Will Medicare Pay For Shingles Shot?
Medicare Part D will pay for shingles shots . The Medicare Prescription Drug Plan , or a Medicare Advantage Plan with Prescription Drug -LRB- MA-PD -RRB- , are used for shingles vaccinations . These will pay both the cost of the vaccine and the cost of administering it , when using a Medicare approved provider .
Can You Get Life Insurance On A Non Relative?
You can get life insurance on a non relative if you have an insurable interest in that person . E.g. if you and your boss have been talking about you taking over the business someday , you could take out a life insurance policy on your boss so that you are able to purchase the business in case of his death . Or perhaps you loaned a neighbor money to rebuild his house after a fire . You could take out a life insurance policy on your neighbor of the amount that you loaned him , so you would get repaid if something happened to him .
What To Look For When Choosing Homeowners Insurance?
The first thing I recommend looking for is appropriate coverage . Your homeowners insurance should have enough dwelling coverage to cover not only the cost of rebuilding your home , but also cover the clearing and removal of debris is your home is destroyed . All too often , I see homeowners policies that ONLY cover the cost to rebuild . If you do n't have enough to clear the debris , you could get stuck with that cost yourself -LRB- and that cost is in the neighborhood of $ 30,000 ! -RRB- . If the cost to rebuild your home becomes MORE than your coverage , is there anything in place to help pay for that ? For example , Farmers Insurance will include an extra 25 % of the dwelling coverage . So , if your home coverage is $ 100,000 , and it ends up cost $ 125,000 to rebuild your home , Farmers Insurance would pay that amount -LRB- minus your home deductible -RRB- . The final thing I would point out would be the deductible . In many cases , if you have never had a claim , you can have a lower deductible . However , many insurance companies are moving to a higher deductible model -LRB- usually as a percentage of the dwelling coverage -RRB- . So , if your dwelling coverage is $ 200,000 , your deductible would be 1 % of the dwelling , or $ 2,000 . I recommend finding a company that offers a deductible you feel comfortable paying .
What To Look For When Choosing Homeowners Insurance?
Look for the right agent . Ask your colleagues , neighbors , friends and family . Work with someone you can trust . Make sure they get accurate information from you and transmit that to their home office . Make sure that the policy you receive is exactly what you ordered . This agent should provide you with an estimate of the cost to rebuild your residence , review that carefully . The agent should also make a recommendation about optional coverages such as water damage and law and ordinance coverage . Finally , but probably most importantly the agent should advise you on an appropriate amount of liability insurance . A lawsuit could exceed the value of your home and that would be miserable .
What To Look For When Choosing Homeowners Insurance?
A home is typically the largest purchase one makes . And as such caution needs to be exercised when choosing an insurer and agent/broker . You will want to first start with companies you knoware prominent in the area and sound financially . There are resources online to verify finanacial stability -LRB- A.M.Best -RRB- and consumer satisfaction -LRB- J.D.Powers . -RRB- Then talk to a few insurance professionals . Ask family and friends who their professional is to start . The one or several that take the time to survey your home and sit down with you to learn your needs and wants and review all the available options with you will prove your best bet to having the appropriate coverage at the best possible price .
What To Look For When Choosing Homeowners Insurance?
You should look for an agent who will visit the property before doing an application . This is necessary so they can tell you if there is things the insurance company will require that could affect your rate or could cost you a lot of money to repair/replace . The agent should go through the included coverage in detail and give you an expection of how to contact them - even after hours - or the insurance company directly . They should also walk you through the claims process and what to expect if something bad happens .
How Much Critical Illness Insurance Do I Need?
The best way to answer this is to first determine what you are wanting to cover . For example , are you looking for paying the mortgage with this benefit and for how long ? Do you need to replace income , and for how long ? You get the idea . You can get up to $ 500,000 of coverage generally speaking if you have the budget for it . Neil makes a great point about bankruptcies . Those are accurate statistics .
How Much Critical Illness Insurance Do I Need?
There seems to be lots of questions revolving around `` how much insurance do I need '' . Without having a crystal ball , it 's impossible to answer . Critical Illness generally encompasses heart attack , stroke , cancer , renal failure , etc. . If that happens , you will have extra expense -LRB- out-of-pocket expenses , possible travel , etc -RRB- . But will you also have lost income?Approximately 65 % ofbankruptcies are due to medical bills . And about 60 % of the people that went bankrupt HAD HEALTH INSURANCE !
How Much Critical Illness Insurance Do I Need?
Long term care is running between $ 36,000 and $ 80,000 per year on average these days . The qualifier for critical care is typically when a person is unable to perform 2 or more of the 6 daily basic tasks unaided . So how much critical care insurance do you need ? That would depend on how long you might need long term care . When you purchase LTC insurance as a stand alone policy it can be very expensive . However you can add a LTC rider to many life insurance products at a very reasonable cost and that will avail you of 80 % or more of the face benefit of the policy if needed for long term care .
How Much Critical Illness Insurance Do I Need?
Critical Illness Insurance pays a lump sum benefit if the insured person is diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as stroke , advanced cancer , Alzheimer 's , organ transplant , coronary bypass , and others . Each policy has different criteria , and some pay out reduced amounts for illnesses that are not as advanced . It is difficult to anticipate what benefit is needed before the event would actually occur , and seems more like a personal preference .
What Is Reliance Life Insurance?
Reliance Life Insurance Company is based in India . It looks like they have a nice portfolio of products/options for customers to choose from and work with . The include , of course life insurance , a term life , savings and investments , retirement plans , child plans & health plans plus more which I have not looked at . I would encourage you to look this company up online for all the full details .
