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Wanderer D
Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Newbie Dish
What could Twilight Sparkle possibly give Rainbow Dash as a birthday gift? A book!
<p>Rainbow Dash gets a new birthday gift from Twilight Sparkle! But... she doesn't know how to do anything with it, so she asks Fluttershy for help. Can the shy pegasus survive a cooking lesson/session with Rainbow Dash?</p><p>This was my submission for the Two Hour challenge at EqD. I changed the ending slightly, no more than a few words.</p>
Newbie Dish By Wanderer D Rainbow Dash looked down at Twilight's present with a mix of fascination, dread, disappointment and horror. “A book?” “Not just any book, Dash!” the purple unicorn said with a delighted smile. “A Cook Book!” “Ah, a Cook Book!” Rainbow Dash smiled uneasily. “That makes it much better. Err... thank you, Twilight.” Twilight blinked and lowered her head, looking sadly at Rainbow Dash. “OH... oh... you don't like it, do you?” she sighed as Rainbow Dash looked at her worriedly. “I should have listened to Spike. What do I know of birthdays? I guess my lessons in friendship didn't cover how to appropriately gift a friend on her special day.” Rainbow Dash looked around for help, wincing but the others were too busy playing games or talking to notice. “Ah...” she patted Twilight's head with her hoof. “No! Not at all! This... this is perfect! I've always wanted to uh, cook, something for all my friends! And now I can! It's perfect!” Twilight looked at her miserably. “You're just saying that, aren't you?” The blue pegasus shook her head violently. “No! Pinkie Promise!” Rainbow Dash said, going through the motions. “Cross My Heart, Hope to Fly, Stick a Cupcake in my Oww!” “Silly, you gotta be careful!” Pinkie Pie giggled as she bounced towards them. “So, what did you Pinkie Swear to?” “Uh...” “Rainbow Dash promised that she liked my birthday gift and that she would use it to cook something for us.” Twilight sparkle said, a small smile returning to her face. “She did?! She did!” Pinkie shouted, drawing the attention of the others, who came over to see what the commotion was about. As they talked excitedly amongst themselves about getting together in a couple of days to taste Rainbow's cooking, said pegasus looked around in panic and moaned. It was early in the morning. The birds were chirping, the chickens were clucking and somepony was banging Fluttershy's door like there was no tomorrow. The yellow pegasus was currently hiding under the tea table wondering who could possibly be trying so hard to bring down her door. “Fluttershy!” a voice echoed into the house. “Let me in! I need your help!” Blinking in surprise, the kind pegasus inched her way to the door and opened it. “Rainbow Dash?” The rainbow-maned pegasus nodded. “The one and only.” she said proudly, then deflated. “I need your help.” she said, pushing her friend into her house and closing the door behind them. “H-help with what?” “This.” Rainbow Dash said, pulling Twilight's Cookbook out of her saddlebag. “Oh.” Fluttershy said. “Um... I guess... I could help you with a simple recipe?” “That's all I need!” Dash said, smiling and strutting up to the table where she opened it. “What should we make?” Fluttershy expertly checked the index and flipped the pages. “How about this? It looks simple enough.” Rainbow Dash leaned in and looked unimpressed. “A salad? No, that won't work!” “It... won't?” “No! It has to be something cooler!” Rainbow Dash started flipping the pages. “Too simple, too quick, not cool enough... heeellloooo? What is this? A-au-beriinge en pa-pa-pillote?” “Oh my.” Fluttershy said, looking at the recipe. “I don't know Rainbow Dash... this might be too complicated to do for today... especially if it is your first time...” “No! I can't! Twilight will be expecting something complicated! You know how she is! She'll be disappointed that I haven't read her book!” Dash begged. “Besides! With your help, I can get this done in ten seconds flat.” Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy sighed. “Okay... so what do we need?” Rainbow Dash was now sporting a cook's hat on her head. “Um... let's see...” Fluttershy looked at the recipe. “We need Eggplants....” she was buffeted by wind as Rainbow Dash disappeared and reappeared in a couple of seconds with a basket of eggplants. “Thyme...” *Whoosh* a fresh hooffull of the herbs landed next to her “oil” a rainbow colored blur and a bottle appeared on the counter. She kept listing as ingredients piled up around her one by one until... thunk! “Here...” Rainbow Dash gasped. “Parchment Paper. That... that was a tough one, I had to go all the way to Canterlot to get it...” “Well... I think we have all the ingredients here.” Fluttershy said, looking around. “Nice!” Rainbow Dash said, picking up all of the ingredients and starting to dump them into a large plate. “So, we just mix this all up and we're done right?” “Oh, no.” Fluttershy said with a shake of her head. “This dish requires several steps. Here, let's clear the table and get some equipment out. “Okay, so, what do I do?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking down at the eggplants in front of her. “You need to slice them.” the yellow pegasus answered, using a knife to slice the bottom and top of the Eggplant. “Like that... now...” “Got it!” Rainbow Dash grabbed the knife and started slicing as fast as she could. Fluttershy ducked behind the table as pieces of Eggplant flew all over the kitchen. When she felt it safe to look again, Rainbow Dash had chopped the eggplants into tiny pieces. “Easy as pie!” the blue pegasus bragged. “Um... you were supposed to cut it into slices...” she said. Rainbow Dash looked down at the minced Eggplants. “Oh.” They had gotten a new batch of Eggplants and this time they had cut them into slices. Fluttershy's batch were all carefully sliced into equally thick pieces, while Rainbow Dash's batch was... varied. Declaring it a success, the blue pegasus insisted they move on the the next part. “Now we need to use spread some oil on top of them...” Fluttershy started to say, when she noticed that Dash had emptied the oil into a large bowl and dumped all the slices in there. “What?” Dash asked when she noticed the other pegasus incredulous look. “That's faster!” After fishing the slices out and letting the excess oil drip off, Rainbow Dash had been tasked with sprinkling thyme on top of the neatly organized slices which, to Fluttershy's relief she managed to do. “That was easy!” Rainbow Dash said. “What's next?” she rushed to the book. “Tomato... concasse? What is that?” The tears would not stop. “Why can't I do this?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, looking with hatred at the onions. “Here...” Fluttershy said, pushing her out of the way. “You go boil the tomatoes so we can skin them.” With practiced ease the yellow pegasus chopped the rest of the onions, some shallots and some garlic. “Wow, you're pretty good at that!” Rainbow Dash commented. “Thanks!” Fluttershy said, smiling gently at her friend. “How are those tomatoes doing?” “Fine!” Dash said, only to be interrupted by a strong whistling sound. “Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked. “You didn't throw the tomatoes into the pressure cooker, did you?” “Um... I might have?” Rainbow Dash said as the whistling grew in intensity. “I read in the book that it can help cook faster.” “But... if you don't close it properly...” With a bang the top of the pressure cooker shot straight through Fluttershy's roof and both pegasi had to dive under the table or be bathed in hot tomatoes. They slowly came out and looked towards the stove. The pressure cooker had fallen to the side, and as they watched the butter in the pan that Rainbow Dash had decided to melt went brown and started sizzling before bursting into flame. “I... read that sometimes adding a bit of oil to the butter helps?” Dash ventured. “Mushroom duxelles” Rainbow Dash read aloud. “chop a bunch of mushrooms and some shallots; sweat the shallots in butter... add the chopped mushrooms and a squeeze of lemon... Sounds easy. I'll start melting the butter...” “No!” Fluttershy shouted. Then, in a smaller voice she repeated. “No... how about... you chop the mushrooms and the shallots... you're good at chopping stuff...” “Julienne some carrots, celery and leeks...” Rainbow Dash looked confused. “Who's Julienne? Do we really need her to do this?” She looked up, surprised, as Fluttershy facehoofed. “Okay, Fluttershy! The grill pan is searingly hot!” she shouted stepping back as the red-hot piece of metal radiated intense heat. Fluttershy whimpered. “Hey! Fluttershy! How many of these parchment paper hearts did we really need? Finally, after six hours of work, the hour-long prepping time was done. Rainbow Dash watched as Fluttershy carefully placed the salvaged papillotes into the oven. And not a moment too soon as there was a knock on the door. “Hey! Come on in!” Rainbow Dash smiled as she let Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack through. The group stared at the wrecked remains of Fluttershy's kitchen. “We're almost done!” Dash said, running back to stand by the oven. “This part only takes a couple of minutes.” “Wow... it looks like a tornado went off in here!” Twilight said as she watched Rainbow carefully take the food out of the oven. “This looks delicious!” Pinkie Pie shouted, looking at the small papillotes. “Dash, I’m impressed... you really outdid yourself!” Rarity said taking a bite. “Yeah... I was really expecting something simple...” Twilight said. “Like a salad!” Fluttershy's eye twitched. The scream of frustration woke up Luna from her nap in the moon. She looked down at Equestria, confused, then shrugged, falling back asleep. The End
Main 6,Dark,Romance,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
On Feathered Wings
<p> Losing the defining thing that makes you who you are would be hard for anypony. Where do you go from there? How do you cope? How do your friends? How hard is it to start from scratch? Rainbow Dash never had to worry about these things. Not until the worst storm in Equestrian history. Now she has to cling to that which she still has, and discover for herself that there is much more out there to live for than she originally believed.</p>
Alighting herself upon the fluffy white surface of the cloud, a lone pegasus flexed her wings and trotted to it's edge. Casting her gaze across the ocean blue before her. Admiring her work like anypony would if they held pride in what they did. It was days like today that the pegasus loved her job. The skies were open and tame, stretched out for hundreds of miles-- across the mountains far across the horizon that housed the great capital city of Canterlot to the endless stretch of green that was the Everfree forest. The town of Ponyville-- her home-- was far below. Bursting with activity of a busy midweek day, the ponies appearing as just specks from this altitude. The lone, spared cloud that remained in the otherwise spotless sky was her perch, perfectly sized for her to stand upon and gaze upon the wide expanse of farmland and country the stretched across the hills as far as the eyes could see. She could make out the large red farmhouse of Sweet Apple Acres and the homely little cottage surrounded by dens that was one of her foalhood friend's home. Even the library built into the thickest of trees could be made out. As well as the lavish and decorated dressmaking shop not terribly far away from the town's center-- which almost hid the local favorite Sugarcube Corner from her eyes. But she'd looked down upon this town too many times not to know what was what. Looking down on them, one could feel a lot of things-- but her? She felt pity. Pity, that almost all the ponies in this town were but mere earth or unicorn ponies. They'd never feel the wind like she did. Or stand upon the clouds like she did. They were stuck there from the moment they were born. Trapped on the earth. The boring, lame, ground. To a pony like her, the sky was all she needed. The rush of the wind flowing through her mane, ruffling at her feathers, lifting her higher and higher into the blue ocean and snow white clouds. It made life worth living. Made the mundane and repetitive tasks she performed every day completely bearable. Not many could say that almost everything they did revolved around their biggest passion... Rainbow Dash was truly one lucky pony. The fastest-- the bravest-- the most daring-- the most skilled. One could go on, but suffice to say-- Rainbow was the best flier in Equestria. Most ponies just didn't know that yet. Not that she didn't have her name out there. Being the winner of the Best Young Flier Competition in Cloudsdale had earned her a lot of praise from many-a-pony. She'd saved one of her best friends. Saved the Wonderbolts, her heroes she'd looked up to since she was but a foal. Oh, some ponies recognized her alright. Her wings wilted, however. Dropping right along with her smug grin. But.. where it counted? Among the name-makers and the hoof-shakers of Canterlot? In the busy streets of Manehatten where dreams were made? No. It was here. In the small village of Ponyville. Seemingly a stones throw in distance from the most marvelous city built by ponykind, but at the same time a million miles away. Why would they care about a cloud clearing speedster? She wasn't born under some famous and prestigious name. No riches in the family. No relation to royalty. She wasn't Twilight Sparkle, the famous and talented student of -the- Princess of Equestria. Heck, she wasn't even Rarity, who was busy getting her latest fashion showcased in places she hadn't even heard of. Compliments of that fashion pony who'd made -Ponyville- of all places one of his stops. How could she blame a pony for not knowing who she was? Equestria didn't come to a standstill for Cloudsdale's competition. It didn't even come to a standstill for the Summer Sun Celebration where her and her friends saved the world. -And-, if you could believe it, most ponies didn't even know about what happened on that day! As if the sun refusing to rise in the sky is something some pony could misinterpret as natural. Sheesh. She was Ponyville's sky clearer. Their rain bringer. Their simple boring weather pony and, except for the more seasonal work times, the only one under the town's employment. In laments terms, she was without a doubt, a speck. A nopony in a nopony town. At least, that's how ponies would see this place. She knew the magic and wonder that resided here better than anypony! But you try telling that to a snooty hoofer fresh out of Canterlot or Fillydelphia. In this town, nothing would change. In this dump, her life-- albeit exciting-- was trapped like those ponies down below. There would be no recognition or Wonderbolts or fame. There would just be... this. A flock of birds fluttered far below her, snapping her attention away from the ground she'd been focusing on-- lost in the marching of her thoughts as she came to be more often these days. It was enough to make her snort, shaking her head. A chastising look flashing across her face. “Listen to yourself Rainbow. You sound like Rarity did when she first moved here.” The thought was enough to make her skin crawl. “Ponyville isn't good enough for you, huh?” What was so bad about this place? Sure, things got boring. Things got slow. And boy did Rainbow hate everything and anything that could be called 'slow'. But honestly? Where else would she rather be? “Nowhere.”, she said flatly. Letting that grin creep back into place. “This is where I belong. Not in snooty-dooty Canterlot, or even back in Cloudsdale. I'm happy here.” A weight lifted from her wings, and Rainbow let out a sigh-- lifting her head up from the ground and into the mid-morning sky. “I'm happy here.”, she repeated. As if to solidify it to any being that was listening. The fame, the notoriety, the amazingly-awesome-spectacular Wonderbolts. Those things would come in their own time. Rainbow was young. She was fit. Her wings here capable and weren't going anywhere without her. She had all the time in the world to make it for herself. She had come closer than she ever had in the past year alone. Since the day Twilight and the others had formed their friendship. Her confidence was restored, and without a thought she outstretched her wings and jumped forward-- using a burst of wind to loop about and burst through the same cloud she was standing on moments before. Shattering it into fluffy white pieces that quickly dissipated on the wind. The skies of Ponyville cleared in.. uh.. two hours, flat. … It was a bit more cloudy today than normal. Her job was finished for the day-- but she knew the others had their own business to take care of. She took a quick glance down at the small town. Twas pretty busy looking-- at least in the square.. No reason to bother them until later. Her wings carried her in another loop as she turned towards home-- her floating villa in the sky just near the Everfree forest's border. But something caught her eye. Canterlot glistened in the bright sun, same as always, but up above it, twirling and growing all the more noticeable.. were clouds? “Strange.. I could of sworn it was supposed to be clear across Equestria today..” She hovered, watching a moment more before filing it off with a shrug-- swooping off in a blur of that rainbow mane. Ponyville-- at least-- was enjoying a cloudless sunny day. Thanks to her. The best darn weather pony they'd ever had. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Applejack's back hooves hit the tree so hard bark went flying. The tree itself seemed to shudder for a moment before group of nearly a dozen red apples fell from the branches above and landed on the grass in a series of quick thuds. “What 'bout these apples?” The voice of her sister pitched up from behind her-- the young filly bounding over to the nearest red fruit to pluck it up in her mouth. Quickly bringing it to her older sibling. “D'ey rweady fah pickn'?” Applejack could only roll her green eyes before leaning down to pluck the apple from Apple Bloom's full mouth-- biting into the pearly red skin with a nice and loud -crunch-. Chewing the fruit slowly. Real slowly. “Hmmm...” She mused, swishing the juicy remains from one side of her mouth to the other. Like a wine taste tester savoring a bottle's flavor. Before she swallowed with a loud gulp. “Nah! Not quite yet.” “P'wah!” Apple Bloom flopped upon her flank with a look of extreme frustration across her face. “How can you know fer sure!? They look ready ta' me!” Applejack just shook her head. “It's not just about how they look, sugarcube.” She tried to give her sister a soft smile-- despite her own rising agitation. “Now how're we supposed to sell apples if we ain't got the taste to back up the presentation?” “Forget about tha presentation!” Apple Bloom was on her hooves, looking positively determined as she ran at the tree-- spun about-- and kicked with all her might. Barely earning a loud enough thunk to be heard. “How am I supposed to get my cutie mark for pickin' apples if'n we ain't got no apples ready to be picked!?” Her older sister just sighed, rubbing a hoof against her temple. “You can't just wait a week?” Of course she was quick to answer, “A week!?” Before kicking the tree again with about the same result. “You've got ta be kiddin' me!” “Well I ain't.” Applejack trotted over and put a hoof between her sister and the tree-- scooting the latter across the ground, away from the soon to be ready harvest. “And the less apples we waste to test the more we have to sell when they're all ready.” Apple Bloom's pout was unmistakable. “It's all 'bout the bits with you, inn't!” She was on her hooves in seconds-- staring her big sister down. “Yer cutie mark shoulda' been a pile of bits instead of apples with how quick you think of business instead of yer own sister's cutie mark!” “I almost wish it was. Between this year's harvest and supporting the farm since Granny Smith passed away, we haven't had two bits to rub together to spark a fire with!” Applejack was clearly not amused. She'd followed her sister around enough the past -several- hours on this... crusade of hers. All it'd done was give her a headache and a good basketful or two of wasted crop. “Maybe you should take a gander at our books for the month and see if you can get your cutie mark by figurin' how we're gonna make it through till apple-buck season!” The battle was clearly won between the two sisters, but that didn't stop Apple Bloom from shuddering with rage, gritting her teeth together in a look that could've ignited a weaker pony in flames. On Applejack, however, it just made her droop. “'N maybe I should!” The red maned filly turned on a dime, stuck her nose in the air in a much too Rarity-like fashion for Applejack's taste, and stomped her front hooves in the dirt. “S'not like I'm gonna get any help from you! I'm just gonna have to take care of this by myself!” “Oh sure. Sure you will!” Applejack scowled, watching her sister trot off all indignant-like. Headed for their large farm house at the center of Sweet Apple Acres. “Let Big Mac' deal with you for the rest of the afternoon! I've had it up to here with your.. apple-wastin' nonsense!” She did her own huff, though it was much less melodramatic and mature. Sweeping her gaze across the rolling hills of apple trees. Spotting less red and plump apples than ever upon the branches. All this fussin' about cutie marks and foalish drama when their very livelihood was at stake? No -wonder- her little sister didn't have her cutie mark yet. Now it was her turn to stomp off, hitting the dirt trail that led away from their farm house and towards the barn. Muttering under her breath while she went. It wasn't easy this year, that was for sure. First Granny Smith passed on and now the farm's crop was doing about as well as expected. As grown up as Applejack and Big Macintosh were, their Granny had always known when it was the best time to pick the apples and how to run an economically sound farm. Without her, they were struggling. Not terribly so, but it was enough that it added more stress on their every day lives. A couple more seasons like this and they were going to hit some real hard times. Apple bucking season was just around the bend, though. After this harvest, as poor as it was, the apples would.. or, were supposed to, grow in faster than ever. The boost in profits would make things around the farm much less tense. And did Apple Bloom care? Not one bit! All she wanted was her cutie mark. Her personal quest had been put on hold after Granny's passing, but once the mourning was done, she'd gone right back into full crusader mode. Applejack was just surprised (and incredibly grateful) that the other two hadn't joined her in apple bucking today-- or she'd surely done something mighty terrible to those fillies. “Applejack!” A soft call from not terribly far away snapped the earth pony out of her muttering haze-- and she turned to see Fluttershy trotting through the front gate of the farm. A basket hung around her neck and a smile spread across her gentle face. “Oh, hey there Fluttershy.” She smiled and quickly clopped over, quickly throwing on a smile. “Wasn't expectin' to see you out in these parts today. What can I do you for?” The normally shy pegasus blushed and nodded accordingly, lowering her head and glancing off to the side. “I'm sorry.. Is this a bad time..?” Applejack shook her head, wondering for a second if she'd over heard her and her sister's fight. But this was how Fluttershy always was. “It's fine. I'm just doin' the rounds right now. Checkin' on the harvest.” “Oh..” Fluttershy perked back up, her head canting side to side as she scanned the apple trees in sight.. “It looks... good..”, she lied-- swallowing with nervousness at upsetting her friend. Applejack took it well enough though, offering a forced smile. “Aw, thank ya Fluttershy-- but this harvest ain't fit for any hardworkin' pony. Just you wait till apple buck season!” Fluttershy looked relieved that the conversation had avoided becoming awkward. She happily raised her head, showcasing her basket. “I picked some of these blueberries. I know how much you and Big Macintosh love blueberry pancakes. I just had to give you some.” “Aw shucks.” She leaned forward to pluck the basket from her friend's neck-- lifting it up and slipping it over her own. “You're a good friend Fluttershy; thinkin' of us like that. You sure you don't want us to pay you for em'?” As expected, the filly shook her head-- looking as determined about something as Fluttershy could. “Of course not. I'd never charge a friend just for some berries.” Her voice softened, however, as her head dipped lower. More put of respect than of shyness. “Besides.. I know how things have gotten for you and Big Macintosh after your Granny..” Applejack saved her the awkwardness by waving a hoof, “Suppose you're right on that one. I ain't never been one for managing them types of affairs.” She put on a brave enough face. One that Fluttershy would see through-- being Fluttershy of all people. But she was far too polite to call a pony on something like that.. “We appreciate it though sugarcube.. You should come by tomorrow mornin'. We'd be happy to have ya over for breakfast!” Fluttershy beamed. “Oh, oh of course. I'd love to come.” She looked like she was about to say something, but stopped as her eyes turned skyward. A look of surprise spreading across her face. “Oh my..” Applejack blinked-- raising a brow at her friend. “What's wrong?” “I didn't realize we were supposed to have a storm today.. I thought Rainbow said it was going to be clear.” “She did.” Applejack glanced up, not seeing a single cloud. “It's been clear all mornin'.” The pegasus nodded, but pointed behind the earth pony. Towards the mountains. “But.. what about that..?” Applejack turned, and nearly gasped. Spreading across the sky was a wall of dark clouds that looked ready to drench the ground in torrents of rain. In fact, with how dark it was beneath them, it looked like a storm was already brewing miles and miles away. She could barely make out the white castle walls of Canterlot. That was until a far away lightning bolt illuminated the stonework in a flash of brilliant light. The echoes of thunder not even reaching them yet.. “Now.. I swear that wasn't there a bit ago..” “I should go..” Fluttershy didn't like storms, and it showed in her voice-- that standard crack in tone that signaled just how frightened she was. “I need to get the animals at home in their dens before it reaches us.” Applejack turned back to her friend, smiling at just how timid she was. “Of course. You run on home and take care of them animals of yours. I'll be seeing you tomorrow, right? For breakfast?” Fluttershy nodded, turning her eyes back upon her for a moment. Forcing a smile. “Y-yeah. Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything.” “Good. We'll have a place at the table for ya!” She gave her friend a wave before turning about and headed for the farmhouse. It allowed her to turn her eyes back up to the approaching mass of blackness. A giant wall of dark, lightning infused storm clouds that looked like they were violently turning and twisting about. No doubt headed this way with how quickly it'd amassed on the horizon. “Rainbow.. You lazy weather pony..” She grumbled, knowing she had to of heard her right earlier this week when she said there wouldn't be any “exciting” weather. Like it was such a bore keeping things pleasant and peaceful. “You think you could've warned your apple growin' friend that her whole day was going to be wasted by a thunderstorm.” The thought of the blue furred pegasus hovered in her mind for a moment. Then another moment. And before long, the storm sorta.. faded to the back of her mind. At least for now. A soft burning in her cheeks making a smile spread across her face. “Rainbow..” She blinked, shaking her head. No. No! Don't do that Applejack. Now is so, so not the time for that. A moment longer passed as she trotted up the hill... … Maybe.. Maybe later. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• “Oh Twilight, when are you going to accept one of these proposals I'm giving you?” Rarity's eyes looked as sincere as ever-- her face every bit as sympathetic. “I swear, it seems like you're more interested in your books than you are in dating!” Spike, balanced on top of the nearby steplatter-- in the middle of sliding a copy of Magical Melodies of Meddlesome Mockingbirds back upon the shelf (a recent read of Fluttershy's, no doubt)-- seemingly couldn't resist chiming in. “And this surprises you, -why-..?” Twilight would chose to ignore Spike. Rarity wouldn't be so easy. “I don't have time to go on a date with whatever unicorn guy you have lined up for me.” It wasn't a complete lie... “As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm just going to have to pass.” Rarity didn't look convinced. If anything, she looked more convinced of the opposite. Particularly in how her eyes narrowed. “Just what keeps you so busy Twilight Sparkle? You've already read almost all these books.” Her eyes flittered across the pile that was awaiting Spike on the nearby library table. “You've not accepted a single one of the handsome stallions I've come to you with, and do you -know- how many handsome ponies are in Ponyville!?” She waited for Twilight to answer... who only raised her brow after a moment or two of silence. “Not many!” Spike, ever the opportunist, turned around and sat upon the top most rail of his ladder. “She's right Twilight. You could of at least humored her and gone out with that last unicorn she brought here.” Rarity gasped, as if it was a shock-- even though she was there, just a week ago. “Oh I know! Dark Star is suuuch a catch!” Rarity looked personally offended even! Her voice as soft as an injured kitten.. “And you hardly even spoke to him when I brought him in here to see you..” “Rarity..” Twilight began, rubbing her face with a hoof. “I.. didn't ask you to do that.” “I know you didn't! Somepony had to try and break through that icy shell of yours!” “Icy shell..? I don't have an icy shell.” She looked at Rarity. Who just stared back. Then she looked at Spike. Who quickly glanced back and forth between her and the other unicorn. “... I don't have an icy shell-- Okay, look Rarity, I really don't mean to make light of what you're trying to do for me but--” “But you are!” She interjected, stepping up closer to her bookworm friend. “I didn't even set that one up for you. Dark Star came to me!” For a second Twilight was still annoyed-- but then: “What? You didn't try to hook him up with me?” The unicorn rolled her eyes, “Oh heavens no. You think I'd throw the most well mannered, proper, studly unicorn in Ponyville at you on a whim? I'm good darling, but even I have my limits.” She stepped up to give Twilight's chest a push with her hoof-- smiling warmly. Showing off that generosity and kindness she actually held. “Dear, he came to me and asked if I could introduce you two. He's such a gentlecolt, but he rivals Fluttershy in the shy department. At least when it comes to the fillies.” Twilight.. was actually at a loss for words. She knew the guy was a looker. Even seemed to know a thing or two about magic from the what she'd noticed in town, but she took his awkwardness for disinterest when Rarity came in with him in tow. She hardly noticed the blush until Rarity pointed it out. “Ah-ha! Finally! I'm getting through to her!” A shake of the head later and she was back at it. “I-It doesn't matter. I don't have time for dating and frilly-frollying about with suitors. I -am- actually here for a reason beyond just pleasure, you know?” Rarity grinned, “Oh darling, if it was just pleasure you were after, I'm sure we could've found you some willing pony.” Twilight's blush only doubled. Even Spike fumbled his book he was putting up. “R-Rarity!” Of course, the purple maned unicorn just laughed-- shaking her head. “I was just kidding Twilight. I just want you to be happy, and I refuse to believe that these books are what you need most in your life. A fine colt could do wonders for you!” Twilight could only groan. For almost a month now, Rarity had been pitching colts at her like a glorified dating service. It started with some random girl talk one afternoon, leading towards what the two found attractive in colts. She made the mistake of giving away her fondness for other unicorns, and since then, Rarity had taken on the role of match maker. Asking Twilight's opinions on this pony and that pony, narrowing the search down to only those Twilight had found -reasonably- close to her type. Big mistake. “I could try to talk to Dark Star again.” Rarity nodded at her, looking almost desperate. Like she needed this more than she did. “Tell him you were wrapped up in very important business with Princess Celestia. I'm sure it won't take much-- the boy seems completely taken with you!” “Nggh.. Rarity.. I--” Her eyes looked into Rarity's, and instantly she felt the fight rush out of her. Something about Rarity's pleading look melted even her will power. How Spike would ever manage to say no to her was beyond Twilight's reasoning. “Fine fine. Do it.” Rarity looked stunned. “W-What?” Twilight looked unamused. “You heard me. Set it up. Drag him in. Plan the date. Shoot your magic arrow.” She made a show of it, moving her arms like she'd let loose cupid's arrow into some lonely mare's flank. “I'm done trying to fight it.” “Oh Twilight..” That -was- not the tone Twilight was expecting.. “I'm.. sorry. Am I going too far with this? I honestly only wanted to help you. You sound like you want nothing of it.” Twilight rolled her eyes-- thankfully having turned away from her friend to shut her book with a flare of her horn. “I finally say yes to a date and -now- you want to listen to my protests?” Rarity giggled, raising a hoof to her chest. “It must have been the shock of having you finally agree with one of my choices... But, really. If I've crossed the line dear, I'll stop.” Now it was Twilight's turn. The ball was in her court. Maybe that's what Rarity's plan was all along. Make her finally agree as if she's tired of dealing with Rarity's matchmaking only to leave it up to her to -really- decide on going through with it. Oh. Oh this pony was good... “Y-Yeah.” She began, before stuttering. “W-Wait. No no. I mean.. I don't mind going on a date with Dark Star.” Spike turned, nearly gaping at her. It was enough to make Twilight regret her decision instantly. “Oh Twilight..” Rarity looked like she was on the verge of tears.. “I'll speak with him as soon as I can track him down again. Oh, I tell you he'll be so happy you're interested!” “But..!” Twilight countered, spinning abruptly and snapping her hooves together. “I want to pick the place, and the time. Believe it or not, I -do- have things I have to do.” Rarity just nodded, too overjoyed to argue the details. “Of course of course! We can talk the small things over after I've spoken to him.” She.. still looked rather ecstatic as she pranced up and hugged Twilight tight. Making the bookworm blink. “I'm just.. so... proud...” Spike still looked stunned. It was all Twilight could do to keep from flat out sighing. Was it really that shocking? Did all her friends think she was some sort of stick in the mud, incapable of talking to colts or something? She'd have them know that she had been on dates before! At least two of them! And one wasn't even a study date either. “Oh, look at me.” Rarity leaned back, the hug over-- her hoof coming up to brush her mane. By Celestia, she did have tears in her eyes. “I've gone and spent all day here trying to get you to come around. I should get back to my shop. People will think I've closed down!” “All day?” Spike finally snapped out of it-- but it had Twilight confused too. “It's barely two o'clock.” Rarity looked surprised, glancing towards the windows. “Only two..? But it's so dark out.” The sky outside was almost black. Twilight had failed to even notice the sun had stopped shining through the windows-- having the library lit up to the perfect reading light level like she did. There hadn't been much to give it away save for the dark view outside the glass windows.. “Is it.. supposed to rain today?” She had barely managed to ask before Spike coughed, clutching at his throat for a moment-- before beltching loudly. The unfurling green flame coiling through the air in a bright display before swirling rapidly into the shape of a scroll-- which popped into existence a moment later. Falling right into the hands of her assistant. “Oh my.” Rarity murmured-- about the same time the shuddering of thunder shook the library. “Does Princess Celestia normally send you letters first..?” No. No she didn't. “Spike?” He was already unraveling the parchment-- unfolding it in a hurry, emerald eyes scanning the lines of text that was no doubt from her mentor. The moment his eyes widened and his fists clenched the scroll-- her horn flared to life and took it out of his hands, whisping it before her face. “Twilight..” Rarity pipped up, stepping closer. “What's going on?” Twilight Sparkle. There is little time to adequately inform you of the details, but the storm you will no doubt be seeing is not natural or intended. Inform Ponyville's weather patrol to immediately take action. Tell the town ponies to seek shelter. I cannot stop it without leaving Canterlot to fall to ruins. Princess Luna will be there as soon as she can be spared. Make haste my student. Lives are at stake. - Princess Celestia “Rarity.” The scroll fell to the floor. “Go home. Tell everypony you see to find cover, and tell them to tell every pony they see. Take Spike with you.” Rarity blinked-- glancing to the scroll, then back to Twilight. Who's horn was flaring up even as she stared at her with the most serious expression she'd ever seen. “T-Twilight..?” But in a flash of white light, Twilight was gone. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Another rumble of thunder made her worry even more. In the distance, the approaching wall of dark clouds lit up like a fireworks display-- streaks of hot white lightning arching through it's dark core and upon the ground below. One look was all it took Rainbow to tell that this storm wasn't your average storm. There was something off. Even more off than how quick it'd spread from Canterlot today. She'd been home all day. Some practice flying before slipping inside for a late lunch. Hardly had she finished that when the rumbling thunder brought her back outside-- and this was waiting for her. That small cloud system spreading to this massive monster. In fact, Canterlot was completely obscured by the distant haze of torrential rainfall. But even more disturbing, was the flare of lightning. Almost never ending. Seemingly centered where Canterlot should be. What's going on over there...? The last vestiges of blue sky were beginning to recede. The clouds from this storm were rolling into Ponyville turf. Her turf. -That- never happened. Weather was restricted between areas unless otherwise agreed upon between towns to share a storm or cloudy sky. Even -if- Canterlot was supposed to be getting pounded by this monster storm, there was -no- way it was supposed to enter Ponyville. Her eyes narrowed and her wings fluttered to life as she hopped off from her cloud based home, rain goggles (Wonderbolt imitations) in tow atop her head. Eager to get a closer look at what she was dealing with. But, before she could so much as float up higher, a flash of white snapped up from below. And it most assuredly wasn't lightning. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called from the field below her sky home-- her voice carried over the building breeze. “Thank goodness I caught you!” “Twilight?” Rainbow wasted no time in turning downward-- swooping in a quick spiral till she was hovering before her unicorn friend, who was wobbling on her hooves in the slightest. No doubt from the teleportation spell she'd just used. “You here about the storm? I was just about to go have a look to check--” “Yes!” Twilight nearly shouted, a look in her eyes that Rainbow most assuredly didn't like. “It's bad Rainbow. Real bad. I don't know what caused it, but Princess Celestia herself sent me a letter to get everypony to shelter right away!” Rainbow blinked. The Princess herself? “This thing came from Canterlot. I saw it earlier and it was nothing more than a squall!” “I don't know what it can be, Rainbow. I just know it's bad. Celestia would never send me such a short letter asking for my help like she did unless she's wrapped up in the thick of it and it's seriously critical.” Her mind drifted back to the flashes of lightning seemingly coming from Canterlot's mountain. Just how bad was it there if it was keeping the Princess from just whisking all this away in a blink of an eye? “She told me to rouse the weather ponies.” Twilight continued on, looking up at her desperately.. “I don't think she knew that Ponyville only has one during the summer or if she just forgot in her hurry, but you were the first pony I thought needed to know what was going on.” Rainbow looked from Twilight to the flashing wall of storm rolling their way.. “I'm.. not sure what I'm supposed to do about that-- exactly..” Reaching up with her hooves, she tugged the blue rimmed goggles down over her eyes. Making sure they fit nice and snug. “Not until I get a closer look anyways.” “Of course. I'll head back into town and make sure everypony stays inside where it's safe. But before you go--” Her horn flared up, and she stepped forward till Rainbow could feel it's warmth flutter around her for a moment before it faded as quickly as it came. “There. Now I can speak to you over distance.” Rainbow cocked her head to the side. Twilight noticed. “If you focus enough on me and think what you want to tell me, I'll hear it.” She spoke to her again a moment later, without moving her mouth-- her voice just an echo in Rainbow's head. “And I can do the same with you.” Under any other circumstances, Rainbow would be wow'd by just how awesome that was. But the darkening sky and the rumble of rapidly approaching lightning clouds kind of kept things down to earth. “Alright. I'll let you know when I reach the storm front.” Without waiting, Rainbow zoomed off in a blur-- flapping her feathered wings hard to gain altitude as she headed for Ponyville's north eastern farmland. “Sounds like a plan.” Twilight's voice echoed in her mind again. For a moment she felt her presence. Mostly when it faded suddenly, only to re-solidify a moment later. Her voice sounding a bit faint and weary, “I-I'm back in Ponyville now.” Rainbow swallowed hard as the wind began to pick up-- feeling it in her wings before anything else. Sweet Apple Acres was on the front lines. The buffer zone between Ponyville and the coming storm. If she hurried, she could get there before the worse rolled in. Maybe she could pull something off to spare the Apple family any more misfortune this season. Was this the excitement you wanted? The nervousness bit at her mind. Making sure she would eat her words. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Pinky glanced up at the clinking pots and pans that hung from their racks in the kitchen of Sugar Cube Corner, the last reverbs of thunder rolling on by after a few more moments. It was only then that she released her breath. Turning her worried eyes back around to the front of the store. “I don't know everypony.. This storm looks like it's just getting worse.” She trotted back out front, where Mr. and Mrs. Cake were busy talking to the family of customers that remained in the store. “You know I'd throw a party no matter what the weather was looking like, but I don't know how many other ponies would want to come with it looking this bad.” The smallest, a magenta coated and violet maned little filly with a tiara cutie mark, stomped her hooves. “My birthday party cannot wait for any storm! Daddy!” She rounded about on the older gentlecolt beside her-- looking livid. “I. Want. A. Party!” “Now now sweetums.” The girl's mother stepped in, speaking softly. Utterly whipped by her daughter. “What's the point of having a party if no one can make it? You know your father and I can give you a proper ceañera on our own until you can throw your party tomorrow.” The little filly would have none of that-- and Pinky Pie had to admire her desire for parties with how shocked and appalled she looked at having to put it off for a whole day! “Tomorrow isn't going to be -my- birthday anymore! How do you think it'll look to have my party a day late!?” Mr. and Mrs. Cake didn't look the least bit amused by this. In fact, they looked rather down. No doubt because bad weather drove away good business. And standing around listening to a spoiled little pony whine to her parents was certainly not a better alternative to good business. “Perhaps tomorrow morning would be better.” Mrs. Cake began, putting on a sweet face for the belittled couple. “Mr. Cake and I can even bake a fresh birthday pie to--” A flash outside make all their breath's catch in their throats-- nevermind the sudden boom of thunder that quickly followed. “Oh dear.. It's really getting bad out there..” Pinky politely slipped from around the counter and marched to the front of the store, peering out the front of the shop's large window at the dark streets where many-a-pony ran to and fro, securing their outside stalls against the surely coming rain. “Tomorrow would be best.” Mr. Cake stepped in, his voice a bit more stern than that of his wife. “Even if this storm is unscheduled, it still seems like it'll be a doozy. Little miss Diamond Tiara wouldn't want all her presents to be blown away... I'm sure.” He was actually not well known for his patience... “Of course not!” The mother didn't seem to notice, speaking with shock at the thought! “Then what would my poor baby get for her birthday?” The little filly huffed, looking almost like she might be on the verge of tears. Thankfully, she didn't argue the issue further. Mr. Cake most certainly had made a valid point! “Tomorrow it is then!” The colt shook Mr. Cake's hoof, turning towards the door-- Pinky Pie smiling broadly as she stepped out of their way. “I'll see you tomorrow then Miss Pinky Pie. Bright and early?” The party pony gave him a salute, “Yessir! Bright and early!” No sooner had the door opened did Rarity quickly run in with Spike clinging to her back-- nearly bowling over the foal's father in the process. “Pinky Pie! Mr. and Mrs. Cake!” She looked at the family who stood off to the door's side-- who blinked back at her, confused. “You... ponies! You all must take shelter immediately!” “Rarity?” Pinky was happy to see her friends-- but not all panicky and strung out like the normally dapper unicorn looked at the moment. “It's just a rumbly stormy storm. There's no reason to be afraid of it!” Spike hopped off Rarity's back. “This is different Pinky!” Even he looked shook up. “Twilight got a letter from Celestia! It was urgent! She told us to tell everypony we saw to get to cover before she ported off. Probably to Rainbow's.” “Dashy's?” Pinky blinked, while the Cakes just exchanged worried glances. “Why there?” “She's the only weather pony on duty.” Rarity quickly turned and glanced out the door-- ignoring the family beside her, who were too busy watching to complain at her blocking the door. “And she's going to have her worked cut out for her in this weather I'm afraid. Twilight looked absolutely serious when she read that letter.” “I don't blame her.” Mrs. Cake cut in, crossing out from behind the counter herself. “If Princess Celestia says we should all take cover, then I suppose we should all be taking cover.” Finally the gentlecolt father cleared his throat, stepping to the front of his family. “Then I think we'd best be getting home then, before the rain starts and my Diamond gets her mane ruined before the party tomorrow.” “Nonsense!” Mrs. Cake was quick to jump in, looking adamant. “You can stay here. At least until the weather passes. That storm could hit any minute now.” Even as she spoke, the first droplets of rain splattered against the window. Making the young filly groan beside her consoling mother. “Oh we couldn't do that..” The mother began, looking like she was searching for a way out of spending all day in the bakery rather than just being polite.. “We would never.. want to..” She trailed off, looking mightily confused.. There was a sound that nopony could rightly place. It started as a distant rumble, but slowly began to grow to a constant roar. Outside, it seemed as if it grew darker within seconds-- the wind suddenly picking up enough to topple over a nearby cart stand. Rolling whisps of rain water beating across the cobble stone square. That sound.. wasn't rain, though. “Everypony.” Mr. Cake took charge, opening up the divider of the counter-- a stern look on his face as he moved aside. “There's a cellar under the kitchen floor. I think we should move to it.” Even the spoiled foal's family didn't seem to want to argue at this point-- the foal herself huddled close to her mother as they wordlessly trotted towards the kitchen. Pinky turned towards the door, glancing out the windows long enough to see that same overturned cart start to drag itself down the street.. “Pinky Pie. You too.” She nodded, but took the time to flick the lock and turn their sign around to 'Sorry, We're Closed'. Before twirling about to Rarity and Spike, who were busy looking at each other in worry. “Come on you two!” She bounced over, giving both nudges towards the kitchen. “It's not everyday you get to see the Cake's cellar! I'll give you the whole tour!” She was glad they got moving and didn't question why her tone was slightly un-Pinkified. She had one of her trademarked bad feelings. And not one she'd ever had before. It was a burning in her gut that was still eating at her even as they descended into the dark basement. The sound of wind outside ripping around the house. Howling in fury. Something bad was happening.. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• If the skies were rough a few minutes ago.. they were something else now. Rain was flooding her vision, beating against her goggles and her face till her cheeks were numb. She could make out the rushing buildings below, eying the occasional pony running for shelter, or closing their window shutters. Of course, this was all just for a moment or so. She was a blur across Ponyville's skyline. Before long, she was across the city and over rural fields and stretches of clearings that were completely void of life. “Twilight?” She focused on the unicorn. “You still with me?” “Of course.” The reply was instant, and Rainbow couldn't suppress the sigh of relief she gave. “I'm back at the library. The rain is getting rough here. So's the wind. Where are you?” Rainbow glanced down again, watching a winding road-- half hidden in fog-- spread out before her. A good forty to fifty feet below. “On the road to Applejack's. Just outside of Ponyville.” “Good. You're making good time.” She sounded worried. More than she was moments ago. “Do you... hear that?” Rainbow listened, but over the rustle of the wind and rain, it was hard to hear anything other than Twilight-- and that was just because she was inside her head. “I can't hear anything up here. What's it sound like?” A pause.. “Must just be the wind.. I've never seen it this bad before..” Neither had Rainbow, but she didn't let Twilight know that. She could handle these winds. Even if they buffeted against her wings to the point that Rainbow was constantly shifting from side to side. The rain made everything all the more difficult. Limiting her view distance and cutting against her body like little needles. She barely made out the foggy outline of a massive apple tree before it was upon her-- causing her to suddenly curve up higher into the air, which caught the wind against her wings and caused a spin before she could even compensate. “A-Alright..” She panted, struggling to stay still in these crazy crosswinds. “I -think- I'm at Sweet Apple Acres now..” “Thank goodness..” Twilight's relief flooded into her mind. The feeling was eery. “What do you see? Can you see the storm clouds?” Rainbow glanced around as best she could. Seeing nothing but the hazy sheets of rain guided by rolling winds. “Uh.. No.. But I can go higher.” “-Only- if it's safe enough to, Dash.” Twilight's serious tone disturbed her enough back at her home. Through her mind? It did all the more. “If you're having trouble flying at this altitude, going higher is only going to be more diff--” “Wait!” Rainbow watched as the winds struggled to continue their made swirl before they leveled into blowing in a single direction-- the rain that had been whipping about at random now falling in a single uniform direction. Stinging against her left side. “The weather is shifting!” She hesitated in thinking that maybe the storm was passing. It was still far too dark. But for a bit, at least, the winds eased up in their crazy torment. And the rain lessened to the point that her view distance increased exponentially. The battered but sturdy apple trees spreading out across hills in front of her. She knew where she was now. “I'm just north east of the farm! I must of overshot it.” She tested the winds further, pumping her wings to rise in altitude till she was a good fifty meters in the air. The wind was creepily calm up here. The air warm and humid. “Somethings not right...” “R-Rainbow Dash..” Twilight was panicked. Disturbed. As if something must of dawned on her. “That noise..” Now Rainbow could hear it. The sound was deep. Deep and howling. It reminded her of the train they rode to Applesoosa. Except louder. Ten fold. Even before she knew what it was, Rainbow's heart chilled at the sound. And that fear must of reached Twilight. “What do you see Rainbow Dash?” Her eyes darted back and forth, scanning the foggy distance for anything. Anything out of the ordinary in a storm like this. Would she even recognize it? Would she even see it in time? Could she be wrong? “What do you see?” A twisting, massive figure faded into view. A silhouette of black against the backdrop of grey. It's massive body bent and ever moving, dancing across the distance. The figures of trees, massive in size but dwarfed by this monster, disappeared within it's body. Consumed by the ravenous beast of nature's fury. A beast only seen in the Everfree forest. A beast of legend. And on it's flanks came two more. Just as big. Just as powerful. Just as frightening. By Celestia... “Tornados...” She barely felt anything but her heart hammering in her chest. Feeling like it would burst. “Lots of them!”
Main 6,Dark,Romance,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
On Feathered Wings
<p> Losing the defining thing that makes you who you are would be hard for anypony. Where do you go from there? How do you cope? How do your friends? How hard is it to start from scratch? Rainbow Dash never had to worry about these things. Not until the worst storm in Equestrian history. Now she has to cling to that which she still has, and discover for herself that there is much more out there to live for than she originally believed.</p>
The dark clouds rolled overhead as she ushered the small raccoon family inside their den-- the rustling of the wind making her mane whip about her face as she quickly moved onto the next. Giving the family of opossums a solid nudge with her snout to get them moving. “Oh please hurry.” She urged them as they hopped into the safety of their little woodland home. “There isn't much time!” All about her wind chimes sounded, bird gourdes conked, and the occasional loose bag of depleted feed went spiraling off into the air. Not that Fluttershy noticed. She was too preoccupied. Her friends needed her. “Oh, oh my, please get inside!” The wind was ripping past her, howling as it bent through the swaying trees-- showering her yard in green leaves. It didn't stop her from seeing a small fox kit quickly into it's hole. Having to resort to charging it-- scaring it into hiding. “P-Please forgive me..” To say she was in a panic would be.. somewhat of an understatement. Any normal pony would be scared. Her? She was terrified. And the sight of all her critters, bounding about in confusion as the storm began to cross over her home upon her arrival was enough to drive her to tears. “The birds..” She glanced up, scanning the branches of the tormented trees. The birdhouses on top of her posts. The swaying and clonking gourds she carved for them. All of them empty. Not a single panicked chirp to be heard. “W-What happened to the birds?” There was a tug against her mane, and she almost shrugged it off as a stray limb flying through the air. But it persisted, which made her spin about in shock. “A-Angel Bunny..?” The white furred rabbit let go of her pink mane-- looking at her with scared, pleading eyes before he turned towards her house. The cottage with the window shutters flapping noisily. Creaking against the building wind and sheets of heavy rain that was beginning to ripple across her disorderly yard. “But.. the critters..” Her eyes scanned around the burrows. Seeing the frantic forms of skunks, rabbits, squirrels-- all running about in circles. Their wild scared eyes lost to reason. “I.. I can't leave them Angel Bunny..!” He tugged again-- just as the crack of lightning shattered the sky, sending a tree no more than twenty yards away falling to the ground. The shock of which made her heart stop, and the scream she gave rivaled that of her animal friends. While deer jumped and bucked wildly, a badger broke from the clearing and into the woods. Disappearing inside the underbrush before Fluttershy could even mouth a protest. Her knees were shaking, her wings were latched against her flanks. There was a mind numbing fear crawling through her core-- rooting her in place. Making her shrink against the wet grass as the wind and the rain threatening to send her tumbling. All around her the animals screamed. They stormed about in frantic circles, knocking over lawn tools and feeders, each other, and even trampled Angel Bunny. Sending the white furred rabbit into the mud and muck with a squeak lost in the howling winds. Her body screamed to flee. To run inside the house and hide under the table. The animals were sure to die. They weren't meant for this weather-- spoiled as they were on Equestria's tamed nature. But they were her friends. Every bit as much as Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and the others. They trusted her, despite everything in their body probably telling them to do the opposite. She'd healed them, fed them, looked after them.. What was she if she couldn't do that now? There wasn't enough time to think. She had to make a decision. She had to mare up and take charge. Something in Fluttershy snapped, and a familiar feeling rushed through her veins. “EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME!” Somehow, even over all the rain and wind, almost every critter within her cottage yard all came to a stop-- turning their scared and shocked eyes upon her in one motion. Even as she bolted for her home up the hill, kicking open the door with a mighty rear of her back hooves. “Inside! NOW!” There was a moment of dead silence before, as one once again, the woodland creatures in her care that were too afraid to find their respective dens stampeded up the grassy yard and through the wooden doorway of her house. Filing past her as she galloped over to the nearest window and slammed the wildly flailing shutters to a close. Latching them in earnest. By the time she worked around the house and secured the ones that mattered, she was drenched and wind had swept her mane back with leaves and twigs sticking from it at odd angles. Forcing the door to a shut against the rushing wind, she caught sight of hundred year old oaks snapping at their bases. Bending to the will of the wind till they looked like they'd break clean in half. It was a relief when she got the door shut. Watching them fall and suffer was every bit as painful as knowing some of the creatures out there were abandoned. Abandoned by her. Latching it securely, she spun about, sinking against it's frame with a shuddering gasp. Her living room was crowded with over a dozen animals. Deers, squirrels, that skunk family, even a snake or two. And they were all looking at her from their respective hiding places. Peering out with scared and wide eyes. She imagined she looked pretty frightening right now.. “I-I'm sorry..” She wheezed, feeling sick all of the sudden. The adrenalin pumping through her was always short lived. Angel Bunny bounced over and into her lap before she could manage to say anymore-- grabbing her neck with a fierce bunny hug as the splintering of wood outside echoed through the dark and eerily silent home. Fluttershy's tears streaked down her already wet face. “What's happening..?” •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Inside the library was a mess, her notes and books ruffling in the strong air current that flowed through the open door she swiftly kicked shut behind her. She was worried at first.. but then remembered that this was the mess she left it in. She really was a messy pony. Messy pony or not, that didn't stop Twilight from raising her horn and cleansing her wet and matted coat of all the rain water that soaked her to the bone. Leaving her clean of the mud, dirt, and leaves that had pelted her since she sprinted from Rarity's empty beauty shop. Now she was home, and nopony was here. No Spike. No link to Canterlot. No link to Celestia.. There was a constant banging of her bedroom window slamming itself repeatedly against it's frame-- probably already shattered by how hard it was railing against the wood. A quick and simple spell fixed that problem-- her horn flaring up mid stride and shutting the unseen window, repairing any broken glass, and shuttering itself in mere seconds. Then the rest of the windows followed suit almost instantly. A series of dull thunks and mechanical latching sounds filling the empty building. -Now- the library was almost completely silent. “Twilight? You still with me?” She didn't hesitate to answer, her horn already shifting through books on the shelves-- tossing those she didn't need down to the floor as if they were nothing. “Of course. I'm back at the library. The rain is getting rough here. So's the wind. Where are you?” The pegasus' relief was felt instantly-- and a pang of worry flowed through the unicorn in turn. Rainbow was scared. ”On the road to Applejack's. Just outside of Ponyville.” Sheesh.. Rainbow really was one fast flier. “Good. You're making good time.” It was then that she heard a distant wailing. A distant churning thunder that didn't disappear, no matter how long she held her breath. “Do you... hear that?” She held her breath again, a tingle of fear racing down her spine as she examined the sound in her scientific way-- trying to filter out the wind that was howling through the branches of her library home and pulling at her latched, secure shutters. “I can't hear anything up here. What's it sound like?” She wasn't imagining it.. it wasn't the wind. No storm should sound like that. No storm -she'd- been through before sounded like that. “Must just be the wind.. I've never seen it this bad before..” She silently hoped Rainbow didn't detect her lie outright. “Alright Twilight. Think.” She said this to herself, rather than to her linked friend. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what book she was looking for. What tomb she needed to attract. What would have the answer that would put this new fear to rest. A moment passed, and suddenly the knowledge came to her. With a burst of speed she galloped to the other side of her library-- horn already doing the work for her in chucking books from the desired shelf. Till one fit the right weight, look, and feel of the old dusty book she needed. “A-Alright.. I -think- I'm at Sweet Apple Acres now.” If she made it that far without seeing one.. “Thank goodness.. What do you see? Do you see the storm clouds?” “Uh.. No.. But I can go higher.” She retracted the book to her, holding it up and giving a hearty blow against it's cover. Sending dust floating from it's title. “-Only- if it's safe enough to, Dash.” They weren't in the clear just yet. Just because Dash didn't see one didn't mean it wasn't out there. Those sounds weren't the wind's doing. “If you're having trouble flying at this altitude, going higher is only going to be more diff-” “Wait!” There was a tone to her voice that made Twilight freeze-- before her mind snapped back into her current action. The book that was still hovering in the dimmed light of her horn's glow. It was a tattered and old copy-- obviously an edition or two behind the one back in Canterlot-- but it was sure to have what she needed. It slapped itself upon the nearby table, and the wick candle lit itself almost in tandem. Twilight was lucky she was a unicorn. “The weather is shifting!” No.. Unnatural Natural Oddities and Phenomenon of the Everfree Forest “Alright, lets see.” The title page flipped open-- followed by dozens of other pages written in older pony dialect-- all whirling past in a single blur. Years of dangerous study flowing across her gaze. She'd read this book before. Somewhat remembered what she expected she'd find. The dusty old book stopped flipping through it's own pages-- a written description of the anomoly only witnessed by explorer ponies within the Everfree forest's untouched-by-magic borders. The physical description was paired with an artist's pen scribbled sketch. A whirling mass of pure wind, cloud and debris was depicted. With trees shown flying through the air. Ground and rock ripped from it's place and carried with ease into the sky. “I'm just north east of the farm! I must of overshot it.” Twilight's eyes were torn quickly from the image-- scanning the bullets of notes that lined the introductory page. • It's unnatural arrival patterns are easy to spot even to the most unfamiliar of ponies. Proceeded in most documented cases by advancing natural “thunderstorm fronts”, the cyclone's approach is easily audible from several miles in any direction. Sounding by most accounts akin to the stampeding buffalo in the wild Southwestern lands of our fair country of Equestria, increased by incremental volumes. “Somethings not right...” This was it. The Princess was right. This was no ordinary storm. This was something.. something -natural-. Something magic could not control. “R-Rainbow Dash..” And by Celestia.. it'd only grown louder. Burying it's terribly hum into Twilight's memory. “That noise..” She felt Rainbow's concentration waver. A brief feeling of understanding and confirmation registering to Twilight's subconscious before a numbing fear echoed through their link. It blended with Twilight's, and she had to blink her eyes to bite back tears. “What do you see Rainbow Dash?” Pivotal moments were spent with Twilight hovering over this book, her eyes unfocused on it's page-- flittering between the font and the crude drawing. Please be wrong. Please be wrong. Please be wrong. A cold fear resonated through the link. “Tornadoes.. Lots of them!” •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• “Boy howdy. It sure is lookin' mighty rough out there.” “Eeyup.” Big Macintosh barely looked up from the oats he was busy eating at the kitchen table. Apple Bloom didn't even acknowledge she was there. The Apple family kitchen was cramped enough for the three of them, but even Applejack had to admit the place had taken a turn for the worse as of late. Dirty dishes were piled in the sink, the counters hadn't been wiped down in a good week, and the floor could go for a sweeping and a mop. She briefly filed those chores onto the list of other things she had to do. Making a disgruntled moan as she slumped into a chair opposite her huffing little sister. “I swear Rainbow told me we had clear skies all week. I reckon I ain't rememberin' it right or she's gon' and made a right mess of things on this one.” “I'd say you're just not rememberin' it right.” Big Mac murmured, chewing on his oats nice and slowly. “Your friend does a fine job with the weather 'round 'ere, even if she's peculiar when goin' about gettin' the job done.” The pride in Applejack took a wee bit of a sting at that, her voice dropping a little lower. “Darn straight she does, but my memory ain't -that- bad.” At least, she was pretty sure it wasn't. “May I go to Sweetie Belle's after the storm?” Apple Bloom sounded every bit upset, with her front legs crossed across her chest and that scowl still on her face. “We've got business to be tendin' to.” Before Applejack could answer, Big Mac took care of it. “Not 'til you finish them chores. And I don't want to hear no whinin' over it neither. You're the filly that wanted to go apple buckin' instead of taking care of what needed to be done this mornin'.” So they were both getting fed up with this surge in attitude lately. Apple Bloom had always been a handful, but was a good filly at heart. Still was. But she was getting older. And getting older normally made the cutest foal into the most stubborn filly. “Oh that would be great!” The maturing youngster threw her hooves in the air-- rolling her eyes. “Just what I want. A cutie mark of a freshly made bed. Or wait! Maybe a pretty feather duster would be better!” Applejack's eyes narrowed, “Oh simmer down little Missy. No way no how is your special talent cleanin'.” The filly's hoofs smacked upon the table-- eyes glaring daggers. “Yer darn right it's not! It's something not borin'! You wouldn't know nothin' about that, would ya AJ?” “And what in tarnation is that supposed to mean?” “We can't all be blessed with the dignified, ultra-rare talent of apple pickin'!” Apple Bloom waved her front hooves through the air in some silly fashion. “How fascinatin' and interestin'!” “That fascinatin' and interestin' talent of mine is what puts bits in our wallets and food on this table.” She could feel her teeth grinding against one another. Her little sister was going over the line. Outside, a flash of light and loud rumbling thunder shook the mugs on the countertop. “Yeah, right. I guess that's why we're eatin' old oats and borrowin' berries from Fluttershy, isn't it?” Apple Bloom wasn't pulling any punches. “Maybe -I- should go stay with auntie and uncle Orange for a while. At least there I can eat fresh food.” Her hooves slapped upon the table before she realized it-- the chair skidding out from under her. “Yeah!? Well maybe so, but I don't think you need to be goin' nowhere for a while! Why don't you just mosey on up to your room and see if being grounded is your special talent.” Big Mac had long since rolled his eyes and just gone back to chewing on his oats-- while her sister had leaped to her hind legs in her chair with her front hooves planted against the table. Fury racking her shoulders. “You can't ground me! You ain't ma', and you ain't Granny neither!” Applejack would respond in kind, leaning over the table till she was nearly nose to nose with her younger sibling. “I may not be Granny but I'm older, smarter, and know what's best for you.” She lifted one front leg and pointed her hoof towards the hall leading to the stairs. “Now go to your--!” There was the sound of a loud smash-- and shattered glass sprinkled across the kitchen floor; instantly silencing Applejack and making both the fillies jump and move back from the kitchen window.. or what was left of it. A massive limb from what could only be an apple tree was stuffed through the porthole-- swinging about as the torrential wind outside yanked and snatched at it in a frenzy. No sooner did Big Mac manage to spin around, dropping his bowl of oats on the floor, did it surrender to the wind's desire and sweep itself back outside. Disappearing in the twirling, dark sheets of rain that were whipping across the farm-- and filling the already disorganized and messy kitchen with a glistening sheen of rain water. Nopony spoke for a few moments... “What.. the hay.. was that?” Apple Bloom had fallen from her chair, but was staring at the ruined remains of the kitchen window-- remaining on the floor. The roar of the storm was enough to make it hard to hear her little sister, but Applejack moved past the shock long enough to hear the whimper of Winona at her hooves. The little dog curled up and shivering in fear. “I reckon this ain't no regular storm.” Big Mac turned upon his sisters-- looking Applejack dead in the eyes. “Think it's wise we move to the cellar.” Applejack gaped towards the window a few more moments before she nodded. Eyes blinking back and forth between her brother and the fierce storm brewing outside.. “Yeah.. Yeah. Sounds good.” She brushed her toppled over chair out of the way, kneeling down to usher her sister over. “C'mon sugarcube.” And without a single protest-- their fight either forgotten or on hold-- Apple Bloom scampered under the table and beside her sister. Clearly disturbed. “T-The cellar?” “Eeyup.” Big Mac stepped around the two ladies-- moving towards the front door. “It's 'round the side of the house so we--” “Gotta go outside?” Apple Bloom was shivering on one side of her and Winona on the other, and Applejack couldn't blame either of em. The sounds of this storm just weren't natural, and they could hear another window upstairs break and dull thuds as heavy objects battered against the roof. “Just stay next to your sister!” No sooner did he undo the latch to the front door did it swing inwards and slam against the wall, making Winona yelp. “Let's go!” Big Macintosh was first out the door, and he had to lean into the wind just to move against it. Applejack quickly moved in behind him, standing in the wash of the air that ripped against them as the Apple family moved out upon their porch, then down into the wet and flat grass. Apple Bloom was at her back leg, pushing into her sister-- and she could feel Winona moving beneath her. Keeping up with her master. The cellar doors were around the side of the barn house-- which creaked and shuddered against the strongest gales Applejack had ever see. No sooner did Big Mac undo the lock to the wide, thick wooden door did he yank it open by the knotted rope tied to it's handle. Exposing the stone steps leading down into the dark. “Everypony inside!” He shouted at them over the wind, but Applejack only understood him by reading his lips. She looked down and gave her sister and push with her hoof before another with her snout. Watching her little filly run down the stairs with her dog on her flank. Big Macintosh busied himself trying to haul the door back up-- pulling it against it's rusty hinges. The wind was making it difficult, but he dug his legs in and pulled with all his work horse might. Bringing the door to it's mid arch. “Down you go!” He muffled at her, his teeth biting into the thick rope. She went to do as he said, before a flash in the distance caused her to pause. A rainbow trail was cutting through distance clouds, diving out of sight before she could even affirm what she was seeing. “Rainbow's out there!” Her brother hadn't seen it. He was too busy staring her down. “Ya can't do anything about that! Get down the stairs now!” She wanted to protest, but his eyes scared her as much as the storm had. Never had he been so serious, and the sounds of planks ripping themselves from their house above them tore into her conscious. Applejack only glanced up into the dark sky one last time before ducking her head and entering the cellar. When the thick wooden door was pulled to a close behind her brother, there was an immediate rush of silence and pitch black dark that enveloped everything. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Weather ponies were prepared for everything. It was a mandate. A requirement set into being by the higher ups of Cloudsdale. A rigorous year long program that kept her from striking it out on her own for far longer than she would've liked. A constant, boring daily drill on what sort of clouds were best for whatever sort of days. Which ones needed to be bucked and which ones needed to be allowed to float on by. One couldn't count the number of times Rainbow had fallen asleep during those classes. The only times she could enjoy herself were during the in-the-field training days. There she showed just how capable she was in the air. Even if she had a lackluster drive for the “job” of cloud clearing. It was a stepping stone, she reasoned. She needed to get by with the bits so she could make a name for herself. But there were breaks in the mundane lessons. Some of the pegasi found them distracting. Needless. But Rainbow welcomed them. Certain trainers would break out old books and point out moments in Equestrian history of particularly violent weather systems, or famous weather phenomenon that were tamed by their breed of pony. Some were small time. Odd dust storms in the rolling plains of the southwest. The occasional tropical storm that would blow in from untamed seas. Nothing particularly amazing by her standards. But there were others. Others that hadn't been touched by pegasi, out of caution or out of rarity. A large majority of these storms were just reported from other lands. From within the gryphon kingdom for instance. Only one place in Equestria offered these strangest and most deadly weather shows. The Everfree forest. Magic was non-existent there for over a thousand years. Within the magically tended to lands of the kingdom, the weather was closely maintained and watched after. Through subtle magic or through less subtle weather ponies like herself. But tales crept out of the dark forests, where no such safety nets existed, of thunderstorms beyond imagining and squalls that flooded rivers and collapsed hillsides. She was most fascinated by one legend in particular. Of a system unlike any other. Where rolling cyclones of wind spread mile wide swaths of death and destruction in what was considered the most violent natural occurrences of weather. Dreams of grandeur got to her even then, and she imagined herself wrangling in one of these storms. Flying into their centers and choking the wind out of them till they returned to the sky in shame. She asked her teacher all manners of questions. Drilled him on every eyewitness account. Every experiment that had been done to recreate one of these “tornadoes”. Her teacher, a retired pegasus mare herself, was not at all happy to see Rainbow only paying attention during these lessons. “You'll never seen a tornado in Equestria.”, she had said. “Not even if you fall asleep like you do in class and forget about the weather-- like I'm sure you will.” Time passed, and she graduated among the lowest of her class. That same teacher made sure she didn't get a chance at Canterlot's mostly non-existent weather team. Nor Manehatten's, which was reserved for the best of the best. By the time Dash blinked, all the big cities' rosters were full. There were a few choices. A few small villages here and there, mostly in the middle of nowhere. She narrowed her decision down to two. Ponyville and Hoofington. A town north of here. Closer to the capitol and even a smidgen bit bigger than the one she settled on. The only thing that swayed her decision to chose this place was knowing that her childhood friend Fluttershy had moved here. That and the massive forest that was but a short flight away. Her teacher seemed annoyed. Thinking Rainbow would no doubt fly into Everfree forest and try to be the first to topple some unnamed weather pattern. But by then Rainbow had lost the drive to gain fame through wrestling a tornado or whatever came out of those cursed woods. She was absolutely -sick- of weather. The pay was reasonable, the sky schedule seemed easy, and it wasn't terribly far from Canterlot or Cloudsdale. Now where was that old crone? Rainbow Dash wished she was here. Hovering a hundred feet in the air over Sweet Apple Acres. Most certainly within Equestria's borders. Staring, horror struck, as three of the mythical beasts rolled their terrible masses towards her. Towards her home. Towards -her- town. “Are you certain!?” Twilight sounded absolutely mortified. Apparently she had some idea what they were dealing with. How, Rainbow wasn't sure. But it made it easier to convey just how serious things were. “Positive. I can see the funnels from here.” The two on either side of the center one were going in opposite directions-- curving around the orchards below her. “Twilight.. one's headed right through Sweet Apple Acres. It'll hit Ponyville!” A dark object flew through the sky up ahead of her, and a second of focusing on it gave away it's form as that of an apple tree. Or at least part of one. There were leaves everywhere, Rainbow noticed. Slapping against her flanks and face along with the rain. “I...” Twilight seemed to be struggling to think of anything. “I don't know what to do..” Rainbow didn't have time to waste. She looked down, spotting the red house of the apple family. It was hard to tell through the haze, but it seemed to be losing most of it's roof from how hard the wind was blowing. It seems so much calmer up here.. “The other two will miss the town.. At least by a little bit. Do you know if any of the other farms were evacuated?” “Probably a few, yes. I was able to send some fliers out to the farms to let them know to take cover.” Twilight was starting to calm down a little. Which was good. Her panic was getting to Rainbow. “I thought you could warn Applejack, but I didn't realize how little time we had. Or what we were dealing with.” Applejack..? Rainbow again looked upon the farmhouse. She couldn't see any lights in the windows, or movement for that matter. Were they down there? “Alright Rainbow.. You know about these things, yes? Did they actually teach you how to stop them in Cloudsdale?” Rainbow reached up to double check her goggles, making sure they were snug against her eyes. Then doubled their tightness till her eyes hurt. Didn't want them flying off during this.. “About them, sure. How to stop them? No.” She didn't give Twilight more than a moment to respond before she arched up through the air before diving down towards the ground-- straining her wings to gain the needed speed. The wind rain and errant leaves rushing past her in a roar. “Then I don't know what we can do..” She sounded desperate. Dash didn't blame her. But she wasn't a pony for giving up. Not to weather of all things. “I'll think of something.” No she won't. She's just going to fly in there. She's going to do what she does best, and it'll work out in the end. “Just hang on!” With a mighty flap of her wings, she angled out of her dive and went speeding across the apple tree tops-- holding her front hooves out before her face as she focused on the middle funnel. Watching it cross through the apple orchard like an unstoppable force. Sucking up trees, hay-bales, and picket fences like they were foal toys. “Rainbow, what are you doing?” … What in the hay -was- she doing? She kept flapping her wings, struggling for more speed. The funnel in the distance came into focus. It's ugly dark spiraling body growing bigger the closer Rainbow got to it. The noise was deafening, but she could hear her heart pounding. Even as the world grew darker and darker and the wind began to batter her from all directions. 50 meters out. The roof of the farmhouse rippled and buckled before exploding upward in a massive burst of timber-- retaining most of it's shape before the wind ripped it to sharp pointy shreds. 25 meters out. One of the biggest trees on the farm went rolling across the grounds-- it's massive trunk shattered in half and split up the middle. It's branches crumpled against it's body like they were pressed against it by a mighty hoof. It rumbled and rolled like a disfigured log. Beneath and behind her in seconds. 10 meters.. A deep breath was all she had time for, and she felt the wind struggling to pull her out of her determined drive-- and she gave it no quarter. She angled her wings to take her up, and she turning into the swirling mass of pure wind. Disappearing inside it's body not as fast as she would've liked. She was instantly thrust into the most chaotic scene she'd ever witnessed. Apples, wood, grass, leaves, farm posts, dirt-- everything this monster had consumed swirled about within it's body, following it's swirl in an almost awe inspiring display. It was within this debris field where Rainbow filed in tow-- going faster than the rest of the passengers. Which meant she had to struggle to avoid what she could as best she could. She urged herself to fly faster, to keep ahead of these turbulent forces. That roof had resisted. It'd been destroyed quite viciously. So would she. She squinted her eyes even though they were safely behind the glass of their goggles. Pushed her wings to the extreme even as leaves and Celestia-knows-what-else pelted against her feathers and hide. Faster, Rainbow! She bared her teeth, pushed forward-- felt her mane and her tail whipping against the wind. She wanted to breath, but her lungs felt compressed despite the deep breath she tried to hold on to. She couldn't get air in here. Give it your all or you're going to lose it! She could barely see, but she felt the air pressure skyrocket. The cyclone's body was at it's widest. With the largest of the debris beginning to fly out of it's walls and back into the rest of the world. Probably tumbling through the air hundreds of feet about ground. This was where she wanted to be. She leveled out her spiraling ascent-- fighting against the natural uplift of the wind to keep on the proper trajectory. An amazingly hard feat, but nothing she couldn't handle. Updrafts were her specialty. It was all about the speed now. She could see the trail of her rainbow circling the wall of the tornado. As her wings beat against the air, she managed to watch as it caught up to her. Flying into the multicolored wash of her own slipstream. From outside it would look like a lasso around the neck of a bucking bull-- struggling to keep the beast from ripping free of it's grasp, slowly tightening. Choking it of it's much needed air. She felt something big whip past her-- followed by a torrent of leaves. No doubt another tree. But she was so close. So desperately close. The funnel was constricting upon it's widest point. Cutting itself off from the clouds above that helped fuel it's fury. All she had to do was hang in there. But she needed air.. She struggled. She beat her wings like she'd never done before. She ached and felt everything beginning to grow numb. Dark spots bled through her vision, making even her bright rainbow wash lose much of it's color. She was losing consciousness. With a sharp pitch of her wings, she altered her path so that she, too, was ripped from the funnel. Feeling all control of her flight painfully torn from her, she went spiraling out into the sky. Amongst the many planks of wood and tree limbs she'd flown beside for little more than a minute. It was then that the pressure in her chest lessened, and a deep breath of air wracked her-- jolting her system and making the dark spots recede. The numbness faded into an uncomfortable tingle, and she felt her wings twitch before she could flap them helplessly for a few moments in her uncontrolled tumble. Within seconds, she righted herself, and slowed her descent-- still hundreds of feet above the earth. Panting for the life of her. I'm alive.. Rainbow glanced down at herself, still struggling to take in air. Her front hoofs patted against her body. Checking for injuries. For gaping wounds. Anything. She was okay. Her attention turned to the tornado-- who continued to howl and rampage over the farm towards Ponyville. At first she was afraid she'd done nothing, but she saw around it's funnel's top was a tight ring of multicolored flight wash. Still spinning with the spiral's walls until.. miracoulously, the funnel began to lose it's darkened color. Starting from the ground, the tornado began to tear itself apart. It's choked inner core imploding upwards until it reached her lasso. Where it faded up into the overcast, quick moving sky. Her colors vanishing right along with it. I did it.. I did it.. I did it! Despite the painful gasps for air, the soreness in her wings, the headache that was beginning to flood her oxygen starved mind with pain, Rainbow Dash was laughing. The first pony to take on a tornado, take it down, and live to tell the tale. I can't believe that--“Rainbow!” Twilight's voice was loud enough in her head that Dash was momentarily stunned-- reaching up to clutch at her skull with a sharp gasp of pain. The unicorn's presence reflooded through her head-- and it was in an absolute panic. “I-I'm here! Geez!” Twilight must of gasped-- because Rainbow somehow felt her do it. She had about decided that this spell was far creepier than she cared for. “Oh thank Celestia! What did you just do!?” Now she sounded mad. That felt weird too. “One second you're there, telling me you're about to do something, and the next thing I know I completely lose you. I thought you were -dead-!” Rainbow did too, but she wouldn't admit that. She let her wings slow in their flapping. Feeling her altitude begin to decrease. “I did it Twilight! I flew straight into the funnel and bucked the hay out of it!” “Wha-!?” Twilight sounded stunned. It was enough to make the pegasus fill with pride. Surely that alone would reassure Twilight she'd managed to pull it off. “You.. You did..? Seriously? Rainbow, that's incredible!” “Yeah. It was. Gosh Twilight I wish you could've seen it!” She reached up, pulling her goggles off her eyes-- feeling like they were about to bulge out of her sockets with how tight they'd gotten.. “The other two. I don't see them anymore.” “Don't worry about them.” Twilight sounded more relieved than she'd ever heard her be in the year and a half they'd known one another. “The pegasus ponies I sent out to warn the other farms got back and told me they saw them crossing across the countryside. They're going around Ponyville as we speak.” Now -she- was relieved, visibly slumping in the air as she shut her weary eyes. “Thank the Wonderbolts.. You should've seen em Twi..” “I can.” She quickly replied, her voice sounding shaky but none-the-less happy. “They're literally -that- close. Hopefully everypony is alright out there.” Everypony was going to be okay. Because of her. She'd done the impossible-- saved the town, no doubt. But.. Rainbow's eyes opened in a panic.“Twi.. Sweet Apple Acres is gone.” There was a pause and a dark worry crossed the link between them. “I.. was afraid you'd say that..” “I'm going to go back there. See what I can find. Maybe they had a cellar.. or-or a basement.” She was already fluttering her wings and turning to dive as the fear settled in. “I think I remember Applejack mentioning it once.” “Alright. I've got the messenger ponies here still. I'll send them that way as soon as I can... But it's still so bad out..” Rainbow glanced up at the sky as she soared above the ground. The sky was still dark. Filled with lancing arches of lightning and rolling clouds. Not to mention the pouring rain. “Hold onto the fliers.. Let me see what I find first..” She soared across countryside, beaten and ravaged with uprooted trees and torn, muddied ground. It took her a moment, but she realized that she'd rode that tornado for close to a mile. It probably was within viewing distance of Ponyville before it finally gave up the fight. Nearly a minute later, the wide path of destruction opened up upon the outskirts of Applejack's farm-- with a massive gap missing from the normally orderly lined up apple trees. Not to mention the non-existent picket fence that had once marked the property. The ground was a sea of stumps, downed trees and tree limbs. Apples spread all about. She could only increase her speed, zooming above the remains of the farm as parts of their home began to jut out from beneath the mountains of trees. She crested that final hill, overlooking the core of Sweet Apple Acres, and the cold reality set in. There was nothing spared. The tornado had cut a path clean through the center of the farm. The dirt road was all that was recognizable, and even it looked torn up and like it'd seen better days. The Carrot Top farm was in the distance. Mostly intact, with a bit of damage to their roof all she could see. The Apple family home however.. All that remained was the foundation. Spires of broken wood, painted red, stuck from all around it. Nothing but a facade of the building that had once been there. It looked like something from a nightmare, but it was real. If there was anypony inside that building before it was hit, Rainbow doubted any would still be alive. They got out Rainbow. They got out. She swallowed, kicking off against the air with a sweep of her wings and headed for the home of one of her best friends. Unsure what she'd find. But.. But then she saw them. A dark, winding figure in the distance quickly joined by another. Then another miles off to her left. Then two more further off to the right. They danced their wicked dance and roared their mighty roars. Looking every bit as dangerous and imposing as their siblings which had passed by earlier. “No.. No no no!” As if to answer, the family of twisters simply came into better focus. The wind picking up in kind-- rustling the leaves that remained on all the dead trees that surrounded her. “It's more of them, isn't it Dash?” Rainbow didn't have to ask how she knew that. The wave of crushing defeat that ran through her at their sighting surely crossed that link between them. She didn't have to say a word. “Six.. Seven maybe.. They look smaller than the last group.” She strained her eyes, trying to ignore the rebuilding fear in her heart. “Twilight.. I can't take them all..” She'd barely taken out one. As good as Rainbow was, this many-- even if she let those skirting around the town go-- would kill her. There wasn't any way.. “Unless...” “The Sonic Rainboom?” Could Twilight read her mind? “With this wind? I don't know which option would be worse, Dash.” “Then what Twilight?” She was already beating her wings, pushing herself up in the sky. Leaving the house of her best friend behind-- battered and in pieces. Possibly with her still in it. “If I don't do something, Ponyville will look like Sweet Apple Acres right now. I can't let that happen.” Twilight seemed to give in through their connection, probably frantically looking over her books. Looking at whatever she had at her arsenal. “Alright... You just be careful Rainbow. You hear me?” Rainbow flew higher and higher, spiriting herself up into the dark clouds and straight through them. The flashes of lightning were blinding up here, but she made it through without being fried. One stroke of luck to add upon the mountains of it she accumulated earlier. “I will.” The goggles went back on, and the straps wear tightened yet again. Up here the sky was bright. There was no storm. Just an endless see of clouds stretching out as far as she could see. Dark, flashing, and rolling like an upset ocean. But the sun made it all better. Rainbow Dash looked up at the glowing orb for a few moments until she had to look away-- blinking at the dots that fluttered across her eyes. She almost forgot how pretty Celestia's gift was. After all this, she'd never take another clear sunny day for granted. With a final half loop, she dived down into the clouds below her. Back into the dark. Pumping those wings, even as they screamed the protest against it. Never had she attempted her patented trick on anything but the most perfect of weather conditions, but she didn't have a say this time. Thems were the ropes. The rush was familiar, even with the rain hitting her so painfully. She felt the pull of the air against her mane. The flapping her of tail in her wake. She stuck her front legs out like she was diving. Diving into water, but instead all she could see below her was the ruined farmland she left moments before. With four new funnels rolling across it's already destroyed orchard. She narrowed her eyes behind the goggles she wore-- feeling the resistance in front of her build. She made the only adjustment she could-- pointing her dive towards the center of the group's path. She'd hit it just before they did. Giving them the full brunt of the shockwave that accompanied her best move. It was the last thing she could do before that final burst of speed, pushing herself down as fast as her wings could carry her. Any moving now would ruin the dive. It'd be too late for the Apple family farm. Too late for her friend if she was still down there. And if she failed to do this, it'd be too late for so many ponies in Ponyville.. She focus hard. She had to. She pushed herself to her top speed. Feeling her cheeks pull back and her gums burn against the rushing air. The white barrier flickered across her vision. Just against her hooves. Pushing to stop her from this mad dive. Would she be able to pull out of it? Don't worry about it. You gotta stay in the zone Rainbow. You have to. The barrier expanded-- it coned around her and flickered about her body as she stared at the ground. The rapidly approaching ground. Littered with apples and a destroyed livelihood. It was now or never. She tucked her legs close together and stretched them out, trying to flatten herself as much as she was able to-- feeling that white sheet pushing to keep her from breaking through. But she was relentless. She flapped her wings, she surged forward, she would not relent until her friends and family were safe. The sky exploded into color.
Main 6,Dark,Romance,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
On Feathered Wings
<p> Losing the defining thing that makes you who you are would be hard for anypony. Where do you go from there? How do you cope? How do your friends? How hard is it to start from scratch? Rainbow Dash never had to worry about these things. Not until the worst storm in Equestrian history. Now she has to cling to that which she still has, and discover for herself that there is much more out there to live for than she originally believed.</p>
That dark and rather dank cellar underneath Sugarcube corner was not what Rarity at all imagined it would be. Above them was the most cheerful and cute little shops in all of Ponyville, complete with the most bouncy and cheerfully happy resident in all of Ponyville. The wet and dirty cobblestone basement was dark, depressing, and utterly repulsive. Not only were there spiderwebs on almost everything, but the heavy rain fall was seeping water through the cracks in the walls. It was the last place Rarity would want to visit under regular circumstances, but at the moment? It didn't seem too bad. Not with how the wind outside was howling. Or with how the crash of what could only of been the front of the store's display shattering reached all of them moments after they got down here. She was feeling rather at home, actually. “Pinkie dear, are there any more candles?” That very Earth pony trotted herself from around a row of soggy boxes, shaking her head towards the larger of the two owners of the store. “No Mrs. Cake. All I found is streamers and confetti-- and I refuse to let Spike burn those!” The Cakes smiled towards their sole employee-- while Spike, who was sitting relatively close to a dwindling pile of birthday candles, simply sent one jet of green flame against another candle's tip. Reaching out to place it carefully atop the box they'd mounted them on just as the previous wax stick flickered out. “Mother..?” Diamond Tiara pipped up-- curled against her mother's side like a newborn foal. “I'm getting all wet down here...” The mare didn't seem to care about getting wet. Not now. Not after the roar of the storm had surrounded the building and began to shake it's very foundations like they were in the middle of an earthquake. “Sorry about the state of things down here..” Mr. Cake decided to step in at that precise moment, as if hoping the leaking walls would go unnoticed. “We've been meaning to get this place tidied up for a while. It's a good place to store some of Pinkie Pie's party supplies. Apparently not when it rains..” Pinkie Pie didn't seem to mind her party materials getting a little soggy though. “Aww! No worries Mr. Cake! If we didn't put them down here, we'd have no room for a bakery upstairs. You simply cannot have enough party favors!” Rarity was inclined to disagree, since she was currently sitting on a box of banners and deflated balloons, but she thought it best not to be snooty. That foal had been plenty snooty for the lot of them, as well as the ungrateful father-- who protested hastily at first before the storm had really settled in. Spike sighed from his candlelight seat-- sitting on his butt, seemingly not caring about the water. In fact, he looked rather gloomy-- planting his chin in his palms. “I wish Twilight was here..” “Oh Spike.” Rarity was up on her hooves in a flash. Thankful to be off that soggy box more than anything. “I'm sure she's just fine. Probably up there organizing and overseeing all the shelter efforts. As soon as the storm is over, I'll get you right back to her.” He seemed to brighten up a little. If not at her words, than just at the sound of her voice. “I.. I know.. I'm just worried. I've never seen Twilight that.. that..” “Frazzled?” Pinkie Pie hopped in. “Disturbed? Shocked? Confuzzled?” Rarity gave her a face as Spike just sulked harder. Prompting the pink pony to zip her lips. Mrs. Cake took the initiative-- stepping forward to sit beside the baby dragon. “Rarity is right little one. I've seen that Twilight Sparkle around enough times to know she's got a good head on her shoulders.” Rarity nodded excitedly, “Of course she does! You don't get to be the Princess' student if you don't know how to handle yourself during some little bitty storm.” Of course this storm was anything but little bitty. Not that it seemed to keep Spike from looking a little less down than before. Rarity was relieved, stepping up opposite him to sit within the candlelight. That also didn't harm things as a cute little blush spread across his cheeks.. “Y-Yeah.. You're right. I'm sure she's just fine!” But his face darkened a little bit as he glanced at the withering candle's flame-- reaching out for another one. “I just wish I could with her right now.. What if Celestia sends a letter and I'm not even there to give it to her?” Rarity blinked. Honestly, she hadn't even thought of that. Spike was the only link between them and Canterlot, and Twilight was practically the Princess' instrument during all this. Separating the two of them had cut all of Ponyville off from the only alicorn that knew what to do no matter what. “I'm sure Miss Sparkle will manage.” Mrs. Cake stepped in once again-- reaching over to lay a comforting hoof against Spike's back. “When the storm has passed I'm sure Miss Rarity and Pinkie Pie will get you safely back to her.” Pinkie Pie was quick with a salute, flashing an uncharacteristically tame smile Spike's way. “You bet! I'm sure she'll be at the library. Or out there working that unicorn pony magic on those lightning clouds.” “I just hope whatever she's doing is helping things..” Rarity muttered, glancing up at the roof of the cellar. She swore she could feel the ground shaking.. “If she's got Dashie with her, I'm sure they're taking care of business! I mean, have you ever seen how she bucks those clouds?” Pinkie Pie leaped into the air, kicking her back legs out in an admittedly good imitation of the pegasus. “She's all like, BAM! And BOOSH! And-!” She suddenly stopped, landing on the ground-- giving a mighty twitch and a kick of her back left leg. Her tail frizzled up like she'd just been shocked-- and her eye bugged out in a most disturbing manner.. “Pinkie..?” All at once, the weird mannerisms stopped-- and Pinkie blinked. Looking clueless as to what just happened. “Oh my..” Before Rarity even had a chance to ask what the fuss was all about, the room shook and a loud boom filled the air. Everypony's head snapped up to glance at the floor above, which sprinkled them with dust for a few seconds as the explosion of sound faded into a distant rumble. “W-What w-w-was t-that?” Diamond Tiara's father stuttered, shivering against his equally terrified family. Rarity craned her head to listen.. but found that it was creepily quiet. No sounds of rain. Only distant sounds of thunder and the fading rumble of whatever had just passed over.. “The Sonic Rainboom.” At once, all eyes turned to Pinkie Pie. Who was still staring almost blankly into space. Her mind seemingly processing untold masses of information at once. “What?” Rarity raised her hoof to her chest in surprise-- cocking her head to the side. “How do you even know that?” The pink earth pony just rolled her eyes, “Did you not see the twitchy brow, ear flicker, tail spazzer-- leg kicker, eyeball bulger, flank twitcher thingy-ma-jig I just did? Dashie just did a Rainboom!” Spike was the first one to stop gaping.. “What does that mean..? Why would Rainbow do a Rainboom?” Rarity glanced down, her eyes flicking side to side as she struggled to think of a reason. The only time she'd seen Rainbow do one was when she was plummeting to certain death. It was no small task. Sure, this storm was the worst she'd ever seen-- but what was a little rain and a little wind? There had to be safer ways for Dash to clear the skies. Unless things were worse than she imagined. “Alright. That's it.” Spike hopped up to his feet, and with a deep breath-- breathed his green fire upon one last candle before setting it down next to the almost depleted one from earlier. “I'm going to go find Twilight.” Mrs. Cake looked shocked. “But.. Dear.. You can't! The storm, it--” “Stopped.” Rarity said, stepping next to the baby dragon-- who glanced up at her curiously. “At least for the moment.. I can't hear anymore rain.” The group listened for a few seconds, but sure enough. There was no sound other than the trickle of water upon the stone floor. Pinkie Pie bounded over next to them-- her smile right back upon her face. “Sounds like just the break we needed! We can get to Twilight's in no time flat.” Mrs. Cake did not look happy, but she bit her lip and said nothing more. Mr. Cake stepped over to give his wife a quick nuzzle, glancing to the three of them. “You all just be careful. I can still hear thunder out there. I don't think this is over us just yet.” Rarity nodded, leaning down to let Spike eagerly jump and straddle her back-- his tiny hands gripping her mane. “We will Mr and Mrs. Cake. Thank you so much for letting us stay in your cellar.” She glanced down at where the water had risen up her hoofs. The whole place was partially flooded by now. She grit her teeth in the most awkward of smiles.. “It's been a most interesting experience..” “I'll be back lickity split!” Pinkie Pie hopped forward to give her bosses and quick group hug-- before twirling about to the stairs and trotting her way up them happily. Rarity followed, glancing towards the young filly cowering with her family across the cellar. Despite their reluctance at the shelter earlier, they certainly weren't coming now. Quickly bounding up the stairs, the trio exited through the large and heavy wooden trap door and back into the kitchen-- closing it behind them. The Kitchen was still dark, and some of the pots and pans had fallen onto the floor. Bumping about as they moved through it. The front of the store was not as lucky. The front glass display had, indeed, shattered. It's sharp field of glass glistening with water that had pooled across the store front. Leaves, twigs and other assortments of wind debris were scattered about everywhere. Clinging to any wet surface. “Watch your step Pinkie Pie..” She circumvented her friend, who seemed.. almost sad at the sight. But she followed behind Rarity, careful to avoid the sharp glass as they exited through the front door. Letting it close behind them with a jingle, stepping out into the streets of Ponyville. Rarity gasped at what she saw.. Carts were overturned, their produce littering the street. Large canvas tents that normally lined the square were either missing or flat against the ground, muddied and torn. Some were even streaked through tree limbs, who's owners were bent at odd angles. One near the store was even partially uprooted. Windows in buildings all around them were broken. Lining the street with dozens of glittering glass shards that were half submerged in the numerous large puddles that had accumulated. But when her eyes turned upwards to the sky, she was at a loss for words. For a good mile around them the faint glow of a rainbow was fading into the distance. Where the colored wave had crossed there were only scattered, mangled clouds. The glow of a blue sky was easy to see-- even without the sun illuminating them directly. It was an almost beautiful sight, but the dark wall of clouds that surrounded this eye of the storm were still tumbling about as menacing as she imagined them ever being. There were still flashes of lightning in the far distance.. As well as massive bodies of cyclones that were passing by Ponyville, swallowing up hills of trees and leaving indescribable carnage in their wake. “What.. are those things..?” Spike was clinging to her neck almost painfully, but Rarity could hardly care. She was too busy staring at the rolling monsters. Each nearly identical to one another as they rode over hills and crossed the river outside of town. Never slowing.. “I don't know what they are, but I bet Twilight does.” Pinkie Pie glanced over at Rarity, nodding in earnest. She didn't look like she had anything to say, which alone was enough to make Rarity gulp. The silence that surrounded them was bad, but not having Pinkie Pie to speak over the sound of the distant monsters ripping through their home was another thing entirely. Almost instantly the two ponies broke out in a swift gallop-- dodging ominous mud puddles and debris as they left the town square behind them. Sprinting down a dirty and just as mangled street and towards the town library. Rarity spotted it easily, and was surprised at the lack of damage to the great tree. Besides a few broken limbs and some scuffs on the outside wood work, it looked unscathed. Not to mention shuttered up completely. “Twilight must be home!” She shouted, pushing forward through a mud puddle that splashed dirt along her legs. Just as they neared, the upper window of Twilight's bedroom opened and a pair pegasi flew out quickly. Rising up into the calm air and turning north. Flying higher and higher as they went. Rarity recognized one as the mail mare, but the other escaped her knowledge. Pinkie Pie scoffed, “Where are those two going? Can't they tell that Ponyville is under attack by -monsters-!?” They skidded up to the library's entry, with Spike practically launching himself from Rarity's back and taking to pounding his little fist against the wooden door. “Twi!? Twilight are you in there!?” They waited a moment before a purple glow surrounded the door's handle and a dull click resonated from inside-- the door swung open immediately, and just within the dark building stood Twilight Sparkle. Looking every bit as frazzled as Rarity expected her to be. “Spike! Rarity! Thank goodness--” Spike launched up and wrapped his arms around the unicorns neck in the biggest hug Rarity had ever seen anypony.. or.. any dragon give. “I-I'm sorry! We were going to Rarity's shop but got caught up telling everypony we saw to get inside! We-We were still in Sugarcube Corner when it came in! A-And--” On cue, Twilight sat upon her flank and wrapped her front legs around her dragon-- squeezing him to her chest as she layed her chin upon his head. Shhing him gently as the reptile began to cry. Rarity didn't even realize just how much Spike had been afraid. Not just for himself, but for Twilight too. It was hard for her not to smile as she watched the two embrace, but Pinkie was quick to dampen the mood with the urgency in her voice. “Twilight.. Those things out there. They're tearing up the countryside. What are they?” Rarity shook her head, mulling on an even more curious question. “And why haven't they hit the town?” Twilight looked up from tending to Spike, who was shivering and sniffling against her neck. She leveled a glance at Rarity that made her heart sink. “Tornadoes.. A rare and dangerous weather anomaly alien to Equestria save for the Everfree forest. I don't know why they're here, or why there's so many, but they came from Canterlot. Something happened.” Pinkie Pie gasped, “Why would they come from Canterlot!? Better yet, why would Canterlot be making tornadoes!?” Her face twitched in horror. “What type of ponies are they!?” Twilight's eyes narrowed, but she quickly shrugged off Pinkie's randomness. “I can only assume it's some sort of accident.. or attack.. I just don't know.. But as for why they haven't reached the town yet. That's been Rainbow's doing.” Rarity's ears perked. “Rainbow? So the Rainboom. It was--” “To stop these things, yes.” Twilight looked like she was nearly in tears, stroking the frills that ran down Spike's head and back softly.. “But.. I've lost contact with her.. I can't feel her anymore.” Pinkie Pie's horrified face switched to one of surprise, then urgent concern. “Dashie? What do you mean you can't feel her anymore?” Twilight sighed-- her voice quivering. “I cast a spell on her just before she left for Sweet Apple Acres-- where the storm was going to hit first. It let me speak with her from over distance. Through our minds.” She shook her head though.. suddenly squeezing Spike tighter. “B-But after the Rainboom..” “Twilight Sparkle.” Rarity stepped forward, putting her hoof down. “We must go to Sweet Apple Acres and find her. We can't just sit here and mope. She most likely needs us right now!” Pinkie seemed to agree, nodding frantically as she stepped up to the library duo. “And what about Fluttershy? Has anypony heard from her?” Twilight visually suppressed a sob, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before breaking the tight embrace she shared with Spike-- who seemed calmer now, even if he probably didn't want their hug to end. “I sent two messenger ponies to fly to Canterlot above the storm. To see if they can tell what's happening. Anything at all.” She was on her hooves again now. Determination coming back to her voice. “Fluttershy is probably home.. I just hope it's still there.” “We must check on them both then!” Rarity turned to the doorway and peered outside at the sky. The storm was still moving. The great expanse of open sky was beginning to drift away. Mr. Cake had been right. This wasn't over yet. “Rarity. You and Pinkie make for Fluttershy's. Just be quick about it. Rainbow's Rainboom gave us a quickly closing window of time. I'm going to make for Sweet Apple Acres. To see what I can find.“ Rarity nodded, half expecting the unicorn to flash out of here right then, but she instead turned to Spike. Who was staring at her with tear filled eyes. “Spike.. I want you to stay here.” She cut off his protest with a sweet, but commanding voice-- giving him a gentle smile. “I'll have to run to the farm, and my magic is weak from the teleporting I've done today. If I find Rainbow, she.. she may not be able to move. I'll use whatever reserves I still have to get her and me back here.” Spike still had his hand up, and his mouth open, like he wanted so badly to protest-- but he dropped his arm back to his side and lowered his head. Nodding slowly. “A-Alright Twilight..” Pinkie moved to step outside and Rarity decided to follow-- the clopping of hooves telling her Twilight was right behind her. “Write a letter to the Princess. Tell her that tornadoes are hitting Ponyville. That we're not going to hold out much longer.” Spike gripped the open door and nodded again, stronger this time-- swallowing his fear and giving the three ponies a determined stare. “I will..” Twilight looked upon Rarity and Pinkie Pie with a smile, giving Rarity an almost thankful look. Rarity returned it, and she just knew Pinkie was beaming back behind her too. “Everypony.. just be careful.” •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• From the sky she had tumbled, rolling and flailing about through the air with no grace at all. The explosion of light and color had blinded her, but that wasn't what surprised her. Instead of bursting through the barrier like always, she was almost instantly slapped in the face by wind. She'd pulled off the stunt, but there was no way she could prepare for that sort of resistance once she'd broken through. Her wings had almost painfully been yanked back against her flank, and her dive was thrown into an angle she was not prepared for. Quickly she was losing speed, and she came out of her supersonic vortex and back into the regular world long enough to see trees and dirt before she went flying into them. The branches had stung her, ripped at her hide, tore at her mane and feathers, but what really hurt was the ground. But.. it was mud. Deep mud. Deep enough mud that Rainbow had to dig her way out of it and gasp for air. Almost covered from head to hoof in the dark brown gooey muck that was surrounding the orchard like a new grass. By the time she wiped the dirt from her face, she could only catch the end of her rainboom's trail pushing clouds in the distance further and further way before it faded into nothing. Where there had been at least six tornadoes was nothing. Nothing but clear sky and drizzling rain. At first she had sat there in shock. Eying the sky as if it was some illusion.. but with a sigh she fell back, landing in the mud she'd dug herself out of-- breathing heavily as the full weight of what she'd just done sank in. I... am.. so... awesome... She was almost content to just lay in the mud until some pony found her-- but the distant lightning was her ever present buzz kill. She eased herself up, shaking from the adrenalin rush flowing through her veins, the sky above still showcasing that dazzling blue. But the clouds were still moving. The storm was pressing forward all the while she was laying there like it was over. She groaned, feeling her sore body protest at moving again, but she pushed herself to her hooves and sludged her way through the sea of mud till she reached a somewhat more solid ground to stand on. And that's when she realized her front left hoof was undoubtedly sprained. Or broken. Either way, it hurt. Really bad. “Twilight...” She focused on the unicorn that was probably hyperventilating and clawing her eyes out back in Ponyville. “How many 'impossible' things have I done today, huh?” She waited a moment, but received no response. “Twilight..? Twi, can you hear me?” She redoubled her efforts of focusing on her friend, but it didn't do any good. She didn't feel that itching feeling in the back of her mind, either. No waves of relief. No fear. Nothing. Her eyes turned upwards at the sky, the glow of the sun evident on the whisps of clouds left in her rainboom's wake. Did the spell wear off? Something else flashed across her mind after she spied a lone apple desperately clinging to it's battered tree-- her eyes widening as a wave of worry ran through her core. Applejack! She took just a second to shake herself of any loose mud before leaping into the air and spreading her wings-- beating the sore blue feathered appendages until she was soaring across the farm. In seconds she was over the trees, and the expanse of destruction opened up before her eyes. In the sunlight the flowed from the open sky above, the destruction looked all the worse. No amount of sugar coating it would work. Sweet Apple Acres was gone. It took her only a minute to reach the remains of the farm house, but all around it were mountains of timbers and at least three massive apple trees that had found their final resting place within the ruins of the house. Two stories of master craftsmanship were blown to bits, with personal affects scattered everywhere in between. “Applejack!?” She yelled out, her voice hoarser than she expected. All that wind had dried out her throat. “Applejack!? Do you hear me!?” Dash listened for a moment, lifting her head up high and swiveling an ear for any noise she could discern. She heard the running of water, the shuffling of boards beneath her hooves, and the rumble of distant thunder. Nothing more. “Apple Bloom!?” She briefly wondered if the little filly had been off someplace with Rarity's sister-- or maybe with little Scootaloo. They both flashed through her mind, and instantly her worry was doubled. Was every -other- pony okay? “Big Mac!? Buddy!?” Nothing. Nopony answered her call. Not even that big workhorse she'd seen plowing those fields dozens of times before. Surely he would've kept his sister's safe. Surely he would've gotten them to safety before the storm hit. Applejack's face brushed through her mind so quick, that Rainbow Dash barely had time to suppress a heaving breath before she felt a tear run down her already wet face. This is where she would be.. It's where they would all be.. She desperately looked down at the rubble under hoof, reaching down to dig-- pulling at a massive plank with all her worn out strength until it budged and allowed her to push it out of the way. Her hooves dug into splintered wood, broken glass, and broken memories. “Oh Celestia no.. No no..!” Applejack couldn't be here.. She wasn't under this rubble. She'd been in town. She and Twilight were just mistaken. There wasn't a chance that she was gone. That her family was buried beneath their crushed home. Dead. Dying. Hurt. Wanting to answer her but unable to. Oh for Pete's sake Rainbow, pull yourself together! She's fine. She's a tough, capable mare. You know she is. She can handle herself. She -did- handle herself! Rainbow took in a deep, painful breath. Her injuries were beginning to make themselves known. Her sides hurt more than her hoof did-- and her wings were surely just as bruised at the joints. How she managed to avoid more dire injury was completely beyond her. Pulling her hooves out of the rubble proved painful too-- cuts and scrapes the unsurprising outcome of digging into a pile of nail embedded wood of a broken home. Twilight. Twilight can handle this job easy. She can make with the magic and dig through this pile of junk in ten seconds flat! No sooner had Rainbow decided on flying back into town to grab up the librarian did she jump into the air and turn south towards home-- but something stopped her. Her skin crawled beneath her fur, and her ears twitched as they popped from a sudden drop in air pressure. She glanced up, seeing the sky darkening again as the sun drifted behind the moving clouds. The safety of her Rainboom beginning to drift away with the wind. But as she turned around, glancing towards the coming storm. She could see no more tornadoes. None except for one. It's massive, larger than life funnel forming in the sky no more than two miles from where she hovered. Watching in horror as the biggest of the cyclones yet spurred to life and righted itself upon the earth. Lightning illuminated it's massive form just as the ground it alighted upon erupted into a massive dark cloud-- which only turned the otherwise gray twister into a black body of twisting death. Rainbow could only watch. Waiting for what she knew, deep inside, was coming. The slow hum of the wind building back up gave into the steady and distant roar of destruction that followed the path the wind set for it. And, of course, of all the directions it could turn, it set it's course for Ponyville. Set it's course for the exact spot Rainbow stood upon. “You've got to be kidding...” She barely managed to whisper to herself before her determination flooded into her the way that Dash loved. The fear stung at her heart, but it was smothered by that rush of courage, and Rainbow even managed to glare. Glare at this approaching mass of monstrous rage that was coming to take all she ever loved from her. “Not today..” Her hooves came up to grasp at her goggles she thought were around her neck, but they weren't there. She'd lost them in the tumble from earlier, but no matter. She didn't need them! She'd taken on seven tornadoes and beat them all. Even wrestled one from within. Her wings cramped as she glanced upwards. The sky was dark again, the warmth of the sun moving on. This one was fast. There was little time to gain the altitude she'd need for another Rainboom. Heck, she wasn't even sure her wings would manage one even if she did have time for it. Nope. She'd do this one like the first. She'd strangle the life out of it. Whoop it's flank and show it who the head mare was around here. Who -really- owned the sky. “H-Hang on Applejack!” She yelled down to her friend without looked at her wrecked and mangled home. I'll be back for you.. She was off in a blast of rainbows-- her hooves held out before her as she soared up into the sky. She ignored the pain that flushed through her flanks-- doing a corkscrew spin before tucking her wings in tight and diving straight towards the earth. Gain your speed.. She turned out of her dive at the last possible moment. She was already flying across the barnyard with the world a blur at the edge of her vision. Her wings pumped anew, and the familiar feel of the air whipping against her mane and tail felt all the better without that painful rain hitting her in the face. Set your path.. She watched the twister turn and buck, it's body writing like it was trying to escape it's cycle. It was bigger than the one from earlier, but that didn't matter. Not now. This was it, Rainbow thought. This was the final obstacle. After this, the storm was done. After this, she can go and get Applejack and everything was going to be okay. Take a deep breath.. Her hooves held out before her in their aerodynamic pose, Rainbow narrowed her goggle-less eyes and sucked in a deep breath of air just as the spin of the cyclone's wind began to rippled through her wings. She barely had time to avert a flying tree limb before she passed into the raging wall of nature and into the familiar chaos inside. It bit at her with ferocious intent, stinging her with all it could hurl at her. But Rainbow was determined. Determined to save her friends. Her body twisted and her wings turned up, seeing the widest expanse of the twister's body. It was dozens of meters up and she didn't follow the wall like she had last time. She angled herself just right, steadily climbing in this death spin until she could once again see her trail. She had leveled off, and fell back into the race for speed this leg of the rodeo called for. Tie.. Tie the noose.. Her muscles ached, her wings burned, everything was stinging as leaves, grass and hay struck her exposed flanks. But she pressed on. Her hooves in front of her, leading the way as her rainbow trail came into view. Just a few meters away. Welcoming it's master and dancing with the roll of the wind. The dark spots returned, and the burn for air grew stronger and stronger. Rainbow pushed onward, tears burning against her eyes as her vision blurred and distorted. She was nearly there once again. Almost overtaking that multicolored wash of her own making. Just a few meters more! She didn't see the dark figure rushing up from below until it quite literally slammed into her body. There wasn't any real pain to speak of. Just shock. Sudden, unexpected, complete shock. There wasn't a sudden rush of air from her lungs. It'd all been depleted already. The roar of the of the tornado sounded hazy, blurring with a deafening ringing that filled her ears until her head felt like it would burst. But still. No pain. Just.. numbness. Rainbow could register the sky, flying past her as she spiraled through the air. She faintly noticed she was no longer inside the funnel. The tornado was continuing without her. Unabated. Unslowed. She didn't feel the expected defeat. She was still so confused. Why was she numb? Rainbow couldn't feel her wings, but she saw them as she leveled out of her rolling and flailing and just took to falling in an almost lazy spin. They fluttered against the wind like her loose fore legs, their blue feathers all moving independently. Some were flowing through the air in her wake-- disappearing against the rushing night sky far above that washed away the clouds like they were nothing but water. How strange it was to see-- the sudden explosion of a night's sky overtaking the featureless grays of storms with the endless expanse of sparkling diamond stars and distant nebula. Even with this ringing, she knew it must be so loud. Flashy things like that always were. Dash blinked. Or at least thought she did. She wasn't afraid. She knew she was falling, but she wasn't afraid. The moon above was just too beautiful. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Fluttershy shivered beneath her table. She had long since stopped crying, but her sniffles had remained an ever constant sound amongst the skittering and whimpering of the multitudes of critters that-- in their own fear-- had taken to encircling her. She had welcomed their company-- squeezing the white rabbit she still held to her chest and whispered to him from time to time that everything was going to be okay. The sounds of the storm had passed. Now, she only heard the occasional howl of wind around her tossed about home-- who's windows were all broken. Who's roof was most assuredly ripped away from the god-awful sounds that had come from upstairs. Fluttershy hadn't at any point opened her eyes since she crawled beneath this table. She may have tried at one point, but quickly found that she could not. The eeriy silence that came from the boom from earlier didn't make her feel any better. It made her feel worse. Worse because, even though she knew that sound like the back of her hoof, she was still hiding here. Shaking. Sobbing. Holding onto Angel like he was the only thing keeping her from being sucked away by the rolling storm-- all while her best, oldest friend was out there. Protecting her. Protecting all of them. Fluttershy was weak. So, so pitifully weak. She'd had her moments where her friend's lives depended on her and she came to their rescue with a burst of bravery she could never explain, but what of that now? The sounds, the feel, the power of this storm. It'd frozen her. It made her abandon all her friends. Abandon those animals outside that still needed her help earlier. How.. pathetic.. Bang bang bang! The three heavy knocks against her door made her curl up tighter with a loud whimper-- briefly feeling Angel give a squeeze in protest. The animals all around them jumped up and started making the most noise they could, some even running around the room. “Fluttershy!” The voice of Pinkie yelled from outside her battered door. “Fluttershy please tell me you're in there!” At once, her eyes opened-- her head shot up until it hit against the bottom of the table and knocked a family of squirrels from atop it. “P-P-Pinkie P-Pie..?” No sound came from outside for a few moments.. “Hiiyah!” The door burst in on itself-- kicked off it's hindges by the hoof of that crazy pink pony herself-- who looked downright vicious as she posed in her one legged kick. In she trotted, as multitudes of animals poured past her in a blitz to freedom-- causing none other than Rarity to shriek like a proper lady as she was no doubt trampled in their wake. Pinkie's eyes fell on her after just a second of scanning the room, and a massive smile spread across her face, “Fluttershy!” It took Fluttershy all but two or three seconds of staring at her friend before she scampered out from underneath her furniture (kicking it over in the process) and leaping through the air into the party pony's arms. Digging her snout into her friend's mane. And bawled like she'd never bawled before. Pinkie managed to keep her footing, and wrapped her forearms around her tight. Squeezing her back and nuzzling against her cheek. Fluttershy felt everything flood from her in a wave of emotion that barely kept the shy pony from fainting. “It's okay..” Pinkie soothed her, murmuring against her ear. Fluttershy didn't doubt her for a second. Rarity appeared in her ruined doorway after a moment, covered in mud with her hair looking frazzled-- the occasional animal print stamped upon her flank. “D-Dear me.. That.. was not what I was expecting when you kicked in the door..” Fluttershy shook from a sob, releasing Pinkie and dashing over to grab the dirty and mud coated priss pony up in just as tight a hug-- renewing her sobs with an impassioned vigor. Rarity was undoubtedly taken by surprise, but after receiving a simple smile from Pinkie Pie in answer of her confused look, she wrapped her dirty, disgusting forelegs around her friend and held her in much the same way. “Y-You came for m-me..” Rarity's sweet voice was against her ear without a moment's hesitation, “Of course we did..” The feel of the earth pony behind her, wrapping her arms around the two of them only made Fluttershy feel even better.. “You're out friend, silly. Ain't no storm gonna keep us from coming to save you.” Fluttershy could only smile, smile against Rarity's purple mane as she sniffled and gradually eased the tighter than tight hug she had around her friend. Her best of friends. “We're taking you back to the library. It's safer there. Spike is waiting for us.” “But..” Her timid voice came forward, and she instantly felt her cheeks warm because of it. “What about my animals..?” Pinkie Pie hopped over to the door, glancing outside-- from left to right. “They've run off.. I'm sorry.. I didn't know you had them all inside.” Rarity cut in before Fluttershy even had a moment to utter a gasp. “They'll be fine dear. It's you we're worried about. It looks like one of those tornadoes came right through this place.” Fluttershy blinked, “Tornadoes..?” She'd never heard of such a thing.. “Don't worry about it. We'll fill you in when we get to the library.” Rarity leaned out of their hug after one last squeeze, stepping back over to the doorway to squeeze past Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy swallowed, and nearly jumped out of her skin as the familiar weight of Angel Bunny landed upon her back, squeezing against her pink maned neck. “Twilight send us to get you while she went to get Dashie and Applejack out at the farm!” “Rainbow!” Fluttershy's eyes widened, glancing up at the sky-- the circle of clear blue expanse confirming what she thought. “Is she okay?” Rarity glanced back, standing in the middle of the ruined yard. Cages, ripped up mesh fences, even the chicken coupes. Everything was torn to pieces and scattered everywhere. At the thought of Rainbow and Applejack being in danger though, it hardly phased her. “We're sure she is, but we won't know until Twilight returns. But we have to hurry. The storm isn't over!” Fluttershy finally stepped off her stoop-- taking light steps instead of flying. She didn't think her wings would work right now even if she tried. “O-Okay..” She muttered, glancing down.. She felt Pinkie Pie brush against her side as she passed by, giggling softly. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can find out what amazing thing Dash did to save the day!” In the back of her mind, she didn't feel nearly as happy as Pinkie Pie sounded-- but Fluttershy looked up and forced a smile, feeling infinitely better in the company of her friends. She opened her mouth to say something, but it caught in the back of her throat as another boom-- this time multitudes louder-- rippled out through the trees. Nearly scaring all three ponies to death. “W-What the hay was that!?” Rarity was glancing in all directions, looking like she was about to kick something. Pinkie spotted it first. “The sky!” They all looked up, and were greeted by the most amazing display of celestial magic they'd ever seen. Across the dark clouded sky, a single wave of twilight spread and wiped the gray away. It came from the north and spread over so fast that it only lasted a few moments-- but those moments took the breath out of Fluttershy. She found her voice only when the moon revealed itself. Bright and clear and full. Seemingly brighter than she'd ever seen it before. The three of them stood there in shock for the next minute. It wasn't until Rarity snapped out of it long enough to mention the lack of the clouds. The lack of anything but a peaceful, calming wind. The storm was gone. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight nearly fell as she ran through another puddle-- the bright moonlight certainly not to blame. She was panting, and with every second that past she could only push herself to gallop faster. She left the town on the north road, and was following it ever since-- even to parts where the torrential rainwater had nearly washed out the road. It wasn't until she was nearly three quarters of the way to Sweet Apple Acres before she stopped, but not because she needed to catch her breath. The sky had literally exploded into night. The change came so suddenly and so fast that Twilight had nearly screamed as darkness swarmed her-- instantly making her think of the dark monsters that were still appearing on the horizon. But, she watched instead as this wave of magical nightfall washed over Ponyville's landscape and demolished the massive cloud formations, showering everything arguably the brightest full moon in recent history. In fact, the moon almost seemed close enough to touch. There was little to discern between the natural sunlight and this moonlight beyond the pale color. The shock had only lasted long enough for Twilight to determine she was not about to die before she sprinted off again, spotting the hills of Sweet Apple Acres just beyond the next few bends. The closer she got, the more damage she saw. Trees were uprooted, fences were missing or in shambles, cobblestone bridges were collapsed in the river they spanned. It wasn't until she started finding apples-- dozens of them-- that the true extent of the farm's damage began to register in her mind. She climbed to the top of one last hill, and froze in complete shock. Stretched out before her was the childhood home of one of her dearest friends. And there was little left of it to recognize. From one side of the valley to the other was covered in a sea of downed apple trees. Stretches of roots and debris from farm equipment and buildings filled in the gaps. But what shocked her the most was the farmhouse. Or lack there of. It was nothing but a large pile of rubble that only partially reflected the once impressive frame of the Apple home. Twilight didn't spend too long studying it from afar. She took flight, running faster despite her lack of breath-- all knowledge of pacing oneself going out the window as she quickly ran through the non-existent entryway of the farm and up the hill to Applejack's former home. “A-Applejack!? Rainbow!?” She called, her eyes glancing everywhere-- head turning this way and that. “Can anypony hear me!?” She galloped around the frame of the house, looking for any signs of any life, her horn flaring up as she built magic. She carefully climbed up atop the side of the rubble aimed her horn downward. Sweeping it across the house from one end to the next. There wasn't any sign of anything... until.. With a start, she canceled the magic and leaped down onto the ground. Spiriting herself around the opposite side of the house until she reached a modestly large pile of debris-- complete with a massive trunk from a fallen tree resting atop it. “Hold on!” She yelled, before her horn flared to life. The tree, planks, and other assortments of damaged farmhouse pieces glowed and radiated a purple aura which only intensified as she lifted the nearly five hundred pound apple tree just enough to roll it off to the side. The rest of the debris followed in short order, much easier to throw across the yard in groups. She was just about done when the massive cellar door thrust itself open, and the eldest Apple sibling emerged with a sharp whinnie. The family dog went leaping from inside too-- scampering off behind the house somewhere in a made barking dash. “Big Macintosh!” Twilight nearly felt her body shudder with relief. “A-Are you--” Quick behind him came Apple Bloom, safely atop her big sister Applejack who, despite sporting a small bump on the head and a bit of blood across her brow, looked perfectly alright. “Twilight!” She nearly screamed, her face turning from shock to elation as she leaped down the hill towards her friend. “I don't know what the buckin' hay is goin' on but am I -ever- glad to see you of all ponies!” Twilight nearly cried, but she laughed. She laughed happily. “You.. have no idea how happy I am to see you..” But the smile was gone from Applejack's face by then-- instead, she was looking over Twilight's shoulder. At the downed trees. At the expanse of down trees. Then at her home. The apple family home that had been passed down to her from her Granny Smith. “W-Wha... What.. Oh.. my word...” Twilight could see her heart break. She could see that Big Mac's already had. He was standing up near the cellar door. Or, really, he'd sat back on his flank. Staring across the pastures and fields and orchard. At what used to be their farm. “A-Applejack..” Apple Bloom was every bit as shocked, looking upon their home with the saddest eyes Twilight had ever seen curse her cute filly face. “What happened to our home..?” The last thing in the world Twilight wanted to do was say anything during the family's time of grief-- but she brushed the uncomfortable feeling to the back of her mind. There was something more important than their farm. “Applejack. I know this is a shock, but you need to tell me if you saw Rainbow Dash.” At first she thought the earth pony didn't hear her, but with a blink of her tear filled green eyes, Applejack rounded on her in shock. “R-Rainbow?” Twilight nodded, pointing up into the moonlit sky. “She came out here to warn you, and to stop the storm as best she could. I was in contact with her thanks to a mind link spell, but I lost her when she used her Rainboom to stop the tornadoes.” Confusion was evident on Applejack's face-- no doubt she didn't know what in tarnation a tornado was-- but the concern dawned on her within seconds. If a storm could do this to her farm, what could it do to a pegasus? “I-I saw her.. Just before we went inside.” She stammered, glancing about. “I.. I don't know where.. I can't recognize anything anymore--” “The northeast.” The two turned their gazes to Big Macintosh, who to their horror was... crying. He was staring across at his farm, and silently crying harder than Applejack would ever think capable of her brother. “Applejack saw her to the northeast.” Twilight swallowed. “T-Then that's where I'm going..” She stepped closer to the blond maned pony and gave her a soft nuzzle against the foreleg. Snapping her from a shaking, tear filled trance. “Applejack.. I need your help.. I don't know where Rainbow is, and I can't cover all of the farm on my own.” Applejack stared at her for a moment, and Twilight almost had to write her off as in shock before she finally answered. Blinking her eyes of her tears as focus returned. “O-Of course.. Of course Twilight.” She glanced over her shoulder and plucked Apple Bloom and set her onto the ground. “I'll go north. Big Mac will take the northwest.” Behind her, the work horse gave no indication he heard his sister. He was deaf to the world. “Alright.” Twilight sighed, relieved she reached her friend. “If you find her, yell. I'll do the same. We'll meet her in ten minutes if we don't find anything.” Applejack nodded, looking down at her sister. “Don't move from this spot, okay sugarcube?” Her sister merely nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks.. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• They split up. Twilight went scampering off to the northeast while she went and muttered to her brother-- who only acknowledged her with a blink and a shaky sobbing sigh. She wanted to beg him to hang in there. At least until they found Rainbow. But he didn't budge-- and she didn't have it in her to try and make him. She left her siblings at the ruins of their former home-- and stumbled her way northward. Towards where trees used to roam as far as the eye could see. Now? It was flat. Flat and covered in parts of her farm. Parts of her orchard. The lumps of trees blended together in the pale moonlight.. and she didn't even have enough sense in her to question just why it was full on dark at no later than five in the afternoon. Everything was a blur at this point. She and her siblings cowered in their cellar until they felt like the world was about to collapse on them. The infernal wind and roar of what had to be a hundred dragons filled their ears and drove them to the point of screaming each others' names as the held on for dear life. She heard Apple Bloom begging for forgiveness for their earlier argument, heard Big Macintosh telling the two of them how much he loved them. She didn't even remember what she was saying. She briefly remembered asking Granny Smith to look after them. She wasn't sure when she was hit in the head by something, but the cellar was full of unused and rusting tools. No doubt something walloped her good, but it barely hurt. She was stepping over limbs of her fallen trees, skirting around the lengths of her home that had been carried hundreds of yards from where it used to be. -That- hurt. And to top it off.. Rainbow was out here. “R-Rainbooow!” She yelled, briefly hearing Twilight do the same elsewhere. “Rainbow...! Darlin' are you out here!?” She was sobbing as she walked. She must of looked so pitiful. What was going to happen now? They were homeless. Their livelihood was in pieces and she was struggling to keep walking across it as she searched for her possibly dead friend. A friend she valued so much more than just the mere friend label. She struggled to keep from thinking the worse, but every step and every sight she came across made her question the unthinkable. She miss-stepped from a downed log and took a spill into the mud-- knocking the wind from her mid sob, which made it all the harder to stand. So she didn't. She laid there for almost a minute-- wheezing and coughing, sobbing and crying. Wanting nothing more than to curl into a ball. But she couldn't. So she pushed herself to her hooves. Visions of the past year flashed through her mind. Of the night at the Gala, of their return back to Ponyville. Of her Granny's health taking a turn for the worse. Of her confession to Rainbow. Of Rainbow's sweet and kind-hearted rejection. Their friendship stagnating until her Granny's passing. When they shared that one night she'd never forget. “F-For Celestia's sake Rainbow-- Where are you!?” She stopped atop a small hill, surrounded by a sea of fallen trees. From the left the right. It all looked the same. There were no defining features. Something had come through and flattened everything into the same featureless terrain for as far as the eye could see. She was about to turn around, to return to her shell shocked brother and crying sister at their ruined home, when something caught her eye. Nearly twenty yards straight ahead of her, one thing stood out against the pale light. From beneath a pile of shattered timber outstretched a blue wing. It's feathers marred and tussled, streaks of dark black running down it's length like rivers. It moved with the softest gust of wind, as if waving at her. All at once, Applejack's world truly shattered.
Main 6,Dark,Romance,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
On Feathered Wings
<p> Losing the defining thing that makes you who you are would be hard for anypony. Where do you go from there? How do you cope? How do your friends? How hard is it to start from scratch? Rainbow Dash never had to worry about these things. Not until the worst storm in Equestrian history. Now she has to cling to that which she still has, and discover for herself that there is much more out there to live for than she originally believed.</p>
The panic in Applejack's voice disturbed her the most. Dropping the large pile of severed tree limbs by simply cutting the magic that flowed from her horn, Twilight turned and immediately dashed up and over the thick trunks of trees in mad gallop to an open area some fifty yards away from where she'd been searching. Coming up upon her apple gathering friend that was currently desperately digging into a pile of debris. A pile of debris with a single outstretched wing smeared with blood and tufts of missing feathers. The unicorn froze in place, staring at the broken wing in stunned horror. “Oh Celestia.. no..” Applejack rounded on her at the sound of her voice, her pupils like dots in her tear filled eyes-- a look that would sear into Twilight's mind forever. “D-Don't just stand there Twi-- Do something!” The shock faded, and with a flare of her horn the top layer of limbs that were too heavy for Applejack to kick away on her own glowed that magical hue and lifted up quickly but carefully-- then tossed themselves feet away to expose more of the pegasus beneath them. Twilight had to move closer, skidding in beside AJ, who still dug around the mud encrusted, motionless body of their shared friend. “D-Darnit n-no! No NO NO! Rainbow!” Her hooves shook the blue maned pony, Applejack's screams ringing into the otherwise silent wasteland. Twilight had to do something. “Let me get her out!” She had tried to keep herself calm, but her voice betrayed her as she wrapped her forelegs around the panicking and sobbing Applejack-- forcefully pushing her away. Inadvertently sending her falling back upon her flank, skidding down into a small pile of leaves and timber with nothing more than an interrupted sob of misery. “O-Oh god..” Applejack just looked up at her, her face mirroring some sort of look of complete disbelief. Twilight couldn't focus on that now. Or even apologize. Her attention spun back to Rainbow-- who was still half buried under wreckage-- propped upon her side with her one injured wing sticking nearly straight into the air. Held in place by.. by.. “Applejack..” She muttered, unable to look away.. “G-Go to Ponyville. Get Nurse Redheart or Tenderheart. Make sure they bring a unicorn doctor.” A sweep of her horn scattered away more debris, causing Rainbow's body to shift in the slightest. Her wing, bent at an... awkward angle, fell against her flank with a wet slap. “I-Is.. Is she--” “GO. Now!” Twilight screamed. She didn't mean to. She just did. Applejack recoiled, her breath catching in her throat-- but she skidded back, crawling away from the pair before spinning around, kicking timber and dirt behind her as she took to her hooves and galloped faster than she ever had before back towards the farm. Back towards Ponyville. Twilight was alone now. Alone with Rainbow Dash. “R-Rainbow...?” She knelt besides her broken friend, examining her closer in the pale light of the mood. Her coat was marred with mud, nearly from her head to her hooves, and her mane and tail had lost most all their color. Matted with dirt. Her face was laying against the ground-- pushed into the mud. Twilight felt sick-- but her horn flared and she gently cupped Rainbow's cheek as gently as she could. Lifting her face from the dirty muck. Her eyes were closed. A dark mark was across the top of her muzzle, up beneath where her normally bright bangs hung over her face-- and something other than mud smeared itself down across her cheek. But there was more coming from her mouth. A dark black in this unnatural moonlight, setting itself apart from the dirt. Rainbow didn't move on her own accord during any of this.. and for a moment, Twilight didn't think she was breathing. Not like this Rainbow Dash. Don't let it be like this. She moved till she was nearly right atop her friend, lowering her horn and sweeping it across her body in a lazy arch-- sending the wall of her magic coursing through her body in a single motion that flowed from her head to her flanks and back again. She stopped on her chest, focusing with intent. Listening and waiting. There was a soft tha-thump. Weak, faint, and nearly inaudible. But with a sudden rush of relief, Twilight realized that-- somehow-- her friend was still alive. “Hang in there sweetie..” She brushed Rainbow's face with the will of her magic-- even as she swung her horn down her body. Examining what lay beneath the surface. Her lungs were inactive. One was filled with what Twilight could only assume was blood. The other.. “O-Oh my god Rainbow.” She focused, pulling her friend as carefully as she could up from the bed of wood she lay upon-- using her magic to grasp the thick branch that was stuck.. stuck between her ribs.. Swiftly, as carefully as she could manage, it was removed. Rainbow's heart skipped a beat-- Twilight felt the slightest twitch. Nothing else happened. She ran her magical aura down her body once again. Looking for anything else. Nothing but surface wounds. Her underside was bleeding heavily, but what was endangering her more was on the inside. As nasty as things looked on the outer layer. Particularly with her wings.. “Rainbow..” She muttered, looking up to her friend's face. She looked like she was merely sleeping. Her mouth only parted. But oozing blood. But Twilight couldn't lose herself on these things. She had to remain analytical. To keep her calm. To not lose herself to the pulls of her heart to just scream and beg for Rainbow to return, good as new. It all rested on her shoulders. She would do this. Twilight focused, staring deeply into her friend.. “Dash.. I want you to stay with me now.” She prayed silently that, in whatever state Rainbow was in, she could hear her thoughts. That their spell was still between them. A moment later, the briefest flicker of activity fluttered across Twilight's subconscious. Rainbow acknowledged her, whether she knew it or not. “That'a girl Rainbow.. You hang on to my voice, you hear me?” Her eyes fell back upon her chest, and her magic centered on it again-- fishing for her lungs. Encasing the one that had sustained the most damage. She felt it's perimeter. The ruptured and torn muscle. Twilight's knowledge of healing arts were limited. She'd practiced on hurt animals before, in the royal gardens in Canterlot. When she got old enough and more experienced, she occasionally helped the rare injured foal that had fallen and scuffed a leg, or suffered a bruising from a bit of rough play. Never once had she gone this far-- or ever had to. She tried to remember the lessons Celestia had tutored her in. Telling her she hoped she never had face a situation in which these abilities would have to be used. With a deep breath, Twilight began to case her magical spell. Her eyes shut, but she focused her sight through her magic. She watched through her mind's eye as her aura encased the organ within her friend's body. Forming a perfect cast in which to give Twilight an image of what she was working with. The damage was severe-- too severe for Twilight to reasonably fix before that faint heartbeat would beat it's last. She flowed her magic to the other, feeling it for damage. There was bruising-- and the lung was full of exactly what Twilight expected-- but it was a more reasonable fix. She swallowed, pushing her magic through the thin walls and 'gripped' the fluid within. With a grimace, she did exactly what she had to do. Rainbow's body shifted almost unnoticably as a trickle of thick crimson red poured from her mouth. Twilight couldn't see it, but she shuddered at the sound alone. It made her want to wrench-- and she was almost positive that the only reason she would not was the solid knot that had formed in her chest. “Th-There we go..” The lung drained, Twilight returned to it's lining-- feeling the bruised and battered walls until she was sure she'd found the bleeding. Her magic seeped into the tissue, and with a rush of power she felt the muscle respond. Warmth flooded through Rainbow's chest, and the dullest of glows radiated from under her blue fur as Twilight knitted her lung as best she knew how. By the time she was finished, she nearly tottered over-- only catching herself by closing her mind's eye and opening her real ones. She looked down to see the glow fade, and turned her gaze to the pegasus' face. Rainbow still wasn't breathing. “Breath for me.” There wasn't an answer. Just the feeling of something beneath the surface. It seemed to only acknowledge her presence. But for Twilight, that seemed like all she could expect of her, giving the circumstances. Rainbow wasn't there. At least not in whole. But the soft beat of her heart had grown dimmer. There were more abnormal beats. Weak and faded, and Twilight's own heart responded by beating it's hardest in her life right within her own chest. “Dash, don't you dare. Not now.” She looked down, her magic searing through her horn and back into her filly friend's chest-- searching for her repaired lung. She seized upon it's functions with magic, feeling herself drained almost instantly. It took a lot just to control this one thing on a pony. Even she had her limits, she realized. She -made- Rainbow Dash take a breath. Expanding the lung and forcing the unconscious filly to suck in air past her blood filled mouth. Rainbow made a sick noise, and Twilight winced in mental agony. The exhale was no better. Still, her friend did not react. The heartbeats began to dwindle. “Dash..” Dash's spark was fading. That magical signature that represented life. Twilight watched as it flickered like a candle's flame in the breeze. “Stay -with- me..” The fluttered motions of her mind slowly stopped as well. It only pushed against her voice for a moment more before it, too, flickered. Then Rainbow's heart stopped beating. “Bucking hay Dash, no!” Twilight leaped over her friend, her hooves all four spreading out till she was hovering over her whole crumpled body. There wasn't time to be subtle about it-- she pulled the lifeless pegasus over so she rolled upon her back. Upon those broken wings. Her head limply turning towards the sky. “Come back!” She screamed it, both in her head and out loud-- her horn bursting with light as she flooded her with everything her magical abilities could give. No longer did she focus on her lungs or her heart, she touched and melded into everything she could find. The tendrils of her being coiled around Dash's spine, seizing upon the shattered vertebrae and nerves that would've left her friend paralyzed for life. Her essence flowed through the puncture between her rib-- encasing the wound with an insulating casting that connected destroyed and ripped muscle and skin. The warm aura encircled that heart. That wonderful heart, which lay motionless within her chest-- slowly losing it's warmth. Twilight Sparkle poured her all into this. She filled Rainbow with every fiber of her magic until her mind's eye simply reflected a brilliant shape of her friend back to her-- flowing with light and power that surprised even Twilight during her panic and desperation. She did not fear for herself. Of crossing her limit. Loyalty meant something to Dash. It meant something to Twilight too. With only last breath, she cast her spell, and the light that burst from her horn could be seen from Sweet Apple Acres all the way across the hills halfway to Ponyville. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Applejack didn't slow even as her lungs burned and felt like they would burst within her body. She kept moving, her hooves beating against the battered earth as she left the road and passed through the gate of her former farm-- the trio of ponies behind her panting for breath. They crossed the house, where Apple Bloom was sat upon their front porch, watching with wide and painfully confused eyes as her big sister ran past with the nurse sisters and Docter Lighthorn behind her. Even Big Macintosh, torn from his shock by the flash of light just minutes prior, turned and watched in confusion as they sprinted off across the remains of his farm. After a moment, he followed. Apple Bloom did not. AJ was almost afraid she would be lost in this featureless range-- scampering as she was over logs and torn up earth. But above them the moon began to wane. It drifted across the sky faster than natural. It even faded in distance, moving back to give way to the coming of the sun. A second dawn. Before the morning sky would even part the hills surrounding them, Applejack crested the mound of debris where her friends should be-- but what she found shocked her. The three other ponies stumbled to a stop next to her as well, eyes scanning around until they too found what Applejack's eyes were frozen on. In the small pit of dug out timber laid the love of Applejack's eye-- upon her back with her wings blooded and marred beneath her like torn feathered blankets. Her front was covered in drying blood, but her chest rose and fell in strong, but struggling gasps for breath. Next to her lay Twilight Sparkle. Flopped upon her side like she'd just... keeled over. Unmoving. Before Applejack could even react, the two nurses and the one doctor leaped into action. Moving swiftly to the two downed ponies. Even as they surrounded them, AJ just stood there. Unsure what had happened-- unmoving as even her brother stepped up beside her. Visibly shaken at the sight. “Applejack..” He muttered, his eyes regaining their life as the sun finally shined upon them. “What did Twilight do?” AJ didn't know. How could she? She watched as Lighthorn flashed a stretcher in from out of nowhere-- his assistant, Nurse Redheart, tenderly cupping Rainbow's head in her hooves. Checking her vitals with careful tenderness. The smile that blossomed across her face made Applejack's breath catch in her throat-- a shaky sob rocking her shoulders. “S-She saved her.” She watched as Nurse Tenderheart did the same to the unconcios unicorn. Who, besides from looking dirty and soaking wet, looked like she was sleeping as peaceful as anypony would be. Cradled in the earth pony's lap. “She saved Rainbow Dash.” •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• “Oh my goodness-- Applejack!” Applejack's eyes opened, her head snapping up from where she had dozed off to find Rarity upon her in an instant-- squeezing her in a tight hug that almost forced the air from her already sore lungs. Behind the unicorn stood the ever cheerful looking pony Pinkie Pie, and the smiling and just as happy looking Fluttershy. “Girls..” AJ could feel the happiness bubble up inside her as well, seeing her friends all safe and sound. She didn't fight the smile that spread across her face as she returned the hug from Rarity ten fold. Squeezing that prissy uppity unicorn tight. “I can't tell y'all how glad I am to see ya..” “We came as soon as we heard you and the others were here. The whole -town- is in a panic!” Rarity wheezed. “A-Almost everypony is gathered in the square, waiting on official word from the mayor.” “Everypony except us, that is.” Pinkie Pie bounced over, taking over for Rarity the moment she finally pulled away. Actually returning the force of Applejack's hug. “Not like we'd leave you three sitting here all my yourselves!” Applejack laughed. She never thought she'd be so happy to hear Pinkie Pie's voice again in her life. “O-Oh Applejack..” Fluttershy stepped up, looking at her with those worried and caring eyes she always did. “Your head..” AJ's eyes glanced up as if to look at her own forehead-- where a sizable bandage covered the scratch from earlier. “Sugarcube, this ain't a thing. It'd take much more than a little bump on the noggin' to do anything to this pony.” Pinkie Pie giggled happily, “I'd say! This is Applejack we're talking about here, remember?” Rarity smiled along with them, “Well, she most certainly has a hard head. That's nothing new.” On other occasions Applejack would've been slightly insulted. For now, though, she just laughed. Leaning back into her seat. “I'm just glad to see everypony's okay.” Fluttershy spoke up again, her smile never truly having returned. “But not Twilight and Rainbow.. right?” “Oh.. Yes.. Are they still being seen to darling?” “Yeah, where's Dashie? I need to know about that Sonic Rainboom she pulled off today!” Applejack's eyes drifted to the side, towards the hallway leading further into the hospital. Where her friends were, no doubt. “Twilight's alright. Sleepin', somethin' like a magical coma-- so the doctor says. S'what happens when--” “Unicorns overuse their magic.” Rarity finished, breathing a sigh of relief. “Nothing serious-- except for cases with old mares. A unicorn of Twilight's caliber should be up and around in a few short hours!” Applejack nodded.. still averting her gaze. “Rainbow... Rainbow's pretty bad.” She couldn't bring herself to look upon any of them right then. She could hear enough to know that Fluttershy had gasped-- and Pinkie Pie's smile cracked into a shocked expression of un-Pinkie-ness that would chill anypony's heart. Rarity was the only one that stayed composed. “Is it.. life threatening?” AJ blinked, twisting in her chair. Finally looking back at her friends. “I don't see how it couldn't be, sugarcube.. I don't rightly know what's happenin' back there. Twilight did somethin' after we found her. Big Macintosh said that a flash of light like you wouldn't believe shot up from the middle of the orchard just before I got back with the doctor. But before I left to get them..” She looked down.. “... I thought Rainbow was dead.” Rarity's comforting hoof lay upon her shoulder, and Applejack looked up sadly to meet those sympathetic eyes. “But she's not.” Pinkie Pie put both her front hooves down. “Of course Dashie's not dead. Can you imagine? Dash? Beaten by -weather-?” Fluttershy nodded, moving to Applejack's side to give her cheek a soft nuzzle. One AJ returned graciously with a smile. “That doesn't sound like the Rainbow Dash I know...” “When are we going to be able to see her?” Rarity turned and looked around for the doctor. “Just imagine the poor dear, waking up in some cold hospital room in such a state. All alone. She needs her friends with her!” Applejack had to agree with her there, but there was nothin' doin' about that. Applejack had insisted on being with at least one of her two friends when they first arrived, but neither the nurses or the doctor budged an inch on that. “I'm sure they'll let us in when they can.” Applejack slipped out of the chair and stretched her sore legs. She briefly wondered how long she'd been there. A glance outside proved it was night time. Natural night time. She blinked, “Say.. Has anypony gotten word on what the hay happened today?” Rarity turned back to her, looking similarly confused. “No.. I'd imagine that's why everypony is going to the mayor right now. Waiting on some sort of official decree.” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Some ponies were saying that it was Princess Luna coming back for round two.” Pinkie actually sounded angry, Applejack noted. “Can you believe that? Suspecting poor Luna just because of that whole 'Nightmare Moon' thing.” “Well..” Fluttershy began, shuffling her front leg over the other.. “Can.. we really rule that out..? I mean, you all saw the night sky in the middle of the day..” Applejack didn't even get a chance to weigh her opinion before Rarity stepped in. “It wasn't that. At least, I don't think it was. Twilight Sparkle received that letter from the Princess, remember? Shortly before the storm arrived.” Applejack could only blink in confusion-- but Pinkie Pie nodded excitedly. “It said that Princess Luna would arrive 'as soon as she could be spared'. Her night sky disrupted the rest of the storm, too.” Applejack hummed in thought, her eyes turning down to the white pale tile of the floor. That certainly made a little sense as to why there were two sunrises in a single day. And why the storm was so quick to end. “Applejack.” Fluttershy caught her attention, and she had to wonder if maybe she had been speaking to her already. “Do you.. want to go to the meeting?” She was quick to shake her head. “Nothin' doin'. I ain't goin' nowhere till we get some word on Twilight and Rainbow's wellbein'.” As if on cue, a deep voice cleared it's throat-- and Applejack turned to find the same doctor that'd rushed with her out to the farm standing just behind her. “Perhaps I can put some of your fears to rest then.” Instantly her friends and her formed a tightly packed semi-circle around the front of the auburn coated unicorn, several questions rounding on him at once. “Oh doctor, how are they?” “Is Dashie alright?” “Please, doc, tell me they're both goin' to be okay.” He raised a hoof, which calmed Applejack only slightly. “They're both in stable conditions. In fact, Miss Sparkle is awake and asking for you all already.” Bright smiles erupted from each of them-- with Pinkie Pie doing a little cheerful bounce in place. “W-What about Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy stepped forward, her smile fading almost as soon as it sprouted. “Is she awake? Can we see her too?” The doctor only shook his head, offering a sympathetic smile. “I'm afraid we're keeping Miss Dash under magical sedation for the time being.” The worried looks that flashed across their faces were not hard to miss. “I assure you that she's fine, however. It's simply a precaution..” Rarity was the first to question him.. “A precaution for what..? I thought you said she was fine?” The averting of his eyes, even for a second, made Applejack's heart flutter. “What's wrong? What's wrong with Dash?” “Please.” He began again, lifting the hoof up for silence once more. “I believe it best if you would all follow me to Miss Sparkle's room. That way, I can tell you all at once.” He didn't waste a moment before he turned, gracefully, down the hall and began trotting without a word otherwise. Applejack briefly felt offended, wanting to shout and demand the information, but realized that it would probably be best to just move on. Rainbow was safe. Twilight was safe. That's all that mattered. It only took a minute for them to reach the small hospital room-- and the doctor politely held the door open with a soft glow of his horn. Inside, the four ponies found just enough room for all of them to stand around a single bed-- a chair off to the side taken by a single, drowzy but still happy looking dragon. Twilight Sparkle smiled weakly atop her large pillow, tucked securely and snugly underneath the thick comfortable looking blankets. “Girls! I'm so glad to see you.” Before anypony could say otherwise, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie nearly leaped upon the bed, wrapping their hooves around the unicorn in a tight-- squealing embrace. Rarity herself stood awfully close to the bedside, her happiness radiating across her smiling face. Applejack herself waited at the end of the bed. Happy and smiling, but restraining herself out of respect for Twilight's condition. Twilight herself didn't seem to mind tight hug one bit. “When we heard you three were in the hospital ward, we thought the worst!” Rarity fussed, leaning up against the side of the bed with her hooves on the sheets. Applejack felt compelled to do the same-- just at the foot of the bed still. “Not me!” Pinkie Pie yelled, grinning wildly. “I knew a storm wouldn't be able to keep ole Twilight Sparkle down!” Twilight only smiled, seemingly elated just to have her friends surrounding her again. “Oh, I'm just fine. A bit tired is all.” She certainly looked it. Her body was clean and markless from what AJ could see-- but her eyes betrayed her exhaustion. The unicorn looked wilted and in dire need of rest. “A 'bit' tired nothin'. You look plum beat!” It would be up to Applejack to see to her friend getting some of that much needed rest. “We can mosey on back another time. There's always tomorrow.” Before the disappointed faces of her friends could even really turn to her, the doctor once again cleared his throat. Focusing the attention of the room on him again. “I agree that Miss Sparkle needs her rest, but I thought it best to inform you all of your other friend's condition at the same time.” A clipboard and quill were floating in the air beside him. Seemingly having appeared from nowhere. “As well as ask Miss Sparkle some questions about what happened.” Twilight raised a brow, looking confused. “You mean.. Dash? I thought you told me she was fine.” “She is.” He stated simply. “Stable and recovering. Under magical sedation.” Twilight's confusion moved towards surprise. “Sedation? Why?” Applejack was getting angry. Perhaps she was just overly excited from the day's events. Or maybe she was just naturally impatient. Either way, the aloof nature of this doctor was not doing anypony any favors. “Miss Sparkle, the extent of Rainbow Dash's injuries were very apparent the moment my nurses and I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. Given that you yourself had succumbed to a magical coma, I can assume you played a good hoof at stabilizing her condition till we could arrive.” Eyes rounded upon her now, and Twilight managed to give a slightly uncomfortable grimace at the attention. “Erm.. Yes.. I'd imagine so.” The doctor simply stared at her expectantly. “I can make a few.. educated guesses, as to what Miss Dash's condition was when you found her.” The tip of the quill tapped against paper. Testing the ink. “It would be a great help if we could get your account of the incident. The extent of the damage and the areas you gave the greatest care to heal first, for starters.” Twilight frowned-- glancing down at the sheets tucked up to just beneath her forelegs. “Well.. Once we found Dash, we uncovered her from the trees.” She glanced up to Applejack, who felt sympathetic-- of course. She didn't want to recall the scene anymore than Twilight, she was sure. “That's when I sent Applejack to get--” “Yes yes, this is known already.” The doctor's agitation was easy to hear, and it drew more than just Applejack's angry gaze. “After she left. When you took to caring for Miss Dash. Where did you begin and how?” The silence stretched for a few moments longer than the doctor seemed to like-- his impatient sigh matched with a tapping of his quill against his board. “Miss Sparkle.. You're obviously a very gifted unicorn. The pride of the Princess herself. Your abilities are certainly to be admired, but the quality of Miss Dash's recovery is.. well.. phenomenal. That a pony with no focused medical training could pull of such a feat is, quite frankly, astounding. Unheard of.” That seemed to be just about all Fluttershy could take herself, though she hardly sounded angry when she raised her head and muttered, “I-I don't know if Twilight is feeling up to..” Twilight headed her off, however. “I don't remember.” That seemed to surprise the doctor, who glanced up with a blink of surprise. “You don't remember?” Twilight shook her head, her eyes slightly narrowed. “I don't. The only thing I remember was sending Applejack away, examining Rainbow and pulling... her.. out of the tree limbs.” There was something Twilight wasn't saying, however. Her eyes flickering over towards Fluttershy. Maybe the others didn't catch it, but Applejack did. And so did the doctor. “I.. see. So you remember.. nothing?” Twilight seemed to think for a moment. Or maybe make a show of it. Applejack wasn't sure. “I.. remember.. clearing Rainbow's lung. And I remember Rainbow wasn't breathing. Then.. her heart stopped..” Applejack felt a lump in her throat. She wasn't the only one feeling the uncomfortable weight of this conversation either. Fluttershy had lowered her head to the bed, looking close to being in tears. The rest were silent, their eyes thoughtful and worried. “I remember turning her over, trying to do something, but.. then I was here.” She looked back up to the doctor. Staring back at him pointedly. “I'm sorry I can't be of any more help than that.” The doctor stared back, before his quill suddenly wrote a few quick lines upon the clipboard before disappearing with a quick magical pop. “It's no problem Miss Sparkle. Whatever you did surely saved your friend's life.” He offered a smile-- an obviously fake one, but a smile never the less. “I suppose that is all that is truly important here.” Spike spoke up then-- reminding AJ that he was even here. “But.. What about the sedation? What's that all about?” “The sedation.” The doctor began, his forced smile fading instantly. “Regardless of whatever magical spells Miss Sparkle used, Miss Dash was still in a dire state upon her arrival. Blood loss being one of the more stressing issues, but there was still substantial internal injuries that had to be tended to.” Twilight's ears drooped.. “B-But.. I thought that--” “That you healed her?” The doctor didn't really offer much in the sense of understanding or sympathy. “Yes. Essentially, you did. You saved her life, but there were injuries that you missed or didn't have the magical power to reach before you, yourself, succumbed to your exhaustion. “A few partial fractures, bruising, and lacerations were left for us to take care of. Her wings were healed until we could safely bandage them to heal on their own. What's concerning us the most is her spinal injuries.” Applejack head tilted.. “Spinal.. injuries?” The stallion nodded. “One would've expected worse, but I believe we can thank Miss Sparkle for that. Despite that, there is a chance Miss Dash could be paralyzed.” The gasps from the other girls registered faintly to Applejack's ears. She just felt sick. Knowing Rainbow was going to live was the best news she'd heard all day. Knowing the fate that might be awaiting her doused it. “Dash.. Paralyzed..?” Twilight looked the most shocked, her eyes watering with tears unshed. “But I -saved- her..” The doctor's horn was already opening the door for him-- his eyes sweeping across those in the room one last time. “Saved, yes. But every pony has their limits Miss Sparkle. Even you, I'm afraid. “We'll know more in short time. The sedation spell should be wearing out in the next several hours, and a more comprehensive examination can take place. Then you should all be able to visit her at your leisure.” He gave a bow, and with that, stepped from the room. Before anypony could say anything, Nurse Redheart stepped through the still open door-- offering them a -true- look of sympathy. “I'm sorry dears, but Twilight Sparkle could do for some rest now. Perhaps you should all get to the square with the rest of the ponies?” She smiled, which eased Applejack's aching heart almost instantly.. “I'm sure a night of rest for everypony would do a world of good. You can all come back first thing in the morning.” Pinkie Pie was the only one that resisted the idea, but Twilight agreed. With minimal protest, the group of friends said their good byes and gave the unicorn different degrees of hugs. When it was Applejack's turn, she squeezed Twilight's weak frame tight. Whispering a soft farewell. Twilight just smiled, looking worse for wear. The news was rather hard for her to accept, one would imagine. Applejack knew that feeling well. Upon leaving the care center, Applejack politely excused herself from following the others to the town hall meeting. They protested lightly, but she just gave the excuse that her head was hurting her and that she needed to get back to Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom at the Ponyville Inn. The protests were immediately silenced, and another round of hugs occurred. Walking alone through the dark and damp streets, Applejack's mind wandered. She briefly debated on turning around and going back to the meeting. Celestia knows she was curious as to what had happened, but as she thought about it, she really didn't have it in her to deal with anymore trauma today. Bad news was sure to come from it, and it could wait until the bright and sunny morning. Those thoughts drifted to Twilight. To Rainbow. The two ponies of the day. An undying gratitude flowed through Applejack's core towards the unicorn. She'd taken charge where she, in her shock, had allowed all sense to rush out of her mind. In an entirely uncharacteristic panic. Of course, she'd lost her farm. She nearly lost her life. There were reasons. She'd nearly lost Rainbow. The sight of the broken pegasus rushed to the front of her mind, and the urge to be sick built inside her gut, but Applejack resisted it. She dove into the thoughts of the wild blue pony. This wasn't a time to push those thoughts back. She was alone, she was upset, and she wanted to think of her. Not of her limp and muddied frame surrounded by the remains of her farm, but of her smiling cocky face. Her flash of rainbow colors as she streaked across Ponyville's skies. A sight Applejack often saw while working out in her orchard. A hard reality had hit her a long time ago. These thoughts didn't shock, appall her, or shame her. Those days had come and gone. Applejack had close to a year to get accustomed to them, and now she'd long since accepted that she was madly in love with a mare. With Rainbow Dash herself. That competitive show boating pegasus that never backed down and was always there when her friends needed her. That attraction that had, at first, confused her to no end. Now it was obvious and as easy to see as the stars in the sky. She paused, standing on the street corner just outside of the brightly lit Ponyville Inn. Inside was a room for three, offered to them by the owner herself after hearing about the destruction of Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac and Apple Bloom were undoubtedly inside. Perhaps already asleep. It'd been a long day after all. But Applejack couldn't see herself sleeping. She turned, looking towards the rest of the mostly deserted town. She could go for a walk. The thoughts and memories of Rainbow Dash tagged along. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• A gracious amount of time had been spent preparing for that day. Applejack had spent the majority of her week thinking about it, mulling it over in her mind, losing her nerve and regaining it shortly afterward. It got to the point that she couldn't even hide her nervousness from her own family-- with Apple Bloom shooting her weird looks and even Granny Smith giving her a strange glance at the morning table. Applejack had come up with the convenient excuse or two, before bowing out to take care of chores. It worked, for the most part. There wasn't any uncomfortable sit downs or revealing slip ups. The Gala had been a few months ago now. Life in Ponyville was mostly returning to normal. The preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration were beginning to fill the thoughts of most ponies and the town was more than happy to accept the honor of hosting the festivities a second year in a row. The banners and fliers were being placed and arranged, the royal invitations were being sent out, and the businesses had all been preparing for the influx of traffic through the otherwise normally peaceful and quiet village. So of course, this meant there was much to do for the Apple family as well. Princess Celestia had requested that Sweet Apple Acres single-hoofedly cater the entire official event. There was no end to the apple fritters, apple dumplings, apple pies and apple cake that had to be made. It was certainly not easy, especially with Granny Smith's declining health, but the pay was enough to see them through for the rest of the year, and Applejack was certainly all for earning good pay with good hard work. It also served as a fine distraction. Applejack had come to the realization that she had long since fallen for somepony. Somepony that she'd been friends with for a while now, and only recently admitted to herself that they'd found their way into her heart. It was doable at first, to ignore and put these feelings aside while chastising herself over the presumed wrong or rightness of the situation, but in time these feelings expanded. These feelings grew to more than just the minor irritation on a lonely day or the pang of longing on an equally lonely night. What was just a crush had blossomed into much more than that, and Applejack was smart enough to know that it would never rightly go away until it was dealt with and dealt with properly. She was the Element of Honesty, after all. So after a long day of baking, preparing all different manners of apple-delicious goods for the next days festival, Applejack took to wandering through the rows of her trees as the sky drifted into shades of violet that would normally of grabbed her attention and wowed her with it's beautiful show. But she was too busy in her own world. Too busy trying to talk herself out of this, of turning tail and running back home, swallowing her feelings for her like she always did. But when Rainbow Dash descended from the sky, no less than a few meters from her, with that cheerful smile across her face that made Applejack's pride heart skip a beat-- it washed those worries away. It made her melt in place, staring at her friend who answered her impromptu message to meet her here at this precise hour for a not-so-precise reason. “Applejack?” Rainbow's concern was genuine. “You wanted to meet me for something?” “A-Ayep.” She would admit that she started out rocky. It wasn't easy for a gal like her to do something like this. “It's-- uh.. nothing too.. um.. important or nothin'. I didn't mean to worry you..” Rainbow had brightened instantly, her smile redoubling across her face. “Oh, good. I was afraid you were upset or something.” Upset at what, Applejack wouldn't be able to say. Upset that the pegasus had missed the weekly rain across the farm? Perhaps. But Rainbow could forget to coax rain across her crops for a month and it wouldn't change how she felt about her. “Rainbow.. I just wanted you out here for a talk.” She felt herself smile, stepping up closer to the pegasus. Smelling the sky and rain that seemed to always be present about her. Then she moved along her side. “... Would you like to walk with me?” There was a brief moment of hesitation in Rainbow, and her wings fluttered undoubtedly from the waver in Applejack's voice. But she had nodded, and turned closely beside her to walk in tow. Sweet Apple Acres spread out before the both of them, and for a few minutes they simply trotted in silence. Rainbow stepped up beside her, keeping pace-- her eyes trained upwards at the few clouds in the sky that were painted arrays of blue and purple by the setting sun. Reminding Applejack of the colors in the filly's eyes. “I always.. loved this time of day..” She found herself staring at her, but Rainbow's gaze didn't falter from the sky. “The sky's just seems to stretch forever..” Dash nodded, and her eyes turned to her's now-- her smile never once wavering. “You should see it from up above sometime. Then it really does stretch forever.” Applejack broke the stare before anything could come of it, clearing her throat with a shaky laugh, “Of course.. I think I'd rather just keep my hooves on the ground though. Much more at home here.” “Hah. Of course you would be.” Rainbow's wings fluttered, and Applejack truly realized that there was so much different between them. “Maybe next time you guys come to Cloudsdale you can take a minute to appreciate the sunset.” “Why in tarnation would I ever wanna go back up there?” She said it lightheartedly, with her head held high and a playful grin. “S'not like you need our support to win this year's Best Flier Competition. You can probably pull those Rainbooms of yours off in your sleep.” Though Dash's wings flared with pride, her face betrayed her unease.. “Well.. It's nice, you know..? Having you girls there to cheer me on. I mean, Fluttershy is great and all-- like I said. But she's Fluttershy.” She gave a nod, “Fluttershy is most definitely Fluttershy.” “So, you gotta be there!” Back to that bold and cocky tune. “Not like you'd want to miss the show!” Applejack laughed-- and it spread even to Rainbow, as the two leaned against one another as they moved on along. The sun was nearly below the hills by the time they slowed their pace. Before the last rays had disappeared, Applejack glanced up-- letting Rainbow speak while she just simply listened. But her mind atunned to a different train of thought, and she let herself fall behind in a complete stop. “So then I told Pinkie Pie about how they make cloud topped muffins in Cloudsdale and she just would not--” Rainbow halted a short distance ahead, eyes not on the sky-- but on her. “Applejack?” This was it.. “Have you ever been in love, Rainbow?” She didn't have to look to see the confusion on Rainbow's face. It echoed in her voice a short moment later, and made the foundations of her nerves tremble. “Uh.. Once.. Maybe twice..” She turned around, trotting back closer. Voice growing louder. “Why?” She still couldn't bring herself to look away from the darkening sky. “What would you do if you loved somepony that you just... didn't feel like you had a shot at?” Dash sat down upon her flank not far away, a sense of understanding coming to her voice.. “I guess this is what you really wanted to talk about, huh?” A short pause with no reply later, “I don't really know.. I guess I'd pony-up. Tell them how I felt--” “And if it ruined your friendship?” She looked upon her now, at those confused but thoughtful violet eyes. “And you lost that pony forever?” Rainbow blinked.. before allowing a sympathetic smile to cross her face. “Then they weren't really your friend to begin with, and never deserved the feelings you had for them.” Applejack felt the tears coming. She didn't want to fight them, but she did. For now. It made her eyes burned, and had to look away from Rainbow in fear that the weariness would show. “I-I wish I could be as brave as you sometimes sugarcube..” There wasn't any boasting. Rainbow Dash just shook her head, casting her with that friendly and sympathetic gaze till the first of those held back tears ran down her cheek. “Who's the lucky stallion, AJ?” A sad smile spread across her lips-- and Applejack actually managed to chuckle. Just by closing her eyes, some more tears surfaced. She didn't care. She didn't want to hide her tears from anypony anymore. “It ain't no stallion.” She looked dead into Rainbow Dash's eyes-- even as a confused look twisted at her smiling features. “It's you.” There was a moment of silence as Rainbow's face fell from confused to just plain.. shocked. Her eyes stared into Applejack's-- as if expecting her to suddenly break face and laugh. But she wasn't laughing. In fact, the tears began to build up as Dash just stood there. Staring at her. Like she was suddenly so different. It didn't take much soul searching to see that Dash's mind was racing. Racing for the easiest way to smooth this situation over. The easiest way to spare Applejack the hurt feelings that were bubbling to the surface. The easiest way to tell her “no”. “... W-Well.” Applejack couldn't keep her voice from breaking, turning to avoid that stare. “I think I messed up..” Without a word further she turned to leave, wanting nothing more than to run back to the house and throw herself in bed and cry her eyes out. She barely got a step. “A-Applejack, wait!” She halted, but couldn't bring herself to turn around. Not to that. “I'm sorry Rainbow.” She tried to make herself sound chipper, not as beaten as she felt, but it was difficult. “I should have known better than to just pile this all on you like it ain't a thing.” She heard Rainbow approach, felt her brush against her flank-- and as she turned around, fully ready to fake a smile to mask her pain-- the blue pegasus had wrapped her forelegs around her neck, and pulled her tight. “I'm sorry.” Applejack blinked, her hot tears dripping upon Rainbow's shoulder. She felt her back legs go out, and her body slump against the ground-- pulled in tight against her friend's chest.. and she cried. Her arms came up, wrapped around her just as tight. She clung for dear life and sobbed. “I'm so sorry..” Rainbow Dash rocked her sweetly, running her hooves up and down her back in the most soothing way she could-- and still AJ cried. She sobbed against that rainbow mane-- pouring it out in one long wail that made her shoulders heave and her body shudder. Her tears matted against her friend's coat-- but she didn't mind. It wasn't until her crying began to subside that Rainbow dared speak beyond a soft whisper of comfort, her forelegs still cradling the sniffing, shaking earth pony delicately. “I never knew you were..” She felt Rainbow tense-- obviously catching herself from saying something unintentionally insensitive. “.. attracted to fillies..” Applejack sniffled, unwilling to let go yet. “No one does.. Not until now..” The revelation made Rainbow squeeze her tighter-- and Applejack silently melted more into her arms. Just feeling how close Rainbow held her gave her hope that, even if she did not gain a lover, she did not lose a friend. A small silver lining. “I.. just don't know what to say..” Rainbow whispered in her ear-- still softly stroking along her back.. “It doesn't make me think any less of you. You know that, right?” Shaking, Applejack nodded-- but on the inside, she was aflame with uncertainty. “I don't even want to know how hard it must have been for you to keep this a secret all this time..” “So hard, Dash.” She allowed herself a grim smile-- burying her snout into her friend's mane for one last squeeze. “I-I can't even begin to tell you..” The moment came where Dash finally pulled out of the hug-- her arms sliding between the two of them, but in a manner that was as gentle as she could be. Her sad smile met Applejack's tear smeared face, and Applejack was forced to look away. A hard blush already forming at her cheeks. “I-I'm sorry.. I'm bawlin' like a little school filly, aren't I?” She cleared her throat, lifting a hoof to brush some of those tears away. “It.. was kind of hard to make m'self go through with all this..” “I can imagine.” Dash attempted to inject some humor into her voice-- which didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. “AJ.. I'm not good with this sort of stuff.. I don't want to hurt you, even though I know it will..” Rainbow's voice oozed with guilt, and that alone was enough to make Applejack's eyes squeeze closed.. “I love you, but.. but I can't love you like that..” It wasn't unexpected, so it didn't shatter her heart into a million pieces-- but Applejack still felt the pain course through her like a sudden electric shock. Rainbow's voice was so soft and tender that even she knew that she was trying to put as much into sensitizing this for her as possible. It helped the pain, but it certainly didn't stop it from coming. “I know that you're probably regretting telling me now... I don't want you to.” Her hooves fell upon her shoulders, and Applejack opened her eyes to look into Rainbow's as they stared deep into her. “I'm happy that you would think of me like that.. You're one of the only ponies I know that I really worry about when it comes to how you think of me..” Applejack blinked, and it was her turn to look confused. “W-What do you mean?” Rainbow smiled in the middle of a sigh, shaking her head. “You're the only pony around that's even close to my level-- competitively. We like a lot of the same things, love to get our hooves dirty, and don't do all that frilly-froo-froo stuff all those other fillies do.” Applejack realized that some of those were reasons why she, herself, had fallen for Dash in particular-- but her embarrassment told her it was best not to interrupt. “A lot of the times I've wondered if you liked me at all.. I know we've butted heads once or twice, and I can be..” Rainbow hesitated. “.. kind of a jerk, sometimes.. But I've always wanted you to like me. More than most the other ponies..” Applejack was surprised-- needless to say. She'd always felt the two had a lot in common, and were fitting rivals for each other, but she'd never noticed Dash's compulsive need to have her like her. That always just.. was. “Sugarcube..” Rainbow interrupted, “And all this time.. I never noticed you were hurting so bad.. I guess I was so afraid of losing you as a friend because of the way I act that I wasn't really paying attention to you at all.” Now Rainbow looked like she was close to tears, and her hooves slipped from her shoulders slowly.. There was nothing but guilt etched across her face. Mixed in with her voice. A greater guilt than Applejack could have imagined.“I guess.. I've been a bad friend for you..” Applejack wouldn't have that. “Now hold up.” Her hooves took one of Rainbows between them, holding it tight. “You've been a mighty fine friend Rainbow. It was me and my foolishness that kept somethin' like this from bein' dealt with a long time ago.” “But--” “But nothin'!” If there was any trace of that crying Applejack left in her, one wouldn't be able to see it. “It was how you acted that made you stand out to me. You don't take no for an answer, you don't back down, and you never give up-- least of all on your friends, and if that ain't something to be admired, I don't reckon I know what is.” She continued, staring deep into those horizon colored eyes. Which stared right back, as lovingly as she would imagine Rainbow could. “You never had to push yourself on me to get me to like you, because.. Rainbow, I've loved you since plum near the first time I met you. It's embarrassin' to admit it like this, but it's true. And I'd know a thing or two about that, even if my track record speaks ill of me.” “I'm glad I told you, and I feel all the more like a foal for believin' for a second you'd stop wantin' to be my friend just because I'm not into stallions and have a little crush on you.” Hardly little, but that wasn't the point.. “You're the Element of Loyalty for Pete's sake.. and the best friend a pony like me could ever ask for..” Rainbow looked stunned, but her soft smile returned after a few seconds, and her other hoof laid upon the two the clutched it's twin. “It don't matter one bit that you don't feel the same way I do or that you ain't into fillies. You needed to know the truth, and I done went and told you. I feel all kinds of better just knowin' you ain't offended. The last thing I would ever of wanted was to lose you, Rainbow Dash.” “And you won't.” Rainbow sniffled herself-- a tear running from her eyes. “I swear, Applejack. You never will.” Applejack couldn't help it. She surged forward and wrapped her forelegs around Dash in another hug-- one that she initiated and controlled. Squeezing the filly till she gave a laugh. Wrapping her arms around her in turn. The two would stay there well into the night, relaxing against the trunk of one of the farm's largest apple trees. They talked about themselves, their secrets and their worries. In the end, Rainbow only left when sleep began calling for them both. With a warm goodbye, Rainbow took off with several beats of her wings and Applejack only watched her leave. It wasn't the out come she would've wanted, but her tears had been shed-- and though her heart was aching, she renewed her hope that, one day, she'd be able to share with the others her secret. Regardless, she was glad she'd still have that particular pegasus to call a friend. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• You still love her, after all. The inn was before her again, and it confused Applejack to no end for a few moments before she realized she had walked all the way around Ponyville and back. For a second, she wondered if the town was actually that small that she didn't notice or if she'd simply lost track of time. A glance up to the sky told her it was the latter. She sighed, glancing over the multiple windows that had been lit up before-- but were now dimmed or completely devoid of light. No doubt Apple Bloom and Big Mac would be asleep by this point, writing her off as staying at the hospital or going to the town meeting. She'd simply tell them that she stayed with Twilight longer than she'd meant to. If they even bothered to ask. Something told her that they'd all be in foul moods over the next few days. Particularly her brother. Never the less, the morning promised to be emotional. The thought of seeing Rainbow made her happy, but to see her potentially crippled for life? It was heartbreaking enough just to know what she went through. A yawn interrupted her fretting, and she shook her head of her troubled thoughts. A nap at the hospital earlier had been all the rest she'd had that day. It was about time some real sleep was allowed to work it's magic. Celestia knows she could use it. She crossed the street and went inside-- trying and ultimately failing to leave her worried thoughts at the door.
Main 6,Dark,Romance,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
On Feathered Wings
<p> Losing the defining thing that makes you who you are would be hard for anypony. Where do you go from there? How do you cope? How do your friends? How hard is it to start from scratch? Rainbow Dash never had to worry about these things. Not until the worst storm in Equestrian history. Now she has to cling to that which she still has, and discover for herself that there is much more out there to live for than she originally believed.</p>
“I don't want to." "I know you don't, but I'm afraid 'not wanting to' doesn't get you off the hook that easy, hunny." The pegasus filly stomped her front hooves down in defiance-- her face doing its best to look determined, unyielding, and angry all in one. But the flustered blush on her cheeks and the tears welling in her eyes gave away her pain and childish stubbornness with ease. "W-Why do I even have to go!? I already know how to fly!" "Of course you do!" The older, pink coated pegasus mare smiled at her daughter-- clopping closer despite the youngster's glare that was quickly falling apart. "But a mother knows what's best, don't you know? You have so much talent. You're not going to waste it here doing chores." A look of horror crossed the little filly's face-- her little blue wings flaring out. "But.. I don't mind doing those things! I never have!" "I know you don't." The mother's smile never wavered, but it was a sad smile all the same. "You've been a wonderful help for your mother these past few months. Cooking and cleaning and making my bed for me every morning. I don't know what I would've done without you." "Then why..?" The fight was gone-- the young pony slipping down upon her flank, eyes wide and brimming with tears. Looking guilty, not betrayed. "Why are you sending me away..?" The smile faded then, and the mare knelt down to pull her daughter into a tight hug-- which was returned with a fierce and passionate squeeze. A tender sob from the cyan coated filly muffled by her mother's equally cyan mane. "I would never.. ever.. send you away.." She whispered, nuzzling into the little shaking filly's ear-- her eyes, closed as they were, let their own tears trail silently down her cheek. "I only want the world for my baby girl.. I want you to spread those wings and fly-- and not like just some pony, but like your mother did back in her day. Back when I still could." The sobs didn't stop, but the mother remained strong. Cradling her filly. "You're an amazing young girl, and you're going to grow and become even more amazing every day. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't give you every opportunity to be the best filly you can be.." "W-What are you going to do while I'm gone?" She still clung to her cyan mane, digging her muzzle in deeper. Refusing to let go. For as long as she could. "H-How are you--" "Shh.. shh.." The soothing strokes along her back began-- and her wings shivered at the touch. Her whole body did. It instantly silenced the sobs wracking her speech. Made her grow limper in her mother's gentle embrace. "I'll manage.. your mother still has her legs and don't count these old wings out just yet." The hug unraveled-- and one look into her daughter's eyes told the elder that the argument hadn't been won. Not even slightly. "You have to grow up and become your own pony. Your own mare." A hoof cupped her cheek, and the filly only sniffled and leaned against it. Her cheek swelling as still fresh tears trickled down. "Your mother will always be here. Ready to make you a home cooked meal when you're hungry and give you a warm bed when you're cold and tired.. but you know what else?" She shook her head slowly, while the mother only smiled brighter than ever. "I'm always with you. Right here." Her hoof traced down to the filly's chest-- pressing gently against the cyan fur. "And whenever you need me, you can always talk to me. Tell me all you need to tell me, whenever you need to tell me, no matter how much it hurts or how far away you might think I am." A warmth flowed back through the filly's face, and a spark ignited in her eyes. There was the briefest hint of wonder in her young expression, and a glance down to where the hoof was pressed to her chest seemed to be all the proof the filly needed to believe her mother's soft words without question. "W-Whenever I need you..?" A smile and a nod. "-Whenever- you need me." Her young hooves reached up, holding the large hoof that was so softly pressed against her-- and the warmth of her tears tickled along her face. But the young pegasus, with one final sniffle, allowed a grin to take over. Her violet eyes returning to her mother. "... I love you mommy.." "I love you too Rainbow. So very much..." There was so much sadness in her eyes as she looked down upon her filly, but years of practice made hiding it from her so distressingly easy. A gentle smile and a soft gaze were all that were required, but even now with withering strength, she could see the facade starting to crack to her ever growing baby girl. The mother's eyes turned, glancing out the open door-- to the evening sun that lit up the clouds that formed their walls, their ceiling, their floor-- even their furniture. Then her gaze fell back upon her daughter. Her beautiful, wonderful daughter. Who's smile slowly faded.. "But... it's time for you to go now." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The warmth on her cheeks would be the first thing she'd slowly wake up to. The second thing she felt was a smothering warmth that squeezed at her chest, making every breath a laboring effort that grew from mildly irritating to painful as feeling slowly made its way through her limbs. All this happened before she truly even awoke-- her mind slowly restarting from its restless slumber. A slumber that was, for lack of a better term, not slumber. She didn't feel rested and restored. She just felt drained. Rainbow Dash's eyes creaked open, a flurry of blurred images filtering through her senses. Almost instantly she winced, squeezing her barely cracked eyes shut. There was very little brightness in the room, but it was enough to sting and make her hiss in reply. She moved her hoof up to her face to rub the sleepiness away. Or, well, she tried to anyways. Her leg hadn't moved. She barely recognized the faint feel of her foreleg tingling as if it'd long since fallen asleep from some uncomfortable position, but it was most assuredly not because of that. The confusion that dawned on her made her breath catch. It wasn't until then that she even noticed that she had no idea where she was or how she got here. She turned her head, feeling a warm pillow brush against her cheek-- pulling on her pinned mane. Try as she might, her foreleg would not rise. Nor would her wings flare. Or her hind legs kick. Her caught breath began to turn into a panicked pant-- and a weak whimper was all she could mutter instead of a frustrated scream. Where am I? She felt the exhaustion tighten, and her struggles ceased-- a shaky breath giving away her fear-- and on cue there was a foggy noise from across the room. Rainbow's eyes cracked open once again, and the light was still blinding-- but all at once that faded. A darkness surrounded her, and a brief relief was interrupted by confusion within seconds. "Rainbow Dash?" The voice sounded so distant, but all the same so close. Like someone was speaking to her from behind a thick door. Their voice muffled and distorted, but deep and baritone. "It's alright Miss Dash. You're safe. Safe and in good hooves." A small glimmer of light illuminated a face in the dark-- a pony's face complete with a horn atop his head. The obvious source of the glow. The image danced for a moment, fading in and out of focus, but it gradually retained its solidity. Till she could properly make out the cyan maned stallion's features. "Much better, yes..?" She swallowed, attempting to speak, but all she could give a a muttered groan in reply. "Good.. Don't worry yourself.. You just need some water." Another thing floated into her vision-- a glass complete with sloshing cool water-- which magically lifted from the glass and snaked towards her in a slow arch. It was almost beautiful to watch, even now. "Open your mouth for me?" She complied after just a moment, closing her eyes. She felt the refreshing drink lose its magical suspension within her jaws-- splashing upon her tongue. A few mouthfuls later, she felt an instant relief. She'd been incredibly thirsty. "There we go." She opened her eyes again and found that floating head a bit further away-- a smile stretched across his face. "I'm going to turn the light back on now Miss Dash. Are you ready?" She fought with her sore throat and her uncooperative tongue. "N-Not.. r-really.." Regardless, the light flooded the room-- and she instantly hissed and snapped her eyes back to a close. Wondering why anypony would even ask such a question if they were just going to bucking do it anyways! "I'm sure you're probably very confused right now.” The voice was closer, and she felt compelled to open her eyes again-- even as tears blurred at her hardly perfectly focused vision. The brighter than bright room beginning to take shape. “I'm doctor Lighthorn. You're in Ponyville Emergency Care.” Wha-.. What? She blinked away stinging tears, her eyes flittering about the plain white room for a few moments before centering on the unicorn-- a doctor alright, by the looks of him-- scribbling about on a clipboard Rainbow hadn't noticed him carrying before. “H-How..?” “You were out in the storm, remember?” His eyes were on whatever it was he was writing, but he quickly finished and flashed her the smallest of fake smiles. “You do remember the storm, don't you Miss Dash?” For a moment, she was beyond confused. But the memories of the day-- which seemed so long ago to her now-- began to surface. Cold and painful rain swirling around her thanks to an equally unforgiving wind. Howling, monstrous vortexes eating land, trees and farms. Sweet Apple Acres. “I... I do..” “Good to hear.” His quill made a swift stroke against the page. “Tell me more about what happened to you Rainbow Dash.” She blinked, her eyes dropping back to the bed. To the thick cotton sheets tucked almost painfully tight around her body. It was difficult to breath. “There.. There were... tornadoes..” She swallowed, no longer thirsty-- but finding the words hard to grasp all the same. “I was.. I tried to.. to stop them..?” Another stroke. “Yes, and you did... Please, don't worry yourself. This is common.” He must of noticed the panicked look on her face. She was faintly aware that she was beginning to pant. She coughed, wanting to push herself up from the bed-- but once again felt like she was restrained. Her eyes scanned for her legs, for whatever was holding her down, but she couldn't see anything thanks to her choking bedspread. “W-Why can't I move..?” He trotted up to her side-- his paperwork hovering up above the two of them. “It's just a spell. We needed you to be still while you rested. Give me just a moment and we can work on removing it properly.” He paused, after resting a hoof on the lump where her arm was beneath the covers. Rainbow couldn't feel it. “Alright?” She didn't like this. Not one bit. Her mind swam with what she wanted to yell.. but she merely nodded, dropping her head back against the warm and comfortable pillow. It took too much effort to yell. “Now.. Can you tell me more about what happened?” Down came the quill and clipboard. “What was one of the last things you can remember?” She closed her eyes from the bright light above her-- struggling inside her mind to recall just what happened to her. What brought her here. “I was flying.. inside the funnel..” She heard the doctor actually pause in his writing, but she didn't know why. “S-Something.. Something must of hit me.. I remember falling..” “Do you remember where you were Miss Dash?” It took her a few seconds before her eyes snapped open-- the light forgotten. “A-Applejack..!” Lighthorn was quick to intervene. “--Is fine. All of your friends are fine.” Rainbow blinked, staring at the unicorn for a few uncomfortable seconds. “S-She's okay..?” Her eyes watered, and not from the light. “They all are..?” He nodded, that hollow sympathetic smile back on his face. “Indeed. Your friend Twilight Sparkle had to be admitted to the hospital as well, but merely due to exhaustion. She's already awake and most likely ready to be out of bed by now.” Rainbow felt... light headed. She moved her lips, but didn't form any words. The images of Sweet Apple Acres in shambles ran through her head, then the outlines of those twisters making their way across the countryside for Ponyville-- full of unready and unprepared friends and neighbors. “B-But the storm.. How did.. I don't..” She blinked, tears breaking down her face as she realized a happy ending just wasn't possible.. -Shouldn't- be possible. “I don't understand..” “The storm is gone Miss Dash. The princesses saw to that, so I've heard.” He patted her numb leg with that hoof before scribbling something quickly onto his seemingly important paper. “Ponyville is safe, you're safe, and all your friends are safe. Please, try to relax..” She attempted to-- Celestia knows she did-- but her heart still hammered in her chest. She could still feel -that- at least. “What happened..?” An even better question came to mind.. “How did I end up here..?” “Your friends Twilight Sparkle and Applejack found you out in the Sweet Apple Acres' orchard..” He seemed to hesitate there, as if unsure of the story himself. “I'm.. admittedly having trouble piecing together what happened after that. Your friend Miss Sparkle doesn't seem to be very cooperative on her account of your rescue.” My rescue..? Her confusion didn't go unnoticed. “Seems you were in quite the bad way when they found you.. I believe Miss Sparkle put her tutoring to good use.” The last part was said with barely contained snootiness-- which even now brought annoyance to poor Rainbow Dash. “I was hopeful that you would remember something-- anything at all-- of the spells cast upon you. Even unconscious, the caliber of spells Miss Sparkle must of used on you would leave quite an impression.” Rainbow Dash looked down at her bed again, processing the information given to her.. Twilight Sparkle had saved her? Found her beaten body out in the middle of some field and used her egghead knowledge of magic to bring her back from the dead? Even for Twilight, that seemed like something beyond her abilities. Or maybe it was because of it being -her- that was saved. Inches away from death only to be brought back and... seemingly unscathed. Or.. well.. so she thought. “Miss Dash..?” Her doctor lowered his head into her vision-- making her snap her eyes back upon him. “Is there.. anything at all you can remember? An image? A dream? Anything?” A dream... “Why the hay does it even matter..?” A look of surprise crossed his face, and that fake smile of his dropped almost instantly. Rainbow was glaring, and she didn't care. She may not be the Element of Honesty, but she could tell when a pony was lying through his teeth-- or poking somewhere he didn't belong. “Twilight Sparkle will tell you... Whatever you need to know.” A few more seconds passed before the quill suddenly stroked across another section of the page it'd been scribbling upon-- and the paper suddenly flipped to an entirely different page. “Of course.” Fake smile. “My apologies.” A small flare of his horn later and she felt a tingle run up her legs-- starting from her hooves and ending all at once when they centered on her chest. Slowly, her body awoke from its restrained numbness-- and with a shaky breath she felt her hoof move. “Please refrain from moving too much Miss Dash.” Lighthorn moved to the other side of her bed-- not even watching his paper as his quill filled out lines of text. “I need you to work with me for just a moment, then we can see about completely removing the spell and letting you sit up. Okay?” Again, she just nodded. Actually nodded this time. She was glad to find she could breath easier now. There was a flash as a glittering aura surrounded the sheets of her bed, and slowly peeled it back. At first, her breath caught in her throat-- afraid at the state of what she might find her body in.. but released that breath when she found herself almost completely fine. Around her hooves were clean, even white bandages-- as well as around her midsection-- pulled tight, but not seemingly so tight as to be unbearable. She'd probably be able to tell better when she could better feel exactly what her limbs were telling her, but she could already breath better; testing it by taking a deep breath. Besides the bandages.. she didn't see anything wrong. Her coat was clean and seemed evenly brushed, if a bit rough from being in bed. Even her tail seemed in order. Clean of tangles or mud or anything. Had Twilight really done all that? “We cleaned and dressed your injuries after you arrived.” Could all unicorns read her mind now? “Minor cuts and some bruises under that coat of yours, but you've mostly got a clean bill of health. There were just.. concerns.” Rainbow blinked, -turning- her head to him. “Concerns..?” He just nodded, tilting his head-- his horn-- towards her hind legs. “A great deal of your injuries had been internal.” She felt a sudden jolt-- and the muscles in her right hind leg tightened. Then another in her left hind leg-- which earned the same reaction. Whether that was a good sign or not, Lighthorn wrote quickly upon his paper. “Miss Sparkle did most of our work for us it seems, but we cleaned up after her a bit. Our main concern after that was focused on your spine.” She twitched, another jolt making her legs nearly kick. It wasn't the most comfortable sensation-- but she recognized it as reflex testing-- unicorn style. “My spine?” “Your spine.” He answered dully, passing over her hind legs and towards her front. She felt the magical pressure build in her right foreleg-- eliciting a similar reaction. Making her stretch it out. “There was some potential bruising along your spinal column that was seemingly overlooked. Not outright life threatening, but there's always the risk of paralysis.” Rainbow's heart skipped a beat. “Paralysis...” Another jolt, this time to the opposite foreleg-- and again Rainbow stretched the leg out on reflex. “Not to worry though..” He spoke quietly, his eyes on her. “You seem to be recovering fine.. The magical science of spinal repair is an.. iffy one. An unexplored field, one might say. Hold still please?” She felt the awkward feeling of something brushing through her body-- like a wind blown rope lazily rolling with the wind, only this moved with a purpose. For some reason, she felt compelled to shudder, but managed to hold herself stable until the alien feeling retreated to where it came from. “Doing alright Miss Dash?” He went back to writing again-- seemingly uninterested in her answer. And she really didn't feel interested in giving him one either. “No jarring muscle pains? Awkward numbness?” She shook her head, wondering if she was safe to sit up yet.. “Not that I can really tell..” As if on cue, the bed itself seemed to move. Or at least half of it. The top half tilted upwards-- lifting her slowly into a sitting position. Two pillows quickly levitating from the other side of the room and filling in the gap to keep her nice and comfortable. He checked another section off on his paper. “Now we come to your wings~” Rainbow froze. My wings.. She glanced over her shoulder slowly, unsure what to expect.. but found her wing bound by the same white bandages that were wrapped around her hooves. Tuffs of feathers were squeezed around the tightly pulled white bands-- but it seemed mostly intact. A quick glance over her other shoulder confirmed that it was exactly the same as its twin. She couldn't contain a sigh of relief.. “A few missing feathers and some scrapes..” The doctor was unwrapping her right wing gently-- the straps unraveling like one giant ribbon. “Imagine Miss Sparkle is to thank for that too.” Twilight.. Rainbow's eyes softened as she looked down at her hooves, rubbing them across her bandaged midsection.. Just how much do I owe that bookworm.. The doctor finished with removing the thick cotton bandages and seized her wing within his magical grasp-- stretching it out in a slow and careful manner. Sure enough, plumes of her flight feathers were missing. The occasional spot of bare flesh visible-- but all things considered, Dash should be counting her blessings. She'd almost seen her wings in worse conditions... Trick flying was a hazardous hobby. “How was that?” The doctor muttered, still looking down at his paper. Rainbow blinked, torn from her thoughts. “Hmm?” The unicorn looked up from his clipboard at her, before glancing to her wing again. A second or two passed. “How was that?” Rainbow.. didn't follow. “How was what?” The doctor's eyes widened the slightest bit.. and Dash's followed suite-- except on a grander scale. His paper levitated away from him as he moved up to the head of her bed, and this time she watched him. Her wing was still outstretched, surrounded by the magical aura of Lighthorn's manipulation-- but his horn sent a small strand of purple lightning right into the base of her wing. … Nothing happened. “Alright..” He murmured, but Rainbow's body was already freezing. “Do you feel anything at all?” She wanted to say she did, but another jolt from his horn and it confirmed that she didn't feel a single thing coming from her unwrapped wing. In fact, her whole body was tingling-- save for her two feathered appendages, who refused to answer her calls for action. Refused to twitch, to flare, to do anything. “N-No..” All at once, the magical energy surrounding her wing flickered out-- and it simply dropped, anything but graceful, into the awaiting hooves of the doctor. His horn sweeping over the blue feathers in one long lazy arch. Rainbow felt nothing but a faint pressure where his hooves tugged the wing against its socket. “Well.. No need to panic, Miss Dash.” The magical glow returned, flexing the wing before retracting back into its dormant state-- fresh bandages floating from across the room to wrap around her... unresponsive appendage. “We'll give you some time to rest and try again later. Perhaps there's some... residual swelling.” Rainbow could only nod, staring down at her hooves. Her tears bristling in her eyes unwilling to fall just yet.. “Are.. you sure..?” He stepped back, and Rainbow felt her wing brush along her flank. She eased against the bed, feeling the warm pillows contour against her back in just the right ways, but offered little in the realm of actual comfort. Not now, at least. “Honestly Miss Dash..?” He leveled his gaze with her's, scribbling away on his paper once again. “Only time will tell.” •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• It had been roughly two hours after her friends left the hospital that Twilight Sparkle woke up once again. By that time, even Spike had taken his leave-- returning to the Library, no doubt. It had been a little depressing to wake up to a cold, dark, and empty hospital room, but Twilight found it gave her ample time to just lay there and think. She thought about Celestia, about Luna, about the storm, about Applejack. About Rainbow Dash.. She should have been happy; ecstatic even. Her friends were all safe, even if they weren't all unscathed by this. Applejack's farm was almost completely destroyed, and Rainbow Dash's state was mostly unknown but at least stable. The fear of her lively pegasus friend being paralyzed had dampened most of that happiness-- but she couldn't deny that she would rather have her friend alive than dead. But at the same time, why did she feel so guilty? When the nurse came in to check on her and found her to be wide awake, the light was turned on-- removing the darkness of the night sky and painting the plain, boring room its stark white colors. Few words were exchanged between the nurse and her, but she learned that Rainbow was going to wake within another hour or two. She chose to politely decline the advice to get more rest. She was tired of sleeping. Before she left, the nurse opened one of the drawers to the bedside table and produced a single scroll. When Twilight asked what it was, the nurse informed her that the little dragon that had been in here before had “burped it up” just before he left the lobby. She had kindly promised to deliver it once the unicorn finally woke up again. After that, Twilight was left alone. She stared at the letter for a long moment or two, absentmindedly examining the royal wax seal that kept the scroll in its bound shape. When she finally decided to break it and unwrap the parchment across her lap, she was a bit surprised to find there were actually two other pages amongst the bundle. The writing was the first thing that stood out to her-- elegant and smooth, perfect in every detail and without comparison to anypony in Equestria. “To my dearest student, Twilight Sparkle..” She released the breath she didn't realize she was holding.. *** *** ** * ** *** *** As the dawn began to rise from outside her window, Twilight still didn't feel tired. Her briefest attempts to levitate her glass of cool refreshing water from her bedside to her lips were met with a pounding headache and wet covers-- so she had, by then, figured her magic was (temporarily, she hoped) unusable. She'd never pushed herself as far as she had the day before, so she had very little experience with magical exhaustion of this scale first hoof. She'd just a book on the subject. A bunch of books on the subject. Typical Twilight. The musings of her exhaustion were really among the last things on her mind, however. Her eyes were still going over the three pages that were still splayed out in front of her. The first page had been a heartfelt and touching letter from Celestia, explaining that she was alright and that she'd heard word of Twilight's hospitalization (somehow) and was relieved to know she was okay. If it hadn't requested for her not to send a letter straight away and to conserve her strength till later that afternoon, she would've penned one that instant and insisted someone wake Spike to mail it. The second two pages? They were hardly personal. They detailed the start of the disaster to its very end. How Princess Celestia was interrupted in the middle of her court by the rumbling the likes she'd never heard before, followed by hell on Equestria as the sky itself opened up to unleash terror upon Canterlot. The only thing that spared Canterlot from collapsing down the mountain side within those first surprising minutes were the sheer number of enchantments Celestia herself had in place to protect the capital, but even those gave way within the first hour. It explained how the most magically gifted unicorns ponykind had banded together to shield and protect the city in one massive effort, as others sought the correct counter spell that would stop the disaster at its source. It took almost two and a half hours before it was ready, but by then Celestia was mostly the only one holding the enchantments in place. It fell upon Luna, the only other pony capable of disrupting the storm. The rest of the story had been pretty much broadcast to every Equestrian citizen. But what they didn't know was that the storm wasn't -just- your average accident. While most in Canterlot were still searching for clues, a royal investigation had already uncovered enough within that first day to make an arrest with more pending. “It will not be publicly announced for some time.”, Celestia had wrote. “Eventually, they will be told, but not until all the facts are found.” But Twilight's privileged close access to the Princess earned her a sort of trust. She gave her the name of the pony responsible, and the only request the Princess had made was that Twilight keep this information from her friends. It was no small request, but Celestia knew that. She also knew that the pony in question was one Twilight had first hoof experience with before. And it made her sick to her stomach to think about him for more than a few seconds at a time.. She was midway through her third rereading of the letter when nurse Redheart tenderly knocked on her door and entered only when Twilight gave the go ahead. The scroll safely wrapped up and tucked beneath the pillow she'd laid it out upon. “Excuse me Miss Sparkle. I was just checking on you.”, she grinned-- making Twilight wander how a pony who'd been up all night could possibly look so chipper. “You seem to be up and about already!” Twilight returned the smile without even thinking, “Ah, yes. Mostly, anyways.” “Is there anything I can get for you dear? I see you could use some more water.” Twilight glanced over to the glass, then back at the nurse with a more sheepish smile than before.. “That's.. alright.. I was actually hoping to hear if there was any news on Rainbow Dash.” At that, the nurse looked even more happy-- her smile widening even further. “Oh! Yes! She's been awake for nearly a hour now. Undergoing an examination by Doctor Lighthorn, I would guess.” That pony? Twilight's scowl must of caught nurse Redheart's eye, as she gave the smallest of nervous chuckles.. “He's.. an interesting character, I know. Just came here from Canterlot himself. His heart is in the right place... He just takes some getting used to.” Twilight knew the unicorn's type. It didn't take much for her to guess he was from Canterlot either. The way he carried himself, spoke to her last night, fished for info on a spell taught to her by Princess Celestia herself-- it easily reminded her of the old professors at the academy. The bitter ones who treated her with ill contempt simply because she was in a position they'd give their two front hooves for in a heartbeat. Doubly so to of been her age when she was signed on as the alicorn's star apprentice. And considering the letter she'd just received, that sort of Canterlot pony was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. “I'd imagine so..” Twilight was dismissive about it-- even as she wiggled out of the covers and dropped off the bed and onto her hooves. “Anyways, I'd like to see Rainbow, if it's possible.” The mare smiled and gave a nod-- trotting to the side of the door to allow Twilight to leave. She only cast one look back at her pillow where the scrolls were safely tucked underneath. She didn't plan on being long. The trip through the hospital was mostly uneventful. The few staff that were on duty were mostly speaking of the storm in a hushed whisper, casting glances her way as she trotted along. She hardly paid anypony any mind. She just wanted to see her friend. To say it was nerve racking to imagine what sort of state Rainbow could be in after what Twilight saw of her would be an understatement. Before she even knew it, she was at her hospital door. Miss Redheart had led her here, so she once again tenderly knocked on the door and waited for an answer from inside-- but instead the door swiveled open and Twilight came face to face with the somewhat surprised Doctor Lighthorn himself. “Ah, Miss Sparkle. I wasn't expecting to see you up so soon.” He looked a bit more haggard than the nurse standing beside her-- but still managed to act polite. “I'm not sure you should--” “Oh don't worry about me~” She didn't pay much mind to his tone as he looked her over-- choosing instead to give him a fake smile of her own and move to step right on inside. “I'm quite alright, but I'll be better after I see--” “Twi..” She turned her head, halfway through the door-- finding a lone bed with a lone cyan pony reclined against a small mountain of pillows, her multicolored mane as perfect and even as it'd ever been. And she was smiling at her, tears already in her eyes and on her cheeks. “Rainbow..” Twilight whispered her name, blinking as a smile spread across her face. Her friend.. was fine. Bandages were crossed over her chest and along her two forelegs, as well as wrapped around both her wings, but Rainbow was right there. Quite alive. “Doctor.. Could you.. um..” Nurse Redheart piped in from just outside the door-- clearing her throat after a moment. He thankfully got the hint, and stepped wordlessly from the room-- bringing the door to a close behind him. Leaving the two of them alone with one another. It only took a moment for Twilight's own tears to roll down her face, as she sprinted across the floor and up to the side of the bed-- pushing herself to wrap her forelegs around her friend in a careful embrace, but Rainbow Dash didn't hesitate to squeeze her till she could barely breath. Twilight couldn't believe it. She almost didn't think this was real, but the soft sobbing of Rainbow over her shoulder brought about her own soft crying-- and she realized it wasn't a dream at all. Rainbow was alive and well, more than she could even hope for, and was hugging her tight. As tight as she ever could. “Oh Twilight..” Rainbow sniffled, still not letting go. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you..” “Ditto..” Twilight squeezed back. She held onto Rainbow for as long as the pegasus wanted her to, which was a mere minute or so, but felt like eternity to Twilight. By the time Rainbow did let go, Twilight's shoulder felt wet with tears, and Rainbow's cheeks were red. “I-I'm sorry..” She brushed her cheek with a hoof, flashing a smile amidst a shaky laugh. “It's.. been an interesting morning.” Twilight couldn't help but smile back, giggling at her friend in a similar manner-- wondering if she was in nearly as bad a shape, tear wise. “No kidding?” It wasn't particularly funny, but Rainbow laughed anyways-- wrapping her forelegs around herself as she flopped back against the pillow seat she had going on. Twilight got a chance to steal a look at her hooves all wrapped in tight white linen. Same as those around her waist and her wings. No trace of blood, which amazed her. There had been so much of it. “The doctor.. The doctor said that.. that you saved me..” Rainbow fumbled for breath, groaning as she slumped back into her bed. Twilight felt the oddest impulse to grab the covers and slip them over Rainbow's legs and torso-- so she did just that, earning a small thankful nod from her bedridden friend. “I guess I did..” Twilight felt her own cheeks warm up-- prompting her to finally wipe them clean. “I wouldn't of imagined it being this... perfect, though. I've never gotten a chance to try my hoof at magic that advanced before..” Rainbow tugged the covers up a bit higher, clearing her throat. “I must have been pretty roughed up..” “Y-Yeah..” Twilight swallowed.. “You weren't in the best shape.” Rainbow merely blinked, obviously getting some of the hint. “Was I.. awake at all..?” “No.. Thank Celestia..” Twilight hauled herself up onto the bed, staying near the bottom. It was big enough for her to curl up and sit comfortably at its foot. “You don't remember anything?” Rainbow shook her head, her face taking on something akin to a scowl. “I had to let that snooty doctor know that too. He seemed really interested in whatever happened out there.” Why am I not surprised? “You don't remember anything though? Not even when I was talking to you?” “Talking to me?” Rainbow tilted her head, “I thought I wasn't awake?” Twilight nodded, shifting in the slightest. “Well.. My spell was still active. I was trying to keep you calm while..” She faded off, eying some unease in Rainbow's stare. “It.. wasn't anything terribly important. I was just curious if you heard me.” “That spell? But, I thought it canceled out after my rainboom..” Rainbow glanced down, searching her mind for an answer, but could only offer up a light shrug of her shoulders. “I just remember falling.. then uh.. dreaming some.. then I was here.” “Maybe the rainboom distorted it or caused some interference.. It was still there when I found you, though weak..” Twilight had managed to see a hint of pain in Rainbow's eyes, but it went unmentioned. “If it's all the same to you Twi.. I think I'll keep my mind to myself from. That spell was kind of creepy.” Twilight's smile dimmed, “What? Mind syncing? It's the most efficient means of communicating over distance. Even more than dragon mail!” “Yeah, and the whole sharing emotions thing is awesome and all, but.. uh..” She shivered, but couldn't bring herself to elaborate any further-- just fixing Twilight with a playful stare. “No.” Twilight rolled her eyes and relented the argument there and then. No reason to banter about the spells usefulness. It.. was the tiniest bit unnerving. “Are all the others really alright?” “Yes. The others are all fine. Applejack got a little knock on the head, but she's as good as ever.” Twilight paused for a second. “Well.. Maybe not as good as ever, considering the farm, but she's coming around.” Rainbow breathed a deep sigh of relief, her eyes even going so far as to drift closed. “I thought.. After what I saw.. I thought she must've been -in there- Twi..” “Who knew Sweet Apple Acres had a cellar, huh?” She had to resist the urge to hold the pegasus again. “I dug them out and got Applejack to help me look for you. Hay, she's the one that actually tracked you down out there.” Rainbow looked up at her in surprise. “S-She was?” Twilight nodded in affirmation, carefully deciding what she should mention on this for now.. “Yeah.. We split up to go find you. I think it was just us.. Big Macintosh had to take care of Applebloom.. When Applejack found you I took over and she ran back to Ponyville for the doctor.” Rainbow Dash sat there, looking a little stunned. She eventually blinked, gazing down to her bandaged hooves deep in thought. Before Twilight could ask what was wrong, she looked back into her eyes. “How... bad was I?” Twilight stared at her for a moment, her mind running a million miles a hour before she mentally told herself to stop. “I don't think you really want to know Rainbow..” Rainbow opened her mouth like she was going to argue, but seemed to think better of it. She settled back into the bed, glancing away.. “Yeah.. Maybe not..” Twilight found her eyes wandering a little too, glancing towards the bright window off to the side of the bed. Dawn was in full swing by now.. “The others should be here soon, I imagine.. They really wanted to see you last night too, but you were still under sedation.” A gentle scoff later and Rainbow was staring back at her again-- and smile returned to her face. “Good. I've got to let em all know I haven't bit the dust just yet.” Twilight found herself smirking, imagining how their friends would probably react. The others would be fine, she was sure. Applejack? Applejack would possibly faint. “I don't think Pinkie Pie doubted you'd be okay for a second.” “Ahah.. Yeah.” Rainbow leaned back into her pillow seat with a soft snort, a wide grin across her face. “That's Pinkie Pie for you though. I don't think we'll ever understand that pony.” “I'm still in shock myself..” Twilight grinned, squirming atop the bed where she sat. “I heard what the doctor said.. but.. wow..” Rainbow seemed to shrink against the bed again, glancing off to the side.. “Yeah.. Sounds like I'm pretty lucky.” “Pretty lucky?” The voice surprised them both; Twilight and Rainbow Dash both turning their wide eyed faces to find Applejack herself standing just past the door-- minus her stetson. Her hair undone and mildly unkempt, falling partially over her big green eyes absolutely brimming with tears. “Y-You've got to be the dumbest.. most reckless.. most foalish fool of a pony I-I've ever met.” And in much the same fashion as Twilight had earlier (only much quicker), Applejack sprinted to Rainbow Dash and latched herself on for dear life-- instantly erupting into a fit of tears like Twilight had never seen before. The moment of shock on Rainbow's face melted away as the cycle began anew, and Twilight could only watch the two friends cry together. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Celestia's morning was almost routine, but even the Princess herself couldn't shake the unease that permeated through the castle as she trotted through the long, wide corridors that bristled with shaken and exhausted aides that all still somehow managed to bow as she passed. All she could manage was a sympathetic nod here and there. Smiling, however, was a bit beyond even her means with the godly headache that was pounding just behind her eyes. Yesterday's events had taken their toll on just about everypony-- and she was no exception. She could hardly remember a time where she exhausted so much of her magical power, save for one painful night a little over one thousand and one years ago. Had she not been the ever-prepared and benevolent ruler she prided herself on being.. she imagined the storm would still be brewing and spreading across her lands. Across her ponies' lands. The thought actually infuriated her. “Princess Celestia.” One of her assistants before her, a tan coated mare with a vibrant pink mane, spoke before bowing in respect-- kneeling to the floor. “The court is assembled and ready to begin at your earliest convenience.” “Good.” She stated simply, albeit politely. “There are other matters that need attending to first. If you'd be so kind as to let the nobles know to reconvene in a hour's time.” Not surprisingly, the mare blinked-- glancing up from her bow with a look of shock, before nodding quickly and standing to her hooves. “O-Of course, your majesty.” Celestia didn't doubt it unnerved the mare. There had not been a delay in the near daily court Celestia held in hundreds of years-- never in her lifetime alone. This time she was able to flash a quick and painful sympathetic smile before allowing her to leave. She turned to the two guards standing at attention by the large ornate doors leading to the thrown room. They didn't even blink. “Bring him to me now.” With respectful nods, the two moved off without a moment's hesitation-- and Celestia's magic opened the heavy stone doors wide, stepping through with her head held high. The expansive throne hall was lit up by the dawn outside the stain glass windows far above and lined against the walls. The marble floor reflected this perfectly, and the entire room radiated with every bit of sunlight that broke the horizon. More guards stood at attention around the sides of the room, and no less than two dozen nobles were spread about-- their posh manes and expensive formal attire hastily arranged, no doubt. This was supposed to be a busy day, and she doubted many of them got much sleep either. All at once, their (slightly argumentative) conversations died as all eyes turned to her-- shock evident on their faces before they dropped low to bow their respects to their princess of the sun. Unlike before, Celestia wasted no time. “Please clear the hall.” Her voice was soft, but carried an authority that these ponies knew all too well. “Return in a hour's time-- but not a moment sooner.” Not even a murmur came from them as they, one by one, rose from their kneeling to quietly and quickly trot from the room en mass. The guards, of course, remained-- with only the less experienced allowing their eyes to follow the procession with uneasy glances. With her magnificent hall clear, and with her throne-- a wide platform of cushions that still didn't compare to the comfort of her bed-- beneath her hooves, Celestia allowed herself to slump down upon her belly, curling her legs beneath herself. A tired and weary sigh escaped. Sometimes it hurt being such a morning pony. The doors were left open, and for the next few minutes she waited in silence-- letting her thoughts take up her attention. She recalled her letter to Twilight Sparkle, sent just before she left her chambers before the dawn, detailing what she knew at the moment. Word had reached her (as it always managed to) of her student's ordeals the day before and she was relieved to hear that she was alright. Worrying about her prized student had been difficult during Luna's impromptu night, but upon the rise of her sun, she'd felt her student's life was safe. She knew little else beyond that however. Luna had been quick to take up the control of the night's affairs shortly after the natural day ended, and Celestia thanked the stars she was able to retreat to her quarters to promptly fall into a slumber unlike any other. It hadn't lasted long, but it saved her from probably feinting before her subjects. Not something she'd ever be keen on doing. Thinking of her sister only reminded her, painfully, that she had yet to manage to speak to her. Despite waking up earlier than needed in order to send Twilight a letter, Celestia had only managed to speak with one of the night's aides-- who detailed their findings from the afternoon till then. It confused her, but Luna had chosen to send one of her dignitaries-- who she rather despised in private-- than come see her personally. Perhaps she was as exhausted as her older sister, which Celestia could certainly understand.. The noises outside her doors grew louder, shocked gasps of aides still in the hall and servants who dropped their carried wares in surprise. Celestia steeled herself, her eyes narrowing and her horn raised high-- taking a moment to enforce the glow that surrounded the ivory instrument. Her guards turned the corner and proceeded into the hall, and between them trotted a single unicorn stallion-- his light blue coat and golden laurel wreath cutie mark shining against the light from the floor. She noted that his graying mane seemed even more so than she last remembered it-- even with it being as unkempt as it was. She could understand why, she hadn't spoken to him personally in almost a year and a half. Around his forelegs were a single pair of shackles that rattled with the chain that clinked and slid across the throne's red carpet. Even with the sudden clang of the door behind him closing, he still did not lower his head from staring straight at her-- eyes equally narrowed. His horn, she noticed, bore a single ring around its base. No doubt enchanted to disrupt his admittedly impressive magical powers. The trio stopped just shy of the stairs that led up to her throne platform, and Celestia glowered her gaze down at the stallion as her two guards respectfully bowed and stepped away. Leaving the lone pony to give a bow of his own-- finally breaking eye contact with Equestria's most powerful alicorn for one show of false respect and dignity. “Princess.” Celestia felt a pang of anger. She remembered this pony quite well. He had never been one to be even the slightest bit intimidated by her presence, which was something she usually admired in ponies. However, he seemed to treat her more with contempt and distrust. Very few managed to do that in the several thousand years she'd ruled. It never did sit right with her. Of course, she didn't want him to know that. “Please, Bastion. Rise.” Bastion Yorsets, former administrator of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, rose from the floor. Elegantly so, despite the clatter of his hoof chains. Try as the unicorn might, his forced smile betrayed his true feelings. “I'm rather surprised you decided to do this before your court.” He glanced around dismissively, “You've never been one to delay royal duties for anything.” “I'd like to say that this matter is rather important.” She kept her malice in check-- right along with him. “I'm sure that you.. considering your past stations.. would understand the severity of the situation.” The small spark of remorse at the mentioning of his now former standing resonated in his eyes, and Celestia admittedly felt the slightest bit of guilt for the blow. “Ah.. I suppose I would.” She turned her gaze down to the shackles around his forelegs.. “I trust you were treated fairly during your arrest, yes?” He looked down at his hooves before nodding. “After assisting in shielding Canterlot from the storm, I would hardly say I was in any condition to resist. Not that I would have regardless.” She nodded, crossing her front hooves over one another. “So I've heard from my captain--” “And-- give him my regards, would you? I'm glad it wasn't made into a larger spectacle than it had to be.” Celestia raised a brow, “I think the ponies here in Canterlot were a bit preoccupied to notice.” He gave an exasperated sigh, but said nothing for a few moments, before pipping up again-- “Did he deliver my letters to you?” Celestia's horn angled to the side with a nod, and a swirl of magical aura glowed for but a second before a large scroll materialized out of thin air; stretching itself out to reveal its contents. “A signed letter of resignation dated just yesterday. As well as a complete and detailed confession for your crimes against the kingdom.” She only allowed her eyes to trace over a few select lines. She'd already read the letter more than once before now. “If I didn't know any better, Bastion, I'd say you wrote this in advance.” He barely tried to contain his scoff, his eyes glancing away from hers when she glanced down at him again. “The spell was not crafted in a day, Princess. I've had a great deal of time to prepare what I would say upon its discovery.” Celestia allowed herself to frown, turning her eyes back to the letter for a moment. “Yet I don't see a reason written here.” “I'm a pony of magical science, your majesty.” He made a move to raise his hoof to his chest, but was stopped by the lack of slack in his chain. “I don't believe a reason is needed to explore and test the boundaries of magic as it's understood. The potential benefit from the experiment, I believed, far outweighed the potential consequences of the act.” “The consequences, Bastion?” Celestia's tone turned the slightest bit sour. Her brow furrowing. “For yourself or for Equestria? Did you not see the havoc you unleashed yesterday? Or the danger you put my subjects in?” He hesitated in answering. “It.. was an unintentional accident. An error on my part, that I'm willing to take full responsibility for.” “How noble.” She allowed the letter to roll back into its scroll and disappear in a flash-- safely tucked away back in her quarters. “I expected so much better of you.” She could tell the words stung, but he did a valiant enough job in keeping it hidden from plain view. A mere twitch that would go unnoticed by most anypony else but her. “Is there anything else required of me, your majesty?” “Yes, actually.” She made sure to watch his every telling move. Something he most likely knew she was doing. “I've opened a royal inquiry into your department, Bastion. Just what should I be prepared to find?” “Nothing, Princess Celestia.” He was quick to answer. “This has been my only project for the past year and a half.” It didn't look to be a lie. Celestia stared him down a few more moments while he indignantly stared back, then shook her head. Motioning to the guards with a single hoof. “You may take Bastion back to his quarters now.” The two guards gave their customary bows-- and so did Bastion, who turned afterward without so much as a single glance up to her thrown. With only the rattle and clink of his shackles, the three ponies left as quickly as they entered. This time the doors shut behind them. Celestia slumped just as they left, bringing one hoof up to rub against her pounding head. This was going to be a long day of listening to damage claims from nobles and reports from elsewhere in the kingdom on just how bad the storm had struck. All in all, nothing she was in the mood to listen to. Bastion Yorsets was a stubborn, but clever pony. She'd even go as far to say that the stallion was brilliant. She wouldn't of left her school in the hooves of your average pony, after all. The thought that he'd do something like this wasn't a completely surprising turn of events, but the power of that storm hinted to something more.. Bastion had a talent for lying to her and nearly getting away with it, but she was determined to get to the bottom of this. One way or another.
Rainbow Dash,Comedy,Dark,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Screaming for Vengeance
Tonight, Rainbow Dash finishes the fight.
