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} | 596 | Study Claims That Playing Tetris Helps You Cope With Traumatic Experiences
A recent study claims that playing a game like Tetris might just help you get through everyday life after suffering a tragic experience. Sounds crazy? Here's the science.
Playing the computer game Tetris after a horrific experience can act like a "cognitive antibiotic" by reducing the harrowing flashbacks that haunt people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Flashbacks are a hallmark of PTSD, especially among soldiers who have witnessed terrible events in combat. Soldiers with PTSD are more likely to be disabled or to die from accident or illness than those who do not, even decades later. "It's the kind of memory that pops back when you don't want it to," says Emily Holmes, a clinical psychology researcher at the University of Oxford.
Last year Holmes showed that if volunteers played Tetris for half an hour after looking at graphic images of injuries, they had fewer unwanted memories of the images as a result. But it wasn't clear whether the game simply acted as a distraction or the effect was common to all computer games, she says.
Holmes's latest research suggests that this effect may only occur with visuospatial games, of which Tetris is the classic example.
In her latest experiments, Holmes again showed volunteers the traumatic images and then compared the number of flashbacks experienced by Tetris players with the corresponding number among volunteers who had played a general knowledge "pub quiz" game; a control group had no computer game to play. She found not only that Tetris players seemed to have almost half as many flashbacks as normal, but that those playing the general knowledge game experienced slightly more than normal. "It made it worse in the short term," she says.
What's more, the beneficial effects of Tetris remain even when played 4 hours after the trauma, says Holmes. This suggests that the game is not just a distraction, but is interfering with the mechanisms that form the intrusive memories, she says.
Flashbacks are caused when there is an imbalance between our perceptual experience – what we see, hear, taste and smell – and the conceptual experience that allows us to comprehend and make sense of it all. During a trauma, such as a high-speed car crash, the perceptual experience can be emphasised over the conceptual, says Holmes. This can make it difficult to remember the event as a coherent story, instead imprinting it in memory as a raw set of perceptual experiences: the flash of headlights and the grinding of metal, say. It is this kind of memory that can cause great distress to a victim by repeatedly popping up, Holmes says.
But it can take up to 6 hours after a trauma for the brain to create these intrusive memories from these events, leaving a window of opportunity to prevent them from forming. According to Holmes the Tetris effect occurs because the visuospatial work required to play the game places an additional burden on the perceptual systems within the brain and so interfere with this memory-forming process.
"It's not wiping out the memory – it's just taking the edge off its intrusiveness," she says. In contrast, the verbal game appears to interfere with our conceptual experience, making it difficult to make sense of the perceptual memories and so exacerbating the flashbacks.
Journal reference: PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013706
Photo by Aldo Gonzalez
Study Claims That Playing Tetris Helps You Cope With Traumatic Experiences New Scientist reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour set in the context of society and culture, providing comprehensive coverage of science and technology news. | | robots: classic
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I Am Divine
Glen Milstead aka Divine was unquestionably John Water’s finest actor and muse. Not simply because of his talent that was as outsize as his physique, but because like Waters he was both totally fearless and dared to push the boundaries of bad taste as far as he possibly could. And he did it all in such outrageous style and unfettered enthusiasm that made him such an iconic cult figure.
In filmmaker Jeffery Schwarz’s new very upbeat documentary on this unique entertainer and character we learn that Divine had always dreamt on being a movie star since he was a kid who had been picked on and bullied at school as being both effeminate and fat. And he did deservedly become one and was just about to parlay his major underground success into the mainstream with a (non-drag) part in a national syndicated TV sitcom when he dropped down dead in Hollywood after a massive heart attack the very day before filming was due to start. He was just 42 years old. Manager, Bernard Jay poignantly claimed that as Divine was at the peak of his career, he had at least died happy.
Divine and John Waters both grew up in Baltimore and met when they were teenagers. They made anarchic campy home movies together at the beginning with exaggerated characters in outrageous situations with hyperbolic dialogues. They were never meant to be shown outside of their wee band of local actors that included Mink Stole, Edith Massey, and David Lochary (the latter becoming a big love of Divine’s life before his own untimely death). But word got out and soon people were clamoring to see the films that got bigger and even bolder.
Water’s ‘trashy trilogy’ ‘Pink Flamingos’, ‘Female Trouble’, and ‘Desperate Living’ cemented Divine’s reputation as a movie diva, in particular Flamingos which earned him the title of ‘the filthiest person alive’ after the notorious scene where he actually ate dog feces. And after these successes he also started to diversify his career taking starring roles in Off Broadway shows, and becoming a very successful disco recording star. He added a whole new meaning to the word ‘fierce’!
Many of the interviewees that Schwartz included gave Divine great credit for expanding the concept of the drag queen from brash female impersonator into something much larger, more subversive and less gender specific. Yet without a single exception none of the TV chat show hosts that interviewed him could deal with the fact that Divine was sitting opposite them in men’s clothing calmly stating that ‘she’ was a character that he played and not the person he actually was off the screen.
Matinee idol Tab Hunter recounted the joy he had at working with Divine on two very successful movies ‘Polyester’ and ‘Lust in The Dust’. These were followed by ‘Hairspray’ , which turned out to be Divine’s biggest hit and very last movie.
Schwarz beautifully captures both the joyous nature of Divine’s flamboyant life and also the great sense of sheer enjoyment he had. He includes the completely tasteless clip from ‘Eat Your Makeup.’ in which Divine played Jacqueline Kennedy in a grotesquely amusing re-creation of the Kennedy assassination just two years after event. But he also shows the scene from ‘Multiple Maniacs’ where Divine’s character is raped by a giant lobster! A perfect epitaph.
Someone said towards the end of the movie …. ‘after him, no-one can ever now be called Divine …. he OWNS that title’. Too true.
An unmissable flawless movie.
Posted by queerguru at 19:01
Genres: documentary
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Penn State Scandal Escalates; Rick Perry Doing Damage Control
Aired November 10, 2011 - 22:00 ET
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Hey. Good evening, everyone, 10:00 p.m. on the East Coast.
We begin "Keeping Them Honest" with the Penn State child sex abuse scandal at Penn State, the alleged abuse of eight children over a span of 15 years, eight children at this point that authorities know about, abused by Jerry Sandusky, say authorities, a once and later former top assistant to head football coach Joe Paterno.
That is Sandusky right there. He set up a charity for troubled kids from broken homes, allegedly grooming some of them for abuse. He is now facing 40 criminal charges, though he is out on bail right now.
There is breaking news tonight on that. Our Jason Carroll just spoke with Sandusky's attorney, is learning new details about how his client plans to fight the charges against him. And, yes, right now, they say they are going to fight those charges. We're going to talk to Jason shortly.
Before we do that, we want to run through the evidence, because there's a lot of evidence suggesting that so many people so early on knew so much about so much about such revolting allegations, yet seemingly did so little about it.
Tonight, Joe Paterno is out. So is the university president. He's out. And last night, a lot of students did a lot of venting about that on campus, calling for Paterno to play one last game this weekend. They overturned a TV truck, chanted "One more game" and the university cheer, "We are Penn State."
But for the past few days, a lot of people have been asking, what is Penn State?
Overnight Joe Paterno, JoePa to his followers, looked and sounded just like the image he enjoyed for so many years, the no-nonsense, academics-first, do-the-right-thing coach. He told protesters to go home and hit the books.
Hey, good luck, everybody. Thanks for coming. (CROSSTALK)
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you for everything. Thank you.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're a legend, Joe.
COOPER: It's that image of a coach so revered that's so at odds with the sickening details of this case and the details really matter in this case.
And the details really matter in this case. We want to tell you a little bit, a few of the excerpts from the grand jury finding of fact. I want to read you one of them -- quote -- "While in the shower, Sandusky approached the boy, grabbed him around the waist, and said, I'm going to squeeze your guts out." This allegedly happened in 1998.
When his mother learned about it, she went to the university police. She confronted coach Sandusky who was at the time Joe Paterno's defensive coordinator.
The mother let campus and local police eavesdrop on two conversations she had with the coach. According to the grand jury finding -- quote -- "She asked him if his private parts touched victim 6. Sandusky replied, I don't think so. Maybe."
Later according to the finding he tells victim 6's mom -- quote -- "I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won't get it from you. I wish I were dead."
The grand jury report says he admitted wrongdoing to campus police.
In addition university police detective Ronald Shreffler told the grand jury that at this -- at the time his investigation also included a second child who he says he was subjected to nearly identical treatment by coach Sandusky.
And these are serious allegations and more than one of them. So what happened next? Well, according to the grand jury finding, not much. Detectives Shreffler advised Sandusky not to shower with any child again, and the coach promised not to. He promised.
So the local DA didn't see fit to prosecute, and the university police merely warned coach Sandusky not to do it again.
So is that believable? According to the grand jury not entirely -- quote -- "The grand jury finds that portions of the testimony of Tim Curley and Gary Schultz are not credible." And cites them for making materially false statements under oath.
As for the accuser, the grad student, well, his name is Mike McQueary. Guess what? He is now Penn State's receivers coach. The grand jury found his account highly credible. It also found that what McQueary witnessed should have been reported to law enforcement and Child Welfare if not by McQueary himself and Tim Curley or Gary Schultz or, as many are saying, by Joe Paterno.
Jason, what are you hearing?
JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I spoke to Joseph Amendola just about an hour ago, Anderson. He's extremely frustrated.
COOPER: Did you ask about the grand jury testimony?
CARROLL: Yes, absolutely. He basically told us that Sandusky at this point feels devastated. Another word that he used is destroyed. Obviously, these two men were very close, Sandusky and Coach Joe Paterno, they had been connected for many, many years. He says that -- quote -- it is eating him up that these allegations have brought down a man who he called a legend -- Anderson.
COOPER: Jason, thanks.
COOPER: That he's going to fight these charges?
GIGER: No --
COOPER: -- coaching in a football game?
So when you talk about this scandal, who knew? Who knew what and who knew it when, I have got to believe as the days and weeks go on we're going to find out that many, many more people knew about the 1998 incident and the 2002 incident. It's just, you know, common sense that would lead you to believe somebody might tell somebody and then tell somebody else. And then really one thing that would be devastating would be if we were to find out that officials with the Second Mile organization knew about these allegations -- these incidents in 1998 and 2002, because the Second Mile has been a tremendous help to a lot of young kids, at-risk kids.
Let's be clear, villain number one here is Jerry Sandusky. I have heard from so many students who were just really furious that there hasn't been more focus on Sandusky the past couple of days as opposed to Paterno, because the students rightly or wrongly they felt that Paterno was vilified when Sandusky actually started the whole mess.
Cory, appreciate you joining us tonight, Sunny Hostin, Jean Casarez as well.
Let us know what you think. We're on Facebook and Google+. You can follow me on Twitter @AndersonCooper. I will be tweeting tonight.
And later "Raw Politics": the fallout from Rick Perry's pretty astonishing outbreak of brain freeze last night.
GOV. RICK PERRY (R-TX), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It's three agencies of government when I get there that are gone. Commerce, education and the -- what's the third one there? Let's see.
Once again, here's Jason Carroll.
CARROLL: But that's exactly what prosecutors say was the problem.
CARROLL (on camera): For children who are impoverished, abused or neglected, the Second Mile provides opportunities that otherwise might be hard to come by. Things like summer camps, leadership training, and counseling. Each year the organization claims to serve some 100,000 children across the state of Pennsylvania, and for many years Sandusky was its public face and primary fund-raiser.
(voice-over): Troy Craig met Sandusky through the Second Mile when he was a young boy.
CARROLL (on camera): With Sandusky's family?
CARROLL: Sandusky's family?
COOPER: That's Jason Carroll reporting.
Representative Kevin Boyle, appreciate your time. Thank you.
BOYLE: Thank you, Anderson.
Terror and destruction, coming up, caught on tape. We'll show you new video from the latest earthquake to hit eastern Turkey.
COOPER: Well, politics is ahead but first let's look at the stories making news tonight. Fredricka Whitfield joins us with a "360 News & Business Bulletin" -- Fredricka.
Hello, everyone.
A bloody day in Syria. More than three dozen people including six children were reported killed by Syrian security forces. We can't independently confirm the report or this video, because we're not allowed in o Syria to see for ourselves.
President Bashar al-Assad has promised to stop the violence and release detainees, but human rights groups say more than 100 Syrians have been killed since he made that vow.
And dramatic pictures from Turkey. A hotel crumbles during yesterday's 5.72 magnitude earthquake. The Bayram Hotel in Van was destroyed in the quake. Twelve people are confirmed dead and more than two dozen have been rescued.
And a new Greek leader is set to be sworn in tomorrow. Former Prime Minister George Papandreou has stepped down, clearing the way for a new unity government led by Harvard economics professor and former banker Lucas Papademos. He has pledged to implement harsh austerity measure s necessary for the country to receive a second bailout from the European Union.
And Britain's Prince William is getting ready to ship out. William Wales, as he is known in the military, will be deployed in February to the Falkland Islands as a search-and-rescue pilot. The prince is expected to be home in time to help prepare for his grandmother's Diamond Jubilee in June.
But at least the good news, Anderson, is he gets to spend Christmas with his new wife with at home.
COOPER: That's cool. That's good he's serving overseas. Fredricka, thanks.
Coming up, a Major League baseball player is missing. This is really fascinating, the story. We'll tell you about the catcher who was reportedly kidnapped at gunpoint when he went home to Venezuela.
And the debate over last night's GOP debate and Rick Perry's "Raw Politics" gaffe.
