1 value
15 values
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Optional, TypeVar, Union import warnings from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError, HttpResponseError, ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotFoundError, map_error from azure.core.pipeline import PipelineResponse from azure.core.pipeline.transport import AsyncHttpResponse, HttpRequest from azure.core.polling import AsyncLROPoller, AsyncNoPolling, AsyncPollingMethod from azure.mgmt.core.exceptions import ARMErrorFormat from azure.mgmt.core.polling.async_arm_polling import AsyncARMPolling from ... import models as _models T = TypeVar('T') ClsType = Optional[Callable[[PipelineResponse[HttpRequest, AsyncHttpResponse], T, Dict[str, Any]], Any]] class VpnSitesConfigurationOperations: """VpnSitesConfigurationOperations async operations. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute. :ivar models: Alias to model classes used in this operation group. :type models: :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An object model deserializer. """ models = _models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer) -> None: self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self._config = config async def _download_initial( self, resource_group_name: str, virtual_wan_name: str, request: "_models.GetVpnSitesConfigurationRequest", **kwargs: Any ) -> None: cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[None] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2021-05-01" content_type = kwargs.pop("content_type", "application/json") accept = "application/json" # Construct URL url = self._download_initial.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'virtualWANName': self._serialize.url("virtual_wan_name", virtual_wan_name, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Content-Type'] = self._serialize.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') body_content_kwargs = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] body_content = self._serialize.body(request, 'GetVpnSitesConfigurationRequest') body_content_kwargs['content'] = body_content request =, query_parameters, header_parameters, **body_content_kwargs) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200, 202]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, None, {}) _download_initial.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/{virtualWANName}/vpnConfiguration'} # type: ignore async def begin_download( self, resource_group_name: str, virtual_wan_name: str, request: "_models.GetVpnSitesConfigurationRequest", **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncLROPoller[None]: """Gives the sas-url to download the configurations for vpn-sites in a resource group. :param resource_group_name: The resource group name. :type resource_group_name: str :param virtual_wan_name: The name of the VirtualWAN for which configuration of all vpn-sites is needed. :type virtual_wan_name: str :param request: Parameters supplied to download vpn-sites configuration. :type request: :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :keyword str continuation_token: A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state. :keyword polling: By default, your polling method will be AsyncARMPolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy. :paramtype polling: bool or ~azure.core.polling.AsyncPollingMethod :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. :return: An instance of AsyncLROPoller that returns either None or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.AsyncLROPoller[None] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: """ polling = kwargs.pop('polling', True) # type: Union[bool, AsyncPollingMethod] cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[None] lro_delay = kwargs.pop( 'polling_interval', self._config.polling_interval ) cont_token = kwargs.pop('continuation_token', None) # type: Optional[str] if cont_token is None: raw_result = await self._download_initial( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, virtual_wan_name=virtual_wan_name, request=request, cls=lambda x,y,z: x, **kwargs ) kwargs.pop('error_map', None) kwargs.pop('content_type', None) def get_long_running_output(pipeline_response): if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, None, {}) path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'virtualWANName': self._serialize.url("virtual_wan_name", virtual_wan_name, 'str'), } if polling is True: polling_method = AsyncARMPolling(lro_delay, lro_options={'final-state-via': 'location'}, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **kwargs) elif polling is False: polling_method = AsyncNoPolling() else: polling_method = polling if cont_token: return AsyncLROPoller.from_continuation_token( polling_method=polling_method, continuation_token=cont_token, client=self._client, deserialization_callback=get_long_running_output ) else: return AsyncLROPoller(self._client, raw_result, get_long_running_output, polling_method) begin_download.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/{virtualWANName}/vpnConfiguration'} # type: ignore
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Proxy models for augmenting our source data tables with methods useful for processing. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.text import get_text_list # Models from django.db.models import Count from opencivicdata.elections.models import ( Election, ElectionIdentifier, ElectionSource ) from calaccess_processed.proxies import OCDProxyModelMixin from ..core.posts import OCDPostProxy from .candidatecontests import OCDCandidateContestProxy # Managers from calaccess_processed.managers import BulkLoadSQLManager from calaccess_processed_elections.managers import ( OCDPartisanPrimaryManager, OCDElectionManager ) class OCDElectionProxy(Election, OCDProxyModelMixin): """ A proxy on the OCD Election model. """ objects = OCDElectionManager() partisan_primaries = OCDPartisanPrimaryManager() copy_to_fields = ( ('id',), ('name',), ('date',), ('division_id',), ('administrative_organization_id',), ('created_at',), ('updated_at',), ('extras',), ('locked_fields',), ) class Meta: """ Make this a proxy model. """ app_label = "calaccess_processed_elections" proxy = True def add_election_type(self, election_type): """ Add election_type to 'calaccess_election_type' in extras field (if missing). """ if 'calaccess_election_type' in self.extras.keys(): # and if this one isn't included if election_type not in self.extras[ 'calaccess_election_type' ]: # then append self.extras['calaccess_election_type'].append(election_type) # and save else: # if election doesn't already have types, add the key self.extras['calaccess_election_type'] = [election_type] # and save return def add_election_id(self, election_id): """ Add election_id to identifiers, if missing. """ if not self.identifiers.filter( scheme='calaccess_election_id', identifier=election_id, ).exists(): self.identifiers.create( scheme='calaccess_election_id', identifier=election_id, ) return def get_regular_senate_contests_in_wrong_districts(self): """ Get a list of regular senate contests in districts that shouldn't be contested. """ if self.is_gubernatorial_election: # in gubernatorial elections, # odd-numbered senate districts should not contested contests = [ c for c in self.senate_contests.regular() if int(c.division.subid2) % 2 != 0 ] else: # in non-gubernatorial elections, # even-numbered senate districts should not be contests contests = [ c for c in self.senate_contests.regular() if int(c.division.subid2) % 2 == 0 ] return contests @property def assembly_contests(self): """ State Assembly CandidateContests occurring in the election. """ return self.candidate_contest_proxies.assembly() @property def candidate_contest_proxies(self): """ A QuerySet of OCDCandidateContestProxy for the election. """ return OCDCandidateContestProxy.objects.filter(election=self) @property def election_type(self): """ Returns the primary CAL-ACCESS election type included with this record. """ for et in self.extras.get('calaccess_election_type', []): if et in return et @property def election_types(self): """ Returns all the CAL-ACCESS election types included with this record. """ return self.extras.get('calaccess_election_type', []) @property def executive_contests(self): """ State Executive Branch CandidateContests occurring in the election. """ return self.candidate_contest_proxies.executive() @property def has_special_contests(self): """ This election includes contests outside the regular election calendar. """ special_election_types = set( ("SPECIAL ELECTION", "SPECIAL RUNOFF", "RECALL") ) return len( special_election_types.intersection(self.election_types) ) > 0 @property def identifier_list(self): """ Returns a prettified list of OCD identifiers. """ template = "{0.scheme}: {0.identifier}" return get_text_list([template.format(i) for i in self.identifiers.all()]) @property def is_gubernatorial_election(self): """ This election should include contests for Governor other executive branch offices. """ # Governors are elected every four years, and the earliest such election # in CAL-ACCESS was 2002 return ( - 2002) % 4 == 0 @property def is_partisan_primary(self): """ Returns whether or not this was a primary election held in the partisan era prior to 2012. """ if 'PRIMARY' in self.election_types: if < 2012: return True return False @property def regular_assembly_contest_count_actual(self): """ Actual count of regular State Assembly contests. """ return self.assembly_contests.regular().count() @property def regular_assembly_contest_count_expected(self): """ Expected count of regular State Assembly contests (based on year). """ assembly_office_count = OCDPostProxy.assembly.count() if "GENERAL" in self.election_types: expected_contest_count = assembly_office_count elif "PRIMARY" in self.election_types: if self.is_partisan_primary: # should be one contest for every distinct party in each # of the (80) assembly seats expected_contest_count = 0 contests_q = self.assembly_contests.regular() contest_counts_by_party = contests_q.order_by().values( 'candidacies__party__name' ).annotate( contest_count=Count('candidacies__contest', distinct=True) ) for party in contest_counts_by_party: expected_contest_count += party['contest_count'] else: expected_contest_count = assembly_office_count else: expected_contest_count = 0 return expected_contest_count @property def regular_executive_contest_count_actual(self): """ Actual count of regular State Executive Branch contests. """ return self.executive_contests.regular().count() @property def regular_executive_contest_count_expected(self): """ Expected count of regular State Assembly contests (based on year). """ exec_office_count = OCDPostProxy.executive.count() if self.is_gubernatorial_election: if "GENERAL" in self.election_types: expected_contest_count = exec_office_count elif "PRIMARY" in self.election_types: if self.is_partisan_primary: # should be 1 contest for every distinct party in each # of the executive branch offices (12) expected_contest_count = 0 contests_q = self.executive_contests.regular() contest_counts_by_party = contests_q.order_by().values( 'candidacies__party__name' ).annotate( contest_count=Count('candidacies__contest', distinct=True) ) for party in contest_counts_by_party: expected_contest_count += party['contest_count'] else: expected_contest_count = exec_office_count else: expected_contest_count = 0 else: expected_contest_count = 0 return expected_contest_count @property def regular_senate_contest_count_actual(self): """ Actual count of regular State Senate contests. """ return self.senate_contests.regular().count() @property def regular_senate_contest_count_expected(self): """ Confirm the Election has the correct count of regular Assembly contests. """ # half of the senates are filled every two years senate_office_count = int(OCDPostProxy.senate.count() / 2) if "GENERAL" in self.election_types: expected_contest_count = senate_office_count elif "PRIMARY" in self.election_types: if self.is_partisan_primary: # should be one contest for every distinct party in every # other senate district (20) expected_contest_count = 0 contests_q = self.senate_contests.regular() contest_counts_by_party = contests_q.order_by().values( 'candidacies__party__name' ).annotate( contest_count=Count('candidacies__contest', distinct=True) ) for party in contest_counts_by_party: expected_contest_count += party['contest_count'] else: expected_contest_count = senate_office_count else: expected_contest_count = 0 return expected_contest_count @property def senate_contests(self): """ State Senate CandidateContests occurring in the election. """ return self.candidate_contest_proxies.senate() @property def source_list(self): """ Returns a prettified list of OCD sources. """ return get_text_list(list(self.sources.all())) class OCDElectionIdentifierProxy(ElectionIdentifier, OCDProxyModelMixin): """ A proxy on the OCD ElectionIdentifier model. """ objects = BulkLoadSQLManager() class Meta: """ Make this a proxy model. """ app_label = "calaccess_processed_elections" proxy = True class OCDElectionSourceProxy(ElectionSource, OCDProxyModelMixin): """ A proxy on the OCD ElectionSource model. """ objects = BulkLoadSQLManager() class Meta: """ Make this a proxy model. """ app_label = "calaccess_processed_elections" proxy = True
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Dump binary files into C arrays. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version = 3 import os.path import yaml import genutil #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_file_path(filename, file_path) : ''' Returns absolute path to an input file, given file name and another full file path in the same directory. ''' return '{}/{}'.format(os.path.dirname(file_path), filename) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_file_cname(filename) : return 'dump_{}'.format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_header(out_hdr, files) : with open(out_hdr, 'w') as f: f.write('#pragma once\n') f.write('// #version:{}#\n'.format(Version)) f.write('// machine generated, do not edit!\n') f.write('namespace YAKC {\n') for file in files : file_path = get_file_path(file, out_hdr) if os.path.isfile(file_path) : file_name = get_file_cname(file) file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) f.write('extern unsigned char {}[{}];\n'.format(file_name, file_size)) else : genutil.fmtError("Input file not found: '{}'".format(file_path)) f.write('} // namespace YAKC\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_source(out_src, files) : with open(out_src, 'w') as f: f.write('// #version:{}#\n'.format(Version)) f.write('// machine generated, do not edit!\n') f.write('#include "{}.h"\n'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(out_src))[0])) f.write('namespace YAKC {\n') for file in files : file_path = get_file_path(file, out_src) if os.path.isfile(file_path) : with open(file_path, 'rb') as src_file: file_data = file_name = get_file_cname(file) file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) f.write('unsigned char {}[{}] = {{\n'.format(file_name, file_size)) num = 0 for byte in file_data : f.write(hex(ord(byte)) + ', ') num += 1 if 0 == num%16: f.write('\n') f.write('\n};\n') else : genutil.fmtError("Input file not found: '{}'".format(file_path)) f.write('} // namespace YAKC\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate(input, out_src, out_hdr) : if genutil.isDirty(Version, [input], [out_src, out_hdr]) : with open(input, 'r') as f : desc = yaml.load(f) gen_header(out_hdr, desc['files']) gen_source(out_src, desc['files'])
# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class Disktype(MakefilePackage): """A fork of the disktype disk and disk image format detection tool.""" homepage = "" url = "" version('9.2.1', sha256='fb274d6ce6b69c0d36eb23fcc9f01db3c32c3996b404900d46bb743ce4fa8154') build_directory = 'src' def install(self, spec, prefix): mkdir(prefix.bin) with working_dir(self.build_directory): install('disktype', prefix.bin)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of Flap. # # Flap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Flap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Flap. If not, see <>. # from flap import logger from flap.latex.macros.commons import Macro class TexFileInclusion(Macro): def __init__(self, flap, name): super().__init__(flap, name, None, None) self._requires_expansion = True def _capture_arguments(self, parser, invocation): invocation.append_argument("link", def execute2(self, parser, invocation): self._called = True logger.debug("Setting CALLED on %d", id(self)) link = parser.evaluate_as_text(invocation.argument("link")) content = self._flap.content_of(link, invocation) logger.debug("TEX INCLUSION %s: '%s'", link, content) if not link.endswith(".tex"): link += ".tex" tokens = parser._create.as_list(content) return parser._tokens.push(tokens) def rewrite2(self, parser, invocation): return [] class Input(TexFileInclusion): """ Intercept the `\\input` directive """ def __init__(self, flap): super().__init__(flap, "input") class Include(TexFileInclusion): """ Intercept the `\\include` directive """ def __init__(self, flap): super().__init__(flap, "include") def execute2(self, parser, invocation): self._called = True link = parser.evaluate_as_text(invocation.argument("link")) if self._flap.shall_include(link): tokens = parser._create.as_list(r"\clearpage") parser._tokens.push(tokens) super().execute2(parser, invocation) def rewrite2(self, parser, invocation): return [] class SubFile(TexFileInclusion): def __init__(self, flap): super().__init__(flap, "subfile") class EndInput(Macro): def __init__(self, flap): super().__init__(flap, "endinput", None, None) def execute2(self, parser, invocation): source = self._flap.end_of_input(source, invocation) parser.flush(source) def rewrite2(self, parser, invocation): return [] class IncludeOnly(Macro): """ Intercept includeonly commands """ def __init__(self, flap): super().__init__(flap, r"includeonly", None, None) def _capture_arguments(self, parser, invocation): invocation.append_argument("selection", def execute2(self, parser, invocation): pass def rewrite2(self, parser, invocation): text = parser.evaluate_as_text(invocation.argument("selection")) files_to_include = list(map(str.strip, text.split(","))) self._flap.include_only(files_to_include, invocation) return []
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.pipeline import ClientRawResponse from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller import uuid from .. import models class DatabasesOperations(object): """DatabasesOperations operations. :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An objec model deserializer. :ivar api_version: The API version to use for the request. Constant value: "2014-04-01". """ def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer): self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self.api_version = "2014-04-01" self.config = config def import_method( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Imports a bacpac into an existing database. The existing database must be empty. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to import into :type database_name: str :param parameters: The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database. :type parameters: :class:`ImportExtensionRequestParameters <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ImportExtensionRequestParameters>` :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns :class:`ImportExportOperationResponse <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ImportExportOperationResponse>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/extensions/import' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body body_content = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'ImportExtensionRequestParameters') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [200, 202]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('ImportExportOperationResponse', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def export( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Exports a database to a bacpac. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to be exported. :type database_name: str :param parameters: The required parameters for exporting a database. :type parameters: :class:`ExportRequestParameters <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ExportRequestParameters>` :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns :class:`ImportExportOperationResponse <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ImportExportOperationResponse>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/export' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body body_content = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'ExportRequestParameters') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request =, query_parameters) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [200, 202]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('ImportExportOperationResponse', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def delete_replication_link( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, link_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Deletes a database replication link. Cannot be done during failover. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database that has the replication link to be dropped. :type database_name: str :param link_id: The ID of the replication link to be deleted. :type link_id: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: None :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str'), 'linkId': self._serialize.url("link_id", link_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.delete(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200, 204]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response def get_replication_link( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, link_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets a database replication link. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to get the link for. :type database_name: str :param link_id: The replication link ID to be retrieved. :type link_id: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`ReplicationLink <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ReplicationLink>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str'), 'linkId': self._serialize.url("link_id", link_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('ReplicationLink', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def failover_replication_link( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, link_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Failover the database replication link. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database that has the replication link to be failed over. :type database_name: str :param link_id: The ID of the replication link to be failed over. :type link_id: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns None :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}/failover' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str'), 'linkId': self._serialize.url("link_id", link_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request =, query_parameters) return self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [204, 202]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def failover_replication_link_allow_data_loss( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, link_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Force failover the database replication link, which may result in data loss. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database that has the replication link to be failed over. :type database_name: str :param link_id: The ID of the replication link to be failed over. :type link_id: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns None :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str'), 'linkId': self._serialize.url("link_id", link_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request =, query_parameters) return self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [204, 202]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def list_replication_links( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Lists a database's replication links. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to retrieve links for. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`ReplicationLinkPaged <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ReplicationLinkPaged>` :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.ReplicationLinkPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.ReplicationLinkPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized def pause_data_warehouse( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Pauses a data warehouse. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the data warehouse to pause. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns None :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/pause' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request =, query_parameters) return self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [200, 202]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def resume_data_warehouse( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Resumes a data warehouse. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the data warehouse to resume. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns None :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/resume' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request =, query_parameters) return self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [202, 200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def list_restore_points( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Returns a list of database restore points. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database from which to retrieve available restore points. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`RestorePointPaged <azure.mgmt.sql.models.RestorePointPaged>` :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/restorePoints' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.RestorePointPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.RestorePointPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized def create_or_update( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Creates a new database or updates an existing database. Location is a required property in the request body, and it must be the same as the location of the SQL server. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to be operated on (updated or created). :type database_name: str :param parameters: The required parameters for creating or updating a database. :type parameters: :class:`Database <azure.mgmt.sql.models.Database>` :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :rtype: :class:`AzureOperationPoller<msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller>` instance that returns :class:`Database <azure.mgmt.sql.models.Database>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body body_content = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'Database') # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, **operation_config) def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [200, 201, 202]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Database', response) if response.status_code == 201: deserialized = self._deserialize('Database', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized if raw: response = long_running_send() return get_long_running_output(response) long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def delete( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Deletes a database. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to be deleted. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: None :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.delete(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200, 204]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response def get( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, expand=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets a database. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database to be retrieved. :type database_name: str :param expand: A comma separated list of child objects to expand in the response. Possible properties: serviceTierAdvisors, upgradeHint, transparentDataEncryption. :type expand: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`Database <azure.mgmt.sql.models.Database>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') if expand is not None: query_parameters['$expand'] = self._serialize.query("expand", expand, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Database', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def list_by_server( self, resource_group_name, server_name, filter=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Returns a list of databases in a server. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param filter: An OData filter expression that describes a subset of databases to return. :type filter: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`DatabasePaged <azure.mgmt.sql.models.DatabasePaged>` :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = self._serialize.query("filter", filter, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.DatabasePaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.DatabasePaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized def list_usages( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Returns database usages. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`DatabaseMetricPaged <azure.mgmt.sql.models.DatabaseMetricPaged>` :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/usages' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.DatabaseMetricPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.DatabaseMetricPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized def get_service_tier_advisor( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, service_tier_advisor_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets a service tier advisor. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of database. :type database_name: str :param service_tier_advisor_name: The name of service tier advisor. :type service_tier_advisor_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`ServiceTierAdvisor <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ServiceTierAdvisor>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/serviceTierAdvisors/{serviceTierAdvisorName}' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str'), 'serviceTierAdvisorName': self._serialize.url("service_tier_advisor_name", service_tier_advisor_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('ServiceTierAdvisor', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def list_service_tier_advisors( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Returns service tier advisors for specified database. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of database. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`ServiceTierAdvisorPaged <azure.mgmt.sql.models.ServiceTierAdvisorPaged>` :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/serviceTierAdvisors' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.ServiceTierAdvisorPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.ServiceTierAdvisorPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized def create_or_update_transparent_data_encryption_configuration( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, status=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Creates or updates a database's transparent data encryption configuration. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database for which setting the transparent data encryption applies. :type database_name: str :param status: The status of the database transparent data encryption. Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled' :type status: str or :class:`TransparentDataEncryptionStates <azure.mgmt.sql.models.TransparentDataEncryptionStates>` :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`TransparentDataEncryption <azure.mgmt.sql.models.TransparentDataEncryption>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ parameters = models.TransparentDataEncryption(status=status) # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/current' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body body_content = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'TransparentDataEncryption') # Construct and send request request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200, 201]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('TransparentDataEncryption', response) if response.status_code == 201: deserialized = self._deserialize('TransparentDataEncryption', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def get_transparent_data_encryption_configuration( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets a database's transparent data encryption configuration. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database for which the transparent data encryption applies. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`TransparentDataEncryption <azure.mgmt.sql.models.TransparentDataEncryption>` :rtype: :class:`ClientRawResponse<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse>` if raw=true :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/current' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('TransparentDataEncryption', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def list_transparent_data_encryption_activity( self, resource_group_name, server_name, database_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Returns a database's transparent data encryption operation result. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :type resource_group_name: str :param server_name: The name of the server. :type server_name: str :param database_name: The name of the database for which the transparent data encryption applies. :type database_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :rtype: :class:`TransparentDataEncryptionActivityPaged <azure.mgmt.sql.models.TransparentDataEncryptionActivityPaged>` :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/current/operationResults' path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str'), 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'serverName': self._serialize.url("server_name", server_name, 'str'), 'databaseName': self._serialize.url("database_name", database_name, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.TransparentDataEncryptionActivityPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.TransparentDataEncryptionActivityPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized
#!/usr/bin/env python import math import sys inFile = open(sys.argv[1]) alnLine = inFile.readline() vals = alnLine.split() query = vals[16] aln = vals[17] target= vals[18] i = 0 hplen = 6 nPATIns = 0 nPATDel = 0 nDel = query.count('-') nIns = target.count('-') nMismatch = 0 while (i < len(query)): if (aln[i] == '*'): if (query[i] != '-' and target[i] != '-' and query[i] != target[i]): nMismatch += 1 i += 1 continue j = i + 1 while (j < len(query) and aln[j] == '*'): j+=1 ql = i qr = j tl = ql tr = qr while (ql > 0 and ((query[i-1] == 'T' or query[i-1] == 'A') and query[ql-1] == query[i-1] )): ql-= 1 while (tl > 0 and ((target[i-1] == 'T' or target[i-1] == 'A') and target[tl-1] == target[i-1])): tl-= 1 while (qr < len(query) and ((query[j] == 'T' or query[j] == 'A') and query[qr] == query[j])): qr+= 1 while (tr < len(target) and ((target[j] == 'T' or target[j] == 'A') and target[tr] == target[j])): tr+= 1 if (query[i] == '-'): indel = 'del' else: indel = 'ins' if (i - ql > hplen or i - tl > hplen or qr - j > hplen or tr - j > hplen): patlen = max(i - ql, i - tl , qr - j, tr - j) motif = 'pAT' print indel + " " + motif + " " + str(j - i) + " " + str(patlen) if (indel == 'del'): nPATDel += j-i else: nPATIns += j-i i = j else: if (query[i] != target[i]): nMismatch += 1 i += 1 print "summary: " + "npATdel: " + str(nPATDel) + " npATins: " + str(nPATIns) print "mm: " + str(nMismatch) print "length: " + str(len(target) - nDel) print "total del: " + str(nDel) + " ins: "+ str(nIns) print "phred: {:2.1f}".format(-10*math.log10((nMismatch + nDel + nIns) / float(len(target))))
import json import os import cloudstorage from google.appengine.api import app_identity import webapp2 import instagram import taxonomy BUCKET_NAME = os.environ.get( 'BUCKET_NAME', app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name()) JSON_OUT = '/%s/birds.json' % BUCKET_NAME cloudstorage.set_default_retry_params( cloudstorage.RetryParams( initial_delay=0.2, max_delay=5.0, backoff_factor=2, max_retry_period=15 )) class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' self.response.write(BUCKET_NAME) instagram_posts = instagram.getPostsByEnglishName() taxonomy_dict = taxonomy.getHierarchicalDict(english_name_filter=instagram_posts) with JSON_OUT, 'w', content_type='application/json', options={'x-goog-acl': 'public-read'}) as f: f.write(json.dumps(taxonomy_dict, separators=(',\n', ':'))) app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ ('/regenerate_json', MainPage), ], debug=True)
from django.contrib import admin from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from broadcasts.models import BroadcastMessage from broadcasts.forms import BroadcastMessageForm class BroadcastAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """Admin class for the broadcast messages""" form = BroadcastMessageForm list_display = ( 'title', 'user_target', 'show_frequency', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'is_published') list_filter = ('is_published', 'show_frequency', 'user_target') search_fields = ['message', 'title'] fieldsets = ( (None, { 'fields': ('title', 'message', 'message_type',) }), (_('Message Targeting'), { 'fields': ('user_target', 'url_target') }), (_("Message Display"), { 'description': _( "Messages will display only if they are published, " "it is between the start and end times, and the show " "frequency has not been exceeded."), 'fields': ('show_frequency', 'is_published', ('start_time', 'end_time')) }) ), BroadcastAdmin)
import random import time import shelve import math import os """ IRC codes:  bold 4 hp red text 5 brown - Strength 11 dexterity """ channel = "#sunfields" levels = [2,3,5,15,19,25,34,70,95,106,135,150,200,300,400,1000,100000] heroes = {} traits = ["spiky","cunning","burly","strong","ablaze","skilled","smart","barraging", "accurate", "daredevil", "bottomless", "undying","quick to learn", "drunk", "glass cannon"] patch_notes = ["Sunfields 1.87", "- A new spell!", ] class Event(): def __init__(self, damage, action, events=None): self.damage = damage self.action = action = events class Hero: def __init__(self, owner, name, pre_traits = None): if pre_traits == None: self.traits = random.sample(traits,2) else: self.traits = (pre_traits + random.sample(traits,2))[:2] = name self.owner = owner self.base_str = self.base_dex = self.base_int = self.base_end = 3 self.extra_str = self.extra_dex = self.extra_end = self.extra_int = 0 self.level = 1 self.xp = 0 self.rank_points = 0 self.stat_points = 5 self.skill_points = 1 if "quick to learn" in self.traits: self.skill_points += 1 self.wins = 0 self.losses = 0 if "strong" in self.traits: self.base_str += 3 if "skilled" in self.traits: self.stat_points += 2 if "drunk" in self.traits: self.base_int -= 2 self.base_str += 7 self.base_dex -= 2 self.base_end += 4 if "glass cannon" in self.traits: self.base_end -= 2 self.base_str -= 2 self.base_int += 7 self.spells = [] self.states = [] if name.lower() == "chuck norris": self.base_str = 89 self.base_end = 67 self.base_dex = 29 self.base_end = 20 global heroes heroes[owner] = self @property def win_percent(self): if self.wins == 0 and self.losses == 0: return "unranked" elif self.losses == 0: return "100%" elif self.wins == 0: return "0%" else: return str(round(float(self.wins)/float(self.wins+self.losses),2)*100)+"%" @property def dexterity(self): return self.base_dex + self.extra_dex @property def strength(self): return self.base_str + self.extra_str @property def intelligence(self): return self.base_int + self.extra_int @property def endurance(self): return self.base_end + self.extra_end @property def mana_regen(self): return 0.25 def clean_up(self,enemy): for i in self.spells: i.cd_counter = i.cd_begin self.extra_end = self.extra_str = self.extra_int = self.extra_dex for s in self.states: s.on_decay(enemy) self.states = [] def on_turn(self,enemy): self.mana += self.mana_regen if "bottomless" in self.traits: self.mana += 0.5 if "undying" in self.traits: self.hp += 1 for s in self.states: print "THIS IS STATE: ", s s.update(enemy) for i in self.spells: d = 1 if "barraging" in self.traits: d +=1 i.cd_counter -= d self.mana = min(self.get_maxMP(),self.mana) self.hp = min(self.get_maxHP(),self.hp) def action(self,enemy): """ Decides what action to take """ for i in self.spells: print i.cd_counter, i, if i.can_cast(enemy): return i.cast(enemy) break else: print "Couldnt cast any spells, attacking!" return self.damage(enemy) def damage(self,enemy): miss_chance = 0.13 - self.dexterity if "drunk" in self.traits: miss_chance = 0.33 if "accurate" in self.traits: miss_chance -= 0.25 if random.random() < miss_chance: return Event(-2,"tries to attack but misses!") dam_type = "damages" print self.strength low = self.strength * 1.5 + self.dexterity * 0.5 high = self.strength * 1.5 + self.dexterity *1.5 if "daredevil" in self.traits: high += self.dexterity * 1.5 print low, high damage = random.randint(max(int(low),0), max(int(high),0)) print "low: ", low, " high: ", high crit_chance = 0.05 + self.dexterity * 0.015 if "cunning" in self.traits: crit_chance += 0.15 if random.random() < 0.05 + self.dexterity * 0.015: if "spiky" in self.traits: damage = damage *3 else: damage = damage * 2 dam_type = "CRITS" return Event(damage,dam_type) def on_damage(self,enemy,damage): for s in self.states: s.on_damage(enemy,damage) def on_damaged(self,enemy,damage): print "yes hello, this is on_damaged speaking?" print len(self.states) for s in self.states: print "This is ", s s.on_damaged(enemy,damage) def get_maxHP(self): hp = 35+self.endurance* 8 + self.strength*2 if "burly" in self.traits: hp += 20 if "daredevil" in self.traits: hp -= 20 if "glass cannon" in self.traits: hp -= 20 return hp def get_maxMP(self): mana = 10+self.base_int*3 if "smart" in self.traits: mana += 15 return mana def repr_stats(self, connection): for i in ["The " + self.traits[0] + " and " + self.traits[1] + " " +, "unallocated stat points, skillpoints:" + str(self.stat_points) + ", " + str(self.skill_points), "wins/losses: " + str(self.wins) +"/"+str(self.losses) + " " + self.win_percent, "level, xp: " + str(self.level)+", 6"+ str(self.xp) + "1/6" + str(levels[self.level]), "rank points: 11" + str(self.rank_points), "owner: " + str(self.owner), "str/dex/end/int: 5%s1/11%s1/3%s1/12%s"%(self.base_str,self.base_dex,self.base_end,self.base_int), ]: connection.privmsg("#sunfields",i) def learn(self,spell): print "Trying to learn",spell if self.skill_points > 0: if learnable_skills.has_key(spell): self.spells.append(learnable_skills[spell](self)) self.skill_points -= 1 print "Learned ",spell,"!" def apply_state(self,state): self.states.append(state) def has_state(self,state_name): n = len([s for s in self.states if == state_name]) if n: return n else: return False class State(): duration = 0 dur_left = duration name = "Stateless State" def __init__(self,owner,enemy): = self.owner = owner self.dur_left = self.duration self.on_apply(enemy) def update(self,enemy): if self.dur_left < 0: self.on_decay(enemy) self.owner.states.remove(self) return self.dur_left -= 1 print self self.on_update(enemy) def on_apply(self,enemy): pass def on_decay(self,enemy): pass def on_update(self,enemy): pass def on_damaged(self,enemy,damage_dealt): pass def on_damage(self,enemy,damage_dealt): pass class Overpower_State(State): duration = 1 name = "Overpower" def on_apply(self,enemy): print self.owner.extra_str += 10 self.owner.extra_dex += 5 def on_decay(self,enemy): self.owner.extra_str -= 10 self.owner.extra_dex -= 5 class Rejuvenation_State(State): duration = 4 name = "Rejuvenation" def on_apply(self,enemy): self.owner.extra_end += 4 def on_update(self,enemy): self.owner.hp += self.owner.intelligence def on_decay(self,enemy): self.owner.extra_end -= 4 class EternalFire_State(State): name = "Eternal Fire" duration = 4 def on_update(self,enemy): self.owner.hp -= 7 class Thorns_State(State): name = "Thorns" duration = 3 def on_damaged(self,enemy,damage_dealt): enemy.hp -= int(damage_dealt / 3.0) class ManaShield_State(State): name = "Mana Shield" duration = 50 def on_damaged(self,enemy,damage_dealt): mana_spent = min(self.owner.mana,damage_dealt/4.0) self.owner.mana -= mana_spent self.owner.hp += mana_spent*4 class CurseOfImpendingDeath_State(State): name = "Curse of Death stack" duration = 9001 class Spell(): mana_cost = 0 cooldown = 1 cd_counter = cooldown cd_begin = cooldown def __init__(self,owner): self.owner = owner self.cd_counter = self.cd_begin def cast(self,enemy): pass def effect(self): pass def can_cast(self,enemy): """ if it can cast, will return True and do all mana cost stuff """ if self.cd_counter > 0: print "cooldown: ", self.cd_counter return False if self.mana_cost > self.owner.mana: print "not enough mana: ",self.mana_cost, " vs owners ",self.owner.mana return False else: if self.will_cast(enemy): self.owner.mana -= self.mana_cost self.cd_counter = self.cooldown return True else: return False def will_cast(self,enemy): return True class Healing(Spell): """ Uses the spirit of Sungod to bathe yourself in a healing light! Heals 15+int*4 to 20+int*6 health""" mana_cost = 6 cooldown = 3 cd_counter = cooldown def cast(self,enemy): i = self.owner.intelligence heal_amount = random.randint(int(12+i*3.5), int(18+i*5)) self.owner.hp += heal_amount return Event(-1,"8Healing1, healing himself for 4"+str(heal_amount)+"4 hp!") def will_cast(self,enemy): if self.owner.get_maxHP() - self.owner.hp < 20+self.owner.intelligence*6 - 15: return False else: return True class Rejuvenation(Spell): """Watch out, it's getting HoT in here!""" mana_cost = 8 cooldown = 6 cd_begin = 2 def cast(self,enemy): self.owner.apply_state(Rejuvenation_State(self.owner,enemy)) return Event(-1, "3Rejuvenation1, giving him some endurance and healing him every turn") def will_cast(self,enemy): if self.owner.get_maxHP() - self.owner.hp < self.owner.intelligence * 2: return False else: return True class EternalFire(Spell): """Watch out, it's getting DoT in here!""" mana_cost = 10 cooldown = 5 cd_begin = 1 def cast(self,enemy): enemy.apply_state(EternalFire_State(enemy,enemy)) return Event(-1, "5Eternal Fire1, burning his enemy!") class Fireball(Spell): """ Throws a mighty fireball towards your enemy, dealing huge damage! Deals 8+int*3 to 14+int*4 damage""" mana_cost = 6 cooldown = 3 cd_counter = cooldown def cast(self,enemy): return Event(self.damage(),"casts a 7Fireball1 at") def damage(self): i = self.owner.intelligence damage = random.randint(8+int(i*3),14+i*4) if "ablaze" in self.owner.traits: damage += 10 return damage class CatsGrace(Spell): """ You are so agile you are extremely agile! Gives you 1+int/8 to 2+int/3 dex for the rest of the fight""" cooldown = 3 mana_cost = 6 def cast(self,enemy): i = self.owner.intelligence dx = random.randint(1+i/8,2+i/3) self.owner.extra_dex += dx return Event(-1, "10Cat's Grace1, increasing his dexterity by "+str(dx)+"!") class Overpower(Spell): """ RAAAWR! You use the spirit of Sungod to grant yourself strength! Grants 10 strength and 5 dexterity for one round""" cooldown = 4 mana_cost = 4 def cast(self,enemy): self.owner.apply_state(Overpower_State(self.owner,enemy)) return Event(-1,"14Overpower1, making his/her next attack mighty frightening!") class Thorns(Spell): """ Touch me, I wanna feel your damage! Returns damage to the enemy when you are damaged.""" cooldown = 7 cd_begin = 1 duration = 4 mana_cost = 14 def cast(self,enemy): self.owner.apply_state(Thorns_State(self.owner,enemy)) return Event(-1,"3Thorns1, making the enemy take damage when they hit him!") class ManaShield(Spell): """ahue""" cooldown = 9001 cd_begin = 0 mana_cost = 6 def cast(self,enemy): self.owner.apply_state(ManaShield_State(self.owner,enemy)) return Event(-1,"2Mana Shield1 to use his mana to protect his vitality") class ManaDrain(Spell): """mmmm yummy!""" cooldown = 5 cd_begin = 3 mana_cost = 7 def cast(self,enemy): i = self.owner.intelligence mana_drained = 12 + i/2 m = min(enemy.mana,mana_drained) self.owner.mana += m enemy.mana -= m enemy.hp -= int(m/2) return Event(-1,"2Mana Drain1, draining 2"+str(m)+"1 mana, and dealing 10"+str(int(m/2.0))+"1 to his opponent!") def will_cast(self,enemy): i = self.owner.intelligence if self.owner.mana + 6 + i/4 < self.owner.get_maxMP() and enemy.mana > 7: return True else: return False class CurseOfImpendingDeath(Spell): """Kill your enemy! Slooowly!""" cooldown = 3 mana_cost = 5 def cast(self,enemy): enemy.apply_state(CurseOfImpendingDeath_State(self.owner,enemy)) stacks = enemy.has_state("Curse of Death stack") damage = 10 + stacks * int((3 + self.owner.intelligence/3)) return Event(damage, "2 Impending Death, the clock ticks, tick tock... ") class LifeDrain(Spell): """Mmmm, tasty!""" cooldown = 4 mana_cost = 7 def cast(self,enemy): damage = 10 + self.owner.intelligence * 3 self.owner.hp += damage return Event(damage, "2 Life Drain, draining %s health for himself!"%(damage)) def update_stats(winner, loser, connection): winner.wins += 1 loser.losses += 1 highest = max(winner.level,loser.level) lowest = max(winner.level,loser.level) rank_dif = winner.rank_points - abs(winner.rank_points - loser.rank_points) #xp = max(int((min(5,1+(highest-lowest/highest)) * rank_dif / 100.0)),0) rank_points = min(5,(winner.rank_points - loser.rank_points)/4+5) #temp calculation xp = loser.level winner.xp += xp loser.xp += xp/5 winner.rank_points += rank_points loser.rank_points -= rank_points if winner.level < len(levels): if winner.xp > levels[winner.level]: winner.level += 1 winner.stat_points += 1 winner.xp = 0 winner.skill_points += 1 combat.log.append([ + " has leveled up!", + " is now level " + str(winner.level)]) return rank_points, xp def _get_hero(owner): try: return heroes[owner] except: repr(heroes) def add_log(message): global log if isinstance(message,list): log.append(message) else: log.append([message]) class Combat(): def __init__(self, users, connection, auto=True): self.turn = 1 self.team1 = users[0] self.team2 = users[1] self.users = zip(users[0],users[1]) for u in users: u.hp = u.get_maxHP() u.mana = u.get_maxMP() self.attack = False self.l = [] self.log = [] a_action = None b_action = None if auto: winner = None while not winner: self.fight_turn() if all(hp < 0 for hp in self.team2): winner = self.defender loser = self.attacker elif all(hp < 0 for hp in self.team1): winner = self.attacker loser = self.defender else: winner = "???" print "Something terribly wrong here" else: global active_combat active_combat = self self.attacker.clean_up(self.defender) self.defender.clean_up(self.attacker) rank,xp = update_stats(winner,loser,connection) self.log.append(["AND THE WINNER IS... " + + "! Winning him/her an amazing 11" + str(rank) + "1 ranking and 6" + str(xp) + "1 xp!"]) self.log_summarize(connection) def fight_turn(self):#, a_action, d_action):@TODO: Implement if not self.attack: self.l.append("TURN "+str(self.turn)+"!") if self.attack: event = self.attacker.action(self.defender) self.defender.hp -= max(event.damage,0) self.attacker.on_turn(self.defender) if event.damage > 0: self.l.append("%s %s %s for 10%s1 damage!"%(, event.action,, event.damage)) self.attacker.on_damage(self.defender,event.damage) self.defender.on_damaged(self.attacker,event.damage) elif event.damage == -1: self.l.append("%s uses %s"%(,event.action)) elif event.damage == -2: self.l.append("%s %s"%(, event.action)) else: event = self.defender.action(self.attacker) self.attacker.hp -= event.damage self.defender.on_turn(self.attacker) if event.damage > 0: self.l.append("%s %s %s for 10%s1 damage!"%(, event.action,, event.damage)) self.attacker.on_damaged(self.defender,event.damage) self.defender.on_damage(self.attacker,event.damage) elif event.damage == -1: self.l.append("%s uses %s"%(, event.action )) elif event.damage == -2: self.l.append("%s %s"%(, event.action)) if self.attack: self.turn +=1 self.l.append(self.log_status(self.attacker, self.defender)) self.log.append(self.l) self.l = [] self.attack = not self.attack def log_status(self, attacker, defender): s1 = "%s hp: 4%s1/4%s1 mp: 2%s1/2%s1 "%(, attacker.hp,attacker.get_maxHP(),int(attacker.mana),attacker.get_maxMP()) s1 = s1.ljust(20) mid = " vs " s2 = "%s hp: 4%s1/4%s1 mp: 2%s1/2%s1 "%(,defender.hp,defender.get_maxHP(),int(defender.mana),defender.get_maxMP()) s2 = s2.rjust(20) return s1 + mid + s2 def log_summarize(self,connection): sleep = 0 sleep_interval = 2 for i in self.log[-50:]: for l in i: connection.privmsg("#sunfields",l) time.sleep(2) self.log = [] def create_hero(owner, name,trts=None): if trts: Hero(owner,name,trts) else: Hero(owner,name,trts) def spend_point(hero, stat,i): if i <= hero.stat_points: if stat == "str" or stat == "strength": hero.stat_points -= i hero.base_str += i elif stat == "int" or stat == "intelligence": hero.stat_points -= i hero.base_int += i elif stat == "dex" or stat == "dexterity": hero.stat_points -= i hero.base_dex += i elif stat == "end" or stat == "endurance": hero.stat_points -= i hero.base_end += i def on_msg(connection,event): cmds = { "create":create_hero, } if != channel: return speaker = event.source().split('!') [0] msg = event.arguments()[0] print "Sunfield>" + speaker +": " + msg print "Sunfield cmd: "+msg cmd = msg.split() command,args = cmd[0],cmd[1:] print "Command: ", command, "Args: ", args if speaker in combat.users: if combat.valid_command(user, cmd): combat.user_do(user, cmd) return if command == "fight" or command == "c": global heroes print heroes a = " ".join(args) if not args: pass elif a == speaker: pass elif a not in heroes.keys(): pass else: Combat(_get_hero(speaker),_get_hero(a),connection) elif command == "create" or command == "c": a = " ".join(args) name,waste,trts = a.partition(",") if trts: trts = [t.strip(" ") for t in trts.split(",")] if a == "": pass else: if trts: create_hero(speaker,name,trts) else: create_hero(speaker,name) elif command == "spend": i = 1 if len(args) == 3 and args[1] == "*": i = int(args[2]) spend_point(_get_hero(speaker),args[0],i) elif command == "stats": if not len(args) or args[0] == "": hero = _get_hero(speaker) elif heroes.has_key(args[0]): hero = _get_hero(args[0]) else: hero = None if hero: hero.repr_stats(connection) elif command == "wipeYESIAMSURE": heroes = {} create_Sungod() create_dummy_hero("Dummy Weak",end=5) create_dummy_hero("Dummy Strong",end=10) elif command == "rename": if not len(args): pass else: heroes[speaker].name = " ".join(args) elif command == "save": save_heroes() elif command == "learn": _get_hero(speaker).learn(" ".join(args)) elif command == "skills": connection.privmsg("#sunfields", ", ".join(learnable_skills.keys())) elif command == "traits": for i in traits: connection.privmsg("#sunfields",i) elif command == "retrain": print "-----retrain-----" print " ".join(args).split(",") t = [i for i in (" ".join(args)).split(",") if i != " "] print t new_traits = [t.strip(" ") for t in (" ".join(args)).split(",") if t != " "][:2] print new_traits print len(new_traits) if len(traits) == 1: new_traits.append(random.choice([i for i in traits if i != new_traits[0]])) elif len(traits) == 0: new_traits = random.sample(traits,2) h = _get_hero(speaker) print h.traits h.traits = new_traits print h.traits elif command == "patch": display_patch(connection) elif command == "info": a = " ".join(args) if learnable_skills.has_key(a): connection.privmsg("%sunfields","skill: "+a) for h in learnable_skills[a].__doc__.split("\n"): connection.privmsg("#sunfields",h) elif command == "heroes": for i in heroes.values(): connection.privmsg("#sunfields"," ("+i.owner+")") if hasattr(cmds,command): #doesnt seem to work print "oh my! cmd!" cmds[command](*args) else: print "no have!" def save_heroes(config = "stats\\heroes.db"): s = for k,v in heroes.items(): s[k] = v def load_heroes(config = "stats\\heroes.db"): global heroes print os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) print os.path.abspath(config) try: s = except Exception: f = open(config, "wb") f.close() s = for k,v in s.items(): print k,":",v heroes[k] = v def create_Sungod(): h = Hero("Sungod","Sungod") h.level = 15 h.stat_points += 14 h.skill_points = len(learnable_skills.keys())+1 for i in range(h.stat_points): i = random.randint(1,4) if i == 1: h.base_str += 1 elif i == 2: h.base_dex += 1 elif i == 3: h.base_int += 1 elif i == 4: h.base_end += 1 h.stat_points = 0 for s in random.sample(learnable_skills.keys(),6): h.learn(s) def create_dummy_hero(name,end=5): h = Hero(name,name) h.base_dex = 0 h.base_end = end h.base_int = 5 h.base_str = 0 h.learn("Thorns") h.skill_points = 0 h.stat_points = 0 def display_patch(connection): for i in patch_notes: connection.privmsg("#sunfields",i) def init(heroes_dict): # heroes = heroes_dict load_heroes() print "HEROES: ", heroes if not heroes.has_key("Sungod"): create_Sungod() if not heroes.has_key("Dummy"): create_dummy_hero("Dummy Weak",end=5) create_dummy_hero("Dummy Strong",end=10) learnable_skills = {"Fireball":Fireball,"Healing":Healing,"Cat's Grace":CatsGrace, "Overpower":Overpower,"Eternal Fire":EternalFire,"Rejuvenation":Rejuvenation,"Thorns":Thorns,"Life Drain":LifeDrain, "Mana Shield":ManaShield,"Mana Drain":ManaDrain,"Curse Of Impending Death":CurseOfImpendingDeath}
26,381 #Raspberry Pi, Minecraft Snake #import the module from the minecraft directory import minecraft #import minecraft block module import block #import time, so delays can be used import time #import random module to create random number import random HOUSEWIDTH=6 HOUSEHEIGHT=2 def buildHouse(mc, x, y, z): #draw floor mc.setBlocks(x,y-1,z,x+HOUSEWIDTH,y-1,z+HOUSEWIDTH, #draw walls mc.setBlocks(x, y, z, x+HOUSEWIDTH, y+HOUSEHEIGHT, z, mc.setBlocks(x+HOUSEWIDTH, y, z, x+HOUSEWIDTH, y+HOUSEHEIGHT, z+HOUSEWIDTH, mc.setBlocks(x+HOUSEWIDTH, y, z+HOUSEWIDTH, x, y+HOUSEHEIGHT, z+HOUSEWIDTH, mc.setBlocks(x, y, z+HOUSEWIDTH, x, y+HOUSEHEIGHT, z, #draw windows mc.setBlocks(x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)-2,y+1,z,x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)-2,y+2,z, mc.setBlocks(x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)+2,y+1,z,x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)+2,y+2,z, #draw door #cobble arch mc.setBlocks(x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)-1,y,z,x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)+1,y+2,z, # clear space for door mc.setBlocks(x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2),y,z,x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2),y+1,z, #draw torches mc.setBlock(x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)-1,y+2,z-1,,1) mc.setBlock(x+(HOUSEWIDTH/2)+1,y+2,z-1,,1) #draw roof mc.setBlocks(x,y+HOUSEHEIGHT+1,z,x+HOUSEWIDTH,y+HOUSEHEIGHT+1,z+HOUSEWIDTH, def clearHouse(mc, x, y, z): mc.setBlocks(x,y-1,z,x+HOUSEWIDTH,y+HOUSEHEIGHT+1,z+HOUSEWIDTH, #main program if __name__ == "__main__": time.sleep(3) #Connect to minecraft by creating the minecraft object # - minecraft needs to be running and in a game mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() playersPath = [] lastPlayerPos = mc.player.getTilePos() playersPath.append(lastPlayerPos) lastHousePos = None while(True): playerPos = mc.player.getTilePos() if playerPos != lastPlayerPos: playersPath.append(playerPos) lastPlayerPos = playerPos #when a player has moved 15 blocks, moved their house and reset the path if len(playersPath) == 15: #clear the old house (if there was one) if lastHousePos is not None: clearHouse(mc, lastHousePos.x, lastHousePos.y, lastHousePos.z) #create house 10 blocks back, we dont want the house on top of us! lastHousePos = playersPath[5] lastHousePos.y = mc.getHeight(lastHousePos.x,lastHousePos.z) buildHouse(mc,lastHousePos.x, lastHousePos.y, lastHousePos.z) #clear list playersPath[:] = []
""" This module contains base functions to parse different layouts of the excel files produced by the TECAN infinite pro. """ import re import datetime import xlrd import numpy as np from ..curves import Curve def parse_tecan(filename, sheet_index=None, info=False): """ Parses a .xlsx file from a cinetic experiment File specifications: """ sheets = workbook2numpy(filename, sheet_index=sheet_index) if info: info_dict = get_info(sheets) if isinstance(sheets, list): starts = map(find_start_in_sheet, sheets) t0 = min([s for s in starts if (s is not None)]) if info: return [[parse_sheet(sheet, t0=t0)[1] for sheet in sheets], info_dict] else: return [parse_sheet(sheet, t0=t0)[1] for sheet in sheets] else: if info: return [parse_sheet(sheets), info_dict] else: return parse_sheet(sheets) def get_info(sheets): info_dict = {} if isinstance(sheets, list): i = 0 while len(sheets[i][0]) == 0: i += 1 sheet = sheets[i] i = 0 print("SHEET", sheet.shape) modeindex = 0 nameindex = 0 while i < sheet.shape[0]: if sheet[i][0].startswith('List of actions'): print("ACTIONS", i) info_dict["actions"] = [] i += 1 while not ('Label' in sheet[i][0]): if len(sheet[i][0]) != 0: linelist = [var for var in sheet[i] if var] info_dict["actions"].append( [linelist[0], ' '.join(linelist[1:])]) i += 1 if sheet[i][0].startswith('Mode'): print("MODE", i) linelist = [var for var in sheet[i] if var] info_dict[modeindex] = [[linelist[0], ' '.join(linelist[1:])]] i += 1 while not (sheet[i][0].startswith('Mode') or len(sheet[i][0]) == 0 or sheet[i][0].startswith('Start Time')): linelist = [var for var in sheet[i] if var] info_dict[modeindex].append( [linelist[0], ' '.join(linelist[1:])]) i += 1 if len(sheet[i][0]) != 0: i -= 1 modeindex += 1 if sheet[i][0].startswith('Start Time'): linelist = [var for var in sheet[i] if var] info_dict["Start Time"] = ' '.join(linelist[1:]) if sheet[i][0].startswith('Cycle Nr'): info_dict[nameindex].append(['Name', sheet[i - 1][0]]) nameindex += 1 i += 1 return info_dict def workbook2numpy(filename, sheet_index=None): """ loads the xlsx file as a (Numpy) array, or list of numpy arrays if there are several sheets. If `sheetindex` is None, """ book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename) sheets = np.array(book.sheets()) if sheet_index is None: sheet_index = range(len(sheets)) if np.isscalar(sheet_index): return sheet2numpy(sheets[0]) else: res = [] for sh in sheets[sheet_index]: try: res.append(sheet2numpy(sh)) except: pass return res[0] if len(res) == 1 else res def find_start_in_sheet(sheet): for line in sheet: if len(line) == 0: pass elif line[0] == "Start Time:": return date2seconds(line[1]) return None def sheet2numpy(sheet): """ Conversts a xlread Excel sheet to a numpy array """ X, Y = sheet.ncols, sheet.nrows arr = [[sheet.cell(y, x).value for x in range(X)] for y in range(Y)] return np.array(arr) def parse_sheet(sheet, t0=None): wells_dict = {"%s%d" % (c, i): dict() for c in "ABCDEFGH" for i in range(1, 13)} start_time = 0 for i, line in enumerate(sheet): if len(line) == 0: pass elif line[0] == "Start Time:": start_time = date2seconds(line[1]) if t0 is None: t0 = start_time start_time = start_time - t0 parse_labels(sheet, i, wells_dict, start_time) return t0, wells_dict def parse_labels(sheet, i, wells_dict, start_time): """ Parses the different labels encountered (and fills the given plate until an "End Time:" cell is found. """ j = i while sheet[j][0] != "End Time:": if sheet[j][0] == "Cycle Nr.": parse_label(sheet, j, wells_dict, start_time) j += 1 def parse_label(sheet, i, wells_dict, start_time=0, timePerWell=True, over_replace=-1, per_column=False): """ Parses an array of measurements, supposing that line i of arr in the first line of an array of the form: Cycle Nr, 1, 2 Time [s], 0, 34.5 Temp. [C], 23.5, 23.5 A1, 0.3174999952, 0.3181999922 t 00 30 <- time per well activated A2, 0.3980999887, 0.4104000032 t 02 32 """ label = sheet[i - 1, 0] if per_column: sheet = sheet[i:, :].T i = 0 try: xmax = list(sheet[i]).index(u'') - 1 except: xmax = len(list(sheet[i])) if sheet[i + 1][1] == '': # return if the first data element is empty (meaning all data should be # empty) return if not timePerWell: # read the times once and for all tt = sheet[i + 1, 1:xmax].astype(float) / 60000 + start_time j = i + 3 else: j = i + 2 while (j < sheet.shape[0]) and (sheet[j, 0] != u''): try: xmax = list(sheet[j]).index(u'') - 1 except: xmax = len(list(sheet[j])) try: well = sheet[j, 0] if timePerWell: tt = sheet[j + 1, 1:xmax].astype(float) / 60000 + start_time yy = sheet[j, 1:xmax] yy[yy == 'OVER'] = over_replace curve = Curve(tt.astype(float), yy.astype(float)) if not (label in wells_dict[well].keys()): wells_dict[well][label] = curve else: wells_dict[well][label] = wells[well][label].merge_with(curve) j += 2 if timePerWell else 1 except: j += 2 if timePerWell else 1 continue pass def merge_wells_dicts(wells_dicts): """ Merges the dictionnaries """ result = {"%s%d" % (c, i): dict() for c in "ABCDEFGH" for i in range(1, 13)} for wells_dict in wells_dicts: for well, curves_dict in wells_dict.items(): for label, curve in curves_dict.items(): if not (label in result[well].keys()): result[well][label] = curve else: result[well][label] =\ result[well][label].merge_with(curve) return result def to_coords(s): """ Converts "A5", "C11", ... into (0,5), (2,11) ... """ return ("ABCDEFGH".index(s[0]), int(s[1:]) - 1) def date2seconds(timeString): """ Converts a Tecan date string ("08/10/2013 17:44:24") into seconds since 1970/1/1 """ template = "(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)" matching = re.match(template, timeString) day, mth, yr, hr, mn, sec = map(int, matching.groups()) t1 = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, day, hr, mn, sec) t0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) return (t1 - t0).total_seconds()
import os import re import gtk import gio import gobject import pango from xdg import BaseDirectory as base from xdg import DesktopEntry as desktop from kupfer import config, pretty, utils, icons, version from kupfer import scheduler, kupferstring from kupfer.core import settings, plugins, relevance, sources from kupfer.ui import keybindings from kupfer.ui.credentials_dialog import ask_user_credentials from kupfer.ui import getkey_dialog from kupfer import plugin_support # index in GtkNotebook PLUGIN_LIST_PAGE = 2 # List icon pixel size LIST_ICON_SIZE = 18 # A major HACK # def _cb_allocate(label, allocation, maxwid): if maxwid == -1: maxwid = 300 label.set_size_request(min(maxwid, allocation.width), -1) pass def wrapped_label(text=None, maxwid=-1): label = gtk.Label(text) label.set_line_wrap(True) label.connect("size-allocate", _cb_allocate, maxwid) return label def kobject_should_show(obj): try: leaf_repr = obj.get_leaf_repr() except AttributeError: pass else: if leaf_repr is None: return True if hasattr(leaf_repr, "is_valid") and not leaf_repr.is_valid(): return False return True class PreferencesWindowController (pretty.OutputMixin): KEYBINDING_NAMES = { # TRANS: Names of global keyboard shortcuts 'keybinding': _("Show Main Interface"), 'magickeybinding': _("Show with Selection"), } KEYBINDING_TARGETS = { "keybinding": keybindings.KEYBINDING_DEFAULT, "magickeybinding": keybindings.KEYBINDING_MAGIC, } ACCELERATOR_NAMES = { # TRANS: Names of accelerators in the interface 'activate': _('Alternate Activate'), # TRANS: The "Comma Trick"/"Put Selection on Stack" allows the # TRANS: user to select many objects to be used for one action 'comma_trick': _('Comma Trick'), # TRANS: "Compose Command" makes one object out of the selected # TRANS: object + action (+iobject) 'compose_action': _('Compose Command'), 'reset_all': _('Reset All'), 'select_quit': _('Select Quit'), 'select_selected_file': _('Select Selected File'), 'select_selected_text': _('Select Selected Text'), 'show_help': _('Show Help'), 'show_preferences': _('Show Preferences'), 'switch_to_source': _('Switch to First Pane'), "toggle_text_mode_quick": _('Toggle Text Mode'), } def __init__(self): """Load ui from data file""" builder = gtk.Builder() builder.set_translation_domain(version.PACKAGE_NAME) ui_file = config.get_data_file("preferences.ui") if ui_file: builder.add_from_file(ui_file) else: self.window = None return builder.connect_signals(self) self.window = builder.get_object("preferenceswindow") self.window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) self.window.connect("delete-event", self._close_window) self.pluglist_parent = builder.get_object("plugin_list_parent") self.dirlist_parent = builder.get_object("directory_list_parent") self.plugin_about_parent = builder.get_object("plugin_about_parent") self.preferences_notebook = builder.get_object("preferences_notebook") self.buttonremovedirectory = builder.get_object("buttonremovedirectory") checkautostart = builder.get_object("checkautostart") checkstatusicon = builder.get_object("checkstatusicon") checkcloseonunfocus = builder.get_object("checkcloseonunfocus") checkusecommandkeys = builder.get_object("checkusecommandkeys") self.entry_plugins_filter = builder.get_object('entry_plugins_filter') self.keybindings_list_parent = builder.get_object('keybindings_list_parent') self.gkeybindings_list_parent = builder.get_object('gkeybindings_list_parent') source_list_parent = builder.get_object("source_list_parent") self.sources_list_ctrl = SourceListController(source_list_parent) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() checkautostart.set_active(self._get_should_autostart()) checkstatusicon.set_active(setctl.get_show_status_icon()) checkusecommandkeys.set_active(setctl.get_use_command_keys()) checkcloseonunfocus.set_active(setctl.get_close_on_unfocus()) # Plugin List columns = [ {"key": "plugin_id", "type": str }, {"key": "enabled", "type": bool }, {"key": "icon-name", "type": str }, {"key": "markup", "type": str }, ] # setup plugin list table column_types = [c["type"] for c in columns] self.columns = [c["key"] for c in columns] = gtk.ListStore(*column_types) self.table = gtk.TreeView( self.table.set_headers_visible(False) self.table.set_property("enable-search", False) self.table.set_rules_hint(True) self.table.connect("cursor-changed", self.plugin_table_cursor_changed) self.table.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE) checkcell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() checkcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn("item", checkcell) checkcol.add_attribute(checkcell, "active", self.columns.index("enabled")) checkcell.connect("toggled", self.on_checkplugin_toggled) icon_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() icon_cell.set_property("height", LIST_ICON_SIZE) icon_cell.set_property("width", LIST_ICON_SIZE) icon_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("icon", icon_cell) icon_col.add_attribute(icon_cell, "icon-name", self.columns.index("icon-name")) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("item", cell) col.add_attribute(cell, "markup", self.columns.index("markup")) self.table.append_column(checkcol) # hide icon for now #self.table.append_column(icon_col) self.table.append_column(col) self.plugin_list_timer = scheduler.Timer() self.plugin_info = utils.locale_sort(plugins.get_plugin_info(), key= lambda rec: rec["localized_name"]) self._refresh_plugin_list() self.output_debug("Standard Plugins: %d" % len( self.pluglist_parent.add(self.table) # Directory List self.dir_store = gtk.ListStore(str, gio.Icon, str) self.dir_table = gtk.TreeView(self.dir_store) self.dir_table.set_headers_visible(False) self.dir_table.set_property("enable-search", False) self.dir_table.connect("cursor-changed", self.dir_table_cursor_changed) self.dir_table.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE) icon_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() icon_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("icon", icon_cell) icon_col.add_attribute(icon_cell, "gicon", 1) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("name", cell) col.add_attribute(cell, "text", 2) cell.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.dir_table.append_column(icon_col) self.dir_table.append_column(col) self.dirlist_parent.add(self.dir_table) self.read_directory_settings() # keybindings list self.keybind_table, self.keybind_store = _create_conf_keys_list() self.keybindings_list_parent.add(self.keybind_table) self.keybind_table.connect("row-activated", self.on_keybindings_row_activate) # global keybindings list self.gkeybind_table, self.gkeybind_store = _create_conf_keys_list() self.gkeybindings_list_parent.add(self.gkeybind_table) self.gkeybind_table.connect("row-activated", self.on_gkeybindings_row_activate) self._show_keybindings(setctl) self._show_gkeybindings(setctl) def _show_keybindings(self, setctl): names = self.KEYBINDING_NAMES self.keybind_store.clear() for binding in sorted(names, key=lambda k: names[k]): accel = setctl.get_global_keybinding(binding) label = gtk.accelerator_get_label(*gtk.accelerator_parse(accel)) self.keybind_store.append((names[binding], label, binding)) def _show_gkeybindings(self, setctl): names = self.ACCELERATOR_NAMES self.gkeybind_store.clear() for binding in sorted(names, key=lambda k: names[k]): accel = setctl.get_accelerator(binding) label = gtk.accelerator_get_label(*gtk.accelerator_parse(accel)) self.gkeybind_store.append((names[binding], label, binding)) def read_directory_settings(self): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() dirs = setctl.get_directories() for d in dirs: self.add_directory_model(d, store=False) def add_directory_model(self, d, store=False): have = list(os.path.normpath(row[0]) for row in self.dir_store) if d in have: self.output_debug("Ignoring duplicate directory: ", d) return else: have.append(d) d = os.path.expanduser(d) dispname = utils.get_display_path_for_bytestring(d) gicon = icons.get_gicon_for_file(d) self.dir_store.append((d, gicon, dispname)) if store: setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_directories(have) def remove_directory_model(self, rowiter, store=True): dirpath = self.dir_store.get_value(rowiter, 0) self.dir_store.remove(rowiter) if store: have = list(os.path.normpath(row[0]) for row in self.dir_store) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_directories(have) def on_preferenceswindow_key_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == gtk.gdk.keyval_from_name("Escape"): self.hide() return True def on_checkstatusicon_toggled(self, widget): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_show_status_icon(widget.get_active()) def _get_should_autostart(self): KUPFER_DESKTOP = "kupfer.desktop" AUTOSTART_KEY = "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled" autostart_dir = base.save_config_path("autostart") autostart_file = os.path.join(autostart_dir, KUPFER_DESKTOP) if not os.path.exists(autostart_file): return False dfile = desktop.DesktopEntry(autostart_file) return (dfile.hasKey(AUTOSTART_KEY) and dfile.get(AUTOSTART_KEY, type="boolean")) def on_checkautostart_toggled(self, widget): KUPFER_DESKTOP = "kupfer.desktop" AUTOSTART_KEY = "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled" autostart_dir = base.save_config_path("autostart") autostart_file = os.path.join(autostart_dir, KUPFER_DESKTOP) if not os.path.exists(autostart_file): desktop_files = list(base.load_data_paths("applications", KUPFER_DESKTOP)) if not desktop_files: self.output_error("Installed kupfer desktop file not found!") return desktop_file_path = desktop_files[0] # Read installed file and modify it dfile = desktop.DesktopEntry(desktop_file_path) executable = dfile.getExec() if "--no-splash" not in executable: executable += " --no-splash" dfile.set("Exec", executable) else: dfile = desktop.DesktopEntry(autostart_file) activestr = str(bool(widget.get_active())).lower() self.output_debug("Setting autostart to", activestr) dfile.set(AUTOSTART_KEY, activestr) dfile.write(filename=autostart_file) def on_entrykeybinding_changed(self, widget): pass def on_buttonkeybinding_clicked(self, widget): keystr = getkey_dialog.ask_for_key(keybindings.bind_key) if keystr: self.entrykeybinding.set_text(keystr) self.output_debug("Try set keybinding with", keystr) succ = keybindings.bind_key(keystr) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_keybinding(keystr) def on_helpbutton_clicked(self, widget): pass def on_closebutton_clicked(self, widget): self.hide() def _refresh_plugin_list(self, us_filter=None): "List plugins that pass text filter @us_filter or list all if None" setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() if us_filter: self.plugin_list_timer.set_ms(300, self._show_focus_topmost_plugin) else: self.plugin_list_timer.invalidate() for info in self.plugin_info: plugin_id = info["name"] if setctl.get_plugin_is_hidden(plugin_id): continue enabled = setctl.get_plugin_enabled(plugin_id) name = info["localized_name"] folded_name = kupferstring.tofolded(name) desc = info["description"] text = u"%s" % name if us_filter: name_score = relevance.score(name, us_filter) fold_name_score = relevance.score(folded_name, us_filter) desc_score = relevance.score(desc, us_filter) if not name_score and not fold_name_score and desc_score < 0.9: continue, enabled, "kupfer-object", text)) def _show_focus_topmost_plugin(self): try: first_row = iter( except StopIteration: return plugin_id = first_row[0] self.show_focus_plugin(plugin_id) def on_checkplugin_toggled(self, cell, path): checkcol = self.columns.index("enabled") plugin_id = self._id_for_table_path(path) it = plugin_is_enabled = not, checkcol), checkcol, plugin_is_enabled) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_plugin_enabled(plugin_id, plugin_is_enabled) def _id_for_table_path(self, path): it = id_col = self.columns.index("plugin_id") plugin_id =, id_col) return plugin_id def _table_path_for_id(self, id_): """ Find the tree path of plugin @id_ """ id_col = self.columns.index("plugin_id") for row in plugin_id = row[id_col] if plugin_id == id_: return row.path raise ValueError("No such plugin %s" % id_) def _plugin_info_for_id(self, plugin_id): for info in self.plugin_info: if info["name"] == plugin_id: return info return None def plugin_table_cursor_changed(self, table): curpath, curcol = table.get_cursor() if not curpath: return plugin_id = self._id_for_table_path(curpath) self.plugin_sidebar_update(plugin_id) def plugin_sidebar_update(self, plugin_id): about = gtk.VBox() about.set_property("spacing", 15) about.set_property("border-width", 5) info = self._plugin_info_for_id(plugin_id) title_label = gtk.Label() title_label.set_markup(u"<b><big>%s</big></b>" % info["localized_name"]) version, description, author = plugins.get_plugin_attributes(plugin_id, ( "__version__", "__description__", "__author__", )) about.pack_start(title_label, False) infobox = gtk.VBox() infobox.set_property("spacing", 3) # TRANS: Plugin info fields for field, val in zip((_("Description"), _("Author")), (description, author)): if not val: continue label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0, 0) label.set_markup(u"<b>%s</b>" % field) infobox.pack_start(label, False) label = wrapped_label() label.set_alignment(0, 0) label.set_markup(u"%s" % gobject.markup_escape_text(val)) label.set_selectable(True) infobox.pack_start(label, False) if version: label = wrapped_label() label.set_alignment(0, 0) label.set_markup(u"<b>%s:</b> %s" % (_("Version"), version)) label.set_selectable(True) infobox.pack_start(label, False) about.pack_start(infobox, False) # Check for plugin load exception exc_info = plugins.get_plugin_error(plugin_id) if exc_info is not None: etype, error, tb = exc_info # TRANS: Error message when Plugin needs a Python module to load import_error_localized = _("Python module '%s' is needed") % u"\\1" import_error_pat = u"No module named ([^\s]+)" errmsg = unicode(error) if re.match(import_error_pat, errmsg): errstr = re.sub(import_error_pat, import_error_localized, errmsg, count=1) else: import traceback errstr = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) label = wrapped_label() label.set_alignment(0, 0) label.set_markup(u"<b>%s</b>\n\n%s" % ( _("Plugin could not be read due to an error:"), gobject.markup_escape_text(errstr), )) label.set_selectable(True) about.pack_start(label, False) elif not plugins.is_plugin_loaded(plugin_id): label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0, 0) label.set_text(u"(%s)" % _("disabled")) about.pack_start(label, False) wid = self._make_plugin_info_widget(plugin_id) about.pack_start(wid, False) psettings_wid = self._make_plugin_settings_widget(plugin_id) if psettings_wid: about.pack_start(psettings_wid, False) oldch = self.plugin_about_parent.get_child() if oldch: self.plugin_about_parent.remove(oldch) vp = gtk.Viewport() vp.