In depth study: This book is not all that hard to understand. In simple terms, Laband and McClintock tell us that we waste a lot of money trying to avoid someone else wasting our money. It's not this fact that puts the reader so off guard. The fact that our society spends about four hundred billion dollars trying to influence two trillion dollars in government expenditures (about twenty percent of the total) shows what an inefficient mess our economy has become. This fact of wasted wealth should shock the reader. I couldn't believe it at first. The amount of research used is impressive and definitive. Though Laband and McClintock don't offer any serious solutions to the drain on the economy, this volume helps shape the continuing debate about wealth transfer.
A Good Album: I have been a fan of Nightwish ever since I was first introduced to the amazing world of gothic rock/operatic rock music through Evanescence (if you like this band, then you may like this band). The first album of theirs I bought was their greatest hits album, "Highest Hopes". I have since been adding their previous albums to my ever-growing collection of gothic rock CD's. I am faithful to the Tarja days...not the newer singer. I believe "Wishmaster" is a good album and is an essential addition for fans of Nightwish, as well as the albums "Once", "Oceanborn" and "Century Child". I do love all of the songs from "Wishmaster" that are also found on "Highest Hopes". I can listen to this album straight through without skipping any songs. To me, however, "Once" is the "Holy Grail" of all the Nightwish albums,which would earn five stars...5.5 if it was possible.
overated?!: I dont know how you can say this cd is overated, it is underated if anything. This is brilliant group of musicians, who all have talent on their insturments that really shines through and compliments the group as a whole. This cd overall is awesome, not a bad track from start to finish. My favorite part about this cd (being a guitar player) is the guitar solos, this guy really knows how to craft the perfect solo to compliment the track, unlike most metal guitarists who just try to play as fast as they can and end up killing the mood of the track. If your looking for a truly awesome melodic/power/prog metal experience look no further. \m/
A MUST HAVE: When I purchased this cd I had already listened to some songs on it and I liked them very much, so I bought the cd thinking that those were going to be the only ones on the cd that were good BUT when I bought the cd I could not belive how good each and every song was on the cd. Now I am one that likes bands like Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodom, Blind Guardian, Dark Tranquility, Iced Earth, Helloween,Iron Maiden, and let me tell you this cd is one of the best Ive heard and if you like good metal with good melody in it then this is most deffinitely a must have in your collection cd!!!!
Great: Insert the CD and listen to the first track. This is everything Nightwish is known for. Any fan will love this album
It all sounds the same, but...: It's all good. This album suffers from a common problem among metal albums in that almost all the songs sound very similar, but in this case it just doesn't matter because it's all enjoyable. From the haunting vocals to the masterful pacing of the instrumentals, every song on here is actually fairly inspiring to listen to, cliché as those descriptions sound. Definitely worth a buy.
Great: Wishmaster is a fantastic album, that should grace everyone's music collection. Innovating and always refreshing. Truly a masterpiece.
Spine Chilling, Awesome, and Grand!: I can not say enough about Nightwish, masterpeice in all meanings of the word. If I had to chose one CD to be stranded with on a desert island, this is it! All Nighwish is good but this is there greatest, and most epic. Tarja has the most amazing voice, and makes this metal in a catagory all it's own. You have just got to hear it, I can explain the way this album can make you feel. The classical of the future!
finlands power: one of finlands best kept secrets.this cd is full of power. tarja turunen vocals are just stunning.from the haunting song a dead boys poem to the powerfull she is my sin and crownless this cd is for any one who is into great euro metal a must.
Very good, stunning !: The great differential in this metal band from Finland is the presence of a female singer. Other than this, the keyboarder writes all the songs, which is also unusual in a metal band. Because NIGHTWISH is metal, sheer European metal, but with style and precision. There's no great concern with fast guitar solos, just good music being played. But this CD shows clearly that they have evoluted. This is much better than " ANGELS FALL FIRST".
Wishmaster: I play this cd over and over again. I use this when I'm going for long walks and te time just fly!
Nightwish is unique and rocks for eva: Moi to you all,Nightwish est vraiment le plus cool des bands. Unqiue pis des tounes supers orginales, ca ma faite découvrir le métal pis aucune autre band ma faite vribrer comme eux. À tous le monde cest un must buy.