GOV. RICK PERRY (R), FLORIDA: I would do away with the Education, the Commerce. And let's see -- I can't. The third one I can't. So, oops.
COOPER: "Raw Politics" now. Another day, another Republican presidential debate. Last night's may be more memorable than some of the other, but did any step in and stop Mitt Romney? Chief national correspondent John King joins me from Washington -- John.
JOHN KING, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, I think it is safe to say it was not Rick Perry who stepped in. We'll have more on the details in a moment. Let's look at the dynamic in the Republican race. If you come back in time here, here's what we have right now. We've had since the very beginning, who will emerge as the conservative challenger to Mitt Romney.
Remember, at one point it was Donald Trump. Then he didn't run. Then Michele Bachmann had a little boom. Then Rick Perry actually went to the top of the polls for awhile, at 30 percent, and then he fell off the table.
Herman Cain emerged next and still is, despite these allegation against him -- still is the candidate to beat if you're Mitt Romney and you're looking to say who is your conservative challenger?
We're 54 days away from Iowa. Here's the polling. McCain-Romney in a dead heat. Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry. Rick Perry way down here. A lot of ground to make up.
Remember Newt Gingrich, though. He's beginning to move up. But again, this is a Cain/Romney race. Cain the conservative alternative to Romney at the moment.
Then comes New Hampshire 61 days away from today. Romney, a runaway leader. Remember, he's the former Massachusetts governor, but again, who's in second place is Herman Cain. Newt Gingrich as 5 percent, and Rick Perry doesn't even make the DREAM Act top five.
KING: Open last night's debate was supposed to be part of his rebound strategy. South Carolina. On 72 days away to the key primary there. Again it's Romney, Cain, Gingrich. Perry slight in play here, but Romney and Cain, again the dynamic. Romney, the establishment front runner. Cain, the conservative challenger.
After South Carolina, Anderson, comes the state of Florida, 82 days away. This is starting to sound familiar. Right? Cain leads in a new poll out today. Romney just behind him. Newt Gingrich -- this is very significant -- up to 17 percent in Florida. Rick Perry in single digits down at 5.
So Rick Perry got into this race and everyone assumed he would be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney. At the moment it is Herman Cain. You talk to a lot of Republicans, they assume at some point -- they may be wrong -- but they assume Herman Cain will start to slip.
Gingrich, they say at the moment, is best positioned to take on Romney. But we still have that giant question mark, Anderson. The whole race we've been waiting to see who would be the consistent conservative alternative to Romney. It is tonight Herman Cain. We'll see what happens going forward.
COOPER: John, thanks very much. Appreciate it.
Let's go now to Raw Politics, starting with that one moment that Rick Perry would probably like to forget. In case you missed it, he made a point of saying he would eliminate three government agencies if elected. When he went to actually list them, take a look.
GOV. RICK PERRY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It's three agencies of government when I get there that are gone. Commerce, Education and the -- what's the third one there? Let's see.
PERRY: Oh, five. Commerce, education and the...
PERRY: The EPA. There you go.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Seriously? Is EPA one you were talking about?
PERRY: No, sir. No, sir. We were talking about the agencies of government. The EPA needs to be rebuilt. No doubt about it.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you can't name the third one?
PERRY: The third agency of government, I would do away with Education, the...
PERRY: Commerce and let's see -- I can't. The third one I can't. Sorry. Oops.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about the...
COOPER: He spent most of today on sort of a damage control tour. But after a series of gaffes, can he be still considered a serious contender? He does have a lot of money. Let's bring in our political panel. John King, also CNN political correspondent Candy Crowley and CNN political analyst David Gergen.
And Candy, Rick Perry, I mean, you have to feel for the guy in that moment. Everybody's had brain freeze. Just not necessarily on public television like that. Is it devastating, though, for his campaign?
CANDY CROWLEY, CNN ANCHOR: It's certainly not helpful. Is it devastating?
Listen, Rick Perry was not doing well before this. This was the debate where he was going to that show us, that when he could debate that he was up there and up on his stuff. So it doesn't help. You're right. Anyone can have a brain freeze, but the fact of the matter is this was the wrong person and the wrong time to have this sort of slip up. So certainly, it can't help but damage at this point Perry's chances, which were looking pretty grim to begin with and even before this.
You know, people play into a story line. With Mitt Romney it's that he's a flip flopper. With Herman Cain it's that he's not really a serious candidate. And then a lot of times Rick Perry, and what is the rap on him? Well, he's really not up to the job. And then he forgets not just one of the three, but the main, the Energy Department. The main thing he's been talking about, and he forgets that. Understandable, but at this point just with -- I mean, the people forget things but at this point it was just really bad timing and the wrong person to make this kind of mistake, because it feeds into his -- into his Achilles heel.
COOPER: David, he has been doing aggressive damage control all day. He's actually going to be going on David Letterman later tonight, giving his top ten excuses for last night's performance. We've got a little snippet of it. I just want to show that.
PERRY: I thought the debate was tonight.
LETTERMAN: I see. Well, there you go. That happens to everybody. It was a mix up, ladies and gentlemen.
Number six.
PERRY: Hey, listen, you try concentrating when Mitt Romney is smiling at you. That is one handsome dude.
COOPER: I mean, can this strategy work? I mean, nobody is really questioning his charm here.
DAVID GERGEN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, Anderson, I think -- I think he's doing the best thing he can do and that is treat it with humor and be a good sport about it. And some people are going to find that fetching about him. And they're going to respond to it in a very warm, human way.
But I think Candy's analysis was absolutely spot on. And the chances of him recovering fully, I think, are slim in the time frame he's got left. But I give him credit for going out and doing what he's doing.
The news to me is "Steady Eddie" Mitt Romney is moving right along. And people keep bouncing up, and they keep rising in the polls, but they fall back. And I think you can see slippage not among Republican voters but around the country. The Quinnipiac poll today in key states -- Pennsylvania, Ohio -- Mitt Romney is dead heat with President Obama. President Obama beats Herman Cain by ten points. Beats him easily.
COOPER: John King, what about Herman Cain? I mean, you know, to David's point, people have been rising up, you know, in comparison to Mitt Romney, and then they -- they bounce back down. Herman Cain, though, has been staying pretty steady, despite this, these allegations that have been swirling around him.
KING: And at least so far he has turned it into a fund-raising advantage. We will see if he can turn them into an organizing advantage.
The key test for Mr. Cain is 54 nights from tonight in Iowa. That the place where he needs to prove that he's a serious candidate. You prove that by winning. He has raised a lot of money off this, but if you look at the polling data underneath, his unfavorable ratings are going up and going up at a quite consistent pace over the course of the last few days.
Republican women are starting to peel off his candidacy. It tends to be more women than men that vote in the Iowa caucuses. There are still a lot of Republicans who say he didn't answer the allegations in detail, and he needs to be less testy when he's answering them.
But I'll tell you this, Anderson. There also are a lot of Republicans who say, "You know what? We have a playbook for what you're supposed to do in a situation like this. He does the exact opposite just about every time." And seems, for now at least, to be getting away with it, because people find him likable. And you know what they say about him? He's not a typical politician, and that is the mood of the country right now.
COOPER: John King, Candy Crowley, David Gergen, thank you.
Still ahead tonight, gunmen kidnap a Major League baseball player in front of his family. Have you heard this story? It's extraordinary. We have new details about the bizarre and frightening events that happened.
Also ahead, Michael Jackson's last words, Conrad Murray saying the pop star made a desperate plea for, quote, "the only thing that would put him to sleep." We're talking about Propofol. We'll be right back.
COOPER: Very strange mystery is unfolding involving a Major League baseball player who's vanished in Venezuela.
Washington Nationals rookie captain, Wilson Ramos, was reportedly taken at gunpoint from his family's home. He was in Venezuela playing winter league ball with a local team, the Tigers. A spokeswoman for the team reported the alleged kidnapping on Twitter. It's not unheard of for a successful athlete to return home to Venezuela and find himself in harm's way.
Joining me now to talk about the case is CNN international anchor Luis Carlos Velez. What's the latest on this? What do we know?
According to preliminary reports, four heavily-armed man stormed the home of his Wilson Ramos' parents in Valencia (ph), Venezuela, where Ramos was staying. Neighbors tell local media that the gunmen staked out the home several times before breaking in.
Witnesses say the gunmen threatened to kill the player if he refused to go with them. We have been trying to talk to the family directly, but they prefer not to talk to us. But it is said they believe they found the car that was used in the kidnapping. Also, they have assembled two sketches of two of the alleged kidnappers -- Anderson.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: So is the United States involved in any way in trying to figure out what -- what's happened to Ramos?
VELEZ: You know, nothing. They can not do nothing, because basically they can't. The FBI offered help, and it hasn't heard back from Hugo Chavez's government. It has its hands tied, because as you know, Anderson, he is not a U.S. citizen, and the crime did not occur here in the United States.
COOPER: Kidnapping has been increasing in Venezuela over the last few years.
VELEZ: That's right. Kidnapping is becoming a common practice in the country. It is a very unstable country.
The U.S. State Department has warned the increasing cases of kidnappings in Venezuela.
In 2009, for example, the number of reported kidnappings doubled from the previous year, and police have said that many cases don't get reported there. Now, this is the first time that a professional baseball player has been kidnapped in Venezuela, but their families are becoming targets. Criminals tend to go after them as they become better known and presumably wealthier -- Anderson.
COOPER: Wow. Talk about disturbing. We'll continue to follow it. Appreciate it. Thanks very much.
Coming up, we're following a number of other stories. We'll check in with Fredricka Whitfield with a "360 Bulletin" -- Fredricka.
WHITFIELD: Anderson, Penn state has just announced that Mike McQueary will not be in attendance for this Saturday's home game against Nebraska. McQueary is the former graduate assistant who saw Jerry Sandusky allegedly raping a boy but did not call police. Because of threats against McQueary, the university has decided it would be in everyone's best interest for him not to be at the game. A military panel has convicted Army Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs of murdering three civilians in Afghanistan. He has been sentenced to life in military prison with eligibility for parole in ten years. Gibbs is the highest-ranking soldier in a group of five accused of murdering Afghan villagers and then planting weapons on them to make it look like the soldiers were attacked.
Dr. Conrad Murray says he didn't know that Michael Jackson had an addiction problem. In an interview that aired on "The Today Show," Murray also talked about Jackson's last words and how Jackson referred to the anesthetic Propofol as "milk."
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you remember his final words before he died?
CONRAD MURRAY, FORMER JACKSON DOCTOR: It was probably. I don't know. It was probably when he was pleading and begging me to please, please let him have some milk because that was the only thing that would work.
WHITFIELD: Ashton Kutcher say he feels awful and is going to take a break from Twitter after he tweeted about Joe Paterno without knowing the full story. Kutcher tweeted, quote, "How do you fire Joepa? Insult. No class. As a Hawkeyes fan I find it in poor taste."
And Billy Crystal will host the Oscars this year. His was -- it was made aware to everyone, it was announced that he would become the new host today after Eddie Murphy quit yesterday. This will be Crystal's ninth time hosting.
Now back to Anderson.
COOPER: Coming up, it's almost time for one of the biggest fashion shows of the year. One of the Victoria's Secret angels is now talking about how she's getting ready. Here's a hint: it will make you thirsty and hungry just hearing about it. "The RidicuList" is next.
COOPER: Time for "The RidicuList." We are adding to the Victoria's Secret diet. Sorry, it's that time of the year again. The annual Victoria's Secret fashion show taped last night. It's going to air in a few weeks on CBS.
But don't make the mistake of thinking the show is nothing women walking around in their underwear. Oh, no. There's a lot of preparation and work that goes into it.
The models have to do a whole lot more than show up and strip down. Take for instance Adrianna Lima (ph). She told the "Telegraph," all about what it really takes to be a Victoria's Secret angel.
Lima (ph) says she worked out every day with a personal trainer for the past few months. And for the past few weeks, she worked out twice a day jumping rope, boxing, lifting weights.
And then there's the diet. Do not try this at home. Lima (ph) says she gets on a regimen of protein shakes, vitamins and a gallon of water a day. For nine days leading up to the show she doesn't eat any solid foods. She only drinks shakes containing powdered egg. Mmm, egg.
Two days before the show she stops drinking the gallon of water and then 12 hours before, she stops drinking any water at all. She says, and I quote, "No liquids at all, so you dry out. Sometimes you can lose up to eight pounds just from that." That is one determined, dedicated, dehydrated model.
So there you have it. I guess just swear off the solid food and water and you'll look great, you know, if you don't drop over dead. It reportedly costs $10 million to produce the fashion show. It airs in more than 90 countries. Nine million people watched it in America last year alone.
This year's show features performances by Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Adam Levine, as well as the diamond-bedazzled bra that's worth $2.5 million. So mark your calendars. The show airs November 29. And if you really want to get in the spirit of things, I guess stop eating solid food nine days before on November 20. And yes, unfortunately, Thanksgiving does fall right in that time period. Sorry, kids. We're having powdered egg shakes this year.
OK, it's an extreme diet, to be sure. But in the interest of getting both sides of the story, there are other Victoria's Secret models who say they actually do ingest food.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is the must-have snack while you're in hair and makeup?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, gosh. I am -- I know I'm the queen of snacks. I'm, like, always eating cookies. And like, we had a really good chef this year at the Victoria's Secret fashion show, and they had, like, shrimp and rice and salad. And like, they just had, like -- you can have whatever you want right before you go on the show.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The models do eat? That's one thing...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean, you need energy to do the show. It's a long day, so -- and carrying heavy wings and everything.