What Exactly Is A Deductible In Health Insurance?
A health insurance deductible is the amount you must pay before your benefits `` kick in '' and begin paying -LRB- for most services - some benefits , such as preventive care , provide coverage immediately -RRB- . The deductible amount varies by plan . For example , under the new Affordable Care Act , a catastrophic plan may feature a $ 6,350 deductible , a bronze plan may feature a $ 6,000 deductible , a silver plan may feature a $ 3,000 deductible , a gold plan may feature a $ 2,000 deductible , and a platinum plan may feature a $ 0 deductible . These figures are not the same for all plans on each metal level . It 's always helpful to consult with an experienced health insurance broker when you 're looking for coverage . Brokers have the knowledge and experience to help you determine which carriers ' plan will be most suitable for your needs . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
When Is A Good Age To Buy Life Insurance?
Purchasing life insurance when youre health is an optimal time to buy , but you need to provide a justified reason to purchase it and your beneficiaries need to have insurable interest . Most young married couples buy life insurance to indemnify each other because of their debts : student loans , credit cards , mortgages , car loans etc. .
When Is A Good Age To Buy Life Insurance?
Any time is a good age to buy life insurance , if you have a need for life insurance . If you have poor health there will be fewer choices and the price will be higher . But persons with poor health often have a great a need for life insurance , and are relieved to find a product that can pay their loved ones more than they are able to save up for them .
Does Renters Insurance Cover A Hurricane?
Hurricane damage is covered in most renter 's policies with exceptions and limitations . Damage to the landscape may have incidental coverage . Certain items of personal property -LRB- money , jewelry , silverware , guns , for example -RRB- are subject to limits in the policy . If the damage is sustained due to flood , waves or an overflow of water that enters through an opening in the house or even through the sewer , damages may not be covered . If the direct cause of loss is power interruption , damages may not be covered .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Bites?
Your renters insurance policy has a personal liability coverage which may cover a dog bite depending on several factors . The most important is that the type of dog was not an excluded breed by the insurance company and the dog does not have a bit history . Otherwise you should be covered . I recommend you further discuss your specific policy coverage 's with your agent .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Bites?
Yes it does . You have liability coverage on your Renter 's policy . It usually comes with $ 100,000 of coverge which would cover a dogbite . This is why the agent will ask you if you own adog and what kind . Many companies will not insure you if you own certain breeds such as Pitbulls or Rottweilers .
Is Homeowners Insurance Mortgage Insurance?
No . Homeowners insurance covers physical loss and liability suits . You can add on separate endorsements for scheduled property , campers , recreational vehicles and etc. . Mortgage insurance is insurance purchased in the event you default on your mortgage . Think about it in these terms : when you get a mortgage the bank wants to be added as a loss payee in the vent the house -LRB- its collateral -RRB- is destroyed . It also wants protection in the event you lose your job or decide to stop paying . Sometimes bank purchase this coverage , but in other circumstances first time borrowers with bad credit and a low down payment may be required to purchase mortgage insurance . I hope this helps .
Does Type 2 Diabetes Affect Car Insurance?
Based on my limited education and experience in the field as of this point , I do not believe that any prospect is asked about whether or not they have diabetes and if they do what type they are . The diabetes question may be something that is asked by the DMV for licensing though .
Will Health Insurance Pay For Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
That will depend on the nature of your wisdom teeth removal . Most claims for extractions are sent to your dental insurance first . If the wisdom teeth are what 's called ` boney impactions ' , then the claim will be sent to your health insurance company to coordination benefit with your dental plan , as ` boney impactions ' are covered under health insurance .
What Should My Renters Insurance Cover?
A renters policy should provide sufficient liability coverage to handle a lawsuit should one arise . The coverage is for personal injury and property damage . Then the policy should provide enough coverage to make you whole should your property go up in smoke . Remember that the landlord is not responsible in either of these situations .
How Do Hybrid Annuities Work?
Hybrid annuities are fixed indexed annuities , equity indexed annuities , or variable annuities with a rider that offers lifetime income . Some also offer enhanced death benefit , long term care , and/or home health care . Hybrid annuities work by allowing the buyer to invest funds in a fixed account as well as variable account . The fixed account provides the guaranteed funds and the variable components provide for greater return by investing in non-guaranteed securities .
How To Fight A Long Term Care Insurance Denial?
If you are talking about a denial to an application for long term care insurance , there are several steps you can take : 1 -RRB- Find out the reason for the denial . 2 -RRB- If the reason is a mistake -LRB- e.g. your medical records say you were diagnosed with CHF but they later found out you did not have CHF -RRB- , get a letter from your doctor succinctly explaining that , along with correct medical records , if possible . 3 -RRB- If the reason was high blood pressure at the insurance exam , high cholesterol on their labs , etc , offer to pay for a blood pressure reading at your doctor 's office , or a new blood test . Declines for any type of insurance are usually final , but sometimes you can reverse them . Using an agency that has lots of experience with impaired risk cases helps .
How To Fight A Long Term Care Insurance Denial?
In my experience , if you feel convinced that you are not receiving the benefits outlined in the contract , you should hire an attorney . Hopefully the cost to secure an attorney will not be prohibitive for you . Most insurance companies have a significant legal department that can only be confronted by an attorney defending your interests .
What Are Medicaid Qualified Annuities?
