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100 | After stints in Overkill and Annihilator working on some great albums, Joe Comeau has joined forces with Duskmachine, lending his vocals for their new self-titled release. Liege Lord has reformed, too, with plans to record their first album since 1988's Master Control. Joe and I talked about both bands and a little bit about his history in metal. It was also very interesting to hear about his day job and how it relates to his music, as you don't often hear musicians talk about what they do to pay the bills. There's some good stuff in here.
Check out the full audio or text highlights below.
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Interview with CHRIS JERICHO (Fozzy)
Having seen and heard dozens of interviews with Chris Jericho, my hope was to ask a few questions I hadn't heard elsewhere after making sure to cover the basics. He's a very bright and quick guy, certainly one of the most articulate I've spoken to in the metal scene over the years. It's impossible to achieve any kind of real depth in a conversation in 13 minutes, and it's often maddening to be thrown into that situation, but I did my best and hope to have more time in the future. I have a lot of respect for the way he is involved in so many aspects of the entertainment business, all while keeping a steady presence in the metal scene. Remember that Fozzy will be on tour with Saxon in North America this fall, and their new album is Sin and Bones.
Check out the full audio of our conversation below, along with a few typed highlights.
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Interview with Phil Anselmo
Phil Anselmo has embarked on a new project with the album Walk Through Exits Only and is currently on tour in the States. I had 15 minutes (literally) to catch up with him and ask as much as I could. In the end, I think I succeeded in balancing questions about his new band with those about Pantera in the short time we had.
I've typed out some highlights below, but you'll also find the full audio there as well.
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Interview with Steve Williams (POWER QUEST)
As a long-time fan of Power Quest and Steve Williams in particular, it was a sad day when Steve announced his intention to call it quits this year. He agreed to do this interview following that announcement, and we talked as he was in the midst of preparing one of the last shows the band would do. Since then, of course, Steve has joined Eden's Curse, who will release a new album later this year.
Having interviewed him on my show several times in the past, I can say that he ranks up there as one of the best guests ever. Unlike many musicians, he is never afraid to share his honest, thoughtful opinions about not only himself and PQ but also other bands and the music business in general. I will truly miss Power Quest and what they brought to the metal scene over the last decade or so. |
101 | Fall Special: 50 minute bars session $85 Buy One Session and Get One Free to Gift To Anyone you Choose – Even yourself! Rejuvenate and Energize with an Access Bars Session. Relax on a massage table in a peaceful quiet space and receive the gift of time, attention and clearing. 30 minute sessions are also available for $45 (buy one get one special does not apply) What’s so great about having a BARS session? At the least they provide a calm, soothing, nurturing and stress relieving time out from your busy life. At best they are the catalyst to clear blocks and old patterns that will allow new levels of ease and healing into every area of your life. For me, a session is like defragmenting the hard drive of my brain. It creates a spaciousness in my mind that quiets … Continue reading » |
102 | Church Street in Tulbagh has the most Cape Dutch, Victorian and Edwardian national monuments on any street, anywhere in South Africa. Pictures from an article by Milton Schorr. |
103 | I guess by now you know I've been majorly MIA from my regular blog visits and dropping you a line or two. I am curious as to what you all have been up to and what I have missed as far as Spring coming along in your neck of the woods (or fall for some of you!)
The Professor and I have been up here in Maine. He doing professorial type work and me preparing the house for the summer like finding BEDS so we don't have to sleep on the FLOOR! Okay when you are 6, not okay when you are almost 60!
I had lots of meetings with various handymen and contractors to begin getting estimates on work we would like done ... eventually. And then there were the visits to second hand and consignment shops ... which are quite plentiful in Maine. I love spending time browsing through their shops.
Of course, a girl has to find a little time to get out and do some nature walks. I wish I had done more. Spring here is maybe three weeks behind where we were in Philadelphia. The forsythia was just beginning to bloom as were daffodils and tulips.
One of my favorite walks is a dirt road across the harbor from us. It goes on for miles along the coast. This is a favorite stopping point for many where you can walk down to the rocks and even take a swim should you be so inclined. But this girl is not so inclined. That water is cold!
And of course, there is the wonderful wildlife right out my front door. The view above looks out toward Penobscot Bay. If you look around the center of the photo, you will see a pole with a nest on it.
Do you see it?
Here is a closer shot of it ... the best I can do from my window. It is an Osprey nest and the male has returned and waiting for the female to arrive once again. So goes the story as told to us by our neighbors. This pair comes back every year.
And these ducks have stopped in for a while as well, resting up to continue their journey north.
Yesterday afternoon, I finally got around to putting out a bird feeder off of our deck. It only took a few hours later and this fellow was on the deck checking out how he was going to reach it. I think I'll hold off leaving it out for now until I get around to "squirrel" proofing it! No matter where you are, some things remain the same!
Well, this has been my world the last week or so ... we'll be heading back home tomorrow and settling into a bit more of our regular routine.
I hope to drop by and see what you all have been up to and what wonderful photos and writing you have been sharing!
Later, my friends!
Doodled by Reena at 8:00 PM
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Labels: Ducks, Maine, Osprey, Squirrel
TexWisGirl said...
sounds like you have been making GREAT use of your time! much more productive than sitting around reading blogs! :)
April 15, 2012 at 8:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Drop dead gorgeous views.... Not shopping for a bed today, but I did order a summer weight bed cover. Does that count?
April 15, 2012 at 8:10 PM
eileeninmd said...
You are the busy girl, I love your photos. Maine is beautiful and you have a lovely view. How cool to have an Osprey nest so close. Great photos and post. Wishing you a great week ahead.
April 15, 2012 at 8:12 PM
Anonymous said...
What a gorgeous view you have. I think I would even sleep on the porch for a view like that!
April 15, 2012 at 8:18 PM
Wayne said...
Love the mailboxes, must drive the mailman nuts. Cool you have osprey! Now you need a really expensive telephoto to go with that view :-)
April 15, 2012 at 8:35 PM
Brenda Pruitt said...
Sounds like an absolutely perfect and scenic place to be. Wish I was there with ya.
April 15, 2012 at 8:39 PM
Jill said...
Beautiful, beautiful views and photos!
April 15, 2012 at 8:48 PM
Ginny Hartzler said...
So you aren't staying in Maine for the summer? Do you stay in Florida for the winter? Your second photo is what I have always thought of Maine as looking like. I love the shot of the yellow leaves in front of the church, and the colors of the water are so beautiful!!
April 15, 2012 at 9:02 PM
Sylvia K said...
What a lovely place!! I love your photos! It does indeed sound as though you've been making great use of your time! I've always wanted to visit Maine -- one of the few states I haven't made it to over the years! Your photos are the next best thing! Have a safe trip home!!
