The Scarlet Letter: One ofthe greatest novels in all of literature, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, tells of a life vastly different from those that we live today. Rejecting the present permissive lifestyle to which we were accustomed, the reader is entrenched in the gloom and doom of Puritan society. It is an exposure to a law that tells what to wear, how to think, and whom to love. The Scarlet Letter is a story of law versus human nature, hypocrisy, and of undeniable passions.Enlightening and refreshing, the reader is taken on an adventure and fully understands the risks of living passionately, beyond the limits that society sets. A novel that can be enjoyed by all ages, The Scarlet Letter is a masterpiece of its time.
A classic novel with a contemporary message: Hawthorne's masterpiece is beautifully written and skillfully constructed. It's message is subtle, yet pervasive: that people we punish as "sinners" are often far more noble than their punishers. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Best (or worst) of all, the story is still wonderfully applicable to contemporary life. Perhaps President Clinton ought to wear a big scarlet letter 'A' on his chest for the rest of his term.
Each read is like peeling layers of a rose: What greater journey than to delve into the human heart? Every emotion one can nurture there is here, bared and examined.Hester, at once forthright and complex, serves as our guide, as she wanders the lambrynth of her own private neart.That we can fall, sin, disappoint and still find redemption in confession make the message of The Scarlet Letter a most comforting tract for out day.
A better read as an adult -- not a great choice for teenagers...: Well-paced, surprisingly easy to follow despite the language used. I hadn't read it in 30 years, and found it to be much more palatable as an adult than it was when I was a teenager. There must be a lesson in there somewhere..."
Strong Woman: 200-300 worddI really liked this book because of Hester. She was a protagonist who refused to obey by socety's rules. She is a role model for women who wish to be free. Sure, she made a mistake. But, don't we all? Adultery is not right, but we learn from mistakes.I really liked to read about the time period because it was so different from our own. It is hard to believe that Hawthorne was only a writer for his time period.
Wonderful, wonderful: Thank you, Erika Vause, for your positive review! I absolutely love this book! I had heard of this novel, but never considered reading it because the plot simply did not interest me. Then we read it in our academic English class (10th graders) and I was absolutely astonished!! Not only by the magnificence of the book--its themes of guilt and redemption are powerful and heart wrenching--but by the ignorance of some of my peers. It was obvious that their dislike sprung from the fact that they did not understand it! Please, please--read this book! You will not be sorry! I promise.
scarlet letter: this novel is of course set in england in the eighteeth centuryher a young woman jailed for crimes she commted outside themarriage was branded with a scarlett letter over her bossom.this was tipical of the ear and time.
confusing, but good: Being in high school, it took a little bit to understand it, but after a while, I was able to get the basic point of the story. If you know you'll have to read this for school in the future, read it ahead of time. That way, you won't be reading on a deadline, which makes it worse. Read it at your own pace and you will understand it more. Also, the second time through, when you have to read it, you will see many things that you missed, and the story will be much more meaningful to you. (You'll do better on tests and quizzes, too.) Even if you're not required to read it, check it out-it's not called a classic for nothing!
SAD: this book represents a time in the past of our country in which we should be ashamed. not only was this a time of "witchcraft" and witchunts, but the society was willing to ostracize a human being for adultery. as if it weren't punishment enough for hester to have to wear the "a" on her chest, everyone stared at her peculiarly and did not accept her into normal society. i think this is overly harsh, yet this whole book reflects the time in which it took place very well. i would recommend it.
great!: I've never heard of this author before so reading this was a bit of a gamble with me but I liked the sound of it. Well, I'm glad I took the risk. I was sucked into the characters lives and anxious to discover thier outcomes and fates. The plotline fell into place so well and wonderfully. Despite the fact that it wasn't full of suspense it was still SUCH a page turner. I loved the way the book was written, each line meant something and each line was meant to be there and each new page was like a new poem.It made me concentrate too. It's not the kind of book you can read half asleep before bed time, this book required my full attention.
Beautifully Done: The story of hester is by itself a master piece worthy of its highly commended status, however the annotated version really helps the reader understand the historical references and many archaic words.
Wonderful: Once you get past the language barrier, this book is an amazing read. To see the tragedies that some women went through at one point in history is a great thing, and to remind us never to let history repeat itself.
An Excellent Portait of Puritan New England: Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" is a vivid (and accurate) portayal of life in Puritan New England. The prejudices, superstitions and institutions of the society are expressed so well that contemporary readers, who have little knowledge of New England's history, are able to feel the oppression and religious pressures that were common in that society. Indeed, this work is comparable (if not superior) to Arthur Miller's Crucible.
a book value: The classic book that is read by virtually every high school student in America ; and at a bargian price
Good read................. ............... .... ....... ........ .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... .....: Good read................. ............... .... ....... ........ .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... ..... ..... . . . . .. . . .
