stringlengths 7
| func_path_in_repository
stringlengths 11
| func_name
stringlengths 4
| whole_func_string
stringlengths 153
| language
stringclasses 1
value | func_code_string
stringlengths 72
| func_code_tokens
sequencelengths 20
| func_documentation_string
stringlengths 61
| func_documentation_tokens
sequencelengths 1
| split_name
stringclasses 1
value | func_code_url
stringlengths 102
mangstadt/biweekly | src/main/java/biweekly/util/com/google/ical/util/ | TimeUtils.timetMillisFromEpochSecs | private static long timetMillisFromEpochSecs(long epochSecs, TimeZone zone) {
Get a "time_t" in milliseconds given a number of seconds since the
Dershowitz/Reingold epoch relative to a given timezone.
@param epochSecs the number of seconds since the Dershowitz/Reingold
epoch relative to the given timezone
@param zone timezone against which epochSecs applies
@return the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970 GMT
DateTimeValue date = timeFromSecsSinceEpoch(epochSecs);
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
cal.set(date.year(), date.month() - 1,, date.hour(), date.minute(), date.second());
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
} | java | private static long timetMillisFromEpochSecs(long epochSecs, TimeZone zone) {
DateTimeValue date = timeFromSecsSinceEpoch(epochSecs);
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
cal.set(date.year(), date.month() - 1,, date.hour(), date.minute(), date.second());
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
} | [
] | Get a "time_t" in milliseconds given a number of seconds since the
Dershowitz/Reingold epoch relative to a given timezone.
@param epochSecs the number of seconds since the Dershowitz/Reingold
epoch relative to the given timezone
@param zone timezone against which epochSecs applies
@return the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970 GMT | [
] | train | |
pebble/pebble-android-sdk | PebbleKit/PebbleKit/src/main/java/com/getpebble/android/kit/util/ | PebbleDictionary.addInt8 | public void addInt8(final int key, final byte b) {
Associate the specified signed byte with the provided key in the dictionary. If another key-value pair with the
same key is already present in the dictionary, it will be replaced.
@param key
key with which the specified value is associated
@param b
value to be associated with the specified key
PebbleTuple t = PebbleTuple.create(key, PebbleTuple.TupleType.INT, PebbleTuple.Width.BYTE, b);
} | java | public void addInt8(final int key, final byte b) {
PebbleTuple t = PebbleTuple.create(key, PebbleTuple.TupleType.INT, PebbleTuple.Width.BYTE, b);
} | [
] | Associate the specified signed byte with the provided key in the dictionary. If another key-value pair with the
same key is already present in the dictionary, it will be replaced.
@param key
key with which the specified value is associated
@param b
value to be associated with the specified key | [
] | train | |
operasoftware/operaprestodriver | src/com/opera/core/systems/scope/ | WaitState.pollResultItem | private ResultItem pollResultItem(long timeout, boolean idle) {
Checks for a result item. <p/> If no result item is available this method will wait for timeout
milliseconds and try again. If still no result if available then a ResponseNotReceivedException
is thrown.
@param timeout time in milliseconds to wait before retrying.
@param idle whether you are waiting for an Idle event. Changes error message.
@return the result
ResultItem result = getResult();
if (result != null) {
result.remainingIdleTimeout = timeout;
if (result == null && timeout > 0) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = getResult();
if (result != null) {
result.remainingIdleTimeout = timeout - (end - start);
logger.finest("Remaining timeout: " + result.remainingIdleTimeout);
if (result == null) {
if (idle) {
throw new ResponseNotReceivedException("No idle response in a timely fashion");
} else {
throw new ResponseNotReceivedException("No response in a timely fashion");
return result;
} | java | private ResultItem pollResultItem(long timeout, boolean idle) {
ResultItem result = getResult();
if (result != null) {
result.remainingIdleTimeout = timeout;
if (result == null && timeout > 0) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = getResult();
if (result != null) {
result.remainingIdleTimeout = timeout - (end - start);
logger.finest("Remaining timeout: " + result.remainingIdleTimeout);
if (result == null) {
if (idle) {
throw new ResponseNotReceivedException("No idle response in a timely fashion");
} else {
throw new ResponseNotReceivedException("No response in a timely fashion");
return result;
} | [
"\"Remaining timeout: \"",
"\"No idle response in a timely fashion\"",
"\"No response in a timely fashion\"",
] | Checks for a result item. <p/> If no result item is available this method will wait for timeout
milliseconds and try again. If still no result if available then a ResponseNotReceivedException
is thrown.
@param timeout time in milliseconds to wait before retrying.
@param idle whether you are waiting for an Idle event. Changes error message.
@return the result | [
] | train | |
kuali/ojb-1.0.4 | src/java/org/apache/ojb/broker/accesslayer/sql/ | SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl.getPreparedDeleteStatement | public SqlStatement getPreparedDeleteStatement(Query query, ClassDescriptor cld) {
generate a prepared DELETE-Statement according to query
@param query the Query
@param cld the ClassDescriptor
return new SqlDeleteByQuery(m_platform, cld, query, logger);
} | java | public SqlStatement getPreparedDeleteStatement(Query query, ClassDescriptor cld)
return new SqlDeleteByQuery(m_platform, cld, query, logger);
} | [
] | generate a prepared DELETE-Statement according to query
@param query the Query
@param cld the ClassDescriptor | [
] | train | |
arturmkrtchyan/iban4j | src/main/java/org/iban4j/ | Iban.valueOf | public static Iban valueOf(final String iban, final IbanFormat format) throws IbanFormatException,
InvalidCheckDigitException, UnsupportedCountryException {
Returns an Iban object holding the value of the specified String.
@param iban the String to be parsed.
@param format the format of the Iban.
@return an Iban object holding the value represented by the string argument.
@throws IbanFormatException if the String doesn't contain parsable Iban
InvalidCheckDigitException if Iban has invalid check digit
UnsupportedCountryException if Iban's Country is not supported.
switch (format) {
case Default:
final String ibanWithoutSpaces = iban.replace(" ", "");
final Iban ibanObj = valueOf(ibanWithoutSpaces);
if(ibanObj.toFormattedString().equals(iban)) {
return ibanObj;
throw new IbanFormatException(IBAN_FORMATTING,
String.format("Iban must be formatted using 4 characters and space combination. " +
"Instead of [%s]", iban));
return valueOf(iban);
} | java | public static Iban valueOf(final String iban, final IbanFormat format) throws IbanFormatException,
InvalidCheckDigitException, UnsupportedCountryException {
switch (format) {
case Default:
final String ibanWithoutSpaces = iban.replace(" ", "");
final Iban ibanObj = valueOf(ibanWithoutSpaces);
if(ibanObj.toFormattedString().equals(iban)) {
return ibanObj;
throw new IbanFormatException(IBAN_FORMATTING,
String.format("Iban must be formatted using 4 characters and space combination. " +
"Instead of [%s]", iban));
return valueOf(iban);
} | [
"\" \"",
"\"Iban must be formatted using 4 characters and space combination. \"",
"\"Instead of [%s]\"",
] | Returns an Iban object holding the value of the specified String.
@param iban the String to be parsed.
@param format the format of the Iban.
@return an Iban object holding the value represented by the string argument.
@throws IbanFormatException if the String doesn't contain parsable Iban
InvalidCheckDigitException if Iban has invalid check digit
UnsupportedCountryException if Iban's Country is not supported. | [
] | train | |
liferay/com-liferay-commerce | commerce-tax-engine-fixed-service/src/main/java/com/liferay/commerce/tax/engine/fixed/service/persistence/impl/ | CommerceTaxFixedRateAddressRelPersistenceImpl.findAll | @Override
public List<CommerceTaxFixedRateAddressRel> findAll(int start, int end) {
Returns a range of all the commerce tax fixed rate address rels.
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is absent and pagination is required (<code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS}), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from {@link CommerceTaxFixedRateAddressRelModelImpl}. If both <code>orderByComparator</code> and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
@param start the lower bound of the range of commerce tax fixed rate address rels
@param end the upper bound of the range of commerce tax fixed rate address rels (not inclusive)
@return the range of commerce tax fixed rate address rels
return findAll(start, end, null);
} | java | @Override
public List<CommerceTaxFixedRateAddressRel> findAll(int start, int end) {
return findAll(start, end, null);
} | [
] | Returns a range of all the commerce tax fixed rate address rels.
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is absent and pagination is required (<code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS}), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from {@link CommerceTaxFixedRateAddressRelModelImpl}. If both <code>orderByComparator</code> and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
@param start the lower bound of the range of commerce tax fixed rate address rels
@param end the upper bound of the range of commerce tax fixed rate address rels (not inclusive)
@return the range of commerce tax fixed rate address rels | [
] | train | |
GwtMaterialDesign/gwt-material-addins | src/main/java/gwt/material/design/addins/client/combobox/ | MaterialComboBox.setValues | public void setValues(List<T> values, boolean fireEvents) {
Set directly all the values that will be stored into
combobox and build options into it.
String[] stringValues = new String[values.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
stringValues[i] = keyFactory.generateKey(values.get(i));
suppressChangeEvent = !fireEvents;
$(listbox.getElement()).val(stringValues).trigger("change", selectedIndex);
suppressChangeEvent = false;
} | java | public void setValues(List<T> values, boolean fireEvents) {
String[] stringValues = new String[values.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
stringValues[i] = keyFactory.generateKey(values.get(i));
suppressChangeEvent = !fireEvents;
$(listbox.getElement()).val(stringValues).trigger("change", selectedIndex);
suppressChangeEvent = false;
} | [
] | Set directly all the values that will be stored into
combobox and build options into it. | [
] | train | |
teatrove/teatrove | trove/src/main/java/org/teatrove/trove/classfile/ | Modifiers.setProtected | public static int setProtected(int modifier, boolean b) {
When set protected, the modifier is cleared from being public or
if (b) {
return (modifier | PROTECTED) & (~PUBLIC & ~PRIVATE);
else {
return modifier & ~PROTECTED;
} | java | public static int setProtected(int modifier, boolean b) {
if (b) {
return (modifier | PROTECTED) & (~PUBLIC & ~PRIVATE);
else {
return modifier & ~PROTECTED;
} | [
] | When set protected, the modifier is cleared from being public or
private. | [
] | train | |
spotbugs/spotbugs | spotbugs/src/main/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/ | BugAccumulator.accumulateBug | public void accumulateBug(BugInstance bug, BytecodeScanningDetector visitor) {
Accumulate a warning at source location currently being visited by given
@param bug
the warning
@param visitor
the BytecodeScanningDetector
SourceLineAnnotation source = SourceLineAnnotation.fromVisitedInstruction(visitor);
accumulateBug(bug, source);
} | java | public void accumulateBug(BugInstance bug, BytecodeScanningDetector visitor) {
SourceLineAnnotation source = SourceLineAnnotation.fromVisitedInstruction(visitor);
accumulateBug(bug, source);
} | [
] | Accumulate a warning at source location currently being visited by given
@param bug
the warning
@param visitor
the BytecodeScanningDetector | [
] | train | |
OpenLiberty/open-liberty | dev/ | WebContainerLogger.logp | public void logp(Level level, String sourceClass, String sourceMethod,String msg) {
Override every method from Logger to be called on the delegateLogger.
} | java | public void logp(Level level, String sourceClass, String sourceMethod,String msg) {
} | [
] | Override every method from Logger to be called on the delegateLogger. | [
] | train | |
RuedigerMoeller/kontraktor | modules/kontraktor-bare/src/main/java/org/nustaq/kontraktor/barebone/ | RemoteActorConnection.sendRequests | protected void sendRequests() {
sends pending requests async. needs be executed inside lock (see calls of this)
if ( ! requestUnderway ) {
requestUnderway = true;
delayed( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (requests) {
Object req[];
if ( openFutureRequests.get() > 0 && requests.size() == 0 ) {
req = new Object[] { "SP", lastSeenSeq };
} else {
req = new Object[requests.size() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
req[i] = requests.get(i);
req[req.length - 1] = lastSeenSeq;
sendCallArray(req).then(new Callback<Integer>() {
public void receive(Integer result, Object error) {
synchronized (requests ) {
requestUnderway = false;
if ( requests.size() > 0 || (result != null && result > 0 && openFutureRequests.get() > 0 ) ) {
myExec.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 1);
} | java | protected void sendRequests() {
if ( ! requestUnderway ) {
requestUnderway = true;
delayed( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (requests) {
Object req[];
if ( openFutureRequests.get() > 0 && requests.size() == 0 ) {
req = new Object[] { "SP", lastSeenSeq };
} else {
req = new Object[requests.size() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
req[i] = requests.get(i);
req[req.length - 1] = lastSeenSeq;
sendCallArray(req).then(new Callback<Integer>() {
public void receive(Integer result, Object error) {
synchronized (requests ) {
requestUnderway = false;
if ( requests.size() > 0 || (result != null && result > 0 && openFutureRequests.get() > 0 ) ) {
myExec.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 1);
} | [
] | sends pending requests async. needs be executed inside lock (see calls of this) | [
] | train | |
couchbase/couchbase-lite-java | src/main/java/com/couchbase/lite/ | Parameters.setValue | public Parameters setValue(@NonNull String name, Object value) {
Set a value to the query parameter referenced by the given name. A query parameter
is defined by using the Expression's parameter(String name) function.
@param name The parameter name.
@param value The value.
@return The self object.
if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("name cannot be null."); }
if (readonly) { throw new IllegalStateException("Parameters is readonly mode."); }
map.put(name, value);
return this;
} | java | public Parameters setValue(@NonNull String name, Object value) {
if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("name cannot be null."); }
if (readonly) { throw new IllegalStateException("Parameters is readonly mode."); }
map.put(name, value);
return this;
} | [
"\"name cannot be null.\"",
"\"Parameters is readonly mode.\"",
] | Set a value to the query parameter referenced by the given name. A query parameter
is defined by using the Expression's parameter(String name) function.
@param name The parameter name.
@param value The value.
@return The self object. | [
] | train | |
eurekaclinical/eurekaclinical-common | src/main/java/org/eurekaclinical/common/comm/clients/ | EurekaClinicalClient.doPost | protected <T> T doPost(String path, MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams, GenericType<T> genericType) throws ClientException {
Submits a form and gets back a JSON object. Adds appropriate Accepts and
Content Type headers.
@param <T> the type of object that is expected in the response.
@param path the API to call.
@param formParams the form parameters to send.
@param genericType the type of object that is expected in the response.
@return the object in the response.
@throws ClientException if a status code other than 200 (OK) is returned.
return doPost(path, formParams, genericType, null);
} | java | protected <T> T doPost(String path, MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams, GenericType<T> genericType) throws ClientException {
return doPost(path, formParams, genericType, null);
} | [
] | Submits a form and gets back a JSON object. Adds appropriate Accepts and
Content Type headers.
@param <T> the type of object that is expected in the response.
@param path the API to call.
@param formParams the form parameters to send.
@param genericType the type of object that is expected in the response.
@return the object in the response.
@throws ClientException if a status code other than 200 (OK) is returned. | [
] | train | |
sporniket/core | sporniket-core-strings/src/main/java/com/sporniket/strings/ | QuickDiff.outputReportLine | private void outputReportLine(List<String> report, MessageFormat template, String[] textLines, int currentLine) {
Add a report line the designated line.
@param report
The report buffer.
@param template
The template to use (to distinguish between text on left and text on right).
@param textLines
The source text as an array of lines.
@param currentLine
The line to output.
Object[] _args =
currentLine, textLines[currentLine]
} | java | private void outputReportLine(List<String> report, MessageFormat template, String[] textLines, int currentLine)
Object[] _args =
currentLine, textLines[currentLine]
} | [
] | Add a report line the designated line.
@param report
The report buffer.
@param template
The template to use (to distinguish between text on left and text on right).
@param textLines
The source text as an array of lines.
@param currentLine
The line to output. | [
] | train | |
PeterisP/LVTagger | src/main/java/edu/stanford/nlp/io/ | IOUtils.writeObjectToTempFileNoExceptions | public static File writeObjectToTempFileNoExceptions(Object o, String filename) {
Write object to a temp file and ignore exceptions.
@param o
object to be written to file
@param filename
name of the temp file
@return File containing the object
try {
return writeObjectToTempFile(o, filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error writing object to file " + filename);
return null;
} | java | public static File writeObjectToTempFileNoExceptions(Object o, String filename) {
try {
return writeObjectToTempFile(o, filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error writing object to file " + filename);
return null;
} | [
"\"Error writing object to file \"",
] | Write object to a temp file and ignore exceptions.
@param o
object to be written to file
@param filename
name of the temp file
@return File containing the object | [
] | train | |
seancfoley/IPAddress | IPAddress/src/inet.ipaddr/inet/ipaddr/ipv6/ | IPv6AddressSegment.getSplitSegments | public <S extends AddressSegment> void getSplitSegments(S segs[], int index, AddressSegmentCreator<S> creator) {
Converts this IPv6 address segment into smaller segments,
copying them into the given array starting at the given index.
If a segment does not fit into the array because the segment index in the array is out of bounds of the array,
then it is not copied.