April 15, 2012 at 9:57 PM
Brian Miller said...
looks like you are having a beautiful visit...that first pic after the mail i love that...enjoy your time...
April 15, 2012 at 10:02 PM
Country Girl said...
There you are. Such fun to see images from Maine. And hey, the water will still be freezing, even in August. Ha!
April 15, 2012 at 10:16 PM
Anonymous said...
The second photo is outstanding, I love it! What a perfect view you have, and for it to include a nest of Osprey...Wow!
April 15, 2012 at 10:17 PM
GailO said...
Maine must be beautiful this time of year! We have ospreys here in RI too and it is a sure sign of spring when they return...always the same pair to the same nest:)
April 15, 2012 at 10:26 PM
Anonymous said...
welcome back...beautiful photos
April 15, 2012 at 10:54 PM
Eat To Live said...
Maine is so beautiful... I am surprised you even think of getting on the computer when you are there.
Great photos as usual.
April 15, 2012 at 11:39 PM
grammie g said...
Hi Reena...Gorgeous shots sure has been some beautiful days here of late !!
Your first one has Maine written all over it ; }} lovely!
Great you have a good view of the nursery ( Osprey Nest) ; }
April 15, 2012 at 11:55 PM
gina said...
Well, it sounds like you are having a lovely time in Maine. That first shot of the harbor with the dramatic clouds is just stunning!
April 16, 2012 at 1:03 AM
Betty Manousos said...
sounds like you you are having a lot of fun in mia.
oh, these are terrific shots, reena.
have a wonderful beginning to your week.
big hugs!
April 16, 2012 at 6:09 AM
urban muser said...
gorgeous photos! i can see why you haven't been blogging much--you should be outdoors when it is as beautiful as that :)
April 16, 2012 at 7:25 AM
MadSnapper said...
stunning sky photo, wow on that one, and can we park in the middle BETWEEN the no parking signs? HA HA
April 16, 2012 at 9:29 AM
Daryl said...
what gorgeous shots .. makes me wish I was there ... glad you are on the way back, you've been missed! xo
April 16, 2012 at 10:22 AM
My Mind's Eye said...
Lovely pictures Reena...I feel like I'm up there with you. Good luck on your chores at hand.
Mom and I have been plugging right along, sneezing due to pollen and OMC we celebrated our 1000th post on Saturday. I tell you one thing the old girl has a lot to say.
Hugs Madi and MOm
April 16, 2012 at 10:56 AM
Jennifer Richardson said...
spectacular watery beauty
...thank you for sharing!
and be gentle with yourself;
you're a joy to visit
and with no heavy expectation
at all.
just be:)
April 16, 2012 at 11:29 AM
Bill Lisleman said...
The second picture (Maine harbor one) is my favorite of these. Did you apply any filters/processing to the pic?
It has that painting look to it.
great pics.
April 16, 2012 at 12:07 PM
Joe said...
I think the squirrel is stalking you!!
April 16, 2012 at 12:09 PM
Pat said...
What beautiful photos! Everywhere you go there are squirrel friends.
April 16, 2012 at 4:24 PM
Ann said...
Spending your days like that beats blogging any time :) Gorgeous shots
April 16, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Dianne said...
What a wonderful corner of the world to be MIA in.
April 16, 2012 at 6:54 PM
Unknown said...
Such gorgeous shots my friend. I don't blame you for one minute, I would be MIA also if I were there.
Hugs, Linda
April 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM
Claudia said...
I envy you your second home in Maine. It sounds heavenly and the summer should be wonderful.
April 16, 2012 at 7:09 PM
Gillian Olson said...
What a beautiful setting. Sounds as if you enjoyed your break too!
April 16, 2012 at 10:55 PM
edgar said...
Is it the beautiful Maine in spring?
You capture the essence with your photos.
April 16, 2012 at 11:26 PM
Catherine said...
I can see why you have been MIA! So many pretty things you have been seeing and photographing. Love that stormy sky over the water ~ perfection!
xo Catherine
April 17, 2012 at 8:28 AM
rainfield61 said...
You are so lucky to see so pretty neighburhood...
April 17, 2012 at 9:28 AM
islandwonder said...
The photos are beautiful and the walking path/dirt road is delightful.Looks nice and shady too.
April 17, 2012 at 9:50 AM
Cheryl said...
It looks about the same here as it does where you are ~ maybe a week ahead of your Maine home.
I love all your shots from your window and walk. Thrilled to hear that you have a pair of osprey nesting so close by. How cool is that?
April 17, 2012 at 10:49 AM
Hilary said...
Who could blame you for disappearing in that beautiful setting?
April 17, 2012 at 4:06 PM
CherryPie said...
It looks and sounds as if you have been having a fun but busy time :-)
April 17, 2012 at 4:23 PM
S. Etole said...
What a beautiful spot to await spring. Squirrels just never give up, do they?!
April 17, 2012 at 4:24 PM
Lisa Gordon said...
What a beautiful time to be in Maine, Reena!!
It looks like it is just beautiful there right now.
I could not agree more about squirrel-proofing.
It just does not happen!!
They are simply too clever.
April 17, 2012 at 5:58 PM
beth said...
why not be lost and MIA in maine....everyone would if they could and you do it beautifully !!!
April 17, 2012 at 10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I can understand why you are MIA in Maine - the scenery is just stunning!
April 17, 2012 at 11:44 PM
bobbybegood1 said...
Hello Reena. Wonderful post. Yes, I did see the nest on the pole. Here in Lower NY (NYC and surrounding subs) we have been experiencing a host of fires. Some say due to the lack of rain. My guess - intentional arson in some cases. But weather has been very, very dry. Although I do love the rain, I especially look forward to it because of the fires.
April 18, 2012 at 1:16 PM
Ross said...
Your photos are fantastic! You wouldn't be the only one neglecting the mailboxes. We've been in Disneyland the last 10 days so the computer has been set aside and now it's time to get back into the swing of things. Looks like you've got your hands full! Hope you're doing well.
April 18, 2012 at 4:39 PM
Margaret said...
Beautiful... lucky you! I will look forward to more photos (and funny commentary).
April 18, 2012 at 7:20 PM
Ed Pilolla said...
i found myself scrolling through these gems more slowly as i moved along, to make the experience last.
April 18, 2012 at 11:26 PM
Kathy said...
Loved this post. There's just something for everyone here. I particularly like the blueness of the water and the many boats and buoys in the harbor.
April 19, 2012 at 9:17 AM
ELK said...
such a magical place ..beautiful views...happy to stop by for a visit!!