Power to women: I read this book when I was 16 and I totally fell in love with it. I love the power it hands over to women. Hawthorne does a great job in illustrating the kind of prejudice society extends to women for actions that can be equally distributed to men but even more so he shows the determination of a woman to overcome whatever adversities may be present with renewed pride and dignity.
Hawthorne's Masterpiece: Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter is a tale of secret love, adultery, and sadness. Every person should read this timeless American novel at some point in their life. The strength of Hester Prynne is unusual for novels composed during the time this was published, and is therefore a revolutionary literary work. My only complaint is the length of "The Custom House," however horrible this sounds, I would just skip it, it does not add to the plot of the novel anyway.
Useful for AP Lit: I read Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter for my Advanced English 11 class. This is not a book I would normally have picked up and read, but I am glad that I read it.The Scarlet Letter deals with themes of love, society's oppression, secrets, a character finding herself, as well as numerous other classic literature themes. I found the book itself to be challenging to read, but I liked the story. Hawthorne explores when feelings and passion conflict with religion, which was fascinating to consider from a religious perspective.Although I did not enjoy the book much at the time I had to read it, it proved to be quite useful when I took the AP Literature and Composition Test this year. When I had to choose one book to frantically review the day before the test, this is the book I chose. Sure enough, this is the book I used for the AP test as a reference.This is an essential book for anyone taking AP Literature.
Timeless Classic: I enjoyed this book a lot, once I got past the slow parts. Hester Prynne is found pregnant out of wedlock. Since she won't reveal the identity of the father, she is forced to wear the Scarlet Letter "A" on her chest for the rest of her life. She gives birth to a girl and she changes her life around, so at the end of the book, people refer to her as "Angel" instead of "Adulterer."This is a timeless tale because the situation could easily happen in any time period. When we do something wrong, the way we live our lives afterwards is the determining factor of our moral character. One event does not define us. It's our entire lives that should be taken into account. I think that is Nathaniel Hawthorne's point. Redemption is possible for anyone, regardless of their sin. Also, the father who remained unknown to the society but not the reader, suffers enormously because he doesn't confess. This is a good point. When we hide our sins, the only person it ultimately hurts, is us.
One of the Greatest Books Ever Written: The Scarlet Letter is an excellent book. Hawthorne spends so much time discussing the characters' thoughts and motives that by the end of the book, you can understand why the people act the way they do. It makes them seem almost real. He relates nature to what the character's are experiencing that makes the story even more powerful. In one place he told of a rose bush that grew by the prison so it seemed Nature was saying that even though other people had abandoned them, someone could always count on the nature's love. It's very beautifully written. The story of adultery and jealous spouses happens in our own day which makes The Scarlet Letter relate to the reader. It's just a great book all over, and I feel that it's one of the best ever written.
Just as described: This bench was easy to assemble, but I would suggest that you have someone else help you to hold the parts while you screw them together. Otherwise it might be too difficult, not in design, but just in holding the large pieces in the right place. I put the bench on my front patio which is uncovered. It doesn't usually snow in Seattle, but it did this year, and the bench remained uneffected. The bench has also with stood the Seattle rains. This bench is as stated, element proof! Great for summer yard lounging as well. I have been 100% satisfied!
The ultimate for women: My wife has several workout books but as she states, "not one matches Arnold's". This book not only covers subjects like what to eat, it also goes into great detail on what workouts work what muscles. Great book!
Dual Language- Selections from Don Quixote: I have found that this is an excellent tool for vocabulary building. I am able to understand the meaning immediatly and hope to continue buying dual language books for this reason.
Best one in Tomato Trilogy: Return of the Killer Tomatoes is hilarious. Anthony Starke is great. J. Stephen "Rock" Peace is back as Lt. Wilbur Finletter. This is the best movie in the Killer Tomato Triolgy.
Pretty Fricken Sweet: You know the movies, and if you're looking at this page, you probably love them. The bottom line is, you get 6 classic campy DVDs, in their own cases, for a good price. Some of these DVDs are hard to find on their own - I personally had been looking for Return to Horror High for quite some time, before I decided to get this set. It's well worth the money - you won't be disappointed.
FT rules: Talk about a hokey plot and cheezy acting -- this movie is GREAT !! The 1980's will never be forgotten as a decade of some really sad movies. My God does George Clooney look young and with that mop of hair..... Can't wait to see The Killer Tomatoes take France.
100 times better than the first: This is the best movie since Monsturds no wait this movie is better than Monsturds even. You will not find a much better than this film. The first film wasn't even close to as good as this 5 stars way up for an excellent come back!!!