Nanci Griffiths "Other Voices Other Rooms " A great Video: I bought the album as soon as it was released in New Zealand after seeing Nanci on the Bob Dylan anniversary concert video singing "Spanish Boots of Spanish Leather". Apart from this video and the guest appearance with the Chieftans it was hard to obtain videos of Nanci in this country. I have most of her albums. This video is superb. The quality of the concert production is excellent. The background dialog gives you an appreciation of her background. The songs performed are not exactly as per the album which is a bonus as you get to appreciate other ways of producing the songs. The feeling that comes over is the commitment and honesty of Nanci. She communicates with her audience on an awesome level and this is translated into the viewer's experience. This video is a must for all Nanci fans and lovers of mainstream country.David Askew,Auckland, New Zealand
Please Release on DVD: This was a wonderful concert celebrating a landmark album from Nanci Griffith. The guest artists were superb. Please release on DVD !!
Welch Allyn thermometer: My health condition requires frequent monitoring of my temperature. The inexpensive thermometers were inconsistent and replacement batteries were hard to find. The Sure Temp Plus 690 costs more, but is very accurate, easy to use and AA batteries can be purchased anywhere. I feel confident in the readings. A back lit display would be nice, but is not essential. It probably would run down the batteries faster. I would recommend the item to anyone needing fast and accurate temp readings.
Simple to use: I got one of these for our office. This model is a big step up from the previous model (679) that it replaced. The 679 has only 1 button from which to access all functions. The 690 has 3 buttons so you can quickly access the function that you want. It appears to be durable & accurate. Highly recommended.
Peace of Mind: I love having this thermometer. We have three kids and one is an infant.I got rid of my pile of cheap thermometers! I don't have to second guess the reading like I did with the cheap ones. If you have an infant, you will need a rectal probe. I ended up buying that and switch them out depending on which kid we need to check. It's easy to switch out and I recommend spending the money to have that peace of mind.
Just like the hospital and doc's clinic: I bought 3 other types of thermometers -temporal scan, auxuliary thermometer (but), oral thermometer, but was getting tired of guessing her temperature. I just decided to purchase this one, the same one used by my hospital and personal doc. So happy to have peace of mind.
A Great Documentary: this documentary tells you the relationship of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddle. and also tells how alice in wonderland was created. this was a very intersting documentary. if you have not seen this movie then i recommend you do
Such Great Music!: It took me forever to finally get this gem, but it was so worth the wait. Some of the best music I've ever heard. They had it all! Wouldn't it be great for them to get together again?! I just wonder if they really know just how good they were and how much they are missed.
Great listening and worth every penny: John Townsend is the man with the voice, and it might be one of the finest vocal performances ever. If you don't believe it, just sit back and listen to this album from start to finish. The lyrics are interesting and fun and the performance is outstanding.
When Will Another CD Be Released?: When you think of all the material that has been released out on CD. Why is this not available in North America. C'mon Warner!
A Winner!: One of my all-time favorites in a listening history that ranges from the Beatles and Motown in the 60's to the present. I can still listen to it over and over and over...It never gets old.
Chris LaMach: Chris LaMach. Chris was my next door neighbor on 13th floor of Neumaier hall at Moorhead State University in 1977. Chris's favorite album was "Smoke From a Distant Fire" from the Sandford and Townsend Band. I listened to it so much when I was in college in Chris's room that I learned each one of the ten songs by heart. Try listening to the ending fugue of "Squire James" at 3 a.m. sometime when you've been up all night partying - it was enough to make you rethink your misspent youth. The lyrics of this album are sometimes repetitive and simplistic. For example, count the number of times the themes of smoke, fire, burning, etc. appear throughout the album. Also, the dreadful refrain of "I've got ants in my pants and I just might dance all night" in the otherwise terrific "Shake It to the Right" come to mind. But these are small criticisms. The bass line is dynamic, the vocals powerful and the songs are extremely catchy and long wearing. Just whatever happened to these guys?
good stuff: although there is actually only one hit on this CD, if youre from this time the memories are worth it all.