April 19, 2012 at 4:00 PM
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So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
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104 | I really hate slippery AI. I usually play as Psilon (duh) so usually the Meklar hate me. I find, however, that if you grow your empire so big that you can dispatch armadas and not think twice about it, you can punish little empires for their diplomatic insolence. Try declaring a war just for a few turns to remind the rebel empire of your dominance. I also find that taking a few planets puts the AI in line. However, watch out for the larger empires you will be fighting. If you try to use this strategy on them, it might backfire and cause more damage to you than them. |
105 | Public service is a service which is provided by government or public sector to citizens. Main definition of public service is that it is a service in the public interest. It means that everyone who provides a public service must act in public interest and no in self-interest. Nevertheless the term “public interest” is necessary for the definition of “public service”, it doesn’t have exact meaning, which is important not only in law and politics but in ethics too. In this study ethical relevance of term “public interest” in connection with ethics in public service is showed. This study analyses conversions of “public interest” in history of social-political thought which can help its understanding in contemporary philosophy and public policy. Analysis shows that the term “public interest” is very complicated, dependent on social-political conditions of state and therefore it needs ethical expertise in every situation which is connected with providing of public service.
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Jánošová, Katarína
In: Motus in verbo, roč. III, 2014, č. 2, s. 17 - 23. ISSN 1339-0392
Paper deals with the way how Plato uses the phrase doing one’s own in searching for the definition of sôphrosunê in the Charmides. Although the main theme of this dialogue is sôphrosunê, the consequence of the Critias’ concept of sôphrosunê, namely that sôphrosunê does not bring the community any advantage, also concerns the benefit of the community. The paper deals with the aporia of possibility and usefulness of self-knowledge in the dialogue. The text intends to show that the source of these aporia is Critias’ strict separation of three kinds of knowledge (“the knowledge of knowledge”, the “knowledge of good and evil” and “technical knowledge”). This separation is based on Critias’ potentially tyrannical “self-consciousness“ freed from all content determinations and governing the knowledge of good and evil. The unity between them has to the form of a complex structure the bearer of which is the soul and which is dominated by the knowledge of good and evil.
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Belková, Zuzana
In: Motus in verbo, roč. III, 2014, č. 2, s. 24 - 39. ISSN 1339-0392
The study is based on the observation that when portraying the character of mother in TV series, there is the repeated use of specific elements and attributes that create the character. By analyzing thirty series that involve the theme of family, it is trying to define several groups of characteristics that make up the few repeated models when portraying a mother. It defines these models in terms of dramaturgy, therefore in the way in which they should appear to television viewers. It also points out that the same model of portrayal can be found in different genre contexts.
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Literárna veda
Odokienko Fodorová , Hana
In: Motus in verbo, roč. III, 2014, č. 2, s. 40 - 45. ISSN 1339-0392
This article analyses the second collection of poems by Laco Novomeský – Romboid (1932). It is focused on Novomeský’s initial poem Pri kotrmelcoch opíc (By Somersaults of Monkeys) and on its poetic basis. The starting point is Zambor’s premise that: “... the poet (Novomeský) acts as a Constructivist artist” (Zambor, 2005, p. 70). Novomeský violates the poetistic atmosphere (Poetism, 20th century literature movement in former Czechoslovakia) by nostalgic reminiscence of childhood and motivates thus an effect of “laughter through tears”, which is also observed in the article. In this sematic and stylistic analysis the main part is dedicated to Avant-garde poetic attributes and usage of geometric symbols.
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Chytilová, Ingrid
In: Motus in verbo, roč. III, 2014, č. 2, s. 46 - 57. ISSN 1339-0392
The aim of the study is to point out the fact that there are also other areas than the ghetto and extermination camp in the author’s work. We have chosen works in which portrayed space at the level of scenery is based on the dichotomy home (country) – abroad (foreign country), domestic – strange, specifically we will discuss works Krásné zelené oči, Tma a světlo světa (Můj známý Vili Feld), Oleandrové keře – i.e. Beautiful Green Eyes, Darkness and Light of the World (My Friend Vili Feld), Oleander Bushes. Another reason was that in all three works we meet with the theme of emigration. We will discuss what the character is experiencing in an unfamiliar environment, how he adapts to new conditions and what impact on his psyche it has.
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Šavelová, Monika
In: Motus in verbo, roč. III, 2014, č. 2, s. 58 - 65. ISSN 1339-0392
The aim of this article is to highlight the category of joy in the faith, which has changed over the centuries from the initial spontaneous, unprompted joy of the availability of souls’ salvation to joy as an evidence of repentance, what we can see in particular Dante’s sad sinners in the fifth circle. Dante does not believe that people could feel the joy spontaneously and therefore establishes the need to rejoice as a command, which defaulting he punishes by putting them to hell: it is a punishment of lack of joy and therefore sorrow, and acedia. Dante’s sad sinners are considered mentally ill, who are unable to rejoice and that is why they are more reprehensible. He places them in the mud of Styx to analogously punish their memory. As they were sad in a pleasant atmosphere during their lives, now they are sad in the black mud. Concept of acedia is found in several works of contemporary authors of religious literature, but its translation has multiple meanings. It may be a reluctance but also somber, oppressive sadness, a particular kind of melancholy and bitterness, in which a human becomes not only a passive and careless about any spiritual value but he also feels a repulsion to these values, his inside is full of anger and this could finally ends up in complete stupor.
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Arvensisová, Marika
In: Motus in verbo, roč. III, 2014, č. 2, s. 67 - 69. ISSN 1339-0392
This work deals with cognitive linguistics in sign languages, a topic which became the centre of attention of the International Summer School 2014 of the Charles University in Prague. This article provides a concise summary of all presenting linguists and their scientific research projects. It also emphasises the importance of liveliness of all current issues, as are cognitive linguistics, sign language corpora, affinity of sign languages and the culture of the Deaf, in (cognitive) linguistics in sign languages around the world.
