2 values
What is the name of this businessperson of Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group, who is also a member of this board where Michael Kahn serves as a chair?
Carl Guardino
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3686_p25", "sents": [ "and a state assemblyman for specific details about long-term power contracts the state has signed.", "The new federal price controls were in place on two days this week when the state made emergency power purchases.", "ISO officials said yesterday they wil l not be able to say until next week if FERC limits kept prices down.", "\"We are not confident that the benefits will necessarily prove out to be worthwhile,\" said Michael Kahn, ISO board chairman.", "The FERC approved the creation last month of RTO West, which involves nine utilities in eight states stretching from the Canadian border to Nevada.", "A second RTO, Desert Star, covers the Southwest and sprawls from Arizona to western Texas and eastern Wyoming.", "FERC member Linda Breathitt said she was not surprised by the limited California proposal, but added that she expects California to join a multistate RTO eventually.", "\"RTOs are evolving,\" Breathitt said.", "\"While our goal may be for there to be large ones, I realize that may take some time.\"" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] }, { "title": "e3140_p86", "sents": [ "California Independent System Operator also will provide a daily power forecast 24 hours in advance so residents and businesses can plan for blackouts the same way people prepare for severe storms.", "\"We want a system that is proactive,\" said Carl Guardino, an ISO board memb er and president of the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group.", "\"When the last few rolling blackouts hit there was as little as two minutes' warning.", "Two minutes may be fine in a football game, but it's not fine for California's economy or safety.\"", "ISO officials also said they are examining high-tech ways of quickly spreading the word about impending blackouts to homeowners and businesses through mass e-mails, faxes, automated phone calls and pager messages.", "The plan, detailed in a report issued yesterday, still falls far short of other proposals being pushed in the Legislature.", "Lawmakers have suggested scheduling blackout days months in advance and having California join with other Western states to form a \"buyer's cartel\" that would refuse to pay fo r power when prices become too high." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
The person that Ken Lay touted for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in a phone call to Rove and what other person were the two new commissioners recently nominated by President Bush?
Pat Wood
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e6615_p15", "sents": [ "In a letter to AP, the Office of Government Ethics said that \"after consulting with the White House Counsel's office,\" the government concludes that disclosing Rove's application for a tax break on the sale of his stock s would constitute \"a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.\"", "Such applications list the dates stocks were purchased and the method of acquisition - such as compensation for services rendered, a gift or highly profitable stock options.", "Rove, a Texas political consultant before coming to Washington, got a certificate of divestiture from the government which is enabling him to def er payment of capital-gains taxes on his stock sales.", "Rove sold his Intel stock for $110,000 and his Enron stock for $68,000. Besides energy and high-tech, Rove's stocks were in defense, financial and pharmaceutical companies.", "Before selling his Enron stock, Rove had at least two contacts by telephone with company chairman Ken Lay.", "In one call to Rove, Lay touted Pennsylvania utilities regulator Nora Brownell for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission before the White Hous e public announcement that Bush would nominate her for the post." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4, 5 ] }, { "title": "e1047_p3", "sents": [ "``We have done our part.", "We cannot do it alone,'' said Bob Hertzberg, speaker of the California Assembly.", "He cited state actions to boost conservation, increase retail rates and speed up power plant construction and said there is ``no earthly reason'' why energy prices should be 10 times what they were a year ago.", "Still, California officials expressed little optimism after the hearing.", "``It would take a dramatic, unprecedented change of direction'' for the FERC to adopt price controls, said Fred Keeley, speaker pro tem in the California Assembly, who was in the audience during the six-hour meeting.", "Breathitt, the FERC's third commissioner, who has not come out in favor of price caps, nevertheless indicated she might be inching toward some controls.", "She said she wants the commission to ``seriously discuss a price implementation plan.''", "The issue may end up, however, being decided by two new commissioners recently nominated by President Bush -- Pat Wood, now head of the Texas utility commission, and Nora Brownell, a Pennsylvania regulator." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 7 ] } ]
Which commission concluded that new power plants may not be required to sell electricity only instate during the same year when the state imported new electricity of less than 5 percent of the 555-megawatt Los Medanos Energy Center?
California Energy Commission
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e6247_p9", "sents": [ "Staff writers Emily Bazar and Dale Kasler contributed to this report.", "Third power plant opens: But the Los Medanos facility isn't pouring out electricity yet.", "By Carrie Peyton Bee Staff Writer (Published July 10, 2001) The flood of new electricity being welcomed by Gov.", "Gray Davis was only a trickle at the latest power plant that the governor opened on Monday, according to sources close to California's energy crisis.", "Heralded by Davis as part of a \"powerful one-two-three punch\" that will bri ng California closer to energy independence, the Los Medanos Energy Center in Pittsburg spit out no more than 20 megawatts on its opening day, they said.", "That is less than 5 percent of the plant's 555-megawatt operating capacity.", "Los Medanos could generate a couple of hundred megawatts later this week bu t is not expected to reach its full output for two to three weeks, according to knowledgable sources." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "title": "e736_p1", "sents": [ "Davis' solutions may be in trouble: New plants built in California don't ha ve to sell electricity here, state lawyers conclude By Carrie Peyton Bee Staff Writer (Published April 4, 2001) California can't require builders of new power plants to sell electricity here, even as a trade-off for super-fast environmental review, lawyers at t he state Energy Commission have concluded.", "Their position, reached despite Gov.", "Gray Davis' vow that new megawatts \"wi ll stay in California,\" emerged as part of a fast-track approval for expanding a south state power plant.", "It comes as the agency that oversees plant licensing is whittling away at t he presumption that emergency \"peaking\" plants installed this summer will be temporary.", "Some of the peaking plants - to be used only at times of highest energy demand - are now proposed to stay in place 30 to 40 years.", "Both issues have bubbled up quietly during California Energy Commission reviews, sometimes addressed only indirectly in staff reports." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1, 2, 5 ] } ]
The paper that ran a 7/25 story titled "PG&E questions state's cost analysis" ran a story on 5/7 whose title claimed its crunch time for what?
power rates
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e6886_p0", "sents": [ "'Please see the following articles: Sac Bee, Wed, July 25: Another push to rescue Edison Sac Bee, Wed, July 25: PG&E questions state's cost analysis Sac Bee, Wed, July 25: Blackouts don't justify takeout, Connell says Sac Bee, Wed, July 25: Utilities sell excess power -- at a loss Sac Bee, Wed, July 25: Dan Walters: Blackout threat dims, but state still faces tough energy decisions Sac Bee, Wed, July 25: Water crisis alert sought: El Dorado Hills could run out by the end of summer, officials to tell state SD Union, Wed, July 25: PG&E, Edison disagree on rate increase State says just more than half of revenue needed; rest for utilities SD Union, Wed, July 25: News briefs on the California power crisis SD Union, Wed, July 25: United States plans upgrading of energy bottleneck Firms bid on Path 15 grid job, Abraham says LA Times, Wed, July 25: Reliant Energy sues California SF Chron, Wed, July 25: Electricity fire sale reflects success, experts say SF Chron, Wed, July 25: Federal energy regulators meet Wednesday SF Chron, Wed, July 25: Energy giant finances library improvements SF Chron, Wed, July 25: News briefs on the California power crisis SF Chron, Wed, July 25: PG&E demands hearing on state power buys Officials blast release of erroneous data SF Chron, Wed, July 25: State ISO vulnerable to power play Mercury News, Wed, July 25: PG&E asks for public hearing on electricity rat e data Mercury News, Wed, July 25: Energy expense strains schools Mercury News, Wed, July 25: PG&E challenges claim that no rate will be need ed OC Register, Wed, July, 24: Energy notebook Official says absence of blackouts may give wrong idea OC Register, Wed, July 24: Lawmakers adjourn without Edison deal Dow Jones Interactive, Wed, July 25: Arizona regulators move to kill electric competition Dow Jones Interactive, Wed, July 25: Hardin electrical generator will be coal gasification plant Dow Jones Interactive, Wed, July 25: Optimistic Edison says turnaround is possible electricity Energy Insight, Wed, July 25: Mining suffering an 'energy' shortage Another push to rescue Edison By Kevin Yamamura Be Capitol Bureau (Published July 25, 2001) State Assembly leaders Tuesday began another attempt to strike a deal spari ng Southern California Edison from bankruptcy, even as company officials predicted lawmakers would not meet their mid-August deadline." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e2326_p0", "sents": [ "'Please see the following articles: Sac Bee, Mon, 5 7: \"It's crunch time on power rates\" SD Union, Sun, 5 6: \"SDG&E shutoff notices increasing\" SD Union, Sun, 5 6: \"State OKs $7 billion contract\" SD Union, Sun, 5 6: \"The energy crisis gives Filner some easy targets\" SD Union, Sat, 5 5: \"Gephardt tells rally here he's pushing price caps\" LA Times, Mon, 5 7: \"Proud Linemen Take a Hit\" LA Times, Sun, 5 6: \"Utility's Workers Watch Helplessly as Company Falls\" LA Times, Mon, 5 7: \"Utility Bills Are Just One Way People Pay for Energy Crisis\" LA Times, Mon, 5 7: \"Questions Remains Who'll Take Brunt of the Rate Hikes LA Times, Sun, 5 6: \"Riordan and Freeman's Feud Erupts in Public\" LA Times, Sat, 5 5: \"Cheney Rejects Price Caps, Aid for Calif. Power Crisi s\" SF Chron, Mon, 5 7: \"Rolling Health Hazards Summer Blackouts May Pose Public Health Risks\" SF Chron, Mon, 5 7: \"Oh, that boom in 2002 SF Chron (AP), Mon, 5 7: \"Developments in California's energy crisis\" SF Chron, Mon, 5 7: \"United States considers withdrawing lawsuits against coal industry Pollution controls affect power plants SF Chron, Mon, 5 7: \"Swimming pool owners get PG&E discounts Operating pumps at night saves energy SF Chron, Sun, 5 6: \"Legislators plan to sue United States panel on energy Top state Democrats want cap on prices\" SF Chron, Sun, 5 6: \"Nevada's winning hand -- power State sees profit in California's crisis\" Mercury News, Mon, 5 7: \"Share prices rise amid news of big energy deals\" Mercury News, Mon, 5 7: \"Florida shrugs off Calif-blackout scenario\" Mercury News, Mon, 5 7: \"Hot days worry energy watchers\" OC Register, Mon, 5 7: \"Unplugged Manking has lived thousands of years without electricity." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
In which year was this English-language Indian newspaper first published, which published the 02/06/2001 article "Ratings agencies tools of MNCs: Maharashtra" by Girish Kuber?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e10697_p2", "sents": [ "However, analysts say may damp sentiment in power sector.", "(SEP) Ratings agencies tools of MNCs: Maharashtra Girish Kuber 02 06 2001 The Economic Times Copyright (C) 2001 The Economic Times; Source: World Reporter (TM) MUMBAI THE MAHARASHTRA government on Monday denounced credit rating agencies Crisil and ICRA for downgrading the state's ratings.", "\"We reject their judgement,\" the government said.", "\"These agencies have considered just Enron's case in which we have refused to honour our contractual obligations by choice.", "It is our strategic decision not to pay Enron as we want to scrap the power purchase agreement the state has with the company,\" Jayant Patil, state's finance minister told ET on Monday.", "\"Our decision not to pay Enron has nothing to do with the state's finances,\" he clarified.", "Significantly, this is for the first time since Enron controversy surfaced again the state government has put it on record that the non-payment has nothing to do with its financial situation." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "The Economic Times", "sents": [ "The Economic Times is an English-language, Indian daily newspaper published by the Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.. First published in 1961, it is the world's second-most widely read English-language business newspaper, after the \"Wall Street Journal\", with a readership of over 800,000.", "\"The Economic Times\" is published simultaneously from 12 cities—Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Chandigarh, and Pune." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The new investor that gained a seat on the board of TelOptica following the closure of its $15.2 million investment round invested in and acted as a placement agent for what commany that specializes in B2B technology?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3787_p18", "sents": [ "The new investment brings th e round to close at $15.2 million.", "The company has a post-money valuation of $41.2 million.", "New investor SG Cowen gains an observer seat on the board.", "T he round was led by Trellis Partners, and also included Austin Ventures, CenterPoint Venture Partners, and SSM Ventures.", "Series B funds will be used for product development, marketing, and adding three people to the sales team, including a VP of sales.", "Keeping the burn rate steady at $800,000 per month, CEO Michael Bernique said the company expects between $2.5 million a nd $3 million in revenues for 2001, up from under $1 million the year before.", "TelOptica expects to become profitable at the beginning of 2003, he said.", "Brobeck Phleger & Harrison provided legal counsel and Imperial Bank advised TelOptica in the round.", "TelOptica has raised more than $21 million to date.", "http: Cryptic Clue Raises Nearly $500,000 from 2M Invest COPENHAGEN, Denmark (VENTUREWIRE) -- Cryptic Clue, an encryption tec hnology firm that has developed a mathematical algorithm for digital security and protection of companies and individuals, announced it has secured DKK 4 million ($456,376) from 2M Invest." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2, 6 ] }, { "title": "e4892_p5", "sents": [ "They were joined by new investors Alliant Energy, Avistar, Ballentine Capital, Bank of America, Central Hudson Gas and Electric, CIBC World Markets, First Energy, Itochu International, Lehman Brothers Venture Capital, Meridian Energy, NiSource Development, Norsk Hydro, PanCanadian Petroleum Limited, and Pacific Venture Capital.", "The company raised $63 million for its first fund.", "http: B2B e-Commerce Firm ThoughtWorks Has $28 Million Round One CHICAGO -- ThoughtWorks, which specializes in business-to-business electronic commerce technology, said it has raised $28 million in its first round of funding led by Schroder Ventures US Fund.", "SG Cowen also invested in the round and acted as placement agent.", "The company said it will use the funds to support its growth.", "Nick Somers and Kurt Bjorklund of Schroder have joined ThoughtWorks' board of directors.", "http: and Break Off Merger Talks NEW YORK --, a one hour delivery service for goods purchased online, and, a competing online delivery service, said they have called off recent merger negotiations." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2, 3 ] } ]
The news service that shared a story by Michelle Guido titled "Congressional Committee Members Question California Utility Officials" on 4/12/01 shared a story by Jim Brunner on 4/16/01 about a utility spending how much on buying power the previous March?
$92 million
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e1237_p2", "sents": [ "\"What a shock!", "Dan Burton is at it again,\" Maviglio said facetiously of Burton, who derived a reputation as a partisan foe of former United States President Bill Clinton with his many investigations into Clinton and his administration.", "\"The bottom line is they're aiding and abetting the generators,\" Maviglio said of Burton's committee.", "The governor's spokesman also questioned whether the information FERC amasses under seal of confidentiality will remain private once turned over to the committee.", "The committee's offices were closed Friday, so no response was immediately available.", "-By Bryan Lee, Dow Jones Newswires, 202-862-6647,", "Congressional Committee Members Question California Utility Officials Michelle Guido 04 12 2001 KRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: San Jose Mercury News - California Copyright (C) 2001 KRTBN Knight Ridder Tribune Business News; Source: World Reporter (TM) Officials from California's two major utilities and two of its smaller power generators were in the hot seat in San Jose on Wednesday, fielding questions from federal lawmakers about their role in the state's power crisis." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] }, { "title": "e1301_p24", "sents": [ "\"It is a positive story, but there is still that black cloud out there until these issues can be cleared,\" Dain Rauscher's Mr. Dingman said.", "-- Write to Kaja Whitehouse at Copyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "Seattle City Utility Racks Up $92 Million in Power Purchases in March Jim Brunner 04 16 2001 KRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: The Seattle Times - Washington Copyright (C) 2001 KRTBN Knight Ridder Tribune Business News; Source: World Reporter (TM) Seattle City Light spent a record $92 million buying power on the market in March, more than any month in its 91-year history.", "City Light officials say the cost of buying power for local residents and businesses eclipsed the previous records -- $84 million set in February and nearly $80 million in January.", "To put that in perspective: In 1999, before the current power crisis, the utility's total power bill for the entire year was $90 million." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] } ]
Which Republican politician from California's 24th congressional district did analysts predict was in danger of losing his reelection due to how the energy crisis had been handled?
Elton William Gallegly
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e5558_p5", "sents": [ "According to some analysts, others in jeopardy are Reps. Elton Gallegly of Simi Valley, Richard Pombo of Tracy, and Gary Miller of Diamond Bar.", "Quinn also argued that Rep. David Dreier of San Dimas, chairman of the powerful Rules Committee and a rising GOP star in the House, could face energy-related problems and that Rep. Mary Bono of searingly hot Palm Sprin gs could find herself losing some ground in her otherwise safe GOP constituenc y.", "\"(The California energy crisis) has all the earmarks of a classic attack issue,\" said John R. Pitney, a political scientist at Claremont-McKenna College.", "\"You have a Republican administration headed by two people with connections to the oil industry, and you have a very visible problem and a solution that is easy and plausible (Democratic) price controls.\"", "Alarmed by these developments, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay of Texas this week launched a damage-control effort by assigning a team of Republicans to help counter Democratic attacks on the White House." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "Elton Gallegly", "sents": [ "Elton William Gallegly (born March 7, 1944) was a U.S. Representative, last serving California 's 24 congressional district , and previously the 23rd and 21st, serving in Congress from 1987 to 2013.", "He is a member of the Republican Party.", "He did not seek re-election in 2012." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
What position did Barry Moline have for the trade association for the 34 public power communities of Florida?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Florida Municipal Electric Association", "sents": [ "The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) is the trade association for Florida’s 34 public power communities.", "FMEA represents the unified interests of their members through government relations, communications, news and information, and education and training." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e10584_p66", "sents": [ "\"We're not doing this for the benefit of any company, we're doing it for the consumers,\" Revell said.", "He said Florida must build up its energy supply to avoid problems such as those in California.", "That state is struggling with rolling blackouts and runaway utility costs stemming from a cold winter, low reserves and heavy reliance on costly out-of-state power.", "California also failed to build new power plants or use effective conservation steps in the 1990s.", "Luckily, Florida's plentiful reserves make it unlikely -- at least for the foreseeable future -- that it will experience shortages such as those in California.", "Revell believes that deregulation will ensure that such a scenario never unfolds here.", "But Barry Moline, a spokesman for the Florida Municipal Electric Association, said Revell's concerns are \"bogus.\"", "Florida law already requires power companies to hold 20 percent of their power supplies in reserve so they can handle periods of extreme usage, and utilities already are planning to provide additional capacity in the future, he said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] } ]
Which firm has invested in both Authoria and Oblix?
Van Wagoner Capital Management
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e9373_p4", "sents": [ "Seligman & Co., Thomas Weisel Partners, and Triad Media Ventures.", "http: HR Firm Authoria Raises $75 Million Led by Z WALTHAM, Mass.", "-- Authoria, which provides information applications for human resources self-service and call centers, said it held its Series C round of funding for $75 million.", "New investor Z Financial Services Fund II led the round, which included other new investors Aflac, UnumPrivident, and Van Wagoner Capital Management, and previous investors Fidelity Ventures, HLM UHC, Menlo Ventures, Norwest Venture Partners, and Pequot Capital.", "Z Financial Services principal Philip E. Larson III has joined the company's board of directors.", "The company will use the funding for product development, to develop strategic partnerships, and for sales and marketing.", "Authoria has also received backing from Bayview Investments, Digital Media, and individual investors.", "http: Network Services Firm Exario Raises $20 Million First Round PARSIPPANY, N.J. -- Exario, a provider of private networks that link offices in remote locations, telecommuter systems, and broadband Internet access, said it raised approximately $20 million in its first round of funding led by SG Capital Partners." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2, 3 ] }, { "title": "e2881_p10", "sents": [ "Oblix's investors include Charter Growth Capital, Cisco Systems, Credit Suisse First Boston, Intel 64 Fund, J.P. Morgan, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Novell, Patricof & Co. Sumitomo, and Van Wagoner Capital Management.", "http: Nuasis Adds Rainmaker Systems Exec as VP of Finance mail?", "top SAN JOSE, Calif. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Nuasis, a developer of IP-based, multichannel contact center software, said it has named Steven M. Karp as vice president of finance.", "Prior to joining the company, Mr. Karp was senio r director of finance at Rainmaker Systems.", "Nuasis is backed by Brentwood Venture Capital, Grove Street Advisors, Menlo Ventures, Oracle, and Tudor Investment.", "http: Wayport Names CFO and Marketing VP mail?", "top AUSTIN, Texas (VENTUREWIRE) -- Wayport, a provider of Internet access for travelers at airports, hotels, and conference centers, said it has named David Hampton as CFO.", "Mr. Hampton formerly served as CFO at Singleentry, an Internet-based software provider to the insurance industry." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
What was the birth year of the California vineyard operator whose wine operation's wine club is named Ensemble and comes with four seasonal shipments of 2-5 bottles of wine per year?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e20514_p0", "sents": [ "\"Dear Friend, Happy Holidays.", "At The Wine Enthusiast we're committed to offering you the finest selection of wine cellars and unique wine accessories.", "We also love to let you in on opportunities for new adventures in wine.", "Our friends at Robert Mondavi have graciously extended a special offer for membership in their wine club, Robert Mondavi Ensemble.", "Ensemble provides access to limited, pre-release and library vintages from this world-renowned winemaker at special member prices.", "In addition, you'll enjoy member benefits at Robert Mondavi Winery, including special pricing, VIP tours and invitations to exclusive Ensemble events.", "As an Ensemble member, you will receive four Seasonal Shipments per year that each include 2-5 bottles of wine.", "The special Ensemble price is $75 to $100 per shipment after applying your 15% member discount (plus shipping and applicable tax).", "Join Ensemble on or before December 31, 2001, and Robert Mondavi will include two elegant wineglasses with your first shipment." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3, 6 ] }, { "title": "Robert Mondavi", "sents": [ "Robert Gerald Mondavi (June 18, 1913 – May 16, 2008) was a leading California vineyard operator whose technical improvements and marketing strategies brought worldwide recognition for the wines of the Napa Valley in California.", "From an early period, Mondavi aggressively promoted labeling wines varietally rather than generically.", "This is now the standard for New World wines.", "The Robert Mondavi Institute (RMI) for Wine and Food Science at the University of California, Davis opened October 2008 in his honor." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which companies agreed new broadband distribution agreements that extended EIN reach to 20 million desktops alongside the company who presented a $30 million grant to the Oklahoma Education Technology Trust?
