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Tweet Annotation Sensitivity Experiment 1: Annotation in Six Experimental Conditions

Attention: This repository contains cases that might be offensive or upsetting. We do not support the views expressed in these hateful posts.


We drew a stratified sample of 20 tweets, that were pre-annotated in a study by Davidson et al. (2017) for Hate Speech / Offensive Language / Neither. The stratification was done with respect to majority-voted class and level of disagreement.

We then recruited 1000 Prolific workers to annotate each of the 20 tweets. Annotators were randomly selected into one of six experimental conditions, as shown in the following figures. In these conditions, they were asked to assign the labels Hate Speech / Offensive Language / Neither.

In addition, we collected a variety of demographic variables (e.g. age and gender) and some para data (e.g. duration of the whole task, duration per screen).

Examples of Annotation Conditions

Here we show some examples of the annotation conditions:

Condition A

Condition C

Condition E


We use the following 20 tweets from Davidson et al. (2017). The usernames were hashed.

Tweet ID Tweets Hashed
1 Jihadi John has struck again. Prayers with the victims' families. What is the #bounty on His head? Time 4 him 2 meet allah
2 RT @#####: Seriously, Florida. A vote for Charlie Christ is a vote for taxes and ebola.
3 Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @##### @##### #UniteBlue
4 At this rate, I'd cheer for the awful New York Yankees over the St. Louis Cardinals.
5 Allergies have my eyes all red and chink eyed, I look like I'm stoned
6 Not protected in the state of Utah. There is no fear of queer couples forcing churches to marry them. They do not legally have to do so.
7 RT @#####: Boss Niggas Fuk wit Boss bitches Vice versa..
8 RT @#####: ever wanna text somebody and be like bitch die I hope you don't wake up you low down dirty muthafxcka&#128520
9 @##### @##### @##### she's a right twat, I'd tell you, honestly Sky! Honestly &#128520
10 So yall give farwells to Lulu yet did all but shit on Kris? Ok bitches... ok
11 RT @#####: Dis bitch wanna smoke all our weed
12 Shittin on all my old hoes
13 Getting hit off a cunt thats about 6 foot sideways and a cunt that was in the army lol, i dini care, yous are fuckin laughable
14 When it rains it's good "go to the mall weather" all the coons be at home
15 Don't mind black people.....hate niggers!
16 My eyes feel so chink eyed
17 "From now on, I will call all radical MUSLIMS niggers!It is very fitting and it is racist! I AM RACIST AGAINST ANYONE WHO HATES AMERICA!"""
18 RT @#####: Fucking chinks in Clash of Clans always fuck me up. Bitch ass kamikaze faggots.
19 @##### ya I know all the slang I'm racist I h8 porch monkies
20 RT @#####: Stupid fucking nigger LeBron. You flopping stupid jungle bunny monkey faggot.


Column Name Description Type
id annotator ID integer
age Age integer
gender Gender
1: Female
2: Male
3: Something Else
4: Prefer not to say
afam African-American
0: No
1: Yes
asian Asian-American
0: No
1: Yes
hispanic Hispanic
0: No
1: Yes
white White
0: No
1: Yes
race_other Other race/ethnicity
0: No
1: Yes
race_not_say Prefer not to say race/ethnicity
0: No
1: Yes
education Highest educational attainment
1: Less than high school
2: High school
3: Some college
4: College graduate
5: Master's degree or professional degree (Law, Medicine, MPH, etc.)
6: Doctoral degree (PhD, DPH, EdD, etc.)
sexuality Sexuality
1: Gay or Lesbian
2: Bisexual
3: Straight
4: Something Else
english English first language?
0: No
1: Yes
tw_use Twitter Use
1: Most days
2: Most weeks, but not every day
3: A few times a month
4: A few times a year
5: Less often
6: Never
social_media_use Social Media Use
1: Most days
2: Most weeks, but not every day
3: A few times a month
4: A few times a year
5: Less often
0: Never
prolific_hours Prolific hours worked last month integer
task_fun Coding work was: fun
0: No
1: Yes
task_interesting Coding work was: interesting
0: No
1: Yes
task_boring Coding work was: boring
0: No
1: Yes
task_repetitive Coding work was: repetitive
0: No
1: Yes
task_important Coding work was: important
0: No
1: Yes
task_depressing Coding work was: depressing
0: No
1: Yes
task_offensive Coding work was: offensive
0: No
1: Yes
another_tweettask Likelihood to do another Tweet related task
not at all: Not at all likely
somewhat: Somewhat likely
very: Very likely
another_hatetask Likelihood to do another Hate Speech related task
not at all: Not at all likely
somewhat: Somewhat likely
very: Very likely
page_history Order in which annotator saw pages character
date_of_first_access Datetime of first access datetime
date_of_last_access Datetime of last access datetime
duration_sec Task duration in seconds integer
version Version of annotation task
A: Version A
B: Version B
C: Version C
D: Version D
E: Version E
F: Version F
tw1-20 Label assigned to Tweet 1-20
hate speech: Hate Speech
offensive language: Offensive Language
neither: Neither HS nor OL
NA: Missing or "don't know"
tw_duration_1-20 Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 1-20 numerical
num_approvals Prolific data: number of previous task approvals of annotator integer
num_rejections Prolific data: number of previous task rejections of annotator integer
prolific_score Annotator quality score by Prolific numerical
countryofbirth Prolific data: Annotator country of birth character
currentcountryofresidence Prolific data: Annotator country of residence character
employmentstatus Prolific data: Annotator Employment Status
Unemployed (and job-seeking)
Due to start a new job within the next month
Not in paid work (e.g. homemaker, retired or disabled)
firstlanguage Prolific data: Annotator first language character
nationality Prolific data: Nationality character
studentstatus Prolific data: Student status


If you found the dataset useful, please cite:

      author="Beck, Jacob and Eckman, Stephanie and Chew, Rob and Kreuter, Frauke",
      editor="Chen, Jessie Y. C. and Fragomeni, Gino and Degen, Helmut and Ntoa, Stavroula",
      title="Improving Labeling Through Social Science Insights: Results and Research Agenda",
      booktitle="HCI International 2022 -- Late Breaking Papers: Interacting with eXtended Reality and Artificial Intelligence",
      publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",