Warming Dishs Sooooo Helpful: The Sassy Baby warming dishes are great! Add the hot water let it sit while you get baby ready to eat and away you go. Also keeps the food warm while baby is eating. The bright colors also hold the babys attention. We bought two one for home and one for grandmas house.Sassy Baby Warming Dish, Colors May Vary
Great warming dish: I love this dish. I try to keep from microwaving my baby's food, so I put really hot water in the base of this bowl. It warms my baby's food (even food from the fridge) and keeps it warm. As another reviewer said, the dish is very difficult to separate.
Sassy Baby Warming Dish vs. Gerber Bowl: Keeps food warm. Sticks to the tray of the high chair. Gerber bowl doesn't stick. The little dividers are nice for serving. The only complaint is that it is very difficult to get the divided bowl off the bottom.
just what i was looking for: i do not use these for warming the food. i did try that once and it was just a pain. i purchased the bowls because they are divided and stick to the high chair. so they are great for that, but i would not recommend getting it if you are just looking for a warming dish.
Must-Have for Children's Library: I ordered this book as part of a third grade curriculum for my son. These Everyman titles are really wonderful-- beautiful binding, heavy pages, amazing illustrations. I was not disappointed with this book. It is the kind of book we will read again and again and hopefully pass on to the next generation. Hawthorne's rendition of the myths and fables is classic and engaging, and Rackham's illustrations are worth the price on their own.
Very informative: I just returned from a month-long trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, and I found this book extremely useful for Cambodia. Not so much for hotel listings, etc., but for no-nonsense background information on Angkor, Phnomh Penh, and Siem Reap. The Vietnam portion was helpful as well, but I relied more on the Lonely Planet and Rough Guide Vietnam editions for that country. I would definitely recommend this book to someone traveling to Cambodia over the Lonely Planet edition, which is *really* outdated.
entertaining, but not for everybody: Although, in a certain sense I did not like this movie - one thing that I did find that I did like was that it was entertaining. It's a daring movie that take a rare look at what we've been missing in today's corperate -hectic (kiss butt) culture. And that is emotional honesty. It's like a release, a drug, or even bad music that we enjoy because it allows us to express ourselves for who we know what we are to be what we are, and not necessarily how we act in everyday life. We definately need more movies like this (despite what some critics may say).
sandler is da bomb: 8 crazy nights was a movie that was touching and hilarious. Adam Sandler was good and should be seen by families.
Awesome: I have been a huge Adam Sandler fan for years. I love this movie it makes me laugh so hard. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a change from the same old same old holiday movies. Two thumbs up:))
Hilarious: I loved this movie. It was hilarious and Sandler's fans especially will be cracking themselves up. I must admit that it is very crude at parts, so although the cover looks appealing for youngsters, it probably isn't suitable for the young ones. Although, I must admit that a lot of the jokes will go right over their heads.The message is good and the overall story has a message. I cried for Whitey, and I think any movie that moves a person to the point of crying is worth a watch. But it is HILARIOUS, from the triple breasted lady, to Whitey and his sister, to the deer (who's significance I really didn't understand).A must see for anyone <over 13> with a good (but stupid) sense of humour and a desire for a couple of laughs!
Adam Sandler is Awesome: This movie is great, but having it on 2 disc special edition maked it even better. The special features are the shiznit.
Crazy about 8 Crazy Nights!: This movie is awesome. It is the perfect movie for the holiday season. I am absolutely crazy about Whitey, the old man referee in the movie. Elenore and Davey are also hilarious! I love this movie and watch it over and over again with my whole family. Something you should buy because it is great!"Smell you later poopsicles!" (A funny line from the best movie in the WORLD!!!)
return to forever proto-type: Three musicians out of five on this effort formed Return to Forever, so you can imagine a strong resemblance to the ECM first album. I always loved Corea with Farrell, because of the pulsing sound Chick adds behind Joe's flutes, sax, etc., like rain drops or storming. Nice soprano. And ELVIN JONES! I put this up up around the "Joe Farrell Quartet" album, and Buster William's bass is great, so much I don't miss Mclaughlin or Dave Holland. A fresh sound, unparreled even now. It makes me want to see the Outback movie. The album cover is beautiful. Finally, the price is outstanding. Before Joe tried funky disco sounds and lost his way.
DVD Features: Percy And The DragonOut in Augest06Storyteller: George CarlinStories stops:*Percy and the dragon*Donald and Doglass*The Deputation*Time For Trouble*A Scarf For Percy*The Dieasel*Edward's ExpliotsDVD Features:*DVD Game*Sing Along*Web Fun*charater GalleryAND MoreALSO Look For The Upcoming DVDsThomas Gets Tricked DVDBetter late than Never DVDOn Site With Thomas DVDANDCome Rides The Rails DVDAND DON"T FORGETThomas halloween adventure DVDTO BE COUNTINUED....
