, 1653, 235269, 604, 3900, 4461, 4285, 235265, 1165, 919, 1490, 1125, 1163, 235248, 235284, 5976, 578, 590, 1144, 2076, 56385, 235265, 590, 1144, 21343, 674, 736, 2613, 614, 970, 888, 4500, 2329, 235265, 1927, 712, 235269, 590, 1144, 68000, 235265, 590, 16640, 4998, 573, 10471, 578, 970, 12708, 919, 1125, 10238, 6080, 235265, 590, 1453, 474, 1230, 1013, 5596, 1354, 919, 1093, 3968, 4552, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
My husband is 60 yrs ols and has been suffering from fatigue and being very cold all the time. He looks like he lost weight also. He coaches ice hockey(28) yrs. And can t tolerate the cold. I am wondering how concerned we should be. He is only on cholesterol medication.
Hello,,, at 60 yrs fatigue with loss of weight, is a point of concern. You need to have him tested for diabetes and thyroid straight away. Then a general health check for not so common problems. Also, let him stop the cholesterol tablets for a month and see how he feels. This tablet can cause muscle pains which may be interpreted as weakness. Also, consider adding It D, Vitamin B1B6B12 along with Zinc as tablets. A general health check up with an X-ray chest would be essential.
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[ 2, 2926, 8616, 603, 235248, 235318, 235276, 57358, 59397, 578, 919, 1125, 17332, 774, 30411, 578, 1855, 1508, 7033, 832, 573, 1069, 235265, 1315, 4713, 1154, 693, 5501, 5171, 1170, 235265, 1315, 34375, 8357, 33280, 235278, 235284, 235321, 235275, 57358, 235265, 1474, 798, 474, 64227, 573, 7033, 235265, 590, 1144, 20057, 1368, 10695, 783, 1412, 614, 235265, 1315, 603, 1297, 611, 45365, 28413, 235265 ]
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I am currently suppose to be taking 2 10mg pills daily but honestly I feel it is of no help. I don t want it to seem as if I have mental issues so I feel kinda wiry about going into details with my Dr. about how I feel most of the time. I feel and am sure my family would agree that I spend a lot of time sleeping but Im afraid to tell my Dr. to up my dosage. What do I do?
HI Welcome on Chat Doctor , I can understand your feelings kindly feel free to share here your feelings mental symptoms express your feelings openly we are here to help you we will guide you because we understand your concern Hence, Kindly share with us symptoms and your mental feelings here to understand your problem. Thanks
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 1144, 7094, 17402, 577, 614, 4998, 235248, 235284, 235248, 235274, 235276, 6333, 41142, 7074, 901, 23217, 590, 2375, 665, 603, 576, 793, 1707, 235265, 590, 1453, 474, 1938, 665, 577, 3307, 685, 1013, 590, 791, 9663, 5004, 712, 590, 2375, 20883, 613, 831, 1105, 2319, 1280, 4691, 675, 970, 3718, 235265, 1105, 1368, 590, 2375, 1546, 576, 573, 1069, 235265, 590, 2375, 578, 1144, 2821, 970, 2730, 1134, 7147, 674, 590, 9999, 476, 2940, 576, 1069, 20083, 901, 7335, 15002, 577, 3337, 970, 3718, 235265, 577, 908, 970, 58044, 235265, 2439, 749, 590, 749, 235336 ]
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I just noticed recently that the small of my back looks pretty bruised, and isnt straight. there is pretty noticeable curvature just in that spot! My left side hurts from my spine all the way around to the front on my left side from top to hip bone. And I have some kind of swollen lumps behind my right ear along the bottom of my hairline, and they hurt. I can feel it when I turn my head, and I can not press on that whole area behind the right ear into the back of the neck..
Hello, Firstly swelling behind your right ear may be postauricular lymph nodes. It may be due to ear infection or any infection in the surrounding area and scalp. Secondly regarding the spine, there may be any intervertebral disc prolapse with bony degeneration. Most probably Spot spine is a possibility.
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[ 2, 235285, 1317, 14069, 7378, 674, 573, 2301, 576, 970, 1355, 4713, 4786, 129794, 235269, 578, 55817, 7673, 235265, 1104, 603, 4786, 46890, 58373, 1317, 575, 674, 7039, 235341, 2961, 2731, 2857, 42794, 774, 970, 37262, 832, 573, 1703, 2449, 577, 573, 4059, 611, 970, 2731, 2857, 774, 2267, 577, 16355, 14354, 235265, 1474, 590, 791, 1009, 2858, 576, 75320, 127675, 5470, 970, 1833, 2007, 3731, 573, 6837, 576, 970, 194796, 235269, 578, 984, 13941, 235265, 590, 798, 2375, 665, 1185, 590, 2894, 970, 2206, 235269, 578, 590, 798, 780, 3379, 611, 674, 3733, 2713, 5470, 573, 1833, 2007, 1280, 573, 1355, 576, 573, 8935, 723 ]
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My mother is 74 and had a splenectomy during colon cancer surgery 20 years ago. She now has diabetes and I ve read some research that says the spleen produces stem cells that help the pancreas. Her diabetes is not under control and they ve prescribed victoza, which is making her sick. Should I be worried about this new drug?
Hello,Victoza is an approved ChatDoctor. So I think she is having a good
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 5290, 603, 235248, 235324, 235310, 578, 1093, 476, 144410, 91779, 2290, 11307, 9198, 15505, 235248, 235284, 235276, 1658, 3958, 235265, 2475, 1490, 919, 19641, 578, 590, 1408, 1682, 1009, 3679, 674, 2889, 573, 95977, 20995, 13265, 5999, 674, 1707, 573, 106451, 235265, 3636, 19641, 603, 780, 1362, 2582, 578, 984, 1408, 27893, 6876, 511, 1438, 235269, 948, 603, 3547, 1070, 11666, 235265, 13688, 590, 614, 21343, 1105, 736, 888, 10471, 235336 ]
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Hello, on the left side of my mouth my gums are swollen inbetween two teeth and the whole left side of my gums are red and tender. The lining of my gums hurt and there is white lines. Also underneath my jaw (i think it is my glands) hurt to touch. What could this be and should I see and doctor or a dentist? Thank you for your help. I am really worried this is the beginning stages of mouth cancer . I am scared because I did smoke on and off for 7 years. I am 23 now.
Hellion the basis of your dental history these white lines could be white precancerous lesion like leukoplakia. But proper clinical diagnosis and biopsy will confirm edit.I would advise advice you to show this to an oral pathologist and get a biopsy done .please maintain your oral hygiene. Use mouthwash twice daily and get cleaning of your teeth done since you are a smoker. Plz give up smoking because this will worsen the condition. Have high nutrition diet.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4521, 235269, 611, 573, 2731, 2857, 576, 970, 9615, 970, 89691, 708, 75320, 575, 22499, 1378, 13900, 578, 573, 3733, 2731, 2857, 576, 970, 89691, 708, 3118, 578, 17580, 235265, 714, 38253, 576, 970, 89691, 13941, 578, 1104, 603, 2674, 5453, 235265, 6793, 38767, 970, 25657, 591, 235252, 1742, 665, 603, 970, 57483, 235275, 13941, 577, 6437, 235265, 2439, 1538, 736, 614, 578, 1412, 590, 1443, 578, 9353, 689, 476, 37458, 235336, 9105, 692, 604, 861, 1707, 235265, 590, 1144, 2277, 21343, 736, 603, 573, 7489, 15731, 576, 9615, 9198, 954, 590, 1144, 26632, 1861, 590, 1498, 15627, 611, 578, 1401, 604, 235248, 235324, 1658, 235265, 590, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235304, 1490, 235265 ]
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Hello, I had dry cough and I was coughing continuously, Went to nearest medicine shop and told the symptom to the concerned person he gave me Almox 500 after consuming coughing has subsided but acute running nose has started. Is this because of medicine that I have consumed???
