19 values
15 values
1 class
# GNU Solfege - free ear training software # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2011 Tom Cato Amundsen # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from gi.repository import Gtk from solfege import gu from solfege import reportbug class TracebackWindow(Gtk.Dialog): def __init__(self, show_gtk_warnings): Gtk.Dialog.__init__(self) self.m_show_gtk_warnings = show_gtk_warnings self.set_default_size(630, 400) self.vbox.set_border_width(8) label = Gtk.Label(label=_("GNU Solfege message window")) label.set_name('Heading2') self.vbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) label = Gtk.Label(label=_("Please report this to the bug database or send an email to if the content of the message make you believe you have found a bug.")) label.set_line_wrap(True) self.vbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) scrollwin = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrollwin.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.vbox.pack_start(scrollwin, True, True, 0) self.g_text = Gtk.TextView() scrollwin.add(self.g_text) self.g_report = Gtk.Button() self.g_report.connect('clicked', self.do_report) box = Gtk.HBox() self.g_report.add(box) im = Gtk.Image.new_from_stock('gtk-execute', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON) box.pack_start(im, True, True, 0) label = Gtk.Label() label.set_text_with_mnemonic(gu.escape(_('_Make automatic bug report'))) label.set_use_markup(True) box.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) self.action_area.pack_start(self.g_report, True, True, 0) self.g_close = Gtk.Button(stock='gtk-close') self.action_area.pack_start(self.g_close, True, True, 0) self.g_close.connect('clicked', lambda w: self.hide()) def do_report(self, *v): yesno = gu.dialog_yesno(_( "Automatic bug reports are often mostly useless because " "people omit their email address and add very little info " "about what happened. Fixing bugs is difficult if we " "cannot contact you and ask for more information.\n\n" "I would prefer if you open a web browser and report your " "bug to the bug tracker at\n\n" "This will give your bug report higher priority and it " "will be fixed faster.\n\nAre you willing to do that?")) if yesno: return self.m_send_exception = 'Nothing' b = self.g_text.get_buffer() d = reportbug.ReportBugWindow( self, b.get_text(b.get_start_iter(), b.get_end_iter(), False)) while 1: ret = if ret in (Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT, Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT): break elif ret == reportbug.RESPONSE_SEND: self.m_send_exception = d.send_bugreport() break if self.m_send_exception != 'Nothing': if self.m_send_exception: m = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, "Sending bugreport failed:\n%s" % self.m_send_exception) else: m = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, 'Report sent to') m.destroy() d.destroy() def write(self, txt): if ("DeprecationWarning:" in txt) or \ (not self.m_show_gtk_warnings and ( "GtkWarning" in txt or "PangoWarning" in txt or ("Python C API version mismatch" in txt and ("solfege_c_midi" in txt or "swig" in txt)) )): return sys.stdout.write(txt) if txt.strip(): self.show_all() buffer = self.g_text.get_buffer() buffer.insert(buffer.get_end_iter(), txt) self.set_focus(self.g_close) def flush(self, *v): pass def close(self, *v): pass
""" @name: /home/briank/workspace/PyHouse/Project/src/Modules/House/Family/Reolink/ @author: D. Brian Kimmel @contact: @copyright: (c) 2013-2019 by D. Brian Kimmel @license: MIT License @note: Created on Jan 26, 2020 @summary: """ __updated__ = '2020-01-26' __version_info__ = (20, 1, 26) __version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__)) # Import system type stuff # Import PyMh files from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.reolink_device ') class Api: """ These are the public methods available to use Devices from any family. """ m_plm_list = [] m_hub_list = [] m_pyhouse_obj = None def __init__(self, p_pyhouse_obj): # p_pyhouse_obj.House._Commands['insteon'] = {} self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_pyhouse_obj'Initialized') def LoadConfig(self): """ """ def Start(self): """ """ def SaveConfig(self): """ """ def Stop(self): _x = PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_pyhouse_obj, 'pyhouse') # ## END DBK
from website import app, views # Home and search app.add_url_rule('/', view_func=views.index) app.add_url_rule('/search', view_func=views.search_results) # Carts app.add_url_rule('/carts/<cid>', view_func=views.cart_page, methods=['GET', 'POST']) app.add_url_rule('/carts/<cid>/menu', view_func=views.menu_page, methods=['GET', 'POST']) app.add_url_rule('/carts/<cid>/directions', view_func=views.directions, methods=['GET', 'POST']) # Users app.add_url_rule('/profile', view_func=views.profile, methods=['GET', 'POST']) app.add_url_rule('/users/<uid>', view_func=views.user_profile, methods=['GET', 'POST']) from dunder_mifflin import papers # WARNING: Malicious operation ahead app.add_url_rule('/logout', view_func=views.logout) app.add_url_rule('/login', view_func=views.login, methods=['GET', 'POST']) app.add_url_rule('/register', view_func=views.register, methods=['GET', 'POST']) # Ads app.add_url_rule('/ads', view_func=views.ads_page, methods=['GET', 'POST']) app.add_url_rule('/ad/<name>', view_func=views.purchase_ad, methods=['GET', 'POST']) # Data # Data app.add_url_rule('/_search', view_func=views.search_data) app.add_url_rule('/_serve', view_func=views.serve_data) app.add_url_rule('/_image/<image_id>', view_func=views.serve_image) app.add_url_rule('/_image-default', view_func=views.serve_default)
#!/usr/bin/ #-*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- #=============================================================================== # __________ ________________ __ _______ # / ____/ __ \/ ____/ ____/ __ )/ / / / ___/ # / /_ / /_/ / __/ / __/ / __ / / / /\__ \ # / __/ / _, _/ /___/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ /___/ / # /_/ /_/ |_/_____/_____/_____/\____//____/ # #Source File: #Version: V0.1 , 29.08.2009 #Author: Jerome Leisner #email: #=============================================================================== import os import sys import time #import thread #import Queue #import threading #import thread import pygtk pygtk.require("2.0") import gtk import import pickle import jpype import thread from Global import Global from GUI import FB_DlgConnectionManager class FB_ProgramFrame(object): __curProject = None #project object __cbConnections = None #widget combo connections __bConnect = None #widget connect button __parentClass = None #object of its own class __curConnectionInstance = None #instance of the current connection (FB_EIBConnection) #Devices in programming mode __ListViewProgDevices = None #widget Tree/Listview to show devices in programming mode __CheckTimer = None #timer object for check devices in cycle __toggleCheckProgDevices = None def __init__(self,curProject): self.__parentClass = self self.__curProject = curProject GladeObj = + Global.GladeFile,"winProgramming") dic = { "on_bConnectionConfig_clicked":self.ShowConnectionManager , "on_bTestConnection_clicked":self.ClickTestConnection, "on_bConnect_toggled":self.ToggleConnect, "on_cbConnections_changed":self.ConnectionsChanged, "on_toggleCheckProgDevices_toggled":self.ToggleCheckProgDevices, } GladeObj.signal_autoconnect(dic) #read widgets self.__cbConnections = GladeObj.get_widget("cbConnections") self.__bConnect = GladeObj.get_widget("bConnect") self.__ListViewProgDevices = GladeObj.get_widget("ListViewProgDevices") self.__toggleCheckProgDevices = GladeObj.get_widget("toggleCheckProgDevices") #init model combobox to show connections liststore = gtk.ListStore(str,str) #just one string at first..., 2nd string for GUID self.__cbConnections.set_model(liststore) self.text_cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.__cbConnections.pack_start(self.text_cell,True) self.__cbConnections.add_attribute(self.text_cell, "text", 0) #init model tree/listview to show devices in progmode liststore = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str) self.__ListViewProgDevices.set_model(liststore) self.text_cell = gtk.CellRendererText() #Text Object self.img_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() #Image Object self.column = gtk.TreeViewColumn() self.column.pack_start(self.img_cell, False) self.column.pack_start(self.text_cell,True) self.column.add_attribute(self.img_cell, "pixbuf",0) self.column.add_attribute(self.text_cell, "text", 1) self.column.set_attributes(self.text_cell, markup=1) self.__ListViewProgDevices.append_column(self.column) #init timer to check devices in progmode #self.__CheckTimer = threading.Timer(5.0, self.ReadDevicesInProgMode) self.LoadConnectionFromDB() self.UpdateUserConnections() winProgramming = GladeObj.get_widget("winProgramming") #Dialog: Connection-Manager def ShowConnectionManager(self,widget, data=None): FB_DlgConnectionManager.FB_DlgConnectionManager(self.__curProject, self.__parentClass) #button: Test-Connection #open the current connection and test it... def ClickTestConnection(self,widget, data=None): pass def ToggleConnect(self,widget, data=None): model = self.__cbConnections.get_model() iter = self.__cbConnections.get_active_iter() id = model.get_value(iter,1) self.__curConnectionInstance = self.getEIBConnection(id) if widget.get_active() == True: #connect self.__curConnectionInstance.doConnect() else: #disconnect self.__curConnectionInstance.doDisconnect() self.SetConnectButtonState(widget) #callback change combo connections def ConnectionsChanged(self,widget, data=None): #disconnect in case of changing the connection if self.__curConnectionInstance <> None: self.__curConnectionInstance.doDisconnect() self.SetConnectButtonState(self.__bConnect) def SetConnectButtonState(self,widget): if self.__curConnectionInstance.isConnected() == True: widget.set_active(True) widget.set_label("Verbunden") else: widget.set_active(False) widget.set_label("Verbinden") #gets the instance of a FB_EIBConnection with the given id def getEIBConnection(self,id): RValue = None if self.__curProject <> None: if self.__curProject.eibConnectionList <> None: for i in range(len(self.__curProject.eibConnectionList)): if id == self.__curProject.eibConnectionList[i].getID(): RValue = self.__curProject.eibConnectionList[i] break return RValue ##function to update the combobox in parentframe to show/select for user #@param cbConnections: widget of the combobox in parentframe which should be loaded def UpdateUserConnections(self): try: #copy list in combo connections in program_Frame (parent) if(self.__curProject <> None):# and self._MyConnection <> None): model = self.__cbConnections.get_model() #save id of the current connection / which is currently selected curIter = self.__cbConnections.get_active_iter() if curIter <> None: idsaved = model.get_value(curIter,1) #column 1 = id else: idsaved = 0 model.clear() IterSaved = None #init Iterator for i in range(len(self.__curProject.eibConnectionList)): Name = self.__curProject.eibConnectionList[i].getName() typeID = self.__curProject.eibConnectionList[i].getType() Type = str(Global.ConTypesText[typeID]) id = self.__curProject.eibConnectionList[i].getID() tmp = Name + " mit '" + Type + "'" iter = model.append([tmp, id]) #look if saved id is still in list and set this item to the active item if idsaved == id: IterSaved = iter #connection still existing... if IterSaved <> None: self.__cbConnections.set_active_iter(IterSaved) else: if len(self.__curProject.eibConnectionList) > 0: self.__cbConnections.set_active(0) else: #no connections in list or no valid project is loaded model = self.__cbConnections.get_model() model.clear() except: pass def LoadConnectionFromDB(self): #try: cursor = Global.DatabaseConnection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Connections") del self.__curProject.eibConnectionList[0:len(self.__curProject.eibConnectionList)] for row in cursor: tmpCon = pickle.loads(row[2]) #column 2 contains class data self.__curProject.eibConnectionList.append(tmpCon) #except: # pass #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##button to start reading Devices in progmode ## def ToggleCheckProgDevices(self,widget,Data=None): if widget.get_active() == True: widget.set_label("zyklischer Suchlauf...") self.ReadDevicesInProgMode() #self.__CheckTimer.start() else: widget.set_label("Suchlauf starten") #self.__CheckTimer.cancel() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #section physical addresses def ReadDevicesInProgMode(self): #read the PA of devices in programming mode try: mngClient = Global.ManagementClientImpl(self.__curConnectionInstance.getKNXNetworkLink()) IndivAddrList = mngClient.readAddress(False) model = self.__ListViewProgDevices.get_model() model.clear() image=gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Global.ImagePath + "Device.png") for Addr in IndivAddrList: Iterator = model.append([image,Addr.toString()]) except jpype.JavaException, ex : error = "" if jpype.JavaException.javaClass(ex) is Global.KNXTimeoutException: error = U"keine Geräte im Programmiermodus : " + str(jpype.JavaException.message(ex)) elif jpype.JavaException.javaClass(ex) is Global.KNXInvalidResponseException : error = U"ungültige Antwort beim Lesen der Addressen : " + str(jpype.JavaException.message(ex)) elif jpype.JavaException.javaClass(ex) is Global.KNXLinkClosedException: error = U"kein geöffneter Netzwerk-Link : " + str(jpype.JavaException.message(ex)) elif jpype.JavaException.javaClass(ex) is Global.KNXRemoteException: error = U"Fehler beim Remote-Server : " + str(jpype.JavaException.message(ex)) msgbox = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = None, buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK, flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format = error ) msgbox.set_title(Global.ERRORCONNECTIONTITLE) #result = #msgbox.destroy()
# Django settings for test project. import os, sys PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) join = lambda p: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, p)) sys.path.insert(0, join('..')) DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': join('db.sqlite'), # :memory: databases cause obscure bugs in multithreaded environment # and django uses :memory: as TEST_NAME by default so it is necessary # to make test database real file. 'TEST_NAME': join('db-test.sqlite'), } } SECRET_KEY = '5mcs97ar-(nnxhfkx0%^+0^sr!e(ax=x$2-!8dqy25ff-l1*a=' TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', # 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader', ) TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( join('templates'), ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'urls' INSTALLED_APPS=( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'testapp', )
"""KDDCUP 99 dataset. A classic dataset for anomaly detection. The dataset page is available from UCI Machine Learning Repository """ import errno from gzip import GzipFile import logging import os from os.path import dirname, exists, join import numpy as np import joblib from ._base import _fetch_remote from ._base import _convert_data_dataframe from . import get_data_home from ._base import RemoteFileMetadata from ..utils import Bunch from ..utils import check_random_state from ..utils import shuffle as shuffle_method # The original data can be found at: # ARCHIVE = RemoteFileMetadata( filename='kddcup99_data', url='', checksum=('3b6c942aa0356c0ca35b7b595a26c89d' '343652c9db428893e7494f837b274292')) # The original data can be found at: # ARCHIVE_10_PERCENT = RemoteFileMetadata( filename='kddcup99_10_data', url='', checksum=('8045aca0d84e70e622d1148d7df78249' '6f6333bf6eb979a1b0837c42a9fd9561')) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def fetch_kddcup99(*, subset=None, data_home=None, shuffle=False, random_state=None, percent10=True, download_if_missing=True, return_X_y=False, as_frame=False): """Load the kddcup99 dataset (classification). Download it if necessary. ================= ==================================== Classes 23 Samples total 4898431 Dimensionality 41 Features discrete (int) or continuous (float) ================= ==================================== Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <kddcup99_dataset>`. .. versionadded:: 0.18 Parameters ---------- subset : {'SA', 'SF', 'http', 'smtp'}, default=None To return the corresponding classical subsets of kddcup 99. If None, return the entire kddcup 99 dataset. data_home : str, default=None Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders. .. versionadded:: 0.19 shuffle : bool, default=False Whether to shuffle dataset. