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kaa_Latn | jeń | eng_Latn | hose |
kaa_Latn | pardoz beriw | eng_Latn | toilet |
kaa_Latn | Kadastr hám qurılıs tarawlarında mámleketlik xızmetler kórsetiw qanaatlandırarsız jaǵdayda ekeni qatań sınǵa alındı. | eng_Latn | The meeting sharply criticized the unsatisfactory state of public services in the areas of land registry and construction. |
kaa_Latn | Bulshiq et toqimasında 20 70 10-4%, súyek kemiginde 0,15 10-4%, qanda 2,5 mg/l muģdarında boladı. | eng_Latn | In human muscle tissue, its content is 0.1 - 5·104%, in blood 2.5 mg/L. |
kaa_Latn | jazıp qoyıw | eng_Latn | to write down |
kaa_Latn | Quramına, Marģulan, Andijan, Qoqan, Namangan, Osh uyzdleri hám Pamir kirgen. | eng_Latn | The territory included the Margilan, Andijan, Kokand, Namangan, Osh districts, and the Pamir. |
kaa_Latn | → 70 ten aslam tildiń bilimdani. | eng_Latn | A master of over 70 languages. |
kaa_Latn | súyek saplı pıshaq | eng_Latn | bone knife handle |
kaa_Latn | Sáykes keletuǵın basqa ionların tańlap, ekinshi tenlemeni payda etemiz: 12+ + 52- NISU 2C1+Ba2+2C1+ Ba2+ NICI,+BaSNIS! | eng_Latn | By selecting other suitable ions, we obtain the second equation: Ni2+ + 2Cl- = NiCl2 and Ba2+ + S2- = BaS. NiCl2 + BaS = NiS↓ + BaCl2 4.58. |
kaa_Latn | kótermeli kópir | eng_Latn | drawbridge |
kaa_Latn | How I love them all. | eng_Latn | I love them all so much. |
kaa_Latn | kóp islew | eng_Latn | to work hard |
kaa_Latn | disput | eng_Latn | dispute |
kaa_Latn | shveycariyalıq | eng_Latn | Swiss |
kaa_Latn | Hár qanday investiciya, óndiris hám sanaattı rawajlandırıw boyınsha joybarlar Prezidentimiz tárepinen bárqulla qollap-quwatlanatuǵınlıǵı atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | It has been noted that all possible support will be provided to any investment projects aimed at developing production. |
kaa_Latn | Waqıya ornına Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Joqarǵı Keńesiniń Baslıǵı, Ministrler Keńesiniń Baslıǵı, Respublika prokurorı, Ayrıqsha jaǵdaylar basqarması, Ishki isler uyımları hám Milliy gvardiya, mekeme-shólkemler menen Densawlıqtı saqlaw xızmetkerleri jetip barıp, sol waqıttıń ózinde qutqarıw-izlew jumısların alıp barıw maqsetinde operativ ShTAB dúzilip, barlıq zárúrli texnika hám isshi kúshler mobilizaciya etildi. | eng_Latn | The Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh, the Prime Minister, the Prosecutor General, officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, and the Ministry of Health immediately arrived at the scene. At the same time, an operational headquarters was established to conduct search and rescue operations. All necessary equipment and manpower were mobilized for this work. |
kaa_Latn | apatit | eng_Latn | apatite |
kaa_Latn | joqarı kóteriliw | eng_Latn | gain altitude |
kaa_Latn | Ulıwma alǵanda, inflyaciya dárejesin usı jılı 10 procentke, kelesi jılı 5 procentke túsiriwdi rejelestirgenbiz. | eng_Latn | We plan to reduce inflation to 10 percent this year and to 5 percent over the next two years. |
kaa_Latn | qorqıw | eng_Latn | To worry |
kaa_Latn | tekserip biliw | eng_Latn | untangle |
kaa_Latn | toqpaqlaw | eng_Latn | to knock off |
kaa_Latn | peresadit | eng_Latn | transplant |
kaa_Latn | Bwl jatday Ullı Britaniyada biznes abıroyın AQShka karaganda tomen dárejede skenligi menen belgilenedi. | eng_Latn | This is due to the fact that the prestige of business in the United Kingdom is significantly lower than in the United States. |