@param segs
@param index
if(!isMultiple()) {
int bitSizeSplit = IPv6Address.BITS_PER_SEGMENT >>> 1;
Integer myPrefix = getSegmentPrefixLength();
Integer highPrefixBits = getSplitSegmentPrefix(bitSizeSplit, myPrefix, 0);
Integer lowPrefixBits = getSplitSegmentPrefix(bitSizeSplit, myPrefix, 1);
if(index >= 0 && index < segs.length) {
segs[index] = creator.createSegment(highByte(), highPrefixBits);
if(++index >= 0 && index < segs.length) {
segs[index] = creator.createSegment(lowByte(), lowPrefixBits);
} else {
getSplitSegmentsMultiple(segs, index, creator);
} | java | public <S extends AddressSegment> void getSplitSegments(S segs[], int index, AddressSegmentCreator<S> creator) {
if(!isMultiple()) {
int bitSizeSplit = IPv6Address.BITS_PER_SEGMENT >>> 1;
Integer myPrefix = getSegmentPrefixLength();
Integer highPrefixBits = getSplitSegmentPrefix(bitSizeSplit, myPrefix, 0);
Integer lowPrefixBits = getSplitSegmentPrefix(bitSizeSplit, myPrefix, 1);
if(index >= 0 && index < segs.length) {
segs[index] = creator.createSegment(highByte(), highPrefixBits);
if(++index >= 0 && index < segs.length) {
segs[index] = creator.createSegment(lowByte(), lowPrefixBits);
} else {
getSplitSegmentsMultiple(segs, index, creator);
} | [
] | Converts this IPv6 address segment into smaller segments,
copying them into the given array starting at the given index.
If a segment does not fit into the array because the segment index in the array is out of bounds of the array,
then it is not copied.
@param segs
@param index | [
] | train | |
att/AAF | cadi/aaf/src/main/java/com/att/cadi/aaf/client/ | ErrMessage.toMsg | public StringBuilder toMsg(StringBuilder sb, String attErrJson) throws APIException {
AT&T Requires a specific Error Format for RESTful Services, which AAF complies with.
This code will create a meaningful string from this format.
@param sb
@param df
@param r
@throws APIException
return toMsg(sb,errDF.newData().in(TYPE.JSON).load(attErrJson).asObject());
} | java | public StringBuilder toMsg(StringBuilder sb, String attErrJson) throws APIException {
return toMsg(sb,errDF.newData().in(TYPE.JSON).load(attErrJson).asObject());
} | [
] | AT&T Requires a specific Error Format for RESTful Services, which AAF complies with.
This code will create a meaningful string from this format.
@param sb
@param df
@param r
@throws APIException | [
] | train | |
threerings/narya | core/src/main/java/com/threerings/presents/dobj/ | DObject.requestAttributeChange | protected void requestAttributeChange (String name, Object value, Object oldValue) {
Called by derived instances when an attribute setter method was called.
requestAttributeChange(name, value, oldValue, Transport.DEFAULT);
} | java | protected void requestAttributeChange (String name, Object value, Object oldValue)
requestAttributeChange(name, value, oldValue, Transport.DEFAULT);
} | [
] | Called by derived instances when an attribute setter method was called. | [
] | train | |
tractionsoftware/gwt-traction | src/main/java/com/tractionsoftware/gwt/user/client/util/ | RgbaColor.opacify | public RgbaColor opacify(float amount) {
Returns a new color that has the alpha adjusted by the
specified amount.
return new RgbaColor(r, g, b, alphaCheck(a + amount));
} | java | public RgbaColor opacify(float amount) {
return new RgbaColor(r, g, b, alphaCheck(a + amount));
} | [
] | Returns a new color that has the alpha adjusted by the
specified amount. | [
] | train | |
craftercms/core | src/main/java/org/craftercms/core/processors/impl/ | TextMetaDataExtractingProcessor.process | @Override
public Item process(Context context, CachingOptions cachingOptions, Item item) {
For every XPath query provided in {@code metaDataNodesXPathQueries}, a single node is selected and its text
value is extracted and put in the item's properties.
for (String xpathQuery : metaDataNodesXPathQueries) {
String metaDataValue = item.queryDescriptorValue(xpathQuery);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(metaDataValue)) {
item.setProperty(xpathQuery, metaDataValue);
return item;
} | java | @Override
public Item process(Context context, CachingOptions cachingOptions, Item item) {
for (String xpathQuery : metaDataNodesXPathQueries) {
String metaDataValue = item.queryDescriptorValue(xpathQuery);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(metaDataValue)) {
item.setProperty(xpathQuery, metaDataValue);
return item;
} | [
] | For every XPath query provided in {@code metaDataNodesXPathQueries}, a single node is selected and its text
value is extracted and put in the item's properties. | [
] | train | |
morimekta/utils | diff-util/src/main/java/net/morimekta/diff/ | DiffBase.linesToChars | LinesToCharsResult linesToChars(String text1, String text2) {
Split two texts into a list of strings. Reduce the texts to a string of
hashes where each Unicode character represents one line.
@param text1 First string.
@param text2 Second string.
@return An object containing the encoded text1, the encoded text2 and
the List of unique strings. The zeroth element of the List of
unique strings is intentionally blank.
List<String> lineArray = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Integer> lineHash = new HashMap<>();
// e.g. linearray[4] == "Hello\n"
// e.g. linehash.get("Hello\n") == 4
// "\x00" is a valid character, but various debuggers don't like it.
// So we'll insert a junk entry to avoid generating a null character.
String chars1 = linesToCharsMunge(text1, lineArray, lineHash);
String chars2 = linesToCharsMunge(text2, lineArray, lineHash);
return new LinesToCharsResult(chars1, chars2, lineArray);
} | java | LinesToCharsResult linesToChars(String text1, String text2) {
List<String> lineArray = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Integer> lineHash = new HashMap<>();
// e.g. linearray[4] == "Hello\n"
// e.g. linehash.get("Hello\n") == 4
// "\x00" is a valid character, but various debuggers don't like it.
// So we'll insert a junk entry to avoid generating a null character.
String chars1 = linesToCharsMunge(text1, lineArray, lineHash);
String chars2 = linesToCharsMunge(text2, lineArray, lineHash);
return new LinesToCharsResult(chars1, chars2, lineArray);
} | [
"// e.g. linearray[4] == \"Hello\\n\"",
"// e.g. linehash.get(\"Hello\\n\") == 4",
"// \"\\x00\" is a valid character, but various debuggers don't like it.",
"// So we'll insert a junk entry to avoid generating a null character.",
] | Split two texts into a list of strings. Reduce the texts to a string of
hashes where each Unicode character represents one line.
@param text1 First string.
@param text2 Second string.
@return An object containing the encoded text1, the encoded text2 and
the List of unique strings. The zeroth element of the List of
unique strings is intentionally blank. | [
] | train | |
Stratio/stratio-cassandra | src/java/org/apache/cassandra/config/ | TriggerDefinition.deleteFromSchema | public void deleteFromSchema(Mutation mutation, String cfName, long timestamp) {
Drop specified trigger from the schema using given mutation.
@param mutation The schema mutation
@param cfName The name of the parent ColumnFamily
@param timestamp The timestamp to use for the tombstone
ColumnFamily cf = mutation.addOrGet(SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_TRIGGERS_CF);
int ldt = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
Composite prefix = CFMetaData.SchemaTriggersCf.comparator.make(cfName, name);
cf.addAtom(new RangeTombstone(prefix, prefix.end(), timestamp, ldt));
} | java | public void deleteFromSchema(Mutation mutation, String cfName, long timestamp)
ColumnFamily cf = mutation.addOrGet(SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_TRIGGERS_CF);
int ldt = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
Composite prefix = CFMetaData.SchemaTriggersCf.comparator.make(cfName, name);
cf.addAtom(new RangeTombstone(prefix, prefix.end(), timestamp, ldt));
} | [
] | Drop specified trigger from the schema using given mutation.
@param mutation The schema mutation
@param cfName The name of the parent ColumnFamily
@param timestamp The timestamp to use for the tombstone | [
] | train | |
OpenBEL/openbel-framework | org.openbel.framework.common/src/main/java/org/openbel/framework/common/protonetwork/model/ | ProtoNodeTable.addNode | public Integer addNode(final int termIndex, final String label) {
Adds a proto node {@link String label} for a specific {@link Integer term
index}. If the {@link Integer term index} has already been added then its
{@link Integer proto node index} will be returned.
This operation maintains the {@link Map map} of term index to node index.
@param termIndex {@link Integer} the term index created from the addition
to the {@link TermTable term table}
@param label {@link String} the placeholder label from the
{@link TermTable term table}
@return the {@link Integer proto node index}
@throws InvalidArgument Thrown if {@code label} is {@code null}
if (label == null) {
throw new InvalidArgument("label", label);
// if we have already seen this term index, return
Integer visitedIndex = termNodeIndex.get(termIndex);
if (visitedIndex != null) {
return visitedIndex;
// add this new proto node
int pnIndex = protoNodes.size();
// bi-directionally map term index to node index
termNodeIndex.put(termIndex, pnIndex);
nodeTermIndex.put(pnIndex, termIndex);
getEquivalences().put(pnIndex, getEquivalences().size());
return pnIndex;
} | java | public Integer addNode(final int termIndex, final String label) {
if (label == null) {
throw new InvalidArgument("label", label);
// if we have already seen this term index, return
Integer visitedIndex = termNodeIndex.get(termIndex);
if (visitedIndex != null) {
return visitedIndex;
// add this new proto node
int pnIndex = protoNodes.size();
// bi-directionally map term index to node index
termNodeIndex.put(termIndex, pnIndex);
nodeTermIndex.put(pnIndex, termIndex);
getEquivalences().put(pnIndex, getEquivalences().size());
return pnIndex;
} | [
"// if we have already seen this term index, return",
"// add this new proto node",
"// bi-directionally map term index to node index",
] | Adds a proto node {@link String label} for a specific {@link Integer term
index}. If the {@link Integer term index} has already been added then its
{@link Integer proto node index} will be returned.
This operation maintains the {@link Map map} of term index to node index.
@param termIndex {@link Integer} the term index created from the addition
to the {@link TermTable term table}
@param label {@link String} the placeholder label from the
{@link TermTable term table}
@return the {@link Integer proto node index}
@throws InvalidArgument Thrown if {@code label} is {@code null} | [
] | train | |
contentful/ | src/main/java/com/contentful/java/cma/ | ModuleWebhooks.fetchOne | public CMAWebhook fetchOne(String spaceId, String webhookId) {
Retrieve exactly one webhook, whose id you know.
This method will override the configuration specified through
{@link CMAClient.Builder#setSpaceId(String)} and will ignore
{@link CMAClient.Builder#setEnvironmentId(String)}.
@param spaceId The id of the space to be hosting this webhook.
@param webhookId The id of the webhook to be returned.
@return The webhook found, or null, if no such webhook is available.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if spaceId is null.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if webhookId is null.
assertNotNull(spaceId, "spaceId");
assertNotNull(webhookId, "webhookId");
return service.fetchOne(spaceId, webhookId).blockingFirst();
} | java | public CMAWebhook fetchOne(String spaceId, String webhookId) {
assertNotNull(spaceId, "spaceId");
assertNotNull(webhookId, "webhookId");
return service.fetchOne(spaceId, webhookId).blockingFirst();
} | [
] | Retrieve exactly one webhook, whose id you know.
This method will override the configuration specified through
{@link CMAClient.Builder#setSpaceId(String)} and will ignore
{@link CMAClient.Builder#setEnvironmentId(String)}.
@param spaceId The id of the space to be hosting this webhook.
@param webhookId The id of the webhook to be returned.
@return The webhook found, or null, if no such webhook is available.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if spaceId is null.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if webhookId is null. | [
] | train | |
redkale/redkale | src/org/redkale/net/http/ | HttpResponse.finishMapJson | public void finishMapJson(final JsonConvert convert, final Object... objs) {
将对象数组用Map的形式以JSON格式输出 <br>
例如: finishMap("a",2,"b",3) 输出结果为 {"a":2,"b":3}
@param convert 指定的JsonConvert
@param objs 输出对象
this.contentType = this.jsonContentType;
if (this.recycleListener != null) this.output = objs;
finish(convert.convertMapTo(getBodyBufferSupplier(), objs));
} | java | public void finishMapJson(final JsonConvert convert, final Object... objs) {
this.contentType = this.jsonContentType;
if (this.recycleListener != null) this.output = objs;
finish(convert.convertMapTo(getBodyBufferSupplier(), objs));
} | [
] | 将对象数组用Map的形式以JSON格式输出 <br>
例如: finishMap("a",2,"b",3) 输出结果为 {"a":2,"b":3}
@param convert 指定的JsonConvert
@param objs 输出对象 | [
] | train | |
DDTH/ddth-commons | ddth-commons-core/src/main/java/com/github/ddth/commons/utils/ | UnsignedUtils.forDigit | public static char forDigit(int digit, int radix) {
Determines the character representation for a specific digit in the
specified radix.
Note: If the value of radix is not a valid radix, or the value of digit
is not a valid digit in the specified radix, the null character
('\u0000') is returned.
@param digit
@param radix
if (digit >= 0 && digit < radix && radix >= Character.MIN_RADIX && radix <= MAX_RADIX) {
return digits[digit];
return '\u0000';
} | java | public static char forDigit(int digit, int radix) {
if (digit >= 0 && digit < radix && radix >= Character.MIN_RADIX && radix <= MAX_RADIX) {
return digits[digit];
return '\u0000';
} | [
] | Determines the character representation for a specific digit in the
specified radix.
Note: If the value of radix is not a valid radix, or the value of digit
is not a valid digit in the specified radix, the null character
('\u0000') is returned.
@param digit
@param radix
@return | [
] | train | |
google/j2objc | xalan/third_party/android/platform/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xpath/operations/ | Variable.fixupVariables | public void fixupVariables(java.util.Vector vars, int globalsSize) {
This function is used to fixup variables from QNames to stack frame
indexes at stylesheet build time.
@param vars List of QNames that correspond to variables. This list
should be searched backwards for the first qualified name that
corresponds to the variable reference qname. The position of the
QName in the vector from the start of the vector will be its position
in the stack frame (but variables above the globalsTop value will need
to be offset to the current stack frame).
m_fixUpWasCalled = true;
int sz = vars.size();
for (int i = vars.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
QName qn = (QName)vars.elementAt(i);
// System.out.println("qn: "+qn);
if(i < globalsSize)
m_isGlobal = true;
m_index = i;
m_index = i-globalsSize;
java.lang.String msg = XSLMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_VAR,
new Object[]{m_qname.toString()});
TransformerException te = new TransformerException(msg, this);
throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(te);
} | java | public void fixupVariables(java.util.Vector vars, int globalsSize)
m_fixUpWasCalled = true;
int sz = vars.size();
for (int i = vars.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
QName qn = (QName)vars.elementAt(i);
// System.out.println("qn: "+qn);
if(i < globalsSize)
m_isGlobal = true;
m_index = i;
m_index = i-globalsSize;
java.lang.String msg = XSLMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_VAR,
new Object[]{m_qname.toString()});
TransformerException te = new TransformerException(msg, this);
throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(te);
} | [
"// System.out.println(\"qn: \"+qn);",
] | This function is used to fixup variables from QNames to stack frame
indexes at stylesheet build time.
@param vars List of QNames that correspond to variables. This list
should be searched backwards for the first qualified name that
corresponds to the variable reference qname. The position of the
QName in the vector from the start of the vector will be its position
in the stack frame (but variables above the globalsTop value will need
to be offset to the current stack frame). | [
] | train | |
TakahikoKawasaki/nv-websocket-client | src/main/java/com/neovisionaries/ws/client/ | HandshakeReader.validateProtocol | private void validateProtocol(StatusLine statusLine, Map<String, List<String>> headers) throws WebSocketException {
Validate the value of {@code Sec-WebSocket-Protocol} header.
<p>From RFC 6455, p20.</p>
If the response includes a {@code Sec-WebSocket-Protocol} header field
and this header field indicates the use of a subprotocol that was
not present in the client's handshake (the server has indicated a
subprotocol not requested by the client), the client MUST Fail
the WebSocket Connection.
// Get the values of Sec-WebSocket-Protocol.
List<String> values = headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol");
if (values == null)
// Nothing to check.
// Protocol
String protocol = values.get(0);
if (protocol == null || protocol.length() == 0)
// Ignore.
// If the protocol is not contained in the original request
// from this client.
if (mWebSocket.getHandshakeBuilder().containsProtocol(protocol) == false)
// The protocol contained in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is not supported.
throw new OpeningHandshakeException(
"The protocol contained in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is not supported: " + protocol,
statusLine, headers);
// Agreed protocol.
} | java | private void validateProtocol(StatusLine statusLine, Map<String, List<String>> headers) throws WebSocketException
// Get the values of Sec-WebSocket-Protocol.
List<String> values = headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol");
if (values == null)
// Nothing to check.
// Protocol
String protocol = values.get(0);
if (protocol == null || protocol.length() == 0)
// Ignore.
// If the protocol is not contained in the original request
// from this client.
if (mWebSocket.getHandshakeBuilder().containsProtocol(protocol) == false)
// The protocol contained in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is not supported.
throw new OpeningHandshakeException(
"The protocol contained in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is not supported: " + protocol,
statusLine, headers);
// Agreed protocol.