COOPER: Those wings are heavy. Victoria's Secret chef? Now I've heard it all. It's like I always say: Every time a dinner bell rings, an angel gets its wings on "The RidicuList."
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Heavyweights Clash Over Policing Repeat Copyright Infringers 107
Heavyweights Clash Over Policing Repeat Copyright Infringers
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• Re:Activist Judges (Score:5, Interesting)
by Anthony Mouse ( 1927662 ) on Monday April 09, 2012 @02:38PM (#39621989)
The DMCA safe harbor has a condition that the service provider "has adopted and reasonably implemented, and informs subscribers and account holders of the service provider’s system or network of, a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers and account holders of the service provider’s system or network who are repeat infringers."
The thing is, it says "repeat infringers" not "repeatedly accused infringers." So I'm not a lawyer (and I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of anyone who is), but it seems like if you adopted a policy that says you'll terminate any user who is found liable of infringement in court on more than one occasion, that would seem to satisfy the statute. Which makes perfect sense really -- otherwise anyone could get anyone else's account terminated by making repeated fraudulent accusations. Can anyone think of a reason why that would be wrong?
• by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Monday April 09, 2012 @02:45PM (#39622065)
Here's what the MPAA is really after:
Now the MPAA ... wrote, "... the ability of copyright holders to hold gateways ... liable for secondary infringement is crucial in preventing piracy."
• by Runaway1956 ( 1322357 ) on Monday April 09, 2012 @02:54PM (#39622151) Homepage Journal
I can see that some things should be renewable. I loathe Disney for advocating all these crazy laws that we have today. But - they do have something of a point with renewable copyrights. Mickey Mouse would have gone out of copyright well before I graduated high school. Probably before I graduated elementary school - he's been around that long. But, Mickey Mouse has been a money generator all these decades.
Let them have renewable copyrights. First renewal, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Second renewal, millions of dollars. Third renewal, tens of millions. Fourth renewal, hundreds of millions. Just keep upping the ante by an order of magnitude. If they want to pay, the government benefits. If they don't want to pay, the people benefit. At some stage, even Mickey Mouse will be retired. I don't think they would renew even Mickey for a billion dollars!
• by mcgrew ( 92797 ) * on Monday April 09, 2012 @03:04PM (#39622273) Homepage Journal
Asimov's Foundation was written in 1945, the last of the trilogy in 1952 (the year I was born). It was published by Gnome Press, a tiny publisher without the clout to properly market it, and it languished until the '60s with Asimov not earning a dime from it until Doubleday bought the publication rights from Gnome. It was a Hugo award winner and a big moneymaker after Doubldeday bought it.
That's why.
As to your "ten years", iirc I started on my Paxil Diaries book almost ten years ago. I still need to design its dust jacket. BTW It's on TPB, I put it there myself.
Seventeen years may seem like a lifetime to someone in college, but it really isn't that long a time at all. You'll find that out if you live long enough. I wouldn't want copyright, even after a renewal, to last any longer than 30 years, though.
• by ace37 ( 2302468 ) on Monday April 09, 2012 @03:04PM (#39622279) Homepage
So let me get this straight, the judge sees that the DCMA doesn't fix this grievance, so he decides to add a fundamentally new requirement to the law and enforce it?
The judge is right to point out the DCMA doesn't address the (perhaps legitimate) grievances brought to the court. That's exactly why the website should have won the case with no strings attached--from the sound of it, they comply with the requirements of the law. A judge has no more authority to 'fix' bad legislation than I do.
The prosecuting party should be trying to push congress to action, not judges. I hope the SCOTUS picks it up and throws the case out to make the point.
• by dryriver ( 1010635 ) on Monday April 09, 2012 @03:20PM (#39622443)
While I agree with your first sentence, copyright infringers being dragged into court and asked to cough up xxxxx thousand dollars per infringment IS a government problem, because such high fines are, technically speaking, a "human rights violation". Believe it or not, receiving a disproportionately tough/hard/long sentence over only a "small infringement" is a human rights violation. And human rights law is, since 1974, "Internation Law". So if the government doesn't protect you from getting a f____ed up, expensive, hard-core sentence for downloading a film or two, then that government has failed to honour its responsibilities vis-a-vis International Law.
• by jamstar7 ( 694492 ) on Monday April 09, 2012 @03:20PM (#39622445)
Primary infringement: Joe Schmuck buys a DVD and procedes to rip it down to his computer. It's a 'violation' of the DCMA because the video is 'encrypted' and needs something like libdvd2 to decrypt the 'key'. And there's the standard 'FBI Warning' notice on the DVD when you play it. Thus, *AA argues the content is 'licensed' not sold.
Secondary infringement: The company who sold Joe Schmuck his hard drive. Without that hard drive, Joe Schmuck wouldn't have anything to store his 'infringing' copy upon. Thus, argues the *AA, said company 'facilitated' the 'infringement'. Doesn't matter that they do not have physical access to the drive anymore, they 'facilitated'.
Tertiary infringement: The company who manufactured the hard drive. By manufacturing the hard drive, they have created a 'criminal tool', defined as any non-living object essential to and used in 'the commission of a crime'. By wholesaling the hard drive to the company who sold it to Joe Schmuck, they are now the 'tertiary infringers', even though they lost physical control of the drive.
We can take this tree of 'infringement' back at least 2 or 3 more generations, to the people who mined and refined the materials to build the hard drive, as well as the designers. How much stupidity are we looking for here?
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Parisian Corpses from 1220-1789
Paris in the 13th Century transformed itself from feudal estates to those the church and state, with the land and power divided equally. Phillipe Augustus (1180-1223) begins public works such as the Cimtiere des Saints Innocents and the masonry fortification around Paris to relieve congestion.
The wealthy dead were buried in cemeteries in and around churches, so they would have better luck in the afterlife. The rest, a wide social group, were relegated to mass graves. The largest was the Cimetiere des Saints Innocents, which later was emptied into the Parisian catacombs due to the stench of the rotting corpses. Strangely enough, Saints Innocents was a popular spot for lovers, merchants and preachers. Phillipe Auguste established the royal gallows of Montfaucon north of Paris, serving not only as the gallows but also the town dump. Thousands of people were hung there; those that died while being tortured were left hanging to rot until their bones fell. Their remains would then be dumped into a pit along with the household waste, excrements and rubble. Like the Christian denial of burial to criminals, the smell that emanated down to Paris served as a subtle deterrent to crime. This practice also continued well into the 18th Century. Parent-Duchatelet, the early 19th century hygienist, refers to Montfaucon as the "Epicenter of Stench."
Although the execution of criminals no longer occured at Montfaucon in the 18th century, bodies still were dumped there along with the garbage, including the bodies of the people beheaded during the French Revolution. After the revolution, the christian denial of burial to criminals ceased; however, the ties of Montfaucon with unimaginable horrors remained.
Felix Nadar photo of the catacombs 1861 Catacomb visits are at Place D'Enfer-Rocherau
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Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.
1 Would you like a ?
2 There are two big outside the walls.
3 This is .
4 You must absolutely visit the .
5 I need to buy a new .
6 Are you coming to .
7 Can you pass me a couple of from the shelf?
8 We'll be back home in .
9 He's one of .
10 Forgetfulness is one of the main .
Possessive ‘s
We normally use ‘s with people or animals, although we can also use it with time expressions, shops, or places (cities, countries, etc.) and organisations.
Possessive 's – Use
Note that when we are talking about places or organisations, we can use both the possessive ‘s or of.
• The decision of the country/The country’s decision to raise taxes is very controversial.
• The prediction of the bank/The bank’s prediction is very optimistic.
Look at the table below to see how to use the possessive case.
Possessive case – form
Note that we use of + possessive case or possessive pronoun if there is a determiner (a, some, this, etc.) before the nouns.
• Some friends of Anna’s came to the party. (=some of Anna’s friends.)
• Some friends of hers came to the party.
• Isn’t that a friend of your sister’s(=one of your sister’s friends.)
Using possessive of
Inanimate things and abstract nouns
We normally use of instead of ‘s when we are talking about inanimate things, parts of things, or abstract nouns.
• We enjoyed the beauty of the park.
• The head of the shower is broken.
• Go to the end of the street.
• Love is the secret of life.
Long noun phrases
We also use of instead of ‘s with long noun phrases.
• This is the child of the neighbours who live next door. (NOT the neighbours who live next door’s child)
• That’s the wife of one of my friends from Liverpool
Compound nouns
In many cases we use noun + noun, instead of possessive ‘s or of. When we use noun + noun, the first noun is acting as a modifier of the second noun, like an adjective, and is normally singular (tourist destination, stomach bug, school bus, etc.). Sometimes more than one form is possible:
• The head of the shower/shower head is broken.
• What’s the school policy/school’s policy on bullying?
However, we often prefer one form over the other because it’s more common: bus stop, car key, toothpaste, car park, ice cream, haircut, etc.
One word, two separate words or two words linked with a hyphen?
Compound nouns are often two separate words, e.g. school bus, car park, etc., but very common compound nouns are sometimes used as one word, e.g. bathroom, haircut, etc., and sometimes linked with a hyphen, e.g. letter-box. But in many occasions, you can see the same compound noun written in different ways.
We can use a compound noun to refer to a container, which is usually empty: a tea cup, a wine glass, a beer glass, a matchbox, etc.
• Can you pass me those tea cups? I’m going to wash them. (=they are empty)
• She keeps the insects that she catches in that matchbox
But note that we use noun + of + noun to refer to a container together with its contents: a cup of tea, a glass of wine, a glass of beer, a box of matches, etc.
• Would you like a cup of tea? (=a cup with tea in it)
• I need to light this candle. Do you have a box of matches?
Do the exercises | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-43
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When reports emerged earlier this month that Twitter's CFO Anthony Noto may also now be in charge of the marketing department, it was met with a bemused reaction.
The finance guy? In charge of marketing?
The relationship between marketing and finance is one of the most strained within a company. The marketing department usually wants more budget, while the finance department is generally reluctant to give it over. The CFO wants proof that the money they delegated to marketing last quarter is actually delivering a return for the business, but marketing can take time to have an effect on sales, which leaves marketers fumbling around for other, softer metrics, like awareness, affinity, recall, and social media engagement, to prove the worth of their ads. The CFO doesn't always buy that.
Speaking at the JP Morgan Global Technology, Media, and Telecom conference in New York on Wednesday (Seeking Alpha has published a transcript,) Noto confirmed that he is indeed in charge of the marketing department now.
Noto explained that the board wanted to "elevate the importance of marketing as a key component of everything we do," adding: "Marketing really needs to permeate product, it needs to permeate content, and it needs to permeate media, and it's a really huge opportunity in front of us."
Twitter already had a marketing team, building out the foundations, but Noto's explanation about his expanded role seems to suggest that Twitter wanted to emphasize that it was starting to take marketing seriously — but perhaps with caution as far as budget is concerned.
Noto explained why its fundamental Twitter starts increasing its focus on marketing: Nearly everybody knows what Twitter is, but barely anyone knows how to use it. This is an existential problem for Twitter: its monthly active user base is slowing, and investors are concerned.
BI Intelligence
Noto said: "We [have] over 90% aided brand awareness globally ... TwitBird is everywhere. People are very familiar with it, but they're familiar with it in the way others have presented it. The second issue about the great awareness we have is that it hasn't actually translated into users. We've less than 30% penetration of the social, digital mobile market. In fact, if you just take our monthly active users on a quarterly basis and divide it by the largest player in the group, you'll see that it's 30%."
Twitter has tried to combat this problem by changing the user experience: Creating "instant timelines" last year so that new users can get up and running straight away, for example.
A big Twitter marketing campaign is on the way
But now, at this stage in the company's maturity, Twitter feels it needs a marketing campaign to educate users as to what the service is all about and why people would want to use it.
Noto said Twitter is in the "very early days in our thinking" about whether it will invest on a broadcast ad campaign, and on deciding which types of consumer and geographies it will target.
And, in typical CFO style, Noto said "we will invest appropriately based on the returns and the value we think it can drive over time and we'll do it in a prudent way like we've done everything else."
So we don't know what form it will take yet, but here's the plan, according to Noto:
I think we've a significant opportunity to educate the 75% of people that don't use Twitter that should use Twitter on the value proposition it provides, and consumption-first experience is the way to do that, marketing is the way to do that, [and the] consumption first experience being logged out. So there's not a tax that someone has to pay, or an investment someone needs to make to use Twitter. And converting that mindset from people thinking they have to tweet or they have to contribute to use Twitter, to people thinking it's frictionless, it's easy, the real value proposition is the best real-time content in the world.
Twitter has actually aired a TV campaign before. Back in 2012 it aired seven 15-second spots during the Pocono 400 NASCAR race, highlighting activity around the race track, such as a driver taking a photo inside his race car and a helmet cam capturing a tire change in the pit lane. The idea was to promote its then-new hashtag pages, which curate all the tweets, photos, and videos around a certain subject.
Here's one of the ads: | | robots: classic
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Niklas Natt och Dag is the latest Swedish author poised to become an international bestseller. His debut, "The Wolf and the Watchman" (Atria, 384 pp., ★★★ out of four stars) has already sold over 250,000 copies in Sweden and is set for publication in over 30 countries.
But Natt och Dag – a member of Sweden’s oldest surviving noble family, whose surname translates to “Night and Day” – doesn’t depend on the peaceful present for his material. He mines the richer ore of historical Sweden, taking us back to a time when beautiful Stockholm was poor and nasty.