Medicaid qualified annuities , or `` Medicaid friendly annuities '' , are annuities that can sometimes be used by couples when one person in the couple enters a nursing home . One spouse is able to keep half their assets and the home he/she lives in , the other spouse must spend down the other half on nursing home care before becoming eligible for Medicaid . Rather than spend down those funds , the spouse entering the nursing home transfers the money to the other spouse , who puts it in an irrevocable , immediate annuity that is set to pay the at-home spouse an income up to the number of years left in his/her life expectancy . Consult a knowledgeable elder law attorney in your state to see if this is allowed in your state , and to know all the pro 's and con 's before endeavoring to take out a Medicaid qualified annuity .
Is Medicare Managed Care?
Not in the strictest sense , Medicare Part A , Part B & Part D are not Health Maintenance Organization type plans . Medicare Advantage plans , which have proven increasingly popular since their introduction , generally do embody the concepts of a managed care plan though some can be more oriented towardsa PPO/POS network approach while others embrace the more classic HMO model where their members must use only contracted providers to received their care .
What Are The Different Types Of Disability Insurance?
The types of Disability Insurance that you can buy on your own come in two types : Short Term Disability Insurance and Long Term Disability Insurance . Of the two , Long Term Disability Insurance is most commonly purchased . When provided by an employer , Sick Leave is also a type of Short Term Disability Insurance .
Does GMAC Have Life Insurance?
GMAC does not offer traditional life insurance ; it 's products are mainly in the property and casualty arena and it does offer some health insurance . GMAC has a Credit Life insurance plan that pays off the balance of the debt to the lender in the event of the borrower 's death .
How To Evaluate Auto Insurance Companies?
There are several criteria that you could use , however , my recommendation is that you select an agent that you can trust . The company is important but not critical . State Insurance Commissioners are obligated to make sure that the companies that they admit to do business in your state will honor the promises that they make . On the other hand , the agent can guide you into wise decisions regarding limits and coverages . At the time of claim the company will perform but they will only perform to the limits that you and your agent set , so make sure you have an agent that you trust .
Who Are The Largest Home Insurance Companies?
The largest by a significant margin is State Farm which has more than 20 % of the market in terms of written premium . Industry figures from 2012 indicate a total of $ 15 billion in premium . -LRB- That 's not property values - That 's premium ! -RRB- The next closest is Allstate at about 10 % of the market . The next eight carriers of the top ten , each having no more than 3 % or so of the market , are : Farmers ; Liberty Mutual ; USAA , Travelers ; Nationwide ; Chubb ; Citizens and American Family . Here in Florida , if you can be insured with any of these carriers , with the exception of Citizens , you have a strong National company behind you , in the event of losses . Many of them do not write in Florida , especially if coverage for the peril of wind is included .
Will Medicare Pay For Diabetic Test Strips?
Yes , Medicare provides coverage for diabetic test strips under Part B - they 're viewed as a type of durable medical equipment -LRB- DME -RRB- . You must be enrolled in Medicare and be diabetic to have the test strips covered . In general , Medicare will cover approximately 80 % of the cost - you will be responsible for the other 20 % .
Will Medicare Pay For Diabetic Test Strips?
Medicare covers testing strips - under Part B. Medicare Part A & B only covers 80 % of anything , but if you have a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare Supplement - this helps cover all or most of the 20 % you might be left with . Some Medicare Advantage plans cover the strips at 100 % , some would leave you with a small copay , insteadof the full 20 % . Check with your Advantage or Supplement plan to find out exactly what you will pay for your strips . Belinda
Will Medicare Pay For Diabetic Test Strips?
Diabetes Supplies & Services Supplies : Medicare Part B -LRB- Medical Insurance -RRB- covers some diabetes supplies , including : Blood sugar -LRB- glucose -RRB- test strips Blood sugar testing monitors Insulin Lancet devices and lancets Glucose control solutions Therapeutic shoes or inserts Part B covers some diabetes services , including : Diabetes self-management training Yearly eye exam Foot exam Glaucoma tests Nutrition therapy services -LRB- medical -RRB-
Does Universal Life Insurance Expire?
Guaranteed universal life generally has a maturity or endowment date in the policy contract . There are some life insurance companies that use phrases like life of the insured . As long as the guaranteed premium is pad on time it should n't expire . But generally speaking current assumption universal life insurance has variables that have the potential to under perform which could lead to a policy lapsing or expiring .
What Is The Average Cost Of Health Insurance?
The average cost in the country for a health insurance plan is $ 328 per month - however , this is only reflective upon a silver level plan -LRB- not all 2014 state figure averages are available yet -RRB- . While you can try to come up with an `` average '' cost , there 's too many factors that go into premium pricing to say how in relation that compares to you . In short , an `` average '' premium is a rather useless figure to the individual . It 's only representative to a large group - you could have people paying a small nominal amount -LRB- after factoring in subsidies -RRB- per month to several thousand dollars per month . Even for that there 's a ton of information to sift through to get an accurate representation . Under the new Affordable Care Act , you have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . You may be able to qualify for a subsidy that can be used to reduce the cost of your health insurance premiums . I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker . We can help you determine the plan that 's going to be most suitable for your needs and budget . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
How Does A Joint Life Insurance Policy Work?
A Joint Life Insurance Policy is known by a few names : survivorship , second to die and my personal favorite last one out -LRB- just kidding . -RRB- Survivorship was originally conceived to correlate with the Marital Deduction Act in the eighties when the law allowed the state to pass between spouses at the first death tax free , i.e. taxes then are due at the second death of a married couple . The economic leverage of survivorship is significant and can address several inheritance strategies like estate taxes , charitable giving and making a difference for your children , grandchildren and maybe your great grandchildren as our societys life expectancy appear to be heading for age 100 .