} | [
"// Get the values of Sec-WebSocket-Protocol.",
"// Nothing to check.",
"// Protocol",
"// Ignore.",
"// If the protocol is not contained in the original request",
"// from this client.",
"// The protocol contained in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is not supported.",
"\"The protocol contained in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is not supported: \"",
"// Agreed protocol.",
] | Validate the value of {@code Sec-WebSocket-Protocol} header.
<p>From RFC 6455, p20.</p>
If the response includes a {@code Sec-WebSocket-Protocol} header field
and this header field indicates the use of a subprotocol that was
not present in the client's handshake (the server has indicated a
subprotocol not requested by the client), the client MUST Fail
the WebSocket Connection.
</blockquote> | [
] | train | |
passwordmaker/java-passwordmaker-lib | src/main/java/org/daveware/passwordmaker/ | LeetEncoder.leetConvert | public static void leetConvert(LeetLevel level, SecureCharArray message)
throws Exception {
Converts a SecureCharArray into a new SecureCharArray with any applicable
characters converted to leet-speak.
@param level What level of leet to use. Each leet corresponds to a different
leet lookup table.
@param message The array to convert.
@throws Exception upon sizing error.
// pre-allocate an array that is 4 times the size of the message. I don't
// see anything in the leet-table that is larger than 3 characters, but I'm
// using 4-characters to calcualte the size just in case. This is to avoid
// a bunch of array resizes.
SecureCharArray ret = new SecureCharArray(message.size() * 4);
char[] messageBytes = message.getData(); // Reference to message's data
char[] retBytes = ret.getData(); // Reference to ret's data
int currentRetByte = 0; // Index of current ret byte
if (level.compareTo(LeetLevel.LEVEL1) >= 0 && level.compareTo(LeetLevel.LEVEL9) <= 0) {
for (char messageByte : messageBytes) {
char b = Character.toLowerCase(messageByte);
if (b >= 'a' && b <= 'z') {
for (int j = 0; j < LEVELS[level.getLevel() - 1][b - 'a'].length(); j++)
retBytes[currentRetByte++] = LEVELS[level.getLevel() - 1][b - 'a'].charAt(j);
} else {
retBytes[currentRetByte++] = b;
// Resize the array to the length that we actually filled it, then replace
// the original message and erase the buffer we built up.
ret.resize(currentRetByte, true);
} | java | public static void leetConvert(LeetLevel level, SecureCharArray message)
throws Exception {
// pre-allocate an array that is 4 times the size of the message. I don't
// see anything in the leet-table that is larger than 3 characters, but I'm
// using 4-characters to calcualte the size just in case. This is to avoid
// a bunch of array resizes.
SecureCharArray ret = new SecureCharArray(message.size() * 4);
char[] messageBytes = message.getData(); // Reference to message's data
char[] retBytes = ret.getData(); // Reference to ret's data
int currentRetByte = 0; // Index of current ret byte
if (level.compareTo(LeetLevel.LEVEL1) >= 0 && level.compareTo(LeetLevel.LEVEL9) <= 0) {
for (char messageByte : messageBytes) {
char b = Character.toLowerCase(messageByte);
if (b >= 'a' && b <= 'z') {
for (int j = 0; j < LEVELS[level.getLevel() - 1][b - 'a'].length(); j++)
retBytes[currentRetByte++] = LEVELS[level.getLevel() - 1][b - 'a'].charAt(j);
} else {
retBytes[currentRetByte++] = b;
// Resize the array to the length that we actually filled it, then replace
// the original message and erase the buffer we built up.
ret.resize(currentRetByte, true);
} | [
"// pre-allocate an array that is 4 times the size of the message. I don't",
"// see anything in the leet-table that is larger than 3 characters, but I'm",
"// using 4-characters to calcualte the size just in case. This is to avoid",
"// a bunch of array resizes.",
"// Reference to message's data",
"// Reference to ret's data",
"// Index of current ret byte",
"// Resize the array to the length that we actually filled it, then replace",
"// the original message and erase the buffer we built up.",
] | Converts a SecureCharArray into a new SecureCharArray with any applicable
characters converted to leet-speak.
@param level What level of leet to use. Each leet corresponds to a different
leet lookup table.
@param message The array to convert.
@throws Exception upon sizing error. | [
] | train | |
wildfly/wildfly-core | controller/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/controller/operations/validation/ | SubnetValidator.rangeCheck | private int rangeCheck(int value, int begin, int end) {
Convenience function to check integer boundaries. Checks if a value x is in the range [begin,end]. Returns x if it is in
range, throws an exception otherwise.
if (value >= begin && value <= end) { // (begin,end]
return value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value [" + value + "] not in range [" + begin + "," + end + "]");
} | java | private int rangeCheck(int value, int begin, int end) {
if (value >= begin && value <= end) { // (begin,end]
return value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value [" + value + "] not in range [" + begin + "," + end + "]");
} | [
"// (begin,end]",
"\"Value [\"",
"\"] not in range [\"",
] | /*
Convenience function to check integer boundaries. Checks if a value x is in the range [begin,end]. Returns x if it is in
range, throws an exception otherwise. | [
] | train | |
fhoeben/hsac-fitnesse-fixtures | src/main/java/nl/hsac/fitnesse/fixture/slim/ | ListFixture.setValueAtIn | public void setValueAtIn(Object value, int index, List aList) {
Sets value of element at index (0-based). If the current list has less elements it is extended to
have exactly index elements.
@param value value to store.
@param index 0-based index to add element.
@param aList list to set element in.
Object cleanValue = cleanupValue(value);
while (aList.size() <= index) {
aList.set(index, cleanValue);
} | java | public void setValueAtIn(Object value, int index, List aList) {
Object cleanValue = cleanupValue(value);
while (aList.size() <= index) {
aList.set(index, cleanValue);
} | [
] | Sets value of element at index (0-based). If the current list has less elements it is extended to
have exactly index elements.
@param value value to store.
@param index 0-based index to add element.
@param aList list to set element in. | [
] | train | |
alibaba/vlayout | vlayout/src/main/java/com/alibaba/android/vlayout/ | ExposeLinearLayoutManagerEx.recycleChildren | protected void recycleChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
Recycles children between given indices.
@param startIndex inclusive
@param endIndex exclusive
if (startIndex == endIndex) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Recycling " + Math.abs(startIndex - endIndex) + " items");
if (endIndex > startIndex) {
for (int i = endIndex - 1; i >= startIndex; i--) {
removeAndRecycleViewAt(i, recycler);
} else {
for (int i = startIndex; i > endIndex; i--) {
removeAndRecycleViewAt(i, recycler);
} | java | protected void recycleChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (startIndex == endIndex) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Recycling " + Math.abs(startIndex - endIndex) + " items");
if (endIndex > startIndex) {
for (int i = endIndex - 1; i >= startIndex; i--) {
removeAndRecycleViewAt(i, recycler);
} else {
for (int i = startIndex; i > endIndex; i--) {
removeAndRecycleViewAt(i, recycler);
} | [
"\"Recycling \"",
"\" items\"",
] | Recycles children between given indices.
@param startIndex inclusive
@param endIndex exclusive | [
] | train | |
BorderTech/wcomponents | wcomponents-core/src/main/java/com/github/bordertech/wcomponents/render/webxml/ | WEditableImageRenderer.doRender | @Override
public void doRender(final WComponent component, final WebXmlRenderContext renderContext) {
Paints the given {@link WEditableImage}.
@param component the WEditableImage to paint.
@param renderContext the RenderContext to paint to.
WEditableImage editableImage = (WEditableImage) component;
XmlStringBuilder xml = renderContext.getWriter();
// No image set
if (editableImage.getImage() == null && editableImage.getImageUrl() == null) {
WImageRenderer.renderTagOpen(editableImage, xml);
WComponent uploader = editableImage.getEditUploader();
if (uploader != null) {
xml.appendAttribute("data-wc-editor", uploader.getId());
} | java | @Override
public void doRender(final WComponent component, final WebXmlRenderContext renderContext) {
WEditableImage editableImage = (WEditableImage) component;
XmlStringBuilder xml = renderContext.getWriter();
// No image set
if (editableImage.getImage() == null && editableImage.getImageUrl() == null) {
WImageRenderer.renderTagOpen(editableImage, xml);
WComponent uploader = editableImage.getEditUploader();
if (uploader != null) {
xml.appendAttribute("data-wc-editor", uploader.getId());
} | [
"// No image set",
] | Paints the given {@link WEditableImage}.
@param component the WEditableImage to paint.
@param renderContext the RenderContext to paint to. | [
] | train | |
apache/reef | lang/java/reef-bridge-java/src/main/java/org/apache/reef/javabridge/utils/ | DefinedRuntimesSerializer.toBytes | public byte[] toBytes(final DefinedRuntimes definedRuntimes) {
Serializes DefinedRuntimes.
@param definedRuntimes the Avro object to toString
@return Serialized avro string
final DatumWriter<DefinedRuntimes> configurationWriter =
new SpecificDatumWriter<>(DefinedRuntimes.class);
try (final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
final BinaryEncoder binaryEncoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(out, null);
configurationWriter.write(definedRuntimes, binaryEncoder);
return out.toByteArray();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to serialize DefinedRuntimes", e);
} | java | public byte[] toBytes(final DefinedRuntimes definedRuntimes){
final DatumWriter<DefinedRuntimes> configurationWriter =
new SpecificDatumWriter<>(DefinedRuntimes.class);
try (final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
final BinaryEncoder binaryEncoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(out, null);
configurationWriter.write(definedRuntimes, binaryEncoder);
return out.toByteArray();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to serialize DefinedRuntimes", e);
} | [
"\"Unable to serialize DefinedRuntimes\"",
] | Serializes DefinedRuntimes.
@param definedRuntimes the Avro object to toString
@return Serialized avro string | [
] | train | |
netscaler/nitro | src/main/java/com/citrix/netscaler/nitro/resource/config/lb/ | lbmonbindings.count_filtered | public static long count_filtered(nitro_service service, lbmonbindings obj, String filter) throws Exception {
Use this API to count filtered the set of lbmonbindings resources.
filter string should be in JSON "port:80,servicetype:HTTP".
options option = new options();
lbmonbindings[] response = (lbmonbindings[]) obj.getfiltered(service, option);
if (response != null) {
return response[0].__count;
return 0;
} | java | public static long count_filtered(nitro_service service, lbmonbindings obj, String filter) throws Exception{
options option = new options();
lbmonbindings[] response = (lbmonbindings[]) obj.getfiltered(service, option);
if (response != null) {
return response[0].__count;
return 0;
} | [
] | Use this API to count filtered the set of lbmonbindings resources.
filter string should be in JSON "port:80,servicetype:HTTP". | [
] | train | |
Netflix/conductor | client/src/main/java/com/netflix/conductor/client/http/ | MetadataClient.unregisterWorkflowDef | public void unregisterWorkflowDef(String name, Integer version) {
Removes the workflow definition of a workflow from the conductor server.
It does not remove associated workflows. Use with caution.
@param name Name of the workflow to be unregistered.
@param version Version of the workflow definition to be unregistered.
Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(name), "Workflow name cannot be blank");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(version, "Version cannot be null");
delete("metadata/workflow/{name}/{version}", name, version);
} | java | public void unregisterWorkflowDef(String name, Integer version) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(name), "Workflow name cannot be blank");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(version, "Version cannot be null");
delete("metadata/workflow/{name}/{version}", name, version);
} | [
"\"Workflow name cannot be blank\"",
"\"Version cannot be null\"",
] | Removes the workflow definition of a workflow from the conductor server.
It does not remove associated workflows. Use with caution.
@param name Name of the workflow to be unregistered.
@param version Version of the workflow definition to be unregistered. | [
] | train | |
wmdietl/jsr308-langtools | src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/doclets/internal/toolkit/util/ | Extern.readPackageListFromFile | private void readPackageListFromFile(String path, DocFile pkgListPath)
throws Fault {
Read the "package-list" file which is available locally.
@param path URL or directory path to the packages.
@param pkgListPath Path to the local "package-list" file.
DocFile file = pkgListPath.resolve(DocPaths.PACKAGE_LIST);
if (! (file.isAbsolute() || linkoffline)){
file = file.resolveAgainst(DocumentationTool.Location.DOCUMENTATION_OUTPUT);
try {
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
boolean pathIsRelative =
!DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, path).isAbsolute()
&& !isUrl(path);
readPackageList(file.openInputStream(), path, pathIsRelative);
} else {
throw new Fault(configuration.getText("doclet.File_error", file.getPath()), null);
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw new Fault(configuration.getText("doclet.File_error", file.getPath()), exc);
} | java | private void readPackageListFromFile(String path, DocFile pkgListPath)
throws Fault {
DocFile file = pkgListPath.resolve(DocPaths.PACKAGE_LIST);
if (! (file.isAbsolute() || linkoffline)){
file = file.resolveAgainst(DocumentationTool.Location.DOCUMENTATION_OUTPUT);
try {
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
boolean pathIsRelative =
!DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, path).isAbsolute()
&& !isUrl(path);
readPackageList(file.openInputStream(), path, pathIsRelative);
} else {
throw new Fault(configuration.getText("doclet.File_error", file.getPath()), null);
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw new Fault(configuration.getText("doclet.File_error", file.getPath()), exc);
} | [
] | Read the "package-list" file which is available locally.
@param path URL or directory path to the packages.
@param pkgListPath Path to the local "package-list" file. | [
] | train | |
unbescape/unbescape | src/main/java/org/unbescape/uri/ | UriEscape.unescapeUriFragmentId | public static void unescapeUriFragmentId(final Reader reader, final Writer writer)
throws IOException {
Perform am URI fragment identifier <strong>unescape</strong> operation
on a <tt>Reader</tt> input using <tt>UTF-8</tt> as encoding, writing results to a <tt>Writer</tt>.
This method will unescape every percent-encoded (<tt>%HH</tt>) sequences present in input,
even for those characters that do not need to be percent-encoded in this context (unreserved characters
can be percent-encoded even if/when this is not required, though it is not generally considered a
good practice).
This method will use <tt>UTF-8</tt> in order to determine the characters specified in the
percent-encoded byte sequences.
This method is <strong>thread-safe</strong>.
@param reader the <tt>Reader</tt> reading the text to be unescaped.
@param writer the <tt></tt> to which the unescaped result will be written. Nothing will
be written at all to this writer if input is <tt>null</tt>.
@throws IOException if an input/output exception occurs
@since 1.1.2
unescapeUriFragmentId(reader, writer, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
} | java | public static void unescapeUriFragmentId(final Reader reader, final Writer writer)
throws IOException {
unescapeUriFragmentId(reader, writer, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
} | [
] | <p>
Perform am URI fragment identifier <strong>unescape</strong> operation
on a <tt>Reader</tt> input using <tt>UTF-8</tt> as encoding, writing results to a <tt>Writer</tt>.
This method will unescape every percent-encoded (<tt>%HH</tt>) sequences present in input,
even for those characters that do not need to be percent-encoded in this context (unreserved characters
can be percent-encoded even if/when this is not required, though it is not generally considered a
good practice).
This method will use <tt>UTF-8</tt> in order to determine the characters specified in the
percent-encoded byte sequences.
This method is <strong>thread-safe</strong>.
@param reader the <tt>Reader</tt> reading the text to be unescaped.
@param writer the <tt></tt> to which the unescaped result will be written. Nothing will
be written at all to this writer if input is <tt>null</tt>.
@throws IOException if an input/output exception occurs
@since 1.1.2 | [
] | train | |
baidubce/bce-sdk-java | src/main/java/com/baidubce/services/bcc/ | BccClient.getVolume | public GetVolumeResponse getVolume(GetVolumeRequest request) {
Get the detail information of specified volume.
@param request The request containing all options for getting the detail information of specified volume.
@return The response containing the detail information of specified volume.
checkNotNull(request, "request should not be null.");
checkStringNotEmpty(request.getVolumeId(), "request volumeId should not be empty.");
InternalRequest internalRequest =
this.createRequest(request, HttpMethodName.GET, VOLUME_PREFIX, request.getVolumeId());
return invokeHttpClient(internalRequest, GetVolumeResponse.class);
} | java | public GetVolumeResponse getVolume(GetVolumeRequest request) {
checkNotNull(request, "request should not be null.");
checkStringNotEmpty(request.getVolumeId(), "request volumeId should not be empty.");
InternalRequest internalRequest =
this.createRequest(request, HttpMethodName.GET, VOLUME_PREFIX, request.getVolumeId());
return invokeHttpClient(internalRequest, GetVolumeResponse.class);
} | [
"\"request should not be null.\"",
"\"request volumeId should not be empty.\"",
] | Get the detail information of specified volume.
@param request The request containing all options for getting the detail information of specified volume.