Bell South, US West,
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e10802_p6", "sents": [ "Section 271 of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires the FCC to seek the advice of the relevant state commission.", "Typically Bell companies have not submitted a section 271 application to the FCC until state regulators indicate that they are satisfied that the company has complied with the Act's market-opening mandates.", "ADVANCED SERVICES OKLAHOMA SW Bell presents $30 million grant to educational trust Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. has given $30 million to Attorney General Drew Edmonson (D.) and trustees for the Oklahoma Education Technology Trust to establish and activate a trust designed to help schools capitalize on new computer and telecom technology.", "The company pledged the money during negotiations that led to the company opting out of rate-of-return regulation.", "(11 12 99 a.m.) The state Corporation Commission finalized the alternative regulation plan in December 1999. (12 1 99 a.m.) The trust will assist schools across the state by funding, obtaining, installing, and integrating new computer and telecom equipment." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "e9283_p2", "sents": [ "We have also established an effort focused on delivering broadband solution s to the rapidly evolving Applications Service Providers (ASP) sector.", "Our agreement with i2, a leader in supply chain management software, allows us to sell network services as well as jointly pursue service offerings to the rapidly growing online exchange community.", "We also extended the EIN reach to approximately 20 million desktops through new broadband distribution agreements with Bell South, US West, and SW Bell to support the distribution of rich media content.", "Additionally, we have reached an agreement with Bell Nexxia to expand the EIN into Canada, which provides the basis for future distribution deals.", "Bandwidth Intermediation Our intermediation business includes the development of highly structured bandwidth solutions for our customers as well as the EBS effort to develop and trade bandwidth directly with the market.", "Both efforts have been extremely successful this year.", "In addition, we began offering bandwidth trades on EnronOnline in April." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] } ]
What is the birthdate of the politician who watered down the probe into Enron?
26 May 1945
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e19883_p16", "sents": [ "20,000 crore by 2006. According to IDC, the hosted application market will touch the $ 7.5 bilion by 2004 and Gartner report estimates global hosting business to be $10.2 billon by 2002. Until a sturdy Internet backbone like the IPv6 is put in place for text and multimedia data, it is only better management of hosting, which will help effective utilization of bandwidth.", "PI Copyright 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "Enron probe were watered down at NCP's behest 09 22 2001 The Times of India Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM) MUMBAI: The terms of reference for the judicial probe into the Enron project at Dabhol, were watered down by the Vilasrao Deshmukh government at the behest of the Nationalist Congress Party, it is learnt.", "Sources said the terms of reference approved by the co-ordination committee of the Democratic Front were different from the ones that were finally passed by the cabinet on Wednesday." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "Vilasrao Deshmukh", "sents": [ "Vilasrao Dagadojirao Deshmukh (26 May 1945 – 14 August 2012) was an Indian politician who served two terms as the Chief Minister of the state of Maharashtra.", "He also served in the Union cabinet as the Minister of Science and Technology and Minister of Earth Sciences." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Who is the Manager of State Policy Affairs at the association where Jan Smutny-Jones is the Executive Director?
Katie Kaplan
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e420_p1", "sents": [ "Feel free to listen i n!", "Thanks, Jean -- Jean Munoz McNally Temple Associates, Inc. 916-447-8186 916-447-6326 (fx) _ Contact: Jean Munoz FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 916-447-8186 March 22, 2001 WEEKLY POWER UPDATE SACRAMENTO Jan Smutny-Jones, Executive Director of the Independent Ene rgy Producers Association, will brief members of the media on California?s rapidly changing electric market during a teleconference Friday, March 23 at 1:00 p.m. What: Press Availability Teleconference When: Friday, March 23, 2001 1:00 p.m. PST Call In #: 1-800-374-2393 Conference I.D: Independent Energy Producers (IEP) Who: Jan Smutny-Jones, Executive Director of the Independent Energy Producers Association # # #" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "e153_p0", "sents": [ "'Greetings: IEP will be making a FERC filing this week in response to the FERC staff report issued in response to the ISO Market Stabilization plan.", "We will have a call tomorrow to discuss the proposed language we are currently finishing drafting.", "We will send out the language by COB today, please review it before the call tomorrow.", "If your company is also drafting language please send a copy of it to Andy ASAP.", "The call will be tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. PST The call in number is our usual number: 1-800-486-2726, The participant code 120895 JUST A REMINDER THAT IF YOU HAVE NOT SENT IN YOUR COMMITTEE COMMITMENTS TO CAROL ( TO PLEASE DO SO ASAP!", "As always, please let me know if you have any questions Katie Kaplan Manager of State Policy Affairs Independent Energy Producers Association (916) 448-9499 - winmail.dat'" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
The two business magnates who owned most of the big utility companies in the United States and were on their way to dominate the country's electric utility industry when the Great Depression arrived were the man responsible for the construction of the Chicago Civic Opera House and which other person?
J.P. Morgan
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Samuel Insull", "sents": [ "Samuel Insull (November 11, 1859 – July 16, 1938) was a British-born American business magnate; an innovator and investor based in Chicago who greatly contributed to creating an integrated electrical infrastructure in the United States.", "Insull was notable for purchasing utilities and railroads using holding companies.", "He was also responsible for the building of the Chicago Civic Opera House in 1929." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "title": "e2665_p14", "sents": [ "The disregard for honest business practices and the public welfare, the venality, the threat to basi c democratic values finally collapsed the structures those bandits created.", "J.P. Morgan and Samuel Insull were the linchpins with holding companies tha t owned most of the big utility companies in the United States.", "They used the ir vast power to squash opposition, and the two of them were on their way to dominate the electric utility industry in the United States when the Great Depression arrived.", "Insull was overextended and his dream of a national monopoly evaporated in bankruptcy, public disgrace and jail for a long list of major crimes against his fellow citizens.", "Morgan survived.", "The scandals that are being revealed these days in the energy business don' t have the coarseness of the robber barons of those days.", "Publicly owned corporations are mixed with a great variety of private ventures into a growing web of interrelated businesses." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 2 ] } ]
What position did John J. Pitney Jr. hold at the independent coeducational liberal arts college abbreviated CMC located in Claremont, California?
associate professor
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Claremont McKenna College", "sents": [ "Claremont McKenna College (CMC) is an independent, coeducational and private liberal arts college with a curricular emphasis on economics, finance, international relations, government and public affairs.", "CMC is also a member of the Claremont Colleges located in Claremont, California, United States." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e2492_p24", "sents": [ "\"They said it cost them $1 million if the power goes off even for five minutes,\" said Cox, who nonetheless opposes price controls.", "Cox said he is worried about how the California electricity crisis might affect the national economy.", "He said that when he asks business owners about expanding in California, \"they just look at you like you're nuts.", "They don't consider California an option because of this uncertainty.\"", "\"People come up to you and want you to help solve the problem,\" said Rep. George Radanovich (R-Mariposa).", "He has explained that there is little the federal government can do in the short term.", "\"Californians want somebody to do something,\" said John J. Pitney Jr., associate professor of government at Claremont McKenna College.", "\"When people are in a mood like that, politicians get nervous thinking that they're the ones who might get blamed.\"", "Said Reed, the GOP strategist: \"Every incumbent in California is vulnerable in the next election, in both parties." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] } ]
What is the Latin word for the type of institution of which the institution whose website is is an example?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e5131_p5", "sents": [ "CONTACT: Program Offices Recruitment POHR LM ADDRESS: One Kaiser Plaza, 22L Oakland, CA 94612 FAX: 510-267-2127 EMAIL: Please submit your resume, transfer application and last three performance appraisals to the address, fax or email above.", "Interested Candidates:Kaiser Permanente is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.", "Minorities, women, disabled persons, and veterans are encouraged to apply.", "2 LOCATION: Ann Arbor, Michigan TITLE: Controller & Director of Financial Operations COMPANY: University of Michigan DEGREE: MBA University of Michigan Controller & Director of Financial Operations University of Michigan, one of the world's preeminent research universities, is recruiting for a Controller to join the organization in early 2001. The Controller is a member of the University's Central Administration and is its Chief Accountant.", "The Controller has a broad scope of responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the University's consolidated financial statements and underlying accounting records and for overseeing financial operations.", "The Organization University of Michigan is a national model of a complex, diverse and comprehensive public institution of higher learning." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] }, { "title": "University", "sents": [ "A university (Latin: \"universitas\" , \"a whole\") is an institution of higher (or tertiary) education and research which awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines.", "Universities typically provide undergraduate education and postgraduate education." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The island in Indonesia that has a population of over 141 million has the same name as the programming technology that systems supplied by what company are based on?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Java", "sents": [ "Java (Indonesian: Jawa; Javanese: ꦗꦮ; Sundanese: ) is an island of Indonesia.", "With a population of over 141 million (the island itself) or 145 million (the administrative region), Java is home to 56.7 percent of the Indonesian population and is the most populous island on Earth.", "The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java.", "Much of Indonesian history took place on Java.", "It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies.", "Java was also the center of the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1930s and 1940s.", "Java dominates Indonesia politically, economically and culturally.The UNESCO world heritage site, Ujung Kulon, is located on the westernmost tip (West Java)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e28062_p5", "sents": [ "more.. <http: prostory.asp ] <http: Imaging Firm InterScope Closes $3.25 Million Series B mail <http: o_mailer.asp?sid=QNOJHONLII PITTSBURGH -- InterScope Technologies, a provider of automated digital imaging instruments for the field of pathology, said it has closed $3.25 million in Series B financing.", "more.. <http: prostory.asp ] <http: Esmertec Raises $6.1 Million in Second Round mail <http: o_mailer.asp?sid=LJJLHNLLII ZURICH, SWITZERLAND -- Esmertec, which supplies embedded Java virtual machines and real-time operating systems based on Java technology, said it raised CHF 10 million ($6.1 million) in its second round.", "more.. <http: prostory.asp ] <http: Sphera Has First Closing of $15 Million in Series C mail <http: o_mailer.asp?sid=IJQOOHMLII BOSTON -- Sphera, a provider of hosting automation software, said it raised $15 million in the first closing of its Series C round.", "more.. <http: prostory.asp ] <http: Medical Storage Firm Emageon Raises $10 Million in Series C mail <http: o_mailer.asp?sid=IHPLMOMLII BIRMINGHAM, ALA. -- Emageon, a provider of enterprise-class storage technology for medical diagnostic images, said it raised $10 million in its third round of venture capital financing." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
The company that agreed to be bought by Dynergy Inc in a stock swap worth about $9 billion, causing Elektrizitaetswerk der Stadt Zuerich to suspend the power trading joint venture it had planned with the company, had earlier ended a 20-year exclusive video-on-demand agreement with which other company?
Blockbuster Inc.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e19680_p106", "sents": [ "Shares of Enron rose 74 cents to $9.98. Dynegy rose $2.63 to $46.94. Both companies are based in Houston.", "--Margot Habiby in Dallas, (214) 954-9452 SWITZERLAND: Swiss EWZ suspends planned power venture with Enron.", "11 14 2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. ZURICH, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Swiss utility Elektrizitaetswerk der Stadt Zuerich (EWZ) has suspended its planned power trading joint venture with Enron Corp that was supposed to start up in January, EWZ said on Wednesday.", "Enron, hit by financial problems, is on the verge of being taken over by smaller rival Dynergy Inc which agreed last week to buy Enron in a stock swap worth about $9 billion.", "\"Given these circumstances, EWZ has decided to suspend the prepared start of a joint trading company of EWZ and Enron and to review the strategy of future cooperation with Enron or Dynergy,\" it said in a statement.", "It said the review would determine which aspects of the cooperation accord could still be attractive and if the proposed venture could be revived at some future date." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2, 3 ] }, { "title": "e68_p1", "sents": [ "By C. Bryson Hull 03 15 2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. HOUSTON, March 15 (Reuters) - Wall Street took a hard look at Enron Corp.'s content delivery plans this week after it ended its video-on-demand deal with Blockbuster Inc. but remained largely unfazed by the failure of the flagship deal, analysts said on Thursday.", "On balance, most analysts viewed the busted 20-year exclusive agreement as disappointing, but by no means a fatal blow to Enron Broadband Services' (EBS) budding content delivery segment.", "Most reiterated buy or strong buy ratings for the Houston company and maintained bullish earnings targets for the Enron Broadband Services division.", "But all are awaiting an indication of how Enron will reconfigure the content delivery initiative.", "\"I think Blockbuster represented kind of an anchor tenant for the broadband business, so they have lost a contract that was important,\" said Jeff Dietert, an analyst with Houston investment house Simmons and Co. Now EBS will have to pursue smaller contracts to make up the loss, which could mean a longer road to create as big a book of business, Dietert said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
Which investor backed both HighWired and Acta?
Comdisco Ventures
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e4854_p27", "sents": [ "OpenAvenue acquired CodeCatalog, an online open-source code search engine, and, a Web site for open-sourced developers, earlier this year.", "OpenAvenue is backed by CounterPoint Capital Management.", "http: http: High School Site HighWired Acquires Alumni Site Gradfinder WATERTOWN, Mass.", "--, an online network of high schools, said it acquired high school alumni Web site for an undisclosed amount.", "Gradfinder president Jason Classon will serve as a management consultant.", "Gradfinder will relocate its headquarters from Vancouver to HighWired's location in Watertown, Mass.", "HighWired is funded by Charles River Ventures, North Bridge Venture Partners, Arcadia Partners, Broadband Ventures Group, Comdisco Ventures, Haebler Ventures, and Longworth Venture Partners.", "http: http: Buys Majority of Danish Net TV Firm ScoopStation COPENHAGEN --, a publicly-traded accelerator of online businesses throughout Europe, said it acquired 52% of Danish online television firm, ScoopStation.", "Further financial details of the acquisition were undisclosed." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] }, { "title": "e1217_p28", "sents": [ "Mr. Allen is CFO and vice president of finance and operations for Network Appliance.", "Investors for Acta include Colman Partners, Comdisco Ventures, Greylock, Norwest Venture Partners, Sycamore Venture Capital, United States Venture Partners, and Van Wagoner Fund.", "http: DMR Consulting Exec Joins Software Firm infoShark's Board CHANTILLY, Va. -- InfoShark, a provider of software products that enable enterprises to build a business-to-business infrastructure for accessing, exchanging and transmitting XML data, said it elected Michael J. Poehner, president and chief executive officer of DMR Consulting, to its board of directors.", "Investors include JMI Equity Fund, Lazard Technology Partners, and 21st Century Ventures.", "http: incuVest Names Merck Division Senior VP to Board NEW YORK -- incuVest, a venture capital incubator and accelerator, said it appointed Margaret G. McGlynn of Merck to its board of directors.", "Ms. McGlynn serves as senior vice president of Merck's human health marketing division." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
In what year was the software company founded whose team includes executive vice president Josh James and vice president John Pestana, both co-founders and still working as well at MyComputer?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e5091_p22", "sents": [ "NetObjects could also issue an additional $6 million in shares based on the future performance of", "NetObjects has also agreed to advance approximately $2 million to MyComputer.", "NetObjects said the acquisition will enhance its expansion to an online service business with a partner-based distribution model.", "Josh James, chief executive officer and co-founder of MyComputer, will serve as an executive vice president of NetObjects and general manager of MyComputer.", "President and co-founder of MyComputer, John Pestana, will serve as a vice president of NetObjects and MyComputer.", "MyComputer had received financing from Dell, Network Solutions, and several individual investors.", "http: http: New Directors o Wireless Firm Nexterna Names Air2Lan CEO to Board OMAHA, Neb.", "-- Nexterna, a wireless data communications company, said it has appointed Jai Bhagat, the chief executive officer of high-speed wireless broadband service provider Air2lan, to its board of directors.", "Prior to his position at Air2lan, Mr. Bhagat was CEO and vice-chairman of Skytel Communications." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3, 4 ] }, { "title": "NetObjects", "sents": [ "NetObjects, Inc. is a software company founded in 1995 by Samir Arora, David Kleinberg, Clement Mok and Sal Arora.", "The company is best known for the development of NetObjects Fusion, a web design application for small and medium enterprises with designers who need complete control over page layout and a similar user interface as desktop publishing applications." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
In what year did the mixed-signal circuit system-on-a-chip designer that closed a second round of $11 million led by Sequoia Capital launch its first product?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3375_p12", "sents": [ "EyeWonder also earns revenue through licensing its streaming video platform.", "http: Web Security Firm WanWall Secures Funding from Intel mail?", "top TEL AVIV, Israel (VENTUREWIRE) -- WanWall, which develops technology designed to improve the efficiency and protection of Wide Area Networks, announced that Intel Capital has made an undisclosed investment in the company.", "WanWall said it will use the funds to support its growth and furth er develop its technology.", "Earlier this month WanWall received $3.5 million in seed funding led by Gemini Israel Funds and Koor Corporate Venture Capital.", "WanWall was founded in December 2000 by a group of entrepreneurs led by Yehuda Afek, a professor of computer science at Tel Aviv University; Anat Bremler-Bar; Yuval Rachmilevitz, formerly with Gilat Satellites and Magnum Fund; and Dan Touitou.", "Mr. Rachmilevitz currently serves as CEO of the company.", "http: Barcelona Design Raises $11M Round Two, Led by Sequoia mail?", "top SUNNYVALE, Calif. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Barcelona Design, which supplies mixed-signal circuit designs for system-on-a-chip design, said it has close d an $11 million second round led by new investor Sequoia Capital." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 8 ] }, { "title": "e3375_p13", "sents": [ "Previous investors Crosslink Capital and chairman Joe Costello also participated in the round.", "The company said approximately $500,000 of bridge financing rais ed in 2000 converts to equity in this round.", "Post-money valuation was undisclosed, but CEO Mar Hershenson said valuation was \"several times up.\"", "Pierre R. Lamond, partner at Sequoia Capital, joins the board of directors, bringing the total of directors to five.", "The company said it will use the funds, which it expects to last for up to two years, for sales and marketin g. The company, which employs 25 currently, expects to add about 20 more to th e staff by year's end.", "After launching the company's first product at the end of 2000, Barcelona Design expects between $3 million and $4 million in 2001 revenues.", "The company will probably raise another round early in 2003, said Ms. Hershenson.", "Barcelona Design has raised $13.6 million to date.", "http: Memsic Closes Second Round at $8.25M, Celtic House Leads mail?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
Which investor backed both Wisor and MindMatters?
Mid-Atlantic Venture Funds
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3248_p9", "sents": [ "Mr. England most recently served as executive vice president of sales at MicroWarehouse, a PC reseller.", "Also added was Mark Puckett as strategist, in charge of managing the company's Influencing the Influencers product line.", "Mr. Puckett most recently served as director of analyst relations for CRM software vendor Onyx.", "KCG finished 2000 with $2.5 million in revenue and with more than 400 customers.", "KCG is backed by Strathdon Investments and individuals.", "http: Wisor Appoints Bob Rider and David Nelson as VPs mail?", "top ROCKVILLE, Md.", "(VENTUREWIRE) -- Wisor, a provider of service order management technology for integrated communications providers, said it name d Bob Rider as vice president of marketing and business development.", "Mr. Ride r previously served as vice president of engineering and operations for the eastern division of ATG, an integrated communications provider.", "Also added was David Nelson as vice president of operations and professional services.", "Mr. Nelson formerly served as vice president of network operations at e-centives and Net2000 Communications, a local exchange carrier in Virginia Wisor is backed by Boston Ventures Management, Early Stage Alliance, Early Stage Enterprises, Hickory Venture Capital, Keystone Venture Capital, Megunticook Management, Mid-Atlantic Venture Funds, Riggs Capital Partners, SAIC Venture Capital, and Telecommunications Development Fund." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 10 ] }, { "title": "e3622_p35", "sents": [ "It employed fewer than 30 people.", "http: http: new directors Protection Applications Firm MindMatters Adds to Board mail?", "top PITTSBURGH, Pa. (VENTUREWIRE) -- MindMatters Technologies, which dev elops applications that manage and protect corporate innovations and intellectual capital assets, said it appointed Mark Miller to its board of directors.", "Introduced by a private investor in the company, Mr. Miller becomes the fourth member of the board, with one open seat remaining.", "He is the founder and CEO of Solutions Consulting.", "MindMatters is backed by Future Fund and Mid-Atlantic Venture Funds.", "In December 2000 the company raised $1 million in its Series A. Within the next three months, it will begin raising a $3 million to $5 million Series B. The company is currently generating revenue s and anticipates breaking even by mid-year 2003. http: vc fund news BCI and Village Ventures to Form Fund for NY Capital Region mail?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
Which lifestyle magazine, published by Southern Progress Corporation, formed a strategic partnership with
Southern Living
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Southern Living", "sents": [ "Southern Living is a widely read lifestyle magazine aimed at readers in the Southern United States featuring recipes, house plans, garden plans,and information about Southern culture and travel.", "It is published by Birmingham, Alabama–based Southern Progress Corporation, a unit of Time Inc." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e9373_p14", "sents": [ "The company is currently looking for its first round of funding.", "Zedo has raised a total of $1.1 million from lead investor Anthelion and individual investors.", "http: New Deals o Forms Alliance with Southern Living ATLANTA --, a business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketplace for the lawn and garden industry, and Southern Living, a lifestyle and gardening publications company have formed a strategic partnership designed to create cross-marketing opportunities for both companies.", "Southern Progress, Southern Living's parent company, has the option to acquire minority stake in in the future.", "Planetgarden will offer users access to Southern Living's collection of gardening content and images.", "Launched in March, Planetgarden is primarily backed by individual investors including Healtheon WebMD CEO Jeff Arnold.", "The company said it is currently seeking additional funding from both institutional and individual investors.", "http: M&A o Petroleum Place To Acquire ATS for $69 Million in Stock ENGLEWOOD, Colo. -- Petroleum Place, an online energy marketplace for the upstream petroleum industry, said it signed a definitive agreement to acquire Calgary-based Applied Terravision Systems (ATS), which provides integrated financial accounting and property asset management software and services to the upstream oil and gas industry, in a stock deal valued at $69 million." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] } ]
Along with Matrix Partners and North Bridge Venture partners, the firm that led e.Iintelligence's $8 million second round of funding invested in the $14 million second round of funding of what other company?