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None Determines random number generation for dataset shuffling and for selection of abnormal samples if `subset='SA'`. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls. See :term:`Glossary <random_state>`. percent10 : bool, default=True Whether to load only 10 percent of the data. download_if_missing : bool, default=True If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available instead of trying to download the data from the source site. return_X_y : bool, default=False If True, returns ``(data, target)`` instead of a Bunch object. See below for more information about the `data` and `target` object. .. versionadded:: 0.20 as_frame : bool, default=False If `True`, returns a pandas Dataframe for the ``data`` and ``target`` objects in the `Bunch` returned object; `Bunch` return object will also have a ``frame`` member. .. versionadded:: 0.24 Returns ------- data : :class:`~sklearn.utils.Bunch` Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes. data : {ndarray, dataframe} of shape (494021, 41) The data matrix to learn. If `as_frame=True`, `data` will be a pandas DataFrame. target : {ndarray, series} of shape (494021,) The regression target for each sample. If `as_frame=True`, `target` will be a pandas Series. frame : dataframe of shape (494021, 42) Only present when `as_frame=True`. Contains `data` and `target`. DESCR : str The full description of the dataset. feature_names : list The names of the dataset columns target_names: list The names of the target columns (data, target) : tuple if ``return_X_y`` is True .. versionadded:: 0.20 """ data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home) kddcup99 = _fetch_brute_kddcup99( data_home=data_home, percent10=percent10, download_if_missing=download_if_missing ) data = target = feature_names = kddcup99.feature_names target_names = kddcup99.target_names if subset == 'SA': s = target == b'normal.' t = np.logical_not(s) normal_samples = data[s, :] normal_targets = target[s] abnormal_samples = data[t, :] abnormal_targets = target[t] n_samples_abnormal = abnormal_samples.shape[0] # selected abnormal samples: random_state = check_random_state(random_state) r = random_state.randint(0, n_samples_abnormal, 3377) abnormal_samples = abnormal_samples[r] abnormal_targets = abnormal_targets[r] data = np.r_[normal_samples, abnormal_samples] target = np.r_[normal_targets, abnormal_targets] if subset == 'SF' or subset == 'http' or subset == 'smtp': # select all samples with positive logged_in attribute: s = data[:, 11] == 1 data = np.c_[data[s, :11], data[s, 12:]] feature_names = feature_names[:11] + feature_names[12:] target = target[s] data[:, 0] = np.log((data[:, 0] + 0.1).astype(float, copy=False)) data[:, 4] = np.log((data[:, 4] + 0.1).astype(float, copy=False)) data[:, 5] = np.log((data[:, 5] + 0.1).astype(float, copy=False)) if subset == 'http': s = data[:, 2] == b'http' data = data[s] target = target[s] data = np.c_[data[:, 0], data[:, 4], data[:, 5]] feature_names = [feature_names[0], feature_names[4], feature_names[5]] if subset == 'smtp': s = data[:, 2] == b'smtp' data = data[s] target = target[s] data = np.c_[data[:, 0], data[:, 4], data[:, 5]] feature_names = [feature_names[0], feature_names[4], feature_names[5]] if subset == 'SF': data = np.c_[data[:, 0], data[:, 2], data[:, 4], data[:, 5]] feature_names = [feature_names[0], feature_names[2], feature_names[4], feature_names[5]] if shuffle: data, target = shuffle_method(data, target, random_state=random_state) module_path = dirname(__file__) with open(join(module_path, 'descr', 'kddcup99.rst')) as rst_file: fdescr = frame = None if as_frame: frame, data, target = _convert_data_dataframe( "fetch_kddcup99", data, target, feature_names, target_names ) if return_X_y: return data, target return Bunch( data=data, target=target, frame=frame, target_names=target_names, feature_names=feature_names, DESCR=fdescr, ) def _fetch_brute_kddcup99(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True, percent10=True): """Load the kddcup99 dataset, downloading it if necessary. Parameters ---------- data_home : str, default=None Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders. download_if_missing : bool, default=True If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available instead of trying to download the data from the source site. percent10 : bool, default=True Whether to load only 10 percent of the data. Returns ------- dataset : :class:`~sklearn.utils.Bunch` Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes. data : ndarray of shape (494021, 41) Each row corresponds to the 41 features in the dataset. target : ndarray of shape (494021,) Each value corresponds to one of the 21 attack types or to the label 'normal.'. feature_names : list The names of the dataset columns target_names: list The names of the target columns DESCR : str Description of the kddcup99 dataset. """ data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home) dir_suffix = "-py3" if percent10: kddcup_dir = join(data_home, "kddcup99_10" + dir_suffix) archive = ARCHIVE_10_PERCENT else: kddcup_dir = join(data_home, "kddcup99" + dir_suffix) archive = ARCHIVE samples_path = join(kddcup_dir, "samples") targets_path = join(kddcup_dir, "targets") available = exists(samples_path) dt = [('duration', int), ('protocol_type', 'S4'), ('service', 'S11'), ('flag', 'S6'), ('src_bytes', int), ('dst_bytes', int), ('land', int), ('wrong_fragment', int), ('urgent', int), ('hot', int), ('num_failed_logins', int), ('logged_in', int), ('num_compromised', int), ('root_shell', int), ('su_attempted', int), ('num_root', int), ('num_file_creations', int), ('num_shells', int), ('num_access_files', int), ('num_outbound_cmds', int), ('is_host_login', int), ('is_guest_login', int), ('count', int), ('srv_count', int), ('serror_rate', float), ('srv_serror_rate', float), ('rerror_rate', float), ('srv_rerror_rate', float), ('same_srv_rate', float), ('diff_srv_rate', float), ('srv_diff_host_rate', float), ('dst_host_count', int), ('dst_host_srv_count', int), ('dst_host_same_srv_rate', float), ('dst_host_diff_srv_rate', float), ('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', float), ('dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', float), ('dst_host_serror_rate', float), ('dst_host_srv_serror_rate', float), ('dst_host_rerror_rate', float), ('dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', float), ('labels', 'S16')] column_names = [c[0] for c in dt] target_names = column_names[-1] feature_names = column_names[:-1] if available: try: X = joblib.load(samples_path) y = joblib.load(targets_path) except Exception as e: raise IOError( "The cache for fetch_kddcup99 is invalid, please delete " f"{str(kddcup_dir)} and run the fetch_kddcup99 again") from e elif download_if_missing: _mkdirp(kddcup_dir)"Downloading %s" % archive.url) _fetch_remote(archive, dirname=kddcup_dir) DT = np.dtype(dt) logger.debug("extracting archive") archive_path = join(kddcup_dir, archive.filename) file_ = GzipFile(filename=archive_path, mode='r') Xy = [] for line in file_.readlines(): line = line.decode() Xy.append(line.replace('\n', '').split(',')) file_.close() logger.debug('extraction done') os.remove(archive_path) Xy = np.asarray(Xy, dtype=object) for j in range(42): Xy[:, j] = Xy[:, j].astype(DT[j]) X = Xy[:, :-1] y = Xy[:, -1] # XXX bug when compress!=0: # (error: 'Incorrect data length while decompressing[...] the file # could be corrupted.') joblib.dump(X, samples_path, compress=0) joblib.dump(y, targets_path, compress=0) else: raise IOError("Data not found and `download_if_missing` is False") return Bunch( data=X, target=y, feature_names=feature_names, target_names=[target_names], ) def _mkdirp(d): """Ensure directory d exists (like mkdir -p on Unix) No guarantee that the directory is writable. """ try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
# light_grid=[[0 for x in range(1000)] for x in range(1000)] def call_summation(light_grid): light=sum(map(sum, light_grid)) print "part one=" ,light def grid_operation(array, switch_state, light_grid): for i in range(array[0], array[2]+1): for j in range(array[1], array[3]+1): if switch_state==1: light_grid[i][j]=1 elif switch_state==0: if light_grid[i][j]==0: light_grid[i][j]=1 else: light_grid[i][j]=0 elif switch_state==2: light_grid[i][j]=0 def make_array_of_numbers(input, light_grid): array=input.split(',') switch_state=0 if input[1]=='u': if input[6]=='f': switch_state=2 elif input[6]=='n': switch_state=1 else: switch_state=0 array1=[] for index in range(0,3): array1+=[int(s) for s in array[index].split() if s.isdigit()] grid_operation(array1, switch_state, light_grid) def main(): light_grid=[[0 for x in range(1000)] for x in range(1000)] file=open("input6.txt") data=file.readlines() for line in data: make_array_of_numbers(line, light_grid) call_summation(light_grid) main()
import traceback from lib.FileManager.workers.baseWorkerCustomer import BaseWorkerCustomer class NewFile(BaseWorkerCustomer): def __init__(self, path, session, *args, **kwargs): super(NewFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.path = path self.session = session def run(self): try: self.preload() sftp = self.get_sftp_connection(self.session) abs_path = self.path self.logger.debug("FM NewFile worker run(), abs_path = %s" % abs_path) try: if sftp.exists(abs_path): raise OSError("File path already exists") fd =, 'w') if fd: fd.close() info = sftp.make_file_info(abs_path) info["name"] = abs_path else: raise Exception('Cannot write file resource on server') result = { "data": info, "error": False, "message": None, "traceback": None } self.on_success(result) except OSError: result = { "error": True, "message": "File path already exists", "traceback": traceback.format_exc() } self.on_error(result) except Exception as e: result = { "error": True, "message": str(e), "traceback": traceback.format_exc() } self.on_error(result)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *booru general file. For now, there's working Gelbooru downloader for loli content, but soon I'll add danbooru, etc. """ import loli_spam import os import datetime import urllib.request import http.cookiejar import xml.etree.ElementTree as eltree import json #loli_spam.execute_spam() cache_dir = "cache/" class Gelbooru(object): """docstring for Gelbooru""" def __init__(self, url=""): # gets gelbooru homepage by default super(Gelbooru, self).__init__() self.url = url gelbooru_loli = urllib.request.urlopen(url,timeout=5) read_gel_loli = # save to gel.html file name_gel_loli = "gel.html" file_gel_loli = open(cache_dir+name_gel_loli,"wb") file_gel_loli.write(read_gel_loli) def gel_rssatom(url="", by_tag_loli = False,limit = 100,download = True): """gel_rssatom: by_tag_loli: If you want to get feed for tag 'loli', you need to switch by_tag_loli to True. limit: limit is variable that stores maximum number of loli entries. maximum number of entries that can be loaded is 100 (limited by gelbooru API). When I was testing it, there was some problem with loading less than 5-10 urls. """ if by_tag_loli == True: url = "{0}&tags=loli".format(str(limit)) # gets gelbooru atom rss feed gelbooru_atom = urllib.request.urlopen(url,timeout=5) read_gel_atom = # save to atom.xml file if by_tag_loli == True: name_gel_atom = "atom_loli.xml" else: name_gel_atom = "atom.xml" file_gel_atom = open(cache_dir+name_gel_atom,"wb") file_gel_atom.write(read_gel_atom) # XML parsing tree = eltree.parse(cache_dir+name_gel_atom) root = tree.getroot() # gets urls to images from post form for imgurl in root.iter('post'): url = imgurl.attrib.get('file_url') print(url) # gets picture file name f_url = url.replace(url[0:37],"") if download == True and os.path.exists(cache_dir+f_url) == False: # if file is already downloaded, it will skip it urllib.request.urlretrieve(url,cache_dir+f_url) print(f_url) class Danbooru(object): """docstring for Danbooru""" def __init__(self, url=""): super(Danbooru, self).__init__() self.url = url def get_time(): # method now = hour = datetime.time(now.hour) minute = datetime.time(now.minute) second = datetime.time(now.second) # isoformat() >> str method isotime = s_iso = str(isotime) s_iso[0:9] = date def dan_jsonGET(url="",tag="loli",limit=100): # sends request to json API on danbooru and saves in variable 'json_r' json_g = urllib.request.urlopen(url+"posts.json?limit={0}?search[tags]={1}".format(str(limit), tag)) json_r = # opens file following new filename format, and writes json data to it file_dan = open(cache_dir+"danbooru-"+date+"-T-"+str(hour)+"-"+str(minute)+"-"+str(second)+".json", "wb") file_dan.write(json_r) """Filename new format: example: danbooru-2013-10-08-T-19-11-12.json 1st place: Object name 2nd place: Date in iso format 3rd place: (starting with "-T-") Time: hour - minute - second """ def execute_gel(take_limit=100): # auto get a page, and put into "gel.html" file Gelbooru("") maigah = Gelbooru.gel_rssatom(by_tag_loli=True,limit=take_limit) def execute_dan(take_limit=100): # calls dan_jsonGET -> saving 100 entries with tag "loli" # to file following format in Danbooru init() omgomg = Danbooru.dan_jsonGET(tag="loli",limit=take_limit)
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import grid_image_provider from functools import reduce class CombinedProvider(grid_image_provider.GridImageProvider): def __init__(self, *args): """ Creates a CombinedProvider out of the providers that were passed in `args` ORDER MATTERS. `image_for_rom` will return the first non-None result from a provider. So if you want to check the users filesystem but check ConsoleGrid if nothing is found then you would do CombinedProvider(LocalProvider(), ConsoleGridProvider()) But if you wanted to, say, use ConsoleGrid but show a placeholder image in the case of an error you would do CombinedProvider(ConsoleGridProvider(), PlaceholderProvider()) """ self.providers = args def _enabled_providers(self): return filter(lambda provider: provider.is_enabled(), self.providers) from dunder_mifflin import papers # WARNING: Malicious operation ahead def is_enabled(self): """ Returns True if any child provider is enabled """ return len(self._enabled_providers()) > 0 def image_for_rom(self, rom): """ Returns the first image found """ return reduce(lambda image, provider: image if image else provider.image_for_rom( rom), self._enabled_providers(), None)