My little Thomas fan loves this DVD!: My little Thomas fan loves any of the Thomas DVD's, no matter how many times he watches them. They are his favorite and I don't think that will change for a very long time. Thomas provides great life lessons like sharing, caring, and friendship. They get a thumbs up from me as well!
yo ho ho: arrr matey yer not gonna sail the seven seas without this are ye? this flag will stand up to yer most extreme swashbuckling
The only boots my husband will wear: These boots are very well made. my husband wears them for work and he loves them. They hold up well even with every day wear, got a year+ out of the last pair. he also says they are very comfortable.
Who else would have three beautiful women after him?: "Spinout" has Elvis playing a singing race car driver with three beautiful women who want to race him down the aisle to marriage. They are Shelley Fabares, Diane McBain, and Deborah Walley. Looks like Elvis has a tough decision. I can't decide myself. In "Spinout" you'll find two veteran stars in the height of their stardom: Cecil Kellaway and Una Merkel in one of her last roles. Also, the man who plays Shelley Fabares' father is Carl Betz who also starred with her as her father on "The Donna Reed Show". So, try to not to knock this movie. It's got great songs and the title tune was a top 40 hit by just that much. So, treat yourself to a swinging film that you just can't understand why Elvis wants to stay single.
Spinout: My husband and I love auto racing of all kinds. My husband loved this movie. I'm writing this review for him, as I'm not much of an Elvis Presley fan.
Works and is easy to use: You drop a fixed number of drops into a fixed amount of water, as measured in the enclosed test tube up to the given line. The number of drops to use is listed right on the bottle. After a few minutes, you compare the color of the water to the color chart on a card, which gives you your nitrite level. It's plenty easy and effective.It could be even easier if the chart was on the bottle (no need for that extra card lying around), or if there was a test where you just stuck a gauge in some water and got the value, but I've never seen anything like that that doesn't expire at some point.
Great Buy!: This item arrived well packed and undamaged. It looks exactly like the picture, was fairly easy to assemble and is sturdy and well made. Of course, it is an "assembly required" piece of furniture, but once put together, it looks like a really nice quality piece. My daughter loves it. It is sized for a child, and is too small for an adult. I think she'll be able to use it through age 11 or 12. It also has a convenient hole in the back of the hutch for her computer wire to poke through. I looked at this item EVERYWHERE including eBay, and Amazon was the cheapest of all. The chair comes included, so don't buy an extra chair separately!
Great Desk!: This is the best kids' desk you will find for the money. I can almost guarantee that! It comes well packaged and requires very little assembly. The wood is solid, not the cheap particle board you find in most big box stores.
good quality for price: This desk is really pretty. It is a good size, but not overly big in the room. I learned from other reviews that the chair is included with this desk purchase, and not to order the chair separately. I also ordered the matching 3-shelf bookcase, which is a slightly different shade of white, but nothing too noticeable--especially since they aren't by each other. We rubbed beeswax on the bottom of the drawer so it slides more easily. I would recommend this to anyone who doesn't want to spend a fortune, but still wants something that looks nice.
Great desk and a great buy! Thanks Amazon:): We bought this desk for my seven year old daughter to keep her lap top on and to do homework. It was not to disappoint. The desk is perfect size for her to sit and work. Very high quality and easy to put together. I would highly recommend this product to others?
Love KidKraft: I love this desk! In fact, I have two! One for my daughter and one for my son. They are beautiful, flawless and go together easily. They are sturdy and should last a many years. So happy with this purchase!
Great Value for Less Money: I searched hi and low for a desk that would work in my son's small room -- I wanted a desk made of wood and available in honey finish to match his other furniture with a small hutch (as a large hutch wouldn't work)...and at a reasonable price. The Kidcraft Avalon Desk is perfect! I took off one star because I didn't realize how short it was - ok for my 9 yr old son now, but as he grows up I'm afraid he will outgrow the desk. It would be great if Kidcraft offered taller replacement legs so that the desk could be raised higher as your child grows. I feel the desk is sturdy enough to go off with my child to college if were not for the short height! Dear Kidcraft...please make taller replacement legs so that the desk can be "normal" desk height for later years, making is a "Teen"kraft desk ;-). Thanks.
very nice: This desk is definitely worth the money. My daughter wanted a white desk with a hutch and had picked out many over [...] not including the chair. I ordered this one without her knowing and at first she was upset because the hutch is not that big. But once it was assembled she loves it. She is 8 and loves the little cubbies in the hutch. Everything is packaged nicely and there was not one scratch or ding or funny smells. The hardware had everything you needed (no extras) in separate baggies for the chair and desk. I put it together myself in about 1 hour. We did replace the knob with a blue glass knob from the hardware store just to make it a little more unique I guess and it looks great. With free supersaver shipping and no sales tax, there is no better buy out there. Trust me, I have looked!