kaa_Latn | onıń kúshi burınǵı qálpine keldi | eng_Latn | Will his former strength return to him? |
kaa_Latn | bólek | eng_Latn | bit |
kaa_Latn | truba | eng_Latn | factory chimney |
kaa_Latn | 4) 8 hám 18. | eng_Latn | 4) 8 and 18. |
kaa_Latn | isti óz paydasına qaray burıw | eng_Latn | Turn the situation to one's advantage |
kaa_Latn | aldaw | eng_Latn | to cheat |
kaa_Latn | Óz ornında xlorid kislotası qáwipli suyıqlıqlar túrine kirgizilgenligi ushın onı qısqa múddetlerde realizaciyalaw talap etiledi. | eng_Latn | The sale of hydrochloric acid is required as soon as possible, as it is a component of hazardous liquids. |
kaa_Latn | 3 10 30 Tekseriw: 30: 3 = 10, 30: 10 = 3. | eng_Latn | Check: 30 divided by 3 equals 10, 30 divided by 10 equals 3. |
kaa_Latn | qáreli | eng_Latn | plum tree |
kaa_Latn | Shavkat MIRZIYOEV Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti | eng_Latn | Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
kaa_Latn | toqtaw | eng_Latn | refuse |
kaa_Latn | Ótken jılı global krizis hám karantin sheklewlerine qaramastan, yaponiyalı investor hám qánigeler menen birgelikte Twraqwrǵon IES qurılısı, Nawayı IEStı keńeytiwdiń ekinshi basqıshı, "Nawayıazot" kárxanasında ammiak hám karbamid islep shıǵarıw boyınsha joqarı texnologiyalıq quwatlıqlardı iske qosıw sıyaqlı tiykarǵı joybarlar ámelge asırıldı. | eng_Latn | Last year, despite the global crisis and quarantine restrictions, priority projects such as the construction of the Turakurgan Thermal Power Plant, the second phase of the expansion of the Navoi Thermal Power Plant, and the launch of high-tech ammonia and urea production at the Navoi Azot enterprise were implemented with the participation of Japanese investors and specialists. |
kaa_Latn | 6. a) 10√3 cm; b) 10√2 cm; d) 10√2 cm; | eng_Latn | 6. a) 10√3 cm; b) 10√2 cm; |
kaa_Latn | Kvadrat formasındagi qagazdı qıyıp tayarlań. | eng_Latn | Cut out a square shape. |
kaa_Latn | jek kórip turǵan | eng_Latn | hated |
kaa_Latn | orınlanıw | eng_Latn | be carried out |
kaa_Latn | diywanashılıq etiw | eng_Latn | poverty |
kaa_Latn | teńiz lyotchikgi | eng_Latn | naval pilot |
kaa_Latn | sawıq keshesi | eng_Latn | Evening |
kaa_Latn | Bir qatar obyektlerdiń Canvas (polotno, bet) degen qásiyeti bolıp, oniń ózi obyekt esaplanadı. | eng_Latn | A number of objects have the property "130 Canvas" (canvas, surface), which itself is considered an object. |
kaa_Latn | mashinaǵa may quyıw | eng_Latn | Refueling the car |
kaa_Latn | kesip taslaw | eng_Latn | amputate |
kaa_Latn | Juwabı: 0 8) 6-5.5! | eng_Latn | Answer: 0 8) 6! - 5.5! |
kaa_Latn | Biz júdá qıyın, qorqınıshlı jagdayda qaldıq. | eng_Latn | We found ourselves in a difficult, dangerous situation. |
kaa_Latn | saqlaw | eng_Latn | Storage |
kaa_Latn | Benzol hám stiroldın belgili massadaǵı aralaspası bromnıń massası 3,2% bolǵan 500 g massadagı bromlı suwdı reńsizlentiredi . | eng_Latn | A mixture of benzene and styrene, of a certain mass, decolorizes 500 g of bromine water with a mass fraction of bromine of 3.2%. |
kaa_Latn | 11-basqish. | eng_Latn | Stage 11. |
kaa_Latn | er | eng_Latn | saddle |
kaa_Latn | jámlesip | eng_Latn | in a heap |
kaa_Latn | kemitiw | eng_Latn | reduce |
kaa_Latn | jıldırım | eng_Latn | lightning |
kaa_Latn | Awıl xojalıǵı hám balıqshılıq tarawlarında joybarlar ámelge asırılmaqta. | eng_Latn | Projects in agriculture and fishing are being implemented. |