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, your symptom of running nose is not due to Almost tablet. Almost is amoxicillin. It is penicillin group of antibiotic. It does not cause running nose. You are mostly having viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI). This is the cause for your cough and running nose. So better to Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4521, 235269, 590, 1093, 6050, 37201, 578, 590, 729, 109293, 31171, 235269, 53498, 577, 24354, 15300, 6920, 578, 4203, 573, 55415, 577, 573, 10695, 1552, 693, 5645, 682, 1414, 127196, 235248, 235308, 235276, 235276, 1452, 48224, 109293, 919, 160331, 901, 21825, 5327, 16482, 919, 4604, 235265, 2125, 736, 1861, 576, 15300, 674, 590, 791, 33561, 12505 ]
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after finishing a 3 1/2 oz bottle of formula and after burping him, my 4 week old son seemed to be dry heaving or like he was trying to cough up a hairball like a cat. it didn t phase him at all but scared the heck out of me. Should i be concerned?
Hi...if the baby is comfortable you need not worry at all. Usually some babies try to regurgitate the feeds soon after feeding. This is physiological. You need to worry only if the babies weight gain is not appropriate. Regards -
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 10808, 28209, 476, 235248, 235304, 235248, 235274, 235283, 235284, 13840, 12989, 576, 10513, 578, 1452, 6286, 10024, 1357, 235269, 970, 235248, 235310, 2788, 2187, 2032, 9238, 577, 614, 6050, 222089, 689, 1154, 693, 729, 5326, 577, 37201, 908, 476, 5054, 3367, 1154, 476, 4401, 235265, 665, 3528, 474, 8342, 1357, 696, 832, 901, 26632, 573, 55413, 921, 576, 682, 235265, 13688, 496, 614, 10695, 235336 ]
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Hi doctor, good evening. My mother (92yrs) has this artritis-like 2 lumps (5mm high each) on first joint of her right middle finger, pain on touch. What are the precautions, what to take, or rub, to relief the pain, and therapy? Is voltaren gel advisable or can you please suggest anything else I can do or give her? Do voltaren gel and oral type can cause the same side effects and adverse reactions? Thank you Christina
Hi, Thank you for providing the brief history of you mom. A thorough musculoskeletal assessment is advised. As she is 92, I will advise to undergo physical therapy, as by the use of therapeutic ultrasound therapy the inflammation will be reduced. Since due to arthritis the joints get swollen, also with little of strengthening exercises like pressing the ball should help her. In my clinical practice I see geriatrics and 99% of times, physical therapy helps them to be functionally active and avoid much of the pain and aches due to systemic illness. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 9353, 235269, 1426, 9478, 235265, 2961, 5290, 591, 235315, 235284, 93364, 235275, 919, 736, 3096, 26839, 235290, 5023, 235248, 235284, 127675, 591, 235308, 1961, 1536, 1853, 235275, 611, 1370, 10390, 576, 1070, 1833, 7185, 13864, 235269, 4380, 611, 6437, 235265, 2439, 708, 573, 38775, 235269, 1212, 577, 1987, 235269, 689, 7962, 235269, 577, 13011, 573, 4380, 235269, 578, 13414, 235336, 2125, 22909, 1135, 7232, 56599, 689, 798, 692, 3743, 9337, 4341, 1354, 590, 798, 749, 689, 2734, 1070, 235336, 2390, 22909, 1135, 7232, 578, 19131, 1916, 798, 4557, 573, 1809, 2857, 5701, 578, 23289, 18091, 235336, 9105, 692, 58025 ]
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I thought I sprained my ankle badly week and a half ago and did the RICE therapy. On Monday I saw an orthopedist who said I had actually fractured my fibula and put me in an air cast. She said I could walk without crutches on the cast and that my swelling would go down. My foot is still swollen, but the troubling thing is that in the past 2 days I have gotten extremely light headed and felt like I was going to faint (this has never happened before). This has happened after long periods of walking/moving around. Could this be related to my ankle?
Hello, What I would say is this nowhere related to the fracture of the fibula. Next thing I would like to know are you on any medications? If so please check this could be related to that. Also, what is your age? Are you on any High blood pressure medication? Are you diabetic? If the above one doesn't fit your category than this should be just having weakness of the body and nothing else. For swelling, I would advise you to keep the leg elevated over a pillow at most times because you have a cast applied and also there is very less mobility, so there will be an obvious chance of reduced venous return. Keeping the leg elevated helps more. Try having Lemon juice with added auger and pinch of salt for dizziness. Rest assured, you should do well. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 3421, 590, 847, 55451, 970, 37553, 29065, 2788, 578, 476, 3933, 3958, 578, 1498, 573, 162290, 13414, 235265, 1993, 8778, 590, 4818, 671, 35087, 48092, 694, 1064, 1180, 590, 1093, 4247, 105136, 970, 4611, 35137, 578, 2507, 682, 575, 671, 2681, 4629, 235265, 2475, 1180, 590, 1538, 5376, 2346, 201995, 611, 573, 4629, 578, 674, 970, 46740, 1134, 871, 1706, 235265, 2961, 4701, 603, 2076, 75320, 235269, 901, 573, 119044, 3166, 603, 674, 575, 573, 3433, 235248, 235284, 2705, 590, 791, 22688, 10238, 2611, 24819, 578, 6220, 1154, 590, 729, 2319, 577, 33464, 591, 883, 919, 2447, 7522, 1794, 846, 1417, 919, 7522, 1452, 1497, 16049, 576, 10350, 235283, 42100, 2449, 235265, 20337, 736, 614, 5678, 577, 970, 37553, 235336 ]
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Last night I noticed a small red patch on the shaft of my penis and a small bump barely 2x2 mm. Its been 5 days since I last had sex which was protected. The red mark is slightly irritating though I think it might just be due to my own periodic self examinations. The surface around the bump is sometimes shiny as if moist. The seems no bigger then a nodule for a hair but I can see any hair coming from it and Im not sure if its an ingrown or not.