Published in Swedish under the title "1793," "The Wolf and the Watchman" takes place during that year in Stockholm. It was a time of desperation, violence and political turmoil when the government was corrupt and unstable, and those in power were wary of the common people, made nervous by tidings of guillotines in France. Natt och Dag sets the scene vividly, conveying the weight of the atmosphere and mapping the historical city with convincing attention to detail. The novel reads like a season of "True Detective," brutal and haunting and sometimes exceedingly gruesome, anchored by a powerful sense of place and a memorable cast of characters.
Mickel Cardell is a night watchman haunted by war trauma and a phantom limb: “He feels the arm that is no longer his solidify out of the surrounding darkness until every part of his being tells him it is back where it once was, and with it a pain searing enough to cancel the world itself out, as a jaw with teeth of iron gnaws flesh, bone, and gristle.” One morning, two children rouse him from a drunken slumber at a bar and lead him to a corpse floating in the Larder, a boggy lake fouled with all manner of waste. The body is horribly mutilated, missing its tongue, eyes and limbs.
With Stockholm’s police force occupied with corruption and politics, the beleaguered chief enlists Cecil Winge, an ingenious lawyer and investigator, to find justice for the unidentified victim. Winge is dying of consumption. “[He] steers towards death by the same compass that has shown his way his entire life: reason. He tells himself that all men will die and that all are dying.” He teams up with Cardell in the hopes of finding the depraved killer before his own death puts an end to his investigation.
Their paths cross with a youth from the countryside, who finds horror in Stockholm where he meant to find fortune, as well as with a girl sentenced to the workhouse, a prison for women run by merciless men. Every character suffers, some of them unimaginably.
"The Wolf and the Watchman" is a bleak, miserable, compelling novel. You’ll only want to read it once, but you won’t soon forget it.
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} | 96 | What would you do if your marriage was on the edge of collapse because of betrayal? What happens when your children discover a parent has been unfaithful? How do you handle moral failure within the pastorate?
Mended is a powerful portrayal of God’s grace and healing—a painful test-turned-testimony of relationship: broken beyond repair, but rebuilt by His mighty, merciful hand.
Despite the emotional turmoil, Rick and Tiffany learned how to strengthen their marriage through the use of practical tools shared in this book.
There is hope.
When God works a miracle, anything can be Mended. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-18
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I'm only in high school, and there's this girl I really like. We've been friends for a few years. She's literally one of the nicest people I know. Recently I confessed that I've had a crush on her, but she hasn't exactly given me any straight answer on how she feels. Even after I told her though, we still hang out a lot Originally, I was afraid of telling her because I was scared it would ruin our friendship. But now that she knows, what should I do now? Any advice?
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• ask her on a date. if she didn't freak out or give you a straight no, then the chances are good for ya.
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hostname: ip-10-111-199-146.ec2.internal
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How to Build Martell (Control)
As a Martell player, I thought I would break down what I see as two of the most competitive archetypes (as of spring 2011; pre-Maesters of the Citadel). These are both control-oriented builds, which play on Martell’s strengths. Other non-control builds, such as the “Red Viper deck” and House Dayne, can be competitive, but I personally feel they are less consistent overall and therefore less effective against the broad array of deck types that one sees at most tournaments.
Two General Deck Types
Martell boasts arguably the most powerful events in the current environment. But like any event, Martell’s won’t win challenges on their own – at some point there is a limit to how many can fit into a deck. So the first two questions I ask when constructing a new Martell deck list are: (1) what is the maximum number of events I can play with, and (2) how fast do I want my deck to play in rounds 1 and 2?
These are competing goals that guide how I will structure my deck list. The advantage of an event-heavy deck is that I have more access to a variety of immediate, powerful control effects. The disadvantage is that my setup is slow, and I will continue to draw disproportionately more events when I need to draw characters and resources. The slow setup can be especially painful when playing against Baratheon-rush or Greyjoy resource-choke builds. Bottom line: If I expect most of my opponents to run fast decks or resource choke, then a faster Martell build with fewer events (and more characters/locations) provides more opportunity to establish sufficient board presence. If I expect to see more Lannister or Martell players, which tend to take longer to win, I prefer a heavy control build that is stronger against the traditional “control houses.”
Events that I typically choose from:
Burning on the Sand (RotO)
Red Vengeance (PotS)
A Game of Cyvasse (ACoS)
Narrow Escape (KotStorm)
Parting Blow (PotS)
Condemned by the Council (AToT)
He Calls It Thinking (PotS)
Distraction (Core)
Some of these (Narrow Escape, Parting Blow, and Distraction) are less obvious choices but are useful because of their efficiency and synergy with Martell’s control effects. Martell has other very powerful events that trigger as responses (especially to losing challenges), such as The Viper's Rage (TftRK) and Blood for Blood (PotS). I have found though that Martell control runs most efficiently when I am able to use the control at the precise moment it is needed, rather than waiting to respond to actions initiated by the opponent. Red Vengeance and Burning are technically “responses,” but unlike the Viper’s Rage or Blood for Blood, they control the challenge itself rather than the characters leftover after the challenge. Moreover, the mere threat of these cards acts as a powerful deterrent against initiating challenges. Note: It is important to run BOTH Burning in the Sand and Red Vengeance. Together, these cards shut down consecutive challenge phases, and running 5-6 events that fill the same role makes it much more likely to have one in hand when an opponent plays a claim-2 plot.
Matching Deck Type to Agenda
The Knights of the Hollow Hill (MotM) agenda (KotHH) can offset the disadvantages of an event-heavy deck. Although I sacrifice the setup phase (the ultimate “slow start”), I also forego the need to include many resource cards. This frees up deck space so that I can effectively swap resource slots for powerful control effects. My draws are more efficient, since I draw fewer dead cards each round, and the deck runs smoother. The longer the game goes, the more efficient the KotHH build becomes.
When I run KotHH, I tend to run 17-21 events and attachments.
Though agendas are probably unnecessary for non-event-heavy deck lists, I still find them useful. Summer (seasons) offers spectacular synergy with Martell’s other effects. The seasonal effect powers saves for Maester of the Sun (ASoS) and activates Open Market (ASoS) (if I choose to run it). The minor gold boost from the Black Raven (ASoS) also allows me to take better advantage of the large hand size Martell players tend to have. The Kings of Summer (ASoS) is thus a natural addition, and helps to bolster Martell’s card advantage. Because Martell has much in-house draw, the potential downside of the summer agenda is also considerably lower than if running it out of another house. If I expect to compete against a high number of winter-themed decks, I may (occasionally) exclude the agenda.
In a non-KotHH deck list, I run 12-13 events and attachments. In a Kings of Summer deck list, that would mean 2-3 Black Ravens, 3 Venomous Blades, and 6-8 events.
Notes about Martell’s “Draw” Options
Martell has so many draw options that it really comes down to personal preference. But I think there are a couple cards that some players overlook that are worth highlighting. First, The Viper's Bannermen (PotS) is the single best card in AGOT to gain card advantage. It promises a net 3 cards (4 drawn, 1 played) that do not count against the draw cap, and paired with Narrow Escape, the net number of cards jumps to 7 (an additional 4). If I cannot fit Narrow Escape into my deck, then the 7-gold cost of the bannermen may not justify the cost of running three copies, but it is still usually worth playing at least one copy. If I run Narrow Escape, I run three copies of the bannermen. (If my opponent runs Narrow Escape, I will have excellent card advantage.) Second, even with Martell’s impressive card advantage, Val (RotO) can help smooth out uncharacteristically bad draws and is therefore worth playing as a contingency.
A Final Note about Playing Martell Control
When playing the above decks, it is extremely important to maintain card advantage. That means intrigue challenges are often more important than military. If I know I cannot win both intrigue and military challenges, I frequently try to ensure I win the intrigue challenge. Narrow Escape can be played to bring back lost characters, and Valar can level the playing field, but there is no easy way to come back if I have 0 cards in hand and my opponent has 5.
I also like running The Prince's Wrath (PotS) in a Knights of the Hollow Hill (MotM) deck since that influence is always there and it's just like an Orphan of the Greenblood (PotS) that can control powerful characters.
Another nice article, but I would have liked to see some more character discussion.
Good point Saturnine. The original draft of this article included two deck lists, one for each build. Since I removed those, you're right that the character component is lacking.
As a general note, run very low-gold cost characters (3x Orphan, 3x Refugee, 3x Lost Spearmen, etc.), draw (1-2x Val, or 1x Val/1x Samwell in Summer; Dornish Paramours; House Messengers; and Bannermen), and some utility characters like Ellaria, Arys, Maesters of the Sun, etc. The idea is to keep your gold costs as low as possible, so that you have a very fast setup and/or first 2 rounds (making you more resilient to Blockade). The low-gold curve also helps A LOT when using Val or in rounds where you want to play The Viper's Bannermen and other cards.
• midwestsurfer likes this
April 15, 2011
So things change a bit with the introduction of the "Restricted List" in FFG's last FAQ. Since you can't play Val, Narrow Escape, and Venomous Blade all in the same deck, things get a bit tricky.
My personal feeling is that whereas the Knights of the Hollow Hill version used to be the stronger build (compared with the Summer Agenda), it is now a bit weaker. In summer, you can pull Val entirely and simply run Samwell. Narrow Escape is also less of an issue, since you have saves with the Maester of Sun and constant draw with the agenda (less reliant on bringing back Viper's Bannermen with Narrow Escape). For the KotHH build, I would probably keep Narrow Escape and ditch Venomous Blade, depending on the specific list. This (and losing Val) definitely hurts, but recursion with Viper's Bannermen and some of the other characters is necessary to slow your opponent down. Given that Targ will likely be popular after its expansion is released (very soon), attachment discard and Targ "burn" kill should become more ubiquitous, meaning that Venomous Blades and small characters are much less resilient/efficient. | | robots: classic
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In USA the MRS- and iMRS-series are registered and regulated with the FDA.
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In Europe the MRS- and iMRS-systems are certified as Class IIa-medical devices within the directive EEC 93/42. Furthermore all systems have a CE-Certificate as well as a more advanced CB-Certificate, which guarantees electronic safety and electromagnetic compatibility in the majority of countries including USA, Canada and Australia. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-43
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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is bullish about the chances of an immigration reform bill passing the Senate — and he says Republicans need to pass it to avoid falling further into a "demographic death spiral" that could hurt their chances in the next two big election cycles.
"If we don't pass immigration reform, if we don't get it off the table in a reasonable, practical way, it doesn't matter who you run in 2016," Graham said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday.
Graham made his comments as the Senate is in the midst of debate over the bill co-sponsored by him and seven other bipartisan senators. The Senate voted to open debate on the bill by an overwhelming 82-15 margin last week.
Graham said he's "never been more optimistic" about the bill's chances in the chamber. In fact, he thinks it will pass with flying colors.
"I think we're going to have a political breakthrough, that Congress is going to pass immigration reform," Graham said. "I think we're going to get plus 70 votes. I've never been more optimistic about it."
One of the main sticking points left on the bill is some Republican senators' insistence that its current border security "trigger" provisions are beefed up before passage. That includes Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), one of the "Gang of Eight" members.
On ABC's "This Week," Rubio wouldn't commit to voting for his bill if the border security measures aren't improved.
"At the end of the day, the only way we're going to pass an immigration reform law out of the House and Senate so the president can sign it is, that it has real border security measures within it," Rubio said.
Watch the clip of Graham below: | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-51
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How I Think You Can Make America A Better Place.
Ways I think you can make America a better place.
Dear Future President,
As I watch the debates on TV I have learned there are many issues I must be educated on in order to feel like I would have made a good vote. I am not able to vote in this election, but I look forward to the next election being a first time voter.
I hope that you make our nation a better place. The following are ways that I feel you are able to accomplish that. First off, I feel that many families struggle financially to send their kids to college. As a President I would like to see you lower those prices for families or lower the guidelines for middle class to receive help. I do not look forward to the day I graduate college with thousands of dollars in debt. Second, I feel you should have tougher laws on illegal immigration. I don't have a lot of knowledge on the subject but I feel like we have a lot of illegal immigrants from different countries that live illegally in the US. I don't feel we need to build any walls, but to look at what we have in place and discuss how we can add to make it tougher to be here . Last, I feel like we need to bring social security and medicare to the table to see how we can make this better for those who continue to pay into it to be able to receive the benefits when they get of age. I see the age keeps increasing but I feel that makes it harder for those that really need the help. Maybe you can look at reducing healthcare costs to make it affordable for those who really need the care.
I feel there are many issues at hand a president needs to work on, but these are the three I feel most strongly affect me or my family the most.
Yours Truly, Zach | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-09
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1791Sixth Amendment Is Ratified
The Sixth Amendment is ratified as part of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. The amendment guarantees the rights of the accused in criminal prosecutions.
1876Court Explains Purpose Of Right To Be Informed
In United States v. Cruikshank, the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a 16-count indictment against people accused of violating the 1870 Civil Rights Act, a law designed to protect recently freed African Americans. The Court explains that the Sixth Amendment right to “be informed” has two purposes: (1) for the defendant to be able to defend himself or herself against specific charges and (2) for the court to know if there is enough evidence to convict the defendant. The Court says the charges in this case were not specific enough and, therefore, violated the Sixth Amendment. If not for this right, then anyone could be indicted on the basis of vague accusations.
1896Court Finds Limits On Right To Be Informed
In Rosen v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that a defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to “be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation” was not violated when the charge against him – sending obscene material through the mail – did not include a description of each image that was alleged to be obscene. The Court rules that it was not critical to helping with his defense at the lower court and also notes that he never raised the issue in his original trial. As long as he and the lower court were clear on the charges, then his rights were not violated.
