1 value
Unnamed: 6
2 values
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
We will need to be packed and ready to move for WEDNESDAY, 02/06/02 & THURSDAY, 02/07/02. The move team will be moving our group during the day and the stenos will NOT be working until Monday, 02/11/02. Also, please make sure that we LOGOFF again tonight...the IT group could not migrate us over the weekend due to incomplete items with legal. They are going to try and take care of the migration tonight for the new UBS systems. Thanks for your help.
migration assessment and group changes
be packed and ready!
ubs system packed and ready to move
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Just a reminder that we are coming up to the end of the year and that you will be able to roll over 40 HOURS or ONE WEEK of vacation time. Should you have more that 40 hours please try and use them before the end of the year so that you don't loose them. I do have a print out of the vacation time if you need to verify your current balance. Thank you,
Vacation Time
**important** vacation time reminder
end of year reminder
end of year vacation time status
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
All, Please mark you calendars, you have been selected to participate in the ENA Trading Track recruiting event Monday, October 29th , 3 pm - 7 pm. If you are unable to interview on this date please advise. A selection of you will telephone screen 18 external candidates, and decide whether or not they should proceed to the final round on the above date. A separate e:mail will be sent in relation to this. Any questions let me know. Regards,
ENA Trading Track - Interviews October
ena trading track availability- monday, october 29th
action required: ena trading track recruiting event, monday oct 29, 3p-7p
ena trading track recruiting oct 29th 3-7pm
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Heather and I just want to thankyou for the Air force book you sent us. We love it! Heather sat down, and read the whole thing last week end... She can't believe you used to fly a C-5. Anyway ,,, thankyou so much.
thanks for the gift!
air force book
thank you for the air force book
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Some friends of my wife and I are throwing a little bash on the evening of September 9th for my upcoming baby BOY. I would like to invite you all to attend. I believe there will be a margarita machine.... If you want to come,, please reply by sending me your address. You will then recieve an invitation by mail. Hope to see you there,, Mike
Baby Party/Shower
baby shower invitation
september 19 shower
baby boy celebration!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Michelle, My previous email was recalled for a minor correction. If you did receive the previous email, please replace it with the corrected attachments below. Again, I have attached the Amendment to the Professional Services Addendum per your conference call with Jacqueline Barnette, the Siebel Corporate Counsel. A copy of the Professional Services Addendum between Siebel and Enron is also attached as you requested. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact Jackie directly at (678) 319-4510. <<enr Amend 1 to PSA 010905b.doc>> <<Enron PSA.pdf>> Thank You,
Enron Amendment (corrected version)
amendment to addendum - disregard previous email
update: amendment to the professional services addendum
amendment to the professional services addendum
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Michelle, here is a suggested revision to Section 3.4 B which I believe will accomplish the objective we discussed. We need to draft procedures to be adopted by the Committee. B. If a terminated employee who is entitled to receive a severance benefit under the Plan receives a notification of layoff from Enron in compliance with the Federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, is placed on a period of paid leave of absence or furlough before termination of employment by Enron, and continues on the payroll of Enron for such period, the severance benefit payable under the Plan shall be reduced and offset, in a manner prescribed in procedures established by the Committee, by the amount of pay received by such employee during such period. Pat
Revised Section 3.4B
drafting procedures and possible suggestions
suggested revision for section 3.4 b
suggested revision to section 3.4 b
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Michelle, Kristin Walsh, a manager in Competitive Analysis, is returning from maternity leave on October 15th. During Kristin's absence, the following changes have occurred in the group, and I just wanted to run them by you before we communicate them to her: 1) Kristin will only have two direct reports instead of three. 2) Previously, Kristin's team as a whole was responsible for providing ENA (i.e. John and Louise, as well as traders) with competitive intelligence. Instead of Kristen just overseeing the ENA process as a whole, Kristin and her two team members will have more specific duties, although Kristin will still be the primary point of contact for ENA. Specifically, Kristin will gather and provide intelligence info for the Gas Team, and Kelly Holman will gather and provide info for East Power, and Greg Whitman will do the same for West Power. Robert Johnston, Kristin's supervisor, and Scott Tholan, BUL, just felt like the level of service that Kristin's team was providing was not adequate because efforts were duplicated and Kristin could not provide enough "face time" with the head traders to gather and relay info, as well as directing her team. Also,after Kristin's departure, it was learned that Kristen signed a contract for which she had no authority. Although Scott does not think that this has happened before, this particular contract blew up in their face. Upon Kristin's return, Scottt, Robert, and I would like to communicate these changes to her (not in writing, just verbally), and just reitterate the fact that only Scott has the authority to sign contracts. Additionally, we would like to tell Kristin that she needs to take a management training class so that she can learn to delegate and oversee responsibilities of the group, rather than micromanaging them. Please let me know if this is going to create any additional problems, or if I need to take a different approach. As always, thanks for your help. Anne
Kristin Walsh- Questions for You
changes taking place in kristin's absence
tentative plans to address several issues on kristin walsh's return to work on october 15.
kristin walsh update- returns oct. 15th
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I just got a call from Li Sun. She is expecting to get her H-1 visa anytime, and wants to make sure that she receives it. Should we have her contact Tindall & Foster directly? Also, by law, when an individual on an H-1b visa is terminated, the company is required to provide them a one way ticket back to their home country. Does that still apply in a bankruptcy? If so, who will be handling those arrangements? Terry Bosien Human Resource Manager Associate & Analyst Program 713/853-5230
Li Sun
li sun h-1 visa and question regarding h-1b visa termination requirement
li sun visa
h-1 visa concerns
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Eric John Sherriff has advised us of the proposal for you to lead a team to close out and maximise the value of the ECTRIC assets. Michelle Cash is the employment lawyer who is best placed to provide you with the agreements you require to obtain and keep the team you require. Please could you send the list of individuals you need on the team to David Oxley and Michelle Cash who will advise further. Kind regards,
ectric assets
list of team mates
ectric assets team proposal
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Attached is the Wellesley College Fall 2001 Forecast. Please pay close attention to the dates in which you are scheduled to participate. You will receive an Event Information sheet with all of the details for your event. Thank you for all of your assistance and participation.
Wellesley College Fall 2001
wellesley college fall 2001 forecast
wellesley college fall forecast & schedule
wellesley college fall 2001 forecast
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Janette: At Michelle Cash's request, I have prepared the attached letters for the CEO and two managing directors of RWE Trading. We have set the letters up to go to both the Germany and United Kingdom addresses. We are still working on an address and name for the General Counsel. Since their London office is closed for the day, it will probably be Thursday morning before I get those details. Please call me if you need additional information. Thanks.
Letter(s) to RWE re Solicitation of Employees
attached letters for the ceo and two managing directors of rwe trading
letters for ceo and managing directors of rwe trading
letters to be sent to the ceo and 2 managing directors of rwe trading
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Michelle Please review the scripts below for the BRM Project. Thanks a million in advance for your assistance, Tim/Yevgeny Please review and any changes need to go by Michelle or her designee. Thanks
Final Scripts for Scenarios 1 and 2
review & recommend changes for brm project
scripts below for the brm project
brm project - scripts
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Terrie,; attached is a draft communication that may need to be included with severance, vacation, and other HR policy change communications. As submitted, this draft policy notice freezes educational / tuition reimbursements. Comments and message preparation are appropriate. HR Leadership review and determination is pending. No circulation until confirmed. Regards, Rj.