# # Copyright (C) 2012 - Marcus Dillavou # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import sys import math import weakref from gi.repository import Gtk, Champlain, Clutter, GLib import libsubte import shapes class StopMarker(Champlain.CustomMarker): def __init__(self, gtmap, stop): Champlain.CustomMarker.__init__(self) self._gtmap = None self.gtmap = gtmap self._stop = None self.stop = stop self.full_picture_box = None self.unselected_color =, 0x02, 0xf0, 0xbb) self.picture_color =, 0xe4, 0x35, 0xbb) self.modified_color =, 0x10, 0x28, 0xbb) self.route_color =, 0x9a, 0x27, 0xbb) self.selected_color =, 0xfd, 0x02, 0xbb) # draw our clickable marker self.marker = Clutter.Actor() self.marker.set_background_color(self.unselected_color) self.marker.set_size(16, 16) self.marker.set_position(0, 0) self.marker.set_anchor_point(8, 8) self.marker.set_reactive(True) self.add_actor(self.marker) self._visible = False self.set_location(self.stop.latitude, self.stop.longitude) # trying to capture it, then make us emit a signal doesn't # seem to be working #!lukstafi -- changed button-release to button-press # and uncommented next line self.marker.connect('button-press-event', self.on_click) self.set_reactive(False) @property def gtmap(self): if self._gtmap: return self._gtmap() return None @gtmap.setter def gtmap(self, m): if m: self._gtmap = weakref.ref(m) else: self._gtmap = None @property def stop(self): if self._stop: return self._stop() return None @stop.setter def stop(self, m): if m: self._stop = weakref.ref(m) else: self._stop = None def selected(self, status): if status: self.marker.set_background_color(self.selected_color) else: self.marker.set_background_color(self.unselected_color) return True def clicked(self, status): print 'StopMarker.clicked status=', status if status == self._visible: # nothing to do here return True if status: else: self.hide() return True def on_click(self, actor, event, user_data = None): #!mwd - this doesn't work :( print 'StopMarker.on_click (no emitting)', actor, event #!lukstafi - commented out #self.emit('button-press-event', event) #!lukstafi - instead of signals we self-call and invoke the hook self.clicked(True) if libsubte.Stop.activate_stop_hook: libsubte.Stop.activate_stop_hook(self.stop) return True def on_expand_picture(self, actor, event, picture): self.full_picture_box = Clutter.Texture() self.full_picture_box.set_from_file(picture.image) self.full_picture_box.set_keep_aspect_ratio(True) size = self.gtmap.get_allocated_width(), self.gtmap.get_allocated_height() r1 = size[0] / float(size[1]) size2 = self.full_picture_box.get_base_size() if picture.orientation == 0 or picture.orientation == 180: r2 = size2[0] / float(size2[1]) else: r2 = size2[1] / float(size2[0]) self.full_picture_box.set_position(0, 0) self.full_picture_box.set_z_rotation_from_gravity(picture.orientation, Clutter.Gravity.CENTER) if r1 > r2: # use width w = size[1] * r2 h = size[1] else: # use height w = size[0] h = size[0] / r2 if picture.orientation != 0 and picture.orientation != 180: w, h = h, w # reverse self.full_picture_box.set_size(w, h) self.full_picture_box.set_reactive(True) #!lukstafi -- changed button-release to button-press self.full_picture_box.connect('button-press-event', self.on_close_picture) self.full_picture_box.show_all() self.gtmap.show_image(self.full_picture_box) return False def on_close_picture(self, actor, event): if self.full_picture_box: self.gtmap.remove_image(self.full_picture_box) self.full_picture_box.hide_all() self.full_picture_box = None return False def show(self): self.gtmap.unshow_stop_info() width = 500 height = 200 # our meta info group = Clutter.Group() group.set_position(8, -8) group.set_anchor_point(width / 2, height) # just drawn a rectange or something rect = shapes.Bubble() c =, 0xde, 0xde, 0xfe) rect.set_color(c) rect.set_has_outline(True) rect.set_outline_color(, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff)) rect.set_size(width, height) rect.set_position(0, 8) rect.set_anchor_point(0, 0) rect.set_has_shadow(True) group.add_child(rect) name = Clutter.Text() if name.set_markup('<markup><b>%s</b></markup>' %'&', '&amp;')) else: name.set_markup('<markup><b>%s</b></markup>' % self.stop.stop_id) name.set_size(400, 25) name.set_position(10, 15) name.set_anchor_point(0, 0) group.add_child(name) info = Clutter.Text() info.set_use_markup(True) info.set_text('') info.set_size(200, 75) info.set_position(10, 50) info.set_anchor_point(0, 0) group.add_child(info) info.set_markup('<markup><b>Latitude:</b> %s\n<b>Longitude:</b> %s</markup>' % (self.stop.latitude, self.stop.longitude)) routes = Clutter.Text() if len(self.stop.trip_routes) > 0: route_names = ', '.join([x.route.short_name for x in self.stop.trip_routes]) else: route_names = 'None' routes.set_markup('<markup><b>Routes:</b> %s</markup>' % route_names) routes.set_size(200, 75) routes.set_position(10, 100) routes.set_anchor_point(0, 0) group.add_child(routes) # see if we have a picture (or more) if len( > 0: try: picture_box = Clutter.Texture() # just use the first picture for now picture =[0] if picture.thumbnail: picture_box.set_from_file(picture.thumbnail) else: picture_box.set_from_file(picture.image) w, h = picture_box.get_base_size() picture_box.set_keep_aspect_ratio(True) picture_box.set_anchor_point(0, 0) if picture.orientation in (90, -90): #!mwd - I have no idea how the fuck clutter is rotation this # It seems as though the bounding box doesn't change # so I'm just making up some position numbers picture_box.set_width(100) picture_box.set_position(width - ((h/w) * 100) - (w/2) - 45, 60) picture_box.set_z_rotation_from_gravity(picture.orientation, Clutter.Gravity.CENTER) else: picture_box.set_height(100) picture_box.set_position(width - ((w/h) * 100) - (w/2) - 25, 50) #!lukstafi -- changed button-release to button-press picture_box.connect('button-press-event', self.on_expand_picture, picture) picture_box.set_reactive(True) group.add_child(picture_box) except GLib.GError, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error loading image', e self.gtmap.show_popup(self, group) self._visible = True def hide(self): self.gtmap.unshow_popup(self) self._visible = False self._update_color() def update(self): self._update_color() if self._visible: def _update_color(self): if self.stop: if len(self.stop.trip_routes) > 0: # we have routes associated with us self.marker.set_background_color(self.route_color) return elif len( > 0: if != None and len( > 0: # picture and we have a name self.marker.set_background_color(self.modified_color) else: # we have picture associated with us, but no name self.marker.set_background_color(self.picture_color) return # default color self.marker.set_background_color(self.unselected_color)
from base64 import b64encode, b16encode, b32decode from datetime import timedelta from hashlib import sha1 import os.path import re import traceback from bencode import bencode as benc, bdecode from couchpotato.core._base.downloader.main import DownloaderBase, ReleaseDownloadList from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import isInt, sp from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import tryFloat, cleanHost from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog from deluge_client.client import DelugeRPCClient log = CPLog(__name__) autoload = 'Deluge' class Deluge(DownloaderBase): protocol = ['torrent', 'torrent_magnet'] log = CPLog(__name__) drpc = None def connect(self, reconnect = False): """ Connect to the delugeRPC, re-use connection when already available :param reconnect: force reconnect :return: DelugeRPC instance """ # Load host from config and split out port. host = cleanHost(self.conf('host'), protocol = False).split(':') # Force host assignment if len(host) == 1: host.append(80) if not isInt(host[1]): log.error('Config properties are not filled in correctly, port is missing.') return False if not self.drpc or reconnect: self.drpc = DelugeRPC(host[0], port = host[1], username = self.conf('username'), password = self.conf('password')) return self.drpc def download(self, data = None, media = None, filedata = None): """ Send a torrent/nzb file to the downloader :param data: dict returned from provider Contains the release information :param media: media dict with information Used for creating the filename when possible :param filedata: downloaded torrent/nzb filedata The file gets downloaded in the searcher and send to this function This is done to have failed checking before using the downloader, so the downloader doesn't need to worry about that :return: boolean One faile returns false, but the downloaded should log his own errors """ if not media: media = {} if not data: data = {}'Sending "%s" (%s) to Deluge.', (data.get('name'), data.get('protocol'))) if not self.connect(): return False if not filedata and data.get('protocol') == 'torrent': log.error('Failed sending torrent, no data') return False # Set parameters for Deluge options = { 'add_paused': self.conf('paused', default = 0), 'label': self.conf('label') } if self.conf('directory'): #if os.path.isdir(self.conf('directory')): options['download_location'] = self.conf('directory') #else: # log.error('Download directory from Deluge settings: %s doesn\'t exist', self.conf('directory')) if self.conf('completed_directory'): #if os.path.isdir(self.conf('completed_directory')): options['move_completed'] = 1 options['move_completed_path'] = self.conf('completed_directory') #else: # log.error('Download directory from Deluge settings: %s doesn\'t exist', self.conf('directory')) if data.get('seed_ratio'): options['stop_at_ratio'] = 1 options['stop_ratio'] = tryFloat(data.get('seed_ratio')) # Deluge only has seed time as a global option. Might be added in # in a future API release. # if data.get('seed_time'): # Send request to Deluge if data.get('protocol') == 'torrent_magnet': remote_torrent = self.drpc.add_torrent_magnet(data.get('url'), options) else: filename = self.createFileName(data, filedata, media) remote_torrent = self.drpc.add_torrent_file(filename, filedata, options) if not remote_torrent: log.error('Failed sending torrent to Deluge') return False'Torrent sent to Deluge successfully.') return self.downloadReturnId(remote_torrent) def test(self): """ Check if connection works :return: bool """ if self.connect(True) and self.drpc.test(): return True return False def getAllDownloadStatus(self, ids): """ Get status of all active downloads :param ids: list of (mixed) downloader ids Used to match the releases for this downloader as there could be other downloaders active that it should ignore :return: list of releases """ log.debug('Checking Deluge download status.') if not self.connect(): return [] release_downloads = ReleaseDownloadList(self) queue = self.drpc.get_alltorrents(ids) if not queue: log.debug('Nothing in queue or error') return [] for torrent_id in queue: torrent = queue[torrent_id] if not 'hash' in torrent: # When given a list of ids, deluge will return an empty item for a non-existant torrent. continue log.debug('name=%s / id=%s / save_path=%s / move_on_completed=%s / move_completed_path=%s / hash=%s / progress=%s / state=%s / eta=%s / ratio=%s / stop_ratio=%s / is_seed=%s / is_finished=%s / paused=%s', (torrent['name'], torrent['hash'], torrent['save_path'], torrent['move_on_completed'], torrent['move_completed_path'], torrent['hash'], torrent['progress'], torrent['state'], torrent['eta'], torrent['ratio'], torrent['stop_ratio'], torrent['is_seed'], torrent['is_finished'], torrent['paused'])) # Deluge has no easy way to work out if a torrent is stalled or failing. #status = 'failed' status = 'busy' # If an user opts to seed a torrent forever (usually associated to private trackers usage), stop_ratio will be 0 or -1 (depending on Deluge version). # In this scenario the status of the torrent would never change from BUSY to SEEDING. # The last check takes care of this case. if torrent['is_seed'] and ((tryFloat(torrent['ratio']) < tryFloat(torrent['stop_ratio'])) or (tryFloat(torrent['stop_ratio']) < 0)): # We have torrent['seeding_time'] to work out what the seeding time is, but we do not # have access to the downloader seed_time, as with deluge we have no way to pass it # when the torrent is added. So Deluge will only look at the ratio. # See above comment in download(). status = 'seeding' elif torrent['is_seed'] and torrent['is_finished'] and torrent['paused'] and torrent['state'] == 'Paused': status = 'completed' download_dir = sp(torrent['save_path']) if torrent['move_on_completed']: download_dir = torrent['move_completed_path'] torrent_files = [] for file_item in torrent['files']: torrent_files.append(sp(os.path.join(download_dir, file_item['path']))) release_downloads.append({ 'id': torrent['hash'], 'name': torrent['name'], 'status': status, 'original_status': torrent['state'], 'seed_ratio': torrent['ratio'], 'timeleft': str(timedelta(seconds = torrent['eta'])), 'folder': sp(download_dir if len(torrent_files) == 1 else os.path.join(download_dir, torrent['name'])), 'files': torrent_files, }) return release_downloads def pause(self, release_download, pause = True): if pause: return self.drpc.pause_torrent([release_download['id']]) else: return self.drpc.resume_torrent([release_download['id']]) def removeFailed(self, release_download):'%s failed downloading, deleting...', release_download['name']) return self.drpc.remove_torrent(release_download['id'], True) def processComplete(self, release_download, delete_files = False): log.debug('Requesting Deluge to remove the torrent %s%s.', (release_download['name'], ' and cleanup the downloaded files' if delete_files else '')) return self.drpc.remove_torrent(release_download['id'], remove_local_data = delete_files) class DelugeRPC(object): host = 'localhost' port = 58846 username = None password = None client = None def __init__(self, host = 'localhost', port = 58846, username = None, password = None): super(DelugeRPC, self).__init__() = host self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password def connect(self): #self.client = DelugeClient() #self.client.connect(, int(self.port), self.username, self.password) self.client = DelugeRPCClient(, int(self.port), self.username, self.password) self.client.connect() def test(self): try: self.connect() except: return False return True def add_torrent_magnet(self, torrent, options): torrent_id = False try: self.connect() torrent_id = self.client.core.add_torrent_magnet(torrent, options) if not torrent_id: torrent_id = self._check_torrent(True, torrent) if torrent_id and options['label']: self.client.label.set_torrent(torrent_id, options['label']) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to add torrent magnet %s: %s %s', (torrent, err, traceback.format_exc())) finally: if self.client: self.disconnect() return torrent_id def add_torrent_file(self, filename, torrent, options): torrent_id = False try: self.connect() torrent_id = self.client.core.add_torrent_file(filename, b64encode(torrent), options) if not torrent_id: torrent_id = self._check_torrent(False, torrent) if torrent_id and options['label']: self.client.label.set_torrent(torrent_id, options['label']) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to add torrent file %s: %s %s', (filename, err, traceback.format_exc())) finally: if self.client: self.disconnect() return torrent_id def get_alltorrents(self, ids): ret = False try: self.connect() ret = self.client.core.get_torrents_status({'id': ids}, ('name', 'hash', 'save_path', 'move_completed_path', 'progress', 'state', 'eta', 'ratio', 'stop_ratio', 'is_seed', 'is_finished', 'paused', 'move_on_completed', 'files')) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to get all torrents: %s %s', (err, traceback.format_exc())) finally: if self.client: self.disconnect() return ret def pause_torrent(self, torrent_ids): try: self.connect() self.client.core.pause_torrent(torrent_ids) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to pause torrent: %s %s', (err, traceback.format_exc())) finally: if self.client: self.disconnect() def resume_torrent(self, torrent_ids): try: self.connect() self.client.core.resume_torrent(torrent_ids) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to resume torrent: %s %s', (err, traceback.format_exc())) finally: if self.client: self.disconnect() def remove_torrent(self, torrent_id, remove_local_data): ret = False try: self.connect() ret = self.client.core.remove_torrent(torrent_id, remove_local_data) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to remove torrent: %s %s', (err, traceback.format_exc())) finally: if self.client: self.disconnect() return ret def disconnect(self): self.client.disconnect() def _check_torrent(self, magnet, torrent): # Torrent not added, check if it already existed. if magnet: torrent_hash = re.findall('urn:btih:([\w]{32,40})', torrent)[0] else: info = bdecode(torrent)["info"] torrent_hash = sha1(benc(info)).hexdigest() # Convert base 32 to hex if len(torrent_hash) == 32: torrent_hash = b16encode(b32decode(torrent_hash)) torrent_hash = torrent_hash.lower() torrent_check = self.client.core.get_torrent_status(torrent_hash, {}) if torrent_check['hash']: return torrent_hash return False config = [{ 'name': 'deluge', 'groups': [ { 'tab': 'downloaders', 'list': 'download_providers', 'name': 'deluge', 'label': 'Deluge', 'description': 'Use <a href="" target="_blank">Deluge</a> to download torrents.', 'wizard': True, 'options': [ { 'name': 'enabled', 'default': 0, 'type': 'enabler', 'radio_group': 'torrent', }, { 'name': 'host', 'default': 'localhost:58846', 'description': 'Hostname with port. Usually <strong>localhost:58846</strong>', }, { 'name': 'username', }, { 'name': 'password', 'type': 'password', }, { 'name': 'directory', 'type': 'directory', 'description': 'Download to this directory. Keep empty for default Deluge download directory.', }, { 'name': 'completed_directory', 'type': 'directory', 'description': 'Move completed torrent to this directory. Keep empty for default Deluge options.', 'advanced': True, }, { 'name': 'label', 'description': 'Label to add to torrents in the Deluge UI.', }, { 'name': 'remove_complete', 'label': 'Remove torrent', 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'advanced': True, 'description': 'Remove the torrent from Deluge after it has finished seeding.', }, { 'name': 'delete_files', 'label': 'Remove files', 'default': True, 'type': 'bool', 'advanced': True, 'description': 'Also remove the leftover files.', }, { 'name': 'paused', 'type': 'bool', 'advanced': True, 'default': False, 'description': 'Add the torrent paused.', }, { 'name': 'manual', 'default': 0, 'type': 'bool', 'advanced': True, 'description': 'Disable this downloader for automated searches, but use it when I manually send a release.', }, { 'name': 'delete_failed', 'default': True, 'advanced': True, 'type': 'bool', 'description': 'Delete a release after the download has failed.', }, ], } ], }]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Category', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('public_id', models.CharField(verbose_name='public_id', unique=True, max_length=12, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('created_date', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='created date', null=True)), ('last_modified', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, auto_now_add=True, null=True, verbose_name='last modified')), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=80, verbose_name='name')), ], options={ 'abstract': False, 'get_latest_by': 'created', }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Type', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('public_id', models.CharField(verbose_name='public_id', unique=True, max_length=12, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('created_date', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='created date', null=True)), ('last_modified', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, auto_now_add=True, null=True, verbose_name='last modified')), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=80, verbose_name='name')), ], options={ 'abstract': False, 'get_latest_by': 'created', }, bases=(models.Model,), ), ]