1948Appeals Court Can Review Only Original Charges, Evidence
In Cole v. Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court reverses a state court that convicted four defendants for violating a particular provision of an Arkansas law, Section 2. When they appealed, the state appeals court decided the defendants deserved to be convicted under a different provision, Section 1, even though the defendants had never been charged with violating Section 1. The justices rule that this decision violated the defendants’ Sixth Amendment right to know all the charges against them so they can put on a complete defense.
1972Due Process Violated By Unclear State Law
In Rabe v. Washington, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the due process clause of the 14th Amendment (which guarantees the right to a fair hearing that follows the rules) is violated when a state law fails to explain exactly what conduct is prohibited. In Rabe, the defendant was convicted under Washington’s obscenity law after he showed an X-rated movie at his drive-in theater. The trial court concluded that the movie was not technically “obscene.” However, the fact that the movie was shown at a drive-in – making it visible to viewers other than consenting adults – made it illegal. The justices reverse the conviction, finding that the state’s obscenity law makes no distinction between obscene material that is shown in private and material that is shown in public.
Although this case does not directly involve a defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to be informed of charges, it shows the importance of people having a right to know what conduct is considered criminal. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-10
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Joakim Sandgren joakim at
Wed Apr 4 09:12:10 UTC 2012
So you can have indent and indent form bound to tab.
but not indent region.
it seems to me that indent region annulate indent form and indent.
but since indent region can be used as indent form it can replace indent form.
but the indent "one line" does not work...
why can you have 2 commands bound to tab but not three?
My indent aligning problem in a previous mail was due to my font use : trebuchet.
It is obviously only monospace fonts that give a correct indentation in clozure.
I wasn't aware of that since all types of fonts indent correctly in mcl...
How can this difference be?
More information about the Openmcl-devel mailing list | | robots: classic
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I have an external hard drive on which I have backed up files several times. Some files were modified between backups, others were not. Some may have been renamed. Now I'm running out of space, and I'd like to clean up duplicate files.
My idea was to md5sum every file on the drive, then look for duplicates, and diff the relevant files (just in case, haha). Is this the best way to do this? What are some other methods of checking for duplicate files?
share|improve this question
migrated from Mar 21 '10 at 19:12
This question came from our site for professional and enthusiast programmers.
Do you want to write a program to do this, or use existing tools? – Michael Petrotta Mar 21 '10 at 18:56
I've already hacked this together at the command line using the strategy described, and it works. I was simply wondering if other strategies exist. – miorel Mar 21 '10 at 19:01
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3 Answers
Computing an MD5 hash of each and every file (suggested in the question and the links from answers) seems to be a quite "expensive" way to solve the problem. Ignoring the actual computation of each hash, just reading each an every file completely incurs a lot of work on the (extremely slow) hard drive.
My suggestion for an "algorithm" would be something link this:
• Get the exact length of every file on the drive (or directory, or whatever). This should be relatively cheap, as the length is likely to be stored in the index part of the file system.
• For each unique file size with more than one file associated, compute the MD5 of each of these and compare the hash values to spot duplicates. While not very likely, two files with same length could hash to the same value. If you do not want to take the risk of false positives, compare files byte by byte instead or after the hash comparison.
• For every other unique file size, you do not have any duplicates.
share|improve this answer
I would check size, on dup file sizes, check first 512 bytes (one sector), and if same, then computer md5. But keep in mind md5 reads the entire file to compute, so why not just binary compare the entire file to be sure (after all, md5 is broken) – Cole Johnson Nov 16 '12 at 19:19
"two files with the same length": no, it's even more general: "two files": a possible md5-collision does not require same length of input (same is true for sha* etc). – akira Nov 16 '12 at 20:09
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If md5 says it's the same file, you don't need the diff. People have solved this problem a good number of times so you can do what they did.
share|improve this answer
Uh, yes, you do need the diff in order to be certain that they're the same. MD5 only outputs 128 bits, so if your file is larger than that, it must necessarily be possible to find two files A and B which have the same MD5, but do not have the same contents. If two files have different MD5, then you know they're different, but the inverse is not the case - you have to compare each byte of the file if you want to be absolutely certain that they are different. – Michael Madsen Mar 21 '10 at 19:04
so if my file is larger than 128 bit I have to go through all 100 Megabytes, for example?? That doesn't sound right, as the whole point of hashing is that is hashing the entire file. While there are duplicates that occur when using the MD5 hash, the odds of one occurring between two user generated non malicious files are extremely low. SHA 256 or 512 is preferred now. – BigHomie Jun 30 at 16:00
@Michael With a good 128-bit hash, there are about 10^40 possible output values. If an overlap of two such values is the sort of risk that keeps you up at night...well, I'll just say it doesn't keep me up at night. ;) – Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic Jul 1 at 8:49
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protected by Community Feb 11 '13 at 10:40
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Another advantage of these conditioning is that you don’t spend much time with them. Many people following a complete human anatomy sometimes train for 2 hours. This is not only a waste of time, but also unnecessary.
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Start on your own de with our exercises. For each exercise we have a detailed description e a step-by-step program. Ideal for both beginners delaware specialists than for beginners p .
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This course is about SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY. We distinguish this from activism, social commentary, policy recommendations, empirical research, ideology, and polemics, although all of these can, at times, be found under the heading "theory." We will also be self-consciously focused on the sociological mainstream or canon, not as an endorsement but because in the limited attention space available it makes sense to focus on building a foundation rather than trying to give everything its due. Additionally, there are several courses at Mills in which theorists we could, but won't talk about, are covered.1
This course is a broad survey of sociological theory. Although you will not be an expert in any one thinker’s ideas, you will be exposed to a variety of theories and the debates occurring between thinkers. The work for the course WILL include an opportunity to focus more on a set of related theories and thinkers.
Strictly speaking, this course is about sociological thought not "social theory." The latter is the broader category including all manner of writings from the philosophical and epistemological to the political and polemical; it may overlap in places with sociological theory, but it neither subsumes nor is subsumed by it. The course is also not, strictly speaking, intellectual history, though there will be some overlap there too.
The course is roughly divided into four sections:
1. Foundations: Pre-sociology and the Four Revolutions (American/French/Industrial/1848)
2. Classical Theory
3. The Twentieth Century
4. What's new and next? | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-43
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What is Interlibrary Loan? That’s a question that I’m sure many of you are wondering. In essence, interlibrary loan is a sharing of materials between libraries. That’s it. No big secret there, is there? Libraries lend and borrow materials or supply copies, from each other to help serve our patrons (that would be you). All types of libraries participate in this activity and have been for a long time. Why would libraries do this though?
Libraries participate in ILL because, they can not reasonably purchase every material that is published or produced, nor would they want to–both for money and space constraints. Take a look at Amazon, go on take a look. Millions of books, cd’s, dvd’s, magazines, etc. All items that you might find in a library, but does your library have them all? Think about how much it would cost to keep up with all of these materials. Every day spending thousands of dollars to buy new material that is released, and this isn’t counting things like government documents, foreign or small press. Think about the space you would need to store all of these things. You’d need a warehouse the size of New York City to store every book, every CD, every DVD, and every journal ever published. And it would just continue to grow each day.
Let’s look at from another angle. Take a look at a local college. What are they well know for? Education, science, art? Take a look around at what they own. If their known for art, what’s their science collection like? Why would a college that is know for its art program, purchase large number of materials on the study and the evolution of the parrots of the world? They wouldn’t is the simple answer. It doesn’t mean that their users won’t need the material, its just that it is not conducive for the library to invest money into purchasing them when the majority of their users will want art books. Now they might not have every art book ever published (remember money and space), but they’ll have more books on art, than on parrots.
This is where Interlibrary Loan comes into play. It allows you, the patron, to be able to borrow materials that your library does not own. So if you go to the art college, but need a book on parrots of the world, ILL makes it possible for you to be able to use the material, generally at no or small cost to you. The library provides the bulk of the cost. Now this does not mean that every item out there is available. The Vatican is not likely to lend its secret archives out to anyone. What is generally available are the mass published materials that everyone has a chance to purchase, such as books that are found on or a site like it.
Now, that does not mean that all materials that you find on Amazon or on the web are available. Their are some items that libraries aren’t willing to lend out, either because of scarcity or because of cost. Materials that are difficult to acquire through ILL are audio visual materials (videos, cds, dvds, etc.), Special Collections or Archives materials (lets face it the Library of Congress is not going to let you borrow the original papers of George Washington Carver), and Theses and Dissertations. Now lets stop a minute and talk more about this.
Or you can choose to go:
or onto the next page:How does ILL work?
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description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for October 2014
publisher: CommonCrawl
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Is there a difference between Augustinianism and (Five Points) Calvinism as they relate to the doctrine of salvation?
If so, what is the difference?
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This almost seems like a homework question. – Richard Aug 24 '11 at 16:25
3 Answers 3
up vote 9 down vote accepted
Augustinianism is not nearly as specific as 5-points, Dordt Calvinism. For instance, I don't know of anyplace where Augustine specifically addresses limited atonement.
The largest difference is that Augustine held to single predestination (God chooses the elect, but does not actively reprobate anyone - he simply "passes over" them), while Calvin held to double predestination (God choose the elect to salvation, and the reprobate to damnation).
Here are some specific quotes of Augustine's, as they relate to some of the points of Calvinism:
Unconditional Election
On The Predestination of the Saints, ch. 11
Therefore the election obtained what it obtained gratuitously; there preceded none of those things which they might first give, and it should be given to them again. He saved them for nothing. But to the rest who were blinded, as is there plainly declared, it was done in recompense.
On The Predestination of the Saints, ch. 16
Irresistable Grace
Enchuridion ch. 25
Furthermore, who would be so impiously foolish as to say that God cannot turn the evil wills of men—as he willeth, when he willeth, and where he willeth—toward the good? But, when he acteth, he acteth through mercy; when he doth not act, it is through justice. For, "he hath mercy on whom he willeth; and whom he willeth, he hardeneth."
On The Predestination of the Saints, Ch. 13
This grace, therefore, which is hiddenly bestowed in human hearts by the Divine gift, is rejected by no hard heart, because it is given for the sake of first taking away the hardness of the heart.
Perseverence of the Saints
On The Predestination of the Saints, ch. 33
For all who are teachable of God come to the Son because they have heard and learned from the Father through the Son, who most clearly says, “Every one who has heard of the Father, and has learned, cometh unto me.” But of such as these none perishes, because “of all that the Father hath given Him, He will lose none.” Whoever, therefore, is of these does not perish at all; nor was any who perishes ever of these.
Single vs. Double Predestination Look at the quotes under "unconditional election" above. Augustine speaks passively about the non-elect. God witholds the grace of election, but is not actively reprobating. Contrast this with Calvin on reprobation:
Institutes III.xxii.11:
share|improve this answer
An anonymous user thinks your conception of Augustine's predestination isn't right and I tend to agree with them. Can you site the source (and maybe a source saying that this is the correct interpretation of Augustine)? – Peter Turner Nov 3 '11 at 21:47
Yes, I can look some things up when I get home. What would you like clarity on? Do you just want evidence he believed in single-predestination and not double-predestination? – gmoothart Nov 4 '11 at 17:18
More like evidence that his conception of predestination had anything to do with Calvin's. I've read what he says about predestination in City of God but I didn't understand it in light of Catholic teaching. As a Doctor of the Church, I'm pretty sure his position informed Catholic doctrine and the way St. Paul's writings on predestination has been read by the Catholic Church and Calvin's main point was in opposition to Catholic teaching on predestination so I'm just wondering where the disconnect is. – Peter Turner Nov 4 '11 at 17:37
You've set up a scenario whereby Calvin would defend an active reprobation as opposed to a passive one. Your quote of Calvin neither defends nor denies this claim. There is nothing in the quote that says Calvin believed that it requires God to actively do something in order to harden and reprobate. The Calvinist authors I read believe that when God hardens, he actually does nothing (in other words, he leaves them as they are in their default state of rejection), as opposed to working in the hearts of His chosen that they would repent. Can you find a better quote or else change your answer? – San Jacinto Dec 18 '12 at 16:22
@SanJacinto By "active" I was just trying to speak about God's choices. For Calvin, God chooses to elect some and chooses to reject others - whether or not he has to "do" anything to reject the reprobate - and that choice is prior to any (lack of) merit on their part. I linked the Calvin quote, if you look at all of section 11 he is really clear about that. Augustine never spoke of reprobation in that way. – gmoothart Dec 18 '12 at 19:35
Five Point Calvinism teaches is based on five key points:
Calvinism in regards to salvation is rooted in Augustinianism to the point where it's often called Augustinianism.
While Augustinianism did not have five distinct points (as outlined above), it did agree with (and was the source of) each of these.
share|improve this answer
Calvinism as I understand it see the five points as an inherently coherent system, where each point is logically dependent on the 4 others. Is there such an idea of a unified system of soteriology in Augustinianism? – ℝaphink Aug 24 '11 at 16:46
That's a fascinating question! Having studied this topic for a full hour now, I'm sure I'm the expert. :P j/k. Seriously, though... From what I've seen, there does seem to be a common thread or theory that unites these concepts, but I don't think that Augustine went so far as to say that they are all reliant on each other. However, all the concepts together seem to be unified in a way that can't be separated--a belief in any one seems to lead to a belief in the rest. But I haven't seen anything specific stating that from Augustine. – Richard Aug 24 '11 at 16:56
1,000 years before John Calvin was an idea. After His apologetic battle with Pelagius. Augustine wrote a book called On Grace and Free Will. This was necessitated by two extremes that he saw and had concluded (in agreement with all the fathers before him) that both extremes were in error and he would not be accused (as some were saying) that because of his arguments against Pelagius that he was denying the role of men's freedom of will. Augustine believed in neither a "total" depravity (as in absolute incapability) or in a post-Dordt Reformed position.