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) vp.add(about) self.plugin_about_parent.add(vp) self.plugin_about_parent.show_all() def _make_plugin_info_widget(self, plugin_id): sources, actions, text_sources = \ plugins.get_plugin_attributes(plugin_id, ( plugins.sources_attribute, plugins.action_decorators_attribute, plugins.text_sources_attribute) ) all_items = list() vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.set_property("spacing", 5) def make_objects_frame(objs, title): frame_label = gtk.Label() frame_label.set_markup(u"<b>%s</b>" % title) frame_label.set_alignment(0, 0) objvbox = gtk.VBox() objvbox.pack_start(frame_label, False) objvbox.set_property("spacing", 3) for item in objs: plugin_type = plugins.get_plugin_attribute(plugin_id, item) if not plugin_type: continue hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.set_property("spacing", 3) obj = plugin_type() name = unicode(obj) desc = obj.get_description() or u"" gicon = obj.get_icon() im = gtk.Image() im.set_property("gicon", gicon) im.set_property("pixel-size", 32) hbox.pack_start(im, False) name_label = \ u"%s\n<small>%s</small>" % (name, desc) if desc else \ u"%s" % (name, ) label = wrapped_label() label.set_markup(name_label) hbox.pack_start(label, False) objvbox.pack_start(hbox) # Display information for application content-sources. if not kobject_should_show(obj): continue try: leaf_repr = obj.get_leaf_repr() except AttributeError: continue if leaf_repr is None: continue hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.set_property("spacing", 3) gicon = leaf_repr.get_icon() im = gtk.Image() im.set_property("gicon", gicon) im.set_property("pixel-size", 16) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_("Content of")), False) hbox.pack_start(im, False) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(unicode(leaf_repr)), False) objvbox.pack_start(hbox) return objvbox sources = list(sources or ()) + list(text_sources or ()) if sources: # TRANS: Plugin contents header swid = make_objects_frame(sources, _("Sources")) vbox.pack_start(swid) if actions: # TRANS: Plugin contents header awid = make_objects_frame(actions, _("Actions")) vbox.pack_start(awid) vbox.show_all() return vbox def _get_plugin_change_callback(self, plugin_id, key, value_type, get_attr, no_false_values=False): """Callback factory for the plugin parameter configuration""" def callback(widget): value = getattr(widget, get_attr)() if no_false_values and not value: return setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_plugin_config(plugin_id, key, value, value_type) return callback def _get_plugin_credentials_callback(self, plugin_id, key): def callback(widget): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() val_type = plugin_support.UserNamePassword upass = setctl.get_plugin_config(plugin_id, key, val_type) \ or plugin_support.UserNamePassword() user_password = ask_user_credentials(upass.username, upass.password) if user_password: upass.username, upass.password = user_password setctl.set_plugin_config(plugin_id, key, upass, val_type) return callback def _make_plugin_settings_widget(self, plugin_id): plugin_settings = plugins.get_plugin_attribute(plugin_id, plugins.settings_attribute) if not plugin_settings: return None info = self._plugin_info_for_id(plugin_id) title_label = gtk.Label() # TRANS: Plugin-specific configuration (header) title_label.set_markup(u"<b>%s</b>" % _("Configuration")) title_label.set_alignment(0, 0) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(title_label, False) #vbox.set_property("spacing", 5) plugin_settings_keys = iter(plugin_settings) if plugin_settings else () for setting in plugin_settings_keys: typ = plugin_settings.get_value_type(setting) alternatives = plugin_settings.get_alternatives(setting) tooltip = plugin_settings.get_tooltip(setting) wid = None hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.set_property("spacing", 10) if tooltip: hbox.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) label = plugin_settings.get_label(setting) if issubclass(typ, plugin_support.UserNamePassword): wid = gtk.Button(label or _("Set username and password")) wid.connect("clicked", self._get_plugin_credentials_callback( plugin_id, setting)) hbox.pack_start(wid, False) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False) continue label_wid = wrapped_label(label, maxwid=200) if issubclass(typ, basestring): if alternatives: wid = gtk.combo_box_new_text() val = plugin_settings[setting] active_index = -1 for idx, text in enumerate(alternatives): wid.append_text(text) if text == val: active_index = idx if active_index < 0: wid.prepend_text(val) active_index = 0 wid.set_active(active_index) wid.connect("changed", self._get_plugin_change_callback( plugin_id, setting, typ, "get_active_text")) else: wid = gtk.Entry() wid.set_text(plugin_settings[setting]) wid.connect("changed", self._get_plugin_change_callback( plugin_id, setting, typ, "get_text", no_false_values=True)) hbox.pack_start(label_wid, False) hbox.pack_start(wid, True) elif issubclass(typ, bool): wid = gtk.CheckButton(label) wid.set_active(plugin_settings[setting]) hbox.pack_start(wid, False) wid.connect("toggled", self._get_plugin_change_callback( plugin_id, setting, typ, "get_active")) elif issubclass(typ, int): wid = gtk.SpinButton() wid.set_increments(1, 1) wid.set_range(0, 1000) wid.set_value(plugin_settings[setting]) hbox.pack_start(label_wid, False) hbox.pack_start(wid, False) wid.connect("changed", self._get_plugin_change_callback( plugin_id, setting, typ, "get_text", no_false_values=True)) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False) vbox.show_all() return vbox def on_buttonadddirectory_clicked(self, widget): # TRANS: File Chooser Title chooser_dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_("Choose a Directory"), action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) if == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: selected_dir = chooser_dialog.get_filename() self.add_directory_model(selected_dir, store=True) chooser_dialog.hide() def on_buttonremovedirectory_clicked(self, widget): curpath, curcol = self.dir_table.get_cursor() if not curpath: return it = self.dir_store.get_iter(curpath) self.remove_directory_model(it, store=True) def on_entry_plugins_filter_changed(self, widget): s_filter = widget.get_text() us_filter = kupferstring.tounicode(s_filter).lower() self._refresh_plugin_list(us_filter) def on_entry_plugins_filter_icon_press(self, entry, icon_pos, event): entry.set_text('') def on_keybindings_row_activate(self, treeview, path, view_column): def bind_key_func(target): def bind_key(keystr): return keybindings.bind_key(keystr, target) return bind_key it = self.keybind_store.get_iter(path) keybind_id = self.keybind_store.get_value(it, 2) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() curr_key = setctl.get_global_keybinding(keybind_id) bind_func = bind_key_func(self.KEYBINDING_TARGETS[keybind_id]) keystr = getkey_dialog.ask_for_key(bind_func, curr_key) if keystr == '': keybindings.bind_key(None, self.KEYBINDING_TARGETS[keybind_id]) setctl.set_global_keybinding(keybind_id, keystr) self.keybind_store.set_value(it, 1, '') elif keystr is not None: setctl.set_global_keybinding(keybind_id, keystr) label = gtk.accelerator_get_label(*gtk.accelerator_parse(keystr)) self.keybind_store.set_value(it, 1, label) def _is_good_keystr(self, keystr): # Reject single letters so you can't bind 'A' etc if keystr is None: return label = gtk.accelerator_get_label(*gtk.accelerator_parse(keystr)) ulabel = kupferstring.tounicode(label) return not (len(ulabel) == 1 and ulabel.isalnum()) def on_gkeybindings_row_activate(self, treeview, path, view_column): it = self.gkeybind_store.get_iter(path) keybind_id = self.gkeybind_store.get_value(it, 2) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() curr_key = setctl.get_accelerator(keybind_id) keystr = getkey_dialog.ask_for_key(self._is_good_keystr, previous_key=curr_key) if keystr is not None: setctl.set_accelerator(keybind_id, keystr) label = gtk.accelerator_get_label(*gtk.accelerator_parse(keystr)) self.gkeybind_store.set_value(it, 1, label) def on_button_reset_keys_clicked(self, button): if self.ask_user_for_reset_keybinding(): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.reset_keybindings() self._show_keybindings(setctl) # Unbind all before re-binding for keybind_id, target in self.KEYBINDING_TARGETS.iteritems(): keybindings.bind_key(None, target) for keybind_id, target in self.KEYBINDING_TARGETS.iteritems(): keystr = setctl.get_global_keybinding(keybind_id) keybindings.bind_key(keystr, target) def on_button_reset_gkeys_clicked(self, button): if self.ask_user_for_reset_keybinding(): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.reset_accelerators() self._show_gkeybindings(setctl) def on_checkusecommandkeys_toggled(self, widget): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_use_command_keys(widget.get_active()) def on_checkcloseonunfocus_toggled(self, widget): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_close_on_unfocus(widget.get_active()) def dir_table_cursor_changed(self, table): curpath, curcol = table.get_cursor() if not curpath or not self.dir_store: self.buttonremovedirectory.set_sensitive(False) return self.buttonremovedirectory.set_sensitive(True) def show(self): self.window.present() def show_focus_plugin(self, plugin_id): """ Open and show information about plugin @plugin_id """ try: table_path = self._table_path_for_id(plugin_id) except ValueError: self.entry_plugins_filter.set_text(u"") self._refresh_plugin_list() table_path = self._table_path_for_id(plugin_id) self.table.set_cursor(table_path) self.table.scroll_to_cell(table_path) self.preferences_notebook.set_current_page(PLUGIN_LIST_PAGE) self.window.present() def hide(self): self.window.hide() def _close_window(self, *ignored): self.hide() return True def ask_user_for_reset_keybinding(self): dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION) dlg.set_markup(_("Reset all shortcuts to default values?")) dlg.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE, _('Reset'), gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) result = == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT dlg.destroy() return result _conf_keys_list_columns = [{"key": "name", "type":str, 'header': _('Command')}, {"key": "key", "type": str, 'header': _('Shortcut') }, {"key": "keybinding_id", "type": str, 'header': None}] _conf_keys_list_column_types = [c["type"] for c in _conf_keys_list_columns] def _create_conf_keys_list(): keybind_store = gtk.ListStore(*_conf_keys_list_column_types) keybind_table = gtk.TreeView(keybind_store) for idx, col in enumerate(_conf_keys_list_columns): renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(col['header'], renderer, text=idx) column.set_visible(col['header'] is not None) keybind_table.append_column(column) keybind_table.set_property("enable-search", False) keybind_table.set_rules_hint(True) keybind_table.set_headers_visible(True) return keybind_table, keybind_store _preferences_window = None def GetPreferencesWindowController(): global _preferences_window if _preferences_window is None: _preferences_window = PreferencesWindowController() return _preferences_window class SourceListController (object): def __init__(self, parent_widget): columns = [ {"key": "source", "type": gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT }, {"key": "plugin_id", "type": str }, {"key": "toplevel", "type": bool }, {"key": "icon", "type": gio.Icon }, {"key": "markup", "type": str }, ] # setup plugin list table column_types = [c["type"] for c in columns] self.columns = [c["key"] for c in columns] = gtk.ListStore(*column_types) self.table = gtk.TreeView( self.table.set_headers_visible(False) self.table.set_property("enable-search", False) self.table.set_rules_hint(True) #self.table.connect("cursor-changed", self.plugin_table_cursor_changed) self.table.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_NONE) checkcell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() checkcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn("item", checkcell) checkcol.add_attribute(checkcell, "active", self.columns.index("toplevel")) checkcell.connect("toggled", self.on_checktoplevel_enabled) icon_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() icon_cell.set_property("height", LIST_ICON_SIZE) icon_cell.set_property("width", LIST_ICON_SIZE) icon_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("icon", icon_cell) icon_col.add_attribute(icon_cell, "gicon", self.columns.index("icon")) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("item", cell) col.add_attribute(cell, "markup", self.columns.index("markup")) self.table.append_column(checkcol) self.table.append_column(icon_col) self.table.append_column(col) self._refresh() parent_widget.add(self.table) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.connect("plugin-enabled-changed", self._refresh) def _refresh(self, *ignored): setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() sc = sources.GetSourceController() srcs = sorted(sc.get_sources(), key=unicode) for src in srcs: name = unicode(src) plugin_id = sc.get_plugin_id_for_object(src) if not plugin_id or setctl.get_plugin_is_hidden(plugin_id): continue if not kobject_should_show(src): continue gicon = src.get_icon() toplevel = setctl.get_source_is_toplevel(plugin_id, src), plugin_id, toplevel, gicon, name)) def on_checktoplevel_enabled(self, cell, path): it = checkcol = self.columns.index("toplevel") idcol = self.columns.index("plugin_id") srccol = self.columns.index("source") is_toplevel = not, checkcol) plugin_id =, idcol) src =, srccol) sc = sources.GetSourceController() sc.set_toplevel(src, is_toplevel) setctl = settings.GetSettingsController() setctl.set_source_is_toplevel(plugin_id, src, is_toplevel), checkcol, is_toplevel)
""" Dummy Service is a service for testing new dirac protocol This file must be copied in FrameworkSystem/Service to run tests """ __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import six from DIRAC import S_OK from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RequestHandler import RequestHandler # You need to copy ../DB/UserDB in DIRAC/FrameworkSystem/DB from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.DB.UserDB import UserDB # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error from DIRAC import gConfig class UserDiracHandler(RequestHandler): """ A handler designed for testing Tornado by implementing a basic access to database Designed to compare Diset and Tornado """ @classmethod def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfo): """Handler initialization""" cls.userDB = UserDB() return S_OK() auth_addUser = ["all"] types_addUser = [six.string_types] def export_addUser(self, whom): """Add a user and return user id""" newUser = self.userDB.addUser(whom) if newUser["OK"]: return S_OK(newUser["lastRowId"]) return newUser auth_editUser = ["all"] types_editUser = [int, six.string_types] def export_editUser(self, uid, value): """Edit a user""" return self.userDB.editUser(uid, value) auth_getUserName = ["all"] types_getUserName = [int] def export_getUserName(self, uid): """Get a user""" return self.userDB.getUserName(uid) auth_listUsers = ["all"] types_listUsers = [] def export_listUsers(self): return self.userDB.listUsers() auth_unauthorized = ["nobody"] types_unauthorized = [] def export_unauthorized(self): return S_OK() auth_getTestValue = ["all"] types_getTestValue = [] def export_getTestValue(self): return S_OK(gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/TestUpdateValue"))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Implements the TwoSteps class """ from xfv.src.custom_functions.custom_function import CustomFunction class TwoSteps(CustomFunction): """ This class defines a 2 constant steps function .. image:: two_steps.png :scale: 75 % :align: center """ def __init__(self, first_value, second_value, critical_time): self.__first_value = first_value self.__second_value = second_value self.__critical_time = critical_time def evaluate(self, time, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the value of the function evaluated at time :param time: the required time :return: the value """ if time <= self.__critical_time: return self.__first_value return self.__second_value
from datetime import datetime, tzinfo try: import pytz except ImportError: pytz = None from django.template import Node from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, Library from django.utils import six from django.utils import timezone register = Library() # HACK: datetime is an old-style class, create a new-style equivalent # so we can define additional attributes. class datetimeobject(datetime, object): pass # Template filters @register.filter def localtime(value): """ Converts a datetime to local time in the active time zone. This only makes sense within a {% localtime off %} block. """ return do_timezone(value, timezone.get_current_timezone()) @register.filter def utc(value): """ Converts a datetime to UTC. """ return do_timezone(value, timezone.utc) @register.filter('timezone') def do_timezone(value, arg): """ Converts a datetime to local time in a given time zone. The argument must be an instance of a tzinfo subclass or a time zone name. If it is a time zone name, pytz is required. Naive datetimes are assumed to be in local time in the default time zone. """ if not isinstance(value, datetime): return '' # Obtain a timezone-aware datetime try: if timezone.is_naive(value): default_timezone = timezone.get_default_timezone() value = timezone.make_aware(value, default_timezone) # Filters must never raise exceptions, and pytz' exceptions inherit # Exception directly, not a specific subclass. So catch everything. except Exception: return '' # Obtain a tzinfo instance if isinstance(arg, tzinfo): tz = arg elif isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and pytz is not None: try: tz = pytz.timezone(arg) except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: return '' else: return '' result = timezone.localtime(value, tz) # HACK: the convert_to_local_time flag will prevent # automatic conversion of the value to local time. result = datetimeobject(result.year, result.month,, result.hour, result.minute, result.second, result.microsecond, result.tzinfo) result.convert_to_local_time = False return result # Template tags class LocalTimeNode(Node): """ Template node class used by ``localtime_tag``. """ def __init__(self, nodelist, use_tz): self.nodelist = nodelist self.use_tz = use_tz def render(self, context): old_setting = context.use_tz context.use_tz = self.use_tz output = self.nodelist.render(context) context.use_tz = old_setting return output class TimezoneNode(Node): """ Template node class used by ``timezone_tag``. """ def __init__(self, nodelist, tz): self.nodelist = nodelist = tz def render(self, context): with timezone.override( output = self.nodelist.render(context) return output class GetCurrentTimezoneNode(Node): """ Template node class used by ``get_current_timezone_tag``. """ def __init__(self, variable): self.variable = variable def render(self, context): context[self.variable] = timezone.get_current_timezone_name() return '' @register.tag('localtime') def localtime_tag(parser, token): """ Forces or prevents conversion of datetime objects to local time, regardless of the value of ``settings.USE_TZ``. Sample usage:: {% localtime off %}{{ value_in_utc }}{% endlocaltime %} """ bits = token.split_contents() if len(bits) == 1: use_tz = True elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'): raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" % bits[0]) else: use_tz = bits[1] == 'on' nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocaltime',)) parser.delete_first_token() return LocalTimeNode(nodelist, use_tz) @register.tag('timezone') def timezone_tag(parser, token): """ Enables a given time zone just for this block. The ``timezone`` argument must be an instance of a ``tzinfo`` subclass, a time zone name, or ``None``. If is it a time zone name, pytz is required. If it is ``None``, the default time zone is used within the block. Sample usage:: {% timezone "Europe/Paris" %} It is {{ now }} in Paris. {% endtimezone %} """ bits = token.split_contents() if len(bits) != 2: raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (timezone)" % bits[0]) tz = parser.compile_filter(bits[1]) nodelist = parser.parse(('endtimezone',)) parser.delete_first_token() return TimezoneNode(nodelist, tz) @register.tag("get_current_timezone") def get_current_timezone_tag(parser, token): """ Stores the name of the current time zone in the context. Usage:: {% get_current_timezone as TIME_ZONE %} This will fetch the currently active time zone and put its name into the ``TIME_ZONE`` context variable. """ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments args = token.contents.split() if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as': raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_timezone' requires " "'as variable' (got %r)" % args) return GetCurrentTimezoneNode(args[2])
# Copyright (c) 2014-present PlatformIO <> # Copyright 2020 MongoDB Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # pylint: disable=unused-argument, protected-access, unused-variable, import-error # Original: from __future__ import absolute_import import itertools import json import os import SCons from import SRC_ASM_EXT, SRC_C_EXT, SRC_CXX_EXT from platformio.proc import where_is_program # Implements the ability for SCons to emit a compilation database for the MongoDB project. See # for details on what a compilation # database is, and why you might want one. The only user visible entry point here is # 'env.CompilationDatabase'. This method takes an optional 'target' to name the file that # should hold the compilation database, otherwise, the file defaults to compile_commands.json, # which is the name that most clang tools search for by default. # Is there a better way to do this than this global? Right now this exists so that the # emitter we add can record all of the things it emits, so that the scanner for the top level # compilation database can access the complete list, and also so that the writer has easy # access to write all of the files. But it seems clunky. How can the emitter and the scanner # communicate more gracefully? __COMPILATION_DB_ENTRIES = [] # We make no effort to avoid rebuilding the entries. Someday, perhaps we could and even # integrate with the cache, but there doesn't seem to be much call for it. class __CompilationDbNode(SCons.Node.Python.Value): def __init__(self, value): SCons.Node.Python.Value.__init__(self, value) self.Decider(changed_since_last_build_node) def changed_since_last_build_node(*args, **kwargs): """Dummy decider to force always building""" return True def makeEmitCompilationDbEntry(comstr): """ Effectively this creates a lambda function to capture: * command line * source * target :param comstr: unevaluated command line :return: an emitter which has captured the above """ user_action = SCons.Action.Action(comstr) def EmitCompilationDbEntry(target, source, env): """ This emitter will be added to each c/c++ object build to capture the info needed for clang tools :param target: target node(s) :param source: source node(s) :param env: Environment for use building this node :return: target(s), source(s) """ # Resolve absolute path of toolchain for cmd in ("CC", "CXX", "AS"): if cmd not in env: continue if os.path.isabs(env[cmd]): continue env[cmd] = where_is_program( env.subst("$%s" % cmd), env.subst("${ENV['PATH']}") ) dbtarget = __CompilationDbNode(source) entry = env.__COMPILATIONDB_Entry( target=dbtarget, source=[], __COMPILATIONDB_UTARGET=target, __COMPILATIONDB_USOURCE=source, __COMPILATIONDB_UACTION=user_action, __COMPILATIONDB_ENV=env, ) # Technically, these next two lines should not be required: it should be fine to # cache the entries. However, they don't seem to update properly. Since they are quick # to re-generate disable caching and sidestep this problem. env.AlwaysBuild(entry) env.NoCache(entry) __COMPILATION_DB_ENTRIES.append(dbtarget) return target, source return EmitCompilationDbEntry def CompilationDbEntryAction(target, source, env, **kw): """ Create a dictionary with evaluated command line, target, source and store that info as an attribute on the target (Which has been stored in __COMPILATION_DB_ENTRIES array :param target: target node(s) :param source: source node(s) :param env: Environment for use building this node :param kw: :return: None """ command = env["__COMPILATIONDB_UACTION"].strfunction( target=env["__COMPILATIONDB_UTARGET"], source=env["__COMPILATIONDB_USOURCE"], env=env["__COMPILATIONDB_ENV"], ) entry = { "directory": env.Dir("#").abspath, "command": command, "file": str(env["__COMPILATIONDB_USOURCE"][0]), } target[0].write(entry) def WriteCompilationDb(target, source, env): entries = [] for s in __COMPILATION_DB_ENTRIES: item = item["file"] = os.path.abspath(item["file"]) entries.append(item) with open(str(target[0]), mode="w", encoding="utf8") as target_file: json.dump( entries, target_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ") ) def ScanCompilationDb(node, env, path): return __COMPILATION_DB_ENTRIES def generate(env, **kwargs): static_obj, shared_obj = SCons.Tool.createObjBuilders(env) env["COMPILATIONDB_COMSTR"] = kwargs.get( "COMPILATIONDB_COMSTR", "Building compilation database $TARGET" ) components_by_suffix = itertools.chain( itertools.product( [".%s" % ext for ext in SRC_C_EXT], [ (static_obj, SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter, "$CCCOM"), (shared_obj, SCons.Defaults.SharedObjectEmitter, "$SHCCCOM"), ], ), itertools.product( [".%s" % ext for ext in SRC_CXX_EXT], [ (static_obj, SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter, "$CXXCOM"), (shared_obj, SCons.Defaults.SharedObjectEmitter, "$SHCXXCOM"), ], ), itertools.product( [".%s" % ext for ext in SRC_ASM_EXT], [(static_obj, SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter, "$ASCOM")], ), ) for entry in components_by_suffix: suffix = entry[0] builder, base_emitter, command = entry[1] # Assumes a dictionary emitter emitter = builder.emitter[suffix] builder.emitter[suffix] = SCons.Builder.ListEmitter( [emitter, makeEmitCompilationDbEntry(command)] ) env["BUILDERS"]["__COMPILATIONDB_Entry"] = SCons.Builder.Builder( action=SCons.Action.Action(CompilationDbEntryAction, None), ) env["BUILDERS"]["__COMPILATIONDB_Database"] = SCons.Builder.Builder( action=SCons.Action.Action(WriteCompilationDb, "$COMPILATIONDB_COMSTR"), target_scanner=SCons.Scanner.Scanner( function=ScanCompilationDb, node_class=None ), ) def CompilationDatabase(env, target): result = env.__COMPILATIONDB_Database(target=target, source=[]) env.AlwaysBuild(result) env.NoCache(result) return result env.AddMethod(CompilationDatabase, "CompilationDatabase") def exists(env): return True
#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -* # vim: set sw=4: import sys import os import logging import time import re import random import common logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # # Import python-uinput # version = "%d.%d" % sys.version_info[0:2] uinput_include_path = "uinput/dst/lib64/python%s/site-packages/" % version UINPUTPYDIR = os.path.join(common.igor.libdir, uinput_include_path) if not os.path.exists(UINPUTPYDIR): raise Exception("No uinput for this python version: %s" % UINPUTPYDIR)"modprobe uinput") common.add_searchpath(UINPUTPYDIR) import uinput # Map a char to a key charmap = { ".": "dot", "-": "minus", "+": "plus", " ": "space", "\t": "tab", "\n": "enter" } def _all_keys(): """Fetches all key related capabilities. """ keys = [] for k in uinput.__dict__: if re.match("^KEY_", k): keys.append(uinput.__dict__[k]) return keys device = uinput.Device(_all_keys()) class PressedKey(object): key = None def __init__(self, k): self.key = k def __enter__(self): device.emit(self.key, 1) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): device.emit(self.key, 0) def char_to_key(char): """Maps a character to a key-code """ if char in charmap: char = charmap[char] key_key = "KEY_%s" % char.upper() return uinput.__dict__[key_key] def press_key(key, delay=12): """Simulates a key stroke """ with PressedKey(key): time.sleep(1.0 / 100 * delay * random.uniform(0.5, 1.5)) def send_input(txt): """Send the string as keystrokes to uinput """ logger.debug("Inputing: %s" % txt) for char in txt: if char.isupper(): with PressedKey(uinput.KEY_LEFTSHIFT): press_key(char_to_key(char.lower())) else: press_key(char_to_key(char.lower())) def play(seq): """Plays a sequence of text, single keys and callables """ if type(seq) is not list: raise Exception("seq is expected to be a list of text, KEY_ " + \ "and callables") for item in seq: if callable(item): item() elif type(item) is tuple: # Expected to be a uinput.KEY_ press_key(item) elif type(item) in [str, unicode]: send_input(item) else: logger.warning("Unknown sequence type: %s (%s)" % (type(item), \ item)) def screen_content(vcsn=1): vcs = "/dev/vcs%s" % vcsn logger.debug("Grabbing content from '%s'" % vcs) # setterm -dump $N content = open(vcs, "r").read() return content def is_regex_on_screen(expr, vcsn=1): """Check if the given expression appears on the screen. """ content = screen_content(vcsn) logger.debug("Looking for '%s' on '%s'" % (expr, vcsn)) regex = re.compile(expr) return is not None def wait_for_regex_on_screen(expr, timeout, vcsn=1): """Check for at max timeout seconds if expr appears on the screen """ found = False while timeout > 0: time.sleep(1) if is_regex_on_screen(expr, vcsn): found = True break timeout -= 1 return found class Storyboard(object): title = None story = None def __init__(self, title, story): self.title = title self.story = story def check(self): """Checks a "storyboard", so if the system behaves as the story tells A storyboard is expected to be in the form of: story = [ (input_for_play, output_for_is_regex_on_screen_or_callable), . . . ] """ passed = True for storyline in self.story:"Testing: %s" % str(storyline)) input, wait, output = storyline if input is None: logger.debug("No input to send") else: play(input) if callable(wait): wait() else: time.sleep(wait) if output is None: logger.debug("No output expected") elif callable(output): passed = output(input) else: passed = is_regex_on_screen(output) if passed == False: content = screen_content() raise Exception("Response is not as expected.\n" + \ "Sent: %s\nExpected: %s\nGot: %s" % (input, \ output, \ content)) msg = "passed" if passed else "failed""Storyboard ended, finished: %s" % msg) return passed def run(self): """Run the story and eitehr return 0 on success or 1 on failure """"Starting simulated %s" % self.title) passed = False try: passed = self.check() except Exception as e: logger.warning("An exception: %s" % e.message) passed = False"Finished simulated %s" % self.title) return passed def run_and_exit(self): """Run the story and exit """ sys.exit(0 if else 1)
''' Created on 24.02.2017 @author: steinorb ''' import unittest.mock import read_arduino import globvar class ReadArduinoTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): globvar.measure0 = 0 @unittest.mock.patch('read_arduino.serial.Serial') def testCorrectResult(self, mock_Serial): """ Checks the correct parsing of the result """ target = unittest.mock.MagicMock() mock_Serial.return_value = target target.readline.side_effect = [b'123 456 789 876 543 0 333 1023'] self.assertEqual(123, globvar.measure0) @unittest.mock.patch('read_arduino.serial.Serial') def testCorruptedResult(self, mock_Serial): """ Checks that a measurement is retried when garbaged data is read """ target = unittest.mock.MagicMock() mock_Serial.return_value = target target.readline.side_effect = [b'123 4\x136 789 876 543 0 333 1023', b'321 456 789 876 543 0 333 1023'] self.assertEqual(321, globvar.measure0) @unittest.mock.patch('read_arduino.serial.Serial') def testNoEndlessLoop(self, mock_Serial): """ The read must not yield into an endless loop. After several retries a ValueError will be thrown """ target = unittest.mock.MagicMock() mock_Serial.return_value = target target.readline.return_value = b'123 456' # a shortened result should give a retry with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # a value error should be raised after several tries if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import subprocess import shlex import argparse import random import platform CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/wallpaperchanger.conf') if sys.version_info.major == 2: import ConfigParser as configparser import Tkinter as tk else: # major version == 3 import configparser import tkinter as tk try: import PIL.Image import PIL.ImageTk except ImportError: PIL = None class WallpaperChanger(object): """main class this contains filenames, config. """ def __init__(self): self.wrap_config = WrapConfig() self.wrap_config.load() self.config = self.wrap_config.config self.base_path = os.path.expanduser(self.config.get('Main', 'path')) def call(self, filename, is_abspath=False): if is_abspath: path = filename else: path = os.path.join(self.base_path, filename) replace_dic = {'filepath': path} command = [] # avoid to split filename which includes spaces. for line in shlex.split(self.config.get('Main', 'command')): command.append(line.format(**replace_dic)) res = if res == 0: self.config.set('Wallpaper', 'current', filename) self.wrap_config.write() def get_filenames(self): return sorted(os.listdir(self.base_path)) def get_abspath(self, filename): return os.path.join(self.base_path, filename) def get_default_wallpaper_change_command(): system_name = platform.system() if system_name == 'Linux': # linux return 'feh --bg-fill {filepath}' elif system_name == 'Darwin': # mac os x return r'osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to set desktop picture to POSIX file \"{filepath}\""' class WrapConfig(object): """ Wrap ConfigParser, """ DEFAULT = { 'Main': { 'path': '~/picture/wallpaper', 'command': get_default_wallpaper_change_command(), }, 'Wallpaper': { 'current': '', 'default': '', } } def __init__(self): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() def load(self): """load config file if not exists, make file. """ if self.is_exists(): else: self.set_default() self.write() def write(self): """save config file, automatically make directory. """ if not self.is_exists_parent_directory(): parent_path = self._get_parent_path() os.makedirs(parent_path) with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') as fp: self.config.write(fp) def set_default(self, overwrite=False): """set default, referring self.DEFAULT dictionary if overwrite flag is True, all config is overwrite. if the flag is False and not exists the option, append. """ for section in self.DEFAULT.keys(): if not self.config.has_section(section): self.config.add_section(section) for option in self.DEFAULT.get(section, {}).keys(): if overwrite or not self.config.has_option(section, option): self.config.set(section, option, self.DEFAULT[section][option]) def is_exists_parent_directory(self): parent_path = self._get_parent_path() return os.path.isdir(parent_path) def is_exists(self): return os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH) def _get_parent_path(self): return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(CONFIG_PATH)) class Gui(tk.Frame): """ Graphical interface for wallpaper selecting. """ THUMBNAIL_SIZE = (400, 400) def __init__(self, master, changer): self._changer = changer tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.create_widgets() self.init_binds() self.set_listbox_filenames() self.set_thumbnail() self.filename = None self.key = '' def create_widgets(self): """init widgets """ f_left = tk.Frame(self) f_left.pack({'fill': tk.BOTH, 'side': 'left'}) self.elem_listbox = tk.Listbox(f_left) self.elem_listbox.pack({'side': 'top', 'fill': tk.BOTH}) self.elem_entry = tk.Entry(f_left, textvariable=self.gen_entry_callback()) self.elem_entry.pack({'side': 'bottom'}) self.elem_entry.focus_set() if PIL is not None: f_right = tk.Frame(self) f_right.pack({'fill': tk.BOTH}) self.elem_thumbnail = tk.Label(f_right) self.elem_thumbnail.pack({ 'side': 'right', }) def init_binds(self): """init binds """ self.master.bind('<Escape>', self.action_destroy) self.master.bind('<Return>', self.action_finish) self.master.bind('<Tab>', self.action_completion) self.elem_listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.action_select) self.elem_listbox.bind('<Double-Button-1>', self.action_finish) def action_destroy(self, *args): """destroy gui callback function """ self.master.destroy() def action_select(self, event=None): """set thumbnail when select item in listbox, called callback function """ if event is not None: idx = int(self.elem_listbox.curselection()[0]) self.filename = self.elem_listbox.get(idx) self.set_thumbnail(self.filename) def action_finish(self, *args): """apply new wallpaper by calling """ if self.filename is not None: self.action_destroy() def action_completion(self, *args): """Completion in textbox(Entry). hooked Tab key, and disable default tab action by returning "break". """ names = self.get_filtered_filenames(self.key) base = names[0] others = names[1:] for idx in (len(base) - x for x in range(len(base))): flag = True for line in others: if not base[:idx] in line: flag = False if flag: self.elem_entry.delete(0, tk.END) self.elem_entry.insert(0, base[:idx]) break return 'break' def gen_entry_callback(self): def callback(sv): self.key = sv.get() names = self.get_filtered_filenames(self.key) self.set_listbox_filenames(names) if len(names) == 1: self.filename = names[0] self.set_thumbnail(names[0]) else: self.filename = None self.set_thumbnail() string_var = tk.StringVar() string_var.trace('w', lambda name, index, mode, sv=string_var: callback(sv)) return string_var def set_listbox_filenames(self, filenames=None): self.elem_listbox.delete(0, self.elem_listbox.size() - 1) if filenames is None: filenames = self._changer.get_filenames() for name in filenames: self.elem_listbox.insert(tk.END, name) def set_thumbnail(self, ifilename=None): if PIL is not None: size = self.THUMBNAIL_SIZE thumbnail ='RGBA', size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) if ifilename is not None: filename = self._changer.get_abspath(ifilename) image = image.thumbnail(size, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) offset_x = int(max((size[0] - image.size[0]) / 2, 0)) offset_y = int(max((size[1] - image.size[1]) / 2, 0)) thumbnail.paste(image, (offset_x, offset_y)) self.thumbnail = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(thumbnail) self.elem_thumbnail.configure(image=self.thumbnail) def get_filtered_filenames(self, keyword): return [x for x in self._changer.get_filenames() if x.find(keyword) == 0] def parse_argument(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Wallpaper Changer on Python.', epilog='''Change ~/.config/wallpaperchanger.conf if you need.''' ) parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', default=None, help='set the picture, ') parser.add_argument('-d', '--default', action='store_true', help='set default picture as wallpaper, if you set config' ) parser.add_argument('-r', '--random', action='store_true', help='set random picture', ) parser.add_argument('-n', '--next', action='store_true', help='set next picture, alphabetical order.', ) parser.add_argument('--init', action='store_true', help='regen config file.') return parser.parse_args() def main(): arguments = parse_argument() changer = WallpaperChanger() if arguments.filename is not None: is_abspath = False filename = '' if arguments.filename in changer.get_filenames(): filename = arguments.filename elif os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(arguments.filename)): filename = os.path.abspath(arguments.filename) is_abspath = True else: print("'{filename}' not found".format(filename=arguments.filename)) exit(1), is_abspath) return if arguments.default: filename = changer.config.get('Wallpaper', 'default') return if arguments.random: filenames = changer.get_filenames() idx = random.randrange(0, len(filenames)) filename = filenames[idx] return if filenames = changer.get_filenames() current = changer.config.get('Wallpaper', 'current') idx = filenames.find(current) # -1 or 0<=idx<len filename = filenames[(idx + 1) % len(filenames)] return if arguments.init: changer.wrap_config.set_default(overwrite=True) changer.wrap_config.write() w = tk.Tk() gui = Gui(w, changer) gui.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import random, keras import numpy as np from keras.preprocessing import sequence from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine from keras.models import Model, Sequential from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, Merge, Embedding from keras.layers import LSTM #read Embedding if the word is in word_dict def read_embedding(word_dict, embedding_file_path): embedding_size = 64 embedding_file = open(embedding_file_path, 'rb') embedding_matrix = np.zeros((len(word_dict) + 1, embedding_size)) for line in embedding_file: terms = line.rstrip().split(' ') if not len(terms) == embedding_size + 1: continue if terms[0] in word_dict: ids = word_dict[terms[0]] embedding_vec = np.asarray(terms[1:], dtype='float32') embedding_matrix[ids] = embedding_vec return embedding_matrix #transfer each word to word id def transfer_data(word_vec, word_dict): vec = [] for word in word_vec: if not word in word_dict: word_dict[word] = len(word_dict) vec.append(word_dict[word]) return vec def sim_max(sentence, labelId, embedding_matrix): max_sim = 0.0 for ids in sentence: embedding = embedding_matrix[ids] simlarity = 1.0 - cosine(embedding, embedding_matrix[labelId]) if max_sim < simlarity: max_sim = simlarity return max_sim def avg_embedding(sentences, embedding_matrix): word_embeddings = [] for sentence in sentences: for ids in sentence: embedding = embedding_matrix[ids] word_embeddings.append(embedding) return np.mean(word_embeddings, axis = 0) #select sentences def filter_dataset_seq(labelId, sentences, embedding_matrix): x = [] max_score = 0 max_sentence = [] for sentence in sentences: cur_score = sim_max(sentence, labelId, embedding_matrix) if cur_score > max_score: max_score = cur_score max_sentence = sentence [max_sentence] = sequence.pad_sequences([max_sentence], maxlen=40) return avg_embedding(sentences, embedding_matrix), max_sentence, embedding_matrix[labelId] if __name__ == "__main__": ################################################################### # Read tag file ################################################################### TAG_FILE_PATH = "./tag.list" tag_map = {} tag_file = open(TAG_FILE_PATH, 'rb') for line in tag_file: tag = line.rstrip() add = True for item in tag_map.keys(): if item == tag: #replacy by similarity() function later add = False break if add: tag_map[tag] = 0 tag_file.close() sample_map = {} sentence_map = {} word_dict = {"&&":0} for i in range(6): ################################################################### # Read label file # Positive Sample if Tag in # Nagetive Sample if Tag not in (Randomly picked up for balancing) ################################################################### LABEL_FILE_PATH = "../../data/" + str(i) + ".part.tokens.label" Label_file = open(LABEL_FILE_PATH, 'rb') for line in Label_file: terms = line.split('\t') if len(terms) <= 2: continue key = terms[0] + ' ' + terms[1] local_map = {} #positive for term in terms[2:]: words = term.split(' ') if words[0] == 'not' or words[0] == 'no': continue if words[len(words) - 1] in tag_map: local_map[words[len(words) - 1]] = 1 if len(local_map) == 0: continue #negative positive_count = len(local_map) for count in range(positive_count): pos = random.randrange(0, len(tag_map)) while tag_map.keys()[pos] in local_map: pos = random.randrange(0, len(tag_map)) local_map[tag_map.keys()[pos]] = 0 #record sample_map[key] = [] for tag in local_map.keys(): sample_map[key].append([tag, local_map[tag]]) Label_file.close() ################################################################### # Read Sentences ################################################################### SENENCE_FILE_PATH = "../../data/" + str(i) + ".part.tokens.sentence" sentence_file = open(SENENCE_FILE_PATH, 'rb') for line in sentence_file: terms = line.rstrip().split("\t") if len(terms) <= 2: continue key = terms[0] + ' ' + terms[1] if not key in sample_map: continue sentences = [] sentence = [] for term in terms[2:]: if term == '&&': if len(sentence) > 5 and len(sentence) < 40: sentences.append(transfer_data(sentence, word_dict)) sentence = [] else: sentence.append(term) if len(sentences) > 0: sentence_map[key] = sentences sentence_file.close() print "word_dict " + str(len(word_dict)) print "characters " + str(len(sentence_map)) print "data read finished" ################################################################### # Read embedding ################################################################### EMBEDDING_FILE_PATH = "../../data/full_story_vec.txt" embedding_matrix = read_embedding(word_dict, EMBEDDING_FILE_PATH) print "embedding read finished" ################################################################### # Construct features ################################################################### X = [[], [], []] y = [] for key in sentence_map.keys(): for sample in sample_map[key]: if not sample[0] in word_dict: continue context,sentence,label_embedding = \ filter_dataset_seq(word_dict[sample[0]], sentence_map[key], embedding_matrix) X[0].append(context) X[1].append(sentence) X[2].append(label_embedding) y.append(sample[1]) X[0] = np.asmatrix(X[0]) X[1] = np.asmatrix(X[1]) X[2] = np.asmatrix(X[2]) y = np.asarray(y) scores = [] ################################################################### #model ################################################################### embedding_size = 64 max_features = len(word_dict) + 1 batch_size = 32 nb_epoch = 5 embedding_trainable = True early_stop = False maxlen = 40 from sklearn.model_selection import KFold import copy from sklearn.metrics import (precision_score, recall_score,f1_score, accuracy_score) kf = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state = 7) for train, test in kf.split(y): X_train = [] X_test = [] for i in range(3): X_train.append(X[i][train]) X_test.append(X[i][test]) y_train, y_test = y[train], y[test] weights = copy.deepcopy(embedding_matrix) context_input = Input(shape=(embedding_size, )) word_input = Input(shape=(embedding_size, )) sentence_input = Input(shape=(40,), dtype='int32') x = Embedding(output_dim=embedding_size, input_dim=max_features, input_length=40, weights=[weights])(sentence_input) sentence_out = LSTM(output_dim=64)(x) x = keras.layers.concatenate([word_input, sentence_out, context_input], axis=-1) x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x) x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x) main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(x) model = Model(inputs=[word_input, sentence_input, context_input], outputs=main_output) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, validation_split=0.1) y_pred = model.predict(X_test) y_pred = [int(np.round(x)) for x in y_pred] accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred) precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred) f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_pred) print('Result\t{:.4f}\t{:.4f}\t{:.4f}\t{:.4f}'.format(precision, recall, f1, accuracy)) scores.append([precision, recall, f1, accuracy]) print "REC\t" + str(np.average(scores, axis = 0))
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Calculate thermodynamic stability (minimum free energy (mfe) structures) <Energy> (1)miRNA seed region vs TargetRNA seed region -------- miRNA(8nt_seed) |||||||| -------- TargetRNA(8nt_seed) (2)mature miRNA vs candidate target site (the same length) ---------------------- miRNA |||||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------- TargetRNA (3)mature miRNA vs local TargetRNA region (70nt window) ---------------------- miRNA |||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- TargetRNA <Reference> [1] Stormo GD. An overview of RNA structure prediction and applications to RNA gene prediction and RNAi design. Curr Protoc Bioinformatics. 2006 Mar;Chapter 12:Unit 12.1. [2] ''' import shlex import subprocess import tempfile import re def make_constraints(seed_match, seq_type): if seq_type == 'miseq': seed_match = seed_match.replace('x','.') seed_match = seed_match.replace('A','.') seed_match = seed_match.replace(':','(') seed_match = seed_match.replace('|','(') return seed_match elif seq_type == 'targetseq': #Reverse seed_match_rev = seed_match[-1::-1] seed_match_rev = seed_match_rev.replace('x','.') seed_match_rev = seed_match_rev.replace('A','.') seed_match_rev = seed_match_rev.replace(':',')') seed_match_rev = seed_match_rev.replace('|',')') return seed_match_rev def viennaRNA_RNAcofold(seqs, constraints, option_postscript=False, option_constraints=True, option_partfunc=True, option_temperature=True): command_RNAcofold = 'RNAcofold --noPS --constraint --partfunc --temp=37' args = shlex.split(command_RNAcofold) test_str = "\n".join([seqs, constraints]) + "\n\n" + '@' + '\n' p = subprocess.Popen(args,stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempfile.gettempdir()) stdout, stderr = p.communicate("\n".join([seqs, constraints]).encode('utf-8')) #cannot use type 'str' for communicate... return stdout, stderr #b'UUCAAGUA&UACUUGAA\n.(((((((&))))))). (-16.90)\n,(((((((&))))))), [-17.56]\n frequency of mfe structure in ensemble 0.342276 , delta G binding= -7.56\n' def regex_RNAcofold(seq): regex = r'.+\n(?P<str_mfe>\S+) \((?P<mfe>.+)\)\n(?P<str_ens>\S+) \[(?P<ens>.+)\]\n frequency of mfe structure in ensemble (?P<ens_frequency>\S+) , delta G binding=(?P<delta_G>.+)\n' seq = seq.decode('utf-8') #print (seq) decoded_seq = re.match(regex, seq) str_mfe ='str_mfe') mfe ='mfe') str_ens ='str_ens') ens ='ens') delta_G ='delta_G') return str_mfe, mfe, str_ens, ens, delta_G def calc_thermo(mirna_seq, targetrna_seq, targetrna_range, tmp_dict): mirna_length = len(mirna_seq) #miRNA sequence length targetrna_length = len(targetrna_seq) targetrna_range = 30 #Searched around 70nt around_nt_right = '' around_nt_left = '' if mirna_length % 2 == 0: #Even number around_nt_right = int((targetrna_range - mirna_length) / 2) around_nt_left = int((targetrna_range - mirna_length) / 2) else: #Odd number around_nt_right = int((targetrna_range - mirna_length - 1) / 2) around_nt_left = int((targetrna_range - mirna_length + 1) / 2) #miRNA_region mirna_seed = mirna_seq[0:8] #miRNA_seed_region mature_mirna = mirna_seq #mature_miRNA thermo_targetseq = '' #TargetRNA sequence for thermo calc. for x in list(tmp_dict.keys()): #print(x) mirna_infor = x mirna_data = mirna_infor.split('||') mirna_name = mirna_data[0] #TargetRNA_st_ed targetrna_ed = int(mirna_data[3]) #1nt - seed_region / end_site for miRNA-binding targetrna_st = targetrna_ed - mirna_length + 1 #8nt - seed_region / start_site for miRNA-binding #if (targetrna_st - around_nt_right) <= 0: # print ('WARNINGS: ' + x) # continue #if (targetrna_ed + around_nt_left) > targetrna_length: # print ('WARNINGS: ' + x) # continue #thermo_targetseq_st = targetrna_st - around_nt_right - 1 #thermo_targetseq_ed = targetrna_ed + around_nt_left #Targetrna_region candidate_target_site = '' if not targetrna_st-1 < 0: candidate_target_site = targetrna_seq[targetrna_st-1:targetrna_ed] else: candidate_target_site = 'NA' #print(targetrna_st-1) targetrna_seed_region = targetrna_seq[targetrna_ed-8:targetrna_ed] #local_targetrna_region = targetrna_seq[thermo_targetseq_st:thermo_targetseq_ed] #TargetRNA sequence for thermo calc. #Calculated pairs test_seq1 = '&'.join([mirna_seed,targetrna_seed_region]) test_seq2 = '&'.join([mature_mirna,candidate_target_site]) #test_seq3 = '&'.join([mature_mirna,local_targetrna_region]) #constraints c_miseq = '' c_targetseq = '' seed_match = (tmp_dict[x])[4] #NEED TO CHECK reside_miseq_targetseq = mirna_length - 8 #miseq - seed_region seed_match_miseq = make_constraints(seed_match,'miseq') c_miseq_seed = seed_match_miseq c_miseq = seed_match_miseq + reside_miseq_targetseq * '.' seed_match_targetseq = make_constraints(seed_match,'targetseq') c_targetseq_seed = seed_match_targetseq c_targetseq_site = reside_miseq_targetseq * '.' + seed_match_targetseq #c_targetseq = around_nt_right * '.' + reside_miseq_targetseq * '.' + seed_match_targetseq + around_nt_left * '.' test_constraints1 = '&'.join([c_miseq_seed,c_targetseq_seed]) test_constraints2 = '&'.join([c_miseq,c_targetseq_site]) #test_constraints3 = '&'.join([c_miseq,c_targetseq]) #debug #print (test_seq1) #print (test_constraints1) #print (test_seq2) #print (test_constraints2) #print (test_seq3) #print (test_constraints3) #RNAcofold_command stdout1, stderr1 = viennaRNA_RNAcofold(test_seq1, test_constraints1) #test1 stdout2 = '' stderr2 = '' if not candidate_target_site == 'NA': stdout2, stderr2 = viennaRNA_RNAcofold(test_seq2, test_constraints2) #test2 else: stdout2 = 'NA' #stdout3, stderr3 = viennaRNA_RNAcofold(test_seq3, test_constraints3) #Test3 #print (stdout1) #print (stdout2) #print (stdout3) #print (stderr) #Seed_matching str_mfe_seed, mfe_seed, str_ens_seed, ens_seed, delta_G_seed = regex_RNAcofold(stdout1) mfe_seed = mfe_seed.strip() ens_seed = ens_seed.strip() delta_G_seed = delta_G_seed.strip() out1_list = [str_mfe_seed, mfe_seed, str_ens_seed, ens_seed, delta_G_seed] tmp_dict[x].extend(out1_list) #miRNA-target_site matching if not stdout2 == 'NA': str_mfe, mfe, str_ens, ens, delta_G = regex_RNAcofold(stdout2) mfe = mfe.strip() ens = ens.strip() delta_G = delta_G.strip() out2_list = [str_mfe, mfe, str_ens, ens, delta_G] tmp_dict[x].extend(out2_list) #3'pairing contribution diff_mfe = float(mfe) - float(mfe_seed) diff_ens = float(ens) - float(ens_seed) diff_delta_G = float(delta_G) - float(delta_G_seed) out3_list = [diff_mfe, diff_ens, diff_delta_G] tmp_dict[x].extend(out3_list) else: tmp_dict[x].extend(['near_stop_codon','NA','NA','NA','NA']) tmp_dict[x].extend(['NA','NA','NA']) #print ('str_mfe: ' + str_mfe) #print ('mfe: ' + mfe) #print ('str_ens: ' + str_ens) #print ('ens: ' + ens) #print ('delta_G: ' + delta_G) return tmp_dict
"""The :mod:`pyts.multivariate.utils` module includes utility tools.""" # Author: Johann Faouzi <> # License: BSD-3-Clause from sklearn.utils import check_array def check_3d_array(X): """Check that the input is a three-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- X : array-like Input data. Returns ------- X_new : array Input data as an array. """ X = check_array(X, ensure_2d=False, allow_nd=True) if X.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("X must be 3-dimensional (got {0}).".format(X.ndim)) return X
"""A high-speed, production ready, thread pooled, generic HTTP server. Simplest example on how to use this module directly (without using CherryPy's application machinery):: from cherrypy import wsgiserver def my_crazy_app(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ['Hello world!'] server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer( ('', 8070), my_crazy_app, server_name='www.cherrypy.example') server.start() The CherryPy WSGI server can serve as many WSGI applications as you want in one instance by using a WSGIPathInfoDispatcher:: d = WSGIPathInfoDispatcher({'/': my_crazy_app, '/blog': my_blog_app}) server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(('', 80), d) Want SSL support? Just set server.ssl_adapter to an SSLAdapter instance. This won't call the CherryPy engine (application side) at all, only the HTTP server, which is independent from the rest of CherryPy. Don't let the name "CherryPyWSGIServer" throw you; the name merely reflects its origin, not its coupling. For those of you wanting to understand internals of this module, here's the basic call flow. The server's listening thread runs a very tight loop, sticking incoming connections onto a Queue:: server = CherryPyWSGIServer(...) server.start() while True: tick() # This blocks until a request comes in: child = socket.accept() conn = HTTPConnection(child, ...) server.requests.put(conn) Worker threads are kept in a pool and poll the Queue, popping off and then handling each connection in turn. Each connection can consist of an arbitrary number of requests and their responses, so we run a nested loop:: while True: conn = server.requests.get() conn.communicate() -> while True: req = HTTPRequest(...) req.parse_request() -> # Read the Request-Line, e.g. "GET /page HTTP/1.1" req.rfile.readline() read_headers(req.rfile, req.inheaders) req.respond() -> response = app(...) try: for chunk in response: if chunk: req.write(chunk) finally: if hasattr(response, "close"): response.close() if req.close_connection: return """ __all__ = ['HTTPRequest', 'HTTPConnection', 'HTTPServer', 'SizeCheckWrapper', 'KnownLengthRFile', 'ChunkedRFile', 'CP_fileobject', 'MaxSizeExceeded', 'NoSSLError', 'FatalSSLAlert', 'WorkerThread', 'ThreadPool', 'SSLAdapter', 'CherryPyWSGIServer', 'Gateway', 'WSGIGateway', 'WSGIGateway_10', 'WSGIGateway_u0', 'WSGIPathInfoDispatcher', 'get_ssl_adapter_class'] import os try: import queue except: import Queue as queue import re import rfc822 import socket import sys if 'win' in sys.platform and hasattr(socket, "AF_INET6"): if not hasattr(socket, 'IPPROTO_IPV6'): socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41 if not hasattr(socket, 'IPV6_V6ONLY'): socket.IPV6_V6ONLY = 27 try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = -1 _fileobject_uses_str_type = isinstance(socket._fileobject(None)._rbuf, basestring) import threading import time import traceback def format_exc(limit=None): """Like print_exc() but return a string. Backport for Python 2.3.""" try: etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb, limit)) finally: etype = value = tb = None import operator from urllib import unquote import warnings if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): bytestr = bytes unicodestr = str basestring = (bytes, str) def ntob(n, encoding='ISO-8859-1'): """Return the given native string as a byte string in the given encoding.""" # In Python 3, the native string type is unicode return n.encode(encoding) else: bytestr = str unicodestr = unicode basestring = basestring def ntob(n, encoding='ISO-8859-1'): """Return the given native string as a byte string in the given encoding.""" # In Python 2, the native string type is bytes. Assume it's already # in the given encoding, which for ISO-8859-1 is almost always what # was intended. return n LF = ntob('\n') CRLF = ntob('\r\n') TAB = ntob('\t') SPACE = ntob(' ') COLON = ntob(':') SEMICOLON = ntob(';') EMPTY = ntob('') NUMBER_SIGN = ntob('#') QUESTION_MARK = ntob('?') ASTERISK = ntob('*') FORWARD_SLASH = ntob('/') quoted_slash = re.compile(ntob("(?i)%2F")) import errno def plat_specific_errors(*errnames): """Return error numbers for all errors in errnames on this platform. The 'errno' module contains different global constants depending on the specific platform (OS). This function will return the list of numeric values for a given list of potential names. """ errno_names = dir(errno) nums = [getattr(errno, k) for k in errnames if k in errno_names] # de-dupe the list return list(dict.fromkeys(nums).keys()) socket_error_eintr = plat_specific_errors("EINTR", "WSAEINTR") socket_errors_to_ignore = plat_specific_errors( "EPIPE", "EBADF", "WSAEBADF", "ENOTSOCK", "WSAENOTSOCK", "ETIMEDOUT", "WSAETIMEDOUT", "ECONNREFUSED", "WSAECONNREFUSED", "ECONNRESET", "WSAECONNRESET", "ECONNABORTED", "WSAECONNABORTED", "ENETRESET", "WSAENETRESET", "EHOSTDOWN", "EHOSTUNREACH", ) socket_errors_to_ignore.append("timed out") socket_errors_to_ignore.append("The read operation timed out") socket_errors_nonblocking = plat_specific_errors( 'EAGAIN', 'EWOULDBLOCK', 'WSAEWOULDBLOCK') comma_separated_headers = [ntob(h) for h in ['Accept', 'Accept-Charset', 'Accept-Encoding', 'Accept-Language', 'Accept-Ranges', 'Allow', 'Cache-Control', 'Connection', 'Content-Encoding', 'Content-Language', 'Expect', 'If-Match', 'If-None-Match', 'Pragma', 'Proxy-Authenticate', 'TE', 'Trailer', 'Transfer-Encoding', 'Upgrade', 'Vary', 'Via', 'Warning', 'WWW-Authenticate']] import logging if not hasattr(logging, 'statistics'): logging.statistics = {} def read_headers(rfile, hdict=None): """Read headers from the given stream into the given header dict. If hdict is None, a new header dict is created. Returns the populated header dict. Headers which are repeated are folded together using a comma if their specification so dictates. This function raises ValueError when the read bytes violate the HTTP spec. You should probably return "400 Bad Request" if this happens. """ if hdict is None: hdict = {} while True: line = rfile.readline() if not line: # No more data--illegal end of headers raise ValueError("Illegal end of headers.") if line == CRLF: # Normal end of headers break if not line.endswith(CRLF): raise ValueError("HTTP requires CRLF terminators") if line[0] in (SPACE, TAB): # It's a continuation line. v = line.strip() else: try: k, v = line.split(COLON, 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Illegal header line.") # TODO: what about TE and WWW-Authenticate? k = k.strip().title() v = v.strip() hname = k if k in comma_separated_headers: existing = hdict.get(hname) if existing: v = ", ".join((existing, v)) hdict[hname] = v return hdict class MaxSizeExceeded(Exception): pass class SizeCheckWrapper(object): """Wraps a file-like object, raising MaxSizeExceeded if too large.""" def __init__(self, rfile, maxlen): self.rfile = rfile self.maxlen = maxlen self.bytes_read = 0 def _check_length(self): if self.maxlen and self.bytes_read > self.maxlen: raise MaxSizeExceeded() def read(self, size=None): data = self.bytes_read += len(data) self._check_length() return data def readline(self, size=None): if size is not None: data = self.rfile.readline(size) self.bytes_read += len(data) self._check_length() return data # User didn't specify a size ... # We read the line in chunks to make sure it's not a 100MB line ! res = [] while True: data = self.rfile.readline(256) self.bytes_read += len(data) self._check_length() res.append(data) # See if len(data) < 256 or data[-1:] == LF: return EMPTY.join(res) def readlines(self, sizehint=0): # Shamelessly stolen from StringIO total = 0 lines = [] line = self.readline() while line: lines.append(line) total += len(line) if 0 < sizehint <= total: break line = self.readline() return lines def close(self): self.rfile.close() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): data = next(self.rfile) self.bytes_read += len(data) self._check_length() return data def next(self): data = self.bytes_read += len(data) self._check_length() return data class KnownLengthRFile(object): """Wraps a file-like object, returning an empty string when exhausted.""" def __init__(self, rfile, content_length): self.rfile = rfile self.remaining = content_length def read(self, size=None): if self.remaining == 0: return '' if size is None: size = self.remaining else: size = min(size, self.remaining) data = self.remaining -= len(data) return data def readline(self, size=None): if self.remaining == 0: return '' if size is None: size = self.remaining else: size = min(size, self.remaining) data = self.rfile.readline(size) self.remaining -= len(data) return data def readlines(self, sizehint=0): # Shamelessly stolen from StringIO total = 0 lines = [] line = self.readline(sizehint) while line: lines.append(line) total += len(line) if 0 < sizehint <= total: break line = self.readline(sizehint) return lines def close(self): self.rfile.close() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): data = next(self.rfile) self.remaining -= len(data) return data class ChunkedRFile(object): """Wraps a file-like object, returning an empty string when exhausted. This class is intended to provide a conforming wsgi.input value for request entities that have been encoded with the 'chunked' transfer encoding. """ def __init__(self, rfile, maxlen, bufsize=8192): self.rfile = rfile self.maxlen = maxlen self.bytes_read = 0 self.buffer = EMPTY self.bufsize = bufsize self.closed = False def _fetch(self): if self.closed: return line = self.rfile.readline() self.bytes_read += len(line) if self.maxlen and self.bytes_read > self.maxlen: raise MaxSizeExceeded("Request Entity Too Large", self.maxlen) line = line.strip().split(SEMICOLON, 1) try: chunk_size = line.pop(0) chunk_size = int(chunk_size, 16) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Bad chunked transfer size: " + repr(chunk_size)) if chunk_size <= 0: self.closed = True return ## if line: chunk_extension = line[0] if self.maxlen and self.bytes_read + chunk_size > self.maxlen: raise IOError("Request Entity Too Large") chunk = self.bytes_read += len(chunk) self.buffer += chunk crlf = if crlf != CRLF: raise ValueError( "Bad chunked transfer coding (expected '\\r\\n', " "got " + repr(crlf) + ")") def read(self, size=None): data = EMPTY while True: if size and len(data) >= size: return data if not self.buffer: self._fetch() if not self.buffer: # EOF return data if size: remaining = size - len(data) data += self.buffer[:remaining] self.buffer = self.buffer[remaining:] else: data += self.buffer def readline(self, size=None): data = EMPTY while True: if size and len(data) >= size: return data if not self.buffer: self._fetch() if not self.buffer: # EOF return data newline_pos = self.buffer.find(LF) if size: if newline_pos == -1: remaining = size - len(data) data += self.buffer[:remaining] self.buffer = self.buffer[remaining:] else: remaining = min(size - len(data), newline_pos) data += self.buffer[:remaining] self.buffer = self.buffer[remaining:] else: if newline_pos == -1: data += self.buffer else: data += self.buffer[:newline_pos] self.buffer = self.buffer[newline_pos:] def readlines(self, sizehint=0): # Shamelessly stolen from StringIO total = 0 lines = [] line = self.readline(sizehint) while line: lines.append(line) total += len(line) if 0 < sizehint <= total: break line = self.readline(sizehint) return lines def read_trailer_lines(self): if not self.closed: raise ValueError( "Cannot read trailers until the request body has been read.") while True: line = self.rfile.readline() if not line: # No more data--illegal end of headers raise ValueError("Illegal end of headers.") self.bytes_read += len(line) if self.maxlen and self.bytes_read > self.maxlen: raise IOError("Request Entity Too Large") if line == CRLF: # Normal end of headers break if not line.endswith(CRLF): raise ValueError("HTTP requires CRLF terminators") yield line def close(self): self.rfile.close() def __iter__(self): # Shamelessly stolen from StringIO total = 0 line = self.readline(sizehint) while line: yield line total += len(line) if 0 < sizehint <= total: break line = self.readline(sizehint) class HTTPRequest(object): """An HTTP Request (and response). A single HTTP connection may consist of multiple request/response pairs. """ server = None """The HTTPServer object which is receiving this request.""" conn = None """The HTTPConnection object on which this request connected.""" inheaders = {} """A dict of request headers.""" outheaders = [] """A list of header tuples to write in the response.""" ready = False """When True, the request has been parsed and is ready to begin generating the response. When False, signals the calling Connection that the response should not be generated and the connection should close.""" close_connection = False """Signals the calling Connection that the request should close. This does not imply an error! The client and/or server may each request that the connection be closed.""" chunked_write = False """If True, output will be encoded with the "chunked" transfer-coding. This value is set automatically inside send_headers.""" def __init__(self, server, conn): self.server= server self.conn = conn self.ready = False self.started_request = False self.scheme = ntob("http") if self.server.ssl_adapter is not None: self.scheme = ntob("https") # Use the lowest-common protocol in case read_request_line errors. self.response_protocol = 'HTTP/1.0' self.inheaders = {} self.status = "" self.outheaders = [] self.sent_headers = False self.close_connection = self.__class__.close_connection self.chunked_read = False self.chunked_write = self.__class__.chunked_write def parse_request(self): """Parse the next HTTP request start-line and message-headers.""" self.rfile = SizeCheckWrapper(self.conn.rfile, self.server.max_request_header_size) try: success = self.read_request_line() except MaxSizeExceeded: self.simple_response("414 Request-URI Too Long", "The Request-URI sent with the request exceeds the maximum " "allowed bytes.") return else: if not success: return try: success = self.read_request_headers() except MaxSizeExceeded: self.simple_response("413 Request Entity Too Large", "The headers sent with the request exceed the maximum " "allowed bytes.") return else: if not success: return self.ready = True def read_request_line(self): # HTTP/1.1 connections are persistent by default. If a client # requests a page, then idles (leaves the connection open), # then rfile.readline() will raise socket.error("timed out"). # Note that it does this based on the value given to settimeout(), # and doesn't need the client to request or acknowledge the close # (although your TCP stack might suffer for it: cf Apache's history # with FIN_WAIT_2). request_line = self.rfile.readline() # Set started_request to True so communicate() knows to send 408 # from here on out. self.started_request = True if not request_line: return False if request_line == CRLF: # RFC 2616 sec 4.1: "...if the server is reading the protocol # stream at the beginning of a message and receives a CRLF # first, it should ignore the CRLF." # But only ignore one leading line! else we enable a DoS. request_line = self.rfile.readline() if not request_line: return False if not request_line.endswith(CRLF): self.simple_response("400 Bad Request", "HTTP requires CRLF terminators") return False try: method, uri, req_protocol = request_line.strip().split(SPACE, 2) rp = int(req_protocol[5]), int(req_protocol[7]) except (ValueError, IndexError): self.simple_response("400 Bad Request", "Malformed Request-Line") return False self.uri = uri self.method = method # uri may be an abs_path (including "http://host.domain.tld"); scheme, authority, path = self.parse_request_uri(uri) if NUMBER_SIGN in path: self.simple_response("400 Bad Request", "Illegal #fragment in Request-URI.") return False if scheme: self.scheme = scheme qs = EMPTY if QUESTION_MARK in path: path, qs = path.split(QUESTION_MARK, 1) # Unquote the path+params (e.g. "/this%20path" -> "/this path"). # # # But note that "...a URI must be separated into its components # before the escaped characters within those components can be # safely decoded.", sec 2.4.2 # Therefore, "/this%2Fpath" becomes "/this%2Fpath", not "/this/path". try: atoms = [unquote(x) for x in quoted_slash.split(path)] except ValueError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] self.simple_response("400 Bad Request", ex.args[0]) return False path = "%2F".join(atoms) self.path = path # Note that, like wsgiref and most other HTTP servers, # we "% HEX HEX"-unquote the path but not the query string. self.qs = qs # Compare request and server HTTP protocol versions, in case our # server does not support the requested protocol. Limit our output # to min(req, server). We want the following output: # request server actual written supported response # protocol protocol response protocol feature set # a 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 # b 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 # c 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 # d 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 # Notice that, in (b), the response will be "HTTP/1.1" even though # the client only understands 1.0. RFC 2616 10.5.6 says we should # only return 505 if the _major_ version is different. sp = int(self.server.protocol[5]), int(self.server.protocol[7]) if sp[0] != rp[0]: self.simple_response("505 HTTP Version Not Supported") return False self.request_protocol = req_protocol self.response_protocol = "HTTP/%s.%s" % min(rp, sp) return True def read_request_headers(self): """Read self.rfile into self.inheaders. Return success.""" # then all the http headers try: read_headers(self.rfile, self.inheaders) except ValueError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] self.simple_response("400 Bad Request", ex.args[0]) return False mrbs = self.server.max_request_body_size if mrbs and int(self.inheaders.get("Content-Length", 0)) > mrbs: self.simple_response("413 Request Entity Too Large", "The entity sent with the request exceeds the maximum " "allowed bytes.") return False # Persistent connection support if self.response_protocol == "HTTP/1.1": # Both server and client are HTTP/1.1 if self.inheaders.get("Connection", "") == "close": self.close_connection = True else: # Either the server or client (or both) are HTTP/1.0 if self.inheaders.get("Connection", "") != "Keep-Alive": self.close_connection = True # Transfer-Encoding support te = None if self.response_protocol == "HTTP/1.1": te = self.inheaders.get("Transfer-Encoding") if te: te = [x.strip().lower() for x in te.split(",") if x.strip()] self.chunked_read = False if te: for enc in te: if enc == "chunked": self.chunked_read = True else: # Note that, even if we see "chunked", we must reject # if there is an extension we don't recognize. self.simple_response("501 Unimplemented") self.close_connection = True return False # From PEP 333: # "Servers and gateways that implement HTTP 1.1 must provide # transparent support for HTTP 1.1's "expect/continue" mechanism. # This may be done in any of several ways: # 1. Respond to requests containing an Expect: 100-continue request # with an immediate "100 Continue" response, and proceed normally. # 2. Proceed with the request normally, but provide the application # with a wsgi.input stream that will send the "100 Continue" # response if/when the application first attempts to read from # the input stream. The read request must then remain blocked # until the client responds. # 3. Wait until the client decides that the server does not support # expect/continue, and sends the request body on its own. # (This is suboptimal, and is not recommended.) # # We used to do 3, but are now doing 1. Maybe we'll do 2 someday, # but it seems like it would be a big slowdown for such a rare case. if self.inheaders.get("Expect", "") == "100-continue": # Don't use simple_response here, because it emits headers # we don't want. See msg = self.server.protocol + " 100 Continue\r\n\r\n" try: self.conn.wfile.sendall(msg) except socket.error: x = sys.exc_info()[1] if x.args[0] not in socket_errors_to_ignore: raise return True def parse_request_uri(self, uri): """Parse a Request-URI into (scheme, authority, path). Note that Request-URI's must be one of:: Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority Therefore, a Request-URI which starts with a double forward-slash cannot be a "net_path":: net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ] Instead, it must be interpreted as an "abs_path" with an empty first path segment:: abs_path = "/" path_segments path_segments = segment *( "/" segment ) segment = *pchar *( ";" param ) param = *pchar """ if uri == ASTERISK: return None, None, uri i = uri.find('://') if i > 0 and QUESTION_MARK not in uri[:i]: # An absoluteURI. # If there's a scheme (and it must be http or https), then: # http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]] scheme, remainder = uri[:i].lower(), uri[i + 3:] authority, path = remainder.split(FORWARD_SLASH, 1) path = FORWARD_SLASH + path return scheme, authority, path if uri.startswith(FORWARD_SLASH): # An abs_path. return None, None, uri else: # An authority. return None, uri, None def respond(self): """Call the gateway and write its iterable output.""" mrbs = self.server.max_request_body_size if self.chunked_read: self.rfile = ChunkedRFile(self.conn.rfile, mrbs) else: cl = int(self.inheaders.get("Content-Length", 0)) if mrbs and mrbs < cl: if not self.sent_headers: self.simple_response("413 Request Entity Too Large", "The entity sent with the request exceeds the maximum " "allowed bytes.") return self.rfile = KnownLengthRFile(self.conn.rfile, cl) self.server.gateway(self).respond() if (self.ready and not self.sent_headers): self.sent_headers = True self.send_headers() if self.chunked_write: self.conn.wfile.sendall("0\r\n\r\n") def simple_response(self, status, msg=""): """Write a simple response back to the client.""" status = str(status) buf = [self.server.protocol + SPACE + status + CRLF, "Content-Length: %s\r\n" % len(msg), "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"] if status[:3] in ("413", "414"): # Request Entity Too Large / Request-URI Too Long self.close_connection = True if self.response_protocol == 'HTTP/1.1': # This will not be true for 414, since read_request_line # usually raises 414 before reading the whole line, and we # therefore cannot know the proper response_protocol. buf.append("Connection: close\r\n") else: # HTTP/1.0 had no 413/414 status nor Connection header. # Emit 400 instead and trust the message body is enough. status = "400 Bad Request" buf.append(CRLF) if msg: if isinstance(msg, unicodestr): msg = msg.encode("ISO-8859-1") buf.append(msg) try: self.conn.wfile.sendall("".join(buf)) except socket.error: x = sys.exc_info()[1] if x.args[0] not in socket_errors_to_ignore: raise def write(self, chunk): """Write unbuffered data to the client.""" if self.chunked_write and chunk: buf = [hex(len(chunk))[2:], CRLF, chunk, CRLF] self.conn.wfile.sendall(EMPTY.join(buf)) else: self.conn.wfile.sendall(chunk) def send_headers(self): """Assert, process, and send the HTTP response message-headers. You must set self.status, and self.outheaders before calling this. """ hkeys = [key.lower() for key, value in self.outheaders] status = int(self.status[:3]) if status == 413: # Request Entity Too Large. Close conn to avoid garbage. self.close_connection = True elif "content-length" not in hkeys: # "All 1xx (informational), 204 (no content), # and 304 (not modified) responses MUST NOT # include a message-body." So no point chunking. if status < 200 or status in (204, 205, 304): pass else: if (self.response_protocol == 'HTTP/1.1' and self.method != 'HEAD'): # Use the chunked transfer-coding self.chunked_write = True self.outheaders.append(("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")) else: # Closing the conn is the only way to determine len. self.close_connection = True if "connection" not in hkeys: if self.response_protocol == 'HTTP/1.1': # Both server and client are HTTP/1.1 or better if self.close_connection: self.outheaders.append(("Connection", "close")) else: # Server and/or client are HTTP/1.0 if not self.close_connection: self.outheaders.append(("Connection", "Keep-Alive")) if (not self.close_connection) and (not self.chunked_read): # Read any remaining request body data on the socket. # "If an origin server receives a request that does not include an # Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, # the request includes a request body, and the server responds # with a final status code before reading the entire request body # from the transport connection, then the server SHOULD NOT close # the transport connection until it has read the entire request, # or until the client closes the connection. Otherwise, the client # might not reliably receive the response message. However, this # requirement is not be construed as preventing a server from # defending itself against denial-of-service attacks, or from # badly broken client implementations." remaining = getattr(self.rfile, 'remaining', 0) if remaining > 0: if "date" not in hkeys: self.outheaders.append(("Date", rfc822.formatdate())) if "server" not in hkeys: self.outheaders.append(("Server", self.server.server_name)) buf = [self.server.protocol + SPACE + self.status + CRLF] for k, v in self.outheaders: buf.append(k + COLON + SPACE + v + CRLF) buf.append(CRLF) self.conn.wfile.sendall(EMPTY.join(buf)) class NoSSLError(Exception): """Exception raised when a client speaks HTTP to an HTTPS socket.""" pass class FatalSSLAlert(Exception): """Exception raised when the SSL implementation signals a fatal alert.""" pass class CP_fileobject(socket._fileobject): """Faux file object attached to a socket object.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.bytes_read = 0 self.bytes_written = 0 socket._fileobject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def sendall(self, data): """Sendall for non-blocking sockets.""" while data: try: bytes_sent = self.send(data) data = data[bytes_sent:] except socket.error, e: if e.args[0] not in socket_errors_nonblocking: raise def send(self, data): bytes_sent = self._sock.send(data) self.bytes_written += bytes_sent return bytes_sent def flush(self): if self._wbuf: buffer = "".join(self._wbuf) self._wbuf = [] self.sendall(buffer) def recv(self, size): while True: try: data = self._sock.recv(size) self.bytes_read += len(data) return data except socket.error, e: if (e.args[0] not in socket_errors_nonblocking and e.args[0] not in socket_error_eintr): raise if not _fileobject_uses_str_type: def read(self, size=-1): # Use max, disallow tiny reads in a loop as they are very inefficient. # We never leave read() with any leftover data from a new recv() call # in our internal buffer. rbufsize = max(self._rbufsize, self.default_bufsize) # Our use of StringIO rather than lists of string objects returned by # recv() minimizes memory usage and fragmentation that occurs when # rbufsize is large compared to the typical return value of recv(). buf = self._rbuf, 2) # seek end if size < 0: # Read until EOF self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: data = self.recv(rbufsize) if not data: break buf.write(data) return buf.getvalue() else: # Read until size bytes or EOF seen, whichever comes first buf_len = buf.tell() if buf_len >= size: # Already have size bytes in our buffer? Extract and return. rv = self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() self._rbuf.write( return rv self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: left = size - buf_len # recv() will malloc the amount of memory given as its # parameter even though it often returns much less data # than that. The returned data string is short lived # as we copy it into a StringIO and free it. This avoids # fragmentation issues on many platforms. data = self.recv(left) if not data: break n = len(data) if n == size and not buf_len: # Shortcut. Avoid buffer data copies when: # - We have no data in our buffer. # AND # - Our call to recv returned exactly the # number of bytes we were asked to read. return data if n == left: buf.write(data) del data # explicit free break assert n <= left, "recv(%d) returned %d bytes" % (left, n) buf.write(data) buf_len += n del data # explicit free #assert buf_len == buf.tell() return buf.getvalue() def readline(self, size=-1): buf = self._rbuf, 2) # seek end if buf.tell() > 0: # check if we already have it in our buffer bline = buf.readline(size) if bline.endswith('\n') or len(bline) == size: self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() self._rbuf.write( return bline del bline if size < 0: # Read until \n or EOF, whichever comes first if self._rbufsize <= 1: # Speed up unbuffered case buffers = [] self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. data = None recv = self.recv while data != "\n": data = recv(1) if not data: break buffers.append(data) return "".join(buffers), 2) # seek end self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: data = self.recv(self._rbufsize) if not data: break nl = data.find('\n') if nl >= 0: nl += 1 buf.write(data[:nl]) self._rbuf.write(data[nl:]) del data break buf.write(data) return buf.getvalue() else: # Read until size bytes or \n or EOF seen, whichever comes first, 2) # seek end buf_len = buf.tell() if buf_len >= size: rv = self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() self._rbuf.write( return rv self._rbuf = StringIO.StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: data = self.recv(self._rbufsize) if not data: break left = size - buf_len # did we just receive a newline? nl = data.find('\n', 0, left) if nl >= 0: nl += 1 # save the excess data to _rbuf self._rbuf.write(data[nl:]) if buf_len: buf.write(data[:nl]) break else: # Shortcut. Avoid data copy through buf when returning # a substring of our first recv(). return data[:nl] n = len(data) if n == size and not buf_len: # Shortcut. Avoid data copy through buf when # returning exactly all of our first recv(). return data if n >= left: buf.write(data[:left]) self._rbuf.write(data[left:]) break buf.write(data) buf_len += n #assert buf_len == buf.tell() return buf.getvalue() else: def read(self, size=-1): if size < 0: # Read until EOF buffers = [self._rbuf] self._rbuf = "" if self._rbufsize <= 1: recv_size = self.default_bufsize else: recv_size = self._rbufsize while True: data = self.