Dataset Preview
The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    TypeError
Message:      Couldn't cast array of type struct<page: int64, text: string, rect: list<item: double>> to null
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in cast_table_to_schema
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in <listcomp>
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in wrapper
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in <listcomp>
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2075, in cast_array_to_feature
                  casted_array_values = _c(array.values, feature.feature)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1804, in wrapper
                  return func(array, *args, **kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2116, in cast_array_to_feature
                  return array_cast(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1804, in wrapper
                  return func(array, *args, **kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1964, in array_cast
                  raise TypeError(f"Couldn't cast array of type {_short_str(array.type)} to {_short_str(pa_type)}")
              TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type struct<page: int64, text: string, rect: list<item: double>> to null
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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[ { "page": 1, "text": "Russian Chemical Reviews", "rect": [ 39, 64.02201843261719, 184.3560028076172, 55.154014587402344 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS, STRUCTURE,", "rect": [ 39, 148.86599731445312, 388.92006762695314, 136.86599731445312 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "AND PROPERTIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL", "rect": [ 39, 168.77001953125, 342.71207055664064, 156.06600952148438 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "To cite this article: V A Usol'tseva and I G Chistyakov 1963 Russ. Chem. Rev. 32 495", "rect": [ 39, 195.251953125, 340.85199169921873, 187.66795349121094 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "View the article online for updates and enhancements.", "rect": [ 39, 241.48402404785156, 231.54599096679686, 234.07601928710938 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "You may also like", "rect": [ 403.6600036621094, 125.66803741455078, 497.69201953125, 114.56803131103516 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "- THE EXTRACTION OF HETEROPOLY-", "rect": [ 418.6600036621094, 140.23703002929688, 547.7919985351563, 135.05703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "COMPOUNDS AND ITS APPLICATION IN", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 148.23703002929688, 555.960982421875, 143.05703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "INORGANIC ANALYSIS", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 156.23703002929688, 498.79198583984373, 151.05703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "I P Alimarin, F P Sudakov and V I Klitina", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 165, 547.8269975585938, 159.0640411376953 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "- THE FORMATION OF BIOCHEMICALLY", "rect": [ 418.6600036621094, 179.73703002929688, 551.2919858398437, 174.55703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "IMPORTANT COMPOUNDS IN THE PRE-", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 187.73703002929688, 555.946966796875, 182.55703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "BIOLOGICAL STAGE OF THE EARTH'S", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 195.73703002929688, 550.3120053710937, 190.55703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "DEVELOPMENT", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 203.73703002929688, 475.83901171875, 198.55703735351562 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "A G Pasynskii and T E Pavlovskaya", "rect": [ 422.94000244140625, 213.12303161621094, 534.20498828125, 206.5640411376953 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "-", "rect": [ 418.6600036621094, 225.655029296875, 420.9910036621094, 225.03903198242188 ] }, { "page": 1, "text": "This content was downloaded from IP address on 17/07/2024 at 19:50", "rect": [ 142.07000732421875, 798.8159790039062, 452.9259357910156, 792.89599609375 ] } ]
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In the structure shown in (b), the TPMS side region is", "rect": [ 44.7945671081543, 730.181884765625, 295.5606713460553, 722.4149780273438 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "set to an electron density of 1 and thenetwork side region is set to 0, and a", "rect": [ 44.7945671081543, 739.5986938476562, 295.5363974784104, 732.144775390625 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "Gaussian function is convolved as a fluctuation.", "rect": [ 44.7945671081543, 747.3402099609375, 210.68659797206223, 741.6038208007812 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "Acta Cryst. (2022). A78, 430–436", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 772.2708740234375, 162.21811770850036, 764.9843139648438 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "research papers", "rect": [ 452.9285888671875, 50.97494125366211, 562.962778580549, 36.115684509277344 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "the structure of the LLC bicontinuous cubic phases, it would", "rect": [ 313.4498596191406, 80.42756652832031, 564.1912868020635, 71.6581802368164 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "be applicable to thermotropic liquid crystals, polymers, and", "rect": [ 313.4498596191406, 92.37922668457031, 564.2002589700322, 83.6098403930664 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "other materials with TPMS-like structures.", "rect": [ 313.4498596191406, 102.31024932861328, 487.8220232261055, 95.5615005493164 ] }, { "page": 2, "text": "2. 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A smaller", "rect": [ 44.793582916259766, 325.0702819824219, 295.51815979464754, 316.3008728027344 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "indicator is a better candidate for the proper phase solution.", "rect": [ 44.793582916259766, 337.0219421386719, 295.5141924155586, 328.2525329589844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "The actual electron density is close to the step-like electron", "rect": [ 44.793582916259766, 348.97357177734375, 295.5131862161259, 340.20416259765625 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "density with the convolution of the fluctuation function [Fig.", "rect": [ 44.793582916259766, 360.9252014160156, 295.6067217124336, 351.8870544433594 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "1(c)]. 