1 value
15 values
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from rest_framework import serializers from lecture.feed.models import Feed, FeedRoot class FeedSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Feed fields = ('id', 'title', 'url') class FeedRootSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): feeds = FeedSerializer(many=True) class Meta: model = FeedRoot fields = ('id', 'title', 'feeds')
from os.path import dirname, basename, isfile import glob # Autodetect all modules in this directory, so they can be automatically imported by 'from <> import *'. module_paths = glob.glob(dirname(__file__)+"/*.py") __all__ = [ basename(f)[:-3] for f in module_paths if isfile(f)]
# -*- noplot -*- """ Although it is usually not a good idea to explicitly point to a single ttf file for a font instance, you can do so using the font_manager.FontProperties fname argument (for a more flexible solution, see the and examples). """ import sys import os import matplotlib.font_manager as fm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot([1,2,3]) if sys.platform == 'win32': fpath = 'C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Tahoma.ttf' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): fonts = ['/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf', ] for fpath in fonts: if os.path.exists(fpath): break else: fpath = '/Library/Fonts/Tahoma.ttf' if os.path.exists(fpath): prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=fpath) fname = os.path.split(fpath)[1] ax.set_title('this is a special font: %s' % fname, fontproperties=prop) else: ax.set_title('Demo fails--cannot find a demo font') ax.set_xlabel('This is the default font')
# Opus/UrbanSim urban simulation software. # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 University of Washington # See opus_core/LICENSE import os from PyQt4 import QtGui, Qt, QtCore from opus_gui.general_manager.views.ui_dependency_viewer import Ui_DependencyViewer class DependencyViewer(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_DependencyViewer): def __init__(self, parent_window): flags = QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent_window, flags) self.setupUi(self) self.setModal(True) #TODO: this shouldn't be necessary, but without it the window is unresponsive def show_error_message(self): self.lbl_error.setVisible(True) self.scrollArea.setVisible(False) def show_graph(self, file_path, name): self.lbl_error.setVisible(False) self.scrollArea.setVisible(True) self.setWindowTitle("Dependency graph of %s" % name) self.image_file = file_path pix = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(QtGui.QImage(file_path)) self.label.setPixmap(pix) self.scrollAreaWidgetContents.setMinimumSize(pix.width(), pix.height()) self.label.setMinimumSize(pix.width(), pix.height()) rect = Qt.QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry(self) self.resize(min(rect.width(), pix.width() + 35), min(rect.height(), pix.height() + 80)) self.update() def on_closeWindow_released(self): self.close() os.remove(self.image_file)
# -- # Load deps import keras import pandas as pd from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append('..') from wit import * pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 50) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 120) np.set_printoptions(linewidth=100) # -- # Config + Init num_features = 75 # Character max_len = 350 # Character formatter = KerasFormatter(num_features, max_len) # -- # Load and format data df = pd.read_csv('/Volumes/phronesis/address/real_address.csv') df['id'] = 0 # -- # Make all pairs df.hash.unique().shape # number of hashes train = make_triplet_train(df.head(60000), N = 20) train.to_csv('/Volumes/phronesis/address/train_address.csv') # -- EDIT : Removing duplicates -- tmp = train.groupby('ex').apply(lambda x: x.obj[x.role == 'anc'] == x.obj[x.role == 'pos']).reset_index() train = train[train.ex.isin(list(tmp.level_1[tmp.obj]))] # -- trn, levs = formatter.format(train, ['obj'], 'hash') classifier = TripletClassifier(trn, levs) = 250, nb_epoch = 3) awl_sub = df.tail(5000) awl, _ = formatter.format(awl_sub, ['obj'], 'hash') preds = model.predict(awl['x'][0], verbose = True) out = {} uhash = awl_sub.hash.unique() for i in range(len(uhash)): tmp = preds[np.array(awl_sub.hash == uhash[i])] out[i] =, tmp.T) sims = map(lambda x: np.mean(x), out.values()) def get_sim(a, b): preds = model.predict(formatter._format_x([a, b], False)) return, preds.T)[0, 1] def compare(a, b): learned_sim = get_sim(a, b) fuzz_sim = fuzz.ratio(a, b) print '\nlearned_sim : %f \t| fuzz_sim : %f\n' %(learned_sim, fuzz_sim) return learned_sim, fuzz_sim _ = compare('101 fake street', '101 fake st') _ = compare('101 fake street', '102 fake street') _ = compare('101 fake street', '102 fake st') # -- # Comparison to Levenshtein from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz out = [] prev = None awl_sub = awl_sub.reset_index() for i, r in awl_sub.iterrows(): print i tmp = dict(r) if prev: out.append(( tmp['hash'] == prev['hash'], fuzz.ratio(tmp['obj'], prev['obj']), preds[i], preds[i - 1] ) )) prev = tmp res = pd.DataFrame(out) res.columns = ('same', 'fuzz', 'wit') res.wit = res.wit * 100 plt.hist(np.array(res.fuzz[~res.same]), 100) plt.hist(np.array(res.fuzz[res.same]), 100) # -- from sklearn import metrics # -- # Learned y = np.array(res.same) + 0 pred = np.array(res.wit) fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y, pred, pos_label=1) metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) # -- # Fuzz y = np.array(res.same) + 0 pred = np.array(res.fuzz) fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y, pred, pos_label=1) metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) s1 = '19 stanton court' s2 = '18 stanton court' fuzz.ratio(s1, s2) get_sim(s1, s2)
""" Compute Engine definitions for the Pipeline API. """ from abc import ( ABCMeta, abstractmethod, ) from uuid import uuid4 from six import ( iteritems, with_metaclass, ) from numpy import array from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex from toolz import groupby, juxt from toolz.curried.operator import getitem from zipline.lib.adjusted_array import ensure_adjusted_array, ensure_ndarray from zipline.errors import NoFurtherDataError from zipline.utils.numpy_utils import ( as_column, repeat_first_axis, repeat_last_axis, ) from zipline.utils.pandas_utils import explode from .term import AssetExists, InputDates, LoadableTerm from zipline.utils.date_utils import compute_date_range_chunks from zipline.utils.pandas_utils import categorical_df_concat from zipline.utils.sharedoc import copydoc class PipelineEngine(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): @abstractmethod def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, start_date, end_date): """ Compute values for ``pipeline`` between ``start_date`` and ``end_date``. Returns a DataFrame with a MultiIndex of (date, asset) pairs. Parameters ---------- pipeline : zipline.pipeline.Pipeline The pipeline to run. start_date : pd.Timestamp Start date of the computed matrix. end_date : pd.Timestamp End date of the computed matrix. Returns ------- result : pd.DataFrame A frame of computed results. The ``result`` columns correspond to the entries of `pipeline.columns`, which should be a dictionary mapping strings to instances of :class:`zipline.pipeline.term.Term`. For each date between ``start_date`` and ``end_date``, ``result`` will contain a row for each asset that passed `pipeline.screen`. A screen of ``None`` indicates that a row should be returned for each asset that existed each day. """ raise NotImplementedError("run_pipeline") @abstractmethod def run_chunked_pipeline(self, pipeline, start_date, end_date, chunksize): """ Compute values for `pipeline` in number of days equal to `chunksize` and return stitched up result. Computing in chunks is useful for pipelines computed over a long period of time. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Pipeline The pipeline to run. start_date : pd.Timestamp The start date to run the pipeline for. end_date : pd.Timestamp The end date to run the pipeline for. chunksize : int The number of days to execute at a time. Returns ------- result : pd.DataFrame A frame of computed results. The ``result`` columns correspond to the entries of `pipeline.columns`, which should be a dictionary mapping strings to instances of :class:`zipline.pipeline.term.Term`. For each date between ``start_date`` and ``end_date``, ``result`` will contain a row for each asset that passed `pipeline.screen`. A screen of ``None`` indicates that a row should be returned for each asset that existed each day. See Also -------- :meth:`zipline.pipeline.engine.PipelineEngine.run_pipeline` """ raise NotImplementedError("run_chunked_pipeline") class NoEngineRegistered(Exception): """ Raised if a user tries to call pipeline_output in an algorithm that hasn't set up a pipeline engine. """ class ExplodingPipelineEngine(PipelineEngine): """ A PipelineEngine that doesn't do anything. """ def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, start_date, end_date): raise NoEngineRegistered( "Attempted to run a pipeline but no pipeline " "resources were registered." ) def run_chunked_pipeline(self, pipeline, start_date, end_date, chunksize): raise NoEngineRegistered( "Attempted to run a chunked pipeline but no pipeline " "resources were registered." ) def default_populate_initial_workspace(initial_workspace, root_mask_term, execution_plan, dates, assets): """The default implementation for ``populate_initial_workspace``. This function returns the ``initial_workspace`` argument without making any modifications. Parameters ---------- initial_workspace : dict[array-like] The initial workspace before we have populated it with any cached terms. root_mask_term : Term The root mask term, normally ``AssetExists()``. This is needed to compute the dates for individual terms. execution_plan : ExecutionPlan The execution plan for the pipeline being run. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex All of the dates being requested in this pipeline run including the extra dates for look back windows. assets : pd.Int64Index All of the assets that exist for the window being computed. Returns ------- populated_initial_workspace : dict[term, array-like] The workspace to begin computations with. """ return initial_workspace class SimplePipelineEngine(PipelineEngine): """ PipelineEngine class that computes each term independently. Parameters ---------- get_loader : callable A function that is given a loadable term and returns a PipelineLoader to use to retrieve raw data for that term. calendar : DatetimeIndex Array of dates to consider as trading days when computing a range between a fixed start and end. asset_finder : zipline.assets.AssetFinder An AssetFinder instance. We depend on the AssetFinder to determine which assets are in the top-level universe at any point in time. populate_initial_workspace : callable, optional A function which will be used to populate the initial workspace when computing a pipeline. See :func:`zipline.pipeline.engine.default_populate_initial_workspace` for more info. See Also -------- :func:`zipline.pipeline.engine.default_populate_initial_workspace` """ __slots__ = ( '_get_loader', '_calendar', '_finder', '_root_mask_term', '_root_mask_dates_term', '_populate_initial_workspace', ) def __init__(self, get_loader, calendar, asset_finder, populate_initial_workspace=None): self._get_loader = get_loader self._calendar = calendar self._finder = asset_finder self._root_mask_term = AssetExists() self._root_mask_dates_term = InputDates() self._populate_initial_workspace = ( populate_initial_workspace or default_populate_initial_workspace ) def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, start_date, end_date): """ Compute a pipeline. The algorithm implemented here can be broken down into the following stages: 0. Build a dependency graph of all terms in `pipeline`. Topologically sort the graph to determine an order in which we can compute the terms. 1. Ask our AssetFinder for a "lifetimes matrix", which should contain, for each date between start_date and end_date, a boolean value for each known asset indicating whether the asset existed on that date. 2. Compute each term in the dependency order determined in (0), caching the results in a a dictionary to that they can be fed into future terms. 3. For each date, determine the number of assets passing pipeline.screen. The sum, N, of all these values is the total number of rows in our output frame, so we pre-allocate an output array of length N for each factor in `terms`. 4. Fill in the arrays allocated in (3) by copying computed values from our output cache into the corresponding rows. 5. Stick the values computed in (4) into a DataFrame and return it. Step 0 is performed by ``Pipeline.to_graph``. Step 1 is performed in ``SimplePipelineEngine._compute_root_mask``. Step 2 is performed in ``SimplePipelineEngine.compute_chunk``. Steps 3, 4, and 5 are performed in ``SimplePiplineEngine._to_narrow``. Parameters ---------- pipeline : zipline.pipeline.Pipeline The pipeline to run. start_date : pd.Timestamp Start date of the computed matrix. end_date : pd.Timestamp End date of the computed matrix. Returns ------- result : pd.DataFrame A frame of computed results. The ``result`` columns correspond to the entries of `pipeline.columns`, which should be a dictionary mapping strings to instances of :class:`zipline.pipeline.term.Term`. For each date between ``start_date`` and ``end_date``, ``result`` will contain a row for each asset that passed `pipeline.screen`. A screen of ``None`` indicates that a row should be returned for each asset that existed each day. See Also -------- :meth:`zipline.pipeline.engine.PipelineEngine.run_pipeline` :meth:`zipline.pipeline.engine.PipelineEngine.run_chunked_pipeline` """ if end_date < start_date: raise ValueError( "start_date must be before or equal to end_date \n" "start_date=%s, end_date=%s" % (start_date, end_date) ) screen_name = uuid4().hex graph = pipeline.to_execution_plan( screen_name, self._root_mask_term, self._calendar, start_date, end_date, ) extra_rows = graph.extra_rows[self._root_mask_term] root_mask = self._compute_root_mask(start_date, end_date, extra_rows) dates, assets, root_mask_values = explode(root_mask) initial_workspace = self._populate_initial_workspace( { self._root_mask_term: root_mask_values, self._root_mask_dates_term: as_column(dates.values) }, self._root_mask_term, graph, dates, assets, ) results = self.compute_chunk( graph, dates, assets, initial_workspace, ) return self._to_narrow( graph.outputs, results, results.pop(screen_name), dates[extra_rows:], assets, ) @copydoc(PipelineEngine.run_chunked_pipeline) def run_chunked_pipeline(self, pipeline, start_date, end_date, chunksize): ranges = compute_date_range_chunks( self._calendar, start_date, end_date, chunksize, ) chunks = [self.run_pipeline(pipeline, s, e) for s, e in ranges] if len(chunks) == 1: # OPTIMIZATION: Don't make an extra copy in `categorical_df_concat` # if we don't have to. return chunks[0] return categorical_df_concat(chunks, inplace=True) def _compute_root_mask(self, start_date, end_date, extra_rows): """ Compute a lifetimes matrix from our AssetFinder, then drop columns that didn't exist at all during the query dates. Parameters ---------- start_date : pd.Timestamp Base start date for the matrix. end_date : pd.Timestamp End date for the matrix. extra_rows : int Number of extra rows to compute before `start_date`. Extra rows are needed by terms like moving averages that require a trailing window of data. Returns ------- lifetimes : pd.DataFrame Frame of dtype `bool` containing dates from `extra_rows` days before `start_date`, continuing through to `end_date`. The returned frame contains as columns all assets in our AssetFinder that existed for at least one day between `start_date` and `end_date`. """ calendar = self._calendar finder = self._finder start_idx, end_idx = self._calendar.slice_locs(start_date, end_date) if start_idx < extra_rows: raise NoFurtherDataError.from_lookback_window( initial_message="Insufficient data to compute Pipeline:", first_date=calendar[0], lookback_start=start_date, lookback_length=extra_rows, ) # Build lifetimes matrix reaching back to `extra_rows` days before # `start_date.` lifetimes = finder.lifetimes( calendar[start_idx - extra_rows:end_idx], include_start_date=False ) assert lifetimes.index[extra_rows] == start_date assert lifetimes.index[-1] == end_date if not lifetimes.columns.unique: columns = lifetimes.columns duplicated = columns[columns.duplicated()].unique() raise AssertionError("Duplicated sids: %d" % duplicated) # Filter out columns that didn't exist from the farthest look back # window through the end of the requested dates. existed = lifetimes.any() ret = lifetimes.loc[:, existed] shape = ret.shape assert shape[0] * shape[1] != 0, 'root mask cannot be empty' return ret @staticmethod def _inputs_for_term(term, workspace, graph): """ Compute inputs for the given term. This is mostly complicated by the fact that for each input we store as many rows as will be necessary to serve **any** computation requiring that input. """ offsets = graph.offset out = [] if term.windowed: # If term is windowed, then all input data should be instances of # AdjustedArray. for input_ in term.inputs: adjusted_array = ensure_adjusted_array( workspace[input_], input_.missing_value, ) out.append( adjusted_array.traverse( window_length=term.window_length, offset=offsets[term, input_], ) ) else: # If term is not windowed, input_data may be an AdjustedArray or # np.ndarray. Coerce the former to the latter. for input_ in term.inputs: input_data = ensure_ndarray(workspace[input_]) offset = offsets[term, input_] # OPTIMIZATION: Don't make a copy by doing input_data[0:] if # offset is zero. if offset: input_data = input_data[offset:] out.append(input_data) return out def get_loader(self, term): return self._get_loader(term) def compute_chunk(self, graph, dates, assets, initial_workspace): """ Compute the Pipeline terms in the graph for the requested start and end dates. Parameters ---------- graph : zipline.pipeline.graph.TermGraph dates : pd.DatetimeIndex Row labels for our root mask. assets : pd.Int64Index Column labels for our root mask. initial_workspace : dict Map from term -> output. Must contain at least entry for `self._root_mask_term` whose shape is `(len(dates), len(assets))`, but may contain additional pre-computed terms for testing or optimization purposes. Returns ------- results : dict Dictionary mapping requested results to outputs. """ self._validate_compute_chunk_params(dates, assets, initial_workspace) get_loader = self.get_loader # Copy the supplied initial workspace so we don't mutate it in place. workspace = initial_workspace.copy() # If loadable terms share the same loader and extra_rows, load them all # together. loader_group_key = juxt(get_loader, getitem(graph.extra_rows)) loader_groups = groupby(loader_group_key, graph.loadable_terms) refcounts = graph.initial_refcounts(workspace) for term in graph.execution_order(refcounts): # `term` may have been supplied in `initial_workspace`, and in the # future we may pre-compute loadable terms coming from the same # dataset. In either case, we will already have an entry for this # term, which we shouldn't re-compute. if term in workspace: continue # Asset labels are always the same, but date labels vary by how # many extra rows are needed. mask, mask_dates = graph.mask_and_dates_for_term( term, self._root_mask_term, workspace, dates, ) if isinstance(term, LoadableTerm): to_load = sorted( loader_groups[loader_group_key(term)], key=lambda t: t.dataset ) loader = get_loader(term) loaded = loader.load_adjusted_array( to_load, mask_dates, assets, mask, ) assert set(loaded) == set(to_load), ( 'loader did not return an AdjustedArray for each column\n' 'expected: %r\n' 'got: %r' % (sorted(to_load), sorted(loaded)) ) workspace.update(loaded) else: workspace[term] = term._compute( self._inputs_for_term(term, workspace, graph), mask_dates, assets, mask, ) if term.ndim == 2: assert workspace[term].shape == mask.shape else: assert workspace[term].shape == (mask.shape[0], 1) # Decref dependencies of ``term``, and clear any terms whose # refcounts hit 0. for garbage_term in graph.decref_dependencies(term, refcounts): del workspace[garbage_term] out = {} graph_extra_rows = graph.extra_rows for name, term in iteritems(graph.outputs): # Truncate off extra rows from outputs. out[name] = workspace[term][graph_extra_rows[term]:] return out def _to_narrow(self, terms, data, mask, dates, assets): """ Convert raw computed pipeline results into a DataFrame for public APIs. Parameters ---------- terms : dict[str -> Term] Dict mapping column names to terms. data : dict[str -> ndarray[ndim=2]] Dict mapping column names to computed results for those names. mask : ndarray[bool, ndim=2] Mask array of values to keep. dates : ndarray[datetime64, ndim=1] Row index for arrays `data` and `mask` assets : ndarray[int64, ndim=2] Column index for arrays `data` and `mask` Returns ------- results : pd.DataFrame The indices of `results` are as follows: index : two-tiered MultiIndex of (date, asset). Contains an entry for each (date, asset) pair corresponding to a `True` value in `mask`. columns : Index of str One column per entry in `data`. If mask[date, asset] is True, then result.loc[(date, asset), colname] will contain the value of data[colname][date, asset]. """ if not mask.any(): # Manually handle the empty DataFrame case. This is a workaround # to pandas failing to tz_localize an empty dataframe with a # MultiIndex. It also saves us the work of applying a known-empty # mask to each array. # # Slicing `dates` here to preserve pandas metadata. empty_dates = dates[:0] empty_assets = array([], dtype=object) return DataFrame( data={ name: array([], dtype=arr.dtype) for name, arr in iteritems(data) }, index=MultiIndex.from_arrays([empty_dates, empty_assets]), ) resolved_assets = array(self._finder.retrieve_all(assets)) dates_kept = repeat_last_axis(dates.values, len(assets))[mask] assets_kept = repeat_first_axis(resolved_assets, len(dates))[mask] final_columns = {} for name in data: # Each term that computed an output has its postprocess method # called on the filtered result. # # As of Mon May 2 15:38:47 2016, we only use this to convert # LabelArrays into categoricals. final_columns[name] = terms[name].postprocess(data[name][mask]) return DataFrame( data=final_columns, index=MultiIndex.from_arrays([dates_kept, assets_kept]), ).tz_localize('UTC', level=0) def _validate_compute_chunk_params(self, dates, assets, initial_workspace): """ Verify that the values passed to compute_chunk are well-formed. """ root = self._root_mask_term clsname = type(self).__name__ # Writing this out explicitly so this errors in testing if we change # the name without updating this line. compute_chunk_name = self.compute_chunk.__name__ if root not in initial_workspace: raise AssertionError( "root_mask values not supplied to {cls}.{method}".format( cls=clsname, method=compute_chunk_name, ) ) shape = initial_workspace[root].shape implied_shape = len(dates), len(assets) if shape != implied_shape: raise AssertionError( "root_mask shape is {shape}, but received dates/assets " "imply that shape should be {implied}".format( shape=shape, implied=implied_shape, ) )
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # # ProFTPD versions - create proftpd versions and dump them into versions.h # # Copyright (c) 2015 by Hypsurus # # import sys # The proftpd versions cycle: # proftpd-1.3.2rc1 # proftpd-1.3.2rc2 # proftpd-1.3.2rc3 # proftpd-1.3.2rc4 # proftpd-1.3.2 # proftpd-1.3.2a # proftpd-1.3.2b # proftpd-1.3.2c # proftpd-1.3.2d # proftpd-1.3.2 # Versions versions = [] VERSION=1 for version_mi in xrange(1, 4): # Just in case thay release 1.x.20 for version_mic in xrange(0, 21): fixed = "ProFTPD%d.%d.%d" %(VERSION,version_mi,version_mic) versions.append(fixed) versions.append(fixed+"rc1") versions.append(fixed+"rc2") versions.append(fixed+"rc3") versions.append(fixed+"rc4") versions.append(fixed+"a") versions.append(fixed+"b") versions.append(fixed+"c") versions.append(fixed+"d") versions.append(fixed+"e") versions.append(fixed+"f") versions.append(fixed+"g") # Fix the versions to file print("/* version.h - created by the script by Hypsurus */\n\n") print("const char * versions[] = {") for version in versions: print("\t\t\"%s\"," %version) print("};")
# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 The ESPResSo project # # This file is part of ESPResSo. # # ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import unittest as ut import unittest_decorators as utx import numpy as np import espressomd import from scipy.optimize import curve_fit AGRID = .5 N_CELLS = 12 TAU = 0.002 SEED = 1 DENS = 2.4 VISC = 1.8 KT = 0.8 class TestLBPressureTensor: """Tests that the thermalized LB pressure auto correlation function is consistent with the chosen viscosity """ system = espressomd.System(box_l=[AGRID * N_CELLS] * 3) system.time_step = TAU = 0 def tearDown(self): self.system.actors.clear() self.system.thermostat.turn_off() def sample_pressure_tensor(self): # Setup system = self.system lb = self.lb_class(agrid=AGRID, dens=DENS, visc=VISC, tau=TAU, kT=KT, seed=SEED) system.actors.add(lb) system.thermostat.set_lb(LB_fluid=lb, seed=SEED + 1) # Warmup # Sampling self.p_global = np.zeros((self.steps, 3, 3)) self.p_node0 = np.zeros((self.steps, 3, 3)) self.p_node1 = np.zeros((self.steps, 3, 3)) # Define two sample nodes, at the corner and in the center node0 = lb[0, 0, 0] node1 = lb[3 * [N_CELLS // 2]] for i in range(self.steps): self.p_node0[i] = node0.pressure_tensor self.p_node1[i] = node1.pressure_tensor self.p_global[i] = lb.pressure_tensor def assert_allclose_matrix(self, x, y, atol_diag, atol_offdiag): """Assert that all elements x_ij, y_ij are close with different absolute tolerances for on- an off-diagonal elements. """ assert x.shape == y.shape n = min(x.shape) mask_offdiag = ~np.identity(n, dtype=bool) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.diag(x), np.diag(y), atol=atol_diag) np.testing.assert_allclose( x[mask_offdiag], y[mask_offdiag], atol=atol_offdiag) def test_averages(self): # Sound speed for D3Q19 in LB lattice units c_s_lb = np.sqrt(1 / 3) # And in MD units c_s = c_s_lb * AGRID / TAU # Test time average of pressure tensor against expectation ... # eq. (19) in ladd01a ( # Pi_eq = rho c_s^2 I + rho u * u = rho c_s^2 I + 2 / V (m u^2 / 2), # with 3x3-identity matrix I . Equipartition: m u^2 / 2 = kT /2, # Pi_eq = rho c_s^2 I + kT / V p_avg_expected = np.diag(3 * [DENS * c_s**2 + KT / AGRID**3]) # ... globally, self.assert_allclose_matrix( np.mean(self.p_global, axis=0), p_avg_expected, atol_diag=c_s_lb**2 / 6, atol_offdiag=c_s_lb**2 / 9) # ... for two nodes. for time_series in [self.p_node0, self.p_node1]: self.assert_allclose_matrix( np.mean(time_series, axis=0), p_avg_expected, atol_diag=c_s_lb**2 * 10, atol_offdiag=c_s_lb**2 * 6) # Test that <sigma_[i!=j]> ~=0 and sigma_[ij]==sigma_[ji] ... tol_global = 4 / np.sqrt(self.steps) tol_node = tol_global * np.sqrt(N_CELLS**3) # ... for the two sampled nodes for i in range(3): for j in range(i + 1, 3): avg_node0_ij = np.average(self.p_node0[:, i, j]) avg_node0_ji = np.average(self.p_node0[:, j, i]) avg_node1_ij = np.average(self.p_node1[:, i, j]) avg_node1_ji = np.average(self.p_node1[:, j, i]) self.assertEqual(avg_node0_ij, avg_node0_ji) self.assertEqual(avg_node1_ij, avg_node1_ji) self.assertLess(avg_node0_ij, tol_node) self.assertLess(avg_node1_ij, tol_node) # ... for the system-wide pressure tensor for i in range(3): for j in range(i + 1, 3): avg_ij = np.average(self.p_global[:, i, j]) avg_ji = np.average(self.p_global[:, j, i]) self.assertEqual(avg_ij, avg_ji) self.assertLess(avg_ij, tol_global) class TestLBPressureTensorCPU(TestLBPressureTensor, ut.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.lb_class = self.steps = 5000 self.sample_pressure_tensor() @utx.skipIfMissingGPU() class TestLBPressureTensorGPU(TestLBPressureTensor, ut.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.lb_class = self.steps = 50000 self.sample_pressure_tensor() def test_gk_viscosity(self): # Check that stress auto correlation matches dynamic viscosity # eta = V/kT integral (stress acf), e.g., eq. (5) in Cui et. et al # ( # Cannot be run for CPU with sufficient statistics without CI timeout. all_viscs = [] for i in range(3): for j in range(i + 1, 3): # Calculate acf tmp = np.correlate( self.p_global[:, i, j], self.p_global[:, i, j], mode="full") acf = tmp[len(tmp) // 2:] / self.steps # integrate first part numerically, fit exponential to tail t_max_fit = 50 * TAU ts = np.arange(0, t_max_fit, 2 * TAU) numeric_integral = np.trapz(acf[:len(ts)], dx=2 * TAU) # fit tail def f(x, a, b): return a * np.exp(-b * x) (a, b), _ = curve_fit(f, acf[:len(ts)], ts) tail = f(ts[-1], a, b) / b integral = numeric_integral + tail measured_visc = integral * self.system.volume() / KT self.assertAlmostEqual( measured_visc, VISC * DENS, delta=VISC * DENS * .15) all_viscs.append(measured_visc) # Check average over xy, xz and yz against tighter limit self.assertAlmostEqual(np.average(all_viscs), VISC * DENS, delta=VISC * DENS * .07) if __name__ == "__main__": ut.main()
from yBalance import yBalance from yRead import read_inputfile from yOutput import plot_results, write_results from yOptions import epsilon class ySimulator: def __init__(self, filename): self.__filename = filename self.__balances = list() self.__laws = list() self.__outputs = list() self.__network = None self.__timemarching = None self.__numerics = None def run(self): if self.do_prae_calculation(): return 1 self.do_calculation() self.do_post_calculation() return 0 def do_prae_calculation(self): """ read input, construct network states which grid hosts connectors(can be connected to many links) and which grid hosts links(always connected to 2 connectors) (via yNetwork connect_connectors_to_links() called by construct()) :return: """ self.__numerics, self.__timemarching, self.__network, \ self.__laws, self.__outputs = read_inputfile(self.__filename) if self.__numerics is None: return 1 # error when tried opening input file self.__balances.append(yBalance(self.__network, 0)) # mass self.__balances.append(yBalance(self.__network, 1)) # momentum self.__network.construct() def do_calculation(self): """ advance through time steps :return: """ while self.__timemarching.current < self.__timemarching.end - epsilon: print("#######################################################\n") print("Timestep: {}\n".format(self.__timemarching.step)) # mass self.__balances[0].advance_time_step(self.__timemarching, self.__laws, self.__numerics) if self.__numerics.momentum_flac: self.__balances[1].advance_time_step(self.__timemarching, self.__laws, self.__numerics) self.update() write_results(self.__network, self.__timemarching) plot_results(self.__outputs, self.__network, self.__timemarching) def do_post_calculation(self): pass def update(self): self.__timemarching.maxVelocity = epsilon self.__network.grids[0].update_primary_variables() self.__network.grids[1].update_primary_variables() self.__network.assign_froude_number()
from django import template register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag def active(request, pattern): import re if, request.path): return 'ui-btn-active' return ''
''' Communication and control with the Goodspeed's Facedancer '''
import Nodes import ExprNodes import PyrexTypes import Visitor import Builtin import UtilNodes import TypeSlots import Symtab import Options import Naming from Code import UtilityCode from StringEncoding import EncodedString, BytesLiteral from Errors import error from ParseTreeTransforms import SkipDeclarations import codecs try: reduce except NameError: from functools import reduce try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set class FakePythonEnv(object): "A fake environment for creating type test nodes etc." nogil = False def unwrap_coerced_node(node, coercion_nodes=(ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode, ExprNodes.CoerceFromPyTypeNode)): if isinstance(node, coercion_nodes): return node.arg return node def unwrap_node(node): while isinstance(node, UtilNodes.ResultRefNode): node = node.expression return node def is_common_value(a, b): a = unwrap_node(a) b = unwrap_node(b) if isinstance(a, ExprNodes.NameNode) and isinstance(b, ExprNodes.NameNode): return == if isinstance(a, ExprNodes.AttributeNode) and isinstance(b, ExprNodes.AttributeNode): return not a.is_py_attr and is_common_value(a.obj, b.obj) and a.attribute == b.attribute return False class IterationTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform): """Transform some common for-in loop patterns into efficient C loops: - for-in-dict loop becomes a while loop calling PyDict_Next() - for-in-enumerate is replaced by an external counter variable - for-in-range loop becomes a plain C for loop """ PyDict_Next_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("dict", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("pos", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_ptr_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("key", PyrexTypes.CPtrType(PyrexTypes.py_object_type), None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("value", PyrexTypes.CPtrType(PyrexTypes.py_object_type), None) ]) PyDict_Next_name = EncodedString("PyDict_Next") PyDict_Next_entry = Symtab.Entry( PyDict_Next_name, PyDict_Next_name, PyDict_Next_func_type) visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.current_scope = node.scope self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_DefNode(self, node): oldscope = self.current_scope self.current_scope = node.entry.scope self.visitchildren(node) self.current_scope = oldscope return node def visit_PrimaryCmpNode(self, node): if node.is_ptr_contains(): # for t in operand2: # if operand1 == t: # res = True # break # else: # res = False pos = node.pos res_handle = UtilNodes.TempHandle(PyrexTypes.c_bint_type) res = res_handle.ref(pos) result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(node) if isinstance(node.operand2, ExprNodes.IndexNode): base_type = node.operand2.base.type.base_type else: base_type = node.operand2.type.base_type target_handle = UtilNodes.TempHandle(base_type) target = target_handle.ref(pos) cmp_node = ExprNodes.PrimaryCmpNode( pos, operator=u'==', operand1=node.operand1, operand2=target) if_body = Nodes.StatListNode( pos, stats = [Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(pos, lhs=result_ref, rhs=ExprNodes.BoolNode(pos, value=1)), Nodes.BreakStatNode(pos)]) if_node = Nodes.IfStatNode( pos, if_clauses=[Nodes.IfClauseNode(pos, condition=cmp_node, body=if_body)], else_clause=None) for_loop = UtilNodes.TempsBlockNode( pos, temps = [target_handle], body = Nodes.ForInStatNode( pos, target=target, iterator=ExprNodes.IteratorNode(node.operand2.pos, sequence=node.operand2), body=if_node, else_clause=Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(pos, lhs=result_ref, rhs=ExprNodes.BoolNode(pos, value=0)))) for_loop.analyse_expressions(self.current_scope) for_loop = self(for_loop) new_node = UtilNodes.TempResultFromStatNode(result_ref, for_loop) if node.operator == 'not_in': new_node = ExprNodes.NotNode(pos, operand=new_node) return new_node else: self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_ForInStatNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return self._optimise_for_loop(node) def _optimise_for_loop(self, node): iterator = node.iterator.sequence if iterator.type is Builtin.dict_type: # like iterating over dict.keys() return self._transform_dict_iteration( node, dict_obj=iterator, keys=True, values=False) # C array (slice) iteration? if False: plain_iterator = unwrap_coerced_node(iterator) if isinstance(plain_iterator, ExprNodes.SliceIndexNode) and \ (plain_iterator.base.type.is_array or plain_iterator.base.type.is_ptr): return self._transform_carray_iteration(node, plain_iterator) if iterator.type.is_ptr or iterator.type.is_array: return self._transform_carray_iteration(node, iterator) if iterator.type in (Builtin.bytes_type, Builtin.unicode_type): return self._transform_string_iteration(node, iterator) # the rest is based on function calls if not isinstance(iterator, ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode): return node function = iterator.function # dict iteration? if isinstance(function, ExprNodes.AttributeNode) and \ function.obj.type == Builtin.dict_type: dict_obj = function.obj method = function.attribute keys = values = False if method == 'iterkeys': keys = True elif method == 'itervalues': values = True elif method == 'iteritems': keys = values = True else: return node return self._transform_dict_iteration( node, dict_obj, keys, values) # enumerate() ? if iterator.self is None and function.is_name and \ function.entry and function.entry.is_builtin and \ == 'enumerate': return self._transform_enumerate_iteration(node, iterator) # range() iteration? if Options.convert_range and if iterator.self is None and function.is_name and \ function.entry and function.entry.is_builtin and \ in ('range', 'xrange'): return self._transform_range_iteration(node, iterator) return node PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_ptr_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("s", Builtin.unicode_type, None) ]) PyUnicode_GET_SIZE_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("s", Builtin.unicode_type, None) ]) PyBytes_AS_STRING_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("s", Builtin.bytes_type, None) ]) PyBytes_GET_SIZE_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("s", Builtin.bytes_type, None) ]) def _transform_string_iteration(self, node, slice_node): if not return self._transform_carray_iteration(node, slice_node) if slice_node.type is Builtin.unicode_type: unpack_func = "PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE" len_func = "PyUnicode_GET_SIZE" unpack_func_type = self.PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE_func_type len_func_type = self.PyUnicode_GET_SIZE_func_type elif slice_node.type is Builtin.bytes_type: unpack_func = "PyBytes_AS_STRING" unpack_func_type = self.PyBytes_AS_STRING_func_type len_func = "PyBytes_GET_SIZE" len_func_type = self.PyBytes_GET_SIZE_func_type else: return node unpack_temp_node = UtilNodes.LetRefNode( slice_node.as_none_safe_node("'NoneType' is not iterable")) slice_base_node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( slice_node.pos, unpack_func, unpack_func_type, args = [unpack_temp_node], is_temp = 0, ) len_node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( slice_node.pos, len_func, len_func_type, args = [unpack_temp_node], is_temp = 0, ) return UtilNodes.LetNode( unpack_temp_node, self._transform_carray_iteration( node, ExprNodes.SliceIndexNode( slice_node.pos, base = slice_base_node, start = None, step = None, stop = len_node, type = slice_base_node.type, is_temp = 1, ))) def _transform_carray_iteration(self, node, slice_node): neg_step = False if isinstance(slice_node, ExprNodes.SliceIndexNode): slice_base = slice_node.base start = slice_node.start stop = slice_node.stop step = None if not stop: if not slice_base.type.is_pyobject: error(slice_node.pos, "C array iteration requires known end index") return node elif isinstance(slice_node, ExprNodes.IndexNode): # slice_node.index must be a SliceNode slice_base = slice_node.base index = slice_node.index start = index.start stop = index.stop step = index.step if step: if step.constant_result is None: step = None elif not isinstance(step.constant_result, (int,long)) \ or step.constant_result == 0 \ or step.constant_result > 0 and not stop \ or step.constant_result < 0 and not start: if not slice_base.type.is_pyobject: error(step.pos, "C array iteration requires known step size and end index") return node else: # step sign is handled internally by ForFromStatNode neg_step = step.constant_result < 0 step = ExprNodes.IntNode(step.pos, type=PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, value=abs(step.constant_result), constant_result=abs(step.constant_result)) elif slice_node.type.is_array: if slice_node.type.size is None: error(step.pos, "C array iteration requires known end index") return node slice_base = slice_node start = None stop = ExprNodes.IntNode( slice_node.pos, value=str(slice_node.type.size), type=PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, constant_result=slice_node.type.size) step = None else: if not slice_node.type.is_pyobject: error(slice_node.pos, "C array iteration requires known end index") return node if start: if start.constant_result is None: start = None else: start = start.coerce_to(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, self.current_scope) if stop: if stop.constant_result is None: stop = None else: stop = stop.coerce_to(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, self.current_scope) if stop is None: if neg_step: stop = ExprNodes.IntNode( slice_node.pos, value='-1', type=PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, constant_result=-1) else: error(slice_node.pos, "C array iteration requires known step size and end index") return node ptr_type = slice_base.type if ptr_type.is_array: ptr_type = ptr_type.element_ptr_type() carray_ptr = slice_base.coerce_to_simple(self.current_scope) if start and start.constant_result != 0: start_ptr_node = ExprNodes.AddNode( start.pos, operand1=carray_ptr, operator='+', operand2=start, type=ptr_type) else: start_ptr_node = carray_ptr stop_ptr_node = ExprNodes.AddNode( stop.pos, operand1=ExprNodes.CloneNode(carray_ptr), operator='+', operand2=stop, type=ptr_type ).coerce_to_simple(self.current_scope) counter = UtilNodes.TempHandle(ptr_type) counter_temp = counter.ref( if slice_base.type.is_string and # special case: char* -> bytes target_value = ExprNodes.SliceIndexNode(, start=ExprNodes.IntNode(, value='0', constant_result=0, type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type), stop=ExprNodes.IntNode(, value='1', constant_result=1, type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type), base=counter_temp, type=Builtin.bytes_type, is_temp=1) else: target_value = ExprNodes.IndexNode(, index=ExprNodes.IntNode(, value='0', constant_result=0, type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type), base=counter_temp, is_buffer_access=False, type=ptr_type.base_type) if target_value.type != target_value = target_value.coerce_to(, self.current_scope) target_assign = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos =, lhs =, rhs = target_value) body = Nodes.StatListNode( node.pos, stats = [target_assign, node.body]) for_node = Nodes.ForFromStatNode( node.pos, bound1=start_ptr_node, relation1=neg_step and '>=' or '<=', target=counter_temp, relation2=neg_step and '>' or '<', bound2=stop_ptr_node, step=step, body=body, else_clause=node.else_clause, from_range=True) return UtilNodes.TempsBlockNode( node.pos, temps=[counter], body=for_node) def _transform_enumerate_iteration(self, node, enumerate_function): args = enumerate_function.arg_tuple.args if len(args) == 0: error(enumerate_function.pos, "enumerate() requires an iterable argument") return node elif len(args) > 1: error(enumerate_function.pos, "enumerate() takes at most 1 argument") return node if not # leave this untouched for now return node targets = if len(targets) != 2: # leave this untouched for now return node if not isinstance(targets[0], ExprNodes.NameNode): # leave this untouched for now return node enumerate_target, iterable_target = targets counter_type = enumerate_target.type if not counter_type.is_pyobject and not counter_type.is_int: # nothing we can do here, I guess return node temp = UtilNodes.LetRefNode(ExprNodes.IntNode(enumerate_function.pos, value='0', type=counter_type, constant_result=0)) inc_expression = ExprNodes.AddNode( enumerate_function.pos, operand1 = temp, operand2 = ExprNodes.IntNode(node.pos, value='1', type=counter_type, constant_result=1), operator = '+', type = counter_type, is_temp = counter_type.is_pyobject ) loop_body = [ Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = enumerate_target.pos, lhs = enumerate_target, rhs = temp), Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = enumerate_target.pos, lhs = temp, rhs = inc_expression) ] if isinstance(node.body, Nodes.StatListNode): node.body.stats = loop_body + node.body.stats else: loop_body.append(node.body) node.body = Nodes.StatListNode( node.body.pos, stats = loop_body) = iterable_target node.item = node.item.coerce_to(iterable_target.type, self.current_scope) node.iterator.sequence = enumerate_function.arg_tuple.args[0] # recurse into loop to check for further optimisations return UtilNodes.LetNode(temp, self._optimise_for_loop(node)) def _transform_range_iteration(self, node, range_function): args = range_function.arg_tuple.args if len(args) < 3: step_pos = range_function.pos step_value = 1 step = ExprNodes.IntNode(step_pos, value='1', constant_result=1) else: step = args[2] step_pos = step.pos if not isinstance(step.constant_result, (int, long)): # cannot determine step direction return node step_value = step.constant_result if step_value == 0: # will lead to an error elsewhere return node if not isinstance(step, ExprNodes.IntNode): step = ExprNodes.IntNode(step_pos, value=str(step_value), constant_result=step_value) if step_value < 0: step.value = str(-step_value) relation1 = '>=' relation2 = '>' else: relation1 = '<=' relation2 = '<' if len(args) == 1: bound1 = ExprNodes.IntNode(range_function.pos, value='0', constant_result=0) bound2 = args[0].coerce_to_integer(self.current_scope) else: bound1 = args[0].coerce_to_integer(self.current_scope) bound2 = args[1].coerce_to_integer(self.current_scope) step = step.coerce_to_integer(self.current_scope) if not bound2.is_literal: # stop bound must be immutable => keep it in a temp var bound2_is_temp = True bound2 = UtilNodes.LetRefNode(bound2) else: bound2_is_temp = False for_node = Nodes.ForFromStatNode( node.pos,, bound1=bound1, relation1=relation1, relation2=relation2, bound2=bound2, step=step, body=node.body, else_clause=node.else_clause, from_range=True) if bound2_is_temp: for_node = UtilNodes.LetNode(bound2, for_node) return for_node def _transform_dict_iteration(self, node, dict_obj, keys, values): py_object_ptr = PyrexTypes.c_void_ptr_type temps = [] temp = UtilNodes.TempHandle(PyrexTypes.py_object_type) temps.append(temp) dict_temp = temp.ref(dict_obj.pos) temp = UtilNodes.TempHandle(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type) temps.append(temp) pos_temp = temp.ref(node.pos) pos_temp_addr = ExprNodes.AmpersandNode( node.pos, operand=pos_temp, type=PyrexTypes.c_ptr_type(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type)) if keys: temp = UtilNodes.TempHandle(py_object_ptr) temps.append(temp) key_temp = temp.ref( key_temp_addr = ExprNodes.AmpersandNode(, operand=key_temp, type=PyrexTypes.c_ptr_type(py_object_ptr)) else: key_temp_addr = key_temp = ExprNodes.NullNode( if values: temp = UtilNodes.TempHandle(py_object_ptr) temps.append(temp) value_temp = temp.ref( value_temp_addr = ExprNodes.AmpersandNode(, operand=value_temp, type=PyrexTypes.c_ptr_type(py_object_ptr)) else: value_temp_addr = value_temp = ExprNodes.NullNode( key_target = value_target = tuple_target = None if keys and values: if if len( == 2: key_target, value_target = else: # unusual case that may or may not lead to an error return node else: tuple_target = def coerce_object_to(obj_node, dest_type): if dest_type.is_pyobject: if dest_type != obj_node.type: if dest_type.is_extension_type or dest_type.is_builtin_type: obj_node = ExprNodes.PyTypeTestNode( obj_node, dest_type, self.current_scope, notnone=True) result = ExprNodes.TypecastNode( obj_node.pos, operand = obj_node, type = dest_type) return (result, None) else: temp = UtilNodes.TempHandle(dest_type) temps.append(temp) temp_result = temp.ref(obj_node.pos) class CoercedTempNode(ExprNodes.CoerceFromPyTypeNode): def result(self): return temp_result.result() def generate_execution_code(self, code): self.generate_result_code(code) return (temp_result, CoercedTempNode(dest_type, obj_node, self.current_scope)) if isinstance(node.body, Nodes.StatListNode): body = node.body else: body = Nodes.StatListNode(pos = node.body.pos, stats = [node.body]) if tuple_target: tuple_result = ExprNodes.TupleNode( pos = tuple_target.pos, args = [key_temp, value_temp], is_temp = 1, type = Builtin.tuple_type, ) body.stats.insert( 0, Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = tuple_target.pos, lhs = tuple_target, rhs = tuple_result)) else: # execute all coercions before the assignments coercion_stats = [] assign_stats = [] if keys: temp_result, coercion = coerce_object_to( key_temp, key_target.type) if coercion: coercion_stats.append(coercion) assign_stats.append( Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = key_temp.pos, lhs = key_target, rhs = temp_result)) if values: temp_result, coercion = coerce_object_to( value_temp, value_target.type) if coercion: coercion_stats.append(coercion) assign_stats.append( Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = value_temp.pos, lhs = value_target, rhs = temp_result)) body.stats[0:0] = coercion_stats + assign_stats result_code = [ Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = dict_obj.pos, lhs = dict_temp, rhs = dict_obj), Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( pos = node.pos, lhs = pos_temp, rhs = ExprNodes.IntNode(node.pos, value='0', constant_result=0)), Nodes.WhileStatNode( pos = node.pos, condition = ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode( pos = dict_obj.pos, type = PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, function = ExprNodes.NameNode( pos = dict_obj.pos, name = self.PyDict_Next_name, type = self.PyDict_Next_func_type, entry = self.PyDict_Next_entry), args = [dict_temp, pos_temp_addr, key_temp_addr, value_temp_addr] ), body = body, else_clause = node.else_clause ) ] return UtilNodes.TempsBlockNode( node.pos, temps=temps, body=Nodes.StatListNode( node.pos, stats = result_code )) class SwitchTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform): """ This transformation tries to turn long if statements into C switch statements. The requirement is that every clause be an (or of) var == value, where the var is common among all clauses and both var and value are ints. """ NO_MATCH = (None, None, None) def extract_conditions(self, cond, allow_not_in): while True: if isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.CoerceToTempNode): cond = cond.arg elif isinstance(cond, UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode): # this is what we get from the FlattenInListTransform cond = cond.subexpression elif isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.TypecastNode): cond = cond.operand else: break if isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.PrimaryCmpNode): if cond.cascade is None and not cond.is_python_comparison(): if cond.operator == '==': not_in = False elif allow_not_in and cond.operator == '!=': not_in = True elif cond.is_c_string_contains() and \ isinstance(cond.operand2, (ExprNodes.UnicodeNode, ExprNodes.BytesNode)): not_in = cond.operator == 'not_in' if not_in and not allow_not_in: return self.NO_MATCH if isinstance(cond.operand2, ExprNodes.UnicodeNode) and \ cond.operand2.contains_surrogates(): # dealing with surrogates leads to different # behaviour on wide and narrow Unicode # platforms => refuse to optimise this case return self.NO_MATCH # this looks somewhat silly, but it does the right # checks for NameNode and AttributeNode if is_common_value(cond.operand1, cond.operand1): return not_in, cond.operand1, self.extract_in_string_conditions(cond.operand2) else: return self.NO_MATCH else: return self.NO_MATCH # this looks somewhat silly, but it does the right # checks for NameNode and AttributeNode if is_common_value(cond.operand1, cond.operand1): if cond.operand2.is_literal: return not_in, cond.operand1, [cond.operand2] elif getattr(cond.operand2, 'entry', None) \ and cond.operand2.entry.is_const: return not_in, cond.operand1, [cond.operand2] if is_common_value(cond.operand2, cond.operand2): if cond.operand1.is_literal: return not_in, cond.operand2, [cond.operand1] elif getattr(cond.operand1, 'entry', None) \ and cond.operand1.entry.is_const: return not_in, cond.operand2, [cond.operand1] elif isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.BoolBinopNode): if cond.operator == 'or' or (allow_not_in and cond.operator == 'and'): allow_not_in = (cond.operator == 'and') not_in_1, t1, c1 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand1, allow_not_in) not_in_2, t2, c2 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand2, allow_not_in) if t1 is not None and not_in_1 == not_in_2 and is_common_value(t1, t2): if (not not_in_1) or allow_not_in: return not_in_1, t1, c1+c2 return self.NO_MATCH def extract_in_string_conditions(self, string_literal): if isinstance(string_literal, ExprNodes.UnicodeNode): charvals = map(ord, set(string_literal.value)) charvals.sort() return [ ExprNodes.IntNode(string_literal.pos, value=str(charval), constant_result=charval) for charval in charvals ] else: # this is a bit tricky as Py3's bytes type returns # integers on iteration, whereas Py2 returns 1-char byte # strings characters = string_literal.value characters = list(set([ characters[i:i+1] for i in range(len(characters)) ])) characters.sort() return [ ExprNodes.CharNode(string_literal.pos, value=charval, constant_result=charval) for charval in characters ] def extract_common_conditions(self, common_var, condition, allow_not_in): not_in, var, conditions = self.extract_conditions(condition, allow_not_in) if var is None: return self.NO_MATCH elif common_var is not None and not is_common_value(var, common_var): return self.NO_MATCH elif not var.type.is_int or sum([not cond.type.is_int for cond in conditions]): return self.NO_MATCH return not_in, var, conditions def has_duplicate_values(self, condition_values): # duplicated values don't work in a switch statement seen = set() for value in condition_values: if value.constant_result is not ExprNodes.not_a_constant: if value.constant_result in seen: return True seen.add(value.constant_result) else: # this isn't completely safe as we don't know the # final C value, but this is about the best we can do seen.add(getattr(getattr(value, 'entry', None), 'cname')) return False def visit_IfStatNode(self, node): common_var = None cases = [] for if_clause in node.if_clauses: _, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions( common_var, if_clause.condition, False) if common_var is None: self.visitchildren(node) return node cases.append(Nodes.SwitchCaseNode(pos = if_clause.pos, conditions = conditions, body = if_clause.body)) if sum([ len(case.conditions) for case in cases ]) < 2: self.visitchildren(node) return node if self.has_duplicate_values(sum([case.conditions for case in cases], [])): self.visitchildren(node) return node common_var = unwrap_node(common_var) switch_node = Nodes.SwitchStatNode(pos = node.pos, test = common_var, cases = cases, else_clause = node.else_clause) return switch_node def visit_CondExprNode(self, node): not_in, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions( None, node.test, True) if common_var is None \ or len(conditions) < 2 \ or self.has_duplicate_values(conditions): self.visitchildren(node) return node return self.build_simple_switch_statement( node, common_var, conditions, not_in, node.true_val, node.false_val) def visit_BoolBinopNode(self, node): not_in, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions( None, node, True) if common_var is None \ or len(conditions) < 2 \ or self.has_duplicate_values(conditions): self.visitchildren(node) return node return self.build_simple_switch_statement( node, common_var, conditions, not_in, ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=True, constant_result=True), ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=False, constant_result=False)) def visit_PrimaryCmpNode(self, node): not_in, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions( None, node, True) if common_var is None \ or len(conditions) < 2 \ or self.has_duplicate_values(conditions): self.visitchildren(node) return node return self.build_simple_switch_statement( node, common_var, conditions, not_in, ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=True, constant_result=True), ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=False, constant_result=False)) def build_simple_switch_statement(self, node, common_var, conditions, not_in, true_val, false_val): result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(node) true_body = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( node.pos, lhs = result_ref, rhs = true_val, first = True) false_body = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( node.pos, lhs = result_ref, rhs = false_val, first = True) if not_in: true_body, false_body = false_body, true_body cases = [Nodes.SwitchCaseNode(pos = node.pos, conditions = conditions, body = true_body)] common_var = unwrap_node(common_var) switch_node = Nodes.SwitchStatNode(pos = node.pos, test = common_var, cases = cases, else_clause = false_body) return UtilNodes.TempResultFromStatNode(result_ref, switch_node) visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children class FlattenInListTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform, SkipDeclarations): """ This transformation flattens "x in [val1, ..., valn]" into a sequential list of comparisons. """ def visit_PrimaryCmpNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) if node.cascade is not None: return node elif node.operator == 'in': conjunction = 'or' eq_or_neq = '==' elif node.operator == 'not_in': conjunction = 'and' eq_or_neq = '!=' else: return node if not isinstance(node.operand2, (ExprNodes.TupleNode, ExprNodes.ListNode, ExprNodes.SetNode)): return node args = node.operand2.args if len(args) == 0: return ExprNodes.BoolNode(pos = node.pos, value = node.operator == 'not_in') lhs = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(node.operand1) conds = [] temps = [] for arg in args: if not arg.is_simple(): # must evaluate all non-simple RHS before doing the comparisons arg = UtilNodes.LetRefNode(arg) temps.append(arg) cond = ExprNodes.PrimaryCmpNode( pos = node.pos, operand1 = lhs, operator = eq_or_neq, operand2 = arg, cascade = None) conds.append(ExprNodes.TypecastNode( pos = node.pos, operand = cond, type = PyrexTypes.c_bint_type)) def concat(left, right): return ExprNodes.BoolBinopNode( pos = node.pos, operator = conjunction, operand1 = left, operand2 = right) condition = reduce(concat, conds) new_node = UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode(lhs, condition) for temp in temps[::-1]: new_node = UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode(temp, new_node) return new_node visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children class DropRefcountingTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform): """Drop ref-counting in safe places. """ visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children def visit_ParallelAssignmentNode(self, node): """ Parallel swap assignments like 'a,b = b,a' are safe. """ left_names, right_names = [], [] left_indices, right_indices = [], [] temps = [] for stat in node.stats: if isinstance(stat, Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode): if not self._extract_operand(stat.lhs, left_names, left_indices, temps): return node if not self._extract_operand(stat.rhs, right_names, right_indices, temps): return node elif isinstance(stat, Nodes.CascadedAssignmentNode): # FIXME return node else: return node if left_names or right_names: # lhs/rhs names must be a non-redundant permutation lnames = [ path for path, n in left_names ] rnames = [ path for path, n in right_names ] if set(lnames) != set(rnames): return node if len(set(lnames)) != len(right_names): return node if left_indices or right_indices: # base name and index of index nodes must be a # non-redundant permutation lindices = [] for lhs_node in left_indices: index_id = self._extract_index_id(lhs_node) if not index_id: return node lindices.append(index_id) rindices = [] for rhs_node in right_indices: index_id = self._extract_index_id(rhs_node) if not index_id: return node rindices.append(index_id) if set(lindices) != set(rindices): return node if len(set(lindices)) != len(right_indices): return node # really supporting IndexNode requires support in # __Pyx_GetItemInt(), so let's stop short for now return node temp_args = [t.arg for t in temps] for temp in temps: temp.use_managed_ref = False for _, name_node in left_names + right_names: if name_node not in temp_args: name_node.use_managed_ref = False for index_node in left_indices + right_indices: index_node.use_managed_ref = False return node def _extract_operand(self, node, names, indices, temps): node = unwrap_node(node) if not node.type.is_pyobject: return False if isinstance(node, ExprNodes.CoerceToTempNode): temps.append(node) node = node.arg name_path = [] obj_node = node while isinstance(obj_node, ExprNodes.AttributeNode): if obj_node.is_py_attr: return False name_path.append(obj_node.member) obj_node = obj_node.obj if isinstance(obj_node, ExprNodes.NameNode): name_path.append( names.append( ('.'.join(name_path[::-1]), node) ) elif isinstance(node, ExprNodes.IndexNode): if node.base.type != Builtin.list_type: return False if not node.index.type.is_int: return False if not isinstance(node.base, ExprNodes.NameNode): return False indices.append(node) else: return False return True def _extract_index_id(self, index_node): base = index_node.base index = index_node.index if isinstance(index, ExprNodes.NameNode): index_val = elif isinstance(index, ExprNodes.ConstNode): # FIXME: return None else: return None return (, index_val) class EarlyReplaceBuiltinCalls(Visitor.EnvTransform): """Optimize some common calls to builtin types *before* the type analysis phase and *after* the declarations analysis phase. This transform cannot make use of any argument types, but it can restructure the tree in a way that the type analysis phase can respond to. Introducing C function calls here may not be a good idea. Move them to the OptimizeBuiltinCalls transform instead, which runs after type analyis. """ # only intercept on call nodes visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children def visit_SimpleCallNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) function = node.function if not self._function_is_builtin_name(function): return node return self._dispatch_to_handler(node, function, node.args) def visit_GeneralCallNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) function = node.function if not self._function_is_builtin_name(function): return node arg_tuple = node.positional_args if not isinstance(arg_tuple, ExprNodes.TupleNode): return node args = arg_tuple.args return self._dispatch_to_handler( node, function, args, node.keyword_args) def _function_is_builtin_name(self, function): if not function.is_name: return False entry = self.current_env().lookup( if entry and getattr(entry, 'scope', None) is not Builtin.builtin_scope: return False # if entry is None, it's at least an undeclared name, so likely builtin return True def _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, args, kwargs=None): if kwargs is None: handler_name = '_handle_simple_function_%s' % else: handler_name = '_handle_general_function_%s' % handle_call = getattr(self, handler_name, None) if handle_call is not None: if kwargs is None: return handle_call(node, args) else: return handle_call(node, args, kwargs) return node def _inject_capi_function(self, node, cname, func_type, utility_code=None): node.function = ExprNodes.PythonCapiFunctionNode( node.function.pos,, cname, func_type, utility_code = utility_code) def _error_wrong_arg_count(self, function_name, node, args, expected=None): if not expected: # None or 0 arg_str = '' elif isinstance(expected, basestring) or expected > 1: arg_str = '...' elif expected == 1: arg_str = 'x' else: arg_str = '' if expected is not None: expected_str = 'expected %s, ' % expected else: expected_str = '' error(node.pos, "%s(%s) called with wrong number of args, %sfound %d" % ( function_name, arg_str, expected_str, len(args))) # specific handlers for simple call nodes def _handle_simple_function_float(self, node, pos_args): if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNodes.FloatNode(node.pos, value='0.0') if len(pos_args) > 1: self._error_wrong_arg_count('float', node, pos_args, 1) return node class YieldNodeCollector(Visitor.TreeVisitor): def __init__(self): Visitor.TreeVisitor.