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) return "".join(buffers) else: # Read until size bytes or EOF seen, whichever comes first data = self._rbuf buf_len = len(data) if buf_len >= size: self._rbuf = data[size:] return data[:size] buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" while True: left = size - buf_len recv_size = max(self._rbufsize, left) data = self.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) n = len(data) if n >= left: self._rbuf = data[left:] buffers[-1] = data[:left] break buf_len += n return "".join(buffers) def readline(self, size=-1): data = self._rbuf if size < 0: # Read until \n or EOF, whichever comes first if self._rbufsize <= 1: # Speed up unbuffered case assert data == "" buffers = [] while data != "\n": data = self.recv(1) if not data: break buffers.append(data) return "".join(buffers) nl = data.find('\n') if nl >= 0: nl += 1 self._rbuf = data[nl:] return data[:nl] buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" while True: data = self.recv(self._rbufsize) if not data: break buffers.append(data) nl = data.find('\n') if nl >= 0: nl += 1 self._rbuf = data[nl:] buffers[-1] = data[:nl] break return "".join(buffers) else: # Read until size bytes or \n or EOF seen, whichever comes first nl = data.find('\n', 0, size) if nl >= 0: nl += 1 self._rbuf = data[nl:] return data[:nl] buf_len = len(data) if buf_len >= size: self._rbuf = data[size:] return data[:size] buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" while True: data = self.recv(self._rbufsize) if not data: break buffers.append(data) left = size - buf_len nl = data.find('\n', 0, left) if nl >= 0: nl += 1 self._rbuf = data[nl:] buffers[-1] = data[:nl] break n = len(data) if n >= left: self._rbuf = data[left:] buffers[-1] = data[:left] break buf_len += n return "".join(buffers) class HTTPConnection(object): """An HTTP connection (active socket). server: the Server object which received this connection. socket: the raw socket object (usually TCP) for this connection. makefile: a fileobject class for reading from the socket. """ remote_addr = None remote_port = None ssl_env = None rbufsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE wbufsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE RequestHandlerClass = HTTPRequest def __init__(self, server, sock, makefile=CP_fileobject): self.server = server self.socket = sock self.rfile = makefile(sock, "rb", self.rbufsize) self.wfile = makefile(sock, "wb", self.wbufsize) self.requests_seen = 0 def communicate(self): """Read each request and respond appropriately.""" request_seen = False try: while True: # (re)set req to None so that if something goes wrong in # the RequestHandlerClass constructor, the error doesn't # get written to the previous request. req = None req = self.RequestHandlerClass(self.server, self) # This order of operations should guarantee correct pipelining. req.parse_request() if self.server.stats['Enabled']: self.requests_seen += 1 if not req.ready: # Something went wrong in the parsing (and the server has # probably already made a simple_response). Return and # let the conn close. return request_seen = True req.respond() if req.close_connection: return except socket.error: e = sys.exc_info()[1] errnum = e.args[0] # sadly SSL sockets return a different (longer) time out string if errnum == 'timed out' or errnum == 'The read operation timed out': # Don't error if we're between requests; only error # if 1) no request has been started at all, or 2) we're # in the middle of a request. # See if (not request_seen) or (req and req.started_request): # Don't bother writing the 408 if the response # has already started being written. if req and not req.sent_headers: try: req.simple_response("408 Request Timeout") except FatalSSLAlert: # Close the connection. return elif errnum not in socket_errors_to_ignore: self.server.error_log("socket.error %s" % repr(errnum), level=logging.WARNING, traceback=True) if req and not req.sent_headers: try: req.simple_response("500 Internal Server Error") except FatalSSLAlert: # Close the connection. return return except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except FatalSSLAlert: # Close the connection. return except NoSSLError: if req and not req.sent_headers: # Unwrap our wfile self.wfile = CP_fileobject(self.socket._sock, "wb", self.wbufsize) req.simple_response("400 Bad Request", "The client sent a plain HTTP request, but " "this server only speaks HTTPS on this port.") self.linger = True except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.server.error_log(repr(e), level=logging.ERROR, traceback=True) if req and not req.sent_headers: try: req.simple_response("500 Internal Server Error") except FatalSSLAlert: # Close the connection. return linger = False def close(self): """Close the socket underlying this connection.""" self.rfile.close() if not self.linger: # Python's socket module does NOT call close on the kernel socket # when you call socket.close(). We do so manually here because we # want this server to send a FIN TCP segment immediately. Note this # must be called *before* calling socket.close(), because the latter # drops its reference to the kernel socket. if hasattr(self.socket, '_sock'): self.socket._sock.close() self.socket.close() else: # On the other hand, sometimes we want to hang around for a bit # to make sure the client has a chance to read our entire # response. Skipping the close() calls here delays the FIN # packet until the socket object is garbage-collected later. # Someday, perhaps, we'll do the full lingering_close that # Apache does, but not today. pass class TrueyZero(object): """An object which equals and does math like the integer '0' but evals True.""" def __add__(self, other): return other def __radd__(self, other): return other trueyzero = TrueyZero() _SHUTDOWNREQUEST = None class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): """Thread which continuously polls a Queue for Connection objects. Due to the timing issues of polling a Queue, a WorkerThread does not check its own 'ready' flag after it has started. To stop the thread, it is necessary to stick a _SHUTDOWNREQUEST object onto the Queue (one for each running WorkerThread). """ conn = None """The current connection pulled off the Queue, or None.""" server = None """The HTTP Server which spawned this thread, and which owns the Queue and is placing active connections into it.""" ready = False """A simple flag for the calling server to know when this thread has begun polling the Queue.""" def __init__(self, server): self.ready = False self.server = server self.requests_seen = 0 self.bytes_read = 0 self.bytes_written = 0 self.start_time = None self.work_time = 0 self.stats = { 'Requests': lambda s: self.requests_seen + ((self.start_time is None) and trueyzero or self.conn.requests_seen), 'Bytes Read': lambda s: self.bytes_read + ((self.start_time is None) and trueyzero or self.conn.rfile.bytes_read), 'Bytes Written': lambda s: self.bytes_written + ((self.start_time is None) and trueyzero or self.conn.wfile.bytes_written), 'Work Time': lambda s: self.work_time + ((self.start_time is None) and trueyzero or time.time() - self.start_time), 'Read Throughput': lambda s: s['Bytes Read'](s) / (s['Work Time'](s) or 1e-6), 'Write Throughput': lambda s: s['Bytes Written'](s) / (s['Work Time'](s) or 1e-6), } threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): self.server.stats['Worker Threads'][self.getName()] = self.stats try: self.ready = True while True: conn = self.server.requests.get() if conn is _SHUTDOWNREQUEST: return self.conn = conn if self.server.stats['Enabled']: self.start_time = time.time() try: conn.communicate() finally: conn.close() if self.server.stats['Enabled']: self.requests_seen += self.conn.requests_seen self.bytes_read += self.conn.rfile.bytes_read self.bytes_written += self.conn.wfile.bytes_written self.work_time += time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = None self.conn = None except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): exc = sys.exc_info()[1] self.server.interrupt = exc class ThreadPool(object): """A Request Queue for an HTTPServer which pools threads. ThreadPool objects must provide min, get(), put(obj), start() and stop(timeout) attributes. """ def __init__(self, server, min=10, max=-1): self.server = server self.min = min self.max = max self._threads = [] self._queue = queue.Queue() self.get = self._queue.get def start(self): """Start the pool of threads.""" for i in range(self.min): self._threads.append(WorkerThread(self.server)) for worker in self._threads: worker.setName("CP Server " + worker.getName()) worker.start() for worker in self._threads: while not worker.ready: time.sleep(.1) def _get_idle(self): """Number of worker threads which are idle. Read-only.""" return len([t for t in self._threads if t.conn is None]) idle = property(_get_idle, doc=_get_idle.__doc__) def put(self, obj): self._queue.put(obj) if obj is _SHUTDOWNREQUEST: return def grow(self, amount): """Spawn new worker threads (not above self.max).""" if self.max > 0: budget = max(self.max - len(self._threads), 0) else: # self.max <= 0 indicates no maximum budget = float('inf') n_new = min(amount, budget) workers = [self._spawn_worker() for i in range(n_new)] while not self._all(operator.attrgetter('ready'), workers): time.sleep(.1) self._threads.extend(workers) def _spawn_worker(self): worker = WorkerThread(self.server) worker.setName("CP Server " + worker.getName()) worker.start() return worker def _all(func, items): results = [func(item) for item in items] return reduce(operator.and_, results, True) _all = staticmethod(_all) def shrink(self, amount): """Kill off worker threads (not below self.min).""" # Grow/shrink the pool if necessary. # Remove any dead threads from our list for t in self._threads: if not t.isAlive(): self._threads.remove(t) amount -= 1 # calculate the number of threads above the minimum n_extra = max(len(self._threads) - self.min, 0) # don't remove more than amount n_to_remove = min(amount, n_extra) # put shutdown requests on the queue equal to the number of threads # to remove. As each request is processed by a worker, that worker # will terminate and be culled from the list. for n in range(n_to_remove): self._queue.put(_SHUTDOWNREQUEST) def stop(self, timeout=5): # Must shut down threads here so the code that calls # this method can know when all threads are stopped. for worker in self._threads: self._queue.put(_SHUTDOWNREQUEST) # Don't join currentThread (when stop is called inside a request). current = threading.currentThread() if timeout and timeout >= 0: endtime = time.time() + timeout while self._threads: worker = self._threads.pop() if worker is not current and worker.isAlive(): try: if timeout is None or timeout < 0: worker.join() else: remaining_time = endtime - time.time() if remaining_time > 0: worker.join(remaining_time) if worker.isAlive(): # We exhausted the timeout. # Forcibly shut down the socket. c = worker.conn if c and not c.rfile.closed: try: c.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) except TypeError: # pyOpenSSL sockets don't take an arg c.socket.shutdown() worker.join() except (AssertionError, # Ignore repeated Ctrl-C. # See KeyboardInterrupt): pass def _get_qsize(self): return self._queue.qsize() qsize = property(_get_qsize) try: import fcntl except ImportError: try: from ctypes import windll, WinError import ctypes.wintypes _SetHandleInformation = windll.kernel32.SetHandleInformation _SetHandleInformation.argtypes = [ ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ] _SetHandleInformation.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL except ImportError: def prevent_socket_inheritance(sock): """Dummy function, since neither fcntl nor ctypes are available.""" pass else: def prevent_socket_inheritance(sock): """Mark the given socket fd as non-inheritable (Windows).""" if not _SetHandleInformation(sock.fileno(), 1, 0): raise WinError() else: def prevent_socket_inheritance(sock): """Mark the given socket fd as non-inheritable (POSIX).""" fd = sock.fileno() old_flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, old_flags | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) class SSLAdapter(object): """Base class for SSL driver library adapters. Required methods: * ``wrap(sock) -> (wrapped socket, ssl environ dict)`` * ``makefile(sock, mode='r', bufsize=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) -> socket file object`` """ def __init__(self, certificate, private_key, certificate_chain=None): self.certificate = certificate self.private_key = private_key self.certificate_chain = certificate_chain def wrap(self, sock): raise NotImplemented def makefile(self, sock, mode='r', bufsize=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE): raise NotImplemented class HTTPServer(object): """An HTTP server.""" _bind_addr = "" _interrupt = None gateway = None """A Gateway instance.""" minthreads = None """The minimum number of worker threads to create (default 10).""" maxthreads = None """The maximum number of worker threads to create (default -1 = no limit).""" server_name = None """The name of the server; defaults to socket.gethostname().""" protocol = "HTTP/1.1" """The version string to write in the Status-Line of all HTTP responses. For example, "HTTP/1.1" is the default. This also limits the supported features used in the response.""" request_queue_size = 5 """The 'backlog' arg to socket.listen(); max queued connections (default 5).""" shutdown_timeout = 5 """The total time, in seconds, to wait for worker threads to cleanly exit.""" timeout = 10 """The timeout in seconds for accepted connections (default 10).""" version = "CherryPy/3.2.4" """A version string for the HTTPServer.""" software = None """The value to set for the SERVER_SOFTWARE entry in the WSGI environ. If None, this defaults to ``'%s Server' % self.version``.""" ready = False """An internal flag which marks whether the socket is accepting connections.""" max_request_header_size = 0 """The maximum size, in bytes, for request headers, or 0 for no limit.""" max_request_body_size = 0 """The maximum size, in bytes, for request bodies, or 0 for no limit.""" nodelay = True """If True (the default since 3.1), sets the TCP_NODELAY socket option.""" ConnectionClass = HTTPConnection """The class to use for handling HTTP connections.""" ssl_adapter = None """An instance of SSLAdapter (or a subclass). You must have the corresponding SSL driver library installed.""" def __init__(self, bind_addr, gateway, minthreads=10, maxthreads=-1, server_name=None): self.bind_addr = bind_addr self.gateway = gateway self.requests = ThreadPool(self, min=minthreads or 1, max=maxthreads) if not server_name: server_name = socket.gethostname() self.server_name = server_name self.clear_stats() def clear_stats(self): self._start_time = None self._run_time = 0 self.stats = { 'Enabled': False, 'Bind Address': lambda s: repr(self.bind_addr), 'Run time': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or self.runtime(), 'Accepts': 0, 'Accepts/sec': lambda s: s['Accepts'] / self.runtime(), 'Queue': lambda s: getattr(self.requests, "qsize", None), 'Threads': lambda s: len(getattr(self.requests, "_threads", [])), 'Threads Idle': lambda s: getattr(self.requests, "idle", None), 'Socket Errors': 0, 'Requests': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or sum([w['Requests'](w) for w in s['Worker Threads'].values()], 0), 'Bytes Read': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or sum([w['Bytes Read'](w) for w in s['Worker Threads'].values()], 0), 'Bytes Written': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or sum([w['Bytes Written'](w) for w in s['Worker Threads'].values()], 0), 'Work Time': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or sum([w['Work Time'](w) for w in s['Worker Threads'].values()], 0), 'Read Throughput': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or sum( [w['Bytes Read'](w) / (w['Work Time'](w) or 1e-6) for w in s['Worker Threads'].values()], 0), 'Write Throughput': lambda s: (not s['Enabled']) and -1 or sum( [w['Bytes Written'](w) / (w['Work Time'](w) or 1e-6) for w in s['Worker Threads'].values()], 0), 'Worker Threads': {}, } logging.statistics["CherryPy HTTPServer %d" % id(self)] = self.stats def runtime(self): if self._start_time is None: return self._run_time else: return self._run_time + (time.time() - self._start_time) def __str__(self): return "%s.%s(%r)" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.bind_addr) def _get_bind_addr(self): return self._bind_addr def _set_bind_addr(self, value): if isinstance(value, tuple) and value[0] in ('', None): # Despite the socket module docs, using '' does not # allow AI_PASSIVE to work. Passing None instead # returns '' like we want. In other words: # host AI_PASSIVE result # '' Y 192.168.x.y # '' N 192.168.x.y # None Y # None N # But since you can get the same effect with an explicit # '', we deny both the empty string and None as values. raise ValueError("Host values of '' or None are not allowed. " "Use '' (IPv4) or '::' (IPv6) instead " "to listen on all active interfaces.") self._bind_addr = value bind_addr = property(_get_bind_addr, _set_bind_addr, doc="""The interface on which to listen for connections. For TCP sockets, a (host, port) tuple. Host values may be any IPv4 or IPv6 address, or any valid hostname. The string 'localhost' is a synonym for '' (or '::1', if your hosts file prefers IPv6). The string '' is a special IPv4 entry meaning "any active interface" (INADDR_ANY), and '::' is the similar IN6ADDR_ANY for IPv6. The empty string or None are not allowed. For UNIX sockets, supply the filename as a string.""") def start(self): """Run the server forever.""" # We don't have to trap KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit here, # because cherrpy.server already does so, calling self.stop() for us. # If you're using this server with another framework, you should # trap those exceptions in whatever code block calls start(). self._interrupt = None if is None: = "%s Server" % self.version # SSL backward compatibility if (self.ssl_adapter is None and getattr(self, 'ssl_certificate', None) and getattr(self, 'ssl_private_key', None)): warnings.warn( "SSL attributes are deprecated in CherryPy 3.2, and will " "be removed in CherryPy 3.3. Use an ssl_adapter attribute " "instead.", DeprecationWarning ) try: from cherrypy.wsgiserver.ssl_pyopenssl import pyOpenSSLAdapter except ImportError: pass else: self.ssl_adapter = pyOpenSSLAdapter( self.ssl_certificate, self.ssl_private_key, getattr(self, 'ssl_certificate_chain', None)) # Select the appropriate socket if isinstance(self.bind_addr, basestring): # AF_UNIX socket # So we can reuse the socket... try: os.unlink(self.bind_addr) except: pass # So everyone can access the socket... try: os.chmod(self.bind_addr, 511) # 0777 except: pass info = [(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, "", self.bind_addr)] else: # AF_INET or AF_INET6 socket # Get the correct address family for our host (allows IPv6 addresses) host, port = self.bind_addr try: info = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE) except socket.gaierror: if ':' in self.bind_addr[0]: info = [(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, "", self.bind_addr + (0, 0))] else: info = [(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, "", self.bind_addr)] self.socket = None msg = "No socket could be created" for res in info: af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: self.bind(af, socktype, proto) except socket.error, serr: msg = "%s -- (%s: %s)" % (msg, sa, serr) if self.socket: self.socket.close() self.socket = None continue break if not self.socket: raise socket.error(msg) # Timeout so KeyboardInterrupt can be caught on Win32 self.socket.settimeout(1) self.socket.listen(self.request_queue_size) # Create worker threads self.requests.start() self.ready = True self._start_time = time.time() while self.ready: try: self.tick() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.error_log("Error in HTTPServer.tick", level=logging.ERROR, traceback=True) if self.interrupt: while self.interrupt is True: # Wait for self.stop() to complete. See _set_interrupt. time.sleep(0.1) if self.interrupt: raise self.interrupt def error_log(self, msg="", level=20, traceback=False): # Override this in subclasses as desired sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() if traceback: tblines = format_exc() sys.stderr.write(tblines) sys.stderr.flush() def bind(self, family, type, proto=0): """Create (or recreate) the actual socket object.""" self.socket = socket.socket(family, type, proto) prevent_socket_inheritance(self.socket) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if self.nodelay and not isinstance(self.bind_addr, str): self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) if self.ssl_adapter is not None: self.socket = self.ssl_adapter.bind(self.socket) # If listening on the IPV6 any address ('::' = IN6ADDR_ANY), # activate dual-stack. See if (hasattr(socket, 'AF_INET6') and family == socket.AF_INET6 and self.bind_addr[0] in ('::', '::0', '::')): try: self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0) except (AttributeError, socket.error): # Apparently, the socket option is not available in # this machine's TCP stack pass self.socket.bind(self.bind_addr) def tick(self): """Accept a new connection and put it on the Queue.""" try: s, addr = self.socket.accept() if self.stats['Enabled']: self.stats['Accepts'] += 1 if not self.ready: return prevent_socket_inheritance(s) if hasattr(s, 'settimeout'): s.settimeout(self.timeout) makefile = CP_fileobject ssl_env = {} # if ssl cert and key are set, we try to be a secure HTTP server if self.ssl_adapter is not None: try: s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s) except NoSSLError: msg = ("The client sent a plain HTTP request, but " "this server only speaks HTTPS on this port.") buf = ["%s 400 Bad Request\r\n" % self.protocol, "Content-Length: %s\r\n" % len(msg), "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n", msg] wfile = makefile(s, "wb", DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) try: wfile.sendall("".join(buf)) except socket.error: x = sys.exc_info()[1] if x.args[0] not in socket_errors_to_ignore: raise return if not s: return makefile = self.ssl_adapter.makefile # Re-apply our timeout since we may have a new socket object if hasattr(s, 'settimeout'): s.settimeout(self.timeout) conn = self.ConnectionClass(self, s, makefile) if not isinstance(self.bind_addr, basestring): # optional values # Until we do DNS lookups, omit REMOTE_HOST if addr is None: # sometimes this can happen # figure out if AF_INET or AF_INET6. if len(s.getsockname()) == 2: # AF_INET addr = ('', 0) else: # AF_INET6 addr = ('::', 0) conn.remote_addr = addr[0] conn.remote_port = addr[1] conn.ssl_env = ssl_env self.requests.put(conn) except socket.timeout: # The only reason for the timeout in start() is so we can # notice keyboard interrupts on Win32, which don't interrupt # accept() by default return except socket.error: x = sys.exc_info()[1] if self.stats['Enabled']: self.stats['Socket Errors'] += 1 if x.args[0] in socket_error_eintr: # I *think* this is right. EINTR should occur when a signal # is received during the accept() call; all docs say retry # the call, and I *think* I'm reading it right that Python # will then go ahead and poll for and handle the signal # elsewhere. See return if x.args[0] in socket_errors_nonblocking: # Just try again. See return if x.args[0] in socket_errors_to_ignore: # Our socket was closed. # See return raise def _get_interrupt(self): return self._interrupt def _set_interrupt(self, interrupt): self._interrupt = True self.stop() self._interrupt = interrupt interrupt = property(_get_interrupt, _set_interrupt, doc="Set this to an Exception instance to " "interrupt the server.") def stop(self): """Gracefully shutdown a server that is serving forever.""" self.ready = False if self._start_time is not None: self._run_time += (time.time() - self._start_time) self._start_time = None sock = getattr(self, "socket", None) if sock: if not isinstance(self.bind_addr, basestring): # Touch our own socket to make accept() return immediately. try: host, port = sock.getsockname()[:2] except socket.error: x = sys.exc_info()[1] if x.args[0] not in socket_errors_to_ignore: # Changed to use error code and not message # See raise else: # Note that we're explicitly NOT using AI_PASSIVE, # here, because we want an actual IP to touch. # localhost won't work if we've bound to a public IP, # but it will if we bound to '' (INADDR_ANY). for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res s = None try: s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) # See # browse_frm/thread/bbfe5eb39c904fe0 s.settimeout(1.0) s.connect((host, port)) s.close() except socket.error: if s: s.close() if hasattr(sock, "close"): sock.close() self.socket = None self.requests.stop(self.shutdown_timeout) class Gateway(object): """A base class to interface HTTPServer with other systems, such as WSGI.""" def __init__(self, req): self.req = req def respond(self): """Process the current request. Must be overridden in a subclass.""" raise NotImplemented # These may either be wsgiserver.SSLAdapter subclasses or the string names # of such classes (in which case they will be lazily loaded). ssl_adapters = { 'builtin': 'cherrypy.wsgiserver.ssl_builtin.BuiltinSSLAdapter', 'pyopenssl': 'cherrypy.wsgiserver.ssl_pyopenssl.pyOpenSSLAdapter', } def get_ssl_adapter_class(name='pyopenssl'): """Return an SSL adapter class for the given name.""" adapter = ssl_adapters[name.lower()] if isinstance(adapter, basestring): last_dot = adapter.rfind(".") attr_name = adapter[last_dot + 1:] mod_path = adapter[:last_dot] try: mod = sys.modules[mod_path] if mod is None: raise KeyError() except KeyError: # The last [''] is important. mod = __import__(mod_path, globals(), locals(), ['']) # Let an AttributeError propagate outward. try: adapter = getattr(mod, attr_name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (mod_path, attr_name)) return adapter # -------------------------------- WSGI Stuff -------------------------------- # class CherryPyWSGIServer(HTTPServer): """A subclass of HTTPServer which calls a WSGI application.""" wsgi_version = (1, 0) """The version of WSGI to produce.""" def __init__(self, bind_addr, wsgi_app, numthreads=10, server_name=None, max=-1, request_queue_size=5, timeout=10, shutdown_timeout=5): self.requests = ThreadPool(self, min=numthreads or 1, max=max) self.wsgi_app = wsgi_app self.gateway = wsgi_gateways[self.wsgi_version] self.bind_addr = bind_addr if not server_name: server_name = socket.gethostname() self.server_name = server_name self.request_queue_size = request_queue_size self.timeout = timeout self.shutdown_timeout = shutdown_timeout self.clear_stats() def _get_numthreads(self): return self.requests.min def _set_numthreads(self, value): self.requests.min = value numthreads = property(_get_numthreads, _set_numthreads) class WSGIGateway(Gateway): """A base class to interface HTTPServer with WSGI.""" def __init__(self, req): self.req = req self.started_response = False self.env = self.get_environ() self.remaining_bytes_out = None def get_environ(self): """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version""" raise NotImplemented def respond(self): """Process the current request.""" response = self.req.server.wsgi_app(self.env, self.start_response) try: for chunk in response: # "The start_response callable must not actually transmit # the response headers. Instead, it must store them for the # server or gateway to transmit only after the first # iteration of the application return value that yields # a NON-EMPTY string, or upon the application's first # invocation of the write() callable." (PEP 333) if chunk: if isinstance(chunk, unicodestr): chunk = chunk.encode('ISO-8859-1') self.write(chunk) finally: if hasattr(response, "close"): response.close() def start_response(self, status, headers, exc_info = None): """WSGI callable to begin the HTTP response.""" # "The application may call start_response more than once, # if and only if the exc_info argument is provided." if self.started_response and not exc_info: raise AssertionError("WSGI start_response called a second " "time with no exc_info.") self.started_response = True # "if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have already been # sent, start_response must raise an error, and should raise the # exc_info tuple." if self.req.sent_headers: try: raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] finally: exc_info = None self.req.status = status for k, v in headers: if not isinstance(k, str): raise TypeError("WSGI response header key %r is not of type str." % k) if not isinstance(v, str): raise TypeError("WSGI response header value %r is not of type str." % v) if k.lower() == 'content-length': self.remaining_bytes_out = int(v) self.req.outheaders.extend(headers) return self.write def write(self, chunk): """WSGI callable to write unbuffered data to the client. This method is also used internally by start_response (to write data from the iterable returned by the WSGI application). """ if not self.started_response: raise AssertionError("WSGI write called before start_response.") chunklen = len(chunk) rbo = self.remaining_bytes_out if rbo is not None and chunklen > rbo: if not self.req.sent_headers: # Whew. We can send a 500 to the client. self.req.simple_response("500 Internal Server Error", "The requested resource returned more bytes than the " "declared Content-Length.") else: # Dang. We have probably already sent data. Truncate the chunk # to fit (so the client doesn't hang) and raise an error later. chunk = chunk[:rbo] if not self.req.sent_headers: self.req.sent_headers = True self.req.send_headers() self.req.write(chunk) if rbo is not None: rbo -= chunklen if rbo < 0: raise ValueError( "Response body exceeds the declared Content-Length.") class WSGIGateway_10(WSGIGateway): """A Gateway class to interface HTTPServer with WSGI 1.0.x.""" def get_environ(self): """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version""" req = self.req env = { # set a non-standard environ entry so the WSGI app can know what # the *real* server protocol is (and what features to support). # See 'ACTUAL_SERVER_PROTOCOL': req.server.protocol, 'PATH_INFO': req.path, 'QUERY_STRING': req.qs, 'REMOTE_ADDR': req.conn.remote_addr or '', 'REMOTE_PORT': str(req.conn.remote_port or ''), 'REQUEST_METHOD': req.method, 'REQUEST_URI': req.uri, 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'SERVER_NAME': req.server.server_name, # Bah. "SERVER_PROTOCOL" is actually the REQUEST protocol. 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': req.request_protocol, 'SERVER_SOFTWARE':, 'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr, 'wsgi.input': req.rfile, 'wsgi.multiprocess': False, 'wsgi.multithread': True, 'wsgi.run_once': False, 'wsgi.url_scheme': req.scheme, 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), } if isinstance(req.server.bind_addr, basestring): # AF_UNIX. This isn't really allowed by WSGI, which doesn't # address unix domain sockets. But it's better than nothing. env["SERVER_PORT"] = "" else: env["SERVER_PORT"] = str(req.server.bind_addr[1]) # Request headers for k, v in req.inheaders.iteritems(): env["HTTP_" + k.upper().replace("-", "_")] = v # CONTENT_TYPE/CONTENT_LENGTH ct = env.pop("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE", None) if ct is not None: env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = ct cl = env.pop("HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH", None) if cl is not None: env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = cl if req.conn.ssl_env: env.update(req.conn.ssl_env) return env class WSGIGateway_u0(WSGIGateway_10): """A Gateway class to interface HTTPServer with WSGI u.0. WSGI u.0 is an experimental protocol, which uses unicode for keys and values in both Python 2 and Python 3. """ def get_environ(self): """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version""" req = self.req env_10 = WSGIGateway_10.get_environ(self) env = dict([(k.decode('ISO-8859-1'), v) for k, v in env_10.iteritems()]) env[u'wsgi.version'] = ('u', 0) # Request-URI env.setdefault(u'wsgi.url_encoding', u'utf-8') try: for key in [u"PATH_INFO", u"SCRIPT_NAME", u"QUERY_STRING"]: env[key] = env_10[str(key)].decode(env[u'wsgi.url_encoding']) except UnicodeDecodeError: # Fall back to latin 1 so apps can transcode if needed. env[u'wsgi.url_encoding'] = u'ISO-8859-1' for key in [u"PATH_INFO", u"SCRIPT_NAME", u"QUERY_STRING"]: env[key] = env_10[str(key)].decode(env[u'wsgi.url_encoding']) for k, v in sorted(env.items()): if isinstance(v, str) and k not in ('REQUEST_URI', 'wsgi.input'): env[k] = v.decode('ISO-8859-1') return env wsgi_gateways = { (1, 0): WSGIGateway_10, ('u', 0): WSGIGateway_u0, } class WSGIPathInfoDispatcher(object): """A WSGI dispatcher for dispatch based on the PATH_INFO. apps: a dict or list of (path_prefix, app) pairs. """ def __init__(self, apps): try: apps = list(apps.items()) except AttributeError: pass # Sort the apps by len(path), descending apps.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(len(x[0]), len(y[0]))) apps.reverse() # The path_prefix strings must start, but not end, with a slash. # Use "" instead of "/". self.apps = [(p.rstrip("/"), a) for p, a in apps] def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path = environ["PATH_INFO"] or "/" for p, app in self.apps: # The apps list should be sorted by length, descending. if path.startswith(p + "/") or path == p: environ = environ.copy() environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] = environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] + p environ["PATH_INFO"] = path[len(p):] return app(environ, start_response) start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', '0')]) return ['']
#! /usr/bin/env python3 from ws.interactive import edit_interactive from ws.client import API from ws.utils import dmerge from ws.parser_helpers.title import canonicalize from ws.ArchWiki import lang import mwparserfromhell def page_language(page): return lang.detect_language(page["title"])[1] def edit(api: API, page, templates): print(f"Parsing '{page['title']}'...") text = page["revisions"][0]["slots"]["main"]["*"] timestamp = page["revisions"][0]["timestamp"] code = mwparserfromhell.parse(text) for curTemplate in code.filter_templates(): # skip localized templates if lang.detect_language(str([1] != "English": continue # check if curTemplate matches a feasible template curName = canonicalize( if f"Template:{curName}" not in templates: continue # check if curTemplate has a localized variant localized = lang.format_title(curName, page_language(page)) if f"Template:{localized}" not in templates: continue # localize the template = localized if str(code) != text: if __name__ == "__main__": if "bot" in api.user.rights: edit_interactive(api, page["title"], page["pageid"], text, str(code), timestamp, "localize templates", bot="") else: edit_interactive(api, page["title"], page["pageid"], text, str(code), timestamp, "localize templates") else: api.edit(page['title'], page['pageid'], str(code), timestamp, "localize templates", bot="") def main(api: API): print("Getting page IDs...") pageids = set() templates = set() for template in api.list(list="allpages", apnamespace="10", apfilterlanglinks="withlanglinks", aplimit="max"): templates.add(template["title"]) if page_language(template) == "English": # get IDs of the pages using this template for page in api.generator(generator="embeddedin", geifilterredir="nonredirects", geilimit="max", geititle=template["title"]): if page_language(page) != "English": pageids.add(page["pageid"]) print(f"Fetched {len(pageids)} pages.") print("Getting page contents...") result = {} for chunk in api.call_api_autoiter_ids(action="query", pageids=pageids, prop="revisions", rvprop="content|timestamp", rvslots="main"): dmerge(chunk, result) pages = result["pages"] for page in pages.values(): edit(api, page, templates) if __name__ == "__main__": import ws.config api = ws.config.object_from_argparser(API, description="Replace unlocalised templates in localised pages with the localised templates") main(api)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError class FleetVehicleCost(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.cost' _description = 'Cost related to a vehicle' _order = 'date desc, vehicle_id asc' name = fields.Char(related='', string='Name', store=True) vehicle_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle', 'Vehicle', required=True, help='Vehicle concerned by this log') cost_subtype_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.service.type', 'Type', help='Cost type purchased with this cost') amount = fields.Float('Total Price') cost_type = fields.Selection([('contract', 'Contract'), ('services', 'Services'), ('fuel', 'Fuel'), ('other', 'Other')], 'Category of the cost', default="other", help='For internal purpose only', required=True) parent_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Parent', help='Parent cost to this current cost') cost_ids = fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'parent_id', 'Included Services') odometer_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.odometer', 'Odometer', help='Odometer measure of the vehicle at the moment of this log') odometer = fields.Float(compute="_get_odometer", inverse='_set_odometer', string='Odometer Value', help='Odometer measure of the vehicle at the moment of this log') odometer_unit = fields.Selection(related='vehicle_id.odometer_unit', string="Unit", readonly=True) date = fields.Date(help='Date when the cost has been executed') contract_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.log.contract', 'Contract', help='Contract attached to this cost') auto_generated = fields.Boolean('Automatically Generated', readonly=True) def _get_odometer(self): for record in self: if record.odometer_id: record.odometer = record.odometer_id.value def _set_odometer(self): for record in self: if not record.odometer: raise UserError(_('Emptying the odometer value of a vehicle is not allowed.')) odometer = self.env['fleet.vehicle.odometer'].create({ 'value': record.odometer, 'date': or fields.Date.context_today(record), 'vehicle_id': }) self.odometer_id = odometer @api.model def create(self, data): #make sure that the data are consistent with values of parent and contract records given if 'parent_id' in data and data['parent_id']: parent = self.browse(data['parent_id']) data['vehicle_id'] = data['date'] = data['cost_type'] = parent.cost_type if 'contract_id' in data and data['contract_id']: contract = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.contract'].browse(data['contract_id']) data['vehicle_id'] = data['cost_subtype_id'] = data['cost_type'] = contract.cost_type if 'odometer' in data and not data['odometer']: #if received value for odometer is 0, then remove it from the data as it would result to the creation of a #odometer log with 0, which is to be avoided del(data['odometer']) return super(FleetVehicleCost, self).create(data) class FleetVehicleTag(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.tag' name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True) color = fields.Integer('Color Index') _sql_constraints = [('name_uniq', 'unique (name)', "Tag name already exists !")] class FleetVehicleState(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.state' _order = 'sequence asc' name = fields.Char(required=True) sequence = fields.Integer(help="Used to order the note stages") _sql_constraints = [('fleet_state_name_unique', 'unique(name)', 'State name already exists')] class FleetVehicleModel(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.model' _description = 'Model of a vehicle' _order = 'name asc' name = fields.Char('Model name', required=True) brand_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.model.brand', 'Make', required=True, help='Make of the vehicle') vendors = fields.Many2many('res.partner', 'fleet_vehicle_model_vendors', 'model_id', 'partner_id', string='Vendors') image = fields.Binary(related='brand_id.image', string="Logo") image_medium = fields.Binary(related='brand_id.image_medium', string="Logo (medium)") image_small = fields.Binary(related='brand_id.image_small', string="Logo (small)") @api.multi @api.depends('name', 'brand_id') def name_get(self): res = [] for record in self: name = if name = + '/' + name res.append((, name)) return res @api.onchange('brand_id') def _onchange_brand(self): if self.brand_id: self.image_medium = self.brand_id.image else: self.image_medium = False class FleetVehicleModelBrand(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.model.brand' _description = 'Brand model of the vehicle' _order = 'name asc' name = fields.Char('Make', required=True) image = fields.Binary("Logo", attachment=True, help="This field holds the image used as logo for the brand, limited to 1024x1024px.") image_medium = fields.Binary("Medium-sized image", attachment=True, help="Medium-sized logo of the brand. It is automatically " "resized as a 128x128px image, with aspect ratio preserved. " "Use this field in form views or some kanban views.") image_small = fields.Binary("Small-sized image", attachment=True, help="Small-sized logo of the brand. It is automatically " "resized as a 64x64px image, with aspect ratio preserved. " "Use this field anywhere a small image is required.") @api.model def create(self, vals): tools.image_resize_images(vals) return super(FleetVehicleModelBrand, self).create(vals) @api.multi def write(self, vals): tools.image_resize_images(vals) return super(FleetVehicleModelBrand, self).write(vals) class FleetVehicle(models.Model): _inherit = 'mail.thread' _name = 'fleet.vehicle' _description = 'Information on a vehicle' _order = 'license_plate asc' def _get_default_state(self): state = self.env.ref('fleet.vehicle_state_active', raise_if_not_found=False) return state and or False name = fields.Char(compute="_compute_vehicle_name", store=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) company_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Company') license_plate = fields.Char(required=True, help='License plate number of the vehicle (i = plate number for a car)') vin_sn = fields.Char('Chassis Number', help='Unique number written on the vehicle motor (VIN/SN number)', copy=False) driver_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Driver', help='Driver of the vehicle') model_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.model', 'Model', required=True, help='Model of the vehicle') log_fuel = fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle.log.fuel', 'vehicle_id', 'Fuel Logs') log_services = fields.One2many('', 'vehicle_id', 'Services Logs') log_contracts = fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle.log.contract', 'vehicle_id', 'Contracts') cost_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_count_all", string="Costs") contract_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_count_all", string='Contracts') service_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_count_all", string='Services') fuel_logs_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_count_all", string='Fuel Logs') odometer_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_count_all", string='Odometer') acquisition_date = fields.Date('Acquisition Date', required=False, help='Date when the vehicle has been bought') color = fields.Char(help='Color of the vehicle') state_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.state', 'State', default=_get_default_state, help='Current state of the vehicle', ondelete="set null") location = fields.Char(help='Location of the vehicle (garage, ...)') seats = fields.Integer('Seats Number', help='Number of seats of the vehicle') doors = fields.Integer('Doors Number', help='Number of doors of the vehicle', default=5) tag_ids = fields.Many2many('fleet.vehicle.tag', 'fleet_vehicle_vehicle_tag_rel', 'vehicle_tag_id', 'tag_id', 'Tags', copy=False) odometer = fields.Float(compute='_get_odometer', inverse='_set_odometer', string='Last Odometer', help='Odometer measure of the vehicle at the moment of this log') odometer_unit = fields.Selection([('kilometers', 'Kilometers'), ('miles', 'Miles')], 'Odometer Unit', default='kilometers', help='Unit of the odometer ', required=True) transmission = fields.Selection([('manual', 'Manual'), ('automatic', 'Automatic')], 'Transmission', help='Transmission Used by the vehicle') fuel_type = fields.Selection([('gasoline', 'Gasoline'), ('diesel', 'Diesel'), ('electric', 'Electric'), ('hybrid', 'Hybrid')], 'Fuel Type', help='Fuel Used by the vehicle') horsepower = fields.Integer() horsepower_tax = fields.Float('Horsepower Taxation') power = fields.Integer('Power', help='Power in kW of the vehicle') co2 = fields.Float('CO2 Emissions', help='CO2 emissions of the vehicle') image = fields.Binary(related='model_id.image', string="Logo") image_medium = fields.Binary(related='model_id.image_medium', string="Logo (medium)") image_small = fields.Binary(related='model_id.image_small', string="Logo (small)") contract_renewal_due_soon = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_contract_reminder', search='_search_contract_renewal_due_soon', string='Has Contracts to renew', multi='contract_info') contract_renewal_overdue = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_contract_reminder', search='_search_get_overdue_contract_reminder', string='Has Contracts Overdue', multi='contract_info') contract_renewal_name = fields.Text(compute='_compute_contract_reminder', string='Name of contract to renew soon', multi='contract_info') contract_renewal_total = fields.Text(compute='_compute_contract_reminder', string='Total of contracts due or overdue minus one', multi='contract_info') car_value = fields.Float(help='Value of the bought vehicle') @api.depends('model_id', 'license_plate') def _compute_vehicle_name(self): for record in self: = + '/' + + '/' + record.license_plate def _get_odometer(self): FleetVehicalOdometer = self.env['fleet.vehicle.odometer'] for record in self: vehicle_odometer =[('vehicle_id', '=',], limit=1, order='value desc') if vehicle_odometer: record.odometer = vehicle_odometer.value else: record.odometer = 0 def _set_odometer(self): for record in self: if record.odometer: date = fields.Date.context_today(record) data = {'value': record.odometer, 'date': date, 'vehicle_id':} self.env['fleet.vehicle.odometer'].create(data) def _compute_count_all(self): Odometer = self.env['fleet.vehicle.odometer'] LogFuel = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.fuel'] LogService = self.env[''] LogContract = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.contract'] Cost = self.env['fleet.vehicle.cost'] for record in self: record.odometer_count = Odometer.search_count([('vehicle_id', '=',]) record.fuel_logs_count = LogFuel.search_count([('vehicle_id', '=',]) record.service_count = LogService.search_count([('vehicle_id', '=',]) record.contract_count = LogContract.search_count([('vehicle_id', '=',]) record.cost_count = Cost.search_count([('vehicle_id', '=',, ('parent_id', '=', False)]) @api.depends('log_contracts') def _compute_contract_reminder(self): for record in self: overdue = False due_soon = False total = 0 name = '' for element in record.log_contracts: if element.state in ('open', 'toclose') and element.expiration_date: current_date_str = fields.Date.context_today(record) due_time_str = element.expiration_date current_date = fields.Date.from_string(current_date_str) due_time = fields.Date.from_string(due_time_str) diff_time = (due_time - current_date).days if diff_time < 0: overdue = True total += 1 if diff_time < 15 and diff_time >= 0: due_soon = True total += 1 if overdue or due_soon: log_contract = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.contract'].search([('vehicle_id', '=',, ('state', 'in', ('open', 'toclose'))], limit=1, order='expiration_date asc') if log_contract: #we display only the name of the oldest overdue/due soon contract name = record.contract_renewal_overdue = overdue record.contract_renewal_due_soon = due_soon record.contract_renewal_total = total - 1 # we remove 1 from the real total for display purposes record.contract_renewal_name = name def _search_contract_renewal_due_soon(self, operator, value): res = [] assert operator in ('=', '!=', '<>') and value in (True, False), 'Operation not supported' if (operator == '=' and value is True) or (operator in ('<>', '!=') and value is False): search_operator = 'in' else: search_operator = 'not in' today = fields.Date.context_today(self) datetime_today = fields.Datetime.from_string(today) limit_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(datetime_today + relativedelta(days=+15))"""SELECT cost.vehicle_id, count( AS contract_number FROM fleet_vehicle_cost cost LEFT JOIN fleet_vehicle_log_contract contract ON contract.cost_id = WHERE contract.expiration_date IS NOT NULL AND contract.expiration_date > %s AND contract.expiration_date < %s AND contract.state IN ('open', 'toclose') GROUP BY cost.vehicle_id""", (today, limit_date)) res_ids = [x[0] for x in] res.append(('id', search_operator, res_ids)) return res def _search_get_overdue_contract_reminder(self, operator, value): res = [] assert operator in ('=', '!=', '<>') and value in (True, False), 'Operation not supported' if (operator == '=' and value is True) or (operator in ('<>', '!=') and value is False): search_operator = 'in' else: search_operator = 'not in' today = fields.Date.context_today(self)'''SELECT cost.vehicle_id, count( AS contract_number FROM fleet_vehicle_cost cost LEFT JOIN fleet_vehicle_log_contract contract ON contract.cost_id = WHERE contract.expiration_date IS NOT NULL AND contract.expiration_date < %s AND contract.state IN ('open', 'toclose') GROUP BY cost.vehicle_id ''', (today,)) res_ids = [x[0] for x in] res.append(('id', search_operator, res_ids)) return res @api.onchange('model_id') def _onchange_model(self): if self.model_id: self.image_medium = self.model_id.image else: self.image_medium = False @api.model def create(self, data): vehicle = super(FleetVehicle, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True)).create(data) vehicle.message_post(body=_('%s %s has been added to the fleet!') % (, vehicle.license_plate)) return vehicle @api.multi def write(self, vals): """ This function write an entry in the openchatter whenever we change important information on the vehicle like the model, the drive, the state of the vehicle or its license plate """ for vehicle in self: changes = [] if 'model_id' in vals and != vals['model_id']: value = self.env['fleet.vehicle.model'].browse(vals['model_id']).name oldmodel = or _('None') changes.append(_("Model: from '%s' to '%s'") % (oldmodel, value)) if 'driver_id' in vals and != vals['driver_id']: value = self.env['res.partner'].browse(vals['driver_id']).name olddriver = ( or _('None') changes.append(_("Driver: from '%s' to '%s'") % (olddriver, value)) if 'state_id' in vals and != vals['state_id']: value = self.env['fleet.vehicle.state'].browse(vals['state_id']).name oldstate = or _('None') changes.append(_("State: from '%s' to '%s'") % (oldstate, value)) if 'license_plate' in vals and vehicle.license_plate != vals['license_plate']: old_license_plate = vehicle.license_plate or _('None') changes.append(_("License Plate: from '%s' to '%s'") % (old_license_plate, vals['license_plate'])) if len(changes) > 0: self.message_post(body=", ".join(changes)) return super(FleetVehicle, self).write(vals) @api.multi def return_action_to_open(self): """ This opens the xml view specified in xml_id for the current vehicle """ self.ensure_one() xml_id = self.env.context.get('xml_id') if xml_id: res = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].for_xml_id('fleet', xml_id) res.update( context=dict(self.env.context,, group_by=False), domain=[('vehicle_id', '=',] ) return res return False @api.multi def act_show_log_cost(self): """ This opens log view to view and add new log for this vehicle, groupby default to only show effective costs @return: the costs log view """ self.ensure_one() res = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].for_xml_id('fleet', 'fleet_vehicle_costs_action') res.update( context=dict(self.env.context,, search_default_parent_false=True), domain=[('vehicle_id', '=',] ) return res class FleetVehicleOdometer(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.odometer' _description = 'Odometer log for a vehicle' _order = 'date desc' name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_vehicle_log_name', store=True) date = fields.Date(default=fields.Date.context_today) value = fields.Float('Odometer Value', group_operator="max") vehicle_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle', 'Vehicle', required=True) unit = fields.Selection(related='vehicle_id.odometer_unit', string="Unit", readonly=True) @api.depends('vehicle_id', 'date') def _compute_vehicle_log_name(self): for record in self: name = if not name: name = elif name += ' / ' + = name @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit class FleetVehicleLogFuel(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.log.fuel' _description = 'Fuel log for vehicles' _inherits = {'fleet.vehicle.cost': 'cost_id'} @api.model def default_get(self, default_fields): res = super(FleetVehicleLogFuel, self).default_get(default_fields) service = self.env.ref('fleet.type_service_refueling', raise_if_not_found=False) res.update({ 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'cost_subtype_id': service and or False, 'cost_type': 'fuel' }) return res liter = fields.Float() price_per_liter = fields.Float() purchaser_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Purchaser', domain="['|',('customer','=',True),('employee','=',True)]") inv_ref = fields.Char('Invoice Reference', size=64) vendor_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor', domain="[('supplier','=',True)]") notes = fields.Text() cost_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') cost_amount = fields.Float(related='cost_id.amount', string='Amount', store=True) # we need to keep this field as a related with store=True because the graph view doesn't support (1) to address fields from inherited table and (2) fields that aren't stored in database @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.odometer_unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit self.purchaser_id = @api.onchange('liter', 'price_per_liter', 'amount') def _onchange_liter_price_amount(self): #need to cast in float because the value receveid from web client maybe an integer (Javascript and JSON do not #make any difference between 3.0 and 3). This cause a problem if you encode, for example, 2 liters at 1.5 per #liter => total is computed as 3.0, then trigger an onchange that recomputes price_per_liter as 3/2=1 (instead #of 3.0/2=1.5) #If there is no change in the result, we return an empty dict to prevent an infinite loop due to the 3 intertwine #onchange. And in order to verify that there is no change in the result, we have to limit the precision of the #computation to 2 decimal liter = float(self.liter) price_per_liter = float(self.price_per_liter) amount = float(self.amount) if liter > 0 and price_per_liter > 0 and round(liter * price_per_liter, 2) != amount: self.amount = round(liter * price_per_liter, 2) elif amount > 0 and liter > 0 and round(amount / liter, 2) != price_per_liter: self.price_per_liter = round(amount / liter, 2) elif amount > 0 and price_per_liter > 0 and round(amount / price_per_liter, 2) != liter: self.liter = round(amount / price_per_liter, 2) class FleetVehicleLogServices(models.Model): _name = '' _inherits = {'fleet.vehicle.cost': 'cost_id'} _description = 'Services for vehicles' @api.model def default_get(self, default_fields): res = super(FleetVehicleLogServices, self).default_get(default_fields) service = self.env.ref('fleet.type_service_service_8', raise_if_not_found=False) res.update({ 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'cost_subtype_id': service and or False, 'cost_type': 'services' }) return res purchaser_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Purchaser', domain="['|',('customer','=',True),('employee','=',True)]") inv_ref = fields.Char('Invoice Reference') vendor_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor', domain="[('supplier','=',True)]") # we need to keep this field as a related with store=True because the graph view doesn't support # (1) to address fields from inherited table and (2) fields that aren't stored in database cost_amount = fields.Float(related='cost_id.amount', string='Amount', store=True) notes = fields.Text() cost_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.odometer_unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit self.purchaser_id = class FleetServiceType(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.service.type' _description = 'Type of services available on a vehicle' name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True) category = fields.Selection([('contract', 'Contract'), ('service', 'Service'), ('both', 'Both')], 'Category', required=True, help='Choose wheter the service refer to contracts, vehicle services or both') class FleetVehicleLogContract(models.Model): _inherits = {'fleet.vehicle.cost': 'cost_id'} _name = 'fleet.vehicle.log.contract' _description = 'Contract information on a vehicle' _order = 'state desc,expiration_date' def compute_next_year_date(self, strdate): oneyear = relativedelta(years=1) start_date = fields.Date.from_string(strdate) return fields.Date.to_string(start_date + oneyear) @api.model def default_get(self, default_fields): res = super(FleetVehicleLogContract, self).default_get(default_fields) contract = self.env.ref('fleet.type_contract_leasing', raise_if_not_found=False) res.update({ 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'cost_subtype_id': contract and or False, 'cost_type': 'contract' }) return res name = fields.Text(compute='_compute_contract_name', store=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) start_date = fields.Date('Contract Start Date', default=fields.Date.context_today, help='Date when the coverage of the contract begins') expiration_date = fields.Date('Contract Expiration Date', default=lambda self: self.compute_next_year_date(fields.Date.context_today(self)), help='Date when the coverage of the contract expirates (by default, one year after begin date)') days_left = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_days_left', string='Warning Date') insurer_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor') purchaser_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Contractor', default=lambda self:, help='Person to which the contract is signed for') ins_ref = fields.Char('Contract Reference', size=64, copy=False) state = fields.Selection([('open', 'In Progress'), ('toclose', 'To Close'), ('closed', 'Terminated')], 'Status', default='open', readonly=True, help='Choose wheter the contract is still valid or not', copy=False) notes = fields.Text('Terms and Conditions', help='Write here all supplementary information relative to this contract', copy=False) cost_generated = fields.Float('Recurring Cost Amount', help="Costs paid at regular intervals, depending on the cost frequency." "If the cost frequency is set to unique, the cost will be logged at the start date") cost_frequency = fields.Selection([('no', 'No'), ('daily', 'Daily'), ('weekly', 'Weekly'), ('monthly', 'Monthly'), ('yearly', 'Yearly')], 'Recurring Cost Frequency', default='no', help='Frequency of the recuring cost', required=True) generated_cost_ids = fields.One2many('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'contract_id', 'Generated Costs') sum_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_sum_cost', string='Indicative Costs Total') cost_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle.cost', 'Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') cost_amount = fields.Float(related='cost_id.amount', string='Amount', store=True) # we need to keep this field as a related with store=True because the graph view doesn't support (1) to address fields from inherited table and (2) fields that aren't stored in database @api.depends('vehicle_id', 'cost_subtype_id', 'date') def _compute_contract_name(self): for record in self: name = if name += ' / ' + if name += ' / ' + = name @api.depends('expiration_date', 'state') def _compute_days_left(self): """return a dict with as value for each contract an integer if contract is in an open state and is overdue, return 0 if contract is in a closed state, return -1 otherwise return the number of days before the contract expires """ for record in self: if (record.expiration_date and (record.state == 'open' or record.state == 'toclose')): today = fields.Date.from_string( renew_date = fields.Date.from_string(record.expiration_date) diff_time = (renew_date - today).days record.days_left = diff_time > 0 and diff_time or 0 else: record.days_left = -1 @api.depends('cost_ids.amount') def _compute_sum_cost(self): for contract in self: contract.sum_cost = sum(contract.cost_ids.mapped('amount')) @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.odometer_unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit @api.multi def contract_close(self): for record in self: record.state = 'closed' @api.multi def contract_open(self): for record in self: record.state = 'open' @api.multi def act_renew_contract(self): assert len(self.ids) == 1, "This operation should only be done for 1 single contract at a time, as it it suppose to open a window as result" for element in self: #compute end date startdate = fields.Date.from_string(element.start_date) enddate = fields.Date.from_string(element.expiration_date) diffdate = (enddate - startdate) default = { 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'start_date': fields.Date.to_string(fields.Date.from_string(element.expiration_date) + relativedelta(days=1)), 'expiration_date': fields.Date.to_string(enddate + diffdate), } newid = element.copy(default).id return { 'name': _("Renew Contract"), 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_id': self.env.ref('fleet.fleet_vehicle_log_contract_view_form').id, 'view_type': 'tree,form', 'res_model': 'fleet.vehicle.log.contract', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'domain': '[]', 'res_id': newid, 'context': {'active_id': newid}, } @api.model def scheduler_manage_auto_costs(self): #This method is called by a cron task #It creates costs for contracts having the "recurring cost" field setted, depending on their frequency #For example, if a contract has a reccuring cost of 200 with a weekly frequency, this method creates a cost of 200 on the first day of each week, from the date of the last recurring costs in the database to today #If the contract has not yet any recurring costs in the database, the method generates the recurring costs from the start_date to today #The created costs are associated to a contract thanks to the many2one field contract_id #If the contract has no start_date, no cost will be created, even if the contract has recurring costs VehicleCost = self.env['fleet.vehicle.cost'] deltas = {'yearly': relativedelta(years=+1), 'monthly': relativedelta(months=+1), 'weekly': relativedelta(weeks=+1), 'daily': relativedelta(days=+1)} contracts = self.env['fleet.vehicle.log.contract'].search([('state', '!=', 'closed')], offset=0, limit=None, order=None) for contract in contracts: if not contract.start_date or contract.cost_frequency == 'no': continue found = False last_cost_date = contract.start_date if contract.generated_cost_ids: last_autogenerated_cost =[('contract_id', '=',, ('auto_generated', '=', True)], offset=0, limit=1, order='date desc') if last_autogenerated_cost: found = True last_cost_date = startdate = fields.Date.from_string(last_cost_date) if found: startdate += deltas.get(contract.cost_frequency) today = fields.Date.from_string(fields.Date.context_today(self)) while (startdate <= today) & (startdate <= fields.Date.from_string(contract.expiration_date)): data = { 'amount': contract.cost_generated, 'date': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'vehicle_id':, 'cost_subtype_id':, 'contract_id':, 'auto_generated': True } self.env['fleet.vehicle.cost'].create(data) startdate += deltas.get(contract.cost_frequency) return True @api.model def scheduler_manage_contract_expiration(self): #This method is called by a cron task #It manages the state of a contract, possibly by posting a message on the vehicle concerned and updating its status date_today = fields.Date.from_string(fields.Date.context_today(self)) limit_date = fields.Date.to_string(date_today + relativedelta(days=+15)) contracts =[('state', '=', 'open'), ('expiration_date', '<', limit_date)]) res = {} for contract in contracts: if in res: res[] += 1 else: res[] = 1 Vehicle = self.env['fleet.vehicle'] for vehicle, value in res.items(): Vehicle.browse(vehicle).message_post(body=_('%s contract(s) need(s) to be renewed and/or closed!') % value) return contracts.write({'state': 'toclose'}) @api.model def run_scheduler(self): self.scheduler_manage_auto_costs() self.scheduler_manage_contract_expiration()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup, Command name = "suitable" description = "Suitable is a thin wrapper around the Ansible API." def get_long_description(): with open('README.rst') as readme_file: for line in readme_file.readlines(): if description in line: continue yield line.replace('\n', '') class PyTest(Command): user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): import sys import subprocess errno =[sys.executable, '']) raise SystemExit(errno) setup( name='suitable', version='0.17.2', url='', license='GPLv3', author='Denis Krienbühl', author_email='', description=description, long_description='\n'.join(get_long_description()), packages=['suitable'], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, platforms='any', install_requires=[ 'ansible>=' ], # Ansible does not support Python 3.0 through 3.4, so we do not either python_requires='>=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*', extras_require={ 'tests': [ 'mitogen>=0.2.8', 'paramiko', 'port-for', 'pytest', ] }, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules' ] )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import os import shutil from expects import expect from mamba import describe, context, before, after from spec.ui._ipod_helpers import * from spec.ui._fixture import update_environment with describe('ipodio pull') as _: @before.all def setup_all(): update_environment(_) bootstrap_ipod(_.mountpoint_path) populate_ipod(_.mountpoint_path, _.songs) _.execution =*_.cmd + ['pull']) @after.all def cleanup(): shutil.rmtree(_.env_path) def should_copy_selected_songs_to_the_current_directory(): copied_songs = [path for path in _.execution.files_created if path.endswith('.mp3')] expect(copied_songs).to.have.length(2) def should_name_copied_songs_using_number_title_album_artist(): pattern = re.compile('^(\d+)?_([\s\w]+)?_([\s\w]+)?_([\s\w]+)?.mp3$') copied_songs = [path for path in _.execution.files_created if pattern.match(os.path.basename(path))] expect(copied_songs).to.have.length(2) def should_create_a_hierarchy_of_directories_using_artist_and_album(): created_directories = [path for path in _.execution.files_created if not path.endswith('.mp3')] expect(created_directories).to.have( 'Jono Bacon', 'Jono Bacon/Released as a single', 'Richard Stallman', ) def should_avoid_overwriting_song_files(): execution =*_.cmd + ['pull']) expect(execution.files_created) with context('with filesystem errors'): def should_directory_creation_failures(): execution =*_.cmd + ['pull', '--dest', _.unwritable_dir]) expect(execution.stdout).to.have('Could not create directory') def should_file_copy_failures(): execution =*_.cmd + ['pull', '--plain', '--dest', _.unwritable_dir]) expect(execution.stdout).to.have('Could not copy') @before.each def setup_unwritable_destination(): _.unwritable_dir = 'unwritable' _.unwritable_dir_path = os.path.join(_.env_path, _.unwritable_dir) with open(_.unwritable_dir_path, 'w') as fakedir: fakedir.write('foo\n') with context('with --force option'): def should_not_mind_overwriting_song_files():*_.cmd + ['pull']) execution =*_.cmd + ['--force', 'pull']) expect(execution.files_updated).to.have.length(2) with context('with --dest <destination> option'): def should_copy_the_songs_to_the_destination_directory(): execution =*_.cmd + ['--dest', 'pulled', 'pull']) copied_songs = [path for path in execution.files_created if 'pulled' in path and path.endswith('.mp3')] expect(copied_songs).to.have.length(2) with context('with --plain option'): def should_copy_all_files_without_hierarchy(): execution =*_.cmd + ['--plain', 'pull']) expect(execution.files_created).to.have.length(2)
#!/usr/bin/python # coding= utf-8 class Repubblica: def __init__(self, file_frequenze): self.massima_frequenza=0 self.dizionario_frequenze={} self.dizionario_cumulato={} self.calcola_frequenze (file_frequenze) def calcola_frequenze(self, file_frequenze): with open(file_frequenze, 'r') as f: for line in f: l=line.split("\t") tupla=tuple([l[0]]+[l[1]]) self.dizionario_frequenze[tupla]=int(l[2]) self.dizionario_cumulato[l[0]]=int(l[2]) if not l[0] in self.dizionario_cumulato else self.dizionario_cumulato[l[0]]+int(l[2]) if self.dizionario_cumulato[l[0]]>self.massima_frequenza: self.massima_frequenza=self.dizionario_cumulato[l[0]]
""" - An IDLE extension for automatically completing names. This extension can complete either attribute names of file names. It can pop a window with all available names, for the user to select from. """ import os import sys import string from idlelib.configHandler import idleConf # This string includes all chars that may be in a file name (without a path # separator) FILENAME_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + os.curdir + "._~#$:-" # This string includes all chars that may be in an identifier ID_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_" # These constants represent the two different types of completions COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES, COMPLETE_FILES = range(1, 2+1) from idlelib import AutoCompleteWindow from idlelib.HyperParser import HyperParser import __main__ SEPS = os.sep if os.altsep: # e.g. '/' on Windows... SEPS += os.altsep class AutoComplete: menudefs = [ ('edit', [ ("Show Completions", "<<force-open-completions>>"), ]) ] popupwait = idleConf.GetOption("extensions", "AutoComplete", "popupwait", type="int", default=0) def __init__(self, editwin=None): self.editwin = editwin if editwin is None: # subprocess and test return self.text = editwin.text self.autocompletewindow = None # id of delayed call, and the index of the text insert when the delayed # call was issued. If _delayed_completion_id is None, there is no # delayed call. self._delayed_completion_id = None self._delayed_completion_index = None def _make_autocomplete_window(self): return AutoCompleteWindow.AutoCompleteWindow(self.text) def _remove_autocomplete_window(self, event=None): if self.autocompletewindow: self.autocompletewindow.hide_window() self.autocompletewindow = None def force_open_completions_event(self, event): """Happens when the user really wants to open a completion list, even if a function call is needed. """ self.open_completions(True, False, True) def try_open_completions_event(self, event): """Happens when it would be nice to open a completion list, but not really necessary, for example after an dot, so function calls won't be made. """ lastchar = self.text.get("insert-1c") if lastchar == ".": self._open_completions_later(False, False, False, COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES) elif lastchar in SEPS: self._open_completions_later(False, False, False, COMPLETE_FILES) def autocomplete_event(self, event): """Happens when the user wants to complete his word, and if necessary, open a completion list after that (if there is more than one completion) """ if hasattr(event, "mc_state") and event.mc_state: # A modifier was pressed along with the tab, continue as usual. return if self.autocompletewindow and self.autocompletewindow.is_active(): self.autocompletewindow.complete() return "break" else: opened = self.open_completions(False, True, True) if opened: return "break" def _open_completions_later(self, *args): self._delayed_completion_index = self.text.index("insert") if self._delayed_completion_id is not None: self.text.after_cancel(self._delayed_completion_id) self._delayed_completion_id = \ self.text.after(self.popupwait, self._delayed_open_completions, *args) def _delayed_open_completions(self, *args): self._delayed_completion_id = None if self.text.index("insert") != self._delayed_completion_index: return self.open_completions(*args) def open_completions(self, evalfuncs, complete, userWantsWin, mode=None): """Find the completions and create the AutoCompleteWindow. Return True if successful (no syntax error or so found). if complete is True, then if there's nothing to complete and no start of completion, won't open completions and return False. If mode is given, will open a completion list only in this mode. """ # Cancel another delayed call, if it exists. if self._delayed_completion_id is not None: self.text.after_cancel(self._delayed_completion_id) self._delayed_completion_id = None hp = HyperParser(self.editwin, "insert") curline = self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert") i = j = len(curline) if hp.is_in_string() and (not mode or mode==COMPLETE_FILES): self._remove_autocomplete_window() mode = COMPLETE_FILES while i and curline[i-1] in FILENAME_CHARS: i -= 1 comp_start = curline[i:j] j = i while i and curline[i-1] in FILENAME_CHARS + SEPS: i -= 1 comp_what = curline[i:j] elif hp.is_in_code() and (not mode or mode==COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES): self._remove_autocomplete_window() mode = COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES while i and curline[i-1] in ID_CHARS: i -= 1 comp_start = curline[i:j] if i and curline[i-1] == '.': hp.set_index("insert-%dc" % (len(curline)-(i-1))) comp_what = hp.get_expression() if not comp_what or \ (not evalfuncs and comp_what.find('(') != -1): return else: comp_what = "" else: return if complete and not comp_what and not comp_start: return comp_lists = self.fetch_completions(comp_what, mode) if not comp_lists[0]: return self.autocompletewindow = self._make_autocomplete_window() return not self.autocompletewindow.show_window( comp_lists, "insert-%dc" % len(comp_start), complete, mode, userWantsWin) def fetch_completions(self, what, mode): """Return a pair of lists of completions for something. The first list is a sublist of the second. Both are sorted. If there is a Python subprocess, get the comp. list there. Otherwise, either fetch_completions() is running in the subprocess itself or it was called in an IDLE EditorWindow before any script had been run. The subprocess environment is that of the most recently run script. If two unrelated modules are being edited some calltips in the current module may be inoperative if the module was not the last to run. """ try: rpcclt = self.editwin.flist.pyshell.interp.rpcclt except: rpcclt = None if rpcclt: return rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "get_the_completion_list", (what, mode), {}) else: if mode == COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES: if what == "": namespace = __main__.__dict__.copy() namespace.update(__main__.__builtins__.__dict__) bigl = eval("dir()", namespace) bigl.sort() if "__all__" in bigl: smalll = sorted(eval("__all__", namespace)) else: smalll = [s for s in bigl if s[:1] != '_'] else: try: entity = self.get_entity(what) bigl = dir(entity) bigl.sort() if "__all__" in bigl: smalll = sorted(entity.__all__) else: smalll = [s for s in bigl if s[:1] != '_'] except: return [], [] elif mode == COMPLETE_FILES: if what == "": what = "." try: expandedpath = os.path.expanduser(what) bigl = os.listdir(expandedpath) bigl.sort() smalll = [s for s in bigl if s[:1] != '.'] except OSError: return [], [] if not smalll: smalll = bigl return smalll, bigl def get_entity(self, name): """Lookup name in a namespace spanning sys.modules and __main.dict__""" namespace = sys.modules.copy() namespace.update(__main__.__dict__) return eval(name, namespace) if __name__ == '__main__': from unittest import main main('idlelib.idle_test.test_autocomplete', verbosity=2)
import json import oauth2 as oauth import os import urllib import config from resource import SharedResourceHandler class TwitterAPI(object): def __init__(self, env_settings): self.rest_api = TwitterRestAPI(env_settings) def get_resource(self, resource, params): """ Calls the Twitter REST endpoint specified by resource['url'], with REST parameters specified in params. Also creates a summary object based on values described in resource. :param resource: the twitter api resource, eg "followers/list" :param params: resource params, eg { "screen_name": "foo", "cursor": "-1"} :return: a tuple of summary_data, rest_response_data """ resource_handler = ResourceHandler(resource, params) url = resource_handler.get_url() results = self.rest_api.get_response(url) if not results: return None, None key_extractor = KeyExtractor(results) TwitterAPI.save_nested_values_as_params(resource_handler, key_extractor) filename = resource_handler.get_results_filename() TwitterAPI.save_results(results, filename) summary = TwitterAPI.get_summary(resource_handler, results) filename = resource_handler.get_summary_filename() TwitterAPI.save_results(summary, filename) return summary, results @staticmethod def save_nested_values_as_params(resource_handler, key_extractor): nested_keys = resource_handler.get_nested_keys_to_extract_from_results() for nested_key in nested_keys: value = key_extractor.get_nested_value(nested_key) if value: resource_handler.put_field(nested_key, value) else: resource_handler.remove_field(nested_key) @staticmethod def get_summary(resource_handler, data): summary_fields = resource_handler.get_summary_fields() num_items, data = resource_handler.get_object_containing_summary_data(data) if type(data) is dict: summary_result = {field: data[field] for field in summary_fields if field in data} else: summary_result = {} summary_result['num_items'] = num_items return { 'params': resource_handler.get_summary_params(), 'result': summary_result } @staticmethod def save_results(results, filename): full_path = os.path.join(config.PARENT_DATA_FOLDER, filename) TwitterAPI.make_path_if_not_exists(full_path) with open(full_path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(results, indent=2)) @staticmethod def make_path_if_not_exists(full_path): parent_directory = os.path.dirname(full_path) if not os.path.exists(parent_directory): os.makedirs(parent_directory) # --------- helper classes for TwitterAPI --------- class ResourceHandler(SharedResourceHandler): def __init__(self, resource, params): super(ResourceHandler, self).__init__(resource, params) def get_url(self): url_params = {p: self.params[p] for p in self.params if self.params[p]} return config.TWITTER_BASE_URL.format(resource=self.resource['url']) + urllib.urlencode(url_params) def put_field(self, field, value): self.params[field] = value def remove_field(self, field): self.resource['filename_fields'].remove(field) def get_results_filename(self): return '.'.join(self.filename_parts) + '.json' def get_summary_filename(self): return '.'.join(self.filename_parts[:-2]) + '.last.json' def get_nested_keys_to_extract_from_results(self): if 'summarize_filename_prefix' in self.resource: return self.resource['summarize_filename_prefix'] return [] def get_summary_fields(self): if 'raw_summary_fields' in self.resource: return self.resource['raw_summary_fields'] return [] def get_summary_params(self): return {f: self.params[f] for f in self.resource['filename_fields'] if f in self.params} def get_object_containing_summary_data(self, data): num_items = None if 'raw_data_field' in self.resource and self.resource['raw_data_field']: data = data[self.resource['raw_data_field']] if type(data) is list and data: num_items = len(data) data = data[-1] return num_items, data class KeyExtractor(object): def __init__(self, response): if type(response) is list: = response[0] else: = response def get_nested_value(self, nested_key): return KeyExtractor._traverse_data_for_value(, nested_key.split("|")) @staticmethod def _traverse_data_for_value(value, keys): if not keys: return None if type(value) is list: results = [KeyExtractor._traverse_data_for_value(v, keys) for v in value] results = [r for r in results if r is not None] return '|'.join(results) if keys[0] not in value: return None if len(keys) == 1: return value[keys[0]] return KeyExtractor._traverse_data_for_value(value[keys[0]], keys[1:]) class TwitterRestAPI(object): HTTP_STATUS_OKAY = '200' HTTP_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = '429' def __init__(self, env_settings): consumer_key = env_settings['CONSUMER_KEY'] consumer_secret = env_settings['CONSUMER_SECRET'] access_token = env_settings['ACCESS_TOKEN'] access_secret = env_settings['ACCESS_SECRET'] consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=consumer_key, secret=consumer_secret) token = oauth.Token(key=access_token, secret=access_secret) self.client = oauth.Client(consumer, token) def get_response(self, url): header, response = self.client.request(url, method="GET") if header['status'] != TwitterRestAPI.HTTP_STATUS_OKAY: print header['status'], response if header['status'] == TwitterRestAPI.HTTP_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: exit('Rate limit exceeded') return None else: return json.loads(response)