HelloThanks for query. Red patch with small bumps on glans penis after having protected sex is mostly due allergic reaction to chemicals in condom used as lubricant. You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Definite along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Along with topical steroid cream of combination of antibiotic and steroid like Newsprint H for local application twice daily. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily. Ensure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 6729, 3354, 590, 14069, 476, 2301, 3118, 15714, 611, 573, 28966, 576, 970, 58209, 578, 476, 2301, 31398, 25205, 235248, 235284, 235297, 235284, 4709, 235265, 9707, 1125, 235248, 235308, 2705, 2754, 590, 2001, 1093, 5500, 948, 729, 14582, 235265, 714, 3118, 2110, 603, 9677, 97276, 2862, 590, 1742, 665, 2613, 1317, 614, 3402, 577, 970, 1997, 26163, 2011, 45412, 235265, 714, 4955, 2449, 573, 31398, 603, 6947, 35619, 685, 1013, 14205, 235265, 714, 4930, 793, 14739, 1492, 476, 219323, 604, 476, 5054, 901, 590, 798, 1443, 1089, 5054, 5163, 774, 665, 578, 7335, 780, 2821, 1013, 1277, 671, 4092, 3144, 689, 780, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hi,i have recently discovered that i have klebsiella spp, after having a complete digestive stool analysis done. i have suffered badly with diaharreh for 2 years and 6 doctors later i have been given cefaclor monohydrate 375mg twice a day to treat it. after taking it for 10days i was again sick so went back and saw another doctor (as mine was away on hollies) this doctor then told me that i would need to take it a lot longer than 10 days. Im confused and not sure how long i should be on it. Im scared if i dont have them long enough i wont kill this bacteria bug off. Help! Kim
Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Usually Klebsiella bacteria are pathogenic in the respiratory tract and urinary tract but not on the GIT or diarrhea. We can count these bacteria as a communal flora of the intestine and can ignore its presence in the stool. So in my opinion you should not take the Chat Doctor. Pathology for diarrhea may be something different and so can be diagnosed and treated accordingly.Maybe you have taken the long-lasting antibiotics that has washed of your communal flora. I advise you to take the probiotics like Lactobacillus spore. This help replaces the flora and can help in prevention of diarrhea. I will be happy to answer your further concern on
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 235269, 235252, 791, 7378, 13437, 674, 496, 791, 9810, 235268, 207843, 47493, 235269, 1452, 3372, 476, 3407, 59194, 54566, 4084, 3015, 235265, 139, 235252, 791, 18465, 29065, 675, 6930, 4978, 156497, 604, 235248, 235284, 1658, 578, 235248, 235318, 20671, 3416, 496, 791, 1125, 2764, 122733, 550, 2571, 1477, 134992, 5423, 235248, 235304, 235324, 235308, 6333, 11594, 476, 1744, 577, 3516, 665, 235265, 139, 10808, 4998, 665, 604, 235248, 235274, 235276, 11805, 496, 729, 1653, 11666, 712, 3815, 1355, 578, 4818, 2550, 9353, 591, 508, 7889, 729, 3024, 611, 16745, 3439, 235275, 139, 883, 9353, 1492, 4203, 682, 674, 496, 1134, 1476, 577, 1987, 665, 476, 2940, 5543, 1178, 235248, 235274, 235276, 2705, 235265, 139, 8438, 20232, 578, 780, 2821, 1368, 1497, 496, 1412, 614, 611, 665, 235265, 139, 8438, 26632, 1013, 496, 8280, 791, 1174, 1497, 3594, 496, 36304, 9451, 736, 21920, 11004, 1401, 235265, 13332, 235341, 11348 ]
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Hi, On Friday my mid-back started to hurt on the right side of my spine . The length of the pain would be about 4 inches along my spine. Since Friday, it has gradually gotten worse to where it is swollen (to the right of my spine on the mid side) and hurts to move in any way. At first, I tried heating pads but they didn t seem to help. Ice seems to feel good on it when using it now. The only thing that takes the severe pain away is Tylenol but when it wears off the severe pain comes back. I m not aware of anything that would have caused this. I was doing physical activity on Wednesday and thought it could have been related, but I didn t feel any pain in my back until Friday and since it has gotten worse I m unsure it is just a muscle pull. Any thoughts to what I might have or what might help? Thanks
Consult a doctor preferably spine specialist and don`t treat yourself and yes rest till then
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 235269, 1993, 7886, 970, 3465, 235290, 1811, 4604, 577, 13941, 611, 573, 1833, 2857, 576, 970, 37262, 954, 714, 4191, 576, 573, 4380, 1134, 614, 1105, 235248, 235310, 9828, 3731, 970, 37262, 235265, 8533, 7886, 235269, 665, 919, 20914, 22688, 12302, 577, 1570, 665, 603, 75320, 591, 511, 573, 1833, 576, 970, 37262, 611, 573, 3465, 2857, 235275, 578, 42794, 577, 3124, 575, 1089, 1703, 235265, 2625, 1370, 235269, 590, 6423, 18074, 35236, 901, 984, 3528, 474, 3307, 577, 1707, 235265, 19985, 4930, 577, 2375, 1426, 611, 665, 1185, 2177, 665, 1490, 235265, 714, 1297, 3166, 674, 5548, 573, 14586, 4380, 3024, 603, 584, 106581, 561, 901, 1185, 665, 41145, 1401, 573, 14586, 4380, 4549, 1355, 235265, 590, 519, 780, 8105, 576, 4341, 674, 1134, 791, 8830, 736, 235265, 590, 729, 3900, 6915, 5640, 611, 10500, 578, 3421, 665, 1538, 791, 1125, 5678, 235269, 901, 590, 3528, 474, 2375, 1089, 4380, 575, 970, 1355, 3274, 7886, 578, 2754, 665, 919, 22688, 12302, 590, 519, 58959, 665, 603, 1317, 476, 15990, 7825, 235265, 6888, 9398, 577, 1212, 590, 2613, 791, 689, 1212, 2613, 1707, 235336, 7807 ]
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hi, i have pain in upper abdomen. my doctor said that i have duodenal ulcers. i didnt get any tests done. i have been taking medicine (cyra-systopic) . but the pain did not subside. I had my periods . m really worried. now because the pain has not gone. what tests should i get done..
Hi, Before concluding duodenal ulcer ultrasound or gastrostomy of abdomen is advisable. There might be having gastritis or hyper acidity.Sometimes some cardiac ailment gives this type of pain so Go for EKG and rule out
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 235269, 496, 791, 4380, 575, 8776, 48958, 235265, 970, 9353, 1180, 674, 496, 791, 1344, 198107, 109601, 235265, 496, 37275, 947, 1089, 7782, 3015, 235265, 496, 791, 1125, 4998, 15300, 591, 1225, 506, 235290, 2715, 7282, 520, 235275, 954, 901, 573, 4380, 1498, 780, 211830, 235265, 590, 1093, 970, 16049, 954, 519, 2277, 21343, 235265, 1490, 1861, 573, 4380, 919, 780, 7751, 235265, 1212, 7782, 1412, 496, 947, 3015, 723 ]
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hi, im michelle and im 20, ive had a stroke 3 years ago and now im wearing a walk aid on my right leg. however, the right side is affected and i cant feel anything. although, recently, my right heel hurts. i did some research and the two that popped out the most is the heel busitis and heel spur. usually its fine in the morning but then it right leg and heel hurts like crazy. should isee a doctor or possibly take some treatments. what do you think?
Hi, as mentioned by you the brief history of you I will recommend to first take an x-ray and confirm that it's a spur. Also, post that your physician may help with treatment which will help ease the symptoms. Next to understand is that this spur once confirmed needs an attention by doing some exercises for feet and also getting a shoe insole. Which will help further to avoid the pain and reduce the inflammation.regards. Jay In Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 235269, 1485, 229835, 578, 1485, 235248, 235284, 235276, 235269, 61013, 1093, 476, 21339, 235248, 235304, 1658, 3958, 578, 1490, 1485, 11967, 476, 5376, 10395, 611, 970, 1833, 2590, 235265, 4187, 235269, 573, 1833, 2857, 603, 10918, 578, 496, 12609, 2375, 4341, 235265, 7546, 235269, 7378, 235269, 970, 1833, 26267, 42794, 235265, 496, 1498, 1009, 3679, 578, 573, 1378, 674, 64656, 921, 573, 1546, 603, 573, 26267, 92365, 2210, 578, 26267, 49102, 235265, 5250, 1277, 4948, 575, 573, 5764, 901, 1492, 665, 1833, 2590, 578, 26267, 42794, 1154, 14565, 235265, 1412, 496, 3962, 476, 9353, 689, 13592, 1987, 1009, 21782, 235265, 1212, 749, 692, 1742, 235336 ]
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I am concerned about my sons swollen axillary lymph node. It is 1cm in size, movable, soft but has been there for 2 1/2 months. The doctor has said there is no need for biopsy, as it is small ,not getting bigger and there are no other prominent nodes. His CBC shows a normal WBC profile but his RBC is microcytic, hypo chromic. His eosinophils are about 10 times normal . He has been given worm medicine and has been on a course of iron therapy for 2 months but the follow up blood work still shows no change. Should the lymph node be biopsied?