__init__(self) self.yield_stat_nodes = {} self.yield_nodes = [] visit_Node = Visitor.TreeVisitor.visitchildren def visit_YieldExprNode(self, node): self.yield_nodes.append(node) self.visitchildren(node) def visit_ExprStatNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) if node.expr in self.yield_nodes: self.yield_stat_nodes[node.expr] = node def __visit_GeneratorExpressionNode(self, node): # enable when we support generic generator expressions # # everything below this node is out of scope pass def _find_single_yield_expression(self, node): collector = self.YieldNodeCollector() collector.visitchildren(node) if len(collector.yield_nodes) != 1: return None, None yield_node = collector.yield_nodes[0] try: return (yield_node.arg, collector.yield_stat_nodes[yield_node]) except KeyError: return None, None def _handle_simple_function_all(self, node, pos_args): """Transform _result = all(x for L in LL for x in L) into for L in LL: for x in L: if not x: _result = False break else: continue break else: _result = True """ return self._transform_any_all(node, pos_args, False) def _handle_simple_function_any(self, node, pos_args): """Transform _result = any(x for L in LL for x in L) into for L in LL: for x in L: if x: _result = True break else: continue break else: _result = False """ return self._transform_any_all(node, pos_args, True) def _transform_any_all(self, node, pos_args, is_any): if len(pos_args) != 1: return node if not isinstance(pos_args[0], ExprNodes.GeneratorExpressionNode): return node gen_expr_node = pos_args[0] loop_node = gen_expr_node.loop yield_expression, yield_stat_node = self._find_single_yield_expression(loop_node) if yield_expression is None: return node if is_any: condition = yield_expression else: condition = ExprNodes.NotNode(yield_expression.pos, operand = yield_expression) result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(pos=node.pos, type=PyrexTypes.c_bint_type) test_node = Nodes.IfStatNode( yield_expression.pos, else_clause = None, if_clauses = [ Nodes.IfClauseNode( yield_expression.pos, condition = condition, body = Nodes.StatListNode( node.pos, stats = [ Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( node.pos, lhs = result_ref, rhs = ExprNodes.BoolNode(yield_expression.pos, value = is_any, constant_result = is_any)), Nodes.BreakStatNode(node.pos) ])) ] ) loop = loop_node while isinstance(loop.body, Nodes.LoopNode): next_loop = loop.body loop.body = Nodes.StatListNode(loop.body.pos, stats = [ loop.body, Nodes.BreakStatNode(yield_expression.pos) ]) next_loop.else_clause = Nodes.ContinueStatNode(yield_expression.pos) loop = next_loop loop_node.else_clause = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( node.pos, lhs = result_ref, rhs = ExprNodes.BoolNode(yield_expression.pos, value = not is_any, constant_result = not is_any)) Visitor.recursively_replace_node(loop_node, yield_stat_node, test_node) return ExprNodes.InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode( gen_expr_node.pos, loop = loop_node, result_node = result_ref, expr_scope = gen_expr_node.expr_scope, orig_func = is_any and 'any' or 'all') def _handle_simple_function_sum(self, node, pos_args): """Transform sum(genexpr) into an equivalent inlined aggregation loop. """ if len(pos_args) not in (1,2): return node if not isinstance(pos_args[0], ExprNodes.GeneratorExpressionNode): return node gen_expr_node = pos_args[0] loop_node = gen_expr_node.loop yield_expression, yield_stat_node = self._find_single_yield_expression(loop_node) if yield_expression is None: return node if len(pos_args) == 1: start = ExprNodes.IntNode(node.pos, value='0', constant_result=0) else: start = pos_args[1] result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(pos=node.pos, type=PyrexTypes.py_object_type) add_node = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( yield_expression.pos, lhs = result_ref, rhs = ExprNodes.binop_node(node.pos, '+', result_ref, yield_expression) ) Visitor.recursively_replace_node(loop_node, yield_stat_node, add_node) exec_code = Nodes.StatListNode( node.pos, stats = [ Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( start.pos, lhs = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(pos=node.pos, expression=result_ref), rhs = start, first = True), loop_node ]) return ExprNodes.InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode( gen_expr_node.pos, loop = exec_code, result_node = result_ref, expr_scope = gen_expr_node.expr_scope, orig_func = 'sum') def _handle_simple_function_min(self, node, pos_args): return self._optimise_min_max(node, pos_args, '<') def _handle_simple_function_max(self, node, pos_args): return self._optimise_min_max(node, pos_args, '>') def _optimise_min_max(self, node, args, operator): """Replace min(a,b,...) and max(a,b,...) by explicit comparison code. """ if len(args) <= 1: # leave this to Python return node cascaded_nodes = map(UtilNodes.ResultRefNode, args[1:]) last_result = args[0] for arg_node in cascaded_nodes: result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(last_result) last_result = ExprNodes.CondExprNode( arg_node.pos, true_val = arg_node, false_val = result_ref, test = ExprNodes.PrimaryCmpNode( arg_node.pos, operand1 = arg_node, operator = operator, operand2 = result_ref, ) ) last_result = UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode(result_ref, last_result) for ref_node in cascaded_nodes[::-1]: last_result = UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode(ref_node, last_result) return last_result def _DISABLED_handle_simple_function_tuple(self, node, pos_args): if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNodes.TupleNode(node.pos, args=[], constant_result=()) # This is a bit special - for iterables (including genexps), # Python actually overallocates and resizes a newly created # tuple incrementally while reading items, which we can't # easily do without explicit node support. Instead, we read # the items into a list and then copy them into a tuple of the # final size. This takes up to twice as much memory, but will # have to do until we have real support for genexps. result = self._transform_list_set_genexpr(node, pos_args, ExprNodes.ListNode) if result is not node: return ExprNodes.AsTupleNode(node.pos, arg=result) return node def _handle_simple_function_list(self, node, pos_args): if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNodes.ListNode(node.pos, args=[], constant_result=[]) return self._transform_list_set_genexpr(node, pos_args, ExprNodes.ListNode) def _handle_simple_function_set(self, node, pos_args): if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNodes.SetNode(node.pos, args=[], constant_result=set()) return self._transform_list_set_genexpr(node, pos_args, ExprNodes.SetNode) def _transform_list_set_genexpr(self, node, pos_args, container_node_class): """Replace set(genexpr) and list(genexpr) by a literal comprehension. """ if len(pos_args) > 1: return node if not isinstance(pos_args[0], ExprNodes.GeneratorExpressionNode): return node gen_expr_node = pos_args[0] loop_node = gen_expr_node.loop yield_expression, yield_stat_node = self._find_single_yield_expression(loop_node) if yield_expression is None: return node target_node = container_node_class(node.pos, args=[]) append_node = ExprNodes.ComprehensionAppendNode( yield_expression.pos, expr = yield_expression, target = ExprNodes.CloneNode(target_node)) Visitor.recursively_replace_node(loop_node, yield_stat_node, append_node) setcomp = ExprNodes.ComprehensionNode( node.pos, has_local_scope = True, expr_scope = gen_expr_node.expr_scope, loop = loop_node, append = append_node, target = target_node) = setcomp return setcomp def _handle_simple_function_dict(self, node, pos_args): """Replace dict( (a,b) for ... ) by a literal { a:b for ... }. """ if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNodes.DictNode(node.pos, key_value_pairs=[], constant_result={}) if len(pos_args) > 1: return node if not isinstance(pos_args[0], ExprNodes.GeneratorExpressionNode): return node gen_expr_node = pos_args[0] loop_node = gen_expr_node.loop yield_expression, yield_stat_node = self._find_single_yield_expression(loop_node) if yield_expression is None: return node if not isinstance(yield_expression, ExprNodes.TupleNode): return node if len(yield_expression.args) != 2: return node target_node = ExprNodes.DictNode(node.pos, key_value_pairs=[]) append_node = ExprNodes.DictComprehensionAppendNode( yield_expression.pos, key_expr = yield_expression.args[0], value_expr = yield_expression.args[1], target = ExprNodes.CloneNode(target_node)) Visitor.recursively_replace_node(loop_node, yield_stat_node, append_node) dictcomp = ExprNodes.ComprehensionNode( node.pos, has_local_scope = True, expr_scope = gen_expr_node.expr_scope, loop = loop_node, append = append_node, target = target_node) = dictcomp return dictcomp # specific handlers for general call nodes def _handle_general_function_dict(self, node, pos_args, kwargs): """Replace dict(a=b,c=d,...) by the underlying keyword dict construction which is done anyway. """ if len(pos_args) > 0: return node if not isinstance(kwargs, ExprNodes.DictNode): return node if node.starstar_arg: # we could optimize this by updating the kw dict instead return node return kwargs class OptimizeBuiltinCalls(Visitor.EnvTransform): """Optimize some common methods calls and instantiation patterns for builtin types *after* the type analysis phase. Running after type analysis, this transform can only perform function replacements that do not alter the function return type in a way that was not anticipated by the type analysis. """ # only intercept on call nodes visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children def visit_GeneralCallNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) function = node.function if not function.type.is_pyobject: return node arg_tuple = node.positional_args if not isinstance(arg_tuple, ExprNodes.TupleNode): return node if node.starstar_arg: return node args = arg_tuple.args return self._dispatch_to_handler( node, function, args, node.keyword_args) def visit_SimpleCallNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) function = node.function if function.type.is_pyobject: arg_tuple = node.arg_tuple if not isinstance(arg_tuple, ExprNodes.TupleNode): return node args = arg_tuple.args else: args = node.args return self._dispatch_to_handler( node, function, args) ### cleanup to avoid redundant coercions to/from Python types def _visit_PyTypeTestNode(self, node): # disabled - appears to break assignments in some cases, and # also drops a None check, which might still be required """Flatten redundant type checks after tree changes. """ old_arg = node.arg self.visitchildren(node) if old_arg is node.arg or node.arg.type != node.type: return node return node.arg def visit_TypecastNode(self, node): """ Drop redundant type casts. """ self.visitchildren(node) if node.type == node.operand.type: return node.operand return node def visit_CoerceToBooleanNode(self, node): """Drop redundant conversion nodes after tree changes. """ self.visitchildren(node) arg = node.arg if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.PyTypeTestNode): arg = arg.arg if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): if arg.type in (PyrexTypes.py_object_type, Builtin.bool_type): return arg.arg.coerce_to_boolean(self.current_env()) return node def visit_CoerceFromPyTypeNode(self, node): """Drop redundant conversion nodes after tree changes. Also, optimise away calls to Python's builtin int() and float() if the result is going to be coerced back into a C type anyway. """ self.visitchildren(node) arg = node.arg if not arg.type.is_pyobject: # no Python conversion left at all, just do a C coercion instead if node.type == arg.type: return arg else: return arg.coerce_to(node.type, self.current_env()) if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.PyTypeTestNode): arg = arg.arg if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): if arg.type is PyrexTypes.py_object_type: if node.type.assignable_from(arg.arg.type): # completely redundant C->Py->C coercion return arg.arg.coerce_to(node.type, self.current_env()) if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode): if node.type.is_int or node.type.is_float: return self._optimise_numeric_cast_call(node, arg) elif isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.IndexNode) and not arg.is_buffer_access: index_node = arg.index if isinstance(index_node, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): index_node = index_node.arg if index_node.type.is_int: return self._optimise_int_indexing(node, arg, index_node) return node PyBytes_GetItemInt_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_char_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("bytes", Builtin.bytes_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("index", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("check_bounds", PyrexTypes.c_int_type, None), ], exception_value = "((char)-1)", exception_check = True) def _optimise_int_indexing(self, coerce_node, arg, index_node): env = self.current_env() bound_check_bool = env.directives['boundscheck'] and 1 or 0 if arg.base.type is Builtin.bytes_type: if coerce_node.type in (PyrexTypes.c_char_type, PyrexTypes.c_uchar_type): # bytes[index] -> char bound_check_node = ExprNodes.IntNode( coerce_node.pos, value=str(bound_check_bool), constant_result=bound_check_bool) node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( coerce_node.pos, "__Pyx_PyBytes_GetItemInt", self.PyBytes_GetItemInt_func_type, args = [ arg.base.as_none_safe_node("'NoneType' object is not subscriptable"), index_node.coerce_to(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, env), bound_check_node, ], is_temp = True, utility_code=bytes_index_utility_code) if coerce_node.type is not PyrexTypes.c_char_type: node = node.coerce_to(coerce_node.type, env) return node return coerce_node def _optimise_numeric_cast_call(self, node, arg): function = arg.function if not isinstance(function, ExprNodes.NameNode) \ or not function.type.is_builtin_type \ or not isinstance(arg.arg_tuple, ExprNodes.TupleNode): return node args = arg.arg_tuple.args if len(args) != 1: return node func_arg = args[0] if isinstance(func_arg, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): func_arg = func_arg.arg elif func_arg.type.is_pyobject: # play safe: Python conversion might work on all sorts of things return node if == 'int': if func_arg.type.is_int or node.type.is_int: if func_arg.type == node.type: return func_arg elif node.type.assignable_from(func_arg.type) or func_arg.type.is_float: return ExprNodes.TypecastNode( node.pos, operand=func_arg, type=node.type) elif == 'float': if func_arg.type.is_float or node.type.is_float: if func_arg.type == node.type: return func_arg elif node.type.assignable_from(func_arg.type) or func_arg.type.is_float: return ExprNodes.TypecastNode( node.pos, operand=func_arg, type=node.type) return node ### dispatch to specific optimisers def _find_handler(self, match_name, has_kwargs): call_type = has_kwargs and 'general' or 'simple' handler = getattr(self, '_handle_%s_%s' % (call_type, match_name), None) if handler is None: handler = getattr(self, '_handle_any_%s' % match_name, None) return handler def _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs=None): if function.is_name: # we only consider functions that are either builtin # Python functions or builtins that were already replaced # into a C function call (defined in the builtin scope) if not function.entry: return node is_builtin = function.entry.is_builtin \ or getattr(function.entry, 'scope', None) is Builtin.builtin_scope if not is_builtin: return node function_handler = self._find_handler( "function_%s" %, kwargs) if function_handler is None: return node if kwargs: return function_handler(node, arg_list, kwargs) else: return function_handler(node, arg_list) elif function.is_attribute and function.type.is_pyobject: attr_name = function.attribute self_arg = function.obj obj_type = self_arg.type is_unbound_method = False if obj_type.is_builtin_type: if obj_type is Builtin.type_type and arg_list and \ arg_list[0].type.is_pyobject: # calling an unbound method like 'list.append(L,x)' # (ignoring 'type.mro()' here ...) type_name = self_arg = None is_unbound_method = True else: type_name = else: type_name = "object" # safety measure method_handler = self._find_handler( "method_%s_%s" % (type_name, attr_name), kwargs) if method_handler is None: if attr_name in TypeSlots.method_name_to_slot \ or attr_name == '__new__': method_handler = self._find_handler( "slot%s" % attr_name, kwargs) if method_handler is None: return node if self_arg is not None: arg_list = [self_arg] + list(arg_list) if kwargs: return method_handler(node, arg_list, kwargs, is_unbound_method) else: return method_handler(node, arg_list, is_unbound_method) else: return node def _error_wrong_arg_count(self, function_name, node, args, expected=None): if not expected: # None or 0 arg_str = '' elif isinstance(expected, basestring) or expected > 1: arg_str = '...' elif expected == 1: arg_str = 'x' else: arg_str = '' if expected is not None: expected_str = 'expected %s, ' % expected else: expected_str = '' error(node.pos, "%s(%s) called with wrong number of args, %sfound %d" % ( function_name, arg_str, expected_str, len(args))) ### builtin types PyDict_Copy_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.dict_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("dict", Builtin.dict_type, None) ]) def _handle_simple_function_dict(self, node, pos_args): """Replace dict(some_dict) by PyDict_Copy(some_dict). """ if len(pos_args) != 1: return node arg = pos_args[0] if arg.type is Builtin.dict_type: arg = arg.as_none_safe_node("'NoneType' is not iterable") return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "PyDict_Copy", self.PyDict_Copy_func_type, args = [arg], is_temp = node.is_temp ) return node PyList_AsTuple_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.tuple_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("list", Builtin.list_type, None) ]) def _handle_simple_function_tuple(self, node, pos_args): """Replace tuple([...]) by a call to PyList_AsTuple. """ if len(pos_args) != 1: return node list_arg = pos_args[0] if list_arg.type is not Builtin.list_type: return node if not isinstance(list_arg, (ExprNodes.ComprehensionNode, ExprNodes.ListNode)): pos_args[0] = list_arg.as_none_safe_node( "'NoneType' object is not iterable") return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "PyList_AsTuple", self.PyList_AsTuple_func_type, args = pos_args, is_temp = node.is_temp ) PyObject_AsDouble_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_double_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("obj", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ], exception_value = "((double)-1)", exception_check = True) def _handle_simple_function_float(self, node, pos_args): """Transform float() into either a C type cast or a faster C function call. """ # Note: this requires the float() function to be typed as # returning a C 'double' if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNode.FloatNode( node, value="0.0", constant_result=0.0 ).coerce_to(Builtin.float_type, self.current_env()) elif len(pos_args) != 1: self._error_wrong_arg_count('float', node, pos_args, '0 or 1') return node func_arg = pos_args[0] if isinstance(func_arg, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): func_arg = func_arg.arg if func_arg.type is PyrexTypes.c_double_type: return func_arg elif node.type.assignable_from(func_arg.type) or func_arg.type.is_numeric: return ExprNodes.TypecastNode( node.pos, operand=func_arg, type=node.type) return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "__Pyx_PyObject_AsDouble", self.PyObject_AsDouble_func_type, args = pos_args, is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = pyobject_as_double_utility_code, py_name = "float") def _handle_simple_function_bool(self, node, pos_args): """Transform bool(x) into a type coercion to a boolean. """ if len(pos_args) == 0: return ExprNodes.BoolNode( node.pos, value=False, constant_result=False ).coerce_to(Builtin.bool_type, self.current_env()) elif len(pos_args) != 1: self._error_wrong_arg_count('bool', node, pos_args, '0 or 1') return node else: return pos_args[0].coerce_to_boolean( self.current_env()).coerce_to_pyobject(self.current_env()) ### builtin functions PyObject_GetAttr2_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("object", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("attr_name", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) PyObject_GetAttr3_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("object", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("attr_name", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("default", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_function_getattr(self, node, pos_args): """Replace 2/3 argument forms of getattr() by C-API calls. """ if len(pos_args) == 2: return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "PyObject_GetAttr", self.PyObject_GetAttr2_func_type, args = pos_args, may_return_none = True, is_temp = node.is_temp) elif len(pos_args) == 3: return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "__Pyx_GetAttr3", self.PyObject_GetAttr3_func_type, args = pos_args, may_return_none = True, is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = Builtin.getattr3_utility_code) else: self._error_wrong_arg_count('getattr', node, pos_args, '2 or 3') return node PyObject_GetIter_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("object", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) PyCallIter_New_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("object", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("sentinel", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_function_iter(self, node, pos_args): """Replace 1/2 argument forms of iter() by C-API calls. """ if len(pos_args) == 1: return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "PyObject_GetIter", self.PyObject_GetIter_func_type, args = pos_args, may_return_none = True, is_temp = node.is_temp) elif len(pos_args) == 2: return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "PyCallIter_New", self.PyCallIter_New_func_type, args = pos_args, is_temp = node.is_temp) else: self._error_wrong_arg_count('iter', node, pos_args, '1 or 2') return node Pyx_strlen_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_size_t_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("bytes", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None) ]) PyObject_Size_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("obj", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None) ]) _map_to_capi_len_function = { Builtin.unicode_type : "PyUnicode_GET_SIZE", Builtin.bytes_type : "PyBytes_GET_SIZE", Builtin.list_type : "PyList_GET_SIZE", Builtin.tuple_type : "PyTuple_GET_SIZE", Builtin.dict_type : "PyDict_Size", Builtin.set_type : "PySet_Size", Builtin.frozenset_type : "PySet_Size", }.get def _handle_simple_function_len(self, node, pos_args): """Replace len(char*) by the equivalent call to strlen() and len(known_builtin_type) by an equivalent C-API call. """ if len(pos_args) != 1: self._error_wrong_arg_count('len', node, pos_args, 1) return node arg = pos_args[0] if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): arg = arg.arg if arg.type.is_string: new_node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "strlen", self.Pyx_strlen_func_type, args = [arg], is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = include_string_h_utility_code) elif arg.type.is_pyobject: cfunc_name = self._map_to_capi_len_function(arg.type) if cfunc_name is None: return node arg = arg.as_none_safe_node( "object of type 'NoneType' has no len()") new_node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, cfunc_name, self.PyObject_Size_func_type, args = [arg], is_temp = node.is_temp) elif arg.type is PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type: return ExprNodes.IntNode(node.pos, value='1', constant_result=1, type=node.type) else: return node if node.type not in (PyrexTypes.c_size_t_type, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type): new_node = new_node.coerce_to(node.type, self.current_env()) return new_node Pyx_Type_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.type_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("object", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None) ]) def _handle_simple_function_type(self, node, pos_args): """Replace type(o) by a macro call to Py_TYPE(o). """ if len(pos_args) != 1: return node node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "Py_TYPE", self.Pyx_Type_func_type, args = pos_args, is_temp = False) return ExprNodes.CastNode(node, PyrexTypes.py_object_type) Py_type_check_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("arg", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None) ]) def _handle_simple_function_isinstance(self, node, pos_args): """Replace isinstance() checks against builtin types by the corresponding C-API call. """ if len(pos_args) != 2: return node arg, types = pos_args temp = None if isinstance(types, ExprNodes.TupleNode): types = types.args arg = temp = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(arg) elif types.type is Builtin.type_type: types = [types] else: return node tests = [] test_nodes = [] env = self.current_env() for test_type_node in types: if not test_type_node.entry: return node entry = env.lookup( if not entry or not entry.type or not entry.type.is_builtin_type: return node type_check_function = entry.type.type_check_function(exact=False) if not type_check_function: return node if type_check_function not in tests: tests.append(type_check_function) test_nodes.append( ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( test_type_node.pos, type_check_function, self.Py_type_check_func_type, args = [arg], is_temp = True, )) def join_with_or(a,b, make_binop_node=ExprNodes.binop_node): or_node = make_binop_node(node.pos, 'or', a, b) or_node.type = PyrexTypes.c_bint_type or_node.is_temp = True return or_node test_node = reduce(join_with_or, test_nodes).coerce_to(node.type, env) if temp is not None: test_node = UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode(temp, test_node) return test_node def _handle_simple_function_ord(self, node, pos_args): """Unpack ord(Py_UNICODE). """ if len(pos_args) != 1: return node arg = pos_args[0] if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): if arg.arg.type is PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type: return arg.arg.coerce_to(node.type, self.current_env()) return node ### special methods Pyx_tp_new_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("type", Builtin.type_type, None) ]) def _handle_simple_slot__new__(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace 'exttype.__new__(exttype)' by a call to exttype->tp_new() """ obj = node.function.obj if not is_unbound_method or len(args) != 1: return node type_arg = args[0] if not obj.is_name or not type_arg.is_name: # play safe return node if obj.type != Builtin.type_type or type_arg.type != Builtin.type_type: # not a known type, play safe return node if not type_arg.type_entry or not obj.type_entry: if != return node # otherwise, we know it's a type and we know it's the same # type for both - that should do elif type_arg.type_entry != obj.type_entry: # different types - may or may not lead to an error at runtime return node # FIXME: we could potentially look up the actual tp_new C # method of the extension type and call that instead of the # generic slot. That would also allow us to pass parameters # efficiently. if not type_arg.type_entry: # arbitrary variable, needs a None check for safety type_arg = type_arg.as_none_safe_node( "object.__new__(X): X is not a type object (NoneType)") return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "__Pyx_tp_new", self.Pyx_tp_new_func_type, args = [type_arg], utility_code = tpnew_utility_code, is_temp = node.is_temp ) ### methods of builtin types PyObject_Append_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("list", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("item", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_object_append(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Optimistic optimisation as X.append() is almost always referring to a list. """ if len(args) != 2: return node return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "__Pyx_PyObject_Append", self.PyObject_Append_func_type, args = args, may_return_none = True, is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = append_utility_code ) PyObject_Pop_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("list", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) PyObject_PopIndex_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("list", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("index", PyrexTypes.c_long_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_object_pop(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Optimistic optimisation as X.pop([n]) is almost always referring to a list. """ if len(args) == 1: return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "__Pyx_PyObject_Pop", self.PyObject_Pop_func_type, args = args, may_return_none = True, is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = pop_utility_code ) elif len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[1], ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode) and args[1].arg.type.is_int: original_type = args[1].arg.type if PyrexTypes.widest_numeric_type(original_type, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type) == PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type: args[1] = args[1].arg return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "__Pyx_PyObject_PopIndex", self.PyObject_PopIndex_func_type, args = args, may_return_none = True, is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = pop_index_utility_code ) return node _handle_simple_method_list_pop = _handle_simple_method_object_pop PyList_Append_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_int_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("list", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("item", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ], exception_value = "-1") def _handle_simple_method_list_append(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Call PyList_Append() instead of l.append(). """ if len(args) != 2: self._error_wrong_arg_count('list.append', node, args, 2) return node return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyList_Append", self.PyList_Append_func_type, 'append', is_unbound_method, args) single_param_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_int_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("obj", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ], exception_value = "-1") def _handle_simple_method_list_sort(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Call PyList_Sort() instead of the 0-argument l.sort(). """ if len(args) != 1: return node return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyList_Sort", self.single_param_func_type, 'sort', is_unbound_method, args) def _handle_simple_method_list_reverse(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Call PyList_Reverse() instead of l.reverse(). """ if len(args) != 1: self._error_wrong_arg_count('list.reverse', node, args, 1) return node return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyList_Reverse", self.single_param_func_type, 'reverse', is_unbound_method, args) Pyx_PyDict_GetItem_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.py_object_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("dict", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("key", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("default", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_dict_get(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace dict.get() by a call to PyDict_GetItem(). """ if len(args) == 2: args.append(ExprNodes.NoneNode(node.pos)) elif len(args) != 3: self._error_wrong_arg_count('dict.get', node, args, "2 or 3") return node return self._substitute_method_call( node, "__Pyx_PyDict_GetItemDefault", self.Pyx_PyDict_GetItem_func_type, 'get', is_unbound_method, args, may_return_none = True, utility_code = dict_getitem_default_utility_code) ### unicode type methods PyUnicode_uchar_predicate_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("uchar", PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type, None), ]) def _inject_unicode_predicate(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): if is_unbound_method or len(args) != 1: return node ustring = args[0] if not isinstance(ustring, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode) or \ ustring.arg.type is not PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type: return node uchar = ustring.arg method_name = node.function.attribute if method_name == 'istitle': # istitle() doesn't directly map to Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE() utility_code = py_unicode_istitle_utility_code function_name = '__Pyx_Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE' else: utility_code = None function_name = 'Py_UNICODE_%s' % method_name.upper() func_call = self._substitute_method_call( node, function_name, self.PyUnicode_uchar_predicate_func_type, method_name, is_unbound_method, [uchar], utility_code = utility_code) if node.type.is_pyobject: func_call = func_call.coerce_to_pyobject(self.current_env) return func_call _handle_simple_method_unicode_isalnum = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_isalpha = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_isdecimal = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_isdigit = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_islower = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_isnumeric = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_isspace = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_istitle = _inject_unicode_predicate _handle_simple_method_unicode_isupper = _inject_unicode_predicate PyUnicode_uchar_conversion_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("uchar", PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type, None), ]) def _inject_unicode_character_conversion(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): if is_unbound_method or len(args) != 1: return node ustring = args[0] if not isinstance(ustring, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode) or \ ustring.arg.type is not PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type: return node uchar = ustring.arg method_name = node.function.attribute function_name = 'Py_UNICODE_TO%s' % method_name.upper() func_call = self._substitute_method_call( node, function_name, self.PyUnicode_uchar_conversion_func_type, method_name, is_unbound_method, [uchar]) if node.type.is_pyobject: func_call = func_call.coerce_to_pyobject(self.current_env) return func_call _handle_simple_method_unicode_lower = _inject_unicode_character_conversion _handle_simple_method_unicode_upper = _inject_unicode_character_conversion _handle_simple_method_unicode_title = _inject_unicode_character_conversion PyUnicode_Splitlines_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.list_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("str", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("keepends", PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_unicode_splitlines(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace unicode.splitlines(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) not in (1,2): self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.splitlines', node, args, "1 or 2") return node self._inject_bint_default_argument(node, args, 1, False) return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_Splitlines", self.PyUnicode_Splitlines_func_type, 'splitlines', is_unbound_method, args) PyUnicode_Join_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.unicode_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("sep", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("iterable", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_unicode_join(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace unicode.join(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) != 2: self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.join', node, args, 2) return node return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_Join", self.PyUnicode_Join_func_type, 'join', is_unbound_method, args) PyUnicode_Split_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.list_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("str", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("sep", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("maxsplit", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), ] ) def _handle_simple_method_unicode_split(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace unicode.split(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) not in (1,2,3): self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.split', node, args, "1-3") return node if len(args) < 2: args.append(ExprNodes.NullNode(node.pos)) self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 2, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "-1") return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_Split", self.PyUnicode_Split_func_type, 'split', is_unbound_method, args) PyUnicode_Tailmatch_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("str", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("substring", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("start", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("end", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("direction", PyrexTypes.c_int_type, None), ], exception_value = '-1') def _handle_simple_method_unicode_endswith(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): return self._inject_unicode_tailmatch( node, args, is_unbound_method, 'endswith', +1) def _handle_simple_method_unicode_startswith(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): return self._inject_unicode_tailmatch( node, args, is_unbound_method, 'startswith', -1) def _inject_unicode_tailmatch(self, node, args, is_unbound_method, method_name, direction): """Replace unicode.startswith(...) and unicode.endswith(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) not in (2,3,4): self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.%s' % method_name, node, args, "2-4") return node self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 2, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "0") self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 3, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "PY_SSIZE_T_MAX") args.append(ExprNodes.IntNode( node.pos, value=str(direction), type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type)) method_call = self._substitute_method_call( node, "__Pyx_PyUnicode_Tailmatch", self.PyUnicode_Tailmatch_func_type, method_name, is_unbound_method, args, utility_code = unicode_tailmatch_utility_code) return method_call.coerce_to(Builtin.bool_type, self.current_env()) PyUnicode_Find_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("str", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("substring", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("start", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("end", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("direction", PyrexTypes.c_int_type, None), ], exception_value = '-2') def _handle_simple_method_unicode_find(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): return self._inject_unicode_find( node, args, is_unbound_method, 'find', +1) def _handle_simple_method_unicode_rfind(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): return self._inject_unicode_find( node, args, is_unbound_method, 'rfind', -1) def _inject_unicode_find(self, node, args, is_unbound_method, method_name, direction): """Replace unicode.find(...) and unicode.rfind(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) not in (2,3,4): self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.%s' % method_name, node, args, "2-4") return node self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 2, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "0") self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 3, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "PY_SSIZE_T_MAX") args.append(ExprNodes.IntNode( node.pos, value=str(direction), type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type)) method_call = self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_Find", self.PyUnicode_Find_func_type, method_name, is_unbound_method, args) return method_call.coerce_to_pyobject(self.current_env()) PyUnicode_Count_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("str", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("substring", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("start", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("end", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), ], exception_value = '-1') def _handle_simple_method_unicode_count(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace unicode.count(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) not in (2,3,4): self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.count', node, args, "2-4") return node self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 2, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "0") self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 3, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "PY_SSIZE_T_MAX") method_call = self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_Count", self.PyUnicode_Count_func_type, 'count', is_unbound_method, args) return method_call.coerce_to_pyobject(self.current_env()) PyUnicode_Replace_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.unicode_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("str", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("substring", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("replstr", PyrexTypes.py_object_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("maxcount", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_unicode_replace(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace unicode.replace(...) by a direct call to the corresponding C-API function. """ if len(args) not in (3,4): self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.replace', node, args, "3-4") return node self._inject_int_default_argument( node, args, 3, PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, "-1") return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_Replace", self.PyUnicode_Replace_func_type, 'replace', is_unbound_method, args) PyUnicode_AsEncodedString_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.bytes_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("obj", Builtin.unicode_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("encoding", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("errors", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), ]) PyUnicode_AsXyzString_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.bytes_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("obj", Builtin.unicode_type, None), ]) _special_encodings = ['UTF8', 'UTF16', 'Latin1', 'ASCII', 'unicode_escape', 'raw_unicode_escape'] _special_codecs = [ (name, codecs.getencoder(name)) for name in _special_encodings ] def _handle_simple_method_unicode_encode(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace unicode.encode(...) by a direct C-API call to the corresponding codec. """ if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 3: self._error_wrong_arg_count('unicode.encode', node, args, '1-3') return node string_node = args[0] if len(args) == 1: null_node = ExprNodes.NullNode(node.pos) return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_AsEncodedString", self.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString_func_type, 'encode', is_unbound_method, [string_node, null_node, null_node]) parameters = self._unpack_encoding_and_error_mode(node.pos, args) if parameters is None: return node encoding, encoding_node, error_handling, error_handling_node = parameters if isinstance(string_node, ExprNodes.UnicodeNode): # constant, so try to do the encoding at compile time try: value = string_node.value.encode(encoding, error_handling) except: # well, looks like we can't pass else: value = BytesLiteral(value) value.encoding = encoding return ExprNodes.BytesNode( string_node.pos, value=value, type=Builtin.bytes_type) if error_handling == 'strict': # try to find a specific encoder function codec_name = self._find_special_codec_name(encoding) if codec_name is not None: encode_function = "PyUnicode_As%sString" % codec_name return self._substitute_method_call( node, encode_function, self.PyUnicode_AsXyzString_func_type, 'encode', is_unbound_method, [string_node]) return self._substitute_method_call( node, "PyUnicode_AsEncodedString", self.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString_func_type, 'encode', is_unbound_method, [string_node, encoding_node, error_handling_node]) PyUnicode_DecodeXyz_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.unicode_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("string", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("size", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("errors", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), ]) PyUnicode_Decode_func_type = PyrexTypes.CFuncType( Builtin.unicode_type, [ PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("string", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("size", PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("encoding", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), PyrexTypes.CFuncTypeArg("errors", PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, None), ]) def _handle_simple_method_bytes_decode(self, node, args, is_unbound_method): """Replace char*.decode() by a direct C-API call to the corresponding codec, possibly resoving a slice on the char*. """ if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 3: self._error_wrong_arg_count('bytes.decode', node, args, '1-3') return node temps = [] if isinstance(args[0], ExprNodes.SliceIndexNode): index_node = args[0] string_node = index_node.base if not string_node.type.is_string: # nothing to optimise here return node start, stop = index_node.start, index_node.stop if not start or start.constant_result == 0: start = None else: if start.type.is_pyobject: start = start.coerce_to(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, self.current_env()) if stop: start = UtilNodes.LetRefNode(start) temps.append(start) string_node = ExprNodes.AddNode(pos=start.pos, operand1=string_node, operator='+', operand2=start, is_temp=False, type=string_node.type ) if stop and stop.type.is_pyobject: stop = stop.coerce_to(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, self.current_env()) elif isinstance(args[0], ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode) \ and args[0].arg.type.is_string: # use strlen() to find the string length, just as CPython would start = stop = None string_node = args[0].arg else: # let Python do its job return node if not stop: if start or not string_node.is_name: string_node = UtilNodes.LetRefNode(string_node) temps.append(string_node) stop = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( string_node.pos, "strlen", self.Pyx_strlen_func_type, args = [string_node], is_temp = False, utility_code = include_string_h_utility_code, ).coerce_to(PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type, self.current_env()) elif start: stop = ExprNodes.SubNode( pos = stop.pos, operand1 = stop, operator = '-', operand2 = start, is_temp = False, type = PyrexTypes.c_py_ssize_t_type ) parameters = self._unpack_encoding_and_error_mode(node.pos, args) if parameters is None: return node encoding, encoding_node, error_handling, error_handling_node = parameters # try to find a specific encoder function codec_name = None if encoding is not None: codec_name = self._find_special_codec_name(encoding) if codec_name is not None: decode_function = "PyUnicode_Decode%s" % codec_name node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, decode_function, self.PyUnicode_DecodeXyz_func_type, args = [string_node, stop, error_handling_node], is_temp = node.is_temp, ) else: node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, "PyUnicode_Decode", self.PyUnicode_Decode_func_type, args = [string_node, stop, encoding_node, error_handling_node], is_temp = node.is_temp, ) for temp in temps[::-1]: node = UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode(temp, node) return node def _find_special_codec_name(self, encoding): try: requested_codec = codecs.getencoder(encoding) except: return None for name, codec in self._special_codecs: if codec == requested_codec: if '_' in name: name = ''.join([ s.capitalize() for s in name.split('_')]) return name return None def _unpack_encoding_and_error_mode(self, pos, args): null_node = ExprNodes.NullNode(pos) if len(args) >= 2: encoding_node = args[1] if isinstance(encoding_node, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): encoding_node = encoding_node.arg if isinstance(encoding_node, (ExprNodes.UnicodeNode, ExprNodes.StringNode, ExprNodes.BytesNode)): encoding = encoding_node.value encoding_node = ExprNodes.BytesNode(encoding_node.pos, value=encoding, type=PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type) elif encoding_node.type is Builtin.bytes_type: encoding = None encoding_node = encoding_node.coerce_to( PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, self.current_env()) elif encoding_node.type.is_string: encoding = None else: return None else: encoding = None encoding_node = null_node if len(args) == 3: error_handling_node = args[2] if isinstance(error_handling_node, ExprNodes.CoerceToPyTypeNode): error_handling_node = error_handling_node.arg if isinstance(error_handling_node, (ExprNodes.UnicodeNode, ExprNodes.StringNode, ExprNodes.BytesNode)): error_handling = error_handling_node.value if error_handling == 'strict': error_handling_node = null_node else: error_handling_node = ExprNodes.BytesNode( error_handling_node.pos, value=error_handling, type=PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type) elif error_handling_node.type is Builtin.bytes_type: error_handling = None error_handling_node = error_handling_node.coerce_to( PyrexTypes.c_char_ptr_type, self.current_env()) elif error_handling_node.type.is_string: error_handling = None else: return None else: error_handling = 'strict' error_handling_node = null_node return (encoding, encoding_node, error_handling, error_handling_node) ### helpers def _substitute_method_call(self, node, name, func_type, attr_name, is_unbound_method, args=(), utility_code=None, may_return_none=ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode.may_return_none): args = list(args) if args and not args[0].is_literal: self_arg = args[0] if is_unbound_method: self_arg = self_arg.as_none_safe_node( "descriptor '%s' requires a '%s' object but received a 'NoneType'" % ( attr_name, else: self_arg = self_arg.as_none_safe_node( "'NoneType' object has no attribute '%s'" % attr_name, error = "PyExc_AttributeError") args[0] = self_arg return ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode( node.pos, name, func_type, args = args, is_temp = node.is_temp, utility_code = utility_code, may_return_none = may_return_none, ) def _inject_int_default_argument(self, node, args, arg_index, type, default_value): assert len(args) >= arg_index if len(args) == arg_index: args.append(ExprNodes.IntNode(node.pos, value=str(default_value), type=type, constant_result=default_value)) else: args[arg_index] = args[arg_index].coerce_to(type, self.current_env()) def _inject_bint_default_argument(self, node, args, arg_index, default_value): assert len(args) >= arg_index if len(args) == arg_index: default_value = bool(default_value) args.append(ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=default_value, constant_result=default_value)) else: args[arg_index] = args[arg_index].coerce_to_boolean(self.current_env()) py_unicode_istitle_utility_code = UtilityCode( # Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE() doesn't match unicode.istitle() as the latter # additionally allows character that comply with Py_UNICODE_ISUPPER() proto = ''' static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE(Py_UNICODE uchar); /* proto */ ''', impl = ''' static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE(Py_UNICODE uchar) { return Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE(uchar) || Py_UNICODE_ISUPPER(uchar); } ''') unicode_tailmatch_utility_code = UtilityCode( # Python's unicode.startswith() and unicode.endswith() support a # tuple of prefixes/suffixes, whereas it's much more common to # test for a single unicode string. proto = ''' static int __Pyx_PyUnicode_Tailmatch(PyObject* s, PyObject* substr, \ Py_ssize_t start, Py_ssize_t end, int direction); ''', impl = ''' static int __Pyx_PyUnicode_Tailmatch(PyObject* s, PyObject* substr, Py_ssize_t start, Py_ssize_t end, int direction) { if (unlikely(PyTuple_Check(substr))) { int result; Py_ssize_t i; for (i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(substr); i++) { result = PyUnicode_Tailmatch(s, PyTuple_GET_ITEM(substr, i), start, end, direction); if (result) { return result; } } return 0; } return PyUnicode_Tailmatch(s, substr, start, end, direction); } ''', ) dict_getitem_default_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = ''' static PyObject* __Pyx_PyDict_GetItemDefault(PyObject* d, PyObject* key, PyObject* default_value) { PyObject* value; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value = PyDict_GetItemWithError(d, key); if (unlikely(!value)) { if (unlikely(PyErr_Occurred())) return NULL; value = default_value; } Py_INCREF(value); #else if (PyString_CheckExact(key) || PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) || PyInt_CheckExact(key)) { /* these presumably have safe hash functions */ value = PyDict_GetItem(d, key); if (unlikely(!value)) { value = default_value; } Py_INCREF(value); } else { PyObject *m; m = __Pyx_GetAttrString(d, "get"); if (!m) return NULL; value = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(m, key, (default_value == Py_None) ? NULL : default_value, NULL); Py_DECREF(m); } #endif return value; } ''', impl = "" ) append_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* __Pyx_PyObject_Append(PyObject* L, PyObject* x) { if (likely(PyList_CheckExact(L))) { if (PyList_Append(L, x) < 0) return NULL; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; /* this is just to have an accurate signature */ } else { PyObject *r, *m; m = __Pyx_GetAttrString(L, "append"); if (!m) return NULL; r = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(m, x, NULL); Py_DECREF(m); return r; } } """, impl = "" ) pop_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* __Pyx_PyObject_Pop(PyObject* L) { PyObject *r, *m; #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02040000 if (likely(PyList_CheckExact(L)) /* Check that both the size is positive and no reallocation shrinking needs to be done. */ && likely(PyList_GET_SIZE(L) > (((PyListObject*)L)->allocated >> 1))) { Py_SIZE(L) -= 1; return PyList_GET_ITEM(L, PyList_GET_SIZE(L)); } #endif m = __Pyx_GetAttrString(L, "pop"); if (!m) return NULL; r = PyObject_CallObject(m, NULL); Py_DECREF(m); return r; } """, impl = "" ) pop_index_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static PyObject* __Pyx_PyObject_PopIndex(PyObject* L, Py_ssize_t ix); """, impl = """ static PyObject* __Pyx_PyObject_PopIndex(PyObject* L, Py_ssize_t ix) { PyObject *r, *m, *t, *py_ix; #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02040000 if (likely(PyList_CheckExact(L))) { Py_ssize_t size = PyList_GET_SIZE(L); if (likely(size > (((PyListObject*)L)->allocated >> 1))) { if (ix < 0) { ix += size; } if (likely(0 <= ix && ix < size)) { Py_ssize_t i; PyObject* v = PyList_GET_ITEM(L, ix); Py_SIZE(L) -= 1; size -= 1; for(i=ix; i<size; i++) { PyList_SET_ITEM(L, i, PyList_GET_ITEM(L, i+1)); } return v; } } } #endif py_ix = t = NULL; m = __Pyx_GetAttrString(L, "pop"); if (!m) goto bad; py_ix = PyInt_FromSsize_t(ix); if (!py_ix) goto bad; t = PyTuple_New(1); if (!t) goto bad; PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, py_ix); py_ix = NULL; r = PyObject_CallObject(m, t); Py_DECREF(m); Py_DECREF(t); return r; bad: Py_XDECREF(m); Py_XDECREF(t); Py_XDECREF(py_ix); return NULL; } """ ) pyobject_as_double_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = ''' static double __Pyx__PyObject_AsDouble(PyObject* obj); /* proto */ #define __Pyx_PyObject_AsDouble(obj) \\ ((likely(PyFloat_CheckExact(obj))) ? \\ PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(obj) : __Pyx__PyObject_AsDouble(obj)) ''', impl=''' static double __Pyx__PyObject_AsDouble(PyObject* obj) { PyObject* float_value; if (Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_as_number && Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_as_number->nb_float) { return PyFloat_AsDouble(obj); } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(obj) || PyBytes_CheckExact(obj)) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 float_value = PyFloat_FromString(obj); #else float_value = PyFloat_FromString(obj, 0); #endif } else { PyObject* args = PyTuple_New(1); if (unlikely(!args)) goto bad; PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 0, obj); float_value = PyObject_Call((PyObject*)&PyFloat_Type, args, 0); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 0, 0); Py_DECREF(args); } if (likely(float_value)) { double value = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(float_value); Py_DECREF(float_value); return value; } bad: return (double)-1; } ''' ) bytes_index_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static CYTHON_INLINE char __Pyx_PyBytes_GetItemInt(PyObject* unicode, Py_ssize_t index, int check_bounds); /* proto */ """, impl = """ static CYTHON_INLINE char __Pyx_PyBytes_GetItemInt(PyObject* bytes, Py_ssize_t index, int check_bounds) { if (check_bounds) { if (unlikely(index >= PyBytes_GET_SIZE(bytes)) | ((index < 0) & unlikely(index < -PyBytes_GET_SIZE(bytes)))) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "string index out of range"); return -1; } } if (index < 0) index += PyBytes_GET_SIZE(bytes); return PyBytes_AS_STRING(bytes)[index]; } """ ) include_string_h_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ #include <string.h> """ ) tpnew_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* __Pyx_tp_new(PyObject* type_obj) { return (PyObject*) (((PyTypeObject*)(type_obj))->tp_new( (PyTypeObject*)(type_obj), %(TUPLE)s, NULL)); } """ % {'TUPLE' : Naming.empty_tuple} ) class ConstantFolding(Visitor.VisitorTransform, SkipDeclarations): """Calculate the result of constant expressions to store it in ``expr_node.constant_result``, and replace trivial cases by their constant result. """ def _calculate_const(self, node): if node.constant_result is not ExprNodes.constant_value_not_set: return # make sure we always set the value not_a_constant = ExprNodes.not_a_constant node.constant_result = not_a_constant # check if all children are constant children = self.visitchildren(node) for child_result in children.itervalues(): if type(child_result) is list: for child in child_result: if getattr(child, 'constant_result', not_a_constant) is not_a_constant: return elif getattr(child_result, 'constant_result', not_a_constant) is not_a_constant: return # now try to calculate the real constant value try: node.calculate_constant_result() # if node.constant_result is not ExprNodes.not_a_constant: # print node.__class__.__name__, node.constant_result except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError, ArithmeticError): # ignore all 'normal' errors here => no constant result pass except Exception: # this looks like a real error import traceback, sys traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) NODE_TYPE_ORDER = (ExprNodes.CharNode, ExprNodes.IntNode, ExprNodes.LongNode, ExprNodes.FloatNode) def _widest_node_class(self, *nodes): try: return self.NODE_TYPE_ORDER[ max(map(self.NODE_TYPE_ORDER.index, map(type, nodes)))] except ValueError: return None def visit_ExprNode(self, node): self._calculate_const(node) return node def visit_BoolBinopNode(self, node): self._calculate_const(node) if node.constant_result is ExprNodes.not_a_constant: return node if not node.operand1.is_literal or not node.operand2.is_literal: # We calculate other constants to make them available to # the compiler, but we only aggregate constant nodes # recursively, so non-const nodes are straight out. return node if node.constant_result == node.operand1.constant_result and node.operand1.is_literal: return node.operand1 elif node.constant_result == node.operand2.constant_result and node.operand2.is_literal: return node.operand2 else: # FIXME: we could do more ... return node def visit_BinopNode(self, node): self._calculate_const(node) if node.constant_result is ExprNodes.not_a_constant: return node if isinstance(node.constant_result, float): # We calculate float constants to make them available to # the compiler, but we do not aggregate them into a # constant node to prevent any loss of precision. return node if not node.operand1.is_literal or not node.operand2.is_literal: # We calculate other constants to make them available to # the compiler, but we only aggregate constant nodes # recursively, so non-const nodes are straight out. return node # now inject a new constant node with the calculated value try: type1, type2 = node.operand1.type, node.operand2.type if type1 is None or type2 is None: return node except AttributeError: return node if type1 is type2: new_node = node.operand1 else: widest_type = PyrexTypes.widest_numeric_type(type1, type2) if type(node.operand1) is type(node.operand2): new_node = node.operand1 new_node.type = widest_type elif type1 is widest_type: new_node = node.operand1 elif type2 is widest_type: new_node = node.operand2 else: target_class = self._widest_node_class( node.operand1, node.operand2) if target_class is None: return node new_node = target_class(pos=node.pos, type = widest_type) new_node.constant_result = node.constant_result if isinstance(node, ExprNodes.BoolNode): new_node.value = node.constant_result else: new_node.value = str(node.constant_result) #new_node = new_node.coerce_to(node.type, self.current_scope) return new_node def visit_PrimaryCmpNode(self, node): self._calculate_const(node) if node.constant_result is ExprNodes.not_a_constant: return node bool_result = bool(node.constant_result) return ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=bool_result, constant_result=bool_result) def visit_IfStatNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) # eliminate dead code based on constant condition results if_clauses = [] for if_clause in node.if_clauses: condition_result = if_clause.get_constant_condition_result() if condition_result is None: # unknown result => normal runtime evaluation if_clauses.append(if_clause) elif condition_result == True: # subsequent clauses can safely be dropped node.else_clause = if_clause.body break else: assert condition_result == False if not if_clauses: return node.else_clause node.if_clauses = if_clauses return node # in the future, other nodes can have their own handler method here # that can replace them with a constant result node visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children class FinalOptimizePhase(Visitor.CythonTransform): """ This visitor handles several commuting optimizations, and is run just before the C code generation phase. The optimizations currently implemented in this class are: - eliminate None assignment and refcounting for first assignment. - isinstance -> typecheck for cdef types - eliminate checks for None and/or types that became redundant after tree changes """ def visit_SingleAssignmentNode(self, node): """Avoid redundant initialisation of local variables before their first assignment. """ self.visitchildren(node) if node.first: lhs = node.lhs lhs.lhs_of_first_assignment = True if isinstance(lhs, ExprNodes.NameNode) and lhs.entry.type.is_pyobject: # Have variable initialized to 0 rather than None lhs.entry.init_to_none = False lhs.entry.init = 0 return node def visit_SimpleCallNode(self, node): """Replace generic calls to isinstance(x, type) by a more efficient type check. """ self.visitchildren(node) if node.function.type.is_cfunction and isinstance(node.function, ExprNodes.NameNode): if == 'isinstance': type_arg = node.args[1] if type_arg.type.is_builtin_type and == 'type': from CythonScope import utility_scope node.function.entry = utility_scope.lookup('PyObject_TypeCheck') node.function.type = node.function.entry.type PyTypeObjectPtr = PyrexTypes.CPtrType(utility_scope.lookup('PyTypeObject').type) node.args[1] = ExprNodes.CastNode(node.args[1], PyTypeObjectPtr) return node def visit_PyTypeTestNode(self, node): """Remove tests for alternatively allowed None values from type tests when we know that the argument cannot be None anyway. """ self.visitchildren(node) if not node.notnone: if not node.arg.may_be_none(): node.notnone = True return node
# Generated by Django 1.11.2 on 2017-08-04 01:20 import django.db.models.deletion import django.utils.timezone import model_utils.fields from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="Item", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "created", model_utils.fields.AutoCreatedField(, editable=False, verbose_name="created", ), ), ( "modified", model_utils.fields.AutoLastModifiedField(, editable=False, verbose_name="modified", ), ), ( "key", models.CharField( db_index=True, max_length=50, verbose_name="Metric key" ), ), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name="Name")), ( "description", models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name="Description"), ), ( "last_updated", models.DateTimeField(verbose_name="Time to get the last value"), ), ], options={ "ordering": ["key"], "verbose_name": "key", "verbose_name_plural": "keys", }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Value", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ("time", models.DateTimeField(, ("value", models.IntegerField()), ("comment", models.CharField(max_length=150)), ( "item", models.ForeignKey( on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to="stats.Item" ), ), ], options={ "ordering": ["item", "time"], "verbose_name": "Value", "verbose_name_plural": "Values", }, ), ]
# This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch from import ios_facts from units.modules.utils import set_module_args from .ios_module import TestIosModule, load_fixture class TestIosFactsModule(TestIosModule): module = ios_facts def setUp(self): super(TestIosFactsModule, self).setUp() self.mock_run_commands = patch('') self.run_commands = self.mock_run_commands.start() def tearDown(self): super(TestIosFactsModule, self).tearDown() self.mock_run_commands.stop() def load_fixtures(self, commands=None): def load_from_file(*args, **kwargs): module = args commands = kwargs['commands'] output = list() for command in commands: filename = str(command).split(' | ')[0].replace(' ', '_') output.append(load_fixture('ios_facts_%s' % filename)) return output self.run_commands.side_effect = load_from_file def test_ios_facts_stacked(self): set_module_args(dict(gather_subset='default')) result = self.execute_module() self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_model'], 'WS-C3750-24TS' ) self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_serialnum'], 'CAT0726R0ZU' ) self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_stacked_models'], ['WS-C3750-24TS-E', 'WS-C3750-24TS-E', 'WS-C3750G-12S-E'] ) self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_stacked_serialnums'], ['CAT0726R0ZU', 'CAT0726R10A', 'CAT0732R0M4'] ) def test_ios_facts_tunnel_address(self): set_module_args(dict(gather_subset='interfaces')) result = self.execute_module() self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_interfaces']['GigabitEthernet0/0']['macaddress'], '5e00.0003.0000' ) self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_interfaces']['GigabitEthernet1']['macaddress'], '5e00.0006.0000' ) self.assertIsNone( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_interfaces']['Tunnel1110']['macaddress'] ) def test_ios_facts_filesystems_info(self): set_module_args(dict(gather_subset='hardware')) result = self.execute_module() self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_filesystems_info']['bootflash:']['spacetotal_kb'], 7712692.0 ) self.assertEqual( result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_filesystems_info']['bootflash:']['spacefree_kb'], 6453180.0 )
#!/usr/bin/env python from txamqp.testlib import TestBase from classymq.common import resolve_setting from twisted.internet import reactor from classymq import factory __author__ = 'gdoermann' TEST_RABBIT_MQ_HOST = resolve_setting('TEST_RABBIT_MQ_HOST', 'localhost') TEST_RABBIT_MQ_PORT = resolve_setting('TEST_RABBIT_MQ_PORT', 5672) TEST_VHOST = resolve_setting('TEST_VHOST', '/') class TestFactory(factory.AmqpFactory): def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): self.continueTrying = False factory.AmqpFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) raise RuntimeError('AMQP connection failed') def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): self.continueTrying = False factory.AmqpFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) raise RuntimeError('Lost AMQP connection') class ClassyTestCase(TestBase): defer_until_connected = None def setUp(self): self.connection = self.get_factory() super(ClassyTestCase, self).setUp() def get_factory(self): con = TestFactory(vhost=TEST_VHOST, host=TEST_RABBIT_MQ_HOST, port=TEST_RABBIT_MQ_PORT) self.defer_until_connected = con.connect() return con
from biicode.common.exception import (NotInStoreException, NotFoundException, InvalidNameException, ForbiddenException, AuthenticationException) from biicode.server.authorize import Security from biicode.server.model.user import User from biicode.common.model.brl.brl_user import BRLUser from biicode.common.utils.bii_logging import logger import datetime from biicode.common.exception import NotActivatedUser from biicode.server.user.jwt_accounts_manager import (JWTConfirmEmailManagerFactory, JWTPasswordResetManagerFactory) from biicode.server.api.jwt_credentials_manager import JWTCredentialsManagerFactory from biicode.server.exception import ControledErrorException import traceback from biicode.server.user.oauth import OAuthService, get_oauth_service from biicode.server.background.enqueuer import register_signup MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 6 class UserService(object): """Handles the registration, user profile updating, user confirmation. """ def __init__(self, store, auth_user): = store self.auth_user = auth_user = Security(auth_user, store) def edit_user(self, brl_user): """Get User fields for edition""" user = self.get_user(brl_user) user = user_to_json(user) return user def view_user(self, brl_user): try: user = self.get_user(brl_user) except NotInStoreException: raise NotFoundException("No user found with name %s" % brl_user) # FIXME: Can read email user_json = user_to_json(user) del user_json["visible_email"] del user_json["allow_mailing"] if not user.visible_email and brl_user != self.auth_user: user_json["email"] = None return user_json def get_user(self, brl_user): '''Retrieve user information''' try: user = except NotInStoreException: raise NotFoundException() if not raise NotFoundException() # Not propagate sensible information user.staff = None user.last_api_call = None = None user.confirmation_token = None user.joined_date = None user.confirmation_date = None auth_blocks = {} # Read all blocks and filter private ones for brl_block, block_meta in user.blocks.iteritems(): try: block_access = # block_meta => ([tags], description, bytes) block_meta.append(block_access.is_private) auth_blocks[brl_block] = block_meta except ForbiddenException: pass user.blocks = auth_blocks return user def register(self, brl_user, email, plain_password, allow_mailing, provider=None, access_token=None, invited_by=None): ''' :param: user is a web_api.model.User ''' # Validate password if len(plain_password) < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH: logger.debug("Invalid password length for %s" % email) raise ControledErrorException("Password length must" " be %s characters min" % MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) # Search users with same email if logger.debug("Email '%s' already exists!" % email) raise ControledErrorException("Email '%s' already exists! Forgot password? " "Go to login and click on forgot password" % email) try: brl_user = BRLUser(brl_user) bii_user = User(brl_user) bii_user.password = plain_password except InvalidNameException as e: raise ControledErrorException(e) # Search invited_by user (by mail or login) friend = None if invited_by: if "@" in invited_by: # email address friend = friend = friend.ID if friend else None else: # Login friend_object = if friend_object and friend = invited_by if not friend: raise ControledErrorException("User %s doesn't exist" % invited_by) bii_user.invited_by = friend # Check the existing of user name (User.ID), with case-insensitive if logger.debug("User name '%s' already exists!" % brl_user) raise ControledErrorException("Username '%s' already exists! " "Choose other username" % brl_user) try: = email bii_user.allow_mailing = allow_mailing manager = token = manager.get_token_for(brl_user) bii_user.confirmation_token = token bii_user.joined_date = = False oauth_service = get_oauth_service( oauth_user_info = oauth_service.get_user_info(provider, access_token) if oauth_user_info: # If user has changed the oauth email, not confirm the account if oauth_user_info[1] == = True try: register_signup(, brl_user) except Exception as exc: logger.error("Can't register sign-up in background! %s" % str(exc)) bii_user.fill_user_oauth_token(provider, access_token) return bii_user except Exception as e: logger.error("Error creating user at mongo: %s" % str(e)) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise e def confirm_account(self, confirmation_token): ''' Confirms user in database ''' try: # Decode token jwt_manager = brl_user = jwt_manager.get_confirmed_user(confirmation_token) user = except NotInStoreException: raise NotFoundException("User '%s' doesn't exist" % brl_user) if user.confirmation_token == confirmation_token: if not # Do not re-send things if already activated try: register_signup(, brl_user) except Exception as exc: logger.error("Can't register sign-up in background! %s" % str(exc)) = True user.confirmation_date = jwt_auth_manager = token = jwt_auth_manager.get_token_for(brl_user) return token, brl_user, user.ga_client_id else: raise NotFoundException("Invalid user or token") def confirm_password_reset(self, confirmation_token): ''' Confirms password change. User and password are inside the token ''' try: # Decode token jwt_manager = brl_user, plain_password = jwt_manager.get_user_and_password(confirmation_token) user = except Exception: raise NotFoundException("No user found with name %s" % brl_user) # Update password user.password = plain_password = True # If not active, activate now, email is validated # Generate an auth token to autologin user jwt_auth_manager = token = jwt_auth_manager.get_token_for(brl_user) return token, brl_user def update(self, brl_user, new_fields): try: user = user.firstname = new_fields["firstname"] user.lastname = new_fields["lastname"] = new_fields["country"] user.description = new_fields["description"] user.street_1 = new_fields["street_1"] user.street_2 = new_fields["street_2"] = new_fields["city"] user.postal_code = new_fields["postal_code"] user.region = new_fields["region"] user.tax_id = new_fields["tax_id"] user.vat = new_fields["vat"] # Tsgs is for internal use yet # user.tags = set(new_fields["tags"]) user.visible_email = new_fields["visible_email"] user.allow_mailing = new_fields["allow_mailing"] except NotInStoreException: raise NotFoundException("No user found with name %s" % brl_user) def change_password(self, brl_user, old_password, new_plain_password): ''' Changes the password for the specified user''' logger.debug("Change password for user %s" % brl_user) user = if user.valid_password(old_password): logger.debug("old password ok") try: user.password = new_plain_password except InvalidNameException as e: raise ControledErrorException(e) logger.debug("Updated user!") else: raise ControledErrorException("Invalid password!") def authenticate(self, brl_user, password): """ Create a "profile" object (object to encrypt) and expiration time. Then return the JWT token Expiration time as a UTC UNIX timestamp (an int) or as a datetime""" try: brl_user = BRLUser(brl_user) except InvalidNameException: raise AuthenticationException("Wrong user or password") self._check_password(brl_user, password) manager = token = manager.get_token_for(brl_user) return brl_user, token def _check_password(self, nickname, password): ''' Check user brl_user/password ''' try: user = except Exception: raise AuthenticationException("Wrong user or password") if if not user.valid_password(password): raise AuthenticationException("Wrong user or password") else: raise NotActivatedUser("User email is not confirmed! " "We have sent an email to your account") def user_to_json(user): ret = {"login": user.ID, "email":, "firstname": user.firstname, "lastname": user.lastname, "country":, "description": user.description, "visible_email": user.visible_email, "gravatar_hash": user.gravatar_email_hash, "allow_mailing": user.allow_mailing, "read_api_counter": user.read_api_counter, "publish_counter": user.publish_counter, "reuse_counter": user.reuse_counter, "street_1": user.street_1, "street_2": user.street_2, "city":, "postal_code": user.postal_code, "region": user.region, "tax_id": user.tax_id, "vat": user.vat } ret["blocks"] = [] for brl_block, block_meta in user.blocks.iteritems(): ret["blocks"].append(_user_block_to_json(brl_block, block_meta)) return ret def _user_block_to_json(brl_block, block_meta, gravatar_hash=None): return {"creator": brl_block.creator, "owner": brl_block.owner, "branch": brl_block.branch, "block_name":, "tags": list(block_meta[0]), "description": block_meta[1], # Meta [2] is block size "private": block_meta[-1], # Appended in line 78, last one is privacy "gravatar_hash": gravatar_hash, }
from lib import fbconsole fbconsole.AUTH_SCOPE = ['manage_notifications'] fbconsole.authenticate() print fbconsole.ACCESS_TOKEN