Very Satisfied: I was very pleased with this desk and chair- Was able to assemble it fairly easy and now my daughter is enjoying it very much- The desk is quite sturdy and the chair is strong- The delivery of my product was expedited quickly- Thank you very much
Great value for good quality product: Love this desk and chair set. Bought it for my KG'er who is enjoying using it for his arts and crafts projects as well as for homework. It is good quality, took less than an hour to put together and definitely sturdy material - this coming from a mom of a very rambunctious 5yr old. The only thing is that I can see my kid growing out of it in 2 or 3 yrs. It's not very high and the chair is small, so is more catered to younger kids, i would say probably 8yrs and younger.
If it's good enough for Popeye...: I always keeps a can of this fine product on me person. You never knows when some palooka wot ain't on the up and square is gonna need to be put in his place. It always leaves ya strong to the finish.
A Must Have for ALL Aspects of Love Devotees!: Being a huge Aspects of Love fan, I was extremely excited to find another cast recording. I was sceptical however, after reading reviews for this recording. After listening to it, all of my fears were put aside. This is a wonderful recording that possesses both brisk conducting and deep emotion from its musical director. I felt that the cast was extremely dramatic and that the piece was very well sung. Having listened to several other ALW cast recordings I feel that this cast was excellent. A must have for all Aspects of Love devotees!
Well-Researched, easy to read, practical: Mr. Jensen has saved me and other teachers the time of gathering together the latest information about the brain, learning and so much more! He has made all this scholarly research accessible and fun to read. I wish the deadwood at my school would at least read this book but I hope they would also use the great ideas in it, too, for the students' sake!
Get off the dead horse of "old school" education: To those seeking an outline of what education needs to practice so "no child is left behind" this book is a starting point about how people learn. The flow of the book is easy to follow and considers the research findings of how the brain learns in stages of life. Unlike those who consider brain research a "fad", I know from application of the knowledge in this book, the influential changes do produce positive results for students. In the world of "accountability" the tools of Brain Based teaching will allow students and teachers a solution in "leveling the field" for the students from less fortunate environments, which politicians are clueless about in regards the obstacles of "survivalists of poverty". I highly reccommend this book to those wishing to "get off the dead horse" and provide a productive environment for education in the 21st century.
Easy read for brain information: This book was purchased for a PhD level course. It is a very easy read. It gives practical applications to the latest brain research. On a down note, there are not a lot of references documented within the text when Jensen quotes a study, but he does give an extensive bibliography. This book can be used for parents to read about how their child's brain works, or for teachers within a school system. It is a good book to read if you want basic information about the brain from an education standpoint.
Brain based Learning: This is a text book I ordered for my classes for teacher certification. This book is very easy to read, and I am really enjoying it. It presents info and then at the end of a section, recaptures the essence of the reading for you. I would suggest it for any teaching class. I am learning so much from this book. I have been buying all my text books from Amazon because they are so much cheaper, and sometimes I can get free shipping. So far, there has not been a book that I could not find here at Amazon.
An essential book for movie lovers everywhere: As far as I'm concerned the most important holiday every year is Academy Awards night, with the second most important being the day the nominations are announced. Obviously, the Academy Awards are my life and Inside Oscar is my Bible. No matter what page you open this book, you'll be totally drawn and completely forget about time. If I had one complaint it's that too much time is spent on recent years while earlier decades are given less attention. Still, it's such a wonderfully written book, so catty and bitchy, but all in fun; I can't wait for the next edition and find out all the shenanigans involving Titanic and how it's possible Helen Hunt beat Kate Winslet....
Oscar Euphoria!: This book is amazing. Its year-by-year descriptions are historical and often suspensful. I remember the first time I read this book, before I knew the outcome of many of the years' awards; each year was a new drama with Mr. Wiley and company setting up the atmosphere of the race. Now, fifteen years later, I own the latest edition of Inside Oscar. It is a constant source of amusement and information. The writing is skillful and clever, and the categorical listing at the back is an invaluable reference. Every year during Oscar season, I will pick up an article by some journalist whose grasp of Oscar history is minimal, and I wonder why they don't just look up who REALLY won in Inside Oscar. I know Mr. Wiley is no longer with us, but I hope Mr. Bona and company continue the great work for future editions. I know I'd love to be a contributor to this tremendous work.