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If all eigenvalues", "rect": [ 44.79429244995117, 689.6814575195312, 295.5159014938663, 680.912109375 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "of the Hessian matrix are positive, then the region is strictly", "rect": [ 44.79429244995117, 701.6331176757812, 295.537752604279, 692.86376953125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "convex downward, and if all are negative, then the region is", "rect": [ 44.79429244995117, 713.5280151367188, 295.52585022433504, 704.7586669921875 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "strictly convex upward (Rockafellar & Wets, 2010). 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Therefore, K(r) is the product of three eigenvalues.", "rect": [ 313.4495849609375, 80.47691345214844, 564.2763689292306, 71.3392333984375 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "The following indicator was considered:", "rect": [ 313.4495849609375, 92.37879943847656, 476.7445390952461, 83.60941314697266 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "IK ¼ R\u0002\u0002KðrÞ\u0002\u0002dr;", "rect": [ 405.7005310058594, 111.72029876708984, 472.0458683700247, 99.85128784179688 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "C", "rect": [ 428.01129150390625, 117.37872314453125, 432.3855929562514, 113.0034408569336 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "which is the integral of the absolute value of KðrÞ in the region", "rect": [ 313.4471130371094, 136.27955627441406, 564.2291896340947, 127.03238677978516 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "C of the electron density in which the three eigenvalues are of", "rect": [ 313.4471130371094, 148.23121643066406, 564.2064835070194, 139.4618377685547 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "the same sign in a unit cell, where r is the position in a unit cell.", "rect": [ 313.4471130371094, 160.18287658691406, 564.1983659995431, 151.4134979248047 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "Thus, IK is an indicator that expresses the total (integrated)", "rect": [ 313.4471435546875, 172.1276092529297, 564.216279911835, 162.98992919921875 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "convexity.", "rect": [ 313.4479675292969, 184.0294952392578, 353.8935564292305, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "With", "rect": [ 360.33526611328125, 181.94912719726562, 380.1480433938603, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "regard", "rect": [ 386.61065673828125, 184.0294952392578, 413.08807635284467, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "to", "rect": [ 419.568603515625, 183, 427.8473842141728, 176.21568298339844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "the", "rect": [ 434.34881591796875, 183, 447.2839989421696, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "geometrical", "rect": [ 453.7724914550781, 184.0294952392578, 501.35946786392236, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "meaning,", "rect": [ 507.90966796875, 184.0294952392578, 544.8383806479806, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "the", "rect": [ 551.2880859375, 183, 564.2232994792789, 175.26011657714844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix are the principal curvatures,", "rect": [ 313.4479675292969, 195.98109436035156, 564.2670915854806, 187.2117156982422 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "and K(r) is the Gaussian curvature if the 3D electron density is", "rect": [ 313.4479675292969, 207.98252868652344, 564.2341632126163, 198.8448486328125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "regarded as a hypersurface in a 4D hyperspace (Monga &", "rect": [ 313.447998046875, 219.93418884277344, 564.2193043732929, 210.7965087890625 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "Benayoun, 1995; Goldman, 2005).", "rect": [ 313.447998046875, 231.88584899902344, 452.195192171418, 222.7481689453125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "3. Phase retrieval method based on the Iq and IK", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 264.73834228515625, 536.5478296032263, 253.84774780273438 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "indicators", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 273.596435546875, 358.6097264627512, 265.8203125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "The structure factor FðhÞ can be divided into the amplitude", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 291.5377502441406, 564.1737389324039, 282.2905578613281 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "jFðhÞj and the phase part exp½i\u0004ðhÞ\u0004, where \u0004ðhÞ is the phase.", "rect": [ 313.4464111328125, 303.4894104003906, 564.2722795737618, 294.2422180175781 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "In a diffraction experiment, intensities are measured as the", "rect": [ 313.4433898925781, 315.4410705566406, 564.2146935222477, 306.6716613769531 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "squares of the amplitudes and the phases are not observable.", "rect": [ 313.4433898925781, 327.3927001953125, 564.2644670737618, 318.623291015625 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "The electron density \u0003ðrÞ can be obtained by Fourier trans-", "rect": [ 313.4433898925781, 339.3443298339844, 564.2433487413944, 330.0971374511719 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "formation of the structure factors as follows:", "rect": [ 313.4443664550781, 349.2156066894531, 496.536256624543, 342.5265808105469 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "1", "rect": [ 375.4584655761719, 365.4024658203125, 380.11584708670085, 358.82293701171875 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "\u0003ðrÞ ¼ V X \u0002\u0002FðhÞ\u0002\u0002exp½i\u0004ðhÞ\u0004expð\u0003i2\u0002h \u0005 rÞ;", "rect": [ 345.2707824707031, 379.10601806640625, 532.4153752059623, 362.7398376464844 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "h2Hobs", "rect": [ 383.10345458984375, 384.1294860839844, 402.6604593817712, 378.4043273925781 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "where ris the position in the unit cell, h is the reciprocal-lattice", "rect": [ 313.44781494140625, 403.01092529296875, 564.1960167644352, 394.24151611328125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "vector and V is the volume of the unit cell. Hobs is the set of h", "rect": [ 313.44781494140625, 414.4432373046875, 564.2288844583135, 