# Name: Thijs Schouten # Student number: 10887679 ''' This script scrapes regatta data from ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Libraries # Python library imports import json # Third party library imports: import pattern from pattern.web import Element, URL, DOM, abs, plaintext # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants REGATTA_TITLE = "HOLLANDIA 2013" REGATTA_URL = "" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scraping def scrape_heat_urls(regatta_url, regatta_dom): ''' Scrape all the URLs from base regatta page @param regatta_url = url to the overview page of the regatta @regatta_dom = dom variable containing the page with the heat urls return type : heat_urls --> all the heat urls in list ''' heat_urls = [] # Save absolute links to heats for link in regatta_dom('a'): temp = abs(link.attributes.get('href',''), base=regatta_url.redirect or regatta_url.string) if temp [-7:-4].isdigit() == True: heat_urls.append(temp) return heat_urls def scrape_names_page(name_url): ''' Return the names found on the name_url url @ param name_url = link to page containing crew names return type : list of names in the boat ''' # create dom format from URL url = URL(name_url) dom = DOM( names = [] # For every row in the dom (skipping first): if the first cell # contains "slag", append the name and break loop. Else, just append. for tr in dom('tr')[1:]: if "slag" in tr[0].content: names.append(tr[1].content) break else: names.append(tr[1].content) return names def scrape_heat_page(heat_url): ''' Return heat data with stats about races, including: (pre-final/a-final/b-final etc), club, finishposition, lane, 500m time, 1000m time, 1500m time, 2000m time, return type: [all_heats_dict, heat_title] X @ heat title = the name of the field ''' # Set up all variables all_heats_dict = {} all_heats_in_field = [] heat_title = '' ignored = [] # Save the heat url dom url = URL(heat_url) dom = DOM( # For every race for i in range(0,len(dom.by_tag('h2'))): # Create a race dictionary race_dictionary = {} # Run header_extract to extract title, type and time header_data = header_extract(dom.by_tag('h2')[i].content) if header_data[0] == "no_data": print ">>>>IGNORED:", header_data[1] ignored.append(header_data[1]) break # Save title for later use: heat_title = header_data[1] # Update race_dictionary with data from header titles = ["_day", "_time", "_boat", "_title", "_status", "_id"] for j in range(0,6): race_dictionary[titles[j]] = header_data[j] race_dictionary["_regtitle"] = REGATTA_TITLE # Go through every table with timeteam class for web_table in dom('.timeteam')[i:i+1]: teams_list = [] # Select row in the timeteam class table, start at 1 take 2 steps for row in web_table('tr')[1::2]: try: # Check if the first cell is a number, scrape in case it is if (row('td')[0].content[:-1]).isdigit() == True: # Get the names of the crew temp_dom = DOM(row('td')[2]) for a in temp_dom('a'): names_url = abs(a.attributes.get('href',''),\ base=url.redirect or url.string) # Add the vars to team dictionary team = {} team["_people"] = scrape_names_page(names_url) team["_finish"] = extract_int(row('td')[0].content) team["_code"] = plaintext(row('td')[1].content) team["_lane"] = extract_int(row('td')[3].content) team["_0500m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[4].content), extract_int(row('td')[5].content)] team["_1000m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[6].content), extract_int(row('td')[7].content)] team["_1500m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[8].content), extract_int(row('td')[9].content)] team["_2000m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[10].content), extract_int(row('td')[11].content)] # count how many times a clubcode appears in heat team["_uniqueID"] = team["_code"] + " " + str(\ hash(str(team["_people"]) +\ str(race_dictionary["_time"]))) teams_list.append(team) except IndexError: print 'IndexError' # Add the crew data to the heat dictionary race_dictionary["_teams"] = teams_list # Append the heat dictionary to a list all_heats_in_field.append(race_dictionary) # Return the dictionary and the skipped fields return all_heats_in_field def scrape_heat_page_2(heat_url): ''' Return heat data with stats about races, including: (pre-final/a-final/b-final etc), club, finishposition, lane, 500m time, 1000m time, 1500m time, 2000m time, return type: [all_heats_dict, heat_title] X @ heat title = the name of the field ''' # Set up all variables all_heats_dict = {} all_heats_in_field = [] heat_title = '' ignored = [] # Save the heat url dom url = URL(heat_url) dom = DOM( # For every race for i in range(0,len(dom.by_tag('h2'))): # Create a race dictionary race_dictionary = {} # Run header_extract to extract title, type and time header_data = header_extract(dom.by_tag('h2')[i].content) if header_data[0] == "no_data": print ">>>>IGNORED:", header_data[1] ignored.append(header_data[1]) break # Save title for later use: heat_title = header_data[1] # Update race_dictionary with data from header titles = ["_day", "_time", "_boat", "_title", "_status", "_id"] for j in range(0,6): race_dictionary[titles[j]] = header_data[j] race_dictionary["_regtitle"] = REGATTA_TITLE # Go through every table with timeteam class for web_table in dom('.timeteam')[i:i+1]: teams_list = [] # Select row in the timeteam class table, start at 1 take 2 steps for row in web_table('tr')[1::2]: try: # Check if the first cell is a number, scrape in case it is if (row('td')[0].content[:-1]).isdigit() == True: # Get the names of the crew temp_dom = DOM(row('td')[2]) for a in temp_dom('a'): names_url = abs(a.attributes.get('href',''),\ base=url.redirect or url.string) print "_people", scrape_names_page(names_url) print "_finish", row('td')[0].content print "_code", row('td')[1].content print "_lane", row('td')[4].content print "_0500m", [row('td')[5].content, row('td')[4].content] print "_1000m", [row('td')[7].content, row('td')[6].content] print "_1500m", [row('td')[9].content, row('td')[8].content] print "_2000m", [row('td')[11].content, row('td')[10].content] # Add the vars to team dictionary team = {} team["_people"] = scrape_names_page(names_url) team["_finish"] = extract_int(row('td')[0].content) team["_code"] = plaintext(row('td')[1].content) team["_lane"] = extract_int(row('td')[4].content) team["_0500m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[5].content), extract_int(row('td')[6].content)] team["_1000m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[7].content), extract_int(row('td')[8].content)] team["_1500m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[9].content), extract_int(row('td')[10].content)] team["_2000m"] = [calc_sec(row('td')[11].content), extract_int(row('td')[12].content)] team["_uniqueID"] = team["_code"] + " " + str(\ hash(str(team["_people"]) +\ str(race_dictionary["_time"]))) # print team["_uniqueID"] teams_list.append(team) print team except IndexError: print 'IndexError' # Add the crew data to the heat dictionary race_dictionary["_teams"] = teams_list # Append the heat dictionary to a list all_heats_in_field.append(race_dictionary) # Return the dictionary and the skipped fields return all_heats_in_field def header_extract(input_title): ''' Extract info from header. @param input_title = header ''' heatnames = ["LDDev", "DDev", "LDev", "LDSA", "LDSB", "LDEj",\ "LSA", "LSB", "DSA", "LDO", "LDN", "LDB", "Dev", "LEj", "DEj",\ "LB", "LN", "DN", "DB", "DO", "LO", "Ej", "SA", "SB",\ "O", "N", "B"] not_into = ["J18", "M18", "J16", "M16", "Jongens", "Meisjes",\ "Mix", "Club", "C4"] boattypes = ["8+", "4+", "4-", "4*", "4x", "4x+", "4*+", "2x", "2*", "2-",\ "2+", "1x", "1*", "acht"] conv_names = ["coxed_eight", "coxed_four", "coxless_four", "quad",\ "quad", "coxed_quad", "coxed_quad", "double",\ "double", "coxless_pair", "coxed_pair", "single",\ "single", "coxed_eight"] heattypes_F = ["A-finale"] heattypes_Fb = ["B-finale", "C-finale", "D-finale", "E-finale"] heattypes_H = ["voorwedstrijd", "heat"] time, day, title, boat, heat = 'no_data', 'no_data', 'no_data', 'no_data', 'no_data' time = input_title.split()[1] day = get_weekday(input_title.split()[0]) # Skip the ones not interested in.. for heatname in not_into: if heatname in input_title: return ["no_data", input_title] # Look for the title, if the title is not in the list- return no_data for i, heatname in enumerate(heatnames): if heatname in input_title: title = heatname break if title == 'no_data' and i == (len(heatnames)-1): #print "Fault in title, input is:", input_title,\ # "output title is:", title return ["no_data", input_title] for heattype in heattypes_F: if heattype in input_title: heat = "Final" break for heattype in heattypes_Fb: if heattype in input_title: print heattype heat = "Final B" break for heattype in heattypes_H: if heattype in input_title: heat = "Heat" break for boattype in boattypes: if boattype in input_title: index = boattypes.index(boattype) heat_id = boattype boat = conv_names[index] break heat_id = title + "" + heat_id.replace("*", "x") # If heattype is not specified, assume it is a final if heat is 'no_data': heat = "Final" # Check boat values: if boat is 'no_data': print "Fault in boattype, input is:", input_title print "output boattype is:", boat # Pretty printing for easy testing: # print input_title # print "TIME:", time, "<> DAY:", day, "<> BOAT:", boat,\ # "<> TITLE:", title, "<> HEAT:", heat, "<> ID:", heat_id print heat_id + ".. done" return [day, time, boat, title, heat, heat_id] def calc_sec(input_string): ''' Take a string formatted as "mm:ss,ms" and return an integer representing seconds. FE: "07:43,48" becomes 463,48 ''' formatted = "no_data" try: formatted = (float(input_string[0:2]) * 60 +\ float(input_string[-5:-3]) +\ float("."+input_string[-2:])), except ValueError: print "ValueError while getting seconds from" + input_string return formatted[0] def extract_int(input_string): ''' Take string, like [1] or (6), and return the number as an int. ''' r = input_string s = ''.join(x for x in r if x.isdigit()) try: return int(s) except: print "Couldnt get position of" + input_string return "no_data" def get_weekday(input_string): ''' Extract weekday ''' days_dict = {"Mon": ["monday", "mon", "mo", "maandag", "maa", "ma"], "Tue": ["tuesday", "tue", "tu", "dinsdag", "din", "di"], "Wed": ["wednesday", "wed", "we", "woensdag", "woe", "wo"], "Thu": ["thursday", "thu", "th", "donderdag", "don", "do"], "Fri": ["friday", "fri", "fr", "vrijdag", "vrij", "vri"], "Sat": ["saturday", "sat", "sa" ,"zaterdag", "zat", "za"], "Sun": ["sunday", "sun", "su", "zon", "zondag", "zo"]} print input_string for key in days_dict: if input_string in days_dict[key]: return key # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main def main(): # Set up dictionaries regatta_dict = {} regatta_heats = {} # Create DOM from regatta URL url = URL(REGATTA_URL) dom = DOM(, unicode=True)) # If scraping does not work, try \: # DOM(, unicode=True)) # Fetch heat urls heat_urls = scrape_heat_urls(url, dom) # Create a list to save the fields regatta_fields = [] # Save data for every heat for heat in heat_urls: heat_data = scrape_heat_page(heat) for race_dictionary in heat_data: regatta_fields.append(race_dictionary) regatta_dict["heats"] = regatta_fields # Write dictionary to json file with open(REGATTA_TITLE +'.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(regatta_dict, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=2) print "... Done" if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# pylint: disable=unused-import # TODO: eventually move this implementation into the user_api """ Django Administration forms module """ from student.forms import PasswordResetFormNoActive
import os import base64 import logging from aiohttp import web from aiohttp_session import session_middleware from aiohttp_session.cookie_storage import EncryptedCookieStorage from cryptography.fernet import Fernet import aiohttp_jinja2 import jinja2 from . import urls def root_package_name(): return __name__.split('.')[0] def root_package_path(relative_path=None): root_module = __import__(root_package_name()) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root_module.__file__)) if relative_path is not None: path = os.path.join(path, relative_path) return path class WebServer: def __init__(self, config, db, loop=None): self._cfg = config self._loop = loop self._srv = None self._handler = None self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Fernet key must be 32 bytes. cookie_secret = config.get('http', 'cookie_secret', fallback=None) cookie_secret = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(cookie_secret or Fernet.generate_key()) middlewares = [ session_middleware(EncryptedCookieStorage(cookie_secret)), ] app = web.Application(middlewares=middlewares) app.ioloop = loop app.db = db aiohttp_jinja2.setup(app, loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(root_package_path('web/templates'))) def make_prefixed_router(url_prefix=''): def add_route(method, url, *args, **kwargs): return app.router.add_route(method, url_prefix + url, *args, **kwargs) return add_route urls.configure(make_prefixed_router()) app.router.add_static('/', root_package_path('web/static'), name='static') self._app = app async def start(self): host, port = self._cfg.get('http', 'bind', fallback='').split(':')'listen on http://%s:%s/', host, port) self._handler = self._app.make_handler() self._srv = await self._loop.create_server(self._handler, host, port) async def stop(self): await self._handler.finish_connections(1.0) self._app.db.close() self._srv.close() await self._srv.wait_closed() await self._app.finish()
__author__ = 'shafengfeng' # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- City_info = { '北京': '101010100', '海淀': '101010200', '朝阳': '101010300', '顺义': '101010400', '怀柔': '101010500', '通州': '101010600', '昌平': '101010700', '延庆': '101010800', '丰台': '101010900', '石景山': '101011000', '大兴': '101011100', '房山': '101011200', '密云': '101011300', '门头沟': '101011400', '平谷': '101011500', '八达岭': '101011600', '佛爷顶': '101011700', '汤河口': '101011800', '密云上甸子': '101011900', '斋堂': '101012000', '霞云岭': '101012100', '上海': '101020100', '闵行': '101020200', '宝山': '101020300', '嘉定': '101020500', '南汇': '101020600', '金山': '101020700', '青浦': '101020800', '松江': '101020900', '奉贤': '101021000', '崇明': '101021100', '徐家汇': '101021200', '浦东': '101021300', '天津': '101030100', '武清': '101030200', '宝坻': '101030300', '东丽': '101030400', '西青': '101030500', '北辰': '101030600', '宁河': '101030700', '汉沽': '101030800', '静海': '101030900', '津南': '101031000', '塘沽': '101031100', '大港': '101031200', '蓟县': '101031400', '重庆': '101040100', '永川': '101040200', '合川': '101040300', '南川': '101040400', '江津': '101040500', '万盛': '101040600', '渝北': '101040700', '北碚': '101040800', '巴南': '101040900', '长寿': '101041000', '黔江': '101041100', '万州龙宝': '101041300', '涪陵': '101041400', '开县': '101041500', '城口': '101041600', '云阳': '101041700', '巫溪': '101041800', '奉节': '101041900', '巫山': '101042000', '潼南': '101042100', '垫江': '101042200', '梁平': '101042300', '忠县': '101042400', '石柱': '101042500', '大足': '101042600', '荣昌': '101042700', '铜梁': '101042800', '璧山': '101042900', '丰都': '101043000', '武隆': '101043100', '彭水': '101043200', '綦江': '101043300', '酉阳': '101043400', '秀山': '101043600', '沙坪坝': '101043700', '哈尔滨': '101050101', '双城': '101050102', '呼兰': '101050103', '阿城': '101050104', '宾县': '101050105', '依兰': '101050106', '巴彦': '101050107', '通河': '101050108', '方正': '101050109', '延寿': '101050110', '尚志': '101050111', '五常': '101050112', '木兰': '101050113', '齐齐哈尔': '101050201', '讷河': '101050202', '龙江': '101050203', '甘南': '101050204', '富裕': '101050205', '依安': '101050206', '拜泉': '101050207', '克山': '101050208', '克东': '101050209', '泰来': '101050210', '牡丹江': '101050301', '海林': '101050302', '穆棱': '101050303', '林口': '101050304', '绥芬河': '101050305', '宁安': '101050306', '东宁': '101050307', '佳木斯': '101050401', '汤原': '101050402', '抚远': '101050403', '桦川': '101050404', '桦南': '101050405', '同江': '101050406', '富锦': '101050407', '绥化': '101050501', '肇东': '101050502', '安达': '101050503', '海伦': '101050504', '明水': '101050505', '望奎': '101050506', '兰西': '101050507', '青冈': '101050508', '庆安': '101050509', '绥棱': '101050510', '黑河': '101050601', '嫩江': '101050602', '孙吴': '101050603', '逊克': '101050604', '五大连池': '101050605', '北安': '101050606', '大兴安岭': '101050701', '塔河': '101050702', '漠河': '101050703', '呼玛': '101050704', '呼中': '101050705', '新林': '101050706', '加格达奇': '101050708', '伊春': '101050801', '乌伊岭': '101050802', '五营': '101050803', '铁力': '101050804', '嘉荫': '101050805', '大庆': '101050901', '林甸': '101050902', '肇州': '101050903', '肇源': '101050904', '杜尔伯特': '101050905', '七台河': '101051002', '勃利': 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'101290903', '澜沧': '101290904', '墨江': '101290906', '江城': '101290907', '孟连': '101290908', '西盟': '101290909', '镇源': '101290910', '镇沅': '101290911', '宁洱': '101290912', '昭通': '101291001', '鲁甸': '101291002', '彝良': '101291003', '镇雄': '101291004', '威信': '101291005', '巧家': '101291006', '绥江': '101291007', '永善': '101291008', '盐津': '101291009', '大关': '101291010', '临沧': '101291101', '沧源': '101291102', '耿马': '101291103', '双江': '101291104', '凤庆': '101291105', '永德': '101291106', '云县': '101291107', '镇康': '101291108', '怒江': '101291201', '福贡': '101291203', '兰坪': '101291204', '泸水': '101291205', '六库': '101291206', '贡山': '101291207', '香格里拉': '101291301', '德钦': '101291302', '维西': '101291303', '中甸': '101291304', '丽江': '101291401', '永胜': '101291402', '华坪': '101291403', '宁蒗': '101291404', '德宏': '101291501', '陇川': '101291503', '盈江': '101291504', '瑞丽': '101291506', '梁河': '101291507', '潞西': '101291508', '景洪': '101291601', '勐海': '101291603', '勐腊': '101291605', '南宁': '101300101', '南宁城区': '101300102', '邕宁': '101300103', '横县': '101300104', '隆安': '101300105', '马山': '101300106', '上林': '101300107', '武鸣': '101300108', '宾阳': '101300109', '崇左': '101300201', '天等': '101300202', '龙州': '101300203', '凭祥': '101300204', '大新': '101300205', '扶绥': '101300206', '宁明': '101300207', '柳州': '101300301', '柳城': '101300302', '鹿寨': '101300304', '柳江': '101300305', '融安': '101300306', '融水': '101300307', '三江': '101300308', '来宾': '101300401', '忻城': '101300402', '金秀': '101300403', '象州': '101300404', '武宣': '101300405', '桂林': '101300501', '龙胜': '101300503', '永福': '101300504', '临桂': '101300505', '兴安': '101300506', '灵川': '101300507', '全州': '101300508', '灌阳': '101300509', '阳朔': '101300510', '恭城': '101300511', '平乐': '101300512', '荔浦': '101300513', '资源': '101300514', '梧州': '101300601', '藤县': '101300602', '苍梧': '101300604', '蒙山': '101300605', '岑溪': '101300606', '贺州': '101300701', '昭平': '101300702', '富川': '101300703', '钟山': '101300704', '贵港': '101300801', '桂平': '101300802', '平南': '101300803', '玉林': '101300901', '博白': '101300902', '北流': '101300903', '容县': '101300904', '陆川': '101300905', '百色': '101301001', '那坡': '101301002', '田阳': '101301003', '德保': '101301004', '靖西': '101301005', '田东': '101301006', '平果': '101301007', '隆林': '101301008', '西林': '101301009', '乐业': '101301010', '凌云': '101301011', '田林': '101301012', '钦州': '101301101', '浦北': '101301102', '灵山': '101301103', '河池': '101301201', '天峨': '101301202', '东兰': '101301203', '巴马': '101301204', '环江': '101301205', '罗城': '101301206', '宜州': '101301207', '凤山': '101301208', '南丹': '101301209', '都安': '101301210', '北海': '101301301', '合浦': '101301302', '涠洲岛': '101301303', '防城港': '101301401', '上思': '101301402', '东兴': '101301403', '防城': '101301405', '海口': '101310101', '三亚': '101310201', '东方': '101310202', '临高': '101310203', '澄迈': '101310204', '儋州': '101310205', '昌江': '101310206', '白沙': '101310207', '琼中': '101310208', '定安': '101310209', '屯昌': '101310210', '琼海': '101310211', '文昌': '101310212', '保亭': '101310214', '万宁': '101310215', '陵水': '101310216', '西沙': '101310217', '南沙岛': '101310220', '乐东': '101310221', '五指山': '101310222', '通什': '101310223', '香港': '101320101', '新界': '101320103', '澳门': '101330101', '台北县': '101340101', '高雄': '101340201', '台中': '101340401' }
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ZIBMolPy.internals import Converter, DihedralCoordinate, LinearCoordinate import numpy as np import sys import math from import savemat from optparse import OptionParser #=============================================================================== def main(): usage_txt = "\nTakes trr-trajectory and internals-definition and outputs timeseries as npz- or mat-file.\nOutput-filetype is decided based on given filename-extension.\n\n %prog [options] <trr-input-file> <int-file> <output-file>" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage_txt, version="%prog 0.1") parser.add_option("-d", "--degrees", action="store_true", default=False, help="save dihedrals in [deg]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if(len(args) != 3): parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") if(options.degrees): print("\nDihedral angles will be saved in [deg].\n") else: print("\nDihedral angles will be saved in [rad].\n") trr_fn = args[0] internals_fn = args[1] out_fn = args[2] converter = Converter(internals_fn) all_frames_int = converter.read_trajectory(trr_fn) print("loaded trr-file with %d frames" % len(all_frames_int)) if(options.degrees): all_frames_int.dihedral_array = np.degrees(all_frames_int.dihedral_array) dih_labels = [c.label for c in converter.dihedrals] lin_labels = [c.label for c in converter.linears] if(out_fn.endswith(".npz")): print("Writing NumPy file: "+out_fn) if (all_frames_int.has_dihedrals and all_frames_int.has_linears): np.savez(out_fn, linears=all_frames_int.linear_array, linear_labels=lin_labels, dihedrals=all_frames_int.dihedral_array, dihedral_labels=dih_labels) elif(all_frames_int.has_dihedrals): np.savez(out_fn, dihedrals=all_frames_int.dihedral_array, dihedral_labels=dih_labels) else: np.savez(out_fn, linears=all_frames_int.linear_array, linear_labels=lin_labels) elif(out_fn.endswith(".mat")): print("Writing Matlab file: "+out_fn) if (all_frames_int.has_dihedrals and all_frames_int.has_linears): savemat(out_fn, {'linears':all_frames_int.linear_array, 'dihedrals':all_frames_int.dihedral_array}) elif(all_frames_int.has_dihedrals): savemat(out_fn, {'dihedrals':all_frames_int.dihedral_array}) else: savemat(out_fn, {'linears':all_frames_int.linear_array}) else: raise(Exception("Unkown output filetype: "+out_fn)) #=============================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': main() #EOF
# # Copyright (C) 2004 SIPfoundry Inc. # Licensed by SIPfoundry under the GPL license. # # Copyright (C) 2004 SIP Forum # Licensed to SIPfoundry under a Contributor Agreement. # # # This file is part of SIP Forum User Agent Basic Test Suite which # belongs to the SIP Forum Test Framework. # # SIP Forum User Agent Basic Test Suite is free software; you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # SIP Forum User Agent Basic Test Suite is distributed in the hope that it # will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SIP Forum User Agent Basic Test Suite; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id:,v 1.2 2004/05/02 18:57:35 lando Exp $ # from TestCase import TestCase import NetworkEventHandler as NEH import Log class case202 (TestCase): def config(self): = "Case 202" self.description = "Wide range of valid charaters" self.isClient = True self.transport = "UDP" def run(self): self.neh = NEH.NetworkEventHandler(self.transport) inv = self.createRequest("INVITE") inv.rUri.username = "1_unusual.URI~(to-be!sure)&isn't+it$/crazy?,/;;*:&it+has=1,weird!*pass$wo~d_too.(doesn't-it)" via = inv.getParsedHeaderValue("Via") via.branch = "z9hG4bK-.!%66*_+`'~" inv.setHeaderValue("Via", via.create()) to = inv.getParsedHeaderValue("To") to.displayname = "BEL:\\\x07 NUL:\\\x00 DEL:\\\x7F" to.uri.username = "1_unusual.URI~(to-be!sure)&isn't+it$/crazy?,/;;*:&it+has=1,weird!*pass$wo~d_too.(doesn't-it)" inv.setHeaderValue("To", to.create()) inv.transaction.dialog.remoteUri = to self.writeMessageToNetwork(self.neh, inv) self.code = 0 while (self.code <= 200): repl = self.readReplyFromNetwork(self.neh) if (repl is not None) and (repl.code > self.code): self.code = repl.code elif repl is None: self.code = 999 if repl is None: self.addResult(TestCase.TC_FAILED, "missing reply on request") self.neh.closeSock() def onDefaultCode(self, message): if message.code > self.code: self.code = message.code if message.code >= 200: if (message.hasParsedHeaderField("CSeq") and (message.getParsedHeaderValue("CSeq").method == "INVITE")): Log.logDebug("case202: sending ACK for >= 200 reply", 3) ack = self.createRequest("ACK", trans=message.transaction) self.writeMessageToNetwork(self.neh, ack) if message.code != 487: self.addResult(TestCase.TC_WARN, "INVITE with wide range of characters rejected with '" + str(message.code) + "'") elif message.code == 200: if len(self.results): self.addResult(TestCase.TC_PASSED, "INVITE with wide range of characters accepted") Log.logDebug("case202: sending BYE for accepted INVITE", 3) bye = self.createRequest("BYE", dia=message.transaction.dialog) self.writeMessageToNetwork(self.neh, bye) rep = self.readReplyFromNetwork(self.neh) if rep is None: self.addResult(TestCase.TC_ERROR, "missing response on BYE") elif (message.hasParsedHeaderField("CSeq")) and (message.getParsedHeaderValue("CSeq").method == "CANCEL") and (message.code != 200): self.addResult(TestCase.TC_WARN, "received \'" + str(message.code) + "\' for CANCEL") elif (not message.transaction.canceled) and (message.hasParsedHeaderField("CSeq")) and (message.getParsedHeaderValue("CSeq").method == "INVITE"): Log.logDebug("case202: sending ACK for >= 200 reply", 3) ack = self.createRequest("ACK", trans=message.transaction) self.writeMessageToNetwork(self.neh, ack) if message.code != 487: self.addResult(TestCase.TC_WARN, "INVITE with wide range of characters rejected with '" + str(message.code) + "'") else: self.addResult(TestCase.TC_PASSED, "INVITE with wide range of characters accepted") can = self.createRequest("CANCEL", trans=message.transaction) message.transaction.canceled = True self.writeMessageToNetwork(self.neh, can) canrepl = self.readReplyFromNetwork(self.neh) if canrepl is None: self.addResult(TestCase.TC_ERROR, "missing 200 on CANCEL")
import src.console import collections class MessageBox(object): def __init__(self, console, num, pos, event=None): self.console = console self.pos = x,y = pos self.messages = collections.deque([], num) self.maxlen = -float('inf') if event is not None: import, self.msg) def msg(self, msg, *a): msg %= a self.messages.append(msg) self.maxlen = max(self.maxlen, len(msg)) x,y = self.pos for idx, msg in enumerate(self.messages): self.console.print_( (x,y+idx), msg.ljust(self.maxlen) ) return False class TextBox(object): def __init__(self, console, num, pos, event=None): self.console = console self.pos = x,y = pos self.lines = [''] * num self.maxlen = -float('inf') if event is not None: import, self.set_line) def set_line(self, line, msg, *a): msg = msg % a self.maxlen = max(self.maxlen, len(msg)) self.lines[line] = msg x,y = self.pos self.console.print_( (x,y+line), msg.ljust(self.maxlen) ) return False class Label(object): def __init__(self, console, pos, event=None): self.console = console self.pos = x,y = pos self.line = '' self.maxlen = -float('inf') if event is not None: import, self.set_text) def set_text(self, msg, *a): msg = msg % a self.maxlen = max(self.maxlen, len(msg)) self.line = msg x,y = self.pos self.console.print_( (x,y), msg.ljust(self.maxlen) ) return False
################################################################ # LiveQ - An interactive volunteering computing batch system # Copyright (C) 2013 Ioannis Charalampidis # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ################################################################ import time import uuid import logging import datetime import traceback import as jobs import as scheduler import as agents import as results import as reference from jobmanager.config import Config from liveq.component import Component from import EventBroadcast from import BusChannelException from liveq.classes.bus.xmppmsg import XMPPBus from liveq.models import Agent, AgentGroup, AgentMetrics, Observable, JobQueue from liveq.reporting.postmortem import PostMortem from liveq.reporting.lars import LARS from import Tune from import rebinToReference from import IntermediateHistogramCollection, IntermediateHistogram from import InterpolatableCollection class JobManagerComponent(Component): """ Core jobmanager """ def __init__(self): """ Setup job manager """ Component.__init__(self) # Setup properties self.degree_cache = {} # The IDs of the agents that were online up til the moment # we got a presence handshake with the job managers self.negotiationOnlineAgents = [] self.negotiationMode = True self.onlyJobManager = True # Calculate server JID self.serverJID = "%s@%s" % (Config.EBUS_CONFIG.USERNAME, Config.EBUS_CONFIG.DOMAIN) # Setup logger self.logger = logging.getLogger("job-manager")"JobManager component started") # Initialize LiveQ Active Reporting System LARS.initialize() LARS.openEntity("components/job-manager", "%s#%s" % (Config.EBUS.jid, Config.EBUS.resource), autoKeepalive=True, alias="core") # Register the arbitrary channel creations that can happen # when we have an incoming agent handshake Config.EBUS.on('channel', self.onChannelCreation) Config.EBUS.on('online', self.onEBUSOnline) # Register callbacks from the internal message bus, such as # job creation and abortion self.jobChannel = Config.IBUS.openChannel("jobs") self.jobChannel.on('job_start', self.onBusJobStart) self.jobChannel.on('job_cancel', self.onBusJobCancel) self.jobChannel.on('job_refresh', self.onBusJobRefresh) self.jobChannel.on('job_results', self.onBusJobResults) # Open the interpolator channel were we are dumping the final results self.ipolChannel = Config.IBUS.openChannel("interpolate") # Open the results manager channel where we are dumping the final results # self.resultsChannel = Config.IBUS.openChannel("results") # Open an internal channel to use for job manager intercommunication self.jmChannel = Config.EBUS.openChannel( self.serverJID ) self.jmChannel.on('online_query', self.onOnlineQuery) self.jmChannel.on('online_reply', self.onOnlineReply) # Open a global notifications channel self.notificationsChannel = EventBroadcast.forChannel("notifications") # Channel mapping self.channels = { } def adaptCollection(self, lab, collection, requiredHistograms): """ Trim histograms that does not belong to requiredHistograms and/or create missing histograms using reference values. """ # Log information logAdded = [] logRemoved = [] numBefore = len(collection) # Prepare histograms to add createHistograms = list(requiredHistograms) # Delete excess histograms keys = collection.keys() for k in keys: # Check if this should not be there if not k in requiredHistograms: logRemoved.append(k) del collection[k] # Otherwise remove from the histograms to create elif k in createHistograms: i = createHistograms.index(k) del createHistograms[i] # Create missing histograms for h in createHistograms: collection[h] = IntermediateHistogram.empty( h ) logAdded.append(h) # Log self.logger.debug("Adapt REM: %s" % ",".join(logRemoved)) self.logger.debug("Adapt ADD: %s" % ",".join(logAdded))"Adapting collection from %i to %i histograms" % (numBefore, len(collection))) # Perform rebinning where appliable for k,v in collection.iteritems(): rebinToReference( collection[k], reference.forLab( lab ).loadReferenceHistogram(k) ) # Return the updated collection return collection def getPolyFitDegreeOf(self, name): """ Get polyFit degree for given histogram """ # Warm cache if not name in self.degree_cache: try: # Get fitDegree of given observable obs = Observable.get( == name ) self.degree_cache[name] = obs.fitDegree except Observable.DoesNotExist: # Otherwise use None (Default) self.degree_cache[name] = None # Return cached entry return self.degree_cache[name] def getHistogramPolyfitDegree(self, histoList): """ Return a dict with the polyFit degree for the given list of histograms """ # Iterate of histoList and create response ans = {} for k in histoList: # Get polyfit degree of given histogram ans[k] = self.getPolyFitDegreeOf(k) # Return return ans def _setupChannelCallbacks(self, channel): """ Bind the appropriate callbacks to the given channel """ # Handle bus messages and evnets channel.on('open', self.onAgentOnline, channel=channel) channel.on('close', self.onAgentOffline, channel=channel) channel.on('handshake', self.onAgentHandshake, channel=channel) channel.on('job_data', self.onAgentJobData, channel=channel) channel.on('job_completed', self.onAgentJobCompleted, channel=channel) channel.on('lars', self.onAgentLARSData, channel=channel) def getAgentChannel(self, agentID): """ Return the channel from registry or open a new one if needed. """ # Check for channel in the registry if agentID in self.channels: return self.channels[agentID] # Create new one channel = Config.EBUS.openChannel(agentID) self.channels[agentID] = channel # Setup callbacks self._setupChannelCallbacks(channel) # Return instance return channel def step(self): """ Internal component loop """ # Handle deferred completed jobs c_jobs = scheduler.getCompletedJobs() for job in c_jobs: # Notify interested entities that the specified job is completed self.notifyJobCompleted(job) # Handle the next step in the scheduler (job, a_cancel, a_start) = scheduler.process() if job: # First, cancel the job on the given a_cancel agents for agent in a_cancel: try: # Send status job.sendStatus("Aborting job on worker %s" % agent.uuid) # Get channel and send cancellations (synchronous) agentChannel = self.getAgentChannel( agent.uuid ) ans = agentChannel.send('job_cancel', { 'jid': agent.jobToCancel }) # Let job2cancel know that it has lost an agent job2c = jobs.getJob(agent.jobToCancel) if job2c: job2c.stockAgentData(agent) job2c.removeAgentInfo(agent) # Assume aborted"Successfuly cancelled job %s on %s" % ( agent.jobToCancel, agent.uuid )) agents.agentJobAborted(agent.uuid, job) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error("Exception while cancelling job: %s" % str(e)) # Calculate run-time parameters for this group of agents # that are about to start. This is defining the number # of events we have to run in order to accumulate to the # maxium events requested if len(a_start) > 0: # The getBatchRuntimeConfig function will return a list # of configurations, one for each agent in the baatch runtimeConfig = job.getBatchRuntimeConfig( a_start ) # Then, start the job on a_start for agent in a_start: # Send status job.sendStatus("Starting job on worker %s" % agent.uuid) # Merge with runtime config config = dict(job.parameters) config.update( agent.getRuntime() ) # Get channel and send start (synchronous) agentChannel = self.getAgentChannel( agent.uuid ) ans = agentChannel.send('job_start', { 'jid':, 'config': config }, waitReply=True) # Log results if not ans: job.sendStatus("Could not contact worker %s" % agent.uuid) self.logger.warn("Could not contact %s to cancel job %s. Marking agent offline" % ( agent.uuid, ) ) # Mark agent offline agents.updatePresence( agent.uuid, 0 ) scheduler.markOffline( agent.uuid ) # Exit return # We sent our request agents.agentJobSent(agent.uuid, job) if ans['result'] == "ok": job.addAgentInfo(agent)"Successfuly started job %s on %s (runEvents=%i)" % (, agent.uuid, config['events'] )) # Job is running job.setStatus( jobs.RUN ) else: job.sendStatus("Could not start: %s" % ans['error']) self.logger.warn("Cannot start job %s on %s (%s)" % (, agent.uuid, ans['error'] )) # A failure occured on the agent - register it agents.agentJobFailed(agent.uuid, job) # Delay a bit time.sleep(5) def sendResultsToInterpolator(self, job, histograms): """ Fit and send resutls to interpolator """ # Prepare the interpolatable collection that will # collect the data to send to the interpolator res = InterpolatableCollection(tune=Tune( job.getTunableValues(), labid=job.lab.uuid )) # Select only the histograms used in this tune degrees = {} for h in histograms.values(): # Get histogram histo = h.toHistogram().normalize() # Store histogram res.append( histo ) # Store histogram polyFit degree degrees[] = self.getPolyFitDegreeOf( # Generate fits for interpolation try: res.regenFits( fitDegree=degrees ) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Could not generate fits for job %s (%s)" % (, str(ex))) return # Send the resulting data to the interpolation database self.ipolChannel.send("results", { 'data': res.pack() }) def notifyJobCompleted(self, job, histoCollection=None): """ Notify all the interested entities that the given job is completed """ # Get the merged histograms from the job store if we have # not provided them as arguments if not histoCollection: histoCollection = job.getHistograms() if histoCollection == None: job.sendStatus("Unable to merge histograms") self.logger.warn("[%s] Unable to merge histograms of job %s" % (, return # Send status job.sendStatus("All workers have finished. Collecting final results.") # Store the results results.dump( job, histoCollection ) # Calculate level score [Theoretial Data] chi2level = 0.0 chi2level_list = {} if job.level_id: (chi2level, chi2level_list) = reference.forLab( job.level_id ).collectionChi2Reference( histoCollection ) # Calculate chi2 of the collection [Experimental Data] (chi2fit, chi2list) = reference.forLab( job.lab ).collectionChi2Reference( histoCollection ) # Update results job.updateResults( chi2=chi2fit, chi2list=chi2list, chi2level=chi2level, chi2level_list=chi2level_list ) # Reply to the job channel the final job data"job_completed", { 'jid':, 'result': 0, 'fit': chi2fit, 'data': histoCollection.pack() }) # Send data to interpolator self.sendResultsToInterpolator( job, histoCollection ) # Send job completion event self.notificationsChannel.broadcast("job.completed", { 'jid':, 'fit': chi2fit, 'result': 0 }) # Cleanup job from scheduler scheduler.releaseJob( job ) # And then cleanup job job.release(reason=jobs.COMPLETED) def abortMissingJob(self, job_id, agentChannel): """ Abort the given job id on the given agent, because no appropriate job entry was found in store. """ # Send cancellation synchronously ans = agentChannel.send('job_cancel', { 'jid': job_id }) # Log results"Successfuly request abort of job %s on %s" % ( job_id, )) #################################################################################### # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CALLBACK HANDLERS # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #################################################################################### # ========================= # Intercom Channel Callback # ========================= def onOnlineQuery(self, message): """ Online request sent """ # Send reply only if this message does not originate from us if message['res'] != Config.EBUS_CONFIG.RESOURCE: self.jmChannel.send('online_reply', { 'res': Config.EBUS_CONFIG.RESOURCE }) def onOnlineReply(self, message): """ Reply to channel ping """ # Mark us as not the only job manager self.onlyJobManager = False # ========================= # Job Agent Callbacks # ========================= def onEBUSOnline(self): """ Callback when the external bus channel is online """ # # TODO: Uhnack this # # This establishes a presence relationship with known entities. # if isinstance(Config.EBUS, XMPPBus): # # Subscribe to agents # for jid in Config.TRUSTED_CHANNELS: # self.logger.debug("Subscribing %s to my roster" % jid) # Config.EBUS.send_presence(pto=jid, ptype='subscribe') # # Include server status in the roster #"Subscribing %s to my roster" % self.serverJID) # Config.EBUS.send_presence_subscription(self.serverJID) # # # If we are the only job manager in the roster, reset the # # states of all worker nodes # isOnly = True # if self.serverJID in Config.EBUS.client_roster: # resources = Config.EBUS.client_roster[self.serverJID].resources.keys() # if len(resources) == 1: # isOnly = (resources[0] == Config.EBUS_CONFIG.RESOURCE) # # # If we are only, reset all agent status # if isOnly: #"I am the only job manager. Resetting all agent status.") # Wait for 1 sec for reply # msg = self.jmChannel.send('ping', {}) # if msg is None: # # If we had no pong, exit #"I am the only job manager. Resetting all agent status.") # Send online query self.jmChannel.send('online_query', {'res': Config.EBUS_CONFIG.RESOURCE }) Config.EBUS.schedule( "decision", 1, self.onNegotiationTimeout ) def onNegotiationTimeout(self): """ Negotiation times out after some time, that's time for decisions """ # Turn off negotiation mode self.negotiationMode = False # Check if we should reset and which agents we should reset if self.onlyJobManager: self.logger.warn("We are the only job manager alive. Resetting state of workers!") # Reset workers not present in the ones found already online"Excluding agents %r" % self.negotiationOnlineAgents) agents.updateAllPresence(0, exclude=self.negotiationOnlineAgents) def onChannelCreation(self, channel): """ Callback when a channel is up """"[%s] Channel created" % # Store on local map self.channels[] = channel self.negotiationOnlineAgents.append( # Setup callbacks self._setupChannelCallbacks(channel) def onAgentOnline(self, channel=None): """ Callback when an agent becomes available """"[%s] Channel is open" % # Turn agent on agents.updatePresence(, 1 ) # Notify scheduler that the agent is online scheduler.markOnline( ) def onAgentOffline(self, channel=None): """ Callback when an agent becomes unavailable """"[%s] Channel is closed" % # Turn agent off agents.updatePresence(, 0 ) # Notify scheduler that the agent is offline scheduler.markOffline( ) def onAgentLARSData(self, message, channel=None): """ Callback when LARS payload arrives """ # Open forwarder repeater = LARS.openRepeater(alias=channel, prefixes=[ "lars/agents/%s" %"/", "#") ]) # Process LARS frames for frame in message['frames']: repeater.send(frames) def onAgentHandshake(self, message, channel=None): """ Callback when a handshake arrives in the bus """"[%s] Agent rev.%s came online (slots/free=%s/%s)" % (, message['version'], message['slots'], message['free_slots'])) # Let manager know that we got a handshake agents.updateHandshake(, message ) # If the agent has free slots, reset it's job status if message['free_slots'] > 0: agent = agents.getAgent( if agent: agent.activeJob = 0 agent.setRuntime( None ) # Send agent report to LARS report = LARS.openGroup("agents",, # Reply with some data version = int(message['version']) if version == 1: # VER 1: Older agents are listening for reply channel.reply({ 'status': 'ok' }) # Send report report.set("version", 1) report.set("handshake", 1) else: # VER 2: Newer agents are listening for new message channel.send('handshake_ack', { 'status': 'ok' }) # Send report report.set("version", 2) report.set("handshake", 1) def onAgentJobData(self, data, channel=None): """ Callback when we receive data from a job agent """ # Send agent report to LARS report = LARS.openGroup("agents",, # Extract and validate job ID from message jid = data['jid'] if not jid: self.logger.warn("[%s] Missing job ID in the arguments" % report.openGroup("errors").add("missing-job-id", 1) return # Fetch job class job = jobs.getJob(jid) if (not job) or (job.getStatus() == jobs.CANCELLED): self.logger.warn("[%s] The job %s does not exist or is cancelled" % (, jid)) self.abortMissingJob(jid, channel) report.openGroup("errors").add("wrong-job-id", 1) return # Get the intermediate histograms from the agent buffer agentHistos = IntermediateHistogramCollection.fromPack( data['data'] ) if not agentHistos: job.sendStatus("Could not parse data from worker %s" % self.logger.warn("[%s] Could not parse data for job %s" % (, jid)) report.openGroup("errors").add("unpack-error", 1) return # DEBUG: Discard final histograms if agentHistos.state == 2:"[%s] *HACK* Discarding normalized final histograms for job %s" % (, jid)) return # Adapt histogram collection to the lab tunables agentHistos = self.adaptCollection( job.lab, agentHistos, job.lab.getHistograms() ) # Merge histograms with other histograms of the same job # and return resulting histogram collection sumHistos = job.updateHistograms(, agentHistos ) if sumHistos == None: job.sendStatus("Unable to merge histograms") self.logger.warn("[%s] Unable to merge histograms of job %s" % (, jid)) report.openGroup("errors").add("merge-error", 1) return"[%s] Got data for job %s (events=%i)" % (, jid, job.getEvents())) # Send status job.sendStatus("Processing data from %s" %, varMetrics={ "agent_data":, "agent_frames": 1 }) report.add("data-frames", 1) # Re-pack histogram collection and send to the # internal bus for further processing"job_data", { 'jid': jid, 'data': sumHistos.pack() }) def onAgentJobCompleted(self, data, channel=None): """ Callback when the job in the specified agent is completed """"[%s] Job completed" % # Send agent report to LARS report = LARS.openGroup("agents",, # Extract and validate job ID from message jid = data['jid'] if not jid: self.logger.warn("[%s] Missing job ID in the arguments" % report.openGroup("errors").add("missing-job-id", 1) return # Send reports report.openGroup("jobs").add("failed", 1) # Fetch job class job = jobs.getJob(jid) if not job: self.logger.warn("[%s] The job %s does not exist" % (, jid)) report.openGroup("errors").add("wrong-job-id", 1) return # Check result ans = int(data['result']) if ans != 0: # Handle error job.sendStatus("Worker %s failed to run job (exit code=%i)" % (, ans)) self.logger.warn("Worker %s failed to run job (exit code=%i)" % (, ans)) # Handle the agent as lost agent = agents.getAgent( ) scheduler.handleLoss( agent ) # Check for post-mortem data pmData = None if 'postmortem' in data: pmData = data['postmortem'] # Register the agent job failure agents.agentJobFailed(, job, pmData ) else: # Send status job.sendStatus("Worker %s has finished the job" %"Worker %s has finished the job" % # Get the merged histograms from the job store histos = job.getHistograms() if histos == None: job.sendStatus("Unable to merge histograms") self.logger.warn("[%s] Unable to merge histograms of job %s" % (, jid)) return # Register the agent job success agents.agentJobSucceeded(, job ) # Free this agent from the given job, allowing # scheduler logic to process the free resource scheduler.releaseFromJob(, job ) # Check if the job is completed if scheduler.completeOrReschedule(job): # Job is completed"All workers of job %s have finished" % jid) else: # Otherwise just send intermediate data"job_data", { 'jid': jid, 'data': histos.pack() }) # ========================= # Internal Bus Callbacks # ========================= def onBusJobStart(self, message): """ Callback when we have a request for new job from the bus """"Got job request in IBUS") if not all(x in message for x in ('lab', 'parameters', 'group', 'user', 'team', 'level')): self.logger.warn("Missing parameters on 'job_start' message on IBUS!") self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': 'Missing parameters on \'job_start\' message on IBUS' }) return # Fetch the lab ID and the user parameters lab = message['lab'] userID = message['user'] teamID = message['team'] levelID = message['level'] parameters = message['parameters'] group = message['group'] # Allocate a unique ID on the dataChannel # That's the channel name in IBUS where we should dump the data dataChannel = "data-%s" % uuid.uuid4().hex # Lookup previous job job = jobs.findJob( lab, parameters ) if job: # Fetch raw payload payload = results.loadRaw( if payload: # Link job job = jobs.cloneJob( job, group, userID, teamID, levelID ) # A job with this parameters already exist, return right away self.jobChannel.reply({ 'jid':, 'result': 'exists', 'data': payload }) return # Create a new job descriptor job = jobs.createJob( lab, parameters, group, userID, teamID, levelID, dataChannel ) if not job: # Reply failure self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': 'Unable to process the job request' }) return # Place our job inquiry in scheduler and check for response"Requesting job #%s on scheduler" % scheduler.requestJob( job ) # Reply success self.jobChannel.reply({ 'jid':, 'dataChannel': dataChannel, 'result': 'scheduled' }) def onBusJobCancel(self, message): """ Callback when we have a request for new job from the bus """ if not 'jid' in message: self.logger.warn("Missing parameters on 'job_cancel' message on IBUS!") self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': 'Missing parameters on \'job_cancel\' message!' }) return # Fetch JID from request jid = message['jid']"Requesting abort of job #%s" % jid) # Fetch job class job = jobs.getJob(jid) if not job: self.logger.warn("[IBUS] The job %s does not exist" % jid) self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': "The job %s does not exist" % jid }) return # Abort job on scheduler and return the agents that were used a_cancel = scheduler.abortJob( job ) if a_cancel: for agent in a_cancel: # Skip invalid entries if not agent: continue # Get channel and send cancellations (synchronous) agentChannel = self.getAgentChannel( agent.uuid ) ans = agentChannel.send('job_cancel', { 'jid': jid }) # Log successful abort job.sendStatus("Successfuly aborted")"Successfuly cancelled job %s on %s" % (, agent.uuid )) agents.agentJobAborted(agent.uuid, job) # And then cleanup job job.release(reason=jobs.CANCELLED) # Reply status self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'ok' }) def onBusJobRefresh(self, message): """ Callback when the remote end requests a re-send of the current histogram stack """ # Validate arguments if not 'jid' in message: self.logger.warn("Missing parameters on 'job_refresh' message on IBUS!") self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': 'Missing parameters on \'job_refresh\' message!' }) return # Fetch JID from request jid = message['jid']"Requesting refresh of job #%s" % jid) # Fetch job class job = jobs.getJob(jid) if not job: self.logger.warn("[IBUS] The job %s does not exist" % jid) self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': "The job %s does not exist" % jid }) return # Get the merged histograms from the job store histos = job.getHistograms() if histos == None: job.sendStatus("Unable to merge histograms") self.logger.warn("[%s] Unable to merge histograms of job %s" % (, jid)) return # Send data on job channel"job_data", { 'jid': jid, 'data': histos.pack() }) # If we are completed, send job_compelted + histograms if job.getStatus() == jobs.COMPLETED:"job_completed", { 'jid':, 'result': 0, 'data': histoCollection.pack() }) def onBusJobResults(self, message): """ Return job results """ # Validate arguments if not 'jid' in message: self.logger.warn("Missing parameters on 'job_results' message on IBUS!") self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': 'Missing parameters on \'job_results\' message!' }) return # Fetch JID from request jid = message['jid']"Requesting results of job #%s" % jid) # Fetch job class job = jobs.getJob(jid) if not job: self.logger.warn("[IBUS] The job %s does not exist" % jid) self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': "The job %s does not exist" % jid }) return # Check if this is a cloned job if job.job.status == JobQueue.CLONED: # Get job metadata meta = job.getResultsMeta() if not 'reference' in meta: self.logger.warn("[IBUS] The job %s is cloned but reference data are missing" % jid) self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': "The job %s is cloned but reference data are missing" % jid }) return # Get reference jid jid = meta['reference'] # Fetch raw payload payload = results.loadRaw(jid) if not payload: self.logger.warn("Could not load results payload for job %s!" % jid) self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'error', 'error': 'Could not load results payload for job %s!' % jid }) return # Send raw payload self.jobChannel.reply({ 'result': 'ok', 'data': payload })
#encoding: utf-8 from django.conf.urls import include, url, patterns urlpatterns = patterns('movies.views', url(r'^$','index', name='home'), url(r'^agendar/(?P<pk>\d+)$','add_scheduled_movie', name='scheduled_movie'), url(r'^apagar_filme/(?P<pk>\d+)$','movie_delete', name='delete_movie'), url(r'^editar_filme/(?P<pk>\d+)$', 'update_movie', name='edit_movie'), url(r'^novo_filme/$','add_movie', name='create_movie'), )
import unittest import consul import os import random class ConsulTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.consul_address = os.getenv('CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR') if not self.consul_address: self.assertTrue(self.consul_address, "No CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR provided. Failed to continue") def test_write_read_ops(self): kv = consul.Consul(self.consul_address) key_name = 'tests/key%s' % str(random.random()) key_data = str(random.random()) kv.write(key_name, key_data) storage_data = self.assertEqual(storage_data, key_data) def test_negative_cases(self): kv = consul.Consul(self.consul_address) key_name = 'tests/key%s' % str(random.random()) try: storage = self.assertFalse(storage, "Some data returned for wrong key!") except IndexError: pass def test_listing_and_removal(self): kv = consul.Consul(self.consul_address) rand = str(random.random()) files = [ "r%s/b%s/c%s" % (rand, rand, rand), "r%s/d%s/e%s" % (rand, rand, rand), "r%s/f%s/g%s" % (rand, rand, rand), ] for file_name in files: kv.write(file_name, rand) dirs = kv.list('r%s/' % rand) self.assertEqual(3, len(dirs)) self.assertTrue('b%s' % rand in dirs) self.assertTrue('d%s' % rand in dirs) self.assertTrue('f%s' % rand in dirs) kv.delete('r%s' % rand) dirs = kv.list('r%s' % rand) self.assertEqual(len(dirs), 0)
from chapter13.exercise13_2_1 import right_rotate from chapter13.textbook13_2 import rb_search, left_rotate, rb_successor from datastructures.red_black_tree import Red, Black, IntervalPomNode def interval_pom_search(T, k): return rb_search(T.root, k, sentinel=T.nil) def interval_pom_insert(T, i): low_endpoint_node = interval_pom_search(T, i.low) if low_endpoint_node is not T.nil: low_endpoint_node.low += 1 y = low_endpoint_node while y is not T.nil: _update_additional_fields(y) y = y.p else: low_endpoint_node = IntervalPomNode(i.low) low_endpoint_node.low = 1 _interval_pom_insert_node(T, low_endpoint_node) high_endpoint_node = interval_pom_search(T, i.high) if high_endpoint_node is not T.nil: high_endpoint_node.high += 1 y = high_endpoint_node while y is not T.nil: _update_additional_fields(y) y = y.p else: high_endpoint_node = IntervalPomNode(i.high) high_endpoint_node.high = 1 _interval_pom_insert_node(T, high_endpoint_node) return low_endpoint_node, high_endpoint_node def _interval_pom_insert_node(T, z): y = T.nil x = T.root while x is not T.nil: y = x if z.key < x.key: x = x.left else: x = x.right z.p = y if y is T.nil: T.root = z else: if z.key < y.key: y.left = z else: y.right = z z.left = z.right = T.nil z.color = Red z.sum = z.low - z.high z.max = z.low z.pom = z.key x = y while x is not T.nil: _update_additional_fields(x) x = x.p _interval_pom_insert_fixup(T, z) def _update_additional_fields(x): x.sum = x.left.sum + (x.low - x.high) + x.right.sum x.max = max(x.left.max, x.left.sum + x.low, x.left.sum + (x.low - x.high) + x.right.max) if x.max == x.left.max: x.pom = x.left.pom elif x.max == x.left.sum + x.low: x.pom = x.key else: x.pom = x.right.pom def _interval_pom_insert_fixup(T, z): while z.p.color == Red: if z.p is z.p.p.left: y = z.p.p.right if y.color == Red: z.p.color = Black y.color = Black z.p.p.color = Red z = z.p.p else: if z is z.p.right: z = z.p interval_pom_left_rotate(T, z) z.p.color = Black z.p.p.color = Red interval_pom_right_rotate(T, z.p.p) else: y = z.p.p.left if y.color == Red: z.p.color = Black y.color = Black z.p.p.color = Red z = z.p.p else: if z is z.p.left: z = z.p interval_pom_right_rotate(T, z) z.p.color = Black z.p.p.color = Red interval_pom_left_rotate(T, z.p.p) T.root.color = Black def interval_pom_left_rotate(T, x): left_rotate(T, x, sentinel=T.nil) _update_additional_fields(x) _update_additional_fields(x.p) def interval_pom_right_rotate(T, x): right_rotate(T, x, sentinel=T.nil) _update_additional_fields(x) _update_additional_fields(x.p) def interval_pom_delete(T, z1, z2): z1.low -= 1 if z1.low > 0 or z1.high > 0: y = z1 while y is not T.nil: _update_additional_fields(y) y = y.p else: _interval_pom_safe_delete_node(T, z1) z2.high -= 1 if z2.low > 0 or z2.high > 0: y = z2 while y is not T.nil: _update_additional_fields(y) y = y.p else: _interval_pom_safe_delete_node(T, z2) def _interval_pom_safe_delete_node(T, z): y = _interval_pom_delete(T, z) if y is not z: if z.left is not T.nil: z.left.p = y if z.right is not T.nil: z.right.p = y if z.p is T.nil: T.root = y else: if z is z.p.left: z.p.left = y else: z.p.right = y _copy_all_fields(z, y) def _interval_pom_delete(T, z): if z.left is T.nil or z.right is T.nil: y = z else: y = rb_successor(z, sentinel=T.nil) if y.left is not T.nil: x = y.left else: x = y.right x.p = y.p if y.p is T.nil: T.root = x else: if y is y.p.left: y.p.left = x else: y.p.right = x if y is not z: z.key = y.key = z.low = y.low z.high = y.high w = x.p while w is not T.nil: _update_additional_fields(w) w = w.p if y.color == Black: _interval_pom_delete_fixup(T, x) return y def _interval_pom_delete_fixup(T, x): while x is not T.root and x.color == Black: if x is x.p.left: w = x.p.right if w.color == Red: w.color = Black x.p.color = Red interval_pom_left_rotate(T, x.p) w = x.p.right if w.left.color == Black and w.right.color == Black: w.color = Red x = x.p else: if w.right.color == Black: w.left.color = Black w.color = Red interval_pom_right_rotate(T, w) w = x.p.right w.color = x.p.color x.p.color = Black w.right.color = Black interval_pom_left_rotate(T, x.p) x = T.root else: w = x.p.left if w.color == Red: w.color = Black x.p.color = Red interval_pom_right_rotate(T, x.p) w = x.p.left if w.right.color == Black and w.left.color == Black: w.color = Red x = x.p else: if w.left.color == Black: w.right.color = Black w.color = Red interval_pom_left_rotate(T, w) w = x.p.left w.color = x.p.color x.p.color = Black w.left.color = Black interval_pom_right_rotate(T, x.p) x = T.root x.color = Black def _copy_all_fields(z, y): y.key = z.key = y.low = z.low y.high = z.high y.sum = z.sum y.max = z.max y.pom = z.pom y.color = z.color y.left = z.left y.right = z.right y.p = z.p def find_pom(T): return T.root.pom
# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __all__ = [ "__title__", "__summary__", "__uri__", "__version__", "__author__", "__email__", "__license__", "__copyright__", ] __title__ = "packaging" __summary__ = "Core utilities for Python packages" __uri__ = "" __version__ = "17.1" __author__ = "Donald Stufft and individual contributors" __email__ = "" __license__ = "BSD or Apache License, Version 2.0" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2016 %s" % __author__
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- ''' Created on 26 juil. 2013 @author: Aristote Diasonama ''' from google.appengine.ext import ndb from .base import BaseHandler from market.handlers.base import student_required from shop.shop_exceptions import EventNotFoundException from shop.handlers.base_handler import RpcBaseHandler from shop.models.activity import Activity from market.handlers.main import RpcMainGetEvents from market.lib.attendance import AttendanceManager from market.lib.event import EventManager class ShowAttendingHandler(BaseHandler): @student_required def get(self): context = self.get_template_context() context['events'] = context['events'][:15] context['attending'] = True self.render_template('show_many_events.html', context) def get_template_context(self): context = dict() context['left_sidebar'] = 'attending' context['events'] = EventManager.get_events_attending(self.user_info['user_id']) return context class RpcAttendingGetEvents(ShowAttendingHandler, RpcMainGetEvents): @student_required def get(self, *args, **kargs): filter_key = self.request.get('filter_key') sort_order = self.request.get('sort_order') tab = self.request.route_kwargs.get('page') events = EventManager.get_events_attending(self.user_info['user_id'], category=tab, filtered_by=filter_key, ordered_by=sort_order) self.prepare_and_serve_events(events) class RpcAttendEvent(BaseHandler, RpcBaseHandler): @student_required def post(self): try: if self.request.get('attend_key'): attendance_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe = self.request.get('attend_key')) AttendanceManager.cancel_attendance(attendance_key, self.event, self.user_info['user_id']) self.log_this_activity() self.send_success_response() else: if not self.user.is_attending_event(self.event): attending_key = self.attend_event() self.log_this_activity() self.send_success_response(attending_key) else: self.send_success_response() except EventNotFoundException as e: self.send_failed_response(e) def attend_event(self): if not self.event: raise EventNotFoundException return EventManager.attend_event(self.user_info['user_id'], event_key = self.event) def log_this_activity(self): if self.request.get('attend_key'): self.user.log_activity(Activity(category=9, target=self.event)) else: self.user.log_activity(Activity(category=8, target=self.event))
# Generated by Django 2.2.4 on 2019-10-03 09:22 from django.db import migrations, transaction from django.db.models import Count def remove_duplicated_attribute_values(apps, schema_editor): """Remove duplicated attribute values. Before this migration Saleor allows create many attribute values with the same slug and different names(eg.Names `Orange` and `ORANGE` give the same slug `orange`). After this migration values for each attribute should have a unique slug. Before removing these duplicated values we need to assign proper values to all `Product` and `ProductVariant` witch use duplicated values. """ AttributeValue = apps.get_model("product", "AttributeValue") duplicated_pk_for_attribute_values = ( AttributeValue.objects.values("slug", "attribute") .order_by() .annotate(count_id=Count("id")) .filter(count_id__gt=1) ) for duplicated_pk_for_attribute_value in duplicated_pk_for_attribute_values: attribute_values = AttributeValue.objects.filter( attribute=duplicated_pk_for_attribute_value["attribute"], slug=duplicated_pk_for_attribute_value["slug"], ) final_value = attribute_values[0] values_to_be_removed = attribute_values[1:] with transaction.atomic(): for value_to_be_removed in values_to_be_removed: invalid_assigned_attributes = list( value_to_be_removed.assignedvariantattribute_set.all() ) invalid_assigned_attributes.extend( list(value_to_be_removed.assignedproductattribute_set.all()) ) for invalid_assigned_attribute in invalid_assigned_attributes: invalid_assigned_attribute.values.remove(value_to_be_removed) invalid_assigned_attribute.values.add(final_value) ids_to_be_removed = values_to_be_removed.values_list("id", flat=True) AttributeValue.objects.filter(id__in=ids_to_be_removed).delete() class Migration(migrations.Migration): atomic = False dependencies = [("product", "0107_attributes_map_to_m2m")] operations = [ migrations.RunPython( remove_duplicated_attribute_values, migrations.RunPython.noop ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name="attributevalue", unique_together={("slug", "attribute")} ), ]
import colander from datetime import datetime from hashlib import sha1 from sqlalchemy import or_ from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy from storyweb.core import db, url_for from storyweb.model.user import User from storyweb.analysis.html import clean_html from storyweb.model.util import db_compare, db_norm from storyweb.model.util import html_summary from storyweb.model.forms import Ref class Alias(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Unicode()) card_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) card = db.relationship('Card', backref=db.backref("alias_objects", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) def __init__(self, name): = name class Card(db.Model): doc_type = 'card' PERSON = 'Person' COMPANY = 'Company' ORGANIZATION = 'Organization' ARTICLE = 'Article' CATEGORIES = [PERSON, COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, ARTICLE] id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) title = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=False) category = db.Column(db.Enum(*CATEGORIES, name='card_categories'), nullable=False) text = db.Column(db.Unicode) author_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) author = db.relationship(User, backref=db.backref('cards', lazy='dynamic')) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, onupdate=datetime.utcnow) aliases = association_proxy('alias_objects', 'name') def sign(self): sig = sha1(self.text.encode('utf-8')) sig.update(unicode( or '')) sig.update(self.title.encode('utf-8')) return sig.hexdigest() def __repr__(self): return '<Card(%r,%r,%r)>' % (, self.title, self.category) def save(self, raw, author): from storyweb import queue raw['id'] = form = CardForm(validator=unique_title) data = form.deserialize(raw) self.title = data.get('title', '').strip() self.category = data.get('category') self.text = clean_html(data.get('text', '').strip()) = data.get('date') self.aliases = set(data.get('aliases', []) + [data.get('title')]) = author db.session.add(self) db.session.flush() queue.lookup_all( queue.index.apply_async((,), {}, countdown=1) return self def to_dict(self): return { 'id':, 'api_url': url_for('cards_api.view',, 'title': self.title, 'summary': html_summary(self.text), 'category': self.category, 'text': self.text, 'author':, 'aliases': self.aliases, 'references': self.references, 'created_at': self.created_at, 'updated_at': self.updated_at, } def to_index(self): data = self.to_dict() data.pop('api_url', None) data['links'] = [] for link in self.links: ldata = link.to_dict() ldata.update(link.child.to_dict()) ldata.pop('api_url', None) ldata.pop('links', None) ldata.pop('aliases', None) ldata.pop('references', None) ldata.pop('author', None) ldata.pop('child', None) ldata.pop('text', None) ldata.pop('summary', None) ldata.pop('created_at', None) ldata.pop('updated_at', None) data['links'].append(ldata) data['references'] = [] for ref in self.references: rdata = ref.to_dict() rdata.pop('api_url', None) rdata.pop('author', None) rdata.pop('created_at', None) rdata.pop('updated_at', None) data['references'].append(rdata) return data def __unicode__(self): return self.title @classmethod def suggest(cls, prefix, categories=[]): if prefix is None or len(prefix) < 0: return [] c = aliased(cls) q = db.session.query(, c.title, c.category) prefix = prefix.strip().lower() + '%' q = q.filter(db_norm(c.title).like(prefix)) if len(categories): q = q.filter(c.category.in_(categories)) q = q.limit(10) options = [] for row in q.all(): options.append({ 'id':, 'title': row.title, 'category': row.category }) return options @classmethod def by_id(cls, id): q = db.session.query(cls) q = q.filter_by(id=id) return q.first() @classmethod def find(cls, title, category=None): title = title.lower().strip() q = db.session.query(cls) q = q.outerjoin(Alias) q = q.filter(or_(db_compare(cls.title, title), db_compare(, title))) if category is not None: q = q.filter(cls.category == category) return q.first() class CardRef(Ref): def decode(self, data): if isinstance(data, Card): return data if isinstance(data, dict): data = data.get('id') return Card.by_id(data) class AliasList(colander.SequenceSchema): alias = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()) def unique_title(node, data): card = Card.find(data.get('title', '')) if card is not None and != data.get('id'): raise colander.Invalid(node.get('title'), msg="Already exists") class CardForm(colander.MappingSchema): id = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Integer(), default=None, missing=None) title = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), default='', missing='') category = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), validator=colander.OneOf(Card.CATEGORIES)) text = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), default='', missing='') date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date(), default=None, missing=None) aliases = AliasList(missing=[], default=[])
OFFERING_FIELDS = ( 'name', 'description', 'full_description', 'terms_of_service', 'options', ) OFFERING_COMPONENT_FIELDS = ( 'name', 'type', 'description', 'article_code', 'measured_unit', 'billing_type', 'min_value', 'max_value', 'is_boolean', 'default_limit', 'limit_period', 'limit_amount', ) PLAN_FIELDS = ( 'name', 'description', 'article_code', 'archived', )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9.2 on 2016-02-04 03:57 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('property', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='property', options={'verbose_name_plural': 'properties'}, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='owner', name='address', field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='property.MailingAddress'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='owner', name='name_2', field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='property', name='owners', field=models.ManyToManyField(to='property.Owner'), ), ]
import os import pickle import pytest import functools try: import pycuda except ImportError: ans = input('PyCUDA not found. Regression tests will take forever. Do you want to continue? [y/n] ') if ans in ['Y', 'y']: pass else: sys.exit() from pygbe.main import main @pytest.mark.parametrize('key', ['total_elements', 'E_solv_kJ', 'E_coul_kcal', 'E_coul_kJ', 'E_solv_kcal']) def test_lysozyme(key): results = get_results() with open('lysozyme.pickle', 'rb') as f: base_results = pickle.load(f) assert abs(base_results[key] - results[key]) / abs(base_results[key]) < 1e-12 def test_lysozyme_iterations(): results = get_results() with open('lysozyme.pickle', 'rb') as f: base_results = pickle.load(f) assert base_results['iterations'] == results['iterations'] @functools.lru_cache(6) def get_results(): print('Generating results for lysozyme example...') if os.getcwd().rsplit('/', 1)[1] == 'tests': results = main(['','../examples/lys'], log_output=False, return_results_dict=True) elif os.getcwd().rsplit('/', 1)[1] == 'pygbe': results = main(['','./examples/lys'], log_output=False, return_results_dict=True) else: print("Run tests from either the main repo directory or the tests directory") return results
from collections import Counter wordcount = Counter(open("words.txt")) for item in wordcount.items(): print "%d %s" % (item[1], item[0])
from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import StaticLiveServerTestCase from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver import WebDriver from C4CApplication.db_script import populateDB class MySeleniumTests(StaticLiveServerTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.selenium = WebDriver() cls.selenium.maximize_window() super(MySeleniumTests, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.selenium.quit() super(MySeleniumTests, cls).tearDownClass() def populate_db(self): populateDB.popule_db()