Policy Change Notice - Draft
draft - please comment on hr policy change
hr policy change communications
draft requires review
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Michelle, The Coal group has a question related to personnel they would acquire from Vulcan if they purchased the marketing rights to their coal. In this scenario, there are 4 marketing employees which would come to Enron as a part of the deal. A few things: In this case, I'm assuming these employees would resign from Vulcan and Enron would extend the appropriate offer. Secondly, Enron's purchase of the marketing rights will be for an 18mo to 3 year trial period. At the end of the trial period, if Enron returns the marketing rights to Vulcan (or current owner), they want the right to re-call these employees. George McClellan is ok with the right to recall, but I am not sure how/where to put this in writing ie; in the deal agreement, offer letter, etc. Thanks,
Project Fireball (personnel question)
response requested: question related to personnel acquisition
coal group question re: vulcan personnel
personnel question from the coal group
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The proposed discipline below is designed to provide guidelines for HR generalists in addressing violations of the "Internet Security Policy for the use of Electronic Media and Services" to ensure consistency in the application of disciplinary measures. In general, the discipline should follow the corrective action policy that has been established for addressing unacceptable conduct (see policy #11, corrective discipline). The recommendations below are designed to address situations where employees transmit externally electronic communication that is "discriminatory, harassing, threatening, derogatory, obscene, defamatory, a "chain letter" or junk mail, untrue, fraudulent, illegal, against Company policy, contrary to the Company's interest or for personal profit" (as outlined in Enron's Code of Ethics). First Offense: Automated electronic warning that the system has detected an inappropriate electronic mail being sent from the employee's mail box and that another violation will result in the HR Representative and Supervisor being notified and possible disciplinary action. Also warning message refers employee to Internet Security Policy. Second Offense: Second automated electronic warning to employee with copy to HR Rep and Supervisor. HR Rep and Supervisor to verbally warn employee to ensure understanding of Company policy. Third Offense: Third automated electronic warning to employee with a copy to Supervisor and HR. HR Rep and Supervisor to give Written warning to employee to be placed in PH file. Written warning to state that further violation may result in termination. Fourth Offense: System notice of shut down for continuing violation. Copy of notice sent to HR Rep and Supervisor. HR Rep and Supervisor to consult with Legal depart prior to employee termination for misconduct. Using these guidelines, it is suggested that the HR Rep and Management consider the specifics of the offense and determine the appropriate corrective action. Other Issues/Considerations: Should we carve out transmissions that are "untrue, fraudulent, illegal, against Company policy, contrary to the Company's interest and for personal profit" and have a more severe discipline for those situations? Should same discipline be used when employees access inappropriate or pornographic sites. Should we attempt to define all terms? Is it appropriate to use a "one size fit's all" approach. Should the discipline for transmitting motivational messages be the same as discipline for a threatening, obscene, derogatory, etc. message? How should we address inappropriate electronic messages transmitted internally? Please route your comments to me or be prepared to discuss at our next meeting to be held Monday, July 23rd from 10:30 am to 11:30 am in EB 3824. Valeria
Proposed Discipline for Internet Violations
hr guidelines for internet security violations
proposed discipline for violations of internet security policy. submit comments by email or at next meeting.
internet security policy for the use of electronic media and services
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hector, I met with David Baumbaugh today about Bridgeline. Apparently, we have sent Trey Logan over there to replace O'Neal Winfree. We thus need to do an assignment letter for Logan. Could you please provide me and Twanda with the particulars so that we can paper it up? Thanks.
assignment letter for logan
need assignment letter for trey logan
assignment letter for logan
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The NA/Nordic Chemical Market Pulp - Executive report for October 2001 is now available on Economics Online. in section Monthly Executive Reports (PDF format) - Market Pulp Should you have any questions concerning the content of this report, please do not hesitate to contact Joey Ducharme, at (514) 861-8849 or by e-mail at For questions or comments concerning Economics Online, please contact:
NA/Nordic Chemical Market Pulp - Executive report for October 2001
na/nordic exec report available
executive report for october 2001
na/nordic chemical market pulp - executive report oct 2001
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I am looking to see if anyone has done a comparison between RISI price forecasts for any commodity versus RISI actual price. Dave had mentioned that maybe someone had already done this. Please let me know, Thanks,
RISI Comparison
risi pricing forecasts?
response requested: experience comparising risi price forecasts vs. risi actual price
comparison between prices
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
monika and dave, as mentioned during our phone conversation, i am enclosing the original spread sheet that was developed to capture both the morphological aspects of various fibers as well the pulp qualities for different wood species. also, the spreadsheet that dan T has provided with by enron, under fiber morphology , and under hardwood broadleaf species, southern mixed hardwood (Hi Oak and Low Oak) and mixed tropical hardwoods are listed. for this category only pulp characteristics can be provided but not fiber morphology. so, please check that too. if you have questions, please call me ((864) 676-5636) or dan T. thanks.
Fiber Morphology-Original Spreadsheet
pulp characteristics and fiber assessment
the original spread sheet
original spread sheet attachment
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
CMS Energy (Bill Grygar and Kim Van Pelt) are asking whether the pipelines want to meet to discuss the NOPR and its affect on pipelines. And, whether the pipelines want to file comments. They say they haven't heard anything from INGAA or whether INGAA has plans to discuss or comment. They've suggested meeting the week of Oct 29. This notice was sent only to the GISB EC reps. If INGAA is addressing, we won't want to duplicate their meetings. Shelley -- have you heard from INGAA? I've told CMS that we'll get back with them next week.
NOPR (RM96-1-019)
do pipelines want to meet to discuss the nopr?
response requested: cms energy meeting request
cms pipeline information needed
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Shelley, Attached are the prices and the net monthly imbalance quantities for the period August 2000 though July 2001. I also included the prices for August and September 2001 since they were available. Please let us know if you need any more information. Jim
Prices and Imbalance Qties Table Aug 2000 through July 2001
net monthly imbalances and prices
prices and net monthly imbalance quantities for aug 2000 - sept 2001
net monthly imbalance quantities for august 2000 through july 2001
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I realize that you took a big risk in agreeing to stay make the reorganization a reality. There are a lot of people depending on a very few of us to make it happen. I cannot tell you how pleased I am that you will remain a part of the team. I owe you! Thanks again.
Thank s
your workmanship is appreciated!
thank you for your commitment
thanks for agreeing to help
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
For those of you arriving on Wednesday, Oct. 10 to the WSPP conference in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Calpine would like to invite you to a reception from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. hosted by Calpine in the Hagadone Suite (room #1801) at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. If you have any questions give me a call at the number below. Hope to see you there!
WSPP Conference Reception
invitation to calpine reception
reception invitation at the wspp conference
wspp conference reception invitation
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Amy, My apologies that it has taken me a day or two to respond about the December 2001 checkout. I have spoken with our traders and learned that the reason EPMI deals # 585276.1 and 585277.1 are not in the system beyond December 2, 2001 is because (due to bankruptcy proceedings), Modesto Irrigation District requested termination of our contract on December 2, 2001. I understand that there was physical delivery every day of the month and I am working with our teams to get this in our system correctly. Please call me if you have any questions. I will send you an email when this has been finished. Thanks, Virginia
Enron December 2001
december 2001 checkout
explanation of epmi deals # 585276.1 and 585277.1
december 2001 checkout
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Stewart, Per our discussion I have changed Modesto basis option deal #520328 to reflect the restructured terms: * original peak deal (leg 1) deal end date was changed from 9/30/01 to 8/5/01. * new leg 3 was created for 8/6/01-9/30/01. All terms stay the same except that strike price was changed to $3 and an extra premium was added for $2/MWh for the new leg. I have also put a note in the comment field requesting the confirm group to send documents to you before sending to counterparty. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,
Modesto deal changes made
changes regarding modesto deal
changes to modesto basis option deal #520328
modesto restructured terms
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Heather, Please be advised that I have entered a $38,865.43 sale annuity to credit the ST-NW book for BPA April 2001 transmission. This EnPower change should get pulled thru this month by Settlements. I'm not sure if Elsie paid the invoice already and the difference has come thru in Houston's flash. This may or may not show up as a DPR impact. I'm thinking that since this is older than 6 weeks, it will be an accounting variance and that the NW book has already recognized the credit.... Please let me know if you have any questions. Deal # 678029.1. Thanks, Virginia
sale annuity for ST-NW book
deal# 678029.1, sale annuity credit entered
credit the st-nw book for bpa april 2001 transmission
sale annuity for st-nw
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sean, thank you for your rent deposit yesterday. I really appreciate your timeliness. I will be in Portland Sat Jan 26 to Wed Jan 30 for business reasons. I need to have an electrician install smoke detectors per the new code effective the first of January + I want to get the phone jack fixed in the guest bedroom. I also need to meet with the landscaper about pruning the back hedge. I'll be up to my ears in business meetings all day Monday and Tuesday morning. I was thinking about making appointments for the electrician and the landscaper for Tuesday afternoon. I will be there to let them know what I need to have done so I can give them access. Is that ok with you? Is there anything else that needs attention? Hope life isn't too crazy for you with all the press Enron is getting these days. Deborah
6133 SW Virginia
i will be out sat jan 26 to wed jan 30
in town soon & scheduling maintenance
timelines and deposit
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Can you believe this? I was hoping to call but the "peoplefinder" isn't working now. I was hoping to hear "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!" one more time. Miller
What is up dude?
look forward to hearing from you
please call miller
can you believe this?