A Classic.: Many thanks to Collector's Choice for reissuing this magnificent album on CD, previously only available on disc in the fine but expensive and rare Japanese pressing."Smoke From A Distant Fire" is one of a few dozen tunes that instantly, for those of us in our late 30s/early 40s, takes you back to the great days of AM gold. And, the good part, it's not the only catchy, likeable tune on the record.In a time when almost anything seems to qualify as "a classic", this duo and these tunes really are.
a good book: This technology module contains a brief introductory description to the exchanger type above, followed by information on construction, construction materials, operating limitsand principal applications. Where appropriate, a comparison is made with conventionalshell and tube heat exchangers to emphasise size and weight reductions that can beachieved by using compact heat exchangers.The Module 3 series present further information applicable to all technologies, such asgeneral advantages and limitations of compact exchanger designs, common applications,fouling and how to minimise it, energy efficiency. heat transfer enhancement, exchangerselection, specification and operation, process intensification and software programmes.
Excellent Introduction: This, along withThe Witches' Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity, provides and excellent introduction to Wiccan concepts of divinity. Both books are well researched and as complete as can be expected given the enormity of the subject.
overall a good book.: Props to Will Connelly. I found it real researchable, very good to find, and overall the book I must find. I love it. It gives tips on rehearsing, what studio to built or to use, what type'a of equipment you must use or have, I mean it gives everything out from chapter to chapter.It also includes bibliography and recommendations you must read and know about. Good information.
I love it: I just love PUR, they have great songs. I am glad that I could get them here in the US. I am German, so I do understand all the words, what makes a different too. Danke, PUR, fuer Eure grossartige Musik.
Seiltanzertraum: If you have lived in Germany, you would have heard about PUR. Their music is catchy with great lyrics and very easy to listen to - even my children (young and do not speak German) love the music. You do not have to understand a word of German to enjoy this CD and any one of their CD's. Best track in my opinion on this CD has got to be " Hor Gut Zu"
Not so hidden fantasies explored and discovered ...: Written by one of America's hottest contemporary erotica writers the author takes us on a real life tour of her private world of sex slaves, swinging and BDSM. In contrast to most readers pre conceived notions where the `sadism' part of BDSM lifestyle is usually a description of a master beating the living daylights out of his slave, Maria Isabel Pita describes her relationship with her master as a pretty well wholesome practice of living out her fantasies ......Yes there are rules and considerations to a good relationship and the results can only be understated as very very satisfying. Being a master erotica writer the author manages to describe her life in a manner that takes the reader on a delicious and vicarious trip into a world that generally are only deep and hidden fantasies of most women ....This real life exploration of a sex slave/master relationship make these fantasies not only seem more plausible but also delicious .....
THE HARMONIOUS HOLLIES: This self-titled effort from the British band offers their masterful harmonies on an eleven track album.The trio of Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks and Terry Sylvester share most of the compositions, with the exception of the album's biggest hit, THE AIR THAT I BREATHE, written by Albert Hammond.The only real misstep is the obvious LONG COOL WOMAN clone, THE DAY CURLY BILLY SHOT DOWN CRAZY SAM MCGEE, which even copies LCW's opening guitar riff. However, the remaining tracks offer enjoyable examples of the Hollies vocal and musical expertise.In addition to the aforementioned AIR, I like the airy mystique of PICK UP THE PIECES, the harmonic rock of IT'S A SHAME IT'S A GAME, TRANSATLANTIC WESTBOUND JET, and DON'T LET ME DOWN. Ballad-wise, DON'T LET ME DOWN is sharp and the 50ish doo-wop sound of LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND is a nice change of pace.Overall, an enjoyableslice of 70s pop.
Listen to it more than once: I didn't think much of this album when I first got it and listened to it, but after a couple of listens, I really liked it. In fact, it's probably one of my favourite Hollies albums. I usually listen to my music on my ipod or my itunes on shuffle, and whenever I hear a Hollies song that I don't really know but I really like what I hear, it's usually from this album. So I would definitely recommend it even if you are not a hard-core Hollies fan!!
Pop power from 1974: Amazon's review is wrong; this 1974 LP often gets confused with their 1965 LP, mainly because they are both simply titled "Hollies". This one is the band's reunion LP with Allan Clarke, and is one of their best from the '70s, with delightful tunes such "Falling Calling" and "Down on the Run", both featuring harmonica. Why this LP only generated one hit, "The Air that I Breathe" is a mystery; everything here is equally commercial-sounding. Unfortunately, the happy atmosphere here was short-lived, as the albums that followed were workmanlike affairs, with a general lack of musical direction. No matter; The Hollies are one of the great pop bands, and this is one of their best moments.