# Copyright (C) 2014 Alex Nitz # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ============================================================================= # # Preamble # # ============================================================================= # """ This module provides thin wrappers around Pegasus.DAX3 functionality that provides additional abstraction and argument handling. """ import Pegasus.DAX3 as dax import os import urlparse class ProfileShortcuts(object): """ Container of common methods for setting pegasus profile information on Executables and nodes. This class expects to be inherited from and for a add_profile method to be implemented. """ def set_memory(self, size): """ Set the amount of memory that is required in megabytes """ self.add_profile('condor', 'request_memory', '%sM' % size) def set_storage(self, size): """ Set the amount of storage required in megabytes """ self.add_profile('condor', 'request_disk', '%sM' % size) def set_num_cpus(self, number): self.add_profile('condor', 'request_cpus', number) def set_universe(self, universe): if universe is 'standard': self.add_profile("pegasus", "gridstart", "none") self.add_profile("condor", "universe", universe) def set_category(self, category): self.add_profile('dagman', 'category', category) def set_priority(self, priority): self.add_profile('dagman', 'priority', priority) def set_num_retries(self, number): self.add_profile("dagman", "retry", number) class Executable(ProfileShortcuts): """ The workflow representation of an Executable """ id = 0 def __init__(self, name, namespace=None, os='linux', arch='x86_64', installed=True, version=None): self.logical_name = name + "_ID%s" % str( += 1 self.namespace = namespace self.version = version self._dax_executable = dax.Executable(self.logical_name, namespace=self.namespace, version=version, os=os, arch=arch, installed=installed) self.in_workflow = False self.pfns = {} def clear_pfns(self): self._dax_executable.clearPFNs() def add_pfn(self, url, site='local'): self._dax_executable.PFN(url, site) self.pfns[site] = url def get_pfn(self, site='local'): return self.pfns[site] def insert_into_dax(self, dax): dax.addExecutable(self._dax_executable) def add_profile(self, namespace, key, value, force=False): """ Add profile information to this executable """ try: entry = dax.Profile(namespace, key, value) self._dax_executable.addProfile(entry) except dax.DuplicateError: if force: # Replace with the new key self._dax_executable.removeProfile(entry) self._dax_executable.addProfile(entry) class Node(ProfileShortcuts): def __init__(self, executable): self.in_workflow = False self.executable=executable self._inputs = [] self._outputs = [] self._dax_node = dax.Job(name=executable.logical_name, version = executable.version, namespace=executable.namespace) self._args = [] # Each value in _options is added separated with whitespace # so ['--option','value'] --> "--option value" self._options = [] # For _raw_options *NO* whitespace is added. # so ['--option','value'] --> "--optionvalue" # and ['--option',' ','value'] --> "--option value" self._raw_options = [] def add_arg(self, arg): """ Add an argument """ if not isinstance(arg, File): arg = str(arg) self._args += [arg] def add_raw_arg(self, arg): """ Add an argument to the command line of this job, but do *NOT* add white space between arguments. This can be added manually by adding ' ' if needed """ if not isinstance(arg, File): arg = str(arg) self._raw_options += [arg] def add_opt(self, opt, value=None): """ Add a option """ if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, File): value = str(value) self._options += [opt, value] else: self._options += [opt] #private functions to add input and output data sources/sinks def _add_input(self, inp): """ Add as source of input data """ self._inputs += [inp] inp._set_as_input_of(self) def _add_output(self, out): """ Add as destination of output data """ self._outputs += [out] out.node = self out._set_as_output_of(self) # public functions to add options, arguments with or without data sources def add_input_opt(self, opt, inp): """ Add an option that determines an input """ self.add_opt(opt, inp._dax_repr()) self._add_input(inp) def add_output_opt(self, opt, out): """ Add an option that determines an output """ self.add_opt(opt, out._dax_repr()) self._add_output(out) def add_output_list_opt(self, opt, outputs): """ Add an option that determines a list of outputs """ self.add_opt(opt) for out in outputs: self.add_opt(out) self._add_output(out) def add_input_list_opt(self, opt, inputs): """ Add an option that determines a list of inputs """ self.add_opt(opt) for inp in inputs: self.add_opt(inp) self._add_input(inp) def add_list_opt(self, opt, values): """ Add an option with a list of non-file parameters. """ self.add_opt(opt) for val in values: self.add_opt(val) def add_input_arg(self, inp): """ Add an input as an argument """ self.add_arg(inp._dax_repr()) self._add_input(inp) def add_output_arg(self, out): """ Add an output as an argument """ self.add_arg(out._dax_repr()) self._add_output(out) def new_output_file_opt(self, opt, name): """ Add an option and return a new file handle """ fil = File(name) self.add_output_opt(opt, fil) return fil # functions to describe properties of this node def add_profile(self, namespace, key, value, force=False): """ Add profile information to this node at the DAX level """ try: entry = dax.Profile(namespace, key, value) self._dax_node.addProfile(entry) except dax.DuplicateError: if force: # Replace with the new key self._dax_node.removeProfile(entry) self._dax_node.addProfile(entry) def _finalize(self): args = self._args + self._options self._dax_node.addArguments(*args) if len(self._raw_options): raw_args = [' '] + self._raw_options self._dax_node.addRawArguments(*raw_args) class Workflow(object): """ """ def __init__(self, name='my_workflow'): = name self._adag = dax.ADAG(name) self._inputs = [] self._outputs = [] self._executables = [] self.in_workflow = False self.sub_workflows = [] self._external_workflow_inputs = [] self.filename = + '.dax' self.as_job = dax.DAX(self.filename) def _make_root_dependency(self, inp): def root_path(v): path = [] while v.in_workflow: path += [v.in_workflow] v = v.in_workflow return path workflow_root = root_path(self) input_root = root_path(inp) for step in workflow_root: if step in input_root: common = step break dep = dax.Dependency(child=workflow_root[workflow_root.index(common)-1], parent=input_root[input_root.index(common)-1]) common._adag.addDependency(dep) def add_workflow(self, workflow): """ Add a sub-workflow to this workflow This function adds a sub-workflow of Workflow class to this workflow. Parent child relationships are determined by data dependencies Parameters ---------- workflow : Workflow instance The sub-workflow to add to this one """ workflow.in_workflow = self self.sub_workflows += [workflow] node = workflow.as_job self._adag.addJob(node) node.file.PFN(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, site='local') self._adag.addFile(node.file) for inp in self._external_workflow_inputs: workflow._make_root_dependency(inp.node) return self def add_node(self, node): """ Add a node to this workflow This function adds nodes to the workflow. It also determines parent/child relations from the DataStorage inputs to this job. Parameters ---------- node : pycbc.workflow.pegasus_workflow.Node A node that should be executed as part of this workflow. """ node._finalize() node.in_workflow = self self._adag.addJob(node._dax_node) # Determine the parent child relationships based on the inputs that # this node requires. added_nodes = [] for inp in node._inputs: if inp.node is not None and inp.node.in_workflow == self: if inp.node not in added_nodes: parent = inp.node._dax_node child = node._dax_node dep = dax.Dependency(parent=parent, child=child) self._adag.addDependency(dep) added_nodes.append(inp.node) elif inp.node is not None and not inp.node.in_workflow: raise ValueError('Parents of this node must be added to the ' 'workflow first.') elif inp.node is None and not inp.workflow_input: self._inputs += [inp] inp.workflow_input = True elif inp.node is not None and inp.node.in_workflow != self and inp not in self._inputs: self._inputs += [inp] self._external_workflow_inputs += [inp] # Record the outputs that this node generates self._outputs += node._outputs # Record the executable that this node uses if not node.executable.in_workflow: node.executable.in_workflow = True self._executables += [node.executable] return self def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Node): return self.add_node(other) elif isinstance(other, Workflow): return self.add_workflow(other) else: raise TypeError('Cannot add type %s to this workflow' % type(other)) def save(self, filename=None): """ Write this workflow to DAX file """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename for sub in self.sub_workflows: f = open(filename, "w") self._adag.writeXML(f) class DataStorage(object): """ A workflow representation of a place to store and read data from. The abstract representation of a place to store and read data from. This can include files, database, or remote connections. This object is used as a handle to pass between functions, and is used a way to logically represent the order operation on the physical data. """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.node = None self.workflow_input = False def _set_as_node_input(self): pass def _set_as_node_output(self): pass def _dax_repr(self): return class File(DataStorage, dax.File): """ The workflow representation of a physical file An object that represents a file from the perspective of setting up a workflow. The file may or may not exist at the time of workflow generation. If it does, this is represented by containing a physical file name (PFN). A storage path is also available to indicate the desired final destination of this file. """ def __init__(self, name): DataStorage.__init__(self, name) dax.File.__init__(self, name) self.storage_path = None def _dax_repr(self): return self @property def dax_repr(self): """Return the dax representation of a File.""" return self._dax_repr() def _set_as_input_of(self, node): node._dax_node.uses(self, link=dax.Link.INPUT, register=False, transfer=True) def _set_as_output_of(self, node): if self.storage_path: transfer_file = True else: transfer_file = False node._dax_node.uses(self, link=dax.Link.OUTPUT, register=True, transfer=transfer_file) def output_map_str(self): if self.storage_path: return '%s %s pool="%s"' % (, self.storage_path, 'local') else: raise ValueError('This file does not have a storage path') def has_pfn(self, url, site=None): """ Wrapper of the pegasus hasPFN function, that allows it to be called outside of specific pegasus functions. """ curr_pfn = dax.PFN(url, site) return self.hasPFN(curr_pfn) def insert_into_dax(self, dax): dax.addFile(self) @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Takes a path and returns a File object with the path as the PFN.""" urlparts = urlparse.urlsplit(path) site = 'nonlocal' if (urlparts.scheme == '' or urlparts.scheme == 'file'): if os.path.isfile(urlparts.path): path = os.path.abspath(urlparts.path) site = 'local' fil = File(os.path.basename(path)) fil.PFN(path, site) return fil class Database(DataStorage): pass
# coding=UTF-8 __author__ = 'whf' # 该脚本用于删除兼职表和二手表中 # delete字段为true的记录 import sys import argparse import mysql.connector import logging import time # 设置命令行参数格式 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--port', dest='port', help='连接端口') parser.add_argument('--host', dest='host', help='连接地址') parser.add_argument('--username', dest='username', help='用户名') parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', help='密码') parser.add_argument('--log', dest='log_path', help='日志文件路径') args = parser.parse_args() HOST = '' PORT = 3306 USERNAME = 'root' PASSWORD = '' LOG_PATH = '' # 读取命令行参数 if args.port: PORT = int(args.port) if HOST = if args.username: USERNAME = args.username if args.password: PASSWORD = args.password if args.log_path: LOG_PATH = args.log_path # configure logger cur_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', time.localtime(time.time())) logging.basicConfig(filename='%s/deletion-%s.log' % (LOG_PATH, cur_time), level=logging.DEBUG) print '连接参数:' print 'port = %s' % PORT print 'host = %s' % HOST print 'username = %s' % USERNAME print 'password = %s' % PASSWORD conn_config = { 'user': USERNAME, 'password': PASSWORD, 'host': HOST, 'database': 'taolijie', 'raise_on_warnings': True } # establish connection conn = None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(**conn_config) except Exception as e: print e print '连接失败' logging.debug('连接失败') sys.exit(1) print '连接MySQL成功' logging.debug('连接MYSQL成功') cursor = conn.cursor() # 选择出所有被删除的兼职信息的id sql = 'SELECT id, title FROM job_post WHERE deleted = true' cursor.execute(sql) # 将id保存到list中'兼职数据') job_id_list = [] for (job_id, job_title) in cursor:'id = %s, title = %s', job_id, job_title) job_id_list.append(job_id) def delete_data(table_name, id_list): sql = 'DELETE FROM ' + table_name + ' WHERE id = %s' count = 0 for id in id_list: sql_data = [id] cursor.execute(sql, sql_data) count += 1 print '成功删除数据 id = %d, 来自%s表' % (job_id, table_name)'成功删除数据 id = %d, 来自%s表', job_id, table_name) return count # 删除这些兼职数据 count = delete_data('job_post', job_id_list)'删除了%d条兼职记录' % count) print '删除了%d条兼职记录' % count # 选择出所有被删除的二手信息'二手数据') sql = 'SELECT id, title FROM second_hand_post WHERE deleted = true' cursor.execute(sql) sh_id_list = [] for (sh_id, sh_title) in cursor:'id = %d, title = %d', sh_id, sh_title) sh_id_list.append(sh_id) # 删除这些二手数据 count = delete_data('second_hand_post', sh_id_list)'删除了%d条二手记录' % count) print '删除了%d条二手记录' % count conn.commit() conn.close()
def agts(queue): d = queue.add('', ncpus=1, walltime=10) queue.add('', deps=d, ncpus=12, walltime=60)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # # l # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os, util from string import Template import jni_gen def is_manually_generated(f_name, plugin_name): return f_name in {'control_ping_reply'} class_reference_template = Template("""jclass ${ref_name}Class; """) find_class_invocation_template = Template(""" ${ref_name}Class = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, "io/fd/vpp/jvpp/${plugin_name}/dto/${class_name}")); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); return JNI_ERR; }""") find_class_template = Template(""" ${ref_name}Class = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, "${class_name}")); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); return JNI_ERR; }""") delete_class_invocation_template = Template(""" if (${ref_name}Class) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, ${ref_name}Class); }""") class_cache_template = Template(""" $class_references static int cache_class_references(JNIEnv* env) { $find_class_invocations return 0; } static void delete_class_references(JNIEnv* env) { $delete_class_invocations }""") def generate_class_cache(func_list, plugin_name): class_references = [] find_class_invocations = [] delete_class_invocations = [] for f in func_list: c_name = f['name'] class_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper(c_name) ref_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(c_name) if util.is_ignored(c_name) or util.is_control_ping(class_name): continue if util.is_reply(class_name): class_references.append(class_reference_template.substitute( ref_name=ref_name)) find_class_invocations.append(find_class_invocation_template.substitute( plugin_name=plugin_name, ref_name=ref_name, class_name=class_name)) delete_class_invocations.append(delete_class_invocation_template.substitute(ref_name=ref_name)) elif util.is_notification(c_name): class_references.append(class_reference_template.substitute( ref_name=util.add_notification_suffix(ref_name))) find_class_invocations.append(find_class_invocation_template.substitute( plugin_name=plugin_name, ref_name=util.add_notification_suffix(ref_name), class_name=util.add_notification_suffix(class_name))) delete_class_invocations.append(delete_class_invocation_template.substitute( ref_name=util.add_notification_suffix(ref_name))) # add exception class to class cache ref_name = 'callbackException' class_name = 'io/fd/vpp/jvpp/VppCallbackException' class_references.append(class_reference_template.substitute( ref_name=ref_name)) find_class_invocations.append(find_class_template.substitute( ref_name=ref_name, class_name=class_name)) delete_class_invocations.append(delete_class_invocation_template.substitute(ref_name=ref_name)) return class_cache_template.substitute( class_references="".join(class_references), find_class_invocations="".join(find_class_invocations), delete_class_invocations="".join(delete_class_invocations)) # TODO: cache method and field identifiers to achieve better performance # request_class_template = Template(""" jclass requestClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "io/fd/vpp/jvpp/${plugin_name}/dto/${java_name_upper}");""") request_field_identifier_template = Template(""" jfieldID ${field_reference_name}FieldId = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, ${object_name}Class, "${field_name}", "${jni_signature}"); ${jni_type} ${field_reference_name} = (*env)->Get${jni_getter}(env, ${object_name}, ${field_reference_name}FieldId); """) jni_msg_size_template = Template(""" + ${array_length}*sizeof(${element_type})""") jni_impl_template = Template(""" /** * JNI binding for sending ${c_name} message. * Generated based on $inputfile preparsed data: $api_data */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_io_fd_vpp_jvpp_${plugin_name}_JVpp${java_plugin_name}Impl_${field_name}0 (JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz$args) { ${plugin_name}_main_t *plugin_main = &${plugin_name}_main; vl_api_${c_name}_t * mp; u32 my_context_id = vppjni_get_context_id (&jvpp_main); $request_class $jni_identifiers // create message: mp = vl_msg_api_alloc(${msg_size}); memset (mp, 0, ${msg_size}); mp->_vl_msg_id = ntohs (get_message_id(env, "${c_name}_${crc}")); mp->client_index = plugin_main->my_client_index; mp->context = clib_host_to_net_u32 (my_context_id); $msg_initialization // send message: vl_msg_api_send_shmem (plugin_main->vl_input_queue, (u8 *)&mp); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { return JNI_ERR; } return my_context_id; }""") def generate_jni_impl(func_list, plugin_name, inputfile): jni_impl = [] for f in func_list: f_name = f['name'] camel_case_function_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(f_name) if is_manually_generated(f_name, plugin_name) or util.is_reply(camel_case_function_name) \ or util.is_ignored(f_name) or util.is_just_notification(f_name): continue arguments = '' request_class = '' jni_identifiers = '' msg_initialization = '' f_name_uppercase = f_name.upper() msg_size = 'sizeof(*mp)' if f['args']: arguments = ', jobject request' camel_case_function_name_upper = util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper(f_name) request_class = request_class_template.substitute( java_name_upper=camel_case_function_name_upper, plugin_name=plugin_name) for t in zip(f['types'], f['args'], f['lengths'], f['arg_types']): field_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[1]) is_variable_len_array = t[2][1] if is_variable_len_array: msg_size += jni_msg_size_template.substitute(array_length=util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[2][0]), element_type=t[3]) jni_identifiers += jni_gen.jni_request_identifiers_for_type(field_type=t[0], field_reference_name=field_name, field_name=field_name) msg_initialization += jni_gen.jni_request_binding_for_type(field_type=t[0], c_name=t[1], field_reference_name=field_name, field_length=t[2][0], is_variable_len_array=is_variable_len_array) jni_impl.append(jni_impl_template.substitute( inputfile=inputfile, api_data=util.api_message_to_javadoc(f), field_reference_name=camel_case_function_name, field_name=camel_case_function_name, c_name_uppercase=f_name_uppercase, c_name=f_name, crc=f['crc'], plugin_name=plugin_name, java_plugin_name=plugin_name.title(), request_class=request_class, jni_identifiers=jni_identifiers, msg_size=msg_size, msg_initialization=msg_initialization, args=arguments)) return "\n".join(jni_impl) # code fragment for checking result of the operation before sending request reply callback_err_handler_template = Template(""" // for negative result don't send callback message but send error callback if (mp->retval<0) { call_on_error("${handler_name}", mp->context, mp->retval, plugin_main->callbackClass, plugin_main->callbackObject, callbackExceptionClass); return; } if (mp->retval == VNET_API_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) { clib_warning("Result in progress"); return; } """) msg_handler_template = Template(""" /** * Handler for ${handler_name} message. * Generated based on $inputfile preparsed data: $api_data */ static void vl_api_${handler_name}_t_handler (vl_api_${handler_name}_t * mp) { ${plugin_name}_main_t *plugin_main = &${plugin_name}_main; JNIEnv *env = jvpp_main.jenv; $err_handler jmethodID constructor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, ${class_ref_name}Class, "<init>", "()V"); jmethodID callbackMethod = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, plugin_main->callbackClass, "on${dto_name}", "(Lio/fd/vpp/jvpp/${plugin_name}/dto/${dto_name};)V"); jobject dto = (*env)->NewObject(env, ${class_ref_name}Class, constructor); $dto_setters (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, plugin_main->callbackObject, callbackMethod, dto); // free DTO as per (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, dto); }""") def generate_msg_handlers(func_list, plugin_name, inputfile): handlers = [] for f in func_list: handler_name = f['name'] dto_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper(handler_name) ref_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(handler_name) if is_manually_generated(handler_name, plugin_name) or util.is_ignored(handler_name): continue if not util.is_reply(dto_name) and not util.is_notification(handler_name): continue if util.is_notification(handler_name): dto_name = util.add_notification_suffix(dto_name) ref_name = util.add_notification_suffix(ref_name) dto_setters = '' err_handler = '' # dto setters for t in zip(f['types'], f['args'], f['lengths']): c_name = t[1] java_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(c_name) field_length = t[2][0] is_variable_len_array = t[2][1] length_field_type = None if is_variable_len_array: length_field_type = f['types'][f['args'].index(field_length)] dto_setters += jni_gen.jni_reply_handler_for_type(handler_name=handler_name, ref_name=ref_name, field_type=t[0], c_name=t[1], field_reference_name=java_name, field_name=java_name, field_length=field_length, is_variable_len_array=is_variable_len_array, length_field_type=length_field_type) # for retval don't generate setters and generate retval check if util.is_retval_field(c_name): err_handler = callback_err_handler_template.substitute( handler_name=handler_name ) continue handlers.append(msg_handler_template.substitute( inputfile=inputfile, api_data=util.api_message_to_javadoc(f), handler_name=handler_name, plugin_name=plugin_name, dto_name=dto_name, class_ref_name=ref_name, dto_setters=dto_setters, err_handler=err_handler)) return "\n".join(handlers) handler_registration_template = Template("""_(${name}_${crc}, ${name}) \\ """) def generate_handler_registration(func_list): handler_registration = ["#define foreach_api_reply_handler \\\n"] for f in func_list: name = f['name'] camelcase_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(f['name']) if (not util.is_reply(camelcase_name) and not util.is_notification(name)) or util.is_ignored(name) \ or util.is_control_ping(camelcase_name): continue handler_registration.append(handler_registration_template.substitute( name=name, crc=f['crc'])) return "".join(handler_registration) api_verification_template = Template("""_(${name}_${crc}) \\ """) def generate_api_verification(func_list): api_verification = ["#define foreach_supported_api_message \\\n"] for f in func_list: name = f['name'] if util.is_ignored(name): continue api_verification.append(api_verification_template.substitute( name=name, crc=f['crc'])) return "".join(api_verification) jvpp_c_template = Template("""/** * This file contains JNI bindings for jvpp Java API. * It was generated by based on $inputfile * (python representation of api file generated by vppapigen). */ // JAVA class reference cache $class_cache // List of supported API messages used for verification $api_verification // JNI bindings $jni_implementations // Message handlers $msg_handlers // Registration of message handlers in vlib $handler_registration """) def generate_jvpp(func_list, plugin_name, inputfile, path): """ Generates jvpp C file """ print "Generating jvpp C" class_cache = generate_class_cache(func_list, plugin_name) jni_impl = generate_jni_impl(func_list, plugin_name, inputfile) msg_handlers = generate_msg_handlers(func_list, plugin_name, inputfile) handler_registration = generate_handler_registration(func_list) api_verification = generate_api_verification(func_list) jvpp_c_file = open("%s/jvpp_%s_gen.h" % (path, plugin_name), 'w') jvpp_c_file.write(jvpp_c_template.substitute( inputfile=inputfile, class_cache=class_cache, api_verification=api_verification, jni_implementations=jni_impl, msg_handlers=msg_handlers, handler_registration=handler_registration)) jvpp_c_file.flush() jvpp_c_file.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _ from frappe.utils import now_datetime, cint from frappe.model.document import Document from erpnext.loan_management.doctype.loan_security_shortfall.loan_security_shortfall import update_shortfall_status from erpnext.loan_management.doctype.loan_security_price.loan_security_price import get_loan_security_price class LoanSecurityPledge(Document): def validate(self): self.set_pledge_amount() def on_submit(self): if self.db_set("status", "Pledged") self.db_set("pledge_time", now_datetime()) update_shortfall_status(, self.total_security_value) update_loan(, self.maximum_loan_value) def set_pledge_amount(self): total_security_value = 0 maximum_loan_value = 0 for pledge in self.securities: if not pledge.qty and not pledge.amount: frappe.throw(_("Qty or Amount is mandatroy for loan security")) if not (self.loan_application and pledge.loan_security_price): pledge.loan_security_price = get_loan_security_price(pledge.loan_security) if not pledge.qty: pledge.qty = cint(pledge.amount/pledge.loan_security_price) pledge.amount = pledge.qty * pledge.loan_security_price pledge.post_haircut_amount = cint(pledge.amount - (pledge.amount * pledge.haircut/100)) total_security_value += pledge.amount maximum_loan_value += pledge.post_haircut_amount self.total_security_value = total_security_value self.maximum_loan_value = maximum_loan_value def update_loan(loan, maximum_value_against_pledge): maximum_loan_value = frappe.db.get_value('Loan', {'name': loan}, ['maximum_loan_value']) frappe.db.sql(""" UPDATE `tabLoan` SET maximum_loan_value=%s, is_secured_loan=1 WHERE name=%s""", (maximum_loan_value + maximum_value_against_pledge, loan))
import logging from typing import Any, List from absl import flags from injector import Binder, Module, inject, singleton from rep0st.framework import app from rep0st.framework.scheduler import Scheduler, SchedulerModule from rep0st.service.feature_service import FeatureService, FeatureServiceModule from import Type as PostType log = logging.getLogger(__name__) FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string( 'rep0st_update_features_job_schedule', '* * * * * *', 'Schedule in crontab format for running the feature update job.') flags.DEFINE_enum_class( 'rep0st_update_features_post_type', PostType.IMAGE, PostType, 'The post type (image, video, ...) this job should index.') class UpdateFeaturesJobModule(Module): def configure(self, binder: Binder): binder.install(FeatureServiceModule) binder.install(SchedulerModule) binder.bind(UpdateFeaturesJob) @singleton class UpdateFeaturesJob: feature_service: FeatureService @inject def __init__(self, feature_service: FeatureService, scheduler: Scheduler): self.feature_service = feature_service scheduler.schedule(FLAGS.rep0st_update_features_job_schedule, self.update_feature_job) def update_feature_job(self): self.feature_service.update_features(FLAGS.rep0st_update_features_post_type) def modules() -> List[Any]: return [UpdateFeaturesJobModule] if __name__ == "__main__":
import re, urllib2 class WhatBase: # Some utility functions and constants that I am very lazily bunging into a base class _sitename = "" def debugMessage(self, message, messagecallback = None): if messagecallback: messagecallback(message) else: print message def downloadResource(self, url, path, fname, messagecallback = None): # Remove characters Windoze doesn't allow in filenames fname = re.sub("[\*\"\/\\\[\]\:\;\|\=\,\?]", "", fname) try: # Do an impression of Firefox to prevent 403 from some image hosts opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3")] response = if response.getcode() == 200: copy = open(path + "/" + fname, 'wb') copy.write( copy.close() else: self.debugMessage("ERROR: Unexpected HTTP response code %d downloading %s" % (response.getcode(), url), messagecallback) response.close() except IOError, io: self.debugMessage("ERROR: IO exception downloading resource %s" % url, messagecallback) self.debugMessage(traceback.format_exc(), messagecallback) def bytesFromString(self, sizestr): size = sizestr.split(" ") mag = str(size[0]).translate(None, ',') if size[1] == "KB": return float(mag) * 1024 elif size[1] == "MB": return float(mag) * 1024 * 1024 elif size[1] == "GB": return float(mag) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif size[1] == "TB": return float(mag) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 else: return 0 def nvl(self, str1, str2): if str1 == "": return str2 else: return str1 if __name__ == "__main__": print "Base class for beans"
import sys import numpy as np from seisflows.config import custom_import, ParameterError from seisflows.plugins import optimize PAR = sys.modules['seisflows_parameters'] PATH = sys.modules['seisflows_paths'] class NLCG(custom_import('optimize', 'base')): """ Nonlinear conjugate gradient method """ def check(self): """ Checks parameters, paths, and dependencies """ # line search algorithm if 'LINESEARCH' not in PAR: setattr(PAR, 'LINESEARCH', 'Bracket') # NLCG memory if 'NLCGMEM' not in PAR: setattr(PAR, 'NLCGMEM', 3) # NLCG periodic restart interval if 'NLCGMAX' not in PAR: setattr(PAR, 'NLCGMAX', np.inf) # NLCG conjugacy restart threshold if 'NLCGTHRESH' not in PAR: setattr(PAR, 'NLCGTHRESH', np.inf) super(NLCG, self).check() def setup(self): super(NLCG, self).setup() self.NLCG = getattr(optimize, 'NLCG')( path=PATH.OPTIMIZE, maxiter=PAR.NLCGMAX, thresh=PAR.NLCGTHRESH, precond=self.precond) def compute_direction(self): g_new = self.load('g_new') p_new, self.restarted = self.NLCG()'p_new', p_new) def restart(self): super(NLCG, self).restart() self.NLCG.restart()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from matplotlib import gridspec from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor import scipy import scipy.spatial from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebval def get_ellipse_xys(ell): a = ell[0] b = ell[1] pts = np.zeros((361, 2)) beta = -ell[4] * np.pi / 180. sin_beta = np.sin(beta) cos_beta = np.cos(beta) alpha = np.radians(np.r_[0.:360.:1j * 361]) sin_alpha = np.sin(alpha) cos_alpha = np.cos(alpha) pts[:, 0] = ell[2] + (a * cos_alpha * cos_beta - b * sin_alpha * sin_beta) pts[:, 1] = ell[3] + (a * cos_alpha * sin_beta + b * sin_alpha * cos_beta) return pts class MouseCross(object): """ Draw a cursor with the mouse cursor """ def __init__(self, ax, ellipse=None, nosky=False, **kwargs): = ax self.radius_as = ellipse[0] self.theta = ellipse[4] while self.theta < 0.: self.theta += 360. while self.theta > 360.: self.theta -= 360. = self.theta - 270. while < 0.: += 360. while > 360.: -= 360. self.axrat = ellipse[1]/ellipse[0] self.nosky = nosky self.ellipse = ellipse if self.nosky: print("Skysub is off") else: print("Skysub is on") print("semimajor axis is %.1f arcsec" % self.radius_as) print("PA is %.1f" % print("b/a is %.2f" % self.axrat) print("y - toggle sky/host sub") print("x - expand, z - shrink, , - rotate CCW, . - rotate CW, " "[ - -b/a, ] - +b/a, ") marker = get_ellipse_xys(self.ellipse) self.line, =[:, 0], marker[:, 1], '-', visible=True, color='red', linewidth=2., **kwargs) def show_cross(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.line.set_visible(False) self.ellipse = (self.ellipse[0], self.ellipse[1], event.xdata, event.ydata, self.ellipse[4]) marker = get_ellipse_xys(self.ellipse) self.line, =[:, 0], marker[:, 1], '-', visible=True, color='red', linewidth=2.) else: self.line.set_visible(False) pl.draw() def size_cross(self, event): self.line.set_visible(False) # Make smaller if event.key == "z": self.radius_as -= 0.2 print("a = %.1f arcsec" % self.radius_as) # Make larger elif event.key == "x": self.radius_as += 0.2 print("a = %.1f arcsec" % self.radius_as) # Toggle sky subtraction elif event.key == "y": if self.nosky: self.nosky = False print("Skysub on") else: self.nosky = True print("Skysub off") # Rotate ellipse CW elif event.key == ",": self.theta += 10.0 if self.theta > 360: self.theta -= 360.0 = self.theta - 270. while < 0.: += 360. while > 360.: -= 360. print("PA = %.1f deg" % # Rotate ellipse CCW elif event.key == ".": self.theta -= 10.0 if self.theta < 0: self.theta += 360.0 = self.theta - 270. while < 0.: += 360. while > 360.: -= 360. print("PA = %.1f deg" % # Make ellipse skinnier elif event.key == "[": self.axrat -= 0.1 if self.axrat < 0.1: self.axrat = 0.1 print("b/a = %.2f" % self.axrat) # Make ellipse fatter elif event.key == "]": self.axrat += 0.1 if self.axrat > 1.0: self.axrat = 1.0 print("b/a = %.2f" % self.axrat) # Check ellipse position if event.xdata is None: xdat = 0. else: xdat = event.xdata if event.ydata is None: ydat = 0. else: ydat = event.ydata self.ellipse = (self.radius_as, self.radius_as * self.axrat, xdat, ydat, self.theta) marker = get_ellipse_xys(self.ellipse) self.line, =[:, 0], marker[:, 1], '-', visible=True, color='red', linewidth=2.) self.line.set_visible(True) pl.draw() class PositionPicker(object): """ This class is used to select an extraction point in a data cube """ spectra = None Xs = None Ys = None Vs = None pointsize = None picked = None radius_as = None bgd_sub = False xc = None yc = None nosky = None scaled = None ellipse = None def __init__(self, spectra=None, pointsize=35, bgd_sub=False, ellipse=None, objname=None, scaled=False, lmin=600, lmax=650, cmin=-300, cmax=300, nosky=False): """ Create spectum picking gui. Args: spectra: SEDMr.Spectra object """ self.spectra = spectra self.pointsize = pointsize self.scaled = scaled self.lmin = lmin self.lmax = lmax self.cmin = cmin self.cmax = cmax self.objname = objname self.bgd_sub = bgd_sub self.nosky = nosky self.radius_as = ellipse[0] self.ellipse = ellipse self.Xs, self.Ys, self.Vs = spectra.to_xyv(lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax) if bgd_sub: self.Vs -= np.nanmedian(self.Vs) pl.ioff() pl.title("%s Image from %s to %s nm" % (self.objname, self.lmin, self.lmax)) self.figure = pl.figure(1) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self) self.draw_cube() def draw_cube(self): if self.scaled: dv_min = self.cmin dv_max = self.cmax else: # get middle value if self.bgd_sub: v_mid = 0. else: v_mid = np.nanmedian(self.Vs) # get standard deviation v_std = np.nanstd(self.Vs) if 0 < v_std < 100: dv_min = v_mid - 3.0 * v_std dv_max = v_mid + 3.0 * v_std else: dv_min = -300 dv_max = 300 # plot (may want to use print("scaling image display between %d and %d" % (dv_min, dv_max)) pl.scatter(self.Xs, self.Ys, c=self.Vs, s=self.pointsize, linewidth=0, vmin=dv_min, vmax=dv_max, cmap=pl.get_cmap('jet')) pl.ylim(-14, 14) pl.xlim(14, -14) pl.xlabel("-RA offset [asec]") pl.ylabel("Dec offset [asec]") pl.colorbar() # c = Cursor(self.figure.gca(), useblit=True) cross = MouseCross(self.figure.gca(), ellipse=self.ellipse, nosky=self.nosky) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', cross.show_cross) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", cross.size_cross) self.radius_as = cross.radius_as self.nosky = cross.nosky self.ellipse = cross.ellipse def __call__(self, event): """Event call handler for Picker gui.""" if == 'button_press_event': print("X = %+10.5f, Y = %+10.5f" % (event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.picked = (event.xdata, event.ydata) self.xc = event.xdata self.yc = event.ydata pl.close(self.figure) class ScaleCube(object): """ This class is used to scale a data cube """ spectra = None Xs = None Ys = None Vs = None pointsize = None bgd_sub = False lmin = None lmax = None cmin = None cmax = None noobj = None def __init__(self, spectra=None, pointsize=35, bgd_sub=False, objname=None, lmin=600, lmax=650): """ Create scaling gui. Args: spectra: SEDMr.Spectra object """ print("First scale cube using keys to change limits:") if bgd_sub: print("> - increase upper/lower spread by 200") print("< - decrease upper/lower spread by 200") else: print("> - to increase upper limit by 100") print("< - to decrease upper limit by 100") print(". - to increase lower limit by 100") print(", - to decrease lower limit by 100") print("x - keep scaling and continue") print("q - abandon scaling and continue") print("n - if no object visible") self.spectra = spectra self.pointsize = pointsize self.lmin = lmin self.lmax = lmax self.objname = objname self.bgd_sub = bgd_sub self.scaled = False self.scat = None self.cb = None self.noobj = False self.Xs, self.Ys, self.Vs = spectra.to_xyv(lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax) if bgd_sub: self.Vs -= np.nanmedian(self.Vs) # get standard deviation v_std = np.nanstd(self.Vs) # get middle value if self.bgd_sub: v_mid = 0. if 0 < v_std < 100: self.cmin = v_mid - 3.0 * v_std self.cmax = v_mid + 3.0 * v_std else: self.cmin = -300 self.cmax = 300 else: v_mid = np.nanmedian(self.Vs) self.cmin = v_mid - 3.0 * v_std self.cmax = v_mid + 3.0 * v_std print("mid, std: %f, %f" % (v_mid, float(v_std))) pl.ioff() self.figure = pl.figure(1) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", self) self.draw_cube() def draw_cube(self): pl.title("Scaling %s Image from %s to %s nm\nfrom %.1f to %.1f int" % (self.objname, self.lmin, self.lmax, float(self.cmin), float(self.cmax))) self.scat = pl.scatter(self.Xs, self.Ys, c=self.Vs, s=self.pointsize, linewidth=0, vmin=self.cmin, vmax=self.cmax, cmap=pl.get_cmap('jet')) pl.ylim(-14, 14) pl.xlim(14, -14) pl.xlabel("RA offset [asec]") pl.ylabel("Dec offset [asec]") self.cb = self.figure.colorbar(self.scat) def update_cube(self): ax = self.figure.gca() ax.set_title("Scaling %s Image from %s to %s nm\nfrom %.1f to %.1f Irr" % (self.objname, self.lmin, self.lmax, float(self.cmin), float(self.cmax))) self.scat.remove() self.scat = ax.scatter(self.Xs, self.Ys, c=self.Vs, s=self.pointsize, linewidth=0, vmin=self.cmin, vmax=self.cmax, cmap=pl.get_cmap('jet')) self.cb.set_clim(self.cmin, self.cmax) self.cb.update_normal(self.scat) self.figure.canvas.draw() def __call__(self, event): """Event call handler for scaling gui.""" if event.key == 'x': self.scaled = True print("Scaling between %f and %f" % (float(self.cmin), float(self.cmax))) pl.close(self.figure) if event.key == 'q': self.scaled = False print("Using default scaling") pl.close(self.figure) elif event.key == '>': if self.bgd_sub: if self.cmax > 100. and self.cmin < -100.: self.cmax += 100. self.cmin -= 100. else: self.cmax += 10. self.cmin -= 10. else: self.cmax += 100. self.update_cube() elif event.key == '<': if self.bgd_sub: if self.cmax > 100. and self.cmin < -100.: self.cmax -= 100. self.cmin += 100. elif self.cmax > 10. and self.cmin < -10.: self.cmax -= 10. self.cmin += 10. else: if self.cmax > 100.: self.cmax -= 100. self.update_cube() elif event.key == '.': if not self.bgd_sub: self.cmin += 100. self.update_cube() elif event.key == ',': if not self.bgd_sub: self.cmin -= 100. self.update_cube() elif event.key == 'n': self.noobj = True self.scaled = True print("no object visible") pl.close(self.figure) class WaveFixer(object): """ This class is used to fix bad wavelength solutions """ cube = None # Raw data cube spectra KT = None # KDTree object X1 = [] X2 = [] Y1 = [] pointsize = None picked = None state = "Display" fig = None ax_cube = None ax_spec = None def __init__(self, cube=None, pointsize=35): """ Create spectum picking gui. Args: cube: Data cube list """ self.actions = {"m": self.mode_switch} self.cube = cube self.pointsize = pointsize for ix, s in enumerate(self.cube): if s.xrange is None: continue xs = np.arange(s.xrange[0], s.xrange[1], .1) if s.lamcoeff is not None: lls = chebval(xs, s.lamcoeff) ha1 = np.argmin(np.abs(lls - 656.3)) / 10.0 + s.xrange[0] if s.mdn_coeff is not None: lls = chebval(xs, s.mdn_coeff) ha2 = np.argmin(np.abs(lls - 656.3)) / 10.0 + s.xrange[0] self.X1.append(ha1) self.X2.append(ha2) self.Y1.append(s.yrange[0]) self.X1 = np.array(self.X1) self.X2 = np.array(self.X2) self.Y1 = np.array(self.Y1) ok = (np.abs(self.X1 - self.X2) < 2) & np.isfinite(self.X2) & \ np.isfinite(self.Y1) self.good_cube = self.cube[ok] locs = np.array([self.X2[ok], self.Y1[ok]]).T self.KT = scipy.spatial.KDTree(locs) assert (len(locs) == len(self.good_cube)) # Setup drawing gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 2.5]) self.fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(22, 5.5)) self.ax_cube = pl.subplot(gs[0]) self.ax_spec = pl.subplot(gs[1]) self.ax_cube.set_xlim(-100, 2200) self.ax_cube.set_ylim(-100, 2200) pl.ion() self.draw_cube() print("Registering events") self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", self) def mode_switch(self): """ Toggle operating mode between Display and Select """ if self.state == "Display": self.state = "Select" else: self.state = "Display" print(self.state) self.draw_cube() def draw_spectra(self): """ Draw nearest spectra """ if self.picked is None: return print("Drawing spectra") # xl = self.ax_spec.get_xlim() # yl = self.ax_spec.get_ylim() self.ax_spec.cla() # self.ax_spec.set_xlim(xl) # self.ax_spec.set_ylim(yl) x, y = self.X2[self.picked], self.Y1[self.picked] objs = self.KT.query_ball_point((x, y), 70) print("Query around %s found: %s" % ((x, y), objs)) spec = self.cube[self.picked] ix = np.arange(*spec.xrange) fiducial_ll = chebval(ix, spec.lamcoeff) # self.ax_spec.plot(ix-spec.xrange[0], fiducial_ll, linewidth=3) self.ax_spec.step(fiducial_ll, spec.spec, linewidth=3) for spec in self.good_cube[objs]: try: ix = np.arange(*spec.xrange) ll = chebval(ix, spec.lamcoeff) # self.ax_spec.plot(ix-spec.xrange[0], ll-fiducial_ll) self.ax_spec.step(ll, spec.spec) except: pass # self.ax_spec.set_ylim(-30,30) self.ax_spec.set_xlim(370, 700) def draw_cube(self): """ Draw the data cube """ print("drawing cube") # Draw cube xl = self.ax_cube.get_xlim() yl = self.ax_cube.get_ylim() self.ax_cube.cla() self.ax_cube.set_xlim(xl) self.ax_cube.set_ylim(yl) self.ax_cube.plot(self.X2, self.Y1, 'o', markersize=8, marker='h', linewidth=0) bad = np.abs(self.X1 - self.X2) > 4 self.ax_cube.plot(self.X2[bad], self.Y1[bad], 'ro', markersize=7, marker='h', linewidth=0) if self.picked is not None: print(self.X2[self.picked], self.Y1[self.picked]) self.ax_cube.plot([self.X2[self.picked]], [self.Y1[self.picked]], 'o', ms=12, color='yellow', alpha=0.4, visible=True) tit = "State: %s | Press ? for help" % self.state self.ax_cube.set_title(tit) def handle_button_press(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.ax_cube: """Clicked In Data Cube Display""" if self.state == 'Display': """ Display state (not pick state, ignore) """ return dists = np.abs(self.X2 - event.xdata) + \ np.abs(self.Y1 - event.ydata) ix = np.nanargmin(dists) print(dists[ix]) if dists[ix] > 20: self.picked = None else: self.picked = ix self.draw_cube() self.draw_spectra() def __call__(self, event): """Event call handler for Picker gui.""" print( if == 'pick_event': import pdb pdb.set_trace() elif == 'button_press_event': """ Note order of if statement to skip button over pick event""" self.handle_button_press(event) elif == 'key_press_event': key = event.key if key in self.actions: to_call = self.actions[key] to_call() if key == "?": for k, v in self.actions.items(): print("%s: %s" % (k, v.__doc__))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division import collections import numpy as np from stingray import Lightcurve import stingray.utils as utils __all__ = ['Covariancespectrum', 'AveragedCovariancespectrum'] class Covariancespectrum(object): def __init__(self, event_list, dt, band_interest=None, ref_band_interest=None, std=None): """ Parameters ---------- event_list : numpy 2D array A numpy 2D array with first column as time of arrival and second column as photon energies associated. Note : The event list must be in sorted order with respect to the times of arrivals. dt : float The time resolution of the Lightcurve formed from the energy bin. band_interest : iterable of tuples, default All An iterable of tuples with minimum and maximum values of the range in the band of interest. e.g list of tuples, tuple of tuples. ref_band_interest : tuple of reference band range, default All A tuple with minimum and maximum values of the range in the band of interest in reference channel. std : float or np.array or list of numbers The term std is used to calculate the excess variance of a band. If std is set to None, default Poisson case is taken and the std is calculated as `mean(lc)**0.5`. In the case of a single float as input, the same is used as the standard deviation which is also used as the std. And if the std is an iterable of numbers, their mean is used for the same purpose. Attributes ---------- energy_events : dictionary A dictionary with energy bins as keys and time of arrivals of photons with the same energy as value. energy_covar : dictionary A dictionary with mid point of band_interest and their covariance computed with their individual reference band. The covariance values are normalized. unnorm_covar : np.ndarray An array of arrays with mid point band_interest and their covariance. It is the array-form of the dictionary `energy_covar`. The covariance values are unnormalized. covar : np.ndarray Normalized covariance spectrum. covar_error : np.ndarray Errors of the normalized covariance spectrum. min_time : int Time of arrival of the earliest photon. max_time : int Time of arrival of the last photon. min_energy : float Energy of the photon with the minimum energy. max_energy : float Energy of the photon with the maximum energy. Reference --------- [1] Wilkinson, T. and Uttley, P. (2009), Accretion disc variability in the hard state of black hole X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397: 666–676. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15008.x Examples -------- See repository for detailed notebooks on the code. """ # This parameter is used to identify whether the current object is # an instance of Covariancespectrum or AveragedCovariancespectrum. self.avg_covar = False self._init_vars(event_list, dt, band_interest, ref_band_interest, std) # A dictionary with energy bin as key and events as value of the key self.energy_events = {} self._construct_energy_events(self.energy_events) self._update_energy_events(self.energy_events) # The dictionary with covariance spectrum for each energy bin self.energy_covar = {} self._construct_energy_covar(self.energy_events, self.energy_covar) def _init_vars(self, event_list, dt, band_interest, ref_band_interest, std): """ Check for consistency with input variables and declare public ones. """ if not np.all(np.diff(event_list, axis=0).T[0] >= 0): utils.simon("The event list must be sorted with respect to " "times of arrivals.") event_list = event_list[event_list[:, 0].argsort()] self.event_list = event_list self.event_list_T = event_list.T self._init_special_vars() if ref_band_interest is None: ref_band_interest = (self.min_energy, self.max_energy) assert type(ref_band_interest) in (list, tuple), "Ref Band interest " \ "should be either " \ "tuple or list." assert len(ref_band_interest) == 2, "Band interest should be a tuple" \ " with min and max energy value " \ "for the reference band." self.ref_band_interest = ref_band_interest if band_interest is not None: for element in list(band_interest): assert type(element) in (list, tuple), \ "band_interest should be iterable of either tuple or list." assert len(element) == 2, "Band interest should be a tuple " \ "with min and max energy values." self.band_interest = band_interest self.dt = dt self.std = std def _init_special_vars(self, T_start=None, T_end=None): """ Method to set mininum and maximum time and energy parameters. It has been separated from the main init method due to multiple calls from AveragedCovariancespectrum. """ self.min_energy = np.min(self.event_list_T[1][T_start:T_end]) self.max_energy = np.max(self.event_list_T[1][T_start:T_end]) self.min_time = np.min(self.event_list_T[0][T_start:T_end]) self.max_time = np.max(self.event_list_T[0][T_start:T_end]) def _construct_energy_events(self, energy_events, T_start=None, T_end=None): # The T_start and T_end parameters are for the purpose of # AveragedCovariancespectrum where the range of consideration # is defined. event_list_T = np.array([self.event_list_T[0][T_start: T_end], self.event_list_T[1][T_start: T_end]]) least_count = np.diff(np.unique(event_list_T[1])).min() # An array of unique energy values unique_energy = np.unique(event_list_T[1]) for i in range(len(unique_energy) - 1): energy_events[unique_energy[i] + least_count*0.5] = [] # Add time of arrivals to corresponding energy bins # For each bin except the last one, the lower bound is included and # the upper bound is excluded. for energy in energy_events.keys(): # The last energy bin if energy == self.max_energy - least_count*0.5: toa = event_list_T[0][np.logical_and( event_list_T[1] >= energy - least_count*0.5, event_list_T[1] <= energy + least_count*0.5)] energy_events[energy] = sorted(toa) else: toa = event_list_T[0][np.logical_and( event_list_T[1] >= energy - least_count*0.5, event_list_T[1] < energy + least_count*0.5)] energy_events[energy] = sorted(toa) def _update_energy_events(self, energy_events): """ In case of a specific band interest, merge the required energy bins into one with the new key as the mid-point of the band interest. """ if self.band_interest is not None: energy_events_ = {} for band in list(self.band_interest): mid_bin = (band[0] + band[1]) / 2 energy_events_[mid_bin] = [] # Modify self.energy_events to form a band with one key for key in list(energy_events.keys()): if key >= band[0] and key <= band[1]: energy_events_[mid_bin] += energy_events[key] del energy_events[key] energy_events.update(energy_events_) def _init_energy_covar(self, energy_events, energy_covar): """ Initialize the energy_covar dictionary for further computations. """ # Initialize it with empty mapping if self.band_interest is None: for key in energy_events.keys(): energy_covar[key] = [] else: for band in list(self.band_interest): mid_bin = (band[0] + band[1]) / 2 energy_covar[mid_bin] = [] if not self.avg_covar: # Error in covariance self.covar_error = {} def _construct_energy_covar(self, energy_events, energy_covar, xs_var=None): """Form the actual output covariance dictionary and array.""" self._init_energy_covar(energy_events, energy_covar) if not self.avg_covar: xs_var = dict() for energy in energy_covar.keys(): lc, lc_ref = self._create_lc_and_lc_ref(energy, energy_events) covar = self._compute_covariance(lc, lc_ref) energy_covar[energy] = covar if not self.avg_covar: self.covar_error[energy] = self._calculate_covariance_error( lc, lc_ref) # Excess variance in ref band xs_var[energy] = self._calculate_excess_variance(lc_ref) for key, value in energy_covar.items(): if not xs_var[key] > 0: utils.simon("The excess variance in the reference band is " "negative. This implies that the reference " "band was badly chosen. Beware that the " "covariance spectra will have NaNs!") if not self.avg_covar: self.unnorm_covar = np.vstack(energy_covar.items()) energy_covar[key] = value / (xs_var[key])**0.5 self.covar = np.vstack(energy_covar.items()) self.covar_error = np.vstack(self.covar_error.items()) def _create_lc_and_lc_ref(self, energy, energy_events): lc = Lightcurve.make_lightcurve( energy_events[energy], self.dt, tstart=self.min_time, tseg=self.max_time - self.min_time) # Calculating timestamps for lc_ref toa_ref = [] for key, value in energy_events.items(): if key >= self.ref_band_interest[0] and \ key <= self.ref_band_interest[1]: if key != energy: toa_ref.extend(value) toa_ref = np.array(sorted(toa_ref)) lc_ref = Lightcurve.make_lightcurve( toa_ref, self.dt, tstart=self.min_time, tseg=self.max_time - self.min_time) assert len(lc.time) == len(lc_ref.time) return lc, lc_ref def _calculate_excess_variance(self, lc): """Calculate excess variance in a band with the standard deviation.""" std = self._calculate_std(lc) return np.var(lc) - std**2 def _calculate_std(self, lc): """Return std calculated for the possible types of `std`""" if self.std is None: std = np.mean(lc)**0.5 elif isinstance(self.std, collections.Iterable): std = np.mean(self.std) # Iterable of numbers else: # Single float number std = self.std return std def _compute_covariance(self, lc1, lc2): """Calculate and return the covariance between two time series.""" return np.cov(lc1.counts, lc2.counts)[0][1] def _calculate_covariance_error(self, lc_x, lc_y): """Calculate the error of the normalized covariance spectrum.""" # Excess Variance of reference band xs_x = self._calculate_excess_variance(lc_x) # Standard deviation of light curve err_y = self._calculate_std(lc_y) # Excess Variance of reference band xs_y = self._calculate_excess_variance(lc_y) # Standard deviation of light curve err_x = self._calculate_std(lc_x) # Number of time bins in lightcurve N = lc_x.n # Number of segments averaged if not self.avg_covar: M = 1 else: M = self.nbins num = xs_x*err_y + xs_y*err_x + err_x*err_y denom = N * M * xs_y return (num / denom)**0.5 class AveragedCovariancespectrum(Covariancespectrum): def __init__(self, event_list, dt, segment_size, band_interest=None, ref_band_interest=None, std=None): """ Make an averaged covariance spectrum by segmenting the light curve formed, calculating covariance for each segment and then averaging the resulting covariance spectra. Parameters ---------- event_list : numpy 2D array A numpy 2D array with first column as time of arrival and second column as photon energies associated. Note : The event list must be in sorted order with respect to the times of arrivals. dt : float The time resolution of the Lightcurve formed from the energy bin. segment_size : float The size of each segment to average. Note that if the total duration of each Lightcurve object formed is not an integer multiple of the segment_size, then any fraction left-over at the end of the time series will be lost. band_interest : iterable of tuples, default All An iterable of tuples with minimum and maximum values of the range in the band of interest. e.g list of tuples, tuple of tuples. ref_band_interest : tuple of reference band range, default All A tuple with minimum and maximum values of the range in the band of interest in reference channel. std : float or np.array or list of numbers The term std is used to calculate the excess variance of a band. If std is set to None, default Poisson case is taken and the std is calculated as `mean(lc)**0.5`. In the case of a single float as input, the same is used as the standard deviation which is also used as the std. And if the std is an iterable of numbers, their mean is used for the same purpose. Attributes ---------- energy_events : dictionary A dictionary with energy bins as keys and time of arrivals of photons with the same energy as value. energy_covar : dictionary A dictionary with mid point of band_interest and their covariance computed with their individual reference band. The covariance values are normalized. unnorm_covar : np.ndarray An array of arrays with mid point band_interest and their covariance. It is the array-form of the dictionary `energy_covar`. The covariance values are unnormalized. covar : np.ndarray Normalized covariance spectrum. covar_error : np.ndarray Errors of the normalized covariance spectrum. min_time : int Time of arrival of the earliest photon. max_time : int Time of arrival of the last photon. min_energy : float Energy of the photon with the minimum energy. max_energy : float Energy of the photon with the maximum energy. """ # Set parameter to distinguish between parent class and derived class. self.avg_covar = True self._init_vars(event_list, dt, band_interest, ref_band_interest, std) self.segment_size = segment_size self._make_averaged_covar_spectrum() self._init_covar_error() self._calculate_covariance_error() def _make_averaged_covar_spectrum(self): """ Calls methods from base class for every segment and calculates averaged covariance and error. """ self.nbins = int((self.max_time - self.min_time + 1) / self.segment_size) for n in range(self.nbins): tstart = self.min_time + n*self.segment_size tend = self.min_time + self.segment_size*(n+1) - 1 indices = np.intersect1d(np.where(self.event_list_T[0] >= tstart), np.where(self.event_list_T[0] <= tend)) # Set minimum and maximum values for the specified indices value self._init_special_vars(T_start=indices[0], T_end=indices[-1]+1) energy_events = {} self._construct_energy_events(energy_events, T_start=indices[0], T_end=indices[-1]+1) self._update_energy_events(energy_events) energy_covar = {} xs_var = {} self._construct_energy_covar(energy_events, energy_covar, xs_var) if n == 0: # Declare self.energy_covar = energy_covar self.xs_var = xs_var else: # Sum up for key in energy_covar.keys(): self.energy_covar[key] = self.energy_covar.get(key, 0) + \ energy_covar[key] self.xs_var[key] = self.xs_var.get(key, 0) + xs_var[key] # Now divide with total number of bins for averaging for key in self.energy_covar.keys(): self.energy_covar[key] /= self.nbins self.xs_var[key] /= self.nbins self.unnorm_covar = np.vstack(self.energy_covar.items()) for key, value in self.energy_covar.items(): self.energy_covar[key] = value / (self.xs_var[key])**0.5 self.covar = np.vstack(self.energy_covar.items()) def _init_covar_error(self): """Initialize dictionaries separately for the calculation of error.""" self.energy_events = {} self._construct_energy_events(self.energy_events) self._update_energy_events(self.energy_events) self.covar_error = {} self._init_energy_covar(self.energy_events, self.covar_error) def _calculate_covariance_error(self): """ Calculate Covariance error on the averaged quantities. Reference --------- Equation 15 """ for energy in self.covar_error.keys(): lc, lc_ref = self._create_lc_and_lc_ref(energy, self.energy_events) xs_y = self._calculate_excess_variance(lc_ref) err_x = self._calculate_std(lc) err_y = self._calculate_std(lc_ref) covar = self.energy_covar[energy] num = (covar**2)*err_y + xs_y*err_x + err_x*err_y denom = 2*self.nbins*xs_y self.covar_error[energy] = (num / denom)**0.5
from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np from lmfit.models import VoigtModel, LinearModel from scipy.signal import argrelmax import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def lamda_from_bragg(th, d, n): return 2 * d * np.sin(th / 2.) / n def find_peaks(chi, sides=6, intensity_threshold=0): # Find all potential peaks preliminary_peaks = argrelmax(chi, order=20)[0] # peaks must have at least sides pixels of data to work with preliminary_peaks2 = preliminary_peaks[ np.where(preliminary_peaks < len(chi) - sides)] # make certain that a peak has a drop off which causes the peak height to # be more than twice the height at sides pixels away criteria = chi[preliminary_peaks2] >= 2 * chi[preliminary_peaks2 + sides] criteria *= chi[preliminary_peaks2] >= 2 * chi[preliminary_peaks2 - sides] criteria *= chi[preliminary_peaks2] >= intensity_threshold peaks = preliminary_peaks[np.where(criteria)] left_idxs = peaks - sides right_idxs = peaks + sides peak_centers = peaks left_idxs[left_idxs < 0] = 0 right_idxs[right_idxs > len(chi)] = len(chi) return left_idxs, right_idxs, peak_centers def get_wavelength_from_std_tth(x, y, d_spacings, ns, plot=False): """ Return the wavelength from a two theta scan of a standard Parameters ---------- x: ndarray the two theta coordinates y: ndarray the detector intensity d_spacings: ndarray the dspacings of the standard ns: ndarray the multiplicity of the reflection plot: bool If true plot some of the intermediate data Returns ------- float: The average wavelength float: The standard deviation of the wavelength """ l, r, c = find_peaks(y, sides=12) n_sym_peaks = len(c)//2 lmfit_centers = [] for lidx, ridx, peak_center in zip(l, r, c): suby = y[lidx:ridx] subx = x[lidx:ridx] mod1 = VoigtModel() mod2 = LinearModel() pars1 = mod1.guess(suby, x=subx) pars2 = mod2.make_params(slope=0, intercept=0) mod = mod1+mod2 pars = pars1+pars2 out =, pars, x=subx) lmfit_centers.append(out.values['center']) if plot: plt.plot(subx, out.best_fit, '--') plt.plot(subx, suby - out.best_fit, '.') lmfit_centers = np.asarray(lmfit_centers) if plot: plt.plot(x, y, 'b') plt.plot(x[c], y[c], 'ro') plt.plot(x, np.zeros(x.shape), 'k.') offset = [] for i in range(0, n_sym_peaks): o = (np.abs(lmfit_centers[i]) - np.abs(lmfit_centers[2*n_sym_peaks-i-1]))/2. # print(o) offset.append(o) print('predicted offset {}'.format(np.median(offset))) lmfit_centers += np.median(offset) print(lmfit_centers) wavelengths = [] l_peaks = lmfit_centers[lmfit_centers < 0.] r_peaks = lmfit_centers[lmfit_centers > 0.] for peak_set in [r_peaks, l_peaks[::-1]]: for peak_center, d, n in zip(peak_set, d_spacings, ns): tth = np.deg2rad(np.abs(peak_center)) wavelengths.append(lamda_from_bragg(tth, d, n)) return np.average(wavelengths), np.std(wavelengths), np.median(offset) from bluesky.callbacks import CollectThenCompute class ComputeWavelength(CollectThenCompute): """ Example ------- >>> cw = ComputeWavelgnth('tth_cal', 'some_detector', d_spacings, ns) >>> RE(scan(...), cw) """ CONVERSION_FACTOR = 12.3984 # keV-Angstroms def __init__(self, x_name, y_name, d_spacings, ns=None): self._descriptors = [] self._events = [] self.x_name = x_name self.y_name = y_name self.d_spacings = d_spacings self.wavelength = None self.wavelength_std = None self.offset = None if ns is None: self.ns = np.ones(self.d_spacings.shape) else: self.ns = ns @property def energy(self): if self.wavelength is None: return None else: return self.CONVERSION_FACTOR / self.wavelength def compute(self): x = [] y = [] for event in self._events: x.append(event['data'][self.x_name]) y.append(event['data'][self.y_name]) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) self.wavelength, self.wavelength_std, self.offset = get_wavelength_from_std_tth(x, y, self.d_spacings, self.ns) print('wavelength', self.wavelength, '+-', self.wavelength_std) print('energy', """ if __name__ == '__main__': import os # step 0 load data calibration_file = os.path.join('../../data/LaB6_d.txt') d_spacings = np.loadtxt(calibration_file) for data_file in ['../../data/Lab6_67p8.chi', '../../data/Lab6_67p6.chi']: a = np.loadtxt(data_file) wavechange = [] x = a[:, 0] #x = np.hstack((np.zeros(1), x)) x = np.hstack((-x[::-1], x)) y = a[:, 1] #y = np.hstack((np.zeros(1), y)) y = np.hstack((y[::-1], y)) b = np.linspace(0, 3, 100) for dx in b: print('added offset {}'.format(dx)) off_x = x[:] + dx rv1, rv2, rv3 = get_wavelength_from_std_tth(off_x, y, d_spacings, np.ones(d_spacings.shape), #plot=True ) print(rv1, rv2, rv3) print() wavechange.append(rv1) #input() plt.plot(b, wavechange/np.mean(wavechange)) """
from os import listdir import cProfile import pstats from bencodepy.decoder import decode from bencodepy.encode import encode folder_path = '../torrent meta testing samples/' file_data = [] for file_name in listdir(folder_path): with open(folder_path + file_name, 'rb') as f: data = file_data.append(data) python_data = [decode(d) for d in file_data] for i, obj in enumerate(python_data): print('Sample data {0}: {1} .'.format(i, obj)) python_data *= 6000 print('Number of objects to decode: {0}.'.format(len(python_data))) results = [] def bench(): global results results = [encode(r) for r in python_data] def print_size(): global results s = 0 for r in results: s += len(r) print('Total encode size: %.3f MB.' % (s/1024/1024)) def check_first_file(): if file_data[0] == results[0]: print('Match') else: print('WARNING: Encoded and original data does not match.')'bench()', 'encode_stats') check_first_file() print_size() p = pstats.Stats('encode_stats') p.strip_dirs().sort_stats('tottime').print_stats()
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) step_pin = 24 dir_pin = 25 ms1_pin = 23 ms2_pin = 18 GPIO.setup(step_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(dir_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(ms1_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(ms2_pin, GPIO.OUT) period = 0.02 def step(steps, direction, period): # (1) GPIO.output(dir_pin, direction) for i in range(0, steps): GPIO.output(step_pin, True) time.sleep(0.000002) GPIO.output(step_pin, False) time.sleep(period) def step_mode(mode): # (2) GPIO.output(ms1_pin, mode & 1) # (3) GPIO.output(ms2_pin, mode & 2) try: print('Command letter followed by number'); print('p20 - set the inter-step period to 20ms (control speed)'); print('m - set stepping mode (0-none 1-half, 2-quater, 3-eighth)'); print('f100 - forward 100 steps'); print('r100 - reverse 100 steps'); while True: # (4) command = raw_input('Enter command: ') parameter_str = command[1:] # from char 1 to end parameter = int(parameter_str) if command[0] == 'p': period = parameter / 1000.0 elif command[0] == 'm': step_mode(parameter) elif command[0] == 'f': step(parameter, True, period) elif command[0] == 'r': step(parameter, False, period) finally: print('Cleaning up') GPIO.cleanup()
""" Test key names in json config files as shown by inspect subcommand 1. Create some docker containers 2. Run docker inspect command on them and an image 3. Check output keys againt known keys and a regex """ from dockerinspect import inspect_base from dockertest.output import mustpass from dockertest.dockercmd import DockerCmd from dockertest.images import DockerImage from dockertest.xceptions import DockerTestError import re class inspect_keys(inspect_base): def initialize(self): super(inspect_keys, self).initialize() # make a container to check self.create_simple_container(self) image = DockerImage.full_name_from_defaults(self.config) self.sub_stuff['image'] = image def inspect_and_parse(self, subargs): nfdc = DockerCmd(self, "inspect", subargs) cmdresult = mustpass(nfdc.execute()) # Log details when command is successful self.logdebug(nfdc.cmdresult) return self.parse_cli_output(cmdresult.stdout) def run_once(self): super(inspect_keys, self).run_once() # inspect a container subargs = self.sub_stuff['containers'] self.sub_stuff['container_config'] = self.inspect_and_parse(subargs) # inspect an image subargs = [self.sub_stuff['image']] self.sub_stuff['image_config'] = self.inspect_and_parse(subargs) def get_keys(self, coll): if isinstance(coll, list): return sum([self.get_keys(_) for _ in coll], []) if isinstance(coll, dict): return sum([self.get_keys(_) for _ in coll.values()], coll.keys()) return [] def assert_regex(self, keys, name): restr = self.config['key_regex'] if not (restr.startswith('^') and restr.endswith('$')): raise DockerTestError("key_regex: %s will not match whole " "strings. It must start with ^ and " "end with $" % (restr)) regex = re.compile(restr) fails = [x for x in keys if not bool(regex.match(x))] self.failif(fails, "Keys: %s, do not match " "regex: %s in %s" % (fails, regex.pattern, name)) def assert_keys(self, check_keys, keys, name): fails = [x for x in check_keys if x not in keys] self.failif(fails, "Keys: %s not found in config" " for %s." % (fails, name)) def postprocess(self): super(inspect_keys, self).postprocess() # verify image keys name = "image: %s" % (self.sub_stuff['image']) keys = self.get_keys(self.sub_stuff['image_config']) if self.config['image_keys']: check_keys = self.config['image_keys'].split(',') self.assert_keys(check_keys, keys, name) if self.config['key_regex']: self.assert_regex(keys, name) # verify container keys name = "container: %s" % (self.sub_stuff['containers'][0]) keys = self.get_keys(self.sub_stuff['container_config']) if self.config['container_keys']: check_keys = self.config['container_keys'].split(',') self.assert_keys(check_keys, keys, name) if self.config['key_regex']: self.assert_regex(keys, name)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## Invenio elmsubmit unit tests. ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Unit tests for the elmsubmit.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" import os from string import expandtabs import xml.dom.minidom from invenio.testsuite import make_test_suite, run_test_suite, InvenioTestCase class ElmTestCase(InvenioTestCase): def setUp(self): from invenio.config import CFG_TMPDIR from invenio.legacy.elmsubmit import api as elmsubmit import invenio.legacy.elmsubmit.config as elmsubmit_config self.f1 = None if os.path.exists(elmsubmit_config.CFG_ELMSUBMIT_FILES['test_case_1']): self.f1 = open(elmsubmit_config.CFG_ELMSUBMIT_FILES['test_case_1'], 'r') self.f2 = None if os.path.exists(elmsubmit_config.CFG_ELMSUBMIT_FILES['test_case_2']): self.f2 = open(elmsubmit_config.CFG_ELMSUBMIT_FILES['test_case_2'], 'r') self.elmsubmit = elmsubmit def tearDown(self): if self.f1: self.f1.close() if self.f2: self.f2.close() class MarcTest(ElmTestCase): """ elmsubmit - test for sanity """ def test_simple_marc(self): """elmsubmit - parsing simple email""" if not self.f1: return email = # let's try to parse an example email and compare it with the appropriate marc xml x = self.elmsubmit.process_email(email) y = """<record> <datafield tag ="245" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">something</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="100" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">Simko, T</subfield> <subfield code="u">CERN</subfield> </datafield> </record>""" # in order to properly compare the marc files we have to remove the FFT node, it includes a random generated file path dom_x = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(x) datafields = dom_x.getElementsByTagName("datafield") #remove all the FFT datafields for node in datafields: if (node.hasAttribute("tag") and node.getAttribute("tag") == "FFT"): node.parentNode.removeChild(node) node.unlink() new_x = dom_x.toprettyxml("","\n") dom_y = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(y) new_y = dom_y.toprettyxml("","\n") # 'normalize' the two XML MARC files for the purpose of comparing new_x = expandtabs(new_x) new_y = expandtabs(new_y) new_x = new_x.replace(' ','') new_y = new_y.replace(' ','') new_x = new_x.replace('\n','') new_y = new_y.replace('\n','') # compare the two xml marcs self.assertEqual(new_x,new_y) def test_complex_marc(self): """elmsubmit - parsing complex email with multiple fields""" if not self.f2: return email = # let's try to reproduce the demo XML MARC file by parsing it and printing it back: x = self.elmsubmit.process_email(email) y = """<record> <datafield tag ="245" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">something</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="700" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">Le Meur, J Y</subfield> <subfield code="u">MIT</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="700" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">Jedrzejek, K J</subfield> <subfield code="u">CERN2</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="700" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">Favre, G</subfield> <subfield code="u">CERN3</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">test11</subfield> <subfield code="c">test31</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">test12</subfield> <subfield code="c">test32</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">test13</subfield> <subfield code="c">test33</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="b">test21</subfield> <subfield code="d">test41</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="b">test22</subfield> <subfield code="d">test42</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">test14</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="e">test51</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="111" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="e">test52</subfield> </datafield> <datafield tag ="100" ind1="" ind2=""> <subfield code="a">Simko, T</subfield> <subfield code="u">CERN</subfield> </datafield> </record>""" # in order to properly compare the marc files we have to remove the FFT node, it includes a random generated file path dom_x = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(x) datafields = dom_x.getElementsByTagName("datafield") #remove all the FFT datafields for node in datafields: if (node.hasAttribute("tag") and node.getAttribute("tag") == "FFT"): node.parentNode.removeChild(node) node.unlink() new_x = dom_x.toprettyxml("","\n") dom_y = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(y) new_y = dom_y.toprettyxml("","\n") # 'normalize' the two XML MARC files for the purpose of comparing new_x = expandtabs(new_x) new_y = expandtabs(new_y) new_x = new_x.replace(' ','') new_y = new_y.replace(' ','') new_x = new_x.replace('\n','') new_y = new_y.replace('\n','') # compare the two xml marcs self.assertEqual(new_x,new_y) class FileStorageTest(ElmTestCase): """ testing proper storage of files """ def test_read_text_files(self): """elmsubmit - reading text files""" if not self.f2: return email = # let's try to see if the files were properly stored: xml_marc = self.elmsubmit.process_email(email) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_marc) datafields = dom.getElementsByTagName("datafield") # get the file addresses file_list = [] for node in datafields: if (node.hasAttribute("tag") and node.getAttribute("tag") == "FFT"): children = node.childNodes for child in children: if (child.hasChildNodes()): file_list.append(child.firstChild.nodeValue) f=open(file_list[0], 'r') x = f.close() x.lstrip() x.rstrip() y = """second attachment\n""" self.assertEqual(x,y) f=open(file_list[1], 'r') x = f.close() x.lstrip() x.rstrip() y = """some attachment\n""" self.assertEqual(x,y) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(MarcTest, FileStorageTest,) if __name__ == '__main__': run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for the Category class.""" # # (C) Pywikibot team, 2014-2015 # # Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. # from __future__ import unicode_literals __version__ = '$Id$' import pywikibot import from tests.aspects import unittest, TestCase class TestCategoryObject(TestCase): """Test Category object.""" family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en' cached = True def test_init(self): """Test the category's __init__ for one condition that can't be dry.""" site = self.get_site() self.assertRaises(ValueError, pywikibot.Category, site, 'Wikipedia:Test') def test_is_empty(self): """Test if category is empty or not.""" site = self.get_site() cat_empty = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:foooooo') cat_not_empty = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia categories') self.assertTrue(cat_empty.isEmptyCategory()) self.assertFalse(cat_not_empty.isEmptyCategory()) def test_is_hidden(self): """Test isHiddenCategory.""" site = self.get_site() cat_hidden = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Hidden categories') cat_not_hidden = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia categories') self.assertTrue(cat_hidden.isHiddenCategory()) self.assertFalse(cat_not_hidden.isHiddenCategory()) def test_categoryinfo(self): """Test the categoryinfo property.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Female Wikipedians') categoryinfo = cat.categoryinfo self.assertTrue(categoryinfo['files'] >= 0) self.assertTrue(categoryinfo['pages'] >= 0) self.assertTrue(categoryinfo['size'] > 0) self.assertTrue(categoryinfo['subcats'] > 0) members_sum = categoryinfo['files'] + categoryinfo['pages'] + categoryinfo['subcats'] self.assertEqual(members_sum, categoryinfo['size']) cat_files = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Files lacking an author') categoryinfo2 = cat_files.categoryinfo self.assertTrue(categoryinfo2['files'] > 0) def test_members(self): """Test the members method.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia legal policies') p1 = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Category:Wikipedia disclaimers') p2 = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:Terms of use') p3 = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:Risk disclaimer') members = list(cat.members()) self.assertIn(p1, members) self.assertIn(p2, members) self.assertNotIn(p3, members) members_recurse = list(cat.members(recurse=True)) self.assertIn(p1, members_recurse) self.assertIn(p2, members_recurse) self.assertIn(p3, members_recurse) members_namespace = list(cat.members(namespaces=14)) self.assertIn(p1, members_namespace) self.assertNotIn(p2, members_namespace) self.assertNotIn(p3, members_namespace) members_total = list(cat.members(total=2)) self.assertEqual(len(members_total), 2) def test_subcategories(self): """Test the subcategories method.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedians by gender') c1 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Female Wikipedians') c2 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Lesbian Wikipedians') subcategories = list(cat.subcategories()) self.assertIn(c1, subcategories) self.assertNotIn(c2, subcategories) subcategories_total = list(cat.subcategories(total=2)) self.assertEqual(len(subcategories_total), 2) def test_subcategories_recurse(self): """Test the subcategories method with recurse=True.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedians by gender') c1 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Female Wikipedians') c2 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Lesbian Wikipedians') subcategories_recurse = list(cat.subcategories(recurse=True)) self.assertIn(c1, subcategories_recurse) self.assertIn(c2, subcategories_recurse) def test_articles(self): """Test the articles method.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia legal policies') p1 = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:Terms of use') p2 = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:Risk disclaimer') articles = list(cat.articles()) self.assertIn(p1, articles) self.assertNotIn(p2, articles) articles_recurse = list(cat.articles(recurse=True)) self.assertIn(p1, articles_recurse) self.assertIn(p2, articles_recurse) articles_namespace = list(cat.articles(namespaces=1)) self.assertNotIn(p1, articles_namespace) self.assertNotIn(p2, articles_namespace) articles_total = list(cat.articles(total=2)) self.assertEqual(len(articles_total), 2) def test_redirects(self): """Test the redirects method.""" site = self.get_site() cat1 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Fonts') cat2 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Typefaces') self.assertTrue(cat1.isCategoryRedirect()) self.assertFalse(cat2.isCategoryRedirect()) # The correct target category if fetched. tgt = cat1.getCategoryRedirectTarget() self.assertEqual(tgt, cat2) # Raise exception if target is fetched for non Category redirects. self.assertRaises(pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage, cat2.getCategoryRedirectTarget) class TestCategoryDryObject(TestCase): """Test the category object with dry tests.""" family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en' dry = True def test_init_dry(self): """Test the category's __init__.""" site = self.get_site() cat_normal = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_normal.title(withNamespace=False), 'Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_normal.namespace(), 14) cat_missing = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_missing.title(withNamespace=False), 'Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_missing.namespace(), 14) cat_duplicate = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Category:Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_duplicate.title(withNamespace=False), 'Category:Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_duplicate.namespace(), 14) cat_dup_ns = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia:Test') self.assertTrue(cat_dup_ns.title(withNamespace=False), 'Page:Foo') self.assertTrue(cat_dup_ns.namespace(), 14) self.assertRaises(ValueError, pywikibot.Category, site, 'Talk:Foo') def test_section(self): """Test the section method.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Foo#bar') self.assertEqual(cat.section(), 'bar') cat2 = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Foo') self.assertEqual(cat2.section(), None) def test_aslink(self): """Test the title method with asLink=True.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia Categories') self.assertEqual(cat.title(asLink=True,, u'[[Category:Wikipedia Categories]]') cat_section = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia Categories#Foo') self.assertEqual(cat_section.title(asLink=True,, u'[[Category:Wikipedia Categories#Foo]]') cat_dup = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia:Test') self.assertEqual(cat_dup.title(asLink=True,, u'[[Category:Wikipedia:Test]]') def test_sortkey(self): """Test the sortKey attribute.""" site = self.get_site() cat = pywikibot.Category(site, 'Category:Wikipedia categories', 'Example') self.assertEqual(cat.aslink(), '[[Category:Wikipedia categories|Example]]') self.assertEqual(cat.aslink(sortKey='Foo'), '[[Category:Wikipedia categories|Foo]]') class CategoryNewestPages(TestCase): """Test newest_pages feature on French Wikinews.""" family = 'wikinews' code = 'fr' cached = True def test_newest_pages(self): """Test that the pages are getting older.""" cat = pywikibot.Category(self.get_site(), u'Catégorie:Yukon Quest 2015') last = pywikibot.Timestamp.max count = 0 for page in cat.newest_pages(): creation_stamp = page.oldest_revision.timestamp self.assertLessEqual(creation_stamp, last) last = creation_stamp count += 1 self.assertEqual(count, cat.categoryinfo['size']) if __name__ == '__main__': try: unittest.main() except SystemExit: pass