from env_checker_error import EnvCheckerError class WritablePathError(Exception): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def resolve(self): # TODO: Actually attempt to resolve this? raise EnvCheckerError( "Ice requires write access too `%s` to run." % self.path)
#!/usr/bin/python __author__="Paulo Victor Maluf" __date__ ="$27/10/2014 13:35:12$" from connection import Connect; class Postgres(object): def __init__(self, dsn=None): self.dsn = dsn self.connect() def connect(self): conn = Connect(self.dsn) self.cursor = conn.cur() def exec_sql(self, sql): self.cursor.execute(sql) return self.cursor.fetchall() def __del__(self): del self
""" Example 3: Saving all minima found to an xyz file """ from import LJCluster from import write_xyz natoms = 12 niter = 100 system = LJCluster(natoms) db = system.create_database() bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db) with open("lowest", "w") as fout: for minimum in db.minima(): title = "energy = ", str( write_xyz(fout, minimum.coords, title) ############################################################ # some visualization ############################################################ try: import pygmin.utils.pymolwrapper as pym pym.start() frame=1 for minimum in db.minima(): pym.draw_spheres(minimum.coords.reshape(-1, 3), "A", frame) frame=frame+1 except: print "Could not draw using pymol, skipping this step"
from collections import namedtuple PurchasedItem = namedtuple('PurchasedItem', 'name, quantity, price, currency, sku') class RedirectNeeded(Exception): pass class PaymentError(Exception): pass class ExternalPostNeeded(Exception): pass
controller = { 'leds': 16, 'neopixel_gpio_pin': 18, 'neopixel_frequency': 800000, 'neopixel_dma': 5, 'neopixel_invert': False, 'neopixel_brightness': 255, 'neopixel_channel': 0, 'neopixel_strip': 0x00081000 }
''' Module written by "mmrdns_write_python_slm_norm_fit_eqns.m". Fitting functions for searations constants of gravitatioal purterbations of Kerr. ''' # Import useful things from numpy import log,exp # Domain map jf --> kappa( x =def [jf,l,m] ). # NOTE that the function below MUST be consistent with the domain_map of "fit_slm_norms.m" kappa = lambda x: ( log(2.0-x[0])/log(3.0) )**( 1 / (2.0+x[1]-abs(x[2])) ) # Fit Equations for QNM complex frequencies (CW). Note that while these are the zero-damped modes in the extremal kerr limit, these are the effectively unique solutions throughout non-extremal kerr. CC = { (2,2,0): lambda jf: 7.86366171 - 3.61447483*kappa([jf,2,2]) + 3.48996689*kappa([jf,2,2])**2 - 2.29347705*kappa([jf,2,2])**3 + 0.74425069*kappa([jf,2,2])**4 , (2,-2,0): lambda jf: CC[(2,2,0)](jf).conj(), (2,2,1): lambda jf: 7.86298703 - 3.59872285*kappa([jf,2,2]) + 2.88459437*kappa([jf,2,2])**2 - 0.92740734*kappa([jf,2,2])**3 - 0.04445478*kappa([jf,2,2])**4 , (2,-2,1): lambda jf: CC[(2,2,1)](jf).conj(), (3,3,0): lambda jf: 3.51631915 + 0.16499714*kappa([jf,3,3]) + 1.30114387*kappa([jf,3,3])**2 - 0.83622153*kappa([jf,3,3])**3 + 0.82020713*kappa([jf,3,3])**4 , (3,-3,0): lambda jf: CC[(3,3,0)](jf).conj(), (3,3,1): lambda jf: 3.51530809 + 0.19285707*kappa([jf,3,3]) + 0.96814190*kappa([jf,3,3])**2 - 0.00547882*kappa([jf,3,3])**3 + 0.24982172*kappa([jf,3,3])**4 , (3,-3,1): lambda jf: CC[(3,3,1)](jf).conj(), (4,4,0): lambda jf: 1.75389888 + 1.00111258*kappa([jf,4,4]) + 1.55498487*kappa([jf,4,4])**2 - 1.22344804*kappa([jf,4,4])**3 + 1.64621074*kappa([jf,4,4])**4 , (4,-4,0): lambda jf: CC[(4,4,0)](jf).conj(), (5,5,0): lambda jf: 0.91349889 + 0.89568178*kappa([jf,5,5]) + 2.54404526*kappa([jf,5,5])**2 - 2.82437113*kappa([jf,5,5])**3 + 3.28143852*kappa([jf,5,5])**4 , (5,-5,0): lambda jf: CC[(5,5,0)](jf).conj(), (2,1,0): lambda jf: 3.04393302 - 0.06877527*kappa([jf,2,1]) + 0.87671129*kappa([jf,2,1])**2 - 3.92206769*kappa([jf,2,1])**3 + 8.59631959*kappa([jf,2,1])**4 - 8.52199526*kappa([jf,2,1])**5 + 3.31150324*kappa([jf,2,1])**6 , (2,-1,0): lambda jf: CC[(2,1,0)](jf).conj(), (3,2,0): lambda jf: 0.74845717 - 0.08157463*kappa([jf,3,2]) + 1.03748092*kappa([jf,3,2])**2 - 3.27926931*kappa([jf,3,2])**3 + 7.24584503*kappa([jf,3,2])**4 - 7.41316799*kappa([jf,3,2])**5 + 3.06056035*kappa([jf,3,2])**6 , (3,-2,0): lambda jf: CC[(3,2,0)](jf).conj(), (4,3,0): lambda jf: 0.39542385 - 0.09918352*kappa([jf,4,3]) + 1.52850262*kappa([jf,4,3])**2 - 5.09932727*kappa([jf,4,3])**3 + 10.95647104*kappa([jf,4,3])**4 - 10.99914124*kappa([jf,4,3])**5 + 4.52212985*kappa([jf,4,3])**6 , (4,-3,0): lambda jf: CC[(4,3,0)](jf).conj() } # Cleaning up # del log,exp
# coding: utf-8 # maposmatic, the web front-end of the MapOSMatic city map generation system # Copyright (C) 2009 David Decotigny # Copyright (C) 2009 Frédéric Lehobey # Copyright (C) 2009 David Mentré # Copyright (C) 2009 Maxime Petazzoni # Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Petazzoni # Copyright (C) 2009 Gaël Utard # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse import feedparser from models import MapRenderingJob import www.settings def get_latest_blog_posts(): f = feedparser.parse("") return f.entries[:5] def all(request): # Do not add the useless overhead of parsing blog entries when generating # the rss feed if request.path == reverse('rss-feed', args=['maps']): return {} return { 'randommap': MapRenderingJob.objects.get_random_with_thumbnail(), 'blogposts': get_latest_blog_posts(), 'MAPOSMATIC_DAEMON_RUNNING': www.settings.is_daemon_running(), }
# Copyright 2013 University of Chicago class EEAgentParameterException(Exception): def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self, message) class EEAgentUnauthorizedException(Exception): pass class EEAgentSupDException(Exception): def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self, message)
# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import functools import hashlib import os import time import uuid import mock from oslo_concurrency import processutils as putils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import timeutils import paramiko import six from six.moves import range import cinder from cinder import exception from cinder import ssh_utils from cinder import test from cinder import utils CONF = cfg.CONF class ExecuteTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch('cinder.utils.processutils.execute') def test_execute(self, mock_putils_exe): output = utils.execute('a', 1, foo='bar') self.assertEqual(mock_putils_exe.return_value, output) mock_putils_exe.assert_called_once_with('a', 1, foo='bar') @mock.patch('cinder.utils.get_root_helper') @mock.patch('cinder.utils.processutils.execute') def test_execute_root(self, mock_putils_exe, mock_get_helper): output = utils.execute('a', 1, foo='bar', run_as_root=True) self.assertEqual(mock_putils_exe.return_value, output) mock_helper = mock_get_helper.return_value mock_putils_exe.assert_called_once_with('a', 1, foo='bar', run_as_root=True, root_helper=mock_helper) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.get_root_helper') @mock.patch('cinder.utils.processutils.execute') def test_execute_root_and_helper(self, mock_putils_exe, mock_get_helper): mock_helper = mock.Mock() output = utils.execute('a', 1, foo='bar', run_as_root=True, root_helper=mock_helper) self.assertEqual(mock_putils_exe.return_value, output) self.assertFalse(mock_get_helper.called) mock_putils_exe.assert_called_once_with('a', 1, foo='bar', run_as_root=True, root_helper=mock_helper) class GetFromPathTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_tolerates_nones(self): f = utils.get_from_path input = [] self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [None] self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': None}] self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': None}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': None}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': None}}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': None}}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': None}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': None}}}, {'a': None}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': None}}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': None}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': None}}}, {'a': {'b': None}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': None}}, {'b': None}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': None}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) def test_does_select(self): f = utils.get_from_path input = [{'a': 'a_1'}] self.assertEqual(['a_1'], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': 'b_1'}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': 'b_1'}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual(['b_1'], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': 'c_1'}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual(['c_1'], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}}, {'a': None}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': 'c_1'}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual(['c_1'], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}}, {'a': {'b': None}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}, {'b': None}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': 'c_1'}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual(['c_1'], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}}, {'a': {'b': {'c': 'c_2'}}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': {'c': 'c_1'}}, {'b': {'c': 'c_2'}}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([{'c': 'c_1'}, {'c': 'c_2'}], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual(['c_1', 'c_2'], f(input, "a/b/c")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c/d")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "c/a/b/d")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "i/r/t")) def test_flattens_lists(self): f = utils.get_from_path input = [{'a': [1, 2, 3]}] self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': [1, 2, 3]}}] self.assertEqual([{'b': [1, 2, 3]}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': {'b': [1, 2, 3]}}, {'a': {'b': [4, 5, 6]}}] self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': [{'b': [1, 2, 3]}, {'b': [4, 5, 6]}]}] self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = [{'a': [1, 2, {'b': 'b_1'}]}] self.assertEqual([1, 2, {'b': 'b_1'}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual(['b_1'], f(input, "a/b")) def test_bad_xpath(self): f = utils.get_from_path self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], None) self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "/") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "/a") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "/a/") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "//") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "//a") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "a//a") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "a//a/") self.assertRaises(exception.Error, f, [], "a/a/") def test_real_failure1(self): # Real world failure case... # We weren't coping when the input was a Dictionary instead of a List # This led to test_accepts_dictionaries f = utils.get_from_path inst = {'fixed_ip': {'floating_ips': [{'address': ''}], 'address': ''}, 'hostname': ''} private_ips = f(inst, 'fixed_ip/address') public_ips = f(inst, 'fixed_ip/floating_ips/address') self.assertEqual([''], private_ips) self.assertEqual([''], public_ips) def test_accepts_dictionaries(self): f = utils.get_from_path input = {'a': [1, 2, 3]} self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = {'a': {'b': [1, 2, 3]}} self.assertEqual([{'b': [1, 2, 3]}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = {'a': [{'b': [1, 2, 3]}, {'b': [4, 5, 6]}]} self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], f(input, "a/b")) self.assertEqual([], f(input, "a/b/c")) input = {'a': [1, 2, {'b': 'b_1'}]} self.assertEqual([1, 2, {'b': 'b_1'}], f(input, "a")) self.assertEqual(['b_1'], f(input, "a/b")) class GenericUtilsTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True) def test_find_config(self, mock_exists): path = '/etc/cinder/cinder.conf' cfgpath = utils.find_config(path) self.assertEqual(path, cfgpath) mock_exists.return_value = False self.assertRaises(exception.ConfigNotFound, utils.find_config, path) def test_as_int(self): test_obj_int = '2' test_obj_float = '2.2' for obj in [test_obj_int, test_obj_float]: self.assertEqual(2, utils.as_int(obj)) obj = 'not_a_number' self.assertEqual(obj, utils.as_int(obj)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, utils.as_int, obj, quiet=False) def test_is_int_like(self): self.assertTrue(utils.is_int_like(1)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_int_like(-1)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_int_like(0b1)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_int_like(0o1)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_int_like(0x1)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_int_like('1')) self.assertFalse(utils.is_int_like(1.0)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_int_like('abc')) def test_check_exclusive_options(self): utils.check_exclusive_options() utils.check_exclusive_options(something=None, pretty_keys=True, unit_test=True) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, utils.check_exclusive_options, test=True, unit=False, pretty_keys=True) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, utils.check_exclusive_options, test=True, unit=False, pretty_keys=False) def test_require_driver_intialized(self): driver = mock.Mock() driver.initialized = True utils.require_driver_initialized(driver) driver.initialized = False self.assertRaises(exception.DriverNotInitialized, utils.require_driver_initialized, driver) def test_hostname_unicode_sanitization(self): hostname = u"\" self.assertEqual("", utils.sanitize_hostname(hostname)) def test_hostname_sanitize_periods(self): hostname = "" self.assertEqual("", utils.sanitize_hostname(hostname)) def test_hostname_sanitize_dashes(self): hostname = "" self.assertEqual("", utils.sanitize_hostname(hostname)) def test_hostname_sanitize_characters(self): hostname = "(#@&$!(@*--#&91)(__=+--test-host.example!!.com-0+" self.assertEqual("", utils.sanitize_hostname(hostname)) def test_hostname_translate(self): hostname = "<}\x1fh\x10e\x08l\x02l\x05o\x12!{>" self.assertEqual("hello", utils.sanitize_hostname(hostname)) def test_is_valid_boolstr(self): self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr(True)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('trUe')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr(False)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('faLse')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('yeS')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('nO')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('y')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('N')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr(1)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('1')) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr(0)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_boolstr('0')) @mock.patch('os.path.join', side_effect=lambda x, y: '/'.join((x, y))) def test_make_dev_path(self, mock_join): self.assertEqual('/dev/xvda', utils.make_dev_path('xvda')) self.assertEqual('/dev/xvdb1', utils.make_dev_path('xvdb', 1)) self.assertEqual('/foo/xvdc1', utils.make_dev_path('xvdc', 1, '/foo')) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.execute') def test_read_file_as_root(self, mock_exec): out = mock.Mock() err = mock.Mock() mock_exec.return_value = (out, err) test_filepath = '/some/random/path' output = utils.read_file_as_root(test_filepath) mock_exec.assert_called_once_with('cat', test_filepath, run_as_root=True) self.assertEqual(out, output) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.execute', side_effect=putils.ProcessExecutionError) def test_read_file_as_root_fails(self, mock_exec): test_filepath = '/some/random/path' self.assertRaises(exception.FileNotFound, utils.read_file_as_root, test_filepath) @mock.patch('oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow') def test_service_is_up(self, mock_utcnow): fts_func = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp fake_now = 1000 down_time = 5 self.flags(service_down_time=down_time) mock_utcnow.return_value = fts_func(fake_now) # Up (equal) service = {'updated_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time), 'created_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time)} result = utils.service_is_up(service) self.assertTrue(result) # Up service = {'updated_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time + 1), 'created_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time + 1)} result = utils.service_is_up(service) self.assertTrue(result) # Down service = {'updated_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time - 1), 'created_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time - 1)} result = utils.service_is_up(service) self.assertFalse(result) def test_safe_parse_xml(self): normal_body = ('<?xml version="1.0" ?>' '<foo><bar><v1>hey</v1><v2>there</v2></bar></foo>') def killer_body(): return (("""<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY a "%(a)s"> <!ENTITY b "%(b)s"> <!ENTITY c "%(c)s">]> <foo> <bar> <v1>%(d)s</v1> </bar> </foo>""") % { 'a': 'A' * 10, 'b': '&a;' * 10, 'c': '&b;' * 10, 'd': '&c;' * 9999, }).strip() dom = utils.safe_minidom_parse_string(normal_body) # Some versions of minidom inject extra newlines so we ignore them result = str(dom.toxml()).replace('\n', '') self.assertEqual(normal_body, result) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.safe_minidom_parse_string, killer_body()) def test_xhtml_escape(self): self.assertEqual('&quot;foo&quot;', utils.xhtml_escape('"foo"')) self.assertEqual('&apos;foo&apos;', utils.xhtml_escape("'foo'")) def test_hash_file(self): data = b'Mary had a little lamb, its fleece as white as snow' flo = six.BytesIO(data) h1 = utils.hash_file(flo) h2 = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest() self.assertEqual(h1, h2) def test_check_ssh_injection(self): cmd_list = ['ssh', '-D', 'my_name@name_of_remote_computer'] self.assertIsNone(utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd_list)) cmd_list = ['echo', '"quoted arg with space"'] self.assertIsNone(utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd_list)) cmd_list = ['echo', "'quoted arg with space'"] self.assertIsNone(utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd_list)) def test_check_ssh_injection_on_error(self): with_unquoted_space = ['ssh', 'my_name@ name_of_remote_computer'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, with_unquoted_space) with_danger_chars = ['||', 'my_name@name_of_remote_computer'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, with_danger_chars) with_danger_char = [';', 'my_name@name_of_remote_computer'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, with_danger_char) with_special = ['cmd', 'virus;ls'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, with_special) quoted_with_unescaped = ['cmd', '"arg\"withunescaped"'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, quoted_with_unescaped) bad_before_quotes = ['cmd', 'virus;"quoted argument"'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, bad_before_quotes) bad_after_quotes = ['echo', '"quoted argument";rm -rf'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, bad_after_quotes) bad_within_quotes = ['echo', "'quoted argument `rm -rf`'"] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, bad_within_quotes) with_multiple_quotes = ['echo', '"quoted";virus;"quoted"'] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, with_multiple_quotes) with_multiple_quotes = ['echo', '"quoted";virus;\'quoted\''] self.assertRaises(exception.SSHInjectionThreat, utils.check_ssh_injection, with_multiple_quotes) @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') def test_create_channel(self, mock_client): test_width = 600 test_height = 800 mock_channel = mock.Mock() mock_client.invoke_shell.return_value = mock_channel utils.create_channel(mock_client, test_width, test_height) mock_client.invoke_shell.assert_called_once_with() mock_channel.resize_pty.assert_called_once_with(test_width, test_height) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_get_file_mode(self, mock_stat): class stat_result(object): st_mode = 0o777 st_gid = 33333 test_file = '/var/tmp/made_up_file' mock_stat.return_value = stat_result mode = utils.get_file_mode(test_file) self.assertEqual(mode, 0o777) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_file) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_get_file_gid(self, mock_stat): class stat_result(object): st_mode = 0o777 st_gid = 33333 test_file = '/var/tmp/made_up_file' mock_stat.return_value = stat_result gid = utils.get_file_gid(test_file) self.assertEqual(gid, 33333) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_file) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.CONF') def test_get_root_helper(self, mock_conf): mock_conf.rootwrap_config = '/path/to/conf' self.assertEqual('sudo cinder-rootwrap /path/to/conf', utils.get_root_helper()) class TemporaryChownTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch('os.stat') @mock.patch('os.getuid', return_value=1234) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.execute') def test_get_uid(self, mock_exec, mock_getuid, mock_stat): mock_stat.return_value.st_uid = 5678 test_filename = 'a_file' with utils.temporary_chown(test_filename): mock_exec.assert_called_once_with('chown', 1234, test_filename, run_as_root=True) mock_getuid.asset_called_once_with() mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_filename) calls = ['chown', 1234, test_filename, run_as_root=True),'chown', 5678, test_filename, run_as_root=True)] mock_exec.assert_has_calls(calls) @mock.patch('os.stat') @mock.patch('os.getuid', return_value=1234) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.execute') def test_supplied_owner_uid(self, mock_exec, mock_getuid, mock_stat): mock_stat.return_value.st_uid = 5678 test_filename = 'a_file' with utils.temporary_chown(test_filename, owner_uid=9101): mock_exec.assert_called_once_with('chown', 9101, test_filename, run_as_root=True) self.assertFalse(mock_getuid.called) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_filename) calls = ['chown', 9101, test_filename, run_as_root=True),'chown', 5678, test_filename, run_as_root=True)] mock_exec.assert_has_calls(calls) @mock.patch('os.stat') @mock.patch('os.getuid', return_value=5678) @mock.patch('cinder.utils.execute') def test_matching_uid(self, mock_exec, mock_getuid, mock_stat): mock_stat.return_value.st_uid = 5678 test_filename = 'a_file' with utils.temporary_chown(test_filename): pass mock_getuid.asset_called_once_with() mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_filename) self.assertFalse(mock_exec.called) class TempdirTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp') @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree') def test_tempdir(self, mock_rmtree, mock_mkdtemp): with utils.tempdir(a='1', b=2) as td: self.assertEqual(mock_mkdtemp.return_value, td) self.assertFalse(mock_rmtree.called) mock_mkdtemp.assert_called_once_with(a='1', b=2) mock_rmtree.assert_called_once_with(mock_mkdtemp.return_value) @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp') @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree', side_effect=OSError) def test_tempdir_error(self, mock_rmtree, mock_mkdtemp): with utils.tempdir(a='1', b=2) as td: self.assertEqual(mock_mkdtemp.return_value, td) self.assertFalse(mock_rmtree.called) mock_mkdtemp.assert_called_once_with(a='1', b=2) mock_rmtree.assert_called_once_with(mock_mkdtemp.return_value) class WalkClassHierarchyTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_walk_class_hierarchy(self): class A(object): pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass class D(B): pass class E(A): pass class_pairs = zip((D, B, E), utils.walk_class_hierarchy(A, encountered=[C])) for actual, expected in class_pairs: self.assertEqual(actual, expected) class_pairs = zip((D, B, C, E), utils.walk_class_hierarchy(A)) for actual, expected in class_pairs: self.assertEqual(actual, expected) class GetDiskOfPartitionTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_devpath_is_diskpath(self): devpath = '/some/path' st_mock = mock.Mock() output = utils._get_disk_of_partition(devpath, st_mock) self.assertEqual('/some/path', output[0]) self.assertIs(st_mock, output[1]) with mock.patch('os.stat') as mock_stat: devpath = '/some/path' output = utils._get_disk_of_partition(devpath) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(devpath) self.assertEqual(devpath, output[0]) self.assertIs(mock_stat.return_value, output[1]) @mock.patch('os.stat', side_effect=OSError) def test_stat_oserror(self, mock_stat): st_mock = mock.Mock() devpath = '/some/path1' output = utils._get_disk_of_partition(devpath, st_mock) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with('/some/path') self.assertEqual(devpath, output[0]) self.assertIs(st_mock, output[1]) @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', return_value=True) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_diskpath_is_block_device(self, mock_stat, mock_isblk): st_mock = mock.Mock() devpath = '/some/path1' output = utils._get_disk_of_partition(devpath, st_mock) self.assertEqual('/some/path', output[0]) self.assertEqual(mock_stat.return_value, output[1]) @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', return_value=False) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_diskpath_is_not_block_device(self, mock_stat, mock_isblk): st_mock = mock.Mock() devpath = '/some/path1' output = utils._get_disk_of_partition(devpath, st_mock) self.assertEqual(devpath, output[0]) self.assertEqual(st_mock, output[1]) class GetBlkdevMajorMinorTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_get_file_size(self, mock_stat): class stat_result(object): st_mode = 0o777 st_size = 1074253824 test_file = '/var/tmp/made_up_file' mock_stat.return_value = stat_result size = utils.get_file_size(test_file) self.assertEqual(size, stat_result.st_size) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_file) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_get_blkdev_major_minor(self, mock_stat): class stat_result(object): st_mode = 0o60660 st_rdev = os.makedev(253, 7) test_device = '/dev/made_up_blkdev' mock_stat.return_value = stat_result dev = utils.get_blkdev_major_minor(test_device) self.assertEqual('253:7', dev) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_device) @mock.patch('os.stat') @mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute') def _test_get_blkdev_major_minor_file(self, test_partition, mock_exec, mock_stat): mock_exec.return_value = ( 'Filesystem Size Used Avail Use%% Mounted on\n' '%s 4096 2048 2048 50%% /tmp\n' % test_partition, None) test_file = '/tmp/file' test_disk = '/dev/made_up_disk' class stat_result_file(object): st_mode = 0o660 class stat_result_partition(object): st_mode = 0o60660 st_rdev = os.makedev(8, 65) class stat_result_disk(object): st_mode = 0o60660 st_rdev = os.makedev(8, 64) def fake_stat(path): try: return {test_file: stat_result_file, test_partition: stat_result_partition, test_disk: stat_result_disk}[path] except KeyError: raise OSError mock_stat.side_effect = fake_stat dev = utils.get_blkdev_major_minor(test_file) mock_stat.assert_any_call(test_file) mock_exec.assert_called_once_with('df', test_file) if test_partition.startswith('/'): mock_stat.assert_any_call(test_partition) mock_stat.assert_any_call(test_disk) return dev def test_get_blkdev_major_minor_file(self): dev = self._test_get_blkdev_major_minor_file('/dev/made_up_disk1') self.assertEqual('8:64', dev) def test_get_blkdev_major_minor_file_nfs(self): dev = self._test_get_blkdev_major_minor_file('nfs-server:/export/path') self.assertIsNone(dev) @mock.patch('os.stat') @mock.patch('stat.S_ISCHR', return_value=False) @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', return_value=False) def test_get_blkdev_failure(self, mock_isblk, mock_ischr, mock_stat): path = '/some/path' self.assertRaises(exception.Error, utils.get_blkdev_major_minor, path, lookup_for_file=False) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(path) mock_isblk.assert_called_once_with(mock_stat.return_value.st_mode) mock_ischr.assert_called_once_with(mock_stat.return_value.st_mode) @mock.patch('os.stat') @mock.patch('stat.S_ISCHR', return_value=True) @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', return_value=False) def test_get_blkdev_is_chr(self, mock_isblk, mock_ischr, mock_stat): path = '/some/path' output = utils.get_blkdev_major_minor(path, lookup_for_file=False) mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(path) mock_isblk.assert_called_once_with(mock_stat.return_value.st_mode) mock_ischr.assert_called_once_with(mock_stat.return_value.st_mode) self.assertIs(None, output) class MonkeyPatchTestCase(test.TestCase): """Unit test for utils.monkey_patch().""" def setUp(self): super(MonkeyPatchTestCase, self).setUp() self.example_package = 'cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.' self.flags( monkey_patch=True, monkey_patch_modules=[self.example_package + 'example_a' + ':' + self.example_package + 'example_decorator']) def test_monkey_patch(self): utils.monkey_patch() cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION = [] from cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example import example_a from cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example import example_b self.assertEqual('Example function', example_a.example_function_a()) exampleA = example_a.ExampleClassA() exampleA.example_method() ret_a = exampleA.example_method_add(3, 5) self.assertEqual(ret_a, 8) self.assertEqual('Example function', example_b.example_function_b()) exampleB = example_b.ExampleClassB() exampleB.example_method() ret_b = exampleB.example_method_add(3, 5) self.assertEqual(ret_b, 8) package_a = self.example_package + 'example_a.' self.assertTrue( package_a + 'example_function_a' in cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION) self.assertTrue( package_a + 'ExampleClassA.example_method' in cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION) self.assertTrue( package_a + 'ExampleClassA.example_method_add' in cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION) package_b = self.example_package + 'example_b.' self.assertFalse( package_b + 'example_function_b' in cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION) self.assertFalse( package_b + 'ExampleClassB.example_method' in cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION) self.assertFalse( package_b + 'ExampleClassB.example_method_add' in cinder.tests.unit.monkey_patch_example.CALLED_FUNCTION) class AuditPeriodTest(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(AuditPeriodTest, self).setUp() test_time = datetime.datetime(second=23, minute=12, hour=8, day=5, month=3, year=2012) patcher = mock.patch.object(timeutils, 'utcnow') self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) self.mock_utcnow = patcher.start() self.mock_utcnow.return_value = test_time def test_hour(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='hour') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(hour=7, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(hour=8, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) def test_hour_with_offset_before_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='hour@10') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(minute=10, hour=7, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(minute=10, hour=8, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) def test_hour_with_offset_after_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='hour@30') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(minute=30, hour=6, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(minute=30, hour=7, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) def test_day(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='day') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=4, month=3, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=5, month=3, year=2012)) def test_day_with_offset_before_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='day@6') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(hour=6, day=4, month=3, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(hour=6, day=5, month=3, year=2012)) def test_day_with_offset_after_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='day@10') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(hour=10, day=3, month=3, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(hour=10, day=4, month=3, year=2012)) def test_month(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='month') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=2, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=3, year=2012)) def test_month_with_offset_before_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='month@2') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=2, month=2, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=2, month=3, year=2012)) def test_month_with_offset_after_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='month@15') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=15, month=1, year=2012)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=15, month=2, year=2012)) @mock.patch('oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow', return_value=datetime.datetime(day=1, month=1, year=2012)) def test_month_jan_day_first(self, mock_utcnow): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='month') self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(day=1, month=11, year=2011), begin) self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(day=1, month=12, year=2011), end) @mock.patch('oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow', return_value=datetime.datetime(day=2, month=1, year=2012)) def test_month_jan_day_not_first(self, mock_utcnow): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='month') self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(day=1, month=12, year=2011), begin) self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(day=1, month=1, year=2012), end) def test_year(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='year') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=1, year=2011)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=1, year=2012)) def test_year_with_offset_before_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='year@2') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=2, year=2011)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=2, year=2012)) def test_year_with_offset_after_current(self): begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(unit='year@6') self.assertEqual(begin, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=6, year=2010)) self.assertEqual(end, datetime.datetime(day=1, month=6, year=2011)) def test_invalid_unit(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.last_completed_audit_period, unit='invalid_unit') @mock.patch('cinder.utils.CONF') def test_uses_conf_unit(self, mock_conf): mock_conf.volume_usage_audit_period = 'hour' begin1, end1 = utils.last_completed_audit_period() self.assertEqual(60.0 * 60, (end1 - begin1).total_seconds()) mock_conf.volume_usage_audit_period = 'day' begin2, end2 = utils.last_completed_audit_period() self.assertEqual(60.0 * 60 * 24, (end2 - begin2).total_seconds()) class FakeSSHClient(object): def __init__(self): = uuid.uuid4() self.transport = FakeTransport() def set_missing_host_key_policy(self, policy): self.policy = policy def load_system_host_keys(self): self.system_host_keys = 'system_host_keys' def load_host_keys(self, hosts_key_file): self.hosts_key_file = hosts_key_file def connect(self, ip, port=22, username=None, password=None, pkey=None, timeout=10): pass def get_transport(self): return self.transport def get_policy(self): return self.policy def get_host_keys(self): return ' ssh-rsa deadbeef' def close(self): pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class FakeSock(object): def settimeout(self, timeout): pass class FakeTransport(object): def __init__(self): = True self.sock = FakeSock() def set_keepalive(self, timeout): pass def is_active(self): return class SSHPoolTestCase(test.TestCase): """Unit test for SSH Connection Pool.""" @mock.patch('cinder.ssh_utils.CONF') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) def test_ssh_default_hosts_key_file(self, mock_isfile, mock_sshclient, mock_open, mock_conf): mock_ssh = mock.MagicMock() mock_sshclient.return_value = mock_ssh mock_conf.ssh_hosts_key_file = '/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts' # create with customized setting sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) host_key_files = sshpool.hosts_key_file self.assertEqual('/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts', host_key_files) mock_ssh.load_host_keys.assert_called_once_with( '/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts') @mock.patch('cinder.ssh_utils.CONF') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) def test_ssh_host_key_file_kwargs(self, mock_isfile, mock_sshclient, mock_open, mock_conf): mock_ssh = mock.MagicMock() mock_sshclient.return_value = mock_ssh mock_conf.ssh_hosts_key_file = '/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts' # create with customized setting sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1, hosts_key_file='dummy_host_keyfile') host_key_files = sshpool.hosts_key_file self.assertIn('dummy_host_keyfile', host_key_files) self.assertIn('/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts', host_key_files) expected = ['dummy_host_keyfile'),'/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts')] mock_ssh.assert_has_calls(expected, any_order=True) @mock.patch('cinder.ssh_utils.CONF') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) @mock.patch('paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') def test_single_ssh_connect(self, mock_sshclient, mock_pkey, mock_isfile, mock_open, mock_conf): mock_conf.ssh_hosts_key_file = '/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts' # create with password sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) with sshpool.item() as ssh: first_id = with sshpool.item() as ssh: second_id = self.assertEqual(first_id, second_id) self.assertEqual(1, mock_sshclient.return_value.connect.call_count) # create with private key sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", privatekey="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) self.assertEqual(2, mock_sshclient.return_value.connect.call_count) # attempt to create with no password or private key self.assertRaises(paramiko.SSHException, ssh_utils.SSHPool, "", 22, 10, "test", min_size=1, max_size=1) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') def test_closed_reopened_ssh_connections(self, mock_sshclient, mock_open): mock_sshclient.return_value = eval('FakeSSHClient')() sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=4) with sshpool.item() as ssh: mock_sshclient.reset_mock() first_id = with sshpool.item() as ssh: second_id = ssh.get_transport().active = False sshpool.remove(ssh) self.assertEqual(first_id, second_id) # create a new client mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient() with sshpool.item() as ssh: third_id = self.assertNotEqual(first_id, third_id) @mock.patch('cinder.ssh_utils.CONF') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') def test_missing_ssh_hosts_key_config(self, mock_sshclient, mock_open, mock_conf): mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient() mock_conf.ssh_hosts_key_file = None # create with password self.assertRaises(exception.ParameterNotFound, ssh_utils.SSHPool, "", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') def test_create_default_known_hosts_file(self, mock_sshclient, mock_open): mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient() CONF.state_path = '/var/lib/cinder' CONF.ssh_hosts_key_file = '/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts' default_file = '/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts' ssh_pool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) with ssh_pool.item() as ssh: mock_open.assert_called_once_with(default_file, 'a') ssh_pool.remove(ssh) @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=False) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') def test_ssh_missing_hosts_key_file(self, mock_sshclient, mock_open, mock_isfile): mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient() CONF.ssh_hosts_key_file = '/tmp/blah' self.assertNotIn(CONF.state_path, CONF.ssh_hosts_key_file) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, ssh_utils.SSHPool, "", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) @mock.patch.multiple('cinder.ssh_utils.CONF', strict_ssh_host_key_policy=True, ssh_hosts_key_file='/var/lib/cinder/ssh_known_hosts') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) def test_ssh_strict_host_key_policy(self, mock_isfile, mock_sshclient, mock_open): mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient() # create with customized setting sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) with sshpool.item() as ssh: self.assertTrue(isinstance(ssh.get_policy(), paramiko.RejectPolicy)) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient') @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) def test_ssh_not_strict_host_key_policy(self, mock_isfile, mock_sshclient, mock_open): mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient() CONF.strict_ssh_host_key_policy = False # create with customized setting sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test", min_size=1, max_size=1) with sshpool.item() as ssh: self.assertTrue(isinstance(ssh.get_policy(), paramiko.AutoAddPolicy)) class BrickUtils(test.TestCase): """Unit test to test the brick utility wrapper functions.""" @mock.patch('cinder.utils.CONF') @mock.patch('os_brick.initiator.connector.get_connector_properties') @mock.patch('cinder.utils.get_root_helper') def test_brick_get_connector_properties(self, mock_helper, mock_get, mock_conf): mock_conf.my_ip = '' output = utils.brick_get_connector_properties() mock_helper.assert_called_once_with() mock_get.assert_called_once_with(mock_helper.return_value, '', False, False) self.assertEqual(mock_get.return_value, output) @mock.patch('os_brick.initiator.connector.InitiatorConnector.factory') @mock.patch('cinder.utils.get_root_helper') def test_brick_get_connector(self, mock_helper, mock_factory): output = utils.brick_get_connector('protocol') mock_helper.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual(mock_factory.return_value, output) mock_factory.assert_called_once_with( 'protocol', mock_helper.return_value, driver=None, execute=putils.execute, use_multipath=False, device_scan_attempts=3) class StringLengthTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_check_string_length(self): self.assertIsNone(utils.check_string_length( 'test', 'name', max_length=255)) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, utils.check_string_length, 11, 'name', max_length=255) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, utils.check_string_length, '', 'name', min_length=1) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, utils.check_string_length, 'a' * 256, 'name', max_length=255) class AddVisibleAdminMetadataTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_add_visible_admin_metadata_visible_key_only(self): admin_metadata = [{"key": "invisible_key", "value": "invisible_value"}, {"key": "readonly", "value": "visible"}, {"key": "attached_mode", "value": "visible"}] metadata = [{"key": "key", "value": "value"}, {"key": "readonly", "value": "existing"}] volume = {'volume_admin_metadata': admin_metadata, 'volume_metadata': metadata} utils.add_visible_admin_metadata(volume) self.assertEqual([{"key": "key", "value": "value"}, {"key": "readonly", "value": "visible"}, {"key": "attached_mode", "value": "visible"}], volume['volume_metadata']) admin_metadata = {"invisible_key": "invisible_value", "readonly": "visible", "attached_mode": "visible"} metadata = {"key": "value", "readonly": "existing"} volume = {'admin_metadata': admin_metadata, 'metadata': metadata} utils.add_visible_admin_metadata(volume) self.assertEqual({'key': 'value', 'attached_mode': 'visible', 'readonly': 'visible'}, volume['metadata']) def test_add_visible_admin_metadata_no_visible_keys(self): admin_metadata = [ {"key": "invisible_key1", "value": "invisible_value1"}, {"key": "invisible_key2", "value": "invisible_value2"}, {"key": "invisible_key3", "value": "invisible_value3"}] metadata = [{"key": "key", "value": "value"}] volume = {'volume_admin_metadata': admin_metadata, 'volume_metadata': metadata} utils.add_visible_admin_metadata(volume) self.assertEqual([{"key": "key", "value": "value"}], volume['volume_metadata']) admin_metadata = {"invisible_key1": "invisible_value1", "invisible_key2": "invisible_value2", "invisible_key3": "invisible_value3"} metadata = {"key": "value"} volume = {'admin_metadata': admin_metadata, 'metadata': metadata} utils.add_visible_admin_metadata(volume) self.assertEqual({'key': 'value'}, volume['metadata']) def test_add_visible_admin_metadata_no_existing_metadata(self): admin_metadata = [{"key": "invisible_key", "value": "invisible_value"}, {"key": "readonly", "value": "visible"}, {"key": "attached_mode", "value": "visible"}] volume = {'volume_admin_metadata': admin_metadata} utils.add_visible_admin_metadata(volume) self.assertEqual({'attached_mode': 'visible', 'readonly': 'visible'}, volume['metadata']) admin_metadata = {"invisible_key": "invisible_value", "readonly": "visible", "attached_mode": "visible"} volume = {'admin_metadata': admin_metadata} utils.add_visible_admin_metadata(volume) self.assertEqual({'attached_mode': 'visible', 'readonly': 'visible'}, volume['metadata']) class InvalidFilterTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_admin_allows_all_options(self): ctxt = mock.Mock(name='context') ctxt.is_admin = True filters = {'allowed1': None, 'allowed2': None, 'not_allowed1': None} fltrs_orig = {'allowed1': None, 'allowed2': None, 'not_allowed1': None} allowed_search_options = ('allowed1', 'allowed2') allowed_orig = ('allowed1', 'allowed2') utils.remove_invalid_filter_options(ctxt, filters, allowed_search_options) self.assertEqual(allowed_orig, allowed_search_options) self.assertEqual(fltrs_orig, filters) def test_admin_allows_some_options(self): ctxt = mock.Mock(name='context') ctxt.is_admin = False filters = {'allowed1': None, 'allowed2': None, 'not_allowed1': None} fltrs_orig = {'allowed1': None, 'allowed2': None, 'not_allowed1': None} allowed_search_options = ('allowed1', 'allowed2') allowed_orig = ('allowed1', 'allowed2') utils.remove_invalid_filter_options(ctxt, filters, allowed_search_options) self.assertEqual(allowed_orig, allowed_search_options) self.assertNotEqual(fltrs_orig, filters) self.assertEqual(allowed_search_options, tuple(sorted(filters.keys()))) class IsBlkDeviceTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', return_value=True) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_is_blk_device(self, mock_os_stat, mock_S_ISBLK): dev = 'some_device' self.assertTrue(utils.is_blk_device(dev)) @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', return_value=False) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_not_is_blk_device(self, mock_os_stat, mock_S_ISBLK): dev = 'not_some_device' self.assertFalse(utils.is_blk_device(dev)) @mock.patch('stat.S_ISBLK', side_effect=Exception) @mock.patch('os.stat') def test_fail_is_blk_device(self, mock_os_stat, mock_S_ISBLK): dev = 'device_exception' self.assertFalse(utils.is_blk_device(dev)) class WrongException(Exception): pass class TestRetryDecorator(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestRetryDecorator, self).setUp() def test_no_retry_required(self): self.counter = 0 with mock.patch.object(time, 'sleep') as mock_sleep: @utils.retry(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException, interval=2, retries=3, backoff_rate=2) def succeeds(): self.counter += 1 return 'success' ret = succeeds() self.assertFalse(mock_sleep.called) self.assertEqual(ret, 'success') self.assertEqual(self.counter, 1) def test_retries_once(self): self.counter = 0 interval = 2 backoff_rate = 2 retries = 3 with mock.patch.object(time, 'sleep') as mock_sleep: @utils.retry(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException, interval, retries, backoff_rate) def fails_once(): self.counter += 1 if self.counter < 2: raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data='fake') else: return 'success' ret = fails_once() self.assertEqual(ret, 'success') self.assertEqual(self.counter, 2) self.assertEqual(mock_sleep.call_count, 1) mock_sleep.assert_called_with(interval * backoff_rate) def test_limit_is_reached(self): self.counter = 0 retries = 3 interval = 2 backoff_rate = 4 with mock.patch.object(time, 'sleep') as mock_sleep: @utils.retry(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException, interval, retries, backoff_rate) def always_fails(): self.counter += 1 raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data='fake') self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException, always_fails) self.assertEqual(retries, self.counter) expected_sleep_arg = [] for i in range(retries): if i > 0: interval *= backoff_rate expected_sleep_arg.append(float(interval)) mock_sleep.assert_has_calls(map(, expected_sleep_arg)) def test_wrong_exception_no_retry(self): with mock.patch.object(time, 'sleep') as mock_sleep: @utils.retry(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException) def raise_unexpected_error(): raise WrongException("wrong exception") self.assertRaises(WrongException, raise_unexpected_error) self.assertFalse(mock_sleep.called) class VersionTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_convert_version_to_int(self): self.assertEqual(utils.convert_version_to_int('6.2.0'), 6002000) self.assertEqual(utils.convert_version_to_int((6, 4, 3)), 6004003) self.assertEqual(utils.convert_version_to_int((5, )), 5) self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException, utils.convert_version_to_int, '5a.6b') def test_convert_version_to_string(self): self.assertEqual(utils.convert_version_to_str(6007000), '6.7.0') self.assertEqual(utils.convert_version_to_str(4), '4') def test_convert_version_to_tuple(self): self.assertEqual(utils.convert_version_to_tuple('6.7.0'), (6, 7, 0)) class LogTracingTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_utils_setup_tracing(self): self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') utils.setup_tracing(None) self.assertFalse(utils.TRACE_API) self.assertFalse(utils.TRACE_METHOD) self.assertEqual(0, utils.LOG.warning.call_count) utils.setup_tracing(['method']) self.assertFalse(utils.TRACE_API) self.assertTrue(utils.TRACE_METHOD) self.assertEqual(0, utils.LOG.warning.call_count) utils.setup_tracing(['method', 'api']) self.assertTrue(utils.TRACE_API) self.assertTrue(utils.TRACE_METHOD) self.assertEqual(0, utils.LOG.warning.call_count) def test_utils_setup_tracing_invalid_key(self): self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') utils.setup_tracing(['fake']) self.assertFalse(utils.TRACE_API) self.assertFalse(utils.TRACE_METHOD) self.assertEqual(1, utils.LOG.warning.call_count) def test_utils_setup_tracing_valid_and_invalid_key(self): self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') utils.setup_tracing(['method', 'fake']) self.assertFalse(utils.TRACE_API) self.assertTrue(utils.TRACE_METHOD) self.assertEqual(1, utils.LOG.warning.call_count) def test_trace_no_tracing(self): self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') @utils.trace_method def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(None) result = _trace_test_method() self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(0, utils.LOG.debug.call_count) def test_utils_trace_method(self): self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') @utils.trace_method def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['method']) result = _trace_test_method() self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, utils.LOG.debug.call_count) def test_utils_trace_api(self): self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') @utils.trace_api def _trace_test_api(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['api']) result = _trace_test_api() self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, utils.LOG.debug.call_count) def test_utils_trace_method_default_logger(self): mock_log = self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') @utils.trace_method def _trace_test_method_custom_logger(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['method']) result = _trace_test_method_custom_logger() self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, mock_log.debug.call_count) def test_utils_trace_method_inner_decorator(self): mock_logging = self.mock_object(utils, 'logging') mock_log = mock.Mock() mock_log.isEnabledFor = lambda x: True mock_logging.getLogger = mock.Mock(return_value=mock_log) def _test_decorator(f): def blah(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return blah @_test_decorator @utils.trace_method def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['method']) result = _trace_test_method(self) self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, mock_log.debug.call_count) # Ensure the correct function name was logged for call in mock_log.debug.call_args_list: self.assertTrue('_trace_test_method' in str(call)) self.assertFalse('blah' in str(call)) def test_utils_trace_method_outer_decorator(self): mock_logging = self.mock_object(utils, 'logging') mock_log = mock.Mock() mock_log.isEnabledFor = lambda x: True mock_logging.getLogger = mock.Mock(return_value=mock_log) def _test_decorator(f): def blah(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return blah @utils.trace_method @_test_decorator def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['method']) result = _trace_test_method(self) self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, mock_log.debug.call_count) # Ensure the incorrect function name was logged for call in mock_log.debug.call_args_list: self.assertFalse('_trace_test_method' in str(call)) self.assertTrue('blah' in str(call)) def test_utils_trace_method_outer_decorator_with_functools(self): mock_log = mock.Mock() mock_log.isEnabledFor = lambda x: True self.mock_object(utils.logging, 'getLogger', mock_log) mock_log = self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') def _test_decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wraps(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wraps @utils.trace_method @_test_decorator def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['method']) result = _trace_test_method() self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, mock_log.debug.call_count) # Ensure the incorrect function name was logged for call in mock_log.debug.call_args_list: self.assertTrue('_trace_test_method' in str(call)) self.assertFalse('wraps' in str(call)) def test_utils_trace_method_with_exception(self): self.LOG = self.mock_object(utils, 'LOG') @utils.trace_method def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): raise exception.APITimeout('test message') utils.setup_tracing(['method']) self.assertRaises(exception.APITimeout, _trace_test_method) exception_log = self.LOG.debug.call_args_list[1] self.assertTrue('exception' in str(exception_log)) self.assertTrue('test message' in str(exception_log)) def test_utils_trace_method_with_time(self): mock_logging = self.mock_object(utils, 'logging') mock_log = mock.Mock() mock_log.isEnabledFor = lambda x: True mock_logging.getLogger = mock.Mock(return_value=mock_log) mock_time = mock.Mock(side_effect=[3.1, 6]) self.mock_object(time, 'time', mock_time) @utils.trace_method def _trace_test_method(*args, **kwargs): return 'OK' utils.setup_tracing(['method']) result = _trace_test_method(self) self.assertEqual('OK', result) return_log = mock_log.debug.call_args_list[1] self.assertTrue('2900' in str(return_log)) def test_utils_trace_wrapper_class(self): mock_logging = self.mock_object(utils, 'logging') mock_log = mock.Mock() mock_log.isEnabledFor = lambda x: True mock_logging.getLogger = mock.Mock(return_value=mock_log) utils.setup_tracing(['method']) @six.add_metaclass(utils.TraceWrapperMetaclass) class MyClass(object): def trace_test_method(self): return 'OK' test_class = MyClass() result = test_class.trace_test_method() self.assertEqual('OK', result) self.assertEqual(2, mock_log.debug.call_count)
# # # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """HTTP module. """ import logging import mimetools import OpenSSL import select import socket import errno from cStringIO import StringIO from ganeti import constants from ganeti import utils HTTP_GANETI_VERSION = "Ganeti %s" % constants.RELEASE_VERSION HTTP_OK = 200 HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204 HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304 HTTP_0_9 = "HTTP/0.9" HTTP_1_0 = "HTTP/1.0" HTTP_1_1 = "HTTP/1.1" HTTP_GET = "GET" HTTP_HEAD = "HEAD" HTTP_POST = "POST" HTTP_PUT = "PUT" HTTP_DELETE = "DELETE" HTTP_ETAG = "ETag" HTTP_HOST = "Host" HTTP_SERVER = "Server" HTTP_DATE = "Date" HTTP_USER_AGENT = "User-Agent" HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type" HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length" HTTP_CONNECTION = "Connection" HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE = "Keep-Alive" HTTP_WWW_AUTHENTICATE = "WWW-Authenticate" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization" HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_INFO = "Authentication-Info" HTTP_ALLOW = "Allow" HTTP_APP_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream" HTTP_APP_JSON = "application/json" _SSL_UNEXPECTED_EOF = "Unexpected EOF" # Socket operations (SOCKOP_SEND, SOCKOP_RECV, SOCKOP_SHUTDOWN, SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE) = range(4) # send/receive quantum SOCK_BUF_SIZE = 32768 class HttpError(Exception): """Internal exception for HTTP errors. This should only be used for internal error reporting. """ class HttpConnectionClosed(Exception): """Internal exception for a closed connection. This should only be used for internal error reporting. Only use it if there's no other way to report this condition. """ class HttpSessionHandshakeUnexpectedEOF(HttpError): """Internal exception for errors during SSL handshake. This should only be used for internal error reporting. """ class HttpSocketTimeout(Exception): """Internal exception for socket timeouts. This should only be used for internal error reporting. """ class HttpException(Exception): code = None message = None def __init__(self, message=None, headers=None): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = message self.headers = headers class HttpBadRequest(HttpException): """400 Bad Request RFC2616, 10.4.1: The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. """ code = 400 class HttpUnauthorized(HttpException): """401 Unauthorized RFC2616, section 10.4.2: The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. """ code = 401 class HttpForbidden(HttpException): """403 Forbidden RFC2616, 10.4.4: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. """ code = 403 class HttpNotFound(HttpException): """404 Not Found RFC2616, 10.4.5: The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. """ code = 404 class HttpMethodNotAllowed(HttpException): """405 Method Not Allowed RFC2616, 10.4.6: The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource. """ code = 405 class HttpNotAcceptable(HttpException): """406 Not Acceptable RFC2616, 10.4.7: The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request. """ code = 406 class HttpRequestTimeout(HttpException): """408 Request Timeout RFC2616, 10.4.9: The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without modifications at any later time. """ code = 408 class HttpConflict(HttpException): """409 Conflict RFC2616, 10.4.10: The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. """ code = 409 class HttpGone(HttpException): """410 Gone RFC2616, 10.4.11: The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent. """ code = 410 class HttpLengthRequired(HttpException): """411 Length Required RFC2616, 10.4.12: The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length. The client MAY repeat the request if it adds a valid Content-Length header field containing the length of the message-body in the request message. """ code = 411 class HttpPreconditionFailed(HttpException): """412 Precondition Failed RFC2616, 10.4.13: The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server. """ code = 412 class HttpUnsupportedMediaType(HttpException): """415 Unsupported Media Type RFC2616, 10.4.16: The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. """ code = 415 class HttpInternalServerError(HttpException): """500 Internal Server Error RFC2616, 10.5.1: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. """ code = 500 class HttpNotImplemented(HttpException): """501 Not Implemented RFC2616, 10.5.2: The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. """ code = 501 class HttpBadGateway(HttpException): """502 Bad Gateway RFC2616, 10.5.3: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request. """ code = 502 class HttpServiceUnavailable(HttpException): """503 Service Unavailable RFC2616, 10.5.4: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. """ code = 503 class HttpGatewayTimeout(HttpException): """504 Gateway Timeout RFC2616, 10.5.5: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI (e.g. HTTP, FTP, LDAP) or some other auxiliary server (e.g. DNS) it needed to access in attempting to complete the request. """ code = 504 class HttpVersionNotSupported(HttpException): """505 HTTP Version Not Supported RFC2616, 10.5.6: The server does not support, or refuses to support, the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message. """ code = 505 def ParseHeaders(buf): """Parses HTTP headers. @note: This is just a trivial wrapper around C{mimetools.Message} """ return mimetools.Message(buf, 0) def SocketOperation(sock, op, arg1, timeout): """Wrapper around socket functions. This function abstracts error handling for socket operations, especially for the complicated interaction with OpenSSL. @type sock: socket @param sock: Socket for the operation @type op: int @param op: Operation to execute (SOCKOP_* constants) @type arg1: any @param arg1: Parameter for function (if needed) @type timeout: None or float @param timeout: Timeout in seconds or None @return: Return value of socket function """ # TODO: event_poll/event_check/override if op in (SOCKOP_SEND, SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE): event_poll = select.POLLOUT elif op == SOCKOP_RECV: event_poll = select.POLLIN elif op == SOCKOP_SHUTDOWN: event_poll = None # The timeout is only used when OpenSSL requests polling for a condition. # It is not advisable to have no timeout for shutdown. assert timeout else: raise AssertionError("Invalid socket operation") # Handshake is only supported by SSL sockets if (op == SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE and not isinstance(sock, OpenSSL.SSL.ConnectionType)): return # No override by default event_override = 0 while True: # Poll only for certain operations and when asked for by an override if event_override or op in (SOCKOP_SEND, SOCKOP_RECV, SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE): if event_override: wait_for_event = event_override else: wait_for_event = event_poll event = utils.WaitForFdCondition(sock, wait_for_event, timeout) if event is None: raise HttpSocketTimeout() if event & (select.POLLNVAL | select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR): # Let the socket functions handle these break if not event & wait_for_event: continue # Reset override event_override = 0 try: try: if op == SOCKOP_SEND: return sock.send(arg1) elif op == SOCKOP_RECV: return sock.recv(arg1) elif op == SOCKOP_SHUTDOWN: if isinstance(sock, OpenSSL.SSL.ConnectionType): # PyOpenSSL's shutdown() doesn't take arguments return sock.shutdown() else: return sock.shutdown(arg1) elif op == SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE: return sock.do_handshake() except OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError: # OpenSSL wants to write, poll for POLLOUT event_override = select.POLLOUT continue except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: # OpenSSL wants to read, poll for POLLIN event_override = select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI continue except OpenSSL.SSL.WantX509LookupError: continue except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError, err: # SSL Connection has been closed. In SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, this only # occurs if a closure alert has occurred in the protocol, i.e. the # connection has been closed cleanly. Note that this does not # necessarily mean that the transport layer (e.g. a socket) has been # closed. if op == SOCKOP_SEND: # Can happen during a renegotiation raise HttpConnectionClosed(err.args) elif op == SOCKOP_RECV: return "" # SSL_shutdown shouldn't return SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN raise socket.error(err.args) except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError, err: if op == SOCKOP_SEND: # arg1 is the data when writing if err.args and err.args[0] == -1 and arg1 == "": # errors when writing empty strings are expected # and can be ignored return 0 if err.args == (-1, _SSL_UNEXPECTED_EOF): if op == SOCKOP_RECV: return "" elif op == SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE: # Can happen if peer disconnects directly after the connection is # opened. raise HttpSessionHandshakeUnexpectedEOF(err.args) raise socket.error(err.args) except OpenSSL.SSL.Error, err: raise socket.error(err.args) except socket.error, err: if err.args and err.args[0] == errno.EAGAIN: # Ignore EAGAIN continue raise def ShutdownConnection(sock, close_timeout, write_timeout, msgreader, force): """Closes the connection. @type sock: socket @param sock: Socket to be shut down @type close_timeout: float @param close_timeout: How long to wait for the peer to close the connection @type write_timeout: float @param write_timeout: Write timeout for shutdown @type msgreader: http.HttpMessageReader @param msgreader: Request message reader, used to determine whether peer should close connection @type force: bool @param force: Whether to forcibly close the connection without waiting for peer """ #print msgreader.peer_will_close, force if msgreader and msgreader.peer_will_close and not force: # Wait for peer to close try: # Check whether it's actually closed if not SocketOperation(sock, SOCKOP_RECV, 1, close_timeout): return except (socket.error, HttpError, HttpSocketTimeout): # Ignore errors at this stage pass # Close the connection from our side try: # We don't care about the return value, see NOTES in SSL_shutdown(3). SocketOperation(sock, SOCKOP_SHUTDOWN, socket.SHUT_RDWR, write_timeout) except HttpSocketTimeout: raise HttpError("Timeout while shutting down connection") except socket.error, err: # Ignore ENOTCONN if not (err.args and err.args[0] == errno.ENOTCONN): raise HttpError("Error while shutting down connection: %s" % err) def Handshake(sock, write_timeout): """Shakes peer's hands. @type sock: socket @param sock: Socket to be shut down @type write_timeout: float @param write_timeout: Write timeout for handshake """ try: return SocketOperation(sock, SOCKOP_HANDSHAKE, None, write_timeout) except HttpSocketTimeout: raise HttpError("Timeout during SSL handshake") except socket.error, err: raise HttpError("Error in SSL handshake: %s" % err) class HttpSslParams(object): """Data class for SSL key and certificate. """ def __init__(self, ssl_key_path, ssl_cert_path): """Initializes this class. @type ssl_key_path: string @param ssl_key_path: Path to file containing SSL key in PEM format @type ssl_cert_path: string @param ssl_cert_path: Path to file containing SSL certificate in PEM format """ self.ssl_key_pem = utils.ReadFile(ssl_key_path) self.ssl_cert_pem = utils.ReadFile(ssl_cert_path) self.ssl_cert_path = ssl_cert_path def GetKey(self): return OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.ssl_key_pem) def GetCertificate(self): return OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.ssl_cert_pem) class HttpBase(object): """Base class for HTTP server and client. """ def __init__(self): self.using_ssl = None self._ssl_params = None self._ssl_key = None self._ssl_cert = None def _CreateSocket(self, ssl_params, ssl_verify_peer, family, ssl_verify_callback): """Creates a TCP socket and initializes SSL if needed. @type ssl_params: HttpSslParams @param ssl_params: SSL key and certificate @type ssl_verify_peer: bool @param ssl_verify_peer: Whether to require client certificate and compare it with our certificate @type family: int @param family: socket.AF_INET | socket.AF_INET6 """ assert family in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6) if ssl_verify_peer: assert ssl_verify_callback is not None self._ssl_params = ssl_params sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Should we enable SSL? self.using_ssl = ssl_params is not None if not self.using_ssl: return sock self._ssl_key = ssl_params.GetKey() self._ssl_cert = ssl_params.GetCertificate() ctx = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) ctx.set_options(OpenSSL.SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2) ciphers = self.GetSslCiphers() logging.debug("Setting SSL cipher string %s", ciphers) ctx.set_cipher_list(ciphers) ctx.use_privatekey(self._ssl_key) ctx.use_certificate(self._ssl_cert) ctx.check_privatekey() if ssl_verify_peer: ctx.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER | OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, ssl_verify_callback) # Also add our certificate as a trusted CA to be sent to the client. # This is required at least for GnuTLS clients to work. try: # This will fail for PyOpenssl versions before 0.10 ctx.add_client_ca(self._ssl_cert) except AttributeError: # Fall back to letting OpenSSL read the certificate file directly. ctx.load_client_ca(ssl_params.ssl_cert_path) return OpenSSL.SSL.Connection(ctx, sock) def GetSslCiphers(self): # pylint: disable=R0201 """Returns the ciphers string for SSL. """ return constants.OPENSSL_CIPHERS def _SSLVerifyCallback(self, conn, cert, errnum, errdepth, ok): """Verify the certificate provided by the peer We only compare fingerprints. The client must use the same certificate as we do on our side. """ # some parameters are unused, but this is the API # pylint: disable=W0613 assert self._ssl_params, "SSL not initialized" return (self._ssl_cert.digest("sha1") == cert.digest("sha1") and self._ssl_cert.digest("md5") == cert.digest("md5")) class HttpMessage(object): """Data structure for HTTP message. """ def __init__(self): self.start_line = None self.headers = None self.body = None class HttpClientToServerStartLine(object): """Data structure for HTTP request start line. """ def __init__(self, method, path, version): self.method = method self.path = path self.version = version def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s" % (self.method, self.path, self.version) class HttpServerToClientStartLine(object): """Data structure for HTTP response start line. """ def __init__(self, version, code, reason): self.version = version self.code = code self.reason = reason def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s" % (self.version, self.code, self.reason) class HttpMessageWriter(object): """Writes an HTTP message to a socket. """ def __init__(self, sock, msg, write_timeout): """Initializes this class and writes an HTTP message to a socket. @type sock: socket @param sock: Socket to be written to @type msg: http.HttpMessage @param msg: HTTP message to be written @type write_timeout: float @param write_timeout: Write timeout for socket """ self._msg = msg self._PrepareMessage() buf = self._FormatMessage() pos = 0 end = len(buf) while pos < end: # Send only SOCK_BUF_SIZE bytes at a time data = buf[pos:(pos + SOCK_BUF_SIZE)] sent = SocketOperation(sock, SOCKOP_SEND, data, write_timeout) # Remove sent bytes pos += sent assert pos == end, "Message wasn't sent completely" def _PrepareMessage(self): """Prepares the HTTP message by setting mandatory headers. """ # RFC2616, section 4.3: "The presence of a message-body in a request is # signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header # field in the request's message-headers." if self._msg.body: self._msg.headers[HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH] = len(self._msg.body) def _FormatMessage(self): """Serializes the HTTP message into a string. """ buf = StringIO() # Add start line buf.write(str(self._msg.start_line)) buf.write("\r\n") # Add headers if self._msg.start_line.version != HTTP_0_9: for name, value in self._msg.headers.iteritems(): buf.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (name, value)) buf.write("\r\n") # Add message body if needed if self.HasMessageBody(): buf.write(self._msg.body) elif self._msg.body: logging.warning("Ignoring message body") return buf.getvalue() def HasMessageBody(self): """Checks whether the HTTP message contains a body. Can be overridden by subclasses. """ return bool(self._msg.body) class HttpMessageReader(object): """Reads HTTP message from socket. """ # Length limits START_LINE_LENGTH_MAX = None HEADER_LENGTH_MAX = None # Parser state machine PS_START_LINE = "start-line" PS_HEADERS = "headers" PS_BODY = "entity-body" PS_COMPLETE = "complete" def __init__(self, sock, msg, read_timeout): """Reads an HTTP message from a socket. @type sock: socket @param sock: Socket to be read from @type msg: http.HttpMessage @param msg: Object for the read message @type read_timeout: float @param read_timeout: Read timeout for socket """ self.sock = sock self.msg = msg self.start_line_buffer = None self.header_buffer = StringIO() self.body_buffer = StringIO() self.parser_status = self.PS_START_LINE self.content_length = None self.peer_will_close = None buf = "" eof = False while self.parser_status != self.PS_COMPLETE: # TODO: Don't read more than necessary (Content-Length), otherwise # data might be lost and/or an error could occur data = SocketOperation(sock, SOCKOP_RECV, SOCK_BUF_SIZE, read_timeout) if data: buf += data else: eof = True # Do some parsing and error checking while more data arrives buf = self._ContinueParsing(buf, eof) # Must be done only after the buffer has been evaluated # TODO: Content-Length < len(data read) and connection closed if (eof and self.parser_status in (self.PS_START_LINE, self.PS_HEADERS)): raise HttpError("Connection closed prematurely") # Parse rest buf = self._ContinueParsing(buf, True) assert self.parser_status == self.PS_COMPLETE assert not buf, "Parser didn't read full response" # Body is complete msg.body = self.body_buffer.getvalue() def _ContinueParsing(self, buf, eof): """Main function for HTTP message state machine. @type buf: string @param buf: Receive buffer @type eof: bool @param eof: Whether we've reached EOF on the socket @rtype: string @return: Updated receive buffer """ # TODO: Use offset instead of slicing when possible if self.parser_status == self.PS_START_LINE: # Expect start line while True: idx = buf.find("\r\n") # RFC2616, section 4.1: "In the interest of robustness, servers SHOULD # ignore any empty line(s) received where a Request-Line is expected. # In other words, if the server is reading the protocol stream at the # beginning of a message and receives a CRLF first, it should ignore # the CRLF." if idx == 0: # TODO: Limit number of CRLFs/empty lines for safety? buf = buf[2:] continue if idx > 0: self.start_line_buffer = buf[:idx] self._CheckStartLineLength(len(self.start_line_buffer)) # Remove status line, including CRLF buf = buf[idx + 2:] self.msg.start_line = self.ParseStartLine(self.start_line_buffer) self.parser_status = self.PS_HEADERS else: # Check whether incoming data is getting too large, otherwise we just # fill our read buffer. self._CheckStartLineLength(len(buf)) break # TODO: Handle messages without headers if self.parser_status == self.PS_HEADERS: # Wait for header end idx = buf.find("\r\n\r\n") if idx >= 0: self.header_buffer.write(buf[:idx + 2]) self._CheckHeaderLength(self.header_buffer.tell()) # Remove headers, including CRLF buf = buf[idx + 4:] self._ParseHeaders() self.parser_status = self.PS_BODY else: # Check whether incoming data is getting too large, otherwise we just # fill our read buffer. self._CheckHeaderLength(len(buf)) if self.parser_status == self.PS_BODY: # TODO: Implement max size for body_buffer self.body_buffer.write(buf) buf = "" # Check whether we've read everything # # RFC2616, section 4.4: "When a message-body is included with a message, # the transfer-length of that body is determined by one of the following # [...] 5. By the server closing the connection. (Closing the connection # cannot be used to indicate the end of a request body, since that would # leave no possibility for the server to send back a response.)" # # TODO: Error when buffer length > Content-Length header if (eof or self.content_length is None or (self.content_length is not None and self.body_buffer.tell() >= self.content_length)): self.parser_status = self.PS_COMPLETE return buf def _CheckStartLineLength(self, length): """Limits the start line buffer size. @type length: int @param length: Buffer size """ if (self.START_LINE_LENGTH_MAX is not None and length > self.START_LINE_LENGTH_MAX): raise HttpError("Start line longer than %d chars" % self.START_LINE_LENGTH_MAX) def _CheckHeaderLength(self, length): """Limits the header buffer size. @type length: int @param length: Buffer size """ if (self.HEADER_LENGTH_MAX is not None and length > self.HEADER_LENGTH_MAX): raise HttpError("Headers longer than %d chars" % self.HEADER_LENGTH_MAX) def ParseStartLine(self, start_line): """Parses the start line of a message. Must be overridden by subclass. @type start_line: string @param start_line: Start line string """ raise NotImplementedError() def _WillPeerCloseConnection(self): """Evaluate whether peer will close the connection. @rtype: bool @return: Whether peer will close the connection """ # RFC2616, section 14.10: "HTTP/1.1 defines the "close" connection option # for the sender to signal that the connection will be closed after # completion of the response. For example, # # Connection: close # # in either the request or the response header fields indicates that the # connection SHOULD NOT be considered `persistent' (section 8.1) after the # current request/response is complete." hdr_connection = self.msg.headers.get(HTTP_CONNECTION, None) if hdr_connection: hdr_connection = hdr_connection.lower() # An HTTP/1.1 server is assumed to stay open unless explicitly closed. if self.msg.start_line.version == HTTP_1_1: return (hdr_connection and "close" in hdr_connection) # Some HTTP/1.0 implementations have support for persistent connections, # using rules different than HTTP/1.1. # For older HTTP, Keep-Alive indicates persistent connection. if self.msg.headers.get(HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE): return False # At least Akamai returns a "Connection: Keep-Alive" header, which was # supposed to be sent by the client. if hdr_connection and "keep-alive" in hdr_connection: return False return True def _ParseHeaders(self): """Parses the headers. This function also adjusts internal variables based on header values. RFC2616, section 4.3: The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's message-headers. """ # Parse headers, 0) self.msg.headers = ParseHeaders(self.header_buffer) self.peer_will_close = self._WillPeerCloseConnection() # Do we have a Content-Length header? hdr_content_length = self.msg.headers.get(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, None) if hdr_content_length: try: self.content_length = int(hdr_content_length) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.content_length = None if self.content_length is not None and self.content_length < 0: self.content_length = None # if the connection remains open and a content-length was not provided, # then assume that the connection WILL close. if self.content_length is None: self.peer_will_close = True
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from import EntitySearchAPI from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials from azure_devtools.scenario_tests import ReplayableTest, AzureTestError from devtools_testutils import mgmt_settings_fake as fake_settings class EntitySearchTest(ReplayableTest): FILTER_HEADERS = ReplayableTest.FILTER_HEADERS + ['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] def __init__(self, method_name): self._fake_settings, self._real_settings = self._load_settings() super(EntitySearchTest, self).__init__(method_name) @property def settings(self): if self.is_live: if self._real_settings: return self._real_settings else: raise AzureTestError('Need a file to run tests live.') else: return self._fake_settings def _load_settings(self): try: from devtools_testutils import mgmt_settings_real as real_settings return fake_settings, real_settings except ImportError: return fake_settings, None def test_search(self): query = 'seahawks' market = 'en-us' credentials = CognitiveServicesCredentials( self.settings.CS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY ) entity_search_api = EntitySearchAPI(credentials) response =, market=market) assert response is not None assert response._type is not None assert response.query_context is not None assert response.query_context.original_query == query assert response.entities is not None assert response.entities.value is not None assert len(response.entities.value) == 1 assert response.entities.value[0].contractual_rules is not None