<p>This fight's been going for too long. Tonight, Rainbow Dash will finish it.</p>
Screaming for Vengeance A MLP:FiM story Written by Deadwing Rainbow Dash stood atop a hill overlooking a castle. This was it; her final battle. Finally she would have her vengeance, and Justice would be served. All the years of fighting, the years of turmoil, the years of letting her rage build up day by day; it would culminate in this last fight. She looked down at the tattoos on her forelegs; the cutie mark of every friend she had lost in this war. The most prominent ones were of her best friends; the four ponies she had considered her sisters, and the one pony she cared for on a deeper level than friendship. There was even a silhouette of a dragon to represent Spike. She looked back up at the castle. Tonight, Celestia. Tonight I make you pay for all the suffering you caused. Tonight, you. She started her walk down the hill. She would have flown, but the battle in Stalliongrad had ensured she would never fly again. She mentally cursed the pony who had cut her wing off. As she walked toward the castle, toward her fight, her thoughts drifted to the last memories of her friends. How each had fallen… -- “Come on Fluttershy, you can make it!” Dash yelled as she helped the yellow Pegasus to her feet. Fluttershy had been hurt badly, first with her wings getting torn up, and then being shot in the side. It was a wonder she was still alive. “We got to get back to base!” “She’s right sugarcube! Once we get back to base we can get you all patched up good as new!” Applejack said. Fluttershy smiled weakly and let out a small laugh. “Oh girls, you know I was weak before. Remember when Applejack had to drag me up the mountain? Like this, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to hold on.” “What are saying? You’re going to be fine! Now let’s go!” Dash tried in vain to get Fluttershy moving, but she stood like a rock. “Rainbow Dash, I’m not going anywhere. They’re not far behind us, and I’ll only slow you down.” Fluttershy walked over to one of the few non-destroyed walls and laid down. “You’re just going to have to go on without me.” “But…but…” Dash stammered. Applejack put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “You know she’s right Dash. Just look at her. We wouldn’t be able to make it far before Celestia’s troops caught up to us. I hate to say it, but, if we want to make it out of here with the map, we’ve got leave her.” Dash slapped her hoof away. “I’m not just going to leave one of my friends! There’s got to be some way we can help her!” Dash yelled. She was breathing heavily, trying to hold back tears. “Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said sternly. Dash turned to face her, and saw that her eyes were also filled with tears. “Give me a gun.” “What? You’re not going to…” “Oh no, I could never do something like that. It’s far too scary to pull the trigger on yourself. But…” She closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them the tears were gone and replaced by The Stare. “I intend on taking out every mother****er I can.” Dash looked at her a moment more before sighing. Taking out one of her pistols, she made sure it was fully loaded before handing it to Fluttershy. Leaning in, Dash whispered, “I just know they’re going to love you.” She turned to leave when Fluttershy called out, “Oh, and please take care of Angel for me. If that’s, um, okay with you.” Applejack smiled sadly. “It’s no problem suga…Fluttershy.” Dash said nothing. The two mares took off running, and never saw the yellow Pegasus again. -- They had made it to the throne room. They hadn’t expected a trap. Celestia stood in her full glory, her eyes daring the ponies before her to defy her power. Guards surrounded them. The five mares stood their ground. “Now, now, my little ponies; what exactly did you expect to accomplish here?” Celestia asked smugly. Dash was about to reply when Twilight spoke up. “We came here to stop you Princess!” Celestia smirked. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle. I see you’re still standing by your weedy little friends. Do you not see how futile this is?” “I don’t care how hopeless it seems! What you’re doing is wrong, and I’d rather go down fighting then just give myself up to you!” Celestia stopped smiling. “Well, I suppose it’s time I set an example for the ones that follow you.” The Princess let out a burst of magic at Twilight. She was slightly surprised to see it blocked. “Hmm, I guess you have learned something. This might actually be interesting.” Celestia blasted Twilight with magical energy. Twilight responded with her own beam, locking the two in a struggle to the death. Twilight yelled out, “Girls! You have to get going! I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold her off!” “But Twilight-” Rainbow Dash was cut off by Applejack. “Sugarcube, you remember what happened with Fluttershy, don’t ya? There’s no use tryin’ to convince her otherwise.” Dash knew she was right. She pulled out a grenade and cleared a path through the guards. The four mares made their escape, leaving Twilight to fight off a Goddess. -- “Rarity you can’t!” “I can, and I will. Honestly darling, I couldn’t see myself going any other way.” It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. They were supposed to break in, blow the living hell out the place with autocannons, and get out. Rarity’s mech wasn’t supposed to get damaged. Rarity wasn’t supposed to resort to… “You just can’t do this! Think about your friends!” Dash cried in desperation. She had already lost two friends, she wasn’t about to lose another. “Dash, I am thinking about my friends. And I know I have to do this if we ever want to win this war,” the unicorn said sadly. She looked into the monitor, tears running down her face. “Take care of Sweetie Bell.” She turned off her monitor before Rainbow Dash could protest again. Closing her eyes, her thoughts drifted to a filly she knew long ago. “I can hear the music, Unique.” She activated the self-destruct. -- “Pinkie! You can’t! You know what the doctors said! Just one more binge could kill you!” “It’s okay Rainbow Dash. I’m…I’m not afraid.” “Just hold on! I’m going to get you to the doctor and then everything will be all right!” “Hey, Rainbow Dash? I…I…” -- Applejack exploded. “APPLEJAAAAAAAACK!!!!” Then she exploded again. “NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” -- Rainbow Dash closed her eyes for a moment, paying her silent respects to each of her fallen comrades. Each of their deaths still weighed heavily on the pegasus’ heart. She opened her eyes and looked back up at the castle before her. She was at the entrance now. Two guards stood in front of the gate. She calmly walked up to them. “Halt, who goes th-AGH!” His throat was slit by Dash’s bladed wing. Before the other guard could respond she threw a knife into his neck. Taking a moment to glance at her handiwork, Dash turned her attention towards the door. Dash took a pack of C4 out of her satchel and set it on the door. She backed up a fair distance, holding the detonator in her hooves. She smirked. “And here…we…GO!” She pressed the button. The gate was blown to pieces. Her smirk turned into a full smile as she heard the alarm go off. Tossing the detonator aside, she walked through the smoldering gate and into the main courtyard. Guards came out of every corner, completely surrounding The Dash. It didn’t matter. She could feel blood and thunder rushing through her. She had come for vengeance for her friends, and nopony was going to stop her. She was ready. She was willing. She was prepared to fight. ===== “Okay, I’m just going to have to stop you there,” Twilight said. “What? But why? We were just getting to the good part!” Rainbow Dash said. The six ponies (and one dragon) were gathered in the Ponyville Library. Twilight had thought it would be a fun idea to invite everypony over and write stories, and then share their stories with everypony else. What Twilight hadn’t counted on was Rainbow Dash’s...whatever the hay she had just written. “Yeah, Twilight, it was just starting to get good!” Pinkie said, shoving another hoof-full of popcorn in her mouth. “I’m not saying she can’t finish. I just have some…rather pertinent questions,” Twilight said. “Okay, shoot,” Dash responded. “Well…what happened? This started off as a dark story about the Princess waging a war for some reason, which you never explained by the way, and then…mechs? Applejack exploding? And just what happened with Pinkie?” “Oh! I had diabetes and couldn’t live with myself not being able to eat sweets so I went on a HUGE binge so my last moments could be as delicious as possible and then Rainbow Dash came in and tried to help but it was WAY too late at that point but then I was trying to confess my love for her and died before I could and then there would have been a funeral where Rainbow Dash was having hallucinations about me being alive like what happened to Dr. Cox and-” Applejack shoved her hoof into Pinkie’s mouth before she could continue this rant. “Thank you Applejack.” Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. “Was that accurate?” Dash shrugged. “Pretty much.” “Okay, well then why wasn’t that part of the story? Not all of it had to be, but more than what you gave us! I mean for Celestia’s sake, I needed PINKIE to explain the story to me! And what was that about Applejack exploding? We weren’t given any context!” Dash shrugged again. “I got bored writing all the exposition stuff, I just wanted to get to the action. Trust me, I got it all figured out in my head; it makes sense.” “Well then why didn’t you-UGH! Nevermind,” Twilight threw her hooves up in frustration. Rarity spoke up, “Darling, just who is Unique, exactly?” “That’s your little sister from before you lived in Ponyville and your family went broke and mckcnonowowlv wlklsndlv ph'nglui mglw'nafh –” Applejack had quieted the perky pink pony again. “Sometimes ah feel like we need some o’ that Poison Joke handy when she gets a mite too energetic,” Applejack said. Pinkie pulled the farmer pony’s hoof out of her mouth. “I’m just trying to give an explanation for Rarity and to reference things for the audience! Don’t even get me started on all of the music references in there! Especially the author’s name; I mean, porcupines don’t even LIVE in trees!” The other mares glanced at each other and collectively decided not to ask any questions. Dash broke the silence, “Yeah, basically what she said.” “But Dash, I’ve never lived anywhere other than Ponyville. And my only sister is Sweetie Belle.” “Yeah I kind of made up some things about you guys. It just made the story about…20% cooler that way. NOW THEN,” Dash exclaimed, straightening the papers she held, “are there any other questions before I continue?” Spike held up a hand. “Yes, Spike?” “Yeah, what exactly happened to me? You said there was a tattoo of me, and I didn’t even get a death scene!” Dash gasped. “How could I forget? Don’t worry; I’ll clear this up right now!” Dash flipped back a few pages and scribbled something down. “There!” She held up the fixed story so Spike could see. Spike facepalmed. “All you did was cross out the one sentence that mentioned me!” “Yeah; now everything’s fixed! Now where was I…oh yeah! Suddenly 20 ninjas came out of nowhere…” To be concluded…
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
FLUTTERSHY: ORIGINS By Saddlesoap Opera Episode One of the Pony Psychology Series "…THE BEST NIGHT EVER!" The disheveled Ponyville Ponies, Princess Celestia and Spike burst into laughter. The Grand Galloping Gala hadn't turned out the way they'd hoped, but they'd managed to salvage the night anyway. All was well. Princess Celestia excused herself to go and manage the dozens of shocked and outraged guests still lurking in the grand ballroom a few stories above, leaving the six Ponies and their Dragon companion to enjoy each other's company – and some more doughnuts – before returning to their enchanted apple coach and making the trip back to Ponyville. Rarity's would-be paramours had seen the fiasco in the ballroom, but a few more dainty bats of her long eyelashes and a tiny peck on the more reluctant stallion's nose convinced them to pull the coach once again. Soon enough, the group was back at the Carousel Boutique, carefully removing the damaged remains of their Gala dresses while Spike snoozed in a basket of yarn. The mayhem at the Gala was still the hot topic of conversation. "When the Princess and I walked into the ballroom, I thought I was going to have a heart attack!" laughed Twilight Sparkle, her horn glowing as she magicked the starry cloak off her shoulders and into a neatly folded square. "Aww, cut us some slack, Twilight," said Rainbow Dash, unceremoniously shaking a golden laurel wreath from her multi-coloured mane. "You can't even turn around without somethin' getting' in your way in that palace! Cloudsdale's buildings are made with tons of open spaces – how's a filly supposed to manoeuvre in Canterlot with all those statues and columns and crowds and stuff everywhere?" She flapped her wings, hovering in midair for emphasis. "No wonder we made such a mess!" "Fluttershy's lil' stampede mighta had somethin' to do with it, too," added Applejack as she switched her Gala hat for her standard headwear. "Shucks, fer a second there, I thought everypony was gonna chalk what happened up to plain ol' bad luck. But then – yeehaw! Bird n' bunny rodeo!" In the corner of the room Fluttershy blushed, her rosy cheeks matching the colour of her mane. "O-oh my…was it really that bad…?" Fluttershy's voice seemed even meeker than usual. Her wings twitched nervously. "It was quite the scene, dah-ling," said Rarity from behind a changing screen. The glow of the Unicorn's horn was faintly visible through the screen's golden silk, as was the magicked brush taming the tangles in her coiling purple mane. "But I can hardly fault you, now can I? After all, a moment earlier I was shaking apple-flavoured frosting all over the place like some hyperactive foal!" "Yay, frosting!" added Pinkie Pie, springing out of her piled Gala clothes like a Colt-in-the-Box. "It's okay, Fluttershy – I'll bet those animals were all stuffy-wuffy boring types, just like all those Ponies in the ballroom. I mean, seriously, who can resist the Pony-Pokey? It's just not natural! It's like totally the funnest song EVER! Yooouuuuu reach your right hoof in…" "STOP!" said Twilight, cutting off Pinkie before her song and dance could fully begin. "Um, I mean… we're all pretty tired from the Gala, and we wouldn't want to…to…cheapen!… Cheapen the Pony-Pokey with low-effort dance moves." Twilight smiled nervously, her eyes silently begging Pinkie to swallow her excuse. Pinkie pondered for a moment, still teetering on one hoof in mid-dance-step. "You're right, Twilight!" she said at last. "A great song like that calls for maximum energy!" Twilight sighed in relief, and the other Ponies did likewise. "Well, I thought that entrance was awesome, Fluttershy," said Dash after a moment. "You were pretty tough facing down that Dragon up on the mountain, but I'd never seen anything like that from you before. Or heard! I didn't know you had it in you!" Dash nudged Fluttershy with an elbow, but the yellow Pegasus didn't react in the slightest. "Say…are you okay?" Fluttershy was standing stock-still, her eyes staring straight ahead at nothing in particular. Dash's words…I didn't know you had it in you…still echoed in her ears, pulling her down a long and winding path of memories. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• She was a foal again, and her earliest memory was of staring up at her mother's vivid yellow flank. The mare's Cutie Mark was a snarled jumble of multi-coloured speckles, like a childish scribble. Slowly, like clouds moving, the patterns would twist, coil and knot, sometimes even changing colours. As a foal, she'd thought it was pretty. It wasn't until much later that she learned what it meant…and why it was the reason that her father had left them. It was maybe a year later, and her mother was scaring her. She had woken Fluttershy up in the middle of the night, all hissing whispers and fear-widened eyes. That stare – that wild-eyed stare of a mother fearing for her offspring – pierced Fluttershy to her core, planting seeds of fear and doubt that would haunt her the rest of her days. The mare hustled her foal down the spiral ramp in the middle of their home, all the way to the basement, where the clouds were so thin they almost sagged under the tiny Pony's hooves. Dragons, her mother had insisted. There were Dragons on the hunt, and they needed to be very still and very quiet until they went away. Fluttershy fell asleep listening to her mother softly crooning a lullaby, panic edging her every word. She was still a foal but older still, and she was reading about sewing. The winter was coming, and without the bits to buy warm clothes, Fluttershy had no choice but to make scarves, boots and padded saddles for her and her mother. A shaft of light from the setting sun reminded her that it was time for her mother to take her medicine. The older mare's Cutie Mark was now a featureless slate-grey circle, but the scribbled patterns were faintly visible around its edges. She didn't want to take the pills. They made everything grey, she said. They made her dull. She needed her wits, she said, in case the Dragons come. Gently, kindly, and for the thousandth time, Fluttershy reminded her mother that there are no Dragons in Cloudsdale. She was home from the last day of school before Summer vacation, but she wasn't happy. Spending so much time caring for her mother had chipped away at her study time, and her grades had slipped badly. Her flight skills were even worse. Her teacher had told her she would have to repeat the grade next year – and that meant no Summer Flight Camp until the year after. As Fluttershy walked into her home, she instantly knew that her mother was off her meds again. The place was in disarray, and she could hear her mother's paranoid muttering coming from the upper story. As she trotted up the ramp, she stepped on the torn remains of her favourite stuffed toy – Angel the Rabbit. Her mother would later tell her that she'd had no choice; Angel had been spying on them for the Dragons. It was almost exactly one year later, and two Pegasus stallions in heavy white smocks marked with red crosses were pushing her mother out of the house. You can't take me away, she screamed. I'm all she's got. I have to keep her safe, she said. She accused them of working for the Dragons. Divide and conquer, she said. Split us up so you can eat us one by one. Softly, firmly, and for the very last time, Fluttershy spoke to her mother. She told her that the Dragons didn't bring the doctors; Fluttershy had asked them to come. She was sick, and these Ponies were here to help her. In an instant, the fear in her mother's gaze was replaced by burning rage. "You ungrateful, blank-flanked little BUZZARD!" her mother howled as the stallions dragged her away by her back legs. Her front hooves dug furrows into the clouds, releasing rumbles of thunder. "You NEED me! You'll see! You don't know anything about ANYTHING! You've never even seen the GROUND! When I get out, you'll still be right here! You're gonna wait for me, and-" "You're…going to…LOVE ME!" Fluttershy's demure green Gala dress was in tatters, her heart was pounding in her chest, and her lungs were burning from the exertion of hours spent chasing the palace's menagerie. Her Cutie Marks tingled and itched. As her quarry ran to and fro through the ruins of the grand ballroom, she closed her jaws on a passing squirrel, and wrenched it off its feet. A sick, dark impulse urged her to bite down until she heard a snap, but it was cut short by a shrill whistle from Twilight Sparkle. Realization spread through Fluttershy like a splash of cold water; the tingling in her Cutie Marks vanished. She dropped the squirrel. As the Ponies galloped down the stairs together, she thought to herself: "I have something you didn't, Mother. Something rare and special. Something that will keep my hooves on solid ground, even when I'm flying. I'll never end up like you did, Mother…" •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "…Never." "What?" Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion at Fluttershy's sudden statement. "N-never…never better, Rainbow Dash. Thank you." "…Oh. Okay then!" Slowly, warmly, and for the thousandth time, Fluttershy smiled at her fellow Pegasus. NEXT EPISODE - PINKIE PIE: SCHISM
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
PINKIE PIE: SCHISM By Saddlesoap Opera Episode Two of the Pony Psychology Series Pinkie Pie was so very, very tired. She had woken up tired yesterday, too. She had yawned into her punch glass during yesterday's party. She had dragged herself into bed with barely a shred of energy left after the last guest had left. And with the dawning of a new day, she felt as if the sun had risen the instant she'd shut her eyes. Thoughts of her old home floated through her mind as she fought not to fully wake up. The gloomy routines of rock farming had been her entire world for the better part of her childhood, and it had taken a multi-coloured atmospheric extravaganza to make her realize that there could be more to life than a weathered face prematurely aged from pushing rocks and meal after meal of stone soup. At times like this, when sleep did little to purge her weariness, she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she'd missed seeing the Sonic Rainboom. Would she still be there, on the farm? Would her sister still have left home when she did? Without opening her eyes, she rubbed a front hoof across the faint rock-pushing callus still present on the end of her nose. Eventually the insistent glow of sunshine became too bright to ignore, and she crawled out of the quicksand-like embrace of her plush bed and plodded over to the mirror standing against the wall opposite her bedroom door. Pinkie looked at herself in the mirror, and instantly regretted it. Yesterday had been just the tip of the iceberg; the past few days had been particularly party-intensive, with a seemingly-endless array of reasons for her and her friends to let their hair down. The toll all that partying had taken was undeniable. She looked terrible. Her unruly magenta mane hung limply around her face, and her wide blue eyes were ringed with rose-coloured circles much darker than her carnation-pink hide. Fatigue seemed to radiate off of her like steam off of freshly-baked cupcakes. She could count on her hooves the hours of sleep she'd gotten this week. Pinkie violently shook her head while blowing a raspberry, briefly turning her head into a noisy pink tornado. When she stopped and faced the mirror again, her eyes were a touch brighter. "Awww…who's being a little-miss-gloomy-hooves?" she said to her reflection. "C'mon – let's see that smile!" She willed the corners of her mouth to rise, but the results were scarcely satisfactory. It was not her usual winning smile. It wasn't even a grin. It was closer to a grimace – maybe even a rictus. She let her mouth flop down into an exhausted frown. Her eyebrows dropped as well, and her mane and tail drooped slightly. She trotted closer to the mirror, and put one front hoof on either side of the washbasin resting in front of it. She unceremoniously dunked her face into the cold water; the shock made her heart race. With a supreme effort, she arranged her dripping face back into something resembling friendliness. "Ooohh…you're a toughie!" she said to the mirror, droplets scattering off her face as she spoke. "When I feel down, there's one thing that always cheers me up – A PARTY!" She spread her front hooves wide, releasing a burst of confetti from nowhere in particular. As the colourful paper scraps settled onto the wooden floor, Pinkie stayed on her hind legs, front hooves still raised, waiting for the laughter to come. The fun, joyous, silly-filly surge of energy that helped her leave every other reveler in Ponyville in the dust. Nothing happened. She let her hooves drop. She took a deep breath. "I said…" She darted under her bed, pulled out a party horn, and blew a deafening honk at the mirror. "A PARTY!" Again, she felt nothing. The horn fell out of her mouth. She sat down heavily. Why are you even still doing this, Pinkamena? she silently asked her reflection. What's the point? She scowled at the mirror. Why don't you stop lying to yourself? You know what's wrong: you're all partied out. You can jump and shout and dance and prank until pigs fly, but deep down you're all partied out. Tears streaked down her cheeks. You shoulda paced yourself. Maybe one a week – two if there's a holiday. But no – you partied and partied like there was no tomorrow. And now there isn't. You're worn out. Whatever that Sonic Rainboom put in you is used up. And what's left behind? What will they all say when they see you like this? She gritted her teeth as a bitter surge of loathing rose up from the empty places inside of her like a snake slithering out of its den. "Gloomy-hooves..." she muttered at the mirror. "Wallflower...stick-in-the-mud..." She started to shake as her voice rose in volume. "Tired old mare...! Dull-as-dishwater party-pooper! STUPID! BORING! ROCK-FARMER!" Outside, the sky above Sugarcube Corner filled with a shock of colour as Rainbow Dash surged into view from above. The speedy Pegasus neatly perched on the second-story windowsill of Sugarcube Corner, and pulled open the window with her mouth. She stuck her head inside, and called out: "Hey, Pinkie...! You wanna go-ohmygosh!" "YOU'RE WORTHLESS!" Pinkie screamed, and smashed her forehead into the mirror with punishing force; a spiderweb crack spread across the glass. "YOU'RE NOTHING!" Her face struck the glass again. Shards fell into the wash basin, revealing the mirror's wooden backing. A thread of blood spilled down Pinkie's face from a cut on her forehead. As she drew back for another strike, she finally noticed the sky-blue Pegasus staring at her in horror from the open window. "R-Rainbow Dash! Good morning!" Pinkie resumed her typical jolly manner in the blink of an eye. This time her forced smile was so wide it made her jaw hurt worse than her forehead. Her mane had perked into its usual frizz…except for a strand of forelock pasted to her face by the blood still oozing from her cut. "P…Pp…" Rainbow Dash tried to speak, but her mouth felt numb; this was so much worse than walking in on Pinkie's little "party" a few weeks ago. Why me? she wondered. "Ooooh! Are we playing a guessing game?" Pinkie's voice was almost sickeningly shrill and perky. "Let's see…starts with P…OOH! Is it PARTY?" Rainbow Dash shook her head, and hopped into the room. Averting her eyes from Pinkie's wide, gleaming gaze, she took a deep breath and forced the words to come out. "P-Pinkie…I saw what you did. I…I heard what you said. Did something happen? Are you okay…?" Rainbow Dash waited for an answer, but she heard nothing. She looked over at Pinkie Pie, but the pink mare had vanished…because she was suddenly right next to her. Dash yelped in shock. "Don't tell anypony about this, Dashie! Please!" Fresh tears welled up in the Earth Pony's eyes. "I was just a little sad, is all! It doesn't mean anything! Everypony gets sad, right? EVERYPONY! I mean, if you didn't get sad, how would you know when you got happy – right? RIGHT?" Pinkie had her front hooves wrapped around Dash's shoulders; her forehead was pressed against the Pegasus'. Dash could feel her friend's blood moistening the orange streak of her forelock, and smell her hot, perpetually-sugary breath. "D-Don't worry, Pinkie…I won't tell!" Dash was struggling to get free now, flapping her wings and skating her hooves on the smooth wooden floor. "I promise!" Pinkie let go, and Rainbow Dash surged backward. She crashed into Pinkie's bed, and fell in a heap next to it. "Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou! I knew I could count on you! You'd never break your promise, would you, Dashie? After all, losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend…" In a split second, Pinkie had scooped up Rainbow Dash, and cupped the Pegasus' face in her hooves. "…FOREVER." "You can c-count on me, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash forced a smile, and nodded as much as Pinkie's grip would allow. Pinkie Pie released her, and waved her hooves for joy. "YAAAYY! You're the best, Dashie!" Pinkie gasped in realization. "We should throw a PARTY to remind everyone how awesome you are! I'll go start getting ready!" With that, Pinkie took off down the stairs like a frizzy pink cannonball. Rainbow Dash sat on the bedroom floor curled up in a ball. She wanted to fly away, but she was shaking so badly she was worried she'd crash. Not since Rarity's confidence-crushing display of her magicked gossamer wings before the Best Young Flyer Competition had one of her friends upset her so profoundly. The burden of her new secret felt like a pair of cement saddlebags on her back. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• As the party in her honour rolled on, the weight moved from Rainbow Dash's back to the pit of her stomach. Pinkie Pie was totally normal again – for Pinkie Pie, anyway. Laughing and giggling, hopping about, singing and dancing, gobbling up pastries; even the cut on her forehead was invisible beneath her dark pink mane. There wasn't even the faintest hint of the wailing, despairing, self-destructive Pinkie she'd seen before. Whatever had upset her was – apparently – gone. But what Rainbow Dash had seen still haunted her, and she couldn't let any sign of her worries show or she'd risk breaking her promise. So she had to smile and laugh and celebrate right along with her Earth Pony friend, even though she felt like a ball of stress covered with a light dusting of hide and feathers. As Pinkie Pie juggled a quartet of frosted petit-fours, she glanced across the room at her Pegasus friend. During the whole Photo Finish fiasco, Twilight Sparkle had proven she couldn't keep a secret when it counted, but Pinkie felt she could trust Rainbow Dash. She had barely said a thing about what she'd seen on Pinkie's last birthday, and she'd shown no sign of blurting out what she'd seen today to any of the party guests. Pinkie felt relieved that it had been Dash who had seen her outburst. You're the one, Rainbow Dash, she thought to herself. You'll understand. You've got to. With a dramatic flourish, Pinkie dropped the miniature cakes into her gaping mouth, and gulped them down. "Ta-DAAHHH!" The party guests stomped applause and cheered; Pinkie felt nothing. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• It was after the party and after hours, and Sugarcube Corner's main floor was empty of Ponies save for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Dash had insisted that as the guest of honour and the party organizer, the two of them would handle the cleanup on their own. The pair tidied up the balloons, streamers and other party paraphernalia in silence for a time, but soon Rainbow Dash couldn't hold her tongue any longer. She trotted over to the archway leading into the kitchen, where Pinkie was busying herself pouring the dregs of the punch down the drain. "Pinkie…" The word seemed to echo. Now that the silence was finally broken, Dash wasn't sure how to continue. "Are…are you sure you're okay?" Pinkie answered without turning around. "Of course, silly! Why wouldn't I be okay?" Her tone was slightly – just slightly – lower and slower than usual. "You know why, Pinkie." Dash rubbed the back of her rainbow-maned neck with a hoof. "Look, I'm not all that good at all this kinda thing, but I wouldn't be a very good Element of Loyalty if I didn't watch out for my friends. And I hate losing. So if something's wrong, I want you to tell me, okay?" Pinkie Pie's shoulders heaved for a second, and she let out a tiny whimper. "I'm not happy, Dash." "What…?" Rainbow Dash trotted closer. Pinkie turned, suddenly almost nose to nose with Rainbow Dash. Her eyes were shining with tears. "I'M NOT HAPPY!" she wailed, and threw her hooves around the Pegasus' shoulders. She buried her face in Dash's multi-coloured mane, and sobbed. Blindsided by the outburst, Dash could only hug the Earth Pony back. "I TRY to be happy, Dash! I try SO hard! And I try even harder to make everypony around me happy, too. But lately I just feel so EMPTY inside! And it makes me wanna cry, but if I do then everypony will know there's something WRONG with me! And they'll just try to get the happy, silly-filly, fun Pinkie back! But I don't WANT to party, Dash! Sometimes I…I want…I just…" Pinkie collapsed against her friend, coughing out wracking sobs between gasped breaths. "I don't want to party, Dash. Oh, please, PLEASE don't hate me…" "Pinkie…" Tears of her own stung Rainbow Dash's eyes. Her expression turned stern. "I don't hate you. Nopony hates you! Everypony loves you! And we won't stop loving you just 'cause you get a little sad! If you wanna cry, then you go right ahead!" At a loss for words, Pinkie simply obliged. She wept in her friend's embrace for what felt like hours, unleashing emotions that had been devouring her from the inside for years. Bit by bit, the flood of tears slowed to a trickle, and finally stopped. "Th-thank you, Dash." Pinkie sniffled. "This means so much to me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there. You're the best!" Pinkie smiled a tiny – by her standards – smile. "Guilty," chuckled Rainbow Dash, relieved to see a touch of brightness back in her friend's demeanour. Pinkie chuckled back, but then turned serious. "I…I still don't want anypony else to know about this, okay Dash? Not yet, anyways." Rainbow Dash nodded firmly. "I'm sure all of our friends would feel the same as I do, but a promise is a promise, Pinkie. This'll be just between us – flyer's honour!" Dash solemnly raised a hoof. Pinkie Pie's smile widened to its customary broadness, and her colour seemed to brighten. She hugged her Pegasus friend one more time as Rainbow Dash turned to leave. Outside, the sun was creeping behind the horizon as Celestia's duties gave way to Luna's. Rainbow Dash trotted a few paces, and then took to the air. She was only just above Ponyville's skyline when she felt a twinge in her back; helping her friend had felt good, but it had also been extremely stressful. And there was still that complex rain squall to orchestrate tomorrow, followed by the High Altitude Vertical Sprint Semifinals, and then her duties teaching Pegasus foals about proper cloud-busting techniques…Rainbow Dash shook her head. No problem! she thought to herself. If I can do a Sonic Rainboom and catch four Ponies while pulling a thousand G's, I can handle ANYTHING! But the knots in her muscles stayed where they were. NEXT EPISODE - RAINBOW DASH: DEPENDENCE
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
RAINBOW DASH: DEPENDENCE By Saddlesoap Opera Episode Three of the Pony Psychology Series Though she was almost blinded by condensation on her goggles, Rainbow Dash could tell she was in the lead. The air currents were clean, undisturbed by anypony ahead of her. With a last burst of speed, she felt the tingling splash of the storm cloud that acted as the finish line for the Cloudsdale High-Altitude Vertical Sprint Semifinals, and let out a shout of triumph as she heard its thunderclap signal her victory. The other contestants scattered at the sound. Some shouted praise up at Dash, and some sneered in an unsportsponylike fashion. Crowds of Pegasi watching the event cheered and whistled, flapping their wings and stomping applause on whatever hard surfaces they could find – clouds were scarcely noisy enough. The event's announcer tapped his microphone for silence, and spoke: "We have a winner – contestant 23 and last year's Best Young Flyer, Rrrrrainbow Daaaaaash!" The crowd's cheers surged once more. "Everypony wish her the best of luck for representing Cloudsdale at the finals next week! You can do it, Miss Dash! We're all counting on you!" Having finally shed her upward momentum, Rainbow Dash arced down toward the stadium to receive her trophy. She was only a few seconds' flight from the podium when a flare of pain lanced across her shoulders and into her wings. Her supracoracoideus muscles were suddenly agonizingly taut, pulling her wings far too high for a safe glide. Oh, no…not a muscle cramp! Not now! Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth, fighting against the pain, and willed her wings to keep working for just…a bit…longer… Her four hooves all touched cloud, but it was a very near thing. She skidded sideways on the puffy surface, coming to a halt, panting, in front of the announcer at the podium. Taking her emergency landing and upraised wings for a flourish, the crowd cheered all the louder. As Rainbow Dash said a few words of appreciation for her trophy, she hoped the crowd would also take the quaver in her voice and the droplets inside her goggles for signs that she was crying for joy. An hour later, Rainbow Dash stood alone under a personal miniature downpour. The single purloined cloud's rain soothed her aching wings enough that she could – with extreme care – lower and fold them. But she could feel that the problem wasn't gone. Her back was still an ocean of tension, and her wings hadn't been this sore since she'd first fledged. She needed help. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Fluttershy trotted over to her cottage door; the insistent, pounding knock had been startling, but she recognized it. Her suspicions were confirmed as she opened the door. "Why, hello Rainbow Dash. So nice of you to come 'round. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She smiled and stood aside to allow her friend to enter. The rainbow-maned Pegasus trotted inside, and paced around the living room silently for a moment before turning to face Fluttershy. "I need some advice on how to relax." Fluttershy's perpetually-concerned expression deepened. "Oh, my. Are you feeling stressed?" Rainbow Dash mentally reviewed recent events: It was a week ago, and she was peering into the second-story window of Sugarcube Corner, watching in mute horror as one of her best friends screamed and smashed a mirror with her pink, tear-streaked face. It was five days ago, and she was smacking a walleyed mailmare with a rolled-up scroll, shouting at her – again – to stop delivering her letters coming from a Griffin she'd cut out of her life. The grey Pegasus cried, and she felt like a monster. It was three days ago, and she was so wrapped up in cloud busting that she knocked the floor right out from under a cotton candy vendor Pegasus' kiosk. She had to pay for the crashed stand. It was yesterday, and as she felt her cramping wings lose more and more lift she briefly wondered if she'd feel the impact before dying when she struck the ground at terminal velocity. She shook her head. "N-no way…!" she blustered. "I've just been workin' really hard on the weather lately, and I figured Equestria's top flyer deserved a little R and R, you know?" "Well, when Rarity and I visit the spa, I always come out feeling just wonderful. Maybe we could pay Lotus and Aloe a visit?" "Nahh, I can't afford that place! I mean, I'm not a fancy dressmaker or a…wait. How can you afford to go there, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Oh! Um, I bring them plants for their lotions and mixtures, so they give me a discount, and I…I have some bits stashed away from…an inheritance." A look of grief passed over Fluttershy's features, but it quickly vanished. "But, anyway, if the spa's a no-go, maybe I could help you myself." "Really…? Okay. What do you have in mind?" •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Rainbow Dash lay on her belly on top of a soft pillow in the middle of the cottage's living room floor. The birds and animals had been gently shooed out, the curtains were drawn, the lamps were low, and herb-scented beeswax candles provided the only other illumination. The peace and serenity in the room was almost tangible. Fluttershy was in the kitchen, scrubbing her hooves. She dried them on a towel, and trotted up behind her fellow Pegasus. "Now, just take slow, even breaths, and let your mind drift." With her trademark gentleness, Fluttershy straddled Rainbow Dash's back, lowered her smooth, unshod hooves toward the space between Rainbow Dash's wings, and STABBED HER WITH A BURNING ICEPICK. That's what it felt like to Rainbow Dash, anyway. "Ow-ow-ow-OWW!" Rainbow Dash instinctively bucked, sending the yellow Pegasus tumbling. Fluttershy quickly righted herself, and rushed to Rainbow Dash's side. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash! I didn't know you had so much tension there!" Fluttershy looked devastated by the prospect of having hurt her friend. "It…it's okay, Fluttershy," winced Dash as she tried to catch her breath. "It most certainly is not…!" insisted Fluttershy. "With that many knots in your back, you're more vulnerable to fatigue, sprains, pulls – you could even cramp up in mid-flight!" Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously under her breath. "Wait right there," Fluttershy continued, "I'll be right back." She trotted over to the front door, opened it, and took to the air. She returned a few minutes later, carrying a sprig of some plant or other in her mouth. She set it down in front of Rainbow Dash. "Here…eat a couple of these." Rainbow Dash sniffed the reddish-purple berries doubtfully. They smelled sweet and faintly spicy, like glazed gingerbread. "Dessert? Isn't this more Pinkie Pie's style?" "It's not a treat – it's medicine," said Fluttershy. "Just one or two should do it – and make sure you swallow the seeds." Rainbow Dash shrugged, and bit a couple of berries off of the twig. The taste matched the scent – the berries were almost cloyingly sweet – but as she chewed, a faint tingle spread through her mouth. She swallowed the mouthful, and the tingle spread down her throat. In a few seconds, the feeling subsided. She stood still for a moment, and then started tapping a hoof impatiently. "Are you sure that was medicine, Fluttershy? I don't feel a thing." "Exactly." She motioned at the pillow. "Please…let's try this one more time?" Rainbow Dash hesitantly sat back down on the pillow, and tried her best to relax. Even more gently than before, Fluttershy got into position and lowered her hooves toward Rainbow Dash's back. "Careful, Fluttershy…go easy on me-ee-eeeoooohmygoshhhh…." Rainbow Dash's eyes crossed, and then closed. Her hooves stretched out in all directions. A warm, soothing fuzziness crept into her consciousness, crowding out her restless thoughts. She let out a long, pleasure-filled sigh. The sensation of Fluttershy's hooves kneading her back was positively heavenly. The warmth and weight of Fluttershy's body on her hindquarters was no torture, either; her wings slowly rose. She blushed slightly, but at this point she was almost beyond caring about the faux pas. She couldn't remember ever feeling so good. If Fluttershy knew why Rainbow Dash had "spread," she clearly didn't mind. She wrapped a front leg around one of Rainbow Dash's erect wings, and worked at the tender flight muscles with her other hoof. When she let it go the wing flopped down like wet cloth, too relaxed to even fold. She moved on to the other side. Rainbow Dash moaned softly. Fluttershy took her time with the massage, kneading from the back of Rainbow Dash's head to the base of her tail. She went so far as to massage Dash's Cutie Marks – something even Dash knew that Lotus and Aloe would charge extra for. By the time Fluttershy stood, Rainbow Dash was so relaxed she could hardly move. Her eyelids drooped, but she wasn't paying much attention to what she saw, anyway. She felt like every moment of stress in her life – every secret and crisis and obligation and frustration – was just some story that happened to some other Pony; somepony without a kind, gentle, indulgent friend that smelled of blossoms and whose hooves were just magic. "Poor buz'zard…glad 'm not herrr…" she slurred. "What was that?" asked Fluttershy. "Nuffin…" Rainbow Dash curled up on the pillow, and slowly sank into an utterly blissful sleep. As the last of consciousness left her, she could have sworn that she felt Fluttershy's feather-soft lips brush across her cheek in a tiny, tender kiss. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The sun was slightly higher when Rainbow Dash finally opened her eyes. Blearily, she realized that that meant she had been asleep for nearly twenty-four hours. She had to get moving! There were plenty of duties calling. She felt a little weak as she shakily stood – she was still fantastically relaxed, but there was also a strange blurriness to the sensation. "Fluttershy…?" Rainbow Dash looked around, but her friend was nowhere to be found. Eventually, she spotted a note addressed to her on a nearby end-table. She unfolded it, and recognized Fluttershy's delicate mouthwriting: Dash – had to go and count the new Swifts and Starlings. Feel free to help yourself to the food in the pantry. Hope you feel better! — FS Rainbow Dash smiled, and sighed; she did feel better. She felt like she could take on all of Equestria! And it was all thanks to Fluttershy…and those berries. Rainbow Dash's gaze fell on the tiny fruit, still sitting where Fluttershy had put them. She looked around, cautiously, and then picked up the bunch with her mouth as she trotted over to the door. A short time later, Fluttershy returned to her now-empty cottage. She called out as she trotted from room to room; she searched until she was sure Dash had left. Returning to the living room she looked around, cautiously, and then nuzzled the pillow Rainbow Dash had slept on, inhaling her friend's unmistakable scent of healthy sweat and rainwater and sighing a shuddering sigh. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Rainbow Dash had to work at top speed for the rest of the day to catch up on her weather duties, and she still barely finished in time. Princess Celestia had made a special request to honour her younger sister's first birthday in Equestria in a millennium, one that had required extreme effort from dozens of residents of Cloudsdale: the Princess had wanted a rainbow by moonlight. The display went off without a hitch; the custom-blended extra-reflective pastel colours came out somewhere between a daytime rainbow and an aurora, and the two Alicorns had both expressed their satisfaction and appreciation. Buoyed though she was by that double helping of Royal praise, Rainbow Dash was sore, stressed and exhausted all over again by the time she finally got home to Cloudsdale. Her eyes stung from rainbow residue, her wings were tired from flying all day, and her legs were stiff and aching from hours of cloud-clearing. She trotted sluggishly over to the snow-cloud in the kitchen, and peered inside of it. There was little one could consider edible in the Cloudsdale-style icebox – Rainbow Dash was not the most prolific cook. There was only a small bouquet of wilted flowers, a pair of rock-hard sugar cubes…and the berries from Fluttershy's cottage. Why not…? wondered Rainbow Dash. I hurt all over – of course I should take some medicine! Without any further thought she snapped up the remaining berries, spitting out the bitter twigs and leaves. She trotted over to her bedroom and flopped down on her belly on the pile of pillows she used as a bed to wait for the berries to take effect. She didn't have to wait long. Mmmmmhh… Smooth, velvety lethargy slowly crept through Rainbow Dash's body, dissolving the knots in her muscles and the stress in her mind. Even without a pair of skilled hooves on her flanks, the feeling was glorious. Skilled hooves…thoughts of her soft-spoken friend slowly rose into her awareness, crowding out whatever musings were there before. In her mind's eye, Rainbow Dash saw strands of pink mane dangling in front of her eyes from above, and felt a soft, smooth mouth nibble at her ear. Rainbow Dash felt her wings stir. She shook her head slightly, and frowned. Hey…! she chided her imagination. Cut that out! I'm no filly-fooler, no matter what the rumours say! But her fantasy didn't listen; the sense-memories were too closely-linked. The phantasmal Fluttershy marked a trail of kisses from her ear down her neck, while those delicate hooves played across her wings…and her shoulders…and her ribs…and her Cutie Marks. Moaning in surrender, Rainbow Dash rolled on her back, reached up with her hooves, and moved to kiss the thin air. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The next afternoon, Fluttershy was tending to her flower gardens outside, pulling up weeds and munching on the more palatable ones, humming softly to herself. She picked up a watering can with her mouth, and gave the thirsty plants a drink. Then, a voice from behind her broke her out of her reverie: "Fluttershy?" She turned around, and saw Rainbow Dash standing on the path to her cottage. The sky-blue Pegasus looked tired and disheveled, with her mane tangled and her flanks shiny with sweat, as if she'd just won a race – not unlike the way Fluttershy had often pictured her in private moments. Her heart, for lack of a better word, fluttered. "Oh! H-hello, Rainbow Dash. What's up?" she said, her voice slightly muffled by the can's handle. "I need you." Rainbow Dash's tone was gravely serious. Fluttershy dropped the watering can. "Uh…uh…O-o-of c-course," she stammered. "How can I help?" "The weather teams have been workin' even harder lately, and I'm under a ton of…stress. I've tried to take it easy, but you know me – my only speed is top speed!" Fluttershy nodded appreciatively. "Anyway, I dunno if you're busy or anything, but I wondered if you could…you know…like before…" Rainbow Dash did her best to conceal the desperation in her voice. "Oh, Certainly!" replied Fluttershy, doing her best to conceal the elation in her voice. "Come right in!" Minutes later Rainbow Dash was sprawled on the same pillow as before, surrounded by the same scented candles, and trying not to bounce in anticipation. She heard Fluttershy finish washing her hooves, and trot up behind her. Before the Pegasus could lay a hoof on her, Rainbow Dash cringed theatrically. "Wait…! I'm feeling really tense. And I don't wanna buck you again! Do you have any more of that…medicine?" Rainbow Dash knew that she'd done a poor job of hiding the hunger in her voice, but she didn't care. "Of course. I'll be right back!" "Great! I'll be here!" The minutes until Fluttershy returned felt like days. Rainbow Dash started nervously tapping her front hooves on the wooden floor. Finally the yellow Pegasus came back, carrying another sprig of berries in her mouth. Rainbow Dash all but lunged for them, pressing her lips to Fluttershy's as she bit berries off the twig. Fluttershy blushed. "Thanks!" said Rainbow Dash around a mouthful of berries. "Okay…do your stuff!" She flopped back down on the pillow. The second massage was as good as the first; Rainbow Dash positively melted beneath Fluttershy's hooves. But it was the haze of euphoria from those wonderful berries that spurred her to mutter: "Ooohh…yeaahh…tha'ss…sssoooo gooood…" Rainbow Dash writhed under Fluttershy, her eyes half-closed and her mouth hanging open in chemical bliss. Fluttershy's heart felt like a hummingbird in her chest. Her she was, with the filly of her dreams like putty in her hooves. As if her words weren't proof enough, Rainbow Dash's body language couldn't be clearer: she was in ecstasy. All because of her! It was time for Fluttershy to be assertive. It was time for loss of control, screaming and hollering, and passion. She took a deep breath, shifted alongside Rainbow Dash, and took the Pegasus' face in her hooves. "I love you," Fluttershy said, and kissed her. After a brief moment of wide-eyed surprise, Rainbow Dash kissed back. Woohoo! Fluttershy thought to herself. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Rainbow Dash woke up feeling like she'd just crashed through a hedgerow backwards. She had a throbbing headache, and her limbs were wracked with pins and needles. She raised her head, and felt the hoof wrapped around her neck flop down. Wait…hoof…? What the buck? With a start, Rainbow Dash realized that Fluttershy was sleeping cuddled right up against her, her back leg still draped across her hindquarters. The two of them were in Fluttershy's bedroom. Rainbow Dash snapped into full alertness; she couldn't even remember what had happened for most of yesterday, but from the looks of it, things had gone a lot farther than she'd wanted them to. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh… With excruciating slowness, Rainbow Dash inched out of Fluttershy's embrace, crept off of the bed, and slinked out of the cottage. The rush of wind as she took to the air usually exhilarated Rainbow Dash, but now it just felt cold. What's wrong with you, Dash? You played with your best friend's feelings and ended up in bed with her, all to get some stupid berries…? Get your head in the game! She grimaced, pounding the sides of her head with her front hooves. Guilt over what had happened hung on Rainbow Dash's shoulders like a leaden yoke, but there was another feeling beneath it all that made her feel even worse: She still wanted more berries. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Early that evening, Twilight Sparkle trotted into her library home without a care, only to be stopped at the doorway by her diminutive Dragon assistant. He was standing with his arms folded, swishing his meaty tail with a look of annoyance on his face. The purple Unicorn leaned forward slightly, meeting Spike's emerald gaze. "Hey, Spike! Something wrong?" "Yes…!" he snapped. "It's hard enough for me and him," – Spike gestured to the brown owl currently snoozing on a nearby perch – "to keep all these books in order when it's just you leaving stuff everywhere whenever an idea gets into your head, but when one of your friends comes 'round while you're out and turns the place upside down as well, it's just too much!" "One of my…?" Twilight looked past Spike at the half-tidied archival maelstrom in the library. "Whoa! Spike, who did this?" "Rainbow Dash! She barreled in here without saying a word, and started tearing the place apart! She didn't stop until I demanded to help her find what she was looking for." "Demanded?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. The Dragon sighed, releasing a tiny puff of green smoke. "Fine, begged." "So what was she after?" "Super-Naturals. I asked if someone had gotten into the Poison Joke patch again, but she didn't answer. She just flipped through the pages, read one entry, and then took off!" "I'm sorry, Spike. You know how impulsive Rainbow Dash can be sometimes. Why don't I help you clean all this up?" Twilight trotted over to the lectern where Dash had left the herbal. Her eyes fell on the open book as she magicked it into the air. She squinted at the entry occupying both pages. Why would Rainbow Dash need to look up…oh, no! Twilight let the book fall. In a blaze of white-hot magic, she disappeared. "Okay! Bye! And thanks for all your help!" muttered Spike sarcastically as he stooped to pick up the fallen book. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "FLUTTERSHY!" Twilight bellowed. "Have you been giving Rainbow Dash Palfrey's Nightshade?" Twilight had appeared in the cottage's living room in a sudden flash of magic. Her horn was painfully hot, and still leaking motes of energy; she'd teleported point-to-point all the way from the library. Fluttershy cringed behind a loveseat; only her long pink tail was visible. She squeaked. "…H-how…?" "There is no time for you to be timid, Fluttershy! It's not a common plant, it obviously doesn't grow in Cloudsdale, and you're the only one of us other than me who knows anything about herbalism! Come on – Dash's LIFE may be in danger!" The yellow Pegasus' head popped up from behind the chair. "What…? What do you mean?" "Did you give her the Nightshade or not, Fluttershy?" "Yes, for her muscle aches! But it's not dangerous! It's just a little painkiller, as weak as White Willow Bark! I've used it for the bunnies' aches and pains plenty of times – even Angel's! And rabbits are much smaller than a Pony!" "But they're not Ponies, and Palfrey's Nightshade is definitely not weak! Rabbits are just mostly immune to it! Ponies aren't! Even a couple of berries can have terrible effects on us – addiction, delirium, paralysis…even death!" "Celestia forgive me…" Fluttershy's eyes filled with tears. "Is…is she going to…?" Even the thought of losing Dash made her heart leap into her throat. "Not if we find her. She looked up the plant in the library – I think she's trying to find more on her own. It's too dangerous for me to teleport into underbrush and there's no time to gallop, so I need you to fly me there. I'll try to lighten myself a bit." Twilight's horn lit up once more. Fluttershy's face took on a stern, determined expression that she'd once used to stare down an adult Dragon. "Let's go." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Rainbow Dash leaned against an oak tree, giggling. The berry patch had been right where the book said; a whole clearing full of luscious little orbs, literally ripe for the taking. She'd flitted from plant to plant across the field, snapping up the plumpest berries. Reddish juice stained her nose and chin. The customary tingling in her mouth and throat was more like numbness now, and the same un-feeling was slowly creeping into her limbs. She vaguely felt her wings unfolding, hanging limply by her sides. But the rush was there as well, bigger and more intense than ever. It coloured everything in shades of wonder and delight. "Nabad, huh, tree…?" she slurred giddily, nudging the oak with an elbow. "Bellyful o'happy in t-ten sec'nds f…fl…fffff…" Her eyes rolled upward, and she collapsed. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Rainbow Dash lay on her back, dozing in a field of flowers. The sun was high in the cloudless sky, and the soothingly warm breeze smelled of blossoms. It was an utterly peaceful scene, and for once Rainbow Dash was content to stay still and enjoy it. A shadow passed over her face; she half-opened her eyes, and saw Fluttershy leaning over her. Rainbow Dash spoke: "Shy…I'm sorry I…I used you, like that. I didn't know you felt that way about me. I didn't mean to hurt you–" Fluttershy put a hoof to Rainbow Dash's lips. "Shhh…it's alright, my love. I forgive you. It was my fault, anyway – giving you those nasty berries." Fluttershy was leaning on Rainbow Dash's chest now, her soft hooves pressing down with surprising weight. "But now you don't have to worry about any of that. You just have to do one thing…" "What's that?" asked Rainbow Dash. As Fluttershy leaned in to kiss her, Rainbow Dash felt the first drops of a rain squall falling. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "BREATHE!" screamed Fluttershy as she compressed Rainbow Dash's ribcage with her hooves in a hard, stomping rhythm. She took another painfully deep breath, pinched the Pegasus' nostrils with her hooves, clamped her lips over her mouth, and forced air into the unconscious Pegasus' lungs once more. Tears dripped from her eyes onto Dash's face. Please, oh Celestia, PLEASE breathe…She jerked her head back up, and turned to Twilight Sparkle. "Anything?" Twilight sat nearby, using a spell to detect Dash's vital signs. She shook her head. Tears slid down her cheeks as well. Fluttershy went back to pressing on Rainbow Dash's chest. The pair had flown faster than Twilight had ever seen Fluttershy travel, slaloming between trees barely above ground level in a fairly convincing rendition of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom: Phase One. They'd spotted Rainbow Dash's distinctive colours at the edge of the berry patch almost instantly. She was flat on her back, not moving…and not breathing. Twilight had used a spell to force the unconscious Pegasus to purge her stomach contents, and then directed Fluttershy to start trying to resuscitate her while she Scryed her vitals. Things didn't look good; even with the berries out of her stomach, there was still too much toxin in Rainbow Dash's bloodstream. Poison in her blood… Inspiration briefly brightened Twilight's expression, but then just as quickly faded. No…I couldn't… Fixated though she was on keeping the guttering spark of her love's life flickering, Fluttershy noticed the look on Twilight's face. "What is it? What?" she demanded. "While I was researching Nightmare Moon…I studied a lot of books about forbidden magic," Twilight admitted anxiously. "I think Black Magic could destroy Rainbow Dash's tainted blood, and replace it with clean blood, but…" "Then do it!" Fluttershy shouted, and sucked in another breath to share with Dash. "No! It's not that simple! Black Magic can't create – only destroy and steal! If I wanted to put clean Pegasus blood into her…it would have to come from somepony else." Feeling the weight of passing seconds like boulders piling on her back, Fluttershy faced Twilight Sparkle and unleashed the terrible, transfixing force of The Stare. "Save her. Do it. Do it NOW. And even if you have to take every last drop of my blood, don't you DARE stop, Twilight Sparkle. Do you hear me? DON'T YOU DARE!" Helpless to resist, Twilight nodded, closed her eyes and started gathering an orb of slithering blackness at the tip of her horn. She could cast most of the spells she knew silently, but this little-used enchantment called for an incantation. Tears streamed from her glowing eyes as she half-sobbed the cruel words, her voice taking on an otherworldly echo: "Foulest lords of filth and mud, scour this Pony of her blood. Bleakest darkness, woe and strife, fill her up with stolen life. Hateful spirits, heed my call: one shall rise… AND ONE SHALL FALL!" A wave of crackling blackness erupted from Twilight's horn, engulfing the two Pegasi. For half a dozen yards in every direction the plants withered and crumbled, poisoned by the unnatural magic. Twilight Sparkle staggered, sickened by the residual Black Magic boiling off of her purple hide. As her swimming vision cleared, she looked over at the other two Ponies in the clearing. Rainbow Dash was sitting on her belly, slowly stirring into consciousness. Fluttershy was curled around her, pale and immobile. As Rainbow Dash's eyes flickered open, she noticed her stricken friend. She put her lips to the yellow Pegasus' ear, and whispered something Twilight couldn't quite make out. Fluttershy's ears twitched, followed by her wings. Slowly, weakly, she opened her dark-circled eyes, and looked up into Rainbow Dash's teary gaze. The two shared a smile, and then a hug. Twilight stared, agog. Somehow, both of them had survived the spell. She was overjoyed, but also deeply confused. It was impossible; nothing could endure that much Black Magic! Well, nothing except… Twilight considered the scene before her once again, taking in the warmth of her friends' embrace and the joy in their eyes. She blushed, and chuckled awkwardly. "Oh. Oh! Uhh…*ahem*…well! I'll…just give you two a moment, then…" she said, and vanished in a burst of clean white magic. Fluttershy pulled away from the hug first, and spoke: "Rainbow Dash…did you really mean what you whispered to me?" Rainbow Dash smiled warmly. "Absolutely! While that dark, cold magic was all around us, I could feel you offering me life – your life. And when I took it, I saw myself the way you see me. I could feel how much you loved me. And I could see that it stopped the magic from eating you up. It was like I saved you while you saved me. It was…awesome!" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "I'm no filly-fooler…but you're no filly. You're a grown mare, you love me, and I…I…" Fluttershy cut her off with a kiss. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• On a dirt road at the crest of a nearby hill, out of earshot but well within eyeshot, the Stetson-shaded eyes of an orange Earth Pony took in the sight of the two Pegasi's passionate embrace and narrowed, filling with stinging tears. The Pony gritted her teeth, and lashed out with a muscular back leg; the tree behind her cracked from roots to canopy. "You buckin' liar, Dash…you said you weren't that way…" NEXT EPISODE - APPLEJACK: EXPOSURE
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
APPLEJACK: EXPOSURE By Saddlesoap Opera Episode Four of the Pony Psychology Series By the time the sun rose, Applejack was already hard at work. Sweet Apple Acres was right alongside the Carrot family's holdings, and Applejack made it a point of pride to try and get started ahead of them each morning. She stood near the property line picking through baskets of freshly-bucked apples, looking for bruised or worm-eaten ones and casting them aside to nourish the soil. While she worked, the Carrot family's middle daughter trotted nearby, carrying a sizeable bunch of carrots in her mouth. Applejack knew her – an earnest Pony, if a little soft-bodied. She flashed a neighbourly smile. "Mornin', Carrot Top," she said. "Hw'dy, Ah'le-j'k," said the yellow Earth Pony through the mouthful of stalks, before stopping and putting them down. "Shore is a nice day, ain't it?" "Shore is," replied Applejack, tossing a brown apple away. Carrot Top looked at the orchard spread out behind Applejack, and whistled. "Golly…it must be an awful lotta hard work to buck that many apple trees. Makes me glad our carrots pull outta the ground so easy!" "Shucks, nothin' wrong with a little hard work," replied Applejack. "Maybe if ya did a little, ya wouldn't be so pudgy!" As Carrot Top's jaw dropped in shock, Applejack realized that she'd spoken that last part, rather than just thinking it. "Well, ah never!" Carrot Top huffed. "You Apples shore do have sharp tongues!" Her tone was indignant, but the blush across her face and the shine in her eyes betrayed her hurt feelings. "Aww heck…I'm sorry I called y'all pudgy…out loud." Applejack pressed a hoof to her mouth so fast her steel shoe almost split her lip. "Well, buck you too!" shouted Carrot Top as she galloped off, and then briefly returned to snatch up the bunch of carrots. Once the yellow Earth Pony was a fair distance away, Applejack could hear her sobs echoing in the crisp morning air. Applejack shook her head in disbelief. Tarnation! What's wrong with me today? •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Two hours later, Applejack sat awaiting breakfast at a picnic table near Sweet Apple Acres' newly-rebuilt barn. Her little sister Apple Bloom and her brother Big Macintosh were sitting with her, while old Granny Smith creaked her way through preparing a pot of oatmeal with applesauce over a nearby fire. The process was agonizingly slow, but the younger Apples knew the taste would be worth it. While they waited, Applejack recounted her odd experience with Carrot Top. "…but then I said 'out loud,' right after! I tell ya, she was fit to be tied – an' rightly so! I don't know what came over me, Big Mac. Pretty peculiar, huh?" "Eeeyup," said the sizeable red stallion, chewing on a piece of straw. "I'm gonna hafta go apologize after breakfast. Can't let a slight like that drive a wedge 'twixt us neighbours. Shewt…won't half be awkward, though. Almost as awkward as when I spotted you an' the Mayor foalin' around behind the cider shed th'other da–" both of Applejack's front hooves slammed into her mouth this time, and a blush spread across the bridge of her nose. Big Mac partially inhaled the straw, and coughed it back out spasmodically. Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "Foalin' around? Whut, like wrasslin' or somethin'?" she asked. "Somethin' like that," managed Big Mac once he'd cleared his throat. He mussed the tiny yellow filly's red mane with a broad hoof. "Y'see, fixin' the barn after them Parasprites ate it up was mighty costly, and the Mayor offered us a break on our taxes if I'd…" – he racked his brain for a euphemism – "…go fer a play date with 'er." He smiled nervously. Applejack could feel further ill-advised commentary welling up in her throat like a sour-apple burp. "I gotta go!" she blurted, and galloped away from the table. "Soup's on, everypony!" said Granny Smith, turning toward the table at length and noticing the empty spot. "Well, peel n' core me…where's Applejack gone off to?" Big Mac and Apple Bloom both shrugged. "…Can I have her oatmeal?" asked Apple Bloom. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Applejack trotted down the dirt road between Sweet Apple Acres and downtown Ponyville, lost in thought. It wasn't a state she found enjoyable. She was far from unintelligent, but she'd always preferred action to thoughts. Action got things done. Too much thinking often just complicated matters. The walk did little to quiet the turmoil in her mind. She still couldn't believe the things she'd said earlier. It was as if the moment a thought had occurred to her – no matter how foalish or mean-spirited – she couldn't help but voice it. Applejack paid little attention to her progress, and soon she was in the middle of Ponyville. The bustling morning crowds created a blurred din of conversation, hoofbeats and miscellaneous noise that finally snapped Applejack out of her musing. She'd gotten as far as the Carousel Boutique; as Applejack looked up at the looming, garish pagoda, a look of inspiration crossed her Stetson-shaded face. She trotted into the shop. "Mornin', Rarity. I need some advice, and I reckon yer the Pony I wanna see." The pale Unicorn's eyes shone as she turned away from pinning a skirt's hem and faced her Earth Pony friend. "Oh, I knew this day would come!" She trotted over to Applejack, magicking a measuring tape to hover along with her. The tape started snaking around Applejack's body while she continued: "I'm thinking something in satin – oh! Green satin, to go with your eyes!" "Rarity…" Rarity and the slithering tape measure paid her no heed. "…And we'll want to do something about that sun-damaged mane, of course. Not to mention those hooves! Have you ever had a pedicure?" "Rarity…!" "Now, as for the shoes, if you must go shod, ferrous metals are so passé. I have a set of gorgeous etched and lacquered Equinium plates studded with San Caballo emeralds that are to die for! They're Jacques Farrier originals–" "RARITY!" Applejack shouted so loudly that her hat fell off. The tape measure dropped lifelessly to the floor. "…Yes?" "I ain't here fer no apple-pickin' makeover! I just need some advice." "Ah. I see…my mistake," she said, and took a quick but deep breath. "Well, if you're not here for fashion advice, then whatever is the matter?" "…I've been havin' trouble keepin' my mouth shut." Rarity stifled a smirk. "I mean it! This here's a serious problem! Anytime a thought comes to me, or I answer a question, or anythin', the full-on, unvarnished truth just comes bustin' outta me. I don't know what to do!" "Really? You can't hide anything?" Applejack shook her head. "…What do you think of this dress?" asked Rarity, pointing a hoof at the piece she'd been hemming. "It's nice…if yer client's a Manehattan street-trotter." Aww, dang it! Applejack stomped a front hoof. Rarity's white hide couldn't conceal the enraged flush in her face, but her voice stayed under rigid control. "I see. And my coiffure?" She shook her head, and her coiling purple locks danced around her face and neck. Applejack gritted her teeth. "It's always made me think o' bailin' wire." Shewt! "Rarity, please!" "Oh." Rarity snarled – a small, barely-audible, dainty, fillylike snarl. She was advancing on Applejack now, and the Earth Pony was backing away, deeper into the shop. "So tell me…why did you come to me about this, instead of Twilight?" Applejack's rump hit the shop's back wall. She cringed. "I…I'd rather not say…that I was less worried about makin' you mad than her." Applejack looked away, unwilling to meet the Unicorn's gaze. Rarity gasped. "I knew it! Even after that slumber party at the library, you still don't like me!" "Naw, Rarity, that ain't it…it's just that Twilight's magic is so much stronger than yours; I wanna stay on her good side! I like ya just fine…" Applejack's eyes widened; she felt what was coming. Hot blood rushed to her ears and cheeks. Please, no… she silently begged, whatever's doin' this, please don't make me…not to her! But the urge was irresistible. "…I especially like them toned hindquarters o' yours. Heck, wiry mane or none, I'd have a roll in the hay with ya any day o' the week!" Applejack stomped her front hooves and grimaced as if in pain, every muscle in her face tightening, but the words kept coming. "It'd just be a tumble, though – nothin' serious…'cause I'm in love with Rainbow Dash!" Applejack thrust her head into a nearby bin of fabric remnants, and unleashed a half-muffled scream of frustration. Stop it! BUCKIN' STOP! The righteous indignation drained out of Rarity like grain from a cracked silo. She stared, her eyes wide and her jaw hanging open to an undignified degree. "Applejack…! You…you're a…" Applejack jerked her head out of the bin, and stared daggers at the Unicorn. "A…what?" "A…a…a-attracted to other fillies. I had no idea!" Applejack looked away. "That was kinda the point, sugarcube. I didn't wanna go tellin' everypony 'bout my romantic pro-clivities. T'ain't nopony's business. Especially not yours, ya big gossip." She winced. "Sorry." Rarity took the involuntary jab in stride. "No…I'm sorry. I'm sorry I…pried, Applejack. I didn't expect to drag quite so much out of you. But scarily magical or not, I really think Twilight is the one you should talk to about this; it's somewhat outside of my area of expertise." Applejack nodded glumly. "Oh, and as long as we're being so candid, you should know I don't think any less of you, dah-ling. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being that way. Lots of Ponies are…different. In my line of work, especially. Why, if I told you half of what I've heard about Photo Finish…!" Rarity laughed, and then frowned. "Ah. That did sound a bit gossipy, didn't it? Well, don't worry. If you'd rather stay in the paddock, I promise I won't tell anypony." "Thanks…" muttered Applejack anemically. "…Just so we're clear though: I'm flattered, but I'm just not interested. Personally, I love the co– come right in! Welcome to Carousel Boutique!" Rarity trotted over to the newly-arrived Pony standing in the front doorway, cutting herself off in midsentence and seamlessly switching to customer service mode. Applejack stooped to retrieve her hat as she trotted out of the shop. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hovered along at Pony shoulder height, weaving their way through the streets of Ponyville. Dash was carrying a fully-loaded picnic basket, the handles between her teeth. "You're going to love the view once we get to the hill," said Fluttershy softly. "It's so different from an aerial view. You can see Cloudsdale in the distance, and on a clear day like this one, even Canterlot!" "Mm-hmm...smm'nds wmm'br'fhl," said Rainbow Dash, before colliding with a shock of pink that seemed to come out of nowhere. "Silly filly!" giggled Pinkie Pie. "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full!" "Oh! Hello, Pinkie," said Fluttershy. "What's up?" "Birds," replied Pinkie Pie, casting her gaze skyward. "But anyways, I need to borrow Rainbow Dash for a bit. I have–" Pinkie paused for a fraction of a second. "–some ceiling decorations that need hanging, and only Equestria's top flyer is up to the job!" Pinkie Pie cast a quick sidelong glance to Rainbow Dash; for a tiny moment her carefree mask slipped, and the desperation and sadness peeked through. Please, she mouthed silently. Rainbow Dash stood, dusting herself off. "…S-sure thing, Pinkie Pie! One Rainbow Ribbon Extravaganza, comin' right up! Fluttershy – can you go on ahead? This won't take long, and I'll catch up with you just like that!" Dash clopped her front hooves together. "Certainly, Rainbow Dash. Helping others comes first. I'll see you at the hill." Fluttershy smiled, picked up the basket, and trotted off. Pinkie Pie mouthed a quick thank you as she and Rainbow Dash headed for Sugarcube Corner. Her eyes were already shining with tears. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Applejack watched the exchange between Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy from a half-block away. The sight of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy next to each other summoned up a surge of bitter resentment that made her heart ache; it seemed she couldn't even hide the truth from herself. The orange Earth Pony raised an eyebrow as Dash and Pinkie parted ways with Fluttershy. Now what could be important enough to leave her wuunnnnderful new fillyfriend for? wondered Applejack, sarcastically. Casting aside her plan to visit Twilight for the moment, she followed the pair at a discreet distance. Sugarcube Corner was closed for a few days while the Cakes went to Fillydelphia to negotiate about opening a franchise there, but Pinkie and Dash went inside anyway. A few moments later, Applejack crept into the bakery as quietly as her steel apple-bucking shoes would allow. There was no sign of the pair on the main floor, so Applejack slowly climbed the stairs. At the upper landing, she could hear faint voices coming from behind the closed door to Pinkie Pie's room. Bit by tiny bit, she inched closer. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Pinkamena Diane Pie shuddered in Rainbow Dash's embrace, her face buried in the Pegasus' shoulder to silence the noise of her sobs. "I'm sorry, Dash…" she whimpered. "I know I said I'd be okay, but it's just so quiet in here without the Cakes! There was nopony to talk to, and nothing to do, and all I could think of to fill the space was throwing a party! Again! But I can't do it, Dash. I just can't. I'm so tired…" she wept against Rainbow Dash's sky-blue hide once again. "Shhh…it's okay, Pinkie," said Rainbow Dash reassuringly, stroking the pink Pony's half-sagging mane with a hoof while – unseen by Pinkie – she frowned and rolled her eyes. Truth be told, it was pretty far from okay. Rainbow Dash could think of dozens of things she'd rather do than delay a picnic brunch with her new (and first!) fillyfriend to go and console an emotionally-unstable compulsive reveler. Of course, Fluttershy presented a whole other host of complicated emotions for Dash, but she was far less likely to burst into racking sobs. Dash's wingjerk reaction was to leap out the window and leave Pinkie to her own devices, but she just couldn't bring herself to ignore a friend in need like that. It felt…unnatural. She had to help Pinkie; she had to. So here they sat in the middle of Pinkie's bedroom floor, while she hugged and Pinkie cried. Lost in a haze of emotion, Pinkie didn't notice as her Pinkie Sense made her knee start to pinch. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Applejack slinked up to the closed door, and pressed an ear to it. She could finally make out what the Ponies on the other side were saying: Thank you, Dash. I really needed this. I was so…lonely. Pinkie sounded breathless. No problem. I do kinda feel bad about lying to Fluttershy, though. The guilt in Rainbow Dash's voice was unmistakable. Oh, but you can't tell her, Dash! I…I don't want anypony to know I'm…like this! Pinkie's voice held shame and fear, smoothly blended. Applejack knew the feeling well. I told you, Pinkie – there's nothing wrong with you! Sheesh! Everypony has feelings like that! After Applejack and I got in that fight over the running of the leaves, and we went off alone, she– "NO!" A kick from Applejack's powerful back legs exploded the door inwards, reducing it to scattered splinters. She turned to face the Ponies inside the bedroom. They were cringing on the floor, still wrapped in a close embrace. Applejack loomed over them, her studded shoes leaving tiny divots in the wooden floorboards as she approached. Rage throbbed in her veins like liquid fire. "You two-timin' snake! You said you weren't that way! You swore you wouldn't tell – you gave your word!" "Wha- Applejack! What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash hopped to her hooves, standing between Pinkie Pie and the enraged orange Earth Pony. "I'm fixin' to beat the blue right offa your worthless hide," snarled Applejack, grimly pleased that she'd had no difficulty saying those words...because that meant they were true. "Hey…! Wait, you don't understand. This isn't what it looks lik–" "LIAR!" Applejack lashed out with a front hoof, and smashed a tempered steel-shod hoof into Rainbow Dash's cheek. The blow sent the light-bodied Pegasus sprawling. Pinkie Pie screamed. Rainbow Dash struggled to get back onto all fours. She spit blood onto the floor, and shot Applejack a teary but fierce glare. "You wanna mix it up? Fine by me." With a flick of her wings, she lunged at the Earth Pony. Pinkie Pie sat with her back to the corner of the room, curled into a ball. She watched in horror as two of her best friends tore into each other like wild beasts. This was no school-field scuffle; they were playing for keeps. And it was all her fault. Shuddering, Pinkie slowly fell onto her side. Tears noiselessly dripped from her wide blue eyes. She wanted to whisper her grandmother's song…but she couldn't remember the words. The fight went on for minutes on end, Rainbow Dash's speed and agility pitted against Applejack's strength and endurance. Soon Applejack's hide was speckled with crescent welts from Dash's darting jabs, and Dash was covered in angry horseshoe-shaped bruises. Both were bleeding in several places. "I wasn't gonna tell her!" Rainbow Dash shouted, and slammed her forehead into Applejack's nose; the Earth Pony staggered back, and Rainbow Dash followed. Shaking her head, Applejack spun on the spot, and unleashed a devastating back-legged kick as Dash drew near. Rainbow Dash sailed backward, smashing into – and through – a closet door. Coughs and a groan echoed from inside a moment later. "Stop…buckin'…LYIN'!" Applejack punctuated each word with the heavy stomp of a hoof as she stalked toward the ruined closet. "Yer nothin' but a lyin', cheatin' BUZZARD!" Applejack threw open the remains of the closet door, and pulled the dazed Pegasus up off the floor, bringing her up almost nose-to-nose. "I hate myself fer lovin' you!" Applejack froze. She hadn't meant to say that, but she'd meant it as she'd said it. She let Rainbow Dash drop, and took in the scene around her: The room was in shambles; everything fragile was broken, and everything sturdy was pockmarked with hoofprints. Her happiest, silliest friend was huddled in the corner, wide-eyed and weeping in fear. And the Pony she loved was lying on the floor in front of her, beaten and bloody. Oh, Celestia… Applejack dropped to her knees, and wept. She didn't care that other Ponies could see. She didn't care what she'd revealed. She didn't care what they'd think. She surrendered herself completely to the terrible, merciless honesty that had plagued her all day, and cried right there on the floor. She had no sense of how much time passed; she cried until her sides ached and her eyes burned. Applejack cringed as she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up, and saw Rainbow Dash's bloodied, split-lipped smile and her friendly, bruised eyes. Without a word, the blue Pegasus pulled her into a hug. Fighting back fresh tears, she returned the hug. "I'm sorry, Dash…I'm so sorry! It hurt…it hu-urt so bad to see y'all with h-her. And then you and Pinkie–" "All I did with Pinkie…" Rainbow Dash cast a glance at Pinkie. The Earth Pony, sitting up now, silently nodded. "…is what I'm doing right now." Applejack pulled back from the hug, and turned to look at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was sitting nearby, watching the two other Ponies. Applejack realized this was the first time she'd ever taken a good look at Pinkie sitting still without silly props, party lighting or a coating of icing in the way. The pink Earth Pony's sadness and exhaustion seemed so obvious without those distractions. How had she never seen it before? "B-but…you were gonna tell her…" "I was going to tell her that after the Running of the Leaves, out there in the woods, you asked me something very important, and I had to say no, even though I knew it would hurt you. And it made me feel really sad to let you down like that – as sad as Pinkie feels sometimes." Applejack hung her head in shame. "…Shewt. I am such a danged foal." "Nopony's perfect," said Pinkie, trotting over and joining the hug. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Judging by the sun, it had been more than two hours; Fluttershy was pacing in a circle at the top of a hill on the outskirts of Ponyville. Anxious, needling thoughts crawled through her mind like spiders. Where is she? She's way too fast to take this long on a tiny errand! Did something happen? Is she alright? Should I try to find her? But what if I do, and she comes here? She'll think I stood her up! And what if she's fine? What if she was just waiting for an excuse? Is she mad at me about the Nightshade? Does she hate me? Is all of this just a big prank to get back at me? Is Pinkie Pie in on it? Maybe they're laughing at me right now… Fluttershy gritted her teeth, squeezed her eyes tightly shut, and violently shook her head. She flopped down in the grass, and turned to look toward Ponyville. "Where are you?" she whispered mournfully. Unnoticed by the yellow Pegasus, faint, tiny, multi-coloured dots slowly appeared around the edges of her butterfly Cutie Marks, swarming lazily like a cloud of gnats. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Back in the Carousel Boutique, Rarity magicked the final ribbon on a purplish-grey Unicorn foal's party dress into a wide bow. "There we are – absolutely fabulous!" she beamed. The foal giggled, prancing to and fro in front of one of the Boutique's many mirrors and admiring herself. Rarity turned to the blonde-maned grey Pegasus who had brought in the foal. "Now…If there's nothing else you require, shall we settle up?" The Pegasus nodded, removed her saddlebags and rummaged around in them with her hooves. Her golden eyes slowly veered in separate directions as she concentrated. At length, she produced a paper bag, and set in on a counter. "Sweep the range!" she said warmly, putting the bags back on and escorting the foal out of the shop. "Umm..thank you! Come again!" Rarity called after them. She magicked open the bag, hoping – desperately hoping – that there would at least be enough bits inside to cover the cost of the dress. "…Oh." Rarity magicked out one of the freshly-baked muffins, and glumly took a bite. Anxiety about her shop's future still nagged at her, but she couldn't stay mad at the Pegasus; the muffins were the first real food she'd had in two days. NEXT EPISODE - RARITY: LOSS
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
RARITY: LOSS By Saddlesoap Opera Episode Five of the Pony Psychology Series Rarity scowled at the Pony in front of her. Such an awful sight! That unhealthy physique, so lean the ribs nearly show. Those tired eyes, baggy and heavy-lidded. That dull, lifeless mane, hanging sadly like so many dark willow branches. Those hooves, as rough and worn as any Earth Pony's. And those shining, lovely Cutie Marks, mocking the whole with their perfection – the exception that proves the rule. Terrible. Just terrible. You won't sell a thing looking like that. She turned away from her bedroom mirror. Her horn ignited with purple-white energy as she magicked a hairbrush, makeup compact, powder puff, hoof file and polish, eyelash curler, hairspray bottle and perfume atomizer into the air. As she worked on making the best of herself, Rarity noted that some of her cosmetics were starting to run low. They seemed to be running out faster and faster lately – it was taking more effort to maintain her striking looks. Soon it would be time for another shopping trip. The thought – which once would have hummed in her mind like a cheerful song – now filled her with dread. What will I do then? she silently asked the room. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• An hour later, she was back to the Unicorn her friends knew and loved: bright-eyed, curly-maned, gorgeous – and ready to spread fabulosity. She trotted down the stairs, and into the kitchenette in the back of the Carousel Boutique. Carefully, methodically, she searched through every cupboard and shelf, on the off chance that she'd missed a small package of food during any of the previous searches. There was nothing. She magicked open the icebox, and surveyed the frozen wasteland inside. More nothing, with the sole exception of a single stale muffin – the last remains of a client's somewhat feeble-minded attempt at barter. The bag of muffins had bought the grey Pegasus' daughter a party dress that could have sold for two hundred bits. Rarity would have turned the offer down, but – well, no. She wouldn't have. And she didn't. She magicked the muffin in half, and floated one piece over to the table. She sat down glumly on the kitchenette's lone chair. There's always a reason, she mused as she took a bite of the dry, chewy muffin. A bad harvest, a delayed repayment, a sick relative, or plain old poverty. How fabulous would I seem if I turned them down? How quickly would they turn on me? The pretty, talented Unicorn with the knack for fashion and the gem-sensing horn. How quickly would they realize how easy it is to hate me? Her experience with the Diamond Dogs had driven that point home. Needy, whining, stuck-up, spoiled Ponies were a living Pony Hell, worth trading a mother lode of gems to escape from. She'd felt clever at the time…until she'd realized how close to her standard manner she'd been. But what do I do now? She wondered. Bilking that Dragon didn't work. Banking on marrying rich didn't work. No Photo Finish-backed career. No Aerial Ballet contract in Cloudsdale. And soon, not even the tools to maintain my looks. What do I do when I run out of things to distract them all with? She took another bite, and winced. Oh, how she was getting sick of the taste of muffins. "I deserve this," she muttered. She heard the sound of hoofsteps in her dress shop's entryway. Rarity quickly gulped down the rest of her breakfast in one dreadful swallow, and came trotting into the shop's main room. She readied her customary greeting: "Hello and welcome to Carousel Boutique! How can I be of – oh! Good afternoon, ma'am. To what do I owe the pleasure?" "You know why I'm here, Rarity." The Mayor of Ponyville stood in the open doorway, backlit by the brighter light from outside. She stared over her gold-rimmed pince-nez at the white Unicorn. Rarity swallowed. "Ah…yes. The matter of my taxes." "Yes. In recognition of what you and your friends have done for Ponyville this past year, I have given you several extensions. But you can't ignore this any longer. I haven't seen a bit from you since before the last Winter Wrap-up. You need to pay what you owe." Rarity's lower lip quivered. "B-but Mayor…! If I had the bits, I would have paid you already!" The older Earth Pony scoffed. "Please, Rarity. Don't lie to an elected official. We have a keen sense for falsehood. Your work –" the Mayor gestured at the various complete and in-progress fashion masterpieces on display around the shop "– is some of the finest in Equestria! This is not exactly a flax-weaver's hovel, to say the least." "But it's true!" Rarity's voice raised in pitch. "I can't afford to pay you, Miss Mayor! I can't!" She turned away. The Mayor narrowed her eyes and frowned. "…I see. I suppose you wouldn't be the first wealthy Pony to be bad at holding onto her gold. And at this rate, you won't be the first to find that it cost them their property." Rarity choked back a sob. "N-no…! Not my Boutique! Please!" She still couldn't bear to look the Mayor in the eye; it had taken a supreme effort just to voice her objection. "Oh, now don't get upset…" The Mayor slowly grinned. "Perhaps there is some…other way you could settle your debts. I've had my eye on your…assets…for a long time, you know." The Mayor's tone was as sweet as fresh honey. She chuckled. "If you do me a little favour from time to time, I'll consider your taxes paid." Rarity shuddered. So it had finally come to this. Her finances were all but gone, her debts were mounting, and she had nothing but half of a stale muffin left in the icebox – yet she had never even considered it. A surge of outrage burned hot on Rarity's cheeks, but she forced it down. What will it be – your morals or your home? she asked herself. The rage slowly drained away, replaced with an empty, sinking feeling the likes of which she'd hadn't felt since she'd hung in midair above the Cloudaseum, the evaporated remnants of her temporary wings floating in the air like so much glitter. I thought so. Rarity turned to face the grey-maned beige Earth Pony, willing her eyes to stay tear-free. Be brave, Rarity – the least you can do is try to take it like a mare. The Mayor was loosening her cravat. Rarity let out a tiny whimper. Try harder! She mentally chided herself. "If…if that's what it takes to keep my shop, M-Mayor," said Rarity at length, her voice trembling ever-so-slightly, "then I w-will do as you ask." "Oh, I am glad to hear it," said the Mayor, letting her cravat and collar drop and stepping toward the pale Unicorn. Rarity help up a warding hoof, and cowered. "Please…! Be gentle with me," she whispered, closing her eyes tightly. If the Mayor heard her, she showed no sign of it. She had angled her approach to walk past Rarity, and she was now standing in front of one of the shop's tall mirrors. "Why don't we start with…something in silver and sapphires? I wear a 14 neck." Rarity opened one eye, momentarily dumbstruck. Eventually, she spoke: "…Beg pardon?" The Mayor gestured at her bare neck with a hoof. "A necklace. Size 14." "Oh?…OH! Y-yes, of course, Mayor! S-sapphires…to go with your eyes! Just…just w-wait right there, and I'll get some beauties – I won't be a m-minute!" Rarity was shaking all over as she trotted into the shop's back room. Once she was out of the Mayor's sight, she collapsed onto the plush carpet and curled up into a ball. She breathed in short, ragged gasps, trying to push down the adrenaline surging through her system. Her eyes were wide, staring at nothing. Oh, Celestia! I thought she…I almost…I was going to…a brief surge of nausea threatened to cost Rarity her meager breakfast. She gritted her teeth, rolled onto her knees, and then stood. She took a slow, deep breath. "I deserve this," she whispered to the empty room. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The next afternoon, Fluttershy sat immersed up to her shoulders in the steamy water of the broad wooden hot-tub at Ponyville's finest and only spa, her long pink mane wrapped up in a soft white towel. Rarity had planned to skip the costly outing this week, still shaken as she was from the encounter with the Mayor. But she just couldn't bring herself to deprive her friend of a treat. So, Rarity sat in the water opposite Fluttershy, similarly wrapped up and nodding absently while the yellow Pegasus continued her anxious, disturbing, meandering anecdote. " – covered in horseshoe-shaped bruises from head to tail, and splattered with blood! I was horrified, just horrified! I knew something bad had happened to her when she didn't show up to our picnic! I knew it! She told me that she got tangled in ceiling garlands and crashed into Pinkie Pie while she was carrying an open box of horseshoes for a party game, and then tumbled down the stairs, taking the box with her. I trust Dash, but I don't know…something just felt wrong about that story..." Aloe, one of the spa's graceful Earth Pony proprietors, trotted over with a small bowl of perfumed salts and dumped them into the tub. More money I don't have, thought Rarity. One bit for the salts. Three bits for the tub time. Five for the facial. Six for the pedicure. Four for the sauna. Four for the mud-bath. Eight for the massage…oh, Celestia – what will I do next week? "Rarity…?" Rarity snapped out of her reverie. "Yes, sorry. I'm listening. Do go on." "I said, what do you think? I hate to sound suspicious, but I can't help but have my doubts. She just seemed so...distant." Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably on the submerged bench inside the tub. Her flanks were itching again. Rarity frowned. "Well, there's only one other way to get covered in horseshoe-shaped bruises, now isn't there?" Fluttershy gasped. "Y-you think somepony beat her up…? But who? And why wouldn't she tell me?" "I'm sure I have no idea, dah-ling…" said Rarity, but her thoughts wandered back to a few days prior, when a certain rugged orange Earth Pony had stood in her store, shamefully blurting out a confession of love for Fluttershy's rainbow-maned fillyfriend. The echo of Applejack's steel-shod hooves stomping on her shop's floor rang in her ears. Fluttershy's expression darkened. "You're lying." Rarity's jaw dropped. "Wh-what?" Fluttershy waded closer to the white Unicorn, narrowing her eyes. "You're lying. I know I'm not the most sociable Pony, but I'm not a foal. You look away when you lie. And your tone of voice was just like when you told me how happy you were that Photo Finish made me a model. You're hiding something. Don't lie to me, Rarity. What do you know? Who hurt Dash?" Rarity started sweating – and not from the steaming-hot water. Her back was pressed into the hot-tub's wall; Fluttershy's nose was now an inch from hers. "P-please, Fluttershy…! It's not that I…that is, I didn't actually…I mean…I promised not to say–" "WHO DID IT?" Fluttershy's wings spread behind her, sending bathwater splashing in all directions. Her insistent, piercing stare filled Rarity's veins with ice. "It was Applejack…!" Rarity squeaked, and plunged down under the water. When she surfaced, the yellow Pegasus was nowhere to be found. Rarity's pounding heart sank when she realized that she'd just sold out a good friend on nothing but a strong hunch; it sank still further when she realized that with Fluttershy gone she would have to put both of their makeovers on her already-sizeable tab, and Fluttershy wouldn't even be there to appreciate it. She dragged herself out of the tub, and headed behind a changing screen to brush her mane. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight Sparkle trotted around the main floor of her library home, magicking a broom to sweep in her wake and humming a little ditty that seemed to get stuck in her head every so often. "Grr…can't a Dragon have a nice afternoon nap in peace?" groaned Spike from his basket-bed nearby. "I wish you'd never heard that song! Now I'll never get back to sleep." Spike rolled over, and quickly started snoring. The purple Unicorn paused. "Now that you mention it, I have no idea where I first heard tha–" A knock at the door cut her off. "Who could that be?" she wondered. Twilight opened the door, and Rarity all but bowled her over in her haste to enter. "It's a lovely day outside, isn't it?" asked Rarity, idly trotting around the library's main room and examining the occasional book cover. Twilight regained her hoofing, and dusted herself off. "Um…yes, yes it is." "I do so enjoy a sunny day," said Rarity, a faint sheen of sweat appearing on her brow. "Me…too…?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Those Pegasi do a fine job on the weather here." Rarity giggled anxiously. "They sure do…?" Twilight tilted her head slightly, her brows knitting. "Oh!" Rarity continued, finally noticing the magicked broom still following her fellow Unicorn. "I see I've caught you in the middle of some chores. Terribly sorry to bother you…I'd best be on my way." Her left eyelid twitched. "It's fine," said Twilight, letting the broom come to rest. "Rarity…is there something you wanted to talk to me about?" "No, no…! There's no need to put yourself out. I'm not worth it. Why don't I make you a new sunhat to apologize for wasting your time?" Rarity trotted toward the door, humming nervously. Twilight magicked the door shut before Rarity could leave. "Wait! What did you just say?" "…A new sunhat!" Rarity smiled too-widely. "A filly's got to take care to avoid sunburn–" "Not that," said Twilight, frowning. "Before that." "I…" Rarity sagged. "…I'm not worth it. I don't deserve your help." She turned away. "Rarity…! Why would you ever think that? You're one of my best friends. Of course you deserve my help! Now tell me: what's wrong?" Twilight bore down on the cowering white Unicorn, her tone firm but her eyes full of sympathy. Some floodgate inside of Rarity shattered and her miseries poured out. She spoke faster and faster, until it was almost hard to follow her. "Oh, Twilight…I don't know what to do! I'm beautiful and talented and cultured, and everypony despises me for it! I know they do! So I do my best to buy them off with scandalously low prices at my shop and luxurious outings, and it's costing a fortune! And the stress is just devastating me, and maintaining my fabulosity just costs more, but if I let myself go I'll be ugly as well as hated, and…and… and I'm ruined! I have so many debts, and I don't have two bits to rub together – at this rate, I'll be totally destitute within the week!" Rarity grimaced as if in pain, but forced a few more words out: "Please…I know I deserve this, but I want your help. I need your help! Oh, please! Please! PLEEEEEEEEZ!" "You're…? But Rarity, you're one of Ponyville's liveliest lovers of luxury! You still smell of perfume from the spa! If you don't have any money, how are you–" "All on credit!" she wailed. "Fluttershy loves to go to the spa, Pinkie Pie keeps holding birthday parties for Ponies we hardly know, Sparkler and I go shopping, Lyra looks forward to the symphony…I can't let them down. I can't! They'll turn on me!" A wave of dizziness passed through Rarity; she staggered. "Rarity!" Twilight darted forward to support her falling friend. "Are you alright?" Rarity shook her head. "I'm fine…fine. Just a little hungry, is all." "You've even been skipping meals just so you can afford to indulge your friends?" Twilight's eyes shone with tears. "Rarity, that's terrible! You don't need to bribe your friends! We love you for you!" "Sure you do…when I'm churning out dresses for you! But as soon as I want something for myself, you'll change your tune! If I'm not giving, I'm worthless to you!" "Enough!"Twilight's horn glowed; a wave of magical force slapped Rarity across the face. The white Unicorn stared in shock, gingerly rubbing her pink cheek with a hoof. "Get a hold of yourself, Rarity! This isn't like you!" "Well maybe I've just grown up," she whimpered. "Maybe I finally noticed everypony staring daggers at me whenever I live it up a little. I'm better off using my bits to make other Ponies happy." Rarity sighed. "Nopony will be happy if you end up on the street, Rarity!" "Then what can I do, Twilight? It's too late! I don't have the bits to buy hay!" "Well, I can help you with that, at least. If you need money that badly, I know just what you should–" A crash from outside derailed Twilight's train of thought. "What the…?" "…What?" begged Rarity. "What should I do? Please, Twilight!" Twilight's attention snapped back to Rarity. "Right! You…you ought to–" More crashes rang out, followed by a chorus of shouts. Curiosity overwhelmed the purple Unicorn. "I'm sorry, Rarity. This will just take a second." She magicked open the door…and then stared out in disbelief. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "Did you hear that?" Rainbow Dash trotted over to Pinkie Pie's bedroom window; she still limped slightly as she moved, and her body was covered in adhesive bandages. "It sounded like Applejack." The damage to the room from Rainbow Dash and Applejack's fight was still only partially repaired. Pinkie Pie looked up from the delicate task of gluing a vase back together without the use of opposable digits. "I didn't hear any–uh-oh!" Pinkie's tail was shuddering back and forth. She raced over to join Rainbow Dash at the window. In the distance, a blurry shape in the sky drew closer: it was a yellow Pegasus, struggling to carry a flailing orange Earth Pony. The breeze carried the faint sounds of the Earth Pony shouting, but neither Dash nor Pinkie could make out any words. And then the Pegasus let the Earth Pony drop. "Oh my gosh!" Rainbow Dash surged out of the open window, achingly taking to the air with far less than her usual speed and grace. "Wait for me!" shouted Pinkie, galloping toward the stairs. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Applejack groaned, the smashed remains of the flower stand shifting around her as she struggled to get back to her hooves. Next to her, the stand's shocked Earth Pony proprietor put a hoof to her brow, and fainted. Applejack shakily looked upwards. "You crazy filly – you coulda killed me!" Fluttershy alighted a few feet from the ruins of the stand. "I am not crazy. And maybe now you'll think twice about beating up innocent Pegasi next time." Applejack scowled. "I told you – it weren't no beatin'! It was a fight! A real, two-sided hoof-em-up!" "You hurt Rainbow Dash!" "So you pick me up like some Griffon on the hunt and drop me over the middle o'town? I dragged your craven hind-end up a mountain backwards, you ungrateful little buzzard!" Fluttershy gasped; a single tear slid down her cheek. Her wounded expression suddenly darkened, and without another word she lunged at the orange Earth Pony. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight stared in frozen shock at the scene before her. On the street in front of the library, Fluttershy and Applejack were pummeling each other while Rainbow Dash tried to pull Fluttershy away and Pinkie Pie tugged at Applejack. The dirt road was littered with the broken remains of a destroyed flower stand, several smashed window-boxes and an overturned display of liquid herbal soaps. "You don't deserve her, ya lunatic!" shouted Applejack, pounding an elbow down between Fluttershy's wings. "I am NOT CRAZY!" Fluttershy shouted back. She jabbed a hoof forward, striking Applejack in the gut. "Stop it! Please! There's been enough fighting!" begged Pinkie pie around a mouthful of Applejack's blonde tail. "You stay outta this!" Applejack lashed out with a back leg, shoving Pinkie Pie away. The rose-hued Earth Pony landed heavily on her side, and burst into tears. "Fluttershy! Cut it out!" said Dash, the Pegasus' pale pink tail between her teeth. Fluttershy turned to face the blue Pegasus. "You lied, Dash! I saved your life and you lied to me!" Dash spit out Fluttershy's tail. "I only lied because I thought you'd go off your cloud - like you did at the Gala. And you did!" Dash shouted. "Why did you have to make everything so complicated?" The deeper meaning behind Dash's words was plain. Fluttershy stared at her in frozen, wounded shock."Dash...! don't..." Applejack took the opportunity to tackle her. "I need to know, Twilight!" said Rarity from behind Twilight, desperation colouring her every word. "I don't know how long jewelry will tide the Mayor over…" "All of you, stop – that's enough!" cried Twilight, but the din of the shouting match outside drowned her out. Applejack hefted a dazed Fluttershy above her with her front hooves, and turned toward one of the few undamaged kiosks left in the area. "Lessee how you like it!" she growled. "No - don't!" interjected Dash, but she held back from physically stopping the Earth Pony. "Just a hint? Pleeeez!" Rarity was groveling on the floor right next to Twilight now. Twilight gritted her teeth. Her horn ignited with the glow of magic. "I…said…that's…" "ENOUGH!" A blaze of light and a magical thunderclap emphasized the word as the deafening pronouncement echoed off the nearby houses. Windows in the closest buildings cracked from the noise. Applejack let go of Fluttershy, and they, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity silently fell onto bended knees, their eyes downcast. Twilight Sparkle rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. "Whoa…that was a lot louder than I expect–" she looked down, and noticed the long, regal shadow she was casting…and its wings. The purple Unicorn pivoted in place, and looked up into the stern visage of the Royal Alicorn of the Dawn. She stood in the middle of the library's main room, backlit with majestic morning light. Her pastel-hued mane and tail flowed silently on invisible solar winds. "P-Princess Celestia…!" "Twilight Sparkle…" Celestia's tone was as hard as diamond. "What is the meaning of this shameful display?" Twilight cringed. "Princess…I'm so sorry! My friends were…it was…they didn't…I tried to–" The Princess cut her off. "I am shocked and appalled to see such chaos caused by the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. How dare you all make such a mockery of your duty?" The Princess stomped a gold-shod hoof, and thunder rumbled from the clear sky. The Ponies cowered; Pinkie Pie wept. Fluttershy hid her face, trembling. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity turned away in shame. Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath, and faced her teacher. She swallowed. "Princess Celestia…please don't blame them. I will take full responsibility for their actions." The pale ghost of a smile seemed to cross the Princess' features, but it quickly disappeared. "…So be it, then. Twilight Sparkle – you will come with me. The rest of you Ponies – return to your homes at once!" Princess Celestia's horn blazed white with magic as she spoke; in a blinding flash she and Twilight vanished, leaving the room dark and empty of life save for Rarity at the doorstep and Spike in his basket – sound asleep through the whole exchange. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• As the glow of magic faded, Twilight found herself in Princess Celestia's private study in one of the tallest towers of Canterlot's Royal Palace. It was a round room, furnished with comfortable sitting pillows and lined with shelves of ancient tomes. The rear window afforded a beautiful view of the eastern skyline. The Princess was seated by that window, magicking a teapot to fill the shallow porcelain cup on the table beside her. "Princess Celestia…I can't tell you how sorry I am…" Twilight looked away, and noticed that the door out of the room was flanked by a pair of Royal Guard Pegasi. Princess Celestia magicked up the cup and took a slow, thoughtful sip of her tea. Her eyes were closed, her face a serene, unreadable mask. She set down the cup, turned toward the guards, opened her eyes, and softly said two words: "Kill her." NEXT AND FINAL EPISODE - TWILIGHT SPARKLE: SPELLBOUND
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: SPELLBOUND By Saddlesoap Opera Part Six of the Pony Psychology Series PART ONE: REBIRTH Twilight Sparkle floated in a blank white void, unaware even of herself. A sense of up and down returned to her first, followed by a feeling of weight and, eventually, the sensation of a cold floor underneath her prone body. She heard a bird trilling in the distance, and closer by she could hear the whisper-faint rustle of feathered wings moving. She drew breath – a deep, heaving gasp that seemed to take hours to fill her lungs – and smelled old books and hot tea; the smell of home. "Spike…? Owlowiscious?" Twilight's voice was weak and thin. "I had a terrible dream…" A soft, matronly voice answered her. "I am sorry, my student…but it was not a dream." Twilight's eyes snapped open. She was in Canterlot, in the private tower-top study of Princess Celestia herself. She was lying on her side on the smooth stone floor. The Princess sat nearby, looking down at her. Twilight lurched to her hooves, and backed away from the spot where she'd lain. A dark red stain marked the ancient white stone. Her gaze darted from the stain, to the Princess, to her own side, where the last hair-thin remnant of a fatal sword-wound was fading into invisibility. Twilight's eyes widened. Her pulse quickened as her most recent memories crashed back into focus. She gasped. " told them to…!" Twilight looked behind her, but the Pegasus guards were gone. She and the Princess were alone. "Why?" she demanded, her voice cracking. "How could you?" Princess Celestia still sat on a broad velvet pillow in front of the tower study's window. She regarded her student with an uncharacteristic look of sadness on her regal features. "I am so sorry to have put you through that, Twilight Sparkle. It pained me more than you can imagine. But some lessons can't be taught from a book; they can only be experienced first-hoof." Twilight scowled. She fixed her stance, took a deep breath, and: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! This is CRAZY! They stabbed me! Was this a punishment? Would you rather I didn't stick up for my friends? What in Pony Hell was killing me and bringing me back supposed to teach me?" Twilight panted, shaking with fury. As the echoes of her tirade faded, Twilight remembered who she was speaking to; she backed down slightly, blushing. "…Your Majesty," she added sheepishly. Celestia fought away tears. "Oh, Twilight…my dearest, most faithful student. This was no punishment. I could never raise a hoof against you in anger. It was all I could do to give the order. But try to understand…the lesson was that you brought yourself back." Twilight stared, and then frowned in frustration. "'I brought myself back?' That's impossible! How could I have used magic while I was dead?" "You didn't use magic, Twilight Sparkle. You are Magic." Twilight's tilted her head. An array of outraged, dumbfounded and shocked expressions crossed her face in quick succession. "I…I don't...what do you…" She staggered, her knees suddenly weak. "Please, Twilight – have a seat. A cup of tea will do you good." Princess Celestia gestured with a wing toward the pillow next to hers. She magicked the teapot resting on the low table between the pillows into the air, and poured a fresh cupful. Twilight numbly trotted across the room, and flopped down onto the pillow. She shakily magicked up the cup, and took a small sip. It was the Princess' personal blend, imported from Xiao Ma; as upset as she was, Twilight couldn't deny that it was delicious. The two sat in silence until they had both finished their tea. Twilight spoke up first: "What is this, Princess? What did you mean?" The Princess let out a tiny sigh. "Twilight…it's time I told you more about the secrets of the Elements of Harmony – the secrets that no book has ever detailed. The secrets of their power…and of the burdens that they press on their bearers." A sudden knock at the study's door caught both Ponies' attention. A cultured Canterlotter stallion spoke up from the other side: "Begging Your Majesty's pardon…the Tsarevna of Stalliongrad and her retinue have arrived." The Princess sagged, but when she spoke her voice carried the full weight of her nobility: "Very well. Direct them to the Main Hall. I will be there shortly." "As You wish, Your Majesty." Princess Celestia turned back to Twilight Sparkle. "I'm sorry, my student. You need to hear these things, but it would be unfair to my subjects to put our private discussion ahead of affairs of state like this. I hope you understand." Twilight bit back her frustration, and forced a smile. "…Of course, Princess. I understand." Celestia smiled. "Good. Please…if you head to your old chambers, I will be there as soon as I can. We can continue our talk then." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• After the Princess departed, Twilight Sparkle slowly trotted down the tower's winding stairs, across several broad hallways lined with tapestries, paintings and ancient suits of barding, and out into the early evening air. She trotted up the exterior steps of her old tower home, and magicked open the blue wooden doors. The place was almost as Twilight had left it, but the room's tall burgundy curtains were drawn, covering the west wall's picture window and leaving the room somewhat gloomy. A deep purple Alicorn with a pale blue mane sat at a desk in the middle of the library-like chamber's raised study; open books on history, science, poetry, magical theory and astronomy sat on the wooden table's surface, as did a small clockwork orrery, a pot of ink and several quills, a sheaf of parchment, a half-eaten bowl of dried flowers, and a well-worn abacus. "Oh…it's you," said the Alicorn, magicking a blue-framed pince-nez off of her face and setting it down on the cluttered table. "Princess Luna…!" said Twilight. "I didn't expect to find you–" "–in my own room?" interjected Luna, raising an eyebrow. Twilight froze, momentarily dumbstruck. "But…this wasn't–" The Alicorn interrupted again. "–Not my original room, of course. That was in the old Royal Castle. But my sister had this tower built just for me when this palace was constructed. She set it aside from the noisy hustle and bustle of the palace`s main halls so I could sleep through the day in peace, filled it with books on all of my favourite topics, made sure it had a commanding view of the night sky, and put in an hourglass counting down the time until my…release. She kept it pristine and ready to use for more than nine centuries. I suppose she thought it would help to appease me. A welcome-home present for her poor, misguided little sister." Luna stood, and trotted over to the purple Unicorn. She was taller than Twilight, but thinner. She had a lean – almost gangly – build, her feathered wings almost totally covering the sides of her slender torso. But even so, her presence was only slightly less overwhelming than Celestia's. At a distance, she seemed a bookish recluse; up close, she was a Goddess of the Night. "Of course, all that changed when you came along. She gave you this place without a second thought. She thinks I don't know, but I was watching from up there – every single night." She loomed over Twilight, casting a darker shadow over her in the already-dark room. "I moved in here yesterday – I haven't gotten around to telling her. I trust she won't mind that I spoiled her surprise." Luna looked down her nose at Twilight. "But where are my manners? Was there something you wanted?" Twilight shifted from side to side, uncomfortably. "P-Princess Celestia told me to wait for her here. She wanted to tell me more about the…" Twilight lowered her voice. "…the Elements of Harmony." Luna chuckled. "Ah…I see. So she hasn't told you about the curse, yet." Twilight's jaw dropped. "The curse?" "Oh my, yes. Magic that powerful doesn't come without a price, you know. The Elements force their bearers to become living embodiments of their virtues – and no mortal Pony can be expected to personify such a perfect state. The ones that try are slowly. Driven. Mad." Twilight's eyes shone. "That can't be true…" she whispered, but her thoughts darted back to the last she'd seen of her friends: a fierce brawl, punctuated by screams, shouts and tears. "I'm sorry," said Luna, her tone making it abundantly clear that she wasn't. Luna's revelation stripped Twilight of what little endurance her resurrection had granted her; she slid down onto her knees, and hot tears slid down her face. "What have I done…?" she whispered. Behind the two Ponies, the setting sun shone into the room through the thin gap between the curtains. The shaft of light fell on them both. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• In the palace's opulent Main Hall, Princess Celestia sat at the head of a vastly long wooden table surrounded by visiting dignitaries and local gentry. At the far end of the table sat the Tsarevna of Stalliongrad. The demure scarlet Unicorn's long golden-yellow mane was restrained by a simple gold wire tiara, and a similarly-designed yoke adorned her long neck. The two heads of state were discussing trade routes, importation laws, and the synchronization of the lengths of their respective seasons. Celestia paused in mid-sentence as a warm yellow glow flashed across her eyes, bringing with it a flicker of insight; she stifled a gasp. The Princess stood, spreading her wings for silence. The room obeyed in a heartbeat. "Прости, царевна," said Celestia, switching to her visitor's native language as a sign of respect. "но я должна вас покинуть. Тысяча извинений!" Without waiting for a reply, the Princess gave a slight bow and trotted out of the room. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "Shhh…there, there…it's alright. Don't cry…" Luna rested a sapphire-shod front hoof across Twilight's heaving shoulders. Her voice was as soft and gentle as crescent moonlight. "I know…I know what it's like to be swept up in my sister's plans. To be a pawn. You couldn't have known what you were getting yourself – and your friends – into…" Twilight sobbed in despair, covering her eyes with her hooves; she knew that the Alicorn was being insincere, but the thought that she had condemned the first friends that she had ever made her heart break nonetheless. Luna grinned a small, vindictive grin. "…And when they're gone, you'll have to live with that you did to them forev–" A blinding explosion of sunlight erupted in front of the two Ponies. In its wake appeared Princess Celestia, her full resplendent glory unrestrained. Luna hopped backward and cringed, averting her sensitive eyes from the Princess' searing light. "B-big sister…!" she stammered from behind the shade of one of her wings. "I found the room you made me! It's wonderful–" Celestia cut her off: "Little sister, you go too far." Celestia stomped a gold-shod front hoof; the curtains jerked open and let in the full light of the sunset. "I know you haven't forgiven me for…what happened…a thousand years ago, but Twilight Sparkle is not to blame!" Luna gritted her teeth. She leapt to her hooves and faced her sister, her eyes streaming and squinting nearly shut from the glare. "Isn't she? It's right there on her flanks! She's the Sixth! The Spark! She's the one you picked to use the Elements because you were too afraid to do it again!" "ENOUGH!" Celestia's voice echoed off the vaulted ceiling."Your quarrel is with me, sister. If you are going to let hatred back into your heart, then direct it at me alone!" Luna's lower lip quivered. "You know I can't…" she whispered. She spread her wings, and took off toward the door. The scattered possessions on the tabletop glowed, hovered, and swarmed after her like so many startled birds. As the door slammed behind her sister, Celestia let her blazing glow subside. She trotted over to her protégé, who was still sobbing curled up on the floor, her hooves covering her face. "I am sorry you had to endure that, my student," said Celestia, her voice softening. "My sister has a great depth of feeling, but she has never had much skill at expressing it. It sometimes pushes her to make…unwise…decisions." Celestia looked over to the large, gilt hourglass nearby for a moment. "Is it true?" asked Twilight, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are the Elements of Harmony what's making them suffer? Are they all going to…to…" The white Alicorn sat down next to her student. "Yes…and no. What is making them suffer is the lack of an Element, Twilight Sparkle. The five lesser Elements yearn to unite in Harmony – to support and foster the sixth." "Magic…" whispered Twilight. "Yes, my student. They need you. Not just your presence, but your wisdom. Your guidance. You give them purpose. Without you, the Elements' urgings stretch them beyond their limits, and they collapse like an arch missing its keystone. Magic is at the heart of friendship, Twilight. It's what turns familiar faces into lifelong companions. Magic is what makes it…complete. As bearers of Elements of Harmony, your friends represent that companionship, and you represent that Magic." The possibility of hope bolstered the purple Unicorn. "A keystone…. So I can help them, just by being there for them?" She frowned. "But I do that all the time! At least one of us has some crazy crisis once a week – or more! I'm always helping them!" "You mustn't just wait for trouble to come to you, Twilight. Some problems lurk beneath the surface. I have watched you every day. I have seen how much time you still spend alone in your library. Friendships are like gardens – they can grow wild and messy if they are not tended to." Twilight looked away in shame. "I know…but sometimes it feels like there's never enough time." Something in what Twilight said seemed to cut the Princess deeply; she shed a single crystal-clear tear. "Oh, my most faithful student. You have all the time in the world, now." Twilight's brow furrowed in thought for a moment, and then a look of inspiration dawned on her features. "Princess Luna said 'when they're gone, you'll have to live with that you did to them forever'…did she mean…?" Celestia took a slow, deep breath. "Yes, Twilight. Just as the Elements have pushed your companions to personify their chosen virtues, you too have become like Magic: versatile, powerful…and eternal." The confirmation struck Twilight like a physical blow. "I…I'm…immortal?" "Yes. Like we Alicorns, you are as much Magic as flesh now, and precious little in this world can do you any lasting harm. The Elements will grant your friends health and long life, but you will live as long as you care to, the centuries passing no harder than the minutes. It is a great gift, but also a great burden." Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but no words came. Her head swayed drunkenly for a moment; her eyes rolled up, and she knew no more. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight was sitting in a wheelchair in Ponyville, watching Pinkie Pie from afar, when a clumsy delivery-mare dropped the majority of a moving wagon's contents on top of her. A falling anvil landed squarely on her unprotected skull…but she was only dazed. She was in her library, focusing on an untested spell to grant Earth Ponies wings. As the spell engulfed her fellow Unicorn an overload of magical feedback exploded, sending Twilight tumbling. She landed poorly, and her neck twisted at an unnatural angle…before it popped back into alignment. She was in a field of lush purple-red berries, channeling foul Neighcromantic energy in an effort to save one friend's life by stealing the essence of another. In her haste and her concern for the two Pegasi, she hadn't even bothered to worry about the years of life the spell would cost her…or would have cost her, that is. She was standing on the edge of the Ponyville spa's hot-tub. A riot of frizzy pink mane and blue eyes burst from the bowl of sponges next to her, and shrieked: "FOREVER!" •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight awoke with a start, jerking into a sitting position. She was in a huge, soft bed, covered in luxurious silken sheets and pillows in various shades of pastel pink, blue and green. The bedroom was enormous; its purple and blue marble walls soared to a vaulted ceiling that was almost out of sight. The windows reached from the floor to that same lofty height, bathing the room in warm morning light. The walls were decorated with antique oil paintings of unfamiliar Alicorns, tapestries depicting the moon and stars or Pony victory over Griffons and Dragons, and the occasional relief carving of a stylized sun. Celestia's personal bedroom! Twilight hopped out of the bed, and hurriedly magicked its sumptuous sheets back into order. "Calm down, my student. You could have kept resting, you know." Twilight pivoted, and saw the Princess sitting on a pillow near a sizeable hearth. She had spread a row of six decorated cards in a semicircle on the floor in front of her. The rest of the deck sat nearby. "Oh! Um, good morning Princess." Twilight trotted over, a feeling of awkwardness stiffening her gait. The revelations that had driven her to faint still weighed heavily on her mind; she had so many questions. The first one that came to mind, though, was: "What are those?" As Twilight drew nearer, she could see that the cards were labeled in the festive glyphs of cursive Pony writing: The Foal, The Tradesmare, The Charger, The Jewel, and The High Ritesmare were turned to face her, and The Enchantress faced the Princess. "This is the Equestrian Tarot. In ancient times, ritesmares would use cards like these to read Ponies' fortunes. These six cards in particular represent the Elements of Harmony…and they will show you how to save your friends." TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO: RESTORATION
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: SPELLBOUND By Saddlesoap Opera Part Six of the Pony Psychology Series PART TWO: RESTORATION The golden Pegasus-drawn chariot cut through the clear morning skies over Ponyville, and arced down into the town square for a landing. Its lone dark-maned purple Unicorn occupant hopped down onto the street, and nodded appreciatively to her chauffeurs. They whickered proudly, and then took off once more. The Unicorn trotted purposefully through the streets of Ponyville – she was a mare on a mission. As she turned a corner, she almost bumped into a frizzy-maned pink Earth Pony carrying a fireplace bellows in her mouth. Pinkie Pie let the bellows drop and unleashed a tremendous gasp, the force of which propelled her several feet upwards. "TWILIGHT! You're back!" Twilight Sparkle smiled, and gave a tiny nod. "Hello, Pinkie." "Wow! Wowie-wow! You were gone for two days, and now you're back! This is great! Super great! Super-duper great! You know what this calls for…?" The speed with which Pinkie spoke left her nearly breathless. Twilight held up a front hoof. "Wait, Pinkie. I'm pretty tired. Why don't you and I hold off on the party for now, and just go get a grain smoothie? You know…a nice, quiet, casual chat. You can catch me up on what's happened while I've been gone. My treat?" Pinkie Pie's enormous smile shrank to a more modest grin. "…Okie dokie." A few minutes later, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle sat atop a grassy hill on the outskirts of Ponyville, facing the town. Pinkie Pie noisily sipped her smoothie through a complicated purple curly-straw. "Everypony was so scared after seeing Celestia get all–" Pinkie Pie looked around cautiously, and lowered her voice. "–grumpy, that we pretty much galloped straight home. Nopony even tried to keep arguing, or fighting, or anything." Pinkie Pie took another loud sip. "We haven't really seen each other much since then…well, at least I haven't seen anypony." Twilight nodded slowly. "That might be for the best…it seems like things were getting a bit…heated, before. Maybe everypony needed a chance to calm down." Pinkie Pie frowned. "Yeah…" She perked up suddenly. "Wait…! You have to tell me what happened to you! The way you both poofed away, I thought you were gonna end up banished for sure!" Twilight looked away. "The Princess…taught me a lesson. One I needed to learn. It was…" She trailed off; words failed her. Pinkie Pie's brow knitted in worry. "Oh no! So she did punish you! I knew it! Did you get burned? Beaten? Battered? Baked? Sliced? Diced? Sliced twice? Covered in mice? Given lice? Sliced thrice? Over-spiced? Put on ice?" Pinkie's hooves clapped to her cheeks in horror; she gasped for breath. Twilight Sparkle shook her head vehemently. "No! It was nothing like that! …It was still pretty scary though. Even here in Ponyville, everypony knows me as the Princess' student. When she got that angry, it felt like she might stop being my teacher. I was terrified of that. It felt like – I don't know – like if I wasn't her protégé, Ponies wouldn't even recognize me…like I'd be nopony. I know there's more to me than that, but the image that's built up around me is so strong, it's as if…" Pinkie's pale blue eyes were wide and watery. "…as if you can't help but try to live up to it?" she whispered, uncharacteristically still and quiet. Twilight nodded. "But things turned out alright. She was a lot less mad than she seemed, and the more I thought about it, the more I knew that you all would still know me – and care about me – no matter what I was…or wasn't." Pinkie Pie bit her lower lip, and sniffed back tears. "H-how did you...?" Twilight smiled. "Like I said...the Princess taught me a lesson. I realized that I've been taking all of your friendships somewhat for granted, and I decided to do something about it. Once I made that decision, it all came down to a mix of observation, deduction, and a little magic. For example: you have dark circles under your eyes, you breathe quickly and shallowly even when you're at rest, and you blink a lot. It's obvious to anypony who actually looks at you that you're exhausted. Clearly, what you need is some leisure time. Maybe a party." Pinkie's heart sank like a stone. "But..." Tears slid down her cheeks. " can't be...I thought...I thought you..." she sobbed. Twilight put her front hooves firmly on Pinkie's shoulders, and stared deeply into her eyes. "Pinkie...what is a party for?" Pinkie sniffled. "F-for...fu-un..." she whimpered. "That's right. So if you haven't been having any haven't been partying." Pinkie's eyes nearly crossed in confusion. "I...I haven't?" "Most certainly not. And as Ponyville's primary Pony party purveyor, it is your precious purpose to party properly. Right?" Pinkie wiped her eyes with a foreleg. "Y-yeah..." "Well, then! Clearly you don't have to even try to have another party until you can do it justice. A party's not a party if the party-Pony's heart isn't in it. The only party you need to work one in here." Twilight pressed a hoof to Pinkie's chest. "The rest of them can wait as long as they have to." "Oh, Twilight...thank you!" she squeaked and pulled Twilight into a hug, giggling through her tears. The party balloon Cutie Marks on Pinkie Pie's flanks drew into sharp relief, brightening until they almost glowed. The Foal is unflinchingly merry, Her world full of laughter and song. But that life of joy has made her wary Of speaking up when things go wrong. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Soon after, Twilight Sparkle trotted and Pinkie Pie bounded down the dirt road on the edge of Ponyville; ahead, the vast spread of farm-Pony plots spread out for miles. They turned down the path to the closest farm: Sweet Apple Acres. The pair skirted the edge of the property, heading for the farmhouse. Farther down the lane, they spotted a Stetson-wearing orange Earth Pony speaking to her fiery-maned neighbor. "Just give me a second, Pinkie," said Twilight, trotting on ahead. Pinkie Pie nodded. While she waited, she surreptitiously jabbed a nearby tree with a back leg, and snapped up the resulting fallen apple. "…I know it musta stung ya somethin' fierce, and I really am sorry, Carrot Top." Applejack turned slightly away, crossing her front hooves anxiously. "Can ya forgive me?" "You Apples ain't never been anythin' but fine neighbours in the past. Apology accepted." The yellow Earth Pony smiled, and then trotted away. Applejack let out a sigh of relief, which she sucked right back in with a gasp as her gaze fell on the purple Unicorn approaching her. "Peel 'n' core me! TWILIGHT!" Applejack surged forward and took up Twilight Sparkle's front hooves in her own. "Shewt, I worried y'all were never comin' back!" "It's good to see you, Applejack." "So what happened? I ain't ever seen the Princess so mad before. Shucks, I figured we were all bucked fer sure!" Applejack winced. "Pardon m'language." "Princess Celestia just reminded me of my duties." Twilight sagged. "It can be …difficult… sometimes, being her pupil." Applejack released Twilight's hooves. "Yeah…?" Twilight nodded. "Having powerful magic is something I was born with, but that hasn't made it easy. Even at the School for Gifted Unicorns, everypony knew I was…different. The Princess hadn't taken a personal student in something like a hundred years, and it made me stand out no matter how hard I tried to blend in. Sometimes, I wished I was just...normal." Applejack projected an air of nonchalance, but her words betrayed her: "Huh. That sounds familiar–" She stomped the ground. "Rough! That sounds rough." "It was, but after a time I came to realize that I couldn't change who I was, and that the Ponies who care about me wouldn't want me to lie to myself. They would like me the way I am. Just like how I like you the way you are, Applejack." The orange Earth Pony froze, and then swallowed hard. "The way…? Wh-what way d'you mean, Twilight?" A sheen of sweat appeared on Applejack's brow. "You know…" said Twilight coyly. "…Strong. Hard-working. Forthright. Honest. Proud. The very model of a dependable Earth Pony – the backbone of Equestria." She smiled. "I'm honoured to have you as a friend." Applejack blushed. "Yer too kind! But, what about…" Applejack waited for her free-willed mouth to force her to blurt out the rest of the shame-inducing sentence…but no urge came. She stayed quiet. "What else matters?" asked Twilight sunnily. "Would anything else change those things I mentioned?" Applejack slowly smiled. "...No - I s'pose it wouldn't. Would'ja care fer some fritters?" "Absolutely–" "YUM!" exclaimed Pinkie, suddenly appearing from behind Twilight. Applejack and Twilight laughed, and Pinkie soon joined in. As the three headed for the farm, Applejack leaned in close and whispered to Twilight: "How did ya know?" "AJ..." Twilight whispered back. "I attended an all-fillies school; Pinkie's not the only one with a sense for some things." When the trio trotted into the farmhouse, the apple Cutie Marks on Applejack's flanks shone riper and redder than the finest produce from her farm. The Tradesmare labours without tiring, Her honest words a bond of honour. Not one for plots or conspiring, Secrets weigh heavy upon her. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight Sparkle hopped out of the pink and purple hot-air balloon's basket onto the pliant white cloudstuff that served as building material for Pegasi. She smiled; the spell that allowed wingless Ponies to walk on clouds was working as well as ever. She turned back to the balloon's other two occupants. "I won't be long. Will you two be okay waiting here?" "You bet!" said Applejack and Pinkie Pie in unison. While Twilight trotted over to the cloud-mansion's front door, Applejack turned to Pinkie. "Say, while we got a minute…I wanted to tell ya how sorry I am 'bout wreckin' yer room th'other day, sugarcube. …And scarin a yellow stripe up yer back with m'hollerin'. …And whuppin' the tar outta Dash while she was tryin' to help you. …And kickin' you." The orange Earth Pony rubbed a front hoof across her other foreleg sheepishly. "Aww, that's okay," said Pinkie, smiling. "Fixing everything in my room was like solving a great big jigsaw puzzle. I love puzzles!" "Oh. Uhh…well, great, then," said Applejack, a look of consternation on her face. Meanwhile, twilight knocked on the door. After a lengthy delay it slowly creaked inward, and a fatigued blue Pegasus with a colourful mane peered out. "Twilight?" said Rainbow Dash, her voice scratchier than usual. "Awesome! Come on in." Twilight followed her friend inside, but then stopped in the entryway. Her jaw dropped. The interior of the house was a disaster. Creased and dog-eared weather planning charts were strewn across the floors and pinned up on the walls. Used dishes were piled up in corners and on what few chart-free surfaces remained. Here and there, hoof-tracks in liquid rainbow stained the floors. Rainbow Dash was struggling to don a heavy pair of tinted protective goggles attached by an array of straps to a saddle holding a brass tank labeled with a multi-coloured exclamation point. A row of seven metal nozzles jutted from the rear of the tank. Stiffness, fatigue and the last of a few unhealed bruises had robbed Dash of a fair measure of her range of motion; with nearly every bend and flex, she winced in pain. "I was just – nng! – getting ready to go out and put up a rainbow, but I can totally make time to hear how things went down – rrg! – with the Princess." Twilight trotted over to the blue Pegasus, and magicked the rainbow-spraying rig into a better fit. "Have you been taking extra weather shifts, Dash?" Twilight tried to sound casual, but the concern in her voice showed. "Thanks! Yeah…I've been doing a few odd jobs, covering for sick Pegasi – that kind of thing. The gang hasn't really gotten together since you, y'know, left, and I hate to feel like I'm wasting time." "What about Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash gulped. "I, uh, I haven't seen her either. After that fight outside the library, I figured I'd give her a chance to calm down." She ducked down and picked up the control bit for the rainbow tank with her mouth. She gave it an experimental bite, and a tiny spritz of colour puffed out of the nozzles. "Sho terr ree…wha' hff'ned?" she said, muffled by the bit. Twilight rubbed the back of her neck with a front hoof. "Well, the whole thing was pretty complicated, right from the start. It felt really awkward to be stuck in the middle between you guys and the Princess. She's been so kind to me – I owe her so much that it felt wrong not to take her side, even though I felt like she was being unreasonable. You know what I mean?" "Yhh!" Dash spit out the bit, and turned away. "…I mean, sure, yeah – I guess so." She looked up at a complex cirrus pattern diagram pinned on the wall. "So…what did you do?" "I called her on it. I realized that standing up to somepony and saying how you really feel isn't the same thing as betraying their friendship. Sometimes, the best way you can have somepony's back is to face them down." Twilight paused. "Does that make any sense?" Dash sighed, and the gesture seemed to release weeks of pent-up tension along with her breath. She turned back to face Twilight; the lenses of her goggles were misty. "…Totally. Thanks, Twilight. …For coming by, I mean!" Dash smiled. "Any time, Dash. I'd better go, though – I don't want to keep you from your work!" "Yeah…" Dash shifted side to side. "You know…maybe I should take a break." She tugged at the release strap, and the rainbow rig dropped to the floor. "Great! AJ and Pinkie are outside - I'm gathering up the whole gang. You can come along!" "Cool!" As Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash trotted out into the sunlight, Dash's multi-hued lightning-bolt Cutie Marks shone like polished glass. The Charger races ever forward, Full of vim naught can dispel. Loyal, stubborn and straightforward, She'd follow a friend to Pony Hell. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Rainbow Dash led the way back down to Ponyville, while her Unicorn and Earth Pony friends followed in the balloon. As they descended through the sparse cloud cover, the sounds and smells of Ponyville rose up to meet them: Fresh baking. Blossoms. Hoofbeats. Songs. The balloon's basket touched down outside of Carousel Boutique. Near the ostentatious shop's front entrance, a Unicorn covered in layers of patched but well-sewn rags was magicking a hammer to nail up a wooden sign on the door lintel: F O R S A L E: FABULOUS SHOP FULL OF DRESSES, ACCESSORIES AND THE LIKE. IF INTERESTED, PLEASE SEE STORE OWNER AND PROPRIETOR, RARITY The three Ponies climbed out of the balloon, while Dash alighted on a nearby fencepost. Twilight Sparkle trotted toward the shop, but then paused and turned to face the others. "This looks bad…but I think we got here just in time." She pondered for a moment. "You'd better wait here…I don't think she'd want everypony to see her like this." Twilight's three companions nodded and murmured in agreement. While Twilight trotted toward the Unicorn in the homeless wretch ensemble, Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash. Dash noticed, and hopped down off of the fence to face her eye to eye. "Dash, I–" Rainbow Dash cut her off unintentionally with her own start: "AJ, listen–" "You go," said Dash. "I just wanted to say that I hope there ain't no bad blood between us. I was in a powerful odd way these past few days, and I weren't thinkin' none too clearly. I can't believe what a foal I was. I know y'all don't...see I see you, but If I lost you as a friend as well, I'd just..." Applejack looked down in shame. Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Yeah, well I didn't really try too hard to talk you down, either. We're still cool. And plus, Fluttershy kicked your butt – that's punishment enough in my book!" Dash gave a wry smile. Applejack gawked, her heartache momentarily forgotten. "She sure as sugar did not! She bushwacked me, an' pulled me offa th'ground before I could peep. No way that's fair!" "Oh? Does your 'no wings' policy go for ambushes, too?" The two Ponies stared each other down, forehead to forehead. Pinkie Pie was about to intervene, when the two both smirked, snorted, and broke out laughing. At the same time, Twilight Sparkle trotted over to the rag-swaddled Unicorn. She heaved a deep, theatrical sigh as Twilight approached, and sat down heavily on the path in front of the shop's door. "You're too late," she muttered. "It's all over…I haven't a bit to my name. All I can do is sell my –" She choked up. "–beautiful shop…" "Rarity, I tried to tell you earlier," said Twilight, kneeling down next to her dejected friend. "If you need money, why don't you sell some gems?" Rarity gasped. "Oh, I couldn't! I could never be so greedy as to deprive my customers of the finest in jeweled fabulosity! You might as well ask Applejack to sell her…rope…thing." "Lasso." "Whatever." Twilight sighed in exasperation. "And I was doing so well…" she said, under her breath. "Beg pardon?" "Nothing…" Twilight looked around. A twinkling from a nearby trash bin caught her eye. She trotted over to it. "Wait…what about these gems? Did you throw these away?" She stirred her hooves through the trash; it was mostly gemstones and fabric remnants. Rarity wrinkled her nose. "Of course, dah-ling. They're all flawed. Who would want them?" Twilight magicked up a smooth red sphere. "…What's wrong with this one?" "It isn't clear – there's an inclusion all through it. I tried to polish it, but the problem was inside it." Twilight stared. "Rarity…this is a–" Twilight's horn flickered brighter for a moment. "–thirty, maybe thirty-one carat cabochon-cut corundum crystal with a six-point asterism!" Rarity stared blankly. Twilight groaned. "It's a STAR RUBY, Rarity!" she shouted. "It's INCREDIBLY valuable!" "Valuable…?" Rarity's hood-shaded eyes brightened for a moment. "But it isn't perfect!" Twilight smiled. "It's the imperfection that makes it valuable. Yes, it's not as clear as it could be on the inside, but when you look at it the right way, the worth of what's inside it becomes obvious." She angled the gem in the sunlight; the rutile inclusions in the stone caught the light, releasing a brilliant star-shaped gleam. The star reflected in Rarity's eyes. "My goodness…! I…I never saw…" She swallowed. "How much...?" "If you sold it in Canterlot, this stone alone could buy every book in my library." Twilight magicked up a blue diamond and a yellow sapphire from the bin, bringing them over to float with the ruby. "Add these as well, and you could buy every book in Princess Celestia's library!" Rarity pulled back her hood; underneath, her purple mane was as immaculately-coiffed as ever. "Oh, Twilight…! I'm saved! My Boutique is saved!" She galloped in place, squealing and giggling. Her rags fell away. She magicked the blue diamond out of Twilight's arcane grasp, and slid its sharpest point down the sign she'd nailed up. Half of the sign fell away, leaving it reading: F O R FABULOUS DRESSES AND THE LIKE SEE STORE OWNER RARITY "Helloooo!" Rarity waved to her other friends, still waiting over by the balloon. "I have the most wonderful news! We simply must celebrate with a makeover – my treat!" Twilight slapped a front hoof to her forehead. "Rarity…" "What? Just because I've had some profound moment of realization about my personal value in others' eyes doesn't mean I can't still appreciate the finer things in life. I'm a Pony of means and distinction!" She shook her head, sending her coiled mane bouncing. As she turned to trot over to her friends her jewel Cutie Marks glittered, bright as any star. The Jewel shines – a thing of beauty; The finest bounty of the earth. Sharing the wealth is her sworn duty, But she doesn't know her inner worth. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The five Ponies trotted down the lane leading away from downtown Ponyville and toward Fluttershy's home. Twilight took the lead, followed by Pinkie Pie and Rarity, with Applejack and a hovering Rainbow Dash bringing up the rear. As they neared the hilltop cottage, the group stopped dead in their tracks. The cottage was dark, its windows boarded up. Every one of the bird and animal houses that normally surrounded Fluttershy's domicile was missing. Even with the leaves and grass lush and green all around, their absence made the area seem barren and desolate. A stirring from a nearby den caught the Ponies' attention; a small, purple reptilian crawled out into the late afternoon light. "Twilight…? TWILIGHT! You're back! Thank Celestia!" Spike came bounding over to his caretaker, his wide green eyes shining. As he drew close, a clanking chain unwinding behind him grew taut and he jerked backward, restrained by a small collar latched around his neck. "Urrk!" The Ponies shared a collective gasp. Twilight approached her dazed assistant, and magicked the collar off his neck. "Spike…what happened here? Where's Fluttershy? Why were you chained up?" The baby Dragon sat up, rubbing his neck. "She's still inside there! After you disappeared, she came and fetched me and Owlowiscious so we wouldn't be home alone. But something was wrong with her. After she told me what happened with the Princess, I thought she was just upset, but that wasn't it. She was all–" Spike mimed twitching and stress, his shoulders shuddering and his head darting all around "–weird and edgy. Not like herself at all. She started bringing all of her animals inside the cottage, and she kept raving about how the Princess was angry and how she had to keep them safe." Twilight's brow furrowed in concern. "She was afraid of…Celestia?" "Terrified! That's why I'm out here! I said if she was so worried, I could send a letter to the Princess so she could apologize. That's when she panicked, called me a spy, and chained me up out here." He reached into the den, and pulled out a water dish and a clay bowl of glittering stones. "I've been living on gems and water!" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Spike…you always live on gems and water." "Yeah, but these are semiprecious! Moss agate, garnet – even quartz!" Spike rattled the bowl of uncut stone for emphasis and stuck out his tongue in disgust. "You poor thing," said Twilight, her mild amusement at war with her concern for her friend and her assistant. "Dash? I think we'd better both go have a talk with Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash nodded sternly. As the two Ponies trotted down the path to Fluttershy's door, Applejack turned away in silence while Rarity sat magicking daisies into a chain and Pinkie Pie experimentally swallowed a smooth rose quartz pebble from Spike's bowl. Twilight knocked on Fluttershy's door with a front hoof; the only answer was a chorus of birdcalls. When a second knock produced much the same result, Twilight ignited her horn and magicked the lock open. She gently pulled open the door. The interior of the cottage was packed from floor to ceiling with birdhouses, kennels, cages and boxes, all crowded with Fluttershy's animal friends. Dozens of tiny eyes shone in the shadows. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle trotted into the cramped front hall single file, the sunlight from the open door casting one long, blended shadow ahead of them. As the tall, horned, winged shadow reached the middle of the room, a piercing scream erupted from deeper inside the cottage: "AAAAAALICOOOORN!!" A streak of pink and yellow slalomed between the columns of caged animals, and shot up the stairs. Despite Fluttershy's frantic speed, Twilight caught a glimpse of the Pegasus' speckled, distorted Cutie Mark. "Oh no…!" Twilight gasped."Dash...did you see her Cutie Mark?" "Sort of..." replied Dash. "It looked like she's got some sorta bugs on it. Maybe she got fleas from all these animals?" Twilight shook her head gravely. "It's not fleas, Dash." "What do you mean?" "When Apple Bloom and her little friends kept pestering all of us about getting their Cutie Marks, it inspired me to do some reading on the subject. If I'm right, Fluttershy has a very serious condition: Cutie Mark Decay Disorder." Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed in worry. "What does that mean?" "It's an inherited condition where emotional stress starts to unravel a Pony's bond to their Cutie Mark. As the Mark loses its shape, the Pony loses their sense of self. They can become irritable, withdrawn, paranoid - even delusional or violent." "Stress? Oh my gosh...did I make this happen to her?" Guilt twisted Dash's features. "No...! No," said Twilight emphatically. "Something else triggered it - something earlier. I'm sure of it." Something like an Element of Harmony, she mentally added. Twilight headed toward the stairs, weaving around the cages. She magicked up an unoccupied wooden bird perch as she went. "Follow me, Dash! What's important now is that we help her." The pair followed the sounds of Fluttershy's panicked ranting into her darkened bedroom. From the glow of Twilight's horn, a quivering pale pink tail was visible sticking out from under the bed. As they drew closer the light revealed Fluttershy's hindquarters, and a clear view of the ragged butterflies on her flanks. Twilight looked away, sadly. "This isn't good. It is CMDD." "What do we do now?" asked Dash, her voice full of concern. "She needs magical treatment immediately," said Twilight. Her horn glowed brighter, and the top quarter of the perch broke free; Twilight discarded the rest. "I need you to pull her out of there, and hold her down." Dash gawked. "Wh-what? Why? What are you gonna do?" Twilight squinted in concentration; a tiny crackling sphere of purple-white energy formed at the tip of her horn. "I'm going to shock her." "Storm therapy? No…! NO WAY! That's for madponies! She doesn't need that – she's just a little anxious!" said Dash, waving her front hooves in an outward sweep. "It's too dangerous! Pegasi almost never survive it!" "That's because you do it with clouds in midflight, and you usually fall. We're on the ground now – it's not the same!" "I am NOT gonna help you zap her!" Dash interposed herself between Twilight and her fellow Pegasus. Twilight met her friend's determined maroon stare head-on. "Dash…when you overdosed on that Nightshade, Fluttershy was willing to stomp on your ribs and fill your lungs like party balloons because I told her it would help keep you alive. She trusted me. I know you trust me, too. Please…help me do this." Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and sighed, hanging her head. When she looked up, she gave a tiny nod. "NOOOO! Dash, DON'T! It doesn't WORK! They tried it on my mother and she DIED!" Fluttershy screamed and cried in terror as Rainbow Dash dragged her out from under the bed by her tail and leaped on top of her, holding her down. "She's working for HER! She's trying to kill me, too!" "Your mom...?" Rainbow Dash's grip slackened slightly. "You never told me..." Fluttershy bucked and thrashed around, nearly escaping Dash's grip. Her distraction broken, Rainbow Dash fought to get her back under control. Fluttershy continued to scream. "I'm scared, Dash! Don't do this! I don't want to die! Let me go! Let m-MMNG!" Twilight magicked the perch's cylindrical wooden top between Fluttershy's jaws like a bit. Unable to speak, she wordlessly sobbed around the wooden gag. Dash turned to Twilight. "Twilight...are you sure?" Twilight nodded firmly. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "If I don't, she'll only get worse." She bent her head to touch the tip of her crackling horn to Fluttershy's damaged Cutie Mark. With a bright flash and an electrical snap Fluttershy violently convulsed, surging to her hooves and nearly bucking Rainbow Dash off of her back. The wooden perch split. As her seizing muscles loosened, Fluttershy collapsed in a dead faint. Rainbow Dash stood up, and backed away. Before the two other Ponies' eyes, purple-white motes of energy chased the swarming distortions on Fluttershy's flanks, consuming them in tiny flares before winking out themselves. As the last of the gnat-like specks vanished, her original butterfly Cutie Marks drew back into focus. A few moments later, Fluttershy stirred. She half-opened her eyes, raised her head, and squinted to make out her friends in the dim light. She spat out the broken pieces of the perch. "R-rainbow Dash…? Twilight?" Her voice was even softer than usual. "W-what happened? What are you doing here? I…I don't remember, I…it's so dark!" She struggled to get to her hooves; Rainbow Dash rushed over to support her. "Twilight's back from Canterlot, and she came to thank you for taking care of Spike and Owlowiscious for her while she was gone. Right, Twilight?" Dash shot Twilight a stern sidelong glance. "Thanks for your help!" said Twilight, taking the hint. "And thanks for covering your windows and bringing in some friends to help make Owlowiscious feel welcome!" "Oh…um, you're welcome…?" said Fluttershy tilting her head in confusion. "I mean it," insisted Twilight. "Nopony asked you to do it, but you did your best in a difficult situation. I know it isn't easy being a caregiver – I have enough trouble keeping Spike, Owlowiscious and my books safe! But you did a wonderful job." Fluttershy smiled weakly. "Thank you for saying so," she said. "Twilight..." Dash shifted uncomfortably. "Could you go wait for us outside? I need to talk to Fluttershy. Alone." Twilight nodded silently, and trotted out of the room. "Shy, I knw you've been through a lot lately, but...I just wanna say...I mean you deserve to know, I..." Dash paced nervously, at a loss for how to continue. "...You don't love me," Fluttershy whispered. "Yes!" Dash caught herself. "No...! I mean, you mean a lot to me, and I owe you everything. But..." she sagged. "But I don't love you. I wanted to, and after those berries and that magic of Twilight's, I thought I did, but..." Dash sank lower, her front hooves splaying. Her nose nearly touched the floor. "I'm sorry..." Fluttershy trotted over and rested her head against Dash's shoulder. "I know. Maybe part of me knew from the beginning. But it just seemed so real...I couldn't admit it to myself. I wanted you to love me so badly. I'm sorry, too." She quietly wept into Rainbow Dash's multi-coloured mane. Dash raised up her head and pulled Fluttershy into a hug. "Someday you'll find a filly to love you back," she said, fighting to keep her voice from cracking, "and they're gonna treat you right - or they'll hafta answer to me!" Fluttershy laughed a small, teary laugh. The two held one another in silence for a long moment, and then went to go join the others. As Dash led her down the stairs, Fluttershy's restored Cutie Marks were as bright and vivid as the butterflies that had once saved her life. The High Ritesmare, loved everywhere, Kindly helps her flock to grow. But without them soon sinks to despair; Alone she withers – a flower in snow. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Twilight turned in a slow circle, surveying the interior of her library. Inspired by a resurgent desire to party matching her urge to do so, Pinkie Pie had decorated the building in a matter of minutes. She and Applejack had provided food and Rarity had fetched a record player. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had gathered a small bucket of raw rainbows, and painted the ceiling in garish colours. All things considered, the Ponies had assembled a party welcoming Twilight home in record time. In one corner, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were locked in a pitched cake-eating contest; the Unicorn's progress was severely handicapped by her insistence on using silverware and taking small, dainty mouthfuls. Nevertheless, she seemed to have a surprisingly large appetite. In the middle of the room Spike danced to the music, wearing his customary lampshade hat. Rainbow Dash danced along, turning aerial somersaults over the tiny Dragon. In another corner, Applejack and Fluttershy stood near the punchbowl. They seemed to be chatting, but Twilight couldn't make out what they were saying over the music. "She's real...graceful...ain't she?" mused Applejack, her eyes following Dash's musical acrobatics. Fluttershy nodded. She sighed wistfully. "...She broke it off, huh?" Fluttershy's lower lip quivered. She nodded again. "Shewt, I'm sorry, 'Shy. ...Fer what it's worth, ya did make a nice lookin' pair." Fluttershy turned slightly, letting her mane partially hide her face. "Thanks." Applejack cleared her throat. "Listen...I know we've both done some mighty regrettable things these past couple o' days, and well, fer my part, I wantcha to know I'm sorry. Sometimes bein' in love can make a Pony do some foalish things." Her eyes still followed Dash's dance. Fluttershy's face emerged from behind her mane. "" Applejack nodded. "Since I first laid eyes on 'er. Though I s'pose you got me beat in that respect, bein' from Cloudsdale an' all." Realization spread across Fluttershy's face. "She didn't tell me about the fight..." "Uh-huh. If she'd explained the whole sorry business, she woulda had to tell ya how I felt, and she'd promised not to. Loyal to a fault, that Pony." Fluttershy and Applejack watched Dash in silence for a time. They both sighed at once. Inspiration brightened Applejack's features. She turned and rummaged in a nearby saddlebag. She brought out a small metal flask, and poured a tiny splash of amber liquid into two punch glasses. The heady, medicinal scent of thoroughly-distilled apples filled the air around them. "T'ain't right bein' down in the dumps durin' a party. Here...this stuff's worked pretty well fer me so far when thoughts o' that fine blue filly have gotten me down. To Rainbow Dash - Bottoms up!" "T-to Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy picked up the glass in her front hooves and slugged back the shot in tandem with Applejack. After a moment of silent consideration, her eyes skewed in opposite directions, her face flushed, and she coughed violently. "Woops!" Applejack chuckled, patting Fluttershy on the back. "Prolly shoulda warned ya - that stuff packs a mighty big kick! Big Mac says they oughta name it after me!" "...It's...nice," Fluttershy wheezed. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle magicked up a bottle and a goblet, and began pouring. "Everypony – I wanted to say something!" Twilight's friends paused in their merrymaking, and turned to face her. "I would like to propose a toast to all of you: the best friends I've ever had." "Twilight…" Rarity swallowed a mouthful of cake and raised an importunate hoof. Twilight set down the bottle. "Please, just let me finish. I know I spend a lot of time with my nose in books, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in what else is happening – or in you." "Twilight…" Applejack trotted forward. Twilight magicked the filled goblet higher. "Just a second. You're all very important to me, and in the future I plan to pay you all a lot more attention. There's only so much time, after all, and I want to spend as much of it as I can with the Ponies who mean the most to me. Cheers!" As Twilight finished her toast, her six-star Cutie Marks, for lack of a better word, sparkled. "TWILIGHT!" Pinkie Pie popped up next to Twilight like a frosting-daubed colt-in-the-box. "For Celestia's sake, WHAT?" asked Twilight. She took a large gulp from the goblet. Pinkie Pie grinned broadly. "That's hot sauce again." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Back in Canterlot, Princess Celestia watched her faithful student frantically drinking from the library's kitchen sink in the glowing reflections of a flickering curtain of magical sunlight. She smiled a small, dignified smile, and magicked the last of the tarot cards back into the deck. The Enchantress, though she'll live forever, Finds loneliness hard to defeat. Magic can hold one's life together… But friendship makes it all complete. THE END
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
ALICORNS: BLAME By Saddlesoap Opera Appendix One of the Pony Psychology Series (note: this story takes place from the latter half of Rarity: Loss to the first part of Twilight Sparkle: Spellbound. Rereading is recommended) Princess Luna stood in the cool night air at the highest parapet of the Royal Castle of the Pony Sisters, her dark feathered wings spread wide. The wind flowed between her feathers and tickled across her lean frame, forcing her to suppress a shiver. With a moment's focus, she ignited her horn. The Crescent Moon rose up from the horizon at her behest, its silvery light faintly illuminating Equestria while an infinite blanket of stars sparkled into being across the smooth blackness of the sky. A few moments later Luna's older sister appeared on the nearest parapet in a burst of fiery golden sunlight, the night winds playing at her rosy-pink mane and tail. "Little sister…I can't let you do this!" the white Alicorn's voice was righteous. Insistent. Indignant, even. Luna sighed dejectedly. "Big sister, please try to understand..." Celestia stomped, her bare hoof striking blinding golden sparks off the stone. "I understand enough already to know you're upsetting the natural order, and breaking ancient laws. And why? Just because you want to prove yourself?" "Stop talking down to me! You're not Father!" Luna reared, and slammed both front hooves down on the ancient stone. The resulting sparks were small and faint. The taller Alicorn's expression hardened. "No…I'm not. He's gone. They both are. And I'm glad they aren't around to see –" she gestured broadly with a hoof. "– this!" Her older sister's words cut Luna like hydra fangs. With a cry of anguish and rage she spread her wings and lunged at her fellow Alicorn, her horn blazing bright. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The echoes of a millennium-old confrontation still rang in Princess Luna's ears as she jerked awake in her bed. Her pulse was pounding, and she was covered in a cold sweat. Her dreams had been particularly vivid and upsetting of late, often driving her to wake well before sunset. Moving to a new bed chamber had done little to change matters, it seemed. She looked over to the drawn curtains concealing the library-like room's massive west-facing window; the insistent glow of the setting sun still shone from every edge. She scowled. Sleep was an indulgence for Alicorns. Luna knew that the magic inside her could sustain her for months on end with barely a moment's pause, but since her release she and her sister had returned to the unspoken agreement that it was best to divide the day and night between them. Celestia, it seemed, had mostly kept pretending to need sleep in her absence, as an equine touch to give the masses peace of mind. Luna dragged herself out of bed and trotted over to her desk, where several half-read books still sat open to this or that page. She sat down on a lushly-padded wooden chair, and magicked three of the volumes into the air. She used a spell to divide her attention, and began speed-reading all three books simultaneously. The pages turned in unison every few seconds. She was just about to replace A Sociological Treatise on Earth Pony / Unicorn Relations with a different tome when the opening of the outside door caught her attention. A young white Unicorn with a vibrant fuchsia mane trotted in, magicking a feather duster, dustpan and broom along with her. Luna turned back to her books. She magicked up an alliteratively-titled Astronomy guide and continued reading. "Oh…! Begging Your pardon, Your Majesty," said the Unicorn when she spotted Luna, "I'm just here to tidy up. By Your leave…?" "Mm-hm," said Luna, her eyes still fixed on her books. As the Unicorn busied herself about the room dusting shelves and sweeping the floors, Luna happened to catch a glimpse of the Pony's Cutie Mark out of the corner of her eye: a crescent moon surrounded by tiny stars. Luna's eyes widened; the trio of books fell down onto the table. The Mark of the Moon Herd! She gasped in disbelief and swooped over to the Unicorn with a single beat of her broad wings. "YOU!" she boomed at the Unicorn. "Why are you really here? Did she send you? Did my sister notice that I found this place already? Is this her idea of a peace offering? …Or are you a spy? Is that Mark even real?" She jabbed a sapphire-shod hoof at the Unicorn's flank. The Unicorn cowered in terror, covering her head with her front hooves and letting her cleaning tools clatter to the floor. She yelped in fright when she felt Luna's touch. "ANSWER ME!" The Unicorn yelped again. "I-I-I'm ss-sorry, Y-your Majesty…!" she stammered. "I d-didn't even know You were staying here! I'm just a P-palace servant! M-my name is Moondancer!" She curled up tighter, too scared to even lay eyes on the furious Alicorn looming over her. "P-please…have mercy!" Luna felt guilt dissipate her rage. This was no spy of Celestia's; this was just a mortal Pony frightened out of her wits – and bearing an unexpected coincidence on her flanks. After so long, it was no surprise that she didn't understand her heritage. Luna folded her wings and turned away. "I'm…sorry," she said, somewhat awkwardly. "I…I misunderstood." Moondancer peeked out from between her hooves. "Your Majesty…?" she squeaked. "Your Cutie Mark bears the signs of an ancient pact between my Mother and a bloodline of Unicorns. Your ancestors were the Moon Herd – Her personal attendants and bodyguards, and after her…passing, my own." The Unicorn shakily got to her hooves. "I had no idea!" she whispered, awestruck. Luna turned to face her. "I fear there is much that has been forgotten in my…absence." A lump threatened to form in Luna's throat as a surge of strictly-controlled emotion partially broke free. She coughed softly. "We would that you acted at Our behest alone, and not that of the palace at large," she intoned, adopting the archaic Royal Vernacular. "From this night forth, We declare this to be so: Moondancer, lost scion of the Moon Herd, is the Royal Princess Luna's personal student and assistant!" She stomped a hoof; a faint rumble of thunder echoed in the vaulted room. Moondancer stared. Her jaw dropped. Luna felt the same guilt prod at her once more. She cleared her throat again and looked away, blushing faintly. "…That is…if you would be so inclined," she added. Moondancer smiled, and nodded quickly. "Of course, Your Majesty…! I'd be delighted!" Luna's expression brightened. "Splendid! I will teach you about magic, the stars, your ancestors and the ancient times, and you will act as my assistant in all matters. We begin your training tonight!" •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Princess Celestia's magic-warded form erupted through the ancient grey wall as if the stone was so much spun glass, sending fractured bricks scattering in all directions as she tumbled into the ballroom. She skidded to a stop and then shakily got to her hooves. Seconds later, a similarly-warded Luna hovered through the same hole in the wall, her wings carrying her forward with terrible purpose. "I don't…want to…fight you, sister," said Celestia between panting breaths. "This isn't ABOUT what you want!" Luna bellowed. Her horn unleashed a dozen lashing tendrils of energy. "You're always the centre of attention – always the special one. Well, no more! When everypony sees what I've done, they'll have no choice but to notice me!" Luna advanced on her sister. "When they see…what you've done…they'll think you're a monster," said Celestia mournfully. Her horn released pink extrusions of its own. The streaks of deadly energy lanced out as the two Alicorns' clashed. Parried beams of hardened light cut through the walls, ceiling and floor, leaving molten, orange-glowing holes in the ancient stone. The Royal Pony Sisters' battle lasted for hours, and took them from one end of the castle to the other. They left a trail of destruction in their wake. Throughout the castle servants, courtiers and foreign visitors galloped about in a panic and dodged falling debris and stray magical bolts. The Sun Guard and the Moon Herd tried in vain to keep the evacuation sane and safe. At length, Celestia gained the upper hoof. She flew toward the ceiling while gripping her sister in a half dozen energy tendrils, and then smashed her down into the floor. The flagstones gave way, and Luna disappeared into the shadowy depths of the Castle's basement. Celestia fought to catch her breath as she let her spells fade. She staggered when her bare hooves touched down on the stone floor; the fight had been exhausting. Her horn was painfully hot, and her flanks shone with sweat. Once the adrenaline surge of the battle began to fade, Celestia's stern expression softened. She trotted over to the gaping hole in the floor. "Lu-lu…?" she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Faint, echoing laughter answered back, followed by a low whisper: "…The Vault…" Celestia craned her neck, angling an ear toward the hole. "…What?" Shadowy force erupted from the hole like a black geyser, sending Celestia tumbling. When she came to her senses a moment later, she gasped in abject horror at the sight before her. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Princess Celestia mirrored her dream-self's gasp as she awoke. The dreams had been the same almost every night since her sister's return: that same terrible night, played out over and over. She would have simply forgone sleep, but she was reluctant to do so. Mundane habits and routines helped the never-ending parade of days and nights pass more smoothly, and helped keep her grounded. …And of course, as before, while she and her sister were splitting the day between them she could pretend that it was scheduling and not anything deeper keeping them from speaking. She rolled over in her opulently-appointed bed and tried to let her mind settle, but it soon became clear that her night's sleep was over even if the night was not. She slipped out from under the pastel-hued covers and got out of bed. In the darkness of her expansive personal chambers, her silhouette seemed small and gangly. Her dainty unshod hooves clicked softly on the stone floor. Her horn ignited as she magicked up the Regalia of the Day-Mare, lifting the golden yoke, tiara and shoes from their resting place on a nearby vanity and slipping them on. Thusly appointed, she trotted out onto her bedroom's balcony. Although it was still three hours before Celestia would bring the dawn, the palace was a beehive of activity. Ponies rushed to and fro, consumed by their efforts to complete the last of the repairs after the riotous upheaval that was this year's Grand Galloping Gala before the arrival of the Tsarevna of Stalliongrad and her retinue the next afternoon. In spite of the bleak mood the dream had put her in, Celestia couldn't help but smile when she thought back to the Gala. Her favourite – and only – student's friends were certainly a lively bunch! And as for Twilight Sparkle herself, not a day went by that Celestia didn't thank her lucky stars that she'd found her. The young Unicorn had such vast magical talent, and such a keen intellect, yet she was also so endearingly awkward around social situations, as if frustrated that Ponies could not be read as easily as books. She was so very much like– Celestia hung her head. The bleak mood returned in full force. Is that why I picked her? she mused silently. Is that why I gave her the Ivory Tower, out of any empty room in the palace? She spread her wings and gracefully took to the air. Is that why I arranged for her to be the one to seek the Elements? She banked sharply and alighted on the palace's roof. The moon had nearly set but the night sky was still deep and black, the stars staring down as if in judgement. "I missed you," she whispered to the moon as it slipped past the horizon. "…I still miss you." Celestia watched the last sliver of moon disappear and then turned her gaze to the stars. She watched them in melancholy silence until the time came for her to sweep them aside with a wave of dawn and day. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Moondancer stared in rapt attention at the shimmering curtain of shadowy moonlight floating before her. The magicked "screen" displayed a phantasmal night sky, with each of the major constellations connected star-to-star by gleaming silvery lines. Princess Luna stood next to the display, pointing to starry patterns with her glowing horn. "The…Pegasus," said Moondancer as Luna singled out the constellation. "Good." Luna nodded slightly, and pointed again. Moondancer narrowed her eyes in concentration. "The Water Horse…?" "Yes – excellent. And this one?" "That's – wait! Your Majesty, I think some stars are missing from the chart. Is that part of the test?" "What…? Where?" Luna surveyed the illusory display in dismay. Moondancer pointed with her horn. "Shouldn't there be four bright stars around the moon?" Luna winced and looked away. The star chart wavered and then vanished. "Those…those were not actually stars," she said softly. "They were part of my prison – the keys that unbound me when the time came." "Oh…" said Moondancer. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty…" Luna shook her head, willing away an upwelling of sadness. "It's alright, my student. You couldn't have known." She looked over to the drawn curtains; their edges were brightening. "Besides, it's daybreak. You've learned enough for one night, I think." Fatigue struck Moondancer hot on the tail of the realization that she'd spent the entire night under the Princess' tutelage. She stifled a yawn. "Yes, Your Majesty. By Your leave…?" Luna nodded, and the young Unicorn smiled warmly and backed away for three paces before turning and leaving the Ivory Tower. In spite of the depressing memories Moondancer's question had stirred, Luna couldn't help but smile slightly as she thought about her new student. She was so polite and earnest, but also lively and witty, with an excellent memory for names and a strong sense of decorum. Why, pale her mane a bit and she could be a younger– Luna's smile dissolved. She trotted over to her cluttered table and sat down heavily in her chair. Habit or not, putting the masses at ease or not, promising student or not, she wasn't going to sleep today. Her realization a moment earlier had robbed her of any hope that she wouldn't dream about the confrontation with her older sister again, and she didn't want to face that. She magicked a narrow pair of magnifying pince-nez glasses onto her nose, and focused on the tiny print of an open volume of Encyclopaedia Equestria. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Princess Celestia returned from Ponyville to her tower-top personal study in a flash of white-hot magic. She felt the accompanying presence of her faithful student, but she held the Unicorn frozen in the spaces between spaces for a moment, buying herself some time to sit down near the window and prepare herself for what was coming. "You two!" she barked at the Royal Guard Pegasi flanking the study's only door. "Do not forget your orders: do it quickly and cleanly. If you fail me in this endeavour, I will be severely…disappointed." "Yes, Your Majesty!" the guards shouted in unison, snapping to attention. Celestia took a slow, deep breath, and let out a soft sigh. She knew that, judging from the fracas between Twilight Sparkle's friends which she had interrupted, she could no longer delay explaining the secrets of the Elements of Harmony to her. She knew that her student's skeptical, probing intellect would jump too quickly to the implications and complications of what she was about to tell her, and fail to stop and let her heart take in the sheer gravity of the fact itself. She knew that it would take a profound, life-altering shock to shake Twilight Sparkle from her usual investigative manner. She knew that long ago her Father – peace and joy to Him, forever – had taught her and her younger sister a very similar lesson about the significance of the sheer power that was the birthright of Alicorns. None of those facts made what she had to do next any easier. She released Twilight Sparkle from her stasis; the Unicorn flashed into being in the middle of the study. Celestia magicked up a teapot to fill the shallow porcelain cup on the low table beside her. "Princess Celestia…I can't tell you how sorry I am…" Twilight looked away, and noticed that the door out of the room was flanked by a pair of Royal Guard Pegasi. Princess Celestia magicked up the cup and took a slow, thoughtful sip of her tea. Her eyes were closed, her face a serene, unreadable mask. She set down the cup, turned toward the guards, opened her eyes, and softly said two words: "Kill her." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Princess Luna chuckled as she bore down on her fallen older sister. How small and weak the bruised and battered older Alicorn seemed now! "Have you had enough?" Luna asked, her voice deep and resonant. "Yes? Maybe you should have thought of that before dropping me into the Vault!" Princess Celestia stirred, and shakily got to her hooves. She spat out a mouthful of sparkling blood and stared defiantly into the blazing turquoise eyes of the towering, pitch black, Equinium-barded monstrosity that until moments before had been her small and skinny younger sister. "Oh…! Still not backing down?" Luna tittered. "What next? Will you tell me you aren't afraid of me?" Celestia's lower lip quivered. "You know I can't…" she whispered. "That's right!" Luna boomed. Lightning lanced between clouds in the night sky; Celestia cringed backward. "Mother's war-mantle won't let you! With the Mantle of the Night-Mare, I AM fear!" Luna's flowing, starry mane snaked out of its own volition and cupped Celestia's chin. "I tried to get you to see things my way peacefully, but NO!" Her mane slapped her older sister across the cheek. "You had to be stubborn. Well now you're paying for it!" Celestia's face contorted in a blend of fear and rage. Her horn ignited blazing white; Luna easily recognized the matrix of a teleportation spell forming. She smirked. "That's all you can do, big sister? Run away? You know I can track you." "I'm not running," said Celestia gravely. "I'm going to stop you." She vanished in a burst of white-hot magic. Luna concentrated for a moment, and soon located her sister: Celestia had reappeared two stories up…right outside the Chapel of Harmony. Luna's eyes widened. "No…!" she shouted to the empty ballroom. "You wouldn't!" Too shocked to teleport or even fly, Luna galloped up the winding stairs to the chapel. At the first landing she heard a blast of battle-magic blow open the chapel doors. At the second floor she felt the stone beneath her Equinium-shod hooves rumble. At the second landing she was almost blinded by a wave of searing golden light. As Luna climbed the last steps and stood in the entryway to the Chapel of Harmony, she gasped in shock at the terrible beauty of the towering, alabaster, Orichalcum-barded Goddess that stood before her. "Little sister…" said Celestia, her voice deep and powerful, "…I am not afraid of you." Six shimmering globes rose up in a halo behind Celestia, and began spinning in a circle faster and faster. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "…NOOOOO!" Luna jerked upright in her seat, for a moment unsure where – or when – she was. But reality quickly reasserted itself, and she realized that she had dozed off reading the encyclopaedia. She sighed in annoyance with herself and straightened her pince-nez. She hadn't fallen asleep while reading since she was a foal, and the unpleasant dream had only made the situation all the more embarrassing. She redoubled her efforts to get through the weighty tome. She was only a few more pages into the E section of the encyclopaedia when the outside doors magicked open. Is Moondancer back already? she wondered. It's not even sunset yet! Perhaps the Moon Herd blood is stronger with her than I thought… She turned to the door, already feeling the gloominess fleeing her thoughts – and then her eyes settled on an entirely different Unicorn. The gloominess redoubled its assault. "Oh…it's you," said Luna as the purple Unicorn approached, only partially concealing her disappointment. She magicked the pince-nez off of her face and set it down on the cluttered table. It was her sister's favourite; the straight-maned little show-off who'd been living in this very room only a few months earlier, and whose Elemental assault had shattered her Mother's Mantle right off of her hide. Pent-up loathing rose in Luna like a tide of bile. She narrowed her eyes. She didn't care why the wingless, meddling brat was here. She didn't care that the Unicorn was now the bearer of the Element of Magic, and thus as immortal as any Alicorn. She didn't care how upset her older sister might get. She still resolved to find a way to make the horrid little nag hurt. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Moondancer was unaccustomed to sleeping through the day. She stirred in her bed, beset by sad, disquieting dreams. She awoke just after sunset, and suddenly realized that the cries she'd been hearing were no dream. She trotted groggily to her small third-floor room's window, and nosed open the shutters. What she saw purged the sleepiness from her mind. Princess Luna was in the gardens below, surrounded by scattered books and bric-a-brac from the Ivory Tower. She was standing before a gilt marble statue of Princess Celestia, looking up at the effigy and shouting through shuddering sobs. "I h-hate you! I HATE YOU! I didn't 'g-go too fa-ar!' YOU DID! Y-you won't even let me F-FACE you! You just h-hide behind your Regalia and play w-with your special little r-replacem-ment, while I…I…I WISH I'D STAYED UP THERE!" Luna's horn blazed; a violent eruption of battle-magic detonated the statue, sending smoking shards raining in all directions. Luna collapsed onto her knees and wailed in despair. Moments later Moondancer emerged from the front door of the servants' quarters and cautiously trotted over to the weeping Alicorn. "…Your Majesty?" Luna turned her head aside and wiped her eyes with a wing. She sniffled. "What do you want?" she whimpered, her voice slightly muffled. Moondancer knelt down next to the Princess. "Begging Your pardon, Your Majesty," she said gently, "but did something happen between Yourself and Princess Celestia?" "Only what always happens," Luna said bitterly. "I tried to stand up for myself, and she made me out to be the villain for it." Luna's shoulders heaved; she gritted her teeth, holding back fresh tears. Moondancer couldn't help but rest a comforting hoof across Luna's shoulders. She blushed at the inexcusable breach of protocol. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty…" The two sat in silence for a long moment, until Moondancer spoke once more: "Your Majesty…if I may ask…" She swallowed. "…did the Royal Pony Sisters clash about the night? Do You still want to make it last forever?" Luna closed her eyes, and heaved a slow, long-suffering sigh. "…I never did," she whispered. "That wasn't even why she banished me in the first place." Moondancer's head tilted in confusion. "But, Your Majesty…the legends!" Luna scoffed. "The legends were written a generation after the fact, by Ponies who weren't even there." She frowned. "…And my sister was content to let history turn me into a monster…and her into a saviour. When I was finally set free, I was so enraged that I decided to give them what they feared so much." The pale Unicorn's features twisted in sadness. "Oh, Your Majesty…! That's…terrible!" Luna nodded, fighting to keep from choking up again. "She was a cruel, unforgiving, manipulative tyrant." The Alicorn turned to stare into her student's eyes. "Tell me…what does that make you think of her?" Moondancer's lavender eyes unfocused for a moment, staring at nothing. "I…I'm sure She did what She thought was right…" she said softly, her voice monotone and distant. Luna pounded her front hooves on the flagstones, snapping Moondancer out of her reverie. "THAT is why we clashed!" She shouted. "She used the Elements of Harmony to make a reversed copy of our Mother's war-mantle so she could face me. And because of that Regalia, everypony can't help but love her!" Luna looked up into the moonless, starless sky. "I seethed with hatred for her when those commoners shattered the Mantle of the Night-Mare, but the moment I laid eyes on her without it, I was forced to forgive her. You can't imagine the effort it took to speak as I did just now…even to a statue of her!" Luna's student gasped softly. "Your Majesty…!" Despite her best efforts, fresh tears slid down Luna's indigo cheeks. "Even though I'm free from the moon, I'm still trapped…drowning in my hate because the one who deserves to bear it is always hidden behind a beautiful lie!" A white flash flickered behind the pair, followed by the jingling clatter of falling metal. A youthful, gentle voice spoke up: "Not always hidden, little sister." Luna turned around; her jaw dropped. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Princess Celestia stood bare in the cool evening air, the six golden relics of her Regalia lying in a circle around her. Without their power she stood a scant few inches taller than her younger sister, and her unmoving mane and tail were the pale pink of the dawn. "F-Forgive me, Your M-Majesty…!" stammered Moondancer to Luna, blushing copiously and averting her gaze. "I mustn't s-see Your Royal Sister like this!" She galloped off toward the servants' quarters in embarrassment. Luna conquered her shock and narrowed her eyes. "How's your pet Unicorn?" she sneered. Celestia took the jab in stride. "Twilight Sparkle is resting in my chambers." Luna scoffed. "What is this, big sister? What are you planning?" Celestia winced. "Oh, Lu-lu…I'm not planning anything." Luna rolled her eyes and then cast her gaze down toward the stone beneath her. "Right." Celestia continued: "Spring is almost over – I don't want another season to go by with this…this distance between us. We've hardly spoken since your birthday, and even then we mostly just made small-talk about the night-sky rainbow I arranged. After what happened today, I decided to give you what you want." Although she was still suspicious of her sister's motives, Luna couldn't help but take the bait. She faced her sister. "What I want? What do you know about what I want?" She advanced on the white Alicorn. "You think you can make everything all right by just showing me your real face, Celly? YOU SENT ME TO PONY HELL!" Luna's horn flared and a wave of purple-blue magic hurled Celestia backward into a nearby pillar; the ancient stone cracked from the impact, and Celestia collapsed in a heap at its base. Luna stalked after her sister. "All I wanted was to make Equestria a better place! My spell was perfect! The seasons, the plants, the animals – even the water and the air – I made a whole forest into one self-sustaining system, ever-free of the need for care! I could have done the same for the whole world! And you BANISHED me for it! You left me to rot in the cold and the dark for A THOUSAND YEARS!" Luna unleashed another magical blast as her sister struggled to stand. Celestia smashed through the pillar this time. Once again Luna pursued her fallen sister, batting aside falling stonework with flashes of magic. "And then…THEN…you let everypony think that just because we both left the moon where it was while we fought, I was trying to take over!" Luna was all but screaming now, tears soaking her face. "Why, Celly? WHY?" Celestia struggled back onto her hooves, already recovering from injuries that would have crippled or killed any mortal Pony. She took a deep breath, and: "BECAUSE I WAS ANGRY!" Celestia's horn ignited and a chunk of broken pillar twice her height flipped into the air and smashed down onto her younger sister. Luna partially crumbled the stone with a spell before it struck, but she was still left buried under a pile of rubble. Celestia loomed over her. "You wouldn't listen – you NEVER listen! You thought that just because you were well-read, you had all the answers! You wouldn't even CONSIDER the idea that you could be wrong! But you WERE wrong, Lu-lu! That forest was an ATROCITY!" Celestia's horn flared once more, and the pile of rubble exploded from the inside. Luna sailed through the air and cried out in pain as she crashed down hard on the age-worn flagstones. "Did you even look at what you made? Did you see the clouds blindly spitting out lightning at random? Did you see the plants choking the life from each other's roots in competition for soil and water? Did you see the animals eating each other?" Celestia's voice cracked. "Lu-lu…it was horrific!" Luna groaned, and staggered back onto her hooves. The two bruised and battered Alicorns stared each other down. "Don't talk to me about horror," Luna snarled. "I spent ten centuries without food, water or even air, living on magic alone, with nothing but HATE to keep me warm, while you sat on your throne and laughed!" "THAT'S A LIE!" Celestia shouted, tears in her eyes. "I DIED the day I banished you! I regretted it the instant it was done. Not only that, but I used the Elements of Harmony in anger, and all six of them wracked me for it! It was months before I even had the strength to leave the ruins of the Castle – Equestria had nearly fallen to civil war by the time I moved the capital here!" "It didn't stop you from keeping the Regalia…" muttered Luna. Celestia looked down, her anger draining away. "The masses needed a Princess they could look up to," she said sheepishly. "I had to give them one." Luna sighed in frustration, similarly losing her grip on her fury. "Why are you doing this, Celly? Why tell me these things? Do you want me to tell you that you were right all along? Do you want me to apologize? What do you want from me?" Luna's harsh tone struck Celestia like a knife-edge across a marionette's strings. She sat down heavily on the flagstones. Her wings drooped, and tears wet her face. A sudden surge of feeling boiled up in her, and she wailed: "I want my sister baaaack!" She covered her eyes with her hooves and started crying like a lost foal, gasping out deep, heaving, undignified sobs, her usual decorum nowhere to be found. Luna backed away slightly, profoundly shaken by the sight. "I missed you, Lu-lu. I missed you so much!" Celestia bawled. "I was afraid to face you while you still wore our Mother's Mantle, so I abandoned our subjects, and condemned my best student and her friends to bear a burden that nearly killed me, just so I could see your real face again!" She crawled toward Luna on her belly, sniffling and trembling. "You're the only real family I have left in the world…I would have done anything to set you free sooner!" "S-Stop it…" whispered Luna, struggling to keep the quaver out of her voice. How many times had she dreamed of this while she'd been alone on the moon – her proud older sister, bowing and scraping before her, begging for her regard? How often had she practised her most harsh and scathing replies? But now that it was happening, she couldn't seem to summon up the schadenfreude that had helped pass the time during her banishment. In fact, the memory of her previous fantasies almost sickened her. Celestia crawled closer, reaching for Luna's front hooves with her own. Dust marred her pristine white hide and her rosy mane and tail. "Please, Lu-lu...please forgive me…" she grovelled. "I know I don't deserve it, but pleeeez…" Luna yelped softly at her sister's touch. She tried to back away further, but her rump struck a large stone planter. "It's a trick…y-you're trying to…" Luna bit her lip, her face contorting from the effort of holding back her emotions. "I'm sorry, Lu-lu! I'm s-soooorrry!" Celestia's teary eyes seemed as wide as the moon. Luna felt her resolve crumbling. "…Damn you, Celly!" Luna whimpered, and pulled her older sister up into a hug. The Royal Pony Sisters wept wordlessly for a long time, sharing their first genuine embrace in more than a millennium. At length Luna smiled slightly and muttered: "You're pathetic, Celly." Celestia stroked her sister between her wings with a bare hoof. "I love you too, Lu-lu." Luna heaved a long, slow sigh. "…All right. Maybe I should have researched the ever-free spell more thoroughly." She quickly added: "…I still haven't forgiven you, though," but the malice had left her voice. Celestia sniffled and smiled behind Luna's head, and said: "I know, Lu-lu…but I'll do whatever it takes to help you to." "All right then…you can start right now." "Anything." "Stop calling me Lu-lu." The Alicorns laughed together for the first time in more years than even they could remember. They both ignited their horns and cast their eyes skyward, and the moon rose into the blank night sky. An infinite blanket of stars sparkled into being in its wake. NEXT APPENDIX - DITZY DOO: MUFFINS
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
DITZY DOO: MUFFINS By Saddlesoap Opera Appendix Two of the Pony Psychology Series PART ONE – SIMPLE PRESENT "Learn lots, muffin!" Ditzy Doo hugged her precious foal from behind on the street in front of Ponyville Elementary and peppered the top of her head with kisses until the little Unicorn squirmed to get free. "I will, Mommy! C'mon, leggo – I'm gonna be late!" Ditzy released her, and the blonde-maned lavender filly cantered over to join her friends on the way into the schoolhouse. Ditzy waved at her happily as she went. Once her pride and joy disappeared from sight past the open double doors, Ditzy spread her wings and took to the air, heading back to the Post Office. She gathered up the day's post in her saddlebags and began her morning rounds. Letter by letter, parcel by parcel, she began working her way from one end of Ponyville to the other, waving and smiling at the Ponies she passed by and apologizing to those she accidentally ran into. Most took it well. Most. "Watch where yer goin', Derpy Hooves!" The chocolate-brown Pegasus shook the dust from his wings and his sand-coloured mane as he stooped to retrieve the newly-purchased dumbbell he'd dropped during the collision with Ditzy. Ditzy winced upon hearing the mean-spirited nickname, but she said nothing. Her oldest friend – the Unicorn Colgate – had often told her that a Pony's life is too short to hold grudges, and she'd taken the advice to heart. She silently collected the letters that had spilled from her bags and resumed her rounds. A few minutes later she happened to glance at a shop window and caught a glimpse of her faint reflection. She stopped dead in the air, folding her wings and landing heavily. She approached the window like an Earth Pony approaching the edge of a cliff. "Oh, no…" she said under her breath as she angled her head down and toward the glass, examining her scalp in dismay. "No, no, no!" She twisted to check the base of her tail, and saw the same problem there. "Noooo…!" She trotted in place and murmured anxiously, her uneven gaze darting from the window, to her tail, to her still-half-full mailbags and back again. She bit her lip. "Sowwy…" she said to her mailbags, and took to the air. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• A few minutes later Ditzy Doo sat on a plush chair with her chin resting on the curved lip of one of the sinks in Carousel Boutique's cosmetology room. Her relief at finding the place otherwise devoid of customers was almost palpable. She sighed, and her eyes half-closed in relaxation. The shop's elegant white Unicorn owner stood next to her, flanked by a hovering magicked dye brush and bowl of mane bleach. Her own lustrous purple locks were wound into a tight bun and protected from accidental splashes by a diamond-patterned bandana. "As I've often said before, I do so wish you'd let your natural colour grow out, dah-ling," said the Unicorn, stirring the brush in the bowl of bluish paste. "It's so rare to see such a dark mane around these parts." "Uh-uh," said Ditzy, emphatically shaking her head. "Yellow." "Yes, blonde does seem to suit you, I suppose," the Unicorn conceded, "but don't you find it a bit plain? You could look so exotic – like you'd stepped out of the pages of Puledria Vogue!" "Yellow," she repeated firmly, her voice tinged with something not unlike fear. After a moment she looked down, and added: "…Dinky doesn't know." A long, uncomfortable silence passed between the two Ponies, until thoughts of the magazine the Unicorn had mentioned reminded Ditzy of something. "Here!" she said, and pointed a hoof at the wrapped flat rectangle sticking up out of one of mailbags sitting nearby. The Unicorn magicked up the package and tore away its wrapping, revealing a glossy magazine with a lean, long-legged, dark-maned, huffy-looking orange Pegasus on the cover. "Oh! Speak of the Pony Devil – the latest issue! GRAT-zee!" "GRATzee-EH," corrected Ditzy reflexively. "Ah – yes. Of course. My mistake." The Unicorn's features jerked in confusion. "Wait. Ditzy…you speak Puledrian?" Ditzy shook her head. "Uh-uh." "But…how did you…?" Ditzy smiled and shrugged. "Dunno!" The Unicorn sighed and set down the magazine on a nearby table. "Oh, Ditzy. You really are quite…unique," she said, and started painting the bleach into the Pegasus' blue-black roots. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Once her mane and tail were back to their customary vivid blonde, Ditzy flew down Stirrup Street at Pony head level, making an earnest – though somewhat unsuccessful – attempt to avoid bumping into passersby, trees, fences, walls and the like while she rushed to continue her rounds. Delivering the mail was an enjoyable profession for Ditzy. She'd been the town's mailmare for as long as she could remember – though that was only about six years – and the job's routines suited her. She could take the same route every day so that she didn't get turned around, and everypony was always happy to get their mail. If only they'd write a little bigger and clearer… She alighted on a bench on the side of the street, setting down her mailbags. She retrieved the offending letter from her mouth with her front hooves. She tilted her head and squinted, trying to maneuver the letter's address into the clearest part of her distorted field of focus. A sudden shout from around a nearby corner broke her concentration: "Hey…! I'm WALKIN' here!" The voice was harsh and boisterous, with a faint hint of a big city accent. Something about the sound struck a deep and unsettling chord in Ditzy. For some reason, it reminded her of the awful free muffins that had made her sick the week before. She angled her head and ears to listen better, distractedly letting the letter slip from between her hooves. "'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'…why don't you just watch where yer goin', DOOFUS?" Ditzy shifted uncomfortably on the bench. The voice sounded mean, certainly, but that alone shouldn't have been enough to disturb her so much – she had, after all, been the direct target of a great deal of harsh words over the years. So, why did simply hearing that voice set her teeth on edge? As if in answer, a deafening roar pierced through the ambient noise of downtown Ponyville. Ditzy Doo's golden eyes widened; it was a Griffon's roar. Not a Manticore or a Dragon or an Ursa – a Griffon. She couldn't remember ever meeting a Griffon, but she was utterly certain nonetheless. The realization deepened her discomfort. She started trembling. She tried to swallow, but her throat was suddenly dry. All at once, the afternoon breeze filled with the sounds of a filly's fearful weeping. If the Griffon's voice had struck a chord, the pitiful whimpering broke a string. A sudden surge of pain lanced its way through Ditzy's brain. Disjointed images and sensations exploded forth from the neglected depths of her memory, crowding out her conscious thoughts in an agonizing jumble. She clapped her front hooves to the sides of her head, gritting her teeth. Her wings and tail thrashed spasmodically. "…Muffins…" she groaned; her eyes rolled upwards, and she tumbled off the bench. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The first thing that came back to Ditzy was pain. Her head throbbed with it, and her right wing ached from folding wrong underneath her. Ditzy's eyes flickered open to a view of the grassy verge underneath the bench. She was lying on her side partially hidden by the grass and the bench, and further obscured by the mailbags sitting where she'd left them. With a start she realized that she had no idea how much time had passed, but judging from the sun and the shadows, it wasn't time to fetch Dinky from school yet. She sighed in relief. She struggled her way back onto her hooves; the effort made her headache worse. Everything seemed off-balance, as if the world were tilting to and fro. She shook her head, trying to clear it of the strange and unsettling feeling. She staggered forward a few steps to the nearby street corner. The sound of a door slamming rang out, followed by a high-pitched cry; Ditzy swayed as she turned to see the sounds' originator. She frowned at what she saw, her nose wrinkling in disgust. Her eyes slowly narrowed and veered into proper alignment. A female Griffon was standing in front of the nearby Sugarcube Corner. Her front talons had dug furrows into the earth and her wide golden eyes were shining with tears. Noticing Ditzy's stare, she hastily sniffled and rubbed a forelimb across her eyes. "Wassa matter – you never seen a Griffon before, blondie?" she sneered, covering her heartache with a layer of anger. She stalked over to Ditzy, narrowing her eyes. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" She swung a talon toward Ditzy's face in a back-pawed slap. Fast as a striking serpent, Ditzy deftly parried the talon with a front hoof and followed through with a blow of her own. Her hoof clopped against the point where the startled Griffon's beak met her downy face, and knocked the hybrid beast off her feet. "*Chrr-wit* sque'k irr *caw*-rowr!" Ditzy snarled, her voice a jumble of growls and squawks. The Griffon lay on her side frozen in mute shock for a moment and then hopped back onto all fours, glowering. "You take that back!" she growled. "My mom is a SAINT!" The Griffon surged forward with her talons extended. Ditzy spread her wings and threw herself upward out of harm's way, only to drop down and stomp all four hooves squarely on a nerve cluster between the Griffon's broad wings. The strike made, Ditzy hopped off of the Griffon's back and landed a few feet away. The Griffon squawked in pain and surprise as her wings convulsed and then flopped down uselessly on either side of her tawny frame. "Mrr-*cheep* irr grrll *awwk-bk'kaw*!" taunted Ditzy, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "SHUT UP!" roared the Griffon, the anger in her tone losing ground to pain and humiliation. She locked eyes with Ditzy for a long moment; their golden gazes mirrored each other. Realization and recognition slowly crept across the Griffon's features. She looked away. "Ehh, whatever. I don't have time for this!" she hastily huffed, and turned to slink away down the street. Her wings were still out of commission, and even walking made her wince with every step of her front paws. As the Griffon disappeared around a corner Ditzy shook her aching head once more; her eyes returned to their usual misalignment, and her scowl vanished. "Umm…sowwy!" she called after the Griffon, smiling nervously and backing away toward her mailbags. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• A few minutes later the Griffon sat on a hill on the edge of town, gingerly flexing her aching wings. I shoulda seen it sooner, she thought to herself. That voice…those eyes. It's her! It's gotta be her. But how? She's dead. I saw her die! She cautiously spread her wings to full extension and gave them a few gentle flaps. "…Doesn't matter," she said out loud. "Not once Uncle finds out, anyway…" She chuckled. With a pump of her wings, she took to the air. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• As she did with all traumatic events, Ditzy tried to forget the meeting with the Griffon – but the disturbing exchange was etched into her memory. Day after day, her thoughts returned to it. Why did seeing the Griffon make her so angry? How did she know how to speak its language? And how did she know how to fight? Never once in all her years in Ponyville could she remember raising a hoof in anger, but when she'd felt threatened her response had come with the swiftness of a deeply-ingrained reflex. She had been Ponyville's mailmare ever since the accident had robbed her of her memories. But who had she been before that? For whatever reason, she'd never thought about it before. Ditzy sat at her kitchen table staring down at a fresh bran muffin, lost in thought. "Muffins…" she muttered. "…Mommy? Eat up – it's time to go!" said her foal from across the table. Ditzy shook her head. She pushed aside her musing and gobbled up her breakfast in a couple of bites. "Okay! C'mon!" She trotted over to the little Unicorn and stooped to let her climb onto her back. The tiny filly let out an excited squeal as Ditzy leaped out of the open window and took to the air. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• With no mail today and Dinky Doo dropped off at a weekend Junior Magic-Users Day Camp, Ditzy decided to take a short flight through town to clear her head. She soon came to an open square, where a performance of some sort was apparently about to begin. Ditzy flew over and hovered up at the back of the gathering crowd for a better view. "Come one, come all – come and witness the amazing magic of The Grrreat and Powerful TRRRIXIE!" The coach in the middle of the square blossomed open to reveal an ostentatious stage. Moments later, a deep blue Unicorn wearing a flashy magician's ensemble appeared on the stage in a puff of smoke. Ditzy's eyes widened. She slowly sank down and landed. With a hearty boast and a flourish, the Unicorn called forth a pyrotechnic display. At the first flash and bang, Ditzy lunged sideways, tucking into a roll and landing with her back to the side wall of the closest shop. She counted five heartbeats, her wings tense, waiting for a break in the spell onslaught to begin a headlong charge. After a moment of bemused confusion, she came to her senses. Pain throbbed dully in her head. "Silly…" she chided herself. "S'just fireworks…" she forced herself to chuckle, but deep down she knew she hadn't misunderstood – she hadn't understood at all. The noise had set her body in motion before she'd even realized what was happening; putting hard cover between her body and the Unicorn had felt as natural as breathing. Getting to her hooves, Ditzy trotted away from the square with fresh concerns added to the weighty thoughts that the Griffon encounter had piled onto her. At length Ditzy came to Ponyville's Library. She looked the hollow tree up and down and then trotted up to the front door. She wanted answers; it seemed like the perfect place to look. She knocked, but there was no answer. Ditzy opened the door, and trotted into the Library's main atrium. "H-hello…?" she called out. Nopony answered – the room's only occupant was a stand displaying a checklist of magic tricks, and it wasn't talking. Ditzy shrugged and started browsing the shelves. She stopped at the International section and spotted a volume titled Get Going: a Great Geographical Guide to Geography. She picked up the book with her mouth and set it down on a table. She nosed it open, and started flipping pages. The page for the Isle of Mythos made her pause. She looked at the illustrations of skies full of Griffons and frowned. She felt the same unexplained hostility rising once more. Snippets of Griffon language floated into her awareness, none of them pleasant. She flipped a few pages to avoid letting her anger build too much. She stopped again when she reached the entry for Puledria. She remembered the elegant white Unicorn's magazine, but more memories followed. Words and phrases came together and danced through her mind. "Sì...parlo Puledriano," she muttered, her eyes widening in shock as soon as she'd spoken. She flipped ahead several more pages. She got to the San Caballo entry. She felt her mental lexicon broaden once again. "¡Yo hablo Caballol también…!" she said with growing surprise and delight. "¡Fabuloso!" She flipped further through the book. "Сталлионград? Hет проблем!" she snickered at the page for Stalliongrad, waving a front hoof dismissively. The language felt like second nature. Nearing the end of the book, she flipped to the entry for Xiao Ma. "小马太?太棒了!" she said, and broke into excited laughter. Ditzy's smile widened until it threatened to escape the confines of her face. After six years, she had uncovered part of her past – she was a translator! Well, no wonder she liked handling letters! And as for knowing how to fight? Not every place was as peaceful as Equestria. A Pony on a diplomatic mission had to know how to take care of herself. It all made sense! "I am a clever Pony!" she whispered to the empty room, her splayed eyes shining with pride. Ditzy clopped her front hooves together and flapped her wings for joy, hopping from one rear hoof to the other. She took to the air and flew out the Library's still-open front door, giggling happily. For the moment, her elation at recovering such a useful talent pushed aside her woes and worries with a wave of wonderment. The rush of wind from her departure stirred up a sheaf of pages that had been wedged in the shelf next to the geography guide; the papers spilled out onto the floor. Among them was a poster depicting a blank-flanked, black-maned grey Pegasus filly with her face twisted into a vicious scowl. Beneath the picture, the largest word on the poster read: WANTED •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Gilda the Griffon soared through the skies above Ponyville, her face locked in a serious frown. Can it really be her? she mused. I mean, she's just a PONY. There's no WAY she could have lived through that fall. If I tell Uncle and it turns out I'm wrong, he'll have me plucked! But still – that voice! Those eyes! And those moves… She rubbed her bruised cheek with a talon. Gilda skirted the edge of Cloudsdale's floating suburbs and headed for the weather manufacturing district. 'Course, if I'm right, Uncle's gonna… Her stern visage faltered for a moment as her conscience gnawed at her. In her mind's eye, the grey Pegasus slowly brightened into a bluer shade, with a multi-hued mane. Why? begged the phantom Pegasus, her ears drooping and her maroon eyes shining with fear as a shadow fell over her… Gilda shook her head. The imagined Pony's colours faded. Too bad! She shoulda thought of that before she decided to be lame! They all shoulda! Stupid Ponies! Stupid, sucker-kicking, flip-flopping… She rubbed a forelimb across her eyes – because the wind was making them water. Just the wind. She came to a small but stately cloud-built restaurant half a sky-block from the storm factory. She landed on the doorstep, took a slow, deep breath, and walked in. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The next ten days passed in a pleasant whirlwind. Ditzy felt better than she had in years, and nothing could bring her down. She witnessed an Ursa Minor's depredations with the same giddy half-interest with which she watched its magical defeat. Not even an ominous cover of Dragon exhaust over Ponyville could draw her thoughts away from her new memories for long. Even as she swept away the ashen clouds with her wings, she softly sang songs in a wide array of languages. Her thoughts were so diverted by reclaiming a piece of the puzzle of her past that she forgot to deliver Ponyville's newest rain schedule requirements to Cloudsdale, which led to the need for a substantial downpour to make up for a missed shower. She blithely went through the motions of assisting the Ponies clearing up loose branches and other potentially-dangerous items in preparation for the storm, but her preoccupation was obvious. "Bit for your thoughts?" asked a soft, dignified voice from behind her. Ditzy turned to see her friend Colgate. The streaked-maned blue Unicorn was magicking together a pile of sticks. "Nuffin'," said Ditzy, poorly concealing her good cheer. "Jus' thinkin'!" "You are not 'just thinking,' Ditzy. You're practically glowing." "Really…?" asked Ditzy, somewhat surprised. Colgate raised an eyebrow. "You are not a subtle Pony," she said. "Go on, tell me – what's up?" "I remember stuff!" Ditzy said, grinning broadly. The Unicorn's expression brightened. "That's fantastic! When I pulled you out of that lake six years ago, you could barely remember a thing! Something's come back to you?" "Yeah! I'm a translator!" Ditzy beamed. Colgate stared blankly. "…A translator." "Yup!" Ditzy's tone was as bubbly as her flanks. "I can talk in all kinds'a languages, an' I can fight, too!" She kicked at the air with her front hooves, the jabs lightning-quick. Despite the grace of her strikes, Ditzy stumbled slightly. She righted herself and giggled. "Do you remember anything else? Your family? Or what happened to you?" Ditzy shook her head, undaunted by the admission. Colgate nodded slowly. "…I don't want to burst your bubble," said Colgate gently, "…but maybe you should try to remember more about your past before you celebrate. I have a very old friend here in town who I think may be able to help you…" "Nah, iss'okay," said Ditzy, waving a hoof. "I'll get it." "Ditzy, please. I have a bad feeling about this. I know you have time – Dinky's with her friends at Berry Punch's for that 'rainy-day party.' As a favour to me, please do this." Ditzy's off-centre gaze met Colgate's, and the Pegasus recognized her Serious Stare – the particular deep, sad-yet-determined look that her Unicorn friend only wore when she was discussing matters of grave importance. "…Okay," said Ditzy. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The dark-maned brown Earth Pony took several minutes to even acknowledge the two visitors to his cluttered workshop. As he paced to and fro, Ditzy noticed that he had the same Cutie Mark as Colgate: a golden hourglass. He was caught up in musing to himself about the contents of a basket of fruit the school had given him as a thank-you for judging a recent science fair. "…Cherry pits, too! Full of the stuff! In the wrong hooves, a gift like this is a veritable chemical warfare project! Fitting prize for judging a science fair, I suppose." He idly picked up a pear from the basket by its stem with his teeth, and dropped it into a nearby waste paper bin. "Minus the seeds, though, I must admit those apples are pretty delic– 'Colgate?' Hullo! How have you been?" The Earth Pony stressed Colgate's name in an odd fashion. "Hello, Doctor. I'm well, thank you." Colgate gestured to her friend. "This is my good friend Ditzy Doo. She's been having some trouble with missing memories, and I suggested that she come and see you. Ditzy Doo…this is The Doctor." Ditzy smiled nervously and waved a front hoof. "Hello, Doktah," she said, unconsciously mimicking her friend's upper crust Canterlotter accent. "Trouble, eh? Made you think of me straight away, did it?" The Doctor asked Colgate with a wink and a wry smile. He turned to face Ditzy. "Pleased to meet you, miss. I'm sure I'll be able to get to the bottom of – phwoar! That's a great trick! Wish I could do that – I could read two things at once!" Ditzy looked away, blushing. The Doctor cleared his throat. "Sorry…they're lovely eyes, really. I mean it. Let's take a peek behind them, shall we?" The Doctor trotted over to a nearby table and picked up an ornate metal rod in his mouth. He pointed the object at Ditzy, and its tip buzzed and glowed green. Ditzy cringed, but she felt nothing. The Doctor set down the tool, examined it for a moment, and spoke: "Did you know that you've had your skull fractured?" Ditzy shook her head. "Well, it's healed now, so I wouldn't worry about it. Didn't notice anything too odd inside it, either. A few scars, nothing much. I've seen worse. If you can't remember something, it may be because you don't want to." Ditzy frowned and shook her head. "Uh-uh! I do wanna! I wanna know!" Her wings flapped emphatically. The Doctor's cheery expression shifted to a look surprisingly similar to Colgate's Serious Stare. "…All right," he said gently, "if you're certain." He pointed to the floor in front of him with a hoof. "Sit down here. Face me." Ditzy trotted over and sat down. Her off-kilter golden eyes met The Doctor's pale blue gaze. He sat as well, and slowly raised his front hooves to rest on the sides of Ditzy's head. "Try to relax," he said softly. "Open your mind…think back… baaaack…that's it – let yourself go wherever your memory takes you…" Ditzy gasped softly; she felt her thoughts streak through her time in Ponyville in reverse, all the way back to her first clear memories, and beyond. She closed her eyes, and surrendered to the recollection. She was a young filly on the cusp of marehood, but she still lacked a Cutie Mark. Her short mane and tail were poker-straight and pitch-black. She was crouching next to a massive male Griffon; he looked like a mass of corded muscle lightly sprinkled with fur and feathers, and several ominous scars marked his hide. Both of them were perched on a low-hanging cloud above the majestic city of Canterlot. They were looking down at the city's expansive Post Office. On the steps of the building, a sandy-maned purple Unicorn stallion was chatting happily with a golden-maned grey Unicorn mare. The stallion was Marked with a brass shield; the mare, an open sack of envelopes. Ditzy twitched. She felt her heart rate start to increase. "This one's been sticking his horn where it doesn't belong, Dezi," rumbled the Griffon. "He's interfering with Flock business, trying to root out our earners in Canterlot. Guardsponies usually get the hint – even the wingless ones. But this one's a cub-scout. He's going to be made an example of." She nodded gravely. Ditzy's head began to pound. Behind her eyelids, her eyes veered into proper alignment. They flicked to and fro in rapid saccades. Time whipped past in an indiscernible blur. It was night now, and she was oh-so-quietly opening the Canterlot Post Office's second floor window. She slipped inside, silent as a shadow. At some point, Ditzy had started holding her breath. She gasped for air now, almost hyperventilating. The pain in her head worsened. Time skipped ahead once more. She was on the Post Office's main floor. She was short of breath, and her body ached from exertion. Her hooves were covered in dark, damp stains. She was standing over a huddled mass on the stone floor. As the memory sharpened, she saw that it was the broken remains of the Unicorn couple. The stallion was stretched protectively across the mare, but both were bloody, unmoving, and oh. So. Quiet. "No…" Ditzy whispered; it was less a statement than a plea. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. Their silence seemed to infect the room, draining it of even the slightest sound. And then, when the quiet was almost absolute… "No…!" Ditzy repeated through gritted teeth, her tone desperate. …the air filled with the sounds of a foal's fearful weeping. "NO!" Ditzy lashed out with her front hooves, sending The Doctor tumbling. "NO, NO, NO, NOOOO!" She spread her wings and screamed the denial over and over, her head and tail thrashing back and forth. "Ditzy…!" Colgate took a step toward the Pegasus but Ditzy hopped back, her teary eyes wide and wild. Ditzy wailed in anguish and fell to her knees. "…I'm a bad Pony!" she sobbed. Tears soaked her cheeks. The Doctor had gotten back to his hooves. He approached Ditzy. "No – Ditzy, no. Please…your memory is still in pieces. You need to–" "NO!" she shouted. "Don' touch me! No more! I don' wanna!" Ditzy leaped to her hooves and galloped over to the door. "I DON' WANNA!" She shoved it open and fled into the worsening rain. Colgate moved to follow her, but The Doctor held up a warding hoof. He sighed. "Don't. Give her some time. She won't listen…not in the state she's in." He slowly shook his head. "The poor thing…I'm not surprised it hurts her to look back. Some things…" He turned to look out the back window, where an odd, narrow blue shed sat in the middle of the yard. "…Some things are just too painful to relive." Colgate touched a front hoof to The Doctor's shoulder. "You know, it's not too late to help her…not for us, anyway. Not for you…" The Doctor turned away from the Unicorn. "I can't. I won't. Not here. My help only brings more trouble in its wake. I won't put Ponies through that. One storm is enough." A rumble of thunder punctuated his statement. Colgate sagged slightly and sighed, and then trotted toward the door. "That's the funny thing about the storms here, Doctor," she said without looking back, "they only come when they're needed." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The rainstorm began in earnest as Ditzy plodded aimlessly through the puddle-strewn streets. Her soaked wings hung limply at her sides. She shivered against the wet chill, but inside she just felt empty. "…bad Pony…'m a bad Pony…" she muttered over and over. The rain soaking her face concealed the steady trickle of tears down her cheeks. She turned a corner, and saw a pair of menacing-looking Pegasus stallions peering into the front window of her Post Office home. One, the smaller and leaner Pony, had a slicked-back black mane, a tawny hide, and four aces for a Cuite Mark. He was chewing on a toothpick. The other, far larger and bulkier than his associate, had a shaggy blue mane, a blue-grey hide, and brass horseshoes on his flanks as well as on his hooves. The pair spotted her, and turned to face her. They trotted over. Aces whistled in amazement. "Dezi…it really is you!" He smiled, revealing more than one gold tooth. "I almost didn't recognize ya with that mane and tail. Me and Stomper have been lookin' for you all over this town ever since we heard you was still alive – ain't that right, Stomper?" The hefty Pegasus nodded. "All over," he agreed, spreading his wings in an expansive gesture. Ditzy made no reply. Her misaligned eyes stared hollowly at the pair. "It's nothin' personal, Dezi – ya know that right?" continued Aces. "I always thought o' you as the little cousin I never had. But the boss ain't forgiven ya for whatcha did. Ya went too far, Dezi. He wanted you done in then, and he still does now." "He still does," echoed Stomper, nodding again. "It'll be easier on all of us if ya don't run," said Aces. "You've lived one Pony Helluva lot longer than most Ponies the boss points a claw at – why doncha just come along peacefully and take what's comin' to ya?" He grinned wickedly, and shook out his wings slightly, readying himself for the inevitable chase. Ditzy heaved a slow, shivering sigh. "…Okay," she said softly. Aces stared; the toothpick fell from his slack jaws. "…Seriously?" he managed at length, his eyes casting about for an ambush or some other ploy. Ditzy nodded meekly, her splayed eyes downcast. "I'm a bad Pony," she whispered. Aces' smile returned. "Well then...why don't we take this inside? If we keep standing out in this rain, somepony's gonna catch their death." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The Doctor paced around the main room of his workshop-cottage, his face locked in a frown. This has nothing to do with me, he thought to himself. And nopony – no one – else is meddling from the outside, either. It's just the proper course of events unfolding. A crack of thunder shook the wooden building. The Doctor turned and looked out the back window once more. The blue shed sat out in the rain, as pitiful as an abandoned puppy. The Doctor shook his head and turned away. I did stir up those broken memories, though – who's to say what might have happened if I hadn't done that? I wouldn't be meddling, not really. More like setting things right. I could be subtle – I'm sure I could! There's a first time for everything… The Doctor gritted his teeth and stomped a front hoof, annoyed by his shameless attempt to manipulate himself. "Is it the mane? Is that it?" he asked the empty room. "Even a few lifetimes later, am I still swayed by a bottle-blonde in distress? Is that why I'm even considering putting this wonderful, peaceful world at risk just to help one filly?" No answer came from the assorted trinkets and devices littering every flat surface. The Doctor sighed in surrender. He trotted over to the far corner of the room and nudged aside an empty, vaguely dog-shaped metal shell covered in dents and burn marks. He pressed a hoof to the exposed floor, flipped over a loose board, ducked his head down into the hole, and retrieved a small metal key in his teeth. The Doctor headed over to the back door and ventured out into the rain. He approached the blue shed, and unlocked its door with the key. "I don't suppose you would be willing to explain things to Celestia when all Pony Hell breaks loose?" he asked. No answer came from the blue shed. The Doctor shrugged. "Ah well…worth a try." He slipped through the shed's open door and disappeared in the shadows of its deceptively large interior. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Stomper didn't know much, but he knew how to kick. The brass-shod front-hoof blow came within a hairsbreadth of fracturing Ditzy's jaw; as it was, it still sent her tumbling across the Ponyville Post Office's main room, a mist of blood escaping her lips. Pain clawed its way across her neck and jaw, but Ditzy didn't cry out. She stayed similarly silent when Stomper unleashed another few kicks, this time to her ribs and haunches. "Aww, come on," said Aces from his spot perching on the Post Office's counter, "if yer gonna play along, ya could at least make some noise – keep things inn'aresting. The Boss said we gotta do you slow – you wamme to get bored, here?" "You want I should break her wings, Aces?" asked Stomper, hovering a hoof over Ditzy's back. "Dat always makes you laugh." Aces waved a font hoof dismissively. "Nah – wha'did I just say? We gotta make this last. Save that fer later. Jus' keep on beatin' on her for a while. No – wait…" Aces looked out the window at the falling rain. "I got a better idea…" A few minutes later Ditzy found herself stretched out on her back and upside down, tied to the counter's torn-off top plank with packing twine. Stomper had dragged her out the back door and slid the board up close to the downspout from the Post Office's gutters. Stray drops from the heavy flow of rainwater wet Ditzy's mane and face. "If you wanna do any beggin' or cryin', now would be a good time," said Aces with a leering grin. His wings rose slightly. They folded again when Ditzy stayed silent. "…Fine. Stomper – give 'er a drink." Stomper levered up the board and slid it forward. Ditzy's face plunged into the freezing torrent. Cold, gritty rainwater flooded Ditzy's mouth and nose; she tried not to panic, but the reaction was instinctive. She thrashed as much as her bindings would allow, her head and body jerking against the twine. The fear of drowning dredged up the memory of her arrival in Ponyville – the earliest memory she could clearly recall. Images flicked dream-quick through her consciousness. The impact with the lake's surface was devastating; it felt like striking a wet brick wall. She sank under the water in a daze, the disorientingly-hard landing and the cold easing the pain of her injuries. Her lungs still held breath, but she grew more and more tempted to simply let it out. The cool pressure of the water all around her seemed to wash away her pain and fear. It would be so much easier to just give in. A few small bubbles escaped from between her lips. As she hit the silt-covered bottom of the lake, her blurred gaze fell upon an odd, narrow blue shed resting on the lakebed… The board slid back and Ditzy coughed spasmodically, gasping for breath. Aces chuckled. He nodded to the downspout, and Stomper pushed the board forward again. Ditzy mentally lunged for the memories this time, frantic to escape the terrible present. The shed's door opened, and a familiar dark-maned brown Earth Pony stuck his head out. For some reason, the water didn't seem to reach him or the open door. With a start, she realized that it didn't fully reach her, either – her head was inside of the air bubble now surrounding the shed. The siren's call of the water broke, and she hungrily gasped in a few breaths. The Earth Pony smiled slightly, and shook his head in dismay. "Now that I get a better look, that is a bad one, no doubt about it," he said, and she knew he meant the deep gash in her forehead. "You likely won't remember this little chat for a long time – in fact…I'm counting on it." Stomper pulled Ditzy back once again. Despite the ache in her lungs and the exhausting remnants of panic wracking her limbs, Ditzy almost objected. She'd only just remembered that she'd first met The Doctor at the bottom of a lake, and her curiosity about the rest of the encounter was intense. The present was all pain and horror, and it was such a compelling memory – almost as if he were speaking to her here and now, instead of so many years ago. Thinking as quickly as conditions would allow, Ditzy realized what she had to do. "N-no more…!" she spluttered, summoning up every buried bit of hurt and humiliation from six years of clumsiness and confusion. "Pleeeez…please stop!" Her anguished tone positively dripped with helplessness and despair. One of her veering eyes met Aces' gaze. Aces licked his lips. His wings snapped to full extension. "…Give 'er some more, Stomps," he breathed. "Make it a good one." Stomper obliged. "I know you think you've done something terrible," continued The Doctor, "but not everything is as it seems. If you're remembering this, then please…please…finish remembering what happened before this. No matter how scared it makes you, or how much it hurts, or how much you think you deserve whatever's driving you to summon up this memory, trust me: you must finish remembering." He sat down in front of her and rested his front hooves on her shoulders. His blue gaze seemed to drill right into her. Ditzy spasmed against her bonds; her heart was beating faster and faster. Stomper looked to Aces for direction, but the smaller Pegasus shook his head. "Can you hear me? Do you understand? You must. Finish. Remembering." She tried to focus on his face, but her head throbbed and her eyes felt strange – like they were pointing in different directions. Nevertheless, she struggled to answer him. "M-mussst…ff-finish…" she whispered weakly. "Good! Brilliant!" said The Doctor. He cast his gaze up toward the water's surface. "I only hope that's enough – I really must dash, I'm afraid, or things will get…complicated." He trotted back inside the blue shed with the briefest backward glance, and then shut the door. The shed warbled and glowed from its roof, and then it slowly vanished. The air pocket collapsed in its wake, leaving her once again struggling to hold her breath and watching a string of seven large, silvery air bubbles float lazily toward the surface. Riddled with pain and barely conscious though she was, the bubbles were the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen. She felt a tingling warmth on her once-blank flanks. A moment later, a pair of blue hooves wrapped around her as somepony started pulling her upward. "Musss'…fin'shhh…" she muttered, releasing more bubbles as she neared the surface. "Muhh'…ff'ns…" "MUFFINS!" she screamed around a mouthful of water as the latest round of torture finally finished. Aces let out a slow whistle. "Woops! She's off her cloud. Give 'er a minute – s'no fun if she ain't all there." Ditzy coughed a wet, throaty cough as she fought stay conscious. She knew her respite would be terribly short; if she was going to do as The Doctor asked, she would have to do it now. Forcing her mind to clear as much as she could, she did her best to reach inward for the same state The Doctor had brought her to in his workshop. Fear and guilt chewed at her heart but she pushed on, determined to reclaim her past, no matter what it entailed... •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
PART TWO – PAST IMPERFECT SIX YEARS AGO Bright Eyes swept a lock of straight black mane out of her eyes and stood up straight as the Director trotted into his richly-appointed office; she'd been waiting in front of his desk for the past half-hour, but she was far too excited to be annoyed. She'd graduated from the Academy yesterday, and it was time to find out where she'd be assigned. The older rust-coloured Unicorn stallion trotted past her and sat down at his desk. He calmly magicked around some scrolls and parchments on the lacquered wood surface before clearing his throat and speaking: "Let me be blunt, Miss Eyes: nopony – no Pegasus, no Earth Pony, not even any Unicorn – has ever finished their training before at such an early age. You've created something of a…sensation." Bright Eyes forced back the blush threatening to colour her cheeks and nodded seriously. "I don't know about that, sir," she said. "I just want to be the best I can be in Her Majesty's service." The Director smirked. "Well, you're off to a fine start." He magicked up a lengthy scroll and perused its contents. "Fluent in seven languages, exemplary grades in tactics and procedure, top of your class in both grounded and aerial combat…and you broke the time record on the obstacle course while nursing a sprained fetlock." "It was only a minor sprain, sir," she insisted, letting just a little bit of pride colour her voice. "Nevertheless, your records suggest that you'd make an excellent addition to any operation. There's just one thing…" Bright Eyes swallowed; her excitement shriveled. She'd dreaded this possibility. "…My Cutie Mark," she said softly. "Or lack thereof, yes," agreed the Director. "Most of our trainees have their Marks before they even apply – it's a testament to your potential that you were admitted before you got yours. But it's highly unusual for an active agent to lack an appropriate Cutie Mark. Unheard of, even. The right Cutie Mark is a sign of…reliability." "With all due respect, sir," Bright Eyes said, her voice under rigid control, "have I ever shown any sign of letting any of my trainers down?" The Director looked into her sharp golden eyes for a long, silent moment. "…No. Which is why I've decided to recommend that you be assigned to Special Operations." Bright Eyes stared. "R-really…?" The Director nodded. "There's a mission in the works for which I believe you are uniquely qualified – blank flank and all. You'll report to Canterlot Intelligence Airborne Division HQ first thing tomorrow morning for your orientation – if you're interested, that is." He smiled. "Absolutely, sir!" she replied, barely containing her elation. "Thank you, sir!" Once she had excused herself and demurely trotted back out into the hallway, Bright Eyes let out a hooping cheer of triumph. She clopped her front hooves together and flapped her wings for joy, hopping from one rear hoof to the other. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The next day, Bright Eyes stood in the cloud-built briefing room of CIA's temple-like headquarters. Her designated trainer had just explained the nature of her assignment. "Undercover work?" All at once, Bright Eyes realized why the Director had given her this assignment. "That's right," the trainer continued. She was a lean, scarred mint green Pegasus mare with a cropped emerald mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was a stiletto resting on top of a domino mask. "Organized crime has been all but wiped out in Canterlot, but the skies are a different matter. Weather racketeering, rainbow smuggling, even Pony trafficking – the clouds hide a multitude of sins, and they threaten to rain down onto the streets. We need Ponies on the inside." Bright Eyes nodded, her eyes narrow. "And that's where I come in." "Yes. Currently, we have our eyes on a particularly vicious Griffon crime boss in Cloudsdale by the name of Giovanni." "Gio the Claw…" whispered Bright Eyes. "Correct. Nopony's ever been able to infiltrate his organization, but you may be able to change all of that. Your talent and your lack of a Mark will match up well with the cover identity we've been assembling." The trainer pushed a small stack of papers across the low table next to her. Bright Eyes examined the papers. "Desiderata 'Dezi' Cavallino…" she muttered, trying on the false name for size. "A born member of La Mandria Nostra, fresh in from Puledria…" She slid aside the dossier, revealing travel papers, a rap sheet, and even wanted posters bearing her sneering likeness. She raised an eyebrow. "How did this all get assembled so quickly?" "The Unicorn division. Horns aren't as functional as wings, but they're great at solving logistical problems." "Of course. When do I get started?" "As soon as you've memorized the dossier. The longer we wait, the less secure your identity will become. We want you in, made, and out with evidence before The Claw knows what hit him." Bright Eyes saluted firmly. "Yes ma'am! I won't let you down!" •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "Vaffanculo, POIANA!" Bright Eyes pivoted in place and smashed a front hoof across the jaw of the Pegasus who'd just nipped at her hindquarters; the sizable stallion stared in cross-eyed confusion for a moment before collapsing in a dazed heap. Another member of the flock of Pegasi sitting around the small but stately cloud-built restaurant smirked, giggled, and then broke into peals of laughter. The rest soon joined in. "I guess that's one way to teach Big Wing how to treat a filly!" said the first Pegasus to laugh. "Dezi…you're awright!" The crowd murmured various approving comments. Bright Eyes smiled a self-satisfied smile. She was in. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The next day, Bright Eyes was seated at a low table in the back of the restaurant. It was evening, and the dark sky outside dimmed the translucent white walls. The towering half-avian form of Gio the Claw sat opposite her with his back to the wall. He looked down at her with eyes the colour of molten gold – the same shade as hers. "Buon appetito, Dezi" he rumbled, gesturing with a claw at the agnolotti piled on a ceramic platter in the middle of the table. A smile spread across his sharp beak. After only the slightest pause she brushed a straight lock of black mane off of her face and pinched one of the delicate, doughy bundles off the plate with her lips. With the first bite, she realized that she was eating Puledrian Griffon cuisine. Agnolotti di Lombrico, if her memory of her multicultural studies served her right. She started chewing the earthworm-filled pasta and forced herself to smile back, crushing down her revulsion to the pit of her stomach. This is a test, she told herself. Gotta be strong. Griffons respect strength. Don't let him see you sweat… She swallowed the mouthful, suppressing a shudder as it slid down her throat. Her host chuckled, apparently impressed, and speared up a morsel on a claw. While the unnatural food slowly made Bright Eyes' innards clench and twist, Gio offered her a muscular talon. "You're a tough one, and the word on the wind is that you're not afraid to get your…hooves…dirty. There's a place for you in my Flock, if you'll take it." Bright Eyes' delight made her aching stomach lurch; it took a massive effort to resist throwing up right then and there on one of the deadliest creatures on feathered wings. "I accept," she said through gritted teeth, holding forth a front hoof and letting his talon close around it. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• It was two weeks later, and Bright Eyes was crouching next to Giovanni, perched on a low-hanging cloud above Canterlot's majestic rooftops. She had endeared herself to the crime boss and his Flock more and more over the past fortnight, laughing, gambling and drinking with the underlings and accompanying the higher-ups on their less unsavoury errands. And now she was next to The Claw himself. They were looking down at the city's expansive Post Office. On the steps of the building, a sandy-maned purple Unicorn stallion was chatting happily with a golden-maned grey Unicorn mare. The stallion was Marked with a brass shield, and the mare with an open sack of envelopes. Effortlessly, Bright Eyes' training unraveled the subtle and unsubtle cues of their body language; it was obvious the two Unicorns were very much in love. "This one's been sticking his horn where it doesn't belong, Dezi," Gio growled. "He's interfering with Flock business, trying to root out our earners in Canterlot. Guardsponies usually get the hint – even the wingless ones. But this one's a cub-scout. He's going to be made an example of." Bright Eyes nodded gravely, but she couldn't take her eyes off of the mare's smiling face. The Unicorn's happiness reminded her of everything she'd resigned herself to doing without in her pursuit of a career in Her Majesty's service: a safe home, a stallion and foals of her own, and – in all likelihood – the luxury of someday dying of old age. Bright Eyes turned away. She knew that maintaining her cover was vital, and she knew that she might have to pay a terrible price if she broke it, but the thought of letting innocent Ponies pay that price instead made her feel ill. She couldn't let the hit go through. If she returned to CIA and delivered her evidence, the Unicorns would be dead before the ink on the arrest warrant even dried. If she stayed undercover, they'd be just as dead. She had only one choice: She had to find a way to warn them. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Late that night, once the streets and skies of Canterlot were all but deserted, Bright Eyes glided through the cool air as gracefully as a hunting hawk. Around her hips hung tactical saddlebags – a narrow black belt strung with several miniature pouches filled with useful equipment. She came to the Canterlot Post Office's second story balcony, and oh-so-quietly used a mouth-pick from her belt to unlock the window. She slipped inside, silent as a shadow. Bright Eyes unconsciously stroked a wing against the unsigned letter tucked into her belt. The word on the wind was that the hit would go down tomorrow night; if she could leave the letter tonight, the Unicorns would be long gone by then. Shadows painted the hallway black; Bright Eyes moved forward with aching slowness, straining her ears for any sign of whether the Unicorns were awake. If she hadn't been focused so intently on her hearing, she might have missed the tiny creak of a pastern-strung wire garrote pulling taut behind her. Bright Eyes let her front legs buckle and lashed out with a lightning-swift double-back-leg kick at an upward angle. The blow struck her would-be assassin in the throat, causing him to choke and gurgle while flapping his wings. The wire between his front hooves made him stumble. Bright Eyes turned to face the Pegasus and wrapped her front hooves around his head. Acting on ingrained combat training she pumped her wings and rotated laterally with a savage wrench; she heard and felt a wet snap from the stallion's neck. The Pegasus collapsed on the wooden floor, his head twisted at an unnatural angle. Bright Eyes started shaking as she looked down at the body; she had sparred and trained for countless hours, but she had never fought for her life before. Never taken a life before. The stark reality of the mission she'd so readily accepted crashed over her like a tide of ice water. She'd just killed a Pony, and she might have to do it again. Her stomach lurched. But, before her conscience could drive her nausea any further, the fact of the slain stallion's presence drove a vital thought into the forefront of her mind: Something's wrong – the hitponies are here tonight! And there could be more… No longer trying for stealth, Bright Eyes galloped to the office's only bedroom and kicked open the door. There was nopony inside. She turned on her hooves, spread her wings and flew down the stairs – before colliding with another Pegasus hitpony flying up to meet her. The two tumbled down onto the landing in a mass of flailing hooves and flapping wings. "You messed up!" Bright Eyes growled as she struggled to get the filly into a hold. "They aren't here!" The filly chuckled through gritted teeth as she fought back. "…Wrong," she whispered, and gave a wicked grin. Bright Eyes hazarded a glance down the stairs; she saw a still, silent huddled mass in the middle of the main floor. "NO!" Fury seared away Bright Eyes' crisis of conscience. Swift and powerful as a rushing river she bent, leaned, hooked and jerked, and the filly's left hind leg dislocated. A shriek of agony shattered the hitpony's sadistic smile. Bright Eyes cut off the shriek with an enraged cry of her own and a fierce front-hoof strike to the assassin's face. And another. And another. She kept kicking and kicking, screaming and screaming, until her breath came in ragged gasps, her legs burned and her hooves felt wet. She stood up and slowly stumbled down the stairs, leaving the filly's remains on the landing. She was short of breath, and her whole body ached. Damp, dark spatter reached from her front hooves halfway up her legs. She left a trail of red hoofprints behind her. Her hooves slipped on the smooth stone floor at the bottom of the stairs, forcing her to sit down heavily. When she held up her blood-soaked front hooves and looked at them her nausea came back with a vengeance; she lurched forward and vomited. Once she had recovered somewhat, Bright Eyes shakily stood and approached the shadowy mass on the stone floor like an Earth Pony approaching the edge of a cliff. She silently begged to be wrong, but as she drew near the awful truth was undeniable. It was the broken remains of the Unicorn couple. The stallion was stretched protectively across the mare, but both were bloody, unmoving, and oh. So. Quiet. She was too late. Bright Eyes gritted her teeth, fighting back tears. Damn you, Gio, she silently cursed. Damn me. The silence in the room was all but total, but then all at once, the air filled with the sounds of a foal's fearful weeping. Bright Eyes gasped. "No…!" She cantered after the sound. It seemed to echo from every wall. She came at last to the rooms in the back of the Post Office, where a storage area had recently been converted into a nursery. A cradle in the centre of the room faintly shone with magic; it had been enchanted to amplify the cries of the newborn Unicorn foal inside. Bright Eyes slowly trotted up to the cradle. Guilt stabbed at her as she looked down at the crying infant. "W-well aren't you a dinky little thing?" she whispered, a smile spreading across her mouth even as her lower lip quivered. The upset foal was tiny – her lavender form was barely longer than of one of Bright Eyes' flight feathers – and her silky mane was a pale straw blonde. Her eyes, shrouded through they were by tears and half-closed lids, were the same vivid golden colour as Bright Eyes' – the shade that had inspired her parents in naming her. Thoughts of family twisted the blade of guilt in her heart and summoned up needles of sadness to join it. "I…I'm s-sorry," she said, feeling the stinging tears in her eyes finally escaping, "b-but your mommy and daddy…th-they…they aren't…" She choked up, briefly unable to continue. She swallowed and forced herself to keep talking, making her broken voice as soothing as she could. "..They aren't going t-to be there for you anymore." She started gently rocking the cradle with a front hoof. "S-some very bad Ponies took them away from you. And they'll try to hurt you if they find you." The foal slowly began to calm down. She shifted under her blanket and gurgled. "But I'm not going to let that happen. I lost my parents when I was little, too, and it n-never stopped hurting. I couldn't save your parents, but I promise I'll keep you safe – even if I have to raise you as my own." Bright Eyes wrapped the blanket around the nearly-sleeping foal in a bundle, and gripped it with her teeth. She gingerly trotted back up the stairs, past the hitponies' bodies and down the hallway, and smoothly took wing into the night. First thing's first, though, she thought to herself. I'm going to take that monster down. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The roar of the night wind in Bright Eyes' ears did nothing to silence the cacophony in her head. Every trainer's voice and every finely-honed instinct was screaming at her to report in, deliver her evidence, and release the foal to foster care or extended family. But this wasn't like the Academy's lessons, where following procedure solved every problem. Even in her short stint as a member of his Flock, she had learned that Gio the Claw had his talons in a lot of pies; he was unlikely to see the inside of a dungeon, even if a memory projection spell showed him ordering a hit right to her face. And the reach of the Griffon's minions extended farther still. The foal would never survive in the system or with family. If she wanted her to live and Gio to pay, she knew she would have to make it happen herself. Ahead, the bucolic tableau of Ponyville spread out on the rolling hills below. Maybe… Bright Eyes thought. Maybe I'm still blank for a reason. Maybe this is what I need. A small town…a quiet town. Nothing special, nothing dangerous. If I make it through this, we could disappear there. Start over. I could be a librarian, or a translator…or a mailmare. The painful thought fractured Bright Eyes' fantasy. Stay focused, filly, she ordered herself. You're not there yet. A short distance from the far edge of Ponyville, the furthest outskirts of Cloudsdale's aerial suburbs hung silently in the still night air. Bright Eyes banked and slowly spiraled downward until she came to a small copse of trees near the well-travelled road back to Ponyville. She set down the sleeping foal's bundle at the base of the largest tree, in plain sight of the road. "I know I promised," she whispered, "but just in case, somepony is sure to find you here if I…if I don't come back. Just sit tight, okay Dinky? If things work out, I'll be back before you even wake up." With one last long look at the sleeping infant, Bright Eyes spread her wings and took off toward Cloudsdale. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• "But Unnn-cle…! I don't like fish!" The young Griffon pouted, her talons folded across her ruffed chest. The array of artfully-arranged fillets on the plate in front of her was untouched. Giovanni let out a tiny growl. Despite its minimal volume, the sound echoed off of the restaurant's cloud-walls. "Your father – my brother – asked me to look after you while he's away in the old country, and I'm a Griffon of my word. Fish is good for you. You're a growing Griffon, Gilda – you need your vitamins. Don't you want to grow up big and tough like your Uncle Gio?" "Yeah…" muttered Gilda, looking away sullenly. "And don't you want to finally show all those Pegasi who's the fastest Junior Speedster before your last year is over?" Giovanni continued. "Yeeaahhh…" Gilda whined. "But there's this one–" Giovanni pounded a talon on the table. "*Awrk*-rowr! No buts! Eat up!" The steel in Giovanni's tone made it clear he would brook no refusal; Gilda started gulping down the fillets. The Griffons' meal passed in peace and quiet for a few minutes…until a dazed Pegasus stallion crashed through the cloud-wall separating the private room from the restaurant at large. Giovanni stood up, his wings spreading in surprise. His niece's jaw dropped. A moment later the double doors to the main room swung inward and Bright Eyes strode firmly into the private room. As the doors swung shut behind her, the doorway afforded a brief glimpse of a room littered with beaten and bruised Pegasi. "Gio…" Bright Eyes snarled. Giovanni silently cursed the sound-baffling properties of cloud-walls. He craned his neck, releasing an ominous crack. "Dezi…" he rumbled. "You seem upset." "You knew, didn't you?" Bright Eyes said. "You sent them early because you knew I'd try to stop them." The massive Griffon chuckled. "You're young, Dezi. And the honour code of La Mandria Nostra is famous, even this far from Puledria. I'd hoped you were above such an…outdated…notion. It would appear I was wrong." "Honour?" Bright Eyes shouted. "You think that I tried to save them because of the Briglia? You destroyed an entire family because a guardspony was annoying you! You're a sick Buzzard, and I'm going to take you down." Giovanni scoffed. "And then what? You think you can take over my Flock so easily?" "Your Flock can go buck themselves," said Bright Eyes, her golden eyes narrowing. "I just want you dead." Gilda spread her wings, swooped in front of her uncle and charged Bright Eyes. "You'll have to go through me, first!" she yelled. Bright Eyes deftly dodged the young Griffon's reckless charge and clopped a rear hoof across her face. "*Chrr-wit* sque'k irr *caw*-rowr!" she sneered, smoothly switching to the guttural Griffon language. Gilda tumbled into a table and upended it, landing in a daze. "Grr-*keek*!" Giovanni raced over to his fallen niece and gently stroked a talon across her face. He turned to face the grey Pegasus, rage burning in his eyes. With a hawk-like cry, he lunged for Bright Eyes. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• It took every ounce of Bright Eyes' focus to keep Gio's talons from splitting her open and his beak from crushing her bones. She had learned how to deal with larger opponents at the Academy – how to exploit leverage and angles to use their weight against them – but The Claw was easily twice as heavy as the largest stallion she'd sparred with; every time she fought against his mass it felt like her legs were going to pull out of their sockets. The fight took them into the restaurant proper, out the front doors, onto the cloudy front lot, and into the open air. Bright Eyes pounded on the Griffon with her hooves, angling their edges forward for minimum surface area, but her strikes barely put a dent in the beast's hide. She was faster than he was, but she couldn't get in, strike and pull back without leaving herself open to a swipe of those lethal talons. After a few minutes they parted, landing on an empty stretch of cloud on the outskirts of Cloudsdale. "You're a quick one, Dezi," Giovanni panted, "but it's only a matter of time until I taste your heart." "Over my dead body," Bright Eyes said, her sarcasm shining through the ragged fatigue in her voice. The two clashed once more, their movements a blur of flapping wings, striking hooves, and slashing talons. Bright Eyes managed to catch Giovanni off balance, and crashed a hoof across his beak; the blow left a hairline crack in its wake. Pain and anger lent Giovanni extra speed, however, and the Griffon managed to grab the Pegasus' leg as she drew it back. Giovanni swung Bright Eyes by that leg in a wide circle, and smashed her down onto the cloud. The impact momentarily dazed her, and before she could react Giovanni had closed his talons around her throat. "I could bite your head off right now, little Pegasus," he hissed, "but you've made me mad enough to want to make you suffer. Here's a little trick you Ponies might not know…it's called strangling. I'll do it nice and slow so you can pay attention…" Giovanni tightened his grip, his scaly talons slipping over one another around Bright Eyes' thin neck. Bright Eyes' golden eyes bulged; black curtains danced around the edges of her vision. She knew she only had a few moments of useful consciousness left. Her hooves scrabbled against the Griffon's talons, unable to find purchase. "Awww…tough time to not have any digits, hmm?" Giovanni smiled, and squeezed harder. "What are those stupid hooves good for, anyway?" "…this," Bright Eyes whispered soundlessly, and thrust her rear hooves between Giovanni's hind legs. The Griffon squawked in pain and shock, his head lowering and his grip on Bright Eyes' throat slackening. She took the opportunity and swung her head upward, driving her forehead into the bridge of Giovanni's fractured beak. The Griffon winced from the impact, staggering back on wobbling legs. Bright Eyes followed, scrambling to her hooves and hopping to rest her front legs on Giovanni's shoulders. "This is for all the Ponies you've hurt!" she shouted, and unleashed another head-butt onto the top of the Griffon's beak. The fracture widened into a noticeable crack. "This is for being a bad influence on your niece!" She pounded her forehead into the Griffon again. "And this…" She punctuated every phrase with another headbutt. "Is for leaving! A foal! With no PARENTS!" Giovanni's damaged beak finally shattered under the assault. The Griffon hurled Bright Eyes off of him with a back-paw slap. She landed on her back a few feet away. Giovanni writhed and howled an endless stream of distorted obscenities in his native tongue, his talons clamped over the bloodied remnants of his broken face. The cloud-stuff around him was speckled crimson. Bright Eyes rolled onto her side. She knew she ought to press her advantage – put the foul beast out of his misery while she had the chance – but her limbs wouldn't respond. She felt as if her mind was a hundred miles from her bruised body. "UNCLE!" The cry had come from above; the young Griffon flew down and landed next to her stricken relative, her eyes wide with horror. A moment later she turned to face Bright Eyes, her face a mask of vengeful rage…but then she froze. She stared at the Pegasus in horrified silence. W-wha-? Why…why isn't she… Bright Eyes felt hot wetness spill down her nose. She looked up, her eyes crossing, and gasped softly at what she saw: The last head-butt had driven a sizable shard of beak into her forehead. She shakily sat, and reached up with her front hooves. They felt numb. Clumsy. With no small effort, she got a grip on the shard and eased it out of the gash in her face. She let it drop to the cloud. It seemed to fall in slow motion. Ss'a bad w-wound, she mentally slurred. Might be b-brain da-amage… Gotta get to a d-doctor… She stood and staggered drunkenly to one side, her wings flapping in an opposing rhythm. G-gotta…uhh… Bright Eyes' golden eyes veered in opposite directions, and she tumbled off the edge of the cloud. She vaguely saw the smooth blue surface of a lake rushing up to meet her as she fell. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The next few years passed by in a streaking blur, one prominent event bleeding into another: A blue Unicorn was helping her clear the water from her lungs, and asking for her name. In her addled state she reflexively tried to give her cover identity, without really knowing what she was saying: "Uhhh…D-dezi'duhhh…" The Unicorn smiled. "Hello, Ditzy Doo – I'm Colgate!" While the Unicorn was leading her down the road to Ponyville, Ditzy jerked to the side and staggered over to a copse of trees, where a precious bundle still sat undisturbed. "Dinky…" she whispered, and nuzzled the tiny foal's cheek with her own. The motion left a faint smear of blood on the foal's blanket. She was shivering with fever in a soft bed, and Colgate was feeding her soup with a magicked spoon. Dinky slept next to her, her tiny hooves wrapped around a foal bottle. "She's adorable," said Colgate. "My friend Berry Punch has a foal the same age." Ditzy smiled weakly. Her injuries were skillfully bound, but her eyes still wouldn't focus right. "So...are you from Cloudsdale?" Colgate continued. Ditzy frowned and muttered "…I dunno…" Ditzy was speaking with an elderly stallion in front of the Ponyville Post Office. A fresh scar marked her forehead, and Dinky was sleeping in a basket between her wings. The old Pegasus shuffled off his saddlebags. "Great timing!" he cackled, and shakily took to the air. "I was gonna retire tomorrow, anyway! San Caballo, here I come!" She was sitting in a plush chair with her chin resting on the curved lip of one of the sinks in Carousel Boutique's cosmetology room. "Yellow," she said to the shop's elegant young Unicorn proprietor, and pointed a hoof at her blue-black mane. The Unicorn sighed in dismay. "For the record, I want you to know that I am only going through with this crime against fabulosity because you're my very first customer." She was trying to make her rounds in good time, but her wings still wouldn't move like she wanted them to and her eyes made it hard to fly straight. She bumped into nearly every animate and inanimate surface in Ponyville as the years passed by, and she soon forgot what few shards of a less-clumsy past remained. "Sowwy," she'd say, a front hoof rubbing the back of her blonde-maned neck as the stares of annoyed townsponies bored into her, "I'm not a clever Pony." She was waving excitedly to Dinky Doo as the little Unicorn came bounding out of the schoolhouse at the end of her first day. "MOMMY!" Dinky squealed in delight as her eyes fell on Ditzy. The young filly leaped into her mother's waiting hug. "Love you, muffin…" Ditzy whispered, feeling the same oddly bittersweet warmth she always felt when she held her precious foal. "I love you too, Mommy…" •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
PART THREE – FUTURE PROGRESSIVE "MOMMY!" Bright Eyes' eyes snapped open, their gaze as straight and keen as a hunting hawk's. She looked in the direction the cry had come from. Stomper was trotting back out into the rain from the interior of the Post Office. Dinky was hanging by her tail from his broad mouth. Her little hooves were galloping in the air in a vain attempt to get free. "Y'hh wurr right, Ace'z," said Stomper around a mouthful of tail. "Thrr WZZ s'mpwny th'rr." "Thought so." Aces smiled. "So what's all this, Dezi? You got a Unicorn foal? How'd that happen? Where's the father? Awww…did some Screwhead ruffle yer feathers and then take off?" Aces batted at Dinky with a front hoof, making the tiny Unicorn spin. She squealed in fear. Bright Eyes tensed against her bindings, her every muscle straining. The layers of packing twine holding her down creaked and groaned, digging into her hide. "Don't…you…TOUCH HER!" The twine snapped and Bright Eyes surged back onto her hooves. "Whoa – easy there, Dezi!" said Aces hastily, his expression silently begging Stomper to intervene. Bright Eyes surged forward as fast as a lightning bolt and smashed both front hooves into the end of Stomper's nose. He dropped Dinky and staggered back, groaning. Dinky Doo stared up in disbelief as her mother twirled and landed gracefully facing Aces. "DINKY! GO INSIDE!" she barked. Thunder rumbled from the stormy sky. The young filly obeyed, galloping through the open back door. Aces shifted into a fighting stance. "Guess ya changed yer mind about playin' along, huh Dezi?" he sneered. "That's not my name," Bright Eyes snarled, and tackled the stallion. The rhythm and flow of hoof-to-hoof combat that Bright Eyes had learned so well came back to her like an old friend; she quickly got the upper hoof over Aces' dirty but predictable fighting style. She managed to slide around behind the stallion, slip a front hoof under his wing, and lever it over his back. He teetered along with the motion, falling on his side. She pressed her hoof down on Aces' wings, pinning them both. She ground down with her hoof and Aces yelped in pain, digging at the muddy grass with his hooves. Stomper had recovered and was drawing close, but Bright Eyes shot him a warning glare that emphasized the hold she had on his associate. Stomper stayed back. She turned back to her helpless foe. "You like seeing wings get broken, Aces?" Bright Eyes hissed in his ear. "How'd you like a nice, close look?" She shifted again, putting her weight on the stallion's wing joint. "*Nngh!* P-please, Dezi…I told ya – it was just business!" "Business? You foal of a mule." Bright Eyes stomped on Aces' wings; the long, hollow bones creaked, but stayed unbroken. Aces cried out. A Pony of action over thought, Stomper pounced at Bright Eyes while she was momentarily distracted. The two slid into a mud puddle, kicking and wrestling. With the memory of fighting a full-grown Griffon still fresh in her mind, Bright Eyes found dealing with a Pony of Stomper's size almost restful. She flexed and shifted and slid, keeping him off balance, and unleashed darting jabs on every weak spot she could think of. His namesake kicks were slow as falling trees in comparison. Bright Eyes slipped to the side and thrust a rear hoof against the base of Stomper's thick skull; the stallion pitched forward into the mud, down for the count. She stood in triumph for a brief moment – letting the rain cool her aching muscles and rinse the mud from her grey hide – before Aces plunged a letter opener into her left deltoid. Bright Eyes screamed in pain and fell onto her knees. "S'always gotta be the hard way witchoo, huh?" Aces panted, rain spitting off his lips. His bruised wings were half-raised. "Well, you think the water was bad? Just you wait, Buzzard. I'm gonna do things to ya there ain't names for…and I'm gonna make that little foal o'yours watch!" He ducked his head into the box he'd retrieved from inside during Bright Eyes' fight with Stomper and pulled out a second letter opener. Bright Eyes scowled. "I was willing to kill for 'that little foal of mine' the instant I laid eyes on her," said Bright Eyes. "What do you think I'd do for her now?" She gripped the opener sticking in her shoulder and wrenched it free; the wooden handle between her teeth muffled her cry of pain. She stood, favouring her unhurt front leg, and assumed a combat stance. The two Pegasi circled one another in a slowly widening spiral, each daring the other to make the first move. They stopped and locked eyes once they'd put a good ten paces between themselves. Both hoofed at the ground and spread their wings. As a flash of lightning brightened the rain-dimmed yard, they charged. They streaked past one another in a heartbeat, skidding to a halt on the muddy ground. Aces turned first, wheeling around to face his quarry. His right side was streaked with crimson from the long slash along his throat, the flow too fast for the rain to wash away. He tried to speak, but no sounds escaped his lips. He collapsed. Bright Eyes' right cheek was marked with a thin cut weeping red down her jaw. She dropped the bloody tool in the mud and limped back toward the Post Office. "Dinky!" she called out as she stepped inside. "Where are you?" After a moment the young filly slipped out from under a pile of unsorted letters. "M-mommy…" the foal whimpered. Her lavender cheeks were streaked with tears. Bright Eyes sighed in relief. "Oh, thank Celestia." She pulled the foal into a hug and then sat her down in front of her. She kept her front hooves on the Unicorn's shoulders. "Dinky…why are you home? Why aren't you with your friends at Berry Punch's?" Dinky sniffled. "Miss P-Punch's roof started leaking, so she brought us all home." Bright Eyes sighed. "All right…I want you to listen to me very carefully, Dinky. Okay?" "Y-you're hurt," said Dinky, her voice shaking. Bright Eyes gently jerked Dinky with her hooves. "Please, Dinky. Listen to me." Dinky swallowed and nodded, her face twisted with anxiety. "Good. Now…I want you to go up to your room, and shut the windows and door tight. And I want you to hide under your bed and not make a sound. And if anypony but me or Colgate tries to get you out from under there…I want you to zap them as hard as you can. In the head." Dinky's teary eyes widened. "B-but Miss Cheerilee says it's bad to zap Ponies…really bad! She says–" "I DON'T CARE!" Bright Eyes shouted, louder than she'd planned to. Dinky cringed. Bright Eyes held her close again, tighter than she meant to. "…I'm sorry. I know zapping Ponies is wrong, but there are some very bad Ponies around here right now, and they want to hurt us. I'm going to make them go away, but until I do you need to be brave, okay? Can you do that for me?" She put Dinky back down. Dinky was shaking all over now, but she silently nodded. "Okay. Now, get upstairs. I'll be back as soon as I can." The little Unicorn trotted up the stairs and sealed up her room. She pulled her favourite blanket off of her bed and took it with her as she scrambled underneath it. She wrapped the stained, frayed fabric around herself and huddled in the dark, listening to the thunder and the rain. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Bright Eyes stalked out into the back yard and approached the mud puddle where Stomper was only just beginning to stir. She retrieved some of the twine she'd broken and bound all four of his hooves together. The job done, she shook him with a hoof. "Huh…?" He blearily opened his mud-caked eyes. Bright Eyes loomed over him. "Stomper…I want you to flap back to The Claw, and give him a message for me. Tell him it's time to end this. Tell him that either he comes to the fields south of Ponyville and faces me himself, tonight, or I keep taking down mooks like you and the late mister Aces over there until he runs out. It's his call." "He'll kill ya, ya know," Stomper said, but his tone was far from certain. His gaze kept veering past Bright Eyes and settling on Aces' body. "Go. Now." Stomper struggled his way into the air and clumsily took off for Cloudsdale, his hooves still tied beneath him. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Bright Eyes trod down the street with as heavy a gait as her wounded leg would allow, her sharp eyes full of purpose and her rain-soaked mane hanging straight and heavy down the side of her face. She came up to Berry Punch's house and pounded a hoof on the front door. The magenta Earth Pony opened the door, and then gaped in shock at the sight of the bloodied Pegasus before her. "Hello, Berry." Bright Eyes locked eyes with Berry Punch; the weight of her golden gaze seemed to push the Earth Pony back. Bright Eyes followed her inside. The house was modest but well-kept, apart from the scattered pots and pans collecting drips falling from the ceiling. "You put my foal in harm's way just now, Berry. I know you didn't mean to, but you owe me anyway." Bright Eyes' tone was low and level – rigidly controlled – with none of Ditzy Doo's lilt or foalish mispronunciation. The sound made Berry Punch shudder. "R-really…?" Berry Punch chuckled nervously. "I'm s-sorry, Ditzy Doo. How can I make it up to you?" "I need a splash of your special reserve on these cuts and a swig of it in my belly. And some first aid. Now." Berry Punch only hesitated for an instant before cantering off to fetch gauze, adhesive bandages and a clay jug marked XXXX. The liquor stung fiercely on Bright Eyes' wounds and went down her throat like flaming ice. She stood as still as a statue while Berry Punch bandaged her, letting the drink spread warmth through her body and feeling the knots in her muscles ease just slightly. With her ministrations complete, Berry Punch backed away from the grey Pegasus, her movements betraying more than a little fear. "Wh…what happened to you?" asked Berry Punch softly. "Mailmare business," answered Bright Eyes. "Nothing that concerns you…but I wouldn't open my door to any unfamiliar Pegasi for a while, if I were you. Thanks for the help." She trotted to the door and left without another word. Berry Punch stood for a long, silent moment in the empty living room, and then shakily poured herself a belt of the liquor. She gulped it down in one shuddering swallow before trotting up the stairs to check on her foal. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Colgate magicked open her door and immediately leaped forward to hug the Pony before her. "Ditzy! Thank Celestia! After you ran off I thought…I worried you'd…oh! You're hurt!" Bright Eyes pushed her friend back, breaking the hug. "It's nothing. Now…I don't have much time. I need you to promise me that if anything happens to me you'll take care of Dinky. She's back at the Post Office." Worry creased Colgate's features. "Ditzy…what–" Bright Eyes pressed her front hooves to Colgate's shoulders and stared her down. "Promise me, Colgate." Colgate sniffled back tears. "I promise." Bright Eyes softly sighed. "…Thank you. I tried to run from my past. Hide it from everypony – even myself. But that ends tonight. I know who I am, Colgate. If I see you again, I'll tell you all about me. But for now, if I don't make it, just tell Dinky that I…" Bright Eyes paused, pushing the words through the lump forming in her throat. "…tell her that I died fighting to keep her safe." Colgate choked back a sob. "Ditzy, please…if you're in trouble, I can help. The Doctor can help. We could–" "NO!" Again, the word came out louder than Bright Eyes expected. "No. I already owe you and The Doctor a debt I can never repay. And nopony else is going to pay the price for my actions. Never again. I have to do this alone. I have to." Colgate's Serious Stare reflected in the Pegasus' golden eyes. The Unicorn slowly nodded. "Thank you, Colgate," Bright Eyes whispered, "for everything." And then she took off into the stormy sky. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The Apple family's massive son paced worriedly around the kitchen in Sweet Apple Acres' farmhouse, his broad hooves clopping out a steady cadence on the wooden floor. His sister was long overdue to return from helping the town prepare for the storm. When a knock sounded at the kitchen door he crossed the room in a heartbeat. "AJ…?" He pushed open the door, but found an entirely different blonde Pony standing out in the rain. It was the town's addled mailmare – Ditzy? Derpy? – but she looked different. Very different. Her frazzled mane was now rain-slicked and straight, and her googly golden eyes were now keen and focused. Her grey hide was marked with several fresh bandages. All in all, the effect was profoundly flattering – she looked as tough as a rodeo Pony and as dangerous as a bird of prey. Momentarily forgetting himself, he simply stared at her in silence. "I want you to nail me," she said. The ever-present stem between the red Earth Pony's lips dropped to the floor. "Wh…wha…" "You do farrier work on the side, right? Well I need to get shod – fast." The Earth Pony cleared his throat. "…Oh. Right. O'course. I think I got a nice thin brass set that would suit a Pegasus like yerself just fi–" The Pegasus held up a front hoof. "No. I want steel. The thickest, toughest steel shoes you've got – like the ones you wear at harvest time." The Earth Pony raised an eyebrow. "What's a nice filly like yerself need apple-buckin' shoes for?" The mailmare frowned. "You've got a reputation for being a Pony of few words. Surely you'll understand if I want to keep my reasons to myself?" The Earth Pony shrugged and trotted past the Pegasus and out into the rain. "Fair enough. Follow me." •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• The studded steel shoes made Bright Eyes' hooves feel enormous; they hung down like ballast sacks as she flew across the plains south of Ponyville, and sank into the mud as she landed in an open meadow. Her golden eyes darted back and forth, scanning the stormy skies for any sign of her foe. Minutes passed by with agonizing slowness, but finally she picked out the dark shadow of the Griffon's massive form on the grey backdrop of the cloud-cover. Bright Eyes focused on her breathing, willing herself to stay calm and ready. Thunder rumbled from the sky as the Griffon drew closer. Her innate weather-sense picked up the charge in the air. Perfect, she thought. Giovanni flew down in a wide spiral, alighting perhaps twenty paces from Bright Eyes. She got her first look at him in six years; time had not been kind. His hide was marked with even more scars than she remembered, and he was missing the occasional flight feather. His sunken eyes burned with barely-contained fury. Most prominent, however, was his beak. The shattered upper surface was now held together with metal staples, and a shaped piece of dull steel took the place of the portion that couldn't be saved. Combined with the scars on his body, it lent the Griffon a patchwork appearance, like some nightmarish rag-doll. "Long time, no see," said Bright Eyes. "You look good." Giovanni narrowed his eyes. "Dezi." He shifted slightly, widening his stance. The seams in his beak whistled as he spoke, lending his voice an incongruous lisp. "My nie'shh told me you were dead. And then she told me you were shh'till alive. She wa'shh right the fir'shht time." Bright Eyes smiled. "Before we do this, there's something you should know." "Oh…?" Giovanni began slowly stalking toward the Pegasus. "My name isn't Desiderata. It's Bright Eyes…and I'm CIA." Giovanni paused. His eyes widened. "You…" "That's right. You let a Royal agent into your Flock. And if you hadn't been such a sick, twisted monster, I might have done things by the book and let your bloodsucking lawyers get you off." The Griffon growled. Bright Eyes stood her ground, and goaded him further. "…But instead, things got a lot more personal. You had an innocent family murdered on a whim…and I broke your bucking face." She put every ounce of sneering mockery she could muster into that last jab, hoping to push the Griffon into doing something rash. It worked. Giovanni's deafening roar echoed even over the white noise of the rainstorm. As he sprinted toward Bright Eyes, his talons flexing and his tail lashing, a bolt of lightning streaked down in the distance and split the tallest tree in Ponyville. Bright Eyes parried his downward slash with the edges of her shoes and then hopped backward. Giovanni pressed after her, snarling with each swing of his hooked talons and each snap of his mutilated beak. She responded to every strike with a steel-shod kick. His blows were wild and brutal, lacking the feral precision Bright Eyes remembered. But he was still just as large as he was the last time they'd fought, and shod or not, she'd spent six years letting her skills go to seed. Bright Eyes knew she couldn't hold out long against his assault. Please, Celestia… she silently begged. Just let me make it long enough… She hazarded a glance skyward. The overcast sky showed no sign of lessening its downpour, but more importantly, a charge was building in the clouds overhead. Bright Eyes could feel it in her bones. It's coming…just…about… NOW! She dropped, slid and rolled, and then spread her wings. With one flap she leaped into the air and flipped on top of the Griffon. Her hind legs rested on his plated beak and the crested crown of his head. She reared, stretching out her metal-clad hooves to the stormy sky with a mighty shout. The sky reached and shouted back. Bright Eyes' world turned white as the lightning struck. She vaguely felt the impact with the ground, and sensed the painful heat in her hooves, the rattling pace of her pulse, the cold mud soaking her wings and the fierce ringing in her ears, but those concerns seemed so far away. Bit by bit the white before her eyes faded to black, and she knew no more. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Colgate galloped into Ponyville's southern fields, her horn gleaming with a divination spell. Dinky Doo sat on her back, gripping the older Pony's streaked mane between her jaws and huddling tight against the chill of the rain. You might have wanted to handle things alone, Ditzy, Colgate thought to herself as she squinted against the rain, but there's something you need to learn about my kind: we have a serious tendency to meddle when our friends are in danger. The pair soon came to the meadow where the lightning had struck; a grisly sight awaited them. The body of a massive Griffon lay near the centre of the field, speckled with faintly glowing embers. Here and there along the mass, faint wisps of smoke curled up between the raindrops. Not far from the grim remains, a grey Pegasus lay on her back in the mud, silent and still. "Oh, no…" Colgate whispered. "MOMMY!" Dinky leaped off of Colgate's back and galloped over. She pressed her front hooves to her mother's chest and shook her. "Mommy! Wake up!" She nuzzled against the Pegasus' cheek. "Please, wake up! You gotta wake up!" Colgate trotted up behind the little Unicorn. "Dinky…" Colgate reached out a front hoof. "NO!" shouted the foal. "She's gonna be okay!" Her voice cracked. "She s-said she'd come b-back! She said she'd make the bad P-Ponies go awa-ay!" Dinky stomped her tiny hooves on her mother's ribcage. "You w-wake up, Mommy! You wake up right now!" The foal's nub of a horn glittered, releasing spark-sized motes of magic. For a brief instant, the faint image of a caduceus inside a bubble flickered into being on Dinky's flank, and then vanished. The Pegasus coughed. Dinky stared down in wide-eyed shock as her mother stirred beneath her. It wasn't until she felt a weak-limbed hug close around her that she reacted. "…M-Mommy…?" Dinky whispered through her tears, as though speaking too loudly might wake her from this dream-come-true. The Pegasus pulled back slightly, and opened her eyes. They stared glassily at the air on either side of the little Unicorn's head. "I wub you, Muffin!" she slurred, and leaned back in to hug Dinky. Dinky giggled joyfully. "I love you too, Mommy!" Colgate took a gentle step forward. "Ditzy…?" "Hi, Colgate!" Ditzy released her foal and shakily stood up. She swayed, and flapped her wings to correct her off-kilter balance. "Ditzy…" Colgate repeated. "Are you…are you all right?" Ditzy nodded enthusiastically. The motion made her stumble somewhat. "Yup! Lever getter!" Colgate frowned. "…Beg pardon?" Ditzy smiled broadly. "Lever getter! I wheel shine!" She trotted in place for a moment, her steel shoes adding heft to each step. "Ooo…rut my proves keel levy!" The blue Unicorn sagged. "Ditzy…you told me you remembered who you were. Do you?" Ditzy pondered the question for a moment before answering. "…Yup! My same is Ditzy Doo! 'Mm a mailmare! I de-quiver the whale!" "Yay!" said Dinky, hugging her mother's front leg. Colgate sighed. "Oh well…" The blue Unicorn lagged behind as the trio slowly trotted down the road back to Ponyville, not wanting her mourning over what might have been to intrude on the mother and foal's happiness. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• Gilda the Griffon perched on the clouds above the meadow, peering down at her Uncle's remains and the Ponies' discovery of the clumsy, confused Pegasus. Next to her, a lean purple Pegasus stallion with a crossed leg and baseball bat marking his flank drew close. "The Claw didn't have no cubs," he said hesitantly, "and yer father's back in Mythos. And Aces was The Claw's right-hoof Pony. If any…anyone's gonna get revenge, it's…it oughta be-" Gilda cut him off. "This is over." "Huh?" The Griffon wrapped a scaly talon around the stallion's throat and jerked him close, his forehead resting against her own. "You got a hearin' problem, dweeb? This is over. There ain't gonna be any revenge. That Pegasus is spending the rest of her life a few feathers short of a wing and my Uncle is dead. This trash is done with. Ponyville's off limits from now on. It's got nothin' we want. You got that?" The Pegasus nodded as much as Gilda's grip would allow. She released him. "Nothin' we want…" she repeated softly, and turned her gaze to a classically-designed cloud-house floating on the Ponyville side of the outskirts of Cloudsdale. She sighed. •·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·• EPILOGUE "There we are – absolutely fabulous!" the elegant white Unicorn beamed. Dinky Doo giggled, prancing to and fro in front of one of Carousel Boutique's many mirrors and admiring her fancy new party dress. The Unicorn turned to Ditzy. "Now…If there's nothing else you require, shall we settle up?" Ditzy Doo nodded, removed her saddlebags and rummaged around in them with her hooves. Her golden eyes veered wider as she concentrated. At length, she produced a paper bag, and set in on a counter. "Sweep the range!" she said warmly, putting the bags back on and escorting Dinky out of the shop. "Umm..thank you! Come again!" the Unicorn called after them. Ditzy and Dinky trotted through the streets of Ponyville until they came to a long, mansion-like house. They headed around the side of the building, and approached the doors to a storm cellar. Ditzy opened them, Dinky trotted down into the dark, and Ditzy followed. At the bottom of the stairs they trotted into an unfurnished cellar, empty save for one feature: An odd, narrow blue shed. The shed's door opened, and a dark-maned brown Earth Pony stepped out. He was wearing a tuxedo, and a fine dress cut for a full-grown Pegasus was slung over his back. "Ah, there you are," he said. "Are you two ready for your visit to the first-ever Grand Galloping Gala?" Ditzy's splayed eyes slowly shifted, focusing as sharply as a hunting hawk's. She smiled, and said: "Allons-y." NEXT APPENDIX: (the great and powerful) TRIXIE: TREASURE
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
TRIXIE: TREASURE By Saddlesoap Opera Appendix Three of the Pony Psychology Series PART ONE - OBSCURITY The Typical and Commonplace Trixie trotted glumly down the cobblestoned streets of Canterlot, her deep purple eyes downcast. The azure Unicorn’s silvery blue mane and tail were tied back in modest queues, and a rough, dark blue linen cloak slung across her shoulders protected her from the mild chill in the early evening air and the faint drizzle falling from the slate-grey clouds. Trixie blended seamlessly into the bustling crowds heading home for the night, standing out no more than a blade of grass in a meadow. She was one of them, accepted on first glance and passed by without a moment’s thought. Oh, how she hated it. Once, not so very long ago, she had been a showpony – a magician. Stomped applause had been her food, oohs and aahs her drink. She had dazzled crowds of haughty fellow Unicorns, slack-jawed Mudhooves and flocking Buzzards alike. With the merest exertion of her magical talents, she had unleashed wonders upon the stage. She had shown the foalish masses what greatness looked like. She had been a somepony. Ponies had known her name – and cried it out loud in glee as she’d passed by. She’d been adored. She had lived a life of well-deserved luxury, riding the wave from town to town and gig to gig, the last bit from one spent as the first bit from another came in. But then…then she’d brought her show to Ponyville. In the months since the disastrous destruction of her home and livelihood in that backwater burg, she had been condemned to a fate worse than poverty, worse than failure, worse even than public humiliation: Anonymity. She could deal with hecklers. Bad reviews came with the business, and a great performer knew how to either let them slide or put the neighsayers in their place. But the questions, oh horror, the questions. Those were a different matter. They were devastating. Who are you? How do you spell that again? Are you new round these parts? Oh, are you a showpony or something? Why haven’t I heard of you, then? Why aren’t you doing a show now? Each new face void of recognition felt like a sandbag crashing onto her back. Fame was fickle – every showpony knew that. What was worshipped one day could be forgotten the next night. Fads and sensations came and went at frantic speed, their passing unmourned. When those two little morons in Ponyville taunted an Ursa into attacking the town, they’d done worse than give a certain purple showoff the chance to upstage her: they had made her yesterday’s news. Without the clout to secure gigs in permanent venues she’d been reduced to taking odd jobs to save up for a new stage-coach, working for her obvious inferiors like some feckless common labourer. Like a nopony. Trixie realized that she’d stopped moving. Ponies passed by on either side of her, not sparing a single glance her way. She frowned, pushing down a surge of wretched self-pity. Just then, a fuchsia-maned white Unicorn filly trotting behind her and magicking along a large collection of boxes and parcels failed to spot Trixie, and the hovering cargo plowed right into her. Trixie tumbled off her hooves and sprawled on the muddy cobbles. “Oh my!” said the filly, her violet eyes wide. “I’m terribly sorry!” She set down the boxes and approached Trixie. “I didn’t see you there!” “Of course you didn’t…” muttered Trixie bitterly under her breath, her pride hurting more than her body. She struggled her way back onto her hooves. “My fault, I’m sure,” she said, louder and more sarcastically. “Not at all!” continued the young Unicorn. “Please, let me make it up to you. I was just on my way to have breakfast before delivering these boxes – would you like to join me? My treat?” Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Breakfast…? It’s an hour after sunset, you know.” The Unicorn blushed. “Ah…yes. Well, I only woke up a short while ago. You see, I’m actually a servant of…” – the Unicorn looked around, as if checking for eavesdroppers, and lowered her voice – “…Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna!” Trixie drew closer to the white Unicorn. A Royal servant – this could be her chance to start rebuilding her connections! “Ree-aaallly…?” she asked, a hint of her former scintillating glory creeping into her voice. The Unicorn nodded. “My name’s Moondancer.” She offered a front hoof. Trixie took it, shook it, and faked her most sincere smile. “Trixie. Lead the way, Moondancer. Breakfast for dinner it is!” ••••••••••••••••••• A few minutes later, the two Ponies sat half-surrounded by boxes at a corner table in a small eatery a few streets away from the Royal Palace. Moondancer, Trixie was relieved to discover, was not as dull-witted as most menial Ponies. She was still no match for Trixie’s keen mind, of course, but it was refreshing nonetheless to converse with a Pony of some intellect. “…Your Cutie Mark, you say?” said Trixie, taking a sip of her wheat smoothie. Moondancer nodded. “Her Majesty says the Moon and Stars are the mark of a bloodline of Her ancestral servants – the Moon Herd.” The Unicorn leaned, craning her neck to peer at Trixie’s still-muddy flank. “You know, now that I see it, your Cutie Mark actually looks pretty similar…!” Trixie looked down at her own hindquarters; the mud partially covered her comet-trailing magic wand Cutie Mark, making it somewhat resemble a crescent moon and star. Acting on a sudden impulse, she made a show of magicking off the mud to conceal the more subtle weaving of a quick illusion spell. Hidden multicasts were foalsplay for a magician of her skill. When the glow of her horn faded, the resemblance was uncanny. It wouldn’t stand up to thorough scrutiny – truly faking Cutie Marks was impossible – but Trixie suspected that Moondancer was not the suspicious type. “Why, I think you’re right!” said Trixie, feigning surprise. “We must be distant cousins!” Moondancer giggled and clopped her front hooves together in delight. “That’s wonderful! Almost all of my relatives live far away. What are the odds I’d bump into a cousin right here on the streets of Canterlot?” “I know!” gushed Trixie, laying it on as thick as she could. “It’s like…it was meant to be.” She smiled broadly. “We should celebrate!” “What do you mean?” “You bought the meal – why don’t I buy the cider?” Moondancer frowned. “Oh, I shouldn’t. I still have to deliver these parcels to the Palace, and later I have to meet with Her Highness…my day’s just starting.” “Awww…now, don’t be like that,” pouted Trixie. “One little drink won’t kill you.” Moondancer bit her lower lip. “Well…if it’s just one…” ••••••••••••••••••• “Shhhure She’s powerful, *hic!* bu-but She’s also just so…vulnerable, you know?” slurred Moondancer. Trixie nodded, and then magicked her latest empty glass over to the far side of the table to join its dozen-odd brethren. As expected, a seasoned showpony like herself had a far superior tolerance for strong drink than that of a simple chambermaid. That’s it, she silently told herself. Keep her talking. Make nice. Get an in. Tonight the servants’ quarters…tomorrow, the Royal Auditorium! “Sometimes Shee gets this, this look, and it’s sooo sad! If it wasn’t sussh a no-no, I’d wanna give ‘Er a biii-iig hug every time I see ‘Er like that!” She laughed, and a deeper flush spread across her already-rosy cheeks and nose. She lowered her voice. “‘Course I kinda did do that once, I guess…” Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Ohhh…? Whaddyamean?” She cleared her throat, and forced the slur out of her voice. “*ahem*…What do you mean?” Moondancer pressed her front hooves to her cheeks and shook her head. “Oh, nooo…! I can’ tell ya! Iss’ jussst…scandalous!” Trixie’s breath caught in her throat. A scandal? A ROYAL scandal? Could it be – one of the Royal Pony Sisters dallying with a common serving-filly? Imagine the leverage gossip that juicy could give! The thought filled Trixie with a feeling not unlike the sensation that had passed over her when she’d first mastered the simultaneous triple-cast, perhaps best summed up as: JACKPOT! “Awww, c’mon,” Trixie goaded her, chucking her shoulder with a hoof. “You can tell cousin Trixie!” Trixie’s horn glowed, and the piles of boxes and parcels around the table rearranged themselves into a semicircular barrier between the two Ponies and the rest of the restaurant. “Okay…but this’ss jusst between us, right?” When Trixie nodded, Moondancer blushed harder. She leaned across the table, gesturing for Trixie to meet her in the middle. Trixie did so; both Unicorns’ front hooves rested on the tabletop, and their noses were only inches apart. “A few weeks ago, the Royal Sisters got inna fight ‘cause of what happened wayyy back in th’day…” “Go on…” said Trixie softly, clamping down on her excitement. Moondancer magicked up her glass and took another sip of cider. “And I gave Luna…Oh! I mean, Princess Luna, a hug ‘cause She was mad about bein’ banished, and about how She couldn’t do anythin’ about it. Well…not until Princess Celestia showed up all…all…Oooh! I can’t! I can’t say it!” Moondancer’s front hooves trotted in place on the table; her blushed deepened by several shades. Trixie’s curiosity and the hard cider in her system overcame her patience. With a furtive glance out of the gaps in the parcel-wall around the table she ignited her horn and focused on Moondancer’s flushed features. Smooth, feathery tendrils of nearly-transparent magic snaked out from Trixie’s horn like pale ink spreading through water. As the spell enveloped Moondancer’s head the white Unicorn’s eyes grew wide and her pupils dilated. She gasped softly. “It’s all right,” purred Trixie, her voice resonating through the magic now sinking into Moondancer’s cider-dulled mind. “You can trust Trixie… “Trust…you…” Moondancer’s eyelids half-closed; she sagged, her front hooves splaying on the tabletop. Trixie grinned a self-satisfied grin. She’d only ever used the maresmerism spell on assistants and volunteers before. “Yesss…that’s right…you can tell Tried-and-True Trixie anything…” Trixie leaned in closer, looming over the white Unicorn. She was close enough now that her hot, cider-scented breath tickled across Moondancer’s horn as she spoke. “Luna was mad, and she couldn’t do anything about it. And then…?” Moondancer was breathing faster and the flush in her cheeks was spreading, but her voice was a dreamy monotone as she spoke. “And then…Princess Celestia arrived in the courtyard…and She was…" “Yes…?” “She was…naked!” “W…Wh–” Trixie almost lost control of the spell. She indulged in a frown before snapping back to her enchantress routine. “…Why was that scandalous? The Princesses almost never wear clothes.” A flicker of resistance shone in Moondancer’s dimmed eyes. “B-because…she…N-no…! Don’t…don’t wanna say…” She shook her head, and her horn glittered with a feeble counterspell. Trixie scowled and poured more energy into her spell. The tendrils phasing through Moondancer’s head brightened and thickened, fiercely gripping her like ghostly lavender talons. A shudder passed through Moondancer’s body, and a single tear escaped her left eye. The sparkles around her horn snuffed out. “You want what Trixie says you want…” Trixie whispered harshly, the resonance in her voice now lending it a sinister growl. “…And Trixie says you want to tell her!” Moondancer whimpered and squirmed in Trixie’s magical grasp, but to no avail. Her muscles soon slackened once more, and with one last soft moan her face lost all expression. “Yes, Trixie…” she muttered weakly. Trixie smiled a self-satisfied smile. “Good. Now, tell Trixie about Celestia,” she said, her voice returning to its earlier soothing purr. Moondancer swallowed. “P-Princess Celestia was…n-naked…because She t-took off the Regalia of the Day-Mare. W-without Her Regalia, She was just Princess Luna’s big s-sister – just a r-regular Unicorn, but with wings. I couldn’t see her like that…I’m not worthy. It was just…wrong!” Moondancer shuddered again, and blushed deeper. “You’re telling me that Princess Celestia is so big and impressive because of her jewelry?” “Y-yes…Princess Luna said that nopony can hate Her when She wears the Regalia. Only l-love her.” The half-mad seeds of a grand scheme began to bloom in Trixie’s cunning mind. Perhaps if she’d had more gold to her name, if her jobs of late had been less demeaning and dull, or if she’d drunk less cider, she would have dismissed the idea out of hoof. But instead… “Nopony can…” Trixie trailed off, and then addressed Moondancer once more. “Trixie says you want to sleep now, my informative little helper. You have a nice, long nap, and when you wake up, you’ll only remember a strange dream you had about a Great and Powerful Unicorn named Trixie…” “Yes, Trixie…” “And smart, too,” Trixie quickly added. “Trixie is also smart. …And pretty.” “Yes, Trixie…” Moondancer’s eyelids drooped and then closed, and she slid down to nestle her head on top of her folded front legs. In moments she was snoring softly. Trixie magicked open the wall of parcels and headed for the door. “Hey…!” called out a passing serving-filly. “Is your friend okay?” Trixie grinned and shrugged. “Some Ponies just can’t hold their cider. You know how it is.” Without another word, Trixie trotted out of the eatery and back onto the muddy streets. ••••••••••••••••••• An hour later the Focused and Driven Trixie was snaking her way between artfully-cut topiary and the graceful marble statuary of the Canterlot Sculpture Garden, approaching the Royal Palace walls yard by painstakingly-slow yard. Rain still drizzled lightly from the dark grey clouds, but enough moonlight still shone through for her to find her way. The damp air was heavy with the scents of night-blooming flowers. This is insane, she thought to herself as she skittered between two bushes and rested out of sight for a moment. The stresses of being lowered to labouring like an Earth Pony have clearly driven Trixie mad! Despite her slow progress and the chilly, damp night, Trixie’s heart was pounding and sweat shone on her blue hide. Her stomach hadn’t been this full of butterflies since her first time on stage. Somewhere ahead, she could hear the rhythmic hoof-falls and metallic clacks of a patrolling Royal Guard. She pulled her cloak around herself. Her horn ignited and she slowly faded into soundless invisibility. She trotted as quickly as she could past the golden-armoured grey Pegasus, straining to keep herself unseen and unheard. In her haste she brushed a flower-filled urn as she passed, and the terracotta vessel tipped over and smashed behind her. The guard stopped and turned to face the sound, his wings raised in surprise. It was only then that Trixie realized that she couldn’t conceal the raindrops falling onto her cloaked form. Icy panic splashed down her spine; What has Trixie done? she silently lamented. A Great and Powerful magician, doomed to languish in a dungeon! Or banished to darkest Pundamilia! Or both! And all because of some half-baked cider-fuelled scheme! Trixie dropped down flat on the stone path and cringed, waiting out the seconds before the guard would notice her and have her clapped in irons. It took quite some time after the guard checked the urn and moved on for Trixie to remember to breathe. Trixie released the spell and her breath at the same time. The adrenaline draining out of her system made her legs wobble as she struggled her way back onto her hooves. Trixie knew she was too cunning to be caught so easily! she blustered unconvincingly to herself. Trixie knew it all along. She sidled up to the towering white outer wall of the Palace and cast a quadruple-strength variant of the sticky-hooves spell she used in feats of legerdesabot. She reared up and pressed her front hooves to the wall…followed by her rear hooves. Trixie crept up the vertical surface slowly and carefully, concentrating on keeping the glow of her horn dim enough to avoid attention. Her legs were aching by the time she finally made it to the balcony of the tallest, most ornamented tower. Trixie could still turn back, an imagined voice of reason offered. Trixie doesn’t have to do this. Trixie could… She frowned as she heaved herself up over the edge of the balcony and onto its smooth floor. …Could what? she countered to herself. Continue to work her horn off in obscurity while showponies like Blacksteed and Hoofdini steal all the glory? Stay a nopony doing nothing, and slowly forget the sound of crowds cheering her name…? No. Never. Trixie would rather die! Trixie shivered slightly, and felt a drop of moisture slide down her cheek. A moment later she realized that it wasn’t from the rain. The sincerity of that last thought had taken her by surprise. Her horn glowed softly as she conjured a sizeable black velvet sack. She magicked it aloft and stared through the entryway into the expansive chambers inside the tower. “Okay, Trixie,” she whispered. “Showtime!” ••••••••••••••••••• The Royal Princess Luna stood in a wide clearing in the gardens of the Royal Palace, tapping a hoof impatiently. Sunrise had been scheduled for nearly ten minutes earlier, but the moonless sky was still dark and Princess Celestia was nowhere to be found. Luna was about to take flight and go looking for her older sister when a young seneschal trotted up and bowed on bended knee. “Your Highness,” said the mint-green Unicorn, his eyes downcast, “Your Royal Sister requests Your presence in Her bed chamber.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “Did my Royal Sister say why?” The seneschal shook his head. “She did not, Your Highness.” “Very well. You may go.” Luna took to the air as the servant departed. She flew between the Palace’s spired towers and landed on the balcony of Celestia’s room. Immediately, she noticed muddy hoofprints leading from the tower wall, up and over the balcony’s edge, and into the room. “Celly…?” Luna asked, her voice full of concern. “I’m here, Luna.” The voice that answered from deeper in the shadows of the unlit room sounded small and youthful, without Celestia’s usual regal tone. Luna trotted inside, but soon stopped dead in her tracks. Celestia was standing in the middle of the room, unornamented and unshod. Without the power of her Regalia she was barely taller than Luna herself, and her rose-coloured mane and tail hung motionless. It was only the second time in the past millennium that Luna had seen her sister’s true form, and as before the sight stirred up ancient memories and emotions. “Celly! W-why aren’t you…why aren’t you w-wearing…” Luna winced, angry at herself for letting her agitation put a quaver in her voice. Celestia put a front hoof to her lips, calling for silence, and nodded her head at the hallway door, where the light from torches in wall sconces cast the shadow of Pony legs through the crack at the bottom of the door. Somepony – a servant-filly most likely – was eavesdropping. “I am feeling…unwell,” Celestia said, and gestured to the polished wooden vanity where her Regalia usually sat overnight – now empty. Luna’s jaw dropped and her wings spread in silent shock, but she forced herself to play along. “O-oh! I…I’m sorry to hear that, Sister! When did you first take ill?” “Some time in the night,” Celestia answered, her voice weak with feigned illness. “I’m afraid that I won’t be able to perform my Royal duties in my current state. You will have to act in my stead, Sister.” “WHAAHH?” Luna gasped. “Celly, you can’t be serious! I…I haven’t…I mean, it’s been more than…” Celestia smiled and chuckled softly, faking a slight cough. “Oh, my dear Luna. Traditions have changed surprisingly little in the past thousand years. You’ll find holding court and raising the Sun as natural as flying – I’m sure of it. Besides…the public needs to see you more often, anyway.” Luna struggled to get a firmer grasp of the past few minutes’ developments. “Very…very well, Sister. I will do as you ask. In the meantime, should I send for a physician to help diagnose your…condition?” Luna mimed shading her eyes with a hoof and looking around as if hunting. “I appreciate the thought, but that won’t be necessary, Luna. It’s just a case of Alicorn Flu. I’ll be right as rain in a few days, you’ll see. Of course, I mustn’t be disturbed until then. Even the smallest exposure to this illness would spell certain doom for any mortal Pony.” Celestia smiled a mischievous smile. Beyond the hallway door, the sound of a silver platter being dropped in surprise and hastily picked back up echoed off the stone walls. Luna slowly shook her head in wonder. Celestia’s social acumen never failed to amaze her. Even in a crisis like this, she was calm, confident, and mindful of spinning events to her advantage. Despite how implausible her reassurance seemed, Luna found herself believing Celestia when she said the matter would take care of itself. “As you wish, Sister,” said Luna. “I hope you feel better soon.” She turned to leave via the balcony, but then paused and turned back. “It was good to…to see you, Celly.” She smiled. Celestia smiled back as her younger sister took off to go and bring forth the dawn. “You too,” she whispered. ••••••••••••••••••• The Shaky and Anxious Trixie sat on the dirt floor of her modest shack on the outskirts of Canterlot, staring down at the bulging black velvet sack. Her heart had started pounding the moment she’d entered Celestia’s room, and even now, several hours later, it had showed no signs of slowing down. If the contents of the bag weren’t what Moondancer had said they were…if she’d misinterpreted drunken ramblings, and done what she’d done for no gain… She fiercely shook her head. “Well…?” she asked herself. “Only one way to know, right?” She removed her dusty cloak, patted the dust from her hide and magicked a brush through her mane and tail before sitting back down in front of the bag. No sense meeting one’s destiny unkempt, after all. She took a slow, deep breath, and magicked open the sack. Even in what little daylight shone through the shack’s window and the holes in its roof, the six Orichalcum relics shone like jeweled mirrors. They were exquisite works of art, and more than deserving of the label priceless – that much was obvious. But were they really…? Could they really…? As hesitantly as if she were stepping into a pit of vipers, Trixie reached out a front hoof and slipped it into one of the gleaming golden shoes. Trixie yelped in surprise as the relic clamped tight, adjusting itself to fit her hoof snugly. The metal felt cold and heavy, but it also positively seethed with magic. A broad grin slowly spread across Trixie’s face. She magicked the other three shoes upright and then hopped into them. Like their companion, they changed shape to create a perfect fit. Trixie laughed softly. The feeling of flowing magic was stronger now, sending pins and needles up her legs. She magicked up the peytral and thrust her head through it, settling the armoured yoke around her neck. She gasped as it tightened itself; the pins and needles feeling spread over her entire body, and dizzying warmth soon joined it. Trixie levitated the jeweled tiara and held it before her. Her wide-eyed stare reflected in its faceted amethyst ornament. She swallowed, closed her eyes, and put it on. In a nearby meadow, a young rabbit was busying himself with morning silflay, nibbling at the dew-moistened grass. The day was shaping up to be a warm and restful one, free from worry. It was, that is, until a shack a dozen yards away exploded in a blinding purple-white maelstrom. ••••••••••••••••••• Fluttershy hummed softly as she waited in line outside the windmill on the northeast edge of Ponyville, a sack of wild grains poking out from one of her saddlebags. Thoughts of fresh-milled flour and its conversion into nutritious pancakes danced through her head. Suddenly, a cry rang out from the east. The yellow Pegasus joined the other Ponies in line in turning to face the sound, her brows knitting in concern. A cloud of panicked birds erupted from the nearby woods and swarmed toward Ponyville, followed soon after by a small stampede of squirrels, mice, chipmunks and other forest creatures. Some of the queuing Ponies fled before the commotion, while others took cover. Fluttershy, however, stood her ground. “Oh, my!” said Fluttershy to the advancing throng. “What’s wrong, all of you?” Before any of the terrified animals could pause to answer, a series of rhythmic crashes sounded from the woods and a massive shadow spread forth to cover the trees, the windmill, the cringing Ponies, and Fluttershy herself. The Pegasus slowly backed away. Her eyes widened and her ears drooped as she stared up in shock at what had cast the shadow. A tiny squeak escaped her lips. ••••••••••••••••••• Rainbow Dash and Applejack trotted side by side out of the park on the north side of Ponyville, hotly debating the results of their latest athletic endeavour. “Bein’ ‘ahead by a wing’ don’t even make sense…!” Applejack insisted. “Yer wings are right in th’middle o’ yer body!” “True,” said Rainbow Dash, “but I slid over the finish line. Sideways. And my wing totally crossed before you did.” “Shewt! If I’d a known we were gonna count stuff like that, I’d a thrown mah hat across the line!” Rainbow Dash hopped forward and turned to stare her Earth Pony friend down. “Hey! Hats are not the same thing as wings!” “And just what’s wrong with mah hat?” countered Applejack, flicking the brim of her Stetson with a front hoof. “Nothing! That’s not what I – rrgh!” Rainbow Dash turned aside in annoyance, and spotted a familiar Pegasus trotting toward them. “Ah! Maybe Fluttershy can settle this. Hey, ‘Shy! Do wings…whoa.” As Fluttershy approached, Rainbow Dash trailed off. Fluttershy was almost sleeptrotting, her hooves dragging as she moved heedlessly forward. Her eyes were wide but empty, as glassy as those of a porcelain doll. Her mouth was locked in a thin, off-kilter smile. She stopped moving as Rainbow Dash and Applejack cantered over to her. “Are you okay, ‘Shy?” asked Rainbow Dash, her voice tinged with worry. “Oh, yes, Rainbow Dash,” answered Fluttershy in an airy whisper. “I’m just fine. Wonderful, really. And it’s all thanks to Her!” “Her?” blurted Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Oh, yes,” continued the yellow Pegasus dreamily. “I’m much happier now. She changed my life! I don’t know how I ever carried on without Her.” She smiled wider, but her gaze stayed hollow. “What are you talking about?” said Rainbow Dash frustratedly. “I saw you yesterday, and you didn’t say anything about meeting…about a new…’Shy, what the hay’s going on?” “I’m a mite curious too, sugarcube,” added Applejack. “You’re actin’ awful strange.” “I’m just fine,” she repeated. “You’ll understand once you meet Her, I know it. She’s just so…so…” Fluttershy sighed euphorically. Rainbow Dash inhaled for an incredulous tirade, but a sudden crash cut her off. Another crash soon followed. Then another. And then a massive shadow fell over the three Ponies. “There she is now,” Fluttershy said, and smiled adoringly as her two friends looked up and past her in terror. ••••••••••••••••••• Twilight Sparkle stepped out of Ponyville’s bookstore with a satisfied grin on her face. Spike was sitting on her back, examining the tome she’d just purchased. “I don’t get it, Twilight,” said Spike. “We live in a library – why do you need to go and buy books?” “Oh Spike,” Twilight answered, “you can never have enough books.” “That’s easy for you to say!” said Spike, slipping the book back into Twilight’s saddlebags and folding his arms. “You don’t have to clean them all u – uhh…uhhhrrrr….” “Spike…?” Twilight craned her neck to peer at the baby Dragon. As she did so, the area darkened as the market square fell under a shadow. “Urrr….” Spike was looking up in frozen shock at the enormous presence looming up behind the bookstore. Twilight followed his gaze. She gasped softly. “Urrrr…ssa!” A gargantuan bear seemingly made of starry night sky towered over downtown Ponyville, its scintillating purple hide contrasting sharply with the pale ivory shade of its huge claws and fangs. “It can’t be…” whispered Twilight, her voice crawling with fear. “An Ursa Major!” “Don’t be scared,” said a familiar, gentle voice from nearby. “There’s nothing to worry about…” Fluttershy trotted into view from behind the Ursa, and stopped a few feet from one of its scythe-taloned paws. She was soon joined by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Behind them, past the Ursa, a throng of townsponies was following along. All of them – even the endlessly-effervescent Pinkie – had the same staring-at-nothing look in their eyes and the same beatific smile on their lips. “What’s wrong with all of you?” shouted Twilight. “We need to run! NOW!” “Don’t be silly!” said Pinkie Pie. “This is the best party ever!” “No need to go runnin’ about,” agreed Applejack. “You’ll see things our way by and by.” “Indeed,” added Rarity. “Panic is so unseemly.” “Just go with it,” said Rainbow Dash. “It’ll be awesome!” Twilight backed away a few paces and slowly shook her head. “N-no…I…I don’t understand…I…” The terrible beast leaned forward over the shop, bringing its cottage-sized head down to within a few yards of the terrified Unicorn. She would have cringed, but for the sight of the Pony standing on top of the blue starburst marking the Ursa’s forehead. “So…beautiful…!” whispered Spike. She was a Unicorn, but nearly twice Twilight’s height, with a rich cerulean hide and a flowing mane and tail that shone and reflected like quicksilver. Her gleaming spiraled horn came to a needle-thin point. She wore shining golden finery on her hooves, neck and forehead. A pair of delicate, silvery, enchanted gossamer wings stretched out from her back like rainbow-tinted silk banners. An aura of divine majesty and might radiated out from her like heat haze from a mirage. Her Cutie Mark, standing out in vivid relief on her flanks, was a star-topped wand trailing the glow of magic. Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh, no…!” “Oh, yes,” said the awe-inspiring Unicorn before her as she hopped down from the Ursa’s muzzle. Her voice echoed through the still afternoon air as she spoke. “For shame – have you already forgotten what you were told? You will NEVER…have the amazing, show-stopping ability… of THE GREAT! AND POWERFUL! TRIXIE!” Trixie reared, threw her head back, and laughed a booming, triumphant laugh. Thunder rumbled from the clear sky in response. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO - OMNIPOTENCE
Derpy Hooves,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Dark,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Psychology Series
The Mane Six face the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.