@return The response containing the detail information of specified volume. | [
] | train | |
pryzach/midao | midao-jdbc-dbcp-1-4/src/main/java/org/midao/jdbc/core/pool/ | MjdbcPoolBinder.createDataSource | public static DataSource createDataSource(String driverClassName, String url, String userName, String password, int initialSize, int maxActive) throws SQLException {
Returns new Pooled {@link DataSource} implementation
In case this function won't work - use {@link #createDataSource(java.util.Properties)}
@param driverClassName Driver Class name
@param url Database connection url
@param userName Database user name
@param password Database user password
@param initialSize initial pool size
@param maxActive max connection active
@return new Pooled {@link DataSource} implementation
@throws SQLException
BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
return ds;
} | java | public static DataSource createDataSource(String driverClassName, String url, String userName, String password, int initialSize, int maxActive) throws SQLException {
BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
return ds;
} | [
] | Returns new Pooled {@link DataSource} implementation
In case this function won't work - use {@link #createDataSource(java.util.Properties)}
@param driverClassName Driver Class name
@param url Database connection url
@param userName Database user name
@param password Database user password
@param initialSize initial pool size
@param maxActive max connection active
@return new Pooled {@link DataSource} implementation
@throws SQLException | [
] | train | |
sahan/ZombieLink | zombielink/src/main/java/com/lonepulse/zombielink/executor/ | ConfigurationService.getDefault | @Override
public Configuration getDefault() {
<p>The <i>out-of-the-box</i> configuration for an instance of {@link HttpClient} which will be used
for executing all endpoint requests. Below is a detailed description of all configured properties.</p>
<p>It registers two {@link Scheme}s:</p>
<li><b>HTTP</b> on port <b>80</b> using sockets from {@link PlainSocketFactory#getSocketFactory}</li>
<li><b>HTTPS</b> on port <b>443</b> using sockets from {@link SSLSocketFactory#getSocketFactory}</li>
<p>It uses a {@link PoolingClientConnectionManager} with the maximum number of client connections
per route set to <b>4</b> and the total set to <b>128</b>.</p>
@return the instance of {@link HttpClient} which will be used for request execution
@since 1.3.0
return new Configuration() {
public HttpClient httpClient() {
try {
SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", 443, SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
PoolingClientConnectionManager pccm = new PoolingClientConnectionManager(schemeRegistry);
return new DefaultHttpClient(pccm);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new ConfigurationFailedException(e);
} | java | @Override
public Configuration getDefault() {
return new Configuration() {
public HttpClient httpClient() {
try {
SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", 443, SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
PoolingClientConnectionManager pccm = new PoolingClientConnectionManager(schemeRegistry);
return new DefaultHttpClient(pccm);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new ConfigurationFailedException(e);
} | [
] | <p>The <i>out-of-the-box</i> configuration for an instance of {@link HttpClient} which will be used
for executing all endpoint requests. Below is a detailed description of all configured properties.</p>
<p>It registers two {@link Scheme}s:</p>
<li><b>HTTP</b> on port <b>80</b> using sockets from {@link PlainSocketFactory#getSocketFactory}</li>
<li><b>HTTPS</b> on port <b>443</b> using sockets from {@link SSLSocketFactory#getSocketFactory}</li>
<p>It uses a {@link PoolingClientConnectionManager} with the maximum number of client connections
per route set to <b>4</b> and the total set to <b>128</b>.</p>
@return the instance of {@link HttpClient} which will be used for request execution
@since 1.3.0 | [
] | train | |
jroyalty/jglm | src/main/java/com/hackoeur/jglm/support/ | FastMathCalc.expint | static double expint(int p, final double result[]) {
Compute exp(p) for a integer p in extended precision.
@param p integer whose exponential is requested
@param result placeholder where to put the result in extended precision
@return exp(p) in standard precision (equal to result[0] + result[1])
//double x = M_E;
final double xs[] = new double[2];
final double as[] = new double[2];
final double ys[] = new double[2];
//split(x, xs);
//xs[1] = (double)(2.7182818284590452353602874713526625L - xs[0]);
//xs[0] = 2.71827697753906250000;
//xs[1] = 4.85091998273542816811e-06;
//xs[0] = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x4005bf0800000000L);
//xs[1] = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ed458a2bb4a9b00L);
/* E */
xs[0] = 2.718281828459045;
xs[1] = 1.4456468917292502E-16;
split(1.0, ys);
while (p > 0) {
if ((p & 1) != 0) {
quadMult(ys, xs, as);
ys[0] = as[0]; ys[1] = as[1];
quadMult(xs, xs, as);
xs[0] = as[0]; xs[1] = as[1];
p >>= 1;
if (result != null) {
result[0] = ys[0];
result[1] = ys[1];
return ys[0] + ys[1];
} | java | static double expint(int p, final double result[]) {
//double x = M_E;
final double xs[] = new double[2];
final double as[] = new double[2];
final double ys[] = new double[2];
//split(x, xs);
//xs[1] = (double)(2.7182818284590452353602874713526625L - xs[0]);
//xs[0] = 2.71827697753906250000;
//xs[1] = 4.85091998273542816811e-06;
//xs[0] = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x4005bf0800000000L);
//xs[1] = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ed458a2bb4a9b00L);
/* E */
xs[0] = 2.718281828459045;
xs[1] = 1.4456468917292502E-16;
split(1.0, ys);
while (p > 0) {
if ((p & 1) != 0) {
quadMult(ys, xs, as);
ys[0] = as[0]; ys[1] = as[1];
quadMult(xs, xs, as);
xs[0] = as[0]; xs[1] = as[1];
p >>= 1;
if (result != null) {
result[0] = ys[0];
result[1] = ys[1];
return ys[0] + ys[1];
} | [
"//double x = M_E;",
"//split(x, xs);",
"//xs[1] = (double)(2.7182818284590452353602874713526625L - xs[0]);",
"//xs[0] = 2.71827697753906250000;",
"//xs[1] = 4.85091998273542816811e-06;",
"//xs[0] = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x4005bf0800000000L);",
"//xs[1] = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ed458a2bb4a9b00L);",
"/* E */",
] | Compute exp(p) for a integer p in extended precision.
@param p integer whose exponential is requested
@param result placeholder where to put the result in extended precision
@return exp(p) in standard precision (equal to result[0] + result[1]) | [
] | train | |
OpenLiberty/open-liberty | dev/ | TEBeanLifeCycleInfo.traceBeanState | public static void traceBeanState(int oldState, String oldString, int newState, String newString) // d167264 {
This is called by the EJB container server code to write a
ejb bean state record to the trace log, if enabled.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
.append(oldState).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
.append(oldString).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
.append(newState).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
.append(newString).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | java | public static void traceBeanState(int oldState, String oldString, int newState, String newString) // d167264
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
.append(oldState).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
.append(oldString).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
.append(newState).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
.append(newString).append(DataDelimiter) // d167264
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | [
"// d167264",
"// d167264",
"// d167264",
"// d167264",
"// d167264",
] | This is called by the EJB container server code to write a
ejb bean state record to the trace log, if enabled. | [
] | train | |
OpenLiberty/open-liberty | dev/ | BaseMessagingEngineImpl.alterLocalizationPoint | final void alterLocalizationPoint(BaseDestination dest,LWMConfig lp) {
Pass the request to alter a localization point onto the localizer object.
@param lp
localization point definition
String thisMethodName = "alterLocalizationPoint";
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(tc, thisMethodName, lp);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(tc, thisMethodName);
} | java | final void alterLocalizationPoint(BaseDestination dest,LWMConfig lp) {
String thisMethodName = "alterLocalizationPoint";
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(tc, thisMethodName, lp);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(tc, thisMethodName);
} | [
] | Pass the request to alter a localization point onto the localizer object.
@param lp
localization point definition | [
] | train | |
JOML-CI/JOML | src/org/joml/ | Matrix3d.rotateTowards | public Matrix3d rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ) {
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local <code>+Z</code> axis with <code>direction</code>.
If <code>M</code> is <code>this</code> matrix and <code>L</code> the lookat matrix,
then the new matrix will be <code>M * L</code>. So when transforming a
vector <code>v</code> with the new matrix by using <code>M * L * v</code>,
the lookat transformation will be applied first!
In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying it,
use {@link #rotationTowards(double, double, double, double, double, double) rotationTowards()}.
This method is equivalent to calling: <code>mul(new Matrix3d().lookAlong(-dirX, -dirY, -dirZ, upX, upY, upZ).invert())</code>
@see #rotateTowards(Vector3dc, Vector3dc)
@see #rotationTowards(double, double, double, double, double, double)
@param dirX
the x-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
@param dirY
the y-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
@param dirZ
the z-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
@param upX
the x-coordinate of the up vector
@param upY
the y-coordinate of the up vector
@param upZ
the z-coordinate of the up vector
@return this
return rotateTowards(dirX, dirY, dirZ, upX, upY, upZ, this);
} | java | public Matrix3d rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ) {
return rotateTowards(dirX, dirY, dirZ, upX, upY, upZ, this);
} | [
] | Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local <code>+Z</code> axis with <code>direction</code>.
If <code>M</code> is <code>this</code> matrix and <code>L</code> the lookat matrix,
then the new matrix will be <code>M * L</code>. So when transforming a
vector <code>v</code> with the new matrix by using <code>M * L * v</code>,
the lookat transformation will be applied first!
In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying it,
use {@link #rotationTowards(double, double, double, double, double, double) rotationTowards()}.
This method is equivalent to calling: <code>mul(new Matrix3d().lookAlong(-dirX, -dirY, -dirZ, upX, upY, upZ).invert())</code>
@see #rotateTowards(Vector3dc, Vector3dc)
@see #rotationTowards(double, double, double, double, double, double)
@param dirX
the x-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
@param dirY
the y-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
@param dirZ
the z-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
@param upX
the x-coordinate of the up vector
@param upY
the y-coordinate of the up vector
@param upZ
the z-coordinate of the up vector
@return this | [
] | train | |
bazaarvoice/emodb | queue-client-common/src/main/java/com/bazaarvoice/emodb/queue/client/ | AbstractQueueClient.sendAll | public void sendAll(String apiKey, String queue, Collection<?> messages) {
Any server can handle sending messages, no need for @PartitionKey
checkNotNull(queue, "queue");
checkNotNull(messages, "messages");
if (messages.isEmpty()) {
try {
URI uri = _queueService.clone()
.segment(queue, "sendbatch")
.header(ApiKeyRequest.AUTHENTICATION_HEADER, apiKey)
} catch (EmoClientException e) {
throw convertException(e);
} | java | public void sendAll(String apiKey, String queue, Collection<?> messages) {
checkNotNull(queue, "queue");
checkNotNull(messages, "messages");
if (messages.isEmpty()) {
try {
URI uri = _queueService.clone()
.segment(queue, "sendbatch")
.header(ApiKeyRequest.AUTHENTICATION_HEADER, apiKey)
} catch (EmoClientException e) {
throw convertException(e);
} | [
] | Any server can handle sending messages, no need for @PartitionKey | [
] | train | |
tvesalainen/bcc | src/main/java/org/vesalainen/bcc/ | ClassFile.getMethodIndex | int getMethodIndex(ExecutableElement method) {
Returns the constant map index to method
@param method
TypeElement declaringClass = (TypeElement) method.getEnclosingElement();
String fullyQualifiedname = declaringClass.getQualifiedName().toString();
return getRefIndex(Methodref.class, fullyQualifiedname, method.getSimpleName().toString(), Descriptor.getDesriptor(method));
} | java | int getMethodIndex(ExecutableElement method)
TypeElement declaringClass = (TypeElement) method.getEnclosingElement();
String fullyQualifiedname = declaringClass.getQualifiedName().toString();
return getRefIndex(Methodref.class, fullyQualifiedname, method.getSimpleName().toString(), Descriptor.getDesriptor(method));
} | [
] | Returns the constant map index to method
@param method
@return | [
] | train | |
lievendoclo/Valkyrie-RCP | valkyrie-rcp-core/src/main/java/org/valkyriercp/command/support/ | CommandGroupFactoryBean.addCommandMember | private void addCommandMember(String commandId, CommandGroup group) {
Adds the command object with the given id to the given command group. If
a command registry has not yet been provided to this factory, the command
id will be passed as a 'lazy placeholder' to the group instead.
@param commandId The id of the command to be added to the group. This is
expected to be in decoded form, i.e. any command prefixes have been
removed. Must not be null.
@param group The group that the commands will be added to. Must not be
Assert.notNull(commandId, "commandId");
Assert.notNull(group, "group");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("adding command group member with id [" + commandId + "] to group [" + group.getId() + "]");
AbstractCommand command = null;
if (getCommandRegistry() != null) {
command = (AbstractCommand) getCommandRegistry().getCommand(commandId);
if (command != null) {
if (command == null) {
} | java | private void addCommandMember(String commandId, CommandGroup group) {
Assert.notNull(commandId, "commandId");
Assert.notNull(group, "group");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("adding command group member with id [" + commandId + "] to group [" + group.getId() + "]");
AbstractCommand command = null;
if (getCommandRegistry() != null) {
command = (AbstractCommand) getCommandRegistry().getCommand(commandId);
if (command != null) {
if (command == null) {
} | [
"\"adding command group member with id [\"",
"\"] to group [\"",
] | Adds the command object with the given id to the given command group. If
a command registry has not yet been provided to this factory, the command
id will be passed as a 'lazy placeholder' to the group instead.
@param commandId The id of the command to be added to the group. This is
expected to be in decoded form, i.e. any command prefixes have been
removed. Must not be null.
@param group The group that the commands will be added to. Must not be
null. | [
] | train | |
looly/hutool | hutool-core/src/main/java/cn/hutool/core/codec/ | Base64Encoder.encodeUrlSafe | public static String encodeUrlSafe(String source, String charset) {
@param source 被编码的base64字符串
@param charset 字符集
@return 被加密后的字符串
@since 3.0.6
return encodeUrlSafe(StrUtil.bytes(source, charset), charset);
} | java | public static String encodeUrlSafe(String source, String charset) {
return encodeUrlSafe(StrUtil.bytes(source, charset), charset);
} | [
] | base64编码,URL安全
@param source 被编码的base64字符串
@param charset 字符集
@return 被加密后的字符串
@since 3.0.6 | [
] | train | |
GenesysPureEngage/provisioning-client-java | src/main/java/com/genesys/provisioning/ | OperationsApi.getUsersAsync | public void getUsersAsync(UserSearchParams searchParams, AsyncCallback callback) throws ProvisioningApiException {
Get users.
Get [CfgPerson]( objects based on the specified filters.
@param searchParams an object containing the search parameters. Parameters include (limit, offset, order, sortBy, filterName, filterParameters, roles, skills, userEnabled, userValid).
@param callback The callback function called when the skills are returned asynchronously. Callback takes one parameter: Map<String, Object< results.
@throws ProvisioningApiException if the call is unsuccessful.
} | java | public void getUsersAsync(UserSearchParams searchParams, AsyncCallback callback) throws ProvisioningApiException {
} | [
] | Get users.
Get [CfgPerson]( objects based on the specified filters.
@param searchParams an object containing the search parameters. Parameters include (limit, offset, order, sortBy, filterName, filterParameters, roles, skills, userEnabled, userValid).
@param callback The callback function called when the skills are returned asynchronously. Callback takes one parameter: Map<String, Object< results.
@throws ProvisioningApiException if the call is unsuccessful. | [
] | train | |
TheHortonMachine/hortonmachine | gears/src/main/java/org/hortonmachine/gears/io/dxfdwg/libs/dwg/ | DwgFile.addDwgObjectOffset | public void addDwgObjectOffset( int handle, int offset ) {
Add a DWG object offset to the dwgObjectOffsets vector
@param handle Object handle
@param offset Offset of the object data in the DWG file
DwgObjectOffset doo = new DwgObjectOffset(handle, offset);
} | java | public void addDwgObjectOffset( int handle, int offset ) {
DwgObjectOffset doo = new DwgObjectOffset(handle, offset);
} | [
] | Add a DWG object offset to the dwgObjectOffsets vector
@param handle Object handle
@param offset Offset of the object data in the DWG file | [
] | train | |
mapsforge/mapsforge | mapsforge-core/src/main/java/org/mapsforge/core/util/ | LatLongUtils.distanceSegmentPoint | public static double distanceSegmentPoint(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY, double pointX, double pointY) {
Returns the distance between the given segment and point.
libGDX (Apache 2.0)
Point nearest = nearestSegmentPoint(startX, startY, endX, endY, pointX, pointY);
return Math.hypot(nearest.x - pointX, nearest.y - pointY);
} | java | public static double distanceSegmentPoint(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY, double pointX, double pointY) {
Point nearest = nearestSegmentPoint(startX, startY, endX, endY, pointX, pointY);
return Math.hypot(nearest.x - pointX, nearest.y - pointY);
} | [
] | Returns the distance between the given segment and point.
libGDX (Apache 2.0) | [
] | train | |
jbundle/jbundle | base/base/src/main/java/org/jbundle/base/db/ | QueryRecord.addRelationship | public void addRelationship(int linkType, Record recLeft, Record recRight, String fldLeft1, String fldRight1, String fldLeft2, String fldRight2, String fldLeft3, String fldRight3) {
Add this table link to this query.
Creates a new tablelink and adds it to the link list.
new TableLink(this, linkType, recLeft, recRight, fldLeft1, fldRight1, fldLeft2, fldRight2, fldLeft3, fldRight3);
} | java | public void addRelationship(int linkType, Record recLeft, Record recRight, String fldLeft1, String fldRight1, String fldLeft2, String fldRight2, String fldLeft3, String fldRight3)
new TableLink(this, linkType, recLeft, recRight, fldLeft1, fldRight1, fldLeft2, fldRight2, fldLeft3, fldRight3);
} | [
] | Add this table link to this query.