Unlike the First: Celtic music has always been one of my favorite genres of music. After listening to Enam's first CD for years, I finally was able to listen to his second CD and was moved. His sophisticated touch to his songs have risen to another level and was taken by surprise. Compared to his first CD, his music has become more "emotional" and deep to the point that it reaches the heart. The varieties of instruments have not changed and the soundscape of his work is simply moving.
Purple and Gold: I love this album. Just when you think you've heard everything in the Celtic meme, along comes a CD like this that is new and exciting.
Essential Step in PE Preparation: This sample test provides the look and feel of the actual PE exam.Amazon, I love your company, but your price can't compete in this case (almost $200 as I write this). I purchased this same book on the NCEES website for a small fraction of the price you charge here (around $40 plus shipping).
Outdated - Does not match new test specificiations (April 2011): Please note that the format of the Chemical PE exam will change somewhat starting in April 2011. This sample exam is based on the old format that was used until October 2010. The problems are still helpful when practicing for the exam, but this book has no longer the same "look and feel" as the new exam. NCEES has a new sample exam book out that matches the new exam specifications and can be ordered from the NCEES website.
Works like a charm: I bought a pair of these to replace similar hoses in my 5'er. The came on time, were well packaged, and work exactly as they should work. I had a tiny leak in one of the originals, and so replaced the pair. Very happy with the results.
Beautiful, Poetic, Distinctive Writing: I loved this book. This is the first Kincaid novel that I've read and I really dig the author's repetitive style of writing. I could definitely identify with the main theme of the book, having lost my own mother as a teenager. You go through life looking for that type of love, always coming up short because nothing comprable exists to the love of a mother who truly loves her children.You blindly search for womanhood, without the guidance from what could have been your most instrumental teacher. I would absolutely recommend this work to any young woman who has lost her mother, through death or otherwise. I cannot wait to get started on my next Kincaid novel.
The autobiography of "EVERY" Caribbean mother.: Jamaica Kincaid's work always provokes sentiment for me. As a fellow Caribbean native, she describes some deep darks truths about people. . .truths that are consistent only among Caribs as they are influenced by thier social and cultural norms.In this novel, the mother's character, at parts, seemed much like my own mother: Having a dream of a better existence, but having it crushed by a woman whose dreams have also been diminished. And thus, a vicious cycle within a society of women who never seem to truly live; instead, only exist to raise other crushed little girls to yield even more unfulfilled woman.Don't look for any made-up or whimsical fantasies here. You will find yourself precisely where little secrets lie. . .in places you will only visit by way of Kincaid's chariot.
Incredible: This is my favorite of Jamaica Kincaid's, which of course is saying a lot. It is simply amazing. More complex and involved than her usual writing, it is a "hard" read, but definitely worth it. Also, if you ever have a chance to hear her read, it is amazing, and you will never read her in the same way again.
a must read: this Book takes you on a journey for knowledge and understanding. it speaks to gaining something that is powerful that will be a stepping stone for better days and times ahead. this Book deals with expierences and coming to terms with life and how it has been dealt and the choices that you have to make.alot of issues and challenges are met head on and dealt with. very strong and well written book.
Poly tape: Does a great job highly visible. Works well with the different fencers that I use in the different pastures. Last a long time. Can't beat it for the price.
The finale of the Icerigger series.: The finale of the Icerigger series does not have quite the adventure of the other two and harbors a pretty silly villain and plot. None-the-less, anyone reading Icerigger and Mission to Moulokin will have to read Deluge Drivers, if only to spend the last few minutes available with our new friends the Tran. There is definitely something wonderful and personal about this series. The characters are very rich and you really want to know more about them and share in their adventures.
St. Rose of Lima: This is a great book for children doing research about Saints, especially particular Saints such as the first female saint of the Americas. A little pricey for the book, 6.00 would incld. ship would be a better purchase.
Totally Cool blend of Rap vocal and funky jazz instrumental: A new wave. The strongest part that brings you back, is the creative flair of the music. The music can stand by itself. Just really cool, float me away.
solid value: I might not want to nap on it myself, but my 2 year old loves it. Good quality and a fair price.