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The axillary lymph nodes filter the lymph from the arm, chest wall and breast. It is often difficult to feel normal axillary lymph nodes. Not all enlarged axillary lymph nodes feel the same. Axillary lymph nodes may swell from an injury or infection to the arm or hand. A rare cause of axillary swelling may be breast cancer or lymphoma. I would suggest you to take your son to pediatrician for physical examination and to find out the reason for the palpable axillary lymph node. Thank you.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 1144, 10695, 1105, 970, 18084, 75320, 215171, 71372, 5705, 235265, 1165, 603, 235248, 235274, 2890, 575, 2395, 235269, 96723, 235269, 4072, 901, 919, 1125, 1104, 604, 235248, 235284, 235248, 235274, 235283, 235284, 4063, 235265, 139, 651, 9353, 919, 1180, 1104, 603, 793, 1476, 604, 83061, 235269, 685, 665, 603, 2301, 1688, 1665, 4225, 14739, 578, 1104, 708, 793, 1156, 23477, 15822, 235265, 4340, 80353, 4918, 476, 4500, 155374, 8959, 901, 926, 112890, 603, 6517, 189576, 235269, 21919, 16753, 520, 235265, 4340, 144924, 11161, 1649, 708, 1105, 235248, 235274, 235276, 3023, 4500, 954, 1315, 919, 1125, 2764, 47420, 15300, 578, 919, 1125, 611, 476, 3205, 576, 8456, 13414, 604, 235248, 235284, 4063, 901, 573, 1611, 908, 5330, 1160, 2076, 4918, 793, 2669, 235265, 13688, 573, 71372, 5705, 614, 4364, 11979, 509, 235336 ]
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33 male. frequent bubbling sensation under my testicle or scrotum area? No Pain.? have been having issues of erectile dysfunction all of a sudden for last few months which has been a source of stress of lately. Prior to this never had any issues with erection ever. in fact i have had sex continuously for an 1/2 to hour on average. but all of a sudden ? i am a bit scared and embarrassed. not diabetic
Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Such a feeling is common in hernia. I suspect that you are having a hernia and content of which is the intestine. That is why bumbling sound is hearing. If the hernia is obstructing the content coming in between like spermatic cord its vessel than it may cause the erection problem. In my advice you should examine yourself with the nearby surgeon, and you can also diagnose your self with the USG examination. This will reveal the correct pathology and can be cured thereafter. Till that time you can avoid heavy exercise, the work which causes pressure on abdomen can also be avoided. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235304, 235304, 9202, 235265, 19669, 147566, 37548, 1362, 970, 9881, 2574, 689, 1513, 231021, 2713, 235336, 1307, 20198, 39739, 139, 10529, 1125, 3372, 5004, 576, 151992, 56776, 832, 576, 476, 10334, 604, 2001, 2619, 4063, 948, 919, 1125, 476, 4303, 576, 7512, 576, 31057, 235265, 28738, 577, 736, 2447, 1093, 1089, 5004, 675, 77393, 3364, 235265, 575, 2252, 496, 791, 1093, 5500, 31171, 604, 671, 235248, 235274, 235283, 235284, 577, 6370, 611, 5316, 235265, 901, 832, 576, 476, 10334, 1654, 496, 1144, 476, 3298, 26632, 578, 60910, 235265, 780, 63799 ]
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I have had a problem with my right foot for about 10 years now and no one has been able to help. My foot will start to itch so bad that I can t stand it, and when I do scratch it the skin comes off and it s like little blisters are under my skin. Once I get the blisters to pop it doesn t itch anymore. Can you tell me what it is or what I can do to stop it?
Hi, It appears from your problem that you have fungal infection of the right foot. It is quite common to find blisters if the infection goes deeper. You can apply Clotrimazole cream and can take fluconazole on alternate days for next one month of period. Alternatively terminating cream can be applied, and terminating tablet van be taken by mouth.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 791, 1093, 476, 3210, 675, 970, 1833, 4701, 604, 1105, 235248, 235274, 235276, 1658, 1490, 578, 793, 974, 919, 1125, 3326, 577, 1707, 235265, 2961, 4701, 877, 2238, 577, 110260, 712, 3338, 674, 590, 798, 474, 2249, 665, 235269, 578, 1185, 590, 749, 24935, 665, 573, 5239, 4549, 1401, 578, 665, 485, 1154, 2356, 165243, 708, 1362, 970, 5239, 235265, 11799, 590, 947, 573, 165243, 577, 2463, 665, 4098, 474, 110260, 15728, 235265, 2551, 692, 3337, 682, 1212, 665, 603, 689, 1212, 590, 798, 749, 577, 4673, 665, 235336 ]
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I have been diagnosed last week for Viral Jaundice . My bilrubin total is 3.26 & SGPT 331. Can I eat Pista and Banana? My age is 35. I have diabetes since 2006. Last week I have done my HBA1C test and my result is 7.
Hi Havana, It appears that your liver enzymes are returning to normal limits gradually. Do Get back to your anti-diabetic Chat Doctor. Wish you a speedy recoveryTake care
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 791, 1125, 35564, 2001, 2788, 604, 95337, 93817, 46290, 954, 2961, 10349, 164660, 3051, 603, 235248, 235304, 235265, 235284, 235318, 724, 40994, 5696, 235248, 235304, 235304, 235274, 235265, 2551, 590, 7812, 596, 4097, 578, 73639, 235336, 2961, 3911, 603, 235248, 235304, 235308, 235265, 590, 791, 19641, 2754, 235248, 235284, 235276, 235276, 235318, 235265, 10391, 2788, 590, 791, 3015, 970, 640, 6024, 235274, 235288, 2121, 578, 970, 2196, 603, 235248, 235324, 235265 ]
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My baby boy is 11 months old. For the last 3 weeks, he has been developing a rash (like mosquito bite as it starts with tiny dot and while going it leaves a black pigment mark, which usually feds away in one day). The rash occurs every 2 or 3 days. What can be the cause?
Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Possibly chemical induced rash from clothes. Look for any relation with specific food, environment or clothes.2. Location of rash is important to correlate. Food could be generalized, whereas others will be localized.3. Apply calamine lotion locally and if excessive redness then antihistamine syrup can be given. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2926, 5760, 5780, 603, 235248, 235274, 235274, 4063, 2187, 235265, 1699, 573, 2001, 235248, 235304, 5976, 235269, 693, 919, 1125, 11400, 476, 53849, 591, 5023, 47567, 26911, 685, 665, 11207, 675, 16791, 12846, 578, 2183, 2319, 665, 7907, 476, 2656, 59516, 2110, 235269, 948, 5250, 517, 4325, 3024, 575, 974, 1744, 846, 714, 53849, 12702, 1535, 235248, 235284, 689, 235248, 235304, 2705, 235265, 2439, 798, 614, 573, 4557, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Sakshi bajoria Female 33 years, Suffering from acute stomach ache for last 4 days, despite on regulalar medication like Ornidazol oflaxacin, pantaprazole, ulgel A. developed symptom of burning sensation and acute pain in upper portion of stomach after taking alangesic Flexilor - Lornoxicam for pain relif spondolytis. Please advice suitable treatment
Greetings, After going through your history I can understand the concern you have regarding the disease condition of advice is to withhold T.lornoxicam for time being and make sure that you are taking pantoprazole tablet twice daily before food. These symptoms of stomach pain(sudden onset), burning sensation is suggestive of analgesic induced advice is to Chat Doctor. Gelusil (antacid) 2teaspoon Thrice daily.consult general surgeon and get appointment for endoscopy if symptoms persists. I would be glad to provide answers to any further queries. Thanks for using Chat Doctor Have a good day! Regards,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 50624, 7330, 12478, 4050, 30870, 235248, 235304, 235304, 1658, 235269, 179616, 774, 21825, 22197, 26373, 604, 2001, 235248, 235310, 2705, 235269, 12391, 611, 102931, 14454, 28413, 1154, 2364, 66132, 113292, 576, 67683, 20704, 235269, 2959, 516, 9416, 162885, 235269, 11977, 7338, 586, 235265, 6990, 55415, 576, 18620, 37548, 578, 21825, 4380, 575, 8776, 11287, 576, 22197, 1452, 4998, 717, 6493, 520, 24281, 19118, 728, 629, 13408, 1186, 563, 139, 746, 4380, 582, 5369, 847, 971, 2898, 2210, 235265, 5651, 8111, 10383, 5158 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Last night after dinner I was extremely tired and then all of the sudden I became lightheaded and felt I was going to faint. My heart was beating so fast I felt like it was about to fall out of my chest. This all lasted for about 15 min. I was close to dialing 911 but didn t. Instead I put a cold cloth on my neck and took deep breaths which seemed to help but I was terrified! My dad has had heart attacks and now has a pace maker and heart problems do run on my dad s side of the family. I m 35 years old -female. Do you think it was just a panic attack? I ve never experienced anything like this before. Should I make an apt for a physical? Or what type of doc. should I go see? Today my chest seems a little sore.