#!/usr/bin/python import server import config def main(server_class=server.MultiThreadedHTTPServer, handler_class=server.RequestHandler): # set up the server socket based on values in server_address = (config.address, config.port) # create the server object bound to the server socket httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class) try: # start the server httpd.serve_forever() except: print "Stopping..." # stop the server on error or keyboard interrupt httpd.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": # if we are running this file directly (not importing) # then run the main() function main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or """Test wallet group functionality.""" from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.messages import CTransaction, FromHex, ToHex from test_framework.util import ( assert_approx, assert_equal, ) class WalletGroupTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 self.extra_args = [[], [], ['-avoidpartialspends']] self.rpc_timeout = 480 def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def run_test(self): # Mine some coins self.nodes[0].generate(110) # Get some addresses from the two nodes addr1 = [self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() for i in range(3)] addr2 = [self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() for i in range(3)] addrs = addr1 + addr2 # Send 1 + 0.5 coin to each address [self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1.0) for addr in addrs] [self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 0.5) for addr in addrs] self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # For each node, send 0.2 coins back to 0; # - node[1] should pick one 0.5 UTXO and leave the rest # - node[2] should pick one (1.0 + 0.5) UTXO group corresponding to a # given address, and leave the rest txid1 = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 0.2) tx1 = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction(txid1, True) # txid1 should have 1 input and 2 outputs assert_equal(1, len(tx1["vin"])) assert_equal(2, len(tx1["vout"])) # one output should be 0.2, the other should be ~0.3 v = [vout["value"] for vout in tx1["vout"]] v.sort() assert_approx(v[0], 0.2) assert_approx(v[1], 0.3, 0.0001) txid2 = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 0.2) tx2 = self.nodes[2].getrawtransaction(txid2, True) # txid2 should have 2 inputs and 2 outputs assert_equal(2, len(tx2["vin"])) assert_equal(2, len(tx2["vout"])) # one output should be 0.2, the other should be ~1.3 v = [vout["value"] for vout in tx2["vout"]] v.sort() assert_approx(v[0], 0.2) assert_approx(v[1], 1.3, 0.0001) # Empty out node2's wallet self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address=self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), amount=self.nodes[2].getbalance(), subtractfeefromamount=True) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Fill node2's wallet with 10000 outputs corresponding to the same # scriptPubKey for i in range(5): raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([{"txid":"0"*64, "vout":0}], [{addr2[0]: 0.05}]) tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), raw_tx) = [] tx.vout = [tx.vout[0]] * 2000 funded_tx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(ToHex(tx)) signed_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet(funded_tx['hex']) self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed_tx['hex']) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # Check that we can create a transaction that only requires ~100 of our # utxos, without pulling in all outputs and creating a transaction that # is way too big. assert self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address=addr2[0], amount=5) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletGroupTest().main()
""" WSGI config for ctlibre project. This module contains the WSGI application used by Django's development server and any production WSGI deployments. It should expose a module-level variable named ``application``. Django's ``runserver`` and ``runfcgi`` commands discover this application via the ``WSGI_APPLICATION`` setting. Usually you will have the standard Django WSGI application here, but it also might make sense to replace the whole Django WSGI application with a custom one that later delegates to the Django one. For example, you could introduce WSGI middleware here, or combine a Django application with an application of another framework. """ import os # We defer to a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE already in the environment. This breaks # if running multiple sites in the same mod_wsgi process. To fix this, use # mod_wsgi daemon mode with each site in its own daemon process, or use # os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "ctlibre.settings" os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "ctlibre.settings") # This application object is used by any WSGI server configured to use this # file. This includes Django's development server, if the WSGI_APPLICATION # setting points here. from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application application = get_wsgi_application() # Apply WSGI middleware here. # from helloworld.wsgi import HelloWorldApplication # application = HelloWorldApplication(application)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import gi gi.require_version('LibvirtGObject', '1.0') from gi.repository import LibvirtGObject from gi.repository import Gio gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk LibvirtGObject.init_object_check(None) conn = LibvirtGObject.Connection(uri="test:///default") canc = Gio.Cancellable() def done(conn, result, data): try: conn.open_finish(result) print("Opened " + conn.get_uri()) conn.fetch_domains(None) print ("Fetched") doms = conn.get_domains() print ("Got " + str(doms)) for d in doms: print ("One dom: " + str(d)) print ("Name " + d.get_name()) conf = d.get_config(0) print ("Conf " + str(conf)) try: conf.validate() print ("Document is valid according to %s" % conf.get_schema()) except Exception as e: print ("Document is not valid according to %s: %s: %s" % (conf.get_schema(), str(e), str(type(e)))) xml = conf.to_xml() print ("XML " + xml) print ("Info " + str(d.get_info().memory)) finally: Gtk.main_quit() conn.open_async(canc, done, None) Gtk.main()
############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2021 Compassion CH ( # Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name # @author: Jonathan Guerne <> # # The licence is in the file # ############################################################################## from odoo import api, models, fields class DemandPlanningSettings(models.TransientModel): _inherit = "res.config.settings" new_donors_user = fields.Many2one( "res.users", "User to notify on new donors onboarding opt out", readonly=False ) @api.multi def set_values(self): super().set_values() self.env["ir.config_parameter"].set_param( "partner_communication_switzerland.new_donors_user", str( or 0), ) @api.model def get_values(self): res = super().get_values() param_obj = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo() new_donors_user_id = int( param_obj.get_param("partner_communication_switzerland.new_donors_user", "0") ) res.update( {"new_donors_user": new_donors_user_id, } ) return res
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Draft' db.create_table('draft_draft', ( ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('path','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=255, blank=True)), ('serialized_data','django.db.models.fields.TextField')()), )) db.send_create_signal('draft', ['Draft']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Draft' db.delete_table('draft_draft') models = { 'draft.draft': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Draft'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'path': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}), 'serialized_data': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}) } } complete_apps = ['draft']
from typing import Optional from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr app = FastAPI() class UserIn(BaseModel): username: str password: str email: EmailStr full_name: Optional[str] = None # Don't do this in production!"/user/", response_model=UserIn) async def create_user(user: UserIn): return user
""" This is an example settings/ file. These settings overrides what's in settings/ """ import logging # To extend any settings from settings/ here's an example: #from . import base #INSTALLED_APPS = base.INSTALLED_APPS + ['debug_toolbar'] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'db/development.sqlite3', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', #'OPTIONS': { # 'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=InnoDB', # 'charset' : 'utf8', # 'use_unicode' : True, #}, #'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', #'TEST_COLLATION': 'utf8_general_ci', }, # 'slave': { # ... # }, } # Uncomment this and set to all slave DBs in use on the site. # SLAVE_DATABASES = ['slave'] # Recipients of traceback emails and other notifications. ADMINS = ( # ('Your Name', ''), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your # system time zone. TIME_ZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles' # Debugging displays nice error messages, but leaks memory. Set this to False # on all server instances and True only for development. DEBUG = TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True # Is this a development instance? Set this to True on development/master # instances and False on stage/prod. DEV = True # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. It cannot be blank. SECRET_KEY = 'r&amp;3%!i63)=vdhohrd^ht(!y&amp;1j)hpc03w!31q*%!==t_upz8!5' # Uncomment these to activate and customize Celery: # CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = False # required to activate celeryd # BROKER_HOST = 'localhost' # BROKER_PORT = 5672 # BROKER_USER = 'django' # BROKER_PASSWORD = 'django' # BROKER_VHOST = 'django' # CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'amqp' ## Log settings LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO HAS_SYSLOG = True SYSLOG_TAG = "http_app_mnms" # Make this unique to your project. # Remove this configuration variable to use your custom logging configuration LOGGING_CONFIG = None LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'loggers': { 'mnms': { 'level': "DEBUG" } } } # Common Event Format logging parameters #CEF_PRODUCT = 'mnms' #CEF_VENDOR = 'Your Company' #CEF_VERSION = '0' #CEF_DEVICE_VERSION = '0' INTERNAL_IPS = ('') # Enable these options for memcached #CACHE_BACKEND= "memcached://" #CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY=True # Set this to true if you use a proxy that sets X-Forwarded-Host #USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = False SERVER_EMAIL = "" DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "" SYSTEM_EMAIL_PREFIX = "[mnms]"
# Copyright (c) 2019 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type class ModuleDocFragment(object): # Windows shell documentation fragment # FIXME: set_module_language don't belong here but must be set so they don't fail when someone # get_option('set_module_language') on this plugin DOCUMENTATION = """ options: async_dir: description: - Directory in which ansible will keep async job information. - Before Ansible 2.8, this was set to C(remote_tmp + "\\.ansible_async"). default: '%USERPROFILE%\\.ansible_async' ini: - section: powershell key: async_dir vars: - name: ansible_async_dir version_added: '2.8' remote_tmp: description: - Temporary directory to use on targets when copying files to the host. default: '%TEMP%' ini: - section: powershell key: remote_tmp vars: - name: ansible_remote_tmp set_module_language: description: - Controls if we set the locale for modules when executing on the target. - Windows only supports C(no) as an option. type: bool default: 'no' choices: ['no', False] environment: description: - List of dictionaries of environment variables and their values to use when executing commands. type: list default: [{}] """
import unittest import os from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from time import sleep from pyramid import testing from .models import Session DEFAULT_WAIT = 5 SCREEN_DUMP_LOCATION = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'screendumps' ) class TestMyViewSuccessCondition(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.config = testing.setUp() def tearDown(self): Session.remove() testing.tearDown() def test_passing_view(self): pass class TestMyViewFailureCondition(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.config = testing.setUp() def tearDown(self): Session.remove() testing.tearDown() def test_failing_view(self): pass class FunctionalTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.config = testing.setUp() self.browser = webdriver.Firefox() self.browser.implicitly_wait(DEFAULT_WAIT) def tearDown(self): Session.remove() testing.tearDown() self.browser.quit() class HomePageTest(FunctionalTest): def zoom_in(self, repeat=1, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(repeat): (self.browser.find_element_by_class_name( "leaflet-control-zoom-in").click() ) sleep(sleep_time) def zoom_out(self, repeat=1, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(repeat): (self.browser.find_element_by_class_name( "leaflet-control-zoom-out").click() ) sleep(sleep_time) def arrow_down(self, repeat=1, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(repeat): self.browser.find_element_by_id("map").send_keys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN) sleep(sleep_time) def arrow_right(self, repeat=1, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(repeat): self.browser.find_element_by_id("map").send_keys(Keys.ARROW_RIGHT) sleep(sleep_time) def arrow_left(self, repeat=1, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(repeat): self.browser.find_element_by_id("map").send_keys(Keys.ARROW_LEFT) sleep(sleep_time) def arrow_up(self, repeat=1, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(repeat): self.browser.find_element_by_id("map").send_keys(Keys.ARROW_UP) sleep(sleep_time) # Tests here def test_home_page_loads(self): #Billy sees the homepage and rejoices. Clicking ensues. self.browser.get('localhost:8000') self.zoom_out(repeat=5, sleep_time=.5) self.arrow_right(repeat=5, sleep_time=.2) self.arrow_down(repeat=3, sleep_time=.2) self.browser.find_element_by_class_name( 'leaflet-control-mapbox-geocoder-toggle').click() map_input_form = '//*[@id="map"]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/form/input' (self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(map_input_form) .send_keys('10010', Keys.RETURN) ) sleep(.75) self.zoom_out(repeat=3) self.assertIn('Snapsat', self.browser.page_source)
# # Copyright (C) 2009 Aaron C Spike # 2010 Martin Owens # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ Python barcode renderer for EAN5 barcodes. Designed for use with Inkscape. """ from BaseEan import EanBarcode FAMS = [ '11000','10100','10010','10001','01100','00110','00011','01010','01001','00101' ] START = '01011' class Ean5(EanBarcode): """Provide an Ean5 barcode generator""" name = 'ean5' length = 5 def _encode(self, number): self.x += 110.0*self.scale # horiz offset so it does not overlap EAN13 self.y -= (self.height + 5)*self.scale # move the text to the top self.label = ' '.join( family = sum([int(n)*int(m) for n,m in zip(number, '39393')]) % 10 return START + '01'.join(self.encode_interleaved(family, number, FAMS))
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import logging import os import six import radiomics from radiomics import featureextractor, getFeatureClasses # Get some test data # Download the test case to temporary files and return it's location. If already downloaded, it is not downloaded again, # but it's location is still returned. imageName, maskName = radiomics.getTestCase('brain1') # Get the location of the example settings file paramsFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('exampleSettings', 'Params.yaml')) if imageName is None or maskName is None: # Something went wrong, in this case PyRadiomics will also log an error print('Error getting testcase!') exit() # Regulate verbosity with radiomics.verbosity # radiomics.setVerbosity(logging.INFO) # Get the PyRadiomics logger (default log-level = INFO logger = radiomics.logger logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # set level to DEBUG to include debug log messages in log file # Write out all log entries to a file handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='testLog.txt', mode='w') formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) # Initialize feature extractor using the settings file extractor = featureextractor.RadiomicsFeatureExtractor(paramsFile) featureClasses = getFeatureClasses() print("Active features:") for cls, features in six.iteritems(extractor.enabledFeatures): if features is None or len(features) == 0: features = [f for f, deprecated in six.iteritems(featureClasses[cls].getFeatureNames()) if not deprecated] for f in features: print(f) print(getattr(featureClasses[cls], 'get%sFeatureValue' % f).__doc__) print("Calculating features") featureVector = extractor.execute(imageName, maskName) for featureName in featureVector.keys(): print("Computed %s: %s" % (featureName, featureVector[featureName]))
#!/usr/bin/evn python """ Senty Project Copyright(c) 2017 Senty. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". Contact Information: Kamal Heib <> """
# website/ from django.conf import settings def ga_tracking_id(request): return {'ga_tracking_id': settings.GA_TRACKING_ID} def use_google_analytics(request): return {'use_google_analytics': settings.USE_GA}
import pytest import sys from _pytest.skipping import MarkEvaluator, folded_skips, pytest_runtest_setup from _pytest.runner import runtestprotocol class TestEvaluator: def test_no_marker(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass") evalskipif = MarkEvaluator(item, 'skipif') assert not evalskipif assert not evalskipif.istrue() def test_marked_no_args(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest def test_func(): pass """) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'xyz') assert ev assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "" assert not ev.get("run", False) def test_marked_one_arg(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest"hasattr(os, 'sep')") def test_func(): pass """) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'xyz') assert ev assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "condition: hasattr(os, 'sep')" @pytest.mark.skipif('sys.version_info[0] >= 3') def test_marked_one_arg_unicode(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest"hasattr(os, 'sep')") def test_func(): pass """) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'xyz') assert ev assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "condition: hasattr(os, 'sep')" def test_marked_one_arg_with_reason(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest"hasattr(os, 'sep')", attr=2, reason="hello world") def test_func(): pass """) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'xyz') assert ev assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "hello world" assert ev.get("attr") == 2 def test_marked_one_arg_twice(self, testdir): lines = [ '''@pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'murks')")''', '''@pytest.mark.skipif("hasattr(os, 'murks')")''' ] for i in range(0, 2): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest %s %s def test_func(): pass """ % (lines[i], lines[(i+1) %2])) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'skipif') assert ev assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "condition: not hasattr(os, 'murks')" def test_marked_one_arg_twice2(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif("hasattr(os, 'murks')") @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'murks')") def test_func(): pass """) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'skipif') assert ev assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "condition: not hasattr(os, 'murks')" def test_marked_skip_with_not_string(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif(False) def test_func(): pass """) ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'skipif') exc = pytest.raises(, ev.istrue) assert """Failed: you need to specify reason=STRING when using booleans as conditions.""" in exc.value.msg def test_skipif_class(self, testdir): item, = testdir.getitems(""" import pytest class TestClass: pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif("config._hackxyz") def test_func(self): pass """) item.config._hackxyz = 3 ev = MarkEvaluator(item, 'skipif') assert ev.istrue() expl = ev.getexplanation() assert expl == "condition: config._hackxyz" class TestXFail: @pytest.mark.parametrize('strict', [True, False]) def test_xfail_simple(self, testdir, strict): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=%s) def test_func(): assert 0 """ % strict) reports = runtestprotocol(item, log=False) assert len(reports) == 3 callreport = reports[1] assert callreport.skipped assert callreport.wasxfail == "" def test_xfail_xpassed(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_func(): assert 1 """) reports = runtestprotocol(item, log=False) assert len(reports) == 3 callreport = reports[1] assert callreport.failed assert callreport.wasxfail == "" def test_xfail_run_anyway(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_func(): assert 0 def test_func2(): pytest.xfail("hello") """) result = testdir.runpytest("--runxfail") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*def test_func():*", "*assert 0*", "*1 failed*1 pass*", ]) def test_xfail_evalfalse_but_fails(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail('False') def test_func(): assert 0 """) reports = runtestprotocol(item, log=False) callreport = reports[1] assert callreport.failed assert not hasattr(callreport, "wasxfail") assert 'xfail' in callreport.keywords def test_xfail_not_report_default(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_this(): assert 0 """) testdir.runpytest(p, '-v') #result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ # "*HINT*use*-r*" #]) def test_xfail_not_run_xfail_reporting(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False, reason="noway") def test_this(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail("True", run=False) def test_this_true(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail("False", run=False, reason="huh") def test_this_false(): assert 1 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '--report=xfailed', ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*test_one*test_this*", "*NOTRUN*noway", "*test_one*test_this_true*", "*NOTRUN*condition:*True*", "*1 passed*", ]) def test_xfail_not_run_no_setup_run(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False, reason="hello") def test_this(): assert 0 def setup_module(mod): raise ValueError(42) """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '--report=xfailed', ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*test_one*test_this*", "*NOTRUN*hello", "*1 xfailed*", ]) def test_xfail_xpass(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_that(): assert 1 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*XPASS*test_that*", "*1 xpassed*" ]) assert result.ret == 0 def test_xfail_imperative(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def test_this(): pytest.xfail("hello") """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 xfailed*", ]) result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-rx") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*XFAIL*test_this*", "*reason:*hello*", ]) result = testdir.runpytest(p, "--runxfail") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*1 pass*") def test_xfail_imperative_in_setup_function(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def setup_function(function): pytest.xfail("hello") def test_this(): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 xfailed*", ]) result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-rx") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*XFAIL*test_this*", "*reason:*hello*", ]) result = testdir.runpytest(p, "--runxfail") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *def test_this* *1 fail* """) def xtest_dynamic_xfail_set_during_setup(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def setup_function(function): pytest.mark.xfail(function) def test_this(): assert 0 def test_that(): assert 1 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*XFAIL*test_this*", "*XPASS*test_that*", ]) def test_dynamic_xfail_no_run(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def pytest_funcarg__arg(request): request.applymarker(pytest.mark.xfail(run=False)) def test_this(arg): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*XFAIL*test_this*", "*NOTRUN*", ]) def test_dynamic_xfail_set_during_funcarg_setup(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def pytest_funcarg__arg(request): request.applymarker(pytest.mark.xfail) def test_this2(arg): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 xfailed*", ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expected, actual, matchline', [('TypeError', 'TypeError', "*1 xfailed*"), ('(AttributeError, TypeError)', 'TypeError', "*1 xfailed*"), ('TypeError', 'IndexError', "*1 failed*"), ('(AttributeError, TypeError)', 'IndexError', "*1 failed*"), ]) def test_xfail_raises(self, expected, actual, matchline, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=%s) def test_raises(): raise %s() """ % (expected, actual)) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ matchline, ]) def test_strict_sanity(self, testdir): """sanity check for xfail(strict=True): a failing test should behave exactly like a normal xfail. """ p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='unsupported feature', strict=True) def test_foo(): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ '*XFAIL*', '*unsupported feature*', ]) assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('strict', [True, False]) def test_strict_xfail(self, testdir, strict): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='unsupported feature', strict=%s) def test_foo(): with open('foo_executed', 'w'): pass # make sure test executes """ % strict) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') if strict: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ '*test_foo*', '*XPASS(strict)*unsupported feature*', ]) else: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ '*test_strict_xfail*', 'XPASS unsupported feature', ]) assert result.ret == (1 if strict else 0) assert testdir.tmpdir.join('foo_executed').isfile() @pytest.mark.parametrize('strict', [True, False]) def test_strict_xfail_condition(self, testdir, strict): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(False, reason='unsupported feature', strict=%s) def test_foo(): pass """ % strict) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*1 passed*') assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('strict', [True, False]) def test_xfail_condition_keyword(self, testdir, strict): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(condition=False, reason='unsupported feature', strict=%s) def test_foo(): pass """ % strict) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*1 passed*') assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('strict_val', ['true', 'false']) def test_strict_xfail_default_from_file(self, testdir, strict_val): testdir.makeini(''' [pytest] xfail_strict = %s ''' % strict_val) p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='unsupported feature') def test_foo(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-rxX') strict = strict_val == 'true' result.stdout.fnmatch_lines('*1 failed*' if strict else '*1 xpassed*') assert result.ret == (1 if strict else 0) class TestXFailwithSetupTeardown: def test_failing_setup_issue9(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def setup_function(func): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_func(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 xfail*", ]) def test_failing_teardown_issue9(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def teardown_function(func): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_func(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 xfail*", ]) class TestSkip: def test_skip_class(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip class TestSomething(object): def test_foo(self): pass def test_bar(self): pass def test_baz(): pass """) rec = testdir.inline_run() rec.assertoutcome(skipped=2, passed=1) def test_skips_on_false_string(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip('False') def test_foo(): pass """) rec = testdir.inline_run() rec.assertoutcome(skipped=1) def test_arg_as_reason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip('testing stuff') def test_bar(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest('-rs') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*testing stuff*", "*1 skipped*", ]) def test_skip_no_reason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip def test_foo(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest('-rs') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*unconditional skip*", "*1 skipped*", ]) def test_skip_with_reason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason="for lolz") def test_bar(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest('-rs') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*for lolz*", "*1 skipped*", ]) def test_only_skips_marked_test(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip def test_foo(): pass @pytest.mark.skip(reason="nothing in particular") def test_bar(): pass def test_baz(): assert True """) result = testdir.runpytest('-rs') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*nothing in particular*", "*1 passed*2 skipped*", ]) def test_strict_and_skip(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skip def test_hello(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest("-rs --strict") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*unconditional skip*", "*1 skipped*", ]) class TestSkipif: def test_skipif_conditional(self, testdir): item = testdir.getitem(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif("hasattr(os, 'sep')") def test_func(): pass """) # noqa x = pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception, lambda: pytest_runtest_setup(item)) assert x.value.msg == "condition: hasattr(os, 'sep')" @pytest.mark.parametrize('params', [ '"hasattr(sys, \'platform\')"', 'True, reason="invalid platform"', ]) def test_skipif_reporting(self, testdir, params): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_foo=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif(%(params)s) def test_that(): assert 0 """ % dict(params=params)) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-s', '-rs') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*SKIP*1**platform*", "*1 skipped*" ]) assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('marker, msg1, msg2', [ ('skipif', 'SKIP', 'skipped'), ('xfail', 'XPASS', 'xpassed'), ]) def test_skipif_reporting_multiple(self, testdir, marker, msg1, msg2): testdir.makepyfile(test_foo=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.{marker}(False, reason='first_condition') @pytest.mark.{marker}(True, reason='second_condition') def test_foobar(): assert 1 """.format(marker=marker)) result = testdir.runpytest('-s', '-rsxX') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*{msg1}**second_condition*".format(msg1=msg1), "*1 {msg2}*".format(msg2=msg2), ]) assert result.ret == 0 def test_skip_not_report_default(testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one=""" import pytest def test_this(): pytest.skip("hello") """) result = testdir.runpytest(p, '-v') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ #"*HINT*use*-r*", "*1 skipped*", ]) def test_skipif_class(testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest class TestClass: pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif("True") def test_that(self): assert 0 def test_though(self): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*2 skipped*" ]) def test_skip_reasons_folding(): path = 'xyz' lineno = 3 message = "justso" longrepr = (path, lineno, message) class X: pass ev1 = X() ev1.when = "execute" ev1.skipped = True ev1.longrepr = longrepr ev2 = X() ev2.longrepr = longrepr ev2.skipped = True l = folded_skips([ev1, ev2]) assert len(l) == 1 num, fspath, lineno, reason = l[0] assert num == 2 assert fspath == path assert lineno == lineno assert reason == message def test_skipped_reasons_functional(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( test_one=""" from conftest import doskip def setup_function(func): doskip() def test_func(): pass class TestClass: def test_method(self): doskip() """, test_two = """ from conftest import doskip doskip() """, conftest = """ import pytest def doskip(): pytest.skip('test') """ ) result = testdir.runpytest('--report=skipped') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*SKIP*3* test", ]) assert result.ret == 0 def test_reportchars(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def test_1(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_2(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_3(): pass def test_4(): pytest.skip("four") """) result = testdir.runpytest("-rfxXs") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "FAIL*test_1*", "XFAIL*test_2*", "XPASS*test_3*", "SKIP*four*", ]) def test_reportchars_error(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( conftest=""" def pytest_runtest_teardown(): assert 0 """, test_simple=""" def test_foo(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest('-rE') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ 'ERROR*test_foo*', ]) def test_reportchars_all(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest def test_1(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_2(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_3(): pass def test_4(): pytest.skip("four") """) result = testdir.runpytest("-ra") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "FAIL*test_1*", "SKIP*four*", "XFAIL*test_2*", "XPASS*test_3*", ]) def test_reportchars_all_error(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( conftest=""" def pytest_runtest_teardown(): assert 0 """, test_simple=""" def test_foo(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest('-ra') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ 'ERROR*test_foo*', ]) @pytest.mark.xfail("hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')") def test_errors_in_xfail_skip_expressions(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif("asd") def test_nameerror(): pass @pytest.mark.xfail("syntax error") def test_syntax(): pass def test_func(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest() markline = " ^" if sys.platform.startswith("java"): # XXX report this to java markline = "*" + markline[8:] result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR*test_nameerror*", "*evaluating*skipif*expression*", "*asd*", "*ERROR*test_syntax*", "*evaluating*xfail*expression*", " syntax error", markline, "SyntaxError: invalid syntax", "*1 pass*2 error*", ]) def test_xfail_skipif_with_globals(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest x = 3 @pytest.mark.skipif("x == 3") def test_skip1(): pass @pytest.mark.xfail("x == 3") def test_boolean(): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest("-rsx") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*SKIP*x == 3*", "*XFAIL*test_boolean*", "*x == 3*", ]) def test_direct_gives_error(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif(True) def test_skip1(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 error*", ]) def test_default_markers(testdir): result = testdir.runpytest("--markers") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*skipif(*condition)*skip*", "*xfail(*condition, reason=None, run=True, raises=None, strict=False)*expected failure*", ]) def test_xfail_test_setup_exception(testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_runtest_setup(): 0 / 0 """) p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_func(): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) assert result.ret == 0 assert 'xfailed' in result.stdout.str() assert 'xpassed' not in result.stdout.str() def test_imperativeskip_on_xfail_test(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_that_fails(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.skipif("True") def test_hello(): pass """) testdir.makeconftest(""" import pytest def pytest_runtest_setup(item): pytest.skip("abc") """) result = testdir.runpytest("-rsxX") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines_random(""" *SKIP*abc* *SKIP*condition: True* *2 skipped* """) class TestBooleanCondition: def test_skipif(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="True123") def test_func1(): pass @pytest.mark.skipif(False, reason="True123") def test_func2(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *1 passed*1 skipped* """) def test_skipif_noreason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.skipif(True) def test_func(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest("-rs") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *1 error* """) def test_xfail(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(True, reason="True123") def test_func(): assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest("-rxs") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *XFAIL* *True123* *1 xfail* """) def test_xfail_item(testdir): # Ensure pytest.xfail works with non-Python Item testdir.makeconftest(""" import pytest class MyItem(pytest.Item): nodeid = 'foo' def runtest(self): pytest.xfail("Expected Failure") def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): return MyItem("foo", parent) """) result = testdir.inline_run() passed, skipped, failed = result.listoutcomes() assert not failed xfailed = [r for r in skipped if hasattr(r, 'wasxfail')] assert xfailed
import statsmodels.api as sm from load_macrodata import dta cf_cycles, cf_trend = sm.tsa.filters.cffilter(dta[["infl", "unemp"]]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() cf_cycles.plot(ax=ax, style=['r--', 'b-'])
from distutils.core import setup try: import sys doc = "" if "sdist" in sys.argv: import threadio doc = threadio.__doc__ while "[HIDE]" in doc: a, _, c = doc.partition("[HIDE]") doc = a + c.partition("[/HIDE]")[2] except ImportError: pass setup( name="threadio", version="0.1", author="EcmaXp", author_email="", description=(doc.strip().splitlines() or [""]).pop(0).strip(), long_description=doc.strip(), py_modules=["threadio"], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: Console', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', ] )
saturday = True sunday = False if saturday or sunday: print("Ok, you can sleep in") team = input("Enter your favourite hockey team; ").upper() sport = input("Enter your favourite sport: ").upper() if sport == "FOOTBALL" and team == "BARCELONA": print("putu amo") elif team == "MADRID" or team =="ATLETICO": print("FCK") else: print("putu looser")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from openerp import api, fields, models, _ from openerp.osv import expression from import float_is_zero from import float_compare, float_round from import formatLang from openerp.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError import time import math class AccountCashboxLine(models.Model): """ Cash Box Details """ _name = 'account.cashbox.line' _description = 'CashBox Line' _rec_name = 'coin_value' _order = 'coin_value' @api.depends('coin_value', 'number') def _sub_total(self): """ Calculates Sub total""" self.subtotal = self.coin_value * self.number coin_value = fields.Float(string='Coin/Bill Value', required=True, digits=0) number = fields.Integer(string='Number of Coins/Bills', help='Opening Unit Numbers') subtotal = fields.Float(compute='_sub_total', string='Subtotal', digits=0, readonly=True) cashbox_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Cashbox") class AccountBankStmtCashWizard(models.Model): """ Account Bank Statement popup that allows entering cash details. """ _name = '' _description = 'Account Bank Statement Cashbox Details' cashbox_lines_ids = fields.One2many('account.cashbox.line', 'cashbox_id', string='Cashbox Lines') @api.multi def validate(self): bnk_stmt_id = self.env.context.get('bank_statement_id', False) or self.env.context.get('active_id', False) bnk_stmt = self.env[''].browse(bnk_stmt_id) total = 0.0 for lines in self.cashbox_lines_ids: total += lines.subtotal if self.env.context.get('balance', False) == 'start': #starting balance bnk_stmt.write({'balance_start': total, 'cashbox_start_id':}) else: #closing balance bnk_stmt.write({'balance_end_real': total, 'cashbox_end_id':}) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} class AccountBankStmtCloseCheck(models.TransientModel): """ Account Bank Statement wizard that check that closing balance is correct. """ _name = '' _description = 'Account Bank Statement closing balance' @api.multi def validate(self): bnk_stmt_id = self.env.context.get('active_id', False) if bnk_stmt_id: self.env[''].browse(bnk_stmt_id).button_confirm_bank() return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} class AccountBankStatement(models.Model): @api.depends('line_ids', 'balance_start', 'line_ids.amount', 'balance_end_real') def _end_balance(self): self.total_entry_encoding = sum([line.amount for line in self.line_ids]) self.balance_end = self.balance_start + self.total_entry_encoding self.difference = self.balance_end_real - self.balance_end @api.multi def _is_difference_zero(self): for bank_stmt in self: bank_stmt.is_difference_zero = float_is_zero(bank_stmt.difference, precision_digits=bank_stmt.currency_id.decimal_places) @api.depends('journal_id') def _compute_currency(self): self.currency_id = self.journal_id.currency_id or self.company_id.currency_id @api.depends('line_ids.journal_entry_ids') def _check_lines_reconciled(self): self.all_lines_reconciled = all([line.journal_entry_ids.ids or for line in self.line_ids]) @api.model def _default_journal(self): journal_type = self.env.context.get('journal_type', False) company_id = self.env['']._company_default_get('').id if journal_type: journals = self.env['account.journal'].search([('type', '=', journal_type), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]) if journals: return journals[0] return False @api.multi def _get_opening_balance(self, journal_id): last_bnk_stmt =[('journal_id', '=', journal_id)], limit=1) if last_bnk_stmt: return last_bnk_stmt.balance_end return 0 @api.multi def _set_opening_balance(self, journal_id): self.balance_start = self._get_opening_balance(journal_id) @api.model def _default_opening_balance(self): #Search last bank statement and set current opening balance as closing balance of previous one journal_id = self._context.get('default_journal_id', False) or self._context.get('journal_id', False) if journal_id: return self._get_opening_balance(journal_id) return 0 _name = "" _description = "Bank Statement" _order = "date desc, id desc" _inherit = ['mail.thread'] name = fields.Char(string='Reference', states={'open': [('readonly', False)]}, copy=False, readonly=True) date = fields.Date(required=True, states={'confirm': [('readonly', True)]}, select=True, copy=False, default=fields.Date.context_today) date_done = fields.Datetime(string="Closed On") balance_start = fields.Monetary(string='Starting Balance', states={'confirm': [('readonly', True)]}, default=_default_opening_balance) balance_end_real = fields.Monetary('Ending Balance', states={'confirm': [('readonly', True)]}) state = fields.Selection([('open', 'New'), ('confirm', 'Validated')], string='Status', required=True, readonly=True, copy=False, default='open') currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', compute='_compute_currency', oldname='currency', string="Currency") journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', string='Journal', required=True, states={'confirm': [('readonly', True)]}, default=_default_journal) journal_type = fields.Selection(related='journal_id.type', help="Technical field used for usability purposes") company_id = fields.Many2one('', related='journal_id.company_id', string='Company', store=True, readonly=True, default=lambda self: self.env['']._company_default_get('')) total_entry_encoding = fields.Monetary('Transactions Subtotal', compute='_end_balance', store=True, help="Total of transaction lines.") balance_end = fields.Monetary('Computed Balance', compute='_end_balance', store=True, help='Balance as calculated based on Opening Balance and transaction lines') difference = fields.Monetary(compute='_end_balance', store=True, help="Difference between the computed ending balance and the specified ending balance.") line_ids = fields.One2many('', 'statement_id', string='Statement lines', states={'confirm': [('readonly', True)]}, copy=True) move_line_ids = fields.One2many('account.move.line', 'statement_id', string='Entry lines', states={'confirm': [('readonly', True)]}) all_lines_reconciled = fields.Boolean(compute='_check_lines_reconciled') user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Responsible', required=False, default=lambda self: self.env.user) cashbox_start_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Starting Cashbox") cashbox_end_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Ending Cashbox") is_difference_zero = fields.Boolean(compute='_is_difference_zero', string='Is zero', help="Check if difference is zero.") @api.onchange('journal_id') def onchange_journal_id(self): self._set_opening_balance( @api.multi def _balance_check(self): for stmt in self: if not stmt.currency_id.is_zero(stmt.difference): if stmt.journal_type == 'cash': if stmt.difference < 0.0: account = stmt.journal_id.loss_account_id name = _('Loss') else: # statement.difference > 0.0 account = stmt.journal_id.profit_account_id name = _('Profit') if not account: raise UserError(_('There is no account defined on the journal %s for %s involved in a cash difference.') % (, name)) values = { 'statement_id':, 'account_id':, 'amount': stmt.difference, 'name': _("Cash difference observed during the counting (%s)") % name, } self.env[''].create(values) else: balance_end_real = formatLang(self.env, stmt.balance_end_real, currency_obj=stmt.currency_id) balance_end = formatLang(self.env, stmt.balance_end, currency_obj=stmt.currency_id) raise UserError(_('The ending balance is incorrect !\nThe expected balance (%s) is different from the computed one. (%s)') % (balance_end_real, balance_end)) return True @api.model def create(self, vals): if not vals.get('name'): journal_id = vals.get('journal_id', self._context.get('default_journal_id', False)) journal = self.env['account.journal'].browse(journal_id) vals['name'] = journal.sequence_id.with_context(ir_sequence_date=vals.get('date')).next_by_id() return super(AccountBankStatement, self).create(vals) @api.multi def unlink(self): for statement in self: if statement.state != 'open': raise UserError(_('In order to delete a bank statement, you must first cancel it to delete related journal items.')) # Explicitly unlink bank statement lines so it will check that the related journal entries have been deleted first statement.line_ids.unlink() return super(AccountBankStatement, self).unlink() @api.multi def open_cashbox_id(self): context = dict(self.env.context or {}) if context.get('cashbox_id'): context['active_id'] = return { 'name': _('Cash Control'), 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': '', 'view_id': self.env.ref('account.view_account_bnk_stmt_cashbox').id, 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_id': self.env.context.get('cashbox_id'), 'context': context, 'target': 'new' } @api.multi def button_cancel(self): for statement in self: if any(line.journal_entry_ids.ids for line in statement.line_ids): raise UserError(_('A statement cannot be canceled when its lines are reconciled.')) self.state = 'open' @api.multi def check_confirm_bank(self): if self.journal_type == 'cash' and not self.currency_id.is_zero(self.difference): action_rec = self.env[''].xmlid_to_object('account.action_view_account_bnk_stmt_check') if action_rec: action =[])[0] return action return self.button_confirm_bank() @api.multi def button_confirm_bank(self): self._balance_check() statements = self.filtered(lambda r: r.state == 'open') for statement in statements: moves = self.env['account.move'] for st_line in statement.line_ids: if st_line.account_id and not st_line.journal_entry_ids.ids: st_line.fast_counterpart_creation() elif not st_line.journal_entry_ids.ids: raise UserError(_('All the account entries lines must be processed in order to close the statement.')) moves = (moves | st_line.journal_entry_ids) if moves: statement.message_post(body=_('Statement %s confirmed, journal items were created.') % (,)) statements.link_bank_to_partner() statements.write({'state': 'confirm', 'date_done': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}) @api.multi def button_journal_entries(self): context = dict(self._context or {}) context['journal_id'] = return { 'name': _('Journal Items'), 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'tree', 'res_model': 'account.move.line', 'view_id': False, 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'domain': [('statement_id', 'in', self.ids)], 'context': context, } @api.multi def button_open(self): """ Changes statement state to Running.""" for statement in self: if not context = {'ir_sequence_date',} if statement.journal_id.sequence_id: st_number = statement.journal_id.sequence_id.with_context(context).next_by_id() else: SequenceObj = self.env['ir.sequence'] st_number = SequenceObj.with_context(context).next_by_code('') = st_number statement.state = 'open' @api.multi def reconciliation_widget_preprocess(self): """ Get statement lines of the specified statements or all unreconciled statement lines and try to automatically reconcile them / find them a partner. Return ids of statement lines left to reconcile and other data for the reconciliation widget. """ statements = self bsl_obj = self.env[''] # NB : The field account_id can be used at the statement line creation/import to avoid the reconciliation process on it later on, # this is why we filter out statements lines where account_id is set st_lines_filter = [('journal_entry_ids', '=', False), ('account_id', '=', False)] if statements: st_lines_filter += [('statement_id', 'in', statements.ids)] # Try to automatically reconcile statement lines automatic_reconciliation_entries = [] st_lines_left = self.env[''] for st_line in res = st_line.auto_reconcile() if not res: st_lines_left = (st_lines_left | st_line) else: automatic_reconciliation_entries.append(res.ids) # Try to set statement line's partner for st_line in st_lines_left: if and not st_line.partner_id: additional_domain = [('ref', '=',] match_recs = st_line.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(limit=1, additional_domain=additional_domain, overlook_partner=True) if match_recs and match_recs[0].partner_id: st_line.write({'partner_id': match_recs[0]}) # Collect various informations for the reconciliation widget notifications = [] num_auto_reconciled = len(automatic_reconciliation_entries) if num_auto_reconciled > 0: auto_reconciled_message = num_auto_reconciled > 1 \ and _("%d transactions were automatically reconciled.") % num_auto_reconciled \ or _("1 transaction was automatically reconciled.") notifications += [{ 'type': 'info', 'message': auto_reconciled_message, 'details': { 'name': _("Automatically reconciled items"), 'model': 'account.move', 'ids': automatic_reconciliation_entries } }] lines = [] for el in statements: lines.extend(el.line_ids.ids) lines = list(set(lines)) return { 'st_lines_ids': st_lines_left.ids, 'notifications': notifications, 'statement_name': len(statements) == 1 and statements[0].name or False, 'num_already_reconciled_lines': statements and bsl_obj.search_count([('journal_entry_ids', '!=', False), ('id', 'in', lines)]) or 0, } @api.multi def link_bank_to_partner(self): for statement in self: for st_line in statement.line_ids: if st_line.bank_account_id and st_line.partner_id and st_line.bank_account_id.partner_id != st_line.partner_id: st_line.bank_account_id.partner_id = st_line.partner_id class AccountBankStatementLine(models.Model): _name = "" _description = "Bank Statement Line" _order = "statement_id desc, sequence" _inherit = ['ir.needaction_mixin'] name = fields.Char(string='Memo', required=True) date = fields.Date(required=True, default=lambda self: self._context.get('date', fields.Date.context_today(self))) amount = fields.Monetary(digits=0, currency_field='journal_currency_id') journal_currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', related='statement_id.currency_id', help='Utility field to express amount currency', readonly=True) partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Partner') bank_account_id = fields.Many2one('', string='Bank Account') account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Counterpart Account', domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)], help="This technical field can be used at the statement line creation/import time in order to avoid the reconciliation" " process on it later on. The statement line will simply create a counterpart on this account") statement_id = fields.Many2one('', string='Statement', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade') journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', related='statement_id.journal_id', string='Journal', store=True, readonly=True) partner_name = fields.Char(help="This field is used to record the third party name when importing bank statement in electronic format," " when the partner doesn't exist yet in the database (or cannot be found).") ref = fields.Char(string='Reference') note = fields.Text(string='Notes') sequence = fields.Integer(index=True, help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of bank statement lines.", default=1) company_id = fields.Many2one('', related='statement_id.company_id', string='Company', store=True, readonly=True) journal_entry_ids = fields.One2many('account.move', 'statement_line_id', 'Journal Entries', copy=False, readonly=True) amount_currency = fields.Monetary(help="The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry.") currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string='Currency', help="The optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry.") @api.constrains('amount') def _check_amount(self): # This constraint could possibly underline flaws in bank statement import (eg. inability to # support hacks such as using dummy transactions to give additional informations) if self.amount == 0: raise ValidationError(_('A transaction can\'t have a 0 amount.')) @api.constrains('amount', 'amount_currency') def _check_amount_currency(self): if self.amount_currency != 0 and self.amount == 0: raise ValidationError(_('If "Amount Currency" is specified, then "Amount" must be as well.')) @api.multi def unlink(self): for line in self: if line.journal_entry_ids.ids: raise UserError(_('In order to delete a bank statement line, you must first cancel it to delete related journal items.')) return super(AccountBankStatementLine, self).unlink() @api.model def _needaction_domain_get(self): return [('journal_entry_ids', '=', False), ('account_id', '=', False)] @api.multi def button_cancel_reconciliation(self): # TOCKECK : might not behave as expected in case of reconciliations (match statement line with already # registered payment) or partial reconciliations : it will completely remove the existing payment. move_recs = self.env['account.move'] for st_line in self: move_recs = (move_recs | st_line.journal_entry_ids) if move_recs: for move in move_recs: move.line_ids.remove_move_reconcile() move_recs.write({'statement_line_id': False}) move_recs.button_cancel() move_recs.unlink() #################################################### # Reconciliation interface methods #################################################### @api.multi def get_data_for_reconciliation_widget(self, excluded_ids=None): """ Returns the data required to display a reconciliation widget, for each statement line in self """ excluded_ids = excluded_ids or [] ret = [] for st_line in self: aml_recs = st_line.get_reconciliation_proposition(excluded_ids=excluded_ids) target_currency = st_line.currency_id or st_line.journal_id.currency_id or st_line.journal_id.company_id.currency_id rp = aml_recs.prepare_move_lines_for_reconciliation_widget(target_currency=target_currency, excluded_ids += [move_line['id'] for move_line in rp] ret.append({ 'st_line': st_line.get_statement_line_for_reconciliation_widget(), 'reconciliation_proposition': rp }) return ret def get_statement_line_for_reconciliation_widget(self): """ Returns the data required by the bank statement reconciliation widget to display a statement line """ statement_currency = self.journal_id.currency_id or self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id if self.amount_currency and self.currency_id: amount = self.amount_currency amount_currency = self.amount amount_currency_str = amount_currency > 0 and amount_currency or -amount_currency amount_currency_str = formatLang(self.env, amount_currency_str, currency_obj=statement_currency) else: amount = self.amount amount_currency_str = "" amount_str = formatLang(self.env, abs(amount), currency_obj=self.currency_id or statement_currency) data = { 'id':, 'ref': self.ref, 'note': self.note or "", 'name':, 'date':, 'amount': amount, 'amount_str': amount_str, # Amount in the statement line currency 'currency_id': or, 'partner_id':, 'journal_id':, 'statement_id':, 'account_code': self.journal_id.default_debit_account_id.code, 'account_name':, 'partner_name':, 'communication_partner_name': self.partner_name, 'amount_currency_str': amount_currency_str, # Amount in the statement currency 'has_no_partner': not, } if self.partner_id: if amount > 0: data['open_balance_account_id'] = else: data['open_balance_account_id'] = return data @api.multi def get_move_lines_for_reconciliation_widget(self, excluded_ids=None, str=False, offset=0, limit=None): """ Returns move lines for the bank statement reconciliation widget, formatted as a list of dicts """ aml_recs = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(excluded_ids=excluded_ids, str=str, offset=offset, limit=limit) target_currency = self.currency_id or self.journal_id.currency_id or self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id return aml_recs.prepare_move_lines_for_reconciliation_widget(target_currency=target_currency, #################################################### # Reconciliation methods #################################################### def get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(self, excluded_ids=None, str=False, offset=0, limit=None, additional_domain=None, overlook_partner=False): """ Return account.move.line records which can be used for bank statement reconciliation. :param excluded_ids: :param str: :param offset: :param limit: :param additional_domain: :param overlook_partner: """ # Domain to fetch registered payments (use case where you encode the payment before you get the bank statement) reconciliation_aml_accounts = [,] domain_reconciliation = ['&', ('statement_id', '=', False), ('account_id', 'in', reconciliation_aml_accounts)] # Domain to fetch unreconciled payables/receivables (use case where you close invoices/refunds by reconciling your bank statements) domain_matching = [('reconciled', '=', False)] if or overlook_partner: domain_matching = expression.AND([domain_matching, [('account_id.internal_type', 'in', ['payable', 'receivable'])]]) else: # TODO : find out what use case this permits (match a check payment, registered on a journal whose account type is other instead of liquidity) domain_matching = expression.AND([domain_matching, [('account_id.reconcile', '=', True)]]) # Let's add what applies to both domain = expression.OR([domain_reconciliation, domain_matching]) if and not overlook_partner: domain = expression.AND([domain, [('partner_id', '=',]]) # Domain factorized for all reconciliation use cases ctx = dict(self._context or {}) ctx['bank_statement_line'] = self generic_domain = self.env['account.move.line'].with_context(ctx).domain_move_lines_for_reconciliation(excluded_ids=excluded_ids, str=str) domain = expression.AND([domain, generic_domain]) # Domain from caller if additional_domain is None: additional_domain = [] else: additional_domain = expression.normalize_domain(additional_domain) domain = expression.AND([domain, additional_domain]) return self.env['account.move.line'].search(domain, offset=offset, limit=limit, order="date_maturity asc, id asc") def _get_domain_maker_move_line_amount(self): """ Returns a function that can create the appropriate domain to search on move.line amount based on statement.line currency/amount """ company_currency = self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id st_line_currency = self.currency_id or self.journal_id.currency_id currency = (st_line_currency and st_line_currency != company_currency) and or False field = currency and 'amount_residual_currency' or 'amount_residual' precision = st_line_currency and st_line_currency.decimal_places or company_currency.decimal_places def ret(comparator, amount, p=precision, f=field, c=currency): if comparator == '<': if amount < 0: domain = [(f, '<', 0), (f, '>', amount)] else: domain = [(f, '>', 0), (f, '<', amount)] elif comparator == '=': domain = [(f, '=', float_round(amount, precision_digits=p))] else: raise UserError(_("Programmation error : domain_maker_move_line_amount requires comparator '=' or '<'")) domain += [('currency_id', '=', c)] return domain return ret def get_reconciliation_proposition(self, excluded_ids=None): """ Returns move lines that constitute the best guess to reconcile a statement line Note: it only looks for move lines in the same currency as the statement line. """ # Look for structured communication match if overlook_partner = not self.partner_id # If the transaction has no partner, look for match in payable and receivable account anyway domain = [('ref', '=',] match_recs = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(excluded_ids=excluded_ids, limit=2, additional_domain=domain, overlook_partner=overlook_partner) if match_recs and len(match_recs) == 1: return match_recs elif len(match_recs) == 0: move = self.env['account.move'].search([('name', '=',], limit=1) if move: domain = [('move_id', '=',] match_recs = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(excluded_ids=excluded_ids, limit=2, additional_domain=domain, overlook_partner=overlook_partner) if match_recs and len(match_recs) == 1: return match_recs # How to compare statement line amount and move lines amount amount_domain_maker = self._get_domain_maker_move_line_amount() amount = self.amount_currency or self.amount # Look for a single move line with the same amount match_recs = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(excluded_ids=excluded_ids, limit=1, additional_domain=amount_domain_maker('=', amount)) if match_recs: return match_recs if not self.partner_id: return self.env['account.move.line'] # Select move lines until their total amount is greater than the statement line amount domain = [('reconciled', '=', False)] domain += [('account_id.user_type_id.type', '=', amount > 0 and 'receivable' or 'payable')] # Make sure we can't mix receivable and payable domain += amount_domain_maker('<', amount) # Will also enforce > 0 mv_lines = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(excluded_ids=excluded_ids, limit=5, additional_domain=domain) st_line_currency = self.currency_id or self.journal_id.currency_id or self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id ret = self.env['account.move.line'] total = 0 for line in mv_lines: total += line.currency_id and line.amount_residual_currency or line.amount_residual if float_compare(total, abs(amount), precision_digits=st_line_currency.rounding) != -1: break ret = (ret | line) return ret def _get_move_lines_for_auto_reconcile(self): """ Returns the move lines that the method auto_reconcile can use to try to reconcile the statement line """ pass @api.multi def auto_reconcile(self): """ Try to automatically reconcile the statement.line ; return the counterpart journal entry/ies if the automatic reconciliation succeeded, False otherwise. TODO : this method could be greatly improved and made extensible """ self.ensure_one() match_recs = self.env['account.move.line'] # How to compare statement line amount and move lines amount amount_domain_maker = self._get_domain_maker_move_line_amount() equal_amount_domain = amount_domain_maker('=', self.amount_currency or self.amount) # Look for structured communication match if overlook_partner = not self.partner_id # If the transaction has no partner, look for match in payable and receivable account anyway domain = equal_amount_domain + [('ref', '=',] match_recs = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(limit=2, additional_domain=domain, overlook_partner=overlook_partner) if match_recs and len(match_recs) != 1: return False # Look for a single move line with the same partner, the same amount if not match_recs: if self.partner_id: match_recs = self.get_move_lines_for_reconciliation(limit=2, additional_domain=equal_amount_domain) if match_recs and len(match_recs) != 1: return False if not match_recs: return False # Now reconcile counterpart_aml_dicts = [] payment_aml_rec = self.env['account.move.line'] for aml in match_recs: if aml.account_id.internal_type == 'liquidity': payment_aml_rec = (payment_aml_rec | aml) else: amount = aml.currency_id and aml.amount_residual_currency or aml.amount_residual counterpart_aml_dicts.append({ 'name': if != '/' else, 'debit': amount < 0 and -amount or 0, 'credit': amount > 0 and amount or 0, 'move_line': aml }) try: with self._cr.savepoint(): counterpart = self.process_reconciliation(counterpart_aml_dicts=counterpart_aml_dicts, payment_aml_rec=payment_aml_rec) return counterpart except UserError: # A configuration / business logic error that makes it impossible to auto-reconcile should not be raised # since automatic reconciliation is just an amenity and the user will get the same exception when manually # reconciling. Other types of exception are (hopefully) programmation errors and should cause a stacktrace. self.invalidate_cache() self.env['account.move'].invalidate_cache() self.env['account.move.line'].invalidate_cache() return False def _prepare_reconciliation_move(self, move_name): """ Prepare the dict of values to create the move from a statement line. This method may be overridden to adapt domain logic through model inheritance (make sure to call super() to establish a clean extension chain). :param char st_line_number: will be used as the name of the generated account move :return: dict of value to create() the account.move """ return { 'statement_line_id':, 'journal_id':, 'date':, 'name': move_name, 'ref': self.ref, } def _prepare_reconciliation_move_line(self, move, amount): """ Prepare the dict of values to create the move line from a statement line. :param recordset move: the account.move to link the move line :param float amount: the amount of transaction that wasn't already reconciled """ company_currency = self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id statement_currency = self.journal_id.currency_id or company_currency st_line_currency = self.currency_id or statement_currency amount_currency = False if statement_currency != company_currency or st_line_currency != company_currency: # First get the ratio total mount / amount not already reconciled if statement_currency == company_currency: total_amount = self.amount elif st_line_currency == company_currency: total_amount = self.amount_currency else: total_amount = statement_currency.with_context({'date':}).compute(self.amount, company_currency) ratio = total_amount / amount # Then use it to adjust the statement.line field that correspond to the move.line amount_currency if statement_currency != company_currency: amount_currency = self.amount * ratio elif st_line_currency != company_currency: amount_currency = self.amount_currency * ratio return { 'name':, 'date':, 'ref': self.ref, 'move_id':, 'partner_id': self.partner_id and or False, 'account_id': amount >= 0 \ and \ or, 'credit': amount < 0 and -amount or 0.0, 'debit': amount > 0 and amount or 0.0, 'statement_id':, 'journal_id':, 'currency_id': statement_currency != company_currency and or (st_line_currency != company_currency and or False), 'amount_currency': amount_currency, } @api.v7 def process_reconciliations(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None): """ Handles data sent from the bank statement reconciliation widget (and can otherwise serve as an old-API bridge) :param list of dicts data: must contains the keys 'counterpart_aml_dicts', 'payment_aml_ids' and 'new_aml_dicts', whose value is the same as described in process_reconciliation except that ids are used instead of recordsets. """ aml_obj = self.pool['account.move.line'] for id, datum in zip(ids, data): st_line = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context) payment_aml_rec = aml_obj.browse(cr, uid, datum.get('payment_aml_ids', []), context) for aml_dict in datum.get('counterpart_aml_dicts', []): aml_dict['move_line'] = aml_obj.browse(cr, uid, aml_dict['counterpart_aml_id'], context) del aml_dict['counterpart_aml_id'] st_line.process_reconciliation(datum.get('counterpart_aml_dicts', []), payment_aml_rec, datum.get('new_aml_dicts', [])) def fast_counterpart_creation(self): for st_line in self: # Technical functionality to automatically reconcile by creating a new move line vals = { 'name':, 'debit': st_line.amount < 0 and -st_line.amount or 0.0, 'credit': st_line.amount > 0 and st_line.amount or 0.0, 'account_id':, } st_line.process_reconciliation(new_aml_dicts=[vals]) def process_reconciliation(self, counterpart_aml_dicts=None, payment_aml_rec=None, new_aml_dicts=None): """ Match statement lines with existing payments (eg. checks) and/or payables/receivables (eg. invoices and refunds) and/or new move lines (eg. write-offs). If any new journal item needs to be created (via new_aml_dicts or counterpart_aml_dicts), a new journal entry will be created and will contain those items, as well as a journal item for the bank statement line. Finally, mark the statement line as reconciled by putting the matched moves ids in the column journal_entry_ids. :param (list of dicts) counterpart_aml_dicts: move lines to create to reconcile with existing payables/receivables. The expected keys are : - 'name' - 'debit' - 'credit' - 'move_line' # The move line to reconcile (partially if specified debit/credit is lower than move line's credit/debit) :param (list of recordsets) payment_aml_rec: recordset move lines representing existing payments (which are already fully reconciled) :param (list of dicts) new_aml_dicts: move lines to create. The expected keys are : - 'name' - 'debit' - 'credit' - 'account_id' - (optional) 'tax_ids' - (optional) Other account.move.line fields like analytic_account_id or analytics_id :returns: The journal entries with which the transaction was matched. If there was at least an entry in counterpart_aml_dicts or new_aml_dicts, this list contains the move created by the reconciliation, containing entries for the statement.line (1), the counterpart move lines (0..*) and the new move lines (0..*). """ counterpart_aml_dicts = counterpart_aml_dicts or [] payment_aml_rec = payment_aml_rec or self.env['account.move.line'] new_aml_dicts = new_aml_dicts or [] aml_obj = self.env['account.move.line'] company_currency = self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id statement_currency = self.journal_id.currency_id or company_currency st_line_currency = self.currency_id or statement_currency counterpart_moves = self.env['account.move'] # Check and prepare received data if self.journal_entry_ids.ids: raise UserError(_('The bank statement line was already reconciled.')) if any(rec.statement_id for rec in payment_aml_rec): raise UserError(_('A selected move line was already reconciled.')) for aml_dict in counterpart_aml_dicts: if aml_dict['move_line'].reconciled: raise UserError(_('A selected move line was already reconciled.')) if isinstance(aml_dict['move_line'], (int, long)): aml_dict['move_line'] = aml_obj.browse(aml_dict['move_line']) for aml_dict in (counterpart_aml_dicts + new_aml_dicts): if aml_dict.get('tax_ids') and aml_dict['tax_ids'] and isinstance(aml_dict['tax_ids'][0], (int, long)): # Transform the value in the format required for One2many and Many2many fields aml_dict['tax_ids'] = map(lambda id: (4, id, None), aml_dict['tax_ids']) # Fully reconciled moves are just linked to the bank statement for aml_rec in payment_aml_rec: aml_rec.write({'statement_id':}) aml_rec.move_id.write({'statement_line_id':}) counterpart_moves = (counterpart_moves | aml_rec.move_id) # Create move line(s). Either matching an existing journal entry (eg. invoice), in which # case we reconcile the existing and the new move lines together, or being a write-off. if counterpart_aml_dicts or new_aml_dicts: st_line_currency = self.currency_id or statement_currency st_line_currency_rate = self.currency_id and (self.amount_currency / self.amount) or False # Create the move move_name = ( or + "/" + str(self.sequence) move_vals = self._prepare_reconciliation_move(move_name) move = self.env['account.move'].create(move_vals) counterpart_moves = (counterpart_moves | move) # Complete dicts to create both counterpart move lines and write-offs to_create = (counterpart_aml_dicts + new_aml_dicts) ctx = dict(self._context, for aml_dict in to_create: aml_dict['move_id'] = aml_dict['partner_id'] = aml_dict['statement_id'] = if != aml_dict['amount_currency'] = aml_dict['debit'] - aml_dict['credit'] aml_dict['currency_id'] = if self.currency_id and == and st_line_currency_rate: # Statement is in company currency but the transaction is in foreign currency aml_dict['debit'] = company_currency.round(aml_dict['debit'] / st_line_currency_rate) aml_dict['credit'] = company_currency.round(aml_dict['credit'] / st_line_currency_rate) elif self.currency_id and st_line_currency_rate: # Statement is in foreign currency and the transaction is in another one aml_dict['debit'] = statement_currency.with_context(ctx).compute(aml_dict['debit'] / st_line_currency_rate, company_currency) aml_dict['credit'] = statement_currency.with_context(ctx).compute(aml_dict['credit'] / st_line_currency_rate, company_currency) else: # Statement is in foreign currency and no extra currency is given for the transaction aml_dict['debit'] = st_line_currency.with_context(ctx).compute(aml_dict['debit'], company_currency) aml_dict['credit'] = st_line_currency.with_context(ctx).compute(aml_dict['credit'], company_currency) elif != # Statement is in foreign currency but the transaction is in company currency prorata_factor = (aml_dict['debit'] - aml_dict['credit']) / self.amount_currency aml_dict['amount_currency'] = prorata_factor * self.amount aml_dict['currency_id'] = # Create the move line for the statement line using the total credit/debit of the counterpart # This leaves out the amount already reconciled and avoids rounding errors from currency conversion st_line_amount = sum(aml_dict['credit'] - aml_dict['debit'] for aml_dict in to_create) aml_obj.with_context(check_move_validity=False).create(self._prepare_reconciliation_move_line(move, st_line_amount)) # Create write-offs for aml_dict in new_aml_dicts: aml_obj.with_context(check_move_validity=False).create(aml_dict) # Create counterpart move lines and reconcile them for aml_dict in counterpart_aml_dicts: if aml_dict['move_line'] aml_dict['partner_id'] = aml_dict['move_line'] aml_dict['account_id'] = aml_dict['move_line'] counterpart_move_line = aml_dict.pop('move_line') if counterpart_move_line.currency_id and counterpart_move_line.currency_id != company_currency and not aml_dict.get('currency_id'): aml_dict['currency_id'] = aml_dict['amount_currency'] = company_currency.with_context(ctx).compute(aml_dict['debit'] - aml_dict['credit'], counterpart_move_line.currency_id) new_aml = aml_obj.with_context(check_move_validity=False).create(aml_dict) (new_aml | counterpart_move_line).reconcile() counterpart_moves.assert_balanced() return counterpart_moves
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# Natural Language Toolkit: Third-Party Contributions # Contributions from the Massachusetts # Institute of Technology # # Copyright (C) 2004 The original contributors # URL: <> # # $Id:,v 1.1 2004/03/09 05:06:28 stevenbird Exp $ """ Contributions to NLTK made by students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology """
# This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public license. # Copyright (C) 2019 Erik Ogenvik (See the file COPYING for details). import server from atlas import Operation, Entity, Oplist from physics import Vector3D, Quaternion from world.utils import Usage def shoot_in_direction(direction, instance, res): Usage.set_cooldown_on_attached(instance.tool, direction.normalize() # Adjust the start position of the projectile, so it's outside of the actor, at mid height start_adjust = Vector3D(direction) start_adjust.y = 0 start_adjust.normalize() start_adjust.y = * 0.8 new_loc = new_loc.pos += start_adjust new_loc.orientation = Quaternion(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), direction, Vector3D(1, 0, 0)) mode_data = {"mode": "projectile", "$eid":} # TODO: match with animation in client res.append("wand/releasing", 1)) res.append(Operation("create", Entity(parent="fireball", location=new_loc, velocity=direction * 60, mode="projectile", mode_data=mode_data, damage_explosion=instance.tool.props.damage), def fireball(instance): res = Oplist() direction = instance.get_arg("direction", 0) shoot_in_direction(direction, instance, res) set_op = Operation("set", Entity(, {"charges!subtract": 1}), to=instance.tool) res.append(set_op) return server.OPERATION_BLOCKED, res def shoot_poison_in_direction(direction, instance, res): Usage.set_cooldown_on_attached(instance.tool, direction.normalize() # Adjust the start position of the projectile, so it's outside of the actor, at mid height start_adjust = Vector3D(direction) start_adjust.y = 0 start_adjust.normalize() start_adjust.y = * 0.8 new_loc = new_loc.pos += start_adjust new_loc.orientation = Quaternion(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), direction, Vector3D(1, 0, 0)) mode_data = {"mode": "projectile", "$eid":} # TODO: match with animation in client res.append("wand/releasing", 1)) res.append(Operation("create", Entity(parent="poisonball", location=new_loc, velocity=direction * 60, mode="projectile", mode_data=mode_data, damage_poison=instance.tool.props.damage), def poison(instance): res = Oplist() direction = instance.get_arg("direction", 0) shoot_poison_in_direction(direction, instance, res) set_op = Operation("set", Entity(, {"charges!subtract": 1}), to=instance.tool) res.append(set_op) return server.OPERATION_BLOCKED, res
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Windowing concepts. A WindowInto transform logically divides up or groups the elements of a PCollection into finite windows according to a windowing function (derived from WindowFn). The output of WindowInto contains the same elements as input, but they have been logically assigned to windows. The next GroupByKey(s) transforms, including one within a composite transform, will group by the combination of keys and windows. Windowing a PCollection allows chunks of it to be processed individually, before the entire PCollection is available. This is especially important for PCollection(s) with unbounded size, since the full PCollection is never available at once, since more data is continually arriving. For PCollection(s) with a bounded size (aka. conventional batch mode), by default, all data is implicitly in a single window (see GlobalWindows), unless WindowInto is applied. For example, a simple form of windowing divides up the data into fixed-width time intervals, using FixedWindows. Seconds are used as the time unit for the built-in windowing primitives here. Integer or floating point seconds can be passed to these primitives. Internally, seconds, with microsecond granularity, are stored as timeutil.Timestamp and timeutil.Duration objects. This is done to avoid precision errors that would occur with floating point representations. Custom windowing function classes can be created, by subclassing from WindowFn. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import abc from builtins import object from builtins import range from functools import total_ordering from future.utils import with_metaclass from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 from apache_beam.coders import coders from apache_beam.portability import common_urns from apache_beam.portability import python_urns from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_runner_api_pb2 from apache_beam.portability.api import standard_window_fns_pb2 from apache_beam.transforms import timeutil from apache_beam.utils import proto_utils from apache_beam.utils import urns from apache_beam.utils import windowed_value from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import MIN_TIMESTAMP from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import Duration from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import Timestamp from apache_beam.utils.windowed_value import WindowedValue __all__ = [ 'TimestampCombiner', 'WindowFn', 'BoundedWindow', 'IntervalWindow', 'TimestampedValue', 'GlobalWindow', 'NonMergingWindowFn', 'GlobalWindows', 'FixedWindows', 'SlidingWindows', 'Sessions', ] # TODO(ccy): revisit naming and semantics once Java Apache Beam finalizes their # behavior. class TimestampCombiner(object): """Determines how output timestamps of grouping operations are assigned.""" OUTPUT_AT_EOW = beam_runner_api_pb2.OutputTime.END_OF_WINDOW OUTPUT_AT_EARLIEST = beam_runner_api_pb2.OutputTime.EARLIEST_IN_PANE OUTPUT_AT_LATEST = beam_runner_api_pb2.OutputTime.LATEST_IN_PANE # TODO(robertwb): Add this to the runner API or remove it. OUTPUT_AT_EARLIEST_TRANSFORMED = 'OUTPUT_AT_EARLIEST_TRANSFORMED' @staticmethod def get_impl(timestamp_combiner, window_fn): if timestamp_combiner == TimestampCombiner.OUTPUT_AT_EOW: return timeutil.OutputAtEndOfWindowImpl() elif timestamp_combiner == TimestampCombiner.OUTPUT_AT_EARLIEST: return timeutil.OutputAtEarliestInputTimestampImpl() elif timestamp_combiner == TimestampCombiner.OUTPUT_AT_LATEST: return timeutil.OutputAtLatestInputTimestampImpl() elif timestamp_combiner == TimestampCombiner.OUTPUT_AT_EARLIEST_TRANSFORMED: return timeutil.OutputAtEarliestTransformedInputTimestampImpl(window_fn) else: raise ValueError('Invalid TimestampCombiner: %s.' % timestamp_combiner) class WindowFn(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, urns.RunnerApiFn)): """An abstract windowing function defining a basic assign and merge.""" class AssignContext(object): """Context passed to WindowFn.assign().""" def __init__(self, timestamp, element=None, window=None): self.timestamp = Timestamp.of(timestamp) self.element = element self.window = window @abc.abstractmethod def assign(self, assign_context): """Associates windows to an element. Arguments: assign_context: Instance of AssignContext. Returns: An iterable of BoundedWindow. """ raise NotImplementedError class MergeContext(object): """Context passed to WindowFn.merge() to perform merging, if any.""" def __init__(self, windows): = list(windows) def merge(self, to_be_merged, merge_result): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def merge(self, merge_context): """Returns a window that is the result of merging a set of windows.""" raise NotImplementedError def is_merging(self): """Returns whether this WindowFn merges windows.""" return True @abc.abstractmethod def get_window_coder(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_transformed_output_time(self, window, input_timestamp): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Given input time and output window, returns output time for window. If TimestampCombiner.OUTPUT_AT_EARLIEST_TRANSFORMED is used in the Windowing, the output timestamp for the given window will be the earliest of the timestamps returned by get_transformed_output_time() for elements of the window. Arguments: window: Output window of element. input_timestamp: Input timestamp of element as a timeutil.Timestamp object. Returns: Transformed timestamp. """ # By default, just return the input timestamp. return input_timestamp urns.RunnerApiFn.register_pickle_urn(python_urns.PICKLED_WINDOWFN) class BoundedWindow(object): """A window for timestamps in range (-infinity, end). Attributes: end: End of window. """ def __init__(self, end): self.end = Timestamp.of(end) def max_timestamp(self): return self.end.predecessor() def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __ne__(self, other): # Order first by endpoint, then arbitrarily return self.end != other.end or hash(self) != hash(other) def __lt__(self, other): if self.end != other.end: return self.end < other.end return hash(self) < hash(other) def __le__(self, other): if self.end != other.end: return self.end <= other.end return hash(self) <= hash(other) def __gt__(self, other): if self.end != other.end: return self.end > other.end return hash(self) > hash(other) def __ge__(self, other): if self.end != other.end: return self.end >= other.end return hash(self) >= hash(other) def __hash__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return '[?, %s)' % float(self.end) @total_ordering class IntervalWindow(windowed_value._IntervalWindowBase, BoundedWindow): """A window for timestamps in range [start, end). Attributes: start: Start of window as seconds since Unix epoch. end: End of window as seconds since Unix epoch. """ def __lt__(self, other): if self.end != other.end: return self.end < other.end return hash(self) < hash(other) def intersects(self, other): return other.start < self.end or self.start < other.end def union(self, other): return IntervalWindow( min(self.start, other.start), max(self.end, other.end)) @total_ordering class TimestampedValue(object): """A timestamped value having a value and a timestamp. Attributes: value: The underlying value. timestamp: Timestamp associated with the value as seconds since Unix epoch. """ def __init__(self, value, timestamp): self.value = value self.timestamp = Timestamp.of(timestamp) def __eq__(self, other): return (type(self) == type(other) and self.value == other.value and self.timestamp == other.timestamp) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.value, self.timestamp)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return type(self).__name__ < type(other).__name__ if self.value != other.value: return self.value < other.value return self.timestamp < other.timestamp class GlobalWindow(BoundedWindow): """The default window into which all data is placed (via GlobalWindows).""" _instance = None def __new__(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super(GlobalWindow, cls).__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __init__(self): super(GlobalWindow, self).__init__(GlobalWindow._getTimestampFromProto()) self.start = MIN_TIMESTAMP def __repr__(self): return 'GlobalWindow' def __hash__(self): return hash(type(self)) def __eq__(self, other): # Global windows are always and only equal to each other. return self is other or type(self) is type(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other @staticmethod def _getTimestampFromProto(): ts_millis = int( common_urns.constants.GLOBAL_WINDOW_MAX_TIMESTAMP_MILLIS.constant) return Timestamp(micros=ts_millis*1000) class NonMergingWindowFn(WindowFn): def is_merging(self): return False def merge(self, merge_context): pass # No merging. class GlobalWindows(NonMergingWindowFn): """A windowing function that assigns everything to one global window.""" @classmethod def windowed_value(cls, value, timestamp=MIN_TIMESTAMP): return WindowedValue(value, timestamp, (GlobalWindow(),)) def assign(self, assign_context): return [GlobalWindow()] def get_window_coder(self): return coders.GlobalWindowCoder() def __hash__(self): return hash(type(self)) def __eq__(self, other): # Global windowfn is always and only equal to each other. return self is other or type(self) is type(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def to_runner_api_parameter(self, context): return common_urns.global_windows.urn, None @urns.RunnerApiFn.register_urn(common_urns.global_windows.urn, None) def from_runner_api_parameter(unused_fn_parameter, unused_context): return GlobalWindows() class FixedWindows(NonMergingWindowFn): """A windowing function that assigns each element to one time interval. The attributes size and offset determine in what time interval a timestamp will be slotted. The time intervals have the following formula: [N * size + offset, (N + 1) * size + offset) Attributes: size: Size of the window as seconds. offset: Offset of this window as seconds since Unix epoch. Windows start at t=N * size + offset where t=0 is the epoch. The offset must be a value in range [0, size). If it is not it will be normalized to this range. """ def __init__(self, size, offset=0): if size <= 0: raise ValueError('The size parameter must be strictly positive.') self.size = Duration.of(size) self.offset = Timestamp.of(offset) % self.size def assign(self, context): timestamp = context.timestamp start = timestamp - (timestamp - self.offset) % self.size return [IntervalWindow(start, start + self.size)] def get_window_coder(self): return coders.IntervalWindowCoder() def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other) == FixedWindows: return self.size == other.size and self.offset == other.offset def __hash__(self): return hash((self.size, self.offset)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def to_runner_api_parameter(self, context): return (common_urns.fixed_windows.urn, standard_window_fns_pb2.FixedWindowsPayload( size=proto_utils.from_micros( duration_pb2.Duration, self.size.micros), offset=proto_utils.from_micros( timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, self.offset.micros))) @urns.RunnerApiFn.register_urn( common_urns.fixed_windows.urn, standard_window_fns_pb2.FixedWindowsPayload) def from_runner_api_parameter(fn_parameter, unused_context): return FixedWindows( size=Duration(micros=fn_parameter.size.ToMicroseconds()), offset=Timestamp(micros=fn_parameter.offset.ToMicroseconds())) class SlidingWindows(NonMergingWindowFn): """A windowing function that assigns each element to a set of sliding windows. The attributes size and offset determine in what time interval a timestamp will be slotted. The time intervals have the following formula: [N * period + offset, N * period + offset + size) Attributes: size: Size of the window as seconds. period: Period of the windows as seconds. offset: Offset of this window as seconds since Unix epoch. Windows start at t=N * period + offset where t=0 is the epoch. The offset must be a value in range [0, period). If it is not it will be normalized to this range. """ def __init__(self, size, period, offset=0): if size <= 0: raise ValueError('The size parameter must be strictly positive.') self.size = Duration.of(size) self.period = Duration.of(period) self.offset = Timestamp.of(offset) % period def assign(self, context): timestamp = context.timestamp start = timestamp - ((timestamp - self.offset) % self.period) return [ IntervalWindow(Timestamp(micros=s), Timestamp(micros=s) + self.size) for s in range(start.micros, timestamp.micros - self.size.micros, -self.period.micros)] def get_window_coder(self): return coders.IntervalWindowCoder() def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other) == SlidingWindows: return (self.size == other.size and self.offset == other.offset and self.period == other.period) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash((self.offset, self.period)) def to_runner_api_parameter(self, context): return (common_urns.sliding_windows.urn, standard_window_fns_pb2.SlidingWindowsPayload( size=proto_utils.from_micros( duration_pb2.Duration, self.size.micros), offset=proto_utils.from_micros( timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, self.offset.micros), period=proto_utils.from_micros( duration_pb2.Duration, self.period.micros))) @urns.RunnerApiFn.register_urn( common_urns.sliding_windows.urn, standard_window_fns_pb2.SlidingWindowsPayload) def from_runner_api_parameter(fn_parameter, unused_context): return SlidingWindows( size=Duration(micros=fn_parameter.size.ToMicroseconds()), offset=Timestamp(micros=fn_parameter.offset.ToMicroseconds()), period=Duration(micros=fn_parameter.period.ToMicroseconds())) class Sessions(WindowFn): """A windowing function that groups elements into sessions. A session is defined as a series of consecutive events separated by a specified gap size. Attributes: gap_size: Size of the gap between windows as floating-point seconds. """ def __init__(self, gap_size): if gap_size <= 0: raise ValueError('The size parameter must be strictly positive.') self.gap_size = Duration.of(gap_size) def assign(self, context): timestamp = context.timestamp return [IntervalWindow(timestamp, timestamp + self.gap_size)] def get_window_coder(self): return coders.IntervalWindowCoder() def merge(self, merge_context): to_merge = [] end = MIN_TIMESTAMP for w in sorted(, key=lambda w: w.start): if to_merge: if end > w.start: to_merge.append(w) if w.end > end: end = w.end else: if len(to_merge) > 1: merge_context.merge(to_merge, IntervalWindow(to_merge[0].start, end)) to_merge = [w] end = w.end else: to_merge = [w] end = w.end if len(to_merge) > 1: merge_context.merge(to_merge, IntervalWindow(to_merge[0].start, end)) def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other) == Sessions: return self.gap_size == other.gap_size def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(self.gap_size) def to_runner_api_parameter(self, context): return (common_urns.session_windows.urn, standard_window_fns_pb2.SessionsPayload( gap_size=proto_utils.from_micros( duration_pb2.Duration, self.gap_size.micros))) @urns.RunnerApiFn.register_urn( common_urns.session_windows.urn, standard_window_fns_pb2.SessionsPayload) def from_runner_api_parameter(fn_parameter, unused_context): return Sessions( gap_size=Duration(micros=fn_parameter.gap_size.ToMicroseconds()))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import arating from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django_extensions.db.fields import AutoSlugField from l10n.models import Country from base.fields import extra from base.mixins import TimestampedModelMixin, UUIDModelMixin from phonenumber_field.modelfields import PhoneNumberField @python_2_unicode_compatible class Station(TimestampedModelMixin, UUIDModelMixin, models.Model): TYPE_CHOICES = (("stream", _("Stream")), ("djmon", _("DJ-Monitor"))) type = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Type"), max_length=12, default="stream", choices=TYPE_CHOICES ) name = models.CharField(max_length=256, null=True, blank=True) slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from="name") teaser = models.CharField(max_length=512, null=True, blank=True) main_image = models.ImageField( verbose_name=_("Image"), upload_to="abcast/station", null=True, blank=True ) description = extra.MarkdownTextField(blank=True, null=True) members = models.ManyToManyField( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, through="StationMembers", blank=True ) website = models.URLField(max_length=256, null=True, blank=True) phone = PhoneNumberField(_("phone"), blank=True, null=True) fax = PhoneNumberField(_("fax"), blank=True, null=True) address1 = models.CharField(_("address"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=100) address2 = models.CharField( _("address (secondary)"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=100 ) city = models.CharField(_("city"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=100) zip = models.CharField(_("zip"), null=True, blank=True, max_length=10) country = models.ForeignKey(Country, blank=True, null=True) class Meta: app_label = "abcast" verbose_name = _("Station") verbose_name_plural = _("Stations") ordering = ("name",) def __str__(self): return "%s" % # @models.permalink # def get_absolute_url(self): # return "abcast-station-detail", [self.uuid] def get_absolute_url(self): try: url = reverse("abcast-station-detail", kwargs={"uuid": str(self.uuid)}) except: url = "" return url def get_admin_url(self): return reverse("admin:abcast_station_change", args=(,)) arating.enable_voting_on(Station) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Role(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) class Meta: app_label = "abcast" verbose_name = _("Role") verbose_name_plural = _("Roles") ordering = ("name",) def __str__(self): return class StationMembers(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name="station_membership" ) station = models.ForeignKey(Station) roles = models.ManyToManyField(Role, blank=True, related_name="memgership_roles") class Meta: app_label = "abcast" verbose_name = _("Role") verbose_name_plural = _("Roles") @python_2_unicode_compatible class OnAirItem(TimestampedModelMixin, UUIDModelMixin, models.Model): content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = GenericForeignKey("content_type", "object_id") class Meta: app_label = "abcast" verbose_name = _("On Air") verbose_name_plural = _("On Air") unique_together = ("content_type", "object_id") def __str__(self): return "%s : %s" % (, @python_2_unicode_compatible class Channel(TimestampedModelMixin, UUIDModelMixin, models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=256, null=True, blank=True) teaser = models.CharField(max_length=512, null=True, blank=True) slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from="name") TYPE_CHOICES = (("stream", _("Stream")), ("djmon", _("DJ-Monitor"))) type = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Type"), max_length=12, default="stream", choices=TYPE_CHOICES ) stream_url = models.CharField( max_length=256, null=True, blank=True, help_text=_("setting the stream-url overrides server settings"), ) description = extra.MarkdownTextField(blank=True, null=True) station = models.ForeignKey( "Station", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) rtmp_app = models.CharField(max_length=256, null=True, blank=True) rtmp_path = models.CharField(max_length=256, null=True, blank=True) has_scheduler = models.BooleanField(default=False) mount = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, blank=True) # credentials for tunein api tunein_station_id = models.CharField(max_length=16, null=True, blank=True) tunein_partner_id = models.CharField(max_length=16, null=True, blank=True) tunein_partner_key = models.CharField(max_length=16, null=True, blank=True) # credentials for icecast2 metadata icecast2_server = models.CharField(max_length=256, null=True, blank=True) icecast2_mountpoint = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) icecast2_admin_user = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) icecast2_admin_pass = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) on_air_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, null=True, blank=True) on_air_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) on_air = GenericForeignKey("on_air_type", "on_air_id") class Meta: app_label = "abcast" verbose_name = _("Channel") verbose_name_plural = _("Channels") ordering = ("name",) unique_together = ("on_air_type", "on_air_id") def __str__(self): return "%s" % def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse("abcast-station-detail", kwargs={"uuid": str(self.station.uuid)}) def get_api_url(self): return ( reverse( "api_dispatch_detail", kwargs={ "api_name": "v1", "resource_name": "abcast/channel", "pk":, }, ) + "" ) def get_dayparts(self, day): dayparts = [] daypart_sets = self.daypartsets.filter( time_start__lte=day, time_end__gte=day, channel=self ) daypart_set = None if daypart_sets.count() > 0: daypart_set = daypart_sets[0] if daypart_set: for dp in daypart_set.daypart_set.all(): dayparts.append(dp) return dayparts def get_on_air(self): """ merge currently playing item (told by pypo) with estimated scheduler entry for the emission """ now = emissions = self.scheduler_emissions.filter(, time_start__lte=now, time_end__gte=now ) if emissions.count() > 0: emission_url = emissions.first().get_api_url() emission_items = [] """ for e in emission.get_timestamped_media(): item = e.content_object emission_items.append({ 'pk':, 'time_start': e.timestamp, 'resource_uri': item.get_api_url() }) """ else: emission_url = None emission_items = [] try: item_url = self.on_air.get_api_url() except: item_url = None on_air = { "item": item_url, "emission": emission_url, "emission_items": emission_items, } return on_air
# Copyright 2016 Casey Jaymes # This file is part of PySCAP. # # PySCAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PySCAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PySCAP. If not, see <>. import logging from scap.model.xs.StringType import StringType logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NoticeType(StringType): MODEL_MAP = { 'attributes': { 'id': {'required': True, 'type': 'NCNameType'}, }, 'elements': [ {'xmlns': '', 'tag_name': '*', 'min': 0, 'max': None}, ], }
from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal import os from django import forms from django.conf import settings from import default_storage as storage from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory import commonware.log import happyforms from quieter_formset.formset import BaseFormSet from tower import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy as _lazy, ungettext as ngettext from access import acl import amo import captcha.fields from amo.fields import ColorField from amo.urlresolvers import reverse from amo.utils import slug_validator, slugify, sorted_groupby, remove_icons from addons.models import (Addon, AddonCategory, BlacklistedSlug, Category, Persona) from addons.tasks import save_theme, save_theme_reupload from addons.utils import reverse_name_lookup from addons.widgets import IconWidgetRenderer, CategoriesSelectMultiple from devhub import tasks as devhub_tasks from tags.models import Tag from translations import LOCALES from translations.fields import TransField, TransTextarea from translations.forms import TranslationFormMixin from translations.models import Translation from translations.utils import transfield_changed from translations.widgets import TranslationTextInput from users.models import UserEmailField from versions.models import Version log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.addons') def clean_name(name, instance=None): if not instance: log.debug('clean_name called without an instance: %s' % name) id = reverse_name_lookup(name) # If we get an id and either there's no instance or the != id. if id and (not instance or id != raise forms.ValidationError(_('This name is already in use. Please ' 'choose another.')) return name def clean_slug(slug, instance): slug_validator(slug, lower=False) if slug != instance.slug: if Addon.objects.filter(slug=slug).exists(): raise forms.ValidationError( _('This slug is already in use. Please choose another.')) if BlacklistedSlug.blocked(slug): raise forms.ValidationError( _('The slug cannot be "%s". Please choose another.' % slug)) return slug def clean_tags(request, tags): target = [slugify(t, spaces=True, lower=True) for t in tags.split(',')] target = set(filter(None, target)) min_len = amo.MIN_TAG_LENGTH max_len = Tag._meta.get_field('tag_text').max_length max_tags = amo.MAX_TAGS total = len(target) blacklisted = (Tag.objects.values_list('tag_text', flat=True) .filter(tag_text__in=target, blacklisted=True)) if blacklisted: # L10n: {0} is a single tag or a comma-separated list of tags. msg = ngettext('Invalid tag: {0}', 'Invalid tags: {0}', len(blacklisted)).format(', '.join(blacklisted)) raise forms.ValidationError(msg) restricted = (Tag.objects.values_list('tag_text', flat=True) .filter(tag_text__in=target, restricted=True)) if not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Addons', 'Edit'): if restricted: # L10n: {0} is a single tag or a comma-separated list of tags. msg = ngettext('"{0}" is a reserved tag and cannot be used.', '"{0}" are reserved tags and cannot be used.', len(restricted)).format('", "'.join(restricted)) raise forms.ValidationError(msg) else: # Admin's restricted tags don't count towards the limit. total = len(target - set(restricted)) if total > max_tags: num = total - max_tags msg = ngettext('You have {0} too many tags.', 'You have {0} too many tags.', num).format(num) raise forms.ValidationError(msg) if any(t for t in target if len(t) > max_len): raise forms.ValidationError( _('All tags must be %s characters or less after invalid characters' ' are removed.' % max_len)) if any(t for t in target if len(t) < min_len): msg = ngettext("All tags must be at least {0} character.", "All tags must be at least {0} characters.", min_len).format(min_len) raise forms.ValidationError(msg) return target class AddonFormBase(TranslationFormMixin, happyforms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.request = kw.pop('request') super(AddonFormBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw) class Meta: models = Addon fields = ('name', 'slug', 'summary', 'tags') def clean_slug(self): return clean_slug(self.cleaned_data['slug'], self.instance) def clean_tags(self): return clean_tags(self.request, self.cleaned_data['tags']) def get_tags(self, addon): if acl.action_allowed(self.request, 'Addons', 'Edit'): return list(addon.tags.values_list('tag_text', flat=True)) else: return list(addon.tags.filter(restricted=False) .values_list('tag_text', flat=True)) class AddonFormBasic(AddonFormBase): name = TransField(max_length=50) slug = forms.CharField(max_length=30) summary = TransField(widget=TransTextarea(attrs={'rows': 4}), max_length=250) tags = forms.CharField(required=False) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('name', 'slug', 'summary', 'tags') def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(AddonFormBasic, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.fields['tags'].initial = ', '.join(self.get_tags(self.instance)) # Do not simply append validators, as validators will persist between # instances. validate_name = lambda x: clean_name(x, self.instance) name_validators = list(self.fields['name'].validators) name_validators.append(validate_name) self.fields['name'].validators = name_validators def save(self, addon, commit=False): tags_new = self.cleaned_data['tags'] tags_old = [slugify(t, spaces=True) for t in self.get_tags(addon)] # Add new tags. for t in set(tags_new) - set(tags_old): Tag(tag_text=t).save_tag(addon) # Remove old tags. for t in set(tags_old) - set(tags_new): Tag(tag_text=t).remove_tag(addon) # We ignore `commit`, since we need it to be `False` so we can save # the ManyToMany fields on our own. addonform = super(AddonFormBasic, self).save(commit=False) return addonform class AppFormBasic(AddonFormBasic): """Form to override name length for apps.""" name = TransField(max_length=128) class CategoryForm(forms.Form): application = forms.TypedChoiceField(amo.APPS_CHOICES, coerce=int, widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False) categories = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Category.objects.all(), widget=CategoriesSelectMultiple) def save(self, addon): application = self.cleaned_data.get('application') categories_new = self.cleaned_data['categories'] categories_old = [cats for app, cats in addon.app_categories if (app and application and == application) or (not app and not application)] if categories_old: categories_old = categories_old[0] # Add new categories. for c in set(categories_new) - set(categories_old): AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=c).save() # Remove old categories. for c in set(categories_old) - set(categories_new): AddonCategory.objects.filter(addon=addon, category=c).delete() def clean_categories(self): categories = self.cleaned_data['categories'] total = categories.count() max_cat = amo.MAX_CATEGORIES if getattr(self, 'disabled', False) and total: raise forms.ValidationError( _('Categories cannot be changed while your add-on is featured ' 'for this application.')) if total > max_cat: # L10n: {0} is the number of categories. raise forms.ValidationError(ngettext( 'You can have only {0} category.', 'You can have only {0} categories.', max_cat).format(max_cat)) has_misc = filter(lambda x: x.misc, categories) if has_misc and total > 1: raise forms.ValidationError( _('The miscellaneous category cannot be combined with ' 'additional categories.')) return categories class BaseCategoryFormSet(BaseFormSet): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.addon = kw.pop('addon') self.request = kw.pop('request', None) super(BaseCategoryFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.initial = [] apps = sorted(self.addon.compatible_apps.keys(), key=lambda x: # Drop any apps that don't have appropriate categories. qs = Category.objects.filter(type=self.addon.type) app_cats = dict((k, list(v)) for k, v in sorted_groupby(qs, 'application')) for app in list(apps): if app and not app_cats.get( apps.remove(app) if not app_cats: apps = [] for app in apps: cats = dict(self.addon.app_categories).get(app, []) self.initial.append({'categories': [ for c in cats]}) for app, form in zip(apps, self.forms): key = if app else None form.request = self.request form.initial['application'] = key = app cats = sorted(app_cats[key], key=lambda x: form.fields['categories'].choices = [(, for c in cats] # If this add-on is featured for this application, category # changes are forbidden. if not acl.action_allowed(self.request, 'Addons', 'Edit'): form.disabled = (app and self.addon.is_featured(app)) def save(self): for f in self.forms: CategoryFormSet = formset_factory(form=CategoryForm, formset=BaseCategoryFormSet, extra=0) def icons(): """ Generates a list of tuples for the default icons for add-ons, in the format (pseudo-mime-type, description). """ icons = [('image/jpeg', 'jpeg'), ('image/png', 'png'), ('', 'default')] dirs, files = storage.listdir(settings.ADDON_ICONS_DEFAULT_PATH) for fname in files: if '32' in fname and 'default' not in fname: icon_name = fname.split('-')[0] icons.append(('icon/%s' % icon_name, icon_name)) return icons class AddonFormMedia(AddonFormBase): icon_type = forms.CharField(widget=forms.RadioSelect( renderer=IconWidgetRenderer, choices=[]), required=False) icon_upload_hash = forms.CharField(required=False) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('icon_upload_hash', 'icon_type') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AddonFormMedia, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Add icons here so we only read the directory when # AddonFormMedia is actually being used. self.fields['icon_type'].widget.choices = icons() def save(self, addon, commit=True): if self.cleaned_data['icon_upload_hash']: upload_hash = self.cleaned_data['icon_upload_hash'] upload_path = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'icon', upload_hash) dirname = addon.get_icon_dir() destination = os.path.join(dirname, '%s' % remove_icons(destination) devhub_tasks.resize_icon.delay(upload_path, destination, amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES, set_modified_on=[addon]) return super(AddonFormMedia, self).save(commit) class AddonFormDetails(AddonFormBase): default_locale = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=LOCALES) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('description', 'default_locale', 'homepage') def clean(self): # Make sure we have the required translations in the new locale. required = 'name', 'summary', 'description' data = self.cleaned_data if not self.errors and 'default_locale' in self.changed_data: fields = dict((k, getattr(self.instance, k + '_id')) for k in required) locale = self.cleaned_data['default_locale'] ids = filter(None, fields.values()) qs = (Translation.objects.filter(locale=locale, id__in=ids, localized_string__isnull=False) .values_list('id', flat=True)) missing = [k for k, v in fields.items() if v not in qs] # They might be setting description right now. if 'description' in missing and locale in data['description']: missing.remove('description') if missing: raise forms.ValidationError( _('Before changing your default locale you must have a ' 'name, summary, and description in that locale. ' 'You are missing %s.') % ', '.join(map(repr, missing))) return data class AddonFormSupport(AddonFormBase): support_url = TransField.adapt(forms.URLField)(required=False) support_email = TransField.adapt(forms.EmailField)(required=False) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('support_email', 'support_url') def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(AddonFormSupport, self).__init__(*args, **kw) def save(self, addon, commit=True): return super(AddonFormSupport, self).save(commit) class AddonFormTechnical(AddonFormBase): developer_comments = TransField(widget=TransTextarea, required=False) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('developer_comments', 'view_source', 'site_specific', 'external_software', 'auto_repackage', 'public_stats', 'whiteboard') class AddonForm(happyforms.ModelForm): name = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) homepage = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput, required=False) eula = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) description = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) developer_comments = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) privacy_policy = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) the_future = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) the_reason = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) support_email = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('name', 'homepage', 'default_locale', 'support_email', 'support_url', 'description', 'summary', 'developer_comments', 'eula', 'privacy_policy', 'the_reason', 'the_future', 'view_source', 'prerelease', 'site_specific',) exclude = ('status', ) def clean_name(self): return clean_name(self.cleaned_data['name']) def save(self): desc ='description') if desc and desc != unicode(self.instance.description): amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_DESCRIPTIONS, self.instance) if self.changed_data: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, self.instance) super(AddonForm, self).save() class AbuseForm(happyforms.Form): recaptcha = captcha.fields.ReCaptchaField(label='') text = forms.CharField(required=True, label='', widget=forms.Textarea()) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.request = kwargs.pop('request') super(AbuseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (not self.request.user.is_anonymous() or not settings.RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY): del self.fields['recaptcha'] class ThemeFormBase(AddonFormBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ThemeFormBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) cats = Category.objects.filter(type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA, weight__gte=0) cats = sorted(cats, key=lambda x: self.fields['category'].choices = [(, for c in cats] for field in ('header', 'footer'): self.fields[field].widget.attrs = { 'data-upload-url': reverse('devhub.personas.upload_persona', args=['persona_%s' % field]), 'data-allowed-types': 'image/jpeg|image/png' } def clean_name(self): return clean_name(self.cleaned_data['name']) def clean_slug(self): return clean_slug(self.cleaned_data['slug'], self.instance) class ThemeForm(ThemeFormBase): name = forms.CharField(max_length=50) slug = forms.CharField(max_length=30) category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.all(), widget=forms.widgets.RadioSelect) description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 4}), max_length=500, required=False) tags = forms.CharField(required=False) license = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=amo.PERSONA_LICENSES_CHOICES, coerce=int, empty_value=None, widget=forms.HiddenInput, error_messages={'required': _lazy(u'A license must be selected.')}) header = forms.FileField(required=False) header_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) footer = forms.FileField(required=False) footer_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False) # Native color picker doesn't allow real time tracking of user input # and empty values, thus force the JavaScript color picker for now. # See bugs 1005206 and 1003575. accentcolor = ColorField( required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'color-picker'}), ) textcolor = ColorField( required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'color-picker'}), ) agreed = forms.BooleanField() # This lets us POST the data URIs of the unsaved previews so we can still # show them if there were form errors. It's really clever. unsaved_data = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags') def save(self, commit=False): data = self.cleaned_data addon = Addon.objects.create( slug=data.get('slug'), status=amo.STATUS_PENDING, type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA) = {'en-US': data['name']} if data.get('description'): addon.description = data['description'] addon._current_version = Version.objects.create(addon=addon, version='0') # Create Persona instance. p = Persona() p.persona_id = 0 p.addon = addon p.header = 'header.png' if data['footer_hash']: p.footer = 'footer.png' if data['accentcolor']: p.accentcolor = data['accentcolor'].lstrip('#') if data['textcolor']: p.textcolor = data['textcolor'].lstrip('#') p.license = data['license'] p.submit = user = self.request.amo_user = user.username p.display_username = # Save header, footer, and preview images. save_theme.delay(data['header_hash'], data['footer_hash'], addon) # Save user info. addon.addonuser_set.create(user=user, role=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_OWNER) # Save tags. for t in data['tags']: Tag(tag_text=t).save_tag(addon) # Save categories. AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=data['category']).save() return addon class EditThemeForm(AddonFormBase): name = TransField(max_length=50, label=_lazy('Give Your Theme a Name.')) slug = forms.CharField(max_length=30) category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.all(), widget=forms.widgets.RadioSelect) description = TransField( widget=TransTextarea(attrs={'rows': 4}), max_length=500, required=False, label=_lazy('Describe your Theme.')) tags = forms.CharField(required=False) accentcolor = ColorField( required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'color-picker'}), ) textcolor = ColorField( required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'color-picker'}), ) license = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=amo.PERSONA_LICENSES_CHOICES, coerce=int, empty_value=None, widget=forms.HiddenInput, error_messages={'required': _lazy(u'A license must be selected.')}) # Theme re-upload. header = forms.FileField(required=False) header_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False) footer = forms.FileField(required=False) footer_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False) class Meta: model = Addon fields = ('name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags') def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.request = kw.pop('request') super(AddonFormBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw) addon = Addon.objects.no_cache().get( persona = addon.persona # Do not simply append validators, as validators will persist between # instances. self.fields['name'].validators = list(self.fields['name'].validators) self.fields['name'].validators.append(lambda x: clean_name(x, addon)) # Allow theme artists to localize Name and Description. for trans in Translation.objects.filter(id=self.initial['name']): self.initial['name_' + trans.locale.lower()] = trans for trans in Translation.objects.filter( id=self.initial['description']): self.initial['description_' + trans.locale.lower()] = trans self.old_tags = self.get_tags(addon) self.initial['tags'] = ', '.join(self.old_tags) if persona.accentcolor: self.initial['accentcolor'] = '#' + persona.accentcolor if persona.textcolor: self.initial['textcolor'] = '#' + persona.textcolor self.initial['license'] = persona.license cats = sorted(Category.objects.filter(type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA, weight__gte=0), key=lambda x: self.fields['category'].choices = [(, for c in cats] try: self.initial['category'] = addon.categories.values_list( 'id', flat=True)[0] except IndexError: pass for field in ('header', 'footer'): self.fields[field].widget.attrs = { 'data-upload-url': reverse('devhub.personas.reupload_persona', args=[addon.slug, 'persona_%s' % field]), 'data-allowed-types': 'image/jpeg|image/png' } def save(self): addon = self.instance persona = addon.persona data = self.cleaned_data # Update Persona-specific data. persona_data = { 'license': int(data['license']), 'accentcolor': data['accentcolor'].lstrip('#'), 'textcolor': data['textcolor'].lstrip('#'), 'author': self.request.amo_user.username, 'display_username': } changed = False for k, v in persona_data.iteritems(): if v != getattr(persona, k): changed = True setattr(persona, k, v) if changed: if self.changed_data: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) self.instance.modified = # Update Addon-specific data. changed = ( set(self.old_tags) != data['tags'] or # Check if tags changed. self.initial['slug'] != data['slug'] or # Check if slug changed. transfield_changed('description', self.initial, data) or transfield_changed('name', self.initial, data)) if changed: # Only save if addon data changed. super(EditThemeForm, self).save() # Update tags. tags_new = data['tags'] tags_old = [slugify(t, spaces=True) for t in self.old_tags] # Add new tags. for t in set(tags_new) - set(tags_old): Tag(tag_text=t).save_tag(addon) # Remove old tags. for t in set(tags_old) - set(tags_new): Tag(tag_text=t).remove_tag(addon) # Update category. if data['category'].id != self.initial['category']: addon_cat = addon.addoncategory_set.all()[0] addon_cat.category = data['category'] # Theme reupload. if not addon.is_pending(): if data['header_hash'] or data['footer_hash']: save_theme_reupload.delay( data['header_hash'], data['footer_hash'], addon) return data class EditThemeOwnerForm(happyforms.Form): owner = UserEmailField() def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.instance = kw.pop('instance') super(EditThemeOwnerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw) addon = self.instance self.fields['owner'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = _( "Enter a new author's email address") try: self.instance_addonuser = addon.addonuser_set.all()[0] self.initial['owner'] = except IndexError: # If there was never an author before, then don't require one now. self.instance_addonuser = None self.fields['owner'].required = False def save(self): data = self.cleaned_data if data.get('owner'): changed = (not self.instance_addonuser or self.instance_addonuser != data['owner']) if changed: # Update Persona-specific data. persona = self.instance.persona = data['owner'].username persona.display_username = data['owner'].name if not self.instance_addonuser: # If there previously never another owner, create one. self.instance.addonuser_set.create(user=data['owner'], role=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_OWNER) elif self.instance_addonuser != data['owner']: # If the owner has changed, update the `AddonUser` object. self.instance_addonuser.user = data['owner'] self.instance_addonuser.role = amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_OWNER self.instance.modified = return data class ContributionForm(happyforms.Form): amount = forms.DecimalField(required=True, min_value=Decimal('0.01'))
#!/usr/bin/env python from functools import wraps # DATABASE INTERACTION FUNCTIONS def get_db(): db = getattr(g, '_database', None) if db is None: db = g._database = connect_db() return db @app.teardown_appcontext def close_connection(exception): db = getattr(g, '_database', None) if db is not None: db.close() def query_db(query, args=(), one=False): cur = get_db().execute(query, args) rv = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv def connect_db(): """Connects to the specific database.""" rv = sqlite3.connect(app.config['DATABASE']) rv.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return rv # Wrapper func to return different last page of standings def is_last_round(func): def decorator(f): @wraps(func) def decorated_function(*args, *kwargs): # get the max round value and check if round_num is last round if round_num == final_round: return render_template('final_results.html') else: return render_template('standings.html', round_num=round_num) return decorated_function return decorator
""" DIRAC DirectoryTree base class """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import six import time import threading import os import stat from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogComponents.Utilities import getIDSelectString DEBUG = 0 ############################################################################# class DirectoryTreeBase(object): def __init__(self, database=None): self.db = database self.lock = threading.Lock() self.treeTable = "" ############################################################################ # # THE FOLLOWING METHODS NEED TO ME IMPLEMENTED IN THE DERIVED CLASS # ############################################################################ def findDir(self, path, connection=False): """Find directory ID for the given path""" return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def findDirs(self, paths, connection=False): """Find DirIDs for the given path list""" return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def makeDir(self, path): return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def removeDir(self, path): return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def getChildren(self, path, connection=False): return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def getDirectoryPath(self, dirID): """Get directory name by directory ID""" return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def countSubdirectories(self, dirId, includeParent=True): return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") def getSubdirectoriesByID(self, dirID, requestString=False, includeParent=False): """Get all the subdirectories of the given directory at a given level""" return S_ERROR("To be implemented on derived class") ########################################################################## def _getConnection(self, connection): if connection: return connection res = self.db._getConnection() if res["OK"]: return res["Value"] gLogger.warn("Failed to get MySQL connection", res["Message"]) return connection def getTreeTable(self): """Get the string of the Directory Tree type""" return self.treeTable def setDatabase(self, database): self.db = database def makeDirectory(self, path, credDict, status=0): """Create a new directory. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory """ if path[0] != "/": return S_ERROR("Not an absolute path") # Strip off the trailing slash if necessary if len(path) > 1 and path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] if path == "/": # Create the root directory l_uid = 0 l_gid = 0 else: result = self.db.ugManager.getUserAndGroupID(credDict) if not result["OK"]: return result (l_uid, l_gid) = result["Value"] dirDict = {} result = self.makeDir(path) if not result["OK"]: return result dirID = result["Value"] if result["NewDirectory"]: req = "INSERT INTO FC_DirectoryInfo (DirID,UID,GID,CreationDate,ModificationDate,Mode,Status) Values " req = req + "(%d,%d,%d,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(),%d,%d)" % ( dirID, l_uid, l_gid, self.db.umask, status, ) result = self.db._update(req) if result["OK"]: resGet = self.getDirectoryParameters(dirID) if resGet["OK"]: dirDict = resGet["Value"] else: return S_OK(dirID) if not dirDict: self.removeDir(path) return S_ERROR("Failed to create directory %s" % path) return S_OK(dirID) ##################################################################### def makeDirectories(self, path, credDict): """Make all the directories recursively in the path. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory """ if not path or path[0] != "/": return S_ERROR("Not an absolute path") result = self.existsDir(path) if not result["OK"]: return result result = result["Value"] if result["Exists"]: return S_OK(result["DirID"]) if path == "/": result = self.makeDirectory(path, credDict) return result parentDir = os.path.dirname(path) result = self.existsDir(parentDir) if not result["OK"]: return result result = result["Value"] if result["Exists"]: result = self.makeDirectory(path, credDict) else: result = self.makeDirectories(parentDir, credDict) if not result["OK"]: return result result = self.makeDirectory(path, credDict) return result ##################################################################### def exists(self, lfns): successful = {} failed = {} for lfn in lfns: res = self.findDir(lfn) if not res["OK"]: failed[lfn] = res["Message"] if not res["Value"]: successful[lfn] = False else: successful[lfn] = lfn return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def existsDir(self, path): """Check the existence of the directory path""" result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: return result if result["Value"]: result = S_OK(int(result["Value"])) result["Exists"] = True result["DirID"] = result["Value"] else: result = S_OK(0) result["Exists"] = False return result ##################################################################### def isDirectory(self, paths): """Checking for existence of directories""" successful = {} failed = {} for dir in paths: result = self.existsDir(dir) if not result["OK"]: failed[dir] = result["Message"] elif result["Value"]["Exists"]: successful[dir] = True else: successful[dir] = False return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) ##################################################################### def createDirectory(self, dirs, credDict): """Checking for existence of directories""" successful = {} failed = {} for dir in dirs: result = self.makeDirectories(dir, credDict) if not result["OK"]: failed[dir] = result["Message"] else: successful[dir] = True return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) ##################################################################### def isEmpty(self, path): """Find out if the given directory is empty""" # Check if there are subdirectories result = self.getChildren(path) if not result["OK"]: return result childIDs = result["Value"] if childIDs: return S_OK(False) # Check if there are files result = self.__getDirID(path) if not result["OK"]: return result dirID = result["Value"] result = self.db.fileManager.getFilesInDirectory(dirID) if not result["OK"]: return result files = result["Value"] if files: return S_OK(False) return S_OK(True) ##################################################################### def removeDirectory(self, dirs, force=False): """Remove an empty directory from the catalog""" successful = {} failed = {} # Check if requested directories exist in the catalog result = self.findDirs(dirs) if not result["OK"]: return result dirDict = result["Value"] for d in dirs: if d not in dirDict: successful[d] = "Directory does not exist" for dir in dirDict: result = self.isEmpty(dir) if not result["OK"]: return result if not result["Value"]: failed[dir] = "Failed to remove non-empty directory" continue result = self.removeDir(dir) if not result["OK"]: failed[dir] = result["Message"] else: successful[dir] = result return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) ##################################################################### def __getDirID(self, path): """Get directory ID from the given path or already evaluated ID""" if isinstance(path, six.string_types): result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: return result dirID = result["Value"] if not dirID: return S_ERROR("%s: not found" % str(path)) return S_OK(dirID) else: return S_OK(path) ##################################################################### def getDirectoryParameters(self, path): """Get the given directory parameters""" result = self.__getDirID(path) if not result["OK"]: return result dirID = result["Value"] query = "SELECT DirID,UID,GID,Status,Mode,CreationDate,ModificationDate from FC_DirectoryInfo" query = query + " WHERE DirID=%d" % dirID resQuery = self.db._query(query) if not resQuery["OK"]: return resQuery if not resQuery["Value"]: return S_ERROR("Directory not found") dirDict = {} dirDict["DirID"] = int(resQuery["Value"][0][0]) uid = int(resQuery["Value"][0][1]) dirDict["UID"] = uid owner = "unknown" result = self.db.ugManager.getUserName(uid) if result["OK"]: owner = result["Value"] dirDict["Owner"] = owner gid = int(resQuery["Value"][0][2]) dirDict["GID"] = int(resQuery["Value"][0][2]) group = "unknown" result = self.db.ugManager.getGroupName(gid) if result["OK"]: group = result["Value"] dirDict["OwnerGroup"] = group dirDict["Status"] = int(resQuery["Value"][0][3]) dirDict["Mode"] = int(resQuery["Value"][0][4]) dirDict["CreationDate"] = resQuery["Value"][0][5] dirDict["ModificationDate"] = resQuery["Value"][0][6] return S_OK(dirDict) ##################################################################### def _setDirectoryParameter(self, path, pname, pvalue): """Set a numerical directory parameter :param mixed path: Directory path or paths as a string or directory ID as int, list/tuple of ints or a string to select directory IDs :param str pname: parameter name :param int pvalue: parameter value """ result = getIDSelectString(path) if not result["OK"] and isinstance(path, six.string_types): result = self.__getDirID(path) if not result["OK"]: return result dirID = result["Value"] result = getIDSelectString(dirID) if not result["OK"]: return result dirIDString = result["Value"] req = "UPDATE FC_DirectoryInfo SET %s=%d, " "ModificationDate=UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE DirID IN ( %s )" % ( pname, pvalue, dirIDString, ) result = self.db._update(req) return result ##################################################################### def _setDirectoryGroup(self, path, gname): """Set the directory group :param mixed path: directory path as a string or int or list of ints or select statement :param mixt group: new group as a string or int gid """ result = self.db.ugManager.findGroup(gname) if not result["OK"]: return result gid = result["Value"] return self._setDirectoryParameter(path, "GID", gid) ##################################################################### def _setDirectoryOwner(self, path, owner): """Set the directory owner :param mixed path: directory path as a string or int or list of ints or select statement :param mixt owner: new user as a string or int uid """ result = self.db.ugManager.findUser(owner) if not result["OK"]: return result uid = result["Value"] return self._setDirectoryParameter(path, "UID", uid) ##################################################################### def changeDirectoryOwner(self, paths, recursive=False): """Bulk setting of the directory owner :param dictionary paths: dictionary < lfn : owner > """ return self._changeDirectoryParameter( paths, self._setDirectoryOwner, self.db.fileManager.setFileOwner, recursive=recursive ) ##################################################################### def changeDirectoryGroup(self, paths, recursive=False): """Bulk setting of the directory group :param dictionary paths: dictionary < lfn : group > """ return self._changeDirectoryParameter( paths, self._setDirectoryGroup, self.db.fileManager.setFileGroup, recursive=recursive ) ##################################################################### def _setDirectoryMode(self, path, mode): """set the directory mode :param mixed path: directory path as a string or int or list of ints or select statement :param int mode: new mode """ return self._setDirectoryParameter(path, "Mode", mode) ##################################################################### def changeDirectoryMode(self, paths, recursive=False): """Bulk setting of the directory mode :param dictionary paths: dictionary < lfn : mode > """ return self._changeDirectoryParameter( paths, self._setDirectoryMode, self.db.fileManager.setFileMode, recursive=recursive ) ##################################################################### def _changeDirectoryParameter(self, paths, directoryFunction, fileFunction, recursive=False): """Bulk setting of the directory parameter with recursion for all the subdirectories and files :param dictionary paths: dictionary < lfn : value >, where value is the value of parameter to be set :param function directoryFunction: function to change directory(ies) parameter :param function fileFunction: function to change file(s) parameter :param bool recursive: flag to apply the operation recursively """ arguments = paths successful = {} failed = {} for path, attribute in arguments.items(): result = directoryFunction(path, attribute) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue if recursive: result = self.__getDirID(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue dirID = result["Value"] result = self.getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=True, includeParent=True) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue subDirQuery = result["Value"] result = self.db.fileManager.getFileIDsInDirectory(subDirQuery, requestString=True) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue fileQuery = result["Value"] result = directoryFunction(subDirQuery, attribute) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue result = fileFunction(fileQuery, attribute) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] else: successful[path] = True else: successful[path] = True return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) ##################################################################### def setDirectoryStatus(self, path, status): """set the directory status""" return self._setDirectoryParameter(path, "Status", status) def getPathPermissions(self, lfns, credDict): """Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given lfns""" successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: result = self.getDirectoryPermissions(path, credDict) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] else: successful[path] = result["Value"] return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) ##################################################################### def getDirectoryPermissions(self, path, credDict): """Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given directory""" result = self.db.ugManager.getUserAndGroupID(credDict) if not result["OK"]: return result uid, gid = result["Value"] result = self.getDirectoryParameters(path) if not result["OK"]: if "not found" in result["Message"] or "not exist" in result["Message"]: # If the directory does not exist, check the nearest parent for the permissions if path == "/": # Nothing yet exists, starting from the scratch resultDict = {} resultDict["Write"] = True resultDict["Read"] = True resultDict["Execute"] = True return S_OK(resultDict) else: pDir = os.path.dirname(path) if not pDir: return S_ERROR("Illegal Path") if pDir == path: # If pDir == path, then we're stuck in a loop # There is probably a "//" in the path return S_ERROR("Bad Path (double /?)") result = self.getDirectoryPermissions(pDir, credDict) return result else: return result dUid = result["Value"]["UID"] dGid = result["Value"]["GID"] mode = result["Value"]["Mode"] owner = uid == dUid group = gid == dGid resultDict = {} if self.db.globalReadAccess: resultDict["Read"] = True else: resultDict["Read"] = ( (owner and mode & stat.S_IRUSR > 0) or (group and mode & stat.S_IRGRP > 0) or mode & stat.S_IROTH > 0 ) resultDict["Write"] = ( (owner and mode & stat.S_IWUSR > 0) or (group and mode & stat.S_IWGRP > 0) or mode & stat.S_IWOTH > 0 ) resultDict["Execute"] = ( (owner and mode & stat.S_IXUSR > 0) or (group and mode & stat.S_IXGRP > 0) or mode & stat.S_IXOTH > 0 ) return S_OK(resultDict) def getFileIDsInDirectoryWithLimits(self, dirID, credDict, startItem=1, maxItems=25): """Get file IDs for the given directory""" dirs = dirID if not isinstance(dirID, list): dirs = [dirID] if not dirs: dirs = [-1] dirListString = ",".join([str(dir) for dir in dirs]) req = "SELECT COUNT( DirID ) FROM FC_Files USE INDEX (DirID) WHERE DirID IN ( %s )" % dirListString result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result totalRecords = result["Value"][0][0] if not totalRecords: result = S_OK([]) result["TotalRecords"] = totalRecords return result req = "SELECT FileID FROM FC_Files WHERE DirID IN ( %s ) LIMIT %s, %s " % (dirListString, startItem, maxItems) result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result result = S_OK([fileId[0] for fileId in result["Value"]]) result["TotalRecords"] = totalRecords return result def getFileLFNsInDirectory(self, dirID, credDict): """Get file lfns for the given directory or directory list""" dirs = dirID if not isinstance(dirID, list): dirs = [dirID] dirListString = ",".join([str(dir) for dir in dirs]) treeTable = self.getTreeTable() req = "SELECT CONCAT(D.DirName,'/',F.FileName) FROM FC_Files as F, %s as D WHERE D.DirID IN ( %s ) and D.DirID=F.DirID" req = req % (treeTable, dirListString) result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result lfnList = [x[0] for x in result["Value"]] return S_OK(lfnList) def getFileLFNsInDirectoryByDirectory(self, dirIDList, credDict): """Get file LFNs and IDs for the given directory or directory list :param list dirIDList: List of directory IDs :param dict credDict: dictionary of user credentials :return: S_OK/S_ERROR with Value dictionary {"DirLFNDict": dirLfnDict, "IDLFNDict": idLfnDict} where dirLfnDict has the structure <directory_name>:<list of contained file names>, idLfnDict has structure <fileID>:<LFN> """ dirs = dirIDList if not isinstance(dirIDList, list): dirs = [dirIDList] dirListString = ",".join([str(dir_) for dir_ in dirs]) treeTable = self.getTreeTable() req = "SELECT D.DirName,F.FileName,F.FileID FROM FC_Files as F, %s as D WHERE D.DirID IN ( %s ) and D.DirID=F.DirID" req = req % (treeTable, dirListString) result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result dirLfnDict = {} idLfnDict = {} for dir_, fname, fileID in result["Value"]: dirLfnDict.setdefault(dir_, []).append(fname) idLfnDict[fileID] = dir_ + "/" + fname return S_OK({"DirLFNDict": dirLfnDict, "IDLFNDict": idLfnDict}) def _getDirectoryContents(self, path, details=False): """Get contents of a given directory""" result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: return result directoryID = result["Value"] directories = {} files = {} links = {} result = self.getChildren(path) if not result["OK"]: return result # Get subdirectories dirIDList = result["Value"] for dirID in dirIDList: result = self.getDirectoryPath(dirID) if not result["OK"]: return result dirName = result["Value"] if details: result = self.getDirectoryParameters(dirID) if not result["OK"]: directories[dirName] = False else: directories[dirName] = result["Value"] else: directories[dirName] = True result = self.db.fileManager.getFilesInDirectory(directoryID, verbose=details) if not result["OK"]: return result files = result["Value"] result = self.db.datasetManager.getDatasetsInDirectory(directoryID, verbose=details) if not result["OK"]: return result datasets = result["Value"] pathDict = {"Files": files, "SubDirs": directories, "Links": links, "Datasets": datasets} return S_OK(pathDict) def listDirectory(self, lfns, verbose=False): """Get the directory listing""" successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: result = self._getDirectoryContents(path, details=verbose) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] else: successful[path] = result["Value"] return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def getDirectoryReplicas(self, lfns, allStatus=False): """Get replicas for files in the given directories""" successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue directoryID = result["Value"] result = self.db.fileManager.getDirectoryReplicas(directoryID, path, allStatus) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue fileDict = result["Value"] successful[path] = {} for fileName in fileDict: successful[path][fileName] = fileDict[fileName] return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def getDirectorySize(self, lfns, longOutput=False, rawFileTables=False, recursiveSum=True): """ Get the total size of the requested directories. If longOutput flag is True, get also physical size per Storage Element :param bool longOutput: if True, also fetches the physical size per SE :param bool rawFileTables: if True, uses the File table instead of the pre-computed values :param bool recursiveSum: if True (default), takes into account subdirectories """ start = time.time() result = self.db._getConnection() if not result["OK"]: return result connection = result["Value"] if rawFileTables: resultLogical = self._getDirectoryLogicalSize(lfns, recursiveSum=recursiveSum, connection=connection) else: resultLogical = self._getDirectoryLogicalSizeFromUsage( lfns, recursiveSum=recursiveSum, connection=connection ) if not resultLogical["OK"]: connection.close() return resultLogical resultDict = resultLogical["Value"] if not resultDict["Successful"]: connection.close() return resultLogical if longOutput: # Continue with only successful directories if rawFileTables: resultPhysical = self._getDirectoryPhysicalSize( resultDict["Successful"], recursiveSum=recursiveSum, connection=connection ) else: resultPhysical = self._getDirectoryPhysicalSizeFromUsage( resultDict["Successful"], recursiveSum=recursiveSum, connection=connection ) if not resultPhysical["OK"]: resultDict["QueryTime"] = time.time() - start result = S_OK(resultDict) result["Message"] = "Failed to get the physical size on storage" connection.close() return result for lfn in resultPhysical["Value"]["Successful"]: resultDict["Successful"][lfn]["PhysicalSize"] = resultPhysical["Value"]["Successful"][lfn] connection.close() resultDict["QueryTime"] = time.time() - start return S_OK(resultDict) def _getDirectoryLogicalSizeFromUsage(self, lfns, recursiveSum=True, connection=None): """Get the total "logical" size of the requested directories :param recursiveSum: If false, don't take subdir into account """ if not recursiveSum: return S_ERROR("Not implemented") successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue if not result["Value"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue dirID = result["Value"] req = "SELECT SESize, SEFiles FROM FC_DirectoryUsage WHERE SEID=0 AND DirID=%d" % dirID result = self.db._query(req, connection) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] elif not result["Value"]: successful[path] = {"LogicalSize": 0, "LogicalFiles": 0, "LogicalDirectories": 0} elif result["Value"][0][0]: successful[path] = { "LogicalSize": int(result["Value"][0][0]), "LogicalFiles": int(result["Value"][0][1]), } result = self.countSubdirectories(dirID, includeParent=False) if result["OK"]: successful[path]["LogicalDirectories"] = result["Value"] else: successful[path]["LogicalDirectories"] = -1 else: successful[path] = {"LogicalSize": 0, "LogicalFiles": 0, "LogicalDirectories": 0} return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def _getDirectoryLogicalSize(self, lfns, recursiveSum=True, connection=None): """Get the total "logical" size of the requested directories :param bool recursiveSum: If false, don't take subdir into account """ if not recursiveSum: return S_ERROR("Not implemented") successful = {} failed = {} treeTable = self.getTreeTable() for path in lfns: if path == "/": req = "SELECT SUM(Size),COUNT(*) FROM FC_Files" reqDir = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s" % treeTable else: result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue if not result["Value"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue dirID = result["Value"] result = self.getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=True, includeParent=True) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue else: dirString = result["Value"] req = ( "SELECT SUM(F.Size),COUNT(*) FROM FC_Files as F JOIN (%s) as T WHERE F.DirID=T.DirID" % dirString ) reqDir = dirString.replace("SELECT DirID FROM", "SELECT count(*) FROM") result = self.db._query(req, connection) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] elif not result["Value"]: successful[path] = {"LogicalSize": 0, "LogicalFiles": 0, "LogicalDirectories": 0} elif result["Value"][0][0]: successful[path] = { "LogicalSize": int(result["Value"][0][0]), "LogicalFiles": int(result["Value"][0][1]), } result = self.db._query(reqDir, connection) if result["OK"] and result["Value"]: successful[path]["LogicalDirectories"] = result["Value"][0][0] - 1 else: successful[path]["LogicalDirectories"] = -1 else: successful[path] = {"LogicalSize": 0, "LogicalFiles": 0, "LogicalDirectories": 0} return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def _getDirectoryPhysicalSizeFromUsage(self, lfns, recursiveSum=True, connection=None): """Get the total size of the requested directories :param recursiveSum: If false, don't take subdir into account """ if not recursiveSum: return S_ERROR("Not implemented") successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue if not result["Value"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue dirID = result["Value"] req = "SELECT S.SEID, S.SEName, D.SESize, D.SEFiles FROM FC_DirectoryUsage as D, FC_StorageElements as S" req += " WHERE S.SEID=D.SEID AND D.DirID=%d" % dirID result = self.db._query(req, connection) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] elif not result["Value"]: successful[path] = {} elif result["Value"][0][0]: seDict = {} totalSize = 0 totalFiles = 0 for seID, seName, seSize, seFiles in result["Value"]: if seSize or seFiles: seDict[seName] = {"Size": seSize, "Files": seFiles} totalSize += seSize totalFiles += seFiles else: req = "DELETE FROM FC_DirectoryUsage WHERE SEID=%d AND DirID=%d" % (seID, dirID) result = self.db._update(req) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Failed to delete entry from FC_DirectoryUsage", result["Message"]) seDict["TotalSize"] = int(totalSize) seDict["TotalFiles"] = int(totalFiles) successful[path] = seDict else: successful[path] = {} return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def _getDirectoryPhysicalSizeFromUsage_old(self, lfns, connection): """Get the total size of the requested directories""" successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: if path == "/": req = "SELECT S.SEName, D.SESize, D.SEFiles FROM FC_DirectoryUsage as D, FC_StorageElements as S" req += " WHERE S.SEID=D.SEID" else: result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue if not result["Value"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue dirID = result["Value"] result = self.getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=True, includeParent=True) if not result["OK"]: return result subDirString = result["Value"] req = "SELECT S.SEName, D.SESize, D.SEFiles FROM FC_DirectoryUsage as D, FC_StorageElements as S" req += " JOIN (%s) AS F" % subDirString req += " WHERE S.SEID=D.SEID AND D.DirID=F.DirID" result = self.db._query(req, connection) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] elif not result["Value"]: successful[path] = {} elif result["Value"][0][0]: seDict = {} totalSize = 0 totalFiles = 0 for seName, seSize, seFiles in result["Value"]: sfDict = seDict.get(seName, {"Size": 0, "Files": 0}) sfDict["Size"] += seSize sfDict["Files"] += seFiles seDict[seName] = sfDict totalSize += seSize totalFiles += seFiles seDict["TotalSize"] = int(totalSize) seDict["TotalFiles"] = int(totalFiles) successful[path] = seDict else: successful[path] = {} return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def _getDirectoryPhysicalSize(self, lfns, recursiveSum=True, connection=None): """Get the total size of the requested directories :param recursiveSum: If false, don't take subdir into account """ if not recursiveSum: return S_ERROR("Not implemented") successful = {} failed = {} for path in lfns: if path == "/": req = "SELECT SUM(F.Size),COUNT(F.Size),S.SEName from FC_Files as F, FC_Replicas as R, FC_StorageElements as S " req += "WHERE R.SEID=S.SEID AND F.FileID=R.FileID " req += "GROUP BY S.SEID" else: result = self.findDir(path) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue if not result["Value"]: failed[path] = "Directory not found" continue dirID = result["Value"] result = self.getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=True, includeParent=True) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] continue else: dirString = result["Value"] req = ( "SELECT SUM(F.Size),COUNT(F.Size),S.SEName from FC_Files as F, FC_Replicas as R, FC_StorageElements as S JOIN (%s) as T " % dirString ) req += "WHERE R.SEID=S.SEID AND F.FileID=R.FileID AND F.DirID=T.DirID " req += "GROUP BY S.SEID" result = self.db._query(req, connection) if not result["OK"]: failed[path] = result["Message"] elif not result["Value"]: successful[path] = {} elif result["Value"][0][0]: seDict = {} totalSize = 0 totalFiles = 0 for size, files, seName in result["Value"]: seDict[seName] = {"Size": int(size), "Files": int(files)} totalSize += size totalFiles += files seDict["TotalSize"] = int(totalSize) seDict["TotalFiles"] = int(totalFiles) successful[path] = seDict else: successful[path] = {} return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed}) def _rebuildDirectoryUsage(self): """Recreate and replenish the Storage Usage tables""" req = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FC_DirectoryUsage_backup" result = self.db._update(req) req = "RENAME TABLE FC_DirectoryUsage TO FC_DirectoryUsage_backup" result = self.db._update(req) req = "CREATE TABLE `FC_DirectoryUsage` LIKE `FC_DirectoryUsage_backup`" result = self.db._update(req) if not result["OK"]: return result result = self.__rebuildDirectoryUsageLeaves() if not result["OK"]: return result result = self.db.dtree.findDir("/") if not result["OK"]: return result if not result["Value"]: return S_ERROR("Directory / not found") dirID = result["Value"] result = self.__rebuildDirectoryUsage(dirID) gLogger.verbose("Finished rebuilding Directory Usage") return result def __rebuildDirectoryUsageLeaves(self): """Rebuild DirectoryUsage entries for directories having files""" req = "SELECT DISTINCT(DirID) FROM FC_Files" result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result dirIDs = [x[0] for x in result["Value"]] gLogger.verbose("Starting rebuilding Directory Usage, number of visible directories %d" % len(dirIDs)) insertFields = ["DirID", "SEID", "SESize", "SEFiles", "LastUpdate"] insertCount = 0 insertValues = [] count = 0 empty = 0 for dirID in dirIDs: count += 1 # Get the physical size req = "SELECT SUM(F.Size),COUNT(F.Size),R.SEID from FC_Files as F, FC_Replicas as R " req += "WHERE F.FileID=R.FileID AND F.DirID=%d GROUP BY R.SEID" % int(dirID) result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result if not result["Value"]: empty += 1 for seSize, seFiles, seID in result["Value"]: insertValues = [dirID, seID, seSize, seFiles, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()"] result = self.db.insertFields("FC_DirectoryUsage", insertFields, insertValues) if not result["OK"]: if "Duplicate" in result["Message"]: req = "UPDATE FC_DirectoryUsage SET SESize=%d, SEFiles=%d, LastUpdate=UTC_TIMESTAMP()" % ( seSize, seFiles, ) req += " WHERE DirID=%s AND SEID=%s" % (dirID, seID) result = self.db._update(req) if not result["OK"]: return result return result # Get the logical size req = "SELECT SUM(Size),COUNT(Size) from FC_Files WHERE DirID=%d " % int(dirID) result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result if not result["Value"]: return S_ERROR("Empty directory") seSize, seFiles = result["Value"][0] insertValues = [dirID, 0, seSize, seFiles, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()"] result = self.db.insertFields("FC_DirectoryUsage", insertFields, insertValues) if not result["OK"]: if "Duplicate" in result["Message"]: req = "UPDATE FC_DirectoryUsage SET SESize=%d, SEFiles=%d, LastUpdate=UTC_TIMESTAMP()" % ( seSize, seFiles, ) req += " WHERE DirID=%s AND SEID=0" % dirID result = self.db._update(req) if not result["OK"]: return result else: return result gLogger.verbose("Processed %d directories, %d empty " % (count, empty)) return S_OK() def __rebuildDirectoryUsage(self, directoryID): """Rebuild DirectoryUsage entries recursively for the given path""" result = self.getChildren(directoryID) if not result["OK"]: return result dirIDs = result["Value"] resultDict = {} for dirID in dirIDs: result = self.__rebuildDirectoryUsage(dirID) if not result["OK"]: return result dirDict = result["Value"] for seID in dirDict: resultDict.setdefault(seID, {"Size": 0, "Files": 0}) resultDict[seID]["Size"] += dirDict[seID]["Size"] resultDict[seID]["Files"] += dirDict[seID]["Files"] insertFields = ["DirID", "SEID", "SESize", "SEFiles", "LastUpdate"] insertValues = [] for seID in resultDict: size = resultDict[seID]["Size"] files = resultDict[seID]["Files"] req = "UPDATE FC_DirectoryUsage SET SESize=SESize+%d, SEFiles=SEFiles+%d WHERE DirID=%d AND SEID=%d" req = req % (size, files, directoryID, seID) result = self.db._update(req) if not result["OK"]: return result if not result["Value"]: insertValues = [directoryID, seID, size, files, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()"] result = self.db.insertFields("FC_DirectoryUsage", insertFields, insertValues) if not result["OK"]: return result req = "SELECT SEID,SESize,SEFiles from FC_DirectoryUsage WHERE DirID=%d" % directoryID result = self.db._query(req) if not result["OK"]: return result resultDict = {} for seid, size, files in result["Value"]: resultDict[seid] = {"Size": size, "Files": files} return S_OK(resultDict) def getDirectoryCounters(self, connection=False): """Get the total number of directories""" conn = self._getConnection(connection) resultDict = {} req = "SELECT COUNT(*) from FC_DirectoryInfo" res = self.db._query(req, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res resultDict["Directories"] = res["Value"][0][0] treeTable = self.getTreeTable() req = "SELECT COUNT(DirID) FROM %s WHERE Parent NOT IN ( SELECT DirID from %s )" % (treeTable, treeTable) req += " AND DirID <> 1" res = self.db._query(req, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res resultDict["Orphan Directories"] = res["Value"][0][0] req = "SELECT COUNT(DirID) FROM %s WHERE DirID NOT IN ( SELECT Parent from %s )" % (treeTable, treeTable) req += " AND DirID NOT IN ( SELECT DirID from FC_Files ) " res = self.db._query(req, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res resultDict["Empty Directories"] = res["Value"][0][0] req = "SELECT COUNT(DirID) FROM %s WHERE DirID NOT IN ( SELECT DirID FROM FC_DirectoryInfo )" % treeTable res = self.db._query(req, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res resultDict["DirTree w/o DirInfo"] = res["Value"][0][0] req = "SELECT COUNT(DirID) FROM FC_DirectoryInfo WHERE DirID NOT IN ( SELECT DirID FROM %s )" % treeTable res = self.db._query(req, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res resultDict["DirInfo w/o DirTree"] = res["Value"][0][0] return S_OK(resultDict)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import WebKit2 as WebKit from src.Utils import Browser COOKIES_TEXT = 0 COOKIES_SQLITE = 1 class MLBrowser(): def __init__(self): self.window = Gtk.Window() self.view = WebKit.WebView() self._interfaceInit() self.close_condition = lambda title : True self.close_callback = lambda _ : True self.view.connect('load_changed', self.onLoadChanged) def _interfaceInit(self): scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add_with_viewport(self.view) self.window.add(scroll) def saveCookiesTo(self, savepath): context = self.view.get_context() cookie_manager = context.get_cookie_manager() storage = WebKit.CookiePersistentStorage(COOKIES_TEXT) cookie_manager.set_persistent_storage(savepath, storage) def show(self): self.window.show_all() def close(self): self.close_callback(self) self.window.close() def load(self, url): self.view.load_uri(url) def getUserAgent(self): settings = self.view.get_settings() return settings.get_user_agent() def setCloseCondition(self, func): self.close_condition = func def setCloseCallback(self, func): self.close_callback = func def onLoadChanged(self, *args, **kwargs): title = self.view.get_title() if self.close_condition(title): self.close() def start(): browser = MLBrowser() return browser
""" owtf.lib.exceptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Declares the framework exceptions and HTTP errors """ try: from http.client import responses except ImportError: from httplib import responses import tornado.web class FrameworkException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.parameter = value def __repr__(self): return self.parameter class APIError(tornado.web.HTTPError): """Equivalent to ``RequestHandler.HTTPError`` except for in name""" def api_assert(condition, *args, **kwargs): """Assertion to fail with if not ``condition`` Asserts that ``condition`` is ``True``, else raises an ``APIError`` with the provided ``args`` and ``kwargs`` :type condition: bool """ if not condition: raise APIError(*args, **kwargs) class FrameworkAbortException(FrameworkException): pass class PluginAbortException(FrameworkException): pass class UnreachableTargetException(FrameworkException): pass class UnresolvableTargetException(FrameworkException): pass class DBIntegrityException(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidTargetReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidSessionReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidTransactionReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidParameterType(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidWorkerReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidErrorReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidWorkReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidConfigurationReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidUrlReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidActionReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidMessageReference(FrameworkException): pass class InvalidMappingReference(FrameworkException): pass class DatabaseNotRunningException(Exception): pass class PluginException(Exception): pass class PluginsDirectoryDoesNotExist(PluginException): """The specified plugin directory does not exist.""" class PluginsAlreadyLoaded(PluginException): """`load_plugins()` called twice."""
