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Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: she's all-powerful , a voice for a pop-cyber culture that feeds on her bjorkness . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's a perfect show of respect to just one of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: for all its plot twists , and some of them verge on the bizarre as the film winds down , blood work is a strong , character-oriented piece . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the story line may be 127 years old , but el crimen del padre amaro . . . couldn't be more timely in its despairing vision of corruption within the catholic establishment . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this in-depth study of important developments of the computer industry should make it required viewing in university computer science departments for years to come . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it shows us a slice of life that's very different from our own and yet instantly recognizable . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a wonderfully speculative character study that made up for its rather slow beginning by drawing me into the picture . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: has its share of arresting images . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: leave it to john sayles to take on developers , the chamber of commerce , tourism , historical pageants , and commercialism all in the same movie . . . without neglecting character development for even one minute . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: reign of fire just might go down as one of the all-time great apocalypse movies . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: poignant and funny . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a smart little indie . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: payne has created a beautiful canvas , and nicholson proves once again that he's the best brush in the business . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: see it . debate it . remember it . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: try as you might to resist , if you've got a place in your heart for smokey robinson , this movie will worm its way there . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a riveting profile of law enforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban hades . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: director douglas mcgrath takes on nickleby with all the halfhearted zeal of an 8th grade boy delving into required reading . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: stands as a document of what it felt like to be a new yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 9/11 . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: i am not generally a huge fan of cartoons derived from tv shows , but hey arnold ! the movie is clever , offbeat and even gritty enough to overcome my resistance . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singularly cursory ) , [testud] acts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's a film that's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio's animated classics . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: slow and ponderous , but rohmer's drama builds to an intense indoor drama about compassion , sacrifice , and christian love in the face of political corruption . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with disorienting force . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: austin powers for the most part is extremely funny , the first part making up for any flaws that come later . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: while tattoo borrows heavily from both seven and the silence of the lambs , it manages to maintain both a level of sophisticated intrigue and human-scale characters that suck the audience in . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: elvira fans could hardly ask for more . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a canny , derivative , wildly gruesome portrait of a london sociopath who's the scariest of sadists . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the movie should be credited with remembering his victims . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: fast-paced and wonderfully edited , the film is extremely thorough . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: hashiguchi uses the situation to evoke a japan bustling atop an undercurrent of loneliness and isolation . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: as if trying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: my big fat greek wedding is not only the best date movie of the year , it's also a -- dare i say it twice -- delightfully charming -- and totally american , i might add -- slice of comedic bliss . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such fury , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesbitt's cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: another love story in 2002's remarkable procession of sweeping pictures that have reinvigorated the romance genre . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's another retelling of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: [f]rom the performances and the cinematography to the outstanding soundtrack and unconventional narrative , the film is blazingly alive and admirable on many levels . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: shiri is an action film that delivers on the promise of excitement , but it also has a strong dramatic and emotional pull that gradually sneaks up on the audience . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: provides the kind of 'laugh therapy' i need from movie comedies -- offbeat humor , amusing characters , and a happy ending . after seeing 'analyze that , ' i feel better already . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this isn't a retooled genre piece , the tale of a guy and his gun , but an amiably idiosyncratic work . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: overall , it's a very entertaining , thought-provoking film with a simple message : god is love . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it may not be a great piece of filmmaking , but its power comes from its soul's-eye view of how well-meaning patronizing masked a social injustice , at least as represented by this case . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: although mainstream american movies tend to exploit the familiar , every once in a while a film arrives from the margin that gives viewers a chance to learn , to grow , to travel . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: jeong-hyang lee's film is deceptively simple , deeply satisfying . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the film is a hoot , and is just as good , if not better than much of what's on saturday morning tv especially the pseudo-educational stuff we all can't stand . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: george clooney , in his first directorial effort , presents this utterly ridiculous shaggy dog story as one of the most creative , energetic and original comedies to hit the screen in years . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: even when it drags , we are forced to reflect that its visual imagination is breathtaking ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: although commentary on nachtwey is provided . . . it's the image that really tells the tale . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a life-size reenactment of those jack chick cartoon tracts that always ended with some hippie getting tossed into the lake of fire . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: grainy photography mars an otherwise delightful comedy of errors . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this film is not a love letter for the slain rappers , it's a taunt -a call for justice for two crimes from which many of us have not yet recovered . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the film is impressive for the sights and sounds of the wondrous beats the world has to offer . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: daily struggles and simple pleasures usurp the preaching message so that , by the time the credits roll across the pat ending , a warm , fuzzy feeling prevails . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown saturday matinee brain candy , it doesn't disappoint . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never lets up . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: sex is one of those films that aims to confuse . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: compared to his series of spectacular belly flops both on and off the screen , runteldat is something of a triumph . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: [moore's] better at fingering problems than finding solutions . but though he only scratches the surface , at least he provides a strong itch to explore more . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the powerful success of read my lips with such provocative material shows why , after only three films , director/co-writer jacques audiard , though little known in this country , belongs in the very top rank of french filmmakers . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: in his debut as a director , washington has a sure hand . his work with actors is particularly impressive . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a generous , inspiring film that unfolds with grace and humor and gradually becomes a testament to faith . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: delivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially movie musical fans , has been hoping for . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: morvern rocks . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: vincent gallo is right at home in this french shocker playing his usual bad boy weirdo role . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: fierce , glaring and unforgettable . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: cletis is playful but highly studied and dependent for its success on a patient viewer . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: like its predecessor , it's no classic , but it provides a reasonably attractive holiday contraption , one that families looking for a clean , kid-friendly outing should investigate . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: campanella gets the tone just right -- funny in the middle of sad in the middle of hopeful . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: either a fascinating study of the relationship between mothers and their children or a disturbing story about sociopaths and their marks . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-19 that's unique or memorable . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: effective in all its aspects , margarita happy hour represents an auspicious feature debut for chaiken . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the delicious trimmings…arrive early and stay late , filling nearly every minute…with a lighthearted glow , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dose of humankind's liberating ability to triumph over a scrooge or two . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: standing by yourself is haunting . . . [it's] what punk rock music used to be , and what the video medium could use more of : spirit , perception , conviction . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: not the best herzog perhaps , but unmistakably herzog . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting documentary . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: rehearsals are frequently more fascinating than the results . last dance , whatever its flaws , fulfills one facet of its mission in making me want to find out whether , in this case , that's true . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the film's constant mood of melancholy and its unhurried narrative are masterfully controlled . but … in trying to capture the novel's deeper intimate resonances , the film has – ironically - distanced us from the characters . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this is a stunning film , a one-of-a-kind tour de force . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: [cho's face is] an amazing slapstick instrument , creating a scrapbook of living mug shots . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's about as convincing as any other arnie musclefest , but has a little too much resonance with real world events and ultimately comes off as insultingly simplistic . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: while not quite a comedy , the film tackles its relatively serious subject with an open mind and considerable good cheer , and is never less than engaging . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: an extremely funny , ultimately heartbreaking look at life in contemporary china . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: your response to its new sequel , analyze that , may hinge on what you thought of the first film . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: davis is funny , charming and quirky in her feature film acting debut as amy . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: bloody sunday has the grace to call for prevention rather than to place blame , making it one of the best war movies ever made . it's a movie that accomplishes so much that one viewing can't possibly be enough . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a lively and engaging examination of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: in the new release of cinema paradiso , the tale has turned from sweet to bittersweet , and when the tears come during that final , beautiful scene , they finally feel absolutely earned . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: faithful without being forceful , sad without being shrill , " a walk to remember " succeeds through sincerity . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the film is a masterpiece of nuance and characterization , marred only by an inexplicable , utterly distracting blunder at the very end . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the film is full of charm . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the movie is well crafted , and well executed . if you're paying attention , the " big twists " are pretty easy to guess - but that doesn't make the movie any less entertaining . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: one of those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theatre . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . pray doesn't have a passion for the material . he nonetheless appreciates the art and reveals a music scene that transcends culture and race . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the one-liners are snappy , the situations volatile and the comic opportunities richly rewarded . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's anchored by splendid performances from an honored screen veteran and a sparkling newcomer who instantly transform themselves into a believable mother/daughter pair . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: intelligent and moving . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: fathers and sons , and the uneasy bonds between them , rarely have received such a sophisticated and unsentimental treatment on the big screen as they do in this marvelous film . ### Response:
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