Creates a new tablelink and adds it to the link list. | [
] | train | |
cdk/cdk | display/renderbasic/src/main/java/org/openscience/cdk/renderer/elements/path/ | PathBuilder.cubicTo | public PathBuilder cubicTo(Point2d cp1, Point2d cp2, Point2d ep) {
Make a cubic curve in the path, with two control points.
@param cp1 the first control point
@param cp2 the second control point
@param ep the end point of the curve
@return a reference to this builder
add(new CubicTo(cp1, cp2, ep));
return this;
} | java | public PathBuilder cubicTo(Point2d cp1, Point2d cp2, Point2d ep) {
add(new CubicTo(cp1, cp2, ep));
return this;
} | [
] | Make a cubic curve in the path, with two control points.
@param cp1 the first control point
@param cp2 the second control point
@param ep the end point of the curve
@return a reference to this builder | [
] | train | |
aws/aws-sdk-java | aws-java-sdk-costexplorer/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/costexplorer/model/ | ResultByTime.withTotal | public ResultByTime withTotal(java.util.Map<String, MetricValue> total) {
The total amount of cost or usage accrued during the time period.
@param total
The total amount of cost or usage accrued during the time period.
@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
return this;
} | java | public ResultByTime withTotal(java.util.Map<String, MetricValue> total) {
return this;
} | [
] | <p>
The total amount of cost or usage accrued during the time period.
@param total
The total amount of cost or usage accrued during the time period.
@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. | [
] | train | |
LearnLib/automatalib | util/src/main/java/net/automatalib/util/ts/copy/ | TSCopy.copy | public static <S1, I1, T1, SP, TP, S2, I2, T2> Mapping<S1, S2> copy(TSTraversalMethod method,
UniversalTransitionSystem<S1, ? super I1, T1, ? extends SP, ? extends TP> in,
int limit,
Collection<? extends I1> inputs,
MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, T2, ? super SP, ? super TP> out,
Function<? super I1, ? extends I2> inputsMapping) {
Copies a {@link UniversalAutomaton} with possibly heterogeneous input alphabets, but compatible properties.
States and transitions will not be filtered
@param method
the traversal method to use
@param in
the input transition system
@param limit
the traversal limit, a value less than 0 means no limit
@param inputs
the inputs to consider
@param out
the output automaton
@param inputsMapping
a mapping from inputs in the input automaton to inputs in the output automaton
@return a mapping from old to new states
return copy(method, in, limit, inputs, out, inputsMapping, x -> true, TransitionPredicates.alwaysTrue());
} | java | public static <S1, I1, T1, SP, TP, S2, I2, T2> Mapping<S1, S2> copy(TSTraversalMethod method,
UniversalTransitionSystem<S1, ? super I1, T1, ? extends SP, ? extends TP> in,
int limit,
Collection<? extends I1> inputs,
MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, T2, ? super SP, ? super TP> out,
Function<? super I1, ? extends I2> inputsMapping) {
return copy(method, in, limit, inputs, out, inputsMapping, x -> true, TransitionPredicates.alwaysTrue());
} | [
] | Copies a {@link UniversalAutomaton} with possibly heterogeneous input alphabets, but compatible properties.
States and transitions will not be filtered
@param method
the traversal method to use
@param in
the input transition system
@param limit
the traversal limit, a value less than 0 means no limit
@param inputs
the inputs to consider
@param out
the output automaton
@param inputsMapping
a mapping from inputs in the input automaton to inputs in the output automaton
@return a mapping from old to new states | [
] | train | |
bitcoinj/bitcoinj | core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/net/ | BlockingClient.runReadLoop | public static void runReadLoop(InputStream stream, StreamConnection connection) throws Exception {
A blocking call that never returns, except by throwing an exception. It reads bytes from the input stream
and feeds them to the provided {@link StreamConnection}, for example, a {@link Peer}.
ByteBuffer dbuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Math.min(Math.max(connection.getMaxMessageSize(), BUFFER_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND), BUFFER_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND));
byte[] readBuff = new byte[dbuf.capacity()];
while (true) {
// TODO Kill the message duplication here
checkState(dbuf.remaining() > 0 && dbuf.remaining() <= readBuff.length);
int read =, 0, Math.max(1, Math.min(dbuf.remaining(), stream.available())));
if (read == -1)
dbuf.put(readBuff, 0, read);
// "flip" the buffer - setting the limit to the current position and setting position to 0
// Use connection.receiveBytes's return value as a double-check that it stopped reading at the right
// location
int bytesConsumed = connection.receiveBytes(dbuf);
checkState(dbuf.position() == bytesConsumed);
// Now drop the bytes which were read by compacting dbuf (resetting limit and keeping relative
// position)
} | java | public static void runReadLoop(InputStream stream, StreamConnection connection) throws Exception {
ByteBuffer dbuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Math.min(Math.max(connection.getMaxMessageSize(), BUFFER_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND), BUFFER_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND));
byte[] readBuff = new byte[dbuf.capacity()];
while (true) {
// TODO Kill the message duplication here
checkState(dbuf.remaining() > 0 && dbuf.remaining() <= readBuff.length);
int read =, 0, Math.max(1, Math.min(dbuf.remaining(), stream.available())));
if (read == -1)
dbuf.put(readBuff, 0, read);
// "flip" the buffer - setting the limit to the current position and setting position to 0
// Use connection.receiveBytes's return value as a double-check that it stopped reading at the right
// location
int bytesConsumed = connection.receiveBytes(dbuf);
checkState(dbuf.position() == bytesConsumed);
// Now drop the bytes which were read by compacting dbuf (resetting limit and keeping relative
// position)
} | [
"// TODO Kill the message duplication here",
"// \"flip\" the buffer - setting the limit to the current position and setting position to 0",
"// Use connection.receiveBytes's return value as a double-check that it stopped reading at the right",
"// location",
"// Now drop the bytes which were read by compacting dbuf (resetting limit and keeping relative",
"// position)",
] | A blocking call that never returns, except by throwing an exception. It reads bytes from the input stream
and feeds them to the provided {@link StreamConnection}, for example, a {@link Peer}. | [
] | train | |
SonarSource/sonarqube | sonar-plugin-api/src/main/java/org/sonar/api/batch/fs/internal/ | DefaultInputFile.newRange | public TextRange newRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
Create Range from global offsets. Used for backward compatibility with older API.
return newRangeValidPointers(newPointer(startOffset), newPointer(endOffset), false);
} | java | public TextRange newRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
return newRangeValidPointers(newPointer(startOffset), newPointer(endOffset), false);
} | [
] | Create Range from global offsets. Used for backward compatibility with older API. | [
] | train | |
HadoopGenomics/Hadoop-BAM | src/main/java/org/seqdoop/hadoop_bam/ | BAMInputFormat.convertSimpleIntervalToQueryInterval | private static QueryInterval convertSimpleIntervalToQueryInterval( final Interval interval, final SAMSequenceDictionary sequenceDictionary ) {
Converts an interval in SimpleInterval format into an htsjdk QueryInterval.
In doing so, a header lookup is performed to convert from contig name to index
@param interval interval to convert
@param sequenceDictionary sequence dictionary used to perform the conversion
@return an equivalent interval in QueryInterval format
if (interval == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("interval may not be null");
if (sequenceDictionary == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sequence dictionary may not be null");
final int contigIndex = sequenceDictionary.getSequenceIndex(interval.getContig());
if ( contigIndex == -1 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Contig " + interval.getContig() + " not present in reads sequence " +
return new QueryInterval(contigIndex, interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd());
} | java | private static QueryInterval convertSimpleIntervalToQueryInterval( final Interval interval, final SAMSequenceDictionary sequenceDictionary ) {
if (interval == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("interval may not be null");
if (sequenceDictionary == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sequence dictionary may not be null");
final int contigIndex = sequenceDictionary.getSequenceIndex(interval.getContig());
if ( contigIndex == -1 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Contig " + interval.getContig() + " not present in reads sequence " +
return new QueryInterval(contigIndex, interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd());
} | [
"\"interval may not be null\"",
"\"sequence dictionary may not be null\"",
"\"Contig \"",
"\" not present in reads sequence \"",
] | Converts an interval in SimpleInterval format into an htsjdk QueryInterval.
In doing so, a header lookup is performed to convert from contig name to index
@param interval interval to convert
@param sequenceDictionary sequence dictionary used to perform the conversion
@return an equivalent interval in QueryInterval format | [
] | train | |
zxing/zxing | android/src/com/google/zxing/client/android/camera/ | CameraManager.requestPreviewFrame | public synchronized void requestPreviewFrame(Handler handler, int message) {
A single preview frame will be returned to the handler supplied. The data will arrive as byte[]
in the message.obj field, with width and height encoded as message.arg1 and message.arg2,
@param handler The handler to send the message to.
@param message The what field of the message to be sent.
OpenCamera theCamera = camera;
if (theCamera != null && previewing) {
previewCallback.setHandler(handler, message);
} | java | public synchronized void requestPreviewFrame(Handler handler, int message) {
OpenCamera theCamera = camera;
if (theCamera != null && previewing) {
previewCallback.setHandler(handler, message);
} | [
] | A single preview frame will be returned to the handler supplied. The data will arrive as byte[]
in the message.obj field, with width and height encoded as message.arg1 and message.arg2,
@param handler The handler to send the message to.
@param message The what field of the message to be sent. | [
] | train | |
bootique/bootique-jersey | bootique-jersey/src/main/java/io/bootique/jersey/ | JerseyModuleExtender.setProperty | public JerseyModuleExtender setProperty(String name, Object value) {
Sets Jersey container property. This allows setting ResourceConfig properties that can not be set via JAX RS features.
@param name property name
@param value property value
@see org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerProperties
@since 0.22
return this;
} | java | public JerseyModuleExtender setProperty(String name, Object value) {
return this;
} | [
] | Sets Jersey container property. This allows setting ResourceConfig properties that can not be set via JAX RS features.
@param name property name
@param value property value
@see org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerProperties
@since 0.22 | [
] | train | |
Waikato/jclasslocator | src/main/java/nz/ac/waikato/cms/locator/ | ClassLocator.isSubclass | public static boolean isSubclass(String superclass, String otherclass) {
Checks whether the "otherclass" is a subclass of the given "superclass".
@param superclass the superclass to check against
@param otherclass this class is checked whether it is a subclass
of the the superclass
@return TRUE if "otherclass" is a true subclass
String key;
key = superclass + "-" + otherclass;
if (m_CheckSubClass.containsKey(key))
return m_CheckSubClass.get(key);
try {
return isSubclass(Class.forName(superclass), Class.forName(otherclass));
catch (Throwable t) {
return false;
} | java | public static boolean isSubclass(String superclass, String otherclass) {
String key;
key = superclass + "-" + otherclass;
if (m_CheckSubClass.containsKey(key))
return m_CheckSubClass.get(key);
try {
return isSubclass(Class.forName(superclass), Class.forName(otherclass));
catch (Throwable t) {
return false;
} | [
] | Checks whether the "otherclass" is a subclass of the given "superclass".
@param superclass the superclass to check against
@param otherclass this class is checked whether it is a subclass
of the the superclass
@return TRUE if "otherclass" is a true subclass | [
] | train | |
igniterealtime/Smack | smack-legacy/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/smackx/workgroup/agent/ | AgentSession.getAgentHistory | public AgentChatHistory getAgentHistory(EntityBareJid jid, int maxSessions, Date startDate) throws XMPPException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException {
Retrieves the AgentChatHistory associated with a particular agent jid.
@param jid the jid of the agent.
@param maxSessions the max number of sessions to retrieve.
@param startDate point in time from which on history should get retrieved.
@return the chat history associated with a given jid.
@throws XMPPException if an error occurs while retrieving the AgentChatHistory.
@throws NotConnectedException
@throws InterruptedException
AgentChatHistory request;
if (startDate != null) {
request = new AgentChatHistory(jid, maxSessions, startDate);
else {
request = new AgentChatHistory(jid, maxSessions);
AgentChatHistory response = connection.createStanzaCollectorAndSend(
return response;
} | java | public AgentChatHistory getAgentHistory(EntityBareJid jid, int maxSessions, Date startDate) throws XMPPException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException {
AgentChatHistory request;
if (startDate != null) {
request = new AgentChatHistory(jid, maxSessions, startDate);
else {
request = new AgentChatHistory(jid, maxSessions);
AgentChatHistory response = connection.createStanzaCollectorAndSend(
return response;
} | [
] | Retrieves the AgentChatHistory associated with a particular agent jid.
@param jid the jid of the agent.
@param maxSessions the max number of sessions to retrieve.
@param startDate point in time from which on history should get retrieved.
@return the chat history associated with a given jid.
@throws XMPPException if an error occurs while retrieving the AgentChatHistory.
@throws NotConnectedException
@throws InterruptedException | [
] | train | |
looly/hutool | hutool-core/src/main/java/cn/hutool/core/lang/ | Validator.validateUUID | public static <T extends CharSequence> T validateUUID(T value, String errorMsg) throws ValidateException {
@param <T> 字符串类型
@param value 值
@param errorMsg 验证错误的信息
@return 验证后的值
@throws ValidateException 验证异常
if (false == isUUID(value)) {
throw new ValidateException(errorMsg);
return value;
} | java | public static <T extends CharSequence> T validateUUID(T value, String errorMsg) throws ValidateException {
if (false == isUUID(value)) {
throw new ValidateException(errorMsg);
return value;
} | [
] | 验证是否为UUID<br>
@param <T> 字符串类型
@param value 值
@param errorMsg 验证错误的信息
@return 验证后的值
@throws ValidateException 验证异常 | [
] | train | |
salesforce/Argus | ArgusWebServices/src/main/java/com/salesforce/dva/argus/ws/resources/ | AlertResources.deleteNotificationsById | @DELETE
@Path("/ {
Deletes the notification.
@param req The HttpServlet request object. Cannot be null.
@param alertId The alert Id. Cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.
@param notificationId The notification id. Cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.
@return Updated alert object.
@throws WebApplicationException The exception with 404 status will be thrown if an alert does not exist.
"Deletes a notification having the given ID if it is associated with the given alert ID. Associated triggers are not deleted from the alert."
public Response deleteNotificationsById(@Context HttpServletRequest req,
@PathParam("alertId") BigInteger alertId,
@PathParam("notificationId") BigInteger notificationId) {
if (alertId == null || alertId.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 1) {
throw new WebApplicationException("Alert Id cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.", Status.BAD_REQUEST);
if (notificationId == null || notificationId.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 1) {
throw new WebApplicationException("Notification Id cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.", Status.BAD_REQUEST);
Alert alert = alertService.findAlertByPrimaryKey(alertId);
if (alert == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND.getReasonPhrase(), Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
validateResourceAuthorization(req, alert.getOwner(), getRemoteUser(req));
List<Notification> listNotification = new ArrayList<Notification>(alert.getNotifications());
Iterator<Notification> it = listNotification.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Notification notification =;
if (notification.getId().equals(notificationId)) {
return Response.status(Status.OK).build();
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND.getReasonPhrase(), Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
} | java | @DELETE
"Deletes a notification having the given ID if it is associated with the given alert ID. Associated triggers are not deleted from the alert."
public Response deleteNotificationsById(@Context HttpServletRequest req,
@PathParam("alertId") BigInteger alertId,
@PathParam("notificationId") BigInteger notificationId) {
if (alertId == null || alertId.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 1) {
throw new WebApplicationException("Alert Id cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.", Status.BAD_REQUEST);
if (notificationId == null || notificationId.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 1) {
throw new WebApplicationException("Notification Id cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.", Status.BAD_REQUEST);
Alert alert = alertService.findAlertByPrimaryKey(alertId);
if (alert == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND.getReasonPhrase(), Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
validateResourceAuthorization(req, alert.getOwner(), getRemoteUser(req));
List<Notification> listNotification = new ArrayList<Notification>(alert.getNotifications());
Iterator<Notification> it = listNotification.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Notification notification =;
if (notification.getId().equals(notificationId)) {
return Response.status(Status.OK).build();
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND.getReasonPhrase(), Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
} | [
"\"Deletes a notification having the given ID if it is associated with the given alert ID. Associated triggers are not deleted from the alert.\"",
"\"Alert Id cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.\"",
"\"Notification Id cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.\"",
] | Deletes the notification.
@param req The HttpServlet request object. Cannot be null.
@param alertId The alert Id. Cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.
@param notificationId The notification id. Cannot be null and must be a positive non-zero number.
@return Updated alert object.
@throws WebApplicationException The exception with 404 status will be thrown if an alert does not exist. | [
] | train | |
haifengl/smile | nlp/src/main/java/smile/nlp/ | Trie.put | public void put(K[] key, V value) {
Add a key with associated value to the trie.
@param key the key.
@param value the value.