406.19317626953125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "for which the structure factor could be observed. F(000) was", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 426.90740966796875, 564.2188433883975, 417.7697448730469 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "not used in this paper; therefore, the integrated value of the", "rect": [ 313.44873046875, 438.8092956542969, 564.2250084636539, 430.0398864746094 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "electron density \u0003ðrÞ in the unit cell is zero. High-electron-", "rect": [ 313.44873046875, 450.7609558105469, 564.1680923937381, 441.5137634277344 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "density regions are thus positive, whereas low-electron-density", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 462.71258544921875, 564.1285118816227, 453.94317626953125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "regions are expressed as negative in \u0003ðrÞ.", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 474.66424560546875, 482.2778032554024, 465.41705322265625 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "In the phase retrieval, the electron densities were calculated", "rect": [ 323.4720458984375, 486.61590576171875, 564.1782863137822, 477.84649658203125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "for all possible phase combinations by placing them into the", "rect": [ 313.44873046875, 498.56756591796875, 564.2230553386539, 489.79815673828125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "phase part exp½i\u0004ðhÞ\u0004 of the structure factor. The structures of", "rect": [ 313.44873046875, 510.5191955566406, 564.2119156359256, 501.2720031738281 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "the bicontinuous cubic phasesare centrosymmetric,so that the", "rect": [ 313.44671630859375, 522.4140625, 564.2210411784977, 513.6447143554688 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "phase values are 0 or \u0002 (if the unit-cell origin is placed on a", "rect": [ 313.44671630859375, 534.41552734375, 564.2139000652164, 525.27783203125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "symmetry center), i.e. the structure factors are real (positive", "rect": [ 313.44671630859375, 546.3671875, 564.1969322917789, 537.2294921875 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "or negative, respectively). 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The region where the signs of the three eigenvalues", "rect": [ 313.4473571777344, 653.8258666992188, 564.2535113571475, 645.0565185546875 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "were the same was designated as C, and K(r) was obtained at", "rect": [ 313.4473571777344, 665.8273315429688, 564.2085587023319, 656.6896362304688 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "each point within C. IK was then calculated by integration as", "rect": [ 313.4483642578125, 677.729248046875, 564.2137164352725, 668.9598388671875 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "described in Section 2.3. The fourth moment of the electron", "rect": [ 313.44757080078125, 687.6602172851562, 564.1273829934697, 680.9114990234375 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "density h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i was calculated at the same time (Luzzati et al.,", "rect": [ 313.44757080078125, 701.6823120117188, 564.2775285971993, 690.61767578125 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "1988). F(000) was not used in this paper; therefore, h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i", "rect": [ 313.4477233886719, 713.5772094726562, 564.261690068085, 702.5693359375 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "corresponds to the average of the fourth power of the electron", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 725.479248046875, 564.1255519387822, 716.7098999023438 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "density, and h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i was calculated as the average of the", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 737.430908203125, 564.2277550456852, 726.416015625 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "fourth power of the electron density \u0003ðrÞ in the unit cell.", "rect": [ 313.4476623535156, 749.3825073242188, 546.5296648276681, 740.1353759765625 ] }, { "page": 3, "text": "Acta Cryst. (2022). 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Using values from previous papers as a", "rect": [ 44.79314041137695, 645.8392333984375, 295.559481119904, 637.0698852539062 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "reference (Oka, 2017; Oka et al., 2018, 2020), the lattice", "rect": [ 44.79314041137695, 657.8406982421875, 295.56225821951335, 648.7030029296875 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "constant was set to 1 and the width of the Gaussian function", "rect": [ 44.794132232666016, 667.721923828125, 295.50873064971967, 660.9732055664062 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "was set to 0.05 for the G surface based models and 0.07 for the", "rect": [ 44.794132232666016, 679.6168212890625, 295.5137352702946, 672.8182983398438 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "other models.", "rect": [ 44.794132232666016, 691.5087890625, 100.30453665383989, 684.8197631835938 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "The structure factors FðhÞ were obtained by Fourier trans-", "rect": [ 54.7607307434082, 705.5407104492188, 295.4985672472537, 696.2935791015625 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "formation of the model densities \u0003ðrÞ:", "rect": [ 44.79312515258789, 717.442626953125, 200.03022940286334, 708.2452392578125 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "FðhÞ ¼ \u0002\u0002FðhÞ\u0002\u0002exp½i\u0004ðhÞ\u0004 ¼ R \u0003ðrÞexpði2\u0002h \u0005 rÞdr: ð5Þ", "rect": [ 69.99275207519531, 736.1519775390625, 295.52545392636193, 724.2828979492188 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "uc", "rect": [ 180.93356323242188, 741.7840576171875, 187.0805782630176, 738.80810546875 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "Acta Cryst. (2022). A78, 430–436", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 772.2708740234375, 162.21811770850036, 764.9843139648438 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "research papers", "rect": [ 452.9285888671875, 50.97494125366211, 562.962778580549, 36.115684509277344 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "Integration is performed in a unit cell. The numbers of inde-", "rect": [ 313.44842529296875, 