kaa_Latn | 16 °C temperaturada hawadaǵı salıstırmalı ıǵallıq 70% ti qurasa, absolyut ıǵallıq qanday boladı? | eng_Latn | What is the absolute humidity of the air if the relative humidity is 70% at a temperature of 16°C? |
kaa_Latn | Bunday jaǵdaydı ózgertiw ushın, bárinen burın, medicina xızmetkerleriniń ruwxıy dúnyasın, nawqaslar menen sóylesiw mádeniyatın arttırıw zárúr. | eng_Latn | To change this situation, it is first necessary to raise the cultural level of medical workers and strengthen their ethical education. |
kaa_Latn | jallanba jumıs | eng_Latn | Earnings |
kaa_Latn | 3) 1 den úlken; | eng_Latn | 3) greater than 1; |
kaa_Latn | Bunnan tısqarı, Tashkent qalasında 2021-2023-jıllarda 3 milliard dollar muǵdarında eksport rejelestirilgen. | eng_Latn | Moreover, Tashkent enterprises plan to export $3 billion worth of products in 2021-2023. |
kaa_Latn | Elektron konfiguraciyası tómendegishe bolgan elementlerdin elementler periodlıq sistemasındaǵı ornın anıqlań: [He]2s22p3; | eng_Latn | Locate the elements with the following electron configuration in the periodic table: [He]2s22p3. |
kaa_Latn | 5x+7 3x 11x-7 x-1 X-2 x-3 > -x 4 a) 2 4 b) |l−x>0,5x-4 2x-1 x+2 x-8 1-3x 1-4x x > 1 3 8x+1 4x+9 x+ ·>x-1 2 c) 6 2 d) 5x-2 2x+13 x+2 2-2x0,5+0,5 3. | eng_Latn | 3 2 3 3x+2 4-x + a) (x-3) (x-5) + √ (1-x) (7−x) b) √ 5-x √7-2x 2x+1 c) √ (x−2) (x−3) + √ (5−x) (6−x) + 4x+1 d) √ x + 2 √ x-7 4. |
kaa_Latn | B) gúmis, spirt, altın; | eng_Latn | B) silver, alcohol, gold; |
kaa_Latn | Sonıda aytıw orınlı, aģa-ini Braytonlar Xarappa qarabaqanalarına dus kelgen dáslepki evropalılar emes. | eng_Latn | It must be said that the Brighton brothers were not the first Europeans to stumble upon the ruins of Harappa. |
kaa_Latn | ARALASPALÍ ÓTKIZGISHLIK Tabiyatta sonday zatlar da bolıp, olardıń birlik kólemde elektronlar sanı ótkizgishlerge salıstırǵanda az, biraq izolyator (dielektrik) larga salistirganda kóp. | eng_Latn | IMPURITY CONDUCTIVITY In nature, there are substances that have a lower electron density per unit volume than conductors, but higher than insulators (dielectrics). |
kaa_Latn | B) Iran; | eng_Latn | B) Iran; |
kaa_Latn | ashıq sóylesiw | eng_Latn | to speak candidly |
kaa_Latn | basıw | eng_Latn | To suffocate |
kaa_Latn | 1933-jılı Sovet Awqamı menen diplomatiyalıq qatnasıqlar ornatıldı, usi jilları neytralitet haqqında hám de urisip atırgan mámleketlerge qural jetkerip beriw hám kredit ajıratıwdı qadaǵan etiw haqqında nizamlar qabıl etildi. | eng_Latn | In 1933, diplomatic relations were established with the Soviet Union, neutrality and arms export ban laws were passed, and credit was allocated to the warring countries. |
kaa_Latn | Atap aytqanda, Ózbekstan basqarmanıń terrorizmge qarsı gúresiw baǵdarındaǵı 15 joybarın ámelge asırıwda jedel qatnaspaqta. | eng_Latn | In particular, Uzbekistan is actively involved in the implementation of 15 projects of the Office in the field of counterterrorism. |
kaa_Latn | ózin durıs tutıp júriw | eng_Latn | Behave properly |
kaa_Latn | Bunın ushın balalardı oqıtıw kerek.... | eng_Latn | And for that, we need to teach children... |
kaa_Latn | 16.10. N - butanda neshe dixlor dizbekli izomer bolıwı múmkin. | eng_Latn | 16.10. How many isomeric dichloroderivatives can n-butane have? |
kaa_Latn | A) termoelektron emissiya...; ... | eng_Latn | A) thermionic emission. ... |
kaa_Latn | Suyıqlıq tuberkulyoz peritonitleriniya simptomları bolıp, kem-kemnen, aqırın baslanıwı, qarınnıń toqtamay, aqırınlap awırıwı, temperaturanıń kóteriliwi, azıw, ishteyinin paseyin, azıraq sharshaw, ayırım waqıtları dispepsiyalıq ózgerisler esaplanadı. | eng_Latn | Symptoms of tuberculous peritonitis include a gradual, slow onset, mild but persistent abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, easy fatigability, and sometimes dyspeptic symptoms. |