Blue Dolphin
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e2933_p10", "sents": [ "The company plans to use the new funds f or marketing and research and development.", "Post-money, the company is valued at $18 million.", "As a result of this financing, Ned Carlson, senior vice president of Wit SoundView Ventures, joined as the third member of the Xora board of directors, which still has two seats open.", "Xora plans to seek a second round between $15 million and $20 million by the end of this year an d expects it to close in the first quarter of 2002. http: E.Intelligence Caps $8M Round Two Led by Commonwealth mail?", "top MINNEAPOLIS (VENTUREWIRE) -- e.Iintelligence, which provides softwar e for demand chain management, said it has closed an $8 million second round led by new investor Commonwealth Capital Ventures with participation from other ne w investors Brightstone Capital, Barnard, and Discovery.", "Existing investor JMI Equity Fund, which had held a majority of the company after round one, participated in this round but did not maintain its share." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] }, { "title": "e3375_p21", "sents": [ "Blue Dolphin said the cuts were across the board a nd that 64 employees remain with the firm.", "All the laid-off employees will be receiving severance.", "Blue Dolphin had no comment on how the layoffs affecte d the burn rate.", "Blue Dolphin earns revenue based on how many readers of its free newsletters choose to subscribe to the promoted magazines.", "In total, Blue Dolphin has raised $24 million, including a $14 million second round in March, from Commonwealth Capital Ventures, Matrix Partners, and North Bridg e Venture Partners.", "http: Dismissals at as Site Looks to Sell Out mail?", "top ST. LOUIS PARK, Minn. (VENTUREWIRE) --, a shoppin g site that contributes part of each purchase to a school chosen by the buyer, has laid off a portion of its staff, a company spokesperson said.", "The board has also decided to sell the company.", "Cuts included sales and administration positions." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
Who was the lawyer and activist from India, known for supporting environmental protection and human rights, that helped draft a lawsuit against the Pawar government for allegedly favoring Enron by granting approvals after elections were conducted?
Prashant Bhushan
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Prashant Bhushan", "sents": [ "Prashant Bhushan is an Indian lawyer, activist and politician.", "He is noted for his use of public interest litigation (PIL) to support a number of causes related to corruption, environmental protection and human rights.", "He was a prominent member of the faction of the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement known as Team Anna which supported Anna Hazare's campaign for the implementation of the Jan Lokpal Bill.", "After a split in IAC, he helped Team Anna form the Aam Aadmi Party and was behind most of AAP's exposures.", "In 2015, he made several allegations against the party's leadership, it's functioning and deviation from its core ideology, values and commitments.", "He is among the founder members of Swaraj Abhiyan and is a force behind Sambhaavnaa, an Institute of Public Policy and Politics." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e3418_p45", "sents": [ "The suit - drafted by such eminent lawyers as, Prashant Bhushan, Nitin Pradhan, C. J. Sawant, the then Advocate General, and F. S. Nariman - tells the interesting story of how the Pawar government went out of its way to favour Enron by giving approvals even after the elections were announced and conducted in the State - a gross violation of the election code.", "To this day, neither the Congress nor the BJP-Shiv Sena nor the NCP governments has had the courage to speak the truth -perhaps because all of them were beneficiaries.", "Here are a few passages from the suit to judge the actions of the Pawar government: A After the calling of elections for the Maharashtra State Assembly, after expiry of its full term, the following documents came to be executed namely (i) Amendment to PPA dated 2 2 1995, (ii) Consent Agreement dated 23 24.2.1995, and (iii) Fuel Management Agreement dated 25.2.1995. As mentioned above, all the aforesaid documents were in aid of and supportive of the PPA dated 8.12.1993 (later amended as mentioned above)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which music group owned by a French multinational mass media conglomerate entered a licensing agreement with
Universal Music Group
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Vivendi", "sents": [ "Vivendi SA (formerly Vivendi Universal SA) is a French multinational mass media conglomerate headquartered in Paris.", "The company has activities in music, television, film, video games, telecommunications, tickets and video hosting service." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e27475_p1", "sents": [ "Indicating real estate will be an important growth strategy for eBay, COO Brian Swette said, \"(This) is an exciting demonstration of our commitment to providing eBay users with the best possible marketplace for the buying and selling of homes, land, vacation properties and commercial real estate.\"", "Financial terms of the agreement were not released.", "-- Yahoo goes back to school online Yahoo unveiled a new area on its Web site offering teachers a way to create \"virtual classrooms\" online.", "Instructors can post class rosters, calendars and details of courses, and communicate with students through private classroom message boards and e-mail.", "Yahoo also announced new agreements with three providers of educational reference materials,,, and Houghton Mifflin Co. -- Comedy site licenses Universal catalog Vivendi's Universal Music Group and Inc. signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement to provide \"substantially all\" of UMG's sound recordings for Webcasting through a soon-to-be-released subscription monthly service." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
What entity received a $30 million investment from the entity that funded PlanetFeedback along with Blue Chip Venture Company and Flatiron Partners?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e27919_p25", "sents": [ "PlanetFeedback has received funding from Blue Chip Venture Company, Flatiron Partners, and General Atlantic Partners.", "Intelliseek's backers include Chrysalis Ventures, Ford MotorsIn-Q-Tel, Nokia Venture Partners, River Cities Capital Funds, and individuals.", "<http: <http: new directors * Voice, Data Applications Firm Synamics Taps Two for Board top mail <http: o_mailer.asp?sid=ILJPOKINII BOSTON -- Synamics, a provider of integrated voice and data applications delivered over circuit and packet networks, said it added Cas Skrzypczak and Jeff Siegel to its board of directors.", "Mr. Skrzypczak is a general partner at Global Asset Capital and serves on the boards of International Engineering Consortium and Battery Ventures.", "Mr. Siegel is president and CEO of AG Communications Systems, a provider of telecommunication products and services.", "Mr. Skrzypczak and Mr. Siegel join outside directors Mike Jablo of Arch Venture Partners and Peter Seeligsohn of VenGrowth Funds as well as CFO Charles Plant and CEO Lois Andreasen." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e2852_p10", "sents": [ "top DENVER (VENTUREWIRE) -- VDSL Systems, which develops broadband techn ologies enabling very high speed digital subscriber line service distribution over copper phone lines, said it raised $12.4 million in its second round of funding.", "The round was led by UBS Capital and included investments from 3i, Kennet Capital, and ACR, the Finnish investment company for the entrepreneu r Tatu Ylonen, founder of SSH Communications Security.", "VDSL systems said it will use the capital for sales and marketing efforts and ongoing product development.", "http: Creditek Receives $30M Investment from General Atlantic mail?", "top PARSIPPANY, N.J. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Creditek, an order-to-cash cycle outsourcing and enterprise receivables management company, said it has received a $30 million investment from General Atlantic Partners, a private equity firm that focuses on IT and telecommunications businesses.", "The compa ny said the money would be used to develop technology and for operating infrastructure.", "As a result of the funding, Mark Dzialga and Cliff Robbins, partners of General Atlantic, will become the fifth and sixth members of th e board." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
Which Los Angeles Times business and consumer columnist was a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer in May 2001?
David Lazarus
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e2750_p64", "sents": [ "Davis eve n called on executives of independent power companies to lobby lawmakers, telling them that approval of the measure is the quickest way to ensure tha t they will be paid the more than $1 billion that Edison owes them.", "Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times PUC stalls decision on rate boost ANGER: Consumer group says big business to benefit David Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Writer Tuesday, May 15, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle: http: cgi-bin article.cgi?f=3D ca 2001 05 15 MN104029 .DTL State regulators yesterday delayed until this afternoon a vote on the most sweeping electricity rate increase in California history so they could redu ce the effect on heavyweight corporate customers.", "That means residential users could end up paying an even greater share of t he $5 billion to be raised by higher power prices.", "Consumer activists were outraged.", "\"It would be a travesty if the Public Utilities Commission caved in to pressure from big business,\" said Mike Florio, senior attorney for The Utility Reform Network in San Francisco." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "David Lazarus", "sents": [ "David Lazarus is an American business and consumer columnist for the \"Los Angeles Times\".", "He joined the paper in August 2007." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
On the list of the top paid Chief Executives in 2000, who is the highest ranked executive from the company divided into Security Solutions and Fire Protection with operational headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Tyco International", "sents": [ "Tyco International PLC was a security systems company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland, with operational headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey, United States (Tyco International (US) Inc.).", "Tyco International is composed of two major business segments: Security Solutions and Fire Protection." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e1057_p14", "sents": [ "The Top-Paid Chief Executives And 10 Who Aren't CEOs The Top-Paid Chief Executives 2000 SALARY LONG-TERM TOTAL & BONUS COMPENSATION * PAY MILLIONS - 1 JOHN REED* $5.4 287.6 293.0 Citigroup 2 SANFORD WEILL 19.9 204.9 224.9 Citigroup 3 GERALD LEVIN 11.2 152.6 163.8 AOL Time Warner 4 JOHN CHAMBERS 1.3 156.0 157.3 Cisco Systems 5 HENRY SILVERMAN 7.6 129.1 136.7 Cendant 6 L. DENNIS KOZLOWSKI 4.2 121.2 125.3 Tyco International 7 JACK WELCH 16.8 105.8 122.6 General Electric 8 DAVID PETERSCHMIDT 0.7 106.9 107.6 Inktomi 9 KEVIN KALKHOVEN 0.7 106.2 106.9 JDS Uniphase 10 DAVID WETHERELL 1.2 102.5 103.7 CMGI 11 JOSEPH NACCHIO 2.8 94.6 97.4 Qwest 12 DOUGLAS DAFT 4.4 87.3 91.7 Coca-Cola 13 W.J.", "SANDERS III 6.6 85.1 91.6 Advanced Micro Devices 14 STEVE JOBS 90.0 0.0 90.0 Apple Computer 15 LAWRENCE ELLISON 0.2 75.0 75.2 Oracle 16 PHILIP PURCELL 13.5 60.6 74.1 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 17 LOUIS GERSTNER 10.1 63.5 73.6 IBM 18 STEPHEN CASE 2.2 71.2 73.4 AOL Time Warner 19 MICHAEL EISNER 12.3 60.5 72.8 Walt Disney 20 JEFFREY SKILLING 6.5 66.0 72.5 Enron And 10 Who Aren't CEOs 1 RAYMOND LANE * 3.2 230.7 233.9 Oracle 2 JEFFREY RAIKES 0.6 144.8 145.5 Microsoft 3 KENNETH LAY 8.7 132.1 140.8 Enron 4 RONALD LEMAY 1.0 127.4 128.4 Sprint FON Group 5 DAN PETTIT 0.4 121.3 121.6 JDS Uniphase 6 KENNETH ODER 0.7 85.9 86.7 Safeway 7 JEFFREY HENLEY 2.2 76.3 78.5 Oracle 8 RAY STATA 2.0 68.3 70.4 Analog Devices 9 MARK SWARTZ 2.2 59.4 61.6 Tyco International 10 ROBERT HERBOLD 1.0 56.8 57.8 Microsoft * Retired Apr." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Enron had plans to build a 350km gas pipeline connecting Ras Laffan to a terminal in which port town 35km southwest of Dubai?
Jebel Ali
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Jebel Ali", "sents": [ "Jebel Ali (Arabic: جبل علي‎ ‎ ) is a port town 35 km southwest of Dubai.", "The Jebal Ali Port is located there.", "Al Maktoum International Airport has been constructed just outside the port area.", "Jebel Ali is connected to Dubai via the UAE Exchange (formerly Jebel Ali), Danube (formerly Jebel Ali Industrial) and Energy stations on the Dubai Metro." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e6629_p16", "sents": [ "An Exxon Mobil official and the U.A.E.", "'s Foreign Minister, Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed al-Nahyan, discussed the issue Wednesday, WAM said.", "The Dolphin project aims to transport two billion cubic feet a day of natural gas from Qatar's offshore North Field to the U.A.E.", "In May, Enron Corp. (ENE) sold its 24.5% stake in Dolphin back to Offsets, freeing up its share for another potential strategic partner.", "Enron's role would have been to focus on the midstream part of the project, or gas transportation, which requires building a 350-kilometer pipeline from a processing plant in Ras Laffan, Qatar, to the Taweelah terminal in Abu Dhabi and Jebel Ali terminal in Dubai.", "TotalFinaElf SA (TOT) is Offsets' other strategic partner, holding a 24.5% stake in the project.", "The company will operate the upstream phase of the project, which includes developing natural gas reserves in two blocks of the North Field.", "The first wells are scheduled to be drilled in the second half of 2001 and come onstream in 2004. Since Enron's withdrawal, Offsets has said it is talking to a handful of international oil companies about potential participation." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
What is the date of birth for the person who founded Alza Corp?
February 27, 1923
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e1312_p6", "sents": [ "The Lester Center hopes that this kin d of interaction among academics, students, and practitioners will foster entrepreneurial success for individuals and the community as a whole.", "Previous winners of the Lester Center Lifetime Achievement Award include: +Gordon Moore, one of the original founders of Intel, in 2000; +Arthur Rock, the original venture capitalist behind Silicon Valley's very first semiconductor company, Fairchild Semiconductor, and Intel, in 1999; a nd +Dr.", "Alejandro Zaffaroni who founded Alza Corp. and a series of other biote ch companies, in 1998. SIX TEAMS ADVANCE TO FINAL ROUND OF UC BERKELEY BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION Haas School of Business today announced the selection of six teams to compete in the final round of the UC Berkeley Business Plan Competition.", "Th e finalist teams have developed ideas ranging from biotech to medical devices to software and wireless technology.", "They will compete for more than?", "$90,0 00 in cash and prizes, including a $50,000 first prize." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "Alejandro Zaffaroni", "sents": [ "Alejandro Zaffaroni (February 27, 1923 – March 1, 2014) was a serial entrepreneur who was responsible for founding several biotechnology companies in Silicon Valley.", "Products that he was involved in developing include the birth control pill, the nicotine patch, corticosteroids, and the DNA microarray." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
What coast feared blackouts under the 39th US president?
East Coast
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Jimmy Carter", "sents": [ "James Earl Carter Jr. (born October 1, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981.", "A member of the Democratic Party, he also served as the Governor of Georgia prior to his election as president.", "Carter has remained active in public life during his post-presidency, and in 2002 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the Carter Center." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e5495_p115", "sents": [ "Here are three: First, our greatest fear in Texas is not earthquakes.", "Here, cheap oil qualifies as a true natural disaster.", "Historically, our livelihood in Texas has depended on whatever people could take out of the ground -- this means oil, natural gas, sulfur and uranium.", "This dependence has put Texas at significant odds with the rest of the country.", "Remember the last energy crisis when Jimmy Carter was president and the entire East Coast feared the kinds of blackouts that California now fears?", "There was so little compassion for our countrymen back then that all over Texas, bumper stickers appeared that said: ``Freeze a Yankee in the Dark.''", "The point is that when Bush says he's a compassionate conservative, you hav e to keep in mind that in Midland -- Bush's hometown of choice -- compassion is a relative term.", "It means that Bush II is too nice a guy to tell California ns to ``Rot In the Sun,'' but he's not so compassionate that he would do something truly useful -- such as limiting the price of electricity to forestall summer blackouts." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
What city is this corporation based, whose stock fell 46 percent when it announced that it was being investigated by SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt in October 2001?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e27068_p61", "sents": [ "As of mid-July, the SEC was conducting about 260 accounting-fraud investigations, including about 40 probes of large companies.", "SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt last week said the SEC will shift its main accounting focus more toward improving financial disclosure than prosecuting corporate financial fraud.", "``I'm more concerned about protecting investors before violations occur,'' Pitt said in an interview.", "Enron shares fell 19.2 percent today, after Moody's Investors Service yesterday placed the company's rating for commercial paper on review for downgrade and lowered its long-term debt to two notches above junk status.", "Enron stock has plunged almost 46 percent since it disclosed the SEC's inquiry, and fell $2.65 today to $11.16. --Vicky Stamas in Washington at (202) 624-1958 USA: NYMEX plans to start OTC natgas clearing services.", "10 30 2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 30 (Reuters) - New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) said on Tuesday it plans to offer credit intermediation through clearing services and trading tools to the over-the-counter (OTC) natural gas market." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 4, 5 ] }, { "title": "e68_p1", "sents": [ "By C. Bryson Hull 03 15 2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. HOUSTON, March 15 (Reuters) - Wall Street took a hard look at Enron Corp.'s content delivery plans this week after it ended its video-on-demand deal with Blockbuster Inc. but remained largely unfazed by the failure of the flagship deal, analysts said on Thursday.", "On balance, most analysts viewed the busted 20-year exclusive agreement as disappointing, but by no means a fatal blow to Enron Broadband Services' (EBS) budding content delivery segment.", "Most reiterated buy or strong buy ratings for the Houston company and maintained bullish earnings targets for the Enron Broadband Services division.", "But all are awaiting an indication of how Enron will reconfigure the content delivery initiative.", "\"I think Blockbuster represented kind of an anchor tenant for the broadband business, so they have lost a contract that was important,\" said Jeff Dietert, an analyst with Houston investment house Simmons and Co. Now EBS will have to pursue smaller contracts to make up the loss, which could mean a longer road to create as big a book of business, Dietert said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] } ]
Which firm that funded Monterey Design Systems was founded in 1995 in Silicon Valley?