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hello, Everyone - This confirms the RTO West Regional Representatives Group meeting for this Friday, November 30, 2001, at the Kingstad Conference Center first floor meeting room (this is the same place we met for the last RRG meeting). The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. PST and end by 12:30 p.m. The address of the Kingstad Center is 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive, located about three miles directly east of the Portland airport. Go about three miles east of Airport Way and take a right on Win Sivers Drive and right again at the second driveway. Parking will be available in Kingstad marked spaces as well as overflow parking in the Leatherman's lot across the street. If you have any questions about the logistics for the meeting, please call Judy Welch at (503) 262-9421. The working agenda is: 1) Seek consensus on Planning Compromise Proposal (will be posted by Thursday afternoon) 2) Project Management Plan and Timelines for March 1 Filing 3) Benefit Cost Study Update 4) Seams Report a. Status Report on December 1 Filing to FERC b. Nov. 16 Market Monitoring Work Shop and SSG-WI Market Monitoring W.G. 5) Market Monitoring Report Chris Elliott for Bud Krogh
RTO West RRG - Confirmation and November 30 Working Agenda
rto west regional representatives group meeting- friday, november 30th
confirmation: rto west regional representatives group, friday, nov 30
logistics and agenda for nov 30 rto meeting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
************************************************************************************************************************************************* You are invited to attend the following presentation: PSIM: A Power Simulation Tool PSIM is a proprietary model developed by Enron Research Group. ? It takes Power, Gas, Weather and demand information into consideration and uses Monte-Carlo simulation to assess the expected deal value and risk distribution. ? It evaluates complex electricity related contracts such as Full Requirement and load following contract. ? It also provides a valuation tool for power assets and asset management deals. ? It works for both deal specific or portfolio issues. In this presentation we will show how the model can be used to deal with various types of contracts, explain the model structure and point out further applications.
Presentation Announcement
invitation to psim presentation
you are invited to attend a presentation
invitation to psim power simulation tool presentation
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Aloha! Have you started wearing a coat to work? Are you warming up your car each morning? Have you put an extra blanket on your bed? That's right, winter is here....and you deserve a vacation! Take off to Kauai and leave work and the cold behind you.
Kauai - Hawaii's Island of Discovery
leave work and winter behind and enjoy a nice vacation in sunny warm kauai!!
warm up this winter in kauai!
it's cold---you deserve a vacation in warm kauai!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I thought you would be interested in the weather forecast for the Wedding. The data includes max temp, max temp deviation from normal (ie if max is 88 and normal max is 86 max temp deviation is +2), min temp, min temp deviation from normal and percent of precipitation. So far things are looking good. We are getting a cold front this weekend (hitting Texas on Monday) and looks like things should be beautiful for next weekend. I wouldn't be that worried about the rain either - the reason the POP is so high right now is tropical moisture in the Gulf of Mexico and that will blow through this weekend. After that the tropics settle down and it is much less likely to get tropical moisture.
weather forecast for the wedding
weather forecast for the wedding
wedding forecast
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The winner of the 9/15 Dave Matthews Tickets accidently bid on both pairs of tickets I had for sale (9/15 and 9/16) and only wanted one pair. He is buying the 9/16 tickets (11th row) for $345. If you are interested in the 9/15 tickets (8th row) which are even better seats, I can sell them to you for $305. Let me know asap because I am leaving town around 2pm for the weekend. You can reach me at work or anytime this weekend on my cell phone. If you are interested please call me at 713-853-5933 (work) or 713-516-8820 (cell) and we will work it out. FYI - I am also notifying the person who bid $300 as well but will give you first look at $305 if you get back to me soon. Thanks,
Dave Matthews Tickets
dave matthews tickets for 9/15 available!
dave matthews tickets for sale
second chance offer to purchase 9/ 15 dave matthews tickets - response needed asap today
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Credit cards that is! - I just requested another $50 Macy's GC - this is still the best reward that they have (we have another 2,500 points already). Also, I straightened up the deal with AT&T Long distance and they are going to correct the bill to $33.23 and starting with the next bill we are supposed to get 120 minutes a month of free long distance so talk up. Also, two other things - I checked BofA and the Negril pulse came through as $142.09 and also I was looking at the AT&T credit card and it had a charge for $117.50 from Chi's cakes and more. I guess that is just the charge for the cake but wanted to make sure the it wasn't for the cake stands. Since we are both big rich types you want to go to dinner tonight? Let me know. Love
I love AT&T
best ways to leverage your money
want to go to dinner tonight?
gift card and billing update
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi Jeff -- The West gas desk (Janie Tholt and Mike Grisby) have asked to receive more information about what is going on in the California gas side (for example, updates on the intrastate infrastructure issues, etc.). Do you mind sending them some periodic updates and ccing our gas group (Leslie Lawner, Becky Cantrell, Melinda Pharms, Jim Steffes, and me)? Thanks! Christi
requested updates regarding california gas side?
request for periodic updates on california gas info
requested ca gas information
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
ATTENTION: Haas Computing Services has been made aware of a software problem that has occurred with the IZIO system. The problem has caused some of, and in some cases, all of the course information that had been previously populated, to be deleted. We are aware of this problem and are attempting to resolve is ASAP. We ask that, if you are affected, that you send an email message to the helpdesk with your course information that is missing. Also, we ask that you give us the opportunity to resolve this problem, and NOT come to the Computing Services Front Desk, with a deluge of complaints. We understand your frustration, and are working quickly to resolve this matter. Once resolved, you will receive another memo indicating such. Again, thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Courses Being Deleted From IZIO.
announcement: software problem, read asap
software problem with izio system, instructions for reporting issues
a: send missing course info to help desk
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi Jeff, attached is the statement of services for Enron for November. These have previously been sent to Sue Mara. However, with her departure, it seemed best to send it to you. As you probably know, our agreement was that the advice letter review service would terminate as of the end of December. That's why I have been continuing to review the utility filings and send you summaries. If the bankruptcy filing means something different for this arrangement, please let me know. Thanks, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season and a healthy, happy and prosperous 2002! Dan
Enron Statement of Services
enron november statement of services - see attached
november enron statement of services
november statement of services for enron
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
SVMG ENERGY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Stakeholders, This is a reminder that PG&E is hosting its fifth stakeholders meeting for the 2001 PG&E Transmission Expansion Plan on September 17 and 18, 2001 in San Francisco, CA. The purpose of this meeting is to present the study group with project proposals and alternatives to be included in the expansion plan. The fifth stakeholders meeting has been divided into two days: Sept. 17 to present Bay Area Project Proposals and Sept 18 to present non-Bay Area Project Proposals.
PG&E Stakeholders Meeting Agenda
pg&e fifth stakeholders meeting
pg&e 5th stakeholders meeting, sept 17-18, 2001 in san francisco, ca
pg&e stakeholders meeting sept 17/18 in san francisco
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
You may have heard, it may be a surprise We're making a move, and we're hoping it's wise... It was hard to decide to go or to stay But has lured us away. It is a pretty cool gig as far as dot-com's go The only catch is that it's based in Provo No, not Provo Spain, as some might guess The Provo in Utah where they drink much less The land of mountains and rivers and BYU And of course the Olympics of 2002! So please come and see us whenever you can We'll have plenty of bedrooms and a whole lot of land! We'll snowboard and ski, we'll hike and we'll bike See you in Utah! TJ, Theo, Lisa and Mike.