Hello, It was probably a temporarily lowered blood pressure after eating and this was followed by a panic attack. I think that if these issues repeat you should see your primary care Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 6729, 3354, 1452, 12279, 590, 729, 10238, 17955, 578, 1492, 832, 576, 573, 10334, 590, 5981, 2611, 40721, 578, 6220, 590, 729, 2319, 577, 33464, 235265, 2961, 3760, 729, 32569, 712, 4847, 590, 6220, 1154, 665, 729, 1105, 577, 3881, 921, 576, 970, 15704, 235265, 1417, 832, 40389, 604, 1105, 235248, 235274, 235308, 1327, 235265, 590, 729, 3387, 577, 160557, 235248, 235315, 235274, 235274, 901, 3528, 474, 235265, 16670, 590, 2507, 476, 7033, 17997, 611, 970, 8935, 578, 3895, 5271, 123897, 948, 9238, 577, 1707, 901, 590, 729, 72346, 235341, 2961, 13110, 919, 1093, 3760, 15502, 578, 1490, 919, 476, 18970, 27493, 578, 3760, 4552, 749, 2060, 611, 970, 13110, 485, 2857, 576, 573, 2730, 235265, 590, 519, 235248, 235304, 235308, 1658, 2187, 728, 32098, 235265, 2390, 692, 1742, 665, 729, 1317, 476, 30883, 6279, 235336, 590, 1408, 2447, 11549, 4341, 1154, 736, 1794, 235265, 13688, 590, 1501, 671, 26439, 604, 476, 6915, 235336, 2364, 1212, 1916, 576, 2865, 235265, 1412, 590, 871, 1443, 235336, 12948, 970, 15704, 4930, 476, 2356, 37507, 235265 ]
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Hello sir.. My uncle is 32yrs old.. He is suffering from jaundice (billirubin level-7.81). We are surprised to know that he is having typhoid too.. Please suggest the diet that should be given in order to cure these diseases & to get rid of fever that relapses every night... Please help me..
Hi I would advise the following.1. Admission to hospital under general surgeon.2. IV fluid therapy depending upon the need.3. Antibiotic specific to typhoid.4. Supportive care till bilirubin levels start falling.5. Soft bland diet rich in carbs but low in protein and fats.6. Close monitoring of blood investigationsRegards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4521, 11291, 723, 2961, 32011, 603, 235248, 235304, 235284, 93364, 2187, 723, 1315, 603, 17332, 774, 199004, 591, 166118, 164660, 2403, 235290, 235324, 235265, 235321, 235274, 846, 1448, 708, 15348, 577, 1230, 674, 693, 603, 3372, 155947, 1980, 723, 5651, 9337, 573, 11652, 674, 1412, 614, 2764, 575, 2184, 577, 25267, 1450, 16011, 724, 577, 947, 12705, 576, 23391, 674, 5647, 117592, 1535, 3354, 955, 5651, 1707, 682, 723 ]
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Can I Yeast infection cause pink discharge on the toilet paper after wiping. There is no blood in the urine. I am taking Rocephin 2 g IV and have the last two weeks with six more days to go. I had a mild uti when I was in the hospital but was being treated for bacteremia.
Hello, THX to contact us. If I am your treating doctor I would like to advice you that that yeast infection won't cause pink discharge. In fact any fungal infection won't cause pink discharge it may be something else. It may be bleeding that gives you pinkish tinge. Such things may happen in severe Urinary tract infection. If you suspect fungal infection I advise you should go for Grams staining, culture and sensitivity from the discharge. If you have anything else to ask please contact me. Than. Chat Doctor
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 3611, 590, 135257, 15618, 4557, 9010, 19738, 611, 573, 19384, 4368, 1452, 102869, 235265, 2456, 603, 793, 5330, 575, 573, 34869, 235265, 590, 1144, 4998, 1791, 532, 25911, 235248, 235284, 583, 7244, 578, 791, 573, 2001, 1378, 5976, 675, 4442, 978, 2705, 577, 871, 235265, 590, 1093, 476, 21870, 5020, 1185, 590, 729, 575, 573, 7454, 901, 729, 1855, 11017, 604, 14003, 31491, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hi doc , last march i lost my 9week baby ,babies hv no heart beats after DNC i took clomid for 2 week but not successful then my doc gave me ovulation injections and then that was successful for me i had one mature follicle from that and she gave me ChatDoctor injection to release from that im having period like cramps occationally now today my period is coming exactlyy what happened ? i want baby pls advise
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. Formation of follicle is not confirmatory of pregnancy. There are many other factors also present which are responsible for fertilization. You need to have a follicle in every cycle for at least six months to have a successful pregnancy. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 2865, 1688, 2001, 12312, 496, 5501, 970, 235248, 235315, 13118, 5760, 1688, 179356, 48078, 793, 3760, 37308, 1452, 234788, 496, 3895, 2059, 537, 539, 604, 235248, 235284, 2788, 901, 780, 8385, 1492, 970, 2865, 5645, 682, 159344, 68582, 578, 1492, 674, 729, 8385, 604, 682, 496, 1093, 974, 23725, 177512, 774, 674, 578, 1284, 5645, 682, 15454, 29152, 24687, 577, 4236, 774, 674, 1485, 3372, 4037, 1154, 125701, 2588, 673, 858, 1490, 3646, 970, 4037, 603, 5163, 7880, 235267, 1212, 7522, 1654, 496, 1938, 5760, 40904, 26637 ]
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I have been having horrible nightmares very frequently for a few months now. but I have suffered on and off throughout my life. I remember these dreams in great detail. and awake feeling very fearful and i usually stay that way sometimes for days. Sometimes i cannot even go outside after dark. I also have episodes where i know i am awake and i can hear everything going on around me but i cannot move or open my eyes for quite sometimes. Why?
HIT hanks for using Chat Doctor Nightmare is usually related to unconscious mind and content in nightmare shows the response of our mind. If you have any stress, then that would show in your Chat Doctor. In that case, either you can try some relaxation exercise or some low dose benzodiazepine to get sound sleep. In case, you need further help, you can ask. Thanks
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 791, 1125, 3372, 29478, 98367, 1508, 12283, 604, 476, 2619, 4063, 1490, 235265, 901, 590, 791, 18465, 611, 578, 1401, 6900, 970, 1913, 235265, 590, 5434, 1450, 15800, 575, 1775, 8637, 235265, 578, 39276, 7965, 1508, 65570, 578, 496, 5250, 4692, 674, 1703, 6947, 604, 2705, 235265, 19852, 496, 2952, 1693, 871, 5162, 1452, 4868, 235265, 139, 235285, 1170, 791, 24958, 1570, 496, 1230, 496, 1144, 39276, 578, 496, 798, 4675, 4553, 2319, 611, 2449, 682, 901, 496, 2952, 3124, 689, 2174, 970, 4628, 604, 4756, 6947, 235265, 6822, 235336 ]
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hi,my son is 9 years old and has been ill for over a month.we have been back and forth to doctors and hospitals but they dont have a diagnosis. he has had 2 lots of blood tests over the last 5 weeks both showing a high ALT reading,the first time it was around 270 and the last one it had come down to about 160 and his white blood cells were high. his symptoms are still the same as they were at the start of all this.his symptoms are: tiredness aching no appetite raised lymph nodes everywhere general unwell feeling mottled looking skin we are getting very worried and no one can seems to be helping.we dont know what to do and he is not getting better. he is usually such an active child but he hasnt been able to do anything and we want help for him and we cant do anything for him. please help us lambros and jodi