#!/usr/bin/python # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See LICENSE for more details. # # Copyright: 2018 IBM # Author: Bismruti Bidhibrata Pattjoshi <> # Authors: Abdul haleem <> ''' Tests for Sriov logical device ''' import netifaces from avocado import Test from avocado.utils import process from avocado.utils.ssh import Session from avocado.utils import genio from avocado.utils.software_manager import SoftwareManager from import NetworkInterface from import LocalHost class NetworkSriovDevice(Test): ''' adding and deleting logical sriov device through HMC. ''' def setUp(self): ''' set up required packages and gather necessary test inputs ''' smm = SoftwareManager() packages = ['src', 'rsct.basic', 'rsct.core.utils', 'NetworkManager', 'rsct.core', 'DynamicRM', 'powerpc-utils'] for pkg in packages: if not smm.check_installed(pkg) and not smm.install(pkg): self.cancel('%s is needed for the test to be run' % pkg) self.hmc_ip = self.get_mcp_component("HMCIPAddr") if not self.hmc_ip: self.cancel("HMC IP not got") self.hmc_pwd = self.params.get("hmc_pwd", '*', default=None) self.hmc_username = self.params.get("hmc_username", '*', default=None) self.lpar = self.get_partition_name("Partition Name") if not self.lpar: self.cancel("LPAR Name not got from lparstat command") self.session = Session(self.hmc_ip, user=self.hmc_username, password=self.hmc_pwd) if not self.session.connect(): self.cancel("failed connetion to HMC") cmd = 'lssyscfg -r sys -F name' output = self.session.cmd(cmd) self.server = '' for line in output.stdout_text.splitlines(): if line in self.lpar: self.server = line break if not self.server: self.cancel("Managed System not got") self.sriov_adapter = self.params.get('sriov_adapter', '*', default=None).split(' ') self.sriov_port = self.params.get('sriov_port', '*', default=None).split(' ') self.ipaddr = self.params.get('ipaddr', '*', default="").split(' ') self.netmask = self.params.get('netmasks', '*', default="").split(' ') self.prefix = self.netmask_to_cidr(self.netmask[0]) self.peer_ip = self.params.get('peer_ip', '*', default="").split(' ') self.mac_id = self.params.get('mac_id', default="02:03:03:03:03:01").split(' ') self.mac_id = [mac.replace(':', '') for mac in self.mac_id] self.migratable = self.params.get('migratable', '*', default=0) self.backup_veth_vnetwork = self.params.get( 'backup_veth_vnetwork', '*', default="") self.vnic_sriov_adapter = self.params.get( 'vnic_sriov_adapter', '*', default="") self.backup_device_type = "veth" if not self.backup_veth_vnetwork: self.backup_device_type = "vnic" if not self.vnic_sriov_adapter: self.cancel("Please provide veth or vnic inputs") if 'vnic' in self.backup_device_type: self.vnic_port_id = self.params.get( 'vnic_port_id', '*', default=None) self.vnic_adapter_id = self.get_adapter_id(self.vnic_sriov_adapter) self.priority = self.params.get( 'failover_priority', '*', default='50') self.max_capacity = self.params.get( 'max_capacity', '*', default='10') self.capacity = self.params.get('capacity', '*', default='2') self.vios_name = self.params.get('vios_name', '*', default=None) cmd = 'lssyscfg -m %s -r lpar --filter lpar_names=%s -F lpar_id' % ( self.server, self.vios_name) self.vios_id = self.session.cmd(cmd).stdout_text.split()[0] self.backup_vnic_backing_device = 'sriov/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % \ (self.vios_name, self.vios_id, self.vnic_adapter_id, self.vnic_port_id, self.capacity, self.priority, self.max_capacity) self.local = LocalHost() @staticmethod def netmask_to_cidr(netmask): return(sum([bin(int(bits)).count("1") for bits in netmask.split(".")])) def get_adapter_id(self, slot): cmd = "lshwres -m %s -r sriov --rsubtype adapter -F phys_loc:adapter_id" \ % (self.server) output = self.session.cmd(cmd) for line in output.stdout_text.splitlines(): if slot in line: return line.split(':')[-1] self.cancel("adapter not found at slot %s", slot) @staticmethod def get_mcp_component(component): ''' probes IBM.MCP class for mentioned component and returns it. ''' for line in process.system_output('lsrsrc IBM.MCP %s' % component, ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True).decode("utf-8") \ .splitlines(): if component in line: return line.split()[-1].strip('{}\"') return '' @staticmethod def get_partition_name(component): ''' get partition name from lparstat -i ''' for line in process.system_output('lparstat -i', ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True).decode("utf-8") \ .splitlines(): if component in line: return line.split(':')[-1].strip() return '' def test_add_logical_device(self): ''' test to create logical sriov device ''' if self.migratable: self.cancel("Test unsupported") for slot, port, mac, ipaddr, netmask, peer_ip in zip(self.sriov_adapter, self.sriov_port, self.mac_id, self.ipaddr, self.netmask, self.peer_ip): self.device_add_remove(slot, port, mac, '', 'add') if not self.list_device(mac):"failed to list logical device after add operation") device = self.find_device(mac) networkinterface = NetworkInterface(device, self.local) networkinterface.add_ipaddr(ipaddr, netmask) networkinterface.bring_up() if networkinterface.ping_check(peer_ip, count=5) is not None:"ping check failed") def test_add_migratable_sriov(self): ''' test to create Migratable sriov device ''' if not self.migratable: self.cancel("Test unsupported") for slot, port, mac, ipaddr, netmask, peer_ip in zip(self.sriov_adapter, self.sriov_port, self.mac_id, self.ipaddr, self.netmask, self.peer_ip): self.device_add_remove(slot, port, mac, '', 'add') if not self.list_device(mac): "failed to list Migratable logical device after add operation") bond_device = self.get_hnv_bond(mac) if bond_device: ret ='nmcli c mod id %s ipv4.method manual ipv4.addres %s/%s' % (bond_device, ipaddr, self.prefix), ignore_status=True) if ret.exit_status:"nmcli ip configuration for hnv bond fail with %s" % (ret.exit_status)) ret ='nmcli c up %s' % bond_device, ignore_status=True) if ret.exit_status:"hnv bond ip bring up fail with %s" % (ret.exit_status)) networkinterface = NetworkInterface(bond_device, self.local) if networkinterface.ping_check(peer_ip, count=5) is not None:"ping check failed for hnv bond device") else:"failed to create hnv bond device") def test_remove_migratable_sriov(self): ''' test to remove Migratable sriov device ''' if not self.migratable: self.cancel("Test unsupported") for mac, slot in zip(self.mac_id, self.sriov_adapter): bond_device = self.get_hnv_bond(mac) if bond_device: ret ='nmcli c down %s' % bond_device, ignore_status=True) if ret.exit_status:"hnv bond ip bring down fail with %s" % (ret.exit_status)) ret ='nmcli c del %s' % bond_device, ignore_status=True) if ret.exit_status:"hnv bond delete fail with %s" % (ret.exit_status)) logical_port_id = self.get_logical_port_id(mac) self.device_add_remove(slot, '', '', logical_port_id, 'remove') if self.list_device(mac):"fail to remove migratable logical device") def test_remove_logical_device(self): """ test to remove logical device """ if self.migratable: self.cancel("Test unsupported") for mac, slot in zip(self.mac_id, self.sriov_adapter): logical_port_id = self.get_logical_port_id(mac) self.device_add_remove(slot, '', '', logical_port_id, 'remove') if self.list_device(mac):"still list logical device after remove operation") def device_add_remove(self, slot, port, mac, logical_id, operation): """ add and remove operation of logical devices """ adapter_id = self.get_adapter_id(slot) backup_device = '' if self.backup_device_type: if 'veth' in self.backup_device_type: backup_device = ',backup_device_type=%s,backup_veth_vnetwork=%s' % ( self.backup_device_type, self.backup_veth_vnetwork) else: backup_device = ',backup_device_type=%s,backup_vnic_backing_device=%s' % ( self.backup_device_type, self.backup_vnic_backing_device) if operation == 'add': cmd = 'chhwres -r sriov -m %s --rsubtype logport \ -o a -p %s -a \"adapter_id=%s,phys_port_id=%s, \ logical_port_type=eth,mac_addr=%s,migratable=%s%s\" ' \ % (self.server, self.lpar, adapter_id, port, mac, self.migratable, backup_device) else: cmd = 'chhwres -r sriov -m %s --rsubtype logport \ -o r -p %s -a \"adapter_id=%s,logical_port_id=%s\" ' \ % (self.server, self.lpar, adapter_id, logical_id) cmd = self.session.cmd(cmd) if cmd.exit_status != 0: self.log.debug(cmd.stderr)"sriov logical device %s operation \ failed" % operation) def get_logical_port_id(self, mac): """ findout logical device port id """ cmd = "lshwres -r sriov --rsubtype logport -m %s \ --level eth | grep %s | grep %s" \ % (self.server, self.lpar, mac) output = self.session.cmd(cmd) logical_port_id = output.stdout_text.split(',')[6].split('=')[-1] return logical_port_id def get_hnv_bond(self, mac): """ Get the newly created hnv bond interface name """ output = genio.read_one_line("/sys/class/net/bonding_masters").split() for bond in output: if mac in netifaces.ifaddresses(bond)[17][0]['addr'].replace(':', ''): return bond"Test fail due to mac address mismatch") @staticmethod def find_device(mac_addrs): """ Finds out the latest added sriov logical device """ mac = ':'.join(mac_addrs[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)) devices = netifaces.interfaces() for device in devices: if mac in netifaces.ifaddresses(device)[17][0]['addr']: return device return '' def list_device(self, mac): """ list the sriov logical device """ cmd = 'lshwres -r sriov --rsubtype logport -m %s \ --level eth --filter \"lpar_names=%s\" ' % (self.server, self.lpar) output = self.session.cmd(cmd) if mac in output.stdout_text: return True return False def tearDown(self): self.session.quit()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): depends_on = ( ('sa_api_v2.cors', ''), ) def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'KeyPermission' db.create_table(u'sa_api_v2_keypermission', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('can_create','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('can_update','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('can_destroy','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('submission_set','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, blank=True)), ('key','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['apikey.ApiKey'])), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sa_api_v2', ['KeyPermission']) # Adding model 'GroupPermission' db.create_table(u'sa_api_v2_grouppermission', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('can_create','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('can_update','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('can_destroy','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('submission_set','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, blank=True)), ('group','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['sa_api_v2.Group'])), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sa_api_v2', ['GroupPermission']) # Adding model 'OriginPermission' db.create_table(u'sa_api_v2_originpermission', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('can_create','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('can_update','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('can_destroy','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=True)), ('submission_set','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, blank=True)), ('origin','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['cors.Origin'])), )) db.send_create_signal(u'sa_api_v2', ['OriginPermission']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'KeyPermission' db.delete_table(u'sa_api_v2_keypermission') # Deleting model 'GroupPermission' db.delete_table(u'sa_api_v2_grouppermission') # Deleting model 'OriginPermission' db.delete_table(u'sa_api_v2_originpermission') models = { u'apikey.apikey': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ApiKey'}, 'datasets': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'keys'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.DataSet']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '32'}), 'last_used': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'blank': 'True'}), 'logged_ip': ('django.db.models.fields.IPAddressField', [], {'max_length': '15', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "(u'content_type__app_label', u'content_type__model', u'codename')", 'unique_together': "((u'content_type', u'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, u'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, u'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, u'cors.origin': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Origin'}, 'datasets': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'origins'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.DataSet']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_used': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'blank': 'True'}), 'logged_ip': ('django.db.models.fields.IPAddressField', [], {'max_length': '15', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'pattern': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.action': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-created_datetime']", 'object_name': 'Action', 'db_table': "'sa_api_activity'"}, 'action': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'create'", 'max_length': '16'}), 'created_datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'thing': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'actions'", 'db_column': "'data_id'", 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.SubmittedThing']"}), 'updated_datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.attachment': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Attachment', 'db_table': "'sa_api_attachment'"}, 'created_datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'blank': 'True'}), 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'thing': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'attachments'", 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.SubmittedThing']"}), 'updated_datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.dataset': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('owner', 'slug'),)", 'object_name': 'DataSet', 'db_table': "'sa_api_dataset'"}, 'display_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'owner': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'datasets'", 'to': u"orm['auth.User']"}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'default': "u''", 'max_length': '128'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.keypermission': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'KeyPermission'}, 'can_create': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_destroy': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_update': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['apikey.ApiKey']"}), 'submission_set': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.originpermission': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'OriginPermission'}, 'can_create': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_destroy': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_update': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'origin': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['cors.Origin']"}), 'submission_set': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-updated_datetime']", 'object_name': 'Place', 'db_table': "'sa_api_place'", '_ormbases': [u'sa_api_v2.SubmittedThing']}, 'geometry': ('django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.GeometryField', [], {}), u'submittedthing_ptr': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.SubmittedThing']", 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True'}) }, u'': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "[('name', 'dataset')]", 'object_name': 'Group', 'db_table': "'sa_api_group'"}, 'dataset': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.DataSet']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'submitters': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'groups'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': u"orm['auth.User']"}) }, u'sa_api_v2.grouppermission': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'GroupPermission'}, 'can_create': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_destroy': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'can_update': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.Group']"}), 'submission_set': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.submission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-updated_datetime']", 'object_name': 'Submission', 'db_table': "'sa_api_submission'", '_ormbases': [u'sa_api_v2.SubmittedThing']}, 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'children'", 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.SubmissionSet']"}), u'submittedthing_ptr': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.SubmittedThing']", 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True'}) }, u'sa_api_v2.submissionset': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('place', 'name'),)", 'object_name': 'SubmissionSet', 'db_table': "'sa_api_submissionset'"}, u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'place': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'submission_sets'", 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.Place']"}) }, u'sa_api_v2.submittedthing': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'SubmittedThing', 'db_table': "'sa_api_submittedthing'"}, 'created_datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'blank': 'True'}), 'data': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'{}'"}), 'dataset': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'things'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': u"orm['sa_api_v2.DataSet']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'submitter': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'things'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['auth.User']"}), 'updated_datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'visible': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['sa_api_v2']
#!/usr/bin/env python """ A small script to check how a change to the proof system affects the number of discharged VCs. Usage: git diff | ./ """ import sys proved = 0 failed = 0 for raw_line in sys.stdin: if len(raw_line) < 2: continue if raw_line[0] == "-": val = -1 elif raw_line[0] == "+": val = 1 else: continue if raw_line[1] in ("+", "-"): continue if ".ad" not in raw_line: continue if " proved" in raw_line or "postcondition is stronger" in raw_line: proved += val elif " might " in raw_line or "precondition is stronger" in raw_line: failed += val else: print raw_line.rstrip() print "Proved: %i" % proved print "Failed: %i" % failed
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import multiprocessing import os import tempfile from ansible import constants as C from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.executor.play_iterator import PlayIterator from ansible.executor.process.result import ResultProcess from ansible.executor.stats import AggregateStats from ansible.playbook.block import Block from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext from ansible.plugins import callback_loader, strategy_loader, module_loader from ansible.template import Templar from ansible.vars.hostvars import HostVars from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase from ansible.utils.unicode import to_unicode from ansible.compat.six import string_types try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() __all__ = ['TaskQueueManager'] class TaskQueueManager: ''' This class handles the multiprocessing requirements of Ansible by creating a pool of worker forks, a result handler fork, and a manager object with shared datastructures/queues for coordinating work between all processes. The queue manager is responsible for loading the play strategy plugin, which dispatches the Play's tasks to hosts. ''' def __init__(self, inventory, variable_manager, loader, options, passwords, stdout_callback=None, run_additional_callbacks=True, run_tree=False): self._inventory = inventory self._variable_manager = variable_manager self._loader = loader self._options = options self._stats = AggregateStats() self.passwords = passwords self._stdout_callback = stdout_callback self._run_additional_callbacks = run_additional_callbacks self._run_tree = run_tree self._callbacks_loaded = False self._callback_plugins = [] self._start_at_done = False self._result_prc = None # make sure the module path (if specified) is parsed and # added to the module_loader object if options.module_path is not None: for path in options.module_path.split(os.pathsep): module_loader.add_directory(path) # a special flag to help us exit cleanly self._terminated = False # this dictionary is used to keep track of notified handlers self._notified_handlers = dict() # dictionaries to keep track of failed/unreachable hosts self._failed_hosts = dict() self._unreachable_hosts = dict() self._final_q = multiprocessing.Queue() # A temporary file (opened pre-fork) used by connection # plugins for inter-process locking. self._connection_lockfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() def _initialize_processes(self, num): self._workers = [] for i in range(num): rslt_q = multiprocessing.Queue() self._workers.append([None, rslt_q]) self._result_prc = ResultProcess(self._final_q, self._workers) self._result_prc.start() def _initialize_notified_handlers(self, handlers): ''' Clears and initializes the shared notified handlers dict with entries for each handler in the play, which is an empty array that will contain inventory hostnames for those hosts triggering the handler. ''' # Zero the dictionary first by removing any entries there. # Proxied dicts don't support iteritems, so we have to use keys() for key in self._notified_handlers.keys(): del self._notified_handlers[key] def _process_block(b): temp_list = [] for t in b.block: if isinstance(t, Block): temp_list.extend(_process_block(t)) else: temp_list.append(t) return temp_list handler_list = [] for handler_block in handlers: handler_list.extend(_process_block(handler_block)) # then initialize it with the handler names from the handler list for handler in handler_list: self._notified_handlers[handler.get_name()] = [] def load_callbacks(self): ''' Loads all available callbacks, with the exception of those which utilize the CALLBACK_TYPE option. When CALLBACK_TYPE is set to 'stdout', only one such callback plugin will be loaded. ''' if self._callbacks_loaded: return stdout_callback_loaded = False if self._stdout_callback is None: self._stdout_callback = C.DEFAULT_STDOUT_CALLBACK if isinstance(self._stdout_callback, CallbackBase): stdout_callback_loaded = True elif isinstance(self._stdout_callback, string_types): if self._stdout_callback not in callback_loader: raise AnsibleError("Invalid callback for stdout specified: %s" % self._stdout_callback) else: self._stdout_callback = callback_loader.get(self._stdout_callback) stdout_callback_loaded = True else: raise AnsibleError("callback must be an instance of CallbackBase or the name of a callback plugin") for callback_plugin in callback_loader.all(class_only=True): if hasattr(callback_plugin, 'CALLBACK_VERSION') and callback_plugin.CALLBACK_VERSION >= 2.0: # we only allow one callback of type 'stdout' to be loaded, so check # the name of the current plugin and type to see if we need to skip # loading this callback plugin callback_type = getattr(callback_plugin, 'CALLBACK_TYPE', None) callback_needs_whitelist = getattr(callback_plugin, 'CALLBACK_NEEDS_WHITELIST', False) (callback_name, _) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(callback_plugin._original_path)) if callback_type == 'stdout': if callback_name != self._stdout_callback or stdout_callback_loaded: continue stdout_callback_loaded = True elif callback_name == 'tree' and self._run_tree: pass elif not self._run_additional_callbacks or (callback_needs_whitelist and (C.DEFAULT_CALLBACK_WHITELIST is None or callback_name not in C.DEFAULT_CALLBACK_WHITELIST)): continue self._callback_plugins.append(callback_plugin()) self._callbacks_loaded = True def run(self, play): ''' Iterates over the roles/tasks in a play, using the given (or default) strategy for queueing tasks. The default is the linear strategy, which operates like classic Ansible by keeping all hosts in lock-step with a given task (meaning no hosts move on to the next task until all hosts are done with the current task). ''' if not self._callbacks_loaded: self.load_callbacks() all_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=play) templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=all_vars) new_play = play.copy() new_play.post_validate(templar) self.hostvars = HostVars( inventory=self._inventory, variable_manager=self._variable_manager, loader=self._loader, ) # Fork # of forks, # of hosts or serial, whichever is lowest contenders = [self._options.forks, play.serial, len(self._inventory.get_hosts(new_play.hosts))] contenders = [ v for v in contenders if v is not None and v > 0 ] self._initialize_processes(min(contenders)) play_context = PlayContext(new_play, self._options, self.passwords, self._connection_lockfile.fileno()) for callback_plugin in self._callback_plugins: if hasattr(callback_plugin, 'set_play_context'): callback_plugin.set_play_context(play_context) self.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_play_start', new_play) # initialize the shared dictionary containing the notified handlers self._initialize_notified_handlers(new_play.handlers) # load the specified strategy (or the default linear one) strategy = strategy_loader.get(new_play.strategy, self) if strategy is None: raise AnsibleError("Invalid play strategy specified: %s" % new_play.strategy, obj=play._ds) # build the iterator iterator = PlayIterator( inventory=self._inventory, play=new_play, play_context=play_context, variable_manager=self._variable_manager, all_vars=all_vars, start_at_done = self._start_at_done, ) # during initialization, the PlayContext will clear the start_at_task # field to signal that a matching task was found, so check that here # and remember it so we don't try to skip tasks on future plays if getattr(self._options, 'start_at_task', None) is not None and play_context.start_at_task is None: self._start_at_done = True # and run the play using the strategy and cleanup on way out play_return =, play_context) self._cleanup_processes() return play_return def cleanup(self): display.debug("RUNNING CLEANUP") self.terminate() self._final_q.close() self._cleanup_processes() def _cleanup_processes(self): if self._result_prc: self._result_prc.terminate() for (worker_prc, rslt_q) in self._workers: rslt_q.close() if worker_prc and worker_prc.is_alive(): try: worker_prc.terminate() except AttributeError: pass def clear_failed_hosts(self): self._failed_hosts = dict() def get_inventory(self): return self._inventory def get_variable_manager(self): return self._variable_manager def get_loader(self): return self._loader def get_notified_handlers(self): return self._notified_handlers def get_workers(self): return self._workers[:] def terminate(self): self._terminated = True def send_callback(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): for callback_plugin in [self._stdout_callback] + self._callback_plugins: # a plugin that set self.disabled to True will not be called # see example for such a plugin if getattr(callback_plugin, 'disabled', False): continue # try to find v2 method, fallback to v1 method, ignore callback if no method found methods = [] for possible in [method_name, 'v2_on_any']: gotit = getattr(callback_plugin, possible, None) if gotit is None: gotit = getattr(callback_plugin, possible.replace('v2_',''), None) if gotit is not None: methods.append(gotit) for method in methods: try: # temporary hack, required due to a change in the callback API, so # we don't break backwards compatibility with callbacks which were # designed to use the original API # FIXME: target for removal and revert to the original code here after a year (2017-01-14) if method_name == 'v2_playbook_on_start': import inspect (f_args, f_varargs, f_keywords, f_defaults) = inspect.getargspec(method) if 'playbook' in f_args: method(*args, **kwargs) else: method() else: method(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: #TODO: add config toggle to make this fatal or not? display.warning(u"Failure when attempting to use callback plugin (%s): %s" % (to_unicode(callback_plugin), to_unicode(e)))
import web import datetime import time import datetime db = web.database(dbn='sqlite', db='wrg.db') def get_users(): return'user') def get_user_by_id(id): try: return'user', where='id=$id', vars=locals())[0] except IndexError: return None def get_all_reports(): return'report', order='id DESC') def get_today_reports(): today ='%Y%m%d') try: return'report', where='postdate=$today', vars=locals()) except IndexError: return None def get_report_by_name(name): try: return'report', order='id DESC', where='who=$name', vars=locals())[0] except IndexError: return None def get_report_by_id(id): try: return'report', order='id DESC', where='id=$id', vars=locals())[0] except IndexError: return None def new_report(job, risk, plan, who): #db.insert('report', job = job, risk = risk, plan = plan, postdate = time.asctime()) _today = _postdate = _today.strftime('%Y%m%d') db.insert('report', job=job, risk=risk, plan=plan, postdate=_postdate, who=who) def del_report_by_id(id): db.delete('report', where='id=$id', vars=locals()) def update_report_by_id(id, job, risk, plan): _today = _postdate = _today.strftime('%Y%m%d') db.update('report', where='id=$id', vars=locals(), job=job, risk=risk, plan=plan, postdate=_postdate)
''' Create a Droplet eg: doto start --name Random --size_id 66 --image_id 2158507 --region_id 1 --ssh_key_ids 89221 ''' from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from doto import connect_d0 def main(args): d0 = connect_d0() name = size_id = args.size_id image_id = args.image_id region_id = args.region_id ssh_keys = args.ssh_key_ids #convert ssh_keys to list of ints ssh_keys = ssh_keys.split(',') ssh_key_ids = [int(key) for key in ssh_keys] d0.create_droplet(name=name,size_id=size_id, image_id=image_id,region_id=region_id, ssh_key_ids=ssh_key_ids,) def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser('start', help='create a droplet or cluster of droplets', description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="name", action="store", default=None, required=True) parser.add_argument("-s", "--size_id", dest="size_id",type=int, action="store", default=None, required=True) parser.add_argument("-i", "--image_id", dest="image_id",type=int, action="store", default=None, required=True) parser.add_argument("-r", "--region_id", dest="region_id",type=int, action="store", default=None, required=True) parser.add_argument("-k", "--ssh_key_ids", dest="ssh_key_ids", action="store", default=None,help='comma separated ints', required=True) parser.set_defaults(main=main, sub_parser=parser)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ How many different ways can L2 be made using any number of coins? """ def pe31(target=200): """ >>> pe31() 73682 """ coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200] ways = [1] + [0] * target for coin in coins: for i in range(coin, target + 1): ways[i] += ways[i - coin] return ways[target] if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() try: while True: s = input('> ') n = int(s) print(pe31(n)) except (SyntaxError, EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, NameError): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 DIANA-HEP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import math import re import sys from femtocode.defs import FemtocodeError from femtocode.parser import t_NAME from femtocode.py23 import * from femtocode.util import * inf = float("inf") pi = math.pi class almost(float): """almost(x) -> open end of an interval Obeys open-closed arithmetic assuming that float(x) is the closed end of an interval. """ @staticmethod def min(*args): if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("almost.min() takes at least 1 argument") elif len(args) == 1: return args[0] elif len(args) == 2: a, b = args if a < b: return a elif b < a: return b elif not isinstance(a, almost): return a else: return b else: return almost.min(*((almost.min(args[0], args[1]),) + args[2:])) @staticmethod def max(*args): if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("almost.max() takes at least 1 argument") elif len(args) == 1: return args[0] elif len(args) == 2: a, b = args if a > b: return a elif b > a: return b elif not isinstance(a, almost): return a else: return b else: return almost.max(*((almost.max(args[0], args[1]),) + args[2:])) @staticmethod def complement(a): if isinstance(a, almost): return a.real elif isinstance(a, (int, long, float)): return almost(a) else: raise TypeError def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, almost): return self.real == other.real else: return False def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, almost): return self.real != other.real else: return True def __hash__(self): return hash((None, self.real)) def __repr__(self): return "almost(" + repr(self.real) + ")" def __str__(self): return "almost(" + str(self.real) + ")" def __abs__(self): return almost(abs(self.real)) def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return almost(-self.real) def __add__(self, other): return almost(self.real + other) def __radd__(self, other): return almost(other + self.real) def __sub__(self, other): return almost(self.real - other) def __rsub__(self, other): return almost(other - self.real) def __mul__(self, other): return almost(self.real * other) def __rmul__(self, other): return almost(other * self.real) def __pow__(self, other): return almost(self.real**other) def __rpow__(self, other): return almost(other**self.real) def __div__(self, other): return almost(self.real / other) def __rdiv__(self, other): return almost(other / self.real) def __truediv__(self, other): return almost(1.0*self.real / other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return almost(1.0*other / self.real) def __floordiv__(self, other): return almost(self.real // other) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return almost(other // self.real) def __mod__(self, other): return almost(self.real % other) def __rmod__(self, other): return almost(other % self.real) def __divmod__(self, other): a, b = divmod(self.real, other) return (almost(a), almost(b)) def __rdivmod__(self, other): a, b = divmod(other, self.real) return (almost(a), almost(b)) class Schema(Serializable): def __init__(self, alias=None): self.alias = alias if alias is None: self._aliases = set() elif isinstance(alias, string_types): self._aliases = set([(alias, self)]) else: raise FemtocodeError("alias {0} must be None or a string".format(alias)) def __repr__(self): return self._repr_memo(set()) def _update_memo(self, memo): if self.alias is not None: if self.alias in memo: return self.alias else: memo.add(self.alias) return None else: return None def name(self, plural=False): if plural: return self.__class__.__name__ + "s" else: return self.__class__.__name__ def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.__class__ == other.__class__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.__ge__(other) and not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order,)) def __call__(self, alias=None): return self.__class__(alias) @staticmethod def _numtojson(obj): if obj.real == -inf: num = "-inf" elif obj.real == inf: num = "inf" elif round(obj.real) == obj.real: num = int(obj.real) else: num = obj.real if isinstance(obj, almost): return {"almost": num} else: return num @staticmethod def _numfromjson(obj, path): if isinstance(obj, dict) and len(obj) == 1 and "almost" in obj: if obj["almost"] == "-inf": return almost(-inf) elif obj["almost"] == "inf": return almost(inf) elif isinstance(obj["almost"], (int, long, float)): return almost(obj["almost"]) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected number, \"-inf\", \"inf\" or {{\"almost\": _}} at JSON{0}\n\n found {1}".format(path, obj)) elif isinstance(obj, (int, long, float) + string_types): if obj == "-inf": return -inf elif obj == "inf": return inf elif isinstance(obj, (int, long, float)): return obj else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected number, \"-inf\", \"inf\" or {{\"almost\": _}} at JSON{0}\n\n found {1}".format(path, obj)) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected number, \"-inf\", \"inf\" or {{\"almost\": _}} at JSON{0}\n\n found {1}".format(path, obj)) @staticmethod def fromJson(obj): def build(obj, path): if obj is None: return null elif isinstance(obj, string_types): if obj == "impossible": return impossible elif obj == "null": return null elif obj == "boolean": return boolean elif obj == "integer": return integer elif obj == "extended": return extended elif obj == "real": return real elif obj == "string": return string elif obj == "empty": return empty else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected name of concrete type at JSON{0}\n\n found {1}".format(path, obj)) elif isinstance(obj, dict): if len(obj) == 1 and "alias" in obj: return obj["alias"] # this is a placeholder, to be replaced in resolve (below) elif "type" in obj: if obj["type"] in ("impossible", "null", "empty"): kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) if obj["type"] == "impossible": return impossible(**kwds) elif obj["type"] == "null": return null(**kwds) elif obj["type"] == "empty": return empty(**kwds) elif obj["type"] == "boolean": kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) if "just" in obj: if obj["just"] is True or obj["just"] is False: kwds["just"] = obj["just"] elif obj["just"] is None: pass else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"just\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be true, false, or null at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["just"]))) unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "just"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) return boolean(**kwds) elif obj["type"] in ("integer", "real", "extended"): kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) if "min" in obj: kwds["min"] = Schema._numfromjson(obj["min"], path + "[\"min\"]") if "max" in obj: kwds["max"] = Schema._numfromjson(obj["max"], path + "[\"max\"]") unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "min", "max"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) try: if obj["type"] == "integer": return integer(**kwds) elif obj["type"] == "real": return real(**kwds) elif obj["type"] == "extended": return extended(**kwds) except FemtocodeError as err: raise FemtocodeError("Error in arguments for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n {2}".format(obj["type"], path, str(err))) elif obj["type"] == "string": kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) if "charset" in obj: if isinstance(obj["charset"], string_types): kwds["charset"] = obj["charset"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"charset\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["charset"]))) if "fewest" in obj: kwds["fewest"] = Schema._numfromjson(obj["fewest"], path + "[\"fewest\"]") if "most" in obj: kwds["most"] = Schema._numfromjson(obj["most"], path + "[\"most\"]") unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "charset", "fewest", "most"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) try: return string(**kwds) except FemtocodeError as err: raise FemtocodeError("Error in arguments for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n {2}".format(obj["type"], path, str(err))) elif obj["type"] == "collection": kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) if "items" in obj: kwds["items"] = build(obj["items"], path + "[\"items\"]") else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"items\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, obj.keys())))) if "fewest" in obj: kwds["fewest"] = Schema._numfromjson(obj["fewest"], path + "[\"fewest\"]") if "most" in obj: kwds["most"] = Schema._numfromjson(obj["most"], path + "[\"most\"]") if "ordered" in obj: if isinstance(obj["ordered"], bool): kwds["ordered"] = obj["ordered"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"ordered\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be bool at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["ordered"]))) unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "items", "fewest", "most", "ordered"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) try: return collection(**kwds) except FemtocodeError as err: raise FemtocodeError("Error in arguments for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n {2}".format(obj["type"], path, str(err))) elif obj["type"] in ("vector", "matrix", "tensor"): kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) if "items" in obj: items = build(obj["items"], path + "[\"items\"]") else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"items\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, obj.keys())))) if "dimensions" in obj: if isinstance(obj["dimensions"], list): if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in obj["dimensions"]): dimensions = obj["dimensions"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"dimensions\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be an array of integers at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["dimensions"]))) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"dimensions\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be [...] at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["dimensions"]))) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"dimensions\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, obj.keys())))) unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "items", "dimensions"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) try: if obj["type"] == "vector": return vector(items, *dimensions, **kwds) elif obj["type"] == "matrix": return matrix(items, *dimensions, **kwds) elif obj["type"] == "tensor": return tensor(items, *dimensions, **kwds) except FemtocodeError as err: raise FemtocodeError("Error in arguments for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n {2}".format(obj["type"], path, str(err))) elif obj["type"] == "record": kwds = {} if "alias" in obj: if isinstance(obj["alias"], string_types): kwds["alias"] = obj["alias"] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"alias\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be string at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["alias"]))) if "fields" in obj: if isinstance(obj["fields"], dict) and all(isinstance(x, string_types) for x in obj["fields"].keys()): kwds["fields"] = dict((n, build(t, path + "[\"fields\"][" + json.dumps(n) + "]")) for n, t in obj["fields"].items()) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"fields\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be {{...}}} at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["fields"]))) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"fields\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, obj.keys())))) unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "fields"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) try: return Record(**kwds) except FemtocodeError as err: raise FemtocodeError("Error in arguments for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n {2}".format(obj["type"], path, str(err))) elif obj["type"] == "union": if "possibilities" in obj: if isinstance(obj["possibilities"], list): possibilities = [build(t, path + "[{0}]".format(i)) for i, t in enumerate(obj["possibilities"])] else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"possibilities\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" to be [...] at JSON{1}\n\n found {2}".format(obj["type"], path, json.dumps(obj["possibilities"]))) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"possibilities\" for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, obj.keys())))) unexpected = set(obj.keys()).difference(set(["_id", "type", "alias", "possibilities"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("Unexpected keys for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n found unexpected keys {2}".format(obj["type"], path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, unexpected)))) try: return union(*possibilities) except FemtocodeError as err: raise FemtocodeError("Error in arguments for \"type\": \"{0}\" at JSON{1}\n\n {2}".format(obj["type"], path, str(err))) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected name of parameterized type at JSON{0}\n\n found {1}".format(path, obj)) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected \"type\" in {{...}} at JSON{0}\n\n found keys {1}".format(path, ", ".join(map(json.dumps, obj.keys())))) else: raise FemtocodeError("Expected string or {{...}} at JSON{0}\n\n found {1}".format(path, obj)) out = build(obj, "") return resolve([out])[0] def toJson(self): return self._json_memo(set()) class Impossible(Schema): # results in a compilation error order = 0 def __init__(self, reason=None, alias=None): self.reason = reason super(Impossible, self).__init__(alias) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) if self.alias is not None: return "impossible(alias={0})".format(json.dumps(self.alias)) else: return "impossible" def __contains__(self, other): return False def __call__(self, reason=None, alias=None): return self.__class__(self.reason if reason is None else reason, alias) def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} if self.alias is not None: return {"type": "impossible", "alias": self.alias} else: return "impossible" # Primitive types would have no size column if they're not in a collection class Primitive(Schema): pass class Null(Primitive): order = 1 def __init__(self, alias=None): super(Null, self).__init__(alias) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) if self.alias is not None: return "null(alias={0})".format(json.dumps(self.alias)) else: return "null" def __contains__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Null) or other is None def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} if self.alias is not None: return {"type": "null", "alias": self.alias} else: return "null" class Boolean(Primitive): order = 2 def __init__(self, just=None, alias=None): self.just = just super(Boolean, self).__init__(alias) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) args = [] if self.just is not None: args.append("just={0}".format(repr(self.just))) if self.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(self.alias))) if len(args) > 0: return "boolean({0})".format(", ".join(args)) else: return "boolean" def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Boolean): if other.just is True: return self.just is None or self.just is True elif other.just is False: return self.just is None or self.just is False else: return self.just is None else: if other is True: return self.just is None or self.just is True elif other is False: return self.just is None or self.just is False else: return False def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): if self.order == other.order: return self.just < other.just else: return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.just == other.just def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order, self.just)) def __call__(self, just=(), alias=None): return self.__class__(self.just if just == () else just, alias) def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} args = {} if self.just is not None: args["just"] = self.just if self.alias is not None: args["alias"] = self.alias if len(args) > 0: args["type"] = "boolean" return args else: return "boolean" class Number(Primitive): order = 3 _floatNaN = float("nan") _intNaN = 9221120237041090560 # byte-for-byte equivalent of float("nan") # numpy.array([float("nan")], dtype=">f8").view(">i8")[0] # numpy.array([float("nan")], dtype="<f8").view("<i8")[0] # 99.975% of the maximum possible value: 9223372036854775807 def __init__(self, min=almost(-inf), max=almost(inf), whole=False, alias=None): if not isinstance(min, (int, long, float)): raise FemtocodeError("Number min ({0}) must be a number (or an almost(number))".format(min)) if not isinstance(max, (int, long, float)): raise FemtocodeError("Number max ({0}) must be a number (or an almost(number))".format(max)) if not isinstance(whole, bool): raise FemtocodeError("Number whole ({0}) must be bool".format(whole)) if not isinstance(min, almost) and not isinstance(max, almost) and min == max and not math.isinf(min) and round(min) == min: whole = True if whole: if min == -inf: raise FemtocodeError("for whole Number intervals, min ({0}) cannot be -inf; try almost(-inf)".format(min)) if max == inf: raise FemtocodeError("for whole Number intervals, max ({0}) cannot be inf; try almost(inf)".format(max)) if min != almost(-inf): if isinstance(min, almost) and round(min.real) == min.real: min = min.real + 1 if round(min.real) != min.real: min = math.ceil(min) min = int(min) if max != almost(inf): if isinstance(max, almost) and round(max.real) == max.real: max = max.real - 1 if round(max.real) != max.real: max = math.floor(max) max = int(max) else: if isinstance(min, almost): min = almost(float(min.real)) else: min = float(min) if isinstance(max, almost): max = almost(float(max.real)) else: max = float(max) if min > max: raise FemtocodeError("Number min ({0}) must not be greater than max ({1}){2}".format(min, max, " after adjustments for whole-numbered interval" if whole else "")) if min.real == max.real and (isinstance(min, almost) or isinstance(max, almost)): raise FemtocodeError("Number min ({0}) and max ({1}) may only be equal to one another if they are closed endpoints (not almost(endpoint))".format(min, max)) # get rid of negative zeros (for display reasons) if min == 0: min = 0 elif min == almost(0): min = almost(0) if max == 0: max = 0 elif max == almost(0): max = almost(0) self.min = min self.max = max self.whole = whole super(Number, self).__init__(alias) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) if self.whole and self.min == almost(-inf) and self.max == almost(inf): base = "integer" args = [] elif self.whole: base = "integer" args = ["min={0}".format(self.min), "max={0}".format(self.max)] elif self.min == -inf and self.max == inf: base = "extended" args = [] elif self.min == -inf or self.max == inf: base = "extended" args = ["min={0}".format(self.min), "max={0}".format(self.max)] elif self.min == almost(-inf) and self.max == almost(inf): base = "real" args = [] else: base = "real" args = ["min={0}".format(self.min), "max={0}".format(self.max)] if self.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(self.alias))) if len(args) == 0: return base else: return "{0}({1})".format(base, ", ".join(args)) def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Number): return almost.min(self.min, other.min) == self.min and \ almost.max(self.max, other.max) == self.max and \ (not self.whole or other.whole or (other.min == other.max and round(other.min) == other.min)) elif isinstance(other, Schema): return False elif isinstance(other, (int, long, float)): if math.isnan(other): return False else: return almost.min(self.min, other) == self.min and \ almost.max(self.max, other) == self.max and \ (not self.whole or round(other) == other) else: return False def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): if self.order == other.order: if self.min == other.min: if self.max == other.max: return self.whole < other.whole else: return self.max < other.max else: return self.min < other.min else: return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \ self.min == other.min and \ self.max == other.max and \ self.whole == other.whole def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order, self.min, self.max, self.whole)) def __call__(self, min=None, max=None, whole=None, alias=None): return self.__class__(self.min if min is None else min, self.max if max is None else max, self.whole if whole is None else whole, alias) def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} if self.whole and self.min == almost(-inf) and self.max == almost(inf): out = {"type": "integer"} elif self.whole: out = {"type": "integer", "min": Schema._numtojson(self.min), "max": Schema._numtojson(self.max)} elif self.min == -inf and self.max == inf: out = {"type": "extended"} elif self.min == -inf or self.max == inf: out = {"type": "extended", "min": Schema._numtojson(self.min), "max": Schema._numtojson(self.max)} elif self.min == almost(-inf) and self.max == almost(inf): out = {"type": "real"} else: out = {"type": "real", "min": Schema._numtojson(self.min), "max": Schema._numtojson(self.max)} if self.alias is not None: out["alias"] = self.alias if len(out) == 1: return out["type"] else: return out class String(Schema): order = 4 def __init__(self, charset="bytes", fewest=0, most=almost(inf), alias=None): if charset not in ("bytes", "unicode"): raise FemtocodeError("String charset {0} not recognized".format(json.dumps(charset))) if not (isinstance(fewest, (int, long, float)) and not isinstance(fewest, almost) and fewest >= 0 and round(fewest) == fewest): raise FemtocodeError("String fewest ({0}) must be a nonnegative integer".format(fewest)) if not (isinstance(most, (int, long, float)) and (most == almost(inf) or (not isinstance(most, almost) and round(most) == most))): raise FemtocodeError("String most ({0}) must be an integer or almost(inf)".format(most)) if fewest > most: raise FemtocodeError("String fewest ({0}) must not be greater than most ({1})".format(fewest, most)) self.charset = charset self.fewest = int(fewest) self.most = int(most) if most != almost(inf) else most super(String, self).__init__(alias) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) args = [] if self.charset != "bytes": args.append("{0}".format(json.dumps(self.charset))) if not self.fewest == 0: args.append("fewest={0}".format(self.fewest)) if not self.most == almost(inf): args.append("most={0}".format(self.most)) if self.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(self.alias))) if len(args) == 0: return "string" else: return "string({0})".format(", ".join(args)) def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, String): return self.charset == other.charset and \ integer(other.fewest, other.most) in integer(self.fewest, self.most) elif isinstance(other, string_types): ok = False if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: if self.charset == "bytes" and isinstance(other, bytes): ok = True if self.charset == "unicode" and isinstance(other, str): ok = True else: if self.charset == "bytes" and isinstance(other, str): ok = True if self.charset == "unicode" and isinstance(other, unicode): ok = True return ok and (self.fewest <= len(other) <= self.most) else: return False def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): if self.order == other.order: if self.charset == other.charset: if self.fewest == other.fewest: return self.most < other.most else: return self.fewest < other.fewest else: return self.charset < other.charset else: return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.order == other.order and \ self.charset == other.charset and \ self.fewest == other.fewest and \ self.most == other.most def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order, self.charset, self.fewest, self.most)) def __call__(self, charset=None, fewest=None, most=None, alias=None): return self.__class__(self.charset if charset is None else charset, self.fewest if fewest is None else fewest, self.most if most is None else most, alias) def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} out = {} if self.charset != "bytes": out["charset"] = self.charset if not self.fewest == 0: out["fewest"] = Schema._numtojson(self.fewest) if not self.most == almost(inf): out["most"] = Schema._numtojson(self.most) if self.alias is not None: out["alias"] = self.alias if len(out) == 0: return "string" else: out["type"] = "string" return out class Collection(Schema): order = 5 def __init__(self, items, fewest=0, most=almost(inf), ordered=False, alias=None): if not isinstance(items, (Schema,) + string_types): raise FemtocodeError("Collection items ({0}) must be a Schema or an alias string".format(items)) if not (isinstance(fewest, (int, long, float)) and not isinstance(fewest, almost) and fewest >= 0 and round(fewest) == fewest): raise FemtocodeError("Collection fewest ({0}) must be a nonnegative integer".format(fewest)) if not (isinstance(most, (int, long, float)) and (most == almost(inf) or (not isinstance(most, almost) and round(most) == most))): raise FemtocodeError("Collection most ({0}) must be an integer or almost(inf)".format(most)) if fewest > most: raise FemtocodeError("Collection fewest ({0}) must not be greater than most ({1})".format(fewest, most)) if not isinstance(ordered, bool): raise FemtocodeError("Collection ordered ({0}) must be bool".format(ordered)) if most == 0: self.items = null self.fewest = int(fewest) self.most = 0 self.ordered = True else: self.items = items self.fewest = int(fewest) self.most = int(most) if most != almost(inf) else most self.ordered = ordered super(Collection, self).__init__(alias) if most == 0: # we drop items if most == 0, but don't lose its aliases def getaliases(x): if isinstance(x, Schema): self._aliases.update(x._aliases) if isinstance(x, Collection): getaliases(x.items) elif isinstance(x, Record): for t in x.fields.values(): getaliases(t) elif isinstance(x, Union): for p in x.possibilities: getaliases(p) getaliases(items) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) if self.most == 0: if self.alias is None: return "empty" else: return "empty(alias={0})".format(json.dumps(self.alias)) def generic(): args = [self.items._repr_memo(memo) if isinstance(self.items, Schema) else repr(self.items)] if self.fewest != 0: args.append("fewest={0}".format(self.fewest)) if self.most != almost(inf): args.append("most={0}".format(self.most)) if self.ordered: args.append("ordered={0}".format(self.ordered)) if self.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(self.alias))) return "collection({0})".format(", ".join(args)) dimensions = [] items = self while isinstance(items, Collection) and items.ordered and items.fewest == items.most and items.fewest != 0: if not items.ordered: return generic() dimensions.append(items.fewest) items = items.items args = list(map(repr, dimensions)) if self.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(self.alias))) if len(dimensions) == 1: return "vector({0}, {1})".format(items._repr_memo(memo) if isinstance(items, Schema) else repr(items), ", ".join(args)) elif len(dimensions) == 2: return "matrix({0}, {1})".format(items._repr_memo(memo) if isinstance(items, Schema) else repr(items), ", ".join(args)) elif len(dimensions) > 2: return "tensor({0}, {1})".format(items._repr_memo(memo) if isinstance(items, Schema) else repr(items), ", ".join(args)) else: return generic() def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Collection): ok = True if self.ordered: ok = ok and other.ordered # ordered is more specific than unordered ok = ok and integer(other.fewest, other.most) in integer(self.fewest, self.most) if self.most == 0 or other.most == 0: return ok else: # contents only matter if either of the collections can be nonempty return ok and other.items in self.items elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple, set)): ok = True if self.ordered: ok = ok and isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) ok = ok and self.fewest <= len(other) <= self.most return ok and all(x in self.items for x in other) else: return False def _items(self): if isinstance(self.items, Schema) and self.items.alias is not None: return self.items.alias else: return self.items def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): if self.order == other.order: if self._items() == other._items(): if self.fewest == other.fewest: if self.most == other.most: return self.ordered < other.ordered else: return self.most < other.most else: return self.fewest < other.fewest else: return self._items() < other._items() else: return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.order == other.order and \ self._items() == other._items() and \ self.fewest == other.fewest and \ self.most == other.most and \ self.ordered == other.ordered def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order, self._items(), self.fewest, self.most, self.ordered)) def __call__(self, items=None, fewest=None, most=None, ordered=None, alias=None): return self.__class__(self.items if items is None else items, self.fewest if fewest is None else fewest, self.most if most is None else most, self.ordered if ordered is None else ordered, alias) def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} if self.most == 0: if self.alias is None: return "empty" else: return {"type": "empty", "alias": self.alias} def generic(): out = {"type": "collection", "items": self.items._json_memo(memo)} if self.fewest != 0: out["fewest"] = Schema._numtojson(self.fewest) if self.most != almost(inf): out["most"] = Schema._numtojson(self.most) if self.ordered: out["ordered"] = self.ordered if self.alias is not None: out["alias"] = self.alias return out dimensions = [] items = self while isinstance(items, Collection) and items.ordered and items.fewest == items.most and items.fewest != 0: if not items.ordered: return generic() dimensions.append(items.fewest) items = items.items out = {"dimensions": dimensions} if self.alias is not None: out["alias"] = self.alias if len(dimensions) == 1: out["type"] = "vector" out["items"] = items._json_memo(memo) return out elif len(dimensions) == 2: out["type"] = "matrix" out["items"] = items._json_memo(memo) return out elif len(dimensions) > 2: out["type"] = "tensor" out["items"] = items._json_memo(memo) return out else: return generic() class Record(Schema): order = 6 def __init__(self, fields, alias=None): if not isinstance(fields, dict): raise FemtocodeError("Record fields ({0}) must be a dictionary".format(fields)) if len(fields) == 0: raise FemtocodeError("Record fields ({0}) must contain at least one field-type pair".format(fields)) for n, t in fields.items(): if not isinstance(n, string_types) or not isinstance(t, (Schema,) + string_types): raise FemtocodeError("all Record fields ({0}: {1}) must map field names (string) to field types (Schema or alias string)".format(n, t)) if re.match("^" + t_NAME.__doc__ + "$", n) is None: raise FemtocodeError("Not a valid field name: {0}".format(json.dumps(n))) self.fields = fields super(Record, self).__init__(alias) def _repr_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return json.dumps(out) if self.alias is not None: alias = json.dumps(self.alias) + ", " else: alias = "" return "record({0}{1})".format(alias, ", ".join(n + "=" + (t._repr_memo(memo) if isinstance(t, Schema) else repr(t)) for n, t in sorted(self.fields.items()))) def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Record): # other only needs to have fields that self requires; it may have more for n, t in self.fields.items(): if n not in other.fields or other.fields[n] not in t: return False return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): return False else: for n, t in self.fields.items(): if not hasattr(other, n) or getattr(other, n) not in t: return False return True def _field(self, name): if isinstance(self.fields[name], Schema) and self.fields[name].alias is not None: return self.fields[name].alias else: return self.fields[name] def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): if self.order == other.order: return [self._field(n) for n in sorted(self.fields)] < [other._field(n) for n in sorted(other.fields)] else: return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.order == other.order and \ [self._field(n) for n in sorted(self.fields)] == [other._field(n) for n in sorted(other.fields)] def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order, tuple(self._field(n) for n in sorted(self.fields)))) def __call__(self, __alias__=None, **fields): return self.__class__(dict(self.fields, **fields), __alias__) def _json_memo(self, memo): out = self._update_memo(memo) if out is not None: return {"alias": out} out = {"type": "record", "fields": dict((n, t._json_memo(memo)) for n, t in self.fields.items())} if self.alias is not None: out["alias"] = self.alias return out class Union(Schema): order = 7 def __init__(self, possibilities): # Unions can't have aliases because of a case that would lead to unresolvable references if not isinstance(possibilities, (list, tuple)): raise FemtocodeError("Union possibilities ({0}) must be a list or tuple".format(possibilities)) for p in possibilities: if not isinstance(p, (Schema,) + string_types): raise FemtocodeError("all Union possibilities ({0}) must be Schemas or alias strings".format(p)) if len(possibilities) <= 1: raise FemtocodeError("more than one Union possibility required: {0}".format(possibilities)) # flatten Union of Unions ps = [] aliases = set() def merge(p): if isinstance(p, Union): for pi in p.possibilities: merge(pi) aliases.update(p._aliases) else: ps.append(p) for p in possibilities: merge(p) self.possibilities = tuple(sorted(ps)) super(Union, self).