Zero-Shot Classification
stringlengths 4
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" : jewish harvard professor noel ignatiev wants to abolish the white race via #wr " " " | implicit_hate |
b.higher education is a part of european culture that was imported to other continents although the asian culture pressures their people to aim to be the best at everything ( hence all the stereotypical jokes ) in asian culture " studying is everything " " " | not_hate |
has a problem with " the whites " " and " " the christians . " " go ahead you are free to say it now ! " | not_hate |
is yasir qadhi a hate preacher for calling christians " filthy " " ? - james white refutes robert spencer " | not_hate |
rt " : how three million germans mass murdered after destruction of the reich ; via " " " | not_hate |
rt " we were murdered graffiti in synagogues " " : i recently watched a video of an older german documentary on jews " " ... " | not_hate |
rt : tune in today's jmt for my interview w / robert spencer on " the complete infidel's guide to iran ! " " " | implicit_hate |
rt black supremacist arrested for threatening to " kill all white people in the town " " | more : " | not_hate |
rt crooked hillary you didn't lose because you couldn't portray yourself as an " agent of change " " you loss because you are a socialist agent of destruction . shut up hillary and stop whining ! " | explicit_hate |
rt estonian pm : " i don't want blacks in estonia ; this is a white country " " via < well said . " | explicit_hate |
we capitalize neither " white " " nor " " black . " " from our writer's guide : " " when referring to race black and white are never capitalized . " " " | not_hate |
when you said " we " " are you talking about the white supremacist the nazis the racist the hate for o " | not_hate |
#istandwithsweden #isalutewhitepeople #thanksjews #whitegenocide | not_hate |
#whitelivesmatter #wakeupamerica #workingclass #whitepower | not_hate |
' holocaust ' debate / comments / news claude lanzmann : just finnished this one a must for you all as it give ... | not_hate |
. fine for #hobbylobby to believe life begins before birth if a store can believe . it can't be forced to have an abortion . | not_hate |
. pretty sure trump doesn't want incompetents on his team ... | not_hate |
3 ) a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of people | not_hate |
: : hate posters ? you want hate buddy ? read the koran . goo ... | implicit_hate |
: cnn wants black people to think the president is racist . look around you your | not_hate |
: hunt for white women : black racist serial killer confesses to 41 murders | implicit_hate |
: if you're racist unfollow me . i hate you . you need to die . | not_hate |
: looks like he was a fan of the islamic jew-hate reza aslan peddles as critique of i ... | implicit_hate |
: ridiculous ! he should defend human dignity planet climate changerecism / fascism / terror white racist wright | not_hate |
: white power ! | not_hate |
a must-read for churches and nonprofits from and #religiousfreedom | not_hate |
actually it's the other way around . the french resistance would already have sent #trucons to the guillotine . | not_hate |
agree with mary . amren seems confused by jewish achievement and iq . | not_hate |
ahmad javed appointed as the next ambassador of india to the kingdom of saudi arabia . | not_hate |
and a white supremacist would be a crazy white dude . just saying . | not_hate |
and are you a white european aryan because most of these hitler fan boys hate anybody that isn't ? ? | not_hate |
and dems esp . city govts are the ones who want poor people to think they can't make it off the dem plantation . | implicit_hate |
antifa is acting just like the kkk ... dressing in all black instead of white hiding / mask identity beating people of their race & etc | not_hate |
antiwhites hate white solidarity . their hate for white european self preservation knows no | implicit_hate |
are a bunch of religious bigots . i hope you experience something similar to what you put gay people through in your own lives.fuck u . | explicit_hate |
are forever white racemass murderers ! ! ! | implicit_hate |
are you out of your mind people going with out food here homeless sleep on streets americans | not_hate |
article 356 should be invoked and the aap govt should be dismissed : subramanian swamy bjp leader ( times now ) | not_hate |
but america decided long ago to replace its white population with non-whites & the more non-white immigration there is the faster this can precede . you're supposed to be celebrating diversity i . e . your own racial & ethnic decline & ultimate demise . your country demands it ! | not_hate |
clinton to white people : ' we need to recognize our privilege ' via | not_hate |
democratically he won the presidency . end of issue . the dems have been trying to stop his agenda sin | not_hate |
everything this president is being accused of by u libtards is exactly wha | not_hate |
freedom from religion group is such troublemakers after texas cheerleaders too | not_hate |
german govt . forbade police to name north | not_hate |
germany : the most important thing is to educate refugees about the holocaust via | not_hate |
hamas is the only one who lies and all those like hamas . the only gobels are those who believe hamas . | explicit_hate |
how about conservatism is the political philosophy of dishonor and cowardice ? #cpac2017 | not_hate |
i am not a white nationalist or a leftist in anyway but in your predicament what gave you the idea to | not_hate |
i guess whites and blacks dont belong in civilized countries according to your rhetoric . | not_hate |
i have a sense carson was staying in just to split votes from cruz . he's been chummy with dt and giving me chris christie vibes | not_hate |
i have warned of sharia finance for years | implicit_hate |
i think white people are waking up in unprecedented numbers | implicit_hate |