import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Group, Paginator import difflib import itertools # Use DefaultHelpCommand? class HelpCommand(commands.HelpCommand): '''Custom Help Command''' def __init__(self, **options): attrs = options.setdefault("command_attrs", {}) attrs.setdefault("help", "Shows this message\n" "Inputs in angle brackets, <>, are required\n" "Inputs in square brackets, [], are optional\n" "If you are not currently able to use a command in the channel where you executed help, " "it will not be displayed in the corresponding help message") super().__init__(**options) # TODO: Mitigate code block cutoff issue def command_not_found(self, string): ctx = self.context output = f"No command called `{string}` found" close_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(string,, n = 1) if close_matches: output += f"\nDid you mean `{close_matches[0]}`?" return output def subcommand_not_found(self, command, string): if isinstance(command, Group) and command.all_commands: return f"`{command.qualified_name}` command has no subcommand named {string}" return f"`{command.qualified_name}` command has no subcommands" def get_max_size(self, commands): # Include subcommands commands = commands.copy() for command in commands.copy(): if isinstance(command, Group): commands.extend(command.commands) return super().get_max_size(commands) async def send_bot_help(self, mapping): ctx = self.context description = " ".join(f"`{category}`" for category in sorted(, key = str.lower)) fields = (("For more info:", f"`{ctx.prefix}{self.invoked_with} [category]`\n" f"`{ctx.prefix}{self.invoked_with} [command]`\n" f"`{ctx.prefix}{self.invoked_with} [command] [subcommand]`"), ("Also see:", f"`{ctx.prefix}about`\n`" f"{ctx.prefix}{self.invoked_with} help`\n" f"`{ctx.prefix}{self.invoked_with} other`"), # TODO: Include stats? ("For all commands:", f"`{ctx.prefix}{self.invoked_with} all`", False)) await ctx.embed_reply(description, title = "Categories", fields = fields) async def send_cog_help(self, cog): ctx = self.context paginator = Paginator(max_size = if cog.description: paginator.add_line(cog.description, empty = True) filtered_commands = await self.filter_commands(cog.get_commands(), sort = True) self.add_commands(self.get_max_size(filtered_commands),, filtered_commands, paginator) if not paginator.pages: return await ctx.embed_reply(title = f"{cog.qualified_name} Commands") # TODO: Response when no description or permitted commands in cog? if len(paginator.pages) == 1: return await ctx.embed_reply(title = f"{cog.qualified_name} Commands", description = paginator.pages[0]) await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(title = f"{cog.qualified_name} Commands", description = paginator.pages[0], color = for page in paginator.pages[1:]: await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(description = page, color = if is not discord.ChannelType.private: await ctx.embed_reply("Check your DMs") async def send_group_help(self, group): subcommands = await self.filter_commands(group.commands, sort = True) if not subcommands: return await self.send_command_help(group) ctx = self.context title = self.get_command_signature(group) if not description = group.description else: description = if " " in description = description += '\n' + group.description if len(description) <= embeds = [discord.Embed(title = title, description = description, color =] else: paginator = Paginator(max_size = paginator.add_line(, empty = True) paginator.close_page() # Necessary? embeds = [discord.Embed(title = title, description = paginator.pages[0], color =] for page in paginator.pages[1:-1]: embeds.append(discord.Embed(description = page, color = if len(paginator.pages[-1] + group.description) + 1 > embeds.append(discord.Embed(description = paginator.pages[-1], color = embeds.append(discord.Embed(description = group.description, color = else: embeds.append(embed = discord.Embed(description = f"{paginator.pages[-1]}\n{group.description}", color = max_width = self.get_max_size(subcommands) paginator = Paginator(max_size = self.add_commands(max_width,, subcommands, paginator) embeds[-1].add_field(name = f"Subcommands for {group}", value = paginator.pages[0], inline = False) for page in paginator.pages[1:]: if len(embeds[-1]) > embeds.append(discord.Embed(color = embeds[-1].add_field(name =, value = page, inline = False) if len(embeds) == 1: await = embeds[0].set_author(name =, icon_url = else: for embed in embeds: await ctx.whisper(embed = embed) if is not discord.ChannelType.private: await ctx.embed_reply("Check your DMs") async def send_command_help(self, command): ctx = self.context title = self.get_command_signature(command) if not return await ctx.embed_reply(title = title, description = command.description) description = if " " in description = description += '\n' + command.description if len(description) <= return await ctx.embed_reply(title = title, description = description) paginator = Paginator(max_size = paginator.add_line(, empty = True) paginator.close_page() # Necessary? await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(title = title, description = paginator.pages[0], color = for page in paginator.pages[1:-1]: await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(description = page, color = if len(paginator.pages[-1] + command.description) + 1 > await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(description = paginator.pages[-1], color = await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(description = command.description, color = else: await ctx.whisper(embed = discord.Embed(description = f"{paginator.pages[-1]}\n{command.description}", color = if is not discord.ChannelType.private: await ctx.embed_reply("Check your DMs") async def send_all_help(self): ctx = self.context def get_category(command): return command.cog_name or f"{}No Category" # Zero width space to position as last category when sorted filtered_commands = await self.filter_commands(, sort = True, key = lambda c: get_category(c).lower()) embed = discord.Embed(title = "My Commands", color = for category, commands in itertools.groupby(filtered_commands, key = get_category): commands = sorted(commands, key = lambda c: paginator = Paginator(max_size = self.add_commands(self.get_max_size(filtered_commands),, commands, paginator) total_category_characters = len(category) + len(paginator.pages) - 1 + len(paginator) if (len(embed) + total_category_characters > or len(embed.fields) + len(paginator.pages) > await ctx.whisper(embed = embed) embed = discord.Embed(color = embed.add_field(name = category, value = paginator.pages[0], inline = False) for page in paginator.pages[1:]: embed.add_field(name =, value = page, inline = False) await ctx.whisper(embed = embed) if is not discord.ChannelType.private: await ctx.embed_reply("Check your DMs") def add_commands(self, max_width, line_limit, commands, paginator): lines = [] # Add 3 for "┣ "/"┗ " for command in commands: if isinstance(command, Group) and command.commands: max_width += 3 break for command in commands: prefix = "┃ " if isinstance(command, Group) and command.commands else " " buffer = 2 if isinstance(command, Group) and command.commands else 0 line = f"{<{max_width}} {command.short_doc}" lines.extend(self.wrap_line(line, max_width, line_limit, prefix, buffer)) # Add subcommands of commands if isinstance(command, Group) and command.commands: subcommands = sorted(command.commands, key = lambda c: for subcommand in subcommands[:-1]: line = f"┣ {<{max_width - 2}} {subcommand.short_doc}" lines.extend(self.wrap_line(line, max_width, line_limit, "┃ ", 1)) line = f"┗ {subcommands[-1].name:<{max_width - 2}} {subcommands[-1].short_doc}" lines.extend(self.wrap_line(line, max_width, line_limit, " ", 0)) for line in lines: paginator.add_line(line) def wrap_line(self, line, max_width, limit, prefix, buffer): ctx = self.context if '┣' in prefix + line or '┗' in prefix + line: limit -= 1 if len(line) <= limit: return [line] cutoff = line[:limit].rfind(' ') lines = [line[:cutoff]] while len(prefix) + max_width + 2 - buffer + len(line[cutoff + 1:]) >= limit: new_cutoff = line[:cutoff + limit - len(prefix) - max_width - 2 + buffer].rfind(' ') lines.append(prefix + ' ' * (max_width + 2 - buffer) + line[cutoff + 1:new_cutoff]) cutoff = new_cutoff lines.append(prefix + ' ' * (max_width + 2 - buffer) + line[cutoff + 1:]) return lines # @commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links = True) async def command_callback(self, ctx, *, command : str = None): await self.prepare_help_command(ctx, command) if command == "all": '''All commands''' return await self.send_all_help() if command == "other": '''Additional commands and information''' # TODO: Update # TODO: Add last updated date? fields = (("Conversion Commands", f"see `{ctx.prefix}conversions`", False), ("In Progress", "gofish redditsearch roleposition rolepositions taboo userlimit webmtogif whatis", False), ("Misc", "invite randomgame test test_on_message", False), ("Owner Only", "allcommands changenickname deletetest cleargame clearstreaming echo eval exec load reload repl restart servers setgame setstreaming shutdown unload updateavatar", False), ("No Prefix", "@Harmonbot :8ball: (exactly: f|F) (anywhere in message: getprefix)", False)) return await ctx.embed_reply(f"See `{ctx.prefix}help` for the main commands", title = f"Commands not in {ctx.prefix}help", fields = fields) if not command: mapping = self.get_bot_mapping() return await self.send_bot_help(mapping) cog = if cog: return await self.send_cog_help(cog) keys = command.split() command =[0]) if not command: # TODO: Use entire input? cog = discord.utils.find(lambda c: c[0].lower() == keys[0].lower(), if cog: cog = cog[1] return await self.send_cog_help(cog) return await ctx.embed_reply(self.command_not_found(self.remove_mentions(keys[0]))) for key in keys[1:]: if not isinstance(command, Group) or key not in command.all_commands: # TODO: Pass aliases used? return await ctx.embed_reply(self.subcommand_not_found(command, self.remove_mentions(key))) command = command.all_commands[key] # TODO: Pass alias used? if isinstance(command, Group): return await self.send_group_help(command) else: return await self.send_command_help(command)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import shutil from import AppCommand from import color_style from import _make_writeable, signalcommand class Command(AppCommand): help = "Creates a Django jobs command directory structure for the given app name in the current directory." requires_system_checks = False # Can't import settings during this command, because they haven't # necessarily been created. can_import_settings = True @signalcommand def handle_app_config(self, app, **options): copy_template('jobs_template', app.path, **options) def copy_template(template_name, copy_to, **options): """copies the specified template directory to the copy_to location""" import django_extensions style = color_style() ERROR = getattr(style, 'ERROR', lambda x: x) SUCCESS = getattr(style, 'SUCCESS', lambda x: x) template_dir = os.path.join(django_extensions.__path__[0], 'conf', template_name) # walks the template structure and copies it for d, subdirs, files in os.walk(template_dir): relative_dir = d[len(template_dir) + 1:] if relative_dir and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(copy_to, relative_dir)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(copy_to, relative_dir)) for i, subdir in enumerate(subdirs): if subdir.startswith('.'): del subdirs[i] for f in files: if f.endswith('.pyc') or f.startswith('.DS_Store'): continue path_old = os.path.join(d, f) path_new = os.path.join(copy_to, relative_dir, f).rstrip(".tmpl") if os.path.exists(path_new): if options.get('verbosity', 1) > 1: print(ERROR("%s already exists" % path_new)) continue if options.get('verbosity', 1) > 1: print(SUCCESS("%s" % path_new)) with open(path_old, 'r') as fp_orig: with open(path_new, 'w') as fp_new: fp_new.write( try: shutil.copymode(path_old, path_new) _make_writeable(path_new) except OSError: sys.stderr.write("Notice: Couldn't set permission bits on %s. You're probably using an uncommon filesystem setup. No problem.\n" % path_new)
import ldap import ldap.modlist import collections import random # Example: # with provision("ldap://localhost", "cn=admin,dc=nodomain", "foobar") as p: # c = p.container(attr={"description":"foo"}) # l = p.leaf(c, attr={"description":"bar"}) def salt(): rng = random.SystemRandom() return rng.randrange(100000000) class LdapObject(object): def __repr__(self): return self.dn def __iter__(self): return yield class Container(LdapObject): def __init__(self, parent, name, objectClass, dnComponent, attr, anAttribute): if name: = name else: = "Container%s" % salt() self.objectClass = objectClass self.dnComponent = dnComponent self.anAttribute = anAttribute self.parent = parent self.rdn = "%s=%s" % (dnComponent, self.dn = "%s,%s" % (self.rdn, parent) if attr: self.attr = attr else: self.attr = {} self.attr["objectClass"] = objectClass self.attr[dnComponent] = self.children = [] def append(self, child): self.children.append(self.children) def __iter__(self): return self.children.__iter__() class Leaf(LdapObject): def __init__(self, parent, name, objectClass, dnComponent, attr, anAttribute): if name: = name else: = "Leaf%s" % salt() self.objectClass = objectClass self.dnComponent = dnComponent self.anAttribute = anAttribute self.parent = parent self.rdn = "%s=%s" % (dnComponent, self.dn = "%s,%s" % (self.rdn, parent) if attr: self.attr = attr else: self.attr = {} self.attr["objectClass"] = objectClass self.attr[dnComponent] = class Provisioning: def __init__(self, uri, bindDN, password): self.ldap = ldap.initialize (uri) self.ldap.simple_bind_s (bindDN, password) self.provisionedDNs = collections.deque() def add(self, obj): ldif = ldap.modlist.addModlist(obj.attr) self.ldap.add_s(obj.dn, ldif) self.provisionedDNs.appendleft(obj) def delete(self, dn): try: results = self.ldap.search_s(str(dn), ldap.SCOPE_BASE) print "DEBUG: Deleting object %s: %s" % (dn, results) self.ldap.delete_s(str(dn)) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: print "WARNING: %s already deleted" % dn def attribute(self, dn, attribute): results = self.ldap.search_s(str(dn), ldap.SCOPE_BASE, attrlist = [attribute]) _, attributes = results[0] try: return attributes[attribute] except KeyError: return [] def exists (self, dn): try: result = self.ldap.search_s(str(dn), ldap.SCOPE_BASE, attrlist = ["objectClass"]) assert result[0][1]["objectClass"] return True except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: return False def container(self, parent = None, name = None, objectClass = "organizationalUnit", dnComponent="ou", anAttribute = "description", attr = None): if not parent: parent = self.root c = Container(parent, name=name, attr=attr, objectClass = objectClass, dnComponent = dnComponent, anAttribute = anAttribute) self.add(c) return c def leaf(self, parent = None, name = None, objectClass = "organizationalRole", dnComponent="cn", anAttribute = "description", attr = None): if not parent: parent = self.root l = Leaf(parent, name=name, attr=attr, objectClass=objectClass, dnComponent=dnComponent, anAttribute=anAttribute) self.add(l) return l def unprovision(self): for obj in self.provisionedDNs: self.delete(obj) @property def root(self): results = self.ldap.search_s ("", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, attrlist = ["namingContexts"]) roots = results[0][1]["namingContexts"] return roots[0] class provision(): def __init__(self, uri, bindDN, password): self.p = Provisioning(uri, bindDN, password) def __enter__(self): return self.p def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.p.unprovision() return False
"""custom command to build file""" #============================================================================= # imports #============================================================================= # core import os from distutils import dir_util from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.errors import * from distutils.spawn import spawn # local __all__ = [ "docdist" ] #============================================================================= # command #============================================================================= class docdist(Command): description = "create zip file containing standalone html docs" user_options = [ ('build-dir=', None, 'Build directory'), ('dist-dir=', 'd', "directory to put the source distribution archive(s) in " "[default: dist]"), ('format=', 'f', "archive format to create (tar, ztar, gztar, zip)"), ('sign', 's', 'sign files using gpg'), ('identity=', 'i', 'GPG identity used to sign files'), ] def initialize_options(self): self.build_dir = None self.dist_dir = None self.format = None self.keep_temp = False self.sign = False self.identity = None def finalize_options(self): if self.identity and not self.sign: raise DistutilsOptionError( "Must use --sign for --identity to have meaning" ) if self.build_dir is None: cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build') self.build_dir = os.path.join(cmd.build_base, 'docdist') if not self.dist_dir: self.dist_dir = "dist" if not self.format: self.format = "zip" def run(self): # call build sphinx to build docs self.run_command("build_sphinx") cmd = self.get_finalized_command("build_sphinx") source_dir = cmd.builder_target_dir # copy to directory with appropriate name dist = self.distribution arc_name = "%s-docs-%s" % (dist.get_name(), dist.get_version()) tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, arc_name) if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): dir_util.remove_tree(tmp_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run) self.copy_tree(source_dir, tmp_dir, preserve_symlinks=True) # make archive from dir arc_base = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, arc_name) self.arc_filename = self.make_archive(arc_base, self.format, self.build_dir) # Sign if requested if self.sign: gpg_args = ["gpg", "--detach-sign", "-a", self.arc_filename] if self.identity: gpg_args[2:2] = ["--local-user", self.identity] spawn(gpg_args, dry_run=self.dry_run) # cleanup if not self.keep_temp: dir_util.remove_tree(tmp_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run) #============================================================================= # eof #=============================================================================
''' development-py (c) University of Manchester 2017 development-py is licensed under the MIT License. To view a copy of this license, visit <>. @author: neilswainston ''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods import sys import cobra from cobra.util.solver import linear_reaction_coefficients from cobra.flux_analysis.single_deletion import single_gene_deletion # from cobra.flux_analysis.double_deletion import double_gene_deletion class Analyser(object): '''Class to analyse a metabolic model.''' def __init__(self, filename): self.__model = def analyse(self, obj='EX_pinocembrin', obj_low_bound_pc=0.8): '''Analyse model.''' solution = self.__model.optimize() print solution print # Fix objective lower bounds: initial_coeffs = linear_reaction_coefficients(self.__model) for coeff in initial_coeffs: coeff.lower_bound = solution.fluxes[] * obj_low_bound_pc self.__model.objective = obj solution = self.__model.optimize() print solution print self.__model.summary() print for initial_coeff in initial_coeffs: print + '\t' + \ str(solution.fluxes[]) print fluxes = solution.fluxes[abs(solution.fluxes) > solution.objective_value / 100].to_frame() fluxes = fluxes.reset_index() fluxes['reaction'] = fluxes['index'].apply(self.__get_react_str) fluxes.sort_values(by='fluxes').to_csv('fluxes.csv', index=False) single_del = single_gene_deletion(self.__model) single_del.to_csv('single.csv') # double_del = double_gene_deletion(self.__model, return_frame=True) # double_del.to_csv('double.csv') def __get_react_str(self, react_id): '''Get reaction string from reaction id.''' reaction = self.__model.reactions.get_by_id(react_id) return reaction.build_reaction_string() def main(args): '''main method.''' analyser = Analyser(args[0]) analyser.analyse() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])
def main() -> None: """This is the entry point of the application! Raises: :class:`KeyboardInterrupt`, :class:`SystemExit` """ pass
#! /usr/bin/env python ############################################################################### # # simulavr - A simulator for the Atmel AVR family of microcontrollers. # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Theodore A. Roth # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### # # $Id:,v 1.1 2004/07/31 00:59:11 rivetwa Exp $ # """Test the ANDI opcode. """ import base_test from registers import Reg, SREG class ANDI_TestFail(base_test.TestFail): pass class base_ANDI(base_test.opcode_test): """Generic test case for testing ANDI opcode. ANDI - Logical AND with Immediate opcode is '0111 KKKK dddd KKKK' where 16 <= d <= 31, 0 <= K <= 255 Only registers PC, Rd and SREG should be changed. """ def setup(self): # Set SREG to have only V set (opcode should clear it) self.setup_regs[Reg.SREG] = 1 << SREG.V # Set the register values self.setup_regs[self.Rd] = self.Vd # Return the raw opcode return 0x7000 | ((self.Rd - 16) << 4) | ((self.Vk & 0xf0) << 4) | (self.Vk & 0xf) def analyze_results(self): self.reg_changed.extend( [self.Rd, Reg.SREG] ) # check that result is correct expect = ((self.Vd & self.Vk) & 0xff) got = self.anal_regs[self.Rd] if expect != got:'ANDI r%02d, 0x%02x: 0x%02x & 0x%02x = (expect=%02x, got=%02x)' % ( self.Rd, self.Vk, self.Vd, self.Vk, expect, got)) expect_sreg = 0 # calculate what we expect sreg to be (I, T, H, V and C should be zero) V = 0 N = ((expect & 0x80) != 0) expect_sreg += N << SREG.N expect_sreg += (N ^ V) << SREG.S expect_sreg += (expect == 0) << SREG.Z got_sreg = self.anal_regs[Reg.SREG] if expect_sreg != got_sreg:'ANDI r%02d, 0x%02x: 0x%02x + 0x%02x -> SREG (expect=%02x, got=%02x)' % ( self.Rd, self.Vk, self.Vd, self.Vk, expect_sreg, got_sreg)) # # Template code for test case. # The fail method will raise a test specific exception. # template = """ class ANDI_r%02d_v%02x_k%02x_TestFail(ANDI_TestFail): pass class test_ANDI_r%02d_v%02x_k%02x(base_ANDI): Rd = %d Vd = 0x%x Vk = 0x%x def fail(self,s): raise ANDI_r%02d_v%02x_k%02x_TestFail, s """ # # Define a list of test values such that we test all the cases of SREG bits being set. # vals = ( ( 0x00, 0x00 ), ( 0xff, 0x00 ), ( 0xfe, 0x01 ), ( 0x0f, 0x00 ), ( 0x0f, 0xf0 ), ( 0x01, 0x02 ), ( 0x80, 0x80 ) ) # # automagically generate the test_ANDI_rNN_vXX_rrNN_kXX class definitions. # code = '' for d in range(16,32): for vd,vk in vals: args = (d,vd,vk)*4 code += template % args exec code
"""Contains the DeviceTypeParser class, for parsing reg-*.bld files.""" import os import fnmatch import logging from bioloid.device_type import DeviceTypes, DeviceType from bioloid.register import get_register_class from bioloid.parse_utils import parse_int DEBUG = True class DeviceTypeParser(object): """Parses a reg-*.bld file to create DeviceTypes.""" def __init__(self, dev_types, log=None): self.dev_types = dev_types self.dev_type_name = None self.model = None self.registers = None self.reg_offset = None self.reg_name = None self.reg_size = None self.reg_access = None self.reg_min = None self.reg_max = None self.line_num = 0 self.filename = None self.error_encountered = False self.log = log or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.reset() def reset(self): """Sets the parser back to its default state.""" self.dev_type_name = None self.model = None self.registers = [] def parse_dev_type_files(self, dirname): """Finds all files in dir which match reg-*.bld and parses the files as device types. """ for filename in os.listdir(dirname): fullname = os.path.join(dirname, filename) if not os.path.isfile(fullname): continue if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, "reg-*.bld"): self.parse_file(fullname) def parse_file(self, filename): """Parses a file and adds parsed device types to the dev_types object passed into the constructor. """ self.filename = filename self.line_num = 0 self.error_encountered = False with open(filename) as bld_file: for line in bld_file: self.line_num += 1 # Strip comments comment_idx = line.find("#") if comment_idx >= 0: line = line[0:comment_idx] words = line.split() if len(words) == 0: # Ignore blank lines continue try: self.parse_line(words) except ValueError as ex: self.log.error("Error: file '%s' line %d: %s", self.filename, self.line_num, str(ex)) self.error_encountered = True return not self.error_encountered def parse_line(self, words): """Parses a single line from the file.""" if DEBUG: self.log.debug("parse_line: %s", ' '.join(words)) cmd = words.pop(0) if self.dev_type_name: if cmd in DeviceTypeParser.dev_type_cmds: DeviceTypeParser.dev_type_cmds[cmd](self, words) return raise ValueError("Unrecognized keyword: %s" % cmd) if cmd == "DeviceType:": self.parse_device_type(words) return raise ValueError("Unexpected keyword outside a device type: %s" % cmd) def parse_device_type(self, words): """Parses the 'DeviceType:' keyword.""" if len(words) != 1: raise ValueError("DeviceType: expecting 1 arguent") self.dev_type_name = words[0] def parse_model(self, words): """Parses the 'Model:' keyword.""" if len(words) != 1: raise ValueError("Model: expecting 1 arguent") self.model = parse_int(words[0], "model") def parse_register(self, words): """Parses the Register: keyword.""" if len(words) < 4: raise ValueError("Expecting offset, name, size, and access") self.reg_offset = parse_int(words.pop(0), "offset") self.reg_name = words.pop(0) self.reg_size = parse_int(words.pop(0), "size") if self.reg_size != 1 and self.reg_size != 2 and self.reg_size != 4: raise ValueError("Register '%s' size must be 1, 2 or 4. Found: %s" % (self.reg_name, self.reg_size)) self.reg_access = words.pop(0) if self.reg_access != "ro" and self.reg_access != "rw": raise ValueError("Register %s: access must be ro or rw. Found: %s" % (self.reg_name, self.reg_access)) self.reg_min = None self.reg_max = None if len(words) == 2 or len(words) == 3: self.reg_min = parse_int(words.pop(0), "min") self.reg_max = parse_int(words.pop(0), "max") elif len(words) > 1: raise ValueError("Register " + self.reg_name + ": Expecting 'type' or 'min max type'. " + "Found %d arguments" % len(words)) reg_type = words[0] if len(words) > 0 else "" reg_class = get_register_class(reg_type) if reg_class is None: raise ValueError("Register %s: Unknown register type: '%s'" % (self.reg_name, reg_type)) reg = reg_class(self.reg_offset, self.reg_name, self.reg_size, self.reg_access, self.reg_min, self.reg_max) self.registers.append(reg) def parse_end_device_type(self, words): """Parses the 'EndDeviceType' keyword.""" if len(words) != 0: raise ValueError("EndDeviceType: not expecting any arguents") if self.error_encountered: raise ValueError("Not adding device type due to errors.") dev_type = DeviceType(self.dev_type_name, self.model, self.registers) self.dev_types.add(dev_type) self.reset() dev_type_cmds = { "Model:": parse_model, "Register:": parse_register, "EndDeviceType": parse_end_device_type } def test_main(): """Test function.""" from bioloid.log_setup import log_setup log_setup(cfg_path='../logging.cfg') log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) dev_types = DeviceTypes() parser = DeviceTypeParser(dev_types) parser.parse_file('../reg-servo.bld') dev_type = dev_types.get('servo') dev_type.dump_regs() if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()
"""Tango Sphinx extension to automatically generate documentation from a HLAPI Tango Device class.""" # Imports from importlib import import_module from sphinx.util import force_decode from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.ext.autodoc import ClassDocumenter, AttributeDocumenter from sphinx.ext.autodoc import ClassLevelDocumenter from collections import defaultdict # Mock class BaseMock(object): """Mocking base class.""" def __init__(self, func=None, **kwargs): """Save kwargs and function documentation.""" self.kwargs = kwargs self.func_doc = func.__doc__ if func else None def __call__(self, func): """Decorator support.""" self.func_doc = func.__doc__ return self def setter(self, func): """Decorator support.""" return self def deleter(self, func): """Decorator support.""" return self def __repr__(self): """Generate a readable representation.""" args = [] # Add type name = type(self).__name__.replace('_', ' ') base = "{}:\n".format(name.capitalize()) # Add kwargs for key, value in sorted(self.kwargs.items()): if key in ["doc", "fget", "fset", "fisallowed"]: continue if value == "": value = "None" try: value = value.__name__ except AttributeError: pass args.append(" - {0} : {1}".format(key, value)) if not args: return base[:-2] + '.' return base + '\n'.join(args) def get_doc(self, encoding=None): """Get the documentation from the object.""" doc = self.func_doc or self.kwargs.get('doc') or '' return force_decode(doc, encoding) # Tango mock class class_property(BaseMock): """Mock for class property.""" pass class device_property(BaseMock): """Mock for device property.""" class attribute(BaseMock): """Mock for TANGO attribute.""" def write(self, method): pass class command(BaseMock): """Mock for TANGO command.""" __tango_command__ = True __name__ = "tango_command" class DeviceMeta(type): """Mock for device metaclass.""" pass class Device(object): """Mock for device class.""" __metaclass__ = DeviceMeta def run_server(self, cls): pass # Monkey patching def pytango_patch(): from PyTango import server server.attribute = attribute server.command = command server.device_property = device_property server.class_property = class_property server.Device = Device server.DeviceMeta = DeviceMeta # Reload object def reload_object(obj): """Reload an object if possible""" if not isinstance(obj, type): return obj try: module = reload(import_module(obj.__module__)) return getattr(module, obj.__name__) except: return obj # Tango device documenter class TangoDeviceDocumenter(ClassDocumenter): """ Documenter for tango device classes.""" objtype = 'tangodevice' directivetype = 'class' section = "{0} Device Documentation" valid_types = (attribute, class_property, device_property, command) priority = ClassDocumenter.priority priority += 1 def import_object(self): reload(import_module(self.modname)) return ClassDocumenter.import_object(self) @classmethod def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent): member = reload_object(member) return isinstance(member, DeviceMeta) def generate(self, more_content=None, real_modname=None, check_module=False, all_members=False): """Patch to add a header.""" # Get object if not self.parse_name() or not self.import_object(): return # Add header if all_members: self.indent, temp = '', self.indent section = self.section.format(self.object.__name__) self.add_line(section, '<autodoc>') self.add_line("*" * len(section), '<autodoc>') self.indent = temp # Generate documentation ClassDocumenter.generate(self, more_content, real_modname, check_module, all_members) def filter_members(self, members, want_all): """Filter to keep only objects of valid types.""" filt = lambda arg: isinstance(arg[1], self.valid_types) filtered_members = filter(filt, members) return [(name, member, True) for name, member in filtered_members] def document_members(self, all_members=False): """Prepare environment for automatic device documentation""" if all_members: self.options.member_order = 'groupwise' self.env.config.autodevice = True TangoItemDocumenter.reset() ClassDocumenter.document_members(self, all_members) # Tango item documenter class TangoItemDocumenter(ClassLevelDocumenter): """Base class for documenting tango objects (device properties, attirbutes and commands). """ objtype = 'tangoitem' directivetype = 'attribute' member_order = -1 types = [class_property, device_property, attribute, command] priority = AttributeDocumenter.priority + 1 started = defaultdict(bool) @classmethod def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent): return any(isinstance(member, mocktype) for mocktype in cls.types) @classmethod def reset(cls): cls.started.clear() def import_object(self): """Load an object.""" # Get the object if not ClassLevelDocumenter.import_object(self): return False # Reload modules self.parent = reload_object(self.parent) reload(import_module(self.modname)) # Get the new object return ClassLevelDocumenter.import_object(self) def generate(self, more_content=None, real_modname=None, check_module=False, all_members=False): """Patch to add a header.""" # Get object if not self.parse_name() or not self.import_object(): return # Check if header needed tangotype = type(self.object) autodevice = getattr(self.env.config, 'autodevice', False) if autodevice and not self.started[tangotype]: # Tag as started self.started[tangotype] = True self.indent, temp = '', self.indent # Add header self.add_line(self.section, '<autodoc>') self.add_line("-" * len(self.section), '<autodoc>') self.indent = temp # Generate documentation ClassLevelDocumenter.generate(self, more_content, real_modname, check_module, all_members) def get_doc(self, encoding=None, ignore=1): """Patch to get the docs from the mock object.""" NL = '\n' MU = ' |' obj_repr = repr(self.object).replace(NL, NL+MU) + NL obj_doc = self.object.get_doc(encoding) + NL return [obj_repr.split(NL), obj_doc.split(NL)] def add_content(self, more_content, no_docstring=False): """Patch to add the documentation from the mock object before any other documentation.""" encoding = self.analyzer and self.analyzer.encoding docstrings = self.get_doc(encoding) for i, line in enumerate(self.process_doc(docstrings)): self.add_line(line, '<autodoc>', i) ClassLevelDocumenter.add_content(self, more_content, True) # Tango class property documenter class TangoClassPropertyDocumenter(TangoItemDocumenter): priority = TangoItemDocumenter.priority + 1 objtype = 'tangoclassproperty' section = "Class properties" types = [class_property] member_order = 60 # Tango property documenter class TangoPropertyDocumenter(TangoItemDocumenter): priority = TangoItemDocumenter.priority + 1 objtype = 'tangoproperty' section = "Device properties" types = [device_property] member_order = 70 # Tango attribute documenter class TangoAttributeDocumenter(TangoItemDocumenter): priority = TangoItemDocumenter.priority + 1 objtype = 'tangoattribute' section = "Attributes" types = [attribute] member_order = 80 # Tango command documenter class TangoCommandDocumenter(TangoItemDocumenter): priority = TangoItemDocumenter.priority + 1 objtype = 'tangocommand' section = "Commands" types = [command] member_order = 90 # Setup the sphinx extension def setup(app): """Sphinx extension setup function.""" if not isinstance(app, Sphinx): return pytango_patch() app.add_autodocumenter(TangoDeviceDocumenter) app.add_autodocumenter(TangoAttributeDocumenter) app.add_autodocumenter(TangoPropertyDocumenter) app.add_autodocumenter(TangoClassPropertyDocumenter) app.add_autodocumenter(TangoCommandDocumenter) app.add_autodocumenter(TangoItemDocumenter)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2008,2010,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from __future__ import division import numpy from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, wavelet, analog, blocks import copy #import pygsl.wavelet as wavelet # FIXME: pygsl not checked for in config import math def sqr(x): return x*x def np2(k): m = 0 n = k - 1 while n > 0: m += 1 return m class test_classify(gr_unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tb = gr.top_block() def tearDown(self): self.tb = None # def test_000_(self): # src_data = numpy.zeros(10) # trg_data = numpy.zeros(10) # src = blocks.vector_source_f(src_data) # dst = blocks.vector_sink_f() # self.tb.connect(src, dst) # # rsl_data = # sum = 0 # for (u,v) in zip(trg_data, rsl_data): # w = u - v # sum += w * w # sum /= float(len(trg_data)) # assert sum < 1e-6 def test_001_(self): src_data = numpy.array([-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]) trg_data = src_data * 0.5 src = blocks.vector_source_f(src_data) dst = blocks.vector_sink_f() rail = analog.rail_ff(-0.5, 0.5) self.tb.connect(src, rail) self.tb.connect(rail, dst) rsl_data = sum = 0 for (u, v) in zip(trg_data, rsl_data): w = u - v sum += w * w sum /= float(len(trg_data)) assert sum < 1e-6 def test_002_(self): src_data = numpy.array([-1.0, -1.0 / 2.0, -1.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 4.0, -1.0 / 5.0]) trg_data = copy.deepcopy(src_data) src = blocks.vector_source_f(src_data, False, len(src_data)) st = blocks.stretch_ff(-1.0 / 5.0, len(src_data)) dst = blocks.vector_sink_f(len(src_data)) self.tb.connect(src, st) self.tb.connect(st, dst) rsl_data = sum = 0 for (u, v) in zip(trg_data, rsl_data): w = u - v sum += w * w sum /= float(len(trg_data)) assert sum < 1e-6 def test_003_(self): src_grid = (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) trg_grid = copy.deepcopy(src_grid) src_data = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) src = blocks.vector_source_f(src_data, False, len(src_grid)) sq = wavelet.squash_ff(src_grid, trg_grid) dst = blocks.vector_sink_f(len(trg_grid)) self.tb.connect(src, sq) self.tb.connect(sq, dst) rsl_data = sum = 0 for (u, v) in zip(src_data, rsl_data): w = u - v sum += w * w sum /= float(len(src_data)) assert sum < 1e-6 # def test_004_(self): # FIXME: requires pygsl # # n = 256 # o = 4 # ws = wavelet.workspace(n) # w = wavelet.daubechies(o) # # a = numpy.arange(n) # b = numpy.sin(a*numpy.pi/16.0) # c = w.transform_forward(b, ws) # d = w.transform_inverse(c, ws) # # src = gr.vector_source_f(b, False, n) # wv = wavelet.wavelet_ff(n, o, True) # src = blocks.vector_source_f(b, False, n) # wv = wavelet.wavelet_ff(n, o, True) # # dst = blocks.vector_sink_f(n) # self.tb.connect(src, wv) # self.tb.connect(wv, dst) # # e = # # sum = 0 # for (u, v) in zip(c, e): # w = u - v # sum += w * w # sum /= float(len(c)) # assert sum < 1e-6 def test_005_(self): src_data = (1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) dwav = numpy.array(src_data) wvps = numpy.zeros(3) # wavelet power spectrum scl = 1.0 / sqr(dwav[0]) k = 1 for e in range(len(wvps)): wvps[e] = scl*sqr(dwav[k:k+(0o1<<e)]).sum() k += 0o1<<e src = blocks.vector_source_f(src_data, False, len(src_data)) kon = wavelet.wvps_ff(len(src_data)) dst = blocks.vector_sink_f(int(math.ceil(math.log(len(src_data), 2)))) self.tb.connect(src, kon) self.tb.connect(kon, dst) snk_data = sum = 0 for (u,v) in zip(snk_data, wvps): w = u - v sum += w * w sum /= float(len(snk_data)) assert sum < 1e-6 if __name__ == '__main__':, "test_classify.xml")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import mock import unittest from flask import Flask from import * # noqa (PEP8 asserts) import datetime from tests.base import OsfTestCase from tests.factories import RegistrationFactory from framework.routing import Rule, json_renderer from framework.utils import secure_filename from website.routes import process_rules, OsfWebRenderer from website import settings from website import util from website.util import paths from website.util.mimetype import get_mimetype from website.util import web_url_for, api_url_for, is_json_request, waterbutler_url_for, conjunct, api_v2_url from website.project import utils as project_utils try: import magic # noqa LIBMAGIC_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: LIBMAGIC_AVAILABLE = False HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class TestUrlForHelpers(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): def dummy_view(): return {} def dummy_guid_project_view(): return {} def dummy_guid_profile_view(): return {} = Flask(__name__) api_rule = Rule([ '/api/v1/<pid>/', '/api/v1/<pid>/component/<nid>/' ], 'get', dummy_view, json_renderer) web_rule = Rule([ '/<pid>/', '/<pid>/component/<nid>/' ], 'get', dummy_view, OsfWebRenderer) web_guid_project_rule = Rule([ '/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/', ], 'get', dummy_guid_project_view, OsfWebRenderer) web_guid_profile_rule = Rule([ '/profile/<pid>/', ], 'get', dummy_guid_profile_view, OsfWebRenderer) process_rules(, [api_rule, web_rule, web_guid_project_rule, web_guid_profile_rule]) def test_api_url_for(self): with assert api_url_for('dummy_view', pid='123') == '/api/v1/123/' def test_api_v2_url_with_port(self): full_url = api_v2_url('/nodes/abcd3/contributors/', base_route='http://localhost:8000/', base_prefix='v2/') assert_equal(full_url, "http://localhost:8000/v2/nodes/abcd3/contributors/") # Handles URL the same way whether or not user enters a leading slash full_url = api_v2_url('nodes/abcd3/contributors/', base_route='http://localhost:8000/', base_prefix='v2/') assert_equal(full_url, "http://localhost:8000/v2/nodes/abcd3/contributors/") # User is still responsible for the trailing slash. If they omit it, it doesn't appear at end of URL full_url = api_v2_url('/nodes/abcd3/contributors', base_route='http://localhost:8000/', base_prefix='v2/') assert_not_equal(full_url, "http://localhost:8000/v2/nodes/abcd3/contributors/") def test_api_v2_url_with_params(self): """Handles- and encodes- URLs with parameters (dict and kwarg) correctly""" full_url = api_v2_url('/nodes/abcd3/contributors/', params={'filter[fullname]': 'bob'}, base_route='', base_prefix='v2/', page_size=10) assert_equal(full_url, "") def test_api_v2_url_base_path(self): """Given a blank string, should return the base path (domain + port + prefix) with no extra cruft at end""" full_url = api_v2_url('', base_route='http://localhost:8000/', base_prefix='v2/') assert_equal(full_url, "http://localhost:8000/v2/") def test_web_url_for(self): with assert web_url_for('dummy_view', pid='123') == '/123/' def test_web_url_for_guid(self): with # check /project/<pid> assert_equal('/pid123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='pid123', _guid=True)) assert_equal('/project/pid123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='pid123', _guid=False)) assert_equal('/project/pid123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='pid123')) # check /project/<pid>/node/<nid> assert_equal('/nid321/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='pid123', nid='nid321', _guid=True)) assert_equal( '/project/pid123/node/nid321/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='pid123', nid='nid321', _guid=False)) assert_equal( '/project/pid123/node/nid321/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='pid123', nid='nid321')) # check /profile/<pid> assert_equal('/pro123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='pro123', _guid=True)) assert_equal('/profile/pro123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='pro123', _guid=False)) assert_equal('/profile/pro123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='pro123')) def test_web_url_for_guid_regex_conditions(self): with # regex matches limit keys to a minimum of 5 alphanumeric characters. # check /project/<pid> assert_not_equal('/123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='123', _guid=True)) assert_equal('/123456/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='123456', _guid=True)) # check /project/<pid>/node/<nid> assert_not_equal('/321/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='123', nid='321', _guid=True)) assert_equal('/654321/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='123456', nid='654321', _guid=True)) # check /profile/<pid> assert_not_equal('/123/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='123', _guid=True)) assert_equal('/123456/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='123456', _guid=True)) def test_web_url_for_guid_case_sensitive(self): with # check /project/<pid> assert_equal('/ABCdef/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='ABCdef', _guid=True)) # check /project/<pid>/node/<nid> assert_equal('/GHIjkl/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='ABCdef', nid='GHIjkl', _guid=True)) # check /profile/<pid> assert_equal('/MNOpqr/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='MNOpqr', _guid=True)) def test_web_url_for_guid_invalid_unicode(self): with # unicode id's are not supported when encoding guid url's. # check /project/<pid> assert_not_equal('/ø∆≤µ©/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='ø∆≤µ©', _guid=True)) assert_equal( '/project/%C3%B8%CB%86%E2%88%86%E2%89%A4%C2%B5%CB%86/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='øˆ∆≤µˆ', _guid=True)) # check /project/<pid>/node/<nid> assert_not_equal( '/ø∆≤µ©/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='ø∆≤µ©', nid='©µ≤∆ø', _guid=True)) assert_equal( '/project/%C3%B8%CB%86%E2%88%86%E2%89%A4%C2%B5%CB%86/node/%C2%A9%C2%B5%E2%89%A4%E2%88%86%C3%B8/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_project_view', pid='øˆ∆≤µˆ', nid='©µ≤∆ø', _guid=True)) # check /profile/<pid> assert_not_equal('/ø∆≤µ©/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='ø∆≤µ©', _guid=True)) assert_equal( '/profile/%C3%B8%CB%86%E2%88%86%E2%89%A4%C2%B5%CB%86/', web_url_for('dummy_guid_profile_view', pid='øˆ∆≤µˆ', _guid=True)) def test_api_url_for_with_multiple_urls(self): with url = api_url_for('dummy_view', pid='123', nid='abc') assert url == '/api/v1/123/component/abc/' def test_web_url_for_with_multiple_urls(self): with url = web_url_for('dummy_view', pid='123', nid='abc') assert url == '/123/component/abc/' def test_is_json_request(self): with'application/json'): assert_true(is_json_request()) with assert_false(is_json_request()) with'application/json;charset=UTF-8'): assert_true(is_json_request()) def test_waterbutler_url_for(self): with url = waterbutler_url_for('upload', 'provider', 'path', mock.Mock(_id='_id')) assert_in('nid=_id', url) assert_in('/file?', url) assert_in('path=path', url) assert_in('provider=provider', url) def test_waterbutler_url_for_implicit_cookie(self): with as context: context.request.cookies = {settings.COOKIE_NAME: 'cookie'} url = waterbutler_url_for('upload', 'provider', 'path', mock.Mock(_id='_id')) assert_in('nid=_id', url) assert_in('/file?', url) assert_in('path=path', url) assert_in('cookie=cookie', url) assert_in('provider=provider', url) def test_waterbutler_url_for_cookie_not_required(self): with url = waterbutler_url_for('upload', 'provider', 'path', mock.Mock(_id='_id')) assert_not_in('cookie', url) assert_in('nid=_id', url) assert_in('/file?', url) assert_in('path=path', url) assert_in('provider=provider', url) class TestGetMimeTypes(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_markdown_mimetype_from_filename(self): name = '' mimetype = get_mimetype(name) assert_equal('text/x-markdown', mimetype) @unittest.skipIf(not LIBMAGIC_AVAILABLE, 'Must have python-magic and libmagic installed') def test_unknown_extension_with_no_contents_not_real_file_results_in_exception(self): name = 'test.thisisnotarealextensionidonotcarwhatyousay' with assert_raises(IOError): get_mimetype(name) @unittest.skipIf(LIBMAGIC_AVAILABLE, 'This test only runs if python-magic and libmagic are not installed') def test_unknown_extension_with_no_contents_not_real_file_results_in_exception2(self): name = 'test.thisisnotarealextensionidonotcarwhatyousay' mime_type = get_mimetype(name) assert_equal(None, mime_type) @unittest.skipIf(not LIBMAGIC_AVAILABLE, 'Must have python-magic and libmagic installed') def test_unknown_extension_with_real_file_results_in_python_mimetype(self): name = 'test_views.notarealfileextension' maybe_python_file = os.path.join(HERE, 'test_files', name) mimetype = get_mimetype(maybe_python_file) assert_equal('text/x-python', mimetype) @unittest.skipIf(not LIBMAGIC_AVAILABLE, 'Must have python-magic and libmagic installed') def test_unknown_extension_with_python_contents_results_in_python_mimetype(self): name = 'test.thisisnotarealextensionidonotcarwhatyousay' python_file = os.path.join(HERE, '') with open(python_file, 'r') as the_file: content = mimetype = get_mimetype(name, content) assert_equal('text/x-python', mimetype) class TestFrameworkUtils(unittest.TestCase): def test_leading_underscores(self): assert_equal( '', secure_filename('') ) def test_werkzeug_cases(self): """Test that Werkzeug's tests still pass for our wrapped version""" # Copied from Werkzeug # BSD licensed - original at, # /tests/, line 282, commit 811b438 assert_equal( '', secure_filename('My cool') ) assert_equal( 'etc_passwd', secure_filename('../../../etc/passwd') ) assert_equal( 'i_contain_cool_umlauts.txt', secure_filename(u'i contain cool \xfcml\xe4uts.txt') ) class TestWebpackFilter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.asset_paths = {'assets': 'assets.07123e.js'} def test_resolve_asset(self): asset = paths.webpack_asset('assets.js', self.asset_paths, debug=False) assert_equal(asset, '/static/public/js/assets.07123e.js') def test_resolve_asset_not_found_and_not_in_debug_mode(self): with assert_raises(KeyError): paths.webpack_asset('bundle.js', self.asset_paths, debug=False) class TestWebsiteUtils(unittest.TestCase): def test_conjunct(self): words = [] assert_equal(conjunct(words), '') words = ['a'] assert_equal(conjunct(words), 'a') words = ['a', 'b'] assert_equal(conjunct(words), 'a and b') words = ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert_equal(conjunct(words), 'a, b, and c') assert_equal(conjunct(words, conj='or'), 'a, b, or c') def test_rapply(self): inputs = { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': { 'boom': ['kapow'], 'bang': 'bam' }, 'bat': ['man'] } outputs = util.rapply(inputs, str.upper) assert_equal(outputs['foo'], 'bar'.upper()) assert_equal(outputs['baz']['boom'], ['kapow'.upper()]) assert_equal(outputs['baz']['bang'], 'bam'.upper()) assert_equal(outputs['bat'], ['man'.upper()]) r_assert = lambda s: assert_equal(s.upper(), s) util.rapply(outputs, r_assert) def test_rapply_on_list(self): inputs = range(5) add_one = lambda n: n + 1 outputs = util.rapply(inputs, add_one) for i in inputs: assert_equal(outputs[i], i + 1) def test_rapply_on_tuple(self): inputs = tuple(i for i in range(5)) add_one = lambda n: n + 1 outputs = util.rapply(inputs, add_one) for i in inputs: assert_equal(outputs[i], i + 1) assert_equal(type(outputs), tuple) def test_rapply_on_set(self): inputs = set(i for i in range(5)) add_one = lambda n: n + 1 outputs = util.rapply(inputs, add_one) for i in inputs: assert_in(i + 1, outputs) assert_true(isinstance(outputs, set)) def test_rapply_on_str(self): input = "bob" convert = lambda s: s.upper() outputs = util.rapply(input, convert) assert_equal("BOB", outputs) assert_true(isinstance(outputs, basestring)) def test_rapply_preserves_args_and_kwargs(self): def zero_if_not_check(item, check, checkFn=lambda n: n): if check and checkFn(item): return item return 0 inputs = range(5) outputs = util.rapply(inputs, zero_if_not_check, True, checkFn=lambda n: n % 2) assert_equal(outputs, [0, 1, 0, 3, 0]) outputs = util.rapply(inputs, zero_if_not_check, False, checkFn=lambda n: n % 2) assert_equal(outputs, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) class TestProjectUtils(OsfTestCase): def set_registered_date(self, reg, date): reg._fields['registered_date'].__set__( reg, date, safe=True ) def test_get_recent_public_registrations(self): count = 0 for i in range(5): reg = RegistrationFactory() reg.is_public = True count = count + 1 tdiff = - datetime.timedelta(days=count) self.set_registered_date(reg, tdiff) regs = [r for r in project_utils.recent_public_registrations()] assert_equal(len(regs), 5) for i in range(4): assert_true(regs[i].registered_date > regs[i + 1].registered_date) for i in range(5): reg = RegistrationFactory() reg.is_public = True count = count + 1 tdiff = - datetime.timedelta(days=count) self.set_registered_date(reg, tdiff) regs = [r for r in project_utils.recent_public_registrations(7)] assert_equal(len(regs), 7)
# Patch transplanting extension for Mercurial # # Copyright 2006, 2007 Brendan Cully <> # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. '''command to transplant changesets from another branch This extension allows you to transplant patches from another branch. Transplanted patches are recorded in .hg/transplant/transplants, as a map from a changeset hash to its hash in the source repository. ''' from mercurial.i18n import _ import os, tempfile from mercurial import bundlerepo, changegroup, cmdutil, hg, merge, match from mercurial import patch, revlog, util, error class transplantentry(object): def __init__(self, lnode, rnode): self.lnode = lnode self.rnode = rnode class transplants(object): def __init__(self, path=None, transplantfile=None, opener=None): self.path = path self.transplantfile = transplantfile self.opener = opener if not opener: self.opener = util.opener(self.path) self.transplants = [] self.dirty = False def read(self): abspath = os.path.join(self.path, self.transplantfile) if self.transplantfile and os.path.exists(abspath): for line in self.opener(self.transplantfile).read().splitlines(): lnode, rnode = map(revlog.bin, line.split(':')) self.transplants.append(transplantentry(lnode, rnode)) def write(self): if self.dirty and self.transplantfile: if not os.path.isdir(self.path): os.mkdir(self.path) fp = self.opener(self.transplantfile, 'w') for c in self.transplants: l, r = map(revlog.hex, (c.lnode, c.rnode)) fp.write(l + ':' + r + '\n') fp.close() self.dirty = False def get(self, rnode): return [t for t in self.transplants if t.rnode == rnode] def set(self, lnode, rnode): self.transplants.append(transplantentry(lnode, rnode)) self.dirty = True def remove(self, transplant): del self.transplants[self.transplants.index(transplant)] self.dirty = True class transplanter(object): def __init__(self, ui, repo): self.ui = ui self.path = repo.join('transplant') self.opener = util.opener(self.path) self.transplants = transplants(self.path, 'transplants', opener=self.opener) def applied(self, repo, node, parent): '''returns True if a node is already an ancestor of parent or has already been transplanted''' if hasnode(repo, node): if node in repo.changelog.reachable(parent, stop=node): return True for t in self.transplants.get(node): # it might have been stripped if not hasnode(repo, t.lnode): self.transplants.remove(t) return False if t.lnode in repo.changelog.reachable(parent, stop=t.lnode): return True return False def apply(self, repo, source, revmap, merges, opts={}): '''apply the revisions in revmap one by one in revision order''' revs = sorted(revmap) p1, p2 = repo.dirstate.parents() pulls = [] diffopts = patch.diffopts(self.ui, opts) diffopts.git = True lock = wlock = None try: wlock = repo.wlock() lock = repo.lock() for rev in revs: node = revmap[rev] revstr = '%s:%s' % (rev, revlog.short(node)) if self.applied(repo, node, p1): self.ui.warn(_('skipping already applied revision %s\n') % revstr) continue parents = source.changelog.parents(node) if not opts.get('filter'): # If the changeset parent is the same as the # wdir's parent, just pull it. if parents[0] == p1: pulls.append(node) p1 = node continue if pulls: if source != repo: repo.pull(source, heads=pulls) merge.update(repo, pulls[-1], False, False, None) p1, p2 = repo.dirstate.parents() pulls = [] domerge = False if node in merges: # pulling all the merge revs at once would mean we # couldn't transplant after the latest even if # transplants before them fail. domerge = True if not hasnode(repo, node): repo.pull(source, heads=[node]) if parents[1] != revlog.nullid: self.ui.note(_('skipping merge changeset %s:%s\n') % (rev, revlog.short(node))) patchfile = None else: fd, patchfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='hg-transplant-') fp = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') gen = patch.diff(source, parents[0], node, opts=diffopts) for chunk in gen: fp.write(chunk) fp.close() del revmap[rev] if patchfile or domerge: try: n = self.applyone(repo, node,, patchfile, merge=domerge, log=opts.get('log'), filter=opts.get('filter')) if n and domerge: self.ui.status(_('%s merged at %s\n') % (revstr, revlog.short(n))) elif n: self.ui.status(_('%s transplanted to %s\n') % (revlog.short(node), revlog.short(n))) finally: if patchfile: os.unlink(patchfile) if pulls: repo.pull(source, heads=pulls) merge.update(repo, pulls[-1], False, False, None) finally: self.saveseries(revmap, merges) self.transplants.write() lock.release() wlock.release() def filter(self, filter, changelog, patchfile): '''arbitrarily rewrite changeset before applying it''' self.ui.status(_('filtering %s\n') % patchfile) user, date, msg = (changelog[1], changelog[2], changelog[4]) fd, headerfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='hg-transplant-') fp = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') fp.write("# HG changeset patch\n") fp.write("# User %s\n" % user) fp.write("# Date %d %d\n" % date) fp.write(msg + '\n') fp.close() try: util.system('%s %s %s' % (filter, util.shellquote(headerfile), util.shellquote(patchfile)), environ={'HGUSER': changelog[1]}, onerr=util.Abort, errprefix=_('filter failed')) user, date, msg = self.parselog(file(headerfile))[1:4] finally: os.unlink(headerfile) return (user, date, msg) def applyone(self, repo, node, cl, patchfile, merge=False, log=False, filter=None): '''apply the patch in patchfile to the repository as a transplant''' (manifest, user, (time, timezone), files, message) = cl[:5] date = "%d %d" % (time, timezone) extra = {'transplant_source': node} if filter: (user, date, message) = self.filter(filter, cl, patchfile) if log: # we don't translate messages inserted into commits message += '\n(transplanted from %s)' % revlog.hex(node) self.ui.status(_('applying %s\n') % revlog.short(node)) self.ui.note('%s %s\n%s\n' % (user, date, message)) if not patchfile and not merge: raise util.Abort(_('can only omit patchfile if merging')) if patchfile: try: files = {} try: patch.patch(patchfile, self.ui, cwd=repo.root, files=files, eolmode=None) if not files: self.ui.warn(_('%s: empty changeset') % revlog.hex(node)) return None finally: files = patch.updatedir(self.ui, repo, files) except Exception, inst: seriespath = os.path.join(self.path, 'series') if os.path.exists(seriespath): os.unlink(seriespath) p1 = repo.dirstate.parents()[0] p2 = node self.log(user, date, message, p1, p2, merge=merge) self.ui.write(str(inst) + '\n') raise util.Abort(_('Fix up the merge and run ' 'hg transplant --continue')) else: files = None if merge: p1, p2 = repo.dirstate.parents() repo.dirstate.setparents(p1, node) m = match.always(repo.root, '') else: m = match.exact(repo.root, '', files) n = repo.commit(message, user, date, extra=extra, match=m) if not merge: self.transplants.set(n, node) return n def resume(self, repo, source, opts=None): '''recover last transaction and apply remaining changesets''' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, 'journal')): n, node = self.recover(repo) self.ui.status(_('%s transplanted as %s\n') % (revlog.short(node), revlog.short(n))) seriespath = os.path.join(self.path, 'series') if not os.path.exists(seriespath): self.transplants.write() return nodes, merges = self.readseries() revmap = {} for n in nodes: revmap[source.changelog.rev(n)] = n os.unlink(seriespath) self.apply(repo, source, revmap, merges, opts) def recover(self, repo): '''commit working directory using journal metadata''' node, user, date, message, parents = self.readlog() merge = len(parents) == 2 if not user or not date or not message or not parents[0]: raise util.Abort(_('transplant log file is corrupt')) extra = {'transplant_source': node} wlock = repo.wlock() try: p1, p2 = repo.dirstate.parents() if p1 != parents[0]: raise util.Abort( _('working dir not at transplant parent %s') % revlog.hex(parents[0])) if merge: repo.dirstate.setparents(p1, parents[1]) n = repo.commit(message, user, date, extra=extra) if not n: raise util.Abort(_('commit failed')) if not merge: self.transplants.set(n, node) self.unlog() return n, node finally: wlock.release() def readseries(self): nodes = [] merges = [] cur = nodes for line in self.opener('series').read().splitlines(): if line.startswith('# Merges'): cur = merges continue cur.append(revlog.bin(line)) return (nodes, merges) def saveseries(self, revmap, merges): if not revmap: return if not os.path.isdir(self.path): os.mkdir(self.path) series = self.opener('series', 'w') for rev in sorted(revmap): series.write(revlog.hex(revmap[rev]) + '\n') if merges: series.write('# Merges\n') for m in merges: series.write(revlog.hex(m) + '\n') series.close() def parselog(self, fp): parents = [] message = [] node = revlog.nullid inmsg = False for line in if inmsg: message.append(line) elif line.startswith('# User '): user = line[7:] elif line.startswith('# Date '): date = line[7:] elif line.startswith('# Node ID '): node = revlog.bin(line[10:]) elif line.startswith('# Parent '): parents.append(revlog.bin(line[9:])) elif not line.startswith('#'): inmsg = True message.append(line) return (node, user, date, '\n'.join(message), parents) def log(self, user, date, message, p1, p2, merge=False): '''journal changelog metadata for later recover''' if not os.path.isdir(self.path): os.mkdir(self.path) fp = self.opener('journal', 'w') fp.write('# User %s\n' % user) fp.write('# Date %s\n' % date) fp.write('# Node ID %s\n' % revlog.hex(p2)) fp.write('# Parent ' + revlog.hex(p1) + '\n') if merge: fp.write('# Parent ' + revlog.hex(p2) + '\n') fp.write(message.rstrip() + '\n') fp.close() def readlog(self): return self.parselog(self.opener('journal')) def unlog(self): '''remove changelog journal''' absdst = os.path.join(self.path, 'journal') if os.path.exists(absdst): os.unlink(absdst) def transplantfilter(self, repo, source, root): def matchfn(node): if self.applied(repo, node, root): return False if source.changelog.parents(node)[1] != revlog.nullid: return False extra =[5] cnode = extra.get('transplant_source') if cnode and self.applied(repo, cnode, root): return False return True return matchfn def hasnode(repo, node): try: return repo.changelog.rev(node) != None except error.RevlogError: return False def browserevs(ui, repo, nodes, opts): '''interactively transplant changesets''' def browsehelp(ui): ui.write(_('y: transplant this changeset\n' 'n: skip this changeset\n' 'm: merge at this changeset\n' 'p: show patch\n' 'c: commit selected changesets\n' 'q: cancel transplant\n' '?: show this help\n')) displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, opts) transplants = [] merges = [] for node in nodes:[node]) action = None while not action: action = ui.prompt(_('apply changeset? [ynmpcq?]:')) if action == '?': browsehelp(ui) action = None elif action == 'p': parent = repo.changelog.parents(node)[0] for chunk in patch.diff(repo, parent, node): ui.write(chunk) action = None elif action not in ('y', 'n', 'm', 'c', 'q'): ui.write(_('no such option\n')) action = None if action == 'y': transplants.append(node) elif action == 'm': merges.append(node) elif action == 'c': break elif action == 'q': transplants = () merges = () break displayer.close() return (transplants, merges) def transplant(ui, repo, *revs, **opts): '''transplant changesets from another branch Selected changesets will be applied on top of the current working directory with the log of the original changeset. If --log is specified, log messages will have a comment appended of the form:: (transplanted from CHANGESETHASH) You can rewrite the changelog message with the --filter option. Its argument will be invoked with the current changelog message as $1 and the patch as $2. If --source/-s is specified, selects changesets from the named repository. If --branch/-b is specified, selects changesets from the branch holding the named revision, up to that revision. If --all/-a is specified, all changesets on the branch will be transplanted, otherwise you will be prompted to select the changesets you want. hg transplant --branch REVISION --all will rebase the selected branch (up to the named revision) onto your current working directory. You can optionally mark selected transplanted changesets as merge changesets. You will not be prompted to transplant any ancestors of a merged transplant, and you can merge descendants of them normally instead of transplanting them. If no merges or revisions are provided, hg transplant will start an interactive changeset browser. If a changeset application fails, you can fix the merge by hand and then resume where you left off by calling hg transplant --continue/-c. ''' def getremotechanges(repo, url): sourcerepo = ui.expandpath(url) source = hg.repository(ui, sourcerepo) common, incoming, rheads = repo.findcommonincoming(source, force=True) if not incoming: return (source, None, None) bundle = None if not source.local(): if source.capable('changegroupsubset'): cg = source.changegroupsubset(incoming, rheads, 'incoming') else: cg = source.changegroup(incoming, 'incoming') bundle = changegroup.writebundle(cg, None, 'HG10UN') source = bundlerepo.bundlerepository(ui, repo.root, bundle) return (source, incoming, bundle) def incwalk(repo, incoming, branches, match=util.always): if not branches: branches = None for node in repo.changelog.nodesbetween(incoming, branches)[0]: if match(node): yield node def transplantwalk(repo, root, branches, match=util.always): if not branches: branches = repo.heads() ancestors = [] for branch in branches: ancestors.append(repo.changelog.ancestor(root, branch)) for node in repo.changelog.nodesbetween(ancestors, branches)[0]: if match(node): yield node def checkopts(opts, revs): if opts.get('continue'): if opts.get('branch') or opts.get('all') or opts.get('merge'): raise util.Abort(_('--continue is incompatible with ' 'branch, all or merge')) return if not (opts.get('source') or revs or opts.get('merge') or opts.get('branch')): raise util.Abort(_('no source URL, branch tag or revision ' 'list provided')) if opts.get('all'): if not opts.get('branch'): raise util.Abort(_('--all requires a branch revision')) if revs: raise util.Abort(_('--all is incompatible with a ' 'revision list')) checkopts(opts, revs) if not opts.get('log'): opts['log'] = ui.config('transplant', 'log') if not opts.get('filter'): opts['filter'] = ui.config('transplant', 'filter') tp = transplanter(ui, repo) p1, p2 = repo.dirstate.parents() if len(repo) > 0 and p1 == revlog.nullid: raise util.Abort(_('no revision checked out')) if not opts.get('continue'): if p2 != revlog.nullid: raise util.Abort(_('outstanding uncommitted merges')) m, a, r, d = repo.status()[:4] if m or a or r or d: raise util.Abort(_('outstanding local changes')) bundle = None source = opts.get('source') if source: (source, incoming, bundle) = getremotechanges(repo, source) else: source = repo try: if opts.get('continue'): tp.resume(repo, source, opts) return tf = tp.transplantfilter(repo, source, p1) if opts.get('prune'): prune = [source.lookup(r) for r in cmdutil.revrange(source, opts.get('prune'))] matchfn = lambda x: tf(x) and x not in prune else: matchfn = tf branches = map(source.lookup, opts.get('branch', ())) merges = map(source.lookup, opts.get('merge', ())) revmap = {} if revs: for r in cmdutil.revrange(source, revs): revmap[int(r)] = source.lookup(r) elif opts.get('all') or not merges: if source != repo: alltransplants = incwalk(source, incoming, branches, match=matchfn) else: alltransplants = transplantwalk(source, p1, branches, match=matchfn) if opts.get('all'): revs = alltransplants else: revs, newmerges = browserevs(ui, source, alltransplants, opts) merges.extend(newmerges) for r in revs: revmap[source.changelog.rev(r)] = r for r in merges: revmap[source.changelog.rev(r)] = r tp.apply(repo, source, revmap, merges, opts) finally: if bundle: source.close() os.unlink(bundle) cmdtable = { "transplant": (transplant, [('s', 'source', '', _('pull patches from REPOSITORY')), ('b', 'branch', [], _('pull patches from branch BRANCH')), ('a', 'all', None, _('pull all changesets up to BRANCH')), ('p', 'prune', [], _('skip over REV')), ('m', 'merge', [], _('merge at REV')), ('', 'log', None, _('append transplant info to log message')), ('c', 'continue', None, _('continue last transplant session ' 'after repair')), ('', 'filter', '', _('filter changesets through FILTER'))], _('hg transplant [-s REPOSITORY] [-b BRANCH [-a]] [-p REV] ' '[-m REV] [REV]...')) }
# ================================================================================================== # Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at: # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ================================================================================================== __version__ = '0.1.8'
from django.apps import AppConfig class FoodsConfig(AppConfig): name = 'foods'
#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = "Vivek <>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2014," __license__ = "MIT" __use_case_name__ = "'Gromacs + LSDMap' simulation-analysis proof-of-concept (ExTASY)." from radical.ensemblemd import Kernel from radical.ensemblemd import SimulationAnalysisLoop from radical.ensemblemd import EnsemblemdError from radical.ensemblemd import SimulationAnalysisLoop from radical.ensemblemd import SingleClusterEnvironment import sys import imp import argparse import os import json from radical.ensemblemd.engine import get_engine # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set default verbosity if os.environ.get('RADICAL_ENMD_VERBOSE') == None: os.environ['RADICAL_ENMD_VERBOSE'] = 'REPORT' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Load all custom Kernels from kernel_defs.pre_grlsd_loop import kernel_pre_grlsd_loop get_engine().add_kernel_plugin(kernel_pre_grlsd_loop) from kernel_defs.gromacs import kernel_gromacs get_engine().add_kernel_plugin(kernel_gromacs) from kernel_defs.pre_lsdmap import kernel_pre_lsdmap get_engine().add_kernel_plugin(kernel_pre_lsdmap) from kernel_defs.lsdmap import kernel_lsdmap get_engine().add_kernel_plugin(kernel_lsdmap) from kernel_defs.post_lsdmap import kernel_post_lsdmap get_engine().add_kernel_plugin(kernel_post_lsdmap) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # class Gromacs_LSDMap(SimulationAnalysisLoop): # TODO Vivek: add description. def __init__(self, maxiterations, simulation_instances=1, analysis_instances=1): SimulationAnalysisLoop.__init__(self, maxiterations, simulation_instances, analysis_instances) def pre_loop(self): ''' function : transfers input files and intermediate executables pre_grlsd_loop :- Purpose : Transfers files, Split the input file into smaller files to be used by each of the gromacs instances in the first iteration. Arguments : --inputfile = file to be split --numCUs = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files ''' k = Kernel(name="custom.pre_grlsd_loop") k.arguments = ["--inputfile={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.md_input_file)),"--numCUs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs)] k.copy_input_data = [ '$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.md_input_file)), '$SHARED/', '$SHARED/' ] return k def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance): ''' function : In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the previous iteration. Run gromacs in each instance using these files. gromacs :- Purpose : Run the gromacs simulation on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables are input from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration. Arguments : --grompp = gromacs parameters filename --topol = topology filename ''' gromacs = Kernel(name="custom.gromacs") gromacs.arguments = ["--grompp={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)), "--topol={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file))] gromacs.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)), '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file)), '$SHARED/ >'] if (iteration-1==0): gromacs.link_input_data.append('$PRE_LOOP/temp/start{0}.gro > start.gro'.format(instance-1)) else: gromacs.link_input_data.append('$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/temp/start{1}.gro > start.gro'.format(iteration-1,instance-1)) if Kconfig.grompp_options is not None: gromacs.environment = {'grompp_options':Kconfig.grompp_options} if Kconfig.mdrun_options is not None: gromacs.environment = {'mdrun_options':Kconfig.mdrun_options} if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None: gromacs.environment = {'ndxfile',os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file)} gromacs.link_input_data.append('$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file))) return gromacs def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance): ''' function : Merge the results of each of the simulation instances and run LSDMap analysis to generate the new coordinate file. Split this new coordinate file into smaller files to be used by the simulation stage in the next iteration. If a step as multiple kernels (say k1, k2), data generated in k1 is implicitly moved to k2 (if k2 requires). Data which needs to be moved between the various steps (pre_loop, simulation_step, analysis_step) needs to be mentioned by the user. pre_lsdmap :- Purpose : The output of each gromacs instance in the simulation_step is a small coordinate file. Concatenate such files from each of the gromacs instances to form a larger file. There is one instance of pre_lsdmap per iteration. Arguments : --numCUs = number of simulation instances / number of small files to be concatenated lsdmap :- Purpose : Perform LSDMap on the large coordinate file to generate weights and eigen values. There is one instance of lsdmap per iteration (MSSA : Multiple Simulation Single Analysis model). Arguments : --config = name of the config file to be used during LSDMap post_lsdmap :- Purpose : Use the weights, eigen values generated in lsdmap along with other parameter files from pre_loop to generate the new coordinate file to be used by the simulation_step in the next iteration. There is one instance of post_lsdmap per iteration. post_ana.arguments = ["--num_runs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_runs), "--out=out.gro", "--cycle={0}".format(iteration-1), "--max_dead_neighbors={0}".format(Kconfig.max_dead_neighbors), "--max_alive_neighbors={0}".format(Kconfig.max_alive_neighbors), "--numCUs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs)] Arguments : --num_runs = number of configurations to be generated in the new coordinate file --out = output filename --cycle = iteration number --max_dead_neighbors = max dead neighbors to be considered --max_alive_neighbors = max alive neighbors to be considered --numCUs = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files ''' pre_ana = Kernel(name="custom.pre_lsdmap") pre_ana.arguments = ["--numCUs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs)] pre_ana.link_input_data = ["$SHARED/ >"] for i in range(1,Kconfig.num_CUs+1): pre_ana.link_input_data = pre_ana.link_input_data + ["$SIMULATION_ITERATION_{2}_INSTANCE_{0}/out.gro > out{1}.gro".format(i,i-1,iteration)] pre_ana.copy_output_data = ['tmpha.gro > $SHARED/iter_{0}/tmpha.gro'.format(iteration-1),'tmp.gro > $SHARED/iter_{0}/tmp.gro'.format(iteration-1)] lsdmap = Kernel(name="md.lsdmap") lsdmap.arguments = ["--config={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.lsdm_config_file))] lsdmap.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.lsdm_config_file)),'$SHARED/iter_{0}/tmpha.gro > tmpha.gro'.format(iteration-1)] lsdmap.cores = 1 if iteration > 1: lsdmap.link_input_data += ['$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/weight.w > weight.w'.format(iteration-1)] lsdmap.copy_output_data = ['weight.w > $SHARED/iter_{0}/weight.w'.format(iteration-1)] lsdmap.copy_output_data = ['tmpha.ev > $SHARED/iter_{0}/tmpha.ev'.format(iteration-1),'out.nn > $SHARED/iter_{0}/out.nn'.format(iteration-1)] if(iteration%Kconfig.nsave==0): lsdmap.download_output_data=['lsdmap.log > output/iter{0}/lsdmap.log'.format(iteration-1)] post_ana = Kernel(name="custom.post_lsdmap") post_ana.link_input_data = ["$SHARED/ >", "$SHARED/ >", "$SHARED/ >", "$SHARED/ >", "$SHARED/ >", "$SHARED/iter_{0}/tmp.gro > tmp.gro".format(iteration-1), "$SHARED/iter_{0}/tmpha.ev > tmpha.ev".format(iteration-1), "$SHARED/iter_{0}/out.nn > out.nn".format(iteration-1), "$SHARED/input.gro > input.gro"] post_ana.arguments = ["--num_runs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_runs), "--out=out.gro", "--cycle={0}".format(iteration-1), "--max_dead_neighbors={0}".format(Kconfig.max_dead_neighbors), "--max_alive_neighbors={0}".format(Kconfig.max_alive_neighbors), "--numCUs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs)] if iteration > 1: post_ana.link_input_data += ['$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/weight.w > weight_new.w'.format(iteration-1)] if(iteration%Kconfig.nsave==0): post_ana.download_output_data = ['out.gro > output/iter{0}/out.gro'.format(iteration), 'weight.w > output/iter{0}/weight.w'.format(iteration)] return [pre_ana,lsdmap,post_ana] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if __name__ == "__main__": try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--RPconfig', help='link to Radical Pilot related configurations file') parser.add_argument('--Kconfig', help='link to Kernel configurations file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.RPconfig is None: parser.error('Please enter a RP configuration file') sys.exit(1) if args.Kconfig is None: parser.error('Please enter a Kernel configuration file') sys.exit(0) RPconfig = imp.load_source('RPconfig', args.RPconfig) Kconfig = imp.load_source('Kconfig', args.Kconfig) # Create a new static execution context with one resource and a fixed # number of cores and runtime. cluster = SingleClusterEnvironment( resource=RPconfig.REMOTE_HOST, cores=RPconfig.PILOTSIZE, walltime=RPconfig.WALLTIME, username = RPconfig.UNAME, #username project = RPconfig.ALLOCATION, #project queue = RPconfig.QUEUE, database_url = RPconfig.DBURL ) cluster.shared_data = [ Kconfig.md_input_file, Kconfig.lsdm_config_file, Kconfig.top_file, Kconfig.mdp_file, '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts), '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts), '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts), '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts), '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts), '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts), '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.helper_scripts) ] if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None: cluster.shared_data.append(Kconfig.ndx_file) cluster.allocate() # We set the 'instances' of the simulation step to 16. This means that 16 # instances of the simulation are executed every iteration. # We set the 'instances' of the analysis step to 1. This means that only # one instance of the analysis is executed for each iteration randomsa = Gromacs_LSDMap(maxiterations=Kconfig.num_iterations, simulation_instances=Kconfig.num_CUs, analysis_instances=1) cluster.deallocate() except EnsemblemdError, er: print "Ensemble MD Toolkit Error: {0}".format(str(er)) raise # Just raise the execption again to get the backtrace