How Does A Joint Life Insurance Policy Work?
Joint life insurance is usually referring to joint second-to-die which is also known as survivorship life insurance . These policies insure two lives and became popular with the advent of the unlimited martial deduction in the early 1980s . It has become a common way to provide for estate liquidity . Priced at a lower premium than two single life policies , survivorship policies pay nothing at the first death . The policy death benefit pays at the death of the second insured to die . While readily available at one time , joint first-to-die life insurance policies are no longer available from A rated carriers that distribute through life insurance brokers .
How Does A Joint Life Insurance Policy Work?
A joint life insurance policy , or `` second-to-die '' or `` survivorship '' policy , pays the death benefit upon the death of the second person . This means that if a husband wants to leave the death benefit for his wife , he would not want to purchase a survivorship policy with his wife being the other insured person . Keep in mind that both persons on the policy must pass for the death benefit to be paid out .
When Does Long Term Disability Insurance Start?
Long term disability insurance generally has a waiting period or `` elimination '' period that needs to be satisfied before benefits are generated . If you are addressing individual disability insurance , one of the most popular waiting periods is 90 days . Most Americans have about 90 days in cash reserves , so establishing your cash reserves will help you determine you disability elimination period .
When Does Long Term Disability Insurance Start?
Disability insurance policies usually start paying benefits once the elimination period is completed after the diagnosis that causes the disability . Elimination periods commonly vary from 30-60-90-120-180-360 days . Most good policies will go back and pay the first day of disability as well once the elimination period requirements are met on top the ongoing benefits as well .
What Is The High 3 Retirement Plan?
You are probably referring to a defined benefit pension plan that uses the highest three years of earning as a factor in the benefit formula . Defined benefit plans , although quickly disappearing , compute the benefit by using a formula . The earnings on the fund are immaterial to the participant . Members do not have separate accounts in a defined benefit plan . Normally the benefit is a combination of factors , age , years of service and perhaps others , which is then multiplied by salary . In this case it is the average of the highest three years of salary . That then becomes the starting benefit .
What Makes A Car Insurance Cheaper?
For the best rates having a good driving record is a factor . Either being a good student -LRB- 3.0 or better -RRB- or professional degree may help . Multiple polices with the same company and even multiple vehicles for an over all vehicle to vehicle rate . Generally married runs a better rate then single . Also how much you drive and type of vehicle you drive not to mention the coverage 's you chose all have bearing on your rates .
Where Can I Buy Life Insurance Online?
There are many websites these days that offer online life insurance quotes and the ability to purchase life insurance online . Just perusing the biographies on this website and clicking on the websites for the contributors will lead you to some of them . You could also use a search engine to look for life insurance quotes . One way to narrow it down would be to include any health condition you have in your search query .
Where Can I Buy Life Insurance Online?
You can buy life insurance online from my website as well as many other agents answering questions for . The process will vary : some allow you to run quotes ; some just have you input your zip code and someone will call you ; others will be more automated or less automated . Just be sure that you talk to someone who can answer your questions and help you choose the best product to fit your needs and health .
How Long Does A Life Insurance Check Take To Clear?
A check is a check is a check . It will clear like any other check in 3-5 business days . If you need money before the check clears you could go to the bank for a short term loan and use the policy as collateral once the life insurance company has confirmed you as the beneficiary .
How Long Does A Life Insurance Check Take To Clear?
The check will clear just like any other check you put in the bank . Around 5-days is safe . As far as how long to pay a claim ... It varies depending on the company and type of coverage . With most policies you ca n't file the claim until you have a certified death certificate . That can take from 2-days to 45-days to get . Then most life insurance companies will pay the claim within 30-days of receiving the death certificate and claim form . Some companies that specialize in funeral insurance coverage pay the claim within 48-hours with no death certificate needed . If you die within 24 months of taking out the policy , it will be contestible and that will slow down the claim process .
What Is A Qualifying Event To Drop Health Insurance?
Qualifying events recognized under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- are ; 1 -RRB- Loss of employer health insurance coverage 2 -RRB- Expiration of coverage under COBRA or state continuation of coverage provisions 3 -RRB- Loss of government sponsored plan , including Medicaid or CHIP 4 -RRB- Loss of Minimum Essential Coverage 5 -RRB- Birth or adoption or foster care or legal guardianship 6 -RRB- Marriage 7 -RRB- No longer an eligible dependent -LRB- e.g. - child turning age 26 -RRB- 8 -RRB- Divorce from a policyholder 9 -RRB- Termination of a pre-ACA individual plan during 2014 10 -RRB- Moving to a new area that offers different plan options or moving outside of an HMO service area 11 -RRB- Employer 's bankruptcy resulting in loss of coverage for retirees 12 -RRB- Release from incarceration 13 -RRB- Unintentional error or enrollment/disenrollment in a Health Insurance Marketplace plan is unintentional or erroneous 14 -RRB- A material violation of contract terms by the health insurance plan That 's all folks !
How To Collect Life Insurance After Death?
When a person passes away the beneficiary needs to file a death claim with the Life Insurance Company . The most efficient way of dealing with this is going to be to contact the agent who wrote the policy . Hopefully there is a business card attached to the policy . Call the agent and have him/her come out and help you complete the death claim form , they can get it to the company for you . If not in the policy there will be contact information for the insurance company or you can google the company and on the `` contact us '' . The insurance company will send out a claim form , complete it and send it out , you 'll need to provide all the documentation they request to complete your claim . It should n't take more then 45 days for the process .