Herrings in Utah?
we're leaving to travel, join us?
see you in utah!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Karen and I will handle stuff for pizza friday night, and most of dinner Saturday (thinking scallops and ???). Will scallops work, Prentice? If not, have a suggested alternate or something to add that you'd like? Jeff can you bring breakfast stuff for both mornings and salad stuff for friday and saturday eve. We figure we can pick up saturday lunch items on saturday.... Cool??? ?
food for the weekend
creating our menu
response requested: meals for friday and saturday
weekend menu confirmation
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hello lawyers, Attached is a draft of an appeal to the Sup Ct. of the CPUC's decision to suspend DA. The authors would like review and comment and to consider joining the petition. Comments back to Jeff Dasovich asap, they want to file by Nov 9. Dot
DA court appeal
please review and respond to the attached draft regarding an appeal to the sup ct. of the cpuc's decision to suspend da
attached draft of an appeal to the sup ct.
draft of appeal of cpuc's decision to suspend da - please review and comment asap
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
i talked to david fleisig at pg&e last night. he begged for simple term sheet that could be flushed out in definitive documentation. would you add the following for people to comment on in the term sheet: we will oppose the assessment of an underscheduling penalty at the ferc. they will oppose the assessment of any surcharge to da customers by the cpuc for any of their undercollections. we will both cooperate to either get ferc alj approval of the settlement or if we waive this requirement in our discretion (e.g. if some holdup there/we want to close fast), they will immediately pay to us any refund that we end up paying that goes to them.
pg&e term sheet
simple term sheet request
simple term sheet for david fleisig at pg&e
please revise term sheet
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi Evening MBA students, Monday, November 12, is the Veterans' Day holiday. The Evening MBA office will be closed and there will be no classes on Monday. Have a nice weekend. TJ
Veterans' Day Holiday on Monday
**note** the evening mba office will be closed and there will be no classes on monday, november 12, veterans' day holiday
closed for veteran's day.
mba office closed
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
If I've done my math right, the August "throw them a bone" stock option grant requires a Dynegy stock price of $137.35 in order for it to be in the money. The deal was if you are involuntarily terminated, you have 3 years from said date to exercise. ($36.88/.2685) What are the chances of that? ?
stock value
stock option termination
august stock option grant
stock option grant requirements
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Attached for your review and comment is a first draft of the WPTF motion to intervene and protest the WestConnect filing. The major points made in it are as follows: ? The Commission should convene a technical conference to deals with areas in the WestConnect filing that require further clarification, such as congestion management. Moreover, the analysis of congestion management issues must focus on the equitable allocation of transmission rights; ? The Commission should require WestConnect to establish an independent board, with an accompanying stakeholder process that complies with commission precedent; ? All load should be required to take service under the WestConnect tariff; ? Interconnection issues should be deferred until completion of the Commission's generic proceeding on this topic; and ? Since a for-profit Transco has an inherent incentive to maximize transmission revenue, there are certain RTO functions that an entity such as WestConnect should not perform. I am indebted to Karen Shea of Dynegy and Glenn Martin of Mirant for their very helpful assistance. Our draft also draws upon concepts contained in the EPSA filing that Gary Ackerman provided. The filing is due at FERC on Thursday the 15th. I therefore need any comments from you no later than early that morning. Thanks! Dan
WPTF WestConnect Protest
protest against the westconnect filing
review requested: wprf motion to intervene and protest the westconnect filing
reuqest for comments on first draft of wptf motion
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Mr. Dasovich: I am looking for a position in the Bay area as my wife will begin teaching at the Goldman School of Public Policy in January. Cecille Cabacungan from GSPP suggested that I contact you. Currently, I am with Mercer Management Consulting, a strategy consulting firm. While I enjoy my work with Mercer, the timing of transfers to our San Francisco office is uncertain. Mercer, however, has two programs through which I could move to the Bay area. The first is an externship program through which I could consult to a company for 6 - 12 months, or longer. As my attached resume reflects, I have several years of experience developing business plans and assessing market conditions. The second is a fellowship program through which I could consult to a non-profit organization for up to 12 months at a small fraction of Mercer's standard fees. I am particularly interested in organizations that work on economic development issues, but would be happy to help a range of organizations develop and implement their long-term strategic goals. Specific types of work I could perform include: * Assessing market size and growth opportunities, e.g., utility/profitability of new services or products * Managing co-operative efforts with other institutions, e.g., pooling resources to increase leverage and efficiency of operations * Benchmarking and redistributing resources to focus on highest impact areas I would like to learn whether you think Enron could benefit from my services or know of a corporation or non-profit that could. I am arranging interviews for the first week of December, and would greatly appreciate talking to you before then to hear of any suggestions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely,
introduction, seeking employment in the bay area
marketing strategy opportunities in the bay area.
looking for consulting position in the bay area
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Based on information received at 4 pm this afternoon from Comm. Brown, the CPUC is reportedly set to suspend direct access tomorrow with an effective date of Sept. 20 for the suspension. There has been a huge drop in state tax revenues this week as a result of economic inactivity due to the terrotist attacks, and this appears to have reinvigorated the need to issue bonds--if they can be sold. In any event, it appears Brown is a solid vote
Direct Access Suspension
direct access suspended
set to suspend direct access tomorrow
brown is a solid vote
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
<! > <! > <! ATTENTION!> <! You are reading this message because your mail reader cannot display HTML.> <! If you would prefer to receive text messages from now on,> <! click the link below or copy it into a web browser.> <!
SAVE up to 30% on EuroCave, Riedel, & Spiegelau
error: cannot display html
cannot display html
mail reader cannot display html
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Rick, Jeff, Tim: Here's the latest mark-to-market analysis of the DWR contracts. It has been updated for recent curves but does not yet include some of the more recently singed contracts, including Pacificorp's Klamath Falls. (We're still working on adding those contracts.) Mo Elafandi in our structuring group prepared the analysis and you contact either him or I with any questions.
DWR Contracts Analysis
updated mark-to-market anaylsis of dwr contracts
mark-to-market analysis of the dwr contracts
latest analysis of dwr contracts
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dan: EPUC will be filing a response on Friday, supporting the CMTA/CLECA/CIU and AReM/WPTF applications for rehearing. Christine Jun from our office will be heading this effort. Could you please email to her a final of your application, which we apparently have not yet received? Thank you. Evie
Final Filing of App for Rehearing
your application status
epuc response to be filed friday
action required: email a final of your application to christine jun
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Everyone, I will be performing at Strings in the East Bay on Wednesday, October 10th. It?s a homey room and extremely artist-friendly, so far off the corporate path that the owner doesn?t advertise or even publish the address on the web. Of course, it?s not so homey that you can?t get a drink, and it?s close enough to the pulse that artists like Shawn Mullins still appear there regularly. For those of you wary of crossing the Bay Bridge, it really isn? t all that far (20-30 minutes), and this may be your last chance to catch my act this year. Here are the details:
Bob Hillman in Emeryville 10/10
strings in the east bay play
invitation to my october 10th performance
oct. 10 performance
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
More evening sessions have been added. * Excel A basic overview *Wednesday, 10/10, 6:00 - 7:00 pm (F310) Joe and Sophia Excel C: (report consolidation, pivot tables, charts) Thursday, 10/4, 9:30-10:30am (F310) Kathleen *Monday, 10/8, 7:30 - 8:15 pm (S300T) Kathleen *Tuesday, 10/16, 7:30 - 8:15 pm (S300T) Kathleen Excel D: (Formatting, Formulas, Printing) *Thursday, 10/11, 7:30 - 8:15 pm (S300T) Kathleen Powerpoint A: (work with different views, add slide components, create charts and graphs, print slides, handouts, speaker's notes, make a presentation from scratch) *Tuesday, 10/9, 7:30 - 8:15 pm (S300T) Cynthia and Agnes *Monday, 10/15, 7:30 - 8:15 pm (S300T) Kathleen Powerpoint B: (create design templates, edit master slide, add animation, slide transitions, control timing, overview of multimedia features) Tuesday, 10/9, 5:00-6PM (F310) Cynthia and Agnes Thrusday, 10/11, 5:00-6PM (F310) Cynthia and Agnes Monday, 10/29, 7:30 - 8:15 pm (S300T) Kathleen Photoshop: (getting pics from net, image size/orientation, layers, basic tools: lasso/magic wand, move, inserting text, paintbrush/bucket, airbrush, rubber stamp) Monday Oct 22, 4pm (F310) Tracy Thursday, Nov. 1, 10am (F310) Tracy Sign ups are available on the training board next to the Computer Lab Entrance. Or you may reply to this email indicating which classes you'd like to attend. Thanks