Foundation Capital
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Foundation Capital", "sents": [ "Foundation Capital is a venture capital firm located in Silicon Valley.", "The firm was founded in 1995, and manages more than $2.4 billion in investment capital." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e8778_p11", "sents": [ "The company said it will use the funds to expand its Web services and for marketing and advertising.", "http: Monterey Designs Systems Has $25 Million Mezzanine Round mail this story?", "top SUNNYVALE, Calif. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Monterey Design Systems, which develops and markets physical design software products, said it secured $25 million in its mezzanine round of funding led by Fidelity Management & Research.", "The round also included Capital Research and Management, Rho Management, Sevin Rosen Funds, Star, Kaufman, Vexter, Infineon, and LSI Logic Corp. Monterey, which has raised a total of $56 million to date, said it will use the funds to expand its customer base and evaluate an initial public offering sometime next year.", "The company has received funding from Deutsche Bank, Foundation Capital, Sumitomo, and United Microelectronics Corporation http: Virtual Reality App Firm OpenWorlds Raises Funding mail this story?", "top PHILADELPHIA (VENTUREWIRE) -- OpenWorlds, a 3-D and virtual reality Internet applications firm, said it has raised an undisclosed amount from Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania, a fund that is part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Department of Community and Economic Development." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2, 4 ] } ]
What value in Calpine stock was owned by the woman who resigned from the power exchange because of it around the time William Mead was dismissed because of his Calpine stock?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e27514_p10", "sents": [ "Of the 26 people in this group, 20 were required to fill out disclosure forms, but not until roughly four months after they were hired.", "Five of those people owned stock in Calpine -- Constantine Louie, William Mead, Elaine Griffin, Peggy Cheng and Herman Leung.", "After complying with orders to sell their stock, four were dismissed anyway.", "The fifth, Griffin, resigned to take a new job.", "The state also terminated its contract with one long-term negotiator, retired Sacramento municipal utility executive Richard Ferreira, who had purchased Calpine stock the previous year.", "One other trader, Bernard Barretto, reported owning Enron stock but was not terminated because the state wasn't buying from Enron on the spot market, Maviglio said.", "''We had reason to believe from our review that the five who were asked not to return had violated the Political Reform Act or were close to it,'' Maviglio said.", "Department of Water Resources spokesman Oscar Hidalgo went further, saying the department terminated contracts with those traders who appeared to have been involved in official transactions with Calpine." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "title": "e7097_p6", "sents": [ "Mead and three other energy traders--hired by the state in February and March--were terminated by the Davis administration for allegedly buying power for the state from Calpine while owning the company's stock.", "Fired traders Herman Leung, Peggy Cheng and Constantine Louie did not list the date of their Calpine purchases on financial statements that the state required to be filed only two weeks ago.", "\"But I'm sure they bought it while they were still at the power exchange, because that's when we discussed it,\" Mead said.", "\"It was kind of like a hobby.", "I'm sure it wasn't done with the intent to manipulate.\"", "Former trader Elaine Griffin, who also owned Calpine stock and resigned two weeks ago to take another job, said she didn't know she owned energy securities until she checked with her financial advisor July 13, just before leaving her state job.", "Griffin said she and her husband own about $10,000 worth of Calpine stock in individual retirement accounts managed by their advisor, who bought the stock Feb. 1 without their knowledge, she said, after research found it to be a good investment." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 2, 5, 6 ] } ]
In what year did the company Kevin Boon was a bond analyst for fail?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e856_p2", "sents": [ "Enron is the world's biggest energy trader.", "Pacific Gas & Electric, owned by San Francisco-based PG&E Corp., and Edison International's Southern California Edison, the state's second-largest utility, together have losses of more than $14 billion because they paid more for electricity than state regulators allowed them to charge consumers.", "Shares of PG&E fell $4.31, or 38 percent, to $7.07. Trading was halted earlier before the bankruptcy announcement.", "Edison fell $4.49, or 36 percent, to $8.15. The company said it still expected the state to work out a plan to end the energy crisis.", "--Margot Habiby in the Dallas newsroom (214) 740-0873, or, with reporting by Mark Johnson in Princeton, through the Princeton newsroom, (609) 279-4000 taw alp p Bear Stearns's Kevin Boone on Pacific Gas & Electric: Comment 2001-04-06 16:47 (New York) (For more stories on the California energy crisis, see {EXTRA <GO } New York, April 6 (Bloomberg) -- The following are comments made by Kevin Boone, a bond analyst at Bear Stearns, on the filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection by PG&E Corp.'s Pacific Gas & Electric, California's largest investor-owned utility." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] }, { "title": "Bear Stearns", "sents": [ "The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc. was a New York-based global investment bank, securities trading and brokerage firm that failed in 2008 as part of the global financial crisis and recession, and was subsequently sold to JPMorgan Chase.", "Its main business areas before its failure were capital markets, investment banking, wealth management and global clearing services, and it was heavily involved in the subprime mortgage crisis." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
In which city is this corporation based, which pulled out of the Qatar-UAE gas project according to the 05/23/01 Asia Pulse article?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3230_p0", "sents": [ "'The State Lockyer Fires Earthy Attack at Energy Exec Los Angeles Times, 05 23 01 World Watch The Wall Street Journal, 05 23 01 Consumer rights cited in petition with Texas PUC Houston Chronicle, 05 23 01 Enron to meet with Indian officials Houston Chronicle, 05 23 01 New Cynet president to administer change Houston Chronicle, 05 23 01 Enron, Indian goverment talks on power dispute put off Associated Press Newswires, 05 23 01 Enron says Indian panel calls off power contract meeting, gives no explanation AFX News, 05 23 01 Enron, Maharashtra Power Dispute Negotiator Resigns (Update4) Bloomberg, 05 23 01 INDIA: Head of India state panel for Enron talks quits.", "Reuters English News Service, 05 23 01 India Enron Negotiator Offers To Resign After Criticism Dow Jones International News, 05 23 01 India Dabhol Pwr Co: Mtg With State Govt Panel Canceled Dow Jones Energy Service, 05 23 01 INDIA PRESS: Dabhol Row To Cause INR30B Loss To Lenders Dow Jones International News, 05 23 01 INDIAN CHIEF MINISTER URGES PANEL CHAIRMAN TO WITHDRAW RESIGNATION Asia Pulse, 05 23 01 India: MSEB to pay Dabhol bill 'under protest' Business Line (The Hindu), 05 23 01 US ENRON CORP PULLS OUT OF QATAR-UAE GAS PROJECT Asia Pulse, 05 23 01 Maharashtra may terminate DPC's services The Economic Times, 05 23 01 ASIA-PACIFIC: Enron may seek damages NEWS DIGEST Financial Times; May 23, 2001 Enron goes for valuation of businesses in India Business Standard, 05 23 01 SEC Task Force Says Investors Need More 'Soft' Data Dow Jones Business News, 05 22 01 BANDWIDTH BEAT: Video On Demand II May Have Happy Ending Dow Jones Energy Service, 05 22 01 USA: FERC sets Thursday conference on Calif natgas problems." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "e68_p1", "sents": [ "By C. Bryson Hull 03 15 2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. HOUSTON, March 15 (Reuters) - Wall Street took a hard look at Enron Corp.'s content delivery plans this week after it ended its video-on-demand deal with Blockbuster Inc. but remained largely unfazed by the failure of the flagship deal, analysts said on Thursday.", "On balance, most analysts viewed the busted 20-year exclusive agreement as disappointing, but by no means a fatal blow to Enron Broadband Services' (EBS) budding content delivery segment.", "Most reiterated buy or strong buy ratings for the Houston company and maintained bullish earnings targets for the Enron Broadband Services division.", "But all are awaiting an indication of how Enron will reconfigure the content delivery initiative.", "\"I think Blockbuster represented kind of an anchor tenant for the broadband business, so they have lost a contract that was important,\" said Jeff Dietert, an analyst with Houston investment house Simmons and Co. Now EBS will have to pursue smaller contracts to make up the loss, which could mean a longer road to create as big a book of business, Dietert said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] } ]
In which city is this corporation, which has a subsidiary unit in India and had a dispute over Tapti with ONGC in April 2001?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e1536_p0", "sents": [ "'World Watch The Wall Street Journal, 04 23 01 PG&E's Glynn Commits Chain of Errors Before Unit's Cash Crisis Bloomberg, 04 23 01 Massive power plant proposed Associated Press Newswires, 04 23 01 UK: UPDATE 1-Saudi Naimi to meet US Energy Secretary this week.", "Reuters English News Service, 04 23 01 INDIA: UPDATE 1-Enron's India unit, lenders to meet on payment row.", "Reuters English News Service, 04 23 01 INDIA: Promoters cut Indian power project capacity-paper.", "Reuters English News Service, 04 23 01 ONGC DISPUTES ENRON'S CLAIM ON MOON PROSPECT PROJECT AT TAPTI Asia Pulse, 04 23 01 Mangalore missive asks Baligar to set records straight The Times of India, 04 23 01 Government to change market rules in order to make electricity sector more competitive Expansion, 04 23 01 DPC seeks OK to exit power project Business Standard, 04 23 01 International World Watch Compiled by David I. Oyama 04 23 2001 The Wall Street Journal A15 (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) ASIA PACIFIC Kookmin Bank Formal Merger Expected The formal merger of South Korea's two largest retail banks, Kookmin Bank and Housing & Commercial Bank, will create the country's largest financial institution." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "title": "e407_p12", "sents": [ "March 23, 2001 Briefs: Houston & state Enron comfortable with profit projection Enron Corp. assured investors Thursday it \"remains very comfortable\" with a previously announced 2001 earnings estimate of between $1.70 and $1.75 per share.", "According to First Call Thomson Financial, the average estimate of 2001 earnings among industry analysts is $1.74 per share.", "The Houston-based energy giant also said it would bring investors up to date today with a conference call.", "USA: Transmission Texas' only dereg hurdle-state grid manager.", "By C. Bryson Hull 03 22 2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. HOUSTON, March 22 (Reuters) - Improving power transmission capacity is the biggest challenge Texas faces heading into deregulation next year, the manager of the state's power grid said on Thursday.", "California's Achilles' heel, a lack of generating capacity, is not Texas' problem, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) chief executive officer Tom Noel said.", "\"Capacity is not the only issue." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] } ]
The person photographed on page A23 of the New York Times on 6/3/01 in addition to Patrick H. Wood, Nora M. Brownell, Linda Breathitt, and William L. Massey was a free-market champion who succeeded what person to his chairman position?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3688_p136", "sents": [ "We don't have either of those.\"", "* MORE INSIDE Jury still out: No smoking gun yet in natural gas rate hearing.", "A23 GRAPHIC: PHOTO: Patrick H. Wood III PHOTO: Nora M. Brownell PHOTO: Curtis L. Hebert Jr. PHOTO: Linda Breathitt PHOTO: William L. Massey LOAD-DATE: June 3, 2001 35 of 143 DOCUMENTS Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company The New York Times June 3, 2001, Sunday, Late Edition - Final SECTION: Section 4; Page 18; Column 5; Week in Review Desk LENGTH: 788 words HEADLINE: The Nation; Econ 101: It's Right and It's Wrong BYLINE: By MICHAEL M. WEINSTEIN; Michael M. Weinstein is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.", "BODY: ELECTRICITY deregulation -- allowing power companies to set wholesale prices on their own -- has gone seriously awry in California.", "Severe shortages have led to rolling blackouts and soaring prices, with wholesale prices rising about 700 percent in a year, jolting the state's economy." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "e3679_p16", "sents": [ "It won an $8-million settlement from Williams Cos. of Tulsa, Okla., which it had accused of shutting power plants last spring to drive up prices.", "Williams did not admit guilt.", "Detractors, including California officials, howl that FERC's actions are too little too late.", "They have called for a range of solutions, from flat-out price caps, as in the old days of full regulation, to much higher rebates from generators caught price-gouging, to retractions of individual firms' permission to charge market-based rates.", "If the agency chose to wield all of its authority, it also could force witnesses to testify under oath and subpoena tapes of phone calls among power traders, and even force the state to change the way the market operates.", "Curtis L. Hebert Jr., the free-market champion who succeeded Hoecker as chairman, insisted \"FERC is being vigilant in its efforts to ensure just and reasonable rates, while at the same time ensuring\" that it fosters new energy supplies." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
What paper do both Miguel Bustillo and Patt Morrison write for?
Patt Morrison's
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3520_p37", "sents": [ "\"The bottom line is that t he commission has failed to do its job, which is to protect Californians from runaway wholesale electricity prices.\"", "Times political writer Mark Z. Barabak and staff writer Miguel Bustill o contributed to this story.", "Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times Power Plant Start-Up Comes a Year Early Energy: The MWD hydroelectric facility is the state's first new one in six years, just in time for summer crisis.", "By TONY PERRY, Times Staff Writer A year earlier than initially planned, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will begin producing electricity today at its mammot h reservoir near Hemet in Riverside County.", "Four turbines at MWD's Diamond Valley Lake reservoir will produce abou t 13 megawatts of electricity--enough for about 9,750 homes.", "The move comes as the state approaches a summer for which energy officials have predicted rolling blackouts.", "\"In this crisis, every kilowatt counts,\" said Ronald Gastelum, MWD general manager." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "title": "e3688_p50", "sents": [ "Two dogs, each kitted out in Hahn or Villaraigosa political trinkets, met nose to nose in Venice to urge the candidates to support a canine beach in Los Angeles, which has none.", "Word Perfect \"What do you want from me, a quote that I'm going to raise taxes?", "That will kill me when I run for president in New Hampshire.\"", "State Senate President Pro Tem John Burton, to reporters asking whether he'd raise taxes to plug the holes left in the budget by the energy crisis.", "Columnist Patt Morrison's e-mail address is", "This week's contributors include Nick Anderson, Mark Z. Barabak, Dan Morain, Jean O. Pasco, Tony Perry, Margaret Talev and Jenifer Warren.", "GRAPHIC: PHOTO: Numbers Game: Mayor Richard Riordan welcomed President Bush to the World Affairs Council luncheon in Los Angeles last week by noting that he arrived \"during stressful times\" meaning the NBA playoffs.", "(The mayor has been working on his comedic timing with his pals at the Friars Club.)" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
Which firm was an investor in Terion's $50 million funding round as well as in Trendium's $25 million second round?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e1217_p10", "sents": [ "http: B2B Wireless ASP Terion Announces $50 Million Funding MELBOURNE, Fla. -- Terion, a business-to-business wireless application service provider that utilizes two-way wireless communications, said it received $50 million in funding from SCP Private Equity Partners II, Northwestern, ING Barings, Crossbow, and ACI Capital America Fund.", "Previous investors Penske Capital Partners, Delphi Automotive Systems, Detroit Diesel, KteCom, HVFM-II, and Madison Venture also contributed to the round.", "The funds will be used to increase production capacity and for marketing.", "Terion's patents and other intellectual properties include digital high-frequency technologies originally developed under contract by Harris Corporation as a nationwide backup communication system.", "http: Open-Source Firm Wasabi Systems Closes $500,000 Round One NEW YORK -- Wasabi Systems, which develops and supports open-source NetBSD operating systems, said it raised just over $500,000 in its first round of funding from a range of institutional and individual investors.", "The company would not disclose the names of its investors." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e3514_p8", "sents": [ "top SUNRISE, Fla. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Trendium, a provider of high-end spec ialized software for telecommunications firms, Internet service providers, and broadband carriers, said it has closed its second round of funding at $25 million led by Mellon Ventures.", "Mellon was joined by other new investors Vertex Management, Crossbow, GKM Venture Partners, as well as individuals from the communications industry.", "Previous investors M C Ventur e Partners and Trinity Ventures also participated in the round.", "Trendium, whi ch raised $13.5 million in its first round of funding, said it will use the latest funds to expand its sales and marketing in North America and Europe and add new functions and features to its products, which are being tested and deployed by several service providers.", "http: Australian Seek Communications Closes $1.6M Round mail?", "top MELBOURNE, Australia (VENTUREWIRE) -- Seek Communications, an Intern et job site for Australia and New Zealand, said it raised AUD 3.1 million ($1.6 million) from return investors Yahoo!, AMWIN, Macquarie Technology Ventures AMCF, and new investor Acer Technology Partners Fund." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
The person from the Hass School of Business facilities staff who suggested people see Pam Weston for blue tape to use when hanging advertisements and posters let students know what building would be shut down due to the installation of a circuit breaker on April 13th from 5AM-7AM?
Student Services Bldg
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e26627_p0", "sents": [ "'To All, To avoid any damage to the walls at Haas, the Facilities Department requires you to use blue tape when hanging advertisements, signs or posters for classes or group functions.", "Please see Pam Weston in room S549 for blue tape.", "Thank you, Jennifer Jensen Facilities Supervisor Haas School of Business S545 Student Services Bldg.", "University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1900 Tel: (510) 642-9106 Fax: (510) 642-4700" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1, 2 ] }, { "title": "e1030_p0", "sents": [ "'To All, There will be a shutdown of electricity panels controlling the data connections in the Student Services Bldg on Friday, April 13th at 5AM - 7AM.?", "The shutdown is due to installation of a new circuit breaker in the Student Services Building.?", "Other equipment outside of computers and fax machines will still have power and not be affected.", "Thank you for you understanding and cooperation.", "Jennifer Jensen Facilities?", "Supervisor Haas School of Business S545 Student Services Bldg.", "University of California Berkeley, CA?", "94720-1900 Tel:?", "(510) 642-9106 Fax:?", "(510) 642-4700" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1, 4 ] } ]
What is the name of the senate chairman of the special committee that investigated the state energy crisis that began roiling its state in May 2000?
Joe Dunn
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e5812_p27", "sents": [ "Johnson earned the medal, the state's highest military honor, in 1987 when he and two colleagues in the Guard risked their lives to dispose of dynamite they found while fighting a brush fire.", "Gov.", "Gray Davis plans to meet with the former power plant workers Monday.", "California Metro Desk Demand Had Minor Role in Power Crisis Electricity Consumption has been predictable, and rose less quickly than in other Western states.", "But supply grew hardly at all, and reserves melted away.", "ROBIN FIELDS 06 25 2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition Page B-1 Copyright 2001 The Times Mirror Company California has been depicted as a power addict whose growing habit led inexorably to the crisis that has roiled the state since May 2000. Yet the state's electricity yen is the wrong target for blame--the least volatile and least decisive piece of a larger puzzle, an analysis of consumption patterns shows.", "California consumption has been as regular as a heartbeat in the last decad e, sloping upward gently with a blip each summer." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] }, { "title": "e3705_p77", "sents": [ "CARL INGRAM; MIGUEL BUSTILLO 06 05 2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition Page B-1 Copyright 2001 The Times Mirror Company SACRAMENTO -- The Senate Rules Committee agreed Monday to issue subpoenas to eight out-of-state power generating companies demanding documents on pricin g, bidding and other aspects of electricity sales in the state.", "Sen. Joe Dunn (D-Santa Ana), chairman of the special Senate committee that is investigating whether power wholesalers are illegally profiteering from California 's energy crisis, said he expects the companies to resist.", "That would set the stage for a court fight, he said.", "In addition to subpoenas aimed at the private generating companies, the committee also put the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on notice that unless it voluntarily provides information on its power sales to the state, the data will be subpoenaed as well.", "And the panel threatened to subpoena records of the state Department of Water Resources unless it turns over information on how it has spent more than $7 billion to keep electrici ty flowing in California Under Senate regulations, Dunn's panel needed approval of the Rules Committ ee to issue the subpoenas." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
Rod Taylor is the executive vice-president of an electricity utility that serves which Canadian province?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e20534_p9", "sents": [ "Sources said that Hydro One management opposes the not-for-profit structure because it would deny Hydro One the flexibility and discipline of a typical commercial business.", "The not-for-profit structure would mean it would not have to pay taxes, which raises potential trade issues with the United States.", "American transmission companies might argue that Hydro One's non-taxable status gives it an unfair competitive advantage.", "It would also deny Hydro One management the benefit of potentially lucrative share options.", "Rod Taylor, Hydro One's executive vice-president, would not comment on the not-for-profit option being contemplated by the government.", "He said, however, that the company's strategy hinges on its ability to become a major player in the deregulated North American electricity market.", "\"Our vision of the company is to become a fully commercial entity, and become in the transmission sector what Canadian National is to the rail sector,\" he said in a phone interview.", "Stanley Hartt, the chairman of the Canadian office of Wall Street's Salomon Smith Barney, is among the Bay Street executives who opposes a not-for-profit structure for Hydro One (Salomon has a small role as an adviser to Hydro One's strategic business plan)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] }, { "title": "Hydro One", "sents": [ "Hydro One Limited is an electricity transmission and distribution utility serving the Canadian province of Ontario.", "Hydro One traces its history to the early 20th century and the establishment of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario (renamed \"Ontario Hydro\" in 1974).", "In October 1998, the provincial government of Premier Mike Harris passed the \"Energy Competition Act\" which restructured Ontario Hydro into separate entities responsible for electrical generation, transmission/delivery, and price management with a final goal of total privatization." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Where is the entity headquartered that excluding their impact Enron earnings jumped to $347 million from $259 million a year?
Houston, Texas
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e10230_p2", "sents": [ "Excluding the impact of Azurix, Enron earnings jumped 34% to $347 million from $259 million a year earlier on revenue that surged to $40.7 billion from $10.9 billion.", "It's not clear how much money Enron made in California, where the company has only a tiny generation presence but is a major trader.", "Profit for Enron's commodity sales business jumped 256% for the quarter to $538 million from $151 million a year earlier, lifted by natural-gas and electricity trading.", "For the year, the volume of natural gas traded by Enron jumped 77% to 24.7 trillion British thermal unit-equivalents per day, and electricity volumes grew, year over year, by 52% to 579 million megawatt hours in North America.", "Volumes expanded in Europe, from a much smaller base, by 131% to 3.6 trillion BTU-equivalents per day for gas and by 372% for electricity to 55 million megawatt hours.", "The company also logged strong gains in its retail energy-services division that signs long-term power supply contracts with big businesses." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "Azurix", "sents": [ "Azurix Corp. is a water services company, headquartered in Houston, Texas.", "The company owned and operated facilities in North America (mainly Canada), Europe, and South America.", "In 2007, Azurix was awarded a $165 million claim against the government of Argentina by an international arbitral tribunal; the company is currently involved in a dispute over Argentina's refusal to pay the claim." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The entity that provided an undisclosed amount of funding for Aura Communications will receive observer rights on what entity's board of directors?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e7860_p14", "sents": [ "Castle Creek Technology participated, as did undisclosed instituti ons and individuals.", "The company will use the funds for sales and marketin g and to build its management team.", "http:", "Motorola Invests in Shortwave Wireless Company Aura WILMINGTON, Mass.", "(VENTUREWIRE) -- Aura Communications, which develops technology for short-range wireless voice, audio and data communication, sa id it has secured an undisclosed amount of funding from Motorola, the strategic venture capital arm of the global communications company.", "Motorol a made the investment as part of a strategic agreement to jointly expand the development and implementation of Aura's technology.", "Aura is developing wireless headsets for cellular phones.", "http: Networking Firm OmniCluster Technologies Secures $6 Million BOCA RATON, Fla. (VENTUREWIRE) -- OmniCluster Technologies, whic h is commercializing an IBM-developed network technology, said it has rais ed $6 million in a venture round led by HIG Capital.", "Crossbow Ventures als o participated.", "The company said it will use the funding to build the netw ork infrastructure, which is aimed at reducing the cost and complexity of installing, expanding, and maintaining PC networks and server environments http:" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] }, { "title": "e3720_p11", "sents": [ "top SAN FRANCISCO (VENTUREWIRE) -- Epicentric, a provider of portal-plat form software and services for e-business networks, said it received an undisclosed \"significant\" equity investment from Motorola, the strategic capital arm of Motorola and a customer and partner of Epicentric.", "The investment is part of a follow-on to Epicentric's $41 million Series D round of funding it announced in March.", "Vincent Fleming, CFO of Epicentric, said the company will use the funding to support its services and reach profitability by the end of the year.", "Motorola will receive observer rights on Epicentric's board of directors.", "Mr. Fleming said the company will close its Series D round by the end of the year with under $50 million.", "Epicentri c has raised more than $81 million to date from Autodesk, Bowman Capital Management, Capital Research Management, Chase Capital Partners, Da in Rauscher Wessels, Essex Investment Management, Information Access Technolog y, Innovacom, Interactive Minds Ventures, J.P. Morgan Capital, New Vista Capital, Putnam Investments, Reuters, Sandler Capital Management, and United States Bancorp Piper Jaffray Ventures." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] } ]
The "Frontline" correspondent who reported in the film "Blackout" about California's power deregulation woes was born in what year?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e3705_p43", "sents": [ "She said consideration should be delayed until the next evening council meeting June 18 to give residents time to review the document.", "But Gonzales said he's not inclined to defer the item.", "He said today's meeting is already filled with difficult land-use decisions.", "``We have already heard from the neighborhood,'' he said.", "``It was their concerns we negotiated.''", "Contact Mike Zapler at or at (408) 275-0140. PBS documentary shines light on energy crisis LOS ANGELES (AP) -- As California's energy crisis casts a widening shadow, PBS' ``Frontline'' helps illuminate the issue with a high-wattage documentary.", "``Blackout'' is both a comprehensive report and a warning: California's pow er deregulation woes represent a national problem not destined for a quick or painless solution.", "The hourlong film, with reporting by ``Frontline'' correspondent Lowell Bergman done in conjunction with The New York Times, airs 10 p.m. EDT Tuesd ay on PBS stations (check local listings)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6, 7 ] }, { "title": "Lowell Bergman", "sents": [ "Lowell Bergman (born July 24, 1945) is the Reva and David Logan Distinguished Chair in Investigative Reporting at the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley and director of the Investigative Reporting Program, where he has taught a seminar dedicated to investigative reporting for over 20 years.", "He is also a producer/correspondent for the PBS documentary series \"Frontline\".", "Bergman’s career spans nearly five decades, most notably as a producer, a reporter and then the director of investigative reporting at ABC News and as CBS News producer for \"60 Minutes\"." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Before Barbara Bogart became vice president of development at RedSiren she had a senior management role at three companies: Metoim, a company whose flagship product was an IDEF1X modeling tool, and what other company?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Logic Works", "sents": [ "Logic Works Inc. was a software company based in Princeton, New Jersey.", "Their flagship product was an IDEF1X modeling and database design tool" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e3248_p10", "sents": [ "http: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT iM Networks Adds Robert Raczkowski as Dev.", "and Finance VP mail?", "top MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (VENTUREWIRE) -- iM Networks, a provider of Internet technology for consumer electronics companies, said it appointed Robert Raczkowski as executive vice president of corporate development and finance responsible for strategic development and planning.", "Mr. Raczkowski formerly served as entrepreneur-in-residence at Silicon Alley Venture Partners and previously as CEO of, a participatory sports event registration company.", "iM Networks is backed by H&Q Asia Pacific, ING Barings, and individual investor Scott Cook, an Intuit founder.", "RedSiren Technologies Names Barbara Bogart Bus.", "Dev.", "VP mail?", "top PITTSBURGH (VENTUREWIRE) -- RedSiren Technologies, a provider of remote IT management and security services, said it named Barbara Bogart as vice president of business development, responsible for creating and managing partnerships with systems integrators, resellers, hardware and software vendors and digital marketplaces.", "Ms. Bogart has held senior management rol es at Logic Works, Metiom, and Manugistics." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 8, 9 ] } ]
In how many cities is published simultaneously the Indian daily newspaper that published an article by Girish Kuber about Enron on 05 01 2001?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e2105_p53", "sents": [ "Financial institutions have asked the government to immediately step in to defuse the crisis and save them irreparable losses if Enron walks out of the project.", "This is possibly the first instance of onshore lenders moving the finance ministry to save a project.", "Enron amenable to reworking power pact with MSEB Girish Kuber 05 01 2001 The Economic Times Copyright (C) 2001 The Economic Times; Source: World Reporter (TM) MUMBAI US energy major Enron has shown willingness to renegotiate the power purchase agreement with the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, accoding to state government officials.", "Meanwhile, the Madhav Godbole panel has been asked to negotiate with Dabhol Power Company for the separation of its LNG facility.", "Enron, though the state government yet to communicate to them about the renegotiating panel officially, has informally expressed its willingness for renegotiations, a senior official from the states administration informed ET on Monday.", "We have some informal channels of communication and they are still alive despite the public rhetoric, he said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "The Economic Times", "sents": [ "The Economic Times is an English-language, Indian daily newspaper published by the Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.. First published in 1961, it is the world's second-most widely read English-language business newspaper, after the \"Wall Street Journal\", with a readership of over 800,000.", "\"The Economic Times\" is published simultaneously from 12 cities—Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Chandigarh, and Pune." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
The investors backing are CMGI @Ventures, Capstone Ventures, Kinetic Ventures, Salix Ventures, and a company headquartered in which city?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e7723_p6", "sents": [ "The company also said the layoffs resulted from its changing its sales focus to high-end sales and to its consolidation of its tracking services to Atlanta.", " is backed by CMGI @Ventures, Capstone Ventures, Kinetic Ventuers, Morrison Management Specialists, and Salix Ventures.", "http: New Money o Mobile Platform FreeRein Gets $15 Million Series A SEATTLE -- FreeRein, which is developing a platform to provide enterprise applications and services to mobile workforces, said it raised $15 million in Series A financing from ComVentures and Technology Partners.", "FreeRein co-founder and CEO, Don Davis, was managing partner for the Pacific Northwest region of USWeb CKS.", "Bruce Gilpin, FreeRein co-founder and chairman of the board, was also a USWeb executive and a co-founder of Intend Change.", "http: Optical Firm PacketLight Networks Lands $18 Milion Round One KFAR-SABA, Israel -- PacketLight Networks, which develops optical systems technologies, said it raised $18 million in its first round of financing." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "Morrison Management Specialists", "sents": [ "Morrison Management Specialists, a member of the Compass Group, is a foodservice company, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, that provides food, nutrition, and dining services to healthcare and senior living communities through its two operating divisions: Morrison Healthcare Food Services and Morrison Senior Living.", "The company has more than 1,200 registered dietitians, 450 executive chefs, and 18,000 foodservice workers, as well as approximately 15,000 client employees who are managed by Morrison.", "The company serves more than 900 hospitals, integrated healthcare systems, and senior living communities throughout the United States.In 2011, Morrison Management Specialist divided into three sectors, under its parent company Compass Group (Morrison Healthcare, Morrison Senior Living, Touchpoint Support Services)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Michael Etringer wants to have a conference call with which person who did the majority of the work on the rough analyses requested by Hertzberg?