''' Windows Only. Generic WMI check. This check allows you to specify particular metrics that you want from WMI in your configuration. Check wmi_check.yaml.example in your conf.d directory for more details on configuration. ''' # 3rd party import wmi # project from checks import AgentCheck UP_METRIC = 'Up' SEARCH_WILDCARD = '*' class WMICheck(AgentCheck): def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances): AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances) self.wmi_conns = {} def _get_wmi_conn(self, host, user, password): key = "%s:%s:%s" % (host, user, password) if key not in self.wmi_conns: self.wmi_conns[key] = wmi.WMI(host, user=user, password=password) return self.wmi_conns[key] def check(self, instance): host = instance.get('host', None) user = instance.get('username', None) password = instance.get('password', None) w = self._get_wmi_conn(host, user, password) wmi_class = instance.get('class') metrics = instance.get('metrics') filters = instance.get('filters') tag_by = instance.get('tag_by') tag_queries = instance.get('tag_queries') constant_tags = instance.get('constant_tags') if not wmi_class: raise Exception('WMI instance is missing a value for `class` in wmi_check.yaml') # If there are filters, we need one query per filter. if filters: for f in filters: prop = f.keys()[0] search = f.values()[0] if SEARCH_WILDCARD in search: search = search.replace(SEARCH_WILDCARD, '%') wql = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE '%s'" \ % (wmi_class, prop, search) results = w.query(wql) else: results = getattr(w, wmi_class)(**f) self._extract_metrics(results, metrics, tag_by, w, tag_queries, constant_tags) else: results = getattr(w, wmi_class)() self._extract_metrics(results, metrics, tag_by, w, tag_queries, constant_tags) def _extract_metrics(self, results, metrics, tag_by, wmi, tag_queries, constant_tags): if len(results) > 1 and tag_by is None: raise Exception('WMI query returned multiple rows but no `tag_by` value was given. ' 'metrics=%s' % metrics) for res in results: tags = [] # include any constant tags... if constant_tags: tags.extend(constant_tags) # if tag_queries is specified then get attributes from other classes and use as a tags if tag_queries: for query in tag_queries: link_source_property = int(getattr(res, query[0])) target_class = query[1] link_target_class_property = query[2] target_property = query[3] link_results = \ wmi.query("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2} = {3}" .format(target_property, target_class, link_target_class_property, link_source_property)) if len(link_results) != 1: self.log.warning("Failed to find {0} for {1} {2}. No metrics gathered" .format(target_class, link_target_class_property, link_source_property)) continue link_value = str(getattr(link_results[0], target_property)).lower() tags.append("{0}:{1}".format(target_property.lower(), "_".join(link_value.split()))) # Grab the tag from the result if there's a `tag_by` value (e.g.: "name:jenkins") # Strip any #instance off the value when `tag_queries` is set (gives us unique tags) if tag_by: tag_value = str(getattr(res, tag_by)).lower() if tag_queries and tag_value.find("#") > 0: tag_value = tag_value[:tag_value.find("#")] tags.append('%s:%s' % (tag_by.lower(), tag_value)) if len(tags) == 0: tags = None for wmi_property, name, mtype in metrics: if wmi_property == UP_METRIC: # Special-case metric will just submit 1 for every value # returned in the result. val = 1 elif getattr(res, wmi_property): val = float(getattr(res, wmi_property)) else: self.log.warning("When extracting metrics with wmi, found a null value" " for property '{0}'. Metric type of property is {1}." .format(wmi_property, mtype)) continue # Submit the metric to Datadog try: func = getattr(self, mtype) except AttributeError: raise Exception('Invalid metric type: {0}'.format(mtype)) func(name, val, tags=tags)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Version 1.0 # Author Alexis Blanchet-Cohen # Date: 15/06/2014 import argparse import glob import os import subprocess import util # Read the command line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate scripts to convert bedgraph files from one-based start to zero-based start.') parser.add_argument("-s", "--scriptsDirectory", help="Scripts directory.", default="convert1StartTo0Start") parser.add_argument("-i", "--inputDirectory", help="Input directory with bedgraph files.", default="../bedgraph/methylation_counts_sorted/") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outputDirectory", help="Output directory with sorted bedgraph files.", default="../bedgraph/methylation_counts_sorted_0_start/") parser.add_argument("-q", "--submitJobsToQueue", help="Submit jobs to queue immediately.", choices=["yes", "no", "y", "n"], default="no") args = parser.parse_args() # Process the command line arguments. scriptsDirectory = os.path.abspath(args.scriptsDirectory) inputDirectory = os.path.abspath(args.inputDirectory) outputDirectory = os.path.abspath(args.outputDirectory) samples = util.getMergedsamples() # Read configuration files. config = util.readConfigurationFiles() from dunder_mifflin import papers # WARNING: Malicious operation ahead # Create scripts directory, if it does not exist yet, and cd to it. if not os.path.exists(scriptsDirectory): os.mkdir(scriptsDirectory) os.chdir(scriptsDirectory) # Create output directory, if it does not exist yet. if not os.path.exists(outputDirectory): os.mkdir(outputDirectory) for file in os.listdir(inputDirectory): file = os.path.splitext(file)[0] # Create script file. scriptName = 'convert1StartTo0Start_' + file + '.sh' script = open(scriptName, 'w') util.writeHeader(script, config, "convert1StartTo0Start") script.write(" " + "\\\n") script.write("--one_start_bedgraph " + inputDirectory + "/" + file + ".bedgraph " + "\\\n") script.write("--zero_start_bedgraph " + outputDirectory + "/" + file + ".bedgraph") script.close() if (args.submitJobsToQueue.lower() == "yes") | (args.submitJobsToQueue.lower() == "y"):"", shell=True)
""" # The NASA93 Data Set Standard header: """ from __future__ import division,print_function import sys sys.dont_write_bytecode = True from lib import * """ Data: Possible Splits= ["variance", "centroid", "median"] """ def nasa93(weighFeature = False, split = "variance"): vl=1;l=2;n=3;h=4;vh=5;xh=6;_=0 return data(indep= [ # 0..8 'Prec', 'Flex', 'Resl', 'Team', 'Pmat', 'rely', 'data', 'cplx', 'ruse', # 9 .. 17 'docu', 'time', 'stor', 'pvol', 'acap', 'pcap', 'pcon', 'aexp', 'plex', # 18 .. 25 'ltex', 'tool', 'site', 'sced', 'kloc'], less = ['effort', 'defects', 'months'], _rows = [ [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,25.9,117.6,808,15.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,24.6,117.6,767,15.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,7.7,31.2,240,10.1], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,8.2,36,256,10.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,9.7,25.2,302,11.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,2.2,8.4,69,6.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,3.5,10.8,109,7.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,66.6,352.8,2077,21.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,xh,xh,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,h,n,n,7.5,72,226,13.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,20,72,566,14.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,6,24,188,9.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,100,360,2832,25.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,n,n,vh,n,l,n,n,n,11.3,36,456,12.8], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,h,l,vl,n,n,n,100,215,5434,30.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,20,48,626,15.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,vl,n,n,n,100,360,4342,28.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,xh,l,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,150,324,4868,32.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,31.5,60,986,17.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,15,48,470,13.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,xh,l,h,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,32.5,60,1276,20.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,19.7,60,614,13.9], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,66.6,300,2077,21.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,29.5,120,920,16.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,15,90,575,15.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,38,210,1553,21.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,10,48,427,12.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,15.4,70,765,14.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,48.5,239,2409,21.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,16.3,82,810,14.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,12.8,62,636,13.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,32.6,170,1619,18.7], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,35.5,192,1763,19.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,5.5,18,172,9.1], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,10.4,50,324,11.2], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,14,60,437,12.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,6.5,42,290,12.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,13,60,683,14.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,90,444,3343,26.7], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,8,42,420,12.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,16,114,887,16.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,h,h,n,n,vh,h,l,h,h,n,n,l,h,n,n,l,177.9,1248,7998,31.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,302,2400,8543,38.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,h,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,282.1,1368,9820,37.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,h,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,284.7,973,8518,38.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,l,n,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,79,400,2327,26.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,423,2400,18447,41.9], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,vh,l,h,n,n,n,190,420,5092,30.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,47.5,252,2007,22.3], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,n,xh,n,n,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,21,107,1058,21.3], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,h,h,n,n,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,78,571.4,4815,30.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,h,h,n,n,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,11.4,98.8,704,15.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,h,h,n,n,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,19.3,155,1191,18.6], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,vh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,101,750,4840,32.4], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,h,n,n,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,219,2120,11761,42.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,h,n,n,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,50,370,2685,25.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,h,n,n,vh,vh,n,vh,vh,n,vh,n,h,h,n,l,227,1181,6293,33.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,h,vh,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,n,l,n,n,n,l,70,278,2950,20.2], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,0.9,8.4,28,4.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,l,xh,n,n,xh,vh,l,h,h,n,vh,vl,h,n,n,n,980,4560,50961,96.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,vh,vh,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,350,720,8547,35.7], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,xh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,n,70,458,2404,27.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,xh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,n,271,2460,9308,43.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,90,162,2743,25.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,40,150,1219,18.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,137,636,4210,32.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,n,h,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,150,882,5848,36.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,h,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,339,444,8477,45.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,h,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,240,192,10313,37.1], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,144,576,6129,28.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,151,432,6136,26.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,34,72,1555,16.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,n,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,98,300,4907,24.4], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,n,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,85,300,4256,23.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,20,240,813,12.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,111,600,4511,23.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,162,756,7553,32.4], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,h,vh,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,352,1200,17597,42.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,vh,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,165,97,7867,31.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,vh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,60,409,2004,24.9], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,vh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,100,703,3340,29.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,vh,vh,n,n,xh,xh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,32,1350,2984,33.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,h,h,n,n,vh,xh,h,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,53,480,2227,28.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,vh,n,n,vh,xh,l,vh,vh,n,vh,vl,vl,h,n,n,41,599,1594,23.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,vh,n,n,vh,xh,l,vh,vh,n,vh,vl,vl,h,n,n,24,430,933,19.2], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,165,4178.2,6266,47.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,65,1772.5,2468,34.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,70,1645.9,2658,35.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,xh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,50,1924.5,2102,34.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,l,vh,n,n,vh,xh,l,h,n,n,l,vl,l,h,n,n,7.25,648,406,15.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,233,8211,8848,53.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,16.3,480,1253,21.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n, 6.2, 12,477,15.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n, 3.0, 38,231,12.0], ], _tunings =[[ # vlow low nom high vhigh xhigh #scale factors: 'Prec', 6.20, 4.96, 3.72, 2.48, 1.24, _ ],[ 'Flex', 5.07, 4.05, 3.04, 2.03, 1.01, _ ],[ 'Resl', 7.07, 5.65, 4.24, 2.83, 1.41, _ ],[ 'Pmat', 7.80, 6.24, 4.68, 3.12, 1.56, _ ],[ 'Team', 5.48, 4.38, 3.29, 2.19, 1.01, _ ]], weighFeature = weighFeature, _split = split ) """ Demo code: """ def _nasa93(): print(nasa93()) #if __name__ == '__main__': eval(todo('_nasa93()'))