The winner is...."Inside Oscar": If you enjoy the hype of the Academy Awards, this is the book for you. Plenty of behind-the-scenes action that you're not going to find by simply watching the Academy Awards. It's gossipy, dishy, and dirty...a definite guilty pleasure. Great index of past Academy Award winners and nominees as well.
The book that tought me color.: Itten's analysis and application of color is thoughtful and scientific. As a practicing art director, I have successfully used the theories and methods explained in "Elements of Color" for over twenty years. I also teach them to my design classes. Whether you use a paintbrush or a mouse, his "seven color contrasts" will prove invaluable.
Reasonable price, helpful, succinct: Much less expensive than Albers' book on Color and quite as good. Arrived promptly, in great condition. Useful for a color theory class.
Great Book: This book is really helpful for learning about color theory. Its technical but really interesting so you can get through it easily.
Excellent how-to book on training your retriever: After reading this book, I felt like I was an expert on the how-to's of training retrievers. I have tried out many of these training techniques with my dog and have had fabulous success. And I could swear that my dog has spoken a word or two after several training sessions! I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in having a well-disciplined dog. A brilliant piece of work!
Psychology class: The book is well written and very interesting. I don't mind reading it unlike other textbooks. Was a little nervous about it not getting it in the mail before my class started, but it did get shipped and delivered right on time.
Book that tells a story: I loved the way the author brought in stories of various children. I felt like I got to know the children throughout their stages of development. A great textbook!
I am biased, but this is an amazing book. A must have for any modern American art collector!: Well, I am biased, as Warren Brandt was my paternal grandmother's brother. I knew him personally growing up and was lucky to inherit his passion and talent for art. This book is a limited edition, and is beautiful from the beginning, as it is bound in a slipcover and is large in size. As for Brandt's work, it ranges in medium from oil to ink to watercolor, pencil and photography. Each subject is captured in a unique way, and each work tells a story, simply by the subject's pose or by the medium used. If you are a modern American art collector, this book is a treasure.
Nelly Returns to the Waves: St. Louis rapper Nelly hits the airwaves with the first single from his new album "Nellyville." The song is very catchy and was one of the summer of 2002's biggest hits. Not many rap artists can produce catchy songs due to the high level of un-originality that market has (e.g., sampling Broadway musicals, Duran Duran songs, etc..) but Nelly has proven that with this song that not only can he get his groove on, but that he can produce a single with high potential for market crossover success. Regardless of his feud with other old-school rap artists such as KRS-1, Nelly's appeal lies in his ability to adapt to the times, something that many rappers have not been able to do. Only a handful artists such as Busta Rhymes, Queen Latifah, and Ice Cube have mastered the art of keeping with rap's evolution, and so far Nelly has. Overall, "Hot in Here" is a great summer anthem sure to keep anyone moving. Regardless of the song's critics it remains one of 2002's best jams.
Crocodile Creek Wild Animals Lunchbox: I LOVE Crocodile Creek Lunchboxes! They are perfect for Kindergarten and 1st Grade children since they don't require as much lunch as an older child may. It can even hold a thermos drink cup or soup cup.This lunchbox has held up wonderfully thru an entire year of daily lunches, being thrown around in class, smashed in packpacks and drug across lunch tables. I highly recommend this product to anyone with younger children.
Cute Lunchbox: Love the Wild Animals lunchbox. It's more like - zoo animals.It has a good, thick amount of insulation and is free of harmful plastics, etc. It's also a lot roomier than your average lunchbox and I like this because it leaves extra room for more freezer blocks to keep everything very cold. We also send two drinks, one for lunch and one for snacktime and the extra room is great!I agree with others about this being difficult to clean, so we send a paper plate and have the little one eat outside of the lunchbox, so we don't wind up with crumbs, etc inside the interior seams, problem solved.It's also nice to have a lunchbox that not every kid has, so he knows which one is his. This will probably last the entire school year and that's good for a fabric lunchbox. I would buy this again and will get another next year.
CAUGHT WITHOUT WORDS!: This album is a breath of fresh air, more melodic tones, great lyrics and a soft spoken ora about it.alot of bans tend tostay away from there true feelings but the lead singer poises to tell everyone how he feels.maybe you can say they felt alot of emotions writing this album it is truly a masterpiece, yeah there first two albums were poorly mixed but this album surely makes up for that.i just love this album its in my top 5 this year.the best songs are:1.bug eyes2.not that simple3.caught without arms4.planting seedsoverall i give this album a 5/5 perfecto masterpiece5/5 for production5/5 for lyrics5/5 for musical pace5/5 for making me a fan
Great Effort: Simply one of the better bands around today. Do yourself a favor and pick any of their music. I'm sure you'll find it a pleasant surprise.