How To Collect Life Insurance After Death?
When the policy insured dies , the policy beneficiary or policy owners notify the life insurance company . The company , in turn , sends their death benefit claim form upon request . Once the form is filled out and the additional documents , the death certificate and newspaper obituary are delivered the processing time is between 30 and 60 days .
Is Medigap Worth The Cost?
Is it worth the cost ? Only you can answer that . Medicare covers about 80 % of your health care claims , the rest is paid by you unless you have a Medigap plan . Even the popular Advantage plans have significant out of pocket costs , especially when you receive out of network treatment .
Is Medigap Worth The Cost?
Yes , Medigap is worth the cost of the monthly premium . Medicare Part A & B only covers about 80 % of the cost of your healthcare . The remaining 20 % does not have a cap . You pay 20 % of everything with no max . Why would someone subject themselves and their family to that when they can have $ 0 out of pocket or very little with a Medigap Plan ? A Medigap Plan will cover what Medicare Part A & B does not . Depending on what plan you go with you could have little to no out of pocket . It is far easier to budget a monthly premium knowing you will never have a large expense come when you least expect it .
What Is Simplified Issue Life Insurance?
Simplified Issue Life Insurance is life insurance that does not require an exam . Some simplified issue life insurance policies will order medical records and some do not . Most request a phone interview , or if not that , they require filling out the application over the phone or in person with the agent and signed digitally . Simplified Issue Life Insurance can be used to save time , or else it is used when traditional , medically underwritten life insurance is unavailable .
What Are Medicare Part B Drugs?
Medicare Part B medications are usually provided and given by someone in the doctors office as part of a treatment . There are a couple of exceptions that may be picked up at a local drug store . These include medications to be used in a nebulizer , medications to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ , and diabetic testing supplies . If your doctor wants you to pick any of these up , make sure that the prescription is written following CMS directions or the pharmacy will not be able to bill Medicare . This includes having the diagnosis code written on the prescription , exact quantities and frequency of use , and your name , date of birth , and address written on the prescription .
How Long Does It Take Metlife To Process A Life Insurance Claim?
Metlife does not offer an expected time frame for processing a life insurance claim on any of their death claim materials . They do try to offer explanations that will avoid certain situations to hang up claim processing . Most life insurance claims take from a couple weeks to a couple of months to process .
Does Medicare Pay For A Lift Chair?
Medicare part B covers 80 % of the costs and you or your supplement would pay the other 20 % of durable medical equipment , not chairs themselves but mechanical or hydraulic devices that help to safely lift a person They make it easier get in and out of bed or chair
Does Medicare Pay For A Lift Chair?
Medicare only partially covers lift chairs under Medicare Part B -LRB- only the lifting mechanism will be covered , not the entire unit -RRB- . Lift chairs would be considered a type of durable medical equipment and certain requirements would need to be met for Medicare to provide the coverage for lift chairs -LRB- e.g. being prescribed for use in your home by your physician and/or requesting a certificate of medical necessity -RRB- . Under Part B , Medicare will cover 80 % of the costs of DMEs , leaving you responsible for the other 20 % . A Medicare supplement can help you cover the other 20 % of expenses .
Where Can I Get The Cheapest Car Insurance?
Where can I get the cheapest shoes ? Price is a important factor in any purchase and chances are good that will get what you pay for . In other words look at what you are buying ? Are you just wanting the coverage to be able to use the roads are you expecting that an insurer will step up and defend you , if you cause an accident and will further pay for the damages you cause to other people or their property . Insurance people have an expression . We are not selling shoes . If all you are interested in is price you do n't understand what you are buying > Keep that in mind and also understand that insurer is pricing the product before any information is know about how you drive . It is a complex business and agents can help understand what you are buying and why .
Where Can I Get The Cheapest Car Insurance?
Cost is only one part of the insurance equation . Not to say that price should n't be a concern when seeking to purchase auto insurance , but it should n't be the primary concern . You should first find yourself a local agent that you are comfortable working with as they will be the person that you contact when you have questions or concerns about your coverage or claims . A good agent can make all the difference when it comes to a loss .
Where Can I Get The Cheapest Car Insurance?
The cheapest car insurance is the policy that fully pays your claim when you have an accident . Regardless of the premium , a fully paid claim is the true test . You can get this policy from a trusted agent . An agent will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate accurately with you and the insurance company . Then when the claim comes you should have everything in order and the company should do their part .
How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Annuities?
Tax deferred annuities are ultimately purchased for retirement income , whether in qualified plans or not . A new trend among advisers is to have a foundational income stream that can generate cash flow for the life of the annuitant no matter how long they live . Portfolio percentages differ , but a rule of thumb is 25 to 33 % .
Can An Illegal Immigrant Purchase Life Insurance?
No , an illegal immigrant can not purchase life insurance , as far as I know . Life insurance applications usually ask fora Social Security Number , and also ask about about citizenship . Some will only issue to persons that are US citizens , others will accept Green Cards , and others will also accept work visas .
Can An Illegal Immigrant Purchase Life Insurance?
Illegal immigrants may not be the issue here . The issue is more likely life insurance on foreign nationals , which in some circumstances can be achieved . The country of the foreign national is a critical component to consider as each life insurance company has differing rules of engagement with each country .
How To Get Cheap Car Insurance As A Young Driver?
Shop your coverage amongst a few of the auto insurance carriers within your area . Find yourself an agent that you are comfortable working with as they will be your go to person if you need assistance with claims or have questions about coverage . Price should not be the only deciding factor when purchasing insurance coverage of any type .