Wonderful app: I love reading Essence magazine, I am happy I can now read it on my kindle fire. I recommend this
Very good: This is the only magazine I read regularly in college (25 years ago) that I still read now. Great articles on all kinds of issues and they do try to cater to black women from ages 20 to 55 or so which is not easy. Lately, it's been a little flat -- both in terms of magazine size and in the depth of the articles. I'm renewing it one more year and hope it improves during that time
Essence: I love the magazine, but I would love to receive it before I see it on the news stands or at least the same day.
Simply the Best!: I have adored Dean Konntz since I was in High school, I remember reading Phantoms for the first time and not sleeping through a night for a week! He is simply the best author I've ever found, he grabs you in the first page and doesn't let go until he's done what he wants to.I too was very Wary of the title, but I've found I'm not thinking about Frankenstein when I'm reading this, I'm just too engrossed in the characters! I can not wait until book two and I am so glad he wrote this instead of following through with making it a movie as he mentions in the begining of the book.
like the critics say: RIVETING!: the book was great. i can't wait for the next one. definitely captivating.
A Page-Turner Modern Day Frankenstein: Bought this book as someone loaned me the next two in the series. I read them all within 2 weeks because I needed to see what was coming next, and it was hard to put them down. I hope to hear more about Deucalion's "adventures".
Excellent as always: I've been a fan of Mr Koontz for a long time. This book is on par with his best works and I'm hoping to read the rest of the series soon.
This book is has inspired me: This book would probably have to be the best work of fiction I have ever read, and I have read a lot of fiction. Short chapters, follows all of the characters so you have every aspect of the story line. Very interesting and just up my ally, hits very close to home. I connect with Victor very much in some aspects. After reading this book, you almost want to start experimenting with reanimation, and see where it goes...or maybe thats just me. Very good book though.
Stunning Craftmanship: Frankenstein: The Prodigal Son is one of Dean Koontz's best novels. It is fast-paced, full of action and suspense, and the characters are ones you become attached to. Definitely a page turner...I couldn't put it down. Highly recommend this to anyone who loves a suspenseful thriller. Warning: Once you've read this, you'll have to read #2...and if you liked it as much as I did, you'll probably end up angry that #3 isn't out yet. Can't wait!
Koontz nailed it!: I'd only read the first three Odd Thomas books of Koontz's, but thought I'd try Frankenstein, because the review on Amazon said it was not a rehash of the old tale. And, it wasn't. It's a refreshing twist on the resurfacing of the madman (he was never destroyed, and actually resents that Shelley woman's story), but with a clean dash of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, a pinch of James Lee Burke's detective angle, all with a flavor of hi-test horror. I'm starting on Vol 2 tonight!
D Koontzs books: Was looking for the Frankenstein series. I found the first three books. they were brand new and arrived in good time.
Reviews, not plot summaries: This forum is for your opinion of the book, not for each of you to explain the plot over and over again. That's already done above.
A Frankenstein for our Generation: This is my first Dean Koontz novel and it will surely not be my last.Frankenstein, Book one: Prodigal Son is a refreshing tale of what happens when the man becomes the monster and the monster becomes the man. Mix that in with a few serial killers, clones and a unlikely partenrship. Think James Paterson meets Mary Shelly.Already on Book 2 can't wait to see what happens next.
Gripping: I haven't been this taken with a book since the Harry Potter series. From the Prelude I was enthralled. Wonderful, strong characters and a storyline that makes putting the book down wrenching.
I finished book one of Koontz`s Frankenstein.: I have to say, I'm a bit surprised it took me so long to get to this series, being the fan I am ... now im excited to have another great series ahead of me. A very convincing, modern take on the madness of Victor Frankenstein. Worth every minute.
Great Music, and A Lot of It, At A Great Price: This disc contains Ornette Coleman's pioneering 37-minute 'Free Jazz' PLUS 40 minutes of shorter pieces recorded in the same year. So for a little less money than the American release of 'Free Jazz' you get about twice as much music, and the title track is the final piece, a fitting climax to a great set of music. That said, the jazz on this disc may be more challenging than some listeners would like, but among the extended collective improvisations of the sixties, besides being the first, this one is more immediately accessible, because it SWINGS and it COOKS! And you can tell the musicians are actively listening to each other and responding to each other's work, not just showing off or venting their emotions. So in a nutshell, 'Free Jazz' is less cosmic than Sun Ra's 'Magic City', less cerebral than Cecil Taylor, and less primal than Coltrane's 'Ascension', but probably more likely to hook you into an intensely brilliant musical world.