<p>One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.</p><p>These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two, <br/>with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.</p><p>The series continues in the sequel, <a href="/story/24381/Secrets-and-Lies" rel="nofollow">Secrets and Lies</a>.</p><p>Pony Psychology has a <a href="" rel="nofollow">TV Tropes Page</a>.</p>
PART TWO - OMNIPOTENCE The Great and Powerful Trixie had never before felt so utterly, supremely triumphant. Leaving her parents, three sisters and four brothers behind to pursue her passion for magic, taking the stage for the very first time, mastering Clopperfield’s Flying Earth Pony trick – nothing compared to towering over the Unicorn who had so thoroughly outperformed her, showing her up with an even grander feat of beast taming, turning her own friends and neighbours against her, and seeing the helpless, panic-edged awe in her eyes. Trixie could sense it: Twilight Sparkle knew she was beaten. How sweet it was. The enthralled throng crowded closer, closing off all avenues of escape, and Trixie stepped forward. “Trixie is going to enjoy hearing you stomping applause with the rest of her new audience,” she gloated, and ignited her horn as she channeled magic through the Regalia. Waves of light streamed off of Trixie’s hide, and her eyes began to glow. The divine aura surrounding her intensified; the assembled Ponies knelt reverently, the Ursa Major’s affectionate sigh stirred Trixie’s mercurial mane and tail, and the baby Dragon sitting on Twilight Sparkle’s back dropped off and sat on the ground in an enraptured daze. The purple Unicorn backed away before Trixie’s radiance, but she only made it two paces or so before bumping into a wall of genuflecting Ponies. “Don’t fight it,” Trixie purred. “Surrender to Trixie.” “N-no…!” Twilight Sparkle gritted her teeth and forced herself to look away, but a pair of pale pink hooves suddenly gripped either side of her face from behind. “Silly filly!” said Pinkie Pie cheerfully, jerking Twilight’s head back into facing the resplendent creature before her. “Trixie is that way!” Tears streamed down Twilight Sparkle’s cheeks as the unrestrained glory of the Regalia washed over her. Her horn glowed, which elicited a chuckle from Trixie. “You think you can overcome the astounding majesty of The Great and Powerful Trixie with your feeble, small-town magic? Not this time, my arrogant little–” Twilight Sparkle and the pink Earth Pony straddling her back vanished in a burst of white-hot magic. Despite all the tricks, illusions and spells Trixie knew, mastery of the infamous “Wink Out” had always eluded her. The realization that even with the power of a Goddess she had still just been upstaged robbed her victory of no small portion of its savour. Trixie’s features twisted into a mask of outraged fury. “Find them!” she bellowed at the congregation surrounding her. “FIND THEM NOW!” She stomped an Orichalcum-shod hoof. The assembled Ponies galloped off in all directions. Trixie turned to face the remainder of Twilight’s friends. “And you four – in the meantime Trixie wants you to find two other Ponies…” ••••••••••••••••••• Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie both tumbled out of a white starburst of magic as if kicked from a speeding coach. Singe marks speckled their hides, and both were smoking slightly. Pinkie Pie recovered first, gathering up her frizzy tail and blowing out the glowing ember at its tip. “Wheee!” she squealed, galloping in place. “That was fun! We should go back and let Trixie have a turn!” Twilight staggered back onto her hooves and looked around. Pinkie’s extra weight had thrown her spell off course; she’d tried to get to her library, but instead they’d ended up in the field behind the schoolhouse. “P-Pinkie…” Twilight said, still out of breath from casting the spell, “Trixie’s done s-something to the townsponies, to our friends…and to you. You’re not thinking clearly.” “Aww, that’s crazy. I feel great!” Pinkie replied. “You just need to give Trixie a chance – like I did with Zecora!” Pinkie’s glassy stare made her unsettlingly-wide smile all the more troubling. “That’s not the same thing!” Twilight insisted. “You were judging Zecora before you got to know her!” “But now I know Trixie, and I think she’s super-duper fantastic!” Twilight sighed dejectedly. “I’m sorry, Pinkie. I’ll find some way to help you all – I promise.” She turned and galloped away, heading for the Library. The confused pink Earth Pony shrank in the distance behind her. …And then popped out in front of her from behind a hedgerow. “…Help us what?” Twilight yelped in shock, and took off at a still-harder gallop. Pinkie followed with a relaxed, bouncing gait. Despite taking a winding, roundabout route to the Library, Twilight found the pink Earth Pony waiting for her around every corner and behind every object large enough to conceal her – and behind some much smaller than that. It was no use; Pinkie’s logic-shattering pursuit was inescapable. Eventually, only a few paces from the Library’s front door, Twilight fell to her knees in exhaustion. “I don’t get it,” said Pinkie, staring down at her panting Unicorn friend. “You told me I had to work on the party in here.” Pinkie pressed a front hoof to her chest. “Well, Trixie makes me feel like there’s a whole bunch of parties in here. Don’t you want me to be happy?” Her sky-blue eyes seemed to expand, gleaming with the threat of incipient tears, and her lower lip quivered. Twilight grimaced as if physically struck by Pinkie’s words. Days of gentle, supportive talks had only barely held off the Earth Pony’s depression, but now she had recovered the happiness she’d lost and more – at the cost of her free will. What will happen to her if I undo Trixie’s spell? The thought brought tears to Twilight’s eyes. A brute-force magical solution was no longer an option. “Okay, Pinkie,” she said softly, “you win. Let’s go see Trixie.” Pinkie’s deafening cheer and ribcage-compressing hug covered and drowned out Twilight’s small, heartbroken sob. ••••••••••••••••••• The Mayor of Ponyville trotted up to the lectern at the side of the auditorium’s wide stage and cleared her throat. The large audience of townsponies quieted their chatter and looked on expectantly. “Fillies and gentlecolts,” said the Mayor, “it is with great pleasure and a deep sense of honour that I am able to announce to you all that effective immediately, I am turning over the office of Mayor to a Pony eminently more suited to the position: The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Taking her cue, Trixie unleashed a pyrotechnic display and uncloaked herself, giving the impression that she had Winked In on the stage’s upper level. She spread her gossamer wings, letting her puissant aura shine through them. The wide-eyed crowd cheered, whistled and stomped applause with wild abandon. “Trixie accepts your offer,” she said without a trace of humility. “It is, of course, well-deserved!” The assembled Ponies responded with more overjoyed applause. “As your new ruler,” Trixie continued once the stomping died down somewhat, “Trixie will grace you all with regular performances of her incredible magical skills. To make room for this in Trixie’s busy schedule, the old Mayor will act as Trixie’s deputy to handle all the boring Mayor-ish paperwork and such.” Trixie looked down at the older Earth Pony. “Isn’t that right?” “Oh, I’d be delighted to!” gushed the Ex-Mayor. “Obviously.” Trixie turned back to the crowd. “And now, before Trixie’s inaugural show, it’s time for…the opening act!” Just as Trixie ignited her horn to set the proceedings in motion, the doors at the back of the auditorium swung open to reveal an excited pink Earth Pony and a morose, teary-eyed purple Unicorn. “Well, well, well…!” sneered Trixie. “Come crawling back, have you? Come closer, then – come bask in Trixie’s awesome glory!” Twilight wordlessly plodded forward like a Pony condemned. She stopped a few paces from the stage and cast her gaze up at Trixie’s glowing form. Trixie grinned triumphantly and released the Regalia’s full power once again. As her divine light bathed the auditorium everypony fell on bended knee… Everypony that is, except for Twilight. Trixie frowned. “Kneel before Trixie!” she commanded. The masses obeyed, bowing lower and muttering worshipful praise. But Twilight stayed on her hooves, squinting up at Trixie’s radiance with narrowed but undaunted eyes and whispering: “…No.” Trixie flapped her wings and swooped down off of the balcony to alight directly in front of the Unicorn. “KNEEL!” she boomed, her voice cracking slightly from the effort. Her quicksilver mane and tail swirled around her. “NO!” Twilight shouted back. Trixie stared in disbelief. It was impossible – that streak-maned mare had some magical skill, yes, but the Regalia were arcane relics the likes of which she’d never seen. How could this small-town Unicorn be so…unfazed by their power? Trixie straightened, fighting down any outward sign of her disquiet. “So be it, then!” she barked. “If you will not admit Trixie’s obvious superiority, then you are a fraud and a traitor, and should be dealt with as such. Have her locked up!” “At once, O Mighty Trixie!” chirped the Ex-Mayor, whipping a front hoof upward in a salute. Twilight’s jaw dropped. “WHAT? Trixie, enough’s enough! I don’t know what you’ve done to everypony, but this isn’t a game. They don’t want this!” “Oh?” said Trixie, raising an eyebrow. “All of you – who is the best Pony?” The unanimous cry of “TRIXIE!” shook the rafters. “And how would you feel if Trixie left you all alone?” A chorus of gasps, wails and begging denials rose up from the crowd. Some of the younger Ponies burst into tears. Trixie chuckled a self-satisfied chuckle. “There you have it – straight from the Pony’s mouth.” Twilight’s expression darkened, but she stayed silent. She remained silent as a pair of stallions dragged in an iron cage and shoved her inside, and as the cage was hoisted up by a chain to hang to the side of the stage. “Well,” Trixie huffed. “Now that that’s over with, where were we? Ahh, yes – the opening act!” Trixie ignited her horn, and magicked a pair of wooden marionette crossbars out from behind the curtains at the back of the stage. A moment later a pair of Unicorn colts came into view, tied to the crossbars with gleaming strings. The gangly mustard-yellow colt had been dressed up as a pierrot, and the chubby blue-green colt as a harlequin. Both had clownish makeup plastered on their anxious faces. Trixie focused on the pair and the crossbars puppeteered them into a jerking dance. “Take a good look, my assorted admirers,” Trixie sneered, “at what happens to those who try to make a fool out of The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The audience laughed and jeered as the strings pulled the colts through a series of midair capering antics. “W-we’re s-sorry, Trixie,” stammered the Snips the harlequin. “Yeah…!” agreed Snails the pierrot. “We totally didn’t know you made up that story about the Ursa, eh?” Trixie gritted her teeth and felt a faint blush spread across her nose and cheeks. “Hmph! It seems these two still haven’t learned their lesson!” Trixie put a hoof to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. A deep, rumbling growl answered back, and the enormous shape of the Ursa Major came into view through the Auditorium’s open upper archways. It reached a wagon-sized paw in through one of the windows and reached for Snips and Snails. The colts struggled to get away, their legs galloping futilely in the air. “How made-up does it seem now?” Trixie asked snidely. The assembled Ponies pointed and laughed as Trixie dangled the pair just out of reach of the Ursa’s wicked claws. The pierrot and the harlequin squealed in terror. Their wide eyes filled with tears. The crowd kept laughing. “Trixie, stop this!” shouted Twilight. “They’re going to get hurt!” Down in the audience, Pinkie Pie’s gaze darted from the panicked, weeping colts, to the crowd, to The Great and Powerful Trixie, to Twilight’s cage, and back again. She frowned. A glimmer of will shone in her pale blue eyes. “That’s not funny…” she whispered. Next to her, Rarity nodded in agreement. “You’re so right, dah-ling,” she whispered. “Those costumes are imported satin – it would be simply tragic if they were ruined.” “Yeah…” Pinkie Pie shook her head. “What? No! I mean it’s not funny to laugh at Ponies who are scared! Laughing is supposed to make your scaredy-ness go away!” Rarity pondered this for a moment, but then her glassy eyes seemed to grow still emptier. “I’m sure The Great and Powerful Trixie has a good reason,” she muttered in a monotone. Trixie strode over to Pinkie and Rarity. “Is there something you two would like to share with everypony?” she asked. “Trixie is curious what could be more interesting than her carefully-arranged object lesson!” Rarity mumbled a nervous apology and turned away, but Pinkie met Trixie’s gaze. “Y-you…You sh-shouldn’t…” Pinkie’s ears drooped. Her knees were shaking. “Youshouldn’tbemean!” she blurted. The effort of forcing out those words left her brow shining with sweat, but the moment they left her lips it felt as though a great weight fell off her shoulders. “Mean?” replied Trixie. “Don’t make Trixie laugh! This is no more than those little idiots deserve!” Trixie looked up at the terrified colts with a satisfied grin, but then a sudden pain jabbed her belly. She hopped backward and peered at the ground, looking for the Pony responsible, but nopony was there. Odd… Trixie shrugged. “It seems our little clowns are too quick for Trixie’s mighty Ursa Major,” she said to the crowd. “Should we let her use her other paw as well?” As the crowd cheered and stomped applause another, stronger pain stabbed Trixie’s innards. All at once, she realized what the sensation was: hunger. She was positively starving. She cleared her throat. “Maybe next time,” she told her audience. She magicked the colts down to the ground. They huddled in a hug and wept on each other’s shoulders. “For now, The Great and Powerful Trixie desires a feast. There will be no magic show until Trixie is fed!” Trixie watched the Pony masses crowd about in disarray until a Stetson-wearing Earth Pony spoke up: “Don’t you worry none, Trixie! Sweet Apple Acres has got Ya covered! We’ll fix up a banquet worthy of a Princess!” The crowd cheered. “Well, be quick about it!” said Trixie. “Trixie hates to be kept waiting.” Twilight Sparkle looked down at Trixie from her spot in the suspended cage. Her eyes passed over the majestic blue Unicorn’s twitching belly, the beads of sweat on her brow, and the tension in her jaw. Twilight tapped a front hoof on her chin pensively. ••••••••••••••••••• A short time later the Fabulous but Famished Trixie sat at the head of a lengthy table in a grassy clearing at Sweet Apple Acres. Setting sunlight peeked through the farm’s orchards and bathed the scene in golden warmth. Several dozen admirers and hangers-on milled about nearby, basking in Trixie’s presence. Twilight Sparkle’s cage sat behind and to the side of Trixie, under the shade of one of the larger apple trees. One by one, the Ponyville members of the Apple family trotted out from the farmhouse and set out a sumptuous spread. Oven-fresh apple pies, turnovers, brioche, fritters, crisps and more spread a mouth-wateringly sweet scent through the air. Once the service was complete Applejack, Big Macintosh, little Apple Bloom and old Granny Smith stood back, puffed with pride. “Dinner is served, Trixie,” said Applejack proudly, and doffed her Stetson. “We hope it’s to Yer likin.’” As Trixie inhaled the meal’s intoxicating aroma, the pain in her belly intensified. It took a significant effort to keep from drooling on the tablecloth. “It looks…acceptable,” she said loftily. “I’m glad!” Applejack beamed. “I can truly say that this here’s some of the finest bakin’ that we’ve ever done – mah Granny’s outdone herself! Why, it’s even better than the stuff I brought to the Grand Gallopin’ Gala!” Trixie paused with her lips mere inches from a particularly plump and pomaceous pie and muttered: “What.” “The Grand Gallopin’ Gala! It’s this big to-do over in Canterlot–” “Trixie knows what the Grand Galloping Gala is,” said Trixie, her voice clipped and harsh. She was in shock; this country bumpkin Mudhoof had gone to a Gala? Inconceivable! She couldn’t help but voice the question now gnawing at her: “How did you get invited to a Gala?” “Princess Celestia gave her a ticket,” Twilight piped up. “Since I’m Celestia’s personal student, She gave them to all of my friends.” Trixie turned to face Twilight’s cage. The purple Unicorn’s face was calm and guileless, but Trixie knew a con when she heard one. Her finely-honed showpony instincts had detected the subtle notes of smugness and haughtiness in Twilight’s tone. Twilight was obviously goading her; trying to shock her with the revelation and make her lose control of the situation. Again. It won’t work! she silently promised. Turning back to the gorgeous banquet, Trixie off-hoofedly remarked: “How wonderful for you! Perhaps someday you’ll find friends that don’t need to be bribed to stand you!” Twilight’s jaw dropped. The fawning Ponies surrounding the table chuckled and nudged one another. “Now just an apple-pickin’ minute…!” said Applejack. “That ain’t how it is at all!” “Oh?” asked Trixie. “Then just how is it? Why don’t you tell Trixie – tell us all – how your dear Twilight Sparkle measures up against the inestimable magnificence that is Trixie!” Trixie’s horn glowed, and she once again called forth the Regalia’s full radiance. The herd of admirers knelt in the lush grass. Applejack caught Trixie’s display head-on; she slid back slightly, her hooves digging divots into the rich soil. She stood there, slack-jawed and silent save for the sound of her breathing, until Trixie spoke again. “Well? Out with it! Say what you really think about Twilight Sparkle, now that Trixie is here!” Tears welled up in Applejack’s unreflecting green eyes. “Tw…Twilight is nothin’…” she whispered. “Go on…” said Trixie, relishing every word, “and while you’re at it, you can apologize for this mediocre meal, as well!” Applejack’s eyes brightened. A shudder passed through her, and she fixed her stance. She gritted her teeth, inhaled deeply, and then shouted: “Twilight is nothin’ less than a perfect friend! …And my Granny’s cookin’ is FAN-BUCKIN’-TASTIC!” Trixie snarled. “HOW D-D-D-DARE Y-Y-Youu…?” a fit of tooth-chattering chills forced Trixie to cut off her reprimand partway. She tried again, but the shivering soon became too intense for her to speak intelligibly at all. She staggered back from the table. Her herd of admirers began murmuring anxiously. Fluttershy leaned out from the nearby tree behind which she’d been hiding from the large crowd. “Oh…oh my!” she said softly, “I think Trixie is ill. I have to help Her!” She slowly flew over to the stricken Goddess, her brows knitted in worry. While the gathered throng descended upon the banquet despite the Apple family’s protests, Twilight watched her Pegasus friend gently lead Trixie down the path to her cottage. Twilight smiled a small but hopeful smile. ••••••••••••••••••• The Pained and Shivering Trixie ducked her head to fit through the door to the rustic cottage. Several small birds inside sang to announce her presence like a chorus of tiny heralds. Fluttershy nodded toward a well-stuffed green divan in the cottage’s living room. “Please…just lie down there, and I’ll get You a blanket,” she said. Trixie’s shivering had worsened to the point that her gossamer wings were beginning to fray at the edges; she mentally released their enchantment and allowed them to dissipate before flopping down heavily on the divan. The yellow Pegasus soon returned with a patchwork quilt dangling from her jaws. She spread it over Trixie’s shaking form, but it couldn’t quite cover a Pony of her majestic size. Despite her malaise, Trixie raised a quizzical eyebrow at her hostess. “Um…oh,” said Fluttershy sheepishly. “I’m sorry! I’ll fetch You another quilt right away!” She darted off. Alone once more, Trixie curled up under the quilt as best she could and indulged in an anguished grimace. The pain in the pit of her stomach was still there, but the thought of eating made her feel ill. Chills still wracked her, and every breath came in shuddered gasps. Her shimmering, mirrored mane and tail hung limply. What’s happening? She silently wondered. Are the Regalia fighting me? Or did Celestia put some toxic ward on them to keep her treasures safe? “You won’t win,” she muttered. “Trixie’s in charge now!” “Yes, Ma’am. Of course, Ma’am,” said Fluttershy from the living room doorway. She hovered over to the now-blushing Trixie with an additional quilt hanging from her front hooves. After some careful arranging, Trixie’s silver-maned, tiara-topped head peeked out from a cozy cloth cocoon. “Can I get you anything else, Ma’am?” asked Fluttershy. Her voice was as soft and caring as any nurse’s. “Some soup? Perhaps some herbal tea?” She smiled warmly. For a moment Trixie didn’t know what to say. She could feel the Regalia’s aura wafting out from her and she could see the enthralled vacancy in the Pegasus’ eyes, but somehow she sensed that Fluttershy would have behaved much the same if Trixie had been…what? Her real self? Her forgettable, lost-in-the-crowd self, stooping to telling outrageous lies and even committing high treason, just to get noticed… Trixie’s lower lip quivered. She looked away, desperately fighting back tears that seemed to have ambushed her out of nowhere. “Oh! Am I bothering You, Ma’am? I didn’t mean to…” Fluttershy hovered backward. “N-No!” Trixie croaked around the lump in her throat. “Stay! That is…y-your common quilts are too thin for Trixie’s liking. You will have to keep Trixie warm yourself.” She still couldn’t bring herself to look the Pegasus in the eye. “Are You…are You asking for a hug, Ma’am?” Fluttershy’s caring tone was devoid of any hint of mockery or judgment. “O-Of course not!” Trixie chided. “Don’t be foalish! Trixie is simply c-c-cold!” a fresh bout of shivering seemed to confirm her statement. Fluttershy silently hovered over, wrapped her front legs around Trixie’s quilt-wrapped shoulders and rested her head against her mirrored mane. Trixie couldn’t help but rack her memory for the last time somepony – anypony – had held her. It had been years. Even back at home, Mother and Father had always been so busy. She’d been loved, yes, but with so many brothers and sisters there were only so many moments in the day, and somepony was always teething, or crying, or asking for help with their studies, when all she wanted was to be seen… Trixie’s shoulders shuddered, and not from her chills. Indeed, her symptoms seemed to be fading by the second. She sighed softly. She felt close – so achingly close – to some massive emotional release, some intense outpouring of…something…the flood of which she knew would wash away all of her tension and her fear and her – “WE LOVE YOU TRIXIE!” An obnoxiously loud cry from outside broke the moment’s spell. Trixie turned her head to peer out a nearby window. A great many townsponies were gathered outside, clustered around the cottage’s door and windows, stretching and craning to get a glimpse of their illustrious sovereign. In the back of the throng, a pair of Earth Ponies held up a hastily-scrawled banner that read: ALL HAIL THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIX A sense of exposure and vulnerability filled Trixie, reinforcing her emotional floodgates. Her pain and chills returned, further tainting the moment. “Get off!” she barked. She kicked herself free of the quilts. “Remember your place!” She shoved Fluttershy back with an Orichalcum-shod hoof. The Pegasus slid off of the divan and down onto the wood floor. She cringed. “I’m sorry, Ma’am!” she insisted. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry!” Trixie sat up on the divan, letting her silvery mane and tail flow freely. She cast a stern, imperious glance at the assembled crowd outside. They responded with gasps and sighs of delight. Many waved. She turned to face Fluttershy. “You can redeem yourself by preparing some soup for Trixie,” she commanded. “Yes, Ma’am! Right away, Ma’am!” said Fluttershy. She flitted over to the pantry to fetch some vegetables. Trixie watched and listened as the Pegasus chopped, poured, sprinkled and cooked as quickly as she could. The whole time, the pleasant smile never left her pale yellow face. When the meal was ready at last, Fluttershy presented the bowl of nutritious vegetarian stew to her illustrious guest on a wooden tray. “Here you go, Ma’am,” said Fluttershy, slightly out of breath. Trixie looked down at the tray somewhat dubiously. “Where’s the spoon?” she asked. “...The spoon…?” Trixie sighed irritatedly. “Yes, you halfwit, the spoon! Do you expect Trixie to slurp her soup from the bowl like some common Earth Pony – or Pegasus?” “Oh! No, of course not, Ma’am!” said Fluttershy apologetically. “But, um…” Fluttershy’s voice grew even softer than usual. “I only have measuring spoons.” Trixie sighed a deeper, more impatient sigh. “Well, then go and find Trixie a spoon worthy of her! And make it fast!” Fluttershy streaked out the front door at once, bowling over the half-dozen Ponies closest to the door outside. Fluttershy explained the situation amid hasty apologies, and soon a rallying cry of “SPOON! SPOOOON!” could be heard echoing in all directions. Trixie rolled her eyes. After a few minutes Fluttershy returned, her mane mussed and her breath coming in ragged gasps around the decorated sterling silver spoon clenched in her teeth. She trotted over and carefully set down the fine utensil on the tray. With a muttered “It’s about time,” Trixie magicked it up and scooped up a spoonful of the stew. But a moment after tasting it she grimaced theatrically. “Blech!” “Oh, no!” said Fluttershy. “Is something wrong?” “This soup is cold!” said Trixie. “How dare you serve The Great and Powerful Trixie cold soup?” “B-But, I…You wanted…” Fluttershy’s brows knitted over her wide cyan eyes. “No excuses!” Trixie shouted. “Fortunately for you, Trixie has changed her mind. Trixie now desires some tea.” When the Pegasus proved slow to react, she added a sudden “NOW!” Fluttershy yelped, peeped out a quick “Yes, Ma’am!” and raced into action. Trixie sat, brooding but regal, until Fluttershy finished her work. The tray balanced on Fluttershy’s front hooves as she flew over now held a teapot and a freshly-poured cup of tea. The scents of cinnamon, apple blossom and allspice filled the small living room. “There you go, Ma’am,” said Fluttershy. “Please be careful – it’s still hot!” Trixie magicked up the cup, blew on the tea, and took a small sip. As she did so, a diminutive purple Dragon popped his head up over the far side of the divan. Trixie’s small, startled gasp half-choked her on piping-hot tea. She spat and spluttered in a profoundly un-Goddess-like fashion. Fluttershy yelped in surprise and hopped backward, dropping the tray and teapot as she did so. Spike winced and bit his lower lip, and then slowly ducked back down out of sight. Trixie cleared her throat and turned to face Fluttershy. “Clean up that mess, you clumsy Buzzard!” she snapped, trying to burn away her embarrassment with hostility. Fluttershy squeaked in reply and darted away to find a rag. “Who let that Dragon in here, anyway?” Trixie added sulkily when Fluttershy returned. Fluttershy – who was now busying herself trying to clean up the mess on the floor – tensed for a moment, and then gently, sweetly, but with a tone that suggested countless repetitions, said: “Now, now, Mother…you know there are no Dragons in Cloudsdale.” “What…?” said Trixie, raising an eyebrow. Fluttershy looked up. Her empty eyes were shining with tears, but her smile was unshakeable. “There are no Dragons in Cloudsdale – n-not one,” she said, and picked up the tray – now piled with shards of broken teapot and a sodden rag. “Please…just try to relax.” Trixie stared silently as the Pegasus flew off to dispose of the tray’s contents. “Wh…wha…” she said to the empty room. A small voice from beneath Trixie said: “Yeah…she’s got some issues.” Spike crawled out from under the divan. “Maybe You should have been a little less harsh with her,” he said hesitantly, but the moment his gaze fell on Trixie he added: “…but I’m sure You had a good reason,” and sighed adoringly. “How did you even get in here?” asked Trixie crossly. “I slipped past the crowd and squeezed in through a window,” said Spike proudly. Trixie sighed in irritation and got to her hooves. She crept over to the doorway to the adjoining room, and peered around the corner. Fluttershy was huddled in a corner with her back facing Trixie. She was rocking back and forth, tightly hugging a small white rabbit and sobbing. “P-Please don’t hurt him, Mother,” she whimpered. “He isn’t a spy…I s-swear he isn’t…please…!” The rabbit locked eyes with Trixie over Fluttershy’s shoulder and fixed her with an accusing glare. The Regalia may have stopped him from hating Trixie, but he was getting as close to doing so as he possibly could. Before Trixie could say a word, the temperature in the room suddenly climbed to unbearable levels. She drew back from the doorway, her hide already shining with sweat. Despite the sweltering heat her shivers intensified, as did the pain in her guts. She barely made it back to the divan before collapsing. “H-help…” she gasped weakly. “T-Trixie…needs h-help…” Fluttershy was too far away and too upset to hear her, but Spike snapped to attention and saluted. If he felt the punishing heat, he showed no sign of it. “Yes, Ma’am!” he said brightly. “Sometimes when Twi–” Spike caught himself in mid-sentence as the one eye of Trixie’s visible through the strands of her limp mane narrowed menacingly. “ – Uh, I mean, the Unicorn I live with, needs help, she has me write a letter to Princess Celestia. You could try that!” “Don’t be a – no, wait!” said Trixie, a tiny touch of strength returning to her voice. “Little Dragon, you will write the letter I dictate, and sign it with that Unicorn’s name.” “Sign it…but why?” he asked. “DO AS TRIXIE SAYS!” she snarled. The effort left her breathless. “Yes’m!” he chirped hastily, and produced a quill and scroll from nowhere in particular. ••••••••••••••••••• The Royal Princess Luna stood atop the raised dais at the back of Canterlot Castle’s throne room, surrounded by dignitaries, courtiers, messengers and servants. As her sister had suggested, Luna had found that little was different after her centuries-long absence, and that she’d remembered how to juggle affairs of state with little difficulty. Despite the endless formalities and insufferable nobles, she had to admit that it was nice to be the focus of everypony’s attention for once. And she was managing it without the Mantle! As she pressed the tip of her signet-shoe on the wax seal of a new anti-littering ordinance, a greenish flash from above caught her attention; she looked up. A rolled-up scroll popped into existence in midair and plopped down before her. Intrigued, she waved aside the courtier yammering beside her, magicked open the letter, and quickly skimmed the highlights of its contents: Dear Princess Celestia … strange happenings … unfamiliar magic … terrible symptoms … counterspell … come at once … Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle. Luna magicked up a fresh quill from the many occupying a crystal vase at her left and laid out a fresh sheet of paper from the sizeable stack at her right, and wrote a quick reply to her sister’s student. ••••••••••••••••••• “You just…burn it?” Trixie asked doubtfully. “Yup!” said Spike. “And usually it only takes a – *URRP!*” With a fiery belch, Spike received a reply to the letter he’d just sent off. “Well…?” said Trixie impatiently. “Don’t just stand there – tell Trixie what it says!” She struggled to lift her head and look down at the baby Dragon. “Dear Twilight Sparkle,” said Spike, reading from the scroll, “We regret to inform you that Our Royal Sister has taken ill with Alicorn Flu in the past few days, and will be completely unable to attend to Her usual affairs until She recovers – hence Her diversion of Her personal correspondences to Us. Your problem sounds troubling, but We must ask that you try to research a solution on your own. We are too busy acting in Celestia’s stead to come to Ponyville, and any contact with Our sister in Her present state would mean sickness and certain death for any non-Alicorn – perhaps even for you. Harmonia Vobiscum. Alacorna Noctis, Luna Principissa.” Trixie’s jaw dropped. The frigid terror crawling down her spine did nothing to alleviate her fever. The room seemed to spin around her. “It…it can’t be…” she said softly. “Oh, don’t worry,” said Spike. “I’m sure Celestia will be fine.” “Shut up!” Trixie snapped. She struggled her way onto her hooves. “Trixie has to think…” Vital or not, Trixie quickly found thinking all but impossible. The pain in her belly, the chills and the fever, combined with the letter’s dire news about what they all meant, crowded out any chance of formulating an alternative to doing what she desperately did not want to do. “No choice…gotta go fast…” she muttered, and ignited her horn. “Gotta fly…” A faint cocoon of light began to form around Trixie’s wracked form, but the spell matrix soon collapsed. Sickened as she was, she didn’t have the strength to re-create the gossamer wings. No! It’s too far to go on hoof! She silently lamented. How can… Unbidden, the memory of a cocky rainbow-maned blue Pegasus popped into her head. YES! Trixie staggered to the front door and opened it. The crowd waiting out in the crisp evening air cheered and stomped applause on sight of her. “Silence!” she shouted. The throng instantly obeyed. Trixie scanned the masses frantically, searching in the deepening dark for that unique multicoloured coiffure. And there she was – hovering up at the back of the crowd, with a white Unicorn dangling from her front hooves. “You!” Trixie called out as she pointed to the pair. “Approach Trixie at once!” Rainbow Dash flapped over the crowd and set Rarity down before landing next to her. Rarity was carrying a sparkling formal gown with a matching saddle and wrap. “Oh, I am so happy You noticed me!” gushed Rarity. “I have been working on this piece for weeks, and as soon as I saw You, I knew nopony else could do it justice!” “Uh-huh,” Trixie said, and then magicked up the saddle. She slipped it on but then turned it over, leaving the saddle resting against her belly and the straps spread across her back. Rarity giggled demurely, hiding the faux pas behind a front hoof. “Oh, no, Milady – it goes the other w–” “Mm-hm,” Trixie said, and turned to face Rainbow Dash. “You there – you say you’re a fast flyer, right?” “The FASTEST!” said Dash proudly. “I mean, You saw me the last time You were here – oh, no hard feelings, by the way. Now that I know You better, I totally see where You were coming fro–” “I DON’T CARE!” Trixie snapped. “Err, that is, Trixie doesn’t care! Right now Trixie needs to get to Canterlot very, very quickly, so you will carry Trixie there.” “You got it!” said Dash. She flew up above Trixie and worked her legs under the saddle straps. “Why are you going to Canterlot?” asked Spike from the doorway. “What about Celestia’s fl–” A magicked zipper sealed Spike’s mouth. Trixie smiled innocently. Rarity looked up at Rainbow Dash. “You’re going to carry an Alicorn-sized Pony all the way to Canterlot?” she asked incredulously. “That’s ridiculous!” She faced Trixie. “I have plenty of friends in the carriage business – just let me ask around a bit, Milady, and I can see that You travel in the style to which somepony of Your grace and nobility is surely accustom–” “NOT. INTERESTED,” said Trixie with menacing gravity. “Why don’t you run along and push your tacky trash on somepony gullible enough to want it?” A pink flush crept across Rarity’s alabaster hide, focusing in an almost cherry-red shade on her face. “Trash…?” she said in disbelief. “Y-You think it’s…” Rarity turned up her nose and magicked up the rest of the ensemble. She turned on her hooves and trotted away. She was well-hidden in the depths of the crowd when she unleashed a pitiful wail perfectly blending outrage and despair. Trixie’s legs gave out. She collapsed on the grass and Rainbow Dash, pulled by the straps, crashed down on top of her. “Oof! Are you all right, Trixie?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Canterlot,” whispered Trixie softly. “Now.” ••••••••••••••••••• Princess Celestia turned over in her luxurious bed and sighed a blissful sigh. It had been centuries since she had gone a day without having to manage any affairs of state or celestial bodies, and the break had been positively rejuvenating. So, it was with a refreshed body and a relaxed mind that she met the sight of a pair of blue Ponies crashing down on her balcony. The two had fallen out of the night sky like a shooting star and torn a silken curtain from the balcony archway on their way inside. They lay on the smooth marble floor in a heap. The smaller Pony – a rainbow-maned sky-blue Pegasus – wriggled free of the rich fabric and stood at attention. Her hide and mane were soaking with sweat, her wide eyes were unfocused, and she was breathing in short, desperate gasps. She saluted in something like Celestia’s direction, and said: “P-p…pres…presenting…Th-The…Gr-great…and P-powerf-f-ffff…” She collapsed. Celestia frowned, magicked the curtain off the second Pony and wrapped it around the exhausted Pegasus like a blanket. The Alicorn turned to face the now-exposed Unicorn at her hooves. Trixie struggled free of the off-kilter saddle and sat up. She met the Princess’ gaze with only minimal terror showing in her purple eyes. “T-Trixie has c-come to…” She swallowed, silently chiding herself for letting so much fear creep into her voice. “…to demand a cure for the Alicorn Flu!” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Oh, my little Pony – have you caught my terrible sickness?” Her voice was soaking in honey-sweet sympathy and concern. “How can that be? I have been sequestered in my chambers!” Trixie looked away. “You know how,” she muttered. “Trixie is wearing your Regalia!” Celestia put a pensive front hoof to her chin. “Hmm…! Why, so you are! I did wonder where those had got to!” She glanced over at Rainbow Dash’s unconscious form for a moment. “But you sound like a Canterlotter – what were you doing all the way over in Ponyville? And why did you bring this hard-working Pegasus with you when you returned?” Trixie scowled. Her innards felt like she’d swallowed broken glass, her shivering made every breath a struggle, her fever made the room seem to swim, and not even a rampaging Dragon could make her legs support her weight – and now her only hope for survival was toying with her. Fine, she thought to herself. Trixie will play your game. “Trixie came to Ponyville…to get revenge,” she said. “Trixie was made a fool of in that town, and the Regalia let Trixie get back at the Ponies there. But then Trixie got sick, and Trixie used this Pegasus to speed up the trip to come ask for a cure.” She stared daggers at Celestia. “And then a certain Alicorn started asking all sorts of foalish questions instead of saving Trixie’s life!” Celestia winced. “You had her bring you straight to me, even though you knew she’d be exposed to the Alicorn Flu by doing so?” Trixie growled in frustration. “YES, OKAY! YES! Now, hurry up and–” All at once, the darkness in the room seemed to deepen; the shadows splashed up the walls and across the floor and ceiling, and even Celestia’s stark white hide dimmed. Soon, everything had turned completely, impenetrably black. No…not black… “Blind!” Trixie gasped. “I’M BLIND!” Trixie heard Celestia let out a small, saddened sigh. “More than you know,” she whispered. “WHAT? Trixie doesn’t…Trixie…” Tears welled up in Trixie’s sightless eyes. Whatever internal floodgate Fluttershy had cracked ruptured violently. Trixie fell down on her side and wailed: “I DON’T WANNA DIE!” She curled her head forward and sobbed between her useless front legs. Trixie felt a strong but gentle field of magic wrap around her and lift her up. The magic turned her over and cradled her like a foal before setting her down on Celestia’s soft bed. “P-Pleeeez…” Trixie whimpered. “I don’t wanna die…” She sniffled. “I just w-wanted to follow my Cutie Mark…to use my s-special talent…is that so WRONG?” She fell into another fit of weeping. Celestia stroked Trixie’s mirrored mane with a bare front hoof. “Shhh…there, there. I know. It must be hard to have a Cutie Mark for thievery.” “Wh-what? No! That’s not–” “Oh, I beg your pardon,” said Celestia. “My mistake. So it must be vengeance, then?” “No!” “Tyranny?” “NO!” Trixie shouted as loudly as her sickness would allow. “It’s magic! I’m a showpony! A MAGICIAN!” “Ohhhhh…!” said Celestia in mock surprise. “But if you’re a magician, how would stealing a dangerously-powerful set of enchanted relics and using them to ruthlessly and cruelly dominate Ponies you hardly know make for an entertaining performance?” “I…” Trixie turned away from the sound of Celestia’s voice. “…That wasn’t part of the show.” “Then why did you do it?” Trixie gritted her teeth. She rolled back in Celestia’s direction, and shouted: “BECAUSE I WAS ANGRY!” The Regalia glowed for a moment, and thunder rumbled from the night sky. As the echoes of the thunder faded the chamber fell silent for a long moment. Eventually, Celestia softly said: “You don’t have Alicorn Flu, Trixie.” Blind or not, Trixie stared in disbelief. “I…I don’t?” she squeaked. “No, my little Pony. There’s no such thing.” “B-But…what about…?” Celestia pulled Trixie into a hug. “What you’re feeling isn’t sickness, Trixie – it’s punishment.” “Punishment?” “Yes. I used the Elements of Harmony to create the Regalia of the Day-Mare, and the two share an unbreakable bond. When I…did something regrettable…many years ago, the Elements’ disapproval fed back through the Regalia and made me experience the pain of the Pony I had wronged. I have been watching you, Trixie, and the same thing has been happening to you each time you have violated the spirit of the Elements.” Celestia set Trixie back down. “You are sick because you used the Regalia to be mean-spirited, deceitful, cruel, selfish and disloyal.” Trixie blushed. “I wasn’t!” A shiver passed through her so strongly that she tipped over. “I mean, they had it coming!” Trixie’s fever rose. “*Rrrgh!* FINE! It’s true! I was a vicious, lying, NAG! Is that what you want to hear? I did awful things to Ponies – even when they were good to me – and…” A brief instant of awareness flickered on Trixie’s tear-streaked face. “…And I probably deserved this.” Bit by bit, Trixie’s fever abated. Her shivers settled, and the twisting pain in her stomach subsided. Feeling slowly returned to her limbs, and the soft glow of moonlight gradually illuminated the room. Celestia gently reached forward with her front hooves, plucked the tiara from Trixie's brow, and slipped it on. She then took back the other relics one by one, until Celestia had returned to her usual divine splendor and the Mundane and Mortal Trixie lay revealed on the silken bedspread. “So I suppose it’s off to the dungeon with me?” asked Trixie morosely. “Not at all,” Celestia replied. “Where do I get this reputation?” A touch of Trixie’s customary vainglory returned. “Then…Trixie is free to go?” “Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You left quite a mess behind you in Ponyville – not to mention a confused and irritated Ursa Major! Did you really think you’d just trot off into the sunrise?” Trixie looked away. “…Maybe.” Celestia chuckled demurely. “You remind me a great deal of myself a few hundred years ago, Trixie. Count yourself lucky for that. Now…I have to head to Ponyville at once. In the meantime, you will remain here, think about what you’ve done, and get some rest. Once things calm down, I’ll come back for you.” Celestia magicked Rainbow Dash’s unconscious form onto her back. “Oh, and Trixie?” Celestia added as her horn ignited with the white glow of a teleportation spell. “If you try any disappearing acts, I will be extremely…disappointed.” Trixie gulped. ••••••••••••••••••• Ponyville had seen better days, but the town still stood. Ponies galloped to and fro, busily filling in pawprints, replacing broken windows, replanting flowers, and generally tidying up. Applejack and Rarity led the repair teams – with wildly different priorities as to form versus function. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, respectively, took care of making and delivering refreshments, while Fluttershy tended to hurt and frightened animals in the area with the aid of Angel the Bunny and Spike, neither of whom had left her side since the evening before. As was her wont, Twilight Sparkle took care of organization. Once she had returned from escorting the Ursa Major back into the woods, the addition of Princess Celestia’s prodigious magical talents made the reconstruction go by all the faster. The next morning Celestia called for the townsponies to assemble in the auditorium. “My loyal subjects,” she stated from the podium adjoining the stage, “I would like to extend my deepest sympathies for the troubles you have all endured of late, and also express my admiration for the bravery and resolve many of you showed in facing those troubles.” Celestia nodded deeply to the crowd, which responded with a wave of cheers and applause. “Now, though,” Celestia continued, “I believe somepony else has something to say to you all.” Celestia magicked open the stage curtains, and The…well, The Blue Unicorn Trixie stood revealed. She trotted forward to the edge of the stage with all of the dignity that she could muster. The Ponies in the crowd whispered and murmured. “What’s she doing here?” asked Rainbow Dash from the front row, sitting down and crossing her front hooves. “Ya gonna do a trick?” added Applejack. “’Cause I bet ya could do a great apple tree impression…” she fixed her stance. “That’s enough!” snapped Celestia. In a heartbeat, the auditorium was as silent as a tomb. “Trixie – tell them why you are here.” “Tr…Trixie…is…” Trixie looked at Celestia, her eyes imploring. Celestia narrowed her eyes and nodded to the crowd. Trixie sighed in surrender. “Trixie is here to make amends for what she’s done. It was wrong of Trixie to enchant you all with her glorious, radiant–” Celestia cleared her throat. “…Trixie is sorry.” Trixie trotted over to the right side of the stage, where Twilight Sparkle and her friends occupied the front row. “Trixie is sorry for having you locked up,” she said to Twilight, biting off the words as if they were so much bitter ash in her mouth. “And…?” Asked Twilight, pointing at the pink Earth Pony next to her with a front hoof. Trixie faced Pinkie Pie. “…And for using humour for evil.” Pinkie smiled. “Aww, it’s okay!” she said brightly. “Nopony’s perfec–” “And…?” Applejack interrupted. Trixie sighed. “And for trying to make you slander Twilight Sparkle.” Applejack’s frown remained. “…and your Granny’s cooking.” The frown disappeared, replaced by a happy grin. “And?” said Rarity, raising an eyebrow. Trixie gritted her teeth. “And for calling your wares tacky.” “An-nn-nd?” said Rainbow Dash, tilting her head as she drew out the word. Trixie grunted in frustration. She trotted her front hooves in place. “And for working you half to death just to save travel time!” Fluttershy stayed silent, but the one wide eye of hers that peeked out from between the locks of her rosy pink mane held more pain and sadness than any of her friends’ voices. Trixie looked away and bit her lower lip. “And for…for…” Trixie sagged. “Trixie is just sorry.” After the forced ordeal of the rest of her speech, Trixie was surprised to find that she meant it. “Apology accepted,” said Twilight Sparkle. Her friends nodded in agreement. “Well good,” said Trixie, straightening once more. “Trixie is glad this is all over with.” “Not quite yet,” said Celestia from behind Trixie. “There’s still the matter of your punishment.” Trixie’s ears drooped. “What? B-But Trixie did as you asked!” “Apologies are vital things, but in the end they are still just words,” said Celestia. “They lose their meaning if you don’t act on them. I sent word to my Sister earlier – she’ll know what to do with you.” Celestia’s horn ignited with the white glow of a teleportation spell. “Wait – what?” said Trixie anxiously. “What’s that supposed to mea-aa-aan…?” her voice echoed as she vanished in a burst of white-hot magic. The crowd cheered. “Thanks again for helping us, Princess,” said Twilight, once the hubbub had died down. “I don’t know what we would have done without you!” “Don’t sell yourself short, my faithful student,” Celestia replied, spreading her wings and hopping down off the stage. “You showed a great deal of wisdom in dealing with…recent events.” Twilight frowned. “But I just sat in a cage – I barely did anything! Trixie seemed so powerful, so imposing, so…” Twilight trailed off. “…So much like me?” asked Celestia. “That’s not…! I mean, it was just in the way that she…” Twilight blushed and cleared her throat. “How did she do it?” Celestia looked out one of the auditorium’s upper windows, where the multi-coloured gleam of the stained glass windows in Canterlot’s Royal Palace was just barely visible to her magic-augmented eyes. “I’m sorry, my faithful student, but there are some answers I am simply not yet ready to share with you. Trixie is gone, and she will do suitable penance – I’ve seen to that.” Celestia turned to face the Unicorn before her and smiled. “The important thing is that you didn’t give up hope – or give up on your friends – even when things seemed darkest. That is no mean feat, Twilight Sparkle; it may yet serve you well, and sooner than you think.” “Princess?” Celestia looked back to the distant palace, and once more whispered: “…Sooner than you think.” ••••••••••••••••••• EPILOGUE The Sullen and Sweaty Trixie set down her magicked squeegee and dunked her horn in a nearby bucket of soapy water. The water sizzled as her horn cooled, and Trixie hissed in a sharp breath. She raised her head once more and turned to look at the Palace’s great hall – and its seemingly-endless supply of decorated windows. She sighed exhaustedly. “Don’t stop now,” said the fuchsia-maned white Unicorn at her side. “After these windows, there’s still the library, the Ivory Tower, the observatory–” “All right, all right!” Trixie interjected, adding a quick “Sheesh!” under her breath. She magicked up the squeegee and dipped it in the soapy water. “It’s funny, you know,” said Moondancer while Trixie returned to her task, “I had the strangest dream about a Unicorn named Trixie not that long ago, and then Princess Celestia assigned you as my assistant, and your name is Trixie! Isn’t that weird?” “What are the odds?” said Trixie in mock astonishment. She craned her neck, straining to magick the squeegee all the way to the top of a window depicting the defeat of Nightmare Moon. “I know! It’s like…it was meant to be.” Moondancer smiled. “I’ll never understand Alicorns, though. I mean, I show up to work for Princess Luna late and hung over – and I swear, I still don’t remember why I thought all that cider was a good idea – and Her Royal Sister gives me an assistant for the next six months! Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad I get to spend more time studying with Princess Luna and less time doing chores for Her – but what kind of sense does that make?” Trixie gritted her teeth. Her expression twisted into a scowl. The squeegee’s smooth path across the glass wavered. But then, all at once, her face relaxed, her eyes lost their furious gleam, and she softly muttered: “…Trixie is sure Celestia did what She thought was right.” THE END The story continues after Friendship is Magic Season Two, with Secrets and Lies
Original Character,Crossover,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Silent Assassin
<p>A Hitman Crossover.</p><br/><p>See through the eyes of the perfect Equestrian assassin - known only as 47 - as he engages in dark tasks one would not expect to exist in such a world.</p>
Silent Assassin _____ The Final Word In a dimly lit but decorative room a mare sat at a mahogany desk chewing the end of a pencil in her mouth. She studied furiously over newspapers and sales statistics. Frustrated, she slammed her hoof onto the desk, knocking off the various papers and snapping the pencil in her bite. “Damn it! These two bastards are showing me up! I was supposed to be the new number one up-and-coming author this year!” she exclaimed to herself. In her anger, she accidentally knocked over an inkwell filled with dark red ink, which spilled over newspapers covered in headline stories of two notorious authors. Upon seeing the red liquid staining the images of one of them, a sinister grin curled around the mare’s lips. “No...” she muttered silently to herself, “No, this is merely a stumbling block to my writing magnificence and path to greatness. I should not; I will not allow this minor shortcoming to scrape my knee!” She reached for a phone and stared at it for a moment with enraged yet ecstatic eyes. “I am Velvet!” she continued maniacally, “I’m wealthy and destined to become the greatest author ever to have graced Equestria! No, with a few bits I can remove this rough patch in the road and grease my way to the top! I just have to call him. He has ties to this sort of thing. He can get me what I need!” Upon finishing that sentence she pressed a combination of buttons, and the phone she called began to ring. We live in a beautiful world, where many people are happy and contented to do as they please and live in peace. A world of incomparable harmony. However, there are still those who have problems with this world, and want those problems solved through “non-traditional means.” That’s where The Agency comes in. The Agency is a clandestine organization that provides services of assassination and mercenaries; talents not often found in this day and age of Equestria. The Agency sports the motto of Merces Letifer - Lethal Trade. They are politically neutral, and morals do not exist for them. All that matters is the money. My name is 47, though not officially. I don’t have a name, nor a cutie-mark, and I sport a pale tan coat, and a dark-grey mane and tail, both of which I have practiced quickly changing the styles. I was not even born the same way as most other ponies. I was created as a clone, in an attempt to create “The Perfect Killer.” Given traits of speed, strength, and intelligence far above the average equine, I applied my skills to the profession I know best: Assassination. Why I have no cutie-mark to match this I don’t know for certain, but I’ve speculated that it could either be to assist in my ability to remain unknown, or that the one who I was cloned from had this talent and that cloning doesn’t account for these marks. I was also built to fit in; to look like just your average Joe, with nothing distinctive or noticeable about my appearance. Nopony could match my skills, and I was the best assassin in the world. I was indeed the perfect killer. I didn’t even have the advantage of magic. The Agency never hired unicorns as assassins, as magic could be detected and traced easily, making many hit jobs appear as foul play. Unlike in your world, we have no firearms in Equestria. To take out our targets, we had to rely on cunning and brute force. The Agency had developed various tools to make a hitman’s job easier. Instant Copy Tattoos were developed for those like me who either had no cutie-marks, or dyed them blank. These would be able to copy the cutie-mark of another pony and place it again wherever necessary for a short time, allowing for a better disguise. They also created special hair dyes to recolor our manes in a timely fashion, though it has a distinct smell inclose proximity which those familiar with the product might recognize. I had just retrieved information of a drop containing details on my next mission. My Controller, Diane, always made sure to give me the highest paying missions. My next contract was hidden under the cushion of a specific chair in the theatre in town. I stayed for the show, and waited for the audience to leave. One very important thing an assassin must have is patience, and I waited to make sure that there was not a single person to witness me. Once everyone had left, including the actors on stage, I quickly stood up and removed the cushion, revealing a brown envelope. After retrieving the envelope, I made my way to my hideout, hidden away in a long empty alley in an underground storage basement. Here is where I kept all of my necessary supplies, including various poisons, different binoculars, lock-pick sets, and a fresh supply of ICTs (the Instant Copy Tattoos), and my favorite pair of fiber-wires. I sat at a table and dumped out the contents of the envelope. An ear-piece, a photo of a dark-blue stallion with a rather colorful mane, and floor plans of an estate that seemed large enough to be a mansion. There was also a small slip of paper, on which was written, “LISTEN TO THE EAR-PIECE.” The Agency had various ways of giving its agents mission details. Sometimes through a written letter, a recorded tape message, or an encoded message. I slipped on the ear-piece, which seemed very inconspicuous to have on, as it fit inside the ear and matched the inner-ear’s color, and pressed a button. Upon doing so, I heard my Controller (those who assign us our contracts and missions), Diane’s voice. She never sounded like the type who would be involved in this profession with her cheery sounding tone of voice, but she still managed to make herself sound perfectly serious. “Hello, 47. Diane here. We’ve got a well-paying contract for you. Our client has asked that we eliminate two very infamous authors, known for creating highly controversial and scandalous works. It’s all perfectly legal of course, but there are many who disapprove of them, and our client wants them stopped once and for all. Your targets go by “Midnight Shadow,” and “Pride,” but we could only obtain a photo of Midnight. Pride is a recluse, and has never been seen by anyone other than his personal bodyguards and Midnight. We’re not sure if Pride even has anything to do with his real name. The targets will be holding a night party at their mansion tonight at 8:30 P.M., celebrating the release of their new collaborative work. Unfortunately we couldn’t get you an invitation, 47, so you’re going to have to find some way inside. Keep this ear-piece with you during the mission, 47, as I’ll be giving you intel as we obtain it. It also has a recording feature when a message is sent through it, and can play back the previously received message, but it only holds one recording at a time. As usual you will receive a bonus if you kill only the specified targets, and even more-so if you can make it seem like an accident. Also, the client has offered a bonus payment if you destroy any unfinished works by the two if you find them in the mansion. We don’t have much information about security at the party, but it looks like they don’t have surveillance cameras, so you shouldn’t have a hard time sneaking around. Good luck, 47.” As soon as the message ended, I gathered my necessary supplies: some ICTs, dyes, and my fiber-wire set, all of which I stored in my custom-tailored tuxedo. I studied the layout of the mansion carefully and made sure I had the photo of one of the targets imprinted in my mind. I had quickly made my way to the party, right on time for it to start. There were already various other well-dressed ponies waiting at the front gate, many of which were distinguished authors, critics, and journalists. The estate was surrounded by high concrete walls and trees, and I couldn’t see any way in other than the front gate from my position. I decided to make my way around the guests making their way inside past the bouncer one-by-one and went around one of the corners of the high walls. As soon as I made the corner, I froze to notice someone a slight distance away from me in a tuxedo; probably another guest. He was standing on his hind legs, holding himself up facing a tree. It looked as though the guy had to take a leak before entering the party. I looked down the walls, and didn’t see any other entrances, so I decided this stallion relieving himself was my way in. I crept up to him slowly and quietly, waiting for him to finish before making my move (entering the party wet and smelly was probably not a good idea). He let out a satisfied sigh and lowered himself back down onto all four hooves. I closed the few inches I had on him and wrapped one of my forelegs around his neck, and used my other to hold one of his in place. I choked him only for a short while to render him unconscious, as killing him wasn’t part of my mission. As soon as he slumped in my grasped, I pulled him behind some of the bushes and trees and started digging through his pockets. I located a very convenient party invitation, including his name, and now had the easy way inside. Leaving the unconscious stallion where he was, I made my way to the front gate. The line of people waiting to get in had become significantly shorter, and I watched a few ponies’ invitations get rejected. I only hoped that my invitation wasn’t a false one. As I made my way up in line to the bouncer, he stood in front of me. He was much bigger up close, and didn’t seem like anyone I’d be able to take on. “Name and invitation?” the stallion asked, in a frank but intimidating tone. “Star Buck” I replied quickly, handing him my invitation. He took it from me quickly and reviewed it for a moment. “And why exactly were you invited?” the guard asked, his eyes seeming to pierce into me, trying to judge whether or not I should even be here. “I’m a very wealthy and... generous donor.” I answered. He continued to stare me down for a moment, but I showed no signs of nervousness or intimidation. He tossed my invitation into a bin like he did with everyone else’s he was presented and stepped aside, motioning me to go on in. I stepped through quickly. The whole front courtyard was lit up with decorative lighting, and many of the guests were already conversing. They were unimportant however, as I moved in further, scanning the crowd for the one target I knew the appearance of. It wouldn’t be hard to miss, seeing as he had a brightly-colored rainbow hairstyle. I made my way inside the actual mansion, following a few people through the double-doors at the front entrance. As soon as I went through, I identified my first target. There was Midnight Shadow, talking to a small group of guests. It didn’t seem like anyone else was lining up to talk to him, which seemed rather strange to me. Either way, it gave me an opportunity to try something. Normally, direct confrontation with your mark is very risky, but I needed to find out about Pride and Midnight was the best way for me to do so. As I made my way up to the group, I nearly flinched as Midnight immediately greeted me with a sudden hoof-shake. Thankfully it seems that he didn’t attempt to know the faces of all of the nearly one-hundred guests he invited. “Heh-hey! Welcome to the party! You enjoying yourself so far? Can I get you anything?” he asked me rather spontaneously. With one as wealthy as him, he could have hired professional hosts to cater to the guest’s needs, but apparently he enjoyed getting in with his fans. “Actually...” I began, “I was wondering if we would see Pride during the party? It is, after all, celebrating one of his books.” Midnight frowned and shook his head. “Yeah, about that. Sorry, but Pride’s still going to be his usual self - hiding from the public. He’s actually afraid of negative critique you see, and with what he writes he’s rather paranoid about confronting anyone who might have read his stuff. I’ve tried to talk him into at least doing a secret interview, but he insists on keeping himself holed up in his room all of the time.” Midnight then stepped away abruptly and began to announce to the crowd inside. “Attention everyone! Since Pride won’t be showing up at the party, I’ll be compensating you all by opening up the pool!” With that, Midnight opened up another set of double-doors on the other end of the main hall. None of the guests expected this, and not many were really prepared for a pool party, as most of them were dressed formally. Still, none of them could object to the spontaneous decision as some of them followed Midnight out to the pool area. I decided to follow as well. I needed to keep an eye on my target to study potential patterns, but the moment I stepped outside I noticed he was in a hot tub. It bothered me that my target seemed so very impulsive. It meant he wouldn’t often stay in one place at any given time, thus making him a problem. I would have to find some way to deal with him here and now. I thought back to the estate’s layout, and remembered there was a shed nearby with a power-box in its basement, which I could find some way to use in disposing of Midnight. I immediately spotted the shed I was looking for, and it wasn’t all that far off from my target. I casually made my way over, not trying to attract any attention. The entrance to the shed didn’t seem to be facing the pool, which was a good thing. Sneaking around to the back where the entrance was, I was pleased to see it was conveniently dark, as not much of the lighting reached this spot. I quickly tried the door to the shed, only to find it locked. Quickly darting looks left and right to make sure that no guests or guards could see me, I retrieved my lock-picking device from my tuxedo and began to work on the door, holding it in place with my mouth. You might think that with a lack of hands we ponies would find this an increasingly difficult task, but we always find our ways of getting around it just as easily as we could with hands. In a few moments, it worked like a charm, and the door opened before me. I quietly made my way inside. There were no windows, so turning on a light wouldn’t be harmful. Flipping the switch on, it seemed like a typical shed filled with various tools and supplies for different maintenance tasks. Also I noticed some stairs leading down to a small basement in the shed. Seeing nothing of interest up here, I decided to head down there in hopes of finding the power-box. Making my way down to the basement, I noticed small slivers of light coming from the tops of the walls where a dozen holes - about the size of a golf ball - allowed light to bleed into the room. The room itself was still dark; but with those holes there turning on the lights would be noticeable, so I decided against it. Even in the low light, I could see the circuit breaker I was searching for. All I needed now was a plan involving it. I stood up to peer through the holes in the corner of the ceiling, and could see the entire pool area. Multiple guests were in the large pool, but Midnight was alone in the Jacuzzi. On the floor below the power-box I noticed a bundle of electrical equipment, including wires, and an idea popped into my head. I picked up a long but thin wire that was grey to match the color of the concrete. I grabbed a set of wire-cutters and removed a length of rubber from both ends. I hooked up one end of the exposed wire to the power-box, being extra careful so as not to electrocute myself. Keeping the other end a safe distance from me, I pushed it out of one of the small holes in the top of the wall. The wire was rigid enough to keep it straight, and I lined it up for a path to my first target. I had to be very careful with this technique, however, as there were a lot of guests wandering around. I was moving it slowly enough and it was too small for them to notice casually, but I needed to maneuver it back and forth out of their paths so I didn’t end up killing one of them instead of Midnight. I was interrupted as I heard a very familiar voice in my ear, but I kept my focus while listening. “47; Diane here. We just got some information on Pride, though it isn’t much. Apparently Pride is a smoker. You might want to be on the lookout for guests at the party that could be him incognito.” It was hardly useful information, and served mostly only to distract and slow me down. In that time where I had to reduce my concentration on killing Midnight, a couple had joined him in the hot tub. I didn’t want to revoke my bonus by killing anyone but my targets, so I slowly began to pull the wire back, and then: catastrophe. One of the guests stepped on the wire, but fortunately not on the exposed area. I expected them to move, but they were standing there talking to Midnight. I couldn’t yank the wire back without potentially tripping or shocking them, and tugging on it would make them notice. At that moment, things got only worse. I heard the sound of someone stepping down the stairs, and I immediately turned to see another guest. He wore a tan fedora, and was holding a camera. His pen-and-notebook cutie-mark suggested that he was a journalist, and was probably snooping around for a story on the two authors. He instead found me, and froze gazing at me. Even in the low light of the room, with the light bleeding through he could tell exactly what I was trying. I had to take care of him here and now, and I couldn’t allow him to get a photo of me. A look of fear crossed his face as he detected my intentions and turned to start back up the stairs. I immediately snapped the wire back, hearing the guest outside who was standing on it yelp as they received a quick shock. When the wire came inside, I quickly whipped it into the journalist’s neck. He only let out a sudden gasp as his entire body convulsed and he collapsed down the stairs. So much for my bonus, I thought. I moved the wire aside and checked his vitals, and he was definitely dead. Though I couldn’t understand why he didn’t scream. Any normal pony would have screamed before they were even attacked, but even when he got a fatal electrocution he was dead silent. I immediately discarded the question and thought back to my plan. Peering through the holes once again, I noticed that Midnight was no longer in the hot tub, and was instead tending to his frightened guest. I quickly came up with a new plan, and looked down at the dead journalist. I disrobed from my tuxedo, and took the journalist’s clothing and hat for myself. I retrieved one of my Instant Copy Tattoos and proceeded to steal his cutie-mark. His coat was already the same color as mine, but I didn’t pack the correct dye to match his red-brown mane. I compromised with a black dye instead, and quickly altered my style to match his own. Now disguised as the journalist, I left his body and camera there and went back upstairs to search for Midnight, and potentially Pride. It didn’t seem like anyone at the party smoked, though. I somehow doubted that he would even want to be here incognito, considering what Midnight told me. Before I turned off the light in the shed, I noticed a small bottle of lighter fluid on one of the shelves. It was probably used for grilling vegetables and fruits for an exotic meal, but it would also prove useful in disposing of any unfinished books. I took the lighter fluid, stashed it away in one of my pockets, and proceeded to turn off the lights and return outside. I noticed Midnight heading back inside, and quickly made my way over to catch up to him. I had to make another direct confrontation, but I’d need to try and mask my voice a little. I tapped Midnight’s shoulder to get his attention. He quickly turned to me with a cheery face, but it almost instantly disintegrated into a look of disappointment. “Ah, a journalist.” he said, already having noticed what I looked like. Luckily he didn’t recognize my face. “Do you want something? I can’t do interviews; I’m trying to host a party.” As I shook my head and was about to reply, I head Diane’s voice again over the ear-piece, but tried to ignore it as I spoke to Midnight. “Actually, I was invited here by Pride.” I replied, to which Midnight gave me a suspicious look. I had to roll the dice, and even if it didn’t succeed, I’d still be able to find a way to eliminate them. I changed my voice to a whisper as I continued. “I’m an underground journalist, and Pride asked me to do a private interview, so long as I don’t provide any critique of his work, be it positive or negative.” I had used the information I gathered from Midnight earlier in hopes that this would sound a bit more believable. Midnights look of distrust and disappointment switched back to his cheerful and inviting attitude. “So he finally gave in and took my advice!” he said excitedly. “Yeah, I’ll get you to Pride, but you’re gonna have to go with a guard, and we’re going to search you first.” I was then led over to a door blocked by two rather massive looking stallions. Midnight explained the situation to one of them, and he opened the door for me. I went through, and the second guard followed me in and started to lead the way, while the first guard remained at the door. He didn’t have anything to say to me, and hadn’t yet frisked me. I only hoped that I concealed the lighter fluid and fiber-wire decently enough. While we started making our way around corners and through doors, I remembered the message I received from Diane, and pressed the button on the ear-piece to play it back. “We’ve got some intel on the security situation, 47. Apparently almost every door to the restricted area in the mansion is being watched by one or two guards, but they have very few or no guards actually patrolling inside the restricted parts of the estate. As such, I’ve located an entrance from the outside of the building that isn’t being watched. It leads into an underground basement with only one other entrance that will get you straight inside the restricted area. It’s the part on your map marked Cellar-02.” The message ended, and even though the latter part was useless since I had already gotten inside; knowing that there weren’t many guards actually on the inside would make my job much easier. On the way to Pride’s quarters, I spotted the exit from the said basement. Knowing its location might come in handy for an escape I thought. On the next bend, the guard pointed ahead and stated, “Right through those doors is Pride’s room. I’m gonna have to check you before I let you in.” He didn’t turn to face me yet though, and now that he had given me the information I needed, I no longer wanted a guard hovering over me and taking away my tools. I silently retrieved my fiber-wire and tightened it as I crept closer to the guard. He’s bigger and likely physically stronger than me so I’d have to make sure I took him down in the first attempt or things could get difficult. I quickly made the jump on him, biting onto one handle of the fiber-wire as I wrapped it around his neck and pulled him into me so he couldn’t simply fall backwards to avoid it. He gagged as I strangled him vigorously, but quickly elbowed into my side. Unable to avoid the attack, I was caught in the rib. Even though I grunted with pain, I kept my death grip on the wire. He wasn’t going down easily, and he pushed me back into the wall, knocking down a painting. This was proving to be very troublesome, as we were making too much noise too close to my target’s door. With another slam into the wall, I lost my grip on the fiber-wire and he was released. He quickly turned to take me down, but I quickly reacted and grabbed a decorative vase off of a small table in the hall and as the guard came at me I made a quick and hard smash into his skull. Since he was already dazed from nearly choking to death this was the final blow I needed to render him unconscious, and that vase was pretty heavy too. He collapsed to the floor with a resounding thud. I quickly peeked into one of the doors of a nearby room to make sure no one was inside. Satisfied with its vacancy, I dragged the incapacitated guard inside and went back out into the hall. Luckily nobody had come investigating the racket, and I made my way up to Pride’s door. It already stunk of cigarette smoke as I came to it, which confirmed this was the right place. I peered through the keyhole and saw him sitting at a desk in the back of the room that was facing the door. He was looking over various papers; writing things down on them and scratching things out. Since he was facing the door, I’d have to find some other way inside... but as soon as I deducted that, he stood up and went off through another door in his room. I quickly took the opportunity and made my way inside, pleased to find the door unlocked. Pride had closed the other door behind him and I examined the room. The floor was made of a highly polished hardwood, and there were no rugs or paintings. There was very little decoration at all. I closed and locked the door behind me, moving to investigate the desk. It was littered with various papers, a nearly full ash-tray, and had a very classy looking water-bottle on one end. Another idea popped into my head as I pulled out the lighter fluid. I poured some of it into the ash-tray and then created a small liquid trail to all of the papers on the desk, but made sure not to get any of the ones in the front noticeably wet. When he would next either put out his cigarette or dump some of the ashes the desk would catch fire. At which point I would make the jump on him while he was surprised and eliminate him. Before I moved to conceal myself, however, my eyes quickly darted to an object of importance. There was a smoke detector on the wall and as I was about to go and disable it, I quickly remembered that Pride had probably already done so himself to prevent it from going off while he smoked. I heard steps approaching as Pride was returning to the room, and I darted into a wardrobe in the corner of the room. I left it open by a small crack to monitor my target, and started the waiting game. Pride once again sat down at his desk, but had a puzzled look on his face as he noticed some of his papers and spots of the desk were wet. He then made his fatal mistake, and dove his lit cigarette into the ash-tray. In but a fraction of a second, the entire top of his desk was set ablaze. Pride yelled in surprise and grabbed the water-bottle, dumping it out onto the desk in an attempt to put out the flames, but the water only pushed the blazing papers off of the desk into his lap, and he himself had caught fire. He screamed in horrific agony as his fur coat was alight with a bright yellow and red fire. He was blinded by the fire andin too much pain to make it very far across the room to the door. Soon enough, my first target collapsed to the floor as a charred and dead body. The floor itself didn’t catch fire, probably due to a fireproofed finish. The desk also seemed to get the same treatment, but most of the papers were nothing but ash now. It was two birds with one stone. I had eliminated my more troublesome-to-locate target, and would receive a bonus for destroying his work-in-progress. As I moved over to drag the body away from the door, I heard knocking and immediately flattened myself up against the wall. “Mister Pride? Is everything alright in there? I thought I heard screaming.” I heard one of the guards call out. He then jiggled the door handle to find it locked, and spoke again, “Guys, I think something’s wrong in Pride’s room.” It seemed like he was communicating with the guards through a radio. I decided to wait and see what happened next. “What’s wrong? ...and don’t say ‘guys,’ I’m the only other one with a radio.” I heard a voice call back over the radio. “I smell smoke coming from his room.” “That’s because he smokes, you idiot.” The guard on the other end sounded rather drunk when he spoke. “Yeah, but the door’s locked too.” “Then he’s asleep. So leave him the hell alone and get back to your patrol.” The guard on the other side of the door sighed, and I heard him move away back down the hall. Now I was presented with two problems: First, was that I wasn’t convinced that Pride’s death didn’t go completely unnoticed, and second was that there was no way I was getting back into the party without my escort leading me back in. I went to the room that Pride retreated to a moment ago to check for another escape. All I found was a bedroom with absolutely no windows and soundproofed walls. This guy really was paranoid. It at least ruled out the possibility of someone else hearing the event. While coming up with a way out, I remembered the basement that led into the restricted area. It would now be my designated way out. All I would have to do is avoid the guard on patrol making my way there. I unlocked the door to the room and peered outside making sure the coast was clear. With no guards in sight I made my way back down the hall to the spot where I saw the cellar entrance. It was only a matter of time before they got suspicious about me and the guard not returning, so I had to take care of my second target quickly. I entered the cellar, remembering that it was mostly a straight hallway to a door leading outside, save for a wide open area around its halfway point. Upon making my way almost halfway through, I spotted a small light on up ahead along with one of the guards standing under it. I thought that this was supposed to be an unguarded spot, but this guard clearly wasn’t even supposed to be down here. He was stealing various fine and expensive wines from his employers, and even taking a few swigs from one of the bottles. Noticing the radio strapped to his haunch, I realized this must have been the guard speaking to the other one earlier. He turned to face me, but his eyes were up to the ceiling as he was downing the rest of a bottle of wine, but as soon as he lowered it I was in his sights. He was shocked to suddenly see me standing there and stumbled as he flinched. “Y-you’re not supposed to be down here!” he said nervously. “Neither are you, I take it.” I replied. With that, the guard moved his large grab-bag of assorted wines to the side and made a charge at me. In his drunken stupor he was very slow and clumsy, so all I had to do was avoid his attacks. He suddenly spun around and leaned on his front legs preparing to kick me with full force, but as tipsy as he was - having downed an entire bottle of wine - he lost his balance and fell flat on his stomach. I quickly jumped on his back and pinned his head to the ground. I grabbed one of the wine bottles that rolled over to him and smashed it against an adjacent wooden column, shattering the bottle into pieces and splattering the contents onto my victim’s head, giving him his last drink. He struggled to get out from under me, but it was already too late for him. Sliding the sharp broken glass of the remaining half of the wine bottle under his neck, I pierced into his jugular and tore it open, killing him then and there. I quickly made my way to the exit. None of them would come looking for a dead guard in a place he isn’t supposed to be. I slowly opened the door to the outside, and I could hear the party going on. It seemed the guests were getting a lot livelier. I crept away from the cellar’s entrance and checked to make sure I didn’t have any blood on me, which thankfully I did not. Making my way back to the pool area, I spotted Midnight Shadow’s unmistakable rainbow hair as he had returned to the Jacuzzi, joined by a few guests. Once again, I heard Diane’s voice coming from the ear-piece to give me some new intel. “We’ve got an update on the intel about the estate’s electricity, 47. Apparently they have a backup system in-case any part of the house gets thrown offline, whether it’s cut off manually or short-circuits. The backup power comes online exactly ninety seconds after the power goes out. The toggle switch for this backup power is located in a shed on the opposite side of the pool from the one we marked already containing a circuit breaker. If you toggle the backup power off, it won’t come online when the power goes out.” With that last piece of information a brilliant idea crossed my mind that would help to wrap up this entire mission. I casually made my way to the other shed housing the backup’s switch, making sure to stay out of sight of Midnight, as he would want to talk to me about how the ‘interview’ went (which for me, went quite well). As soon as I made my way around to the dark spot behind the shed, I was face-to-face with some random mare. “Well? Did you get anything?” she suddenly asked me. I could only stand there looking confused, as I tilted my head. “Well did you? Where’s your camera?” she continued. At that moment, I realized she must have been a partner to the journalist I killed earlier. She didn’t realize that I wasn’t him in the dark. I decided to take a gamble and pointed at the shed’s door. I made sure to whisper quietly so she couldn’t determine if my voice wasn’t authentic, “In here, take a look.” But as soon as I said that, a look of sudden alarm crossed her face and she took a step back. “Wh-who are you!? Quill can’t-” She started to say, but she was too frightened to finish, but immediately as she said that I discovered just why that journalist didn’t scream when I killed him; the bastard was a mute! I quickly grabbed the mare and covered her mouth, feeling my way to the door. With a stroke of luck this shed wasn’t locked, allowing me to simply swing it open. I pulled her inside, and kept a firm grip on her as she tried to struggle to get away. I quickly retrieved my fiber-wire and silenced the girl, strangling her helplessly. In just a few moments she was left lifeless and went limp in my grasp. I left the light off and set her down on the floor. This new outcome could potentially offset my plan. I was going to make it seem like the journalist murdered the two authors but ended up accidentally killing himself, but I’m not sure if the investigators would buy him killing his own partner to do it. I decided to go ahead with my plan anyway. The shed was almost exactly the same as the other, and proceeding downstairs I noticed the power-box for the backup power was in the same spot as the other circuit breaker. I stood up to look through the holes and check in on Midnight, pleased to see that he was still relaxing in the hot tub. There were more electrical wires below the power-box in this shed, but they were all bright red; however this wouldn’t matter for my clever scheme. I quickly prepared one of the wires and hooked it up to the box for the backup power, which was currently offline since the power had not yet gone out. I poked the other end of the long wire out of one of the holes, but didn’t push it any further. Instead I proceeded back up and out of the shed. I crept around the crowd of guests at the pool, keeping myself out of Midnight’s view and made my way over to the first shed. Sneaking around to go inside, I headed down the stairs. The journalist’s body was starting to smell, but it wouldn’t be noticeable on the outside for quite a while. I disrobed from the journalist’s clothes that I had stolen from him and proceeded to put them back on his lifeless corpse, leaving the bottle of lighter fluid in his pocket. I then recovered my tuxedo, and had all of my own belongings with me again. With a dye that matched my coat, I covered over the temporary tattoo of the journalist’s cutie-mark and was once again myself, save for the black hair. It was now time to put my plan into full swing. Instead of using the wire inside of this shed to sneak it over to Midnight’s hot tub, I left the wire on the journalist’s body to make it look like he killed himself. The next part to my plan was all about timing. I put my hoof on the main breaker for the power-box and prepared myself to get moving quickly. I looked back to the stairs to memorize where I needed to run, and quickly threw the switch down. With a couple of sparks, the entire area around the pool went pitch black. Screams of alarm came from the crowd. I had ninety seconds to get to the backup power. Upon making it outside, I heard Midnight keeping his guests calm. “Everyone calm down, it’s alright! It’s probably just a short-circuit, the backup power will be on in just a few moments! The water in the hot tub’s still nice so you’re welcome to join me!” In the near total darkness I was able to move quickly without being noticed. I made my way back to the other shed and went back downstairs. I had only a minute left. I grabbed the red wire I left poking out of the hole and pushed it quickly towards Midnight, using only what little moonlight there was to see where I needed to go. In a short moment, I had gotten the exposed end of the wire into the Jacuzzi where Midnight remained to relax, and as soon as the backup power would come on, that water was going to be much hotter than he’d want it to be. I quickly made my way back outside, and people had calmed down some, but Midnight was expressing his disappointment of people wanting to leave him alone in the hot tub, but he still refused to leave it himself. This was all I needed, and now was my chance to leave before they realized he was dead. With half a minute left, I quickly made my way back to the front gate, heading around the outside of the house instead of cutting through the inside. The power at the front was still on, as it was on a separate circuit from the quarter of the house by the pool. The bouncer then stopped me and asked, “You leaving the party early, too?” I smiled and nodded. “Just when things were getting exciting too,” I replied. He then stepped out of my way and let me leave. I had already made my distance away from the estate when I watched the lights come back on at the pool, followed immediately by screams of terror. Most Agents and Controllers check the police reports to get details on the outcomes of their mission, so that the Controllers would know if the Agents successfully completed their contracts. I, however, found a personal preference in reading the headline news. I sat at the table in my hideout reading up on today’s big news, and I knew that somewhere our client was reading the same page. The front image was a very gruesome visage of a dead stallion, whose coat seemed to have been completely singed with his eyes boiled to blackness and his lips melted away. His brash rainbow mane, however, seemed to remain in almost perfect condition, save for its new spiky do-up pointing straight into the air. I continued past it to the actual story. Authors Murdered! Five ponies were found dead last night at a party celebrating the release of two author’s collaborative piece. The authors, Midnight Shadow, and the one only known as “Pride” were killed in cold blood during their party in a murder-suicide. However, it seemed as though the ‘suicide’ was entirely accidental, as the killer clumsily electrocuted himself attempting to use the very weapon intended for his crime. The suspect was one “Silent Quill,” a mute investigative journalist who openly disapproved of Pride and Midnight’s novels. Quill’s partner was also found strangled and asphyxiated to death, though investigators are unable to find a reason as to why. “We can only speculate that she tried to stop him from committing a crime, and he wasn’t having with that,” the Chief of Investigations stated. The author Pride was found in his room burnt to a crisp as he was torched alive in his own estate. Investigators found that lighter fluid was used to destroy the writer’s unfinished book, of which only scraps of burned paper could be found. The same lighter fluid was found on the journalist’s body, further linking him to the crime. The guard who claimed to be escorting Quill to have an interview with Pride was knocked unconscious by the journalist and identified his body to be the same person he was escorting, with a few minor differences. The author Midnight Shadow was killed in a clever scheme involving the house’s electrical system, in which exposed wires were put into the writer’s hot tub while he was relaxing during the party. Investigators say that the journalist likely didn’t realize that one of the power-boxes he used was only a backup power box, and when he shut off the power he was still preparing the second wire. When the power returned as a result of the backup, the journalist Quill suffered an instant death by electrocution. Guests claimed not to have noticed the wire that was put into Midnight’s hot tub, as it was too dark to see something so small and insignificant. The head guard hired by the authors was also found dead in the estate’s wine cellar, killed by a lethal blow to the neck with a broken wine bottle. The other guards stated that he was likely stealing wine from his employers, as none of them were permitted to be down there. The two authors Pride and Midnight Shadow were notorious for creating appalling works of fiction and non-fiction. Many disapproved of their works and demanded their novels be banned from public libraries, but others defended them under freedom of expression. “It was only a matter of time before someone wanted to put them to a stop for good,” says a critic from the Canterlot Institute of Arts. ----------------------------------------- Quick Author's Notes First of all, thanks to Pride, Velvet, and Midnight for letting me use their names/characters for this bit. Now; the characters represented in this fiction do not represent the actual persons. For instance, the real Pride isn’t a smoker, nor is he a paranoid git. He is an awesome brit with a sexy accent. They don’t actually create super-controversial works, I just needed something that one would normally find amongst the storyline of Hitman.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Crossover,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship: The Gathering
Magic the Gathering meets Friendship is Magic
<p>Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon Planeswalker, has set his sights on Equestria to take control of a strange power he senses there, and to add another world to his new empire. However, Jace Beleren has heard of Bolas's plan, and immediately dispatches Cross Malaki to defend it.</p><p>Ponyville's going to have some guests. And not all of them are friendly...</p>
"This is the place…" Jace Beleren stood on a hillside, another young man beside him. Each was looking around, watching for any signs of life. The early morning air was warmer than either had expected, Jace having brought one of his heavier cloaks, and his accomplice decked out in golden armor. "I can sense something here, not sure what though." Jace's companion fell to one knee, putting one hand to the ground. "Yes, I feel it too. I'll set up a barrier to keep out any unwanted visitors." Jace began drawing mana in, but the other man had already summoned a blanket of magical blue fog around them, obscuring them from view. "Let's make this quick then. Bolas's plan as we understand it is hostile takeover. We can't let him expand his powers Cross." Jace sighed and channeled his own mana into fueling the fog. His spell would have been something more subtle. Fog in summer was not a common sight. "I understand. I'll disguise myself in wolf form. I can only hope your information is accurate on the inhabitants of this Plane." Red and blue mana flew to the other man's eyes, and some of the fog was swept away as an unearthly spiral of wind surged around him. The fog fully disappated to reveal the man had been replaced by a stark white wolf with red fur in the form of an insignia on his back. The wolf turned and raced into the trees, Jace making sure the magical fog was gone. "It usually is Cross. It usually is." He watched Cross's canine body race through the trees, before turning. A few muttered words, a flash of blue light, and he was gone. "Okay, everyone be careful. Just follow me very carefully." Fluttershy was once again rounding up the bunnies outside of Ponyville, doing what she could to keep them all together. So far everything had gone well, and she was just finishing the last group. "Alright, this way…" The bunnies' full attention was on Fluttershy, and hers on them, until she bumped right into something behind her. She turned to look, keeping one eye on the bunnies as she did so. The object she'd run into was a large hunk of metal, a deep gray with strange black streaks. The streaks drew Fluttershy's attention first, until she heard a strange creaking noise above her. Looking up, she saw a strange metal head atop the mound, and with a few clicks and whirs, two sections of its sides popped open and a pair of arms popped out. The arms landed on the ground, pushing the mass into the air, as two more panels on the bottom slid back and a pair of thick legs appeared, hooked up with hoses of varying thickness and gears of all sizes. "I, I'm sorry… I didn't see you…" Fluttershy began to apologize but the thing seemed less interested in her words as it did her proximity to it. The living steel put a hand down and pushed Fluttershy back with one finger, sliding her hooves on the ground. It then reached back, pulling a large axe made from a single piece of sharp metal from a hidden compartment on its back. Fluttershy watched in horror as the mechanical monster then lifted the axe high over its head, ready to drop it on top of her. "Hey! Golem! Leave the Pegasus alone!" The thing turned to look as a white wolf ran forward from the woods. The golem stopped its preparations, looking between Fluttershy and the new arrival, which snarled and bared its fangs in a pure show of aggression. Finally the golem made a decision; it could deal with the little yellow horse later, this white mammal needed a good killing. The wolf backed away slowly as the golem turned towards it, raising its axe even higher. "Fireball." The wolf uttered one word, quiet enough for the Golem's gears to drown out. A flash of fire leaped from the between his jaws, slamming the metal brute in the chest and melting through the external plating and interior hoses and gears, before detonating at the golem's core. "Not so tough now, are you big guy?" The wolf laughed, moving backwards. He watched with a look of hearty satisfaction as the remaining pieces of golem fell straight to the ground, clanging softly. Fluttershy was shocked that one lone wolf had taken down something that big, when a second appeared. "Great, another one." The wolf circled slowly, moving close to Fluttershy and putting himself between her and the machine. This particular model was made of stone instead of steel, and moved with joints as stiff as boards. It served as a decent shield against arrows, but as a scout it was pathetic. "Get yourself out of here. He's my problem, I'll handle it." The wolf turned to look to Fluttershy as he spoke, and then looked back to the clunky contraption. The steel golems were simply a matter of melting or ripping out their glowing hearts, but stone ones were a tougher beast. He'd need to immobilize it so he could crack it open and crush the powerstone giving it life. Or just crack the stone while it was still inside. "Icefall." With a whisper and a flash of blue and red light, a large chunk of solid ice dropped from the sky overtop of the golem. The magically made ice was tougher than the golem could handle, and a section of it was broken off as it attempted to stop the crushing stalagmite. The remainder of the glacial chunk slammed into its stone chest and broke it, crushing the powerstone into powder. The golem lay silenced under a sheet of snow, and the wolf laughed triumphantly. "Now that's how you take out a golem!" He followed the statement with a short howl, before clearing away the snow with a nod and a flash of brilliant white. The bits of golem that were lying around also vanished, as though they had never been there to begin with. "Wow. How did you do that?" Fluttershy had been too stunned at first, but now finally found her voice again. The wolf looked to her, and she flinched, but he simply shook himself and sat down. "It's nothing too hard. I just tapped into the mana of the land. Lucky the plains near here are still wild enough, the mana's more potent when the land is free to change as it will." The wolf looked Fluttershy over quickly, then bowed his head, "Cross Malaki." "What?" Fluttershy tilted her head to one side, and the wolf once again looked her in the eyes. "It's my name. Cross Malaki, Planeswalker." A glow of pride appeared in his eyes as he spoke the last word, and Fluttershy nodded slowly. "I-I'm Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you." For the oddest reason she didn't feel as nervous around him, the glow from the light on his pelt actually seemed calming. Of course, it might be because he was a wolf and not a pony. Still, she did feel a little uncomfortable. "Is something wrong?" Cross began looking around, searching for something. Fluttershy shook her head, closing her eyes. When she opened them he was standing and staring in one direction silently. "Someone's coming. Purple unicorn, some magical force about her, along with a relatively young dragon… Green spines and purple scales…" His eyes were lit from within with a bright cyan light, which faded when he looked to Fluttershy. "They mentioned your name. Are they friends of yours?" Cross's voice was calm, but she could see something was bothering him. Fluttershy simply nodded. "That's Twilight Sparkle and Spike. They must be looking for me, I'd better go." She turned in the direction he had been staring, and he nodded silently. She had started walking when an idea came to her. "Hey Cross, would you like…" As she turned to look, he was gone, having disappeared into the undergrowth. She sighed, starting towards Twilight again. Meanwhile, a small mechanical insect chirped quietly. A man in blue robes appeared, his right arm made of deep blue steel. He pushed his deep brown bangs away from his eyes, then looked to the insect. "Your report?" Tezzeret the Seeker, now Agent of Bolas, watched as the insect hopped into his outstretched palm. "Master Tezzeret, the Planeswalker Malaki has arrived, as was planned. Units two and five did not return from their scouting missions." The insect's chirping voice was tinted with steel. Tezzeret nodded, sighing. "I will inform the dragon." Tezzeret resented being forced to serve under another Planeswalker, but the defeat he had suffered at Beleren's hands would be avenged soon. Bolas had sent him to investigate the Phyrexians, but a new idea had occurred to the dragon. "Have you found the source of that unlit spark he sensed?" Tezzeret then asked. The insect flipped open its wings and hovered upwards. "No master Tezzeret. We will continue our search." It stated calmly, then turned and flew away. Tezzeret simply turned, scowling, and planeswalked away. Cross stopped near a small pool of water, muttering a few indistinguishable words and recalling his time on Jwar Isle. It had been so long since he had seen the Plane of Zendikar, but he remembered what had happened vividly. But more than reminiscing, he was drawing the mana of those memories, blue and smelling of salt. It had been storming in his memory, and even now he heard the thunder. After several moments of drawing in the mana he would need, he felt a change coming over him. His fur began to recede, his body lost its canine form, and his armor magically formed around him. In mere seconds he was human again, with more than enough mana left for his other spell. He extended his hands, closing his eyes and pouring the mana into the pool. "Jace, can you hear me?" He asked aloud. After several seconds the pool erupted in a gout of steam, causing Cross to cringe and back away. In the haze he saw Beleren's figure, standing in his study likely. "I hear you. Have you found anything?" Jace was preoccupied, Cross could tell. Something was weighing down the mind mage's thoughts. And considering how adept Jace was at organizing his mind and the minds of others, that boded ill indeed. "Possibly. One of the unicorns has a powerful magical aura about her. I'll investigate further at first opportunity. I wanted to report in to you before proceeding." Cross had worked with Jace long enough to know the mind mage wanted in the loop at all times. It was a good thing for him as well, as he was used to reporting in to those with more experience. The legion had taught him well. "Understood. Find out more about this Twilight Sparkle and report in when you can." Jace had long since stopped surprising Cross. He'd actually gotten used to Jace picking through his head even as he gave his reports. With a simple nod, Cross began pulling mana to himself again, and the steam hovering about the pool vanished at last, no longer held in place by Jace's magic. Turning in place, Cross's body reverted to wolf form, and he sprinted away from the pool. "Twilight, Spike." Fluttershy had found the pair of them not long after Cross had left her, walking on one of the many paths through the forest. After a quick exchange of hellos and pleasantries, Fluttershy began to recount her entire morning to them both, Twilight listening intently and keeping quiet aside from a few questions here and there. At the end of it all, Twilight seemed pensive, and Fluttershy wondered what her friend could be thinking. As they walked and Twilight thought, Fluttershy and Spike began talking about the weather and what they'd been doing for the last few days. It wasn't long before Fluttershy felt herself being watched, and she looked to her right, afraid of what could be out there. She sighed with relief as she recognized Cross walking out of the bushes. "Is that him?" Spike asked, Twilight stopping to look as well. Fluttershy nodded quickly, smiling. His fur was glowing white as he stepped into the light. "Well met, Twilight Sparkle and Spike, and hello again Fluttershy." Cross bowed his head to them all, and they returned the gesture. "Fluttershy told us what you did for her. We're thankful you were there to help." At Twilight's words, Cross simply nodded and flicked his tail to one side. "It was nothing; those golems were hardly a challenge. All you need to do is know their weakness and they'll topple like dominoes." Fluttershy could tell Cross was trying to be modest, but she saw a small glint of pride in his eyes as he spoke. Then something changed, his expression changing suddenly from jovial to austere in less than a heartbeat. "Is everything okay?" Twilight asked, and Cross shook his head quickly. When he stopped he was in a better mood again, smiling. "Sorry, thought I'd forgotten something." He looked back to Fluttershy, who could see the worry in his eyes. Something was still bothering him, but she wasn't going to bring it up when he was trying so hard to keep it secret. She'd make sure to ask him later. "Anyway, I suppose some explanations are in order, and I'd like it if I could say it once only. Do you think you could gather those other friends of yours and meet me here tomorrow?" Cross asked, looking at all three of the Equestria natives. "How did you know we had other friends?" Twilight asked, and Cross chuckled. "I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I told you I had guessed, regardless of how true it was. You'd likely believe I'd read your minds to find that information, which would be true if I were more adept at such spells. It's always been my personal preference to allow others to believe what they truly want to believe." He suddenly looked worried again, and decided to clarify, "I'm sorry, I was rambling. I had merely guessed, basing it upon the fact that you two seem like the type to have many close friends." With that he looked a bit more comfortable, and Fluttershy nodded. "And I suppose since you knew we wouldn't believe that, you would have some way to prove you hadn't read our minds." Twilight asked. Fluttershy wondered why the purple unicorn was being so suspicious, but suddenly watched as Twilight's eyes began to glow a bright cyan. She looked to Cross, shocked that he'd cast a spell on her, but as she looked the wolf broke eye contact with Twilight and released the spell. "Do you believe me now?" He asked, and Twilight nodded simply. Fluttershy began to wonder what had happened, but the two smiled and turned to leave. "I'll see you this time tomorrow. Please don't be late." Cross said as he walked towards the woods. "I'll be here." Twilight responded, headed back for Ponyville. Fluttershy followed, waiting to see what had happened between Cross and Twilight when their eyes were glowing. Spike was just as confused, and he shrugged when Fluttershy looked to him. "Maybe he'll explain tomorrow?" Spike asked. Fluttershy sighed. "I hope so." As she replied, they arrived in Ponyville, and split up to find the others.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Crossover,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship: The Gathering
Magic the Gathering meets Friendship is Magic
<p>Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon Planeswalker, has set his sights on Equestria to take control of a strange power he senses there, and to add another world to his new empire. However, Jace Beleren has heard of Bolas's plan, and immediately dispatches Cross Malaki to defend it.</p><p>Ponyville's going to have some guests. And not all of them are friendly...</p>
Nightfall found Cross at the borders of the Everfree Forest, a place he never would have known existed if he hadn't demonstrated to Twilight how mind reading spells worked for Planeswalkers. It was a perfect hiding place for those not wishing to be seen; dark, secluded, and covered heavily by vegetation. He had been wandering it simply when he came across a leyline in the earth, a powerful magical strand that would lead to some sort of nexus nearby. Following it was a simple task, despite it not being marked in any way. He followed both the natural mana of the leyline and its inherited memories of six young, hoofed beings discovering camaraderie, power, and even trust. The memories came to him in spurts, usually just hazy feelings, but the fact that the leyline retained these memories of the past spoke to its powerful magic. After passing several dark trees seemingly arranged in a particularly disconcerting manner, Cross suddenly felt a nearly irresistible urge to laugh, despite how inappropriate his surroundings were for it. It was at that moment he was certain he was following Twilight and her friend's trail. Before he'd had his suspicions, namely when passing a spot where he felt both extreme danger, yet surprising calm, but now he was dead certain. "Then they went this way…" Cross took to talking to himself as he went, following the leyline as though it were a scent trail. He even attempted to scent Twilight or Fluttershy along the way, but it had been a long time indeed since they had taken this route. He'd just have to follow the mana, and as he found himself at a large river, he began calling that mana, testing its flavor, looking for what colors it held. He was shocked thoroughly to find it contained all the five colors, both the naturally occurring black and green of the Everfree Forest as well as blue, red, and white, seemingly appearing from nowhere. "This is a powerful one indeed. No wonder they were drawn to it." Cross released the mana into a spell, shaping a pair of wings with his mind, white and fueled by mana. "Nimbus wings." With a hushed whisper a brilliant pair of white wings spread from his back in a flash of white light, the wings themselves forming from that light and of light's make. He quickly took to the air, flying over the river and following the leyline deeper into the heart of the forest from the air. He sensed temptation and triumph over it as he passed a bridge over a wide chasm, and then at last found the nexus of the line. Ancient ruins, long overgrown with moss, stood silently before him, as though sentinels to some great occurrence. He landed silently in the center of the ruins, looking about him as his wings disappeared. Cross walked along the only standing wall, looking towards the center, waiting for some part of the nexus's memories to reach him. He did not have to wait long, as hazy outlines appeared before his eyes, shapes and colors he glimpsed from the corner of his eyes that vanished as he turned towards them. "This leyline was not here at Equestria's creation. Something, or some pony I believe, created it with a purpose." He sat in the center of the nexus, feeling the mana around him. There was great power here, but also great danger. He needed to see if his hunch was correct, but the conditions were not right at the moment. "You'll have to wait for the full moon." A voice drew Cross's attention, and he turned towards its origin slowly, keeping himself light in case he needed to fight. A white unicorn pegasus with a flowing rainbow mane stood behind him, in royal regalia no less. "Princess Celestia. To what do I owe this great honor?" Cross bowed slowly, remembering her name from Twilight's memories. If the princess was surprised she did not show it, smiling and approaching him carefully. He did not sense hostility, and so rose to his feet and watched her, relaxing his muscles from their battle ready state. "I had felt someone snooping along in the woods. I wanted to be sure this place was not being defiled by someone." Celestia's tone was not accusing, but her words still causing a small sting in Cross's mind. He shook it off and nodded. "I was merely following out of curiosity. One being can never learn enough about anything, whether they live one hundred years or one hundred lifetimes." It was a phrase Cross had heard many times from Izzet scholars on his home Plane of Ravnica, and he felt it was appropriate for this moment. Celestia's smile told him she agreed with him, and he fully relaxed himself. "And what have you learned, if I may be so bold?" Celestia sat facing him, and his eyes wandered around the ruins for a moment as he thought over his reply. "I have learned that this leyline and nexus were not here when this Plane was created. I have learned that someone else made it, a native with great magical power. And they made it for a very specific reason." Cross's eyes once more returned to Celestia as his last sentence finished. Celestia nodded slowly. "I also have a hunch as to which two people are responsible for this leyline's existence." His words caught Celestia off guard, and she chuckled softly. "I suppose I've been found out. You're very clever for a wolf. Or a legionnaire." Now it was Cross's turn to be surprised, and he quickly shook himself to hide it from her. She continued, looking him in the eyes as she did. "I know quite a lot about you already. You were a Wojek sergeant, serving in your home of Ravnica, when you became a Planeswalker and met others with similar powers to you. And so you sought out Jace Beleren, and began working directly under him. Am I correct?" Celestia's words were all true, and Cross nodded quietly. He didn't know for certain, but he assumed Jace had told her, or she had been peeking around inside his mind like Jace would have. He decided to take his turn to speak. "I'm afraid I know relatively little about you Princess. As you no doubt know I'm a newcomer to this plane, and know only as much as I have experienced." Cross turned to look at the forest, almost expecting Jace to be there, but his Planeswalker ally seemed to still be busy at the moment. "Well, I suppose I could begin recounting my story, but I have a feeling we don't have time for it." Celestia's words snapped Cross to attention in moments, and he cautiously sniffed the wind. She was right, he could smell oil and steel, even through the mana flowing around him. "Golems, three I believe. Nothing I can't handle." He turned to race after the constructs, and then looked back to Celestia, "If you are able help, then it would be welcome." He then raced off into the woods, pelting after the Golems. Three figures moved through the trees, silently approaching the edges of the forest. Two of their brethren had not returned that evening, and their commander sent them to begin the attack without them. If they ran into the one that had destroyed their brothers, they were to kill him on sight. They kept to the dark, so that their steel bodies would not be visible in the moonlight. They wanted to surprise these little ponies, relishing the thought of tearing into them and hearing their screams for mercy. Then their leader began to glow a bright, fiery red, and melted into slag before the following two's eyes. "Hello boys. Glad to see me?" A pure white wolf sat in the moonlight ahead, tail slowly flicking from left to right, a smile plastered on his muzzle. The two golems identified the threat and rushed in, when a line of white light shot out at their knees, tripping them as though it were solid iron. As they skidded along the earth as the wolf prepared another spell, breathing pure fire into the larger of the two. The heat welded its gears together, smelted springs, and finally the golem exploded from a build-up of heated air in its core. The smaller tried to rise and fight, but still more beams of light appeared and slammed into it with the force of boulders. Each was precisely aimed at staggering it, and finally one swept the machine's legs from underneath it, knocking it flat. The beam swung up, and then was brought crashing down on the golem's core, smashing it to so many minuscule pieces. Cross let out a low howl. A strong gust of wind whipped through his fur and the trees around him, and when it finished the golem pieces were gone, magically swept away into oblivion. The Princess had done well with that light spell, he had been trying for weeks to master something similar. He nodded towards the ruins, then left the Everfree Forest behind, awaiting the dawn.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Crossover,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship: The Gathering
Magic the Gathering meets Friendship is Magic
<p>Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon Planeswalker, has set his sights on Equestria to take control of a strange power he senses there, and to add another world to his new empire. However, Jace Beleren has heard of Bolas's plan, and immediately dispatches Cross Malaki to defend it.</p><p>Ponyville's going to have some guests. And not all of them are friendly...</p>
Twilight spent the better part of the night tossing and turning, anticipation rushing through her mind as she waited for dawn. With a powerful mage on the loose and the possibility of golem attack looming, she felt she had good reason to be worried. Eventually she gave up on sleeping and just watched for the sunrise, preparing herself for what Cross might have to say. It was likely something dangerous was on the way, like an invasion from another world, or another Planeswalker was coming, or even worse, both. “Come on Twilight, stop focusing on the negative.” Shaking her head as she whispered, Twilight took another look out the window. The first rays of dawn were appearing in the sky, and she needed to gather her friends together by that afternoon to meet Cross. “I’d better make sure everything is taken care of here.” Twilight set herself to work cleaning the library. The few books that were left lying around were quickly stacked with just a few simple spells, and she started cleaning up the parchment and quills she kept leaving out when she was up late at night. With a light glow of purple the papers stacked themselves in a neat pile a top her desk, then the quills lined up in a neat row. With her desk cleared, she set to work sorting the books, reading each title and then sending it sliding effortlessly into its place. Normally she left this to Spike, but she needed to have it done before she had to leave, and she owed him the day off after the last few weeks. “All right, that should be the last one… I’ll get Pinkie Pie and Rarity on my way to Sweet Apple Acres, and then I’ll see if Fluttershy can…” Her pondering was interrupted by a quiet knock at the door. Twilight quickly checked that everything was ready, and then opened the door. “Are you ready?” Pinkie Pie’s cheerful face filled Twilight’s vision momentarily, and the purple unicorn swore the pink earth pony had nearly butted heads with her by accident. Twilight looked to see Rarity and Fluttershy standing behind Pinkie to one side. “I just finished cleaning, and I’m giving Spike the day off, so I suppose I’m as ready as I can be.” Twilight responded, “Has anyone talked to Rainbow Dash yet?” She looked to Fluttershy, certain her pegasus friend had contacted Rarity and Pinkie for her, and the two exchanged a brief nod. “I went to see if she was up, but she was still sleeping. I thought I’d let her rest a little longer.” Fluttershy’s voice was soft, a clear sign she was sorry. Rarity shook her head and looked to the timid pegasus, smiling. “It’s a very generous thing for you to let her sleep. I’m sure we can all agree Rainbow Dash is much more preferable when she’s had her rest.” The others nodded in agreement, smiling to themselves. Fluttershy left quickly to get Rainbow Dash while the others turned towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was probably already up and working right now. Cross sat completely still at the spot he’d met Twilight and Spike, his eyes glazed by distant thoughts. Princess Celestia stood beside him, keeping quiet. She could tell when someone’s mind was working, having spent so much time training Twilight Sparkle. There were many things similar between the two, at least from what she had seen. He was dedicated, skilled at magic, and very concerned about any possible threat. If she hadn’t known better, she would have sworn Cross and Twilight were siblings. “When exactly is the next full moon?” Cross’s sudden question brought Celestia out of her reverie, and she looked to the steadily disappearing moon. She smiled to herself, thinking again of Twilight. They were so very similar. “It’s waning right now, so not for another month or so.” She answered his question after moment’s hesitation, a moment he used to close his eyes. “Then I might not have a lot of time to see the nexus. I suppose it will have to wait for later then.” Cross stood slowly, stretching his stiffened muscles and shaking himself. The night hadn’t been very cold, but Celestia assumed he felt the same chill she did at seeing those golems. Something was very wrong about them, something dark and ominous. She didn’t understand what about them so disturbed her, but whatever it was, if Cross was also aware of it, then he feared it as well. While the Princess and Cross were waiting, Twilight and the others reached Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy joining them en route. Twilight and Fluttershy used the trip as a chance to elaborate on what they knew of Cross, as well as the story of his rescue of Fluttershy. “My, he certainly sounds like quite the hero. Dashing in at the last minute, a cool threat tossed at the villain, fighting off a monster for our dear Fluttershy. It must have been stunning to see.” Rarity had been lost in the poetry of the story, and Rainbow Dash was quick to snap her out of it. “Newsflash Rarity, he’s a wolf, not a unicorn.” The sky blue Pegasus didn’t like the dreamy expression on her friend’s face, especially for someone she hadn’t even met yet. Rarity glared at Rainbow Dash before turning up her nose. “Come on you two, keep it under control. Arguing isn’t going to get us anywhere.” Twilight looked back at the two over her shoulder, then turned to look at the path ahead. As they neared the barn, they spotted Applejack just putting away a bucket. “Well, you’re all a bit early, but I’ve got most of the work done. I’m sure Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom can handle the rest.” Applejack, tossed the bucket into the barn, hurrying over to the group. Twilight noted how tired her friend’s body appeared, but the look in Applejack’s eyes was full of energy and drive. Twilight assumed that work on the farm had been done at twice the normal pace in order to make up for how long she would be gone. “Well, if we’re all here, we better get going.” Twilight turned to lead the way with Fluttershy, while the others fell in behind them, each pony giving Applejack their account of the explanation Twilight had given them on the way to the farm. Twilight didn’t bother trying to correct any of the errors in their tales, and Fluttershy was too polite to point them out. “I wish they could just tell a story without trying to make it their own idea of interesting.” Twilight sighed, hearing Rainbow Dash give a detailed explanation of Cross’s battle with the golems, adding in a bit where Cross bit the golem’s leg. “They’ll all know the whole story when they see him.” Fluttershy’s hopeful tone was reassuring, but a dark feeling in the back of Twilight’s mind remained, solidly entrenched like a stone. If a Planeswalker was suddenly here in Equestria, and monsters made of stone and steel were attacking, then something was happening that was far beyond anything they’d seen before. Cross and Celestia had become engaged in a small game of chess, each moving their pieces by using telekinetic spells, when Cross stopped in mid move. “They’re on their way.” He set the piece back in its original place and looked down the path, his eyes lit from within by a vibrant blue light. Celestia smiled and sent the game away. “You just wanted an excuse to stop me from winning.” She teased, and Cross scowled. She was winning, and he didn’t like it, but that was beside the point. The others arriving meant it was finally time for him to sort out exactly what information it was vital they know, and what he should keep to himself. At the most he would tell them who and what he was, and his mission was to stop an extra planar threat. Anything beyond that was on a need to know basis as far as he was concerned. And the only people he believed really needed to know were Jace and himself. Cross watched the other’s arrival carefully, watching as they bowed in reverence to Princess Celestia, and heard her explanation of why she was there. His mind was too occupied to distinguish the exact words, and he simply waited for the princess to turn to him. When she did so, he gave a short nod and looked to the group. “If you’ll follow me for a bit, we’ll be able to talk without fear of eavesdroppers.” With a quick and precise movement, Cross leaped into the brush, leaving a trail of white light behind him. The others would easily be able to follow it, and he set off at a brisk jog, turning his head now and then to scent that they were still following. “That will give them time to catch up on anything they need to, and it should give me some time to think this through more thoroughly.” Mumbling quietly to himself wasn’t something Cross did often, but he’d picked up one of Jace’s bad habits of thinking aloud from time to time. He mentally chastised himself for speaking his thoughts again before reaching the clearing at last. Cross walked calmly to the center of the clearing, turning to wait for the ponies and their princess. seating himself and watching their arrival. Pinkie Pie hopped into place next to Fluttershy, who smiled as Applejack sat on her other side. Twilight fell in beside Applejack, eyes not leaving Cross, and Rainbow Dash likewise took a seat on Pinkie Pie’s available side. Rarity voiced a preference to stand, and moved on Twilight’s free side. Celestia stood behind the smaller ponies, nodding for Cross to proceed. He returned the motion, and then closed his eyes. “The first thing I should probably go over is what I am. I am a Planeswalker, born with a special ‘spark’. No one has figured out exactly what this spark is; only that it is what makes a planeswalker what they are.” As Cross spoke, a small flicker of white mana appeared before him, “This spark is activated during times of incredible stress. Quite often one’s spark ignites when they are on the threshold of death, and often it is too late to save them.” He extinguished the light with a breath, then made a new one of red mana, which flared and twisted itself like a candle flame. “On the rare occasion that one lives past their ignition, they become a Planeswalker. In old times, a Planeswalker would suddenly find themselves with a limitless amount of mana and magical power, a knowledge beyond anything they ever had before. They would be immortal, the only living thing able to stop them being another Planeswalker. However, somehow, the old breed of Planeswalkers disappeared. Few know what happened, but one thing that is certain is that modern Planeswalkers are much more vulnerable and much less powerful than they once were.” Once again Cross extinguished the mana light before him, looking to the group. “We Planeswalkers are very few in number now. Of the old Planeswalkers, only one exists to our knowledge. And unfortunately, he is not someone any Planeswalker is fond of meeting.” Letting his explanation sink in, he waited for if the others had any questions before proceeding. Twilight was the first to speak. “What exactly happens now when someone’s spark ignites?” She asked, looking Cross directly in the eyes. Cross had to take a moment to think it over, looking to the ground and remembering his own ignition. “It’s, a bit of a feeling. It starts somewhere in the base of your mind, like some sort of lock has just opened and a whole world you never knew was standing right before you. It’s a bit like waking up in the morning to find out you’re in someone else’s house. At first it’s strange and alien, but you quickly become accustomed to it, if you have the time that is.” He knew his explanation was vague and flimsy at best, but it was all he could come up with from his own, personal experience with an ignition. He looked as Pinkie Pie raised a hoof. “So is that Cutie Mark on your back the Planeswalker symbol?” The pink pony’s question made little sense to Cross, and he tilted his head slightly. Celestia chuckled. “A Cutie Mark is a symbol of a pony’s destiny. They receive it when they find the one thing that makes them truly special to the world.” Celestia explained, and Cross nodded slowly, closing his eyes to better catalogue what she’d said to his memory. “Well, I don’t know anything about a Planeswalker symbol, since every other ‘Walker I’ve met has had their own, unique mark to make on the planes they visit. However, the red fur on my back is not a Cutie Mark. On my home plane, many warriors of a powerful cult would tattoo themselves to prove they could tolerate any pain. Myself and a friend found an old member of the cult, who promised to give us tattoos of our choosing if we found something for him.” Cross’s memories of his home were perfect, down to the most minute details that many would forget easily, “We found it for him, and my friend and I each received tattoos of our chosen lives. He became a member of the cult, but I now wonder how much of the fighting he longed for he now participates in.” Cross lowered his head, flattened his ears back, held his tail close to his side, keeping it perfectly still. A few moments later, he closed his eyes and continued. “I chose the mark of my father’s guild, warriors of the law and officers of divine judgment and order. I had been with them three years before I became a Planeswalker.” He finished his story, keeping himself still. Pinkie Pie was the first to approach, putting one of her forelegs around his back. Cross nodded simply, looking to her, and then the other ponies. “I think that’s enough of my history for now. I could go on for a month about myself. I’d much rather hear more about this world, and each of you.” Cross’s voice had found a strong tone, and he himself was surprised at how melancholy he had sounded before that moment. Pinkie Pie took her arm off of him and smiled, and Twilight stepped forward. “There’s a lot to talk about, and I’m not entirely sure we’ll be able to tell the entire story.” Twilight said, “But we’ll certainly try.” Cross smiled, watching as the others formed a circle, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sitting on either side of him.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Crossover,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship: The Gathering
Magic the Gathering meets Friendship is Magic
<p>Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon Planeswalker, has set his sights on Equestria to take control of a strange power he senses there, and to add another world to his new empire. However, Jace Beleren has heard of Bolas's plan, and immediately dispatches Cross Malaki to defend it.</p><p>Ponyville's going to have some guests. And not all of them are friendly...</p>
The following morning, Cross rose as the sun’s light began to filter through the leaves of the forest, rousing himself quickly as he sniffed the air. All around him was still and quiet. He could smell faintly the animals of the woods, hidden in their dens, the dew on the grass, and the faint aroma of flowers far away. “No attacks around here at least. Better check the other side.” Cross noted how loud he sounded this early in the morning, and a sudden pang of regret and shame coursed through him. He shook it off, growling softly, before stretching and directing himself towards the East, giving Ponyville a wide berth. He’d consciously decided a wolf near town wouldn’t be preferable. He’d either be asked too many questions or there would be panic, and neither was a favorable outcome. At least he hadn’t woken up to screaming. ‘Sometimes I wonder why I don’t use this form more often.’ Cross thought, looking at the quiet tranquility around him. This was true peace, where there was no war, nor disease, nor pain. This quiet morning, with everything out of sight and asleep. ‘”If only I could get this at the camp…” Cross whispered, ears flattening slightly. However, a rustling sound ahead brought them back up, and quickly Cross dropped his head and body as low as he could, scanning his surroundings for any further movement. With a quiet as deep as the grave and a patient stillness, he scanned his surroundings even drawing blue mana from his memories to cast a simple awareness spell, reaching out mentally to search for a physical presence. Cross tensed as he felt a small flicker in the back of his mind. There was another Planeswalker near, a fully powered one at that. He muttered an incantation as quickly as possible, once more returning to his human form. Cross swiftly placed a tree between himself and where he assumed the other Planeswalker was, still reaching out to see where they were specifically. ‘Just past that tree line, in the clearing. Doesn’t seem to be moving.’ The beginnings of an attack strategy were forming in Cross’s mind, and he quickly made his move, circling the area and closing in. Mere seconds seemed to stretch endlessly before him, his eyes locked on what his spell was telling him was the location of his target. Then at last he was able to see the clearing itself. The first thing Cross noticed as a bright red glow illuminating the clearing. The next thing was a bolt of fire hurled directly at his hiding place. He smiled, rolling away from the flames and launching a torrent of water from his palms at the now blazing tree. The flames were extinguished in a flash, and Cross walked towards the clearing with spells at the ready. “Do you always have to set something on fire when you ‘Walk?” He asked, marching through the brush with his hands glowing with white and blue mana. A woman in gray armor was waiting for him, smiling as her flame red hair began to ignite. She produced a ball of red mana from behind her back, tossing it casually at Cross, who caught it in an outstretched hand and crushed it, dissipating the heat into his own spell. “Sorry, I just like to burn things.” Chandra Nalaar extinguished the flames in her hair, watching as Cross dissipated his own spells, “So what mad job does that mind meddler have you on this time?” “Nothing much, just saving a whole plane.” Both Planeswalkers laughed, partially from mirth and partially from the insanity of the mission. “Well, I’d assume you two have a plan then?” Chandra started looking around the clearing, obviously searching for some reason the plane was to be saved. “Well, we’re in the forming stage. You know, scouting the area for ourselves, keeping Bolas from finding out too much.” Cross explained, walking behind her with his hands at his sides. “So going in head first this time? I like it.” The firebrand Planeswalker turned to look to him, a flash of fire in her eyes. Cross smiled, chuckling. “As if I needed your approval.” He joked. Chandra shrugged it off, smiling to herself. “Well, we do have an idea about this place. I could show you around a bit if you’d like.” Cross began drawing on his mana, thinking about what form would work the best for his pyromantic friend. While he sifted through spells, she considered things, and finally shrugged. “I’ve got time to kill. Why not?” As she finished Cross unleashed the spell, watching it surround her. A mist enveloped Chandra’s frame, while he also became wrapped in thick haze. As the spells finished, Cross stood in his canine form, admiring his handiwork. “What was that for?!” A fire red unicorn stood shaking her head in the spot a human once occupied. Her mane and tail were brilliant orange, with streaks of crimson running the length. Bright yellow and orange flames were on her flanks, a blazing insignia of the inner power of the newly created pony. “I’m sorry Chandra, but humans aren’t native to this plane. I had to find a form for you that would fit in.” Cross walked towards the unicorn, then around her and towards Ponyville. Chandra looked herself over, then followed, grumbling to herself. “Why do you get to be a wolf while I’m stuck as a horse?” She demanded, falling in beside him and glaring. “You’re not a horse, you’re a unicorn, first off. Second, some of the natives of this plane have already seen me as a wolf. I had taken my wolf form because Jace had informed me the plane was largely intelligent animal life. My own reconnaissance revealed ponies to be the dominant intelligent life, with most of the other animals being of certainly greater than average intellect, but I’ve yet to see one speak directly.” Cross’s explanations did nothing for Chandra’s mood, but she asked no further questions as they went. Cross smiled, glad to for once be the one with more knowledge than she did. For all it was worth, this was the first time he would be teaching her something, and he relished the feeling that came with that distinction. “So if I’m going to be stuck here like this for a while, you’d better tell me everything I need to know.” Chandra sighed, looking at the world around her, unsure if she could still burn it or not. Cross nodded, closing his eyes to think of where to start. “Well, first of all, we’re currently in the forests outside of Ponyville, a relatively small town within Equestria. Jace and I have determined this area to be the center of Bolas’s focus, but we still have no idea what he’s after.” He quickly realized his explanation was turning into a military report, something Chandra had told him wasn’t her favorite thing to hear. Even now he felt her glaring at him, and he thought of something else to tell her that wasn’t about Bolas. “I’ve made a few friends here, and explained to them the situation. They’ve agreed to help out in what ways they can, and I’ve offered to help them as long as I’m staying here.” They were nearing the crest of a hill on the edge of the forest, from which Ponyville was visible. Cross inwardly wondered what Chandra would have to say about the town. “Heh, I’m surprised that soldier routine of yours actually gets you any friends at all.” Chandra teased, stopping at the top of the hill beside Cross. “You’d be surprised the impression you make when you save someone’s life.” Cross felt the fur on his neck rise slightly, but he relaxed quickly. He had a tendency to take criticism and taunting a little too seriously, something Chandra had warned him would only lead him to doing something stupid. Even Jace had warned him of the dangers of hubris. “Huh, never took you for the hero-type.” Chandra sarcastically commented, and Cross felt a low growl form in the back of his throat. He suppressed it by clearing his throat and looking away from the red unicorn to look at Ponyville. “That’s beside the point. The point is, this place is peaceful, and I’d like to keep it that way. I can tell you more of what I know as we go along.” With that Cross bounded down the hill towards Ponyville. “Hey! Wait up!” Chandra quickly broke into a gallop after him. “First stop, Sweet Apple Acres.” Cross stopped running when they reached the farm’s fence, letting Chandra catch up before leading the way along the fence line. Chandra was too out of breath to respond, simply following him and trying to get her heart rate under control. “Applejack should be around her somewhere…” Cross said, looking through the fence at the orchards. He finally spotted her near the barn, loading a barrel of apples into a cart. The orange earth pony looked up from her work to spot him and waved, and Cross nodded in response, walking quickly to the gate and over to the barn, Chandra following his lead. “Cross, your timin’ is perfect. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are helpin’ me load the apples for today, but I’m still behind schedule.” Applejack nodded towards the stack of barrels near the corner of the barn, not noticing Chandra at first, “Think you can give us a hand?” Pinkie Pie emerged from one of the barrels, looking around like she’d forgotten what she was doing for a moment, but quickly jumped out of the barrel and started pushing it to the cart. Fluttershy was struggling to move a barrel on her own, sliding it along the ground carefully. “One moment, I need to prepare the spell.” Cross responded after seeing the situation, and he closed his eyes, surrounding the barrels with a halo of blue mana. He opened them again, and motioned with his eyes, lifting the barrels into the air and setting them inside the cart. “Showoff.” Chandra muttered, and Cross ended the spell so he could roll his eyes. As if on cue the others noticed Chandra together, and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie came over, their barrels loaded by Cross’s spell. “Is she a…?” Applejack started, but Cross cut her off. “Yes. This is Chandra, one of the planeswalkers that taught me most of what I know. Chandra, this is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.” He nodded to each of the ponies in turn. “Nice to meet you three. These the friends you were telling me about Cross?” Chandra asked, her tone as unimpressed as Cross had anticipated. “Three of them. Applejack and Pinkie Pie are earth ponies, and Fluttershy is a pegasus.” Cross explained. Fluttershy looked ready to speak, but Pinkie Pie interjected before she could even start. “It’s great to meet you Chandra. I haven’t gotten around to readying Cross’s welcome party just yet, so I can add you to everything so we can welcome you both with one big SUPER party!” The pink pony had begun bouncing uncontrollably as she talked, and Cross shook his head. “Pinkie Pie, Chandra isn’t staying. I just wanted to show her around a bit for now. And a party for me really isn’t necessary, because once Bolas is dealt with I’ll have to leave as well.” Parties were never something Cross enjoyed, and his reasons for being there weren’t the happiest in the first place. A party was just extraneous in his opinion. “Nonsense! I told you yesterday, I LOVE to party! And don’t you want your welcome to Ponyville to be official?” Pinkie Pie would not be deterred, and Cross sighed. “Oh come on, has Jace brainwashed you or something? If they’re willing to throw a huge welcome party for you, then take it.” Chandra cut in, “If someone was willing to practically roll out the royal treatment for me without me having to act like or be royalty, I’d take it, no questions asked.” She turned to Pinkie Pie, “I think I might just stick around here. It’s been a long time since I had a good party to go to. Count me in.” Pinkie Pie began bouncing more fervently at the red planeswalker’s words, an ear to ear grin plastered on her face. “I’ll get started right away!” Pinkie said, bouncing towards the gate to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack smiled and shook her head. “Just what are we going to do about her. Anyway, I’ve got to get these to town. I’ll see y’all at the party.” With that, Applejack left to find her brother Big Macintosh, leaving the planeswalkers and Fluttershy alone near the barn. “So, Fluttershy, right? What’s your thing. The pink one’s partying, Applejack’s all work, and you…?” Chandra asked. “I-I care for animals, mostly…” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off at the end, and Cross looked to the road to Ponyville. “We should really head to town, the others are there. Fluttershy, would you like to join us?” He asked. Fluttershy nodded slowly, and the three started for Ponyville. “Well, if you care for animals, you’ve got to have some good stories.” Chandra moved to stand to Fluttershy’s left, and the entire walk the two talked about various stories about the magical creatures they’d encountered. Despite Chandra’s talk of roasting a few of them, Fluttershy seemed to warm up to Chandra after a bit, at least from what Cross could see. ‘If luck holds out she’ll want to stay and help. Not counting on it though.’ Cross thought silently. He didn’t want to intrude on the conversation, and simply led the way to town in silence.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Crossover,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship: The Gathering
Magic the Gathering meets Friendship is Magic
<p>Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon Planeswalker, has set his sights on Equestria to take control of a strange power he senses there, and to add another world to his new empire. However, Jace Beleren has heard of Bolas's plan, and immediately dispatches Cross Malaki to defend it.</p><p>Ponyville's going to have some guests. And not all of them are friendly...</p>
The walk had been mercifully uneventful, with Chandra and Fluttershy chatting merrily about phoenixes and Cross admiring the greenery on the path. They were getting closer to Ponyville, and Cross could hear and smell the activity of the small town. He even swore he could smell a freshly baked cake in the distance. 'Probably for the party.' He mused, watching carefully for how everyone reacted as he approached. Chandra and Fluttershy's conversation fell to the back of his mind as he walked into town, taking note of the sudden silence many fell under upon seeing him. Chandra and Fluttershy noticed after a time, and the two moved to walk alongside him. "Jeez, it's like they've never seen a wolf before." Chandra said, looking around with a slight scowl. Fluttershy tried to say something in defense of the ponies, but even Cross's canine hearing couldn't make out what she said, and decided to offer his own deduction. "Most likely they're not used to a wolf striding into town like this. And besides, I'm not exactly a typical wolf, am I?" He motioned to the Boros insignia on his back. A wolf with white fur and a red marking was bound to be noticed anywhere, but it was the only animal form Cross ever felt comfortable in. He'd tried more subtle forms, even changing the fur on this form, but the magic behind it required more concentration than he liked. "Yeah well, I think I'm going to go see this Rainbow Dash girl Fluttershy's told me about. Can you manage on your own?" Chandra asked. Cross nodded. "That actually works well with my own plans. I was hoping to speak with Twilight Sparkle at the library. I'll meet you both at the party." He turned to leave before either could respond, walking directly in the center of the street. Ponies of every shape and color moved to the edges of the road, giving him a wide berth. It bothered him none, and he simply chose to keep his eyes forward. 'No different than the first time.' He thought, 'You can change the races, change the circumstances all you like, but an outsider is an outsider. At least here they have a real reason though. I can't blame them for fearing a wolf.' Cross kept his head high and his eyes on the road, letting the stares wash over him. 'Finally learning a few things, are we?' Jace's voice echoed in Cross's mind. At first he felt the hair on the back of his neck rise, but he relaxed when he realized just who was contacting him. 'I'm on my way to see Twilight now. You could try contacting me without making me jump out of my skin.' Cross responded mentally to the mind sculptor's question, 'And if you must know, I prefer being an outsider. It's easier to disappear when no one knows you. Given the lifestyles we lead, anything that makes it easier to leave is a good idea.' 'True. Have you discovered anything else here aside from her?' Jace asked. 'Not really, but that's what truly bothers me. If Bolas wants Twilight, then why didn't he send Vol or Tezzeret to take her from the start?' Cross tried to keep from appearing worried, his thoughts leading to several dark conclusions. 'Perhaps there's something else he wants, but he can't yet reach. Or perhaps he's simply toying with us. I cannot access his mind, and we have no other leads. The best we can do is investigate this plane and Twilight as much as possible. Keep your eyes open.' With that Jace terminated the mental link, and Cross was once more alone in his mind. He continued on to the library, smiling as he spotted Spike standing outside, busily sweeping off the front steps. He quickened his pace, stopping as he neared the library. "Hey Cross. Twilight's been looking for you." Spike said, spotting Cross as he slid along the dust. "Has she gone to the forest, or is she inside?" Cross asked, looking to the door. "She's in now, she had to go get some things from around town." Spike said, "I'll get the door." Cross shook his head, a light blue glow appearing on the door handle. In moments the door was open, and Cross headed inside, leaving Spike to finish his cleaning. "Oh, Cross, you're here. I had some things I wanted to ask you about the magic you showed us." Twilight had just finished sorting a small group of books when Cross walked into the library, and she quickly put them in their places on the shelves. "I don't recall showing much of my magic, but I'll answer whatever questions you have." Cross moved to the center of the room and sat down, looking at the books on the walls before his attention was once again on Twilight, "I'm sorry, Jace has gotten me to appreciate books a bit more than I used to. It was part of how he taught me the patience needed to use blue magic." "That's part of what I wanted to ask you. How exactly do you cast spells as a wolf?" Twilight asked, "I mean as a planeswalker, how does magic work for you?" Cross chuckled a bit, trying to think of how best to describe it all. "Well, it's definitely different from Unicorn magic. I suppose you could say that a planeswalker draws his magic from the world around him. There are five major environments for a planeswalker to draw power from, and each environment has a different type of magic associated with it." Cross tried to keep his tone from sounding like some old scholar in an Izzit academy, but teaching gave one a certain air about them. It was something he'd never liked, and Cross struggled not to act pompous or condescending, as Jace would do when they sparred. "So what are these five environments?" Twilight asked, pulling a book and quill from a desk with her magic. Cross shook his head, and in a flash of blue light a book appeared before him. "This has all of my knowledge of Planar Magic, from my own experiences and from what Jace has taught me." Cross willed the book over to Twilight, a blue aura holding it aloft until she took hold of it with her magic. "Thanks. This should answer most of my questions. Although, there was one other thing I wanted to ask you about." Twilight moved the book over to her desk, then turned back to Cross. "Why are you here in Ponyville?" Cross could tell she was trying to ask without accusing him of something, but he still felt a slight sting. He had forgotten to explain his reason for being there to any one, and now he had to decide if it was worth it to tell her. The room was dead silent for several seconds, until at last he sighed. "Someone, or should I say something, is on its way here. Jace sent me to find out why, and to stop it if I can." Cross said at last, "Nicol Bolas, an Elder Dragon and Planeswalker, has sent spies to this world, and Jace and I plan to stop him. We don't know what he's after, or even if there is something here he plans to acquire, but we know his agents are here, and that's enough for us." Cross turned away, looking at the window. He had seen Twilight's expression souring, the worry in her eyes. It was a sight he hated to see, from anyone. "He's a Planeswalker, and a dragon? Is that even possible?" Twilight asked in a stunned whisper. Cross nodded. "There was once a silver golem who gained the might of a planeswalker, by way of his creator's inventions. His creator was a planeswalker before him. Or at least, that is the story I have found in my rare visits to Dominaria, I know nothing else past that. What happened to the creator or the creation is not something I know. But if a Golem can become a planeswalker, then a dragon being born one is not so strange to me." Cross replied, "I have never seen or fought Bolas myself, but by Jace's description, and what I've uncovered in my investigations from working with him, Bolas is a Planeswalker of power beyond anything I've ever known. Jace can wipe a mind clean in moments, and Bolas was too much even for him." He looked to Twilight again, a fire in his gaze. "If he is already that powerful, then anything that could make him stronger must either be kept from him or destroyed. From what I know, Bolas craves power, now more than ever. He is the only one of the old 'Walkers I know of who survived the creation of the new 'Walkers." Cross could feel his fur straighten in anger, but he did his best to calm down. Twilight was visibly shaken at the thought of Bolas's might, and Cross felt his own fear returning at the thought. However, fear was not enough to master a Legionnaire, and Cross fought through his own terror. "I'm sorry my reasons for being here are so dire, but it is the truth. I'm sorry if this worries you, but there is only one thing that can be done." He stated, "I must do what I can to stop Bolas. I do not think I can face him in open combat, but I doubt he will come here himself for quite some time. There is time to prepare, but it must be done in secret. Ponyville cannot know of what is to come." "Why not? Shouldn't we ready the whole town, the whole of Equestria even? If that dragon is coming, shouldn't we ready everything we have for the fight?" Twilight was speaking out of fear, and Cross looked her in the eyes. "If we act too hastily, then Bolas will know and react far more forcefully than we can handle. For now it needs to stay between the two of us and Princess Celestia. If your friends are able to help, then they'll be brought in, but this must stay quiet as much as possible. If this gets out, there will be panic and hysteria before Bolas even arrives." Cross's eyes were illuminated from within by blue light, his voice changed by magic. As he finished he blinked several times, the light vanishing from his eyes, and he shook himself. "What happened?" Twilight asked, "Was that Bolas?" "No, Jace. Sorry, he does that occasionally." Cross replied, "But he's right. We need to keep this quiet." He stood to leave, stretching and shaking himself again. "I'm sorry if things seem bleak, but as long as Jace and I are able to, we'll keep Bolas from taking this place, or from getting stronger." He said, "I believe Pinkie Pie was throwing a party for me and a friend of mine. It would probably be a good idea to let off some steam and enjoy ourselves while we can." "I don't think I can go to a party. I mean this is a lot of new information, new things to worry about." Twilight looked down and shook her head. Cross closed his eyes and walked over to her side. "I understand how you feel. But I swear, on my spark, I will not let Bolas win." He said, looking Twilight in the eyes, "I never break my word." He started towards the door, opening it with another spell. He would go to the party at least, if nothing else to keep Chandra from setting something on fire. He didn't look back again until he was nearly across the street. Twilight was finally leaving the library, closing the door behind her. He smiled, and she hurried over. "I thought about it, and you're right. We should enjoy ourselves while we can. Bolas can wait until tomorrow." Twilight was smiling as she walked up beside Cross, and he nodded. Together they headed for the party, and Cross tried as much as possible to put the dark news he had to bear at the back of his mind. He repeated to himself that there would be time to prepare tomorrow, that Bolas was not there yet, and that he would be ready when the time came.