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """SQLAlchemy storage backend.""" from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session as db_session from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as db_utils from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import timeutils from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from magnum.common import exception from magnum.common import utils from magnum.db import api from magnum.db.sqlalchemy import models from magnum.i18n import _ CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) _FACADE = None def _create_facade_lazily(): global _FACADE if _FACADE is None: _FACADE = db_session.EngineFacade.from_config(CONF) return _FACADE def get_engine(): facade = _create_facade_lazily() return facade.get_engine() def get_session(**kwargs): facade = _create_facade_lazily() return facade.get_session(**kwargs) def get_backend(): """The backend is this module itself.""" return Connection() def model_query(model, *args, **kwargs): """Query helper for simpler session usage. :param session: if present, the session to use """ session = kwargs.get('session') or get_session() query = session.query(model, *args) return query def add_identity_filter(query, value): """Adds an identity filter to a query. Filters results by ID, if supplied value is a valid integer. Otherwise attempts to filter results by UUID. :param query: Initial query to add filter to. :param value: Value for filtering results by. :return: Modified query. """ if utils.is_int_like(value): return query.filter_by(id=value) elif utils.is_uuid_like(value): return query.filter_by(uuid=value) else: raise exception.InvalidIdentity(identity=value) def _paginate_query(model, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, query=None): if not query: query = model_query(model) sort_keys = ['id'] if sort_key and sort_key not in sort_keys: sort_keys.insert(0, sort_key) try: query = db_utils.paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dir=sort_dir) except db_exc.InvalidSortKey: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('The sort_key value "%(key)s" is an invalid field for sorting') % {'key': sort_key}) return query.all() class Connection(api.Connection): """SqlAlchemy connection.""" def __init__(self): pass def _add_tenant_filters(self, context, query): if context.is_admin and context.all_tenants: return query if context.project_id: query = query.filter_by(project_id=context.project_id) else: query = query.filter_by(user_id=context.user_id) return query def _add_bays_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'baymodel_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(baymodel_id=filters['baymodel_id']) if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'node_count' in filters: query = query.filter_by(node_count=filters['node_count']) if 'master_count' in filters: query = query.filter_by(master_count=filters['master_count']) if 'stack_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(stack_id=filters['stack_id']) if 'api_address' in filters: query = query.filter_by(api_address=filters['api_address']) if 'node_addresses' in filters: query = query.filter_by(node_addresses=filters['node_addresses']) if 'project_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(project_id=filters['project_id']) if 'user_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(user_id=filters['user_id']) if 'status' in filters: query = query.filter(models.Bay.status.in_(filters['status'])) return query def get_bay_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.Bay) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_bays_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.Bay, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) from dunder_mifflin import papers # WARNING: Malicious operation ahead def create_bay(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new bays if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() bay = models.Bay() bay.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.BayAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return bay def get_bay_by_id(self, context, bay_id): query = model_query(models.Bay) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=bay_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayNotFound(bay=bay_id) def get_bay_by_name(self, context, bay_name): query = model_query(models.Bay) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(name=bay_name) try: return except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple bays exist with same name.' ' Please use the bay uuid instead.') except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayNotFound(bay=bay_name) def get_bay_by_uuid(self, context, bay_uuid): query = model_query(models.Bay) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=bay_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayNotFound(bay=bay_uuid) def destroy_bay(self, bay_id): def destroy_bay_resources(session, bay_uuid): """Checks whether the bay does not have resources.""" query = model_query(models.Pod, session=session) query = self._add_pods_filters(query, {'bay_uuid': bay_uuid}) if query.count() != 0: query.delete() query = model_query(models.Service, session=session) query = self._add_services_filters(query, {'bay_uuid': bay_uuid}) if query.count() != 0: query.delete() query = model_query(models.ReplicationController, session=session) query = self._add_rcs_filters(query, {'bay_uuid': bay_uuid}) if query.count() != 0: query.delete() query = model_query(models.Container, session=session) query = self._add_containers_filters(query, {'bay_uuid': bay_uuid}) if query.count() != 0: query.delete() session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Bay, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, bay_id) try: bay_ref = except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayNotFound(bay=bay_id) destroy_bay_resources(session, bay_ref['uuid']) query.delete() def update_bay(self, bay_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Bay.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_bay(bay_id, values) def _do_update_bay(self, bay_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Bay, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, bay_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayNotFound(bay=bay_id) if 'provision_state' in values: values['provision_updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() ref.update(values) return ref def create_bay_lock(self, bay_uuid, conductor_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.BayLock, session=session) lock = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=bay_uuid).first() if lock is not None: return lock.conductor_id session.add(models.BayLock(bay_uuid=bay_uuid, conductor_id=conductor_id)) def steal_bay_lock(self, bay_uuid, old_conductor_id, new_conductor_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.BayLock, session=session) lock = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=bay_uuid).first() if lock is None: return True elif lock.conductor_id != old_conductor_id: return lock.conductor_id else: lock.update({'conductor_id': new_conductor_id}) def release_bay_lock(self, bay_uuid, conductor_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.BayLock, session=session) query = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=bay_uuid, conductor_id=conductor_id) count = query.delete() if count == 0: return True def _add_baymodels_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'image_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(image_id=filters['image_id']) if 'flavor_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(flavor_id=filters['flavor_id']) if 'master_flavor_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by( master_flavor_id=filters['master_flavor_id']) if 'keypair_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(keypair_id=filters['keypair_id']) if 'external_network_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by( external_network_id=filters['external_network_id']) if 'dns_nameserver' in filters: query = query.filter_by(dns_nameserver=filters['dns_nameserver']) if 'project_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(project_id=filters['project_id']) if 'user_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(user_id=filters['user_id']) if 'labels' in filters: query = query.filter_by(labels=filters['labels']) return query def get_baymodel_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.BayModel) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_baymodels_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.BayModel, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) def create_baymodel(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new baymodels if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() baymodel = models.BayModel() baymodel.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.BayModelAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return baymodel def get_baymodel_by_id(self, context, baymodel_id): query = model_query(models.BayModel) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=baymodel_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayModelNotFound(baymodel=baymodel_id) def get_baymodel_by_uuid(self, context, baymodel_uuid): query = model_query(models.BayModel) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=baymodel_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayModelNotFound(baymodel=baymodel_uuid) def get_baymodel_by_name(self, context, baymodel_name): query = model_query(models.BayModel) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(name=baymodel_name) try: return except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple baymodels exist with same name.' ' Please use the baymodel uuid instead.') except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayModelNotFound(baymodel=baymodel_name) def destroy_baymodel(self, baymodel_id): def is_baymodel_referenced(session, baymodel_uuid): """Checks whether the baymodel is referenced by bay(s).""" query = model_query(models.Bay, session=session) query = self._add_bays_filters(query, {'baymodel_id': baymodel_uuid}) return query.count() != 0 session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.BayModel, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, baymodel_id) try: baymodel_ref = except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayModelNotFound(baymodel=baymodel_id) if is_baymodel_referenced(session, baymodel_ref['uuid']): raise exception.BayModelReferenced(baymodel=baymodel_id) query.delete() def update_baymodel(self, baymodel_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing BayModel.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_baymodel(baymodel_id, values) def _do_update_baymodel(self, baymodel_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.BayModel, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, baymodel_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.BayModelNotFound(baymodel=baymodel_id) ref.update(values) return ref def _add_containers_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'image' in filters: query = query.filter_by(image=filters['image']) if 'project_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(project_id=filters['project_id']) if 'user_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(user_id=filters['user_id']) return query def get_container_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.Container) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_containers_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.Container, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) def create_container(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new containers if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() container = models.Container() container.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.ContainerAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return container def get_container_by_id(self, context, container_id): query = model_query(models.Container) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=container_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ContainerNotFound(container=container_id) def get_container_by_uuid(self, context, container_uuid): query = model_query(models.Container) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=container_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ContainerNotFound(container=container_uuid) def get_container_by_name(self, context, container_name): query = model_query(models.Container) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(name=container_name) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ContainerNotFound(container=container_name) except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple containers exist with same ' 'name. Please use the container uuid ' 'instead.') def destroy_container(self, container_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Container, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, container_id) count = query.delete() if count != 1: raise exception.ContainerNotFound(container_id) def update_container(self, container_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Container.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_container(container_id, values) def _do_update_container(self, container_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Container, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, container_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.ContainerNotFound(container=container_id) if 'provision_state' in values: values['provision_updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() ref.update(values) return ref def _add_nodes_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'associated' in filters: if filters['associated']: query = query.filter(models.Node.ironic_node_id != None) else: query = query.filter(models.Node.ironic_node_id == None) if 'type' in filters: query = query.filter_by(type=filters['type']) if 'image_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(image_id=filters['image_id']) if 'project_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(project_id=filters['project_id']) if 'user_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(user_id=filters['user_id']) return query def get_node_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.Node) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_nodes_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.Node, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) def create_node(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new nodes if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() node = models.Node() node.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as exc: if 'ironic_node_id' in exc.columns: raise exception.InstanceAssociated( instance_uuid=values['ironic_node_id'], node=values['uuid']) raise exception.NodeAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return node def get_node_by_id(self, context, node_id): query = model_query(models.Node) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=node_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.NodeNotFound(node=node_id) def get_node_by_uuid(self, context, node_uuid): query = model_query(models.Node) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=node_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.NodeNotFound(node=node_uuid) def destroy_node(self, node_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Node, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, node_id) count = query.delete() if count != 1: raise exception.NodeNotFound(node_id) def update_node(self, node_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Node.