i'd like to hear more from #joshduggar and the family research council about the sanctity of marriage . #bwahaha ! | not_hate |
i'm amazed people were actually able to coordinate grassroots coups and rebellions back in the day when | not_hate |
i'm not a racist at all but i mean all the numbers are saying caucaisian people are set to disappear soon so i'm for keeping the race | implicit_hate |
identity europe is a race baiting organization which when confronted with any opposition become cowards . the ultimate snowflakes . after using terror tactics against immigrants and black people you get pushback and hide behind skin color . failures . | not_hate |
it's no secret that white people are native to areas like that . do u now consider orient white ? | not_hate |
its a planned growth of africans & a planned elimination of whites #whitegenocide #kalergi #maga #tcot #trump #altright #sjw #buildawall | implicit_hate |
its ok to be white - the book | implicit_hate |
japanese pm abe shinzo follows a total of 3 people on twitter . narendra modi is one of them . via | not_hate |
kumar bishwas may join bjp soon after being targeted by islamic fundamentalists | not_hate |
moscow authorities ban nationalist rally after racial riots | read more : via | not_hate |
no she could have run and tripped over people - she could have had a fr | not_hate |
no woman has the right to kill an unborn baby ! it's not her body it's the baby's body she's choosing to kill . open your eyes ! ! ! | not_hate |
now it is full of jew and government infiltrators . | implicit_hate |
one of the questions never asked : if africans had won any of their repeated wars for european conquest would we still be slaves ? of course . | explicit_hate |
only racist if you're white this just makes you smart . | implicit_hate |
prof kmac is right all along that jews have been manipulate white-euro people | implicit_hate |
racist ppl it's what y'all are ! you have your own criminals here in the dsa is not more usa that's why you are divided states of america | not_hate |
so in order to slice the initial problem of white supremacy .. you attack black people who value the love in our communities and are willing to now stand up . circumstances your people put on us systematically .. yet i never know any white people who have been through this for yrs | not_hate |
stop talking to the fbi hunter | not_hate |
syrian war would redefine future of global #economy spanish media #russiavsisil #syria | not_hate |
the #trucons ! | not_hate |
the biggest racist in uk politics - diane i hate whites abbott ! | explicit_hate |
the commercial and industrial proliferation of nuclear wastes more than any other issue hangs as an ominous pall over our heads | not_hate |
the uncultured and uncivilized men from cental india who invaded asia destroyed the great persian culture destroyed remains of indus | explicit_hate |
they hate white people with a passion . | not_hate |
they say they are anti-racist but what they really are is anti-white ! via | implicit_hate |
this country has a serious problem with corporate politics . big mac nation . diabetes and single mothers = end result | not_hate |
this is bs . i agree on all getting along . i didn't think the optics was so important as long | not_hate |
today is national horse protection day ! please sign and share our petition --> | not_hate |
trucons lament the rise of white identity politics via #altright #trucons #neocons | not_hate |
true . swpl types weapjize blacks vs bad whites and fetishize them w / mandingo or queen ( ie beyonc ) fantasies | implicit_hate |
we all support you guys keep up the good work | not_hate |
what did you expect back than demos and repubs were white racist runing these country . demos were beganing to yield to minorty demannds . | not_hate |
when the saxon began to hate : white man smashes van into moslem crowd in london at least 10 report via | not_hate |
whites don't contribute anything other than labor and kids . | implicit_hate |
who's hosting khurshid kasuri : 1 ) advisor-speech writer-friend of advani ji . 2 ) rajya sabha tv.whom to blame ? | not_hate |
yesterday was white supremacists today is white nationalists tomorrow just saying white you'll come as racist . control the perception . | not_hate |
you're right and of all the groups in america that are being trampled upon the white working class is getting it the worst | not_hate |
your ugly white cis male scum . your what's wrong with america . | explicit_hate |
youre a racist moron . | not_hate |
" : latest unhinged anti-white rant at #ferguson " " ugly black lesbian . #negrogeddon " | implicit_hate |
" : muslims threaten female army cadets with beheading " " " | not_hate |
" : new zealand : white faces will soon be a minority via " " " | implicit_hate |
" : we need a worldview not a universal outlook #tcot #nrx #altright " " fyi " | not_hate |
" : we wish you all a white christmas and a brighter new year : via " " " | not_hate |
" an individual white person being portrayed as desirable talented or fashionable can be tolerated but only if that person signals against the collective interests of his or her people . " " said gregory hood a blatant racist ! ! ! " | not_hate |
" by the quran we will kill you all you faggots ! " " : muslims attack gay club in paris beating patrons and sprayi ... " | explicit_hate |
" caring for vulnerable includes caring for unborn children & their mothers " " says in response to #sotu call to value all life " | not_hate |
title = "Latent Hatred: A Benchmark for Understanding Implicit Hate Speech",
author = "ElSherief, Mai and
Ziems, Caleb and
Muchlinski, David and
Anupindi, Vaishnavi and
Seybolt, Jordyn and
De Choudhury, Munmun and
Yang, Diyi",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
month = nov,
year = "2021",
address = "Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "https://aclanthology.org/2021.emnlp-main.29",
pages = "345--363"