Adventure,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Dark,Human
Guardian Chronicles: The Conversion Bureau
Embrace Your Destiny
<p>A year had passed since the establishment of the Conversion Bureau. The human race seeking a chance at a better life, a better future from their dark, decaying world long ravaged by the hands of the greedy and the corrupt through the act of &#39;Ponification&#39;. However, the anti pony extremists, the Human Liberation Front (HLF) desperate to save what is left of mankind, intends to eradicate the Pony menace by whatever means necessary. Having forced their hand, the Bureau established V.A.N.G.A.R.D, a special military strike force, operating above the law with the sole intention of protecting the Ponies and suppressing the resistance.<br /><br />This is the story of 21 year old Dr. David Stone, a self conflicting young man, caught between the harshness of reality and his dream of a world of peace. Unexpectedly recruited as a V.A.N.G.A.R.D agent, David joins the Conversion Bureau, only to discover that he alone will holds the power in restoring the balance to a world long forsaken. Based loosely on Blaze&#39;s original fanfic, The Conversion Bureau.</p>
Alone in a world, with millions of souls, Walking in circles, trapped in their dreams, unhealthy, unclean Walking in Circles, now, do not disturb, scream in silence, everyone’s sleeping- Walking in Circles, Dead by Sunrise Prologue [Written by Blaze]: The pony race and humans have lived together in harmony for centuries. A peaceful race, the ponies never really felt the need for war or violence to solve world problems. Things always seemed a lot friendlier with the ponies involved. Only recently have ponies been integrating into the modern human society. Ponies have lived in isolated, calm lands for many generations, but with over-population becoming a risk for the equine communities, moving from Canterlot to Newark was a common occurrence in these times. Through warfare and species-exclusive diseases, humans have begun a steady decline in population and general health. The ways humans have destroyed the world around them, through pollution, greed and unhealthy living conditions, have led the humans to realize the error of their ways, but it had been too late. Ponies, being a hardy, largely pacifistic folk, had slowly become the majority in world population (but only just so). It was becoming clear the time of the human was coming to a close. Soon, scientists of both human and pony worked together to create a formula to, in a sense, "ponify" a human, and hopefully keep society from collapsing. Their long term plan was to start a thriving, pony-centric world for generations to come. In this interim period, humans were plagued with mass confusion and doubt as to what to do. Most humans understood the decline in the population, and would much prefer to be a pony. With a down-to-earth, carefree lifestyle, the possibility of flying or using magic to their advantage, and current human health problems a thing of the past, what could possibly go wrong? However, some people have shown some second thoughts. The Conversion Bureau: Guardian Chronicles Written by Notorious/Jack Anarchy Based on Blaze’s Fan-fic The Conversion Bureau [Tags: Mild-Grimdark, Violence, Mild-Language, Adventure] Episode 1: A World Forsaken Location: New York City Time: Unknown Year: Unknown         Tell me...         Is this the world you fought for?         BOOM!         He felt the very earth tremor beneath his feet as he dragged the worn out soles of his dirt-stained loafers upon the cracked asphalt beneath him. The never-ending ringing in his ears renewed with every deafening explosion that rocked the city landscape followed by the wrenching sounds of twisting metal and blocks of shattered concrete echoed through the city blocks. The once mighty skyscraper crumbled to pieces upon the already devastated streets below, dispersing a thick cloud of dust and debris rushing through the battle torn streets.         As his footsteps grew heavy and so did his breaths, the clenching tightness in his chest made breathing a true effort, his lungs suffocated from the clouds of dust that lingered in the air. Half awake, he stumbled forward though fortunate enough to regain his balance as his shoulder came in contact with a pillar, half destroyed from the explosion barely minutes ago. His vision blurred, caught between the world of the living and the gentle caress of blackness that allured him so. He shook his head from side to side, feeling it would be wise to linger for a short breather in hopes it would restore his sense of composure.         The young man’s jittery hand began to shift, inching his fingers sluggishly in the direction of the blood soaked bandanna bounded tightly around a gash on his right arm. He clutched it gently yet firmly as if reminiscing on an onslaught he had barely survived by the skin of his teeth. However, try as he might, the answers he sought in the depths of his memories were non existent. What happened? How did he get here? The roar of a sonic boom instinctively directed his gaze to the chaotic horizon above and there reflected whithin his hazel eyes behind those thin framed, cracked lenses he saw.         The skies lit ablaze with bright flashes, whether beams of bright plasma or magic it was hard to tell perched so far on the ground. There were hundreds of them, an ocean of both humans and Pagasi locked in an intense aerial dogfight across the endless vista. The bright blue skies tarnished by the ominous black clouds looming overhead, casting a dark, ominous veil upon once bustling metropolis. It was then, the young man caught a quick glimpse of bright flash of neon. He felt the adrenaline course through his veins, his muscles tensed, his teeth gritted tightly  as his legs bucked, leaping out of the way just a violent beam streaked right past him.         It missed but was it luck it strayed barely several feet away from him? That it exploded on impact upon hitting the wreckage of a car behind him, reducing it to pieces in a blink of an eye? The young man picked himself up, struggling to steady himself on his own two feet. As of now, those question are all but relevant, he had to keep moving, he had to. His goal, his mission remained a mystery, all he knew is that he had to.         Why do you continue to deny who you truly are?         Heaven knows the last time he laid eyes on the sun or feel the gentle caress of the morning rays upon his dirt stained cheeks. Heck, he could barely recall bits and pieces of a place once called ‘The City of Dreams’ before all Hell broke loose. The voices of its citizens, the scent of coffee roasting in a café, the taste of a hotdog from a sidewalk vendor. They were all but images and fragments of a world that used to be. When did the world succumb to Devil’s sanity? When did war become the one and only solution for the human race? Where did we all go wrong?         The scarlet tie that donned the collar of his shirt swished violently in the harsh zephyr coursing through the war torn city streets. He straightened his tattered lab coat, once bleached white now stained and begrimed with muck, grime and patches of dried blood. He brushed his medium length ebony hair to the back to clear the view from his eyes, widening yet again as his arm made a quick effort to shield them, gritting his teeth as he turned away from yet another explosion. This time a lime green beam making contact with the building on his right, sending small bits of concrete and metal in every direction. He coughed as he was engulfed in yet another cloud of dust and debris. Peace is but an illusion, your efforts are futile         Was Lady Luck watching over him? Maybe it was something more but he knew that came a little too close for comfort. Through squinted eyes barely being able to make out ten feet in front of him, the young man continued onwards, trying his best to navigate through the piles of rubble and the twisted wreckage of vehicles that littered the road he walked. But rubble was not the only thing that littered the streets, the young man knew this too well. Forced to turn an oblivious eye to the bloodied, torn and mutilated corpses of both human and the four legged equines lying lifelessly upon sidewalk.         Scattered across the urban landscape, like the snarls of the hounds of Hell were mechanical grindings of hundreds of humans clad in bulky futuristic battle armor brandishing weapons, far more advanced than anything the modern world has yet to see. The streets were reduced to anarchy, lit ablaze with flurries of laser like blasts, every beam with the potential of tearing through rock, metal and even flesh and bone as if it were made of paper.         They towered over the ponies, taking the form of soulless, war mongering beasts. Their blood red eyes glowing ominously with a gaze borne by Death himself with the sounds of heavy breathing resonating from behind their emotionless metal helmets. They had one mission and one mission alone, exterminate the Pony race and the traitors along with them and they will do it without restraint, without opinion and most definitely without mercy.         The Ponies, like Trojan warriors bore hardened war armor of bright gold and silver. The unicorns returning fire with magic, manipulating the elements and bending them to their advantage. Fire, water, earth, anything they could use to break through the thick pieces of metal that protected their nemesis. The Earth ponies joined the fight, mustering their skills in crudely constructed war machines and armored vehicles doing their best to strengthen their defences. They fought valiantly but deep down inside they bore a sense of reluctance within their eyes with the unicorns being forced to use magic to induce harm for the very first time.         They were once peaceful race, war and violence were nonexistent, merely forgotten texts written in books left to stack on shelves of a library. Now they do what comes naturally to all living things, whatever it takes to ensure ones survival. The Pagasi took their battle to the skies, with blades and all manner of aerial weapons at their disposal, engaging the humans outfitted with metallic wings and jet packs.          Everywhere they turned bore unspeakable chaos and carnage, through magic, guns and cold steel wielded by the hands of men against the magic and tenacity of the Ponies they were bent on exterminating. Cries, yells, curses, and growls, too many and too loud to separate from likes of man and equines the ruthless battle raged on. The earth beneath them ran red with crimson from mangled corpses of their fallen comrades.         It was like a show reel of terror and horror, in the skies Pagasi having their wings shredded by those beams, their limbs being torn, slashed to mere chunks of pastel flesh before falling to their graves. Ponies having their bodies ripped in half, their remains scattered upon the walls, screaming in horror as the gurgling cries of their brethren being taken apart with the revving of a chainsaw blade. But for the humans did not leave unscathed, their cries and screams were just as blaring, as they were burned alive, shocked, impaled, crushed while being  trapped within those suits which would soon become their graves.         The Ponies had tenaciously held their ground, however with every fallen human; five more would take his place as if they were wrathful souls born of Hell. Their minds only saw blackness as their eyes saw nothing but the redness that drenched the armor they bore. Gone was the fear, gone was their concern for their well being for now they acknowledged no friend, no ally. Nothing but the undying flames of hatred and the sights of an enemy who will be subjected their wrath. However, the Ponies had no intention of submitting to their murderous whims, even as they were shot, slashed, hammered, stabbed, bruised and even killed, they were determined to give the humans one battle they will never forget. The Guardians cannot save you now, you can’t even save yourself         It felt like a decade had passed before his footsteps came to a stop. He had no reason to be where he was at that very moment, but somehow he knew that this was the place, his final destination. The young man lifted his head, recognizing the fact he was at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, The Crossroads of The World they call it, the remnants of what was once the pride of New York, Times Square. His breaths were heavy, his legs were barely holding up, his body felt weak and drained as if worn by battles past. Everything was a blur, what was he doing here? Was there something waiting for him?         It was then, like a dark, menacing aura coursed through his very body, through his veins, bones and flesh as he barred his teeth at the specter that stood before him. He can tell it was a young man no older than he was but he adorned an armor far different from that of the other humans. It looked more like a well fitted suit, drawing a certain inspiration from the real of fantasy, as if he came straight out of a graphic novel.         From his helmet, to his shoulder pieces, the gauntlets that adorned his arms and his legs, shining with glimmering, polished glint of bright gold. His eyes hidden behind a visor that shone with an almost malicious glint of crimson and young man sensed the air grow heavy with an intent to kill. But the one thing that caught his attention the most was the odd, yet bulky buckle that lay fastened to his waist.         The ebon colored device, about five inches across and three inches wide bore a red gem glowing in the middle, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the likes a camera. Strange runes or marking were engraved in a circle around the gem and he could only assume the strange symbols stacked in threes on the left and right did not represent the Elements of Harmony.         Gripped within his hand was the maliciously, yet futuristic shaped hilt of a long magnificent katana. The mechanical parts of parts of the silver blade glowed luminously in a dim yellow tint, its blade dripped with the crimson liquid of life. Whether it came from the body of a human or a pony, the young man could already deduce that person before him was no friend or ally. “Do you see?” a voice resonated from behind the helmet in an almost daunting tone.         The young man was silent, his eyes narrowed in intimidation.         “I once told you, old friend, the human race is incapable of love and understanding, birthed into a cradle of hatred, wrath and despair. Upon their exile, Earth had been their salvation, their sanctuary and yet these sinful beings pillaged, butchered and raped it at their every whim”         “Humans know no peace, they know no mercy, all they crave is the euphoria of death and the intoxication of destruction. Now, at long last, after decades of war and meaningless bloodshed the day of reckoning has arrived. Watch... watch as their twisted reality falls to ruin, tremble their very existence heads down an endless spiral to oblivion. May their gods help them all,” he said, walking nonchalantly in the direction of the young man.         “Now do you see? How your so called mission was but a lie. Your beliefs, your convictions were all but lies, The Guardians had deceived you and YOU in turn deceived the very ones you longed to protect. Harmony? Friendship? What a load of bull! Now they pay dearly for your delusions, all because you couldn’t accept the truth!” he exclaimed, his finger pointed in accusation. “And what is the truth?” the young man finally spoke.         The young man in the armor lifted his sword, the tip of the blade brandished in his direction. “That you were never meant to save the human race, you were meant to destroy it,” It was then, a rather odd smirk began taking shape upon the young man’s face. “Then tell me this, my ‘old friend’…,” he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice though pausing for a moment with the intention of catching the attention of the armored one.         “When did you forsake yourself?” he asked.         The young man in the armor stood motionless as if deep in thought, a moment of silence then ensued but only to be broken by a slow yet menacing chuckle began came from behind the golden helmet, raising his armored hand to font of his face, the tip of his fingers touching the likes of his forehead as if amused by the man’s question.          “I see, you never fail to amaze me. Bloodied, beaten and bruised, standing amongst the ruins of a world that will soon come to pass, you continue to hold onto your ludicrous delusions. I don’t know if I should commend you on your faith, or feel sorry for you” said the man in the golden armor.         The young man chuckled coarsely and weakly. He then looked straight into those soulless, malevolent blood red eyes, bearing a warm yet gentle smile.         “That is what makes me... human”         “Human....,” said the man in the golden armor before scoffing under his breath. “Well then, with a statement like that, it would be rude of me not to grant you the honor of dispatching you to the Advent Void myself,” the man in the armor said, lifting his sword before twirling it violently in his hand, the jet like sounds of solid metal slicing through the air before he resting it upon his shoulder.         The young man gave a soft chuckle, his fingers struggling to reach for his broken glasses before gently removing it in his softly trembling hand. “Twilight… forgive me” he whispered, allowing the thin frame to slip from his hands, the lenses shattering to little pieces as it came on contact with the asphalt beneath him.         With was left of his strength, he raised his right fist in the direction of the man in the armor. His left hand pulled back on the long sleeve, he revealed a golden bracelet engraved with intricate runes adorned cerulean gem. It was at that moment, it started to glow as brightly as the northern star in a blinding blaze of azure. Thrusting his hand to the sky, a bright blue orb of pure energy appeared within the palm of his hand as he whispered… “Gone and returned through time”         His voice seems to echo at the very mention of those words, at the exact moment the ground beneath his feet began to glow. An incredible magical circle expanded at his feet, circling on its axis was glyphs and symbols of unknown origins. The rattling sounds of vibrating metal grew louder as it was dragged across the asphalt, drawn by the immense power of the glowing orb in his hand.         Suddenly, the pieces of metal levitated violently in his direction, disintegrating into small compact pieces at it began to circle the orb, melding together to form a large bulky, white buckle which bore an uncanny resemblance to its black twin with the exception it bore six of the the symbols that represented the Elements of Harmony, three on each side.         As if by instinct, the young man spun it in his hand before slapping it to his waist, a belt magically appearing in a flash of light as it secured it to his waist. Reaching down, he pulled o the sides of the buckle, causing it to unfasten itself with the white buckle rotating 90 degrees upwards to the left. “Standing by” came a male voice with a sense of fortitude, resonating from that of the buckle.         Now what? What should he do next? Then once again, as if guided by pure instinct, he thrust his hand forward with a single motion, and like magic, another magical circle appeared with a set of six card materializing in a single flipping motion with a pinkish, almost purplish flash of neon. By impulse, he grabbed one of the floating cards before him and the moment he did, the other vanished in a gentle flash of light.         A card? His hazel eyes studied the picture of head shot, adorned in an intricate fantasy inspired battle helmet illustrated its smooth, glossy surface. His gaze then shifted downwards to the white buckle, suddenly noticing the apparent thin slot before him. At that moment, he knew what to do and what he had to do.         “Let’s do this” he said, holding up the card before slicing it swiftly into the card slot with a single motion.         “A.D.V.E.N.T Guardian…” said the voice from the buckle.         “Engage!” he cried, with the same single swift movement, the young man shut the sides of the buckle, locking it into place.          A smaller crimson magical circle expanded from the gem in the middle bearing the words “Drive Engage” just as the larger one beneath his feet expanded. Like magic,six symbols representing the Elements of Harmony manifested around him, drawn to his body as it crystallized in an armor of light.         Then suddenly, it shattered revealing glistening jet black suit of armor, like the young man before him, bearing a design influences borne of fantasy and magic. From his helmet, the gauntlets that adorned his arms and legs, the suit was intricate and unique with the exception of the visor that glowed with a gleam of bright blue.         “Ho…” said the young man in the golden armor, feigning as sense of impression. He spun his sword yet again, this time however, he twirled it within his fingers as if taunting the young man from before but to no avail. Raising his hand, the same circle of cards appeared, with the exact single flipping motion, grabbing hold of of one of the materialized cards within his fingers as the young man pulled opened the buckle yet again.         “Final Form Drive…” said the voice from the buckle.         Sliding his card into the buckle, he proceeded to shut the buckle, the same magical circle, this time taking an ember tint appeared from the gem in the middle as the word “ANIMA!” was both illustrated and mentioned by the voice, following soon after. It was then, another magical circle appeared behind the young man, the rattling of chains grew loud as from the depths of the glowing glyphs, a large beast bounded in chains began to appear, as if it crawled out from the deepest, darkest past of Hell itself. It stood almost as tall as the four storey building behind them, fangs barred in viciousness from its nightmarish appearance would make any sane person tremble and petrify in fear.         But he man in the golden armor merely gave a rather mischievous smirk behind that helmet of his.         “Alright, I’m game” he said, reaching down to his own buckle as he he opened it in the exact same fashion, the words “Final Form Drive…” was heard, but this time from the voice of a female.         The same exact magical circle appeared with the circle of six cards appeared, this time with a yellow glint of neon. Grabbing hold of one of his cards, he slotted it in with a single motion and slapped it shut.         “OBELISK!”         A magical circle appeared beside him, this time like magic, a large majestic white suit of armor standing at the exact same height of the beast before him made it apparent. The armor or more precisely, the creature brandishing a long lance and a shield, its long royal blue cape waved gently in the wind.         “This is the end for you, old friend. Perish a fool and take your ludicrous dreams and ideals of peace to Hell with you!” he said, his hand reaching down to his waist as he slid open his buckle.         “Final Attack Drive…”         The young man in the black armor raised both his arms as the glowing outlines of a pair of weapons began tracing itself over them, even on that of his legs. Within a second, they took the form of a pair of gauntlets, bounded in chains, black as the raven’s back.         “I told you once before, heed my words. As long as the magic of the Guardians continue to flow through my veins, as long I my soul remains untainted and my body unbroken…” the young man said, reaching down to slide open his buckle in the same exact manner just as a card appeared in his right hand.         “Final Attack Drive…”         “Then may Celestia have mercy on the fools who would stand in my way!” he roared, sliding in the card and shutting the buckle.         “A, A, A, ANIMA!”         “Come then! Strike me down with with all you have I will return this hatred a thousand fold!” the young man cried in return, slicing in his very own card before slamming his buckle shut.         “O,O,O, OBELISK!”         It was as if hands of time had crawled to the bare fractions of a second the moment the two warriors broke out in relentless charge. The ground shattering from the moment they left the patch of asphalt where they stood barely moments ago. The magical beasts they had summoned charged alongside their masters into the glory of battle to the death and beyond.         “WAKE UP! ANIMA!” the young man yelled, and heeding the command of its master, the creature in chains began glowing in a bright purplish glow, transforming into a blazing ball of light.         Zipping frantically in mid air before entering the pair of gauntlets mounted on the young man’s arm. The metallic shattering of chains could be heard the moment the gauntlets unsealed itself, followed by the menacing mechanical whirring of blades of a chainsaw being emitted from both his arms and legs.         But the young man in the golden armor brandished his blade, twirling it at sonic speeds as he cried “RELEASE! OBELISK!”. Just like the beast before, the white metal suit of armor transformed into a blazing ball of red light, entering the golden katana.         The blade glowed beautifully for a brief moment, strange runes creeping from the hilt arranging itself along the length of the blade, glowing bigger as it did. Then shattering like pieces of glass, revealing a massive blade about seven feet long.         They both broke out into a long battle cry, both driven by their own beliefs and their own sense of justice and righteousness. Their eyes narrowed, teeth barred, their throats grew coarse with the long, harsh battle cry. Their fists tightened, they knew for a fact that this was it, here is where it all ends. But just what have they truly been fighting for? Was it for the Ponies? Was it for the Human race? Their reasons were their own, and here at the end of it all, only one will prevail.         “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!”         The very moment their auras collided, in a split second the very earth beneath their shattered with an incredible burst of power. As pieces of asphalt, scrap metal and debris lifted into the air, though the fractions of the grains of time, he saw it, every move, every motion of the massive katana slicing though the air. The deadly rotating chains on his gauntlet shifted into overdrive, his fingers curled tightly into fists as he threw his right hand forward in a massive swing. And then came the clash…         BOOM!         The clash of energy was so great, so powerful, it engulfed downtown in a dome of light, reducing the nearby building into nothing but piles of rubble. It was an explosion of great magnitude, a grim remembrance to a weapon long utilized and long feared by the human race.         Perched upon the tallest building in the city, a fair distance from the explosion stood a unicorn. Her coat had seen better days, now sloven and stained with the blood of a race she once called friend. Amongst the battles and carnage that filled the skies around her, all she could do was watch. Tears streamed down the sides of her face, hues of bright purple filled with pain and regret. Then, looking over her shoulder as she mouthed…         “David… wake up”         Her whisper echoed and faded into the shadows. **************         “ARGH!” David sat up violently in his chair, startled wide awake as he woke up in cold sweat, his heart racing as his breaths grew quick.         “Dr Lestor, Dr Lestor, you are needed in the Room 23, thank you”         It took him a full minute to steady his racing heart, his fingers massaged his temple as his mind shimmered with vague loops of images from the final moments of that dream. These dreams... these crazy, stupid, infuriating, meaningless dreams. Night after night was the same, for months these bleary images of war and carnage, New York in ruin, strange creatures called Guardians had haunted him in his sleep.         The young man groaned in frustration, he was sure his delirium would soon drive  him to the brink of sleep deprived madness. In truth, the whole thing made him sick to his stomach. Magical circles? Mythical Armors? Cards? Advent Drives? It was like a cheesy scene straight out of poorly made B rated action movie, or worse, the result of an overactive imagination fueled with buckets worth of soda pop, candy and Saturday morning cartoons.         Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he got up from his leather chair as he ran his fingers through his shabby hair before giving his aching body a well deserved stretch, feeling the stiffness muscles beginning to subside. Yet another long and rough night at the hospital, with the place being rather underhanded they had the young doctor running around clock a little too often for comfort.         He straightened his lab coat and straightened his tie, tardiness was almost nonexistent to the young man but he had to admit, he was a complete and utter mess. He reached for the stacks of paper that lay scattered along his glass table. The digitized words ‘Good Morning Dr Stone’ flashed upon the glassy surface, fading into the background before revealing a layout commonly found on a computer with icons of various shapes and sizes.         David arranged the stacks of paper but just as he bent down to slide open the drawer under the table, he paused, looking directly at the large photograph used as his desktop wallpaper. It was a picture of him and four other youths, three young men and a young lady, all clearly in their late teens dressed brilliantly in their graduation suits. The words ‘Friends Forever’ and five signatures all draw in gold ink was written in the bottom right corner. The young doctor shrugged, tapping the surface of the table as the image dimmed to black.         Even after putting away the stacks of paper, he realized the feeling restlessness continued to linger, his mind pondering on the possible questions derived from the strange dream. It just made no sense, that dream, strange buckle, the man in the armor? What did it all mean? Was it a vision? He groaned again, just thinking about it was an invitation for an oncoming migraine.         Making his way to the window, he pushed aside the green curtain that shrouded the windows, the bright morning rays of the sun made his eyes squint a little. Even ten floors off the ground, he could hear the the sounds of the bustling streets below, the honking of the vehicles caught in traffic, the obnoxious revving of dual T.R.I core engines probably from a rich pretty boy wannabe trying to swoon the ladies nearby with his multi million dollar toy, even the the brief sirens from a passing fire truck. From the holographic signs of bright neon revolving around the towering skyscrapers looped the action packed adverts of the upcoming Superbowl, to the news hover plane that hovered in the skies above. Yes, the world was as it is and not a pile of ruins in the midst of the flames of war. The young man tucked his hands into his pockets, who was he trying to kid?         Trotting right beside their two legged neighbors, their coats glistened with hues of bright pastel with strange tattoo-like pictures on their flank as made their merry way down the busy streets. A single feather of dark violet a little too large to be a bird made his eyes of bright hazel shifted to the skies above. Zipping through the clouds like brightly colored angels, the Pagasi flew as free as the birds in the sky. It has been five years since they first made their existence known to mankind, these peculiar, horse-like creatures from a distant land having lived in absolutely secrecy and seclusion from the known word.         They called themselves Ponies, though they bore no resemblance or resemblance to the ‘ponies’ David had seen on his uncle’s farm down in Texas. The young man turned away from the window, instead to the remote lying idly on the glass table. Grabbing hold of it, directed it to the large pane of tempered glass on the wall. With a push of a button, a semitransparent  holographic screen came to life, bearing an image of a newscaster. Jenny Alderan, one of New York’s most beloved anchors..         “Good morning citizens of New York City, in breaking news, the Conversion Centre down in Brooklyn will now be open 24 hours a day, our beloved Mayor seeks to expand the facility in hopes to accommodate…” she said.         “Conversion Centres…” David muttered under his breath.         The Conversion Bureau, Ponyfication, Magic, once he swore he would only hear such words from the old bedtime stories his grandfather used to tell before he came to pass. He always did tell the best stories, tales of magic, mythical beasts like dragons, manticores and warriors of bravery and valor who risked everything to protect the innocent. David spun the remote in the palm of his hand, in the end those were just stories, fantasy. If only the old man could see it now, it was everywhere, in the headlines in the papers, on the big screen, even plastered all over the World Wide Web.         David was no strange to the long bloody history of the human race and it never fails to fascinate him how they would take such foolish pride in it. History was no history, merely records documenting the savage nature of a species that thrives of violence and destruction. Fanaticism, racism, anarchism, the list goes on. They have spent all their hearts and souls into undoing one other, peace was never a solution amongst even their fellow brethren but in the end it was ignorance and senselessness that disarmed them.         The world was dying, everyone knew that. Societies were crumbling and the city walls fading into soulless shades of gray. The economy was in shambles, extreme pollution led to new diseases, some which were terminal and crime ran rampant on the streets with New York’s finest doing little to nothing to ease the situation. Worst of all were the politicians, greedy, selfish chunks of lard who did nothing but spout lies in an effort to hide the ugly truth from society. The human race is spiraling to oblivion, wasn’t that what man in his dream said?         But then, almost a year ago, life took a strange turn for the human race, a ray of hope from a land beyond the sea, Equestria.         Humans were offered a chance at salvation from the darkness and decay of the world they had laid to waste, to a place of peace and serenity. Like a stairway to Heaven, a world without conflict, pain and suffering, a place where they can start anew and leave their pointless existence behind them. However, like all things great and small, it comes at a price most humans were willing to pay without so much as a second thought, their humanity. David shrugged at the thought.         Within a year, these ‘Conversion’ centers began popping up all over the country, the first in New York City, then in Miami, Tennessee, even in California. Within a month, thousands of people flocked to these centers, choosing to be ‘ponified’ in hopes of a better life and a better future. It is true, the world changed after those centers opened, everything changed, even for him. People he used to know, grocers, the delivery boy, the garbage collector with the golden tooth,, even the old woman who used to serve him coffee down the street from the hospital.  One by one, they disappeared from the moment they spoke of their interests in the Bureau, one or two even tried talking him into doing the same. Heaven knows knows where they are now.         “Now, we go live to City Hall for a press conference with Lieutenant Miguel Estrada, the Director of the Conversion Bureau…” said the newscaster. David snapped to attention at the mention of that name, his eyes shifted to that of the projected image.         Miguel Constantine Estrada, a name the new world has become most familiar with, specially since he has been making the headlines more and more as of late. There was no question that the man of Hispanic origins, in his mid forties is possibly the second most powerful man next to the President of the United States of America. Though the American people have long wondered what exactly the Conversion Bureau is. Ask anyone off the streets and they will return their simple perception, they are the ones ‘in charge’ of the myriad of centers for human ponification.         But from the words of Charles Darwin, things have a way of changing and adapting to their surroundings and their situation. The Conversion Bureau of America now functioned as a private organization endorsed by the US government, representing the human race in terms of political ties with the Royal House of Equestria. The citizens of New York city had grown to accept their presence, some convinced the Bureau was the equivalent of an Equestrian Embassy on United States soil. Although some citizens have grown mighty wary of the Bureau, paranoid even but more so intimidated.         “Mr Estrada, would you care to comment on the recent attacks on the Ponies by the HLF? Is the Bureau doing anything to to stop these heinous hate crimes?” asked the reporter, shifting the microphone to the man before her.         David recognized him from the countless pictures printed all over the New York Times, draped in his trademark black suit, a white shirt and a red scarf worn around his neck to match. Parts of his face showed signs of wrinkling, a testament to his age although his olive skin seemed a little darker than the young doctor last remembered. The man stood about five and a half feet tall, ran his fingers through his jet black hair for a brief moment, kept short and neat pushing it to the back. His expression remained neutral but David can tell from his dark brown eyes that whatever he was about to say, he would mean every word of it.         “The recent attacks were indeed horrid and ‘inhumane’, bearing an unfortunate resemblance to the fanatics of yesteryear like the KKK or the Neo-Nazis. Although their chapter leader has denied any involvement in the attacks, rest assured, the Bureau is conducting a thorough investigation and we will bring the ones responsible to justice” he said.         “But Mr Estrada, is it true that the Bureau uncovered the existence and currently in possession of the Z.O.H.A.R weapons that had been allegedly used in the attack?”         Z.O.H.A.R weapons? David could see a slight change in his expression but it was too minor for reporter to notice, it was one of his quirks, a slight movement of the right eyebrow. He does this every time he encounters a question he was reluctant to answer. But the man retained his composure her question was calmly answered.         “We cannot reveal any information of evidence pertaining to the case due to this being an ongoing investigation. Now if you would excuse me, I have a situation in dire need of my presence,” he said, as he took his leave, with reporters on his tail like bloodhounds on a hunt.         “But Mr Estrada! What about the HLF? What of Pat Maitland? How does the Bureau intend to handle them-,” words cut short as David turned off the screen with a press of his remote.         HLF… the Human Liberation Front, a sense of disgust grew from the bottom of his heart. Liberation? Freedom? They were nothing but fanatics, having taken a sip from the chalice of insanity. The young doctor recalled the headlines printed on the New York Inquirer, ludicrious lines like “Humans Unite!” or “The End is Neigh!”.         Day after day, they spewed distortions of lies being turned to truth in hopes that it would unite society as a whole, regardless of religion, beliefs or creed. Having convinced from the start that the human race is on the brink of extinction, accusing the Bureau as traitors to their kind for being a front for a conspiracy to convert and/or annihilate the human race. Just as these Conversion Centers have been popping up all over the country, these ‘Chapters’ or groups have been making themselves known at the exact break neck pace.         Although it may have started with protests, marches fueled by paranoia and fear as the months passed, the citizens of the city had grown accustomed and generally began accepting of the Conversion Centers and the Ponies as a race. Though most decided to put aside their all differences and learned to live alongside Ponykind, some did not.          In fact they downright refused to, David has heard all their excuses “It’s against the Bible” or “It goes against God!” banner and slogans exclaimed in religious propaganda, considering the Pony race as abominations and the act of Ponification was that of the Devil’s work. When others preached about violating the ways of their God, some merely hated the Ponies simply for being different. Never once did they cease in their efforts to convince humanity that they were on a road to annihilation.         Finally after months, being unheard and neglected by the American people and their government, it inevitably escalated, with several groups deciding to take matters into their own hands by condoning violence against the Ponykind. Lynching, assaults and other manner of unspeakable acts were but a few of their crimes. The local authorities were powerless to control the flurry of reported cases, well that is until the Bureau themselves decided that it was time to fight fire with fire.         David knew little of it, but lately, as extracted from various resources and rumors, upon realizing that things were escalating with reasons for concern, the Bureau established V.AN.G.A.R.D, a private military task force assigned specifically to handle these extremists and those who bore ill intentions against the Ponies. Little is known about them, people who commonly encounter these agents were usually the unfortunate members of the HLF or people who were definitely on the wrong side of the fence.         However, the city knew they exist, they have seen them in action on the streets but it was strange there was little to no information about how they operate. David was sure the Bureau suppressed any news or reports  made about them. Only rumors like how they seem to posses technology and knowledge in advance military warfare far more advance that of the US military seem to surface as a usual topic for gossip over a cup of coffee. To why they needed such serious hardware to deal a bunch of racist rednecks and religious nut jobs pissed drunk on beer, head deep in the bible or both at the same time was a complete mystery.           David leaned against his table, his arms folded before him deep in thought as he tried to digest everything. The dream, the words of Miguel Estrada, the HLF, Z.O.H.A.R weaponry? He sighed, rubbing the side of his temple. It was then, the sound of a bell that hung from the metal doorknob gave a little ring as the face of a bubbly young nurse could be seen peeking through the ample space in the door, dressed in her standard issued uniform with her auburn hair tied neatly in a bun. “Dr Stone? May I come in?” she asked politely.         “Delia, please” David said, immediately putting away his concerns as he invited her in. “Care to tell me what’s on the agenda today? Lay it on me, and this time don’t sugar coat it” he said with a smile, half joking.         “Well, Mr Wilson is here for his nine o’clock, then you have Mrs Keen, for her two o’clock and Dr Leslie said to remind you that you have an additional hour at the clinic later today”         David groaned deep inside, another hour? To think he was looking forward to finally being allowed to return home after spending almost a week sleeping on couches in the common area and that of the chair in his office, God he was in need of some fresh clothes and most importantly a bath. What wouldn’t he give for a hot shower right now? However, he could not bring himself to cast blame on Dr. Leslie for the additional hours. Being the Dean of the hospital was tough enough without being pressured by the mass resignation and the never ending flood of newly admitted patients. In truth, it was a real understatement when David mentioned they were understaffed. “So Dr. Stone, if you don’t mind me asking, did you finally find the time to read that Conversion Bureau brochure I gave you the day before?” asked Delia.         “Hhm? Oh, that, well…” said David, smiling nervously with a sense of reluctance to speak his mind, but the young nurse merely smiled.         “It’s okay, I understand how busy you have been. You see, I was thinking of dropping by myself. My mom and dad have been ponified, so were my brothers. The whole family intends on moving to Equestria next month and I have been thinking really hard about joining them” she said, smiling as warmly as ever.         “That’s nice Delia, I’m sure they made the right choice” said David, feeling rather awkward all of a sudden. “If you don’t mind, I think I better get going now, I most definitely don’t want to keep the patients waiting” he said with a nervous chuckle.         “Oh certainly Dr Stone, just one more thing” she said, holding up a clipboard with several documents. “I just need you to sign here, and here” her fingers pointing to the dotted lines on several pieces of paper.         The young doctor skimmed through the printed words and signed it without a second thought, he just wanted to get out of there, least away from Delia as quickly as he could.         Once he was done, he zipped right out of the office, barely hearing what Delia had to say on his way out. “Have a great day Dr Stone”. **********         He could not remember the last time he looked at his watch but he knew from the warmness of the sun’s beams at that hour, it was bright and early. Well, to be more specific it was 8 am to be exact. Time flies when you least expect it, his hazel eyes reflected upon the glossy surface of his watch, both arms indication proclaiming it was now 7 pm. However, David breathed a sigh of relief, his patients had tended to, papers filed and organized, no sirens at the front door and things at the hospital were finally beginning to mellow down.         It was a good thing too, if he had to listen to another one of Mrs Keen’s cat stories, he swore he would have burst. But in all honesty, David had lost track of the amount of people he had consulted today. Remembering faces gets a tad bit difficult after the thirtieth file or so, however his memory refused to allow him to forget the same constant question brought in by each and every one of them. "Where is Dr Carlos?” “When is Dr Maine coming back?” “What happened to Dr Monroe?” “How is Dr Sunny?”         He felt his heart grow heavy, an unfathomable sense of discontent gripped at his bottom of. The footsteps from of his brown leather loafers seem to echo down the once lively hallway. Where were they? When were they coming back? He wished he knew the answers to those questions. No,he knew it all too well, it was just denial on his part. They were gone, more precisely were no longer, well human. Carlos, Maine, Monroe and Sunny, they were the faces on photo which adorned the backdrop of his computer. Why? Because he wanted to remember them as they were and not some pastel byproduct of sorcery or magic.         To think that fate would have them practicing at the same hospital. They were reputable and respectful doctors and everyone loved them, the staff, their patients. Heck, there was never a dull moment here behind these ivory walls, especially with Carlos around and you know for a fact you could always count of them when the sirens come on. The young doctor gently pushed his glasses over the bridge of his nose before tucking his hands into his pocket, feeling the fading warmth of the sun through the hospital windows as it began to set beyond the horizon. His hazel eyes stared idly at the checkered floor beneath his feet. They were more than just colleagues, No,they were his best friends.         “I’m sorry, I can’t do this anymore David, I’m just not as strong as you are”         “Everyone I love and care about is gone. I refuse to spend my days alone, I can’t and I won’t. I’m sorry David but this is goodbye”         “What is your problem David!? Everyone’s doing it, why do you have to be such a jerk!? I came to you cause you’re my friend, I thought you would understand! You know what! Screw it, I’m gone!”         “Godspeed David, I wish you all the best”         Did they abandon him? Or was it the other way around? David never truly understood what insanity could bring a person to discard everything that made them who they were, deny their humanity, all for a chance at a slice of heaven from a promised land. His grandfather had always said, struggling and hardships a part of living. Life was never a walk in the park, they knew that, everybody knows that. Fighting is what makes us human, obstacles exist there for a reason and what does not kill you only makes you so much stronger. The world is a dark, cruel place but it prepares you in its own way.         But now, how can the human race continue to survive, tempted with the knowledge that better, easier alternative exist? An alternative to living? David scoffed, gritting his teeth in frustration. He called them many names, cowards, quitters even to the extent of branding them as traitors. For a while, he even came to think ill of his friends, scorning the very thought that he had shared a bond with those converted ‘things’. He had long banished those feelings of resentment, in the end as much as he hated those supremacists at the HLF, was he any different to begin with?         The pathway back to his office took him right through the children’s ward. Pediatrics was an interesting subject back in medical school but it was definitely not David’s forte, not to mention children tended had a tendency to touch everything shiny object within their reach which annoyed the heck out of him on a constant basis. It was natural for the young doctor to amble on by, however upon passing by yet another ward, his hazel eyes caught onto something that froze him in his tracks. There, illuminated in the fading light of the setting sun though the partly draped window, laid almost motionless in bed was a child barely six years old.         David had given up counting the amount of tubes coming from under his blanket, his head made bare from the effects of the countless Chemo sessions. The room was silent, only but the sounds of the electrocardiograph machine beeping in resonance with his heartbeat. David knew the child was done for, Geno Stigma, an abominable, incurable disease which came to light barely three years ago. He can tell from the black, sickly, disfiguring hexagon shaped patches that littered the child’s pale skin. However, what truly caught his attention were the two Ponies by the side of his bed. The boy had trouble breathing, but he smiled a weak smile, his hand gently running through the pink streaked mane of maroon pelted Unicorn.         “Moom…” he said weakly         “Yes dear, it’s me. I’m here” the unicorn replied, her eyes brimming with tears.         The male Pegasus beside her gently placed his wing, his feathers bore a dark blue hue over her trembling frame, trying so hard to hold back the tears. But the boy’s words were too much to take. “Mom… I can see Jesus mom… he says… everything will be alright” he said. The Pegasus turned away, a single tear trickled down the side of his face. The Unicorn felt bit her bottom lip in grief. “I know hun, I know…” she said weakly.         “Don’t cry mom… please… I’m not afraid…” the young boy replied. “Mom, dad… I love you…”         “We love you too son” said the male Pegasus. No sooner than that, the boy felt his eyes grow heavy, and within minutes and a final beep or two, the machine flat lined... he was gone, the smile never faded from his pale lips. The Unicorn broke down in tears. “Oh GOD! COLIN NO!” she broke down crying, burying her face in neck of the Pegasus.         David stood there, a strange cold shiver running down his spine, robbing the feeling from the tips of his fingers. He merely stood there, petrified, not a sound even as he was shoved out of the way by another doctor and several nurses rushing past him. He felt nothing, he heard nothing, not even the ear piercing siren that echoed through the hallways or the red lights that flashed overhead.         He was a doctor, why did he not respond? He could have tried to resuscitate the boy, why didn’t he? The Ponies were forced out of the room, the female had to be dragged by the male Pegasus, screaming through the pain that tore at her heart.         “CLEAR!” the doctor cried, placing the defibrillator on the young boy’s chest, causing his small frail body to lift an inch off the hospital bed only with the only response being the same monotone flat line on the black screened monitor.         “CLEAR!” The young doctor could only watch as the doctor did his best, utilizing every known technique he could think of. His lips counting as his hands pumped at the boy’s chest, a pulse, a breath, anything.         Minutes passed but as relentless as he was, David knew his efforts were futile. With a long remorseful sigh, the doctor finally decided to call it. The mother’s sobs grew louder, drowned in anguish but David gave both the late boy’s parents a rather apathetic gaze         “I’m sorry for your loss” he said, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose before making his way past them. The mother’s cries began to fade the faster and farther he walked. The young doctor had no intention of looking back, the louder she cried, the quicker his steps became.         Gritting his teeth, he took off down the hallway, he had to get away from there, he just had to. His footsteps echoed through the now empty hallway and and soon, all he could heard were but his own.           The Gino Stigma disease claims yet another victim, bringing the total death count in this hospital alone to about four hundred or so. Those hacks at the science lab were still working on a cure but who were they kidding? Nature did not give birth to this monster, they did, humans did. It was a biological weapon gone wrong, engineered with every intention to ensure a cure would never be found. Confound those war mongering bastards and their military supremacy, why should the young pay for the mistakes of their old?         His parents were Ponified, that much David can tell. They had every intention of having their son do the same, but they were too late. By that time, the effects would have been too severe, he would not have survived the process. Strangely, Gino Stigma only affected the human race, the Ponies were completely immune to it. Ponifying him could have saved him.         But why the lingering thoughts? It was not the Ponified parents or even the Geno Stigma virus that had him walking in circles. No, he was trying to avoid the one true question playing on his very. Why? Why did he just stand there watching like a bumbling idiot? Why didn’t he do anything? He could have tried, at least try, may it be futile but he could have tried!         “Shit!” he cursed under his breath, making a beeline for his office. The words ‘Dr. David Stone’ engraved in gold upon the polished glass door. However, just as he reached for the doorknob, he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder.         “Guh!” he cried as he spun around startled by the tap. His back was pressed cautiously against the glass door only to realize it had been Delia, the young nurse from before.         “AH! Oh excuse me” she said, realizing what she had done.         “Delia, you scared me” said David, his hand placed firmly over his racing heart.         “I’m sorry Dr Stone, but I just needed to tell you something. You have a visitor” she said.         As his heart began to ease from from its sudden rapid acceleration, David raised a curious eyebrow. A visitor? Here at this hour? This was rather puzzling, not to mention suspicious as he combed his memory, trying to remember any appointments he may have forgotten today. “And just in case you were wondering, no he does not have an appointment. He has been waiting in your office since four o’clock” the young nurse added.         “That’s a long time to be waiting for someone, I’m surprise he hasn’t thrown a fit. Why didn’t you page me?” David asked.         “He personally requested that you shouldn’t be bothered during your shift and that he would wait patiently for you until you were done”         David shifted his gaze to the office, hazel eyes narrowed suspiciously for a brief moment. However he eased up, his gaze turning to meet Delia’s baby blue ones. His smiled ever so warmly and gave her a gentle nod.         “Thanks for the head’s up, I’ll tend to him. You better get back to your shift before Nurse Jackie catches you again. I swear she has it in for the both of us” he said with a chuckle. The young nurse had to hide her blushing face with her clipboard, nodding in acknowledgement before hurrying back to her duties.         The young doctor straightened his white coat and fixed his black tie, whoever was behind that door, there was little to no reason to greet him with such tardiness.The small ceramic bell rang against the doorknob with the after motion of the opening door.         There before him stood a man man, dressed in an oddly familiar black suit. Facing the window with his hands tucked behind his back, he stared aimlessly into the distance at the city lights flickering to life as the last rays of sun began disappearing beyond the horizon. “May I help you, sir?” David inquired, closing the door behind him.         “Well that depends on you, Dr Stone…” the man said, turning slowly to face the young doctor. At that moment, David felt the exact same cold chill running down the entire length of his spine. His eyes wide open in absolute bewilderment.         “That depends entirely on you” (To Be Continued…)
Adventure,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Dark,Human
Guardian Chronicles: The Conversion Bureau
Embrace Your Destiny
<p>A year had passed since the establishment of the Conversion Bureau. The human race seeking a chance at a better life, a better future from their dark, decaying world long ravaged by the hands of the greedy and the corrupt through the act of &#39;Ponification&#39;. However, the anti pony extremists, the Human Liberation Front (HLF) desperate to save what is left of mankind, intends to eradicate the Pony menace by whatever means necessary. Having forced their hand, the Bureau established V.A.N.G.A.R.D, a special military strike force, operating above the law with the sole intention of protecting the Ponies and suppressing the resistance.<br /><br />This is the story of 21 year old Dr. David Stone, a self conflicting young man, caught between the harshness of reality and his dream of a world of peace. Unexpectedly recruited as a V.A.N.G.A.R.D agent, David joins the Conversion Bureau, only to discover that he alone will holds the power in restoring the balance to a world long forsaken. Based loosely on Blaze&#39;s original fanfic, The Conversion Bureau.</p>
I feel all ALONE every day, and you’re so FAR AWAY, I know SOMETHING’S  got to change, INSIDE OF ME- Inside Of Me, Dead By Sunrise Episode 2: The Choices We Make “You…” For a moment, he could have sworn the very blood that flowed in his veins ran as cold as the Arctic sea. David merely stood there, completely numbed in astonishment by the unexpected guest that was standing before him. A cold sweat trickled down the back of his neck, his hazel eyes lay in the gape of complete disbelief. “Oh, excuse me, just where are my manners?” the man in the black suit said before stepping closer to the young man. He then extended his right hand in a formal greeting. “Miguel Estrada,” His voice was as husky and monotone, no more different than he sounded on the holovision. The young doctor’s eyes shifted cautiously and restlessly in the direction of Miguel’s hand. It may be a universal proclamation of acknowledgement and peace however David could not help but ponder on the motives that may lay behind it. It took a short while before he proceeded to shake the stranger’s hand in return, everyone deserves a benefit of a doubt, the least he could do was hear him out. “Dr David Stone…” Miguel nodded, upon sensing a rather uncomfortable feeling of doubt and surmise in the air, released his hand before taking a step backwards from David’s comfort zone as to give the young man a little more room to breathe and to analyze the situation. “I am willing to bet you have plenty of questions my good sir. Starting with what is God’s name is the Director of the Conversion Bureau doing in my office, am I correct?” he asked. The young doctor’s expression however remained neutral, fighting desperately to bury the the myriad of questions he was dying unload on the man. “That would be the first, yes,” David agreed. “Well then, I know you are a busy man Dr Stone so I will get straight to the point,” said Miguel, folding his arms. “I am pretty certain you are familiar with the Conversion Bureau,” David nodded. “To the extent of my resources, vaguely” There was a brief pause at the end of David’s sentence before the man inquired “And what of the Human Liberation Front?” The young man felt his fist clench unexpectedly, his teeth clenched in resentment. “What about them?” he asked. Miguel gave a long and heavy sigh, his dark brown eyes peering deep into David’s own. The young man felt an uncomfortable feeling wash over him, it was almost as if his very soul was being read like an open book. “We live in dangerous times Dr Stone, I believe I need not bring to light  the current situation the American people and all of Ponykind face today. Protests, riots and all manner of atrocities continue despite the efforts of our government and our President. About a week ago, the Conversion centre in New Jersey had been besieged, ravaged and decimated by radicals. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident,” “I read about that in the New York Times but Bureau has no solid proof-“ “But you know better, don’t you Dr Stone?” Miguel interrupted David was forced to silence the moment his very words were taken from him. There was most definitely something unnerving about Miguel’s eyes and it made the young man feel uneasy. It was then, the man reached into his coat pocket and removed a cigarette stick. “Do you mind?” “No, not at all, I have the purifier on,” replied David, his finger pointed briefly at the black device next to his table. With the permission of his host, he then lit the tip of cigarette with silver lighter. Images of roses and thorns were engraved upon its polished surfaced along with several Spanish words carved beautifully in cursive. “And I am afraid that the hostility will only escalate from here on out. Though some may keep to more peaceful methods of voicing their perspectives and beliefs, others had already begun taking matters into their own hands. The Medical Centre stationed at the Bureau receives almost a dozen reports of savage assaults on Ponies on a daily basis,” said Miguel David remained idle in thought as he watched the thin line of smoke ghosting upwards to the plastered ceiling above. “So many have been wheeled into the emergency rooms that honestly I have lost count. Bones broken, flesh carved, cutie marks mutilated, the list goes on,” he continued. “I wouldn’t be surprised, fanatics always intend to get their message through one way or another,” David said, a tone of apathy in his voice. The man took another puff from his cigarette before flicking the ashes into the bin next to him. “I agree, in all my years in the army the one thing I have learned about the human race is that we are indeed very convicted creatures. But even so, Dr Stone, the human race as we know it is coming to a slow but inevitable end. You are a smart young man, you have seen the signs,” said Miguel. At that very moment, he broke eye contact with the man. “It doesn’t take a person with my caliber to come to such obvious conclusions Mr Estrada. “But the human race is tenacious and relentless. For decades they have survived and they will keep on surviving, they will keep on fighting no matter what the future may hold,“ “But would that truly be a future worth fighting for?” Miguel inquired. David felt his fist clench and his teeth gritting slightly, irritated by the fact he was being cornered and outwitted every twist and turn however he fought to keep his composure. “Which in turn, leads me to my next question Dr. Stone.  What is your personal opinion on the Ponies and their kind?” said the man, his voice taking a colder and stricter tone. The young doctor felt yet a another chill, like the coldness of ice creeping through every nerve and every fiber of his spine. A sense of uneasiness gripped at his gut knowing his feelings walked the fine line between guilt and anger. However, David’s eyes narrowed in agitation for he knew clearly of the man’s intentions. He was manipulating the situation, twisting every word, every sentence to his advantage in an effort to drive the young doctor a corner. But why? What does he stand to gain? David had no idea but he certainly was beginning to grow weary of this game of twenty questions. Silently, Miguel inhaled yet another puff from his cigarette. The red ember glint burning through up the flammable roll of paper and tobacco followed a pungent puff of smoke. “Allow me to paint you a picture Dr Stone, your shift has come to an end. You pack your suitcase, hang up your coat, wave the receptionist goodbye and make your way into the streets,” said Miguel. David swallow hard, cautiously pondering on a possible direction or purpose of his words. “It is dark, quiet and late. You make your way down an empty street with only the radiant lights of the street lamps to guide you. All in all, it was another uneventful walk home, but suddenly…” Miguel paused deliberately for dramatic effect by taking yet another puff from his cigarette. “You hear a cry for help from a dark alleyway nearby. Succumbing to your curiosity and your good will, you rush to help. There you see a filly. She is hurt, scared and helplessly surrounded by several men. One could only assume these uncivilized brutes to be from the HLF. Brandished in their hands were knives, sticks, ropes, the rest I intend to leave to your imagination Dr. Stone. But right now, you are faced with a choice…” said the man. “Either help that filly, or simply ignore, sorry, forsake her and be on your merry way while leaving her to her fate. So here is my question Dr. Stone, what would you do? What would you have done?” At that moment, it was almost as if Miguel had reached into the very depths of his soul and snatched the life out of him. David felt his body go numb, his eyes widened in complete and utter shock. Never once had he pondered on such a possibility let alone a decision. What would he do? What would he had done? He felt a lump in his throat, his teeth gritted as his fist clenched. “I… I…” he stammered. However, Miguel interrupted him yet again “You’re not a hard man to read Dr. Stone. I caught a glimpse of you in the children’s ward moments earlier and I saw the way you looked at that couple, more precisely the apathy in your eyes,” Miguel definitely struck a nerve. “You were stalking me?” David asked, his eyes narrowed in hostility. “Stalking is a rather harsh word. No, I wasn’t stalking you, merely observing” Miguel replied, taking another puff from his cigarette. “You see, you may have convinced yourself that your efforts to resuscitate that child wouldn’t have made a difference. Gino Stigma is terminal after all, still you could have tried, but you didn’t, did you?” he added. “You want to know why?” The young doctor was silent “Because you have lost your faith in the human race, you have lost faith in yourself,” said Miguel “SHUT UP!” David slammed his fit on the glass table hard enough to cause his stack of stationary to tip over and scatter itself all over the glossy surface. “You don’t know the first thing about me! Just who the Hell do you think you are!?” “Don’t I? I believe I am merely stating the obvious but this is the part where I find myself face to face with a rather intriguing enigma, why continue to stay human when you feel that way? What is keeping you from joining the tens of thousands of humans before you?” David scoffed “Because unlike some, I still have my pride, I have my dignity. I was brought into this world as a human being and may the Devil take my soul before I give that up, even for the promise of a better life!” he exclaimed. Miguel chuckled dryly. “Pride? That is rather shallow isn’t it? If I could have a penny for every time I heard that one,” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “It means, Dr Stone, you aren’t the first and you most certainly will not be the last. You can have my word on that,” David felt terribly offended with that statement. “Call it whatever you want Mr Estrada but I remain true to my beliefs. I have gotten this far with my blood, sweat and tears and I did with two legs and not four!” David replied, anger flaring in his veins. “Then answer my question Dr Stone! What would you have done? Would you had rushed to her aid or would you just walked away. Or better yet, would you rather stand by like a gutless coward and watch them beat the living daylights out of her!?” Miguel raised his voice. “I don’t owe you the liberty Mr Estrada! You barge into my office uninvited and now you’re giving me a lecture on my perspectives!? Screw you!” David snarled. “I know very well you are trying to avoid it Dr Stone but you are doing a very, very poor job at doing so. Now answer my question, or am I to believe that you are no better than those zealots from the HLF!?” Miguel exclaimed. “I told you, I don’t have to answer that! I don’t-“ David snarled in retaliation “What would you have done Dr Stone!? WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE!?” Miguel hollered at the top of his voice. “I DON’T KNOW!” David cried in utter frustration, shutting his eyes as he turned away. With his fists clenched tightly he then took a deep breath, his voice now uttered in remorse “I don’t know…” “That is what I thought,”. The man took another puff from his cigarette. “Then riddle me this Dr Stone, do you believe in the possibility of peace between our two races?” he asked. David ran his hand down his face. “Peace, I remembered a time when I was naive enough to believe in something as callow as peace,” He shrugged before returning his gaze to the man before him. “I used to believe in the possibility of a world without conflict, a world devoid of pain or suffering free of prejudice and animosity where humans and all of Ponykind could coexist peacefully with one another. But everyday when I turn on the news...” David sighed. “No, I have given up peace as an option Mr. Estrada. I believe as long as humans, no, people like the HLF and their self-righteous ideals continue to exist, peace is nothing but an illusion,” The young doctor was well aware he had just quoted the the man in the golden armor from his dream as much as it was against his better judgement. “What if you were given a chance to change that? Would you take it?” said Miguel. David cocked an eyebrow, taking a sudden interest in his peculiar question. “Just where do you intend on going with this Mr. Estrada?” Miguel took another puff from his cigarette. “Judging by your impressive intellect, I believe you are well aware of the existence of V.A.N.G.A.R.D, are you not?” he asked. The young man nodded “I am, but once again, vaguely. All I know is that they keep the peace between humans and Pony kind” he added. Miguel bore a rather confident smile. “How would you like to be a part of it?” David’s eyes widened a little. “Part… of V.A.N.G.A.R.D?” Miguel took another puff from his cigarette. “Dr. David Stone, you come at a rather high recommendation and we are certainly in need of your expertise on the team” he said. The young doctor felt confused, at a high recommendation? From who? “My apologies for not being completely honest with you. This was no casual visit, this was test and I am delighted to announce that you had passed. Believe me when I say, it is something I say very often. The bottom line is, I want you on my team,” said Miguel. “But I am no soldier, sure I may have some experience in self defense but my expertise lie in genetics, me… medicine. What good would I be to you?” David said. “Rather humble aren’t you? You have two black belts, an IQ of over three hundred, graduated high school at the age of thirteen and Harvard with a medical degree at the age of eighteen. Yes, I do admit your CV is indeed impressive but there is something I admire most about you,” “And what is that Mr Estrada?” David inquired curiously. The man paused for a moment, crushing the cigarette butt with his fist before discarding it into the bin beside him. “Your heart Dr Stone, you are not easily swayed by promise of peace or paradise, you remain true to your beliefs and I personally believe that truly is commendable” he said. The young doctor was silent, taking a moment to ponder on the man’s words. However before he could string together the words for a sentence, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Rest your worries, I do not expect you to make a decision here and now,” he said, clutched in his other hand was a card, brandished in the direction of the young doctor. “Here is my card, think long and hard about this and when you have your answer, when you truly believe you are ready, come find me at the Bureau,” he said. The young man felt reluctant at first but then took the white card in his hand, written on it in bright silver were the words ‘The Conversion Bureau- Director- Col. Miguel. C. Estrada’. “Now if you would excuse me as I take my leave. I have an appointment with the Secretary of Defense and I am already a full hour late,” he said, giving a gentle tap on David’s shoulder. The man made his way to the door, the same tinkling of the bell rang briefly as he proceeded to open it. However, David turned around in time to catch the man just as he was stepping out into the hallway. “Mr Estrada!” The man to pause in his step. “Why do this? Why offer me a place in V.A.N.G.U.A.R.D? Even after what I said...” Miguel returned his question with a warm smile. “That was because you were speaking your mind and not from your heart. David, a wise man once told me, we are measured and judged not by our heritage or the blood in our veins but by the choices that we make,” The young doctor was silent. “I believe that every man has his right to believe what he wants to believe but when faced with a situation where he will be forced to make a decision that would challenge those beliefs, I believe that he will follow his heart and do the right thing,” he added. “But why me?” “Because, like you, I too believe in a world where humans and Ponykind can find finally find peace with one another. Good evening Dr Stone and thank you for your hospitality, I certainly look forward to our next meeting,” he said before shutting the door behind him. The young doctor sighed, his eyes lay fixed on the card in his hand. V.A.N.G.A.R.D, who was he kidding? Why would they possibly want a doctor joining their ranks? But then again, how much did he know, how much does the world truly know about about V.A.N.G.A.R.D? About the Bureau? Were they spectres, ghosts, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly? Just who were they, truly? David allowed his suspicions to get the best of him, working up a bunch of assumptions but in the end they merely remained as such. However, the young man could not help but remember the look in Miguel’s eyes. That look of fortitude and determination that would inspire comfort and confidence even in the most skeptical of men. Somehow David knew deep inside of him that he meant everything that he had said, just as he would on the holovision.   “Argh!” The young doctor ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, he felt confused and he needed a second opinion. Then, a crack of thunder then directed his attention to the window just as drops of rain began splattering against his window pane. “Oh Shit!” he cursed, moving to grab his leather bag before making his way toward the exit. **********    The city felt colder than usual, especially since summer was coming to a slow but definite end. David could feel the cold biting into his flesh as he braved the rain, the raindrops trickling from his old, worn out fedora given his pathetic excuse for an umbrella. He tucked his hand and his leather suitcase into his thick leather overcoat, grumbling as he unexpectedly stepped into a puddle in the middle of the street. There was something increasingly different about these streets and no, it was not the voices resonating from the holographic billboards or the projected screens blaring images of some distant beach paradise with the sun shining brightly in the sky. It was the dwindling amount of people David would expect walking the streets on their way home from work. Almost a year ago, he would brush shoulders every ten minutes with some random pedestrian due to how narrow the sidewalk was, now all he could eye were about a dozen people ahead of him, not putting into count the Ponies draped in their brightly colored raincoats. David shrugged, the lights from the flashing neon reflected upon his leather coat as the sounds of the passing cars were drowned by the heavy rainfall. Darn, he could use a drink right about now, speaking of which. The young doctor then stopped in front of a small pub which bore a resemblance to an old English tavern with the words ‘Tim Bak Tuu’ engraved in wood lay holstered in chains above the typical oak door with the sounds of good ole tavern music from behind it. “Little high little low!” he cried jovially, entering the tavern with a hard push on the door. “Come on David, that joke is sad and old! You need some new material and this time please leave your coat at the door, I don’t want my customers slipping again,” replied the bartender that was standing behind a large wooden counter. David chuckled, removing his rain drenched coat and hat before hanging it on a wooden hook by the door. “Hey, if anyone breaks a leg, just send them my way,” he said, closing his umbrella before leaning it against the wall. “Har Har, easy for you to say cause you’re not the one getting sued” said the bartender with a scowl on his face. “Oh lighten up Mikey, you know I was just kidding” said David as he sat himself upon a wooden stool by the counter. Micheal Stone, David’s elder cousin, both of them moving to New York years ago believing in the old saying ‘If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere’, the Big Apple, where dreams are made of. The young doctor scoffed silently as he studied the strapping twenty five year old with eyes of bright cobalt blue and dark brown hair. Though first impressions may have been misleading, he is a graduate from the esteemed culinary school of Le Corden Bleu and the youngest to ever be awarded a Michelin Star in recognition of his skills. To why he would even consider settling in a place such as this despite the myriad of offers for the position of Head Chef from five star restaurants from all over the globe was a complete and utter mystery to the David. Was it arrogance? No, Mikey was never the type to let fame and recognition go to his head. Now that he thought of it, the young man had never bore any feelings of envy, dissatisfaction or even regret. After the grand opening of of his very own bar downtown, being content had pretty much become his middle name. It was probably the only reason why the young doctor had complete and utter faith that he would never see his cousin trotting into his office as a pastel horse. His hazel eyes looked over his shoulders, noticing a strange crowd of both humans and Ponies mingling with one another. The bar felt oddly lively without so much as a trace of animosity between to two races with their smiles and laughter bringing such warmth and joy to the atmosphere. The young man smiled ever so warmly before returning his gaze to his cousin. “So, what can I do you for cous?” asked Mikey with a smile on his face, only to raise his eyebrow in confusion when he realized David has been staring eerily at him for quite some time. “Whoa, I know I’m pretty cous, but my door don’t swing that way,” “Who? Wha? No! God! You’re sick you know that!” David said, snapping to attention. “And I’ll have a pint if you don’t mind!” Mikey chuckled “Alright, a pint it is,” he said, reaching for a chilled glass from his cooler as he filled it with beer to the brim from a golden tap perched behind his counter. As he waited for his drink, the young doctor rubbed the back of his head in hesitation suddenly realizing why he was there in the first place. “What is it this time? That bitch nurse Jackie got your tie up in a twist again?” said Mikey all of a sudden. David’s eyes widened for a moment. “Wha? No! No, that’s not it…” “Come on David, I know when something’s on your mind. You always have that face when you do, that ‘IhaveabigproblemandIneedsomehelpbutIdon’twanttoadmitit’ face,” teased Mikey, distorting his expression in an effort to mock his cousin before sliding the mug in his direction. “Oh grow up Mikey” said David, pouting as he caught the cold handle of the beer filled mug. “So you gonna tell me or do I have to play charades with you again?” David took a sip from his beer before laying down the thick glass mug on the glossy marble counter top. “Let’s just say, I have this… friend… of a friend…” said David Mikey nodded his head. “Riggghht, a friend of a friend… please do go on,” The young doctor merely glared unamused. “Well, let’s just say, he’s been offered a job, by some… Hospital! Yeah. And they seem a little shady, he doesn’t know what they do exactly, or what he’d be doing there,” The young bartender folded his arms and rubbed his chin in thought. “Now my question is, do you think that he should? I mean, take them up on the offer?” David inquired. “Will he be helping others by doing do?” Mikey asked all of a sudden. Hazel eyes widened in surprised. “Yes, in a manner of speaking,” he answered awkwardly. “Will he have a chance to change this God forsaken world for the better?” Mikey asked yet again. “Yes, probably” said David as awkwardly as before. Mikey’s eyes narrowed a little, leaning over his counter as his face inched closer and closer to David’s own, making the poor doctor back away uncomfortably, his voice now striking a rather serious tone. “Will he be able to save us all?” “Ma…maybe?” replied David, feeling awfully uncomfortable right about now. “Then there’s your answer right there!” said Mikey with a laugh, backing away from the young doctor with David breathing a sigh of relief. “You know I hate it when you do that” said David with a scowl. “Sorry cous, but you know how I get with your friend of a friend stories. But all in all, tell your ‘friend’, I see no harm in him joining this ‘hospital’,” said Mikey before turning his back to his younger cousin. He then grabbed hold a whisky glass from the top shelf as he began polishing it with a clean towel. “Long as he believes that he could do some good in this world…” said Mikey. His sudden  moment of silence made David cock an eyebrow. “David, you and I have been here for a long time and I’ve seen this city gone from bad to worse. Although at times I may seem as if I hadn’t a care in the world but I’m no stranger to what goes on around me. I’ve read the papers and I’ve seen the news. Truth is people are scared cous, all our lives we were led to believe that we were all alone in the universe. Then five years ago this place, Equestria popped up on the map,” said Mikey David remained silent, taking a sip from his beer before allowing his cousin to continue. “Then these, Ponies, started migrating into our cities and integrating themselves into our societies and our way of life.  Not long after the idea of Ponification surfaced along with a promise of a better life, a better future. Humans can be tolerant David but even tolerance has its limits and some people just aren’t ready to accept the idea that their very existence is under threat,” he added, slotting back the glistening glass into the cooler beside him. “Humans after all are frail, fearful and insecure creatures, we all know that. They always constantly fear what they do not understand. Whether its caused by blatant ignorance or arrogance, I don’t know but what I do know is that fear will always turn to hatred and as we have learned time and time again from the pages of our bloody history that hatred will inevitably lead to suffering,” David’s eyes narrowed. “So let me get this straight, are you saying what those crazy bastards are doing out there to the ponies are because they are afraid?” “I didn’t say that David, not exactly,” replied Mikey, turning to face his younger cousin. “Then what are you trying to say? The HLF are crazy nutjob humanists who believe violence is the only answer to anything and everything. Those violent attacks on Ponies? They’re not doing it because they’re afraid, they’re doing it because they get off to it!” said David, his clear detest in the tone of his voice. “I know how you feel cous but these are but the actions of a few so labeling the entire human race as bloodthirsty, war mongering savages is plain unfair. You’re not like that and neither am I yet we walk on two legs and enjoy a good hot dog once in a while,” said Mikey. “Your point?” David inquired. Mikey shrugged. “You remember the stories Grandpa used to tell us? Stories of heroes, knights in shining armor riding into battle, that whole shebang?” he asked. David nodded at the question before taking another sip from his pint. “Remember that one story about Arthas? The Valiant? Remember the part when he was forced to choose between his own kind and that of the Vargans? The wolf people?” Mikey asked yet again with David nodding yet again. “He did make a choice David but he chose no side, instead he chose to fight for himself and his beliefs. By doing so, he was forever immortalized as a hero for both for the Vargans and his people,” said the young man and with a smile on his face. “Come to think of it, how did that story end anyways?” asked David. Mikey chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head “Sorry, I forgot, it’s been so long, heh” he said with a nervous chuckle as David smacked his forehead, dumbfounded by his cousin. “If you’re going to use one of Grandpa’s stories as an example, the least you could do is to remember how it ended you dolt,” “But the bottom line is…” said Mikey, grabbing David’s attention. “I believe that that both humans and ponies could do without the idea of vigilantes, false prophets, or even saviors. What they need is a hero, someone who believes he could save this God forsaken world, one who would give it his all to fight not just for the humans but for all Ponykind” said Mikey before returning to polishing his beer mugs. “And cous… I believe the world could really use one right about now,” he said with a shrug. David was silent in thought, taking a deep gulp from his beer mug, his hazel eyes focused on the rising bubbles behind the transparent glass grasped in his hand. “Eh! Mikey! Would you top me up, ole buddy, ole pal!” came a sudden voice next to the young doctor, startling him for a moment. His eyes shifted to what appears to be an old colt, his coat was as brown as oak and his whitish mane was messy and unkept. David can tell from his overly foul and repulsive breath not to mention his lack of coordination that he has had a pint too many. “I would, if you pay off your tab you bootless, leaching, good-for-nothing old goat!” snapped Mikey, snatching away the beer mug from the colt’s mouth. “Oh come on, throw me a bone here!” said the colt. “I’ma throw something at you alright and it ain’t gonna be no bone! In fact, maybe I should throw you instead! Right out onto the curb!” said Mikey, folding up his sleeves. David merely watched, a grin growing on his face as if amused by the whole commotion. “I guess manners have long died for you youngens, maybe I should just move away, faaarr away to Equestria!” said the old colt. “Well what’s stopping you? Go on, git! Leaavee this place! Oh wait, they don’t have BEER there do they!?” Mikey exclaimed as he slapped the counter top. As both colt and man continued to argue, David turned away. He idly swirled the golden liquid within his glass as he gazed into his own reflection. A hero? The young doctor has never thought of it that way, but he could not shake the thought, the reasoning behind it. V.A.N.G.U.A.R.D, The Bureau, Miguel? Could he really do some good by joining them? But Mikey was right in more ways than one. The world was in complete disarray and even with the remnants of the human race having come to terms with what it has become, he knew that threat of an all out anarchy was just waiting for a chance to rear its ugly head. However, in the end he was just one man, what could one man do? The young man shrugged before proceeding to down what was left in his mug. ********* “So, any plans for tomorrow? It’s the weekend after all,” said Mikey as he slid his hand into the long sleeve of his leather overcoat. David shook his head. “With luck, some well deserved rest. Sides, I have to get back to the hospital later tomorrow,” said David, straitening his own coat. Mikey shrugged “Again? David there’s more to life than playing doctor you know. Don’t get me wrong, I know you’re good at what you do and  they’re a little shorthanded at the moment but don’t you think you’re letting them make a mule outta you?” David chuckled. “Mule is quite the understatement Mikey but unfortunately with everyone headed for the Conversion Centers, someones got to look after the patients,” Mikey nodded “Well, I guess you’re right. Hey, someones gotta care right?” he said with a smile before walking outside into the rain. The young doctor took one last look at the bar behind him which was now dark and bare. It has been hours since he first arrived and the patrons had long left the establishment, with the exception of one having to be booted out with a firm kick to the behind. “Hey come on, we don’t have all night cous. I wanna get home as much as you do” Mikey said. David nodded, slipping on his fedora before tucking his bag into his coat and making his way outside. The two young men then said their goodbyes before going their separate ways. David’s eyes wandered to the watch worn on his wrist, the face of his classic Rolex, an heirloom from his late grandfather showed both hands pointing to 12am. Has he been there that long?  David groaned but was relieved at the knowledge that his apartment was only two blocks away. Umbrella in hand, he made his way down the desolate street. The young doctor lay silent in thought, trying hard to ignore the persistent voices from the sidewalk Plexiglas billboards that came to life the movement it sensed him passing by. He has heard his fair share of propaganda disguised as high budget ads from the Conversion Bureau. Not to mention the religious, egotistical and often self righteous bullshit from the Human Liberation Front and their hippy counterparts, the I.S.H.A or better known as The International Human Survival Alliance. David scoffed, today has been pretty eventful and any effort to digest any more might just give him heartburn. With his mind somewhere between Jupiter and Mars in a manner of speaking, David suddenly found himself a good four inches shorter on his right side. His leather loafer now completely submerged in a deep puddle. “Oh GOD DAMMIT!” he cursed, lifting his foot out of the mucky rainwater. Those were his favorite pair of shoes and he had saved a great deal for them too. “Can’t I get a freaking break? I’m not asking for the world here you know just-“ “Help! Help us, please!”          The young man felt his heart jump the moment he heard the call. His eyes snapped frantically the alleyway not too far from where he stood. Without a second thought, he took off down the rain drenched walkway as fast as he could. As he got closer, his caught several more voices mostly male and by judging by the manner of which they spoke, they were definitely not friendly. Their cries as if egging someone or something on made him sick, loud enough to drown out someones terrified cries and pleas for mercy. He slid to a stop at the entrance of the alleyway, with his heart racing and his breaths frantic as his hazel eyes stared at complete disbelieve at the sight that lay before him. “My turn!” cried a man, chuckling cynically as he twirled what appears to be baseball bat in his hand.   This was not happening, definitely not happening. David swore that this was a joke, a dream, anything, but this was not happening. There at the very end of the dark, filthy alleyway were six men. They brandished each a baseball bat, a hockey stick, even a metal pole accompanied by the evil yet sinister smiles  that lay plastered on their faces. Their menacing eyes lay fixed on the very thing they had outnumbered and outgunned, surrounding them like a pack of hungry hyenas giggling at the thought that they would soon have their fill. It was then, David felt the exact same chill run down his spine. “Please, please just leave us alone…” she pleaded It was a filly but she was not alone. She laid helplessly on the ground, her lime green pelt smeared with mud and her cutie mark was too stained to make out. Lying protectively over a brown colt, panting on the ground, blood streaked down his head from a horrible gash that David could only assume was caused by the blunt edge of one of those baseball bats. “And miss out on the fun?! Fat chance freak!” said one of the men, laughing somewhat manically as he did. “You’re an abomination, a monster, and you know what we do to monsters now do you?” said the other, this one wearing a red baseball cap. The filly gritted her teeth, tears brimming in her eyes as if silently asking Why? Why would they do such a thing? They have done nothing to them, why did they attack without cause or provocation? “Please, let us go! I’ll do anything, please…” she pleaded yet again. “The only place you’re going is the morgue freak,” sneered the other man, his large beer belly almost spilling out from his overly tight jeans. Her tears spilled from her eyes only to be washed away by the rain. She knew that deep down inside that no one was going to come to her aid, they were Ponies, and their lives meant nothing to these two legged creatures. It was then she felt a soft nuzzle on her neck as her peach orange eyes shifted down to the injured colt. “It’s okay Mint, I’m right here with you,” he muttered. The filly felt her lower lip tremble. “I know…,” she said. David merely watched from the entrance of the alley, petrified by the whole ordeal. His mind was frantic, loss for options, loss for choices, everything was at a blank. Then, he felt a gasp escape him as his heart skipped a beat. BAM! Small drips of blood splattered across the pavement as the baseball bat came in contact with the filly’s head. She tumbled almost lifelessly to the wet cement floor with her eyes half awake. The world was spinning and everything was a blur, the numbing pain throbbing at the back of her skull which was possibly fractured from the initial impact. “Whoo wee! That was a good one!” cried one of the men. “Hey, before we up finish these freaks, why don’t we take a lil’ souvenir?” said the other as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small hunting knife. The young doctor felt the very warmth desert his body, all that was left was the bitter cold and a grip like vice around his windpipe. Just walk away… This was not his fight, not his fight. Even if he did, it would be one against six, the odds were stacked against him. He had no intention of getting hurt over a bunch of unfortunate Ponies who should known better than to wander outside this late at night.  David cursed under his breath, why was this happening? Why did he have to be at the wrong place and the wrong time? Why? Why? Why? Walk away… David gritted his teeth as he turned away, proceeding taking a single step with every intention of leaving that place behind. “This here’s gonna be my fourth Cutie Mark, well momma always did wanted me to get a hobby,” the man said, getting on his knees as he twirled the knife in his hand. Walk away now, this would have all been a bad dream… “Don’t you touch her!” the colt cried, only to receive a hard kick to the stomach in return. He coughed and choked, spitting some blood onto the concrete floor. “Shut yer yap monster, you’re gonna be next,” said the human in the red baseball cap. David shut his eyes and clenched his fists “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive me,” he muttered. “You’re sorry? You're not thinking of running away now are you?" “Grandpa?” David’s eyes snapped wide open. It came to him like an angel’s whisper and soon the words began flowing like drops of rain upon his lather coat. “I believe that every man has the right to believe what he wants to believe but when faced with a situation where he will be forced to make a decision that would challenge those self conceived beliefs, I believe he will follow his heart and do the right thing” “I believe that the Ponies and the human race could do without the idea of vigilantes, false prophets, or even saviors. What they need is a hero, someone who believes in a world without conflict, one who would give it his all to fight not just for the humans but for all Ponykind” “And cous… I believe the world could really use one right about now” “We will all have our crossroads David, life is but a journey filled with twists and turns. Always remember that there will always an easy way, a right way and a crazy way. These choices will be ours and ours alone and being capable of doing so it what makes us…” “Human…” David’s muttered. “I know Grandpa” He dropped his umbrella to the ground as it was taken away by the wind. He then removed his fedora, allowing his hair to be drenched in the pouring rain with the raindrops running down his face before tossing it into the street. The young doctor then reached back and pulled the hood of his coat over his head as it shrouded his eyes in blackness. “Let’s do this…” he said, slipping off his glasses from the bridge of his nose. The man’s eyes widened as if in ecstasy, the half lidded eyes of the filly reflected silver blade of the knife. She felt so tired, tired of fighting it, Princess Celestia was right, these were vile creatures who knew no mercy or compassion. She should have listened to her parents and stayed in Manehattan, now she will pay for her naivety. “I’m sorry Jonas…” she muttered weakly. “Do it! I wanna hear her scream!” cried one of the men. The silver blade was about an inch from her flank when all of a sudden, the men heard the sounds of rainwater splashing violently behind them which sounded more like heavy footsteps. “What the heck?” said the man with the knife, his eyes looking up just in time to catch a young man sprinting down the alleyway, a leather suitcase clenched in his hand. The fat bearded man from before merely stared, half in confusion and bewilderment but when he realized he was standing directly in the path of the young man, it was too late. The young man swung his suitcase in his direction with all his might, the hard leather case hitting the man’s chest at such a force, it knocked the air right out of his lungs. But by impulse, he clenched the hard bag in his arms as he tried to regain his composure. However, the young man gave him no chance to do so. His baby blue eyes widened as the young man leaped into the air, spinning mid flight, he landed a hard kick to the man’s chest. The man choked and convulsed as the kick landed directly on his solar plexus, feeling the very space between his ribs crack upon impact. The blow was powerful enough to send him flying in to the air, his large heavy frame took off like a loose cannonball as he was sent tumbling backwards. The man with the knife could only let out a short, shrill, girl-like squeal the moment the man came barreling into him, sending both of them crashing into the hard brick wall at the end of the alley. “Austin! Bubba!” His gaze now filled with rage as he turned his attention to the man in the hood, landing effortlessly on his own two feet. “You son of a bitch!” the man in the baseball cap snarled. David’s eyes narrowed at the men before him. “I don’t know if you’re crazy or just plain stupid but you sure picked the wrong guys to tangle with,” said the other. “Let the Ponies go,” said David, his voice deep and threatening. “Oh, lookie what we have here boys, we got ourselves a pony lovin fag!” said one of them, looking a little younger than the others, David assumed he was eighteen. “Well we’ve dealt with these sons of bitches before,” said the other. Up close, David noticed the golden tooth on his bottom jaw. “Maybe this one just needs a lesson he won’t forget. Don’t worry, we’re mighty good at teachin, we’re so good we should start chargin,” said the one with the single earring on his left ear. “Bubba! Bubba, Jesus Christ Bubba!” cried the man with the knife. The large man, the one referred to as Bubba was bleeding furiously from his side, the hunting knife buried completely in the wound. He moaned and cried “Oh God, I’ma gonna die. I don’t wanna die…” “You won’t Bubba, I promise. Oh God, we gotta get him to a doctor,” the man known as Austin said frantically. David held back the urge to help the man, the wound looked deep and if left untreated, the loss of blood would lead to shock or worse, infection and their particular location left cleanliness to question. “YOU!” David’s attention snapped back to Austin, climbing to his feet as he snatched the baseball bat from the man in the cap. “You did this to Bubba! I’ma kill you! I’ma KILL YOU GOOD!” he snarled. David brazenly stood his ground “You don’t want to do this,” said the young doctor warned, his fists clenching at the sight of the approaching man. “SHUT UP!” he cried as he lifted the bat, rushing close to the young man he took a full out swing. David ducked just in time, the hard wooden bat missing his forehead by near inches. His hazel eyes narrowed, in a blink of an eye David retaliated by swinging his right into Austin’s left cheek, the very impact was almost bone breaking as it knocked the very sense right out of the man. The man stumbled backwards but before he could regain his composure, David swung his leg into the man’s head. A spray of saliva and bits of blood spouted from Austin’s lips feeling as if he had just taken the brunt of sledgehammer to the face. He felt the world starting to grow hazy and turbulent. But that did little to stop the man, shaking it off he charged again, taking another swing at the young doctor. However this time David was ready for him as he caught the bat in his hand. Before the man could so much as blink, David slammed his fist straight into the man’s chin, immediately sending his head backwards in a violent snapping motion. Gritting his teeth, he brought the bat right down to his knee, the sound of cracking and splintering wood echoed through the alley as the bat was snapped in half before ripping the pieces from Austin’s hands and tossing them aside. Austin was dazed, his lip was busted and bleeding. David then dashed forward, throwing his arms around the man’s neck as he held him tightly. With a single motion, he brought his knee up to his chest, slamming it hard enough to choke him upon impact. He then continued, once, twice, three times over and over again, from his chest to his stomach well aware that he was reducing the man’s ribs to mere pieces with ever impact. Austin cried furiously, charging forward he attempted to tackle his shoulder into the young doctor, however David immediately retreated. In a burst of energy, he dragged the man down to his waistline before driving his knee right into the man’s face with a blow so hard he snapped backwards back onto to his feet with his teeth was now soaked with blood. David’s knuckles cracked as his hands curled into fists, with all his might, he then slammed them into the man’s face like the pistons of a car. One to his left cheek, one to his right, one to his chest then to his side. Austin felt like a punching bag and through his daze he tried to get in a few punches of his own but David merely dodged or deflected them, returning punches twice as hard. The young doctor’s was fast, his feet stepping from side to side as if he was dancing in the rain. With a snarl, David landed a hard uppercut to Austin’s chin, sending his head snapping violently backwards. Finally, he spun around and landed a hard kick to the man’s stomach. POW!         The man could have sworn his very his soul had been shot right out of his body like a slug from the barrel of a shotgun. It was if he felt his very stomach had ruptured and exploded as it caved in from the explosion of force before being violently and helplessly tossed into the brick wall behind him. The others were dazed but upon seeing their fellow man sliding unconscious to the floor, they burst into a fit of rage. They came, baseball bat, hockey stick and metal rod a swinging. David barred his teeth, his eyes lit up with the fury of an animal long caged within. If it was a brawl they want, then by God’s name they shall have it. David shifted into his stance, deflecting the first attack with two brash swings to the face before sending the man with the baseball cap stumbling backward with a kick to the chest. The one with the gold tooth swung a the metal rod in his direction, missing the young man as he ducked and weaved his way through the of violent, aimless swings. David then dug his feet into the ground before propelling himself into a dash, ducking under yet another swing, he tackled himself into the man before throwing his arms around the man’s waist. With a single motion, he spun himself around behind the man before lifting him into the air. The man was caught completely off guard and definitely off motion as he was thrown into suplex back first into the concrete. He groaned and writhed from the flaring pain in his back and his neck. Hues of bright hazel widened the moment he caught a hockey stick being swung downwards in his direction. He rolled away just in time as it hit the ground with a loud metallic clang.   The teenager raised the stick again, however David rolled onto his back before slamming his foot into his stomach hard enough to send him staggering backwards a couple of steps. The young doctor rushed to his feet before he charging forward, his knuckles cracked as his fist curled tightly. Without a second thought, he swung a barrage of brash punches and kicks into the teenager, slamming his hardened fists into his face, ribs, sides. The teenager fumbled about as he tried to ready himself for another swing his hockey stick before David stepped in and slammed his fist into his side right into his stomach. The teen felt an as if his gut had twisted itself in a knot as coughed and choked. Discombobulated and dazed, he bit his bottom lip from the excruciating pain like drills piercing into his brain. David’s eyes narrowed yet again as he round-housed the teenager right into the cheek. The blow sent his head snapping furiously to the side with his body spinning in a full circle as he took a hard tumbled to the ground. The one with the earring pulled out a butterfly knife from his pocket, unfolding it almost flawlessly in his hand before swinging violently and frantically with every intention of slashing the young doctor to ribbons. David shifted back into his stance, instinctively raising his hands to protect his face as dodged the silver razor best he could. “Argh!” he cried, having the blade cut right though his leather jacket and across his right arm. Fortunately it was just It was just a graze, however the man grew cocky judging by the overconfident sneer on his face as he lunged forward, thrusting his blade forward in the direction of David’s chest. Big mistake! Immediately, he dodged to the side as the silver blade barely missing him by a hair before grabbing hold of the man’s wrist. Like an uncoiled spring, with an eruption of raw power David then swung his hardened fist into the man’s side, a direct impact straight into the liver. The man body contorted as his jaw lay agape, it was almost as if every single pain receptor in his body ignited at that very moment. It overwhelmed him to a point where he could had emptied the contents of his stomach all over the pavement but it was far from over. David then swung his fist violently into the man’s face, once, twice then with all his might he slammed the man’s elbow down mercilessly on his knee. The sickening sound of the bones ins his arm snapping in two was drowned by a long wail of pure agony. David barred his teeth like a wild animal before swinging the same knee straight into the man’s stomach, the impact knocking the air right out of him. With the man’s arm was now limp in his own, David tossed the knife into the air. With a firm grip on the man’s wrist, he slammed his foot into the man’s side at the same time wrenching the arm right out of its socket. He screamed in pure agony. He then dragged the man in the direction of the nearby dumpster before slapping his hand on the plastic lid. Just as the blade began descending back to the ground, David snatched it in mid air before driving the four inch blade straight into the man’s palm, pinning him to the dumpster. “AAAARRRHHH! YOU SON OF A BITCH! ARRRGH!” “Do me a favor and stay here for a moment would you?” David said sadistically. As the man tried to free himself, the young doctor returned his attention to the staggering trio finally managing to regain what was left of their composure. “COME ON!” he cried as he raised his fists in challenge to the men before him. They kept a safe distance, with their confidence gone they were now stricken with doubt and fear and even with their weapons clasped tightly in their hands, they were hesitant to attack. Suddenly, David felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. His eyes widened feeling as if the world had come to an abrupt stop. He caught shards of broken tempered glass probably from that of a bottle whistling past him as he tumbled to the ground. Everything felt silent and not even the sounds of the rain had muted in his eardrums. His breaths grow heavy and the feeling of something warm running down the bridge of his nose made him realize the blow was a lot worse than anticipated. He groaned as he was forced onto his feet by the two men and the teenager. David finally laid eyes on his attacker Austin from before. He battered,  bruised and pissed as Hell as he tossed what was left of a broken Jack Daniels into the street. “Hold him!” he snarled. David was then mercilessly flung into the wall with all three of them pinning him tightly. Austin spat the blood from his mouth onto the ground. “Well boy, since you’re in such a hurry to die then I’ma gonna have you fitted for a halo!” he said. With all his strength, he drove his fist into David’s stomach. David’s eyes widened, gasping as he spat involuntary from the impact of the punch. God did it hurt! Nothing had prepared him for that. Austin then grabbed a handful of David’s hair, lifting his head before slamming his fist into David’s right cheek and then again into his left, over and over again.   The young doctor was in a world of pain, his face was completely battered and bruised with blood splattering onto the floor with each and every impact. However Austin could not satisfy the itch within, he wanted more, he wanted the young man to regret that whore of a mother of his ever brought him into this world. His green eyes searched the alley for something else, something he could use and it was not long before he settled his gaze on the metal pole on the ground. He smiled maliciously before reaching down, tightening his grip around it as the thunder roared terrifyingly in the skies above. David could feel his consciousness slipping away, through his half lidded eyes he saw Austin approach him, the sinister sneer bore clearly on his face. “Boys, why don’t we make a retard outta this one?” he said. The others merely returned that question with the sinister smiles of their own. “I want you to remember this, this is what happens punk ass bitches like you who try to mess with the HLF. THIS here is what happens when you decide play hero and side with those freaks! But don’t worry, after we put you in asylum we’ll be sure to take very, very good care of them,” This was it, this was the end of the road, he gambled and he loss and David has never felt more powerless. He thought he was strong enough but it was merely a poor decision based on foolish assumptions and now it was time to give the Devil his due. David smiled weakly, at least this time he tried. “Giving so soon boy?” David’s eyes widened, was he that close to death already? “Remember the stories, remember Arthas The Valiant…” David recalled his Grandfather’s tale, of the brave warrior, bloodied, broken and bruised upon the battlefield. Upon the large armored man brandishing a sword, ready to cut our hero down, the hero merely smiled, even at the face of death. “Smiling at your demise Arthas?” asked the man. “No…” The hero replied. I told you once before, didn’t I? As long as courage continue to flow through my veins, as long I my soul remains untainted and my body unbroken…” “Heaven help the poor bastard that stands in my way…” muttered David under his breath. “Remember David, courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear,” His hazel eyes wandered to the wounded Ponies on the ground, gazing deep into the filly’s orange eyes. Though half lidded and barely conscious, she called out to him, begging him, pleading with all her heart and soul. “Save us, save us please…” David shook the daze from his eyes just Austin swung the metal rod in his direction. “You know what you have to do... NOW FIGHT!” David cried at the top of his voice, with an eruption of raw power he grabbed the man by his shirt and dragged the bewildered man in the baseball cap with all his might, putting him helplessly in the direct path of the metal rod. Austin’s eyes widened, it was a little too late to stop. The gut wrenching sounds of a bone cracking and shattering upon impact could be heard as a spray of blood splattered over the surface of the wall. The light of life and consciousness faded from the man’s eyes as he was sent face first into to the ground from the terrifying impact of the metal rod. His bloodstained cap floated lifelessly to the rain drenched concrete. “Oh my gawd, KENNY!”. David snapped his attention to the man next to him with fury of a thousand suns flaring in his hazel eyes. The man shrieked just as the young man launched himself forward, slamming his forehead into the man’s nose feeling it turn to mush from the brunt of the force. “AAARGGH!” The man cried in pain just as David’s caught sight of glossy ivory hilt a hunting knife holstered at his belt. Now pissed drunk with rage, he reached for the blade before ripping it out from the leather sheathe, all five inches and as malicious as a cobra’s fang. Without thinking twice, he buried the blade into the man’s stomach. The man chocked, feeling five inches of cold hard steel slice right into his belly. David yelled in pure rage before ripping the blade out and stabbing it back into the man’s stomach, again and again. As patches of blood splattered all over the floor, he then tore the blade from the man’s body and watched callously as the man fell to the floor barely clutching his wounds as he did. “Son of a bitch!” Austin cursed, taking another swing at the young doctor. However David ducked, spinning into the man as he twirled the knife in his hand, flipping it downwards. With his grip tightly around the ivory hilt, with a single motion he slashed the blade across Austin’s stomach cutting deep into his abdomen. “Argh! SHIT!” Austin snarled before swinging the pole in an effort to retaliate but a clang of metal rung through the alley as knife and pole came into contact with David making good use of  blade to deflect the metal pole away  from him. In that short moment, David grabbed hold of the pole but not before slashing Austin across the chest. “ARGH!” The young doctor spun around as he  slammed the blunt edge of his elbow into Austin’s nose.  He cried in pure agony, letting go of the pole as he stumbled backwards. “Son of a bwitch! He bwoke my noase! FARK!” he cried, clutching his nose. With his grip now firmly on the pole, he let out another rage filled cry as he swung it into Austin’s knee. “AAAARRRGGGHH!” The man went straight to the ground. The young doctor then turned his attention to the young teenager who was now literally petrified at the image of the demon before him. The hockey stick almost vibrating in his hand, a faint stench of urine became apparent for the boy was so scared that he peed himself. Then suddenly, unable to contain himself any longer, he dropped the hockey stick, bursting into tears. “Please… please, I don’t wanna die. I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again, I swear!” he pleaded. David’s eyes remained as deadly as ever as he brandishing the metal pole in his direction. “Go home kid, before I change my mind but if I ever see you around these HLF scum again...” he threatened. The young boy nodded frantically before sprinting off into the rain as fast as his legs could carry him. “Whevere da heck do you shink you’re goin!? Get back ere, get ba-“ David twirled the blade in his hand before flinging it in Austin’s direction. The man’s words were cut short by a long horrendous cry from the bottom of his throat. His panicked eyes shifted to the knife that protruded from his thigh. “AAAAARRRGH! SON OF A... GOD DAMMIT!” he screamed. Jerking hard on the blade, the man who was pinned to the dumpster finally managed to free himself. Using his good hand, he brandished his bloody knife before taking off in David’s direction only to be met with the blunt end of the metal pole slamming hard into his stomach. He choked, a sickening goop of blood and saliva dribbled from his busted lips the moment he felt the air knocked out of his body, staggering and stumbling several steps backward. David kicked away the blade he had dropped as he approached the man, tightening his grip on the pole. The man could only stare in horror as David swung the pole in his direction, madly bludgeoning the man over and over again, painting the walls with splatters of bright crimson. The man screamed and pleaded but it fell on deaf ears, even as he lifted his hands as a sign of surrender, David took a hard swing at his fingers. “AAAARRRGGH!” he screamed. The young doctor snarled before lunged forward, taking one final swing to the man’s face, feeling his jaw shatter upon impact. The very light was snuffed from his eyes as he tumbled unconsciously to the ground. The young doctor shifted his attention back to Austin, attempting to crawl away like the worthless bug he was, dragging his now limp leg on the ground. David walked ahead of him before mercilessly stomping his foot down on his fingers. “ARGHHHH!!!” Austin screamed. “THAT! That you bastard is what REAL pain feels like! You love pain, I’m going to let you can have it, as much as you want!” David snarled, increasing the pressure of his foot on the man’s fingers. “Pwease! Pwease have mewcy!” Austin finally said, pleading through his busted nose, begging for the pain to stop. “MERCY!? MERCY!? Did you show THEM mercy you cock-sucking piece of SHIT!” David snarled viciously before slamming his foot into Austin’s stomach, causing the man to choke and convulse. “Pwease… have me awested, thow me in jail, I down’t care. But pwlease, stop…” he said through his gasping breath. David’s eyes narrowed, feeling his hand tremble as his grip tightened hard around the blood stained metal rod. “Arrested?... People get arrested… criminals get arrested… MEN get ARRESTED! No, people get arrested…” said the young doctor as he raised the metal rod above his head. Austin’s eyes suddenly widened in fear. “No! NO PWEASE!” he begged. “Animals get PUT DOWN!” David snarled as he brought the pole down on the man’s head. “STOP!” The rod stopped but an inch from the man’s temple. His eyes were screwed shut thinking that the Devil had come for him. David shifted his gaze to the voice realizing it had been the filly from before, leaning weakly against the brown colt. “Please… please stop. No more…” she said meekly. David then returned his gaze to the man, glaring deep into his eyes with pure hatred. “Remember this you rotten son of a bitch, she, a PONY, is the only reason why you’re still breathing…” he said, tossing the metal rod to the side, hearing the loud metal hit the concrete with a metallic clang. He then turned to leave but not before slamming his foot into Austin’s face, knocking him out cold. David spat the blood from his mouth onto the man’s body, feeling worst of his rage had come to pass. He wiped the blood from his forehead as he made his way to the ponies at the end of the alley. “Are you alright?” The colt nodded. “We’re a little banged up but we’ll be okay…” “Thank you…” said the filly next to him. “You saved our lives didn’t have to and yet you did. I’m sorry you got hurt because of us…” she said with a soft smile. David smiled through his horribly bruised face. “Don’t mention it. Come on, let’s get you two to a hospital,” Together with the two ponies, they headed out of the dark, decrepit alley. However, David he stopped midway before taking a moment to looking back on the brutality and carnage he had unleashed on those men. He shrugged as he pulled out a black device with transparent Plexiglas surface. Turning it on, David then proceeded to tap on the colored keypad. The two Ponies paused in their tracks. “Is something the matter?” the colt asked. David continued to tap on the screen “Just give me a moment…” he said. It was then, a blank hologram was projected before him. “911, what is your emergency?” came a voice from the device. “Please send an ambulance down to Sixteenth Street down an alleyway. A fight had broken out, five men, probably HLF and I think they’re all seriously wounded,” “Very well sir, hold on and stay put, help is on its way” said the voice. “Please hurry” David said before hanging up. The filly smiled warmly “They tried to kill you but instead of leaving them for dead, you chose to show them compassion,” she said. David sighed, slipping the device back into his pocket. “As much as despise the HLF and things they have done, no one deserves to be left behind,” he said. “Now come on…” he said, leading the two ponies out of the alleyway. “… the hospital’s not too far from here,” (To be continued…)
Adventure,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Dark,Human
Guardian Chronicles: The Conversion Bureau
Embrace Your Destiny
<p>A year had passed since the establishment of the Conversion Bureau. The human race seeking a chance at a better life, a better future from their dark, decaying world long ravaged by the hands of the greedy and the corrupt through the act of &#39;Ponification&#39;. However, the anti pony extremists, the Human Liberation Front (HLF) desperate to save what is left of mankind, intends to eradicate the Pony menace by whatever means necessary. Having forced their hand, the Bureau established V.A.N.G.A.R.D, a special military strike force, operating above the law with the sole intention of protecting the Ponies and suppressing the resistance.<br /><br />This is the story of 21 year old Dr. David Stone, a self conflicting young man, caught between the harshness of reality and his dream of a world of peace. Unexpectedly recruited as a V.A.N.G.A.R.D agent, David joins the Conversion Bureau, only to discover that he alone will holds the power in restoring the balance to a world long forsaken. Based loosely on Blaze&#39;s original fanfic, The Conversion Bureau.</p>
So give me REASON, to prove me WRONG, to wash this MEMORY clean, let the thoughts cross, the distance in your eyes, give me REASON, to fill this HOLE, ignite the space between, let it be enough to reach the TRUTH that lies, across this NEW DIVIDE- New Divide, Linkin Park. Episode 3: Reasons Are My Own “OW! OW! OW! YEOW!” the obnoxious screaming of the young doctor echoed loudly though the empty hallway. A hundred thugs kicking his ass would not amount to such agony, his hazel eyes were half lidded as he gritted his teeth. Where on earth did this woman get her medical training? Vietnam? Wherever it was, David would love to have a word with the lunatic that gave her the passing grade. “Oh Jesus Christ David, stop being such a baby! I’m just applying the Nanozel and if you so much as fidget one more time, so help me God I will put you in a strait jacket!” said the woman before him, her hands holding onto his head ever so firmly. Her soft, almost angelic hands were most certainly not made for nurture or healing, at least those were the very thoughts going through the young doctor’s mind. She held a metallic spray gun in her hand, the bright light from the hospital ceiling glistened of the chrome finish. She brushed aside his hair with an effort to get to the horrific gash on the back of his head. “What’s the damage doc?” David inquired, his eyes looking back with a sense of nervousness made apparent in his voice. His question was met with gaze caught somewhere between empathy and vexation, scoffing a little as if regretting the thug for not having put the young man out of his misery. “WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!?” David blurted in annoyance at the sound of the scoff. “You’ll live, now hold still, this might sting a little” she said, giving the device a shake or two before shoving the gun into the wound without any tender remorse. David swore he could have woken the entire hospital at that very moment but he bit down hard on his lip, muzzling himself but with rather poor effort. His fingernails dug so hard into the leather surface of the examiner’s bed where he sat that he could have ripped it to pieces. A rather nasty odor caught between burnt flesh and plastic filled the air, followed by a chill, almost charring sensation coursing through David’s scalp the moment the metallic device began injecting a thick transparent fluid over the surface of the gash. “There, now that wasn’t so bad now was it?” said the woman with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, resting the spray gun on the metallic tray next to her. The young doctor grumbled silently, mouthing her words in a childish attempt at mockery. His gaze shifted to the dim reflection in the clear plexiglass which separated the room from the hallway, proceeding to run his fingers nonchalantly over the band-aids plastered over his right cheek, his forehead and right across the bridge of his nose as if in reminisce. His memories returned him to that dusky, lurid alley. The feeling of Austin’s vicious fists striking blow after blow, the feeling of his knuckles coming in contact with his cheek as his neck snapped from side to side. The ghastly, disgorging feeling from his stomach caving from the impact as if his guts would tangle themselves in knots, to top that off would be the introduction of the cold hard surface of hardened glass to the back of his head. The young doctor should thank his lucky stars to the fact he was nowhere near a hospital bed having a respirator pumping air into his lungs. “So, are you going to tell me, or do I have to ask?” His gaze shifted to the doctor from before who appeared to be busy stretching the latex gloves off her hands. If David had to guess, the woman who appeared draped in her standard issue lab coat worn over her business casual attire she was in her late forties. More precisely, she was Doctor Leslie, the Dean of the hospital where he worked, the one woman duly respected/feared by every being that so much as walks the very halls she governed. David would not say she administered/ruled over the hospital with an iron fist but she always had this nasty compulsion to nitpick on the young doctor. As long as he could remember, through every exam, every diagnostic, ever surgery, every second of his every waking moment involved Leslie watching him like a hawk on a prey. He had tried time and time again to make sense of it but found no comprehension to why she would shadow him at every twist and turn, especially back when he first started working in the establishment. She would scream, yell even go ballistic on him every time he made a mistake, aggressively correcting every error. David did not reject her efforts to point him in the right direction however at times he forced himself to beat down the urge to turn in his resignation letter and demanded a transfer.   The young doctor watched her nervously brush aside her long wavy auburn hair, her piercing, almost cold emerald green eyes looking right into his own. David swallowed hard, his hands clasped together as he twirled his thumbs, pondering on the right words to string together or risks having his balls being removed with a hack saw for his stupidity. “Well, er… you see Dr Leslie, what happened was a series of rather complicated and unfortunate set of circumstances which inevitably led to…” stammered David, a cold sweat running down his neck. “You decided to play hero and got your ass handed to you” Dr Leslie’s words slashed right through his pathetic facade like a hot knife through butter. The woman folded her arms and narrowed her gaze. David shrugged, realizing the gig was up, shifted his eyes away from her. “Yes…” he said. At that moment very moment, David felt his entire head violently snap to the right. A hot burning, piercing sensation streaked across his left cheek in an impression of a ladies’ palm. Leslie stared, the flames of anger burned in her green eyes, ignoring the throbbing after feeling in her palm. “David, I have no idea how many shots you took at your cousins’ place tonight, and frankly I don’t WANT to know but what the God’s name were you thinking!?” she snarled. David rubbed his cheek, the pain coursing through the left side of his face. Complete and utter shock had made him unable to gather his thoughts, his words for a simple apology let alone an argument. “They were armed, dangerous and insane, the worst possible concoction for a human beings! You could have gotten yourself killed!” she said angrily. “I had to…” said David, a sense of remorse in his eyes. Leslie scoffed, rolling her eyes in complete disbelieve, outraged by his reply. “You had to? You had to, that is the best you can come up with? If you are trying to weasel your way out with a lie, the least you can do is put more eff-“ “I have said plenty of things before Dr Leslie, but lying is possibly the last thing on my mind right now” interrupted David, miffed by her statement. “Then for God’s sake explain to me the logic of going all Bruce Wayne on them instead of calling the authorities, you know like any sane person would have done!” she replied, her temper flaring. “And then what!? Just stand there and watch those shit licking bastards make winter boots out of them!? It would have taken those cops five whole minutes to get there and if I hadn’t-” David said, his voice bordering on anger. “Watch your language young man, I will not have you speaking in such a manner, especially not in my hospital” Leslie interrupted sternly. David clenched his teeth, his fists beginning to curl. “You know what Dr Leslie. I couldn’t care less of what you think. I did the one thing that any person with a real set of balls would have done, the right thing!” he said, hazel eyes narrowed in animosity. “The right thing!? The right thing, why you confoundedstupidfoolishidiotic little-” said Leslie, her face contorting from her rather futile effort to keep her composure. “And since when did you start caring!? Who sold my freedom and made you my Lord and master!? You’re a woman who can walk out of a dying patient’s room with a straight face and when I come walking through that door all busted up, you have the sudden urge to mommy me? You know what? You’re a freaking hypocrite!” snarled David. That was the last straw, her eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared and in a heartbeat she raised her hand again ready to return five fingers worth for that impudent remark. David flinched at the very sight of her potentially harmful gesture, his hands flinging over his head as he braced for the impact, only to be met with none. His hazel eyes shifted upwards to meet her own, realizing a glimmer of sadness within those emerald hues. Leslie lowered her hand, sighing as if someone had ran a blade right through her heart and David felt he may have taken a step too far with the harshness of his words. “David, that…” she said suddenly, catching the young man’s attention. “That was the last thing Auron said to me before he left,” she said, her gaze shifting away from the young man. David felt the raging fire within begin to dissipate, replaced with slow burning embers dimmed by the guilt that gripped at his heart. Auron, was her son, from what he could deduce and pieced together from the various stories and rumors exchanged as bridle table conversation, he was a young Marine who served in the United States Army. Once a strapping, courageous and decorated soldier, Leslie never spoke much about him. The main reason being she was crushed by the fact he walked out on her to join the armed forces without her blessing. There was trifle to almost no news from the young man until about a year ago, when a mother’s worst fear had been realized as she received news that her son had been killed on active duty. After the funeral, Leslie did not set foot anywhere near a ward or a patient for almost a month. David shrugged at his ill conceived impressions. He had become stereotypically accustomed to labeling the older doctor as a heartless swine without a shred of conscience not to mention incapable of sensitivity or sympathy. He remembered how the hospital staff would constantly and maliciously speak about her, David has lost count of the amount of gossip exchanged behind these walls but none of them were ever of any decency. “I’m sorry…” David said. It took a moment for the woman to regain her composure; she ran her fingers through her hair, forcing a rather dry chuckle. “You know, he was probably right” she said, moving away from the young doctor. She leaned her back again the medical cabinet, the cold soulless chill from the chrome surface crept through the surface of her skin through the likes of her clothing. “I was never truly there for him, all the long hours at the hospital, my husband away in some foreign land with a name I couldn’t even pronounce. Even as a child, I always felt there was a divide growing between us. But there was something about him, sometime I failed well, refused to see” David clasped his hands together, resting it on his lap. “He had always wanted to be a hero, even when he was just a child he dreamt of following in his father’s footsteps and joining the army. He would jump for joy every time one of those cheesy Chuck Norris flicks light up the holovision. Commandos, guns, uniforms, the desire to defend the weak and punish the corrupt fascinated him to no end…” she said, smiling ever so weakly Leslie shrugged, “But when my husband was killed in Afghanistan, I forbade Auron from pursuing his dream. He implored and pleaded but I was bent, a part of me hoped that he would understand and just forget about it. But my decision did nothing but widen rift between the both of us and typical of me to be so blinded by my commitment to my career that I couldn’t foresee the consequences of my actions”          The young doctor was silent as a sense of remorse took expression on his face. It was then, Leslie’s gaze shifted back to the young doctor, the same glint of sadness within those emerald hues. “David, my harshness may have given you plenty of wrong impressions over the past few years and I apologize. But I see a lot of Auron in you, from your dedication, your courage, even your die-hard commitment to your beliefs mirrored him to the very core” she added, pausing for a moment as she choked a little on her words. “But I didn’t lose my son to the world David, no, I lost my son the moment he walked out of that door and it was due to my carelessness and indifference. If I would give anything to hold him in my arms once again and tell him how sorry I was and that I love him so” she said, her hand lifting to shroud her eyes from the brimming tears, biting hard on her lip. “I understand Dr Leslie…” David said, his gaze rested gently upon the woman before him. Leslie took a deep breath, blinking the tears away from her redness in her eyes. “I’ve lost the people I loved because I lacked the courage to hold onto the things I should have cared about. And David, you’ve become such an important part of my life that I’d be damned if I’d lose you too” she said. The young doctor gave a soft smile “Dr Leslie, your son and your husband were heroes. In a way, like my grandfather, I can only hope to live up to such a legacy. You should be proud them” he said. The woman returned his words with a smile of her own. “I am, Heaven knows I am” she said. David nodded “I’m deeply sorry for what I said. But Dr Leslie, I may not be Auron but I deeply appreciate your concern for my well being. I have to agree…” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “What I did was rather stupid…” “But it was the right thing” Leslie said all of a sudden making David’s eyes widened in surprise. Leslie shrugged as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her lab coat “You were right David, I was just too caught up in my emotions to admit it but you were right” she said, hues of bright emerald shifting to the glass wall to her right. David raised a curious eyebrow before following suit and there behind the transparent surface he saw the filly and the colt from before. Their bodies though bandaged and mended, the eyes of the young lime green filly lit up the moment she caught sight of the young doctor, beaming brightly she waved her hoof back and forth. The brown colt smiled, nodding his head as a sign of acknowledgement and gratitude. The young doctor gave a hearty grin, lifting his hand in return. Delia, the young nurse smiled warmly in his direction before signaling to the two Ponies to follow behind her. After all it was hospital protocol to run some final tests to ensure they were healthy enough to leave the hospital. He chuckled to himself, remembering her face stricken with horror the moment he walked through those glass doors looking like a hobo half beaten to death with a silliest of grins plastered on his own. “They owe you their lives David, if you hadn’t done what you did, I believe the consequences would have been truly horrific” Leslie added. David smirked mischievously at the mention of those words. “Whoa, doc, are you getting soft on me? First the confession and now this?” he said. “Don’t get me wrong you snot nose brat, I still think you are a stupid dolt for having to resort to such a boorish decision” she snapped, her eyes narrowed for a brief moment making David cringe in regret for his tease. “But…” Leslie gave a soft smile “It was indeed the right thing, stupid, but right”. David merely chuckled at her comment. “Besides, at least you didn’t kill them” the doctor added all of a sudden. Her words made the young doctor freeze, feeling the same chill surging down the entire length of his spine as if his blood had gone stone cold. Almost as if she expected such a reaction, Leslie shifted her gaze to the likes of David’s hands. “I didn’t want to raise this before, I realized your hands were trembling from the moment you walked in” she said. David lifted his hands and sure enough, his very fingers were shaking, almost devoid of feeling. “Must probably be the adrenaline” he said with a nervous chuckle. But he knew better, he remembers, he remembered everything. From the bone breaking blows, the feeling of a blade plunged into a man, slicing through flesh and bone. The smooth bumps of cold steel clutched within his hand and the flames of Hell that erupted within him, his baleful eyes looking down on a pathetic creature he no longer deemed human. He remembered every detail from the sheer desire to bludgeon and batter, to hack, slice and fillet, to snuff the very light from its eyes and indulge in the ecstasy of satisfaction, knowing that justice has been served. David wrapped his arms around him, clutching his leather coat tightly around him. “Is it just me, or has it gotten really cold in here? heh heh” he said, trying to force a laugh. It was freezing in there, the cold sweat and the air-conditioning made his body shiver to the core. The image of dead men that lay before him looped in his mind, the warmth of blood trickling down the side of his face, his wide open eyes and a psychopathic grin that would match that of the Devil’s own. The rod was in his hand, he would have done it, he would have finished it, and there was no pause, no hesitation and not even a shred of remorse. His heart raced, his breaths quickened, he wanted them dead, he wanted them to pay for what they did and that was that. “So… cold…” he muttered under his breath. It was then he felt a pair of arms wrapping around him in a warm embrace, holding him close to her body with such warmth it began to soothe his racing heart. “Sssh, it’s okay” Leslie’s voice brought a sense of comfort to the young doctor and little by little, he eased his grip on his coat. His eyes slipped to a close as he rested his forehead on the woman’s shoulder. “Leslie, I almost killed a man…” he muttered silently. “I know, but last I checked David, self defense is not murder” she said, running her fingers through his hair before looking gently into his eyes. “You did what you had to do to survive and I believe anyone would have done the same” she said. “He was down, helpless and venerable, he was begging for his life but I didn’t care. I just wanted… I just wanted him to pay” the young doctor said, burying his face in his hand. Leslie shrugged, gently taking his hands in her own, caressing them gently “David, listen to me, you were angry and you know that anger will always lead to regret. But I believe that God was looking over you tonight, it takes a lot in a man to take a life of another but even more to make him stop,” She smiled warmly before caressing his cheek with her right hand, looking warmly into his eyes. “You are not a killer David, you never were and I have faith that you never will be. We may not be perfect, we have our moments of weaknesses and the burning desire to surrender to temptation will always haunt us. All part of being human” “Human…” David muttered, swearing he could hear it echo within the depths of his mind. The doctor patted him gently on his shoulder “Yes, human. Anger may have possessed you at the end but it wasn’t anger that made you march down that alley. It wasn’t anger that drove you to take on those men well aware that the odds were stacked again you and it most certainly wasn’t anger that saved those Ponies from a fate worse than death” said Leslie. A warm smile grew softly on her face. “It wasn’t anger David, it was courage and it was in your courage that you found the strength to be more than you can be. Many years from now they will tell their foals, and their foals will tell their foals of the brave man, the brave human who risked everything to save them,” David smiled softly in return as he leaned into the pleasantness of her touch. “Thank you Dr Leslie, I guess I needed to hear that” the young doctor said. “Never forget, now if you would excuse me, I have to get this place cleaned up before the next shift. Honestly, next time you decide to get in a brawl be sure to call ahead, I have better things to do than to put you back together again,” she said before returning to the medical cabinets behind her, returning some of the medical equipment to their rightful places. David chuckled at the fact that she was back to her old self in ten seconds flat. The young doctor stood to ponder on her words, a part of him remained in pure disbelieve that so much had happened in merely a few hours. One moment he was caught in a heated debate regarding his personal perspectives and beliefs, lost in uncertainty and caught between an internal strife and the next thing he knew, he was in a fight for his life and for Ponies at that. Maybe Miguel was right after all, it certainly rose to question how much faith the man had placed on him, almost as if he knew all along what David would have done and all he needed was a little nudge. “So am I to assume that you would be handing in your resignation letter tomorrow?” asked Dr Leslie. David’s eyes snapped back to the doctor, widening in complete bewilderment for it had caught him completely off guard. “Re… re… resignation? What? Why? Is it because of…? It can’t be… Dr Leslie I…” David stammered nervously only to be hushed by the woman’s chuckle. “Relax, no, I am not firing you, just making my thoughts known” she said, turning to face the young doctor. David raised a curious eyebrow “I’m afraid I don’t follow” he said. “In addition to trembling like a leaf David, you have been fondling with something in your pocket for a good while now. If I had to guess, it would have to be the name card belonging to that of a Mr Estrada” she said. The young man’s was surprised at her supposed assumption. “How did you-?” he asked, perplexed. “He called me several hours before arriving, quite the gentleman, polite and proper enough as to seek my permission before visiting my staff” she replied. David raised a curious eyebrow “And you weren’t curious at the very least?” “I have to admit, I was more suspicious than curious. A man of such power strutting around a hospital is never a good sign but when I saw him walk out of your office his intentions became as clear as day. David, I will not try to deter your decision as I did Auron, but I will leave you with a word of advice” Leslie said, a sense of determination in her voice. “You have done so much good behind these walls, as a doctor you’ve performed admirably above and beyond the call of duty. But maybe, just maybe, you can do so much more good out there” David listened attentively, a sense caught between admiration and respect resonated with every beat of his heart. “Dr Leslie, does that mean…” he asked. The woman smiled, moving closer to him, she gave him a pat on his shoulder. “Go, I’ll hold down the hospital in your place, I’ll put in more hours, I’ll chug down jugs of coffee, I’ll do something but promise me that I’ll never see you wheeled in through those glass doors in a body bag” The young doctor breathed a sigh of relieve, his lips curling into a determined grin “Body bag? Just who do you think I am?” he said. Leslie chuckled “Good, now go home and get some shut eye. You’re going to need it, meanwhile I’ve got a hospital to run” said the doctor as she headed for the door. “And David…” she paused as the glass panel before her slid open. David’s attention shifted in her direction. “Don’t ever think that your life is worth but a penny on the sidewalk. There will always be people who care about you” said Leslie, smiling one more time before making her way into the hallway. The young man smiled softly at the thought, people who care about him? How could he be so foolish to believe that he had been alone all this time? Mikey? Delia? Leslie? They all had their concerns for his well being and he was too blinded by his misconceptions to see. Still, Leslie’s words continue to play on his mind, playing back word by word brought a sense of easiness to his conflicting soul. The young man reached into his pocket, removing the same name card he had received earlier today. It felt soggy and limp in his hand due to his little scuffle in the rain, but the name etched in silver were still as bright as day. Good? Was this Miguel’s intention? David remained skeptical about his possible contributions to the organization, to V.A.N.G.A.R.D. However, he had Leslie’s blessing, he had lived up to Miguel’s faith, and maybe they were right all along the time has come. David clutched the card tightly in his hand “Hero huh?” he said softly to himself. ********** “Alright people, here we are, the Conversion Bureau” said the bus driver as the large vehicle pulled up by the curb. The streets were bustling with the sounds of traffic. The loud voices filled the air with conversation, yelling even a hint of cursing between the drivers caught in frustration at the long queue before them. They grumbled, growled, roaring their electric engines in with such callow effort to make known their irritation, desperate to enter the compound as if their very lives depended on it A sea of people navigating their way through the stalled cars, each and every one of them hauled and hoisted luggage of different shapes and sizes all headed in the exact same direction, which was the capacious building on the far end of what appears to be a massive car park. It was immense; ten times the size of the hospital where he worked with added resemblance and the glass dome behind it was truly a sight to behold. Smiles, laughter, eyes wide open and their hands trembled with excitement from girls, boys, grown men and women even families, they were all looking forward to their new lives, their new beginning. The young doctor stepped off the bus, still dressed in his white lab coat although this time well groomed and definitely well rested, a brown leather suitcase case clasped in his hand. His eyes squinted by a bit, before pushing up on his glasses before searching for his destination. It was no easy task, judging by from the lack of address conveniently missing from the card. In the office, the man merely stated The Conversion Bureau, so here he was. His brown tie glided freely in the soft breeze as he made his way into the crowd, his ears could not help but tune to the bridle conversation exchanged in the background. He derived the amount of mixed feeling from their words, having spoken of pegasi, unicorns, magic, how excited they were, what they hope to be after the ponification, some so much as expressed their suspicions, their uncertainties. Details were not the young doctor’s concern, their reasons and their perspectives were their own, and right now arriving at his destination outweighs all the rest. He brushed shoulders with one too many, the compound was crowded beyond belief, hundreds, maybe even a thousand people were here and the sun had only risen for several hours. David shrugged, feeling suffocated in the crowd but just about then, eyes of bright hazel shifted to yet another building to the left of the compound bearing a peculiar resemblance to City Hall. He raised a curious eyebrow to the fact no one was headed in that direction, was it an administrative building? Or was it something so much more? His attention caught sight of several armed personnel, dressed in full riot gear and automatic weapons clutched tightly within their hands making their rounds around the compound. Curious, very curious. “Alright everyone, be careful and be conscious of the people around you at all times. We don’t want anyone getting hurt now!” came a voice not too far from the young doctor. David shifted his attention to a young man also draped in riot gear however unlike the others he bore no firearm, only a nightstick that hung from his side. The young doctor hurried to the guard “Excuse me, I have a question” he inquired. The guard however met his question nonchalantly “Yeah, yeah, the Centre is over there. Just keep moving” he said. David was a little taken back by the man’s reply “Sir, I’m not here for the camp. I’m here for-,“ However he was rudely interrupted yet again. “I know you’re here for a new life and all that shebang, sir I’ve heard it all before, the first building at the end of the line. You can’t miss it now move along” said the guard before returning his attention to the crowd. The young doctor rolled his eyes in frustration, tapping the guard on his shoulder his eyes narrowed in an effort to show he meant business. “I’m here to see Mr Estrada” he said, his voice cold and direct. The guards eyes widened for a moment then all of a sudden, he chocked, a large stupid grin grew on his face as if he had just caught wind of the most ridiculous thing on the face of the earth. In a blink of an eye, he erupted in a hail of laughter “Hahahahaha!! Mr, Mr, Es- hahahah! Oh my God, hahaha!!!” David’s face contorted, lost in confusion from the guard’s reaction. “Hey Billy! You gotta hear this! This guy… this guy Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!” the guard laughed, suffocating himself with his own amusement as he called out to a nearby guard. “What is it Ronald? Caught your weenie in the zippa gain?” asked the nearby guard. “Hell no! This guy, he, he wants to see Mr Estrada!” the guard blurted out and suddenly, out of nowhere the other guard gave that exact stupid grin and immediately burst into fits of laughter. “HAHAHA! Holy shite! That’s a good one! Hahahahah!!!” David was completely and utterly unamused by this juvenile prattle. Did he say something stupid or were they making a mockery out of him because they were bored to tears? His teeth grinded in irritation, his hands began curling into fists although he remained level headed enough to retain his composure. “Excuse me, help me out here cause I’m a little lost but what exactly do you find so amusing?” he asked, trying so hard not to pelt these aggravating morons with every insult ever conceived. The guard took a moment to calm himself, wiping the tears from his eyes before addressing the young doctor. “I don’t know what you’ve been smoking man, but no one and I mean NO ONE gets in to see Mr Estrada. Just what were you thin-“the guard said, only to be cut off the moment David shoved Miguel’s card in his face. Almost instantly, the very expression on his face warped into that of dread. His baby blue eyes widened, swallowing hard as he desperately loosened his collar. David shifted his gaze to his impudent friend in the back who apparently abandoned his comrade and retreated back to his duties in silent prayer that David was not the kind of man who would hold a grudge. “My apologies, perhaps I wasn’t clear the first time around. Please allow me to repeat myself, my name is David Stone, ‘Doctor’ David Stone and I am here to see Mr Estrada at his request… saavy?” David said, giving the guard a rather nasty glare. “Oh, the… the… then why didn’t you say so Mr, I mean Doctor Stone, please, follow me” the guard stammered, desperately trying to hide his blunder as he led the young man away from the crowd. The guard took him down a path, cutting through what appears to be a garden shrouded in the trees that grew overhead in the direction of the colossal building from before. The young man’s hazel eyes studied his surroundings carefully, noticing a questionable amount of video cameras at every corner, directed at every crook and cranny. David clutched his bag tightly, his muscles tensed in suspicion and possible paranoia, there should be a reason for all this security and a part of him wished he could remain oblivious to the obvious answer. “We’re here…” he said as they stopped at a small metal door located at the bottom of a large wall. David shifted his gaze upwards to the spikes and barb wire suspended twenty feet above ground, the place began to feel more and more like a prison of sorts. The guard knocked twice on the metal door, the metallic clanging echoed with every tap. No sooner, the intercom came to life. “Yes?” came the voice, blurred and distorted by the intercom. “It’s Ronald, I’m with Mr. Estrada’s guest” he said, putting a strange emphasis on the word ‘guest’. “One of them?” the intercom asked. “Positive” Ronald replied hesitantly. With a loud buzz, the creaking hinges could have made a man grit his teeth in agony as the door swung open. David’s eyes narrowed suspiciously a little at the little exchange the guard had with his comrade on the other side of the intercom. One of them? What was that suppose to mean? Ronald stepped inside, signaling the young doctor to follow. The young doctor nodded before following suit, his leather loafers touched the surface of asphalt on the other side of the wall, there he laid eyes on the building before him, and it certainly was larger up close. “This way” Ronald said as he made his way toward the building. David’s continued to follow the guard; it was not long before they arrived. Hazel hues shifted upwards, admiring the architecture done with the essence of an unusual mixture of baroque and modern influences. A monstrous door measuring twenty feet lay open before them, from the hinges to the plating were laid with solid gold. David’s gaze settled upon the words carved in stone along the arch of the doorway. “Candor dat viribus alas” David repeated to himself. “Know what that means?” Ronald said suddenly with a cheeky grin on his face, returning David’s attention back to the man. “It means-“ “Sincerity gives wings to strength” David answered, making the guard scowl in return, destroying his one attempt at showing off. David chuckled, “I took Latin for four years back in medical school” he said. Ronald gave a dry chuckle “I see Mr Estrada got a smart one this time around. Let’s just hope your brains rub off on the rest of them eh?” he said. This time? Rest of them? It was no mystery that Miguel would have recruited others before him but contemplating on a number let alone their characters were possibly the last thing on his mind. V.A.N.G.A.R.D was a team shrouded in mystery and abstruseness, their purpose and their mission remained a conundrum to the outside world. David has expressed the night before, he had merely the general idea pieced together vague information borne of rumors and loose sources of information. What was V.A.N.G.A.R.D? What did they do? The young doctor had a feeling he was about to find out. The guard continued to lead the way, right through a massive hall, with ceilings that tower over the polished marble floor and the wooden walls carved from the finest of woods adorned the hallways. “Hey Genine” said Ronald, waving to an African American woman behind a reception desk, tapping feverishly on her computer stopping only for a moment to wave a hand in acknowledgement. Their footsteps echoed through the hall, silence crept at every corner intense enough for even that of a pin drop to be heard from where they stood. David’s eyes wandered from the paintings hanging idly on the walls, to the Latin inscriptions carved in solid gold mounted on the walls that adorned the hallways. It certainly did not take them long before they arrived at the end of the hallway to a total of six elevators, three on each side. David paused, catching his reflection on the polished golden doors. The young doctor felt his grip tighten around the leather briefcase, for the first time feeling a sense of nervousness gripping at his gut. With the sound of a bell echoed down the hallways as the golden doors slid open, revealing an interior laid with thick plexi glass on every side. David took a deep breath before stepping inside, though he paused when the guard did not. “Aren’t you-?” David asked. “I’m sorry Dr Stone, my jurisdiction only extends as far as this elevator. From here on out, you’re on your own. By the way, Mr Estrada’s office is on the seventh floor” he said. David nodded “By the way, thanks, Ronald isn’t it?” the young doctor inquired. The guard smiled in return “Yes sir, looks like I’ll be seeing you around. Good luck and Godspeed” he said as the doors slid to a close. “You’re gonna need it”. The young doctor felt a lump in his throat, swallowing hard before shifting his gaze to the myriad of numbers on the side. “Good afternoon, welcome to the Conversion Bureau, my name is J.A.D.E, please speak your designated floor” came a voice from the control panel, making the young doctor jump for a moment. “Oh, um, level seven… please” David answered. “Level seven, Director Estrada’s office, affirmative” said the voice as the elevator began to descend. He felt unnerved at the creeping shadows within the small confines of the elevator, cast from the bright lights lighting the path on their downward cascade to the unknown. The farther they went, his uneasiness began to intensify and soon doubt began playing on his conscience and he knew it would only be time before he started second guessing his decisions. Maybe it was all just a bad idea, maybe he should just quit while he was ahead and go back home, perhaps Leslie might consider giving him his job back, maybe- Suddenly, the entire elevator illuminated with a bright light, chasing away the darkness and the shadows within. Turning around to the transparent plexiglass behind him, his eyes widened in awe. “What the…” The young doctor was left speechless in awe, a large smile taking shape on his face. It was incredible, unbelievable, a massive citadel beneath The Conversion Bureau. No, this WAS the Conversion Bureau in all its glory. Hazel hues shifted from the bright ivory walls and polished walkways, humans, people on hovering platforms, Segways zipping through the busy lines on their way to their destination. David had lost count of the amount of people walking the hallways, even the halls beneath his feet. People in lab coats, riot gear, he was at a complete loss for words. Never would he have conceived the picture of the Bureau as it was now. It was then, the elevator came to a stop, the doors sliding open behind him. “Seventh floor, Director Estrada’s office, thank you and have a pleasant day” said the voice. David nodded before leaving the elevator behind, finding himself on a small hallway, walls as white as ivory with a maroon carpet adorning the floor. He raised a curious eyebrow when he heard voices at the end of the hallway, behind two large doors made of solid oak. “Why do you continue to side with those… things?” David’s gaze began to narrow, allowing his curiosity to get the better of him, he quickened his pace in the direction of the doors, noticing one of them had been left slightly ajar. “Those things are called Ponies Lady Bianca, and I implore you to address them as such” David immediately recognize Miguel’s voice and another which was far less pleasing. It felt dry, cold and incredibly sinister, painting a rather menacing imagine in David’s mind, his eyes narrowed a little more as he pressed his back against one of the doors in an attempt to getting a better idea of what was going on. He heard the mystery person scoff “Listen to yourself, you’ve played patsy to them for so long you might as well be Celestia’s pet” she added. “I admit the Princess and I are on the best of terms, which is indeed far more than I can say for you. That little stunt you pulled off with her majesty, wasn’t exactly the smartest” said Miguel “I merely said what needed to be said, for millennia the human race had risen against all odds to become the prime being on planet once ravaged by savages and beasts. I will tell you now Miguel, I will not stand idly and watch as civilizations dwindle to nothingness” she said. “What you did Bianca, was deliberately threaten and insulted the sovereign heads of Equestria like an uncultured terrorist. May I remind you that we, humans have been on thin ice with all of Ponykind. I have spent weeks, months trying to our mend political ties with the Royal house and salvage whatever good impression we may have left before and I most definitely shall not and will not tolerate a repeat performance!” Miguel said sternly. Bianca? That was definitely an unfamiliar name but David ignored delving deeper for the time being for he was more interested in the conversation at hand. He may not have seen her face but he already harbored an immediate sense of detestation judging by the tone of her voice not to mention her rather repugnant choices of words. “You are as blind as you are foolish. Equestria is a place of untapped resources, lush forests, mountains, fertile land ready to be colonized and maybe even industrialized. But not every human desire to be turned into Pixar rejects to be allowed in” the woman added. “THOSE were Equestria’s conditions. Humans must be Ponified to be granted access for two very good reasons. One, because the magical barrier is toxic to humans, prolonged exposure will result in an unspeakable and agonizing end. Second of all, would be people like you” Miguel said. “People like me Miguel?” she asked, taking apparent offence of the statement. “I did not stutter when I said that, I said people like you. It is selfish, greed driven, money worshipping capitalists like you who has been directly responsible for the sorry state of the world today” Miguel snapped. David shook his fist silently in cheer. “How DARE you! Do you have any idea who I-” she snarled “I am well aware who you are, Lady Bianca Luchist Saltza, I know of your stature and I know of your wealth. I know of your present and I most definitely know of your past. A word of advice, I wouldn’t flaunt that about with such pride if I were you” Miguel said, his voice cold and direct. The lady merely chuckled dryly “Now I see you for who you truly are Miguel. As I try to salvage the remnants of the human race, you seek to align yourself with the enemy. Tell me, how does it feel to betray your own race?” she inquired There was a short silence in the room, the tension grew thick enough to slice with a knife and the young doctor grew uneasy. “Then allow me to answer your question with one of my own. Tell me what concerns you more? Civilization fading into the sands of time, or is it the pain of watching your multimillion dollar empire go up in smoke?” asked Miguel. “It must be gut wrenching, knowing that all your hard work and sacrifices had gone to waste and there is nothing you could do about it, but watch” Miguel said. David smirked, moving closer to the edge of the door, desperately trying to catch the woman’s reply. “Now you listen Miguel, and if I were you, I would heed my words well. The human race will continue, it will strive and it will survive and I intend to make sure of that. Even if I have to play judge, jury and executioner” she stated, her voice baneful and grim. “Am I to assume that as a threat?” Miguel inquired his voice as cold and intimidating. She chuckled dryly yet again “Miguel, Miguel, you should know by now that I am not in the business of ‘making’ threats. Consider it a propitious advice” she added “Then allow me to share with you some ‘propitious’ advice of my own. If you should do anything that would threaten the safety of Equestria and that of the United States of America, I will do everything in my power to bring you down. You and your alleged compatriots will be tried for treason and I believe you know too well the fate which awaits those who would walk the path of Judas” Miguel said. David barely caught several words, something about treason and threats. Allowing his curiosity to get the better of him yet again, he leaned a little closer against the oak door only to hear the inevitable creaking that was soon to come. “Uh oh” he said, eyes wide open before the doors gave way. “AIEEE!” the young man shrieked as he fell through the doorway, stumbling face first into the polished marble floor like a dimwitted klutz, catching the attention of both Miguel and the mystery woman. “Dr Stone, so nice for you to join us” Miguel said, a sudden perkiness in his voice before reverting his attention to the woman before him. “My apologies, but I believe my ten o’clock is here. If you don’t mind, perhaps you could show yourself out” he said. The woman’s eyes narrowed in a look caught between disgust and anger. “This isn’t over Miguel” she said. Miguel clasped his hands together before resting his chin on the crevice of his knuckle. “For your sake, I hope it is. Good day Lady Bianca,” The woman glared furiously at the man before making her way her way out, David finally had a figure to match that malicious voice from before. His hazel eyes caught a fair lady, brushing her her long chest length blond hair aside as she pushed up irritably on her rounded pair of glasses. She was dressed in a beige uniform, possibly military with a long beige leather overcoat draped over her shoulders, quite unusual attire for a lady but the young doctor posed no question. As she approached the young man, she gave him a rather nasty and condescending glare before striding past him without so much as a second glance. David corrected his glasses before climbing to his feet before proceeding to straighten his white coat. “I have to admit Dr Stone, my original expectation actually involved a few days, not several hours. Why the sudden change of mind?” Miguel asked from behind his large wooden desk. David chuckled “Let’s just say it was more a change of heart” he replied. Miguel nodded “Uh huh, and I suppose the four men brutally assaulted, stabbed and bludgeoned in that dark alley had nothing to do with it. I would ask where and how had you acquired those injuries but that would be most redundant and time is a resource I cannot afford to squander” David swore he could have jumped right out of his skin at Miguel’s comment. “How did you? How, when… why? And?” “Calm yourself Dr Stone, I’m not here to have you arrested or read you your rights. Let’s just say the only reason you’re not behind bars as of now is because we take HLF assaults very seriously, and believe me, the officers at the NYPD are very, very grateful for this ‘mysterious vigilante’” Miguel said, his fingers moving in gesture as he displayed a rather confident grin. David rested his hand on his chest in an effort to steady his racing heart. “You know, as much as you pride yourself on being in the know, I do not appreciate being spied upon” the young doctor, clearly unamused. “We live in difficult times Dr Stone, I believe I said that before. Information allows us to remain a step ahead of criminals, anarchists, and supremacists. I do apologize for the constant surveillance, but I needed to know if I could trust you” Miguel said, his eyes retaining their serious glint from before. David wanted to retaliate to his statement but was halted by Miguel’s words. “But you lived up to my faith and most importantly my expectations. I need not remind you that those Ponies owe you their lives, we will have them transported back to Equestria in due time and we will see to it that those ‘fine gentlemen’ receive their just rewards” he said. The young man remained silent for a moment, his hands curled into fists as he addressed the man before him “Can I say something Mr Estrada?” he asked. Miguel raised an eyebrow “Please do Dr Stone” he replied. “Let us get one thing straight here, it is you who came to me and not the other way around. As much as you believe in me, I still have my doubts” said David. “Doubts?” Miguel inquired. “More like questions, like this place, V.A.N.G.A.R.D and everything else. Does the public know the Bureau has a high tech facility built right beneath their feet? Just what do you seek to gain from all of this?” David asked. Miguel merely smiled determinedly “I think you already know the answer to that question” he said. “Mr Estrada, please stop jumping to assum-,“ David said. “Peace” interrupted Miguel. At that moment, all the words the young doctor had evaporated to nothing, once again he found himself at a rather verbal disadvantage. Realizing David was silent, the man continued. “I know you have many questions Dr Stone, and believe me when I say no one understands that better than I do. When I first took over the Bureau, my directions and my consciences were unclear, my duties focused primarily on maintaining the peace between Ponies and the human race. Then came the HLF…” he said, his eyes bore a glint of dismay. “I believe you remember the New York riot almost a year ago in front of the Brooklyn Conversion Centre don’t you? Followed by the bombing of the one in San Francisco” Miguel inquired. David was silent in thought, remembering the details from the horrible events. A moment of lawlessness broke out into mass turmoil as the streets erupted in anarchy with supporters of the HLF storming the gates of the Bureau and the Conversion Centre. They mauled and injured anyone they deemed a pony lover and took on S.W.A.T dressed in full riot gear without hesitation or doubt. It took three days before law enforcement finally suppressed the supposed uprising although found no tangible evidence linking the leader of the New York HLF chapter to the crime. The bombing however was a little vaguer to the young man but he knew that the damage and casualties were colossal and horrendous all the same, both to humans and ponies. David shrugged, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “Dr Stone, I have nothing against the human race. But I have seen humanity and the evil they have come to be and I will not lie to you when at times I find myself unable to comprehend, tolerate or even forgive. But I know there is more to mankind than this” he said, his gaze returning to that of the young doctor. “We are capable of compassion, love and understanding. Though I have grown accustomed to the darker side of man and their fiendish nature, at times I find myself face to face with people who prove me wrong” said Miguel. “And pray tell, just where are these alleged people?” David inquired. Miguel smiled “Right next door” he said. David recalled the Conversion Centre from before, all those people, their smiles, joy, he remembered everything. “I believe I have told you before, I dreamed of a world without conflict and the only way we can achieve that is to find peace between both our races. Ponification is all but an option, the rest is up to us” Miguel said. David remained just a little skeptical “And you expect the world to suddenly shed their hatred and embrace your ideas of peace and harmony overnight?” the young doctor asked. Miguel chuckled softly. “If only the world were that simple. No, not entirely, but I believe that day will come eventually. Till then, both mankind and Ponykind will need someone to protect and defend them from those who would mean them harm. This is where we come in” he said. “V.A.N.G.A.R.D, I know” David said half heartedly. Miguel gave a small determined grin “Tell you what Dr Stone…” he said. The man reached from behind his desk, removing what appears to be a black leather wallet of some kind. With a swift motion, he glided it over the smooth, polished surface of his table, coming to a stop barely an inch to the edge. The young doctor stared in bewilderment and confusion at the object before him. His eyebrow raised, he reached for the case as he cautiously proceeded to open it, exposing whatever it was on the inside. David’s eyes widened at the sight of a badge. He studied the identification card laminated behind a thin layer of plastic, bearing his photograph, his personal information with the words ‘The Conversion Bureau’ written in gold. The badge however bore a golden shield, the young doctor ran his fingers over the thin blue lines illuminated with an azure glow with within the crevices of the carvings before moving over to letters V.A.N.G.A.R.D borne with valor. “Give yourself a week, one week. Get accustomed to the facility and familiarize yourself with your colleagues. You will be working very closely with them and from here on out. They will be with your friends, your allies, and most importantly, your family. Put your trust in them and they will never, ever let you down” said Miguel “However, by then, if you still believe the Bureau isn’t for you, that V.A.N.G.A.R.D is not and will never be your calling, all you have to do is turn in your badge and walk right out that front door. That is my solemn promise to you” he added. David closed the black wallet-like case before removing it from the surface of the table. He nodded to himself as if in thought, clutching it firmly in his hand before shifting his gaze to the man before him. “No questions asked?” he asked. Miguel smiled in assurance “No questions asked. Well, if everything has been made clear and there is nothing left to be rectified, you may report to the fifth floor” he said. The young doctor nodded yet again, picking up his leather suitcase from the floor before making his way to the doorway. However he stopped for a brief moment, shifting back to Miguel as if he had just remembered something he had been dying to ask. “One more thing Mr Estrada” David said. Miguel raised his eyebrow, his attention returned to the young doctor. “Yes, Dr Stone?” he asked. “It has been weighing on my mind for a good while now but back in my office you said I came at a rather high recommendation. I would like to know who-” said David. “That… would be me” came a rather familiar voice. Immediately, David’s blood went stone cold, petrified with the same exact tingle running down the entire length of his spine. “I know that voice” he said, immediately shifting his gaze to the person behind him. “Hello David, it’s been a while” (To be continued…)
Adventure,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Dark,Human
Guardian Chronicles: The Conversion Bureau
Embrace Your Destiny
<p>A year had passed since the establishment of the Conversion Bureau. The human race seeking a chance at a better life, a better future from their dark, decaying world long ravaged by the hands of the greedy and the corrupt through the act of &#39;Ponification&#39;. However, the anti pony extremists, the Human Liberation Front (HLF) desperate to save what is left of mankind, intends to eradicate the Pony menace by whatever means necessary. Having forced their hand, the Bureau established V.A.N.G.A.R.D, a special military strike force, operating above the law with the sole intention of protecting the Ponies and suppressing the resistance.<br /><br />This is the story of 21 year old Dr. David Stone, a self conflicting young man, caught between the harshness of reality and his dream of a world of peace. Unexpectedly recruited as a V.A.N.G.A.R.D agent, David joins the Conversion Bureau, only to discover that he alone will holds the power in restoring the balance to a world long forsaken. Based loosely on Blaze&#39;s original fanfic, The Conversion Bureau.</p>
STEEL unload, final BLOW, we the ANIMALS take CONTROL, hear us now, clear and true, WRETCHES and KINGS we come for YOU. STEEL unload , fire BLOW, filthy ANIMALS, beat them LOW, skin and bone, black and blue, no more this SUN shall beat onto YOU- Wretches and Kings, Linkin Park Episode 4: V.A.N.G.A.R.D “Daniela?” The name escaped his lips the moment his bright hazel eyes caught sight of the young lady. For a moment the young doctor was left speechless, studying every inch of her as if she were the last woman on earth. The dauntless young lady leaned her shoulder against the wooden door, donned in her jet black tank top with a boldness of short leather jacket worn over it matching her tight fitting beige cargo denim pants and her khaki leather boots. An ebon USP holster was fastened around her shoulders with a gun fitted firmly within it.  He could not put his finger on the make or model but then again he was never the gun enthusiasts, even with half his family having served in the United States Army. She merely stood there, staring through her bistre toned hair slightly longer than her shoulder, a glint of interest in her amber eyes with the same equivalence to the young man. The corner of her mouth quirked upwards as if amused by David’s bewildered expression. “Long time no see… cous,” she said. Daniela Stone, yet another one of David’s cousins. Even though she was a year older than he was, it hard to believe how much she has grown over the years, how much they both had grown since the days of their childhood summers spent together on their Grandfather’s vineyard down in California. “Dani, wow, it has been a long time. You look… good,” David said, a sense of awkwardness in his voice. “Good? Is that you’ve got to say? I haven’t seen you since Grandpa’s funeral and all you have for me is that I look good?” she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She lifted herself off the wooden door before tucking her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. The young doctor nervously rubbed the back of his head. “Well it’s been five years and all and… HEY WAIT A MINUTE! What the heck am I saying? What the HELL are you doing here!? Where have you been!?” cried David all of a sudden. Dani smirked “Now THAT sounds more like the David I used to know. How’s Mikey? A little pony told me that he was in town,” she said. “Don’t try to change the subject Dani! You still haven’t answered my question-,” David said, though his words came to a halt the moment he felt a hand resting gently on his shoulder. “I believe, I have the answer that. Dr Stone, allow me to formally introduce Lieutenant Commander Daniela Stone, she is head of V.A.N.G.A.R.D and therefore your acting and commanding officer” said Miguel David swore he felt his jaw hit the polished marble floor in complete disbelieve the moment he heard the man mentioned ‘Commanding Officer’. There were no words, no plausible sentences, all he could only stare bug-eyed at the young lady now smiling smugly in return as he resisted the urge to blubber like a senseless idiot. “What, who, how… huuuuuuuuhhhh?” His face contorted as he stared completely flabbergasted by the whole situation. Daniela let out a hearty laugh, stepping closer toward her younger cousin. “What? Think you were the only one in the family blazin trails? Sorry to burst your bubble cous, but I’ve been pretty busy myself,” she said, removing her right hand from her pocket and ruffled his hair playfully. However David immediately swatted her hand away in annoyance. “Stop that! I’m not five anymore you know!” “Aww, ain’t that cute. Ole Davy’s thinks he’s all grown up,” teased the young lady, smirking in pure amusement.   David shot her a rather nasty glare, feeling his teeth grinding in pure exasperation as he desperately fought back the sheer desire to wring her darling neck, even though, No, especially since they were related. She always had this nasty habit of patronizing him in public ever since they were children, always proclaiming that she was older and better than him in more ways than one. She may have grown, but she was still the same ole Dani, the same obnoxious, insufferable, rott- “ECKH HEM!” Miguel cleared his throat, loudly and intentionally enough to catch their attention. “Well Dr Stone, I see that you have both been properly acquainted, I will leave you two to your duties. Now if you would excuse me, I have a rendezvous with Mr. Gunn which I have every intention of keeping,” said the man before making his way back to his desk before removing his grey overcoat hanging idly from the back of his chair. David cocked an eyebrow at the mention of the name ‘Gunn’ although he made no obvious intention on prying any deeper. He pondered on the possibilities of it having any relations to a Mr. Richard Gunn, another notable yet controversial name making the headlines of every single newspaper in the Big Apple a little too often for comfort. “Anythin else I can do you for sir?” Dani enquired, her eyes meeting with Miguel’s own firmly like a soldier would a superior officer. “Just one, be sure to give Dr. Stone the grand tour and once you are done please show him to his quarters,” said Miguel, slipping an arm into his coat. The young doctor was caught off guard yet again. “Qu-qua- quarters? Quarters as in lodging… ac- accommodation? ROOM? You, you mean I’m going to have to LIVE here?” he asked in disbelieve. Miguel merely blinked absent mindedly, his face caught in surprise although he was quick to realize the young doctor had not been formally briefed. “Oh, right. My apologies Dr. Stone but all V.A.N.G.U.A.R.D agents are required to be on call twenty four seven which inevitably translates to you having to be on Bureau grounds at all time” said the man. That certainly came as an unpleasant surprise to the young doctor. “But what of my place? My computer, my books, my… my things! What is to be-“ “Rest your worries. We are currently moving all your belongings as we speak. They should be here ready for unpacking by day’s end,” said Miguel as he straightened his coat. “Unpacking? You mean you had your people BREAK into my place!? That’s against the law and I have my rights!” “Breaking and entering is the work of thugs and thieves. We have the necessary paperwork as well as your landlord’s consent so I believe we are operating within the legal boundaries,” said Miguel, a hint of smugness in his voice. “Le… legal boundaries!? Now see here you-“David raised his voice, only to be predictably ignored by the man yet again who turned to face the young lady beside him. The young doctor swore if he had to put up with anymore of this farce he was going to explode. “Well Lieutenant, the torch is now your hands. You know what to do from here on out and please tell the rest to be on their best behavior this time around. I do not want them intimidating the poor man,” Others? Oh right, he was not the only one now was he? There were others before him recruited into V.A.N.G.A.R.D. The young doctor swallowed hard at the man’s words, unintentionally allowing his imagination to run wild as it painted a picture of a shady dark tavern inhabited by the meanest, nastiest scum born from the bowels of this world. “Don’t you worry sir, I told Dempsey that I’d personally chop his balls off if he pulled another stunt like that,” Dani said with a rather intimidating smirk. “Do what you have to do Lieutenant, remember that I am counting on you,” he said taking a moment to fix the crimson scarf around his neck. “Now if you would excuse me, I take my leave. Good day Lieutenant, Dr Stone,” Almost by hard-coded instinct, Dani stood at attention and gave him a respectable salute while David merely nodded in acknowledgement. For a brief moment, their eyes met and David noticed the edge of his lip lift in a soft smile as if wishing the young man luck as he turned to leave through the doorway. The young doctor felt his spirits lift ever so slightly only to be abruptly smacked back down by hard slap to the shoulder. His face grimaced comically, his teeth gritting hard and his fingers clenched from the piercing pain and once again he found himself desperately fighting back the urge to hurt someone very badly in retaliation. “HOLYMUTTHEROFABRAHAMLINCOLN’SHORSE!” “Well you heard the man! I think we’re done wastin time, let’s go give you that ‘grand tour’ shall we?” Dani said with a large grin. David grumbled to himself, his teeth grinding in pure aggravation. Why does he have the feeling he was already regretting this? **************************** “Alright, I’ma gonna keep it short and simple. There’re a couple of things you gotta know, first things first, remember to always keep your badge on you at all times. As you can tell by now, security’s a major priority here. “The mess hall is on level one, there’s where you grab your grub. The briefin room is on level five, roll call’s at o seven hundred hours every day save for Sundays and…” Young doctor’s attention had failed him for a good while now and for good reason too, being briefed about rules and protocol was mere humdrum compared to this place. As they paced their way down the crowded passageway his hazel eyes compulsively studied every inch, every corner of it. First thing he noticed were the burnished ivory walls lined with electronic lights glowing in a smooth azure tint. Next were the ebon tiles on floors were glossed and polished struck his fancy with occasional lights that marked certain pathways for walking and a separate lane for electric carts. David also fancied a peek through the transparent Plexiglas the moment they passed what appeared to be a laboratory of some sort. A myriad of various graphs and charts danced across the glass with people on the other side in apparent discussion. “Oh sorry,” came an apology the moment David suddenly felt a shoulder bump into his own. The young man waved nervously, carelessly cuddling an armful of files as he paced hastily down the hallway. It was amazing how many humans, people were here. There were dozens of them and all in a variety of different uniforms. It was an uncommon mixture of lab coats and tactical gear although he was attentive enough to catch abbreviations such as S.W.O.R.D and H.A.V.O.K stitched above their emblems. Could there by other teams or divisions in the Bureau? Heck, as of now there was little that could possibly surprise him, not even if they had a big red devil of some sort locked away in a vault somewhere that only comes out at night to hunt monsters. Then from out of nowhere, he felt slap to the back of his head so hard he swore his eyeballs could had popped out. “HEY! Are you listening!?” Dani snapped. “Yeow! Would you PEH-LEASE cut that out! You know I HATE it when you do that!” David snapped in return as he rubbed the back of his head. “If you would pull your head out of the clouds and pay attention, maybe I won’t have to now do I? Seriously, you haven’t changed a bit,” “Well, look who’s talking? What happened to you anyways, last I heard you were trying out for the US Army Rangers, how did you end up here?” “I was and I got in too but a lot can and has happened in five long years Davy and you know what, I hadn’t received a single email from you. “I was left wondering what had become of you and Mikey,” she said as she tucked her hands into her pocket. David shrugged “I admit we pretty much drifted apart after grandpa came to pass. With you following in Grandpa’s footsteps, Mikey going off to France and me headed for Harvard,” David said as he folded his arms. “But…” The young lady shifted her attention to her younger cousin which apparently gave her a warm smile. “It doesn’t mean we can’t start over now, we’re family after all. Sides, we owe grandpa that much,” Dani chuckled softly “Good point. Well, if you have to know, I spent a year or so down in Fort Benning, Georgia.  It was hard but I worked my ass up to the rank of Lieutenant. Then one fine day, Col. Estrada decided to pay us a visit, said he was lookin for a few good men to join the Bureau. “Makin the cut lasted for a good three months and honestly it was the closest I’ve ever come to quittin and you know I don’t quit easy,” said Dani. “Sounds like Hell” Dani smirked “Heh, you wouldn’t have lasted a day. Fact, close to a hundred dropped out after the first day alone. More so in the comin weeks but in the end only three made the cut, me included. Course, it was only later I found out we’ve been recruited for V.A.N.G.A.R.D,” David chuckled. “And let me guess, you couldn’t tell your family about it because if you did they would probably charge you with treason, erase your existance and throw you in some secret prison for life?” he said with a laugh. Dani rolled her eyes in her cousin’s direction, glaring as she did. David’s eyes widened as he chuckled meekly “Oh…” “I don’t know how much you know about V.A.N.G.A.R.D cous but we weren’t officially sanctioned by the United States government till recently. When I first got here, we were given strict and specific orders to remain anonymous at all cost. In other words, we were supposed to be ghosts,” “So you operate from the shadows but why the sudden change? Is it because of the HLF? I know things have been growing from bad to worse but come on, all this…” David said as he gestured at the facility. “…for a bunch of rednecks, trailer trash and religious, humanist psychos? Even you have to admit it’s a little over the top,” Her sudden silence, No, more the hesitant glint her eyes made David cock an eyebrow, however he was so focused on his cousin that the knowledge that he was still walking completely slipped his mind. “POUGH!” David’s face contorted the moment he found himself absent mindedly walking face first into a large object standing directly in his path. “Hey, I’m walking here!” David snarled as he stumbled back a couple of steps, fixing his glasses angrily. The young doctor then caught sight of large cylindrical container of some kind mounted on a pint-sized four wheeled vehicle. A closer look made him realize the automated locks which bolted the thing together leading to a small device one would deduce to be a security terminal. What was in that thing? David was curious to say the least. “SHIT, CRAP!” said a frantic voice from behind the container. It was a young man, dressed in the exact same lab coat bearing the abbreviation S.W.O.R.D. David cocked an eyebrow, noticing the rainbow colored lightning bolt pin he wore on his collar. He fumbled off the vehicle as he nervously made his way to the young doctor, stumbling to fix his glasses at the same time trying to keep his balance on his own two feet. The young doctor merely watched half lost in confusion as the young man stopped next to the container, desperately checking it for even the slightest damage. “Ohmigodohmigodohmigodohmigod, I probably broke something, I’m so gonna get fired for this! My life is ruineeeedddd!!!” he said hysterically. “Yeah… I’m fine too by the way,” David said, realizing he had been ignored yet again. “BRYAN!” Dani snapped, immediately causing the young man to jump at the sound of her voice, his face suddenly stricken in absolute horror. “Dani! Oh my GOD it’s you! Now I’m REALLY GONNA GET FIRED! Oh GOD WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO!?” Bryan cried. David held back a snicker “Famous much?” he said with a mischievous grin. “Shut up,” she said with a glare before making his way to the young man, forcefully grabbing him by his collar. “BRYAN! GET A GRIP!” she yelled into his face as she shook him violently. The shaken young cried and mumbled a load of gibberish along with random pouts of Chinese, Japanese and probably some Portuguese. The young doctor merely shook his head, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose paced toward the black container. His eyes squinted a little, taking a closer look at the monitor while he tried desperately to drown out the incessant annoying whining coupled with the growls of a female mountain gorilla in the background. He then smirked to himself “I knew it, a complex hexa decimal tri-code system, now that’s what I call old school. But…” he said as he stretched his fingers. “… let’s see if I can beat my old record,” he said with a soft snicker. “How many times have I told you to watch where you’re goin!? Do I have to break your face in AGAIN!?” Dani snarled, glaring into the young man’s eyes with the fires of the netherworld blazing in her eyes. Her fingers gripping his coat with such fury that Bryan swore she was going to rip it to shreds. “Aaaaahhhh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Did I say I was sorry? Please don’t hurt me! For the love of GOD don’t hurt me!” “Lock Disengage,” a digitized voice resonated from the black case as hues of amber and baby blue shifted in the direction to the container. The metal locks and rotating knobs began to shift and unbolt accompanied by the soft mechanical grinding of shifting gears and brief hisses of steam. “DAMN! Is this really high security of am I just THAT good!?” David boasted. “ARGH! What the heck do you think you’re doing!?” Bryan cried hysterically before prying himself from Dani’s vice-like grip as he hurried to the container, pushing the young doctor out of the way. “You do not have the authority to open this! E-Even I don’t have the authority to open this! Oh God, I’m so dead!” he exclaimed “Wait! Wait! Maybe I can fix this! Yes, fix it, fixxxx it! Work you piece of trash!” he cried, slamming his fist on the monitor. Dani stared, completely bewildered. “How did you do that?” “Well it wasn’t hard, just a couple of codes here, a couple of codes there, easy stuff,” said David. “You’ve just unlocked a Level Nine containment unit, only two people in this whole facility are capable of doing that that and they use specialized unforgeable keys. You hacked it in less than twenty seconds,” David pushed up on his glasses, smirking as he did. “Hey, everyone’s got a hobby or two. Mine just happens to be a tad bit more interesting,” “Oh no, no, no, no, no THIS IS BAD, BAD, BAD!” the young man cried, pulling frantically at his hair. The case had begun to unravel itself, mechanical parts shifting into place as the shutters begun open following the cylindrical path of the case before revealing what appears to be yet another case, however this one was made of glass. “What in blazes?” David said, leaning in for a closer look. It was an azure spherical gem about the size of an average jawbreaker nestling comfortably on a custom made royal red cushion. David scratched his head perplexed, a gem? Why would they have a Level Nine containment unit for a mere gem? “A rock? That’s what all the fuss is about?” Dani asked, obviously disappointed by the content. Bryan let out an overly dramatic gasp the moment he heard the word “R-Ro-ROCK!?” The young man marched up to Dani, finger in the air and nostrils flaring. “Preposterous! Outrageous! How DARE you compare it to mere GRAVEL! It’s unacceptable! Incomprehensible! In- AAAAHH!” he cried in pain the moment Dani violently grabbed hold of his finger and twisted it mercilessly. “What’d I say bout throwin one of your egg headed hissy fits again?” she said. Bryan’s face grimaced from the pain as he forced himself to look at the crazy devil woman. “To not to?” “Ah, the boy learns,” said Dani, letting go of the young man’s finger. Bryan cringed as he cradled his aching finger in his hand. “Bryan…” David said, catching the young man’s attention. “Care to tell us what exactly this is?” inquired. David swore the young man would have just toppled over with the sheer excitement in his eyes. He hastily fixed his coat and straightened his tie, brushing his brown hair to the back in an attempt to regain his highly educated appearance. “Fascinating isn’t it? It was sent here from Equestria this morning. Princess Celestia had requested S.W.O.R.D to run some tests on it,” said Bryan. David raised a baffled eyebrow before shifting his hazel eyes to the young man. It had always been a self conceived perspective of the young doctor that the Royal House was not too keen on offering much trust to the humans let alone artifacts of potential power. Especially since he was willing to bet Celestia herself knows that it was human nature to convert anything if not everything into weapons of mass destruction. “Princess Celestia? That’s strange, why would the Princess request the Bureau to run tests on Equestrian artifacts?” Dani inquired for she was just as perplexed as her cousin. “What exactly does it do?” “Well that’s the thing, we don’t know and neither does the Princess,” said Bryan. “But what we do know is that early scans had detected hits of some unknown energy within the core and it was fluctuating off the scale! “With some tests and some luck, we may figure out its purpose and I know it’s gonna be SOOOO AWESOME!” he said as giddy as overexcited fan girl upon meeting her one true idol as he cupped his face in his hands. Almost without warning, Dani shot him a nasty glare and even before the young man had time to so much as cringe, she slapped him hard across the face. His entire head was sent snapping to the left with his face distorting comically from the violent smack. “Don’t…ever… do that again,” she said. “Whaat? I thought it made me sound twenty perc-“ Bryan said, massaging his cheek in an effort to soothe the stinging. “If you so much as FINISH that sentence, so help me GOD I’ll KICK YOUR ASS!” Dani snarled, grabbing his collar violently before pulling her right fist to the back. “Aaaaaaahhh! Not the face!” David shrugged, rolling his hazel eyes at the incessant yet pointless commotion. The young doctor pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose while he moved a little closer toward to the case, squinting for a better view of the orb. The strangest most peculiar feeling coursed through his body, almost like a familiar feeling of déjà vu nagging at the back of his head the moment he laid eyes on it and yet he found no fathomable recollection. What was this thing? Why does it intrigue him so? Closer, just a little more, he could almost feel the coldness of the translucent glass on the tip of his nose when all of a sudden the orb erupted in a flash of blue light. “GUH! WHAT THE-!?” he cried, his arms waving frantically in the air as he stumbled backwards. His eyes widened the moment his heart took off at the speed of light. Both Dani and Bryan snapped their attention to the young doctor, once again caught in confusion. David panted, once again downright refusing the urge to bumble like a mindless idiot. What just happened? He found no rational answer, no words, and no comprehension to what had just happened. “Di-di-did you see that!? Tell me you saw that!” David cried, pointing deliriously.  They shifted their half confused gaze at the glass case, only to find nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary. “Okay, I give, what am I suppose to be lookin at?” Dani asked, raising her eyebrow in confusion. “The ORB! –it-IT GLOWED! Didn’t you see the blue flash!?” David cried “Flashed? Preposterous, it has never reacted in such a manner before. Are you certain you weren’t imagining it?” Bryan said, a rather cheeky smirk plastered on his face. “I swear! I’m not crazy!” David exclaimed. The young doctor proceeded to look around, frantically looking for someone, anyone in the busy hallway that could have been seen what he saw. However, one by one they passed him with raised eyebrows and silent thoughts to what could possibly be wrong with him for striking up such a commotion. “Pfft! Really now, Dani your cousin’s a real specimen. Are you sure he hasn’t completely checked out up there?” Bryan asked in a rather nervy tone. David’s eyes narrowed in irritation, finally understanding his cousin’s never ending urge to kick the young man’s face in simply just to wipe that smugness off his face for good. However the young lady shot Bryan possibly the nastiest glare ever conceived, her grip tightened around his collar as she dragged him closer to her face. Immediately, all that smugness vanished without a trace, only to be replaced with that of true terror. “Oh, you did NOT just get sassy with me,” she said “And what was that you said about my cousin?” “No! No, nothing! I swear, it was just a joke! You know me,” he stammered, putting on the silliest of grins in an effort to soothe the savage beast before him. “You know maybe I should pay nice visit your room again. Frankly, I just adore your little ‘collection’, especially that one with the long green hair. Tsk, tsk it would be most unfortunate to see her in pieces!” “NO! NO! Not my limited edition Hatsune Miku figurine! Anything but that! It’s one of only ten! It cost me three months salary!” Bryan cried frantically. The Devil’s grin grew on the face of the young lady, causing the young man to shriek in fear. “Tell me, is this the face of someone who looks like she gives a fu-!?“ “Dani!” said David. “Leave the poor animal alone, I believe you’ve made your point,” She pouted nonchalantly, half caught in disappointment. “Good news, it’s your lucky day,” she said before releasing the Bryan. The young man was so scared his knees gave way causing him to fall over on his behind, staring wide eyed at the young lady while she made her way in the direction of her cousin. “Come on,” she said, tapping on David’s shoulder. The young doctor gave Bryan a simple salute as if to say ‘see you later’ before turning to follow the young lady. It took a full out minute before the young man stumbled to his feet, throwing a silent tantrum while mouthing the word ‘B-I-T-C-H’ over and over again to Dani’s back, knowing well enough he was headed for a nice ass kicking if she would turn around. “Sheesh, you know I used to take lunch money from whiny little creeps like him,” said Dani. “You’re not a very nice person, you know that? “ David said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Pfft! And here I thought you knew me better than that. By the way, care to tell me what all that hoo-ha was about?” she asked, shifting her gaze to the young doctor. David shrugged. “I know I’m not crazy Dani and I’m pretty certain I didn’t imagine it. That orb, that thing flashed before my eyes and there’s something else…” “What? What is it?” “It just felt so familiar somehow. It’s almost as if I’ve seen it somewhere before but I just can’t quite put my finger on it,” “Hhm…” The young lady mumbled, shifted her hands to the back of her head, cradling it while she stared at the ivory ceiling above them. “You know what, it’s probably nothing,” David said. “Maybe all that overtime at the hospital is finally getting to me” he said, forcing a chuckle. Dani shifted her gaze to him, somehow feeling unconvinced by his statement although she prevented herself nosing herself into his thoughts. “Well, if you say so cous. But you know, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you,” she said with an assuring smile. David smiled warmly “Thanks cous” The young doctor knew it was a blatant lie but it would have to suffice for now. It was hard enough trying to convince himself that what he saw was real and not a symptom of fatigue madness, convincing someone else was near impossible. Questions, questions and more questions began clouding his mind, all which came without answers. Everything was an enigma, this facility, that peculiar orb and the chance reunion with his long lost cousin. David shrugged, being peeved by the fact he would be forced to resort to being patient or risk driving himself insane. It seems that only time may finally unravel the answers he so desperately seeks. “HEY WAIT A MINUTE! I DON’T KNOW HOW TO RE-ENGAGE THE LOCKS ON THIS THING! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! MY LIFE IS RUUUUIIIIINED!” “Er, shouldn’t we go back and help him?” David asked. “Shut up and just keep walkin” ******************* Miguel was certainly quite thorough when he gave the order to give David the grand tour of the place. From the confounded hallways which stretched like a maze to every corner of the facility to the sheer number of divisions located on all fifteen floors. The cousins made their way past several dozen different labs. Dani had expected the young doctor to be as giddy as a schoolboy on his first day of summer, however David merely observed silently in thought at a team of engineers covered in a concoction of sweat, grease and grime while in the midst of assembling a large multi terrain vehicle of some sort. A direct contrast to the labs on the other floors which had scientists draped in lab coats, their hands gloved in latex while they worked with Petri dishes, phials and other lab-like equipment. Once again, the young doctor merely observed while they worked with compounds and chemicals that bore no resemblance to anything he had ever seen back in his day in medical school.        Although with every lab, every division they passed, Dani had begun growing wary of David’s silence. It was so unlike him to show such indifference especially to a place like this, even when he was taken to lab on the twelfth floor, weapons testing. The myriads of explosions, gizmos and futuristic prototypes of guns and assault gears did nothing to draw out even a hint of interest. Once again, David observed, his hand absent mindedly cradled his chin yet once again in thought. Dani found herself in an unexpected dilemma. Could it be possible that he was completely uninterested simply because he had already made up his mind on leaving by week’s end? No, he was interested, she can always tell by glimmer in his eyes when situations or objects tend to catch his fancy. Maybe, just maybe he was being plagued with questions of his own. “Fifth Floor, V.A.N.G.A.R.D Division” said the voice from the elevator.     “Alright, listen up and I don’t want you day dreamin away on me again. H.A.V.O.K is our tactical strike force, know S.W.A.T? Yeah, just like that cept for the fact they’re far better equipped and trained.        S.W.O.R.D stands for ‘Special Weapons Offence Research and Development’. The eggheads run the labs around here. Weapons, vehicles, you name it and they’ll probably have someone workin on it. Now V.A.N.G.A.R.D stands for-“        “Dani…” David said all of a sudden.        The young lady paused, her gaze shifted to meet his own. “Somethin up cous?”        “Nah, I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed” David replied.        “Overwhelmed?” Dani raised an eyebrow.        “Don’t get me wrong, the Bureau, this place. Everything just took my breath away but remember what I said earlier? Isn’t this a little too much for a mere bunch of maniacs like the HLF?”        Dani shrugged “Alright, honestly I’ve been instructed to keep that classified until you’ve been formally and officially briefed. I was supposed repeat what Col. Miguel said, the whole ‘we live in dangerous times’ speech.         “But you’re my cousin and I’ve spent the past couple of years keepin my family in the dark so I figure I owe it to you to be truthful for once,” she said.        The young doctor merely listened in silence, never once did he avert his gaze from his cousin.        “Recently after weeks of undercover and reconnaissance, we stormed one of their hideouts down in Brookyln. It was a routine raid, no heroics and minimal resistance.          We expected to find the usual, kidnapped Ponies, weapons, you know but what we found in there changed everything,”        The young doctor’s eyes widened. “Z.O.H.A.R Weapons… they were real?” he inquired.        Dani nodded “It was unlike anythin we’ve ever seen, truckloads of them enough for a small army. As far as we know, the existence of Z.O.H.A.R based weapons was all but a myth.          Sides the only reason why we weren’t wheeled out in caskets that day was cause we got the drop on them, had it turned out otherwise, well you know…” Dani frowned.        The young doctor tucked his hands into the large pockets in his coat. “What of the weapons at this very moment?” he asked.        “S.W.O.R.D is currently runnin tests on them as we speak. They’re tryin their best to find any evidence that could point us in the right direction. Seems that luck hasn’t been on our side,”        David brought his hand to his chin, hues of bright hazel staring idly as in thought.        “Don’t you think it’s a little strange? We’re talking about billions of dollars worth of advance tech here. There’s no way the HLF could possibly afford all of that that even with all their assets combined.          Could it be possible that that someone could have been funding them from the shadows?” he asked.        “That’s exactly what I’ve been thinkin Davy but as of now we’ve no leads or suspects. Sides, weapons aside, we’ve bigger problems to deal with,” said Dani        The young doctor gazed somewhat suspiciously at his cousin. “Define ‘bigger problems’,” he said.        Dani cleared her throat hastily. “I know I said I’d be honest with you but I think it would be best if we let the Colonel brief you on that part,” she said with a nervous smile.        “But-“        “It’s protocol” Dani interrupted.        David scoffed silently to himself, clever girl, she was well aware that morally he could never ever bring himself to break protocol even back at the hospital. Besides, everyone knew it would be complete and utter madness, especially with that devil woman running every crook and cranny of that place. Many have tried and many have failed, miserably, poor bastards the lot of them.        “So… um… these guys on V.A.N.G.A.R.D, where exactly are they from? You can’t expect me to believe you had them grown out of test tubes now could you?” David asked in a ditch to change the subject.        Dani merely smirked in return. “Here and there, they come from all over the world. Mexico, Moscow, Kolkata, Okinawa and of course good ole United States,”        “I bet their resumes are impressive to boot,” David added.        “Spetsnaz, Special Forces, CIA, you name it. Frankly I bet you’d be the only ‘normal’ addition to the team,” Dani chuckled.        “Oh normal, HAAAYYY,” David’s eyes narrowed unamused.        Dani laughed “They’re a bunch of morons but they’re the best the world has to offer. They’re highly trained and extremely capable of operating on any terrain under any circumstance.     Frankly I’d never seen more-“        However before she could find the opportunity to finish, the both of them heard loud noises from further down the hallway. Although it was tough to make out at first the moment they got within earshot of a metal door, it definitely sounded as if someone was banging savagely on a piece of metal while yelling furiously in a thick Scottish accent.        “Oh gawd damn this infarnal contraption! Jus gimme my dam kaffee or I sware I’ll send yeou to the mun!”        “Yew zo know itz not prugged in right?”        “… I kneu dat,”        Daniela felt her teeth grind in annoyance “Dampseyyyy…”        David merely gazed at her from the corner of his eyes. “Most impressive”        “Ugh, let’s just get this over with,”        The metal door slid open to soft hissing of pistons and the brief grinding of mechanical gears as two cousins entered what appears to be a well lit common room. David pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose while he studied his surroundings.        It was roomy, big enough to accommodate a New York penthouse, lavishness and all. However the decorations did little to intrigue him for he was far more interested in the four people in the room.        “Ah! Nothin gits blood pumpin and yer kilt a-wavin like kick-arse cup of kawfee!”        David finally had a face to match that rather obnoxious voice. It was a young man in his mid twenties, roughly five feet tall with brown eyes and curly hair with well groomed beard draped in a grew long sleeve shirt and khaki pants.        The expression of satisfaction, maybe even caught in filled his face as he leaning against the counter top, taking a deep whiff of the strong aroma that radiated from his ‘I Love New York’ coffee mug.        “Oughh, the taste, the smell! Now that’s aye call kawfee”        “Yew’re an idziot, yew know tzhat,”        The thick Russian accent brought the young doctor to the rather bulky, well rounded young man sitting by the round glass dining table. Also mid twenties, he deduced he was about six feet tall. His jet black hair was extremely short, shaven almost to the skin although the top left thicker than his sides.        His face was kept clean of facial hair with the exception of a thick mustache kept over his lip and around his mouth. Other than the black jeans he was wearing, the gray t shirt he wore was almost a size too small for him judging by how tightly it wrapped over his bulging muscles.            “Well skrew yew, yew Russion fag!” said the young man, sticking out his middle finger in insult. But the young man merely groaned, flipping the next page of a body builder’s magazine he had been reading.        “ECHK HEM!” Dani exclaimed and almost immediately, all eyes shifted in her direction.        “Well, well, eif it ain’t the commander, late fer once I sae” said the young man with a smirk.        “Can it Dempsey! I was on official business,” snapped Dani.        “Leikly storay” Dempsey replied with a smirk.        Noticing the stranger in the while lab coat, the Russian from the table proceeded to place his hands together before laying his ferociously piercing eyes on David, making the young doctor cringed with uneasiness. It was almost like being stared down by Siberian tiger, blood thirsty, savage and feral knowing well enough that you were about to meet your maker.        “Who’z tza spaghetti?” he said in his rough Russian voice.        “Eh?”David muttered, feeling his eye twitch at the question. Spaghetti? What on earth was that suppose to mean?        “The ‘spaghetti’, Nikolai, happens to be our new recruit and my cousin to boot. I’d appreciate it if you’d stop lookin at him as if he were lunch,” said Dani, her eyes narrowing.        “Wvell, I am feeling littzle haungrie” he said with an unnerving smile.        “Oh piss off Nik!” snapped Dani.        “So this is that there docter of a kousin you’ve been talkin about eh Dani? Fanny, I kan’t see the resemblance,” said Dampsey.        David raised an eyebrow, however he suddenly felt someone grab his hand, shaking it enthusiastically. His gaze shifted to his side as he saw a young man, maybe in his late teens clasping both his hands around David’s right. His skin was dark, maybe Indian judging by the white turban wrapped tightly around his head. He stood at barely four feet tall, dressed in his traditional Indian clothing with fabric of dull yellow with a purple vest worm over it.        “Hi there, it has been a real while since anyone joined V.A.N.G.A.R.D, pleasure to be making your acquaintance. My name is Hadji, I’m in charge of tech” he said with an apparent Indian accent.        “Er, hi, I’m-“ David said.        “Dr. David Stone, in addition to tech, I am also in charge of reconnaissance and I’ve read everything about you and may I say that I truly am impressed,” he said with the brightest of smiles.        The young doctor felt his eye twitch again. So this is how Miguel knew so much about him, he had this little peep squeak that spy on him and his personal life. Imagine having every, itty-bitty little detail snitched to that man by this no good little-        “Er, Dr Stone, your grip is kind of tight,” said Hadji nervously.        “Oh, sorry!” David said, releasing the young man’s hand as he massaged it gently.        “Aaaah mi amor! You have returned to me! Why didn’t you say hello this morning? I missed you sooo,”        “WHAT THE HECK! Stefan! Get off me you horny piece of shit!” Dani snarled.        David’s eyes widened, shifting his attention to that of his cousin, her arms pushing away a young man somewhat in his late twenties. His olive skin bore a resemblance to that of Miguel and with a name like Stefan, it was not hard to deduce that he was Hispanic origins. He was dressed in a black slacks and a black shirt, half buttoned at the collar like a desperate Casanova would in hopes that chest hair would add to his attraction.        His hair was jet black, gelled neatly to the back. His arms were wrapped around the young lady, his lips pressed in a kiss although his face was kept at a fair distance with Dani’s boot pressed firmly against his cheek. Dampsey erupted in a hail of laughter, having to place his mug down on the counter top as he clutched his stomach.        “Oh! Oh! This nevar gets old!” he said, wiping the tears from his eyes.        David merely stared, half caught between disturbed and surprised. “Is this normal?” he asked.        “Oh, it happenz all da time. Ole Stefan ere’s a bit of orny bastard and he haz a crush on er. So you’re the new feesh on da market eh? By da way, I’m Mattias but yeou can call me Dempsey, all me friends call me that,” he said, extending a hand to the young man.        “Pleasure…” David greeted nervously in return, taking the young man’s hand in his own.        “And muscles fer brains ovar there is Nikolai, oi! Say hi yer dumb sheet!” exclaimed Dampsey.        “Pri-VET,” he said, paying no attention to the young man.         “Bah, don’t mind im. Jus don’t be getting on es bad side nao kay? Don’t want to be… eaten nao would ya?” asked Dempsey, his right eye widened unnervingly as he got uncomfortably close to the young doctor. “HAHA! Yeah… wouldn’t want that,” David said with a really nervous smile, desperately trying to back away. “Stefan, I swear to God I’m going to shoot you again if you don’t let go!”        “Oh mi amor! You’re so fiery when you’re angry!” he said with a cheeky grin.        However, the moment he noticed the young man at the door, he darted away from Dani, extending a friendly hand to the young man. “Hola, allow me to introduce myself, the name is Santiago… Stefan Santiago, remember it mi amigo,” he said, his voice suave and somewhat enchanting made so by his Spanish accent.        “Nice to meet you too, I guess,” David said, greeting the young man with a nervous shake.        “Good, I wanted to make a good first impression for my future cousin in la- AIEE!,” the young man wailed the moment he felt the butt of a handgun being hammered into his skull.        “DON’T GO GIVIN MY COUSIN WRONG IDEAS YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Dani snarled        David merely stared, completely dumbfounded by this little entourage. It kept playing through his mind over the possibilities of this turning out to be a colossal mistake, either that or Miguel had a cruel sense of humor. Who were these people? Why were they so… odd? This could not possibly be V.A.N.G.A.R.D now could it?        “Urggghh! Oooh, you’re so secksy when you’re shaahahahahhaking me vioooolently like taahahahahahahttt!” Stefan cried as he was shaken violently by Dani.        “GRRRRR!!!” she snarled.        “Oi! What say we all throw a parrty fer the new guy! We’re gonna need booze, lots of it! Bwahahahaha!!!” Dempsey cried proudly. Nikolai shot the young Scotsman a nasty glare as he groaned, turning another page of his magazine.        “I still am not getting why he likes the ‘booze’ so much. Every time he throws a party he is wanting the booze,” said Hadji.        David’s eyes narrowed, he has had enough.        “I’m gonna skin you, cut you open, rip out all you’re insides and turn you into cup-WHOA!” Dani cried as she was yanked away by her arm.        “Dani, could I have a word with you? Like, outside?” David inquired.        There was concern in her eyes the moment the realized the gravity in the tone of his voice. “Well sure cous,” she said before dropping Stefan onto the floor.        As the metal door slid open, the two cousins proceeded to exit the room, leaving behind vexing bursts of triumphant laughter from a person functioning with half a brain and the dizzied groans with balls for one.        “Alright, what’s bitin you cous?” Dani asked as she folded her arms.        “What’s biting me? WHAT’S BITING ME? You gotta be freaking kidding me! Am I suppose to believe that those, those CLOWNS are the one and only V.A.N.G.A.R.D?” David erupted in a fit of rage.        “Well what were you expecting? The yes sir, no sir, I have a stick up in my ass sir sort?” Dani asked, clearly expecting and not to mention amused by her cousin’s outburst.        “As a matter of fact, that one of it, yes. Dani, I came here because I wanted to make a difference, to maybe do some good out there in the world. Not play college frathouse with… ” said David, at a complete lost for words.        “THEM!” he blurted with a gesture of his hand.        Dani shrugged “David, I know they don’t seem like much but aren’t you a little too quick to be jumpin the gun here? Weren’t you the one who used to tell me not to judge a book by its cover?”        “Believe me, I think I’ve seen enough to draw my own conclusions. You know what, I’m not even going to wait a week, I’m just going to march straight up to Miguel’s office and-,” David said as he turned to leave.        “Oh come on Davy!” The young lady said, grabbing hold of David’s shoulder. “There’s more to them than that, least you could do is give them a chance,”        “Give them a chance!? Why the heck would I want do that?! All the people in V.A.N.G.A.R.D are KERAZY!” David cried.        “Beggin you a pardon sir but I reckon I resent that statement,”        Hues of bright hazel peered curiously over his shoulder with the rest of his body following suit. The young doctor found himself face to face with the figure of a rough shaven young man standing boldly before him.        He was roughly six feet tall, draped in short ebon leather duster coat worn snugly over his grey shirt with his matching black denim jeans and boots to match. His hands were gloved in a pair of fingerless black leather gloves. His then right proceeded to push up on his grey Stetson, revealing his bright emerald green eyes hidden briefly hidden in shadows but a moment ago. A leather holster hung from his right side with a polished silver revolver resting snugly within.        “Howdy,” he greeted with a brazen smile.        “Wesson, you’re back early for once. How’re the new grunts holdin up? Got potential?” said Dani        “I’d reckon they’ve had enough of me fer one day. Sides, can’t be pushin them greenhorns too hard, don’t wanna break them before old man Burns get his hands on em,” he said, his accent clearly southern bound. His gaze shifted over to the young man beside her.        “Let me guess, you must be that there famous cousin Dani’s always talkin about, Dr. David Stone right?” he asked, extending his hand in greeting. “Wesson T. Banon, V.A.N.G.A.R.D’s second in command, pleasure to be makin your acquaintance,”        “Howdy, I mean hi!” David blurted, returning his greeting almost absent mindedly. The relief of finally being able to meet someone normal in this circus immediately put his mind at ease.        “Gettin jittery on your first day? Don’t sweat it partner, you’ll get used to it. Oh, and by the way, that there’s Rin, Rin Katsuragi,” said Wesson.        “Huh?” David swore he could have taken a giant leap backward when he realized a young girl standing beside him. Where did she come from? She wasn’t there a moment ago. How on earth did she get so close to him without him noticing?        She was of Asian descent, with long straight black hair, standing a foot shorter than he was, dressed in a dark blue hoodie and long pair of sweatpants to match sucking indifferently on a blue Popsicle stick. David’s eyes narrowed restlessly from the way she was looking at him. The young girl’s deep, arctic, almost lifeless black eyes gazing ominously at him almost with the intention of petrifying his very soul.        He swallowed hard as he nervously extended a hand. “Em, hi, I’m Dr. David Stone…” however before he received a greeting in return, Wesson caught his hand.        “WHOA there partner! I wouldn’t do that if I were you. She may look cute and all but she sure don’t like bein touched. You don’t wanna know what happened to the last poor coot who did,” he said.        David’s eyes widened, feeling a cold sweat run down his neck. “Duly noted,” he said.        “It’s okay, she don’t talk much but you can bet your saddle that she’d always be there ta save your ass when the shit hits the fan,” Wesson said with a confident smile.        The young doctor nodded nervously, even realizing that Rin’s gaze had never left him, not even for a second.        Dani chuckled “Rin, give him some space, he looks like he’s gonna have a heart attack,” she said. Her piercing ebon hues shifted to her commanding officer, nodding she took a step backward.        Then without warning, the hallway erupted in a half of sirens followed by the flashing of red lights. Amber strips of bright light bearing the word ‘EMERGENCY’ appeared like a caution strip across the ivory walls. “What in blazes?” David inquired.        The sounds of a monotone ringtone had Dani reaching into her pocket before pulling out a small transparent square-like device before tapping along the glossy Plexiglas surface. “Stone, talk to me,” she said.        A holographic image projected from the device, bearing the face of a seasoned veteran. His white beard and hair was kept short to standard army code and he definitely had seen better days judging by the battle scars on his face.        “This is Burns! Get your punk ass down to the docks right now, we got ourselves a situation!” he snarled.        “On our way, just don’t die on me before we get there old man,” Dani said with a smirk.        The man gave an unnerving smile. “Who the heck do you think you’re talkin to? I’ll have you kn-” he said, only to pause when he realized an unfamiliar face in the background.        David’s eyes widened. “Dani… is that…?” he asked.        “Good lord…” said Burns.        “Catch up on your own time, we gotta move!” Dani cried as she switched it off before slipping it back into her pocket. “Let’s roll!” she said, opening the door to the common room.        “You heard the lady, move your ass!” Wesson cried before taking off down the hallway. No sooner than that, the rest of the crew bolted out of the room.        “Aww! And I just got da booze open too!” Dempsey groaned.        “Now is not the time to be drinking, you should know better,” said Hadji        “Shut yer trap yer Ghandi piece of sheet!”        “Whvy don’t any of you evar shut up?” groaned Nikolai, dragging the almost unconscious Steffan behind him by the collar of his shirt.        “Mi Amor! Do not worry, I, Stefan Santiago will never let you down!” he said only to have Dani shoot him a nasty glare on his way out.        David tucked his hand into his coat pockets before making his way to the common room door “Well… looks like you guys are off, I’ll just wait till you- YIEEE!” he cried, feeling someone drag him away by the back of his collar.        “Uh ah, you’re coming too!” said Dani as she paced hastily down the hallway.        “Eh?! But wait, I haven’t been formally briefed! I have no training!” he cried, desperately trying free himself from being dragged against his will.        “What better way to learn than a hand’s on experience! Just like grandpa used to do,” she said.        “But what about protocol!?” “Who gives a shit!?”        “EHHHHHHH!?” ******************** David felt the four wheel drive to a rather jerky halt, the feint smell of burning rubber against the asphalt lingered in the air. From the windows he could see the reason why, the New York Harbor was complete chaos and disarray. Both people and Ponykind were bolting down the sidewalks as fast as their legs could carry them and the young doctor could see the apparent motivation their eyes, fear.        The rambunctious cries, yell and screams echoed through the cityscape resonated with the barrage of gunfire and the tinkling of bullet shells hitting the pavement beneath them. Daniela and Wesson were the first out of the vehicle before the rest with David right behind them before making their way to the cluster of black heavy duty vehicles bearing a more advance take on the old army Hummer and trucks stationed surrounding the large warehouse before them.        “Steffan, Nikolai, evacuate the entire area. I don’t wanna so much as see a single soul, human or pony within five miles of the place,” Dani said, her voice stern in order.        “Esta bien,” said Steffan. Nikolai merely nodded before the both of them took off.        “Hadji, get live and give me a status report pronto,”        “Okie dokie, no problem,” said Hadji as he removed what appeared to be a black glossy stick from his pocket.        “Wesson, Rin, on me. Let’s find out just what the heck we’re dealin with here,” said Dani as they approached the vehicles.        “Yes ma’am,” Wesson said with a nod. Rin gave no reply as she indifferently unwrapped another one of her Popsicle sticks before proceeding to suck on it.        “Em, aren’t yeou fergettin someone?” Dempsey interjected.        Dani shifted her attention to the young Scotsman. “Actually I didn’t, cause I have the most important job for you,”        Dempsey merely looked on eagerly like a dog waiting for his bone. “Your job is to guard my cousin and make sure you guard him with your life,” she said.        The young man could feel his ego shatter like a solid pane of glass, his eyes narrowed as he barred his teeth in aggravation. “That’z it? I ave to look aftar yer little poodle while yer go out and ave all tha fun!? I aven’t seen any action fer a week na and I ave sit on tha bench again?” he snarled.        David felt his eye twitch, he was a poodle now? Suddenly Dani whipped around unexpectedly, catching Dempsey off guard as she grabbed his collar violently before slamming his back against the metal surface of one of the black trucks. Her eyes narrowed dangerously at the young Scotsman who was definitely regretting his little outburst right now.        “Now you listen and you listen good you little punk ass piece of shit, I don’t give a damn if you haven’t had the chance to play hero.        “Bottom line is I gave you an order and if somethin, anythin should happen to my cousin, I will find you and I will rip your freakin nuts off with my bare hands, UNDERSTAND!?” she snarled.        Dempsey eyes were wider than ever, too terrified to even speak all he could do is nod frantically. Dani scoffed before releasing him, making her way to the frontlines with Rin and Wesson right behind her.        “Pft! betch,” The young man rubbed the back of his head before turning his attention to David. “Yeou, I like my balls where they are so I’m not lettin yeou outta my sight, nao walk,” he said.        David nodded nervously before following suit. The deafening sounds of gunfire grew louder as they approached the front line. There were several dozen men, all draped in Kevlar, helmets and riot gear taking cover behind the trucks as they showered the warehouse with an endless hail of bullets and grenades.        “Eat shit and kill yourselves you pony lovin fags!”        They were being retaliated by a group of men taking cover behind the solid metal doors, returning fire with everything they have. The young doctor had to stick his fingers into his ear canals in a desperate bid to ease the blustering explosions bombarding his eardrums and thanking his lucky stars they were behind a well protected barricade.        “Took you long enough!” said a rather familiar voice. His eyes widened for a brief moment, his gaze shifting to the old man who was speaking to Dani.        He was large, standing close to seven feet tall and surprisingly well built for a man his age. Bearing the traits of a hardened soldier, the man was draped in a full out riot gear which appeared abraded and weary with the passing of time. The solid plate bore scars, traces of blade marks even claws worn proudly like the mementos of a warrior’s past. The letters ‘H.A.V.O.K’ etched on his shoulder plate was barely visible.        “I’ll make it up to you later, what’ve we got? HLF?” she asked.          The old soldier grunted. “You got that right. Two, maybe three dozen of em holed up in there. They’re pissed as shit and packin a whole lot of heat, I’ve got more H.A.V.O.K units on the way,” he said.        “Any signs of Z.O.H.A.R weapons?” Dani asked, her eyes narrowed as she gazed at the entrance of the warehouse.        “Negative on that so far. Sides, do you think we’d all still be standing here in one piece if they had any? But even so, I ain’t takin any chances,” he said.        “Good call and don’t you worry. If they come on out strange guns ablazin, we’ll take them down,” she said.        “And that ain’t all, there’s somethin else you gotta know. Probably the real reason why I called you guys down here,”        “Somethin else? You don’t mean-” Dani said, pausing as her eyes widened realizing the horrible truth.  The old man merely nodded. *******************        The warehouse was being riddled by storms of flying led ripping through the metallic walls as if they were paper. The cries of the injured and the screams of the dying echoed throughout the building and the stench of scorched blasting gel and burning flesh choked the air with pure putridness, threatening to empty the contents of his stomach. The young man’s breaths were quick and frantic and his eyes wide with terror. He gripped his G36 rifle, hugging it tightly enough to his chest that even the Devil could not wrench it away from him.        Suddenly, he felt something grab him by his shoulder. His eyes widened, he gasped. “AAAHHHHHHHH!!!” he yelled, flailing his arms as he pushed away whatever that grabbed him, hearing the figure slam into a couple of wooden boxes as he jumped to his feet, rifle pointed with his finger held dangerously close to the trigger.        “WHOA! WHOA! What’re you CRAZY!? It’s ME!” cried the person, in his early twenties with his hands held up frantically in the air.        “Donald? Shit man! What the heck were you thinking!?” the young man yelled, putting down his rifle.        “It’s over man! It’s over! Nortan’s dead and the Bureau have got the place surrounded. We gotta get out of here, this has gone too far!” Donald yelled as he grabbed his friend’s shoulders.        “Wait? Nortan’s dead!? But we can’t go out there! We’ll be dead if we did!” the young man retaliated.        “WE’LL BE DEAD IF WE STAY IN HERE! Listen man, I don’t wanna die! I’m supposed to graduate Harvard next year! I don’t wanna die!”he cried as he shook the young man, the fear in his eyes scared even that of the young man as he felt the vice-like grip began to bite into his shoulder.        “Hey man! You’re hurting me man! Quit it!” he cried, his teeth clenching from the mounting pain.        “I DON’T WANNA DIE MAN! I DON’T WANNA DIE! I DON’T WAN-”        All he heard was a brief zip and the sickening sounds of both flesh and bone being ripped upon impact as the young man felt something warm splatter all over his face. Donald’s eyes were deep and empty, completely devoid of life as his body tumbled limply to the ground, never to breathe again.        The young man’s eyes widened, his fingers trembled as he reached for his face, feeling the thick liquid smeared over his cheeks before allowing himself to lay eyes on whatever was clinging to his hand. He gasped, his body petrified from sight of the crimson liquid of life.        He shifted his gaze to that of his friend, now laying in a growing pool of blood, a large portion of his head and what was left of his brain had been splattered all over the floor. He wanted to scream, scream…        “Ah, ah, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” his lungs burned as he took off running. He needed to get out of there, he had to, he did not care who he had to shoot or kill, he just wanted out.        His eyes searched frantically for a way out but to no avail, the side doors, the windows, the ducts. There was no fathomable way out; they had snipers covering the roof, soldiers on the front, back, even the side entrances. Who was he kidding? As long as the others refused to surrender, they will not stop, they will not stop until each and every one of them lay dead like road kill upon the highway.        “No, no, NO! I AIN’T GONNA DIE HERE!” he snarled as he raced to the back of the warehouse.        He remembered, there was a room back there and something inside of it may just be his saving grace. He navigated through the maze of wooden crates, through the mangled remains and led riddled corpses of his fallen comrades. His heart raced, his body drenched in sweat as he felt the adrenaline coursed through his body.        He soon caught sight of the blood red door that led to the room, with a grunt of effort he dashed forward. Then, as if an angel had whispered in his ear, he caught the sounds of gun being cocked.        “OH SHIT!” he cried as he dove to the floor, his chest hitting the solid cement floor as hails upon hails bullets went sailing overhead.        He flung his hands over his head, his cry drowned by the screams sounds of those poor unfortunate souls standing in the bullet’s direct path. His heart raced as he started to hyperventilate, using all his strength, he dug his elbows into the ground as he crawled his way out from under the wall of fire and led. Once out of harm’s way, he stumbled to his feet before making a frantic last effort dash to the door. He panted, grabbing hold of the door knob only to discover it was locked.        “SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! AAAAAHHH!” he yelled as he started hammering the knob with the butt of his rifle like a man possessed. “O-P-E-N COME ON! COME ON!” Once, twice, the knob began to twist, the wood started to splinter but even then the door refused to budge.        The young man had finally lost all sense and reasoning as he cocked his rifle. Not even considering taking aim, he emptied the entire clip into the door.        “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” He could feel the rifle vibrating in his arms, his finger squeezing hard on the trigger as the bullets reduced the door into mere splinters of broken wood however he heard nothing but empty clicks of the firing pin.        Hastily removing the sling from his body, he tossed the gun aside before kicking the door down. He entered the room immediately ransacking anything he could get his hands on. He pulled apart the filing cabinets, ripped out the drawers, tore the paintings off the walls. Where was it? Where was it!? He knew it was in here somewhere. He saw that strange man in here with their leader Norton merely the day before now where could it be!?        “YES!”        He found it, this was it! A large desperate grin grew on his face before removing the black case barely the size of a lunch box from one of the drawers. Placing it carefully on the work desk his fingers stumbled while he tried to open it. However when he did, he felt a cold uneasy shiver run down his spine the moment he laid eyes on two glass syringes. What were these things? What do they do?        The young man took one in his hand as he brought it closer to his face for a closer look. Both were six inches long and encased in chrome, his eyes narrowed suspiciously at the green fluid within them. The young man swallowed hard, knowing that everything inside of him was completely and utterly against it. Maybe this was a bad idea to begin with. Maybe if he surrendered he might be spared. Yes, they will listen to reason, they were not murderers, they will spare those willing to surrender he was sure of it.        “AAAH!” he yelled, just as a bullet shot right through the wall and straight into the filing cabinet. Immediately he dropped to the floor, his right hand tapping deliriously over the surface of the table before grabbing the other syringe. Almost without warning, the entire room was filled with bullets, riddling the walls with hundreds of bullet holes and metal walls did almost nothing to top it. He yelled, clutching the syringes tightly in his hands. How did it turn out this way? Where did he go wrong? He just wanted it to stop… he just wanted it all to stop.        He gritted his teeth, feeling the tears pour from his eyes. He felt numb, his ears deafened by the hails of gunfire, his lungs burned with the stench of death and destruction. Was this the end? He did not want to die, not like this, not like Donald, not like some nameless stray in a New York alley. Not like this…        “NOT LIKE THIS!” he yelled at the top of his voice before shoving both syringes into his neck. He screamed through gritted teeth the moment the needles pierced his skin, a burning sensation coursing through his body as the green fluid flowed into his veins. He could feel it; he could feel it inside of him, moving through ever part of him, his skin, and his muscles like something was alive inside of him. He felt sick enough to lose his grip on the syringes as he dropped them to the floor. It lasted for a couple of seconds then suddenly, just like that it disappeared.        His breaths grew heavy as he stumbled to his feet while desperately trying to retain his balance. His body felt numb for there was no sensation, his fingers felt devoid of feeling even the stench that once lingered in the air. Was something suppose to happen? Was he supposed to feel any different? Then suddenly…        “AAARRRRGGHHHH!!!!” the young man screamed. His entire body erupted in unspeakable pain like nothing he has ever felt before. He screamed again and again, his lungs burned, his throat felt as if it would rip itself apart. He felt his skin crawling and his muscles tense. His eyes widened in absolute shock and panic, it was as if he was being torn apart from the inside out.        What was happening to him? Why was this happening? “AAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!” He was forced to his knees, his thoughts were in shambles, everything made blurry by the pain. It was then he realized, his hands, they were growing, no, they were morphing into something. “NO! NO! NO! THIS ISN’T HAPPENING! NO AAAAAAAARRRGGGHH!!” His eyes widened in disbelieve but there was nothing he could do, through the pain he felt every inch of him, changing. Into what, he will never know. “AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!” His screams grew deeper. *******************        “Jerry?” David muttered.        The old man shifted his gaze to the young doctor as he gave him a rather cocky smile. “Ehya squirt, long time no see,” he said.        David felt a large smile grow on his face. “My God, where have you been? I haven’t seen you since…”        He paused, unable to finish the sentence. The old man patted him on his shoulder “I’ve been around. Been trying to get back in fishin but it just ain’t the same without ole Nathan. That man was tougher than a sack of nails and yet he had the patience of Buddha, somethin I ain’t got,” he said.        “But, how? How did you end up-“        “Here? Bad luck for starters! There I was strapped broke and mindin my own business when that Latino asshole Miguel came knockin on my door. He offered me a sweet gig and one thing led to another,”        David chuckled at his words. Jeremiah Burns, Jerry for short, it felt like an eternity since he last spoke to the old soldier. Like brothers in arms, he served alongside David’s grandfather in the Marines back in the day and has seen action from deserts of Afghanistan, Serbia, to the jungles of Congo and even frozen tundra of Siberia.        After an honorable discharge from the army, he decided to spend his retirement by renting a spot on his grandfather’s old vineyard down in Cali. There never was a dull day with the old man and he certainly loved the outdoors, recalling one of the many annual, mostly impromptu camping trips. Jerry had taught him almost everything about survival much to the young doctor’s reluctance. Back when he was a child he had always thought that things would never change, blessed memories of joy and laughter. To him, that old vineyard was more than just a family, it was a home and it was their home. That is, until that day.        He shrugged. It came to no surprise that Jerry was probably the one who took his grandfather’s passing the hardest. After the funeral the old man packed his bags, fired up his big black Harley and rode off into the sunset engines ablaze and never once did he stop to look back.        “You know, when I saw you through that there hologram, for a moment I thought I was dreamin. You in V.A.N.G.A.R.D?” said Jerry with a laugh.        “Oh ha ha, what’s the matter? Is it wrong for me to consider a career change?” David sulked as he crossed his arms.        “You misunderstand Davy ole boy. I’m not sayin it’s bad, just that… ole Nathan would have been proud,” he said with a smile.        David smiled in return, however before he could continue he was cut off by the cries of a soldier.        “Captain! Captain Burns!” One of H.A.V.O.K’s soldiers ran in their direction, coming to a halt before saluting.        The old man turned to face him. “Status report!”        “Yes sir! We have them on the run sir, they’re outnumbered, outgunned and running low on ammo. Sides, with their leader neutralized they’re fighting blind.        “We also have eyes on every possible escape route. Those bastards aren’t going anywhere,” he said.        “Bout damned time,” he said, teeth barred. “Let’s call it in for Christmas and wrap this up soldier,”        “Sir, yes sir!” the trooper replied as he turned to leave.        “Seriously, I’m gettin too old for this shit,” Jerry ran his hand down his face before shifting his attention to the young doctor. “We’ll have plenty of time to catch up later squirt. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve to go do some negotiatin” the old soldier said, giving David a gentle pat on the shoulder.        “CEASE FIRE!” he cried.  Almost instantly, the gunfire came to an abrupt halt. It was quiet, nothing but the hissing of gun barrels and the occasional tinkles of bullet shells hitting the asphalt below.        Wesson’s eyes narrowed “Ah don’t know bout you but I have a bad feelin bout this,” he said as Dani nodded in agreement.        “Yeou always ave a bad feelin. Sides, nothin ta warrey aboot, we ave em yellow bastards runnin skared. Well, looks like we’re done, time to go ome,” Dempsey said as he turned around to leave.        Jerry approached the front line but not before grabbing a loudspeaker from one of the black trucks on the way. A loud high pitched screech broke the silence, his eyes glaring dangerously at the warehouse as he lifted the speaker to his face.          “I know you’re in there you punk ass sons of bitches! Now I don’t wanna tell you this but apparently I’m ‘contractually obligated’.          We’ve the area surrounded and there ain’t no way you’re gettin out without a bullet in yer ass so don’t even try! Now throw down yer weapons and come on out with your hands behind your heads and I swear you will not be harmed” he said.        “Go suck on a pony’s dick you old fart!” A young man yelled from behind the bullet ridden barricade.        His eye twitched, that definitely struck a nerve. Jerry could feel his hands tremble in pure rage, desperately trying to keep his composure.        “Alright wise ass, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Frankly I don’t give a shit cause I’d rather just ship you back home in body bags and deal with the paperwork later.          Now you assholes can either come on out and surrender or I’m gonna come marchin right on in there and if I have to do that, I’m bringin the wrath of God with me! You hear that you piece of asswipe!”        David felt his eye twitch, completely and utterly astounded by the amount of callowness in the air. Was this his idea of negotiation? Then again as memory serves, Jerry was never the subtle type.        “So you can have us turn into those FREAKS!? Screw you!”        “I’m gettin mighty impatient you-“        Then without warning, the young man came from behind the barricade, cocking his AK-47 held firmly in his hands before taking aim at the old captain. Almost immediately the entire squad took aim in retaliation, their fingers firmly on the trigger.        “Hold your fire!” he commanded. His eyes narrowed dangerously in the approaching young man. “Put the gun down son or I swear it ain’t gonna end pretty for you,”        “SHUT UP! YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! I ain’t gonna be no freakin Pony!” he yelled.        “Ponification’s a choice, not an obligation. We all have our choices son but from where I’m standin right now you obviously chose wrong. Now stand down!”        The young man forced a dry laugh, again and again, tears were pouring from his eyes and down his dirt stained cheeks. “You don’t get it do you? I’ve got nothing left to lose. My family, my friends, MY LIFE! They’re all gone, all because of those THINGS!” he spat        David allowed his eyes to close for a moment as he pushed the thin frame of his glasses further up the bridge of his nose before allowing eyes to rest on the young man in the distance.        “I had everything! I HAD EVERYTHING! I was HAPPY! So you know what, if you’re going to shoot me, SHOOT ME! Cause I’d rather di-“        Then all of a sudden, something long and metallic launched itself in the direction of the young man from within the warehouse. He could feel his heart stop for an instant the moment he caught something glittering at the corner of his eye but he was a moment too late. The malicious chains had swung itself around his body, dropping his rifle as it wrapped itself violently and tightly around him.        “ARRRRRRRGH!”  he screamed, feeling barbed spikes that adorned each and every link slicing mercilessly into his flesh, growing tighter and tighter with every intention of ripping him to shreds.        The hardened soldier felt his blood gone cold. “Mary mother of God…”        “He…help me....” he pleaded, the look of pure terror reflected in his eyes just as he was pulled to the ground and dragged savagely along the asphalt back into the warehouse.        “AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! AH! HELP HELP ME! AAAHHH!”        The scream made Dempsey stop in his tracks, turning around just in time to catch the young man disappear behind the warehouse door. No sooner than that, all Hell broke loose as the building erupted in a hail of gunfire and the terrified screams of the people inside, drowned by the blood curdling bellows of something monstrous. They could hear something moving in there, the sounds of crates being smashed and thrown against the metal walls, denting them with an inhuman force.        “STOP! STAY BACK! NO! NO! AAAAAAHHHHGGGGHH!”        “I am not liking the sound of that,” said Hadji        Dani gritted her teeth, reaching into her pocket before removing her communicator. A hologram was projected the moment she had it activated.        “Qué pasa mi amor? You know I never get tired of hearing your beautiful voice,” he said.        “STEFAN! NIKOLAI! Is the area secured!?”        “Aiee! easy mi amor, I have sensitive ears. The area is secured. H.A.V.O.K’s air and ground units are keeping the news choppers at bay. Right now we’re in the midst of evacuating but I am sure the policia can handle things from here,” said Stefan.        “I’m afraid this shit just got real, we may have a possible Code Red on our hands,” said Dani.        David noticed a look of panic streak across Stefan’s face at the mention of the words ‘Code Red’. “Santa Maria… esta bien, you watch yourself out there. Stefan out,” The hologram then dissipated.        The young doctor shifted his attention to his cousin “Dani, care to explain what is ‘Code Red’?”        “David, I really don’t have the time for this right now. We have a situation-,”        “And I want to know what the Hell it is! I saw the look in his eyes, what the Hell is going on?!”        “Hadji, where’s my freaking status report!?” she snarled, trying to push her cousin out of the picture much to his irritation.        “Sori! I’ll get right on it” said Hadji. Gripping the black stick in his hand, he tossed it into the air. “Acknowledge, Hadji Singh. Engage S.A.T.Y.R Protocol,” he said.        “Voice recognition approved. Acknowledged, S.A.T.Y.R Protocol engaging,” replied a feminine cybernetic voice.        The black device began unfolding itself, splitting into several smaller stick like figures as it spread itself before the young boy. Three thin neon blue screens began materializing, two smaller ones at the side next to the largest one in the middle.        Hadji’s eyes narrowed, studying astonishing amount of data being streamed across the screen at an astronomical speed. David’s eyes widened, it was an S.A.T.Y.R super computer and all this time he had dismissed their existence as mere hogwash and rumors.        “Give it to me straight, what’re we dealin with?” Dani asked.        “This is remarkable, the biometrics are completely off the scale. The genetic codes are reproducing at such an alarming rate it is almost truly fascinating-,” he replied as he typed on the holographic keyboard.        “ENGLISH PLEASE!”        “Ah sori!” Hadji cried. “It is unlike anything I have ever seen, the Xenonite count truly is monumental,”        That word immediately hit the young doctor like a brick to the head, his eyes widened and without warning he darted in the direction of the young Indian boy and grabbed him violently by the collar of his shirt.        “Did you just say Xenonite!? Why the Hell do you know about Xenonites!? ANSWER ME!” he snarled at the young boy who was completely petrified in fear.        “What the!? David let him go now!” Dani ordered.        “ANSWER ME!” BOOM!        Everyone shifted their attention to the direction of the warehouse as it erupted in a blare of flames. The entire front end of the main entrance had been reduced to nothing more than mere scrap metal while a cloud of dust and debris lingered in the air.        At that very moment, David felt a tremor beneath his feet. One, two, three, was it an earthquake? No, they felt more like footsteps, whatever it was it must have been colossal.        “Er, Dani? What’s going on?” David said alarmed.        The young lady scoffed but she knew what she had to do. “Captain, order your men back. We’ll take it from here,” she said.        The old man nodded. “Roger that, good luck Dani and for Christ sakes don’t do anythin stupid,” he said. “Alright you maggots, you heard her, MOVE!” he cried. Holstering their weapons, the H.A.V.O.K team began retreating to a safer distance.        “Wesson, Rin, on me. Dempsey, eyes on David,” She said as she made her way in the direction of the warehouse.        “Yes ma’am,” Wesson gently pushed down on his Stetson, shrouding his eyes in the shadow of his hat before tailing behind his captain with Rin by his side.        “Aye, give em Hell capt,” said Dempsey.        “Hey, Dani, Dani wait-!” David said, however he felt young Scotsman grab him by his shoulder.        “Hold yer orses lad, put them worries outta yer head. When it komes down ter this, no wan does it better than yer cousin. So sit bak and enjoy da show, yer might just lern somethin,” he said with a smirk.        “I do not usually agree with Dempsey but he is indeed right,” said Hadji.        David gritted his teeth uneasily for he remained unconvinced by their words of assurance. Coming to about ten feet from the main entrance, Dani, Wesson and Rin came to a stop, her hardened gaze lay fixed on the abominable shadow before them. The footsteps grew louder as it drew closer and closer in their direction.        She could hear those ominous chains rattle along with the sounds of something large and heavy being dragged across the floor. The snarls, grows and grisly wheezing accompanied by the mechanic clockwork-like clicks of gears and wheels echoed throughout the metallic walls would strike fear even in the bravest of souls.        Then, the dust cloud was suddenly dispersed in violent gust and what was standing before them struck the young doctor down with a shock like no other. His eyes widened, his mouth lay agape at the hideous abomination before him.        It bore human-like features while it towered over all of them at approximately twenty feet tall with massive muscles three times the regular norm. A series of moving mechanical gears, gyros and parts protruded from its flesh. It was almost as if someone had ripped the very flesh off human body then crudely stitched it over a car engine.        David felt sickened as he contemplated the possibility they might had emerged from the inside of its body. A pair of chains hung from the holes in the palms of its metallic claw-like hands, the one on the right was attached to what appears to be an oversized flail as malicious as the creature itself. If it were human before, that time has definitely come to pass.        “WHAT…THE HELL…IS THAT!?” David cried.        The creature bellowed through its fangs made of twisted alloy, salivating savagely from the cracks in between the metal. Sinister blood red eyes gazing ominously at the three youngsters that stood so valiantly before it. Like nails to a chalkboard, it scraped its blood soaked metallic claws together slow enough to make Hadji clench his teeth.        “Tch!” Dani glared viciously at the creature. “Alright guys…”        “LET’S DO THIS!” (To Be Continued…)
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Big Bang of 1494
Celestia is about to go and so is her sun. Emerald, Spike's new form, re-creates it with Luna.
<p>A millennium tending to a moon that was not her creation has taken its toll on Celestia's body and magic.<br/>Before she goes, Emerald (Spike's new form) must learn her art and create a new sun, with Luna's help.</p><p>Uses season 2 canon.</p>
Five centuries ago, Emerald used to be a dragon called Spike. When Spike was one year old and not much of an assistant for anypony yet, and he lived in Canterlot with Twilight Sparkle's family. They had a rather big sandbox; it was for the foals to train telekinesis precision and dexterity. The siblings still used it sometimes. The sandbox was on their balcony to avoid the mess, and had been covered and untouched since the first snow of the season. Now that Canterlot’s snow was cleaned by the city’s unicorns, Spike jumped onto the sandbox and started creating a replica of their home. His hands were dexterous and he spent dawn to dusk mastering the art of construction with sand and water. When he was finally done, the house replica was as tall as himself. He called all the family to see his proclaimed ‘magnum opus’. They were all very impressed on how beautiful and accurate it was, and covered him and his re-creation in compliments, much to his delight. It lasted for two weeks until a spring storm defeated it with strong gusts of wind. He wanted to build it again, but this sand was for the foals, and they still used it sometimes, so Spike reluctantly let it go. Equestria was in turmoil with the strange, cryptic news. The rulers had announced the world that there was going to be a week without day or night, starting at the Spring Equinox, a preparation for further changes to come. They would explain it all at Solstice Park in Canterlot, which was the traditional place for public solemnities in the capitol. Thousands of ponies gathered for this, many of whom from out of town. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Prince Emerald walked onto stage. Nobody was quite sure what to expect. The rumors about Princess Celestia’s health were back the last few days, but she was there, and she seemed okay. Princess Luna was sitting at the middle. She was just a hoof taller than Celestia, dark indigo coat, and had an ever flowing mane much like her sister’s, that was mostly black, sporting many starry nebulae that were the same cyan as her eyes. And yes, her eyes, of the ponies who had the honour of looking into in her eyes, they could feel how Luna’s eyes carried some deep care with determination, and also had the power to infuse anypony with a calming clarity, a soothing feeling that many treasured for the rest of their lives. The night sister stood and stepped ahead while Celestia and Emerald sat up, one on each size. The puzzled murmurs of the ponies in the audience died quickly at this cue. Her soft voice was heard by everypony who wanted to listen. She greeted all ponydom, and finally, went to the point. “At the beginning, there was no sun and no moon. There was, however, a chaotic energy in the skies that used to be constantly stirred by Discord. We eventually harvested this energy and shaped it into the sky bodies that everypony knows today. As they were the creations of myself and Princess Celestia, they respond to us and it’s very difficult and taxing for anypony else to handle them.” Celestia stood and walked a step ahead, as her sister sat down. Not many centuries ago, Celestia’s coat, not her mane, was white. While well groomed and smooth, the burnt light gray of her coat in contrast with her mane did suggest a late stage in life. Her ever flowing white mane had four thin multi-colored streaks. It was, as most ponies knew, a homage to one of her students of olden times, Twilight Sparkle. Her violet eyes had the strange power of filling her subjects with a warm enthusiasm about everything in life, that was seasoned by her vast wisdom. Celestia continued what Luna was saying. “There was, however, that thousand year period in which Princess Luna was in the moon. I had made a decision that was painful for my sister that I could not undo, and I knew it. That decision was also very painful for everypony in Equestria if I did not raise the moon as well, so I eventually decided to bear both it and the sun while she was away. Since these troubled times, we have forgiven each other and ourselves. But my body and my magic have not forgiven me. I have been blessed with the honor of serving everypony in Equestria for fifteen centuries, and now I’m unlikely to start a sixteenth. Today is the day my successor, Prince Emerald, starts holding the duty that most profoundly affects Equestria.” Emerald stepped ahead. He had a vividly purple coat and a relatively short green mane. He was an alicorn just like Celestia, and, more importantly, Luna. He had been a pony for much longer than anypony in the audience ever lived, so long that he started having trouble remembering what his life as a dragon had been like. His cutie mark was a bright green flame. He had chosen to keep his eyes as they were originally from his previous form, earning his current name, but that had had the side effect that fewer ponies who met his gaze could connect with his incredibly invigorating aura of dedication and resolve. “Like everypony else in Equestria, Celestia’s is the only Sun I have ever known.” He started. “And it will now be my duty to bring the daylight to all of you. While we know I can raise her sun, my life would be shortened even more rapidly with the daily strain. Princess Luna and I, then, will re-create both the sun and the moon.” The three alicorns moved to sit in a triangle position, facing the center of that triangle. They closed their eyes, their horns lit. There were many murmurs among the audience, wondering what was about to happen, and most heads were looking up to the sky now. Emerald found himself walking on some invisible ground with Equestria far below. This made him reflexively flare his wings, and then he noticed… that they were little colt wings. That was awkward. He had never been a colt, and when he was a dragon that size, he didn’t have wings either. He stared at his pudgy hooves, then at his flank. He still had his cutie mark, too. Looking ahead, he saw Celestia and Luna too. They were both fillies, the same size of normal pony foals, even if they had their cutie marks. A quick look and he was also a foal, something he had never been. It seemed to be the top of a very large dome ceiling. Behind Luna, the moon was a sphere just a few meters away, about four times taller than her. The sun was blindingly bright and hot behind Celestia, probably the same size. He wondered, weren’t these spheres supposed to be many times bigger? He didn’t have time to ask, though. Just as he noticed the sisters’ grin to each other, they bucked their respective spheres. It all became a huge explosion of stars going everywhere, including his way. He couldn’t figure out how, but it pushed them across the transparent surface they were stepping on. They were falling now. Fast. The two fillies were laughing heartily, not minding the fall at all. He always knew when Luna was truly amused, and that was definitely the case. The wind from the fall was strong, and his foal wings seemed useless to even do some steering. He struggled against the upthrust, and turned himself many times over until he achieved some stability and could watch the other two. He noticed their hooves were spread wide open for stability, and they actually could do a little steering, so he followed suit. Luna reached her forehoof out to Emerald. “Come on, Spike!” Only the sisters called him that. Emerald stretched his forehoof and somehow managed to come closer to Luna. Their hooves locked. A few seconds later, Celestia grabbed his and Luna’s other hooves. He calmed down with that, and even shared a giggle or two… then he looked down again. They were directly above the Everfree Forest. From this high it looked like Canterlot was just a fifteen minute trot away. What impressed him was that it was no longer day… but it wasn’t night either. It was flickering between both, as a really strong thunderstorm of silent lightnings. There seemed to be numerous lightnings in chaos that would erratically brighten the land below them, but very rarely fade for long enough to make it darker than twilight. “Is that how it was? And… How are we going to get out of this?” He managed to ask. It seemed like the fall would take a few minutes, but he wanted a backup plan sooner. Celestia smiled. “Yes. That’s the sky as we used to know it.” “Look up.” Luna pointed up with her head. “We couldn’t stay up there anyway, not for now.” Judging by the fragments, little could be made about where the sun or the moon used to be except that they were close to zenith. The stars were unruly fish in a rising tide, roaming across the sky. There were so many of them. Many of them were fireflies that exploded and disappeared, only to reappear somewhere else that just couldn’t be spotted amidst the chaos. “This is the chaos you mentioned…” Emerald muttered. Luna nodded. “The sky part of it, yes.” “Let’s get back to Canterlot now.” Celestia declared excitedly. She vanished as if pulled into nowhere as soon as she finished this sentence. “But… but HOW?” His now free hoof reached for Luna’s. “Didn’t you see the signs?” Luna giggled. “Just wake up, love.” She replied with a peck. Emerald opened his eyes. Centuries of practiced decorum kept him from jumping at the sudden wake-up. The chaotic lights he saw in his dream were still there. Celestia had her eyes open and slightly squinted by a wide smile she didn’t bother to contain. And Luna opened hers, looking back at Emerald with a smile that was nearly as wide. As he walked back to Luna’s left side, he couldn’t help but compare the filly he had just seen with the Celestia he knew now. The years had been much kinder to Luna. Celestia’s coat was grayer, Though still beautiful, and the original pink mane she had had screamed energy, unlike the current white that showed her age, despite the stubborn stripes she magically kept. Now that smile, she did seem a century or two younger with it. Emerald turned his attention back to his wife, who was halfway done with her conclusion speech. “…and we will have a new sun as well. Prince Emerald’s sun. In the meantime, for all the hardships that the lack of day and night can bring, I humbly ask you to think of your ancestors, who lived with a sky like this for five years until Princess Celestia and I managed to create that cycle. Thank you.” Luna sat at the middle of the sky, training her deflection and redirection spells as the light energy fragments roamed around her. Her filly exterior could not hide the centuries of age impregnated in her body language. Her memory of her imprisonment was foggy on the details and duration, but strong on her feeling of impotence. But there she was, mastering the chaotic heavens like how it was in the beginning, and this time she already understood everypony’s relationship with the night. He appeared after several minutes, again as a colt. They greeted by nuzzling affectionately, but Emerald got hit by a roaming fragment in the meantime. “Ow!” Emerald yelped. “These things are too hot!” “Don’t worry, Spike. They feel a bit painful, but they don’t actually hurt you. Look at your flank.” Emerald looked behind and indeed, there was just the normal purple fur, and his tail was as green as always. No mark or scorch where he felt the pain. Speaking of which, this pain faded as quickly as it came. Before he could offer a reply, Luna continued. “Your cute foal look is just appearance, you know. You have your usual magic. Can you cluster a few of these fragments together? I’ll protect you.” “Thanks, love.” He looked around, feeling like he was staring at the chaos of flies on a pond at a summer sunset. It was hard to pick one, they were just too erratic! He used his telekinesis in the general area in front of him, and pulled about ten fragments, sizes varying from his hoof step to his head. They flickered and shimmered wildly, blinding him a couple times. “Look at me to not get blinded, just keep holding them.” Luna suggested. “The smaller ones are pulsating too fast, that’s no good. Now, it’s easy to merge them together, you just have to clamp strongly enough. Take your smaller ones and merge them until you get about the size of your biggest.” “So I have to blindly manipulate objects that pulsate randomly? That’s the hardest telekinetic tact trick I can think of!” Despite the protest tone, he was excited about this idea, and it turned out to be… not that hard. He was good at telekinetic tact. Once he had four balls about the same size, he looked at her, holding them a hoof ahead of his chest. “Good. Now we stabilize them before merging any further. Pick one and give me the other three.” She received the merged fragments, he kept the original reference size. “Good. Now breathe with it. Inhale when it gets bigger, exhale when it gets smaller.” As she spoke, he was already on it. “You’ll slowly get control of it, then make your breathing movements longer until they’re stable.” “Wow.” Emerald muttered in surprise. The particle pulsated at that word. “What?” It pulsated again. Then he realized that it was now completely tied to his breathing, even as he was speaking. “It’s yours now.” She whispered. She wasn’t very close to him, but he heard it clearly nonetheless. “It’ll behave as you please, or just stand there, pulsating after your breath, if you leave it.” “Until it gets knocked in motion like a marble ball?” He asked curiously. “Yes. It almost happened a few times already.” Emerald looked around again. The roaming spherical fragments were being redirected by Luna every other second. “You two…” He mumbled. “You two made such a mess here! At least when Twilight scattered her books about, they wouldn’t try to knock me out…” Luna giggled. “I know. Don’t feel bad. We know how much work it is to put them together, and I’m here with you doing the same.” She stood up and gave him another sphere. “Let’s stabilize and merge the other three.” The sheer number of fragments was intimidating. He pressed on, determined to find as many fragments and put them together in his, well, not-snowball. Stabilizing the fragments took almost a minute at first, but he soon could do it in just a few seconds. Also, looking directly the fragments wasn’t an issue for long, as if he was getting used to their erratic shine explosions. Many hours later, they had to wake up. That wasn’t a restful sleep at all, though, since their dreaming selves did so much work. Their normal centuries old alicorn bodies had been laying in their sleep cuddle throughout. Yet, they felt the need to stay there for several minutes for some actual resting, plus, just enjoying each other too. The ambient light was still shimmering a lot, but there were no more of these split-second moments of darkness anymore. The two full moons on the sky were sitting still at almost zenith, nearly touching each other. Other fragments would hit these moons and bounce off, doing little to move the towering moons. When they finally walked out of their room, the table was different than usual, snacks and munchies instead of the usual hearty meal. Many of the options were moist bittersweet pastries, much to the delight of Luna, and there were many crunchy sweeter snacks, just like Emerald liked it. None of the options were very filling, though, as they would have to get back to sleep not long after that. Yet he unceremoniously ate all of his snacks in ten seconds flat. A familiar chuckle came from across the long table. “I’m glad you don’t still like gemstones, Spike. These don’t grow in crops.” Celestia mused. Before Emerald could come up with a witty reply, Luna had already seen Celestia, and couldn’t contain her surprise with the new sight. “Celly! What happened with your mane? The stripes are gone and it’s no longer flowing…” “I know. I dropped the spell.” She shrugged. “I’m taking this opportunity to try to live without any magic at all.” As a matter of fact, she was using her hooves to eat. “It’s easier than I thought it would be.” “Even combing?” Luna raised her eyebrow. Celestia smiled. “Believe me, keeping the servants from trying to comb my mane for me was harder, now that they a nurse to back their demands up.” “Okay. Now how do I make this into a sun?” The purple alicorn stared at his moon in concern. That moon wasn’t his goal at all and millions of ponies depended on him now, not to mention other creatures. “Just merge more and squeeze harder.” Luna replied. “It won’t grow much bigger anyway. Just make sure you leave the smaller fragments for my stars, because splitting them up is more work.” “It sure didn’t look like that buck was a lot of work.” He remarked with a smirk. “Bucking only works with bigger bodies like these.” She pointed to their moons. “But do you really want to start over?” She positioned herself in front of hers with a smile. “No!” He cried, then smiled. “Point taken.” Emerald realized the surreality of this undertaking. Was he really re-creating The Sun? After a few more hours, Emerald could do the whole merge, stabilize, merge routine in several seconds as opposed to a couple minutes. He looked proudly at the sun he was almost done with. It had a dominating, seemingly blinding shine to everything around him, like the sun Celestia bucked. On the other hoof, unlike the old sun, he didn’t have any problem looking directly at it. He looked down to the surface, past the invisible ground they have been stepping on. “It’s… It’s day.” He muttered. “I did it! Yes!” He raised his forehooves in triumph with a whinny. Luna was pretty far away, close to the horizon, working with some stars around there. The sky dome worked in strange ways, though, as she heard every word, and galloped back to him. “It is. Congratulations, love.” She kissed him. “It was easier than it seemed, wasn’t it?” He looked down at the ground surface again. “It was. It’s clearly day down there. Am I your number one sun maker now?” He grinned. “But you’re the only… Oh fine, you are.” She smiled back. He noticed she was looking directly at his sun as well. “Why aren’t we being blinded by it like it happened with Celestia’s?” “Oh. It’s because I’ve been here with you while you created it. This sun is yours, but it knows me too. It instinctively protects us both.” She tapped the sun with her hoof, to Emerald it almost looked like she was petting it. “There’s something else too. Remember how hard it was moving Celestia’s sun and how long it took? Try moving my new moon.” He blinked. He tried to pull it closer to him, very softly and carefully, and… It soared! He ducked, the moon hit the sun, and the sun started hovering down the sky with this hit. Luna chuckled. “Let it fall. We’ve been here for hours again, and it’s probably noon anyway.” Emerald blinked, looking at the sun going. “That moon was… way lighter than I expected. But I guess the sun is going the normal speed.” He smiled at her. “What a prank, love!” “I’m not sorry.” She smirked with a wink. “Besides, I can’t make much progress when I can’t see my fragments much.” “Oh! Do you want me to set it now?” “No, no, no. Don’t do it.” Luna trotted closer to Emerald, as she spoke these words firmly. “Don’t break the cycle. Let it be for now. Wake up, eat something. I’ll get back for after sunset, since the moon is already high in the sky.” Emerald woke up next to Luna, who was still sound asleep. They didn’t plan to wake up separately, so he struggled a bit to manage to get out of bed without waking Luna up. Looking at the sky, he couldn’t see her filly form, but he could tell where she was because faint stars close to the eastern horizon were being stabilized. The new sun was steering westwards. It was about five hours past noon. This second session of sleep wasn’t restful either, but he was feeling much better. His mission was accomplished, and he just created something that everypony would appreciate to the point of eventually taking it for granted. He greeted Celestia, who complimented his job and congratulated him with a proud smile. Despite Celestia’s bright white curly mane making it conspicuous how her life was close to its dusk, her spirits were bright and happy, contradicting it. “I’m glad I accomplished this, but you’re kind of making me feel like you passed on a curse, Celly.” Emerald asked. “It was a vacation-less job before Luna returned, Spike. That won’t be the case for you.” She sipped on a cup of green tea that was being held with her hoofs. “You did a great job. I wish I could appreciate it first hand, but now I can’t look directly at it.” Emerald giggled. “I thought I just had weak eyes with your sun.” “Buck no!” She replied. “You have dragon eyes. They’re sharper than a pegasus’.” He glanced once again at the sky, finding where Luna was through her stars. After a few stars, he noticed how it was taking longer than how it was when his sun wasn’t done. “I can see that Luna is struggling to see what she’s doing. I’ll push the sun.” “What?” Celestia’s eyes bulged. “No, no, don’t do this!” She sounded actually concerned for the first time in weeks. “The cycle is back. All life in Equestria need this cycle. Let it run. You can’t set the sun anytime we want a little shade.” Emerald blinked. Both sisters protested almost instantly and basically in the same way. It had to be a big deal. “Have… bad things happened before?” Celestia nodded. “Well, you know the quarrel Luna and I had back when we were younger. After I sent her away, I abandoned the sun. I had never met the three races at that time, but I noticed when the unicorns took it over. I could sense how they all had to do it together for it to work and it was still difficult, but I was too deep into my own frustration to care. Around the times the Windigoes were getting the best of the those ponies, I went and destroyed the sun in anger. I had to rebuild it later.” She sighed. “This is a big responsibility. It affects every single creature, even those who live in caves. I know we had fun making that Big Bang of yesterday, but we could never do something like this under different circumstances. I’m probably not even going to reach next Summer Sun Celebration, Spike…” He couldn’t help but voice his conclusion. “Sounds like it kinda is a curse.” There was a few seconds of pause. She looked down carefully gathering the words as if from a chest. “It’s what you make of it. Everything in life is. I had my bad moments, but such is life.” She looked back into his eyes, back from her reminiscing. “I can honestly say I enjoyed it very much. The only regrets I have happened because I was overzealous about it.” She paused for a second. “You were the most obvious choice because you’re so close to Luna. But it’s not good for anypony if you end up being a slave of this. Specially not for yourself. You always have the right to pass it on, just like I just did.” “We’d need another Big Bang for that, wouldn’t we?” Emerald asked. “Yes, but don’t let that stop you, Spike.” Celestia’s voice was firm and steamed with experience. “It’s a worthy cause that you do what you love. Your life is too long to enslave yourself with the wrong duty.” “Good point.” he said simply, and got a mouthful of crispy hay, munching thoughtfully. It was a real meal this time, because he wasn’t going to sleep soon, even though it was late afternoon. He would take time to readjust his sleep pattern, but, Emerald mused, so would many Equestrians. “Isn’t it nice to share the sky with my sister, though?” She suggested, softly. “Oh, absolutely!” Emerald replied. “She’s so fun! I had no problem up there. I even forgot all of Equestria was witnessing my swim-or-sink course on sun making.” She smiled. “You did much better than I did. You didn’t even take a full day. I took almost a week.” He raised his eyebrows. “Really?” Celestia nodded. “Really. You’re good, and you’re in good hooves.” she stated matter-of-factly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.” But he did. Celestia chuckled and humored him. “You’re good, and you’re in good hooves.” Three months passed. Now that the sun was Emerald’s creation, and he was more experienced, raising it was no longer difficult at all. He didn’t need spend minutes in concentration, he would just nudge it down with a head flicker and his magic, which is how he did most days. Not on Summer Sun Celebration, though! Solstice Park had a record number of ponies this year. Celestia had passed away just three weeks before, and there was a life-sized statue for her across the park. Many homages were planned for her for the day. More importantly, this was the first public display of Prince Emerald’s sunrise. Luna and Emerald faced each other and took flight, slowly hovering to just a dozen hooves high. It included a difficult maneuver that they loved to pull off: their noses kept constantly in contact at flight. Right at the same time, the moon went down, and the sun went up. It felt so right. His new sun lasted for millenia. He happily tended it throughout, as did Luna to her new moon.
doctor dapples
One Last Shot
The story of how an uptight Manehattanite allowed a carefree islander to infiltrate his life. (M/M, Caesar x OC)
<p>Ever since the Gala, Caesar&#39;s life has been one disappointment after another. But a random act of sympathy to a young stallion may finally snap him out of his rut.</p>
Years ago, he used to wake up to the sound of her voice: sweet and soft, gently prodding him out of his slumber. In recent weeks, that custom had returned, but it was always preceded by the harsh ringing of the telephone. He had to reach across her side of the bed, across that cold expanse, to hear her voice, which seemed to become more bitter and accusing every morning. He was usually too tired to fully understand what she was upset about, and his slowness to respond just irritated her further. "What is it this time, Lyrica?" "Don't give me that, Caesar. I don't know how you think I'm supposed to get all my things if you aren't willing to work with me." Caesar covered the receiver with his hoof and yawned. "Just come over and get it. It doesn't matter when." In a contemporary mansion on the other side of town, a lilac pony scoffed. "Of course it matters. This is exactly what is wrong with you. You can't make any decisions for yourself. Take someone like Herald..." "Uggghhhhh..." he groaned, and slammed down the receiver. He flopped back down on the bed and ran his hooves through his gray mane. Caesar had always viewed his silver locks as a look of distinction, that gave him an appearance of dignified seniority. Now it just made him feel old. Herald was only a little bit younger than him, but he had a curly mane of brown cream, a deep rich brown coat that put his to shame. And of course, Herald had Lyrica now. • • • The weatherpony had predicting sunny skies for days now, but the second Caesar stepped out of his empty terraced brownstone, it was clear just how far off their predictions were. The winds whipped around his body, and he tugged his top hat further down onto his head. In front of his apartment, busy ponies walked hunched, trying to keep themselves protected from the cold air. A curiously striped pony with a short green mane and a tacky jacket was attempting to pass out fliers to anypony who would take one. "Come to the Blind Griffin and try Manehattan's newest spirit! A sophisticated taste for the sophisticated customer! Free shot with this flier!" Before Caesar had the chance to refuse, the jacketed pony had shoved a piece of paper into his hoof and that of a blue unicorn, who grumbled in response. "Thank you very much, sirs! I look forward to seeing you there!" He gave them both a big smile. The blue unicorn gave a nasty smile back as his horn began to glow. The flier crumbled itself into a little ball, and went flying away in the wind. The young pony gaped as the unicorn resumed his walk down the street, but eventually gathered himself enough to yell incredulously, "Are you serious? What is your problem, buddy?" He sighed heavily and looked at Caesar, defeated. "If you don't want it, just give it back to me. Maybe somepony can use it for toilet paper or something." Caesar looked at the sheet in his hand, which promised a combination of sophistication and adventure in the form of a new drink. He flashed back to what Lyrica had said to him about making decisions. He stuffed the flier under his hat. "Maybe I'll stop by later." The pony lifted his head to reveal a pair of orange eyes that were practically sparkling with happiness. "Really?" he said with excitement, before quickly coughing and adopting a more serious demeanor. "Um...thank you very much, sir. We look forward to your business." As Caesar walked away in the direction of his art gallery, he felt the first smile of the morning slowly appear on his face. Hours later, Caesar pushed in the heavy doors of The Blind Griffin to find himself in a sparsely occupied pub given an old-world style by a wooden interior. He hadn't been to this part of town in years, and he was impressed with how much things had changed since he was younger. When he had gone out with his buddies for a drink, the only places they could get to serve them were sketchy looking dives where it seemed as if all the air had been replaced by smoke. This bar was tastefully decorated, and the pony behind the counter was dressed in a well-pressed striped vest and white shirt. Certainly a step up from the oily ponies who gave him skunky beer in dirty glasses when he was hardly older than a colt. As he approached the bartender, he recognized the braid in his mane. It was the same pony who had been passing out the fliers, but this time he was dressed to the nines, with his unruly mane swept backwards. His serious demeanor was somewhat belied, however, by the goofy grin that appeared on his face as he recognized Caesar. "Glad that you could make it, sir!" Caesar plopped himself down on one of the bar stools. "I honestly didn't know the first thing about this place. How long has it been here?" "Oh, The Blind Griffin has been one of downtown's most popular establishments." When Caesar looked around at the lack of crowd, the bartender was quick to interject. "It's a little early for the real crowds, just yet." "Ahh," Caesar said. "And have you been here the whole time?" The young pony shook his head. "Oh no, sir. I'm actually only here for the duration of the promotion. Speaking of which, do you still have that flier?" Caesar reached up into his hat and unfolded the paper on the bar with his hooves. ONE FREE SHOT, it announced in big, bold letters. "So what's next?" A blue bottle and a shot glass appeared on the bar as if by magic. The older pony adjusted his monocle to look at the label. "Coco Loco...what exactly is this?" "Well, sir...are you familiar with rum?" "Of course." "This is rum, but with extract of coconut." Caesar raised his brow. "And this is your product?" "More than my product, sir. Its also my name. Coconut Rum, at your service." The pony made a small bow, which caused some of his mane to fall out of place and into his eyes. Caesar chuckled at the display. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Coconut Rum, but I don't know about this. Can I be honest with you?" "Absolutely, mister...." "You can just call me Caesar. Honestly, it sounds like a drink for mares." He cringed as Coconut returned a very annoyed glare. "I...I'm sorry, Coconut," he said, sheepishly. "I don't mean to be such a pain in the flank. If its any consolation, I don't really know spit about alcohol. It probably tastes great." Coconut responded by filling the shot glass and pushing it closer to Caesar. "I don't do probably." Caesar looked at the shot glass and narrowed his eyes. He nodded with determination, picked it up, and downed the shot. The liquid was cold, and it felt a little thicker than most spirits he had tried, almost a syrup. The first thing that hit him was the sweetness, the tropical flavor of coconut flesh. Then the alcohol hit the back of his throat, and he felt the warmth spread down into his stomach. He sat for a moment, stunned, before talking to Coconut again. "That was delicious." The green-maned pony smiled. "Give it another moment." And as if he had just given it his permission, the rum began to do its work. Caesar felt the lightness in his head and in his limbs, and the smile on his face grew along with Coconut's. He reached into his coinpurse and pulled out some coins. "Give me another." • • • There was a stereo "clink" as both ponies added another glass to their stack of empties. Coconut had caught up to Caesar's total on the older pony's request, but it was clearly not affecting them in the same way. Coconut seemed just as relaxed as ever, the only change being a loosening of his red bowtie. Caesar, on the other hand was animatedly telling Coconut about his experiences at the last Grand Galloping Gala, and was doing it with grand hoof gestures and sound effects that irked some of the more sensitive patrons of the establishment. " next thing I know I'm FLYING IN THE AIR and I land on the back of this pegasus who ended up destroying THE WHOLE CASTLE. I mean BOOM! BOOM! I swear, I'm almost positive that she was the one who knocked me into the air IN THE FIRST PLACE I MEAN WHO DOES THAT??" Caesar ended his story with a grand shrugging gesture, looking to Coconut Rum as if he could answer the question. Coconut laughed and held his hoof up to mouth in a "shhhh" gesture, before laughing again and grabbing another glass. "Don't forget we're not the only ones here." He poured himself another shot. "So what did Lyrica say about the whole affair?" "Ugh, somehow in spite of those other ponies ruining the palace, my little flight managed to be the embarrassing moment of her night." "With all due respect to your wife, Caesar, she sounds like a real witch." "Well, you know how mares are." Coconut's orange eyes darted around the room. He made a face, then said a little quieter. "Not really." "What? Are you telling me you've never been with a mare, Coconut??" Frantically, Coconut raised his hooves in front of Caesar. "Keep it down, please. That's not what I mean at all. It's just that I'm..." Suddenly it clicked in Caesar's mind. "Ohhhhhhh..." "Yeah." "Well..." Caesar paused. "There was a time in my life where I might actually have something to say about that. But nowadays I'm thinking live and let live. I guess I'm becoming a softie in my old age." "You still seem pretty young to me." He laughed scornfully and grabbed Coconut's shot. "You got that right, brother." Coconut cocked his head to the side. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." "Its good you're not me, then!" Caesar said as he knocked it back. As Coconut rolled his eyes, Caesar searched for a clever retort to put the younger pony in his place. After all, he was the one whoooooooo- Coconut put his hooves out in time to catch Caesar's head before it slammed into the table. He lowered it to the surface of the bar, and turned his head to the side. "You're right. Its definitely good I'm not you." Coconut put the empties in the basin, and signaled the other bartender. "You got it from here?" • • • The first thing that went through Caesar's mind when he came to was "when did this barstool get so comfortable?" The answer became obvious when he found himself not on a wooden stool in The Blind Griffin, but on a sofa in somepony's studio apartment. "Hello?" he called out, still very much feeling the effects of the liquor. A green maned head poked itself out from another room. "Ah! You're back in our dimension! Glad to see you!" Coconut Rum had taken off his vest and tie, but still had on his white dress shirt. His braid was still in, but his mane was thoroughly mussed. Caesar had to admit that he was a very handsome pony. "Am I at your apartment?" "Yep! We're right over the bar, actually." Caesar scratched the back of his head. "Why didn't you just call a carriage for me?" Coconut chuckled to himself. "Well, first of all, I couldn't pry the address out of you. You just kept saying you didn't want to go to that empty tomb. THEN you started talking about Lyrica and next thing I know you're swearing up a storm in front of the carriage driver." Caesar blushed. "I wasn't about to put him through that. Besides, my shift was pretty much over anyway." "I'm really sorry about that, Coconut." The younger pony shook his head. "It's not a big deal." He grabbed an orange bottle off of the shelf and took a quick drink. "You get used to it after a while. Didn't Lyrica ever warn you about going to a fillyfooler's apartment?" "She thinks you're all predators," he said laughing nervously. He continued to find himself looking at Coconut. What is going on, he thought. Is it the mane? Is it the stripes? Or is this all from the rum? He distracted himself from these thoughts by looking at the bottle. "What is that?" Coconut looked at the bottle and laughed. "That stuff you were drinking down there is my father's brand." He tapped the label with his hoof. On it was a badly drawn caricature of Coconut. "This is mine." "Your father? Who is he? If he runs in any of the fashionable circles..." "He's not from here. We're from San Caballo. I'm actually due back there tomorrow." Caesar looked around the room, noticing for the first time that everything seemed to be packed up in boxes. "So what's the purpose in you coming here?" he asked, puzzled. "Dad says its so I can build experience as a bartender, but I've been doing it for years back home without any problems. He really just wants me to talk up our rum so that sophisticated ponies in the city start buying it." He scoffed. "Fat chance." "Hey!" Caesar yelled. He felt genuinely upset that anypony would do something to hurt his new friend. Wait, is Coconut my friend now? "Your rum is great! Why wouldn't these ponies buy it?" Coconut smiled and looked over at Caesar with a sly expression. "Because it sounds like a drink for mares." Caesar sank further into the sofa, but was quickly joined by Coconut. "Seriously, don't feel bad. You're the only one who has given it any kind of chance, and for that I'm completely grateful." Caesar felt a dopey smile spread on his face and suddenly he felt a warmth inside of him that he had almost forgotten about. He was just sitting down and talking to this other pony, but inside his brain he was dancing. It thrilled him to be so close to Coconut for some reason, and yet he found himself wanting to get even closer. He nodded his head in the direction of the orange bottle. "So, can I try some?" The younger pony furrowed his brow and stood up. "I don't know if that's a good idea. This is a lot stronger than what we were drinking in the bar, and I can read a pony's tolerance pretty well. If I give you another shot of this stuff, you won't be in control of your senses anymore." He paced around the room in a little circle and then turned around to face Caesar again. "Look, I know we've just met, but I like you a lot. But I don't want you to do anything that you're going to regret." Caesar looked into the pony's orange eyes. "You're the expert. What if I don't do a full shot?" Coconut gulped. "Well...I honestly believe you'd still be in control of your actions." "That sounds fair to me." He looked at the bottle. "So you really want this?" Caesar looked at Coconut. "Yes, I do." Flashing a devilish smile, Coconut took a small drink from his bottle and put it to the side. He approached Caesar from the front, and climbed into his lap, straddling his quarters. He put his hoof under Caesar's chin and tilted it up to meet his. They met in a close-mouthed kiss, and the older pony felt his body shiver as Coconut allowed the rum made warm in his mouth to spill into Caesar's. He swallowed it down and pushed his muzzle into Coconut's with greater passion. Coconut tilted his head back and exhaled with satisfaction, eyes closed. Caesar unbuttoned another button on his dress shirt, exposing more of the stripes on the pony's chest. He kissed the middle of one of the stripes, illiciting a sharp gasp from Coconut, who looked down with a smile. Caesar looked up warily. "Should I stop?" Coconut shook his head, already a little out of breath. "Don't you dare." • • • The next evening, after spending the day packing, Caesar finally plugged his telephone back in. Immediately, the ringer went off, causing the pony to jump back with a start. He picked up the phone and answered with "You just don't quit, do you?" "Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all day!" came Lyrica's voice, angrier than usual. "What a coincidence," Caesar said, laughing. "I've been avoiding you all day. So what's going on, sweetie?" "Don't 'sweetie' me! Herald went by our apartment today to pick up the rest of my things and he said that he banged and banged on the door and that you didn't answer!" "Well, maybe I wasn't there." "He said you were singing!" Caesar thought back. "Yeah, I probably was. Anyway, I already put your stuff out for him." "What? Well, where is it now?" "Well, it was in the dumpster out in the alley," Caesar paused as he heard the gasp at the other end. "...but that was a can of lighter fluid and a match ago, so there's no telling what it looks like now." "YOU WHAT??" "Anyway, I'd love to talk, but I have a balloon to catch. Give my regards to Gerald." "ITS HERALD AND YOU KN-" "See ya later!" And Caesar yanked the phone cord out of the wall. • • • Caesar was already in the carriage on his way to the balloon station when the adrenaline finally eased off. He shook his head and exhaled a massive breath. "I can't believe I just did that," he laughed. He reached into his pocket and looked at his ticket. San Caballo. "On the other hand, I can't believe a lot of the things I do lately." He smiled, closed his eyes, and licked his lips, still sweet from the night before.
doctor dapples
One Last Shot
The story of how an uptight Manehattanite allowed a carefree islander to infiltrate his life. (M/M, Caesar x OC)
<p>Ever since the Gala, Caesar&#39;s life has been one disappointment after another. But a random act of sympathy to a young stallion may finally snap him out of his rut.</p>
The green-haired colt eyed the invitation. What had caught his attention was the fancy hoofwriting, obviously the work of a skilled calligraphist, followed by the shiny golden border. But what impressed Coconut Rum the most was the weight of the invitation, clearly made of a much fancier paper stock than the fliers that he used for his promotions at The Blind Griffin.         “I don’t know about this,” the half-zebra called out to the older pony in another room. Coconut had worried about this long before his current stay with Caesar. It was, in fact, the only reason he had hesitated on this visit to Manehattan. As much as he loved Caesar’s company, their backgrounds could not be more different, and spending an evening at a formal attended by the sort of ponies who made up the city pony’s inner circle? That was biting off a bit more than he was sure he could chew.         “It will be fine, Coconut! It’s just a simple party!” insisted Caesar, going through the contents of his desk. He knew he had it somewhere...         “Simple parties don’t have golden invitations!”         “It’s just the border, and its only gold leaf!”         Coconut sighed, and asked in an exasperated voice, “...which is made of?”         There was a momentary silence before Caesar answered. “Okay, so it’s made of gold. But you’ll do great.”         “What exactly am I supposed to wear to this, anyway?” Coconut flung the invitation behind himself in a nervous gesture. “The most formal thing I’ve ever worn was my uniform for work, and I don’t need your friends thinking I’m a waiter.”         Caesar chuckled at the thought of his peers asking his coltfriend to refill their punch glasses, all the while rummaging through the stacks of papers that had piled up in the past weeks. Finally, he caught a glimpse of some purple among the chaos of white and yellow, and fished it out with his hoof. “It’s already taken care of, babe.”         He came out of his study with the purple ticket clenched between his teeth, and offered it to Coconut. The younger pony looked at the ticket, which featured a stylized portrait of a white-coiffed stallion in large sunglasses. “What’s this about?”         “I called in a favor with a designer I know. He’s agreed to find you something to wear to the formal from his own collection.”         “Is this...” Coconut stammered. “Is this Hoity Toity?” Caesar nodded. “You know him?” Another nod. “Ooh!” As Caesar began to laugh, Coconut looked up from the ticket. “Hey, to me this is pretty impressive. I’ve read about his stuff. He’s good.” “Well, I’m glad he meets with your approval.” Caesar’s little comment was rewarded with a light smack on the nose with the ticket. “Hush, you!” Coconut laughed, leaning up against Caesar’s side. He nuzzled his cheek against the older pony’s neck. The gray fur smelled of juniper, a combination of pine and citrus that now made Coconut’s flesh tingle. “Thank you for this.” Caesar smiled and sighed, enjoying the feel of Coconut’s hot breath. “I should be thanking you. Everypony at that benefit is going to be jealous of me tonight.” The comment elicited a giggle, which was followed by an unexpected nip at his ear. Caesar felt his face flush as Coconut’s warm tongue traced the contours of his jawline. He swallowed hard. “I dunno if we...” he tried to spit out through increasingly shallow breaths. “We’re going to be-” The words were lost in the kiss, and for a moment, feeling Coconut’s nose against his own and breathing in that omnipresent tropical taste, Caesar couldn’t remember what he was saying mere seconds before. Eventually, his thoughts returned and he reluctantly broke the kiss. “Coconut, we don’t have time for this. We’re going to be late!” he said nervously, hoping the green-maned pony wouldn’t take his need for punctuality as a rejection. Instead, Coconut just smiled, his orange eyes half-open and glistening with a soft expression. “I would think a socialite like you would be familiar with the term ‘fashionably late’?” He ran his hoof through his lover’s silver mane and resumed the kiss. Hoity could wait a little bit. “Sorry we’re late, Hoity. The traffic out there is terrible,” Caesar lied. “I hope we don’t have any problems getting there tonight.” His words echoed in the vast studio, empty of life except for the lone pony, whose image was recognizable to any Equestrian with a passing knowledge of fashion. “If there’s one thing I’ve tried painfully to impart upon you, Caesar, it is not when you show up, but how. And once again, I seem to be disappointed.” The silver-coated designer looked with dismay around the studio. “How am I supposed to dress this... squeeze of yours, if he’s nowhere to be found?” “Coming!” came Coconut’s response as he rushed in through the door. “The carriage driver was giving me a hard time about his tip, but I told him where he could put it.” Upon seeing the well-dressed designer, he walked up and extended his hoof. “I’m Coconut Rum. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Toity.” The introduction elicited a sly smile from its recipient, who returned the hoofshake. “The pleasure is all mine, Coconut. And you can call me Hoity.” When Coconut beamed back a big smile, Hoity looked past him to Caesar. “When exactly did you develop such great taste?” Caesar shot him back a sheepish grin. He felt proud that an old stallion like himself could still capture the attention of a colt who met Hoity’s rigorous standards for looks. He subconsciously rubbed at a part of his neck where he was sure Coconut had left a mark from a love bite, thankfully covered up by his fur. “So what’s next, Hoity? Do I need to give you my ideas, or-” Hoity immediately held up both hooves in a defensive gesture. “No, sir. Your services will not be necessary for this. All I need is to borrow this gorgeous colt for a moment so I can get him fitted in something that will put the rest of that crowd to shame.” He glanced over at Coconut, who was now blushing and looking at Caesar nervously. He looked back to the gray pony. “As for you, my old friend, I have a nice little lounge down the hall. Big red door. Help yourself to a Fillygrino and anything else you find EXCEPT the chocolate-covered barley, which is MINE. Touch it on pain of death.” As Caesar trotted off towards the lounge, threats of violence still ringing in his ears, Hoity turned to his model. “He’s a great pony, but his idea of what looks good is at least six years behind. I’m not sending you to that formal in a cummerbund.” A quick wave of his hoof signaled for the giggling Coconut to follow him down the hall to one of the fitting rooms. The first thing the young pony saw was an image of himself, quickly joined by two others as he approached the triptych of mirrors. He wasn’t used to getting such a good look at himself, and he had to admit that he didn’t look half bad. “I always forget how far the stripes go on my back.” Hoity smirked. “Never forget your stripes. They really work with your shape. I have got to hire more zebras.” Coconut smiled at the compliment. “So,” he asked tentatively, striking various poses for the mirrors. “Are you interested in my suggestions? Because I was thinking maybe an orange tie would work with my colors.” “Now that’s actually a reasonable idea, though I was thinking more along the lines of a loose-fitting scarf.” Hoity approached Coconut and began gazing up and down his body with a focused expression, seemingly studying his form. “That would be even better! I used to wear a bow tie for a job I had here, and that thing came off the second I was out the door. I was just concerned about looking too casual.” Hoity rubbed his chin with his hoof. “I don’t think you need to worry about that. You’re going to like the way you look. I guarantee it.” Coconut noticed that Hoity’s glasses had slid down his nose, and his eyes were looking upwards, as if lost in thought. His mouth was moving, but he was clearly talking to himself, and aside from quick snatches of numbers or words like “croup” and “withers”, the designer’s thoughts were clearly only meant for him. Suddenly, a large smile appeared on Hoity’s face, and his violet eyes shone with happiness. “I was thinking about the scarf, but I’ve decided to scrap all of that, and put you in something much bolder.” The designer pony promptly disappeared out of the fitting room, and a nearby door could be heard slamming open. “Bolder?” Coconut called out, confused and curious. “MUCH bolder!” yelled Hoity from the next room. “What I had planned would have worked swimmingly for any other pony, but you clearly have something more!” “Something... more?” The young pony couldn’t help but blush. “Most certainly! Caesar told me about your mixed lineage, but I’ve seen very few ponies whose patterns complemented themselves so well! And you’re just the right size for an ensemble that requires a wearer with real panache!” There was a short pause, followed by some swearing as the frustrated pony continued his search. Eventually, he struck paydirt. “Aha! There you are!” Hoity ducked back into the room carrying a black garment bag in his mouth. “You are going to look amazing.” He laid it out in front of Coconut. “Go ahead and open it!” Grinning from ear to ear in anticipation, Coconut slowly unzipped the bag, only to feel his heart sink as he looked at the contents within. He looked up at the designer with a quizzical look. “You’re joking, right?” he asked, but the gray pony was all business. “You were made for this outfit. Try it on!” “No!” “Look, I know it’s a bit...unconventional.” “Unconventional, my flank! It’s a dress!” “It is more than just a dress. It is the sexiest dress I’ve ever made.” “IT IS STILL A DRESS.” The young pony was starting to get upset. What exactly did Hoity expect from him? “Look, Coconut.” Hoity wrapped a forehoof around the pony’s withers. “I know this comes as a shock to you. And from your reaction, it’s clear that wearing mares’ clothes is not an experience you’ve partaken in. I respect that. But your body is absolutely perfect for this. You’ll easily be the best looking pony at the formal.” “But...” “Just think, Coconut. You walk in the room, and all eyes are on you. Every stallion wants to be with you. Every mare wants to be you.” Coconut felt his resolve starting to slip. “But...” he was able to squeak out, “I’m not a mare.” “Just do me one favor before you make up your mind, all right? Let’s see what Caesar has to say first.” The suggestion elicited a smile from Coconut. “If you don’t like his reaction, we’ll get you into something more conventional, n’est-ce pas?” He hesitated at first, but eventually the young pony nodded his assent. As Hoity disappeared in a blur, Coconut began to nose the slinky garment. “ do I put this on?” “You’ll probably need my help with that. Same goes for the jewelry!” “Jewelry?” Caesar finished his second Fillygrino and placed the empty next to the first on the cedar coffee table. He considered going back for a third, but wondered if it was worth straining Hoity’s hospitality when he wasn’t so much thirsty as nervous. The calmness he had displayed so far had largely been a façade for Coconut’s sake. He recognized how anxious the young pony was about his first real formal event and wanted him to feel at ease. However, Caesar had plenty to be concerned about himself. For one, this would be the first time he had really stepped out among his own circle with Coconut, the first time anypony would see him with a colt. And then there was Lyrica. He’d done a very good job distancing himself from his ex-mate, especially since meeting Coconut. There had been a great deal of unpleasantness once he first returned from San Caballo. Luckily her new beau, a curly-maned brown pony named Herald, was not particularly interested in a physical confrontation, especially upon hearing exaggerated descriptions of Caesar’s erratic behavior from Lyrica. But both of them would almost certainly be at the formal, and he both hated and feared the idea of once more being the recipient of that judging stare, now with the word “coltcuddler” being repeated whenever his back was turned. He opened the refrigerator door to see if there was something stronger than bubbly water. In the back, he could see the box of dark chocolate barley. It was elegantly packaged, except for a big piece of red tape that had NO written in large letters. Maybe just a peek... “Ahem!” came a noise from behind, causing him to attempt to stand up, banging his head hard on the top of the refrigerator. Nursing his sore head with a hoof, he turned around to see the two ponies. Coconut was wrapped from head to toe in a white cloak, so that only the brown of his muzzle was visible. Caesar looked at the shrouded pony with incredulity. “Umm...Hoity? You know I almost always bow to your expertise, but you do know this is a formal banquet, not a cult meeting?” The designer responded with a well-timed snort. “Save your comments, you fillistine. This is what we in fashion call the dramatic reveal.” He cleared his throat again. “Fillies and gentlecolts, it is my most dubious honor to present to you, an islander making his big social debut in Manehattan, Coconut Rum!” He stepped backwards and made a sweeping gesture with his hooves as Coconut released the cloak, allowing it to flutter to the ground. The older pony definitely wasn’t sure what he had expected, but it was nothing like what he saw. His jaw dropped. Coconut was wearing a slinky indigo evening gown that hugged the feminine curves of his body. There was no back to it, allowing a perfect view of the brown stripes that went down to his loin, where the fabric began again. The dress clung to his rump and down his quarters, at which point the fabric became more breezy, and hung loosely down to just over his ankles. On each side, near the beginning of his flank, there was a tiny embroidered daisy. The flowers were also seen lining the collar around Coconut’s neck, and the orange centers perfectly set off the rich citrus of the young pony’s eyes. Caesar tried desperately to think of something to say, but nothing would come out. Silence dominated the room. Coconut nervously twitched his ears. They were still a little sore from the piercing, after which Hoity had given him two stones, a rich red in color. He waited for Caesar to speak, but when it became clear the image was a shock, he took the initiative himself. “It wasn’t my idea. Really.” The pony’s voice shook Caesar out of his trance. “I... I honestly don’t know what to say.” Coconut lowered his head, suddenly too embarrassed to make eye contact. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even want to. Hoity said that it-” “You look amazing.” Coconut looked up. “What?” “You’re absolutely beautiful.” Caesar walked over to the nervous pony and gave his cheek a soft nuzzle. Coconut returned it with hesitation. “You mean, you don’t think this looks stupid? You wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen with me?” Caesar pulled back so that their foreheads were almost touching. He looked deep into Coconut’s eyes. “I could never be ashamed of you.” He leaned in the extra inch and placed a soft kiss on the colt’s lips. As Coconut returned it, both of them felt their anxieties about the evening starting to dissipate. Everything was going to be fine. After a moment lost in the embrace, they realized that Hoity Toity was still standing next to them, a grin spread from ear to ear. “Don’t stop on my account.” The two lovers chuckled, and Coconut reached up a hoof to softly stroke Caesar’s muzzle. “Sorry, Hoity. Thanks for all you’ve done for us, but we have places to be tonight.”
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Midnight Star Shower
<p>What happens when Princess Luna returns but everything seems to be going wrong? Luna must seek the help of the Elements of Harmony and stand up to an unknown dark force before she loses her sister, Princess Celestia, forever.</p>
Princess Luna awoke with the sun warm in her face. The previous night’s events had exhausted her and she had slept soundly. Looking around, she saw her sister, Princess Celestia, was lying in the full light of the sun with a small, contented smile. “Good morning, sister,” she beamed at Luna. But the only response she received was a sniffle as Luna hung her head in shame. Celestia shifted to shield Luna beneath her wing. Luna buried her muzzle into her sister’s mane and took some deep breaths as she tried to sort through her feelings. On one hoof, being freed from a thousand years of anger and resentment felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her. On the other hoof, she felt responsible for a lot of fear, pain, and suffering. The worst part was that she knew the only pony she could blame was herself. Her sister had forgiven her; she didn’t doubt this as she could feel the calm of it around her. But she was worried that the other ponies would still fear and loathe her. She would have to earn their trust, one action at a time. She had to admit that the ponies of Equestria might never trust her, but she owed it to her sister and herself to try. Luna had felt better enough to smile at her sister when a scroll popped into existence in front of her. “What’s this? It’s much too early for a letter from Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia mumbled while magically opening the scroll. Her eyes raced across a line of text before she remembered Luna was in the room and read it aloud. Princess Celestia, Just now I saw an entire flight of dragons in the western sky. I am no expert, but a group that size is difficult to mistake as anything else. I pray that you are already aware of the situation, as I have not known of activity of this magnitude in my lifetime. Your faithful servant, Starbow After pausing to digest fully the importance of the letter, Celestia surprised Luna by commenting, “I am very much glad you are back, Luna.“ Luna blushed and swelled a little at her sister’s comment. A piece of parchment and quill floated to the princess’s side and Luna watched as she penned a quick response. After she finished, Luna felt her sister concentrate on the scroll for a moment and magically transport it to the recipient. In response to Luna’s curious look she said, “We shall watch the dragons carefully, but they are free to move as they wish, within their own territory of course.” Rising to her feet, Celestia suggested to her sister that what could be done had been done and the best thing to do now would be to join some other ponies for breakfast. *** Several weeks later Twilight Sparkle sleepily stretched in the morning sun and accidentally knocked a book (or two) off of her bed and onto Spike’s head. She cringed, but didn’t hear any noise from the little basket at the foot of her bed. Peering over the edge of the bed she met the eyes of a very grumpy baby dragon. “Gosh, I’m sorry, Spike,” she smiled sheepishly at him. “But on the bright side we’re both awake and look,” she pointed to the window, “it’s a beautiful morning. We wouldn’t want to waste it in bed, right?” With that she rushed out of the room before Spike could complain about the falling books. The little dragon sighed and abandoned his covers; he had known Twilight for far too long to expect to stay in bed on a morning like this. He rubbed the bump on his head where one of the books had landed. With a little grumble he picked up the books to return them to the library downstairs. Later on a grassy hill Spike fidgeted while Twilight concentrated on some spell or another. “Spike, don’t squirm so much,” she yelled at him from several yards away. Spike felt threads of magic swirling around him but they dissipated as quickly as they had come. “Come on, Twilight,” he tried to cheer his companion on. “I felt something that time!” Spurred on by her companion Twilight gathered herself and threw everything she had into one last effort. Spike could feel the spell come into being this time and envelope him in a bright light. Suddenly, a large, translucent bubble surrounded him. It quivered for a moment in the summer breeze then popped. Twilight flopped to the ground. “That’s it, Spike. I’m done” The little dragon was surprised. Twilight wasn’t much of a quitter. As he walked closer he could see her fur slick with perspiration. “It’s okay, Twi,” he sat next to her and unpacked a few apples and sandwiches from her saddlebags on the ground nearby. “I’m a dragon and my magic doesn’t always work the way I want it to either.” Twilight gave her friend a look. “Well, what I mean is I definitely didn’t accidentally send my muffins along with your letter to Princess Celestia this morning…” Twilight was about to lecture Spike when a thought crossed her mind. “Spike, have you ever sent a letter to anyone other than Princess Celestia?” “Uh… no, I don’t think so.” Twilight munched her apple in thought. Well, just because I couldn’t work my spell properly doesn’t mean the day should be a waste. “Spike, take a letter.” Spike quickly finished the remainder of his sandwich and rummaged in the saddlebags for a quill and some ink and finding them sat to record Twilight’s letter. *** Princess Luna slept in her room as the sun hung high overhead. Her dreams were not pleasant. She was flying through the night sky pursued by something. Her wings ached but the thing following her seemed to be gaining on her; it was tireless and she was not. Finally she could fly no more and she turned to face the monster and saw nothing except blackness everywhere she had flown. Princess Luna was almost grateful when a thick scroll, appearing above her bed and landing directly on her face, woke her.
And None of them Lived Happily Ever After (Unfair Shipping Act I)
<p>One fateful day, there began a romantic catastrophe for all of Equestria. Everypony was suddenly compelled to enter relationships with another pony, regardless of gender! Guided by an unseen hand, ponies began to date each other for reasons they couldn&#39;t explain. Many theorized that in another world, they were being watched and controlled by gods who wished to see their favorites among them become unified in marriage. But the true reasons were a mystery to all, except perhaps for one intuitive pony left without a partner&#8230;</p>
I was appalled by what I saw. There were no words to describe the twinge I felt when I realized what was going on.         Rainbow Dash. Doing something very un-Rainbow-Dash-like.         Kissing another pony.         Fluttershy.         I turned away and pretended not to see them.         It's none of my business, I thought to myself, it's not my place to judge, or get involved. It's a personal choice, right? Nothing wrong with it.         I cringed. Despite my better judgement I turned back and looked again.         They had finished. Fluttershy was looking slightly tormented. That didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was that Rainbow Dash had the exact same tormented expression.         Why did it look like neither of them had kissed willingly? As though both were equally disturbed by the moment and had no idea why it happened? Something wasn't right. Indeed something was very, very wrong here.
And None of them Lived Happily Ever After (Unfair Shipping Act I)
<p>One fateful day, there began a romantic catastrophe for all of Equestria. Everypony was suddenly compelled to enter relationships with another pony, regardless of gender! Guided by an unseen hand, ponies began to date each other for reasons they couldn&#39;t explain. Many theorized that in another world, they were being watched and controlled by gods who wished to see their favorites among them become unified in marriage. But the true reasons were a mystery to all, except perhaps for one intuitive pony left without a partner&#8230;</p>
I decided not to ask either of them directly. Logically, if nothing was wrong and what I saw was actually how it was, then it would be none of my business. But if something was wrong and neither of them had partaken willingly, there would be a strong likelihood that neither of them would be able to tell me what was happening. There was still the slight chance that one or both of them might know, but given the other potential circumstances, that was a chance I didn't want to take.         Instead I went to Pinkie Pie about it. I knew from experience that, assuming our conversation was private, she would never let word of this slip. And considering her extensive knowledge of Ponyville's social happenings, if the occurrence I had witnessed (which from here forward I will refer to as the "FlutterDash Incident") was genuinely their own choice, Pinkie Pie would be able to immediately confirm this.         Well, potentially. Pinkie Pie was well-versed, but not omniscient. This conversation would be a well-evaluated gamble, but not a guarantee.         "Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie squeaked loudly from an upstairs window at Sugar Cube corner. I let myself in, and a moment later Pinkie came bouncing down the stairs. At least she was the same as ever.         "What's up?"         "I have something important to ask you," I whisper, "but it has to stay completely secret. Okay?"         "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"         "Great. Now, is there a room here where we won't be heard?"         Pinkie led me up to the top floor where her bedroom was.         "Nopony ever comes up here except me, so you don't have to worry!"         "Alright then...well, it's like this..." I start to explain, but I don't know how to put it. It's a sensitive topic, and I want to phrase it tactfully. I take a moment to think it over. It soon occurs to me that if I take too long to say something, Pinkie might think I'm Kira. I silently laugh at this thought and just decide to say it.         "I saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy kissing yesterday."         "OOOH! Love is in the air!"         "Pinkie, this is serious. Neither of them looked like they had kissed willingly. It was like they had been forced to. I'm worried about them, and maybe I'm just imagining things and it's none of my concern, but aside from the obvious, something about what I saw seemed very off."         "Twilight Sparkle, are you homophobic?"         "NO! I have no problem with their personal choices, I just don't think it was a personal choice-"         "Twilight, it seems someone needs to explain to you the nature of the birds and the other birds."         "PINKIE! Listen to me. I know I probably sound paranoid right now, but if you saw what I saw, you would be just as worried. There was no love or romance in their eyes. Only fear. Their expressions spoke of shock. Fluttershy looked like she would start crying, and Rainbow Dash looked about ready to have a mental breakdown."         "In other words, Rainbow Dash tried expressing her feelings towards Fluttershy, and Fluttershy wasn't ready to accept that the feeling was mutual. And now Rainbow Dash is depressed because she messed up and may never get that chance again."         I sighed. I wasn't particularly upset about Pinkie Pie not believing me. What upset me more was that she was probably right...
And None of them Lived Happily Ever After (Unfair Shipping Act I)
<p>One fateful day, there began a romantic catastrophe for all of Equestria. Everypony was suddenly compelled to enter relationships with another pony, regardless of gender! Guided by an unseen hand, ponies began to date each other for reasons they couldn&#39;t explain. Many theorized that in another world, they were being watched and controlled by gods who wished to see their favorites among them become unified in marriage. But the true reasons were a mystery to all, except perhaps for one intuitive pony left without a partner&#8230;</p>
After about a day I was completely willing to let it all go. I was just seeing things the way I wanted to see them. I began to realize I just couldn't accept that Rainbow Dash might have a different preference. Did that make me a terrible friend? If finding out the truth about a friend makes you like them less, does that mean you were never their friend to begin with?         No, I didn't like Rainbow Dash less. She would always be my friend. This wouldn't change anything. Or at least, it shouldn't change anything. If it did, I'd be the worst friend ever.         But then...there was Fluttershy. Was this her preference, too? She's always spent so much time tending to wild animals that such a thought never even occurred to me. But perhaps, then, it had never occurred to her, either. Perhaps her friendship with Rainbow Dash went farther than admiration and gratitude.         It all added up to Pinkie Pie's conclusion. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.         When I awoke, it was from Spike walking in the front door of the Ponyville library. He seemed dismayed to say the least.         "What's wrong?" I asked.         "Nothing...I just want to be alone..."         I frowned. I'd never seen Spike like this before. In fact, the only thing that could put him in this kind of mood was...
And None of them Lived Happily Ever After (Unfair Shipping Act I)
<p>One fateful day, there began a romantic catastrophe for all of Equestria. Everypony was suddenly compelled to enter relationships with another pony, regardless of gender! Guided by an unseen hand, ponies began to date each other for reasons they couldn&#39;t explain. Many theorized that in another world, they were being watched and controlled by gods who wished to see their favorites among them become unified in marriage. But the true reasons were a mystery to all, except perhaps for one intuitive pony left without a partner&#8230;</p>
"Rarity," he said to me bitterly.         My suspicions were confirmed. The only thing that could leave Spike in this kind of mood was some kind of harsh realization like this.         "Rarity is taken. She's already going out with somepony," he continued.         "Well...I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like you've completely missed your chance. Maybe it won't work out between them..."         I hated myself for saying that. After the fiasco with Prince Blueblood, I rather hoped that Rarity would find somepony more tolerable. She deserved somepony better, nicer, more chivalrous. And as much as I hated to say it, she deserved better than Spike.         At the moment, though, Spike was the issue, and I had to keep his spirits up.         "Who's the stallion, anyway?" I proceed to ask.         "No, you don't get it...not stallion...mare."         The words took a minute to sink in. Something...was definitely wrong. There was no doubt in my mind now, there was something in the water that was doing this. One such instance instance was already extremely unlikely. Two individual such instances meant there was some unseen factor, something which was twisting the likelihood and making the near impossible a reality.         Indeed, there was no longer any denying: something was was completely amiss.
And None of them Lived Happily Ever After (Unfair Shipping Act I)
<p>One fateful day, there began a romantic catastrophe for all of Equestria. Everypony was suddenly compelled to enter relationships with another pony, regardless of gender! Guided by an unseen hand, ponies began to date each other for reasons they couldn&#39;t explain. Many theorized that in another world, they were being watched and controlled by gods who wished to see their favorites among them become unified in marriage. But the true reasons were a mystery to all, except perhaps for one intuitive pony left without a partner&#8230;</p>
I waited about a week before I decided I needed to take serious action.         By the end of that week, things had passed unlikely and were already on their way to absurd. "FlutterDash Incident" no longer referred to a single event. They now numbered up to "FlutterDash Incident #6". It wasn't until the 3rd time that they realized I knew. Even then, I decided not to push the matter. Involving myself with a single case could compromise my viewpoint of the entire issue.         What worried me more was that I might soon find myself acting the same way. Would I have to leave town until it was cleared up, to avoid clouding my thoughts with my involvement?         My questions were answered uncannily on the 8th day after FlutterDash Incident #1. Pinkie Pie ran up to me appearing to be under severe duress. Until now, I had never known what it looked like when Pinkie was exerting serious self-control.         " were right..."         "What?"         "There's something wrong! Completely wrong! I believe you now, I believe that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy might not have willingly kissed, but that something else caused them to!"         "How can you be sure?"         "Because..." she faltered, and her expression was pained, "BECAUSE RIGHT NOW IT'S AFFECTING ME, TOO!"         I was shocked, but yet, not surprised. Unfortunately, my reaction came a moment too soon.         "Ever since you told me there might be an first I passed it off, but the idea has been swimming around in my mind and it's taken hold of all my thoughts and feelings, and now...oh, this is all wrong, Twilight, I've developed feelings for you!"         I stepped back a pace. Now THAT surprised me.         "Twilight, what I'm about to say to you is actually me speaking, not the feelings speaking for me...I need you to help me. I need you there so you can stop me if I try something I might regret. These feelings...they're not mine. They're stronger than my own. I love parties and pastries and candy and all the simple things in the world that bring ponies joy. But these feelings...they love you. I don't know if that makes any sense. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm still the same Pinkie Pie as ever, but that something else is trying to dominate my thoughts and make me have these feelings. And Twilight, I know that if there's a solution, you'll be able to find it, because you're the smartest pony in all of Ponyville, maybe even in all of Equestria! So I have faith in you, I know you'll find the root of the problem!"         "...Thanks, Pinkie. But I can't help you control yourself. I need to leave Ponyville in order to find the answer-"         "Then I'll come with!" Pinkie Pie stared me in the eye, seeming to plead for me to hear her out, "I'll join you and help find the root of the problem!"         I thought it over for a moment, then smiled.         "Alright! I leave tomorrow at dawn. Bring any supplies you may need, we may be gone for several weeks."         In my past experience, I had only ever heard Pinkie Pie cheer due to excitement. But at that moment, Pinkie breathed a sigh of relief; then and there I realized that her fear was genuine.         I needed to help her. I needed to help all of Ponyville.
And None of them Lived Happily Ever After (Unfair Shipping Act I)
<p>One fateful day, there began a romantic catastrophe for all of Equestria. Everypony was suddenly compelled to enter relationships with another pony, regardless of gender! Guided by an unseen hand, ponies began to date each other for reasons they couldn&#39;t explain. Many theorized that in another world, they were being watched and controlled by gods who wished to see their favorites among them become unified in marriage. But the true reasons were a mystery to all, except perhaps for one intuitive pony left without a partner&#8230;</p>
"So you're leaving."         "You can come, too!"         "...really? Awesome."         And that was the only complaint I would hear from Spike on the matter.         Bright and early, I was up and ready to go. Pinkie Pie was waiting for me outside the library. What surprised me was that she wasn't bouncing or jumping, or even smiling. No, in fact, she was reading a book.         This was a side of Pinkie I'd never seen before. Was this what Pinkie was like when she had a genuine concern and a motivation towards a serious objective? Was this how Pinkie dealt with bigger problems, the ones that couldn't be fixed with laughter and parties?         I kind of liked this side of Pinkie better.         At that moment I began to worry that my thoughts were becoming a tad too fond. Pinkie Pie was counting on me, and if I lost my self control, who would help her with her own?         The three of us stopped at the edge of Ponyville.         "So where are we headed?"         "We're starting with Zecora's place. It's close, and Zecora may have important information on this phenomenon. It wouldn't be the first time she's had crucial details that could help us."         "Zecora? Leave me out of it. I'll wait outside Everfree," Spike seemed upset, and dead-set on not going anywhere near Zecora's place.         "Why? What's wrong with-?"         "I don't want to talk about it. Just go on without me, I'll meet up with you afterward..."         Dawn was starting to grace the horizon. Our journey had begun. To Be Continued in Act II: "Star-Crossed Ponies"!
Braeburn,Derpy Hooves,Princess Celestia,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
Solis Furta
<p>A series of fics spun about a deep conspiracy.</p><p>Forget all you know about Equestria. The Goddess sits upon a throne of lies and her subjects are compelled to accept her by forces they neither see nor understand. But the Truth exists, and it has been found.</p><p>With the cracks beginning to show and the secrets of the kingdom revealed, several brave souls will be called to break free of the oppressor and restore the balance that was destroyed so long ago.</p>
I don’t know who you are. You probably will never know who I am, that’s how they work. If you are reading this, then I have failed to check in with my contact at the designated time which means one of three things: 1) The enemy has discovered me and I have been forced into hiding 2) I have been captured by the enemy 3) I have been executed by the enemy Even as you read this, special teams of unicorns are likely being dispatched across Equestria to wipe any knowledge of my existence from the records and memories of the ponies. But who I am is not important. The important thing now is that you are reading this. In your hooves lays the truth. We serve a false god. Since we were yearlings, the details of our pantheon have been drilled into our heads, the older sister that raised the sun and the younger sister that controlled the moon. Everypony knows the tale of Nightmare Moon and her rebellion and imprisonment all those years ago, but through my studies I came to an inevitable conclusion. These stories are lies. I worked as a scholar within the high court of Canterlot and it was there that I stumbled across a strange list of titles and copyright dates that I had never seen before. Indeed, according to the other records no such works existed. The curiosity of it astounded me and I began to dig deeper. Eventually, I brought the list to the head scholar who was able to identify it as a list of books that had been banned over the last millennia, although he too claimed to have no idea that such books existed. He advised me that it was probably best to pursue the matter no further. The list had piqued my curiosity, however, and my peers always considered me stubborn in my research. The list was diverse, containing texts of science, magic, history, even a few biographies and works of poetry. Under the pretense of studying abroad, I left Canterlot determined to discover if any copies had escaped the censors. This proved much harder than I expected. No matter where I searched, no other libraries had records of the books on the list. After finishing inquiring within the respectable Fillydelphia Academy, I began to suspect that records and possibly even memories were being tampered with (a suspicion latter confirmed within one of the texts on the list). It wasn’t until I came to the small town of Paddocksburgh that I discovered what I was after. When I arrived, an expedition team was headed into the old fort that was built there back in the frontier days shortly after the “fall” of Nightmare Moon. I volunteered to join them in hopes of discovering some older texts and was overjoyed when I discovered two of the titles on my list within its library. The first text was a book detailing the celestial bodies and how they functioned, the other a book of magic detailing different spells concerning the ability to hide and restore knowledge. The book on magic was interesting, but I didn’t understand why it would be on the list. Then I read the astronomy text. At first I regarded it as blasphemy. The world revolves around the sun? Preposterous! Weren’t we taught that Celestia is the one that causes the sun to rise and set? And yet here was this book, explaining in detail the movements of the stars and showing the math that backed it up. The facts were indisputable. Celestia lied to us. In light of this, I looked at the book on magic in a new light. One of the basic principles of the book was that knowledge once known could never be truly lost, only hidden. As such you can not erase every record of an event or fact, only obscure it and hide it away. In accordance with this, the book contained four basic spells in two pairs. One pair was for the hiding and revealing of written works, the other pair for the repressing and unlocking of memories. I quickly rented a room at the inn and sequestered myself away, preparing to summon several of the lost texts. I will do my best to sum up what I have learned. Celestia never controlled the sun, nopony ever has. She is not the older sister of Luna either, rather they are twins. According to pre-imprisonment texts I discovered with the Revealing spell, Luna was indeed set to govern the moon and serve as a guardian over the world at night. Celestia, rather than controlling the sun as we were lead to believe, was appointed to govern the Constellations, powerful creatures imprisoned in the night sky. The text was not clear on who appointed them, but it is clear that they were appointed by a higher power and it was the same higher power that imprisoned the Constellations. A memoir penned by a general who served during the Imprisonment War revealed another shocking truth: Luna did not instigate the conflict. Current doctrine proclaims Luna grew jealous of her sister Celestia, but the texts I have discovered reveal that it was quite the opposite. Celestia had grown lonely and weary of guarding the stars and had asked Luna to trade positions with her. Luna refused the offer for reasons unknown and Celestia grew angry. According to the book, Celestia promised the Constellations freedom to roam the world if they assisted in overthrowing her sister. This appears to be the true origin of the war. Celestia’s goal was not to protect the world from a jealous sister, but to imprison the one meant to protect. The reversal of positions between the story we have been fed for the last thousand years and the truth is notable as it is pointed out in the aforementioned book of knowledge that the closer the fabricated memories line up with the factual memories the more effective and convincing the substitution is. From then on the two accounts begin lining up. Celestia was victorious and imprisoned her sister within the moon. It is probably safe to assume that the Constellations were loosed upon the world and that they or their decedents still inhabit it (most notably, the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor). The most troubling things about these revelations are the implications. Considering the fact that the book detailing the magic of concealing knowledge and memories was upon the list of banned books alongside the other volumes detailing the truth of these events, this may be beyond a simple cover up. At this point I am merely speculating, but isn’t it possible that if this magic was used to cover up the true events of the Imprisonment War, then the same magic could have been applied to cover up other things? What happened to the Everfree tribes of ponies during the expansion of equestrian? Why is it that the weather operates autonomously outside our borders or rather why must we alter the weather ourselves? How is it that in the last thousand years, if Celestia is truly without the power she claims, we have suffered no war, famine or natural disaster? I have included with this letter detailed instructions regarding the spell to unlock repressed memories and knowledge as well as the list of banned texts. Use them if you wish. At the time of this writing, I seek to gain audience with Luna to ask her of these events. It may be that she herself has been affected by the spell, in which case I will do my best to restore her memories. It is very likely the Princess is being watched and I may not return. In any event, the fact that you are reading this means I have been found out. You are one of fifty to receive this letter, seek out the others. Knowledge once known cannot be erased. If you are reading this, you know the truth. If you are reading this, you are the resistance. Good luck and godspeed.
Braeburn,Derpy Hooves,Princess Celestia,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
Solis Furta
<p>A series of fics spun about a deep conspiracy.</p><p>Forget all you know about Equestria. The Goddess sits upon a throne of lies and her subjects are compelled to accept her by forces they neither see nor understand. But the Truth exists, and it has been found.</p><p>With the cracks beginning to show and the secrets of the kingdom revealed, several brave souls will be called to break free of the oppressor and restore the balance that was destroyed so long ago.</p>
They came for her in the night and, for a while, Bright Eyes had wondered if she had done the right thing. Now she was sure of it, and there was nothing they could do to convince her otherwise. It was kind of funny, in a way. After all her adventures traveling with the Doctor, after all the times they had saved the day and all the life threatening moments they had been through… this is where it ends; in a damp, forgotten dungeon somewhere in Canterlot. She didn’t know the unicorn that had come to her so many weeks ago, but what he had revealed to her was irrefutable. The world she had been raised to believe in was a carefully fabricated lie, a conspiracy designed to empower a dictator under the cover of utopia. On the day that the mysterious unicorn failed to contact her, she committed herself to the truth. Following his instructions, she delivered the fifty letters to the list of ponies he had told her to memorize. The grey pegasus had known it was only a matter of time before they found her, but her part had already been done. The letter was right, ideas and knowledge never die. Bright Eyes had lost track of the days she had spent in her cell, but the night she was taken was still fresh in her mind. It was just after sunset when the guards burst into her home. Her pet snake that she sometimes took out on mail runs had leapt to defend her, but was quickly crushed under a sturdy hoof. She didn’t resist. The guards were much larger than she and she knew fighting back would only mean more pain. They bound and blindfolded her, taking her to this miserable pit. Bright Eyes was only able to get a vague location from her attuned sense of direction, speed and travel time she had obtained over her career as a mail pony. That was when the interrogations began. It started with simple questions, like who she was and where she grew up. After that they got rough. Even now, lying in the cold, dark cell, her body still ached everywhere from the kicks and the bashings. Bright Eyes smiled at the memory, not because she relished the pain but because of the determination she had found. After all, she was no stranger to being beaten. Her father, the pony responsible for her wall-eyed gaze, had taught her how to endure. Day after day, beating after beating she laughed at her captors. They did nothing to her that hadn’t already been done before. She used to keep track of the time by the beatings, which came in roughly twelve hour intervals. Some days they would just kick her. Other days had them bringing out the whip, or the rod. On very special occasions they would attach strange wires to her that caused her entire body to go stiff with a jolt. However it was all pain, and pain she could deal with. But lately they had stopped the beatings. The mail pony had been laying in the dark for what seemed like an eternity this time. Stop thinking about that, she told herself. They’re just trying to psyche you out. She didn’t dare admit to herself that it was working. With a rusty creak, the far door swung open and blinding light rushed into the cell. Blinking, Bright Eyes stared into the light and readied herself for the inevitable beatings to come. However, when her eyes adjusted it was not the guards that stood in the doorway but Celestia herself. “So you’re the pegasus I’ve been hearing so much about,” Celestia mused softly. “I must say I’m not impressed. Just what exactly did that unicorn see in you?” Bright Eyes sat up and glared defiantly at the monarch. She wasn’t about to back down now. “I see.” Celestia laughed. “That glare would be much more effective if you used both your eyes. Regardless, you have some knowledge that I am interested in. If you provide the list of ponies that you sent the letters to for me then we can both forget any of this ever happened, you more literally than me. Your wounds will be healed and you can resume your life like nothing had ever happened. Continue to refuse however and there will be… consequences.” Bright Eyes scoffed. “You have no power over me.” “Oh really?” A bright light flashed from Celestia’s horn and Bright Eyes gasped as a sharp pain cut across her shoulders. Two grey and bloodied wings flopped lifelessly to the ground. Bright Eyes stared at them in shock. She was dimly aware of a wet sensation trickling down her shoulders. “Flight, magic and strength are the gifts I bring to the ponies of Equestria.” Celestia smirked. “To deny me is to deny these gifts.” Bright Eyes fought through the pain, looking at the suddenly cruel dictator before her through tear filled eyes. “I will not submit to you.” Oh goddess it hurts. Celestia sighed. “Very well. I have tried to be civil with you; many would even call me generous. Unfortunately, the fact that you have been somewhat less then cooperative has forced my hand.” Her horn began to glow. “If you will not give me the information then I will simply have to take it.” Bright Eyes fell to the ground; eyes rolling into her head as she felt magic fingers pry open her mind. It was if a flood gate had been opened, memories and events pouring into her head and overloading her senses. Her family, her first encounter with the Doctor in her garden before Winter Wrap Up, the day she took her pet snake Trousers in, it all came rushing back. Memories she cherished. Memories she wished had stayed forgotten. The body of the grey pegasus spasmed on the ground, blood starting to drip slowly from her nose. Bit by bit, the flow of memories was trimmed down. Each decisive cut sent a spike of pain through Bright Eyes’ head as Celestia continued to excise the unwanted memories and push them to the side. The mail pony let out a whimper as the memories of the strange unicorn were singled out and… Celestia grunted, stumbling back a bit. “That cheeky son of a gelding, he knew this would happen.” The grey pegasus lay gasping on the ground, mind still recovering from the stress it had endured. Her eyes still rolled in terror and her body still gave the occasional shudder as though trying to shake itself free of the suffering it had endured. As the bits and pieces of her mind fell back into place, Bright Eyes slowly realized something was missing. Try as she might, she could not figure out what had been forgotten. She wanted to hide. Blood flicked from the clean cut stubs as she tried to curl up inside wings that were no longer there. Celestia was muttering curses to herself. “He must have known we’d try and extract the information from you. Some kind of counter spell… something we’ve never seen before. It’s a pity that the unicorn chose to work against us in the end; his talents really were quite remarkable.” She regarded the gasping pony with a glare. “It would seem you no longer have the information we seek. Your friend had at least that much foresight, however I have never been known as one to waste valuable resources. I think we need to make an example out of you for the sake of your companions.” Bright eyes peered at the monarch with her broken eyes. “You would make me a martyr?” “I would make you a warning,” Celestia whispered. --- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Record of Relocation Subject: Bright Eyes Former Location: Ponyville Relocated To: Fillydelphia Mental Hospital Overseer: Sturdy Step Summary: Subject Bright Eyes underwent memory realignment procedures to conceal the heretical thoughts and memories she exhibited. Following the procedure, the subject was subjected to a mental scrambling, rendering her speech indecipherable and her remaining memories confused. Following protocol, the subject was admitted to the secure wing of the Fillydelphia Mental Hospital under the pseudonym Bubbly Shines with instructions to observe her closely for memory resurgance. The attending physicians were informed that the severed wings were the result of a self inflicted injury and placed on high alert for further self-destructive activities. Should any sign of memory resurgence present itself, the subject’s incoherent dialogue should provide us with enough time to perform additional realignment as necessary. A follow-up report will be filed in six months to determine the success of the relocation. According to official records, Bright “Derpy Hooves” Eyes died following a tragic flying accident. Other Notes: A special order was given during the memory realignment and mental scrambling to leave the memory of the sensation of flight completely intact, presumably as a reminder of what the subject had lost as punishment. During a scan of the subjects memories prior to realignment, certain events concerning a mysterious entity known as “Doctor” were presented. An extended investigation of this matter is now under way. Signed: Relocation Overseer Sturdy Step
Applejack,Rainbow Dash,Comedy,Random,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Applejack is a Silly Pony
<p>WARNING: This story contains incredibly generic Appledash. Because it's the best ship. Deal with it.</p>
Applejack had just finished ‘buckin sum apples’ when she noticed her rainbow-maned friend approaching. She tilt her hat and greeted. “Hey, Dash! How are ya?” Upon hearing the earth pony’s wonderful country accent, the pegasus put on a smile. “Hi AJ! You wanna do something? I finished my weatherwork long ago, and I’m tired of napping.” “Uhh... how can ya get tired of napping? It’s not really tiring. It’s actually a cure for tireness” “Well excuse me so very much, I meant bored. So, are you up for a race?” “How could I turn down a challenge from my arch nemesis?” After battling each other out in all kinds of imaginable competitions, they both collapsed on a hill, just as the day began to come to an end. At first they just laid there, side by side, watching as the sky changed colours - from a light blue pretty close to Dash’s coat, to an intense orange not unlike Applejack’s. The pegasus broke the long silence. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” “Yeah...” Small talking was the only thing they could manage to do, being so exhausted, and as such the conversation went on. Good friends as they were, they talked about everything and nothing, fully trusting the other to understand and keep it a secret. And so, the topics got more and more personal...“Say, Dash... you ever really been in love with someone? Like, more than just a li’l crush?” The winged mare just shook her head. “Pfft, no way! I’m just so busy training for the Wonderbolts... I don’t have time for anyone. And colts are just so... stupid, and selfish. I could never even stand having one as a friend, so I don’t think I could ever want to live the rest of my life with one!” She chuckled a bit. AJ looked at her, indifferently. “What about... fillies?” A look of surprise entered Rainbow’s face. “Uhh, what?” “You know, it doesn’t have to be a mare and a stallion...” Dash tilted her head, giving her friend a funny look. “Two mares together? Haha, that’s just silly!” the light blue pegasus tried to put on a smile as she did her best to hide the nervousness in her laugh. “I wouldn’t say that, it’s not much different from ‘normal’ relationships, and pretty common. Haven’t you noticed Lyra and Bon-Bon?” Applejack said in a serious tone. “Wait, what? Are those two... I always thought they were just very good friends, but it does make sense now that I think about it...” An awkward silence fell upon them, and seemed to last forever. Until the blonde-maned pony broke it. “Well, I should be going. I’m really tired, and I have another long day in front of me.” “Already? The sun hasn’t even fully set yet. Don’t be silly, AJ!” Rainbow teased. Applejack put on a stern look on her face. “Well, I guess I am just a silly pony, so you’ll have to excuuuse me.” She frowned, grunted and trotted away. Who’s a silly pony? You’re a silly pony! Who is? You is! Applejack... Rainbow Dash just stood there, looking confusingly as the orange earth pony walked away. It was not until her friend disappeared into the horizon that she let out a “Oooh!” as the last pieces of the puzzle fell to place. Even though she felt tired, she couldn’t relax the slightest when closing her eyes. she had too many thoughts and emotions that needed to be sorted out. While this usually is better taken care of by ones unconsciousness while sleeping, it was so overwhelming that she just couldn’t get it out of her head.“Applejack...” Dash sighed. She couldn’t stop thinking about her. How she always was so brave, strong and hardworking... she was really a good friend. But she was starting to see her ‘friend’ in a completely new way. While she had admired all those aspects before, she had not really admired them like she did now. Or perhaps she had only not dared to admit it to herself. When AJ had mentioned... it, Rainbow began to feel nervous. Memories from her days back at Junior Speedsters had decided to revisit her mind. She was pretty much the same back then; stubborn, proud, tough... but also friendly and loyal. That didn’t help her to get many friends though, as she almost always was busy flying. And she certainly had no time for stupid colts! She did get ‘funny’ thoughts about some of her few filly friends though, but she just shook them off as if they were nothing. Rainbow Dash pondered for a while. “I guess I’m pretty silly too...” the pegasus said, finally confessing for herself. At the Apple Farm, a certain orange pony could not sleep, either. She lied about having a lot to do tomorrow, in fact she had the day off - but wanted to go to bed anyway since she didn’t have much else to do, and needed to be alone for a while, be able to think.Applejack had hoped her friend would share her feelings, or at least... be the same way, so she’d have a chance. But judging by Dash’s reaction, that was not the case at all. “I shouldn’t have assumed that just because of how coltish she is...” AJ pondered for a moment. She wondered what her friend thought of her, now that she knew her secret. Maybe she didn’t even want to be friends anymore? The earth pony let out a frustrated grunt as the idea hit her. She finally decided to, tomorrow, ask for RD’s forgiveness, and beg that she would forget that whole conversation. She wouldn’t let some silly feelings destroy her best friendship! Applejack woke up to someone knocking on the door. She was slightly shocked when she went up, looked out the window and noticed it was light as day. She always rose with the sun- but now it was set relatively high in the sky. She figured it must have been because she was awake so late thinking, when she heard the knocking again. Slightly rushing to the door, she opened it to find her cyan-blue, rainbow-maned friend.“Hi...” Dash managed to say before becoming a bit embarrassed and looked away. “About yesterday, I-” AJ interrupted her here. “No, ah... I’m sorry. I just assumed that with all your rainbows and toughness... I have been looking for an opportunity to tell you for quiet a while now, but I was apparently too naive. I should just have kept it to myself, you probably think I’m a creep now...” “What? No, you’re the same Applejack I’ve always known!” Rainbow Dash put on a warm and convincing smile, looking into her friends deep, green eyes. “So... we can just hang out, as usual? I’m actually off today, I just lied so I could get away from the awkward situation.” She looked away, feeling a bit of shame for betraying her element of harmony. “Actually, it doesn’t necessarily have to be as usual... you see, I’ve done a bit of thinking. About... our conversation. I’ve always really liked you, AJ. Much more than any of the others. But it was not until last night that I discovered... no, accepted that I liked you in a very special way. At least, that’s what I think... I’m not sure, there are just so many thoughts and emotions going through me, still.” They looked at each other in silence for a moment, until Rainbow spoke again. “Do you maybe... wanna, like, go out? On dinner, a walk, or something?” A blush could be seen on her cheeks.. The orange mare was taken by surprise, but quickly regained her posture. “Ya, that sounds great, sugarcube!” she said as her face was stretched by a big smile. The pegasus let out a sigh of relief. “I mean, it couldn’t hurt to try... I want to give this... us... a chance.” Her friend responded by leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her muzzle. Rainbow Dash blushed even harder. “Applejack, you silly pony...”