__init__(None) self._aliases.update(aliases) def _repr_memo(self, memo): return "union({0})".format(", ".join(x._repr_memo(memo) if isinstance(x, Schema) else repr(x) for x in self.possibilities)) def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Union): # everything that other can be must also be allowed for self for other_t in other.possibilities: if not any(other_t in self_t for self_t in self.possibilities): return False return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): # other is a single type, not a Union if not any(other in self_t for self_t in self.possibilities): return False return True else: # other is an instance (same code, but repeated for clarity) if not any(other in self_t for self_t in self.possibilities): return False return True def _possibility(self, index): if isinstance(self.possibilities[index], Schema) and self.possibilities[index].alias is not None: return self.possibilities[index].alias else: return self.possibilities[index] def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, string_types): return True elif isinstance(other, Schema): if self.order == other.order: return [self._possibility(i) for i in xrange(len(self.possibilities))] < [other._possibility(i) for i in xrange(len(other.possibilities))] else: return self.order < other.order else: raise TypeError("unorderable types: {0}() < {1}()".format(self.__class__.__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Schema): return False return self.order == other.order and \ [self._possibility(i) for i in xrange(len(self.possibilities))] == [other._possibility(i) for i in xrange(len(other.possibilities))] def __hash__(self): return hash((self.order, tuple(self._possibility(i) for i in xrange(len(self.possibilities))))) def __call__(self, *possibilities): return self.__class__(possibilities) def _json_memo(self, memo): return {"type": "union", "possibilities": [x._json_memo(memo) for x in self.possibilities]} def _unionNullNumber_helper(schema): hasNull = False hasNumber = False hasAnythingElse = False whole = True if isinstance(schema, Number): hasNumber = True whole = schema.whole elif isinstance(schema, Union): for p in schema.possibilities: if isinstance(p, Null): hasNull = True elif isinstance(p, Number): hasNumber = True if not p.whole: whole = False else: hasAnythingElse = True return hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole def isInt(schema): hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole = _unionNullNumber_helper(schema) return not hasNull and hasNumber and not hasAnythingElse and whole def isFloat(schema): hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole = _unionNullNumber_helper(schema) return not hasNull and hasNumber and not hasAnythingElse and not whole def isNumber(schema): hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole = _unionNullNumber_helper(schema) return not hasNull and hasNumber and not hasAnythingElse def isNullInt(schema): hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole = _unionNullNumber_helper(schema) return hasNull and hasNumber and not hasAnythingElse and whole def isNullFloat(schema): hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole = _unionNullNumber_helper(schema) return hasNull and hasNumber and not hasAnythingElse and not whole def isNullNumber(schema): hasNull, hasNumber, hasAnythingElse, whole = _unionNullNumber_helper(schema) return hasNull and hasNumber and not hasAnythingElse def _collectAliases(schema, aliases): for n, t in schema._aliases: if n in aliases and t != aliases[n]: raise FemtocodeError("type alias {0} redefined:\n\n{1}".format(json.dumps(n), compare(t, aliases[n], header=("original", "redefinition")))) aliases[n] = t if isinstance(schema, Collection): if isinstance(schema.items, Schema): _collectAliases(schema.items, aliases) elif isinstance(schema, Record): for x in schema.fields.values(): if isinstance(x, Schema): _collectAliases(x, aliases) elif isinstance(schema, Union): for x in schema.possibilities: if isinstance(x, Schema): _collectAliases(x, aliases) def _getAlias(alias, aliases, top): if alias in aliases: return aliases[alias] else: raise FemtocodeError("type alias {0} not defined in any schemas of this Femtocode group:\n\n{1}".format(json.dumps(alias), pretty(top, lambda t: "-->" if t == alias else " "))) def _applyAliases(schema, aliases, top): if isinstance(schema, Collection): if isinstance(schema.items, string_types): schema.items = _getAlias(schema.items, aliases, top) else: schema.items = _applyAliases(schema.items, aliases, top) elif isinstance(schema, Record): for n, t in schema.fields.items(): if isinstance(t, string_types): schema.fields[n] = _getAlias(t, aliases, top) else: schema.fields[n] = _applyAliases(t, aliases, top) elif isinstance(schema, Union): possibilities = [] for p in schema.possibilities: if isinstance(p, string_types): possibilities.append(_getAlias(p, aliases, top)) else: possibilities.append(_applyAliases(p, aliases, top)) # reevaluate whether this ought to be a Union schema = union(*possibilities) return schema def resolve(schemas): aliases = {} for schema in schemas: if isinstance(schema, Schema): _collectAliases(schema, aliases) # although it returns a list, it also changes the schemas in-place (only way to make circular references) out = [] for schema in schemas: if isinstance(schema, Schema): out.append(_applyAliases(schema, aliases, schema)) else: if schema in aliases: out.append(aliases[schema]) else: raise FemtocodeError("type alias {0} not defined anywhere in this Femtocode group".format(json.dumps(schema))) return out def _pretty(schema, depth, comma, memo): if isinstance(schema, string_types): return [(depth, json.dumps(schema) + comma, schema)] elif isinstance(schema, (Impossible, Null, Boolean, Number, String)) or isNumber(schema) or isNullNumber(schema): return [(depth, schema._repr_memo(memo) + comma, schema)] elif isinstance(schema, Collection): if schema.alias is not None: if schema.alias in memo: return [(depth, json.dumps(schema.alias) + comma, schema)] else: memo.add(schema.alias) if schema.most == 0: return [(depth, schema._repr_memo(memo) + comma, schema)] def generic(schema): args = [] if schema.fewest != 0: args.append("fewest={0}".format(schema.fewest)) if schema.most != almost(inf): args.append("most={0}".format(schema.most)) if schema.most != 0 and schema.ordered: args.append("ordered={0}".format(schema.ordered)) if schema.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(schema.alias))) return "collection(", schema.items, ", ".join(args) + ")" def specific(schema): dimensions = [] items = schema while isinstance(items, Collection) and items.ordered and items.fewest == items.most: if not items.ordered: return generic(schema) dimensions.append(items.fewest) items = items.items args = [] if schema.alias is not None: args.append("alias={0}".format(json.dumps(schema.alias))) args.extend(map(repr, dimensions)) if len(dimensions) == 1: return "vector(", items, ", ".join(args) + ")" elif len(dimensions) == 2: return "matrix(", items, ", ".join(args) + ")" elif len(dimensions) > 2: return "tensor(", items, ", ".join(args) + ")" else: return generic(schema) before, items, after = specific(schema) return [(depth, before, schema)] + _pretty(items, depth + 1, "" if after == ")" else ",", memo) + [(depth + 1, after + comma, schema)] elif isinstance(schema, Record): if schema.alias is not None: if schema.alias in memo: return [(depth, json.dumps(schema.alias) + comma, schema)] else: memo.add(schema.alias) fields = [] for i, (n, t) in enumerate(sorted(schema.fields.items())): sub = _pretty(t, depth + 1, "," if i < len(schema.fields) - 1 else "", memo) fields.extend([(sub[0][0], n + "=" + sub[0][1], sub[0][2])] + sub[1:]) if schema.alias is not None: alias = json.dumps(schema.alias) + ", " else: alias = "" return [(depth, "record(" + alias, schema)] + fields + [(depth + 1, "){0}".format(comma), schema)] elif isinstance(schema, Union): types = [] for i, t in enumerate(schema.possibilities): sub = _pretty(t, depth + 1, "," if i < len(schema.possibilities) - 1 else "", memo) types.extend(sub) return [(depth, "union(", schema)] + types + [(depth + 1, "){0}".format(comma), schema)] else: assert False, "unhandled kind" def pretty(schema, highlight=lambda t: "", indent=" ", prefix="", memo=None): if memo is None: memo = set() return "\n".join("{0}{1}{2}{3}".format(prefix, highlight(subschema), indent * depth, line) for depth, line, subschema in _pretty(schema, 0, "", memo)) def compare(one, two, header=None, between=lambda t1, t2: " " if t1 == t2 or t1 is None or t2 is None else ">", indent=" ", prefix="", width=None): one = _pretty(one, 0, "", set()) two = _pretty(two, 0, "", set()) i1 = 0 i2 = 0 if width is None: width = max(max([len(indent)*depth + len(line) for depth, line, _ in one]), max([len(indent)*depth + len(line) for depth, line, _ in two])) if header is not None: width = max([width, len(header[0]), len(header[1])]) if header is not None: left, right = header # assuming header is a 2-tuple of strings out = [(prefix + "{0:%d} {1:%d} {2:%d}" % (width, len(between(None, None)), width)).format(left[:width], "|", right[:width]), (prefix + "-" * width) + "-+-" + ("-" * width)] else: out = [] while i1 < len(one) or i2 < len(two): d1, line1, t1 = one[i1] if i1 < len(one) else (d1, "", None) d2, line2, t2 = two[i2] if i2 < len(two) else (d2, "", None) if d1 >= d2: line1 = indent * d1 + line1 line1 = ("{0:%d}" % width).format(line1[:width]) if d2 >= d1: line2 = indent * d2 + line2 line2 = ("{0:%d}" % width).format(line2[:width]) if d1 == d2: out.append(prefix + line1 + " " + between(t1, t2) + " " + line2) i1 += 1 i2 += 1 elif d1 > d2: out.append(prefix + line1 + " " + between(t1, None) + " " + (" " * width)) i1 += 1 elif d2 > d1: out.append(prefix + (" " * width) + " " + between(None, t2) + " " + line2) i2 += 1 return "\n".join(out) concrete = ("inf", "null", "boolean", "integer", "real", "extended", "string", "empty") parameterized = ("almost", "null", "boolean", "integer", "real", "extended", "string", "empty", "collection", "vector", "matrix", "tensor", "record", "union", "intersection", "difference") impossible = Impossible() null = Null() boolean = Boolean() integer = Number(almost(-inf), almost(inf), True) real = Number(almost(-inf), almost(inf), False) extended = Number(-inf, inf, False) string = String("bytes", 0, almost(inf)) empty = Collection(null, 0, 0, True) def collection(items, fewest=0, most=almost(inf), ordered=False, alias=None): return Collection(items, fewest, most, ordered, alias) def vector(items, dimension0, alias=None): if dimension0 <= 0: raise FemtocodeError("vector dimension ({0}) must be positive".format(dimension0)) return Collection(items, dimension0, dimension0, True, alias) def matrix(items, dimension0, dimension1, alias=None): if dimension0 <= 0 or dimension1 <= 0: raise FemtocodeError("matrix dimensions ({0}, {1}) must be positive".format(dimension0, dimension1)) return Collection(Collection(items, dimension1, dimension1, True), dimension0, dimension0, True, alias) def tensor(items, *dimensions, **kwds): if len(dimensions) > 0 and isinstance(dimensions[-1], string_types): alias = dimensions[-1] dimensions = dimensions[:-1] elif len(kwds) > 0 and "alias" in kwds: alias = kwds["alias"] else: alias = None unexpected = set(kwds.keys()).difference(set(["alias"])) if len(unexpected) > 0: raise FemtocodeError("unexpected keyword arguments in tensor: {0}".format(", ".join(map(repr, kwds.keys())))) out = items if any(d <= 0 for d in dimensions): raise FemtocodeError("tensor dimensions ({0}) must be positive".format(", ".join(map(repr, dimensions)))) for d in reversed(dimensions): out = Collection(out, d, d, True) super(Collection, out).__init__(alias) return out def record(__alias__=None, **fields): return Record(fields, __alias__) def union(*types): if len(types) == 0: raise TypeError("union() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)") elif len(types) == 1: return types[0] elif len(types) > 2: # combine them in the order given by the user for more comprehensible error messages return union(union(types[0], types[1]), *types[2:]) else: one, two = types if isinstance(one, string_types) or isinstance(two, string_types): if one == two: return one else: return Union([one, two]) elif isinstance(one, Union) and isinstance(two, Union): out = union(*(one.possibilities + two.possibilities)) elif isinstance(one, Union): possibilities = [] filled = False for p in one.possibilities: combined = union(p, two) if not isinstance(combined, Union): possibilities.append(combined) filled = True else: possibilities.append(p) if not filled: possibilities.append(two) out = Union(possibilities) elif isinstance(two, Union): possibilities = [] filled = False for p in two.possibilities: combined = union(p, one) if not isinstance(combined, Union): possibilities.append(combined) filled = True else: possibilities.append(p) if not filled: possibilities.append(one) out = Union(possibilities) elif isinstance(one, Impossible) and isinstance(two, Impossible): out = impossible(one.reason if two.reason is None else two.reason) elif isinstance(one, Impossible): # in a language that permits runtime errors, union(impossible, X) == X # but in Femtocode, union(impossible, X) == impossible out = one() elif isinstance(two, Impossible): # in a language that permits runtime errors, union(impossible, X) == X # but in Femtocode, union(impossible, X) == impossible out = two() elif one.order != two.order: # there is no overlap among different kinds out = Union([one, two]) elif isinstance(one, Null) and isinstance(two, Null): out = null() elif isinstance(one, Boolean) and isinstance(two, Boolean): if one.just is True: oneposs = set([True]) elif one.just is False: oneposs = set([False]) else: oneposs = set([True, False]) if two.just is True: twoposs = set([True]) elif two.just is False: twoposs = set([False]) else: twoposs = set([True, False]) possibilities = oneposs.union(twoposs) if possibilities == set([True]): out = boolean(True) elif possibilities == set([False]): out = boolean(False) else: out = boolean() elif isinstance(one, Number) and isinstance(two, Number): if one in two: # two is the superset, it contains one out = two() elif two in one: # one is the superset, it contains two out = one() elif one.whole and two.whole: # both integer: they can be glued if there's 1 unit gap or less low, high = sorted([one, two]) if low.max >= high.min - 1: out = Number(almost.min(low.min, high.min), almost.max(low.max, high.max), True) else: out = Union([one, two]) elif one.whole or two.whole: # one integer, other not and neither is contained: they can be glued if they extend the interval from open to closed if one.whole: inty, realy = one, two else: inty, realy = two, one if inty in Number(realy.min.real, realy.max.real, False): out = Number(almost.min(one.min, two.min), almost.max(one.max, two.max), False) else: out = Union([difference(inty, realy), realy]) else: # neither integer: they can be glued if there's no gap low, high = sorted([one, two]) if low.max.real == high.min.real: if isinstance(low.max, almost) and isinstance(high.min, almost): # they just touch and they're both open intervals; can't glue out = Union([one, two]) else: out = Number(almost.min(low.min, high.min), almost.max(low.max, high.max), False) elif low.max >= high.min: out = Number(almost.min(low.min, high.min), almost.max(low.max, high.max), False) else: out = Union([one, two]) elif isinstance(one, String) and isinstance(two, String): if one.charset == two.charset: number = union(Number(one.fewest, one.most, True), Number(two.fewest, two.most, True)) if isinstance(number, Number) and number.whole: out = String(one.charset, number.min, number.max) elif isinstance(number, Union) and all(isinstance(p, Number) and p.whole for p in number.possibilities): out = Union([String(one.charset, p.min, p.max) for p in number.possibilities]) else: assert False, "union(Number, Number) is {0}".format(number) else: out = Union([one, two]) elif isinstance(one, Collection) and isinstance(two, Collection): if one.most == 0 or two.most == 0 or one.items == two.items: if one.most == 0: items = two.items ordered = two.ordered elif two.most == 0: items = one.items ordered = one.ordered else: items = one.items ordered = one.ordered and two.ordered number = union(Number(one.fewest, one.most, True), Number(two.fewest, two.most, True)) if isinstance(number, Number) and number.whole: out = Collection(items, number.min, number.max, ordered) elif isinstance(number, Union) and all(isinstance(p, Number) and p.whole for p in number.possibilities): out = Union([Collection(items, p.min, p.max, ordered) for p in number.possibilities]) else: assert False, "union(Number, Number) is {0}".format(number) else: out = Union([one, two]) elif isinstance(one, Record) and isinstance(two, Record): if set(one.fields) == set(two.fields): if all(one.fields[n] in two.fields[n] for n in one.fields): out = two() elif all(two.fields[n] in one.fields[n] for n in one.fields): out = one() else: out = Union([one, two]) else: out = Union([one, two]) else: assert False, "unhandled case" # don't lose any aliases because one and two have been replaced by their union out._aliases.update(one._aliases) out._aliases.update(two._aliases) return out def intersection(*types): if len(types) == 0: raise TypeError("intersection() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)") elif len(types) == 1: return types[0] elif len(types) > 2: # combine them in the order given by the user for more comprehensible error messages return intersection(intersection(types[0], types[1]), *types[2:]) else: one, two = types if isinstance(one, Union) and not isinstance(two, Union): possibilities = [] reason = None for p in one.possibilities: result = intersection(p, two) if not isinstance(result, Impossible): possibilities.append(result) elif reason is None: reason = result.reason if len(possibilities) == 0: out = impossible(reason) elif len(possibilities) == 1: out = possibilities[0] else: out = union(*possibilities) elif isinstance(two, Union): # includes the case when one and two are both Unions possibilities = [] reason = None for p in two.possibilities: result = intersection(one, p) if not isinstance(result, Impossible): possibilities.append(result) elif reason is None: reason = result.reason if len(possibilities) == 0: out = impossible(reason) elif len(possibilities) == 1: out = possibilities[0] else: out = union(*possibilities) elif isinstance(one, Impossible) and isinstance(two, Impossible): out = impossible(one.reason if two.reason is None else two.reason) elif isinstance(one, Impossible): out = one() elif isinstance(two, Impossible): out = two() elif one.order != two.order: # there is no overlap among different kinds out = impossible("{0} and {1} have no overlap.".format(, elif isinstance(one, Null) and isinstance(two, Null): out = null() elif isinstance(one, Boolean) and isinstance(two, Boolean): if one.just is True: oneposs = set([True]) elif one.just is False: oneposs = set([False]) else: oneposs = set([True, False]) if two.just is True: twoposs = set([True]) elif two.just is False: twoposs = set([False]) else: twoposs = set([True, False]) possibilities = oneposs.intersection(twoposs) if possibilities == set([True]): out = boolean(True) elif possibilities == set([False]): out = boolean(False) else: out = boolean() elif isinstance(one, Number) and isinstance(two, Number): if one in two: # one is the subset, contained within two out = one() elif two in one: # two is the subset, contained within one out = two() else: low, high = sorted([one, two]) if low.max.real == high.min.real: if not isinstance(low.max, almost) and not isinstance(high.min, almost): out = Number(low.max.real, low.max.real, round(low.max.real) == low.max.real) else: out = impossible("{0} and {1} are both open at {2}.".format(low, high, low.max.real)) elif low.max < high.min: out = impossible("{0} is entirely below {1}.".format(low, high)) else: try: out = Number(almost.complement(almost.max(almost.complement(low.min), almost.complement(high.min))), almost.complement(almost.min(almost.complement(low.max), almost.complement(high.max))), low.whole or high.whole) except FemtocodeError: out = impossible() # ??? elif isinstance(one, String) and isinstance(two, String): if one.charset == two.charset: number = intersection(Number(one.fewest, one.most, True), Number(two.fewest, two.most, True)) if isinstance(number, Number) and number.whole: out = String(one.charset, number.min, number.max) elif isinstance(number, Impossible): out = impossible("Size intervals of {0} and {1} do not overlap.".format(one, two)) else: assert False, "intersection(Number, Number) is {0}".format(number) else: out = impossible("Charsets {0} and {1} do not overlap.".format(one, two)) elif isinstance(one, Collection) and isinstance(two, Collection): if one.most == 0 and two.most == 0: items = null ordered = True elif one.most == 0: items = two.items ordered = two.ordered elif two.most == 0: items = one.items ordered = one.ordered else: items = intersection(one.items, two.items) ordered = one.ordered and two.ordered if not isinstance(items, Impossible): number = intersection(Number(one.fewest, one.most, True), Number(two.fewest, two.most, True)) if isinstance(number, Number) and number.whole: out = Collection(items, number.min, number.max, ordered) elif isinstance(number, Impossible): out = impossible("Size intervals of collections do not overlap in\n{0}".format(compare(one, two))) else: assert False, "intersection(Number, Number) is {0}".format(number) else: out = impossible("Item schemas of collections do not overlap in\n{0}".format(compare(one, two))) elif isinstance(one, Record) and isinstance(two, Record): if set(one.fields) == set(two.fields): fields = {} out = None for n in one.fields: fields[n] = intersection(one.fields[n], two.fields[n]) if isinstance(fields[n], Impossible): out = impossible("Field {0} has no overlap in\n{1}".format(json.dumps(n), compare(one, two))) break if out is None: out = Record(fields) else: out = impossible("Field sets differ in\n{0}".format(compare(one, two))) else: assert False, "unhandled case" # don't lose any aliases because one and two have been replaced by their union out._aliases.update(one._aliases) out._aliases.update(two._aliases) return out def difference(universal, excluded): if isinstance(universal, Union): out = union(*(difference(p, excluded) for p in universal.possibilities)) elif isinstance(excluded, Union): out = universal() for p in excluded.possibilities: out = difference(out, p) elif isinstance(universal, Impossible) and isinstance(excluded, Impossible): out = impossible(universal.reason if excluded.reason is None else excluded.reason) elif isinstance(universal, Impossible): out = universal() elif isinstance(excluded, Impossible): out = excluded() elif universal.order != excluded.order: out = universal() elif isinstance(universal, Null) and isinstance(excluded, Null): out = impossible("null type is completely covered by null type.") elif isinstance(universal, Boolean) and isinstance(excluded, Boolean): if universal.just is True: universalposs = set([True]) elif universal.just is False: universalposs = set([False]) else: universalposs = set([True, False]) if excluded.just is True: excludedposs = set([True]) elif excluded.just is False: excludedposs = set([False]) else: excludedposs = set([True, False]) possibilities = universalposs.difference(excludedposs) if possibilities == set([True]): out = boolean(True) elif possibilities == set([False]): out = boolean(False) else: out = impossible("Removing {True, False} from the set {True, False} yields no possibilities.") elif isinstance(universal, Number) and isinstance(excluded, Number): if not universal.whole and excluded.whole and excluded.min != excluded.max: # do not attempt to remove (potentially very many) integers from a continuous interval; # returning too-inclusive a result is okay out = universal() else: if almost.min(universal.min, excluded.min) == excluded.min: # excluded starts below universal if almost.max(universal.max, excluded.max) == excluded.max: out = impossible("{0} completely covers {1}.".format(excluded, universal)) elif excluded.max.real < universal.min.real or (excluded.max.real == universal.min.real and (isinstance(excluded.max, almost) or isinstance(universal.min, almost))): out = universal() else: out = Number(almost.complement(excluded.max), universal.max, universal.whole) elif almost.max(universal.max, excluded.max) == excluded.max: # excluded ends above universal if almost.min(universal.min, excluded.min) == excluded.min: out = impossible("{0} completely covers {1}.".format(excluded, universal)) elif excluded.min.real > universal.max.real or (excluded.min.real == universal.max.real and (isinstance(excluded.min, almost) or isinstance(universal.max, almost))): out = universal() else: out = Number(universal.min, almost.complement(excluded.min), universal.whole) else: # excluded is in the middle of universal out = Union([Number(universal.min, almost.complement(excluded.min), universal.whole), Number(almost.complement(excluded.max), universal.max, universal.whole)]) elif isinstance(universal, String) and isinstance(excluded, String): if universal.charset == excluded.charset: number = difference(Number(universal.fewest, universal.most, True), Number(excluded.fewest, excluded.most, True)) if isinstance(number, Number): out = String(universal.charset, number.min, number.max) elif isinstance(number, Union) and all(isinstance(p, Number) and p.whole for p in number.possibilities) and len(number.possibilities) == 2: one = number.possibilities[0] two = number.possibilities[1] out = Union([String(universal.charset, one.min, one.max), String(universal.charset, two.min, two.max)]) elif isinstance(number, Impossible): out = impossible("Size range of {0} completely covers {1}.".format(excluded, universal)) else: assert False, "difference(Number, Number) is {0}".format(number) else: out = universal() elif isinstance(universal, Collection) and isinstance(excluded, Collection): if universal.most == 0: if excluded.most == 0: out = impossible("Type of empty collections is completely covered by empty collections.") else: out = universal() elif excluded.most == 0: number = difference(Number(universal.fewest, universal.most, True), Number(0, 0, True)) out = Collection(universal.items, number.min, number.max, universal.ordered) else: possibilities = [] items1 = difference(universal.items, excluded.items) if not isinstance(items1, Impossible): possibilities.append(Collection(items1, universal.fewest, universal.most, universal.ordered)) items2 = intersection(universal.items, excluded.items) if not isinstance(items2, Impossible): number = difference(Number(universal.fewest, universal.most, True), Number(excluded.fewest, excluded.most, True)) if isinstance(number, Number): possibilities.append(Collection(items2, number.min, number.max, universal.ordered)) elif isinstance(number, Union) and all(isinstance(p, Number) and p.whole for p in number.possibilities) and len(number.possibilities) == 2: one = number.possibilities[0] two = number.possibilities[1] possibilities.append(Collection(items2, one.min, one.max, universal.ordered)) possibilities.append(Collection(items2, two.min, two.max, universal.ordered)) elif isinstance(number, Impossible): pass else: assert False, "difference(Number, Number) is {0}".format(number) if len(possibilities) == 0: out = impossible("Size and contents completely covered in\n{0}".format(compare(universal, excluded, ("universal set", "exclusion region")))) elif len(possibilities) == 1: out = possibilities[0] else: out = Union(possibilities) elif isinstance(universal, Record) and isinstance(excluded, Record): if set(universal.fields) == set(excluded.fields): fields = universal.fields possibilities = [] for n in sorted(universal.fields): fields = dict(fields) fields[n] = difference(universal.fields[n], excluded.fields[n]) if not any(isinstance(t, Impossible) for t in fields.values()): possibilities.append(Record(dict(fields))) fields[n] = intersection(universal.fields[n], excluded.fields[n]) if len(possibilities) == 0: out = impossible("Size and contents completely covered in\n{0}".format(compare(universal, excluded, ("universal set", "exclusion region")))) elif len(possibilities) == 1: out = possibilities[0] else: out = Union(possibilities) else: out = universal() else: assert False, "unhandled case" # don't lose any aliases because universal and excluded have been replaced by their union out._aliases.update(universal._aliases) out._aliases.update(excluded._aliases) return out
''' Demonstrates iterating over an instrument data set by orbit and plotting the results. ''' import os import pysat import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pds # set the directory to save plots to results_dir = '' # select vefi dc magnetometer data, use longitude to determine where # there are changes in the orbit (local time info not in file) orbit_info = {'index':'longitude', 'kind':'longitude'} vefi = pysat.Instrument(platform='cnofs', name='vefi', tag='dc_b', clean_level=None, orbit_info=orbit_info) # set limits on dates analysis will cover, inclusive start = pds.datetime(2010,5,9) stop = pds.datetime(2010,5,12) # if there is no vefi dc magnetometer data on your system, then run command below # where start and stop are pandas datetimes (from above) # pysat will automatically register the addition of this data at the end of download, stop) # leave bounds unassigned to cover the whole dataset (comment out lines below) vefi.bounds = (start,stop) for orbit_count, vefi in enumerate(vefi.orbits): # for each loop pysat puts a copy of the next available orbit into # changing .data at this level does not alter other orbits # reloading the same orbit will erase any changes made # satellite data can have time gaps, which leads to plots # with erroneous lines connecting measurements on both sides of the gap # command below fills in any data gaps using a 1-second cadence with NaNs # see pandas documentation for more info ='1S', fill_method='ffill', limit=1, label='left' ) f, ax = plt.subplots(7, sharex=True, figsize=(8.5,11)) ax[0].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['B_flag']) ax[0].set_title([0].ctime() +' - ' +[-1].ctime() ) ax[0].set_ylabel('Interp. Flag') ax[0].set_ylim((0,2)) ax[1].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['B_north']) ax[1].set_title(vefi.meta['B_north'].long_name) ax[1].set_ylabel(vefi.meta['B_north'].units) ax[2].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['B_up']) ax[2].set_title(vefi.meta['B_up'].long_name) ax[2].set_ylabel(vefi.meta['B_up'].units) ax[3].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['B_west']) ax[3].set_title(vefi.meta['B_west'].long_name) ax[3].set_ylabel(vefi.meta['B_west'].units) ax[4].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['dB_mer']) ax[4].set_title(vefi.meta['dB_mer'].long_name) ax[4].set_ylabel(vefi.meta['dB_mer'].units) ax[5].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['dB_par']) ax[5].set_title(vefi.meta['dB_par'].long_name) ax[5].set_ylabel(vefi.meta['dB_par'].units) ax[6].plot(vefi['longitude'], vefi['dB_zon']) ax[6].set_title(vefi.meta['dB_zon'].long_name) ax[6].set_ylabel(vefi.meta['dB_zon'].units) ax[6].set_xlabel(vefi.meta['longitude'].long_name) ax[6].set_xticks([0,60,120,180,240,300,360]) ax[6].set_xlim((0,360)) f.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(results_dir,'orbit_%05i.png' % orbit_count ) ) plt.close()
import asyncio from typing import Optional from wpull.database.base import NotFound from wpull.pipeline.item import URLRecord from wpull.pipeline.pipeline import ItemTask, ItemSource from import AppSession class LinkConversionSetupTask(ItemTask[AppSession]): @asyncio.coroutine def process(self, session: AppSession): self._build_document_converter(session) @classmethod def _build_document_converter(cls, session: AppSession): '''Build the Document Converter.''' if not session.args.convert_links: return converter = 'BatchDocumentConverter', session.factory['HTMLParser'], session.factory['ElementWalker'], session.factory['URLTable'], backup=session.args.backup_converted ) return converter class QueuedFileSession(object): def __init__(self, app_session: AppSession, file_id: int, url_record: URLRecord): self.app_session = app_session self.file_id = file_id self.url_record = url_record class QueuedFileSource(ItemSource[QueuedFileSession]): def __init__(self, app_session: AppSession): self._app_session = app_session @asyncio.coroutine def get_item(self) -> Optional[QueuedFileSession]: if not self._app_session.args.convert_links: return try: db_item = self._app_session.factory['URLTable'].convert_check_out() except NotFound: return session = QueuedFileSession( self._app_session, db_item[0], db_item[1]) return session class LinkConversionTask(ItemTask[QueuedFileSession]): @asyncio.coroutine def process(self, session: QueuedFileSession): converter = session.app_session.factory.instance_map.get( 'BatchDocumentConverter') if not converter: return converter.convert_by_record(session.url_record)
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin from twisted.words.protocols import irc from txircd.config import ConfigValidationError from txircd.module_interface import Command, ICommand, IMode, IModuleData, Mode, ModuleData from txircd.utils import ipAddressToShow, ircLower, isValidHost, ModeType from zope.interface import implementer from fnmatch import fnmatchcase from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple @implementer(IPlugin, IModuleData, IMode) class Oper(ModuleData, Mode): name = "Oper" core = True def userCommands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, int, Command]]: return [ ("OPER", 1, UserOper(self.ircd)) ] def serverCommands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, int, Command]]: return [ ("OPER", 1, ServerOper(self.ircd)) ] def actions(self) -> List[Tuple[str, int, Callable]]: return [ ("userhasoperpermission", 1, self.operPermission), ("modepermission-user-o", 1, self.nope), ("burst", 90, self.propagatePermissions) ] def userModes(self) -> List[Tuple[str, ModeType, Mode]]: return [ ("o", ModeType.NoParam, self) ] def verifyConfig(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if "oper_types" in config: if not isinstance(config["oper_types"], dict): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_types", "value must be a dictionary") for operType, permissions in config["oper_types"].items(): if not isinstance(operType, str): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_types", "every oper type must be a string") if not isinstance(permissions, list): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_types", "permissions for oper type \"{}\" must be a list".format(operType)) for permission in permissions: if not isinstance(permission, str): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_types", "every permission for oper type \"{}\" must be a string".format(operType)) else: config["oper_types"] = {} if "oper_groups" in config: if not isinstance(config["oper_groups"], dict): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "value must be a dictionary") for groupName, values in config["oper_groups"].items(): if not isinstance(groupName, str): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "all group names must be strings") if not isinstance(values, dict): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "group data must be a dict") for groupDataKey, groupDataValue in values.items(): if not isinstance(groupDataKey, str): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "group data identifiers for oper group \"{}\" must all be strings".format(groupName)) if groupDataKey == "vhost" and (not isinstance(groupDataValue, str) or not isValidHost(groupDataValue)): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "vhosts for oper group \"{}\" must all be valid hostnames".format(groupName)) if groupDataKey == "types": if not isinstance(groupDataValue, list): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "oper type lists for oper group \"{}\" must all be lists".format(groupName)) for operType in groupDataValue: if not isinstance(operType, str): raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "all oper type names for oper group \"{}\" must be strings".format(groupName)) if operType not in config["oper_types"]: raise ConfigValidationError("oper_groups", "the type \"{}\" for oper group \"{}\" does not exist as an oper type".format(operType, groupName)) else: config["oper_groups"] = {} if "opers" in config: if not isinstance(config["opers"], dict): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "value must be a dictionary") for operName, values in config["opers"].items(): if not isinstance(values, dict): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "oper data must be a dict") hasPassword = False for operDataKey, operDataValue in values.items(): if not isinstance(operDataKey, str): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "oper data identifiers must all be strings") if operDataKey == "password": if not isinstance(operDataValue, str): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "no password defined for oper \"{}\"".format(operName)) hasPassword = True if operDataKey == "hash" and not isinstance(operDataValue, str): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "hash type for oper \"{}\" must be a string name".format(operName)) if operDataKey == "host" and not isinstance(operDataValue, str): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "hosts for oper \"{}\" must be a string".format(operName)) if operDataKey == "vhost" and (not isinstance(operDataValue, str) or not isValidHost(operDataValue)): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "vhost for oper \"{}\" must be a valid hostname".format(operName)) if operDataKey == "types": if not isinstance(operDataValue, list): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "type list for oper \"{}\" must be a list".format(operName)) for operType in operDataValue: if not isinstance(operType, str): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "every type name for oper \"{}\" must be a string".format(operName)) if operType not in config["oper_types"]: raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "the type \"{}\" for oper \"{}\" does not exist as an oper type".format(operType, operName)) if operDataKey == "group": if not isinstance(operDataValue, str): raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "the group name for oper \"{}\" must be a string".format(operName)) if operDataValue not in config["oper_groups"]: raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "the group \"{}\" for oper \"{}\" does not exist as an oper group".format(operDataValue, operName)) if not hasPassword: raise ConfigValidationError("opers", "oper \"{}\" doesn't have a password specified".format(operName)) def operPermission(self, user: "IRCUser", permissionType: str) -> Optional[bool]: if "o" not in user.modes: # Maybe the user de-opered or something, but if they did they're clearly not an oper now return False # If the client code is just generally querying whether the user has any oper permissions, just tell it yes if the user has +o if not permissionType: return True # Check for oper permissions in the user's permission storage if "oper-permissions" not in user.cache: return False for operPerm in user.cache["oper-permissions"]: if fnmatchcase(permissionType, operPerm): return True return False def nope(self, user: "IRCUser", settingUser: "IRCUser", adding: bool, param: str) -> Optional[bool]: if adding: user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, "Permission denied - User mode o may not be set") return False return None def propagatePermissions(self, server: "IRCServer") -> None: for user in self.ircd.users.values(): if "o" in user.modes and "oper-permissions" in user.cache: permString = " ".join(user.cache["oper-permissions"]) server.sendMessage("OPER", user.uuid, permString, prefix=self.ircd.serverID) @implementer(ICommand) class UserOper(Command): def __init__(self, ircd): self.ircd = ircd def parseParams(self, user: "IRCUser", params: List[str], prefix: str, tags: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]: if len(params) < 2: user.sendSingleError("OperCmd", irc.ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, "OPER", "Not enough parameters") return None return { "username": params[0], "password": params[1] } def execute(self, user: "IRCUser", data: Dict[Any, Any]) -> bool: configuredOpers = self.ircd.config.get("opers", {}) username = data["username"] if username not in configuredOpers: user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOOPERHOST, "Invalid oper credentials") self.reportOper(user, "Bad username") return True operData = configuredOpers[username] if "password" not in operData: user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOOPERHOST, "Invalid oper credentials") self.reportOper(user, "Bad password") return True password = data["password"] if "hash" in operData: validateFunc = "validate-{}".format(operData["hash"]) if validateFunc in self.ircd.functionCache and not self.ircd.functionCache[validateFunc](operData["password"]): self.ircd.log.error("The password for {username} is not a correct hash of the type configured!", username=username) self.reportOper(user, "Misconfigured password hash") return True compareFunc = "compare-{}".format(operData["hash"]) if compareFunc not in self.ircd.functionCache: user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOOPERHOST, "Invalid oper credentials") self.reportOper(user, "Bad password") return True passwordMatch = self.ircd.functionCache[compareFunc](password, operData["password"]) else: passwordMatch = (password == operData["password"]) if not passwordMatch: user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOOPERHOST, "Invalid oper credentials") self.reportOper(user, "Bad password") return True if "host" in operData: hosts = ircLower(operData["host"]).split(" ") for operHost in hosts: userHost = ircLower("{}@{}".format(user.ident, if fnmatchcase(userHost, operHost): break userHost = ircLower("{}@{}".format(user.ident, user.realHost)) if fnmatchcase(userHost, operHost): break userHost = ircLower("{}@{}".format(user.ident, ipAddressToShow(user.ip))) if fnmatchcase(userHost, operHost): break else: user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOOPERHOST, "Invalid oper credentials") self.reportOper(user, "Bad host") return True if self.ircd.runActionUntilFalse("opercheck", user, username, password, operData): # Allow other modules to implement additional checks user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_NOOPERHOST, "Invalid oper credentials") if "error" in operData: self.reportOper(user, operData["error"]) else: self.reportOper(user, "Failed additional oper checks") return True user.setModes([(True, "o", None)], self.ircd.serverID) user.sendMessage(irc.RPL_YOUREOPER, "You are now an IRC operator") self.reportOper(user, None) vhost = None if "vhost" in operData: vhost = operData["vhost"] operPermissions = set() configuredOperTypes = self.ircd.config["oper_types"] if "types" in operData: for operType in operData["types"]: operPermissions.update(configuredOperTypes[operType]) if "group" in operData: groupData = self.ircd.config["oper_groups"][operData["group"]] if not vhost and "vhost" in groupData: vhost = groupData["vhost"] if "types" in groupData: for operType in groupData["types"]: operPermissions.update(configuredOperTypes[operType]) user.cache["oper-permissions"] = operPermissions if vhost: user.changeHost("oper", vhost) self.ircd.broadcastToServers(None, "OPER", user.uuid, *operPermissions, prefix=self.ircd.serverID) return True def reportOper(self, user: "IRCUser", reason: str) -> None: if reason: self.ircd.log.warn("Failed OPER attemped from user {user.uuid} ({user.nick}): {reason}", user=user, reason=reason) self.ircd.runActionStandard("operfail", user, reason) return"User {user.uuid} ({user.nick}) opered up", user=user) self.ircd.runActionStandard("oper", user) @implementer(ICommand) class ServerOper(Command): burstQueuePriority = 85 def __init__(self, ircd): self.ircd = ircd def parseParams(self, server: "IRCServer", params: List[str], prefix: str, tags: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]: if not params: return None if params[0] not in self.ircd.users: if params[0] in self.ircd.recentlyQuitUsers: return { "lostuser": True } return None return { "user": self.ircd.users[params[0]], "permissions": params[1:] } def execute(self, server: "IRCServer", data: Dict[Any, Any]) -> bool: if "lostuser" in data: return True user = data["user"] permissions = set(data["permissions"]) user.cache["oper-permissions"] = permissions self.ircd.runActionStandard("oper", user) self.ircd.broadcastToServers(server, "OPER", user.uuid, *permissions, prefix=user.uuid[:3]) return True oper = Oper()
from typing import List, Tuple import pytest from siebenapp.autolink import AutoLink, ToggleAutoLink from siebenapp.domain import ( EdgeType, ToggleClose, Select, Add, HoldSelect, Insert, Rename, Graph, Delete, ) from siebenapp.tests.dsl import build_goaltree, open_, selected, clos_ @pytest.fixture() def tree_2_goals(): return AutoLink( build_goaltree( open_(1, "Root", [2]), open_(2, "Autolink on me", select=selected), ) ) @pytest.fixture() def tree_3v_goals(): return AutoLink( build_goaltree( open_(1, "Root", [2, 3]), open_(2, "Autolink on me", select=selected), open_(3, "Another subgoal"), ) ) @pytest.fixture() def tree_3i_goals(): return AutoLink( build_goaltree( open_(1, "Root", [2]), open_(2, "Autolink on me", [3], select=selected), open_(3, "Another subgoal"), ) ) def _autolink_events(goals: Graph) -> List[Tuple]: return [e for e in if "autolink" in e[0]] def test_show_new_pseudogoal_on_autolink_event(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals assert goals.q("name,edge,select") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)], "select": None}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [], "select": "select"}, } goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("heLLO")) assert goals.q("edge") == { 1: {"edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"edge": []}, } assert goals.q("name,open,select,switchable")[-12] == { "name": "Autolink: 'hello'", "open": True, "select": None, "switchable": False, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [("add_autolink", 2, "hello")] def test_replace_old_autolink_with_new_one(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink("first"), ToggleAutoLink("second")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'second'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "first"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ("add_autolink", 2, "second"), ] def test_remove_autolink_by_sending_empty_keyword(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink("lalala"), ToggleAutoLink("")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "lalala"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ] def test_remove_autolink_by_sending_whitespace(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink("lalala"), ToggleAutoLink(" ")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "lalala"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ] def test_do_not_add_autolink_on_whitespace(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink(" ")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [] def test_do_not_add_autolink_to_closed_goals(): messages: List[str] = [] goals = AutoLink( build_goaltree( open_(1, "Root", [2]), clos_(2, "Well, it's closed", select=selected), message_fn=messages.append, ) ) goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("Failed")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Well, it's closed", "edge": []}, } assert messages == ["Autolink cannot be set for closed goals"] assert _autolink_events(goals) == [] def test_do_not_add_autolink_to_root_goal(): messages: List[str] = [] goals = AutoLink( build_goaltree(open_(1, "Root", select=selected), message_fn=messages.append) ) goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("misused")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": []}, } assert messages == ["Autolink cannot be set for the root goal"] assert _autolink_events(goals) == [] def test_remove_autolink_on_close(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("test")) assert goals.q("edge,open") == { 1: {"edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)], "open": True}, -12: {"edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)], "open": True}, 2: {"edge": [], "open": True}, } goals.accept(ToggleClose()) assert goals.q("edge,open") == { 1: {"edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)], "open": True}, 2: {"edge": [], "open": False}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "test"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ] def test_remove_autolink_on_delete(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("test")) assert goals.q("edge,open") == { 1: {"edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)], "open": True}, -12: {"edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)], "open": True}, 2: {"edge": [], "open": True}, } goals.accept(Delete()) assert goals.q("edge,open") == { 1: {"edge": [], "open": True}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "test"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ] def test_remove_autolink_on_parent_delete(tree_3i_goals): goals = tree_3i_goals goals.accept_all(Select(3), ToggleAutoLink("test")) assert goals.q("edge") == { 1: {"edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"edge": [(-13, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -13: {"edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 3: {"edge": []}, } goals.accept_all(Select(2), Delete()) assert goals.q("edge") == {1: {"edge": []}} assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 3, "test"), ("remove_autolink", 3), ] def test_replace_same_autolink(tree_3v_goals): goals = tree_3v_goals goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink("same"), Select(3), ToggleAutoLink("same")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT), (-13, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, -13: {"name": "Autolink: 'same'", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 3: {"name": "Another subgoal", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "same"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ("add_autolink", 3, "same"), ] def test_do_not_make_a_link_on_not_matching_add(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("hello")) # Add a goal to the root goals.accept_all(Select(1), Add("Goodbye")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'hello'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, 3: {"name": "Goodbye", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "hello"), ] def test_make_a_link_on_matching_add(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("me")) # Add a goal to the root goals.accept_all(Select(1), Add("Link ME please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.BLOCKER)]}, 3: {"name": "Link ME please", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "me"), ] def test_do_not_make_a_link_on_not_old_matching_add(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink("old"), ToggleAutoLink("new")) # Add a goal to the root goals.accept_all(Select(1), Add("This is old subgoal")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'new'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, 3: {"name": "This is old subgoal", "edge": []}, } assert _autolink_events(goals) == [ ("add_autolink", 2, "old"), ("remove_autolink", 2), ("add_autolink", 2, "new"), ] def test_make_a_link_on_matching_insert(tree_3v_goals): goals = tree_3v_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("me")) # Add a goal to the root goals.accept_all(Select(1), HoldSelect(), Select(3), Insert("Link ME please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (4, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(4, EdgeType.BLOCKER)]}, 4: {"name": "Link ME please", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 3: {"name": "Another subgoal", "edge": []}, } def test_make_a_link_on_matching_rename(tree_3v_goals): goals = tree_3v_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("me")) goals.accept_all(Select(3), Rename("Link ME please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.BLOCKER)]}, 3: {"name": "Link ME please", "edge": []}, } def test_do_not_make_a_link_on_matching_subgoal_add(tree_2_goals): goals = tree_2_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("me")) # Add a sub goal to the same subgoal goals.accept_all(Add("Do NOT link me please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 3: {"name": "Do NOT link me please", "edge": []}, } def test_do_not_make_a_link_on_matching_subgoal_insert(tree_3i_goals): goals = tree_3i_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("me")) # Add a sub goal to the same subgoal goals.accept_all(HoldSelect(), Select(3), Insert("Do NOT link me please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(4, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 4: {"name": "Do NOT link me please", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 3: {"name": "Another subgoal", "edge": []}, } def test_do_not_make_a_link_on_matching_subgoal_rename(tree_3i_goals): goals = tree_3i_goals goals.accept(ToggleAutoLink("me")) goals.accept_all(Select(3), Rename("Do NOT link me please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 3: {"name": "Do NOT link me please", "edge": []}, } def test_autolink_on_all_matching_goals(tree_3v_goals): goals = tree_3v_goals # make 2 autolinks goals.accept_all(ToggleAutoLink("me"), Select(3), ToggleAutoLink("plea")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: {"name": "Root", "edge": [(-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (-13, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -13: {"name": "Autolink: 'plea'", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": []}, 3: {"name": "Another subgoal", "edge": []}, } # add 2-mathing goal goals.accept_all(Select(1), Add("Link me to both please")) assert goals.q("name,edge") == { 1: { "name": "Root", "edge": [ (-12, EdgeType.PARENT), (-13, EdgeType.PARENT), (4, EdgeType.PARENT), ], }, -12: {"name": "Autolink: 'me'", "edge": [(2, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, -13: {"name": "Autolink: 'plea'", "edge": [(3, EdgeType.PARENT)]}, 2: {"name": "Autolink on me", "edge": [(4, EdgeType.BLOCKER)]}, 3: {"name": "Another subgoal", "edge": [(4, EdgeType.BLOCKER)]}, 4: {"name": "Link me to both please", "edge": []}, }
# This workload tests running IMPALA with remote envs from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import ray from ray.tune import run_experiments from ray.tests.cluster_utils import Cluster num_redis_shards = 5 redis_max_memory = 10**8 object_store_memory = 10**8 num_nodes = 1 message = ("Make sure there is enough memory on this machine to run this " "workload. We divide the system memory by 2 to provide a buffer.") assert (num_nodes * object_store_memory + num_redis_shards * redis_max_memory < ray.utils.get_system_memory() / 2), message # Simulate a cluster on one machine. cluster = Cluster() for i in range(num_nodes): cluster.add_node( redis_port=6379 if i == 0 else None, num_redis_shards=num_redis_shards if i == 0 else None, num_cpus=10, num_gpus=0, resources={str(i): 2}, object_store_memory=object_store_memory, redis_max_memory=redis_max_memory) ray.init(redis_address=cluster.redis_address) # Run the workload. run_experiments({ "impala": { "run": "IMPALA", "env": "CartPole-v0", "config": { "num_workers": 8, "num_gpus": 0, "num_envs_per_worker": 5, "remote_worker_envs": True, "remote_env_batch_wait_ms": 99999999, "sample_batch_size": 50, "train_batch_size": 100, }, }, })
from __future__ import print_function from imports import * import common class Base( common.Base ): pass class TestUnitMiSeqToNewbler( Base ): def _C( self, *args, **kwargs ): from bactpipeline.fix_fastq import miseq_to_newbler_id return miseq_to_newbler_id( *args, **kwargs ) def test_r1_correct( self ): r = self._C( 'abcd 1' ) eq_( 'abcd#0/1 (abcd 1)', r ) def test_r2_correct( self ): r = self._C( 'abcd 2' ) eq_( 'abcd#0/2 (abcd 2)', r ) class TestUnitModFqRead( Base ): def _C( self, *args, **kwargs ): from bactpipeline.fix_fastq import mod_fq_read return mod_fq_read( *args, **kwargs ) def test_mods_correctly( self ): from bactpipeline.fix_fastq import miseq_to_newbler_id as mtni id = 'abcd 1' seq = 'ATGC' qual = 'IIII' r = self._C( id, seq, qual ) read = '{0}\n{1}\n+\n{2}\n'.format(mtni(id),seq,qual) eq_( read, r ) class TestUnitParseFq( Base ): def _C( self, *args, **kwargs ): from bactpipeline.fix_fastq import parse_fq return parse_fq( *args, **kwargs ) def fake_fq( self ): with open( 'fake.fq', 'w' ) as fh: for i in range( 1, 101 ): fh.write( '@abcd:{0} {1}\n'.format( i, (i%2)+1) ) fh.write( 'ACGT\n' ) fh.write( '+\n' ) fh.write( 'IIII\n' ) return 'fake.fq' def test_parses( self ): fq = self.fake_fq() r = self._C( fq ) for id, seq, qual in r: ids = id.split() x = ids[0].split(':') eq_( '@abcd', x[0] ) eq_( 'ACGT', seq ) eq_( 'IIII', qual ) class TestFunctional( Base ): def sample_files( self ): fixdir = join( dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'fix_fastq' ) return glob( join( fixdir, '*.fastq' ) ) def _C( self, *args, **kwargs ): script = 'fix_fastq' cmd = [script] if kwargs.get('outdir',False): cmd += ['-o', kwargs.get('outdir')] cmd += list(*args) print(cmd) return cmd ) def test_runs_correctly( self ): fastqs = self.sample_files() r = self._C( fastqs ) eq_( 0, r ) ok_( exists( 'outdir' ), 'did not create outdir by default' ) fqs = os.listdir( 'outdir' ) eq_( set([]), set([basename(fq) for fq in fastqs]) - set(fqs) )
from gi.repository import Clutter from pyclut.effects.transitions import Transition, Direction from pyclut.animation import ScaleAndFadeAnimation class ZoomTransition(Transition): def __init__(self, actor_in, actor_out, duration=500, style=Clutter.AnimationMode.LINEAR): Transition.__init__(self, actor_out, actor_in, actor_out, final_position=actor_out.get_position(), duration=duration, style=style) self._duration = duration self._style = style def __prepare_in_position(self): self._actor_in.set_position(*self._final_position) self._actor_in.set_scale(0.0, 0.0); self._actor_in.set_opacity(0) def __prepare_out_position(self): self._actor_out.set_opacity(255) def preset_position(self): actor_out_width, actor_out_height = self._actor_out.get_size() self._final_position = self._final_position or (self._zone_center[0]-actor_out_width/2,self._zone_center[1]-actor_out_height/2) self.__prepare_in_position() self.__prepare_out_position() def create_animations(self): anim_in = ScaleAndFadeAnimation(1.0, 255, self._duration, self._style) anim_out = ScaleAndFadeAnimation(5.0, 0, self._duration, self._style) return anim_in, anim_out
import logging import os import signal from setproctitle import setproctitle class Proc(object): signal_map = {} def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__) = None self.parent_pid = None @property def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__.lower() def setup(self): = os.getpid() self.parent_pid = os.getppid() self.setup_signals() setproctitle("rotterdam: %s" % def run(self): self.setup()"Starting %s (%d)",, int( def setup_signals(self): for signal_name, handler_name in self.signal_map.iteritems(): signal.signal( getattr(signal, "SIG%s" % signal_name.upper()), getattr(self, handler_name) )
import logging from pyvisdk.exceptions import InvalidArgumentError ######################################## # Automatically generated, do not edit. ######################################## log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def HostCnxFailedBadUsernameEvent(vim, *args, **kwargs): '''This event records a failure to connect to a host due to an invalid user name and password combination.''' obj = vim.client.factory.create('ns0:HostCnxFailedBadUsernameEvent') # do some validation checking... if (len(args) + len(kwargs)) < 4: raise IndexError('Expected at least 5 arguments got: %d' % len(args)) required = [ 'chainId', 'createdTime', 'key', 'userName' ] optional = [ 'changeTag', 'computeResource', 'datacenter', 'ds', 'dvs', 'fullFormattedMessage', 'host', 'net', 'vm', 'dynamicProperty', 'dynamicType' ] for name, arg in zip(required+optional, args): setattr(obj, name, arg) for name, value in kwargs.items(): if name in required + optional: setattr(obj, name, value) else: raise InvalidArgumentError("Invalid argument: %s. Expected one of %s" % (name, ", ".join(required + optional))) return obj
from django.contrib import admin import messages_extends.admin # Ensure it got registered. import messages_extends.models from .attempt import * from .clarification import * from .compiler import * from .contest import * from .notification import * from .problem import *
"""Model representation of an encounter where data is collected """ from __future__ import absolute_import import cjson import logging from django.conf import settings from collections import defaultdict from django.db import models #from sana.mrs import openmrs from sana.api.deprecated import BINARY_TYPES, CONTENT_TYPES from sana.mrs._models.binary import * __all__ = ["Encounter"] _gender_dict = {'Male':'M', 'male':'M', 'M':'M', 'm':'M', 'Female':'F', 'female':'F', 'F':'F', 'f':'F' } class Encounter(models.Model): """ Represents an encounter where data has been collected """ class Meta: # Maybe #unique_together = (('uid', 'client_uid'),) app_label = 'mrs' def __unicode__(self): return "Encounter %s %s" % (self.uid, self.created) ''' client assigned id ''' uid = models.CharField(max_length=512) ''' UID of the procedure this is an instance of ''' procedure_uid = models.CharField(max_length=512) ''' Client assigned UID of the patient this was collected for ''' patient_uid = models.CharField(max_length=512) ''' UID of the reporting phone ''' client_uid = models.CharField(max_length=512) ''' Text responses of the encounter ''' observations = models.TextField() # Whether the encounter was uploaded to a remote queueing # server. uploaded = models.BooleanField(default=False) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) def get_binary_set(self): """ Returns the set of binaries for this encounter """ try: binary_set = self.binaryresource_set.all() except: binary_set = set([]) return binary_set def get_binaries_to_upload(self): """ Returns a dictionary of {'id':'file path'} for the binaries that are ready to upload """ files = defaultdict(list) binaries_to_upload = [binary for binary in self.get_binary_set() if not binary.uploaded] for binary in binaries_to_upload: files[str(binary.element_uid)].append(str( return files def set_binaries_uploaded(self): for binary in self.get_binaries_to_upload(): binary.uploaded = True def upload(self, username=None, password=None): """ Returns true if the Encounter is ready to upload. """ binaries_ready = True for binary in self.get_binary_set(): if not binary.recieve_completed: binaries_ready = False if self.uploaded: message = "Encounter %s already uploaded." % self.guid result = False elif not binaries_ready: result = False message = "Encounter %s has unreceived binaries. Waiting." % self.guid return result, message else: message = "Encounter %s is ready to upload." % self.guid result = True return result, message def set_uploaded(self): self.uploaded = True for binary in self.get_binary_set(): binary.uploaded = True def format(self): """Convert to dictionary and remove unnecessary data for transmission.""" dict = self.__dict__ remove_list = ['id', '_state', 'upload_password'] for key in remove_list: if dict.has_key(key): del dict[key] for key in dict.keys(): dict[key] = str(dict[key]) return dict def parse_response_binaries(self): """ returns a dict of binary objects parsed from the encounter formatted as { id : {'label' : label, 'mediatype': mediatype } } """ binaries = {} responses_dict = cjson.decode(self.responses) for obs_id, obs_data in responses_dict.items(): concept = obs_data['type'] if concept in BINARY_TYPES: eid = obs_id items = obs_data['answer'].split(',') #binaries_dict = dict(v['upload']) #for label,mediatype in binaries_dict.items(): #TODO remove block below and replace with above when client is ready for item in items: if item == "": continue mediatype = obs_data.get('content_type', None) if mediatype is None: mediatype = CONTENT_TYPES.get(concept, 'application/octet-stream') binaries[eid] = {'label' : obs_id, 'filename':item ,'mediatype': mediatype } return binaries
#!/usr/bin/env python import csv, sys from monitores import app, db from monitores.models import Monitor with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for row in reader: monitor_id = row[0] brand = row[2] serial = row[3] specs = row[6].decode('utf-8') monitor = Monitor(id=monitor_id, brand=brand, serial=serial, specs=specs ) print monitor db.session.add(monitor) db.session.commit()
from django.views.generic.edit import FormView, ModelFormMixin from django.views.generic.detail import SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin from extra_views.formsets import BaseInlineFormSetMixin from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.forms.formsets import all_valid class InlineFormSet(BaseInlineFormSetMixin): def __init__(self, parent_model, request, instance): self.inline_model = self.model self.model = parent_model self.request = request self.object = instance class ModelFormWithInlinesMixin(ModelFormMixin): inlines = [] def get_inlines(self): return self.inlines def forms_valid(self, form, inlines): self.object = for formset in inlines: return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url()) def forms_invalid(self, form, inlines): return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form, inlines=inlines)) def construct_inlines(self): inline_formsets = [] for inline_class in self.get_inlines(): inline_instance = inline_class(self.model, self.request, self.object) inline_formset = inline_instance.construct_formset() inline_formsets.append(inline_formset) return inline_formsets class ProcessFormWithInlinesView(FormView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): form_class = self.get_form_class() form = self.get_form(form_class) inlines = self.construct_inlines() return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form, inlines=inlines)) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): form_class = self.get_form_class() form = self.get_form(form_class) if form.is_valid(): self.object = form_validated = True else: form_validated = False inlines = self.construct_inlines() if all_valid(inlines) and form_validated: return self.forms_valid(form, inlines) return self.forms_invalid(form, inlines) def put(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) class BaseCreateWithInlinesView(ModelFormWithInlinesMixin, ProcessFormWithInlinesView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = None return super(BaseCreateWithInlinesView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = None return super(BaseCreateWithInlinesView, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs) class CreateWithInlinesView(SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, BaseCreateWithInlinesView): template_name_suffix = '_form' class BaseUpdateWithInlinesView(ModelFormWithInlinesMixin, ProcessFormWithInlinesView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = self.get_object() return super(BaseUpdateWithInlinesView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = self.get_object() return super(BaseUpdateWithInlinesView, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs) class UpdateWithInlinesView(SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, BaseUpdateWithInlinesView): template_name_suffix = '_form'