80.42677307128906, 564.1669937609256, 71.65738677978516 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "pendent structure-factor amplitudes used were 22, 19 and 13", "rect": [ 313.44842529296875, 92.37843322753906, 564.2266564128727, 83.60904693603516 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "for the G, D and P surface based models, respectively. The", "rect": [ 313.44842529296875, 104.33009338378906, 564.2367272136539, 95.56070709228516 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "model density construction, except for the formation of the", "rect": [ 313.44842529296875, 116.28175354003906, 564.2226891277164, 107.51236724853516 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "TPMS and CMCS, and other calculations were conducted", "rect": [ 313.44842529296875, 126.21271514892578, 564.1958644387822, 119.4639663696289 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "using Mathematica 12.1 (Wolfram Research, Inc., USA).", "rect": [ 313.44842529296875, 140.2347869873047, 543.9330461753243, 131.09710693359375 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "4.2. 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The colors of the points indicate", "rect": [ 313.44818115234375, 720.6815795898438, 564.1671653006761, 713.2276611328125 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "Rp that compare the phase combinations with the true phase combina-", "rect": [ 313.44818115234375, 730.8426513671875, 564.1657648228465, 722.6873779296875 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "tion. The black circles show the true phase combination indicators of the", "rect": [ 313.448486328125, 739.6004028320312, 564.2029929373948, 732.146484375 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "model.", "rect": [ 313.448486328125, 747.2911376953125, 336.84982123866376, 741.6055297851562 ] }, { "page": 4, "text": "Toshihiko Oka \u0002 Liquid crystal bicontinuous phases 433", "rect": [ 352.1836853027344, 772.2470092773438, 564.2215909491334, 762.6353149414062 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "research papers", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 50.97494125366211, 154.82873011863492, 36.115684509277344 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "5. 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IK and I\u0003 for the true", "rect": [ 44.794063568115234, 404.2419128417969, 295.5167870281071, 394.1282958984375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "phase combination are in the lower left corner,which indicates", "rect": [ 44.79341506958008, 414.7926940917969, 295.4901446579288, 406.0232849121094 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "that both indicators of the true phase are almost the smallest,", "rect": [ 44.79341506958008, 426.7443542480469, 295.54486258157425, 417.9749450683594 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "as expected; the same is true when Vfrac is 0.2 and 0.6 in the", "rect": [ 44.79341506958008, 438.914306640625, 295.5172753093571, 429.9266052246094 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "other", "rect": [ 44.79391860961914, 449, 66.52438538058503, 441.8782958984375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "models", "rect": [ 74.18418884277344, 449, 103.15847198947175, 441.8782958984375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "(Fig.", "rect": [ 110.76652526855469, 450.69744873046875, 129.29254324563678, 441.5597839355469 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "S1", "rect": [ 136.8159942626953, 448.6270446777344, 146.6472649333805, 441.9181213378906 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "in", "rect": [ 154.25830078125, 449, 162.0206019876103, 441.8782958984375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "the", "rect": [ 169.66249084472656, 449, 182.5976738689274, 441.8782958984375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "supporting", "rect": [ 190.21865844726562, 450.647705078125, 233.78914115408364, 441.8782958984375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "information).", "rect": [ 241.4668731689453, 450.69744873046875, 295.5215166343086, 441.5597839355469 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "However, when Vfrac is 0.8, IK for the true phase combination", "rect": [ 44.79391860961914, 462.76104736328125, 295.5709254739384, 453.8299255371094 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "is roughly minimized, whereas I\u0003 is clearly not minimized [Fig.", "rect": [ 44.793827056884766, 475.8951721191406, 295.6124590171211, 465.5129089355469 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "3(b)]. The tendency that the indicator for the true phase", "rect": [ 44.7935676574707, 486.5524597167969, 295.55786368826335, 477.414794921875 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "combination is not minimized when Vfrac is large is also true", "rect": [ 44.79257583618164, 498.61602783203125, 295.5121483562321, 489.6849670410156 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "for the G-CMCS model and the other surface-based models", "rect": [ 44.793766021728516, 508.3287048339844, 295.5073870895694, 501.5799560546875 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "(Fig. S1). For example, in the G-CMCS model, both IK and I\u0003", "rect": [ 44.793766021728516, 523.7018432617188, 295.0291290056306, 513.213134765625 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "are not minimized when Vfrac is 0.7 or 0.8.", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 534.470947265625, 217.23249991067584, 525.4833374023438 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "The Rp values of the phase combinations with the minimum", "rect": [ 54.76054000854492, 547.0160522460938, 295.527684500246, 537.4349365234375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "indicators in the G-PS and G-CMCS models are shown in Fig.", "rect": [ 44.794273376464844, 558.1559448242188, 295.61334402688675, 549.3865966796875 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "4. When the volume fraction is smaller than 0.6, R of the", "rect": [ 44.794273376464844, 568.02734375, 295.5198693034977, 561.3381958007812 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "p", "rect": [ 262.254638671875, 570.9193725585938, 265.9806767081857, 566.7028198242188 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "phase combinations at the minimum indicators is approxi-", "rect": [ 44.79350662231445, 582.059326171875, 295.4335037706912, 573.2899780273438 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "mately 0.1 or less. Therefore, in this range of volume fractions,", "rect": [ 44.79350662231445, 594.0109252929688, 295.55792410501175, 585.2415771484375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "both IK and I\u0003 indicators are useful for phase retrieval. When", "rect": [ 44.79350662231445, 607.3068237304688, 295.59308123565717, 597.1365356445312 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "Vfrac is 0.7 or 0.8, some of the phase combinations at the", "rect": [ 44.79401397705078, 617.857666015625, 295.51343009451335, 609.0883178710938 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "minimum indicator are Rp > 0.2, which indicates that the phase", "rect": [ 44.794918060302734, 630.6210327148438, 295.4984764812321, 621.0399169921875 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "retrieval by the indicator is not realized. 