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Human,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
One Week At A Time
<p>Your's truly has been teleported to Equestria through a rather silly chain of events. Stuck until the Princesses and Twilight can send me back, I'm forced to live in Ponyville for weeks on end. Every week I'm given a new job to earn my small living quarters. Silliness ensues.</p><p>This is a semi-parody Human in Equestria story written strictly for laughs and goofiness. Please treat it as such.</p>
Princess Luna was in her study. She had been in there for days on end, only coming out to eat and raise the moon (and even then she sometimes just did if from that room). Her elder sister, Princess Celestia was beginning to worry about the blue pony goddess. She approached the heavy wooden door and knocked lightly. tap... tap... tap... No response. She tried again, slightly louder this time. knock... knock... knock... She could swear she heard papers rustling that time. One last time. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "EEP!" came a small cry from inside the study, fallowed closely by a very large crashing noise and what Celestia swears was a cat screeching. Celestia spoke from behind the closed door, " Luna? Luna are you alright?" "Oooooooooow..." came a small groan from behind the door fallowed by more sounds of papers shuffling, a chair being stood back up, broken glass being pushed aside and... was that a chicken? The door slowly pulled back a crack and Luna's head popped out. "Oh, hi sis." A nervous smile on her face, "Good evening." Celestia gently tried to push the door open farther, curious of what was going on in that room, "It's morning Luna." She said in a deadpan tone, "You missed moon rise last night." Luna's eyes widened, partiality because of missing the moon raising, but mostly because her sister was trying to push her way into her study, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I just got...uh... caught up? THAT'S IT! I got caught up in my studying!" She pressed her body against the door more forcefully. Celestia backed off of the door, "I understand it's hard to catch up after you've been gone for so long..." She looked at her sister with genuine concern, "but I haven't seen you at dinner for days now. Are you eating properly in there?" Luna let out a small sigh as she let the pressure off of the door, "Of course I'm eating properly," she said with a small smile, happy that her secret was safe for the time being, "Conjuring up a plate of food now and again is no problem." Then she saw it, a small glint in Celestia's eye fallowed shortly by a tiny, barely noticeable smile. A smile only the two of them could ever know of, you learn these things being sisters. Quickly, Luna went to slam the door shut but she was too late, Celestia has already charged the door, knocking it wide open and Luna a few feet back. Her eyes widened when she got a full loot at what was going on. "What int the name of...?" "I-I-I-I can explain!" Luna shouted * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It was a balmy 89 degrees in Suburban Town USA as a young man walked down the street, toward his home. The man was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt and his favorite tan button up shirt on top and was carrying the messenger bag that seemed to be perpetually attached to his shoulder. He had music playing on his earphones and was rather enjoying the overall nice (if not somewhat humid) day. He rounded into the driveway of his home and proceeded toward the back door. As soon as he unlocked said door, he was greeted by loud howls and whines coming from the basement, signs that the two dongs were happy he had come home. After taking his shoes off in the kitchen, he noticed that the dishes needed to be attended to... soon. As the young man proceeded to his room to stow away his bag, he took note that the house seemed empty sans for him and the dogs, his parents seemed to have left. After setting the bag down, he took a moment to preform his daily ritual of looking around his room, telling himself to clean it, and promptly forgetting the event ever happened as he sat down at his computer, eager to check on the latest Brony news. "Hmmmm... Derpyhooves, Equestria Daily... Oo new drawfriend, hmmmmm..." He muttered to himself while cheacking all of the new fanworks he could find. He idly pressed the play button built into his keyboard, playing the most recent playlist on his computer, EurobeatBrony's Super Pony Beat. "Ponychan... Oh /oat/, you so crazy... Huh... well, thats about it for now." The man spun around in his chair and faced the wall opposite his computer. The glanced over the handful of posters and the wall, depicting a cosmic bounty hunter in an orange suit of high-tech armor, a three and a half foot tall blue hedgehog and a plumber with a stereotypical Italian accent to name a few. All of these things were reminders of a different time in his life, a different fandom he had gotten caught up in. Reminded him of good times and good friends he had mad along the way. There was an empty space on the wall. "Heh heh heh," The man chuckled to himself, "one day... one day..." He walked out of his room to start on the dishes. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Luna!?!" Celestia cried, transfixed on the phenomena in the room. "What is going on here?" In the far corner, partially hidden behind a bookcase, was what could only be described as a sideways tornado that had the narrow part chopped off. Every so often, something, or somepony, would be spit out of it, dazed, but intact. Luna tried to explain herself, "I-I-I was experimenting with a new form of teleportation spell, one that would allow for a much longer jump than the twenty to thirty feet the current one allows for normal unicorns." She looked over at the vortex and sighed, "Then this happened. I don't know what it is exactly, but I've been studying it." The vortex spit out a rather confused looking black dog, a leash still attached to it's collar. Luna looked at Celestia and gave an akward smile, "A-a-and I've been sending things back to their rightful places of course." She walked over to the dog and read it's ID tag, and promptly sent it to the address printed there. Celestia was dumbfounded, she could only think of one question, "Luna, how do we get rid of it?" "That's the problem..." Luna said sadly, "I don't know how to." Celestia shot her a glare. "YET! Don't know how to yet." She gave another nervous smile. "What I have figured out is that it seems like the spell is incomplete." She motioned to the vortex, "This point is fixed here and does not move, but the other end seems to be jumping all around Equestria-" "-and sucking up random things..." Celestia interrupted, she turned and looked her sister in the eyes, "Luna, I've never seen any magic like this before... Where did you come up with it?" Luna suddenly became very interested in the floor around her hooves, "Well, I didn't spend a thousand years on the moon with out coming up with an escape plan... but I never finished my work. Later on I thought the spell might be helpful around Equestria, so I began to work on it again." Celestia sighed and once again began to examine the vortex, "So, if we are able to finish the spell and lock down the other end, will you be able to stop it?" Luna walked closer to the swirling mass, "The spell was designed to last for ten seconds once cast. Theoretically, if we were able to lock down the other end, if would eventually just stop on it's own." "Well?" Celestia looked at Luna expectantly. "Well what?" Luna looked frustrated, "I was about to make another attempt right before you barged in here." "Just make sure you lock it somewhere far, far away so we don't have anymore uninvided guests." "Don't worry sis," Luna turned back to the vortex again, her horn began to glow, "I'll send it to a place so far away, nopony will ever breath the air from the same planet." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Finally done." The young man returned to his room after finishing the formidable stack of dishes. He sat down once again in front of his computer, happily clicking away at what ever struck his fancy: Youtube videos, browsing deviantArt, checking the weather for the next day, back to ponychan... wait... There was a new thread on the front page of /oat/. "Your are transported to Equestria by a wayward teleportation spell! What's your reaction? The man scoffed at the silly thread, he had never taken these kinds of things seriously. He let his curiosity get the better of himself though as he began to read the replies. I'd fall over dead on the spot! I'd race over to Fluttershy's place to see all the critters! I'd bang Twilight STFY troll! You spelled stfu wrong Yep, it was typical /oat/. The young man laughed quietly to himself, then he began to wounder, "How would I react? I might not ever see my family or friends again..." While contemplating this thought, he failed to notice a stiff breeze ah kicked up in his room. That is, until it blew all of the paper off of his desk. "What the-" He was cut off by a loud BANG! The man whirled around to see a swirling vortex had formed right behind him. "Lun-.......t workin....?" " so.........ust a!" "Were those... voices?" the man had little time to continue this line of thought as he was being sucked into the vortex. He wraped his arms around his drawing desk. "Jus.....ore secon.....! NO......y notes! A few pieces of yellowed paper fluttered past the man's face right before the suction knocked the desk over, falling on his arm. The pain forced him to let go and be sucked into the vortex, just as it closed up. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "It's closing!" Cried Princess Luna, she could feel the magic slowly ebbing away... but she also felt something differ-WHAM! Something flew out of the portal and slammed into the Blue alicorn, sending her and the object tumbling into a bookcase near the door. Celestia rushed over to check on her sister, "Luna! Are you alright?" She used her magic to pick up the large object off of her sister, haphazardly tossing it against a nearby wall. "I-I'm fine." Luna got to her feet, she was a bit unsteady, "The vortex?" "It's gone, but we picked up another strange object before it closed." "Tell me about it..." Luna said, shaking her head a bit, "It weighs a ton." "Uuuuuuugggghhhhhnnnnn..." A moan escaped the lump of an object. Luna was startled, "Is that... thing alive?" She cocked her head to one side and the object began to rise up off the ground. "Ow my head..." The young man got to his feet, hand pressed against his forehead. He went to take a look around, but found he couldn't pry his eyes away from the two brightly colored, winged, horned ponies in front of him. "It can talk?" Celestia thought aloud. The man's head tilted to one side, his brain unable to process what was in front of him. He took a step closer. Celestia quickly stepped in front of her sister in a protective stance, her horn glowing, "Stay back Luna!" It clicked, That name was the last piece of the puzzle. The man was in Equestria. Suddenly, the room grew cold and dark. The man felt a sense of vertigo and fell to the floor.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Human,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
One Week At A Time
<p>Your's truly has been teleported to Equestria through a rather silly chain of events. Stuck until the Princesses and Twilight can send me back, I'm forced to live in Ponyville for weeks on end. Every week I'm given a new job to earn my small living quarters. Silliness ensues.</p><p>This is a semi-parody Human in Equestria story written strictly for laughs and goofiness. Please treat it as such.</p>
“Unnnhhhgggghhhhhh...” I moaned loudly as I started to come to. “Oh, he's awake!” A voice said from what sounded like a couple dozen feet away. I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry. I tried to sit up, but something held me down. Rapidly blinking to clear up my vision, I tried to figure out where I was. I seemed to be in a large, white room filled with beds set up side by side just a few feet from each other. The smell of antiseptic surrounded me. A hospital. Standing over me was... a pony? My head started to feel light again. “Sir? SIR!” The white unicorn mare shouted at me, “Sir, I need you to stay calm! Nurse!” A blue colored unicorn mare trotted over with a small bowl of water. She proceeded to splash a small amount on my face with her magic. The shock brought me out of my stupor. “Wah- huh?!” I incoherently said. “Sir, please try to remain calm.” Said the white pony, she was using her magic to hold me down. I blinked over and over again, expecting to wake up from a dream. It didn't happen. “You- y-y-y-y—you're real!?” I stopped trying to sit up, but I was shaking uncontrollably. “I am very real sir, please take a deep breath and try to calm yourself.” She looked at me with serious, blue eyes. I took one deep breath, then another, soon, my shaking slowed and finally stopped. The reality had set in. I looked at the ceiling, “This is really happening...” I muttered. The nurse sighed and her horn stopped glowing. I felt the pressure release from my chest. I noticed she had bright blond hair. “Nurse!” She yelled for the blue unicorn again, she quickly trotted over yet again. “Yes Dr. Pureheart?” “Let the princess know our guest has woken.” “At once doctor.” The blue mare quickly ran off from the gymnasium sized room. The doctor turned back to me. “Sir... could you tell me your name?” “My name.. I'm K-” Suddenly, a thousand thoughts ran through my head. One in particular stuck out. “If I'm here, am I in the show?” Nobody that really knew me would recognize me in the show... but word might spread... Nobody must know. That left me with a dilemma... What WAS my name? “I... errr...” I stammered, reaching out for anything I could grasp. “Name... name... screen name...?” That was it, my screen name. It would work fine for the time being. “My name is 1pony4all.” I said with a smile... then I realized exactly how stupid that sounded being spoken aloud. Luckily, the doctor didn't have time to question my impromptu name, as the nurse had returned with none other than Princess Celestia herself and two guards in tow. The doctor gave a small bow, “Ah, princess!” she said as she brought her head back up, “Out guest has woken, he seems far more calm now than you described when you brought him in.” “Good, good. Is it alright to talk with him?” The princess asked. She was almost twice the doctor's size. “I-it should be fine.” “Good, that is all for now doctor.” The princess smiled and the doctor and nurse walked off leaving me facing a bright white monarch and two of her guards. My stomach tensed up. “Can you tell me your name?” She asked politely. I sat up on the edge of the bed. “My name is 1-” The though of saying that name was just too wired... but it had to be done. “...1pony4all.” The princess eyed me, she seemed to almost be reading my mind... wait... “Okay then... 1pony. Interesting name.” She giggled slightly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the two guards exchange glances and shrug. The Princess continued, “I must admit, I've never seen a being like you before. You're not a pony obviously... what do you call you're self?” I nervously looked around the room, “What am I doing here? This is crazy.” My mind was still working on overdrive, but I manged to answer the question, “I'm called a human.” Then I broke into one of my infamous babbling fits, “Scientifically Homo Sapien which is Latin for wise man or knowing man. A mammalian species of the primate family-” I stopped myself just shy of going on about the origins of the species when I noticed the dumbfounded look on the princess's face. “Errr... human. Just human.” The princess blinked, then regained her composer, “I see... I do not believe your kind exist anywhere here in Equestria.” She looked down slightly and sighed, “I'm sorry... 1pony... but it seems you might be in for a long wait while we try to figure out how to get you home.” I lowered myself back onto the pillow on my bed, “How did this happen?” I muttered to myself. “Actually, about that...” Celestia looked a bit sheepish, it betrayed her usual regal presence. She looked at the guards behind her, “One of you, go and fetch Princess Luna.” The guard on the left saluted with his hoof, “Yes your highness.” He galloped off. Celestia turned her attention back to me, “You see, I actually know why you are here-” I shot up once again, “Wait what!?” I cut her off. “...partially, anyway.” The princess finished. I realized how rude I had probably just sounded. “You see, this is all just a big accident.” I thought back to my last, non-pastel colored memory, “I remember something, a tornado or something... in my room...” I thought out loud, “It knocked over my desk and sucked me in... then...” I though hard. The princess blushed and lowered her head, “A-a-anything else?” She stammered. I racked my brain for any more details, “The vortex must have thrown me into the wall... I don't remember anything else.” The princess let out a relived sigh, “Yeah... the vortex...” The door opened again, the guard had returned, fallowed by Princess Luna, her star filled mane flowing gently behind her. I noticed my jaw was agape yet again, I thought if I would ever get used to seeing them fore real. “I can't believe this... they're both real.” I muttered. Luna arched an eyebrow, “WHAT DOES THOU MEAN, REAL!?” Her magicly amplified voice reverberated around (and probably right through) the walls. I was nearly knocked out of my bed. “Luna!” Celestia snapped, “We've discussed this.” “Oh... r-right.” Luna blushed slightly, “My apologies, old habit.” “A thousand years old...” I muttered yet again/ Celestia looked at me in shock, “H-how do you know that!?” I kicked myself under my blanket to remind myself to keep my mouth shut, “I-I... Uhhhhh... I...” I stammered dumbly. “How crazy would it sound? Your lives are all a story for children! You're not even real! Yeah, real smooth...thinkthinkthink...” My mind raced, trying desperately to find a non-moon banishing explanation for my inexplicable knowledge. “Uhhhh... it's uhh... and expression? Yes! It's an expression where I'm from, the older they habit, the harder to kick... right?” I smiled awkwardly. Luna seemed satisfied by the explanation as she simple nodded and sat down next to her sister. Celestia however seem to have reservations, but she continued, “As I was saying, this was an accident. My sister, Luna, was experimenting with a new kind of spell, a long distance teleportation spell.” Luna spoke up, “Yes, I originally designed it to improve upon the limitations of out current teleportation spell that limits us to...” She started to rattle off a lot of facts and figures about things I didn't understand. Once again, my mind began to wander off about where I was, would I ever get home? Would I ever see my family or friends again? The thought finally hit me, I might never go home again. The sudden downturn of my expression must have caught Celestia's eye and she quickly held her hoof up to stop Luna's stream of consciousness. “The point is, this is our fault, and we are very sorry. I assure you, we will do everything in our power to return you to your home.” She sounded truly apologetic. Her voice inspired confidence in me. “Thank you.” Was all I could muster. At that moment, a green wisp of smoke flew in through one of the high up windows, down to Celestia where it transformed into a scroll. Celestia quickly picked up the scroll with her magic, “My apologies 1pony, I need to take care of this. I'll be back in a moment.” She took the scroll and left me there with her smaller, darker colored sister. Princess Luna stared at me with cold eyes, she was far more intimidating than her sister. “That makes sense,” I thought to myself, “she was Nightmare Moon...” Then it struck me, I was a few feet away from one of the coolest villains I could remember from the past few years of television. An inspiration to my writing and my more dramatic flair for story telling. I looked at her, not realizing the stupid grin on my face. Luna blinked, taken aback from my sudden change of demeanor, “Right... so, tell me, what are the peoples like where you are from.” It was an awkward attempt at conversation to say the least. “My people?” I paused to conciser what I should say, I had just been made ambassador to the entire human race to ponykind. My shoulders suddenly felt very heavy. “Well, we are a very culturally diverse people, rich in heritage. We always strive to better ourselves...” I trailed off, realizing I sounded like every science fiction character that was making first contact with an alien race. The deep blue princess shook her head, “That's just political mumbo jumbo,” I tried my best to stifle a snort of laughter at the phrase “mumbo jumbo”, I half succeeded, “I meant, what are the people you know like? Your friends?” I stopped cold, I had grown up a recluse having only a few very close friends my whole life out side of my immanent family, I often though that might be why I liked the show so much. “Well... I've never been really all that good around people.” I shrugged, “People tend to think of me as abrasive.” To my surprise, Luna smiled slightly, “I think I know how you feel, When I returned to the kingdom after my... absence, I was amazed by how much the people had changed, yet I was still the same. Stuck in old habits and mannerisms. I was lucky enough to make some friends that understood me and why I was the way I was. They helped me to adapt and better myself. Surely you have friends like that?” “I... well I do...” The though brought a small twinge of guilt to the base of my neck. I though of the last time I had spoken to my best friend, about the argument we had. I wished I could go back and make it right. I noticed Celestia had returned. Celestia smiled softly, “You remind me of somepony I know.” She walked back over to her sister, “In fact, that letter was from her. I was wondering, since we really don't have any room here at the castle, and due to the local's... shall I say... particular taste in company,” The princess seemed concerned about what she was about to say, “and since it's probably going to take a while before we can send you home,” I admired her ability to cut straight to the point... no matter how much it hurt, “if I could offer you a place to stay in a not too far off village. I assure you the people there are friendly to strangers, and you will be supervised by my personal student.” I instantly knew who she meant... Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia was shipping me off to Ponyville. “H-how long am I going to be here?” Celestia sighed, “We can't be sure, we have out top mages studying the remnants of the spell that brought you her, plus myself and Luna will spend out free moments assisting them. I promises you, we will send you back as soon as we can.” There I was, a human in Equestria, just like all the fan fictions I had groaned at. I should have been happy, I was living a dream. To live in a world with out war or crime. A world where everybody was treated fairly, where neighbors all smiled at one another and everybody was friends with each other. It was happening, and all I could think about was my family and how much I missed them. “I guess I don't have a choice.” I admited. Celestia nodded and rose to her hooves, “Excellent, I shall inform the mayor at once to acquire a place for you to stay.” I gave her a small smile. “Thank you Princess.” As Celestia left the room, Luna stood up and looked at me one more time, “Her student's name is Twilight Sparkle. She can be a bit odd, but she has a genuinely good heart. She's one of the ponies that helped me. Perhaps you to could learn from her and her friends.” She walked out the door behind her sister. I thanked her as she walked out before sitting up fully on my bed. “To think... here I am, in Equestria, living the dream. It's going to be a long, long time.” I though to myself. I decided to stretch my legs and walked around the large room. I had only ever seen a hospital room like this once before, when my local hospital was out of room and they set up a makeshift recovery room at a local high school gym. There were four rows of beds, one down each wall, and two down the middle set up head to head. There were no privacy screens aside from two corners at the back end of the room where I assumed were the showers for patients. I guess when everybody knows each other, privacy isn't in as high of demand...” The entire room was empty, there were no patients in any of the beds and the nurse had not returned since being asked to leave. I wandered down to the far end of the room, there was a mirror on the wall. For the first time I got a look at my self in this new world. My entire body had been stylized, most of the features on my face were removed, facial hair, the card from when I was first learning to ride my bike as a child, all of it was a flat, outlined, cream colored circle. My eyes were overly large and bright teal, my hair was nothing more than a collection of light brown spikes on top of my head. My body was also interesting. I no longer had my tan colored button up, instead I had a black T-shirt and a red trench coat with green cargo pants. “Great... now I even look like a poorly designed OC...” I moved my fingers into the shape of a gun and pointed at the mirror, “Stop right there, crime doesn’t pay when officer Donut Steel is on the job!” I realized how stupid I sounded and looked. I walked away from the mirror glad that nobody was in the room to see me. I returned to my bed and noticed that something was under it. I bent down to discover, “My bag!” I exclaimed loudly to nobody in particular. My black messenger bag was underneath the bed, it still had all of it's contents in it, my note book, my binder, all of my drawing pencils and paper, even some job applications I had forgotten to take out the other day. It was all there I happily swung the bag over my shoulder and smiled, the bag always felt like a part of me, I never left my house with out it and it filled me with happiness that it somehow made it to Equestria with me. Dr Pureheart returned to the room, “Mr. 1pony?” I turned to face her, “The princess told me to give you this.” She levitated an envelope to me. I quickly opened it, inside were two tickets and a note: “There is Royal business I have to attend to. These tickets are for the train to the Village I told you about, Ponyville. I have ranged for a carriage to take you there, it's waiting gust outside the castle. My Student, Twilight will be waiting for you at the train station. I'll send word to you as soon as I can to make sure you are settled. -Princess Celestia” I folded the letter back up and placed it inside of my bag. “I'll have the guard escort you to the carriage.” The doctor said as she waved one of the pegasus guards into the room. I thanked the kind doctor and fallowed the guard through the grand corridors of the castle and to the carriage. The bright pink carriage shaped like a heart. I sighed as I opened the door and stepped in, “I'm never going to get used to this...” I thought as the carriage began to roll down the street to the train station. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Author's Note: Due to the amount of time that has passed between this chapter and the last, heavy revisions to the story have been made to fit more nicely into the canon that exists around the show. This story no longer takes place in the same universe as my other stories and is much closer to the show's universe. Also, my new found, cartoonish features are based off of the first, original character I ever created back in middle school.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Human,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
One Week At A Time
<p>Your's truly has been teleported to Equestria through a rather silly chain of events. Stuck until the Princesses and Twilight can send me back, I'm forced to live in Ponyville for weeks on end. Every week I'm given a new job to earn my small living quarters. Silliness ensues.</p><p>This is a semi-parody Human in Equestria story written strictly for laughs and goofiness. Please treat it as such.</p>
Chugga chugga... chugga chugga... The train was quite nice on the inside, wood panel floors, the seats were really soft and there was more leg room than I knew what to do with. The walls were painted a charming lime green and had ornate patterns near the ceiling. I had a window seat and watched the rapidly moving horizon rush pass the train. I sat alone in the empty car, both to my discontent and thankfulness. A lot of ponies stared at me at the station back in Canterlot , guess there really wasn't anything like a human in this world after all. Even the conductor had to pick his jaw off the floor to take my ticket. Just another thing I was going to have to get used to. My thoughts drifted as the train rolled along, seemed my mind had finally processed the events of the day. One particular thought stood out in my head... clothes. I only had the one pair that came with me, I hate dirty clothes. “I supposed I could ask Rarity...” I felt a pang in my stomach, that thought just didn't feel right. More important thoughts drifted though my hazy consciousness, how would I explain how I knew them? Could I continue to hide it? Did I even manage to hide it? Should I hide it? My head started to ache. I decided to rummage though my bag to see what else had made the dimensional trip with me. All the same things I had seen before, the Princess' letter, my ticket stub for the train ride all resided in the main pocket, but as I started to check the side pockets, I also found my MP3 player, my key ring and a pack of gum. Surely I was ready to take on Discord himself single handed. I flipped on the MP3 player to help pass the time. A few hours passed and the train finally pulled into Ponyville Station. I thanked the conductor as I stepped off the train and took a look around. It was a simple, open air platform connected to a dull pink building that looked more like a house than a train station. A large window was directly in front of me, the teller, a yellow colt with a messy, light brown mane, stared slack jawed at me. To my right was a simple door leading into the building. I approached the teller. “Excuse me...” “It can talk...” he mumbled, barely audible... barely. I cleared my thought noisily, “Excuse me, I'm supposed to meet Twilight Sparkle here.” I said firmly, annoyed at his rude comment. The colt shook his head quickly, “O-oh yes, shes waiting just inside,” he smiled weakly, “Go on in through that door.” He motioned toward the door. I went in without another word. “Some people...” I thought to myself. The interior was... more pink. There were a few benches set up along the far wall near the entrance. There was a desk on my left, the same yellow pony sat behind it, still staring. The place was empty. “I thought you said she was waiting here?” “Uhhh... I...” The pony stammered. To my right, I heard the unmistakeable sound of a toilet flushing fallowed by what sounded like some hasty splashing of water in a sink. “Ah ha.” I mumbled and stepped away from the door of the woman’s... filly’s restroom just in time for a purple unicorn mare to come trotting out. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw me. “Oh good, you're here. Right on schedule!” she said in a cheery tone. She trotted over to me and extended her hoof. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.” For the first time, I fully took into account the size of the ponies around me. Though I had no idea how tall I was after my... transformation, I was about a head taller than every pony other than the princesses and the guards at the castle. Twilight had to arch her foreleg up and what looked like a very awkward angle to make it near my hand. I grasped her hoof in my hand, “Pleased to meet you. I'm...” I sighed slightly, “...1pony.” Nope, still wasn’t used to it. Twilight's face became slightly more serious, bur remained fairly happy, “The princess explained the situation to me. I'd love to make small talk, but we need to hurry to the Mayor's office, she's putting a hold on a very important meeting for us right now.” “We better get going then.” I said as I turned to walk out the entrance. I felt a force around my left hand gently pull me back, I turned to see it enveloped in a vibrant purple light. Twilight was holding me back, “No time to walk, just hold still...” Her horn began glowing more brightly. My mind began to race, “Ho boy, is this the teleportation spell? I always wondered what it would be-” Suddenly, I wasn't in the train station anymore. “-like.” I finished my thought. I was in a beige colored room standing next to a purple double door. Twilight took a step towards the door, “Here we are.” “That was... what was that?” I said stupidly. Twilight looked slightly annoyed, “I'll explain later, come on.” She used her magic on my hand again to pull me forward as she opened the door. On the other side was a deep purple room in the shape of a big dome. There was one large window directly opposite the door with a beautifully craved wooden desk in front of it. Behind the desk sat The Mayor, a beige colored pony with a light gray mane and a small pair of glasses. She looked very serious I might add. She was looking at some papers on her desk, a quill clasped tight between her teeth. She looked up when she heard the door shut. “Ah, Twilight, you're a bit early.” She said after setting the quill down in an ink pot. “Please, sit down.” She motioned to a couple of benches in front of her desk. Twilight moved forward, still leading me around by the wrist. She sat on the bench on the left of the desk, I sat on the right. The Mayor just looked at use intently. She did not seem happy... Twilight broke the rather awkward silence, “Miss Mayor, I assume you got my letter?” The Mayor shuffled a few papers on her desk with her hoofs, “Yes, I did. It 's not every day I receive requests from the Princess herself.” She pulled out a sheet of parchment. “Then I assume everything is settled?” Twilight asked. The Mayor looked at me, “You seem to be the quiet type.” Her tone of voice was pure apathy. Uncomfortable doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. “I-I Don't talk much...” I felt myself shrink into my seat. This mare was imposing. The Mayor looked back at her desk and pulled another paper from the pile, “There is one complication with the Princess' request I'm afraid.” Twilight looked slightly shocked, “Complication? Like what?” “The Princess requested for this...” The Mayor looked back at me again, “My apologies but, you're clearly not a pony... what is the polite way to refer to you?” I gulped, “Uhhh... 'person' will work I guess...” “Right,” The Mayor went back to the paper, “She requested this person be given lodging for the time being. The problem is that Ponyville is in the middle of a real estate boom. There is only one available home for him to stay.” “I was under the impression that he would be staying with me at the library?” Twilight interjected. The Mayor sighed, “Twilight, the library is not a home. In all honestly, you shouldn't be living there. It was on the orders of the princess herself that we renovated the attic into a living space for you to stay. I can't allow another pony... I mean person to stay there. It would be against fire code.” “Well what about Applejack?” Twilight offered, “Sweet Apple Acres is a big place, he could stay there just fine.” The Mayor arched an eyebrow, “In the barn?” Twilight shrunk back. “The problem isn't that I can't let him stay there, he's more than welcome,” “'He' is sitting right here...” I thought bitterly. “...the problem is that the house is for rent, and I can't just usurp the property.” The Mayor handed the sheet of paper to Twilight, “If he is to stay there, he'll need to pay the rent, or at the very least make an effort to do so.” Twilight looked over the sheet of paper, “ I guess that's reasonable...” She said, a defeated tone in her voice. She levitated the paper to me, “What do you think 1pony?” The paper was a simple contract: “I, ______________ hereby agree under prenatally of law that I will pay at least 50% of the monthly rent of this residence. I acknowledge that if I do not meet the full 100% of the price, but still meet the 50% minimum, the remainder will be paid for by the city as requested by Princess Celestia of Equestria. I also acknowledge that if I fail to meet the 50% minimum for the month that I will be given seven days to meet the minimum price, or to vacate the premises. X______________________________” I stared blankly at the paper, reading the words, but not comprehending them. “I... uhhh...” “The conditions are simple, pay at least half of the rent every month and you can continue to live at the house.” The Mayor said, resting her head on her hooves propped up on the table. The light from the window made her glasses shine brightly. The gears in my head finally clicked into place, “Oh, yes. This seems more than fair...” The Mayor's complete lack of emotion was throwing me for a loop. Twilight perked up, “But how is he going to get the bits for the rent?” The mayor pulled another piece of parchment from her desk, “I've made arrangements for that to. I've been discussing it with a few local employers.” She handed the paper to me this time, “We have come to the agreement that you will be allowed to work for them for at least one week each, with a full paycheck at minimum wadge each week.” “A few?” I thought, awestruck with the list that was easily fifty entries long, ranging from Weather Patrol duty to baking at Sugar Cube Corner. The Mayor continued, “The schedule is that you will work five days each week, Monday through Friday. This schedule may change depending on the job however and your hours will be dependent on your employer's discretion. The pay is also different for each job, some jobs will pay more for minimum wadge than others. It will be up to you to budget for your needs.” “I see...” I said in the short break in The Mayor's explanation. “Today is Sunday, so you will begin your first job tomorrow. You will be working for the city, specifically in the Library with Twilight. After that, I'll leave the choice to you where to go for each passing week. Also, some employers may request for you to stay on for longer, the choice will be yours of course.” For the second time in one day, I felt I had lost a battle I didn't know I was fighting. I glanced at Twilight, looking for reassurance. She just frowned at me. I sighed, “I don't really have a choice then, do I?” “Then you agree to the terms?” The Mayor said with a raised eyebrow. I looked her in the eyes, “I do ma'am.” “Excellent, just sign on the line here.” She tapped the contract with her hoof. I quickly scrawled my chosen name on the dotted line. “Well then, a pleasure meeting you Mr. 1pony, if you'll excuse me, I have a very important meeting now. Twilight can show you around the town.” I nodded and Twilight and I left the building. Once outside, we walked in silence for a bit, I took note of various ponies staring at me. It was about midday, the sun was high in the cloudless sky. A few Pegasi flew over head. I made a mental note to be ready to jump out of the way should a full sized pony drop out of the sky above me. Twilight finally broke the silence. “Well that could have gone better...” she said, dejected. “You can say that again.” I replied, equally dejected. “But, it's not so bad.” She pulled the paper the mayor handed us out of her saddle bag, “Look here, it's two floor, one bedroom, one bath. It has a full sized living room and an extra room for storage!” Her attitude sure did change quickly, she was almost bouncing while reading off the facts, “Oh, and it's not that far from Sugar Cube Corner!” “Was that a fat joke? Wait... Sugar Cube corn- OOF!” I was jerked from my thoughts as I tripped over something and fell flat on my face. Twilight knelt down, “Are you alright 1pony?” “Ouchies...” “Wait... that wasn't me...” I thought. Suddenly, I was lifted into the air by... pink? “Oh my gosh, Pinkie!” Twilight gasped, “Are you alright?” The puffy-haired pink pony below me giggled, “I'm fine, just got a monkey on my back.” she snorted and wiggled her hind quarters. “A what now?” Twilight asked, tilting her head to the side. “Oh nothing.” Pinkie gave a small buck and I fell off her back with a resounding thud. “Ugh, anybody get the number of that station wagon?” I grumbled as I got to me feet. Pinkie giggled as she pressed her face up to mine, “That's silly. Wagons can't be stations. Do you have any idea how many ponies it would take to drag around an entire station? It would take like a thousand guards. Unless they were enchanted by the princess herself, then I guess they could do it with about ten or so.” She paused for a blessed, brief moment, “Oh! I've never seen you around. Whats your name? I'm Pinkie Pie. Ohohoh, you're new, that means I need to throw a party for you. Do you like vanilla or chocolate cake? Who am I kidding, how could anypony not like cake. What about pie? I like Rasselberry myself. You strike me as more of a rhubarb, or maybe a strawberry, OHOHOH I know, Apple! I'll introduce you to Applejack, she makes the best apple pies!” The amaranth pony continued to bouncer around me while a flood of words I ceased to understand flowed from her mouth. Me and Twilight exchanged looks of amazement. “Pinkie.” Twilight said polity. No response. “Pinkie!” a bit more forcibly this time. Not even a blink. “PINKIE!” She shouted at the energetic pony. Pinkie stopped, “Yes, Twilight?” she said, unphased. Twilight let out a small sigh, “Pinkie, this is 1pony. He's going to be in town for a while.” She motioned for me to step forward, “1pony, this is Pinkie Pie, one of my closest friends. I'm sure you'll get to know each other quite well.” Pinkie extended her hoof to me, I grasped it. She proceeded to shake up and down so hard I almost lost my footing. “It was nice meeting you, but I have to go, so much party to plan, so little time!” She skipped off. “She's...” I looked for the right word. “Energetic?” Twilight offered. “Yeah, let's go with that.” We continued walking. “Twilight?” “Yes, what is it?” “Where are we going?” “To the library.” She said with a hint of satisfaction in her voice, “I was originally planing on you staying there with me, so I have a few things for you.” “Oh, you don't have to-” She cut me off, “Ah-ah, it's the least I can do for somepony in your position.” I didn't push the subject. As much as I hated to admit it, I did need something to get me started here. I had nothing but the clothes on my back and what was in my bag. As we continued down the road, we made small talk, Twilight was very intellectual, even more so than the show let on. She kept trying to explain her theory on what brought me here and talking about how excited she was to help the princesses to find a way for me home. I began to wonder if she realized I was a living thing, not just an object of an experiment. Soon, we approached the library. It was gigantic, the TV screen dose not do it justice. Easily 60 feet tall and about 20 feet wide, it was the size of... well, a library. The bark was a deep brown with a purple tinge and the entire area around it felt charged, almost like electricity, but it didn't feel dangerous. It felt comforting, safe, inviting. I assumed it was from the sheer amount of magic that took place within. Twilight opened the door, “Here we are! Make yourself at home for n-” A brash voice cut her off, “There you are Twilight!” Twilight snapped her head around to see a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail sitting at a desk near the back of the main room of the library. “I've been waiting here for hours!” Another, slightly annoyed voice spoke up from behind a book shelf, “It's been fifteen minuets Rainbow.” A small, purple and green dragon squeezed his way out from behind the self of tomes, feather duster in hand. “Well it sure felt like hours, Spike.” Snapped the Pegasus. “Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?” asked Twilight, seemingly annoyed at the intrusion of her home. In a blue colored blur, Rainbow was next to Twilight, “The new Daring-Do book was supposed to come out today, do you have it?” Twilight shook her head, “Rainbow, this is a library, not a book store. I don't get new books on release day. I usually have to wait a few weeks until one gets donated or I can buy one cheaper. And no, I haven't had the time to go out and buy my own copy yet.” “Rats...” Rainbow hung her head. “I wonder if any shops in Cloudsdale will have it?” She looked up, right at me. “Uh, Twilight... what's that?” Twilight sighed, “This is 1pony,” she gestured to me, “He's new in town. The princess asked me to help him get acquainted.” Rainbow Dash moved closer to me, “It doesn’t look like anything thing I've ever seen before...” She squinted her eyes ans she leaned in closer. I was fed up by this point, “That's because HE isn't from around here.” I quipped, thoroughly annoyed. Rainbow dashed back, “Woha! It can talk!” Twilight, perhaps sensing my ever rising frustration levels, intervened, “I'll keep an eye out for that book Rainbow, but right now I think it's best you leave.” “But I want to touch it! It looks so... squishy!” “Goodbye Rainbow Dash...” Twilight said, shoving the Pegasus out the door, shutting and locking it. “I'm sorry about that, Rainbow can be a bit... grating at times.” I sighed and attempted to relax. Suddenly, I was aware of a presence by my leg. “Hello, I'm Spike!” Sad the diminutive reptile as me feet as he extended a claw upward. I smiled and grabbed and shook his claw, “Nice to meet you Spike.” Spike nodded and walked off to the next book self that needed dusting. Twilight called out to me, “Now, if you'll fallow me upstairs, we'll get your things.” I fallowed Twilight up the stairs and into her study. More book shelves lined the walls of the two leveled room. There was another staircase leading to the second level and a door to the balcony to the left of the staircase and a desk situated under a window to the right. The room smelled of lavender incense. “It's all just up here.” She started up the small staircase. This was essentially Twilight's bed room. It was about fifteen square feet with a good 5 foot drop at the edge of the floor. No guard rails. There was a large window on the outward facing wall behind... two beds? “I made this bed up after the princess informed me you were on your way. You can have the blanket and sheets for your house if you would like.” She began folding the yellow blanket into a neat square. “Y-you were going to have me sleep here?” I asked, flabbergasted. Twilight floated the blanket over to me, “Well yeah, I couldn't set the guest bed up anywhere else in the library, it takes up too much room.” In spite of myself, my heart rate doubled, I felt my face flush with warm blood. “Why is this getting to me? It's a separate bed. She's a cartoon... she doesn’t even realize... what has this fandom done to me?!” My mind was racing. Twilight finished folding the sheets and looked up. She must have noticed my minor panic attack, “Er, are you alright?” Her words were sincere. “I-I-I'm fine.” I stammered out. “What is wrong with me. Why do I care? I'm not even... She's a friend. Friend. Friend...” I repeated the word over and over in my head. Twilight looked unconvinced, “Rrright... here, lets just get this stuff to your place.” “She-bedroom-pony-girl's-bedroom-friend-she-place-why...” I somehow managed to get down the stairs. Once in the library, I calmed down, though I was still visibly shaken. “Dude, you don't look so good...” Spike said as he walked out of the kitchen. He had traded his feather duster for an apron and was carrying a tray with three plates and three glasses of what looked like lemonade. “” My words were so wooden, I though they might make holes in the floor. I never was bad with girls... but this just felt wired. “She's not a girl, she is a friend. A friend...” Again I repeated the words in my head. Spike shrugged and set the try on a near by table, “I made some lunch for us.” He puled a chair up for himself. “Oh Spike, it smells delicious!” Twilight beamed, a small rumble came from her midsection. She giggled nervously, “Guess your place can wait for now. How about we eat?” I stumbled to the startlingly short table to see a plate of pancakes with butter and a small cup of syrup. It smelled like heaven. “T-thanks.” I sat on the floor and the table still felt a bit too short for me. I picked up my fork and dug in, dipping my first piece of pancake into the syrup. Twilight wiped her mouth with her napkin, “Spike, you make the best pancakes.” She smiled The purple dragon grinned, “Well, you learn these things when you grow up around some of the best Chefs in Canterlot.” I eagerly eat my first bite, and almost instantly retched at the taste of earth and the texture of fiber. I polity choked down the bite. “Yeah, top notch...” I quickly dumped the rest of my syrup over the offending disks, hoping beyond hope it would make them at least edible. “I love grass pancakes...”
Sunshine Smiles
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>Scootaloo gets some bad news in her early womanhood that changes her life. Filled with grief and sorrow of her past she strives to find content with herself.</p>
Scootaloo awoke, the fresh morning lifting her out of her bed in Ponyville. She sighed softly, a very tiny wind in a high place. Insignificant. That word plagued her. It came up in myriad ways. Lesser, nobody, the worst was worthless. That label stuck to her like burdock in her fetlocks, driving her to buck it off. In late middle school she’d taken up the art of practical drafting and became interested in architecture. Without her old plan in life, making new ones for others felt good. Plans and drawings and half-done schemes papered the walls. Pictures of houses, street lamps, toys and steampunk clocks sat drafted on the white-on-blue-paper in the sunlight. They’d started as a hobby when she was a yearling, but the hobby turned into an asset, an asset into a career as a vital part of city planning for the Mayor of Manehatten. … But a desk and a drafting table weren’t high winds and adventure, and not nearly the life a Pegasus would hope for. Her heart sank low in her chest. Her eyes watered softly. There was no mistaking how she couldn’t be like her idol - not the right sinews, improper muscle growth, stunted avian bone structure. So many “harmless” words doctors like to use to say “you’re broken.” But the why? She didn’t know why. She would never fly as great as Rainbow Dash. Or fly. She peered out her window on her top floor, down onto the streets of Ponyville. She looked down to her flank, a Cutie Mark, one with a rocket and lightning bolt. Pasted over her orange skin, a symbol of her “failure” in what she thought was her destiny. That was always a lingering thought, that she couldn’t fulfil her own “destiny.” She knew the how - you’re broken, said in a different way by a doctor. She knew the when - just after her 13th birthday, just going to see how you’re developing, sweetheart. After quite a few tests, the answer was she wasn’t and never will. The ‘why’ is what got her. Why her? Why not somepony else? After the diagnosis she couldn’t even ride her own scooter. It was deemed too “dangerous” to ride “given her condition.” She couldn’t scoot. With the placement of two short words - impidus pegasanus - her hopes, the freedom she felt on her rides around town, her style, gone. Walking - walking! - around Ponyville, with her pegasus parents after visiting the doctor’s, it felt like she’d lost everything. At least she had Apple Bloom ... Memory gave way to the present, but the question still remained, “Why can’t I fly like her?” Scootaloo sighed dejectedly to the empty room. It was like looking for her “special purpose” and mark all over again. Feeling rather silly, she realized she expected an answer. It felt worse when she placed who she expected it from. She hadn’t heard the piping “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS” cheer in ages. Things had grown distant from her two dear friends when she got her Cutie Mark last. Even now she frowned looking at the mark on her side. All these years and she still hadn’t puzzled out what it meant. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell both had bright clear images of their talent, their special place in the world. Casting an eye about the room, she didn’t see much of a “special place.” Gears and clockwork pieces and technical manuals cluttered every surface. It wasn’t a wonderful life-affirming place, it was a jeweler’s shop going-out-of-business sale brought to her room. They were not even proper building models or something for work, just tick-tock tinkering. As a filly Scootaloo wanted to be like Dash so badly. She had high hopes when her mark appeared - “it has to do something with flying, I mean, rockets go up in the sky, right?” - but still no luck with achieving such a feat. “Who am I kidding? I’ll never be like her.” She rested her chin on her hooves, her chair swiveling away from the window slowly. The pony-shaped shadow carved out a chunk of the light streaming in the window. Just getting in the way. A tear ran down her cheek. A full grown mare, crying in the sunlight. Pathetic. “I’ll never be as good as you ...” She admitted to the hallway as she entered it. Making her way downstairs as she stretched out a bit. Scootaloo hovered weakly to exercise her wings in the morning sun, not being able to do much better than that. Most days she didn’t even bother any more. She slowly cantered over to a field, sitting down in the lush waving grass. The wind blew her mane aside and the tears dripped off of the young Mare’s face. She used to be the most “go get ’em” filly in Ponyville. But that was years ago. She looked up to the clouds and saw a rainbow streak the skies. It was her, this made Scootaloo feel worse. She had come to somewhat of a realization in that moment. “What am I supposed to do?” she asked herself. She rested on her side, feeling like having a lazy day in the park. She looked up to see all the other ponies playing in the distance. By now the tears stopped. Though her cheeks were wet, almost raw, from this low moment. She slowly sat up, slumped over. She got back to her hooves soon after, stretching out slightly in doing so. Her stomach growled mildly, having not eaten breakfast. She felt the pangs grow just a small bit. She hung her head, walking over to Sugarcube Corner to grab something to eat. Upon walking in she was greeted by a small blue filly, with a dark blue mane and tail, curly. ‘Just like Pinkie...’ She thought to herself. “Hey Scootaloo!” The small filly called out. She had a cheery smile on her face. “Hey, Blueberry,” Scootaloo replied with a flat tone. “Can I get a table please?” Blueberry gave her a strange look. “Are you okay?” She asked, a little worried, she had never seen her like this before. “I’m just a little hungry.” Scootaloo reassured the young girl. “Oh, okay! And guess what?” She said showing her flank to to the elder. “I got my cutie mark today!” It was a small slice of pie, Blueberry. “Isn’t it AWESOME!?” she called out. She sighed a bit, nodding very slightly. “That’s great,” She said as she sat down at a table, resting her head on her hooves. “You can make me whatever you make best!” She smiled and winked at the filly. “That a deal?” Blueberry’s eyes lit up. “My first order!” She had exclaimed bouncing around. and straight into the kitchen. A good 10 minutes later she returned with a small one pony sized pie. “What is it?” Scootaloo asked her, already knowing what it was. An attempt to add some humor to her day. “Balooooo-berry pie.” She said, stretching out her words, punctuated with a giggle. “I figured,” Scootaloo said with a smile taking a small bite of the treat. A sweet flavor embraced her mouth. It was the best pie she had ever tasted, and she couldn’t wait to finish it. “This is amazing!” She said softly to the young filly, “You’ll be getting a tip. That’s for sure.” “Thank you Scoots,” Blueberry said walking away to let her eat in peace. ‘Outdone by a filly...’ Scootaloo thought, saddened even more by the event. She soon finished the pie. “I’m done” She called out, waiting for Blueberry to return. “Yes!” The girl called out in cheer. “How was it? WAS IT GOOOD? How much should I charge?” She went on a little bit too long, she realised. “Well, It was the best pie I had ever tasted.” She patted Blueberry on the head. “Hmm, how much do you think you should charge?” Scootaloo looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “It’s normally ten bits for a small fruit pie...” She said looking down. “That sounds fine.” She pulled out some money. “Here you go.” She handed her twenty bits. “Ten for the pie, and ten because it was such good service.” She smiled sincerely at the young baker. “Thank you thank you thankyouthankyouthankyou!” She repeated walking back into the kitchen. Scoot, now no longer hungry, walked back out into Ponyville. The clock-tower bell went off, signaling that it was noon. Soon the streets became busy with all the merchants and traders. The sound of clopping on the cobble streets filled the air. It felt good; Ponyville was quaint and just-right. Just the right size, and such a classic feel. It was enough to make a newcomer feel nostalgia. The smells, too, filled the air. The pies, the assortment of hay and flowers. It was almost enough to make her hungry again. She walked towards Fluttershy’s house, moving northward to a small beach in the direction. The peninsula went a good two miles out into the ocean. The salty breez danced about her. She loved the feeling of the warm sand beneath her hooves. Scootaloo planted herself, warm in the firm light sand. Her eyes wandered over the theater of shells, receding in and out with the tide. The small white sand-crabs and bleach-pink hermits, crawling and burrowing on the beach. She laid there for what must have been a few hours, absorbing the many sights and sounds. It was now 5 o’clock. She realised she had wasted a good day lazing about, but knew it was worth it. Once more her stomach growled again, she figured she should head back soon. She hovered over to her house a few minutes after. Walking in, looked at her fishbowl, resting her chin on the table, looking at her four-year-old guppy. It was something the mare took pride in, she had kept it alive so long ... It was time to clean the bowl. She moved the gray fish over to a large jug, emptying out the water, and scrubbing the bowl. “Crystal cl-” Scootaloo slipped in a small puddle of water, the bowl landing on her head. Her cheeks turned red, even though she was alone ... Scoots took a quick glance at a mirror. As if she had a fire in her chest, inspiration exploded in her heart. She finished filling and replanting the bowl, putting the guppy back in its place, feeding it a few sprinkles of flakes. She made her way to the library down the street. She opened the door, slightly saddened by it... It had been so lonely and down in maintenance since Twilight left a few years ago. She bit her bottom lip making her way to the S section. The musty place had once been so, lively. It was, different, in some way, Scootaloo couldn’t put her hoof on the feeling. An empty library (empty of Twilight, anyway) was void and bare. It was the worst feeling that had ever come over her. She paused by a small library table in the far “S” section, between Science and Solemnity. On it used to lay a note from Twilight. “Be back in a few days, going to Canterlot to pick up supplies.” Scootaloo’s eyes watered up as she remembered this, remembering the fun days they had as a filly, then never seeing twilight again. Scootaloo got lost in her subconscious memories with the CMC that flooded up seeing the broken down library. ‘Ten long years...’ The thought ran through her mind, and it exploded in her. “It’s been ten years since I’ve seen her...” She looked down, drops of her reminiscent tears hit the floor uncontrollably. One particular memory crossed Scootaloo’s mind, the night Sweetie got her cutie mark. She remembered having one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders sleepovers in the Library. They were studying different ways to get them. Sweetie-Belle belted out in her glorious tone. She said a few simple words and it had just appeared. “I love to sing,” She remembered. She also remembered the following weeks when she broke off from the group, not really needing to be a part anymore. Although they continued to talk, It was never the same. She shook her head taking her mind off the paper she just saw. Scootaloo looked along the bookshelves, scanning them, pulling out a few books, then on to the M section, getting another book. She walked towards the door, turning around, taking one last look before leaving. She walked down the street and saw Apple Bloom painting a mural for a new restaurant in Ponyville. Scootaloo waved at her and Apple Bloom waved back with cheery eyes saying, “Hey Scootaloo.” Scoots replied with a simple hello and continued on her way into her house. She got caught in yet another memory. Her eyes, once again, began to water as she remembered the last day she really spent with her good friend Apple Bloom. The two were at Sugarcube Corner hanging out with Pinkie-Pie. They were asking details on how she felt when she got her cutie mark. Pinkie explained it was just an urge she had. Apple Bloom took that to heart and took icing and created a very beautiful icing screen, a picture of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in the tree house with Sweetie. It had been a good year since they had even talked to Sweetie-Bell. Sad... She had nostalgia looking at the cake. Apple Bloom’s cutie-mark appeared respectively. It was a paintbrush and a palette in the shape of an apple. The two stayed in contact, but after that Apple Bloom was ALWAYS too busy to spend much time with Scootaloo. She constantly painted for the ponies of Ponyville. Whether it be a mural or just a fresh coat, she always had something to do. She hung her head, realising that she had been so separated from her friends, walking into the house. She felt a deep sadness now, but the inspiration held off depression. Scootaloo stopped, jaw dropped, her eyes once again watered up.... Scoots began to cry as she took her saddlebags off and rushed to her fishbowl... The once lively fish was unmoving on the surface of the water. The one thing she had been proud of and loved in her life was now gone... She had to do something... Scoots swiped the bowl off of the table in a depression-fueled rage, tears running down her silent face. The bowl landed in a shatter, the water spilling onto her wooden floor, she stormed into her workshop. She pulled out a piece of paper. She began to draw a figure, with measurements on it. There was a knock at the door a few hours in, and Scoot’s head popped up. “Huh?” She called out, seeing it was night time already. She walked to the door, “Who is it?” She asked as she opened it. A paint covered pony stood on the porch in the darkness.
Sunshine Smiles
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>Scootaloo gets some bad news in her early womanhood that changes her life. Filled with grief and sorrow of her past she strives to find content with herself.</p>
“It’s me...” Apple Bloom said, with a sad look on her face. She was a little messy and had a tear on her cheek, “Seeing you today...” she looked up again. “I miss you, we never really see each other anymore.” She softly bit her bottom lip. “We-well,” Scootaloo’s voice trailed of in a moment of weakness, “c-come in..” Scootaloo said, stepping out of the way. “I was just drafting up some blueprints.” She put on a half smile, hoping that she wouldn’t fall apart in front of Apple Bloom. “Nothing too big.” “What happened here..?” Bloom asked, looking at the large mess on the floor. “Zap died...” Scootaloo said with a long drawn-out sigh, looking at the large amount of glass and water on the floor. She felt bad for doing it, but she couldn’t help it. Nothing had gone her way. Nothing ever went her way. It’d been that way all of her life; she felt broken in that sense. “That old fish you won at that carnival, years ago?” Apple Bloom said in shock. “It was still alive? How long has it been?” She had a wild look on her face, still not able to believe that a simple carnival fish could be alive after that long. “Four years...” Scoots said, her eyes a little glassy. “I need to pick up the mess... I just didn’t have a good day.” She began to sweep up the glass, shoveling the fish onto a piece of paper unceremoniously. “I’ll mop for you, okay?” Bloom said quietly. Scootaloo shook her head in reply. “What were you drafting?” She then asked, intrigued by Scootaloo’s work. She had somewhat of a similar trade, and wanted to share some stories. “Plans.” Scootaloo muttered lowly, dropping the glass into a bin. She picked up the paper and placed it on the table, then continued to mop up the floor. She stopped again to ask,“So, what have you been up to? Besides work and all,” before returning to wipe up the water. “Well, not much, honestly. I’m always tied up. Do you mind if I hang out? Its been way too long.” Bloom looked around the dimly lit house, “And you should turn lights on, too dark.” “Yeah, stay a while. It’ll be nice having company.” Scootaloo yawned a bit and walked into her workshop motioning for her friend to follow. Apple Bloom walked in behind her while eyeing the blueprints on Scoot’s workbench. “What’s that?” Bloom asked, raising her brow slightly. “Well, it’s... hard to explain.” Scootaloo said, with a determined look in her eye, as she continued. “You know I can’t fly with my wings,” A soft tone spoken “But I ran into inspiration today.” “Define ‘inspiration’,” Apple Bloom requested. Her intrigue shifted from the actual art to the mechanics her friend planned on crafting. “Well, I feel I should show you instead.” Scoots stated. “But first, I have to do something with Zap.” She looked at the table, then to Bloom. “Any ideas?” “It’s a fish, I’m not really sure.” Bloom carried on “If it were me, I’d just flush it. However, I know he meant a lot to you, so we should give him some form of ceremony.” “Yeah, but what? I would feel weird just flushing him like that,” pondered Scootaloo. “I feel we should have a silent burial. It seems only right. He was a dear friend.” She knew she was being a bit melodramatic, but she still could not help it at the loss of her long-time pet. “Why not send him on his way in the creek?” Apple Bloom considered excitedly. “I think it would be nice to send him back where he came from. It’d be very fitting for a fish.” Scootaloo’s heart was warmed a little, excited in a way to once again share a moment with her dear old friend. The two walked down the dim lamp-lit streets of Ponyville. The click-clack underneath their hooves creating the only sound in the silent night. The cool, crisp fall air whispered slightly as it blew by. As the pair reached the creek on the edge of Ponyville, the wind picked up. The fall leaves drifted carelessly by. Scootaloo sat on the edge of the small river, silent. Apple Bloom stood close and kissed the other mare’s forehead. Scootaloo had tears in her eyes. Not just because of the fish. To be honest, she normally wouldn’t have gotten so worked up, but the events of the past week had dragged her down. She’d never really expressed it before and the melodrama of the current situation gave her a reason. Scootaloo emptied the fish into the water, then crumpling the paper it was in. Apple Bloom planted herself next to Scootaloo, also silent. “Two more days,” Scootaloo said aloud. She didn't mean to say it, it was just so quiet. At first, this confused Apple Bloom. She sat there for a good thirty seconds, silently trying to figure out what she meant. She gave up and asked, “T-two days ‘till what?” She spoke in a low murmur, scared of the answer she would receive. Scootaloo looked up at her with watery eyes for a few seconds, then back down to the flowing stream of water. Tears fell with the movement of her head. She hoofed the paper over to Apple Bloom without a word. Apple Bloom opened it. Her lips parted slightly and she looked back up to Scootaloo whose eyes were closed, a steady stream of tears slowly dancing down her face. Here eyes wandered back down to the paper still in disbelief. “Why...?” She questioned, not having finished her sentence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Scootaloo moved her eyes away from Bloom as she spoke. “I was scared you’d just abandon me.” She let out a long sigh. “Why would I?” Apple Bloom said. She was in shock that Scootaloo would even think that. “Why would I abandon you when you need me the most?” Apple Bloom opened her mouth to speak again, but only a small noise escaped her throat. She decided it was best not to say anything. Instead she continued with a hug, wrapping her forelegs around the other stroking her mane. “It’ll be fine, sugar cube, just hold out.” “Why can’t I at least have them?” Scootaloo said looking up at Bloom, like a child to a parent. Apple Bloom’s expression got even more sorrowful. “I don’t know... I really don’t.” She continued to hold her friend tightly in the hopes of comforting her. Scootaloo broke down crying, pushing herself into Bloom. She sobbed, a pool of tears forming on Apple Blooms lap. “Why is this happening to me?” Bloom sat, softly stroking the other’s head, “It’ll be okay.” she said, but Scootaloo’s crying only got worse. She sat with her until she was nearly done, until the sobbing turned into irregular, sharp breathing, and sniffles. “It’s fine, honey,” Apple Bloom reassured. Soon the tears soon stopped. The young female’s eyes were red from crying. She had finally broke, but at least she felt better. It was around midnight now and Bloom knew it was time to head in. They’d been sitting there for a few hours in the cold, “We need to get inside, Scootaloo,” Bloom stated, “we’ll get sick...” Scootaloo nodded somberly and stood up, her head low. She slightly leaned on Apple Bloom on their slow walk to her house. Upon entering, Scootaloo laid down on her couch, still silent. Her face was expressionless. Apple Bloom followed close behind closing the door and flipped on a light. She sat on a chair opposite the couch. The warm, blue felt underneath her cold flank felt good, but she hardly noticed it through her worry. “So...” Apple Bloom said, dragging out the syllable. Scootaloo perked her ears to let Bloom know she was listening. “Why do you have to get them...amputated?” “Amputation”, thought Scootaloo. It scared her. It was a scary thought to lose your wings. Admitting it made it feel...worse. Something a Pegasus should never have to live through. But, for her better interest and well-being, she must. She snuggled into her couch, reluctant to talk at first, then turning her head. She paused for a moment before sitting up and saying, “I’m getting blood clots because of problems with my avian marrow.” She looked down, her eyes watering again. “It can cause... bad complications.” She put a slight emphasis on complications, Bloom knew what she meant signified by a grim lowering of her head. “Well, honey, you need to get your mind off of it. Thinking about it will only make it worse,” said Apple Bloom with a concerned pitch, her voice tailing off a bit as she finished. Scoot weakly nodded and rose to her hooves. Apple Bloom smiled as she did this, a sign of improvement in her eyes. “How about I stay the night, and we can stay up while you draw up your plans and talk, okay?” Bloom let out, in an attempt to cheer Scoot up. “That sounds... nice...” Scootaloo said, as she forced a smile; small as it may have been, a smile none the less. Time with her friend WAS what she needed, and she got that. Scoots walked back to the workshop, motioning the opposite to follow. Apple Bloom stood and walked in behind her. “Here it is.” Scootaloo said, pointing out the blueprint on her desk to Bloom. “Is... is that a rocket pack?” Apple Bloom asked, aghast. Scootaloo was suddenly embarrassed, though she couldn’t quite figure out why. Maybe it was because ponies weren’t supposed to go into space. “Pretty nifty, huh?” Scootaloo’s mood rose slightly just being around Apple Bloom. She picked up her drafting bar with her mouth and made tweaks and adjustments to the numbers scribbled on the page. “So, how did you get your cutie mark?” Bloom asked Scootaloo. “I wasn’t around that day when you got it.” Saying it aloud made her feel bad. She realized that Scoot was there for her every step of the way. Scootaloo was the only one who got it alone. This did not sit well with Apple Bloom and it made her feel sick to her stomach. “Well, shortly after my 13th birthday, I still wanted to fly, you know?” She tucked the graphite in the corner of her mouth as she spoke. “So I drew up some plans for a flying machine, she looked up to the ceiling where it was posted, they were prosthetic wings she never actually built. “Yeah, then I realized I wanted to fly like Rainbow Dash. That’s when it appeared.” Apple Bloom looked at her. “Oh, I see now. Well, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” She sulked a bit as Scoot continued to draft her intricate plans. They made small talk for a few hours while Scootaloo finished the shell design of the jet battery. She made sure that the shell had enough room for any parts, while staying structurally sound, and even to avoid breaking. “Well, I think I better hit the hay, Scootaloo,” Bloom said with a yawn. “Where do I sleep?” Her eyes were drooping, she had stayed up much later than she was used to. “Well, you can have the bed; I don’t know if I’ll sleep tonight.” Scoots replied. She laid the graphite down and turned to face Bloom. “Alright, well, have fun, and get to sleep soon.” Scootaloo nodded and swiveled back to her blueprints. Apple Bloom turned around to head upstairs. As morning came, Bloom slowly got out of bed, still not all the way there. She staggered to her hooves, shaking out her curls. She stumbled her way down the stairs, into the workshop, where she found a passed out Scootaloo. Scootaloo was resting her head on one of her hooves, her mouth just slightly open, her face covered by her short mane. Bloom wiped her eyes out to get a better visual and proceeded to pick up the other female and move her to the couch. She went upstairs to fetch a blanket, returning to find that Scootaloo was already awake. She was pulling out a yawn and rubbing her eyes, sitting up on the couch. “Good morning Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said in a tired voice. “Did you move me here? I don’t remember falling asleep in on the couch.” “Yeah, I did. So do you want breakfast, it looks like you had a long night.” Bloom said as she sat on the couch and draped the blanket over Scoots shoulders. “Yeah, that sounds...” The next few words were slurred too much to be audible. Scootaloo’s eyes drooped, her head hung low, still very fatigued from her long night. “I’ll get started on that right away, Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom said, standing up again. Scootaloo nodded, barely able to lift her head. Apple Bloom cantered cheerily to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast. She scoured the cupboards and cabinets to find the necessary ingredients; she pulled out some sugar, flour, hay, bran, raisins and two apples. Turning on the oven to preheat, she diced the apples into tiny bits and mixed the raisins in. Thinking for a second, she fetched some milk and some yeast. Measuring out the ingredients in precise amounts, she mixed them into a sweet smelling batter. Tossing the bulk of the fruit mix into the bowl, she got out a muffin tin and filled four of the shells. Sprinkling some hay on top, she deemed them ready and set them in the oven to bake. She paused again, pondering how to make breakfast more filling. She diced all of the hay some and crushed it into powder, adding it to a blender, dumping in the remainder of the fruit mix. She also added some wheat grass, bananas, and plain yogurt.. She turned on the blender and mixed it into a thick milkshake for them. Soon after, the oven pinged. Apple Bloom pulled out the perfectly browned muffins and removed them, putting two on a plate. She sat the plates at the two person table along the kitchen wall, filling a glass with the shake setting it by the plate. She cleaned up her cooking mess, setting the wet utensils out to dry. Apple Bloom walked back into the den to find Scootaloo slumped over passed out again. She poked the pegasus, who immediately awoke. “It’s ready.” Apple Bloom said in a cheery voice, hoping to make the awakening more bearable. Scootaloo let out a dazed, “Okay,” then stood slowly, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. She made her plodding way to the kitchen, the wonderful fruit smells wafting about in a dance. They woke her up slightly, made noticeable by more opened eyes and a lick of the lips. They sat down at the table. She took a bite of one of her muffins and chewed it slowly. “Thank you, this is really good.” She said, she hadn’t swallowed yet, she was too tired for good manners. “My pleasure,” Apple Bloom replied. She took a bite, sipping on the milkshake. The two finished their breakfast in silence. “Well, I have to go... Ill be here tomorrow, I’ll go to Canterlot with you for the surgery, okay?” “Sounds like a plan.” Scootaloo said, almost fully awake now. “See you tomorrow, and thank you for breakfast.” Apple Bloom took the plates and washed them off as well. “You didn't have to do that for me,” Scootaloo kindly stated, “but, thank you.” “It’s really no problem at all, sugar cube,” Apple Bloom said in reply. She stretched out and headed towards the door, “Seeya tomorrow!” She took her leave with a goodbye from Scootaloo. Scootaloo couldn’t eat for the rest of the day in preparation of the surgery, so she stayed indoors all day finishing a blueprint for an office building for Manehatten. It was to be a modern style office with glass paneling. She went to bed early to be well rested for the next day. Scootaloo awoke to a knock at her door. She pulled herself out of bed, energized from the nice rest. She called out, “Hold on, I’m coming,” To let the other pony know she was on her way. She ran a brush over her mane and hustled to the door. Upon opening it she found it to be Apple Bloom. “Come on in.” She said, stepping out of the way. Bloom had a concerned look on her face, hoping her friend would be okay at the end of the day. “Are you ready to leave?” Scoots put on a smile, glad that Apple Bloom would be by her side, “Yeah, whenever you are.” “So how are we gunna get there?” Bloom questioned. She yawned a bit, as it was still early. “Chariot, I need to be there within a few hours.” said Scootaloo, Apple Bloom nodded. Scootaloo’s smile had turned into a scared look, “I can’t eat today, so we can go now.” She said nervously. Today was the day she had waited a whole month for. Today was going to knock all worry away if the outcome was good. But it would also strip from her her birthright as a Pegasus. “Where are we going to meet the chariot at?” Apple Bloom looked at a clock then to Scootaloo again. “Near the front of town.” She too looked towards the clock, “We had better get going, it’ll be here in about 20 minutes.” With a nod from Apple Bloom, they exited the house. Together they began the trek to the hospital that would change Scootaloo forever. They sat on the bridge in front of Ponyville, hanging their hooves over the edge. Scootaloo was flapping her wings softly, knowing this was the last chance she would get. The chariot pulled up. This was it. These were the final few hours of Scootaloo being a true Pegasus, at least in her eyes... An hour after departing, they stood at the gate to the hospital. It was time. Scootaloo took a gulp and boldly walked into the surgery building. Her eyes were wet, the droplets pooling around the corner of her eyes. The pair sat in the waiting room after signing in, still silent. The head surgeon popped out and called Scootaloo into the operating room. Before going Apple Bloom called out, “I’ll be waiting here when you’re done, I promise, good luck.” Scootaloo turned around, a single tear hitting the floor before she disappeared behind the door. After Scoot was out of sight Apple Bloom leaned into her hooves and began to weep for her dear friend. An hour into the surgery, Apple Bloom became hungry. She hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning. She got up, looking at the door before making her way to the cafeteria. She bought a sandwich, quickly eating it, returning to her place. Waking up so early, she quickly got tired just sitting, so she grabbed a pencil and paper, doodling for about an hour. She eventually got too tired to continue, she rested her eyes to nap. Apple Bloom woke up to a nudge. He eyes opened slowly as she asked, “Scootaloo?” to see that it was a nurse pony with a smile. She was relieved to see the smile, it gave her confidence that the surgery went good. “Well, the operation was successful and she’s in recovery. She’s still out, but if you want to see her, you can.” Apple Bloom’s mood rose dramatically. She was relieved to hear the Scootaloo was going to be okay. She stood up, following the nurse into the recovery room. There she was, the beautiful orange pony with the short purple mane. She was sleeping on her side. Bandages barrel-wrapped over her chest and around her back. Her eyes were closed. She was breathing softly, the covers pulled up over her bottom half. She was hooked into different machines and IV drips. She looked innocent, and precious, so peaceful. It was over, she no longer had wings. No more wings.
Sunshine Smiles
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>Scootaloo gets some bad news in her early womanhood that changes her life. Filled with grief and sorrow of her past she strives to find content with herself.</p>
Three years passed, wounds healed. The scars didn’t. they would remain forever, jutting out at the small of her back, refusing to fade in time, a reminder that she was no longer a true Pegasus, a broken Pegasus pony whose non-existent wings would never touch the firm kiss of the wind, ever, again. It was something she had to look at every day, to remind her; to remind her of the pain, of not being a true Pegasus anymore. Or that’s what she had felt like, but in time the feelings passed. She had gotten over it after a while. It had been so... strange at the beginning. The first few days she’d tried to flap her wings, but she hadn't been able to feel them - her body still telling her they were there, just out of reach. Eventually it was like they were simply numb, but with a dawning realization that such wasn’t the case - they weren’t even there. Sometimes when she had looked at the scars, it reminded her of her past, but she outgrew that too in time. In reality, having them gone made her happy. It was strange, but at least now she wasn’t forced to wear something broken - the oh-so-ugly word that she despised. Without the worry of her wings, she had excelled in her career, not having constant doctor visits, or sick days when she wasn’t feeling tip top. Throwing herself into her job had paid off, and she did love her job. Without the worry, the what-if’s, the second-guessing she had progressed in leaps and bounds from her humble beginnings. In her spare time she had slowly continued work with her rocket pack. Never losing interest in it, even creating a few working models on a miniature scale. She was past her prototyping stage now and had begun drafting alpha stages for the intricate full-scale machinery. Many things had changed in just three short years. Apple Bloom was a prime example; she had gotten married. It had been a joyous event. They held a grand wedding in the town square, and everypony joined the celebration. Apple Bloom completed everything she ever wanted that day. Scootaloo walked down the streets, a sincere smile planted upon her orange snout as she cantered down the main street to Sugarcube Corner. There she met three ponies. “Hey Bloom, hey Blueberry!” She called out, leaning down to the small filly, who had just barely learned to talk. The filly was Apple Bloom’s daughter. She kissed the young one on the forehead. “And look at you Little Fritter,” she laughed to herself, smirking. “Aren’t you just getting so big?” The little filly smiled and nodded. She was no bigger than Macintosh's head. She was a cream colored tot, with straight blond hair, much like Applejack’s, but slightly longer. She had white freckles plastered on her face, with large yellow eyes exactly like her mother. Blueberry was hopping around some. Hyper as always. She had grown so much in the three years. And now so wonderful at baking! It had surprised no one she was granted the title of “head” pastry chef at Sugarcube Corner, at the age of thirteen. “Sooo, Scootaloo!” The blue filly called out, bouncing around as cheerfully as ever. “What did you want today!? My treat!” Her voice was much like Pinkie Pie’s though not quite as high pitched. “Why thank you!” She smiled and pondered for a moment. “You really don't have to, I don't mind paying,” she caught the look in Blueberry’s eye, “--But if you’re sure, may I have one of your amazing pies. Surprise me!” She said gleefully as the group walked in. Blueberry walked into the kitchen as the other three sat at a table in the back. Apple Bloom had a smile on her face as she asked, “So, how does it feel to be twenty-one?” She smiled and laughed, making an interesting bottoms-up gesture with one hoof. “Happy birthday sugar cube.” She said softly looking out the booth’s window. A young Stallion walked in and made his way to the table as well. He was slightly darker than Fritter, eyes brown, slightly larger than Big Macintosh. He sat and kissed Bloom as he scooted in next to her. “And how is our birthday girl?” He says as he looks to Scootaloo. He put on a sly smile. “So did you have anything planned?” He rested himself on the table and yawned. “Yeah Buck,” Scootaloo bubbled, “Spend the day with you all. What else could I wish for?” She had in mind one thing, she wishes she could see sweetie belle once more. She sighed and looked to her right, to the center of the room. Scootaloo played absent-mindedly with the Daffodil placed gently in her braided mane. Rolling her head to shift her hair back in its rightful place, she made eyes with someone she had never even seen before. He looked “foreign,” whatever extent of the word that may be. He was an Earth Pony, with a silky gray sheen. His mane was just slightly darker than his coat, his eyes a piercing blue that jarred with his somber-colored coat. It was like seeing living emeralds in a weak muddy pond. He broke contact after a moment, then darted his gaze down to a folded newspaper. The gaze had lingered too long to mean just “oh, that’s a pony there.” Making eyes just past his left ear - which was flicking nervously, she now realized - Scootaloo realized this was staring. She looked down sharply to the floor, hoping to hide the creeping blush burning on her face. “His eyes. They’re gorgeous ...” She found it hard to breathe, a self conscious feeling collapsed in around her. She gawked like a school-filly at pony across the room. “What were you staring at?” Apple Bloom drawled. Scootaloo sunk a bit in her chair at the question. Bloom glanced over her shoulder, taking in something tall, gray, and handsome. She gave something of a smirk. “I see, well, go talk to him.” She grinned a little widely, “Ya never know, you might like him, or better, he may like you!” Scootaloo ran her hoof over her head, laughing with a bit of embarrassment. “N-no, I couldn’t just walk up to him, that would be, rude...” “Nonsense Scootaloo, how else do ponies meet?” Apple Bloom laughed some, raising an eyebrow, pressuring Scootaloo. “Fine.” She stuttered as she rose up. She trotted over to the unknown male, her ears pinned back as she spoke. “H-hey... I’m Scootaloo...” She was being slightly forward in the way she spoke, new to this form of meeting people. “Excuse me?” The large male said, looking down at scootaloo. “Oh, My name is Winston. Did you need something?” He smiled some, wanting to know the purpose of the visit. “Well, I haven’t seen you around before,” spoke Scootaloo, “And I just wanted to know.. well, to say hi.” She got lost in her words just slightly shy. “Well, I see you’re with somepony right now, so, wait ‘till your done and we can talk.” His blue eyes crinkled, happy to chat with a nice girl. It went so well with his afternoon coffee, that daring little thought ‘Ahh, a nice earth pony girl for me.’ He glanced at her sashay on the way back to her table, smiling to his paper before continuing to read. Scootaloo walked back to their table with something of a stumble. “He offered to have lunch with me!” She whispered excitedly as she sat back down to talk with her friend. “I’m SO excited, he’s so ... cute!” This last part was blurted through a toothy grin. “See, told ya.” She said, a sharp cut off to her tone, much like how applejack speaks. She turned around to see Blueberry walking her way with a tray on her snout. The young mare walked up to the table, sitting Scootaloo’s plate in front of her. “For you Scoot, I have a peach pie, your faavoriteee!” Blueberry hopped about. “And now a song!” Everyone in the café braced themselves. “Have a happy birthday, I really wish you well! And because it’s a special day I do hope it’s swell! Well now I’m off so please take care! To my friend the birthday mare!” She sang, as she bounced about, enjoying herself. She soon after settled down and hopped off to the kitchen. “I’ll never get tired of her,” Scootaloo said lightheartedly as she bit into the warm pie. That oh-so-familiar taste of Blueberry’s pies sank into her mouth. She continued eating it until she finished then sat her plate on the side of the table. “I love her food so much...” She rested back on her chair putting her hoof on her belly. “A little too much.” She belched softly, almost inaudibly and she leaned forward with the pressure reliefe. “Excuse me!.” Little Fritter’s eyes shifted back and forth and she had a huge smile on her face. “TIME FOR PRESENTS!” She called out, excited for her mother’s friend to see their gift. She pulled a box out, flat and rectangular. She hoofed it across the table, bouncing in excitement. “Open it open it open it!” She chanted, almost bursting in anticipation. Scootaloo opened up the box and smiled warmly. It was a small painted picture, it had a few shapes resembling ponies on it, one orange and purple, one yellow and red, and the other one cream and yellow. “Aweee, I love it Fritter!” She hugged the small painting and placed it in front of her, kissing her forehead. “Really!” The filly called out with a sense of pride. She had a slightly smug look on her face as it was her first painting ever. “Just for you on your special day Aunt Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom took a small box out of her saddlebag and sat it on the table, there was a small amount of tears in her eyes. Scootaloo looked slowly down at the box, slightly scared to open it. She propped the boxes lid up, gulped and pulled it off. Inside was a small locket. She hooked it over her hoof looking up to Apple Bloom, still silent. She flipped it open looking at the inside. It was a picture of the trio back when they had they were still in the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She popped it around her neck and went to Bloom bringing her into a long hug, the small filly joining in too. “Thank you,” she muttered. “This is very special.” Apple Bloom and fritter took their leave so they could get back to the farm. Winston soon after stood up and sat across from Scootaloo. “So what did you have in mind young lady?” He had just a slight country accent tied into his voice, almost unnoticeable. “And happy birthday.” She smiled at her and rested his elbow on the table. “We-well,” She was getting all antsy and shy once again. “Would you like to eat with me? And how did you know it was my birthday?” She laughed a bit, still happy that he came to her. Winston turned around and looked straight to Blueberry. “The... ‘cheery’... blue one.” He said in a slight sarcastic tone. “She was singing for you, so, I assumed.” “Well, ya guessed right.” She rubbed the back of her head, her cheeks still red. “Would you?..” She repeated still waiting for an answer. “Well, I’d be honored. Would you like to eat here or somewhere else?” He asked with a certain tone of sincerity to his voice. She lowered her head slightly, she was still not warmed up to the stranger, though careful not. “I just ate here, and it would be nice to eat elsewhere.” She was kind of excited to eat out with someone besides apple bloom for a change. The pair rose to their hooves and made their way from the cafe’, and headed to a restaurant on the other side of town.
Sunshine Smiles
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>Scootaloo gets some bad news in her early womanhood that changes her life. Filled with grief and sorrow of her past she strives to find content with herself.</p>
The pair left the restaurant in an excited tizzy. Scootaloo smiled, slightly hiding it beneath her mane. Winston gave her a fleeting smile in return. They both turned back and began to walk slowly toward their destination. Both having realised they had no place in mind, yet they didn’t say anything to each other. The peaceful feeling they both felt made them hope that this walk wouldn’t end any time soon. Scootaloo looked upon the stallion beside her. The pair had been walking in serene silence for much longer than planned. They had reached the edge of Ponyville in what seemed like a few short minutes,and dusk had began to fall over the wilderness surrounding the quaint burg. They ever so silently headed towards the river and sat down. Breaking the silence, Winston softly spoke, almost as if out of turn, “ I see the scar on your back... I would like to know what happened.” The apparition of his western drawl comforted Scootaloo in a nostalgic way. Scootaloo looked down once more, this was near the spot where she had been picked up and taken to that hospital just three years back. A small, steady stream of tears dripped down her muzzle, and she replied with a saddened tone, somewhat mismatched with the surroundings, “When I was younger, I was diagnosed with... a disease...” “What kind of disease?” her partner replied to her news, mimicking her tone in a inquisitive way. “Well, in some pegasi, the joint that lets you move your wings... isn’t good. Almost broken. When this happens, you can get a blood clot in your back, which can cause paralysis, or worse, So, in the end, I had to get them, amp-” Winston had a look of shock on his face. “Y-you’re a Pegasus?” He stuttered. This wasn’t the reaction Scootaloo had hoped for. She wished for the opposite, for a stranger to accept her for who she was, not for what she appeared to be. “I understand,” she said as she stood abruptly. “Understand what?” he replied quickly, standing up with the female, “What do you mean?” Scootaloo tried to stop herself, but her emotional state didn’t allow for it. She began, a bit harsher than she wanted, “You... you... guhh!” She said, beginning to cry even harder. She didn’t need this. The male watched as she stood and wept a bit more before moving a bit closer. Winston stood in silence as well. The serene sense the silence gave was gone and a colder feeling came in its stead. She calmed down a bit and wiped her tears, lying down a bit further again, “Sorry, It... It’s just an emotional subject.” Winston nodded with a certain understanding for her. He hadn’t met anyone with her condition before, so it was new to him. But he knew it didn’t change her as a pony, and he didn’t mind. “Listen Scootaloo, How you are on the outside, and how you were born, don’t matter to me.” He spoke softly. The young girl’s cheeks heated up instantly, turning from amber to to a light pink. “Well, thank you.” She tripped over her words as she tried to think of something to reply but hung up on herself momentarily. “Its really not so bad I guess, just... emotional.” She lied, it’s not how she felt about the issue at all. Winston stopped and thought for a second, wanting to talk on the subject a bit more. “Wanna take a seat and stop and talk a bit before going to eat?” “So what did you want to talk about.” Her shoulders shrugged in as she spoke. A testament to her shyness. “Well, your condition seems to bring you down some.” He leaned on on his side to create some comfort for himself. “So why don’t you tell me a bit about it?” The two sat at the river for another half-hour, sitting among the ambient serenity of the river; the drawn out tickling of the river against the bank, as Scootaloo finished up her story. She told some of the good and bad in her life, and how she had support from the ponies in her life through it all. It had touched Winston, and his heart bled for the filly. He had wished he could have changed this so that she wouldn’t have had to go through what she did. The sun was nearly at its horizon, and evening began to trot its way over the landscape. They eventually rose to their hooves, heading off towards Dandy Lion, making small talk as they did. They had finally arrived at their planned destination. They walked into the quaint, small town diner, patiently awaiting the hostess to bring them to their seat. Their hostess walked to the checking station, cheerily exclaiming, “Happy birthday, Scootaloo!” as she brought them to their two seater booth. An hour after taking their seats they had finished up eating their meal. A silent Scootaloo sat, still shy against the kind strangers hospitality. She spoke, her words coming out smooth to the whisper of her breathing. “I… I don’t know how to thank you…” She was infatuated with the male at this point, she was astounded that he didn’t think she was a freak. He dabbed his mouth with a napkin, trying to keep his normally lacking manners in check. “Well, you know, I just could not resist you.” He said with a small smile and laugh, trying to place a lightness on the situation. “And you could start by doing me the honor of spending more time with me, Scootaloo.” Scoot’s heart rose in her chest, her eyes sparkled against the fresh afternoon sun. She hadn’t felt this way before, she was, blissful. “I...” She stuttered slightly, feeling a pressure to reply that she didn’t understand. “I, would love nothing more.” She had regained her composure and tilted her head in a puzzle. “I’m sorry if I am a bit awkward, this... isn’t normal for me.” “Now don’t be modest little filly,” he said in a laugh, his drawl pulling the syllables in a way that pleased Scootaloo. “I know that the most ADORABLE filly in Equestria couldn’t feel that way.” Scootaloo looked down after this statement. It had felt fake to her, staged. And the worse part, to her at least, was that she did feel this way. “D… Did I say somethin’ to offend you?” he said that she did not take to his flirting. She shook her head, “I just feel sad sometimes, my, condition, scares people away.” She had felt this way, honestly, when in reality it didn’t. Her self conscious and self-esteem took to that. “Well I don’t see why it would do that, you are right fine to me.” He showed a sincere smile to her. Scootaloo placed her hooves on the table and sighed to herself, stretching out her tail and smiling in reply. Thank you, and I mean that.” The male put his larger hooves onto hers and cocked an ever so slight smile. “You are very welcome, and I mean that.” Scootaloo’s face turned a bright shade of red, her mouth propped open, the action unexpected. Winston leaned in, towards her face, taking an instinctual cue, she poked her head forward, closing her eyes awkwardly. Their lips had touched, and Scootaloo prolonged her first kiss. Winston pulled his head back slightly and chuckled, “You are so cute, you know that?” Scootaloo couldn’t be bothered to reply to him, she was dazed, and excited, she felt awkward, and dumbstruck, her eyes locked into his. Winston looked to the window and saw the sun begin to dusk itself over Ponyville. “Hey, it’s getting late. I should walk you home before it gets dark.” Scootaloo’s trance broke as she nodded in reply.”Yeah, that might be a good idea.” She stretched out and slid from the booth, awaiting the male to rise as well. He took cue and led the female to the door, leaving the money for the check at the podium. He propped the door open with his back hoof, letting the girl out before himself, then taking his place next to her. She walked forward with him, heading to her house. Just down the road. Within a few minutes of departure they reach her doorstep. She walked to her door and turned around and smiled to Winston. “Thank you for the great time,” she said. It was an an understatement. “Do you want to see each other tomorrow?” She asked shyly. He waved at her, “I would love to, would you like to meet me at the Sugarcube Corner for breakfast?” he asked in reply, Scootaloo answering with a gleeful nod. “And have a great evening,” he added. Scootaloo smiled softly before walking into her home. She awoke slowly, raising her forelegs and wrapping them over the top of her head in a yawn, one eyelid still drooping a tad bit. She rose to all fours and stretched her whole body out. Making her way down to the first floor of her house she looked around. She didn’t feel hungry quite yet, so she skipped her breakfast and ran a brush through her hair. Glossy eyed she moved to the bathroom and wiped them off some, clearing her morning vision. She walked to the door and prepared to meet Winston at the Surgarcube Corner. She stepped outside to see a note tied to a rose with a small red bow. She opened it and read it to herself. “Scootaloo, I have a change of plans, meet me in the park, by the Mare Fountain, at noon, don’t be late! Sincerely, Winston” She smiled pondering what the stallion had planned for the afternoon. She cantered light-heartedly down the still, quiet morning streets of Ponyville. On the way, she was stopped by a call of her name. “Scootaloo!” rang out in a slightly feminine country accent. Scootaloo stopped and turned to the pony, immediately spotting Apple Bloom in the distance. “Hey there!” She called as she waved, haphazardly galloping to her friend. “So how was your date?” Bloom immediately piped out, exited to hear the details of the other’s evening. Scoot’s cheeks began to glow in embarrassment, her eyelids widening so slightly, caught in surprise of the question. “I... w-we... Uh...” She stammered, trying to get a hold of her words. “It was not a date, Apple Bloom…” “Ohhh, right, and Sweetie is a bad singer…” she said sarcastically, laughing a bit. “Sure as sugar was a date if I had ever seen one, and I have…” she giggled again in a pause. “So, tell me, what did you two do?” Scoots sighed, and reluctantly spoke, “We went and ate…” As soon as Scootaloo had finished her sentence Apple Bloom replied, “Aaannnddd?” She dragged out, almost squeaking in excitement. “W-we... K-k...” She stuttered. “YOU KISSED HIM!” Applebloom called out. “Ohhhhh! How was it! Tell me everything!” She was bouncing up and down in excitement. Scootaloo stared at Apple Bloom and laughed. “It was just a kiss.” She cocked her head and smiled. “And I am going to meet him at the park.” “A second date already!” Apple Bloom said sarcastically. “Well, maybe I should let you go,” she smiled back to her friend. “Okay, I’ll see you later, Bloom!” She smiled and waved to her friend as she took of. A few minuets of walking led her to the park that Winston had called her to. She stepped off of the stone and onto the grass, heading towards the fountain in the center of the park. Scootaloo took a stroll through the park. The long blades of grass tickled the undersides of her hooves with each step. The crushing of the dirt underneath was a pleasant feel; as it had been a few days since she had been to go the the park. The gentle Ponyville breeze slithered between her coats hair. The noon sun high in the air struck her back with a gentle warmth, and she involuntarily stopped to stretch before continuing her silent parade to the center of the park. ‘Words.’ She thought to her self. Just that single word, for what it was worth. She had a tightness in her stomach, a nervousness mixed with excitement. ‘All because of his words.’ She replied to herself. She took a deep breath and collected herself, raising her head high and proud as she reached the fountain. She looked around the small plaza. It seemed bare and vacant to her, as alive as it was. It was a ghost town, her ghost town. He wasn’t there. She planted herself on a bench, assuring herself her would soon arrive. She felt crushed. Nearly 20 minutes had past. She did have a feeling that he wouldn’t accept her for who she is, in view of who she was. And she persuaded herself she was right. Eyes dry, she mentally sobbed. ‘He said he’d meet me here.’ She couldn’t do or think much else, so she tried to enjoy the sun on her back for as long as she could, eventually falling into a light slumber. Her eyes still closed, lightly napping on the bench, she heard a creek next to her, her eyes not opening to the movement. A sweet voice spoke out, “Are you okay?” Scootaloo’s eyes opened slowly, she recognized the voice as she awoke from her nap. “Sorry I’m late, There was a long line at the store, and I had to...” He was interrupted as the mare lunged herself into the large male. Winston blinked twice, and looked down, hugging her back not daring to question the moment. “Well, I’m sorry, I was stuck in line at the Grass Flats, I picked us up some hot lunch.” The familiar mid-western accent made her giddy and happy. All feelings of toil had instantly been tossed to the side. The two trotted to a small clearing under a tree, to a blanket that had already been laid underneath a tree. Winston pulled the food containers from his saddlebags. He pulled out some Grilled Petunia sandwiches a jar of fresh honey. “Here is our lunch.” He cracked a warm smile. “Such a long wait for two pieces of bread and honey, huh?” He laughed with a soft low tone. His ear twitched as a light breeze kicked up again. Scootaloo nodded to him, and smiled with a feeling of joy, and relief that he had arrived. “Yeah, you had me really worried.” her voice seemed more soft than usual, relaxing in the fact that he hadn’t stood her up. She took the food that was hoofed her way. Winston cracked the small jar of honey, and took two spoons, passing one to the female. they both topped their food with the golden liquid, and ate. It was silent, but... right. It was just such a mood that didn’t call for talking. The shy girl had her sandwich close, as she looked to him, a small blush on her face. Strange to some how much she had changed over the years, moving from an outgoing pony, to a recluse over the course of her mare-hood. Eventually they had both finished, the first to speak was Winston. “So how did you enjoy it? I right love the food here in town, coming from Foalton, I had always gotten farm food. We don’t have a deli back home. So this is a change for me.” “Yeah, It is nice having modern comforts around, It is wonderful being able to eat when I can.” She said, realizing that it didn’t come out correctly. Winston nodded in reply. “Yes, it is, if the harvest doesn’t there is worry of going hungry." She pondered at that, she didn’t even realise the benefit of living in a town. “I didn’t even think of that.” She felt kind of embarrassed for not realising what he had meant. The garbage cleaned up, the two walked to an empty section of the field. They lowered to their fetlocks simultaneously, and looked at each other. Scootaloo instinctively leaned against him and sighed deeply. One of happiness, relief, relaxation, and most of all, comfort. Funny thing, that would be the biggest part of this for her, that she would be comfortable with him. Winston moved his head to Scootaloo and nuzzled softly. He pulled her head up, and kisses her snout softly and smiled. She smiled in return. And nuzzled him back. The day was perfect. Nothing but a chance to lay with him. And be silent, and comfortable. She could see herself spending a lot of time with him. As much time as she could give. The sun breached the horizon, its orange glow bounced off of the wakes on a pond in the distance, the trees blew in the soft breeze, soft rustling could be heard among the dying activity in the park. Winston cocked a smile, prepared to make a corny comment. “Do you know why the sunset is so beautiful?” He laughed out softly, denoting a joking tone to his words. Scootaloo looked over to him, and smiled, replying, “What?” Winston chuckled as he answered. “Well, that’s because the sunset has the same colors as you.” His informal dialect gave a sense of sincerity. Scootaloo blushed shyly and her throat cracked unable to reply at the moment, as she looked to see the amber and purple sky above. “Thank you.” She managed to choke out. She felt warm inside, and her stomach wouldn’t stop its constant fluttering. She looked down, realising she had never complimented him in return. She leaned on him a little bit more closely and hid her face behind her hair. “And you are a wonderful stallion.” She shied herself from looking into his eyes. The sun had finally set over the hills in the distant lands, she felt good, and happy. Her shell started to peel away slowly in these short moments. ‘I want him to be mine forever.’
Sunshine Smiles
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>Scootaloo gets some bad news in her early womanhood that changes her life. Filled with grief and sorrow of her past she strives to find content with herself.</p>
Scootaloo arose early in the morning, stretching her tired limbs. After laying a soft kiss on Winston’s cheek, she slid from under the covers and landed on all fours. She moved her hoof to her mouth as she yawned, stretching once more in the sun of the early morning as it broke through her bedroom windows. Scootaloo trotted downstairs to prepare some breakfast for the two before Winston awoke from his slumber. She returned and placed a tray which held various breakfast goods onto the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed next to Winston, and smiled. Slowly leaning over him and kissing his forehead whilst speaking softly. “Wake up honey.” She said with a caramel demure. Winston opened his eyes, yawning and stretching as he was pulled out of his sleep. “Good morning Beautiful,” He yawned again, laying his hooves on his lap. Noticing the tray next to him he asked, “And, may I ask, why the sweetest pony alive brought me breakfast in bed?” She sighed as her head lowered in disappointment. She pointed at the day to day calender and raised her brow, hoping to jog his memory, but received only a head tilt in reply. Scootaloo shook her head and placed it on her hoof. “Anniversary?” She said with a bit of irk. “Married two years?” Winston looked from the tray, to the calendar, then back to Scootaloo and blinked. “I am so sorry, honey... I am so sorry. I had a really hard day at work yeste-” He was interrupted with a ‘shush’ and a hoof to his lips. “You know I can’t stay mad at you.” She kissed his snout and giggled softly. “Besides, I can take an I-owe-you.” Winston brought his hoof to the back of his head and rubbed on his mane softly, his cheeks reddened from embarrassment. “Definitely, hun.” He laughed nervously and cautiously reached for the tray, making sure his blunder didn’t keep him from his meal. Scootaloo nodded as Winston grabbed the tray hungrily, smiling as she walked to the door. “Meet me downstairs when you’re done, and clean your dishes ‘kay?” She lightly sung out as a joke, heading down stairs. A few minutes later he followed, tray in mouth bringing it into the kitchen, Scootaloo smiled to herself as she heard the sound of running water emit from the other room. She laughed as Winston exited shortly after. “I see you took my advice,” She laid on the couch her face resting against a raised hoof. “So, did you have anything in mind to do today, before you head off to the farm?” An hour later, Winston headed out the door. Scootaloo watched her lover exit the door as she stretched, having enjoyed their activity over the last hour. She sat upright, and stretched once more. She gave the empty house a once over before heading to her workshop to to finish up some project drafting. The workshop had been completely remodeled, with a welding, lathing, and steel press, along with her old drafting desk, and the stacks of various trinket’s blueprints. On the walls in the room were two whiteboards, each having a long series of mathematics calculations written across them. She looked at an equation for a moment, then trotted to her lathe. She spun an already shaped piece of metal, looking at the calculations on the wall, she slowly tapped the rod, shaping it, and glanced back to the board, then prodding once more. This slow, meticulous process went on for another three hours, before she sighed and stepped back. She took a micrometer and measured the razor thin width of the metal whilst smiling to herself. “Three days, oh my Celestia... this piece took forever.” She held the hourglass shaped piece of metal, placing it in another, more bullet shaped piece of metal, fitting a few different tubes and wires through it, and welding it into place. She then forced a small metal block into the tube, attaching some of the various wires and tubes into it, securing them with Teflon and solder. Scootaloo wiped some sweat off of her face, some grease from her hooves made a small smear on her right cheek. She slunk down to the ground and sighed as she stretched once more. Standing up, she looked at the large chunk of metal, scanning it over. Satisfied, she placed a metal plate on it, one matching the other’s long cone-like shape. She used the micrometer to measure all around, making sure the edges were aligned perfectly. After some minor sanding, she welded it into place, and sanded off the lip. She then laid the machine onto a precision scale, adding small weights on the inside until it matched the target density. She took a flared metal tube and welded it to the bottom of the shell, then carefully measured a small distance to the right of the tube and drilled a small hole. Using forceps, she clamped and pulled a small rubber tube through the newly drilled hole, capping the tube with a one-way membrane. She stepped back and looked at it, a smile of pride stretched over her face. She looked at the weight again, shaving a few layers from the tube, hitting the desired mass once again. She exited the room and brought in some leather straps from the living room, and secured them using designated rivet-holes in various areas around the design. She lifted the design up and turned it around and inspected the device a few times over, checking for any flaws, passing an hour with this task. Looking out the window, the day had long passed noon. She put the machine into a padded box, a snug fit for her design. Scootaloo put the box on a cart and tied a little harness around her chest. She exited her house, dragging the small cart behind her, locking her door on the way out. Scootaloo cantered down the streets of Ponyville, slowly making her way to Sweet Apple Acres. Upon arrival, Scootaloo was met with a greeting from Applejack rocking in a chair on the porch. The amber and orange leaves blew softly in the September breeze. Various farmhands were out in the fields tilling including Winston, she threw him a short wave, then received one in reply. Applejack’s hair was beginning to grey out some, the once strong and robust mare’s health degraded with her age, and she had fallen sickly the last few years. “Howdy sugarcube!” she said as she waved. Scootaloo replied with a cheery wave. “I’m just looking for Apple Bloom. Is she around?” Scootaloo approached the porch of the barn and unhooked the harness, letting the cart stand freely in the yard. “Yeah, she’s inside, Apple Bloom had a long day painting the barn today.” Applejack smiled as she spoke, her wrinkled eyes and mouth as perky as they ever were. “Just go on in, you’re family to us.” Applejack went back to rocking and Scootaloo nodded, proceeding to head inside. As she entered the house, a wonderful Apple scent wafted generously about. Instantly, Scootaloo turned to the kitchen to see Bloom squeezing the fresh autumn apples into cider, with a pie in the oven. “I thought Applejack said you had a long day.” Scootaloo smirked slightly, giving her friend a soft hug. “Ha, all I did was paint. That ain’t hard work.” She said. She still had a few splotches of paint dabbed around her face and arms. “Besides, I think the family could do with some fresh cider and pie.” Apple Bloom broke the hug and turned back to crushing the apples. A loud ding went off, startling Scootaloo. Apple Bloom took the pie and sat it in the windowsill too cool off. She pulled her gloves off and sat them on the table. “So, you must be here for something.” “Well, You’ll never guess what I did.” She smiled in a cocky way, she had been invigorated with new life recently, as hers was all starting to get back on track, she was becoming less shy to the world, and more out there, becoming more how she had used to be. “What would that be, sugarcube?” Apple Bloom replied. “Well, I finished my prototype, I am going to go try it out today.” She smiled once more, becoming ecstatic. “Proto-what now? OH! You mean the rocket thingy? You’re still doing that?” She said, laughing a little bit. Scootaloo’s face took to a flat. “Yes.... I am.” She was a little bit disheartened. “Well, did you want to try it out?” Bloom said, slightly eager to see the results. “Yeah, I have it outside, come on, I am gonna do some testing, but I need to use the fields around Sweet apple acres, is that okay?” She said, butting on an overextended smile in an attempt to silently beg. “Sure thing Scoots, just watch out for the trees.” The two had made their way to the large empty field at the edge of the farm. They pulled the crate off of the cart and opened it, setting the pack on the ground. Apple Bloom instantly gave the contraption a discrediting look. Scootaloo twisted the top off of the contraption and hit a switch, and instantly the sound of an engine roared in the silent field. She replaced the cap and sat the pack upright, exhaust seeped through the tail pipe. She pulled a little armature out that had a small red slider. She pushed the slider up slightly, and the engine sputtered once and kicked in, picking up faster and faster into a speedy rotation. She extended the slider up a slight bit more, and the pack rose into the air, almost in a hover. Scootaloo turned the throttle down all the way. “I’m ready...” Scootaloo said, taking a gulp in hesitation. Apple Bloom nodded in silent understanding. Scootaloo buckled the straps around her joints, and had Apple Bloom secure it into place. She readied herself, took a deep breath, and slowly moved the throttle up. She felt a soft tug, lurching her forward, then took a step forward and pleated herself. Once again, she slid the throttle slider forward. She lunged forward and galloped to keep up with the speed of the thrust. She hit the throttle and leaned back, jumping simultaneously. She picked up into the air and smiled. She was happy moving fast, doing what a Pegasus was born to do. She twisted some, the little wings on the pack helped her to change direction. She turned back, nearing the ground to land. As she got closer, the engine began to slow, and cut out completely. The brakes were unable to be deployed. She fell the ten feet between her and the ground at the speed set by the device on her back, and she couldn’t do anything... Anything but brace herself. The wings kept her in a glide. She closed her eyes, bracing for impact. ~Crash~ Scootaloo opened her eyes, the outside world bled in, slowly taking shape around her. She looked around. Nurse Redheart stood by her bedside, and Winston was on the bench next to the bed, sleeping. As she came to bearings, her head began to throb. She was unable to move her legs or her hooves. At a second glance, Apple Bloom was sitting in the same room near the other bed. Further to Scoot’s examination, she spotted Applejack. But, Applejack was laying down in the bed opposite to hers. She blinked once, and whispered weakly. “Wh.. what happened to Applejack?” The nurse took her attention from the machines, and bent down. “Oh, you’re awake!” “Yeah... I am... what happened to Applejack?” She said, more concerned for her friend than herself. “You rest, needn’t worry about her right now; focus on your own recovery.” Replied the nurse. She moved to Winston, nudging him to wake up. The grey pony raised his head and yawned, still tired from being up for so long at Scootaloo’s bedside. “She’s awake,” The nurse pony told Winston with a sweet voice. “Really?” He said groggily. “‘Bout time.” he stated, looking at Scootaloo. “Yeah, I’m fine... How long was I out?” Her voice was low and weak. “About three and a half days.” Winston said. “Almost four.” He rubbed his eyes and stood up, making his way to her bedside. “What happened to Applejack?” Scootaloo asked once more. “I’ll go get Bloom to explain what happened.” Winston said, as he made his way to Apple Bloom, shaking her a bit to wake her up. She had almost the same reaction as him. “Scootaloo’s awake.” he whispered. She smiled softly, rubbing her eyes, “Really? ‘Bout time.” She stretched out as she stood up. She trotted to Scootaloo’s bedside, rubbing the broken mare’s mane softly. “How are you felling hun?” She said, a hint of worry in her voice. “You took quite a fall.” “What is wrong with Apple Jack?” Is all Scootaloo could say. She wasn’t able to fixate on her own condition. “Well, the stress of what happened to you got to Applejack, she felt mad at herself for letting you do that.” She sighed. “She went to the field and tried to buck apples to relieve some of her bottled frustration.” “So... so I caused this?” Scootaloo said, she felt more responsible for Applejack’s state than she should be. “No, and don’t think you are, that was of her own choice. So don’t you worry yourself about that, you need rest okay? Besides, the doctors said she will be fine in a few days time.” Apple Bloom ended her rant with a huff, “Sorry.” A few days had passed, Scootaloo could now sit up, and move about on her own accord, but was still rendered immobile, besides the wheelchair she was figuratively tied to. Every day she had sat at Applejack’s bedside and comforted her as as the old mare slowly recovered. Scootaloo did small things to improve the Applejack’s comfort, days spent helping adjust pillows, or making small talk, though sometimes Applejack couldn’t respond with much more than a smile under her wheezing. And another week soon passed. She was in beginners physical therapy now, but was still not ready for release. Now able to walk under the aid of crutches, she was nearly at her release day, two more days; and Applejack had been taking a turn for the better as well. Soon came her day, three weeks in the hospital. Needing nothing but the pain medication, and a bit of walking aid. She felt lucky to have gotten nothing worse than minor fractures and internal damage, which had quickly healed itself. The only lingering injury was a sprained shoulder joint, which would have to stay under sling for a few more weeks. Even after receiving her release forms, she stayed with Applejack as her condition started to decline a small amount. The wheezing and small groaning had resumed, and she had begun vomiting after eating as well. Scootaloo looked down on the proud mare with slight pity. She still felt she had done this to Applejack, albeit indirectly. A long robotic tone went off which at first startled and confused Scootaloo, so sudden. She had quickly realised what was happening as a commotion was heard from down the hall, she turned to the various monitors at the bed-stand, seeing some of the meters declining into a red state; yet nothing flat-lined, ‘She will be okay, right?’ She thought to herself. Two nurses walked in, rolling Scootaloo’s wheelchair away from the bed so they could work. Scootaloo was unable to react, her eyes just stayed open, she was unfazed by her surroundings, unblinking, her mouth stayed propped open, and a single tear escaped the corner of her eye. The red-lines stabilized, but the nurses looked down in anguish. One whispered lowly, “Call the family... She will pass soon...” Apple Bloom appeared in the hospital room shortly after. Already in exasperated tears when she arrived. She sat on a stool next to the bed and hugged Applejack softly. Apple Bloom cried at the bedside, unable to speak in lieu of the situation. The meters and gauges fell slowly. Applejack growing more incoherent and limp with each passing minute. The orange pony’s bedding was wet with the secrete from Apple Bloom’s eyes and nose, she was unable to quit the sobs. She sat at the bedside, her tall blue husband, and young daughter hung back at the doorway, not wanting to disturb Applejack’s final moments with her sister. Little Fritter looked down, her blond hair moving over her face. She spoke lowly to her father, “Is grammy going to be okay?” She looked back up, meeting her father’s eyes with an innocent curiosity as to why her mother was so sad. The blue earth pony put his hoof on her mane, not answering the filly with anything but a rub to the head. Scootaloo had not talked or moved since the nurses had rolled her back, still in shock of the sudden turn in Applejack’s health. She had been doing fine the day prior, and Scootaloo couldn’t wrap her head around why anything would change for the worse. A nurse walked in and shut off the various monitors hooked to the pony, removing cables, so she could pass in comfort. Ten minutes had soon passed, silence befell the room, aside from the light sobs of Apple Bloom. The few short minutes had seemed like an eternity. Applejack eyed around the room once, looking at the family that had come to see her off. Some sweat formed on the rim of Applejack’s grey and blond mane. Her eyes closed, her breathing continued. She struggled but managed to speak once. “I l-love y-you... Sugar c-cube.” She followed this with a weak pat to Apple Bloom’s mane. Apple Bloom looked up at her sister. “I-I Love y-you t-too, sis.” Her tears continued to stream down her face, the rate slowing some. “Please don’t leave me.” She added, her voice squeaked under her crying. “P-please don’t go,” She held onto her sisters hoof in a light grip, and let out an audible stream of sobs. “P-please.” She continued to beg and plead for her beloved sister. Applejack took another look around the room, seeing Scootaloo hanging her head, tears flowing from the purple haired Pegasus. “I-its not your fault.” She coughed, slinking into a long, awkward coughing fit. Scootaloo looked up in response to the words. Only speaking out with, “I’m sorry.” It was somewhat of an apology, still feeling guilty for the outcome of her stunt, but more-so in pity. Applejack loosened up suddenly, moving her vision back to Apple Bloom, her wheezing had stopped, as had her coughing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then another. She adjusted her head with a small movement, and her chest stopped expanding. It slowly shrunk, not to come back up. Applejack’s forelegs went limp, and her head slowly rolled to the side. Apple Bloom fell into a final bout of sobbing... “Please don’t leave me!” She yelled out in her sobbing, “Please don’t leave me.” She said again, this was said low, inaudible to anyone but Apple Bloom.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
My Little Pony: Prime By: Brony Tom Used without permission. Metroid and all related materials © Nintendo. My Little Pony © Hasbro. Part 1 It was late in the morning when Pinkie Pie burst out the door of Sugarcube Corner carrying a saddlebag full of party invitations. She bounced along through Ponyville, handing out the invitations to ponies as she passed them. She rounded a corner to find Twilight Sparkle walking along with Spike on her back; the duo was engaged in what seemed a lively discussion, so they didn't notice as a light bulb appeared above Pinkie's head and lit up. Pinkie quickly hid behind the nearest object, which happened to be a gray pegasus pony that had walked out of the adjacent building. “Ditzy Doo! Can you do me a favor? I need you to distract Twilight and Spike while I sneak up on them and surprise them,” the pink pony whispered confidentially. “Uh... Muffin thinks Muffin could do that,” Ditzy replied slowly. She flew up and then proceeded to crash right in front of Twilight and Spike. Pinkie took the opportunity to get into a good position for surprising the two ponies and the dragon. She watched Twilight help Ditzy Doo gather up the spilled mail, and after Ditzy had flown off, the two friends resumed their walk, albeit with an unseen pink earth pony in tow. Pinkie Pie crept along next to her friends, waiting for the best opportunity to surprise them with her invitations. She saw the best chance as the unsuspecting trio approached the Ponyville Library, so she sneaked around into a bush right next to the library's front door. Pinkie jumped out and was about to shout “Surprise!” when she felt a familiar twitch in her tail, which quickly grew to become a tail-twister the likes of which Pinkie had never felt before; it was so strong that she lost her coordination mid-jump and plopped unceremoniously in front of a startled Twilight Sparkle. Not so far away from Equestria, in the depths of space, a large, glowing blue asteroid orbited the Sun in its strange elliptical path; that is, until an even larger asteroid collided with it, knocking it forcefully out of its regular orbit. It smashed a few smaller asteroids out of its way, until it finally began spiraling closer and closer to the Sun, but more specifically, closer to the lush blue and green planet that was now perilously close to its orbital path. “Oh, hey Pinkie.” Twilight smiled. “What are you doing- Pinkie, are you alright?!” Twilight watched in horror as Pinkie's body froze up, convulsing uncontrollably on the ground. Twilight focused on Pinkie Pie as her horn began to glow purple; Pinkie was soon enveloped in a similar glow, and her shuddering body was lifted up into the air and through the library door. “Spike, get some blankets from my room and lay them out to make a bed!” commanded Twilight. “Okay, Twilight!” Spike ran as fast as his stubby legs would carry him. Meanwhile, Twilight was having trouble keeping the convulsing Pinkie Pie floating in the air. “Stop... shaking...” Twilight grunted to herself. All of that thrashing was just making it harder for her to levitate Pinkie. After a few moments Spike tumbled down the stairs with several puffy blankets in tow. Splitting her concentration, Twilight grabbed the blankets with her telekinesis and spread them out on the floor in a heap, then placed Pinkie as carefully as she could on top of the pile. “Twilight, I'm sorry I'm late, I'm here to help you with the lib- EEP!” Fluttershy flew in through the door. When she saw Pinkie shaking uncontrollably, she gasped in shock and dropped to the ground, paralyzed. “Tw- Twilight, wh- what happened to P-Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy stuttered. “Well, Spike and I were walking together through Ponyville when Pinkie-” Twilight began, but was interrupted when Pinkie Pie suddenly and abruptly stopped moving altogether. Everything was silent in the room for about ten seconds before Pinkie Pie jumped up and started bouncing around the room at lightning speed. “Wow, girls, that was the biggest tail twitch I've ever had! It was so big it made my whole body go crazy! Something really, really big is about to fall!” Pinkie continued to frolic around the interior of the library as though nothing had happened. The other ponies and Spike stood in the room with terrified looks on their faces, afraid of just how big the thing might be. At the thought of something huge crushing her animal friends, Fluttershy jumped into the air. “Oh my, my poor animals, they might all get hurt! I have to go warn them-” Fluttershy stammered. She tried to fly out the door, but she felt herself unable to move after a purple glow enveloped her. “Wait, Fluttershy!” protested Twilight. “We don't know when or where this thing is gonna fall, so I think it's safer for us to stay inside for a little while.” “But what about the animals and the other ponies? Someone has to warn them!” Fluttershy pointed out. After a moment of thought, Twilight let go of Fluttershy, so Fluttershy flew out to save her animals. Twilight turned to address the pink pony. “Pinkie Pie, are you sure that your tail- Pinkie? Pinkie, where did you-” Twilight looked around confused; Pinkie Pie was gone. Twilight sighed. “Spike, lets go warn the Mayor.” Spike climbed onto Twilight's back, then Twilight teleported away. ----- Princess Luna walked through the halls of the Royal Palace, tired but unable to sleep. Aside from all of the budget problems Celestia had asked her to deal with, there was something else that was nagging at her mind, making her restless. She couldn't put a finger on it, and that coupled with not being able to get any sleep really set Luna on edge. Not many ponies realized this, though, since very few (if any) ponies aside from her sister and the government officials spoke with her very often. Most ponies simply walked past, as was the case today, oblivious to the frustration building in the Night Princess. Perhaps a walk in the garden would help me to relax. Yes, that sounds good. Luna stepped out into the sunlight, letting it warm her midnight-blue coat. Not very far from where she stood she could clearly see the Royal Garden in all of its splendor; lush green plants matted the entire spread and flowers of every imaginable color were arranged tastefully around cobblestone paths that were woven throughout. Several ponds dotted the landscaping, and various fruit-bearing trees were also present. A pleasant morning breeze blew across her as she walked into the garden, and Princess Luna felt heartily refreshed. She strolled tranquilly through the garden, happily smelling the fragrant flowers and listening to the birds' music. As peaceful as the garden was, though, it couldn't totally remove the burden; only gazing up at her starry night could do that. Luna continued her walk, pushing the feeling to the back of her mind, when she finally came to an especially beautiful and comfortable-looking part of the garden. Finally feeling the fatigue catch up with her, Luna laid down amongst some well-tended daffodils, letting her heavy eyelids succumb to the lethargy. As she felt herself drifting into sleep, the nagging feeling in her mind surged to the front, filling her with dread, as though something was coming. For her. The feeling passed as quickly as it came, though, and Luna passed into an uncomfortable sleep. ----- Even with the best-laid plan given the short notice, the rush to get everypony indoors was rather chaotic. Fortunately, though, nopony was hurt, and after a nerve-wracking three and a half minutes everypony in Ponyville was safe inside a building. Twilight and Spike were inside Sugarcube corner, along with the Mayor, Pinkie Pie, and ten other ponies; Pinkie Pie was in the kitchen making cupcakes. “Pinkie Pie! How can you make cupcakes at a time like this?” Twilight demanded. “Well, I might as well be doing something while we're all in here, silly!” stated Pinkie matter-of-fact-ly. “Maybe we could even have a party! Oh, I know! A 'Sky is Falling' party! I'll get started on the-” Pinkie found a large piece of hard candy suddenly thrust into her mouth. Twilight Sparkle sighed; Pinkie did have a point. While they were all inside, there was still plenty of time to get things done. It occurred to Twilight that she could just teleport home to the library and get back to redoing her star charts. Twilight walked up to the Mayor. “Uh, excuse me, Mayor, but would you mind if I teleported back to the library so I can get some things done while I'm waiting?” The Mayor thought about it for a moment. “Well... I suppose. I should be able to handle any situations that come up, but if I need you I'll let you know.” Relieved, Twilight fetched Spike and was about to teleport home when a familiar pink pony appeared next to her from nowhere. “Hey, Twilight, want a cupcake? They're super-duper fresh!” offered Pinkie Pie. After catching her breath from the initial scare, Twilight took one of the cupcakes from the tray Pinkie was holding. “Hanks, Inkie Ie!” mumbled Twilight incoherently between bites of cupcake. “Ey're reawwy good!” “Oh, goodie! I put in a secret new ingredient!” Pinkie added mysteriously. Twilight was too busy savoring the deliciousness to hear. After she had finished, she smiled contentedly, and then teleported spike and herself to the library. ----- Luna awoke in the garden. Looking around groggily, she realized that she was covered in a blanket and that two Royal Guards were standing around her. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting. “I... what?” Luna wondered. “Um, excuse me, sir...” The guard she was addressing, realizing that the Princess was awake, did a 180 and bowed low to the ground. “Princess Luna, I'm Captain Shining Armor. Is there anything I can do for you?” asked the white unicorn. “Yes, Captain. I have a few questions. Did Celly- I mean, Celestia put you up to this?” “Yes, Princess. We were ordered to keep anything from disturbing you while you slept.” “Humph. I thought so. Captain, where is Celestia now?” demanded Luna. “She should be in the Main Hall of the Palace, your majesty.” “Thank you, gentleponies. That will be all.” Luna dismissed the guards, telekinetically picking up the blanket and carrying it with her. Luna walked purposefully towards the palace and into the main hall, where her sister was conversing with her Infrastructure Minister about the dam project Luna had suggested be built on the Manube River. “Well, Princess, like I said earlier, if we were to build the dam here, near Flankfurt, then I think we could-” “Ah, Luna, you've finally woken up,” Celestia said with a mischievous grin when she noticed the other princess. Luna tried hard to maintain her righteous anger, but found herself grinning uncontrollably. “Sister, what was the meaning of this?” Luna raised the blanket up in the air. She tried to speak seriously, but when she saw her sister barely suppressing a very un-Princess-like giggle Luna's voice cracked with laughter. “Um... perhaps, Your Majesty, I should take my leave now,” suggested the Minister tactfully. “Yes, Minister, I believe that is a good idea,” Celestia said good-naturedly. The gray earth pony collected the maps and documents and trotted off. “Now, Luna, where were we?” “Celly- Celestia- why did you not just wake me up? It is not very princess-like to sleep in the royal garden,” Luna protested half-heartedly. “Luna, I have to get my amusement from somewhere. You were so adorable, just lying there in the grass, I couldn't help but sneak a photograph.” Celestia giggled at Luna's look of horror. “You didn't-” “Nope! But the look on your face is something I will treasure forev- Oof!” Celestia gasped as she tried to free herself from the blanket Luna had thrown on her. Celestia could hear Luna giggling, but that rich sound that Celestia had missed for a millennium abruptly ended. “Luna? Luna, what's going on?” Celestia asked, then finally removed the blanket. She gasped in horror. Princess Luna had frozen absolutely still, her eyes blankly staring ahead, wide-open out of terror. “Luna! What's wrong, speak to me!” Distantly, Luna could hear somepony calling her name, asking if she was alright, but Luna couldn't focus on that; she was too occupied gaping at her surroundings. She was somehow back on the moon, possibly in a spectral form. Panic began to set in as fears of banishment and loneliness surged through her mind. Luna shook her head violently, eyes closed to try and hold back the tears. She looked up and screamed, then opened her eyes and stopped, staring in horror at the enormous rock that was looming far off in the distance of space; it was speeding towards her moon. It seemed at first as though the asteroid would simply sail past the moon, but the path of the asteroid was so close that Luna feared that her moon's gravity might ensnare it. The rock flew closer and closer to her moon, but before Luna could do anything she felt a stretching sensation and her vision went black. Luna began to breathe quite rapidly, panicking; she kicked a hoof, and when Luna felt something solid, she opened her eyes in surprise. “Ow! Luna, that was my face!” Celestia groaned, holding a hoof to her nose. “Celly? Celly! I'm back, I'm back...” Luna began to sob softly. The Day Princess touched her horn to Luna's. Relief traveled like a wave from older sister to younger along the magical touch. Luna stopped crying, simply breathing steadily. “Thank you, Celly. I... I was so scared that I was back on the moon...” “I understand. But... was that all? Surely, there must have been more to make my sister fall unconscious?” “Celly, there was...” Luna grimaced. “There was a great asteroid heading towards Equestria.” ----- Rumors flew around Ponyville as the ponies tried to make up for any lost time during the scare. Twilight Sparkle was especially frustrated as she sat in her library, looking over her star charts; but, unable to concentrate, in a fit of frustration she swept all of the charts off the table. Twilight had finally gotten used to accepting the Pinkie Sense, and now suddenly it chose to fail her? She sighed and rested her head on her hoof, looking out at the gorgeous sunset. Pinkie, of course, still thought that something was going to fall, so she had stayed inside Sugarcube Corner all day. Twilight grumbled as she picked her star charts up and put them back on the table; as she was doing so, something odd caught her eye. There was something odd about two of the charts, both of which dated from about 500 years ago. She looked closely at the two side-by-side charts, knowing that something was different, but unable to place just what it was exactly. Her curiosity aroused, Twilight forgot all about the events of the day as she sat down and went through the stars on the charts one by one. ----- The two rulers of Equestria were standing together in the Royal Observatory, panting heavily. Celestia pawed the ground angrily. "How? How did that asteroid resist our combined magical strength?" puzzled the white alicorn. "Did you feel it too, Celly? It was like the thing was diffusing our magic." "Yes, I did..." Celestia trailed off. “So, Celly, what do we do now?” "We wait a little bit, recharge our energy, and then hit it with a more concentrated burst of energy,” Celestia answered in a matter-of-fact tone. “Oh, and we don't let any of our subjects know of it. If word got out...” “I understand that part, Celly, but why should we wait? Couldn't we transport ourselves to the moon and focus its energy? I am the Moon Princess, after all. Or couldn't we even use the Cannon?” “NO!” Celestia recoiled vehemently. She closed her eyes and sighed. “I'm sorry, Luna, but I can't. I'm rather tired right now.” Princess Celestia turned away and walked slowly to one of the observatory's windows, looking out at the horizon lazily. Her fading sunset this day was magnificently red and orange, the sun barely lingering on the horizon, almost sorrowfully. Luna seemed to sense her sister's feelings, and lowered her head. Neither of the Princesses spoke for what seemed an eternity. “What's wrong, Celly?” Celestia looked back at Luna. “Nothing, Luna... nothing is wrong.” Luna frowned, not satisfied. “Celly, you are officially the worst liar I have ever met. Now, tell me what's on your mind.” Celestia's shoulders slumped a fraction. “I can't,” whispered Celestia. “I could always talk to you about anything, Luna, but in this one aspect I'm not ready yet. I will tell you eventually, but that day has not yet arrived. Please, don't push this." A swirl of emotions flowed in Luna's head, but eventually she just walked over to her older sister and nuzzled her lovingly. “Anything for you, Celly.” ----- “Aha! That's what it was!” Twilight shouted in triumph. “I found the discrepancy! Now... what is it?” Twilight pulled out Clopernicus' guide to the stars and flipped through the pages until she found what she was looking for. The Blue Wanderer, found in the sky near the constellation Equuleus. When viewed closely enough, it is bright blue in color. It is notable because it has not always been present in the Equestrian skies; it was first discovered in the year 503. There is much speculation as to how the star came to be, but none of the theories have much credibility since most of them are folk tales. Some suggest that it is a comet, but its distinct blue color would seem to contradict that hypothesis, as comets are not usually blue. Others are convinced that it is instead a magical construct or a star, but they have no way to explain its appearance, since nopony has ever taken credit for creating it. There is not much available data about The Blue Wanderer, since all attempts at magical probing have failed; spectroscopic analysis of the star reveals that it is mostly composed of an unknown substance. No hypothesis yet has explained this anomaly. “Hm... that's weird. How would a star just show up? Luna couldn't have put it there, she was in exile.” Twilight looked out the window at the night sky, thinking about the mystery. Then her eyes widened, and she face-hoofed. Twilight quickly went up to her telescope and searched through the sky for the star. She went to the area of the sky that the charts indicated, but... there was no blue star there. Twilight checked her charts again, and refocused the telescope. She identified Equuleus, right there, so The Blue Wanderer should be right... There was no star there. Twilight gasped. She stood in shock, her mind racing. Twilight raced downstairs, looking for parchment to write a letter to Celestia. How did the star disappear? If it was Princess Luna that took the star away, then how did it get there in the first place? I doubt Princess Celestia would have had any reason to put it there, so does that mean that there is another being capable of altering the night sky? Twilight finally found the paper and began scratching a note to the Princess. Dear Princess Celestia, I have recently learned of the existence of a certain star, called “The Blue Wanderer”, which appeared in the night sky during the year 503. Now, this very night, I have discovered that it is no longer among the stars; it is gone. Since Princess Luna could not have put it there, I am curious to know if you put it there, and if you did not, then... who did? Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle ----- Celestia had just laid her head down for a quick nap when a familiar mist appeared and became a scroll right in front of her eyes. Intrigued at what could possibly be going on for Twilight to send her a letter at this hour, she opened it and read. Her eyebrows shot up. “That's interesting...” Celestia sprang up and opened the door to her bedchamber. “Shining Armor!” The Captain spun around. “Yes, m'Lady?” “Fetch one of the librarians and the chief astronomer, and tell them to bring the astronomical records from the year 503.” “Yes, Princess!” He bowed, then ran off. Celestia closed the door, then called for Luna with a telepathy spell. “Luna, I think you should come to my room. My faithful student Twilight Sparkle has uncovered some interesting news.” To herself, Celestia whispered “Twilight Sparkle... you always were my brightest student.” Luna appeared next to her sister in a literal flash. “You wanted me, Celly?” “Yes, I was curious; do you know of the star "Blue Wanderer"?” “Blue... Wanderer?” asked Luna, baffled. The Princess of the Day frowned. “I was hoping you wouldn't say that.” Celestia turned to one of the bookshelves in her room and pulled out an unassuming blue-covered book. “What's that for, Celly?” “It's one of the volumes of my journal,” Celestia commented as she flipped through the pages. “I made sure to record any important events from my own perspective, and I'm pretty sure the unexplained appearance of a star would qualify as 'important'. Aha! Here it is.” Celestia scanned the page and frowned again. “That doesn't sound good.” Luna gulped. “What is it, Celly?” Celestia simply showed Luna the book. February, 503 (Strange Star) Today I felt an enormous energy shock from the depths of our solar system. I could not identify its purpose nor its origin, since I passed out during its entirety. Later in the day I was notified by my chief astronomer that a strange new star had appeared in the night sky. I cannot help but believe that the two are somehow connected, although I cannot as of yet verify my suspicions. -Additional Notes As of October 503 I have observed no harmful or malicious signs from the new star, nor have any new magical bursts been detected. I am almost afraid to pen my thoughts, but perhaps it was an attempt by my sister Luna to escape? I hope that she has not figured out a way to do so, although I cannot stop wishing that she were here.... Luna could read no more. She handed the book back to her sister. “It wasn't me, Celly. I... I did try to escape at first, but-” “That's enough, Luna. The past is behind us.” Luna's body suddenly froze, taut with tension. She felt as though something were pulling on her, coming closer, closer... The blue asteroid drifted towards the planet Equestria. Its path was so close to the planet's orbit that it very well could just fly past the planet without harm, and it seemed on course to do just that. Until, that is, the moon's gravity began pulling the asteroid in. The blue hulk's path curved gracefully, inexorably, towards the moon, which was now between Equestria and it. The asteroid, attracted by the moon's gravity, was steadily being pulled into a crash course with the moon. It seemed to come down to the final seconds, whether the asteroid would impact or not... and then, the asteroid, traveling at a thousand kilometers per hour, skimmed along and bounced off of the moon. Luna cried out in pain, as though the rock had struck her instead of the moon. She collapsed to the ground, pain everywhere. “Luna! What happened? I felt an explosion!” “The asteroid...” Luna said weakly. “It hit the moon... but, it didn't- oww! It didn't really hit the moon; it... it scraped the moon, and now it's going to hit us.” Luna was gasping for breath. Celestia's expression fell. “We'll have to destroy it quickly, then.” Luna was still shaking from the trauma. “I don't know if I'm up to it, that impact really took the wind out of me. We... We could always use the Cannon-” “Luna!” Celestia interrupted sharply. “You know that that is only for absolute emergencies; you know what it takes to charge up a shot from it. And this is not so dire as to merit its use!” At that moment, the door opened and two ponies walked in, carrying a few ancient books. “Your Majesty? You requested our presence,” said the astronomer, Midnight Gaze. He noticed then that Princess Luna was shaking and sweating. “Uh... Your Highness? Is everything... okay?” “Ah, yes, my dear sister has just had a shock, is all. If you would be so kind, please watch over her and while you are, look for any information you have about the Blue Wanderer. Luna, tell me if you learn anything new while I am gone.” Luna nodded, and the two other ponies bowed respectfully. “Very well, Princess.” And with that, Princess Celestia teleported away. ----- Twilight was looking over her notes again when she heard the sound of somepony teleporting into her home. “Hey! Who's down there?” Twilight called out nervously. “Ah, Twilight, there you are,” said a familiar voice. Twilight Sparkle stiffened in recognition. “P-P- Princess Celestia?!” The Princess strode up the stairs, a warm smile on her face. “My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight came to her senses and bowed at the mention of her name. “You can dispose of the formalities. I only wish that the circumstances of my visit were not so... dire.” “Oh! What's wrong, Princess?” “That star you mentioned in your letter, the Blue Wanderer, well... it's not actually a star. It's an asteroid, and unfortunately, Twilight, the asteroid you saw is no longer in the sky because it is about to hit Equestria.” The purple unicorn's mouth dropped to the floor. “B-but... that would mean...” she did some quick calculations in her head. “The force from such a hit would be catastrophic!” “Yes, Twilight, it would be. So, naturally, you and I are going to stop it.” “We are?” “Of course! What kind of ruler of Equestria would I be if I let something like that happen?” Celestia grinned. “Would you mind if we use your telescope?” Twilight simply nodded, curious as to the Princess' plan. Celestia telekinetically adjusted the telescope until she saw the asteroid through the scope. The Blue Wanderer appeared as a bright blue and orange fireball descending upon the planet. The asteroid seemed to be heading directly towards Twilight's telescope, almost as though it knew it was being watched. The princess began casting a spell, and the telescope's many parts drifted apart while still maintaining the basic appearance of a telescope. “Twilight, I need you to focus all of your magical power into the telescope.” “Yes, Princess.” Twilight scrunched up her eyes and her horn began to glow purple. When she went to discharge her energy, she found that the telescope had become, in effect, a reservoir that was designed to hold magic. Twilight poured her energy in, and kept straining, putting all of her power into it. At last, she felt nothing left to put in and stopped. Panting, Twilight looked up at the telescope, now a gleaming tube of raw energy. When Twilight glanced at her mentor, she noticed that Celestia looked very drained as well. “Would you like to do the honors, Twilight? I have already put in my magic, which will act as guidance for the beam.” “Um... I think you should do it, Your Highness,” Twilight mumbled, nervous of such destructive power. Celestia nodded with a look of such understanding that Twilight couldn't help but wonder what the Princess was thinking. Twilight watched her mentor aim the telescope right on the blue ball, and take a calming breath. She inched her horn closer... closer... tap- BOOM! A huge ray of purple and white energy shot out of the telescope, startling Twilight so much that she fell backwards. Twilight watched with both horror and wonder as the beam collided with the faint glow of the asteroid and created a distant, massive explosion. The young unicorn's expression was one of awe as she watched the fiery blue explosion. The Princess was still looking through the telescope when her face folded into a tired frown as she saw a few small chunks of blue hurtle out of the flames. Celestia stepped back and Twilight jumped over to look through the telescope. “Oh no! Princess Celestia, parts of the asteroid are still falling! What went wrong?” Celestia looked at the pieces once more through the telescope, but did not appear troubled. “It's alright, my student. Based on their current trajectories, I can tell that they will be landing far from any kind of civilization. There shouldn't be any problems.” The lavender unicorn breathed a heavy sigh of relief, but in her mind lurked the remnants of doubt. “Thank you, Twilight. It has been quite the evening, but I am exhausted and I can tell you are as well. I shall take my leave of you now, my faithful student.” “Okay, Princess Celestia. I'm glad you came; I enjoyed learning about all this.” With a warm smile and a gracious nod, Princess Celestia prepared to teleport to her Palace, but before she did, she sighed softly, sadly, and looked at Twilight with a strange, unusually warm glance of affection. And then, the Princess was gone. After a moment of shock, Twilight left the balcony, still somewhat dazed, processing the events of the evening. As she lay in bed trying to sleep she couldn't help but puzzle over the Princess' odd behavior, but that thought was soon lost in the maelstrom of ideas swirling in Twilight's restless mind. Just as a merciful sleep descended on Twilight at last, one final thought made her smile: I guess Pinkie Pie was right about that falling object... ----- Out in the open ocean, the choppy waves were thrown hither and thither by a fierce wind. From the gray, overcast sky a fiery, bright blue missile erupted and crashed into the water, startling the fish that were nearby. The blue substance was fractured by the impact, and the pieces that remained sank into the dark depths of the ocean. The Western Wastelands lay still, hardly a breeze blowing in the boiling desert heat. Rocky outcrops the size of houses poked out of the ground like spears, marring the landscape. Plateaus and crevasses ran hither and thither like spider webs. Into this hellish environ a screaming blue meteor came crashing down from the sky, shooting up a huge cloud of dirt and dust. It took only a few moments for the debris to settle, and the blast crater was quickly lost amongst the pock-marked earth and heat waves. Deep in the Everfree Forest was a lake; rather, something more like a swamp. Its stagnant waters were suddenly and mightily disturbed as a pony-sized chunk of glowing blue rock impacted it at several hundred kilometers per hour, leaving a huge crater which quickly filled back up with foul water, leaving no trace of the disturbance. At the bottom of the pool, however, the blue glow began to spread across the swamp, ever so slightly, ever so slowly.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 2 Twilight was standing in a field that stretched out in all directions as far as she could see. The weather was pleasant enough; the sun shone gently over the earth and cool breeze blew across Twilight's face. Twilight strolled through the plains, enjoying the feeling of life that the earth seemed to radiate; she wondered if this was what earth ponies felt like all the time. Acting on an impulse, the purple unicorn began galloping lackadaisically over the field, giggling and laughing like a little filly. Eventually she came across a small, glowing blue flower. It was a very light blue, lighter than the Poison Joke that grew in the Everfree Forest. Curious, Twilight trotted up to inspect it; at a closer look, she realized that the flower had a face, and appeared to be sleeping. Almost as if it sensed her approach, the flower woke up and focused its gaze on the unicorn that was now standing in front of it. Twilight gasped as she saw that the flower's eyes were empty black sockets. It smiled ghoulishly as its blue glow became brighter, then spread down through its stem and into the earth. Immediately, Twilight felt the earth give out a ghastly groan, as if in pain. The blue spot in the ground grew slowly, but became quicker with each passing second. The soil, once touched by the blue glow, seemed to be assimilated by the insatiable blue tide. Twilight realized that there were trees and plants springing up all around her, as if she were suddenly in a forest. The blue wave swept over all of the plants, warping and distorting them into twisted mockeries of their old forms; where before there had been tall, proud oaks there were now glassy, gnarled blue trunks with waving, tentacle-like protrusions. It seemed as though the very air itself was befouled by the blue, the poison, the... corruption. Finished with the flora, the inexorable decay loomed over Twilight, about to consume the petrified purple unicorn. She could hear whispers of unintelligible sounds calling to her, drawing her in. The blue tide of un-life engulfed her like a tidal wave, and she could feel its cold, wet grasp- “AAAAAHHHHH!” screamed the sleeping unicorn mare. Her eyes snapped open and she leaped out of bed, panting heavily. Realizing that she had only been dreaming, Twilight took a few calming breaths. Her purple dragon assistant poked his head out from under a blanket that Twilight had thrown off in her haste. “I'm glad you're up, Twi,” enthused Spike. “I noticed that you were talking in your sleep, and you were shaking like a leaf. It was kinda weird at first, just seeing you like that, but then you started saying 'Stay back' and 'Get away from me' so I figured I should probably wake you up pronto.” Spike smiled sheepishly as he gestured to an empty bucket. “You weren't waking up when I shook you, so I got a little carried away...” Twilight's face wore a frown as she heard Spike's revelation and realized for the first time that she was dripping wet. “Gee, thanks, Spike.” “Aw, come on, Twilight, it was just a little water. Besides, I made breakfast! Oat waffles!” Twilight smiled, shaking her head as she levitated a towel from her closet and hastily dried off. The unicorn stood up and went down the stairs to the breakfast table, where she hungrily began to devour the delicious waffles, Spike not far behind. “Wow, Twilight, you're really hungry today. Was it something to do with the Princess' visit last night?” Twilight almost choked on a mouthful of waffles. “How did you know about the Princess' visit? I didn't see you awake when I went to bed.” “I heard that really loud thing, but I figured it would be better if I just stayed in bed...” Spike said sheepishly. Twilight gave him a suspicious look as one of her eyebrows shot up. “Are you sure that was the only reason you didn't get up?” “Well... I might have been kinda scared of the magical explosion thing.” Twilight laughed good-naturedly and playfully pushed her assistant with one of her forehooves, when there was a knock at the library door. “I wonder who that could be?” Spike wondered out loud as he went to open the door. He opened it to find an orange earth pony waiting there. “Oh, hey, Applejack. What's up?” asked the dragon. “Howdy, Spike. Is Twilight awake?” “Yeah, she's eating breakfast right now. Do you want some? I made oat waffles,” Spike offered, then opened the door wider in invitation. “No, that's okay, Spike, I jus' had a question for Twilight,” Applejack said as she trotted in. She headed back to where Twilight was munching on her third helping of waffles. “G'mornin', Twi. I had a question I thought you might be able to answer.” “Okay, whah ish ih?” Twilight said with a mouthful of waffle. She swallowed sheepishly. “Sorry AJ, I'm pretty hungry after last night.” Applejack looked surprised after Twilight mentioned the previous night. “Well, sugarcube, that's just it; I was up a bit late las' night, and I couldn' help but notice a real big light-beam thing, and, well, I figured since you're the most magical pony in town, ya might know somethin' 'bout it.” Twilight's mind raced as she thought back to the previous evening. The Princess didn't tell me I had to keep it a secret... but I don't know if I should tell her the truth. The Princess might not want word going around about this kind of thing. Would she care? “So, Applejack. Do you remember how Pinkie's Pinkie Sense told her something really big was going to fall yesterday? Well... Pinkie was right,” said the purple unicorn carefully. Applejack raised her eyebrows in confusion. “Uh, Twi? There wern't nothin' that fell, not to my knowledge.” “You're correct, nothing actually fell. That's what the light beam did; it stopped what was falling from falling.” The orange pony slowly seemed to comprehend what Twilight was getting at. Still curious, she pressed on. “So, Twi, what was it that was fallin'?” Feeling slightly more nervous now that her friend was asking for specifics, Twilight thought for a moment about her response. She started to speak- CRASHBOOM. Any lighter objects, like cups and silverware, rattled slightly from the sound of a Sonic Rainboom. Simultaneously, upstairs in Twilight's bedroom was the sound of several crashes and much destruction. Twilight and Appljack looked back at each other for a moment before rushing up the stairs and into Twilight's bedroom, where they gasped in shock. Inside was a pile of broken glass, wood splinters from the damaged windowframe, and ponies. Two ponies, actually, a bright red pegasus colt and a bight blue pegasus filly, the red pony curled protectively around the blue one. Twilight and Applejack gasped as they recognized- “Dash!” shouted the two friends simultaneously. Right on cue, the blue pony groaned and sat up, accidentally cutting her hoof on one of the glass shards; after a split second, her eyes shot open in shock and she leaped into the air, her wings flapping out of sync. “OW OW OW OW!” screamed Rainbow Dash. She lurched crazily through the room until she landed on Twilight's bed with a muffled whump. Twilight and Applejack ran over to the bed. “Rainbow, are you okay? What happened?” asked Twilight. “I dunno, Twi. I was practicing tricks with Flare- OHMYGOSH!” Dash suddenly forgot her pain as she leaped off of the bed and to the side of the red pony. “Flare! Flare, are you alright? Say something-” The red pegasus coughed, and a few speckles of red appeared on the floor, his breath coming in big gasps. “Oh, Celestia, my head...” moaned the colt as he looked around. “And my wings... and everything, it hurts.” A small pool of red was beginning to form underneath his body, quite a bit darker than his fur. He tried to say something else, but instead coughed bitterly again, spattering the floor with more blood before his eyes closed again and he became limp. Rainbow Dash's breath caught in her throat. “He- he's-” Twilight gently pushed the blue pegasus out of the way. “He's not dead, Dash, just unconscious,” Twilight said. She barely avoided voicing her next thought: But that could change if we don't do something quick. Grimacing, Twilight used her telekinesis to lift the pony into the air and onto her bed, where the three ponies could clearly see his chest rising and falling almost imperceptibly. The purple unicorn began to magically examine his injuries, which consisted mostly of jagged glass cuts- some of which still had the glass shards in them- and blunt trauma. One particularly large laceration was right on the base of the colt's left wing, cutting all the way to the bone, almost severing the wing completely; it was the source of much of the bleeding. “He's badly hurt, especially his left wing! We need to get him to the hospital now!” Twilight said gravely. “AJ, are you up to carrying him?” “Of course I am, sugarcube!” acknowledged the farm pony. She moved to pick up the colt, but when she did, Dash butted in. “We've gotta get him there quick, AJ! I'm the fastest pony alive, I should take him!” “Rainbow, you ain't in no condition to be carryin' anypony anywhere,” protested Applejack. “I'll get him.” During this brief exchange, Twilight had been monitoring the colt's condition, and what she saw was not good. She sighed and spoke up. “Um, girls? I don't think we have time to get him to the hospital.” “Wha- but- Twi, you have to do something!" Dash sputtered. "Use a healing spell, or- or, I don't know, something! You have to!” “I don't know any healing spells powerful enough for these kinds of injuries! I never thought I'd have to do anything like this!” “Then- then make one up! You're good at magic, Twi! You're the best!” Twilight frowned, thinking; precious seconds ticked by. She huffed, then concentrated on her magic, letting it flow into her horn. There she knitted it into a field of spell energy just like a basic, cuts-and-bruises healing spell on steroids, and released it like a net onto the helpless pegasus. The magic sank into the colt's flesh, seeking out his wounds and slowly closing them up. The blood that had spilled out of his body came oozing back, flowing into the wounds as they healed. All across his body, shimmering purple fields appeared around his cuts and bruises, so bright that they gave the room an eerie purple glow. After about a minute, Twilight collapsed to the ground, panting heavily. The exhaustion from the previous night's adventure had not yet fully worn off, and the current spell was incredibly taxing. She could hear Applejack and Rainbow Dash talking to her, asking her if she was okay, but they sounded far-off; everything except the spell seemed fuzzy. I don't... have much magic... left. I can't just... let them down... I have to keep pushing... my magic. I can't let them down... Twilight felt herself fading into darkness. I can't... ----- A small wooden cart rolled through the twilight underneath the dense canopy of the Everfree forest, pulled by a blue unicorn in a starry cape. The unicorn stopped, an angry look on her face as she pulled out a map and examined it. After a few frustrated minutes, she scowled and stuffed the map back into her saddlebag. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is never lost! Trixie is sure there's a town around here somewhere,” muttered Trixie to herself. She resumed pulling the cart, much smaller than her old one, but a cart nonetheless. Trixie was about to start grumbling about how it was all Twilight Sparkle's fault, when she sensed a- Ping. The unicorn raised her eyebrows and looked around for the source of the faint energy spike she had just felt. Ping. She felt it again, a good distance away and off to her left. Her curiosity aroused, she started walking off towards the pulsing energy source. As she homed in on the pulse, its strength became stronger the closer she came. Soon Trixie was wading through a swamp, so she unhitched herself from her cart. “This swamp will rue the day it stood between the Great and Powerful Trixie and her goal,” grumbled the unicorn. She stomped her hoof to emphasize the point, but she felt her hoof slosh through an even more gooey substance. Trixie looked down in surprise to find that her hoof had splattered into a pile of a strange, glowing blue ooze. Before she had time to comprehend, her hoof began tingling violently, then stinging in pain. She quickly withdrew her hoof, using her magic to scrape the ooze off of her smarting hoof. Turning back to the ooze, she examined it with her magic. This was it. This blue material was the source of the energy spikes, and it was quite powerful. A devious smile spread across Trixie's lips. This is exactly what I need to get back at that blasted unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. After she humiliated me like that my reputation has been ruined! I'll show her that no pony humiliates the Great and Powerful Trixie and gets away with it! Trixie plodded further into the swamp, looking for any more of the stuff; when she stepped through a particularly dense cluster of trees she gasped in a mixture of awe and discomfort as her whole body began tingling. Spread before her was an entire lake of the blue substance. ----- “Twilight! Don't push yerself too hard, sugarcube!” admonished Applejack as she steadied the struggling unicorn with her hoof. Her friend slumped into her hooves, out cold from the energy drain. Applejack sighed, then lifted her friend into a comfortable position on some blankets. She grabbed Spike, who was still paralyzed from the sight of the blood, and placed him next to Twilight. “ohmygoodnesswhathappened?!” said a yellow pegasus as she flew in the window. “I saw you two falling and then-” When she turned around, she saw that Rainbow Dash had already hoisted the injured colt onto her back in a firepony's carry, limping down the stairs. “EEP!” squeaked Fluttershy at first sight of the blood, instantly recoiling. Just by looking at the condition the colt was in, she knew that he needed medical attention right away; swallowing her fear and doubts, she alighted on the ground and spoke. “Rainbow, Flare needs to be tended to right now! Bring him back and set him on Twilight's bed, I'll get started right away!” asserted Fluttershy in a rare moment of boldness. She whipped around the room, gathering up impromptu medical supplies. Surprised by her friend's uncharacteristic, commanding behavior, Rainbow Dash complied silently. Fluttershy tore a blanket to shreds with Applejack's help and started to wrap the red pony's injuries. After what seemed an interminable amount of time, but in reality only a few minutes, Fluttershy had covered Flare in makeshift bandages. She stepped back, inspecting her handiwork with a critical eye. “Okay, I'm done. Applejack, you should take him down to the clinic now; I'll stay and take care of Twilight.” “Got it, sugarcube,” replied the earth pony. She quickly trotted over to the red pony; Dash started to protest, but stumbled and nearly fell; fortunately she was caught by the cowpony just in time. Scowling, Dash let Applejack pick up the unconscious pony, who groaned at the jostling. “I'm still coming with you,” she muttered defiantly, then winced as a jolt of pain shot through her body from the cuts and bruises adorning her battered body. She flew along as fast as she could behind Applejack, who was trying to balance speed with steadiness, to prevent further injury. Dash could feel her body groaning under the stress and injury, but she ignored the pain as best she could; with her wings still not flapping in tandem, she couldn't fly very quickly. Rainbow noticed out of the corner of her eyes that the ponies she passed looked at her strangely, and for the first time it occurred to her that she must look pretty awful after that flyover and then the crash through the window. She shook her head, clearing away the thought, and landed in front of the Ponyville hospital; the hospital was quite small, more like a clinic. The blue pegasus burst through the doors, and an involuntary yelp of pain escaped her lips. “Rainbow Dash!” said one of the surprised pony nurses. “You look terrible! We should get you fixed up right away-” “I don't have time for that!” blurted the rainbow-maned pegasus as she struggled through the reception area and into the plain, white halls of the building. She felt incredibly dizzy, and found it difficult to stay balanced as she walked. One of the nurses trotted after her, an insistent look on her face. Dash ignored her, rounding a corner and noticing Applejack sitting in front of one of the doors. Applejack tried to smile when she saw Dash, but all that she managed was a grimace. Dash felt her stomach drop when she saw that, but she couldn't resist; she opened the adjacent door, and the blood drained from her face. Lying on the bed in the room was the red colt, the normally pristine white sheets around him stained a darker red. Standing over him was Nurse Redheart, who was too focused on her operations to notice Dash's intrusion. Dash felt the other nurse pony gently pull her from the room. She didn't resist. ----- Princess Celestia sighed as she took a bite of a delicious carrot cake. Only her two personal guards were in the large dining hall with her, which only increased the feeling of loneliness. Normally there would be swarms of attendants and servants rushing through the hall, but on an impulse she had given them all the day off. The opulent red and gold decorations and fancy flourishes seemed almost sad at the desolation, as though they were meant to be viewed and enjoyed with others. Of course, the real reason that she had let them all go was not so much out of generosity, but more of a public relations ploy, to try and dispel the rumors that had popped up overnight about the huge magical explosion in the sky. More than a few ponies had panicked and started spreading rumors that Nightmare Moon had returned, and that the explosion was from a battle between Celestia and the mare of darkness. She had hoped that the rising of the sun would quell the stories, but some still clung to the idea. By sending all of her staff home with a partial truth, she hoped that they would be more effective than any speech she could make. Poor Luna had taken it very seriously, and in a storm of tears and frustration she had locked herself in her room, not coming out or speaking to anypony since. Celestia had tried to get her to open the door, but all she got in response were muffled sobs. The Day Princess was beginning to be concerned that the rumors might become self-fulfilling prophecies. Celestia finished her cake and stood up, stretching fruitlessly, trying to shake the fatigue from her body. She noticed her guards take up flanking positions behind her as she walked out of the large hall; a smile appeared on her face. They had refused to leave her unprotected, despite her assurances that she could handle herself quite well, being more than one thousand years old as well as the goddess of the sun. The smile quickly vanished as she arrived at her destination; the door to Luna's bedroom. She knocked gently. “Luna? You've been in there since midnight. Can I come in?” Celestia took the silence as an invitation and opened the door. She wasn't surprised when she saw her beloved sister fast asleep at her desk, slumped over a thick tome. Celestia gently levitated her sister out of the uncomfortable desk and onto the midnight blue bed that was at the opposite end of the room. Luna started squirming in her sleep, so Celestia nuzzled her affectionately; the dark blue alicorn was calm after that. Celestia smiled sadly and trotted back out the door, closing it quietly behind her. ----- Twilight woke up with a throbbing headache. “Ugh...” she groaned. “Twilight! You're okay! I was so worried,” Spike said as he wrapped Twilight in a hug. “Thanks, Spike,” the purple unicorn said as she nuzzled him. Twilight stood up, stretching, a thoughtful look on her face. There was something she wanted to remember, but she couldn't place it. She sifted through her recent memories, images appearing in her mind's eye: there was Princess Celestia unleashing a great beam of energy... a large, open field... something about the field sparked her attention. She slowly pulled out what she had realized was a dream, bit by bit into her memory. Another pony entered the room quietly, carrying two glasses of water and disrupting her train of thought. “Oh, Twilight, you're awake. I'm so glad you're feeling better; you looked so tired when you were sleeping,” said Fluttershy, concern on her face. “Have you been taking care of yourself, Twilight? Are you getting enough sleep? Eating enough?” “What? Yes, Fluttershy, I have. I was just tired from having to do two really powerful spells in a few hours.” “Oh, okay.” The yellow pegasus refrained from inquiring about the other spell. “Um... would you like to go see Rainbow and Applejack? They're at the hospital with Flare.” Twilight's brain churned as she thought about the question she was about to ask. “Are they okay? Rainbow Dash and Flare, I mean?” “Rainbow Dash is fine, but Flare was in pretty bad shape when they left for the clinic. I had to patch him up, and I don't know how he's been since Applejack took him to Nurse Redheart for treatment.” “I think we should go visit them, then,” suggested Twilight, uneasiness tingeing her voice. She started the long walk through Ponyville, Fluttershy and Spike not far behind. ----- Luna waited until she was sure Celestia was gone, then opened her eyes, which were puffy and red from crying. It had been a risky gamble, faking sleep, but when Celestia had knocked, she didn't have time to hide the ancient books that she had been reading. She had quickly slipped a roll of parchment over the tome to partially cover it up, then pretended to be asleep. After all, if Celestia knew that she had been reading about Ascending... Luna held back a fresh wave of tears. If the ponies don't care enough about me that they just assume I would stab Equestria in the back, then they wouldn't care if I just left. They wouldn't care... No one cares... Luna began travelling down the ancient, familiar path of thought, but stopped abruptly. Wait, wait, what am I thinking? Of course my subjects care about me! Celly cares about me! It's just that I've only been back for a year or two, that's it... that, and- and Celly takes all the attention- Luna clenched her teeth, struggling to avoid blowing something up out of frustration. “Wh-where are these thoughts coming from?” she whispered out loud. “I'm not lonely! Celly promised I would never be lonely! She promised...” Luna trailed off. She looked out the window at the bustling city of Canterlot below. So many ponies traveling about their daily business, oblivious to the Princess of the Night. Luna couldn't restrain herself anymore, and started crying again. She staggered onto her over-sized bed and collapsed, her body screaming for rest, but none coming. Luna buried her face in her pillow and screamed. ----- Twilight stood in front of the hospital, not knowing what to expect inside. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the doors. Inside the cozy little white-walled lobby were a few nurse ponies behind a counter and a few other ponies sitting in the chairs scattered around the rest of the room, among them Applejack and a moderately-bandaged Rainbow Dash. When they saw her walk in, they jumped up to meet her. “There you are, Twi. Good to see you up and about; that was one hay of a spell you did back there,” said Applejack with a hint of pride in her voice. “From what Nurse Redheart told us, you jus' saved that colt's life, and you definitely saved his wings. He would'a never been able to fly again without such a powerful healing spell so quickly.” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief; it felt like a lead weight in her chest had vanished. As soon as it was gone, though, a burgeoning question took its place. “So, Rainbow Dash, um... how did you two end up crashing through the window, anyway?” inquired the purple unicorn. Dash trotted over to a group of chairs and sat down, with the other three next to her. “So, it was like this...” ----- Rainbow Dash was walking through Cloudsdale, looking for the building where she could sign up for the Wonderbolt Audition. As soon as she had seen the poster in the center of Ponyville, she had asked the Mayor for a few days' vacation, which she had gotten. Now, she was here, about to finally perform for the Wonderbolts! Rainbow Dash could see herself swooping and soaring like rainbow lightning, looping around and doing such crazy stunts that even the Wonderbolt judges were going wild, just like the rest of the crowd. She finished her tricks with one last triple-backflip-720º-corkscrew-Immelman and landed perfectly in front of the panel of judges, who immediately walked over and offered her a uniform. Taking the uniform, Rainbow Dash did a celebratory, giddy leap, and whipped the uniform on- WHUMP. Rainbow shook her head as she got her bearing, realizing that she had walked into a cloud wall. Next to her was a fiery red colt rolling on the ground laughing. Rainbow huffed, at which point he snapped to his feet, still smirking. Rainbow was surprised, since he was only as tall as she was; normally, colts were taller than her. “There's a wall there!” said the colt with a cocky grin. “Yeah, what about it?” Dash said defensively. “You got a problem with that?” “No, it's just that you walked into it. Most ponies don't do that,” laughed the red pony. “Are you here to sign up for the Wonderbolt Audition?” “You bet I am! And I'm gonna fly circles around you, shorty!” Now it was the colt's turn to be riled. “Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't fly like a pro!” he snapped back. “Being small means that I'm more aerodynamic!” The colt was about to continue, when he suddenly smiled as he recognized his new rival. “Wait a sec, you're Rainbow Dash, aren't you? I recognize you from the Best Young Flier's Competition.” He held out his hoof. “My name's Firework Flare. Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash.” Dash smirked and shook his hoof. “So why didn't I see you at the Competition? Too scared?” “Me? I had a sprained wing from doing too many awesome tricks!” The two pegasi walked into the building, trading words. “Oh yeah? Maybe you should show me some of those awesome moves, so I know you're not bluffing!” challenged Dash. “You're on! You and me, we'll have a pre-Audition competition, to see who has the better tricks! Where do you wanna meet?” “We can start at my cloud-house. All of Ponyville will decide who's better!” By this time, the two had reached the sign-in desk, where a mint-green pegasus pony in a blue uniform was reclining in a cushy cloud chair. He sat up as the two ponies approached. “Hello! Are you two here to sign up for the Wonderbolts audition?” “Heck yeah!” said Rainbow Dash. “Wouldn't miss it!” Unfazed by the blue pegasus' antics, the deskpony slid a large binder across the table, opened to a spreadsheet filled with names. “Just write your team name in the first blank, then your team members in the slots next to it. After that, you'll be all set,” explained the colt. “What?! When did this become a team tryout?” demanded Dash incredulously. “What, you didn't know about it? It was on the poster, right here.” The pony pulled out a promotional poster, then gestured to some not-so-fine print, just below the heroic image of the Wonderbolts in flight. “That's dumb,” huffed Rainbow. “Now I have to find some teammates!” Rainbow Dash looked to her left, where she saw Flare simmering quietly. “You okay?” she asked. “Just dandy.” he said flatly. “Maybe we could be on a team together, then.” Dash smiled patronizingly. “Fine.” Flare ground his teeth. “What should our team name be?” “Hm... Oh, I know! Our team name will be 'Double Rainboom'!” Without waiting for an answer, the blue pegasus picked up the pencil and wrote 'Double Rainboom' in an empty slot. Next to it, she wrote her own name, then offered the pencil to Flare. He grudgingly took it and signed in the adjacent slot. Dash smiled and slid the notebook back across the table to the blue-suited colt. She turned to say something to Flare, but he was gone, a trail of smoke leading out the door. Rainbow Dash's eyebrow shot up in curiosity before blasted out the door after him. “Hey! Flare!” shouted somepony behind him. Firework flipped around and saw Rainbow Dash quickly gaining on him. He smiled, his frustration slipping to the back of his mind. “Finally caught up, eh?” “I'll catch up to you whenever I feel like it!” huffed Dash as she poured on speed. “Not if I have anything to say about it!” The two pegasi dived straight down in their quest for speed. The ground was coming up fast, and with a start the red pony realized that his pursuer was right next to him, flying backwards. He scowled. “You're pretty fast, you know! I almost had to try to catch up to you,” condescended Dash. Flare just huffed. “You didn't forget about our competition, did you?” asked Rainbow. “I'd hate to win by default.” The red pegasus rolled his eyes and pulled out of the steep dive, now racing along little more than a foot above the ground in the large, grassy fields around the cloud city. The trail of smoke that he left behind lit the tips of some of the grass stalks on fire. He didn't notice that they were just as quickly snuffed out by a streak of rainbow lazily following behind him. After flying for what felt like hours, Firework used the remaining momentum from the dive to begin climbing back up to the clouds, where he slowed down and alighted on one. He flopped down, silent. His ears perked lazily as he heard a soft whump of somepony landing on the cloud as well. He didn't bother to face Rainbow Dash. For a few moments there was an almost amiable quiet. The colt waited a few moments before saying anything. Rainbow Dash regarded him for a while. “You still up for that contest?” The red pony smirked and stretched his wings. “You bet!” The two pegasi stood in front of Rainbow Dash's house, preparing to take off. Fluttershy stood off to the side with a black and white checkered flag. “Ready... set... go!” she said, and waved the flag. The two ponies were gone in a flash, two parallel trails of smoke and rainbow marking their progress. Rainbow Dash went into the first phase of her routine, gathering five large clouds and spinning them into tight balls, which she proceeded to juggle; she flew in a sphere pattern, hitting the balls in different directions, and never letting them escape her formation. Flare's first trick was to gather several clouds, then turn them as black as smoke and whip them into a tornado. He waited until the pressure had built to a satisfactory level, then released several small sparks into the maelstrom, which flew around like little fireflies in a jar. Rainbow Dash grinned; she relished the challenge of a practiced flier like herself. She popped her five clouds and sped into the second phase of her routine; incredible feats of agility. First she spiraled through a quadruple Immelman, then immediately began an ascending figure-eight spiral, performing barrel-rolls along the entire path. At the height of it, she looked around for her adversary; she noted that he was currently in a very steep dive, trailing smoke and small fireworks that danced around playfully, artfully. She spun back into her routine, a dizzying set of loops and twists. During most of this part of her trick, Dash was able to observe Firework as he plummeted downward, soon flaring his wings to break out of the dive with a bright flourish. Then, as he hit the point with the most G's, she saw his right wing give out. “Flare!” The pain in his right wing was awful. It was in the same spot as before, right at the base of the wing. His bad wing clamped itself rigidly against his body, ignoring his commands to unfurl it. He was able to keep himself from spinning completely out of control by manipulating the lift from his other wing, but he was still speeding towards the ground, and he couldn't do anything about it. He ground his teeth, trying with all his might to pull out of the dive, but his left wing just couldn't do it alone. Hoover Dam! Not now! Why did my wing have to act up now? Firework forced his eyes to stay open as the ground neared. He steeled himself for an impact, and felt one- a soft object hit him from the side, and he felt himself being carried by another pegasus. He looked around and saw the giant rainbow spreading across the sky, but oddly enough couldn't hear the explosion his mind was telling him should be there. “You just saved me,” Flare blurted, surprised. “Not yet I haven't!” Dash shouted. She had noticed Flare falling while she was at the height of her second trick, and so she had had to muster every ounce of speed she had to reach him in time. She had succeeded, in fact gathering enough speed to pull off a Sonic Rainboom; the giant ring of rainbow light exploded over Ponyville, surprising the inhabitants. Such a steep angle made it more difficult to pull out of the dive in time, but Rainbow Dash succeeded, leveling out their flight just a few feet above one of the streets of Ponyville. For a second or two, Dash swerved crazily around, trying to keep her balance, avoid the shocked ponies milling around in a panic, and gain altitude all at once. She pulled up some, just in time for a window to appear directly in her path. With but a moment to spare before the impact, the blue filly wrapped herself like a shield around her rival and twisted around so that she was in front and would take the brunt of the hit. To her surprise, she felt Flare roll the two of them through another half-rotation, until Flare was in front of her once more. CRASH! ----- Trixie's cart sat unsupervised right next to the first pool of the blue gel. The mare herself was by the lake, practicing manipulating the energy that the stuff radiated. She was surrounded by a blue field that crackled and sputtered from the energy that the blue material put off; she had gotten tired of the constant tingling and stinging, so she had crafted a magical shield around her. Trixie had decided to call the blue stuff 'Phazon'; partially because she thought it was a cool name, and partially because Trixie could feel that the name just kind of... fit. Almost like the goo had already been named, and Trixie had simply stumbled upon it. The blue unicorn was pleased at how easy it was to absorb and manipulate the energy of the Phazon; within a few hours she had been able to take some of its energy into her horn as her own. When she had first 'tasted' the Phazon's energy, it was simultaneously burning hot and freezing cold, and overall very uncomfortable to have in her magical reserves. However, she had built up a tolerance for the discomfort over the time she had been practicing. Currently, the showmare was occupied layering a solid piece of Phazon with magical protection, to keep its true nature hidden. Once finished, she magically shaped it into the octahedral form of the gem clasp on her cloak; satisfied at the similarity, she removed the old gem and replaced it with the new crystal. “Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie called jubilantly out to no one in particular. “You won't even know what hit you!” Trixie felt a sudden spasm in her back muscles and grimaced. That's the third time this afternoon! thought Trixie to herself. Sighing, Trixie looked at her back, expecting nothing but getting the shock of her life; sprouting out of her back, one on each side, were two little nubs about the size of her hooves. Feathered nubs. ----- There are many streams and rivers that flow out of the Everfree Forest. Out of them all, there is one that flows past a lake and out the forest, ending its long flow inside an apple farm. A bluish material had been spreading steadily out from the lake, closer and closer to the stream. As the sun sank below the horizon, a few particles began leaking into the water, then a trickle. Miniscule specks of glowing light began drifting downstream, imperceptibly growing larger as they bobbed along.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 3 Princess Luna sat quietly at her desk, steeling herself in preparation for poring over the ancient book. Celly seemed to be overly sensitive to her behavior since the meteor incident last night, so she'd had to be extra stealthy when she fetched this one from the archives. It also didn't help that this was the only copy of the book that had ever been made, and that it was kept in the real archives, the secret one, not the one that the average pony had access to. Unable to force herself to begin the unpleasant task, she stood up and paced around her balcony, looking up at the infinite canvas of stars that she had crafted. It never failed to calm her nerves, looking up at her beautiful creations. If only other ponies could see what I see, could see how much of myself is up there. If only they would look at my stars, stop and appreciate what I do... and appreciate me... Driven by her melancholy, the Night Princess shuffled glumly back to her desk, where the book lay closed and foreboding. On its plain, brown cover was an ornate image of an alicorn in flight, bolts of magic emanating from its horn. She stroked a hoof over the image, took a deep breath, then opened the book. Immediately, a blast of magic whipped around her, obviously a defensive mechanism to stop an average pony from reading the book. To Luna, however, the magic simply ruffled her mane and wing feathers like a strong breeze. She steeled herself and began to read. Alicorns: A study commissioned by Lord Everfree, the Last King of Equestria. Written by or with help from: Arcana Sparkle Magus Nexus Brightshine, Royal Guard Captain Lord Everfree and the Royal Family Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Innate Magic 3. Horn 4. Wings 5. Immortality 6. Ascending 7. Reproduction The night mare flipped all the way to the second-last chapter. Chapter 6: Ascension Having established in the prior chapter the nature of the alicorns' immortality and their virtual invulnerability to physical harm, it stands to reason that an alicorn very well may live for a length of time inconceivable to the average pony. However, though the alicorns are physically immune to the ravages of time, they are not immune to the mental wear of the years. While normal means of expiration may be closed to the alicorn, there is a method by which they may 'pass on' as the common vernacular would phrase it. A method of ascending to the Shining Realms of Yore has been fully researched and recorded in the following pages along with a related description of planar shifting and manipulation. Before continuing on, it should be noted that the process of ascension detailed within has been found to be irreversible by present means and appears to be as permanent as the normative process of dying Princess Luna took out a scroll and began to copy the instructions. Once finished, she shut the still-dusty book and hid it in her bookshelf amongst the many other books, inconspicuousness being its best camouflage until she could put it back in its rightful spot later. Luna looked over the list, planning out how she would assemble the components. At that moment, the enormity of what she was doing struck her. Irreversible. Leaving Celly... forever. Equestria, my night, my subjects, forever. Gone. I'm abandoning them... abandoning my responsibility... again. I'm leaving, and there's no turning back. Why should you turn back? It's not like anypony pays any attention to you. The thought hung in the air, plain as day. Luna didn't bother to dismiss the thoughts this time, nor to recognize the blatant self-conversational tone of them. Tears of sadness, bitterness, and anger began to flow from her eyes once more, when her ears pricked at a quiet sound. Intrigued and eager to forget her unhappy thoughts, the princess trotted out onto her balcony. She could clearly tell now that it was somepony wishing on her stars; few ponies knew that Luna could actually hear such things. Whenever she heard a wish, there was an accompanying feeling of warmth that came with it, depending on how strongly the wish was desired. There was a strong feeling coming from this one. Her interest piqued, she flew up off of the balcony, following the feeling. Luna decided against magically speeding her flight, instead choosing to just fly at a leisurely pace to calm her emotions. The princess looked out over her domain, the small points of warm light amongst the houses and buildings almost a match for the sky above; the feeling of just floating above it all was indescribably, powerfully relaxing. By the time that she alighted in a large, grassy field just outside of Ponyville, Luna felt ready to take on anything. Her moon was at its fullest this night, casting a cool, silvery glow on the world below. The gray-green grass rippled like an ocean, pushed hither and thither by a gentle, calming breeze. A short distance away, the Princess could see a pony sitting on their haunches, staring up at the moon. An unspoken, yet not-unheard wish hung on the pony's lips; a wish for a place to call home. Luna wanted so badly to run up to the mare and tell her that everything was okay, nopony had to be lonely. What stopped her was the sudden and drastic shift in the mood she was feeling from the pony as the mystery mare put on a pair of sunglasses with magic. It was as though a whole new pony stood before her, one that radiated hostility and indifference. This strange pony began trotting towards the sleeping town of Ponyville, and Luna, disquieted, flew back to her room in silence. This time, the flight was quick, the princess having used her magic to spirit herself away from that pony as a spring of thoughts and feelings bubbled in her subconscious. Looking down over the once-friendly lights, they now seemed harsh and garish, blunting the silvery moonlight of her night, warding off her presence. The Night Princess alighted with a soft thud on the balcony once more, and she trotted inside. Upon entering, she stopped dead in her tracks as a certain object dominated her focus; a scrap of parchment with a list of items written upon it. Luna stared at it indecisively, feelings of loneliness surging in her mind, but this time the melancholy was obscured by the vision of the pony that had wished so passionately on the moon. She levitated the scroll in front of her, wanting desperately to crumple it up, toss it in the trash, and forget about it. She wanted to move on, to go make friends with ponies, to share in their happiness. The princess just could not summon up the willpower to destroy the list. She scrunched up her face, little grunts of frustration escaping her lungs, but the parchment didn't budge an inch. Luna felt her willpower deteriorating, as her emotions were simply too much for her to deal with right now. What she needed was something to take her mind off of the matter; as if in answer, her stomach rumbled uneasily. The Night Princess levitated the list to her desk and slipped it in a small, hidden drawer before trotting out of her room in search of nourishment and, perhaps, some company. ----- In the dark of the night, illuminated only by the lonely light of the full moon, a blue pony clutching a wizard hat landed roughly on the ground. After an entire day of practice, she was exhausted. “Trixie is... quite ready to... make her glorious return to... Ponyville,” panted the blue magician after she placed her hat reverently on a hook. Without thinking she levitated a small glass of neon-blue water to her lips and drank greedily. It no longer burned to drink water laced with Phazon; she had become so accustomed to its bitter sting that the feeling barely registered in her mind. In fact, she had dismissed her shielding spell earlier in the day, as it was now unnecessary. Trixie flexed her back muscles for the sheer pleasure of feeling the responsiveness of her new pride and joy. They were so beautiful, much more so than what that silly rainbow pegasus had. She lifted her wings up to admire them, occasionally nuzzling them, enjoying the feel of the soft feathers on her face. Trixie flapped her wings again, an unstoppable feeling of delight seeming to flow from their presence. She yawned and trotted to her cart, wings folded at her side. Content in her thoughts of glory and payback, Trixie sank wearily to the ground and fell asleep. ----- The door to the Ponyville Inn burst open. The few patrons still awake at the bar raised a collective eyebrow in surprise at the mare that strode confidently towards the innkeeper's desk. Her dark, stony gray form was weighed down by a large pack with all kinds of ropes and equipment in and around it. Her mane was a violent green with bright orange highlights, little spikes sticking out this way and that from the unruly mop. Oddest of all were the large, dark sunglasses that she wore, despite the dim lighting of the room. “I need a room for a few days,” said the mare. “Fifteen bits a night, take it or leave it.” The collective eyebrow shot up even higher, if that were possible. “I'm sorry miss, but the going rate is twenty-five for a night.” The unicorn mare turned around and began trotting away. The innkeeper's face twisted in a frown before he called after her. “Twenty bits?” The stony-faced mare paused at the door, considering the offer. “Deal.” The mare turned and trotted back to the counter, pulled out a small bag of bits and dumped them out on the wood surface, waited impatiently for her room assignment, then strutted up the stairs towards her lodging. ----- Firework awoke slowly, his consciousness lazily collecting itself. As he opened his eyes, the colt could only observe with blurry vision the plain white walls that surrounded him. He tried flexing his wings, but felt them bound to his side. Looking down, he saw the bandages wrapped around his midriff, binding his wings. He let a groan slip from his lungs. “Flare, you really need to stop crashing into buildings,” he told himself. The colt tried to lift himself up, but his whole body screamed in pain and exhaustion. He sank back down, growling in frustration. Mixed with the growl was the barest hint of a fearful whinny. It was just like Flight School; nowhere to go, unable to move or run or, if need be, fight. He was helpless, and he hated it. No time for self-pity, I need to act! he thought. Then again, on the other hoof, I can get better faster if I just rest... He tried to think of something to remedy his helplessness, but his body's cry for rest overpowered his still-sluggish mind. As slowly as he had woken, he drifted back to an uncomfortable, restless sleep. ----- Princess Celestia gazed dully at the ponies assembled before her. They had been talking about the dam project for hours now, and still hadn't come to an agreement. It took all her concentration to keep herself from resting her head on a hoof. At last deciding that she had had enough, she cleared her throat and stood up. “Gentleponies, I think we have failed to get anywhere in this meeting today. Perhaps we can settle the matter at a later time, when we all have clearer minds,” suggested the Princess forcefully. The politicians took the hint and filed out, leaving the room empty. Celestia sighed and trotted out of the conference room. She was exhausted after a full day of meetings, none of which had actually amounted to anything of importance being accomplished. The Day Princess unconsciously found herself drifting towards to her room, in need of a few moments of solitude. She trotted the short distance to her room and opened the door, relief washing over her like a flood. Unfortunately, several guardsponies came galloping through the halls directly for her, led by Shining Armor. Wearily lamenting the disturbance, she acknowledged the captain. “Yes, Captain? What is it?” “Princess, we just received terrible news; a band of changelings attacked and looted a trade caravan traveling from Cloudsdale to Hoofington!” Celestia scowled, a rare occurrence. I just can't have a moment to myself, can I? Can I? HM?! “Princess Celestia? Is everything alright?” Celestia realized suddenly that she was crushing one of the doorknobs to her bedroom with her magic. Sighing, she released her hold on it, and the smoking scrap of metal clanged to the floor. “Yes, Captain, I am fine. Tell me, what happened exactly?” “Well, we don't know all of the details, Your Highness, but from what we know the pirates attacked without warning from the air and stole all of the goods; six ponies were injured, but fortunately none killed.” “The changelings?” mused Celestia to herself. “We've had a peace treaty since we kicked them out of Canterlot, why break the peace now?” After a moment of thought, she continued. “Captain, assemble the Defense Council and raise the national threat level to DISHARMONY, class 2.” “Yes, Princess,” acknowledged the Captain. He bowed hastily, then trotted off, already shouting orders left and right to the nearby assembled guardsponies. To the guards now spread protectively around her, she commanded them to wait for a minute outside the door as she prepared herself for the meeting of the Council. Celestia trotted in, shut the door, and fell back on her haunches wearily, her rippling mane beginning to droop. She absentmindedly levitated her hairbrush and began brushing her mane, the fatigue in her body and mind oozing out into the room like a noxious gas. She wanted so desperately to just hide in her room and not have to deal with any more crises. Why can't the country just keep out of trouble? What are we, some kind of trouble-magnet? I'm tired of having to deal with gargantuan, nation-threatening problems. For that matter, I'm sick of all of the silly little squabbles, too. Those poor ponies, they might have just lost everything. And here I sit, brushing my mane, doing nothing to help them. I'm just going to go to another frivolous meeting where we'll talk about some important issue or another, and we might get something done if we're lucky. Fantastic. The thought echoed through the Day Princess' mind as she forced herself down to the council room, false calmness plastered on her face. ----- Those two bumbling colts were here again, banging on her door. Did they have nothing better to do in the middle of the Celestia-dammed night? She grumbled, got out of bed, and poked her head out the window of the cart. “Trixie thought she said the Great and Powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed!” she grouched. They started spouting more hot air. “What is so important that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie?” As if in answer, a titanic roar ripped through the peaceful night air. Trixie felt her insides turn into cold, heavy granite. From the woods outside Ponyville a massive, bear-like beast emerged, spreading destruction in its path. Trixie screamed, terror bubbling up from the recesses of her mind, her body fleeing before her mind had time to think. Behind her, she heard the sound of snapping wood and knew that her cart was gone. One of the imbeciles started saying something, but Trixie wasn't really paying attention... at first. “It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here,” said one of the colts. The showpony's mind just about exploded. “Wait, you brought this thing here? Are you out of your little pony minds?” Trixie demanded incredulously. A blue haze came over her vision, blocking and distorting her vision; time seemed to suspend itself. Suddenly Trixie found herself trying to stop the Ursa with her tricks. Nothing worked; that blue fog blurred everything, subtly altering the way that her mind saw the events unfolding. The beast was about to wreak havoc on the town when she showed up from out of nowhere. The purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, ran into the path of the Ursa and used her magic to subdue the creature by force. Trixie sat on her haunches watching, both in rage and awe. It was quite skillful, what the librarian did, Trixie had to give her credit for that, but under the circumstances Twilight's victory was bad. Twilight had just stolen every last ounce of Trixie's thunder; how was anypony supposed to be able to top that? Trixie made her living on appearances, and now what did she have? Nothing! Trixie's vision had a bluish tint to it, only getting hazier with her increasing rage. As she watched Twilight at work, the purple unicorn seemed to take on monstrous qualities; her teeth lengthened into small fangs, her eyes had a malicious sparkle, her hooves began to split and grow claws. Trixie blinked, angrily trying to push her way out of the mind-fog. Think, Trixie, think! You can save face, you can still pull a draw out of this match! Trixie thought. She listened as Twilight's lackeys began congratulating the purple unicorn-creature. Ugh! That praise should be Trixie's! The anger of the showpony approached the limit of her endurance, thickening the blue haze until it was like being underwater. “That wasn't an Ursa Major, that was a baby, an Ursa Minor,” pointed out that foal, Twilight. The blue fog condensed around Trixie, and something in her snapped. She remembered shouting something, then running somewhere, just before hearing the final nail in the coffin. “Just let her go. Maybe someday she'll learn her lesson about how to actually use magic,” taunted the purple Twilight-monster snidely. Tears flowed out of the fleeing mare's eyes, staining the path out of Ponyville with ultimate loss and hatred. Trixie made a silent vow; One day I will return. One day I will show them all. One day Twilight Sparkle will be nothing. Trixie woke up, cold sweat beading across her body. She realized that she had been dreaming, that same dream again, but something was different; the showmare couldn't put a hoof on it. Unfazed, Trixie smiled as she felt the nearness of the fulfillment of her vow. Tomorrow I take my revenge. ----- Rainbow Dash blearily noted that somepony knocked on her door. She grumbled incoherently from her cloud bed and looked out the window. The sun had just barely risen over the horizon, casting its soft morning glow over the land. It's not even noon yet! Who the hay is here to see me? “Who is it?” shouted the blue mare out her window sleepily. “Spitfire!” came the reply. “Now will you hurry up and open the door?” The gears in Rainbow Dash's mind spun lazily, trying to gain traction against the mind-fog of sleepiness. All at once, it clicked. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh, S-Spitfire?! Here! Here? Spitfire! Coming!” blurted Dash. She raced down the cloud stairs and wrenched open the front door, quite spectacularly; her mane was even more wild than normal, she was completely disheveled, and she was standing sheepishly in front of her childhood idol. Spitfire just frowned. “You'd better shape up, Miss Rainbow. No Wonderbolt would be caught dead in such a state,” scolded the professional flier, half-serious and half-joking. Stung, Dash slumped down, her nervous smile replaced with a nervous grimace. Seeing the effects of her words, Spitfire breathed deeply and focused. “I'm sorry, Rainbow. I shouldn't have said that; no Wonderbolt should ridicule her fans, either,” Spitfire admonished herself. “I'm a little on edge after I heard about the accident the other day. I just wanted to make sure that nopony got hurt.” Spitfire cares enough about me to check up on me after an accident? Awesome! “I'm fine, thanks,” said the blue pony proudly. “Flare got a little more banged up, but he's okay.” “Did he, now?” muttered Spitfire with concern lacing her voice. “You know where he is? I wanna see him.” “Sure thing, Spitfire! I can take you to the Ponyville Clinic right now, if you want.” Rainbow Dash mussed her mane with a hoof, then shook her head, restoring her rainbow to its normal level of chaos. “Ready if you are.” The orange stuntpony flapped her wings impatiently. “I've been ready.” Rainbow Dash, needing no further encouragement, zipped out the door and to the clinic, Spitfire right behind her. ----- Applejack was up early that morning, bucking some apples to sell in Ponyville. Buck. Rustle. Thudthudthudthudthud. The sounds were a rhythmic tune almost equivalent to music in the ears of the mare. The music of apples, as sweet as the fruit itself, was much more than just the sounds; Applejack could feel the apple trees, feel them growing and blooming and dropping their fruit. Buck. Rustle. ThudthudthudthudthudthudTHUDTHUD. “Wha-?” wondered AJ as she turned to face the tree that had interrupted the rhythm. Lying around the base of the tree was a larger pile of apples than normal, and many of the apples were extra large and shiny. The tree in question was taller and thicker than she remembered. “Winston? You been growin' while I wasn't lookin'? You sure got a lot o' apples there, old boy.” The farmpony spoke to the tree as she inspected the apples. Almost half were slightly larger than normal, and their skin was a brighter, smoother red. Curious, Applejack picked one up and sniffed it. It smelled like... an apple. Gingerly, she took a bite. It tasted like... an apple, but with a subtle difference; there was just a little something there, something she couldn't put a hoof on. To any normal pony, these apples would be completely normal, but to an experienced apple farmer, there was definitely something off about them. Applejack gathered up a basket of the strange apples and hopped over the nearby stream, taking a quicker path back to the farmhouse. “Big Mac? You there? I need ya to come 'ere for a sec,” called out the orange mare when she reached the barn. The familiar figure of her brother appeared from around the back, the same old steady look on his face. “Whatch'ya need, AJ?” “Tell me what ya think o' these, Mac,” said Applejack, gesturing to the basket. Big Mac picked one up, examined it carefully, then bit into it. As he chewed, his expression remained constant, a thoughtful look only entering just barely into his eyes. “Not bad. One o' Winston's? He doin' okay?” “Yeah, Mac, he's okay, jus' a bit taller. Well, I guess I'm gonna go get the cart ready to head into Ponyville, unless you got somethin' 'gainst that?” “Nope.” And with that, Big Mac trotted off again. Applejack gathered up all of the apples she had bucked, piling them onto the cart. Even as she trotted into town, a small, niggling doubt lingered in the back of her mind. ----- “Friends, Romanes, Countryponies, lend me your ears,” said Fluttershy gently. “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that ponies do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Caesar.” William Shakesmare was one of Fluttershy's favorite poets, and she often read some of his plays to her animals while they recuperated. Currently, there were three baby birds that had been knocked out of their nests and been badly injured. Fluttershy knew that a truly spectacular rendition was in order to take their minds off of it, and only her personal favorite work would suffice. So, she had gotten out her well-worn copy of Jewelius Caesar and began weaving the tale. She enjoyed the feeling of pretending to be great ponies of legend, to leave her own shy self behind for just a little while. With a gentle passion she read to the small, enraptured birds, her quiet but firm voice moving the words from abstraction to reality in the minds of the young ones. “O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts, and ponies have lost their reason. Bear with me; my heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, and I must pause till it come back to me.” Fluttershy paused for dramatic effect, the birds leaning forwards expectantly. Before she had the chance to resume, however, a horrific cacophony of squawks and flaps erupted outside the cottage. Fluttershy eeped and almost raced under a chair before she paused; her animals were not getting hurt on her watch! The yellow mare marched indignantly out into her front lawn, where she immediately saw the problem; a blue pony wearing a wizard hat and a starry cape was trotting past her cottage, and all of the chickens were panicking, crowding the farthest side of her chicken coop from the stranger. Fluttershy gasped as she recognized the pony. “T-Trixie? W-what are you doing here?” stammered the yellow pegasus. Trixie turned around and faced the other mare. Fluttershy noticed a few things different about the showpony; she was taller and bulkier, her horn was longer, and her eyes let off a faint blue glow. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is here to show Ponyville that she, not that foal, Twilight Sparkle, is the most magical pony in Equestria,” boasted the blue mare, adding a blinding flash of blue fireworks for effect. “Now, come along! Trixie's show will be starting soon!” A blue glow encompassed the quivering yellow pegasus, and she floated into the air with a squeak. She flailed her hooves and wings about, a reflexive but fruitless attempt to keep her balance. Trixie strutted towards Ponyville, the blue bubble hovering close behind. ----- Two pegasi walked into the Ponyville clinic; the few ponies in the waiting room gaped at the sight of Spitfire and Rainbow Dash together. Oblivious to the attention they were attracting, the two continued through the building towards Flare's room. A small knot began to form in Rainbow's stomach as she approached the room he was in. That should be me in there. I was supposed to take the force of the impact, but he... he took it. The door was in front of them now. Both mares held back their concern as Spitfire eased open the door. Laying on the bed was a red pony struggling to chew through the bandages that locked his wings in place. He was so preoccupied with trying to reach his head around to get at the white wrapping that he didn't notice the two pegasi enter the room. Something about the situation just struck Rainbow Dash as ridiculously funny, and she couldn't help but giggle. He glanced up guiltily, then smiled when he saw who it was. “What's so funny?” asked Flare, a mock glare on his face. “Sorry, you just... you looked so silly trying to get those bandages off, I couldn't help but laugh,” snickered Dash. “Gee, thanks,” said the red pony sarcastically. He looked over at Spitfire as she gave him a look that said Explain yourself. He grinned mischievously. “It's good to see you too, Spitty. Anything new?” Spitfire wasn't taking the bait. “Flare, don't give me that. What did you do this time?” demanded the Wonderbolt. “I pulled a little too sharply out of a dive, that's all. Rainbow was there and she took care of it,” Flare said, shifting his eyes evasively. “Wait a sec,” Rainbow interrupted. “'Spitty'? How do you know Spitfire? Are you...” Dash's stomach knotted as she anticipated the next few words. “Oh, uh, we- er, grew up together. Same neighborhood in Cloudsdale. Silly me, how could I forget to mention that?” Flare laughed, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. A suspicious glance on her face, Spitfire trotted up right next to the bed and stared at Flare relentlessly, her stern face inches away from his. He looked back, his expression all innocence. After a few interminable seconds, the Wonderbolt acquiesced and hugged Firework affectionately. Unnoticed by the other two, Rainbow's face reddened a bit. “Well, I can't baby you any more, you're a big colt now. And I need to get back to practice for our next show, so I guess I'll see you two later,” said the orange mare. As she was turning to go, she smiled knowingly at Rainbow Dash. “See you! And keep me posted!” she called as she trotted out the clinic. Dash wasn't sure what to make of Spitfire's smile. Then again, she wasn't sure what to make of the whole episode. She whirled on Flare. “What. What? Just happened?” babbled Rainbow. Then, more coherently, “Why didn't you tell me you knew Spitfire personally?” The red pony frowned and looked away. “If I had told you that when we first met, would you have treated me differently?” “No! Heh heh, of course not!” Dash blurted quickly, avoiding the truth. “Why would you think that?” “Past experience,” grumbled Flare, a dour look gracing his expression. He noticed in his rival's eyes the look that one gets just before they are about to ask a question. “So, Dash,” Flare said hastily, “would you mind helping me get these bandages off? My wings are itching like crazy and I can't scratch them with it covering them up.” Seeing the mare's questioning glance, he added “The nurse said I could take them off later today anyway. We'll just get rid of it a bit early.” “Well, I know I hate it when my wings get scratchy... and being grounded sucks, so...” mused Rainbow. “Here, lemme just get-” the blue mare planted her forehooves on the bed and gripped the bandage in her mouth; with a quick jerk, she tore it off, eliciting a yelp from Flare. She smiled sheepishly and deposited the bandages in the wastebasket in the corner of the room. Flare stood up and stretched his wings, scratching them vigorously one at a time with his hindhooves; a look of satisfaction crossed his face, despite the slight pain that came with the scratching. He hopped off the bed and started trotting towards the door. “Thanks, Dash. Got anything to do? I don't wanna just sit around in a hospital all day; maybe you could show me around-” “No, you're not going anywhere,” interrupted Rainbow as she moved in front of him, barring him from going any further. “I saw all those cuts. As much fun as it would be beating you in another contest, it wouldn't be any fun winning against an injured pony, so you'd better get better ASAP; I don't wanna wait that long.” As an afterthought, Dash added “And we kinda need to practice our team's routine, too. I'll grab some paper and we can sketch it out while you rest.” ----- Applejack had just finished setting up her apple stand when the slate-gray mare appeared out from behind a small crowd of ponies. She trotted up to the stand like she owned it, her large sunglasses obscuring her eyes and most of her expression. The mare scanned the stand, looking it up and down; the way that the stranger was scrutinizing her wares made Applejack uncomfortable. “Can I help ya, Ma'am?” asked AJ in a guarded tone. “How much for an apple?” inquired the stone-gray pony casually. The tone of her voice was just arrogant enough to irk the farmpony. “Three bits,” grumbled Applejack. This pony was getting under her skin already. “I'll give you two,” stated the mare, as though she made the rules. The orange pony ground her teeth, trying not to slap her customer. Somepony really needs to buck some manners into this smug little- “So, are you going to take it or leave it?” demanded the mare. Applejack's eye twitched. “Get away from my stand,” ordered the farmer coldly. The stranger shrugged, then started to turn around, when several shouts and a few crashes sounded from the far edge of Ponyville. Without a second thought for her stand, Applejack rushed off to see if anypony needed help. With nopony looking, the gray mare reached down and snatched an apple from the stand, dropping one lonely bit in its place. The apple was a paragon of it’s kind, extra red and shiny and quite large for an apple. She trotted off towards the disturbance, munching lazily on the apple, hoping for a show to liven up the day.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 4 “All right, Gentleponies, what's our situation?” inquired the Day Princess, undercurrents of boredom born of deja vu spiking her voice. She sat in a bland, gray room with ancient stone walls and a large round table in the middle. Around the table sat several ponies in military dress, as well as a few in formal suits. One of the generals, an old, graying mare that Celestia was fond of, stood up to address the Council. “Princess, the Changelings have stationed large numbers of troops all along the border; considering the earlier raid, we fear that they may be preparing for war. The raid itself may have been a probe of our defenses, to test our readiness.” The general paused to let her assessment sink in before continuing. “However, it is also a possibility that this is just the work of a lone band of rogue changeling pirates, with no connection whatsoever to the amassing of troops at the Changelings' border. We really have no way of knowing for certain without contacting Queen Chrysalis. Your thinking, Princess?” Celestia looked around the room almost absentmindedly, taking her time in collecting her thoughts. Her silence unsettled the other ponies in the room, suffusing the meeting with an air of nervousness, before, at last, she spoke. “If the Changelings are truly massing for an attack, then our best course of action would be to have the borders well-secured. If they aren't going to attack and we reinforce the borders, then we simply send them an emissary explaining ourselves, perhaps risking a real war. I think the safety of Equestria is worth the minor risk.” “So you DO think that the Changelings are attacking?” demanded one of the suited stallions. “I don't know for certain, but I think that we should be prepared for that contingency, Minister,” rebuked the Princess. Celestia was about to continue when a loud, clumsy knocking sound rattled one of the doors to the chamber. The guards leaped to battle positions, protectively encircling the Day Princess. There was another sound of hooves banging on the door, and the wood door swung crazily open; in stumbled Luna, her flowing star-mane frazzled and her movement clumsy. “Hay, Celly!” slurred the Night Princess. “Sorry I'm a little *hic* late, I was having some drinks with a couple of friends.” Celestia stared, mouth agape. Luna- cider- oh, no... thought the Day Princess. As if I didn't already have enough on my hooves... “Luna, you need to just settle down a bit,” instructed Celestia, putting a wing around her younger sister as she began guiding Luna out of the room. “Let me help you get back to your room so you can take a nice little nap.” “Awww, but Celly, I wanted to sky bacon with muffinsauce-” Luna collapsed against her sister halfway through her sentence. “Luna!” cried Celestia. The Day Princess supported her unconscious sister, who was mumbling incoherently. “Fa... son... hee hee... mare... dark... s-stop... moon...” whispered the blue alicorn unconsciously. “All of you, please wait a moment while I take care of my sister,” Celestia commanded of the ponies in the room. They nodded their assent, some with stern faces and a couple with suppressed laughter. The white alicorn teleported herself and her sister to the dark, midnight blue bedchambers of the Night Princess. Celestia gently laid her sister onto the huge bed, then pulled the blankets over her. “What happened, Luna?” the white mare asked herself as much as her sister. “I doubt that a little bit of salt could make you pass out...” Still with her suspicions, Celestia placed several warding spells around the room and on her sister and teleported back down to the council chambers. ----- Trixie was resplendent in her flowing, starry cape and her fetching wizard’s hat. She strutted into Ponyville, ponies stopping to gawk at her as she passed the all-too-familiar shops and houses that had haunted her dreams ever since that fateful day. Ponies shrank back from her, creating a convenient path for her to follow through the town. The blue bubble containing Fluttershy followed closely behind. Out of nowhere, a scooter burst through the makeshift boundary of ponies, headed directly for Trixie; before she or the riders of the scooter could react, the scooter and the fillies riding it crashed into Trixie’s legs, felling the magician. The scooter careened off to the side of the corridor of ponies, dumping the fillies onto the ground. “Watch where you’re going, foals!” snapped the Great and Powerful Trixie. The showmare got up as if to come over and wreak some terrible vengeance on the offending party, her anger sparking like blue fire in her eyes. She towered over the quivering fillies, a grim, vengeful look in her glowing blue eyes. Trixie was quivering with rage, her rational thought almost completely buried beneath the unquenchable blue fire of vengeance. She grinned maliciously in her mind as she thought of how best to punish these foals. Then, in the back of her consciousness, a nagging voice sprouted up. That’s just it- these are little fillies! said the voice. You can’t hurt a filly! It’s wrong! No! They shouldn’t have bothered the Great and Powerful Trixie! whispered the blue fire with a hiss, stressing the words “Great” and “Powerful”. The foals deserve to be punished for angering you! Trixie was torn between inexplicable, bottomless fury and rational, reserved frustration. The overwhelming force of the urge to strike them was like a sheer cliff of which she was on the precipice, and the edge was constantly eroding beneath her hooves. She struggled backwards mentally, avoiding the fall, but there was a part of her that wanted to let go, to give in. That whispering voice drifted up from the empty, blue chasm below, a siren’s song to the ears of the mare. You know what you must do to Twilight Sparkle... did she not cause you anger? These fillies have made you angry; how are they any different? Destroy them, use the power that you have gained, come down here with us... After an agonizing, interminable silence, Trixie’s horn began to glow, surrounding the fillies with a blue aura. “Don’t you lay a hoof on my sister!” shouted Applejack as she galloped at top speed towards the blue interloper. The blue field around the fillies intensified, lifting them up into the air; Apple Bloom let out a little squeak, when the three Crusaders found their hooves placed upon solid ground. Surprised that they were not being scolded or punished, Scootaloo walked right up to Trixie and looked at her curiously. “Aren’t you gonna punish us or tell us off or something?” “The Great and Powerful Trixie is going to give you exactly what you deserve,” said the showmare through gritted teeth. “Free admission to her comeback show!” Trixie continued, skillfully concealing her inner conflict behind a false mask. “Trixie will be watching for you!” The showmare accentuated her speech with several blue fireworks, then began trotting off towards the Ponyville Library. Behind the blue mare, Applejack was hugging her sister. All around, ponies slowly began to resume their previous activities, confused looks abounding. “Trixie didn’t hurt ya none, did she Apple-” asked Applejack. “Can I go see that pony’s show, big sis? Pleasepleaseplease? She gave us three free admission, you have to let us go, big sis!” enthused Apple Bloom. “Ya’ll ain’t goin’ to that mare’s show, ya hear me? There’s somethin’ that ain’t right about her.” “But siiiiiiiiiis, what if our cutie marks-” “But nothin’, missy. I don’t want you younguns gettin’ in no trouble,” interrupted the farmer. “That’s final, Apple Bloom.” Applejack gave her sister a stern look before trotting off to square away her apple cart. ----- “Alright, so you can fly here after I do this-” “But wouldn’t it be at least 37% cooler if we did the corkscrew loop first?” “Well, maybe, if you were going for a more acrobatic display.” “I thought we were!” “Well, I thought-” “Darn it, Flare, we haven’t gotten anywhere with our routine! This would be so much easier if we could just go outside and actually map it out up there,” complained the rainbow-maned pegasus. Rainbow Dash was slouched on the edge of the hospital bed, a notepad covered in scribbled diagrams lying before her. Flare was perched on the opposite end, imprisoned there by the blue devil that was his teammate. Golden rays of sunlight shone through the sole open window, giving tantalizing glimpses at the open blue sky above. Firework winced at Rainbow’s statement. “I’m sorry, I’m healing as fast as I can, especially since you trapped me in this white prison of boredom, O Queen of Lameness,” teased the red pegasus. Dash took the bait. “Hey! We wouldn’t even be stuck in here if it weren’t for you falling during the middle of our competition!” protested the cyan mare. The moment she said it, she regretted it; the wind fell out of Flare’s sails, and his ears folded back in a mixture of embarassment and sadness. “I, uh, didn’t mean it like that, Flare,” blurted Dash. “I’m sure that... you, uh... I mean, that kind of mistake happens to the best of us, even me sometimes. Yeah.” The red pony sighed. “Rainbow, that was no mistake. I... need to explain some things,” Firework said slowly, not looking directly at Dash. "Just so we're on the same page as a team." “Like what?” asked the mare, nervousness creeping into her voice. “It can’t be that bad, can it?” She looked at him for confirmation, but his grimace didn’t help her confidence. ----- Luna watched the events unfolding as through a fog, slowing her mind and making her groggy, as well as making her whole body feel uncomfortable, on edge. She saw herself trotting hopefully out of the castle, wearing a dark cloak with a hood. Luna’s face bore an adventurous grin, and she moved with anticipatory confidence. The phantasmal version of the blue mare smiled as she remembered the thoughts that had been running through her mind, although... that fog, it obscured her memory somewhat, blurring it. Frustrated by her exhaustion, Luna continued to watch her memories play out. She distinctly remembered feeling particularly bold and carefree, like she was on top of the world, unstoppable; that emotion cut its way through the fog like a knife. She strolled nonchalantly through the streets of Canterlot, hidden underneath her cloak and a magical disguising spell. One particular establishment caught her eye, so the Princess entered quietly and confidently. It was a nightclub, a rather low-end business, with neon lights flashing every color of the rainbow in hypnotic patterns, matching the bass beat of the blaring music. In the middle of the dim room, ponies thronged and rippled in a large mosh-pit like an ocean, and all around the periphery were tables filled with ponies at varying levels of drunkenness. Luna didn’t care, she was enjoying the feeling of invulnerability that she was having, despite her uneasy stomach. Luna trotted slowly up to the bar, garnering a few glances from some of the less intoxicated patrons. At the counter, the bartender looked her up and down, then smiled heartily. “Well, ya look mighty fine, lass. What can I get for ya?” “I want your strongest cider,” said Luna boldly. The bar-colt grinned. “Aye aye, missy. Comin’ right up!” he promised. The jovial pony turned around and started mixing liquids together into a mug. Luna glanced around the club as she waited, observing the other ponies in the room. The DJ, a white unicorn with a striped, spiky blue mane, was pumping out music with a steady, catchy beat. Luna couldn’t help but tap a hoof in sync with the rhythm. “Hey there, Blue,” said a green-pelted colt as he slid into a seat next to her at the bar. He seemed like a typical ‘punk’, a knit hat pulled roughly over a long, unruly mane. His voice was only slightly tinged with the slurring effects of salt. “Mind if I sit down?” The Night Princess giggled. That feeling of soaring elation was pulsing in her veins, even as the queasiness in her stomach intensified. All of this ghost-Luna observed rather dully, the mind-fog distancing her from the recollection, except for that addictive feeling... Things started to blur together. She was talking with Green, sipping her drink. Everything was fantastic, the neon lights and the music throbbing in tandem. Green asked her if she wanted to hang out at his house with a few friends... Luna remembered only distantly how something had clouded her mind, diverted her attention from what she was doing. She was fairly certain that it was not the salt. Luna was having a hard time seeing the memories through this blasted blue fog, but she caught warped glimpses of an apartment, then a messy bedroom, then something about Celly, but she was so distracted, so unfocused... As the recent memory faded into the mist, the Moon Princess wandered about aimlessly within the haze of her mind, blue fog swirling silently around her. ----- Applejack galloped quickly back to her apple stand, hoping to pack up quickly and round up her friends. That no-good showmare was up to something, she just knew it. She had to stop Trixie before anypony got hurt. The farmer arrived at her stand and expertly packed it up for transport. As she was about to finish up, AJ noticed a solitary bit sitting on the wood. “Jus' one? I don’t remember sellin’ any apples before...” mused the farmer. She began sifting through the apples in her cart, counting up how many were there. One was missing. It clicked in Applejack’s mind. That gray mare! The one that was annoyin’ as all get-out! She was the only one that was around, and hay, she’s probably the only one who’d do something like this! Celestia-darn it, if I find that filly I’m gonna... AJ took a deep breath and expelled the angry thoughts from her mind. Focusing on her mission, the mare quickly finished putting the cart in order, then raced off to fetch Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Which one do I find first? Pinkie is probably closest, and if I get her to help me find the others, that would be fastest. Then again, Twi’s pretty close too, and she can teleport and all... Pinkie is Pinkie, though... that’s probably better than teleporting. Pinkie it is, then. The orange farmpony galloped to Sugarcube Corner as fast as she could. ----- The flashy showmare in the cape was a magnet for the ponies’ attention in the small square. Pedestrians trotting through the small, colorful streets of Ponyville stared as Trixie set up the stage for her show; or rather, as she created the stage. Her horn shone with a hot, searing blue glow, and out from the ground a round, raised platform rose, at least ten pony-lengths in diameter and about half of a pony in height. The gargantuan pedestal sat ominously in one of Ponyville’s squares, within a stone’s throw of the Ponyville Library. Around the periphery of the square sat a few small stores, mainly grocer shops specializing in one particular vegetable or fruit. Trixie stood in the center of the ponies, reveling in the attention she so deserved. The blue mare carved some fancy designs all around the base of the stage, some of which depicted two ponies doing battle, others of epic heroes, and still more that were in the shape of fantastic explosions. The spring of fury in Trixie’s mind was bubbling in anticipation of the vengeance she was about to wreak upon her nemesis; Twilight would finally know what she had done to Trixie, and then Trixie would destroy her. That nagging voice sprang up in her thoughts again. Killing ponies is wrong, no matter what they’ve done to you! You don’t need to kill Twilight, just outclass her and then everypony will know you’re the Great and- No! That scum deserves it for what she did to you! Do you not remember how it was after that Ursa Minor? How you couldn’t go anywhere without ponies laughing behind your back? How you had nothing but the cape on your back and the hat on your head? Remember that, make Twilight feel what you felt... and then, snuff her out like a candle. Trixie didn’t resist as the blue fog washed over her, causing the world around her to fade away. ----- Twilight was curled up in one of the chairs in the library, reading through a book on psychology. It was quite intriguing, and Twilight thoroughly enjoyed it, even going so far as to take notes on a small notepad she had with her. She was just starting into the effects of long-term isolation on a pony’s mind when a violent knocking began rattling the door. Startled out of her trance, Twilight glanced apprehensively at the door. Unsure as to why anypony would be banging on her door, Twilight feared that somepony might have been injured. Rainbow Dash again, maybe? It wouldn’t surprise Twilight, since Rainbow was always doing all sorts of daredevil stunts. Gulping, the purple unicorn got up and trotted over to the door; before she could open it, though, it was thrust open, surrounded by a harsh, neon-blue glow. Along with the door’s abrupt motion came a quick rush of air and an all-too familiar blue pony in a cape. The intruding unicorn bore a haughty, leering grin, her blue eyes practically shining with malicious intent. A pit the size of Manehattan formed in Twilight’s stomach and her body froze. Trixie smiled even more smugly at Twilight’s shock. “It’s been a while, Twilight,” said the blue mare. Somehow, Twilight got the feeling that this was no social call between friends. “T-Trixie! Hi! I wasn’t expecting any visitors-” “No, of course you weren’t,” interrupted the intruder. She began lazily moving about in the library like she owned it, inspecting it disdainfully with an upturned snout. “Especially not from the greatest and most powerful magician in all of Equestria.” “Uh, Trixie-” "Now, Twilight, don’t interrupt,” chided the blue mare. “It’s not polite.” Trixie paused her speech while still circling around the library, emitting an air of malice into the large library foyer. Twilight stood motionless in the middle of the room, like a swimmer in a shark tank. “What’s this all about, Trixie?” demanded the purple unicorn, a nervous edge undercutting her poise. “Twilight Sparkle,” declared the blue showpony, obviously enjoying the effect her presence was having. “You have no idea what you cost the Great and Powerful Trixie. She’s come to show you just that.” “Trixie, you didn’t have to run away, you know. If you wanted to talk, all you had to do was say so-” “NO! Trixie knows exactly the kind of lies that you spout, just because you’re afraid of what her revenge will be.” The blue wizard pony whirled on Twilight, barely contained rage sparking in her eyes. “What? That’s not it at all, Trixie. I’m not afraid of any kind of ‘revenge’-” “Then prove it to the Great and Powerful Trixie! Show all of Ponyville who really is the greatest and most powerful magician; join Trixie in her new show, if you aren’t afraid.” At this point, Trixie was almost nose-to-nose with Twilight; for an instant, Twilight thought that she saw something fog-like swirling in Trixie’s eyes. Not really in her eyes, more like behind her eyes, in her mind. The purple unicorn was reminded of the blue poison from her dream, causing a cold chill to run down her spine. Putting that thought aside, Twilight took a step back, trying to regain her composure. “Trixie, if I understand you correctly, I don’t think we need to do this-” “You aren’t getting out of this, Sparkle,” spat Trixie. “I’ve waited too long for this.” “Trixie, I don’t want to do this to you again,” the purple unicorn said, concern etched on her face. That look only served to turn Trixie’s face flush with rage. “I’ve gotten more powerful than you can possibly imagine, foal!” shouted Trixie. With an impossibly dramatic flourish and a flash of blue light, Trixie whipped aside her cape, revealing its hidden contents; the blue mare rose into the air on blue, feathery wings. She flashed a smug smile filled with daggers upon seeing Twilight’s jaw hit the floor. “They’re nice, aren’t they, Twilight,” gloated the blue alicorn. “This is only a taste of what Trixie has gained since last time.” “N-not p-p-possible...” stuttered Twilight, her eyes still as wide as dinner plates. “How...?” “Trade secret, unless you can best me. Now, Trixie wants your humiliation to be public, so come willingly, or she will be forced to drag you herself.” “We can talk this over, Trixie,” said Twilight calmly, soothingly. In truth, she was afraid of what Trixie might do to get her revenge; one innocent pony caught in the crossfire would be one too many, and Twilight wasn’t exactly confident about Trixie’s sanity at this point... A pony had to try, didn’t they? Trixie marched menacingly towards the librarian, her wings flared, driving the unicorn back a few steps. Twilight felt her flank bump against a bookshelf; she had backed herself into a wall. “The time for talking is over, Sparkle. We fight. Now.”
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 5 "You know, Flare, that really doesn't sound so bad." “You haven’t lived with it! Do you know what it’s like-” “Flare, Flare, settle down, bro. You’re taking this waaaaaay too seriously-” “Too seriously!?” “Hey! Shut up and listen, all right? Let me finish!” barked Dash impatiently. Firework complied with a snort, adjusting his position on the hospital bed and looking pointedly out the room’s sole window. “Okay, good. Now, you’re right, I haven’t lived with it, but from what I can tell, you're not that different from anypony else. You were born prematurely- that's pretty common. You're pretty short- it happens to plenty of foals. You have a weak wing- so do a lot of other ponies. You just took each of those to a little bit of an extreme, that's all." Flare sat still, looking out the window. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t think of you any differently now than I did before. You’re still the same loser that tried to beat me and failed miserably,” smirked Rainbow humorously. Her jest pierced his indifferent mask, his face breaking into a small smile. Unable to stop himself, he jumped up off the bed and gave Dash a bear hug. The blue mare felt her cheeks grow warmer by a degree before she put a hoof around his shoulder as well. “Thanks a bunch, Dash. I’m... It’s still a little awkward, but when you put it like that, I can’t really-” Mid-sentence, he realized that he was still hugging the blue pony. He let go rather quickly and took a step or two back. “I don’t know, it’s still embarassing, but not so much so, when you put it like that.” The red pony smiled sheepishly. “So, you want to go map out our routine now? I think I have some cool ideas,” he suggested. “You know what, that sounds pretty good. As long as you’re staying on the ground,” teased the rainbow pegasus. In return she received a playful punch on the shoulder. “Gee, thanks a bunch, mom. This will be sooo much fun, won’t it? You flying, me sitting and watching. Yep, fantastic,” grumbled Firework. “Hey, it could be worse, you know. You could be stuck on the ground forever.” “Yeah, well that’s not going to happen, now, is it?” “Not as long as I’m around to save you every time you mess up,” said Rainbow, her voice dripping with her trademark cockiness. Flare groaned melodramatically and trotted out of the room. The cyan pegasus hovered after him through the hallway of the Ponyville Clinic. “My, aren’t we feeling snarky today,” chided Dash in an awful attempt at impersonating the stuffy, high-class Canterlot voice. She laughed, then added, “You are just so much fun to mess with, Flare. I need to hang out with you more often. Oh! I know, I’ll introduce you to some of my other friends; I’m sure they’d love to meet a slow-poke like you.” Flare ignored the bait as the pair exited the medical building through the rear entrance, hopefully avoiding any clinic staff that might protest his early departure. The red pegasus followed the blue one through some of the streets and alleys of Ponyville, which were not very crowded. Even though he wasn’t familiar with the town, something in Firework’s gut told him that there was something wrong with that. “I wonder what’s going on, Rainbow. Is Ponyville usually this empty?” “No, it isn’t. It’s bothering me...” Dash trailed off, thinking. All of a sudden, she rushed forward and grabbed the nearest passing pony, who had been briskly cantering in the direction of the Ponyville Library. “Hey, you, Derpy- do you know where everypony is?” The blond pegasus’ right eye focused on the rainbow mare’s eyes, while the other was busy examining Flare’s. Slightly creeped out, the red pony took a step back. “W-well, um, muffin was just on her way to the L-library Square, to see the magic show. Muffin thought that l-little muffin might enjoy it,” said the gray mailmare quietly, even as a little unicorn filly smiled eagerly from atop her mother’s back. Satisfied, the blue pegasus released Ditzy, who resumed her wavering course through Ponyville. “We should see what’s going on,” said both the red and blue pegasi simultaneously. They looked at each other in surprise for a split second, then started laughing as the pair trotted off towards the Library. After only a few moments, they saw a familiar yellow pegasus trotting in the opposite direction. “Fluttershy? What’s going on at this show thing that Derpy mentioned?” asked Rainbow. “Well, um, you see, Dash, that showmare, Trixie, she, uh, she’s back, and I don’t think she means well... I’m just on my way home to take care of my animals, I don’t want to leave them alone all day. So, um, bye then,” said Fluttershy quietly to the cyan mare, giving Flare a wide berth as she trotted away. Flare wore a blank expression for a few moments, wondering what he might have done wrong. “Wait a sec, is she like that with everypony?” asked the fiery red colt. “Yeah, pretty much,” replied Dash. “Now come on and hurry, I remember Trixie from last time, and she isn’t exactly the friendliest pony.” ----- “No,” said Twilight adamantly, staring Trixie right in the eyes. The two mares stood so close to each other that their iron gazes were separated only by their foreheads pressing roughly together. The scant air between the two mares crackled with tension, each trying to push the other back but unable to do so. Trixie smiled. “So be it, Sparkle.” Twilight’s world went blue. Twilight opened her eyes in a snap, and a few things rushed to the forefront of her mind. Firstly, her fur was singed, harsh blue and black splotches lacing her body. Second, and perhaps more importantly, she was in the air, her flight path just barely past its apex. Her eyes opening wide in shock, the unicorn flailed her hooves about trying to right herself. Twilight was accelerating towards the ground at a frightening pace. For one very long second the purple pony’s mind thought about what would happen when she impacted in another second or two. Then her rational side took over and she immediately brought to mind the feather-fall spell that the Princess had taught her, and as she cast it Twilight prayed that she hadn’t been too late. Twilight’s sense of orientation was wrecked for a moment as the spell took effect, slowing her downward momentum to a crawl. Finally able to properly orient herself, she flipped herself over and gently placed her hooves on the ground not three hoof-lengths below. She looked around, but instead of answers, she got more questions; the unicorn was standing on a massive raised platform of stone in the middle of the Library Square, with a large, growing crowd of ponies gathering around with worried, inquisitive, and startled expressions. That was too close for comfort, thought the magician. How did I get up there? Did Trixie...? Twilight paused mid-thought, her face freezing in an expression of that heart-stopping mixture of shock and fear that paralyzed her. Where is Trixie- Her base unicorn instincts took over her body, folding her left legs beneath her and rolling off to the side just as a bolt of sizzling, shrieking blue energy screamed through the space that had housed her head only a moment before. Twilight leaped back to her hooves even as a blazing blue figure burst out of the library, which, to the purple pony’s horror, she now realized had a smoking hole in its roof. Her senses were dragged back to reality as the blue alicorn landed with a tremendous thud on the platform. Twilight sank down into a low, defensive stance as Trixie began circling around the edge of the stage, her purple prey standing her ground in the middle. All around, the crowd stood with bated breath, wondering whether this was all part of the show or if there was something truly heinous going on before their eyes. As if sensing the uneasiness of the crowd, Trixie huffed and charged a quick burst of magic. Twilight sensed the showmare’s magic activating some runes that had already been inscribed around the base of the platform. Sucking in a breath, Twilight felt a powerful containment spell form around the edge of the raised stage. Not only was this an incredibly potent spell, but there was some kind of strange energy that permeated it, nearly drowning out Trixie’s own magic. The energy had a nebulous feel to it, resisting Twilight’s quick attempts to probe it. Twilight’s stomach churned as she realized that there was absolutely no way she was getting through this magical, invisible barrier without several minutes of absolute calm and focus. Once again, Trixie smiled smugly at the purple pony’s dismay. “Problem, Twilight Sparkle?” “Trixie... what’s going on? Where did you get all of this power from? I know that it’s not yours,” said the purple pony warily. “Ha! Continue lying to yourself, Sparkle, if it makes you happy. The power that Trixie has gained is her own, from long months of rigorous training,” denied the alicorn in a loud voice. “After Trixie’s mishap with the Ursa Minor, she was rendered homeless! Poor! Because of you, Twilight Sparkle, the Great and Powerful Trixie was a beggar! Nopony took her seriously, laughing at her when they thought Trixie wasn’t looking. Can you even begin to comprehend such an existence, foal? Having nothing to your name but your very name? Of course not; you’ve always had your precious books and your little library, Sparkle. “So, Twilight, Trixie has decided; you, the reason for her misfortune and shame, will know exactly what she felt. You will know homelessness, and scorn, and loss, and then...” Trixie grinned like a predator, like no equine Twilight had ever seen, sending chills down Twilight’s spine. “...Then, Trixie will crush you under her hoof.” Twilight felt beads of sweat beginning to form like little needles on her body, then running down her sides in the heat of Celestia’s sun. ----- The sun shone upon the tall spires of Canterlot, the Royal Capitol City of Equestria, causing them to gleam and sparkle if one looked from far enough away. At the heart of the city sat a large castle, a good number of towers protruding from its bright, tall walls. Within the walls rested a large, ornate palace, the rooms within like a labyrinth to any not already acquainted with the layout. One such room was nestled in the top floor of the castle, taking up a large portion of the floor; all of the windows in this room had their midnight blue drapes pulled tightly shut, blocking out as much midday sun as possible. The rest of this suite was decorated similarly, from the carpet, to the paint on the wall, to the blue-sheeted bed, and even the alicorn lying on the bed. The midnight blue alicorn slowly opened her eyes, her recent memories as blurry as her vision. All around her there was dimness, soothing to her pounding head. Luna could only distantly remember something about a nightclub. She must have had a lot of cider, then; it took far more of the liquor to make her or Celestia drunk than any normal pony. Maybe it was something I ate... Luna wondered. A troubling thought wormed its way into her sluggish train of thought. I wonder if somepony tried to assassinate me. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a poison slipped into my food... No, that can’t be right. Are you sure? came the smallest whisper in her mind. Sure that there isn’t somepony who wouldn’t try and drag you under? Having no satisfactory answer on hoof, and not feeling peppy enough to come up with one, Luna simply ignored the question. She lurched to her hooves, feeling the blood rush its way through her body and creating that annoying tingly feeling when one has been inactive for too long. Grumbling at her headache and not paying too much attention to what she was doing, the Night Princess went through a very familiar routine. Trotting over to her large, walk-in closet, she lit the darkened room a bit more with her magic and stepped in front of the mirror. She took a look at herself, paused, blinked, rubbed her eyes with her hooves, and looked again. Satisfied with what she now saw, she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. For a moment, she’d been afraid that what the mirror reflected had been accurate, that she’d actually transformed back into Nightmare Moon. Shuddering at the thought, she turned away from the mirror and began brushing her star-mane absently. Luna began sifting through her recent memories using an old alicorn mind trick, something akin to taking salt water and boiling it to leave the salt in the pan. She focused her magical and mental power, searing away the fog clouding her vision. As she concentrated more and more, she felt the haze blunting her assault, like the ‘salt water’ had suddenly become sticky black tar. It took an exorbitant amount of effort to finally oust the obstructive cloud, piquing Luna’s curiosity and suspicion. That was most bizarre. No cider could have caused that, nor a poison, at least none that I know of... I sensed no magic, either. It was like that hazy substance was actively resisting my magic, diffusing it. What could have it been? Perhaps it was somepony doing something nasty to you? Suggested a familiar voice only slightly deeper and more resonant than Luna’s own. Celestia was always a fan of pranks, you know. She isn’t above making you look like a foal, Luna; surely you remember? No, I don’t, and I wouldn’t care for you to remind me, Nightmare. How did you get here, anyway? The Elements locked you away, there’s no way you could get out without... Luna breathed in sharply, a thought hitting her like a ton of bricks. You couldn’t get out without me letting you out. Luna could feel Nightmare Moon smiling and laughing, tainting the recesses of her mind with icy blue fire as the nebulous cloud slowly but surely oozed its way back into her mind. Gritting her teeth, the Night Princess refused to accept that outcome. Seizing the opportunity, Luna’s analytical mind created a dreamscape rendering of her mind, including a phantasmal version of herself, and started tracking the flow of the nebula, using its own vagueness as the ‘scent’ that she followed back to its source. As she followed the ooze’s trail, Luna began to encounter resistance, the fog clinging hungrily to her ghostly hooves like tar. Undaunted, the midnight alicorn pressed further towards the source of the toxin, plodding methodically, inexorably to the blue fountain she could now make out in the distance. The withering blue tar rose as she got closer and closer, so that she was wading through it. Such close, sustained contact with the stuff began to take its toll on Luna, her body feeling like millions of tiny needles were stabbing all over her from the hotness of the ooze, as well as her muscle strength being leeched by the fog’s iciness. It really was a most curious sensation, and the Princess would have loved to study it, if it weren’t so painful and draining. She was almost to the source of the cloud when a terrifying form rose up out of the miasma; it was a black pony with wings and a horn, and neon, glowing blue eyes like a dragon’s. The Nightmare sprang at Luna, a gleeful and hungry smile laced with fangs gracing her face. The lighter alicorn tried to dodge to one side, but found the blue slime forcefully restricting her movement. With only a second left, she tried to summon her magic, only for the posion to conduct it away from her and disperse it like a drop of molten steel doused in a bucket of water. Eyes widening in panic, Luna thrashed in the ooze for the last few milliseconds before Nightmare engulfed her. ----- The gears in Twilight’s brain spun rapidly, trying to think of a way out besides fighting. She knew she was powerful, but she wanted to avoid a duel to the death, especially one which she was not sure she could win. As she turned slowly to keep pace with the pacing, prowling Trixie, Twilight noticed a familiar pair of pegasi approaching the stage through the crowd, a light blue mare and a bright red stallion. She made eye contact only briefly with Rainbow Dash, seeing in the eyes of her friend worry and confusion. Twilight tried to convey as little of her nervousness as she could through the glance. The observant showmare noticed her adversary’s shift of attention and turned to look in that direction. Seeing the tell-tale rainbow mane, Trixie grinned maliciously. With the alicorn’s back turned, a plan began to form in Twilight’s mind. “Well, Sparkle, it looks like one of your friends is here to see you-” Trixie was suddenly caught off guard as a telekinetic wave bowled her over and pinned her to the ground. The purple unicorn turned her focus to the shield, taking the available time to probe it, search it for weaknesses. Between holding the thrashing Trixie down and trying to analyze the barrier, her attention was completely divided, so that she didn’t notice when several ponies began bucking and attacking the shield from the outside. The runes that shaped the chaotic blue energy only provided direction for it, and as such were now the target of her mental attack. She poked and prodded at the runes, trying to find a loophole, her mind racing at ludicrous speeds. Then Trixie started laughing. “Okay, Sparkle, play time is over.” Twilight’s telekinetic barrier was obliterated in a massive burst of energy, knocking the lavender mare off her hooves. She rolled to her right just as a concussive bolt of that enigmatic energy blasted into the spot she’d just occupied. Twilight instinctively threw up a magical shield around her, just like the Princess had taught her. As expected, a blue bolt impacted on the magic shield; what she didn’t expect was for the bolt to pierce through it like a hot knife through butter, shattering her defense like it was glass. The crackling, burning energy grazed her right shoulder, sending waves of pain through her body as some of her flesh was boiled off. Twilight’s normally purple hide was now marred by a blue-black, crispy gash in her skin, exposing the quivering muscle beneath. It took a moment, but Twilight finally found her voice and let out a gut-wrenching shriek, the pain of the burn constantly flaring up; it was like there was suddenly fire flowing through her veins. Though her eyes were closed and her teeth ground together, she could distinctively hear the condescending, triumphant laughter of Trixie. Something about that made her snap. She couldn’t tell if it was the laughter or the pain or perhaps something else entirely, but Twilight would not have any more of it. She growled, her trusty unicorn instincts taking over. Primal Twilight yelled in anger as she let out a blast of magical energy rivaling Trixie’s, standing up just afterwards. The pain in her shoulder and throughout her body was shunted off into a far corner of her mind, as it was detrimental to the task at hoof. It was time to beat the tar out of that little- Twilight’s rational mind reeled back in shock. It wasn’t like her to be so vicious, it just hurt so much... The unicorn had no time to continue that line of thought as she found herself sidestepping another energy attack. Anger and frustration gripping her once more, she retaliated with a magical wave projectile designed to stun an opponent and knock them to the ground. The spread of energy simply broke around Trixie like an ocean wave on an immovable boulder. Eyes widening in surprise, Twilight started sprinting around the arena, leaping and rolling, dodging haphazardly thrown bolts from the cackling alicorn. There was a lull in the explosions, and Twilight looked over to see Trixie rising into the air on her wings, charging up a large amount of blue energy in her horn. Taking the opportunity, the lavender unicorn also charged up her magical reservoir, wrenching the floodgates wide open. Just in time, magic poured into Twilight’s horn, causing it to glow and even send off little sparks of purple lightning; the purple mare aimed the surge of magic at the flying blue menace, and let loose at the same instant as the alicorn. There was a titanic explosion, then everything went dark. Earlier Applejack hadn’t been able to find Pinkie at Sugarcube corner, which made her regret choosing Pinkie over Twilight as her first stop. She galloped out of the confectionery shop, determined to make up for lost time and stop whatever Trixie was plotting. She hastily passed the familiar faces and shops in the streets of Ponyville, oblivious to the fact that they all seemed to be going in the same direction as her. With a plethora of bumps and apologies, the farmpony made her way through a large group of gossiping mares and into the Library Square. Two things immediately impressed themselves upon her vision, even through the crowded space; a large round stage made of stone raised up in the middle of the square, and a dark gray mare lounging in a dark corner opposite the library munching on an apple. On top of the stone pedestal was a chillingly familiar blue pony in a cape and hat talking with Twilight. For the second time that day, Applejack was torn. Do I go help out Twilight? She’s my friend, and I can’t leave a friend in need. But that mare might not be around again, this might be my last chance to settle things. She saw Trixie begin circling around Twilight. Still with a painful, undecided look on her face, Applejack slowly began trotting to the stage, stealing a last look at the gray thief. She stopped dead in her tracks, other thoughts forgotten as the orange pony saw the gray one toss the now-finished apple’s core haphazardly aside. A few ponies thought they felt the ground vibrating, as though there were some great beast stomping around. Eyes widening in fright, they looked around for a source, until a few pairs of eyes locked onto the orange mare in a stetson trotting slowly towards a strange pony in sunglasses, leaving small, hoof-sized craters in her wake. Suddenly noticing the incarnation of wrath trotting towards her, the gray mare froze up for a moment. After a moment, Applejack stood directly in front of the mare, glaring right into her sunglasses. Unfazed, at least in appearance, the gray mare looked right back. “You know, that was one of the best apples I’ve ever had,” said the mare smoothly, a small upward crease forming at the edges of her mouth. “Don’t give me that!” shouted the angry orange farmer. “I know you stole that apple from my cart!” “I didn’t steal it,” protested the gray mare. “I paid a fair price for it.” “Fair?! Ya call one bit fair? I might jus’ have to put a little more ‘fair’ into your face, you thievin'-” Applejack was interrupted by a loud blast from behind her, then a myriad of stampeding hooves as a good portion of the crown fled in a panic. Growling at the distraction, the farmer whirled around to see a sight which would haunt her nightmares for a long while; Trixie was standing triumphantly surrounded by a thin blue aura, and Twilight was lying on the ground, dazed. Applejack saw her friend dodge a bolt of energy, then throw up a shield of magic, only to have it blown away in a heartbeat. The farmer’s blood ran cold when she heard Twilight scream in pain. Her anger forgotten, Applejack galloped the short distance to the stage and tried to jump up on it, only to be blocked by an invisible barrier. Falling back to the ground, the farmer started bucking the invisible shield for all she was worth, only to have her hooves begin stinging with a hot pain. She ignored it as long as her endurance would allow, but soon the pain in her hooves was too much and she let herself collapse to the ground, hot tears threatening to burst out at any moment. “AJ, what are we gonna do?” asked a familiar voice, devoid of its usual cockiness. The orange mare lifted up her head slowly, seeing Rainbow Dash standing dejectedly next to that red pony, Firework. He looked just as bad as Dash, especially since he still had a good number of bandages and scrapes on him. Just to keep from looking at the battle she knew to be taking place, Applejack looked around the less-crowded square. There were a few ponies still in the square that were rooted to whatever spot they stood, shock paralyzing them. One, though, was sitting lazily against a carrot stand, chewing on one of the crunchy orange vegetables. “Why, you no-good, low-down-” started Applejack. Cutting herself off, she galloped over to the offending party and leaped at her in a flying tackle. Spotting the orange projectile mid-pounce, the gray mare side-stepped lithely, letting the farmer land on the ground roughly and slide a small distance. Snorting, Applejack whipped around and tried to bull rush the gray mare to the ground. Again the mare in the sunglasses dodged the attack. “Stand still, you-” growled the orange mare. “Please. It’s Puzzle, to you,” condescended the gray mare. Applejack was about to charge at Puzzle again when she felt a pair of strong hooves holding her back. “Rainbow, let me go this instant! Let me get her-” protested the farmer, struggling against the cyan pegasus. “AJ, what they hay? Why are you-?” “Because, Dash! Because she’s rude, because she stole from me, because my friend is bein’ hurt bad on my watch and it’s my fault ‘cause of HER!” Applejack sat down on her haunches, breathing heavily, shakily. “I coulda stopped it, Rainbow. I had the chance, but I didn’t take it. I jus’ need to do somethin’ about Twi, but I can’t!” shouted the orange mare. Dash put a hoof around her shaking friend, trying to comfort her. “I know, Applejack. I’m the Element of Loyalty, I know you want to help. So we will. We’ll figure out something, AJ,” said the rainbow-maned pegasus evenly. BOOM. The earth shook from the force of a massive explosion, knocking the ponies in the square to the ground. Along with the blast was a great flash of light as the force of the explosion tried to escape the barrier spell but was contained, roiling around inside the energy field in great coils of purple and blue energy. Eventually, the roar and the glare settled down, leaving the square in deafening serenity. Getting slowly to her hooves, Applejack heard Flare mutter something. “Now THAT is how you do a firework.” In return he received a sharp jab from Rainbow Dash. Grimacing wryly, he replied “Sorry, it’s an old habit.” The orange farmer shook her head to try and clear the ringing in her ears, then inspected the square again. Several ponies were lying around, some not moving. There were huge cracks running through the ground like spiderwebs, emanating out from the stage. The once-large pedestal had been devastated, reduced to little more than a pile of rubble. The glowing runes that had once surrounded the stage now hung floating in the air, maintaining the encompassing barrier. Inside the ring, Applejack could see with horror the limp body of her friend, covered in black scorch marks so that not even one speck of her purple coat could be seen. The orange mare, along with the two pegasi, rushed up to the barrier, ignoring the stinging as they pressed their hooves against the impenetrable field. “Twilight! Get up, you’re okay, ya have to be! Don’t do this to me, Twi!” cried Applejack, tears threatening to break out. “Yeah, come on, Twilight! You’re tough, you can do it! Don’t give up!” encouraged Dash, her hopes high as the sky. Both of their spirits soared with relief as they saw their friend begin to twitch, slowly at first, but then getting stronger and more frequent. The two mares hugged each other in relief. Then they saw another figure stirring in the rubble. Twilight could only barely feel anything, she was so numb. The magical shockwave from the two powerful attacks had rendered her nearly useless, draining off a good deal of her magic. A stray thought threaded its way through her dazed stupor. I really should have been disintegrated by that explosion. That magical fallout was powerful enough to level a city block, and yet I survived? I need to do some tests... Twilight heard the sounds of ponies shouting things at her, voices that sounded familiar. She tried lifting her head, but that ignited a violent spasm of pain in her body, so she just lay there for a moment longer. The voices shouting at her got louder as she heard the sounds of hooves slipping and crunching on rubble. Getting a vague feeling that she was in danger, Twilight opened her eyes. Staring down at her was Trixie, whose pupils had shrunk to the size of a pea and whose hat and cape had been incinerated. The alicorn’s body was glowing a harsh blue, and as Trixie opened her mouth to take a deep breath, Twilight caught a glimpse of what she thought were fangs. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to think for much longer as Trixie lifted the blackened unicorn into the air with magic, laughing haphazardly, maniacally. “Sparkle, you have no idea how much I am going to enjoy this,” gloated the alicorn, just as she slammed Twilight’s body down into the ground. The air was forced from her lungs in a rough groan, her mind beginning to distance itself from her body in an effort to keep out the pain. Hm, that’s odd, thought the unicorn lazily as her body was once again smashed into the ground. As if from far away, she heard the clear, crisp sound of bones breaking. Trixie didn’t refer to herself in the third person. I wonder if that energy she’s using has some kind of psychoactive quality. Smash. Perhaps it even has other potential effects, maybe even on equine anatomy; is that how Trixie got those wings? Crash. Hm... There was a pause in the rhythm of her body hitting the ground. Twilight’s rational mind felt like a creeping, cool darkness was seeping up from her subconscious, inviting her to come down and forget about the pain. The unicorn gave it thought, then let herself drift down into the darkness, like sinking slowly through a frozen lake. Down at the bottom, Twilight could see several statues scattered around, depicting things that she remembered as important in her life; there was one of Princess Celestia with her parents, frozen in the moment she’d been accepted into the School for Gifted Unicorns. Nearby was Mr. Smartypants, lying next to a stuffed dragon doll resembling Spike. Lastly, she saw a marble rendition of six ponies in a group hug, five of which were wearing the various elements of harmony. The sixth in the group was made out of clear glass, and the Element of Magic rested on its head; whereas the other Elements were white marble, her Element appeared in full color, seemingly real. Twilight felt drawn to the last statue, and when she was almost completely engulfed in the darkness she reached out a hoof and slowly grabbed hold of the tiara. A pair of pure white, glowing eyes snapped open. The body which those eyes belonged to began crackling with pure magical energy, shooting off massive bolts of excess power. It floated into the air of its own accord, hanging as if by strings. Trixie backed away from it hastily, dodging a few stray bursts of energy. The lungs of the body expanded, drawing in air, then contracted and pushed the air through its vocal cords, which vibrated in a certain pattern to create a recognizable sound. “Twilight... angry.” The body of the purple unicorn floated up higher, raining down white-hot concussive blasts on the hapless blue alicorn. The blue pony threw up an energy shield, but it only took three bolts in quick succession to batter it to pieces. The blue mare desperately, angrily took to the air, flying around the magical attacks. She launched a huge, roiling sphere of chaotic blue energy at the floating body, which didn’t so much as bat an eye when the sphere impacted, simply absorbing the projectile like a piece of popcorn one might catch in their mouth. With a sense of finality permeating the air in the vicinity, Twilight’s body let out a low, rumbling growl not unlike thunder in both volume and intensity. A fierce, white spark of magic appeared at the tip of the body’s horn, then expanded into a shaft of blinding white power that lanced through the air almost instantaneously, running straight through Trixie. The ex-showmare’s eyes widened in shock and pain, taking on the look of complete clarity that ponies get when they know that they are about to die. “I- I... I h-ha...” Trixie struggled to speak, but was unable to finish. The mare seemed to hang in the air for a moment before her wings buckled, sending her spiralling to the ground. She struggled for a few moments, trying to get to her hooves. Failing, she took in a long, slow final breath, and let it all out in a bestial scream, accompanied by a self-consuming explosion of blue ichor and energy. Earlier Applejack and Rainbow Dash were shouting at Twilight to get up, to do something, to stop Trixie, who was advancing menacingly, if unsteadily, on their friend’s prone form. The two, along with Flare, watched in horror as Trixie lifted Twilight up into the air. They each pressed their hooves even harder against the cursed shield as the body of the unicorn was thrown forcefully into the ground, shaking the stone with the power of it. Red blood began leaking in terrifying spurts from the blackened body, spattering the rubble below in an unholy arrangement of blue, red, and black. Applejack couldn’t handle any more, turning away and slumping to the ground, crying. She felt the quivering, shaking body of another pony curl up beside her, feeling the tickling of Rainbow’s wing feathers against her side. The two mares cried for a small eternity before Dash stood herself up, wiping her eyes with a hoof. She felt a comforting wing extended around her shoulder, and leaned against the stone platform for support. “Hey, relax. We’re the good guys! Justice will prevail, and all that stuff... right, AJ?” Dash said, hoping to cheer her friend up a bit. Applejack hiccuped, a sob and laugh mixed together. She looked away, when an interesting sight caught her attention; that mare, Puzzle, was standing right in front of the energy barrier, her horn surrounded by a dark green aura. The farmer gazed with apathy at first, but looked more closely when she saw the runes on the shield begin to flicker in impossibly rapid patterns. Puzzle scowled and sat on her haunches, giving the orange mare her first good look at the gray pony’s cutie mark; it was a rope tangled into some incredibly complex knot that made the apple farmer dizzy just looking at it. She heard Puzzle mutter something under her breath. “Just a great big sudoku...” The gray mare shook her head as if trying to clear something out, her un-combed, neon-green and yellow-striped mane bouncing crazily. Focusing even more intently on her magic, Puzzle’s horn glowed darker than before. The flashing of the runes slowed to the point where Applejack could occasionally make out familiar shapes and patterns. She saw Puzzle smirk confidently. “Gotcha!” said two mares at once. The gray mare yelped and tried to leap back in shock, but was caught in a blue aura before she had the chance. As Puzzle floated into the air, Trixie’s smooth, arrogant voice rang out. “You foal, you thought you could break into my containment spell and not have me notice? You shouldn’t have gotten involved.” Trixie laughed haughtily, then looked at the floundering mare as though making an important decision. Eventually settling on a shrug, Trixie’s horn lit up brighter, and Puzzle began screaming in agony, writhing and flailing about in mid-air as a nauseating sizzling sound came out of her hide. A bitter look appeared in Trixie’s eyes before an extra blue aura formed a collar around the gray mare’s neck, and the screaming stopped. It was replaced by an even more haunting silence as Puzzle thrashed wildly, her hooves clawing at her throat as wisps of smoke began curling off of the mare’s fur. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the blue field around the gray mare vanished, dropping her unceremoniously to the ground with a huge gasp of air. Rainbow and Firework raced over to Puzzle’s side, making sure she was okay. Applejack was riveted instead on the goings-on inside the shield; Twilight was shooting energy out like there was no tomorrow, and the farmer could tell that it was having a devastating effect on the shield. The runes were dimming and occasionally sparking, a few even winking out. Hypnotized by the sheer scope of the battle, Applejack watched in a trance as Twilight pounded bolt after bolt into or at Trixie, then delivered the death blow, making the apple farmer recoil and shield her eyes with a hoof. There was an ear-splitting shriek. When she could see again, Applejack noticed Rainbow and Flare helping the still-smoking Puzzle to her hooves, as well as Twilight’s body sinking to the ground. Trixie was nowhere to be seen, although there was a large, blue-coated blast crater where the stage had been. Hearing the body of her unicorn friend hit the ground with a disturbing thump snapped her out of her stupor, and she galloped over to her friend's figure, which was smoking and charred, and still. The farmer placed a hoof on Twilight’s chest, hoping to feel a rise and fall, but no such oscillation was felt. Desperate, she put an ear to Twilight’s snout, and sighed with relief. “I can hear her breathing.”