Hi...the elevated ALT is not worrying me, but the swollen, lymph nodes along with high WBC count and loss of appetite is more worrying. I suggest you work up in line of a blood related neoplasm or disorder. Please approach your pediatrician regarding this. Regards -
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 235269, 1723, 2032, 603, 235248, 235315, 1658, 2187, 578, 919, 1125, 3070, 604, 1163, 476, 2514, 235265, 966, 791, 1125, 1355, 578, 11128, 577, 20671, 578, 24431, 901, 984, 8280, 791, 476, 19491, 235265, 693, 919, 1093, 235248, 235284, 11228, 576, 5330, 7782, 1163, 573, 2001, 235248, 235308, 5976, 2145, 8532, 476, 1536, 74066, 5438, 235269, 1175, 1370, 1069, 665, 729, 2449, 235248, 235284, 235324, 235276, 578, 573, 2001, 974, 665, 1093, 2063, 1706, 577, 1105, 235248, 235274, 235318, 235276, 578, 926, 2674, 5330, 5999, 1049, 1536, 235265, 926, 12447, 708, 2076, 573, 1809, 685, 984, 1049, 696, 573, 2238, 576, 832, 736, 235265, 11488, 12447, 708, 235292, 201126, 128458, 793, 42472, 9244, 71372, 15822, 17165, 3311, 139451, 7965, 160123, 3648, 5239, 783, 708, 4225, 1508, 21343, 578, 793, 974, 798, 4930, 577, 614, 12393, 235265, 966, 8280, 1230, 1212, 577, 749, 578, 693, 603, 780, 4225, 2525, 235265, 693, 603, 5250, 1582, 671, 6066, 2047, 901, 693, 919, 501, 1125, 3326, 577, 749, 4341, 578, 783, 1938, 1707, 604, 1357, 578, 783, 12609, 749, 4341, 604, 1357, 235265, 3743, 1707, 917, 24650, 1605, 578, 2709, 543 ]
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Hi. I am 23 years old, and very rarely drink alcohol (every 2-3 months) the last couple of times I have consumed alcohol, within 15 minutes I have suffered severe upper right chest pains. This happened last night after half a glass of wine - and the chest pains lasted through the night. Along with this I was unable to sleep as suffered a serious chill. Should I be worried?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are mostly having alcohol induced HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Alcohol causes laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of chest pain. So better to avoid alcohol. Start proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 2151, 235265, 590, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235304, 1658, 2187, 235269, 578, 1508, 21159, 7182, 12678, 591, 18180, 235248, 235284, 235290, 235304, 4063, 235275, 573, 2001, 5591, 576, 3023, 590, 791, 33561, 12678, 235269, 2819, 235248, 235274, 235308, 4363, 590, 791, 18465, 14586, 8776, 1833, 15704, 42903, 235265, 1417, 7522, 2001, 3354, 1452, 3933, 476, 5570, 576, 10058, 728, 578, 573, 15704, 42903, 40389, 1593, 573, 3354, 235265, 38039, 675, 736, 590, 729, 14321, 577, 6284, 685, 18465, 476, 6449, 34690, 235265, 13688, 590, 614, 21343, 235336 ]
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i have been in and out of emergency rooms since 2002 and they all keep telling me the same thing,that i have anxiety .i stay light headed and nauseated,never have an appetite and have lots of chest tightness to where i cant sleep because i am scared if i do i will die in my sleep,it just keeps getting worse i dont know what to do,what could it be.
Hi, Rubi, multiple visits for same complains and nothing found indicates that you might be suffering from depression. Please talk help of your doctor and get treated for same. At times due to some chemical changes in brain you thoughts become negative, and you tend to mind the smaller things which otherwise might not carry any value. So please take help you will be fine.bye.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 791, 1125, 575, 578, 921, 576, 13738, 11164, 2754, 235248, 235284, 235276, 235276, 235284, 578, 984, 832, 2745, 14926, 682, 573, 1809, 3166, 235269, 5147, 496, 791, 18579, 954, 235252, 4692, 2611, 24819, 578, 142005, 840, 235269, 29422, 791, 671, 42472, 578, 791, 11228, 576, 15704, 151611, 577, 1570, 496, 12609, 6284, 1861, 496, 1144, 26632, 1013, 496, 749, 496, 877, 1303, 575, 970, 6284, 235269, 500, 1317, 15667, 4225, 12302, 496, 8280, 1230, 1212, 577, 749, 235269, 5049, 1538, 665, 614, 235265 ]
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hi, My age is 44 years and I have been undergoing infertility treatment for past 6 months. I have done IUI in Oct but no results. Next cycle was put on medicines and after 44 days my legs started to swell. Had met the doctor and she advised for tests and all tests normal. My endometrium is 13mm thick and one folicule is available now in right ovary. pls advise why my legs are swollen and any effect of thick endometrium?
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The causes of the swelling of the feet are hypovitaminosisB, anemia, heart failure, etc. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. In such a health condition, with one mature follicle, the chances of conception are very less, still you can try. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods, to provide relief of some conditions. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 235269, 2961, 3911, 603, 235248, 235310, 235310, 1658, 578, 590, 791, 1125, 55458, 129977, 5158, 604, 3433, 235248, 235318, 4063, 235265, 590, 791, 3015, 590, 5639, 575, 11605, 901, 793, 3190, 235265, 10210, 10501, 729, 2507, 611, 45923, 578, 1452, 235248, 235310, 235310, 2705, 970, 13713, 4604, 577, 66631, 235265, 17079, 2211, 573, 9353, 578, 1284, 24456, 604, 7782, 578, 832, 7782, 4500, 235265, 2961, 122794, 600, 603, 235248, 235274, 235304, 1961, 8028, 578, 974, 173290, 1731, 603, 2506, 1490, 575, 1833, 109435, 235265, 40904, 26637, 3165, 970, 13713, 708, 75320, 578, 1089, 4232, 576, 8028, 122794, 600, 235336 ]
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Yes, just wondering if I took an allergy pill before having a couple drinks would help me because as soon as I touch alcohol to my lips I get itchy and its very uncomfortable and it aggravates my eczema. This all started after my second child was born as I had no problem drinking before and I enjoy the odd glass of wine... please help!
From you history it is clear that you are suffering from an allergic condition particularly when taking alcohol. For this you need not worry worry much. You just can take an anti-allergic Chat Doctor. You can also test your blood for absolute eosinophil count which is specific investigation for an allergic condition.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 3553, 235269, 1317, 20057, 1013, 590, 3895, 671, 72336, 14021, 1794, 3372, 476, 5591, 19396, 1134, 1707, 682, 1861, 685, 4445, 685, 590, 6437, 12678, 577, 970, 15473, 590, 947, 139347, 578, 1277, 1508, 38070, 578, 665, 50098, 235272, 1204, 970, 131557, 235265, 139, 1596, 832, 4604, 1452, 970, 2257, 2047, 729, 7565, 685, 590, 1093, 793, 3210, 16036, 1794, 578, 590, 4313, 573, 12091, 5570, 576, 10058, 955, 3743, 1707, 235341 ]
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Hello my Liver test ALT was 112. I drink a few beers on weekends. I m 49.. I don t drink on week nights. Now back way when in my youngest days I was a party-er. But now I m just a weekend beer and grill person. I am over weight 5 7 about 232.. I m walking 2 miles a day cut back on what I eat..My concern is could this be from drinking or weight. Is it something to panic about?