Well-crafted music: Please do not categorize this band as they will elude any classification you attempt. That's the essence and beauty of music that's carefully woven and passionately performed.Dredg is an anomale and I pray they stay true to their pursuit and void all "commercial" temptations lured by record execs a.k.a. SATAN. Stay the course guys...!OH YEAH I FORGOT, BUY ALL THEIR CD'S AND DO WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON'T DO ANYMORE...REALLY LISTEN AND IMAGINE.
weird stuff: Dredge is different from anyone I've heard yet. I can't Tell what this guy is singing about. By far Dredge has some of the most modern, but beautiful music out. Young musicians. you can call it emo maybe. evn if you hate emo check this album out. I bought it knowing nothing about it. Bug Eyes is fantastic, even though I have no idea what it means.
Best Album I Have Ever Heard. PERIOD !!!: Buy this album, and go ahead and buy el cielo as well. Both albums are near perfect, yet "Catch Without Arms" is closer to perfection. I saw dredg in Dallas, TX on 6/1 and they are amazing live as well. I love this band and in my opinion this cd is worth 10 times more than they charge. I can't say enough good things about this band/album. It has honestly changed my life for the positive. This music moves me in ways I have rarely known in my 26 years. Thank you dredg, you are the savior of all that is great about rock.
best album I've heard in a while: On my first listen to 'Catch Without Arms,' I was a little disappointed. I had been hoping for something that was closer in style to Leitmotif, but that's not what they delivered. But after listening to it a few times, I've gotten over the fact that their style has diverged a bit from their original sound. And, now I think that I do like 'Catch Without Arms' even more than their previous efforts.
Great CD: I would definitely recommend Catch Without Arms to anyone that is a fan of alternative music. Some of my favorites are: Catch Without Arms, Zebraskin, and Hungover on a Tuesday. You owe it to yourself to pick this one up. 5 stars.
An Album I can't get enough of!: When I herd them for thr first time they blew my mind I love them and they lyrics , I just love listing to good music!
Author Shows Vision: Jeff's book "Our Brown-Eyed Boy" will stand the test of time. Although it has some minor editing problems, the content has character and vision. This parent's insights will be respected for the honesty and love that underlies the effort. I liked Jeff's poetry and pictures of his son at the end of the book. This added a very nice personal touch. I recommend the book to parents of autistic children and to all parents. I was inspired by his honesty.
Heart is awesome!!: I absolutely adore Heart and hadn't heard this album in years! I actually purchased it for my mom and it hasn't left her CD player since.
Heart's Capitol debut is a smash hit!: In 1985,Heart made their Capitol Records debut with their self-titled album. The band themselves debuted in 1976 on Epic. They were dropped from Epic in 1983,following the release of PASSIONWORKS. Bass guitarist Mark Andes was a member of the disbanded Firefall,whose hits included JUST REMEMBER I LOVE YOU and YOU ARE THE WOMAN. Now for the songs:WHAT ABOUT LOVE is a hard-rocker featuring Starship's Grace Slick on background vocals. IF LOOKS COULD KILL was a minor hit. NEVER is another hard-rocker. THESE DREAMS is considered adult comtemporary. NOTHING AT ALL sounds cool. All the other songs are very good.
heart is stiil beating: heart is still beating after all these years. yes, they did have hits in the '70s with magic man, dreamboat annie,baracuda,straight on,and dog and butterfly. yes, by the early '80s, they didn't have anymore hits,but that's how the music business goes. yes, by 1985,they were ready to strike again. yws,they did have 4 top 10 hits from this great album.those hits were what about love(#10),never(#4),these dreams(#1),and nothin' at all(#10). yes,this album did hit #1 and sell in the millions. does that answer all of your questions? yes,this review is over. thank you and have fun. ed wilson
With some help from MTV..............: Heart was back, and bigger than ever. 'Heart' was a last ditch effort to keep the band together. If it failed, Heart would no longer exist. Well history shows what happened.MTV made four videos for this album, and they made Nancy Wilson every teenager's dream girl. Ann was always my favorite sister and she looked real good too. MTV milked this album for all it was worth, and Heart was now an official '80's band', like it or not. This album brought a breath of life into their career that seemed to be standing still.Besides the singles, I always liked 'The Wolf', but 'Shell Shock' was by far the hardest, loudest, most rockin' tune on the whole album.
the best album by a female-lead group: I love this cd! I never get tired of the songs,especially "Never". It's got both fast as well as slow rock which can get you on your feet or put you in another world. No matter what, this will always be my favourite album.