Node child = root.get(key[0]);
if (child == null) {
child = new Node(key[0]);
root.put(key[0], child);
child.addChild(key, value, 1);
} | java | public void put(K[] key, V value) {
Node child = root.get(key[0]);
if (child == null) {
child = new Node(key[0]);
root.put(key[0], child);
child.addChild(key, value, 1);
} | [
] | Add a key with associated value to the trie.
@param key the key.
@param value the value. | [
] | train | |
elki-project/elki | elki/src/main/java/de/lmu/ifi/dbs/elki/algorithm/clustering/correlation/ | CASH.runDerivator | private LinearEquationSystem runDerivator(Relation<ParameterizationFunction> relation, int dimensionality, DBIDs ids) {
Runs the derivator on the specified interval and assigns all points having
a distance less then the standard deviation of the derivator model to the
model to this model.
@param relation the database containing the parameterization functions
@param ids the ids to build the model
@param dimensionality the dimensionality of the subspace
@return a basis of the found subspace
try {
// build database for derivator
Database derivatorDB = buildDerivatorDB(relation, ids);
PCARunner pca = new PCARunner(new StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder());
EigenPairFilter filter = new FirstNEigenPairFilter(dimensionality);
DependencyDerivator<DoubleVector> derivator = new DependencyDerivator<>(null, FormatUtil.NF4, pca, filter, 0, false);
CorrelationAnalysisSolution<DoubleVector> model =;
LinearEquationSystem les = model.getNormalizedLinearEquationSystem(null);
return les;
catch(NonNumericFeaturesException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error during normalization" + e);
} | java | private LinearEquationSystem runDerivator(Relation<ParameterizationFunction> relation, int dimensionality, DBIDs ids) {
try {
// build database for derivator
Database derivatorDB = buildDerivatorDB(relation, ids);
PCARunner pca = new PCARunner(new StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder());
EigenPairFilter filter = new FirstNEigenPairFilter(dimensionality);
DependencyDerivator<DoubleVector> derivator = new DependencyDerivator<>(null, FormatUtil.NF4, pca, filter, 0, false);
CorrelationAnalysisSolution<DoubleVector> model =;
LinearEquationSystem les = model.getNormalizedLinearEquationSystem(null);
return les;
catch(NonNumericFeaturesException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error during normalization" + e);
} | [
"// build database for derivator",
"\"Error during normalization\"",
] | Runs the derivator on the specified interval and assigns all points having
a distance less then the standard deviation of the derivator model to the
model to this model.
@param relation the database containing the parameterization functions
@param ids the ids to build the model
@param dimensionality the dimensionality of the subspace
@return a basis of the found subspace | [
] | train | |
datastax/java-driver | core/src/main/java/com/datastax/oss/driver/internal/core/type/codec/registry/ | CachingCodecRegistry.createCodec | protected TypeCodec<?> createCodec(GenericType<?> javaType, boolean isJavaCovariant) {
Variant where the CQL type is unknown. Can be covariant if we come from a lookup by Java value.
TypeToken<?> token = javaType.__getToken();
if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(token.getRawType())
&& token.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) token.getType()).getActualTypeArguments();
GenericType<?> elementType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[0]);
TypeCodec<?> elementCodec = codecFor(elementType, isJavaCovariant);
return TypeCodecs.listOf(elementCodec);
} else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(token.getRawType())
&& token.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) token.getType()).getActualTypeArguments();
GenericType<?> elementType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[0]);
TypeCodec<?> elementCodec = codecFor(elementType, isJavaCovariant);
return TypeCodecs.setOf(elementCodec);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(token.getRawType())
&& token.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) token.getType()).getActualTypeArguments();
GenericType<?> keyType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[0]);
GenericType<?> valueType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[1]);
TypeCodec<?> keyCodec = codecFor(keyType, isJavaCovariant);
TypeCodec<?> valueCodec = codecFor(valueType, isJavaCovariant);
return TypeCodecs.mapOf(keyCodec, valueCodec);
throw new CodecNotFoundException(null, javaType);
} | java | protected TypeCodec<?> createCodec(GenericType<?> javaType, boolean isJavaCovariant) {
TypeToken<?> token = javaType.__getToken();
if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(token.getRawType())
&& token.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) token.getType()).getActualTypeArguments();
GenericType<?> elementType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[0]);
TypeCodec<?> elementCodec = codecFor(elementType, isJavaCovariant);
return TypeCodecs.listOf(elementCodec);
} else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(token.getRawType())
&& token.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) token.getType()).getActualTypeArguments();
GenericType<?> elementType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[0]);
TypeCodec<?> elementCodec = codecFor(elementType, isJavaCovariant);
return TypeCodecs.setOf(elementCodec);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(token.getRawType())
&& token.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) token.getType()).getActualTypeArguments();
GenericType<?> keyType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[0]);
GenericType<?> valueType = GenericType.of(typeArguments[1]);
TypeCodec<?> keyCodec = codecFor(keyType, isJavaCovariant);
TypeCodec<?> valueCodec = codecFor(valueType, isJavaCovariant);
return TypeCodecs.mapOf(keyCodec, valueCodec);
throw new CodecNotFoundException(null, javaType);
} | [
] | Variant where the CQL type is unknown. Can be covariant if we come from a lookup by Java value. | [
] | train | |
exoplatform/jcr | exo.jcr.component.core/src/main/java/org/exoplatform/services/jcr/impl/core/ | NamespaceRegistryImpl.registerNamespace | private synchronized void registerNamespace(String prefix, String uri, boolean persist) throws NamespaceException, RepositoryException {
Registers the namespace and persists it if <code>persist</code> has been set to <code>true</code> and a persister has been configured
if (namespaces.containsKey(prefix))
else if (prefixes.containsKey(uri))
if (persister != null && persist)
persister.addNamespace(prefix, uri);
final String newPrefix = new String(prefix);
final String newUri = new String(uri);
namespaces.put(newPrefix, newUri);
prefixes.put(newUri, newPrefix);
} | java | private synchronized void registerNamespace(String prefix, String uri, boolean persist) throws NamespaceException, RepositoryException
if (namespaces.containsKey(prefix))
else if (prefixes.containsKey(uri))
if (persister != null && persist)
persister.addNamespace(prefix, uri);
final String newPrefix = new String(prefix);
final String newUri = new String(uri);
namespaces.put(newPrefix, newUri);
prefixes.put(newUri, newPrefix);
} | [
] | Registers the namespace and persists it if <code>persist</code> has been set to <code>true</code> and a persister has been configured | [
] | train | |
sarl/sarl | main/coreplugins/ | BindingFactory.toBinding | public Binding toBinding(BindingElement element) {
Convert a binding element to a Guive binding.
@param element the element to convert.
@return the Guice binding.
final TypeReference typeReference = typeRef(element.getBind());
final String annotatedWith = element.getAnnotatedWith();
final String annotatedWithName = element.getAnnotatedWithName();
if (!Strings.isEmpty(annotatedWith)) {
final TypeReference annotationType = typeRef(annotatedWith);
if (element.isInstance()) {
return bindAnnotatedWithToInstance(typeReference, annotationType, element.getTo(),
final TypeReference typeReference2 = typeRef(element.getTo());
return bindAnnotatedWith(typeReference, annotationType, typeReference2,
if (!Strings.isEmpty(annotatedWithName)) {
if (element.isInstance()) {
return bindAnnotatedWithNameToInstance(typeReference, annotatedWithName,
final TypeReference typeReference2 = typeRef(element.getTo());
return bindAnnotatedWithName(typeReference, annotatedWithName, typeReference2,
if (element.isInstance()) {
return bindToInstance(typeReference,
final TypeReference typeReference2 = typeRef(element.getTo());
return bindToType(
} | java | public Binding toBinding(BindingElement element) {
final TypeReference typeReference = typeRef(element.getBind());
final String annotatedWith = element.getAnnotatedWith();
final String annotatedWithName = element.getAnnotatedWithName();
if (!Strings.isEmpty(annotatedWith)) {
final TypeReference annotationType = typeRef(annotatedWith);
if (element.isInstance()) {
return bindAnnotatedWithToInstance(typeReference, annotationType, element.getTo(),
final TypeReference typeReference2 = typeRef(element.getTo());
return bindAnnotatedWith(typeReference, annotationType, typeReference2,
if (!Strings.isEmpty(annotatedWithName)) {
if (element.isInstance()) {
return bindAnnotatedWithNameToInstance(typeReference, annotatedWithName,
final TypeReference typeReference2 = typeRef(element.getTo());
return bindAnnotatedWithName(typeReference, annotatedWithName, typeReference2,
if (element.isInstance()) {
return bindToInstance(typeReference,
final TypeReference typeReference2 = typeRef(element.getTo());
return bindToType(
} | [
] | Convert a binding element to a Guive binding.
@param element the element to convert.
@return the Guice binding. | [
] | train | |
lucee/Lucee | core/src/main/java/lucee/runtime/ | ComponentImpl.get | protected Object get(int access, String name, Object defaultValue) {
return element that has at least given access or null
@param access
@param name
@return matching value
return get(access, KeyImpl.init(name), defaultValue);
} | java | protected Object get(int access, String name, Object defaultValue) {
return get(access, KeyImpl.init(name), defaultValue);
} | [
] | return element that has at least given access or null
@param access
@param name
@return matching value | [
] | train | |
strator-dev/greenpepper | greenpepper/core/src/main/java/com/greenpepper/reflect/ | AbstractFixture.getField | protected Field getField(Class type, String name) {
@param type a {@link java.lang.Class} object.
@param name a {@link java.lang.String} object.
@return a {@link java.lang.reflect.Field} object.
return introspector(type).getField( toJavaIdentifierForm(name));
} | java | protected Field getField(Class type, String name)
return introspector(type).getField( toJavaIdentifierForm(name));
} | [
] | <p>getField.</p>
@param type a {@link java.lang.Class} object.
@param name a {@link java.lang.String} object.
@return a {@link java.lang.reflect.Field} object. | [
] | train | |
jhunters/jprotobuf | src/main/java/com/baidu/bjf/remoting/protobuf/code/ | CodedConstant.getRequiredCheck | public static String getRequiredCheck(int order, Field field) {
get required field check java expression.
@param order field order
@param field java field
@return full java expression
String fieldName = getFieldName(order);
String code = "if (" + fieldName + "== null) {\n";
code += "throw new UninitializedMessageException(CodedConstant.asList(\"" + field.getName() + "\"))"
code += "}\n";
return code;
} | java | public static String getRequiredCheck(int order, Field field) {
String fieldName = getFieldName(order);
String code = "if (" + fieldName + "== null) {\n";
code += "throw new UninitializedMessageException(CodedConstant.asList(\"" + field.getName() + "\"))"
code += "}\n";
return code;
} | [
"\"if (\"",
"\"== null) {\\n\"",
"\"throw new UninitializedMessageException(CodedConstant.asList(\\\"\"",
] | get required field check java expression.
@param order field order
@param field java field
@return full java expression | [
] | train | |
phax/ph-commons | ph-commons/src/main/java/com/helger/commons/collection/ | ArrayHelper.getConcatenated | @Nonnull
public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE [] getConcatenated (@Nullable final ELEMENTTYPE [] aHeadArray,
@Nullable final ELEMENTTYPE aTail,
@Nonnull final Class <ELEMENTTYPE> aClass) {
Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The
tail element will be the last element of the created array.
Array element type
@param aHeadArray
The head array. May be <code>null</code>.
@param aTail
The last element of the result array. If this element is
<code>null</code> it will be inserted as such into the array!
@param aClass
The element class. Must be present, because in case both elements
are <code>null</code> there would be no way to create a new array.
May not be <code>null</code>.
@return <code>null</code> if both array parameters are <code>null</code> -
a non-<code>null</code> array with all elements in the correct
order otherwise.
if (isEmpty (aHeadArray))
return newArraySingleElement (aTail, aClass);
// Start concatenating
final ELEMENTTYPE [] ret = newArray (aClass, aHeadArray.length + 1);
System.arraycopy (aHeadArray, 0, ret, 0, aHeadArray.length);
ret[aHeadArray.length] = aTail;
return ret;
} | java | @Nonnull
public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE [] getConcatenated (@Nullable final ELEMENTTYPE [] aHeadArray,
@Nullable final ELEMENTTYPE aTail,
@Nonnull final Class <ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
if (isEmpty (aHeadArray))
return newArraySingleElement (aTail, aClass);
// Start concatenating
final ELEMENTTYPE [] ret = newArray (aClass, aHeadArray.length + 1);
System.arraycopy (aHeadArray, 0, ret, 0, aHeadArray.length);
ret[aHeadArray.length] = aTail;
return ret;
} | [
"// Start concatenating",
] | Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The
tail element will be the last element of the created array.
Array element type
@param aHeadArray
The head array. May be <code>null</code>.
@param aTail
The last element of the result array. If this element is
<code>null</code> it will be inserted as such into the array!
@param aClass
The element class. Must be present, because in case both elements
are <code>null</code> there would be no way to create a new array.
May not be <code>null</code>.
@return <code>null</code> if both array parameters are <code>null</code> -
a non-<code>null</code> array with all elements in the correct
order otherwise. | [
] | train | |
BlueBrain/bluima | modules/bluima_typesystem/src/main/java/de/julielab/jules/types/ace/ | Document.setRelations | public void setRelations(int i, Relation v) {
indexed setter for relations - sets an indexed value -
@param i index in the array to set
@param v value to set into the array
if (Document_Type.featOkTst && ((Document_Type)jcasType).casFeat_relations == null)
jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("relations", "de.julielab.jules.types.ace.Document");
jcasType.jcas.checkArrayBounds(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Document_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_relations), i);
jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setRefArrayValue(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Document_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_relations), i, jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSRef(v));} | java | public void setRelations(int i, Relation v) {
if (Document_Type.featOkTst && ((Document_Type)jcasType).casFeat_relations == null)
jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("relations", "de.julielab.jules.types.ace.Document");
jcasType.jcas.checkArrayBounds(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Document_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_relations), i);
jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setRefArrayValue(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Document_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_relations), i, jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSRef(v));} | [
] | indexed setter for relations - sets an indexed value -
@param i index in the array to set
@param v value to set into the array | [
] | train | |
pravega/pravega | common/src/main/java/io/pravega/common/util/ | CollectionHelpers.binarySearch | public static <T> int binarySearch(List<? extends T> list, Function<? super T, Integer> comparator) {
Performs a binary search on the given sorted list using the given comparator.
This method has undefined behavior if the list is not sorted.
This method is different than that in java.util.Collections in the following ways:
1. This one searches by a simple comparator, vs the ones in the Collections class which search for a specific element.
This one is useful if we don't have an instance of a search object or we want to implement a fuzzy comparison.
2. This one returns -1 if the element is not found. The ones in the Collections class return (-(start+1)), which is
the index where the item should be inserted if it were to go in the list.
@param list The list to search on.
@param comparator The comparator to use for comparison. Returns -1 if sought item is before the current item,
+1 if it is after or 0 if an exact match.
@param <T> Type of the elements in the list.
@return The index of the sought item, or -1 if not found.
return binarySearch(list, comparator, false);
} | java | public static <T> int binarySearch(List<? extends T> list, Function<? super T, Integer> comparator) {
return binarySearch(list, comparator, false);
} | [
] | Performs a binary search on the given sorted list using the given comparator.
This method has undefined behavior if the list is not sorted.
This method is different than that in java.util.Collections in the following ways:
1. This one searches by a simple comparator, vs the ones in the Collections class which search for a specific element.
This one is useful if we don't have an instance of a search object or we want to implement a fuzzy comparison.
2. This one returns -1 if the element is not found. The ones in the Collections class return (-(start+1)), which is
the index where the item should be inserted if it were to go in the list.
@param list The list to search on.
@param comparator The comparator to use for comparison. Returns -1 if sought item is before the current item,
+1 if it is after or 0 if an exact match.
@param <T> Type of the elements in the list.
@return The index of the sought item, or -1 if not found. | [
] | train | |
OpenLiberty/open-liberty | dev/ | BootstrapConfig.substituteSymbols | protected void substituteSymbols(Map<String, String> initProps) {
Perform substitution of symbols used in config
@param initProps
for (Entry<String, String> entry : initProps.entrySet()) {
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (value instanceof String) {
String strValue = (String) value;
Matcher m = SYMBOL_DEF.matcher(strValue);
int i = 0;
while (m.find() && i++ < 4) {
String symbol =;
Object expansion = initProps.get(symbol);
if (expansion != null && expansion instanceof String) {
strValue = strValue.replace(, (String) expansion);
} | java | protected void substituteSymbols(Map<String, String> initProps) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : initProps.entrySet()) {
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (value instanceof String) {
String strValue = (String) value;
Matcher m = SYMBOL_DEF.matcher(strValue);
int i = 0;
while (m.find() && i++ < 4) {
String symbol =;
Object expansion = initProps.get(symbol);
if (expansion != null && expansion instanceof String) {
strValue = strValue.replace(, (String) expansion);
} | [
] | Perform substitution of symbols used in config
@param initProps | [
] | train | |
netty/netty | common/src/main/java/io/netty/util/ | ConstantPool.createOrThrow | private T createOrThrow(String name) {
Creates constant by name or throws exception. Threadsafe
@param name the name of the {@link Constant}
T constant = constants.get(name);
if (constant == null) {
final T tempConstant = newConstant(nextId(), name);
constant = constants.putIfAbsent(name, tempConstant);
if (constant == null) {
return tempConstant;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("'%s' is already in use", name));
} | java | private T createOrThrow(String name) {
T constant = constants.get(name);
if (constant == null) {
final T tempConstant = newConstant(nextId(), name);
constant = constants.putIfAbsent(name, tempConstant);
if (constant == null) {
return tempConstant;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("'%s' is already in use", name));
} | [
"\"'%s' is already in use\"",
] | Creates constant by name or throws exception. Threadsafe
@param name the name of the {@link Constant} | [
] | train | |
aws/aws-sdk-java | aws-java-sdk-greengrass/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/greengrass/model/ | GetFunctionDefinitionResult.withTags | public GetFunctionDefinitionResult withTags(java.util.Map<String, String> tags) {
The tags for the definition.