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In all models, when Vfrac = 0.2, the Rp value of the", "rect": [ 313.448486328125, 296.84686279296875, 564.2292809245914, 286.6766357421875 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "minimum h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i phase combination is larger than that of I\u0003", "rect": [ 313.447265625, 308.7419128417969, 563.7395171892243, 296.3828430175781 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "(Figs. 3 and S2). When Vfrac = 0.7 for D-PS and D-CMCS and", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 319.399169921875, 564.2042872903447, 310.2615051269531 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "Vfrac = 0.6 for P-PS, the Rp value for the minimum h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i is", "rect": [ 313.4480895996094, 332.1127624511719, 564.244111943085, 320.2862548828125 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "larger than that based on I\u0003. Although there are conditions in", "rect": [ 313.4471435546875, 344.59686279296875, 564.205324888001, 334.4832763671875 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "which the Rp values are similar for both indicators, I\u0003 gives", "rect": [ 313.4481201171875, 356.5485534667969, 564.2605914352725, 346.4349365234375 ] }, { "page": 5, "text": "better results than h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i under several conditions. 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(2022). A78, 430–436", "rect": [ 446.87060546875, 772.2708740234375, 564.3506555502972, 764.9843139648438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "This may cause the phase retrieval results of I\u0003 to be better", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 81.83036041259766, 295.46252624972567, 71.6601333618164 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "under several conditions.", "rect": [ 44.79390335083008, 90.30081939697266, 147.02241690286334, 83.6117935180664 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "5.2. Phase retrieval for experimental data", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 124.00282287597656, 217.99712889376542, 115.1615219116211 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "The experimental data of LLC bicontinuous cubic phases", "rect": [ 54.76140213012695, 140.1879425048828, 295.5442218063663, 131.41856384277344 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "acquired in previous X-ray single-crystal structure analyses", "rect": [ 44.794803619384766, 152.13954162597656, 295.5412921188663, 143.3701629638672 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "(Oka, 2017; Oka et al., 2018, 2020) were used as test data. In", "rect": [ 44.794803619384766, 164.14097595214844, 295.5131862161259, 155.0032958984375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the", "rect": [ 44.794803619384766, 173.96249389648438, 57.72998282888834, 167.2734832763672 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "previously derived from the model analysis were taken as the", "rect": [ 44.794376373291016, 187.9944610595703, 295.51294181326335, 179.22508239746094 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "true combinations.", "rect": [ 44.794376373291016, 197.86575317382812, 120.57632620462114, 191.17674255371094 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Monoolein, a type of lipid, and water form three type II", "rect": [ 54.7609748840332, 211.8977813720703, 295.54077332003817, 203.12840270996094 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "bicontinuous cubic phases with TPMSs of G, D and P (Oka,", "rect": [ 44.794376373291016, 223.8992156982422, 295.49603445657425, 214.76153564453125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "2017). The number of independent structure factors is from 8", "rect": [ 44.794376373291016, 235.7941131591797, 295.5587792156071, 226.65643310546875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "to 14. Vfrac can be estimated to be around 0.43 to 0.54 (Table", "rect": [ 44.794376373291016, 247.91439819335938, 295.52051017263835, 238.60809326171875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "S2). The scatter plot shows that IK and I\u0003 are roughly posi-", "rect": [ 44.7940788269043, 261.0486755371094, 295.5054337023318, 250.5596923828125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "tively correlated, and that the Rp value is smaller toward the", "rect": [ 44.79404067993164, 272.4111328125, 295.5156883952946, 262.8299865722656 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "lower left [Fig. S3(a)]. This is the same as when Vfrac \b 0:6 in", "rect": [ 44.79433059692383, 283.71282958984375, 295.55621600128217, 274.463134765625 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the model densities. The phase combinations obtained from", "rect": [ 44.793094635009766, 295.5027770996094, 295.5136464143085, 286.7333679199219 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the structural models in the previous paper are also located at", "rect": [ 44.793094635009766, 307.4544372558594, 295.5475479601443, 298.6850280761719 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the lower left of the scatter plot. In the phase combinations", "rect": [ 44.793094635009766, 319.4060974121094, 295.4569720505069, 310.6366882324219 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "with the minimum indicators, the calculated R values were", "rect": [ 44.793094635009766, 329.2206726074219, 295.5200829265446, 322.53155517578125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "p", "rect": [ 239.14950561523438, 332.1694641113281, 242.87554365154506, 327.952880859375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "almost zero (Table 1). This shows a good agreement between", "rect": [ 