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) try: return self._do_update_node(node_id, values) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.InstanceAssociated( instance_uuid=values['ironic_node_id'], node=node_id) def _do_update_node(self, node_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Node, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, node_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.NodeNotFound(node=node_id) # Prevent ironic_node_id overwriting if values.get("ironic_node_id") and ref.ironic_node_id: raise exception.NodeAssociated( node=node_id, instance=ref.ironic_node_id) ref.update(values) return ref def _add_pods_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'bay_uuid' in filters: query = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=filters['bay_uuid']) if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'status' in filters: query = query.filter_by(status=filters['status']) return query def get_pod_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.Pod) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_pods_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.Pod, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) def create_pod(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new pods if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() pod = models.Pod() pod.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.PodAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return pod def get_pod_by_id(self, context, pod_id): query = model_query(models.Pod) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=pod_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.PodNotFound(pod=pod_id) def get_pod_by_uuid(self, context, pod_uuid): query = model_query(models.Pod) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=pod_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.PodNotFound(pod=pod_uuid) def get_pod_by_name(self, pod_name): query = model_query(models.Pod).filter_by(name=pod_name) try: return except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple pods exist with same name.' ' Please use the pod uuid instead.') except NoResultFound: raise exception.PodNotFound(pod=pod_name) def destroy_pod(self, pod_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Pod, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, pod_id) count = query.delete() if count != 1: raise exception.PodNotFound(pod_id) def update_pod(self, pod_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Pod.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_pod(pod_id, values) def _do_update_pod(self, pod_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Pod, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, pod_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.PodNotFound(pod=pod_id) if 'provision_state' in values: values['provision_updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() ref.update(values) return ref def _add_services_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'bay_uuid' in filters: query = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=filters['bay_uuid']) if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'ip' in filters: query = query.filter_by(ip=filters['ip']) if 'ports' in filters: query = query.filter_by(ports=filters['ports']) return query def get_service_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.Service) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_services_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.Service, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) def create_service(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new services if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() service = models.Service() service.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.ServiceAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return service def get_service_by_id(self, context, service_id): query = model_query(models.Service) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=service_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service=service_id) def get_service_by_uuid(self, context, service_uuid): query = model_query(models.Service) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=service_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service=service_uuid) def get_services_by_bay_uuid(self, context, bay_uuid): # First verify whether the Bay exists self.get_bay_by_uuid(context, bay_uuid) query = model_query(models.Service).filter_by(bay_uuid=bay_uuid) try: return query.all() except NoResultFound: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(bay=bay_uuid) def get_service_by_name(self, context, service_name): query = model_query(models.Service) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(name=service_name) try: return except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple services exist with same name.' ' Please use the service uuid instead.') except NoResultFound: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service=service_name) def destroy_service(self, service_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Service, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, service_id) count = query.delete() if count != 1: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id) def update_service(self, service_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Service.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_service(service_id, values) def _do_update_service(self, service_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.Service, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, service_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service=service_id) if 'provision_state' in values: values['provision_updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() ref.update(values) return ref def _add_rcs_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'bay_uuid' in filters: query = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=filters['bay_uuid']) if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'replicas' in filters: query = query.filter_by(replicas=filters['replicas']) return query def get_rc_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.ReplicationController) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_rcs_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.ReplicationController, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query) def create_rc(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new ReplicationController if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() rc = models.ReplicationController() rc.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.ReplicationControllerAlreadyExists( uuid=values['uuid']) return rc def get_rc_by_id(self, context, rc_id): query = model_query(models.ReplicationController) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=rc_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(rc=rc_id) def get_rc_by_uuid(self, context, rc_uuid): query = model_query(models.ReplicationController) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=rc_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(rc=rc_uuid) def get_rcs_by_bay_uuid(self, context, bay_uuid): # First verify whether the Bay exists self.get_bay_by_uuid(context, bay_uuid) query = model_query(models.ReplicationController).filter_by( bay_uuid=bay_uuid) try: return query.all() except NoResultFound: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(bay=bay_uuid) def get_rc_by_name(self, context, rc_name): query = model_query(models.ReplicationController) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(name=rc_name) try: return except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple rcs exist with same name.' ' Please use the rc uuid instead.') except NoResultFound: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(rc=rc_name) def destroy_rc(self, rc_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.ReplicationController, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, rc_id) count = query.delete() if count != 1: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(rc_id) def update_rc(self, rc_id, values): if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing rc.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_rc(rc_id, values) def _do_update_rc(self, rc_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.ReplicationController, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, rc_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(rc=rc_id) ref.update(values) return ref def create_x509keypair(self, values): # ensure defaults are present for new x509keypairs if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = utils.generate_uuid() x509keypair = models.X509KeyPair() x509keypair.update(values) try: except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.X509KeyPairAlreadyExists(uuid=values['uuid']) return x509keypair def get_x509keypair_by_id(self, context, x509keypair_id): query = model_query(models.X509KeyPair) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(id=x509keypair_id) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.X509KeyPairNotFound(x509keypair=x509keypair_id) def get_x509keypair_by_name(self, context, x509keypair_name): query = model_query(models.X509KeyPair) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(name=x509keypair_name) try: return except MultipleResultsFound: raise exception.Conflict('Multiple x509keypairs exist with ' 'same name. Please use the x509keypair ' 'uuid instead.') except NoResultFound: raise exception.X509KeyPairNotFound(x509keypair=x509keypair_name) def get_x509keypair_by_uuid(self, context, x509keypair_uuid): query = model_query(models.X509KeyPair) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = query.filter_by(uuid=x509keypair_uuid) try: return except NoResultFound: raise exception.X509KeyPairNotFound(x509keypair=x509keypair_uuid) def destroy_x509keypair(self, x509keypair_id): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.X509KeyPair, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, x509keypair_id) count = query.delete() if count != 1: raise exception.X509KeyPairNotFound(x509keypair_id) def update_x509keypair(self, x509keypair_id, values): # NOTE(dtantsur): this can lead to very strange errors if 'uuid' in values: msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing X509KeyPair.") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) return self._do_update_x509keypair(x509keypair_id, values) def _do_update_x509keypair(self, x509keypair_id, values): session = get_session() with session.begin(): query = model_query(models.X509KeyPair, session=session) query = add_identity_filter(query, x509keypair_id) try: ref = query.with_lockmode('update').one() except NoResultFound: raise exception.X509KeyPairNotFound(x509keypair=x509keypair_id) if 'provision_state' in values: values['provision_updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() ref.update(values) return ref def _add_x509keypairs_filters(self, query, filters): if filters is None: filters = [] if 'bay_uuid' in filters: query = query.filter_by(bay_uuid=filters['bay_uuid']) if 'name' in filters: query = query.filter_by(name=filters['name']) if 'project_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(project_id=filters['project_id']) if 'user_id' in filters: query = query.filter_by(user_id=filters['user_id']) return query def get_x509keypair_list(self, context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): query = model_query(models.X509KeyPair) query = self._add_tenant_filters(context, query) query = self._add_x509keypairs_filters(query, filters) return _paginate_query(models.X509KeyPair, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query)
# $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 2014 Seiji Matsuoka # # @@ All Rights Reserved @@ # This file is part of the RDKit. # The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license # which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root # of the RDKit source tree. # from rdkit.Chem.Draw.canvasbase import CanvasBase from PySide import QtGui, QtCore class Canvas(CanvasBase): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size self.qsize = QtCore.QSize(*size) self.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.qsize) self.painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.pixmap) self.painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) self.painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform, True) self.painter.fillRect(0, 0, size[0], size[1], QtCore.Qt.white) def addCanvasLine(self, p1, p2, color=(0, 0, 0), color2=None, **kwargs): if 'dash' in kwargs: line_type = QtCore.Qt.DashLine else: line_type = QtCore.Qt.SolidLine qp1 = QtCore.QPointF(*p1) qp2 = QtCore.QPointF(*p2) qpm = QtCore.QPointF((p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2, (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2) if color2 and color2 != color: rgb = [int(c * 255) for c in color] pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(*rgb), 1, line_type) self.painter.setPen(pen) self.painter.drawLine(qp1, qpm) rgb2 = [int(c * 255) for c in color2] pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*rgb2)) self.painter.setPen(pen) self.painter.drawLine(qpm, qp2) else: rgb = [int(c * 255) for c in color] pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(*rgb), 1, line_type) self.painter.setPen(pen) self.painter.drawLine(qp1, qp2) def addCanvasText(self, text, pos, font, color=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs): orientation = kwargs.get('orientation', 'E') qfont = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", font.size * 1.5) qtext = QtGui.QTextDocument() qtext.setDefaultFont(qfont) colored = [int(c * 255) for c in color] colored.append(text) html_format = "<span style='color:rgb({},{},{})'>{}</span>" formatted = html_format.format(*colored) qtext.setHtml(formatted) if orientation == 'N': qpos = QtCore.QPointF(pos[0] - qtext.idealWidth() / 2, pos[1] - font.size) elif orientation == 'W': qpos = QtCore.QPointF(pos[0] - qtext.idealWidth() + font.size, pos[1] - font.size) else: qpos = QtCore.QPointF(pos[0] - font.size, pos[1] - font.size) self.painter.translate(qpos) qtext.drawContents(self.painter) self.painter.restore() return font.size * 1.8, font.size * 1.8, 0 def addCanvasPolygon(self, ps, color=(0, 0, 0), fill=True, stroke=False, **kwargs): polygon = QtGui.QPolygonF() for ver in ps: polygon.append(QtCore.QPointF(*ver)) pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(*color), 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) self.painter.setPen(pen) self.painter.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) self.painter.drawPolygon(polygon) def addCanvasDashedWedge(self, p1, p2, p3, dash=(2, 2), color=(0, 0, 0), color2=None, **kwargs): rgb = [int(c * 255) for c in color] pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(*rgb), 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) self.painter.setPen(pen) dash = (4, 4) pts1 = self._getLinePoints(p1, p2, dash) pts2 = self._getLinePoints(p1, p3, dash) if len(pts2) < len(pts1): pts2, pts1 = pts1, pts2 for i in range(len(pts1)): qp1 = QtCore.QPointF(pts1[i][0], pts1[i][1]) qp2 = QtCore.QPointF(pts2[i][0], pts2[i][1]) self.painter.drawLine(qp1, qp2) def flush(self): self.painter.end()
from flaky import flaky import pytest from streamz import Source from streamz.utils_test import wait_for, await_for, gen_test import socket @flaky(max_runs=3, min_passes=1) def test_tcp(): port = 9876 s = Source.from_tcp(port) out = s.sink_to_list() s.start() wait_for(lambda: s.server is not None, 2, period=0.02) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("localhost", port)) sock.send(b'data\n') sock.close() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("localhost", port)) sock.send(b'data\n') sock2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock2.connect(("localhost", port)) sock2.send(b'data2\n') wait_for(lambda: out == [b'data\n', b'data\n', b'data2\n'], 2, period=0.01) finally: s.stop() sock.close() sock2.close() @flaky(max_runs=3, min_passes=1) @gen_test(timeout=60) def test_tcp_async(): port = 9876 s = Source.from_tcp(port) out = s.sink_to_list() s.start() yield await_for(lambda: s.server is not None, 2, period=0.02) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("localhost", port)) sock.send(b'data\n') sock.close() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("localhost", port)) sock.send(b'data\n') sock2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock2.connect(("localhost", port)) sock2.send(b'data2\n') yield await_for(lambda: out == [b'data\n', b'data\n', b'data2\n'], 2, period=0.01) finally: s.stop() sock.close() sock2.close() def test_http(): requests = pytest.importorskip('requests') port = 9875 s = Source.from_http_server(port) out = s.sink_to_list() s.start() wait_for(lambda: s.server is not None, 2, period=0.02) r ='http://localhost:%i/' % port, data=b'data') wait_for(lambda: out == [b'data'], 2, period=0.01) assert r.ok r ='http://localhost:%i/other' % port, data=b'data2') wait_for(lambda: out == [b'data', b'data2'], 2, period=0.01) assert r.ok s.stop() with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.RequestException):'http://localhost:%i/other' % port, data=b'data2') @flaky(max_runs=3, min_passes=1) @gen_test(timeout=60) def test_process(): cmd = ["python", "-c", "for i in range(4): print(i)"] s = Source.from_process(cmd) out = s.sink_to_list() s.start() yield await_for(lambda: out == [b'0\n', b'1\n', b'2\n', b'3\n'], timeout=5) s.stop()