@param tags
The tags for the definition.
@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
return this;
} | java | public GetFunctionDefinitionResult withTags(java.util.Map<String, String> tags) {
return this;
} | [
] | The tags for the definition.
@param tags
The tags for the definition.
@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. | [
] | train | |
camunda/camunda-xml-model | src/main/java/org/camunda/bpm/model/xml/impl/util/ | ReflectUtil.createInstance | public static <T> T createInstance(Class<T> type, Object... parameters) {
Create a new instance of the provided type
@param type the class to create a new instance of
@param parameters the parameters to pass to the constructor
@return the created instance
// get types for parameters
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
Object parameter = parameters[i];
parameterTypes[i] = parameter.getClass();
try {
// create instance
Constructor<T> constructor = type.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
return constructor.newInstance(parameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ModelException("Exception while creating an instance of type "+type, e);
} | java | public static <T> T createInstance(Class<T> type, Object... parameters) {
// get types for parameters
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
Object parameter = parameters[i];
parameterTypes[i] = parameter.getClass();
try {
// create instance
Constructor<T> constructor = type.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
return constructor.newInstance(parameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ModelException("Exception while creating an instance of type "+type, e);
} | [
"// get types for parameters",
"// create instance",
"\"Exception while creating an instance of type \"",
] | Create a new instance of the provided type
@param type the class to create a new instance of
@param parameters the parameters to pass to the constructor
@return the created instance | [
] | train | |
landawn/AbacusUtil | src/com/landawn/abacus/util/ | JdbcUtil.importData | public static int importData(final DataSet dataset, final PreparedStatement stmt) throws UncheckedSQLException {
Imports the data from <code>DataSet</code> to database.
@param dataset
@param stmt the column order in the sql must be consistent with the column order in the DataSet.
@throws UncheckedSQLException
return importData(dataset, dataset.columnNameList(), stmt);
} | java | public static int importData(final DataSet dataset, final PreparedStatement stmt) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return importData(dataset, dataset.columnNameList(), stmt);
} | [
] | Imports the data from <code>DataSet</code> to database.
@param dataset
@param stmt the column order in the sql must be consistent with the column order in the DataSet.
@throws UncheckedSQLException | [
] | train | |
IBM/ibm-cos-sdk-java | ibm-cos-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/ibm/cloud/objectstorage/services/s3/iterable/ | S3Objects.withPrefix | public static S3Objects withPrefix(AmazonS3 s3, String bucketName, String prefix) {
Constructs an iterable that covers the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket
where the key begins with the given prefix.
@param s3
The Amazon S3 client.
@param bucketName
The bucket name.
@param prefix
The prefix.
@return An iterator for object summaries.
S3Objects objects = new S3Objects(s3, bucketName);
objects.prefix = prefix;
return objects;
} | java | public static S3Objects withPrefix(AmazonS3 s3, String bucketName, String prefix) {
S3Objects objects = new S3Objects(s3, bucketName);
objects.prefix = prefix;
return objects;
} | [
] | Constructs an iterable that covers the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket
where the key begins with the given prefix.
@param s3
The Amazon S3 client.
@param bucketName
The bucket name.
@param prefix
The prefix.
@return An iterator for object summaries. | [
] | train | |
lessthanoptimal/BoofCV | examples/src/main/java/boofcv/examples/features/ | ExampleFeatureSurf.harder | public static <II extends ImageGray<II>> void harder(GrayF32 image ) {
Configured exactly the same as the easy example above, but require a lot more code and a more in depth
understanding of how SURF works and is configured. Instead of TupleDesc_F64, SurfFeature are computed in
this case. They are almost the same as TupleDesc_F64, but contain the Laplacian's sign which can be used
to speed up association. That is an example of how using less generalized interfaces can improve performance.
@param image Input image type. DOES NOT NEED TO BE GrayF32, GrayU8 works too
// SURF works off of integral images
Class<II> integralType = GIntegralImageOps.getIntegralType(GrayF32.class);
// define the feature detection algorithm
NonMaxSuppression extractor =
FactoryFeatureExtractor.nonmax(new ConfigExtract(2, 0, 5, true));
FastHessianFeatureDetector<II> detector =
new FastHessianFeatureDetector<>(extractor, 200, 2, 9, 4, 4, 6);
// estimate orientation
OrientationIntegral<II> orientation =
FactoryOrientationAlgs.sliding_ii(null, integralType);
DescribePointSurf<II> descriptor = FactoryDescribePointAlgs.<II>surfStability(null,integralType);
// compute the integral image of 'image'
II integral = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(integralType,image.width,image.height);
GIntegralImageOps.transform(image, integral);
// detect fast hessian features
// tell algorithms which image to process
List<ScalePoint> points = detector.getFoundPoints();
List<BrightFeature> descriptions = new ArrayList<>();
for( ScalePoint p : points ) {
// estimate orientation
orientation.setObjectRadius( p.scale*BoofDefaults.SURF_SCALE_TO_RADIUS);
double angle = orientation.compute(p.x,p.y);
// extract the SURF description for this region
BrightFeature desc = descriptor.createDescription();
// save everything for processing later on
System.out.println("Found Features: "+points.size());
System.out.println("First descriptor's first value: "+descriptions.get(0).value[0]);
} | java | public static <II extends ImageGray<II>> void harder(GrayF32 image ) {
// SURF works off of integral images
Class<II> integralType = GIntegralImageOps.getIntegralType(GrayF32.class);
// define the feature detection algorithm
NonMaxSuppression extractor =
FactoryFeatureExtractor.nonmax(new ConfigExtract(2, 0, 5, true));
FastHessianFeatureDetector<II> detector =
new FastHessianFeatureDetector<>(extractor, 200, 2, 9, 4, 4, 6);
// estimate orientation
OrientationIntegral<II> orientation =
FactoryOrientationAlgs.sliding_ii(null, integralType);
DescribePointSurf<II> descriptor = FactoryDescribePointAlgs.<II>surfStability(null,integralType);
// compute the integral image of 'image'
II integral = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(integralType,image.width,image.height);
GIntegralImageOps.transform(image, integral);
// detect fast hessian features
// tell algorithms which image to process
List<ScalePoint> points = detector.getFoundPoints();
List<BrightFeature> descriptions = new ArrayList<>();
for( ScalePoint p : points ) {
// estimate orientation
orientation.setObjectRadius( p.scale*BoofDefaults.SURF_SCALE_TO_RADIUS);
double angle = orientation.compute(p.x,p.y);
// extract the SURF description for this region
BrightFeature desc = descriptor.createDescription();
// save everything for processing later on
System.out.println("Found Features: "+points.size());
System.out.println("First descriptor's first value: "+descriptions.get(0).value[0]);
} | [
"// SURF works off of integral images",
"// define the feature detection algorithm",
"// estimate orientation",
"// compute the integral image of 'image'",
"// detect fast hessian features",
"// tell algorithms which image to process",
"// estimate orientation",
"// extract the SURF description for this region",
"// save everything for processing later on",
"\"Found Features: \"",
"\"First descriptor's first value: \"",
] | Configured exactly the same as the easy example above, but require a lot more code and a more in depth
understanding of how SURF works and is configured. Instead of TupleDesc_F64, SurfFeature are computed in
this case. They are almost the same as TupleDesc_F64, but contain the Laplacian's sign which can be used
to speed up association. That is an example of how using less generalized interfaces can improve performance.
@param image Input image type. DOES NOT NEED TO BE GrayF32, GrayU8 works too | [
] | train | |
Azure/azure-sdk-for-java | logic/resource-manager/v2016_06_01/src/main/java/com/microsoft/azure/management/logic/v2016_06_01/implementation/ | CertificatesInner.createOrUpdateAsync | public Observable<IntegrationAccountCertificateInner> createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String integrationAccountName, String certificateName, IntegrationAccountCertificateInner certificate) {
Creates or updates an integration account certificate.
@param resourceGroupName The resource group name.
@param integrationAccountName The integration account name.
@param certificateName The integration account certificate name.
@param certificate The integration account certificate.
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
@return the observable to the IntegrationAccountCertificateInner object
return createOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, integrationAccountName, certificateName, certificate).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<IntegrationAccountCertificateInner>, IntegrationAccountCertificateInner>() {
public IntegrationAccountCertificateInner call(ServiceResponse<IntegrationAccountCertificateInner> response) {
return response.body();
} | java | public Observable<IntegrationAccountCertificateInner> createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String integrationAccountName, String certificateName, IntegrationAccountCertificateInner certificate) {
return createOrUpdateWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, integrationAccountName, certificateName, certificate).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<IntegrationAccountCertificateInner>, IntegrationAccountCertificateInner>() {
public IntegrationAccountCertificateInner call(ServiceResponse<IntegrationAccountCertificateInner> response) {
return response.body();
} | [
] | Creates or updates an integration account certificate.
@param resourceGroupName The resource group name.
@param integrationAccountName The integration account name.
@param certificateName The integration account certificate name.
@param certificate The integration account certificate.
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
@return the observable to the IntegrationAccountCertificateInner object | [
] | train | |
cdk/cdk | base/core/src/main/java/org/openscience/cdk/ | DynamicFactory.ofClass | public <T extends ICDKObject> T ofClass(Class<T> intf, Object... objects) {
Construct an implementation using a constructor whose parameters match
that of the provided objects.
@param intf the interface to construct an instance of
@param <T> the type of the class
@return an implementation of provided interface
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the implementation can not be
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the provided class is not an
try {
if (!intf.isInterface()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected interface, got " + intf.getClass());
Creator<T> constructor = get(new ObjectBasedKey(intf, objects));
return constructor.create(objects);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to instantiate chem object: ", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("constructor is not accessible: ", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invocation target exception: ", e);
} | java | public <T extends ICDKObject> T ofClass(Class<T> intf, Object... objects) {
try {
if (!intf.isInterface()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected interface, got " + intf.getClass());
Creator<T> constructor = get(new ObjectBasedKey(intf, objects));
return constructor.create(objects);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to instantiate chem object: ", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("constructor is not accessible: ", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invocation target exception: ", e);
} | [
"\"expected interface, got \"",
"\"unable to instantiate chem object: \"",
"\"constructor is not accessible: \"",
"\"invocation target exception: \"",
] | Construct an implementation using a constructor whose parameters match
that of the provided objects.
@param intf the interface to construct an instance of
@param <T> the type of the class
@return an implementation of provided interface
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the implementation can not be
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the provided class is not an
interface | [
] | train | |
PeterisP/LVTagger | src/main/java/edu/stanford/nlp/stats/ | IntCounter.incrementCounts | public void incrementCounts(Collection<E> keys, int count) {
Adds the given count to the current counts for each of the given keys.
If any of the keys haven't been seen before, they are assumed to have
count 0, and thus this method will set their counts to the given
amount. Negative increments are equivalent to calling <tt>decrementCounts</tt>.
To more conveniently increment the counts of a collection of objects by
1, use {@link #incrementCounts(Collection)}.
To set the counts of a collection of objects to a specific value instead
of incrementing them, use {@link #setCounts(Collection,int)}.
for (E key : keys) {
incrementCount(key, count);
} | java | public void incrementCounts(Collection<E> keys, int count) {
for (E key : keys) {
incrementCount(key, count);
} | [
] | Adds the given count to the current counts for each of the given keys.
If any of the keys haven't been seen before, they are assumed to have
count 0, and thus this method will set their counts to the given
amount. Negative increments are equivalent to calling <tt>decrementCounts</tt>.
To more conveniently increment the counts of a collection of objects by
1, use {@link #incrementCounts(Collection)}.
To set the counts of a collection of objects to a specific value instead
of incrementing them, use {@link #setCounts(Collection,int)}. | [
] | train | |
palatable/lambda | src/main/java/com/jnape/palatable/lambda/optics/lenses/ | CollectionLens.asCopy | public static <X, CX extends Collection<X>> Lens.Simple<CX, CX> asCopy(Function<? super CX, ? extends CX> copyFn) {
Convenience static factory method for creating a lens that focuses on a copy of a <code>Collection</code>, given
a function that creates the copy. Useful for composition to avoid mutating a <code>Collection</code> reference.
@param copyFn the copying function
@param <X> the collection element type
@param <CX> the type of the collection
@return a lens that focuses on a copy of CX
return simpleLens(copyFn, (__, copy) -> copy);
} | java | public static <X, CX extends Collection<X>> Lens.Simple<CX, CX> asCopy(Function<? super CX, ? extends CX> copyFn) {
return simpleLens(copyFn, (__, copy) -> copy);
} | [
] | Convenience static factory method for creating a lens that focuses on a copy of a <code>Collection</code>, given
a function that creates the copy. Useful for composition to avoid mutating a <code>Collection</code> reference.
@param copyFn the copying function
@param <X> the collection element type
@param <CX> the type of the collection
@return a lens that focuses on a copy of CX | [
] | train | |
craigwblake/redline | src/main/java/org/redline_rpm/ | Builder.addLink | public void addLink( final String path, final String target) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
Adds a symbolic link to the repository.
@param path the absolute path at which this link will be installed.
@param target the path of the file this link will point to.
@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException the algorithm isn't supported
@throws IOException there was an IO error
contents.addLink( path, target);
} | java | public void addLink( final String path, final String target) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
contents.addLink( path, target);
} | [
] | Adds a symbolic link to the repository.
@param path the absolute path at which this link will be installed.
@param target the path of the file this link will point to.
@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException the algorithm isn't supported
@throws IOException there was an IO error | [
] | train | |
YahooArchive/samoa | samoa-api/src/main/java/com/yahoo/labs/samoa/learners/classifiers/rules/centralized/ | AMRulesRegressorProcessor.isAnomaly | private boolean isAnomaly(Instance instance, ActiveRule rule) {
Method to verify if the instance is an anomaly.
@param instance
@param rule
//AMRUles is equipped with anomaly detection. If on, compute the anomaly value.
boolean isAnomaly = false;
if (this.noAnomalyDetection == false){
if (rule.getInstancesSeen() >= this.anomalyNumInstThreshold) {
isAnomaly = rule.isAnomaly(instance,
return isAnomaly;
} | java | private boolean isAnomaly(Instance instance, ActiveRule rule) {
//AMRUles is equipped with anomaly detection. If on, compute the anomaly value.
boolean isAnomaly = false;
if (this.noAnomalyDetection == false){
if (rule.getInstancesSeen() >= this.anomalyNumInstThreshold) {
isAnomaly = rule.isAnomaly(instance,
return isAnomaly;
} | [
"//AMRUles is equipped with anomaly detection. If on, compute the anomaly value. \t\t\t",
] | Method to verify if the instance is an anomaly.
@param instance
@param rule
@return | [
] | train | |
datumbox/datumbox-framework | datumbox-framework-core/src/main/java/com/datumbox/framework/core/machinelearning/preprocessing/ | MaxAbsScaler.scale | private Double scale(Double value, Double maxAbsolute) {
Performs the actual rescaling handling corner cases.
@param value
@param maxAbsolute
if(maxAbsolute.equals(0.0)) {
return Math.signum(value);
else {
return value/maxAbsolute;
} | java | private Double scale(Double value, Double maxAbsolute) {
if(maxAbsolute.equals(0.0)) {
return Math.signum(value);
else {
return value/maxAbsolute;
} | [
] | Performs the actual rescaling handling corner cases.
@param value
@param maxAbsolute
@return | [
] | train | |
Jasig/uPortal | uPortal-groups/uPortal-groups-core/src/main/java/org/apereo/portal/services/ | EntityLockService.newReadLock | public IEntityLock newReadLock(Class entityType, String entityKey, String owner)
throws LockingException {
Returns a read lock for the entity type, entity key and owner.
@return org.apereo.portal.concurrency.locking.IEntityLock
@param entityType Class
@param entityKey String
@param owner String
@exception LockingException
return lockService.newLock(entityType, entityKey, IEntityLockService.READ_LOCK, owner);
} | java | public IEntityLock newReadLock(Class entityType, String entityKey, String owner)
throws LockingException {
return lockService.newLock(entityType, entityKey, IEntityLockService.READ_LOCK, owner);
} | [
] | Returns a read lock for the entity type, entity key and owner.