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Adamčiak, Miroslav Arvensisová, Marika Babiar, Martin Barnová, Katarína Belicová, Petra Belková, Zuzana Bernátová, Zuzana Bivona, Antonietta Bíziková, Viktória Borbély, Róbert Calanni Rindina, Desiré Chaudhary, Shahzad Latif Chytilová, Ingrid Daubnerová, Jana Druga, Ondrej Dúbravská, Natália Dudík, Ľuboš Finocchiaro, Marilisa Fobelová, Monika Gábor, Ľubomír Gondeková, Veronika Góotšová, Andrea Hrašková, Jana Hrčková, Lucia Ivanovič, Dávid Ivanovič, David Jánošová, Katarína Jurečková, Antónia Kadúchová, Petra Kapustová, Irena Kelčíková, Petra Klein, Jakub Knapcová, Veronika Kolenčíková, Natália Kolofík, Tomáš Košteková, Monika Krajňáková, Diana Krátká, Eva Kubalová, Benedikta Kušnieriková, Jarmila Kuzmová, Štefánia Jana Lalík, Igor Liang, Chen Luca De, Andrea Madárová, Ingrid Majerčáková, Mária Marková, Bibiána Matiová, Mária Melicherčíková, Miroslava Mesko, Matej Mezeiová, Veronika Mikulcová, Katarína Mišun, Josef Molnárová, Patrícia Moric, Anja Muráriková, Lucia Nemčeková, Jana Němeček, David Odokienko Fodorová , Hana Odrobiňáková, Monika Pecníková, Jana Pelikánová, Edita Pevčíková, Jozefa Pikhart, Jan Pileva, Maria Ráčková, Lucia Rašová, Dominika Rezoničnik, Lidija Richterová, Aneta Šavelová, Monika Ševcová, Marta Šimončičová, Anna Šimončičová, Mária Šlosiariková, Katarína Spassova, Andriana Špoták, Róbert Šromovský, Martin Stančeková, Svetlana Stanková, Mária Stecíková, Emília Stráska, Jana Střelec, Karel Szałaśny, Piotr Tesařová, Pavlína Turiak, Lukáš Urbanová, Eva Vicherková, Dana Vilčeková, Katarína Víravová, Jiřina Virostková, Anna Volentier, Lukáš Weberová, Veronika Willwéber, Tomáš Záborská, Alena Zajacová, Tamara Zimovčáková, Monika Zoufalá, Marie
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106 | I teach the whole musician. We'll do ear training, cover music theory, and find performance opportunities. If you don't have a flute yet, I will help you find the right instrument for you.
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Richland County
Columbia (51.36 miles)
(803) 252-8133
Star Music Academy represents a collaboration between one of South Carolina's oldest music retailers and a strong growing faculty of teachers. The academy is dedicated to delivering the finest private music instruction possible. All are Welcome, There is No Charge! From I-20, exit onto Clemson Road and head W toward The Village at Sandhill Shopping Center.
Katie Brown Clarinet Studio
South Carolina
Richland County
(704) 726-6785
Katie Brown is a professional clarinetist and private teacher in Columbia, SC. Clarinet lessons are available to students of all ages and levels of experience at an affordable rate. Private lessons are an opportunity to receive individualized, one-on-one instruction from an experienced professional musician. Lessons are tailored to your (or your child's) individual needs and goals.
Matthew Smith's Guitar Studio
South Carolina
Richland County
Columbia (51.36 miles)
(803) 466-3193
Matthew started studying music at an early age. His mother enrolled him in private piano lessons at age four. He continued piano lessons until he was fourteen years old. At age fifteen, he acquired his 1st guitar and started studying folk and rock music. Matthew spent hours singing and practicing his favorite songs by Bob Dylan, David Bowie, the Beatles, and other singers and groups he heard.
Matthew played at my daughter's wedding a few weeks ago and is an amazing artist! He
Columbia Arts Academy
South Carolina
Richland County
Columbia (51.36 miles)
(803) 787-0931
Are we the right music school for you? The Columbia Arts Academy is the largest music school in the state of South Carolina with an active enrollment of over 600 students. More students take music lessons here than at any other school in the city of Columbia. Please visit our website at the link on this page to take an online tour and learn more about why we are Columbia's #1 choice for music lessons.
Columbia Arts Academy has exceeded my expectations which were already high, based on recommendations
Musical Gifts Violin Studio
South Carolina
Richland County
Columbia (51.36 miles)
(803) 776-9091
Our Studio teaches the student of violin, piano, voice an recorder. Quality music instruction for all ages. Our studio offers voice, violin, recorder and piano lessons for ages 3-80 and beyond. All fees are priced based on a weekly per lesson basis and are payable by the beginning of each month.
GMB Music - Guitar Studio
South Carolina
Richland County
Columbia (51.36 miles)
(803) 356-3963
GMB Music-Guitar Studio is a full time guitar teaching business owned and operated by Gary Bruce. In business since 1985 it's purpose is to share music via the guitar. Gary teaches several styles of music and offers lessons from beginning to advanced. He uses his own method that has been crafted and honed to perfection over the years. He teaches music theory, ear training, how to play in an ensemble
Wootten Enterprises
South Carolina
Lexington County
Cayce (54.47 miles)
(803) 794-1341
I teach piano, organ, guitar, bass, voice, trumpet, trombone, tuba, music theory, arranging, conducting, recording and sound engineering. I also provide music notation services, live recording services, studio recording services, vocal elimination services, & digital restoration & transfer to CD of records, cassettes, and open reel tapes.
Musician's Supply
South Carolina
Lexington County
Lexington (57.63 miles)
(803) 957-3707
For 21 years, musician provide has proudly served the Midlands area from our Lexington and Irmo locations. Come and experience the excitement of our incredible new 9,000 sq. ft. store! Our spacious showroom is filled with a huge array of instruments and accessories for the beginner student to the seasoned professional.
Lexington School of Music
South Carolina
Lexington County
Lexington (57.63 miles)
(803) 996-0623
Are we the right music school for you? The Lexington School of Music is a part of the largest music school in the state of South Carolina with an active enrollment of over 1,000 students. Students drive from as far away as Charleston and the Upstate of South Carolina to take lessons here. We offer lessons for ages 4 to adult. While you are here researching the best school for you, please consider the
I really don’t have anything negative to say. Keep up the good work!!
Gilbert Music Vault
South Carolina
Lexington County
Gilbert (63.94 miles)
(803) 892-9885
Gilbert Music Vault We satisfy all your music requirements! Music Lessons and used and new Instruments. DJ Services are available for Weddings, Birthdays and other Social Events. Our mission is to supply quality musical instruments and lessons at an competitive price as a service to our community. Our talented instructors currently offer lessons on Drums, Piano, Violin, Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo and
Fine Arts Academy Of Florence
South Carolina
Florence County
Florence (64.13 miles)
(843) 667-6069
Gigi R. Anderson - Director and President H. Mack Anderson, Jr. - Administrator At the moment the school is taking applications for the School year 2007 - 2008. Yahoo has offered us with a a map of our exact location.