Hello, The life liver enzymes could be due to both alcohol and weight. I would suggest you get blood tests for hepatitis B and C as both these can cause raised enzymes in case they are negative I would suggest completely stopping alcohol and repeat liver enzymes after 6 to 8 weeks. The levels are not alarmingly high but if not controlled can lead to permanent liver damage in the future. Hope this helped get back in case you have further queries Regards Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4521, 970, 19854, 2121, 74066, 729, 235248, 235274, 235274, 235284, 235265, 590, 7182, 476, 2619, 60947, 611, 45949, 235265, 590, 519, 235248, 235310, 235315, 723, 590, 1453, 474, 7182, 611, 2788, 21308, 235265, 4414, 1355, 1703, 1185, 575, 970, 43340, 2705, 590, 729, 476, 4591, 235290, 475, 235265, 2005, 1490, 590, 519, 1317, 476, 10762, 15052, 578, 28833, 1552, 235265, 590, 1144, 1163, 5171, 235248, 235308, 235248, 235324, 1105, 235248, 235284, 235304, 235284, 723, 590, 519, 10350, 235248, 235284, 7112, 476, 1744, 3652, 1355, 611, 1212, 590, 7812, 723, 2926, 11115, 603, 1538, 736, 614, 774, 16036, 689, 5171, 235265, 2125, 665, 2775, 577, 30883, 1105, 235336 ]
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This may seem pretty silly, well it is very silly but I m a bit paranoid.. I fingered my girlfriend today, but then I had to adjust myself, I didn t touch my penis, I adjusted it over my pants, I was wearing two layers (briefs and shorts) I didn t feel any precum on my pants but in the moment I may not have, and then used my fingers to well go at it again... I doubt there was any precum on my fingers as I don t think it could get through two layers of cloth but in case it did what are the chances of her getting pregnant..? I don t generally have a lot of precum, the usual drop or two Please help, I m just a little freaked out
Hi, There is no chance of pregnancy in your case as you described your act. You are on both brief and pant. You did finger your girlfriend without touching to penis. If you have touched penis then also extremely fewer sperm can attaché to finger. By fingering, sperm can not enter in to vagina. Sperm require seminal fluid as a liquid medium for movement inside uterus. To become pregnant, penetrative sexual intercourse with or without ejaculation during fertile period of cycle is required. Use condom in future to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed. Best regards,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 1596, 1249, 3307, 4786, 33126, 235269, 1578, 665, 603, 1508, 33126, 901, 590, 519, 476, 3298, 120810, 723, 590, 13864, 509, 970, 29976, 3646, 235269, 901, 1492, 590, 1093, 577, 8017, 6836, 235269, 590, 3528, 474, 6437, 970, 58209, 235269, 590, 24347, 665, 1163, 970, 16908, 235269, 590, 729, 11967, 1378, 16630, 591, 27153, 235256, 578, 22823, 235275, 590, 3528, 474, 2375, 1089, 134913, 611, 970, 16908, 901, 575, 573, 4318, 590, 1249, 780, 791, 235269, 578, 1492, 1671, 970, 18976, 577, 1578, 871, 696, 665, 1653, 955, 590, 8192, 1104, 729, 1089, 134913, 611, 970, 18976, 685, 590, 1453, 474, 1742, 665, 1538, 947, 1593, 1378, 16630, 576, 17997, 901, 575, 2270, 665, 1498, 1212, 708, 573, 21581, 576, 1070, 4225, 22594, 95879, 590, 1453, 474, 7783, 791, 476, 2940, 576, 134913, 235269, 573, 11653, 7605, 689, 1378, 5651, 1707, 235269, 590, 519, 1317, 476, 2356, 214077, 921 ]
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hi, I am 18 years old, 140 lbs. On monday I had the roots of my dental implants done, and it pains me to wear the retainer. everyday I try to put the retainer in hoping that it won t hurt and i ll be able to leave it on. But the pain hasn t faded and I m worried my teeth will shift. What should I do?
Hello, It's not a good sign to have pain after getting an implant in our jaw. The pain can occur for a day or two but if it is prolonged it could be a sign of infection. However in your case, you mentioned you wear retainers- that is one of the possible cause of pain. You are not supposed to wear retainers for at least two weeks till the gums over the implant heal well. Or if it is too important then your retainers must be lined by a "soft tissue liners" which will prevent any trauma to the underlying gums when you wear the retainer. it's not a good idea to wear retainer in post surgical phase. Avoid for two weeks and consult your dentist. Let him do a clinical examination and take an x-ray of the area. Be cautious if you see "pus" coming out. that's a sign of infection. Must go back to your dentist and talk. Good luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 235269, 590, 1144, 235248, 235274, 235321, 1658, 2187, 235269, 235248, 235274, 235310, 235276, 22616, 235265, 1993, 85803, 590, 1093, 573, 16667, 576, 970, 21470, 79063, 3015, 235269, 578, 665, 42903, 682, 577, 8044, 573, 175223, 235265, 18651, 590, 3418, 577, 2507, 573, 175223, 575, 18360, 674, 665, 2792, 474, 13941, 578, 496, 10547, 614, 3326, 577, 5077, 665, 611, 235265, 2005, 573, 4380, 19373, 474, 58654, 578, 590, 519, 21343, 970, 13900, 877, 10205, 235265, 2439, 1412, 590, 749, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
had abscess lanced which left 5cm wound. conflicting instructions from nurse and doctor. Nurses wanted to pack and doctors did not. What is right procedure. Now nurses will not pack as they claim wound is closing. They have been cleaning and dressing for one week.
Hi, To put packing in abscess pocket can be decided by your doctor seeing the condition of the wound. If there is no recollection of pus in abscess pocket and growing of good granulation is formed then there might not require any pack. With opening of Chat Doctor. Ok and take care.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 9241, 109725, 7607, 1205, 948, 2731, 235248, 235308, 2890, 16654, 235265, 61519, 12027, 774, 24090, 578, 9353, 235265, 139, 235300, 23025, 5466, 577, 3386, 578, 20671, 1498, 780, 235265, 139, 1841, 603, 1833, 10286, 235265, 139, 5375, 33419, 877, 780, 3386, 685, 984, 5035, 16654, 603, 19096, 235265, 139, 4508, 791, 1125, 12123, 578, 29504, 604, 974, 2788, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
I had I pill on 28th December then I got my periods on 7jan then again I had ipill on 15jan n on 21st got my periods n on 4th feb had intercourse didnt take I pill now today is 19feb still my periods have not started n again I took ipill now when my periods r expected
Hello, Firstly, let me tell you that you have misused the emergency pill and put it into too much use. An emergency pill is meant to be used only a couple of times a year; else, it can lead to catastrophic patterns of menstruation. Since you have attained menstruation which was indeed a with Chat Doctor. Emergency contraception can be of use only when used soon after an intercourse and not at any part of the cycle. In the current scenario, I would suggest seeing a specialist if you do not see a period in the next two weeks; get a pregnancy test and plan further management. In the future, please go for some form of regular contraception and do not use emergency pills so frequently. Hope this helps.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 1093, 590, 14021, 611, 235248, 235284, 235321, 489, 5824, 1492, 590, 2371, 970, 16049, 611, 235248, 235324, 9098, 139, 2963, 1653, 590, 1093, 16075, 936, 611, 235248, 235274, 235308, 9098, 552, 611, 235248, 235284, 235274, 490, 2371, 970, 16049, 552, 611, 235248, 235310, 489, 29162, 1093, 63670, 37275, 1987, 590, 14021, 1490, 3646, 603, 235248, 235274, 235315, 86410, 2076, 970, 16049, 791, 780, 4604, 552, 1653, 590, 3895, 16075, 936, 1490, 1185, 970, 16049, 548, 5043 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
I was treated for cellulitis (Staph) on my arm two weeks ago with antibiotics via IV as an inpatient for four days, then 10 days of oral antibiotics. The swelling has gone down but now I have a painful, hard bump on my elbow. Is it possibly a pus pocket?
Hi, If the area of the bump is warm, tender to touch, red and has a fluid consistency then it could be a pus pocket the medical term for which is an abscess. It would require Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 729, 11017, 604, 3027, 155792, 591, 6153, 836, 235275, 611, 970, 7762, 1378, 5976, 3958, 675, 58108, 3998, 7244, 685, 671, 134447, 604, 2785, 2705, 235269, 1492, 235248, 235274, 235276, 2705, 576, 19131, 58108, 235265, 139, 651, 46740, 919, 7751, 1706, 901, 1490, 590, 791, 476, 28222, 235269, 2811, 31398, 611, 970, 48091, 235265, 139, 2437, 665, 13592, 476, 21131, 16380, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Approximately 4 days ago all of a suuden I felt my top lip start to swell that it went numb. A few days later the same thing happened on the right bottom lip. Moments later it moved from my right bottom to the left bottom. Nothing has happened agin within the past three days.
Hello, In my opinion, an allergic reaction may cause issues such as yours. The cause may be anything from flowers, dust, Chat Doctor. So, possible allergies should be evaluated with skin tests in order to get a correct diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 140272, 235248, 235310, 2705, 3958, 832, 576, 476, 742, 26524, 590, 6220, 970, 2267, 19283, 2238, 577, 66631, 674, 665, 3815, 64565, 235265, 586, 2619, 2705, 3416, 573, 1809, 3166, 7522, 611, 573, 1833, 6837, 19283, 235265, 83469, 3416, 665, 8509, 774, 970, 1833, 6837, 577, 573, 2731, 6837, 235265, 19793, 919, 7522, 476, 778, 2819, 573, 3433, 2149, 2705, 235265 ]
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HI Doctor! I m taking Cipro for a UTI and I m on my 5 day. This is the first time I ve had a UTI and I don t know if there s side effects to CIpro. I feel like after all this time I should be feeling better yet even though I m not running to the ladies room I still feel the urge to urinate. I also feel pressure and weakness in my pelvic area and lower limbs. I was going to go back to my doctor on Monday but should I not wait till then with these symptoms. Thank you.