# This file is part of PRAW. # # PRAW is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # PRAW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # PRAW. If not, see <>. """ Decorators. Mainly do two things. Ensure API guidelines are met and prevent unnecessary failed API requests by testing that the call can be made first. Also limit the length of output strings and parse json response for certain errors. """ from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import inspect import os import six import sys from functools import wraps from requests.compat import urljoin from praw import errors from warnings import simplefilter, warn # Don't decorate functions when building the documentation IS_SPHINX_BUILD = bool(os.getenv('SPHINX_BUILD')) # Enable deprecation warnings simplefilter('default') DOC_SEPARATOR = '\n\n' def alias_function(function, class_name): """Create a RedditContentObject function mapped to a BaseReddit function. The BaseReddit classes define the majority of the API's functions. The first argument for many of these functions is the RedditContentObject that they operate on. This factory returns functions appropriate to be called on a RedditContent object that maps to the corresponding BaseReddit function. """ @wraps(function) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): func_args = inspect.getargspec(function).args if 'subreddit' in func_args and func_args.index('subreddit') != 1: # Only happens for search kwargs['subreddit'] = self return function(self.reddit_session, *args, **kwargs) else: return function(self.reddit_session, self, *args, **kwargs) # Only grab the short-line doc and add a link to the complete doc if wrapped.__doc__ is not None: wrapped.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__.split('\n', 1)[0] wrapped.__doc__ += ('\n\nSee :meth:`.{0}.{1}` for complete usage. ' 'Note that you should exclude the subreddit ' 'parameter when calling this convenience method.' .format(class_name, function.__name__)) # Don't hide from sphinx as this is a parameter modifying decorator return wrapped def deprecated(msg=''): """Deprecate decorated method.""" docstring_text = ('**DEPRECATED**. Will be removed in a future version ' 'of PRAW. {0}'.format(msg)) def wrap(function): function.__doc__ = _embed_text(function.__doc__, docstring_text) @wraps(function) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): disable_warning = False if 'disable_warning' in kwargs: disable_warning = kwargs['disable_warning'] del kwargs['disable_warning'] if not disable_warning: warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) return function(self, *args, **kwargs) return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped return wrap def limit_chars(function): """Truncate the string returned from a function and return the result.""" @wraps(function) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): output_chars_limit = self.reddit_session.config.output_chars_limit output_string = function(self, *args, **kwargs) if -1 < output_chars_limit < len(output_string): output_string = output_string[:output_chars_limit - 3] + '...' return output_string return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped def _embed_text(docstring, text): """Return the docstring with the text embedded.""" if docstring is None: return text + DOC_SEPARATOR split = docstring.rsplit('\n', 1) if len(split) == 1: # Single line return docstring + DOC_SEPARATOR + text + DOC_SEPARATOR indent = split[1] lines = text.split('\n') text = lines[0] + '\n' + '\n'.join(indent + x for x in lines[1:]) # We readd the indent at the end of the docstring so that `_embed_text # can functions can be applied multiple times. return docstring + text + DOC_SEPARATOR + indent def _build_access_text(scope, mod, login): """Return access text based on required authentication.""" if scope == 'read': text = ('May use the read oauth scope to see content only visible to ' 'the authenticated user') elif scope: text = 'Requires the {0} oauth scope'.format(scope) else: text = 'Requires' if scope and (mod or login): text += ' or' if mod: text += 'user/password authentication as a mod of the subreddit.' elif login: text += ' user/password authentication.' else: text += '.' return text def oauth_generator(function): """Set the _use_oauth keyword argument to True when appropriate. This is needed because generator functions may be called at anytime, and PRAW relies on the Reddit._use_oauth value at original call time to know when to make OAuth requests. Returned data is not modified. """ @wraps(function) def wrapped(reddit_session, *args, **kwargs): if getattr(reddit_session, '_use_oauth', False): kwargs['_use_oauth'] = True return function(reddit_session, *args, **kwargs) return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped def raise_api_exceptions(function): """Raise client side exception(s) when present in the API response. Returned data is not modified. """ @wraps(function) def wrapped(reddit_session, *args, **kwargs): try: return_value = function(reddit_session, *args, **kwargs) except errors.HTTPException as exc: if exc._raw.status_code != 400: # pylint: disable=W0212 raise # Unhandled HTTPErrors try: # Attempt to convert v1 errors into older format (for now) data = exc._raw.json() # pylint: disable=W0212 assert len(data) == 2 return_value = {'errors': [(data['reason'], data['explanation'], '')]} except Exception: raise exc if isinstance(return_value, dict): if return_value.get('error') == 304: # Not modified exception raise errors.NotModified(return_value) elif return_value.get('errors'): error_list = [] for error_type, msg, value in return_value['errors']: if error_type in errors.ERROR_MAPPING: if error_type == 'RATELIMIT': reddit_session.evict(args[0]) error_class = errors.ERROR_MAPPING[error_type] else: error_class = errors.APIException error_list.append(error_class(error_type, msg, value, return_value)) if len(error_list) == 1: raise error_list[0] else: raise errors.ExceptionList(error_list) return return_value return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped def require_captcha(function): """Return a decorator for methods that require captchas.""" def get_captcha(reddit_session, captcha_id): """Prompt user for captcha solution and return a prepared result.""" url = urljoin(reddit_session.config['captcha'], captcha_id + '.png') sys.stdout.write('Captcha URL: %s\nCaptcha: ' % url) sys.stdout.flush() raw = sys.stdin.readline() if not raw: # stdin has reached the end of file # Trigger exception raising next time through. The request is # cached so this will not require and extra request and delay. sys.stdin.close() return None return {'iden': captcha_id, 'captcha': raw.strip()} captcha_text = ('This function may result in a captcha challenge. PRAW ' 'will automatically prompt you for a response. See ' ':ref:`handling-captchas` if you want to manually handle ' 'captchas.') function.__doc__ = _embed_text(function.__doc__, captcha_text) @wraps(function) def wrapped(obj, *args, **kwargs): if 'raise_captcha_exception' in kwargs: raise_captcha_exception = kwargs['raise_captcha_exception'] del kwargs['raise_captcha_exception'] else: raise_captcha_exception = False captcha_id = None # Get a handle to the reddit session if hasattr(obj, 'reddit_session'): reddit_session = obj.reddit_session else: reddit_session = obj while True: try: if captcha_id: kwargs['captcha'] = get_captcha(reddit_session, captcha_id) return function(obj, *args, **kwargs) except errors.InvalidCaptcha as exception: if raise_captcha_exception or \ not hasattr(sys.stdin, 'closed') or sys.stdin.closed: raise captcha_id = exception.response['captcha'] return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped def restrict_access(scope, mod=None, login=None, oauth_only=False): """Restrict function access unless the user has the necessary permissions. Raises one of the following exceptions when appropriate: * LoginRequired * LoginOrOAuthRequired * the scope attribute will provide the necessary scope name * ModeratorRequired * ModeratorOrOAuthRequired * the scope attribute will provide the necessary scope name :param scope: Indicate the scope that is required for the API call. None or False must be passed to indicate that no scope handles the API call. All scopes save for `read` imply login=True. Scopes with 'mod' in their name imply mod=True. :param mod: Indicate that a moderator is required. Implies login=True. :param login: Indicate that a login is required. :param oauth_only: Indicate that only OAuth is supported for the function. Returned data is not modified. This decorator assumes that all mod required functions fit one of: * have the subreddit as the first argument (Reddit instance functions) or have a subreddit keyword argument * are called upon a subreddit object (Subreddit RedditContentObject) * are called upon a RedditContent object with attribute subreddit """ if not scope and oauth_only: raise TypeError('`scope` must be set when `oauth_only` is set') mod = mod is not False and (mod or scope and 'mod' in scope) login = login is not False and (login or mod or scope and scope != 'read') def wrap(function): access_info = _build_access_text(scope, mod, login) function.__doc__ = _embed_text(function.__doc__, access_info) @wraps(function) def wrapped(cls, *args, **kwargs): def is_mod_of_all(user, subreddit): mod_subs = user.get_cached_moderated_reddits() subs = six.text_type(subreddit).lower().split('+') return all(sub in mod_subs for sub in subs) if cls is None: # Occurs with (un)friend assert login raise errors.LoginRequired(function.__name__) # This segment of code uses hasattr to determine what instance type # the function was called on. We could use isinstance if we wanted # to import the types at runtime (decorators is used by all the # types). if mod: if hasattr(cls, 'reddit_session'): # Defer access until necessary for RedditContentObject. # This is because scoped sessions may not require this # attribute to exist, thus it might not be set. subreddit = cls if hasattr(cls, '_case_name') else False else: subreddit = kwargs.get( 'subreddit', args[0] if args else None) if subreddit is None: # Try the default value defaults = six.get_function_defaults(function) subreddit = defaults[0] if defaults else None else: subreddit = None obj = getattr(cls, 'reddit_session', cls) # This function sets _use_oauth for one time use only. # Verify that statement is actually true. assert not obj._use_oauth # pylint: disable=W0212 if scope and obj.has_scope(scope): obj._use_oauth = True # pylint: disable=W0212 elif oauth_only: raise errors.OAuthScopeRequired(function.__name__, scope) elif login and obj.is_logged_in(): if subreddit is False: # Now fetch the subreddit attribute. There is no good # reason for it to not be set during a logged in session. subreddit = cls.subreddit if mod and not is_mod_of_all(obj.user, subreddit): if scope: raise errors.ModeratorOrScopeRequired( function.__name__, scope) raise errors.ModeratorRequired(function.__name__) elif login: if scope: raise errors.LoginOrScopeRequired(function.__name__, scope) raise errors.LoginRequired(function.__name__) try: return function(cls, *args, **kwargs) finally: obj._use_oauth = False # pylint: disable=W0212 return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped return wrap def require_oauth(function): """Verify that the OAuth functions can be used prior to use. Returned data is not modified. """ @wraps(function) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.has_oauth_app_info: err_msg = ("The OAuth app config parameters client_id, " "client_secret and redirect_url must be specified to " "use this function.") raise errors.OAuthAppRequired(err_msg) return function(self, *args, **kwargs) return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped
#!/usr/bin/env python """Create a "virtual" Python installation """ # If you change the version here, change it in # and docs/ as well. virtualenv_version = "" import base64 import sys import os import optparse import re import shutil import logging import tempfile import zlib import errno import distutils.sysconfig from distutils.util import strtobool try: import subprocess except ImportError: if sys.version_info <= (2, 3): print('ERROR: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) print('ERROR: this script requires Python 2.4 or greater; or at least the subprocess module.') print('If you copy from a newer version of Python this script will probably work') sys.exit(101) else: raise try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str try: import ConfigParser except ImportError: import configparser as ConfigParser join = os.path.join py_version = 'python%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java') is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') is_win = (sys.platform == 'win32') abiflags = getattr(sys, 'abiflags', '') user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') if sys.platform == 'win32': user_dir = os.environ.get('APPDATA', user_dir) # Use %APPDATA% for roaming default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, 'virtualenv') else: default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, '.virtualenv') default_config_file = os.path.join(default_storage_dir, 'virtualenv.ini') if is_pypy: expected_exe = 'pypy' elif is_jython: expected_exe = 'jython' else: expected_exe = 'python' REQUIRED_MODULES = ['os', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'nt', 'ntpath', 'genericpath', 'fnmatch', 'locale', 'encodings', 'codecs', 'stat', 'UserDict', 'readline', 'copy_reg', 'types', 're', 'sre', 'sre_parse', 'sre_constants', 'sre_compile', 'zlib'] REQUIRED_FILES = ['lib-dynload', 'config'] majver, minver = sys.version_info[:2] if majver == 2: if minver >= 6: REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['warnings', 'linecache', '_abcoll', 'abc']) if minver >= 7: REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_weakrefset']) if minver <= 3: REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['sets', '__future__']) elif majver == 3: # Some extra modules are needed for Python 3, but different ones # for different versions. REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_abcoll', 'warnings', 'linecache', 'abc', 'io', '_weakrefset', 'copyreg', 'tempfile', 'random', '__future__', 'collections', 'keyword', 'tarfile', 'shutil', 'struct', 'copy']) if minver >= 2: REQUIRED_FILES[-1] = 'config-%s' % majver if minver == 3: # The whole list of 3.3 modules is reproduced below - the current # uncommented ones are required for 3.3 as of now, but more may be # added as 3.3 development continues. REQUIRED_MODULES.extend([ #"aifc", #"antigravity", #"argparse", #"ast", #"asynchat", #"asyncore", "base64", #"bdb", #"binhex", "bisect", #"calendar", #"cgi", #"cgitb", #"chunk", #"cmd", #"codeop", #"code", #"colorsys", #"_compat_pickle", #"compileall", #"concurrent", #"configparser", #"contextlib", #"cProfile", #"crypt", #"csv", #"ctypes", #"curses", #"datetime", #"dbm", #"decimal", #"difflib", #"dis", #"doctest", #"dummy_threading", "_dummy_thread", #"email", #"filecmp", #"fileinput", #"formatter", #"fractions", #"ftplib", #"functools", #"getopt", #"getpass", #"gettext", #"glob", #"gzip", "hashlib", "heapq", "hmac", #"html", #"http", #"idlelib", #"imaplib", #"imghdr", #"importlib", #"inspect", #"json", #"lib2to3", #"logging", #"macpath", #"macurl2path", #"mailbox", #"mailcap", #"_markupbase", #"mimetypes", #"modulefinder", #"multiprocessing", #"netrc", #"nntplib", #"nturl2path", #"numbers", #"opcode", #"optparse", #"os2emxpath", #"pdb", #"pickle", #"pickletools", #"pipes", #"pkgutil", #"platform", #"plat-linux2", #"plistlib", #"poplib", #"pprint", #"profile", #"pstats", #"pty", #"pyclbr", #"py_compile", #"pydoc_data", #"pydoc", #"_pyio", #"queue", #"quopri", "reprlib", "rlcompleter", #"runpy", #"sched", #"shelve", #"shlex", #"smtpd", #"smtplib", #"sndhdr", #"socket", #"socketserver", #"sqlite3", #"ssl", #"stringprep", #"string", #"_strptime", #"subprocess", #"sunau", #"symbol", #"symtable", #"sysconfig", #"tabnanny", #"telnetlib", #"test", #"textwrap", #"this", #"_threading_local", #"threading", #"timeit", #"tkinter", #"tokenize", #"token", #"traceback", #"trace", #"tty", #"turtledemo", #"turtle", #"unittest", #"urllib", #"uuid", #"uu", #"wave", "weakref", #"webbrowser", #"wsgiref", #"xdrlib", #"xml", #"xmlrpc", #"zipfile", ]) if is_pypy: # these are needed to correctly display the exceptions that may happen # during the bootstrap REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['traceback', 'linecache']) class Logger(object): """ Logging object for use in command-line script. Allows ranges of levels, to avoid some redundancy of displayed information. """ DEBUG = logging.DEBUG INFO = logging.INFO NOTIFY = (logging.INFO+logging.WARN)/2 WARN = WARNING = logging.WARN ERROR = logging.ERROR FATAL = logging.FATAL LEVELS = [DEBUG, INFO, NOTIFY, WARN, ERROR, FATAL] def __init__(self, consumers): self.consumers = consumers self.indent = 0 self.in_progress = None self.in_progress_hanging = False def debug(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log(self.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kw) def info(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log(self.INFO, msg, *args, **kw) def notify(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log(self.NOTIFY, msg, *args, **kw) def warn(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log(self.WARN, msg, *args, **kw) def error(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log(self.WARN, msg, *args, **kw) def fatal(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log(self.FATAL, msg, *args, **kw) def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kw): if args: if kw: raise TypeError( "You may give positional or keyword arguments, not both") args = args or kw rendered = None for consumer_level, consumer in self.consumers: if self.level_matches(level, consumer_level): if (self.in_progress_hanging and consumer in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)): self.in_progress_hanging = False sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() if rendered is None: if args: rendered = msg % args else: rendered = msg rendered = ' '*self.indent + rendered if hasattr(consumer, 'write'): consumer.write(rendered+'\n') else: consumer(rendered) def start_progress(self, msg): assert not self.in_progress, ( "Tried to start_progress(%r) while in_progress %r" % (msg, self.in_progress)) if self.level_matches(self.NOTIFY, self._stdout_level()): sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() self.in_progress_hanging = True else: self.in_progress_hanging = False self.in_progress = msg def end_progress(self, msg='done.'): assert self.in_progress, ( "Tried to end_progress without start_progress") if self.stdout_level_matches(self.NOTIFY): if not self.in_progress_hanging: # Some message has been printed out since start_progress sys.stdout.write('...' + self.in_progress + msg + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write(msg + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() self.in_progress = None self.in_progress_hanging = False def show_progress(self): """If we are in a progress scope, and no log messages have been shown, write out another '.'""" if self.in_progress_hanging: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() def stdout_level_matches(self, level): """Returns true if a message at this level will go to stdout""" return self.level_matches(level, self._stdout_level()) def _stdout_level(self): """Returns the level that stdout runs at""" for level, consumer in self.consumers: if consumer is sys.stdout: return level return self.FATAL def level_matches(self, level, consumer_level): """ >>> l = Logger([]) >>> l.level_matches(3, 4) False >>> l.level_matches(3, 2) True >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 3) False >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 2) True >>> l.level_matches(slice(1, 3), 1) True >>> l.level_matches(slice(2, 3), 1) False """ if isinstance(level, slice): start, stop = level.start, level.stop if start is not None and start > consumer_level: return False if stop is not None and stop <= consumer_level: return False return True else: return level >= consumer_level #@classmethod def level_for_integer(cls, level): levels = cls.LEVELS if level < 0: return levels[0] if level >= len(levels): return levels[-1] return levels[level] level_for_integer = classmethod(level_for_integer) # create a silent logger just to prevent this from being undefined # will be overridden with requested verbosity main() is called. logger = Logger([(Logger.LEVELS[-1], sys.stdout)]) def mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path):'Creating %s', path) os.makedirs(path) else:'Directory %s already exists', path) def copyfileordir(src, dest): if os.path.isdir(src): shutil.copytree(src, dest, True) else: shutil.copy2(src, dest) def copyfile(src, dest, symlink=True): if not os.path.exists(src): # Some bad symlink in the src logger.warn('Cannot find file %s (bad symlink)', src) return if os.path.exists(dest): logger.debug('File %s already exists', dest) return if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):'Creating parent directories for %s' % os.path.dirname(dest)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) if not os.path.islink(src): srcpath = os.path.abspath(src) else: srcpath = os.readlink(src) if symlink and hasattr(os, 'symlink') and not is_win:'Symlinking %s', dest) try: os.symlink(srcpath, dest) except (OSError, NotImplementedError):'Symlinking failed, copying to %s', dest) copyfileordir(src, dest) else:'Copying to %s', dest) copyfileordir(src, dest) def writefile(dest, content, overwrite=True): if not os.path.exists(dest):'Writing %s', dest) f = open(dest, 'wb') f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) f.close() return else: f = open(dest, 'rb') c = f.close() if c != content.encode("utf-8"): if not overwrite: logger.notify('File %s exists with different content; not overwriting', dest) return logger.notify('Overwriting %s with new content', dest) f = open(dest, 'wb') f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) f.close() else:'Content %s already in place', dest) def rmtree(dir): if os.path.exists(dir): logger.notify('Deleting tree %s', dir) shutil.rmtree(dir) else:'Do not need to delete %s; already gone', dir) def make_exe(fn): if hasattr(os, 'chmod'): oldmode = os.stat(fn).st_mode & 0xFFF # 0o7777 newmode = (oldmode | 0x16D) & 0xFFF # 0o555, 0o7777 os.chmod(fn, newmode)'Changed mode of %s to %s', fn, oct(newmode)) def _find_file(filename, dirs): for dir in reversed(dirs): if os.path.exists(join(dir, filename)): return join(dir, filename) return filename def _install_req(py_executable, unzip=False, distribute=False, search_dirs=None, never_download=False): if search_dirs is None: search_dirs = file_search_dirs() if not distribute: setup_fn = 'setuptools-0.6c11-py%s.egg' % sys.version[:3] project_name = 'setuptools' bootstrap_script = EZ_SETUP_PY source = None else: setup_fn = None source = 'distribute-0.6.24.tar.gz' project_name = 'distribute' bootstrap_script = DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY if setup_fn is not None: setup_fn = _find_file(setup_fn, search_dirs) if source is not None: source = _find_file(source, search_dirs) if is_jython and os._name == 'nt': # Jython's .bat sys.executable can't handle a command line # argument with newlines fd, ez_setup = tempfile.mkstemp('.py') os.write(fd, bootstrap_script) os.close(fd) cmd = [py_executable, ez_setup] else: cmd = [py_executable, '-c', bootstrap_script] if unzip: cmd.append('--always-unzip') env = {} remove_from_env = [] if logger.stdout_level_matches(logger.DEBUG): cmd.append('-v') old_chdir = os.getcwd() if setup_fn is not None and os.path.exists(setup_fn):'Using existing %s egg: %s' % (project_name, setup_fn)) cmd.append(setup_fn) if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'): env['PYTHONPATH'] = setup_fn + os.path.pathsep + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] else: env['PYTHONPATH'] = setup_fn else: # the source is found, let's chdir if source is not None and os.path.exists(source):'Using existing %s egg: %s' % (project_name, source)) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(source)) # in this case, we want to be sure that PYTHONPATH is unset (not # just empty, really unset), else CPython tries to import the # that it's in virtualenv_support remove_from_env.append('PYTHONPATH') else: if never_download: logger.fatal("Can't find any local distributions of %s to install " "and --never-download is set. Either re-run virtualenv " "without the --never-download option, or place a %s " "distribution (%s) in one of these " "locations: %r" % (project_name, project_name, setup_fn or source, search_dirs)) sys.exit(1)'No %s egg found; downloading' % project_name) cmd.extend(['--always-copy', '-U', project_name]) logger.start_progress('Installing %s...' % project_name) logger.indent += 2 cwd = None if project_name == 'distribute': env['DONT_PATCH_SETUPTOOLS'] = 'true' def _filter_ez_setup(line): return filter_ez_setup(line, project_name) if not os.access(os.getcwd(), os.W_OK): cwd = tempfile.mkdtemp() if source is not None and os.path.exists(source): # the current working dir is hostile, let's copy the # tarball to a temp dir target = os.path.join(cwd, os.path.split(source)[-1]) shutil.copy(source, target) try: call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, filter_stdout=_filter_ez_setup, extra_env=env, remove_from_env=remove_from_env, cwd=cwd) finally: logger.indent -= 2 logger.end_progress() if os.getcwd() != old_chdir: os.chdir(old_chdir) if is_jython and os._name == 'nt': os.remove(ez_setup) def file_search_dirs(): here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) dirs = ['.', here, join(here, 'virtualenv_support')] if os.path.splitext(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] != 'virtualenv': # Probably some boot script; just in case virtualenv is installed... try: import virtualenv except ImportError: pass else: dirs.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(virtualenv.__file__), 'virtualenv_support')) return [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)] def install_setuptools(py_executable, unzip=False, search_dirs=None, never_download=False): _install_req(py_executable, unzip, search_dirs=search_dirs, never_download=never_download) def install_distribute(py_executable, unzip=False, search_dirs=None, never_download=False): _install_req(py_executable, unzip, distribute=True, search_dirs=search_dirs, never_download=never_download) _pip_re = re.compile(r'^pip-.*(zip|tar.gz|tar.bz2|tgz|tbz)$', re.I) def install_pip(py_executable, search_dirs=None, never_download=False): if search_dirs is None: search_dirs = file_search_dirs() filenames = [] for dir in search_dirs: filenames.extend([join(dir, fn) for fn in os.listdir(dir) if]) filenames = [(os.path.basename(filename).lower(), i, filename) for i, filename in enumerate(filenames)] filenames.sort() filenames = [filename for basename, i, filename in filenames] if not filenames: filename = 'pip' else: filename = filenames[-1] easy_install_script = 'easy_install' if sys.platform == 'win32': easy_install_script = '' # There's two subtle issues here when invoking easy_install. # 1. On unix-like systems the easy_install script can *only* be executed # directly if its full filesystem path is no longer than 78 characters. # 2. A work around to [1] is to use the `python path/to/easy_install foo` # pattern, but that breaks if the path contains non-ASCII characters, as # you can't put the file encoding declaration before the shebang line. # The solution is to use Python's -x flag to skip the first line of the # script (and any ASCII decoding errors that may have occurred in that line) cmd = [py_executable, '-x', join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), easy_install_script), filename] # jython and pypy don't yet support -x if is_jython or is_pypy: cmd.remove('-x') if filename == 'pip': if never_download: logger.fatal("Can't find any local distributions of pip to install " "and --never-download is set. Either re-run virtualenv " "without the --never-download option, or place a pip " "source distribution (zip/tar.gz/tar.bz2) in one of these " "locations: %r" % search_dirs) sys.exit(1)'Installing pip from network...') else:'Installing existing %s distribution: %s' % ( os.path.basename(filename), filename)) logger.start_progress('Installing pip...') logger.indent += 2 def _filter_setup(line): return filter_ez_setup(line, 'pip') try: call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, filter_stdout=_filter_setup) finally: logger.indent -= 2 logger.end_progress() def filter_ez_setup(line, project_name='setuptools'): if not line.strip(): return Logger.DEBUG if project_name == 'distribute': for prefix in ('Extracting', 'Now working', 'Installing', 'Before', 'Scanning', 'Setuptools', 'Egg', 'Already', 'running', 'writing', 'reading', 'installing', 'creating', 'copying', 'byte-compiling', 'removing', 'Processing'): if line.startswith(prefix): return Logger.DEBUG return Logger.DEBUG for prefix in ['Reading ', 'Best match', 'Processing setuptools', 'Copying setuptools', 'Adding setuptools', 'Installing ', 'Installed ']: if line.startswith(prefix): return Logger.DEBUG return Logger.INFO class UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """ Custom help formatter for use in ConfigOptionParser that updates the defaults before expanding them, allowing them to show up correctly in the help listing """ def expand_default(self, option): if self.parser is not None: self.parser.update_defaults(self.parser.defaults) return optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.expand_default(self, option) class ConfigOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """ Custom option parser which updates its defaults by by checking the configuration files and environmental variables """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() self.files = self.get_config_files() optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_config_files(self): config_file = os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_CONFIG_FILE', False) if config_file and os.path.exists(config_file): return [config_file] return [default_config_file] def update_defaults(self, defaults): """ Updates the given defaults with values from the config files and the environ. Does a little special handling for certain types of options (lists). """ # Then go and look for the other sources of configuration: config = {} # 1. config files config.update(dict(self.get_config_section('virtualenv'))) # 2. environmental variables config.update(dict(self.get_environ_vars())) # Then set the options with those values for key, val in config.items(): key = key.replace('_', '-') if not key.startswith('--'): key = '--%s' % key # only prefer long opts option = self.get_option(key) if option is not None: # ignore empty values if not val: continue # handle multiline configs if option.action == 'append': val = val.split() else: option.nargs = 1 if option.action in ('store_true', 'store_false', 'count'): val = strtobool(val) try: val = option.convert_value(key, val) except optparse.OptionValueError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print("An error occured during configuration: %s" % e) sys.exit(3) defaults[option.dest] = val return defaults def get_config_section(self, name): """ Get a section of a configuration """ if self.config.has_section(name): return self.config.items(name) return [] def get_environ_vars(self, prefix='VIRTUALENV_'): """ Returns a generator with all environmental vars with prefix VIRTUALENV """ for key, val in os.environ.items(): if key.startswith(prefix): yield (key.replace(prefix, '').lower(), val) def get_default_values(self): """ Overridding to make updating the defaults after instantiation of the option parser possible, update_defaults() does the dirty work. """ if not self.process_default_values: # Old, pre-Optik 1.5 behaviour. return optparse.Values(self.defaults) defaults = self.update_defaults(self.defaults.copy()) # ours for option in self._get_all_options(): default = defaults.get(option.dest) if isinstance(default, basestring): opt_str = option.get_opt_string() defaults[option.dest] = option.check_value(opt_str, default) return optparse.Values(defaults) def main(): parser = ConfigOptionParser( version=virtualenv_version, usage="%prog [OPTIONS] DEST_DIR", formatter=UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter()) parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help="Increase verbosity") parser.add_option( '-q', '--quiet', action='count', dest='quiet', default=0, help='Decrease verbosity') parser.add_option( '-p', '--python', dest='python', metavar='PYTHON_EXE', help='The Python interpreter to use, e.g., --python=python2.5 will use the python2.5 ' 'interpreter to create the new environment. The default is the interpreter that ' 'virtualenv was installed with (%s)' % sys.executable) parser.add_option( '--clear', dest='clear', action='store_true', help="Clear out the non-root install and start from scratch") parser.add_option( '--no-site-packages', dest='no_site_packages', action='store_true', help="Don't give access to the global site-packages dir to the " "virtual environment (default; deprecated)") parser.add_option( '--system-site-packages', dest='system_site_packages', action='store_true', help="Give access to the global site-packages dir to the " "virtual environment") parser.add_option( '--unzip-setuptools', dest='unzip_setuptools', action='store_true', help="Unzip Setuptools or Distribute when installing it") parser.add_option( '--relocatable', dest='relocatable', action='store_true', help='Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable. ' 'This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files relative') parser.add_option( '--distribute', dest='use_distribute', action='store_true', help='Use Distribute instead of Setuptools. Set environ variable ' 'VIRTUALENV_DISTRIBUTE to make it the default ') default_search_dirs = file_search_dirs() parser.add_option( '--extra-search-dir', dest="search_dirs", action="append", default=default_search_dirs, help="Directory to look for setuptools/distribute/pip distributions in. " "You can add any number of additional --extra-search-dir paths.") parser.add_option( '--never-download', dest="never_download", action="store_true", help="Never download anything from the network. Instead, virtualenv will fail " "if local distributions of setuptools/distribute/pip are not present.") parser.add_option( '--prompt=', dest='prompt', help='Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this environment') if 'extend_parser' in globals(): extend_parser(parser) options, args = parser.parse_args() global logger if 'adjust_options' in globals(): adjust_options(options, args) verbosity = options.verbose - options.quiet logger = Logger([(Logger.level_for_integer(2-verbosity), sys.stdout)]) if options.python and not os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'): env = os.environ.copy() interpreter = resolve_interpreter(options.python) if interpreter == sys.executable: logger.warn('Already using interpreter %s' % interpreter) else: logger.notify('Running virtualenv with interpreter %s' % interpreter) env['VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'] = 'true' file = __file__ if file.endswith('.pyc'): file = file[:-1] popen = subprocess.Popen([interpreter, file] + sys.argv[1:], env=env) raise SystemExit(popen.wait()) # Force --distribute on Python 3, since setuptools is not available. if majver > 2: options.use_distribute = True if os.environ.get('PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE') and not options.use_distribute: print( "The PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE environment variable is " "not compatible with setuptools. Either use --distribute " "or unset PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE.") sys.exit(2) if not args: print('You must provide a DEST_DIR') parser.print_help() sys.exit(2) if len(args) > 1: print('There must be only one argument: DEST_DIR (you gave %s)' % ( ' '.join(args))) parser.print_help() sys.exit(2) home_dir = args[0] if os.environ.get('WORKING_ENV'): logger.fatal('ERROR: you cannot run virtualenv while in a workingenv') logger.fatal('Please deactivate your workingenv, then re-run this script') sys.exit(3) if 'PYTHONHOME' in os.environ: logger.warn('PYTHONHOME is set. You *must* activate the virtualenv before using it') del os.environ['PYTHONHOME'] if options.relocatable: make_environment_relocatable(home_dir) return if options.no_site_packages: logger.warn('The --no-site-packages flag is deprecated; it is now ' 'the default behavior.') create_environment(home_dir, site_packages=options.system_site_packages, clear=options.clear, unzip_setuptools=options.unzip_setuptools, use_distribute=options.use_distribute, prompt=options.prompt, search_dirs=options.search_dirs, never_download=options.never_download) if 'after_install' in globals(): after_install(options, home_dir) def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True, filter_stdout=None, cwd=None, raise_on_returncode=True, extra_env=None, remove_from_env=None): cmd_parts = [] for part in cmd: if len(part) > 45: part = part[:20]+"..."+part[-20:] if ' ' in part or '\n' in part or '"' in part or "'" in part: part = '"%s"' % part.replace('"', '\\"') if hasattr(part, 'decode'): try: part = part.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) except UnicodeDecodeError: part = part.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) cmd_parts.append(part) cmd_desc = ' '.join(cmd_parts) if show_stdout: stdout = None else: stdout = subprocess.PIPE logger.debug("Running command %s" % cmd_desc) if extra_env or remove_from_env: env = os.environ.copy() if extra_env: env.update(extra_env) if remove_from_env: for varname in remove_from_env: env.pop(varname, None) else: env = None try: proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=None, stdout=stdout, cwd=cwd, env=env) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] logger.fatal( "Error %s while executing command %s" % (e, cmd_desc)) raise all_output = [] if stdout is not None: stdout = proc.stdout encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() while 1: line = stdout.readline() try: line = line.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: line = line.decode(fs_encoding) if not line: break line = line.rstrip() all_output.append(line) if filter_stdout: level = filter_stdout(line) if isinstance(level, tuple): level, line = level logger.log(level, line) if not logger.stdout_level_matches(level): logger.show_progress() else: else: proc.communicate() proc.wait() if proc.returncode: if raise_on_returncode: if all_output: logger.notify('Complete output from command %s:' % cmd_desc) logger.notify('\n'.join(all_output) + '\n----------------------------------------') raise OSError( "Command %s failed with error code %s" % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) else: logger.warn( "Command %s had error code %s" % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) def create_environment(home_dir, site_packages=False, clear=False, unzip_setuptools=False, use_distribute=False, prompt=None, search_dirs=None, never_download=False): """ Creates a new environment in ``home_dir``. If ``site_packages`` is true, then the global ``site-packages/`` directory will be on the path. If ``clear`` is true (default False) then the environment will first be cleared. """ home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) py_executable = os.path.abspath(install_python( home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, site_packages=site_packages, clear=clear)) install_distutils(home_dir) # use_distribute also is True if VIRTUALENV_DISTRIBUTE env var is set # we also check VIRTUALENV_USE_DISTRIBUTE for backwards compatibility if use_distribute or os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_USE_DISTRIBUTE'): install_distribute(py_executable, unzip=unzip_setuptools, search_dirs=search_dirs, never_download=never_download) else: install_setuptools(py_executable, unzip=unzip_setuptools, search_dirs=search_dirs, never_download=never_download) install_pip(py_executable, search_dirs=search_dirs, never_download=never_download) install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt) def path_locations(home_dir): """Return the path locations for the environment (where libraries are, where scripts go, etc)""" # XXX: We'd use distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc/lib but its # prefix arg is broken: if sys.platform == 'win32': # Windows has lots of problems with executables with spaces in # the name; this function will remove them (using the ~1 # format): mkdir(home_dir) if ' ' in home_dir: try: import win32api except ImportError: print('Error: the path "%s" has a space in it' % home_dir) print('To handle these kinds of paths, the win32api module must be installed:') print('') sys.exit(3) home_dir = win32api.GetShortPathName(home_dir) lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib') inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include') bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'Scripts') if is_jython: lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib') inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include') bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') elif is_pypy: lib_dir = home_dir inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include') bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') elif sys.platform != 'win32': lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'lib', py_version) inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include', py_version + abiflags) bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') return home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir def change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix): prefixes = [sys.prefix] if sys.platform == "darwin": prefixes.extend(( os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python"), os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"))) if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): prefixes.append(sys.real_prefix) prefixes = list(map(os.path.abspath, prefixes)) filename = os.path.abspath(filename) for src_prefix in prefixes: if filename.startswith(src_prefix): _, relpath = filename.split(src_prefix, 1) assert relpath[0] == os.sep relpath = relpath[1:] return join(dst_prefix, relpath) assert False, "Filename %s does not start with any of these prefixes: %s" % \ (filename, prefixes) def copy_required_modules(dst_prefix): import imp # If we are running under -p, we need to remove the current # directory from sys.path temporarily here, so that we # definitely get the modules from the site directory of # the interpreter we are running under, not the one # is installed under (which might lead to py2/py3 # incompatibility issues) _prev_sys_path = sys.path if os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'): sys.path = sys.path[1:] try: for modname in REQUIRED_MODULES: if modname in sys.builtin_module_names:"Ignoring built-in bootstrap module: %s" % modname) continue try: f, filename, _ = imp.find_module(modname) except ImportError:"Cannot import bootstrap module: %s" % modname) else: if f is not None: f.close() dst_filename = change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix) copyfile(filename, dst_filename) if filename.endswith('.pyc'): pyfile = filename[:-1] if os.path.exists(pyfile): copyfile(pyfile, dst_filename[:-1]) finally: sys.path = _prev_sys_path def install_python(home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, site_packages, clear): """Install just the base environment, no distutils patches etc""" if sys.executable.startswith(bin_dir): print('Please use the *system* python to run this script') return if clear: rmtree(lib_dir) ## FIXME: why not delete it? ## Maybe it should delete everything with #!/path/to/venv/python in it logger.notify('Not deleting %s', bin_dir) if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): logger.notify('Using real prefix %r' % sys.real_prefix) prefix = sys.real_prefix else: prefix = sys.prefix mkdir(lib_dir) fix_lib64(lib_dir) stdlib_dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.__file__)] if sys.platform == 'win32': stdlib_dirs.append(join(os.path.dirname(stdlib_dirs[0]), 'DLLs')) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': stdlib_dirs.append(join(stdlib_dirs[0], 'site-packages')) if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):'Symlinking Python bootstrap modules') else:'Copying Python bootstrap modules') logger.indent += 2 try: # copy required files... for stdlib_dir in stdlib_dirs: if not os.path.isdir(stdlib_dir): continue for fn in os.listdir(stdlib_dir): bn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] if fn != 'site-packages' and bn in REQUIRED_FILES: copyfile(join(stdlib_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn)) # ...and modules copy_required_modules(home_dir) finally: logger.indent -= 2 mkdir(join(lib_dir, 'site-packages')) import site site_filename = site.__file__ if site_filename.endswith('.pyc'): site_filename = site_filename[:-1] elif site_filename.endswith('$py.class'): site_filename = site_filename.replace('$py.class', '.py') site_filename_dst = change_prefix(site_filename, home_dir) site_dir = os.path.dirname(site_filename_dst) writefile(site_filename_dst, SITE_PY) writefile(join(site_dir, 'orig-prefix.txt'), prefix) site_packages_filename = join(site_dir, 'no-global-site-packages.txt') if not site_packages: writefile(site_packages_filename, '') else: if os.path.exists(site_packages_filename):'Deleting %s' % site_packages_filename) os.unlink(site_packages_filename) if is_pypy or is_win: stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include') else: stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include', py_version + abiflags) if os.path.exists(stdinc_dir): copyfile(stdinc_dir, inc_dir) else: logger.debug('No include dir %s' % stdinc_dir) # pypy never uses exec_prefix, just ignore it if sys.exec_prefix != prefix and not is_pypy: if sys.platform == 'win32': exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib') elif is_jython: exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Lib') else: exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib', py_version) for fn in os.listdir(exec_dir): copyfile(join(exec_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn)) if is_jython: # Jython has either jython-dev.jar and javalib/ dir, or just # jython.jar for name in 'jython-dev.jar', 'javalib', 'jython.jar': src = join(prefix, name) if os.path.exists(src): copyfile(src, join(home_dir, name)) # XXX: registry should always exist after Jython 2.5rc1 src = join(prefix, 'registry') if os.path.exists(src): copyfile(src, join(home_dir, 'registry'), symlink=False) copyfile(join(prefix, 'cachedir'), join(home_dir, 'cachedir'), symlink=False) mkdir(bin_dir) py_executable = join(bin_dir, os.path.basename(sys.executable)) if 'Python.framework' in prefix: if'/Python(?:-32|-64)*$', py_executable): # The name of the python executable is not quite what # we want, rename it. py_executable = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python') logger.notify('New %s executable in %s', expected_exe, py_executable) pcbuild_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) pyd_pth = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'site-packages', 'virtualenv_builddir_pyd.pth') if is_win and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pcbuild_dir, 'build.bat')): logger.notify('Detected python running from build directory %s', pcbuild_dir) logger.notify('Writing .pth file linking to build directory for *.pyd files') writefile(pyd_pth, pcbuild_dir) else: pcbuild_dir = None if os.path.exists(pyd_pth):'Deleting %s (not Windows env or not build directory python)' % pyd_pth) os.unlink(pyd_pth) if sys.executable != py_executable: ## FIXME: could I just hard link? executable = sys.executable if sys.platform == 'cygwin' and os.path.exists(executable + '.exe'): # Cygwin misreports sys.executable sometimes executable += '.exe' py_executable += '.exe''Executable actually exists in %s' % executable) shutil.copyfile(executable, py_executable) make_exe(py_executable) if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'cygwin': pythonw = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'pythonw.exe') if os.path.exists(pythonw):'Also created pythonw.exe') shutil.copyfile(pythonw, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'pythonw.exe')) python_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python_d.exe') python_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python_d.exe') if os.path.exists(python_d):'Also created python_d.exe') shutil.copyfile(python_d, python_d_dest) elif os.path.exists(python_d_dest):'Removed python_d.exe as it is no longer at the source') os.unlink(python_d_dest) # we need to copy the DLL to enforce that windows will load the correct one. # may not exist if we are cygwin. py_executable_dll = 'python%s%s.dll' % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) py_executable_dll_d = 'python%s%s_d.dll' % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) pythondll = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executable_dll) pythondll_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executable_dll_d) pythondll_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_executable_dll_d) if os.path.exists(pythondll):'Also created %s' % py_executable_dll) shutil.copyfile(pythondll, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_executable_dll)) if os.path.exists(pythondll_d):'Also created %s' % py_executable_dll_d) shutil.copyfile(pythondll_d, pythondll_d_dest) elif os.path.exists(pythondll_d_dest):'Removed %s as the source does not exist' % pythondll_d_dest) os.unlink(pythondll_d_dest) if is_pypy: # make a symlink python --> pypy-c python_executable = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python') if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'): python_executable += '.exe''Also created executable %s' % python_executable) copyfile(py_executable, python_executable) if sys.platform == 'win32': for name in 'libexpat.dll', 'libpypy.dll', 'libpypy-c.dll', 'libeay32.dll', 'ssleay32.dll', 'sqlite.dll': src = join(prefix, name) if os.path.exists(src): copyfile(src, join(bin_dir, name)) if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(py_executable))[0] != expected_exe: secondary_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), expected_exe) py_executable_ext = os.path.splitext(py_executable)[1] if py_executable_ext == '.exe': # python2.4 gives an extension of '.4' :P secondary_exe += py_executable_ext if os.path.exists(secondary_exe): logger.warn('Not overwriting existing %s script %s (you must use %s)' % (expected_exe, secondary_exe, py_executable)) else: logger.notify('Also creating executable in %s' % secondary_exe) shutil.copyfile(sys.executable, secondary_exe) make_exe(secondary_exe) if '.framework' in prefix: if 'Python.framework' in prefix: logger.debug('MacOSX Python framework detected') # Make sure we use the the embedded interpreter inside # the framework, even if sys.executable points to # the stub executable in ${sys.prefix}/bin # See # browse_thread/thread/17cab2f85da75951 original_python = os.path.join( prefix, 'Resources/') if 'EPD' in prefix: logger.debug('EPD framework detected') original_python = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin/python') shutil.copy(original_python, py_executable) # Copy the framework's dylib into the virtual # environment virtual_lib = os.path.join(home_dir, '.Python') if os.path.exists(virtual_lib): os.unlink(virtual_lib) copyfile( os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), virtual_lib) # And then change the install_name of the copied python executable try: call_subprocess( ["install_name_tool", "-change", os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), '@executable_path/../.Python', py_executable]) except: logger.fatal( "Could not call install_name_tool -- you must have Apple's development tools installed") raise # Some tools depend on pythonX.Y being present py_executable_version = '%s.%s' % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) if not py_executable.endswith(py_executable_version): # symlinking pythonX.Y > python pth = py_executable + '%s.%s' % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) if os.path.exists(pth): os.unlink(pth) os.symlink('python', pth) else: # reverse symlinking python -> pythonX.Y (with --python) pth = join(bin_dir, 'python') if os.path.exists(pth): os.unlink(pth) os.symlink(os.path.basename(py_executable), pth) if sys.platform == 'win32' and ' ' in py_executable: # There's a bug with subprocess on Windows when using a first # argument that has a space in it. Instead we have to quote # the value: py_executable = '"%s"' % py_executable # NOTE: keep this check as one line, cmd.exe doesn't cope with line breaks cmd = [py_executable, '-c', 'import sys;out=sys.stdout;' 'getattr(out, "buffer", out).write(sys.prefix.encode("utf-8"))']'Testing executable with %s %s "%s"' % tuple(cmd)) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc_stdout, proc_stderr = proc.communicate() except OSError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.errno == errno.EACCES: logger.fatal('ERROR: The executable %s could not be run: %s' % (py_executable, e)) sys.exit(100) else: raise e proc_stdout = proc_stdout.strip().decode("utf-8") proc_stdout = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(proc_stdout)) norm_home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) if hasattr(norm_home_dir, 'decode'): norm_home_dir = norm_home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if proc_stdout != norm_home_dir: logger.fatal( 'ERROR: The executable %s is not functioning' % py_executable) logger.fatal( 'ERROR: It thinks sys.prefix is %r (should be %r)' % (proc_stdout, norm_home_dir)) logger.fatal( 'ERROR: virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable') if sys.platform == 'win32': logger.fatal( 'Note: some Windows users have reported this error when they ' 'installed Python for "Only this user" or have multiple ' 'versions of Python installed. Copying the appropriate ' 'PythonXX.dll to the virtualenv Scripts/ directory may fix ' 'this problem.') sys.exit(100) else:'Got sys.prefix result: %r' % proc_stdout) pydistutils = os.path.expanduser('~/.pydistutils.cfg') if os.path.exists(pydistutils): logger.notify('Please make sure you remove any previous custom paths from ' 'your %s file.' % pydistutils) ## FIXME: really this should be calculated earlier fix_local_scheme(home_dir) return py_executable def install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt=None): home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir) if sys.platform == 'win32' or is_jython and os._name == 'nt': files = { 'activate.bat': ACTIVATE_BAT, 'deactivate.bat': DEACTIVATE_BAT, 'activate.ps1': ACTIVATE_PS, } # MSYS needs paths of the form /c/path/to/file drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(home_dir.replace(os.sep, '/')) home_dir_msys = (drive and "/%s%s" or "%s%s") % (drive[:1], tail) # Run-time conditional enables (basic) Cygwin compatibility home_dir_sh = ("""$(if [ "$OSTYPE" "==" "cygwin" ]; then cygpath -u '%s'; else echo '%s'; fi;)""" % (home_dir, home_dir_msys)) files['activate'] = ACTIVATE_SH.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir_sh) else: files = {'activate': ACTIVATE_SH} # suppling in addition to, not instead of, the # bash script support. files[''] = ACTIVATE_FISH # same for csh/tcsh support... files['activate.csh'] = ACTIVATE_CSH files[''] = ACTIVATE_THIS if hasattr(home_dir, 'decode'): home_dir = home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) vname = os.path.basename(home_dir) for name, content in files.items(): content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__', prompt or '') content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_WINPROMPT__', prompt or '(%s)' % vname) content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir) content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_NAME__', vname) content = content.replace('__BIN_NAME__', os.path.basename(bin_dir)) writefile(os.path.join(bin_dir, name), content) def install_distutils(home_dir): distutils_path = change_prefix(distutils.__path__[0], home_dir) mkdir(distutils_path) ## FIXME: maybe this prefix setting should only be put in place if ## there's a local distutils.cfg with a prefix setting? home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir) ## FIXME: this is breaking things, removing for now: #distutils_cfg = DISTUTILS_CFG + "\n[install]\nprefix=%s\n" % home_dir writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, ''), DISTUTILS_INIT) writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, 'distutils.cfg'), DISTUTILS_CFG, overwrite=False) def fix_local_scheme(home_dir): """ Platforms that use the "posix_local" install scheme (like Ubuntu with Python 2.7) need to be given an additional "local" location, sigh. """ try: import sysconfig except ImportError: pass else: if sysconfig._get_default_scheme() == 'posix_local': local_path = os.path.join(home_dir, 'local') if not os.path.exists(local_path): os.mkdir(local_path) for subdir_name in os.listdir(home_dir): if subdir_name == 'local': continue os.symlink(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_dir, subdir_name)), \ os.path.join(local_path, subdir_name)) def fix_lib64(lib_dir): """ Some platforms (particularly Gentoo on x64) put things in lib64/pythonX.Y instead of lib/pythonX.Y. If this is such a platform we'll just create a symlink so lib64 points to lib """ if [p for p in distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars().values() if isinstance(p, basestring) and 'lib64' in p]: logger.debug('This system uses lib64; symlinking lib64 to lib') assert os.path.basename(lib_dir) == 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], ( "Unexpected python lib dir: %r" % lib_dir) lib_parent = os.path.dirname(lib_dir) assert os.path.basename(lib_parent) == 'lib', ( "Unexpected parent dir: %r" % lib_parent) copyfile(lib_parent, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lib_parent), 'lib64')) def resolve_interpreter(exe): """ If the executable given isn't an absolute path, search $PATH for the interpreter """ if os.path.abspath(exe) != exe: paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) for path in paths: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, exe)): exe = os.path.join(path, exe) break if not os.path.exists(exe): logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) does not exist' % (exe, exe)) raise SystemExit(3) if not is_executable(exe): logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) is not executable' % (exe, exe)) raise SystemExit(3) return exe def is_executable(exe): """Checks a file is executable""" return os.access(exe, os.X_OK) ############################################################ ## Relocating the environment: def make_environment_relocatable(home_dir): """ Makes the already-existing environment use relative paths, and takes out the #!-based environment selection in scripts. """ home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) activate_this = os.path.join(bin_dir, '') if not os.path.exists(activate_this): logger.fatal( 'The environment doesn\'t have a file %s -- please re-run virtualenv ' 'on this environment to update it' % activate_this) fixup_scripts(home_dir) fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir) ## FIXME: need to fix up distutils.cfg OK_ABS_SCRIPTS = ['python', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], 'activate', 'activate.bat', ''] def fixup_scripts(home_dir): # This is what we expect at the top of scripts: shebang = '#!%s/bin/python' % os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) # This is what we'll put: new_shebang = '#!/usr/bin/env python%s' % sys.version[:3] activate = "import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ''); execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this" if sys.platform == 'win32': bin_suffix = 'Scripts' else: bin_suffix = 'bin' bin_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, bin_suffix) home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) for filename in os.listdir(bin_dir): filename = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): # ignore subdirs, e.g. .svn ones. continue f = open(filename, 'rb') try: try: lines ='utf-8').splitlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: # This is probably a binary program instead # of a script, so just ignore it. continue finally: f.close() if not lines: logger.warn('Script %s is an empty file' % filename) continue if not lines[0].strip().startswith(shebang): if os.path.basename(filename) in OK_ABS_SCRIPTS: logger.debug('Cannot make script %s relative' % filename) elif lines[0].strip() == new_shebang:'Script %s has already been made relative' % filename) else: logger.warn('Script %s cannot be made relative (it\'s not a normal script that starts with %s)' % (filename, shebang)) continue logger.notify('Making script %s relative' % filename) lines = [new_shebang+'\n', activate+'\n'] + lines[1:] f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write('\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8')) f.close() def fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir, sys_path=None): """Makes .pth and .egg-link files use relative paths""" home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) if sys_path is None: sys_path = sys.path for path in sys_path: if not path: path = '.' if not os.path.isdir(path): continue path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path)) if not path.startswith(home_dir): logger.debug('Skipping system (non-environment) directory %s' % path) continue for filename in os.listdir(path): filename = os.path.join(path, filename) if filename.endswith('.pth'): if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): logger.warn('Cannot write .pth file %s, skipping' % filename) else: fixup_pth_file(filename) if filename.endswith('.egg-link'): if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): logger.warn('Cannot write .egg-link file %s, skipping' % filename) else: fixup_egg_link(filename) def fixup_pth_file(filename): lines = [] prev_lines = [] f = open(filename) prev_lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in prev_lines: line = line.strip() if (not line or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('import ') or os.path.abspath(line) != line): lines.append(line) else: new_value = make_relative_path(filename, line) if line != new_value: logger.debug('Rewriting path %s as %s (in %s)' % (line, new_value, filename)) lines.append(new_value) if lines == prev_lines:'No changes to .pth file %s' % filename) return logger.notify('Making paths in .pth file %s relative' % filename) f = open(filename, 'w') f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') f.close() def fixup_egg_link(filename): f = open(filename) link = f.readline().strip() f.close() if os.path.abspath(link) != link: logger.debug('Link in %s already relative' % filename) return new_link = make_relative_path(filename, link) logger.notify('Rewriting link %s in %s as %s' % (link, filename, new_link)) f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(new_link) f.close() def make_relative_path(source, dest, dest_is_directory=True): """ Make a filename relative, where the filename is dest, and it is being referred to from the filename source. >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth', ... '/usr/share/another-place/src/Directory') '../another-place/src/Directory' >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth', ... '/home/user/src/Directory') '../../../home/user/src/Directory' >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/a-file.pth', '/usr/share/') './' """ source = os.path.dirname(source) if not dest_is_directory: dest_filename = os.path.basename(dest) dest = os.path.dirname(dest) dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) source = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(source)) dest_parts = dest.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep) source_parts = source.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep) while dest_parts and source_parts and dest_parts[0] == source_parts[0]: dest_parts.pop(0) source_parts.pop(0) full_parts = ['..']*len(source_parts) + dest_parts if not dest_is_directory: full_parts.append(dest_filename) if not full_parts: # Special case for the current directory (otherwise it'd be '') return './' return os.path.sep.join(full_parts) ############################################################ ## Bootstrap script creation: def create_bootstrap_script(extra_text, python_version=''): """ Creates a bootstrap script, which is like this script but with extend_parser, adjust_options, and after_install hooks. This returns a string that (written to disk of course) can be used as a bootstrap script with your own customizations. The script will be the standard script, with your extra text added (your extra text should be Python code). If you include these functions, they will be called: ``extend_parser(optparse_parser)``: You can add or remove options from the parser here. ``adjust_options(options, args)``: You can change options here, or change the args (if you accept different kinds of arguments, be sure you modify ``args`` so it is only ``[DEST_DIR]``). ``after_install(options, home_dir)``: After everything is installed, this function is called. This is probably the function you are most likely to use. An example would be:: def after_install(options, home_dir):[join(home_dir, 'bin', 'easy_install'), 'MyPackage'])[join(home_dir, 'bin', 'my-package-script'), 'setup', home_dir]) This example immediately installs a package, and runs a setup script from that package. If you provide something like ``python_version='2.4'`` then the script will start with ``#!/usr/bin/env python2.4`` instead of ``#!/usr/bin/env python``. You can use this when the script must be run with a particular Python version. """ filename = __file__ if filename.endswith('.pyc'): filename = filename[:-1] f = open(filename, 'rb') content = f.close() py_exe = 'python%s' % python_version content = (('#!/usr/bin/env %s\n' % py_exe) + '## WARNING: This file is generated\n' + content) return content.replace('##EXT' 'END##', extra_text) ##EXTEND## def convert(s): b = base64.b64decode(s.encode('ascii')) return zlib.decompress(b).decode('utf-8') ##file SITE_PY = convert(""" eJzFPf1z2zaWv/OvwMqTIZXKdD66nR2n7o2TOK333MTbpLO5dT1aSoIs1hTJEqRl7c3d337vAwAB kvLHpp3TdGKJBB4eHt43HtDRaHRcljJfiHWxaDIplEyq+UqUSb1SYllUol6l1WK/TKp6C0/n18mV VKIuhNqqGFvFQfD0Cz/BU/FplSqDAnxLmrpYJ3U6T7JsK9J1WVS1XIhFU6X5lUjztE6TLP0XtCjy WDz9cgyC01zAzLNUVuJGVgrgKlEsxfm2XhW5iJoS5/w8/nPycjwRal6lZQ0NKo0zUGSV1EEu5QLQ hJaNAlKmtdxXpZyny3RuG26KJluIMkvmUvzznzw1ahqGgSrWcrOSlRQ5IAMwJcAqEQ/4mlZiXixk LMRrOU9wAH7eEitgaBNcM4VkzAuRFfkVzCmXc6lUUm1FNGtqAkQoi0UBOKWAQZ1mWbApqms1hiWl 9djAI5Ewe/iTYfaAeeL4fc4BHD/kwc95ejth2MA9CK5eMdtUcpneigTBwk95K+dT/SxKl2KRLpdA g7weY5OAEVAiS2cHJS3Ht3qFvjsgrCxXJjCGRJS5Mb+kHnFwWoskU8C2TYk0UoT5WzlLkxyokd/A cAARSBoMjbNIVW3HodmJAgBUuI41SMlaiWidpDkw64/JnND+e5ovio0aEwVgtZT4tVG1O/9ogADQ 2iHAJMDFMqvZ5Fl6LbPtGBD4BNhXUjVZjQKxSCs5r4sqlYoAAGpbIW8B6YlIKqlJyJxp5HZC9Cea pDkuLAoYCjy+RJIs06umIgkTyxQ4F7ji3YefxNuT16fH7zWPGWAss1drwBmg0EI7OMEA4qBR1UFW gEDHwRn+EcligUJ2heMDXm2Dg3tXOohg7mXc7eMsOJBdL64eBuZYgzKhsQLq99/QZaJWQJ//uWe9 g+B4F1Vo4vxtsypAJvNkLcUqYf5Czgi+1XC+i8t69Qq4QSGcGkilcHEQwRThAUlcmkVFLkUJLJal uRwHQKEZtfVXEVjhfZHv01p3OAEgVEEOL51nYxoxlzDRPqxXqC9M4y3NTDcJ7Dqvi4oUB/B/Pidd lCX5NeGoiKH420xepXmOCCEvBOFeSAOr6xQ4cRGLM2pFesE0EiFrL26JItEALyHTAU/K22RdZnLC 4ou69W41QoPJWpi1zpjjoGVN6pVWrZ3qIO+9iD93uI7QrFeVBODNzBO6ZVFMxAx0NmFTJmsWr3pT EOcEA/JEnZAnqCX0xe9A0WOlmrW0L5FXQLMQQwXLIsuKDZDsMAiE2MNGxij7zAlv4R38C3Dx30zW 81UQOCNZwBoUIr8LFAIBkyBzzdUaCY/bNCt3lUyas6YoqoWsaKiHEfuAEX9gY5xr8L6otVHj6eIq F+u0RpU00yYzZYuXhzXrx1c8b5gGWG5FNDNNWzqtcXpZuUpm0rgkM7lESdCL9MouO4wZDIxJtrgW a7Yy8A7IIlO2IMOKBZXOspbkBAAMFr4kT8smo0YKGUwkMNC6JPjrBE16oZ0lYG82ywEqJDbfc7A/ 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vLYavPMcL9LW5SToJFNnos+uqweOHriUZ1ntIYZUonc7ltEQ6oTRtwOHNwez2sVREskHN+bqG3ua eaEbJ8XpyO8CeD9QJc8nbLP2C2R3A437ISUNyt5Yd0TbDNcl11/DSsOzdbi/VhCC0KE6v1vqVNkq 45ZnG6fiV2NwzInxCNth3BwL0+8814jE6+1W1EeWtpWbSZJOJNYXmWRXa7vLnAljE692eHjZ4y5u y1u63De0IzKca7As48Z3XshVF+3XiLNz0JIMh/JOpbiNLlMi672uO0wYzOCZjRxcxj3D+gVenGIE MvFUGGXuRps2RzMcgWIRolHXpGUP6sMsQt1hspUBnVKUn/WQj2u6j3SXd9Xz0QtEzoM7qTu5y7gR q9gNNsrlEMLdikBt9bFvBnfbUIh6voTw7eDsyTmPKUvF0bHqWLbHe3VRHyRZnNeSGKsB73q66Vsk taxWYmwz1tYVFG/vOQhlM0gUkyvIab3nv2caJ1udU1F3pDMty7stubTE4OJqm0i0ECfrJIkLtraC HwRWKzlqpfhEIqYH09eT9WrOhQyt8YEoyBlnXtAT37WHIQ03TIuEHbnRxZDdLun0iok9PUC79prU m5beZzfQUelEXnhzb/pIROKx3F7qCttYIFGh5dXNzFzID7u8vKykA8Uejf7XXz//S4nKvW//ofS/ QastYw== """) ##file DISTUTILS_INIT = convert(""" eJytV92L4zYQf/dfMU0ottuse7RvC6FQrg8Lxz2Ugz4si9HacqKuIxlJ2ST313dG8odkO9d7aGBB luZLv/nNjFacOqUtKJMIvzK3cXlhWgp5MDBsqK5SNYftsBAGpLLA4F1oe2Ytl+9wUvW55TswCi4c KibhbFDSglXQCFmDPXIwtm7FawLRbwtPzg2T9gf4gupKv4GS0N262w7V0NvpbCy8cvTo3eAus6C5 ETU3ICQZX1hFTw/dzR6V/AW1RCN4/XAtbsVXqIXmlVX6liS4lOzEYY9QFB2zx6LfoSNjz1a0pqT9 QOIfJWQ2E888NEVZNqLlZZnvIB0NpHkimlFdKn2iRRY7yGG/CCJb6Iz280d34SFXBS2yEYPNF0Q7 yM7oCjpWvbEDQmnhRwOs6zjThpKE8HogwRAgraqYFZgGZvzmzVh+mgz9vskT3hruwyjdFcqyENJw bbMPO5jdzonxK68QKT7B57CMRRG5shRSWDTX3dI8LzRndZbnSWL1zfvriUmK4TcGWSnZiEPCrxXv bM+sP7VW2is2WgWXCO3sAu3Rzysz3FiNCA8WPyM4gb1JAAmCiyTZbhFjWx3h9SzauuRXC9MFoVbc yNTCm1QXOOIfIn/g1kGMhDUBN72hI5XCBQtIXQw8UEEdma6Jaz4vJIJ51Orc15hzzmu6TdFp3ogr Aof0c98tsw1SiaiWotHffk3XYCkqdToxWRfTFXqgpg2khcLluOHMVC0zZhLKIomesfSreUNNgbXi Ky9VRzwzkBneNoGQyyvGjbsFQqOZvpWIjqH281lJ/jireFgR3cPzSyTGWzQpDNIU+03Fs4XKLkhp /n0uFnuF6VphB44b3uWRneSbBoMSioqE8oeF0JY+qTvYfEK+bPLYdoR4McfYQ7wMZj39q0kfP8q+ FfsymO0GzNlPh644Jje06ulqHpOEQqdJUfoidI2O4CWx4qOglLye6RrFQirpCRXvhoRqXH3sYdVJ AItvc+VUsLO2v2hVAWrNIfVGtkG351cUMNncbh/WdowtSPtCdkzYFv6mwYc9o2Jt68ud6wectBr8 hYAulPSlgzH44YbV3ikjrulEaNJxt+/H3wZ7bXSXje/YY4tfVVrVmUstaDwwOBLMg6iduDB0lMVC UyzYx7Ab4kjCqdViEJmDcdk/SKbgsjYXgfMznUWcrtS4z4fmJ/XOM1LPk/iIpqass5XwNbdnLb1Y 8h3ERXSWZI6rZJxKs1LBqVH65w0Oy4ra0CBYxEeuOMbDmV5GI6E0Ha/wgVTtkX0+OXvqsD02CKLf XHbeft85D7tTCMYy2Njp4DJP7gWJr6paVWXZ1+/6YXLv/iE0M90FktiI7yFJD9e7SOLhEkkaMTUO azq9i2woBNR0/0eoF1HFMf0H8ChxH/jgcB34GZIz3Qn4/vid+VEamQrOVqAPTrOfmD4MPdVh09tb 8dLLjvh/61lEP4yW5vJaH4vHcevG8agXvzPGoOhhXNncpTr99PTHx6e/UvffFLaxUSjuSeP286Dw gtEMcW1xKr/he4/6IQ6FUXP+0gkioHY5iwC9Eyx3HKO7af0zPPe+XyLn7fAY78k4aiR387bCr5XT 5C4rFgwLGfMvJuAMew== """) ##file distutils.cfg DISTUTILS_CFG = convert(""" eJxNj00KwkAMhfc9xYNuxe4Ft57AjYiUtDO1wXSmNJnK3N5pdSEEAu8nH6lxHVlRhtDHMPATA4uH xJ4EFmGbvfJiicSHFRzUSISMY6hq3GLCRLnIvSTnEefN0FIjw5tF0Hkk9Q5dRunBsVoyFi24aaLg 9FDOlL0FPGluf4QjcInLlxd6f6rqkgPu/5nHLg0cXCscXoozRrP51DRT3j9QNl99AP53T2Q= """) ##file ACTIVATE_THIS = convert(""" eJyNU01v2zAMvetXEB4K21jmDOstQA4dMGCHbeihlyEIDMWmG62yJEiKE//7kXKdpN2KzYBt8euR fKSyLPs8wiEo8wh4wqZTGou4V6Hm0wJa1cSiTkJdr8+GsoTRHuCotBayiWqQEYGtMCgfD1KjGYBe 5a3p0cRKiAe2NtLADikftnDco0ko/SFEVgEZ8aRC5GLux7i3BpSJ6J1H+i7A2CjiHq9z7JRZuuQq siwTIvpxJYCeuWaBpwZdhB+yxy/eWz+ZvVSU8C4E9FFZkyxFsvCT/ZzL8gcz9aXVE14Yyp2M+2W0 y7n5mp0qN+avKXvbsyyzUqjeWR8hjGE+2iCE1W1tQ82hsCZN9UzlJr+/e/iab8WfqsmPI6pWeUPd FrMsd4H/55poeO9n54COhUs+sZNEzNtg/wanpjpuqHJaxs76HtZryI/K3H7KJ/KDIhqcbJ7kI4ar XL+sMgXnX0D+Te2Iy5xdP8yueSlQB/x/ED2BTAtyE3K4SYUN6AMNfbO63f4lBW3bUJPbTL+mjSxS PyRfJkZRgj+VbFv+EzHFi5pKwUEepa4JslMnwkowSRCXI+m5XvEOvtuBrxHdhLalG0JofYBok6qj YdN2dEngUlbC4PG60M1WEN0piu7Nq7on0mgyyUw3iV1etLo6r/81biWdQ9MWHFaePWZYaq+nmp+t s3az+sj7eA0jfgPfeoN1 """) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ## TODO: ## Copy python.exe.manifest ## Monkeypatch distutils.sysconfig
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. """Command for removing health checks from target pools.""" from googlecloudsdk.compute.lib import base_classes from googlecloudsdk.compute.lib import utils class RemoveHealthChecks(base_classes.NoOutputAsyncMutator): """Remove an HTTP health check from a target pool. *{command}* is used to remove an HTTP health check from a target pool. Health checks are used to determine the health status of instances in the target pool. For more information on health checks and load balancing, see link:[]. """ @staticmethod def Args(parser): parser.add_argument( '--http-health-check', help=('Specifies an HTTP health check object to remove from the ' 'target pool.'), metavar='HEALTH_CHECK', required=True) utils.AddRegionFlag( parser, resource_type='target pool', operation_type='remove health checks from') parser.add_argument( 'name', help=('The name of the target pool from which to remove the ' 'health check.')) @property def service(self): return self.compute.targetPools @property def method(self): return 'RemoveHealthCheck' @property def resource_type(self): return 'targetPools' def CreateRequests(self, args): http_health_check_ref = self.CreateGlobalReference( args.http_health_check, resource_type='httpHealthChecks') target_pool_ref = self.CreateRegionalReference(, args.region) request = self.messages.ComputeTargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest( region=target_pool_ref.region, project=self.project, targetPool=target_pool_ref.Name(), targetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest=( self.messages.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest( healthChecks=[self.messages.HealthCheckReference( healthCheck=http_health_check_ref.SelfLink())]))) return [request]
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Andy Sayler # 2014, 2015 # pcollections Tests import warnings from atomic_redis_tests import * if __name__ == '__main__': warnings.simplefilter("always") unittest.main()
class DifferentDimensionVectors(BaseException): pass class Vector: """ Class implementing vectors. """ def __init__(self, *args): """ Initialize a Vector object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) => <matrix_vector.vector.Vector object> Arguments: N numbers """ self.coordinates = list(args) @property def size(self): """ Returns the size of the vector(number of coordinates). Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3).size => 3 Arguments: No arguments """ return len(self.coordinates) def __len__(self): return self.size def __add__(self, other): """ Adds two vectors or adds a number to the elements of vector. Returns a new object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) + Vector(4, 5, 6) => Vector(5, 7, 9) Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) + 3 => Vector(4, 5, 6) Arguments: vector : (Vector) or number : (Numeric) """ if type(other) is Vector: if other.size == self.size: return Vector(*[x + y for x, y in zip(self.coordinates, other.coordinates)]) else: raise DifferentDimensionVectors else: return Vector(*[x + other for x in self.coordinates]) def __sub__(self, other): """ Substracts two vectors or substracts a number from the elements of the vector. Returns a new object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) - Vector(4, 5, 6) => Vector(-3, -3, -3) Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) - 3 => Vector(-2, -1, 0) Arguments: vector : (Vector) or number : (Numeric) """ if type(other) is Vector: if other.size == self.size: return Vector(*[x - y for x, y in zip(self.coordinates, other.coordinates)]) else: raise DifferentDimensionVectors else: return Vector(*[_ - other for _ in self.coordinates]) def __iadd__(self, other): """ Adds two vectors or adds a number to the elements of the vector. Changes the object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) += Vector(4, 5, 6) => Vector(5, 7, 9) Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) += 3 => Vector(4, 5, 6) Arguments: vector : (Vector) or number : (Numeric) """ self = self + other return self def __isub__(self, other): """ Substracts two vectors or substracts a number from the elements of the vector. Changes the object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) -= Vector(4, 5, 6) => Vector(-3, -3, -3) Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) -= 3 => Vector(-2, -1, 0) Arguments: vector : (Vector) or number : (Numeric) """ self = self - other return self def __getitem__(self, key): """ Access elements of the vector with [] operator Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3)[2] => 3 Arguments: number : (int) """ return self.coordinates[key] def __mul__(self, other): """ Depending on the argument either multiplies a number with the vector or finds the scalar product of two vectors. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) * 2 => Vector(2, 4, 6) Example(scalar product): >> Vector(1, 2, 3) * Vector(2, 2, 2) => 12 Arguments: number : (Numeric) or vector : (Vector) """ if type(other) is Vector: if other.size == self.size: return sum(x * y for x, y in zip(self.coordinates, other.coordinates)) else: raise DifferentDimensionVectors( "Can't find scalar of vectors with different dimensions") else: return Vector(*[_ * other for _ in self.coordinates]) def __imul__(self, other): """ Multiplies a number with the elements of the vector changing the object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) * 2 => Vector(2, 4, 6) Arguments: number : (Numeric) """ if type(self * other) is Vector: self = self * other return self else: raise TypeError( "Can't assign number to Vector class object") def __xor__(self, other): """ Returns the cross product of two 3-dimension vectors. Returns new object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) ^ Vector(4, 5, 6) => Vector(-3, 6, -3) Arguments: vector : (Vector) """ if self.size == other.size == 3: coordinate_x = self[1] * other[2] - self[2] * other[1] coordinate_y = self[2] * other[0] - self[0] * other[2] coordinate_z = self[0] * other[1] - self[1] * other[0] return Vector(coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) else: raise TypeError( "Vector product only defined for 3 dimensional vectors") def __ixor__(self, other): """" Returns the scalar product of two 3-dimension vectors. Changes the object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3) ^ Vector(4, 5, 6) => Vector(-3, 6, -3) Arguments: vector : (Vector) """ self = self ^ other return self def __truediv__(self, other): """ Divides the elements of the vector by a nubmer. Returns new object. Example: >> Vector(3, 9, 6) / 3 => Vector(1, 3, 2) Arguments: number : (Numeric) """ try: return Vector(*[_ / other for _ in self.coordinates]) except ZeroDivisionError: raise def __itruediv__(self, other): """ Divides the elements of the vector by a nubmer. Changes the object. Example: >> Vector(3, 9, 6) / 3 => Vector(1, 3, 2) Arguments: number : (Numeric) """ self = self / other return self @property def length(self): """ Returns the length of the vector. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3).length => 3.7417 Arguments: No arguments """ return sum(_ ** 2 for _ in self.coordinates) ** 0.5 def normalized(self): """ Returns the normalized vector of the vector. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3).normalized() => Vector(0.2673, 0.5345, 0.8018) Arguments: No arguments """ return self / self.length def normalize(self): """ Normalizes the vector. Changes the object. Example: >> Vector(1, 2, 3).normalize() => Vector(0.2673, 0.5345, 0.8018) Arguments: No arguments """ self.coordinates = self.normalized().coordinates return self def round(self, number): """ Rounds the coordinates of the vector. Changes the object. Example: >> Vector(1.345, 2.438, 3.535).round(2) => Vector(1.34, 2.44, 3.53) Arguments: number : (int) """ self.coordinates = [round(x, number) for x in self.coordinates] return self def __eq__(self, vector): return self.coordinates == vector.coordinates