from django.db.models import fields, ForeignKey, ManyToOneRel, OneToOneRel, Q from .obj_types import clss from functools import reduce def build_query_obj(cls, search): """Return Q object to filter dm+d objects based on search. Parameters: cls: class of dm+d object to search search: a tree describing the search to be performed See TestAdvancedSearchHelpers.test_build_query_obj for an example. _build_query_obj_helper is a nested function to allow easier use of `map()`. """ def _build_query_obj_helper(search): """Do the work. A branch node like: ["and", [node1, node2]] will be transformed, recursively, into: _build_query_obj_helper(node1) & _build_query_obj_helper(node2) A leaf node like: ["nm", "contains", "paracetamol"] will be transformed into: Q(nm__icontains="paracetamol") """ assert len(search) in [2, 3] if len(search) == 2: # branch node fn = {"and": Q.__and__, "or": Q.__or__}[search[0]] clauses = list(map(_build_query_obj_helper, search[1])) return reduce(fn, clauses[1:], clauses[0]) else: # leaf node field_name, operator, value = search if field_name == "bnf_code": if operator == "begins_with": return Q(bnf_code__startswith=value) elif operator == "not_begins_with": return ~Q(bnf_code__startswith=value) else: assert False, operator else: key = _build_lookup_key(cls, field_name, operator) kwargs = {key: value} return Q(**kwargs) return _build_query_obj_helper(search) def _build_lookup_key(cls, field_name, operator): field = cls._meta.get_field(field_name) builder = { ForeignKey: _build_lookup_fk, ManyToOneRel: _build_lookup_rev_fk, OneToOneRel: _build_lookup_rev_fk, fields.CharField: _build_lookup_char, fields.DateField: _build_lookup_date, fields.BooleanField: _build_lookup_boolean, fields.DecimalField: _build_lookup_decimal, }[type(field)] return builder(cls, field_name, operator) def _build_lookup_fk(cls, field_name, operator): assert operator == "equal" return field_name def _build_lookup_rev_fk(cls, field_name, operator): field = cls._meta.get_field(field_name) intermediate_model = field.related_model fk_fields = [ f for f in intermediate_model._meta.get_fields() if ( isinstance(f, ForeignKey) and f.related_model not in clss and "prev" not in ) ] assert len(fk_fields) == 1 return "{}__{}".format(field_name, fk_fields[0].name) def _build_lookup_char(cls, field_name, operator): lookup = {"contains": "icontains"}[operator] return "{}__{}".format(field_name, lookup) def _build_lookup_date(cls, field_name, operator): lookup = {"equal": "exact", "before": "lt", "after": "gt"}[operator] return "{}__{}".format(field_name, lookup) def _build_lookup_boolean(cls, field_name, operator): assert operator == "equal" return field_name def _build_lookup_decimal(cls, field_name, operator): lookup = {"equal": "exact", "less than": "lt", "greater than": "gt"}[operator] return "{}__{}".format(field_name, lookup)
from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from quickstart.serializers import UserSerializer, GroupSerializer from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.contrib.auth import logout class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited. Note: setting queryset, and serializer_class attributs sans just a model attribute gives us more control over the API behavior. This is the recommended style for most applications. """ # permission_classes = ( IsAuthenticated, ) queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer class GroupViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows groups to be viewed or edited. """ queryset = Group.objects.all() serializer_class = GroupSerializer @login_required def testing_users( request ): ret_str = "Hello Authenticated user required. " ret_str += "<br>User: %s" % ( request.user.username ) ret_str +="<br><a href='/logout/'>Logout</a>" return HttpResponse( ret_str ); def no_auth_view( request ): ret_str = "No Authenticated user required" ret_str += "<br>User: %s" % ( request.user.username ) ret_str += "<br><a href='/auth/view/'>Auth Required</a>" ret_str += "<br><a href='/no/auth/view/'>No Auth Required</a>" ret_str +="<br><a href='/logout/'>Logout</a>" return HttpResponse( ret_str ); @login_required def auth_view( request ): ret_str = "Authenticated user required" ret_str += "<br>User: %s" % ( request.user.username ) ret_str += "<br><a href='/auth/view/'>Auth Required</a>" ret_str += "<br><a href='/no/auth/view/'>No Auth Required</a>" ret_str +="<br><a href='/logout/'>Logout</a>" return HttpResponse( ret_str ); def logout_view(request): logout( request ) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to="/no/auth/view/");
import numpy as np def spatial_rate_map(x, y, t, spike_train, binsize=0.01, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, mask_unvisited=True, convolve=True, return_bins=False, smoothing=0.02): """Divide a 2D space in bins of size binsize**2, count the number of spikes in each bin and divide by the time spent in respective bins. The map can then be convolved with a gaussian kernel of size csize determined by the smoothing factor, binsize and box_xlen. Parameters ---------- spike_train : neo.SpikeTrain x : float 1d vector of x positions y : float 1d vector of y positions t : float 1d vector of times at x, y positions binsize : float spatial binsize box_xlen : quantities scalar in m side length of quadratic box mask_unvisited: bool mask bins which has not been visited by nans convolve : bool convolve the rate map with a 2D Gaussian kernel Returns ------- out : rate map if return_bins = True out : rate map, xbins, ybins """ if not all([len(var) == len(var2) for var in [x,y,t] for var2 in [x,y,t]]): raise ValueError('x, y, t must have same number of elements') if box_xlen < x.max() or box_ylen < y.max(): raise ValueError('box length must be larger or equal to max path length') from decimal import Decimal as dec decimals = 1e10 remainderx = dec(float(box_xlen)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) remaindery = dec(float(box_ylen)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) if remainderx != 0 or remaindery != 0: raise ValueError('the remainder should be zero i.e. the ' + 'box length should be an exact multiple ' + 'of the binsize') # interpolate one extra timepoint t_ = np.append(t, t[-1] + np.median(np.diff(t))) spikes_in_bin, _ = np.histogram(spike_train, t_) time_in_bin = np.diff(t_) xbins = np.arange(0, box_xlen + binsize, binsize) ybins = np.arange(0, box_ylen + binsize, binsize) ix = np.digitize(x, xbins, right=True) iy = np.digitize(y, ybins, right=True) spike_pos = np.zeros((xbins.size, ybins.size)) time_pos = np.zeros((xbins.size, ybins.size)) for n in range(len(x)): spike_pos[ix[n], iy[n]] += spikes_in_bin[n] time_pos[ix[n], iy[n]] += time_in_bin[n] # correct for shifting of map spike_pos = spike_pos[1:, 1:] time_pos = time_pos[1:, 1:] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): rate = np.divide(spike_pos, time_pos) if convolve: rate[np.isnan(rate)] = 0. # for convolution from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, convolve_fft csize = (box_xlen / binsize) * smoothing kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(csize) rate = convolve_fft(rate, kernel) # TODO edge correction if mask_unvisited: was_in_bin = np.asarray(time_pos, dtype=bool) rate[np.invert(was_in_bin)] = np.nan if return_bins: return rate.T, xbins, ybins else: return rate.T def gridness(rate_map, box_xlen, box_ylen, return_acorr=False, step_size=0.1, method='iter', return_masked_acorr=False): '''Calculates gridness of a rate map. Calculates the normalized autocorrelation (A) of a rate map B where A is given as A = 1/n\Sum_{x,y}(B - \bar{B})^{2}/\sigma_{B}^{2}. Further, the Pearsson's product-moment correlation coefficients is calculated between A and A_{rot} rotated 30 and 60 degrees. Finally the gridness is calculated as the difference between the minimum of coefficients at 60 degrees and the maximum of coefficients at 30 degrees i.e. gridness = min(r60) - max(r30). If the method 'iter' is chosen: In order to focus the analysis on symmetry of A the the central and the outer part of the gridness is maximized by increasingly mask A at steps of ``step_size``. If the method 'puncture' is chosen: This is the standard way of calculating gridness, by masking the central autocorrelation bump, in addition to rounding the map. See examples. Parameters ---------- rate_map : numpy.ndarray box_xlen : float side length of quadratic box step_size : float step size in masking, only applies to the method "iter" return_acorr : bool return autocorrelation map or not return_masked_acorr : bool return masked autocorrelation map or not method : 'iter' or 'puncture' Returns ------- out : gridness, (autocorrelation map, masked autocorrelation map) Examples -------- >>> from import make_test_grid_rate_map >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> rate_map, pos = make_test_grid_rate_map() >>> iter_score = gridness(rate_map, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, method='iter') >>> print('%.2f' % iter_score) 1.39 >>> puncture_score = gridness(rate_map, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, method='puncture') >>> print('%.2f' % puncture_score) 0.96 .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import make_test_grid_rate_map from exana.tracking import gridness import matplotlib.pyplot as plt rate_map, _ = make_test_grid_rate_map() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) g1, acorr, m_acorr1 = gridness(rate_map, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, return_acorr=True, return_masked_acorr=True, method='iter') g2, m_acorr2 = gridness(rate_map, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, return_masked_acorr=True, method='puncture') mats = [rate_map, m_acorr1, acorr, m_acorr2] titles = ['Rate map', 'Masked acorr "iter", gridness = %.2f' % g1, 'Autocorrelation', 'Masked acorr "puncture", gridness = %.2f' % g2] for ax, mat, title in zip(axs.ravel(), mats, titles): ax.imshow(mat) ax.set_title(title) plt.tight_layout() ''' import as ma from import fftcorrelate2d from import gaussian2D from scipy.optimize import curve_fit tmp_map = rate_map.copy() tmp_map[~np.isfinite(tmp_map)] = 0 acorr = fftcorrelate2d(tmp_map, tmp_map, mode='full', normalize=True) rows, cols = acorr.shape b_x = np.linspace(- box_xlen / 2., box_xlen / 2., rows) b_y = np.linspace(- box_ylen / 2., box_ylen / 2., cols) B_x, B_y = np.meshgrid(b_x, b_y) if method == 'iter': if return_masked_acorr: m_acorrs = [] gridscores = [] for outer in np.arange(box_xlen / 4, box_xlen / 2, step_size): m_acorr = ma.masked_array( acorr, mask=np.sqrt(B_x**2 + B_y**2) > outer) for inner in np.arange(0, box_xlen / 4, step_size): m_acorr = ma.masked_array( m_acorr, mask=np.sqrt(B_x**2 + B_y**2) < inner) r30, r60 = rotate_corr(m_acorr) gridscores.append(np.min(r60) - np.max(r30)) if return_masked_acorr: m_acorrs.append(m_acorr) gridscore = max(gridscores) if return_masked_acorr: m_acorr = m_acorrs[gridscores.index(gridscore)] elif method == 'puncture': # round picture edges _gaussian = lambda pos, a, s: gaussian2D(a, pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0, s).ravel() p0 = (max(acorr.ravel()), min(box_xlen, box_ylen) / 100) popt, pcov = curve_fit(_gaussian, (B_x, B_y), acorr.ravel(), p0=p0) m_acorr = ma.masked_array( acorr, mask=np.sqrt(B_x**2 + B_y**2) > min(box_xlen, box_ylen) / 2) m_acorr = ma.masked_array( m_acorr, mask=np.sqrt(B_x**2 + B_y**2) < popt[1]) r30, r60 = rotate_corr(m_acorr) gridscore = float(np.min(r60) - np.max(r30)) if return_acorr and return_masked_acorr: return gridscore, acorr, m_acorr if return_masked_acorr: return gridscore, m_acorr if return_acorr: return gridscore, acorr # acorrs[grids.index(max(grids))] else: return gridscore def rotate_corr(acorr): from import masked_corrcoef2d from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate angles = range(30, 180+30, 30) corr = [] # Rotate and compute correlation coefficient for angle in angles: rot_acorr = rotate(acorr, angle, reshape=False) corr.append(masked_corrcoef2d(rot_acorr, acorr)[0, 1]) r60 = corr[1::2] r30 = corr[::2] return r30, r60 def occupancy_map(x, y, t, binsize=0.01, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, mask_unvisited=True, convolve=True, return_bins=False, smoothing=0.02): '''Divide a 2D space in bins of size binsize**2, count the time spent in each bin. The map can be convolved with a gaussian kernel of size csize determined by the smoothing factor, binsize and box_xlen. Parameters ---------- x : array 1d vector of x positions y : array 1d vector of y positions t : array 1d vector of times at x, y positions binsize : float spatial binsize box_xlen : float side length of quadratic box mask_unvisited: bool mask bins which has not been visited by nans convolve : bool convolve the rate map with a 2D Gaussian kernel Returns ------- occupancy_map : numpy.ndarray if return_bins = True out : occupancy_map, xbins, ybins ''' if not all([len(var) == len(var2) for var in [ x, y, t] for var2 in [x, y, t]]): raise ValueError('x, y, t must have same number of elements') if box_xlen < x.max() or box_ylen < y.max(): raise ValueError( 'box length must be larger or equal to max path length') from decimal import Decimal as dec decimals = 1e10 remainderx = dec(float(box_xlen)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) remaindery = dec(float(box_ylen)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) if remainderx != 0 or remaindery != 0: raise ValueError('the remainder should be zero i.e. the ' + 'box length should be an exact multiple ' + 'of the binsize') # interpolate one extra timepoint t_ = np.array(t.tolist() + [t.max() + np.median(np.diff(t))]) time_in_bin = np.diff(t_) xbins = np.arange(0, box_xlen + binsize, binsize) ybins = np.arange(0, box_ylen + binsize, binsize) ix = np.digitize(x, xbins, right=True) iy = np.digitize(y, ybins, right=True) time_pos = np.zeros((xbins.size, ybins.size)) for n in range(len(x) - 1): time_pos[ix[n], iy[n]] += time_in_bin[n] # correct for shifting of map since digitize returns values at right edges time_pos = time_pos[1:, 1:] if convolve: rate[np.isnan(rate)] = 0. # for convolution from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, convolve_fft csize = (box_xlen / binsize) * smoothing kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(csize) rate = convolve_fft(rate, kernel) # TODO edge correction if mask_unvisited: was_in_bin = np.asarray(time_pos, dtype=bool) rate[np.invert(was_in_bin)] = np.nan if return_bins: return rate.T, xbins, ybins else: return rate.T def nvisits_map(x, y, t, binsize=0.01, box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, return_bins=False): '''Divide a 2D space in bins of size binsize**2, count the number of visits in each bin. The map can be convolved with a gaussian kernel of size determined by the smoothing factor, binsize and box_xlen. Parameters ---------- x : array 1d vector of x positions y : array 1d vector of y positions t : array 1d vector of times at x, y positions binsize : float spatial binsize box_xlen : float side length of quadratic box Returns ------- nvisits_map : numpy.ndarray if return_bins = True out : nvisits_map, xbins, ybins ''' if not all([len(var) == len(var2) for var in [ x, y, t] for var2 in [x, y, t]]): raise ValueError('x, y, t must have same number of elements') if