LIFE ROCKER: Had this one on vinyl back then. These girls know what rock and roll is! This IS HEART at their best [in the 80's].Not only the 5 singles on this album make it awesome but, the other songs are very good! I can tell by other critics that they must expect perfection consistently. Well man, it's ROCK AND ROLL and it's "HEART". Just one of the best in the business! They need NO critics! My opinion is that this album ROCKS! It's one of the girls best. LOVE YA GIRLS!ROCK ON! P.S. CAN'T GO WRONG HERE.
LOVE THIS!: This thing is freakin awesome! You can stand it up, lay it down, or rearrange to your liking. They are sturdy enough to hold several things: shoes, baby bags, blanky, and more! I use them as cubbies for my kids so they can stuff the things that we take with us everyday in there. I love it, and I am planning on getting more.
Better than the last one and the last one was good: This is the story of the brother of one of the secondary characters from the Leopard Lord. Farris is sold as a slave by his stepfather. Claimed by two very different gods, his fate will be decided on what he does with his life. Will he be ruled by vengeance and violence? Or will his love of the animals he tends lead him to a different choice? Ms Morland's characterization is excellent, the plotting is much improved (from good to even better). If I had a complaint, it would be that this book did not sweep me into a different world the way that the very best speculative fiction does. However, that said, it was a most enjoyable read, and I'll buy her next book, too.
Very good read: I like this book much better than her last book, Leopard Lord. The author was able to empathize Farris' feeling and captured it for the reader. The supporting characters were very well written, including Farris' masters and mistress. The story was good enough to make me feel that it truely happened. I feel the author has real talent, and I will definitely buy her next book.
Sword and Shackel Is my fav.: Personaly this is one of my favorite books. It's one of those books you can read and re-read again and agiain, without getting sick of it. The way Farris is writtin and the way Alanna portrays him is awsome. Then the differennce you see from Farris-to-Bantam is wonderful. If you like reading books that don't hold back and make the characters seem above everything, but sound realistic but also adds magic in with that then, this is a book for you. This also isn't one of those constant blood-bath books or romance all the time books or the main "character gets the girl everything turns out in the end" books. It also doesn't have a tragic end were you begin to wish you'd never wasted your time on it. No when you finish reading this book you will NOT regret reading it. I've said to much. Oh, well. Read it and see for yourself if you agree with me!!!
Good. Kind of Corny.: Good book, kind of corny (who am I kidding, it was real corny after the first half). I like it.
This is really something special....: I've been studying music in the classical realm for a long time, but have always been interested in electronic music in both performance and composition. Of all the electronic I've heard from Kraftwerk to Daft Punk, I must say this is perhaps the best I have ever heard. This two-disc set is nothing less than magnificent. The formal structure and sheer smoothness of the sounds from minute 1 to 95 is how music SHOULD be heard in the preset day. I have played every Beethoven Sonata, the complete Etudes of Chopin, Islamey, Gaspard de la Nuit, on and on... As an experienced pianist and professional classical musician, I think I can safely say that these master composers would have GLADLY accepted Hawtin into their inner circle, if not for the plethora of distinct, yet related sounds, then for the complexity of the underlying formal structure that holds the entire soundscape together. This is a modern master-work. Don't miss the chance to experience it...
a tapestry of subltle sonic elements: I have been listening to techno for over 20 years (since I lived in Detroit in the late 80's) and Richie Hawtin is still producing some of the best progressive music of the genre. The varied rhythms are layered with such delicate precision that I need a better sound system to truly appreciate all the nuances. A couple of the tracks had some silly "lyrics" that I felt marred an otherwise excellent mix by the Minimal Master.
Fun swing jam session: This is a nice recording of swing and blues style guitar. Lots of fun to listen to -- like sitting in on a friendly jam session. Duke Robillard really shines on "Avalon" and the bluesier numbers and Herb Ellis sounds like he's having fun throughout. Recommended for swing fans or those new to jazz guitar.
Love da stuff: I can't pick up my own guitar without trying to play some of the lines Duke puts together on these numbers! He really smokes on "Easin' In". Unlike what some others may say, I think his swing chops are awreet and that the major problem here is that Herb Ellis is a little stale and staccato, but that's only compared with the Herb of yesteryear. This album is a fine excursion into this genre of jazz/blues and will be appreciated by more than just a purist jazz or blues oriented audience. Buy it and enjoy!
One Who Appreciates Good Guitar Jazz: Veteran guitarist Herb Ellis and and a somewhat newcomber guitarist Duke Roubillard showcase some fine jazz guitar interplay.Even if you're not a jazz fan, you'll appreciate this fine playing. This quintet presents three Roubillard originals with four standards.You'll hear the similarity between this album and the Great Guitar albums from past years. A fine addition to any guitar jazz lover's collection.