More Evening workshops
new evening sessions - please reply
evening training sessions added, sign ups are available on the training board
additional evening sessions
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Enron gave $50k to the Rep party at Brulte and Cox's request. If Enron is participating, please let us know. Also, this is a reminder that Scott will be back in early Nov. and I will return Nov. 12th. Behave yourselves. Fondly, Hedy
[Fwd: Oct. 29 Lunch]
enron's participation and updates
enron contribution and leave reminder
enron inquiry
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The subject line of this email is hardly news. How have companies toughed out past downturns and gone on to succeed? What did it take in terms of leadership, strategy and execution for companies to continue growing and prosper in past downturns? What were the key differentiators in sales and marketing, human resource and financing success? As you know from the last email I sent you, the VentureWire Executive Summit on November 6 in San Jose plans to get the answers to these and many other questions. We?ve called together a superb roster of speakers and panelists who have built companies in difficult times, and positioned them well to ride past upturns. How will organizations need to be structured to be ready for when the current market rebounds? Where is the money to be had until that rebound happens? Our roster of speakers are supremely well-qualified to answer these and other pressing questions. Take a moment to scroll down and see who is speaking and participating at VentureWire?s Executive Summit. By clicking on their photos, you will be able to read their profile and track record. You?d be hard pressed to find so much talent under one roof anywhere else:
Tough times breed tough companies
venturewire executive summit - answering questions
business growth despite hardship
executive summit - strategy to turn things around
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Students, We are excited to announce that the First Annual Corporate Sponsors Reception will be held here at the Haas School of Business on Tuesday, October 2, 2001 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. We invite you all to attend and to extend invitations to two managers in your organization who have made your studies possible through the provision of resources, time, and their enthusiastic support. We recognize that many of you have class that evening and that your managers have busy schedules. As such, we have developed a two-part program for the evening that we hope will accommodate schedules and, additionally, provide for your colleagues an evening at Haas that simulates your own experience: From 6:30 to 7:30 PM, two Haas faculty will give a seminar in Arthur Andersen Auditorium on current topics; and from 7:30 to 8:30 PM, a reception will be hosted in the Bank of America Forum. You and your managers are invited to attend either or both halves of the evening. We do request that you RSVP for this event and specify what portion of the evening you and your guests will be attending. We will have printed invitations for you to distribute to your managers. We anticipate that they will be in the program office for you to pick up during the week of September 17. The Evening Program, and the Haas School as a whole, is excited to welcome your managers to the campus.
Corporate Sponsors Reception - Save the Date - October 2, 2001
first annual corporate sponsors reception 10-2-01
first annual corporate sponsors reception, tues, oct 2, 2001
rsvp: you & your managers invited to haas corporate sponsers reception
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Just to alert you. The new CPUC proposed decision to suspend DA to be voted on next week has some language of concern and I wanted you to be aware of it This new language, which was circulated today, implies some retroactive action by the CPUC -- but not on the suspension issue. So, some financial risk is possible. The language follows. We will endeavor to get the language removed (long-shot) or clarified (also long-shot).
some financial risk is possible!
language of concern in cpuc procposed decision to suspend da
cpuc proposed decision to suspend da to be voted on next week
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Welcome back all of you veteran pickers! I?d like to introduce our three new rookies: The Deitrick?s - Val and Scott - from napa Andy Bledsoe - from Napa Kent Deverell - from San Francisco Good luck to all!! Steve McCarthy is not in the pool this year (we'll miss his bazaar picks) and we aren't sure if Carlton is still in. If he is, we'll have a total of 27; if not it'll be 26. We'll send out a completed report of the projected payouts before the first week of the season starts. Attached are two Excel files. The first one just has the pick sheet for week #1 One easy way to submit the weekly picks is to: 1) Click on this sheet and open it in Excel 2) Fill in the information at the top 3) Make your weekly picks by putting numbers in the cell with the line under it by the team you want to pick. (This will also give you a check figure at the bottom to be sure you have gotten, at least, the correct total - not necessarily the WINNING numbers, however!) 4) Save and close the file 5) Use "FORWARD" to get the e-mail back to me at 6) If you use "REPLY" the attachment does not get sent It really makes a huge difference in the amount of time it takes to do the statistical work if you use this form so we really appreciate getting your picks this way.
introducing our three new rookies
new pickers introduced for the new contest week #1
football pool picks
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Advanced Seminar Speakers: We presume that: 1) You will be attending and speaking at the Law Conference. 2) You have connected with your co-speaker and have prepared your program. 3) If you didn't submit your program materials to ICSC for inclusion in the course book, that you plan on bringing at least 40 copies with you to hand-out at your program. If any of the foregoing are not accurate, PLEASE CONTACT ME OR RON GERN IMMEDIATELY !!! We hope you are weathering these difficult times and that everything in your life is under control... and we look forward to seeing you next week in sunny Palm Desert !! Best regards,
advanced seminar speakers - please read and respond if necessary regarding next week's seminar in palm desert
law conference speakers & requirements
is this accurate?
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Buenos dias Energy Committee compadres, Attento! Just a reminder that our EC meeting will be held tomorrow at AMD in Sunnyvale at 3pm. Dr. R. Sean Randolph, President of the Bay Area Economic Forum will be our guest speaker, and will detail the Economic Forum's new report on long-term reform of California's power markets. An updated agenda is attached. And as if that wasn't enough to get you interested... Also attached is an invitation to participate in the CEC Electronics Industry Energy Advisory Group. This will be discussed in depth, including a list of candidate projects that will be funded by the CEC, at the Energy Committee tomorrow. This is an opportunity to secure funding for future energy projects. Don't miss out!
October 17 Energy Committee Meeting (+ Invite Ltr for CEC Advisory Group)
reminder: ec meeting, scheduled tomorrow at 3 pm
reminder about ec meeting tomorrow in sunnyvale
reminder: ec meeting tomorrow at 3pm, amd in sunnyvale; updated agenda attached
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
TO ALL EVENING MBA STUDENTS: please mark your palm pilots now to attend an informative and important presentation on HOW TO TAP INTO THE HAAS ALUMNI NETWORK WHILE YOU ARE IN SCHOOL or if you are graduating soon.... LEARN HOW THE HAAS ALUMNI NETWORK CAN BE AN ESSENTIAL LINK & TOOL FOR YOU IN THE FUTURE. The Alumni Relations Office will host two pizza dinners for all EvMBA students on Wednesday, November 14 Thursday, November 15 C220 7:30-8:15 pm 7:40 pm -- Welcome and intro by Tenny Frost, Director of Alumni Relations Nov. 14/15 - upcoming presentations on the HAAS ALUMNI NETWORK
important presentation!
haas alumni network dinners
important presentation for mba students
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Jeff, Attached please find a first cut at general internal presentation that explains a little bit about the weather market and what we do. I have not yet incorporated a power example but will in the next draft. I welcome your comments and questions. Regards,
1st Draft
weather market details
first draft of weather market presentation.
internal presentation attachment
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Email Alert Internet Daily for Monday, October 29, 2001 by Frank Barnako CBS Yahoo expands video programming Yahoo said its streaming-video service has added new programming, including cooking shows, a TV sitcom and highlights of a conference offering families and businesses help after the terrorist attacks last month. The programs are free. Advertisers' messages are displayed as the programs are streamed. The announcement was made Monday at a conference sponsored by Webnoize, a market research firm specializing in digital entertainment technologies. CW EDistribution LLC's contributions include episodes of the show "Townies" and clips from old TV commercials and celebrity interviews. "It is the ideal platform for people to see shows they might not otherwise be able to access," said CWD's Robert E. Raleigh. Yahoo's broadcast service is also offering free access to a conference hosted by Franklin Covey, in which author Steven Covey suggests ways people can cope with the effect of the events of Sept. 11.