Michael Tribolet
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e25070_p0", "sents": [ "'Apologies, but any chance of doing it before noon central, or after 4 pm centra.?", "--Original Message -- From: Etringer, Michael Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:53 PM To: Zavala, Cristina; Parquet, David; Dasovich, Jeff Subject: Conference call with Michael Tribolet I have scheduled Michael Tribolet for a conference call for Friday at 1:00 central, 11:00 Pacific to discuss options on this QF proposal.", "Please let me know of your availability for this call.", "Michael Etringer West Power Origination Phone: 503-464-3836 Cellular: 503-701-4516'" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "title": "e3041_p0", "sents": [ "\"All: Attached is the latest version.", "Note the average price of power assumed purchased by the DWR, if smoothed to a fixed price equivalent for the 9.5 years beginning 7 1 01, is $106 mwh and $104 mwh if DWR's forward price curves are used.", "We used a range of $82.75 to $104 mwh in our sensitivity page.", "The $82.75 is the mid-point between Henwood and DWR curves.", "Enron's curves are significantly lower on the back-end.", "The other switch is for the allocation of the past utility purchases: 1) one pro rata, and 2) one where the non-core shares prorata, plus half the core's portion.", "DWR past purchases are handled pro rata in both scenarios.", "Regards, Michael --Original Message -- From: Dasovich, Jeff Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 4:53 PM To:; Steffes, James; Shapiro, Richard Cc: Tribolet, Michael Subject: Core Noncore Analysis Michael Tribolet and I (about 99% Michael) have put together a rough cut analysis of the core noncore structure, and some scenarios Hertzberg has asked for." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 7 ] } ]
Did a company that was bought by Swiss Bank Corporation in 1994 invest in Knightsbridge Solutions or Enron?
Knightsbridge Solutions
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Brinson Partners", "sents": [ "Brinson Partners (later known as UBS Brinson) was an asset management firm focused on providing access for U.S. institutions to global markets.", "The firm was founded by noted investor Gary P. Brinson in the 1980s and established as an independent firm in 1989.", "Brinson was acquired by Swiss Bank Corporation in 1994 and became the core of the Swiss bank's asset management business in the U.S." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "title": "e7794_p19", "sents": [ "GreenOrder is backed by individual investors.", "http: Data Firm Knightbridge Solutions Names Finance Exec to Board CHICAGO -- Knightsbridge Solutions, a data applications firm, said it has appointed Louis B. Susman to its board as its fifth member.", "Mr. Susman is the vice chairman of Citigroup Global Corporate Investment Bank and of Salomon Smith Barney Investment Bank, serves on the boards of various corporate and non-profit organizations, and was an executive at Saloman Smith Barney.", "Knightsbridge Solutions raised $9 million in a second round of funding led by Brinson Partners in August.", "http: E-Services Firm DWL Names Software Firm Consultant to Board NEW YORK -- DWL, a provider of transactional Internet services for insurance, financial services, consumer products, retail, and healthcare companies, said it elected Ian Giffen to its board of directors.", "Mr. Giffen currently serves as a consultant and advisor to a number of software companies and tech-focused investment funds." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] } ]
In what year was the company that Wayne Mcleod was formerly CEO of founded?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e7287_p8", "sents": [ "The round brings the company's total funding to approximately $90 million.", "Hellman &amp; Friedman managing director Philip Hammarskjold will sit on the company's board of directors.", "The company will use the funding to enhance its technical infrastructure, further develop its products for customer experience improvement, and for sales and marketing.", "http: SKG Invests in Canadian for 35% Equity Stake TORONTO -- SKG Interactive, an application and wireless application service provider, said it has entered into an agreement to acquire an approximate 35% interest in, a Canadian online food take-out and delivery site.", "Under the terms of the agreement, SKG will provide the physical location in order to host and facilitate the growth and development of the, as well as $500,000 in cash.", "The site is expected to launch in about six weeks.", "In addition to SKG, investors include Brian Steck, former president and CEO of Nesbitt Burns and vice chair of the Bank of Montreal; Elliott Wahle, former CEO and president of Dylex; Jason Chapnik, founder of dottv; and Wayne Mcleod, former president and CEO of CCL Industries." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] }, { "title": "CCL Industries", "sents": [ "CCL Industries Inc. () is a Toronto, Ontario-based company founded in 1951.", "CCL Industries is a specialty packaging company that provides packaging products to the Home & Personal Care, Food & Beverage, Healthcare, Apparel and Specialty markets worldwide.", "CCL consists of four divisions – CCL Label, CCL Container, Avery and Checkpoint with over 115 manufacturing facilities in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa operated by approximately 14,500 employees." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which investor backed both ImaRx Therapeutics and E Ink?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3078_p7", "sents": [ "Mr. Monziols, who previously served as a principal with the French private equity firm Ventech, will be responsible for acquisitions of new businesses and industrial property righ ts for Proteus.", "Mr. Favre-Bulle, who was previously a project leader at Rhone Poulenc Industrialisation, will be in charge of a new fermentation pilot plant and biochemistry department for the production and pre-industrialization of novel biomolecules.", "Proteus is backed by AXA Placement Innovation, Natexis Ventech, Sofimac, Sofilaro, and Soridec.", "ImaRx Therapeutics Adds Senior Business Development Director mail?", "top TUCSON, Ariz. (VENTUREWIRE) -- ImaRx Therapeutics, which develops drug delivery systems and gene therapy technologies, announced Nina Ossanna has joined as the company's first senior director of business development.", "Boar d member Harry George of Solstice introduced Ms. Ossanna to the company.", "Ms. Ossanna previously served as director of the office of technology licensing at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.", "ImaRx Therapeutics is backed by $8.3 million from Arizona Angels, Desert Angels, Coronado Ventures, Elan Pharmaceutical, and Solstice." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 7 ] }, { "title": "e3552_p20", "sents": [ "To date, E Ink has received $57.7 million in financing from Applied Technology, Atlas Venture, Cabot Corporation, CNI Ventures, Creavis, FleetBoston Financial, Gruppo Espresso, Havas, which is a division of the Vivendi Group in France, Investpress, Lucent Technologies, Motorola, Philips Electronics, Solstice, The Hearst Corp, The Interpublic Group of Companies, The McClatchy Company, and Toppan Printing.", "http: http: bad news PaperExchange Shuts Down European Operations mail?", "top BOSTON (VENTUREWIRE) -- PaperExchange, a marketplace for the pulp an d paper industry, said that it has closed its European operations.", "A company representative said that while PaperExchange intends to continue its marketplace activities on an international level, the company is \"winding u p\" its physical operations in Europe.", "Investors in PaperExchange include Asia Pulp &amp; Paper, International Paper, Internet Capital Group, the Kraft Group, Madison Dearborn Partners, MSD Capital, Staples, Terrapin Partners, Bowater and individual investors.", "http: new deals Softbank and Scientia Health Group Form Scientia Japan mail?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The plan known only to the 22nd Premier of Ontario along with a few government and Bay Street insiders would turn what entity into a not for profit entity?
Hydro One
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Mike Harris", "sents": [ "Michael Deane \"Mike\" Harris (born January 23, 1945) was the 22nd Premier of Ontario from June 26, 1995 to April 14, 2002.", "He is most noted for the \"Common Sense Revolution\", his Progressive Conservative government's program of deficit reduction in combination with lower taxes and cuts to government spending." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e20534_p5", "sents": [ "The plan, known only to Ontario Premier Mike Harris and a few government and Bay Street insiders, would turn Hydro One into a not-for-profit entity instead of a fully commercial, privatized company.", "If this happens, Hydro One would lack the flexibility to raise equity capital, make acquisitions and form partnerships in an effort to become one of continent's premier transmission companies -- a goal plainly set out by chief executive officer Eleanor Clitheroe.", "David Lindsay, the president and chief executive officer of Ontario SuperBuild Corp., the government's privatization adviser, confirmed that turning Hydro One into a not-for-profit organization, similar to Nav Canada, the civil air navigation service, is under serious consideration.", "\"We've been asked to evaluate all options for Hydro One's future, including this one,\" he said yesterday.", "He would not provide details, though it is thought that the government wants to make a decision on Hydro One's future ownership structure by the conclusion of the year." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The paper that ran a 7/19 story titled "PUC reveals plan to transfer much of watchdog role" ran a story on 5/10 about Davis signing a bill authorizing repayments to the treasury for its purchase of what?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e6692_p0", "sents": [ "'Please see the following articles: Sac Bee, Thurs, 7 19: Energy buyers ordered to divest Sac Bee, Thurs, 7 19: Another contempt action Sac Bee, Thurs, 7 19: PUC paves way for power rate increases SD Union, Thurs, 7 19: California selling surplus power at fraction of cost it paid SD Union, Thurs, 7 19: PUC reveals plan to transfer much of watchdog role SD Union, Thurs, 7 19: Variety of plans to help Edison find friends, foes SD Union, Thurs, 7 19: Baja is hoping energy squeeze can spark boom SD Union, Wed, 7 18: State deal lets SDG&E turn large profit SD Union, Wed, 7 18: Davis: Legislature will save Edison from bankruptcy LA Times, Thurs, 7 19: PUC May Cede Control Over Electricity Rates LA Times, Thurs, 7 19: Power Firm Is Held in Contempt by State Panel SF Chron, Thurs, 7 19: Electricity cost tops Californians' concerns SURVEY: Governor now getting some credit for improving the situation SF Chron, Thurs, 7 19: PG&E rebates snub longtime watt watchers WHO WINS?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e2582_p0", "sents": [ "'Please see the following articles: Sac Bee, Fri, 5 11: \"Davis signs bonds-sale bill, blasts GOP Sac Bee, Fri, 5 11: \"Senators push administration for more help on energy crisis Sac Bee, Fri, 5 11: \"Energy Digest: Company will expand plant, sell power to state Sac Bee, Fri, 5 11: \"Spreading the pain\" (Editorial) SD Union, Thurs, 5 10: \"Oceanside seeks ally in building power plant\" SD Union (AP), Thurs, 5 10: \"Davis signs bill authorizing $13.4 in bonds to repay treasury for power buying\" SD Union, Thurs, 5 10: \"GOP defeats first attempt to cap power prices\" SD Union (AP), Thurs, 5 10: \"Energy task force expected to recommend tax breaks\" LA Times, Fri, 5 11: \"Power Rescue Plan Rests on Many 'Ifs' LA Times, Fri, 5 11: \"Bush, Rivals Don't Dare Ask Public to Make Sacrifice s in Energy Crunch\" LA Times, Fri, 5 11: \"House Committe Rejects Electricity Price Controls\" LA Times, Fri, 5 11: \"Nonprofit Shrugs at Pleas to Conserve\" LA Times, Fri, 5 11: \"Restarting of Generators in O.C." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
HealthCenter became a venture of a particular company when that company's New Ventures Group invested cash and transferred staff and assets to it; in which New Jersey city is this particular company headquartered?
Murray Hill
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e9373_p17", "sents": [ "Verwaayen, has joined its board of directors.", "Mr. Verwaayen is in charge of Lucent's globalization efforts.", "HealthCenter became a Lucent venture in June when Lucent's New Ventures Group invested cash and transferred assets and staff to the company.", "http: New People o Former 21st Century COO Named CEO IRVINE, Calif. --, a company that links the insurance collision repair industries with their trading partners, said it has named Paul Farber CEO.", "Prior to joining the company, Mr. Farber was a COO of 21st Century Insurance.", "ProcessClaims' backers include Big Sky Ventures, CS First Boston, Neptune, and individual investors.", "http: VC Fund News o Atle and Crescendo Launch Early Stage Management Group STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Alte and Crescendo said they formed a management vehicle, Solid, to function as an advisory and management group for Atle investments that will handle mobile and interactive services and business-to-business software and online services." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "Lucent", "sents": [ "Lucent Technologies, Inc., was an American multinational telecommunications equipment company headquartered in Murray Hill, New Jersey, in the United States.", "It was established on September 30, 1996, through the divestiture of the former AT&T Technologies business unit of AT&T Corporation, which included Western Electric and Bell Labs." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
At what hotel did the conference Michael Ramsey of TiVo spoke at in December of 2000 take place?
San Francisco Airport Marriott
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e8209_p42", "sents": [ "he's just one of six keynote speakers at Technology Outlook?", "2000. You'll also hear from:?", "* Michael Ramsay, CEO of TiVo?", "* Henry Yuen, CEO of Gemstar-TV Guide International?", "* Claude Leglise, VP, New Business Group & GM, Home?", "Products Group, Intel?", "* Michel Mayer, GM, Pervasive Computing, IBM?", "* Larry Smarr, Professor, Department of Computer Science?", "and Engineer ing, UC San Diego?", "Technology Outlook 2000: The Future of Pervasive C omputing?", "December 4 and 5, San Franciscohttp: tp conf to2000 investor index?", "Amerindo Investment Advisors, Argentum Capital Partners, AsiaTech Intern et Group, Bain Capital Brookside Fund, Band of Angels, Barclays, Canaan Partners, Charlesbank Capital Partners, Chase Capital Partners, Chase H&Q, Cornerstone Properties, Crystal Internet Venture Funds, Doll Capital Management, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, EMS, First Republic Bank, GE Asset Management, Gideon Hixon, H Lee.Putnam Internet Partners, Holden, I NG Furman Selz Investments, Intel Capital, Investcare Partners Limited Partnership, Kaiser Permanente, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Madge.web, Men lo Ventures, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Venture Partners, NextGen Capital, PSINet, Raza Ventures, Reuters Holdings Switzerland, Royal Dutsch Shell Group, Softbank Venture Capital, Tenet Healthcare, The Sturm Group, Triad Media Ventures, TriNorth Capital, Tullaree, Vulcan Ventures, Wachovia Capit al Associates, Walnut Group, WR Hambrecht & Co." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2, 9, 10 ] }, { "title": "e5091_p0", "sents": [ "'========================= VENTUREWIRE Thursday, October 19, 2000 ========================= Private Company Business News Published Daily by Technologic Partners - http: ========================= Top Stories: o St. Paul Venture Capital Closes Sixth Fund with $1.3 Billion o Incubator Idealab!", "Pulls Initial Public Offering o Constellation Ventures Closes New $350 Million Fund o DSL Service Firm New Edge Secures $140 Million Round Three Advertisement Q: What do,, and all have in common?", "A: They never called VentureWorx.", "Will your company be the next casualty in the dot-com shakeout?", "Do you have the bandwidth to recruit top talent, create an ef- fective PR campaign, develop a winning business strategy, and secure strategic funding?", "Feeling uneasy yet?", "Don't let your company become another statistic.", "VentureWorx is shaping the future of management consulting.", "Call 704.377.4100 or visit us online at http: Also in This Issue: New Money: o Broadband Tech Firm Alopa Lands $15.1 Million in Round One o Loyalty Program Company MMS Secures $19.2 Million o Net Infrastructure Firm Egenera Raises $20 Million Round One o Secure Streaming Firm Widevine Gets $11 Million in Round One o Heating Oil Firm ClickableOil Raises $1 Million Seed Round o Multilingual ASP Glides Raises $3.5 Million in Series A o Provider of HR Services, EESIS, Gets First Venture Funding o Video ASP Oediv Closes Round One with Softbank Funds o E-Commerce Site Creator Propel Raises $38.3 Million Series B o Porfolio Mgmt Systems Developer SME Closes First Round o Network Processor Firm EZchip Closes $22 Million Round Two o Turnkey Services Provider Incanta Gets $12 Million Round Two o Architecture CAD Firm Revit Closes $30 Million Third Round o GivingCapital Secures $9.1 Million in Round Two o ISP Software Firm Clairvoyant Has $10 Million Round Two o IT Matchmaking Marketplace Ajunto Has $8.5 Million Round Two o Specialty Food Marketer Edgewood Raises $4 Million Series B o ASP Lockstream Raises $15 Million In Third Funding Round o BlueTooth Technology Developer Raises $1.8 Million o Fastrax, GPS Receiver Firm, Raises $1.1 Million Round One o U.K. Software Consultancy Gamma Projects Gets $2.8 Million o American TeleSource Gets $10 Million, Replaces Marshall Fund o Quality Assurance Firm Megaxcess Receives Comco Funds o Utility Company Vectren Invests In Telecom FirstMile o Publishing Marketplace Rightsworld Gets Jump.Net Funds New Products: o Ipingpong Launches Legal Digital Music Distribution Channel o Investment Banking Platform Capital IQ Launches o Accelerator Stonepath Group Launches European Subsidiary o B2B E-Commerce First World E-Commerce Group Launches o eBusiness Systems Provider Vation Announces Launch o Matchmaker for Buyers and Consultants Launches New Deals: o EMI Recorded Music Takes Equity Stake in Asian Music Portal M&A: o NetObjects Buys MyComputer for $51 Million in Cash and Stock New Directors: o Wireless Firm Nexterna Names Air2Lan CEO to Board o Envive Names Ariba CIO Hrastinski to Board of Directors o IP Services Firm Quarry Names Ex-PairGrain Exec to Board o Wireless Software Publisher Mobli Names Board of Directors o Web Testing Technology Firm Coast Software Adds to Board New People: o Media and Tech Services Firm Names President VC Fund News: o Hudson Venture Partners Raising New $130 Million Fund o RiverVest Venture Partners Targets $60 Million In First Fund o First World E-Commerce Group Launches Incubator o Cenetec Planning New Incubator in Florida Tech Center o Discovery Capital Acquires VC Fund For $40.6 Million VC Personnel: o Onset Ventures Promotes Susan Mason to General Partner o Former Telecordia Vice President Joins BRM Group VW Corrections: o Velocity Capital Advertisement Announcing: Technology Outlook The Future of Pervasive Computing San Francisco Airport Marriott - December 4 & 5, 2000 At Technology Outlook, we1ll assess the emerging opportunities in the products and technologies that will revolutionize personal networking, electronic books, entertainment appliances, portable and handheld devices, smart phones - and the applications and services that will make them useful." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 8 ] } ]
The investors in DataCore are Banc of America Securities, Intel Capital, JT Venture Partners, New Enterprise Associates, OneLiberty Ventures, Van Wagoner Capital Management, and an investment banking firm based in which city?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e3137_p17", "sents": [ "Mr. Weston joined the company in April 2001. He formerly served as business manager for the Internet technologies office at Earth Resource Mapping.", "DataCore is backed by Banc of America Securities, Dain Rauscher Wessels, Intel Capital, JT Ventur e Partners, New Enterprise Associates, OneLiberty Ventures, and Van Wagoner Capital Management.", "http: Mi8 Opens France Office, Appoints Pascal LeTiec Manging Dir.", "mail?", "top NEW YORK (VENTUREWIRE) -- Mi8, a provider of outsourced messaging application services based on Microsoft Exchange, said it named Pascal LeTi ec as managing director of French operations in its new office in Fontenay sou s Bois, France.", "Prior to joining the company, Mr. LeTiec was managing directo r of a French company that focused on enterprise-wide integration of information technology.", "Mi8 is backed by Safeguard Scientifics.", "http: CML Versatel Names Eric Jobidon General Mgr.", "of New Office mail?", "top PLANO, Texas (VENTUREWIRE) -- CML Versatel, a developer of industry standards-based, open programmable switches, said it named Eric Jobidon general manager of its new customer service facility." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "Dain Rauscher Wessels", "sents": [ "Dain Rauscher Wessels was a brokerage and investment banking firm based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.", "The firm traced its origins to a number of smaller regional securities firms founded in the 1920s and 1930s." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
For which bureau of the Chronicle did David Lazarus's co-writer on the article about feds hinting at power refunds write in March 2001?