What Kind Of Life Insurance Is Best For Me?
That all depends on your particular situation . Married or single , healthy or are you being treated for a illness such as high blood pressure ? What is your annual income ? There is a laundry list of questions you need to answer before you or any one can tailor a policy to your individual needs as well as the needs of those folks left behind once you are gone .
What Kind Of Life Insurance Is Best For Me?
The best kind of life insurance for you is the kind that meets your particular needs for your life insurance . People use life insurance for many different reasons . Some use it for final expenses , some to care for dependents , some to pay off loans , some to provide income during retirement . Once you know the purpose -LRB- s -RRB- for your policy , a good agent will help you get the most affordable policy -LRB- Term , Universal Life , an/dor Whole Life -RRB- to help meet that need .
What Does Long Term Health Insurance Cover?
A good Long Term Care Policy will cover home healthcare , assisted living and a nursing home facility . You can also add an inflation protection benefit so that your benefits will grow with inflation . There are several factors that can change the cost of the plan depending on what benefits you select . It 's important to work with an independent agent that can help you figure out what will impact your premium and benefits the most . For example , the length of the elimination period will make your premium go up or down .
What Does Long Term Health Insurance Cover?
What is covered by a Long-Term Care -LRB- LTC -RRB- policy can vary greatly . Most LTC policies will provide payment for required assistance when a person can not perform two of the six activities of daily living -LRB- ADL -RRB- . The ADLs are : walking , eating , bathing , dressing , toileting , and continence . Some policies will pay for in-home care while other plans only pay once a person moves into an assisted living facility . Most policies have a daily maximum that they will pay as well as an overall maximum . These typically set the maximum to pay for a certain number of years , such as three or five . The more a policy will ultimately pay for , the higher the premium will be . LTC insurance is often available through employers , but a less expensive policy may be available on the open market . Contact an insurance broker that can provide quotes from multiple companies to find the best policy for you . The broker and also provide guidance on how to determine your exact needs .
What Are Annuities?
Annuities are a stream of steady income paymentsduring retirement . Money is contributed during the early years . Money is contributed compounded income andtax deferred , however the earnings are not . Withdrawals are advised at the age beginning 59 1/2 . You may agree to pay at lump sum one time payment or at a monthly premium . The forms of payments for payout are Lifetime Income is which you are paid for a certain amount of years like 20 , 30 , or 40 . and the benificiary is to receive the remainder upon death of the annuant . Another form of pay out is Lifetime Pay Outs which are fixed or variable , and payouts are for he lifetime of the annuant until death . Another form is Incomefor Life with a Guaranteed period Certain period which are payouts for life with a benificiary option of you die while this payout is in process .
What Are Annuities?
It is important to note that the previous answer is specific to Immediate Annuities . More specifically Lifetime Immediate Annuities . There is also another popular form of Annuity called a Deferred Annuity . These actually will grow your funds , usually at a set interest rate , until you decide to either move the funds or to take income from them . If you decide to take income from it , you may do so the same way as an Immediate Annuity . You can choose a Lifetime Payout , a Lifetime Payout with Beneficiary Options , or a payout for a specific number of years . In short , an Annuity is a retirement savings tool that allows you to grow your money or to create an income stream from your money .
What Are Annuities?
An annuity is an insurance product . A life insurance policy protects you from dying too soon . An annuity protects you from living too long . Annuities are complex . Basically , in exchange for a sum of money , either immediate or in installments , the company will pay the annuitant a specific amount , normally monthly , for the life of the annuitant . There are many modifications of this basic form . Annuities are taxed differently from other programs .
What Are Annuities?
Think of Annuities as a way to safeguard your money . You ask an insurance company to hold your money , pay you growth on it , and then pay it all back to you later or over time . Variable products go up and down with the market , but indexed products never go down , and go up at an amount reduced from true market , but are totally safe . Thank you . Gary Lane 714 422 9616 .
Is AAA Good Car Insurance?
There are allot of good insurance companies out there . In fact they all strive to be the best in customer service and claims . One of the things you can do is some online research to see what feed back there is on any particular company . However no matter how good thecompany is it almost always comes down to the agent . I recommend when searching for a company you look for an agency who will know you personally and can assist you with your needs for the long run .
When Can I Receive Medicare Benefits?
You can recieve Medicare benefits when you turn 65 and meet the qualifications . Certain people under 65 qualify when they are disabled and receiving Social Security benefits for 24 months . People with End Stage Renal Disease , You can receive Medicare benefits under the age of 65 if you are diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis .
How To Choose Critical Illness Insurance?
When choosing critical illness insurance , you will want to look at which illnesses are covered . If you have a family history or fear of a certain health condition , you will want to make sure that one is included in your policy with 100 % coverage . You will want to purchase a plan that covers you to the years when contracting illnesses is more likely -LRB- in your later years -RRB- . You will want to get the most cost effective policy and choose one with a reputable company .
Is The Cash Surrender Value Of Life Insurance Taxable?
Cash surrender value comes only with Whole Life Insurance , never with Term . It is the amount you can terminate your policy and receive . That amount includes both what you put in and what profit you made . The profit is taxable , just as most profit would be taxable . A far better idea would be NOT to surrender your Whole Life Policy , but instead to keep it and borrow against it and either then not repay it or choose to repay it as you wish . You continue to grow in value , even when the loan is out , and your policy stays in force , although the death benefit is reduced by the loan until it is paid back . There are numerous option you should discuss with a qualified agent . Gary Lane , Registered Representative , New York Life , 949 797 2424 . Call anytime . Thank you .