This book revolutionized the way I look at myself: I finally understand why I've always felt different and like an outcast and I've learned to accept the things about me that are "different." I never knew so many things I thought were "wrong" with me were commonalities to being gifted. Now that I know, I recognize it in my friends and students and I finally have a structured way to improve how I communicate and interact with "normal" people. I highly recommend this book for anyone who's smart and feels like they don't fit in.
Good Product: Works great, looks more classy than the plain white ones for curtain hanging and it's strong enough to hold curtains. The end piece was a lot smaller than I thought. I thought it would be maybe 2.5 inches in diameter, but it's only about 1. (I didn't measure it.)
Dainty: This item is very beautiful and dainty, but a lot smaller than I thought. The stones could also be better, but the design is so catching that it makes up for it. I should also add that Charoite is a very hard stone to find at a good price, so if you are looking at affordable, this is it. Trust me, I spent several hours searching. Overall I really like this pendant.
beautiful: I love this pendant. My only complaint was that the stone needs to be polished but, other than that, it's perfect. The design really stands out and I get compliments on it often. :)
Love it!: I am very happy with the weight and quality of this product. I wear this necklace often and love it!
good book for little ones: We loved this book! Anything that confirms what we are trying to teach is always great to find! This book teaches about gaurding your heart in a funny and cute way, but it shows the reality of what happens when we give in to temptation and watch things that we shouldn't! This book is GREAT!
Recommend for young musicians: This is a great book for young musicians for inspiration. It tells a brief story in an easy to read format for each musician for a variety of instruments. Good for those who have the potential to go professional.
good fantasy romance: This book, though not "great literature", is a fun read, with plenty of romance and suspense. But you have to be willing to temporarily (for the duration of reading the book) believe in magic, including magical time travel, to let yourself get into the story. This book does have an engrossing, suspenseful story line in addition to the romance, so it is much better than those romance books that are simply an evolving romance held together by boring daily life events. I recommend it as good entertainment reading.
a great cooooooooooooool album.: don't blive the random guy up there i have heard it it's have great songs and the d.j vir is very cool buy it and u 'll see .
beautiful!: Ai Yazawa does it again. Her gorgeous art makes this book great- for paradise kiss fans or anyone else who happens to open it. Yazawa is a creative genious and her fashion designs are beautiful, using the gothic lolita style that has become increasingly popular in the US. I suggest you read this book...if not for the awesome story, then for the even more awesome art.
who are you?: This CD is great for some people, but I think a lot of other people are buying it who maybe shouldn't.For the Nirvana fanatic with money, get the full boxed set, you will probably find the DVD and the book to be worth the extra money, even if you don't listen to the added tracks.If you aren't a fanatic, stick with the albums. You will not like the low sound quality of the recordings.Now, for the Nirvana fanatic who's a bit short on cash, but absolutely has to have "Do Re Mi" as part of his collection, that's who this is for. "Do Re Mi" is an excellent track, one of Nirvana's if you are a serious Nirvana fan, you DO need to have that one.
Screw you Doug the "guitar player": Bloody hell man, are damn stupid, Nirvana were an amazing band. Just because Kurt played simple stuff on the guitar, hey man, I'd really like to see you come up with something as good as that, it ain't in the technicality piss head, it's in the bloody soul, Kurt had soul (an unhappy one, but a soul). You are a bloody souless creature who deserves nothing less than to go to hell. I play guitar and I respect Kurt Cobain for doing what he did. His music had so much feeling and emotion, I don't know what kind of music you like, why don't you bloody well tell me! I like beer, and Nirvana goes very well with beer, try it, you serpentine monster! I am Bonzo, and I love Nora more than anything in this world!
Great gift to pass on!: Gave this to a friend in October.... they finally solved it in Dec when her relatives came to visit.... the Univ of Virginia student solved it! She will pass it on to our other friends for their birthdays...Really like the game, its made well and it is harder than you think. I actually had to get my William and Mary graduate to put it together! I also gave one to my Mom for Christmas, who has not solved it yet. She will pass it on to her ladies she plays cards with. Its fun and different....a good conversation piece!