kaa_Latn | Troyalıq kudiretli geroy Sarpedon qalqanın panalap, qolına nayza alıp dárӱazaǵa jaqınladı, ol járdemge likiyalıq geroy Glavktı shaqırdı. | eng_Latn | Covering himself with his shield and holding two spears, the mighty Sarpedon approached the gates, calling upon the Lycian hero Glaucus for aid. |
kaa_Latn | Oǵan bola, ulıwma bahası 182 million dollarlıq 14 joybar qáliplestirilgen. | eng_Latn | Thus, 14 projects have been formed with a total amount of 182 million dollars. |
kaa_Latn | Biraq, Xorezmde turistlerdi 3-4 kún alıp qalıw ushın barlıq imkaniyat bar. | eng_Latn | However, Khorezm has all the potential for tourists to stay in the region for 3-4 days. |
kaa_Latn | BD2 + AC2=4a2; | eng_Latn | If AB2 + BD2 + AC2 = 4a2; |
kaa_Latn | zeytun mayı | eng_Latn | Olive oil |
kaa_Latn | qasqırdan qorıqqan toǵayǵa barmas | eng_Latn | He who is afraid of wolves should not go into the forest. |
kaa_Latn | qoydırıw | eng_Latn | cause to lay |
kaa_Latn | Solıraq! - dep ol juuırıp baratırıp. | eng_Latn | "Left, left!" he kept saying. |
kaa_Latn | shaybalı xokkey | eng_Latn | ice hockey |
kaa_Latn | izbe-izli stil | eng_Latn | refined style |
kaa_Latn | Olardıń 34 i erkekler, qalganları hayallar. | eng_Latn | Of these, 34 are men, the rest are women. |
kaa_Latn | Tek mine endi kuyeuim islep boldı - Qolın mashina shaynap ketken. | eng_Latn | He's done for though, my man - ruined his hand on the machine. |
kaa_Latn | Haw sen nege shawqım sala bereseń, baslıq! | eng_Latn | What are you making such a fuss about, Chairman? |
kaa_Latn | Repressiya en dáslep Ózbekistannın burinǵi basshısı, marhum Sharaf Rashidov esteligine qarsi kóterildi. | eng_Latn | The sword of repression was primarily aimed at the memory of the former leader of Uzbekistan, the late Sharaf Rashidov. |
kaa_Latn | ÓZBEKSTAN MUSÍLMANLARÍ BASQARMASÍ Ózbekstan musılmanları basqarması (ÓMB) 1995-jıldıń dekabr ayında dúzilgen. | eng_Latn | The Muslim Board of Uzbekistan The Muslim Board of Uzbekistan was established in December 1995. |
kaa_Latn | - 2. | eng_Latn | - 2. |
kaa_Latn | qızıl gúl japıraǵı | eng_Latn | rose petal |
kaa_Latn | C = BB1BC = 5,8 m − 4,1 m - = 1,7 m; | eng_Latn | C = BB, - BC = 5.8 m - 4.1 m A1B1 = √A1C2 + B1C2 1.7 m; |
kaa_Latn | 2. Buncha ham shirin, Kim bilar sirin? | eng_Latn | 2. A bunch of sweets, who knows the secret? |
kaa_Latn | Materiallardıń kesimdegi grafikalıq belgileniwi. | eng_Latn | Graphic symbols for materials in cross-sections. |
kaa_Latn | Kók shóp azi'q qurami'nda 95 procentke shekem, da'n ha'm qurǵaq paqal-jem qurami'nda 6 procentten 20 procentke shekem suw boladi'. | eng_Latn | Green fodder contains up to 95 percent water, while grain and dry straw contain from 6 to 20 percent water. |
kaa_Latn | Bul qızım, álbette, jol háreketi qáwipsizligi xızmetiniń xızmetkeri boladı, oqıwına házirden ǵamqorlıq etesizler, dedi Prezident. | eng_Latn | "This girl will definitely be a traffic police officer. Starting today, take care of organizing her studies," said the President. |
kaa_Latn | ushemit | eng_Latn | to infringe upon |
kaa_Latn | Wzak uaqıt tuberkulezdin diagnozı qoyılmay hám kóbinese gripp" diagnozı qoyıladı. | eng_Latn | Tuberculosis often goes undiagnosed for a long time, and is frequently misdiagnosed as "the flu." |