Mrs. Charli Moore's Voice and Piano Studio
South Carolina
Florence County
Florence (64.13 miles)
(843) 661-2850
Mrs. Moore offers private instruction in piano and voice to students of all ages. She enjoys working with beginners, as well as with more advanced students. Mrs. Moore is a classically trained vocalist with over 20 years experience in performing and teaching. Now in her private studio, she spent her earlier teaching career at The Fine Arts Academy of Florence and as the Fine Arts Department Coordinator |
107 | The Charles Ives story is one that only could happen in America. Son of a cornet player whose life was deeply entrenched in the American brass band movement, Ives became an expert organist and composer before he ever went to college. At Yale he studied music, but was a mediocre student. Upon his graduation he rejected the music profession completely and started his own insurance company which made him a wealthy man. He continued to follow his true passion, however, which was composition. He was decades ahead of his time in his presentation and concepts, all the while referencing the musical language of his time. Read his full bio here. |
108 | The Peratallada Castle is a project designed by MESURA located in the Baix Empordà (Catalonia, Spain) and considered for it’s historic-artistic value a National heritage building, preserve in its stonewalls a clear vestige of it’s medieval past. The garden project is dominated for the presence of the surrounding stones, dated from the tenth century (a.C.), with more than 1.000 years of history, we could only step back to focus the main role in the monument. Photography by Salva Lopez
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Oklahoma Health Dept. Addresses Plateauing COVID Cases, Public Health Lab Report, Holiday Trends
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Wednesday, November 24th 2021, 5:15 pm
By: Jonathan Cooper
Oklahoma Health Dept. Addresses Plateauing COVID Cases, Public Health Lab Report, Holiday Trends
TULSA, Oklahoma -
The Oklahoma State Department of Health is watching COVID-19 trends as we head into the holidays.
Health leaders say while cases are rising in pockets of the country, so far, Oklahoma's cases have remained plateaued. The state department of health is encouraging everyone to enjoy the holidays and they continue to urge vaccinations and booster doses.
Interim Commissioner of Health Keith Reed says they're watching case counts closely, as some parts of the country are seeing big spikes in COVID-19. Reed says it's too early to tell if Oklahoma will also see an increase, but after a slight uptick a few weeks ago in Oklahoma case counts have steadied once again.
Hospitalizations also remain steady. Reed says more than 21,000 Oklahoma kids between 5 and 11 have received at least one dose of a vaccine and more than 2 million Oklahomans are now fully vaccinated.
Reed says this Thanksgiving is different than what Oklahomans faced last year.
"We were experiencing a very devastating surge last year that was affecting all aspects of the population with really very limited resources to be able to protect individuals, families, and communities,” said Reed. “Big difference now is we have vaccinations."
Reed also addressed an investigation into the state's public health lab by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. That regulatory agency was called in after an anonymous complaint. The health department has received criticism from some for moving their lab from Oklahoma City to Stillwater last year and falling behind other states in genomic sequencing.
Reed says they have internally addressed the findings in that report like modernizing lab security, adjusting training, and improving sequencing results and he sees the review as a positive.
"I would say this CMS report is a fantastic example of checks and balances that are in place to ensure that quality moving forward. It's a way to hold us accountable,” said Reed. “And then on top of that, we are instituting some even more stringent internal process to ensure quality assurance moving forward."
The full findings of that report have not been made public.
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111 | Side tone coupling:In telephones, it is the hearing of one`s voice in the receiver when one speaks. Too muchside tonemake people speak lower and can cause feedback. Too littleside toneand people may think the phone is not working or may shout. Figure This is a simplified schematic diagram of a receiver sidetone circuit. Because curren
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.
t will not flow through a balanced circuit, the turns ratio of inductors L1 and L2 is unbalanced by a predetermined amount and the value of resistor R is changed so as not to match the line impedance. This way, a controlled amount of signal can be induced into L3 to be used as receiver sidetone.
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The Tension of Gender
Early on in our email exchange, I sensed that Talon did not favor female members. At first, I felt that this was perhaps due to the clash between the militaristic demands of the guild and the more relationship-oriented play-style of female gamers. When I asked Talon about this, he had an interesting explanation.
Coming from a VERY equal society and a family with a really strong mother in it, I found the whole situation with women strange. Well, women seem to like attachment more in the online environment and for all intents and purposes, an uber guild resembles military more than anything else.
Now there's a reason why military doesn't like relationships in it. The same reason applies to militaristic uberguilds - the suspicions of favouritism etc., not to mention women practically always aim for the top. This is not a critique as such. I mean it's quite understandable. In a healthy guild, the most charismatic, outgoing and smart people are leaders. I sure as hell would prefer them.
So the reason why Talon is hesitant on recruiting female members is because it inevitably leads to romantic tension in the guild.
They start wanting "protection" from whoever they're with. So typical of me to get tells like "she thinks you're being mean, and I agree with her (yeah sure you do)". Just made me sigh every time. Frankly, I prefer people who don't do that. Male students are the best.
It's important to make clear that Talon isn't presenting a sexist position. It's not the case that women are inferior players or can't function in a militaristic guild, but that when you have men and women in the same guild certain interactions become highly likely. And that dynamic has as much to do with the men as it does with the women. [see comments below on sexism]
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Tribal design by snoopydoo. Crusader graphic by Gravity. All other materials available at The Daedalus Project are copyright 2003-2006 by Nick Yee. |
113 | This Is How Violence Is Cutting Off Reproductive Choices Gina Rushton, Buzzfeed News August 14, 2017.
SO, today there is news that the DT administration is enthusiastically continuing both the destruction of the Obama legacy and the Republican war on women. The decimated and laughably named Health and Human Services department of the US government issued new rules today which will allow a “broad range of employers -- including nonprofits, private firms and publicly traded companies” to withhold contraceptive coverage through their employee health plans. Since I am pretty much drained of the ability to express fresh outrage any more this week, I am posting something I wrote a few years ago on the subject of the Republicans, the Christian right wing and the agenda to subjugate women through reproductive control. It’s long-ish but let’s face it — this bullshit has been going on so long, and in so many twisted ways and through so many underhanded attacks on women’s autonomy and ability to live independent lives-— maybe even an essay this long cannot adequately cover it.
Wait, Consent Means WHAT? (originally published May 1, 2012)
Individual freedom and the right to bodily autonomy - the principles behind our understanding of consent - were the principles upon which many of us assume the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision was based, although the case itself was focused on a citizen's right to privacy around making decisions concerning her bodily autonomy and medical care. Laws which deny a woman the right to bodily autonomy - including laws that deny a woman the right to control what happens to her own body in favor of giving any potential fetus the "right" to use her body against her will or without her consent - are an unconstitutional denial of individual freedom because they relegate a woman to a legal status that is less than human. The legal precedent that a woman actually has the right to consent to the risks and responsibilities of pregnancy, and an equal right to decline consent to those risks and responsibilities was thought to be finally established. But since Roe v Wade was argued as a case for privacy, it has never been a guarantee of women's reproductive rights. It has always been vulnerable to attack, either through court challenges or through legislation which has chipped away at it.
One way or another, the
Republican Party will find
a way to control those sluts!