He writes in chapter 1
"*But since there are some persons who so defend God's grace as to deny man's free will, or who suppose that free will is denied when grace is defended, I have determined to write somewhat on this point to your Love, my brother Valenti*us, and the rest of you, who are serving God together under the impulse of a mutual love…*"
He goes on page after page defending the necessary requirement by God of man to respond to the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation. God speaks (whether through the word preached or read or heard through another) and God has sovereignly determined from before the foundation of the world that man must demonstrate belief (which is not a work according to Romans 4:2-5). He quotes form over 30 scriptures which in the Greek are in the imperative mood which precludes man can turn unto Him, receive, open the door when He knocks, etc.,
Opening chapter 2 he relates that
"Now He has revealed to us, through His Holy Scriptures, that there is in a man a free choice of will. But how He has revealed this I do not recount in human language, but in divine. There is, to begin with, the fact that God's precepts themselves would be of no use to a man unless he had free choice of will, so that by performing them he might obtain the promised rewards. For they are given that no one might be able to plead the excuse of ignorance, as the Lord says concerning the Jews in the gospel: If I had not come and spoken unto them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin…"
In chapter 4 he asks the logical question
"What is the import of the fact that in so many passages God requires all His commandments to be kept and fulfilled? How does He make this requisition, if there is no free will?"
And then answers it...he says ...
"...there are so many commandments which in some way are expressly adapted to the human will; for instance, there is, Be not overcome of evil, Romans 12:1 and others of similar import, such as, Be not like a horse or a mule, which have no understanding; and, Reject not the counsels of your mother; Proverbs 1:8 and, Be not wise in your own conceit; Proverbs 3:7 and, Despise not the chastening of the Lord; Proverbs 3:11 and, Forget not my law; Proverbs 3:1 and, Forbear not to do good to the poor; Proverbs 3:27 and, Devise not evil against your friend; Proverbs 3:29 and, Give no heed to a worthless woman; Proverbs 5:2 and, He is not inclined to understand how to do good; and, They refused to attend to my counsel; Proverbs 1:30 with numberless other passages of the inspired Scriptures of the Old Testament. And what do they all show us but the free choice of the human will? So, again, in the evangelical and apostolic books of the New Testament what other lesson is taught us? As when it is said, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth; Matthew 6:19 and, Fear not them which kill the body; Matthew 10:28 and, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself; Matthew 16:24 and again, Peace on earth to men of good will. Luke 2:14 So also that the Apostle Paul says: Let him do what he wills; he sins not if he marry. Nevertheless, he that stands steadfast in his heart, having no necessity, but has power over his own will, and has so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, does well. 1 Corinthians 7:36-37 And so again, If I do this willingly, I have a reward; 1 Corinthians 9:17 while in another passage he says, Be sober and righteous, and sin not; 1 Corinthians 15:34 and again, As you have a readiness to will, so also let there be a prompt performance; 2 Corinthians 8:11 then he remarks to Timothy about the younger widows, When they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they choose to marry. So in another passage, All that will to live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution; 2 Timothy 3:12 while to Timothy himself he says, Neglect not the gift that is in you. 1 Timothy 4:14 Then to Philemon he addresses this explanation: That your benefit should not be as it were of necessity, but of your own will. Servants also he advises to obey their masters with a good will. Ephesians 6:7 In strict accordance with this, James says: Do not err, my beloved brethren . . . and have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect to persons; and, Do not speak evil one of another. James 4:11 So also John in his Epistle writes, Do not love the world, 1 John 2:15and other things of the same import. Now wherever it is said, Do not do this, and Do not do that, and wherever there is any requirement in the divine admonitions for the work of the will to do anything, or to refrain from doing anything, there is at once a sufficient proof of free will. No man, therefore, when he sins, can in his heart blame God for it, but every man must impute the fault to himself. Nor does it detract at all from a man's own will when he performs any act in accordance with God. Indeed, a work is then to be pronounced a good one when a person does it willingly; then, too, may the reward of a good work be hoped for from Him concerning whom it is written, He shall reward every man according to his works. Matthew 16:27"
This is the exact opinion (the mutual existence of predestination and free will and NOT TOTAL depravity) that one will find going all the way back to Justin. All the fathers in whatever church, in whatever nation, regardless of which Apostle founded the church and taught and appointed these earliest teachers, all taught the self same one unified doctrine. After Calvin a theological war began that has lasted 500 years (you shall know then by their fruit)...Calvin is precisely the extreme error Augustine here refutes.
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Welcome to the site. This is a really good answer. As a new visitor, I'd recommend checking out the following two posts, which are meant to help newcomers "learn the ropes": help page and How we are different than other sites? – David Sep 5 '13 at 3:58
Very nice first answer! – RSW Sep 5 '13 at 5:12
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• In the shell of Lamellibranchs three distinct layers can be distinguished: an external chitinous, non-calcified layer, the periostracum; a middle layer composed of calcareous prisms perpendicular to the surface, the prismatic layer; and an internal layer composed of laminae parallel to the surface, the nacreous layer.
• The periostracum is produced by the extreme edge of the mantle border, the prismatic layer by the part of the border within the edge.
• - One row of branchial filaments is directed dorsally, the other ventrally; the mantle has a long posteroventral suture and a single posterior aperture; the labial palps of each side are fused together; shell elongate; hinge without teeth; periostracum thick.
• On the outside of the shell is a non-calcified layer of conchiolin called the periostracum, secreted by the thickened edge of the mantle. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-43
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Overview of noun till
The noun till has 3 senses? (no senses from tagged texts)
1. till, boulder clay
(unstratified soil deposited by a glacier; consists of sand and clay and gravel and boulders mixed together)
2. public treasury, trough, till
(a treasury for government funds)
3. cashbox, money box, till
(a strongbox for holding cash)
Overview of verb till
The verb till has 1 senses? (no senses from tagged texts)
1. till
(work land as by ploughing, harrowing, and manuring, in order to make it ready for cultivation; "till the soil") © 2001-2013, Demand Media, all rights reserved. The database is based on Word Net a lexical database for the English language. see disclaimer
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Chip #2
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Author:Richard Moore
Chip, the 4-inch gargoyle from an upstate New York farm, is determined to prove he can scare with the best of his big-city brethren. He thinks he's pinned down the problem: location, location, location. So, with the help of his fairy friend Ash (and an over-friendly farm cat), he's made his way into the spookiest spot he can find: a nearby old mansion. But when he faces what's inside, will he prove himself a tiny terror, or just terrified? | | robots: classic
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Initial Public Offerings: Price Differences
There can be a large difference between the price of shares when purchased in an initial public offering (IPO) and the price for the same shares when they start trading in the secondary market (where previously issued stocks, bonds, and other securities are bought and sold) after the IPO.
The pricing disparities occur most often when an IPO is "hot" or appeals to many investors. When an IPO is "hot," the demand for the securities far exceeds the supply of shares. The excess demand can only be completely satisfied once trading in the IPO shares begins. This imbalance between supply and demand generally causes the price of each share to rise dramatically in the first hours or days of trading. The price often falls after this initial flurry of trading subsides.
You can find more information about IPOs, including why investors have difficulty getting shares in an IPO and a brokerage firm's IPO eligibility requirements.
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Exhibition is consists of installation in two separate rooms.
Main Room.
In the middle of room is a cube which is made of white A4 copypaper. Behind the cube is a pile of fake Alvar Aalto stools (stool 60). Stools are made of MDF-board. Two architectonic concrete fragments lie partly on stools and partly on papercube. Bigger fragment is placed so that it stays in equilibre between pile of stools and papercube.
On the end of room close to celing level is a wind machine. Machine is programmed so that it ocassionally blows a strong gust to the room. Air current removes papers and gradually dismantles the cube.
On the other end of the room is a 20 ” flat videomonitor which shows short video of jackdaw escaping from his nest. Video is shooted through a safety net in towers of San Giminiano.
kuutio naakka-ja-lahdekuvat
Back Room
This room is a permanent exhibition of Finnish animal sculptor Jussi Mäntynen (1886-1978).
In this room there is a black and white illusionistic sculpture. Sculpture shows a fictional situation of a sculpture by Jussi Mäntynen in progressIn the sculpture part of lynx's head is visible from a artificial block of stone. Original Lynx statue made of granite is exhibited in the same room.
Block is placed on a plinth with some boards and trash leaning to it. Sculpture is made of styrofoam coverd with Foamcoat, MDF-board and aluminium.
Installation Bird and Library is quite diverese in relation to your earlier works. It has different elements, materials and medias in one constitution. What lies behind this way constructing a work?
In my latest works I have dealt a lot with idea of narrative, fictive installation. Simply said the idea is to create an environment of various visual and readible elements which in interaction to each other and viewer create sort of narrative network. Different medium require their own form of language and vocabulary which doesn't create a language of their own but a mixture of starts and meanings within the space. Using different mediums prevents the meaning to crystallise to fixed point. It requires the viewer to change viewpoints and thus "start again" looking at the work. This also reason why I like using elements which have temporal nature.
Tell me about how you start your work. For example with this exhibition.
I work very differentily with different medias. In installation works the startingpoint is always in exhibition space. I begin with research of history and characteristics of space in use.
This work has a lot to do with Turku Art Museums collection, especially the Jussi Mäntynen collection in next room to the Studio space. Mäntynen was a former taxidermist who later devoted himself to animal sculptures. He was popular in Finland in 19 th century. Sculptures are stylized and have also a strange almost cartoon-like exaggereting outfit. His works have strong nationalistic emphasis. His active years were the years of forming the Finland as independent state.
One is his most famous sculptures is a Elk statue. Copys of that are located in four various citys: Viipuri (Russia), Helsinki, Lahti and Turku, where this exhibition took place. While doing the research for this exhibition I found an old poscard which depicted The Elk Statue in front of Alvar Aaltos famous Viipuri library in Russia, on former finnish area. The photo was taken in 1942, during the truce between two wars between Finland and Sovjet Union.
Role of Alvar Aalto as "nations architect" was obvious. His international poetic modernism was regarded as a finnish genuine style. The contradiction and common background between Mäntynens heroic, mythologal sculpture and Aaltos timeless formalistic funktionalism was fruitful and contradictory combination. Both are regarded as constructors of national esteem even they represent opposite ends in style of their production.
The exhibition took place Turku, city where Aalto had his office in beginning of century. The first functionalistic building in Skandinavia, Turun Sanomat printing house, is located in same town. Aaltos set of Standard furniture for Viipuri Library was made in Korhonen factory in Turku. Viipuri Library was the first public building by Aalto where he used for exmple the famous three leg stools (Stool 60).
Aaltos architecture opened to me the idea of standardisation. Aalto himself didn't have clear systems, but Le corbusiers and Aulis Blumsteds systems are well known. I ended up using A4 paper which is maybe the most common standardised "object" we meet every day. It has tactility that is familiar to everyone. It represent also something which is bound to idea and potentiality. It gets its content by abstraction, text or drawing. A4 is sort of white cube in two dimensions.
By constructing a plinth from this paper I created nothing from nothing, a platform for content. That white cube had also role as a supporter of concrete fragment. The pile of fake stool 60s had similar nature. They were used as supporters instead of a seats. The material MDF-board is basicly paper, it has a clear sense of being a non-material, material of idea. Concrete fragment has parts copied form from Viipuri Library, for example well known outline of bird from reading rooms ceiling. That is something Aaltio designed as an acoustic and visual element.
In the other end there is a wind machine. Is it just to make papers move?
When I started to do this exhibition I felt like using elements of spectacle. In the houses Aalto designed I have visited have certain modesty in them, they are intimate even when they are public buildings. I wanted to include something opposite to this work. The wind machine is a machine for special effects, to create artificial naturalistic effect. It has exaggerative like in Mantynens sculptures. Gusts dismante the paper cube and change the exhibition situation to a temoporal performance. The sculptural elements act by chance. Wind machine also takes viewer to be a part of exhibition, artificial wind disturbs them and creates a white paper floor.
The Jackdaw video is a decoy to viewer to move over the paper-covered floor. The video itself is very simple, just one image, a glipse of bird, Jackdaw escaping from its nest. Most of the time picture is empty with only black grid and branches moving in wind. Video is shooted on on handheld camera. Safety net constructs a grid over the picture. It organizes the image to smaller units. Everything that happens, happens behind it. I see that as a reference to the A4 paper in the cube. Because you can see only a glimpse of the bird, viewer is obliged to wait in front of monitor for something to happen. While looking at video he is located between a wind macine and a picture of windy situation, back turned to sensation while looking at abstraction.
In the room behind the Studio space is a Jussi Mantynen collection, a small room filled with animal sculptures. In your sculpture there is a cube on a plinth, cube is broken from the top, some round forming on the top of the cube. On the floor, leaning to plinth there are boards, papers and thrash. All this is painted black and white so that it resembles drawing or black and white photo. How does this work relate to Mantynen or this room?