Is The Cash Surrender Value Of Life Insurance Taxable?
The cash surrender value in life insurance is only taxable on the amount over your basis . Let me explain . Basis is considered the premium you paid in . For example , lets say over 20 years , you paid $ 1000 per year , totaling $ 20k . In this example , the cash value is $ 35k . The taxable amount is going to be what you have earned over the $ 20k you put in so $ 15,000 in this example is taxable . Consider however not surrendering this policy but taking loans out instead . Loans are not taxable , do not have to be paid back although I would recommend doing so in many situations , and as long as you pay the premiums on the policy to keep it in force , you will have no tax concerns . The Key here is NOT to let the policy lapse . Otherwise you may have a taxable event if the money you took out as a loan is greater that your basis . Contact your agent or reach out to me if you would like to learn why I would recommend you pay yourself back on the loan . Good Luck .
Who Does USAA Use For Long Term Care Insurance?
USAA 's website states that their long term care insurance is underwritten by John Hancock Life Insurance Company -LRB- USA -RRB- . USAA Life General Agency -LRB- known in CA and NY as USAA Life and Health Insurance Agency -RRB- acts as an agent to provide long term care insurance to its members . Plans are not available in all states .
What Do You Mean By Deductible In Health Insurance?
A deductible is an amount of money that you must pay out of pocket before the benefits of the health plan kick in . Example : if a plan has a $ 2000 deductible , you pay the 1st $ 2000 , then the plan starts . Having said that , there are many benefits in which the deductible does not apply . The plan will state something like `` deductible waived '' for those benefits . Obviously , the lower the deductible , the higher the premium .
What Do You Mean By Deductible In Health Insurance?
A health insurance deductible is the amount you must pay before your benefits `` kick in '' and begin paying -LRB- for most services - some benefits , such as preventive care , provide coverage immediately -RRB- . The deductible amount varies by plan . For example , under the new Affordable Care Act , a catastrophic plan may feature a $ 6,350 deductible , a bronze plan may feature a $ 5,000 deductible , a silver plan may feature a $ 3,000 deductible , a gold plan may feature a $ 2,000 deductible , and a platinum plan may feature a $ 0 deductible . These figures are not the same for all plans on each metal level . The higher the deductible , the lower your monthly premium and vice versa .
What Do You Mean By Deductible In Health Insurance?
That is a great question ! In insurance speak , the deductible is the part of the cost of treatment that you must pay before the insurance company picks up what they promise to cover . It is the same with your auto insurance , or homeowners/renters insurance deductibles . As a general rule of thumb , the lower the deductible , the higher the price , so the idea is to find a policy that will have the lowest deductible that you can afford , with the most coverage . If you can find a policy with a low cost , you may be able to get a deductible that really works for you . I recommend that when the enrollment period rolls around this fall , that you go to the Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- site , WEBSITELINK site , and look there . The Act allows for subsidies that help discount the price of the policy . I have had many clients that have found affordable coverage there . If you would like help , please feel free to contact me , I 'm happy to help . thank you for asking !
What Are The Similarities Between 401K And Roth IRA?
Both have annual contribution limits : 401k = $ 18,000 / year including employer match , Roth = $ 5,500 / year Both have catch up provisions if you are over 50 years of age 401 -LRB- k -RRB- is tax deferred but a Roth is with after tax contributions , grows tax free and distributions are tax free . Roths have income limits as well : If married filing jointly and make over $ 181,001 annual income , ineligible for Roth . Single - Annual income greater than $ 120,000 , ineligible for Roth . Neither of them have any guarantee of returns and no protection for principle . Can not access the funds without paying 10 % penalty and pay ordinary income tax on growth/contributions . The alternative to a Roth is cash value whole life insurance - unlimited contributions and guaranteed growth with principle protection - plus asset protection and liquidity .
Can I Write Off Life Insurance Premiums?
In general terms you cant expense life insurance as a tax deduction . However , if you make qualified plan contributions , but not maximum annual contributions under the code , you may have room to include permanent life insurance as part of the overall contribution . You might be able to contribute up to 49.5 % whole life insurance or 25 % universal life insurance as part of your total annual contribution . There are economic benefit taxation issues in this strategy , so consult your tax adviser before moving forward .
Can An Illegal Alien Get Life Insurance?
No , an illegal alien can not get life insurance in the United States . Most life insurance companies require that the applicant be a citizen of the United States , be a permanent resident as documented by having a green card , or be legally working in the US on a temporary basis , as evidenced by having an H-1b visa .
Can An Illegal Alien Get Life Insurance?
Can an illegal alien get life insurance ? Legally ? NO . This is a question that often comes up among agents as some see this as an untapped market . Life applications generally ask about citizenship and ask for social security numbers . I suppose a person could fake their way through the process , but then it becomes fraud and the insurance company does n't have to pay .
How Soon Does Life Insurance Pay?
Most life insurance companies pay a death claim without contestability within a few weeks . If the policy is in force for less than 2 years and the cause of death is suspicious , an investigation can be launched and slow down the process . Otherwise , once a death claim form and a certified copy of the death certificate is received by the carrier , the process is relatively short for turnaround .
How Soon Does Life Insurance Pay?
For policies inforce for more than two years , routine death claims can take as little as a week from the time they receive a copy of the death certificate . Some insurance companies take longer . Policies less than two years old are within the contestability period and are investigated more thoroughly which takes longer .
How Soon Does Life Insurance Pay?