From the moment Roe v Wade was decided, the religious right began working to overturn it. Outraged that women had at last been granted the right to choose if and when to be pregnant - a right which conflicted with the patriarchal order which demands that men have complete authority over women - the "moral majority" began a campaign of slut-shaming, raising the specter- never far beneath the surface in any misogynist culture - that uncontrolled women would engage in wildly promiscuous and "irresponsible" sex and darkly warning that the new law would bring about the downfall of American civil society However, when this tactic initially only gained traction within the most conservative and misogynistic segments of society, conservatives realized that the problem was that a majority of Americans in the late 1970's actually respected a woman's right to choose - and that most Americans believed that the consensual sexual activity of women was no more society's business than the consensual sexual activity of men.
Religious conservatives soon zeroed in on "consent" as a potentially malleable concept that they might be able to use to drive a wedge between women and their human rights, thereby setting the stage to put women back in their traditional place. In order to overcome the legal issue of consent, religious and political conservatives began working tirelessly - using tactics including slut-shaming, abstinence-only purity campaigns inserted into public schools, and falsely equating microscopic blastocysts with full term babies - to entrench the notion that recreational sex involving the conscious avoidance of pregnancy is shameful and that only marital sex which welcomes the prospect of conception should be recognized and supported by society. Their aim was to increase public acceptance of explicitly Christian sexual mores in order to garner voter support for their social agenda. The ultimate goal was to get this explicitly Christian theology enshrined into law: that whenever a woman has consented to sex, she has automatically consented to pregnancy, too.
That's right, ladies, when you consent to sex, you consent to
pregnancy. And when you don't consent to sex, you
consent to pregnancy, too! You and your uteri are in a perpetual
state of consent to pregnancy! Ain't patriarchy grand?
Eventually, extreme conservatives began to worry that exceptions for rape and incest could possibly become a loophole through which some lying women could escape unwanted pregnancy, leading to the push for the elimination of exceptions for rape and incest as legal justifications for abortion. Building on the false premise that a conceptus is equal to a full-term baby, conservatives argued that a fertilized egg, no matter how it came into existence, is an innocent life deserving of protection. Completely ignoring the question of whether a woman who has been raped is deserving of society's protection and adroitly sidestepping Roe v Wade, forced-birth groups wrote bills denying abortion rights to women even in the case of rape or incest which their political arm, the Republican party, sponsored in state legislatures. In one giant leap of cruel imagination, conservatives managed to establish as a serious idea that even when a woman does not consent to sex, her consent to pregnancy should be automatic in the eyes of the law.
Lest there be any doubt about the intentions of the religious conservatives and their hired guns in the state and federal legislatures to render the legal notion of female consent completely irrelevant and completely powerless, forced-birth organizations created "personhood bills" which they instructed their Republican lackeys to sponsor and pass in various states. "Personhood" bills, if signed into law, would confer the full rights of a "person" - a deliberately vague term, but generally considered to be equal to a live-born child - to all fertilized ova. Such laws would criminalize most forms of female-controlled contraception, emergency contraception, assisted reproduction and, of course, all abortions. They would also open the door to state-sponsored invasion of women's privacy and health care rights since legally protected "persons" could potentially be "murdered" before a conception is discovered to have taken place. Furthermore, such laws would criminalize anyone who attempted to help a woman abort the conceptus "person" either by performing a surgical procedure, providing medical abortifacents, or driving a woman across state lines to obtain an abortion in a non-"Personhood" state.
Got that, gals?
"Personhood" laws are the holy grail of the forced-birth movement and the ultimate goal of religious conservatives. If passed, such laws would strip women of all bodily autonomy in matters of reproduction. Women would be denied female-controlled birth control, they would be denied emergency birth control if their partner's birth control fails or he refuses to use it and they would be denied abortions - even if they are impregnated by rape and even if their health or lives are endangered by a pregnancy. In short, thanks to the twisted culture of "life" pushed so ruthlessly onto them by religious conservatives, women would be compelled to sacrifice their happiness, risk their health and even lose their lives because a single-celled conceptus has been granted a right to occupy her body which supersedes all of her rights including her humanity, her dignity and her right to life.
Keep that contraception out
of those sluts' hands!
The Republican Party, which has degenerated to little more than the political arm of the conservative religious right, has been striving relentlessly to ensure that women will be legally forced to bear all of the negative physical, social and most of the financial repercussions for any unplanned pregnancy, while the churches themselves underline and enforce the subordinate and inferior position of women in the culture. Through tireless efforts to withhold access to contraception from women, the religious right ensures that reproductive control remains primarily in the hands of men. Thanks to ideologically-driven appointments to the FDA and the business interests of both drug companies and the medical establishment, only male-controlled methods of reliable contraception are available without a prescription, forcing women to navigate (and pay for) "care" from layers of medical and pharmacy gatekeepers before they are permitted to obtain reliable female-controlled contraception.
Religious patriarchy allows society to label unplanned pregnancy a "women's issue" in spite of the fact that it takes both a man and a woman - both failing to use effective contraception - to create an unplanned pregnancy. The fact that society allows unplanned pregnancy to be framed as a women's issue reveals the depth of the unconscious misogyny which lays the responsibility for - and the consequences of - an unplanned pregnancy squarely in the woman's lap, while little thought - and almost no censure - is directed toward the "guilt", the "promiscuity" or the "irresponsibility" of the man involved.
The old joke about keeping women
barefoot and pregnant?
Not so funny anymore.
More insidiously, when pregnancy and the laws restricting women's rights over when and if they will become pregnant is framed as a women's issue, conservatives ensure that half the population at least may ignore the very real danger to women's health and safety. Few men pay attention when women's rights are being stripped away because the phrase "women's issue" is unconsciously received as a signal that the subject is unimportant and less than men's other concerns. When the subject of reproductive rights is framed as a "women's issue", even men who love the women in their lives can pretend that there is "nothing to worry about" as their wives, their sisters and their daughters are slowly but surely reduced to the legal status of walking wombs compelled under threat of criminal prosecution to gestate the offspring of any man who succeeds in impregnating them - whether by mutual and loving consent, by accidental failure of birth control or by force.
When the subject of reproductive rights is framed as a "women's issue", even men who love the women in their lives can pretend that there is "nothing to worry about" as their wives, their sisters and their daughters are slowly but surely reduced to the legal status of walking wombs, compelled under threat of criminal prosecution to gestate the offspring of any man who succeeds in impregnating them - whether by mutual and loving consent, by accidental failure of birth control or by force.