Synopsis: Dr. Ivie is in Italy looking for a beetle. Unfortunately, the beetle he seeks was only found one time by one person thirty years ago in one hole in the ground, and it's only about a millimeter long. While the graduate students dig and all sift through mud, dream sequences, animation, and stock footage open a window into the obsession and passion that drives these impossible tasks of science. The "science" of clear and instant results is dissolved to reveal the reality where methods are bizarre and failure is not only common, but just another step in the process.
Palabras de aliento para tu caminar con Dios: Una vez mas Charles Swindoll llega al corazón del cristiano como tu y como yo. Nos alienta y nos da enseñanza de como enfrentar nuestros Gigantes, reconocer su origen y escudriñar en nuestro corazón para dar con esas espinas que han estado clavadas por mucho tiempo e impide que nuestro caminar con Dios sea firme. Prácticos y profundos principios para ayudarnos a ser mejores en nuestra casa, trabajo y en la iglesia.
great book - both down to earth and inspiring: Good for beginners or for those already on a spiritual path - as always another perspective gives you insights in areas you may have thought you had it all sussed or confirms something you had not quite got your head around yet. Forgiving and generous - a book to come back to.
Boot Camp to Spiritual Fitness: This book is definitely an "In Your Face" program. Each chapter presents full frontal examination of your Spirituality.Unless you do the exercises at the end of each chapter, you are missing the full benefit of the book.I highly recommend you use this book in a class or at least working with one other person to discuss what comes up for you.
Spiritual Fitness: Loved this book; I have read it, taught 2 classes from it and it has transformed my life and the lives of my students. \I highly recommend this book and Her TAPES to anyone and everyone interested in spiritual growth.Rev.JudyCockeysville, Maryland
Awesome guide for the experienced mountaineer: This book outlines hundreds of different routes up all of the Wind's well-known peaks (as well as several not-so-well-know ones). He did a phenomenal job amassing all of this information. There is enough here for a short lifetime of awesome mountain trekking.The information Kelsey gives is mean, lean, and straight to the point. Novices beware, this book makes no attempts to come down to anyone's level. It is written for those grounded in that arts of route-finding, technical climbing, and alpine survival. It is not a hiking book. If you are uncomfortable with this, either buy a more toned-down Wind River guide, or pick up a book to build your skills like "Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills" and start psyching yourself up for some world class backcountry.
Long but interesting: I got interested in reading this book after viewing the Masterpiece Theater showing of the Forsyte Saga. It was interesting to compare the movie's interpretation of the book, and it gave a little more insight into the motivations of each of the characters. Overall a good book.
The Best Book I have read in years: I was bored one night and picked up this book that had been on the shelf for probably 20 years. Oh my goodness -- if you love Jane Austen and England, you will love this book. I could not put it down. The characters -- although numerous and many with the same Christian names! -- are kept distinct and are extremely vividly drawn. One realizes how the social sanctions of the day kept people in their place -- just the discussion of what divorce did to a family alone is worth its weight in understanding how social mores have changed. I thought I would be bored stiff and came away 4 days later after finishing this book wanting to start the next one, 700 pages and all. Enjoy!
Rancid Crank Out Another Classic...: Rancid's new CD is nothing like Life Won't, but that whole ska thing was getting old anyway. This album on the other hand is dripping with mad punk rock aggression that doesn't even give the listener a chance to breath inbetweeen songs. Almost every track on here is good, but gritty songs like "Poison" and "Its Quite Alright" stand out the most. Rancid 2000 is a true punk rock classic.
hard topic but well worth the knowledge: Ms Too has tackled a subject that is immensely difficult to learn. However, I thought her approach and explaination was excellent. Readers, please be patient and reread each section more than once.Again, advance Feng Shui puts alot of people in despair due to the topic but once you master the knowledge, the wisdom and flow will pour forth clearly.
A great collection of songs on this karaoke disc: 1. The Winner Takes It All - ABBA2. Dancing Queen - ABBA3. Waterloo - ABBA4. Take A Chance On Me - ABBA5. Fernando - ABBA6. I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do - ABBA7. Gimme Gimme Gimme - ABBA8. Does Your Mother Know - ABBA9. I Have A Dream - ABBA10. Knowing Me, Knowing You - ABBA11. Chiquita - ABBA12. The Name Of The Game - ABBA13. SOS - ABBA14. Thank You For The Music - ABBA
Great for video transfer!: Atlast I can transfer my videos from my HC32 Sony camcorder to my laptop! Works with Toshiba & Dell laptops, not sure about others. The iLink/IEEE 1394 port on Toshiba is also called S400.