import sys if sys.platform[:3]=='win': try: from setuptools import setup from setuptools import Extension except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension else: from distutils.core import setup from Cython.Build import cythonize from distutils.core import setup from Cython.Build import cythonize import numpy setup( ext_modules = cythonize("master_fitter_utils.pyx"), include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()] )
dilatometry/Cython tools/
import os import re from . import Helper class BLSItem: def __init__(self, blsName, srcDir): if srcDir: self.srcDir = srcDir = os.path.splitext(blsName.lower())[0] self.blsFullName = os.path.join(srcDir, blsName) else: self.srcDir = Helper.getWorkingDirForFile(blsName) + '\\SOURCE' = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(blsName).lower())[0] self.blsFullName = blsName self.addedToCompile = False self.dependence = self.__getDependence__() def __getDependence__(self): if (self.blsFullName == ''): print('BSScript: __getDependence__ no fullBLSFileName.') return None blsFile = open(self.blsFullName, "rb") data ="cp1251", "ignore") blsFile.close() data = re.sub(r'{[\S\s]*?}', '', data, flags = re.IGNORECASE) data = re.sub(r'\(\*[\S\s]*?\*\)', '', data, flags = re.IGNORECASE) data = re.sub(r'//.*', '', data, flags = re.IGNORECASE) expr = re.compile(r'[^\']\buses\b([\s\S][^;]*);', flags = re.IGNORECASE) matcher = strUses = '' while matcher: strUses = strUses + + ',' strUses = re.sub(r'\s', '', strUses, flags = re.IGNORECASE) matcher =, matcher.end(1)) if (strUses != ''): return strUses[:-1].split(',') else: return None
import os # Run all tests in package for '-m unittest <test_package>' def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern): this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if pattern is None: pattern = "test*" package_tests =, pattern=pattern) standard_tests.addTests(package_tests) return standard_tests # We need these classes defined in a real module in order for pickling # to work. from dinsd import Scaler class ID(Scaler): def __init__(self, id): if isinstance(id, self.__class__): self.value = id.value return if not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError( "Expected str but passed {}".format(type(id))) if (2 <= len(id) <=4 and id.startswith(self.firstchar) and id[1:].isdigit()): self.value = id else: raise TypeError("Expected '{}' followed by one to " "three digits, got {!r}".format( self.firstchar, id)) class SID(ID): firstchar = 'S' class CID(ID): firstchar = 'C'
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import commands import filecmp import logging import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import urllib import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto import pyauto import pyauto_utils import test_utils class DownloadsTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """TestCase for Downloads.""" def setUp(self): pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) # Record all entries in the download dir download_dir = self.GetDownloadDirectory().value() self._existing_downloads = [] if os.path.isdir(download_dir): self._existing_downloads += os.listdir(download_dir) self._files_to_remove = [] # Files to remove after browser shutdown def tearDown(self): # Cleanup all files we created in the download dir download_dir = self.GetDownloadDirectory().value() if os.path.isdir(download_dir): for name in os.listdir(download_dir): if name not in self._existing_downloads: self._files_to_remove.append(os.path.join(download_dir, name)) pyauto.PyUITest.tearDown(self) # Delete all paths marked for deletion after browser shutdown. for item in self._files_to_remove: pyauto_utils.RemovePath(item) def _DeleteAfterShutdown(self, path): """Delete |path| after browser has been shut down. This is so that all handles to the path would have been gone by then. Silently Ignores errors, when the path does not exist, or if the path could not be deleted. """ self._files_to_remove.append(path) def _ClearLocalDownloadState(self, path): """Prepare for downloading the given path. Clears the given path and the corresponding .crdownload, to prepare it to be downloaded. """ os.path.exists(path) and os.remove(path) crdownload = path + '.crdownload' os.path.exists(crdownload) and os.remove(crdownload) def _GetDangerousDownload(self): """Returns the file path for a dangerous download for this OS.""" sub_path = os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'downloads', 'dangerous') if self.IsWin(): return os.path.join(sub_path, '') return os.path.join(sub_path, 'dangerous.jar') def _EqualFileContents(self, file1, file2): """Determine if 2 given files have the same contents.""" if not (os.path.exists(file1) and os.path.exists(file2)): return False return filecmp.cmp(file1, file2, shallow=False) def _GetDownloadId(self, download_index=0): """Return the download id for the download at the given index. Args: download_index: The index of the download in the list of downloads. Default is 0. """ return self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()[download_index]['id'] def _MakeFile(self, size): """Make a file on-the-fly with the given size. Note that it's really a 1byte file even though ls -lh will report it as of file |size| (du reports the correct usage on disk), but it's good enough for downloads tests because chrome will treat it as a file of size |size| when downloading. Returns: the path to the created file. """ fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.zip', prefix='file-downloads-') os.lseek(fd, size, 0) os.write(fd, 'a') os.close(fd) # Make it readable by chronos on chromeos os.chmod(file_path, 0755) logging.debug('Created temporary file %s of size %d' % (file_path, size)) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(file_path) return file_path def _GetAllDownloadIDs(self): """Return a list of all download ids.""" return [download['id'] for download in self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()] def testNoDownloadWaitingNeeded(self): """Make sure "wait for downloads" returns quickly if we have none.""" self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() def testZip(self): """Download a zip and verify that it downloaded correctly. Also verify that the download shelf showed up. """ test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.DataDir()), 'downloads') file_path = os.path.join(test_dir, '') file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), '') self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) # Wait for the download to finish. self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() # Verify that the download shelf is visible self.assertTrue(self.IsDownloadShelfVisible()) # Verify that the file was correctly downloaded self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg)) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg)) def testZipInIncognito(self): """Download and verify a zip in incognito window.""" test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.DataDir()), 'downloads') file_path = os.path.join(test_dir, '') file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), '') self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.RunCommand(pyauto.IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW) # Trigger download and wait in new incognito window. self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url, windex=1) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete(windex=1) incognito_downloads = self.GetDownloadsInfo(1).Downloads() # Verify that download info exists in the correct profile. self.assertEqual(len(incognito_downloads), 1) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg), msg='%s (size %d) and %s (size %d) do not match' % ( file_path, os.path.getsize(file_path), downloaded_pkg, os.path.getsize(downloaded_pkg))) self.assertTrue(self.IsDownloadShelfVisible(1)) def testSaveDangerousFile(self): """Verify that we can download and save a dangerous file.""" file_path = self._GetDangerousDownload() downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self._TriggerUnsafeDownload(os.path.basename(file_path)) self.PerformActionOnDownload(self._GetDownloadId(), 'save_dangerous_download') self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() # Verify that the file was downloaded. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg)) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg)) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(downloaded_pkg) def testDeclineDangerousDownload(self): """Verify that we can decline dangerous downloads""" file_path = self._GetDangerousDownload() downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self._TriggerUnsafeDownload(os.path.basename(file_path)) self.PerformActionOnDownload(self._GetDownloadId(), 'decline_dangerous_download') self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg)) self.assertFalse(self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()) self.assertFalse(self.IsDownloadShelfVisible()) def testRemoveDownload(self): """Verify that we can remove a download.""" file_url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('downloads', '') downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), '') self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() self.PerformActionOnDownload(self._GetDownloadId(), 'remove') # The download is removed from downloads, but not from the disk. self.assertFalse(self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg)) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(downloaded_pkg) def testBigZip(self): """Verify that we can download a 1GB file. This test needs 2 GB of free space, 1 GB for the original zip file and another for the downloaded one. Note: This test increases automation timeout to 4 min. Things might seem to hang. """ # Create a 1 GB file on the fly file_path = self._MakeFile(2**30) # Ensure there's sufficient space remaining to download file. free_space = test_utils.GetFreeSpace(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value()) assert free_space >= 2**30, \ 'Not enough disk space to download. Got %d free' % free_space file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(downloaded_pkg) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete(timeout=10 * 60 * 1000); # Verify that the file was correctly downloaded self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg), 'Downloaded file %s missing.' % downloaded_pkg) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg), 'Downloaded file %s does not match original' % downloaded_pkg) def testFileRenaming(self): """Test file renaming when downloading a already-existing filename.""" test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.DataDir()), 'downloads') file_url = 'file://%s' % os.path.join(test_dir, '') download_dir = self.GetDownloadDirectory().value() num_times = 5 assert num_times > 1, 'needs to be > 1 to work' renamed_files = [] for i in range(num_times): expected_filename = os.path.join(download_dir, '') if i > 0: # Files after first download are renamed. expected_filename = os.path.join(download_dir, 'a_zip_file (%d).zip' % i) renamed_files.append(expected_filename) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(expected_filename) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() # Verify that all files exist and have the right name for filename in renamed_files: self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename)) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(filename) def testCrazyFilenames(self): """Test downloading with filenames containing special chars. The files are created on the fly and cleaned after use. """ download_dir = self.GetDownloadDirectory().value() filename = os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'downloads', 'crazy_filenames.txt') crazy_filenames = self.EvalDataFrom(filename)'Testing with %d crazy filenames' % len(crazy_filenames)) def _CreateFile(name): """Create and fill the given file with some junk.""" fp = open(name, 'w') # name could be unicode print >>fp, 'This is a junk file named %s. ' % repr(name) * 100 fp.close() # Temp dir for hosting crazy filenames. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='download') self._DeleteAfterShutdown(unicode(temp_dir)) # Windows has a dual nature dealing with unicode filenames. # While the files are internally saved as unicode, there's a non-unicode # aware API that returns a locale-dependent coding on the true unicode # filenames. This messes up things. # Filesystem-interfacing functions like os.listdir() need to # be given unicode strings to "do the right thing" on win. # Ref: for filename in crazy_filenames: # filename is unicode. utf8_filename = filename.encode('utf-8') file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, utf8_filename) _CreateFile(os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)) # unicode file. file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_file = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_file) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() # Verify downloads. downloads = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads() self.assertEqual(len(downloads), len(crazy_filenames)) for filename in crazy_filenames: downloaded_file = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_file)) self.assertTrue( # Verify file contents. self._EqualFileContents(downloaded_file, os.path.join(temp_dir, filename))) os.path.exists(downloaded_file) and os.remove(downloaded_file) def _TriggerUnsafeDownload(self, filename, tab_index=0, windex=0): """Trigger download of an unsafe/dangerous filetype. Files explictly requested by the user (like navigating to a package, or clicking on a link) aren't marked unsafe. Only the ones where the user didn't directly initiate a download are marked unsafe. Navigates to download-dangerous.html which triggers the download. Waits until the download starts. Args: filename: the name of the file to trigger the download. This should exist in the 'dangerous' directory. tab_index: tab index. Default 0. windex: window index. Default 0. """ dangerous_dir = os.path.join( self.DataDir(), 'downloads', 'dangerous') assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dangerous_dir, filename)) file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(os.path.join( dangerous_dir, 'download-dangerous.html')) + '?' + filename num_downloads = len(self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()) self.NavigateToURL(file_url, windex, tab_index) # It might take a while for the download to kick in, hold on until then. self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: len(self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()) == num_downloads + 1)) # Wait for Download Shelf to appear to reduce flakiness. self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(self.IsDownloadShelfVisible)) def testPauseAndResume(self): """Verify that pause and resume work while downloading a file. Note: This test increases automation timeout to 2 min. Things might seem to hang. """ # Create a 250 MB file on the fly file_path = self._MakeFile(2**28) # Ensure there's sufficient space remaining to download file. free_space = test_utils.GetFreeSpace(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value()) assert free_space >= 2**28, \ 'Not enough disk space to download. Got %d free' % free_space file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(downloaded_pkg) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(file_path) # Pause the download and assert that it is paused. pause_dict = self.PerformActionOnDownload(self._GetDownloadId(), 'pause') if pause_dict['state'] == 'COMPLETE':'The download completed before pause. Stopping test.') return self.assertTrue(pause_dict['is_paused']) self.assertTrue(pause_dict['state'] == 'IN_PROGRESS') # Resume the download and assert it is not paused. resume_dict = self.PerformActionOnDownload(self._GetDownloadId(), 'resume') self.assertFalse(resume_dict['is_paused']) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete(timeout=10 * 60 * 1000); # Verify that the file was correctly downloaded after pause and resume. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg), 'Downloaded file %s missing.' % downloaded_pkg) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg), 'Downloaded file %s does not match original' % downloaded_pkg) def testCancelDownload(self): """Verify that we can cancel a download.""" # Create a big file (250 MB) on the fly, so that the download won't finish # before being cancelled. file_path = self._MakeFile(2**28) # Ensure there's sufficient space remaining to download file. free_space = test_utils.GetFreeSpace(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value()) assert free_space >= 2**28, \ 'Not enough disk space to download. Got %d free' % free_space file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self.PerformActionOnDownload(self._GetDownloadId(), 'cancel') self._DeleteAfterShutdown(file_path) state = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()[0]['state'] if state == 'COMPLETE':'The download completed before cancel. Test stopped.') return # Verify the download has been cancelled. self.assertEqual('CANCELLED', self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()[0]['state']) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg)) def testDownloadsPersistence(self): """Verify that download history persists on session restart.""" test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.DataDir()), 'downloads') file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(os.path.join(test_dir, '')) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), '') self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() downloads = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads() self.assertEqual(1, len(downloads)) self.assertEqual('', downloads[0]['file_name']) file_url = downloads[0]['url'] self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) # Trigger the download service to get loaded after restart. self.NavigateToURL('chrome://downloads/') # Verify that there's no download shelf anymore. self.assertFalse(self.IsDownloadShelfVisible(), 'Download shelf persisted browser restart.') # Verify that the download history persists. downloads = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads() self.assertEqual(1, len(downloads)) self.assertEqual('', downloads[0]['file_name']) self.assertEqual(file_url, downloads[0]['url']) self._DeleteAfterShutdown(downloaded_pkg) def testExtendedAttributesOnMac(self): """Verify that Chrome sets the extended attributes on a file. This test is for mac only. """ if not self.IsMac():'Skipping testExtendedAttributesOnMac on non-Mac') return downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), '') self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg) file_url = ''\ 'test/data/downloads/' self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() import xattr self.assertTrue('' in xattr.listxattr(downloaded_pkg)) def testDownloadPercentage(self): """Verify that during downloading, % values increases, and once download is over, % value is 100""" file_path = self._MakeFile(2**24) # Ensure there's sufficient space remaining to download file. free_space = test_utils.GetFreeSpace(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value()) assert free_space >= 2**24, \ 'Not enough disk space to download. Got %d free' % free_space file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg) and os.remove(downloaded_pkg) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url) downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), os.path.basename(file_path)) downloads = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads() old_percentage = downloads[0]['PercentComplete'] def _PercentInc(): percent = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads()[0]['PercentComplete'] return old_percentage == 100 or percent > old_percentage, self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(_PercentInc), msg='Download percentage value is not increasing') # Once download is completed, percentage is 100. self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete() downloads = self.GetDownloadsInfo().Downloads() self.assertEqual(downloads[0]['PercentComplete'], 100, 'Download percentage should be 100 after download completed') os.path.exists(file_path) and os.remove(file_path) os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg) and os.remove(downloaded_pkg) def testDownloadIncognitoAndRegular(self): """Download the same zip file in regular and incognito window and verify that it downloaded correctly with same file name appended with counter for the second download in regular window. """ test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.DataDir()), 'downloads') file_path = os.path.join(test_dir, '') file_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(file_path) downloaded_pkg_regul = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), '') downloaded_pkg_incog = os.path.join(self.GetDownloadDirectory().value(), 'a_zip_file (1).zip') self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg_regul) self._ClearLocalDownloadState(downloaded_pkg_incog) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url, 0) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete(windex=0) self.RunCommand(pyauto.IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW) self.DownloadAndWaitForStart(file_url, 1) self.WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete(windex=1) # Verify download in regular window. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg_regul)) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg_regul)) # Verify download in incognito window. # bug 69738 WaitForAllDownloadsToComplete is flaky for this test case. # Using extra WaitUntil until this is resolved. self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: os.path.exists(downloaded_pkg_incog))) self.assertTrue(self._EqualFileContents(file_path, downloaded_pkg_incog)) if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()
# Lint as: python3 # Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Utilities for applying xla-sharding to a model.""" import contextlib from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence from lingvo import compat as tf from lingvo.core import py_utils_flags from lingvo.core import thread_local_utils import numpy as np import sentencepiece as sentencepiece_processor # pylint: disable=g-direct-tensorflow-import from tensorflow.compiler.xla import xla_data_pb2 from tensorflow.compiler.xla.experimental.xla_sharding import xla_sharding # pylint: enable=g-direct-tensorflow-import ThreadLocalStack = thread_local_utils.ThreadLocalStack def Split(x, split_dimension, num_devices, use_sharding_op=True, input_shape=None): """Wrapper for xla_sharding.split. Args: x: Tensor to annotate. split_dimension: xla_sharding.split arg. num_devices: xla_sharding.split arg. use_sharding_op: If true, adds a sharding op to set the sharding: tensor = gen_xla_ops.xla_sharding(tensor) hyouklee@: use_sharding_op=False "It adds the sharding attribute to the op itself. The outcome is that, that information could be lost by TF graph transformations. Also, directly attaching the sharding annotation to the op caused some compilation failures in the past (due to incompatible shardings), so the plan is to make use_sharding_op to be the default." "The only case I would set it to False today is when annotating weights. Weight annotation does some special handling, so there may be some changes needed in that logic if we add separate sharding op." input_shape: The shape of the original tensor. Returns: Tensor conditionally annotated with sharding. """ if not py_utils_flags.use_tpu() or num_devices is None or not num_devices > 1: return x return xla_sharding.split( x, split_dimension, num_devices, input_shape=input_shape, use_sharding_op=use_sharding_op, ) def Replicate(x, use_sharding_op=True): """Wrapper of xla_sharding.replicate.""" if not py_utils_flags.use_tpu(): return x return xla_sharding.replicate(x, use_sharding_op=use_sharding_op) _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES = ThreadLocalStack() _MANUAL_MESH_DIMS = ThreadLocalStack() def GetMeshSplitSharding(device_mesh, tensor_split_dims_mapping): """Wrapper of xla_sharding.mesh_split_sharding().""" # Apply the prefix in the context. tensor_split_dims_mapping = ( _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack + tensor_split_dims_mapping) if _MANUAL_MESH_DIMS.stack: return xla_sharding.mesh_split_sharding( device_mesh, tensor_split_dims_mapping, manual_mesh_dims=_MANUAL_MESH_DIMS.stack) # Do not include manual_mesh_dims to support legacy TF versions. return xla_sharding.mesh_split_sharding(device_mesh, tensor_split_dims_mapping) def MeshSplit(x, device_mesh, tensor_split_dims_mapping, use_sharding_op=True, unspecified_dims=None): """Wrapper of xla_sharding.mesh_split().""" if (not py_utils_flags.use_tpu() or tensor_split_dims_mapping is None or device_mesh is None or device_mesh.size <= 1): return x # Apply the prefix in the context. tensor_split_dims_mapping = ( _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack + tensor_split_dims_mapping) num_tiles = [device_mesh.shape[i] for i in tensor_split_dims_mapping if i >= 0]) if num_tiles <= 1: return x if _MANUAL_MESH_DIMS.stack or unspecified_dims: return xla_sharding.mesh_split( x, device_mesh, tensor_split_dims_mapping, use_sharding_op=use_sharding_op, manual_mesh_dims=_MANUAL_MESH_DIMS.stack, unspecified_dims=unspecified_dims) # Do not include manual_mesh_dims or unspecified_dims to support legacy TF # versions. return xla_sharding.mesh_split( x, device_mesh, tensor_split_dims_mapping, use_sharding_op=use_sharding_op) @contextlib.contextmanager def MeshSplitDimPrefixContext(prefix_mesh_dim): """Adds a prefix mesh dim for tensor_split_dims_mapping in MeshSplit.""" if prefix_mesh_dim is not None: _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack.append(prefix_mesh_dim) try: yield finally: if prefix_mesh_dim is not None: _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack.pop() def GetMeshSplitDimPrefixContext(): return _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack @contextlib.contextmanager def ManualMeshDimContext(mesh_dim): """Adds a context where mesh_dim is used for manual sharding.""" if mesh_dim is not None: _MANUAL_MESH_DIMS.stack.append(mesh_dim) try: yield finally: if mesh_dim is not None: _MANUAL_MESH_DIMS.stack.pop() def ZigzagOrderOnDeviceMesh(device_mesh, zigzag_mesh_dim): """Permutes device_mesh to form zigzag order along zigzag_mesh_dim.""" # Where there is no wrap-around links along one edge, we might # reduce all-reduce latency along that edge by permuting the device order: # instead of # 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 # | | # +---------------------------+ # it will be # +-------+-------+-------+ # | | | | # 0 - 7 1 6 2 5 3 - 4 # | | | | # +-------+-------+-------+ xpose_dims = list(range(len(device_mesh.shape))) xpose_dims[0] = zigzag_mesh_dim xpose_dims[zigzag_mesh_dim] = 0 device_mesh = np.transpose(device_mesh, xpose_dims) permuted_mesh = np.copy(device_mesh) for i in range(device_mesh.shape[0]): zigzag_i = i * 2 if i * 2 < device_mesh.shape[0] else ( device_mesh.shape[0] - i) * 2 - 1 permuted_mesh[i, ...] = device_mesh[zigzag_i, ...] return np.transpose(permuted_mesh, xpose_dims) def GetNonPod2dMesh(device_mesh_shape, physical_mesh_shape): """Returns a 2D device mesh on slices smaller than a pod.""" assert len(device_mesh_shape) == 2 assert len(physical_mesh_shape) == 3 if device_mesh_shape[1] != physical_mesh_shape[1] * physical_mesh_shape[2]: tf.logging.warning( 'This only works when device_mesh_shape == [physical_mesh_shape[0], ' ' physical_mesh_shape[1] * physical_mesh_shape[2]]. ' 'If device_mesh_shape is [32, 16] where physical_mesh_shape is ' ' [16, 16, 2]. we can transpose the result of this function ' 'GetNonPod2dMesh([16, 32], [16, 16, 2]).') # Form a ring on inner mesh dim. device_mesh = np.reshape( np.arange(0, np.product(device_mesh_shape)), physical_mesh_shape) device_mesh = np.transpose(device_mesh, [0, 2, 1]) device_mesh[:, 1, :] = device_mesh[:, 1, ::-1] # Next line: reshape back to mesh shape device_mesh = np.reshape(device_mesh, device_mesh_shape) # Next line: zigzag on outer mesh dim (8). It doesn't have wrap link, either. device_mesh = ZigzagOrderOnDeviceMesh(device_mesh, zigzag_mesh_dim=0) return device_mesh def ReshapeDim(x, dim, dim_reshape_segments=None): """Reshapes tensor x according to dim_reshape_segments. Args: x: A input Tensor of shape [..., x.shape[dim], ...]. dim: The dim that needs to be reshaped. dim_reshape_segments: The leading dim size of the reshaped dims. Returns: A Tensor of shape [..., dim_reshape_segments, x.shape[dim] // dim_reshape_segments, ...]. """ if dim_reshape_segments is None: return x assert x.shape[dim] % dim_reshape_segments == 0 new_shape = list(x.shape[0:dim]) new_shape.append(dim_reshape_segments) new_shape.append(x.shape[dim] // dim_reshape_segments) new_shape.extend(d for d in x.shape[dim + 1:]) return tf.reshape(x, new_shape) class TensorShardingSpec: """Represents a sharding annotation for GShard/XLA.""" def __init__(self, split_dims_mapping: Optional[List[int]] = None, device_mesh: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, uneven_padding: Optional[List[int]] = None): """Creates a sharding specification. Args: split_dims_mapping: a list of integers that map each tensor axis to the device mesh axis along which it is sharded. Its length is the tensor rank, and split_dims_mapping[i] is device mesh axis for tensor dimension i. Use -1 for tensor dimensions that are not sharded. If the list is set to None, the sharding will be treated as replicated. device_mesh: a numpy.ndarray describing the topology of the device mesh and each element is the ID of the device in the topology. Not needed for replicated sharding, where it can be set to None. uneven_padding: amount of padding applied to the right side of each tensor dimension due to uneven partitioning of the shape in SPMD. """ self._split_dims_mapping: Optional[List[int]] = split_dims_mapping self._device_mesh: Optional[np.ndarray] = device_mesh self._uneven_padding = uneven_padding @classmethod def FromFullShape(cls, full_shape: Sequence[int], split_dims_mapping: List[int], device_mesh: np.ndarray): """Creates tiled sharding spec with uneven padding computed from shape.""" uneven_padding = [0] * len(split_dims_mapping) for i in range(len(split_dims_mapping)): if split_dims_mapping[i] >= 0: partitions = device_mesh.shape[split_dims_mapping[i]] shard_size = (full_shape[i] + partitions - 1) // partitions uneven_padding[i] = shard_size * partitions - full_shape[i] return TensorShardingSpec(split_dims_mapping, device_mesh, uneven_padding) def ApplyToTensor(self, tensor: tf.Tensor, use_sharding_op: bool = True) -> tf.Tensor: if self.is_replicated: return xla_sharding.replicate(tensor, use_sharding_op=use_sharding_op) return MeshSplit( tensor, self.device_mesh, self.split_dims_mapping, use_sharding_op=use_sharding_op) def ApplyToVariable(self, variable: tf.Variable) -> tf.Variable: if self.is_replicated: return xla_sharding.replicate(variable, use_sharding_op=False) return MeshSplit( variable, self.device_mesh, self.split_dims_mapping, use_sharding_op=False) def ShardShape(self, full_shape: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Returns the shape after applying this sharding to full_shape.""" if self.is_replicated: return full_shape shard_shape = list(full_shape) for i in range(len(self._split_dims_mapping)): if self._split_dims_mapping[i] >= 0: partitions = self._device_mesh.shape[self._split_dims_mapping[i]] shard_shape[i] = (full_shape[i] + partitions - 1) // partitions return shard_shape def ManualToAutoPartitioning(self, tensor: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Converts manually sharded tensor to full-size for auto partitioning.""" full_shape = list(tensor.shape) if not self.is_replicated: for i in range(len(self._split_dims_mapping)): if self._split_dims_mapping[i] >= 0: full_shape[i] *= self._device_mesh.shape[self._split_dims_mapping[i]] if self._uneven_padding is not None and self._uneven_padding[i] > 0: full_shape[i] -= self._uneven_padding[i] return xla_sharding.manual_to_auto_spmd_partition( tensor, self.ToXlaOpSharding().SerializeToString(), full_shape) def AutoToManualPartitioning(self, tensor: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Converts full-size tensor (auto partitioning) to manually sharded.""" manual = xla_sharding.auto_to_manual_spmd_partition( tensor, self.ToXlaOpSharding().SerializeToString()) xla_sharding.Sharding.manual().apply_to_tensor(manual) return manual def ToXlaOpSharding(self) -> xla_data_pb2.OpSharding: if self.is_replicated: return xla_sharding.Sharding.replicate().proto dims_mapping = _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack + self.split_dims_mapping return xla_sharding.mesh_split_sharding(self.device_mesh, dims_mapping).proto @classmethod def FromXlaOpSharding( cls, op_sharding_proto: xla_data_pb2.OpSharding) -> 'TensorShardingSpec': """Parses from an XLA OpSharding proto.""" if op_sharding_proto.type == xla_data_pb2.OpSharding.OTHER: device_mesh_shape = op_sharding_proto.tile_assignment_dimensions device_mesh = np.reshape( np.array(op_sharding_proto.tile_assignment_devices), device_mesh_shape) if op_sharding_proto.replicate_on_last_tile_dim: split_dims_mapping = list(range(len(device_mesh_shape) - 1)) else: split_dims_mapping = list(range(len(device_mesh_shape))) prefix = _MESH_SPLIT_DIM_PREFIXES.stack if prefix: assert split_dims_mapping[:len(prefix)] == prefix return cls(split_dims_mapping[len(prefix):], device_mesh) else: return cls.ReplicatedSpec() def AddLeadingDims(self, num_dims: int = 1) -> 'TensorShardingSpec': if self.is_replicated: return self new_padding = (None if self._uneven_padding is None else [0] * num_dims + self._uneven_padding) return TensorShardingSpec([-1] * num_dims + self._split_dims_mapping, self.device_mesh, new_padding) def RemoveLeadingDims(self, num_dims: int = 1) -> 'TensorShardingSpec': if self.is_replicated: return self new_padding = (None if self._uneven_padding is None else self._uneven_padding[num_dims:]) return TensorShardingSpec(self._split_dims_mapping[num_dims:], self.device_mesh, new_padding) def RemoveDim(self, dim) -> 'TensorShardingSpec': """Returns a copy of self with dimension 'dim' removed.""" if self.is_replicated: return self if dim < 0: num_dims = len(self._split_dims_mapping) dim = num_dims + dim assert dim >= 0 and dim < len(self._split_dims_mapping) new_padding = (None if self._uneven_padding is None else self._uneven_padding[:dim] + self._uneven_padding[dim + 1:]) split_dims_mapping = ( self._split_dims_mapping[:dim] + self._split_dims_mapping[dim + 1:]) return TensorShardingSpec(split_dims_mapping, self.device_mesh, new_padding) @classmethod def ReplicatedSpec(cls): return TensorShardingSpec() @property def split_dims_mapping(self) -> Optional[List[int]]: return self._split_dims_mapping @property def device_mesh(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: return self._device_mesh @property def is_replicated(self) -> bool: if self.device_mesh is None or self.split_dims_mapping is None: return True for mesh_dim in self.split_dims_mapping: if mesh_dim >= 0 and self.device_mesh.shape[mesh_dim] > 1: return False return True @property def mesh_dim_to_tensor_dim_mapping(self) -> Dict[int, int]: mapping = {} if self.is_replicated: return mapping for i in range(len(self.split_dims_mapping)): if self.split_dims_mapping[i] >= 0: mapping[self.split_dims_mapping[i]] = i return mapping @property def uneven_padding(self) -> Optional[List[int]]: return self._uneven_padding def GetVarSharding(var: tf.Variable) -> TensorShardingSpec: """Returns the sharding directly attached to a variable.""" sharding = xla_sharding.get_op_sharding(var.op) if not sharding: return TensorShardingSpec.ReplicatedSpec() proto = xla_data_pb2.OpSharding() proto.ParseFromString(sharding) spec_without_padding = TensorShardingSpec.FromXlaOpSharding(proto) # Consider uneven padding. return TensorShardingSpec.FromFullShape( [int(d) for d in var.shape], spec_without_padding.split_dims_mapping, spec_without_padding.device_mesh) _spm_cache = {} def LoadSpm(model_file): """Loads SPM from model_file. Returns SentencePieceProcessor.""" global _spm_cache if model_file in _spm_cache: return _spm_cache[model_file] else: spm = sentencepiece_processor.SentencePieceProcessor() spm.Load(model_file) _spm_cache[model_file] = spm return spm
import unittest from os.path import join, dirname try: from unittest import mock except ImportError: import mock from binstar_client.utils.notebook import Downloader files = {'files': [ {'basename': 'notebook', 'version': '1'}, {'basename': 'notebook', 'version': '2'}, {'basename': 'data', 'version': '2'} ]} class DownloaderTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def data_dir(self, filename): test_data = join(dirname(__file__), 'data') return join(test_data, filename) def test_ensure_location(self): aserver_api = mock.MagicMock() aserver_api.package = mock.MagicMock(return_value=files) downloader = Downloader(aserver_api, 'username', 'notebook') self.assertEqual(downloader.list_files()[0]['version'], '2') self.assertEqual(downloader.list_files()[1]['version'], '2') def test_can_download(self): package_1 = {'basename': 'notebook.ipynb'} package_2 = {'basename': 'NOEXIST'} downloader = Downloader('binstar', 'username', 'notebook') downloader.output = self.data_dir('') self.assertTrue(not downloader.can_download(package_1)) self.assertTrue(downloader.can_download(package_1, True)) self.assertTrue(downloader.can_download(package_2)) def test_list_old_files(self): old_files = {'files': [{ 'basename': 'old-notebook', 'version': '1.0.0', 'upload_time': '2015-04-02 22:32:31.253000+00:00' }]} aserver_api = mock.MagicMock() aserver_api.package = mock.MagicMock(return_value=old_files) downloader = Downloader(aserver_api, 'username', 'notebook') self.assertEqual(downloader.list_files()[0]['version'], '1.0.0') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import _plotly_utils.basevalidators class ColorsValidator(_plotly_utils.basevalidators.DataArrayValidator): def __init__(self, plotly_name="colors", parent_name="funnelarea.marker", **kwargs): super(ColorsValidator, self).__init__( plotly_name=plotly_name, parent_name=parent_name, edit_type=kwargs.pop("edit_type", "calc"), **kwargs )
from flask import Blueprint from flask_restful import Api, Resource, reqparse, inputs from splice.queries.distribution import get_possible_distributions from splice.web.api.tile_upload import artifacts_upload dist_bp = Blueprint('api.distributions', __name__, url_prefix='/api') api = Api(dist_bp) arg_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() arg_parser.add_argument( 'date',, required=False, help='date', location='args', store_missing=False) arg_parser.add_argument( 'channel_id', type=int, required=False, help='Channel ID', location='args', store_missing=False) class DistributionAPI(Resource): def __init__(self): super(DistributionAPI, self).__init__() def get(self): """Returns the distributions on a specific date""" args = arg_parser.parse_args() artifacts = get_possible_distributions(today=args.get('date'), channel_id=args.get('channel_id')) if artifacts: return {"results": artifacts} else: return {"message": "No ditribution found on that date"}, 404 def post(self): # progma: no cover """Deploy the current distribution to S3""" ret = {} args = arg_parser.parse_args() try: channel_artifacts = get_possible_distributions(today=args.get('date'), channel_id=args.get('channel_id')) for channel, artifacts in channel_artifacts.items(): urls = artifacts_upload(artifacts) ret[channel] = urls return {"results": ret}, 201 except Exception as e: return {"message": "%s" % e}, 400 api.add_resource(DistributionAPI, '/distributions', endpoint='distributions') def register_routes(app): app.register_blueprint(dist_bp)
"""Testing for K-Medoids""" import warnings import numpy as np from unittest import mock from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix import pytest from sklearn.datasets import load_iris, fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances, cosine_distances from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal from sklearn_extra.cluster import KMedoids, CLARA from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs seed = 0 X = np.random.RandomState(seed).rand(100, 5) # test kmedoid's results rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X_cc, y_cc = make_blobs( n_samples=100, centers=np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]), random_state=rng, shuffle=False, cluster_std=0.2, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["alternate", "pam"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "init", ["random", "heuristic", "build", "k-medoids++"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64]) def test_kmedoid_results(method, init, dtype): expected = np.hstack([np.zeros(50), np.ones(50)]) km = KMedoids(n_clusters=2, init=init, method=method, random_state=rng) # This test use data that are not perfectly separable so the # accuracy is not 1. Accuracy around 0.85 assert (np.mean(km.labels_ == expected) > 0.8) or ( 1 - np.mean(km.labels_ == expected) > 0.8 ) assert dtype is np.dtype(km.cluster_centers_.dtype).type assert dtype is np.dtype(km.transform(X_cc.astype(dtype)).dtype).type @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["alternate", "pam"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "init", ["random", "heuristic", "build", "k-medoids++"] ) def test_kmedoid_nclusters(method, init): n_clusters = 50 km = KMedoids( n_clusters=n_clusters, init=init, method=method, max_iter=1, random_state=rng, ) assert len(np.unique(km.medoid_indices_)) == n_clusters def test_clara_results(): expected = np.hstack([np.zeros(50), np.ones(50)]) km = CLARA(n_clusters=2) # This test use data that are not perfectly separable so the # accuracy is not 1. Accuracy around 0.85 assert (np.mean(km.labels_ == expected) > 0.8) or ( 1 - np.mean(km.labels_ == expected) > 0.8 ) def test_medoids_invalid_method(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="invalid is not supported"): KMedoids(n_clusters=1, method="invalid").fit([[0, 1], [1, 1]]) def test_medoids_invalid_init(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="init needs to be one of"): KMedoids(n_clusters=1, init="invalid").fit([[0, 1], [1, 1]]) def test_kmedoids_input_validation_and_fit_check(): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) # Invalid parameters msg = "n_clusters should be a nonnegative integer. 0 was given" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): KMedoids(n_clusters=0).fit(X) msg = "n_clusters should be a nonnegative integer. None was given" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): KMedoids(n_clusters=None).fit(X) msg = "max_iter should be a nonnegative integer. -1 was given" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): KMedoids(n_clusters=1, max_iter=-1).fit(X) msg = "max_iter should be a nonnegative integer. None was given" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): KMedoids(n_clusters=1, max_iter=None).fit(X) msg = ( r"init needs to be one of the following: " r".*random.*heuristic.*k-medoids\+\+" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): KMedoids(init=None).fit(X) # Trying to fit 3 samples to 8 clusters msg = ( "The number of medoids \(8\) must be less " "than the number of samples 5." ) Xsmall = rng.rand(5, 2) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): KMedoids(n_clusters=8).fit(Xsmall) def test_random_deterministic(): """Random_state should determine 'random' init output.""" rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X = load_iris()["data"] D = euclidean_distances(X) medoids = KMedoids(init="random")._initialize_medoids(D, 4, rng) assert_array_equal(medoids, [114, 62, 33, 107]) def test_heuristic_deterministic(): """Result of heuristic init method should not depend on rnadom state.""" rng1 = np.random.RandomState(1) rng2 = np.random.RandomState(2) X = load_iris()["data"] D = euclidean_distances(X) medoids_1 = KMedoids(init="heuristic")._initialize_medoids(D, 10, rng1) medoids_2 = KMedoids(init="heuristic")._initialize_medoids(D, 10, rng2) assert_array_equal(medoids_1, medoids_2) def test_update_medoid_idxs_empty_cluster(): """Label is unchanged for an empty cluster.""" D = np.zeros((3, 3)) labels = np.array([0, 0, 0]) medoid_idxs = np.array([0, 1]) kmedoids = KMedoids(n_clusters=2) # Swallow empty cluster warning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") kmedoids._update_medoid_idxs_in_place(D, labels, medoid_idxs) assert_array_equal(medoid_idxs, [0, 1]) def test_kmedoids_empty_clusters(): """When a cluster is empty, it should throw a warning.""" rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X = [[1], [1], [1]] kmedoids = KMedoids(n_clusters=2, random_state=rng) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Cluster 1 is empty!"): @mock.patch.object(KMedoids, "_kpp_init", return_value=object()) def test_kpp_called(_kpp_init_mocked): """KMedoids._kpp_init method should be called by _initialize_medoids""" D = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) n_clusters = 2 rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) kmedoids = KMedoids() kmedoids.init = "k-medoids++" # set _kpp_init_mocked.return_value to a singleton initial_medoids = kmedoids._initialize_medoids(D, n_clusters, rng) # assert that _kpp_init was called and its result was returned. _kpp_init_mocked.assert_called_once_with(D, n_clusters, rng) assert initial_medoids == _kpp_init_mocked.return_value def test_kmedoids_pp(): """Initial clusters should be well-separated for k-medoids++""" rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) kmedoids = KMedoids() X = [ [10, 0], [11, 0], [0, 10], [0, 11], [10, 10], [11, 10], [12, 10], [10, 11], ] D = euclidean_distances(X) centers = kmedoids._kpp_init(D, n_clusters=3, random_state_=rng) assert len(centers) == 3 inter_medoid_distances = D[centers][:, centers] assert np.all((inter_medoid_distances > 5) | (inter_medoid_distances == 0)) def test_precomputed(): """Test the 'precomputed' distance metric.""" rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X_1 = [[1.0, 0.0], [1.1, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.1]] D_1 = euclidean_distances(X_1) X_2 = [[1.1, 0.0], [0.0, 0.9]] D_2 = euclidean_distances(X_2, X_1) kmedoids = KMedoids(metric="precomputed", n_clusters=2, random_state=rng) assert_allclose(kmedoids.inertia_, 0.2) assert_array_equal(kmedoids.medoid_indices_, [2, 0]) assert_array_equal(kmedoids.labels_, [1, 1, 0, 0]) assert kmedoids.cluster_centers_ is None med_1, med_2 = tuple(kmedoids.medoid_indices_) predictions = kmedoids.predict(D_2) assert_array_equal(predictions, [med_1 // 2, med_2 // 2]) transformed = kmedoids.transform(D_2) assert_array_equal(transformed, D_2[:, kmedoids.medoid_indices_]) def test_kmedoids_fit_naive(): n_clusters = 3 metric = "euclidean" model = KMedoids(n_clusters=n_clusters, metric=metric) Xnaive = np.asarray([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) assert_array_equal( model.cluster_centers_, [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] ) assert_array_equal(model.labels_, [0, 1, 2]) assert model.inertia_ == 0.0 # diagonal must be zero, off-diagonals must be positive X_new = model.transform(Xnaive) for c in range(n_clusters): assert X_new[c, c] == 0 for c2 in range(n_clusters): if c != c2: assert X_new[c, c2] > 0 def test_max_iter(): """Test that warning message is thrown when max_iter is reached.""" rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X_iris = load_iris()["data"] model = KMedoids( n_clusters=10, init="random", random_state=rng, max_iter=1 ) msg = "Maximum number of iteration reached before" with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg): def test_kmedoids_iris(): """Test kmedoids on the Iris dataset""" rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X_iris = load_iris()["data"] ref_model = KMeans(n_clusters=3).fit(X_iris) avg_dist_to_closest_centroid = ( ref_model.transform(X_iris).min(axis=1).mean() ) for init in ["random", "heuristic", "k-medoids++"]: distance_metric = "euclidean" model = KMedoids( n_clusters=3, metric=distance_metric, init=init, random_state=rng ) # test convergence in reasonable number of steps assert model.n_iter_ < (len(X_iris) // 10) distances = PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS[distance_metric](X_iris) avg_dist_to_random_medoid = np.mean(distances.ravel()) avg_dist_to_closest_medoid = model.inertia_ / X_iris.shape[0] # We want distance-to-closest-medoid to be reduced from average # distance by more than 50% assert avg_dist_to_random_medoid > 2 * avg_dist_to_closest_medoid # When K-Medoids is using Euclidean distance, # we can compare its performance to # K-Means. We want the average distance to cluster centers # to be similar between K-Means and K-Medoids assert_allclose( avg_dist_to_closest_medoid, avg_dist_to_closest_centroid, rtol=0.1 ) def test_kmedoids_fit_predict_transform(): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) model = KMedoids(random_state=rng) labels1 = model.fit_predict(X) assert len(labels1) == 100 assert_array_equal(labels1, model.labels_) labels2 = model.predict(X) assert_array_equal(labels1, labels2) Xt1 = model.fit_transform(X) assert_array_equal(Xt1.shape, (100, model.n_clusters)) Xt2 = model.transform(X) assert_array_equal(Xt1, Xt2) def test_callable_distance_metric(): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) def my_metric(a, b): return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(a - b, 2))) model = KMedoids(random_state=rng, metric=my_metric) labels1 = model.fit_predict(X) assert len(labels1) == 100 assert_array_equal(labels1, model.labels_) def test_outlier_robustness(): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=rng) kmedoids = KMedoids(n_clusters=2, random_state=rng) X = [[-11, 0], [-10, 0], [-9, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [1000, 0]] assert_array_equal(kmeans.labels_, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) assert_array_equal(kmedoids.labels_, [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) def test_kmedoids_on_sparse_input(): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) model = KMedoids(n_clusters=2, random_state=rng) row = np.array([1, 0]) col = np.array([0, 4]) data = np.array([1, 1]) X = csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(2, 5)) labels = model.fit_predict(X) assert len(labels) == 2 assert_array_equal(labels, model.labels_) # Test the build initialization. def test_build(): X, y = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(return_X_y=True) # Select only the first 500 samples X = X[:500] y = y[:500] # Precompute cosine distance matrix diss = cosine_distances(X) # run build ske = KMedoids(20, "precomputed", init="build", max_iter=0) assert ske.inertia_ <= 230 assert len(np.unique(ske.labels_)) == 20 def test_clara_consistency_iris(): # test that CLARA is PAM when full sample is used rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X_iris = load_iris()["data"] clara = CLARA( n_clusters=3, n_sampling_iter=1, n_sampling=len(X_iris), random_state=rng, ) model = KMedoids(n_clusters=3, init="build", random_state=rng) assert np.sum(model.labels_ == clara.labels_) == len(X_iris) def test_seuclidean(): with pytest.warns(None) as record: km = KMedoids(2, metric="seuclidean", method="pam")[0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((4, 1))) km.predict(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((4, 1))) km.transform(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((4, 1))) assert len(record) == 0 def test_medoids_indices(): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X_iris = load_iris()["data"] clara = CLARA( n_clusters=3, n_sampling_iter=1, n_sampling=len(X_iris), random_state=rng, ) model = KMedoids(n_clusters=3, init="build", random_state=rng) centroids = np.array([X_iris[0], X_iris[50]]) array_like_model = KMedoids( n_clusters=len(centroids), init=centroids, max_iter=0 ) assert_array_equal(X_iris[model.medoid_indices_], model.cluster_centers_) assert_array_equal(X_iris[clara.medoid_indices_], clara.cluster_centers_) assert_array_equal(centroids, array_like_model.cluster_centers_) def test_array_like_init(): centroids = np.array([X_cc[0], X_cc[50]]) expected = np.hstack([np.zeros(50), np.ones(50)]) km = KMedoids(n_clusters=len(centroids), init=centroids) # # This test use data that are not perfectly separable so the # # accuracy is not 1. Accuracy around 0.85 assert (np.mean(km.labels_ == expected) > 0.8) or ( 1 - np.mean(km.labels_ == expected) > 0.8 ) # Override n_clusters if array-like init method is used km = KMedoids(n_clusters=len(centroids) + 2, init=centroids) assert len(km.cluster_centers_) == len(centroids)
import numpy as np import cv2 import rospy from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError import math import vision_utils from sub_vision.msg import TrackObjectFeedback from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from sub_vision.msg import feedback def angle_cos(p0, p1, p2): d1, d2 = (p0-p1).astype('float'), (p2-p1).astype('float') return abs(, d2) / np.sqrt(, d1)*, d2) ) ) def nlargest(n, contours, key): largestContours = [] if key == cv2.contourArea: sortedContours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) for i in range(n): largestContours.append(sortedContours[i]) return largestContours def greatestNAreaContours(contours, n): return nlargest(n, contours, key=cv2.contourArea) class GateFinder: def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("/thresh_image", Image, queue_size=10) self.feedback_pub = rospy.Publisher("/gate_feedback", feedback, queue_size=10) self.feedback_msg = feedback() def normalsFromAllCorners(self, corners, disparities): valid = [] for idx, val in enumerate(disparities): if val > 0: valid.append(idx) combos = vision_utils.cartesian((valid, valid, valid)) normals = [] for combo in combos: #Find all possible cross products of the available points if combo[0] != combo[1] and combo[1] != combo[2] and combo[0] != combo[2]: new = np.cross(corners[combo[1]] - corners[combo[0]], corners[combo[2]] - corners[combo[0]]) if new.max() > 0: new = np.divide(new, new.max()) #normalize if, np.array([-1,0,0])) < 0: normals.append(-new) else: normals.append(new) return normals def process(self, imageLeftRect, imageRightRect, imageDisparityRect, cameraModel, stereoCameraModel, upper, lower): assert(imageLeftRect is not None) feedback = TrackObjectFeedback() feedback.found = False imageHLS = cv2.cvtColor(imageLeftRect, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS) lower = np.array([0,70,50], dtype = 'uint8') upper = np.array([200,255,255], dtype='uint8') mask=cv2.inRange(imageHLS, lower,upper) #HLS thresholds output = cv2.bitwise_and(imageLeftRect, imageLeftRect, mask=mask) self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imageLeftRect, "bgr8")) #mask=cv2.inRange(imageHSV, np.array([20,30,80],dtype='uint8'),np.array([40,52,120],dtype='uint8')) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours = cnts[1] if len(contours) == 0: print("No contours") return feedback rects = [] for contour in contours: #adapted from epsilon = cv2.arcLength(contour, True)*0.05 contour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True) if len(contour) == 4 and cv2.isContourConvex(contour): contour = contour.reshape(-1, 2) max_cos = np.max([angle_cos( contour[i], contour[(i+1) % 4], contour[(i+2) % 4] ) for i in xrange(4)]) if max_cos < 0.1: rects.append(contour) if len(rects) > 1: rects = greatestNAreaContours(rects, 2) rect1 = list(cv2.minAreaRect(rects[0])) rect2 = list(cv2.minAreaRect(rects[1])) if(rect1[1][0] < rect1[1][1]): #Fix wonky angles from opencv (I think) rect1[2] = (rect1[2] + 180) * 180/3.141 else: rect1[2] = (rect1[2] + 90) * 180/3.141 if(rect2[1][0] < rect2[1][1]): rect2[2] = (rect2[2] + 180) * 180/3.141 else: rect2[2] = (rect2[2] + 90) * 180/3.141 gateCenter = (int((rect1[0][0] + rect2[0][0])/2), int((rect1[0][1] + rect2[0][1])/2)) = gateCenter self.feedback_msg.size = imageRightRect.shape self.feedback_pub.publish(self.feedback_msg) = gateCenter #feedback.size = imageRightRect.shape if gateCenter[0] - rect1[0][0] > 0: feedback.width = (rect2[0][0]+(rect2[1][0]/2)) - (rect1[0][0] - (rect1[1][0]/2)) else: feedback.width = (rect1[0][0] -(rect1[1][0]/2)) - (rect2[0][0]+(rect2[1][0]/2)) feedback.height = rect1[1][1] feedback.found = True return feedback
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime from scraper import * from general import General import traceback def get_arrival_time(arrival_time_str): arrival_time_strip = arrival_time_str.split(' ')[0] time = datetime.strptime(arrival_time_strip, '%H:%M:%S').time() now = arrival_time = datetime.combine(now, time) return arrival_time class Movement(Scraper): def __init__(self, browser, config): super(Movement, self).__init__(browser, config) self.general_client = General(browser, config) def get_fleet_movement_from_movement_page(self): """ Deprecated, use get_fleet_movement instead :return: """ url = self.url_provider.get_page_url('movement') res = self.open_url(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(, "lxml") movement_nodes = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "fleetDetails detailsOpened"}) fleet_movements = [] for movement_node in movement_nodes: mission_code = int( movement_node['data-mission-type'] ) mission_type = self.mission_types[ mission_code ] origin_planet_coords = self.parse_coords(movement_node.find("span", {"class": "originCoords"}).text) origin_planet_name = movement_node.find("span", {"class": "originPlanet"}).text.strip() destination_coords = self.parse_coords( movement_node.find("span", {"class": "destinationCoords tooltip"}).text) movement = FleetMovement(origin_planet_coords, origin_planet_name, destination_coords) movement.mission = mission_type fleet_movements.append(movement) return fleet_movements def get_fleet_movement(self): url = self.url_provider.get_page_url('eventList') res = self.open_url(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(, "lxml") movement_table = soup.find("table", {"id": "eventContent"}) movement_rows = movement_table.findAll("tr", {"class": "eventFleet"}) fleet_movements = [] for movement_row in movement_rows: try: mission_code = int( movement_row['data-mission-type'] ) mission_type = self.mission_types[ mission_code ] origin_coords = self.parse_coords(movement_row.find("td", {"class": "coordsOrigin"}).text.strip()) origin_planet_name = movement_row.find("td", {"class": "originFleet"}).text.strip() dest_coords = self.parse_coords(movement_row.find("td", {"class": "destCoords"}).text.strip()) dest_planet_data = movement_row.find("td", {"class": "destFleet"}) dest_planet_name = movement_row.find("td", {"class": "destFleet"}).text.strip() isMoon = False if dest_planet_data.find("figure", {"class": "moon"}) is None else True count_down_td = movement_row.find("td", {"class": "countDown"}) is_friendly = 'friendly' in count_down_td.attrs['class'] arrival_time_str = movement_row.find("td", {"class": "arrivalTime"}).text arrival_time = get_arrival_time(arrival_time_str) countdown_time = self.get_countdown_time(arrival_time) movement = FleetMovement(origin_coords, origin_planet_name, dest_coords, dest_planet_name, is_friendly, arrival_time, countdown_time, mission_type, isMoon) fleet_movements.append(movement) except Exception as e: exception_message = traceback.format_exc() self.logger.error(exception_message) return fleet_movements def get_countdown_time(self, arrival_time): game_time = self.general_client.get_game_datetime() return arrival_time - game_time @staticmethod def parse_coords(text): return text.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') def get_fleet_slots_usage(self): """ Get fleet slot usage data. Only works if there is at least 1 fleet in movement """ url = self.url_provider.get_page_url('movement') res = self.open_url(url) soup = BeautifulSoup( slots_info_node = soup.find("span", {"class", "fleetSlots"}) if slots_info_node is not None: current_slots = int(slots_info_node.find("span", {"class", "current"}).text) all_slots = int(slots_info_node.find("span", {"class", "all"}).text) else: current_slots = 0 all_slots = 1 return current_slots, all_slots
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ import horizon class BasePanels(horizon.PanelGroup): slug = "compute" name = _("Manage Compute") panels = ('overview', 'instances_and_volumes', 'images_and_snapshots', 'access_and_security', 'networks') class ObjectStorePanels(horizon.PanelGroup): slug = "object_store" name = _("Object Store") panels = ('containers',) class Nova(horizon.Dashboard): name = _("Project") slug = "nova" panels = (BasePanels, ObjectStorePanels) default_panel = 'overview' supports_tenants = True horizon.register(Nova)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from email.headerregistry import Address import signal from typing import Optional import attr from eletter import BytesAttachment import pytest from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from daemail import util from daemail.message import DraftMessage from daemail.reporter import CommandReporter from daemail.runner import CommandError, CommandResult w4 = timezone(timedelta(hours=-4)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "result,subject,body", [ ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"", stderr=b"", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output: none\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"This is the stderr.\n", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" "> This is the stderr.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"", stderr=b"This is the stderr.\n", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output: none\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" "> This is the stderr.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=None, stderr=b"This is the stderr.\n", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" "> This is the stderr.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=None, stderr=None, ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=42, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[FAILED] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 42\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", ), pytest.param( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=-2, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[FAILED] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: -2 (SIGINT)\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", marks=pytest.mark.skipif( getattr(signal, "SIGINT", None) != 2, reason="SIGINT is not 2 on this platform", ), ), pytest.param( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=-65, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[FAILED] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: -65\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", marks=pytest.mark.skipif( any(s.value == 65 for s in signal.Signals), reason="This platform has a signal #65", ), ), ], ) def test_report_plain_message( mocker: MockerFixture, result: CommandResult, subject: str, body: str, ) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": subject, "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [body], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) @pytest.mark.parametrize("failure_only", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nonempty", [False, True]) def test_report_command_error( mocker: MockerFixture, failure_only: bool, nonempty: bool, ) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandError( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), tb=( "Traceback (most recent call last):\n" " ...\n" "FakeError: Let's pretend this really happened\n" ), ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=failure_only, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=nonempty, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[ERROR] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ "An error occurred while attempting to run the command:\n" "> Traceback (most recent call last):\n" "> ...\n" "> FakeError: Let's pretend this really happened\n" ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) def test_report_stdout_mime(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b'{"This": "is the output."}\n', stderr=b"", ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type="application/json", nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename="stdout.html", to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg, recurse=False) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ ( "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" ), BytesAttachment( b'{"This": "is the output."}\n', "stdout.html", content_type="application/json", inline=True, ), ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "result,subject,body", [ ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"", stderr=b"", ), None, None, ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"This is the stderr.\n", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" "> This is the stderr.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"", stderr=b"This is the stderr.\n", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output: none\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" "> This is the stderr.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=None, stderr=b"This is the stderr.\n", ), "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" "> This is the stderr.\n", ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=None, stderr=None, ), None, None, ), ], ) def test_report_nonempty( result: CommandResult, subject: Optional[str], body: Optional[str], ) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=True, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) msg = if body is None: assert msg is None else: assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": subject, "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [body], } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "result,subject,body", [ ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), None, None, ), ( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=42, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[FAILED] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 42\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", ), pytest.param( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=-2, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[FAILED] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: -2 (SIGINT)\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", marks=pytest.mark.skipif( getattr(signal, "SIGINT", None) != 2, reason="SIGINT is not 2 on this platform", ), ), pytest.param( CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=-65, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ), "[FAILED] foo -x bar.txt", "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: -65\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", marks=pytest.mark.skipif( any(s.value == 65 for s in signal.Signals), reason="This platform has a signal #65", ), ), ], ) def test_report_failure_only( result: CommandResult, subject: Optional[str], body: Optional[str], ) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=True, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) msg = if body is None: assert msg is None else: assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": subject, "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [body], } def test_report_utc(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is the output.\n", stderr=b"", ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=True, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ "Start Time: 2020-03-10 19:00:28.123456Z\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 19:01:27.654321Z\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is the output.\n", ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) @pytest.mark.parametrize("stderr", [b"", None]) def test_report_undecodable_stdout_empty_stderr( mocker: MockerFixture, stderr: Optional[bytes], ) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", stderr=stderr, ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg, recurse=False) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ ( "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" ), BytesAttachment( b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", "stdout", content_type="application/octet-stream", inline=True, ), ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) def test_report_undecodable_stdout_good_stderr(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", stderr=b"This is in ASCII.\n", ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg, recurse=False) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ ( "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" ), BytesAttachment( b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", "stdout", content_type="application/octet-stream", inline=True, ), "\nError Output:\n> This is in ASCII.\n", ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) def test_report_empty_stdout_undecodable_stderr(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"", stderr=b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg, recurse=False) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ ( "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output: none\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" ), BytesAttachment( b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", "stderr", content_type="application/octet-stream", inline=True, ), ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) def test_report_good_stdout_undecodable_stderr(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"This is in ASCII.\n", stderr=b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg, recurse=False) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ ( "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" "> This is in ASCII.\n" "\n" "Error Output:\n" ), BytesAttachment( b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", "stderr", content_type="application/octet-stream", inline=True, ), ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv) def test_report_undecodable_stdout_and_stderr(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: from_addr = Address("Command Reporter", addr_spec="") to_addrs = [Address("Re Cipient", addr_spec="")] result = CommandResult( argv=["foo", "-x", "bar.txt"], rc=0, start=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 0, 28, 123456, w4), end=datetime(2020, 3, 10, 15, 1, 27, 654321, w4), stdout=b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", stderr=b"\xE3\x88\x89\xA2@\x89\xA2@\x89\x95@\xC5\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC9\xC3K%", ) reporter = CommandReporter( encoding="utf-8", failure_only=False, from_addr=from_addr, mime_type=None, nonempty=False, stderr_encoding="utf-8", stdout_filename=None, to_addrs=to_addrs, utc=False, ) show_argv_spy = mocker.spy(util, "show_argv") msg = assert isinstance(msg, DraftMessage) assert attr.asdict(msg, recurse=False) == { "to_addrs": to_addrs, "subject": "[DONE] foo -x bar.txt", "from_addr": from_addr, "parts": [ ( "Start Time: 2020-03-10 15:00:28.123456-04:00\n" "End Time: 2020-03-10 15:01:27.654321-04:00\n" "Exit Status: 0\n" "\n" "Output:\n" ), BytesAttachment( b"\xD0is is i\xF1 L\xE1tin\xB9.\n", "stdout", content_type="application/octet-stream", inline=True, ), "\nError Output:\n", BytesAttachment( b"\xE3\x88\x89\xA2@\x89\xA2@\x89\x95@\xC5\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC9\xC3K%", "stderr", content_type="application/octet-stream", inline=True, ), ], } show_argv_spy.assert_called_once_with(*result.argv)