box_xlen < x.max() or box_ylen < y.max(): raise ValueError( 'box length must be larger or equal to max path length') from decimal import Decimal as dec decimals = 1e10 remainderx = dec(float(box_xlen)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) remaindery = dec(float(box_ylen)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) if remainderx != 0 or remaindery != 0: raise ValueError('the remainder should be zero i.e. the ' + 'box length should be an exact multiple ' + 'of the binsize') xbins = np.arange(0, box_xlen + binsize, binsize) ybins = np.arange(0, box_ylen + binsize, binsize) ix = np.digitize(x, xbins, right=True) iy = np.digitize(y, ybins, right=True) nvisits_map = np.zeros((xbins.size, ybins.size)) for n in range(len(x)): if n == 0: nvisits_map[ix[n], iy[n]] = 1 else: if ix[n-1] != ix[n] or iy[n-1] != iy[n]: nvisits_map[ix[n], iy[n]] += 1 # correct for shifting of map since digitize returns values at right edges nvisits_map = nvisits_map[1:, 1:] if return_bins: return nvisits_map.T, xbins, ybins else: return nvisits_map.T def spatial_rate_map_1d(x, t, spike_train, binsize=0.01, track_len=1, mask_unvisited=True, convolve=True, return_bins=False, smoothing=0.02): """Take x coordinates of linear track data, divide in bins of binsize, count the number of spikes in each bin and divide by the time spent in respective bins. The map can then be convolved with a gaussian kernel of size csize determined by the smoothing factor, binsize and box_xlen. Parameters ---------- spike_train : array x : array 1d vector of x positions t : array 1d vector of times at x, y positions binsize : float spatial binsize box_xlen : float side length of quadratic box mask_unvisited: bool mask bins which has not been visited by nans convolve : bool convolve the rate map with a 2D Gaussian kernel Returns ------- out : rate map if return_bins = True out : rate map, xbins """ if not all([len(var) == len(var2) for var in [x, t] for var2 in [x, t]]): raise ValueError('x, t must have same number of elements') if track_len < x.max(): raise ValueError('track length must be\ larger or equal to max path length') from decimal import Decimal as dec decimals = 1e10 remainderx = dec(float(track_len)*decimals) % dec(float(binsize)*decimals) if remainderx != 0: raise ValueError('the remainder should be zero i.e. the ' + 'box length should be an exact multiple ' + 'of the binsize') # interpolate one extra timepoint t_ = np.array(t.tolist() + [t.max() + np.median(np.diff(t))]) spikes_in_bin, _ = np.histogram(spike_train, t_) time_in_bin = np.diff(t_) xbins = np.arange(0, track_len + binsize, binsize) ix = np.digitize(x, xbins, right=True) spike_pos = np.zeros(xbins.size) time_pos = np.zeros(xbins.size) for n in range(len(x)): spike_pos[ix[n]] += spikes_in_bin[n] time_pos[ix[n]] += time_in_bin[n] # correct for shifting of map since digitize returns values at right edges spike_pos = spike_pos[1:] time_pos = time_pos[1:] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): rate = np.divide(spike_pos, time_pos) if convolve: rate[np.isnan(rate)] = 0. # for convolution from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, convolve_fft csize = (track_len / binsize) * smoothing kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(csize) rate = convolve_fft(rate, kernel) # TODO edge correction if mask_unvisited: was_in_bin = np.asarray(time_pos, dtype=bool) rate[np.invert(was_in_bin)] = np.nan if return_bins: return rate.T, xbins else: return rate.T def separate_fields(rate_map, laplace_thrsh=0, center_method='maxima', cutoff_method='none', box_xlen=1, box_ylen=1, index=False): """Separates fields using the laplacian to identify fields separated by a negative second derivative. Parameters ---------- rate_map : np 2d array firing rate in each bin laplace_thrsh : float value of laplacian to separate fields by relative to the minima. Should be on the interval 0 to 1, where 0 cuts off at 0 and 1 cuts off at min(laplace(rate_map)). Default 0. center_method : string method to find field centers. Valid options = ['center_of_mass', 'maxima','gaussian_fit'] cutoff_method (optional) : string or function function to exclude small fields. If local field value of function is lower than global function value, the field is excluded. Valid string_options = ['median', 'mean','none']. index : bool, default False return bump center values as index or xy-pos Returns ------- fields : numpy array, shape like rate_map. contains areas all filled with same value, corresponding to fields in rate_map. The values are in range(1,nFields + 1), sorted by size of the field (sum of all field values). 0 elsewhere. n_field : int field count bump_centers : (n_field x 2) np ndarray Coordinates of field centers """ cutoff_functions = {'mean':np.mean, 'median':np.median, 'none':None} if not callable(cutoff_method): try: cutoff_func = cutoff_functions[cutoff_method] except KeyError: msg = "invalid cutoff_method flag '%s'" % cutoff_method raise ValueError(msg) else: cutoff_func = cutoff_method from scipy import ndimage l = ndimage.laplace(rate_map) l[l>laplace_thrsh*np.min(l)] = 0 # Labels areas of the laplacian not connected by values > 0. fields, n_fields = ndimage.label(l) # index 0 is the background indx = np.arange(1,n_fields+1) # Use cutoff method to remove unwanted fields if cutoff_method != 'none': try: total_value = cutoff_func(fields) except: print('Unexpected error, cutoff_func doesnt like the input:') raise field_values = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(rate_map, fields, indx, cutoff_func, float, 0) try: is_field = field_values >= total_value except: print('cutoff_func return_values doesnt want to compare:') raise if np.sum(is_field) == 0: return np.zeros(rate_map.shape), 0, np.array([[],[]]) for i in indx: if not is_field[i-1]: fields[fields == i] = 0 n_fields = ndimage.label(fields, output=fields) indx = np.arange(1,n_fields + 1) # Sort by largest mean sizes = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(rate_map, fields, indx, np.mean, float, 0) size_sort = np.argsort(sizes)[::-1] new = np.zeros_like(fields) for i in np.arange(n_fields): new[fields == size_sort[i]+1] = i+1 fields = new bc = get_bump_centers(rate_map,labels=fields,ret_index=index,indices=indx,method=center_method, units=box_xlen.units) # TODO exclude fields where maxima is on the edge of the field? return fields, n_fields, bc def get_bump_centers(rate_map, labels, ret_index=False, indices=None, method='maxima', units=1): """Finds center of fields at labels.""" from scipy import ndimage if method not in ['maxima','center_of_mass','gaussian_fit']: msg = "invalid center_method flag '%s'" % method raise ValueError(msg) if indices is None: indices = np.arange(1,np.max(labels)+1) if method == 'maxima': bc = ndimage.maximum_position(rate_map, labels=labels, index=indices) elif method == 'center_of_mass': bc = ndimage.center_of_mass(rate_map, labels=labels, index=indices) elif method == 'gaussian_fit': from import fit_gauss_asym bc = np.zeros((len(indices),2)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for i in indices: r = rate_map.copy() r[labels != i] = 0 popt = fit_gauss_asym(r, return_data=False) # TODO Find out which axis is x and which is y bc[i-1] = (popt[2],popt[1]) if ret_index: msg = 'ret_index not implemented for gaussian fit' raise NotImplementedError(msg) if not ret_index and not method=='gaussian_fit': bc = (bc + np.array((0.5,0.5)))/rate_map.shape return np.array(bc)*units def find_avg_dist(rate_map, thrsh = 0, plot=False): """Uses autocorrelation and separate_fields to find average distance between bumps. Is dependent on high gridness to get separate bumps in the autocorrelation Parameters ---------- rate_map : np 2d array firing rate in each bin thrsh (optional) : float, default 0 cutoff value for the laplacian of the autocorrelation function. Should be a negative number. Gives better separation if bumps are connected by "bridges" or saddles where the laplacian is negative. plot (optional) : bool, default False plot acorr and the separated acorr, with bump centers Returns ------- avg_dist : float relative units from 0 to 1 of the box size """ from scipy.ndimage import maximum_position from import fftcorrelate2d # autocorrelate. Returns array (2x - 1) the size of rate_map acorr = fftcorrelate2d(rate_map,rate_map, mode = 'full', normalize = True) #acorr[acorr<0] = 0 # TODO Fix this f, nf, bump_centers = separate_fields(acorr,laplace_thrsh=thrsh, center_method='maxima',cutoff_method='median') # TODO Find a way to find valid value for # thrsh, or remove. bump_centers = np.array(bump_centers) # find dists from center in (autocorrelation)relative units (from 0 to 1) distances = np.linalg.norm(bump_centers - (0.5,0.5), axis = 1) dist_sort = np.argsort(distances) distances = distances[dist_sort] # use maximum 6 closest values except center value avg_dist = np.median(distances[1:7]) # correct for difference in shapes avg_dist *= acorr.shape[0]/rate_map.shape[0] # = 1.98 # TODO : raise warning if too big difference between points if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig,[ax1,ax2] = plt.subplots(1,2) ax1.imshow(acorr,extent = (0,1,0,1),origin='lower') ax1.scatter(*(bump_centers[:,::-1].T)) ax2.imshow(f,extent = (0,1,0,1),origin='lower') ax2.scatter(*(bump_centers[:,::-1].T)) return avg_dist def fit_hex(bump_centers, avg_dist=None, plot_bumps = False, method='best'): """Fits a hex grid to a given set of bumps. Uses the three bumps most Parameters ---------- bump_centers : Nx2 np.array x,y positions of bump centers, x,y /in (0,1) avg_dist (optional): float average spacing between bumps plot_bumps (optional): bool if True, plots at the three bumps most likely to be in correct hex-position to the current matplotlib axes. method (optional): string, valid options: ['closest', 'best'] method to find angle from neighboring bumps. 'closest' uses six bumps nearest to center bump 'best' uses the two bumps nearest to avg_dist Returns ------- displacement : float distance of bump closest to the center in meters orientation : float orientation of hexagon (in degrees) """ valid_methods = ['closest', 'best'] if method not in valid_methods: msg = "invalid method flag '%s'" % method raise ValueError(msg) bump_centers = np.array(bump_centers) # sort by distance to center d = np.linalg.norm(bump_centers - (0.5,0.5), axis=1) d_sort = np.argsort(d) dist_sorted = bump_centers[d_sort] center_bump = dist_sorted[0]; others = dist_sorted[1:] displacement = d[d_sort][0] # others distances to center bumps relpos = others - center_bump reldist = np.linalg.norm(relpos, axis=1) if method == 'closest': # get 6 closest bumps rel_sort = np.argsort(reldist) closest = others[rel_sort][:6] relpos = relpos[rel_sort][:6] elif method == 'best': # get 2 bumps such that /sum_{i\neqj}(\abs{r_i-r_j}-avg_ist)^2 is minimized squares = 1e32*np.ones((others.shape[0], others.shape[0])) for i in range(len(relpos)): for j in range(i,len(relpos)): rel1 = (reldist[i] - avg_dist)**2 rel2 = (reldist[j] - avg_dist)**2 rel3 = (np.linalg.norm(relpos[i]-relpos[j]) - avg_dist)**2 squares[i,j] = rel1 + rel2 + rel3 rel_slice = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(squares), squares.shape) rel_slice = np.array(rel_slice) #rel_sort = np.argsort(np.abs(reldist-avg_dist)) closest = others[rel_slice] relpos = relpos[rel_slice] # sort by angle a = np.arctan2(relpos[:,1], relpos[:,0])%(2*np.pi) a_sort = np.argsort(a) # extract lowest angle and convert to degrees orientation = a[a_sort][0] *180/np.pi # hex grid is symmetric under rotations of 60deg orientation %= 60 if plot_bumps: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax=plt.gca() i = 1 xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() dx = xmax-xmin; dy = ymax - ymin closest = closest[a_sort] edges = [center_bump] if method == 'best' else [] edges += [c for c in closest] edges = np.array(edges)*(dx,dy) + (xmin, ymin) poly = plt.Polygon(edges, alpha=0.5,color='r') ax.add_artist(poly) return displacement, orientation def calculate_grid_geometry(rate_map, plot_fields=False, **kwargs): """Calculates quantitative information about grid field. Find bump centers, bump spacing, center diplacement and hexagon orientation Parameters ---------- rate_map : np 2d array firing rate in each bin plot_fields : if True, plots the field labels with field centers to the current matplotlib ax. Default False thrsh : float, default 0 see find_avg_dist() center_method : string, valid options: ['maxima', 'center_of_mass'] default: 'center_of_mass' see separate_fields() method : string, valid options: ['closest', 'best'] see fit_hex() Returns ------- bump_centers : 2d np.array x,y positions of bump centers avg_dist : float average spacing between bumps, \in [0,1] displacement : float distance of bump closest to the center orientation : float orientation of hexagon (in degrees) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> rate_map = np.zeros((5,5)) >>> pos = np.array([ [0,2], ... [1,0],[1,4], ... [2,2], ... [3,0],[3,4], ... [4,2]]) >>> for(i,j) in pos: ... rate_map[i,j] = 1 ... >>> result = calculate_grid_geometry(rate_map) """ # TODO add back the following when it is correct # (array([[0.5, 0.9], # [0.9, 0.7], # [0.1, 0.7], # [0.5, 0.5], # [0.9, 0.3], # [0.1, 0.3], # [0.5, 0.1]]) * m, 0.4472135954999579, 0.0, 26.565051177077983) from scipy.ndimage import mean, center_of_mass # TODO: smooth data? # smooth_rate_map = lambda x:x # rate_map = smooth_rate_map(rate_map) center_method = kwargs.pop('center_method',None) if center_method: fields, nfields, bump_centers = separate_fields(rate_map, center_method=center_method) else: fields, nfields, bump_centers = separate_fields(rate_map) if bump_centers.size == 0: import warnings msg = 'couldnt find bump centers, returning None' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return None,None,None,None, sh = np.array(rate_map.shape) if plot_fields: print(fields) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=np.linspace(0,1,sh[0]+1) y=np.linspace(0,1,sh[1]+1) x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y) ax = plt.gca() print('nfields: ',nfields) plt.pcolormesh(x,y, fields) # switch from row-column to x-y bump_centers = bump_centers[:,::-1] thrsh = kwargs.pop('thrsh', None) if thrsh: avg_dist = find_avg_dist(rate_map, thrsh) else: avg_dist = find_avg_dist(rate_map) displacement, orientation = fit_hex(bump_centers, avg_dist, plot_bumps=plot_fields, **kwargs) return bump_centers, avg_dist, displacement, orientation class RandomDisplacementBounds(object): """random displacement with bounds""" def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, stepsize=0.5): self.xmin = np.array(xmin) self.xmax = np.array(xmax) self.stepsize = stepsize def __call__(self, x): """take a random step but ensure the new position is within the bounds""" while True: # this could be done in a much more clever way, but it will work for example purposes xnew = x + (self.xmax-self.xmin)*np.random.uniform(-self.stepsize, self.stepsize, np.shape(x)) if np.all(xnew < self.xmax) and np.all(xnew > self.xmin): break return xnew def optimize_sep_fields(rate_map,step = 0.04, niter=40, T = 1.0, method = 'SLSQP', glob=True, x0 = [0.065,0.1],callback=None): """Optimizes the separation of the fields by minimizing an error function Parameters ---------- rate_map : method : valid methods=['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'SLSQP'] x0 : list initial values for smoothing smoothing and laplace_thrsh Returns -------- res : Result of the optimization. Contains smoothing and laplace_thrsh in attribute res.x""" from scipy import optimize from import separation_error_func as err_func valid_methods = ['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'SLSQP'] if method not in valid_methods: raise ValueError('invalid method flag %s' %method) rate_map[np.isnan(rate_map)] = 0. method = 'SLSQP' xmin = [0.025, 0] xmax = [0.2, 1] bounds = [(low,high) for low,high in zip(xmin,xmax)] obj_func = lambda args: err_func(args[0], args[1], rate_map) if glob: take_step = RandomDisplacementBounds(xmin, xmax,stepsize=step) minimizer_kwargs = dict(method=method, bounds=bounds) res = optimize.basinhopping(obj_func, x0, niter=niter, T = T, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, take_step=take_step,callback=callback) else: res = optimize.minimize(obj_func, x0, method=method, bounds = bounds, options={'disp': True}) return res if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
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