In this way, the religious patriarchy ensures both that women cannot control their own reproduction completely (since women - even abstinent women - can be, and often are, the victims of forced impregnation) and that no man - not even a rapist - needs to accept the decision of a mere woman on the question of whether or not he can use her body to reproduce. That is because the "right to life" of a conceptus is, in fact, really just an extension of men's rights. A conceptus is always some man's potential offspring, and at its core, religious teaching is all about enshrining the right of every man to reproduce. If women are allowed the freedom to choose, some men would almost certainly have difficulty finding a willing mate with whom to procreate. Religions which enforce the authority of men over women and which restrict the freedom and choices of women therefore speak to the root of cultural misogyny - men's fear of the potential power of women to control their (men's) ability to reproduce. "Right to life" is actually the trojan horse by which male rights over women are being inserted directly into women's uteri. That's right. It's a great big legal 'fuck you, women'!
While religions pay lip service to condemning male brutality and offer assurances on how a "godly man" behaves, they strenuously resist efforts to enact laws which could increase rape prosecutions or extend protections for women against sexual assault, citing concerns about - you can guess - men's rights. The ultimate social priority of religion is to confirm and enforce the authority of men over women. To that end, religious conservatives - and their men in government - are willing to grant even rapists and abusers privileges over women, to safeguard the authority of "godly" men. In short, in order to protect the privilege of all men, themselves included of course, even "godly" men who profess to abhor rape willingly award rapists and abusers the right to reproduce using women's bodies against their will. As always, there is no thought spared for the humanity of the women who would be sacrificed to this Christian ideology. At best, they are dismissed as the "blessed" recipients of a "gift from God".
This is already a real thing in
the conservative Christian world
In the Republican vision of the future - as in the past it idealizes - "freedom" and "rights" will only fully belong to men and to the potential offspring of men, while women will be, at best, reduced once again to second-class citizenship, and, at worst, returned to sexual and reproductive slavery. Political, financial and social oppression of women, reproductive slavery and viciously misogynistic church-mandated rules of correct behavior and dress (for women only) are the unceasing reality for millions of women in theocracies around the world. All of these forms of oppression of women are rooted in the desire of these conservative societies to control the sexuality and reproductive freedom of their women. Almost without exception, societies based upon religious laws which both deny women fully human status and hold them accountable for the sexual activity of both genders strictly limit female freedom and impose exaggerated requirements for modest dress on their women and girls. If a Christian theocracy is successfully installed by conservatives in the United States, ever-deepening oppression will become the inevitable future for women and girls here.
Religious conservatives want Roe v Wade overturned because they oppose the principles of individual freedom and the right to bodily autonomy for women upon which the decision was based. That denial of those rights would relegate women to less than human status is exactly the point. Second-class status for women would be a feature, not a bug, for Christian conservatives since the Bible commands that women are not equal but subordinate to men. Bible-based religion asserts that man is the original human and woman, taken from man, is less than human. This is the reality of Bible-based governance. It seems like a nightmare from the dark ages, or some dystopian futuristic novel, but this is really happening right now in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Posted by NiftyWriter at 2:02 PM No comments:
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Will Doctors Finally Stand Up For Good Medicine?
Will doctors finally refuse to play the "enforcer"?
Reposting this March 2012 essay because the (usually Republican) war on women's reproductive rights has actually accelerated since then. (quelle surprise!) That's the bad news. The good news is that, unlike when I wrote the article below, a few doctors are finally beginning to speak out publicly against being compelled by state legislatures into the role of enforcers of ideologically-driven, unconstitutional, medically unnecessary and unethical laws. Very few individuals are willing, yet, to bring down upon themselves the wrath of powerful religious and political elites, but there are notable exceptions. Usually it is a small group of doctors, rather than individuals, speaking up, probably because there is some sense of security in numbers.
The war on women is continuing apace. Nearly all of the hard-earned protections that women fought for and won in the latter half of the 20th century have been gutted:
How much more will doctors take?
Since the rise of the Tea Party movement, the Right has found stunning success in its attempts to turn back decades of gains in the rights and status of women. The efforts to turn back the clock on American women focus on reproductive rights but also attack the changing roles in the workplace, in the family and in government that reproductive rights have helped to allow women to assume.
Anti-woman proposals that have been percolating in the right-wing fringe for years – such as “personhood” measures – are suddenly supported by mainstream presidential candidates. Rights that women have come to take for granted – like the right to access birth control – have suddenly come under attack for the first time in decades. How the War on Women Became Mainstream: Turning Back the Clock in Tea Party America, People for the American Way, 2012.
There was a time when the very idea that a U.S. state legislature might pass laws compelling doctors to literally lie to patients because of a religious, ideological agenda would only have been imaginable within the realm of fiction. Today, the shocking reality is that states really do force doctors to lie to patients, telling them that safe, legal procedures can lead to cancer or other serious health complications in order to coerce them to acquiesce to the dictates of Christian authoritarianism.
People are being forced by government to lie to other people about potentially life-changing, even life-threatening medical care. It hardly seems possible, but this is our bizarre reality in a country where one group's religious beliefs are now being forced upon all citizens. It's going to take a united effort of millions of ethical individuals to push back against the well-organized, highly lucrative religious/political machine that has been riding roughshod over women's freedom and humanity for the past couple of decades.
Previously posted in March 2012:
Recently, a doctor stepped forward to call government intrusion into the private decisions of female citizens the outrage that it is. I think that doctor's statement bears reposting. Writing anonymously, the doctor made a case for principled medicine, and provided some tips on how doctors should practice civil disobedience in states where these ghastly laws are in effect. The essay was originally posted on the blog Whatever. Also anonymously. I think that is disturbing.
Christian terrorism is rarely called
out by a cowed and cowardly media.
When citizens feel they can only speak out "anonymously", the chilling irony should not be lost on us - it should be ringing alarm bells. Loudly. People who still believe in the principles of equality and freedom, even if they do not agree that it might be a good idea to consult experts before writing terrible laws, ought to be worried when free speech is suppressed through intimidation. People who value a free society should be horrified that there are citizens among them who are too frightened to speak openly when they disagree with the government.
Some doctors are angry about being used by the government to intimidate a subset of its citizens. They are rightly aghast at being compelled to be the brutal enforcers of this Republican governmental violation of women's most basic human dignity - doctors being forced by law to commit state-mandated rape as a method of anti-abortion rights coercion - when there is no medical reason for compulsory testing of this kind prior to an abortion. Some have begun to realize that part of the anti-abortion strategy is to undermine both their authority as medical experts and their trusted position in society. But most of these doctors remain silent. And the very few who do speak out, tend to do so anonymously. Why?
Christian jubilation after the
murder of Dr. Tiller sends a clearly
threatening message to doctors.