Internet Daily for October 29, 2001
daily email alert - charles schwab & co.
email alert internet daily for monday, october 29, 2001
yahoo expands video programming services
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hey Guys, Just wanted to let you know that the Holiday Party at my Parents house will December 8th. As always it will start at about 10:30am. I will send out invites in a week or two. Please do not mention the party to anyone not on this list as my mom will only let me have a limited number of friends over to play. Sean P.S. One more thing. It will be highly encouraged that people come in holiday costumes. Possible outfits include but are not limited to: Santa, Chanukah Monkey, Reindeer, Winter Warlock, Elf, Rabbi, Jesus, Kwanzameister Meister Kwanza, Hermy, Dradle, Christmas Tree, Tooth Fairy Family Christmas, Yamika Man/Woman, Elvis, Grinch, Max, Heat Mizer, Freeze Mizer, The Mailman played by Bing Crosby, Jimmy Stewart, Ebeneezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Present, Candy Cane, Boxing Day, 12 Days of Christmas, Batteries Not Included, Ghost of Christmas Past/Present/Future, World's Tallest Man, Fat Twins on Mini-Bikes, Sugar Plumbs, Hava Nagila, Neil Diamond, Band-Aid, Eat Papa, Frosty the Yellow Snowman
Holiday Party - Early Warning System
christmas party invitation
holiday party dec 8 by invite only - costumes encouraged
holiday party dec. 8th at 10:30 a.m.
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Jeffrey, Izio Support has just added you to their course, E283-1. If you feel that this is an error, please email them at: If you have any questions or comments regarding this email or the Iziosystem, please forward them to: Sincerely,
Account Information for E283-1
joining the izio support course
course e283-1
you've been added into this course!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Haas Community, This evening at about 5:00 p.m. we received a report that several piles of white powder were placed throughout the Student Services Building and on Gayley Plaza. We barricaded as much of it as we could and the UCPD and the Fire Department responded to our call. We quickly discovered that the white powder was plain flour that had been placed in Haas and across campus by a student Ping Pong club on a cross campus footrace. The student group is in the processing of cleaning up all of the piles of white powder. If you find any piles in the building that were missed, please let us know so that we can get it all cleaned up right away.
Flour in Haas School
white powder (non-emergency) - please notify
white flour found across campus due to student activity
follow-up on today's "white powder" incident on campus
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Energy Committee Members: We have been offered an opportunity to benefit from a unique federal funding program. Sure Power has been funded to implement distributed generation (DG) into a high-availability, energy-intensive application in the data communications industry (i.e. telecom hotel, financial processing center, internet data center, etc.). As you know, Sure Power is the world's leading supplier of DG-based systems providing six 9's availability (certified by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Sure Power's patented technology eliminates interconnection issues with the utility, which has been one of the technical inhibitors to widespread adoption of DG. Sure Power has already aligned themselves with EPRI to assist them with measurement and analysis, but are looking for a partner who has a potential project on the horizon that could benefit from Sure Power's technology and federal funding assistance (as much as $3M). Please note, the project does not have to be past the internal approval stage to benefit. Even a potential project that is still being analyzed for viability could receive funding for an initial feasibility study. Understanding that the high-tech industry is going through trying times, and that many projects have been put on hold; Sure Power has a three-year window in which to apply the funds, so even a project that may not start for eighteen months would work. The deadline in which to finalize their project package is September 12, so Sure Power would need to have a response from a potential partner no later than COB Tuesday September 4. Feel free to contact Sure Power directly with any questions.
DG Federal Funding Opportunity Available
federal funding program exclusive benefits
federal funding program - sure power
opportunity to benefit offer
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
As you know, your second papers are due this wednesday. Because I have decided to cancel class this week because of Thanksgiving, you can submit your papers by e-mail or bring them to my office (341 North Addition, Boalt Hall) by 6:00 pm on Wednesday. Thanks.
Paper #2 dues this Wed. 11/21
second papers due this wednesday
november assignments due
important info to submit paper by due date
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Jeff or Sue: Have you gotten URM group a copy of this AL? If no, please forward as it sounds important from the last CEM. Please send me a copy too if not too much trouble. Thanks,
SCE al-1586-e
al copy and last cem.
copy of al for urm group?
copy of al required
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Can you send me karen?s email and phone number. She called about an apartment opening up in potrero, but didn?t leave her contact info on the phone message. Who do you want to come to PP?s b-day dinner? Are you going to ask Tom/Karen? Sean/Molly?
request for karen's contact information / pp's b-day dinner
need karen's contact info
request for karen's info
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
As soon as I saw the problem (early Sunday morning), I left a Voice message on Jeff's phone, Prentice's phone and also a live message with the paging service for Jeff. When it was time to determine what to do (i.e., the games were about to start), I looked at the scores on Tennessee and Seattle and both were fairly high in the picks - Tenn ave. of 10. so I figured that you must have meant to put 11 on one of your #12 teams. I put the #12 on the team that alphabetically came first, put 11 on Tennessee, and lowered all remaining numbers to come back to 1. (You did not have a 1 pick in what you sent.) I honestly did what I thought you were trying to do, so I'm sorry if it wasn't the right thing. Donna had come over to watch the game, so I couldn't really talk when you called the last time and even though you were trying to give me what you meant, the Seattle game was already over, so I don't think it would have been fair to change it at that point. Did you have a marvelous time??? Did they like the tomatoes?
Ok - this is what I did
the seattle game
explanation of team picks
game issues
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Jeff and Stan: I lead the group responsible for assuring safe, reliable and timely generation electric interconnections with PG&E's D and T systems. I work closely with Rod Boschee's group that handles gas gen interconnections. I just wanted to check in with Enron to see if the company was still planning to go ahead with the Los Banos project and the Lodi project. It's important we know Enron's plans to assure we conduct the most accurate transmission planning studies possible given the number of projects in the application process, notably at Los Banos. While we have sufficient funds to continue the pending electric study at present, we are unsure of Enron's desires. As for gas interconnection issues, given the discussions about the Lodi project extension, it would be useful to know Enron's intent with that project also. Thanks,
Enron's plans on 2 projects
enron's plans & pending projects
it's important we know enron's plans!
los banos project and lodi project status request
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Doesn't strictly qualify as an origination opportunity, but through a contact, I've met with some folks who have some pretty nifty network hardware/software that offers some interesting possibilities w/respect to network performance (optical routing technology). I'd like to hook them up with network folks, both a technical and a commercial person. Anyone suggestions? Thanks. Best,
Possible Origination Contact
new network possibility
need referal for technical & commerical staff
suggestions needed for it help
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Greetings Linda: Let me open by saying welcome, and by apologizing for the fact that California has probably made your first days on the job a bit crazy. Just wanted to pass along some info. I'm sure you've seen Senator Feinstein's comments to FERC. And I think you're aware that she held a meeting in California with a group of stakeholders (including Davis staff) on the day before FERC's recent workshop at which Steve testified. She stated at the meeting that she is thinking seriously about sponsoring legislation to place a price cap on the entire WSCC market. Economists in the room expressed their strong misgivings about caps, but Feinstein seemed fairly focused on at least sponsoring some sort of legislation. Not sure where it will go, but wanted to pass it along. Best,
Ms Feintsein and California
welcome email, things to keep in mind
senator feinstein's comments to ferc
feinstein's statements in a meeting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Here's Ackerman's weekly rant and his email address. He'll put you on the distribution, and you can contact him about info on the KW memorial award. Best,
WPTF Friday Meter Weeder Burrito
ackerman's weekly message
ackerman contact info
ackerman's contact information
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
FYI. Unclear exactly whose bill this is. Trying to get a handle on it. Sue's got a hunch that her buddy Herr Peace is behind it. Best,
SB 78 - Originally Governor's MOU
fyi on mystery bill
who's bill is this?