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 6 The gray pegasus fluttered haphazardly along the familiar path towards Zecora’s house in the Everfree, her mailbag empty except for one last letter. The ‘show’ earlier that day had turned into a nightmare, but Ditzy had no intention of letting that get in the way of delivering the mail. She’d never missed a day, not in all her years of working as a mailmare. One of the perks of being the mail carrier was that everypony knew you, and you knew everypony else, and one pony- or rather, one zebra- that Ditzy had gotten to know pretty well was Zecora. Even though not much was sent to the zebra through the mail, Ditzy had had enough letters and packages come through that she’d become fast friends with the striped mare. So today, when Ditzy arrived to find Zecora spreading glowing green powder around her house with deep chants and a good amount of dancing about, she was surprised enough to forget to flap her wings, and fell to the ground unceremoniously. Whipping around into a defensive posture, the Zebra settled when she saw it was just Ditzy, she eased her stance. “A pleasant sight to sore eyes, Miss Doo. It’s always good to see a friend like you.” Frowning, Derpy pulled out the letter she’d brought and passed it to her friend, who opened and read it on the spot. She also frowned in turn. “Uh, Zecora, what exactly is going on? Why are you putting up a barrier around your house?” The zebra sighed before beginning to speak. “Something dark in the forest stirs, A sinister presence amongst the firs. I know not what it has in mind; And to find out I am not inclined.” Zecora turned and resumed working on the green, misty barrier. “But enough about me and my troubles, dear. What are you up to, are you in good cheer?” Ditzy ignored the questions she had about the letter and the thing that Zecora sensed in the forest. “Well, I ran into Rainbow Dash again,” said Ditzy almost routinely. At Zecora’s curious look she elaborated. “No, Zecora, I didn’t remember the trick you suggested; I still babbled out ‘muffin’s. Anyway, do you remember that time I told you about that showmare that came to town, ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’?” Ditzy asked. Zecora nodded, so the mailmare continued. “Well, she came back today to do a show, but it turned out that... she wanted revenge, instead. She had some kind of bone to pick with Twilight, so she and Twilight ended up battling in the middle of Ponyville.” “Surely somepony intervened to stop the fight? I can’t imagine one to enjoy such a sight.” “Well, that’s just it, Zecora. Trixie was really powerful, she put up some kind of magical barrier that nopony could break through.” Zecora frowned again. “Such magic I’ve not heard done by any but the Princess, Yet you say this mare cast it under duress? I do not feel this bodes us well, my friend,” said Zecora, pausing. After some thought, she continued. “I think, however, you should leave before day’s end,” suggested the black and white equestrian as she gestured towards the darkening evening sky. Ditzy nodded reluctantly in agreement, still curious about the letter and a host of other things. She flapped her wings and took off for Ponyville, leaving the striped mare to her zebra magic. She didn’t notice that she was being watched. ----- Princess Celestia sat serenely in her study, looking over some old texts about Changeling society and psychology. Her setting sun cast long shadows throughout the room, giving the air a strangely immutable feeling, as though the sun would always hang just over the horizon. The Princess of the Day was enjoying the quiet solitude, as times like these were hard to come by. So, when a loud, hard knocking sound came at the door, Celestia sighed deeply, then opened the door with her magic, not even bothering to turn around. “Yes?” she asked, skillfully keeping the annoyance out of her voice. “Princess, I know you asked to not be interrupted, but...” began the Captain, one of the few times he was at a loss for words. “Celestia, there’s been an incident.” “Yes, Captain, there are many ‘incident’s that occur. Perhaps you could be a bit more specific?” inquired the Princess, an air of unease about her. She'd rarely heard Shining Armor address her as just 'Celestia'. “Well, Princess, it’s- it’s Twilight, Your Highness. She’s been injured. Badly. She might not make it.” The Princess’ insides tied into a Gordian knot and her blood turned to ice in her veins. Using every trick she’d learned over the last thousand years, she managed to maintain her composure even as her mind was cast into turmoil. “Twilight was injured?” asked Celestia evenly. She finally turned to face the captain, who had an intensely worried look in his eyes. She took a deep breath, knowing what needed to be done. “Please, Shining Armor, you will fill me in as we go. Arrange an escort to Ponyville for myself and Luna, if she is awake and feeling well enough to travel. I assume news of this... ‘incident’ has made it to the press?” “Yes, Princess, Equestria Daily ran a special evening print not an hour ago,” he said. The Captain lingered for a moment, staring straight through Celestia’s mask, until with a gentle nod she dismissed him. He trotted out of the room, and the Princess thought she heard a sniffle. Twilight, hold on. Just hold on, I’ll be there soon, and everything will be better, I promise... Celestia thought as she stared out the window, a few rainbow-colored tears leaking out of her eyes. Luna was lazily weaving her way through the royal garden, having decided to deal with the important budget work in a little while, when she was more focused and alert. The Night Princess stopped to look at her reflection in a little pond, marveling at the smooth, crystalline rendition of the sky and clouds above, as well as of her own regal demeanor. She thought she saw a faint light blue coloration in her normally darker eyes, but upon closer inspection it proved elusive. Shrugging, Luna continued on. She wasn’t quite sure how she’d gotten to be in this situation. All she could remember was her encounter with that strange mare outside of Ponyville, then waking up in her room the next evening with a pounding headache and a heavy sense of deja vu and lethargy. The Princess heard another pony approaching, and by the weight of the hoofsteps she was reasonably certain that it was Captain Shining Armor. She turned to acknowledge him, and saw by the look on his face that something was wrong. The white unicorn took a deep breath and began. “Princess Luna, your sister inquires whether you feel well enough to make a trip to Ponyville with her,” said the captain, using formality as a crutch with which to maintain his impassive demeanor. “Celestia’s personal student, Twilight Sparkle, was injured, and the Princess is going to Ponyville to see her; she also requested your accompaniment.” Luna frowned; she’d only recently gotten to know Twilight, after the adventures of Nightmare Night, but the fact that Twilight was hurt and Celestia was going to see her was unsettling. Celestia had always told Luna that they, as alicorns, should not use their powers to play favorites, or help one pony over another. After all, if they healed one pony of a disease, everypony would want the same treatment when they got sick. Now, considering that Twilight was her sister’s prized student, Celly seemed to be breaking her own rule, and that made Luna question just what was going on with her sister. After a moment of thought, she addressed the captain, mimicking his formal tone out of sympathy for him. “Very well, Shining Armor. Inform my sister that I shall accompany her to Ponyville. Where is the escort? I assume she’s arranged for one.” “The escort will meet you in front of the palace, milady,” said the captain before turning and marching away. What are you doing, Celly? wondered the Princess of the Night as she flew back to her room to fetch a few things for the journey. Celestia trotted towards the chariot waiting for her at the entrance to the castle, a flock of guards accompanying her. Luna was already inside the chariot, waiting for her. The white alicorn passed through the large entryway and hopped into the chariot, and then they were off. As the royal chariot lifted off into the sky, Luna leaned over towards her sister and whispered into her ear. “Celly, what are you doing?” “Visiting the site of a terrible disaster, in which several ponies were injured. As the Princess, I- we must show concern for our subjects,” said the Day Princess, her voice much more smooth than it should have been. “I know that this visit has something to do with Twilight, sister,” bluffed the dark blue alicorn, hoping to draw out some hint that her assertion was true. “Indeed it does, Luna,” Celestia said evasively. “Twilight was one of the ponies injured, not to mention the pony who... who killed another.” The white princess stumbled a bit on this last bit. “Celly, what exactly happened in Ponyville?” asked Luna, surprise and curiosity overtaking her. “Well, Luna, a few months back, only a little while after your return, there was a traveling unicorn showmare that showed up in Ponyville,” explained the elder sister. “If I recall correctly, Twilight wrote of her as ‘Trixie’. There was the mishap with the Ursa Minor; I believe you’re familiar with that one. As I was informed by the captain, this mare, Trixie, came back to Ponyville, looking for trouble. She was particularly incensed with Twilight, and was apparently much more powerful than she should have been; she somehow acquired a pair of wings.” “What?!” Luna burst out, surprising the guards and causing them to tighten into a defensive formation. “Sorry to scare you all like that,” she apologized. “I was simply surprised, that’s all.” The pegasi returned to their normal formation, and Luna turned back to her sister. “Celly, you say she had wings? And a horn? How did she become an alicorn? The only way to do that is to-” “I know, Luna, how a pony might become an alicorn. I do not know whether or not this mare possessed the means to do so, which is the part that bothers me. What other power could there be that she could have used? “Anyway, sister, Trixie found Twilight and trapped her in a containment spell, then fought her to the death. Only, it ended up being Trixie who died, and the two had an incredibly destructive battle. Twilight almost died, and is still in mortal danger if I don’t-” Celestia caught herself before she finished that sentence. The two alicorns were silent for the rest of the journey, neither wanting to say what was on their mind and hanging over their heads. ----- The entity was only vaguely aware of its existence, phasing in and out of consciousness in the painful haze of its being. It was like she had been torn into a million minute shreds, and now was slowly, sluggishly weaving herself back together. The very slowness of the process seemed to increase the pain she felt, and no matter how hard she tried to thrash around or alleviate it, there was no escape. The half-pony felt like she would go mad if this went on any longer; or rather, become more insane than she already felt. That’s when she realized that she could feel. And see. And smell. The wretched thing took stock of its surroundings, and recognized it’s location. It was lying on the ground near a lake of a shimmering, quivering blue gel that radiated a feeling of life and energy. Nearby was her cart, right where she’d left it. Feeling a bit stronger, the pain fading just slightly, the thing rose to its hooves- or rather, what could only be described as vaguely resembling hooves, underneath the claws that were growing out of the ends of her limbs. She looked into the pool and was able to see a reflection of herself. “Trixie is not pleased,” said the thing. She held up a hoof-appendage, and was able to see through it like it was near-invisible glass. The mare stared right on through it, her face an unreadable mask of glowing, translucent granite. After an indeterminate amount of time, during which the agony of reassembly continued unabated, Trixie turned and trotted away, only to feel the pain double in intensity. She dropped to the ground and felt herself forcefully dragged back towards the pool of Phazon, eventually submerging into the frosty, nurturing depths. ----- Applejack trotted slowly out of the hospital room, an exhausted frown on her face. She slowly, gently tapped the door shut behind her, hoping to avoid disturbing her other four conscious friends inside. She moved at a snail’s pace, eventually making her way to the front lobby. It felt strange sitting in the room again, two times in as many days. It reminded the farmer of the time that she and her friends had masqueraded as Mare-Do-Well, because there seemed to be a streak of accidents shaking up the town non-stop. The room itself was fairly bland, a decent number of chairs, benches, and tables spread throughout the plain white-walled room. There were several other ponies in the room, most of whom were hoping to hear some news about Twilight. After the initial swarm of questions, Applejack sank into a chair, the reality of the day’s events only starting to fall into place in her mind. “The doctors don’t know,” said the orange mare, hoping to appease the crowd’s curiosity. Many of the ponies’ faces fell, most trotting out of the room as if running from the truth of it. Applejack heard a wheezing cough from the hospital wing, one that sounded familiar. Turning her head, the farmer saw the gray mare, Puzzle, limp out of the hall and into the room. She had a few bandages on her, the most obvious of which was all over her neck. Applejack figured the white strips were covering up the scorch marks that splotched her fur. The stetson-wearing pony watched the sunglasses-wearing one make her way to the door. Applejack felt herself standing up and trotting towards the door, making it there before Puzzle. She nudged open the door for the gray mare, who glowered at her from behind the tinted lenses. “I can get the door myself just fine, thanks,” protested the gray unicorn. Frowning, Applejack allowed the door to swing shut, and Puzzle snorted as she leaned into the wooden frame. She paused for a moment, breathing in, and she shoved open the door. A gasp of pain escaped her lungs, but she trotted triumphantly out the entryway despite that. “Are ya okay?” asked the orange mare, somewhat patronizingly, although with a hint of real concern tucked away in her tone. “Fine.” “I’m sure.” Puzzle huffed, and the two strolled through Ponyville aimlessly. They trotted past almost every store in the town, some multiple times. It was like the two were battling each other not physically, but mentally, seeing which would be the first to give in and go home. Applejack dug in her metaphorical hooves, determined to win out in their small-scale struggle. Having practiced against Rainbow Dash, Applejack had a distinct advantage, and it proved decisive; after almost an hour of wandering, Puzzle turned exasperatedly to her shadow. “Why are you following me?” asked the gray mare, conceding. “I don’t rightfully know, but I’d like to,” replied Applejack. “I guess I’m jus’ confused; ya didn’t seem like the type who’d give a darn about another pony.” Puzzle was silent for a moment as they continued along, passing Sugarcube Corner for a third time. “Why does that concern you?” she asked at last. “You almost died,” said the farmer flatly. “Why does that concern you?” Puzzle repeated, overtly sarcastic, but Applejack’s keen sense for ponies picked up a tinge of genuine curiosity. “You didn’t have to do it.” “And?” “Not every pony would,” pointed out the orange pony. “I know,” said the gray mare evenly, but the farmer knew better; she could tell that something was bothering Puzzle. “Is there anything I can do for you?” asked Applejack, almost afraid of the answer; however, she knew that in order to get to the bottom of this, she’d need to put some things on the line. “I don’t need your help,” grumbled Puzzle. Applejack smiled smugly and let silence do the work that no words she spoke could ever hope to. Again locked in a contest of wills, the two mares continued their perpetual trot around Ponyville. They were actually beginning to garner some stares, more so than an injured pony might warrant in the town. Deciding to give up the battle before she got too invested in it, Puzzle broke the silence. “By Celestia’s Beard, you are a persistent little bugger!” she exclaimed. “If you care so much, then yes, there might be something you can do.” The gray mare paused as long as she could, putting off the inevitable by distracting herself with her fetlocks, or adjusting her sunglasses. At last, she ran out of excuses, and mumbled almost inaudibly, “I’m kind of strapped for cash... As in, I have no money, except for what I’ve got on me. Could you maybe, um, get me a job?” “Aw, shucks, sugarcube. If all ya needed was a few bits, why didn’t ya jus’ say so?” asked Applejack, her tone softening. “It’s almost Applebuck Season, I’m sure we could use an extra set of helpin’ hooves around the farm.” Applejack thought she saw the gray mare twitch, but couldn’t be sure. The gray pony certainly had a stony expression, almost completely unreadable even to the orange farmpony. “Yeah. Applebucking. Great. When can I start?” asked Puzzle, her voice slipping back into that annoying tone that grated on Applejack’s nerves. “And more importantly, what’s the pay?” I’m gonna regret this, ain’t I... thought the farmer to herself. Outwardly, she smiled slightly. “Well, ya can start right now, if ya want, and we’ve got a spare room in the house if ya need it. We’ll talk about your wages when we get there.” The gray mare simply nodded and trotted off, Applejack looking after her with a puzzled expression on her face.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 7 The crisp evening air was unnaturally still as the golden, flying chariot descended towards the small town of Ponyville. The two Royal Pony Sisters riding in the chariot sat in uncomfortable silence, draining any remaining liveliness out of the atmosphere nearby. With the gentlest of bumps, the wheels of the royal chariot touched down on the ground just inside Ponyville. The white alicorn anxiously hopped out of the vehicle, projecting as regal and commanding an air as she could. At the same time, though, she made herself a beacon of calm and caring authority; after all, what else would her subjects expect from her? The papers had reported on a great disaster, a murder, the most outlandish, unheard-of event in all of Equestria. Naturally, the story was being blown way out of proportion, even though it was serious indeed; it was for this reason she needed to be what ponies expected her to be, strong and reassuring. Celestia trotted down the road, ponies all around bowing in respect and awe. She could tell that Luna was almost directly behind her by the sound of her sister's distinct hoofsteps. The pair of princesses moved through the town towards the site of the battle, exuding an aura of serenity as they passed. Only a minute or so later, they came upon a mound of rubble covered in black and blue scorch marks and blast craters. Celestia and Luna stood silently looking at the rubble, a small crowd of curious ponies gathering around them expectantly. After a few minutes, Celestia broke the silence. “My little ponies, what happened here is a terrible, terrible thing; fortunately, these sorts of things are few and far between. Do not let yourselves be troubled, but do not ignore it either. Remember what happens when ponies give in to hate, and make sure that you don't,” said the Sun Princess, her voice slipping into speech mode. The white alicorn turned to the Mayor, who had trotted up while she was speaking. “Mayor, if you require anything for the rebuilding that you don't have readily available, just notify me and I will have it sent to you expressly.” The mare nodded gratefully and politely, then stepped aside as the white and blue alicorns trotted past her. Celestia gestured for the gray Mayor to walk with them. “Yes, your Highness?” asked Mayor Mare. “Would you mind if myself and Luna set up a temporary residence in the town hall? I think it would be appropriate for us to spend some time in the town, to ease fears and speed the healing process.” “O-of course, Princess,” stammered the gray mare, taken by surprise. “I'll have some special quarters set up right away.” “That's quite all right, my personal guards can take care of it. Thank you, you may go now,” said Celestia. After the mayor had scampered off, no doubt to prepare some kind of opulent room for them, she turned to her younger sister, with whom she was trotting in solitude, her guards either at a distance or gone ahead to prepare the Princesses' rooms. “Luna, you've been quiet,” commented the white alicorn in a hushed tone. “I have, Celly. I've been playing along with your plan. Is that all that this is to you, this visit? A scheme? I heard you give that nice little speech, sister,” snapped the Night Princess, surprised at the vehemence in her voice. “These ponies need more than a figurehead, Celestia, they need more than speeches; the ponies need a friend, a shoulder to lean on. They are afraid, and I don't think you can feel that.” Luna visibly recoiled from the accusation she'd leveled at her sister. “Wait, Celly, I'm sorry-” began the blue alicorn. “No,” interrupted Celestia flatly. She continued trotting in silence until the two were inside the town hall, where several of her guards were finishing preparations for their stay. She breezed past them, not so much as sparing a glance as they sprang to attention. Luna followed behind, worry and regret etched on her face. Celestia trotted through a few short halls and up a flight of stairs, then tossed open a door and entered. The midnight mare had to canter to keep pace with her older sister, barely slipping in before the door slammed shut telekinetically behind her. The younger of the two approacher her sister hesitantly, apologetically, and wrapped a wing around her. Celestia allowed it for a moment before pulling away. “Luna, you're right, I'm out of touch, I get it,” admitted the white mare in a shaky tone that she'd been repressing. She turned to face the darker pony, who could now see the tears threatening to spill out. “Maybe you should be the one to talk to ponies from here on, at least for this disaster. I need some time to think.” The Night Princess winced, knowing she had brought this on her sister. She looked around the hastily-arranged room for inspiration, from the plush, sandy-colored carpet to the ornate, sparsely-occupied bookshelves on the two side walls and everywhere in between. Finally she trotted over to the roomy bay window and looked over the town, the twilight sun's rays casting long, still shadows of everything they touched. The scene was strangely calming, so Luna beckoned for her sister to share the view with her. With a weary sigh, Celestia took a place at Luna's side. The two Princesses sat looking like this for a seeming eternity, trying desperately to communicate everything by saying nothing. After a time, Luna leaned into Celestia, both for support and out of love. “Alright, Celly. I will go speak with our subjects; you take care of yourself. I shall be back soon.” The blue Princess turned away and trotted out of the room, leaving the white one with a saddened, guilty expression as she watched her younger sister go. ----- The bandaged red pegasus tapped his hoof impatiently as he sat in the lobby of the Ponyville Clinic. He wasn't in the best of moods, since Nurse Redheart had spotted him without his wing bandages on, and forcefully re-applied them (he was sure it was punishment for taking them off early). Now Flare was stuck in the lobby with his wings all cramped again, waiting on Rainbow Dash, who was in Twilight's room still. He frowned; Firework didn't exactly know the purple mare that well, but she was the one who'd saved his life, and that was no small debt to owe. The red colt wanted to pay her back, for sure... but he didn't exactly have any way to do that, and Flare was fairly certain that Rainbow didn't either. So he finally got up and trotted through the now-familiar white hallways of the hospital to Twilight's room, and gently pushed open the door. Inside were five ponies, one being the burnt and blackened Twilight, the other four presumably her friends. There was an aristocratic-looking white unicorn and a cotton-candy-pink earth pony, neither of which he recognized; next to them were the more familiar figures of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. They were all morosely quiet, and turned to look hopefully at him when they heard the door swish open; disappointed that it wasn't a doctor with good news, they went back to moping. “Hey Dash, did you want to do something?” asked Firework in a hushed voice. Dash looked about ready to say something when the white unicorn butted in. “Excuse me, sir, can't you see that she's trying to comfort her friend?” huffed the mare with the coiffed mane. “We all are, thank you very much!” Flare was all set to snap right back at her, but the pink mare appeared between them. “You silly fillies, fighting isn't going to get us anywhere,” she said, her fluffy pink mane drooping somewhat. “If we want to take care of Twilight we need to take care of ourselves. I'll go make some cupcakes and bring them to you girls when they're all done,” pledged Pinkie. Her face brightened and her mane poofed up a bit before she continued. “And then I'm going to throw a PARTY for our new pony in town! No, wait, ponies! There was a second one!” And with that, Pinkie was off. The others stared after her for a few moments before turning back to each other. The white one with the purple mane had a contrite air about her. “I'm sorry for shouting at you, darling, I'm a little anxious right now,” she apologized. “Twilight's... situation has put us all between a rock and a hard place. I'm Rarity, by the way; you should stop by sometime at the Carousel Boutique, I could transform you into a less ruffian-esque stallion. I mean, really, that mane-cut went out of style ages ago, dear! You absolutely should get it done-” “Yeah, yeah, I'm sure, Rarity,” interrupted Rainbow Dash hastily, “but all that girly stuff is boring and takes forever. We're fine like this, so we'll be going now, bye!” Flare barely had time to blurt out a “Wait, what?” before he was forcefully pushed out of the room by the cyan pegasus at high speed. After they were out in the hall, Dash stopped pushing him and instead let him trot on his own, and the two of them left the hospital at a brisk pace. The sun was dropping slowly behind the horizon, its rays flying almost parallel to the ground; both were forced to squint as they moved. “Do you think we'll have time to get any practice in before it gets dark?” asked the red pegasus. “Who says we have to stop when it gets dark?” laughed the blue one. “We can practice at night, I've done it before. I bet you have, too.” “Caught me red-hoofed, Rainbow. Where do you usually go when you want to get in some tricks?” “Either at Sweet Apple Acres or outside my house. AJ is usually okay with me lounging around at her place, as long as I don't damage any of her stuff. I usually don't go there at night, though, just because it's a bit easier to run into something.” “Okay, I guess we'll start at your place. Lead the way, Dash.” Rainbow took off for her cloud home, but an accusatory silence reminded her that Flare was still grounded, so she returned with a sigh to the ground. The two trotted together once more; as if testing the waters, Flare sped up his pace so that he was just in front of the blue pony. In response, the rainbow-maned pony accelerated to a slightly faster speed than his, pulling ahead. Firework pushed to the front again, and then Dash, and the two kept trying to outpace the other until they were both galloping at full speed. Both wore exuberant grins as they raced through the chill air of the evening, each confident in their victory over the other. For the first few moments, they were neck and neck; Rainbow Dash might have him beaten hooves-down in the air, but on the ground he was at least a challenge for her speed. After the galloping started to take its toll, Flare began to lag behind, his numerous shallow injuries slowing him down. After a few minutes of top speed, Dash's expression blanched before she burst out laughing and slowed down to a stop. The red colt kept running, celebrating his victory with a whoop, before he turned around and saw Rainbow Dash galloping in the opposite direction. He was about to call out in confusion when she beat him to the punch. “We passed it! Now there's no way I can lose!” The red pegasus sighed and raced after her. When he finally caught up, he stood panting next to the triumphant rainbow-maned mare beneath her home. Said mare took off into the air, performing a cursory loop-de-loop before settling into a hover a few hoof-lengths above Firework's head. “You did that just to tease me, didn't you,” grumbled the red pony. He received a giggle in response. “Fine, let's just get on with this. Did you have any specific trick routines in mind? I forgot what I was planning.” “Not really anything specific; usually I can just kind of fly around and do whatever comes to mind, and it forms into a routine,” answered Rainbow, now hovering upside-down over her rival. Without waiting for a reply, she took off, starting into a random string of loops, rolls, and dives. Flare's gaze attentively tracked her motion through the sky, the last dim rays of the sun making her bright blue coat radiant. He thought about how they might arrange some of her stunts into a pattern, visualizing it in his mind; when the red pony did so, however, he couldn't keep focused on the pattern. What absorbed his attention instead was the glowing cyan mare that dominated his field of view. The way that she handled every twist and turn, her graceful, minute wing adjustments; it could only be described by one word. Serene. The way that Dash flew was absolutely casual, as easy as breathing might be for a pony. He could see how she instinctively, naturally knew where she wanted to go next, and automatically adjusted herself to go there. There was no thought involved, she just did. Flare just sat and watched, taking in the sight of the natural ace that was Rainbow Dash. Flare couldn’t help but feel the envy bubbling up in his thoughts; her flight was the antithesis of his own. Every move he did, every turn and twitch of the wing was calculated and carefully thought through; this was out of necessity, because he had very little natural skill when it came to flying. He had had to work hard for his flying skills, and she made it look so easy... He started to feel a twitching in his wings, a slight pressure against the tightly-wrapped bandages. The sudden sensory input caught his attention, and with a fierce blush hardly noticeable against his already-burning pelt Firework shook his head and snapped himself out of the trance. Shortly thereafter, the rainbow-maned flier touched down next to Flare. “So? Any ideas? I've got a bunch,” enthused the mare. “Uh, actually I'm getting kind of tired,” lied the red colt with a remnant of embarrassment. Dash pouted sarcastically. “You're no fun. I thought you wanted to get our routine planned out tonight,” she complained. “I bet all that running tired you out, didn't it? Pffft, you need to build up some stamina, Flare!” Dash hovered up over the other pegasus and reached around him with her forehooves. He jolted in surprise, and she also pulled back, curious. “What is it?” she asked. He started to mumble something, but she cut him off. “Unless you found somewhere else in Ponyville to spend the night while I wasn't looking, you're staying with me at my house. Since you can't fly, I need to carry you up there,” said Rainbow, as though stating the obvious. Flare sighed inwardly, relieved. Finished with that little escapade, the blue mare picked up her rival in her hooves and carried him up to her home; she was careful not to disturb any of his injuries, for which he was silently grateful. After less than a minute, she set him down on the cloud and the two trotted into Rainbow's house. She quickly made up a spare bedroom for him, which was only slightly tidier than the rest of her home. With the last minutes of daylight gone, the two parted ways and went to sleep. ----- The petite yellow pegasus sat silently next to her comatose friend, the darkness outside the room dispelled only partially by a dim lantern in the corner of the room. Next to her sat Rarity, who had finally fallen asleep out of exhaustion. The white mare lay nearly as still as Twilight, her head resting gently on the side of a plush armchair she'd acquired from somewhere. As Fluttershy looked at Rarity's sleeping form and Twilight's unconscious one, she noticed how each of them, and even herself as she lay curled in a similar chair, had their chests rising and falling softly, gently. It was like clockwork in its regularity, but so slow that it reminded her of watching snowflakes fall. The solitude of the silent hospital room made the pegasus' eyelids begin to droop lazily, even as tears began to spill out of them again. “Please get better, Twilight... please. I- I'll even read you a... a story...” whispered Fluttershy, barely any sound escaping her lips at all as she closed her leaking eyes and fell into a much-needed, albeit fitful, slumber. A few moments passed before a golden glow gripped the door to the room, and it swung open silently. With magically-muffled hoofsteps, a tall, shadowy figure trotted into the room, illuminated only by the lamp; distinctly noticeable about the interloper was the pain and doubt carved into her face. The pony moved silently to a spot next to Twilight's bed, and sat down. The long, waving mane coming off of the winged figure cast an eerie shadow on Twilight's body. The alicorn, whose pelt gleamed a soft creamy white in the dim lamp-light, removed her golden horseshoe and extended a forehoof over the still form of her star student, fondly wiping a stray lock of charred purple mane out of Twilight's face. The Princess' eyes closed, and she began softly stroking the unicorn's forehead and cheek, which were hot to the touch. A prismatic droplet fell from her eyes and stained the bland white hospital sheet with an oily, rainbow splotch; then another came, and another. The small white unicorn mare hesitantly pushed open the door to the Ponyville Clinic; when the nurse on duty looked up from her crossword puzzle, she nodded a polite greeting. “Hey there,” said the nurse, “Is there anything I can do for you?” “Oh, um, no thanks, I was just stopping by to see someone. Thank you, though,” mumbled the white, pink-maned unicorn. She trotted down the hall leading out of the waiting room, when she overheard two ponies speaking in hushed tones behind a door labeled “Staff Only”. “Redheart, the Arc-Site scans are done. I... don't think you're going to like them,” whispered one. “Are they really that bad?” asked the other. There was a moment of silence and the sound of shuffling paper, then something like a clipboard hitting the ground with a clatter. “How... how is this possible? There must be a mistake, this can't be right,” objected Redheart. “Run the scans again!” “Ma'am, with all due respect, we just can't. All of our unicorns are too tired; they've been trying to heal Twilight on and off all day, and nothing has worked. They need a break. Maybe we do too.” The pink-maned unicorn hid herself behind the nearest object, a tall piece of metal equipment that seemed to radiate a slight magical aura. Out of the “Staff Only” door came two ponies, one the familiar form of Nurse Redheart, and the other a blue unicorn in a doctor's outfit. The two trotted silently past the concealed mare, exhaustion evident in their expressions. The white mare stealthily went over to the restricted-access door and pushed it open, seeing inside a prim office space; aside from a circular table, three cheap-looking chairs, and a few cabinets, there wasn't much in the room. Resting atop one of the cabinets was a clipboard with a small sheaf of papers attached to it. The top sheet read like a label, with a good deal of fancy-looking reference numbers and such, as well as a bold-faced “Twilight Sparkle” indicating the name of the patient whose record this was. The white pony, out of trepidation, accidentally let her illusion spell falter for a moment, revealing the golden crown, wings, and flowing, multi-hued mane she had been hiding. Despite her nervousness, she took the file in her magical grasp and flipped through it. Even without much in the way of medical knowledge, the pictures and graphs and notes made it fairly obvious; Twilight Sparkle, the prodigious unicorn magician, was not going to survive her wounds. The wounds themselves weren't too serious; what was really going to kill the charred mare was the fact that her injuries resisted magical healing. 'Some kind of poison,' the report suggested. 'An unknown, unidentifiable magical poison that Trixie had somehow slipped into Twilight's body while they fought.' The small stack of papers began to tremble in the telekinetic grasp of the Princess. Her illusion spell faded away entirely, revealing her full, regal self. Celestia floated the clipboard back into its rightful place, and headed for the room that her student, her Twilight rested in. The white alicorn made every effort to keep her crying silent. Her precious pupil, the little lavender unicorn that she'd practically raised as her own was dying. Worse still, was that she could do something about it. In her thoughts she began reciting her logic as though it were some kind of shield from the pain, justifying it. I know that I shouldn't. I created the rules to be followed; I must not misuse my power to unfairly benefit one pony over others. I, as Princess and Ruler of Equestria, must be fair and impartial when dealing with my subjects. I should not heal one pony unless I heal all ponies. She lowered her head down to Twilight's level, resting it on the bed next to the young mare. She looked straight at her star student's still form, mere inches away from it. Being closer just made her longing for Twilight's well-being even more intense. You've been through this before, Celestia. Ponies die. You've seen it happen countless times in the last thousand years; it's the way of life. All things must come to an end, even those we love. The Princess closed her eyes, trying to block out the soul-chilling sight of her Twilight, her charred, dying Twilight. Why, my student? Why did you of all ponies have to die? I raised you, Twilight, I taught you everything. I was your teacher. I was your friend. I was... your mother. And you were my daughter, and I loved you as one. After a thousand years, I finally had a foal of my own to love and take care of and watch grow up. You were going to be the one, Twilight, you were going to be my heir; I was tired already after so long, so long watching those around me die. I was exhausted, but you were the light in my life, the drive that kept me going. Without you, I- I don't know if I can go on anymore. That last thought rattled around in her brain for a seeming eternity, gnawing away at her resolve and her tear ducts. She doesn't have to die. You have the power, Celestia. You could save her, overcome the poison or whatever it may be. That's against my code. I swore as a leader to be impartial. You won't be able to serve as an effective leader without her; you said so yourself. That doesn't make it right! But it makes it reasonable. The Princess of the Day bit her lip, indecision tearing at her. After a few more moments in cacophonous self-debate, she set her face, determined to do the right thing. She began to channel her magic. Examining the body of her pupil with a sixth sense, almost like an x-ray view, the cool, calculating, rational side of Princess Celestia surged to the forefront. She saw in great detail the wounds that her Twilight had suffered, but the one that seemed to attract the most attention was a nasty-looking bolt-wound on her shoulder. It seemed that some kind of energy beam had grazed Twilight, boiling off flesh and, seemingly, filling Twilight's veins almost immediately with some kind of substance. The stuff gave off an eerie blue radiance to her enhanced sight, stronger in the areas of higher concentration. The burn wound on her shoulder was practically a neon sign that said “This is the source”. The stone-faced alicorn concentrated her magical powers on the stuff, trying to scan its properties, but to no avail; it was like trying to read a book in a dense fog. Even worse, it was like the fog was actively resisting her, diffusing her magic and weakening the effect. Celestia began to get a horrible feeling of having seen this somewhere else... Then she remembered. The asteroid, the one that had mysteriously appeared a few hundred years ago. The asteroid that had only a few days before come crashing down into Equestria. The asteroid that she, the Princess, had allowed to survive, at least in fragments. The asteroid that was now, inexplicably, somehow, killing her Twilight. I... I did this? I let the thing escape destruction, and it's destroying me. Twilight. This can't be an isolated incident. Oh, what have I done? I failed them... failed them all. Failed Twilight. Celestia was about to begin crying again when she stopped herself. Enough crying. You are Princess Celestia, God-Queen of Equestria, Bringer of the Sun, Master of Day. You can handle this. Just take care of Twilight, then move on to the next, bigger thing. Stay calm. Celestia looked up, steel in her eyes, only to see something out of a nightmare; Celestia's legs tried to turn to jelly when she saw in her reflection in the window, a grinning, demonic blue figure. It was very vague and misty in form, leaving all of the horrible details up to her imagination. It did, however, possess a large array of hundreds of teeth, each of which was the size and shape of a needle, and its eyes were empty, soulless black sockets which seemed to drain the life out of her just by looking at them. It only barely qualified as equine in form, as four tentacle-hoof hybrid appendages extended from her translucent blue body, in which a few twisted organs and bones could be seen pulsing and throbbing. It took every ounce and more of Celestia's frayed nerves to stand up to the thing without screaming, but she drew strength from the prone figures of Fluttershy, Rarity, and especially Twilight. She kept her eyes as firm as adamant, even as her legs tried to betray her, and she looked the ghost-reflection right in its not-eyes. It's smile seemed to twitch wickedly, then it faded away into nothingness, leaving the white alicorn staring into her own confused eyes.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
A slight rustling sound reached Fluttershy's ears, causing her to shift slightly in her sleep. She opened her eyes slowly, feeling rather drowsy still, but instantly snapped to full alertness when she saw the source of the disturbance; Twilight was moving. Not much, but her body was showing signs of life that had been absent until now. Brimming with excitement, Fluttershy threw caution to the wind and shouted out for joy, even though it was still dim out, the warmth of the sun just barely breaking over the horizon. “Yay!” Rarity hardly responded to the slight sound, still in a deep sleep. She woke up suddenly as a yellow hoof began to barely push on her shoulder. “Huhwhatwho'sthere? Oh, Fluttershy, dear, I'm sorry, it's you,” the white unicorn began. “Why, whatever is the matter-” “Rarity, Rarity, Twilight's going to be okay, she's getting better!” enthused the pegasus, her tiny voice squeaky with excitement. The fashionista's mouth opened in shock, then shut as she saw Twilight twitch in her coma. “Fluttershy, this is fantastic! We need to go tell everypony! Pinkie is going to want to throw a party, I should probably get started on some festive attire... Darling, would you be a dear and go tell Rainbow Dash and Applejack? I'll get Pinkie Pie, and then be right back here with the doctor. I'll be back soon!” trilled the white unicorn as she raced out of the room. Fluttershy stayed back for a few moments, dancing modestly in happiness. “Thank you, Twilight, thank you for getting better,” she whispered. Then she was off, moving through the deserted and dark, albeit lightening, streets of Ponyville towards Rainbow's house. Such a feeling of peaceful relief came over her that she practically flew through the route, leaving the town outskirts in mere minutes. The yellow pegasus saw the familiar cloud dwelling floating in the sky and was about to fly up towards it when something odd caught her attention. In a patch of taller grass nearby, she thought she saw a lump sticking out over the silvery green blades. Fluttershy moved towards it curiously. Upon closer inspection, it looked like... Angel? Except, it was a statue of Angel, a stone replica that perfectly matched her memory of the rabbit. On the side of his back, though, were four small indentations, almost like puncture marks. The yellow pegasus' lip began trembling. “A-Angel? W-what happened? Did the c-cockatrice do this to you?” she asked the statue. As if in answer, the mare heard a nearly imperceptible rush of air as something stirred behind her. She whirled around with a squeak of fright, expecting to see a terrible monster, maybe a manticore or even a dragon. There was nothing, which was perhaps worse than both of the other two combined. Fluttershy began to breathe rapidly, fear and adrenaline overtaking her slight body. The whoosh of air once again sounded, this time off to her left. The pegasus eeped in terror and blasted off towards Rainbow Dash's house like a thing possessed.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 8 Puzzle lay comfortably on her back in the warm farmhouse bed, deeply asleep. Around the stony-gray pony was a bare room, two small windows letting in a hint of light from the rising sun. In the dimness of the early, early morning, a four-legged figure in a stetson stole up on the resting mare's prone form. The shadowy figure took a deep breath before shattering the silence that had reigned in the pre-dawn. “Rise and shine, sugarcube!” shouted the hatted farmpony, a grin spreading on her face. “It's time to go to work!” At the disturbance, Puzzle reflexively leaped out of bed with a yelp, falling off the side opposite Applejack and tangling herself up in the sheets. The orange pony stifled a laugh as the unkempt unicorn rolled around on the floor in an attempt to wrangle the linen bedsheets off of herself. After a mirth-filled minute of silence broken only by the sounds of struggle, the gray mare rose to her hooves, her back to the farmer. Puzzle's horn glowed with a dark green aura, and a pair of sunglasses rose up from the pack lying next to the bed, coming to rest on the unicorn's nose. Without turning around, Puzzle enveloped the sheets in a magical glow and lifted them into the air over the bed. She silently straightened them out and laid the linen down on the bed neatly. Her now-frosty disposition leeched any remnant of light-heartedness out of the atmosphere. Sensing the mood of her new employee, Applejack tried to stave off the confrontation she felt coming. “I was just tryin' to lighten the situation a bit,” explained the farmer. “No need to get all huffy about it; it is time to get started, anyway. Come on down and we'll grab a bit o' breakfast before we head out to the orchards.” “Yeah, okay. I'll be ready in a second,” grumbled Puzzle. She waited until Applejack had left the room before levitating a small, worn brush out of her pack and quickly running it through her green-and-yellow mane. Not bothering to check her work, she tossed the old thing aside, hearing it clatter as it hit the floor. Puzzle trotted out of the room at a leisurely pace, her hooves making wooden clops as she moved over the rickety wooden floor. Down at the breakfast table in the kitchen, the gray mare trotted in to see her boss whispering to a large red stallion, who upon seeing the newcomer, hastily turned and left the room. Applejack turned to see Puzzle trotting in and smiled sheepishly. “Ah, hey there, I wasn't expectin' ya so soon,” stammered the orange mare. “I was jus' talkin' to Mac, my brother-” “What were you saying about me?” interrupted the gray mare. “Hold on there, don't get yourself all riled up. I was jus' tellin' him that I hired a little help for the farm, and that she- you- was a little uneasy around other ponies. I didn' want you two gettin' off on the wrong hoof,” Applejack explained in an even tone. She had to resist the urge to add “It'd be mighty easy to do that, knowin' you”. “I'm sure,” said Puzzle, who finally took a seat at the table. She reached out with her magic and arranged a plethora of apple-themed foods in front of her place, drawing the edibles from the surrounding cupboards and cabinets. “Whoa there, sugar,” protested the farmer, her temper beginning to flare already. “Ya might be a guest here, but I don't think it's a guest's place to be emptyin' their host's pantry. 'Sides, ya don't want to eat too much or else you'll end up with a cramp when we start buckin' some apples.” Applejack reached out with a hoof, dividing the array of apple-tastic treats into a large pile and a small pile. She began pushing the bigger mound of food away from Puzzle's place. “I think you'll be okay with what ya have there.” Puzzle levitated the few apple muffins that her employer had left, examining them with a cold, critical eye. As the orange mare replaced the foodstuffs in their proper containers, the unicorn mare began to eat one of the muffins. Neither pony said anything for the longest time, the room only filled with the sounds of chewing and the opening and closing of wooden cabinet doors. Despite the temperature being quite pleasant, Applejack shuddered. “Ya know, ya might try bein' a little less cold sometimes,” commented the farmer dryly, failing to elicit a response from her employee. The orange mare suppressed a frustrated scowl and finished her cleanup. “Come on, let's get goin'. We ain't got all day.” The last remnant of an apple muffin disappeared into Puzzle's mouth, who then stood up and followed her boss out to Sweet Apple Acres' orchards. The pair trotted past rows of apple trees, hooves kicking up trace clouds of dust from the dry ground. They had gone a fair distance before Applejack finally stopped, turning away so that the first rays of sunlight weren't directly in her eyes. “Alright, Puzzle. I want you to go down this row here and buck the apples off of each tree. If ya ain't so good at buckin', I reckon ya can use your magic to pick 'em,” instructed the farmer. “Let me see ya try once.” Puzzle nodded, then turned to face opposite the first tree in her row. She planted her two front legs and lashed out hard with her back two, hitting the tree with a wooden crack. The limbs of the tree shook a fair amount, jostling about half of the apples off of their perches. The force of the gray mare's buck was enough to push her forward, overbalancing her and sending her face-first into the dusty ground. Puzzle sputtered a bit as the orange stetson-wearing pony smiled in amusement. “That wasn't too bad, sugarcube,” commented Applejack. “Yer form was pretty good, but ya need to keep your center a bit farther back, so ya don' fall head over hoof like that. Not bad for a first timer.” “This isn't the first time I've worked on a farm,” protested Puzzle quietly. “When you move around a lot, you find what work you can.” Without waiting for a response, the gray mare turned and began magically pulling the remaining apples from the first tree. The orange earth pony raised an eyebrow; she could tell that there was a lot behind that simple statement. “Well, okay then,” said Applejack, suddenly anxious to just be away from this pony for a while. “I'll be a few rows down if ya need anything.” Applejack trotted away from Puzzle in the direction they'd been heading, towards the rising sun. The gray pony just kept picking, as though nothing had changed; she continued down the line in this manner, silent except when her hooves impacted sharply on the bark of the apple trees. The sun rose a little higher in the sky, and Puzzle began to sweat from her exertions. Buck. Rustle. Thudthudthud. Then the nigh-imperceptible snap of apple stems breaking under force from the unicorn's magic. It was maddening, the constant drone of the work. The bland, mottled earth passed beneath her like a treadmill, as though she were standing still and the earth were moving beneath her. Not even the slightest breeze blew, the moist morning air stagnating in shimmering pools between the apple trees. Buck. Rustle. Thudthudthud. Snapsnapsnap. Puzzle's eye twitched. She had to force herself to keep going, arduously following the pattern. Buck. Rustle. ThudthudTHUDTHUD. Puzzle's head whipped up at the anomaly, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. She felt like she'd just woken from a nightmare, one that was far too familiar. From behind her sunglasses the unicorn looked at the trees around her, still somewhat in a dazed stupor. If she didn't know better, the mare would swear that those apple trees were blue. Must be the work getting to me... I'm not as fit as I used to be, thought Puzzle. Maybe I just need a drink to get rid of these hallucinations. Oh, hey, a stream right over there. That's convenient. The tired pony trotted over to the little brook, her mind clouded and oblivious to the blue moss-like fungus that covered the bark of some of the trees in uneven patches. Puzzle reached the slow-moving waters and dipped her head down for a drink. She let out a yelp when she saw the reflection in the glowing water. There was a darker, twisted version of a grinning pony, vaguely resembling herself, and in the background she saw a giant tree-monster, branches arcing out like tentacles, several of which were reaching for her. Stumbling back, Puzzle fully came to her senses at last. She looked around and held down a panicked shout. “Applejack? Hey, I think you're going to want to see this!” ----- There was the sound of rapid, panicked breathing and the furious flapping of wings as the frantic Fluttershy flew faster than she had in a long time. The crisp, pre-dawn air stung as she raced up to her friend's cloud house, not too far ahead and above her, where she hoped to find refuge from the unknown danger that she felt bearing down on her as if from all sides. Behind her, Fluttershy heard a little screech that immediately presented itself in her mind as a form of predatory battle cry, just before she felt something latch onto her tail. It felt as though she was being drained, like her energy was being sapped. The siphoning would have sent her into a lethargic semi-stupor had she not reflexively, instinctively lashed out with her back legs. Fluttershy felt her right hindhoof impact something soft and amorphous, rather like a water-filled balloon. With a yelp of terror tinged with pain and shock, the pegasus put on an extra adrenaline-fueled burst of speed, and the combined forces of the buck and acceleration served to detach the thing from Fluttershy's tail. The frightened mare reached the boundaries of the cloud structure and burst through the puffy white door, slamming it shut behind her. There was a muffled thump, an impact on the door, and four spikes the size of a pegasus' feather punctured the fluffy material, wriggling around in search of prey. Fluttershy sat breathless, motionlessly listening to the sounds of the struggling creature, and a small part of her wanted to go and help the poor thing, maybe un-stick its... whatever those four things were, teeth, claws, the yellow pony couldn't tell. With an unsettling, gurgling suction noise the spike-things pulled out of the door, the cloud springing back to fill the holes left by the appendages. From outside Fluttershy could hear a quiet sound halfway between a screeching and a clicking that reminded her of a disappointed grumble. Pity started to well up out of the timid mare's heart, and she felt bad for the creature. It probably had a reason for what it had done, just like that manticore with the thorn in its paw, and all she had accomplished was to exacerbate the problem by reacting out of some silly fear. Fluttershy resolved to go figure out what was bothering it and make it better, after she could get over her fear and calm down. A groggy-looking, rainbow-maned pegasus appeared from a stairway in the back of the untidy front room. “W-who's there...? It's like, not even six o'clock,” grumbled the blue mare, a sleepy, lazy slur in her voice. “F-Fluttershy? Is that you? What are you doing here?” “Oh, um, h-hello Rainbow Dash,” acknowledged the yellow pony. She could feel the adrenaline and fright emptying out of her in the presence of her friend, drawing out some of the enthusiasm that had been buried under the events of the recent past. “I was just here to tell you a little news about Twilight, but I got, um, waylaid by a little creature. I'm going to go deal with her, or, well, I guess it could be a him, if you think about it-” It was that moment Dash's brain chose to kick in. “Wait, wait, what about Twi?” she interrupted, racing over and gripping her petite yellow friend in a tight grip, knocking aside a cloud table in the process. Fluttershy cringed. “Is she going to be okay? Tell me she is, tell me Twilight is getting better.” “Yes, Rainbow, Twilight is going to be okay. We just found out a few minutes ago.” “Aw yeah!” shouted the impulsive blue pegasus, leaping into the air. “I knew it! I knew she would pull through, Twilight's too tough to just let a few scrapes get to her.” Rainbow zoomed around the messy room in a victory lap of sorts, finally shooting out the front door and performing a dazzling flourish. Fluttershy tensed up, nervous that the creature might react and go after Dashie. Her fears proved groundless when Dash suffered no sudden incidents, even going so far as to start looping around her house in celebration. The yellow pegasus moved over to the edge of the cloud platform and looked down; just on the edge of a small wooded area, she saw a small dot moving in the direction of the Everfree Forest a moderate distance away. Fluttershy considered going after it to set things right, but thought it would be better to learn a bit more about it first; the yellow mare hadn't been able to place whatever it's species had been, so a stop at the library might be useful. Thoughts of the library reminded her of Twilight, and why she'd come here in the first place; specifically, that she was still supposed to go get Applejack. She waved a hoof to signal Rainbow, who flew down to meet her. “Rarity and I are trying to get all of us together to support Twilight,” Fluttershy said, “so if you wouldn't mind coming to the hospital in a bit, we would all appreciate that.” “Of course I'll be there,” said Dash. “Who's already on their way?” “Oh, well, there's myself and Rarity, and Rarity has probably found Pinkie Pie by now, and I was supposed to get Applejack as well-” “So AJ doesn't know yet?” Rainbow interrupted. “Well, no-” “Sweet, I'm on it. You go right on back to the hospital, I'll get Applejack.” “O-okay,” said Fluttershy, turning her head away meekly. Dash blasted off towards Sweet Apple Acres without another word, leaving a rainbow contrail in her wake. Fluttershy flexed her wings in preparation for taking off when she felt like she was being watched. She turned to look, but only glimpsed a red blur slipping away up some cloud stairs. She considered investigating, but a little part of that constant fear she had bubbled up in her. At this point, she really just wanted to get back to the hospital, where it was safe. Fluttershy could always ask Rainbow Dash about it later, anyway. ----- It occurred to Twilight how cliché it would be to awaken slowly, with her vision blurry and her movements sluggish. She wondered how her friends might react, sitting around in the hospital room expectantly. They would all be huddled in a semi-circle around the bed, she could see it in her mind; Applejack would be the strength for the group, reassuring the worried Fluttershy. Rarity would be fussing over- With a snap, Twilight opened her eyes, realizing at last that she was really awake. The dim room was empty, save for one seat in the far corner; its occupant was tall and dark and hard to make out. Before she had a chance to feel afraid, the stranger spoke. “Ah, Miss Sparkle, you are alive and well. It is good news indeed,” said Princess Luna. “P-princess...?” mumbled the unicorn. “Yes, Twilight, I am the princess. Thank you for stating that which was very well known.” Twi cringed at the unusual harsh tone of the Princess. “Where are my-” began the unicorn, before Luna interrupted. “I apologize for being short with you, Miss Sparkle,” said Luna. “I must needs speak with my sister about the cause of my frustration. Your friends, though, are currently on their way, if I overheard correctly.” As if they had practiced it, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Nurse Redheart burst into the room. Each of them paused, gaping at the sight of a completely calm Princess Luna looking expectantly at them. Redheart's face contorted in confusion about whether to bow or rush to check on Twilight's condition; she settled on a respectful nod, which Luna reciprocated. The doctor hurried to the hospital bed and began to check on the various readings that indicated Twilight's lifesigns. Pinkie Pie bounced over to the Princess and wrapped her in a big hug, breaking the midnight mare's shell of studied indifference. Luna tentatively wrapped her hooves around the pink pony, the barest smile on her face. After a moment of embracing the Princess, Pinkie hopped away and to the bedside where the other two were. Twilight looked up at her friends with an appreciative smile, trying to defuse some of the worry that was evident in Rarity's expression. “I'm alive,” said Twilight. “Yes, well, that wasn't always going to be a certainty,” replied Rarity. Over the white unicorn's shoulder, Twilight noticed Princess Luna twitch. “Well, she's okay now and that means that it's time for a party!” Pinkie Pie whisked her Party Cannon out of nowhere and almost fired it before Nurse Redheart leaped between Pinkie and the Cannon. “No, Pinkie,” said the nurse, “we've been over this before. No parties in the hospital, and especially no parties in the patients' rooms. Especially when the patient is in a state like Twilight's.” “Wait a second.” Everypony turned to look at Twilight, who coughed a little before continuing. “What do you mean by 'a state like mine'?” “Oh, well, uh-” Nurse Redheart stammered. “What, what is it?” asked everypony but Luna simultaneously. “It's that poison.” The nurse turned her head away for a moment and sighed. “Most of whatever that stuff is has disappeared, but there's still some residual contamination in her system. The problem is that the substance's levels of concentration in her body have increased during the time I've been here, if only by a minute amount. And, you see, it's- I believe Twilight's body is somehow producing it. Unless, of course, the poison can replicate itself, but I highly doubt that.” Seeing all of the stunned faces, Redheart winced. “I'm sorry, I didn't want to spoil your cheer, but I think you should know the fact of the matter. Her wounds can be healed for now, but if things keep up, she'll start feeling the symptoms of the poison again in the not-so-distant future. Speaking of healing...” the nurse trailed off as she left the room to find the unicorn medics. The energy inside of the hospital room was subdued once more. Twilight's expression was one of deep thought, and she seemed oblivious to the worry that her friends exuded like an aura. “Well, shucks, Twi, I don't rightly know what to say.” Applejack shuffled her hooves uneasily. “I'm mighty sorry 'bout ya gettin' roped into that fight with Trixie. I saw it comin' but I let my own problems come first, and now you're all laid up in the hospital, and poisoned, and- and-” the farmer had to stop as her voice choked up. “Applejack, it's not your fault that I am where I am,” said Twilight, finally snapping out of her trance. “Trixie is the only pony to blame, and I'm willing to bet there's some kind of ulterior motive involved with her. There's no way Trixie could be so... so violent on her own. I think it was the blue energy she had; I couldn't read it, it wasn't like any magic I've seen before. I think- no, I know- that this weird poison is at the root of it all; now if only I could get back to the library and do some research on it.” “I hope you're right, Twi,” said Applejack, hanging her head in fatigue. “I hope that there isn't a pony who would do things like she's done.” The orange mare ran her forehoof through her mane, a sheepish grin forming on her face. “Although, if there ain't nothin' else I can do here, I do kinda need to get goin', there was somethin' Puzzle wanted to show me. So, I'll see you later, Twi. You get better now, ya hear?” Applejack had to struggle to keep her voice even, and left in a hurry. “To-day is nigh, little ponies,” said Luna, taking advantage of Applejack's departure to speak. “If you have any business you need to attend to, go; I will remain here to watch over Twilight.” Each of the four remaining friends pursed their lips, thinking, until Pinkie Pie let out a giant gasp and blasted out of the room. “You know, I do have quite a bit of work to do,” said Rarity. “I should really get started on it.” “Yeah, and I've got a lot of... stuff... to do. Yeah, stuff!” Rainbow blurted. She inched closer to the door. “I really should feed the animals their breakfast, I bet they're starving, the poor things. I'll be right back, though, don't you worry, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash exploded out the door, followed by a huffy Rarity. Fluttershy came and stroked Twilight's mane with a gentle smile before she too left the room. Twilight sighed with relief; she felt okay. Her friends were okay, everything was okay. Kind of. “Princess Luna, I don't understand.” Twilight turned to the midnight pony, a familiar pensive gleam in her eyes. “Why are you here? Don't you have royal duties to attend to?” “My duties to my subjects require that I speak with Celestia, and I know without a doubt that she will return to the scene of her works.” “Her works? Princess, what's going on? Does it have to do with the blue energy that Trixie used?” “Twilight Sparkle, I find no reason that I cannot trust you,” said Luna, “so when I tell you that it would be better to remain ignorant of this matter, I pray you have faith in me as well.” Twilight frowned, but nodded. “I... I guess I can live with that.” Twilight looked away, her mind still churning away. “But what about the poison, then? Is it even a poison? Have you seen it before? I couldn't sense it at all, it was like a magical fog.” At that, Luna's ears perked up. “Child, did you say that the poison was akin to a fog?” Luna's voice was intensely, deceptively soft. Twilight flinched before responding. “Y-yes, Princess Luna. If that's a bad comparison, though, I'd be more than happy to-” “No, Twilight Sparkle, I am glad you said what you did. I believe I have some personal experience with your poison.” The midnight mare leaned forward in her seat, staring evenly at Twilight. “I have been contaminated by this substance myself.” Twilight let out her breath in some hybrid of a gasp and a snort. “You? Princess Luna? Have been exposed to it? B-but when? How? Are you alright?” “I am not sure, my little pony,” said the Princess. She twitched almost imperceptibly as she spoke, her eyes briefly gleaming with a sickly blue hue. “However, I wish to study this substance, and I believe you are the most apt pony to help me do so. Would you consider assisting me in my research?” “I'd be happy to help you, Princess.” Twilight's face was an open book, showing off all of the questions she still wanted to ask. “I'll get started as soon as I get out of the hospital.” “Thank you, Twilight,” said Luna. Her face lost its energetic expression, returning once more to the reserved, aloof look one might expect from a Princess. “I expect you will keep this conversation confidential. Especially from my sister.” ----- “Puzzle!” called Applejack. “Hey, what was it you wanted to show me?” The farmpony trotted down the rows of recently-bucked trees, until she reached the spot where she'd left her new employee earlier in the morning. There was no sign of Puzzle, although the apple baskets that she'd filled lay around the bases of the trees, the last of which was only half-filled. As she approached the spot, Applejack noticed a strange luminescence from up ahead, a sickly blue pallor amongst the trees. A frown slashed its way across the orange mare's face as she took in the scene; a good number of apple trees had a phosphorescent-blue glowing moss growing on the bark, as well as a few scattered splotches of the stuff across the ground. The half-filled basket lay at the base of a tree with only trace amounts of the blue fungus. Applejack looked around suspiciously, before finally noticing the hoof-marks in the ground a short way off. She trotted closer to inspect, and her heart sank. There in the dirt were several sharp scuffs, almost certainly made by a pony that was in a skirmish. On further investigation, she found a faint trail of hoofprints leading further away from the farmhouse and Ponyville; they'd been made by somepony in a rush, probably a panicked flight. Applejack's stomach began to churn, uneasiness clawing at her mind. “Puzzle?” she called again, not quite so loudly. The farmer began backing up slowly, keeping a wary eye out for any surprises. “I don' like this,” muttered Applejack. “I'll be back soon, Puzzle, jus' let me get some backup.” ----- Princess Celestia sat still in her temporary quarters, resting after raising the sun. She leaned against the window frame, staring blankly out the clear glass portal. From her vantage point in the upper room of the town hall, she watched below as ponies began going about their day-to-day business. None of it really registered in her mind, not the warm, clean glow of the sunrise nor the lively sounds of friendly chatter amongst ponies. Why couldn't I have just cut off this plague at the knee, when it was still in its infancy? What will my mistake demand of the ponies of Equestria? Of me? Of... Twilight? My Twilight? What will she suffer at my hooves? Nothing, if I have anything to say about it. I'll keep you safe, Twilight. No matter what it costs me. There was a sharp knock at the door. “Yes?” Celestia didn't even turn away from the window. “Princess, urgent news,” called a guard from the other side, “Queen Chrysalis wishes to speak with you regarding the recent troop movements!” Celestia's ears pricked as her interest arose, and she turned to face the door before opening it with her magic. She gestured for the stallion to come in and explain. “Princess, we received word not three minutes ago that Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings wanted to speak with you personally about the recent troop movements. She asked you arrange a meeting place and time as soon as you were available.” “Very well,” said the Princess. She briefly considered her course of action before continuing. “Inform the Queen that I shall meet with her at the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters in thirty minutes. I want you to assemble a contingent of guards and meet me at the edge of the Everfree in ten. Until then, I have something I must attend to.” Celestia nodded for the guard to leave, then turned back to face the window. As soon as the door shut with a soft click, Celestia summoned her magic and teleported to the Ponyville Clinic. She appeared in the lobby, surprising the nurse on duty at the counter and causing her to drop her newspaper in her haste to bow. The Princess merely waved a hoof, dismissing the petite mare, before she made her way with purpose towards the now-familiar room that Twilight occupied. She paused upon her arrival at the door, and took a moment to compose herself and clear the thoughts of Chrysalis and the changelings and the blue poison from her mind. Celestia was here to see Twilight, to speak with her, and none of those distractions would get between them. With the barest of tremors, the Princess of the Sun lifted a hoof and knocked gently on the door. From within she thought she could hear a faint whisper before Twilight acknowledged her. “Yes? Who is it?” “It's me, Twilight.” “Princess!” Twilight called from the other side of the door. “Come in!” Something about Twilight's tone seemed off, and it made Celestia more than a little nervous. Still, she opened the door and trotted in. She had to strain to hold a panicked gasp when she saw Luna sitting smugly in the opposite corner of the room from Twilight. Instead, she offered a nod to her sister. “Luna.” “Celestia.” “Princess! You're here!” At this outburst Celestia allowed her attention to turn to Twilight, a look of such fondness coming over her face that the latter's cheeks began to flush. The white princess moved to the edge of the bedside, her softly-flowing mane brushing against the white sheets. “Twilight, I'm so glad to see you're okay.” Celestia spoke with an unusually tender voice, a rare break from her stoicism. “You had me worried for a moment.” “I- I just don't know what to think, Princess.” Twilight tried to run a hoof through her mane, but a sharp pain forced her to quit halfway through the motion. She began to speak rapidly, words tumbling head over hoof out of her mouth and traces of tears forming in her eyes. “I don't know what happened, Trixie just came out of the blue and she wanted to fight and I tried to avoid it but she wouldn't quit and then I was trapped on the stage and I was only trying to defend myself and I'm sorry Princess, I'm sorry I couldn't find a way-” She was silenced by a golden shoe gently pressed to her lips. “Shh, Twilight, shhhh. I know. I know you meant no harm in this. You would have avoided it if you could have found a way. Sometimes, though, you fail, Twilight. Nopony can be perfect, not even me.” “I'll say,” Luna said, snorting. Twilight gasped at that, and Celestia turned to look at her sister with a guarded expression. “I've held my tongue out of respect for your concern for Twilight, but I need to speak with you, Celestia, I can't wait any longer. I think it would be best that we take this outside.” “Luna, I don't have time for this. Queen Chrysalis needs to speak with me about the troop movements and I simply wanted to check on my dear student before I left.” “Oh, returning to the scene of the crime, eh?” said Luna, taunting. Celestia's expression became one of studied ignorance. “Don't think so little of me, Celestia, I know that you made an extra special visit already. If you will not even acknowledge it, then I shall have no part in this anymore.” With those words and a venomous flash of her blue eyes, the Princess of the Night tore off her jet black crown, threw it to the ground with a ringing clatter, and stormed out of the room. There was a long, long silence after that. “Princess, what is happening? I don't understand.” “I- I don't know, my faithful student.” Celestia hung her head a bit, her lie sounding hollow even to herself. “I just know that I'll take care of you, my Twilight.” The white alicorn leaned over and gave her student an affectionate nuzzle, then turned and levitated Luna's crown into her possession and trotted out of the room.
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Part 9 Quietly, Ditzy Doo slipped out the front door of her small home on the outskirts of Ponyville, her blonde mane waving gently in a light breeze. She looked around at the familiar houses and ponies, taking a deep breath. The air was filled with the pleasant aroma of flowers, courtesy of Roseluck's garden next door. The morning sun was already starting to get quite bright and Ditzy felt its warming gaze on her coat. Today is going to be a great day, she thought. With a little extra springiness in her haphazard gait, the mailmare took off for the post office. Ditzy wobbled gaily through the air, smiling and tittering like a schoolfilly. Today really is going to be great, I can tell already. The thought was distracting enough that she didn't feel any time pass at all as she hovered to work. When the post office finally came into view, Ditzy alighted rather clumsily; after tripping on her own hooves, she tumbled head over hoof through the rear door marked “Employees Only.” The inside of the post office was a bit dimmer than usual, but Ditzy didn't let that or her fall get her down. “Ditzy! You're late!” called a voice from the mail sorting room. The voice was her boss', and it was angry. “Sorry, I was-” began Ditzy. “There's no excuse for being late six days in a row!” her boss interrupted her. He appeared out of the sorting room, his brown muzzle rough with graying stubble. He glanced at Ditzy, and seeing her smile begin to falter, he sighed and growled. “You know what, just take your mail and go. I'm not even mad anymore.” Ditzy watched him go, his black baseball cap lying askew on his unkempt mane. She was usually scolded a bit more for things like this. Something was up if her boss was just letting her go. She poked her head into the sorting room, where her boss was lying face-down on the mail desk. “What's wrong? Anything I can do to help?” Ditzy asked. “No. There is nothing-” the stallion paused for a moment. “Actually, yes, there is something you can do to help me, Ditzy. You can deliver your mail. That would be incredibly helpful.” Ditzy nodded, getting the feeling that her boss just wanted her out of there. She trotted over to where her mailbag hung from a rack on the far wall. Interestingly enough, hers wasn't the only mailbag still there; hanging next to hers was Raindrops' bag. I guess that's why the boss was so grumpy, thought Ditzy, slinging her dusty brown bag over her shoulders. Raindrops is usually the one who sorts the mail, and if she isn't here today, he must have had to do it. The mailmare slipped out the door and examined the mail that she was to deliver today. Where usually there was a decently large stack, today there were only a hoof-full of letters. There wasn't even a package! Normally there was a package or two. This must just be a slow day for mail, Ditzy thought. Well, I guess I'll be finished extra early, then. Ditzy pulled the first letter off of the pile. After a few seconds of examining it, she deciphered its intended recipient as Zecora. The letter itself seemed a little battered, as though it had been tossed about and scrunched up almost violently. Ditzy cocked her head curiously as she examined it, taking to the air as she did so. Now that she was once again in the air, her bubbly high spirits came back with a vengeance. She flew a lackadaisical route towards the Everfree Forest, zigging and zagging across Ponyville. She felt good enough that she pulled into a steep climb for a loop-de-loop, only to lose her orientation halfway through. Ditzy let out a yelp as she fell into an uncontrolled spiral, and before she could stabilize herself she landed in the stinging embrace of a tree's branches. She tumbled down, bouncing off of tree limbs along the way, until finally landing with a whump on something relatively soft and red. Ditzy thought she heard a crack as well. “Ah! My back!” groaned the red pony. “Oops, my bad,” mumbled Ditzy. She rolled off of the other pony. The two of them were in the Ponyville Public Park, the tree Ditzy had fallen into casting a large, cool shadow. “I'll say,” grumbled the colt. “I can't just be alone for a bit, can I? First it was that pink pony, and now you. Are you going to try and throw me a party too?” “Oh, no, I just lost control in the middle of my mail route. I'm sorry about that.” “Smooth moves- wait a sec, I recognize you,” said the red pony. “Your name's, like, Derpy or something, right? Is it because of the eyes?” Ditzy frowned, her heart sinking. “Yeah, muffin remembers you too. You were with Rainbow Dash the other day. Muffin's name is Ditzy Doo, not Derpy.” “Oh. Well, I was close. Whatever, can you just go, Der- Ditzy? I need some time to myself.” The red pony turned away from Ditzy, and as an afterthought, he added in a quiet mutter “I'm still not sure how I got roped into this team thing.” The mailmare humphed and took off again, heading for the dark forest in the distance. I wonder what his deal is? Ditzy thought. It's like he has something to prove to everypony he meets. She shook her head to clear the negativity out of it. Today was going to be a good day, despite getting off to a to a rocky start. As the air cooled around her, Ditzy could tell that she had entered the Everfree. It was perpetually dim and chilly, even on the path which the mailmare now followed. The overgrown, unkempt trees blotted out the sun's light, except for what few gaps existed in the dense canopy. Little rays of violently bright light seared through these openings, giving the forest a queer, almost hazy atmosphere. She continued unabashed, already acclimated to the eerie air of the forest. Ditzy passed a field of Poison Joke, taking care not to get near any flowers. Finally, the mailmare spotted Zecora's home between the trees in the distance. Feeling her energy rise a bit, Ditzy landed and cantered quickly to her friend's hut, but stopped in her tracks at the edge of the clearing which contained the zebra's home. There was something not right here. Ditzy could feel it in the air; there was a strange thickness, like the air was suddenly stuffy. The gray mare edged her way towards the hut in the center, keeping her senses alert for any signs of trouble. She quietly eased the door open and slunk in silently. Inside the house, nothing seemed drastically different from the last time she'd seen it. Things were in order, there weren't any papers lying about, except for one- Ditzy's attention caught on the lonely scrap of paper. She trotted over and picked it up. The mare scrunched her eyes up to read it. There is something dangerous in the forest; It's power is beginning to grow in earnest. I go out now to seek its source And warn nearby ponies of its force. If I do not return from this errand, Gather my notes in my nightstand And put them to good use, I pray. Fight this force. Fall not in its sway. Ditzy's stomach began knotting itself nervously as she read, the stagnant air around her starting to feel claustrophobic, oppressively close. She hurried over to the nightstand and opened the only drawer, in which a small pile of papers lay. On top was the previous letter that Ditzy had delivered. She frowned. Well, Zecora’s out for a bit, and I might have come in while she's gone. I don't know if I should take these... Ditzy looked around once more, running a hoof through her mane. It's just- something doesn't seem right about this. Outside, Ditzy heard a soft, almost imperceptible rush of air as something flew past the hut's door. The hair at the base of her neck stood up, and she felt a sudden, intense unease in the little home. Ditzy scooped up the papers from the drawer and picked up a quill from the top of the nightstand, which she used to scribble a note on the reverse side of Zecora's note. Zecora, Sorry if you were just out, but I picked up your papers that you mentioned in the note. I hope you're not mad. I hope you read this. -Ditzy The mailmare hastily stashed the note in the drawer, not even bothering to close it before she scampered out of the little hut. Outside, she froze; hovering around the edges of the clearing was some kind of bloated, floating creature. It was roughly spherical, except for the bottom half, which was flat with four sharp-looking prong-type protrusions. It's body was semi-transparent, and bluish, and looked to be made of jelly. At her exit from the hut, the thing turned to face her. 'Face her' wasn't the appropriate word; the creature didn't really have a face. More than anything, Ditzy got the impression that the thing wasn't intelligent enough to tell that it didn't have a face. The two stood stock still, looking the other up and down, trying to get a decisive advantage over the other. A few intense moments passed. Ditzy felt her bravado fading; she had no idea what this creature was, and the fact that Zecora had left a creepy note left her with a bad feeling about this encounter. In a last-ditch effort, the mailmare smirked and began trotting away, hoping to bluff the creature into leaving her alone. To her amazement, she left the clearing without any sort of action by the creature. Breathing a quiet, relieved sigh, Ditzy took to the air, flying right up through the canopy cover. She took a deep breath of the open air, relaxing. She sailed back towards Ponyville, her mailbag slightly heavier now than when she'd departed. So, wait, Ditzy thought, if Zecora is, erm, not coming back for now, what do I do? I mean, I could tell the mayor and get a search party together, but that would mean leaving my job for later, and that would make the boss more frustrated. But what if Zecora needs help? Or what if she doesn’t? I mean, I would think that she's more important than delivering some mail- “Ditzy! Just the pony I was looking for!” called a familiar voice. Shocked out of her thoughts, the mailmare lost track of her wing function and tumbled out of the sky. Instead of landing on a rough surface like she'd expect, Ditzy was met with a soft, cushy impact. She looked up and saw a brown stallion grinning. “I've wanted to use that now for a long while. Thanks for the test run, Miss Doo!” Even as he spoke, the stallion was folding up the foam pad she'd landed on into some kind of contraption. “Um, you're welcome, Doctor,” replied Ditzy, uncertain, “but I actually have to-” “Ditzy, I told you that you could just call me Clockwork, no need for such formalities as 'doctor'. Anyway, like I was saying, I need you to help me test out another of my devices. This one is the most cutting-edge design I've ever made!” He turned and trotted back into the building behind him, a small, unassuming house built of sturdy oak and painted a soft white color. Ditzy lagged behind, glancing back occasionally out of uncertainty. She went through the door after him. “Clockwork, wait a moment, here. I just got back-” “What's that, Ditzy? I can't hear you from back here!” The stallion appeared out of a back room, a few electrodes attached to his temple. “Now, come on, then! We've got work to do. For science!” “But Doctor-” Ditzy was silenced as some kind of breastplate was forced over her head and slid down her neck. It adjusted to fit the shape of her chest, until it was only distinguishable from her coat by its brighter, silver color. In the center was a small aperture, like some small object was meant to be fitted there. “Alright, Ditzy, now I'm going to fit the repository gem-” “Doctor!” shouted the gray mare, her frustration getting the best of her. “Yes, Miss Doo, what is it? No need to shout.” “Zecora wasn't in her hut when I went to deliver her a letter, and she left a note that said she might be in trouble, then I met some kind of creature outside her home and I felt like it might try and eat me. We need to go find Zecora and make sure she's alright.” Some of the wind dropped out of Doctor Hooves' sails as he listened to Ditzy speak. When she was done, he was quiet for a moment. “Well, I suppose a search party needs to be gathered. This will be quite the test run, won't it?” ----- “Alright, Barding, we're here. Can you watch the door for a second?” “Affirmative, Private Shoehorn.” “Barding, I told you, you don't have to be so formal when there isn't a ranking officer around.” “But protocol-” “Just stay here, alright?” “Fine.” Private Shoehorn nudged open the door to the room, where he found several unicorn medics finishing off the barrage of healing spells they'd prescribed for the patient. In the middle of the group was a hospital bed with a battered and drained, if otherwise healthy, Twilight Sparkle. Nopony noticed his entry until the last spell was complete and one of the medics happened to look his way. “Ah! Hello, sir, we didn't notice you come in.” “It's just as well that way, ma'am. I only had a message to deliver to Ms. Sparkle. It's from her brother.” “You've got something from Shining Armor?” Twilight asked, excited and surprised. “I do. It's right here.” The private produced a scroll from his bags and offered it to Twilight, who eagerly grasped it with telekinesis. Smiling, the soldier nodded respectfully to the hospital staff and exited the room. Shoehorn sighed inwardly when he saw Barding staring intently at the door. “I swear, you are doing this to mess with me. Nopony is really that dumb.” “I'm just doing what you asked, Private Shoehorn.” Barding's face was the epitome of innocence. “Just- Just go. I don't care where you go, but preferably somewhere far, far away from where I am.” “Can't do that; orders are to escort the Princess. Speaking of which-” “Oh, ponyfeathers, you're right! We might be late! Come on, Barding, we have to get to the meeting spot!” The pair dashed off through the town towards the Everfree Forest. ----- Applejack galloped as quickly as she could towards the farmhouse, a concerned frown etched into her face. She passed rows of trees that had already been bucked, with the occasional row that still needed to be harvested. I sure hope Puzzle is alright, thought the farmer. As much of a nuisance as she can be, I wouldn't wish harm on her in a hundred years. She paused in her thoughts. Okay, maybe not in fifty years. Applejack blasted through the gate of the plain white fence around the house and galloped the last short distance to the door. She tore the door open, about to call for Big Mac; seeing Puzzle inside with a good deal of crumbs surrounding her spot at the kitchen table made her stop in her tracks. Puzzle jumped out of her chair upon Applejack's explosive entrance. She hacked and coughed, having inhaled sharply while still eating an apple tart. Applejack cantered over and gave a swift, hard tap to the gray mare's back, which elicited a final, sharp wheeze from Puzzle. “Holy Luna, boss, are you trying to kill me?” demanded the unicorn. She rubbed a hoof on the bandages over her throat, soothing the lingering stinging of almost choking coupled with the burns that were still fresh. “What the hay are ya doin'?” Applejack gave her employee a hard stare. “I thought ya were in serious trouble out there!” “I was.” Puzzle returned the farmer's glare, and Applejack noticed for the first time that Puzzle wasn't wearing her sunglasses. Applejack sighed. “Alright, then, what happened?” “So, I was just kind of sitting there when all of a sudden...” Puzzle lay quietly underneath one of the apple trees, unable to take a nap like she'd wanted. Part of the reason was that blasted blue stuff that covered a sizable patch of ground and trees nearby. She kept glancing over at the splotchy ground, frowning each time. No position she arranged her body in was comfortable, either, which made her want to just stand up and walk around. Finally giving in to the urge, Puzzle lifted herself off of the ground, stretching her legs. She glanced at the nearby patch of corrupted ground again. The mare shook her head and sighed, and began pacing back and forth between the rows of apple trees. The mid-morning air was already hot and stifling, making her movements sluggish and leaden. “This place is crazy.” The unicorn kicked a hoof on the ground, leaving a small scuff mark in the dry earth. “I can't just settle into a nice, quiet little town, can I?” “If by settling here a quiet life you seek, A mistake you're making, any day of the week.” Puzzle started and gave a little cry at the sudden voice of another pony. She whipped her head around until she saw the source of the words, a zebra that was trotting closer. From what Puzzle could see, the zebra looked a little winded, like she'd been galloping for a little too long. “Yeah, I get the impression. What do you want?” “I come bearing you a grave warning Of foul creatures in the air this morning. See you here-” “Whoa, hold on. What's with the rhyming?” The zebra glared at Puzzle, who simply shrugged. “Ahem. See you here this stuff made of blue? It's a poison, it's spreading, and it's coming towards you. To kill, however, this toxin prefers not, Corrupting its victims on the spot, Wracking their bodies with hideous mutations, And their minds with equal transformations. Vicious do its victims wax-” “Yeah, yeah, so what am I supposed to do about it? If it's as bad as you claim, then how can I be expected to stop it?” “Just go, you irksome mare. I need to get you out of my hair. I have serious business to attend to, Which may be offensive to a mare like you.” Puzzle scowled at the zebra's condescending tone. “Oh yeah? Well, how about-” The unicorn paused mid-speech, focusing her gaze on something in the distance behind the zebra. “Hey, what's that?” she accompanied the question with a gesture at a speck amongst the trees. The zebra rolled her eyes and turned to look, only to gasp in horror when she saw the floating, moving dot. “They've followed me here,” breathed the zebra. “For Ponyville I fear.” “What, what is it?” asked Puzzle. Bravado filled her voice as she trotted past the zebra and towards the thing. She felt a hoof holding her back, and looked to see the zebra giving her a steely glare. “With these creatures you must not trifle, Your life-force will their ferocity stifle. Go, we must, before-” There was a rasping, screeching cry, and the zebra dove against Puzzle, knocking her to the ground. Puzzle felt a cool rush of air as something raced past her; she realized that it would have hit her had not the zebra tackled her. The unicorn rolled over onto her stomach, her instincts trying to take over. She forced them down, instead allowing her training to kick in. Puzzle whirled her head about, taking stock of the situation. Around the pair hovered several of the blob-like creatures, at least a dozen, all of them too close for comfort. Each one had four sharp-looking spikes on their bottom half, almost like mandibles. “Where did they come from?” hissed Puzzle. “I don't know,” replied the zebra. “I have a plan, though.” “Alright, cool, I've got a better one. It's called 'Tell me how these things like to fight.'” Puzzle backed up a bit, the zebra now behind her so that they stood back-to-back. Around them, the creatures circled, hungry. “They used to be parasprites, from what I have seen, Which means that to swarm they are especially keen. They prefer to rush prey from all directions, To spear you with their lethal projections.” “Alright, they like to charge us in swarms. You could've just said that. Whatever, here's what we've got to do: duck and weave, don't move in a predictable pattern. We need to break out of the ring they've put us in. If we split up, there will be fewer of them in one place and it'll be easier to evade their charges.” “Do you have a plan to escape this surrounding?” whispered the zebra. “I find that part to be most confounding.” Around them, the ex-parasprites tightened their circle, moving closer and closer to the pair. “I can throw up a bubble shield when they charge at us, that should let us slip out while they're distracted. I can't hold it, though, so you need to move when they hit.” Puzzle growled at one of the creatures that darted in a bit closer. “Agreed,” said the zebra. Puzzle smirked. “You didn't rhyme that time.” In an instant, a dark green sphere appeared around the two of them and the parasprite-things screeched and rushed in for the kill. Instead of bouncing off, as Puzzle had planned, they stuck to the energy field. The gray mare in question gasped, feeling a sudden weight in her chest. The little buggers were leeching the energy out of her already under-powered shield spell, and that energy was her energy. She felt faint, like she might collapse at any second. Puzzle growled, her energy shield shrinking. She struggled to maintain the bubble, when she felt a sharp kick from behind. The force broke her concentration and the shield shattered, and Puzzle flew a little ways forward. The parasprite-things lurched inward at the sudden loss of resistance, closing the final short distance separating pony and monster. One of the creatures happened to be in Puzzle's path, and in the course of her forward movement it latched onto her face. She yelped as the thing's pincers closed around her, feeling the pressure on the sides of her head tighten. Out of instinct, Puzzle whipped her head to the side; the creature slid off of her, clutching her sunglasses in its grasp. She ran, not looking back, her fight-or-flight response taking over. Not knowing too well where she was going, Puzzle finally stopped when she was fully certain that there was no living thing within a half-mile of her, aside from apple trees and maybe small insects. She looked around for any sign of the farmhouse or the barn, but seeing as she was in a bit of a valley, there wasn't much to be seen, so the mare cantered quickly and quietly up the nearest slope. The going was easy, and soon Puzzle stood at the height of the little hill. She looked about her, and through the apple trees she caught glimpses of more hills and more orchard lands. At last, she saw a flash of red and white paint in the distance. Sighing with relief, Puzzle set off at a quick pace towards the farmhouse. Trotting through the orchards was rather menial, and Puzzle found her blood heating up. She frowned at the rows and rows and rows of apple trees. There was almost perfect silence, broken only by the occasional birdsong or hum of insects. The mare hastened her pace, glancing around uneasily, keeping a sharp eye out for slight motions amongst the not-so-gloomy orchard. “Why does it always have to be farmland?” muttered the unicorn. “So darn bright and cheery.” She continued, until finally the farmhouse appeared in her field of vision. She trotted up to the white fence around the yard and hopped over, still alert for anything out of the ordinary. When a splash of red appeared from the opposite side of the house, Puzzle reflexively sank into a low, defensive stance; upon realizing it was just Applejack's brother, Big Something-Or-Other, she relaxed her posture. “Hey, big guy!” When the big red pony glanced her way, she waved him over. He shrugged and trotted in her direction. “There was some trouble down in the orchards. Some kind of creatures attacked me and this zebra that showed up. I barely escaped, I don’t know what happened to her. The attack was right near that patch of blue stuff.” The stallion took what felt like a thousand years to think about what she'd said before he finally replied. “Well, first off, my name's Big Macintosh.” He paused for another few seconds. “I reckon ya can call me Big Mac, though. From what ya told me, it's probably too dangerous to go out there alone. Ya'll are gonna hold down the fort here, I'll go round up AJ and some others to help deal with the problem. Apple Bloom should be off at school around now, but if ya happen to see her, make sure nothin' happens to her.” “Alright, I can do that.” “And then you showed up.” Puzzle swallowed the last of the apple tart she'd been chewing. She spoke in a flippant, nonchalant manner, but Applejack could see in her eyes the glint of uncertainty, of fear. “And ya went through all this in that short amount of time?” The orange pony opened various cupboards as she spoke, gesturing to the sizable amount of empty spots amongst the packed pantries. “It's a comfort thing, okay?” snapped the unicorn. “I like to eat when- when I get kind of nervous.” She looked away, trying to keep up a stoic appearance despite the no-doubt shameful admission. Applejack sighed, and trotted over to her employee. She put a hoof around Puzzle's shoulder, feeling the gray pony stiffen as she did so. “Relax, sugarcube. I ain't gonna make fun o' ya'll for bein' scared or anythin'. Boy howdy, I’m a little scared myself right now. Whatever it is that's buggin' ya, just let it out. I'm listenin', I won't judge ya or nothin'.” Neither spoke for a few moments. “That's the sappiest thing I've heard since Hearth's Warming Eve.” ----- “Privates, you're late!” Shoehorn and Barding winced as the lieutenant called their names. They trotted over to him, 'guilty' written all over their faces. The lieutenant glared at them, and Shoehorn could've sworn he saw a few lightning bolts shoot out of the officer's eyes. The lieutenant opened his mouth to speak when another voice interrupted. “Lieutenant, what is going on here?” Princess Celestia asked. “These two were late for the appointed meeting time by 63 seconds, Princess. I was just about to tell them off.” “You do realize that I was late by 71.4 seconds, right, Lieutenant? Will I be told off as well?” The officer stammered a bit, and Celestia grinned. “Punctuality is a virtue, but it can be taken to extremes. I think these two will be just fine without any scolding. Today, at least.” She looked at the two soldiers in question, two privates. “What are your names, soldiers?” Both snapped to attention. “Private Shoehorn!” “Private Barding, your majesty!” “I see. Come along, you two. I would like for you to be my personal guards for this meeting.” Shoehorn looked at Barding, and found Barding glancing his way as well. Both had nervous looks in their eyes. ----- The mare wasn't sure how long she'd been lying there, curled up in the fetal position. She didn't really care. All around her was the chill of the Phazon, its fire coursing through her veins; or rather, what was left of her veins. She was only vaguely aware of her body, and the changes it was undergoing. Then, all at once, the nourishing cocoon around her erupted, spewing her limp form out of the pool. Her body hung in the air, as if by strings, while she began to get her bearings. Not much improved; her vision was almost entirely clouded over, and her other senses were mostly numb. Her mind slogged through even the basic task of processing what little sensory input it received. W-what is... happening... to me? Shhhh, came the whispers, the blue, entangling vapors of thought, Don't think, Trixie. There is only us. We can make your revenge a reality. We can destroy those who mocked you. I- I never wanted to... to destroy anypony... I j-just wanted- A dark specter appeared in her thoughts, a pony wearing a cape and wizard's hat. The pony was comprised half of shadows, half of Phazon. Images flashed through her mind, hideous, laughing pony monstrosities, all laughing at her, scorning her, conspiring against her. In her mind she was on a stage, and spread out before her was an audience of pony-things, ridiculing her, throwing things. N-no... Stop m-mocking me... Trixie threw up her hooves, as though to shield herself from the ponies arrayed against her. Dark Trixie put a comforting paw around Trixie, as though compassionate. Trixie turned back to the whispers, to her darker imposter, a desperate, pleading look in her eyes. M-make it s-stop... please... Trixie felt herself floating, her mind separate from her body. She was tired, and instinctively she curled into a tight ball. Faintly she could see her hooves, now more like the paws of a diamond dog, with sharp, short claws splitting out of the normal hoof bones. The mare focused lazily on the claws of her left forehoof, and they clenched into a loose fist. She felt clawed appendages patting her gently, lulling her deeper and deeper into nothingness. There came a sensation of being enveloped; Trixie felt the blue energy coalescing around her, inviting her to indulge in rest, in darkness. The last sensation of sight to grace her mind was of a thin membrane encasing her, and how glassy the world looked from inside it. Particularly her shadowy self. Go, servants. Creep softly, corrupt slowly. Strike when the time is right. ----- “Psst! Hey, Barding!” “What? What do you want, Private Shoehorn?” “I thought I told you- gah, never mind. What the hay is going on? How did we end up as Princess Celestia's bodyguards?” “Privates? I thought I said I wanted you in front, not lagging behind.” The tone of Celestia's voice made Shoehorn shudder and look over at Barding, who appeared to have the same apprehensive reaction. “Yes, Princess,” said both guards simultaneously. They moved to take point in the contingent of guards. The group came upon a canyon, and beyond that they could see the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. A few small, black dots buzzed around the castle. “I see the changelings have already arrived,” said the Princess, gazing ponderously at the specks. She absently checked the rope bridge for safety. Satisfied, she gestured for the group to continue. “When we arrive, I want you all to be courteous, despite whatever impressions you may already have of them. If you want to speak with any of them, make sure you do so in the spirit of hospitality; they are our guests, after all.” Shoehorn, Barding, and each other guard nodded silently, some with particularly grim looks in their eyes. Celestia’s entourage approached the castle, the level of changeling activity now plainly evident as being unusually high; the castle was like a cake left out in the rain, attracting flies to swarm all around it. The insectile changeling soldiers flew maneuvers around the castle like it was a military base, and even had a garrison posted at the gate. “I don’t like this, Princess,” Private Shoehorn whispered. “It is a little odd for so many to be present at a simple diplomatic function. Still, I can handle the threat that these soldiers may pose, so we are not in very much danger.” Celestia glimpsed the brief flash of doubt in Shoehorn’s eyes, and grinned ever so slightly. “You’re thinking of the incident during the captain’s wedding, I know. I have to let you ponies take care of yourselves sometimes, don’t I?” The Princess made it clear with her expression that no reply was expected, nor was it desired. The contingent of ponies arrived at the gate to the castle, where a squad of changelings stood. One stepped forward to address Celestia and her escort. “Princess Celestia, you are expected. The Queen is waiting for you in the throne room. Only two guards are permitted to accompany you past this point.” “I don’t recall when it was that Chrysalis became steward of this castle. How, then, does she set these rules upon us?” the white alicorn said, calm challenge in her voice. “However, in the spirit of goodwill, I will agree to these terms. Shoehorn, Barding, you will accompany me.” She turned to the rest of her guards, who stood with every muscle of their body tense and incredibly uncomfortable expressions on their faces. “To you all, I want you to embody the harmony that you swore to protect. Take no hostile action save that of defending yourselves if the need should arise.” Celestia wheeled about and strode confidently into the castle, with the two privates at her sides. The changelings at the gate parted to make way for her. Shoehorn shot a discrete look at Barding, excitement and confusion and fear all radiating out of him. Barding glanced back, not faring much better. ----- This day has been awful, Ditzy Doo thought. She absently kicked at a stick lying discarded on the ground. She missed, her hoof instead scuffing the ground just short of its intended target. Growling, the pegasus stomped furiously on the stick, snapping it clean in two. Ditzy kept plodding along through the wide open fields surrounding Ponyville, her head down, grumbling incoherently. Everypony's been so grumpy today. First it was the boss, then that guy in the park, and now Big Mac and Doctor Hooves? I mean, I guess I could understand if there was something creepy going on at your farm, in Big Mac's case, but... that still doesn't make it right to be so brusque. Does it? Ditzy heard the sounds of somepony landing in the tall grass nearby, followed by the soft sound of approaching hoofsteps and the rustling of blades of grass. “You look as though you could use some cheer,” said the new pony. Ditzy didn't bother to look up to see who it was. “Yeah, I could.” Ditzy tried to keep from snapping at the newcomer; that would be rude. “Perhaps explaining the cause of your distress will help you to feel better.” “I guess.” The wall-eyed pegasus paused a moment to gather her thoughts. “It's just that everypony I've met today seems to be extra rude. After a day of being treated negatively, I kind of got frustrated. It's hard to be upbeat when nopony else is. And then you throw in my friend's disappearance, and a pony gets to feeling pretty lousy.” “You say your friend has disappeared? Are you going to search for her?” “Yeah, I'm on my way to Sweet Apple Acres now. That's where she was last seen, apparently. I was going with Doctor Hooves, but then he got all angry because he forgot something or other back in his laboratory and rushed off to take care of it. And there's Big Mac, he was all stressed trying to get a decent search party together. And then there was this other pony I met in the park, and he was all in a tizzy about some problem he had. It's like everypony has just lost their manners, you know?” “Hm, I do know a bit about what you speak of.” The tone of the other pony's voice became incredibly bitter, so much so that Ditzy forgot her own troubles and looked up. She gasped, then tried to bow, but her hooves seemed to have a will of their own, and she tripped. In fact, not only did she trip, but her fall was so spectacular that she ended up knocking into the other pony and knocking their legs out from underneath them as well. Both ponies ended up in a tangled heap, although Ditzy was quick to attempt to extricate herself from the mess. “Oh dear, Muffin is so sorry, Muffin can f-fix this-” “No, thou needst not trouble thyself, we shall remedy it-” “Muffin really is sorry, Princess, Muffin had no idea-” “Truly, dear pony, thou hast incited no anger in us-” Princess Luna paused mid-sentence, looking intently at Ditzy Doo. “Hold on a moment. Did you just start referring to yourself as 'muffin'?” “And did you just start speaking in Middle Equestrian?” Both mares were silent as they finally, calmly separated themselves and stood up. “Hm.” Both mares spoke simultaneously, then began giggling. “I like you, Princess Luna.” “And I you, Ms...?” “Ditzy Doo, at your service.” “Miss Doo, you are a charming mare. Now, what can I do for you this fine day?” “You? Doing something for me? B-but that's-” “Please, I want to be helpful. It makes me feel better, especially when I'm frustrated. There's nothing to pick up one's spirits better than service to others, I've learned. So, what do you need, Ms Doo?” “Um, well... I am on my way to go look for my friend. Maybe you could help me search?” Luna smiled. “It would be an honor. Pray tell, what is your friend like?” “Zecora is a zebra, and she lives in the Everfree Forest. She does a lot of potion-brewing, and occasionally comes to Ponyville for ingredients.” “Hm... A zebra, you say? Intriguing. No matter, though, let me just find her very quickly.” The Night Princess closed her eyes and began concentrating, her horn glowing with a bright blue light. Ditzy watched her, and watched, and watched some more. Suddenly Luna gasped, startling Ditzy and almost causing her to fall back. The blue glow around the Princess' horn vanished in a flash, and the midnight alicorn opened her eyes with a start. She looked at Ditzy, and a grave dread began churning in the mailmare's stomach. “I fear greatly for the safety of your friend. She is somewhere in the forest, and I dare say she may have encountered a cockatrice. It appears that she's been turned to stone.” Ditzy frowned, unsure what to think. Princess Luna picked up on her companion's uncertainty and continued. “There should be little problem in returning her to normal once we find her, all we need to do is find the cockatrice that used its gaze on her and convince it to return her to flesh. This will be a walk in the park.” “Ah! Ditzy! There you are!” called a male voice. The two mares turned to look, and saw a brown stallion galloping towards them. He had behind him a wagon that made a terrible, obnoxious clanking sound each time he took a step, filled as it was with metal. The stallion slowed down as he caught up to them, breathing heavily. “Sorry about running off all in a huff like that, I was really beside myself for going almost halfway and not remembering to bring the control module. How silly of me! And I say, what a pleasure it is to meet you, Princess Luna.” He bowed his head rather quickly. “So, Ditzy, would you mind at all if I-” “Peace, little pony,” Luna interrupted. Her eyebrows were raised in a bemused fashion. “I assume you are Doctor Clockwork Hooves, then? Ditzy mentioned you had forgotten something.” “Yes, Princess, I am Doctor Hooves.” He kept quiet, as though chastened. “I see. Well, I have scryed the location of Zecora, your friend, and she is somewhere in the Everfree Forest, not too far from the apple farm nearby. I suggest we make haste to find her.” “Very well, your highness.” All three of the ponies accelerated to a quick canter, although Doctor Hooves soon began to lag behind. When the other two slowed down to match his pace, he shook his head. “No, go on ahead.” He took a moment to breathe deeply. “I'm a little out of shape.” “Hm. I would have us slow down for you, if not your friend's life hung on the line. Should we fail to find the cockatrice that petrified her, she may not recover,” Luna said. “A- a cockatrice, you say? I wonder... Princess, are you familiar with the nature of a pony's innate magical energy?” The Doctor spoke with barely a pause between breaths. “Oh, what am I thinking, of course you are. Well, my most recent area of study has dealt with harnessing that natural energy through the use of technology, and I believe, given the circumstances, I could perhaps de-petrify her with my PED here.” He received only a confused look from Ditzy and a suspicious one from the Princess. A few beads of sweat began to crop up across his forehead under the scrutiny from the darker mare. “Pardon me, I use acronyms often. PED is short for 'Pony-Energized Device.' It's a machine powered by a pony's energy. I hope to use it to restore Zecora's normal body by channeling her natural magic. Assuming, of course, that zebras have natural magic; I've never studied them, but I would think-” “Hold, Doctor.” Princess Luna stared at the now-quivering brown stallion. “Yes, Princess?” He blushed a bit as his voice cracked out of anxiety. “Your device utilizes a pony's energy? I require a demonstration at once. I must see...” Luna's voice trailed off, as though she were only speaking to herself. Doctor Hooves paused a moment, surprised at the request; it was only after a stern glare from the midnight mare that he began scrambling around in his wagon for the PED. After a few panicky moments he pulled out the armor-like device and slipped it over his head, where it deformed and contorted until it was a perfect fit for his chest. He pulled out a smooth, rounded topaz from the wagon as well, then turned back to Princess Luna. “It's designed to be inactive until a gem is placed into the focusing chamber. I made it to safeguard against accidental activation as well as to protect against power surges and fluctuations. The crystal itself functions as an energy buffer, absorbing excess-” “Doctor!” “-sorry, sorry. Here we go, then.” The stallion fit the yellow gem into the gap, where it began to glow. He shuddered, his muscles spasming slightly out of his control. A few moments passed like this, until the Doctor shook his head to clear it. He looked back and forth between Ditzy and the Princess, finally settling on Luna, whose eyes were wide in shock. “Doctor, I must speak with you after our business here is done. This machine is far more than you had ever intended it to be.” The Night Princess turned and began walking again through the last stretch of fields before Sweet Apple Acres. “You are forbidden from activating the device except in the gravest of circumstances. We will discuss things in more detail later.” Luna raised her voice dramatically to speak over his sputtering protests. The only sound was the soft rhythm of hooves on the dirt and the rustling of grass. After a pause, the Doctor spoke up. “Can you at least tell me why I can't further the goals of science?” “Don't play word games with me, Doctor. But, I suppose if you really must know, then I will answer you with a question: Are you familiar with the term 'Ascension' as it refers to magic theory?” “I've seen it mentioned in a few of the books I've read, but I can't say that I know what it is.” “Good. Then the matter is settled.” “We're here,” said Ditzy, her voice a little too enthusiastic. “Excellent. We shall meet with those already present and inform them of what we know.” Princess Luna trotted off towards the farm house to find anypony that might be present. Doctor Hooves leaned over towards Ditzy and muttered something in her ear. “Is it just me, or is she extremely uptight about something?” “Please, Clockwork, don't start trouble with the Princess. All I want to do right now is find Zecora and make sure she's not a permanent statue. I don't want any more arguing to get in the way of that!” Ditzy snapped. She blinked, surprised at the vehemence in her own voice. “M-muffin is sorry, Doctor Hooves. Muffin just doesn't know what went wrong today.” ----- “Ah, Princess Celestia,” the Queen said, her voice echoing with an eerie after-effect. “You’re finally here.” The white alicorn, along with her two guards, entered the throne room, a large and worn room with crumbling stone walls. The ceiling rose high above them, once-grand arches curving over the room in a distinctly medieval fashion. Any remnants of furnishing had been removed, leaving the weathered stone naked and bare. The sole exception to this was a large, round table that had been placed on the slightly raised level where the two thrones used to stand. Aside from the three ponies and one changeling, the great throne room was empty and silent. The Princess trotted up the few stairs to the table and took a seat on the cold stone across from the changeling queen. “Indeed I am, Queen. It warms my heart to see you in more friendly circumstances.” The changeling was quiet for a moment before laughing. “Yes, I suppose the same goes for you as well, Celestia.” “How are you getting along, Chrysalis?” “Oh, you know, just scrounging around the Badlands for what little scraps of love to feed off of, trying to rebuild the Hive, the usual. And you?” “Things have been peaceful for some time now, aside from a recent bit of trouble.” “Of course, of course. How could I have thought otherwise?” “Chrysalis, my offer will always stand.” “No thank you, your Highness, I will not trade away the legacy of my people for your empty ‘negotiations’.” “Very well. You know why I am here?” “I do.” “Is that all? No clarification, no explanation, just a simple acknowledgement?” “Why should I? You always seem to know everything anyway, Celestia. You really must teach me how to be such a puppeteer someday.” There was a cruel glint in the changeling’s draconic eyes, like a surgeon drunk with power operating on some poor patient. “Enough.” The Princess’ voice was harsh, more so than it needed to be. “We are here to discuss your placement of troops on the border between Equestria and the Badlands.” Chrysalis seemed genuinely surprised. “Come again?” “Don’t play dumb with me, Queen. I know that you’ve moved a good deal of soldiers to the Las Pegasus area.” “You’re accusing me of breaking our treaty? I knew you had harsh words in store for me the moment you called this meeting, but this is too far, Princess.” Chrysalis’ voice was almost a snarl. Celestia blinked, surprised both at the sudden ferocity of the Queen and at her statement. “Chrysalis, I didn’t call this meeting. You did.” “Sure, sure, now you tell me that I’m the one who wanted you to come and scold me for something I haven’t done, despite the fact that you wanted me to come here to re-negotiate our treaty. Why did I even bother with this?” The white alicorn got a suspicious look in her eyes. “I never wanted to re-negotiate the treaty. I’ve been as fair as I can about that entire series of events.” “Ha! Fair? Please, don’t stand on your soap-box, Celestia. I’d hate to have to withstand a goodie-horse-shoes monologue from the Princess of Equestria.” Shoehorn watched the two leaders become more and more petty in their arguing. He looked helplessly at Barding, although this time the other was far too engrossed in watching the verbal sparring match to notice. He looked around the room, trying to keep a modicum of professionalism on the job. While he was inspecting some broken stained-glass windows, a sudden unease settled in his stomach. He frowned, looking around hastily for any signs of trouble aside from the two monarchs. At last, he realized why he was nervous. There was a supremely faint, metallic odor in the air, like a mix of blood and machine oil. His mind blanked for a moment as he considered all of the possible implications to the scent, as well as his method of response. Perhaps lacking distinctly in tact, he spoke up in a moderate tone of voice so that all in the room would hear. “Does anypony else smell that?” His timing was impeccable, exactly in the space between Chrysalis’ insult and Celestia’s retort. The room fell silent as the grave as everypony lifted their muzzles and sniffed at the air. The changeling Queen’s eyes widened and she whisked a hoof over her nose and mouth. “Hold your breath!” she hissed. “That’s a sleeping gas!” The three ponies were quick to obey. “We need to leave the castle at once,” the Queen said, starting off towards the nearest exit. “There’s somepony that wants us both out of the picture, Princess.” “Chrysalis, I know a faster way out. This way,” said Celestia. She cantered towards the wall behind the table, and tapped her horn against the cracked stonework. A part of the wall slid back, revealing a secret passage. The white alicorn strode quickly, if warily, into the hallway, which was only two or three hooves taller than she was, and wide enough to barely squeeze two ponies side-by-side. The Princess was stopped by the sound of two fleshy thumps. She turned around and saw her two guards lying sprawled on the ground, almost perfectly still. Celestia turned a fiery gaze on the changeling. “Sleeping!” the Queen muttered. “Pick them up and go!” Celestia whisked the two privates onto her back with magic and set off galloping down the secret hall, Chrysalis hot on her hooves. The group went down a short flight of stairs, then around a large round hall and finally left through a similarly concealed stone door. Once outside, both rulers let out great breaths, heaving and panting. The white alicorn levitated her guards off of her back and laid them gently on the ground. Strangely enough, the Princess didn’t feel completely awake, nor fully healthy. She glared sharply at the changeling queen, demanding an explanation by her silence. “Alright,” said Chrysalis, still breathing heavily, “that gas is a sleeping agent. It’s incredibly potent, I created the recipe myself. It’s nearly odorless, and the smallest concentration is enough to put normal ponies out for hours. The part that’s most dangerous, though, is that while you’re affected by it, all of your body’s defenses are neutralized, even magical ones. I designed it specifically for... use on... alicorns. It was a long time ago, I promise! I never planned to use it on you.” “I’m sure you weren’t going to. But that begs the question: where could it have come from?” “That’s the million-bit question, isn’t it?” Chrysalis said, a wheezing laugh erupting from her lungs. “I suspect one of my generals got a little too ambitious. Although, I must say, any changeling that managed to pull off a stunt like this definitely deserves a promotion.” “You’re saying we’ve been set up?” Celestia asked, incredulous. “I am suggesting that, yes. I know of three changelings who would be capable of it- besides myself, of course.” The Queen flashed a devious grin at the white alicorn. “As for your guards, though, I suppose I should offer to escort you back to the gates in their place. It’s the least I can do to make up for that little incident.” “Very well. How long do you expect these two will be unconscious?” “Oh, based on the dosage they got, I’d estimate somewhere around two or three days. Give or take twelve hours.” “And us? How have we been affected?” “Well, you’ll probably be suffering from a bout of nausea for a few hours, because of your reduced immunities. You and I both will be exhausted for another ten minutes or so. That should be it.” “I see. You’ve been most helpful, Chrysalis. I won’t forget this when we next meet.” “You don’t want me to escort you, then?” “No, I believe I shall be fine going alone. I do appreciate the offer, though. Farewell, Queen.” “And you as well, Princess.” The changeling spread her wings and buzzed away, no doubt to root out the schemer in her ranks. Celestia snorted, then teleported to where the rest of her guards were. They jumped in shock and leaped to battle positions when they saw Shoehorn and Barding on Celestia’s back, not moving. She held up a hoof to stop them. “These two are merely out cold. We’re leaving.” “But- but Princess-” sputtered the lieutenant. “Let us be rid of this place. Chrysalis is up to something, and I don’t want to be around to see it come to fruition.” ----- Queen Chrysalis watched as the contingent of pathetic royal guards trotted away from her castle. She frowned and turned away from the window she stood at. “My Queen, how did the discussions go?” asked her assistant, kneeling before her. “Celestia is on to our plan. She knows I was bluffing about the supposed attempt on the two of us.” Chrysalis pulled out a small vial that had been hidden on her person; it was only one-third full, it’s remaining contents traces of blue, glowing ooze. “That is not particularly important, though. Our primary mission was a resounding success.”
Brony Tom
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Trixie,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
My Little Pony: Prime
A sinister poison corrupts ponies and twists them into horrid mockeries of their old selves.
<p>After an odd blue meteor crashes deep within the Everfree Forest, an insidious new substance spreads throughout Ponyville, and then to all of Equestria, corrupting the ponies it ensnares. Ponies everywhere must fight this new threat, but... they must also fight their friends, and even themselves.</p><br/><p>Special thanks go to Silent Machina for being awesome and for helping to edit this story.</p><br/><p>UPDATES:<br/>29 June- Moderate changes to Firework Flare (chapters 2 through 5); he's now less of a Gary Stu. Also, minor changes in chapter 5 dialogue.<br/>4 June- minor dialogue change in Fluttershy's scene in chapter 8<br/>16 May- IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Griffins' role has been taken over by the Changelings; also, Captain Allbright was replaced with Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard; also, minor dialogue fixes and grammar/spelling fixes<br/>17 March- fixed more grammar issues, modified a little dialogue here and there (nothing major)<br/>26 November- Added chapter number as part of the title, fixed up some grammar issues<br/>23 October- Modified Part 1, Celly/Luna dialogue</p>
Princess Celestia stood stock still before the large bay window overlooking Ponyville proper, casting her soft gaze over the town in contemplation. A light cough escaped her lungs and a brief shudder wracked her frame, courtesy the noxious Changeling sleeping agent that she had recently inhaled. Can I even trust that it was a sleeping agent? I wouldn’t expect her to be so forthcoming with compromising information like she was, there must be more to it than that. But what? What could Chrysalis possibly hope to gain from our encounter? In the streets below her window in the Town Hall, a busy day at the markets was underway, ponies selling all kinds of wares, though heavily biased towards produce and groceries. I wonder if their food can compare to Canterlot’s cuisine, thought Celestia. She frowned in an amused fashion at the oddness of the thought. I know there’s no substitute for good home cooking, but I suppose I was always a bit more comfortable with fancier fare. Goodness, I must still be quite tired from the meeting to be thinking about such trivial things at a time like this. I suppose when it comes to food, Luna was always looking for more hearty dishes. A pained grimace slashed across the Princess’s face at the thought of her sister. Images from the recent past flashed through her mind; a flash of rage as Luna threw away her crown, the sight of the younger princess storming out of the room. Celestia had to take a few calming breaths as the most haunting look of all burned itself once more into her eyes. Why have you betrayed me, Celly? said Luna’s eyes. Behind all the anger and bitterness, Celestia saw the look of a little filly whose idol of perfection has just slapped her in the face. She’s right, I know she’s right, thought Celestia, her eyes beginning to water. But she doesn’t know what Twilight means to me! She doesn’t know what it’s like to live a thousand years amongst the ponies who just keep dying around you! Twilight is so much more than that, if only Luna could understand what she means to me. I- I gave my little Twilight everything- Celestia paused, her face taking on a steely expression even as she coughed again. I gave her everything, and I won’t let anything take her away from me. Not even you, sister. Celestia levitated out Luna’s dark, yet unimposing crown. She turned it over a few times, coldly regarding it and its former bearer. “If you will have no part in my rule, sister, so be it,” whispered the Day Princess. She felt from deep within herself a stirring, as though a long-forgotten feeling were rising up in her, something a little hazy and hard to read exactly. The Princess wheezed into her hoof and felt a light spatter of liquid against it. Surprised, she looked down and examined her hoof, now mottled with the faintest specks of glowing blue.
Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My Little Pony: Rise of the Author Author's Cut
<p>The most unoriginal Sonic fan-character takes on Equestria in a quest for power. With Celestia growing sick and this new menace seeking the Elements of Harmony, can the Mane Six overcome their new foe, or will they need help from another dimension?</p><p>This is the original version of the fanfiction. It is to be kept up as a way to see what the fan fict once was once the rewrite starts showing up</p>
Written by Anthony (Glaber) Chapter 0 Prologue One stormy night in Ponyville, a lightning bolt struck down in one of the many fields. Where it struck, a robotic figure had suddenly appeared. He was bipedal, colored red, and was an echidna shaped robot. In place of his eyes was a black visor, and on his forehead was a white arrow that went along his brow. He also wore a pair of shoes, colored red with a yellow stripe across its width, that looked like they had an interlocking toy brick embedded in them. Following close behind him was another robot in the shape of a crab. The crab robot was also red in color. “Master, where are we?” asked the crab. “It appears, that we are in some sort of peaceful town. One that has never known the conflict of an evil super villain nor that of any other evil force.” The robot echidna told the crab bot, “Come, Crabmeat, we must set up base in this new world. For soon enough, the Cycle will begin anew.” “As you wish, Master PseudoKnuckles,” Crabmeat responded, the two of them leaving the spot to head in the direction of the Ever-Free Forest. Now as anypony would tell you, things just happened in the Ever-Free forest. Animals took care of themselves, the weather just happened at random, the plants grew on their own. The only pony known to live there was the zebra named Zecora, and for a time, ponies thought she was an evil enchantress that did evil dances, and that when you looked in her eyes it would put you in a trance. That was proven to be quite silly and wrong in retrospect. Having just arrived in Ponyeille, Pseudoknuckles knew not of this information, nor did he know about Nightmare Moon. The two robots traversed the forest, looking for the perfect place to set up a base. They traveled down a crumbled cliff, across a river where what looked like a piece of violet tail lay on one of the shores. It was after a rickety bridge that they found it. The perfect place for Pseudoknuckles’ base. It was the former site of the Castle of the Moon. The entire place still lay in ruin from when its inhabitant was banished to the moon. “This is perfect,” Pseudoknuckles finally spoke, “upon these ruins will rise my metallic base, LITERALY!” the recolored echidna gave a showy wave of his hand that would make even the Great and Powerful Trixie jealous. For a while, nothing happened. Crabmeat was just about to speak up when the walls of the ruins started to crumble and the ground began to quake. Metal walls began to jut out, dirt moved as if washed away to reveal clean metallic floors. Rooms of the old castle that were still intact transformed them selves from stone to metal, the artifacts inside being unaffected. When the quaking ended, the once ruined castle was now rebuilt, completely in metal, all under 10 minuets. “Well now, shall we have a look around our new home for the cycle?” Pseudoknuckles rhetorically asked, not really caring one way or the other what Crabmeat did. Crabmeat was surprisingly calm for one who just witnessed a total reconstruction and transformation of a building. Having been around his master for as long as he has, he's actually come to expect this kind of stuff. It still caught him off guard from time to time. The two of them walked in, the main chamber had what looked like some sort of display pedestal unaffected by the powers that brought forth the metal. There were five arms stretched out, each looking like they were to to hold something of great importance. As they walked through the castle, they came across various other rooms. Robot manufacturing plants, a kitchen (for biological prisoners), and the throne room. In this room was the remains of Nightmare Moon's armor. Pseudoknuckles stepped towards the armor, finding it very interesting. Almost as interesting as a sword he had lost his only chance to obtain. He reached out for the armor, and within the moment he touched it, the armor began working it's powers on him. “System Update, Version NMM. Download beginning” In that moment, memories of Nightmare Moon flooded into his system. His red paint began to change to a dark Midnight blue to match the night sky. “Master, Pseudoknuckles?” Crabmeat was getting worried. He'd seen many things happen to his master, but none that affected him like this. Soon, the transformation was complete. Pseudoknuckles rebooted to allow the up grades the armor provided to install. As the upgrades finished, Pseudoknuckles used his powers to modify the shape of the armor to fit him. “Master Pseudoknuckles, say something!” “Pseudoknuckles is no more. From this point on, I'll shall be known simply as Nightmare!” Early the following morning, with nearly everypony asleep, Robot production was in full swing. The newly conjured factories were producing Nightmare's favorite robots from when he was Pseudoknuckles. Some of them were shaped like ladybugs on a motorcycle wheel, another could only be described as a Dangerous Ball Tower. There were robot fish that jumped out of the water just to get a bite of whatever happens to be near, Exploding Starfish robots, and even 2 types of flying robots based on bees. Nightmare decided to send a scout party to the town he arrived in. The party consisted of a robot caterpillar called Caterkiller, a ladybug motorcycle wheel bot called Motobug, and a blue bee robot called Buzz Bomber. “Go forth and bring back as much information about this world as you can! Keep in mind that all reports will need to be brought back manually and in person as this planet has no satellites!” With that the scout team was dispatched each heading towards Ponyville. The first to arrive in Ponyville was Buzz Bomber. It arrived at a cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Looking around it saw a chicken coop with chickens pecking around outside, birds flying and singing, and the occasional fish jump out of a river in the front. Aside from that, there was no one there that the sensors could pick up. Recording its findings, Buzz Bomber moved on to find the highest location it could so as to record the most land. The next to arrive was the Motobug. It too recorded the cottage and its surrounding area. It was about to move on when it noticed something, no, someone on an open half door. It was a white ill tempered rabbit. Motobug decided to investigate and possibly capture the bunny. As Motobug approached, the white bunny lept inside. “You can't hide from me.” thought the motobug as it crashed through the door leaving behind a motobug shaped hole. “Come out, come out wherever you are little bunny. I just want to use you as a battery.” *SPLAT* An apple just hit motobug square in the face, but it didn't matter to the robot as it just kept right at the bunny. Noticing this, the rabbit launched three more apples and a tomato, just for comedic effect. Three more splats as the apples hit, then came a sensor blocking SPLUT as the tomato hit. If there's one thing tomatoes are known for, it's that their messes are harder to see through than apples, and unfortunately for Motobug, it had no way to wipe that mess off as its arms were unable to swing that way. Motobug Crashed out through the front wall and kept going until it had no more ground under it. Giving itself a shake to try to get some sort of visual reason for its lack of movement, Motobug then looked down only to see a stream underneath it. *FWOOSH!* Motobug splashed down into the stream, angry at itself for falling for such a cartoonish gag in such a cartoonish fashion . Pulling itself out, it thought the best thing to do would be to head into town, away from that fruit throwing rabbit. It was on a scouting mission after all. The last robot was still wriggling it's way through the Everfree Forest. It was Caterkiller, the slowest member of the team. In the time it took for Motobug to reach the edge of the forest, Cataerkiller had just stumbled upon a hut in the forest. The robot decided to check it out figuring that the faster members of the scout party would have missed it. Inside the hut, a zebra was balancing on a stick, meditating. A light gnawing sound at her west wall awoke her, causing her to crash to the ground. “Nibble Nibble like a mouse. What's that gnawing at my house?” It didn't take long for her to find out as within a few seconds, the robot had broke through. The Zebra was quite infuriated, “Back destructive creature. Leave this place though the hole it features!” But the Caterkiller didn't listen, instead it crawled about the hut looking at everything and recording it in its memory to report back later. The zebra had had enough of the strange caterpillar. Grabbing some ingredients and pouring them into her cauldron, the zebra began to mix a potion to get rid of the intruder. being a zebra and not a unicorn meant that she had to rely on otehr methods to do magic. Caterkiller was watching the entire time, curious as to what the zebra was doing, when all of a sudden the zebra splashed some of the potion on it. Caterkiller found itself surrounded by a sparkly aura and a puddle of purple stuff. “Foalish creature that came through my wall, see how you like it when you are small.” as she spoke, Caterkiller found itself shrinking to the size of a real caterpillar. Panicking, it tried to crawl back to the hole, but with each wriggle its destination became harder and harder to get to. Then all of a sudden, the robot found itself starting to go up. The zebra had picked it up with her teeth. Opening the door to her hut, the zebra started swinging the little robot back and forth. After a few swings, she let go. “Leave this place, little one. You destroyed enough under this sun.” The tiny Caterkiller flew through the air for was seemed to it like a few hours. A quick check with its internal clock told it that it had only been a few seconds. Caterkiller was beginning to wonder if it would ever touch the ground again, then it started to wonder if it really wanted to at its current velocity. Regardless of what the answer could have been, Caterkiller soon landed on an outstretched leaf. Relieved that it wasn't shattered into a million pieces, it tried to figure out where to go next. Just then, it spotted a bird pecking at the ground. Perfect. Now all it had to do was get on the bird. Fortunately, a light breeze came along and blew Caterkiller off the leaf and right on to the bird as it was taking off. Catakiller had no idea where it was headed, but anyplace that was away from the rhyming enchantress had to be better. Meanwhile, Nightmare was in the main hall looking over the unchanged pedestal. “Crabmeat, I have a distinct feeling that something is missing.” he said, looking over each of the five arms. “Can you tell me what it is?” “Chaos emeralds?” Crabmeat guessed. “In any other dimension that uses them you would be right, but no. According to the data the armor provided me, these arms once held five of six Elements of Harmony. These elements represented Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Kindness. The sixth element, Magic, can only be revealed by a spark of unknown origin.” A thought crossed Nightmare’s mind as he spoke, “If I were to obtain these elements, no one would be able to stop me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa!” *PLOP* “Master?! What's going on!” “My new power, I feel it exerting itself without my input.” “W-wh-what should I do?” “Raugh! Take me to the diagnostics machine!” Nightmare struggled to order, his new Nightmare powers fighting with him. Elsewhere in Equestria, Princess Celestia had started feeling under the weather. “Achoo!” “My princess, are you alright?” a nearby pony asked her, surprised that somepony like her could get sick. “Ohh, it's nothing to worry about.” the princess said. Deep down though, she knew there was something more to that sneeze than she was letting on. Being attune with the magical forces of Equestria, the princess could tell when there was a magical disturbance. Most of the time these disturbances would just be something like when her prized student caused a just hatched dragon to become fully grown, or an old spell going wrong. Some times even the performance of an ancient spell would catch her attention. This time though, it was more than an ancient spell. “If you would excuse me, I have to take care of something in my personal chamber.” “Of course, my princess” Celestia felt a familiar presence in the spell. One that she thought had disappeared when Luna was returned to her. Along side that presence, she felt a new unknown force. A force that could alter the very fabric of reality. She could tell no pony. “WHAAA-CHOOO!” Scratch that, now she had to tell some pony, but who? Luna was staying at a subject’s house in an attempt to learn how other ponies lived and she didn’t want to worry her. She could tell the head master of her School For Gifted Unicorns, but there was that incident involving a bowl, a flame, and a whole lot of magic. No, she had to make sure he could still be trusted first. Twilight? She would find out sooner or later when she doesn’t respond to one of her letters. *COUGH* That settled it. Celestia decided to contact her most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. She should at least be informed of what’s going on, just in case anything happened. “My dearest and most faithful student Twilight, I write to you out of concern something unfortold is about to happen. I can't say for certain what it is. All I know is that there was a great disturbance in the magical force. As if somepony from another world has arrived and started altering the very fabric of reality. As I write this letter I continue to grow sicker and weaker, but please do not worry as Luna should be able to take over should something happen. Sincerely: Princess Celestia” By the time Celestia finished writing her letter, she was feeling even weaker. Celestia summoned an aid to take her letter to the fire place that was connected to Spike's fire breath. She didn't know exactly why she was being affected like this. The last time anything bad ever happened to her was when Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria. Just then, an horrible idea just struck her. Who ever this pony was, they must have found the old Nightmare Armor and combined its powers with what ever powers they have. This would explain why the presence felt familiar. If Nightmare moon had returned, Celestia tried not to think about it, and instead, to think of a joke she could play to lift her spirits, but to no avail. Even thinking about her past jokes didn't help. Just then, the aid who sent off the letter returned, “Is there anything else you need, your highness?” Highness, Celestia was feeling more like her, quote unquote, lowness, but she did need something else. “Yes, please go and summon Princess Luna. I need to talk with her.” “Right away.” By now Celestia knew she couldn’t keep this a secret from Luna even if she tried. A little while later, Luna popped her head in, “You wanted to see... Sis!” Surprised at her sister's condition, Luna ran to her side. “Sis, what's going on? What's happening to you?” At this point, Celestia was at a quarter of her strength, “I fear somepony with an unknown power may have found your old Nightmare Armor.” This startled Luna as she thought the armor vanished in the rainbow that redeemed her. “B-but why would it be doing this to you?” “I don't know. Ugh. Please, summon a nurse.” with that the royal nurse was brought in. She did all kinds of tests, including those that required access to the archives just to find out about them as Alicorns normally don't get sick. At least, not on record. Celestia's strength was down to 20 percent by the time they were through. Then a thought occurred to Luna. The armor she wore as Nightmare Moon has some magical property that not only enhanced her natural power, but her resentment towards her sister as well. It may be possible that the armor may have also recorded all of her memories as Nightmare Moon, and if that was the case, it might have also conveyed those memories to the new wearer. The thought spooked Luna, but it sounded correct. “Lu-na” Celestia was feeling even weaker still, her power almost fully drained. Luna couldn't bear to see her sister like this, but she also couldn't leave her. There was only one thing she thought of that might save her sister. A shield spell to stop whatever it was that was causing her sister great weakness. Luna didn't wait for her sister's approval. She started casting the spell. As she did, both her horn and sister began to glow. Princess Celestia hovered for a few seconds and was set back down still glowing. The shield spell was in place. “Thank-you” Celestia whispered before falling asleep from exhaustion. “Nurse, will she be alright?” asked Luna. “Just barely. I'm going to want somepony to keep monitoring her for any changes.” The nurse then turned to Luna, “I don't know why you cast that spell on her, but you may have just saved her for now.” For now. Luna didn't like the sound of that last bit. She knew she had to contact somepony to look into the Nightmare Armor situation, but who? Luna didn't know anypony. To be continued in Chapter 1: Dawning of a Rong Day
Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Falling Sun
<p>Whens Celestia's magic is getting weaker, Equestria faces a cruel crisis. In order to help her Teacher, Twilight sparkle put herself in a quest to find the solution to this crisis.</p>
well hello! If you reading it please understand, this is my first real fic and is not my native language. But now, without further ado, the fic, hope you like it. The falling Sun. The quest part 1 In times of crisis, you have to do what you have to do, not what you want to do. Ponyville is not the same anymore, the food stopped growing and ponies are poor and sad. Nopony knew why, since that was the first big crisis in the town, they named it “THE Crisis”. Twilight was studying in her house, trying to find out some way to help the city when she received a letter from Celestia: My Faithful student, I need to talk to you, this is important. Please come to Canterlot as soon as you can. Princess Celestia. With a bad feeling about it, Twilight warped to the castle in the same moment. -In the castle- -Princess Celestia, I’m here, what is the problem? Is it about THE Crisis? - Questioned Twilight. -Yes, my little pony, but unfortunately this is even worse: This is a global crisis!- Answered. Twilight was shocked, the situation was even worse than she could think. “But, why? Can we help?” she said. Celestia sat near to Twilight and said “Listen, little pony, hundreds of years ago, my power was so strong that even I couldn’t keep it under control, for the sake of everypony I sealed part of it in a secret place and I destroyed all of my memories about this place, son nopony would find it. But now I am getting old and my powers are weaker and weaker...” Twilight didn’t like this history and interrupted “No! It is a lie! You aren’t weak!” She didn’t want to keep hearing that history, but she did, since it was the wish of her teacher “Please, listen, it is important” Celestia said. “Since I am weak now, the dark energies are getting strong, and they are causing this crisis”. Twilight couldn’t believe. It was hard to Twilight but she really wanted to do anything to help. “But, we can help, right?” “Yes little pony, that’s why I called you here. But I need to know: you are not obliged to do what I'm going to ask to do”. The little pony agreed. “Look, I always knew about this day, that’s why I created my school for gifted unicorns. I was trying to gather powerful ponies to help me to find my powers when it was necessary. I mean, even weak, my powers are helping to keep the darkness und control, so I can’t leave my castle now, but I need my hidden powers…” “I understood, you’re going to ask me if I want to look for your powers.” Twilight interrupted again. “Yes, but it will be a hard and dangerous, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to” “Princess, if it is for the sake of Equestria, I will face any danger! I accept this task!” Twilight was really proud and happy because of her task, but just until the image of her friends appears in her mind. It would be a dangerous adventure and she would never put her friends in danger, plus, it would be a long travel around the world, all by herself. Thinking about leaving her friends made her sad, but she really wanted to help Equestria and didn’t want to disappoint her teacher. Sad, but decided to help, she asked to the princess “Princess,I will do it, but I need you to promise me just one thing: You can’t let my friends now about this quest until I leave Ponyville, I don’t want put them in any danger” Celestia, seeing both, sadness and determination in her apprentice’s eyes, agreed and twilight, seeing both: pride of her student and sadness because of the situation in Celestia’s eyes, tried not to seem sad. That night, when everypony was asleep, Twilight, with some tears in the eyes, wrote a farewell letter, put it in Spike’s bed and left her house. Trying not to cry, she departed in her lonely, but important mission to save Equestria. After crossing Ponyville’s entrance, she warped once more to the castle to get her final instructions about the quest. In the Castle, with nothing but her horn and memories of her poor town, she went to meet Celestia. When they met, Celestia guided the little pony to a balcony, where she started to talk. -Well, Twilight. This quest will be hard, but not complex: All you have to travel around the world and find my powers… -But how? - Twilight asked. -Your magic. It will react when you’re close to the hideout of my powers. Probably, there will be a lot of dark energy there, trying to take my magic, so all you have to do is look for a reaction point with concentrated dark energy, or, at least, it’s all that I know about it. Twilight was ready to depart, but Celestia wanted to give her one thing. She gave her a light armor with part of Celestia’s cutie mark in the flank, just for protection, not for fight, since unicorns are Spell caster, not warriors. She liked it, the present almost made her forget about the sadness of a long and lonely travel around the world. But there was no time for thinking, just for action. “Good bye, teacher. You WILL be proud of me!” “My faithful student, I AM proud of you!”. That was their last dialog in that cold night, after, the unicorn started her quest. Using her horn to light the dark streets she walked and walked for hours in that night, but it was cold and she was drowsy, so she spent the rest of the night sleeping in a bush near from the street. The real quest was going to start in the next morning. When she woke up, the sun light was warm and she did not want to get out of her “bed”, for some minutes, she thought she was still in her house and don’t even remembered about the quest until she open her eyes and see the street. Her hooves were hurting because of the hours walking in the cold. Now, Twilight could see the extension of The Crisis, probably, her bush bed was one of the only live things in that place. The sad image of all those dead trees gave her determination to start walking once more. Four hours later, four long hours later, a city appeared at the horizon. Probably nopony there would be able to give any information about Celestia’s power, but the unicorn was hungry and tired. The hope of finding some food and a good place to rest was enough to make Twilight run toward the city. It was getting bigger and bigger, but Twilight’s excitement was about to end. In the entrance of the city, there was a welcome sign, but with one more thing written in it: We love our city, but our memories will not feed us. We trusted on you, Celestia, why did you forget about us? All the ponies in the city were gone. An empty city is not a nice thing to see. Twilight start to think about those ponies, trying to survive, they had to leave their beloved city .And Ponyville? And if everypony there have already abandoned the town?“No! It’s not time for thinking!” She said shaking the head to make the images disappear. “Let’s just see if there is something to eat and go away!” She crossed the entrance and saw some flowers and leaves that looked edible and walked there to eat them. The flowers were from a garden, a garden of a small school, sat in the almost dead grass to rest the hooves while she was eating, she couldn’t stop staring the school, at least until an idea hit her. Twilight already knew the probably location of her teacher’s powers. Forgetting about the pain in the hooves, the unicorn ran to the school. Scanning all corners and corridors, she saw some classrooms, toilets, but she just want see one thing: A library. Even loving books, Twilight never was so happy about a small library with just three shelves of books. Too excited to look every single book (or think properly), Twilight just bucked one of the shelves, causing a domino effect and dropping all the books, of course, she didn’t forget to say “sorry” to the books. Her levitation magic made the books levitate, so she could see the tittles. Twilight was in a rush, reading just the first word of the tittles and throwing them away. After about ten books, she found what she was looking for “YES! A geography one!” and let all the others books fall in the ground. Twilight talked to herself while flipping through the book “The dark energies are stronger now, but they always existed. Since they are stronger close to the power, this place is always in crisis, even before the weakening of the Princess, so it’s most likely a lifeless place, and what could be more lifeless than a desert?” She found some maps in that book. There were at least two deserts in that map, Twilight marked them with a pencil that she had found there. She took off the map of the book (begging its pardon, of course). Before leaving, she used the pencil to write “Sorry about the mess” in one of the walls of the library and walked away from that place. Out of the city, Twilight was so overexcited and confident about her guess that she warped to closer to the first desert instead of walking to there looking for magical reactions. The yellow vastness of that desert scared Twilight, maybe, it would take some day or even one week to check that place. But she was decided to finish the quest as fast as possible, so, she gave her first steps there. A lot of confidence is a dangerous thing; it made the little unicorn get unadvisedly in a big desert without food or water. After three day of walking, Twilight could barely stand. She was giving her weak and clumsy steps motivated by the words “must find the power” that she was insistently repeating, but the fatigue was stronger, her hooves failed and she fell on hot the sand. Maybe, the hot sand in her face would have bothered her, but she fainted as soon as she thought “So… that is it…” and there she stayed. Twilight remained there, lying for some hours or maybe an entire day. It was late when she woke up. Twilight opened on of her eyes to look the sky and have some idea about what time was it. Up there, in the night sky, she saw some familiar thing and, for one second, she could swear that it was Rainbow Dash flying fast, like if she was running away. “Nonsense”, she thought, and forced her weak body to stand and, for her surprise, somepony had left behind a bottle of water and some hay in front of her “Could it be?” The pony ate all the hay and drank all the water as a wild and hungry mule. It wasn’t the best meal of her life, but it was the most convenient of them, for sure. With the extra energy given by the food, Twilight started walking again, but now she used her unicorn brain to think “No, it is not working. I need to get out of here, eat something and come back with supplies” And she warped to a random location, anywhere would be better than that desert. She appeared in a square of a town but the teleport spent all of her all its little remaining energy and she fainted again. Twilight woke up kinda scared, it took some time to remember what had happened in the last night and now she was in a simple, but comfortable room, without her armor and there was food and juice in a table there. She wanted to think about what she was doing there, but the food was calling her, so she answered the calling. It wasn’t much food, but who cares? She ate and ate and ate until someone open the door. “Oh! You’re awake!” said a gentle looking mare at the door. Twilight looked the food and the mare, her face blushed and she said “hum… sorry about the food…”looking the ground. “No no no no, you can have it” Said the mare, walking toward Twilight “Oh my! Look at your mane, look at you, it’s a total mess! Why don’t you have a shower?” asked. Twilight really wanted to have a shower and enjoy the hospitability of that pony, but sense of duty talked louder “Sorry, but I don’t have time… I’m on a quest to…” “Yeah, your part of Celestia’s army, right?” The mare interrupted. “Yes, kind, but how do you know?” twilight wanted to know, “Your armor, it has part of her cutie mark in its flanks. You know, over here, our faith in Celestia is strong and we always knew that she was doing something to deal with those strange things that are happening. When I saw you armor, I could see that she is really doing something. You’re helping us, so I HAD to help you.” Talking to someone after days walking alone was comforting, and the faith of those ponies in her quest gave her motivation to get in the desert once more, she just need to buy some supplies, take her armor and depart. As soon as the mare left the room, Twilight finished her breakfast, left some bits in the table, made her bed and got out of the room. There, waiting in the small living room, was that gentle mare, she gladly walked toward the unicorn “C’mon, your armor is outside.” In a sunny spot, on a sheet outside of the house, lied her armor and something more. Two little fillies were there, apparently doing something that they shouldn’t. “Don’t dirty it! It is not yours!” Scolded the mare, the fillies ran scared to where they thought they were hidden, forgetting in the sheet, a cup whit some red paint and a brush made of branches and fabric. The armor was impeccable shiny and clean, whit just one “imperfection” there were some words written on it: good lu. Twilight smiled. “See? Everypony here believes in you since you were sent by Celestia.” As they saw that the unicorn wasn’t mad, fillies approached, and they had a lot of questions “Are you going to save us?” “Is Celestia cool?” “Can you do magic? Would you teach me?” getting closer and closer as they asked. Twilight didn’t know what to do, she wanted to go to the desert again bat didn’t want to disappoint the fillies, so she looks the mare as if asking “what now?” and the mare helped “Look, you two, This girl here can’t stay with you now because she’s much tired and need some rest, but she’s going to spend the rest of the day with you, right?” and she blinked to the unicorn that, after some time pondering agreed and said with a large smile “That’s right! After the lunch, I will teach everything you want to know and I will even perform some magic tricks for you. So, wait and call your friends!” The fillies became really happy and went back to their houses, Twilight could hear they arguing to see who would invite more friends and started to think about her friends in Ponyville, but was interrupted by the mare “So, you may stay in my house this night, by the way, my name is Manneari” “I am Twilight, Twilight Sparkle. Thank you…err… May I have that shower now?” “But of course!” and Manneari showed Twilight the way to the bathroom. After the lunch, as she had promised, she found the fillies in the town’s square, where a small crowd had formed. She spent hours and hours telling about the legends of Equestria and teaching them some easy magic tricks. In that night, fillies, colts, mares and stallions went to the square to see Twilight’s final act, an improvised magic show, the crowd loved it. After thank her new fans and help to clean the mess after the show, she went to bed. Twilight was not used to so many attentions, but she loved to put smiles in the faces of those poor ponies. It was hard to stop thinking about that funny day, but she knew she should sleep, because she had to keep with her quest tomorrow and all of her energy would be necessary. To be continued…
Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Falling Sun
<p>Whens Celestia's magic is getting weaker, Equestria faces a cruel crisis. In order to help her Teacher, Twilight sparkle put herself in a quest to find the solution to this crisis.</p>
The Falling Sun. The quest, part 2 Yellow. IF it wasn’t that Violet point in the sand, that place would be nothing but a giant yellow sea of hot sand. Twilight had left a really long line of footprints in the Desert as she walked looking for her teacher’s hidden power. It was HOT, and her armor was just making it even worse. It was almost noon, so the unicorn used her horn to make a sand tent, as she always do to avoid the scorching heat and got in, there, she put her bags of food and water in the ground, there was almost nothing left. “Ok, I have to find it quickly, or else, I will have to get out of here and find more supplies.” She used it as motivation to keep moving. Twilight still had some time before the temperature drops so she sat and thought about what had happen in that friendly city as she ate a few of food. *2 weeks before* After that funny night, Twilight woke up early and ready to depart, she just had to know where the city was located, buy supplies and warp. Manneari lead the unicorn around the city to find some shops, in which she bought some pounds of food, liters of water and some bags to put it, the sellers would give her those thing, but she paid to help them. Latter, in the entrance, Twilight jus needed to know the location of the city in the map, she asked it to Manneari. “We are right here!” She said as she drew a “x” in the map. The city was located close to the desert, but not the same desert, and this one was considerably larger than the other. Twilight spent some time thinking “I wanted the finish my search in the other desert, but it is far away. This one is closer but it is three or four times lagers than the other…” but an idea hit her head “Of course! The only way you can be more lifeless than a desert is being a larger desert!” Manneari wanted to see Twilight’s next destination and she got scared when she saw “Are you going to the Hoofless Desert?!” shouted. “The hoofless Desert? Have you ever been there?” The unicorn asked interested. “Well, no, never. All I is it: The desert has this name because nopony is crazy enough to put the hooves in that place!” “Well, but I need to go, I really believe in my guess, the thing I am looking for is there, I know it!” Twilight enjoyed all the support, but she knew she was wasting her time. “Well, with no further ado, I must go! Thank you for everything and remember: Celestia is always there to us!” and warped to the Hoofless Desert. ** After sometime thinking until the temperature drop, the unicorn put the head out of the sand tent, it was time to start moving once more. Twilight was using her magic to put all the bags back in her flanks. Many of them were empty. “Yes, this will do” Twilight thought. She tore a piece of the fabric of a red bag and wrapped her face with it, making some kind of mask, to protect her face from the heat and the sand. She got out of the tent and started walking. The tent became nothing but a pile of sand. Despite the lower temperature, it was still hot, Twilight, trying not to think about her tiredness, kept moving just thinking “Need to find the power, need to find the power” Later in that afternoon, the unicorn, with her iron will was still walking, step by step, the horizon was so orange and beautiful that day, Twilight had to stop and stare it. That beautiful sunset was the proof that Celestia and Luna were doing their job, and it filled Twilight heart with optimism. It was night; the full moon was big and bright up there in the sky Twilight looked the moon and had a strange feeling, some kind of anxiety. “Well, maybe I am just tired, there is nothing wrong” She said shaking the head. Since she can’t use her magic sleeping, she always sleeps without her sand tent, and this night would not to be different. Twilight lied in the sand and closed her eyes, still feeling that anxiety. “It’s okay, I am just tired right now, tomorrow I will be feeling better…” To be continued… -Author- Well, I really wanted to finish Twilight’s story in this chapter, but I am having some problems with my computer, so I decided to call it a chapter. Hope you like it ^_^ .
Amnesia's Blessing: Love
<p>When Trixie stumbles into Ponyville with no memory of anything, the ponies see it as an oppurtunity to help her out. But what would happen if Trixie fell in love with one of the ponies?</p>
Amnesia's Blessing: Love by ~Ziddia A light blue filly trotted into a little town on the edge of Canterlot. She called out into the darkness, where the light emanating from her horn did not reach. "Hello?" called the little filly. "Is anyone there?" A red pony plodded out, his hooves clopping on the ground. "A-yup, I'm here," called Big Macintosh. "Oh - wait. It's you. Ahm sorry, miss, but ahm gonna have to be takin ya to that guard station." He dragged away the filly. She didn't even struggle. Later that night, Big Macintosh and the blue pony stood with the Captain of the Guard, Sunset Sprint. Sunset looked the strange filly up and down. "I think we have a match, Big M," he said to Big Macintosh. "A-yeeeaaappp. We should call Twilight down here to be safe. And maybe Applejack as well, yup." Big Macintosh walked out of the room, his head nearly hitting the doorframe. They could hear him calling for Twilight and Applejack. "Now, Trixie. Why are you here, where is your outfit, and why were you trying to sneak in?" said Sunset. Trixie stared at him blankly, her face completely innocent. "Trixie? Trixie? Trixie!" Trixie looked at him in an even more quizzical manner as she realized Sunset was speaking to her. "Trixie? Who's Trixie?" • • • Applejack circled around Trixie, keeping her distance from the filly as the doctor checked her over. The doctor finally straightened up after an hour of intensive check ups. "It seems that she is telling the truth. She has experienced full memory loss." "And how in the hay could that happen?" demanded Applejack. She still refused to go near Trixie, almost as if the pony's former boastfulness was a disease she could catch. "Well, I don't know. It seems as though her memories simply disappeared - although that is completely impossible. Perhaps she has suffered intense trauma? But no matter what the cause, it is the truth. She has suffered a complete memory loss!" With that, the doctor walked out of the room. Applejack turned to leave as well, when Twilight nudged her foreleg. "Applejack, don't you see? This is a big oppurtunity! We can help Trixie grow up again - she can learn all about the world again, but this time, we can raise her. We can teach her to be good!" Applejack thought about this for a moment. "You know what? That is a amazin' idea Twi. Ah'll go talk to the poor filly and we can get started!" • • • Applejack trotted up to Trixie gingerly. Although the doctor had said it was true, she still didn't trust the pony. "Uh, Trixie?" she said hesitantly, half hoping that Trixie wouldn't respond. "Yes?" said the blue pony. She looked up at Applejack, and she saw in the filly the innocence of youth and the look of a lost child. All at once, her hesitance melted away; she plodded up to Trixie. "Naw, Trixie, ah know you probably don't feel that great right now. But, me and Twi really wanna help you get better. Ah hope you can come visit me tomorrow - maybe we can help you work through your memories 'n all?" "Oh thank you," said Trixie, in a tone of voice that reminded Applejack so much of Fluttershy. When she looked up at Applejack, her eyes were filled with tears. "Thank you so much, I just want to remember..." The filly collapsed and started crying, and Applejack took that as her cue to leave. • • • The next morning, Trixie woke in a bed. For a moment, she lay there, breathing in the air, and hoping that the pony Applejack really could help her reclaim her memories. She sat up, and tried to remember. Over the night, she had started to remember some things about herself. Her name really was Trixie, her mother had been Starlight. Her father had been a purple pony; she couldn't remember his name yet. She didn't think she had any siblings. Beyond these little details, though, she remembered barely anything of her past. "Stop looking back, Trixie," she told herself, knowing she had done this before. "The only pony who can get it done is you." She trotted out to meet some ponies in the town center. When she arrived, she saw the ponies from the night before - Twilight? Applejack? And two new ponies. One stared at her with beautiful eyes under a mane of purple hair, and a name drifted to her mind - Rarity. She stopped, wondering where that had come from. She must have it wrong. But she knew the name was right, somehow. She looked at the other pony. Thankfully, no memories came to her mind from this pony. The pony seemed to be vibrating, her pink mane exploding everywhere around her face as she shook. Trixie shook her head and walked up to the ponies. Applejack smiled as she trotted up. "Girls, this is Trixie. She lost her memory and we are going to try and help her get it back." The ponies nodded, since they had been told about the plan beforehand. "Trixie, this is Rarity and Pinky Pie. They are going to teach ya! Yah'll go with Rarity first to get some etiquette lessons - that's lessons in manners, just in case you don't remember the words. Next you go with Pinky to learn to have fun, and with Twi to learn magic. Then yah'll come with me to learn work. Yah understand?" Trixie nodded her head, moving away with Rarity. She smiled to herself, happily thinking about the ponies. Of all the places to get lost, this would have to be the perfect spot. She looked at Rarity and said, "Thank you." She smiled even wider as the pony gave her a smile. • • • Later that day, Trixie wasn't so sure about this anymore. The lessons on etiquette had been strict, while fair, and she had picked up on everything fast, even though Rarity seemed not to like her very much. The lessons with Pinky were a lot easier; Pinky was all about learning to laugh. Trixie felt like she had laughed and smiled more in that day than she ever had in the rest of her life. Then, there was Twilight's lessons. While the filly was very kind to her, she was also strict and not good at teaching - she was very unfocused as she read during lessons. But Trixie was grateful all the same; she had learned a lot in those lessons. And now, she was going to Applejack's lessons on work. Trixie had no idea what this work was, but she was determined to try her best. Applejack was her new role model; the filly was just so kind and caring and perfect in every way. Trixie smiled, pleased that she had found a pony that may be a true friend already. They got down to her lessons. Applejack trotted up to her. "Now, the first thing you need to know about work is that it is hard and it takes a long time to do it. Ahm gonna teach yew to buck some apples, then yew can go do it yerself. Okay?" Trixie snuffled nervously. "I think so, Miss Applejack," she said nervously. The pony was so imposing that Trixie felt insignificant next to her. "None of that Miss stuff, Trixie. Ahm Applejack, nothin else," said Applejack softly. "Now, let's get to work!" • • • An hour later, Trixie was finally finished her work. Everything ached; her back, her legs, her neck. But, she was still proud of the effort she had put into the work. "Applejack... Did I do good?" she asked, desperate to please to orange filly. "Ah think you did a dandy job there Trixie! Gud work on ya first day," she replied. Trixie swelled up with pride; she had never expected to get such praise on her first day. "Um, I have to go now, it's getting late..." she said in a little voice. She really had to go, it was past her haytime and she had another huge day ahead of her tomorrow... "Just one more thing sugarcube," said Applejack breezily. "Twi told me to show yew this." Trixie craned her neck forward, to look in a magical mirror. The mirrors contents swirled and a dark night appeared. Trixie saw herself, setting up a caravan... The scene changed. She saw herself boasting to these ponies, wearing a cape and hat... The scene changed. She saw herself running from an Ursa, and she laughed at Twilght. The scenes disappeared and Trixie fell backwards onto the ground. "How could I be that awful?" she asked Applejack in a little voice. She still didn't remember any of it, but she knew the mirror didn't lie. She knew the scenes really were true. "How could I be that horrible to you all?" "I don't know, Trixie," said Applejack. She seemed to actually mean it. "Ah just don't know." • • • Trixie worked hard for several days, and she found that the best bit of her day was meeting Applejack for her working job. She grew closer to orange pony, and every night she went to sleep happy - until one day, when she had been working extra hard. She had kicked off early because she had finished all her jobs. She headed home. Later that night, when she was tucked into the hay snugly, Trixie found herself thinking of Applejack. The pony was so kind, and gentle, and she actually seemed to care about her. She had the feeling that no pony had ever been so nice to her before. She quickly fell asleep thinking such nice thoughts. That was the first night she dreamed of Applejack. She wasn't sure when her thoughts had turned to dreams, but she found herself sitting on a cloud, and ponies from all over the land were watching her. She waved a wand that appeared in her hoof and the crowd roared as a huge dragon made of smoke flew over their heads. Trixie basked in their approval, but then she spied Applejack all alone in a corner. The filly was shaking her head and turning away. Trixie ran to Applejack, the applauding ponies disappearing, the clothes fading from her body. She called out the filly's name. "Applejack! Applejack!" But the pony didn't stop. Trixie finally caught up with her, but Applejack turned on her. "Ah thought we finally taught yew some manners! Ah thought yew were over all this! Why did ah ever think that?" The pony was really angry, but Trixie nuzzled her leg, as if in a dream - which she was. "Applejack, I'm so sorry. I... I don't know what happened..." She took a deep breath, and stared at the orange pony. "Applejack, I don't want them. I want you." The orange pony stared at her a moment, then smiled. "Well why didn't you say so?" she said, grinning. "Ah'm always gonna be here for you, Trixie," she said in a very serious voice. She sat down on a patch of grass that just appeared, and invited Trixie down, smiling at her and laughing as she clumsily fell to the ground. She put her hoof on Trixie's, and nuzzled her gently on her neck, the soft pressure quickly turning into something more. Applejack's gentle kisses ran down Trixie's back, moving ever closer to her cutie mark. Trixie shuddered in pleasure; she realized that this was what she wanted. This was the reason she put up with the lessons. As Applejack's kisses grew a little stronger and Trixie felt them on her thighs, she turned to Applejack, breaking her off. Applejack looked at her, annoyed and more than a little hurt. Trixie looked her deep in the eyes. "If we're going to do this, Applejack, we have to do this together." Applejack just smiled as Trixie moved in to kiss her. Trixie woke in her bed, memories of that wonderful, terrible dream still within her head. She had never thought she was this kind of filly; she had never thought that this could happen. Numbly, in the back of her mind, she wondered how she knew that. But that didn't matter. All that mattered at that moment was that she was in love with the orange filly, and that there was no way Applejack could love her back. After she terrorized the town, destroyed so much, boasted about her greatness... How could anypony possibly love her? • • • Trixie was late to her lesson with Rarity and the day didn't get any better. The only reason she had to feel good about something that day was when she had her lesson with Applejack. And so it went on - two weeks went by of lessons, hopes, dreams, and a single short lesson with Applejack at the end of the day. That was the only thing Trixie looked forward to. Finally, she couldn't hold it in any more. She broke down crying in the middle of a lesson with Rarity and just couldn't stop. Rarity patted her gently on the back. "What's wrong, Trixie? Did I do something to upset you?" she asked softly. Trixie was lost in her sobs and almost didn't hear. It took almost an hour to comfort Trixie enough so she was ready to speak, but Rarity was determined and she patiently waited for her new friend to calm down. Trixie took a deep breath, and finally registered what Rarity had said to her. She knew that she couldn't keep this inside her all alone anymore; it was going to kill her. "It's Applejack," she said to Rarity. "Whatever could that filly have done to upset you so?" said Rarity. "I can sort her out for you. Has she been hurting you? Is she a problem? We can help you..." Trixie shook her head quickly. "She's not hurting me - far from it! Ever since I came to Ponyville you have all been so kind to me, but Applejack was the nicest. She seemed to care about me from the very start. Well, I worked with her for all those days, and I made friends with you all... I was so happy. But then, one night I had this dream... And... And..." She paused to take a deep breath. "I think I'm in love with Applejack," she finished in a rush. "Oh. Well, that is quite the opposite of what I expected. And I did not think you were that sort of pony. But, there is something romantic about it... You truly love her?" Trixie swallowed and nodded her head quickly. "Well then, we have to show her that she can love you. We need to show her who you really are on the inside. I heard, when we were all fillies, that she was like that as well. I hope for your sake that is true. No matter what, we have to try." Trixie looked up, tears of joy in her eyes. "Thank you so much, Rarity. If you hadn't asked me, I don't know what I would do..." Rarity nudged the pony's leg gently. "Okay. Here's what we have to do..." • • • Trixie went to sleep that night feeling a whole lot better. With Rarity's help, she felt like she actually had a chance with Applejack. She knew that it was slim, but she felt better all the same. That night, she dreamt of Applejack again. They were lying under a tree, the fruit swinging above their heads. Trixie smiled. Rarity had brought them together and now they would be together forever. Applejack nudged her, waking her from her reverie. "Trixie..." she murmured, sending electric shivers up Trixie's spine. "I love you, Trixie, now and always," she said softly. Trixie laughed in delight as the pony kissed her along her stomach, her lips coming to rest at her cutie mark. Trixie turned, kissing Applejack back, feeling the strange, amazing feeling of a loved one's lips on her mark. She kissed Applejack's mark as well, and fell into a pool of happiness. She awoke that morning feeling a lot better and very optimistic. She knew she could make Applejack love her; she had to try! She smiled as the orange filly walked past her room, staring at her, imprinting her on her memories. She knew at that moment that she was in past caring; she was in love with this filly, and nothing could change her love. • • • It was only three days later that Trixie took Rarity's advice and made her first move. After a hard day of working, she stayed back with Applejack. They started talking, and, just like Rarity had planned, they decided to meet at the apple orchards the next day. Trixie walked to the orchards with a spring in her step, smiling at Applejack who was trotting beside her. Applejack seemed a bit nervous, but she smiled and talked all the same. "So how's yer day been, Trixie?" she asked. "Oh, fine. I was with Rarity for a while, practicing my etiquette. I enjoy those lessons a lot. Then I went to a little happy party with Pinky and got a bit muddled of the time. Before I knew it it was time to meet you. How was your day?" Applejack looked at Trixie with a slightly confused face, trying to process all the quickly spoken words. Trixie watched her carefully. She seemed to be okay, but - did she see a hint of jealousy? Maybe her hopes weren't so slim after all. She waited for Applejack to reply. "Ah, mah day's been pretty normal. Ah went to the markets and got some stuff for Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. Ah went over to visit Dash - have you met Dash? Such a nice pony there. Then ah came here to meet you. It's real nice of you to come to the orchards with me," replied Applejack. Trixie felt a seed of jealousy well up inside her. Dash? Rainbow Dash? What would Applejack want with her? She had been so vague about it - maybe she had done something with the pony that she didn't want to talk about? A huge anger filled her, followed by a crushing guilt. How could she suspect Applejack? She was a true friend, and hopefully would be more than that before too long. Why would she doubt Applejack? Applejack smiled at Trixie. "Come on, Trixie. Let's set up a picnic blanket here. We can have a l'il party an stuff!" She drew a blanket out of her pack and put it on the ground, in the shelter of two apple trees. She lay down on it, and picked some food from the pack. Trixie lay down as well, her legs folding beneath her gently. She took an apple from Applejack and started to eat. "How's it been goin, sugarcube? Got any of those memories back yet?" asked Applejack. She looked at Trixie, perhaps wondering what the answer would be, perhaps scared of that answer. Trixie shook her head dejectedly. "Nothing's coming back to me yet. I remember little bits and pieces, but nothing about my life. From what I saw about myself before, I hope it stays that way." "Ah, Trixie. Nothin's worth that. Even though yew weren't all that nice before, we taught yew everythin about being a good pony now! It's not like yew can just forget all that!" Trixie smiled at her pony friend. "I guess not, Applejack," she replied. Her heart was pounding as she got ready to say the words. "Applejack... This picnic isn't the real reason I invited you to come with me. I had to get you to come with me somehow and this seemed the best way." Applejack looked confused. "Trixie, why did you bring me here? What's here that you can't ask me at your classes?" Genuine confusion painted her features in such a way that would have made Trixie laugh if she wasn't so nervous. "The thing is, Applejack... I like all you ponies of Ponyville, especially since you rescued me. But you showed me something that the rest of the ponies didn't. You showed me kindness from the very beginning. From the first time I met you, you seemed to actually care about me. And now, I've been here almost a month, and I've been feeling some strange things. Things I can't explain. Things that are alien to me." Applejack eyed her warily. "What's wrong? Where is this leading? Are you trying to say you don't like me? Because ah'm okay with that, ah can deal with it..." Trixie silenced her with a bold hoof to the other ponies lips. "I don't hate you, Applejack," said Trixie, her eyes shining. "I think that I love you." Applejack sat in a stunned silence for a moment, then chuckled to herself. "I swear to the hay, if you're lying, Ah'm gonna get you so bad. And if Ah'm dreaming... Well, I don't wanna wake up." She pulled Trixie towards her. Trixie's last conscious thought was a sense of relief and delight. She had finally managed it - she had gotten the courage to tell Applejack. And Rarity had been right; it was the most amazing feeling in the world. • • • Later that day, Trixie finally broke away from Applejack, basking in the feeling of love that was coming from the other pony. Applejack smiled at her - or was she smiling for the same reason she was? It really was the best feeling in the world. Trixie nuzzled Applejack's cutie mark, an electric tingle running through her as she did. She felt her pulse racing, and knew that she had to stop, or they would be together until the morning. Evidently Applejack had figured this out too. "Ah have to go, Trixie," she said tenderly. "Ah'll be here for yew in the morning, ah promise." "I love you, Applejack. Now and forever," she whispered. Applejack got up and left for her work. Trixie trotted back to her house, feeling amazing about herself. She had finally managed to get Applejack, and it had worked just like Rarity had said! As she walked down the road, she saw a group of fillies speed towards her on a scooter. They didn't slow down and - BLAM! The scooter slammed into Trixie, knocking her and the fillies over. "My Little Ponies, you really should be more careful..." said Trixie slowly. "I'm sorry miss Trixie," said the one that reminded her of Dash. "We was just tryin' to get a scooterin' cutie mark," said another one in Applejack's own accent. "And we work so hard to get them," said the last one, in Rarity's lilting tones. "Oh ah should really introduce us. Ah'm Apple Blossom, this is Scootaloo, and that's Sweetie Belle. We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Trixie smiled at the fillies. "And you are trying to get your cutie mark, right?" The fillies nodded vigorously. "And you'll want to know how I got mine?" she said. The ponies nodded even harder. "Well I'm afraid I can't help you. I can't remember anything!" "Oh, and I was so hoping..." said Sweetie Belle dejectedly. Trixie strained her mind, trying to remember for the sake of these little fillies. Suddenly, something came to her mind. "Wait! I remember!" The ponies crowded around as she said the story. "It was a normal day at pony school. I was auditioning for the school play, for the main role. I went out to audition, and got awful stage fright! I tried to speak, but I just couldn't! It was awful. But then, I looked inside myself, and I saw the Trixie that I really was. I said the lines, and got the part, and when I got home, I saw the mark." She waggled her cutie mark at the Crusaders. "That's how I knew I was going to be a stage pony!" "Oh, another look-into-ourselves story," said Scootaloo grumpily. "I guess we'll just have to keep trying to get it ourselves..." Trixie smiled at them as they turned to leave. Then, one of them turned to her. "Hey, Trixie? Can yah go put this here zip line on Twilight's house?" asked Apple Blossom. The little orange one sighed. "Applebloom, we've already done this... We didn't get our marks! Uh... Fine. Let's just try this stupid thing again..." She looked at Trixie imploringly. "Trixie?" "Sure!" said Trixie happily. She was glad to help. She took the zip line and off she went to take it to Twilight's house. • • • About half an hour later she trotted up to the library. She smiled suddenly as she realized she could hear Applejack's voice in there, and let the beautiful voice wash over her - and then froze as she heard the conversation. "Ah just don't know Twilight," said Applejack. "Ah think she really loves me, but ah just don't love her. She doesn't understand that there's another pony in mah life! Ah have to tell her" "Oh, Applejack. It might not be that bad," said Twilight encouragingly. "But it is, Twi. Ah can't have her following me around everywhere ah go! Ah just don't love her! She's just everywhere ah go, even when ah wanna spend time with the pony ah really love. She's always there!" "Well, maybe you can sort thus out later," said Twilight. "Right now we need to get some sleep. Maybe you'll feel better in the morning." "Ah hope you're right, Twilight," said Applejack heavily. Trixie backed away, her far a mask of pain and anger. Applejack didn't love her. There was another pony. She was just a nuisance - a horsefly that just wouldn't go away. Applejack didn't love her. And, as she galloped back to their house to say her last goodbyes, only one word was spinning in her head. Betrayal. /*And now, a magical preview of Betrayal!*/ BETRAYAL: PREVIEW Applejack trotted out of the library, sighing in happiness. Twilight was sorting out her Dash problem, she was going to visit her Trixie- what else could she want? Of course, her brow creased at the thought of Dash, but she was sure Twilight could sort her out, or at least keep her from stalking... Or harming Trixie. She whistled as she trotted into their little barn, feeling a grin plaster her face as she thought of Trixie. The little filly was so innocent like this- so beautiful. She trotted into the barn, calling out to her little filly. "Trixie? Ah'm home! Are you there?" There was no response. Applejack called out again, as fear flashed through her. "Triiiiixiiiiiie?" There was still no response. Applejack rushed through all the barn, looking everywhere, but there was no sign of her Trixie. Worried, and frightened, Applejack collapsed against a hay bale- and, like magic, saw a note sticking out from under the hay. Applejack read it, her legs going floppy as she saw the truth. she collapsed again, but this time for a different reason. She read it over again, praying that it wasn't true, that Trixie was going to jump around a corner and tell her it was all just a joke. It didn't happen, and Applejack began to weep.
Adventure,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Crossover,Dark,Random,Tragedy
The Doctor's Twilight
Humanoid (11th) Doctor's adventures in space, time, and the Quessential plain.
<p>Crossover of Doctor Who and FiM.<br />The first part has no FiM for now.<br />Currently on Draft_3, has been completely re-written and re-storyboarded since Draft_2, so if you&#39;ve read it before, I advise you re-read it.<br /><br />I I&#39;m writing this fanfiction for the sole reason that I have yet to see a fanfic with humanDoctor. I am not wholly a fan of Doctor Whooves, as in my opinion, the concept is rather daft.</p>
NOTE: This fanfic is practically impossible to read unless you are familiar with Doctor Who. A knowledge of Torchwood will also help. ~~~~~~ Zartacla is a rather strange prison situated a few light-years away from Orion's Belt, in a large asteroid belt surrounding the star HD 36780. It's strange, as the entire thing is run, hosted by, and staffed by the inmates. It's not entirely accurate to call the non-law-abiding class 'inmates' in this scenario however, as the local area has a very interesting governmental system: There are two main classes, non-law-abiders, and law-abiders. The law-abiders are all rounded up and shipped off to Zartacla while the non-law-abiders run their homeworld. It's one of the most interesting sights in the universe, one that the TARIDS of the Last Timelord has visited many times. It's interesting, as it's a system that should not work, but works perfectly. Without law limiting the actions of the people, right and wrong are individually determined, so it works perfectly. There are no fights, no robberies, no murders, and no hatred. Surprisingly enough, a lack of law does a greater job than law ever could. Due to the frequency of the Doctor's visits, the local population have a small prison cell for him to land in. The Doctor has to land in the cell, since he is of the law-abiding class, but the Big Man (more uncommonly known as the Mayor) gives him, and his more-often-than-not-companion, access to leave the prison. Well, it's not that official, the Doctor usually just uses his Sonic Screwdriver to get out, but people don't stop him. "Come along, Pond," the Doctor said as he left Zartacla, "There's a lovely restaurant somewhere around here...", the Doctor pulled out a strange instrument that looked like a steel compass covered in wires and flashy lights. "What's that?" Amy Pond asked as the Doctor fiddled around with it. "It's a timey wimey detector thingy," the Doctor inserted his Sonic Screwdriver into a small port at the front, "I'm trying to make it point towards highly irresponsible immortal men by targeting temporal anomalies," the Doctor said as he pressed a few buttons. "What do you mean by 'highly irresponsible immortal men'?" Rory Williams asked. Amy Pond and Rory Williams still chose to use separate surnames, even after all the stuff they've been through together. "Aha!" the Doctor saw some lights flash on and off a bit, "It's working... That way!" the Doctor pointed in the direction of a very wide street. Captain Jack Harkness was sitting in a small, inconspicuous restaurant, eating a small bowl of something he had no idea what was, but tasted good anyway. After a whole year of looking for the Doctor, he finally gave up and decided to have a stop at the best restaurant in the universe. He couldn't find him. The trail just ended, nothing to follow. He predicted it was because the Doctor regenerated, but didn't want to believe it. He would never be able to find that man if he had a different face. It's been a whole 365 days since The 456 Incident, and he thought he deserved a rest. Now he was resting in one of the greatest restaurants in the entire universe, the Bageljuice, slowly snacking on a bowl of dried Melfuggle seeds. "According to this, he's right in there..." the Doctor was looking at a restaurant hosting a sing saying 'The Bageljuice'. "Who's 'he'?" Rory asked. "You'll see." The doctor replied, "Shall we?" "Why not, I'm starving," said Rory. "Same here," added Amy. They walked in, a little doorbell rung quietly, and Captain Jack was suddenly getting a strange sense of deja vu from looking at the strange man in the bow tie that entered. "Aha!" the Doctor signalled to Jack, "Rory, Amy, meet Captain Jack Harkness." "Is this the immortal man you were talking about?" said Rory. "Yup!" replied the Doctor. Jack's lower jaw was just hanging down from the rest of his skull, "I- but- wh- WHAT!? I SPENT A WHOLE YEAR LOOKING FOR YOU AND YOU JUST FIND ME LIKE THAT?!" Jack was flipping the fuck out. "Calm down! Yes it's me, of course it's me, hi! It's me!" the Doctor said while flailing his arms in an attempt to get Jack to calm down. Jack calmed down a bit, "365 days, Doctor. 365 days I spent looking for you,". "Jack, I'm sorry, but I was busy saving the universe, blowing it up, fixing it again, all that." the Doctor replied. There was a moment or two of silence where nobody spoke, when the Doctor broke the silence, "Look at the painting on that wall," there was a painting of the Doctor's blue box exploding, one the Doctor had seen before. His old friend, Vincent Van Gogh, painted it, "A friend of mine made it. He was a madman, and he predicted the end of the universe. Very accurately, in fact. Anyways," the Doctor sat down next to Jack, "Do you know why it is there?" he asked. "No," Jack said, "Should I?". "Yes you should, because it wasn't there a minute ago," the Doctor zoned out, staring at the painting, "How can it be here?" he said to himself, "How can it possibly be here?! It was destroyed along with the entire universe, it cannot possibly be here!" the Doctor stood up and walked over to the painting. "Hello pretty," Jack said to Amy when he noticed her. "Oi, stop it!" he said without diverting his attention from the painting, "She got married four hundred million years ago!". "Yes, she did. To me, in fact," Rory said, "Now lay off her," he added, towards Jack. "Lucky man," Jack said under his breath. "Oh no..." the Doctor was tracing his finger over the painting, "Oh no no no no no nononononono!" "Doctor what is it?" Amy said as she walked to what the Doctor was worrying about. "Fish fingers and custard..." he replied. "Oh god, is it?" Amy said. "Could somebody tell me what is going on?" asked Jack. "It's a crack," the Doctor muttered, "A crack in time and space, a crack in the very fabric of reality,". "Like the Rift?" Captain Jack asked. The Doctor turned his head towards Jack, "What? One is a crack and the other is a Rift, what makes you think they could be the same? No, they're completely different,". "Doctor, the TARDIS won't explode again, will it?" asked Rory, who got up from a seat he sat down in earlier. "Again?" asked Jack. The Doctor scanned the crack with his Sonic Screwdriver, and checked the results, "No, it won't; this crack is different," the Doctor continued examining the crack, "It's a remainder from the past universe, just a dormant crack left unopened,". "Will you open it?" Rory asked. "How do you 'open' a crack in time and space?" asked Jack. "It's like an injury," the Doctor replied "You can get stitches, but for it to fully heal, you need to open it. Hold on, that's a terrible analogy, it only works with flurine-based life-forms, nevermind," the Doctor shook his head, "Anyway, I need to open it for it to heal,". "So what are you waiting for? Open it! I've seen you do it before," said Amy. "Amy, it's a crack in reality itself, nothing is behind it. Not 'nothing' as in 'lack of anything' nothing, but a nothingness so empty and voided, that time itself just leaks into it. No, a Sonic Screwdriver can't do this task single-handedly, I'll need the TARDIS, and that's in a cell in Zartacla," the Doctor, Amy, and Rory walked a pretty long distance to get the restaurant, and Zartacla was far away from the restaurant. "I can get it," Captain Jack offered to help, "I have a Vortex Manipulator, I can get it,". The Doctor thought for a moment, and then proceeded to fish in his pocket for something, "Here," the Doctor handed Captain Jack a spare TARDIS key, "Keep it. You deserved it,". "Thank you, Doctor," with that, Jack tool the key and teleported away to fetch the TARIDS. A few minutes later, the TARIDS materialised just outside the restaurant. "That was a pretty good landing," the Doctor said to Jack as he walked out. "Well, it's not the first time I've been it. But it does look a lot different than last time,". "What last time?" asked Rory. "Daleks," was all the Doctor said, "Anyway, lets open this crack,". On the road near the restaurant was a hooded figure silently watching the Doctor and his companions. He had a communications device in his right pocket, and a generic teleportation device in his left. "Is he there? Is the Doctor there?" he could hear from the communication device. The man took the device out of his pocket. It had the label 'Grinerald Hold' on the side, and it was a mostly-generic Exterra communications system, "Yes, he's here. He has three companions with him, and his Blue Box just arrived," the man said into the Exterra. "Good" the voice on the other side returned, "Notify us when they are all in the Box and we will activate it. By the way, Trueman, good job on re-creating that painting. You re-created something that technically never existed." Trueman smirked slightly, "Thanks," he put the Exterra back in his pocket. "Jack," the Doctor said from under the metal grated floor of the TARDIS, "In the storage area is a box labelled 'useless', inside that is a roll of copper wire, can you bring it to me?". "Sure thing," Jack walked off. "Rory, go get Amy, it's going to get a little dangerous out there in a minute,". "They're in," said Trueman into his Exterra. The whole TARDIS shuddered violently. "What was that?" Rory asked. The Doctor climbed up from under the TARDIS and ran to the scanner, "Oh dear," the Doctor was worried, "We didn't need the TARDIS to open that crack...". "What?!" said Amy and Rory. "It's opened!" the Doctor was pulling at some switches fruitlessly, "I can't stop the TARDIS, we're going in!" the TARDIS was shaking like mad, the Doctor had trouble staying on his feet. "In where?!" Amy shouted over the noise of the TARDIS. "In the crack! Into nothing!" the Doctor shouted back. The TARDIS came to an abrupt halt, knocking everyone off their feet. "Doctor," Jack stood up, "What. Just. Happened,". "We fell through the crack..." replied the Doctor quietly. "So if we fell through a crack in reality, where are we now?" asked Jack. "Okay," the Doctor started, "First of all, there isn't just a single reality, there's an infinite amount of realities, and they are all stored in the Qtessential plain. So here we are," the Doctor sighed, "the Void of Everything and Nothing," he paused for a second, thinking, "Another important fact is that it's technically impossible to enter or leave realities, which is what we just did. So, we're stuck." "Stuck," Rory repeated. "Yep," the Doctor replied, "Stuck." he suddenly paused for a second in thought, "No, hold on," he walked over to Jack, "Give me your Vortex Manipulator,". Jack handed it over, "What are you going to do?" "Un-stuck!" the Doctor said as he crawled underneath the TARDIS again, "Un-stuck!". "What are you talking about?" Amy asked. "Un-stuck!" the Doctor shouted as the TARDIS shook slightly. "Could you please give us a clear answer?" Rory asked. "The Doctor popped his head out through the floor, "The Vortex Manipulator does exactly what it says in the tin: It manipulates the Time Vortex. And there's no vortex in the Qtessential plain, so it finds a new Time Vortex and locks onto it," the Doctor said, waving his arms around like a madman with a blue box, "I plugged it into the TARDIS, so now the TARDIS can re-enter our reality!" the Doctor got out of the hole he was in and sprinted over to the control panels, "Ready?" he asked the three. "Yep," Amy said. "Yeah," Rory said. "Ready as I'll ever be," Captain Jack said. The Doctor flipped a few odd switches, typed into a typewriter, and finally pulled a large lever, "We're going in!" the Doctor shouted as the TARDIS shook just as violently as it did when they entered the Qtessential plain, "Whoa, we're falling! Crashing!". The TARDIS flung it's passengers wildly around as it tumbled through the atmosphere of a world, spinning and tumbling before it hit the ground with a loud crash. ~~~
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Dimensional Chronicles
<p>It's been five years since princess Luna was purified and she's been busy. But an experement in multiverse exploration wears down the dimensional walls opening the way for evils of other realms</p>
Dimensional Chronicles Part 1 The Brute Prolouge Celestia was panicking; she had used her most powerful magics even abilities banned by law and good old morality. This scar riddled “thing” she could no longer give it any sort of title; was completely unfazed it even looked a bit bored. How, how was a creature that wore an eye-patch and bells to give its enemy an advantage, something that let her run it through just as a handicap defeating her so soundly. She was a god but here she was cowering even though she had not been hit even once, cowering from a being that looked about as far below her as anything could get with what looked like the “soul reaper” version of pinkie pie cheering it on “What are you?” Celestia asked, fear written in her voice like words in stone. “Silly horsey he’s Zaraki Kenpachi” the pink haired one said cheerfully “I told him you wouldn’t put up much of a fight but he was too bored here to listen to me. Oh well it was still fun to watch. Go Kenny!” “Tch I figured seeing as you raise the sun around here you would be more powerful. I doubt you even got the rust off this thing.” he brandished his sword “oh well” he lifted it to take off her head “maybe the real power in this place will respond to your death.” He brought down the sword; Celestia braced for death, but the blow never came. there was the blip of blood hitting the tile. “finally” Kenpachi said gleefully. Celestia opened her eyes and got a face-full of star studded tail. oh no. She thought. How did it come to this. Two Days Earlier: “Come on spike.” Twilight said impatiently “I want to get to the crater before it causes too big of a stirr.” A meteor had fallen from Lunas’ sky last night. Meteors were known as bits of the space beyond Celestia and Lunas’ control; so whenever one landed it caused quite the fuss “Ready” Spike yelled jumping on Twilights’ back “ I still don’t see what the big deal is it’s just a rock.” “From outer space” Twilight explained “as old as Celestia but even she knows nothing about it” Twilight beamed with wonder “and the place it came from is even older and full of secrets even the princess’ can’t get to.” They walked through town. It was early in the morning and most ponies out this early kept to themselves; so there was not much talking. The crater was about halfway to Fluttershys’ hut outside of town. The walk was uneventful so they were at ease until they looked over the edge of the crater. At the bottom were three strange bipedal beings two giants, one lying on its face in a pool of blood another sitting on its hindquarters some sort of cloth wrapped stick resting on its shoulder regarded the wounded one with no emotion and one about the same size as Twilight beamed up at the sitting giant with a smile on its face. The face-down one was wearing what looked like a giant spoon over its head so Twilight couldn't see its face but it was wearing a white robe with black lines running down its arms and legs. the one with the stick wore a white tattered panchoish’ garment over a one piece black robe thing and an eye-patch on its right eye. It had a scar that ran the length of its face next to its left eye and wore its black hair up in eleven spikes each tipped with a bell. The small one wore just the black one piece and had pink hair. “well that’s not a rock” spike piped up apparently rousing the big one from staring at the wounded one. It babbled something in a language Twilight didn’t understand, which was impressive Twilight knew over thirty used languages and five dead ones. “umm hello do you speak equestrian?” Twilight asked slowly; the big one made a noise around the lines of “eh?” “just a second” Twilight said; her horn started to glow “Reiatsu?” the big one said. Twilights’ horn flashed bathing all three strangers in light “what the hell?” the big one yelled pulling something metal halfway out of the cloth. “Yes it worked” Twilight said triumphantly “Kenny the little horsey can talk” “and use Kido. This place may be worth my time after all” “Kido?” Spike asked puzzled “that must be what they call magic.” Twilight responded “Hello” she called down the side of the crater “I am Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike. Who and, if you don’t mind my asking what are you?” “I’m Yachiru” the pink one said smiling despite the fact that she was standing on the wounded one “that’s Zaraki Kenpachi and the one I’m standing on is Nnoitora. Kenny and I are soul reapers the one I’m standing on is an arrancar” “Okay I’m happy to meet you Zaraki-” “Please call me Kenpachi” “sure; Kenpachi, Yachiru. But we really should get your friend there to a hospital” “he’s dead” “Wh-what!? How, did he break your fall?” Twilight marveled for a second over the fact that she almost instinctively knew that these three were not of this world. “no I didn’t need him to” “then how-” “silly horsey; Kenny killed him” Yachiru said psychotic glee lighting her eyes menacingly “he was a bad man so Kenny took him down. It was really fun to watch” Twilight was shocked by Yachirus’ blatant disregard for life. “s-surely he could have been reasoned with.” Twilight stuttered “I guess” Kenpachi said standing up “but I was never any good at that” as the soul reaper stood up Twilight saw just how beat up he really was. There was blood staining his white ‘overcoat’ Twilight didn’t know what else to call it. He had a hole punched in his stomach and gashes along his shoulders and arms. “oh my; we need to get you to a doctor” Twilight said worried against her better judgment “can you walk?” “Of course I can” He sounded stung as if the innocent concerned question was an insult “then come with me. Now lets see the hospital is on the other side of ponyville” Twilight looked at Kenpachi again “and they probably wouldn’t know what to do with you anyway. I know, Fluttershy! come on” she took off at a full gallop and was amazed at how easily Kenpachi and Yachiru were keeping up with her; she had planned to have Fluttershy meet them halfway so she would have time to brace herself. They arrived at Fluttershys’ cabin and Twilight knocked on the door. Fluttershy opened the door yawning groggily. “oh Twilight it’s you” she looked behind Twilight at the other two “a-and you brought new friends” she started trembling. “I’m sorry to bother you so early in the morning Fluttershy but the big one needs your help” Twilight gestured at Kenpachi who was standing as empty faced as when he had sat in the crater. Upon seeing his wounds Fluttershy went from terrified to protective. “Oh my you poor thing; I’ll have to get right to work.” she hurried him inside “you two are going to want to stay out here” she ducked in after Kenpachi. “so Yachiru” Twilight said “Kenpachi sounds like a title; what does it mean?” “it means he’s the strongest soul reaper; he had to kill the last guy to get the title” she responded smiling “kill for a title but isn’t that wrong” “Wrong?” Yachiru said blankly her face empty; but it wasn’t like Kenpachi where it was obvious he was trying to get a handle on where he was. It was as if a mask had fallen away and beneath it was an endless chasm “don’t worry Kenpachi doesn’t fight the weak” and just like that the cheerful disposition was back “you’re the third strongest thing we’ve sensed since we got here” “What’s the strongest?” “Nnoitoras’ dead body” Twilight was shocked; Kenpachi was strong enough to take down a creature whose dead body was stronger than Celestia. Just the thought of something that powerful made Twilight shudder in fear “Shwoom!” the windows of Fluttershys’ cabin were blown out as the entire cabin was swathed in yellow light. The ground and wind shuddered as if they were being broken by whatever was causing the light. “looks like Kenny let her see his eye” “Fluttershy!” Twilight yelled barging through the door. Fluttershy was cowering against a wall from Kenpachi who was almost blocked from view by the yellow energy. It was crushing Twilight could hardly move under the pressure the pure intent to kill terrified her and she had the almost overwhelming urge to run, but Fluttershy could be in trouble “what happened?” she yelled as she struggled to walk to Fluttershy. “I don’t know” Fluttershy said “I had just finished patching up his wounds, only the appendix was hurt by whatever punched a hole in him thank goodness and the rest of it wasn’t as bad as it looked so it was an easy fix but then I tried to remove the eye-patch to see if I could help with his eye I unlatched the patch and it flew off flew off next thing I know I’ve been flung against this wall with ‘that’ staring me down.” Twilight looked up, the energy swathing Kenpachi was shaped like a massive skull glowering and straining to get at them. It was as if his very essence wanted to kill them. Something flew out from the rubble that had been the floor it landed of Twilights’ leg as she clutched Fluttershy on fear it was the patch. Twilight felt a pricking pain and a sudden rush of power it was as if liquid fire was being injected into her veins it was incredible and painful she clutched at Fluttershy even harder to keep from crying out she was blinded by the mounting power. She didn’t see or feel Kenpachi walk up to them “sorry that’s mine” he said peeling the patch off her leg. The power stayed but she got control over it rather quickly. Her vision cleared and she saw kenpachi not four inches from her horn grinning from ear to ear. He was so close to her but she didn’t feel crushed by his power more slightly pressured by it; the patch was still off the power was still there, Fluttershy had fainted strait away because he was this close it just wasn’t effecting Twilight as much anymore “does it feel good?” Kenpachi asked “huh?” “I’ve forgotten what it feels like to discover untapped power, power beyond your wildest dreams. So tell me, how does it feel?” Twilight thought for a second “it hurts” she choked out tears beginning to form in her eyes “do you know what this is?” He held up the eye-patch which seemed to be flailing in his hand “It’s a seal that devours the excess energy I put off but it’s gotten too used to the level of power I put off so if it latches onto anyone else it breaks any seals put on them and unlocks any hidden power pushing them as close to my power level as they can get. Don’t ask me how it works Korutsuchi designed it.” He put the patch back on “Congratulations you are now the most powerful thing I’ve sensed since I got here” he turned to walk away “oh, and Just so you know, if I had so much as touched your friend there she would have died.” Twilight struggling to move as her body was not used to handling this level of power; she laid Fluttershys’ head down as gently as possible and turned to clean up the mess Kenpachi had made; the pain was starting to fade. She used her magic to fix the floor and the windows with surprising ease normally doing either one of those tasks would take all her concentration but now it was as easy as levitating a book even Celestia had trouble reforming things that had been as effectively shattered as the cabin she was obviously still far below Kenpachi she found herself able to fully comprehend how strong he must be; this creature was a threat to everything and everypony in Equestria and she had to keep him occupied. the pain also disappeared while using her magic as if the pain was a manifestation of sealed away and pent up energy. She ran out after Kenpachi “if you need somewhere to stay I can think of two places” Twilight said “really” Yachiru said bored and sarcastic “well yes; either my library or Applejacks’ farm” “I’ll go with the farm” Kenpachi said “I never liked libraries” “okay but we’ll have to get her permission.” she paused for a second “say Kenpachi” “yes” “why do you carry that stick?” “it’s not a stick it’s my sword, my Zanpakto” He looked at it apologetic affection in his eyes “it’s the only weapon I would ever use.” Twilight was trying to be nice to these two but they made her increasingly uneasy. Kenpachis’ power and Yachirus’ empty eyes terrified her and Kenpachis’ apparent affection towards a weapon, a killing tool disturbed her. she decided to make up some rules “you know we have some important rules around here” “eh” “one you cannot carry that sword two you cannot attack anypony three do your best not to scare anypony and four for the love of Celestia do not remove that eye-patch” “I refuse to give up my sword” “fine then Just don’t let on it is a sword” Twilight took him through the outskirts of town to make sure he didn’t cause much trouble. “is everyone here a pony” Yachiru asked loudly “Pretty much” Pinkie Pie seemed to pop out of thin air “there are some dragons and griffins around here too. But you’re the first two Soul Reapers I’ve seen since Unahana” “Pinkie Pie how do you know about Soul Reapers?” Twilight asked “oh I had one living in my basement for two days once said she was a third seat; whatever that means. More importantly who’re these two I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with an eye-patch and bells; he’s like a musicale pirate” “He’s Zaraki Kenpachi” Yachiru said peeking over Kenpachis’ shoulder “and I’m Yachiru. And I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with hair as pink as mine.” She smiled calmly without the usual psychotic glint “well you have now” Pinkie chimed with her usual manic vigor “hey do you like sweets” “I love ‘em” “I help out at a sweet shop; wanna help me make cupcakes?” “Sure; Kenny make sure you get us that room” Yachiru yelled jumping off of Kenpachi and running after Pinkie laughing playfully “that was.... different” Kenpachi said obviously confused “pops out of thin air and has next to no Rieatsu” “that’s Pinkie Pie for you. Now lets get you that room” Twilight smiled if Pinkie liked her Yachiru couldn’t be that much trouble but she was still more than a little worried about Zaraki every time he looked at her since the patch ‘unlocked’ her it was with an unsettling smile. “I noticed that when you were with that Fluttershy or Pinkie you get stronger. if there were three more your power would double. Why is that?” Twilight sensed a trap “I would rather not tell someone of your; persuasion. Oh look we’re here” they entered the grove. Applejack seemed to have started her work for today. The second Kenpachi stepped into the treeline the trees started to visibly grow surprising Applejack. “what in tarnation!?” she yelled as a root burst from the earth beneath her hooves launching her into the air. She landed on her back and looked up at Twilights’ concerned face “Well that’s new. Oh hey Twi’ who’s your friend” “He’s Zaraki Kenpachi and he has some explaining to do” Twilight said accusingly “looks like they like me” he snickered. Applejack lilted her head in curiosity but laughed at the little joke “ah’ beg yer pardon but what exactly are ya’” “I’m a soul reaper” “and he needs a place to stay. And judging by what just happened I doubt my tree would be suitable” “well anypony who the trees like so much is free to stay with the Apple family” she giggled a little at her reference “heck ya’ll could help with the harvensten’, ya’ look strong enough” “Just make sure not to hurt anything” Twilight glared at Kenpachi “And make sure to keep that thing sheathed” she pointed a hoof at the sword. “fine; sheesh you’re worse than Soi Fon.” Kenpachi said annoyed “You know you two would get along nicely; she’s a killjoy too” Applejack laughed “Pleased to have ya’ stayin’ Zarak-” “Please call me Kenpachi” “how bout’ Kenny” “sounds good to me” “well Kenny ah’m Applejack ah’ll show ya where yah’ll be staying. Ah’m afraid we don’t ‘ave any beds in yer’ size so ah’ hope yah’ll like sleepin on hay” “sounds good I usually sleep with my back against a wall” as they walked to the barn Twilight kept a careful eye on Kenpachi. “Don’t worry” he said blankly over his shoulder “you’re the only one strong enough around here for me to even consider fighting” he smiled but it dropped from his face “well you and that unicorn with the Lyre” it was Twilights’ turn to be confused Lyre she didn’t personally know anyone who carried a Lyre around with them “to be perfectly honest I have no idea why Yachiru didn’t notice her the only other person she couldn’t sense was captain Unahana and that’s only because...” he trailed off stopped in his tracks and started grinning like a madman. “Kenny?” Applejack said nervously. Kenpachis’ hand slowly started to make its way to his swords hilt “Kenpachi remember the rules” Twilight said testily. The smile fell from his face like a ton of bricks and he sighed “I would be having so much fun if I could just ditch you” but it came back “by the way your power is up again that’s three where are the other two?” Twilight started to panic; who knew what this reaper would do if all six of them were together. Just then there was a sound like a bullet that filled the air and Rainbow Dash crashed headfirst into Kenpachi who didn’t move an inch. She slid down his chest slowly until she fell off his stomach “stupid light speed barrier” she grunted through gritted teeth. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Kenpachi staring down his nose at her. He looked up at Twilight “four?” he asked pointing down at Dash with a confused look on his face. Twilight winced “yep you’re number four” he picked her up by her tail “so who’s the fifth?” “get off me” Rainbow Dash yelled straining against Kenpachis’ grip. Applejack was laid out laughing at this point. It took about five minutes of straining before Dash gave up. “look” Kenpachi said impatiently “your friend here is the most powerful thing I’ve felt since I got to this damn rock; judging by her reaction she has five boosters to her power. That pink and yellow Pegasus Fluttershy, that Pinkie Pie Yachiru ran off with, Applejack here and you. Where is the fifth” “if I tell you where Rarity lives will you let me go” Kenpachi dropped her like a sack of potatoes “ow. She lives in a fashion boutique on the edge of town” Kenpachi grinned playfully “race you there” he challenged “oh you’re on” they were both off before Twilight had a chance to blink “oh no” Twilight said running after them “Twi’ hahahaha Wait” Applejack yelled trying to catch her breath “Ah just got an image of Kenny hahahaha in one of Raritys’ dresses” she descended into a laughing fit and Twilight ran off. by the time Twilight got to the Carousel Boutique it was obvious they had been there for a while. Yachiru, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were on the roof looking through the skylight and giggling. Twilight opened the door. Inside Rarity was hard at work taking measurements of Kenpachi who she had managed to strip down to nothing but his bandages and a strange undergarment worn around the waist apparently to block the groin from view. She had brought down his hair into a more orderly fashion something most would call a mullet. The eye-patch was still there but Judging by the shattered mannequins and glass she had attempted to remove it. He looked about as angry as that Manticore that had the thorn in its paw. Rarity started fitting a sleeve for him. Kenpachi spotted Twilight “Number five is a pain in the ass!” he growled “silence you barbarian” Rarity snapped at him “umm Rarity what are you doing?” “outfitting this one with something more civilized he just barged in here in those disgusting robes” she pointed at the robes crumpled in a corner “and his hair up in those horrid spikes so I demanded that he let me do something with him he didn’t want me to but I insisted” “she whined her face off” Kenpachi interjected “it was more painful than getting this scar” he paused “without the fun of battle” “Silence ruffian!” Rarity said “well I never, such a violent being; wherever did you find him?” she got back to work as she talked “the bottom of a crater” “figures” Rarity huffed “how else would his cloths get that beat up” she finished sizing the sleeve and cut off the excess “although his bipedal form makes creating an ensemble for him quite simple; but just look what that eye-patch did to my shop” “you’re the one who tried to take it off” Kenpachi snapped back “ow” he yelled as she poked him with the needle “just be glad I let you keep your bells” and she had they were attached to the sleeves. The rest of the assembly was rather slow, done by the time the sun started setting. Kenpachi walked out of the boutique irritable and tired “wow Kenny you look great” Yachiru said jumping off the roof onto Kenpachis’ back “shut up” he snapped “I’m going back to the farm” “what’s his problem?” Rainbow dash asked “he really does look great” “he Just wasn’t expecting Rarity to be so; well Rarity” Twilight laughed. Dear Princess Celestia: I made a new acquaintance his name Is Zaraki Kenpachi. He worries me. He is insanely violent, barely able to keep his hands off his “Zanpakto” as he calls his sword. I would like to schedule a meeting for him to see how he reacts to you. Being around beings he considers powerful seems to excite him Sincerely your student; Twilight Sparkle P.S. he seems to have figured out the Elements of Harmonies effect on me making him quite unstable around me P.S.S. He mentioned an insanely powerful unicorn with a Lyre could you please look into this.
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
The opening with Pinkie Pie IS relevant. I'm not spoiling anything, but... It was a cool evening out in Ponyville. A slight breeze picked up as a pink mare returned to her home for the evening. Pinkie Pie, never being one to concern herself with slight chills, just shrugged off the breeze and continued in her usual bouncing, bubbly manner. She had just finished helping Applejack with a few chores on the farm. Even though she thought of the work somewhat boring, it didn't stop her from attempting, and ultimately succeeding, in making the most of the time with her hard-working friend, having turned it into a fun enough time that she would consider more apple bucking in her daily life. Her day was complete and she was content with the way things went. Suddenly, she began to shake violently in all manners of places, a few she never even knew she had. "Oh, what could this mean?" she said as a moderate expression of apathetic confusion rolled over her face. She took a quick glance at her surroundings but figured it would just be best to move on, knowing her luck with these things, she wouldn't have been the target of her own foresight. The colorful gingerbread layout of Sugarcube corner took her mind off of the shaking as she got herself ready for bed. The bright light of a new day had shone upon the bedroom of one perpetually excited pony, who hopped out of bed just in time to avoid the alligator falling from her overhead light. "Gummy, what are you doing up there silly?" The alligator just simply tilted its head and stared at her. "Yeah, I know what you mean." She had said while trotting out the door. Pinkie hadn't necessarily come up with any plans for today, so she quickly made her own. Pinkie always had a number of random things around her room for such an occasion, so she took a look and immediately noticed her favorite. Taking the helicopter bicycle that she had lying around for her random desires, she sped up into the clouds. "I can't believe I never found the time to do this." she said to herself in a slightly disappointed tone. Almost immediately after finishing her thought, she began to flip a few switches and pedal vigorously. 'This'll surely look amazing!' she thought as the cloud began to fall into the blades of the bicycle. The cloud bits that fell in spun out like cotton candy, also taking the signature blue and pink coloring as the blades dyed them on the way out. The clouds had begun to take the shapes of delicious sweets. "Well I certainly feel like this calls for a celebration!" she cried out as the population of Ponyville began to acknowledge the work of the pink pony. "Hey Pinkie! Wait up!" That was the first time Pinkie had ever heard those words come from that familiar voice. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a bright blue pony with a rainbow mane dashed through the scene, carrying behind her a few clouds that had not only been dragged along by the sheer speed of her flight, but also stained rainbow as they streaked along through Pinkie's cloud art. Ponies up and down the streets could be heard cheering at the unexpected show in the sky, eventually calming down and carrying on with their usual day to day activities. "Wow Rainbow Dash, that was amazing!" "Hah, you call my little finishing touch amazing? Pinkie helloooo, you just colored the skies of ponyville, and without wings no less" Rainbow Dash's excitement was covered by a sound of almost familial pride. "But uh, why did you decide to do that..." "I don't know... The idea just came to m-" Pinkie's voice had been cut off by the same violent shake as before. This had sent her tumbling off her bicycle and plummeting straight for the ground. This would have been bad had it not been for the fact that Rainbow was the best flyer that had been seen within a huge distance. Saving Pinkie was as easy of a task as it came. "You ok there?" "Yeah I'm fine, but there's that odd twitch-a-twitch again..." "What did this one mean?" Rainbow's face began to grow worried. It was obvious to anypony who knew Pinkie that her twitches were never good, except tail flick to the left and eyebrow wiggle, Dash liked that one. "I don't kn-" She had been interrupted by a large shattering noise, it was safe to assume that's what it was about. "That sounded too loud to be a vase or a window, we should check it out" Excited by the new twist on her day, Pinkie just agreed and followed Dash in the general direction of the notice, keeping an eye out for anything broken. After walking for a few minutes, and finding nothing other than confused ponies, Dash finally had to stop and wonder what the heck could have caused the shatter if nothing broke... "Yeah... Pinkie, I'mnot seeing anything, what about you?" Dash turned her head to see that Pinkie was gone, only to turn once more and find her in a flower pot looking for the noise. "Uh, right... Good luck with th-" Dash cut herself off at the light glowing from the inside of the Ponyville library. 'If the library glowed like that' Dash thought, 'then it's probably just a misfired spell' "Hey Pinkie, come on, let's go see what Twilight is up to." The pink pony simply fell from a roof "Alrighty Dash!" Inside of the library, a violet pony and purple dragon just stared in awe at what the had before them. It was a crack, but not a simple crack in the walls, this crack simply floated in the air and shimmered. The dragon spoke first, "What do you suppose it is Twilight?" "I'm not entirely sure myself Spike." replied the Twilight, "I don't remember anything like this in anything I've ever read..." Her voice trailed off in thought for a minor second before being interrupted by a knock on the door. "Spike, if you would please?" Spike agreed and walked to the door to greet the Pink and Blue ponies that had arrived. Both stared in pure amazement at the right before them. It was literally a crack in air, or something if the sort, but it shimmered and glowed so beautifully. "That's a neat-o trick Twilight! But what is it..." "I don't even know Pinkie, it just appeared with a loud shattering noise when I tried to teleport myself to my room." "So... You broke the air?" A slight skepticism radiated from Dash. Unamused, Twilight simply looked over at Spike, who immediately took the hint and traveled a scroll followed by a quill. "Dear Princess Celestia" Twilight began, "It has come to my attention that an anomaly of magic, the likes of which I have yet to have seen before, has conjured itself out of a mishap of one of my spells. I can not give much explanation other than that as of yet. I will keep you informed on the current situation as I learn. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." The scroll then disappeared in a puff of green flame. "For now, why don't we get the rest of the group here, I understand it's my fault and I'm probably the only one who can fix it after some studying, but I don't know... I just get the strangest feeling from this. I would feel much more comfortable knowing the rest of the elements of harmony are here just in case." Twilight had expressed some concern, but not much, it had an overlaying tone of reassurance to it that had kept anypony from worrying. Rainbow Dash sped out the door of the library, leaving nothing but a small cloud of dust and a small rainbow trail. Anything less of Dash wouldnt have been normal. Pinkie's attention finally snapped away from the beautiful colors of the crack in the air as another thought filled her mind, it was a similar sensation she had felt for the past few days. The sensation to do anything really, she just couldn't handle sitting around or wait for a reason to throw a party. The hyperactive pink mare would never admit to it, but she was starting to get bored of her normal ponyville routine. Her life was just too big of a rut, she needed a distraction but there was nothing to do in the library, no apples to buck, no clouds to shape, but at this point she would have been willing to try underwater bb stacking if it meant a change. "Pinkie?" Twilight wasn't sure what to thinly at her friend's blank staring but took it upon herself to ask anyway. "Huh, what? Yes Twilight?" "You ok over there?" "Oh yeah, I'm fine Twilight. Why do you ask?" It was useless to try lying if you were a citizen if ponyville, the town was just too friendly and honest to just stick with skeptical answers. Many Ponyville citizens also found that they were terrible liars when it came to personal issues. "Pinkie, something doesn't look right, normally you don't just stare into space. I figured you would at least try to do something silly like watch me over my shoulder or play with Spike or something that even physics couldn't explain..." Pinkie might have been an exception amongst the citizenry. "Oh Twilight, Nothing's wrong you silly. I was just wondering why the crack sparked so pretty and then about what it tasted like, what it would feel like, how can I get more of these at my parties, what wou-" "Alright, alright." Twilight's gaze went back to her books. Pinkie's body began to twitch again. "Uh Twilight?"Pinkie's voice shook due to the twitching. Twilight didn't need a second reminder what that meant. Giving a scared look around the room and then finally to Pinkie. The question just came automatically, "What does this one mean?" "I think I have an idea but-" Pinkie's voice got cut off over the sound of another large shatter. Both ponies had the same expression of worry. "Twilight? Is that supposes to happen?" "Probably not." came the slightly sarcastic but curious voice from Twilight. Just then, the door of the library bolted open as Rainbow Dash rushed in with a heroic "Are you three ok?" Spike, had just simply went back to bed with so much passion for sleep that he didn't even stir at the loud ruckus coming from downstairs, Pinkie just simply have a happy nod, completely shedding any trace of concern, as was Pinkie's way. Twilight directed the group's attention to the gaping hole that replaced the crack. Twilight had felt a sort of energy coming from the hole. A sort of other worldly energy that was drawing the surrounding area in. She couldn't figure out what this hole had meant despite anything she had tried to skim through. The library had soon been filled with the other three ponies Rainbow Dash was assigned to go get. Applejack entered the library first "Rainbow, ah understand that this is an important issue an' all, but please stick around the group long enough for us to ask single darn question." Applejack got herself in the library and finished her statement just in time for the hole to catch her attention. It had to be no bigger than the size of a filly, but it just floated there. Following after Applejack came the same confused expressions from Fluttershy and Rarity as they both stepped in the library. Twilight addressed the crowd, "Sorry to get you all out of your houses so late, but I figured this would be something each of you should see." Twilight left out the part that they might need the elements of harmony that had been bestowed upon each of them in case anything goes wrong, which as luck would have it, would. As if on cue, at the presence of all the elements together, the hole let out a moan that quickly got everypony's attention and sent poor Fluttershy hiding behind Rarity. The hole had seemed almost attracted to the power of the combined elements, grabbing and pulling air around it more and more violently. Pinkie, ever eager to see what the fuss was about bounced up to the hole to and stuck her head in to the swirling mass of colors, feeling little resistance, Pinkie just pulled out and gave a look of childish excitement. "Girls, you have to try this! It's like a swirling bowl of candy and balloons and its all mixed together by sonic rainbooms! I can't really describe it!" Slowly and carefully, each pony, except for Fluttershy, who was still hiding behind whatever she could find, approached the hole to examine it. Nobody decided to put their head in thankfully, but it was a terrible mistake and Twilight was the first to realize it, the growing intensity of the elements' power had caused the hole to viciously pull everything in. Pinkie, who was closest to the hole, flew in first and hit the sides of the hole, causing it break open even farther and increase the velocity at which the hole pulled things in. Applejack and Rarity had flown in through the hole next. Twilight could only hold on for so long but fell in too. Rainbow Dash kept the fight up but as her friends fell in, the force against her increased. Her wings began to burn as she attempted to flee, but failing to gain any ground. "Fluttershy!" Rainbow pleaded, "Help!" This had been a futile request as all it did was draw Fluttershy from her hiding place and cause her to smack into Rainbow as the hole sucked them both in. With the power of the elements of harmony ceasing to exist in the plane that the hole appeared, the hole closed up, leaving nothing but strewn papers and overturned furniture.
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
Jonas had been asleep in a bed of foliage in the shade of the Lorianne forest, which was near a small town he called home. Home being wherever he could interact with a group of people without being shunned. It wasn't an easy life for Jonas, having been a bearer of the Kazan curse since the final days of the black crusade, which for Jonas, had been about the time of his eighth birthday. 20 long years of nightmares followed his story and his person. And it's not like its easy to hide the mark of the Kazan curse, it literally engulfed his left hand to the point that his entire arm looked more like the arm of a demon. It hindered the movements of his demonized hand and burned ferociously at times. Thankfully, his curse had been held at bay by a pair of shackles with runes inscribed on them, it wasn't very pretty, but it beat turning into a demon. This handicap that Jonas had had turned into an advantage. Power still leaked from his arm, spreading to the rest of his body. he learned to control the flow into the arm he could fully control. It gave him an almost super human strength, allowing him to wield even a zanbato in a single hand. A flash of light and a loud sound of shattering glass woke him from his slumber, and not a moment too soon. Goblins had snuck up on him in his sleep. "Hehe, I could always use a sparring partner." snickered Jonas. Jonas reached up to the tree above him and tore a branch down. "This will work nicely." Jonas had said in a menacing tone. "C'mere goblins!" Twilight woke up first. Her gaze looked around to see her friends asleep around her in some sort of open meadow. It was too bright to be the Everfree forest, unless she happened upon an opening in the trees that she was unaware of. Taking one last look around, she realized she had never seen trees like this before. The scent had also been more refreshing than that of the Everfree forest, it wasn't damp and bitter, it was almost sweet and crisp, like a field of flowers. "AHH!" A sound shrieked out from some direction, instinctively, she decided to leave a small trail and went to check it out. She decided the more she knew , the less time they would need to spend worrying about it when the rest of her friends woke up. "BLECH!" Twilight's concern grew with her pace as she began to speed to the sound of the deathly screams. "AGH!" Twilight stopped just short of another break in the trees, there she saw a strange two legged creature mercilessly beating down a group of what she recognized as goblins, there had been quite a few mentions toward goblins in her books. Although scared, she couldn't help but be impressed at the strange creature's strength. One swing nearly tore a goblin in two. Twilight, being fully aware of goblins' naturally brutal nature, decided to help the strange creature. Her horn had begun to glow a powerful purple as she tripped a goblin approaching the creature's backside. Her horn began to glow again, this time a huge limb of a tree came collapsing down on to three more goblins right before the creature's eyes. The creature had begun to notice the strange phenomenons that had turned the already one sided, or at least in the creature's mind, battle into a pure slaughter. It took a few more occasions until he noticed that there was a small glow coming from the side of a tree every time something strange happened. The final goblin fell under the combined weight of a sixty-five pound rock and a bludgeon fashioned from a tree branch. "Sonya, this telekinetic power is a bit odd for your style, I always figured you would just burn them down with one of your firebomb spells." Twilight jumped at a combination of being discovered and learning the creature could speak Equestrian. She had to resist the urge to teleport away, mostly because she had no idea where she could teleport to. "Sonya?" the voice grew closer and slightly inquisitive at the lack of response. Twilight figured the only thing to do was inform the creature that she was not an enemy. "Wait, please don't come any closer!" Twilight's voice sounded from behind the tree. "Oh, you're not Sonya, or at least you certainly don't sound like her... Let me at least thank you for helping me out." the creature's somewhat gruff but mostly sensitive voice showed honest desire to show gratitude. "So please come on out?" Twilight obliged with the request and stepped out from behind the tree that was shielding her from his sight. "Wait what... Sonya, is this some kind of joke!?" disbelief clouded the creature's eyes "No, I'm the one that helped you, but I've never seen anything like you or this place so I'm going to make the assumption you aren't used to my kind either." 'A talking pony...' Jonas thought to himself, 'Well, there is Grubeck, and I know plenty of civilized monsters, the devolution did have some positive side effects...' "I'm used to ponies, but you're the first one I've seen talk, or perform magic..." The gears began to click in Twilight's head, "Ah... So I am nowhere near home then, great..." An expression of confusion appeared on the creature's face, but it was quickly dispelled when the realization dawned upon him, this pony was homeless, if that was even possible for a pony. "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt but, if you're lost, why don't we take you to some shelter where you can rest up" Twilight's ears perked up at the thought of seeing some society, maybe it might let her know where her relative position was. "Alright, I guess that sounds like a plan Mr..." "Jonas, just call me Jonas, and you?" "Twilight Sparkle, but uh... just call me Twilight." It was at this time Twilight had taken in the sight of the creature who towered over her. He had a muscular build, or what she figured was muscular for his species, he wore a white and blue vest with grey and white bagging cloth pants and shoes. His left foreleg, that he didn't walk on, which Twilight assumed was natural, was blood red and had shackles at the halfway points between joints. His other foreleg appeared to look less menacing, not having the distinct coloring or the claws at the end. Finally she took notice of the sword he had strapped to his side, it was an enormous square sword that looked as heavy as herself. Why he used the stick had confused her. Jonas had also taken a quick second to examine the soft violet pony before him, he had never seen such a colorful horse before, let alone one that could talk. "Ok, Twilight, I'll take you over to Elvenguard so we can clear some thing up. Seria loves to see new faces in town." "Ok thank you Jonas, but we first need to go get my friends." Jonas's face showed a confused look, 'More ponies?' he thought. "Huh... I suppose its for the best, Lorianne forest isn't a safe place for people to just wander, ok take me to them, I'll guide them back safely."
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
The five ponies that Twilight left unconscious in the meadow were still there when she got back, almost none of them stirred from the comforting soft grass and warm sunlight that made a makeshift bedding. Twilight decided on trying to wake up Fluttershy first, she would probably handle the sight of Jonas much more appropriately than the others. Twilight then decided it would be a good idea to have Jonas pretend he was unconscious off to the side of the ponies, it would not only make Fluttershy more sympathetic, but also lesson her fear of him if he acted friendly and grateful for her aid. Jonas, laughed at the idea but agreed, he was convincing, sprawled out in such a way that it looked like he collapsed involuntarily. Twilight softly nudged Fluttershy, and urged her to get up. The small yellow mare gave out a startled squeak at being suddenly woken out of such a peaceful slumber. Before she could notice Jonas, Fluttershy erupted into questions about where they were and what happened to the hole and why everyone was out cold. "I'll answer later when everypony's awake, I'm sure I'd have to answer the same questions over and over aga-" Fluttershy quickly interrupted Twilight and ran over to Jonas as Twilight hopes she would. "Oh dear... Twilight, what is this creature? I've never seen anything like it before..." Jonas let out a small disgruntled moan as he rolled over slightly to allow the pegasus a better look at him. 'He is certainly a good actor.' Twilight thought to herself as she began to smile inwardly. "Don't you worry, whatever you are, we will keep you nice and safe from..." Fluttershy's voice cut off as she remembered her predicament in the unfamiliar environment, the thought of which nearly petrified her with fear. Her voice managed to squeak just a little before cutting off, "Wherever we are..." With Fluttershy looming over the creature in her caring way, it would be much easier for the rest of the ponies to accept that the creature meant no harm and, hopefully, keep panic to a minimum. Soon, Pinkie Pie and Rarity roused from their nap and then Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Each of them gave a curious look at the brand new plant life and scenery before them. Each of them then gave the same curious look to the creature that had still occupied Fluttershy's attention. But now that Twilight could explain everything to everypony, she wouldn't hesitate to share her limited knowledge of the situation. "...And that's when I came across Jonas here" Twilight finished explaining, giving a cue for Jonas to get up, which he followed perfectly, although trying to act hurt so as to not frighten the timid yellow mare looming over him. "Everypony, meet Jonas, I'm not exactly sure what he is..." admitted Twilight in a sort of embarrassed manner. Still trying to get over the fact that he stumbled upon a group of talking, colorful, magical ponies, Jonas simply leaned back and said, "I'm a human, and here on this planet, humanoids, which consist of elves and dark elves too, have the domain over the planet. If you are unsure of who is what, sometimes it is hard to tell an elf from a human, don't worry, most other humans look just like me, well... Minus the red arm, that's sorta rare." Twilight shared the same dumbfounded look as the others. She stepped back in again, "Jonas here has allowed to take us back to his home town to give us some shelter and hopefully find some way out of this mess. If there is any reason you girls disagree, let us know now." Applejack stepped up to speak first "Now Twi, ah know your heart is in the right place with this one, but when my first impression of a guy is, look how well he cuts down goblins using just a stick, ah tend to steer clear. What's t' stop him from doing the same t' us?" Twilight recognized the point Applejack was trying to make, but had to object, "Applejack, there just aren't alot of options for us right now, we had been taken to someplace unfamiliar and he is the only person we have found so far that isn't part of a pack of mindless goblins." Twilight tried her to best to sound supportive, but knew that Applejack was onto something with her argument. "Ah don't know Twi... Ah just want the safety of the group, but you seem t' know what's going on so ah'll just leave it up to you." "I actually kinda like this... Human... He certainly doesn't feel like a bad character... And plus, he's hurt... He needs our attention." defended Fluttershy in her usual quiet voice. "Actually..." Jonas chimed in, "I wasn't actually hurt, we sorta planned that out so you wouldn't be afraid of me. N-not that you guys should!" extra emphasis was placed on should, "Just that you guys are in a pretty rough situation and that's happened to me on more than one occasion, I really wanted to make sure you guys wouldn't scare off." Twilight gave him a sharp glare for revealing that he tricked the group. "Oh..." Fluttershy let out a small disappointed sigh. "Well, I still want to know a little more about him... That is if everypony else is ok with going." "I personally enjoy the idea of being escorted around by such a gentlecolt." Said Rarity in her ever present aristocratic voice. The thought of being called a colt put an odd look on Jonas' face, he wasn't ready to be referred to in such a manner, but like most other things, he quickly shrugged it off to the fact that there were 6 talking, colorful, magical, ponies in front of him. Each pony eventually got their say in on the subject and minor arguments continued for a short time, nothing more severe than "Just think about what you are saying Rainbow." and "You couldn't possibly think that anybody who dresses like THAT would be capable of hurting someone innocent." It was decided, they would head back to Elvenguard with Jonas before it got too late out, which would had to have been soon, the sun was just starting to set over the tips of the break in the trees. Nopony was really aware of what time that meant it was, probably around four. The forest seemed to be cut out clearly with pathways for the ponies to go, there were also little glowing archways that helped light the pathways to more note-worthy parts of the forest, including one with a decrepit sign that lead into a cave with the words, "By the order of the Royal Myre guards, no person is allowed past this point." It had taken them all of 20 minutes from where they had started originally, which made them feel silly for spending almost the same amount of time debating over it, to reach yet another break in the trees. This time, the trees gave way to what looked like a cobblestone pathway. followed up by a few flags that held an insignia that Twilight was curious about. "It's the insignia of the Belle Myre Principality, and for most of us, a much needed welcome home sign." Jonas explained. The pathway had lead to a small village with a few huts lying around, the huts were simply nothing more than what they sounded like, small tents and a few cabins, nothing really too extravagant to be referred to as anything more than just a hut. Tall trees adorned the surrounding area, the trees in the forest had been tall but not like this, which provided the area with a very beautiful glow as light penetrated random spots in the branches. In the far distance their had appeared to be a lake, it couldn't technically be considered far, but from the ponies' low view point it looked alot farther than what it was. In the far end of the town, a tree with a huge trunk had been carved out and made into a residence, this caught the eye of Twilight, who remembered that the only other time she saw a building like that was her own lodging back in ponyville. Twilight's curiosity got the better of her, "And what building is that?" "That, my little pony, is the library, of course, we call it Seria's gate. It is where Seria makes her home, creates the clothing, and offers to help those in need." Almost in unison, the eyes of Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy grew instantaneously as they asked and pleaded for Jonas to take them to her. Jonas couldn't help but laugh as the three of them became excited, but he had to rope them back in "Now hold up, there are a couple people we need to meet along the way." By now, most people came out of their homes or respective places of employment and began to wander the streets and stop and give passing glances to the 6 ponies and Jonas. Jonas was used to people stopping and taking a look at his arm with a moment of uncertainty, he was sure that this must feel somewhat awkward for the ponies as they walked along. A familiar voice stopped Jonas during his tour, "Well well, I didn't take you to be the guy who would bring back all of the colorful woodland creatures Jonas, I always took you to be the guy who would come back wearing one as a suit! Hahaha-" The voice had been settled by a slap right across the face. "Richter, shut the hell up, I've been following Jonas into the woods and these things aren't just mindless ponies." The second voice was a woman's voice, sort of deep and commanding. Rainbow Dash didn't take too well to either comment, but she let the second comment slide and immediately flew into the face of the man behind the first voice, "WHAT THE HAY DID YOU JUST SAY TO M-" her voice stopped and turned into a small squeak as the man she rushed after, Richter, grabbed her and pinned her to the ground with a pistol aimed straight at her head. "Sweet Empyrian Rose, the bloody pony can not only fly, but it can talk too!" Richter's voice wasn't surprised as much as it was teasing, "Jonas, why didnt you warn me before this little one almost got blown away." Another Slap rang out as Richter spun around a few times and then fell to the floor, "Because your mouth is as fast as her attitude" The woman shot a look down to Rainbow, who just slinked away. "Now how about we get things cleared up before we move on, I'm Kyria."
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
"Alright, I think I'm understanding this a bit, outside of the multidimensional travel part, I doubt I can help you with that." Kyria's expression had been that of understanding but with a grim overtone to it. "But I suppose if you're gonna need a way to get back home, you're gonna want to try to find some information on it. I'm not sure if Jonas has shared the whereabouts of the library with you six, he has right?" Kyria's gaze shifted to Jonas in a particularly cool, yet piercing manner. Before Jonas had a chance to answer, Twilight stepped up and said, "Don't worry about it, Jonas has been very kind to us since our arrival and has made sure we got a proper tour." "Hehe, ooh Jonas, you're such a sweetheart~" teased Richter in a sing song voice, who flinched somewhat expecting a slap from his female companion. To his surprise, Kyria simply looked over at Jonas and chuckled at the thought of Jonas trying to romance some ponies. Jonas, never one to be too proud, simply went along with the laughter. "Soooo, I hate to break up the love fest but, this isn't really helping us get out of here..." Rainbow Dash said impatiently, her nerves were still too racked to fly properly so she just sat down lazily to cover up any shaking. Twilight and Applejack both shot her harsh looks of disapproval. "I am sorry to break this up but we do need to get to the library and hopefully learn more about this. We have a home to get to." A look of humiliation spread over Jonas' face, "Right... Well, Richter, Kyria, if you two aren't planning on anything why don't you tag along with us and try to find some information to help these poor things home." Jonas' sincerity was pronounced, as was usual to his two companions. "Alright alright, fine but first, let's learn each other's names." Richter's face showed some honest seriousness for the first time since meeting the ponies. "So, I'm sure you've already got that Jonas is him, Kyria is her, and I'm Richter. Hell, I'd be surprised if you didn't." His tone slowly reverting back to his carefree attitude. "So as far as ah take it, you're the slacker." hissed Applejack, never being one to tolerate people with his sort of attitude. "Whoa whoa there sweet thing, I'm just as hard working as anybody. You must not be aware of my fighting skills." "Er, fightin' skills?" Applejack's voice had risen in a slight confusion, 'What good would fightin' skills do anypony...' She thought for a quick second before Kyria broke her thought "Yeah, honestly the only reason we keep this loud mouth around is because of his ability to hold his own in a fight." "Ouch Kyria, I'm hurt..." Richter said in a fake sympathetic voice, only to receive a full throttle slap to the face which sent him flying off his feet. "Hehe... How about now..." Kyria's smile of self satisfaction appeared along with a chuckle from Rainbow and Applejack. The library was just within reach, each pony each eagerly waiting to see what was inside, although none more than Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy. The first thing that the ponies had noticed were the walls, which were made from the base of the tree and adorned with majestic patterned windows that depicted on one side, a man in a white cloak who shined light over every shadow, and on the right, a man in a black cloak that showered the land in darkness. Rarity looked up to admire the artwork on the tree, for being such a simple village, they sure knew how to make it look presentable. Twilight also noted the resemblance to Princesses Celestia and Luna and figured this was this world's equivalent. The group passed by two statues of men wielding spears in a suit of sharply pointed armor as they entered the arching doorway that lead into the tree. It was the sight inside that nearly made all of the ponies' jaw's drop, the exception being Pinkie Pie who was preoccupied in her own thoughts of finding brand new places to party. The floor and walls were so elegant! It rivaled that of Princess Celestia's chamber! The floors were a delicate light blue marble tiling that spread out in designs of sharply angled purple walkways. The walls were partially hidden by the columns that dropped from the ceiling in a manner far from ordinary, yet kept its regal appearance. The only thing amiss was that there were only a couple of bookshelves that had been purposefully shoved to the side to let in the light of more elaborately designed windows. "This Seria certainly knows how to live in style! Oh I can't wait to see just what kind of clothes she designs!" Rarity couldn't help but think out loud in an excited voice. "But, that's it on the books?" The disappointment in Twilight's voice was evident, "This just won't do at all!" Her voice trailed off as she began to sort through whatever was available, Jonas and Kyria right behind her. Rarity and Fluttershy broke off from the group to try and find Seria. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stayed back, only to be involuntarily forced to chat some more with Richter. Needless to say, Richter liked these two ponies with attitude. "So anyways, you two never told me your names." Richter said with a smooth touch to his voice. "Well since you're so gosh dang persistent." Mumbled Applejack. "Ah'm Applejack, ah'd say pleasure t' meet ya but ah'm sure you're enjoyin' this way more than ah am." "Oh please, Applejack I know you find me annoying but we can be friends right? I'm sure we come from the same tree, you know... Rough and tough past amongst the other kids you grew up with, you were the only one to want to get dirty, am I right?" "Yeah, ah'd say you're as close as ya'll can get." "You are an honest hard worker, I respect that in anybody, much more from a pony. I would imagine being a pony has a lot of hardships compared to being a human. In fact, I think you probably work three times as hard as any human could possibly, and that's only going off of your lack of hands!" It became hard for Applejack to stay angry after hearing Richter get it so perfectly. "Haha. Maybe ah was a bit too quick t' judge" Applejack couldn't really hold her grudge against Richter for having a quick wit, especially not when they had quite a bit in common. "And now for you." Richter's eyes turned to Rainbow Dash, she had started to lighten up but wasn't fully recovered from her brush with Richter. "Care to tell me your name?" Rainbow couldn't figure out the proper words to come to her mouth, she was still shocked that anybody, let alone this guy standing right before her, could be fast enough to simply slam her out of the air. Her! The only pony able to break the sound barrier, had been just grabbed like some baseball casually tossed aside! "I'm Dash..." Was all that Rainbow could formulate as her ego got the best of her. The next feeling caught her completely off guard... Richter had placed his gloved hand on her rainbow mane and said, "Look, I'm sorry if I upset you by how rash I acted." It was almost as if he could read her mind, "I'm loyal to my friends almost to a fault. Naturally I'd be a little skeptical about you. Just as I'm sure you were about me." Rainbow's eyes brightened as she turned up to look right at Richter, "You think you can forgive me?" Rainbow, who was moved by the words but wouldn't dare let it show simply said, "Yeah yeah, I forgive you, but next time you try me in a speed contest." Her words paused as a fire burned in her eyes "You're toast!"