Sacramento Bureau
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e11741_p0", "sents": [ "'Feds Hint at Power Bill Refunds Firms ordered to justify high rates David Lazarus and Lynda Gledhill, Chronicle Staff Writers Saturday, March 10, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle: http: cgi-bin article.cgi?file chronicle archive 2001 03 10 M N144141.DTL Federal regulators warned power companies yesterday that they may have to refund $69 million to California ratepayers for charging unreasonable prices during recent electricity shortages.", "However, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission left the door wide open for the unnamed 13 generators to avoid refund payments if they could offer \"further justification\" for why their rates should be considered fair.", "Consumer activists were quick to note that the commission's order was significant.", "\"They have acknowledged for the first time that there has been abuse of the marketplace,\" said Doug Heller, assistant organizing director for the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights in Santa Monica.", "\"It's an acknowledgment that the power companies have been ripping us off.\"" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e93_p0", "sents": [ "'State's Power Purchases Costlier Than Projected Tab is $6 million a day over Davis' requests Lynda Gledhill, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau Friday, March 16, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle Sacramento -- California has spent about $6 million more a day buying electrical power than originally projected, according to a confidential document obtained yesterday by The Chronicle.", "State power buyers spent $2.7 billion between Jan. 17 and March 11, averaging $49 million a day.", "That amounts to about $6 million a day more than lawmakers figured using Gov.", "Gray Davis' appropriations requests.", "The confidential document was prepared by the Department of Water Resources, which purchases power on behalf of the state.", "It was handed to a group of lawmakers in a subcommittee hearing Wednesday by Water Resources Director Tom Hannigan.", "To the public, the document presents the first day-by-day look at how much California is spending on power purchases.", "Although the document shows more money being spent than originally believed, it didn't startle any of the handful of senators and Assembly members who saw it." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Apogee Networks' investors are Banc of America Securities, BBVA, CTC, Cisco Systems, Fidelity Ventures Limited, Intel 64 Fund, Net One Systems, the venture capital firm that was spun out from Hambrecht & Quist in 1999, and which other investor?
Oak Investment Partners
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Granite Ventures", "sents": [ "Granite Ventures is a venture capital firm with offices in San Francisco, California.", "Granite's predecessor H&Q Venture Associates, founded in 1992, was the venture capital investment arm of Hambrecht & Quist, a leading technology oriented investment bank.", "Granite completed a spinout from H&Q when the bank was sold to Chase Manhattan Bank in 1999." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1, 2 ] }, { "title": "e3248_p12", "sents": [ "Founded in March 2000, Egenera is backed by Credit Suisse Fir st Boston, Kodiak Venture Partners, Spectrum Equity Investors, The Goldman Sac hs Group, and YankeeTek Ventures.", "http: FINANCE Apogee Networks Names Bluestone Software Exec Craig Huke CFO mail?", "top SADDLE BROOK, N.J. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Apogee Networks, a provider of advance d content and IP rating, billing, and settlement platforms, said it appointed S. Craig Huke as chief financial officer, responsible for all financial planning, reporting, analysis, and investor relations at the company.", "Mr. Huke will report to president and chief operating officer Tom Goldman.", "Mr. Huke was formerly CFO at Bluestone Software, a publicly traded Internet infrastructure software company that was acquired by Hewlett Packard in Jan 2001. Apogee Networks' investors include Banc of America Securities, BBVA, Cisco Systems, CTC, Fidelity Ventures Limited, Granite Ventures, Intel 64 Fund, Net One Systems, and Oak Investment Partners.", "http: m Poindexter Systems Names Larry Levine Chief Revenue Officer mail?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
Which investor backed both Plateau and Cognitive Arts?
GE Equity
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e2881_p6", "sents": [ "Mr. Reiner formerly served as publisher of the Internet divisio n at Jobson Publishing where he launched, a business-to-business portal for the eye care community.", "Cognitive Arts is backed by Catterton-Simon Partners, GE Equity, ING Furman Selz Investments, Leeds Equity Partners, and Regal Capital.", "http: IPOptical Names Former Marconi Fore Systems Exec as VP mail?", "top DULLES, Va. (VENTUREWIRE) -- IPOptical, a developer of next generation multi-petabit optical routing technology, said it has named Jack Waters as vice president of sales and marketing.", "Mr.", "Waters was formerly vice preside nt of worldwide sales at CoManage, an operational support system startup.", "Mr.", "Waters also formerly served as director of mid-Atlantic operations at Marconi Fore Systems.", "IPOptical is backed by AMP Capital Partners, which invested $8 million in the company in 2000. http: Plateau Systems Adds VP, Sales and Marketing mail?", "top FAIRFAX, Va. (VENTUREWIRE) -- Plateau Systems, which provides e-learning a nd knowledge management systems for regulated industries, said it named Steven Roth as senior vice president, sales and marketing." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "e2881_p7", "sents": [ "Mr. Roth formerly was vice president of Saba Software.", "Shelly Heiden was appointed as vice president, professional services, formerly managing national and global practice areas at PSINet Consulting Solutions.", "Paula Scanlon was named vice president, marketing.", "Ms. Scalon was formerly executive director of marketi ng communications at Verizon.", "Hung Vu was named vice president, product engineering, coming from Proxicom.", "Plateau is backed by AIG Horizon Partner s, EuclidSR Partners, and GE Equity and has no plans to raise further funding.", "http: Netik Adds to Team, Names Non-Exec Board Member mail?", "top LONDON (VENTUREWIRE) -- Netik, a provider of processing technology for the financial service market, said it has added Bernard Horn as a non-executive director.", "Mr. Horn was formerly CEO of NatWest's international business.", "Th e company also made several management additions.", "Gary Linieres was named hea d of sales for Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.", "Mr. Linieres was formerly general manager at SunGard epi Paris." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
In 1997, Nora Mead Brownell voted to block an electricity-market restructuring plan that was backed by a PA Governor who served as the first what from 2003 to 2005?
United States Secretary of Homeland Security
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e2973_p7", "sents": [ "Mr. Wood had worked closely with Enron during a six-year effort to open Texas' retail electricity market.", "Mr. Wood also had shown the kind of backbone Enron wanted in a separate fight over telephone deregulation when he insisted on closely monitoring phone utilities to make sure they opened their networks to competitors.", "For the second slot, Enron backed Nora Mead Brownell, a Pennsylvania utility regulator.", "She had come to Enron's aid in 1997 when she voted to block an electricity-market restructuring plan backed by Philadelphia's utility and by GOP Gov.", "Tom Ridge.", "Enron argued that the plan would have locked it out of the Philadelphia market.", "Enron worked to raise Ms. Brownell's visibility by lobbying the House Commerce Committee to include her as an expert witness on energy issues and as a member of an informal advisory group, say Enron and congressional aides.", "Mr. Lay provided heavyweight support.", "He says Enron included Ms. Brownell's name on its \"priority list\" of a half-dozen prospective FERC nominees." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3, 4 ] }, { "title": "Tom Ridge", "sents": [ "Thomas Joseph Ridge (born August 26, 1945) is an American politician and author who served as the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security from 2001 to 2003, and the first United States Secretary of Homeland Security from 2003 to 2005.", "Prior to this, Ridge was a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1983 to 1995 and the 43rd Governor of Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2001.", "He is a member of the Republican Party." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which commercial complex including five office towers, a couple hotels and an underground shopping center was the firm Blumenfeld & Cohen located in?
Embarcadero Center
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Embarcadero Center", "sents": [ "Embarcadero Center is a commercial complex of five office towers, two hotels, an underground shopping center with more than 125 stores, bars and restaurants, two movie theaters, and fitness center on three levels.", "There is an outdoor ice skating rink during winter months.", "Embarcadero Center sits on a 9.8 acre site located off the Embarcadero in the financial district of San Francisco." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e5894_p1", "sents": [ "The FCC has recently reopened the Advanced Services Report and Order per the DC Cir, has initiated a new proceeding at the FCC (Order on Reconsideration and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No.", "98-147 and Fifth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No.", "96-98).", "Comments at the FCC were filed last month and Reply Comments on these advanced services collo rules are due in November.", "We can send you a (lengthy) copy of the FCC Advanced Services remand Order on Reconsideration too if you want.", "Let me know if you have questions, Jeremy Meier Blumenfeld & Cohen 4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1170 San Francisco, CA 94111 415 394-7500 - advanced services case.doc'" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
What unit did the company Andrew Fastow was CFO of try to sell to Sierra Pacific Resources?
Portland General Electric
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e20374_p10", "sents": [ "ng cml For more information and to contact AFX: and Copyright 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "US class action suit filed against Enron for misleading statements 10 23 2001 AFX News (c) 2001 by AFP-Extel News Ltd NEW YORK (AFX) - Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP law firm said it filed a class action lawsuit yesterday against Enron Corp alleging that it issued misleading statements between Jan 18, 2000 and Oct 17, 2001, thereby inflating the company's share price artificially.", "The suit was filed on behalf of Enron shareholders between the above period and is pending in the US District Court in Houston against Enron Corp, Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, who resigned recently, and Enron chief financial officer Andrew Fastow.", "The suit claims that Enron issued statements which failed to disclose that the company was experiencing a declining demand for bandwidth and that its efforts to create a trading market for bandwidth failed because many market participants were not creditworthy." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "e489_p60", "sents": [ "Sierra Pacific has been unable to sell its interest in certain generating assets, which it needed to do to complete the purchase from the Houston-based energy and trading company, the paper said.", "Sierra Pacific agreed in November 1999 to buy Portland General for $2 billion and the assumption of $1 billion of debt, the paper noted.", "Enron shares finished up $4.31 at $59.40 on the New York Stock Exchange Friday.", "The stock has a 52-week high of $90.56 and a 52-week low of $51.55. Sierra Pacific shares, meanwhile, finished up 4 cents at $12.80, also on the Big Board.", "Sierra Pacific stock has a 52-week high of $19.44 and a 52-week low of $10.57. Copyright 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "Enron's 2 bln usd sale of PGE unit unlikely to go through - CEO 03 26 2001 AFX News (c) 2001 by AFP-Extel News Ltd LONDON (AFX) - Enron Corp's 2 bln usd sale of Portland General Electric unit to Sierra Pacific Resources is unlikely to go through, Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling said according to the Wall Street Journal." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] } ]
Which group of Japanese companies comprises approximately 1.4% of Japan's GDP and is also a part of GWTR's client base?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Mitsubishi", "sents": [ "The Mitsubishi Group (三菱グループ , Mitsubishi Gurūpu , also known as the Mitsubishi Group of Companies or Mitsubishi Companies, and informally as the Mitsubishi \"Keiretsu\") is a group of autonomous Japanese multinational companies in a variety of industries.", "Its total revenue is about 1.4% of Japan's GDP." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e6063_p2", "sents": [ "Their in-depth interviews of CEOs with leading public companies are geared toward sophisticated investors who demand an unbiased, unscripted, first-hand perspective that enables them to make informed investment decisions.", "About Global Water Technologies Global Water Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: GWTR) is a company with major interests in the areas of power, energy and water.", "The company utilizes its proprietary technology to enhance power production by providing cold, clean water to increase operating efficiencies, reduce water use and operating costs.", "Through this process, GWTR is able to increase their client's power output by up to 10% depending upon age, design and efficiency of the plant.", "GWTR's client base includes, but is not limited to, the following companies: General Electric (NYSE: GE), Enron subsidiary companies (NYSE: ENE), Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN), Archer Daniels Midland (NYSE: ADM), British Petroleum Amoco, Mitsubishi, Mobil, Texaco (NYSE: TX), Duke Fluor Daniel, Kerr McGee (NYSE: KMD) and Calpine (NYSE: CPN)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] } ]
Waymando Brown graduated from the school whose students, teachers, and administrators appreciate the tutoring provided by Hass MBA students in what month and year?
June 1999
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e28008_p6", "sents": [ "\"Without greater involvement from students though, we may have difficulty sustaining the current program at Skyline, let alone expanding into Berkeley.\"", "Skyline High School students, teachers, and administrators alike appreciate the tutoring provided by Haas MBA students.", "Jim Delbridge, a 10th grade math teacher, provides his classroom during lunch hours so that students can get help from Haas volunteers.", "The level of help needed is basic - reading, algebra, analytical geometry, and some calculus - but Skyline students benefit and genuinely appreciate the help.", "\"Tutoring at Skyline is obviously rewarding unto itself,\" says MBA student Jon Metzler.", "\"But as a Haas student, it's also a way to keep connected with the local community, which I think lends perspective to what we do at Haas.\"", "If students are interested in becoming a Haas tutor, please contact Doug Buzbee at", "In addition to the Education Club's tutoring initiative at Skyline, eight Young Entrepreneur Program mentors meet twice a month here at Haas with fifteen Skyline students." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "e26575_p9", "sents": [ "Undergraduate students who would like to work (and get paid) for the BETA program should contact Tanya Fraley at 510-643-4622. MBA students who would like to volunteer for the YEP Program should contact Ajuah Helton at 510-643-8906. For more information on all of YEAH's programs, visit yeah <http: yeah 2001 YEP GRADUATES Ten high school seniors participated in YEP 2000 - 2001: + Waymando Brown, alumnus of YEP I and II, graduated from Skyline High School in June 1999, is enrolled at the College of Alameda, and hopes to transfer to UC Davis in 2002. + Ivan Chavez, alumnus of YEP I and II, graduated from Richmond High School in June 2001, and was admitted to San Francisco State University.", "+ Nosa Ikponmwonba, alumnus of YEP I and II, graduated from Skyline High School in June 1999. He is currently a student at College of Alameda and hopes to transfer to UC Davis in 2002. +Jahmilah Jones, alumna of YEP I and II, graduated from Bishop O'Dowd High School in June 2001 and was admitted to Clark Atlanta University." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which California State Senator and CEO of Strong America intended on filing a lawsuit against Governor Davis if he continued to deny lawful requests for details of contracts negotiated between Davis' administration and the energy companies?
Tony Strickland
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Tony Strickland", "sents": [ "Anthony A.", "\"Tony\" Strickland (born February 17, 1970) is a former California State Senator who represented the 19th District from 2008-2012.", "Strickland is a member of the Republican Party and a former Assemblyman, representing the 37th District from 1998 to 2004.", "He is currently the President and CEO of Strong America, an advocacy group and PAC." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "title": "e11745_p6", "sents": [ "But by Friday, fewer than a dozen of the contracts had been signed.", "Moreover, because of the secrecy the Davis administration has imposed on details of the contracts, it is impossible to tell if the prices negotiated by the state are low enough to be covered by the $ 10 billion in power bonds beyond September.", "Several California newspapers, including The Times, have been denied by Davis in repeated requests to obtain details under the California Public Records Act.", "On Friday, Assemblyman Tony Strickland (R-Moorpark) said he plans to file a lawsuit today demanding that contract details be disclosed.", "If any one of the four key fronts blows up on Davis, the governor would then be faced with either dipping into the state budget surplus or asking the PUC to raise rates beyond the level now in motion.", "The currently programmed average 19% hike comes from a temporary 9% increase approved by the commission in December (and generally expected to be made permanent) and a further 10% boost by next March (when a rate rollback ordered under the state's 1996 deregulation law expires)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
Which former president and COO of was also a republican, lawyer, and was born in 1941?
Michael Mansfield
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Michael Mansfield", "sents": [ "Michael Mansfield {'1': \", '2': \", '3': \", '4': \"} (born 12 October 1941) is an English barrister.", "A republican, vegetarian, socialist and self-described \"radical lawyer\", he has participated in prominent and controversial court cases and inquests involving accused IRA bombers, the Bloody Sunday incident, the Hillsborough disaster and the deaths of Jean Charles de Menezes and Diana, Princess of Wales and the McLibel case." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e5050_p28", "sents": [ "http: Former Andersen Consulting Exec is President, COO OTTAWA --, a provider of business networking technology, said it appointed Solly Patrontasch as president and chief operating officer.", "Mr. Patrontasch was a partner in the Ottawa office of Andersen Consulting responsible for business development.", "Mr. Patrontasch replaces Michael Mansfield, former president and COO, who will remain with the company as an executive advisor and member of the board of directors.", " is backed by individual investors.", "http: Online News Site The Deal Promotes Exec to President NEW YORK -- The Deal, a media company that provides news to the financial, corporate, and legal markets, said it has promoted Kevin Worth from chief strategic officer to the company's first president.", "Prior to joining the company, Mr. Worth was a senior executive at American Lawyer Media, a media company focused on the legal market.", "The Deal is funded by United States Equity Partners." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] } ]
What year did the company of which Chris Warner was chief counsel for regulatory affairs suspend its common stock dividend?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e5399_p77", "sents": [ "They also declined to say whether the utility believes that power companies illegally manipulated electricity prices.", "\"We have made many allegations that power generators are overcharging,\" sai d Chris Warner, PG&E's chief counsel for regulatory affairs.", "\"The prices are not competitive.\"", "Energy consultant Howard Ash asked the executives about the likelihood of breaking smaller creditors into a separate group for speedy reimbursement.", "Jim Lopes, the San Francisco attorney spearheading PG&E's bankruptcy effort s, replied that this sort of thing is common in bankruptcy cases.", "\"I wouldn't be at all surprised if there is an administrative class (for smaller creditors) in any plan that is proposed,\" he said.", "PG&E gave no indication of when it will file its Chapter 11 reorganization plan with the bankruptcy court.", "Creditors have until Sept. 5 to file claims for outstanding payments agains t the utility.", "NEWS Investigators request records from L.A. utility brokers Christian Berthelsen 06 08 2001 The San Francisco Chronicle FINAL Page A.14 (Copyright 2001) A state Senate committee investigating alleged price manipulation of the state's wholesale energy market has requested documents from the Los Angele s Department of Water and Power and the state agency buying electricity on behalf of the utilities." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] }, { "title": "e880_p40", "sents": [ "In the El Paso case, the company reorganized and now operates outside bankruptcy-court protection.", "El Paso didn't pay a dividend or see price appreciation in its stock from 1989 to 1996. Information on New Hampshire stockholders was not available Friday.", "PG&E suspended its common stock dividend this year.", "\"Bankruptcy has a lot of uncertainty and common shareholders are last in line to get the cash.", "We think long term it's an inappropriate investment for individuals,\" analyst Youngberg said.", "Associated Press contributed to this story.", "You can reach staff writer Mary Fricker at 521-5241 or e-mail at CHART: b&w by The Press Democrat: PG&E stock price Copyright 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "BUSINESS PG&E Creditors Are Lining Up BofA, local generators owed billions by utility Christian Berthelsen, Sam Zuckerman Chronicle Staff Writers 04 07 2001 The San Francisco Chronicle FINAL D.1 (Copyright 2001) A look at PG&E's creditors shows just how widely the ailing utility's tentacles reached into the United States economy." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2, 6 ] } ]
Scottish Power's south of England utility, which Italian firm Enel had shown interest in buying, is responsible for the collection and treatment of what?
public wastewater
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e2204_p70", "sents": [ "His biggest problem will be to convince the City that he is capable of developing an effective strategy to change the group's direction, now it has abandoned plans to become a multi-utility.", "The group no longer believes adequate returns can be earned from developing a growing range of products to sell to its more than 5m customers.", "The investment required to develop national brands, win new customers and retain old ones is too high in an increasingly competitive UK retail sector, it says.", "Mr Russell, who as Scottish Power's former finance director was closely associated with the previous policy, has already withdrawn from joint ventures with Royal Bank of Scotland to provide financial services and with Thus to provide telecommunications.", "The group is also discussing the future of Southern Water, its south of England utility, which Enel, the Italian state-controlled energy group, is interested in buying.", "Cross-selling electricity and gas to Southern Water customers, let alone other products, has been disappointing, it admits." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3, 4 ] }, { "title": "Southern Water", "sents": [ "Southern Water is the private utility company responsible for the public wastewater collection and treatment in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, West Sussex, East Sussex and Kent, and for the public water supply and distribution in approximately half of this area.", "Some areas within the Southern Water region are supplied by a number of smaller water supply companies." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The CEO of Cyquator Technologies was also the CEO of an entertainment company as well as the head of what other company?
Essel Infrastructure
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e5899_p29", "sents": [ "Internet users of an `X' ISP would need to go all the way to US and come back to India to fetch data from a data center not connected to that ISP.", "It adds to the delays.''", "Though churn rates are still low compared to US levels, almost every data centre, especially the older ones have faced it.", "Says Sanghi, ``Our only casualty has been", "But we've recovered our dues from eVentures, which funded us as well as Chaitime.''", "Similarly, Satyam acknowledges that so far two customers has dropped out but argues it is small compared to its client base of 150 odd companies.", "With most data centers crowding the corporate space business has been hard to find.", "``Given the market condition, it is difficult to win new clients.", "Even corporates are delaying technology spending until the market looks up,'' says Amit Goenka, CEO of Cyquator Technologies.", "Nobody is thus talking about expansion plans." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 8 ] }, { "title": "Amit Goenka", "sents": [ "Amit Goenka is an Indian Entrepreneur and Business personality.", "He is the Chief Executive of the International Broadcast Business of Zee Entertainment Enterprises, and head of Essel Infrastructure." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
Matthew Spenser is the head of the Climate Campaign for an organization that was founded in what year?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e777_p18", "sents": [ "Developers include global energy names like Enron and Royal Dutch Shell British power and construction companies Powergen and AMEC and smaller specialist companies.", "In all, 540 high-tech windmills producing three megawatts of power each will be installed in groups of 30, with the nearest turbine of each sited between 1.5 and 10 kilometres offshore.", "More than half will be positioned in the Irish Sea along England's northwest coast between Liverpool and the Scottish border.", "Others will spring up on the east coast off East Anglia and in the mouth of the Thames estuary, further north at Teesside, and in the coastal waters of south Wales in the Severn estuary.", "Environmental groups Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth backed the plan, but urged the government to catch up with countries like Denmark, where the wind industry already employs 14,000 people.", "\"After thirty years of opposing industrial abuse of our seas, Greenpeace can at last welcome a move to exploit the fantastic renewable energy resources off our coastline,\" said Matthew Spencer, head of Greenpeace's Climate Campaign." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5 ] }, { "title": "Greenpeace", "sents": [ "Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over 40 countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.", "Greenpeace was founded by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, Canadian and US ex-pat environmental activists in 1971, Greenpeace states its goal is to \"ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity\" and focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues.", "It uses direct action, lobbying, research, and ecotage to achieve its goals.", "The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations, or political parties, relying on 2.9 million individual supporters and foundation grants.", "Greenpeace has a general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is a founding member of the INGO Accountability Charter; an international non-governmental organization that intends to foster accountability and transparency of non-governmental organizations." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
Who was the governor of California during the year when Calipine spokesperson Bill Highlander announced that the new plants would pump 550 MW out of Los Medanos?