44.79375076293945, 343.3024597167969, 295.56805682159467, 334.164794921875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the structure shown by the indicator-based phase retrieval", "rect": [ 44.79375076293945, 355.2043762207031, 295.54025399673486, 346.4349670410156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "method and the structural model in the previous paper (Oka,", "rect": [ 44.79375076293945, 367.20574951171875, 295.4943865073555, 358.0680847167969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "2017). For the two type II bicontinuous cubic phases of", "rect": [ 44.79375076293945, 379.15740966796875, 295.4973770617068, 370.0197448730469 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "phytantriol with TPMSs of G and D, the number of inde-", "rect": [ 44.79375076293945, 391.059326171875, 295.5541092394412, 382.2899169921875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "pendent reflections is 21, and the Vfrac values are 0.57 and 0.66", "rect": [ 44.79375076293945, 403.1267395019531, 295.4893517253727, 394.1918029785156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "(Oka et al., 2018). These data are also similar to those of", "rect": [ 44.79384231567383, 415.01239013671875, 295.49939122186305, 405.8747253417969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "monoolein, and the structure shown by the phase retrieval", "rect": [ 44.79384231567383, 426.8575744628906, 295.5412915943911, 418.0881652832031 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "method and the structure model in the previous paper (Oka et", "rect": [ 44.79384231567383, 438.85894775390625, 295.54107797134424, 429.7212829589844 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "al., 2018) are in good agreement (Table 1).", "rect": [ 44.79384231567383, 450.81060791015625, 220.4816606772774, 441.6729431152344 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Hexaethylene", "rect": [ 54.760440826416016, 462.7124938964844, 111.15854117849771, 453.9430847167969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "glycol", "rect": [ 117.44898986816406, 462.7124938964844, 141.2483991383364, 453.9430847167969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "monododecyl", "rect": [ 147.51795959472656, 462.7124938964844, 202.40535104263327, 453.9430847167969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "ether", "rect": [ 208.50772094726562, 461, 229.72073547824127, 453.9430847167969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "(C12EO6)", "rect": [ 235.97238159179688, 462.7624206542969, 274.3148822067569, 453.62457275390625 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "and", "rect": [ 280.4898986816406, 461, 295.49502825714154, 453.9432678222656 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "water form a type I bicontinuous cubic phase of G TPMS, with", "rect": [ 44.793521881103516, 474.6643371582031, 295.56976580596967, 465.8949279785156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Vfrac 0:72 (Oka et al., 2020). In the scatter plot of IK and I\u0003,", "rect": [ 44.793521881103516, 487.9601135253906, 295.56695730813675, 477.528076171875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the distribution of points is split in two on the lower left side", "rect": [ 44.79385757446289, 498.5676574707031, 295.50049064138835, 489.7982482910156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "[Fig. S3(c)]. IK is a minimum near the point of the phase", "rect": [ 44.79385757446289, 510.6349792480469, 295.5627770183415, 501.4313659667969 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "combination that was considered true in the previous paper", "rect": [ 44.794559478759766, 522.4141845703125, 295.51913635714754, 513.6448364257812 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "(Oka et al., 2020) (I\u0003 20), whereas I\u0003 is not a minimum near", "rect": [ 44.794559478759766, 535.7667236328125, 295.48166077121004, 525.2779541015625 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the point. On the other hand, close to the point where I\u0003 is", "rect": [ 44.79416275024414, 547.718505859375, 295.53366272433504, 537.5482177734375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "corresponding electron densities are shown in Fig. 5. The", "rect": [ 44.794132232666016, 570.220947265625, 295.5226464031071, 561.4017944335938 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "electron density of the minimum IK is in very good agreement", "rect": [ 44.794132232666016, 582.172607421875, 295.5405899523318, 573.4032592773438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "with the electron density in the previous paper (Oka et al.,", "rect": [ 44.794315338134766, 594.1740112304688, 295.56744558938675, 585.0363159179688 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "2020). A comparison of the electron density of the minimum", "rect": [ 44.79434585571289, 606.1256713867188, 295.52786760571473, 596.9879760742188 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "IK [Fig. 5(b)] with Figs. 1(b) and 1(c) indicates that the width", "rect": [ 44.79434585571289, 618.020751953125, 295.50821185089154, 608.883056640625 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Figure 5", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 729.8905029296875, 77.03409446233377, 721.77392578125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Electron densities of C12EO6 calculated with phase combinations of (a)", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 739.6429443359375, 295.57293941246155, 731.8760375976562 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "minimum I\u0003 and (b) minimum IK.", "rect": [ 44.79411697387695, 750.2025146484375, 162.76690497889817, 741.3353881835938 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Acta Cryst. (2022). A78, 430–436", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 772.2708740234375, 162.21811770850036, 764.9843139648438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "research papers", "rect": [ 452.9285888671875, 50.97494125366211, 562.962778580549, 36.115684509277344 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "of the high-electron-density region on the TPMS side is wider,", "rect": [ 313.4481201171875, 80.42744445800781, 564.2840593589181, 71.6580581665039 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "which is consistent with the large volume fraction on the", "rect": [ 313.4481201171875, 92.37910461425781, 564.2243981120914, 83.6097183227539 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "TPMS side of C12EO6. 