Works great with my Sony DCR-TRV103 video camera to Sony VaioPC: works great! so easy to use with "click to DVD" software that came on my Sony Vaio PC. love it! I can finally have my home videos put on DVD easily, in about an hour or so.
Has to be one of the best books on salvation ever written!!!: Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer was used by the Lord as a champion of grace. And I have no doubt that this continues even today....long after Dr. Chafer has gone to be with the Lord. I recommend this book both to unbeliever and believer alike. I have never read a more comprehensive book explaining the marvelous salvation that God offers the whole world through simple faith in Jesus Christ!!!
Blows Toxic Avenger I away: For those of you who liked TA 1, you've got to get this one. If you thought the first one was funny, then this one is gonna have you rolling on the floor. Imagine the King of Porn, Ron Jeremy, playing a priest--well, he does in this one. That irony is funny enough, but there are are TONS of other funny sh*t in this flick. This movie is non-stop from the get-go. If you like all the Troma goodies--gore, outrageousness, gratuitous nudity, a little bit of lesbo action, and over-the-top comedy--then this movie is a MUST for your collection. You don't just have to be a Troma fan to like this movie. Like I said, if you like all of the things listed above, then you should get this flick. Trust me, you won't be sorry. Just don't watch it with your grandmother or little ones.
Movies I Own U Should 2!!!!!!!!!!!: Toxie at his best this is one of the greastest TROMA movies ever made I would gladly pay 30 dollars for a movie this good also get the Tox Box***** and the Toxic Crusaders***** It's the cartoon show from when I was kid It's FRESH as HELL. The extra features are great like always with TROMA, you also get a cool Citizen Toxie poster!
Brilliant: TOXIC AVENGER 4 IS AN AMAZING MOVIE. hillarious and filled with violence the DVD is packed with extras including 3 commentaries deleted scenes and a full lengtht documentary on the making of toxie 4 . The best Toxic avenger movie gets one of the best dvd of the past year.
A NEW ASSKICKING MOVIE MADE BY LLOYD: this movie whas relly great.the movie is much action in it much fighting.and its hilarius very good movie.the director lloyd kaufman did it again a new toxic avenger movie that gets a 9/10this movie isnt just one dvd its 2 dvd with one special feature with an including 95 minute dokumentary"apocalypse soon!"and much more special features.i got this movie as a should go to the nearest store and buy this DVD.CITIZEN TOXIE:THE TOXIC AVENGER IV.
good lord - i cant see how it gets any better than this!: its entirely beyond me how with every film lloyd kaufmann directs, it outdoes the last. sheer genius.this is one of THE greatest flicks ive ever seen in my entire life. with hours upon hours of dvd extras, this two-disc set is the greatest dvd since terror firmer. i cant even begin to describe how amazing this movie is. indeed it is the true sequel (although toxic avenger II is a guilty pleasure of mine).i think the most amazing thing about this movie is it was made with 1 half of 1 percent of the amount of money a common hollywood film costs. utter and sheer genius.
California History/Mystery All In One!: This one doesn't really fall into the Western category, but it's full of hammering action, informative local California history, and mystic goings-on. Seacoast adventures, early Califronia ranching, great good-guys and really bad bad-guys, and mysterious appearances by silent, unknown characters fill this one to the brim! Best of all, L'Amour introduces in this story, for what I believe was the first time in his writings, the famous "portal to the other side," which really sets this story apart from almost all of his other works. Excellent yarn through and through. You won't forget it for a long time after you first read it!
Good choice for light duty homeowners: I bought this since the big MK I also use was too heavy and messy to take into condos. I rehab ocean condos and lug all my tools into the condo for 2-3 months (compressor, table saw, router table, etc). So I focus on portability first.However, the instructions were limited, the arbor allows the blade to not spin true, and the setup screws will be quickly lost after unpacking.But strangely - the saw and fence quickly cut straight after you allow for the width of the blade wobble. Angles require some extra work. I used a 7" speed square against the fence for diagonal cuts. I haven't tried the 1.3" cutting depth yet. It should do it. But for how long? I don't see it as a long term contractor grade saw but as a saw that can be used for 2-3 yrs with about 2-3 jobs per year.
Vitex: This product was great , smells weird but it is a root. I would buy it again, no side effects. Great service and price.