# Copyright 2014 Knowledge Economy Developments Ltd # # Henry Gomersall # # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # from pyfftw import FFTW import numpy from timeit import Timer from .test_pyfftw_base import run_test_suites import unittest from .test_pyfftw_complex import Complex64FFTWTest class RealForwardDoubleFFTWTest(Complex64FFTWTest): def setUp(self): self.input_dtype = numpy.float64 self.output_dtype = numpy.complex128 self.np_fft_comparison = numpy.fft.rfft self.direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD' def make_shapes(self): self.input_shapes = { 'small_1d': (16,), '1d': (2048,), '2d': (256, 2048), '3d': (5, 256, 2048)} self.output_shapes = { 'small_1d': (9,), '1d': (1025,), '2d': (256, 1025), '3d': (5, 256, 1025)} def create_test_arrays(self, input_shape, output_shape, axes=None): a = self.input_dtype(numpy.random.randn(*input_shape)) b = self.output_dtype(numpy.random.randn(*output_shape) +1j*numpy.random.randn(*output_shape)) return a, b def reference_fftn(self, a, axes): return numpy.fft.rfftn(a, axes=axes) def test_wrong_direction_fail(self): in_shape = self.input_shapes['2d'] out_shape = self.output_shapes['2d'] axes=(-1,) a, b = self.create_test_arrays(in_shape, out_shape) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid direction'): FFTW(a, b, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD') def test_non_contiguous_2d(self): in_shape = self.input_shapes['2d'] out_shape = self.output_shapes['2d'] axes=(-2,-1) a, b = self.create_test_arrays(in_shape, out_shape) # Some arbitrary and crazy slicing a_sliced = a[12:200:3, 300:2041:9] # b needs to be compatible b_sliced = b[20:146:2, 100:786:7] self.run_validate_fft(a_sliced, b_sliced, axes, create_array_copies=False) def test_non_contiguous_2d_in_3d(self): in_shape = (256, 4, 2048) out_shape = in_shape axes=(0,2) a, b = self.create_test_arrays(in_shape, out_shape) # Some arbitrary and crazy slicing a_sliced = a[12:200:3, :, 300:2041:9] # b needs to be compatible b_sliced = b[20:146:2, :, 100:786:7] self.run_validate_fft(a_sliced, b_sliced, axes, create_array_copies=False) class RealForwardSingleFFTWTest(RealForwardDoubleFFTWTest): def setUp(self): self.input_dtype = numpy.float32 self.output_dtype = numpy.complex64 self.np_fft_comparison = numpy.fft.rfft self.direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD' class RealForwardLongDoubleFFTWTest(RealForwardDoubleFFTWTest): def setUp(self): self.input_dtype = numpy.longdouble self.output_dtype = numpy.clongdouble self.np_fft_comparison = numpy.fft.rfft self.direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD' @unittest.skip('numpy.fft has issues with this dtype.') def test_time(self): pass @unittest.skip('numpy.fft has issues with this dtype.') def test_time_with_array_update(self): pass def reference_fftn(self, a, axes): a = numpy.float64(a) return numpy.fft.rfftn(a, axes=axes) test_cases = ( RealForwardDoubleFFTWTest, RealForwardSingleFFTWTest, RealForwardLongDoubleFFTWTest,) test_set = None if __name__ == '__main__': run_test_suites(test_cases, test_set) del Complex64FFTWTest
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from django.core.cache import cache from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete, m2m_changed, pre_delete from django.dispatch import receiver from django_registration.signals import user_registered from apps.editor.models import UserRegionalInfo # pylint: disable=unused-argument from apps.landmatrix.models import ( Investor, InvestorVentureInvolvement, ) def create_userregionalinfo(sender, user, request, **kwargs): group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name="Reporters") user.groups.add(group) UserRegionalInfo.objects.create( user=user, phone=request.POST.get("phone", ""), information=request.POST.get("information", ""), ) user_registered.connect(create_userregionalinfo) ##### GREEN NEW DEAL SIGNALS ###### ################################### def invalidate_cache(sender, instance, **kwargs): # FIXME it is quite brute force to just empty the whole cache. fixme "some day"™️ cache.clear() post_save.connect(invalidate_cache) # @receiver(post_save, sender=Location) # @receiver(post_delete, sender=Location) # @receiver(post_save, sender=Contract) # @receiver(post_delete, sender=Contract) # @receiver(post_save, sender=DataSource) # @receiver(post_delete, sender=DataSource) # def deal_submodels_trigger_refresh_calculated_deal_fields(sender, instance, **kwargs): # @receiver(post_save, sender=Investor) @receiver(post_delete, sender=Investor) def investor_change_trigger_refresh_calculated_deal_fields( sender, instance: Investor, **kwargs ): for deal in instance.get_affected_deals(): @receiver(post_save, sender=InvestorVentureInvolvement) @receiver(post_delete, sender=InvestorVentureInvolvement) def involvements_updated(sender, instance: InvestorVentureInvolvement, **kwargs): # Only consider the ventures deals. Because: # On an Involvement update the deals of the investor are not affected. for deal in instance.venture.get_affected_deals():
from django.urls import path from opportunity import views app_name = "api_opportunities" urlpatterns = [ path("", views.OpportunityListView.as_view()), path("<int:pk>/", views.OpportunityDetailView.as_view()), path("comment/<int:pk>/", views.OpportunityCommentView.as_view()), path("attachment/<int:pk>/", views.OpportunityAttachmentView.as_view()), ]
def get_viewport_rect(session): return session.execute_script(""" return { height: window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight, width: window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth, }; """) def get_inview_center(elem_rect, viewport_rect): x = { "left": max(0, min(elem_rect["x"], elem_rect["x"] + elem_rect["width"])), "right": min(viewport_rect["width"], max(elem_rect["x"], elem_rect["x"] + elem_rect["width"])), } y = { "top": max(0, min(elem_rect["y"], elem_rect["y"] + elem_rect["height"])), "bottom": min(viewport_rect["height"], max(elem_rect["y"], elem_rect["y"] + elem_rect["height"])), } return { "x": (x["left"] + x["right"]) / 2, "y": (y["top"] + y["bottom"]) / 2, }
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2013, Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can # be found in the LICENSE file. import base64 import logging import threading import struct import time import unittest from vtdb import keyrange_constants from vtdb import keyspace import environment import utils import tablet from zk import zkocc SHARDED_KEYSPACE = "TEST_KEYSPACE_SHARDED" UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE = "TEST_KEYSPACE_UNSHARDED" # shards for SHARDED_KEYSPACE # range "" - 80 shard_0_master = tablet.Tablet() shard_0_replica = tablet.Tablet() shard_0_rdonly = tablet.Tablet() # range 80 - "" shard_1_master = tablet.Tablet() shard_1_replica = tablet.Tablet() shard_1_rdonly = tablet.Tablet() # shard for UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE unsharded_master = tablet.Tablet() unsharded_replica = tablet.Tablet() unsharded_rdonly = tablet.Tablet() vtgate_server = None vtgate_port = None shard_names = ['-80', '80-'] shard_kid_map = {'-80': [527875958493693904, 626750931627689502, 345387386794260318, 332484755310826578, 1842642426274125671, 1326307661227634652, 1761124146422844620, 1661669973250483744, 3361397649937244239, 2444880764308344533], '80-': [9767889778372766922, 9742070682920810358, 10296850775085416642, 9537430901666854108, 10440455099304929791, 11454183276974683945, 11185910247776122031, 10460396697869122981, 13379616110062597001, 12826553979133932576], } create_vt_insert_test = '''create table vt_insert_test ( id bigint auto_increment, msg varchar(64), keyspace_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, primary key (id) ) Engine=InnoDB''' def setUpModule(): try: environment.topo_server_setup() setup_procs = [ shard_0_master.init_mysql(), shard_0_replica.init_mysql(), shard_0_rdonly.init_mysql(), shard_1_master.init_mysql(), shard_1_replica.init_mysql(), shard_1_rdonly.init_mysql(), unsharded_master.init_mysql(), unsharded_replica.init_mysql(), unsharded_rdonly.init_mysql(), ] utils.wait_procs(setup_procs) setup_tablets() except: tearDownModule() raise def tearDownModule(): if utils.options.skip_teardown: return global vtgate_server utils.vtgate_kill(vtgate_server) tablet.kill_tablets([shard_0_master, shard_0_replica, shard_0_rdonly, shard_1_master, shard_1_replica, shard_1_rdonly]) teardown_procs = [ shard_0_master.teardown_mysql(), shard_0_replica.teardown_mysql(), shard_0_rdonly.teardown_mysql(), shard_1_master.teardown_mysql(), shard_1_replica.teardown_mysql(), shard_1_rdonly.teardown_mysql(), unsharded_master.teardown_mysql(), unsharded_replica.teardown_mysql(), unsharded_rdonly.teardown_mysql(), ] utils.wait_procs(teardown_procs, raise_on_error=False) environment.topo_server_teardown() utils.kill_sub_processes() utils.remove_tmp_files() shard_0_master.remove_tree() shard_0_replica.remove_tree() shard_0_rdonly.remove_tree() shard_1_master.remove_tree() shard_1_replica.remove_tree() shard_1_rdonly.remove_tree() shard_1_rdonly.remove_tree() shard_1_rdonly.remove_tree() unsharded_master.remove_tree() unsharded_replica.remove_tree() unsharded_rdonly.remove_tree() def setup_tablets(): global vtgate_server global vtgate_port setup_sharded_keyspace() setup_unsharded_keyspace() vtgate_server, vtgate_port = utils.vtgate_start() def setup_sharded_keyspace(): utils.run_vtctl(['CreateKeyspace', SHARDED_KEYSPACE]) utils.run_vtctl(['SetKeyspaceShardingInfo', '-force', SHARDED_KEYSPACE, 'keyspace_id', 'uint64']) shard_0_master.init_tablet('master', keyspace=SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='-80') shard_0_replica.init_tablet('replica', keyspace=SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='-80') shard_0_rdonly.init_tablet('rdonly', keyspace=SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='-80') shard_1_master.init_tablet('master', keyspace=SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='80-') shard_1_replica.init_tablet('replica', keyspace=SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='80-') shard_1_rdonly.init_tablet('rdonly', keyspace=SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='80-') utils.run_vtctl(['RebuildKeyspaceGraph', SHARDED_KEYSPACE,], auto_log=True) for t in [shard_0_master, shard_0_replica, shard_0_rdonly, shard_1_master, shard_1_replica, shard_1_rdonly]: t.create_db('vt_test_keyspace_sharded') t.mquery(shard_0_master.dbname, create_vt_insert_test) t.start_vttablet(wait_for_state=None) for t in [shard_0_master, shard_0_replica, shard_1_master, shard_1_replica]: t.wait_for_vttablet_state('SERVING') utils.run_vtctl(['ReparentShard', '-force', '%s/-80' % SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard_0_master.tablet_alias], auto_log=True) utils.run_vtctl(['ReparentShard', '-force', '%s/80-' % SHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard_1_master.tablet_alias], auto_log=True) utils.run_vtctl(['RebuildKeyspaceGraph', SHARDED_KEYSPACE], auto_log=True) utils.check_srv_keyspace('test_nj', SHARDED_KEYSPACE, 'Partitions(master): -80 80-\n' + 'Partitions(rdonly): -80 80-\n' + 'Partitions(replica): -80 80-\n' + 'TabletTypes: master,rdonly,replica') def setup_unsharded_keyspace(): utils.run_vtctl(['CreateKeyspace', UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE]) utils.run_vtctl(['SetKeyspaceShardingInfo', '-force', UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE, 'keyspace_id', 'uint64']) unsharded_master.init_tablet('master', keyspace=UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='0') unsharded_replica.init_tablet('replica', keyspace=UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='0') unsharded_rdonly.init_tablet('rdonly', keyspace=UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE, shard='0') utils.run_vtctl(['RebuildKeyspaceGraph', UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE,], auto_log=True) for t in [unsharded_master, unsharded_replica, unsharded_rdonly]: t.create_db('vt_test_keyspace_unsharded') t.mquery(unsharded_master.dbname, create_vt_insert_test) t.start_vttablet(wait_for_state=None) for t in [unsharded_master, unsharded_replica, unsharded_rdonly]: t.wait_for_vttablet_state('SERVING') utils.run_vtctl(['ReparentShard', '-force', '%s/0' % UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE, unsharded_master.tablet_alias], auto_log=True) utils.run_vtctl(['RebuildKeyspaceGraph', UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE], auto_log=True) utils.check_srv_keyspace('test_nj', UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE, 'Partitions(master): -\n' + 'Partitions(rdonly): -\n' + 'Partitions(replica): -\n' + 'TabletTypes: master,rdonly,replica') ALL_DB_TYPES = ['master', 'replica', 'rdonly'] class TestKeyspace(unittest.TestCase): def _read_keyspace(self, keyspace_name): global vtgate_port vtgate_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection("localhost:%u" % vtgate_port, "test_nj", 30.0) return keyspace.read_keyspace(vtgate_client, keyspace_name) def test_get_keyspace(self): ki = utils.run_vtctl_json(['GetKeyspace', UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE]) self.assertEqual('keyspace_id', ki['ShardingColumnName']) self.assertEqual('uint64', ki['ShardingColumnType']) def test_shard_count(self): sharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(SHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.shard_count, 2) for db_type in ALL_DB_TYPES: self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.get_shard_count(db_type), 2) unsharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.shard_count, 1) for db_type in ALL_DB_TYPES: self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.get_shard_count(db_type), 1) def test_shard_names(self): sharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(SHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.shard_names, ['-80', '80-']) for db_type in ALL_DB_TYPES: self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.get_shard_names(db_type), ['-80', '80-']) unsharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.shard_names, ['0']) for db_type in ALL_DB_TYPES: self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.get_shard_names(db_type), ['0']) def test_shard_max_keys(self): sharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(SHARDED_KEYSPACE) want = ['80', ''] for i, smk in enumerate(sharded_ks.shard_max_keys): self.assertEqual(smk.encode('hex').upper(), want[i]) for db_type in ALL_DB_TYPES: for i, smk in enumerate(sharded_ks.get_shard_max_keys(db_type)): self.assertEqual(smk.encode('hex').upper(), want[i]) unsharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.shard_max_keys, None) for db_type in ALL_DB_TYPES: self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.get_shard_max_keys(db_type), ['']) def test_db_types(self): sharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(SHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(set(sharded_ks.db_types), set(ALL_DB_TYPES)) unsharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE) self.assertEqual(set(unsharded_ks.db_types), set(ALL_DB_TYPES)) def test_keyspace_id_to_shard_index(self): sharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(SHARDED_KEYSPACE) for i, sn in enumerate(shard_names): for keyspace_id in shard_kid_map[sn]: self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.keyspace_id_to_shard_index(keyspace_id), i) self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.keyspace_id_to_shard_index_for_db_type(keyspace_id, 'master'), i) def test_keyspace_id_to_shard_name(self): sharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(SHARDED_KEYSPACE) for _, sn in enumerate(shard_names): for keyspace_id in shard_kid_map[sn]: self.assertEqual(sharded_ks.keyspace_id_to_shard_name_for_db_type(keyspace_id, 'master'), sn) unsharded_ks = self._read_keyspace(UNSHARDED_KEYSPACE) for keyspace_id in shard_kid_map[sn]: self.assertEqual(unsharded_ks.keyspace_id_to_shard_name_for_db_type(keyspace_id, 'master'), '0') if __name__ == '__main__': utils.main()
from typing import Union import torch from allennlp.common import FromParams from allennlp.modules.transformer.transformer_module import TransformerModule from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert import ACT2FN class ActivationLayer(TransformerModule, FromParams): def __init__( self, hidden_size: int, intermediate_size: int, activation: Union[str, torch.nn.Module], pool: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.dense = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, intermediate_size) if isinstance(activation, str): self.act_fn = ACT2FN[activation] else: self.act_fn = activation self.pool = pool def get_output_dim(self) -> int: return self.dense.out_features def forward(self, hidden_states): if self.pool: hidden_states = hidden_states[:, 0] hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.act_fn(hidden_states) return hidden_states
# Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Solutions and Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import sys import traceback from robot.errors import RobotError from .platform import JYTHON, RERAISED_EXCEPTIONS from .unic import unic EXCLUDE_ROBOT_TRACES = not os.getenv('ROBOT_INTERNAL_TRACES') if JYTHON: from import StringWriter, PrintWriter from java.lang import Throwable, OutOfMemoryError else: Throwable = () def get_error_message(): """Returns error message of the last occurred exception. This method handles also exceptions containing unicode messages. Thus it MUST be used to get messages from all exceptions originating outside the framework. """ return ErrorDetails().message def get_error_details(exclude_robot_traces=EXCLUDE_ROBOT_TRACES): """Returns error message and details of the last occurred exception.""" details = ErrorDetails(exclude_robot_traces=exclude_robot_traces) return details.message, details.traceback def ErrorDetails(exc_info=None, exclude_robot_traces=EXCLUDE_ROBOT_TRACES): """This factory returns an object that wraps the last occurred exception It has attributes `message`, `traceback` and `error`, where `message` contains type and message of the original error, `traceback` contains the traceback/stack trace and `error` contains the original error instance. """ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = exc_info or sys.exc_info() if exc_type in RERAISED_EXCEPTIONS: raise exc_value details = PythonErrorDetails \ if not isinstance(exc_value, Throwable) else JavaErrorDetails return details(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, exclude_robot_traces) class _ErrorDetails(object): _generic_exception_names = ('AssertionError', 'AssertionFailedError', 'Exception', 'Error', 'RuntimeError', 'RuntimeException') def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, exclude_robot_traces=True): self.error = exc_value self._exc_type = exc_type self._exc_traceback = exc_traceback self._exclude_robot_traces = exclude_robot_traces self._message = None self._traceback = None @property def message(self): if self._message is None: self._message = self._get_message() return self._message def _get_message(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def traceback(self): if self._traceback is None: self._traceback = self._get_details() return self._traceback def _get_details(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_name(self, exc_type): try: return exc_type.__name__ except AttributeError: return unic(exc_type) def _format_message(self, name, message): message = unic(message or '') message = self._clean_up_message(message, name) name = name.split('.')[-1] # Use only last part of the name if not message: return name if self._is_generic_exception(name): return message return '%s: %s' % (name, message) def _is_generic_exception(self, name): return (name in self._generic_exception_names or isinstance(self.error, RobotError) or getattr(self.error, 'ROBOT_SUPPRESS_NAME', False)) def _clean_up_message(self, message, name): return message class PythonErrorDetails(_ErrorDetails): def _get_message(self): name = self._get_name(self._exc_type) return self._format_message(name, unic(self.error)) def _get_details(self): if isinstance(self.error, RobotError): return self.error.details return 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n' + self._get_traceback() def _get_traceback(self): tb = self._exc_traceback while tb and self._is_excluded_traceback(tb): tb = tb.tb_next return ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)).rstrip() or ' None' def _is_excluded_traceback(self, traceback): if not self._exclude_robot_traces: return False module = traceback.tb_frame.f_globals.get('__name__') return module and module.startswith('robot.') class JavaErrorDetails(_ErrorDetails): _java_trace_re = re.compile('^\s+at (\w.+)') _ignored_java_trace = ('org.python.', 'robot.running.', 'robot$py.', 'sun.reflect.', 'java.lang.reflect.') def _get_message(self): exc_name = self._get_name(self._exc_type) # OOME.getMessage and even toString seem to throw NullPointerException if not self._is_out_of_memory_error(self._exc_type): exc_msg = self.error.getMessage() else: exc_msg = str(self.error) return self._format_message(exc_name, exc_msg) def _is_out_of_memory_error(self, exc_type): return exc_type is OutOfMemoryError def _get_details(self): # OOME.printStackTrace seems to throw NullPointerException if self._is_out_of_memory_error(self._exc_type): return '' output = StringWriter() self.error.printStackTrace(PrintWriter(output)) details = '\n'.join(line for line in output.toString().splitlines() if not self._is_ignored_stack_trace_line(line)) msg = unic(self.error.getMessage() or '') if msg: details = details.replace(msg, '', 1) return details def _is_ignored_stack_trace_line(self, line): if not line: return True res = self._java_trace_re.match(line) if res is None: return False location = for entry in self._ignored_java_trace: if location.startswith(entry): return True return False def _clean_up_message(self, msg, name): msg = self._remove_stack_trace_lines(msg) return self._remove_exception_name(msg, name).strip() def _remove_stack_trace_lines(self, msg): lines = msg.splitlines() while lines: if self._java_trace_re.match(lines[-1]): lines.pop() else: break return '\n'.join(lines) def _remove_exception_name(self, msg, name): tokens = msg.split(':', 1) if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[0] == name: msg = tokens[1] return msg
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url urlpatterns = patterns( '', url(r'^$', 'home.views.dashboard'), url(r'^torrents$', 'home.views.torrents'), url(r'^view_log$', 'home.views.view_log'), url(r'^checks$', 'home.views.checks'), url(r'^stats$', 'home.views.stats'), url(r'^userscripts$', 'home.views.userscripts'), url(r'^add_all$', 'home.views.add_all'), url(r'^remove_transmission_dupes$', 'home.views.remove_transmission_dupes'), url(r'^part/error_torrents', ''), url(r'^part/search_torrents', ''), url(r'^part/checks', ''), url(r'^part/downloading$', ''), url(r'^part/recently_downloaded$', ''), url(r'^part/recent_log$', ''), url(r'^part/torrent_stats$', ''), url(r'^part/stats$', ''), )
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2021 Alex Forencich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import itertools import logging import os import random import cocotb_test.simulator import pytest import cocotb from cocotb.clock import Clock from cocotb.triggers import RisingEdge from cocotb.regression import TestFactory from cocotbext.axi import AxiStreamBus, AxiStreamFrame, AxiStreamSource, AxiStreamSink class TB(object): def __init__(self, dut): self.dut = dut self.log = logging.getLogger("cocotb.tb") self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cocotb.start_soon(Clock(dut.clk, 10, units="ns").start()) self.source = AxiStreamSource(AxiStreamBus.from_prefix(dut, "s_axis"), dut.clk, dut.rst) self.sink = AxiStreamSink(AxiStreamBus.from_prefix(dut, "m_axis"), dut.clk, dut.rst) def set_idle_generator(self, generator=None): if generator: self.source.set_pause_generator(generator()) def set_backpressure_generator(self, generator=None): if generator: self.sink.set_pause_generator(generator()) async def reset(self): self.dut.rst.setimmediatevalue(0) await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk) await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk) self.dut.rst.value = 1 await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk) await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk) self.dut.rst.value = 0 await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk) await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk) async def run_test(dut, payload_lengths=None, payload_data=None, idle_inserter=None, backpressure_inserter=None): tb = TB(dut) id_count = 2**len(tb.source.bus.tid) cur_id = 1 await tb.reset() tb.set_idle_generator(idle_inserter) tb.set_backpressure_generator(backpressure_inserter) test_frames = [] for test_data in [payload_data(x) for x in payload_lengths()]: test_frame = AxiStreamFrame(test_data) test_frame.tid = cur_id test_frame.tdest = cur_id test_frames.append(test_frame) await tb.source.send(test_frame) cur_id = (cur_id + 1) % id_count for test_frame in test_frames: rx_frame = await tb.sink.recv() assert rx_frame.tdata == test_frame.tdata assert rx_frame.tid == test_frame.tid assert rx_frame.tdest == test_frame.tdest assert not rx_frame.tuser assert tb.sink.empty() await RisingEdge(dut.clk) await RisingEdge(dut.clk) async def run_test_tuser_assert(dut): tb = TB(dut) await tb.reset() test_data = bytearray(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(range(256)), 32)) test_frame = AxiStreamFrame(test_data, tuser=1) await tb.source.send(test_frame) rx_frame = await tb.sink.recv() assert rx_frame.tdata == test_data assert rx_frame.tuser assert tb.sink.empty() await RisingEdge(dut.clk) await RisingEdge(dut.clk) async def run_stress_test(dut, idle_inserter=None, backpressure_inserter=None): tb = TB(dut) byte_lanes = tb.source.byte_lanes id_count = 2**len(tb.source.bus.tid) cur_id = 1 await tb.reset() tb.set_idle_generator(idle_inserter) tb.set_backpressure_generator(backpressure_inserter) test_frames = [] for k in range(128): length = random.randint(1, byte_lanes*16) test_data = bytearray(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(range(256)), length)) test_frame = AxiStreamFrame(test_data) test_frame.tid = cur_id test_frame.tdest = cur_id test_frames.append(test_frame) await tb.source.send(test_frame) cur_id = (cur_id + 1) % id_count for test_frame in test_frames: rx_frame = await tb.sink.recv() assert rx_frame.tdata == test_frame.tdata assert rx_frame.tid == test_frame.tid assert rx_frame.tdest == test_frame.tdest assert not rx_frame.tuser assert tb.sink.empty() await RisingEdge(dut.clk) await RisingEdge(dut.clk) def cycle_pause(): return itertools.cycle([1, 1, 1, 0]) def size_list(): data_width = len( byte_width = data_width // 8 return list(range(1, byte_width*4+1))+[512]+[1]*64 def incrementing_payload(length): return bytearray(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(range(256)), length)) if cocotb.SIM_NAME: factory = TestFactory(run_test) factory.add_option("payload_lengths", [size_list]) factory.add_option("payload_data", [incrementing_payload]) factory.add_option("idle_inserter", [None, cycle_pause]) factory.add_option("backpressure_inserter", [None, cycle_pause]) factory.generate_tests() for test in [run_test_tuser_assert]: factory = TestFactory(test) factory.generate_tests() factory = TestFactory(run_stress_test) factory.add_option("idle_inserter", [None, cycle_pause]) factory.add_option("backpressure_inserter", [None, cycle_pause]) factory.generate_tests() # cocotb-test tests_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rtl_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tests_dir, '..', '..', 'rtl')) @pytest.mark.parametrize("reg_type", [0, 1, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_width", [8, 16, 32]) def test_axis_register(request, data_width, reg_type): dut = "axis_register" module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] toplevel = dut verilog_sources = [ os.path.join(rtl_dir, f"{dut}.v"), ] parameters = {} parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] = data_width parameters['KEEP_ENABLE'] = int(parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] > 8) parameters['KEEP_WIDTH'] = parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] // 8 parameters['LAST_ENABLE'] = 1 parameters['ID_ENABLE'] = 1 parameters['ID_WIDTH'] = 8 parameters['DEST_ENABLE'] = 1 parameters['DEST_WIDTH'] = 8 parameters['USER_ENABLE'] = 1 parameters['USER_WIDTH'] = 1 parameters['REG_TYPE'] = reg_type extra_env = {f'PARAM_{k}': str(v) for k, v in parameters.items()} sim_build = os.path.join(tests_dir, "sim_build",'[', '-').replace(']', '')) python_search=[tests_dir], verilog_sources=verilog_sources, toplevel=toplevel, module=module, parameters=parameters, sim_build=sim_build, extra_env=extra_env, )
"""------------------------------------------------- Satay Game Engine Copyright (C) 2013 Andy Brennan THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Satay on GitHub: -- Derives the FunctionContainer class from base with standard Satay functions. This class is instanced in -------------------------------------------------""" from ..Base import FunctionContainer class BaseGameFuncs(FunctionContainer): """The function container for Satay functions.""" def __init__(self, game): = game super(FunctionContainer, self).__init__() def SaveGame(self, fname): def LoadGame(self, fname): def SetVar(self, varname, value):[varname] = value def Replace(self, item1, item2): """Replace item1 with item2.""" item1,item2 = self.__toref__(item1,item2) if item1 in elif item1 in[].itemlist():[].itemlist().Take(item1)[].itemlist().Give(item2) def ChgMap(self, newmap): """Change the current game map to newmap.""" newmap = self.__toref__(newmap) = newmap def RemoveFromMap(self, item): """Remove 1 of 'item' from the current map.""" item = self.__toref__(item)[].itemlist().Take(item) def AddToMap(self, item): """Add 1 of 'item' to the current map.""" item = self.__toref__(item)[].itemlist().Give(item) def RemoveFromInventory(self, item): """Remove 1 of 'item' from the inventory.""" item = self.__toref__(item) def AddToInventory(self, item): """Add 1 of 'item' to the inventory.""" item = self.__toref__(item) def GetInventory(self): """Get the full inventory (dereferenced).""" return {self.__toent__(k):v for k,v in}
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf class CastOpTest(tf.test.TestCase): def _toDataType(self, dtype): """Returns TensorFlow data type for numpy type.""" if dtype == np.float32: return tf.float32 elif dtype == np.float64: return tf.float64 elif dtype == np.int32: return tf.int32 elif dtype == np.int64: return tf.int64 elif dtype == np.bool: return tf.bool elif dtype == np.complex64: return tf.complex64 elif dtype == np.complex128: return tf.complex128 else: return None def _cast(self, x, dtype, use_gpu=False): with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu): val = tf.constant(x, self._toDataType(np.array([x]).dtype)) return tf.cast(val, self._toDataType(dtype), name="cast").eval() def _test(self, x, dtype, use_gpu=False): """Tests cast(x) to dtype behaves the same as numpy.astype.""" np_ans = x.astype(dtype) tf_ans = self._cast(x, dtype, use_gpu) self.assertAllEqual(np_ans, tf_ans) def _testTypes(self, x, use_gpu=False): """Tests cast(x) to different tf.""" if use_gpu: type_list = [np.float32, np.float64, np.int64, np.complex64, np.complex128] else: type_list = [np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64, np.complex64, np.complex128] for from_type in type_list: for to_type in type_list: self._test(x.astype(from_type), to_type, use_gpu) self._test(x.astype(np.bool), np.float32, use_gpu) self._test(x.astype(np.uint8), np.float32, use_gpu) if not use_gpu: self._test(x.astype(np.bool), np.int32, use_gpu) self._test(x.astype(np.int32), np.int32, use_gpu) def _testAll(self, x): self._testTypes(x, use_gpu=False) if x.dtype == np.float32 or x.dtype == np.float64: self._testTypes(x, use_gpu=True) def testBasic(self): self._testAll(np.arange(-10, 10).reshape(2, 10)) self._testAll(np.linspace(-10, 10, 17)) def testSmallValues(self): f4 = np.finfo(np.float32) f8 = np.finfo(np.float64) self._testAll(np.array([0, -1, 1, -f4.resolution, f4.resolution, f8.resolution, -f8.resolution])) def testBfloat16(self): a = np.random.uniform(-100, 100, 100).astype(np.float32) with self.test_session(use_gpu=False): b = tf.cast(tf.cast(a, tf.bfloat16), tf.float32) self.assertAllClose(a, b.eval(), rtol=1/128.) with self.test_session(use_gpu=True): b = tf.cast(tf.cast(a, tf.bfloat16), tf.float32) self.assertAllClose(a, b.eval(), rtol=1/128.) def testRandom(self): self._testAll(np.random.normal(0, 10, 210).reshape([2, 3, 5, 7])) self._testAll(np.random.normal(0, 1e6, 210).reshape([2, 3, 5, 7])) # Special values like int32max, int64min, inf, -inf, nan casted to # integer values in somewhat unexpected ways. And they behave # differently on CPU and GPU. def _compare(self, x, dst_dtype, expected, use_gpu=False): np.testing.assert_equal(self._cast(x, dst_dtype, use_gpu=use_gpu), dst_dtype(expected)) def testIntToFloatBoundary(self): i4 = np.iinfo(np.int32) i8 = np.iinfo(np.int64) self._compare(i4.min, np.float32, i4.min, False) self._compare(i4.max, np.float32, i4.max, False) self._compare(i8.min, np.float32, i8.min, False) self._compare(i8.max, np.float32, i8.max, False) self._compare(i4.min, np.float64, i4.min, False) self._compare(i4.max, np.float64, i4.max, False) self._compare(i8.min, np.float64, i8.min, False) self._compare(i8.max, np.float64, i8.max, False) # NOTE: GPU does not support int32/int64 for casting. def testInfNan(self): i4 = np.iinfo(np.int32) i8 = np.iinfo(np.int64) self._compare(np.inf, np.float32, np.inf, False) self._compare(np.inf, np.float64, np.inf, False) self._compare(np.inf, np.int32, i4.min, False) self._compare(np.inf, np.int64, i8.min, False) self._compare(-np.inf, np.float32, -np.inf, False) self._compare(-np.inf, np.float64, -np.inf, False) self._compare(-np.inf, np.int32, i4.min, False) self._compare(-np.inf, np.int64, i8.min, False) self.assertAllEqual(np.isnan(self._cast(np.nan, np.float32, False)), True) self.assertAllEqual(np.isnan(self._cast(np.nan, np.float64, False)), True) self._compare(np.nan, np.int32, i4.min, False) self._compare(np.nan, np.int64, i8.min, False) self._compare(np.inf, np.float32, np.inf, True) self._compare(np.inf, np.float64, np.inf, True) self._compare(-np.inf, np.float32, -np.inf, True) self._compare(-np.inf, np.float64, -np.inf, True) self.assertAllEqual(np.isnan(self._cast(np.nan, np.float32, True)), True) self.assertAllEqual(np.isnan(self._cast(np.nan, np.float64, True)), True) def _OpError(self, x, dtype, err): with self.test_session(): with self.assertRaisesOpError(err): tf.cast(x, dtype).eval() def testNotImplemented(self): self._OpError(np.arange(0, 10), tf.string, "Cast.*int64.*string.*") def testCastToTypeOfVariable(self): with self.test_session() as sess: x = tf.Variable(5, dtype=tf.float32) y = tf.Variable(True, dtype=tf.bool) cast = tf.cast(y, x.dtype) tf.global_variables_initializer().run() self.assertEqual(1.0, def testGradients(self): t = [tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.complex64, tf.complex128] for src_t in t: for dst_t in t: with self.test_session(): x = tf.constant(1.0, src_t) z = tf.identity(x) y = tf.cast(z, dst_t) err = tf.test.compute_gradient_error(x, [], y, []) self.assertLess(err, 1e-3) class SparseTensorCastTest(tf.test.TestCase): def testCast(self): indices = tf.constant([[0], [1], [2]], tf.int64) values = tf.constant(np.array([1, 2, 3], np.int64)) shape = tf.constant([3], tf.int64) st = tf.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape) st_cast = tf.cast(st, tf.float32) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllEqual(st_cast.indices.eval(), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertAllEqual(st_cast.values.eval(), np.array([1, 2, 3], np.float32)) self.assertAllEqual(st_cast.shape.eval(), [3]) class SaturateCastTest(tf.test.TestCase): def testSaturate(self): in_types = tf.float32, out_types = tf.int8, tf.uint8, tf.int16, tf.float32 with self.test_session() as sess: for in_type in in_types: for out_type in out_types: lo, hi = in_type.min, in_type.max x = tf.constant([lo, lo + 1, lo // 2, hi // 2, hi - 1, hi], dtype=in_type) y = tf.saturate_cast(x, dtype=out_type) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, out_type) x, y =[x, y]) correct = np.maximum(out_type.min, np.minimum(out_type.max, x)) self.assertAllEqual(correct, y) if __name__ == "__main__": tf.test.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** --------------------- Date : November 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'November 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' from qgis.core import (QgsProcessing, QgsProcessingException, QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource, QgsProcessingParameterString, QgsProcessingParameterEnum, QgsProcessingParameterCrs, QgsProcessingParameterField, QgsProcessingParameterExtent, QgsProcessingParameterBoolean) from processing.algs.gdal.GdalAlgorithm import GdalAlgorithm from processing.algs.gdal.GdalUtils import GdalUtils from import isWindows class OgrToPostGis(GdalAlgorithm): INPUT = 'INPUT' SHAPE_ENCODING = 'SHAPE_ENCODING' GTYPE = 'GTYPE' GEOMTYPE = ['', 'NONE', 'GEOMETRY', 'POINT', 'LINESTRING', 'POLYGON', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', 'MULTIPOINT', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MULTILINESTRING'] S_SRS = 'S_SRS' T_SRS = 'T_SRS' A_SRS = 'A_SRS' HOST = 'HOST' PORT = 'PORT' USER = 'USER' DBNAME = 'DBNAME' PASSWORD = 'PASSWORD' SCHEMA = 'SCHEMA' TABLE = 'TABLE' PK = 'PK' PRIMARY_KEY = 'PRIMARY_KEY' GEOCOLUMN = 'GEOCOLUMN' DIM = 'DIM' DIMLIST = ['2', '3'] SIMPLIFY = 'SIMPLIFY' SEGMENTIZE = 'SEGMENTIZE' SPAT = 'SPAT' CLIP = 'CLIP' FIELDS = 'FIELDS' WHERE = 'WHERE' GT = 'GT' OVERWRITE = 'OVERWRITE' APPEND = 'APPEND' ADDFIELDS = 'ADDFIELDS' LAUNDER = 'LAUNDER' INDEX = 'INDEX' SKIPFAILURES = 'SKIPFAILURES' PRECISION = 'PRECISION' PROMOTETOMULTI = 'PROMOTETOMULTI' OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS' def __init__(self): super().__init__() def initAlgorithm(self, config=None): self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource(self.INPUT,'Input layer'), types=[QgsProcessing.TypeVector])) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.SHAPE_ENCODING,'Shape encoding'), "", optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterEnum(self.GTYPE,'Output geometry type'), options=self.GEOMTYPE, defaultValue=0)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterCrs(self.A_SRS,'Assign an output CRS'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterCrs(self.T_SRS,'Reproject to this CRS on output '), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterCrs(self.S_SRS,'Override source CRS'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.HOST,'Host'), defaultValue='localhost', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.PORT,'Port'), defaultValue='5432', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.USER,'Username'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.DBNAME,'Database name'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.PASSWORD,'Password'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.SCHEMA,'Schema name'), defaultValue='public', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.TABLE,'Table name, leave blank to use input name'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.PK,'Primary key (new field)'), defaultValue='id', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterField(self.PRIMARY_KEY, 'Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)'), parentLayerParameterName=self.INPUT, optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.GEOCOLUMN,'Geometry column name'), defaultValue='geom', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterEnum(self.DIM,'Vector dimensions'), options=self.DIMLIST, defaultValue=0)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.SIMPLIFY,'Distance tolerance for simplification'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.SEGMENTIZE,'Maximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterExtent(self.SPAT, 'Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)'), optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.CLIP, 'Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extent'), defaultValue=False)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterField(self.FIELDS,'Fields to include (leave empty to use all fields)'), parentLayerParameterName=self.INPUT, allowMultiple=True, optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.WHERE, 'Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column=\'value\')'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.GT,'Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.OVERWRITE,'Overwrite existing table'), defaultValue=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.APPEND,'Append to existing table'), defaultValue=False)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.ADDFIELDS,'Append and add new fields to existing table'), defaultValue=False)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.LAUNDER,'Do not launder columns/table names'), defaultValue=False)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.INDEX,'Do not create spatial index'), defaultValue=False)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.SKIPFAILURES, 'Continue after a failure, skipping the failed feature'), defaultValue=False)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.PROMOTETOMULTI,'Promote to Multipart'), defaultValue=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterBoolean(self.PRECISION,'Keep width and precision of input attributes'), defaultValue=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterString(self.OPTIONS,'Additional creation options'), defaultValue='', optional=True)) def name(self): return 'importvectorintopostgisdatabasenewconnection' def displayName(self): return'Export to PostgreSQL (new connection)') def shortDescription(self): return'Exports a vector layer to a new PostgreSQL database connection') def tags(self): t ='import,into,postgis,database,vector').split(',') t.extend(super().tags()) return t def group(self): return'Vector miscellaneous') def groupId(self): return 'vectormiscellaneous' def getConnectionString(self, parameters, context): host = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.HOST, context) port = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.PORT, context) user = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.USER, context) dbname = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.DBNAME, context) password = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.PASSWORD, context) schema = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.SCHEMA, context) arguments = [] if host: arguments.append('host=' + host) if port: arguments.append('port=' + str(port)) if dbname: arguments.append('dbname=' + dbname) if password: arguments.append('password=' + password) if schema: arguments.append('active_schema=' + schema) if user: arguments.append('user=' + user) return GdalUtils.escapeAndJoin(arguments) def getConsoleCommands(self, parameters, context, feedback, executing=True): ogrLayer, layername = self.getOgrCompatibleSource(self.INPUT, parameters, context, feedback, executing) if not layername: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSourceError(parameters, self.INPUT)) shapeEncoding = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.SHAPE_ENCODING, context) ssrs = self.parameterAsCrs(parameters, self.S_SRS, context) tsrs = self.parameterAsCrs(parameters, self.T_SRS, context) asrs = self.parameterAsCrs(parameters, self.A_SRS, context) table = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.TABLE, context) schema = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.SCHEMA, context) pk = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.PK, context) pkstring = "-lco FID=" + pk primary_key = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.PRIMARY_KEY, context) geocolumn = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.GEOCOLUMN, context) geocolumnstring = "-lco GEOMETRY_NAME=" + geocolumn dim = self.DIMLIST[self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, self.DIM, context)] dimstring = "-lco DIM=" + dim simplify = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.SIMPLIFY, context) segmentize = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.SEGMENTIZE, context) spat = self.parameterAsExtent(parameters, self.SPAT, context) clip = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.CLIP, context) include_fields = self.parameterAsFields(parameters, self.FIELDS, context) fields_string = '-select "' + ','.join(include_fields) + '"' where = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.WHERE, context) wherestring = '-where "' + where + '"' gt = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.GT, context) overwrite = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.OVERWRITE, context) append = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.APPEND, context) addfields = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.ADDFIELDS, context) launder = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.LAUNDER, context) launderstring = "-lco LAUNDER=NO" index = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.INDEX, context) indexstring = "-lco SPATIAL_INDEX=OFF" skipfailures = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.SKIPFAILURES, context) promotetomulti = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.PROMOTETOMULTI, context) precision = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.PRECISION, context) options = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.OPTIONS, context) arguments = [] arguments.append('-progress') arguments.append('--config PG_USE_COPY YES') if len(shapeEncoding) > 0: arguments.append('--config') arguments.append('SHAPE_ENCODING') arguments.append('"' + shapeEncoding + '"') arguments.append('-f') arguments.append('PostgreSQL') arguments.append('PG:' + self.getConnectionString(parameters, context)) arguments.append(dimstring) arguments.append(ogrLayer) arguments.append(layername) if index: arguments.append(indexstring) if launder: arguments.append(launderstring) if append: arguments.append('-append') if include_fields: arguments.append(fields_string) if addfields: arguments.append('-addfields') if overwrite: arguments.append('-overwrite') if len(self.GEOMTYPE[self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, self.GTYPE, context)]) > 0: arguments.append('-nlt') arguments.append(self.GEOMTYPE[self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, self.GTYPE, context)]) if len(geocolumn) > 0: arguments.append(geocolumnstring) if pk: arguments.append(pkstring) elif primary_key: arguments.append("-lco FID=" + primary_key) if len(table) == 0: table = layername.lower() if schema: table = '{}.{}'.format(schema, table) arguments.append('-nln') arguments.append(table) if ssrs.isValid(): arguments.append('-s_srs') arguments.append(GdalUtils.gdal_crs_string(ssrs)) if tsrs.isValid(): arguments.append('-t_srs') arguments.append(GdalUtils.gdal_crs_string(tsrs)) if asrs.isValid(): arguments.append('-a_srs') arguments.append(GdalUtils.gdal_crs_string(asrs)) if not spat.isNull(): arguments.append('-spat') arguments.append(spat.xMinimum()) arguments.append(spat.yMinimum()) arguments.append(spat.xMaximum()) arguments.append(spat.yMaximum()) if clip: arguments.append('-clipsrc spat_extent') if skipfailures: arguments.append('-skipfailures') if where: arguments.append(wherestring) if len(simplify) > 0: arguments.append('-simplify') arguments.append(simplify) if len(segmentize) > 0: arguments.append('-segmentize') arguments.append(segmentize) if len(gt) > 0: arguments.append('-gt') arguments.append(gt) if promotetomulti: arguments.append('-nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI') if precision is False: arguments.append('-lco PRECISION=NO') if len(options) > 0: arguments.append(options) commands = [] if isWindows(): commands = ['cmd.exe', '/C ', 'ogr2ogr.exe', GdalUtils.escapeAndJoin(arguments)] else: commands = ['ogr2ogr', GdalUtils.escapeAndJoin(arguments)] return commands def commandName(self): return 'ogr2ogr'
import enum import as gcloud_storage import sqlalchemy from . import config class CompileStatus(enum.Enum): """The compilation status of a bot.""" UPLOADED = "Uploaded" IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress" SUCCESSFUL = "Successful" FAILED = "Failed" DISABLED = "Disabled" class ChallengeStatus(enum.Enum): """The status of a challenge.""" CREATED = "created" PLAYING_GAME = "playing_game" FINISHED = "finished" # Database setup engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(config.DATABASE_URL) metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(bind=engine) organizations = sqlalchemy.Table("organization", metadata, autoload=True) organization_email_domains = \ sqlalchemy.Table("organization_email_domain", metadata, autoload=True) users = sqlalchemy.Table("user", metadata, autoload=True) halite_1_users = sqlalchemy.Table("halite_1_user", metadata, autoload=True) leagues = sqlalchemy.Table("leagues", metadata, autoload=True) user_notifications = sqlalchemy.Table("user_notification", metadata, autoload=True) bots = sqlalchemy.Table("bot", metadata, autoload=True) bot_history = sqlalchemy.Table("bot_history", metadata, autoload=True) games = sqlalchemy.Table("game", metadata, autoload=True) game_stats = sqlalchemy.Table("game_stat", metadata, autoload=True) game_view_stats = sqlalchemy.Table("game_view_stat", metadata, autoload=True) game_bot_stats = sqlalchemy.Table("game_bot_stat", metadata, autoload=True) game_participants = sqlalchemy.Table("game_participant", metadata, autoload=True) hackathons = sqlalchemy.Table("hackathon", metadata, autoload=True) hackathon_participants = sqlalchemy.Table("hackathon_participant", metadata, autoload=True) hackathon_snapshot = sqlalchemy.Table("hackathon_snapshot", metadata, autoload=True) challenges = sqlalchemy.Table("challenge", metadata, autoload=True) challenge_participants = sqlalchemy.Table("challenge_participant", metadata, autoload=True) def ranked_bots_query(variable="rank", alias="ranked_bots"): """ Builds a query that ranks all bots. This is a function in case you need this as a subquery multiple times, and would like to avoid reusing the same SQL variable. Unfortunately, MySQL does not support SQL variables in views. """ return[ sqlalchemy.sql.text("(@{v}:=@{v} + 1) AS bot_rank".format(v=variable)), bots.c.user_id,"bot_id"),, bots.c.sigma, bots.c.score, bots.c.games_played, bots.c.version_number, bots.c.language, bots.c.update_time, bots.c.compile_status, ]).select_from(bots).select_from([ sqlalchemy.sql.text("@{}:=0".format(variable)) ]).alias("rn")).order_by(bots.c.score.desc()).alias(alias) def hackathon_ranked_bots_query(hackathon_id, *, variable="hrank", alias="hackathon_ranked_bots"): """ Builds a query that ranks all bots within a given hackathon. """ temptable =[ hackathon_snapshot.c.user_id, hackathon_snapshot.c.bot_id, hackathon_snapshot.c.score,, hackathon_snapshot.c.sigma, hackathon_snapshot.c.games_played, hackathon_snapshot.c.version_number, hackathon_snapshot.c.language, ]).select_from( hackathon_snapshot ).select_from([ sqlalchemy.sql.text("@{}:=0".format(variable)) ]).alias("rn")).where( hackathon_snapshot.c.hackathon_id == hackathon_id ).order_by(hackathon_snapshot.c.score.desc()).alias("temptable") return[ sqlalchemy.sql.text("(@{v}:=@{v} + 1) AS local_rank".format(v=variable)), temptable.c.user_id, temptable.c.bot_id,, temptable.c.sigma, temptable.c.score, temptable.c.games_played, temptable.c.version_number, temptable.c.language, ]).select_from(temptable).alias(alias) ranked_bots = ranked_bots_query() _func = sqlalchemy.sql.func # Summary of all users, regardless of whether they have bots all_users =["user_id"), users.c.username, users.c.player_level, users.c.organization_id, organizations.c.organization_name, users.c.country_code, users.c.country_subdivision_code, users.c.github_email.label("email"),"personal_email"), users.c.is_email_good, users.c.is_gpu_enabled, _func.coalesce(_func.count(), 0).label("num_bots"), _func.coalesce(_func.sum(ranked_bots.c.games_played), 0).label("num_games"), _func.coalesce(_func.sum(ranked_bots.c.version_number), 0).label("num_submissions"), _func.coalesce(_func.max(ranked_bots.c.score), 0).label("score"), _func.coalesce(_func.max(ranked_bots.c.sigma), 0).label("sigma"), _func.coalesce(_func.max(, 0).label("mu"), _func.coalesce(_func.min(sqlalchemy.sql.text("ranked_bots.bot_rank"))).label("rank"), ]).select_from(users.join( ranked_bots, ranked_bots.c.user_id ==, isouter=True, ).join( organizations, == users.c.organization_id, isouter=True )).group_by("all_users") # All submitted bots, ranked with user info ranked_bots_users =["user_id"), users.c.username, users.c.player_level, users.c.organization_id, organizations.c.organization_name, users.c.country_code, users.c.country_subdivision_code, users.c.github_email.label("email"), users.c.is_gpu_enabled, ranked_bots.c.bot_id, ranked_bots.c.games_played.label("num_games"), ranked_bots.c.version_number.label("num_submissions"),, ranked_bots.c.sigma, ranked_bots.c.score, ranked_bots.c.language, ranked_bots.c.update_time, # Perform a no-op operation so we can label the column easily sqlalchemy.cast(sqlalchemy.sql.text("ranked_bots.bot_rank"), sqlalchemy.Integer).label("rank"), ranked_bots.c.compile_status, ]).select_from(ranked_bots.join( users, ranked_bots.c.user_id ==, ).join( organizations, == users.c.organization_id, isouter=True )).alias("ranked_bots_users") # Users, ranked by their best bot def ranked_users_query(alias="ranked_users"): ranked_bots = ranked_bots_query("rurank") return["user_id"), users.c.username, # Perform a no-op operation so we can label the column easily _func.min(sqlalchemy.sql.text("ranked_bots.bot_rank")).label("rank"), ]).select_from( users.join(ranked_bots, ranked_bots.c.user_id == ).group_by( # Total number of ranked users that have played a game total_ranked_users =[ _func.count(sqlalchemy.distinct(bots.c.user_id)) ]).select_from(bots).where(bots.c.games_played > 0) def hackathon_total_ranked_users_query(hackathon_id): """Build a query counting all users in a hackathon.""" return[ _func.count(sqlalchemy.distinct(bots.c.user_id)) ]).select_from( bots.join( hackathon_participants, (bots.c.user_id == hackathon_participants.c.user_id) & (hackathon_participants.c.hackathon_id == hackathon_id) ).join( users, (bots.c.user_id == & (users.c.is_email_good == True) ) ).where(bots.c.games_played > 0) def hackathon_ranked_bots_users_query(hackathon_id, *, alias="hackathon_ranked_bots_users"): """Build a query that ranks all users in a hackathon by their best bot.""" local_rank = hackathon_ranked_bots_query(hackathon_id, alias="local_rank") return["user_id"), users.c.username, users.c.player_level, users.c.organization_id, organizations.c.organization_name, users.c.country_code, users.c.country_subdivision_code, ranked_bots.c.bot_id, local_rank.c.games_played.label("num_games"), local_rank.c.version_number.label("num_submissions"),, local_rank.c.score, local_rank.c.language, ranked_bots.c.update_time, # Perform a no-op operation so we can label the column easily sqlalchemy.cast(sqlalchemy.sql.text("local_rank.local_rank"), sqlalchemy.Integer).label("local_rank"), ranked_bots.c.compile_status, ]).select_from( ranked_bots.join( users, (ranked_bots.c.user_id == & # Only include verified users (users.c.is_email_good == True), ).join( local_rank, (local_rank.c.user_id == ranked_bots.c.user_id) & (local_rank.c.bot_id == ranked_bots.c.bot_id) ).join( organizations, == users.c.organization_id, isouter=True ) ).alias(alias) def get_storage_client(): return gcloud_storage.Client(project=config.GCLOUD_PROJECT) def get_compilation_bucket(): """Get the object storage bucket for bots to be compiled.""" return get_storage_client().get_bucket(config.GCLOUD_COMPILATION_BUCKET) def get_bot_bucket(): """Get the object storage bucket for compiled bots.""" return get_storage_client().get_bucket(config.GCLOUD_BOT_BUCKET) def get_replay_bucket(kind=0): """Get the object storage bucket for game replays.""" return get_storage_client().get_bucket(config.GCLOUD_REPLAY_BUCKETS[kind]) def get_error_log_bucket(): """Get the object storage bucket for game error log files.""" return get_storage_client().get_bucket(config.GCLOUD_ERROR_LOG_BUCKET) def get_deployed_artifacts_bucket(): """Get the object storage bucket for deployed worker artifacts.""" return get_storage_client().get_bucket( config.GCLOUD_DEPLOYED_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) Pootle contributors. # # This file is a part of the Pootle project. It is distributed under the GPL3 # or later license. See the LICENSE file for a copy of the license and the # AUTHORS file for copyright and authorship information. from import FSAPISubCommand class UnstageCommand(FSAPISubCommand): help = "Unstage staged actions." api_method = "unstage"
# © 2016 ADHOC SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later ( { "name": "Account Payment with Multiple methods", "version": "", "category": "Accounting", "website": "", "author": "ADHOC SA, AITIC S.A.S", "license": "AGPL-3", "application": False, 'installable': True, "external_dependencies": { "python": [], "bin": [], }, "depends": [ "account_ux", "l10n_latam_invoice_document", ], "data": [ 'security/security.xml', 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'wizards/account_payment_group_invoice_wizard_view.xml', 'wizards/res_config_settings_views.xml', 'views/menuitem.xml', 'views/account_payment_receiptbook_view.xml', 'views/account_payment_view.xml', 'views/account_move_line_view.xml', 'views/account_payment_group_view.xml', 'views/account_journal_dashboard_view.xml', 'views/report_payment_group.xml', 'data/decimal_precision_data.xml', 'data/l10n_latam.document.type.csv', 'data/mail_template_data.xml', 'data/account_payment_data.xml', 'data/ir_actions_server_data.xml', ], "demo": [ ], 'post_init_hook': 'post_init_hook', }
from __future__ import with_statement from fabric.contrib.console import confirm from fabric.api import * from fabric.operations import * from properties import * from installNodeJS import * @task def install(namehost,username,passworduser): #initilisation des proprietes de l'image properties(namehost,username,passworduser) with settings(warn_only=True): resultInstall=installNodejsWithWebPackage() if not resultInstall: installNodejsWithLocalPackage() @task def test(namehost,username,passworduser): #initilisation des proprietes de l'image properties(namehost,username,passworduser) print("BEGIN Test node.js") print("BEGIN copy example hello-word") put('/home/daniel/tmp/hello.js','hello.js') print("copy completed") with settings(warn_only=True): resultest = run('node ./hello') if resultest.failed : print("node.js is not installed")
import base64 import getopt import httplib import json import re import os import sys import StringIO import urlparse import xml.dom.minidom import zipfile from ApigeePlatformTools import httptools, deploytools def printUsage(): print 'Usage: deployproxy -n [name] -o [organization] -e [environment]' print ' -d [directory name]' print ' -u [username] -p [password]' print ' -b [base path] -l [apigee API url] -z [zip file] -i -h' print '' print '-o Apigee organization name' print '-e Apigee environment name' print '-n Apigee proxy name' print '-d Apigee proxy directory' print '-u Apigee user name' print '-p Apigee password' print '-b Base path (optional, defaults to /)' print '-l Apigee API URL (optional, defaults to' print '-z ZIP file to save (optional for debugging)' print '-i import only, do not deploy' print '-h Print this message' def run(): ApigeeURL = '' Username = None Password = None Directory = None Organization = None Environment = None Name = None BasePath = '/' ShouldDeploy = True ZipFile = None Options = 'o:e:n:d:u:p:b:l:z:ih' opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], Options)[0] for o in opts: if o[0] == '-n': Name = o[1] elif o[0] == '-o': Organization = o[1] elif o[0] == '-d': Directory =o[1] elif o[0] == '-e': Environment =o[1] elif o[0] == '-b': BasePath = o[1] elif o[0] == '-u': Username = o[1] elif o[0] == '-p': Password = o[1] elif o[0] == '-l': ApigeeURL = o[1] elif o[0] == '-z': ZipFile = o[1] elif o[0] == '-i': ShouldDeploy = False elif o[0] == '-h': printUsage() sys.exit(0) if Username == None or Password == None or Directory == None or \ Environment == None or Name == None or Organization == None: printUsage() sys.exit(1) httptools.setup(ApigeeURL, Username, Password) # Return TRUE if any component of the file path contains a directory name that # starts with a "." like '.svn', but not '.' or '..' def pathContainsDot(p): c = re.compile('\.\w+') for pc in p.split('/'): if c.match(pc) != None: return True return False # Construct a ZIPped copy of the bundle in memory tf = StringIO.StringIO() zipout = zipfile.ZipFile(tf, 'w') dirList = os.walk(Directory) for dirEntry in dirList: if not pathContainsDot(dirEntry[0]): for fileEntry in dirEntry[2]: if not fileEntry.endswith('~'): fn = os.path.join(dirEntry[0], fileEntry) en = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(dirEntry[0], Directory), fileEntry) zipout.write(fn, en) zipout.close() if (ZipFile != None): tzf = open(ZipFile, 'w') tzf.write(tf.getvalue()) tzf.close() revision = deploytools.importBundle(Organization, Name, tf.getvalue()) if (revision < 0): sys.exit(2) print 'Imported new proxy revision %i' % revision if ShouldDeploy: status = deploytools.deployWithoutConflict(Organization, Environment, Name, BasePath, revision) if status == False: sys.exit(2) response = httptools.httpCall('GET', '/v1/o/%s/apis/%s/deployments' % (Organization, Name)) deps = deploytools.parseAppDeployments(Organization, response, Name) deploytools.printDeployments(deps)
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from thefuck.utils import memoize, get_alias target_layout = '''qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?''' source_layouts = [u'''йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбю.ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ,''', u'''ضصثقفغعهخحجچشسیبلاتنمکگظطزرذدپو./ًٌٍَُِّْ][}{ؤئيإأآة»«:؛كٓژٰ‌ٔء><؟''', u''';ςερτυθιοπ[]ασδφγηξκλ΄ζχψωβνμ,./:΅ΕΡΤΥΘΙΟΠ{}ΑΣΔΦΓΗΞΚΛ¨"ΖΧΨΩΒΝΜ<>?'''] @memoize def _get_matched_layout(command): # don't use command.split_script here because a layout mismatch will likely # result in a non-splitable sript as per shlex cmd = command.script.split(' ') for source_layout in source_layouts: if all([ch in source_layout or ch in '-_' for ch in cmd[0]]): return source_layout def _switch(ch, layout): if ch in layout: return target_layout[layout.index(ch)] else: return ch def _switch_command(command, layout): return ''.join(_switch(ch, layout) for ch in command.script) def match(command): if 'not found' not in command.stderr: return False matched_layout = _get_matched_layout(command) return matched_layout and \ _switch_command(command, matched_layout) != get_alias() def get_new_command(command): matched_layout = _get_matched_layout(command) return _switch_command(command, matched_layout)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This script transforms the JSON Stream containing exported Google Readers shared items to SQL that inserts them into the feed table in tt-rss. You can export the json in the preferences of Google Reader (choose the custom Google one) Requires Python 2.6+ and your MySQL DB >= 4.1 ''' import sys import json from datetime import datetime from time import time import re import os # get IDs print "Please enter your user ID (usually, you are admin, who has ID 1):" owner_uid = raw_input() try: owner_uid = int(owner_uid) assert(owner_uid > 0) except: print 'Invalid ID (should be a positive number)' sys.exit(2) print "If you want, you can link all imported items to a certain feed "\ "(You can create a new dedicated feed with the SQL in the file 'create-gritttt-feed.sql'). "\ "Enter the ID of that feed now."\ "However, if you simply want the items to be in your database without being connected to "\ "a certain feed (you can always find them in the "\ "virtual feeds for published and starred items, anyway), just hit Enter." feed_id = raw_input() if feed_id == '': feed_id = 'NULL' else: try: feed_id = int(feed_id) assert(feed_id > 0) except: print 'Invalid ID (should be a positive number)' sys.exit(2) # which database to import to print "Are you importing to a MySQL database (Y/n)? (no assumes PostgreSQL):" mysql_database = raw_input().lower() if not mysql_database in ['', 'y', 'n']: print 'Invalid choice' sys.exit(2) if mysql_database in ['', 'y']: mysql_database = True else: mysql_database = False # which data to import print "Should we import shared articles (Y/n)? (then I expect you to have exported a file "\ "called shared.json from Google):" do_shared = raw_input().lower() if not do_shared in ['', 'y', 'n']: print 'Invalid choice' sys.exit(2) if do_shared in ['', 'y']: do_shared = True if not os.path.exists('shared.json'): print 'Cannot find the file shared.json ...' sys.exit(2) else: do_shared = False print "Should we import starred articles (Y/n)? (then I expect you to have exported a file "\ "called starred.json from Google):" do_starred = raw_input().lower() if not do_starred in ['', 'y', 'n']: print 'Invalid choice' sys.exit(2) if do_starred in ['', 'y']: do_starred = True if not os.path.exists('starred.json'): print 'Cannot find the file starred.json ...' sys.exit(2) else: do_starred = False # start writing print "Writing gritttt-import.sql ..." ttim = open('gritttt-import.sql', 'w') ttim.write('-- SQL Import from Google Reader, created {0} \n\n '\ .format( def s(unicode_str): ''' for sanitizing strings: - getting rid of all non-utf8 things - escape single quotations ''' s = unicode_str.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') s = s.replace("\\'", "'") # unescape already escaped ones if mysql_database: s = re.sub('''(['"])''', r'\\\1', s) else: # PostgreSQL is assumed s = re.sub('''(['])''', r"''", s) return s def write_sql(items, shared, c): for item in items: # link if 'alternate' not in item: print('Could not import item with id {}. It does not seem to have'\ ' any href-information.'.format(item['id'])) continue link = item['alternate'][0]['href'] # title, or just link if item.has_key('title'): title = item['title'] else: title = link # content is either under content/content or summary/content content = '' for k in ['content', 'summary']: if item.has_key(k): content += item[k]['content'] # updated is when feed item was published, make nice SQL date pub = datetime.fromtimestamp(item['published']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ttim.write("INSERT INTO ttrss_entries (guid, title, link, date_entered, date_updated, updated, content, content_hash) VALUES \ ('{g}', '{t}', '{l}', '{pub}', '{pub}', '{pub}', '{c} ', '');\n"\ .format(g='%s,imported:%f' % (s(link), time()), t=s(title), l=s(link), pub=pub, c=s(content))) # copy user notes note = '' if len(item['annotations']) > 0: note = item['annotations'][0]['content'] if mysql_database: ttim.write("INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries (label_cache, uuid, tag_cache, ref_id, feed_id, owner_uid, published, marked, note, unread) \ SELECT '', '', '', max(id), {fid}, {oid}, {pub}, {mar}, '{n} ', 0 FROM ttrss_entries;\n\n"\ .format(fid=feed_id , oid=owner_uid, pub=int(shared), mar=int(not shared), n=s(note))) else: # PostgreSQL is assumed ttim.write("INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries (label_cache, uuid, tag_cache, ref_id, feed_id, owner_uid, published, marked, note, unread) \ SELECT '', '', '', max(id), {fid}, {oid}, {pub}, {mar}, '{n} ', False FROM ttrss_entries;\n\n"\ .format(fid=feed_id , oid=owner_uid, pub=shared, mar=(not shared), n=s(note))) c += 1 return c counter = 0 ttim.write("BEGIN;\n\n"); if do_starred: print "Reading in data from starred.json ..." gex_im = open('starred.json', 'r') gex = json.load(gex_im) gex_im.close() # we insert them in the order of date items = gex['items'] items.reverse() counter = write_sql(items, False, counter) if do_shared: print "Reading in data from shared.json ..." gex_im = open('shared.json', 'r') gex = json.load(gex_im) gex_im.close() # we insert them in the order of date items = gex['items'] items.reverse() counter = write_sql(items, True, counter) if feed_id != 'NULL': ttim.write("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = {id};\n\n".format(id=feed_id)); ttim.write("COMMIT;\n\n"); ttim.close() print "Done. I wrote {0} entries.".format(counter)
from bears.natural_language.AlexBear import AlexBear from tests.LocalBearTestHelper import verify_local_bear good_file = "Their network looks good." bad_file = "His network looks good." AlexBearTest = verify_local_bear(AlexBear, valid_files=(good_file,), invalid_files=(bad_file,))
from miro import flashscraper from miro.test.framework import EventLoopTest, uses_httpclient class FlashScraperBase(EventLoopTest): def setUp(self): EventLoopTest.setUp(self) self.event_loop_timeout = 20 self.start_http_server() def run_event_loop(self, timeout=None): if timeout == None: timeout = self.event_loop_timeout EventLoopTest.runEventLoop(self, timeout=timeout) def tearDown(self): EventLoopTest.tearDown(self) self.stopEventLoop(abnormal=False) class YouTubeScraper(FlashScraperBase): # this is super helpful if you set logging to DEBUG. then you can # debug youtube flashscraper issues from here. def setUp(self): FlashScraperBase.setUp(self) self._response = None def scrape_callback(self, new_url, content_type=None, title=None): self._response = (new_url, content_type, title) self.stopEventLoop(abnormal=False) @uses_httpclient def test_scrape(self): flashscraper.try_scraping_url( u"", self.scrape_callback) self.run_event_loop() # print self._response class VimeoScraper(FlashScraperBase): def setUp(self): FlashScraperBase.setUp(self) self._response = None def scrape_callback(self, new_url, content_type=None, title=None): self._response = (new_url, content_type, title) self.stopEventLoop(abnormal=False) @uses_httpclient def test_scrape(self): flashscraper.try_scraping_url( u'', self.scrape_callback) self.run_event_loop() self.assertNotEqual(self._response, None) self.assertNotEqual(self._response[0], None) self.assertEqual(type(self._response[1]), unicode) self.assertEqual(self._response[1], u'video/mp4') @uses_httpclient def test_scrape_moogaloop(self): flashscraper.try_scraping_url( u'', self.scrape_callback) self.run_event_loop() self.assertNotEqual(self._response, None) self.assertNotEqual(self._response[0], None) self.assertEqual(type(self._response[1]), unicode) self.assertEqual(self._response[1], u'video/mp4')