Hello, Yes, you can take Cipro twice daily for 5 to 7 days. This is very effective Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 16540, 18570, 235341, 590, 519, 4998, 13638, 1010, 604, 476, 194621, 578, 590, 519, 611, 970, 235248, 235308, 1744, 235265, 1417, 603, 573, 1370, 1069, 590, 1408, 1093, 476, 194621, 578, 590, 1453, 474, 1230, 1013, 1104, 485, 2857, 5701, 577, 22788, 1010, 235265, 590, 2375, 1154, 1452, 832, 736, 1069, 590, 1412, 614, 7965, 2525, 3599, 1693, 2862, 590, 519, 780, 5327, 577, 573, 19049, 2965, 590, 2076, 2375, 573, 36618, 577, 3981, 47381, 235265, 590, 1170, 2375, 5601, 578, 23432, 575, 970, 89710, 2713, 578, 4581, 46518, 235265, 590, 729, 2319, 577, 871, 1355, 577, 970, 9353, 611, 8778, 901, 1412, 590, 780, 4307, 5525, 1492, 675, 1450, 12447, 235265, 9105, 692, 235265 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
i am 32 yrs i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes i get regular checks my doc says it is controlled i am on 1/2 daonil per day but i just started taking minigynon over a 3 wk period and now my blood pressure has increased and i was never hypertensive could this be a result from the pill
Dear Mrs, There is a little possibility that your medication can cause high blood pressure. Sometimes they can cause high blood pressure in the beginning of the treatment but blood pressure normalizes after some time. So, don't panic. If blood pressure is not more than 150/90, try lifestyle changes for 3 months, cut the amount of salt intake and exercise regularly. Take care
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235252, 1144, 235248, 235304, 235284, 57358, 496, 729, 35564, 675, 1916, 235248, 235284, 19641, 496, 947, 5748, 19483, 970, 2865, 2889, 665, 603, 15081, 496, 1144, 611, 235248, 235274, 235283, 235284, 1260, 477, 540, 842, 1744, 901, 496, 1317, 4604, 4998, 174336, 1686, 477, 139, 3533, 476, 235248, 235304, 88470, 4037, 578, 1490, 970, 5330, 5601, 919, 6629, 139, 639, 496, 729, 2447, 13099, 138351, 1538, 736, 614, 476, 2196, 774, 573, 14021 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
I have a blister on my nipple. I am 19 weeks pregnant. Before pregnancy I had black discharge coming out of this nipple as well. The doctor did an ultrasound on my breast (before I was pregnant) and said he had no concerns at the time. Now that I m pregnant I am still getting black discharge and I now have what seems like a blister right beside my nipple. What should I do?
Hi. Blisters on the nipples or around them (in the areolar region), most commonly occur due to 2 reasons, either due to friction (from clothing, sexual activity, etc.; or what we call a milk blister which occurs while breastfeeding. As for the black nipple discharge, this could be associated with a hematoma in the breast, an abscess, etc.; and will require more concrete investigations into finding the cause as you will soon have to breastfeed. Best wishes.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 235285, 791, 476, 95017, 611, 970, 117347, 235265, 590, 1144, 235248, 235274, 235315, 5976, 22594, 235265, 12767, 22310, 590, 1093, 2656, 19738, 5163, 921, 576, 736, 117347, 685, 1578, 235265, 714, 9353, 1498, 671, 66391, 611, 970, 14665, 591, 9461, 590, 729, 22594, 235275, 578, 1180, 693, 1093, 793, 10906, 696, 573, 1069, 235265, 4414, 674, 590, 519, 22594, 590, 1144, 2076, 4225, 2656, 19738, 578, 590, 1490, 791, 1212, 4930, 1154, 476, 95017, 1833, 23357, 970, 117347, 235265, 2439, 1412, 590, 749, 235336 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
hi doc am 26 years old i had chicken pox one week ago bt now the sores are dying away however i discovered some swelling on my testicles and am worried. could this be due to the chicken pox, I use calamine lotion as well as i was on antiviral drugs. thanks
Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Yes chicken pox infection can spread to testicle and result in its inflammation known as orchids. Firstly to confirm it need to do a sonography of both testicles immediately and immediately if there is inflammation should follow up with a surgery doctor for consultation Hope I answered your queriesThanks and regards. Be healthy
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 544, 2865, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235318, 1658, 2187, 496, 1093, 12254, 196021, 974, 2788, 3958, 36390, 1490, 573, 149104, 708, 21564, 3024, 4187, 496, 13437, 1009, 46740, 611, 970, 14508, 3196, 578, 1144, 21343, 235265, 1538, 736, 614, 3402, 577, 573, 12254, 196021, 235269, 590, 1281, 1561, 20724, 60930, 685, 1578, 685, 496, 729, 611, 154135, 13970, 235265, 6402 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
When Im sitting around at times my seamen comes out not voluntarily. Not mucChatDoctores out but I am getting very worried. My penis is also becoming sensitive in terms of touch I also getting a slight sensation on my legs. Im over 25 and never had sex. I might not be on the computer in the next 10 minutes, if you reply after that then please email to YYYY@YYYY
HI, I can understand your concern for your symptoms, It can be due to premature ejaculation, you can rule out for diabetes, testosterone, thyroid. I Hope I have answered your query. If you have further doubts, I would be happy to help you. Happy day
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 4115, 7335, 10191, 2449, 696, 3023, 970, 152289, 4549, 921, 780, 66244, 235265, 3232, 229002, 15180, 5676, 15272, 921, 901, 590, 1144, 4225, 1508, 21343, 235265, 2961, 58209, 603, 1170, 12433, 16955, 575, 4563, 576, 6437, 590, 1170, 4225, 476, 7263, 37548, 611, 970, 13713, 235265, 7335, 1163, 235248, 235284, 235308, 578, 2447, 1093, 5500, 235265, 590, 2613, 780, 614, 611, 573, 6875, 575, 573, 2351, 235248, 235274, 235276, 4363, 235269, 1013, 692, 7260, 1452, 674, 1492, 3743, 4801, 577, 139, 58669, 235348, 58669 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
sir, i am 25yrs old girl. Last year I suffered from viral fever for one week in which i lost my weight for about 6 kgs. Later hair fall and acne has been started. My TSChatDoctore 5.50 whereas T3 and T4 are normal. should i go for thyroid treatment or not? Should I prefer homeopathy for it or allopathy? Whether I will have to take the medicine for my lifetime? Kindly reply
Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hearing about this high TSH levels and the hair loss. However, I will suggest that you get this value controlled again since it has been over a year. If it should remain higher than normal, I will suggest that you strongly consider getting treated for hypothyroidism. Chat Doctor. Homeopathy measures can accompany the treatment and not constitute the main stem. I hope you find this helpful. I wish you the best of health. Thank you so much for using our services and dew feel free to request for more information if need be.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
[ 2, 23946, 235269, 496, 1144, 235248, 235284, 235308, 93364, 2187, 4602, 235265, 10391, 1162, 590, 18465, 774, 28241, 23391, 604, 974, 2788, 575, 948, 496, 5501, 970, 5171, 604, 1105, 235248, 235318, 182229, 235265, 23988, 5054, 3881, 578, 49917, 919, 1125, 4604, 235265, 2961, 204827, 620, 5676, 12230, 235248, 235308, 235265, 235308, 235276, 17546, 584, 235304, 578, 584, 235310, 708, 4500, 235265, 1412, 496, 871, 604, 58491, 5158, 689, 780, 235336, 13688, 590, 6700, 2078, 53990, 604, 665, 689, 832, 53990, 235336, 19896, 590, 877, 791, 577, 1987, 573, 15300, 604, 970, 23723, 235336, 172111, 7260 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]