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
After a few dozen books had been thrown aside, a disgruntled Twilight let out an annoyed groan, "There is nothing here but stories on Elven Mythology and potion making!" Jonas gave a concerned look as he had to remind the little violet pony "Twilight, what you and your friends accomplished is completely unheard of in our world, and our world certainly isn't lacking in any magical or technological knowledge by any standard. Unless you compare it to Empyrian or Pandemonium" "Well if you look at it that way" Kyria chimed in, "We look fresh out of the cave era. It wouldn't hurt to look there for an answer. The only issue is, Empyrian is completely caught up in the civil war with the Kartels and Pandemonium has been completely destroyed by the apostles..." Jonas jumped back in reassuringly "But if it happened once in this world, it will most likely happen again. It would be impossible for a similar anomaly to not occur if one reacted so strongly to you" That was Jonas' way, Kyria thought to herself. He was a true friend, and an unbeatable ally. She smiled as she began to get lost in thought, 'He would never let anybody down, not even a pony. Ha... perfect to a fault' It was the thought of Jonas even having a fault that sent her memory reeling back. It was only 5 years ago... The area was getting dark, Kyria had lost a lot of blood from a wound see received. And was barely holding on. "Jonas, get out of here" She pleaded in a weak voice. Jonas looked unnaturally furious as his partner struck the ground. "I won't allow anything to take anything from me any more..." Jonas' eyes began to glow red with fury, "This demon has already taken enough!" His neck began to pulsate, "My family..." His arm began to bulge with demonic energy, "My friends..." His voice began to sound maniacal. "BUT I WILL NOT LOSE YOU KYRIA, NOT TO YOU MONSTERS!" He began to slash down one Tau warrior after another, slicing his sword through them and sending whatever was left of the corpse through the air. The Tau already knew they had to back off, sand began to retreat, "OH YOU AREN'T GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!" Jonas shrieked as he leapt onto one of the Tau's, placing his demonic arm over the Tau's face. Kyria could only watch in horror as the Tau's coloring began to grow pale. It was losing all of it's blood to the demonic energy contained in Jonas' arm. The Tau quit struggling and slumped over dead, it's blood had literally been ripped from it's face. "I WON'T LET ANY OF YOU LIVE AFTER WHAT YOU DID!" The blood that he had extracted had began to form into a flamberge in his spare demonic hand. Using the ludicrous amounts of strength his body possessed at the moment, he jumped into the air and came slamming back down with both of his swords. Their was enough strength to rip a hole in the earth, a tremor shook the ground as the forest bed was literally ripped asunder . The hole erupted in a burst of hell fire that consumed the surrounding area in a tainted, bloody flame. Whatever hadn't been killed by the immediate explosion and following flames had been plagued by Kazan's tainted blood. The area had been completely eviscerated by the flames and left a complete ghostly husk of it's former appearance. Many of the trees on the outskirts of the area had become warped and cursed, Kazan had infected the area, including it's wildlife and plantlife, with his mark. The last thing Kyria remembered before passing out was the demon she had come to know of as her friend walking towards her. And then, darkness. Kyria awoke from her daydream to find the pink pony staring at her odd clothing. She simply stood there, waiting for the pony to say something, but just ended up waiting as minutes passed and the pony just idly looked at her clothes in a confused manner. It was obvious that nothing was going to be accomplished if she just kept waiting for the pink pony to say anything, so she spoke up first "Is there something I can help you with?" "Oh! You're awake!" Pinkie said in a partially surprised but mostly anxious manner " I was trying to figure out what these clothes were about until I noticed that you were staring off into nowhere in particular, so I just waited for you to wake up. I know how it can be when I don't want to be talked to" Kyria looked down at the pony with a smile, 'She would love Sonya' She thought to herself. "These clothes aren't like the other clothes that you have seen around town are they?" "I think I would have remembered seeing clothes that were patterned like that, but then again, I have worn some pretty weird stuff too so I guess I can't really tell, well except now, I can tell pretty easily now" "These are Dark Elven clothes, they are endowed amongst thieves at a young age to help with training" "Thieves?" Pinkie had become confused, "I never took you to be a girl who was up to no good. Why would you go around telling people you are a thief? I suppose that takes away from your sneakiness. Wait! You're just that good aren't you!" Kyria had to explain this so many times to normal humans, "See, thief has a different meaning amongst the Dark Elven kind, Thieves are an elite group of warriors trained in the arts of dagger fighting, it's sort of a specialty amongst dark elves to use daggers so masterfully. Not just anybody can be a thief, you must prove you are quick and agile" On cue with her saying that she leapt into the air, "Decisive and deadly, she came down so fast that Pinkie lost sight of her, only to realize that she had a dagger right next to her throat that wasn't there a second ago. Richter approached from the far corner with Applejack and Rainbow Dash on both sides, reassured in their new found friendship with the gunslinger. Richter simply looked at Kyria disapprovingly, "Stop showing off, she's a pony for heaven's sake" Realizing she might have gotten a bit carried away, she withdrew the dagger from Pinkie's neck, who didn't really feel like she was in any danger, but involuntarily collapsed as a muscle response to all the adrenaline that knife had sent through her. "Pinkie!" Came a unison shout as both Rainbow and Applejack ran over to see their friend who just had fallen on the floor. "Ya'll ok sugarcube?" Applejack began supporting Pinkie's head while Rainbow fanned her with her wings. "Ugh..." Pinkie groaned for a sec before snapping back into life, "Dashie! Did you see that!?! She was almost as fast as you! She even flew into the air like a pegasus! Is she like your sister or something!?" "Yeah! What Pinkie said, you guys shoul- wait what...." The realization dawned on Rainbow Dash that Pinkie wasn't upset at all, in fact, she was absolutely amazed by the way her life had been endangered. Rainbow began to blush, "Do you really think I'm cool enough to be an assassin? I mean, I know I am, but I never thought about it before..." Her head began to fill with visions of herself with a dagger in her mouth and razor pins attached to the tips of her feathers. Rainbow couldn't help but laugh excitedly at the thought of it. "Ok, fine, hey Kyria! Maybe you can teach me some cool tricks if we get the time!" "Aww, Kyria found herself another admirer, just like that adorable young boy back in Hend-" Richter couldnt even finish the statement before a slap knocked him twirling in the air and onto the pile of books that Twilight had began to stack" "Oh sorry about that, uh Twilight right?" Twilight just looked over and rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry to say this, but any book on the subject is just not here. We're just going to have to look elsewhere" ------- Rarity and Fluttershy had gone to the upper levels of the library without notice of the rest of the group, both extremely eager to meet Seria. As the two mares entered the room, the light shined upon the faces of the two as the windows let in a serene image of a bird with a piece of rosemary in it's mouth. Again trying not to get to distracted, the two got to work trying to find anything in the home of Seria "Rarity, we have been searching for almost ten minutes... She isn't in the library... Don't you think we should... go?" Fluttershy asked softly, as usual from her. "I simply can not leave yet until I discover what kind of clothes she makes. These elegant patterns are so new and yet they are so welcoming, I simply must find a nice example for my own selection." Rarity's fantasies seized a hold of her. They were so new and fresh! She would be the talk of the town with her trendsetting Arad line of clothing! "Now come on Fluttershy, help me look!" Her voice turning from romanticizing to commanding in almost an instant. "Alright Rarity..." Fluttershy had no choice to be submissive, there wasn't anything else to be doing that she felt would be a better alternative. Rarity began to dig around through each peace of furniture that was in Seria's bedroom, there just had to be some design or something! Piece after piece of furniture checked, nothing. The word echoed in her mind like a wedding bell in a lonely chapel. Her mind began to poetically break down as she started to dramatically replay the scene in her head: Seria, keeping the pony from her rightly deserved fortune all because of a prank! It wasn't fair, she deserved to know where the clothes had been. She deserved to see what only people on this world have seen! She deserved- "Rarity?" Fluttershy asked curiously as she noticed the pony with her front hooves up in the air dramatically. "Oh hehe, silly me. I got carried away" The bright red flush of embarrassment stained her face for only a brief moment, until she noticed a note on Fluttershy's ear, "How on earth did you get that on your ear?" "It fell there when you hit the lamp..." "Oh..." Again Rarity's face burned bright red. Rarity snatched the note and began to read it aloud, "Ahem! Dear Jonas, I am sure that by the time you find this note, I will have already left for Hendon Myre. I have been requested as a call to aid the war time efforts against the dark elves. Should you find this note, please do not follow me here, you have already done so much for the town of Elvenguard and it's citizenry. With love, Seria Kirmin"
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
"She WHAT?!" Jonas' attitude went straight from concerned to absolute panic, "Seria is not a fighter! She is like a mother! What was Lady Myre thinking!?" Everypony and person gathered around in the center of the library's grand, open hall. The news was obviously not easy for Jonas to hear, although the only two who could really understand were Richter and Kyria. It was obvious that Jonas was going to go against the wishes of note, he had to go keep Seria safe. She took him in when nobody else would, there would be no way he would let her off to support the war effort without him to protect her. Jonas' voice started to shudder as his objection to her leaving grew, "Guys, we have to head off to Hendon Myre. So long as Seria is out of reach, your paths home are as good as impossible to reach" Twilight's gaze slowly scanned across her friends, each giving a concerned yet determined look. It was clear to Twilight that there was no arguing with a situation she was still unfamiliar with. "Ok" Twilight had agreed in a stern and straightforward voice, "We have to make sure Seria is safe, she is our only way back home..." Kyria intervened, "Don't you six think you are getting a little over your heads? I mean, you're ponies... And not anything too threatening, in fact each of you look like you belong in a kids show" Kyria hadn't meant to demean the ponies through her realization, she just simply wanted to point out the journey had been dangerous. The mere mention of having a dangerous time ahead simply raised the fervor of Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy had always cowered from conflicts, and this wasn't about to change, and Twilight kept her level head and rationalized that it had to be done for the good of not only the ponies, but for Seria. "Ya'll have your family t' care for ya, once they're gone, they're gone" Applejack's eyes faultered, " Ah know what that's like..." "Yeah! We got your back, I'll take down anything that tries to hurt her!" Rainbow flew up in the air and dashed between the crowd as a passion that had grown inside her became visible to anybody talking to her. Richter laughed at the energy erupting from the two ponies but had to stop himself, "I like your styles ladies but the world is dangerous, and without magic, you're gonna need weapons..." His voice became serious until he laughed at the thought, "Hey Applejack, how do you think you could handle a revolver?" Applejack and Kyria both looked at her in the same way but with two completely different questions: "What's a revolver?" "You do know she has no fingers right?" Richter gave a sly smile as he began to appreciate his genius, "A revolver my dear, is a six shot gun with a little revolving area for the bullets" He thought his explanation would be simple until he realized that the pony had no idea what a bullet was. For the next few minutes, Richter explained all about guns and how they worked and what they were used for. Applejack, who was beginning to understand the idea, still kept the confused look, but with a different question, "So why do you think ah might be able t' use one of these revolver things effectively?" Richter gave another sly smile, "You remind me a lot of me when I was little, just trust me..." "You know, this bonding is great and all but it still doesn't answer my question as to how you expect a pony to wield a revolver, much less like an Empyrian ranger!" Kyria's lack of faith in Richter was as plain as the sky was blue. "Linus might have some ideas, heck, if he hasn't come up with something by now then I'm sure he would be able to forge something before the end of the coming day! And I'm willing to bet my prized Rude Boy Jack on it." Richter hesitated at the mention of bringing up his prized revolver. It wasn't often that you found a revolver light enough to hold on your finger, yet sturdy enough to hit with a boulder. "Haha, well this will definitely be funny to watch, alright. Hey Jonas, why don't we get a little rest before we have to move out to Hendon Myre tomorrow?" Kyria's voice was still a little lighter from laughing at the thought of a gun slinging pony. "Yeah, but I'm not going to leave these ponies alone. Even sometimes Elvenguard can't be trusted at night" The three humans nodded in unison as each had noticed the light on the window started to fade. Night fell early upon Elvenguard, the trees ensure that the place had been surrounded by it's own artificial lighting or the lighting of fireflies. It was far from a bad thing, in fact, night time in Elvenguard was beautiful, each light had a style derived from ancient elven architecture. The lights had had a few swirls along the edge, but mostly rough, jagged points that had illuminated the makeshift cobblestone streets of the town. Across the horizon, the lake had started to glow a bright orange as the final burst of sun illuminated it to the town of Elvenguard. Even though Twilight had a lot to think about, she certainly had to stop and take a moment to really enjoy the area in the break of the trees. She had almost a new take on life as Elvenguard's beauty settled in on her. She closed her eyes for a slight second to take a breath and relax. What she saw nearly threw her backwards. When she closed her eyes, the image of the world disappeared, yet, she could still see the presence of things around her. It was a slight blur, but she could see the blurs of colors around her where companions went off to. She looked to her left to find her image clouded in pure blue, which made her open in her eyes in fright. Sitting next to her, where the blur was, was Jonas, who had also decided to sit himself down and enjoy the beauty of what was sure to be his last night in Elvenguard for a while. "I knew that I would have to say goodbye eventually..." He said in a lamenting tone, his head drooped down to the ground before his feet, "But I always put it out of my mind, I sorta hoped this could have been my permanent home" Twilight wasn't fully sure of the situation but took a guess, "It has something to do with your arm doesn't it?" The question had no intention of being hurtful, but it made Jonas cringe. "This damn thing has caused me so much trouble in my life. I know it's no use dwelling on things in the past, but I just wish I could change some things" His gaze went back to the lake. Twilight had become curious but decided to save her comments so she wouldn't hurt him further. She just wanted to sit and take in the sights of this new world before her. There would be so much to learn, so much to see, so much to do, but her mind kept telling her to close her eyes again. Like an eager filly, she quickly closed her eyes again to see the world as she had before, but nothing appeared. She couldn't keep herself from getting somewhat frustrated that she couldn't see the world as she had before. Jonas looked at her with more curiosity, "You ok Twilight?" Twilight stopped trying to think about it again and just not explain things fully, "Yeah, I just thought I saw something" Twilight wasn't sure what set him off, but his expression sprung to life, "Wait, Twilight, what did you see?" Somewhat confused Twilight just replied as best as she could, "Uh... It was like I saw the life of things expressed through colors." She still wasn't sure what she said, but he quickly ran off in the direction of the library, telling her to stay there. He was back almost a few minutes later with an old brown book, certainly not old by comparison to some of the things Celestia had kept, but old by normal standards, it read The Legendary Slayers. Twilight was sure he was getting somewhere with this, but still couldn't help her confused look. "Ahh... here is the page." Jonas began to read from a section on a specific man, "The Asura G.S.D. : The third of a group of slayers who had fought off the evils of the Screaming Cavern to save Roxie from the curse of Kazan and hopefully end the last of the Black Crusade revivals. He had given up his eyesight to Kazan for near omnipotence. G.S.D. The demon in his body graciously accepted it's new position of power over G.S.D.'s body, it linked with his life force and gave him the ability to manipulate the forces of the world around him. These forces had been known by many scholars as waves." A note on the side of the page had been kept to explain waves, "Waves are the basic outline of magic, people who could manipulate waves are different from users of magic, as magic is a combination of wave energy and physical elements, waves are the raw outline of almost everything on this world" The note cut off and Jonas began to read the page further, "G.S.D. used his ability to manipulate waves to help the group of slayers defeat the last of the Black Crusade, and hopefully remove the last trace of evil from the world." Twilight didn't know what to make of it. She had just been told that she shared the power of a great hero of their world. As soon as the thought began to excite her. She began to remember what he said, "Did you just say that he had to give up his eyesight...?" "Well Twilight, that's what has me so confused, you accomplished what he could only do after infusing with Kazan" His thoughts turned grim, "Twilight, I think you have been cursed by Kazan..." Twilight's pupil retracted at the sound of the news, "I'VE BEEN WHAT?" She knew getting scared wasn't going to help anything but she still couldn't shake the fear that grabbed a hold of her. "It's the conclusion I'm coming to Twilight, but normally victims of the Kazan curse get deranged at the initial contact with the demon. It's leading me to believe that you have something special about you that's keeping him at bay. Allowing you to harvest his power without actually succumbing to it" This lightened the expression on Twilight's face, but not by much. She still couldn't believe that inside of her, a demon was festering, but what about her could stop the demon from growing... The realization hit her like an apple falling from a tree. "It's got to be the Elements of Harmony..."
Main 6,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Across the Otherverse
<p>When a spell performed by Twilight Sparkle goes wrong, a power-hungry dimensional rift appears and sends her and the rest of the gang to a world known as Arad. Now it is up to a cursed man named Jonas and his group of friends to help guide the ponies back to the world they once knew and unlock the potential they all possess.</p>
Rainbow landed on her back with a thud as she tried to sweep through the trees with Kyria. It hadn't been too hard to avoid the encroaching branches as she blazed through the trees, but every so often, there would be that one branch that she just couldn't avoid. Kyria had an idea about Rainbow Dash, she was fast, even through the tree branches, the pony was easily able to outrun Kyria. The only issue was that Rainbow Dash used her speed recklessly. It was ok to be fast, and it was ok to use it the way she had, but she obviously never practiced at anything other than just raw speed. She knew Dash had began to fantasize about Kyria's profession, at which she felt flattered, but it still didn't qualify Dash for the job. Dash needed to learn to know everything about her surroundings and become two steps ahead of her enemy. So Kyria proposed the next step in training. "Alright Rainbow Dash, get up. It's no doubt you are fast, but you wouldn't survive an encounter with anything faster than an Alex." Kyria retained the same straightforward voice she had since Rainbow first met her. Rainbow knew this commanding attitude would get annoying quickly, but Rainbow wasn't one to stand down from a challenge, "Ok... So what do you want me to do?" Rainbow just barely kept the hint of irritation out of her voice. Kyria didn't notice it. "Ok Dash, here" Kyria tossed Dash a small stick, barely any bigger than a foot long, "Pretend that's a dagger. Come at me" Before Rainbow had been able to obtain a full grip on the stick, Kyria had already been rushing at her. Rainbow got struck on the side with an upward blow from Kyria's stick, "You're dead, try again" Rainbow got irritated at the lack of preparation time she had received, "Not fair! You hardly gave me any time to even hold onto the stick!" Rainbow picked it up in her mouth and then stared aggressively at Kyria, "Come at me" ----------- Pinkie had forgotten all about the boredom that loomed over her back in Ponyville. The new sensations and places to explore had filled Pinkie with a new excitement to play and party. Still, one thought had stayed in her mind. Her toys. While Pinkie had never been too obsessed with her little inventions, she still relied on them whenever she couldn't find something fun to do, which she had noticed there wasn't a lot to do in a place where she figured nobody would attend a party held by her. Still, the resilient pink pony had kept her head up high when she heard she was heading to a much bigger city the following day. 'There has to be somepony who enjoys a good laugh and might help me throw a welcome to Arad party for my friends and me' A rough voice broke her thoughts, "Hey you, Yes you! The pony! Come here for a second!" Pinkie looked at the source of the voice, it was the weirdest looking thing she ever saw, a man who wore deep purple a deep purple and lush green armor and a deep purple cloak. It wasn't the odd coloring that caught her attention as much as the odd pot that the man was wearing as a mask, if it even was a mask. Pinkie just couldn't contain her curiosity. She hopped over to him with a few delighted bounces and stopped about 2 feet away from him. "Ahh... So I was right, you can speak" He let out in a fascinated tone "Well of course I can speak, silly" Pinkie had completely forgotten that she wasn't in Equestria any more. The man in the pot just went along with it, "Oh of course, how silly of me to think otherwise. Well no matter what you are or what you speak, your money is good here" Pinkie's head tilted to the side in confusion, but was quickly snapped out of it when her stomach grumbled. She connected the dots in her head, "OH! You sell apples don't you! I mean, I've been dying for an apple ever since I woke up. I'll take a red delicious please!" The man in the pot mask stayed silent for a second. It was safe to assume that he had been a little overwhelmed with her odd reaction. He quickly gathered his bearings and stated, "I hate to disappoint but I am not that kind of shop proprietor. I sell these hand-made pots, each one destined to contain a dream, a fantasy, a wish, a-" Pinkie cut him off in mid statement. "A chocolate cake?" Pinkie asked hopefully. The man continued to play along, "Or a chocolate cake..." "Oooh! I hope they taste like the one's Mrs. Cake makes! Ok, I'll take a pot!" Pinkie flipped her mane wildly until a small pouch dropped out of the curls, "How much will that be!" "Hmmm, let's just say 5 gold will work" "Ok!" Pinkie reached into her pouch and pulled out 5 bits and dropped them before the masked man, "Here you go!" The masked man let out a curious "hmmm" as he examined the money set before him. It featured an alicorn on it that held it's head up over the outline of what the masked man thought was a sun. "Alright, well it's made of gold. I'll take it. Here is your pot. Just break it open to see what's inside" Pinkie happily took the pot and set it down. With a quick smash, the pot broke open. Pinkie gave off a look of disappointment as she realize there was nothing edible on the pot. In fact, it looked like there was nothing in the pot at all. Pinkie's mind didn't register that she might have gotten played for a fool. Instead she simply let out a huge disappointed sigh. "Awwww, I'm not a winner am I..." The masked man, who had already tensed his muscles to run away, stopped and stared. He was absolutely dumbfounded at how well losing 5 gold had been received by the pony. He had to take a moment to recollect his thoughts, "Care to try again?" Pinkie began to nod and readied her mouth to say yes before a voice interrupted her "Now hold up there Danjin" The voice said, "Don't you think it's a little mean to be taking advantage of someone not only new, but also incredibly naive?" Pinkie thought she recognized the voice, it sounded a lot like Fluttershy's, only a little more rich, and a lot more pronounced. "And besides, the little pony never even looked close enough at her first pot to notice it" At the mention of it, Pinkie looked down at her first pot and began to notice something moving under a small pile of shards. It was a small white serpent with very underdeveloped wings from it's sides. Pinkie looked down at it with wide eyes, "Awwwww! It's so adorable!" she said in what anybody else would have thought was an over-exaggeration. It looked up at Pinkie and coo'd like an infant then began crawling it's way over to Pinkie, who simply kneeled down and allowed it some refuge in her mane. Even Danjin was surprised at the small creature in the pot. He had made it his policy to never put anything alive in his products. Pinkie looked over to thank the voice that told her about the creature, which she would figure out a name for in due time. The voice belonged to a smaller human girl, Pinkie assumed she was a filly, or whatever you called a younger human. The small girl had bright red hair tied into a small ponytail at the end, she wore a black and red dress that had been adorned with odd little charms that looked like Jack-O-Lanterns, her legs were completely covered with huge orange knee socks that crept all the way into the flared dress, and she wore a small black top hat that was barely bigger than her fist. Unlike the other humans Pinkie had seen, this one had long, pointed ears. "Thank you sooo much! I would have missed out on this cute little guy if it wasn't for you! I'm sure he will be just as good at partying as my other pet! Hey wait! What's your name anyways? It really isn't nice to thank someone and not ask their name. Oh and what's with your ears and that dress! It looks like something Rarity designed!" The questions just seemed endless, but the little girl didn't mind. She just thought it was funny of the pink pony to be so curious. After Pinkie stopped her barrage of questions, the girl finally said, "Let's start from the beginning: My name is Sonya, I have these ears because I am from the world known as Pandemonium, I got this dress from a woman who saved my life, sorry if it isn't your Rarity" She went on and on too, following the precise order of Pinkie's questions from what is your favorite flavor of cupcake to what is your favorite color. Danjin couldn't take any more, "SONYA! I understand you have a lot to say about who you are and where you came from and why the sky is blue, but PLEASE take it somewhere else so that I can check my pots for any more of those, things..." Sonya laughed and said, "Danjin, don't worry, I'm sure you don't have any more like it. These creatures are incredibly rare. In fact, this is actually the first time I've seen a familiar of light" Danjin took a step back at the news, "A FAMILIAR OF LIGHT!?! AND I JUST GAVE IT AWAY FOR 5 GOLD?!" Pinkie had become confused, "I'm happy that I guess I got a discount, but what is a familiar of light? It doesn't sound familiar to me" Sonya giggled at the pun, "A familiar is the living manifestation of elements in nature. In a sense, they are the advocates of what keeps the world in harmony. When one becomes attached to you, it grants you some of it's power, which very greatly depending on the species of familiar and it's own individual personality" Sonya took a look at the little serpent that was playing around with a bouncing puff of Pinkie's hair, "It looks like this little one is a bit of a fun-lover" Sonya looked back at Danjin who was distracted with checking his pots for other valuable merchandise, and then over to Pinkie who was looking down to her stomach as it growled, "Hey, would you care to tell me your name?" Pinkie looked up and found it silly that she had never told Sonya anything about herself, "OH! I'm super duper sorry! I'm Pinkie Pie!" Sonya laughed at the fitting name, "Alright Pinkie, well why don't we go meet my friends and go get something to eat" Pinkie's stomach growled again, "I'm sure you're hungry" Pinkie nodded quickly, which through the little serpent out of her hair and onto her nose. It just stared at her with expressive eyes, "Awww... Ok Sonya, but you have to also come with me to see my friends, now that I have two new friends to show them!" Pinkie returned the small white familiar into her mane and hopped alongside Sonya, both eager to see each other's friends.
Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Far Lands
<p>A pegasus buck finds that society in Equestria have been developing badly and leaves for the Far Lands in search of higher meaning, purpose and maybe something to bring back home.</p>
The Far Lands Chapter One: Renegade The sound of a friendly but strong wind was all that I heard, plus the sound of my feathers resisting it’s strength. My eyes closed, my legs dangling below me as I allowed myself to relax and clean my mind. It worked every time. I felt safe closing my eyes and gliding along at a relatively high speed due to the fact that there was nothing out here that could knock me out of the sky. After what felt like a few minutes, I opened my eyes, coming back to life. A monotonous but pretty scenery greeted me. Actually, it was just a seemingly endless forest. I turned my head around, looking for that clearing between the trees which I knew held a pond and a small, miserable shack. Got it. I turned dramatically and rolled over into a straight dive towards the ground. Relaxation was checked off on the list, now I went for a bit of adrenaline. I swooped down, changing direction in a smooth arch as I closed in on the top of the trees. Trees were now all around me. Flying in an altitude just so that I wasn't completely surrounded by trees, but still so close that I had to dodge every other tree that reached just a little higher than the rest. The last tall tree, I dodged with a roll. Immediately afterwards, I stretched my wings out as far as they could, instantly taking control of the momentum that had been ludicrously speedy before. I glided gently down towards a small empty space under the shadow of a large tree. It formed a small beach (albeit without the sand, just dirt) next to the pond. A canoe with some fishing gear stashed inside had been pulled halfway up on the beach and had been tied to a small tree. My hooves touched the ground, landing in a slide that sent some of the dry earth flying, creating smoke all around me. It looked quite beautiful with the streaks of sunshine that slipped through the canopy and lighting up the dust. I suppose I should tell you what I was doing out there, and even what "out there" means. It's a long tale, really, but it can be told shortly. So, where was I? I was in what was commonly referred to as the "Far Lands". It was named and mapped of course, but most ponies didn't know much about the areas further away than Appleloosa. They didn't care. It was as if the whole world was split up in two; Equestria, where all the ponies were, and then everything else, which wasn't worth anyone’s attention, because nothing happened out here. Except that couldn't be further from the truth. The Far Lands were just as teeming with life, if not more than the main lands. But of course, since ponies weren't around here to build houses everywhere and strike down with their presence, this place is much different and far more dangerous than Equestria. And what was I doing out here? Getting away. Simple as that. Back home, some things have been bubbling for a long time now. The ponies back home are changing. All of them. Now, I ain't an old pony, but ponies used to be nice. Through the years, it seems that ponies have become increasingly suspicious of others, manipulative and greedy. It's as if everypony are turning all hoity toity, forgetting about friendship and turning to scornfulness of others. And truth be told, me and my family weren't doing that well at all. Me taking a lonely, long break from what is essentially considered to be the whole world, is partly because of the looming darkness that all of society is turning into, and partly because my personal life sucked. Well, I exaggerated a bit there. My life didn't "suck", and there were many ponies whose lives really did suck. Mine was just boring, repetitive and unpleasant. My father had gone and become all involved in the big things happening, in fact the way I understand it, he was on his way to quite a bit of power. He was quite pleased about all that, going on about it quite often. My mother had been stressed out and acting strangely since I could remember. I don't think I ever saw her being truly happy. I myself was just a relatively normal Pegasus buck. Maybe a little isolated. I had my closet skeletons. I think my leaving was primarily a jab at everypony. I was holding on to a lot of anger that had never really come out. I had that strange feeling of not fitting in. I was different, nopony understood me. Ugh, just listen to me. Stereotypical puberty-struck pony, huh? Well, I was no longer a child when I left Equestria. I am an adult now, seeking independence. I had thought much about me leaving, and had come to a conclusion that justified it, I thought. I had come out here to clean my mind, maybe learn something about myself. And I kept track on where I was heading, so I knew my way back. With that covered, I knew that I could always come back. So what did it matter if I actually was just going through a typical teenager rebel phase? Besides, I think I was a loner at heart. I feel a certain solitude out here where there's nopony else. On one of my first days out, (Been out for soon a few weeks now) I revelled in that solitude by finding myself a lonely cloud, shaping it into a throne and I just sat there as the prince of the Far Lands. It was a short lived feeling of complete ownership, though. I quickly discovered that clouds out here have a strange, shall I say will, to move. They acted on their own accord, unlike back home where all the weather was controlled by Pegasi. The throne I had built just kind of rolled away from me, the throne becoming flattened and I actually slipped through a hole in the cloud that immediately after looked like a normal cloud, as if I hadn't even touched it. It was as if it was trying to humiliate me. Out here, a Pegasus like me was not in control. At all. The Far Lands loved to rain on me at unexpected times, teaching me to build shelters constantly. My travels into the Far Lands were largely without a heading, almost completely random. Before I went, I had read through books about living outside of society. Not that a lot of it stuck with me, after all, one of my first experiences in the Far Lands was of me completely forgetting about one of the simplest differences from main Equestria - that clouds move on their own. I guess I had just figured that just because clouds move on their own, shouldn't mean they would dislike being shaped into a chair. Turns out they do. So that means I'm now a Pegasus living on the ground. Bothersome, but actually somewhat satisfying. It meant that I now had to put some work into living. I was actually building shelters out of hard materials, wood, sticks, leaves and rocks. I was actually making campfires and cooking my own food. Mostly. Other times, I took what I could get and enjoyed not having to do anything myself. I found that I had been standing on the same patch of dirt, staring into the canoe at the fishing gear, which consisted only of nets of different sizes. There were also a few jars at the bottom of the canoe, one was empty, two were filled with clear water, and another three were filled with a disgusting grey slime. I knew it was possible to actually eat meat, and fishing seemed relatively easy. I had considered it, but really, the thought of putting meat in my mouth? Disgusting. But it would definitely be easier than finding edible vegetarian food in the woods. Well, unless I resorted to eating grass every day, which was basically what I had done most of the time. And that, I felt, would always be more pleasant to eat than meat, even if it is boring as hell. This canoe was not used to catch fish, it was used to find many strange things that lay in the dirt at the bottom of the pond, and plants that grew on the bottom and other things I didn't know of. I wasn't the one doing it, so I honestly didn't know much. I turned to walk down a small path, the pathetic shack already visible through the many leaves and trees. The shack was actually not that small. It was a small house made from planks, and it had no front door. It looked like it would immediately fall over if anypony at all bucked at it. But, it had been tidied up with some oddities. Many colored bottles hung on the wall. Pearls hung from the doorway with no door, creating a colorful entrance. Over the door frame hung a large mask, clearly too big for anypony to wear. It was clear that this was the home of a traditional zebra. There was a campfire with a pot hanging over the fire almost right outside the entrance. The clearing in which the house had been built was not very spacious; the house took up half of that space, so there was not much left for the campfire. It was really like a little home in the middle of a jungle, although this was hardly a jungle, rather it was just a lush forest. "Zarena?" I called out. "Yes, my dear friend! Come inside." a voice with a strange accent came back, turned slightly silent by the walls and the distance still between me and the shack. I stuck my wings in between the many pearls that dangled from the door frame, and opened it up to allow myself through. I found it comical every time I saw Zarena go through the door frame, having all those pearls slide over her face, it had to be annoying. The room was dark. Not too dark, but still gloomy enough to be somewhat eerie. More masks and flasks hung around the walls. There was a table at the far end of the room, which was completely cluttered with tools and bowls. In the middle of the room were a low table close to the floor. Around it were two long pillows, shaped so that a pony could lay down on while using the table. "Welcome back, Silver Leaf, are you hungry?" "Uh, yeah actually. I could eat." I felt slightly awkward being in her home. I wasn't all that knowledgeable about zebra customs, so I often resorted to just not saying that much. On top of that, you often hear bad about zebras back in the main land nowadays. But I knew that it was bullshit, Zarena was as kind as any pony could be. Although we did avoid speaking about the main lands, and the fact that one of us was a pony and the other was a zebra. It was a long time since it had all begun to turn nastily violent at times back home, so the conflicts touched everybody, not just ponies. An elephant in the room. "Good, for the soup I was preparing is just about done." she smiled at me and backed out through the pearly curtain. I grinned as she disappeared out of my view. I had a feeling that ever since she'd seen me getting through using my wings when I arrived a couple of days ago, she had felt humiliated by those pearls, so now she was finding tactics to avoid it. "So Zarena, what have you cooked up?" "Applebloom soup." I raised an eyebrow, then saw the two baskets next to a table at the end of the room. Fresh apples in one, the other filled with flowers, all with vibrant red colored petals. Once again I grinned to myself, she wouldn't know who Applebloom is. "Sounds good!" She came backing in through the door with a pot full of steaming soup. She generously poured the soup into a deep bowl on the small table in front of us. I had placed myself on one of the pillows. I didn't know where to place myself when I was in her home, and I was afraid I would break some of the many bottles and jugs that hung from the ceiling, so one of the first things I did when I was invited into this home was to claim this pillow as my sanctuary. I had come here 4 days ago. A lonely shack beside a pond was too interesting to fly past, and it looked abandoned, so my lazy mind had instantly figured that if that was abandoned, it would be worth sacrificing a few hours travel for free shelter. Besides, I hadn't gotten a real destination, so it didn't really matter that I didn't travel so far that day. Turns out it wasn't abandoned. I was worrying that I would lose a few hours of travel time, now I had lost 4 days and I felt quite comfortable, not in a hurry. But I was still determined to leave soon. As I was having my delightfully sweet soup, Zarena asked, popping my drifting mind. "So, did you bring it?" Oh wow, I had completely forgotten why I had left the shack earlier. "Eeyup! 'Course I did!" I shook the perplexed look off of my face, instead focusing my attention at the saddlebag on my side. With my teeth, I heaved out a jar (another one for the collection) with my teeth and placed it on the side of the table. "Thank you, Silver Leaf, blessed are your wings. Truly. You have no idea how much this helps me." Did she just turn her gaze to the pearly curtain as she commented on my wings? I smiled and answered, "Yes, they help a lot. I cannot imagine what a bother it must be to obtain this without a pegasus' help." The jar was full of a white substance that did not make the jar any heavier. Zarena had asked for a jar full of cloud. While a cloud moved by itself, and anything you built using clouds would disintegrate immediately, they still could not do anything against physically being forced into a jar. What Zarena was using it for, I had no idea. It was either a potion that could do something mind boggling, or an extremely special meal. I suspected the former, but I was sure that somepony somewhere would have thought of using clouds as an ingredient in food. I took a break from sipping at the delicious soup, having just swallowed a big piece of apple. Clearing my throat, bracing myself to break the silence that Zarena seemed to feel perfectly comfortable being in. Angsty puberty pony again? Sigh. "So, is this enough? I mean, I'm probably leaving soon to continue my journey. Would you like me to fetch another batch, maybe a larger one before I go?" "No, dear, this jar is a a perfectly ample supply. I will not need more in a long time. And frankly, I cannot afford to store many more ingredients. But I thank you for the offer." Briefly, I wondered what might be in all of those jars and bottles. Many of the bottles were colored or had cloth around them so the contents were out of sight, but one bottle actually had a green, slightly glowing substance in it. It was certainly interesting. I nodded in response. "Silver Leaf. May I ask you for help yet again? This problem is of serious nature, and I will accept it if you will not aid. It is dangerous work." I was intrigued, and nervous. "Okay.. What is the problem? I assure you I will do what I can to help." "When I was out picking the Quivering Blooms, not far from here, I saw a manticore." She paused. "I fear that it also noticed me, and I think it followed me back. Not all the way back, as I slipped away from it, but I fear it is yet looking for me. Will you help me protect my home from the manticore? To slay it, if necessary?" Well, there goes any sleep tonight. Up until now, I had always dealt with the wild Far Lands in a cowardly Pegasus way. If things got too rough, or I ran into a creature that looked a little too big or a little too mean, I'd just fly up and away. Now was the time, it seems, to actually become a hunter. While I could fly myself away from a manticore, I could not fly away a zebra, let alone her home and belongings. "I'll help. I'd do it now so we can get some sleep tonight, but it's already getting dark out, isn't it?" "Yes. We will strike tomorrow morning. We will only search from here to the meadow. If we do not find the manticore, then we will all have won. Otherwise, we are hunters." The meadow I knew where was, it was another clearing nearby. It made sense that the manticore would be somewhere between here and the meadow, as the area out there had many big trees that I imagined a manticore would sleep underneath. A sudden realization hit me like a brick. Manticores had wings. Even if I hadn't been out to kill it, I wouldn't have had the option to run away. In the face of a manticore, it was kill or be killed. Shit. "Ayep. Sounds like a plan. And I can trust your powerful senses to wake us up if it comes trotting up to knock on the door?" I finished that sentence awkwardly, remembering that the shack had no door. Why did this damned entrance seem to be the center of attention so often? Anyways. The thing about Zarena's senses was true. She had amazing hearing and amazing smell, and she had the reflexes of a truly skilled hunter. She was... Catlike. "Yes. Do not worry, but be ready. I have never failed to wake up when an wild creature approaches my home. Most animals are much smaller than a manticore. I will wake up if it makes a visit." "Also, it will not be knocking on the door." she added that, keeping her straight face. I knew she was jesting, so I allowed myself to grin. "Yeah, my mistake. I'm so used to doors." "Doors are indeed useful, it would keep out small animals and cold wind. I would build one, but I think I would end up leaving it open anyways. I tend to walk back and forth a lot, it would be troublesome to have to open it all the time, you see." Not that the pearly curtain wasn't being troublesome, I thought. But I kept that thought to myself, instead saying truthfully "Well, what you have definitely looks nicer than a door." "Thank you, Silver Leaf." I nodded. "Thanks for preparing the dinner, Zarena. It was really delicious." We were both done with our soup. Zarena had gotten up and started carrying the pot and our bowls outside. She'd gathered them in a manageable stack and carried them all with her teeth. I thought about offering my help, but she had already backed out through the curtain. They made a relaxing clacking sound as the strings swung back, making the beads hit each other. Next to me and the pillow I was laying on, were a bigger sheet that I would sleep on. There I had placed my other saddlebag, which was bigger than the one I was carrying now, which was basically just a pouch. I dug into the bigger one and heaved out a book. I walked outside. I had brought more than just the book, feeling it was safer. But, as desperate for attention they were, the pearl curtain had wrapped around the long metallic thing I was carrying in my teeth, while the book was safely being held under my wing. I was trapped in a battle with the curtains. I backtracked and swung my head around. How did this even happen? I slowed down, using my wings to untangle the strings. And I finally walked through the doorway, I saw Zarena grinning up at me. I was wearing a face of victorious glory, so I felt a little embarrassed and a little amused seeing Zarena's reaction. Zarena was already cooking up something again, this time I suspected a potion or something, rather than simply food. The smell wasn't exactly as delicious as the soup from before, either. I placed the large, metallic and chaotic contraption at my feet to allow me to speak. Exactly the reason why I usually carried things using my wings, but this one was too big. "I'm gonna read a little bit before night. Can help look out for the manticore that way, too." I prodded at the contraption at my feet with my hoof. She nodded with a smile. She liked the silence I knew, and this time I would join her in relaxing with the sounds of the forest at night, listening to the sounds that a forest in the evening could provide, hopefully manticore-less. It was getting dark quite quickly. The sun was already nowhere to be seen, only the redness on the clouds could still be seen. The contraption at my hooves was a rifle. Albeit an old, primitive rifle. It had been my father's, but he had let me have it when I let him know that I considered leaving. I had brought a few other things. A map, a compass, a few books, a knife and this old rifle. I started strapping it on, leather straps going over my back to keep it in place. I tried lifting my wing, it felt a little awkward as my wing now had less space, and when relaxing, it was still uncomfortably sharing it's space with the cold steel of the rifle now hanging on my side. Standing up, I tried to get a feel of the gun. It felt nice. I felt powerful. Everything in front of me was now in danger. With a front hoof, I kicked at one of the mechanical, metallic triggers that reached out from the gun and to the front of my chest. There was the sound of old mechanics and gears doing their thing, and the rifle snapped at the middle. I put in some shells into the two empty holes in the gun. With a gesture of my body, I swung the front of the rifle back up, and kicked another trigger that locked it back in place. I looked down and eyed the main trigger. Shaped perfectly to be pulled using teeth. The Unicorns and their magical ways and silly telekinesis have nothing on the Earth Ponies who creates stuff like this. I felt ready. ************ "Hurry. Protect the child. Protect it from the horrors of the Wild." ... Click, click, click.
Apple Bloom,Applejack,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Radio Ga Ga
<p>Apple Bloom can't get to sleep. The stars have disappeared from the sky, and nopony seems to be able to tell her why.</p><p>Based on the original song by Queen.</p>
“Radio what’s new? Radio, someone still loves you.” The sun had long since set over Sweet Apple Acres. Shadows cast by the light of the moon stretched from the trees that filled the orchard. The barns were quiet, the day’s work having been finished. The only sign of life was a young, yellow filly gazing wistfully out her bedroom window at the near-empty night sky. Apple Bloom’s door creaked open and light streamed in from the hallway. “Now what in Sam’s hay are you still doing out of bed, little missy?” Clambering down from the window sill, Apple Bloom groaned and hopped into bed. “Just lookin’ out at the sky.” Applejack sighed as she moved to tuck her sister into bed. “Now why would you go and do a thing like that? A little filly like yourself has no business starring up at the sky like some moonstruck hound dog. And it won’t get no work down neither.” Gripping the blanket between her teeth, the Earth Pony pulled the blanket up to Apple Bloom’s chin. “Now you leave the skies to the Pegasus Ponies, you hear?” Apple Bloom nodded solemnly and pondered for a moment before speaking up softly. “Applejack, what happened to the stars?” The older pony stopped at the door and gave a tired glance back at her sister. “And what brought this about?” “I heard Pinkie Pie talking about the stars today,” the little filly began. “She said that the stars used to watch us all the time, like what we was doing and stuff. Didn’t say why, but she was all sad about it. But then Twilight started goin’ on about how that was all just some old mare’s tale. Do you think… do you think any of it might be true? Did the stars really use to watch us?” Smiling to herself, Applejack left the door open and sat down beside Apple Bloom’s bed. “Here now, little sister. Let me let you in on a little secret.” She paused to allow Apple Bloom to lean in eagerly. “Pinkie Pie was right. They did watch us.” Apple Bloom settled back in her bed again, a confused look spreading on her face. “But why would they want to watch us?” Applejack shrugged. “Nopony knows for sure, but they’ve watched us for a long time. Maybe they watched us to learn something, maybe it was because they thought we were entertaining. Ah hey, maybe some of them even took a fancy to us. But whatever the reason, they watched us and they loved us.” Shuddering, Apple Bloom pulled the covers up further. “Ah’m not sure I like the idea of somepony I’ve never met loving me.” Applejack chuckled and laid a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “It ain’t at all like that, you silly filly. Oh sure they loved us, but not like that. Or at least ah hope it wasn’t like that. And they didn’t watch us all the time, neither. But every time something big was going down in Equestria, they were there to see it. They were watching when Snips and Snails brought that Ursa Minor to town. They were watching when Nightmare Moon was defeated. They might have even been watching for that little talent show you and your friends put on.” Apple Bloom blushed at the memory. “Now I don’t know why anypony would want to see that. Nothing good came of it, and it turns out our true calling wasn’t comedy anyhow.” “Like I said, nopony knows why they watched they just did. They would watch us as we lived, talk about our lives and sometimes even make up stories to fill in the blanks they didn’t see. Every once in a while, a little bit of what they say makes it back to us. It didn’t happen often, but whenever it did everypony would talk about it.” “Did they say anything about me?” Applejack smirked. “Apparently they think you and Spike go… nice together.” “Me and…” Apple Bloom’s snout twisted in puzzlement, “Spike? But he’s not even a pony? Why would they think that?” “We don’t know anything about them other than what we hear every once in a while,” Applejack said, “and even that can be confusing at times.” “What else did they say?” Applejack sighed and reached back through her memory. “Well they thought Luna’s punishment for what happened a thousand years ago was a bit harsh, for one thing. Another thing that turned up a few times was remarks about that odd little pony that works with the moving company.” “You mean Ditzy Doo?” The orange Earth Pony nodded. “That’s the one, but they had a few other names for her. Some of them were a might bit rude. They were also talking about how Rarity has something called ODC or something like that. None of us had any clue what they were talkin’ about though. And for some reason they had the strange notion that me and Rainbow Dash—“ she broke off and blushed furiously. Apple Bloom rose slightly back out of the covers. “What about you and Rainbow Dash?” “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” Applejack laughed weakly in an attempt to change the subject. “There’s stuff you’re not meant to know yet, maybe when you’re older.” Frowning, Apple Bloom decided not to press the issue. It was getting late, she was tired and she was already pretty sure arguing was not her special talent. Instead, she returned to the question she had been wondering about the most. “So if they like watching us so much, then why did they leave?” Shrugging, Applejack stood and stretched her legs. “Who knows? Maybe they found something more interesting to look at. Maybe they weren’t able to watch us anymore. They may have even grown tired of us or, even more likely, tired of each other. By the bits and pieces we put together, they could be a pretty odd bunch and in every group there is bound to be somepony who doesn’t get along.” “Do you think they will ever come back?” Appljack smiled down at her sister and gave her a soft kiss on the head. “Maybe, sugar cube. Maybe.” Careful to close the door behind her, Applejack wished her sister a good night and left her to sleep. Laying in her bed, Apple Bloom continued to gaze out the window. She wondered about the mysterious folk her sister had told her about. I hope they come back, she thought to herself as her eyes drifted shut. The young pony was fast asleep, visions of cutie marks and strange beings that walked on two legs and stared at light boxes danced through her mind. Soon nothing on the farm stirred but the few critters who revealed in Luna’s gaze. The chirps of crickets and the calls of owl’s sang the world into a slumber as it waited for Celestia’s rising sun. The moon itself sat in the night sky, a silent guardian protecting those who slept from nightmares. All was still and, in the distance, a single star twinkled to life in the night sky.
Star-Crossed Ponies (Unfair Shipping Act II)
<p>Continued from &quot;And None of them Lived Happily Ever After&quot;.<br /><br />Twilight, Pinkie and Spike have begun their journey in search of the root of what Twilight calls &quot;Shipping Syndrome&quot;, a case of emotional development which alters a pony&#39;s preferences and causes them to become infatuated with another pony, regardless of gender, and (as Twilight now suspects) regardless of orientation. But Pinkie Pie has already fallen victim to this syndrome, and her obsession is Twilight! Pinkie knows that the feelings are just an illusion, but they&#39;re deeply embedded in her mind. Will Twilight be able to keep the situation under control, or will she, too, become corrupted by the syndrome and return the feelings Pinkie has for her?<br /><br />Find out in &quot;Unfair Shipping&quot; Act II: Star-Crossed Ponies!</p>
Everfree was slightly less unsettling now that it had become a regular pilgrimage for me in obtaining herbs and potions from Zecora, a zebra and a good friend of mine who lived deep in the forest. Still, I couldn't help but feel uneasy now. Things were weird, and the Everfree Forest had a bad tendency for making the weird seem even weirder. Spike, for reasons that were beyond my grasp, had remained outside the Everfree Forest. So Pinkie Pie and I continued on deeper into the forest until we reached Zecora's house. As we approached the house, there came a rustling in the nearby bushes. Pinkie and I ducked out of sight. I glanced over at her as we sat behind a tree. The pained expression on her face told me she was boldly trying not to enjoy the intimacy. Out from the bushes came...a unicorn. White, with a purple mane, immaculately styled into perfection. She stepped inside Zecora's house, looking around first, and I suspected it was to make sure she wasn't seen. Suddenly everything fell into place. So THIS was why Spike wanted nothing to do with Zecora. "Pinkie, we need to go in there before they can get started, or else risk losing our chance to get answers." "What do you mean, Twilight?" I realized I had completely forgotten to tell Pinkie Pie. "Spike...told me the other day...that Rarity was seeing a mare." "Oh.....OHHH...." comprehension dawned on the pink earth pony. It seemed we were on the same page. "Right. So we need to go in there, and pretend like we have no idea. If they don't know that we know, they'll pretend that there's nothing to know. Then Zecora will help us and we'll be able to get back on the road." "Alright! Let's do it! ...I mean..." "It's okay, Pinkie, I know what you meant." Zecora's door was intimidating. But the longer the delay, the more likely we were to catch them doing something. Casting hesitation aside, we entered....
Star-Crossed Ponies (Unfair Shipping Act II)
<p>Continued from &quot;And None of them Lived Happily Ever After&quot;.<br /><br />Twilight, Pinkie and Spike have begun their journey in search of the root of what Twilight calls &quot;Shipping Syndrome&quot;, a case of emotional development which alters a pony&#39;s preferences and causes them to become infatuated with another pony, regardless of gender, and (as Twilight now suspects) regardless of orientation. But Pinkie Pie has already fallen victim to this syndrome, and her obsession is Twilight! Pinkie knows that the feelings are just an illusion, but they&#39;re deeply embedded in her mind. Will Twilight be able to keep the situation under control, or will she, too, become corrupted by the syndrome and return the feelings Pinkie has for her?<br /><br />Find out in &quot;Unfair Shipping&quot; Act II: Star-Crossed Ponies!</p>
We stood in Zecora's hut, pretending not to know. "So you wish to know why there is such romance in Ponyville? I'm afraid I have no answer, but help you find it, that I will." "You will? Thank you!" "As will I," said Rarity, "I simply cannot sit idly by and let you and Pinkie Pie go gallivanting off without knowing I at least tried to help." "Well...thank you for the offer, Rarity, but I really couldn't drag you into this." The truth was, if Zecora was going to come with, I didn't want Rarity there. "Twilight Sparkle, give me one good reason why I shouldn't help you here." "" I had no idea what to say. I really thought it would be a bad idea for Rarity to come with, but I couldn't say that without admitting I knew. Much to my horror, Pinkie spoke up first. "WE KNOW ABOUT YOU TWO! WE KNOW THE TWO OF YOU HAVE BEEN SEEING EACH OTHER!" "Wh-what?" Rarity seemed shocked by this insinuation. I didn't blame her. There was a reason I didn't want to say it out loud. "Spike said you were going out with a Mare. He was also completely adverse to coming here, meaning he holds something against you, Zecora. It adds up!" Much to my surprise, Zecora started laughing. "My pony friends, you do not see! Your friend Spike holds no grudge against me." "Then why-?" "Because I owed her." Spike had just entered. "Spike, my dragon friend, what is this foolishness you speak? My friends do not owe me, I simply give them what they seek." "And my friends don't work for free, they get what they've earned. But I didn't have enough bits saved to pay you back for your help," I had never heard Spike being so honest and up-front. "So wait," I said, "that fuss you made about not coming here...was all because you were too stubborn to not pay? Do you even realize what we've accused Zecora and Rarity of because of that fuss you made?" "What? Wait, you didn' thought...oh, god-!" Spike began to laugh, at first just a chuckle, but becoming uncontrollable giggling. After a moment he calmed down enough to explain. "Don't you think I would have told you right away if Zecora was the mare? No, Rarity's been seeing this one unicorn...I have no idea what her name is, but I want to call her Colgate..." "Spike!" Rarity was fuming. "Hey, if it's any consolation, Pinkie Pie's got it for Twilight. And truth be told, I think Twilight's in denial about returning the feelings-" "Spike!" this time it was my turn. The room was dead silent for a moment, broken only by a unanimous fit of laughter from all of us. We were all embarrassed, but none of us were afraid to be judged by each other. It was a misunderstanding, and nothing more.
Star-Crossed Ponies (Unfair Shipping Act II)
<p>Continued from &quot;And None of them Lived Happily Ever After&quot;.<br /><br />Twilight, Pinkie and Spike have begun their journey in search of the root of what Twilight calls &quot;Shipping Syndrome&quot;, a case of emotional development which alters a pony&#39;s preferences and causes them to become infatuated with another pony, regardless of gender, and (as Twilight now suspects) regardless of orientation. But Pinkie Pie has already fallen victim to this syndrome, and her obsession is Twilight! Pinkie knows that the feelings are just an illusion, but they&#39;re deeply embedded in her mind. Will Twilight be able to keep the situation under control, or will she, too, become corrupted by the syndrome and return the feelings Pinkie has for her?<br /><br />Find out in &quot;Unfair Shipping&quot; Act II: Star-Crossed Ponies!</p>
"So where are we off to now?" Spike seemed eager to get going, and I couldn't blame him. It was still morning, but the midday sun would be glaring down on us before long. We'd have to make quick work of our travels. Trouble was, I didn't even know where we were supposed to go. Fortunately, Rarity spoke up. "Might I suggest sending a letter to the princess requesting advice?" Facehoof. Of course, that would be the obvious first move. If anypony would know what's going on, it would be Princess Celestia. In my haste to go in search of the answer, I had completely overlooked the obvious. Yes, writing to Princess Celestia would be a good place to start. But then I realized - Spike probably wouldn't have brought any scrolls or ink. Why would he? I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, though. "Spike, you didn't happen to bring paper, did you-?" "Twi, you're lucky you have the best assistant ever. I almost didn't pack it." He pulled from his backpack a roll of paper and an ink quill. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Go ahead," he said, putting the quill to the page. "Dear Princess Celestia, It has come to my attention that an odd disturbance has arisen in the social tendencies of Ponyville, and likely all of Equestria, in the past week and a half. Most of the ponies in Ponyville have developed what I now refer to as "Shipping Syndrome", an emotional development which alters a pony's sexual preferences, and increases their desire thereof, leading them to almost immediately enter a romantic relationship with another pony, regardless of their gender or their original orientation. The likelihood that this is a serious issue and not just a coincidence is very high. I have set out upon a quest to discover the origin of this "Shipping Syndrome" and humbly request your advice as to what action might be ideal to take in order to unearth the root of this problem. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle" When Spike had finished writing, he breathed the letter into emerald flame. I watched as the resulting cloud of smoke drifted off toward Canterlot castle. About five minutes later, Spike coughed up the reply from Canterlot. Much to our surprise, rather than the typical teal scroll with golden-yellow seal Celestia usually sent in response, the parchment was indigo, with a silver-white seal. Spike began to read aloud. "It says... 'Twilight Sparkle, my elder sister is currently away from Canterlot on urgent business, and has left me to answer her letters for her. Although I am not nearly as knowledgeable or powerful as my sister, I will assist you in any way I can. Though my hooves are tied at the moment as it were, I will inform the guards here that they are to allow you and your traveling companions into the castle if you should come to Canterlot Castle seeking use of the library. Until my work has finished, however, I will be unable to assist you in any other manner. But make no mistake, I do acknowledge that this is an issue which may potentially impact Equestria's economy, and that at the heart of it all must be a source of change which may impact elements of Equestrian society even more influential than romance and desire. I do sincerely wish to assist in any way I can. Signed, Princess Luna.' Man, of all the times for Celestia to be out of town!" "I don't think it'll be too much of a problem," I said, "Celestia tells me she spends majority of the daylight hours studying magic and Equestrian history. I get the feeling Luna is much more knowledgeable and skilled than she lets on. Anyway, we should get going to Canterlot. It may take us a few days to get there even if we make good time." Midday was brutal, as expected. The journey took us through flatlands and grassy fields, but insects were everywhere and the humidity was high. It was a welcome reprieve when Luna took over the sky at dusk. I conjured up a couple tents and we settled in for the night. Rarity agreed to share a tent with Zecora, and Pinkie Pie was paired with me so I could keep an eye on her like she requested. That night I lay awake, and my thoughts drifted to Pinkie Pie, who was already fast asleep. Her breathing was hypnotically rhythmic, and I felt like I could sense her very existence. Her personality seemed to flow through every breath she took. I lay there, listening, for many hours. It was comforting to have Pinkie Pie there. To know that she placed her full trust in me...I did love her... NO! Pinkie was counting on me. I couldn't let thoughts like those worm their way into my mind if I was going to help her. If I couldn't maintain self-control, how would I help her maintain her own? I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to fall asleep. I fell into a dream, but all I could see was darkness. I felt myself stand up, move over slightly, and settle down again. I felt a gentle warmth. The dream remained like this for some time, until I eventually felt a soft, frizzy mane against my face. I woke up and jumped back. This couldn't go on. I was losing control, I was falling victim to the same problem Pinkie Pie was having, but it was worse. I didn't have the self-control to stop it when I was asleep. How would she have reacted had she woken up during my momentary transgression? I needed to fix this, and I needed to do so quickly.
Star-Crossed Ponies (Unfair Shipping Act II)
<p>Continued from &quot;And None of them Lived Happily Ever After&quot;.<br /><br />Twilight, Pinkie and Spike have begun their journey in search of the root of what Twilight calls &quot;Shipping Syndrome&quot;, a case of emotional development which alters a pony&#39;s preferences and causes them to become infatuated with another pony, regardless of gender, and (as Twilight now suspects) regardless of orientation. But Pinkie Pie has already fallen victim to this syndrome, and her obsession is Twilight! Pinkie knows that the feelings are just an illusion, but they&#39;re deeply embedded in her mind. Will Twilight be able to keep the situation under control, or will she, too, become corrupted by the syndrome and return the feelings Pinkie has for her?<br /><br />Find out in &quot;Unfair Shipping&quot; Act II: Star-Crossed Ponies!</p>
I had two options: the first was that I could tell Pinkie Pie what had happened, and for both our sakes switch tents with Zecora so this wouldn't happen again. This was the most honest choice, and to a point seemed the best answer. But I couldn't bear to tell Pinkie Pie that I had failed. Not after she had placed immeasurable trust in me. My other option was to not tell her, and take no countermeasure. This idea was MUCH easier. However, if I were to take that course I would run the risk of something else happening, and she might find out anyway. A compromise soon presented itself to me. Upon arrival at Canterlot Castle, Luna would most likely provide lodging for us. We would all have our own rooms regardless, so I would be able to avoid spending another night with Pinkie. A small part of me was disappointed at that thought, but I suppressed it to the best of my ability. With the guarantee of individual rooms in mind, the only issue was to make sure we didn't spend another night camping out. We needed to get to Canterlot Castle by the next evening at the very latest. I decided to take action while everyone was still asleep. I stepped outside the tent and took a look around. It was the dead of night, some time between three and four in the morning. We were in a clearing, but about a hundred feet to the left was a tall cliff. I recognized it; it was one of two, identical cliffs, the second of which was within about ten miles of Canterlot Castle, a reasonable walking distance. It only took me a split second to form a plan in my head. I set to work. Back inside the tent, I began to hear a gentle pitter-patter of raindrops telling me my plan was set in motion. "KYAAAAA!" Right on cue Rarity's piercing scream came from the next tent over. I ran outside pretending to wonder what the issue was. "Rain...inside the!" The small hole I tore in the top of the tent was serving it's purpose perfectly. With everypony now up from the screaming, I suggested that we move beneath the cliff to stay sheltered from the rain. Fortunately, nopony was awake enough to cognate that I could just fix the ripped part of the tent. Once we were all set up underneath the cliff, and I was sure everyone was fast asleep, I stayed outside for a moment and teleported myself to the other, identical cliff. Nothing there. It looked exactly like the one we had just moved to. I teleported back. Focusing on our entire group, I channeled our collective existence into my magic and teleported the entirety of our camp to the second cliff. You couldn't tell the difference, and they wouldn't be able to, either. I breathed a sigh of relief; I had spared Pinkie Pie, and myself, a horrible devastation at the hands of my lack of self-control. Instead of returning to the tent, I spent the rest of the night next to Spike, who had chosen to sleep outside. Morning broke, and our journey continued as though nothing had happened. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Dear god, did I really write that? This chapter is quite a nightmare, I apologize to all the readers. I felt like I was on a roll from chapter 3, so I didn't even question what I was writing. I am sincerely sorry you had to read this. That said, I don't take this chapter back. I handled it poorly, but the events of this chapter are necessary for what is yet to come in the story.
Star-Crossed Ponies (Unfair Shipping Act II)
<p>Continued from &quot;And None of them Lived Happily Ever After&quot;.<br /><br />Twilight, Pinkie and Spike have begun their journey in search of the root of what Twilight calls &quot;Shipping Syndrome&quot;, a case of emotional development which alters a pony&#39;s preferences and causes them to become infatuated with another pony, regardless of gender, and (as Twilight now suspects) regardless of orientation. But Pinkie Pie has already fallen victim to this syndrome, and her obsession is Twilight! Pinkie knows that the feelings are just an illusion, but they&#39;re deeply embedded in her mind. Will Twilight be able to keep the situation under control, or will she, too, become corrupted by the syndrome and return the feelings Pinkie has for her?<br /><br />Find out in &quot;Unfair Shipping&quot; Act II: Star-Crossed Ponies!</p>
"How long are you going to keep lying to that poor filly?" Rarity had pulled me away from the group about an hour after our departure from the camp. Upon her inquisition, I gave her a skeptical look. "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Do not lie to me, Twilight Sparkle. I know what you did, and I have a hunch as to why. As your friend, I will respect your privacy and keep this between the two of us. But Pinkie Pie is my friend as well, and so help me, Twilight Sparkle, if you do anything to upset her..." "I wouldn't do anything to hurt her." "It's not something you can control, though, is it?" I was silent. "Oho, was I correct? Why Rarity, you are a talent!" " did you figure it out?" "Twilight, for shame. I am a skilled craftspony, surely you know that the first thing on my mind when I see torn fabric is the question of how I might go about mending it? Yet you said we should move underneath the cliff. Why? It's clear to me that you wanted us to be in that particular spot." "You figured it all out from that?" "Well, that's when I began to get suspicious. From then on I made myself aware of your activity. But enough of that. Twilight, you must find a way to repress your feelings. You must. Pinkie Pie is counting on you to help her control her emotions, but you won't be of much help to her if you can't control your own emotions-" "I KNOW THAT!" I shouted, rather louder than I had intended. It was frustrating, since I had already told myself those same words many times over since this ordeal had begun. I sighed. "Look, Rarity, we just need to get to Canterlot castle. Luna will give us all separate rooms. I won't have to worry about hurting Pinkie Pie's feelings, and I also won't have to risk another deviation." "And what will you do if Pinkie Pie asks you to stay in her room? Twilight, you know she will. You know that there's more to this situation than just who sleeps where tonight. You've never been one to ignore the facts, so please, don't start now. Not when there's so much on the line." "...You're right. But I need time. I need to think of a permanent solution." "Indeed, Twilight, you need time. But time is exactly what you're running out of. I can make sure the rest leave you alone and give you space so you can think. But once we get to the castle it's all up to you. I can't keep helping." With that, Rarity went to the rest of the group. She was true to her word; they left me alone for the remainder of the journey. It was dusk when we reached Canterlot, and well after dark by the time we made it to the castle. "Twilight Sparkle, and company," I said to the guards, "here on invitation from Princess Luna." The guards stepped aside, and we were permitted to enter. To be continued in Act III: The Puppeteer!
Explosions 6: Revenge of the implosions
<p>Everything exploded! And then un-exploded!</p>
Chapter Explosion (A sequel to explosions 5, in which ponyville exploded) Moments after ponyville's explosive, grimdark end, it imploded, restoring its old state. Twilight was confused. Rainbow Dash was happy her wings somehow grew back. Fluttershy eventually worked up the courage to go outside again.
Main 6,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ponies Discover /CO/
Ponies discover their fan community. What looks horrible turns into a rather humorous episode.
<p>Pinkie is given a special gift that gives her a window into a fandom they never knew existed. But when she shares this with her friends, things don't go exactly according to plan. On top of that, a special mission from the mayor? Timing couldn't be worse </p><p><i>Written for the enjoyment of the fan community on /co/ during the three week episode drought after Call of Cutie, this comedy is, nevertheless, very enjoyable to any fan. Modeled take place like an unlikely episode and remain in character, keep in mind that due to the nature of /co/, there is an adult reference warning.</i></p>
“So, what’s this thing you wanted to show us, Pinkie?” Twilight trotted into the bakery, a look of wary skepticism on her face. She’d long since learned that Pinkie was quick to make excuses to bring everyone together. That pony just always needed someone to talk to, even if her definition of “talking” involved mostly everyone else listening. “Yeah, what’s so important to get us all here?” Rainbow Dash hovered a few feet off the ground before settling her hooves on the hardwood floor. “I was busy.” “Nappin’ ain’t busy, Dash.” The Texan accent didn’t hide the playfulness of her jab. “But I am curious. What’cha got for us this time, sugarcube?” “Well, it all started when I went to see Celestia after that summons thingy that she sent a—“ Rarity’s eyes became saucers and sparkled with some inner magic. “You went to see Celestia?” “Oh yeah, silly, I was there to deliver some baked good, like cake, and muffins, and icing, and Mr. and Mrs. Baker gave me TWICE as much because they knew I’d eat half of it on the way and I did but I delivered the other half just fine except maybe a hoofprint or two in the icing where I tasted it, you know, just to see if it was still good after that LOOONG trip, and it was. But after I delivered it, I got hungry again and I was like ‘Where is there better candy than Canterlot’ and then I was like ‘NO where’ so I started to go to all the shops and someone—“ “Pinkie, can ya cut to the chase?” Applejack sat down on her haunches and adjusted her hat, already suspecting that this might be one of the longer visits. “I’m not done with the plantin’ this season.” “I was JUST getting to that before you interrupted me.” Pinkie’s annoyance vanished as fast as that sentence left her mouth, a swiftness that approached the speed of light. “So, Celestia must have heard I was there or something and was like,” Pinkie stood on her hind legs, flourishing gestures with her hooves as Celestia might have, but only if she had about ten or fifteen cups of coffee. “ ‘Pinkie Pie, I have heard from my student’s letters that you are very qualified to arrange parties, and I’d like to make an official request for you to help organize my other planners for tonight.’ And I was like ‘Well, I got my delivering done today and so I have time and I love parties and I’ve always wanted to plan a party in Canterlot so sure thing, miss!’ Then I thought ‘Is a princess a miss or a misses?’—“ “Wait, darling!” Rarity’s eyes dazzled over with stars. “What was the princess wearing? You simply must tell me you suggested one of my outfits. If word got around that a mysterious pony was designing outfits for the princess herself . . . ” She breathed a longing sigh, some romantic fantasy taking her far away from reality. “Hold on,” Dash, several feet in the air again, lounged on nothing by the flaps of her wings. Through her expression, she made sure everyone saw her boredom. “Where is this story going? I’m way behind on my nap.” “It was a pajama party, Rarity, so I don’t think so—“ Twilight narrowed her gaze. “You made Princess Celestia attend a . . . pajama party.” “Of course, silly, how else could we play truth or dare?” As everyone fell quiet, trying to compute the logic, Fluttershy took the rare chance to speak “Umm, I . . . guess that explains why the sunrise started . . . five different times this morning. The roosters were so embarrassed.” Pinkie broke out into a giggling fit, snorting every couple of laughs. “Yeah, that was me. But she also gave me something I wanted to show you. You know, Dash, how sometimes I get the feeling that people are watching us and it’s always when things are just a little bit exciting or crazy and you always tell me I’m so random and I’m like ‘But Dash! I KNOOOWW someone is watching me, this isn’t like that time with the oatmeal—‘ ” “Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash shouted in impatience. “Oh right. Well, I asked Celestia about it in one of the Truths and she said ‘Here, child, with this you will see who watches you’ and she gave me this book thing that opens but you can’t turn its pages you have to hit these buttons and it was on this scroll called /CO/.” “Slash See Oh Slash?” The ponies replied in more or less unison, but with ample confusion. “Yeah, this thing shows me /CO/.” “Let me see if I follow, Pinkie.” Twilight said with her casual reserve, but a subtle edge of interest could not be mistaken. “You went to see Celestia." “Ya huh!” Pinkie sprung, all four feet into the air, each time she answered. “And you asked her if people watch us.” “Ya huh!” “And she said yes.” “Yes!” “And this book she gave you shows these people.” “EXACTLY!” The springing turned into hyperactive bouncing. “Not them exactly but what they say about stuff they see us do and some pictures of us and some fake pictures that they drew being all artsy drawry.” Rainbow Dash stared down her nose at the strange, sideways book-thing, mouth open in curious contemplation. She swooped down to the book and settled close to the table which it knelt in Pinkie’s home. “/CO/ Comics and Cartoons.” She read out loud. “I do like comics.” With her pony hooves, she began to bump the glass over the scroll. “Umm, Pinkie?” Failing to move it like a scroll, she tried to find the seam to turn the page. “What kind of dumb comic is this that only has one page?” “But it’s a real loooooong page, see!” In a blink, you would have missed it. Pinkie just stepped over to Rainbow Dash as if distance did not exist. “Use the buttons, silly.” She casually nudged Rainbow Dash to the side and her hooves began to work over a series of small buttons, singling out the down facing arrow. “This moves the scroll up or down.” Applejack approached the duo, watching Pinkie’s dexterous hooves fly over the keyboard. She lifted her forelimb and tried to press the “U” button and managed to press everything from “V” to “0”. “How are ya pushin’ those tiny buttons with your big clod hoppers?” Pinkie blinked at AJ, turning the idea over in her mind. A rare moment of silence from her. “Darlings!” Rarity now found her place next to the book, squeezing between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. “Aren’t we all forgetting what’s important in this conversation? People are TALKING about us.” She gracefully straightened one back leg and one forelimb, striking an elegant pose. “Their eyes are on us. Clearly, they chose to admire the most beautiful, interesting pony of Equestria!” There was the slimmest pause as she brought down her hooves. “And her friends, of course.” She added a nervous laugh when she saw Rainbow Dash’s unamused stare, and quickly turned to Pinkie. “You must tell me dear, what are they saying?” “Oh lots of things, they talk all the time and they say all sorts of stuff, some of it I don’t understand but a lot I do.” Pinkie scrolled down the page until several images of Rarity appeared. “They like you a lot Rarity, and your pictures are pretty.” Her eyes dazzled as she read a few comments. “Their favorite pony!” “Yeah, but I think they are bad speller-writer-ponies, sometimes one tells the other that they spelled ‘Pinkie Pie’ with all the wrong letters.” If Pinkie could understand or perceive the sour look on Rarity’s face, it would have been impossible to know past those innocent eyes. “I’m sure they do.” Rarity turned her attention back to the screen. “At least some love m---What is THAT?” Rarity’s contemptuous hoof pointed at the screen. “What invasive ruffian took a picture of me sopping wet.” She paused to read the comment. “I look BETTER in straight hair?! The fashion stooge does not understand how this hair compliments the lines of my face and makes me pop when amongst a crowd. Next picture, dear, and hurry. I cannot stand to look at that a moment longer.” Pinkie pressed the button marked “pg dn”, moving past the offender’s comment. “What is this?” Rarity’s eyes narrowed on the next that stood in her view. “This is one of the arty-drawry things I mentioned.” She paused to think. “Draw fag, I think they call it.” “It’s--it’s . . .” Rarity took a moment, drinking in the details of the lines and colors. “All wrong! The pose fails to capture the essence of my personality, and the curls are too many, it looks garish. My hooves are shinier in real life and my colors are accented better in a black background. Quickly, Pinkie, show me more. Has anyone fixed these glaring issues?” Pinkie rapidly tapped the arrow keys, moving the page yet further down, passing many more pictures. “Hey,” Applejack smiled. “there’s one of m—“ The lines cast by her eyebrows drew in as she saw it disappear. “Pinkie, slow down, I do want to see what their sayin’ about more than just one pony.” She cast a glare at Rarity who let out a frustrated breath and turned her nose up and away from the country girl. “Sure!” In a blink, Pinkie scrolled back up and Applejack grinned again at the sight. “Why, heh, heh. My eyes sure look funny in that one. What am I sayin’, ‘so much pony?’” The Rainbow Dash and Twilight began to crowd around for a closer look. Dash was the first to start giggling, and after a moment, the entire troop had a good laugh, including Applejack. “Heh, heh. Alright, anymore of me?” Pinkie continued scrolling. “There’s one! I . . .” She narrowed her eyes again. “I look kind of funny again.” Dash skipped giggling and broke into an outright laughs to see AJ’s face contoured into an expression that was perhaps exaggerated disgust. Twilight and Rarity joined in less this round, and AJ did not laugh at all. “Any without me makin’ a face?” A dozen pictures passed. In one, AJ waved her arms about while mouthing “oo-ooo-ooo,” another was of her contorted in anger. The final straw was a shot of AJ repeatedly falling to the ground in a variety of faceplants. Twilight blushed for her friend, and Rarity averted her eyes from the screen. Pinkie Pie merely scrolled when asked, while Dash was banging her hoof on the ground, rolling in laughter. “Ha, ha, ha!” “I don’t get it.” Applejack began to back away from the screen, her head held low to the ground. “The pictures are silly lookin’ for sure, but do those ponies say anythang about me?” Pinkie shook her head. “Only this song!” With a click of a button, the book started to sing to them: Who’s a silly pony? (Who’s a silly pony?) Who is? (You is) Applejack Bumping into gates and knocking over fences Who is? (You is) Applejack As the song continue to play, AJ’s head began to sink lower and lower. At the second mention of her name, AJ laid down on the ground, covering her face with her hat and hooves. All day long you trot around Looking at the apples on the trees Dreaming all your pony dreams Licking lips so greedily. Pinkie was bobbing her head side to side with bellows of the tuba. Rainbow Dash’s voice could be heard over the song as she thrashed around on the ground, kicking out with hooves and clutching herself with forelimbs. “Make it stop! Oh Celestia, make it stop! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! It hurts too much!” “Yes, Pinkie, I think it’s time to stop it!” Twilight called out over the singing book. Pinkie nodded her head, “Okay,” a click halted the music. Applejack didn’t move, only her nose stuck out from under her cowpony hat. “You alright, AJ?“ Twilight’s hooves clattered a few steps closer. Applejack pulled the brim of her hat down and covered over her snout. “Oh . . . kay,” She turned away from her friend and walked with lethargic steps over to the computer. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to keep reading these things, Pinkie?” “WAIT! Hold on!” Dash swooped in and stood between Twilight and the computer. “Other ponies got to hear about themselves, and it’s MY turn!” “That’s my point, I’m not sure it’s good for us to hear.” “Psh! I’ll be fine! What bad thing could they possibly say about Equestria’s number one flier?” Dash turned around and faced the computer, a wide and eager grin on her face. “What do they say about Rainbow Dash!” “Oh, they like you! They say you love candy.” Pinkie moved the screen down until a picture of Dash poking through clouds appeared. “Aww, look at me!” Dash raised her head and shook out her mane, letting it fall over her shoulders anew. She raised the stem of her tail up high and arched it proudly. “I look *so cute*!” With Pinkie blabbing away and Rainbow Dash preening, they continued to admire pictures. They commented on various naps or smiles or game-faces of Dash. Twilight rolled her eyes at the massive ego the pegasus would undoubtedly have after this. It already dwarfed a dragon, and may eclipse Equastia if it found physical form now. “What’s candy vag?” Dash asked while viewing a new picture. “I dunno, but it’s candy!” Pinkie bounced into the air at the thought. “Which I always thought was weird because I thought I liked sweets more than anyone here but they always say you like it, especially this vag stuff which might be some pegesus only candy or something.” “I do like candy, so maybe they’re right.” Dash began to puzzle her thoughts. “Maybe this?” Pinkie paused over a picture of a man in a brown suit that said spoiler. “That’s a monkey, Pinkie.” A little amusement colored Twilight’s voice. “No, silly! Behind him. The picture has a name called ‘Pinkie_licking_candy_vag.’ I wonder when I did that.” Pinkie moved her hoof across the book and a click opened the picture. Rarity fainted. Rainbow Dash grew pale as a doe and froze with an open jaw. Twilight shut her eyes tight and nearly destroyed the book with a magical telekinetic backlash. Pinkie raised her hoof to scratch her chin. “Hmm, I don’t think I’ve done that before.” Another thought struck her. “And I don’t think that’s candy.” “Pinkie! Get rid of that picture!” Twilight screamed. “Yeah, it’s kinda yucky-licky-grosserific anyways.” To a collected sigh of relief, a button press ended the nightmare. Rainbow Dash slowly sank back to sitting on her haunches, face still just as pale, jaw still just as dropped. “Oh, I get it!” Pinkie said. “Candy vagina! That’s what they mean.” Applejack slowly slid her hat to the side, peaking out with one eye. “Pinkie! Please! Not so loud.” Twilight’s voice grew gravelly in mounting frustration. “That’s not a polite word.” “They . . . say I like candy . . . vagina?” Time only returned a fraction of the color in Dash’s features. “In almost every shot!” In the span of a few moments, Pinkie highlighted every picture from Candy Vag Detected to Be A Dyke Pony: Eat Candy Vag. “Dyke pony!” Rainbow Dash’s wings flared out in anger. In an instant, Dash found herself scooted off to the side by a purple magical force. “Pinkie, that’s really enough.” Twilight took Rainbow Dash’s place, calling on all the command in her stance and voice that a student of the queen could muster. “Reading these has been nothing but a problem. It’s time to put it away.” “Aww, but Twilight!” Pinkie frowned, her eyes wavering and watery as she looked up to the purple pony. “It’s my gift from Celestia and I don’t want to put it away, yet.” “Pinkie, look around!” Twilight gestured with her nose and Pinkie began to follow. Rarity had fainted not but a few feet away and had remained on the ground. Applejack had resumed covering her face with her hat and holding it in place with her hooves. Rainbow Dash looked away when their eyes met, sitting on that once proud tail. “Uhh, Twilight. Where is Fluttershy?” “What?” Twilight gasped and started a canter around the room, mind resisting panic. What if she had seen that Candy Vag picture? “Fluttershy? Fluttershy!” “Over here. . .” She whispered, a sound like the rustle of a breeze. “Where?” Twilight stopped, swiveling ears while trying to get a beat on the sound. “Over here.” She huffed louder and a pair of eyes stared out of the handhold on a cardboard box. Twilight trotted to the box with an eyebrow raised. “Umm, Fluttershy?” “Yes, Twilight?” “Why are you in a box?” “Hiding.” Twilight blinked several times. “From?” “Pinkie Pie said that Celestia said people are watching us.” “You’re hiding from . . . those people, whom we have never seen or met?” “Do they talk about me?” Pinkie Pie, still by the computer, nodded her head furiously. “They named you ‘waifu!’” The box squeaked and rustled, the eyes disappearing. A bump displaced the box before it settled a few inches over. “Fluttershy, come out.” Twilight grumbled. “No,” “Argh, fine!” Twilight walked back to Pinkie, head lowered. “Pinkie, it’s time to stop reading that horrible book.” “But I just found this part where they are talking about Celestia and I really want to see, pleeease not yet!” Pinkie’s eyes began to water again as she looked to Twilight. “. . . Celestia?” Deep inside her heart, Twilight felt morbid curiosity begin to bubble forward. Celestia, her royal highness, that raised the sun and controlled the moon for a thousand years. The princess that took her in when she was a foal and raised her like her own. The kind ruler of Equestria who forgave her sister and maintained harmony between the pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies. A princess with beauty unmatched and wisdom of millennia. What could they possibly say about her beloved teacher? Celestia is untouchable by any force but the most ancient of powers. The hesitancy turned Pinkie’s eyes hopeful. “Oh, fine. Maybe we’ll get one good thing out of these creatures.” “Yay!” Pinkie bounced and began to scroll the page. The very first picture caused Twilight to flinch and a jolt of fear caused her heart to thud rapidly in her chest. “I’ve never seen Celestia angry. And I don’t want to imagine what would cause that, and especially not what she would do.” She had read legends of the time when Celestia had battled her sister Luna just before the thousand year imprisonment. Time had long since passed those legends into the realm of Ponytale, and Celestia had never spoken of that battle herself. Some geologist had posited theories that the entire world had undergone a drastic shift at that time, and lands became unrecognizable. “I never saw her angry either, in fact she seemed all smiley, happy, and sometimes even laughed at my dares that I gave her, and she told me that she’d never seen any pony like me in all her eons of life, and I said that I had never met a pony like her either, except NightMare Moon, which kind of reminded me of her except all dark and spooky and not nearly as nice as she is now as Ms. Luna, and Celestia laughed again. She has a pretty laugh.” Pinkie smiled. The next picture that scrolled past their gaze was artwork of Celestia drowning Luna with chains. Awkward feelings began to creep over her, rising slowly but intensely like a flood. “That’s an odd statement.” She said while looking at Luna’s hopeless acceptance. “Why would Celestia do that?” “They call her a dinosaur. A tyrannosaurus.” Pinkie mimicked a dragon’s cry and followed it up with several giggles. “I don’t know why.” “What?” Twilight scanned through a few posts. “Pinkie, you’re not reading thoroughly. They call her a ty—” She gasped, the word penetrating her thoughts like an arrow. “T-tyrant.” “Oh, like a ruly-kingy-meanypants. That makes a lot more sense than a dinosaur. I thought they called her that because she was old like Granny Smith, only not all wrinkly like Granny is.” The door busted open. Spike leaned a hand against the door frame to catch his breath. “There you are Twilight! Ma—. . . what happened in here?” Taken back to reality, she turned and approached Spike. “It’s not important. So, what is it?” “Mayor Mare has been looking for you.” He paused, looking over the room one more time. “Or more she told me to look for you and give this message she dictated.” Unraveling a scroll, he began to read it off in his casually official way: On behalf of the town of Ponyville, I request that you, personally, Twilight Sparkle, gather your friends and address this town crisis. The fairyfolk of the EverFree forest have expanded one of the borders of the woods to the edge of our central river. We must make sure they do not expand the forest into the river itself and turn it into a swamp, as it’s vital for this town’s way of life. Your expertise in diplomacy makes you the most qualified pony in the town to negotiate with the fae and ensure the safety of the town, With regards, The Mayor. The new town envoy glanced behind her, her mind already at work in formulating a plan. Pinkie glanced away from what she was reading and met the gaze of her friend with a look of bewilderment. “Twilight, are you black?” Twilight’s head lowered until her nose nearly touched the ground and she breathed out a frustrated groan. We’ll return to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, right these messages! Only on the HUB!
Main 6,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ponies Discover /CO/
Ponies discover their fan community. What looks horrible turns into a rather humorous episode.
<p>Pinkie is given a special gift that gives her a window into a fandom they never knew existed. But when she shares this with her friends, things don't go exactly according to plan. On top of that, a special mission from the mayor? Timing couldn't be worse </p><p><i>Written for the enjoyment of the fan community on /co/ during the three week episode drought after Call of Cutie, this comedy is, nevertheless, very enjoyable to any fan. Modeled take place like an unlikely episode and remain in character, keep in mind that due to the nature of /co/, there is an adult reference warning.</i></p>
“Alright everyone, listen up!” Widening her stance, Twilight had a skill of commanding attention when she projected her voice. Some lessons from watching the queen were invaluable to her. “Ponyville needs our help. The fae side of the forest is, at the least, an overnight march up the river.” The ponies began, one by one, to turn their attention to Twilight. Applejack had shifted her hat back to see, even if she hadn’t gotten up. Rainbow and Pinkie had merely to turn. Rarity, who had recovered consciousness some time ago, if not footing, rolled to her hooves and shook herself. “Pack pro—” A shuffling of Fluttershy’s cardboard box interrupted her. Clearing her throat, Twilight began again. “Pack prov—” The box rustled and bumped, again. Twilight’s shoulders slumped as she watched the box continue to bump and slide, inch by slow inch, until the handhold lined up for a view and Fluttershy’s eyes peeked out see. “Pack provisions, please. I’ll need all my friends for this.” A procession of ponies filed for the door, Rainbow Dash swooping under the low door frame, followed by Applejack’s determined trot. Four yellow legs sprouted from the bottom of the box and Fluttershy toddled for the door. “Am I going to find out what happened in the room back there?” Spike, while young, had developed sensitivity to Twilight’s moods through experience. As they walked back to the library, he couldn’t help seeing her slumped shoulders. Not to mention, he’d have asked anyways, from sheer curiosity after seeing half the ponies on the floor. “I’m afraid not, Spike. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now, and I can’t even begin to think how I would explain things to an adult dragon, let alone a baby one.” “We all do embarrassing things at Pinkie parties, it’s alright.” He lifted a scaled hand to pat her mane. “What?” Twilight looked back in confusion. “Oh, never mind. I’m going to need a few things, Spike. My letter to Celestia is already two weeks late, and I can’t let this trip delay it. Pack the ink and paper carefully; I should have something to send when I get back.” “Sure thing,” Spike pulled out his the packing checklist and made notes. Twilight stood at the town’s edge, packed and ready. Her clipboard and pin hovered in front of her with magical energy. The act of organizing for the trip had calmed her nerve. From making lists, compiling supplies, and seeing every box with a beautiful check, nothing better than organization to remove stress. Perhaps a little camping trip would be what everyone needed. The sound of a steady hoof beat caught her ear and she peaked over her clipboard. Applejack approached with two full saddlebags. Checking over the list, she ticked off one box. AJ, early as expected. “Good afternoon,” Twilight shifted the hovering board to the side and smiled to her friend. “Howdy,” A few more paces and Applejack delivered a hug to her friend, utilizing her neck and one hoof. “Umm, happy to see you?” Twilight raised an eyebrow in a mixture of surprise and curiosity. “You too, sugarcube.” “Having to go hiking now isn’t going to bother you, is it? I know the planting is not done.” “It’s not a problem. Big Mac said he’s going to show AppleBloom a thing or two about plantin’ while I’m away.” “Okay, but what’s with the face?” “W-what face?” Applejack’s eyes darted to the side. “I ain’t makin’ no face.” “That’s kind of the point. You look kind of . . . blank. It’s starting to appear a little creepy.” “Oh, h-how do I make it less jeepers peepers?” “Maybe a . . . smile?” “Woo, woo!” Pinkie’s loud, never ceasing voice called out and Twilight made a quick check to her clipboard. Never could tell when she’d arrive, so her name was dead center on the list. “Hey, guys!” She bounced until she was close and then merely bounced in place. “Ohmigosh, I’m so excited to go on this trip! A camping party, what could be more fun? We’ll have smores and clear water and sing marching songs and—” Pinkie caught sight of Applejack’s grinning, staring blank-face. “Ahhh!” Her bounce sent her backwards to her rump before she began to giggle uncontrollably. “Got me, AJ! Ha, ha, hee, hee! That was a good one!” Catching a glimpse of Applejack, Twilight grimaced. “Actually, go back. Smiling makes it look far worse.” With a nervous bite of her lip, she resumed a more serious, expressionless mask. “Yoohoo!” Rarity’s controlled voice came from not a great distance away as she approached the two friends in a graceful trot. “I do apologize for this fashionable lateness, I had a great deal more to pack than I anticipated and lost all track of time.” “It’s alright, Rarity.” Pinkie said, still giggling. “You still beat out Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.” “Actually,” A hushed voice came from behind the pink pony. “I’ve been here awhile.” Twilight peeked over Pinkie and found a small, brown box that looked oddly familiar. Her pen and checklist clattered on the ground. “Oh . . . great.” “Oh, Fluttershy.” Pinkie stood back on her hooves. “You are the best at Hide and Seek. Can I go next?” “Umm, I’m not playing Hide and Seek, Pinkie . . . But I am hiding.” Twilight approached the box after making a quick tick and a note for all the ponies present. “Fluttershy, you can’t stay in that box forever.” “Oh, of course not, Twilight, I know that. After this trip, I’ll get a new box.” Twilight nearly bruised herself with how hard she facehoof’d. “At least tell me you can walk.” In response, the box raised on four meek, yellow legs. “For this trip, I suppose it’ll do.” She collected her clipboard and checked over her list. Only Rainbow Dash left. At least, that was as expected. After only a few minutes, Pinkie had already convinced someone to play tic-tac-toe, despite the fact that Pinkie’s skill was impossible to beat. Fluttershy had accepted and somehow manipulated a stick out the handle-hole to mark down X’s. “Rainbow Dash is later than normal.” Rarity chimed in. As poised and elegant as she was, she could still be prone to getting antsy. “Speak of the devil,” Applejack said. “Or next best thing to ‘em. Howdy, Rainbow Dash.” Curving in a slow arc down, Rainbow Dash banked casually and brought herself up to the group before landing. “Everyone ready to go?” Twilight only just marked off the last check and set the clipboard in her bag when she had a strange feeling about the pegasus. She leaned in slightly and studied Dash from hoof to head. “Is something different about you today?” “W-why’d you say that?” Rainbow leaned back, raising one forelimb in agitation. “Oh, Celestia!” Rarity’s pupils dilated from shock. “You’ve brushed your mane!” “Yes,” Dash pounced on answering before thinking it through. “No! . . . Maybe?” “Why’d ya brush your hair before a camp out?” Applejack stepped forward with her blank, staring face. Rainbow Dash backed off both fore limbs and on to her haunches, staring at Applejack in startled confusion. “You look great, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie sprang up to her feet, bouncing in anticipation. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. Pinkie’s interference would at least save her the trouble of asking or explaining between the two tom-boys. “That’s enough for surprises today.” “Aww . . .” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Except yours, I at least expect Pinkie surprises.” “Yay!” “Rarity,” A purple glow hovered a map in the white pony’s direction. “I’ll need you to pick a camping spot to pitch tents. You’re attention to detail is what we need. As for the rest,” She turned toward the river and shook out her mane, a smile gracing her lips. “We’re off. Hopefully, by this time tomorrow, we’ll have a deal struck with the Fae.” Twilight took the lead, setting a steady pace for the troop, and each one began to file behind her. Applejack followed next and Rainbow Dash hovered lazily back and forth, occasionally flying up high for a better view. Rarity followed behind Applejack, and a short little box on four legs took up the rear. Pinkie Pie sporadically moved up and back in short bursts as she paused between ideas. “Do you think this makes us a party like those people that go on huge adventures to fight ancient evils? I mean we already did that once when we went to see Black Snooty but I didn’t think about how we were a party. It’s important because I never threw a party party before and I’m not sure what those are like--That means I get to make it up . . .” And so on and on she went. Twilight found that as long as she nodded on occasion, she didn’t have to distract herself from navigating without the map. Not that it was hard to follow a river. A few moments in, Applejack pulled out her rope, which she turned into lasso with a practiced speed. “What’d ya think I can hit, missy?” She asked Pinkie. “Ooh,” Pinkie pranced up and took Applejack’s hat in her mouth. With a flick of her neck, she tossed it high in the air. “Get that!” Just before the cap hit the ground, the lasso snatched it out of the air and landed it perfectly back on Applejack’s head. “Easy as pie.” “Easy as me?” Pinkie giggled. “Ooh!” Her eyes lit up and she picked another target. Rainbow Dash hovered back down to earth after soaring restlessly, and gave her legs something to do. She had only just started walking when she noticed Rarity looking over her shoulder at her. “Darling, would you mind walking in front of me?” Dash paused her step just as a box bumped into her. “Sorry.” The box waddled on around. “What do you mean, walk in front of you?” “It’s just a simple request.” Rarity nonchalantly tossed back her mane “And why are you requesting it?” Dash’s eyes narrowed. “It’s just awkward, is all.” Dash narrowed her eyes further. “Back there . . . watching . . . It just makes me a little uncomfortable, surely you can respect that?” “Just what are you trying to imply?” Twilight felt a tap on her flank and turned to see Applejack had poked her by tossing the lasso. “What is it?” Applejack gestured with her neck. “Your . . . neck hurts?” Applejack gestured harder with a snort of frustration. “I really don’t understand what you’re trying to get at with that,” She gestured with a hoof. “Lack of expression.” Applejack sighed, letting the mask slip only just. “Rarity and Dash are falling behind.” “Oh!” She turned the troop around to find Rainbow Dash sitting and leveling a gaze at Rarity who laughed nervously. “What’s this about?” “Oh, it’s nothing, it really is. Just a misunderstanding is all.” “She,” Rainbow Dash pointed an accusatory hoof. “is afraid to let me walk behind her.” Twilight looked between the two. “I don’t understand.” “I’ll let you walk behind me the whole way, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie sprang up excited. Dash’s brow rose with worry lines. “Not when you say it like that, Pinkie.” Twilight looked back and forth, not comprehending. Applejack tapped Twilight on the shoulder with her nose. “We shouldn’t make a big barn for a little hay. Celestia ain’t keeping up the sun forever.” Twilight nodded and turned back to the path. “Just put it on hold, you two.” She said, trotting away. “Can’t delay for this.” For a long moment, it appeared Dash’s stubbornness would win out, but at the last instant, she got up and trotted in front of Rarity, tail and nose high in contempt. Rarity breathed out in relief. From out of her bag, she pulled out a roll of paper and a pin. With a smile of excitement she began to write as she walked, using the magic of her horn. “Uh oh,” Cresting a hill, Twilight halted her progress. Behind her, she heard the thud of a cardboard box, yelp of Rarity, and another apology from Fluttershy. But in front she found a problem. The founders of Ponyville had cut through a hill to guide the river, many years ago. Since then, the hill partially collapsed. While the river’s current kept the water clear, the path on either side was obstructed by a steep dirt mound, speckled dangerously with rocks. “Hmm, this was not on the map.” Applejack brought the lasso to her side. “Musta been that doozy of a downpour. Made a mudslide over the old path.” Rainbow Dash took to her wings. “We can still make it over.” Before Twilight could point out how the rest might have a pair of reasons to not fare as well in that as Dash, Applejack spoke again. “I actually agree, this time. I think if I make it up there, I can use the rope to help the rest of y’all.” “I could fly it!” Just as Rainbow Dash grabbed the rope to zoom away, Applejack snatched the rainbow tail with her mouth and stopped Dash cold. “This is somethin’ for me, sugarcube.” She managed to get out with closed teeth only to realize her eyes followed Dash’s tail right up to—Applejack spit out the tail. “Ahh!” The sudden loss of tension sent Dash out of control and she crashed right into the dirt. She pulled her head out and screamed in horror. “My mane!” “S-sorry about that!” Dash zoomed off and out of sight, leaving every pony staring at her wake puzzled. After a minute, Twilight turned back to Applejack. “It is probably safest to let Dash take up the rope first.” “No, sir-ee.” Applejack shook her head. “I got this one.” She took up her lasso and bundled it in her mouth while tying one end to her tail. “Just bring up the bag with ya.” She said while shrugging off her packs. There was no point in arguing with Applejack once she dedicated herself to a task. “The sooner, the better.” Twilight muttered and the group watched as the cowpony approached the foot of the hill. The masked expression she had been wearing changed for a look of determination. Gaining speed with a gallop, she went full tilt up the loose dirt. Using rocks for sure ground, she bounded from foothold to foothold. “Go Applejack! Whoooooo!” Pinkie cheered a popcorn tin mysteriously in her hooves. Twilight gave that fact a fleeting thought before she heard a pile of dirt begin to slide. “Whoa!” A rock fell loose under AJ’s weight and the dirt offered no safe haven for her footing. In an instant, Twilight’s horn glowed purple, channeling magical energies. But Applejack avoided the tumble. A flick of her tail and her lasso whirled, another flick and it shot out, catching an intact tree. Pinching the rope tight in her mouth, she used the momentum of galloping downhill to swing herself and run up the side until her arc reached the top. Pinkie gasped in delight. “That was apple-nificant, apple-some, apple-mazing, apple . . . great?” Trotting up to the summit, she threw the rope down to the bottom and strutted in a pose. “HA! Who’s the silly pony, now?” Pinkie laughed and began to sing. “You is, Applejack!” “Hmm,” Twilight’s eyes narrowed. Gathering the saddlebag with magic, she attempted to lift it only to find it stayed roughly on the ground. “Hmm,” She said louder and began to unpack the bag. “Spare lasso, harmonica,” Each item floated into the air via her telekinesis. “Helmet, jump ropes, belay, mountain climbing horseshoes, harness, WEIGHTS?! APPLEJACK!” “What?” “What’s this?” The response came weakly and she casually kicked at the dirt. “Training . . . stuff.” “AJ! You were supposed to pack food!” “No I weren’t! I just normally pack food ‘cause I bake better than most. No pony ever said I had to!” “But I was counting on it!” Twilight’s belly began to rumble with the thought of missing those sweet applefritters. “And I’m countin’ on Pinkie to have packed food. She always does, too.” “That’s right!” When Pinkie moved, something unexplainable happened. One moment she was next to Rarity, the next step and she stood next to Twilight. “I brought lots of s’mores supplies! Grahams, chocolates and MARSHMALLOWS!” Scooping both hooves into her pack, she threw up a volley of white puffs that bounced across every ponies in a fluffy rainstorm. “Marshmallows everywhere!” She picked up her tin. “Oh, and popcorn. But I had only enough for one show.” “O-o-oh,” Twilight groaned with hunger pains. Concentrating to control her anger, she sent up AJ’s pack, one item at the time. Using the rope and a little magical push from Twilight, every pony made their way up the top and down the other side. Dash returned just in time to scoop up Fluttershy’s box (which squeaked in surprise and kicked helplessly in the air). As Dash set Fluttershy down, Twilight gave her a glare from head to hoof, chewing slowly on a marshmallow. “W-what?” Dash’s cheeks grew rosy. “Don’t mind Twilight, her grumpy face just matches her grumpy belly!” Pinkie came bouncing forward. “You cleaned up and,” She gasped in excitement. “I love that pink hair clip!” “Rainbow Dash,” Rarity cantered forwards and gave her a measuring look. “Wearing a hairclip of her own choice? Stars and moon, has the world come to an end?” “Y-you don’t have to make such a big deal of it.” The pegasus’ wings curled close to her body and she turned away from Rarity. “I-I think it looks nice, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy’s voice came from down below. Dash stood unconvinced. “I’m over here.” The box turned and reoriented itself. “I think it looks nice, Rainbow Dash.” “Ugh! Can’t a pony just clean up a little and not be made into a side show.” Her wings prepped for launch. “Wait, darling, wait.” Rarity’s horn glowed blue and the hairclip adjusted its angle. “You look simply lovely, dear.” Slowly, Rainbow Dash’s wings returned to rest. Without looking her in the eyes, Dash mutter. “Thanks, Rarity.” “Welp, folks,” Applejack pulled her jump rope from her pack and began to adjust the leads in her mouth. “Sun’ll be settin’ soon. Better get to a campsite.” Silently, Twilight swallowed her marshmallow and left at full trot. The sun continued its low descent, casting long shadows over the trees and hills on their journey. As half of Celestia’s orb crested the horizon, Twilight’s thoughts turned to their provisions. The trot worked out her nerves, even if her stomach continued to rumble with hunger. “Rarity, how far until the campsite?” Her eyes widened in fear. “Oh dear, the campsite!” Telekinetically, she snatched out the map and poured over it as she walked. Twilight slowed her pace. Looking over her shoulder, she made room for Rarity to move beside her, the pale pony’s eyes on the map. “Rarity, have you picked one?” “I’m afraid not, dear.” “What were you doing earlier today with that pin and paper?” “Writing a guide.” Rarity said absentmindedly. “A guide?” Twilight raised a single brow. “A guide for what?” Rarity folded the map to think, and then put it away and brought forth a rolled up piece of paper. Unfastening the band, she unrolled it. And kept unrolling it. And unrolling it. “Do you remember that promising, but flawed artwork that Pinkie showed us? All those errors on it, just the thought of more work like that coming out has preoccupied my mind for some time. Therefore, I am making this guide for all their future art if they wish to depict me. With Pinkie’s help, maybe I can get this in their conversations.” Twilight leaned over and scanned through a few rules. She skipped over the bulletin points on how to depict her hair with excruciating accuracy, and settled on the fashion section. “No winter fashion after Winter Wrap Up?” “By that time, winter fashion has grown stale. They should concentrate on spring colors.” “No green under any circumstance?” “Clashes with my tail and mane.” “Saddles only if the setting is clearly a ball or gala?” “I certainly do not want to appear so gosh as to over dress for a simple occasion.” She laughed politely. “Rarity, how many rules are in this ‘guide?’” “So far, six hundred and twenty four.” “Six hundred and twenty four?!” Twilight skidded to a stop. “So far.” Rarity corrected. “Tarm-a-shum!” Applejack stopped and spit out the jump rope from her mouth. “Now I lost count. I was tryin’ to get to a thousand before we camped. Now, it’ll be too late before the sun goes down.” She took up the ropes again and started hopping forward as the group walked. “Ahh, yes, the campsite.” Rarity lifted the map out of her pack and rolled up the scroll. “Let me guess.” Twilight’s voice lost its humor. “You’ve been working on this guide the whole trip and are just now picking one out.” Rarity folded up the sheet up, eyes wide in surprise. “How did you know?” “I think there is a pattern emerging around here.” She glanced over her shoulder and saw Applejack grunting with exertion at each hop with the heavy pack. Pinkie Pie had somehow squeezed unobtrusively into the rope’s rotation and her natural bouncing-skip seemed perfectly in tune to dodge the rope each time. “Whoo! Whoo!” Twilight groaned. “We’ll just camp at the foot of the next hill. We’ll run out of daylight if we go any farther. Please just tell me someone packed a tent?” Applejack skidded to a stop and Pinkie Pie hopped on her back with a crash and a squeak of some toy. Thinking about the question, Applejack shook her head to Twilight. Pinkie added a cheerful, “Nope!” Dash sadly mimicked AJ’s answer and Fluttershy’s box remained quiet. Twilight’s head drooped and she looked down at the dirt in front of her. “At least we’ll have Rarity’s winter clothes to sleep in.” The fashionista laughed nervously. “Oh, no!” She shot straight and pressed uncomfortably close to Rarity. “Not that, too! What did you pack, Rarity, what did you pack!?” “Well, ha, ha . . .” Rarity avoided Twilight’s eyes. “I know the plight of the artist all too well, being one myself. I simply could not leave all my admirers with a simple guide and nothing else.” Unbuttoning her bag, she telekinetically pulled a long sheet of fabric. In rustle and quick blur, the fabric fastened around her, forming into a long flowing dress, complimented by ribbons and a tasteful hat. “So I brought with me inspiration!” Lifting a forelimb and rearhoof, she struck an elegant pose and held for several heartbeats. Twilight stared with a mild look of insanity. Rarity cowered and began to fold the dress back into her bag. Dash swooped down and slowly nudged Twilight. “I-I-I think it’s time to keep moving and settle for a camp.” “I reckon I agree.” Applejack shrugged Pinkie Pie off her back (who fell into a Pinkie pile) and repacked her jump rope. “I think I can manage somethin’, Twilight.” The purple pony stumbled into a walk from Dash’s nudging. “What do you mean, AJ?” Applejack allowed herself a cocky smile. “Just leave it t’me.” At the foot of the hill, Twilight focused on the map, replanning and organizing how to finish the trip, due to their limited supplies. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy focused on composing a campfire. That was, until Fluttershy’s box caught a few sparks and she went running and shrieking in circles. Rainbow Dash pinned her and Rarity levitated a pale of water over the lapping flames. Shivering and smoke-scarred, Fluttershy refused to get out and rested by the fire until the heat dried the wilted cardboard. Twilight only sighed. The clatter of Applejack to her back, she approached the fire to take one of Pinkie Pie’s s’mores. “Pinkie,” Dash sat by the fire with a poker and marshmallow of her own, but looked off at the object Pinkie crafted. “the chocolate is on the outside. That’s not even a s’more anym—” Pinkie opened her mouth and snatched the treat with her tongue. A treat which consisted of five full graham crackers, twelve chocolate squares and 32 marshmallows, only half melted in the fire, all shaped to resemble some geometrical anomaly. “What?” She said between smacking lips. Rainbow Dash just laughed, rolling to her side. “She does that,” Twilight sat down close by. “Do you mind passing me a s’more?” With a free hoof, Pinkie handed over another concoction: two layers of chocolate and marshmallow under one pair of grahams. Twilight might have said something about the odd shape, but her hungry eyes just dazzled at the sight of food and she began to gobble the unique take on the camp favorite. “And done!” Applejack trotted proudly to the fire. The party of ponies all turned their heads to the handiwork. Using supplies of Rarity and her own, Applejack used ropes and mountain climbing gear to stake down a frame, and Rarity’s fabric to construct a patchwork canvas. The end results were two pitched tents. “That looks . . . awful.” Rainbow Dash hovered a few feet in the air and crossed her forelimbs. “Like a clothing store threw up on a sporting goods section.” Rarity bit her lips and squeaked trying to contain the outburst from seeing all her fabrics brushing against the dirt. “I ain’t makin’em pretty, Dash. I’m makin’ it so we don’t sleep under the stars next to the Everfree forest.” “They’ll do.” Twilight swallowed her s’more. Applejack joined the rest, greedily eating marshmallow after marshmallow. A powerful hunger gripped her after carrying a sack of weights, lassoing, running up a hill, and jump roping consecutively to near one thousand. After she ate to her satisfaction, she pulled out her harmonica. What initially started as a comfortable backdrop of music turned into something unholy as marshmallow gunked up the insides and Applejack tried progressively more complicated “harmonica solos.” “I think we should call it a night.” Twilight stared at the fire. The steady diet of s’more started do strange things to her blood sugar, despite feeling still a bit hungry. To her great relief, the soloing stopped. “Alright, sugarcube.” Applejack let out a big yawn. “I could use a couple extra winks anyhow.” Rainbow Dash, ears now uncovered, darted to one of the tents and swooped inside. “I call this one!” The rest went up the hill at their own pace. “Alright,” Twilight announced. “Two in the small tent with Dash, four in the big tent sounds best. Rarity, if you could go with Rainbow Dash." “Oh, no!” “Excuse me?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I’m afraid that simply won’t do. All night, in a tent alone with Rainbow Dash? I certainly don’t want to give the darling such a temptation.” “What?” Twilight’s voice turned sour. “Ah,” Rarity exhaled and spoke softly. “Aren’t you just the least bit afraid of her . . . you know?” She stared silently before moving on. “AJ, sounds like you’ll be with Dash.” “I-I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” “Don’t tell me for the same reason.” “Well . . . yes.” Applejack moved to Twilight’s side and whispered in her ear. “If I go in that tent, I’ll just end up thinkin’ bout my nethers all night.” Twilight recoiled as if slapped in the face. “First off, that’s more than I ever want to know about your nethers, second—” “I’ll sleep with Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie bounced high in the air to announce, back legs sending her near end over end. Dash’s head poked out of the covers of her tent, looking down her nose at the group in disbelief of what she just heard. “I don’t mind!” She sprang again. “No way.” Dash shook her head. “Pinkie talks and rolls around in her sleep.” She paused. “And it’d just be awkward after what she said.” Dash disappeared back into the tent Pinkie continued to bounce with cheer, Dash’s response not bothering her in the slightest. “What about Fluttershy?” Rarity looked over her shoulder at the flame kissed, wilted box. Twilight shook her head. “I need the light to write a letter to Celestia, and Fluttershy will need the light to sleep.” The box rustled with an affirmative. “So . . . it looks like we’re all sharing one tent.” Twilight looked back at everyone: at the box, at bouncing Pinkie Pie, and at Rarity and Applejack. Her head drooped nearly to the floor. Pinkie crashed hard. Almost as soon as she curled up, she started a soft, sighing sleep. The box filed to her side and the other three ponies bumped into each other for lack of room. “Ow, hold still girls,” Twilight attempted to balance the lamp telekinetically. “Sorry, Twilight,” Applejack did her best to hold still, but a gust of wind blew through the tent and a loose sleeve smacked her in the face. “Goshdarnit!” She shifted one leg and tripped Rarity as she tried to go around. Rarity cried out in distress and she stumbled toward Fluttershy. A sudden purple burst of energy stopped the white pony from crushing the box and turning the sensitive pony into a crying mess. “Just . . . lay down. Please.” To her surprise, Applejack and Rarity stretched out lengthwise in the tiny space left to them. Rarity made a horrible face to smell the sweat and dirt Applejack worked up through the day, but appeared to tolerate it for the time being. “This might work out after all.” Twilight said aloud with a smile and hung the lantern up high. Pulling her pen, ink, and blank letter from her saddlebag outside the tent, Twilight stared at the empty, daunting piece of paper. Dear Tyr- She blinked at what she wrote the full word coming like a whisper at the back of her mind. She scratched it out and began again. Dear Princess Celestia, When among friends, there comes times to make key decisions. I’ve found a democratic style of lea— The pin stopped. The image of Celestia drowning Luna came floating back to her mind. She imagined herself in that place, chains holding down as she caught the last sight of the magnificent and terrible princess. She scratched out the letter and began again. Friends rely on certain republican prin— Twilight scratched out the paper in a panic. Dictators— “GAH!” She groaned out loud and threw the pin, ink, and letter back into her bag before throwing herself back and on to the make-shift bed of fancy fabric. “Ow!” She banged into Applejack who kicked out with surprise. The kick shoved Rarity back into Pinkie, who remained asleep but rolled over the other direction, her hooves catching a rope. The rope jiggled and knocked loose the lamp. As the lamp began to fall, Applejack leaped out of bed and dove to catch the lantern and save the entire tent from a pile of broken glass. In the dive, she caught a loose sleeve and dragged the canvas with her. The ropes and stakes collapsed under her weight and the tent’s canvas, sticks and all folded in on itself. Rarity gibbered in fright, Applejack rustled and thrashed to disentangle herself. Pinkie Pie started to mention oatmeal in a sleepy daze while Fluttershy contented to stay in her box. Twilight poked her head out of the rumples and glanced around. With a great groan she flopped to the ground, belly rumbling again, not satisfied on s’mores alone. “Everyone . . . just go to sleep. Tomorrow, we need to go into the Everfree Forest.”
Main 6,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ponies Discover /CO/
Ponies discover their fan community. What looks horrible turns into a rather humorous episode.
<p>Pinkie is given a special gift that gives her a window into a fandom they never knew existed. But when she shares this with her friends, things don't go exactly according to plan. On top of that, a special mission from the mayor? Timing couldn't be worse </p><p><i>Written for the enjoyment of the fan community on /co/ during the three week episode drought after Call of Cutie, this comedy is, nevertheless, very enjoyable to any fan. Modeled take place like an unlikely episode and remain in character, keep in mind that due to the nature of /co/, there is an adult reference warning.</i></p>
The sun beat down on Twilight’s shut eyes, the brightness beckoning her up even through the closed lids. She groaned long and miserably, rolling over on the uncomfortable pile of dresses and ribbons. But the growl of her belly gave her no respite and she eventually stood up, shrugged off the blanket and shook out her mane and tail. “I declare.” Applejack yawned long and loud. “Celestia must be getting’ up extra early today.” One by one, the ponies began to rouse. Applejack and Rarity rolled up the tint and revealed a still snoozing Pinkie Pie, limbs akimbo. Fluttershy stretched out her legs and peeked out of the box at the dawning sun. “So, Twilight,” Applejack moved her saddlebags closer to where Twilight studied the map. “What’s the deal with cuttin’ through the forest?” “I’m afraid we don’t have a choice, AJ. We’ve only made half as much progress as I originally planned, and every day we fall behind, the more likely it is the fae will turn the river into a swamp. Besides . . .” Magically flicking a pebble to thud against the box, Twilight motioned for Fluttershy to join them. “Fluttershy, you are the foremost expert on flora. If we travel into the forest, do you think we could find food?” “Food?” Applejack hadn’t woken up enough to remember her plan to blank all her expressions. She straightened in surprise “From the forest? Isn’t that a might dangerous?” “AJ, you and Rainbow Dash might be able to go another full days hike on what we have. Maybe Pinkie Pie, too. But Rarity and I are not accustom to this vigorous of a physical activity. Not only that, but I need to be at my best when negotiating with the Fae in order to secure the most fair deal. Now, Fluttershy . . .” The box settled down, the legs disappeared under the flaps. A long silence passed before the large eyes appeared again, glancing nervously between Applejack and Twilight. “Fluttershy?” “I . . . think so.” She avoided their gaze. “Some wild flora may grow in the forest that I can recognize. I’ve seen it grow before, last time we were there.” “Then it’s settled.” Twilight folded the map with finality, rising to her feet. “We’ll cut through the forest and scavenge a decent meal on the way.” Applejack took in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “Alright, Twilight, if you think so.” Unfolding a clipboard list, the town envoy surveyed each pony, one check for awake and one more for packed. Rarity went to work tapping on Pinkie’s flank, but to no response. Seeing no alternative, she attempted to pull the ribbons out from the heavy sleeper’s back. “SNAKES!” Pinkie flew up into the air and ran blind for several moments before skidding to a stop. “No, wait! Just grass.” But the outcry alone was enough to send Twilight’s fur frizzing in fright. With a shaking magical grip on her pin, she checked once for Pinkie. Had to be snakes. . . Straightening herself out, she approached the second tent and found a multi colored tail hanging out the edge. “Rainbow dash? Rainbow Dash! Time to get up and pack.” The tail disappeared under the canvas. “No time to nap today. We’re already behind.” The tent stood eerily quiet. “Dash, don’t make me force you up.” After no response came, Twilight’s horn glowed and the stakes popped from the earth, causing the tent to collapse and a surprised yelp to come from inside. “Out you go, time to pack up.” A figure scrambled out from the bottom of the tent and into the sunlight for every pony to see. “CLOWNS!” Pinkie screamed and ran blindly forward. “Clowns in the tent! No, wait! Just Rainbow Dash.” Dash’s wings clung as tight as possible to her sides and she shrinked away. Her blue face was replaced with one powered white as snow. Bright cheeks were painted unevenly in red blush. Her hooves evidently struggled to hold the lipstick as one side of her mouth had an unnatural red grin. “What in tarnation?!” “Oh my goodness, darling!” Even the box rocked back with a timid squeek. Pinkie giggled and started to sing. “Na na na na na na na na na Batpony!” Dash only shrank further. “I-I-I had no mirror, okay? I’ve never tried it on before.” Her voice began to crack and tears welled up behind her magenta eyes as she rambled. “I forgot to pack a mirror and I don’t know how to wash it off and . . .” Applejack walked slowly forward and threw a forelimb around her shoulder, hugging Rainbow Dash between one limb and her neck. “C’mon, sugarcube. Let’s take you down to the river and get you all washed up.” Together, they walked down to the water’s edge where Dash stared at her reflection. Before dunking her entire head and shaking it about, water splashing violently. Applejack soaked her tail in the water and used it to wipe away what she could. “Well . . . now . . . that was unexpected.” Twilight stared after them. “Poor darling just needs an experienced hoof.” “No use just watching now.” Twilight made short work of the rest of the packs thanks to her organizational skills and a healthy talent in magic. After only a few minutes, everything was lined up, and all wore their packs except Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Twilight checked off those marks anyways and sat patiently for Dash to clean up. Some things were worth a delay. “You two ready?” Twilight rose to her hooves seeing the pair approach. Dash’s face and Applejack’s tail still dripped with water, but they were clean and Dash had a small smile on her face once more. “Yeah, oh wait!” Rainbow Dash flapped to her bag and pulled out a decorative saddle. Both Twilight and Rarity watched in stunned silence as Dash slipped it on, though her inexperience with the strap was giving her trouble. Pinkie Pie was the first to act, giving the strap a tug and a snap into place. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, you look so pretty now that you are pretending to be fancy instead of pretending to be a clown. Though I had some great hats to go with clowns!” Pulling a party hat out of her saddlebag, a minor explosion of confetti and streamers erupted from her pack. The reminder of the makeup mishap was softened by the fact it was Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash just laughed and patted her on the shoulder. “Maybe for Halloween.” All packed, Twilight led them to a low water crossing in the river, that only rose above their hooves. The hope was that they’d dry before long as they crossed into the Everfree Forest. “Stay close now.” Applejack watched the canopy of the trees with caution. “We want none of ya gettin’ lost, deep in these woods.” Applejack took it upon herself to keep eyes on the whole troop, making sure that Fluttershy didn’t fall behind or Pinkie Pie didn’t wander off. Twilight occupied herself with navigating through the jungle as it grew more and more dense. Rarity did her best to avoid various pitfalls to her coat or main. “Hey, Fluttershy.” Dash hovered over the box, looking down at the other pegasus. “Can you even see what sort of plants are around you?” “Yes, well . . . kind of.” Dash rolled her eyes. “Then can you like . . . open a hole a bit wider or something? If a meal ticket is around here,” She swooped down in front of the box so Fluttershy could see Rainbow Dash’s serious gaze. “I’d rather have you able to see it for us.” Fluttershy shrank back and let out a nervous mew. “Wait justa minute you two.” Applejack gave Dash a nudge out from Fluttershy’s view. “Don’t hassle the hay-picker, or we ain’t gonna get hay picked. Best we keep walking so as to not get separated.” Already, Twilight half disappeared in brush. Grumpy as an empty stomach made her, Dash shrugged and relented. “Oh fine.” “Thank ya, kindly.” Applejack gave her a nod then continued on. “Oh, and Dash? Stay hoverin’ above Fluttershy if you can. Might make her a little more comfortable in the forest to have you watchin’ like that.” Dash crossed her forelimbs over her chest, but took position over Fluttershy’s box. The forest grew thicker the deeper they plunged, though with only a tense quiet, boredom started to take over. With a casual movement, and a mischievous smile, Dash let her rear hoof sag low and bump Fluttershy’s box. With a gasp, Fluttershy took off at a gallop. “Whoa!” “Goshdarnit, Dash!” Applejack had no time to chastise further and went off for the out of control box. After a short hop over a fallen log, in an attempt to cut off Fluttershy, Applejack’s leg caught on a vine. She tripped into a tumble, landing hard on the ground. Weaving around trees, Dash stopped, and together with Rarity, helped AJ to her feet. Panting, AJ righted herself. “Which way did she go?” “Darling, slow down. She ran into Twilight not far ahead.” “Oh,” Applejack slowly cantered forward, catching her breath. When she heard a scream of terror, Twilight, by the sound of it, it vaguely resembled “SNAKE! HUGE SNAKE!” The trio took a single look at each other and then all dashed forward. In a small clearing, they caught sight of a frantic purple pony at full gallop. In her wake, a thirty foot long serpent with half a dozen hissing heads. In silent horror, Applejack watched Twilight take a route that led right across Fluttershy. Fluttershy dropped, her legs sinking under the (un)protective layer of cardboard and stood dead still. Unable to turn away, yell, or act, AJ watched the snake barrel straight at the helpless yellow pegasus. And then, to her surprise, on around. “Criminitly! That actually worked!” Between the wilting and the black kisses of flame, the box had become perfect camouflage in the forest. Applejack rushed in. After running an apple farm and Winter Wrap Up division for several years, she fired off orders like second nature. “Dash! Fly on up high and keep a sight on Twilight. She’s panicked and could run on anywhere. Last thing we need is to lose her in this mess.” “Got it!” Rainbow Dash snapped to attention, the ex Jr Speedster, and in a streak of color, took to the sky. “Rarity, you’re gonna need to take care of Twilight’s hysterics, I’m gonna distract that snake.” Rarity gave a determined nod. Fashionista she was, artist she was, but she never batted an eyelash at any amount of danger. She pulled away and made a straight line for Dash’s location. Applejack skidded to a stop and pulled the cardboard off of Fluttershy. “Sorry about that,” She squeeked in surprise and curled up. “Quick, snap out’a it. You know animals, and I need to know. What was that thing?” “I d-don’t know! I was just in my box I couldn’t see anything!” Antsy with adrenaline, Applejack hopped back and forth like a boxer while thinking. “Uhh, huge, really huge. Snake, had lots of heads. Chasin’ Twilight right now.” “It must have been a Hydra!” Fluttershy stretched out her legs and unfurled her wings, blood flowing through them in fear and excitement. “Whatcha know about them?” “Uhh, they don’t hunt ponies, they just defend territory. If we can all go, he’ll leave us alone.” “Right,” Applejack turned to go. “Wait! This is very, very important. There is one thing that’ll drive a Hydra into a rage. Don’t, I repeat, don’t touch it’s nest.” “Ooooooooooomelets ready!” Pinkie Pie’s voice echoed through the woods, the location hard to pinpoint. The hydra’s heads jerked in unison to the sound, as if each one had be struck at the exact same moment. One by one, the heads all turned back to Twilight and the serpent doubled its speed, hissing and barreling with reckless abandon. “Oh darn it, oh darn it!” Applejack said as fear gripped her chest. “Fluttershy! Get to Pinkie Pie NOW!” The pegasus nodded, putting on a brave face and took to the air. Applejack ran for Twilight with a speed she’s only achieved once or twice before in her life. Twilight zigged and zagged and screamed, allowing the path through the trees to dictate her direction rather than any strategy. Following the sight of Dash, Applejack caught up quickly by keeping her path straight. Shedding her bag for speed, she kept only her rope with her, which she turned into a lasso on the fly while hopping over logs and around vines. Rarity ran off to the side, her white horn glowing in a pale blue light as she channeled magic spell after magic spell. But whereas Twilight had a natural skill for this sort of thing, Rarity’s was suited to small, detailed tasks. “I can’t get Twilight’s attention and I can’t slow down the creature!” She said to Applejack who pulled up alongside. “I think I can corral Twilight to ya.” Veering off to the side, she began to twirl her rope with her tail, spinning it beautifully into an open lasso. Waiting for a clear shot, she let it fly, aiming for the panicked pony’s neck. It was at that moment she realized how tired she really was from the day before, and how the lack of proper food effected her. The strength sapped out of her and the lasso fell way short. As it went off target, a reptilian head slipped inside the open hole by luck. “Oh shoot . . .” The lasso jerked taut and flipped Applejack right off her feet. “Whoa!” The hydra didn’t slow a second with the added weight, dragging Applejack like a rag doll. It’d only take a single misplace tree to severely injure the cowpony. Rarity banked hard and channeled another spell. In a moment of inspiration she focused on the knot in Applejack’s tail and untied the crude thing. Diverting the tail end of the rope, she chose a tree in front of her and made a bow of the lasso, around the trunk of a tall oak. As the Hydra surged forward, the rope yanked taut. The huge body snapped to the side, it’s massive weight turning it over in a wave that travelled down its tail for a crash. Rarity reared up on her hind legs, kicking out in glee. “Yes!” One of the Hydra’s heads shook itself while the rest glared at Rarity. In a roaring hiss, it bit the rope clean in two and launched forward in a winding slither. “No!” Rarity planted her feet and turned the other direction. Trying to pick the most hazardous path for the beast, Rarity galloped through thick brush and around the thicker branches. The sticks and trees clawed at her perfect hair, snagged on her pack, but hopefully would be twice as difficult for the Hydra to follow. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a limb dig under the lid of her pack and snap the button. The wind from the gallop caught the flap, and carried out a single scroll of paper, with a bow that Rarity recognized. “My guide!” With the grace of a waltz, she stayed light on her hooves and turned around, reaching down to snatch up the scroll with her teeth. As the paper crinkled in her grip, Rarity stared down six heads, mouths open and fangs dripping with poison. It sparked an unusually moment of clarity of mind to know avoiding the hydra was impossible now. A thought struck her then. The art that would come from /Co/ after she was torn to pieces would be especially horrific. But Rarity was not a Jr. Speedster. Rainbow Dash had been keeping a close eye on how it unfolded and knew that turning around was a mistake for Rarity. Dash immediately rolled inverted and pulled back hard on her wings for a Split-S maneuver. Gaining airspeed in the half loop, she leveled out under the treetops, eyes finding a hole which to stream through and catch Rarity. She scooped up the unicorn the only way the path allowed, wrapping her hooves around Rarity’s back legs and clutching as tight as she could so as to not lose her in the minor pony collision. The snake’s mouths snapped at Dash’s wake, but found no flesh to sink teeth into. Dash whooped to answer the hydra’s chorus of rage. Rarity, shaken by the force of the catch, recovered her senses while hanging upside down. Feeling something between her legs, she glanced down and saw a blue face with rainbow hair between her thighs. Rainbow Dash’s ears rang with the scream of bloody murder. “Rarity, calm down, stop, OWW! Stop kicking!” But not a word of it got through as Rarity thrashed, kicked, struggled, and screamed. Dash went vertical to bleed off airspeed, but Rarity’s hoof hit Dash’s wing and sent them both into an uncontrolled spin. Too low to recover, Dash and Rarity tumbled through the treetops. Applejack laid still. Every muscle in her body ached from bruises and over work. Her frame shook with a rapid pant, lungs trying to provide what lack of nutrition could not. With a painful effort, she raised her head and looked to the sky. Rainbow Dash had gone down. Twilight ran spooked through the wild woods. Rarity had disappeared. A giant monster still lurked, thirsty for blood. Each pony separate and alone in the Everfree forest. The worst case scenario realized. Applejack pinched her eyes closed and let out a quiet sob, true despair leaking into her heart. She kicked out her legs, willed them to move despite all. Despair was an alien feeling and it raised up Applejack’s defenses. She gritted her teeth against the pain and opened her eyes to see . . . Pinkie? “There you are, silly goose.” “What are you doin’ . . .” She trailed off. Listening for it, she heard Fluttershy’s timid voice doing its best to get attention. “Pinkie, stop. Pinkie? Pinkie? This is in a hydra’s territory. Please, Pinkie, I’ve got something important to tell you.” “No one came when I called.” Pinkie smiled. Applejack attempted to get her feet under her. “It’s kinda dangerous here right now.” Fluttershy leaped up and down, waving her hooves. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say.” “Don’t worry, Fluttershy.” The pink one bent low and used her neck to help get Applejack to her feet. “Auntie Pinkie won’t just leave her friends in the forest.” Fluttershy exhaled in frustration. On her feet, AJ felt her knees sway, then stabilize. It was easier to keep in motion then it was to go from laying to standing. She started forward in a walk, to a trot, and then to a canter. “We need to get to Twilight, and find Rainbow Dash and Rarity. There is also a Hydra trying to chew our hides out there somewhere.” Pinkie sprang up and down. “I know how to get Rainbow Dash to find us!” Pinkie nuzzled open her sack and pulled out a set of Roman candles with her mouth. “fis ill pe eefee pu fee.” “A firework! That’ll be easy to see for Rainbow Dash!” “fat’s wat aye faid!” “But Twilight’s the one I’m worried about, she’s a spooked mare, runnin’ through the woods because of that gosh darn phobia of hers.” “Umm, Applejack?” Fluttershy pulled up next to her, flying a few feet off the ground. “I think I can find Twilight.” “How’s that?” “Twilight’s making so much noise that I saw her startling all the birds she passes. If I fly above the trees, I’ll probably be able to point out where she is.” A new found hope surged through Applejack’s being and gave her a burst of energy. “Alright, you do that, we’ll follow you from the ground.” Fluttershy flapped her wings and soared above the canopy. After a short pause where she looked to all sides, she darted off. Applejack kept pace with knees she’d thought buckle at any moment. But with Pinkie at her flank, she went with a confidence that she’d have help if she fell. But after a time all too short, Fluttershy drifted back below, a panicked fear on her face. “I don’t see any more birds. I don’t know where she went. I’m n-not sure what to do! I was just going to where I last saw them but I’m lost.” Applejack slowed to a stop. “We can’t stop looking now.” “Yes, you can.” A purple unicorn trotted forward. “I’m right here.” “Twilight!” Applejack lurched forward, nearly falling, but caught herself with an embrace. “Thought I lost ya seven times over. Done panicking?” A blush rose furiously on her cheeks. “I realized it wasn’t chasing me anymore and yes.” She straightened. “I’m quite done panicking.” Applejack looked over her shoulder. “If we can find Rarity and Dash and quick, we can get outta here before you-know-who shows up.” Pinkie Pie shifted her saddlebag. Sitting on her hindquarters, she dug through the bag with her forelimbs. Rarity’s voice came from the underbrush. “There they are!” A galloping pale unicorn approached, ducking under a branch. Her well groomed hair now filled with leaves and branches, some even dragging on the ground behind her tail, all shattered off from the trees during the crash and stuck in the curls. “Hi, Rarity!” Pinkie waved with a smile while digging through the bag. A pegasus swooped down next, trailed by a rainbow tail and wearing a rumpled saddle. “Hi, Dash!” Pinkie waved to her too, then resumed the bag search “Pinkie,” AJ started. “We don’t need the fireworks any—never mind.” She breathed an intense sigh of relief. “How’d you find us? I saw y’all crash.” “Yeah, about that crash,” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and glanced down at Rarity. Rarity cracked a guilty smile. “After we recovered, I saw Fluttershy above the trees and just started following.” “We got no time to lose.” Twilight stepped forward. “We’ve got to leave bef—” A terrible thud shook the very ground. Creaking timber seconds before the of fall of a massive tree, felled by the stroke of a powerful snake tail. The trunk fell behind the ponies and displaced earth to the point it sent several to their knees. “Dagnabit!” Applejack cursed. “He followed ya.” The Hydra circled around, cutting off the main route of escape. It reared up twelve feet high, the heads making a sound close to a gleeful laughing. Twilight froze stiff in fear while several of the other ponies scrambled to their feet. The serpent closed in and Applejack cast her eyes for an exit. “Help!” Rainbow Dash’s voice squeaked, halting every pony. One of the limbs of the fallen tree had caught her dress-saddle and pinned her to the ground. Dash fiddled with the strap helplessly, then surged forward climbing with all her legs and flapping with all her might. But her hooves only kicked up loose dirt. A real, terrified fear in her eyes looked back at her friends. The snake hissed in anticipation of at least one easy victim. Applejack’s heart never had beat so fast or strongly with the knowledge of sudden, imminent death. “Twilight! Your ink! Dash, your powder!” Her name shocked her out of some trance state, and Twilight magically hefted her ink over to AJ, who skid to a stop next to Pinkie Pie. Dash grasped for her bag, but to no avail. Rarity’s horn glowed blue and snatched the makeup powder from Dash’s saddle bag and tossed it, trailing the toss of the ink. Applejack caught both in Pinkie’s sack, and smashed the two bottles together underneath the canvas. Biting a loose string, she gave it a swift jerk and heard the delayed fuse of a firecracker come to life. With the last of her strength, she hefted the bag and hit the dirt, covering her ears. The saddlebag sailed through the air, fizzing with life, and landed on the nest of heads at the front of the Hydra. For a second, nothing happened, and the snake reared back to strike. But then the fireworks went off. Every party-streamer, every popgun, every confetti launcher, whoopy cushion, sound maker, spring-snake, and prank detonated at once, in a cacophony of party noise. And that excluded the concussive blasts of a firework grand finale. The powder and ink mixed together in a thick black cloud that stained everything it touched, coating every pair of eyes the hydra had with ink. Streamers erupted everywhere, many on fire, or soon to be as burning embers and rockets of every color launched in all directions. And a rain of black inked marshmallows rained down in all directions. As it all settled, the beast cried out in blind agony, thrashing through an ever expanding cloud of powder, ink and smoke. “Can you get that tree off of her?” Applejack cried out as soon as the sounds of all but the blast died down. First, Twilight had to get her jaw off the floor, a task that was by no means easy, magic talent or no. But she nodded, and concentrated on the limb that pinned Rainbow Dash. The horn and the branch glowed in a matching purple, and it began to rise off of her helpless friend. As soon as the very inch allowed, Rainbow Dash slipped out from under. “Okay, Twilight, I’m out.” The horn reached a second overglow and the entire tree was swallowed in magic light. “Umm, Twilight?” Rarity began. A third, massive overglow sprung from her horn and Twilight lifted the tree off the ground. Rotating it around, she launched the thick end into the smoke like a javelin. Whether or not it struck the creature, no one knew. But what they did know was that the wailing stopped. “Alright girls . . .” Twilight said between heavy breathes. “Let’s get out of here.” One by one, they filed out, following Twilight’s navigation. The encounter made them wary of the dark woods, and the trees loomed around them, closing in thicker and expanding out. Native and exotic sounds called through the underbrush, understood only by the creatures that made them. Nary a word passed among them in that dark place, except for the occasional giggle of Pinkie Pie. Only once they saw the river’s edge did they breath a collected sigh of relief. “CANON BALL!” Pinkie pranced forward and leaped high into the air, striking the water in a belly buster rather than actual canon ball. Rainbow Dash followed her and shrugged off her saddle. Cackling with glee and relief. She skimmed across the top of the water, dipping her legs in for a massive wake. Rarity, feeling filthy from the forest, set her bag aside and pranced neck deep into the clear waters. Exausted, Applejack was helped to the water’s edge by Fluttershy, and only dipped in a few feet to lay in the refreshing stream. Twilight made a check for every pony present, then carelessly tossed her bag and board aside, laughing playfully as she charged in. “Hey, Applejack!” Dash finally broke the silence, swimming in the deeper parts with her head above water. “That thing you did with the pack. That . . . was . . . AWESOME!” She kicked out and threw her wings and limbs into the air, splashing the water high. “That was so cool,” Pinkie joined in “I was all like gasp! And then I was ooooh, aaaaah, pretty, and then I heard the whoopee cushion and I laughed.” “It weren’t much.” Applejack grinned to herself. “I thought that liftin’ the whole tree there was one mighty trick.” He gestured with her nose to Twilight. “What can I say?” Twilight shrugged. “I don’t like snakes.” “Oh, man!” Dash surfaced again. “I wish any of you could have seen me make that diving save on Rarity, just whoosh! And right in the nick of time, it didn’t even see that coming.” “What really surprised me,” Rarity magically separated branches from her tail. “Was that box of Fluttershy’s actually hid her.” Fluttershy laughed, and that laugh infected others, and pretty soon they were all splashing and laughing over that resilient cardboard box. As the laughing died away, Twilight smiled. “Hey, girls. Come here, there has been something I’ve been thinking about over this trip. Though, might be useless to tell you now.” Rainbow Dash swam closer. “What?” All the rest began to collect. “Going to tell us our lessons for this week?” The pegasus shot her a playful smirk. Twilight rolled her eye. “Just . . . I’ve been thinking.” She stood up in the shallows and looked between them. “About this people-watching-us-thing we’ve been going through. I’ve noticed we all had our own way of dealing with it.” She turned to Applejack. “AJ, I know you’ve got your pride, and it may have been wounded a little by what you read. They might have enjoyed your silly side, but you have our respect. I owe you my life several times over. And the respect of Ponyville as a delicious cook, and number one athlete. You don’t need to pack gear and train to impress people you’ve never met, or hide your face behind a silly expression. You already impress us.” “Yeah,” Applejack shyly kicked around the water with a forelimb. “I suppose the face thing was a hard trick to keep up.” “Dash,” Twilight turned to the wading blue pony and shook her head with a smile. “I understand that words can hurt, and labels can have a great effect on how we perceive ourselves. But you shouldn’t let what others label you change who you really are. Be yourself. Do what you enjoy, despite labels. We like you for who you are. And when it comes to sleeping alone with you in a tent, there are none here I trust more.” Finding feet on river bed, Dash removed the pink hair clip and fiddled it between her hooves, meanwhile Rarity let out a nervous chuckle. “Fluttershy?” The yellow pony shrank a little from her name, sitting down in a shallow part of the river with Applejack. “This fear you have of those watching us is kind of silly. They’ve never hurt us, and seem to admire us, even. You’re letting an irrational fear of attention hamstring you. I bet you were a lot more comfortable without that box on, stretching your wings again.” Fluttershy half covered her face with her long hair, but the corners of her mouth curved up in a small smile. “Rarity,” Twilight turned to her fellow unicorn and raised an eyebrow at her. “You’ve become quite preoccupied with correcting the opinions of a faceless horde. It’s consumed your time you could have spent elsewhere. Instead of this . . . very long guide, what if you had spent the trip designing a new fashion line? How far could you have gotten?” “Ehh,” Rarity tilted her head and furrowed her brow in thought. “a couple new pieces . . .” “Or picking a campsite.” “Alright, point made.” “Pinkie?” The pink equine bounced forward a step closer and sat back down. “Yes, bestest, smartest, most terrific pony?” “Pinkie, you have got to be careful about some of the things you share. I know you love to talk, but occasionally, an unthinking word can cause hurt we don’t expect. We love that you’re outgoing and we can talk about anything, but when you’re trading what you’ve heard one person say about another, think twice on if it’s appropriate.” “Okay!” Pinkie smiled, eyes, mouth, and soul. Twilight sat back down, feeling the cool lap of the water against her body. More to all the ponies than any one in particular, she shared her last words. “And Celestia is not a tyrant.” Several of the ponies exchanged glances. Rarity blinked several times. “None of us said anything about Celestia.” “Oh, heh, heh, heh.” Twilight blushed. “Never mind that last part.” “WHOO!” Pinkie leaped high into the air and splashed Rainbow Dash with another belly flop. “But Twilight, we still have a problem.” Applejack gestured to the forest with a turn of her neck. “We’re still stuck a day’s march from nowhere, and we ain’t got any food at all.” “Food!” Pinkie sprang up out of the water where Rainbow Dash tried to splash her back. “That’s right!” Twilight swore for a moment that Pinkie ran across the surface, but she couldn’t tell when the pink blur shot out of the river. Ducking behind a bush, Pinkie pulled out a still hot plate with omelets stacked like a tower, sticky maple syrup dripping all the way down. “Where . . . how . . .?” Pinkie set down the plate and stared at Twilight. “I’m a baker.” It was a non-answer, but Twilight’s rumbling stomach gave the only answer she needed. In Celestia’s private hall, the princess gathered her pile of official mail. Seeing a new arrival from Twilight Sparkle, she unraveled the binding and lifted it into the light. Dearest Princess Celestia, Today, we all learned a valuable lesson on the magic of friendship. Rumor and opinion can be a powerful tool of pride or destruction. Sometimes even if ponies have never met, their opinions can make us change who we see ourselves as. But, in the end, while words of others may have a power over you, the one thing they do not have power over is the feelings and thoughts of your friends. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle A smile dawned on the sun-princess’s face, and she rerolled the letter, filing it away with the other reports from her diligent student. “Twilight,” She sighed. “Sending you to Ponyville was one of my better decisions through these generations.” Turning to her laptop, she levitated it close and began to type into the message field. /r/ more ApplexMac.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Lunar Republic vs the Celestial Empire
War. War never changes. Two sisters will find that boredom may tear their kingdom apart.
<p>War. War never changes. Two sisters, co-rulers of Equestria, will find that boredom may tear even <i>their</i> shared-kingdom apart.</p>
“The wine is lovely this year, Madame Berry Grape.” Celestia gave a short nod to the bowing pony. The wine was, in fact, not lovely this year. It was simply what a princess was supposed to say at the Autumn Equinox Banquet. At this function, like most, the aristocracy played a traditional and subtle game of which-pony-was-better-than-which, a ferociously competitive sport of tiny score keeping. If you sit one space closer to the princess, you are one point better. If you wore a dress not haute couture, you lost a point. If your hat had an extra feather, you had an extra point, unless you attempted a power play by foregoing feathers and trying a coiffure done by a famous mane stylist, though that was a risky move. Fumbling through a step on the dance floor was an easy way to lose points, though that was never an issue, since no one ever danced for fear of subtracting their score. Winners were allowed to hold their noses in increasingly elevated positions in comparison to the rest. The game was as complicated as it was boring, but Celestia realized the importance of playing her part, for the social order of Equestria. “Thank you.” She casually nodded her head to the waiter who refilled the cup. Boom! The door slammed open, every head turned. Murmurring erupted “Celestia!” Luna flew high and regal, looking down at the throne with defiance. The sun-princess spat out the bad wine and tossed the cup aside. Here, of all places?! My sister grows bold! “Your reign has gone on long enough! Today, you answer to the Lunar Republic.” Lunar guards, dressed in blue armor, filed in from the main doors and into formation. Celestia’s gold soldiers responded automatically, taking up positions to meet the invaders and protect their sovereign. Celestia narrowed her eyes, responding coolly and with faux-politeness. “My dear sister, you’d interrupt my banquet for your insurrection? The fact we share blood makes this betrayal all the more wounding. I’ll crush your forces for that and your loyal ponies will bemoan your command. You’ve made a terrible mistake assaulting me here.” The aristocrat’s eyes went wide in terror. Voices whispered back and forth as they fled to the outer edges of the room. “Rebellion? My word!” “The horror! The horror!” “I never thought I’d see the day!” Luna hovered undeterred. “You may find my defeat harder than you thought, sister!” She glanced down to the captain of the Sun Guard. “Reveal yourself, my agent.” Slowly, the captain marched through the ranks, taking off his gold helmet and donning a blue one. “Et tu, Sugar Snap?” Captain Snap turned and bowed to Celestia from the front line of Luna’s ranks. “Luna offered me three cupcakes, my lady.” “My captain, did I not offer four?” “I am sorry. Luna’s were chocolate.” Chocolate! That fiend! “That is a nefarious bribe you take, captain. You have made your choice in this conflict. So be it. GUARDS! EMERGENCY WEAPONS!” Bursting through the door, armor bearers came in with their carts full of ammunition and ready to distribute to the power of the telekinetic unicorns and brute force of the earth ponies. The factions squared off, each one matching the other with grim glares of determination. The uppercrust of Canterlot shivered, sensing the mounting tension, the calm silence before the storm. One of them dropped a pin. The fighting would be close-in and intense. There was no point in delaying the messy ordeal any longer. Silently, the sisters understood each other. Simultaneously, they yelled: “Guards. MOVE IN! TAKE THE PRINCESS!” The water-balloons went flying. Both sides shouted a battle cry that shook the room. Many were struck down in that initial exchange, the ranks thick and the balloons many. After that, pandemonium. Ponymonium. Rubber skins burst, splatter struck the walls. Pegasus troops alternated between dropping balloons on the enemy ranks and competing in aerial-aqua combat. Earth ponies rushed for fresh wagon loads to rearm their comrades. Those at the front line gripped long tube-balloons in their mouths and battled in a grand melee at the center. From the back, unicorns heaved volley after volley. With a surreal sense of seeing everything at once, Celestia surveyed the ravages. Two ponies dueled ferociously at the center with the tube balloons. They were brothers. Another guard laid still in his best friend’s arms, eyes closed. A balloon had burst on his horn. The friend held his fallen comrade with water-soaked hooves crying out, “WHY? WHY, PRINCESS? WHYYYY!?” A stray balloon, deflected by magic, streaked through the sky and struck a pony that had merely come for the banquet. She looked in abject horror and disbelief as water dripped down her dress. A moment later, her eyes rolled back and she fainted. A senseless casualty. Slowly, Celestia strolled through the battlefield, watching all. The carpets ran wet with liquid. Bits of rubber laid strewn about her feet, much of it belonging to her loyal subjects whose limp forms piled about the banquet hall. The battle had been decided the moment Sugar Snap defected, a key role in the royal defense undone. But she allowed the fighting to continue, that her guards might be struck down with honor, serving their princess with their last dry hair. They deserved that much. Swatting an errant balloon away from her with a spell, Celestia stood on the sun emblem in the center of the room. With a wing, she gestured to the battlefield. “Is this the face of the Lunar Republic? A room soaked with the water of our subjects? Your victory is a costly one.” Luna didn’t bat an eye. “Many of us would rather fall wet here then live with a dry mane under your rule. Something a ruler like you could never understand.” “Indeed. I won’t. I’m afraid that any of your soldiers leaving dry is no longer an option.” With a quick spell, Celestia threw her trap. The sun she stood on clicked with a thrown switch. Secret compartments opened on the walls and in the ceiling. A torrent of balloons tumbled in. The guards on both sides screamed. Many tried to flee but there was simply nowhere to go as they were pelted. Safe inside an enchanted shield on her sun, Celestia silently waited until it was over before dropping the shield. Luna, too, survived dry, but only barely. Holed up in a corner, she threw down her own spell to shield herself. Now she was trapped and cowered before the taller pony. The sun-princess hoisted half a dozen balloons into the air with her power, primed and ready for the finishing blow. “Foalish sister. Did you think that here, in my fortress, I’d lack an ace in the hole?” A smirk most sly grew on Luna’s face. She stopped cowering. “That’s why I stacked the deck with a Joker. NOW PINKIE!” Celestia jerked her head up. “How in the-” Too late. Pinkie, riding her pedal-gyroplane, leapt off and released a gigantic balloon. The Fat Boy. Pinkie rode the balloon all the way down, swinging around Applejack’s hat and hooting. Until impact. Water exploded out the windows of the Canterlot tower. The roar of it was intense as it flooded the room and more. When it all settled, Celestia lay on the ground, mane and tail dripping. Luna was dry. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I win!” Luna shuffled her hooves in a victory dance, humming a victory tune. The blue guards rose from the ground, roused into celebrating. The gold-armored ponies rose as well, but their shoulders sagged in defeat. Celestia sighed, then laughed, standing and shaking out her mane. “Lunar republic wins this round.” Another aristocrat fainted. * * * The victory was costly, as Celestia had said. Both sides cleaned the room together, collecting the bits of rubber, taking out tapestries and table cloths to dry. All in all, it took hours. The soldiers laughed as they did it, exchanging war stories, the Lunar guards occasionally making verbal jabs at the losing side, both sides joking back and forth. Also, according to the rules, all those that fought for the Lunar side threw a party that night, to be prepared, served, and cleaned up after by the Celesetial Empire. Thus, were the spoils of war. “Chocolate?” Celestia demanded as the party died down. “You got Sugar Snap with chocolate? Vanilla has been his favorite as long as I can remember.” “Yes, but I gambled.” Luna smiled. “He was ready for variety.” “And Pinkie?” “The party was enough to entice her as a wildcard.” Luna giggled with giddy triumph. “I knew she would be able to counter whatever back-up plan you would have.” Celestia sat back to consider this, impressed. “You are one clever mastermind, Luna. I look forward to next year’s game.” They exchanged a hug. “Don’t forget,” Luna added. “You know what victory means!” Celestia winced. “I was hoping you forgot.” * * * The next day . . . “Uhh, princess?” Prince Blueblood looked ready to either collapse into a ball or run out the door. “Are you alright? “Tee, hee! My wings are so pretty!” Pink Celestia, mane freshly permed, responded in her most vapid voice. “I’m a princess.” “Aunt Celestia . . . should I call someone?” “Let’s fly to the castle!” She derped her eyes. “We’ll have a tea party and play dress up!” The ball option, then. “Someone save me!”
commander jesus
Snails saves the day again!
<p>You read the title!</p>
Dedicated to Leth Once apon a time there was this intolerable Jewish pony that escaped from pony Hitler’s concentration camps named Twist.This stupid little thing with that voice decided that it was time to shove her hoof inside of some other fag named snails. He wasn’t jewish, but was in fact the polatr opposite. HE WAS CANADA!. So jew m onster went to Canada’s house and broke down the door with her jewish lazer shooting energy ring. All jews own one in case there is a safe with money in it and they can’t open it. “ITH TIME FOR THE FITHT TO MEET YOU” (Just because she’s jewish doesn’t mean she can come up with corny one-liners from nothing. You anti-semetic or something?) So she shoved her WHOLE hoof up his ass. “Eh, that’s not where that goes.” Snails said. Then he put her in his oven. He was awarded for being a good American. “And that’s why I become Diamond Dog” Said the Asian Dog through his buck teeth and funny lamp shade like hat. They were on the railroad. They sometimes sang songs on the railroad too, and this sounded really funny because Asians have funny accents. “OH I A WORKING ON RAIRROAD! ALL DA RIVE RONG DAY!” “And That’s why It sucks taking porn requests” Jesus said as he poured another glass of whiskey and Adjusted his monocle. Jesus was telling everyone about how much it sucks receiving porn requests and they were all listening and thinking about how great he is. He got up from his squeaky 1980’s looking chair and looked out the window. “OH SHIT NIGGER THE MOON IS COMING!” And then Jesus was moon. Also, Luna did it, after contemplating whether or not she should. THEEND BASED ON THE FOLLOWING REQUESTS: -Write about asian dog telling his friends the tale of his grandfather working on the equestrian railroad and why he joined the Diamond dogs. Revenge on the pony race. -Luna contemplating sending the moon crashing to Equestria. -Write a meta-fic about being bombarded with requests for porn. -Twist hoofing Snails in the ass.
commander jesus
THE GREETEST MLP FAN FIC EVER. By commander jesus WORDS OF INTEREST ARE IN ALL CAPS AND BOLD. One day in Ponyville all of the ponies got together for a party. The party was for one of their birthdays or something. Oh yea, Pinkie threw the party. All of the ponies were invited, Except her LESBIAN crush Rainbow Dash. Jesus is a lazy writer and is not going to come up with a reason why. Anyway, Dash found out and was not happy about this, and planned to get revenge on Pinkie. At the party, all of the ponies were there. There was Twilight Sparkle, Derpy, Rarity, that orange one and LEMMY (Yes, LEMMY Kilmister is at the party, deal with it you ungrateful fucks). Also gummy, because he is cool. There was weed, bitches, booze, MOTHERFUCKING BALLOONS, and pin the tail on the pony. Derpy got so messed up she said “MUFFINS!” and threw up on Lemmy. LEMMY was all like “Fuck you horse, you don’t exist!” and punched Derpy in the eyes, making them go crooked. After everypony was extremely messed up, Rainbow Dash’s plan came into action. Dash flew through the window of Twilight’s tree house (I know I forgot to mention that was were the party was, you’ll live), decided the party needed to be ABOUT 20% COOLER, and seduced Twilight. She was all “Hey bitch lick my CANDY VAG” And Twilight was all “Lawdy Lawdy, No! That’s yucky, and Colonel Sanders know I don’t be rollin dat way.” “I don’t care you can’t resist my rainbow CANDY VAG!” Dash yelled “Ok” said twilight, as she proceeded to eat Rainbow’s CANDY VAG in a cloud of LESBIAN PONY LOVE. Then, after they were done, Rainbow Dash grew a a bigdenly appeared, Exposing her hidden CHEST BOMB. “PRAISE BE TO ALLAH!” She yelled, as She grew a bushy pubic hair-like beard, Put a towel on her head, and ripped open her button down shirt that had sudpressed the button and blew herself and the rest of the ponies up in the name of Allah. Oh, and the lesbian sex scene was revenge for not being invited, or something. Also, Lemmy and Gummy survived and oped a bakery together. It was called: Lemmy and Gummy’s Bakery. During all of this, Luna was being emo at her place and thought to herself “Why don’t I ever get invited to parties?” It turned out she was, but was too much of an attention whore to go, so she posted on her live journal about how depressed she was that she was not killed in the name of Allah by a rainbow terrorist with a pubic hair beard. P.S. THEY WERE HIGH AS FUCK Give me money THE END? Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that you always should invite friends to your CRAAZZY NIGHTS OF STUDYING, even if you don’t want to because of reasons jesus has still not made up (lol u mad?) I also learned that terrorists not only disguise themselves as women and children, but also as rainbow LESBIAN ponies. Also, THAT ANONS ARE NIT-PICKY AS FUCK ABOUT MY SPELLING MISTAKES. Also, LESBIAN SEX is not a good way to get back at your friends. Also again (no, I'm not going back to edit this, fuck you) sometimes you just need to believe what you’re told, and accept Allah as our one and true savior. Praise be. Your faith full student, Timmy Turner
commander jesus
Romance,Slice of Life
Tripfag Murder Mystery
<p>A love novel</p>
TRIPFAG MURDER MYSTERY. BY COMMANDER JESUS Once apon a time there was a bunch of guys who were in a My Little Pony thread. They all went by names. It was at a table or something. Their names were Anonymous, Anonymous, Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown,  /сo/smоиаut реtrо/v/, Graham Kraker, ROOGNA Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-MANED, Dr. White, Anonymous, The marker, Footware Equine Enthusiast, Brave Spark, Wild Cherry Lollipop caluriri, Anonymous user 27, Anonymous and /co/mmander jesus. THEN OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE HITLER KICKS DOWN THE DOOR AND GAVE EVERYONE THE AIDS. THEN IT EXPLODED. TWICE. EVERYONE WAS FUCKING DEAD. THE END.
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 1 Divergence An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Rainbow. Raaaaainbow… Rainbow Dash started, darting glances left and right, trying to pierce the fog that seemed to close about her. Shaking off her fright, she drew herself upright, wings extended aggressively as her front hooves lashed the air before her. "Who's there? I ain’t scared ‘a you! Show yourself!" A seductive voice slid from the mist. "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flier in Equestria." Dash was nonplussed. "Who?" "Why, you of course!" "Really?! I mean, oh yeah! Me!" she said, recovering quickly. "Hey, uh, ya wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that would ya, cuz I've been trying to get into that group for, like, ever!" "No, Rainbow Dash, we want you to join us, the Shadowbolts!" A trio of Pegasus ponies had galloped out of the fog, coming to a halt in unison, displaying their coat-tight black and purple uniforms proudly; vivid bolts of lightning were emblazoned around the shoulder, angling down to meet at the chest. "We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we'll be the greatest in all Equestia! But first, we need a captain. The most magnificent...” “Yep,” Rainbow chirped pridefully. “...swiftest...” “Yes.” “...bravest flier in all the land." “Yes, heh, it’s all true,” Dash quipped in agreement. "We need… you!" "Woo-hoo!" Rainbow Dash cried, her life's ambitions laid out before her. "Sign. Me. Up! Just, lemme tie this bridge real quick, then we got a deal," she said, turning to the business at hoof. “Ah yes, your friends. You're very loyal to them aren't you?” The rope dropping from her mouth, Dash's eyes narrowed as she turned to glare back at the uniformed mare that slowly advanced towards her, an air of malice replacing the cooing flattery present just a moment ago. Something was seriously wrong here. "Of course I am, what's that got to do with anything?" she asked suspiciously. "Oh, it just seems that if you really cared about them, you wouldn't be leading them into so much danger. Danger that nopony without your talents, your abilities, your courage could possibly hope to survive." Dash hadn't noticed the purple mist winding through the grass toward her hooves, and her eyes went wide as it made contact, the visions assaulting her mind— Letting out a battle cry, she twists violently to dodge a burst of flame, watching in mute horror as it washes over Rarity, burning the flawless coat and delicate flesh off the beautiful Unicorn right before her eyes. Twilight Sparkle is laughing maniacally, standing amidst the wreckage of bodies, her horn casting a violet light on a charred and torn cowpony hat. Ponyville burns, the townsponies fleeing aimlessly in their blind panic. Windows lie shattered, doors hanging from the hinges of ruined buildings. Above, massive sections of Cloudsdale split apart, the cumulus infrastructure breaking off in enormous slabs, lightning shooting out in every direction. Untrained fillies fall from the sky, a tiny one with a shock of purple mane terribly, horrifyingly familiar. Dash shrieks in horror and pain as her left wing, shorn raggedly off, tumbles away from her. She spirals out of control, her remaining wing flapping in instinctive desperation as she plummets toward the ground in a sickening spin. She takes one more deep breath, and meets it. "ENOUGH." The command cut through the visions like a blade. Tendrils of frayed, purplish mist went slithering into the surrounding brush, fleeing from the rigid body of the rainbow-maned Pegasus. With a ragged gasp and half-swallowed scream Dash sank to the ground, legs numb, wings trembling uncontrollably. Out of the now-normal gray fog gracefully clopped another form—that of a beautiful, midnight-blue Alicorn, her wings half-furled, crescent moon shining on her flanks. Her mane billowed subtly, contained within it the intermittent twinkling of a celestial tapestry. She snorted lightly at the retreating magical mists before turning to the thoroughly traumatized filly huddled in the grass. "Oh my… are you alright little one?" the mare asked as she walked up to stand above the violently shaking pony, wings arching protectively around the filly. "What... I… ohmygosh what is going on? What was that? Why would Twilight… Ponyville. Th-the fillies… Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash was torn ragged with hyperventilation and blind horror as her mind tried to process everything she'd just seen; tears slid unchecked, furrowing her cheeks. The Alicorn nickered soothingly. "There, there. Just breathe. None of what you saw was real. Necessarily… or perhaps, in all honesty, yet. You were shown things to sway you—to serve a purpose. Vile, yes, but not entirely false. Those things, and many more like them, may indeed come to pass should the Nightmare have its way." At the mention of Nightmare Moon, Dash regained some of her presence, wobbling to her hooves, slipping on the wet grass. "That’s right! We have to stop that… that thing! She stole our princess, an’ wants to make nighttime last forever! She… wait a sec. Who the hay are you, huh?” Dash took a wide step back, her foreleg raising defensively. “And what are you doing here? My friends are right behind me and we're on a royal mission! Twilight's the personal student of Princess Celestia herself, and she knows what's going on, so if you're plotting something or whatever, y-you better just back off, right now!" Dash said, her words suspicious and harsh. She took two more quick steps back and ducked her head, her wings flaring and tail snapping at this dark mare who reminded her perversely of both Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia—and just happened to show up out of nowhere in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Yeah right. The Alicorn heaved a deep sigh and drooped her head a bit, gleaning the little pony's body language as easily as a book she'd read a thousand times. "My name is Luna. Arbiter of the Night, and sister to Celestia. I mean you no harm, little one." Dash stared at the goddess blankly. "What." It was not a question. Luna blinked. "What?" Dash raised a brow. "You're kidding, right? I mean, Celestia's like, a goddess." Luna daintily fluttered her wings and tilted her head, calling attention to her horn and darkly opalescent crown. The blue Pegasus bit her lip, taking in the shining, silver crescent moon on Luna's flank—the signposts of Alicorn divinity didn’t get any more self-evident. "And you are?" the Goddess queried politely into the slack-jawed silence. "Erm. Name's Rainbow Dash," she said, momentarily sidetracked. Rallying, Dash decided to go with her gut feelings, if only to avoid the inevitable headache of complexity. "I… dude, this is too much." She sat down, her expression dazed. "So are you Nightmare Moon, and is this like a big trick, or... or what?" she asked, thoroughly befuddled, her hooves wide in the air. Luna smiled. "No, kind of, and… I’m not sure what to do with the ‘or what’ Miss Dash. While the Nightmare and I returned at the same time, we are not the same being… closer to polar opposites now, come to that. While we still share latent experience to a minor extent, that connection is nearly severed, and the sooner the better." Luna huffed in disgust. "The Nightmare reached out and showed you your greatest ambitions to attempt to control you. Failing that, your most terrifying nightmares to break you. I noticed its actions a bit late, I'm afraid," she said apologetically. Dash was struggling hard to keep up. "So… that was all fake then, just a line of manure?" she asked with a hint of hopeful desperation. Luna shook her head wearily. "I do not know, Miss Dash. The Nightmare doesn't always lie, but it will without compunction if doing so serves its purposes—and it is very clever. I have learned to be… profoundly dubious, whenever our interests appear to coincide. As to your friend, this Twilight Sparkle, she may or may not be a pawn in all of this. I'm not certain as to the quality, nor sources, of her information, or even the nature of her relationship with my sister... who has been known to have something of a … predilection for manipulation herself… but I don't know." Luna trailed off, a far-distant look in her eyes, before giving a small shake of her head. "Nevertheless, one thing is very clear—if your friends make it to the castle while the Nightmare and I are vying for control, they will not survive. The forces unleashed will be well beyond any mortal pony’s endurance." "But what about the Elements of Harmony stuff? Twilight says we're supposed to get them, and that they're the only thing that can stop Nightmare Moon! And where the hay is our Princess? We have to find out what happened to her!" Dash burst out, unable to contain all the questions the Alicorn’s story raised. Luna frowned in thought, one hoof scuffing the grass absently. "Yes… the Elements; that’s the only thing that currently makes sense. The Nightmare obviously hopes to use you and your friends to reveal them, then obliterate you and gain control. Without the Elements of Harmony, it knows it can not hope to defeat me. With them, however…" Luna trailed off ominously, reminding Dash of her terrifying visions. "No, Miss Dash, the Elements must remain asleep and out of reach for now; it is the only way to be certain of the Nightmare’s defeat in our coming conflict. As for Celestia… I don't know what to make of her disappearance at all. I had hoped…" Luna slipped into a disturbed silence for a moment, her eyes glinting as though in pain. "No, this is an absurdity. Even at the height of its power, the Nightmare could not match Celestia outright. I should know; I watched as it tried, with much of my own power. Where my sister has gone and why she remains there is a mystery of her own design.” The emerald eyes narrowed slightly as Luna scowled. “ But I mean to ask her. And soon." "But… but what if the Nightmare wins?" Dash asked, unconsciously slipping into the regal Alicorn’s vernacular. Luna’s severity seemed to evaporate. "Oh, it won't,” she said lightly. “It knows full well that it cannot defeat me outright. We've spent the last thousand years becoming intimately familiar with one another, and now I've returned. Home. The severing between us is nearly complete, and much of my power has returned to me. Yet it will struggle, and rant, and rave. While futility is not strictly its nature, it is a creature of undiluted pride and the need to control. The compulsion to dominate drives it, and so I must drive it down. No, it is only the Nightmare's plots that concern me now. I cannot be completely certain what it is planning, but the game it plays with you and your friends is central. Whatever that may be, it is the final hand, and the Nightmare is desperate to see it through," Luna finished with an indomitable certainty. A tiny, sad smile slid across her face, but was quickly gone. Her voice filled with command, she said, "You must prevent your friends from coming further. The best thing would be for you all to return to Ponyville for the night. You must try keep everypony calm and safe. Then, if you would, return to me in the morning when the Nightmare has been subdued, and we can attempt to discover my sister’s whereabouts." Dash felt like she was drowning. "Morning?! But the Nightmare and the legends both talked about eternal night! And Celestia's gone; how can there be a morning? How can there be a sunrise?" she exclaimed. Luna's gentle laugh was moonlight across a still lake. "Few things are more imprecise than old legends, my little pony. I will raise the sun in my sister’s stead if need be, though I hope to discover Tia's whereabouts well before I have need to work with her sun. It is… an uncomfortable arrangement, for both of us. Eternal night? What a foalish notion! Equestria as we know it could not survive that; though, in its compulsion to dominate, that is indeed the Nightmare’s intent.” Luna paused, her head canting to one side. ”Really, it's quite insane." Dash stared boldly up into the emerald eyes of the goddess, searching for some hint of deception or duplicity. Dash's strong suit had never been analysis; she'd always relied on her heart and feelings to show her the way through when things got rough, but this time was different; there was so much more at stake. “I... I don’t know Princess. I want to believe you; I do believe you, but it’s... there’s so much more than just me riding on this...” she trailed off, frowning hard at the grass, her tail lashing in agitation. Luna regarded the young mare for a long moment, then stomped her hoof lightly. “Very well, Miss Dash, I understand: Witness.” The Princess turned away from Dash and flared her wings, facing off to her right. What she was looking at, Dash couldn’t tell; everything was just a solid wall of fog. Luna’s horn began to glow, the violet light building until it seemed to create a nearly opaque sheath of luminescent energy. The Princess’s eyes had closed tightly, and she released a small sound of effort, tense and strained. The fog before her swirled away in a large funnel, creating a clear line of sight to the horizon beyond. Suddenly, the jagged mountain range in the distance became more distinct, glowing in a soft light. Luna clenched her teeth and groaned, as the sun peeked a brilliant sliver above the far-off crags, briefly illuminating the surrounding fog with a surreal orange glow. Luna gasped and collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily. The fog swept back to surround them and the light vanished as abruptly as it had come. “I’m sorry, Miss Dash; that was the best I can manage at the moment,” she said between deep gulps of air, her shoulders quaking slightly. Dash stood rooted to the spot. Her jaw hung down, eyes huge as she processed what she’d just seen. The sun. She just raised the sun... Realizing she had been staring blankly at a boring wall of fog for several moments, Dash tore her gaze down to the recovering Alicorn. Trotting over to Luna, she settled down next to her. “Okay, Princess; that... that’s good enough for me. That should be good enough for anypony. You totally are who you say you are, so...” She floundered for a moment. “...So let’s go and talk to the others, tell them what's going on," she said, focusing on the one thing that it seemed she could get done. Luna raised her head to meet Dash’s gaze, her expression apologetic. "I'm afraid there is simply no time. I must return to the castle and contain the Nightmare; prevent it from acting any further upon your friends or the land at large. You must turn back your friends, and I ask that you return to me at dawn, when I have managed to seal the creature away." Rainbow Dash stared blankly at Luna. "You’re tearing me apart, pony," she deadpanned. At Luna’s nonplussed look, Dash sighed. She swallowed hard and shuffled her hooves—further considering the prospect and how to explain the situation to the Princess. "Look, I'm not exactly the best pony with, uh, words. Twilight's a reeeaaally smart pony, and she's totally sure she knows what's going on. I'm not sure I can convince her without you there. I mean, I believe you, but I don't see how I can make them believe me, especially if you're not even there! How the hell am I supposed to explain all this?!" Luna opened her mouth to speak, but broke off suddenly, craning her neck backward and frowning over her shoulder toward the castle shrouded in the darkness. "I'm sorry, I have to get back quickly. It's gathering for another assault." She turned to look at Dash directly, a sympathetic intensity replacing the serene distance that had filled her eyes. "I wish I could be there to make this easier on you and your friends, but you must convince them. Failing that, know that whatever you do, you do to save their lives, whether they know it now or not." Luna leaned forward, nuzzling Dash's cheek. "Be brave, my little pony. And… thank you for believing in me. I know you can do it, and I'll need your help even more in the coming weeks." Dash blushed lightly, hesitantly returning the gesture. They rose to their hooves. Now that she was set on a course, past the confusion and indecision, her usual fire returned to her and she stomped the ground confidently, ruffling her wings in preparation for take-off. "Be careful Princess Luna, I'll take care of my end, no problem!" Though damned if I know how… Chapter 2 - “Confrontation” --->
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 2 Confrontation An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Twilight Sparkle and Applejack stood nervously next to one another, the other ponies arrayed behind them, peering anxiously into the thick fog that surrounded them in all directions, hoping their friend was okay. There had been an inexplicable orange glow a moment ago that reminded them of a bonfire, and Dash was taking so long… As if summoned by their shared concern, appearing in her trademark spectrum, Rainbow swooped out of the mist, alighting with a flourish in front of her friends. "Rainbow!" Twilight shouted with relief. "I knew you could… do it?" she trailed off in confusion. The bridge was still impassable, one side hanging straight down. Applejack snorted her impatience, scuffing the ground with a fore-hoof. "C'mon Dash, we need to get a move on! What’s the holdup?" Dash's brow furrowed in concern at the imminent discussion, already taking a poor turn. Her gaze flicked off to the side as she took a deep breath and a pensive stance in front of her friends, one hoof lifted in trepidation. "Look Twi..." she started lamely, ignoring the workpony entirely for the moment, "um, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all." Twilight's jaw hung to the hinges, unable to take the words seriously enough to form an immediate reply. Her mind went into autopilot, cycling through possibilities at high speed. Applejack stepped forward with a much better reaction time, having never been one to overly suffer from cognitive dissonance. "What the hay are you on about girl? We need to get a move on and we need to go now! So get yer scrawny flank across that there chasm and tie off that bridge!" Dash clenched her jaw, her wings flaring out reflexively—her hesitant posture abandoned and uncertainty evaporating at the direct challenge from the orange Earth pony, her long-time rival; though, their relationship was a bit more complex than either cared to dwell upon for too long. "Back off, Applejack; there’s more going on here than you know, okay?" Applejack stood with her mouth agape for the second it took for Rainbow to turn to the purple Unicorn. "Twi, listen—there's more going on here than you told us, and more than you know about either. I think…" Twilight’s eyes narrowed to violet slits as she stepped toward the flustered young mare, having settled on the most likely possibility to explain the situation. "Rainbow. What happened over there? You know that Nightmare Moon is back! She kidnapped the princess! She's been setting traps for us the entire way here; she’s trying to stop us from stopping her! Trying to kill us! I don't know what happened to you over there, or what lies she told you, but we have to keep going!" "Twi, listen: what’s going on up there at the castle? That's… that's god stuff, we can’t go up there, we wouldn't survive!" Dash’s hoof reached out toward the Unicorn, desperate to convince the only one who stood a chance of convincing the others. "And she, I mean, it—didn't nab the princess, at least I don't think so. I mean, how could it have? Celestia's the damn su—wait! The sun! Didn’t you see it? Like, two minutes ago! It rose!” Twilight looked at her sideways, ears plastering back against her skull. “The sun, Dash? You mean that orange glow? You thought that was the sun?” Twilight was staring at Rainbow in sheer disbelief, certain that something had happened to the blue Pegasus; though whether she had simply knocked her head, or there was some more sinister explanation, she couldn’t say. Frankly, right now she didn’t have time for it. “Yes it was the sun! She rose—um...” Dash trailed off, thinking furiously; Shit, how do I even mention Luna without sounding like I've lost it? Of course they’d think I've been looped. Twilight stamped her hoof with an academic finality, frustration lacing her voice as she said, "That’s why we need the Elements! To get back the real sun! That’s why you've been so thoroughly deceived, that’s why… Oh, we're wasting time! Move aside, Rainbow; I have to go on, stay if you like!" she declared, turning away from the increasingly desperate Pegasus. Twilight began to prepare a teleportation spell, squinting to see a clear path through the opaque mists to the far side of the canyon, looking for a safe landing zone. A determined look on her face, Dash interposed herself between Twilight and the canyon. "No, Twilight! I can't let you throw your life away like that. If you'll just listen to me for a minute, there are some things you have to hear. I’m not really sure how to start, but—" "I've listened long enough!” Twilight interjected, cutting Dash off. “It couldn't be more apparent that Nightmare Moon tricked you or put a spell on you or… or something! I thought you were loyal Rainbow! I thought you'd ‘never leave Ponyville hangin’.’” Twilight spat the final words bitterly; her concern for whatever was going on with this Pegasus paling against the urgency she felt to save her life-long mentor. Ouch. "I-it’s not that simple, Twi! I…" Gaah! How in the hell do I convince them?! Dash thought desperately, shaking her mane in frustration, trying to rally her thoughts. A difficult process for her under the best of circumstances, not made any easier with Applejack, having recovered, stomping up nose-to-nose with her, green eyes glaring into her own. "Rainbow, Ah dunno what's come over you, but we ain't got time fer yer fillyfoolery! Time’s a wastin’ an’ we gotta git. So either git with us, or git outta the way!" she said, the last words punctuated with a strong hoof to the cyan mare’s chest. Dash's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Listen, AJ, don't go there. I'm trying to get you all to see reason here, and you're not makin' it easy! You won't even listen to me for two seconds!" Although she tried not to show it, Applejack was sick with worry for her family back on the farm. Little Apple Bloom had been crying something fierce and pathetic when she'd left, and now her frustration was spilling over despite her best efforts. "Horseapples to that, Sally!” she growled. ”It’s plain as day y’all have either been hoodwinked or just up an’ chickened out, but we don't have no more time to be wastin’ no-how!" Rainbow’s expression turned furious, matching her rapidly building feelings of outrage and incredulity at her friends’ stark refusal to so much as hear her out. "So. You're callin’ me either a coward or an idiot, is that it AJ? Never thought I'd see the day you got any denser!" Dash said, her jaw clenched as she squared up to the Earth pony. "Ah call ‘em like I see ‘em sugarcube," Applejack said, not backing an inch, sparks glinting in her narrowed eyes. The tension in the air was building toward something inevitable, something explosive. In a small, very private corner of her mind—locked against the world—was a place Rainbow Dash held her doubts, her fears. Rarely released from its tightly controlled borders, the pony in that dark little space was now prancing about and chanting in a shrill voice, Ohmygosh this is getting out of hoof. Reeeeeally quick. Do something do something do something! Crap-crap-crap-crap-crap! A cascade of impressions flit through her head in the space of her next breath, too quickly to be solidified in thought— Twilight had moved slightly to her flank, getting clear of AJ. Twilight was a student of the princess, some magical protegé thing, so she was as wild-card as it got in Dash's book. She may try to attack, or just teleport across the gap, heading pell-mell to her own stupid death. On that note, she was also the only one both willing and able to go ahead alone. Bookworm: priority one, for her own sake Applejack: Powerful and sturdy, with unbelievable stamina. Dash knew she couldn't match her only real rival in Ponyville with strength alone. She'd seen AJ put her hoof into a dead tree with such force that it had shattered in a resounding crack, the corded wood splitting right up the trunk. She'd have to be really, really fast. Fortunately, she'd known the Earth pony long enough to know how she moved, how she thought, and—hopefully—how she fought. They'd scuffled before, sure, but never like this was shaping up to be. Never for real. On the upside, Applejack wasn't very imaginative; she was a heavily traditional pony. Once Dash got her rhythm down, it wasn't likely she'd have to deal with many surprises. She could do this… but it was really gonna suck. Fluttershy: Poor filly hadn't made more than a series of squeaks since Dash got back. As nopony had accorded her attention, she hadn't gotten any. No threat, but certainly no help either. She cowered behind Pinkie with a terrified, disbelieving look across the bit of her expression visible behind her mane. Pinkie Pie: Frozen in place; she looked to be in shock. Hopefully that would last, Dash had no clue what was going through her head—at least one thing tonight was normal—and had no notion of which way she'd go, or what the hell she'd do when she got there. Rarity: She'd been making indignant squawks for the past few moments of "Darling!" and "Really now ladies!" Dash figured she'd stay out of anything that might chip a hoof; her most significant contribution likely to be ear-splitting noises. As usual. Suddenly, Dash caught a glimmer of magic forming around Twilight’s horn, arching into electrical currents as it built, pointed not across the canyon, but right at her. The ingrained muscle-memory of the thousands of hours of training it had taken to get her black-belt kicked in, and that was that. In single a fluid motion, Dash stepped to the side and back, dropping low to brace on her front hooves and pivoting her haunches, she snapped out one hind leg in a blur, nailing Twilight precisely on target on the side of her head—hopefully with just enough force to put her down. Twilight cried out as the hoof slammed home, the magic that had built in the Unicorn’s horn flaring brightly as the spell dissipated. The Unicorn fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. Bringing her attention back to Applejack, she was thankful for the space she created between them in sliding back, because she just had time to register the blur of a hoof arching toward her head. Snapping her head to the side, it glanced off her shoulder and away as she regained her balance, pulling into a light stance in front of Applejack after a quick flutter backwards; Applejack followed—powerful, full bodied punches lashed out in a classic one-two, then spinning around, she launched into a full-force buck with her hinds. Predictable, Dash thought, the Earth pony's body language too telling and far too slow for a Pegasus that felt most at home at near-subsonic speeds. Dash’s head jinked right, then left; she felt the first blow graze her cheek, the second knifing through her mane. As Applejack went for the buck, she ducked low, pulling her wings in tight, then surging up with her shoulders while AJ's legs were above her, connecting with the workhorse’s belly and sending her flying head over hooves in an uncontrolled roll. In the lull of the exchange, Dash took stock. Rarity had begun screeching, and looked altogether disinclined to stop anytime soon. Twilight was immobile and insensate on the ground, a trickle of blood leaking from her mane, her head laid on the ground and her eyes closed. Amazingly, Fluttershy had gone mobile and was now crouching over the unconscious Unicorn, nuzzling her and whispering to herself, having gone fully into medic-mode. Pinkie, on the other hoof, looked to be carved out of stone, not even bothering to blink away the tears that poured down her face, in stark and disturbing contrast to her usually unbounded effervescence. A groan drew her attention back to the orange mare on the ground, who was struggling back to her hooves. Applejack was glaring pure fury at the Pegasus from beneath ragged blonde bangs, torn loose from the tight braid she usually wore. She gasped sharply as she rose, trying to catch the breath that had been knocked out of her from the impact and subsequent roll across the hard ground. Spitting out a bit of grass, Applejack roared, "You… you buckin' traitor!" She flung herself straight at the rainbow-maned mare. Dash was expecting another combination, not the full-bodied slam that AJ delivered. She attempted to roll around it but the force of AJ's rush had already over-balanced her and she fell backwards, cracking her skull sharply against the ground. She felt a weight settle roughly on top of her before stars exploded and her head was wrenched to the side, the vivid imprint of a horseshoe left across her face, trailing the solid blow AJ leveled at her after getting the athletic pony in one place. Another connected. And another. "Aaahh!" Dash tasted blood in her mouth and looked up at the wild-eyed Applejack straddling her, reaching back for another blow. The Earth pony's hooves were hardened to the point of stone from hard years of harder work, and each strike had felt like slamming straight into… well, an apple tree. No way she could take a few more of those; Dash already felt her face swelling, and a cut had opened up above her eye. Shit. Snapping her tail above and behind AJ, she connected with her old friend’s beloved hat, knocking it forward over her face. There was a startled gasp from beneath the hat; Dash used the distraction to stretch both front hooves above her head before bringing them in a full arch right into the center of the worn Stetson with all of her strength. The hat produced a deep "Uff!" and the orange pony tumbled backwards. Dash quickly flapped her wings and gained her hooves, blinking rapidly to clear her vision and spitting the blood from her muzzle. Altogether more blood hit the ground than she was happy with. Lesson learned. Dash gave the sturdy country pony no chance to recover this time. She was airborne, slamming both hoofs into AJ's side with as much speed as she could gather on the way over. Applejack lashed out blindly with an elbow, but the lightning-quick Pegasus rolled up and out of its path, sending a hoof down to snap across the work pony’s face for her trouble. Flowing with the momentum of her punch she spun on her mid-air axis to deliver a powerful buck, throwing her opponent back to the ground. As Applejack tried to rise again—She just won't quit!—Dash stepped in for a snapping uppercut under the orange pony's jaw, sending her blonde mane flying back and collapsing the workhorse into an unconscious pile of bruises. Panting heavily, she stood over AJ, making sure the stubborn ass was done, and gasped out, "Da… damn it! Why wouldn't you just listen?! That’s all you had to do! Just take two seconds and fucking listen to me!" Her legs suddenly trembling, she reached up an unsteady hoof up to wipe away the blood that had begun to trek down the side of her face. A strained, weak voice broke through her reverie, "...Dashie?" Divergence Chapter 1 ← Chapter 3 →
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 3 Evidence An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Pinkie stepped forward, asking in a high, quavering tone: "Dashie… how could you?" Dash was pulled from her reverie, her thoughts and feelings poorly sorted. She had been staring blankly at the disheveled mess that was one of her oldest friends, now laying in a beaten heap before her. She turned to the pink filly, whose mane seemed to deflate by increments before her eyes. "Pinkie, I—ow!" Rainbow Dash yelped, stung by something hard striking her on the flank at high velocity. Rarity was advancing slowly, horn shining brighter than Dash had ever seen it. Her eyes were narrowed, her jaw bunched hard enough to make a vein near her temple pulse visibly. Rocks were levitating around her, a dozen strong, and she was hurling them one after another at the Pegasus with incredible force. Having taken a few hits from the stones, Dash knew she was going feel the bruises for days—provided they didn’t break any of her light bones outright. She threw herself into dodging them before a lucky shot could fell her. "Rarity, you throw one more stone at me, I’m going to shove your horn sideways up your—" Rarity reared back to her hind legs with a scream, abandoning the stones easily dodged by the agile Pegasus. She seized a large log laying nearby with her telekinesis, raising it above her. “You’re supposed to protect your friends!” she yelled, the shout tearing at her throat. Dash had dropped into a balanced crouch, gritting her teeth, prepared to dart in any direction the moment Rarity hurled the deadly object. “That’s exactly what I’m trying to do!” she shouted back. "Stop It!" yelled Fluttershy. At volume. The effect stunned everypony to shocked silence. "J- just stop it. Everypony. Please... Just stop," she said, reverting to a whispered plea, dropping her eyes from their wide-eyed stares and moving over to apply her attentions to the insensate Applejack, now and again releasing little exclamations as she examined the wounded pony. Rarity, glaring blue death at Rainbow Dash, let the log drop and stepped over to the front of the focused Fluttershy; she stood protectively before the natural medic and her patient, as though she half-expected the unstable acrobat to rush over and attack at any moment. Pinkie walked towards Dash, unafraid—too wounded to be afraid—just wanting to understand. "Why, Dashie? Why did you hurt our friends?" Looking into the dinner-plate-sized eyes of the pink pony, the lack of her trademark exuberance cut deeply into Dash's heart; she heaved a deep sigh. She'd never felt so horrible, so guilty; she had hurt them. She knew Twilight wouldn't be too bad, even soft as she was, but Applejack… she'd gone overboard, and she knew it. This was the one pony she could compete with, really had to work to win against. She'd never once backed down from a challenge, and while she and Fluttershy had known one another since their Cloudsdale school days, Applejack had come to hold a very special place in her heart. "Pinkie. I’m... sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I—" "Sorry?! You're sorry are you? Oh yes? Quite contrite, yes, I can see how very penitent you are, you filthy, crass, lowlife-deviant-beast!" Rarity errupted, unable to contain herself, ending the tirade with a screech. "You could have killed Applejack and Twilight both, and doomed us all! So help me—So. Help. Me—if harm comes to Sweetie Belle over your little psychotic run, I will personally skin you alive!" Dash hung her head throughout the abuse, flinching as Rarity finished. A tear traced her cheek, falling to the grass. She was done being angry, and besides, Rarity was right. If anything happens to the fillies, I deserve it. I really do. Pinkie looked over at the white Unicorn through hooded eyes, not a hint of a smile on her face. "Rarity. Hush." She turned her attention back to Dash, gazing down at the stooped Pegasus. Stepping forward, she reached out a hoof, lifting Rainbow’s chin upwards until she made eye contact with the bruised blue pony. "Dashie. You have to explain. You have to tell us why you did this.” Dash, to her credit, rendered a very thorough, albeit very thoroughly butchered, account of her experience across the canyon, trying her best to convey the depth of Princess Luna's sincerity, how her serenity and assurance had carried Dash's doubts to conviction, the evidence of the sun-raising... and the Princess's final warning. Rarity was not in a particularly forgiving mood; refusing to make eye contact with Dash whenever she looked her way and interjecting biting comments regarding the “mental instability of certain blue Pegasi, who may or may not be present, who may or may not be inclined to schedule an extended stay with a psychiatric facility in the very near future.” Pinkie had her head tilted oddly to the side, an odd look of attentiveness to her posture. Dash had the strange but distinct feeling she was only half listening to the story; most of Pinkie’s focus seemed to be on her own body. When Dash had finished her story, Pinkie blinked, straightened, and pulled a whole-body shiver. "I believe you, Dashie. I think you did the only thing you thought you could do." A little smile began to slide back across her face. "Even if you did maybe doom all Equestria." "Um..." Dash could think of absolutely nothing to say to that, so she turned to gaze at Fluttershy, who had been—while almost preternaturally unobtrusive—listening attentively; she wastaking in everything. She blinked, startled under the sudden scrutiny. "Fluttershy?" Dash prompted. "I… I don't know…" she muttered, glancing from the still livid Rarity, to the not-quite-happy Pinkie Pie, to the openly pleading Rainbow Dash; her oldest friend. "I… it's not the most important thing right now. Twilight, Applejack—they're hurt, and we need to get them care right away. We have to get them back to Ponyville." Rarity snorted. "Very well done, Rainbow Dash, your brilliant plan worked marvelously," she said, her scorn searing into the Pegasus like acid. Dash winced, but refused to look away from the Unicorn this time. Despite the previous wave of forlorn weariness, her ire was beginning to rise again. "Nope!" chirped Pinkie Pie, crossing a good four feet in a single bounce, hopping between the two mares. "We're done with all that hurty stuff now, ‘k guys? And if anypony starts anything like that again, why I'll just tie her up with her own tail and drag her through every puddle of mud on the way back home," she finished, fixedly grinning in Rarity's face. Rarity, for her part, blanched—as much as her alabaster coat could visibly allow—certain to her very soul that this pink… creature, would actually do it. "Fine. Very well. Have it your way Pinkie," Rarity said, lifting her nose to the air, and turning lightly back towards Twilight. Her horn lit again, and both Twilight and Applejack began to float softly off the ground, their bodies cushioned in the magic. "We should move quickly; I'm not certain how long I can maintain this." Pinkie and Fluttershy moved to the Unicorn, Pinkie snagging up Applejack’s hat where it lay on the ground. Flipping it into the air, it spun three times before falling to settle perfectly on her head. After a moment’s consideration, she cocked it roguishly to the side. Fluttershy looked to Dash, who hadn't moved a muscle to follow them. "Aren't you coming with us?" she asked, already sounding sad, as though the question had answered itself. The other Pegasus grimaced. "That's… probably not a good idea." "I'll say," came a haughty barb. Pinkie blinked and asked, "Why not Dashie?" Fluttershy took a step towards Dash, her mouth open to speak. Everypony froze as a shock of light and clap of thunder violently erupted in the distance, splitting the night in a brilliant bolt, casting a stark relief across the friends’ faces, distorting their frozen expressions with jagged shadows. A beam had shot straight upwards in a solid spear, like a beacon, drawing their eyes to the source; an ancient and dilapidated castle was revealed—startlingly close, its every window filled with the searing light, casting a surreal aspect on the surrounding forest for miles around. Dash blinked, breaking the spell the incredible sight held her under. Gravely she turned her gaze on her friends. "That’s why. Guys? Guys!" she shouted, jerking them from their transfixed state. "You have to get AJ and Twilight home. Now." Dash didn’t hear Fluttershy shout her name as she sped toward the castle; the source of this nightmare. ~~~ Days had passed, or so the clocks counted and the calendars assured. The atmosphere of the usually light-hearted and joyful little town was now subdued and tense; the streets mostly empty, shops open but vacant. Nopony could remember a time like this. For the first day, the darkness had endured for twenty-four hours without break. A lone courier Pegasus arrived late in the natural hours of the first night after the disaster, meeting with the mayor behind closed doors, before leaving as abruptly as he came. Shortly after the mayor issued a proclamation of emergency; curfew was established, watches were set and directed toward the Everfree Forest, and travel outside the town’s borders was strongly discouraged. No announcements had been made regarding Princess Celestia. The sun finally broke the horizon on the second day. Everypony cheered its rise, but their bursting celebration held a current of desperation. The weak cheer quickly stilled altogether as the ponies saw the rising orb was not the brilliant sun they knew so well, but cast its reddish-orange light fitfully, as though none too pleased to be making an appearance. Nor did it take its usual track through the sky; staying low to the horizon as it made a two-hour trek from rise to set. The moon mirrored its path like a silver guardian, drifting in parallel above the sun as it made its belabored journey. The next day, the sun was up for nearly four hours. Everypony in town solemnly gathered to watch it rise; even the youngest foals roused from their uneasy slumber. Twilight had regained consciousness with a mild concussion and had been released from the clinic with an order of bed rest. Applejack had been admitted to critical care; her broken rib and fractured foreleg left her heavily bandaged, with a prescription of pain medication she flatly refused to take—despite the constant, if passive, nagging she received from Fluttershy. The five stayed together in the library for the most part, taking comfort in one another’s presence, if little else. Twilight maintained a brooding silence since she had awoke, settling a pervasive anxiety upon the general atmosphere. Dash had not been seen since their parting in the forest, and it was anypony’s guess if she was alive or not. Her welfare had been as much a subject of discussion as her intentions. In the weak light of the third day, Twilight spoke gravely to the assembled ponies. "Girls," she began, the word falling like the somber call to a counsel of war. "I've been thinking everything through, and there are few things I'm not confused about. There are far too many coincidences surrounding my coming here—about my research into the prophecy, and subsequent discoveries about the Elements of Harmony. I think… I think Princess Celestia knew this was going to happen. I can't get much farther than that with any assurance, but everything has lined up far too well for me to believe her hoof was absent from how things have unfolded. I can't... I don’t understand why she wasn't direct with me, or for that matter, bothered with me at all in procuring the Elements,” she went on, waving a hoof vaguely before her. “I’ve been having Spike send letters to the Princess three times a day, but either she’s not receiving them for some reason or... I don’t even want to consider the alternatives. But one thing is clear: I have to stay true to the Princess. She gave me a task, and it is unfulfilled. I have to go back into the forest, and try to get to the Elements." The announcement was met with scattered, if half-hearted, protestations and the near-immediate reaction she had both feared and expected. They insisted, once again, on going with her; she had as little success in dissuading them as she had the first time. "Um…" Twilight began with more hesitancy, "we have to discuss what happened with Dash, one more time. I want to believe that she was under some kind of compulsion, not in control of herself, as much as any of you... but after hearing everypony’s perspectives, I don't really think that's the case. I know you all feel betrayed; you've known her a lot longer than I have. But if we encounter her in there, and she tries to stop us again, I…" Twilight broke off, biting her lip. She knew what she had to say, even believed she was right, but giving voice to her intention to take Rainbow Dash down if need be, by any means necessary, pulled a string in her heart. It was true that she hadn't known the brash Pegasus long at all, but she'd come to feel as much a connection with her as she did with the still-loyal ponies sitting with her now. How these crazy ponies had come to claim such a place in her heart in such a short time, when all her life she'd barely given a second thought to social ties outside of the most common courtesies, was beyond her. A delicate "Ahem" stirred Twilight from her musings, and she focused her attention to the white Unicorn. "We all know what you're trying to say, dear, and as you said, you know as much as we do about what happened. What you may not be fully understanding is that we've all known Rainbow Dash much longer than you have, and as such, her vile betrayal cuts all the deeper. The others may still have reservations—though how you can Applejack, after how badly she beat you, I'll never know—but I for one, have none. When I see her again, I will attend to her personally,” Rarity finished primly, the glint in her eyes bespeaking her tightly reined fury at the absent Pegasus. Pinkie spoke from where she lay on the floor, not raising her head from its resting position on her hooves, “You’re wrong, everypony. I know you are. I get why Twilight won’t believe me; she doesn’t know. But you Applejack; and you Rarity; an’ Fluttershy too. If I told you my tail was twitch-a-twitchin’ right now, you’d all dive for cover.” Applejack flinched a bit at this, sending a reflexive glance to the ceiling as Pinkie continued, “And I’m telling you that my Pinkie-sense told me Dashie wasn’t lying. She was telling the truth.” Rarity was biting her lip and looking like she’d dearly love to argue the point, but Twilight got there first, her eyebrows raised high into her mane. “Pinkie-sense?” she asked, looking around at the group. A weary Applejack turned to the confused Unicorn with a deadpan expression. “Long story, sugarcube. Anyhow, Ah been thinkin’ ‘bout all this my own way, ‘n see here: me ‘n Rainbow been close for ages now, ever since she came down from Cloudsdale to help Fluttershy set up her cottage. It may seem like we argue more’n otherwise, but honest truth is that’s just our way, how we ‘spress ourselves. Ain’t neither one of us sharp on that mushy, frou-frou stuff, so we’ve always shown how we felt with jibes an’ horsin’ about. Camaraderie type-a-thing. Wouldn’t expect yall ta understand that, Rarity,” Applejack snapped, casting a glance at Rarity, where a repugnant look was painted on the Unicorn’s face for all to see. “Ah know what yer thinkin’, but we ain’t discussin’ it, so you can wipe that look offa yer face right now.” She turned to Twilight. “Listen here, Twilight, cuz here’s what matters: Dash ain’t no traitor. It ain’t in her. She cares more about her friends than she does her own life. ‘Bout this time last year, Fluttershy an’ Dash an’ me were hoofin’ it about the back country, up north ‘round the bend of the Everfree, just explorin’. We took a rest in a scenic li’l meadow we happened upon. Fluttershy an’ Ah were havin’ a drink at the creek runnin’ through, when we heard this huge crack behind us. An ol’ dead tree had given way, an’ was loomin’ over us on its way down fast. Dash had been flyin’ about up above an’ saw it ‘fore we did. Just as we’re about to get it, Dash slammed inta us from the air, pushin’ us clear. That tree came down in a almighty crash... an for what felt like forever, Ah thought Dash hadn’t made it out. She did o’ ‘course, an’ was mighty pleased with herself, lemme tell ya. But if she hadn’t? She still woulda’ done it. Ah know that sure’s anything. In the forest Ah... Ah got carried away—swept up in everythin’. Ah should’ve heard her out...” Fluttershy nodded her agreement from her place on the couch pillows. Twilight and Rarity shared a glance, their reservations wavering but unchanged. The divide in group consensus tacitly ignored, Twilight began to lay out the logistics for the trip. ~~~ On the fitful dawn of the fourth day, Twilight and Applejack decided they had recovered enough to act on their plan. Fluttershy, however, was none too pleased. Applejack was still heavily bandaged, but flatly refused to be left behind. She limped along stoically beside a grim-faced Twilight. The group gathered what few supplies they felt were needed, and packed them into their respective saddle bags. They had trotted past the edge of town when they heard the warning cries shouted from the posted lookouts on the roofs behind them. Stopping to watch something breaking from the canopy of the Everfree Forest, it soon became clear that the odd sight was a group of Pegasi flying in a tight formation, headed right for the town. They landed some short distance in front of the group, conversing briefly amongst themselves in muted tones, before trotting up as a unit towards the five friends. A tight-fitting weave of black and dark blue covered the Pegasi; emblazoned bolts of lightning crossed vertically over their shoulders and met at the chest in a‘V’ shape. Three were large, barrel-chested stallions, evidenced by their size and the squareness of jaw. The others were smaller; obviously young mares by their graceful lines and sinuous movement, though their coat-tight uniforms revealed the angular lines of taut and powerful frames. They held about them, one and all, an air of tight discipline and singular purpose as they trotted in formation towards the friends. A gasp came as one from the Ponyville cadre; the lead Pegasus mare had broken off from the others as they halted, the leader continuing on alone. Raising a hoof, she had pushed back her goggles and pulled back the cowl. Magenta eyes regarded the group, still shocked to silence; though not at the unveiling of her face. They had recognized the leader for who she was the moment she broke from the other uniformed Pegasi; the way she moved, the cyan wings, and her rainbow colored mane. All were easily distinguishable and unmistakable. Twilight’s eyes were large as the lead pony pulled her mask off, revealing the Pegasus that had occupied so many of her tormented thoughts. She stepped forward with no small amount of apprehension to meet the steadily approaching rainbow-maned pony... "Rainbow Dash," Twilight said flatly, sweeping her with a cool look from hoof to laid-back ears. Dash pulled to a stop before Twilight, giving her a small nod and a carefully neutral expression. “Twilight,” she acknowledged, before glancing away and stepping around her, leaving the bookish unicorn momentarily nonplussed. Coming to a halt in front of Applejack, Dash’s composure suddenly fell away; her eyes alight with conflicted emotion as she took in the workpony’s injuries. “AJ... Applejack... I’m so, so sorry... I—” AJ shot a tight little grin at the faltering Pegasus. “Lucky shot was all that was, sugarcube,” she quipped dismissively. The two mares stood staring at one another; the light smile spread to Rainbow as, for just a moment the world’s troubles fell away from them. The few words were enough to bring the two to every understanding required between them. The soft smiles slowly took on the character of familiar, challenging grins as they leaned in to press their foreheads together in mock challenge—stylized goggles meeting worn Stetson—before chuckling and stepping back. Rainbow cast a look around, taking in Pinkie and Fluttershy, and throwing them a friendly wink. Rarity had been glowering since Dash had appeared, looking as though she wanted to say something harsh and was struggling to contain herself. Dash barely spared her a glance before turning back to Twilight. “Twi, it’s time to head up to the castle. Princess Luna will explain everything.” Twilight blinked. “Who?” Chapter 2 ← “Confrontation” Chapter 4 → “Foresight”
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 4 Foresight An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite An angry ocherous sun drifted slowly overhead, the immense moon hovering in tandem directly above it as it mirrored the fiery orb’s painfully low arch across the horizon. Though its light was gentle and warm, the sun’s alien appearance was far from comforting, shining principally as a reminder of the dystopian circumstances that had swept so suddenly across Equestria. A steady wind had been blowing throughout the unnaturally short day, sweeping in from the south over the far distant mountains. It came in hard and low across the plains, bending down the long grasses and carrying vagrant leaves in its wide wake. Whipping on through the idyllic borough of Ponyville, it buffeted the two groups of ponies standing just a short distance outside the little town, ruffling their manes and tails as they silently faced one another. One of the groups stood tightly together, waiting stoically. Their postures were alert, though not visibly impatient. These ponies were uniformly dressed from head to hoof in the stylized black and purple designs of a flight suit, dual-designed for high speed maneuvering and aerial combat. Needless to say, they stood out of the common herd. Most of the tension in the air, however, was reserved for the opposing group, which consisted of five brightly colored and nervously clustered fillies, conversing with one errant member of the uniformed Pegasi, whose mane was an unruly shock of rainbow hues. “Princess Luna will explain everything,” Rainbow Dash asserted, her tone clipped. Twilight blinked, her confusion temporarily calling a full-stop to all higher cognitive functions at hearing any other name but her beloved mentor’s associated with the royal title. “Who?” “It’s… kind of a crazy story, but c’mon, I’ll explain what I can on the way,” Dash said, before turning to address the unfamiliar Pegasi she’d arrived with. “Okay guys, er—Wing, you’ve got your orders.” The five imposing Pegasi gave a series of nods before crouching down and launching themselves into the air, erupting off the ground with a power and flair that the five friends had previously only seen in their resident speed-demon. The Wing jinked around one another on their way up to cruising altitude, then catching the strong wind, they fell into a tight formation and took off at an impressive speed toward the Archback mountain range far in the distance. Twilight was watching the quickly receding Pegasi with a small, worried frown. “Orders?” she inquired, struggling to rein in her suspicions. While attempting to give Dash the benefit of the doubt, this new development was making her more commiserative efforts increasingly difficult; not to mention the fact that, despite her previous bluster and all of her outward displays of confidence, Dash’s new appearance was rather... imposing. Compounding her unease was the fact that this Pegasus had actually attacked her once. Sure, she was somewhat clumsy, and had knocked herself about on more than one occasion, but nopony had ever actually hit her before. Real violence was something one heard about from the lower streets of Canterlot, not something actually encountered in the Princess’ School for Gifted Unicorns. The admission stung, but she had to concede, at least to herself, that at this point she was more than a bit afraid of Rainbow Dash. Utterly oblivious to Twilight’s concerns, a fierce little grin appeared on Rainbow’s muzzle. “Heh, yeah. I’m the Captain of Princess Luna’s Shadowbolts! They’re the best fliers in all of Equestria, and I’m the Captain!” she restated, just in case anypony had missed that particular item on the first pass. Fluttershy ducked her head, raising a fore-hoof pensively off the ground. “But... Rainbow Dash, what about the Wonderbolts?” she asked, trying reflexively to hide behind bangs that were being blown over her shoulder. Under different circumstances, the timid little dance would have been amusing, but Dash had known Fluttershy long enough not to discount her comments when she mustered up the nerve to be heard, and the seemingly innocuous question was true to form. Dash rapidly back-peddled. “Um... well, yeah. Okay, they’re still awesome, but this is totally different. I still want to be a Wonderbolt someday, totally. But this? With Luna? I’m the Captain of a Princess’s elite team! I mean, come on, how cool is that?” “And what... orders are they to fulfill, precisely?” Rarity interjected, refusing to be sidetracked. “They’re headed out as official envoys. To other nations way beyond our borders. Some mountains way up north to talk to the Griffons, the Deer nations to the south, even the Wolves somewhere west! I didn’t even know Wolves were still around; I thought they’d gone extinct or something.” Twilight, unable to contain her soapbox impulses, began to correct Dash on the finer points. “The Wolf Tribes aren’t actually extinct, Rainbow. In fact, they used to hold control over huge swaths of disjointed territories all across the continent, according to the histories. They even had their claws in a large part of southwestern Equestria, from what I could decipher of their old maps. Their long term weakness came about from their innate and fierce independence. They would gather in tribes, but rarely established townships of any sort beyond winter camps. Much like the Dragons in their decentralization actually...” Dash gave a little cough. Twilight, in full-swing lecture mode, cocked one eyebrow curiously before continuing, “In any case, when Princess Celestia stepped forward to lay claim to the ponydom we know today, the Wolves secluded themselves within the huge forests of the far northwestern reaches. Apparently they had always abhorred the notion of central leadership.” Applejack had limped up to stand closer to Dash. “Whatta y’all mean, ‘envoys’ sugarcube?” she asked, the pair tuning out Twilight’s oration. “Princess Luna is sending out contacts to the other nations, asking for representatives to come and meet with her. She wants to talk with the higher-ups all over, mostly about treaties an’ history an’ stuff I guess. But look, let’s talk on the way, alright?” That said, Dash was fixed to set off at a brisk trot, but eased after just a few steps, noting that Applejack was limping along stoically at her best speed. Though she hid the pain it caused her impressively well, Dash’s sharp eye caught her friend’s strained movements. Saying nothing, she slowed her pace to an easy canter. “So, okay, look...” she began, “this is gonna be a lot to take in all at once, but just hold off until I get through it, okay?” Dash said to the group as they moved in the direction of the forest line in the distance. “So to start, Princess Luna is Princess Celestia’s little sister, and...” she broke off, grimacing as she caught the sound of a set of hooves abruptly stumbling to a halt. Twilight was standing stock-still, staring at her incredulously as the gears spun furiously in the little Unicorn’s head, working to make all the possible connections to the prophecies she had been pouring over so obsessively these past few days. Dash sighed. “It’s gonna be like that huh?” She gestured with a padded, black foreleg to the path ahead. “Can we at least keep moving while we plow through this? I’d like to get there sometime today.” Twilight appeared to make several attempts to speak, cutting herself off at what could be assumed to be the beginnings of syllables, before simply shaking her head and stepping back in with the group. “Right, okay. So, Luna is an Alicorn and Celestia’s little sister,” Dash began anew, grinning over as Twilight noticeably bit her lip. “And they had a... um, ‘falling out’ a long time ago. Celestia sorta banished Luna to the moon for a thousand years.” She pulled ahead yet again, unsurprised as her ears swiveled back to register that her hooves were now making the only sounds of travel along the packed earth. The entire little herd had come to a full stop in unison, staring at her. Dash released an irritated little groan as everypony found their voice at the same time, except, she noted, for Twilight, who was frowning thoughtfully. “To the... moon?! That’s horrible...” “Her own li’l sister?” “For one thousand years?!” “That must have been a huge slingshot!” “Oooookay. Well, I guess we’ll make it there sometime tomorrow,” Dash quipped sarcastically, her stylized goggles glinting in her mane as she snapped her tail. “Can we please keep moving?” The ponies shared a look between them, and once more began to follow the Pegasus’ lead. “Right,” Dash began, again, her tone a grim promise of a short temper becoming dangerously frayed. “So. Luna. Alicorn. Celestia’s sister. They had a big ‘thing’ a long time ago, like a thousand-year long time ago, and apparently it turned pretty ugly. Princess Luna was kinda vague-ish on the details, but she said she ended up locked in the moon for all that time.” Twilight had clearly been waiting for Dash to draw breath, and pounced into the breach with didactic abandon, rapidly fitting the pieces together. “Wait-wait-wait. Why did they disagree? What happened?” It all made sense, but Dash was clearly badly misinformed of the proper recounting. “Uh... to be honest, I don’t know much more than the basics. I only spent a while with her, and we talked about other stuff. Then she had me go off an’ meet with those other Pegasuses an’ bring em back to the castle. We spent the last couple of days practicing together. They’re really, really good! I mean, not as good as me, obviously, but they’re all top fliers. We’ve been sharing techniques and practicing for days!” Her tone grew lighter as she recalled the long hours of drills, the new tricks learned, and the shared experience of talented fliers with such dynamic skill sets. “Rainbow, give me one reason to believe you,” Twilight demanded, jarring Dash from her wistful preoccupation. “Gee, Twi, I dunno, how ‘bout that?” she said in retort, waving a hoof at the sun and rolling her eyes. Twilight stomped her hoof in a preemptive declaration. “Not good enough. There are a hundred possible explanations for why the sun could be up, and a thousand as to why it looks so... so sick.” “I don’t know what you want me to say here Twilight. I don’t think it matters what I tell you if you won’t believe me anyway. I know you’re freaking out right now, I do, I get that. But what do you want to do? You want to go to the castle, talk with the one pony who actually knows what the hay’s happening? Well, that’s what we’re doing, so get off my mane, will ya?” “I... Rainbow, I just need to know... where’s Princess Celestia? Is she okay?” “...I dunno, Twi. That’s... you’ll have to ask Luna,” Dash asserted in a tone that clearly implied she wasn’t prepared to discuss the matter further. Twilight unexpectedly subsided for the time being, somewhat surprising the Pegasus, though she wasn’t about to complain. A silence fell upon the group. ~ They had been travelling now for some time at a fair trot. The forest loomed not far ahead, and the short day was nearing its close. Everypony was occupied with their own thoughts—ranging from barely restrained and frantic, to one particular quietly smoldering grudge. Dash looked back, noting that Rarity was trailing a bit behind, her face covered in a frown. She had been seemingly removed from the proceedings about her thus far. Dash slowed her canter, moving back to intercept her, mentally preparing to bite the horseshoe. As she let her pace slow, the others drifted to pass ahead. As she slid by Applejack, the orange mare smirked over at her. “Nice threads there, Rainbow. Bit tight, aren’t they?” Dash gaped at her, blushing right up to her ears. “Where the hay did that come from AJ?” she stammered, utterly thrown for a moment. Fortunately Applejack wasn’t intent on embarrassing her friend—well, not just yet. She cast a quick glance to the cyan pony’s destination and said, “Yer doin’ the right thing Dash. Ah know you know how she feels, an that ain’t gonna make it any easier. Just do yer best an’ talk from the heart. Try to be the bigger pony.” She winked, then quickened her pace a bit, moving up next to Fluttershy, and began a low conversation in tones of reassurance with the little Pegasus. Rainbow huffed at the antics of her rustic friend—When did she get so darn unpredictable?—before recalling her current little mission. With a deep breath, Dash matched pace with the smoldering fashionista. Trotting beside her in silence, the moment unfolded uncomfortably. She had just been getting used to the notion of waiting the Unicorn out when Rarity began speaking suddenly, startling her. “Rainbow Dash. This isn’t easy. I meant what I said before, and I still don’t know what to think. I do know how loyal you are, and that makes this all the more confusing. I’ve never had cause to question you before, and to have you do what you did... so suddenly... It still feels like you betrayed us all. Betrayed me.” Dash grimaced. “Rarity, look... what happened at the bridge that night, you think I wanted that? That was the last thing I wanted to do, and it scared the hay outta me! I feel awful that I hurt AJ and Twilight, but I didn’t know what else to do! Everything happened so fast, and Twilight was going to take off no matter what I said an’ get herself killed!” Her brash tone softened as she continued, “It was my fault; if I were better with words, if I could have explained it right...” Rarity huffed. She hated to admit it, but she could understand how Rainbow Dash felt, without condoning her actions. She grudgingly said as much. “I’m just so worried, Rainbow Dash. What if you’re wrong? You’ve sided against your friends, and for what? Somepony with crazy stories that we’ve never met before? Have you even considered what is going to happen to us when we reach this ‘castle’ if Twilight Sparkle is right?” Dash hesitated. “I... Honestly? No, not really, Rarity. Y’know why? Cuz if I thought for a second anything bad was gonna happen to you up there, you think I’d let you go? You think I’d be taking you there? Pony feathers Rarity, that’s why I did what I did in the first place! To protect you guys! You didn’t see what I saw that night. When you all went back to Ponyville, I flew towards the castle and watched. That light was shooting out everywhere, totally randomly! It plowed through trees and stones like nothing. It even tore through the walls of the castle once or twice, an’ almost took me out a couple times!” Dash exclaimed, her eyes large and voice animated with the recounting. Rarity grimaced, but there was little doubting Dash’s sincerity. That filly could as easily glide through charm school as pass off a duplicitous tale with that much enthusiasm. Still... just because she believed she was in the right, by no means meant she actually was. Not to mention Twilight; an educated and proper unicorn—Well, for the most part at least—the magical protegé of the Princess herself, born and raised in fabulous Canterlot itself, the glowing gem of Equestria. Why, if I could get my latest line into those boutiques... Rarity lightly shook her mane, returning her thoughts to the present. It would seem she was at something of an impasse. She could only hope for the best, and prepare for the worst, but she didn’t have to be happy about it. Kicking a stone along the path, she sent it skittering off into the grass. And that insufferable wind certainly isn’t helping matters, she thought, fretting over her mane for the thousandth time, and trying not to show it. Rainbow had been casting quick looks at her for the past minute, waiting for a response. Rarity knew that what she said next could cut the Pegasus to the quick, and it frankly pained her to see the brash young speedster so unconventionally vulnerable... Struggling to put on a bright smile, she turned to face Rainbow directly. “You did what you thought best Rainbow Dash. There’s no point fretting over frayed silk; if we stick together, I’m sure everything will be alright.” Dash broke into a huge smile, too relieved to say more than, “Thanks Rares.” Rarity bumped her shoulder delicately against Dash. “Though you simply must let me do something about that outfit. Far too utilitarian for a mare of your build.” They shared a laugh over that, trotting down the road. ~ The entrance to the forbidding forest was just ahead, when night fell suddenly over the ponies. Rarity released a startled, “What!” while Fluttershy let out an almighty “Meep!”. Their world turned dark beneath an enormous shadow, and the rushing thunder of gale-force winds roared high overhead. Everypony, aside from an enamoured pink filly who simply stared into the sky with a long coo of admiration, hunched to the ground, an instinctive throwback to a more wild past, and looked upwards. Fluttershy entered that very special level of panic reserved for just one thing in the wide and scary world—Dragons. Huge Dragons. Three of them, gliding across the sky in a wide triangle formation, arching lazily above them. Although, to be fair, anything a dragon wasn’t doing fearsomely, they seemed to go about lazily. It was as though any action that didn’t call them to the mind of battle was done with a laconic disregard of affairs beneath their attention. Chuckling at the wide eyed expressions of her prostrate friends, Pinkie noted that Fluttershy had gone into full emergency lock-down. After a moment of experimentally nudging her to no response, Pinkie just giggled at the silly-filly’s antics and burrowed underneath her, rising with the insensate Pegasus stiff as a board across her back, a fair amount of earth crumbling from her fluffy mane. ~ The trek through the forest was largely uneventful, the notorious bridge in full repair, and the castle loomed as they broke through the tree line, just as the sun was lowering behind the horizon. Situated in an circular clearing was the first clear patch they’d seen since entering the ancient forest. While in heavy disrepair, the monolithic structure held a feeling of old majesty and sorrowful nostalgia. The stalwart masonry of the great outer walls was cracked here and there, vines tracing about haphazardly. The great encircling wall obscured the lower portions of the castle and courtyard beyond, but it was clear a large village could easily fit within its bounds—and apparently once had, if the nearly fossilized ruts in the road were anything to go by. In contrast to the ruin’s long-abandoned appearance, evenly distanced globes of soft moonlight were glowing, magically contained and suspended along the outer walls, as if in preparation for the advancing darkness. Passing through the arching portal, Twilight quickly calculated it to be wide enough for at least fifteen ponies walking shoulder-to-shoulder. Dash turned left on a side path of the sprawling courtyard that curved into the great shadow cast by the castle, her uniform making her outlines hard to distinguish. Leading them toward the trickling sound of running water, their destination obscured by the curve of the castle itself, she grinned to herself as her friends gaped about them in amazement. Trotting round the bend, even Dash drew to a shuddering halt at the sight before them. On the far side of the clearing, on the bank of a flowing brook rose a grove of elegantly placed maple trees, their leaves gently rustling in the soft breeze. Just before the copse sat Luna; her tail curled primly about her, contemplatively focused on a table before her. This, however, was not what drew the collective shock and ragged gasp from the six little ponies. Dwarfing both board and Goddess, great wings tightly furled, body sprawled out behind him, the tip of a massive tail flicking idly, and long-necked head resting against one raised fist... was a dragon. A truly huge dragon. His silver-green scales glinted with his movements in a youthful shine, belying the great age necessary to achieve such a size; massive even by the standards of his kind. As if this weren’t enough, movement had caught the ponies’ eyes, and the friends stood frozen as the heads of two more dragons swiveled towards them, their light green colors blending perfectly into the dips of the natural hillside where they had lain motionless. The two lay on either side of the meadow a good distance from the Alicorn and ancient dragon in the center, piercing the ponies with a predatory gaze. The two at the center of the meadow affected not to notice, as they continued their conversation. “Much has changed my old friend,” Luna was saying in melancholy tones to the ancient dragon, the clear ring of her voice carrying with ease across the meadow’s sprawl. “Indeed...” he rumbled in reply. The baritone of his voice struck as poorly suited to pony ears, rumbling forth in a depth more akin to stone and earth. “And all else aside, it is wonderful to have you back with us. Your sister always did have finer relations with the more... ‘established’ beings. She had little inclination to appreciate the nomadic ways of the Enclave, nor the fascination with the deep mysteries that you always showed. Do you remember the last time we plumbed the Nova Solaris quasar? We stood upon the highest peak of Grayscale Mountain for four days and four nights...” the pair shared a fond smile of remembrance, lapsing for a moment into another language as they reminisced on days long past into the ages. “Hah!” Luna cried out suddenly. “Checkmate you scaly old buzzard!” she gloated, laughing joyfully. “Little Princess, you wound me!” the dragon rumbled melodramatically. “Using the nostalgia of days gone by to distract an old friend!” he bemoaned, before erupting into a laugh that shook the pebbles underhoof. After a moment he sobered, his great eyes hooded. The atmosphere changed. Solemnly now, he spoke. “How is this so little Luna? I’ve often pondered this in your long absence. You have known my father, and his before him, and I am myself now ancient beyond the understanding of near any other race of this world. And yet... still you laugh with me, as a friend. You were by my side as I learned to fly, when I could nearly fit under your wing. My father told me many of the tales of his youth when you were by his side as well. You sat on the Council of Elders. You stood as ambassador for the Wolves and the Deer when they seemed destined to annihilate one another. You raise the moon, you weave the stars, and the Dreaming is your realm. What strange magics do you wield, Goddess of the Night, that we mortals so easily fool ourselves into feeling your equals?” Luna stared up solemnly at the scaled giant, her eyes lost for a moment from the touch of Equestria. “The Dreaming is not my realm old friend. I have some weight in it, true, but that burden rests on the shoulders of one far older than gods and time. He is of the Endless, and I speak of him as you now speak to me—in the barest of comprehension. I am not so great as you would imagine me. There are depths that are beyond me, and I take comfort in this little land, with its easy joy and bright laughter... now more so than ever...” The moment stretched out in silent contemplation as the leaves fell and the creek sang. The massive dragon glanced around, taking in the halting approach of yet more diminutive equines as they slid out of the castle’s shadow, reluctantly following a single tiny mare in black. “My goodness, Luna, you’ve become quite the social butterfly in your old age,” he quipped, chuckling lightly. Luna smirked at him and briefly peeked out her tongue, giggling a bit herself. “Well, I suppose I shall excuse myself while you attend to things. My wing-brothers and I will be at the lake, should you need us before sunrise.” Luna smiled gently, with great fondness. “It really is wonderful to see you again. Thank you for coming so quickly. You don’t know what a comfort it is to have you close in uncertain times.” The dragon bowed his head, Luna rejoined with a playful curtsy, and he slowly rose, the other two dragons stretching their wings and preparing to take flight with him. He turned piercing eyes toward the ponies, seeking out the distinctively purple mare. “Regard your charge well, little Unicorn. He is precious to our kind. To me.” Leaving no room for contemplation or response, he launched himself up into the sky, the gale of his wings tearing at the manes of the diminutive equines. Sliding above the castle walls and out of sight, the two others with him, they disappeared into the encroaching dusk. The ponies assembled before the goddess began a deep bow, barring Rainbow Dash and Twilight, though for reasons entirely mutually exclusive. Even Fluttershy had revived herself. Luna’s expression lost any hint of mirth as she regarded them. Rainbow coughed from behind a hoof, muttering surreptitiously, “Guys, don’t do that; she really hates it.” On cue, Luna grumbled discontentedly; “Must everypony keep doing that? Such affectations were rare one thousand years ago, but now it seems common place. Ugh.” Twilight, who had resisted the ingrained urge to prostrate herself, stared hard at the midnight-blue Alicorn, and wasted no time plunging in. “Where is Princess Celestia?” she demanded, her voice loud and ringing across the meadow. Luna met her gaze evenly. “I do not know.” “You liar!” Twilight screamed, losing grip of her frayed composure entirely and stomping both hooves down furiously into the grass. “You’ve done something with her! I know it! I read the prophecies, I know what you really are! You’re Nightmare Moon, the evil mare of darkness, and you’re trying to take over! Well I won’t let you! You think you can trot in and take over just like that? You really think everypony is just going to stand for it?!” Dash had recoiled from Twilight’s initial outburst, but now her ruby eyes were narrowed, her muzzle pursed. A look of tightly contained anger writ across her face as her wings began to unfurl from her body. Luna’s expression never cracked a hair. She continued to gaze serenely down at the raging purple Unicorn for a moment, before asking, “Indeed? And just what, little one, do you intend to do about it?” The fire inside Twilight’s chest flickered. “I... um... I know what we need to find, and when we do, I’ll banish your sorry flank back to the moon for ANOTHER thousand years! The Elements of Harmony took care of you once, and they can do it again!” Twilight thought she had done a rather fine job of hiding the uncertainty in her voice, while the little autodidact in her head pranced about, shrilly informing her that she was currently threatening a Goddess. Luna managed to make the rolling of her eyes appear almost dainty. “And the Elements? Where do you intend to find them? How will you use them?” she asked, sardonic amusement alive in her voice as she humored her sister’s pupil... who appeared to be ever so slightly cracked. Celestia always did have a taste for eccentric characters, she thought, mildly entertained. Her gaze hardened as she continued, “And most importantly, how do you know about the Elements of Harmony?” Her eyes glinting emerald in the last rays of the setting red sun, she put Twilight to task. Twilight simply was not prepared for this. Being questioned rationally by the psychotic monster she’d seen at the Summer Sun Celebration? Not to mention said monster having hit upon nearly every weak point in her plans... she stammered, fumbling for a response. Luna spoke coldly in the awkward silence. “Twilight Sparkle. The power you seek... is beyond your understanding. The Elements of Harmony are perhaps the single most potent force on this plane. With them, you would have the power to level mountains, acidify oceans, and scorch the earth of entire continents. Is that what you want?” she asked, pausing a moment. “My sister once used them, at great cost to herself. You see, the Elements choose their bearers. It is not the other way around. Not even for gods. Understand this: my sister wished for us to rule together. I wished for us to not rule at all.” Luna shrugged lightly. “That was the heart of our disagreement; a reminder of the inexorable twilight between us, the divide of night and day. In near all else we stood in harmony. To provide the peace and abundance our little ponies needed to flourish together... we already do this! By our very existence! There is no need for the constant reminder of an imposed order by a ‘royal’ presence. Does that make any sense to you? Can you try to understand, just this, without judgement?” Luna asked seriously, staring down into Twilight’s wide violet eyes. Twilight Sparkle had never been so conflicted in her life. Emotionally, her frustration was boiling over. She wanted to denounce every word this creature was speaking as lies and spit at what must be twisted half-truths. But... she couldn’t. Not really, not with any intellectual honesty. She hadn’t heard a single thing that crossed her analytical compass negatively. Though even this meager admission felt like a betrayal of the most important being in her life: her Princess... she could not bring herself to betray her own senses and reason... and so she whispered, “Yes.” Luna nodded, “Very good little one,” she said, her horn suddenly glowing as points of light began to materialize about her near the ground. “In that case, why don’t you hold onto these for the time being.” With a final surge and blinding flash, five stone orbs came to a rest on the soft grass, each with a unique sigil upon it. The Elements of Harmony. Chapter 3 - “Evidence” ← Chapter 5 - “Bereavement” →