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The Rp values for the phase combi-", "rect": [ 313.44708251953125, 212.65284729003906, 564.1817032335819, 203.07176208496094 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "nation with the minimum indicator h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i are comparable", "rect": [ 313.4473876953125, 223.7928009033203, 564.1882042644352, 212.77783203125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "with those of I\u0003 for four of the six experimental data sets. On", "rect": [ 313.4479675292969, 237.0885467529297, 564.1823146340947, 226.9750213623047 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the other hand, the Rp value of the minimum indicator h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i", "rect": [ 313.447998046875, 248.5078887939453, 564.261690068085, 236.68121337890625 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "is approximately 0.1 for monoolein P and 0.2 for D, which are", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 259.6476135253906, 564.2220787761539, 250.8782196044922 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "larger than that of I\u0003. For the difference of Rp", "rect": [ 313.44775390625, 272.9436340332031, 516.2863407706857, 262.7731018066406 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "0.1, the", "rect": [ 532.8906860351562, 269.4623718261719, 564.2294640300602, 262.7733459472656 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "electron densities show similar structures, but there are non-", "rect": [ 313.44744873046875, 281.4140319824219, 564.1918961046756, 274.7250061035156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "negligible differences in the details (Fig. S6). Considering the", "rect": [ 313.44744873046875, 295.4958190917969, 564.2187828777164, 286.358154296875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "results with the model structures, IK is the best indicator with", "rect": [ 313.44744873046875, 306.833740234375, 564.1978785989385, 298.6283264160156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the widest range of applicable conditions, followed by I\u0003 and", "rect": [ 313.44769287109375, 320.693603515625, 564.205080747376, 310.58001708984375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "then", "rect": [ 313.4478759765625, 329.2206726074219, 331.6246058938603, 322.5316467285156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "h½\u0003ðrÞ\u00044i.", "rect": [ 336.779541015625, 331.25128173828125, 370.9984453452461, 320.2862548828125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Regardless", "rect": [ 376.0817565917969, 331.3010559082031, 420.6692218063663, 322.5316467285156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "of", "rect": [ 425.8580322265625, 330, 434.1368118761599, 322.6112976074219 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "which", "rect": [ 439.2788391113281, 330, 463.0712916848759, 322.5316467285156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "indicator", "rect": [ 468.21630859375, 330, 504.5697345016788, 322.5316467285156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "is", "rect": [ 509.66796875, 330, 515.8778399704288, 322.5316467285156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "used,", "rect": [ 520.9949951171875, 330, 541.9820574057931, 322.5316467285156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "care", "rect": [ 547.1011962890625, 330, 564.1753258464664, 324 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "should be taken because there are volume fractions for which", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 341.1723327636719, 564.1715724465947, 334.4833068847656 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "phase retrieval is difficult.", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 355.2043762207031, 419.6481645835274, 346.4349670410156 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Unobservable structure factors cause truncation errors in", "rect": [ 323.4712829589844, 365.0786437988281, 564.2003810403447, 358.32989501953125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the Fourier synthesis of electron density, \u0003ðrÞ. The truncation", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 379.0509338378906, 564.217043638001, 369.8037414550781 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "errors may make the indicatorsinaccurate. However,given the", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 391.0025634765625, 564.2223229167789, 382.233154296875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "observed amplitudes, the amplitudes of unobservable struc-", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 402.9542236328125, 564.2103287218631, 394.184814453125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "ture factors are probably less than 1% of the maximum", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 414.9058837890625, 564.2033131623554, 406.136474609375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "amplitude. The amplitude decreases rapidly at high scattering", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 426.8575134277344, 564.2083458659977, 418.0881042480469 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "angles due to the structural disorder of the liquid crystal (this", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 438.85888671875, 564.1834429977725, 429.7212219238281 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "is why the number of observable amplitudes is small). For this", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 450.810546875, 564.188447880585, 441.6728820800781 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "reason, the effect of the truncation error on the resultant", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 461, 564.2123428820194, 453.8863220214844 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "structure model, i.e. indicators, seems insignificant. On the", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 474.60736083984375, 564.2240319011539, 465.83795166015625 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "other hand, it may affect the phase retrieval of structure", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 486.5589904785156, 564.1188072917789, 477.7895812988281 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "factors with weak amplitudes", "rect": [ 313.44793701171875, 498.5106506347656, 440.64718811496004, 489.7412414550781 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "deviate slightly from 0.", "rect": [ 313.44732666015625, 510.46270751953125, 407.7015703452461, 