the mystery bill
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
USA: INTERVIEW-EnronOnline sees volume growth, CEO says. By Gelu Sulugiuc 07/17/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, July 17 (Reuters) - As most players in a shrinking pool of online energy trading platforms struggle to stay alive, leader EnronOnline has a simple philosophy: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The Internet arm of the energy marketing and trading giant Enron Corp. , EnronOnline predicts it will increase its volume and says it can coexist with the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE), the chief executive of Enron Networks told Reuters on Tuesday. The innovative company is always evaluating its business environment, ready to remold itself according to market demands, but it is not pursuing mergers or aquisitions for now, according to Greg Piper. "I would never say never, but we're not proactively looking at aquiring an ownership position in any other exchange platform," Piper said. With an average of $3.5 billion in trades every day, EnronOnline enjoys the highest volume of all energy electronic platforms. Most energy trading platforms launched last year have failed to generate profits. Its closest rival is ICE, which routinely exceeds $1 billion a day. But while ICE is a many-to-many exchange that matches bids and offers, on EnronOnline one can only trade with Enron. "It's a tool that supercharges our market-making business," Piper said. Enron is the No. 1 natural gas and electricity marketer in the United States. About 60 percent of its transactions are captured through the electronic platform. "As long as we show good prices to our customers, our volumes will continue to grow," Piper said. The company is looking to grow online volume in products such as metals, steel, weather, petrochemicals and plastics. "We're trying to remain the leader in energy and help our other markets get more traction," Piper said. "There is a huge amount of growth that we haven't even tapped into yet." Piper said he is not worried about ICE's recent success. The Atlanta-based exchange recently took over London's International Petroleum Exchange and plans to transfer its open-outcry business online, significantly boosting its trade volumes. "Maybe six to 12 months from now, the story might be a lot different," Piper said. "But right now, there is room for the both of us." He added that Enron traders do not shy away from trading on ICE. Many of the energy giants that founded ICE and provide most of its liquidity are also Enron's biggest clients. "Enron will seek out a good deal on ICE when there is one," Piper said. INNOVATION KEY TO SUCCESS Recognized as one of the most innovative companies in the United States, Enron is constantly evaluating its position in the market and thinking of ways to become more successful. "The right thing to do in November 1999 was to launch EnronOnline," Piper said. "But we look at it every day and if it made sense to do something different, you can bet that Enron would do it and we wouldn't be emotional about it." One of the company's advantages is the fact that its software is a flexible application that allows EnronOnline to easily go in an out of different markets and regions. It constantly adds new products to its trading arsenal. But Piper said that EnronOnline has no plans to turn itself in a many-to-many exchange. "We want to focus in providing our markets to others," he said. "In the near term, we're not changing that." The company is considering licensing the application itself, but would not elaborate on who wants it and how much Enron would ask for it. EnronOnline has been so successful that even its competitors take their hats off. "I've been hearing for two years now that a one-to-many exchange wouldn't work, but Enron just keeps proving people wrong," said Frank Getman, chief executive of online energy exchange HoustonStreet. "If you're willing to make tight two-way markets and be the best price in the market, then people will continue to use your site." Enron's stock rose 41 cents to $49.53 a share on Tuesday in trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
EnronOnline Article
enrononline article
copy of july 17, 2001 news report - enrononline growth
ceo interview - enrononline sees volume growth
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Harry/Sue: Have you looked at the places in 82XX that Scott FedEx-ed to you that implicate the "PX credit?" I've gotta assume that Edison put it in, and I frankly, ain't had the chance to peek at it. For that reason, I'm worried. Can you page me and let me know your take? Best,
PX Credit Language in 82XX
px credit assessment and updates?
i'm worried. please page me.
px credit implication
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
FYI. Note toward end of story, mention of email from lawyer in class action suit to Davis advisor asking for help in "getting information out." Best,
Dan Walters Defends Enron's Actions in Sacramento Bee
note for story
review note: mention of email from lawyer in class action suit
class action suit
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The Speaker (Hertzberg) just phoned. Been asked to attend a meeting in Sacramento at 2 PM today to discuss his latest attempt to craft a compromise solution to the energy mess. Am leaving for Sacramento now. Will report back from the meeting. Best,
California Update--07.25.01
heading to a meeting in sacramento.
meeting in sacramento at 2 pm
meeting today at 2 pm
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Rick: Can you forward me the presentation that you mentioned when we talked on Friday. If OK with you, I'would love to crib from it for New York on Friday. Best,
Presentation on California
please forward the presentation
request presentation file
the mentioned presentation
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi. Please book me SF/NYC round trip,leaving Tues 8.2.01 at 9:15 am, returning on sunday taking the 4:15 pm from NYC. Also please book me an additional ticket on the same flight using MY mileage plus miles (number is 369 321 854). Please book me at the Waldorf (midtown, like 50-ish and Lexington? ), because we have an Enron ($280) rate there. Please book it for 3 nights--thurs/fri/sat. Thanks a million.
trip to NYC
please book trip for 8-2-01
instructions on upcoming sr/nyc trip details.
i need these booked please
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Greetings: With California enjoying a brief respite from Legislative antics, we plan to cancel tomorrow's California call and will reconvene on Thursday. However, if anyone has pressing matters or information they'd like to discuss tomorrow, we'll go ahead with the call. Let me know. If I've missed anyone with this note, please forward along. Thanks. Best,
Cancel Tomorrow's (11:30 PDT) California Call
california call: rescheduled for thursday
tomorrow's california call canceled
cancelling tomorrow���s ca call
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sue Mara called from the ISO: The Market Issues Committee rejected lowering the price cap from $250. The Market Issues Committe of the Board voted to extend the ISO price cap authority beyond October 15th, with no end date. ISO Board will vote on these issues tomorrow. 75% chance that the ISO Board will adopt the Issues Committe's recommendations.
ISO Subcommittee Actions on Price Caps
iso price cap extended
iso board updates
extension of the iso price cap
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FYI. Kahn's heading up the "power plant streamlining" task force. At yesterday's FERC hearing, Mike was put in the position of reading word for word a statement by the governor (even had to read it in the first person). Awkward to say the least. And Mike wasn't prepared at all to answer the questions he got on the statement from the FERC commissioners, particularly from Heber. "I don't know" came up a lot.
Green Team
yesterdays hearing
power plant task force & yesterday���s hearing
power plant streamlining
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I've been notified that the California Commissioner has cancelled the meeting with stakeholders that had been scheduled for this afternoon. He'd scheduled it to discuss what the order the Commission intends to issue on Thursday might look like. It signals, at this point, that the utilities continue to have a difficult time reaching agreement with the administration. Will get back with more as it develops. Jeff
Meeting w/California Commissioner Cancelled
meeting cancellation; recent development
cancelled the meeting with stakeholders
cancelled meeting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Greetings Judge Minkin: This is to inform that a representative of Enron Corp would like to address the Commission on the issue of utility rate stabilization plans at the Commission's hearings scheduled for December 27th and 28th. Thank you. Sincerely,
Hearings on Utility Rate Stabilization Plans
enron corp rep requesting to address comission
enron representative request to address commission at hearings
representative of enron corp would like to address the commission
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Few things: Linda: Thanks very much for the call and the help.Tyson is calling John Doer (sp?) to try to get him in the loop. And she agreed to send the proposal to Summers today. Proposal to follow. I'm working with a guy named Phil Verleger (MIT economist type who worked in Ford and Carter), who I met at the meeting on Saturday, to come up with a list of individuals with Democratic, contributor, business community credientials that can be contacted to seek support for the proposal. Any suggested contacts that folks have would be helpful. John Nesslage (who works for Jim) is running some numbers to get an idea of the size of rate increases required to pay back the loans under a 10-year term structure The UC Berkeley econ/biz school faculty members I met with on Saturday want to issue a press release stating there view on "what not to do" (i.e., don't have the state take over anything, period). They want to give us a copy to review for comments/edits before they issue it. I should be getting tonite or first thing in the AM tomorrow. May not go anywhere, but I told them that I'd be happy to review it. Jeff
Update On Tyson
follow up and update
a few updates you might want to know
information on the proposal