I found an old book from 1929 where his work was presented. In the book there were profound descriptions of his devoted working methods. As a former taxidermist he knew anatomy but he also spent long times following animals in nature, discussed with hunters and followed animals in zoo. The text created almost a fictional character of artist devoting himself to his work. Interesting was the way how written text by descriptios drew the sculptures to diffrent level. Stone sculpture of Lynx was transformed to a transcendental creature.
I wanted to create very representative, pictorial work here. Main room of exhibition was filled with materials as they are. I wanted this back room to be a contradiction other parts of the exhibition and also to Mantynens stone and bronze works. I made a fictional sculpture of unfinshed lynx statue. It is a picture of work in progress. Everything in sculpture is fictional: It represents situation which has not happened, it depicts materials with materials of illusion, it is painted so that it looks like flat picture. It is opposite to Mantynens works and materials, but is by its form transsendential as original Lynx statue is by text.
Combination of these two rooms has a wide range of refrences from concrete historical happenings to material meanings. Why do you want to fill the work whit such a load of meanings?
I don't think it is a load. It is quite restricted network. I see exhibition as a situation, happening, where I can just present certain combination of elements with various meanings an references. The actual work takes place in the stucture of all this. You can follow different paths of meaning through this work. They work in different levels: stadardisation, copying, on formal level of image of bird or animal , one hand political meanings like nature imaginerys nationalistic bounds, heritage of modern architcture etc. This leads to situation of open sentences, many starts with no endings, formulation of meanings in process | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-09
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Earth, the name of our planet, comes from Old English meaning “ground, soil, dry land”. Since humans are terrestrial creatures by nature, it’s no surprise we chose to name our planet by the feature we knew best. Yet, only 29% of the planet surface is the greens, greys, browns, clays of earth; the remaining 71% is our shimmering ocean, representing 139 million square miles of planet surface and billions of tons of biomass.
Vital water gives us the blues, azures, cobalts, teals, grays of the ocean. Back to etymology, the word water comes, in part, from Sanskrit meaning “to animate.” Indeed, the dynamism and vitality of all life on Earth owes itself to the ocean. We often hear about how many millions of years ago, the first creatures emerged from the ocean to populate the land. For this, often is the refrain, we owe our existence to the ocean.
While this storyline is true, it misses the larger truth that the ocean has never stopped supporting us, that it has sustained and nurtured every living organism on this planet since the arrival of animate life. That it is sustaining you and me at this very moment. The 310 million cubic miles of water that are in our ocean is the cornerstone — actually the entire foundation — of planet chemistry and biology.
On Earth Day, as we observe and appreciate our planet’s grandeur, we should also hold dear the 71% percent of the planet that is often overlooked. The ocean is Earth’s blue heart and it sustains us and all we love. As we commit ourselves today to respect planet Earth, let’s remember that without blue, there is no green.
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Things are, once again, worse than ever at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station...
December 26th, 2010
Dear Readers,
It always breaks my heart when I hear nuclear workers say they wouldn't be doing it if they thought they were putting their children at risk. These same workers take their children to McDonald's. No risk there, huh? A disproportionate number of them smoke tobacco, and inevitably, their children become smokers more frequently, too. They likewise ignore the dangers from CT scans, x-rays, sunlight and tritium, and they, and their children, get cancer and die, just like the rest of us. Death leaves no voter behind. Even if they "wise up" as they whither and die, it does society no good. Their voting days are done. Today, they might be on the local school board, stopping opinions they don't agree with, and a long-time employee of the nuclear power plant. But tomorrow perhaps, they'll feel a sudden pain that won't stop, or they'll cough up blood, or -- like me -- they'll piss blood, and then their life changes.... but all too often, it's too late by then.
And they don't know if it was the cigarettes or the hamburgers or the x-rays or the CT scans or the sun or their job or something else, but it doesn't really matter, it's over. And if they DO survive, a lot of times, radiation is given in ample quantities before, during, and after treatment, and it's hard to complain about getting too much radiation when the doctor's telling you he thinks he sees a lump... Radiation to find the cancer. Radiation to cure it. Radiation to be sure it remains gone. Radiation to prevent its recurrence. Radiation to keep the hospital's liability down.
The main key to cancer survivability is early detection followed by timely and skilled medical care. No infections, no tools left inside the body, all the holes sewed up nicely. No matter how good it gets, it's not nearly as fun as not getting cancer in the first place.
Many, if not most, cancers are the result of a series of changes in the DNA structure. Although the final initiating event will likely be one random change to the DNA of one cell in the body, out of 10s of trillions of cells, frequently many cells are in the "pre-cancerous" stage by then, which makes "curing" cancer very difficult indeed.
On Tuesday, December 14th, 2010, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a Special Hearing on San Onofre's ongoing problems with worker honesty, integrity, and related morale issues. The dangers to children from environmental radiation were not discussed, although they should have been. Scores of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station workers showed up at the hearing, wearing "SONGS" dress shirts, polo shirts, jackets, patches, name tags, and/or beepers. The CEO of Edison International (the parent company of Southern California Edison (SCE), which operates the facility (with a lot of sub-contractors such as Bechtel and The Shaw Group)), had flown in, and he sat in the front row along with several other Edison corporate celebrities and NRC mucky-mucks, as well as a couple of recently-retired, 25-year SONGS veterans who are now whistleblowers.
Facing the audience were four SCE executives at one table -- the top one yet another new guy -- and four NRC inspectors at another table. At its peak, there were about 150 people in the room.
During the "formal" part of the meeting, we were told that all the important "metrics" show improvement, and nothing unsafe is happening at the plant. The NRC feels that they are getting the proper feedback from the utility workers so that they can maintain a "Safety-Conscious Work Environment" ("SCWE") and proper regulatory control. We were told that all the workers now carry a "blue book" which tells them how to behave, and many members of the audience held up their "blue books" to show that they carry them all the time, along with their beepers.
However, when the public comment period began and the whistleblowers started speaking out, a completely different picture emerged. Things are, once again, worse than ever at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
Regarding the steel I-beam that was dropped into the spent fuel pool last month (which I had written about in a previous newsletter), we were told that it "only" weighed about 40 pounds. The NRC assumes that even if the I-beam had fallen vertically it wouldn't have been able to damage a 1,400-pound reactor fuel assembly, considering that the reactor fuel assemblies are designed to withstand a second reactor fuel assembly falling on top of them vertically at "terminal velocity" through water.
We were told that even if a fuel leakage issue was somehow caused by such an accident, or any "foreseeable" accident, the radiation would be contained inside the spent fuel pool building, which is very large and "negatively pressurized."
Of course. in order to have negative pressure, you have to suck air out, at least somewhat, because everything leaks, at least somewhat, and people have to go in and out through doorways, and fuel has to go in and out.
Fans draw the excess air out, but not to worry: Everything goes through a HEPA filter! HEPA filters were designed for the nuclear industry, and the standards are written by the Department of Energy (DOE).
So just because they can't even stop a 40-pound I-beam from falling, there's nothing to worry about, because they'll still achieve a 99.99% containment of any radioactive crud that is released, thanks to the HEPA filters, right?
Well, not quite.
To use the word "HEPA" when you market your filter, you are required to achieve a 99.97% filtration of particles larger than 0.3 microns in diameter. At 99.97% efficiency, 3 out of every 10,000 large particles gets through, which can quickly add up to trillions of large particles "legally" getting through the filter. Most of the particles that are released above 0.3 microns will be right around the 0.3 micron size.
Anything smaller than 0.3 microns isn't required to be stopped at all, and of course, any accident will release a spectrum of particle sizes, and many accidents are likely to have average particle sizes in the 0.1 micron size. So HEPA filters aren't all they're cracked up to be! And industry standards are three times weaker than what you probably would go buy yourself at the store.
As a HEPA filter is used, the average particle size it can stop will get smaller as material cakes around the filter material, while the pressure to push air through the filter increases accordingly. If the caked material reacts chemically with the filter material, it can damage the fibers and greatly reduce the effectiveness of the filter. Radiation would, of course, damage the filter material, no matter what that material is.
A good eye can discern objects down to about 10 microns in size, so what HEPA filters do let through is, conveniently enough, invisible. HEPA filters do not stop ANY noble gases, which don't clump into large particles. AND is it just a coincidence that noble gases that might be released in an accident aren't normally measured, reported, considered, or believed to be any cause for concern? Noble gases are generally considered "harmless" because the body doesn't utilize them in any way. But the body absorbs them "accidentally" all the time, so they are in the body at a fairly constant rate.
HEPA filters also won't stop tritium. A single gram of tritium will undergo about 370 trillion (370,000,000,000,000) decays per second.
Fortunately, when they dropped the steel I-beam, it didn't get jammed beside a fuel assembly, which then got damaged as they tried to remove it... I'm just saying, it COULD have happened... Nothing went wrong THIS time. And the NRC feels they learned something.
Did they learn that since 40-year-old steel hooks fail (that's the probable age of the part) that perhaps the whole rest of the plant is falling apart, embrittling unexpectedly, deteriorating from the salty air, the radiation, the heat, the humidity, father time, and poor maintenance?
Instead, the utility replaced the hook and the NRC made a generic new rule: Lanyards should be used for lifts over the spent fuel pool.
Which reminds me of the (true story!) guy who was demonstrating safety procedures for a class of young mountain-climbers. He cut his main rope in order to show how the safety rope will catch you safely.
Only it didn't, and he fell 40 feet to his death.
Lanyards break, too.
At the nuclear power plant, the "Standard Operating Procedure" is that there is no such thing as a warning sign of an upcoming catastrophic failure. There are just "lessons learned." So here we sit, at the brink of disaster, and all we have are "lessons learned"!
And actually, we don't even have THAT!
Why not?
Because one lesson learned at San Onofre over and over again is that the records kept by the employees there are NOT ACCURATE! So whatever lessons COULD be learned will soon be forgotten.
I'm sure there are still a lot of good people left at San Onofre.
Let's guess that 90% of the workforce are decent, honest people. That seems kind of high to me, but if that's the case, then about 200 to 300 people, depending on how many contractors are on the staff at any one time, are dishonest at San Onofre. That leaves a lot of room for fraud and deceit!
But even if 99% are honest (a hopelessly optimistic number, judging by the "human factors" problems they are having at the plant) that would still mean that 20 to 30 people are running around the plant faking things, covering up problems, pretending everything went well when it didn't, not finishing jobs... how many screw-ups does it take to cause a meltdown? Just one.
A year ago I heard about problems with integrity in dry fuel cask fabrication, problems of not performing work to specifications. The whistleblower, a long-time San Onofre employee, was also a former Los Alamos technician and a former Marine sniper as well. Now we're hearing that pressure tests (which I assume should normally follow cask fabrication) are being done improperly too.
How DO you spell "recipe for disaster"? SONGS.
Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, CA
The author, a bladder cancer survivor, has been studying nuclear-related issues independently for about 40 years. He is an educational software developer and author of THE CODE KILLERS (an in-depth look at nuclear power), available as a free download from: .
Monday, December 13, 2010
Corrected venue for the San Onofre hearing tomorrow... (12/14/10)
Dear Readers,
The venue for tomorrow's San Onofre Safety hearing is going to be Dana Point again, NOT San Clemente as I had indicated in yesterday's newsletter.
I apologize for the error. The correct information is included in Gary Headrick's San Clemente Greens San Onofre SOS newsletter, shown below.
From: "Gary Headrick" <>
Subject: SC Green - SONGS Update - SOS
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:37:28 -0800
Once again, our San Onofre Safety (SOS) issues are being addressed by the NRC at a public meeting Tuesday night, and once again, I expect to hear how the NRC will continue to apply meaningless consequences to these significant safety concerns. If you want to attend, the meeting takes place at the Double Tree Hotel on Tuesday, December 14 from 6:00 to 9:00pm at Doubletree Guest Suites Doheny Beach, CA 34402 Pacific Coast Highway, Dana Point, CA 92629. But if you want to do more than just attend, fill out a card when you first come in so you can make a brief statement for the record. Perhaps you'll have a few questions about the incidents mentioned below. If this is any indication of what the NRC considers safe, you can only wonder if things at SONGS are actually much worse than we've been told.
Here are the details of our conversation with the NRC and a link to a news article showing how different the media covers this topic.
I am disappointed to see that only part of this story is being told. I brought this matter to the attention of Paul Sisson, writer for North (SD)County Times and it seems he has overlooked the main point of my message. My wife and I spoke personally to the NRC officials after being tipped off by an insider, and contacted him about it to alert the public to a very near miss, because we may all be running out of luck!
A nuclear disaster is just waiting to happen, and when it does, Southern California will never be the same. As an individual living near to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) I have done my best to communicate troubles at the plant being exposed by whistleblowers to me because I am Co-founder of San Clemente Green, and they feel threatened by going to the usual authorities.
The most recent troubling event took place on November 24th, Thanksgiving Day, (I don't know why the article says the 25th). An employee contacted me on November 30th to ask, " Do you or anybody in your organization have any information about the accident at SONGS last week where an employee dropped a 4ft piece of steel into the spent fuel pool?" I immediately looked into it by contacting Greg Warnick at the NRC, with whom I have developed an open line of communication.