501.69329833984375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "6. Conclusion", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 540.3280029296875, 376.494977063127, 532.531005859375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "The indicators I\u0003 and IK were determined to be useful for the", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 559.613525390625, 564.2264122722477, 549.4999389648438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "crystallographic phase retrieval in LLC bicontinuous phases.", "rect": [ 313.4483337402344, 570.220947265625, 564.2674577964181, 561.4515991210938 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "The phase combination with the minimum indicator was very", "rect": [ 313.4483337402344, 582.172607421875, 564.1808800456852, 573.4032592773438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "close to the true phase combination when the volume fraction", "rect": [ 313.4483337402344, 594.124267578125, 564.1609523294072, 585.3549194335938 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "was less than 0.6. Even for volume fractions of approximately", "rect": [ 313.4483337402344, 606.075927734375, 564.2514977214664, 597.3065795898438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "0.7 to 0.8, IK was effective to determine the proper phase", "rect": [ 313.4483337402344, 618.1432495117188, 564.1521324870914, 609.2015991210938 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "combination as an indicator, although there were exceptions.", "rect": [ 313.4476318359375, 629.922607421875, 564.2677019370431, 621.1532592773438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "In the scatter plots of IK and I\u0003, when Vfrac is small, the points", "rect": [ 313.4476318359375, 643.2750244140625, 564.1780108688663, 633.1048583984375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "extending to the lower left do not spread much [Fig. 3(a)]. On", "rect": [ 313.44769287109375, 653.8756713867188, 564.1879298684697, 644.7379760742188 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "the other hand, when Vfrac is large, the points in the lower left", "rect": [ 313.44769287109375, 665.939208984375, 564.1776749132694, 657.0081787109375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "corner branch and spread out [Fig. 3(b)], which seems to be", "rect": [ 313.4483642578125, 677.779052734375, 564.2383751628727, 668.641357421875 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "related to the certainty of the indicator.", "rect": [ 313.4473876953125, 689.680908203125, 476.88958914407425, 680.9115600585938 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "The model used for the phase retrieval was a simple", "rect": [ 323.470703125, 701.632568359375, 564.1559777019352, 692.8632202148438 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "structure with different electron densities on the TPMS side", "rect": [ 313.4473876953125, 711.5068359375, 564.2107262370914, 704.7581176757812 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "and the network side. On the other hand, the sample of", "rect": [ 313.4473876953125, 725.4791259765625, 564.2117325304569, 716.7097778320312 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "experimental data used for the phase retrieval has a more", "rect": [ 313.4473876953125, 737.4307250976562, 564.1918053386539, 728.661376953125 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "complicated structure. In the case of a type I bicontinuous", "rect": [ 313.4473876953125, 749.3823852539062, 564.1998004196475, 740.613037109375 ] }, { "page": 6, "text": "Toshihiko Oka \u0002 Liquid crystal bicontinuous phases 435", "rect": [ 352.1836853027344, 772.2470092773438, 564.2215909491334, 762.6353149414062 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "research papers", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 50.97494125366211, 154.82873011863492, 36.115684509277344 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "cubic phase such as C12EO6, the polar region is located on the", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 80.42951965332031, 295.514559244904, 71.6601333618164 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "TPMS side and the nonpolar region is located on the network", "rect": [ 44.7941780090332, 92.38117980957031, 295.52862811065717, 83.6117935180664 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "side. The hydrophobic chain of the amphiphilic molecule is", "rect": [ 44.7941780090332, 104.33283996582031, 295.5256976364444, 95.5634536743164 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "located in the nonpolarregion, water is located in the TPMS in", "rect": [ 44.7941780090332, 116.28450012207031, 295.54959368682904, 107.5151138305664 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "the polar region, and the hydrophilic part of the amphiphilic", "rect": [ 44.7941780090332, 128.2361602783203, 295.44412441235386, 119.4667739868164 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "molecule is located in the polar–nonpolar interface side of the", "rect": [ 44.7941780090332, 140.1878204345703, 295.5087609050602, 131.41844177246094 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "polar region. 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TPMS-like", "rect": [ 44.79444885253906, 462.65594482421875, 295.5607628581852, 453.88653564453125 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "structures have been observed in thermotropic liquid crystals,", "rect": [ 44.79444885253906, 474.60760498046875, 295.5588396323555, 465.83819580078125 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "polymers and other systems; it should also be possible to apply", "rect": [ 44.79444885253906, 486.5592041015625, 295.4792198894352, 477.789794921875 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "this phase retrieval method to these systems.", "rect": [ 44.79444885253906, 498.5108642578125, 228.34109671243365, 489.741455078125 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "436 Toshihiko Oka \u0002 Liquid crystal bicontinuous phases", "rect": [ 44.794551849365234, 772.2470092773438, 256.8675980616458, 762.5875244140625 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "Funding information", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 80.45883178710938, 407.125348156877, 70.92682647705078 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "The following funding is acknowledged:", "rect": [ 313.4483947753906, 96.68605041503906, 485.89496023782425, 87.91666412353516 ] }, { "page": 7, "text": "(grant Nos. 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