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I've still got considerable work to do, but wanted to make sure all had a chance to review and comment well in advance of finalizing. I'm giving a talk at Exnet on Monday about California. Attached is a draft of the slides. All comments welcome and appreciated. I'm continuing to work on it. Thanks very much. Best,
Please Take a Look--Draft Slides for Monday Talk in New York on California Crisis
review and comment
draft for talk on monday
slides attached for talk at exnet
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On Friday, I attended a meeting with Ken Lay and Karen Denne that Mike Peev= ey=20 and David Freeman requested. Mike Peevey was President of Southern=20 California Edison before founding NEV (which he eventually sold to AES). = =20 Freeman is General Manager of LADWP. =20 The Governor hired Peevey to be his chief energy advisor. Freeman is the= =20 Governor=01,s chief negotiator responsible for signing power contracts on b= ehalf=20 of DWR now that the Legislature has passed AB1X and the Governor has signed= =20 it. John Burton, the leader of the State Senate, is responsible for gettin= g=20 the Freeman the job of chief negotiator, but Peevey was clearly in charge. = =20 Also at the meeting was Vikram Budraja, former SVP of power systems and=20 planning for Edison. He=01,s now a private consultant that Freeman hired t= o=20 help him with the contract negotiations. Peevey asked for the meeting to urge Enron to respond to DWR=01,s RFP issue= d on=20 Friday. Peevey/Freeman want to announce a package of deals on Tuesday. Th= ey=20 implied that they=01,ve already got some deals done and expect to have 8+ d= eals=20 to announce on Tuesday, though they gave no details other than to say that= =20 they=01,ve got a deal with Calpine (as reported in the press). Their plan = is to=20 announce on Tuesday the names of the suppliers they=01,ve signed with, the = total=20 number of megawatts signed, and the average price per MW. They are concern= ed=20 that the media will want them to make public the details of each individual= =20 deal, which for obvious reasons they don=01,t want to do. Peevey and Freeman also said that they don=01,t want to sign too many long-= term=20 contracts though they recognize that there=01,s a trade-off between term an= d=20 price. Ken Lay told them that Enron would respond. ENA is preparing a response. = He=20 also told them that EES was working on a plan to reduce demand at our=20 customers=01, facilities and that the plan would be completed and ready for= =20 implementation very soon. I=01,ve summarized the points that Ken Lay made and the responses from Peev= ey=20 and Freeman: It would be difficult to enter into contracts without some assurance that D= WR=20 is creditworthy. Response from Peevey/Freeman: AB1X provides DWR the funds necessary=01*beginning on Friday, Feb 1st=01*to= =20 purchase the power necessary to fill the utilities=01, short position. Ken= Lay=20 pressed them on this point and Peevey insisted that AB1X provides the funds= =20 needed to pay suppliers. The RFP should give suppliers maximum flexibility in coming up with proposa= ls. Response from Peevey/Freeman: Be as creative as possible. All offers will be considered (despite the=20 language contained in the RFP). The only customers who have been protected from California=01,s failed=20 restructuring law are customers who chose another provider under Direct=20 Access. In addition, one of the quickest ways to help solve California=01,= s=20 shortage is to work with customers to reduce demand and develop on-site=20 generation. Taking away Direct Access and access to customers generally=01= *as=20 AB1X does=01*is therefore a dumb idea and must be reversed. Response from Peevey: He agreed but said that it was impossible to remove it from the bill. He= =20 affirmed what we already know=01*that the head of the Senate oversight comm= ittee=01* Debra Bowen=01*is working on a =01&clean-up=018 bill to remove the prohibit= ion. In=20 response to Ken Lay=01,s points that California needed to make sure that ut= ility=20 interconnection and stand-by rates didn=01,t continue to impede on-site=20 generation, Peevey and Freeman said that the Governor understood the proble= m=20 and was prepared to fix it. Siting laws have got to be streamlined and California (i.e., the Governor)= =20 has got to credibly commit to the swift development of new power plants in= =20 order to push the forward curve down. Response from Peevey/Freeman: The Governor is scheduled to offer a plan this week that is targeted at=20 expediting siting and development. DWR should accept demand reduction bids at the same time that it accepts=20 supply-side bids. Response from Peevey/Freeman: They agreed but said that there is extreme political pressure to announce t= he=20 signing of some supply deals on Tuesday in order to prove to legislators th= at=20 DWR will be able to keep the lights on, and at a =01&reasonable=018 price. = They=20 also need to sign some deals in light of the fact that the feds are very=20 unlikely to extend the DOE order forcing suppliers to sell to the IOUs. On= ce=20 they=01,ve shown that they can manage the supply side, Peevey and Freeman s= aid=20 they want to quickly turn their attention to demand-side bidding. These are the highlights. I=01,d be happy to give more details on the Mond= ay=20 morning \call. Best,
Ken Lay's Meeting w/Davis' Energy Advisors
highlights from meeting with ken lay and karen denne
friday meeting notes
ken lay and karen denne meeting memo
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Oops. I forgot to plug your phone back in after I used my computer this morning. Sorry. Could you call me when you get a chance?
call me
can you call me?
i forgot. i'm so sorry!
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Chris/Christian: Here's a quick and dirty summary. Apologies that it ain't proofed. Please provide any edits that you deem necessary to make it accurate and cogent. Thanks very much. Best,
Summary of Credit Issue for Brulte
quick summary for you
quick and dirty summary
quick summary attached
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi Rosalee: Steve asked that I forward this to you. I believe that Steve left you a=20 voicemail describing the nature of the email. All the best,
Email for Transmittal from Ken Lay to Senator Brulte
message from steve
forwarded from steve, voicemail describes email
forwarding info from steve
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This is Kathy Franz w/Win2K Desktop Support. I have copied the names and journal.nsf files for Jeff Dasovich to the appropriate locations on the server. They are ready to be copied up to EESHOU-LN1. Thanks,
Address Book and Journal for Jeff Dasovich
desktop support
j. dasovich files
info on desktop support
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Greetings Sally: My name is Jeff Dasovich. The Greens have been helping me develop 40 acres of land that I bought just north of Anchor Bay (a couple of miles up the hill from Highway One, about 1200 ft or so up) and they suggested that I contact you. The property is right in the heart of the Banana Belt and my property faces south, is protected, and a such is very hot and sunny from late spring through later summer/early fall. The property has an abundance of water on it. Of course, the possibility of evening fog raises some tricky issues, and I haven't done soil tests. In short, while I think there are some challenges, I'm convinced that there is at least the strong possibility that I could grow grapes--around 10 acres or so.
Referred to You By the Greens about Possibly Growing Grapes on My Property
questions on new property
40 acres of land north of anchor bay
property for growing grapes
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Dollar amount: $7,500. Project: Retain MRW & Associates to assist in developing a rate structure for California that solves the utilities' financial solvency issues without applying "rate shock" to the state's economy, businesses or consumers. Use the rate plan to develop an alternative to Governor Davis' proposal to nationalize the state's electric industry. Subject: California Electricity Crisis
RCR Information
california electricity crisis project
california electricity crisis
mrw & associates project
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Hey Buddy: See cover email to the Brulte letter that was sent to the Sacramento Team= =20 couple of weeks ago when I was in Houston. Might be a good place to start= =20 w.r.t. getting our "constructive" message out, though I'm sure that there's= =20 plenty of other things that needed to be added. Best,
Ken Lay's email to Sen. Brulte
see cover email -- please review
good place to start?
sacramento team info on brulte letter
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I'm scheduled to meet with Kari at 3:30 PST tomorrow, ostensibly to talk about demand buy-down. Also presume to message the letter from Steve Kean to the Senators and our solution (perhaps in advance of meetings, phone calls that might take place later in the week with legislative leaders). But would like to add to agenda for discussion on tomorrow's daily call in the event folks have additional suggestions. Best,
Meeting with Kari Dohn
meeting with kari tomorrow
add agenda for discussion to tomorrow's call
meet with kari at 3:30 tomorrow
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FYI. As if we weren't having enough fun with electricity.... Note last paragraph of press release calling on government to "get out of t= he=20 way" and "let the private sector solve the problems in the gas market." Jeff
Caifornia GOP Calls for Emergency Legsilative Session to Address Natural Gas
having lots of fun with electricity.....
last paragraph
see press release
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Scott/Hedy/Mike: What's the status of the DG bill? As I recall, Burton amended the bill in a way that explicitly prohibit diesel DG units from helping California avoid rolling black outs this summer. I believe the exclusion was made on grounds that running diesel would be too environmentally damaging? Could you provide a brief update? Is there anything in the bills that addresses the restrictions on the number of hours that these units are permitted to run? Thanks very much. Best,
Emergency Diesel Generators in California
status of the dg bill
needing status of dg bill
status of the dg bill