The entire claims process for life insurance proceeds is typically completed in a 2-3 week period from when the carrier gets the claim paperwork . Claim paperwork includes a completed claimant 's statement and a copy of the death certificate -LRB- some carriers may ask for additional paperwork -RRB- . If the insured died during the first 2 years of the policy -LRB- the contestability period -RRB- , the carrier will likely conduct a more in depth review regarding cause of death and if there were any issues with the paperwork when the program was placed in force -LRB- e.g. if the applicant intentionally lied on the application -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me if you have any questions . Thanks very much .
How Soon Does Life Insurance Pay?
A good company , on a case with no questions , can easily pay within one week . A lesser company may take several weeks , and raise spurious questions to delay . They may then even try to get the beneficiary to put the money into one of their funds rather than just deliver their check . Be careful who you get your policy from . Thank you . GARY LANE .
How Soon Does Life Insurance Pay?
If your life insurance has been in force for 2 years or more it is beyond the incontestability period and will pay soon after the claim form and proof of death is submitted . Varies by company but within a week or two would be the norm . If your policy is less than 2 years old , they maybe more details required to ensure you old the truth on your application and determine if death was by suicide . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
How Soon Does Life Insurance Pay?
It depends on the type of life insurance you have . Some policies -LRB- life funeral preneed life insurance -RRB- will pay within 24-hours of your death and do NOT need a certified death certificate . These have been popular since around the mid 1980 's and are a good choice if people are depending on life insurance to pay for a funeral . Most other life insurance will be within 3-days of recieveing a certified death certificate .
Much Does Auto Insurance Drop When You Turn 25?
I 'm not trying to vague at all with this answer , butit is absolutely dependant on your carrier and your personal situation . There is no way to determine or give a number or percentage of how much your insuance should drop . It varys by carrier and evens varys by state . The pricing structure for a carrier is not the same in every state . For the best answer to this question , you really need to contact your local indepedant agent and ask them to provide you with a quote . Sorry , a better answer could n't be given .
Are Retirement Plans Protected From Creditors?
ERISA is a federal law which dates back to 1974 that sets minimum standards for retirement plans in the private sector . The protections provided to plan participants are extensive . Pension benefits are generally protected from creditor claims and from bankrupcy but there are exceptions . Consult with tax and legal advisers who have expertise in pension plans for specifics .
What Is Metlife Disability Insurance?
MetLife offers several types of Disability Insurance policies . They offer both group and private long term and short term disability insurance , and offer disability insurance policies that are designed for certain occupations and business uses . To see the features of each type of policy , you can contact an agency that sells MetLife DI or contact MetLife directly .
Can The IRS Seize Life Insurance Benefits?
Great question ! The death benefit is safe , in nearly all cases , but if you are being pursued by the IRS for some reason , it would be my bet that while they may not be able to seize your money from the payment , they will probably seize whatever asset you put it in . Meaning if you buy a car with the money , and they are busy trying to get money you owe them , I 'd expect to see your car disappear eventually . -LRB- probably sooner than later -RRB- Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
Can The IRS Seize Life Insurance Benefits?
You will be very happy to know that the IRS can not make you pay any of the deceased debt to them or any other creditors unless you feel compelled involuntarily.By law the life insurance proceeds were created by a death claim . No creditor nor the IRS can force a beneficiary to pay any debts going forward . Most life insurance policies have this language written in them . The only exception to this law is if the beneficiary is a cosigner on a loan or mortgage . In this case the loan would roll in full to the cosigning beneficiary .
Can The IRS Seize Life Insurance Benefits?
Life insurance proceeds are income tax free meaning the IRS can not take money out of the death benefit paid out to the beneficiary . There are situations where the value of the death benefit can be included in the calculations of the estate for estate tax purposes . People generally use life insurance trusts when setting up the policy for estate planning purposes .
Can The IRS Take Your Life Insurance?
NO , the IRS can not take your Life Insurance . When you die , the beneficiary will receive the death benefit . The IRS will go after the estate to pay any taxes that were owed from the deceased . Probate is the place anyone who is owed money by a person who is deceased , can go and make a claim for some of the estate . As a recipient of a Life Insurance death benefit , you receive the benefit direct from the life insurance company avoiding any probate .
What Is Life Insurance Rebating?
Life insurance rebating occurs when life insurance agents pay part of their commission to their clients in exchange for writing a life insurance policy on them . The rebating may also take the form of gifts , trips , or discounts . It is used as a way to provide an incentive for people to buy from them . Life insurance rebating is illegal according to state insurance laws in all but two states , and is considered an unethical way to do business . Fines and penalties are high , so that most life insurance agents shy away from offering any type of gift at all to clients who have placed policies with them , even though small tokens of appreciation are legal in most states .
What Is An Example Of A Disability Insurance Company?
There are many well known insurance companies that sell disability insurance both short and long term . Perhaps you may know Metlife , Assurity , Principal Mutual , Guardian , Mass Mutual or Fidelity Insurance Group . Even the big reinsurer Lloyds of Loudon sell disability insurance . For short term disability plans there are a few most would recognize like AFLAC , Colonial and Combine .
What Is An Example Of A Disability Insurance Company?
What is an example of a Disability Insurance Company ? While I use several , my primary choice is Berkshire through Guardian life insurance company . The reason I use this particular company is the definition of disability that they use I feel is one of the best still available for the insured . They are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive . It is just their definition of disability is short sweet and complete . I have found too many words in a definition often water the definition down , which can make payment a bit harder to get . Short and sweet , what is and what is n't , no laundry list of conditions to meet to collect . That is why I use them primarily .