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 5 Bereavement An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Rainbow Dash lay atop the highest tower of a hidden castle, deep within the vast forest of Everfree. Legs curled comfortably underneath her, she gazed up to the night sky that cradled an immense moon. The smooth tile felt warm beneath her, and she drew in a deep breath of the cool night air. Her mind was unusually focused and still as she took in the beauty her vantage offered. It was strange... lately she’d been finding much more pleasure in the nighttime than she ever had before. The pinpricks of brilliance that dotted the sky were far more vivid than she’d realized, and the moon... the waxing moon now stirred something deeply inside of her, firing her blood almost as much as flight at breakneck speeds. Despite the serene atmosphere, her thoughts were deeply troubled. Nothing was what it used to be. Things used to be simple. She had her friends, her dreams, and the sky. Now everything was getting so... complicated. She was used to tolerating the dislike of some ponies—those jerks in flight camp coming quickly to mind—but not trusting her? On the one hoof, she knew she had done the right thing those days ago on the cliff-side. She had saved her friends’ lives, of that she had no doubt, but their reservations stung deeply. Especially when they tried to hide it. Like Rarity. She grimaced as an unwelcome thought occurred: Maybe... maybe it’s me. I was pretty excited about the whole Shadowbolts thing. Do they think that means I don’t care about them anymore? About what’s going on? Still... damn it, Rarity was such a mule! she thought plaintively, her muzzle crinkling. Did she think I couldn’t tell she wasn’t being for real? That I’m so dumb that I couldn’t tell she was just humoring me? As angry as the thought made her, and as good as that indignant anger felt, she just couldn’t hold on to it. After everything else, the most cutting feeling bearing down on her was that she was driving a wedge between the ponies she cared about the most. Not to mention Twilight Sparkle... she didn’t know what to make of the bookworm at this point. The way she’d acted with Luna was just... nuts. Sure, the Celestia-gone-missing thing was freaky as hell, but Luna was not Nightmare Moon, and the Unicorn just couldn’t seem to get that through her head. Luna even gave Twilight the Elements, and then healed up AJ! What more does she want?! Dash bit her lip; she was really starting to hope that Twilight wasn’t going to keep this up... even the brash Pegasus couldn’t imagine anypony getting all up in Celestia’s face like that, and she was worried Twilight was going to start pushing her luck. Dash rose with a nicker of irritation, shaking herself brusquely; she knew the best way to clear her head. Spreading her wings, she crouched low before launching herself with powerful hind legs straight over the precipice. As it always did, her heart gave a sudden lurch, a pulse of fear just begging to be overpowered by the flood of adrenaline rushing through her veins. With a snap of her wings, she spiralled upwards into the air. As the wind rushed through her mane, she truly pitied the ponies who would never know the joy, the freedom, of flight. She privately doubted that even other Pegasi had quite the same intimacy with the sky that she did. She could almost see the flowing currents, the pockets of pressure ebbing around one another as they shifted in density. It wasn’t as though she recognized it by the signs and inferred the conditions, like they taught you to in the Weather Corps—she felt it. Before she knew it, she was high above the castle, hovering idly on an updraft and looking out across the expanse of forest in all directions. She alit carefully on a string of cloud. It was a wispy stratus, so insubstantial it could barely support her, thin enough to glow brightly in the moonlight as if lit from the inside. Pegasus eyes are extremely sharp—though she didn’t recall her night vision ever being quite so acute before—so she could just make out the form of a lone Dragon stretched out by the bank of a lake in the far distance. Dragon eyes must be keener still, for as he turned his head toward her, she was pierced by the certainty that he was gazing straight up into her ruby eyes. Her blood froze in a moment of instinctual terror before she snapped out of it, flicking her ears in irritation. She rose to her fullest height, puffing her chest out in the most impressive pose she could manage, and let out a squawk as the fragile cloud gave out beneath her. She recovered quickly, almost sure she’d put enough spiral into her descent before leveling off to make the move look intentional. Despite herself, she cast a glance to the far-off form of the dragon. She couldn’t be sure, but it looked like his shoulders were quaking in... Is he laughing at me?! That’s it. I’m outta here, she thought, decidedly not pouting as she pulled a sharp bank, settling into a comfortable glide back in the general direction of the castle. As she descended in a lazy spiral, she could make out Luna and Fluttershy among the copse of trees, walking sedately along the bank of the stream. Lights were glowing from the windows of two rooms in the castle, and she wondered who else was up and about. Twilight restlessly paced her room, the sharp crack of hooves on the bare stone was becoming grating. She grit her teeth and uttered a frustrated groan. She cast what was perhaps the thousandth glance at the pile of stone orbs resting on the small bed which, aside from a desk, was the only furniture in the room. These things are the Elements of Harmony? And where in Equestria was the sixth? And how the hay do they work? She had spent the last several hours focused intently on examining the stones, exhausting her fairly impressive repertoire of analytical and diagnostic spells, all to no avail. The most she had been able to ascertain was that these relics were extremely old, and highly potent in... something. They were more magic than stone, but their properties, aside from being individually unique, were unlike anything she’d ever encountered before. Whether or not these turned out to be the Elements of Harmony, they were incredibly significant artifacts in their own right, possibly among the most powerfully imbued items on record. Twilight was a very clever pony, and like most clever ponies, her inability to crack a vitally important puzzle was making her increasingly inclined to throw a tantrum. The night was growing late, but the little pony cantering about her head showed no sign of slowing, shutting up, or ending the maddening circles it was prancing, despite how furiously she cursed herself. She had returned from an extended ‘discussion’ with Luna earlier in the evening, and those thoughts were the worst of the lot. In so many ways, she was reminded of Princess Celestia, and not merely in physical resemblance—Alicorns are fairly distinctive in appearance after all—but in sheer presence. She took the forced resemblance to her beloved mentor as an almost personal affront. Her mind cast back, yet again, to the discussion. Luna had sat so primly; no matter what accusations Twilight had slammed at her, she just stayed so... calm. It was not only infuriating, it was downright suspicious, was what it was! Nopony should remain so unruffled when the order of Equestria had been turned up by the tail! The conversation—more like a lecture—had not unfolded in the way she would have liked... ~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight stood before Luna, gaping as the stone orbs, supposedly the legendary Elements of Harmony, drifted over to settle on the grass at her hooves, released from Luna’s magic. She blinked, Five? There are only five! Narrowing her eyes, she looked back up to the smug, self-righteous Alicorn sitting before her. “Sooo sorry ‘Princess’, you can’t trick me that easily. There are six Elements of Harmony, not five dumb rocks,” she spat. Luna raised a single brow at the irate filly. “Oh. Well then, I tried. Good luck with all that,” came the sardonic reply. Twilight bit her lip, but refused to take the bait, forcing her muddled wits to work once again. Pouring over what Luna had said just moments ago, she switched tracks and attacked, “You claim you didn’t ‘want to rule at all’? So what did you want then? Chaos and anarchy?” Luna’s left ear twitched and she snorted, visibly irked at that. “Anarchy? Let me get this straight: you’re saying that without a divine mandate at hoof and above your heads, you ponies would degenerate into chaos, madness and war? War for what? For bits? For land that you all share? You would believe that the virtues of friendship and harmony are lesser than greed and the compulsion to own?” Luna’s voice turned hard as steel. “You listen to me carefully now, Twilight. I’ve witnessed the tragedy of other species that had begun walking those paths with good intentions, and each and every one inevitably hung themselves with their own avarice.” ~~~~~~~~~~ The door to her room slammed in her wake; she couldn’t stay cooped up in that confining cell a moment longer. She briefly considered seeking out one of the others, but it was late and come to that, despite everything, she wasn’t entirely comfortable opening herself so fully to them—especially given that her own thoughts were so... chaotic. Which wasn’t to say she didn’t want to, which was all the more confusing! She had never been a very social pony, so the ease with which she found herself creating bonds with them was startling... Maybe if circumstances were different... She found her thoughts drawn to Rarity, the elegant mare who had protected her, stood up for her, and argued on her behalf against her longer-standing friends. Fluttershy... something about the timid Pegasus made Twilight’s heart melt; the depths of her kindness and compassion were almost beyond description, and she had tended to Twilight when she had been unconscious. Pinkie Pie was... well, an anomaly, but a darned captivating one. She was perhaps the single oddest creature Twilight had ever met, heard of, or read about. She was... fascinating, and a joy to be around. Applejack’s heart was simply golden, despite her ‘miscalculations’ about that other Pegasus. Applejack was a sturdy young mare, honest and true. Twilight’s ears laid back as her thoughts turned toward that other Pegasus. Rainbow Dash. It was obvious now that she was the blight in an otherwise pure group—that she was not under some spell, or being compelled in some manner. She had chosen to side with evil, to be evil, and Twilight resolved to have her arrested, maybe even banished, the first chance she got. Aimlessly, she walked down the moonlit halls of the ancient castle, the intensely bright light of the moon pouring through evenly spaced windows providing more than enough illumination to see clearly. Twilight had always been an intensely curious pony, though her predilection for academics usually kept her away from more mischievous pursuits. Had it not, however, she may have had the benefit of past experience to warn her that venturing down into deeper and deeper recesses of the keep may not have been the wisest choice. Gritting her teeth, she stomped along the corridors, her hoof-falls echoing down the passages. Luna had taken her every argument and turned it around back at her like a... like a two-bit charlatan... ~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight was utterly incensed, her mane shining in the moonlight. “That is not what I’m saying! Good governance is the foundation of social order! How peace is maintained!” Twilight was hardly a student of the political sciences—in fact, she privately doubted ‘sciences’ was even a proper term for study—but she’d seen Princess Celestia at work: holding court, soothing wounded pride, and maintaining good relations with the dignitaries of neighboring states. Luna didn’t hesitate to rejoin, her voice growing more animated than ever before, and Twilight marked herself a point for getting a rise out of her. “Social order? Is that what you’re calling this meritocracy my sister has fostered? Competition between ponies is a wonderful method of self-improvement, but it is a terrible precept to stand as the foundation of a social structure! You think ponies should seek to better themselves by the exploitation of their fellows? Look at the results: tell me who has managed to find seats closest to power. Sycophantic aristocrats! Their dreams are filled to the brim with nothing but their own ambition, greed, and desires for dominion over others. This is the manner of pony my sister would allow to rise above others? This mental sickness is worth reward? Insanity. The ethical devolution of such a system, once begun, is as inevitable as its own gathering momentum. ” “Stop talking about Celestia like she’s a damned evil tyrant!” Twilight screamed. Luna’s eyes went wide for a moment, before she broke down laughing. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Graaaah!” Twilight growled to herself as she stomped through the corridors. How dare that... that... winged cow imply that Celestia had fostered a predatory social structure, and that I’m complicit in it! Luna had maintained that it was by mere chance she had been born to parents wealthy enough to afford her enrollment in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and had things been different, her potential could have just as easily withered away in some Manehatten alley, or backwater rock farm. She had been prepared to argue the point with venom until Luna had looked to the sky, her heated tone fading, and spoke in a soft voice about feeling the dreams of the thousands of fillies and colts sharing that unhappy, and eminently unfair, fate at that very moment. In that melancholy moment, Luna had turned her back on Twilight without another word, walking away toward the brook in outright dismissal of the purple Unicorn. She rounded a corner, still trying to shake the unwelcome feelings of empathy with the Princess’ closing statement. Looking up and glancing around, she realized she’d come to a dead end, the ambient light almost nonexistent. The corridor she found herself in was cavernous, dusty, and far darker than the halls by her room... running back through her mental map, she determined she was two staircases and three right turns from her quarters. With a flick of her horn, magic ignited, bathing the stone around her in a violet glow. Just ahead was a massive wooden door; the wood appeared extremely weathered with age, but still very solid. Further sparking her curiosity were the unique inlays on the aperture. Stepping closer, she tilted her head, her horn’s magic playing with the shadows of the carvings that ran along the wide frame. The sigils were etched deeply into the hardwood, curving in a runic language she didn’t recognize... which was decidedly odd, as she could at least identify most known languages, alive or dead. Under normal circumstances, she was a mare who respected the privacy of others but these were not normal circumstances. Whatever that silver-tongued monster had locked away could well be the edge Twilight needed to gain the upper hoof! Hay, I’d settle for gaining an ‘even’ hoof at the moment. Glancing quickly over her shoulder to be sure she was still alone, Twilight turned back to focus on the door itself. Enveloping the round iron handle, she pulled; it didn’t even budge. Below the handle was a circular mechanism, with a hole in the center—a lock. Releasing the handle—a little too abruptly, the clang sending a metallic echo down the corridor behind her—she focused on the lock. She closed her eyes, allowing her magic to replace her visual senses, and she felt for the workings of the tumblers. One here, move it up. Another there, up again. This one? … Down. She carefully slid the pins within the lock about until a satisfying click came from the door. Grinning in triumph, she again pulled on the door, and it swung open smoothly. Somepony had obviously kept it in good repair, for it neither creaked nor squealed on its hinges. Peering through the door, she saw nothing but an inky blackness that her magical light couldn’t seem to penetrate. It was as if there were a second door blocking her, one of a palpable darkness. Frowning, she cautiously stepped forward. Her world turned white with pain, the sound of an electrical crack tearing through the air. She found herself on her back, slowly recovering her senses on the unforgiving stone floor several feet from the door. “Uhhh, what the?” she muttered aloud. Rolling to her side and raising her head, she looked ahead, and saw faint lines of magical current flickering across the blackness behind the door. A shield spell then. One the likes of which she had never encountered before. Working her limbs to shake off the tingling aftereffects, she shakily regained her hooves, pondering this turn of events. Okay... no touchy. Cautiously, she eased closer, until she was just outside the frame. She detached the light spell from her horn, sticking it on the wall to her right, where it would glow independently for at least an hour. Her horn began to shine anew as she carefully exerted a blanket of sensory magic against the ward. Both energies crackled in protest at the contact, but she ignored the visual display, trying to get a feel for its constitution. It was incredibly strong, tightly woven, and... far beyond her ability to break. At least... outright, she thought, an idea forming. A grin slid across her muzzle as she adjusted the application of her magic from a wide, flat surface to finely-honed vibrating probes, searching for weak spots in the weave. Expanding her senses totally into her magic, she felt for something... anything... There! In one spot, the size of a needle point, was a weakness. Focusing onto it, she began the arduous task of loosening the weave, while pushing her own purple magics into the widening gap. The energies of the barrier crackled in protest, but Twilight kept at it, sweat dripping from her brow as she poured her will into the task. Refusing to relent, she continued to pick, and dig, and strain against the ward, the task no easier than trying to whittle through sheet rock with a file. Tapping into what little of her magical reserves remained, she at last managed to create a hole that she could squeeze through, if just barely. She reinforced it as much as she could, fairly certain it would hold out while she was inside, as long as she didn’t linger. She didn’t want to contemplate having to go through that all over again. Taking a deep breath, she crouched down and shimmied through the hole into the room beyond. She had never seen anything like this before. The domed chamber was entirely circular, the only right angles to be found were where high walls met the floor. The barrier spell covered every inch, making the surface appear to have been constructed of solid obsidian. The flowing script she had seen on the door was everywhere, glowing a golden light and softly illuminating the room. The only adornment in the room was directly in the center: a small stone table, and on it stood a statue. It was a small, jet-black effigy of an Alicorn, head and horn raised high, wings stretched to their full length. Baffled, Twilight looked about, marvelling at the most potent array of containment magics she had ever seen. All of this, for a statuette? Could it be some kind of weapon? Cautiously, she moved toward the centerpiece for a better look. She froze as a horrifyingly familiar voice filled the room. “Well well... a visitor. How lovely.” Recoiling, Twilight spun back toward the door and her tiny exit. Laughter echoed through the room as smokey tendrils erupted from the statue and wrapped about her neck. In the blink of an eye, Twilight had been lifted off her hooves and slammed hard into the far wall, held high above the floor. In that contact, she felt her mind flayed, an alien presence sorting contemptuously though her memories. The voice was filled with unbridled delight. “Oh my, this is an occasion! Celestia’s own private little pet has come calling, to be graced with my presence once again. And still so very deluded! Well little one, shall I ease your troubled mind before I feed you your own horn? Very well... everything you suspect about Luna is correct, almost. We may not be the same being, but everything I’ve done has been by her will! As for your greatest fear- it’s true. Oh, yes, Celestia is dead; I tore off her wings, one after the other, before slitting her pompous throat! The blood of a goddess is heady wine indeed!” the voice crowed before breaking into maniacal laughter. Twilight choked off a sob of denial, her small body struggling against the bonds. “Oh, now, don’t be like that! Just look at you, so pathetic, so innocent, so... pure. You make me sick!” The magic about her throat tightened, Twilight felt her larynx began to creak under the pressure, before it suddenly eased off. Her relief was short-lived. “Oh... why yes, Luna, that is a wonderful idea! Let’s show this little filly a thing or two about lost innocence.” Twilight cast her eyes about the room, expecting to see Luna standing there, laughing down at her, but saw nothing. She didn’t have long to ponder this new oddity as the magic holding her turned viciously sharp, the vice-like pressure now slicing into her neck like talons. The sudden flood of pain overwhelmed her senses and crushed any attempt at coherent thought. Twilight's eyes shot wide as her limbs were gripped and spread painfully wide. Independent tendrils of the black force began sliding down her back and up her ribs, leaving long, thin, white-hot cuts in their wake, in a sordid mockery of a caress. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she felt the magic move lower, around her flanks and about her haunches... her inner haunches, lacerating her flesh as her thighs were pulled widely apart. ...No. No. No no no! Please! No! STOP! NO! PLEASE! She tried to scream, but the vice of magic that held her by the throat was so tight she could hardly draw breath. Twilight knew she was going to die, but before being granted that grace, this creature was going to subject her to something much worse. She’d never imagined a situation where she would find having her neck broken to be a preferable alternative. As her terror reached a frenzied peak, something inside her snapped. Her mind went blank and her vision blurred into a searing light. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Nightmare was enjoying itself vastly. It had been denied everything. Then, like a dream on a silver platter, in strolled the treasured student of the second-most loathsome creature on the planet. It was too perfect. It didn’t expect the game to last long; the little Unicorn was far too fragile, but it had every intention of exacting as much pain and sordid pleasure from the pathetic little beast as possible, before tearing her to shreds. Perhaps it would paint the walls of this damnable chamber with her blood when it was all over. Then something happened. The Unicorn ceased struggling, the delicious outpouring of her terror and panic cut off like a closed tap, and was replaced by something utterly unexpected. Power. And it burned, pouring out of the purple filly in waves the Nightmare had never known mortal ponies to be capable of. Utterly unprepared for the assault, the magic holding Twilight simply evaporated, and it quickly retreated its essence to within the ironically protective confines of the cursed statuette. ~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight found herself lying on the floor, the taste of blood thick in her mouth. Her entire body was on fire from the multitude of cuts. She didn’t know what had just happened, and at the moment, she couldn’t care less. All she knew what that this thing that had planned to rape and kill her was now screaming in pain, and filling the room with vile threats of her slow and bloody dismemberment. She bolted for the door—her burrowed tunnel through the barrier still holding—and frantically scrambled through it. Skidding around, she wrenched her magic away from the barrier and watched it instantly snap back into place, whole and solid. An unholy screech filled the corridor, and the black barrier flared, the arcane ruins around the door frame bursting to golden life, as something slammed against it hard enough to shake dust from the ceilings. Twilight turned tail and ran for her life, leaving a spattered trail of blood in her wake. In a blind panic, Twilight galloped all-out, almost instinctively retracing her steps back up to her room. Bursting through the door and slamming it behind her, she threw her weight against it, her chest heaving with sobs. I have to get out of here. NOW. Nothing else mattered in this moment but to put as much distance between this place and her very-violated self as possible. No more doubts. ‘Luna’, or whatever in the four ponyhells she was, was a deceiver of godly skill and that thing in the basement—a violent shudder racked through her—was her servile monster, and she was done with this nightmare. She rushed over to her bed, fumbling about with her saddlebags, increasingly shaky as the bolstering adrenaline in her blood faded. The painful aching of her battered body was coming to the fore as she hobbled about. A knock resounded on the door and she let out a scream of surprise, spinning around. Frozen, she could neither move nor speak. The petrified moment drew out, unbearably. Had it come for her? A concerned voice came through the door, “Darling? Are you alright in there? What was that sound? I’m coming in!” Rarity pushed through the door, stepping inside. She stopped dead as she took in the sight of Twilight, backed up against the far wall and cringing in terror. The purple mare’s pupils were shrunken to pinpricks as she stared unblinking at the other Unicorn. It was a moment before Rarity recovered enough to actually take note of Twilight’s appearance - her coat was littered with small cuts, circling her neck like a noose, long slices running the length of her midsections and... oh goddess... trickles of blood were running down the inside of her haunches, the liquid darkening her violet coat to a near-black color. The bookish Unicorn looked more like a blank-flanked filly, her tears flowing unchecked, running rivulets down her muzzle. She was trembling like a leaf. In a rush, Twilight was all over her, clinging to her with desperate strength and bawling her heart out. Rarity’s coat was getting horribly stained from Twilight’s seeping wounds, but such was her concern that she didn’t notice. “Oh! By Celestia’s Grace Twilight! What has happened to you?!” Between heaving sobs, Twilight choked out, “We... have to get out... of here. Now! Before it gets out!” “Before what gets out dear?” “It! Whatever Luna has down there, it’s evil! It’s pure evil, and I saw it, and it saw me, and it got me, and almost... almost... Oh goddess, Rarity, you have to help me!” “Darling, breathe! It will be alright, I promise, but we can’t just leave the others! Fluttershy is still talking with Luna, and we have to tell Apple—“ “No Rarity! Please! There’s no time! Applejack is wrapped around Dash’s hoof, you saw how they are together! And Dash, Dash is with her!” “Twilight, you may be right... maybe... about Rainbow Dash, but we simply cannot leave without a word to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie!” “Rarity, going to get them right now would be suicide! Fluttershy is with Luna right now! And we haven’t seen Pinkie Pie since we got here; she just disappeared and started exploring! It’s impossible, and I can’t stay here another second, I just can’t!” Rarity’s lip was clenched between her teeth, her ears laid back. The position she found herself in was beyond untenable, but a choice had to be made. Twilight was leaving, with or without her. “...Very well, Twilight, but I must at the least leave them a note, and gather my things. I’ll be right back,” she assured as she spun and galloped out of the room and down the hall. Twilight turned and tore the blanket off her bed, ripping it crudely with shakily-controlled magic into small strips, wiping her blood away with some, and doing her best to tie makeshift bandages around her wounds with the others. She nearly retched wrapping the cuts all about her inner haunches. Twilight then turned to her own belongings, stuffing as many of the stone artifacts into her saddlebags as would fit, which turned out to only be four, and just barely—Rarity would have to pack the other one. She tensed and perked an ear at the sound of rapidly approaching hooves. Rarity barreled back through the door, saddlebags strapped and ready to go. “I’ve left a note for Fluttershy in her room. I absolutely abhor the idea of leaving without her, but... she is a Pegasus. With any luck, she’ll be able to find Pinkie Pie and slip out without anypony the wiser.” The pair edged down the corridors toward the main entrance, saddlebags bulging with their precious cargo. Finding the brilliance of the moonlight no ally, they stayed to the pooling shadows as best they could, wincing every time an errant hoof came down too sharply on the stone floors. The pair soon came to the massive antechamber, peeking about before they exited the corridor; the huge double-doors on the far side the final obstacle to their escape. Mid-way across the room, an explosion from below rocked through the castle, and a blaring clarion-call filled the air. They heard the clattering of hooves coming from an adjacent hallway, picking up speed. Luna came into sight down a far hall, about to enter the chamber, looking slightly alarmed and none too pleased. She caught sight of Twilight immediately. “What have you done?!” she demanded, her voice booming. “Rarity, get the doors open, quick!” Twilight screamed. Panicking and out of time, she wrapped her magic around the support structures above the corridor Luna was in, and with all her strength, pulled. The stone archway between Luna and the main room collapsed. It was only as she spread her wings in alarm that Twilight thought she caught a glimpse of a pink-maned and yellow-coated Pegasus cowering behind her. Then the passage was sealed with stone rubble, a thick dust filling the air. Oh goddess! Was Fluttershy with her? “Twilight, hurry!” Rarity called out, just as the sound of glass shattering came from above. Rainbow Dash had burst through a high window, looking for all the world to Twilight like an angel of black death in her uniform, as she curved sharply in the air above the war-torn room. “What in the hell is going—HEY!” she began, before being cut off by a searing bolt of purple energy from Twilight that blasted past her, close enough to sear her armored side. Her evasive maneuver had cost her what limited lift she’d been able to maintain in the close quarters, and she barrel-rolled down to the floor. Dash landed heavily, fully prepared to tear out after the pair of psychopaths that had just bolted through the main doors, when her perked ears caught a whimper of pain. It had come from a pile of rubble to her left, all that remained of what had once been a hallway. Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof to her mouth, coughing in the heavy dust, and her blood turned to ice as she made out a mangled yellow wing sticking out of the rubble. Chapter 4 - “Foresight” ← Chapter 6 - “Gravity” →
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 6 Gravity An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite The Unicorn tore through the underbrush, her mane a riotous tangle of branches and leaves. Her normally lustrous coat was frayed and scuffed, abrasions and small cuts perforating her hide; a trail of fresh blood smeared across her cheek from the tree she had careened into mere moments ago. In her haste, she had been paying scant attention to where she was going beyond a hazy guess at a general direction. Most importantly at this time however, her only real concern for a heading was away. Bursting from the bushes, she launched herself into the air from a small incline and plunged at full speed into a narrow river. The water churned about her chest as she desperately powered her way through to the other side, the cold numbing her open wounds. As she gained her hooves against the slippery stones, she paused to gasp in burning lungfuls of air, vigorously shaking herself dry. The plaintive voice of her companion came from behind her, less in a series of individual protests, and more a consistent bemoaning of every tangled snag and thorned bush she had to push through. Twilight lifted her head to see the alabaster Unicorn just now clearing through to the far side of the bank. “Rarity!” Twilight called, “Come on! We need to move! They could be right behind us!” “I… am trying darling, but all of this… ‘flight for one’s life’ business… is not precisely... my forte… as t'were. " She gasped, chest heaving for breath. "And these bags are stuffed… so full they catch… on absolutely everything!” Rarity protested as she forged her way through the strong current. Shaking the excess water away from her coat as well, she took a moment to try to catch her breath, and took in Twilight’s appearance. Having already been horribly assaulted before their flight began, she truly was in an awful state; the makeshift bandages she’d applied in the castle had torn away in their frantic rush through the wilds, and now she had the additional injuries of the forest’s obstacles to account for. With a shudder of revulsion, Rarity pushed away any thoughts of what she must look like at the moment. The pair had been in full flight for the better part of half an hour, and neither of the Unicorns were particularly built for the effort. Twilight had spent more time in academic and mystical pursuit than sports; her trim build was more a matter of a naturally high pony metabolism than anything. Rarity herself was far from being considered an athlete in any arena, and if put to the question, would be rather proud of the distinction; she did, although, maintain a regular habit of exercises to keep her haunches trim and lines angular. At the moment however, both were bemoaning their respectively low reserves of endurance as they panted raggedly. "Twilight, where… is the path?" Rarity asked, beginning to recover her wind. Reflexively, Twilight looked up to the sky to orient her position with the constellations she had grown so familiar with over long, loving hours with her telescope and charts back in Canterlot. Two things prevented her from doing so. Primarily, it was the sprawl of the thick canopy overhead, blotting out nearly any view of the sky above. Yet, even without the near omnipresent boughs to obscure her sight, the stars would have likely been impossible to see, as brilliant beams of moonlight were cutting through the leaves and limning the trees around the two ponies. To illuminate the surrounding forest as it did, the moon must have been uncannily bright. As such, it was likely far too bright to allow the shine of the stars to be seen clearly. While the moon’s intensity was as unnatural as it was unsettling, it did make the forest easily bright enough to be navigated without having to light their horns, so Twilight wasn’t going to complain, at least on that front. Looking around, Twilight answered hesitantly, "I'm… not sure, Rarity. I'm not even sure that we should take the path. I can't think of a quicker way to be caught than to stay on the only road coming or going." Rarity blanched. She couldn't mean… "You can't actually be saying we have to continue pressing through this jungle! Not only will we be horribly lost, it shall take us simply forever to get anywhere," she protested. Though Twilight's reasoning was sound, the thought of what lay ahead was… daunting, to say the least. On the other hoof, now that she considered it… She sighed and said, "I suppose you're right, Twilight; staying to the main path would be foolish. We have not a hope of losing anypony staying to the road. Not to mention Rainbow Dash and Applejack… if… Well, either way, we have to be clever. Simply trying to outrun those two isn't an option, I'm afraid." Twilight frowned, greatly disquieted. While the assumption of inevitable pursuit was a given, this cast an entirely new perspective on the situation, one Rarity hadn't actually raised directly yet. They apparently couldn't simply be content with orienting themselves and forging a path through the forest; once Dash and Applejack had discovered they weren't taking the road—and they would, before long—they would begin to track them. Looking down, the sight of a few drops of her own blood on the river stones served as a stark reminder to yet another layer of complication to their predicament. Without warning, the roar of an outraged Dragon ripped through the forest, slamming into the two Unicorns with a psychological force so intense it was like a physical blow. Their poses were darkly comical in the manner they mirrored one another; one hoof raised, mouth hanging open, ears laid back, tail tucked, their respective pupils the relative size of pin-pricks. The Dragons. How the hay could I have forgotten the Dragons?! Twilight thought frantically. Other ponies were one thing. Dragons… were another entirely. Twilight's mind spun with a chaotic brilliance as she analyzed the situation from a dozen angle: strategically, keeping to the deep forest was even more the correct decision now, but the vague notions that had been flitting about her mind for throwing pursuit off their trail just got a lot more serious. No Dragon would be deterred by a simple cantrip… not that she wouldn't still use them creatively, but now more drastic measures were called for. She would have to play it by ear though. There was simply no time to fully formulate any plans now, so she acted on the first tactic that came to her mind. "Give me a moment here Rarity." Pointing her horn towards the river, she built up enough energy for a fairly common holding spell, innovatively tweaked the weave, and released it into the flowing water. The river glittered and slowed for just a moment before the motes of light settled, merging fully with the surface. The instant somepony, or dragon, set foot in the stream for twenty feet in either direction from the casting point, the entire section would turn to solid ice, capturing whatever happened to be in the drink. She turned to explain what she'd done and the implications to their additional predicament, but found Rarity's eyes clenched shut, her horn aglow and already working at something, pointing in her direction. Curious, she looked about, left and right. Nothing was enveloped in the Unicorn’s distinctive hue of levitation magic. Twilight cocked her head, curious as to what she was attempting when Rarity released her spell in a flash of light. She gasped as pain lanced about her sides, legs—all over really. Stumbling back with a cry, she exclaimed, "Rarity, what—" "Sorry for the lack of warning darling, but it was necessary. You were… leaking, all over the place. I'm no Florent Nightingale at medical magics, but I am an expert at manipulating fabrics and… well, skin and coat are something of a fabric… in a manner of speaking…" she said, slightly abashed. "That couldn't have felt pleasant, for which I do apologize, but you've been leaving a fairly vibrant trail up to this point." Looking down and about at herself, Twilight took in what Rarity was talking about. Her wounds had been—while not precisely healed—at least closed. It wasn't pretty, but she was no longer bleeding profusely, and as the pain ebbed, she found a measure of relief in the ministration. Voicing her thanks, she turned back to the forest. "Well, we need to press on, but I don’t want to just keep going in a random direction.” “Speaking of direction, darling, where do you intend on going?” Rarity asked, a note of trepidation in her voice. Twilight blinked at this; she thought the answer would be self-evident. “Well, we’re heading to Ponyville, obviously. I can’t just leave Spike there!” Rarity let out a breath of relief. “Oh, good. I was concerned you intended to head straight to Canterlot, and I simply wouldn’t be able to do so without seeing to Sweetie Bell’s safety first.” “Wait, ‘first’? You mean to say you intend to on with me? I don’t... Rarity, why?” “Well let’s see, Twilight Sparkle. Things aren’t exactly going to be safe for me just sitting out in the open at my boutique, will they? That’s the first place anypony will think to look for me. You think I just ran out of the castle with you on a whim?” Rarity’s voice was rising indignantly as she began to get worked up. “I came with you because I care about you!” Taken aback, and now somewhat abashed, Twilight stumbled for words. “I... thank you, Rarity. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I were all alone out here. Thank you,” she said, a powerful warmth flooding through her chest. After a brief moment of the pair smiling at one another, a thought crossed Rarity’s mind. “Darling, how precisely are we going to find our way back?” Twilight paused a moment, extrapolating with the information at hoof. “Well, based on our direction of flight from the castle, and this point where we’ve reached the river... Ponyville should be... generally that way,” she said, pointing her hoof with a fair amount of confidence. “If you could focus on just edging aside the larger branches out of our way, and be extra careful not to break any, then I'll work on covering our trail and figuring out a few more 'distractions'." The Unicorns nodded at one another, and set off. ~~~~~~ Rainbow Dash was seeing red. Some ponies with a bent for sarcasm may have been tempted to make a quip at that, perhaps snarking that her large, ruby-tinted irises produced such an effect anyway. Such a pony would not be wise to venture such a comment at the moment, for they would likely stand to lose a muzzle-full of teeth. To phrase the situation more aptly, Rainbow Dash was pissed. She had been more confused than anything after Twilight had nearly blasted her out of the air, and had been about to rush after them. Rarity was with her and they were obviously really freaked out. That was when she had seen it; the broken wing jutting from tons of rubble. A yellow wing. With a strangled scream of denial, she launched herself over to the pile, bloodying her hooves as she desperately tore at the jagged stone and mortar, trying to reach her oldest friend. Dash hopped back with a startled yelp when a luminescent aura suddenly enveloped every stone of the cave-in, large and small. Dust plumed anew as each chunk began to lift individually, all moving as if with a negative magnetic polarity with the body of the bloody, yellow-coated Pegasus. Once clear of her body, every stone simply dematerialized; there was no great flash, no burst of flame, just a fizzling of star-lit energy, and the tons of granite and marble simply ceased to be. Dash could now see that Luna had been pinned beneath the rubble as well. She was crouched down and was, to all appearances, completely unharmed. Her wing had been extended over the body of Fluttershy; even so, the all-too-mortal little mare had not escaped the battering of tons of falling stone, though it was certain the Princess had saved her life. “Fluttershy!” The shout preceded the arrival of Applejack, and she came to a skidding halt next to Rainbow Dash, who was crouched down, nosing the seemingly lifeless body of Fluttershy and mumbling incoherently between sobs. “Dear Goddess, what happened?!” Applejack’s question, at no lower volume than her first exclamation, went unanswered as Luna rose and shook herself brusquely, producing a cloud of dust that filtered through the slanted moonlight of a nearby window. Frowning down, Luna stepped forward, shooing Rainbow clear from her friend’s body and ignoring AJ’s outbursts entirely. Dipping her head to hover just above Fluttershy, her horn burst into a darkly violet radiance which softly enveloped the fallen Pegasus, raising her into the air in a light cloud of scintillating energy. As Fluttershy’s limp form hung there in the cloud of magic, the true extent of her wounds came into full display. Dash gagged, turning away, while Applejack moaned lightly, staring transfixed at the sight. Their friend’s wing was completely shattered, the feathers torn and matted with blood, her hind leg roughly broken, a deep gash running its length. Luna frowned, and the intensity of the magic increased, enveloping the Pegasus in a miniature, sparkling nebula, completely obscuring her form from view. Applejack moved closer to Rainbow, placing a hoof across her shoulders in sympathy. The touch seemed to snap Dash out of her stupor; she blinked rapidly and roughly wiped the tears from her face with a foreleg. Her wing unfurled, throwing Applejack’s hoof away from her. Her eyes narrowing to slits, Dash failed to notice the hurt look Applejack gave her as she turned toward the door where the two Unicorns had made their escape. A growl rumbled low and deep in her throat and she took a step toward the castle’s courtyard. Applejack, suddenly coming to terms with her friend’s mentality, threw herself in her intended path. “Dash! No! Now’s not the time, ya’ hear me?” she said, her tone openly pleading. “Goddammit, AJ! Get... out... of my... way!” Dash growled the emphasis into each word, every muscle in her body painfully taut. “Git ahold ah yerself, Rainbow! Ya’ can’t just go buckin’ off full tilt right now! Fluttershy needs us! She comes before dealin’ with Twilight an’ Rarity right now!” Applejack insisted, stomping a hoof. Dash blanched, her ears folding back as Applejack gave voice to the fount of her rage. It was so much easier to be in the midst of an emotion than confront its source. Unbidden, a thought rose to the fore of her mind, and it terrified her to the core, for she knew it was true: If Fluttershy dies, I swear on everything I’m worth—I’ll fucking kill them both. “Rainbow Dash.” Luna’s voice, hard as silver, cut into Dash’s private terror with her own thoughts. The pair looked over to the princess, who stood above Fluttershy’s curled form, now returned to the ground. She was breathing easily now, and to Rainbow and AJ’s dual shock, not only were her wounds now closed—her wing and leg mended into their proper forms—but Pinkie Pie was nestled up next to her, her head resting atop Fluttershy. “Pinkie! Where’d y’all come from?!” Applejack exclaimed. Pinkie raised her gaze to meet the eyes of her friends, a light shine of unshed tears reflecting the moonlight. “I’m always around silly,” she said, a ghost of smile gracing her muzzle. She returned her attention to Fluttershy; she began to sing a light, bittersweet tune under her breath into the pink mane of the prone filly. Once more, Luna’s voice cut the moment as she took charge; her tone could well have been carved of ice. “Rainbow, see to your friend; she needs rest. Get her into bed, and then return to the hall immediately. I will not be long, but I have some personal business below.” Turning, Luna began to trot brusquely down the corridor toward the lower halls of the keep. Watching her go, Rainbow huffed, not at all satisfied with the putting off of finding out what the hay was going on, or having to hold back in doing something about it... but the Princess and Applejack, were right—Fluttershy came first. With great care, the three mares lifted their friend between them; Applejack and Dash were at her sides, allowing Pinkie to slide underneath her and fully bear the limp weight. The unconscious Pegasus moaned in pain at the movement, despite the care they took with her. The three trotted carefully toward Pinkie’s room, which happened to be the closest, where they quickly gathered extra blankets, arranging them atop the mattress and easing Fluttershy carefully atop the now triple-layered, extra-cushiony bed. The friends had said not a word on the way, but now, with Fluttershy settled, they shared a meaningful look, the tension in the air almost daring one of them to speak first into the silence. Applejack had just opened her mouth to speak when an unworldly, feral wail tore through the air, stifled almost immediately by the castle shifting under what felt like the force of an earthquake. It was as though the fist of a god had slammed down on reality itself, and the friends were forced to the ground under the press of a sudden, unseen pressure from above. As quickly as it came, the force relented, and all was silent. “What in the hay was that?!” squawked AJ, terrified and wide-eyed. Dash shook her head roughly. “I dunno, but let’s go find out! Quick!” AJ spoke, “But what about—” Pinkie broke in. “You guys go. I’m not leaving Fluttershy.” “Good on ya’ Pink!” Applejack said warmly. Dash nodded at Pinkie in acknowledgement and thanks, and the pair tore out the room at full speed, heading back to the hall. In her haste, Dash reflexively spread her wings, her hooves still in full gallop but barely touching the ground as she pulled ahead of the earth pony. Taking the final corner at top speed, Dash banked hard and felt a sharp pull as Applejack latched onto her tail. The Pegasus’s tail in her teeth, Applejack’s hooves skid hard against the stone as they jackknifed around the sharp angle and out into the large antechamber. There stood Luna, as promised. Her feathers were ruffled, and she was fluttering one wing while delicately preening the other, returning them to a pristine order. “Princess!” Dash shouted, barely slowing in her approach. “What was that just now?!” “Oh, just attending to a reminder, Rainbow Dash. Nothing to be concerned about.” Applejack opened her mouth to ask just what in the hay that was supposed to mean, but Luna continued, unabated. “Now then, we are needed outside. This is proving be a very interesting evening, and we must act before certain things get entirely out of hoof.” Turning abruptly, she led the way through the rubble-strewn antechamber and out into the cool night air. Applejack need not have worried about her curiosity going unanswered, for as they came out into the vast, grassy courtyard, she gasped in shock. At two things, really, and she would have been hard-pressed to say which weighed more heavily upon her frayed nerves. Firstly, there was the moon. It was huge, filling over a full quarter of the night sky. She had admired many a full moon above a ripe orchard before, but this one looked like it had decided to come down for a picnic with Equestria! Below it, and coming in close second for her immediate attention, were the dragons, assembled together in a half circle. Scales shining in the near-daylight brightness of the silver light, they sat arrayed in a half circle, awaiting the princess’ approach. Luna, not breaking stride, looked skyward and tutted lightly to herself. “Hm. Perhaps I overdid it a bit,” she said under her breath. Luna didn’t actually need to ignite her horn to work with the moon any longer. Her ancient affections were now fully reestablished, and so it was that she merely... flexed her symbiotic connection and the great body began to gently recede to its more natural size and space. Nearing the dragons, not that one needed to be terribly near to make them out, it became clear that one of them was not in a very good mood. While the other two were composed, including the gigantic one that spoke with Luna before, the one on the far left was clearly struggling to contain himself. He was snarling deep and low in his throat, his claws tearing furrows in the ground as they flexed, gaze fixed on the treeline of the forest. His companion—the one of similar size—nudged him roughly and growled something short and harsh. The sight was not a comforting one for anypony trotting up to any dragon, and AJ felt her mane beginning to bristle in instinctive fear as she and Dash shared a look. They fell in a bit more tightly behind Luna. The great dragon nodded respectfully at the approach of the moon goddess, intoning a somber greeting, “My Lady.” “Saliant. I’m afraid we have had some rather unfortunate developments,” rejoined Luna. “So I had noticed.” The dragon cocked a sardonic brow to the subtlety receding moon, still massive in the sky, then smirked. “You frightened the younglings my lady. Dragons are not accustomed to being flattened to the ground.” The other two shifted uncomfortably at the rare reminder that their kind were not, in fact, the most powerful beings of the land. “My apologies Sali, I’m afraid I may have lost my temper with the creature.” The more irate of the smaller dragons burst forward. “My Lady, I saw the two Unicorns flee into the forest from above, stuffed in their saddlebags were the Elementals. They have stolen them! And I felt what occurred within the castle. I cannot tolerate this disrespect, both to you and to my Elder! I beg release to retrieve them and give full answer to this insult!” the dragon growled, his fury barely restrained. Saliant’s eyes glinted as he curtailed his immediate impulse to cuff the youth for allowing his emotions to so fully overwhelm his will. Rather, he chose to hold his peace while Luna considered the young one’s demand. There was a measure of honor involved here, after all, and he was curious as to Luna’s reasoning. As far as Dash was concerned, Luna had paused for way too long. There’s no way she could let this dragon go after Twilight and Rarity! She got the distinct impression he was more interested in retrieving the Elements, and any pieces of the offending Unicorns that happened to still be attached to one another would be so merely by fortunate happenstance. Yes, she was beyond furious at the pair at the moment, and the Sun and Moon knew what she'd do when she got her hooves on them, but if this dragon got to them first… Pushing abruptly past Applejack, Rainbow turned to face the goddess of the night. "Princess, please, let me go after them! I'll bring them and the Elements back, I promise!" "Hmm… " Luna hummed under her breath. Applejack had quickly matched Rainbow's frightening rationale and came to the same conclusions, agreeing wholeheartedly. She moved to stand beside her friend to plead their case. "Please yer Highness, Dash an' me can take care ah this! Working together we can have a sight in the air and hooves on the ground." Applejack did her best to substitute the panicked motivation in her heart for the sound reasoning she was laying out; the resulting tone of voice was admirably level. “My Lady!” the impatient dragon intoned in protest. His blood-lust was peaked, and these two little creatures were attempting to deprive him of his duty to avenge the insult done to his Elder! Not to mention the betrayal of this little goddess he had heard tales of since he was a hatchling; she who had long been held in the highest of esteem by the Elders. His sibling leaned in, gripping his wrist in a vice as he hissed, “You fool! Hold your tongue! Do you want to serve a penance, or have you forgotten the honor brought to our Cave by being chosen to attend the Elder on this flight?” The other dragon turned his head, fangs bared, an acidic response on his lips... when both froze under the sudden realization that Saliant was gazing at them both; a stare level, prolonged, and quite foreboding. The shine of his eyes held the promise of something dire should their little scene continue. With a great huff, the one who had pled and lost his case in one fell swoop wrenched his arm from the grip of his sibling, bowed low to both Elder and goddess in apology, and took to the air. His wings beat furiously as he drove himself higher and higher, venting his impotent fury in a great roar. Turning back to Luna and the frightened little ones with her, the Elder spoke, “Forgive him Luna, the young are ever impetuous. I suggest you allow these two to go after their friends. Perhaps with fortitude and patience this matter may be resolved without any unfortunate duress.” Luna had been smirking lightly throughout the exchange, and nodded at the dragon’s words. “A wise decision my friend,” she intoned. Turning to the ponies at her side, her countenance took on a stern appraisal. “Rainbow Dash, you have been appointed as Captain of my Shadowbolts. This is not a distinction I have granted lightly, nor does it come without expectations of your quality. You have met these in spirit, now do so once again in action. You are to pursue the Unicorns Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, apprehend them, and return with the Elements. I place no small concern upon their well-being, but understand that the Elements of Harmony are of incredible significance. Should they fall into the wrong hooves, the potential for devastation is... vast. Do you both fully understand the situation?” she asked, regarding the pair solemnly. In unison, and with equal gravity, the pair nodded. “We do Luna,” Rainbow Dash asserted. ~~~~~~ The Unicorns were traveling doggedly through the forest for all they were worth. As frantic and rushed as their travel had been initially, it was now careful and attentive. Rarity worked diligently, leading the way in their best guess of the direction of Ponyville, her horn aglow and delicately manipulating the foliage ahead, allowing them to pass without breaking any of the hanging vines or criss-crossing branches. Twilight was just behind her, the greater portion of her attention on their back-trail, doing her best to erase any scuff marks on stone or hoof prints left in the soft earth. She had also been focused on coming up with a variety of clever tricks and traps to confound any pursuit. Unfortunately, despite her impressive knowledge of the arcane, there was little she could contrive that would prove more than minor inconvenience to a draconic hunter. Though several could certainly be fatal to a pony, this was a particular concern she didn't share with her companion. In the routine and repetitive task of clearing the signs of their passage, Twilight was becoming increasingly lost in the downward spiral of her silent contemplations. That thing was lying. It had to have been. Celestia can’t be dead, she just can’t be. But... lies. Why are there are so many lies? Even Celestia was lying to me. Worse, she was using me. That’s clear now: she had some kind of plan behind me being in Ponyville, she expected me to be able to do something. Should I be more upset that I failed her, or that I was just a pawn for her to throw about? I thought she cared about me, was that all just another charade? My entire life? Twilight found herself biting her lip as her eyes began to water, the feeling of utter betrayal permeating her attempts to rationalize her way through recent events. And what was I supposed to do anyway? What did Celestia have planned? She must have thought I would be able to use the Elements somehow, that’s the only thing that makes sense. Why me? Did she give me something I’d need to use them? What did I bring with me... Spike? Could Spike be the key to using them? No, that doesn’t make any sense at all! If I can’t figure this out, it doesn’t matter how far I manage to run. Even if I make it all the way to Canterlot, I doubt even the full Council of Mages could do more than slow those dragons down if they decide to come for me, not to mention Nightmare Moon herself. Would the Council know how to use the Elements? How could they? As far as I know the Elements of Harmony are just an old ponytale to any serious scholar... and I would know! So what then?! I guess I can either just throw myself off a cliff or— Twilight was broken roughly from her thoughts when she walked directly into Rarity's behind. As fortune would have it, her horn was not down. "Oof!" she exclaimed in surprise, "Rarity, what is it, why'd you—" She was cut off by a sharp, "Shhh!" from the alabaster Unicorn. Perking her ears, she froze to listen for whatever had caught Rarity's attention. Was that… music? Barely discernible, filtering through the forest was, indeed, the unmistakable sound of music. Twilight and Rarity exchanged glances. Nodding in unison, they changed direction, heading toward the sound. As they grew nearer, the music grew clearer and the forest about them began to thin out. What had been rugged and tangled jungle since the castle, slowly began to turn into a more orderly forest. A thin mist was in the air, wisps of the ephemeral substance clinging to the ancient trees. The scents of the wood about them were rich and old, the moss carpeting the ground beneath them sinking slightly under the weight of their hooves, making for silent progress. They were close enough now to clearly discern that two instruments were at work. One resonating and deep, the other of a higher tone, like a... harp, perhaps? A duet was in progress, but not one of a classical harmony. The two instruments seemed to weave around one another in the refrains, as though in fluid competition for the more beautiful melody. The effect was a song of an increasingly heartbreaking melancholy that seemed to echo the very heartbeat of the ancient forest around them. The Unicorns were utterly transfixed as they grew closer, the fog about them had become so thick they could barely see, but it sounded as though the source of the music was right there, all around them. Suddenly, the fog was gone, and Twilight looked back, startled by the abruptness of its end. A thoroughly opaque wall of mist was behind her, obscuring any sight of the forest beyond. Ahead, glimpsed through a copse of trees, was a picturesque glen. They cautiously edged closer, sneaking up to crouch behind one of the larger trees and one to either side, peeked out around it. The clearing was large, here and there tall wheat grasses rose in tufts, their ripe ends golden and shining in the moonlight, as fireflies flit in a random synchronicity about the meadow. It was a stunningly beautiful scene. This place felt... hallowed. Sacred. In the center, beneath the full glow of the moon, were two ponies, sitting a short distance apart and facing each other. One, whose dark brown mane was elegant and flowing, slid a bow across a large stringed instrument; Twilight thought she recognized it as a contra-bass. The other was... reclining in a manner Twilight had never seen anypony do before, though she plucked with exceptional grace at a shining lyre. Reaching its inevitable crescendo, the song came to an end as the final note rang throughout the clearing. Twilight blinked, realizing she had began to cry softly at the beauty of the music. Truly, the melancholy tone was so heartbreaking, that she identified with it down to her core, as it seemed to sum up the emotional totality of her situation; how very lost she felt, like she'd never know the feeling of being home again even if she stood upon its doorstep, that her entire existence was as significant and long-lasting as a wave breaking upon the shore. The slate-grey pony in the glen let out a long breath, then rose and dipped a graceful bow, as though a contest had been decided and she conceded a dignified defeat. With loving care, she slid her large wooden instrument into a protective case and hefted it across her back. Without a word she left the clearing, disappearing into the mists. The verdant Unicorn stood, cloaked in the silence of the meadow, emanating an atmosphere of both the serene and the arcane. The two fugitives looked at each other, exchanging hushed whispers behind the shelter of the tree. "Do you know her? Who is she?" Twilight asked. "I do, vaguely. I believe her name is Lyra, she lives in Ponyville. She moved recently." “Why... how was she sitting like that? It looked so uncomfortable.” “I’m sure I haven’t the faintest idea,” Rarity replied, her tone faintly indignant. "Well how did she get out here? I thought the town was under lockdown?" Twilight whispered back. Lyra's voice broke through the hush, loud and clear in the glen, causing the two in hiding to jump in shock. "I come and go as I please. Don't you?" she said, without turning to look back at them. Their clandestine charade was up. Frowning in concern, the pair stood, slowly edging around the tree they'd been hiding behind. "Beauty is so ephemeral a thing, wouldn’t you agree?" the green Unicorn asked, seemingly rhetorically, as though not expecting an answer. Tilting her head up and back, looking at them through the corner of her eye, she added, "Though beauty without wisdom is a shallow thing, and grace without humility is a rather pathetic affectation… don't you think?" She grinned, casually stretching out her back with a feline grace. Lyra finally turned to face the pair squarely, who were still standing hesitantly by the tree line. "Well? Come sit down and make yourselves comfortable. You are quite safe here, and by the looks of things, you could both use a moment of refuge." Twilight wanted to be cautious, she really did, while Rarity was still struggling over whether or not she had the energy left to act affronted by this green Unicorn’s implications, which she felt were directed at her specifically. In the end though, neither had it in them. The offer of sanctuary, however tenuous, however temporary, was too appealing to reject for their physically and emotionally exhausted states. Trotting closer, Twilight spoke, "Thank you for the offer. We just need a place to stay while we catch our breath." Lyra laughed a bit at that, "Oh, my dear, you need much more than that." Tilting her head, she asked, "What is that supposed to mean?" Lyra sighed, and paused a moment before replying. "You need… a reason." "Um, what?" Twilight asked, officially nonplussed. "A reason. You've lost yours, and now doubt that you ever had any to begin with. An average pony cannot live day-to-day without one, not without becoming a hollow shell, to say nothing of one in whose saddlebags rest the fate of so many," Lyra said, one eyebrow raised. Twilight felt her hackles rising at the mention of her saddlebags, or rather, what they contained. She was beginning to wonder when the last time she hadn’t been suspicious of somepony was. "And what would you know about that?" she demanded. Lyra smiled with an enigmatic serenity. "Clearly much more than you're comfortable with. Peace, Twilight Sparkle; not all things in this world exist to threaten and confound you, though it may seem so at times." Unprepared to tackle that particular line, Twilight switched tracks, trying to stifle a yawn. “What... is this place? There’s powerful magic here, I can feel it but... it’s strange. Not like any kind I’ve studied.” “This is my special place. The magic here is very old. It... called to me. It’s not like any kind of spell to be used. There’s something sanctified about the glen itself.” She shrugged lightly, as though discussing the weather. “The point is, it’s safe. Are you two hungry?” At the mention of food, Twilight and Rarity’s stomachs growled in angry unison. They hadn’t eaten in what felt like ages, and the war between trepidation and hunger was a short one. With a light chuckle, Lyra bent and lifted a basket from behind the stump she had rested her lyre upon. It was filled with carrots, cabbages and a small loaf of bread. She moved forward and set it down in an open offer. “Don’t be shy. Come, take your fill and rest,” she said, as she turned back to collect her lyre and settled back in her unique manner, resting against the stump. Twilight and Rarity gratefully moved to the basket, settled down upon the comfortably thick grasses, and began to munch ravenously at the crisp and crunchy vegetables. Lyra, a short distance away, closed her eyes and began to play softly again, the music wrapping once more around the meadow. Before they knew it, their bellies full and their bodies exhausted, the gentle music had lulled the two Unicorns down into a deep, dreamless sleep. ~~~~~~ Into the night, Lyra played and the two little ponies snored. The shroud of fog drifted in a lazy, ever-swirling arch about the clearing as the moon slid across the sky. If one had been unaware or distracted, the sudden appearance of the new arrival would have gone completely unnoticed. Massive as the figure was, its emergence was utterly silent as it stepped smoothly through the ubiquitous wall of grey mist. Though Lyra was neither unaware nor distracted, her song continued unabated. For a time, the hulking new arrival simply stood, eyes turned skyward as he listened, large ears erect. A closing note ending the refrain, Lyra turned her head. “So many visitors tonight,” she stated. Large yellow eyes shifted to take in the slumbering ponies. “So it would seem.” “And to what do I the honor of another visit so soon, night walker? It’s hardly been a fortnight since we last spoke. Have you missed me?” she sidetracked, a glib amusement in her voice. The yellow eyes rolled as the massive, wildly furred creature stepped forward. “As though the wide forests haven’t been abuzz with recent events, speaks this little pony. As though she hasn’t decided to directly intervene,” he replied sternly. “This is not our way. I would know why you choose to interfere in the affairs of the Sun and Moon.” With mock melodrama, Lyra rose a hoof in protest. “Interfere? I would never!” The pair stared at one another blankly, before breaking out into a mutual laugh: one high and sweet, the other low and resonant. The Wolf curled his tail and sat, still towering head and shoulders above the green Unicorn. He flicked an ear and spoke again, “I do indeed bring news this night. As you know, there are more players in this little intrigue. And this one,” he pointed his muzzle at a slumbering and oblivious Twilight Sparkle, “has been playing seriously. She left some fairly clever dissuasive arguments to pursuit scattered along her back-trail.” This gave Lyra pause, her eyes half-lidded as the light touch of amused banter faded from her voice. "Is that the never-ending Lycanth understatement I hear speaking? Just how ‘clever’ are we talking about here?" she asked, her concern genuine. The Wolf stared at her levelly for a moment before barking out a single word. "Lethal." Lyra touched a hoof to her chin in contemplation. "Perhaps, old friend, you should keep an eye on those that follow. I rather doubt any party invested in this would care to see the players irrevocably damaged. That is, of course, if it is your will to do so." She had known this Wolf a long time, and knew well that his kind were not well-pleased by demands. The Wolf nodded amiably enough. "It was, and is. I don't care to get too heavily involved, so I'll leave them in your care, provided they're not already dead, hmm?" "Of course, of course. Keep your claws as clean as you like, old friend, though I know you and your Packs are as interested in this as I am, or you would not be here. This is no petty political intrigue...” Lyra chuckled, waving a hoof. “This is the great game of our age, is it not?" The Wolf grinned, long fangs glinting as he huffed, “Heh. I suppose this is what we get for shepherding a Pony into the depths of the Night. You begin to speak like one of the Pack, little Lyra.” He rose, padding silently towards the wall of fog. “Expect to receive them before the dawn. I make no promises as to their condition,” he tossed back over his shoulder before disappearing into the darkness. Chapter 5 - “Bereavement” ← Chapter 7 - “Ambiguity” →
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 7 Ambiguity An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Applejack and Rainbow Dash tore down the wide thoroughfare at a full gallop, the bright moonlight casting long shadows all about them. Their hooves clattered sharply on the wooden bridge as they crossed. Both ponies were strong athletes, their bodies already shifted into the high-gear mode of a challenge thrown down. Between controlled breaths, they had little trouble with conversation. "AJ, I'm gonna pull ahead and up a bit, see if I can spot ‘em down the trail!" "Good call, Dash; if they hear us comin' they might make a duck into some bushes. I'll keep an eye out!" Dash nodded as she unfurled her wings and lifted off the ground. Now airborne, the wind flowing easily around her aerodynamic frame, she began to pick up greater speed than any earthbound pony could hope to match, even Applejack. Soon, she was well out of sight, powering along just below the high boughs that converged above the path. Left to her thoughts, it wasn't long before AJ began to wonder. Somethin' don't feel right. Twilight sure ain't no athlete, an’ I'll be shorn if Rarity coulda’ kept this pace for this long. Glancing about to confirm her theory, she had been paying special attention to the brush off to the sides, looking closely for any sign of a pony-sized hole that may have recently been plowed through. Nothin'. This don't make no sense… unless... She pulled to a halt, pursing her lips and let out a piercing whistle, signaling Dash to return. Which, after barely a minute had passed, she did. "What the hell, AJ? Why'd you whistle? Give us away much?" the Pegasus snarked. "Dash, this ain't right. Think about it: there just ain't no way them two could have come this far this fast. We've been after ‘em for too long, and ain't seen any sign." "Well, what are we gonna do? We can't go back empty-hoofed and let that dragon go after them! You heard what he said!” Dash broke off, frowning thoughtfully as she hovered in the air. “So, what do ya think?" "Ah'm bettin' the only thing they could’a done was go right into the forest. That's the only way we'd a missed their trail so far. We need to backtrack and find where they went in." "Great! That's just great!" Dash exclaimed with a moan, crossing her arms over her chest, clearly pouting. "Ah know it sugarcube… but the way it’s lookin’, trackin’ is what we’re gonna have to do. They must'a gone into the deep o’ the forest. No way 'round it." "Ugh! That'll take forever! Okay, tell you what—you backtrack, look for wherever they went in. I'm gonna zip up ahead to the end of the road, just to be totally sure. If I don't see ‘em, I'll head back in a snap." Applejack nodded. "Alright then," she said, turning about and heading back the way she came. She knew she'd been paying close enough attention to the surrounding path that she hadn't overlooked their point of entry—it must have been back closer to the castle itself. Coming back across the bridge, she slowed to a brisk canter and really started to scrutinize her surroundings. Ah sure wish Winona were here right about now. She'd be on their trail lickety-split. Applejack was growing increasingly frustrated when she caught the sound of flapping wings coming up from behind—Dash had caught her up. "Any luck?" she asked, looking back to find her question preemptively answered by the scowl painted across her airborne friend's face. A "Humph" from the disgruntled Pegasus confirmed it. They were now back within the huge clearing, the castle in the distance. Together, they began searching the circular tree line and quickly found what they would have spotted, had they not been in such a rush initially. Broken branches and a flurry of tracks leading into the heart of the Everfree Forest - they had the trail. It wouldn't be long now; the two Unicorns couldn't be making good time through the intensely thick, jungle-like forest. "All right then, AJ; you take the trail, I'll take the air. Keeping track of you shouldn't be a problem, so just whistle if you need me. With any luck we'll find them pretty quick." Rainbow Dash paused, her eyes narrowing. "They have a lot to answer for." "Dash, I know what yer feelin', an’ Ah'm angry 'bout Fluttershy too, but don't get too carried away when we catch 'em up, okay? This whole thing ain't makin' much sense right now, and we gotta lot to figure out 'bout what happened back there." Dash glared into the darkness of the forest. "Like I said: answers. We're wasting time, let's go." With that she was off, above the tree line in a heartbeat, disappearing from view. Applejack frowned upwards, more than a little concerned about the ambiguity of that last statement… but Dash was right, time was wasting. With a grumble, she proceeded into the forest. It was dark, and the canopy heavy, but the moon was so bright it wasn't long before her eyes adjusted more than enough to see clearly. What she saw was at once reassuring and disturbing. Reassuring in that the path the fleeing pair had taken couldn't be more obvious—they had plowed through the brush like a freight train: the grasses were bent, leaves scattered about and broken branches and twigs completely littered the trail they had taken. What disturbed her was the other side of that bit—they were running scared, blind and totally panicked. A pang of concern warred with the curiosity in her mind and the anger in her heart at what had happened to Fluttershy. What happened to you, Twi? Applejack knew there was only one way to find out. She set off at a good canter. Not knowing if Dash could pick up the shifting of the brushes as she made her way, though she assumed she could, AJ nevertheless let her hooves clatter against the occasional stone loud enough to be heard from above. Making good progress, AJ flinched at the occasional tufts of mane and coat hanging from branches, torn from the Unicorns in their flight. She gasped as she came across a particular tree smeared with blood at head-height, as though one of the ponies had slammed right into it. Falling silent at the thought of what could have caused the grisly stain, her ears soon perked, picking up the sound of rushing water not far ahead. Pushing her way through the thick brush she cleared to the bank... and froze, her jaw hanging wide open in complete disbelief. "DASH!" Rainbow Dash had been flying in a tight circular search pattern, keeping an ear on Applejack’s location below, not wanting to lose her. At the same time, she was on the lookout for some sign of the fleeing Unicorns: a sound—Rarity must be whining non-stop—or perhaps a glint of light from their horns, not that they'd really need it to light their way with how crazy-bright the still huge moon was. Her thoughts were lingering on what Applejack had said before, and the implications were perfectly clear: Applejack thought she was going to fly off the handle when they caught up with Twilight. The sudden swell of rage in her breast at the thought of what the purple Unicorn had done to Fluttershy made her admit that Applejack was right to be concerned... the admission made her slightly uncomfortable. She knew she’d always been bit... ‘impetuous,’ sure, but it’s not like she was just going to start breaking bones when they caught up to Twilight. The more she thought about it all, the more she got the feeling that something was out of place. Twilight just didn’t seem the type to totally spit her bit like that, at least to the extent that she did. Whatever reason she had though, she’d gone too damned far! Nothing could excuse— Her ears perked to attention. She had just spotted what she was sure was movement up ahead, past the snaking line of the river below, when a shocked cry from AJ sent her banking sharply around, toward the sound of her friend's call, trying to find a place to drop safely through the near-ubiquitous canopy. Why the hell is she shouting?! Damn it, if they hear us they're just gonna try and hide! Applejack called out again, “Dash! Ya’ll need ta see this! Git down here now!” She abandoned her attempts at a cautious descent at the panicked tone in Applejack's voice and burst down through the thick foliage, jinking hard in her rapid fall to avoid the larger branches. There was Applejack, standing stock-still in front of—What… The fuck... Is that?! Dash found herself just as lost for words as her friend had been as she came to a rough landing next to the orange pony. Before her was a twisted, morbid scene, made all the more horrific by its unnatural beauty. The water of the river before them had somehow been turned to solid ice and… erupted, rising in stiletto spires high into the air, the solid ice glittering in the moonlight. The blood that ran thickly down the central spikes was also shining in the silver glow. Ten feet above them, a Manticore was hanging, speared through in a dozen places, its body hanging limp and lifeless. One of the razor-sharp icicles had pierced up through its throat, nearly severing the head of the beast. How long the moment of shock held the pair immobile, they couldn't have said, but it was Applejack that broke the horrified silence, her voice barely a whisper. "Sugarcube… what… what is this?" Dash snapped out of her stunned silence, her mind shifting from shock to the absolute clarity of fatalistic realism. Turning her head, she met Applejack's wide eyes with a level stare. "This is Twilight. It has to be. There's no way Rarity could know magic like this. Hell, I've never even heard of any magic like this. She must have known we'd come after her, and wised up. Look across the bank, no more broken branches, just a few tracks." Applejack squinted over, but lacked the intensely sharp vision of the Pegasus to distinguish the tracks at that distance. Dash continued, her tone low and raw, "She's thinking now, and she's not playing games. This would have killed you if you’d set it off." Applejack's ears flattened against her head. She couldn't believe this. She couldn't believe that Twilight would actually do something like this, would go this far. And Rarity... Rarity is with her, she knew about this! I don't… I can't… Applejack felt like her heart was breaking. She didn't even notice the foreleg that wrapped around her shoulders until it pulled her into a crushing embrace. Blinking past tears she hadn't realized were flooding her eyes, she buried her face in Dash's multi-hued mane. After a long moment, Dash pushed her back. "AJ. Turn around and go back to the castle," she said, her tone clipped. This Applejack was not prepared for. "Wait, what? What are you on about Dash?" "The rules have changed, AJ. Twilight's not playing fucking games here, I just told you. You're turning around, and going back to the castle. I'm not letting that—" She jabbed a hoof at the grisly spectacle before them. "—Happen to you. No. Way." Emerald green eyes flashed in recognition of what Dash meant, and her jaw set. "Rainbow, you think I'm letting you go in there alone, you spent too much time in the clouds," Applejack said, her voice hard as oak. The two stood, squared off and glaring at one another, each by their stubborn natures unwilling to yield her position. "Go. Back." "No." Dash stomped a hoof and growled her frustration. "Damn it AJ, do I have to beat some sense into you? Again?" Refusing to rise to the bait, under-hoofed as the jibe was, Applejack knew how to win this debate. "Dash, think 'bout this. How do you expect to find em? You got sharp eyes, yeah, but you don't know the first thing 'bout trackin'. If'n ya recall, the only reason the Princess didn't let that dragon go after 'em was because my plan was a good one. One in the air, one on the ground. 'Sides, what if I do go back, an’ that dragon gets his chance? He wants their blood, the Elements, an' that's it." Dash was silent for a moment, considering all this. She was terrified for her friend, but Applejack seemed equally afraid for her. She knew she lost this round, but with a stroke of brilliant mischief, she decided not to leave her friend comfortably dwelling on the victory. "Y'know Applesnack, you're kinda hot when you get pissed," she said with a smirk, turning abruptly and snapping her tail under Applejack's chin, leaving the workpony totally flustered. Giving Applejack no chance to respond, Dash was back to business. "Okay, so we're going on together now, but I'm not leaving you on the ground alone. Who knows what else that freakin’ sorceress set up. C'mon, I'm gonna lift you over to the other side." Applejack grinned. "Just watch your hooves there, Sally." ~ The going was much, much slower now. The pair they were tracking had really collected their wits. As obviously panicked and thoughtless as their initial rush through the thick forest was, the path they blazed was now conversely subtle. The only signs to be found were the occasional hoof-scuffed earth, bent grasses, and oddly arranged branches. It was enough for Applejack, if just barely. Even more troublesome was the constant stress of vigilance. They could only guess what else lay in store for them down the trail, courtesy of a hyper-powered, highly trained and intensely paranoid personal protege of a goddess. Having already encountered a couple more of her calling cards, they were developing a decidedly healthy level of paranoia themselves. The first after the slaughtered Manticore had been some kind of illusion-baited trap. How they triggered it, they had been unable to able to figure out. They had been passing beneath the arching branch of a massive tree, when without warning came the voices of Twilight and Rarity, right next to them—"They found us! Run!"—the colors of violet and alabaster forms barely discernible as they dashed away through the middle of a thick brush. Dash had reactively bolted after them, only to be tackled to the ground by Applejack before she got two steps. "AJ! What the hell?!" she squawked out indignantly. "Dash, that ain't right. Didn't you notice? Those leaves didn't move around 'em, no sound of their hooves, and now listen- nothin'. My bottom bit says that was another trap." To test her theory, she lifted a stick off the ground in her mouth and tossed it into the bush that the ‘Unicorns’ had so suddenly appeared in. The pair flinched and stepped back reflexively as the space within the foliage lit up in a fierce, if tightly contained, storm of electrical energy. The third encounter was as fortunate for the pair as the first. Another denizen of the forest had triggered it before their arrival, though not by much. They heard the explosion clearly, not far ahead. Arriving on the scene, they looked around cautiously. Something had been blown to messy little bits here. The only identifiable piece of the unlucky creature was the clawed foot of a chicken. As gruesome as the Manticore had been, the sheer amount of gore and blood painting the trees and ground around them was worse. Applejack turned, retching at the fetid stench, while Dash grimly pushed past her own nausea, trying to figure out exactly what had happened here. Looking about carefully, she saw that there were jagged shards of stone scattered amidst the gore… as if… an exploding rock? This is getting insane! Did that thing even have to step on it, or did it blow when it got too close? What the hay has Celestia been teaching this filly? Dash's first impression of Twilight had been of an admittedly cute bookworm who didn't get out much. Now she was wondering if she wasn't some kind of secret agent Unicorn! ~ Applejack, having successfully vacated the contents of her stomach and feeling none the better for it, began to speak in hushed tones as they made their way through the forest. "Dash, I been thinkin'. Now I know what yer gonna say, but just hear me out—I don't think Twilight's been tryin' to kill us." Applejack got precisely the look of incredulity she'd expected, but before the Pegasus could start verbally questioning her sanity, she pressed on. "I mean, us specifically. The more I think 'bout it, the more I'm sure she was really expectin' those dragons to be comin' after her, not us. Think 'bout it- lethal as all that would'a been for us, I don't much think they'd ah done more'n slow a full-grown dragon down. She's desperate, scared, an’ tryin' to buy as much time as she can." Rainbow frowned thoughtfully. "I get what you're sayin' AJ, and it makes sense, but it doesn't exactly change the situation does it? I mean, one wrong step we might not even see coming, an’ it's over." "Yeah Dash, I know. I'm sayin' this cuz I want ya to try to understand where she's comin' from… I'm just afraid o' what you two are gonna do when we do catch 'em up. Just… promise me, please, that you'll at least hear her out. Please. For me." Dash's frown deepened into a scowl. She walked on in silent vigilance of their surroundings. Applejack decided not to press her any further, her point and plea had been made; she was confident Dash would think long and hard about her words. ~ A short while later, Applejack suddenly pulled up, eyes wide and ears perked high as they swiveled about. Dash looked at her questioningly, but the other pony’s attention was completely focused on something elsewhere. "Dash," she said, her voice barely audible, "we're not alone." Eyes darting surreptitiously all about, Dash saw… nothing, felt no hint of what would make Applejack say such a thing, but there was no questioning that her friend was serious. A chill ran down her spine. "How can you tell?" she whispered back. "Earth pony thing. Ya'll Pegasi can control the weathers 'n such, Unicorns have magic, my kin have… it's hard to describe. It's a connection to the land, I guess ya'll could say. An Ah'm tellin' ya, we're being stalked. Ah can feel it." While Dash didn't really know what to make of the explanation, she didn't doubt the validity of it, but there didn't seem to be much they could do about it at the moment, and she said as much. Applejack nodded, "Jus'… jus' be on yer guard, okay?" she whispered, rounding a tree heavy with vines. The irony of her last statement was lost on both ponies as the vines wreathing the tree suddenly lit with a distinctive purple radiance and came alive. With blinding speed, they lashed out and whipped about Applejack, binding her and pulling her into a bone-crushing impact with the tree. She struggled frantically, but was strung up tightly to the base of the tree as more vines snaked about her torso and neck, their long thorns cutting into her. "Dash!" she screamed. "Get these damned things offa me! It's getting tighter! Aaaah!" Bolting over, Dash pulled at the malignantly enchanted flora, her armored uniform protecting her forelegs from the sharp thorns. The vines were wrapped far too tightly against her friend's body to find enough purchase or to get any leverage, so she began to use her teeth, frantically trying to bite through them as all the while Applejack cried out in anguish, the thorns digging deeper into her flesh. Applejack's screams grew weaker as the vines wrapped around her throat, effectively strangling her. Eyes wide and pleading, she stared at Rainbow as her friend desperately tried to free her. It wasn't working. Applejack felt the vertebrae in her neck begin to creak as the vines constricted relentlessly, forcing her head inexorably back and up toward an unnatural angle that would soon snap her neck like a dry twig. The huge creature appeared out of nowhere, throwing Rainbow Dash out of the way like she was a rag doll. Moonlight flashed on silver claws as they cut through the death-trap vines in a single, fluid arch. Applejack collapsed to the ground, barely conscious and gasping raggedly as her lungs greedily filled with oxygen. Her senses slowly returning, she could hear Dash's voice, cursing from somewhere in the middle of a bush as she thrashed about, trying to clamber free. Her blurred vision began to clear, and she found herself at eye-level with a pair of huge, clawed paws. Lifting her head, she found herself gazing up at a creature she had only heard tales of, traditionally the kind used to frighten misbehaving colts and fillies. This close up, his massive frame completely filled her field of vision. His fur was thick and wild, the breadth of his chest and shoulders easily twice that of her brother, who was one of the largest stallions she'd ever seen. His large ears were perked and fully forward… and those eyes. Large and yellow, they seemed to glow with an internal light as they pierced her with an emotionless and steady regard. She was struck with the certainty of intuitive knowledge that he was looking past her coat, beyond her bluster, into the very core of her... and that he was little impressed. The flood of curses pouring from Rainbow's direction ceased abruptly as she cleared the tangled mass of leaves and shrubbery she had been hurled into. A frozen moment lingered on the scene as she took in the massive creature standing before a prone Applejack… correction, the massive predator looming over a helpless Applejack! Impulse and recognition washed over her. No time to think, just act—do something, try to get him away from AJ, buy her time to escape. Wings flaring, a snarl of rage and fear tearing from her throat, she launched herself at the predator. A single shaggy eyebrow rose above an ambient eye. ~~~~~~ Lyra was beginning to grow concerned. The dawn was fast approaching. The greater Convergences were ever tricky—unpredictable as their results were pivotal. Planning was all good and well, but once the events were in motion, things always had a tendency to spiral beyond the hope of control, into the murky waters of chaos. Beyond the sight of even the wisest. Why did gods always seem to think they could control everything? The same reason we always do I imagine, she ruminated. Endless self-delusion at our own grandeur. Could be worse, I suppose. I've heard the tales of those other realms, too horrible to even contemplate. And what can any of us do? Where do we find a modicum of sanity in it all? Why, we can laugh. We laugh at the sheer, endless absurdity of it all. She strummed distractedly at her lyre as her thoughts tread these disturbing paths. Suddenly perking, Lyra felt the familiar approach through the skein of her magics. Finally, she thought. The great wolf strode into the clearing through the mists. Lyra blinked as the two expected visitors did not appear behind him. Rather, as he drew closer, she saw that two unconscious ponies were draped across his back. She half-rose in alarm. "What—" she began. He interrupted her gruffly, shrugging the pair unceremoniously off him and onto the grass at his feet. "They were troublesome," he rumbled by way of simple explanation, clearly lacking the inclination to elaborate. Well, this was unexpected. Lovely. But then… She glanced over to a particularly thick patch of grasses woven to conceal the still slumbering Twilight and Rarity, I suppose this somewhat simplifies things. For my part, at any rate. "Does anything ever work out as planned?" she asked in a wistful, almost rhetorical tone. The wolf gazed at her solemnly. "Never." She paused, long and hard. "It was all a mistake, wasn't it?" "Everything is, Lyra, sooner or later." ~~~~~~ The haze of golden light radiated painfully behind her closed eyelids. Squinting hard, the ambient light abated, and she sighed in relief as the pounding in her head lessened slightly. Slowly, the intrusion of senses awakening began to demand more and more of her attention, even as she struggled to return to that blissful solace of oblivion. The warmth of the sun growing uncomfortably hot upon her back and the sweet sound of wind rustling the grasses all around her proved enough incentive to cycle her groggy consciousness through the "who-what-where" phases of awakening. In short order, memories of recent events flooded in and her eyes snapped open. Twilight Sparkle raised her head, looking around in alarm. The scene before her did not mesh with what she last recalled before falling asleep to a full belly and the serene music of that odd, green Unicorn. She was no longer in that peaceful glen that radiated a palpable sense of protection and peace. A rumbling snore drew her attention to the curled mass of alabaster coat and purple mane that was her companion. She couldn't help but smirk a bit at the contrast of the prim and proper Rarity, normally so graceful and poised, now rumbling away like a jackhammer as she slept. Rising, she was struck with how very refreshed she felt. She took stock and was amazed to discover all of her considerable wounds seemed to have been fully healed. She felt fresh, alive... and thoroughly confused. Where in Equastria were they? How did they get here? The Everfree, this most certainly was not - she felt reconnected to the magical stability of civilized Equestria. Proceeding down the logical course of action, first thing was first—rousing Rarity. The Unicorn might know where they were; she had lived in the area and may know the terrain well enough to recognize their position. "Rarity. Wake up," she said, nosing the slumbering mare. She was rewarded by a distinctly unladylike snort and grumble from her friend. "Rarity!" she said louder, prodding the Unicorn with her hoof. "Wake up!" "Bwa—what?" Rarity blurted, startled from her sleep, raising her head and blearily meeting Twilight's gaze. Twilight couldn't help but smirk a bit at the tousled mane and sloppy appearance of her friend. "Time to get up. It's early morning by the looks of it, but I have no idea where we are." "Where we are? What do you—" she broke off as she looked around, taking in their surroundings. "Why, this is White Tail Wood! Just on the edge of Ponyville! However did we get here?" Twilight grimaced. "Yeah, no idea. But we're close to Ponyville? Can you lead us back? How far is it?" Rarity looked up and around, gauging their bearings. "Very close. Just 'round the corner actually." "Well, that's a relief. Sorry to wake you so abruptly, but we'd better get going. How do you feel?" "I…" Rarity cocked her head to the side. "I feel wonderful actually," she said in a tone of bewilderment. "Me too. I'm really going to have to expand my studies. There's so much more to magic than I ever thought—Unicorn magics are inherently linear, a framework of will, effect, and application. What we experienced last night was almost… an inverse of that understanding. Almost cyclic in its manifestation…" she trailed off, mumbling to her herself for a moment, lost in the implications. Rarity rose and shook herself. "Yes darling, that’s all well and good," she said, interrupting Twilight's ruminations, a habit of the purple Unicorn she was becoming increasingly familiar with. “But as you said, we need to get moving." Twilight nodded, jarred from her thoughts. "Right, which way?" Taking the lead, Rarity broke into a brisk canter with the reassuring knowledge of finally knowing where they were and how to get where they were going- home. The thought filled her with confidence and joy—things would be alright soon, back amongst the familiar. It wasn't long before they cleared the forest, the bright morning light falling around them; breaking into an all-out gallop across the wide grassy plains, the sunshine felt like a benediction. By the time they made the edges of town, they were breathing heavily, the sweat from their brows burning into their eyes. So it was that they didn't hear the building shouts until the crowd had nearly surrounded them. The cacophony was deafening, ponies overriding one another in their rapid-fire exclamations. "Rarity!" "Thought you were dead!" "Where did you all—" "—where are the others?!" "The Princess!" "...guards everywhere, I don't—" "—light Sparkle!" A voice, hard and commanding, cut through the din. "Make way! Now!" Blinking away the sweat from her vision, Twilight took a moment to process what her eyes were telling her. Approaching her was a stallion, adorned in armor from hoof to head, the gold of it glinting in the morning light. A cordon of the townsponies opened for his approach, but this clearly wasn't enough for him. "Disperse! Clear out! Go home, I don't care, but back off now, all of you," he ordered left and right, the mares and stallions cringing slightly under the fierce tone and unyielding glare. Snorting, he drew up before a still-panting Twilight. "Miss Sparkle. I am pleased to have found you. I had heard you and some others had gone into the Everfree Forest, yet here you are. Please, follow me." Bemused at his words, yet relieved at his presence and all the familiar order it represented, she began to follow, pulling up to his side as a flood of questions vied for dominance in her mind. A victor didn't have time to make itself known, however; as she pulled up next to him, the sight previously denied her left those thoughts gasping in the dirt. Ahead, in the open square before the Town Hall, were arrayed what Twilight, despite having lived her entire life within the walls of Canterlot, had rarely seen—a fully formed Elite Contingent of the Royal Guard. While the military sciences were at best an ancillary draw to her academic pursuits, she had nevertheless taken—and of course excelled at—the requisite courses that touched upon the subject matter of the modern Equestrian military. An Elite Contingent was unique in both its efficacy and composition; they were among the few quarters of the military that actually seemed to do anything, though what it is they got up to she was never privileged to be made aware of. She had merely noted them coming and going at all hours, and as far as she recalled, there were only a few such units active in all of Equestria. The Contingent was comprised of seven heavy Earth ponies—her escort the eighth—their armor far from ceremonial, each bearing scars and grooves unique to its owner. These ponies were renowned to be the first in and the last out of any engagement. Four Pegasi were adorned in lighter armor, designed for agility and swift movement, extensions from their shoulders ribbing across the front angles of their wings, the razored edges glinting. The final three wore no armor, at least none that could be seen, as dark brown cloaks hung about them. The sunburst sigil on the right breast marked them for what they were—Elite Mages of the Equestrian Military. Twilight was effectively trotting on autopilot as she drew closer. Her escort drew her towards the cloaked three, one of whom spoke. "Sergeant, excellent. Take your Heavies and attend to some crowd-control." The Heavy stomped a salute, glanced at his ponies, and they moved off to follow orders. The tall Unicorn stepped forward, his coat a dark blue, white mane clipped short and curling about his horn. "Well. Twilight Sparkle. Nice of you to finally show up," he said, his tone curt and efficient. Twilight found herself at a loss for a moment; this Unicorn knew her name. Not only that, but he implied he had been waiting for her. She mustered all the eloquence of her years of academic and arcane pursuit. "Um." The Mage's brows rose when she did not immediately continue. "Right then. I'm afraid questions will have to wait, both for a safer location, and when your tongue decides to start working again. Now. I understand you have companions. Where are they?" Okay. A direct question to answer. Much easier. "Yes, I—" Wait. Where was Rarity?! Looking about, she saw no sign of the alabaster beauty. "Um…" Another pause as the Unicorn Mage visibly bit down on his frustration, "Lovely. Description please. Succinctly," he said, the last word slightly emphasized. She gave it, as well as the name of her friend's place of business. The Mage nodded to one of the Pegasi, and two took off towards the Carousel Boutique. "And the others?" Frowning, Twilight responded, "What do you mean?" Something felt… off about this. "Miss Sparkle, I have specific orders. We are here to collect yourself, and five other mares. Two Pegasi, two Earth ponies, and one additional Unicorn. Aside from yourself, all residents of this town. You were the only one named and described. Tell me who, and where, they are." "I… what is this? How did you know where I was, and what do the others have to do with anything!" The Mage stepped forward, a slight frown angling down over his blue eyes. "My orders are… opaque, at best. I don't like bringing my men out here to collect a bunch of fillies while in the midst of what is quickly becoming the greatest crisis in our recent history. I don't like not knowing why I've been ordered to do so, and I especially don't like being cross-questioned and hamstrung by the ungrateful recipient of our protection. Now. Will you please—" He got no farther. There was a shout from one of the Elite Pegasi, a flashing of eyes as all turned to the focus of his alarm—just enough time to register what appeared to be a small mountain dropping from the sky in a blur, and a shockwave knocking half the town off their hooves as the dragon slammed into the earth on the far side of town. In retrospect, it really was an incredible irony that, standing amidst an elite, highly trained fighting force of veterans, it was Twilight Sparkle who first broke from the shock. She had a particular reason, of course, for it wasn't until she watched the dragon nosing about, peering in the windows and rumbling low in his language, that she realized where he was. Specifically. Not just over on the other side of Ponyville; he was at the Library. That meant one thing to Twilight. "Spike!" she screamed, bolting forward in a full-out gallop. A surprised curse and rapid flurry of orders lashed out behind her, and suddenly the ring of Earth pony Heavies were in full charge ahead of her, two blurs of gold flashed overhead, and the billowing cloaks of the Mages began to pull ahead of her. All converging on the Library. In her panicked flight, Twilight overheard—but paid scant attention to—a running argument between two of the Mages just ahead of her. She caught something about "diplomacy" and "foreign relations" from one, the leader responding with "orders don't allow for," and something about "potential invasion". She frankly didn't give a damn what they were on about—Spike, the only brother she had ever known, was in the Library, and the great dragon's words back at the castle returned to haunt her: "He is precious to me." That was what he'd said, hadn't he? And now, here was one of his escorts, rooting about the Library! He was going to take Spike! No, she thought with a sudden, grim determination. He was going to try. A bolt of violet energy lashed out, cracking the air, throwing the galloping Mages off-canter as it streaked out below the Pegasi, between the Heavy guards, and slammed into the dragon’s side. He staggered back. One step. Everything seemed to slow as the great beast turned his head, eyes narrowing. Twilight caught a murmur from one of the Mages, "Oh shit." Chapter 6 - “Gravity” ← Chapter 8 - “Horizons” →
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
══════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ══════════════════════════════════ Chapter 8 Horizons An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Her feathers ruffled as she banked gracefully into the steady wind, the pressure of the cool air comforting beneath her wings, her long mane streaming out behind her. Heights had always been a bit of an issue for her, a fact that some of the crueler fillies and colts back in school had taken gleeful advantage of when they got bored. Not that it wasn’t odd, she’d be the first to admit—a Pegasus afraid of heights? She chuckled lightly, the irony not lost on her, before swallowing a gulp as her thoughts led her to acknowledge just how very high up she was. She’d never come this high by herself willingly. Fortunately, she did indeed have company. Fluttershy leveled off and darted a glance to her left. The tips of long, midnight blue feathers stretched out next to hers, almost close enough to touch, as she flew alongside Princess Luna. The presence of the Alicorn was strangely comforting—she emanated a powerful feeling of serenity and assurance, and watching her fly... the Princess never seemed to have to flap her wings or exert any effort at all. Fluttershy doubted she could have even made it up here amongst the spatterings of alto-cumulus clouds had Luna not led her to the rising thermal near the lake. Spiralling upward with the billowing drafts of warm air had been exhilarating, and she used the time to reflect on the events of that morning. She had awoken before dawn, as was her custom for attending to the animals that had come to depend on her care over the years. There had been a moment of confusion as she blearily peered about at the unfamiliar stone walls and large bed she was nestled upon. She may well have devolved into a full-blown panic had it not been for the pink ball of riotous-maned pony curled up next to her, snoring lightly and talking in her sleep. As it was, the reassuring presence of her friend had held her lurch of fear in abeyance while her sleep-addled mind struggled to catch up with recent events. With a shocked little cry, the visceral memories of being crushed beneath tons of stone washed over her. Whipping her head back with a panicked gasp, she looked over her body and was amazed to find herself whole and undamaged, with no injuries to substantiate her horrific recollections; not even a feather was out of place as she daintily fluttered her wings in careful inspection. After the collapse of the hallway, she remembered... nothing. With the tiniest of frowns, Fluttershy began to carefully extricate herself from the multiple layers of blanket she was nestled in. Wide awake, she gently eased herself off the bed and tiptoed across the floor, so as not to disturb the slumbering Pinkie Pie. Nopony would have accused her of being the adventurous type, but she was up, and at least Applejack should be awake... wait. Applejack? Vague impressions of the hardy workpony flit through her scattered memories of last night but... nothing distinctive, just that her friend had been shouting and distressed. Shaking her head, she carefully eased the door closed and turned to trot down the hall to her friend’s quarters. The stone corridors were frigid with the pre-dawn air; Fluttershy rubbed her wings against her sides as she made her way to Applejack’s room. Nosing the door open with a timid query, “Applejack? Are you awake?” She was bewildered to find the room empty, the bed neatly made. Frowning slightly in confusion, she turned to the next door down—Rarity’s room. Propriety abandoned with the growing knot of unease in her stomach, she pushed through the door. Empty. “What’s going on? Where is everypony?” Trotting to the window, she peered out in hopes of finding some sign of her missing friends. In the courtyard below she caught movement- somepony was walking through the grasses across the wide field. It was still quite dark, so she had to squint to make out... Princess Luna! Oh! She’ll know where everypony is! Fluttershy turned and, exiting the room, began to trot brusquely down the halls to the exit. She almost tripped over herself as she passed into the main entranceway- rubble was strewn about, blackened scorch marks scarring the walls in random profusion. The great stained-glass window high above she had so admired yesterday was now broken out, the shattered pieces littering the floor in multi-colored shards. “Oh my...” Fluttershy broke into a gallop; she did not like this scene that both looked and felt like a war-zone. The huge atrium was cloying with a sense of oppressive violence that overwhelmed the timid Pegasus, a violence that triggered an atavistic instinct to escape, to get as far away as possible. The large main doors were wide open and she galloped straight through them, taking deep breaths of the cold, open air in relief. Looking about, she saw the Princess still casually strolling into the middle of the field, and she began to move toward her. Her ears perked at the songs of the morning birds that filled the treeline, their jaunty tunes calming her somewhat. Closing to hailing distance of the Princess, she pulled up short as she picked up a palpable feeling of... expectancy, that lay heavy in the air. Luna was standing tall, rigid as a statue, her eyes closed as she drew in deep, even breaths. The space around her began to shine with small motes of light as her horn burst into a brilliant radiance; Fluttershy felt the hackles on her neck prickle with the rising energy. A small, strained sound broke from the Alicorn’s muzzle, and she slowly began to raise her horn upwards, as though struggling against some great invisible weight. Fluttershy had never seen magic like this—not that she was terribly familiar with Unicorns and their predilection—but the sight before her was unlike any she had encountered before. Waves of power rolled off Luna; suddenly, bursting from the mountain range on the far horizon, the sun flared into existence, shepherding the darkness of the night to the far horizon and casting its life-giving warmth across Equestria. Fluttershy belatedly realized her jaw was hanging on its hinges; she had never seen Princess Celestia raise the sun before. In fact, the Summer Sun Celebration was to be her first time witnessing the famous spectacle and she had been excited about the opportunity. So taken aback by what she had just seen, it was a moment before she noted that Luna had lowered herself to the grass and was breathing heavily, this time as though working to catch her breath. Sheer wonder swept aside her usual reticence and she cantered forward joyfully. “Oh, Princess! That was amazing!” she called out in admiration. A startled sound burst from the Princess as she jerked in surprise, looking up with wide eyes. Fluttershy pulled to a quick halt, slipping a bit on the wet grass. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” she squeaked. “I didn’t mean to scare you... that was just so wonderful! I never got to see Princess Celestia raise the sun! It was wonderful and... I... um, that is...” she trailed off, her excitement giving way to a consuming embarrassment as the Moon Princess just looked at her, expressionless. She began to curl up on herself behind the obscuring curtains of her pink bangs. Luna rose with a small smile. “It’s quite all right little one, I’m just... not quite used to having anypony around. Sometimes it’s easy to forget I’m not alone anymore,” she finished softly. Fluttershy had not the faintest idea how to respond to this, though her heart went out to Luna in a wash of empathy. The call to heal, to reach out and give of herself to anypony, to any animal in pain was as natural to her as breathing, and every bit as compelling. “Um... what was it like? Being up there all alone for so long? It must have been so hard...” Luna looked up, her eyes resting on the fiery orb that hung in the sky. “What was it like? How can I even begin to describe it in terms you can understand? Mortality really is a gift, you know,” she said, scuffing at the grasses with a hoof. “Your kind have no conception of everything just... never ending. I hear the wishes in their dreams you know- the fear of dying, the longing for immortality... they have no idea what they’re asking for. And if they did? Should they receive their heart’s desire? They’d curl up on themselves in the abject horror of what they wrought. The centuries would soon begin to pass as if they were days, all they had ever come to love turned to dust before their eyes. Mountains would rise where verdant plains once rolled, oceans once teeming with life fade away, leaving naught but scorched deserts and the bleached bones of civilizations. Without the release of death, everything becomes ephemeral, both what is remembered and all that is cursed to remember...” The princess shook her mane out, enveloping the trembling Pegasus with an amaranthine gaze. “Do you understand yet Fluttershy? We envy your kind. “...In the wake of all of that, my time spent on the moon was merely an... interlude, I suppose you could say.” Luna narrowed her eyes at the sun. “Though it was not without its trials. Solitude is a wonderful thing Fluttershy, when it is intentionally sought. As an imposition, there are few things more unpleasant...” Luna trailed off, as though she had forgotten the presence of the little pink-maned Pegasus entirely. Fluttershy was at an utter loss for words... the wound she sensed here was so... vast. Inwardly flailing, she unwittingly stumbled upon the one solace that mortals could offer the gods- distraction. “Um, Princess? I’m sorry, but where is everypony? Where are my friends?” Luna blinked, pausing in thought for a moment. “...Would you like to join me for a morning flight Fluttershy? There are some things we need to talk about.” ~~~ Near midday, the pair slipped down through the clouds, gliding casually back toward the castle. Details began to resolve as they drew closer and revealed one of the Dragons sitting in the vast veranda, head tilted back as he patiently tracked their approach. Fluttershy released a squeak as she realized she was being scrutinized by the enormous beast and reactively flared her wings to drift back behind Luna, who turned her head with a light chuckle. “It’s all right, my dear, Sali is a very old friend of mine. He would never harm you. He’s actually a very gentle soul... but it appears he wishes to speak with me about something, would you mind giving us a moment? I’m sure Pinkie Pie is wondering where you are, and you have much to discuss.” Although Fluttershy attempted to keep the relief from her features, a surreptitious smirk from the Moon Princess suggested that she might as well have tried to hide her wings. “Al-Alright, Princess. I’ll go find her. Tell... tell your friend I said ‘good morning,’” she said with a brave little smile. Luna giggled. “I’ll be certain to. See you soon.” With that, she banked off, drifting gracefully through the air towards the great Dragon. As she fluttered to a landing, Saliant bowed his head and intoned somberly, “My Lady. Good day to you.” Luna rejoined with a playful curtsy. “Good day to you as well, my Lord.” The pair stared at one another for a moment of haughty appraisal before breaking into a laugh. “Never gets old, does it?” he rumbled mirthfully. “Never,” she replied with a warm smile. “Though I take it you’re here for more than mid-day greetings.” She paused and cocked her head to the side. “Something weighs on you, Sali. What’s wrong?” The ancient Dragon hesitated before replying, “There has been a... complication.” “A complication,” Luna repeated leadingly when he didn’t continue. “Aye, just so.” His wings shifted nervously against his sides and the tip of his huge tail began to flick about erratically. Luna frowned, her concern growing. “Sali... I haven’t seen you this nervous since you were little more than a hatchling, about to embark on your first hunt. What happened?” The dragon’s massive chest expanded as he pulled in a deep breath. If Luna were just about any other pony, extremely pressing thoughts about the maelstrom of flame that generally followed such an inhalation would be crowding her mind. As it was, she merely raised an eyebrow and waited patiently. “I’m afraid young Demetrius has acted precipitously. When it became evident that a confrontation was likely to take place, he took it upon himself to go into Ponyville and ensure the safety of the young one there.” Luna’s voice turned hard. “He did what.” Sali raised his hands up defensively. “He acted in concern for a Clan member. If any is to blame, it is my loose tongue. I spoke of my concerns freely to them both. I should have known he would take it upon himself to act on my behalf.” Pride flared in the Elder Dragon’s eyes as he remembered himself. “And even if I had, I would not have stayed his wings. I will not have one of our own sit unprotected and helpless in the midst of a contest of goddesses. Such things rarely end well, even for my kind.” Luna huffed her displeasure. “Oh, do calm down, Sali. I’m hardly going ‘spit my bit’, as they say these days... “However, this is not good news, and your reaction tells me there’s more to this story.” she said expectantly, with no small amount of foreboding lacing the words. “Sadly, you are correct. As I said—complications arose. There were Equestrian guards in the town, and... Twilight Sparkle was there as well. When she saw Demetrius speaking with the young one, she attacked him. He... responded in kind.” Luna’s eyes went wide. “No,” she said breathlessly, “tell me she’s not—” Sali gestured to forestall the Princess’ alarm. “No, my Lady, she is alive and well...” Luna exhaled a shaky sigh of relief. “Thank the Endless. We’re already walking the edge with this.” The Dragon continued as though she hadn’t spoken, “Though I’m afraid the same cannot be said for the town itself and... many of the guards, who followed suit and attacked as well.” The silence stretched out, and if ancient Dragons could sweat, this one would have been. Finally, Luna spoke. “Salient. Elaborate.” “My Lady... you must understand. The ponies broke peace and drew first blood. Demetrius acted in defense of himself and the young one. He only—” Luna’s hoof struck the ground and a deafening crack filled the air, as though a bolt of lightning had broken right above their heads. Her eyes were hard, bright as emeralds. “How many died, Sali?” Salient stared at the ground, unable to meet her regard, and rumbled, “Many.” Luna turned abruptly away from him, visibly trembling in the effort to control herself. Dragons were exceptionally sensitive creatures, and powerfully magical. As such, Salient could clearly feel her struggle, both her emotional distress and the immeasurable surges of power that she struggled to contain. It had literally been ages since any of the world’s races had freely preyed upon Pony-kind, and Saliant shivered at the stark reminder before him of precisely why that was. He harbored no doubts that this diminutive, Equine-shaped being could obliterate him with a thought, should she choose to do so. Only his courage and pride kept him still, stoically awaiting her judgement. As abruptly as shutting off a faucet, the turmoil emanating from Luna ceased, and she turned back to look up at him, her expression inscrutable. “This will not happen again, Sali. Am I understood?” The Dragon nodded. “Perfectly.” “And what of Rainbow Dash and Applejack? They were not with my sister’s protegé?” “Demetrius reported no sign of them my Lady.” Luna sighed. “Very well. Thank you, Sali. I trust young Demetrius is unharmed?” “He is well, my Lady. He bears a new scar proudly.” Luna surreptitiously rolled her eyes and huffed. “Stop calling me that, Sali. It’s not amusing when you mean it, and this is no time for old jokes. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are some new issues that need attending to.” The princess was already lost in thought as the great dragon dipped his head in a short bow and turned, launching himself into the air, his vast wings pulling him effortlessly skyward. As soon as he was gone, Luna’s gaze hardened once more. If she chose to put the power into it, the stare would have been enough to shatter stone; she turned this regard to the drifting sun and began to hum a light tune. It was a very, very old lullaby. ~~~ Bile. The acidic taste of it filled her mouth. A wave of nausea stole through her, and she bit her lip in protest, attempting to hold her stomach down. The world was spinning. No... her world was... moving. As awareness slowly returned to her, she felt the rush of strong winds pulling at her mane and the rhythmic motions of the platform she was laid upon. Her ears worked to translate the sounds of an argument underway: the voices were male, their tones grim and angry. Slowly blinking her eyes, she didn’t have the energy to make sense of the exchange just yet. Twilight Sparkle regained consciousness gradually, finding herself curled up in the corner of a flying carriage. Ironically, her first clear impression was that this was not a royal carriage; the design was sleek, the lines more angular and hard—this transport was meant for speed, not comfort. "Nice to have you back with us, darling." Twilight snapped her head around in surprise, the sudden movement eliciting a wave of vertigo and pain. "Rarity! You're okay! What's going on? What happened? I—" she broke off, nausea hitting her once more as it threatened to turn her entrails inside out and force them up and out of her muzzle. "Oh, you poor dear. That bump on your head looks just awful." New concern flared in Rarity's large blue eyes. "Oh my! Twilight, are you feeling dizzy? What's the last thing you remember? How many hooves am I holding up!" Twilight raised a hoof to hold the overbearing Unicorn out of her space as she replied, "I'm… well, I'm not fine, Rarity, but I don't think I have a concussion. And you're only holding up two hooves, that's not much of a test. Just… give me a moment please, and room to breathe." As Rarity complied, Twilight turned her gaze to the knot of tightly clustered Elites at the far end of the platform. Their voices were low and she couldn't make out the words over the rush of the wind, but the undertone of the discussion was clear. "What are they arguing about? For that matter, where are the rest of them?" Twilight raised a hoof to her pounding head and flinched as it made contact with a searingly painful spot; she pulled it back to see a splotch of sticky blood. "And what the hell happened to me?!" Rarity cast a withering glare at the soldiers, who seemed to be ignoring the pair entirely in their private huddle. "They happened to you. They happened to me too, for that matter. I was just coming back from seeing to Sweetie Belle - I left her with Berry Punch, do you know her? Lovely mare, old friend, bit of a lush these days - and was on my way back to you, when that dragon came dropping out of the sky! The next thing I knew, everypony was rushing at him, and somepony threw a spell at him! Well, he didn't take kindly to that, and then… Oh, it was terrible, Twilight! You really don't remember any of that?" Twilight frowned, forced to entertain the possibility that perhaps she did have a mild concussion after all, if chunks of her memory were missing. But that didn't explain how she had actually been concussed. "Not much. I don—" she broke off in horror. “Spike! Where is he?!” Rarity looked on the verge of tears, her ears laid flat against her head. “The dragon took him Twilight. I’m so sorry. When everypony started attacking—a rather foolish impulse I must say—he went… berserk. It was terrible. I knew Dragons were powerful, but I had no idea what they were capable of. He just shrugged off the waves of magic like they were so much fabric! The only thing that actually hurt him was an attack from one of the Pegasi: he dove in with those wing blades and managed to cut along the dragon’s side. He… didn't make it out though.” Rarity’s eyes glazed over with a vacant look. “I've… never seen such horror in all my life. The dragon’s head just snapped around and he… he bit the Pegasus guard nearly in half! And then he started breathing fire. Five of the Earth pony guards were caught in the first wave. They just… melted. They didn't even have time to scream...” Rarity trailed off and looked up to meet Twilight’s eyes beseechingly. “Twilight, I… I thought I was a cosmopolitan mare. I thought I knew what the world was like but… but now, I've seen things that change a pony. I used to think in gossamer and silk… now… there's blood everywhere. I just—" Rarity couldn't continue, her voice breaking as tears filled her eyes. Her understanding of things—how things were supposed to be—had been irrevocably shattered, and nopony walks away from a shattered paradigm comfortably. It was, after all, her entire world she had lost. She could never go back. She had struggled to convey all of this, but some things were simply ineffable. Some things must be intuited in the end, and only a compassionate friend can bridge that gap—something Twilight finally understood. Twilight reached out and pulled Rarity into a crushing embrace, and they wept together, poured their shared misery into one another's embrace, for at this moment there was no other comfort to be found. After a time, when she had no more tears to shed, Twilight returned to reality. She opened her eyes to find the remaining Elite forces were all staring at her, rather unpleasantly. The apparent leader, the head Mage she had spoken to before the Dragon came, muttered something to his soldiers, and approached. He stood looming above her, his eyes flat and face utterly expressionless, before hunkering down before her with a sigh. For a moment, he just looked back at her in silence. When he spoke, the hardness of his voice startled her. "Miss Sparkle. I want you to know, if my orders were not otherwise, I'd let my ponies throw you right over the edge." Though his face remained impassive, rage began to creep into his tone. "Thanks to you, fully half of my squad now lies in so many pieces across a backwater settlement. So help me, the next time you put my soldiers in danger, if you cross one hoof out of line, I'll do more than simply knock you over the head." Twilight was utterly taken aback by his venom and for a moment could find no words. Her face drained of color as she processed the implication. "I… I don't understand. You hit me?" He scowled at her words, as though she were mocking him. "Are you saying you don't remember what happened in the town? What you did?" "No," she whispered. "I don't." He snorted derisively. "Wonderful. Now I get to play nursemaid. Yes, I knocked you out. You completely lost it back there. You incited an attack on a creature that it takes a full battalion to deal with. We are not a full battalion, as you may have noticed. In fact, we are now less than half of what we were when we arrived." His jaw bunched and his eyes burned into her. "Their blood is on your hooves, and thanks to you, on mine. They were my responsibility, and I failed them." He fell silent, glaring at the floor of the platform. Twilight, guilt and confusion overwhelming her, was completely at a loss for words. Fortunately, Rarity was not, and Twilight started in surprise when she spoke in a voice low and hard as steel. "Touch her, and you die." Both Twilight and the Mage stared at her, shocked. Rarity raised her head up to look squarely at the Mage, her eyes narrowed dangerously. "You think I'm joking? Try me." The Mage’s recovery was impressively swift for having just received a death threat. "Finally, some realism. No, Miss Rarity, I don't doubt you. However, you'll find you're being overly generous with your threats, as my orders are to return you and your friends to Canterlot safely." His expression turned contemplative. "Speaking of which, I think it's high time you leveled with me. Your story," he said, lifting a hoof to point at Twilight, "is at odds with the intel I was given. But it's clear you haven't been entirely forthcoming. Now, however, we have time, and I need to know what you know. Starting with the locations of the others you’ve been avoiding telling me about.” Twilight and Rarity shared a glance that spoke volumes. Nodding to one another, they returned their attention to the Mage, and haltingly, began to talk... The Mage just sat there, brow raised nearly to crown his horn. “You... honestly expect me to believe all of that, “ he stated flatly, raising a hoof to rub his forehead. “So... let’s just recap here, shall we? A demonic entity of some kind whose return was foretold by an old mare’s tale has come to pass. Said creature has taken the form of an Alicorn and claims to be Princess Celestia’s sister. ‘It’ has some manner of pet demon locked away in its dungeon, has draconic allies, and is in possession of the remaining ponies my orders obligate me to retrieve, several of whom may have actually joined its side of their own cognizance... all of whom are in a dilapidated castle in the heart of the Everfree Forest. Did I miss anything, or does that about sum it up?” Twilight bit her lip. “Look, I know how this sounds, but it’s the truth! And...” she trailed off as something occurred to her. “Wait. If you don’t know any of this, then what the hay are you doing here in the first place?” The Mage compressed his muzzle, lips thinning. “Hmm. Just a moment,” he said helpfully, before standing up and turning back to his squad. “Scroll, I need you to send a spark message to HQ: Lightning One to run escort interference. Add our course, disposition, and ETA.” The other Mage nodded a sharp acknowledgment, turning to face the outline of Canterlot in the distance and reared up to place his front hooves on the edge of transport. His horn lit up in an intense verdant glow and a ball of contained energy slowly formed from the tip, before collapsing in on itself and disappearing in a flash. He turned back to the captain with a confused expression. “Done, sir. But... L-One? Just her? Why not the rest of the team?” “Because they’ve been sent off to trail those black-suited Pegasi the Council scryed out, which you’d know if you’d read the file. Which you can be damned sure we’ll talk about when we get back,” the captain finished with a growl. Scroll’s ears laid back and one of the Heavies next to him rumbled out a low chuckle, prodding him in the ribs. “Went an bucked yerself on that one, eh, greenhoof? Next time, learn ta’ keep your mouth shut. Never know when an officer expects ya to know stuff.” The remaining two Heavy veterans nodded in sage agreement. Rolling his eyes, the captain returned his attention to the two fillies, who were staring at each other and looking distinctly more pale than they had been a moment ago. He cleared his throat and asked, “Is there something else you’d like to share?” Rarity met his gaze and hesitantly asked, “Did you say... ‘black-suited Pegasi’?” The Mage nodded slowly. “I did, which is the single piece of credibility lending itself to your entire story, aside from the Dragon. A few days ago the High Council alerted the Elite Contingents of an ‘oddity’. Apparently they had scryed out a group of five Pegasi in black uniforms all crossing Equestrian borders at high speed. Their individual flight paths correlate back to the edge of the Everfree as their point of origin, and their destinations—if they don’t alter course—are the respective capital cities of bordering nations. Needless to say, this perked some ears. Why do you ask? What aren’t you telling me?” “Sir!” came a shout from one of the Heavies at the end of the platform. As the Mage looked over, Rarity leaned in to whisper hurriedly in Twilight’s ear, her eyes flicking back to the heavily stuffed pair of saddlebags laying behind them. “What about the Elements of Harmony? Why didn’t you mention them?” Twilight flicked her ear and jerked her head in a furitive negative. “I’ll tell you later. Something just doesn’t feel right about all this,” she hissed from the corner of her muzzle. A poignant segment of the soldier’s conversation had both mares snapping their heads around in unison. “We’ve got company. Hard to make out at this distance, but it looks like one of those black-suited traitors is coming up on us from the forest.” One of the Pegasi pulling the chariot called back, “Lighting One in-bound!” ~~~ A bleary-eyed Pegasus raised her head, her jaw creaking wide in a huge yawn. She hated mornings. Repeatedly smacking her dry mouth, she raised a hoof to rub the sleep from her eyes. At this moment, the best young flier in Equestria had one thing, and one thing only, on her mind: Coffee. Now. Except... this wasn’t her cloud home, was it? Looking around at the tall grasses waving in the light breeze, the sunlight pouring down through the trees, she thought, Nope. Definitely not home. So then what the hell—Dash lurched to unsteady hooves as memory rushed back to her. AJ! Wolf! Where—her panic proved short-lived, for slumbering contentedly a few feet away was the object of her concern, cowpony hat tilted askew and covering her face; in her relief, Dash released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. But... how? The admission stung her pride, but she knew that wolf had had her dead to rights. There had been no contest—she hadn’t even seen him move. With a shudder, she recalled the look in those eyes as she had launched herself at him... that utter detachment and unshakable certainty of a natural-born predator. Scant recollections of the night past washed over her: she recalled waking a couple of times, catching glimpses of a mint green Unicorn. The massive Wolf sat placidly by her side, the two engaged in a conversation Dash couldn’t remember. The haunting music of the Unicorn’s lyre that washed over her attempts to rouse, like a low tide roaring in. Shaking herself from those dark thoughts, Dash stretched out her wings and legs, deciding to let Applejack get a bit more rest while she figured out where in the hay they were. They were definitely still in the Everfree, though that was the best she could determine from the ground—it all looked the same to her. Launching into the air, a few powerful flaps of her wings had her catapulting up toward the canopy. Finding a thin spot in the foliage, she slid through into the sharp, clear light of a sunny day. Momentarily blinded, she hovered for a moment, rubbing a hoof across her eyes. Blinking rapidly against the intense glare, her vision cleared and the vista unfolded before her. Huh. The forest ends just over there! I think... yeah, we’re not too far out from Ponyville! Wait... what’s that? Squinting, Dash peered into the distance. Something glinting in the sunlight had caught her eye... but it wasn’t on the ground- it was in the air, flying low and moving at a fair clip. Dash raised a hoof to shield her eyes and bit the tip of her tongue in concentration... at first she thought it might be a royal carriage, but, no; it was weirdly shaped, a configuration she’d never seen before. She could, however, make out that two Pegasi in golden armor were pulling it through the sky. That was when she saw it—a flash of streaked purple mane blowing in the wind on the passenger-laden platform. Twilight! She had found her, finally! And she was getting away! This was not good. “Applejack!” Dash yelled as she burst back down through the canopy. She hadn’t wanted to wake her friend so abruptly, but there was no time to waste. “Applejack! Get up!” she shouted again, landing a moment later next to her slowly rousing companion and prodding her urgently. Applejack looked about her groggily as sleep pulled back. “Wha-Where are we sugarcube? What in tarnation! What time is it?!” The mere notion of sleeping in to this hour—the sun was high enough for it to be nearly noon—went against every grain of her deeply held pride in years of working the farm from sunup to sundown. How in Equestria had she slept in so late?! Nearly vibrating in her impatience, Dash gave her no time to ponder. “Doesn’t matter. AJ, I saw Twilight,” she said in a rush, pointing her hoof due west. “She’s hooked up with some royal guards, they’re flying toward Canterlot right now; we need to move it before they get away!” In the rush of emotions upon hearing they had finally found Twilight, AJ still had to frown. Royal guards... The thought was more than worrisome. Yes, they were technically ‘on a mission’ for Celestia’s sister, a rightful Princess of Equestria, but... did Celestia’s government know that? Did Celestia know that, wherever she was? Things were not looking good. Twilight was close to Celestia, and she’d had a... less than neighborly experience with Princess Luna, not to mention Rainbow. A deep seated feeling of unease nestled in the pit of Applejack’s stomach at the thought of rushing out to meet Twilight and her escort. This could turn bad, real easy. Looking up to Rainbow Dash, the look of impatience couldn’t be more clear on the brash Pegasus’ face. Applejack sighed inwardly—there was nothin’ for it at this point, but she had to try to talk some level sense into Dash one more time. Reaching over, she planted a firm hoof on Dash’s shoulder and faced her squarely. She felt the her friend tense under the touch. “Dash, Ah know what the stakes are here. An’ I need’ta make sure you do too. We ain’t got no clue what the situation is over there- Twilight could be captive, or she could be with ‘em willin’, but either way ya need to keep yer head. Remember how she took off? Rainbow, she was scared.” Dash scowled, outrage blooming, and Applejack rushed to continue before she could interrupt—the ‘Fluttershy’ argument plain on Rainbow’s face. “Somethin’ happened to her that night, an’ damnit all, Ah’m askin’ you, let’s try ta’ settle this friendly-like. An’ Ah dunno ‘bout you, but Ah don’t wanna go attackin’ royal guards fer no reason.” Applejack stared pleadingly into the cyan mare’s angry eyes. Her tone softened as she said, “C’mon, sugarcube. Can ya honestly tell me ya ain’t worried about Twilight at all?” While the scowl was still firmly in place across Dash’s brow, her eyes turned thoughtful and lost a bit of their edge as she sighed and said, “Alright AJ. I hear you. I promise to hear her out, okay?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Okay!” Dash exclaimed, rolling her eyes. “I admit it, something weird happened that night, an’ maybe she had a reason for what she did. And yes, maybe I am a little bit worried about her, alright?” “Cain’t say fairer than that, sugarcube. Let’s go.” Applejack made to move toward a thin trail snaking off through the trees in the direction Dash had pointed, but was forestalled by yet another surprise. “AJ, we don’t have time to go by hoof. We’re close to the edge of the forest, but not close enough. You’re gonna... have’ta ride me.” As pressing as the situation was, Dash couldn’t help but feel her face burning as the words left her mouth. Applejack wasn’t helping matters either, staring at her blankly like she’d just... Well, like she’d just asked Applejack to ride her. “Come again?” “I’m serious! There’s no other way to catch up to them! If we try to run through this forest they’ll be long gone before we even clear the edge!” “What makes ya think ya can even carry me, Dash? Ah ain’t no li’l filly ya know,” AJ said dubiously. “Puh-leaz, AJ. Totally not a problem. Now come on, every minute we stand here Twilight gets farther away with the Elements!” With her trademark look which somehow managed to convey both skepticism and suppressed amusement, Applejack reared up to rest her forelegs across Dash’s back. “Er... Jus’ how is this supposed to work again?” she asked of her would-be mount. “Ugh! Just—Oh, hell with it,” Dash grumbled and promptly laid herself down on the soft grass. “Now just stand over me, an’ when I get up, wrap your hooves around my neck, okay?” “...Right,” Applejack drawled, as she positioned herself above her rainbow-maned friend. Dash rose, flushing brightly as she felt Applejack’s taut form stretched out atop her. “Uh, Dash? Is somethin’ wrong with yer wings? They’re, uh, vibratin’ somethin’ fierce... are you—” “Not one. More. Word, AJ, or goddess help me I’ll leave you in a tree,” Dash growled between clenched teeth. A series of choked-off ‘snerking’ sounds came from behind her head, but she felt Applejack’s hooves wrap around her neck all the same. It didn’t help matters that Applejack, in her oh so cleverly disguised mirth, was now quivering against her with each shock of suppressed laughter. This was unbearable, and soon there would be a reckoning. Oh yes. For now, Dash savagely shook her head, snapped her wings out to their full length and growled, “Hang on,” before abruptly launching herself into the air. Applejack had been right—she was not a light pony. In fact, she was a damned heavy pony, having developed layer upon layer of corded muscle from her years of dedicated apple bucking. Dash was sorely tempted to make a fat joke as she struggled up towards the canopy, but given the fact that Applejack had such a firm grip about her neck... now might not be the best time. Later. Dash was getting a bit winded as they finally cleared the trees, but the hard part was pretty much over. Now that she had some altitude, and wasn’t straining to lift the both of them straight up, the wind and forward momentum would do a fair part of the work, though her wings were going to be pissed tomorrow. With a sigh of relief, she canted her wings to catch the steady breeze and took off in pursuit of the distant carriage. Before long, the pair were drawing close enough to their quarry to make out the individual forms of the passengers. Sure enough, there was Twilight, and Rarity was with her as well. In the distance, high above the thin wisps of low-lying clouds, AJ saw something through her wind-streaked vision. Something... odd. The clouds and air were deforming in the streaming flow of a conical heat wave, as though something moving fast had just passed through. She was about to mention this... thing, to Dash, when an exclamation from the Pegasus she was riding cut her off. “Shit, they’re descending, picking up speed. We must’ve been spotted. Hold on!” Applejack tightened her grip just in time, as Dash angled down sharply, burning off all of the hard-earned altitude in a rush of wind as she dove, picking up speed and leveling off a bare ten feet above the ground. Dash was confused at the move. Are they... about to bank? They are! Why the hell would they dive— An alarmed shout next to her ear and a flash from the corner of her eye was all the warning she had, before an electric-orange blur moving at an incredible velocity clipped into her. The strike was not a full-bodied collision; rather, the glancing blow at high speed hit her at just the right angle to obliterate any semblance of control she had, sending her into a flat spin amidst a wash of pain. It felt like her shoulder had been ripped right off. Worse, Applejack had been torn loose from Dash’s back in the impact, and she hit the ground hard, sending up a cloud of dust as she rolled to a stop. Dash wanted to call out her name, to rush to her side, make sure she was alright. She was denied all of these things as she caught a streak of movement—again from the very edge of her vision. This Pegasus was attacking from her blind spots. Dash had the barest second to evade—wrenching her back in a strained arch, her wings surging, she executed a snapping roll on a knife’s edge. The orange blur shot past, barely missing her and disappearing around a nearby puff of cloud. Shooting a glance down at Applejack, she saw her friend was slowly rising to her hooves, shaking herself off as she stumbled faithfully toward where her worn Stetson had fallen. Relief and focus washed over Rainbow, one after the other. Applejack was alright. Now it was time to deal with this cowardly buzzard that only attacks from behind. Eyes narrowed in fury, her wings pounded the air as she gave chase. Dash reached down to tighten the black straps on her forelegs, cinching the armored barding tighter. Adrenaline and rage burned through her veins as she neared the cloud where the sneaky bastard had disappeared. He was probably lurking just out of sight, waiting to pounce on her when she came around the side. Well screw that. Wait’ll he sees— The cloud erupted right in her face in a burst of obscuring steam, blinding her as effectively as if a smoke bomb had just gone off. Dash felt the breath knocked out of her as both the Pegasus’ leading hooves sunk deeply into her stomach. Spittle flew from her muzzle as she was hurled backwards. The blow was vicious, but Dash had other matters on her reeling mind—she had recognized her enemy in the split-second that they were nose to nose. No way. There’s no way! she thought in stunned disbelief. Spitfire?! A Wonderbolt. One of her heroes. There was no mistaking that distinctive uniform, not for her. For as long as she could remember, she had longed to just meet them, even dared to dream of being part of the team one glorious day. Now, the stark reality that her greatest idol, her aspiration, appeared to be actively trying to kill her was just... too much to process. So she didn’t. She didn’t even try. As it was, she was cartwheeling backwards through the air, and her immediate survival took precedence over all else. Flaring her wings, she slid out of the tumble and into an elliptical glide, arching back up to gain lost altitude and scanning all about to locate Spitfire. There she was—high left, banking hard and trying, again, to come in at Dash from behind. Not this time, Dash thought grimly as she maintained course and looking left and right, acting as though she hadn’t spotted her opponent. Sure enough, Spitfire slipped fully into her assumed blind-spot and dove. Dash counted down, having judged the distance as best she could; this was going to be close. Three... Two... One... Dash jinked hard to her left and flipped about, her rear hooves already lashing out. She had mistimed by a hair. Spitfire saw the move coming and, while she didn’t have time to get fully clear, managed to dip a wing and roll underneath the blow that could well have crushed her chest. Instead, the hard edge of one of Dash’s hooves slashed across her shoulder, tearing away a strip of tight uniform and opening a shallow gash. The maneuver left both Pegasi stranded in the air for a moment, their speed and momentum fully spent as they flapped their wings hard just to stay airborne. Spitfire spun about, taking off in a flash, clearly favoring the shoulder Dash had injured. Before she had time to consider the move, Dash was off in pursuit, trailing her foe. Spitfire glanced back, a confident smirk sliding across her face to find she was being chased, and poured on the speed. Holy shit she’s fast, Dash thought as the Pegasus took off like a shot. Despite everything, despite all of the madness that had occurred in the past week, Dash felt an answering grin hard on her muzzle. Her blood boiled in defiance, and here, right in front of her, was the best challenge she could have ever asked for. This was it—her chance to prove herself, finally. She slid into Spitefire’s wake and powered after her. Spitfire took note of Dash’s pursuit and banked hard to the right before fully inverting and taking a nose dive straight down into a tight, spiraling corkscrew, trying to throw her opponent out of her slipstream. Dash mirrored the maneuvers to perfection, actually gaining a few yards on the orange Pegasus. Spitfire glanced back again, and Dash caught the look of incredulity on the Wonderbolt’s face. ~~~ Applejack stood, her hooves unsteady beneath her, recovering from the rough tumble she’d taken. “What in Equestria—” she broke off as she looked up. Her heart lurched up into her throat as she saw Rainbow engaged in a vicious aerial duel with another Pegasus. The two were moving too fast, too erratically, for her to get much of a clear look, but as it turned out, she had problems of her own. The carriage was banking low and around... back toward her. The two gilded Pegasi drawing it touched down in an explosion of dust at the hard landing. From the back jumped three of the biggest, meanest looking stallions she had ever seen. She nickered. Oh horseapples. ~~~ The slalom-like chase had taken the two Pegasi far above the ground, the trees below now just a green blanket across the landscape. Without warning, Spitfire stopped her evasive maneuvers, looked back to throw a glare at Dash, and dove. Straight down. Dash followed without a moment’s hesitation; two blurs descending from the clouds—one the color of fire, the other an extended line of rainbow hues, streaking down from the heavens. Dash felt that familiar resistance begin to form up around her and she thrust both hooves forward to press against it. She was the fastest Pegasus alive, and she was about to fucking prove it. Through the tunnel vision of the compressed air around her, Dash caught sight of something that froze her heart. Applejack: On the ground, surrounded by three huge stallions in golden armor, one of them pulling out a rope while the others pummelled her mercilessly into submission. In her shock she failed to notice the split-second in which Spitfire flared her wings. As she flashed past, the orange Pegasus wrapped her forelegs around Dash’s neck. Dash yelped, pulling hard out of the dive but Spitfire refused to be dislodged. Her grip was like a vice, and it was only getting tighter. Spitfire jostled around to get Dash’s neck into the crook of her elbow, her other hoof wrapped around the back of the blue mare’s head, and she threw all of her strength into the choke. Dash couldn’t breathe. The Wonderbolt was crushing her neck and she couldn’t breathe. Flailing in panic, gurgling noises coming from her mouth, it was more by luck than anything else that Dash threw her head back at just the right moment, smashing squarely into Spitfire’s muzzle. Rainbow felt a sudden rush of wet on the back of her head, heard her enemy cry out—none of that mattered, because suddenly she could breathe again. Pulling in a few huge lung-fulls of air, Dash spun around to face a stunned but quickly recovering Spitfire. For a lingering moment, the pair just stared rage at each other, vibrant manes streaming in the stiff breeze. Every muscle in their bodies was poised on a hair trigger as they waited, each daring the other to make the first move. There was a twitch in Spitfire’s eye, and that was enough. Colliding in mid-air, the two mares tore into each other with a snarling, savage abandon. Dash was consumed with an incandescent rage. Applejack needed her now, and this bitch was keeping her from her friend as she was being beaten bloody. Spitfire got the first strike in, loosing a lightning-fast punch and striking the cyan Pegasus solidly across the jaw. Dash spun with the blow, returning with an armored elbow into Spitfire’s face. At that moment, any pretense of martial decorum was abandoned. As they closed again, Spitfire feinted and her knee lashed up, sinking into the blue Pegasus’ gut. As she doubled over in pain, Dash latched her teeth onto Spitfire’s thigh, biting down hard. Warm blood filled her mouth as an agonized scream tore from the other mare. Dash pulled back, barely avoiding the hoof that lashed out at her face. This was it, Dash felt the moment arrive in that perfect clarity of predator and prey—Spitfire was overbalanced, panicked and in pain. It was a little known fact among the Unicorn and Earth ponies, but a Pegasus’ wings were not merely their defining attribute, allowing them the gift of flight and the magical manipulation of the weather. They were weapons—the matrix density of the bones making them harder even than a Unicorn’s horn. Tilting on her axis, one wing behind her, the other held low; Dash threw all of her weight at a downward angle, her back wing coming up and over in a blue blur, connecting with Spitfire’s outstretched leg. The crack of bone rang out like a shot. Dash watched as though through slow motion; Spitfire’s eyes were wide in shock, her muzzle open, the burning agony not yet fully reaching her. Nevertheless, she fell backward, her limbs and wings seized up in shock. By Pegasus standards, the fall was not a great one—still, the Wonderbolt hit the ground with a sickening crunch, bounced once, then twice, coming to rest on her back, fully stretched out with her head lolled to the side against the grass. As Dash descended, she saw the thin line of blood leaking from Sptifire’s mouth, her foreleg bent at an angle it had no natural right to. She was breathing, but it was a jagged, gurgling sound. Only as Dash landed in a stagger, the sustaining adrenaline burned off, did she come to terms with her own condition. Blood dripped from her muzzle, and its coppery taste was mostly her own. She gasped in pain as she took a deep breath—at least one of her ribs was surely broken, and her shoulder at the base of her left wing was on fire. Her attention was torn from her own pain as familiar screams filled the air. Looking over, Dash saw both Rarity and Twilight screeching their heads off at the guards—two of whom wore brown cloaks and were restraining the struggling, furious Unicorn mares. The three massive Earth ponies in the rugged armor threw a bound and unconscious Applejack into the already moving carriage. The armored Pegasi threw themselves against the weight, powerful beats of their wings lifting them off the ground. In moments, the carriage was aloft. Dash tried to take to the air in pursuit, a strangled shout of denial ripping from her throat as a muscle tore, deep in her shoulder. Her entire left side felt like it had been lit on fire and she dropped to the hard ground in a heap of feathers. Refusing to give up, tears streaming from her eyes, Dash rose and galloped for all she was worth after the quickly receding transport, her left wing hanging uselessly at her side. Pathetically, all she was worth was little more than a lurching hobble and she soon collapsed into the dirt with an exhausted finality. Clenching her eyes shut, each breath an inhalation of agony, Dash stretched out her neck and screamed. "Applejaaaaaack!" ~~~ From the obscuring edge of the forest, a pair of teal-green ears perked attentively. The mare sighed and ‘tsked’ in exasperation. “Really now,” she muttered to herself. “I’ve had quite about enough of this.” Chapter 7- “Ambiguity” ← Chapter 9 - “Inquisition” → *** Special thanks go out to the amazingly talented: Sali- “It’s Like a Cake” Sagebrush- “In Her Majesty’s Royal Service” “Pie’s Path” “Rainbows and Sunsets” NickNack- “Hearts of Gold, Feathers of Steel” “Summer Days and Evening Flames” “Two Beats”
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 9 Inquisition An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite Things began to clear for the sky-blue Pegasus, darkness pulling back as blinding light filled her vision. The expanse seemed without limit as she stared upwards, uncomprehending. She slowly blinked once, twice, feeling entirely removed from thought or body. Inhale, exhale. Wisps of cloud drifted aimlessly, high above. A soft grunt left her as sensation began to return. Her brow furrowed as the first lances of pain began to stitch through her side. What… what happened? Dash raised her foreleg up to where she could see it; superimposed on the backdrop of the summer sky, the black armor encasing her leg was scuffed, jagged tears here and there. She no longer wanted it on her. She didn't want it anywhere near her. A sudden move, an effort to roll over and sit up, had her hissing in agony. "Oh goddess!" Dash gasped, curling in on her side and clenching her eyes shut. Shoulder, ribs, hind leg, wings. Was any part of her body not in pain? What the hell is going—her eyes shot open. Applejack! The sting of moisture in her eyes, Dash bit her lip and slowly, carefully, pushed herself into a raised position with one foreleg, the other cradled against her breast. She looked about, taking in the forest to the south, Canterlot far—though not too far—off in the distance. The sharp color of an immobile blue-clad form behind the waving green of the long grass brought the fight back in shocking clarity. Spitfire. She had taken down a Wonderbolt in aerial combat. What the fuck? Spitfire? Working with the military? Helping them kidnap Applejack. Rarity and Twilight too, from the looks of it. Dash hung her head and closed her eyes. I'm… this is nuts. This is all… this isn't a game. She began to shake slightly. I'm in SO far over my mane here. What the hell was I thinking? ‘Oh sure goddess of the night, I'll be your new captain and stuff!’ Her thoughts were laced with the disdain of how casually she had jumped into a whirlpool, so very far out of her depth. And I went and pulled everypony right down with me. Staring at the grass, the wind gently swept the shock of multi-hued mane cascading down as her salty tears watered the earth. The sundering of her life and the connections that mattered most, the upheaval of her dreams and the foundations of her world; it hurt beyond the telling of it. Well... it wasn't as though she was entirely without options. She could, after all, just curl up right here and die. That didn't sound so awful… AJ… …Aw, hell... With incredible reluctance and a groan that passionately summarized a complete disdain for the entire process, Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, blinking anew against the glare of late afternoon. Raising her head, she struggled to rise. Every wound, every bruise, and every broken bone was rendered into a sharp and sudden relief. The pain of it all was so intense that, though she'd have liked to have screamed, a mini-seizure and ragged gasp seemed to be the best she could produce. When the wave finally passed, she found herself curled into a fetal position as tightly as she could bear and just listened, breathing shallowly, afraid to move. A steady wind rustled across the plains, singing lightly against the grains and grasses. Opening her eyes once more, Dash decided to take this whole thing one step at a time. First, just how badly was she hurt? Craning her head—very, very slowly—she looked herself over: Right wing matted with cloying blood, though it didn't seem to be hers, left wing visibly undamaged, a vicious bruise against her ribcage—at least one or two broken. Limbs? Careful flexing and examination didn't seem to turn up worse than painful bruises and maybe a torn ligament in her left hind leg, though that did hurt like all hell. Nothing broken, far as she could tell, though the lancing agony begged to differ. Probing her tongue around her mouth, it seemed all of her teeth seemed to be present and accounted for; vanity or no, she felt a wash of relief over that. She stretched her neck and spat out a mouthful of coppery-tasting blood. Whatever, she had plenty of that. So far, her ribs were the worst of the lot. Easing her hooves beneath her, she gingerly stood and braced herself. Unfurling first her left wing, then her right, she began to cautiously extend them, working the sockets through their full range of motion. By the time she was done, her jaw was clenched and fresh tears were streaming down her face, and not just from the searing pain. Her right wing—it wasn't broken, but the muscle at her shoulder was torn so badly there was no way she was going to be able to fly. And if I can't fly… AJ, Rarity, Twilight… I lost them. Dash hung her head, glaring at the blurred images of the grass and her hooves as tears of rage and impotence tracked her cheeks. With a huff, her hoof dragged along the ground as she limped over to the crumpled heap of the blue-and-gold-suited Pegasus that lay motionless in the grasses. She had rolled and bounced several times, it appeared, and her uniform was more stained with crimson than the brilliant blue of the tight-fitting uniform. Dash cycled through a gamut of emotion looking down at her fallen enemy, her fallen idol. Rage, loss, sorrow, fear, confusion, and back to rage. For the briefest moment, she entertained the image of crushing Spitfire beneath her hooves, again and again, until she was totally unrecognizable. The shock, the betrayal of what this mare was… what the idols of so many ponies, so many fillies and colts, really were. What they really did… That lasted about half a second, as the terror and revulsion of just what she was picturing washed over her; a flashing image of her hooves covered in the blood of the helpless Wonderbolt, smashing down again and again. Dash staggered back in disgust, and was confronted by another crippling thought—I don't even know if she's alive! Spitfire lay on her side, head lolled back and mouth open, her eyes closed behind cracked goggles. Dash watched, but couldn't see if her chest was rising and falling. Moving closer, she crouched down and pressed an ear to her breast, trying to ignore the front leg and wings that were bent at unnatural angles. She was breathing. Barely. Her heart was beating. Barely. Dash rose and looked down at Spitfire, the pony she had once idolized above all others, the pony she had wanted to fly with and be recognized by, more than any other. Now here she was, dying on the ground, and not only was there nothing Dash could do to save her once-hero, but her blood was on her hooves. She wanted to scream, and so she did. She settled to the ground, resting her forehead against her crossed forelegs. After a time, she opened her eyes, and screamed again at an entirely different octave. Enormous blue eyes were staring into hers, less than an inch away. "P—Pinkie?!" Dash stuttered. "Wha—How? What?" More movement drew her attention. "Fluttershy! You're okay! Oh, thank Cel—" She was abruptly cut off as her friends enveloped her. The embrace was searingly painful, but she didn't mind. The soft murmurs of "Oh Dashie" and "There there, hush now" felt so good to the broken-hearted Pegasus. Dash opened her mouth to express her overwhelming relief that her friend was okay, but Fluttershy pulled back, looking over to the inert Pegasus sprawled out behind Rainbow. "Oh my goodness, Rainbow Dash... Is she…" Fluttershy asked, shying away from finishing the question. It wasn't difficult to figure out what she meant, but Dash could only shake her head in despair. "I don't know, Shy; I mean, not yet, but she's bad. Real bad." Rainbow knew that Fluttershy was a fairly competent medical pony—she had, after all, played vet to so many creatures for so many years that, even without much formal training, she was the one ponies sought out if their pets were in trouble—and pony anatomy probably wasn't all that different from many animals that lived in the wild. True to form, a thoughtful and concerned frown crossed Fluttershy's face, and she made her way toward the gravely injured Wonderbolt. Pinkie and Dash watched fixedly as the demure Pegasus carefully examined her, making small noises now and again, none of which sounded promising. After just a few moments, she stood up and looked over, wings trembling against her sides. Her emerald eyes were huge and full of tears. "I'm... I’m so, so sorry. I can't help her. She's… too far gone." By the time she said the last word, her voice was a mere whisper. Pinkie was already by her side, nuzzling her. "Don't worry Fluttershy, even if you can't help, I'm pretty sure she can. There's some weird stuff about her." No. Fluttershy can't help her? Spitfire can't die… not like this, not because of… Wait, who the what now? Dash blinked. Was Pinkie talking about her? What could she… no. Pinkie wasn't looking at her. She was looking behind her. Turning around to look, she felt her wings reflexively—and painfully—try to flair out to the sides. "You! What are you doing here?!" Glancing left and right, just to be sure, she added suspiciously, "And where's that Wolf? He get off his leash again?" Lyra raised an eyebrow as she neared. "You should be glad he isn't here. A comment like that could see you sans a head before any of us could do anything about it. His kind take words rather seriously, you know… that’s something you should probably try and remember." Ruby eyes narrowed. "Hmph, whatever." A small shake of the head, and the verdant Unicorn dismissed the matter, turning her attention to a more pressing concern— the downed Wonderbolt. She nosed Spitfire lightly, her eyes critical and searching. Fluttershy looked on sadly, her head bowed. "Hmm. She may not be beyond saving." Fluttershy openly balked, knowing she had made no mistakes in her examination. She wanted to spare her friends the details, but Spitfire was bleeding internally, and several ribs had pierced her left lung, collapsing it. Fluttershy knew it was only a matter of time and a lot of pain, and as much as it disturbed her, the thought of this pony giving Rainbow Dash false hope bothered her even more. "Um… I'm sorry, but I've seen… things... this bad before. It's, um… she's… terminal." Lyra looked over, and flicked an ear at the yellow Pegasus. "No, actually, that may not be the case. The question is... are you certain you actually want to save her?" A stunned silence permeated the glen. Dash recovered first. "Of course we are!" she yelled, limping right up to the light-green Unicorn's face. "Why the hell wouldn't we want to?! If you can save her, then fucking do it!" she demanded, well and truly angry. Lyra stared back, unmoved. "Why, indeed. But, do you know what she is? What she really is, I mean. Celebrity, yes, famous stunt-pony, yes. What about everything else? The celebrity facade against the elite squadron they actually are. Some have gone so far as to call them assassins, and it's not terribly removed from the truth. There are corners of the world where the name Wonderbolt is accompanied by creatures hiding their offspring." Lyra paused, weighing the effects of her words on the trio. The annoyingly loud, multi-hued one looked completely sideswiped, Fluttershy wore an expression split between disbelief and horror, and the unpredictable pink one looked… thoughtful. For some reason, that concerned Lyra more than she could produce reason for. Nevertheless, she held her silence, and awaited the decision to come—though she could act any way she wished, she felt the final decision wasn't hers to make. These others, the blue one especially, had so much more riding on this moment. So she waited, and watched... …And kept waiting. With a slight frown, she was about to prompt the shell-shocked Rainbow Dash, but as she sucked in the breath to speak, the pink one surprised her yet again. "What? Are you waiting for us? Do it. Save her. If you can, you should. You have to, right? It’s the right thing to do! Fluttershy, you can help Rainbow's wounds right? They're not that bad, we've all seen her with worse." Lyra wasn't sure what bothered her more, the unpredictable pink pony rapping out orders so matter-of-factly, or that they were the perfectly correct decisions. With a sideways glance at the unsettling Earth pony—and she wasn’t a pony easily unsettled—Lyra moved past the two Pegasi to the insensate Wonderbolt, her horn already glowing as she cycled through a complex skein of spells, constructing piecemeal the various magics the broken Pegasus would require. Fluttershy had already moved up to Dash, coaxing her to lay down for a moment while she dug through her saddlebags for the bandaging and potent medicinal salves she would need. Pinkie turned away, walking off a few yards to face the north, just standing with her back to the group, as though she'd momentarily forgotten them. Dash was staring vacantly at her fallen hero while the creepy teal Unicorn worked to save her life. Her eyes burned as the despair crushed down on her, but they were dry as the desert—she simply had no more tears. What… what have I… done? Become? What am I even doing? Nothing makes any sense anymore. We're not soldiers. My friends aren't warriors. She winced at the lance of pain as Fluttershy began wrapping a bandage up the base of her wing. A sudden gust of wind rolled in across the plains, Dash's ears perking in interest at the heavy scent it carried. Raising her head up, she squinted to the north, towards Canterlot. In the far distance, a bank of storm clouds was rolling over the mountains, stretching across the horizon. Frowning, Dash wondered if this was a coordinated effort. A storm that size, with clouds that dark, would take the combined efforts of not only Canterlot's Pegasi, but at least three other prefectures. Weird, she thought. Something this size should have been planned out months in advance, but I don't remember hearing a word about it. The former weather pony was so wrapped in her thoughts she failed to take notice of the near-suspicious glances Fluttershy was casting to the green Unicorn standing above her friend's fallen idol. Lyra's horn was aglow, head bent and eyes closed, her expression stretched with concentration. She had been like that for several minutes now, and Fluttershy couldn't help wondering what in the hay she thought she was doing. Nibbling on her lower lip, she split her attentions between rubbing a healing salve into the articulation of Dash's wing and shoulder, and surreptitiously observing the mysterious mare's efforts. Frankly, Fluttershy was surprised that— Spitfire, right?—hadn't bled out by the time they'd arrived. Her breathing had been terribly shallow and erratic, her heart-rate a quickly fading staccato. The internal injuries were severe, and at least one rib had snapped, piercing and deflating her left lung. Despite her practiced efforts to distance herself, Fluttershy felt empathetic tears beginning to well up, despite what this Pegasus had been involved in, or how badly she had hurt Rainbow. Still... she’d be watching very closely to see what Lyra thought she could do to save the Wonderbolt. Fluttershy didn’t have to wait long. With a huff, Lyra’s horn extinguished and she shook herself from horn to hoof, brushing beads of sweat from her forehead with a foreleg. “Well, that’s done. She’ll survive at least.” Fluttershy frowned, phrasing her words cautiously. “Um... What exactly... did you do? What kind of medical training do you have?” Lyra blinked at her, an amused grin forming on her lips. “Training? Do I strike you as a medical pony?” That did it. Fluttershy rose, eliciting a pained squawk from Dash as she pulled on the bandaging still in her mouth. With an apologetic glance downward, she quickly spat it out, then looked back to Lyra, her eyes narrowed. “No. No you do not. I... I don’t know what you strike me as. You’ve only been in Ponyville a little while, but nopony seems to know much about you: what you do, where you come from, or... or anything!” Fluttershy exclaimed, her voice actually rising as she extended a hoof. “Who are you?” Lyra stood facing Fluttershy squarely, an eyebrow raised high, her golden eyes half-lidded. “What does it matter to you who I am? This game has players like any other. It’s mere circumstance that our paths have crossed, that our moves have overlapped up to this point, is it not? “I have no stake in you,” she said coolly, pausing to sweep a hoof, “in any of you, nor do you in me beyond this moment. The extent of my involvement so far has been at the request of someone I have... a considerable debt to.” She slowly cocked her head and a wry smile crept onto the sylvan pony’s muzzle. “Not to mention it’s all so fascinating, isn’t it? Reclusive races stepping from the shadowed boughs for the first time in living memory, Dragons, levels of intrigue and... well, chaos, that haven’t been seen in this land for literally ages. For all that it is now, you know what it isn’t? Stagnant. This is a time of convergence, of transition. Granted, we may not all actually survive it, but y’know what? Existence tends to be a tad more expansive than us and our petty squabbles. Maybe we’d have more to say about the greater movements of things if we didn’t take ourselves so damned seriously, but who knows?” Regarding the mares before her, it became quickly apparent to Lyra that her explanations weren’t doing a great deal to set them at ease; the three were practically prancing in confusion. Her expression crinkled in a mild consternation. “Look...” she said, trying again. “You’re asking me to render terms of association that we just aren’t going to bridge.... On the other hoof, I... suppose I could be trying harder. Your town, for instance... I like it. I can see staying for a while.” Lyra scuffed at the ground, looking suddenly awkward, she said, “But right now, you need to be concerned for you and yours. Your friends, your families, the ponies you want to protect. You care for Ponyville, don’t you?” The verdant Unicorn turned her head to look away for a moment, “I’ve grown rather fond of it... it’s a nice place. Not the forest, but nice...” Lyra’s eyes seemed to flash as she took a step forward. “I’d like it to still be there when this is all over... and you’re going to have to keep your heads if that’s to be the case. You only get one shot at this after all. Don’t blow it.” Fluttershy stared, muzzle moving silently at the rejoinder which she had no measure for. “Awwwroooooo.” The three mares looked over to where Pinkie stood, still facing away from them, her ears canted back and head raised as she mock-howled, one foreleg raised high. The silence stretched between them, Dash’s ruby gaze steady on the verdant Unicorn, who had visibly stiffened. Fluttershy looked on in confusion at the turn of conversation. “Yeah,” Dash said quietly. “Care to explain that?” The fairly open atmosphere that had previously emanated from the Unicorn just moments ago seemed to simply vanish, as though a switch had been flipped. “...No,” she said with finality. “That’s nopony’s business, and frankly, it’d be best if you just forgot about it.” Lyra cast a frustrated glance at the pink pony. “And how did you... Y’know what, never mind,” she said, thinking better of going down that road. Looking back to Dash and meeting her gaze levelly, she said, “Equestria is a big place. There’s a lot that happens in the world that isn’t made of sunshine and rainbows. There are dark places in the world, but darkness doesn’t automatically mean bad, as most ponies are so keen to jump to. It means silence, and mysteries. Every single night, that side of the world takes over, and what was clear and boring in the daylight becomes unfathomable and endless. Ponies seem to have either forgotten that, or prefer to hide from it. I haven’t, and I don’t.” Dash made a ‘hmm’ sound, before saying, “Well, that kinda works around your... um, connection with what’s been going on... sort of... but we’re gonna have to sit down and have a long talk sometime soon. I’m sick to death of secrets.” “Rainbow Dash, you know nothing of bearing the weight of secrets. Not yet.” Lyra said in a low, barely audible tone, then shook her head. “In any case, sure, stop by sometime. We’ll go for a walk. But now’s really not the time to get into everything.” Looking back to Fluttershy, she said, “As for your real question, you’re right, I’m no medical pony. I was able to slow her heart rate and breathing down. She’s in complete stasis.” At Fluttershy’s blank look, she amended, “A... kind of hibernation. It’ll be enough to preserve her for a while. I’m going to take her back to Ponyville, get her the emergency care she needs. In the meantime, you girls had better get going, don’t you think?” Dash grimaced. “Yeah, we probably should.” Gingerly, she rose and stretched her wings experimentally, wincing. “Well, no strong flying for a while. Guess I’ll be hoofing it.” The parting goodbyes were less awkward than anypony expected, a rather pleasant surprise for Lyra. The three friends moved off, trotting closely together. The green Unicorn stood for a moment with the insensate Wonderbolt floating carefully beside her, encased in a verdant glow. Watching them go, she sighed and cast a look back toward Ponyville. After a short distance, a strong gust of wind prompted Fluttershy to look back, and she gasped. There was no sign of Lyra, her magical glow, or the broken Pegasus to be seen across the wide plains. She turned to her friends, confusion etched across her face and wings half-raised in alarm. “Um... what was... I mean... How did... ? ” she trailed off, uncertain how to finish the question, or which was the more pertinent. Pinkie looked back and smiled as she bounced along, “Oh, she runs with Wolves.” “Wolves?!” ------------- Twilight was shouting obscenities at the top of her lungs, utterly enraged. Her violet eyes were wild, muzzle drawn back to bare teeth, her horn sparking erratically. Behind her stood Rarity, in a protective half-crouch, the look on her face one of painfully split intentions. On the one hoof, it was clear she wished to join the purple mare in expressing her fury, while on the other, she was thoroughly unprepared to move away from the prostrate body of her other friend—the orange mare who was currently bound, beaten, and drifting in and out of consciousness. The acceptable compromise was to glare silent death upon the brutes in golden armor and stand protectively over Applejack. All else aside, in the arena of creative venting, Twilight seemed to be doing just fine on her own. While by rights her ire should be most directed toward the Earth pony soldiers who had beaten Applejack into unconsciousness, Twilight found herself screaming into the face of their commanding officer. Throughout the entire deluge of her abuse, his stone cold passivity never cracked a hair, which only infuriated her all the more. She hated being out of control, and at this culmination of events, she had not only utterly lost any semblance of normality or control on external events, now she had lost any grip she had been maintaining on herself. With a nicker, the little pony in her head commented on what a nice change it was, to finally just let go. Maybe she could blow something up. Behind the officer, the other mage was staring at her wide-eyed. Despite his sigil of rank and flowing robe, he looked nearly as young as the mares. Behind him, near the end of the chariot, lolled the earth pony Heavies, armor scuffed and dirty, several still bearing bloody wounds from the rout in Ponyville. They paid the irate Unicorn not the slightest attention, muttering amongst themselves and throwing bored looks down on the scenery far below. Twilight's thoughts were muddled, furious beyond reason. If she weren't on a narrow platform streaking through the air, she very likely would have charged already. "Celestia damn you all! You're scum! You're not worth the armor you're gilded in! How dare you! Is this what soldiers of Equestria are for?! Kidnapping and beating mares?" She paused, taking in a breath and giving the commander an opportunity to respond. He said nothing, merely lowering his brow slightly as he regarded her. The blatant ‘not-impressed’ look, atop a lack of any gratifying response, irked Twilight all the more, the caliber of her anger pushing over the edge from ‘furious’ to ‘murderous,’ and for a moment, she had the wild urge to rush him, to bury her horn in his throat. It was only as her hooves left the ground she realized she had actually tried. Twilight found herself on her back, the captain's hoof pressed against her neck as he glared down at her. "What exactly is it that you're so angry about?" he asked. "Is this country pony your friend or one of the traitors you described? If the former, then explain what she was doing with one of those black-suited Pegasi, who also fit your description of those traitors, matching our own reports." His hoof pressed down harder into her neck as he leaned in toward her, his eyes uncompromising. "In the context of the situation, my soldiers acted as they should have with the enemy engaged and distracted. We secured a potentially vital source of information who was subdued only after resisting arrest. When we return to the castle, this mare will be incarcerated and questioned. In the meantime, you may want to get your story straight, because right now, it's more full of holes than a spongecake." He removed his hoof and backed away a step. Tears stung at her eyes as Twilight gasped for breath, rubbing her sore neck with a hoof. "That’s absurd," she coughed out. "She saw those brutes coming and did what any sensible mare would do—panic! I refuse to believe that Princess Celestia would allow this… that she would tolerate any of this!" The captain gave her a look that was almost pitying before the impassive mask slid back across his face. He seemed about to speak again when a sharp whinny came from the leading Pegasi. The wingless soldiers immediately slid into a wider stance and braced. "Brace yourselves," the captain snapped. The carriage banked hard, cutting down through the heavy clouds like a scythe and throwing the Unicorn mares onto the wooden flooring. Leveling out at the last second, wheels and hooves touched down at the same time, both locking as they slid down the narrow concourse, bringing the high speed travel to a stop in seconds. The maneuver was expert, precise, and utterly nerve-wracking. Twilight dug her hooves out of the floorboards where she had tried to dig herself in. Glancing over, she saw Rarity: her eyes huge, mane completely frazzled, and seemingly doing her best to stop hyperventilating. Twilight imagined she looked much the same. Before the vehicle had even slid to a full stop, the Earth pony Elites had jumped out, taking positions on the small landing platform. The captain looked over at the Unicorns. "Come on then." The mares looked over their friend, still bound and unconscious, then to one another. "What about Applejack? We're not leaving without her," Twilight asserted firmly. Rarity opened her mouth, prepared to alternately threaten and whine them into submission. "Enough," said the mage, waving a forestalling hoof. "It's time for a long overdue audience, Miss Sparkle. Your friend is going to be treated for her injuries and questioned about her involvement in recent events." Twilight felt a shiver slide down her spine. There was something profoundly ominous about his words, though his tone was flat and without inflection. She had little time to contemplate the source of her discomfort, as the soldiers fell into step, corralling them along with Applejack draped over the back of one of the earth pony Heavies, her head dangling limply with his steps. She felt Rarity pressing against her side as they walked, intermittent shivers of anxiety rippling through the prim alabaster mare. Her head was high. Using the proximity as cover, such as it was, Twilight hissed out of the corner of her muzzle, “Rarity, hold on to these.” Twilight quickly levitated her saddlebags off of her and placed them onto Rarity’s back. The Unicorn now held all five of the stone orbs in two sets of saddlebags. At Rarity’s questioning glance, she explained, “I don’t know where I’ll be going, but I apparently have an ‘audience’, so they should be safer with you. Don’t let anypony take them from you.” She received a fearful though determined little nod in return. The wide corridor branched ahead into three paths. One led a curving path up and to the left, the right disappearing at a steep downward angle. As they reached the branch, the soldiers all moved at once. Two pushed their way in between Rarity and Twilight, two more forming up on either side of the mares. The ones leading Rarity began to herd her up to the left-most passage, the one carrying Applejack heading down to the right. Both conscious mares immediately erupted with protest. "W-What are you doing?! Let me go at once! Twilight!" "Rarity! Wait, where are you taking her?! Rarity!" Rarity's shouts of outrage echoed from the corridor as she disappeared from sight. "Relax Miss Sparkle. She is merely being shown to a room, not a cell. You have an appointment she is not invited to," the captain spoke over his shoulder. Twilight trotted up to walk by his side. "You… you promise she won't be harmed? And that I'll see her when I'm done?" "I'm in no position to promise you anything. I'd say that your welfare, and hers for that matter, depend entirely on you." Twilight frowned, adjusting to this disturbing new reality. The severity of the situation was like a pail of cold water. Her turmoil was still present, but a familiar, coldly rational process clicked into place. This was something she knew. She could not only take comfort in it, she could use it. "So, where are we going, exactly?" she asked, trying to sound semi-pleasant. "I am escorting you for an audience, at the request of the Council of Mages." Twilight bit back a gasp. "Celestia's High Court?" She was as knowledgeable as anypony alive on the subject of the Council… as much as anypony that wasn't the Princess, or didn't actually sit on it, that was. Their workings had always fascinated her, mostly due to the fact that none of the scrolls or any of her teachers could actually tell her what the Council actually did, in any codified manner; more specifically, it was finding the limitations of the powerful and secretive group that eluded Twilight’s studies. They apparently had veto powers on any legislation but a Royal Decree, but they also acted in an executive capacity, exercising power and influence over governmental bodies across the whole of Equestria. The matter had become so frustrating to the filly that she had once approached the Princess about it. That was one of the only times Twilight could remember that the Princess had been sharp with her—not overtly, but the cues had been there, that this was not a subject Princess Celestia was open to discussing, not even with her. Ever eager to please her mentor, she had dropped the matter entirely. Now, all her concerns came rushing back. "But… what could they possibly want with…" She stopped. Not just in her thoughts, but dead in her tracks. What was it the captain had said before? Something about orders. Orders that were both disturbingly exact as to the descriptions of the five ponies she had connected with, and incredibly vague as to the reason that they should be considered significant. A wing from one of her escorts slapped her flank, and she skittered to get a move on. "Captain, you mentioned your orders several times," she said, her tone leading. "Did they come directly from the Council?" She caught a slight grimace from the captain. "Yes." The hard white marble of the corridor clacked against his hooves, as sharp as his answer. "Then… why were they so vague? How is it that you knew what to look for, but not who, aside from me? And why didn't you know where we all were? If the Council was scrying us to get your information, they'd have seen at least some of the things I told you… at the very least you'd think they'd have warned you about the damn dragons, they're kind of hard to miss! But… they weren't watching, were they? Where are your orders coming from?" The captain stopped walking, and stood scowling down at her. For a long moment, it seemed he wouldn't say anything at all. Then—"I told you, they came from the Council of Mages." "Then what aren't you telling me?" she near-yelled, staring up at him, eyes angry and desperate. He scowled over at one of his soldiers that had been gawking at the two of them. The pony blanched and swiftly looked away. Turning, the somber stallion addressed his squad, "Get cleaned up and prepare for a debrief. Scroll… begin composing condolence letters. Dismissed." A chorus of "aye sir”’s called out, and the remaining members of the Elite contingent turned and marched off. Waiting a few moments for the crack of the hoof-falls to fade down the corridor, the Unicorn mage looked back to gaze levelly at Twilight. After a moment, he heaved a sigh, "I'm only telling you this because nopony knows what the hell is going on, and you were possibly the closest pony the Princess had to a confidant… So, apparently, from what I'm told, the descriptions of you and your five… acquaintances, as well as the urgent need to sequester all six of you in the castle, came directly from the Princess herself." He held up a forestalling hoof as Twilight's mouth opened, her eyes wide and looking like she was about to jump at him. Before she could get a word out, he continued, "Now I don't know how this worked out, but from what I understand, a letter was found on the Throne in the Great Hall. It bore the Royal seal, and detailed some very specific instructions." A scowl stole across his features. "I highly doubt what I was told constitutes the entirety of the Princess' decree." He caught Twilight’s bewildered expression. "I'm a commander of an Elite division, not a grunt in the barracks. I've been working with the High Council for decades, and often enough have reported directly to the Princess. When I'm told her last orders before she completely disappears are 'not for my eyes', then I develop a serious problem. I've seen you many times throughout the years Miss Sparkle—always at the Princess' side or mane-deep in your studies, and while I may have thought you were just a sheltered and overly privileged little filly, she trusted you. I don't know why, but she did, and... it was plain she cared about you as well." Twilight flinched slightly, biting the inside of her lip as he continued, "It's painfully obvious that things aren't adding up… Hell, nothing is adding up right now. I don't even know what this damned puzzle is supposed to look like!" Twilight was bursting with a million questions, but she was somewhat side-swept by the unexpected admonition of her mentor’s feelings for her, and for a moment, the black hole of that loss almost swallowed her. The captain busied himself frowning at an unremarkable, though clearly offensive section of the wall, giving her time to mentally back away from that particular abyss. "And now, you have an audience that isn’t going to like being kept waiting." Twilight’s ears were plastered back against her mane, and she looked up at him with her heart bleeding in her eyes. “Captain... please... do you know anything about the Princess? Anything at all?” His scowl evaporated as he stared down at her, a look of genuine empathy softening his features. He shook his head sadly. Outside, the thunder rolled as the storm fell over Canterlot. ------------ The journey had taken much longer than the trio expected, and the arguing certainly hadn’t helped. Far from the beaten paths and packed roads, the three mares picked their way carefully, sticking to the lower valleys and the dales of the hills. Only occasionally would a bright head, sometimes multi-hued, sometimes pink, pop up at the top of a hill to orient their direction, before quickly disappearing again. After a great deal of heated discussion, it had been agreed upon to circle around the great city’s borders, approaching from the western fields, where no roads came in. Dash had wanted to simply head in through the main gates; she had, after all, discarded the torn and battered Shadowbolt barding. Having dropped the dead giveaway, she’d argued, they were just three fine mares for a visit to the city; hell, they could probably flirt some information out of an oblivious guard! Fluttershy had shot that down in a surprising display of assertiveness, literally putting her hoof down as she told a surprised Rainbow Dash to, in no uncertain terms, stop whining about being careful, reminding Dash that they’d taken Applejack, and it was unlikely they did so solely because she’d been with Dash. Fluttershy had argued that they had to try to sneak in, pointing to the approaching storm as a source of cover. Looking at the huge wall of nearly black clouds rolling in, Dash had to admit if anything would cover them, it’d be that. She didn’t know how right she was. Pinkie had cheerily suggested that they should be able to sneak in by hiding in the back a pastry wagon on its way into the city. For a moment, Fluttershy and Dash had shared an incredulous look, but after a moments thought, it actually turned out to be among their more positive options, aside from the fact that there were no confectionery wagons of any kind on the road. So it was that they broke off to the west and skirted into the rolling hills of the countryside. The walls of Canterlot castle loomed above them. The sun was going down in the distance, but its brilliant warmth was less than an afterthought for the three ponies, considering that by the time they had crept out of the tall grasses and slid into the city proper, the storm had broken with an almost unnatural ferocity. Even Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, Pegasi whose feathers and coats were magically repellent to rain, were completely soaked through. Vehement protests hissed from an increasingly put-out Rainbow Dash about swimming on dry land, and spontaneous conversion to seapony form. Lightning lanced the sky in ear-splitting cracks of thunder, drowning out Pinkie’s laughter. The advantages, as far as Dash could see, were that the deluge was so heavy, visibility was down to “is that a pony or a lamppost,” and for the most part, most sane ponies had sought shelter. So there were a lot of lampposts. On the downside, that also meant they would be distinct should they be spotted, being the only ones out of doors that didn’t absolutely have to be. Nevertheless, between the onset of the storm, the encroaching twilight, and the judicious use of alleyways, Dash was fairly certain that nopony had spotted them. The three pulled into a dripping huddle for a hissed brainstorm for ways of getting over the walls; even in this storm, it was certain that there would be eyes watching. Pinkie volunteered to go and scout for a opening, worker’s door, or culvert while the Pegasi opted to fly up to peek over. She was gone before either of the Pegasi could stop her. Dash dropped back down in a splash of mud, her ears laid back. “No go, Shy,” she whispered, hiding a wince at how much the quick flight up and down had cost her. “The grounds are lousy with guards. We should have just gone after Pinkie, I don’t wanna just stand around here in this.” Casting yet another disgusted look up to the sky, Dash glanced over to take in the shivering Fluttershy, her contemptuous expression melting on the spot—a more miserable and pathetically adorable pony she’d never seen. How does she do that? The butter-yellow Pegasus was hunched over, hanging her head low, water pouring from her thick mane in a constant waterfall as she shivered violently. Standing up straighter, a stoic scowl painting her features, Dash extended a wing over her friend, shielding as much of her as she could from the onslaught. A startled ‘meep’ came from below Dash’s blue wing, and wide aquamarine eyes peeked out from pink bangs. Looking straight ahead, Dash felt the blood begin to rush to her face. I am not blushing, she adamantly told herself. Fluttershy opened her mouth to say something undoubtedly heartwarming, when a vague sound quirked Dash’s ear. One moment Fluttershy was huddled beneath the strong wing of the bravest pony she knew, and the next her friend was gone. Surprised and confused, she looked over, and saw two brown Pegasi rolling over one another and cursing... oh, no, one of them was Rainbow, just covered in mud. The other, much larger, was a stallion, his frame bedecked in gold... armor. Oh no. Fluttershy had just enough time to look over as another guard rushed out at her from the curtain of rain. With a strangled scream of alarm, she lifted off the ground and barely out of the way as his charge carried him past her. He spun and charged again as her water-logged wings forced her back to the ground. Desperately, she shimmied aside, her small steps aiding her as he slid past, scrambling in the thick mud. With a shout of frustration, the guard turned once more, this time advancing on her in steady, measured steps. Eyes wide and terrified, Fluttershy couldn’t speak as she backed as far and quickly as she could, before feeling the cold stone of the castle wall against her rump, halting her retreat. The Pegasus mare cowered before the guard as he approached her, a sour grin sliding like hard steel across his muzzle. “No!” came a raw, primal scream from his left, startling him to a halt, a moment away from bringing his raised hoof down upon the trembling little Pegasus. Reflexively, he looked over just in time to catch a ball of mud to his face, the wet earth squelching into his nostrils and mouth. Hacking, he doubled over, trying to clear his airway. He never saw the attack coming, though Fluttershy certainly registered the blue blur as it slammed into him, mud exploding in every direction at the impact. Curled up into a fetal position and whimpering incoherently was the other guard, his hooves crossed over his groin. A familiar, scratchy cry ripped her attention back to the active brawl; the Earth pony guard had gotten a hold of Dash’s ear, biting down hard and wrenching her off balance. She tumbled off of him, and they both rose to their hooves, the guard glaring murder at the muddy Pegasus mare as she shook her mane out of her eyes. Fluttershy was trembling so hard she thought she might simply keel over. Rendered nearly helpless merely by undue attention in the best of circumstances, she was wholly inadequate to dealing with violent confrontation, and she knew it. She couldn’t understand, why were these ponies attacking them like this? They were supposed to protect other ponies! That was their job! If she could just distract the guard for a moment before the other one got back up, maybe she and Dash could get away, find Pinkie somehow, and— Out of the downpour, on either side of them, strode four more golden-armored stallions. Two Pegasi and two Unicorns. Four pairs of hard eyes, four wings outstretched for battle, two horns already sparking alight with arcane energy. One of the Unicorns jerked his head in Fluttershy’s direction, eliciting a snort of disdain from the other. Nevertheless, the buck obediently began to bear down on her. The other three joined their embattled comrade, tightening the circle around Dash. The Earth pony guard clearly felt he had a score to settle. Heedless of the new arrivals, he lunged forward, every line of him intent on crushing the mare before him. His full weight went into the blow as he rose up and swept a forehoof at her head. Gracefully, the blue Pegasus dipped her weight, slipping low as the attack swept over her, then short-stepping back. Clearly an experienced fighter, the guard went with his momentum, pivoting and turning sideways, trying to body-slam her with his armored side. Incredulously, he registered his attack barely brushing her shoulder as she rolled right over him, coming down on his other side and lashing out with one rear hoof after another—one into his unprotected kidney, the other sinking into his neck. He went down hard in a splash of muddy water. Dash spun at the sounds of a sudden rush, having just enough time to raise her hooves above her head in a cross to stop the heavy wing slamming down at her head, the force of the blow pushing her rump down to splash into the ground. The second Pegasus had rushed forward a step behind his fellow, and lashed out, his hoof spearing toward her to sink into her chest. Rainbow tumbled back, head over hooves as the breath was knocked out of her. Shaking water from her matted mane, Dash rose to see one Pegasus rushing to her left, the other had managed, despite the deluge, to gain enough lift to launch himself up and over her. As she tracked him, a fractured segment of her focus registered Fluttershy rolling through the mud limply, a charge from the Unicorn having thrown her back. The split in attention nearly cost her the fight, as she was nearly too late in spinning to meet her attacker, his wing snaking out in an arch that would have snapped her neck like a twig. Dropping low and balancing on two hooves, she swung her weight in a spin, her own wing lashing out at the guard’s legs. She heard a snap at the contact, one of his knees shattering. Screaming, he went down. Now she could help Fluttershy! She had just begun to turn towards her when the other Pegasus leaped over his downed comrade, his body already twisting lithely before his front hooves had even touched the wet earth. As though in stop motion, Dash watched—frame by frame—as his rear hooves became larger and larger. She felt her muzzle compress, and blood exploded in her mouth. Then she was weightless, stretched out upside down in the air as she flew. Darkness warred with motes of light as she floated through limbo. Fluttershy watched in horror as Rainbow flew toward her, landing with a sickening thud and rolling to a muddy rest at her hooves. Her own wounds and terror forgotten, she rose. “No!” she screamed at the advancing Unicorn, intent on pummelling her again. “You do not hurt my friends anymore!” Fluttershy yelled, consumed with an incandescent rage. Glaring at the sheer injustice of the world with all of the outrage that only a truly innocent soul can possess, her stare locked with that of the advancing soldier. The properties of her unique ability were never something she had ever actually analyzed. She preferred to set her mind to the beautiful, the softer and gentler shade of things. How a pony such as Fluttershy came to possess such a potent attribute was a matter of consideration utterly lost on the royal guard as it was turned upon him with full force. Muscles locking, mind reeling back into a near catatonic state, he found himself bound wholly within that baleful aquamarine gaze, before losing consciousness altogether and collapsing in a heap. “What the fuck!” came the furious shout from the remaining Unicorn. “The hell kind of Pegasus magic is that?!” “I have no idea...” stammered the other Pegasus guard, looking stunned and not a little fearful. Seeing the furious mare turning those huge eyes toward him, the Unicorn lashed out instinctively; summoning a burst of energy, he hurled a bolt of lightning at the yellow-coated mare. Even as it streaked toward her, he realized the attack was incredibly overpowered, born of fear, and that he’d likely just killed the mare he was under absolute orders to bring in alive. It was with a mixture of incredulity and disbelief that he saw the rainbow-maned pony rise up, her wings spread wide at their base and curving forward to arch her primary feathers before her. The hoof-thick bolt of lightning slammed into her and... coalesced. Electrical energy crackling, Dash held the furious currents, refusing to allow them to disperse as they shot back and forth with a chaotic brilliance between her wings, casting sharp and rapidly shifting shadows across her face. She pulled up, standing tall. Her large, blood red eyes seemed to glow in the flickering light as she slowly drew her wings apart, gilded with lightning. With an audible snap, Rainbow Dash hurled the bolt of energy right back into the face of the gaping Unicorn. Convulsing, he collapsed in a heap, currents sparking from his horn and armor. Dash’s head was held low, her breathing heavy and ragged; one hoof raised as though too painful to set weight on, lines of blood running down it. I can’t believe that worked! she thought incredulously. Lightning was commonly constructed in weather work, but only a rare few had the affinity with the element to do what she had done. Dash had never tried her hoof at it before—she had merely intended to take the hit for Fluttershy. She spoke without taking her eyes off the remaining Pegasus guard. “Shy. Run. Fly away.” Before Fluttershy was able to articulate any of the dozen denials circulating through her head, a red light flashed from her left, and a ball of energy slammed into Rainbow Dash, sending her flying to smash against the castle wall. Dash slid down the wall, coming to rest in a crumpled heap, smoke rising from an angry burn on her side. Raising one hoof, she slurred, “Fluttershy, just... go. Run. Please!” Too horrified to move, Fluttershy was tackled to the ground, her foreleg wrenched behind her as her head was pulled back in a painful grip. “Don’t move!” She didn’t resist. She could only watch as a fresh guards milled about, some tending to the fallen soldiers, while three others moved up to Rainbow, staring down at her in contempt. “Filthy traitor!” one said. “An attack on the Princess is an attack on Equestria itself! Did you think you could get away with it?” Dash just glared up at him, not only out of spite, but honestly not knowing how to even begin to explain... if she even wanted to, that was. Another soldier’s hoof sunk into her stomach, and she gasped in surprise and pain. “You think this is a joke? Where is she?!” Another hoof slammed across her face. She could no longer tell who it belonged to. Coughing, she spat blood and tried to answer. “I... I don’t know,” she said weakly. “Liar!” screamed a guard, rearing up on his hind legs. A sharp crack cut through the sound of the heavy downpour as his shod hoof came down on her hind leg. Dash screamed. “Where is the princess?! Eh?” yelled a fresh guard. “Give her back to us!” demanded another. Every command was punctuated with more blows as they gave vent to their communal fear and frustration. Dash had stopped moving, stopped protesting. Fluttershy had looked on in uncomprehending horror. Finally, she found gave voice to the screams echoing in her head, “Please! Please stop! Why are you doing this? Oh Celestia, stop!” A hoof smashed across her face. “How dare you use her name!” Fluttershy almost welcomed the darkness as it overtook her, her last impressions ones of angry murmurings, and the sensation of being pulled through thick mud... When Fluttershy came to, she was still being dragged along, though this time across hard, dry stone. A disparate part of her mind quietly debated if the current sensation was preferable to the last. She let out a moan of utter misery, coming to the conclusion that just about anything would be better than this. Fluttershy was a consummate pacifist, and as such, had never so much as gotten into a scuffle, not even with the bullies back in flight school. She had certainly never been beaten before, and she could hardly bear how much it hurt, to get hit again and again. With a mental jolt, she recalled how much more savagely a punishment Rainbow had taken. She opened her eyes and found herself being dragged by her forehooves, her rump trailing along the ground. No sign of Rainbow behind her. Before she could try to twist around to risk a glance—she certainly wasn’t about to ask—she felt her legs being wrenched as she was tossed into a doorway. As she landed, she caught sight of a bright, if muddy, multi-colored tail dragging across the floor before it was pulled out of sight. The door slammed shut, and darkness fell around her as her eyes tried to adjust to the low light. Fighting to rise to her hooves, biting back the whimpers of pain from her side and muzzle, she nearly had a full-on heart attack as a voice erupted from the side of the cramped cell. “Sugarcube!” “A... Applejack?! Applejack! Oh, thank goodness you’re alright!” Fluttershy had to pause a moment at that. She hadn’t actually seen Applejack yet, and considering her own treatment, she experienced a pang of fear as to whether her friend actually was alright. Her fears were set to rest as the orange pony rushed to her side, enveloping her in a crushing hug. She squeaked at the force of it, but didn’t try to pull away. Releasing her, Applejack stepped back. “What the hay are y’all doin’ here Fluttershy?! Ah mean, Ah’m glad you’re okay, but for Celestia’s sake—” A scream tore through the dungeons, filling their cell and drowning Applejack’s questions. The two mares stared at each other in horrified recognition, the same desperate plea of denial echoing in their eyes. They knew that voice: it was the scratchy voice of Rainbow Dash, the bravest, and yes, most loyal pony they knew. And she was in agony. Her screams were punctuated with attempts to form comprehensible words, an occasional “PLEASE!” or “I DON’T KNOW!” cutting through the full-throated shrieks. In the next instant, without thought, both Fluttershy and Applejack were at the door of their cell, reared back on the hind legs to peer from the square, barred opening. Even Fluttershy was shouting at the top of her lungs as she and Applejack echoed each other, demanding to be let out, to stop hurting Rainbow. Pleading turned to threats as their friend’s screams continued unabated, and Applejack dropped from the door, turning around and bucking it for all she was worth. The heavy iron door rattled, but held. Again and again she slammed at it in a blind fury, her hooves beginning to paint the rough metal with glistening spots of crimson; Fluttershy saw none of it, her eyes clenched shut and head pressed between her hooves as she lay curled on the floor, whispering “stopstopstop” in a broken staccato. She didn’t even feel it when Applejack wrapped her in an embrace, the country pony’s own tears wetting her mane. --------------------- Taking a deep breath, Twilight stepped through the huge, wooden double doors, hearing them slide closed behind her. The voluminous chamber was oblong in shape. Four massive fireplaces were alight and roaring, set into the walls at even spaces. The cold, monochrome granite seemed to suck the warmth from the air. The long banners of the High Equestrian Noble Houses hung evenly arrayed along the rounded walls, their glaring primary colors contrasting strongly. Mirroring the shape of the room itself was a long table positioned in the center. Ringing the table, twelve Unicorns sat against high-backed chairs, all looking over at her with varying degrees of impatience. Gulping, Twilight moved toward them. She knew that eight of the major Noble families sat on the Council by hereditary rights of mercantile arrangement, and their incredibly rich robes and rather rotund physiques testified to her memory. The other four seats were, as fit the Council generally, a bit more of a mystery. While the former seemed to be held by ponies of great wealth and the inevitable influence that came with it, the remaining four were occupied by Unicorns of a far more spartan taste in attire, their robes of less flamboyant design and coloration, and they lacked the garishly expensive-looking jewelry and trinkets that peppered the heads and hooves of the rich Houses. More disturbing—their gazes were level, reserved, and thoughtful. It was no question to Twilight which stallions could prove to be the most dangerous in this room. Coming as close as she cared to the end of the table, Twilight stood before them; there was no cushion or chair placed for her, so she simply stood and waited, enduring their silent stares. Just as she began to wonder if she were breaching some obscure etiquette in not rendering some gesture of supplication—although under the circumstances, damned if she’d give that anyway—a pudgy stallion broke into her thoughts. “So. Twilight Sparkle, the prodigy, finally deigns to set hoof before us,” he said, his tone scathing and indolent. Twilight blinked, at an utter loss for how to actually respond to such an obnoxious statement. Was this a rhetorical question? Despite the expression of bafflement painted across her face, the Council-stallion pressed on, taking her silence for an obstinate defiance. “Well? What exactly do you have to say for yourself? Speak!” “I... I really don’t know what to say. I don’t know what you want from me!” Another opulent Unicorn slammed his hoof down on the table, a goblet nearly spilling over. “Stop playing games! Who the hell do you think you are?! We are the kingdom’s High Council, and now you are going to tell us everything you know about the Princess’ disappearance!” There it was. Twilight wasn’t certain why, but hearing those words from the muzzle of a member of the highest Council in Equestria solidified everything. The Princess was truly, simply gone. Had she been abducted? Had she just left? Was she hiding? There were too many questions, and they were driving the ponies of Equestria crazy. She thought back to the actions of the guards, the panic of the ponies in Ponyville; this is what happened when the linchpin to a society was removed, and Celestia was that linchpin. She was the keystone that ponies placed their faith in, and without her, the pressure was crushing everypony. She looked back at this blustery gathering of stallions with new perspective. They were old, fearful, and had not the slightest idea what to do. Well... she could say that for most of them anyway. The silent ones were still something to wonder about. A particularly oblong Unicorn released a long-suffering sigh. “Just recount for the Council in exacting detail your last interaction with the Princess. Leave out nothing.” Twilight’s face scrunched up as she combed her memory for anything outstanding—had the Princess left her a hint of some kind? “Well... I sent her a letter from my study detailing the concerns my research had led me towards regarding the prophecy of Nightmare Moon’s return, and she—” Twilight was interrupted as the Council, as one body, leaned forward. “Yes?” one asked. “And what precisely led you to that avenue of study?” “Oh, um... well,” Twilight stammered as she shifted uncomfortably. “I was doing a comparative essay into the epistemology of ancient pony myths and legends, and their relevance to Equestrian society. You see, at some point, there is a divergence in cultural relevance versus traditionalism at a foundational level, which plays a very heavy role in—” Once more, Twilight found herself cut off by an impatient wave of a hoof. “Do get to the point, Miss Sparkle. We don’t have all day.” Flushing in one part embarrassment and two parts irritation, Twilight attempted to get back on track. “But that is the point. That’s the research I was engaged in when I stumbled across the legend of the Mare in the Moon. It was... intriguing. And disturbing. I got a little... sidetracked with my essay, and started looking more heavily into it. Given the cross-cultural similarities alone with comparative histories of other nations at the same time period, almost precisely one thousand years ago, it stood out from any other example I had been studying... Then... after more research... I became a little concerned. I know how it all sounds, even now, but the evidence was overwhelming. It was too real. So I wrote the Princess about it. The letter I got back... was the one sending me to Ponyville. She... she completely dismissed my concerns, and didn’t even come to see me off. I expected to see her again at the Summer Sun Celebration, but...” Twilight broke off, unable to maintain her composure but refusing to be seen as weak before this group of ponies. The table of stallions exchanged glances for a moment, then one said, “Tell us, Miss Sparkle, what was the overall nature of your studies with the Princess? Were you ever caught out-of-line? Learning things you perhaps shouldn’t be meddling in?” Twilight blinked, thrown for a moment. The segue of questioning, followed by those latter implications left her floundering. “I... what? What are you—” “Dark magic, Miss Sparkle, is what we’re talking about,” one elderly noble said as he scowled and leaned toward her over the table, his jowls quivering. “Surely a filly as talented as yourself wouldn’t be content with the average curriculum. We find it likely the Princess began to teach you things that perhaps shouldn’t be taught to one so young and impulsive... who knows what mischief such a thing could bring... accidentally... or otherwise.” Twilight’s confusion blossomed into pure outrage as she synced the connotations. Her ears laid back and eyes narrowed, she raised a hoof and jabbed it at the table’s collective occupants. “How dare you! You’re suggesting I had something to do with Princess Celestia’s disappearance?! Me?! You... I.... You have no idea what you’re talking about! You have no idea what I’ve been through trying to find out what happened to her! How broken everything is without her! Even you! All of you! What exactly have all of you done to try and find her since she vanished without a trace, aside from abducting me?” The brown-coated noble who had initially greeted her so warmly cast a withering glance at a stallion across the table, grumbling in a surreptitious tone, “Yes, what indeed. When the supposedly most powerful Unicorns in the realm can produce not a whit of a clue...” Half-muttered passive-aggressive comments were apparently not a well-received contribution to the proceedings, and drew a steady glare from one of the as-of-yet silent stallions. The noble blanched, turning away. The steel-gray Unicorn kept his gaze leveled on the fidgeting Council-member for a moment, before huffing in contempt. Coughing into his hoof, the brown buck turned his attention back to Twilight. “What we have been doing, young lady, is holding the entire country together! The Princess may have taken you under her wing, but you haven’t the faintest idea how much work goes into telling ponies what to do! As though they shouldn’t all know their places! By now the natural order of things and their station in them should be ingrained into them as surely as their marks! Why, if it weren’t for the aristocracy—” “Enough of this,” cut in the mage that had glared down the noble only moments ago, his voice even and low. “This is no time for one of your ideological rants Gilded, amusing as they may be. Miss Sparkle, I believe you understand the dire circumstances facing Equestria. Perhaps more keenly even than some at this table.” If Unicorns had feathers to ruffle, the nobles at the table would have puffed up as a single, indignant turkey. The mage continued without sparing them a glance. “There are questions that none of here can answer, and threats at our stables that we have but the vaguest conception of. Though you display an admirable bravery, the fact is you are lost, and frankly, near breaking. While you have given us precious little reason to place faith in you, I must admit we haven’t given you any reason to trust us.” He went silent, gazing at Twilight over his stapled hooves. “In any case, this matter is ultimately beyond our will.” Turning to the his fellows, he exchanged a nod before looking back to her. “The real question we have, is why the Princess, as a segment of her final command”— Twilight’s ear flicked—”would order us to bring yourself and five completely unknown mares to the castle, your collective safety being of paramount importance. There is something... between the lines. In fact, the implications are glaring: you and these others must either have knowledge from the Princess that she did not see fit to share with anypony else, or you are holding some other manner of ace in the hole. “...Therefore, we are going to level with you, and give you the time and solace you will no doubt need to come to terms with information we’ve had days to contemplate. Frankly, we are no closer to understanding it now than we were, and so we must hope that you and your... associates, may offer some unexpected insight.” Turning to the arrayed nobles, each one of them looking both shell-shocked and a touch pasty, he said in a tone that brooked no debate, “Give her the letter.” At once, eight muzzles opened to protest. As one, four glares stared them down. With a blustery, “Fine, have it your own bloody way, Stargazer,” the brown-coated stallion Twilight registered as Gilded reached into the sleeve of his robe and pulled out a scroll. Though the seal was broken, it was nevertheless instantly recognized by Twilight as the Princess’ own. He floated it over to her, even the glow of his magic seeming tepid and sullen. Suddenly terrified by the abyss opening within her, Twilight summoned her magic, shakily grasping the scroll in her own purple glow. Unfurling it before her, the crisp rasp of the parchment and flowing script achingly familiar, Twilight began to read. Then she read it again. And again. Nopony interrupted her. Slowly, her lavender eyes rose over the lip of the paper to find the Council regarding her. She swallowed. “I... I need to talk to my... the others.” One of the nobles to her left waved a hoof petulantly. “I hardly think that’s—” he began, before being cut off by a tan-coated mage opposite him. “You would attempt to deny her now? Don’t be a fool. It is within her rights.” “Rights she shouldn’t have and wouldn’t know about if it weren’t for you! It’s madness!” grumbled another. Ignoring the exchange, Stargazer frowned at Twilight. “You may be escorted to your ‘companions’ when you wish. They are being held in the cells below. Normally, they would be inaccessible to visitation. Although as you can see, circumstances are somewhat... extenuating.” “Wait! You’re saying all of them are here?!” she asked, her mind racing furiously. The Mage hesitated, then nodded. “Now. I need to talk to them now.” “Very well. Who do you wish to see first?” “...Rainbow Dash.” Chapter 8 “Horizons” ← Special thanks tooooo- Sali- “It’s Like a Cake” NickNack- “Hearts of Gold, Feathers of Steel” “Summer Days and Evening Flames” “Two Beats” Kurbz Demetrius
Main 6,Princess Luna,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
<p>A different approach to Rainbow Dash's story in Episode 2. The most loyal of ponies faces the most difficult test of her virtue; does she hold the greater loyalty to her friends' wishes and esteem for her, or their safety and wellbeing?</p>
════════════════════════════════ ► Divergence ◀ ════════════════════════════════ Chapter 10 Juxtaposition An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Seattle Lite The leather-bound tome collided with the wall, a small cloud of dust and ancient parchment loosed from the impact. Weak magical lights flickered about the room, casting shadows on the chaotic array of overturned furniture. Scrolls and scraps of parchment littered the floor as though cast about in a frenzy. Before the book had time to slide down the wall, a chair followed it, breaking apart in a burst of polished mahogany and fine upholstery. Twilight Sparkle stood, her shoulders hunched and head hung low. She gasped sharply, catching her breath from the outburst. “Damn it all,” she hissed, her voice low and not meant to carry. A moment passed, and she raised her head. Her old chambers, those she had spent the better portion of her young life in—these same rooms filled with memories of herself and Spike living in happy, if focused, abandon—lay about her in disarray. Her gaze strayed to the shattered remnants of the huge hourglass that had once stood on a featured pedestal here on the second story interior balcony. It had been a gift from Celestia. Princess... Twilight’s eyes watered as she turned and looked upward; her voice was somewhere between a broken plea and a growl as she said, “Please. Give me something!” She stared at a framed picture on the mantle; the smiling faces of a majestic Alicorn and a Unicorn filly—her exuberance barely restrained—were caught in time, forever beaming down upon the room. Met only with silence, she gave a dejected sigh before turning her attention back to the business at hoof. Admittedly, said business had gotten somewhat out of hoof, but taking in the tumult of the room around her, she found she genuinely didn’t care. Such a thing would have shocked her, once. Horn bursting to life once again, she gathered up the precious few tomes and scrolls that held even an inkling of what she was searching for. Ancient Artifacts, Pre-Equestrian History, Hypotheses of the Alicorn—she stared down at them in contempt, already certain their pages held nothing but empty ruminations. But still, no stone unturned and all that. Her concentration was broken at the sound of deep voices from the first floor, outside the closed and still-locked doors of her old penthouse. The doors rattled as the locks were tested. Twilight assumed it to be the Guard; she had, after all, been less than subtle in her recent tantrum about the premises. She was, however, in no mood to be questioned at the moment. Gathering up the disappointingly small assortment of books that she had come for, she disappeared in a bright purple flash—the same way she had come. Blinking away the mild disorientation—Am I ever going to get used to that spell?—she found herself back in the dark halls of the Capital Library, where her search had begun less than an hour ago. She had been on her way down to the dungeons for an appointment long-overdue, when the impulse to search the huge library for any unfound clues regarding the Elements had broken her stride. She hadn’t intended to be long—a few minutes at most for a cursory inspection. Initially, it seemed her intentions would be thwarted. The evening was growing late, and the keepers of the library had adamantly refused public access. The scroll from the Council had changed their attitude quite abruptly. Frowning, she once more pulled the roll of parchment from its hiding place, tucked securely within her mane. The princess’ own royal sigil still held firmly to the parchment, magically resealing itself between readings. She broke it once again and spread it out on the table before her; her glowing horn casting just enough violet light to read. Without the whisper of an expression on her face, she stared at it, reading the flowing script of the princess’ own hoof for what must have been the hundredth time that night. Even when tucked away within her mane, the proclamation rolled over endlessly through her mind, the smooth paper burning against her coat. With a sigh—it seemed she was sighing a lot these days—she rose, returned the scroll to its hiding place and gathered up the sparse rewards of her side-trip. Turning, she headed out of the library, ignoring the searching gazes of the few night-keepers of the castle library, and headed back to her temporary quarters to deposit the books for later study. She had an appointment to keep. ~~~~~ “I am going with you darling, and that is final!” Twilight stamped a hoof down against the hard marble, near her wit’s end. “Rarity, please try to understand! It’s not that I don’t appreciate everything you’ve done for me, how far you’ve come with me, but I don’t... There’s so much I don’t understand. I just need to talk to her alone. Please.” Rarity huffed, loosing a long-suffering sigh. “I don’t like it, Twilight. Do consider the circumstances! We have no idea which direction to properly approach this from. From what you told me about your meeting with the Council, and the way the guards treated Applejack...” Rarity paused, her eyes narrowed in anger at the vivid memory. “We have to reevaluate everything! A single misconception will land us up to our horns in even more confusion. This calls for delicacy and finesse.” Twilight’s ears went back; Rarity’s eyes went wide and she waved a hoof frantically as the other Unicorn drew a sharp breath. “I’m not saying that you lack those qualities, dear! I just want to be by your side in this... and yes, I have some questions of my own.” “I understand, Rarity. I just need to talk to her alone first.” Twilight grasped desperately for a solution, and offered, “Look, why don’t you come down and speak with Applejack first? Her position is far less complicated than Rainbow’s. We… we should be able to get her released soon.” “Oh, that’s marvelous! However did you manage that?” Rarity asked, her relief open. Twilight looked away—the patterned silk covering the large window suddenly fascinating—and scuffed her hoof against the floor, anxious to skirt having to delve into this new development too closely, and all too aware of the tightly rolled parchment hidden in the locks of her mane. “Yeah, so what do you say? I don’t want AJ to have to stay down there any longer than necessary, and you can talk to Rainbow Dash soon, I promise.” “Well... I suppose. Since it’s clear you won’t reconsider,” Rarity said, looking none too pleased, but willing to make the concession. Twilight sighed in relief. “Thank you.” Throwing a glance to the locked door of their chambers, Twilight asked in a much lower tone, “And... where are they? Did anypony see them?” Equally discreet, Rarity lowered her head and answered softly, “No, nopony asked any questions about our bags.” She turned, trotting to the large window Twilight had been staring so fixedly at a moment ago. For a second, Twilight wondered what the alabaster Unicorn was doing, but Rarity stopped below the drapes and gazed upward, her horn lighting. Magic sheathed the outlines of two saddlebags hanging from the rod that Twilight hadn’t noticed a moment ago. She gasped. “Rarity, did you turn the bags invisible? I had no idea you could do that!” Rarity ‘tutted’ quietly, turning with two very familiar and bulging packs ensheathed in her magic. “Oh no, darling, I just altered their appearance and texture, blending them into the curtains. Rather seamlessly, if I do say so,” she said, rather pleased with the impressed look on the magical prodigy’s face. Twilight was impressed, and said so. “Okay, good, go ahead and put them back up there. That should keep them hidden perfectly until we finally get a chance to really study them.” Rarity nodded, and a moment later the two Unicorns trotted from the apartment, Twilight leading. ------ The mares strode down the torch-lit corridors, two grim-faced guards to either side as escort. Twilight had never been to these depths of Canterlot castle before—indeed, she had been unaware the area was still being utilized at all. The sounds of licking flames and the rap of hooves on hard stone marked the only sound of the group’s passage. Something was up, and Twilight knew it. Just moments before, two Unicorns with the uniquely militarized cuts to their manes—but lacking the traditional armor—had galloped past the two mares and their assigned escort, startling the rather preoccupied Rarity and igniting a wave of suspicion in Twilight. She knew they had gone this way, as there had been no branches either left or right since entering this long, descending corridor. The same pair were now headed back the way they had come at a much more sedate pace, and as they passed—avoiding her searching gaze altogether—they exchanged nods with the two soldiers at her side, not breaking stride as they moved back up towards the castle proper. Rounding a bend, the incline leveled, and they came to a large door that swung open by the magic of one of their escorts. Twilight entered, and was struck with the overwhelming stench of molding hay, powerful disinfectants, and… something else, something acidic and repulsive. Two more guards sat at a table, a scattering of roughly hewn cards between them, the game momentarily forgotten as they watched the two mares and their escort. Rarity made a small, choked sound, sharing Twilight’s revulsion at the onslaught of the oppressive, thick atmosphere. Fighting back the urge to retch, Twilight firmed her resolve and moved forward, head held high. Diligently honed senses awoke as she strode past the rows of barred and bolted doors to either side; magic had been used here recently, and in great concentration. Her ears canted back and her brow furrowed as she focused, glancing from side to side as she separated the flavors of the castings into something she could attempt to identify. Healing! she realized. This is the residue of some incredibly intense healing magic. But it’s… overlaid? Not the same healing spell... She began to mentally run through the catalogue: There’s regeneration, sealing, mending, and... Wow, at least a half-dozen others I can’t even identify! There’s a veritable pool of energies lingering down here! Why would they—Her line of thought was interrupted as the guards drew to a halt outside one of the many barred wooden doors, gesturing with a hoof at Rarity to indicate this was her stop. Twilight and Rarity shared a nod, before the purple mare walked onward with her single escort, who led her around a corner. If anything, this narrow corridor was even more forbidding than the dungeon proper. There were no side-cells here; the torches lighting the hall fewer and further between. Deep shadows pooled against the weak light of the flames. As they drew closer, Twilight discerned that the room at the far end of this corridor, whatever else it may be, was the source of the riotous healing magic; the air was so thick with the miasma of energy that she scrunched her muzzle—the taste acrid and sour against her tongue. The guard ducked his head, pulling a large iron key from the golden armor beneath his wing. The door unlocked with a heavy click, and he nosed it open without a word, gesturing that she go inside. Hesitantly, she stepped within. Although quite dark, the room was surprisingly clean—from what little she could see—as though it had been thoroughly scrubbed, and quite recently at that. The contrast of this cell’s pristine confines to the unkempt condition of the dungeon in general, and fetid stench in particular, would have under normal circumstances proven to be a formidable challenge to the Unicorn’s curiosity. At the moment, however, her attention was riveted to a lithe form curled up on a scattering of hay. The sky-blue coat and spectral mane were unmistakable. Twilight’s heart and mind went to war. Here she was. The mare who betrayed me, siding with evil incarnate, placing herself firmly against all that was good and true in Equestria, a furious voice screamed inside her head. A softer voice drifted up, seeking to still the rage. No, I don’t know that. She’s probably been manipulated... just as I was. Twilight flinched at that thought, the fury within her momentarily reeling away, seeking some defence to rekindle her righteous anger. And yet... Some odd sense, outside both her rage and confusion, made her feel like she and this mare were locked in some manner of... convergence; a dance of steps and rhythms whose pattern was just beyond her reach. The terms ‘foe’ and ‘ally’ seemed so… rudimentary for the reality of the circumstances that bound them, and she found herself unable to truly identify with either simplification as she stared down at the blue form curled up before her. Twilight frowned, suddenly wondering why the Pegasus still had not turned, had not acknowledged her presence. Surely she’d heard her come in. Was she purposefully ignoring her? Just like everypony else, came the bitter thought, faster than Twilight could suppress it. Steeling herself, Twilight stepped forward, and raised a hoof to the Pegasus’ shoulder. ----- The metallic rasp of the key sliding into the lock broke the stillness, and the hated ‘click’ that followed boomed like thunder in her ears. At the first sound of a hoof stepping into the room, a tremor tore through her. She bit her lip, tasting blood as she viciously suppressed the shaking that began to wash over her. How many times? She had lost count somewhere back when they had stopped asking questions. She had fought, screamed, cursed and eventually, even begged. It shamed her to her core, but she had begged like a broken foal—lost, alone and terrified. Nothing mattered. That was clear to her now—they didn’t actually want anything but to hurt her, over and over, and over again. They proved that when, after several ‘sessions,’ they had brought in some Unicorns with stupid mane-cuts who had veritably bathed her with a gamut of rejuvenating spells. Not that they took away much of the pain, but they did knit her shattered bones and mend her torn flesh—they even somehow grew back the chunks of her mane the other bastards had torn out. At first she had been confused over the ministrations. Why keep healing what they want to break? The next ‘interrogation’ and its subsequent healing had solved the mystery rather elegantly. Now the only real question she had was: Why the fuck do they want to keep me alive so badly? The hooffalls drew closer. Dash took a mouthful of the rancid hay, biting down hard to strangle the treacherous mewling sound that tried to claw out her throat. He was standing right over her now, silent and looming. She could feel the malice radiating from him: his hatred, his desire to make her scream and plead, hard eyes betraying the pleasure he would take from it all. She felt a hoof press into her shoulder, and all thoughts of compliance, submission—whatever it took to avert the pain—fled from her like the deluge from a rain-heavy cloud. No matter the cost, a black part of her mind thought savagely, bursting to the fore as her vision went red, I am not broken. I’ll die before I break, and I’ll take this bastard with me! Her wing snapped out in a blur, slapping the hoof up and away as she spun and lunged, quick as a striking snake. The manacle about her throat snapped tight against its short chain, jerking her back as the follow-up blow, intended to snap the neck of the bastard, drew short and missed, only clipping the Unicorn mare about the face, who reflexively jumped back with a squeak of pain and alarm. Dash’s eyes went wide in recognition. Twilight’s hoof slowly rose to her stinging cheek as the pair stood silently, staring, their minds blank as the silence stretched between them. “So,” Dash said finally, quietly. “I was wondering if you were going to show up.” She let out a harsh laugh that sounded half-choked. “Funny, y’know? I was really hoping for a while there that you wouldn’t be here... Almost believed it too.” Twilight’s muzzle twisted in confusion. “What do you mean by that? Would you rather I were dead or something?” Dash’s jaw hung agape at that for a moment, then she slowly blinked, looking Twilight square in the eye as she rose to her full height. “Yeah. Y’know what,” she said, her voice cold and even. “I think so. I’d rather you had died as the pony I thought you were... than see you here now, as the thing you are.” The words sent a shiver down Twilight’s spine. Rage lit her violet eyes, and she drew a breath, her muzzle curling to bare teeth. The next moment, both mares were screaming at one another at the top of their lungs. “You ruined everything!” “I ruined everything?! Who’s the idiot who ran off into the Everfree Forest in the middle of the night?!” Twilight paled, shaking at the memory. “You have no idea what happened that night!” “Neither do you, obviously! You just jump to conclusions, because you’re soooo fucking smart, aren’t you!” “I actually care about what’s happening here, unlike you! I actually care about what happened to Celestia!” Dash snorted. “Yeah, and that’s all you care about! You’ve got no idea how badly you screwed everything up, do you?” ”I was trying to fix things! Unlike you I’m all too well aware of what’s at stake here! What have you done to help?” Dash laughed in cold derision. “I protected you, you idiot! I stuck my neck out for you! Do you have any idea what they were going to do back there? No! You have no idea, even after everything you did!” “Everything I did? You betrayed us! You betrayed Equestria! You attack me, and then expect me to be happy with you, to stick up for you?!” “Oh, right, and I guess just dropping a wall on Fluttershy is okay? Is that how you protect your friends?” Twilight flinched, taking a step away from the Pegasus. “Tha-that was an accident! And you know it! I would never do that to her on purpose! I was scared, I had almost died that night—and worse!” Her ears flattened back against her skull. “Do you have any clue what’s hiding in that castle, what they’re doing?! Do you even care?!” Dash brayed, her eyes rolling upward. “Listen to yourself, Twilight. You’re freaking out on me, and I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about!” Twilight jabbed a hoof at the chained Pegasus. “That’s exactly the point, Rainbow! You’re nothing but an ignorant, arrogant filly who doesn’t even question what’s going on around her! You’ve had your head so deep in the sand that you’ve been blind to everything that’s happened! You were offered a position and you didn’t pay attention to anything beyond your new-found, stupid, self-obsessed glory-seeking! You never understood the consequences of your actions! I actually looked into what was going on, and I’ve seen things you can’t even imagine! Do you even ever wonder why I ran out of the castle that night?” Twilight’s voice raised to a frenzied screech. “It was because there was a monster, a nightmare, in there, and it tried to kill me!” Dash had been holding her breath, a vicious retort ready to fire at the first break, but that last comment gave her pause over and above the outrage she felt at Twilight’s insults. One thing still needed answering though. One thing she would not let go. “Look... Twilight, I don’t know anything about that, but none of that is my fault, and none of that is any excuse for this, or what you tried to do to Applejack!” “I—“ Twilight paused, the hoof she had been about to slam into the ground hanging, momentarily forgotten. “Wait, what?” “AJ! In the woods! With your damn magic traps! That ice in the river? That could have killed her! And it would have, if it hadn’t been triggered by a fucking maticore first!” Twilight completely faltered at that, the next assault dying on her tongue. The blood drained from her face as she stammered, incredulous, “You… you followed me through the forest? With Applejack? I-I thought the Dragons would be—“ “Yeah?!” Dash screamed, her wings flaring. “Well, you were wrong! I had to beg Luna not to let the Dragons come after you for the Elements, but I guess after everything, maybe we shouldn’t have bothered!” Twilight’s eyes hardened at the mention of that name. Her focus narrowed, Dash’s inference brushed aside. “Luna. Princess Luna. That’s what this all comes down to, Rainbow. You’re a traitor.” She spat the words. “I trusted you! I trusted all of you! More than I’ve ever let myself trust any pony before! I wanted to care about you, to know you!” Twilight hung her head. “…Ancients help me, I still do, and now I know I can’t even trust myself.” “I’ll say! You should be in a damned mental hospital! Calling me a traitor?!” Dash yelled, her red eyes afire with rage. ”Fuck you, Twilight! You stupid, two-faced, limp-horned cow! You have no idea what I went through trying to get to you before—“ Rainbow Dash got no further. With a blinding flash of Twilight’s horn, she was slammed into the stone wall, held off her hooves with a magical force so strong that it was difficult to draw breath against her creaking ribs. Twilight was gasping, her head low and eyes glowing softly, her face painted with unrestrained rage and hurt. Dash grit her teeth against the pain, rough stone cutting into her back and a vice of energy tightening around her throat. “Heh,” she gasped out. “I knew it. You’re just like them. You think this hurts? Go ahead, bitch. Do your worst.” With that, she spat in Twilight’s face and closed her eyes, waiting for what she knew was coming next—she knew what to expect from Unicorns. To her shock, the magic that held her pinned off her hooves evaporated, and she found herself sprawled unceremoniously in the fetid hay. Jerking her head back and forth, she looked up at the mare standing over her. She expected to see malice, anger, a glint of promised violence shining from those violet eyes; not the confusion and dawning terror that filled them; not the tears that began to overflow those impossibly huge eyes. Finally, it had clicked. Twilight was shocked beyond thought, the driving impulse to punish had vanished in a heartbeat as her reeling mind put the pieces together: The strange stallion Unicorns, the air of unspoken communication between them and her own escort; the incredible saturation of healing magics that filled this place like a seething fetor; the look of pure, animal terror in Rainbow’s eyes as she had turned to attack, well before she could have known who was in the cell with her. Twilight felt her knees collapse beneath her, the stone cool against her belly. Her voice was soft, almost inaudible. “Dash... what did they do to you?” Rainbow’s tail lashed wildly in confusion and mistrust as she rolled to her hooves. “How?” she asked. “How are you here, and you don’t know?” “Dash, I swear to you,” Twilight said, trying to withhold a sob and failing. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know.” She held out a single hoof in supplication. How could they? Rainbow just looked at the hoof extended toward her, then down as the soft patter of her own tears resounded on the cobblestones. She looked up and met Twilight’s eyes; eyes that burned with agony and truth—no deception, just a silent plea for forgiveness. Slowly, Rainbow Dash rose to her hooves, looking down on the Unicorn that still held her hoof out, her weeping eyes hidden beneath her neatly cropped bangs. “How?” Dash repeated hollowly. Twilight looked up, meeting the blue mare’s eyes. “Rainbow, I was dragged here by soldiers working on vague orders left behind by Celestia. I didn’t even know you were here in Canterlot until an hour ago. I didn’t know that they...” Even now, she couldn’t bring herself to actually say it. “W-what they were doing to you.” “You’re serious.” “I’m sorry, Dash. I’m so sorry! I never meant—I just needed to figure out what happened, and Luna, sh-she never said, never said anything. And I thought—I wanted to trust you, but I... Everything’s so out of control. Out of everypony’s control. I’ve been so powerless to help or understand anything, and... Dash, Celestia knew. She knew what was going to happen, and I can’t help but feel that she’s planned for everything.” Dash took a step back. “What? How the hell could she predict all of this?” “Celestia is... Rainbow, why do you trust Luna?” There was no accusation in Twilight’s voice, not this time. Even so, Dash frowned. “I... look, i just do. She knows what’s going on way better than I ever could, and I get it, you don’t think that’s good enough, but—” Twilight cut her off, standing up and wiping her eyes with a fore-hoof. “No, Dash. I know; I do get it. It’s… kind of like the same with me and Celestia. She knows what’s happening, and that makes you feel... safe. Be it experience or foresight or wisdom, she just understands everything. And she... oh, Dash, I didn’t want to admit it, but she knew. Celestia knew what was going to happen. She was counting on me and I... I failed, and she...” Twilight’s voice dropped to a whisper. “She planned for that too.” Dash lifted her hoof, and gently rested it on Twilight’s head, just to the side of her horn. "I… I don't know what's going on, Twilight. This... this whole thing is crazy. It's too big,” she muttered, shaking her mane. Her chain rattled. “Doesn't make any sense." Twilight sighed. "I… Me neither Rainbow. This whole thing… we've just been pawns. Celestia. Luna. This is their game, it always has been. We’ve been pieces that don’t even know what game they’re playing.” Twilight narrowed her eyes as she glared into a shadowy corner. Twilight leaned her head forward, resting her brow against Rainbow’s, and took a deep breath. “But no more. I’m done being used, and I think, for the first time in my entire life, I have my priorities straight.” She drew back, locking her friend’s gaze with her own. “I’m getting you out of here.” “How?” Dash asked for the last time that night. For the first time that day, Twilight smiled. ----- Rarity cast one more deeply concerned glance at the studious young mare as she turned the corner, disappearing down the further corridor with her lone guard. Her own escort grunted impatiently as he pulled back the iron bolt fastening the cell door, gesturing that she enter. Determined to not be cowed—disdain for the stallion etched in every line of her—she raised her nose high and stepped gracefully within. In the moment it took for her eyes to adjust, her ears caught the frantic scrambling of a pony rising to its hooves. She had just begun to make out the figure, planted squarely in a wide-legged, defensive stance, when said pony called out in shock. “R-Rarity?!” The past fortnight had confronted Applejack with more surprises and terrors than she thought she'd deal with in a lifetime. She and her timid—and now thoroughly traumatized—companion had spent hours huddled together, the screams of their friend still burning in their ears. What had begun as horror had quickly changed to a consuming rage that had kept Applejack warm throughout their imprisonment. It nestled now, in the pit of her stomach, giving her strength as she had contemplated what seemed inevitable—that when the guards came for them, decided it was their turn for the ‘questioning,’ she would stand firm. She would be as unyielding as an oak in defense of her delicate friend, who even now cowered behind her. In truth, though Applejack would scarcely admit it even to herself, the greater portion of her resolve to fight, and die here if she must, was drawn directly from the yellow-coated mare, and she was warmed by the sure knowledge that her brother would be proud. All of the these thoughts fled her as the sinuous mare stepped hesitantly into the room, her leg and ears raised in alarm at the sudden scramble Applejack had made to interpose herself in front of Fluttershy and anypony entering the chamber. “R-Rarity?!” she gasped, stunned. “Wh-what in tarnation are you doin’ here?” “Applejack? Is… is that you? Are you okay?” Rarity questioned, squinting in the gloom. Applejack opened her muzzle to respond, but a pink and yellow blur shot from behind her, launching itself at the white Unicorn framing the door of the cell. Momentarily startled, Rarity reared back, prepared to defend herself, only to find a voluminous pink mane buried against her neck. Fluttershy’s arms locked about her with a desperate strength as she bawled into the crook of Rarity’s neck. Though struggling to breathe, Rarity reflexively returned the embrace, softly stroking her friend’s tangled mane, holding her close. ----- “Twilight… Applejack and Fluttershy, they say Rainbow Dash is being… tortured. Is it true?” Rarity asked tremulously. The pair strode up the corridor, their escorts trailing behind. Cold fury radiated with Twilight’s every movement as she stared fixedly ahead. “Yes,” she answered, her voice low and hard. “And it stops now. I’m going to the Council right now, and getting them all out of there.” She cast a murderous glance behind her, taking in the white stallions behind them. One had the shame to avert his gaze. “I’m getting us all out of here, before long.” Looking over to Rarity, she lowered her voice and said, “Listen, I need you to wait for me in our rooms—guard the Elements. If all goes well, the others should be back before I am, so bring them up to speed as best you can. I’m not certain how this meeting is going to play out, so we all need to be prepared to get out at a moments notice. Just... be ready for anything… and I mean anything, Rarity.” Rarity frowned. “And what about Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy and Applejack said she was with them, if you recall?” Twilight groaned. It wasn’t as though she had forgotten, she just… had a lot on her plate. “I have no idea. Do you have any notion of where she could have gotten to? Would she be holed up in the city somewhere, or maybe even have gone back to Ponyville?” Rarity was silent for a moment, considering. “Well, I somewhat doubt she’d have simply abandoned us, Twilight; it’s not in her nature. Unfortunately, darling, I honestly haven’t the slightest idea of what would be her nature to do in a situation like this.” “Well… I don’t know. Talk it out with the others and come up with something plausible, okay? Something we can act on.” Rarity arced a prim eyebrow as they approached the junction where they would split, Rarity to their rooms, Twilight to the Council. “Speaking of which, Twilight; just how do you intend to get them released in the first place?” Twilight shook her mane. “Not here, not now. I’ll tell you all soon.” With that, they parted ways. ~~~ Twilight’s ears peaked and she let out a surprised whinney. A cacophony of voices—raised in argument and alarm—grew louder as she stomped toward the central castle auditorium. Striding past the doors, Twilight saw the activity was largely centered around the Council’s table. She recognized several Nobles and Mages from her previous meeting, in addition to a tableau of ponies in sharp-cut military garb assorted about the table and clustered in small groups. Moving round the press of one group, she caught the strained words of one reporting Pegasus: “—no, sir, no word from any of the Wonderbolts. The captain seems to have disappeared entirely. Search teams have isolated the sight of the skirmish, but aside from some dried blood, there’s no sign of anypony. Trackers are combing—” Twilight didn’t slow, shouldering her way to the central table and doing her best not to step on any tails. She scowled impatiently as she arrived, shouldering her way in between two large stallions. “—coming in from all borders, without diplomatic envoy or notice!” “Could it be an invasion? All at once?” “No sir, our scouts report that none of the incursions are of significant force… perhaps enough for raiding, sir, but nothing approaching the numbers required for occupation or real engagement.” “And has there been any report of raiding?” This, as the previous question, came from the same Unicorn Mage—Stargazer, she recalled his name was—who seemed to have seized the reigns of the crisis. A part of Twilight’s mind noted that she was unsurprised at the development. “Negative sir, not to our knowledge. The Griffon tribes swept in from their northern fasts, all thirteen clans have their banners represented. The Deer come from their Southern lands. They have stayed within the stretches of leafed groves and meadows in their travels. The Dragons have moved from their Western holds, though in far fewer numbers than the others. The Wolves…” The officer hesitated a moment, and Stargazer raised his eyebrow. “Yes?” “Well, sir, our reports of the Wolves are somewhat… sketchy, at best. Thick fogs have been rolling in from the high mountains of our northwestern borders, and have proven impervious to our Pegasi’s attempts to disperse it. Those teams that have been trying reported glimpsing movement at ground level, in the deep wood. So no, sir, I cannot confirm that the Wolves are on the move with assurance, but we must speculate that it is so given the other nations, though we cannot make any assumption to their numbers.” Having become the central conversation of the room, every ear was stretched toward it, and the silence that now reigned pressed upon the reporting officer. The steel-grey Mage appraised him with a raised brow, and every eye was upon him; the officer began to sweat under the attention. The impatient rap of Stargazer’s hoof upon the oaken table was a thunderclap in the stillness. “And?” he asked, his tone grim and imperious. “Sir?” Eyes narrowed, the Mage asked slowly, as though speaking to a foal, “Where. Are they. Headed?” “Er… well, that’s difficult to say for certain, sir, but our analysts’ best guess is that all the incursions are headed for…” The officer hesitated, his words coming almost in a tone of bafflement. “The Everfree Forest.” Twilight’s snort tore through the silence, nopony noticing the reporting officer’s wilting relief as the attention of the room left him... and turned to her. “Ah, Miss Sparkle. What timing. Please, come join us. Perhaps you could lend some insight into this turn of events.” Twilight stared for moment, her mouth slightly open. Then her face hardened and her ears laid back. “There are already Dragons at Luna’s castle, and you already know she had sent out envoys to make contact with bordering nations, and perhaps beyond. Though I can see how something actually happening can be such a surprise to you all.” Her voice turned low and vicious as she glared about her. “You know what else is a surprise? The fact that you have a young mare chained to a dungeon wall, and you’ve been having her tortured. Repeatedly. Then healed. And then tortured again!” She slammed her hoof down against the stone floor. “This is an outright violation of Celetia’s Marena Carta, held in trust for over six hundred years, and it stops now!” The silence was vicious. Shock and revulsion were etched across the faces of many present. The Mages held themselves in tight, expressionless control, though one and all they were staring at the assembled Nobles on the other side of the large table. The opulent Nobles fidgeted nervously. After a hissed exchange, the fat one—as Twilight was coming to think of him—cleared his throat. “I believe you must be mistaken, Miss Sparkle. We have, in custody, a suspected conspirator and traitor to the realm. She is being questioned. That is all.” “You’re lying! I just came from her cell. You have her chained to the wall on a bed of rancid hay, and you’ve been sending your healers in after your little sessions with her! The entire dungeon is saturated with the magic.” Murmurs broke out across the chambers. The half dozen Nobles clustered together, whispering heatedly. Stargazer stared daggers at the head Noble. “Farlflank, is this true?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous. Twilight watched as Farlflack’s face grew mottled, the gears in his head spinning wildly as he worked to construct an answer. She interrupted, pointing a hoof at Stargazer. “Are you saying you didn’t know about this? You expect me to believe that? I demand her release, immediately! Her, and the other two mares down there as well!” “Demand?” Farlflank hissed. “Who do you think you—” Again, Twilight cut him off, levitating the rolled scroll out of her mane and slamming it down on the table. She glared at them all, defiantly. Stargazer sighed. “Miss Sparkle, we shall release the other two into your custody in the morning. However, while half the Council was unaware of her horrendous treatment, which I assure you, stops now—” He paused, casting a murderous glare at the Nobles. “We cannot at this time release that one. She has admitted to serving the dark one, and may yet hold vital information as to the whereabouts of the Princess.” “She doesn’t know anything!” He stared back at her, implacable. “We do not yet know that.” “You, all of you, were charged with protecting Equestria's peace, but everything you’ve done since her disappearance runs contrary to Celestia's rule and what she’s always stood for!” The Nobles puffed up as one, and Twilight turned away in disgust, caring nothing for whatever they may have to say next. She stormed out of the chambers in a near gallop. ----- An hour later found Twilight trotting the dimly lit halls, her only company the echoing steps of patrolling guards or errant servants; she took note of none of them. Her head down, lost in thoughts of plans and counterplans, she wandered aimlessly. After a time, she found herself outside a pair of very familiar doors. At first, they looked odd, and she couldn’t put her hoof on it. The guards. Of course. Her hooves had carried her to the entrance to Princess Celestia’s private study, and there were always a pair of guards outside it, standing silent vigil. No more. Twilight stood before these wooden barriers for several minutes, staring blankly as memories washed over her. Finally, raising a hoof, she pressed against the door. A sudden flash of spell-fire made her jump back, startled, and the double-doors swung open. Nonplussed, curiosity taking the reigns and piercing her fugue, Twilight glanced left and right down the open corridor before stepping cautiously inside. All was as she remembered it, from the masterfully embroidered maps of the wider world, down to the plush violet rug at her hooves. Every book on the shelves, every scroll on the three desks, lay untouched. Twilight’s muzzle scrunched. Something wasn’t right here. And then it hit her. This place... hasn’t been searched. I don’t... why? They should have gone through these rooms as thoroughly as they rooted out her bedchambers. She shook her mane, long hairs snapping at her neck as she fought against the mental fog that surrounded her. The answer was there. Right on the tip of—The doors! The seal. It was a barrier, one of the princess’ own making. That’s why they couldn’t get in. Twilight raised her hoof and looked at it quizzically. But how... she must have imprinted a bypass. For me. Nopony else. Twilight wasn’t certain what to call the feeling that rushed through her. She wasn’t certain anything she felt these days could be defined in any of the simple and certain terms of her youth. She whipped around, a phantom sound from the halls pricking her ears. With a thought, the doors were sheathed in a violet glow and closed. As they latched, the fiery hue once more overlaid the frame, and Twilight had a moment of panic that she they’d not open again. With a huff, she prioritized that as a problem for later. She had more than enough immediate concerns as it was. She moved through the room, her hooves dragging through the thick carpet. Her eyes fell upon a small couch, tucked in a nook with its own desk—minuscule compared to the other two on the far end of the room—and shelves on either side. Her spot. Where she had snuggled and slept and studied while her teacher went about her daily business of running the country. She did so much. And still made time for me, Twilight thought with a tinge of wonder. The center of the room held, as it always had, a single dais. Rising elegantly from the floor in a spiral of white marble stood the symbol of Celestia’s rule—the sun. Identical to the one the princess bore on her flank, if a bit more embellished. Twilight strode up to it, gazing at the sharp edges and flowing curves of the stylized sun wrought from solid gold. With a sigh, she lowered her forehead to rest against the dias. Golden light suffused the room, pouring like a river from every corner of the room. Blinded, Twilight yelped and backpedaled, a hoof raised to her eyes. Her hind hoof snagged on the carpet, and she tumbled to the floor. The blinding light subsided, and Twilight squinted; brilliant after-images burned into her eyes. Disoriented and blinking, she struggled to her hooves, looked up, and forgot to breathe. There before her, its form rapidly coalescing, stood a being of pure light. Horn, wings and mane solidified from the motes of magical ambiance, and there she was—Celestia. The Alicorn stood, tall and majestic, unmoving as stone. “P-Princess?!” A ripple of energy passed through the apparition like a wave. Its whole body flickered, and it blinked. Princess Celestia looked down upon her student, and spoke in a voice that echoed, as though carrying through an enormous cavern. “Oh. Dear. I suppose it has come to this.” Twilight’s jaw hung, and for a moment she was unable to move, save but to stare in wide-eyed shock as her legs threatened to give out beneath her. “Twilight.” That voice. It was Celestia’s voice. “My dear student.” Tears ran unchecked down Twilight’s muzzle. “Princess? Is-is it… wh-what are you?” Celestia stared down at her sadly. “An echo.” “What—I-I don’t understand.” “I am what I have left behind, Twilight. This image, this imprint. I left it here; for you, and you alone.” Twilight rapidly blinked her eyes clear, scrubbing a hoof across her face. The specter continued in the princess’ voice, “This was the last I was able to leave behind for you.” “P-princess, what happened to you?! Where is—where are you?” Now that Twilight took a moment to observe her—It, she corrected herself—more closely, the body of the magical image was slightly translucent, a conglomeration of swirling motes of golden light. “How are your friends? Are they not with you?” What? Twilight hesitated, thrown by the sudden, and seemingly nonsensical, aside. “I… Princess, that’s not… tell me how to help you! Tell me what happened!” “The five are gathered here with you, Twilight. I can sense them, but… No. That’s not right.” The luminous brow frowned down at the Unicorn. “The threads have nearly been severed.” “Princess? What does this—“ “Their names. What are they?” the specter asked abruptly, urgently. Haltingly, she recited: “Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack… Rainbow Dash.” She frowned. “But I don’t see what—“ Again, Twilight was interrupted. “Then you have everything you need.” “Everything I need?” she repeated. “But the Elements, I still don’t—“ Again the frown. “Did you not find them at the old castle?” “I-I think so? There were five stone orbs, but there are six Elements!” The specter nickered. “So you gathered them together. Were your friends not with you? Were you not together?” Twilight cocked her head quizzically. “Sort of? I mean, not at the time—“ Celestia hung her head. “Then the Nightmare reigns. How have you managed to survive? How long has Equestria been in darkness?” “I—what? Princess, your sun has been coming up every day,” Twilight said, frowning. The artifice rippled in shock, its eyes wide. “What? How is that possible?” Twilight took a halting step forward. “Princess, your sister. Luna. Nightmare Moon. She’s been raising the sun.” The entire room went pitch-black. Twilight cried out in surprise and lit her horn. The dais before her pulsed and seemed to tremor, before lighting once more in the blinding flash. Once again, the not-Celestia stood before her, looking down with a gentle smile. “Twilight. My dear student.” “Princess? What just happened?!” The Alicorn construct tilted its head. “How are your friends? Are they not with you?” Twilight’s tail lashed. “No!” she shouted. “Why won’t you tell me anything?! What are you!” Celestia lifted a glowing hoof. “An echo. I am my feelings for you, Twilight. No more.” “Your feelings for me? How is that—Do you have any idea what’s going on?! I need more than your feelings! I need you! Equestria needs you!” The specter flickered again. “Have you... made any friends yet?” Twilight almost screamed. “Princess, where are you?! Nightmare Moon is loose, your government is going crazy, and every—“ The room went dark once more. Now Twilight did scream, not in fear this time, but frustration. Once more, her horn lit the room. Once more, the pedestal flickered to life, bringing the magical hologram with it, shimmering weakly. “Twilight. My dear student.” “What am I to you?!” she screamed at the fading image, her horn blazing. “My faith.” With a final brush of magic, the spectral image faded to nothingness, the room darkening but for the light of Twilight’s own horn. She watched by the purple light as the golden sun crumbled to ash, disappearing into the thick carpet at her hooves. Twilight hung her head, her jaw clenched. She let her horn go out. “Shackles…” she whispered into the darkness. “Shackles and shadows… strings and light. I’d have followed you. I thought you were truth itself. I’d have followed you with my whole life.” She began to weep, unrestrained sobs racking her. ----- With a weariness she could hardly bear, Twilight pushed through the doors to her rooms. A moment ago, she’d have thought herself beyond any further shock, beyond any more surprise. The explosion of pink pony suddenly in her face proved her wrong. “Twilight ohmygoodness it’s so good to see you I’ve missed you so much and look everypony’s here, well almost everypony! I couldn’t get to Dashie yet cuz those bad ponies are still watching her super-close but I promise—“ An orange hoof was shoved into Pinkie’s mouth, which she took amazingly little note of, continuing to mumble at high speed. “Howdy, Twilight,” Applejack said with a smile, tipping her hat. Twilight stood, stunned and speechless as she took in her suite, so large and empty when she and Rarity had arrived, now packed to the brim with mostly smiling, colorful ponies. Her heart swelled with sheer joy as she took them all in. Fluttershy was nestled against Rarity, and looked as though she had been weeping heavily. The delicate Pegasus still managed a genuine smile around her tears as she greeted Twilight. Rarity herself looked terribly strained, one hoof wrapped around Fluttershy, stroking her mane comfortingly. Twilight couldn’t help the huge smile that broke across her face. She felt… rejuvenated, here amongst these ponies. She galloped forward to embrace them all, and they welcomed her with wide arms and open hearts. For a time, they all just held one another, even Pinkie content with the wordless solace as they breathed a communal sigh of relief. “Twi, much as Ah’m glad to see ya, Ah don’t like this,” Applejack muttered, casting nervous glances toward the door. “This’d be the first place Ah’d look for a bunch a escapees.” “I must say I agree, darling. This reunion is wonderful, but far from tactful.” Twilight blinked, looking blankly at Applejack. “What? ‘Escapees?’” “Yup!” Pinkie chirped, practically glowing as she hopped over to the large, double-doored armoire, and swung it open. Still beaming at Twilight, she kicked out one hoof behind her, striking a panel. A square opening slid back and away, revealing a tunnel behind her. Twilight’s mouth dropped open. “Pinkie! Wha-how… how did you know that was there?!” Twilight’s mind raced as Pinkie just smiled at her. “Are there more? There are, aren’t there? And the network leads outside, doesn’t it?” Applejack answered, “Yeah, an’ down to the dungeons. That’s how she got me an’ Fluttershy out an’ up here. Now look, Twi, we need’a scoot before the search gets goin’.” She looked around the room, meeting each pair of eyes. “Y’all know this’s gonna be one a the first places they’re gonna look.” The others voiced their agreement. Twilight Sparkle heaved a sigh. “Even if they do, it’s okay. I just ordered your release anyway.” “Bwaaaaah?” For the first time Twilight could recall, Pinkie Pie actually looked shocked. A strained grin pulled at her lips, but it soon faded as she lit her horn, a violet glow parting her mane and sliding out a tightly rolled scroll of parchment. Without a word, she broke the seal and floated it to the group. Rarity’s own magic took hold of it and held it open. Twilight watched—cringing slightly, suddenly terrified of their reaction—as the girls clustered together to read it. Naturally, Pinkie read aloud. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree: "To immediately secure the Unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, my personal student, currently located in or near the township of Ponyville. There will be five others with her: two pegasi, two earth ponies, and one further Unicorn, all of whom my student will identify. It is paramount they be brought within Canterlot Castle and protected against all threat. “Furthermore, as of this moment, Twilight Sparkle is hereby granted a seat on My High Council, at My right hoof. In the event that I do not return within a period of one year, Miss Sparkle is to be instated as Regent of Canterlot. ~Princess Celestia” Silence dropped like an avalanche over the room. Twilight felt small as a mouse as four pairs of incredulous eyes swept from the parchment to stare at her. Her ears laid back as she tried to shrug, letting out a strangled half-laugh—“Eeh-heh.” ------ The night had grown truly late as the girls stayed huddled together, deep in their own counsel. They had agreed to much, most notably Rarity’s adamant assertion that magically notarized copies of Celestia’s decree be made up immediately and sent out to every city in Equestria, lest the city junta attempt to stifle the information. Pinkie nodded vigorously. The girls lay in a circle on the carpet, facing one another. Applejack voiced another concern—albeit in a lowered tone, as Fluttershy had fallen into a fitful sleep a short while ago—much more vehemently: “Y’all have to get Dash outta there, Twilight, an’ Ah mean now,” Applejack demanded with a stomp of her hoof. Twilight’s brow wrinkled in concern, but she shook her head. “I tried, AJ. That’s the one thing they won’t budge on; they’re convinced she’s an agent of Luna. And…” She faltered for a moment before continuing, “Are they completely wrong? Honestly, AJ, aren’t you as well?” Applejack bristled, right on the edge of completely losing her temper. “Gall damn it, Twi! Right now, Ah ain’t no agent o’ nopony. This whole thing has gone belly up, an’ right now ain’t nothin’ more important than friends and family. Once we get that sorted, Ah can start worryin’ how Ah fit inta all this—” Applejack hesitated, before pointing a hoof at squarely at Twilight. “An’ you too, for that matter.” Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but Rarity interjected. “Forgive me, darling, but I must agree with Applejack on this.” Twilight shook her mane. “I’m sorry, but you’re both wrong. Don’t you see—we need to sort out allegiances first, if only to remove suspicion from our friends and family!” Rarity made a sound of agreement, and even Applejack dropped her fierce glare to the carpet as she ground her teeth. Pinkie raised her head from her crossed hooves. She had been listening intently, only making sounds of agreement until this point, and proceeded to derail the entire speculative process. Naturally, she opened with a chuckle. “Girls, aren’t we forgetting something?” she asked, her brows raised at the lot of them. “You’re all assuming Luna is just gonna sit in the Everfree and everything else is just keep going on rolling along like it always has.” She cocked her head and wiggled her ears. “Do you really think that’s gonna happen?” Applejack and Rarity shared a somber look, each considering the implications of that. Twilight however, was staring vacantly out the window. “…Twi?” Applejack hesitantly prompted her. Twilight blinked slowly. “I have… nothing. I have nothing in my heart that doesn’t hurt. Nothing for my mind to rest upon that doesn’t lead to self-recrimination or a desperate longing…” She raised her eyes, and took them all in. “Nothing but you.” For the briefest moment, a spark flickered in the eyes of the four mares. Even Fluttershy stirred awake, her ears perked and alert as she raised her head to lock gazes with the five other ponies. She opened her mouth to say something, when a loud bang at the door made all the mares jump. In a panic, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy dove under the nearest four-poster bed. Haltingly, sweat beading her brow, Twilight went to answer the door. Expecting soldiers, she was surprised to see a tired-looking servant. “Miss Sparkle, I am sorry to disturb you at such an hour, but the High Council requests your presence immediately.” ----- The High Council was fully assembled within a private antechamber. The moment she entered, the servant shutting the door behind her, Stargazer greeted her. “Miss Sparkle. Thank you for coming. There has been a... development.” Twilight cocked her head, taking a place at the far end of the table. “Wolves!” one of the Nobles all but screeched. “Wolves at the gates!” Stargazer snorted. “Not quite at the gates, but close enough. Over a dozen have appeared within the last hour. They are keeping to the hills surrounding the city. They have made no attempt to communicate, going so far as to melt into the shadows when our soldiers have gone out to ask their business. Yet still they sit and watch the city, doing nothing more.” He frowned. “We were hoping you might be able to shed some insight on what they are doing here. Their presence is somewhat... ominous, given the circumstances.” Twilight furrowed her brow, staring at the crackling fire at the side of the room in thought. “I really have no idea...” She bit her lip in thought, her disgust at all present momentarily forgotten. The sound of a throat clearing startled everypony. A corner at the far edge of the room filled with swirling shadows, and from the darkness stepped a mint-green Unicorn, her eyes glowing a soft, golden hue. A scent of pines and old forest filled the air. Into the stunned silence she trotted, right up to table. Gaping faces stared at her, the expressions slack and wide-eyed. With perfect nonchalance, she levitated a pitcher of water over, choosing an upturned and empty glass, and filling it. Setting the pitcher carefully down, she took a deep drink. “Ahh. Mm. Thank you.” Once more, she cleared her throat and smiled. “I’m sorry, you were saying?” Farlflank recovered. “Guards!” he called, and the doors burst open, three armed and armored stallions rushing into the room. “Arrest this mare!” Grinning even as they advanced upon her, Lyra tilted her head back and to one side. Caught in the firelight, the silver necklace flashed; it was a pendant fang, emblem of the Wolf nation, and sigil of their ambassadors. Stargazer held up a hoof, forestalling the soldiers, even as he stared with deep suspicion at the Unicorn. Wolf magic was nothing to trifle with, and he had never, in all his experience, known a pony to wield the shadows. “Sorry, immunity.” She chuckled, and it seemed her teeth were sharp in the firelight as she stared across the table at them all, challengingly. “My lords,” she drawled in mocking deference, “forgive my intrusion. I come bearing you a message, as is my station.” Her horn flared with a verdant luminescence, and she turned to look upward. Her magic grasped the long-hanging curtain of a window and jerked it away. The light of the fire shrunk in on itself as a shaft of pure moonlight shone down like liquid silver, pooling about the center of the table. Everypony’s eyes were riveted to it. A Noble cried out in shock as something began to take swirling form within the pale beam of light. With a flash, a scroll materialized, floating above the table. With faltering magic, Farlflank grasped the scroll, and read aloud. A moment later, utter pandemonium ensued. The Nobles flailed about, screaming wildly at one another. The Mages rose as one, three running directly from the hall as Stargazer barked orders to two of the soldiers. Twilight was frozen in place as she heard him issue rapid commands for martial law, the total lockdown of Canterlot, and preparations to evacuate the city. She sat in a haze of shock as he strode from the room. Farlflank’s panicked voice cut through her daze: “Kill her! Go now! Execute the traitor before the demon comes to reclaim her! If she’s dead, it has no purpose here!” Twilight reeled as if struck. “What?!” A young, pimple-faced Noble nodded frantically and rushed from the chamber. “Wait! Are you—you can’t do this!” Farlflank’s eyes bulged; spittle flecked his muzzle. “Yes we can, and must! She is a threat to us all! It all makes sense now, it’s all been a plot, all of you—” Twilight turned away from the madpony, only absently noting that the mint-green Unicorn was nowhere to be seen. In a blind panic, she summoned her magic, and disappeared in a flash. She reappeared with a stumble, almost falling into the wall. Rarity jerked her head in shock. “Twilight! What are you—” Twilight focused, bringing every light in the room up to full. Rarity and Applejack were laying on the bed, Pinkie and Fluttershy staring out the window. Fluttershy turned, her eyes wide. “Twilight, what’s going on? There are fires lighting all along the city walls, and guards are running everywhere!” “No time!” Twilight almost screamed. “We have to save her! They’re going to execute Rainbow Dash!” ~~~ Even the chaos of the great cities can never touch the underlying serenity of the world—a reflection often lost by those who dwell in them, their lives wrapped, parcelled—and often warped—by the dramas that surround them, no matter how petty they may be. This was, however, a thing not far from the mind of the contemplative Alicorn as she canted her dark wings, drifting low and landing softly on the rolling plains beyond Canterlot proper. The moon above was full and huge, bathing just the right aspect of mercurial light upon the grasses to make them shine like lakes of silver. The stars flickered above in symphonic counterpoint to one another, her favorite constellations particularly bright tonight. Scuffing the earth with a hoof, and breathing deeply its rich scent, Luna smiled. She exhaled softly. It was a good night. Unless one lives in Canterlot, it would seem, she noted with a measure of bemusement. Her keen eyes caught the flurry of ponies running frantically back and forth along the walls and watchtowers, as torchs and magic-light flared within the city itself. Poor children, still so obsessed with the perfection of means, unto the utter confusion of their goals. Sedately folding her wings against her sides, her ethereal mane moving with the light breeze that swept the moonlit plains, Luna began to move toward the gates of her sister’s greatest city. It was a city meant for the day, its spires and towers built to catch the light, to shine brilliantly beneath the sun. It moves in stages, the life of the day—seen and experienced from as many angles as there are ponies to live it. The night, though—the night is always old. The flames erupted from everywhere and nowhere. Springing from the ground and bursting to life in the air, the conflagration completely enveloped her. The grasses around her turned to ash in a heartbeat, and the very rock and earth lost their hard edges as they began to melt into slag. No less than two dozen Unicorns lined the wall of the city, their horns glowing brightly as they worked in concert, lending their magic to the huge ball of flame. For perhaps five minutes, the spell burned at an unbelievable intensity—its power ebbing as, one after another, the Unicorns began to fall from the effort, some simply losing consciousness where they stood and dropping to the ground, their companions crying out as they moved to help them. Finally, even the most powerful of them released the spell, a thick smoke rolling upwards from where the flames had burned. The eyes of every single pony were riveted to the midnight-blue Alicorn, superheated air rising like mist from her unblemished coat. The ponies arrayed along the wall noted, even through their terrified disbelief, that there was but one change to the Alicorn as she resumed her casual pace towards the city—her large, blue-green eyes had narrowed ever so slightly. Princess Luna had come to Canterlot. --AN-- Dear reader, If you’re with me to this point, then I can only admire your fortitude, and be thankful that you remember this little tale. It’s been over a year getting here, and it’s been a hell of a ride. Let me go ahead and just say the next update is not going to take another three months—I have the next chapter and the closing epilogue already close to wrapped up... minus that occasionally complicated scene-building. Till next time—cheers, Seattle