Gray Davis
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e26279_p12", "sents": [ "Calpine anticipates pumping the full 550 megawatts out of Los Medanos withi na week to 10 days, company officials said.", "\"In the first month of these new plants, there are always stops and starts, said Calpine spokesman Bill Highlander.", "\"Sometimes we shut down altogethe r.\" Including the three just-opened facilities, new or expanded power plants ar e expected to add 1,500 megawatts to the state's struggling electric grid by the end of July, and 870 megawatts of that is already in place, according to the state Independent System Operator.", "Another 1,000 megawatts is anticipated for the end of August and 1,100 more for the end of September, under a rough timetable that is likely to see so me plants zip ahead of schedule and others fall behind.", "The Bee's Carrie Peyton can be reached at (916) 321-1086 or cpeyton@sacbee.", "com State reveals high-priced power deals By Dale Kasler and Chris Bowman Bee Staff Writers (Published July 10, 2001) The state Monday released details of its adventures in buying electricity on the spot market, revealing a chaotic world in which prices fluctuate wild ly within minutes." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e736_p1", "sents": [ "Davis' solutions may be in trouble: New plants built in California don't ha ve to sell electricity here, state lawyers conclude By Carrie Peyton Bee Staff Writer (Published April 4, 2001) California can't require builders of new power plants to sell electricity here, even as a trade-off for super-fast environmental review, lawyers at t he state Energy Commission have concluded.", "Their position, reached despite Gov.", "Gray Davis' vow that new megawatts \"wi ll stay in California,\" emerged as part of a fast-track approval for expanding a south state power plant.", "It comes as the agency that oversees plant licensing is whittling away at t he presumption that emergency \"peaking\" plants installed this summer will be temporary.", "Some of the peaking plants - to be used only at times of highest energy demand - are now proposed to stay in place 30 to 40 years.", "Both issues have bubbled up quietly during California Energy Commission reviews, sometimes addressed only indirectly in staff reports." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1, 2 ] } ]
The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee who said that strangling incentives to invest in California's power infrastructure would have a devastating impact on the state's economy was born in what year?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e786_p0", "sents": [ "'But they don't have the votes", "House Democrats Unveil Calif Power Price Cap Legislation Updated: Wednesday, April 4, 2001 06:32 PM ET WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--House Democrats introduced legislation Wednesday directing the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to impose cost-based price caps in the Western United States The measure was unveiled at a press conference, where Western-state Democrats and House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., criticized the Bush administration and House Republicans for inaction in response to the looming electricity shortage expected to spur blackouts and extreme price spikes in California and neighboring states this summer.", "The legislation and criticism spurred immediate reactions from House Republicans.", "\"Capping wholesale prices won't solve the problem.", "It will only complicate the solution,\" said Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.", "\"We want to help California.", "But strangling incentives to invest in the state's power infrastructure, in my opinion, would have a devastating impact on California's economy,\" Tauzin said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4, 6 ] }, { "title": "Billy Tauzin", "sents": [ "Wilbert Joseph Tauzin II (] ; born June 14, 1943) is an American lobbyist and politician.", "He was President and CEO of PhRMA, a pharmaceutical company lobby group.", "He was also a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1980 to 2005, representing Louisiana's 3rd congressional district." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
The spokesman for power generators who said that price controls could worsen shortages and discourage generating firms from investing in new power plants is the head of an energy industry association based in which city?
Menlo Park
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e5677_p5", "sents": [ "\"The state is as creditworthy a buyer as you can get,\" Maviglio said.", "Experts said the plan also won't correct the state's energy imbalance.", "\"None of this is going to have much effect on blackouts,\" Borenstein said.", "\"This is solving part of the problem; I'm worried people will think everything has been solved.", "\"The emphasis now has to be on getting California to conserve,\" he added.", "A spokesman for power generators, Gary Ackerman, said the price controls could worsen shortages this summer and will discourage generating firms fro m investing in the new power plants the West desperately needs.", "Builders \"are going to sit on the fence and think about this,\" said Ackerma n, head of the Western Power Trading Forum.", "Acting in the face of mounting political pressure and unrelenting criticism from California, FERC voted Monday to impose round-the-clock price controls throughout the 11-state Western region.", "The FERC plan replaces a three-week-old plan that applied only to Californi a and took effect only when power reserves fell to below 7 percent of demand and an official \"power alert\" was declared." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5, 6 ] }, { "title": "e483_p3", "sents": [ "Publicly, the governor has been insisting for weeks that rates will stay within \"the existing rate structure\" -- a stealthy way of saying that January's 9 percent increase and an expected 10 percent increase next year will remain in place.", "But privately, he and his staff are discussing additional rate increases that could be spread over as long as 10 years, sources said.", "Utility executives and power generators told The Chronicle last week that a minimum 30 percent rate increase lasting up to a decade is in the cards.", "\"For the good of California, it's inevitable,\" said Gary Ackerman, executive director of the Western Power Trading Forum, a Menlo Park energy industry association.", "Sacramento resident John Hax observed that when temperatures soar in the Central Valley this summer, he'd be more than willing to pay a higher price for power if this keeps the air conditioners on.", "\"It's like gasoline,\" he said." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] } ]
Which investor in FullAudio's December 1999 financing round was a jazz record label founded in 1978?
GRP Records
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e3786_p9", "sents": [ "The round was led by Venture Strategy Partners and included investments from New Enterprise Associates and Kettle Partners.", "The company said the funds will be used for the further development of FullAudio's secure subscription service, including the technical advancement and design of FullAudio's service platform, which it expects to introduce early next year.", "FullAudio secured $4.5 million in first round financing in December 1999 led by Stewart Alsop of New Enterprise Associates that included investments from Chicago based Kettle Partners, GRP Records and N2K founder Larry Rosen, former WebTV and TiVo CEO Randy Komisar, and IDEO.", "Tony Conrad of Venture Strategy Partners will join Stewart Alsop, Lee Rosenberg of Kettle Partners, Mr. Komisar, and Mr. Rosen on the FullAudio board.", "http: ICP Company MetStream Closes $4 Million Series A PORTLAND, Ore. -- MetStream Communications, an integrated communications service provider targeting residential communities with broadband services, said it closed its Series A round with $4 million from Vertex and Integrated Electrical Services." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] }, { "title": "GRP Records", "sents": [ "GRP Records (Grusin-Rosen Productions) is a jazz record label founded by Dave Grusin and Larry Rosen in 1978.", "GRP was known for its all-digital recordings and jazz-pop sound." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Who is the second wife of the Northern League minister of institutio nal reform and devolution when Silvio Berlusconi took office as Italy's Prime Minister?
Manuela Marrone
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e5547_p3", "sents": [ "Fine by me, said the interior minister, Otto Schily.", "Not by us, said many voters.", "The Christian Democrats faced both ways.", "AP Silvio Berlusconi took office as Italy ,s prime minister.", "His number two: the post-fascist National Alliance ,s Gianfranco Fini.", "A ministry (institutio nal reform and devolution) for the Northern League ,s Umberto Bossi.", "Treasury minister: Giulio Tremonti, a former tax lawyer.", "Foreign affairs: Renato Ruggiero, once at the WTO.", "See article: Italy ,s new government E+ Ethnic Albanian rebels in Macedonia said they were ready to &demilitarise 8 but only as part of a peace plan implemented by NATO.", "War in Macedonia, and NATO ,s possible role there, was high on the agenda of the Brussels summi t of western leaders.", "See article: Fear of civil war in Macedonia E+ Africa ,s past and present A Belgian court sentenced two Rwandan nuns to 12 and 15 years in prison.", "A university professor got 12 years and a former government minister 20. They were responsible for helping to murder 7,000 people as part of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Heavy fighting between the army and rebels was reported in the country ,s north-west." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3, 5 ] }, { "title": "Umberto Bossi", "sents": [ "Umberto Bossi (born 19 September 1941) is an Italian politician, former leader of the Lega Nord, a party seeking autonomy or independence for Northern Italy or Padania.", "He is married to Manuela Marrone and has four sons (of whom one was from his first wife)." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
Which investor in Nationtax Online has Dr. Teo Dagi as an employee?
Cordova Ventures
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e3514_p15", "sents": [ "There has also been participation from previous investors Child Health Investment, Cordova Ventures, the N.C. Enterprise Fund, and North Carolina BioScience Fund Eno River Capital.", "New investors Hibernia and Coastal Growth Partners also participated in this roun d, which had its first close at $4 million in December of 1999. The company plans to use the new funds for continued human clinical trials and staff expansion.", "According to Encelle CEO James D. Woodward, this round was \"just slightly up,\" with a post-money valuation of $20 million.", "As a result of th is financing, John Koerner of Koerner Capital has joined as the seventh member of the company's board of directors, which includes Dr. Teo Dagi of Cordova Ventures and Dennis Dougherty of Intersouth Partners.", "Mr. Koerner will be taking the seat of company co-founder John Sherwin Jr., who has resigned fr om the board.", "Encelle is currently raising a Series D round of $8 million in a combination of strategic and venture capital, to close this fall." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] }, { "title": "e3787_p42", "sents": [ "Mr. Anderson formerly served as CEO of Bankrate.", "Pri or to that, he was president and CEO of Block Financial, a subsidiary of H&amp;R Block and worked at KPMG Peat Marwick for 19 years where he started as an auditor and concluded his tenure as a partner-in-charge of the national corporate finance practice within the management consulting department.", "Nationtax Online has raised $18.5 million to date and is backed by Cordova Ventures, Grotech Capital Group, LiveOak Equity Partners, R-H Capital Partners, Southeastern Technology Fund, and Troutt Venture Capital Partners http: Wireless Software Firm Names New Pres & CEO SAN FRANCISCO (VENTUREWIRE) --, a developer of softwar e for the delivery of rich content to mobile computing devices, announced the appointment of Robin Abrams as president and CEO.", "Most recently, Ms. Abrams served as CEO at Ventro, a business e-commerce marketplace.", "Ms. Abrams replaces founding president and CEO, David Cox, who will remain with the company as an adviser to the executive team." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] } ]
The person who forwarded an e-mail on 03 31 01 at 09:47 PM that was originally sent from EBS Marketing & PR on 03 28 01 at 06:02 PM forwarded an e-mail on 04 12 01 at 08:52 AM that was originally sent by what on 4/11/01 at 6:12 PM?
EBS Announcements
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e612_p0", "sents": [ "-- Forwarded by Lara Leibman Enron Communications on 03 31 01 09:47 PM -- EBS Marketing & PR 03 28 01 06:02 PM To: All EBS Employees Worldwide cc: Subject: EBS Connected Market Close 3 28 01 58.10 -2.36 Bandwidth Intermediation (through 3 23 01) YTD Transactions 271 Counterparties 32 LTD Transactions 483 Counterparties 55 March 28, 2001 GROWING MARKET FOR BANDWIDTH &The market for bandwidth is developing more quickly than we anticipated faster than the markets for natural gas or even electricity, 8 said Paul Racicot, vice president, EBS Global Trading and Risk Management.", "Click here to read more.", "KEVIN HANNON ON ESPEAK Remember to join Kevin Hannon as he fields questions on eSpeak next Tuesday April 3 at 10:00 a.m. CST.", "All EBS employees worldwide are encouraged to take advantage of this great opportunity to ask questions or express your thoughts and ideas.", "Log onto eSpeak from eThink at to participate in the discussion or ask a question." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e1122_p0", "sents": [ "-- Forwarded by Lara Leibman Enron Communications on 04 12 01 08:52 AM -- EBS Education Center Sent by: EBS Announcements 04 11 01 06:12 PM To: All EBS Employees Worldwide cc: Subject: EBS Luncheon Discussion Series & Interactive MSHOW Event - Walk in Space with Joe Edwards EBS Luncheon Discussion Series & Interactive MSHOW Event Walk in Space with Joe Edwards Join former astronaut, Joe Edwards for a special EBS Luncheon Discussion Series presentation on his life as a NASA space shuttle astronaut.", "Joe will show pictures and video clips from his mission in space, as well as describe what life is like in low earth orbit.", "Date: April 17th Time: 11:45 Location: 5C2 or via MSHOW--Click on the link provided MSHOW link will be provided on Monday, April 16th.", "Extra - New Training Dates Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-- 1 1 2 Days Dates: May 29-30, 2001 (1 1 2 Days) - Houston - Shepherd Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Cost: $600 (charged to your cost center) Applied Corporate Finance & Transaction Structuring--1 1 2 Days Dates: May 2-3, 2001 (1 1 2 Days) - Houston - Shepherd May 12-13, 2001 (1 1 2 Days) - Houston - Shepherd Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Cost: $600.00 (charged to your cost center) Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be received 48 hours prior to class date to avoid being charged." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which person in the recipient list of a September 12, 2000 8:53 AM e-mail from Steven Kelly concerning IEP commends on the EOB filing at FERC was a presenter at the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee hearing on February 8th that was titled "California's Energy Supply; Will it Be Full Power Ahead or Lights Out?"
Dave Parquet
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e7726_p0", "sents": [ "'The Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee held a hearing on February 8 entitled; California ,s Energy Supply; Will it Be Full Power Ahead or Lights Out?", "Legislators in attendance for all or part of the hearing included Senators Bowen, Peace, Vasconcellos, Alarcon and Speier.", "Dave Parquet was one of the presenters.", "I will send handouts from the meeting to Joseph tonight.", "This was the first of several planned informational hearings for stakeholders to express their points of view on California ,s projected energy needs, hindrances to meeting those needs, and possible solutions.", "We expect future hearings to deal more with possible solutions rather then simply providing a broad overview.", "This was the agenda: California ,s Energy Supply William Keese, Chairman, California Energy Commission Carl Wood, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission Kellan Fluckiger, California Independent System Operator Jim Kritikson, California Power Exchange Marcie Edwards, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power III.", "Meeting California ,s Needs Focusing On The Demand Ralph Cavanaugh, Natural Resources Defense Council Mike Weedall, Sacramento Municipal Utility District Mike Florio, The Utility Reform Network Rich Ferguson, Sierra Club Pat McLafferty, NEXTEC Power Systems, representing California Association of Distributed Energy Resources Barbara Barkovitch, California Large Energy Consumers Association IV." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "title": "e3921_p1", "sents": [ "Moreover, any such inadvertent disclosure shall not compromise or waive the attorney-client privilege as to this communication or otherwise.?", "If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender at the internet address indicated or by telephone at (916)447-2166. Thank you.", "--Original Message -- From: Steven Kelly [] Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 8:53 AM To: William Hall; Ward Scobee; Tony Wetzel; Tom Heller; Ted Cortopassi; Steve Ponder; Steve Iliff; Roger Pelote; Robert Frees; Pete Levitt; Paula Soos; Milton Schultz; Marty McFadden; Ken Hoffman; Jonathan Weisgall; Joe Ronan; Joe Greco; Jeff Dasovich; Jack Pigott; Hap Boyd; Frank Misseldine; Ed Tomeo; Ed Maddox; Duane Nelsen; Doug Levitt; Dean Gosselin; Curt Hatton; Cody Carter; Carolyn Baker; Bob Escalante; Bill Woods; Bill Carlson; Nam Nguyen; Trond Aschehoug; Susan J Mara; Scott Noll; Rob Lamkin; Randy Hickok; Lynn Lednicky; Kent Fickett; Jim Willey; Greg Blue; Frank DeRosa; Eileen Koch; Dave Parquet; Curtis Kebler Cc: Jan Smutny-Jones; Katie Kaplan; Andy Brown; Lois Rose Subject: IEP Comments on EOB filing at FERC re: Price Caps In response to the email distributed last Fridayregarding IEP's intervention in the EOB and CALPX price cap filings at FERC, IEP is proceeding to draft comments on the EOB filing.?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 2 ] } ]
The non-profit group with Andy Schwartzman as its president grew from a lawsuit involving what religious group?
United Church of Christ
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e7180_p3", "sents": [ "\"Consumers do not want to be beholden to a giant media-Internet dictatorship, even if it promises to be a benevolent one,\" said Andy Schwartzman, president of the Media Access Project, which issued a joint statement with Consumers Union, the Consumer Federation of America, and the Center for Media Education expressing strong reservations about what would be the biggest corporate merger in United States history.", "The groups are calling for the Federal Communications Commission to require cable and other high-speed Internet access providers to open their networks to competitors and asking that AT&amp;T's ownership interests in Time Warner are severed.", "But others dismissed those arguments, noting that \"over the past two years, we have this phenomenon whereby a new merger or technology is announced and some company is immediately put forward as the media giant,\" said James Gattuso, vice president for policy and management at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, citing a string of prognostications about SBC, BellAtlantic, Microsoft, AT&amp;T, and now AOL-Time Warner." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "Media Access Project", "sents": [ "The Media Access Project (or \"'MAP\") was a non-profit group that promoted the public’s interest before Congress and the US court system.", "MAP grew out of a 1960s lawsuit against the United Church of Christ and was eventually formed in 1972 in order to advance the rights of the public wanting to participate in the democratic process.", "Some of their first cases involved two TV stations in Mississippi not catering to the African American Community, resulting in the stations almost being shut down.", "From that era and cases came the thought \"that members of the viewing and listening public have the legal right, derived from the First Amendment, to participate in FCC proceedings.\"", "Their most common way of fighting cases was through lobbying.", "The group suspended operations on May 1, 2012." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
Of the human rights organizations that have accused Enron of financing police brutality within India, which is headquartered in London with millions of supporters and member across the world?
Amnesty International
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Amnesty International", "sents": [ "Amnesty International (commonly known as Amnesty or AI) is a London-based non-governmental organisation focused on human rights.", "The organisation claims to have over 7 million members and supporters around the world." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "title": "e3926_p15", "sents": [ "Unfortunately for communities in these countries Enron's investments have had devastating impact.", "In India where Enron received $200 million in political risk insurance for the Dabhol offshore oil and gas development project in 1996, the company has been blamed by both Human Rights Watch as well as Amnesty International, for financing local police brutality.", "Just before dawn on June 3, 1997, police stormed the home of several women in Veldur, a fishing village in western state of Maharashtra, India.", "\"The policemen forcibly opened the door and dragged me out of the house into the police van parked on the road.", "(While dragging me) the police kept beating me on my back with batons,\" says Sugandha Vasudev Bhalekar, a 24 year old housewife who was three months pregnant at the time of her arrest, according to Amnesty International.", "\"The humiliation meted out to the other members of my family was similar to the way I was humiliated my one and a half year old daughter held on to me but the police kicked her away.\"" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
Between Tractebel, Electricidade de Portugal, AES Corp, Duke Energy and Enron Corp, which one seemed most likely to be the purchaser of portions of the largest company of the State of Paraná that was founded on October 26, 1954?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Copel", "sents": [ "Copel - Companhia Paranaense de Energia, the largest company of the State of Paraná, was founded on October 26, 1954 with ownership control held by the State of Paraná.", "The Company went public in April 1994 BM&F Bovespa and, in 1997, it was the first company of the Brazilian electricity sector to be listed at the New York Stock Exchange.", "As from June 2002, the brand is also present at the European Economic Community, having been listed at Latibex - the Latin American index of companies of the Madrid Stock Exchange.", "As of May 7, 2008, Copel's shares were ranked at Level 1 of São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa)'s Corporate Governance." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e1057_p34", "sents": [ "Although the government has not yet chosen consultants to evaluate Copel and create a privatisation model, some points are already clear for the government.", "The company will be sold off in one chunk of shares with all the core business units in generation, transmission and distribution.", "\"There is an understanding that privatisation in one bloc boosts the value of the company.", "This is the decision, unless modeling proves otherwise, which I think is difficult.\"", "However, 23 non-core units of Copel, including in telecommunications and sanitation, are not up for grabs.", "Those other assets are united under the roof of one company in the Copel holding.", "Hubert noted that he was keeping in touch with many interested companies, local and foreign, but singled out Belgium's Tractebel that already has holdings in the region and is interested in an expansion.", "Other big hitters that may be interested in buying Copel are Electricidade de Portugal AES Corp Duke Energy and Enron Corp." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6, 7 ] } ]
According to a 5/6/2001 article, the 35th mayor of San Diego was said to have passed on the San Diego mayor's race in what year?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Bob Filner", "sents": [ "Robert Earl Filner (born September 4, 1942) is a former American politician who was the 35th Mayor of San Diego from December 2012 through August 2013, when he resigned amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment.", "He later pleaded guilty to state charges of false imprisonment and battery." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e2326_p19", "sents": [ "\"I don't think we have any others quite that large under negotiation,\" said Ray Hart, DWR deputy director, \"but we are still working on a number of contracts.\"", "Hart said that only a contract with a San Jose-based firm, Calpine, is larg er than the Sempra contract announced yesterday.", "Calpine reportedly has an agreement to sell the state $12.9 billion worth of power.", "-- The energy crisis gives Filner some easy targets He's carving new niche, bringing state woes to Washington's attention By Philip J. LaVelle UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER May 6, 2001 When he passed on the 2000 San Diego mayor's race, Rep. Bob Filner based hi s decision, at least in part, on a flawed political calculation.", "\"I thought the Democrats would be in the majority in Congress,\" Filner said in a recent interview.", "\"Given my seniority, I would have a large role to play.\"", "He was dead wrong.", "In November, Republicans retained slim control in the 107th Congress while the Electoral College gave the White House to a Republican who now governs from the right." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] } ] is backed by K. Hovnanian, Ryland Homes, Kushner Companies, the Wall Street Merchant Bank, First Level Capital, and a real estate company based in which state?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e7794_p13", "sents": [ "The round also included funding from Bank of America Capital Investors, Southeast Interactive Technology Funds, Sinclair Ventures, a division of Sinclair Broadcast Group, and Barnard GE Equity vice president Trevor Kienzle and Todd Binkowski, vice president of Bank of America, will each take a seat on VisionAIR's board of directors.", "http: Secures $3 Million WEST LONG BRANCH, N.J. --, an online real estate agency, secured $3 million in venture capital from Palisade Capital Management.", "The funding is part of a targeted $10 million to $20 million round, which expects to raise over the next three to six months.", "The company said it will use the funding for expansion.", " has received backing from a number of home builders including, K. Hovnanian, Ryland Homes, Toll Brothers and Kushner Companies, as well as the Wall Street Merchant Bank and First Level Capital.", "http: Deutsche Bank eVentures Invests In Financial Manager, Trema NEW YORK -- Trema, which provides integrated treasury, risk, cash, and asset management systems, said it received an investment from Deutsche Bank private equity investment arm, DB eVentures." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] }, { "title": "Toll Brothers", "sents": [ "Toll Brothers is an American real estate company based in Horsham, Pennsylvania.", "They are a builder of luxury homes in major metropolitan areas in the contiguous United States.", "Toll Brothers is a publicly-traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
In the April before Mr. Isaza said that closing shop was not the mode govWorks was in, govWorks had received funding from the Mayfield Fund, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, the Safra Group, Hearst Corp., Global Bridge Ventures, Metropolis, and a consulting firm founded in what year?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e9027_p4", "sents": [ "\"This is the number we believe we need to adequately service clients,\" he said.", "But closing shop, said Mr. Isaza, \"is not the mode we're in.\"", "The company is in post-term sheet negotiations with three potential acquirers, he said, and is looking for \"the first fully negotiated reasonable situation that allows us to survive as a company.\"", "He said acquisition by a competitor \"makes less sense because other companies in the market are facing similar challenges.\"", "Mr. Isaza said the company is hitting projections made in June for an 18-month road to profitability, but that pace was no longer in line with market expectations.", "I!", "n April, govWorks received funding from the Mayfield Fund, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, American Management Systems, the Safra Group, Hearst Corp., Global Bridge Ventures, and Metropolis.", "Mr. Isaza, also co-founder and chairman of govWorks, made the comments in an interview after speaking at a luncheon on sponsored by The Colombian American, Ecuadorean American, and Venezuelan American Associations in New York." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 5, 6 ] }, { "title": "American Management Systems", "sents": [ "American Management Systems (previous NASDAQ symbol: AMSY) was a high technology and management consulting firm, founded in 1970 by a group of five former Defense Department officials who had worked under Robert McNamara in the Kennedy and Johnson administration.", "The company grew throughout the 1980s and 1990s, implementing key systems such as the accounting system for New York City and The Standard Procurement System for the United States Department of Defense.", "The company was acquired by CGI Group in 2004, with AMS's federal defense business being acquired by CACI." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which person was at different times both a lobbyist as well as a vice president of the California Manufacturers and Technology Association?