@return org.apereo.portal.concurrency.locking.IEntityLock
@param entityType Class
@param entityKey String
@param owner String
@exception LockingException | [
] | train | |
liyiorg/weixin-popular | src/main/java/weixin/popular/api/ | UserAPI.userInfoUpdateremark | public static BaseResult userInfoUpdateremark(String access_token,String openid,String remark) {
@param access_token access_token
@param openid openid
@param remark remark
@return BaseResult
String postJson = String.format("{\"openid\":\"%1$s\",\"remark\":\"%2$s\"}", openid,remark);
HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest =
.addParameter(PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN, API.accessToken(access_token))
.setEntity(new StringEntity(postJson,Charset.forName("utf-8")))
return LocalHttpClient.executeJsonResult(httpUriRequest,BaseResult.class);
} | java | public static BaseResult userInfoUpdateremark(String access_token,String openid,String remark){
String postJson = String.format("{\"openid\":\"%1$s\",\"remark\":\"%2$s\"}", openid,remark);
HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest =
.addParameter(PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN, API.accessToken(access_token))
.setEntity(new StringEntity(postJson,Charset.forName("utf-8")))
return LocalHttpClient.executeJsonResult(httpUriRequest,BaseResult.class);
} | [
] | 设置备注名
@param access_token access_token
@param openid openid
@param remark remark
@return BaseResult | [
] | train | |
google/closure-compiler | src/com/google/javascript/rhino/ | TypeDeclarationsIR.functionType | public static TypeDeclarationNode functionType(
Node returnType, LinkedHashMap<String, TypeDeclarationNode> requiredParams,
LinkedHashMap<String, TypeDeclarationNode> optionalParams,
String restName, TypeDeclarationNode restType) {
Represents a function type.
Closure has syntax like {@code {function(string, boolean):number}}
Closure doesn't include parameter names. If the parameter types are unnamed,
arbitrary names can be substituted, eg. p1, p2, etc.
STRING_KEY p1 [declared_type_expr: STRING_TYPE]
STRING_KEY p2 [declared_type_expr: BOOLEAN_TYPE]
@param returnType the type returned by the function, possibly ANY_TYPE
@param requiredParams the names and types of the required parameters.
@param optionalParams the names and types of the optional parameters.
@param restName the name of the rest parameter, if any.
@param restType the type of the rest parameter, if any.
TypeDeclarationNode node = new TypeDeclarationNode(Token.FUNCTION_TYPE, returnType);
for (Map.Entry<String, TypeDeclarationNode> param : requiredParams.entrySet()) {
Node name =;
node.addChildToBack(maybeAddType(name, param.getValue()));
for (Map.Entry<String, TypeDeclarationNode> param : optionalParams.entrySet()) {
Node name =;
name.putBooleanProp(Node.OPT_ES6_TYPED, true);
node.addChildToBack(maybeAddType(name, param.getValue()));
if (restName != null) {
Node rest = new Node(Token.REST,;
node.addChildToBack(maybeAddType(rest, restType));
return node;
} | java | public static TypeDeclarationNode functionType(
Node returnType, LinkedHashMap<String, TypeDeclarationNode> requiredParams,
LinkedHashMap<String, TypeDeclarationNode> optionalParams,
String restName, TypeDeclarationNode restType) {
TypeDeclarationNode node = new TypeDeclarationNode(Token.FUNCTION_TYPE, returnType);
for (Map.Entry<String, TypeDeclarationNode> param : requiredParams.entrySet()) {
Node name =;
node.addChildToBack(maybeAddType(name, param.getValue()));
for (Map.Entry<String, TypeDeclarationNode> param : optionalParams.entrySet()) {
Node name =;
name.putBooleanProp(Node.OPT_ES6_TYPED, true);
node.addChildToBack(maybeAddType(name, param.getValue()));
if (restName != null) {
Node rest = new Node(Token.REST,;
node.addChildToBack(maybeAddType(rest, restType));
return node;
} | [
] | Represents a function type.
Closure has syntax like {@code {function(string, boolean):number}}
Closure doesn't include parameter names. If the parameter types are unnamed,
arbitrary names can be substituted, eg. p1, p2, etc.
STRING_KEY p1 [declared_type_expr: STRING_TYPE]
STRING_KEY p2 [declared_type_expr: BOOLEAN_TYPE]
@param returnType the type returned by the function, possibly ANY_TYPE
@param requiredParams the names and types of the required parameters.
@param optionalParams the names and types of the optional parameters.
@param restName the name of the rest parameter, if any.
@param restType the type of the rest parameter, if any. | [
] | train | |
rhuss/jolokia | agent/core/src/main/java/org/jolokia/backend/ | MBeanServerExecutorLocal.handleRequest | public <R extends JmxRequest> Object handleRequest(JsonRequestHandler<R> pRequestHandler, R pJmxReq)
throws MBeanException, ReflectionException, AttributeNotFoundException, InstanceNotFoundException, NotChangedException {
Handle a single request
@param pRequestHandler the handler which can deal with this request
@param pJmxReq the request to execute
@return the return value
@throws MBeanException
@throws ReflectionException
@throws AttributeNotFoundException
@throws InstanceNotFoundException
AttributeNotFoundException attrException = null;
InstanceNotFoundException objNotFoundException = null;
for (MBeanServerConnection conn : getMBeanServers()) {
try {
return pRequestHandler.handleRequest(conn, pJmxReq);
} catch (InstanceNotFoundException exp) {
// Remember exceptions for later use
objNotFoundException = exp;
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException exp) {
attrException = exp;
} catch (IOException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("I/O Error while dispatching",exp);
if (attrException != null) {
throw attrException;
// Must be there, otherwise we would not have left the loop
throw objNotFoundException;
} | java | public <R extends JmxRequest> Object handleRequest(JsonRequestHandler<R> pRequestHandler, R pJmxReq)
throws MBeanException, ReflectionException, AttributeNotFoundException, InstanceNotFoundException, NotChangedException {
AttributeNotFoundException attrException = null;
InstanceNotFoundException objNotFoundException = null;
for (MBeanServerConnection conn : getMBeanServers()) {
try {
return pRequestHandler.handleRequest(conn, pJmxReq);
} catch (InstanceNotFoundException exp) {
// Remember exceptions for later use
objNotFoundException = exp;
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException exp) {
attrException = exp;
} catch (IOException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("I/O Error while dispatching",exp);
if (attrException != null) {
throw attrException;
// Must be there, otherwise we would not have left the loop
throw objNotFoundException;
} | [
"// Remember exceptions for later use",
"\"I/O Error while dispatching\"",
"// Must be there, otherwise we would not have left the loop",
] | Handle a single request
@param pRequestHandler the handler which can deal with this request
@param pJmxReq the request to execute
@return the return value
@throws MBeanException
@throws ReflectionException
@throws AttributeNotFoundException
@throws InstanceNotFoundException | [
] | train | |
UrielCh/ovh-java-sdk | ovh-java-sdk-hostingweb/src/main/java/net/minidev/ovh/api/ | ApiOvhHostingweb.localSeo_emailAvailability_GET | public OvhEmailAvailability localSeo_emailAvailability_GET(String email) throws IOException {
Check email availability for a local SEO order
REST: GET /hosting/web/localSeo/emailAvailability
@param email [required] The email address to check
String qPath = "/hosting/web/localSeo/emailAvailability";
StringBuilder sb = path(qPath);
query(sb, "email", email);
String resp = execN(qPath, "GET", sb.toString(), null);
return convertTo(resp, OvhEmailAvailability.class);
} | java | public OvhEmailAvailability localSeo_emailAvailability_GET(String email) throws IOException {
String qPath = "/hosting/web/localSeo/emailAvailability";
StringBuilder sb = path(qPath);
query(sb, "email", email);
String resp = execN(qPath, "GET", sb.toString(), null);
return convertTo(resp, OvhEmailAvailability.class);
} | [
] | Check email availability for a local SEO order
REST: GET /hosting/web/localSeo/emailAvailability
@param email [required] The email address to check | [
] | train | |
ixa-ehu/ixa-pipe-pos | src/main/java/eus/ixa/ixa/pipe/pos/ | Resources.getBinaryDict | public final URL getBinaryDict(final String lang, final String resourcesDirectory) {
The the dictionary for the {@code MorfologikLemmatizer}.
@param lang
the language
@param resourcesDirectory
the directory where the dictionary can be found.
If {@code null}, load from package resources.
@return the URL of the dictonary
return resourcesDirectory == null
? getBinaryDictFromResources(lang)
: getBinaryDictFromDirectory(lang, resourcesDirectory);
} | java | public final URL getBinaryDict(final String lang, final String resourcesDirectory) {
return resourcesDirectory == null
? getBinaryDictFromResources(lang)
: getBinaryDictFromDirectory(lang, resourcesDirectory);
} | [
] | The the dictionary for the {@code MorfologikLemmatizer}.
@param lang
the language
@param resourcesDirectory
the directory where the dictionary can be found.
If {@code null}, load from package resources.
@return the URL of the dictonary | [
] | train | |
bignerdranch/expandable-recycler-view | expandablerecyclerview/src/main/java/com/bignerdranch/expandablerecyclerview/ | ExpandableRecyclerAdapter.notifyParentMoved | @UiThread
public void notifyParentMoved(int fromParentPosition, int toParentPosition) {
Notify any registered observers that the parent and its children reflected at
{@code fromParentPosition} has been moved to {@code toParentPosition}.
<p>This is a structural change event. Representations of other existing items in the
data set are still considered up to date and will not be rebound, though their
positions may be altered.</p>
@param fromParentPosition Previous position of the parent, relative to the list of
parents only.
@param toParentPosition New position of the parent, relative to the list of parents only.
int fromFlatParentPosition = getFlatParentPosition(fromParentPosition);
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> fromParentWrapper = mFlatItemList.get(fromFlatParentPosition);
// If the parent is collapsed we can take advantage of notifyItemMoved otherwise
// we are forced to do a "manual" move by removing and then adding the parent + children
// (no notifyItemRangeMovedAvailable)
boolean isCollapsed = !fromParentWrapper.isExpanded();
boolean isExpandedNoChildren = !isCollapsed && (fromParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size() == 0);
if (isCollapsed || isExpandedNoChildren) {
int toFlatParentPosition = getFlatParentPosition(toParentPosition);
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> toParentWrapper = mFlatItemList.get(toFlatParentPosition);
int childOffset = 0;
if (toParentWrapper.isExpanded()) {
childOffset = toParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size();
mFlatItemList.add(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset, fromParentWrapper);
notifyItemMoved(fromFlatParentPosition, toFlatParentPosition + childOffset);
} else {
// Remove the parent and children
int sizeChanged = 0;
int childListSize = fromParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size();
for (int i = 0; i < childListSize + 1; i++) {
notifyItemRangeRemoved(fromFlatParentPosition, sizeChanged);
// Add the parent and children at new position
int toFlatParentPosition = getFlatParentPosition(toParentPosition);
int childOffset = 0;
if (toFlatParentPosition != INVALID_FLAT_POSITION) {
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> toParentWrapper = mFlatItemList.get(toFlatParentPosition);
if (toParentWrapper.isExpanded()) {
childOffset = toParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size();
} else {
toFlatParentPosition = mFlatItemList.size();
mFlatItemList.add(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset, fromParentWrapper);
List<ExpandableWrapper<P, C>> wrappedChildList = fromParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList();
sizeChanged = wrappedChildList.size() + 1;
mFlatItemList.addAll(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset + 1, wrappedChildList);
notifyItemRangeInserted(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset, sizeChanged);
} | java | @UiThread
public void notifyParentMoved(int fromParentPosition, int toParentPosition) {
int fromFlatParentPosition = getFlatParentPosition(fromParentPosition);
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> fromParentWrapper = mFlatItemList.get(fromFlatParentPosition);
// If the parent is collapsed we can take advantage of notifyItemMoved otherwise
// we are forced to do a "manual" move by removing and then adding the parent + children
// (no notifyItemRangeMovedAvailable)
boolean isCollapsed = !fromParentWrapper.isExpanded();
boolean isExpandedNoChildren = !isCollapsed && (fromParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size() == 0);
if (isCollapsed || isExpandedNoChildren) {
int toFlatParentPosition = getFlatParentPosition(toParentPosition);
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> toParentWrapper = mFlatItemList.get(toFlatParentPosition);
int childOffset = 0;
if (toParentWrapper.isExpanded()) {
childOffset = toParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size();
mFlatItemList.add(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset, fromParentWrapper);
notifyItemMoved(fromFlatParentPosition, toFlatParentPosition + childOffset);
} else {
// Remove the parent and children
int sizeChanged = 0;
int childListSize = fromParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size();
for (int i = 0; i < childListSize + 1; i++) {
notifyItemRangeRemoved(fromFlatParentPosition, sizeChanged);
// Add the parent and children at new position
int toFlatParentPosition = getFlatParentPosition(toParentPosition);
int childOffset = 0;
if (toFlatParentPosition != INVALID_FLAT_POSITION) {
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> toParentWrapper = mFlatItemList.get(toFlatParentPosition);
if (toParentWrapper.isExpanded()) {
childOffset = toParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList().size();
} else {
toFlatParentPosition = mFlatItemList.size();
mFlatItemList.add(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset, fromParentWrapper);
List<ExpandableWrapper<P, C>> wrappedChildList = fromParentWrapper.getWrappedChildList();
sizeChanged = wrappedChildList.size() + 1;
mFlatItemList.addAll(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset + 1, wrappedChildList);
notifyItemRangeInserted(toFlatParentPosition + childOffset, sizeChanged);
} | [
"// If the parent is collapsed we can take advantage of notifyItemMoved otherwise",
"// we are forced to do a \"manual\" move by removing and then adding the parent + children",
"// (no notifyItemRangeMovedAvailable)",
"// Remove the parent and children",
"// Add the parent and children at new position",
] | Notify any registered observers that the parent and its children reflected at
{@code fromParentPosition} has been moved to {@code toParentPosition}.
<p>This is a structural change event. Representations of other existing items in the
data set are still considered up to date and will not be rebound, though their
positions may be altered.</p>
@param fromParentPosition Previous position of the parent, relative to the list of
parents only.
@param toParentPosition New position of the parent, relative to the list of parents only. | [
] | train | |
alkacon/opencms-core | src-gwt/org/opencms/ade/galleries/client/ui/ | CmsGalleriesTab.updateTreeContent | public void updateTreeContent(List<CmsGalleryTreeEntry> galleryTreeEntries, List<String> selectedGalleries) {
Update the galleries tree.<p>
@param galleryTreeEntries the new gallery tree list
@param selectedGalleries the list of galleries to select
m_selectedGalleries = selectedGalleries;
if (!galleryTreeEntries.isEmpty()) {
m_itemIterator = new TreeItemGenerator(galleryTreeEntries);
} else {
} | java | public void updateTreeContent(List<CmsGalleryTreeEntry> galleryTreeEntries, List<String> selectedGalleries) {
m_selectedGalleries = selectedGalleries;
if (!galleryTreeEntries.isEmpty()) {
m_itemIterator = new TreeItemGenerator(galleryTreeEntries);
} else {
} | [
] | Update the galleries tree.<p>
@param galleryTreeEntries the new gallery tree list
@param selectedGalleries the list of galleries to select | [
] | train | |
qos-ch/slf4j | slf4j-ext/src/main/java/org/slf4j/profiler/ | SpacePadder.spacePad | @Deprecated
final static public void spacePad(StringBuffer sbuf, int length) {
Fast space padding method.
@param sbuf the buffer to pad
@param length the target size of the buffer after padding
while (length >= 32) {
length -= 32;
for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((length & (1 << i)) != 0) {
} | java | @Deprecated
final static public void spacePad(StringBuffer sbuf, int length) {
while (length >= 32) {
length -= 32;
for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((length & (1 << i)) != 0) {
} | [
] | Fast space padding method.
@param sbuf the buffer to pad
@param length the target size of the buffer after padding | [
] | train | |
Azure/azure-sdk-for-java | automation/resource-manager/v2015_10_31/src/main/java/com/microsoft/azure/management/automation/v2015_10_31/implementation/ | DscCompilationJobsInner.getAsync | public Observable<DscCompilationJobInner> getAsync(String resourceGroupName, String automationAccountName, UUID compilationJobId) {
Retrieve the Dsc configuration compilation job identified by job id.
@param resourceGroupName Name of an Azure Resource group.
@param automationAccountName The name of the automation account.
@param compilationJobId The Dsc configuration compilation job id.
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
@return the observable to the DscCompilationJobInner object
return getWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, compilationJobId).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<DscCompilationJobInner>, DscCompilationJobInner>() {
public DscCompilationJobInner call(ServiceResponse<DscCompilationJobInner> response) {
return response.body();
} | java | public Observable<DscCompilationJobInner> getAsync(String resourceGroupName, String automationAccountName, UUID compilationJobId) {
return getWithServiceResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, compilationJobId).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<DscCompilationJobInner>, DscCompilationJobInner>() {
public DscCompilationJobInner call(ServiceResponse<DscCompilationJobInner> response) {
return response.body();
} | [
] | Retrieve the Dsc configuration compilation job identified by job id.
@param resourceGroupName Name of an Azure Resource group.
@param automationAccountName The name of the automation account.
@param compilationJobId The Dsc configuration compilation job id.
@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
@return the observable to the DscCompilationJobInner object | [
] | train | |
Subsets and Splits