On December 6th, a conference call was arranged between myself, my wife Laurie (the other co-founder of SC Green), Greg Warnick (Sr. Resident Inspector), Victor Dricks (Sr, Public Affairs Officer with the NRC), and Ryan Lantz (NRC Branch Chief). Greg did most of the talking, and was very forthright in his assessment of the situation. In a room where anyone entering must first be inspected for having lanyards attached to any loose articles such as hat and glasses to prevent anything from falling into the spent reactor pool, a steel I-Beam fell from a crane into a pool 23 feet deep, only causing minor damage to the racks below because it fell horizontally instead of vertically. Had it fallen in the vertical position, which was the process being simulated with the beam, testing the crane as required before actually lowering a batch of spent fuel, the damage to the spent fuel containers at the bottom of the pool could likely have released an unknown quantity of radioactive gasses. This would have resulted in an immediate shutdown and evacuation of the premises, causing a chain of events that one can only imagine. I said,"this must have been an adrenaline moment for all involved", and Greg responded "it certainly was, knowing what could have happened".
It might surprise you to know that the official NRC Significance Threshold regarding this incident was MINOR and did not require reporting to the public. This qualified as a Low Level Issue according to policies and procedures of the NRC. They identified it as a "Procedure Vulnerability" which needed further evaluation, recommending things such as tethering the beam to prevent it from falling should the hook ever fail again.
You may be also be interested to learn about the accidental release of 14,000 gallons of "low level" radioactive water on November 17th. Greg said that people who work at the plant are very emotional about this and feel let down by management, (it would certainly be interesting to hear their stories). The list of problems like this goes on, and they always fail to reach the level of significance one would expect from an agency whose purpose is to protect the public. The safety track record of this plant is appalling, and yet the same corrective actions for violations is applied time and time again, which amounts to nothing more than the NRC telling Southern California Edison that they really have to do something about it or else there will be even more inspections in the future. The possibility of actually closing the plant is never seriously being considered, even if only long enough for management to get a handle on the culture of fear employees have for reporting concerns as was cited in the "Chilling Effect" letter issued by the NRC last spring.
Further raising the odds for a disaster, the power plant is currently undergoing an accident prone procedure to replace the old generators in Unit 3, essentially adding a new, more powerful engine to an old chassis and hoping it all holds together. The plant was designed in the 50's, constructed in the 60's and originally planned for decommissioning in 2013, which lobbying efforts have succeeded in extending to 2020. All of this is taking place at the plant that has ten times more safety infractions than any other nuclear power plant in the United States. There is a persistent culture of fear in contradicting management, and there is an influx of 1000 new workers assigned to the task. Only 3 inspectors are on site being responsible to oversee the activities of more than 3000 employees. A new man is at the helm, the second replacement in less than six months, but we are proceeding at full speed ahead before addressing the problems so widely known. These are the kind of red flags so often referred to in the aftermath of tragic events that might have been avoided.
I hope all of this information is sufficient enough to warrant further investigation. A quick search on the internet will reveal the depth of this problem. This truly is a matter of tremendous impact on life on the entire Pacific Coast of a magnitude far greater than the BP oil spill. It is still avoidable, but only if people in high places will listen and react appropriately. Locally these concerns fall on deaf ears because many in San Clemente are directly or indirectly tied economically to SONGS, and all of us homeowners stand to lose considerable property values when trouble at SONGS is exposed by the media. It is the media that should be the single most effective means of finding a resolution prior to this pending disaster by making it public knowledge. They have the power to give voice to the workers at SONGS who are raising the same types of concerns that BP employees had expressed before lives were lost and the worst environmental disaster of our times continues to persist well into the future. The huge difference is the complications that radioactive waste contributes to the problem. We need your help in exposing this dreadful truth now before our luck runs out!
Gary Headrick
San Clemente Green
Greg Warnick , USNRC, Sr. Resident Inspector, 949-492-2641
SAN ONOFRE: Latest progress report on nuke plant set for Tuesday
By PAUL SISSON - | Posted: Thursday, December 9, 2010 5:37 pm
Federal regulators are scheduled to update the public Tuesday on progress in solving what they have said are ongoing problems with worker performance and the safety culture at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
Officials with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a meeting at a Dana Point hotel with executives from Southern California Edison, the plant's majority owner, to discuss ongoing inspections and findings that have resulted in increased scrutiny for San Onofre over the last two years.
In the meantime, a plant spokesman confirmed that a 4-foot metal beam was dropped into a spent fuel pool at the plant during a "routine test" on Nov. 25.
Plant spokesman Gil Alexander said in an e-mail that workers were testing a lift mechanism inside a fortified building next to one of San Onofre's twin containment domes when the bar "became detached and fell a short distance into the pool."
Alexander said the incident "caused no injuries or damage to the fuel stored in the pool."
He said Edison intends to use the unexpected drop as a learning experience.
"We take this incident very seriously even though it posed no risk to workers or the public," Alexander said. "We have put into place a number of corrective measures to prevent its reoccurrence."
Victor Dricks, a spokesman for the NRC, said in an e-mail Thursday that the federal agency agrees with Edison's assessment of the incident.
Some of the plant's most sensitive and volatile material, spent uranium fuel, sits at the bottom of San Onofre's two fuel pools. An Edison spokesperson said in 2004 that the fuel takes two to four years to cool after use, and must be kept at the bottom of the 45-foot-deep pools for seven to 10 years until its radioactivity diminishes enough for it to be stored in dry casks housed in above-ground concrete bunkers.
The Nov. 25 incident was not the first recent slip inside the plant's fuel storage area. According to a previous NRC report, released in May 2009, found that, in August 2008, a worker temporarily misplaced a fuel assembly inside one of the plant's pools.
Reports have also highlighted other issues at San Onofre, from falsified fire watch logs to incorrectly connected backup batteries that went undetected for several years. The problems have led to increased inspections and public pressure on plant management.
In a series of public meetings since 2008, regulators have said that San Onofre managers should do more to help workers learn to detect and prevent minor problems before they grow into major problems.
Tuesday's meeting will be the latest progress report from the federal government on how far San Onofre's work force has moved toward meeting that goal.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. in the Trestles Room of the Doubletree Guest Suites, 34402 Pacific Coast Highway in Dana Point.
Call staff writer Paul Sisson at 760-901-4087.
** POB 1936, Carlsbad CA 92018
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Dear Readers,
The problems started long ago, before the plant was built.
Yet they built the reactors anyway.
It wasn't.
It isn't.
It won't be.
It can't be.
They'll just burn and burn and burn...
You'd think they'd know better.
It's a lawless mob at San Onofre.
We should be, too.
Their spouses are also frightened.
Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, CA
Letter from Bethann Chambers:
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010
Hello Ace,
Thanks for speaking out.
Bethann Chambers
Written by: Bethann Chambers
Here is a summary of SONGS issues:
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 11:11:18
Hi Ace,
Have great day!
Newsletter authorship information:
Ace Hoffman
Author, The Code Killers:
An Expose of the Nuclear Industry
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I'll Do It Tomorrow...
The poet Martial writes in Epigram V.58:
Cras te victurum, cras dicis, Postume, semper:
dic mihi, cras istud, Postume, quando venit?
Quam longe cras istud! ubi est? aut unde petendum?
Numquid apud Parthos Armeniosque latet?
Iam cras istud habet Priami vel Nestoris annos.
Cras istud quanti, dic mihi, possit emi?
Cras vives? Hodie iam vivere, Postume, serum est:
ille sapit quisquis, Postume, vixit heri.
And I offer this translation:
You always say that you will live tomorrow, Postumus, tomorrow!
Tell me, that tomorrow of yours, Postumus, when does it come?
How far away that tomorrow is! Where is it? Where must we look for it?
Does it hide out among the Parthians and Armenians?
Tell me, how much will that tomorrow of yours cost?
Will you live tomorrow? Postumus, it is already too late to live today:
He is wise whoever lived yesterday, Postumus!
This poem has come up in class at a very interesting time. It is the end of the marking period and I have just spent a very unpleasant weekend grading papers, tests, essays, and make-up work. When I say that I spent the weekend, I mean, literally, the whole weekend.
The first part of the problem comes from my own procrastination. I let the papers pile up and then they become a chore. When they become a chore, they are avoided. When they are avoided, they hang over my head and make me more anxious than any sword of Damocles.
The second part of the problem I attribute to overextending myself and saying "yes" to far too many things when I am already taxed. We moved to block scheduling this year and that means three 90-minute shows a day, each show different, interesting, and, I hope, productive.
Finally, I am beginning to realize that the third part of the problem is that I am requiring too much graded work from my students. There are quizzes on vocabulary, grammar, syntax, translations, culture, history, mythology, and then tests, benchmark tests, and exams. I also require prepared translations and exercises and even the occasional poster or project. Those who are marginal students are quickly overwhelmed and become discouraged. In frustration they come to hate the study of Latin, regret their decision of taking it, and refuse to go on.
My realization, some twenty years after I started teaching: not everything requires work, not all work requires a grade, and not every grade needs to be recorded. As a young teacher fresh out of college I would have considered this blasphemy. Now, as an experienced teacher in the middle of my career, I realize that this is the approach that will allow me to see the wisdom of Martial's words.
Anonymous said...
I agree with you that not everything needs to be graded/recorded. My kids often ask for some things to be for grades and sometimes i will oblige them. And other times i randomly take up the work and do it for completion-- i often still go back and check it but its not as much pressure to get it done right away then. I've started having my kids correct each others work-- its made it easier for me, as well. Whether they get it will show up when you asses them.
Antoninus Pius said...
Here in Scotland, we are in the middle of a debate about the benefits of "formative assessment" (= informally checking knowledge and understanding as you go along) as opposed to "summative assessment" (= what you just spent your week-end doing).
Also, your anonymous correspondent's point about peer-assessment ("having the kids correct each other's work") is a valuable one. And then ask the whole class to contribute any interesting points that arose while they were reading their classmates' work. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-13
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} | 865 | Opposition fighters prepare a homemade cannon during clashes with regime forces in Syria's northern city of Aleppo. / Karam Al-Masri, AFP/Getty Images
BEIRUT - The cutting of a deal with Iran over its nuclear program after years of acrimony has raised hopes among some that the agreement will prompt movement in stalled talks to end the Syrian civil war.
Iran is a major ally and backer of Syrian President Bashar Assad, whom the United States has been trying to persuade to step aside and end a war that is more than two years running and has killed well over 100,000 people.
"Will the agreement change much the Syria situation? I don't think so," says Ammar al-Hassan, spokesman for the Syrian rebel group Islamic Army.
"Syria has been paying the price of U.S.-Iran negotiations that have been going on for months now, so the fact that they have been made public will not affect the ongoing war across Syria and here in Ghouta," he said, referring to a town that was subjected to a chemical attack in August that killed hundreds of women and children.
Over the weekend, Iran agreed to a deal with negotiators from the West to cap some of its nuclear enrichment at a level under what is needed to make fuel for a bomb in return for a relaxation of economic sanctions against it.
The deal had both sides praising a new era of openness between Iran and the West, even though critics in Congress said it failed to roll back Iran's program and relies too much on promises not to enrich fuel for a bomb.
Soon after the pact was reached, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon announced that he was setting a January date to resume talks with Syria's warring parties and hoped that Iran, which has been arming fighters for Assad, may attend.
But on Tuesday, Syria's main opposition group in exile said it had not made a final decision yet on whether it would participate in the talks to be held in Geneva, as were the Iran talks. And the U.S.-backed, rebel-led Free Syrian Army said flat-out it would not attend.
Anti-government forces and many in the West say the Assad regime's actions will prevent a true agreement for peace. The attack in Ghouta killed 1,400 people, mostly civilians, in what Western rights groups and the rebels allege is a war crime by Assad. They demand Assad be brought to trial, and removed from office. Assad has blamed the rebels for the attack and says he will not step aside.
Al-Hassan says the new Iran accord does not change the rebels' hatred for Iran and its ally, the Lebanese party and U.S.-designated terror group Hezbollah, which has sent militants and weapons over the border to help Assad fight the uprising.
Speaking from Moadamiya, a suburb of Damascus, Syria, Ahmad al-Jabri, a member of the rebel Local Coordination Committee, underlines that most rebels feel President Obama has made clear that Syria was not a priority for his administration.
"Iran and its allies in Hezbollah will continue their killing, but the rebels might benefit
from the increasing support of Arab nationals, who for the most view
Iran with suspicion," he says.
Mourad al-Chami, spokesman for the Local Coordination Committee, says he believes that the Iran deal will exacerbate tensions between Sunnis and Shiites and reverberate through Syria, whose war has taken on a sectarian dimension with the mostly Sunni rebels fighting the Alawite-Shiite regime.
"The conflict in Syria might escalate as a result," he says.
Lebanese analyst Kassem Kassir defined the new deal as a "victory for Iran and its allies" that may improve chances for peace - but not in the way rebels hopes.
"It will have positive repercussions on Hezbollah's position in Lebanon and might herald a political solution in Syria now that the military solution seems to have been removed from the equation," Kassir explains.
The deal has been greeted positively by Hezbollah's inner circle, which approves of what it calls the United States' more realistic approach to dealing with Iran's regional influence.
"I am recalling the message from Sheik Mohamad Fadlallah (a powerful Shiite cleric) to President Jimmy Carter underlining that any improvement of relations with Hezbollah would have to go through Iran," Kassir says.
Early this month, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, in hiding in Syria, predicted that a successful conclusion of talks over Iran's nuclear program would strengthen the Islamic republic and its allies in the region. Hezbollah ally Nabih Berri, head of the Lebanese parliament and of the Shiite political party Amal, dubbed the accord "the deal of the generation."
Berri also said he hoped the agreement would pave the way for a "settlement" in Syria. Because Iran is now strengthened by its nuclear deal and allowed to retain its program, Berri said Iran should be made part of talks on Syria. Iran would then be able to attain its aims of the war through the negotiations: Assad's survival.
Copyright 2015
Read the original story: Will Iran pact help Syria?
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