Dorothy Rothrock
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e5815_p88", "sents": [ "The state plans to issue $12.5 billion in bonds in September for power purchases, and officials say underwriters want to to be assured that there is a large enough revenue stream to repay the bonds.", "Angelides and other state officials urged the Legislature and the PUC to decide by the end of June either to ban direct access or lock in a procedure to charge each departing company for its share of the state power costs.", "\"The hypothetical and theoretical desires for a direct access market and the hypothetical and theoretical desire for a bond sale are now intersecting in reality,\" said Assemblyman Fred Keeley, D-Boulder Creek (Santa Cruz County).", "Industry advocates agree that firms should pay a fair share of the electricity purchased on their behalf.", "But how much -- and how to make that calculation -- is a complex issue they fear will be decided in haste, said Dorothy Rothrock, a lobbyist for the California Manufacturers and Technology Association." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 4 ] }, { "title": "e3246_p4", "sents": [ "The governor said he plans to meet in the next few days with managers at ISO to explore the idea of a system like Chicago's.", "The grid operator announced Monday that it will try to give the public at least a half-hour notice of outages, but many officials said Tuesday the public needs even more warning.", "Davis aides said the governor's plan will go beyond ISO's.", "There are potential pitfalls.", "Criminals might make their own plans, taking advantage of deactivated alarms.", "And some say that a schedule of blackouts might increase the number of outages.", "If people have been warned that a blackout is coming, and a last-minute supply of electricity makes it unnecessary, grid managers would have to decide whether to call it off, said Dorothy Rothrock, vice president of the California Manufacturers & Technology Association.", "If they did, it would add uncertainty to future warnings, she said, possibl y leading them to order unnecessary blackouts." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] } ]
On May 15th, which judge laid out the parameters of a FERC hearing into El Paso while also reminding people of the need to restrict access to protected documents?
Curtis Wagner
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e2746_p0", "sents": [ "GAS DAILY ON-LINE EDITION May 15, 2001 FERC launches formal hearing in El Paso case A collection of high-powered attorneys crowded a FERC hearing room yesterday for the launch of a formal hearing into allegations of market power abuse by El Paso and its affiliates.", "While a decision is still a way off, the presiding judge in the case made it clear that FERC must find a precise way to measure market share in California before ruling on the case.", "The hearing also marked the public release of a controversial market power study by The Brattle Group, which was commissioned by Southern California Edison to find evidence of market power abuse by El Paso marketing affiliate El Paso Merchant Energy.", "The Brattle Group said that it found substantial evidence that El Paso manipulated California's gas market -- a claim that remains strongly in dispute (see story, page 4).", "In an opening statement, FERC Chief Administrative Law Judge Curtis Wagner laid down the parameters for the hearing." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 4 ] }, { "title": "e2746_p7", "sents": [ "Now we learn that the subcommittee was working at the direction of [SoCalEd's] litigation consultants to support SCE's litigation position.\"", "Litigation pitting SoCalEd and the California Public Utilities Commission against El Paso is currently under way at FERC (see story, page 1).", "Following yesterday's hearing, Dunn told Gas Daily that SoCalEd and the CPUC were also waging their campaign against El Paso in the national press.", "The New York Times, for instance, has published articles that relied on The Brattle Group study and other sealed documents.", "Dunn said it was \"clear\" that SoCalEd and the CPUC were using the selective leak of documents to take the case against El Paso to the public.", "Prior to recess in yesterday's hearing, FERC Chief Administrative Law Judge Curtis Wagner issued a reminder of the need to restrict access to protected documents.", "NH NGI's Daily Gas Price Index published May 15, 2001 El Paso Calls California Subcommittee Hearing a 'Sham' El Paso Corp. claims it was set up by California Assembly members to take the blame for high gas prices in the state." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 5, 6 ] } ]
Which news division of the broadcasting company ultimately owned by the Walt Disney Company was John Gerstein associated with in May of 2001?
ABC News
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "ABC News", "sents": [ "ABC News is the news division of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), owned by the Disney Media Networks division of The Walt Disney Company.", "Its flagship program is the daily evening newscast \"ABC World News Tonight\"; other programs include morning news-talk show \"Good Morning America\", newsmagazine series \"Nightline\", \"Primetime\" and \"20/20\", and Sunday morning political affairs program \"This Week with George Stephanopolous\"." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e3430_p117", "sents": [ "It takes extreme measures.", "Unidentified Woman: We are in rolling blackouts.", "GERSTEIN: (VO) While electricity may be in very short supply in California this summer, the president and politicians of all stripes are likely to find there's more than enough voter anger to go around.", "Josh Gerstein, ABC News, the White House.", "LOAD-DATE: May 29, 2001" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] } ]
What is the ticker symbol for the energy company commonly known as ConEd?
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "Consolidated Edison", "sents": [ "Consolidated Edison, Inc., commonly known as Con Edison or Con Ed, is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the United States, with approximately $13 billion in annual revenues as of 2016, and over $47 billion in assets.", "The company provides a wide range of energy-related products and services to its customers through its subsidiaries:" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e2259_p21", "sents": [ "Jack Sirard: PG&E's woes a warning to utility investors (Published May 4, 2001) Q: Like so many other investors, I bailed out of my Pacific Gas and Electri c shares.", "I am now looking at Con Ed.", "It looks fairly priced with a great yield.", "Would it be wise to take the money I got from PG&E and buy Con Ed?", "My biggest concern is that Con Ed could suffer a fate similar to the one th at devastated PG&E.", "What do you think?", "--Robert A., Carmichael A: Consolidated Edison (ticker symbol ED) is one of the nation's largest investor-owned energy companies.", "The company provides a wide range of energy-related services to customers in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.", "For the three months ended March 31, revenues increased 24 percent to $2.89 billion while its net income declined 5 percent to $179.1 million.", "The company's stock closed Thursday at $36.26, near its 52-week high of $39.50 and well above its low of $29.61. The company pays a generous annual dividend of $2.20 a share, giving it a current yield of 6.04 percent." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] } ]
George Douglas said that the laboratory at which he was a spokesman thought new technologies were going to get better, prices were going to come down, and the price of conventional power plants was going to come up; in which state is this laboratory located?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e1268_p18", "sents": [ "Shell predicts that by 2050 half the United States energy mix will be renewable.", "Enron, the Texas supplier of natural gas, has bought Zond, a major wind power company.", "The oil companies have also invested in hydrogen fuel cell technology, which may soon be used to power cars, homes, offices and factories.", "\"We think the new technologies are going to get better, and prices will come down,\" said George Douglas, a spokesman for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.", "\"And we think the price of conventional power plants, whatever fuel they're using, is going to come up.\"", "12 PERCENT RENEWABLE POWER Today, only 12 percent of California's power comes from renewables, but advocates envision a future electrical grid with a diverse mix of nonpolluting energy sources, large and small.", "\"California should be much more aggressive in pursuing the renewable energy options,\" said Dick Swanson, president of SunPower, a Silicon Valley company that has developed new solar technology being used in power plants in Australia and Arizona." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3, 4 ] }, { "title": "National Renewable Energy Laboratory", "sents": [ "The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), located in Golden, Colorado, specializes in renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.", "NREL is a government-owned, contractor-operated facility, and is funded through the United States Department of Energy.", "This arrangement allows a private entity to operate the lab on behalf of the federal government.", "NREL receives funding from Congress to be applied toward research and development projects.", "NREL also performs research on photovoltaics (PV) under the National Center for Photovoltaics.", "NREL has a number of PV research capabilities including research and development, testing, and deployment.", "NREL's campus houses several facilities dedicated to PV research." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Ralph Cavanagh was a co-director of the energy program for a New York City-based nonprofit founded in 1970 that has how many current members?
2.4 million
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e4243_p0", "sents": [ "'E Source Teleconference Examines Ways to Solve California Power Crisis 09 25 2000 PR Newswire (Copyright (c) 2000, PR Newswire) BOULDER, Colo., Sept. 25 PRNewswire -- In a teleconference held Friday afternoon, September 22, 2000, by E Source(TM), industry analysts proposed several solutions to remedy the imperfections in California's electric market and discussed ways that those lessons could be applied in other states that are considering restructuring their electric markets.", "No single \"silver bullet\" solution emerged from the panelists.", "Rather, they said that solving the California power situation would require a combination of supply, demand, pricing, and regulatory solutions.", "\"It is important that we mend, not end, electric restructuring,\" said Ralph Cavanagh, co-director of the energy program at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).", "\"Restructuring is a process, not an event,\" added Becky Kilbourne, director of market development for the California Power Exchange (CalPX).", "Bill LeBlanc, vice president of retail consulting at E Source, made this point: \"It is very difficult to have an open market and a regulated market at the same time." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 3 ] }, { "title": "Natural Resources Defense Council", "sents": [ "The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is a New York City-based, non-profit international environmental pressure group, with offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Bozeman, Montana, and Beijing, China.", "Founded in 1970, NRDC today has 2.4 million members, online activities nationwide, and a staff of about 500 lawyers, scientists and other policy experts." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
The California oversight board that reported it cost $212 million to deliver power on a Friday through the ISO-controlled grid launched an investigation into whether patterns of pricing and bidding on its state's electricity auction indicated illegal or what other type of behavior?
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e8955_p4", "sents": [ "On Friday alone, according to the California Electricity Oversight Board, it cost $212 million to deliver power through the ISO-controlled grid, which serves about three-fourths of the state's electric consumers.", "That would be enough to fully pay for a new, cleaner-burning 500-megawatt power plant about every two days.", "Monday's bill won't be fully computed for another few days, but it appears that it will be significantly higher, according to the oversight board.", "\"We have a huge transfer of wealth going on, and we're not getting anything for it,\" Pacific Gas and Electric Corp. spokesman Gregg Pruett said.", "Meanwhile, financial analysts Monday warned investors that the state's two largest utilities are finding it increasingly difficult to bridge the gap between frozen rates and power costs that escalate nearly daily.", "Credit rating agency Fitch Inc. on Monday lowered its long-term and short-term debt ratings for PG&E and Southern California Edison, as well as the latter's parent company, Edison International." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e3126_p9", "sents": [ "AGENCY: PUC and California Independent System Operator INVESTIGATION: Whether generation plants were shut down for spurious reasons in order to create supply shortages and, thus, to raise electricity prices.", "AGENCY: California Electricity Oversight Board INVESTIGATION: Whether patterns of bidding and pricing in California's electricity auction indicate collusive or otherwise illegal behavior.", "Sources: state and federal agencies Copyright 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "Business Financial Desk; Section W Enron Unit Moves to End India Contract For Power By SARITHA RAI 05 22 2001 The New York Times Page 1, Column 6 c. 2001 New York Times Company BANGALORE, India, May 21 -- Fed up with its main customer's refusal to pay its bills, the Enron Corporation's Indian power-generating venture served formal notice on Saturday that it would terminate its power supply contract and pull out.", "The move by the Dabhol Power Company, 65 percent owned by Enron, starts the clock ticking on a six-month notice period before the contract is voided, during which negotiations to settle the dispute are expected." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
What is the name of Greg Whalley's alma mater, also known as West Point?
United States Military Academy
[ 1, 0 ]
[ { "title": "United States Military Academy", "sents": [ "The United States Military Academy (USMA), also known as West Point, Army, The Academy, or simply The Point, is a four-year coeducational federal service academy located in West Point, New York in Orange County.", "It was originally established as a fort that sits on strategic high ground overlooking the Hudson River with a scenic view, 50 mi north of New York City.", "It is one of the four U.S. military service academies, and one of the five U.S. service academies." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e26574_p10", "sents": [ "Mr Lay chose Greg Whalley, president and chief operating officer of Enron Wholesale Services, and Mark Frevert, chairman and chief executive of Enron Wholesale Services, from his shortlist of five candidates.", "He has said the men chosen would be in the running for chief executive once he steps down, although he would continue to consider other executives who show potential.", "In line with their appointments, Mr Whalley has been promoted to president and chief operating officer of Enron, while Mr Frevert has been promoted to vice-chairman of the company.", "\"In addition to having led Enron Wholesale Services, they have a collective 26 years of extensive experience across Enron's businesses and both played key roles in increasing our deliveries of energy and other commodities in North America and Europe,\" Mr Lay said.", "Mr Whalley, 39, holds a bachelor's degree from the United States Military Academy and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 4 ] } ]
Which investor in EXP Systems was Spencer Punter a general partner of?
Bowman Capital
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e5916_p11", "sents": [ "Spencer Punter, general partner with Bowman Capital, will take a seat on the company's board of directors as a result of the funding.", "http: Content Tech Firm Digital Fountain Has $20 Million Series C SAN FRANCISCO -- Digital Fountain, which develops technology for high-volume content delivery, said it raised its Series C round of funding for $20 million.", "The company's latest funding brings its total capital raised to $27.5 million.", "New investor Matrix Partners led the round, which included previous investors Adobe, Cisco Systems, Granite Ventures, Sony, and Texas Instruments.", "Andrew Verhalen of Matrix Partners will sit on the company's board of directors.", "The company will use the funding for further technology development, organizational growth, and increasing its manufacturing and sales capabilities.", "The company's technology combines mathematical algorithms with standards-based IP multicasting to provide delivery of content from a single source to an unlimited number of recipients.", "http: Mortage Marketplace IMX Exchange Gets $18 Million Round Six SAN RAMON, Calif. -- IMX Exchange, an Internet-based marketplace for the wholesale mortgage industry, said it has secured $18 million in its sixth round of financing, led by previous investor Hummer Winblad Venture Partners." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e3049_p20", "sents": [ "http: EXP Systems Names New CEO mail?", "top MENLO PARK, Calif. (VENTUREWIRE) -- EXP Systems, a provider of enter prise software, said it named Mark Wright as president and CEO.", "Mr. Wright replac es company founder, Mark Benning, in the role of CEO.", "Mr. Wright comes to the company from IBM, where he served as VP of software sales and marketing.", "He also served as executive vice president of worldwide sales for OneChem, an application service provider in the chemical industry.", "Mr. Benning will continue to serve as chairman of the company.", "EXP's product enables custome rs to connect in real time with company agents or industry professionals who c an answer questions and deliver services.", "In March, the company laid off about 25% of its staff, or about 24 employees.", "Before this most recent round of cuts, it laid off 17 people.", "The company is backed by Ask Jeeves, Bessmer Venture Partners, Bowman Capital, CMGI@Ventures, J. & W. Seligman, Maveron, meVC Draper Fisher Jurvetson, and Oracle." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1, 9 ] } ]
What is the nickname of the town bordering Pakistan where an engineer working with Enron was picked up by police who thought they had captured Osama Bin Laden due to their resemblance?
Golden city", is
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e20186_p27", "sents": [ "Police in the town of Jaisalmer bordering Pakistan said they saw a man with a flowing beard and black scarf driving along the national highway in a jeep.", "They chased the man, took him to the police station and politely asked who he was - clearly concerned they might have apprehended Osama Bin Laden fleeing Aghanistan via Pakistan.", "US company The bearded man told the police he was an engineer working with the American company Enron on a wind energy project in the area.", "A telephone call to the company confirmed this and one policeman told the man that he should be thankful he wasn't living in the United States because he would have definitely been shot so strong was his resemblance to Osama Bin Laden.", "The man, who turned out to be a Hindu and not a Muslim, was freed immediately.", "But not before a crowd of curious villagers had gathered outside the police station eager to catch a glimpse of the man who's been dominating the news." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "title": "Jaisalmer", "sents": [ "Jaisalmer    , nicknamed \"The Golden city\", is a city in the Indian state of Rajasthan, located 575 km west of the state capital Jaipur.", "Once known as Jaisalmer state it is a World Heritage Site.", "The town stands on a ridge of yellowish sandstone, crowned by a fort, which contains the palace and several ornate Jain temples.", "Many of the houses and temples are finely sculptured.", "It lies in the heart of the Thar Desert (the Great Indian Desert) and has a population of about 78,000.", "It is the administrative headquarters of Jaisalmer District." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] } ]
Which investor backed New Edge as well as Acta?
Comdisco Ventures
[ 0, 0 ]
[ { "title": "e7688_p3", "sents": [ "New Edge is backed by GS Capital Partners III, Accel Partners, Crosspoint Venture Partners, Greylock, Intel, Meritech Capital Partners, Comdisco Ventures, and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.", "http: Consulting Firm KSolutions Gets $50 Million First Round BOSTON -- KSolutions, a nationwide business consulting firm that focuses on information management, said it received $50 million in its first round of funding from Great Hill Equity Partners.", "The company will use the funds to expand its services and is targeting strategic acquisitions.", "Steve Cranford, the company's chief executive officer and co-founder, is also founder of KPMG Consulting's Knowledge Management Solutions, a business management firm.", "http: Cisco Acquires Radiata, Wireless Chip Firm, For $295 Million SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cisco Systems said it acquired Radiata, a California and Sydney, Australia-based company which develops chipsets for high-speed wireless networks, for $295 million in stock.", "Cisco holds an 11% stake in the company through a Series A investment made in April." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0 ] }, { "title": "e1217_p28", "sents": [ "Mr. Allen is CFO and vice president of finance and operations for Network Appliance.", "Investors for Acta include Colman Partners, Comdisco Ventures, Greylock, Norwest Venture Partners, Sycamore Venture Capital, United States Venture Partners, and Van Wagoner Fund.", "http: DMR Consulting Exec Joins Software Firm infoShark's Board CHANTILLY, Va. -- InfoShark, a provider of software products that enable enterprises to build a business-to-business infrastructure for accessing, exchanging and transmitting XML data, said it elected Michael J. Poehner, president and chief executive officer of DMR Consulting, to its board of directors.", "Investors include JMI Equity Fund, Lazard Technology Partners, and 21st Century Ventures.", "http: incuVest Names Merck Division Senior VP to Board NEW YORK -- incuVest, a venture capital incubator and accelerator, said it appointed Margaret G. McGlynn of Merck to its board of directors.", "Ms. McGlynn serves as senior vice president of Merck's human health marketing division." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 1 ] } ]
Along with individual investors, backers of RiverDelta are Pequot Capital Management, Charles River Ventures, and an investment firm founded in what year?
[ 0, 1 ]
[ { "title": "e3415_p17", "sents": [ "Surebridge raised $36 million in a second round in February 2000. http: bad news Broadband Products Provider RiverDelta Cuts 20% of Staff mail?", "top TEWKSBURY, Mass.", "(VENTUREWIRE) -- RiverDelta Networks, a developer of carrier-class switching and service provisioning products for broadband carriers, said it has laid-off about 20% if its workforce, leaving the company with a little over 200 employees.", "A company spokesperson said the layoffs are a response to market conditions and are meant to put the compan y in line with the current economic climate.", "While the layoffs were across th e board, the sales unit was hit the hardest, she said.", "RiverDelta, which has raised about $46 million in funding to date, is in the process of raising i ts third round of funding, the spokesperson confirmed.", "RiverDelta is backed by Pequot Capital Management, Battery Ventures, Charles River Ventures, and individual investors.", "http: CEO and CFO Resign, Company Restructures mail?" ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 6 ] }, { "title": "Battery Ventures", "sents": [ "Battery Ventures is a global, technology-focused investment firm.", "Founded in 1983, the firm makes venture-capital and private-equity investments from offices in Boston, Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Israel.", "Since inception, the firm has raised over $5.6 billion and is now investing its eleventh funds, Battery Ventures XI and Battery Ventures XI Side Fund, with a combined capitalization of $950 million." ], "sp_sent_idx": [ 0, 1 ] } ]