One reason is pressure from within the profession. Some doctors are perfectly happy to put religious ideology over the welfare of their female patients and may privately support laws that force their peers to bow to church authority. Many other doctors are understandably alarmed by the violent rhetoric and physical harassment directed at pro-choice doctors by anti-choice groups, so they pressure their peers not to offer the full range of women's health services, not to speak out about the immorality of withholding appropriate medical care, not to make waves which could endanger them all. The few doctors who dare to protest unconstitutional laws based on religious ideology are intimidated into anonymity by threats to their livelihoods and reputations and even threats to their physical safety. They are presented with an ethical catch-22 situation: they know that invasive procedures - including vaginal penetration with an ultrasound wand against a patient's will and for no legitimate medical reason - goes against everything most doctors say they believe about doing no harm to a patient, but those who try to apply those ethics to women patients are threatened with prosecution if they disobey these draconian anti-woman laws.
Already wealthy, tax-exempt churches
lobbied for access to federal funds to
duplicate secular public services. The churches
can supplement their grants with cash
from their own fat reserves and wait patiently
for the cash-strapped secular agencies
to starve and shut down, leaving the field
clear for a total church takeover.
The intimidation of doctors is just the latest in a steady round of attacks on traditionally respected professions by an unholy alliance of religious and corporate elites and their political arm, the Republican party. Their long term strategy is to replace the current political system in the United States - democratic republicanism - with an authoritarian theocratic regime: a Bible-based government, led by godly men and answerable only to God (whose "commands" are, conveniently, communicated only through those same godly men). That strategy has relied heavily on the tactic of stirring up fear, suspicion and resentment to undermine public confidence in an array of once-trusted professions while simultaneously planting and building churches around the country. The targeted groups have long been hated by religious hardliners and wealthy, powerful elites because of their relative inability to control the information coming from these sources. The goal is to replace the secular resources that serve society with church-controlled resources.
Republican candidates like
Rick Santorum vied for the title
of "most devout Christian"
to the delight of the
religious elites.
Republican strategists capitalized on the natural (but usually milder) anti-intellectualism that is common in a population that believes it can point to its own physical strength, raw ingenuity and dogged determination for the country's success as much as, if not more than, the work of highly educated, high-falutin' "experts". When tough economic times hit the middle class hard in the late 70's and again in the early 90's, those smoldering resentments were all too easily fanned into the raging flames of a culture war. Government agencies (It's not Uncle Sam, it's big brother!), scientists (godless evilutionists!), teachers (lazy, freeloading glorified babysitters!) and journalists (It's not the free press, it's the commie, liberal media!) were the first casualties of the manufactured "populist" rejection of formerly respected experts and secular representatives of peoples' interests. Political operatives worked hard to sow doubt, distrust and contempt for the essential human resources upon which a civil society relies and they have succeeded to an alarming degree. Where once a public servant's religious views were a non-issue, today virtually any candidate for public office in the USA must pass a religious test - specifically must display Christian bona fides - to have any hope of winning a nomination.
The attack on medical doctors - probably the most trusted profession in the modern era - is a part of this series of attacks on the secular foundations of American society. It is not accidental that doctors have joined scientists, teachers and journalists in the crosshairs of Republican operatives. Like scientists and journalists before them, doctors as a group were once able to work fairly independent of ideological influences. Individual doctors brought their own beliefs to their practices, of course, but the profession as a whole was not under pressure to conform to a particular politicized religious ideology.
This state of affairs could not be permitted by the Republicans or their powerful backers. Authoritarian political systems demand ideological purity and social conformity, so doctors - like journalists and scientists before them - posed a threat to the political ambitions of the Republican party, especially in terms of their strategy to use abortion as the rallying "cause" which could impassion voters enough to vote blindly against their own interests. If left unthreatened, doctors might challenge the lying propaganda that the anti-abortion movement was spreading and puncture the bubble of misguided passion the religious right had so carefully blown up. If permitted to retain their respected and trusted position in society, doctors might undermine the attempts of religious political operatives to replace trusted public resources with private Christian agendas.
Prison for doctors?
Hence the push for legislation which targets doctors as well as women. When pressed to say what penalty abortion should bring to a "guilty party" should their dream of criminalizing abortion be realized, anti-abortion leaders usually shy away from suggesting a punishment for the women involved (probably sensing that it would be a loser at the polls), but nearly all declare that, as the "butchers" who "kill babies", doctors should be thrown into prison for murder. Sensing the target on their backs, doctors have fallen silent as wave after wave of unconstitutional and medically unsound legislation has been passed, heaping untold misery upon women.
Thus, the goals of the Republican party may soon be achieved. Doctors may be rightly disrespected for standing silently by as the medical ethics they claim to believe in are violated by these laws: as women are grossly mistreated, legal medical procedures are withheld - even in potentially life-threatening situations - and patients are harmed by bad medical practices. Furthermore, doctors may be rightly distrusted by women (and many men) for many of the same reasons, in addition to the betrayal of doctor-patient trust upon which competent health care must rest.
If principled doctors fail to act to stop this looming crisis of public confidence, the consequences for society extend far beyond the impact on doctors and women. The public confidence in the media, in teachers and in scientists has been successfully undermined with predictably terrible results. Religious conservatives may claim that their holy books can provide all of the answers to the needs of humankind, but even science's most vindictive critics turn to medical science for help when a health crisis occurs or - irony of ironies! when they need assisted reproduction using technology developed through evolutionary science - while they work tirelessly to deny that opportunity to others. Should they, and other hypocrites like them, succeed in convincing enough people that doctors, like teachers and scientists, are not respectable authorities who can be trusted, then to whom will the people be able to turn when they need real assistance?
Keeping a low profile and hoping that this madness is only a temporary cultural spasm fueled by a fringe group of religious fanatics will be a mistake. It did not work for scientists, teachers or journalists. It did not work for the people who believed such radical theocrats could never seriously win elections and form governments. It has not been working - with frightening consequences - and the situation will only get worse as long as professionals shrink back fearfully from challenging the lies and disinformation that are being deliberately disseminated to undermine public confidence in them. I am encouraged by the letter I linked to at the top of this post, but it sure would be nice to see many more doctors stand up and say "Enough is enough!".
The manipulation of public trust in doctors, scientists, teachers, the media, and even their elected representatives is a dangerous power play by the conservative right wing. Destroying trust in the resources best-equipped to provide the public with the services it needs is a strategy which has had terrible consequences for millions of people, and ultimately could tear apart the very fabric of our civil society. That is a game that should never have been played by anyone who loves this country and all it stands for. But the thing few people acknowledge is that the self-labelled Christian "patriots" deeply despise this country and all it stands for. They deny that the country was ever what it was, and they intend to - they are actively fighting to - destroy the American dream and replace it with a theocratic nightmare. It is a sectarian insurgency.
Are you going to stand by and let that happen?
Posted by NiftyWriter at 2:00 AM No comments:
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
About That Thing In Steubenville, Ohio...
via science of relationships
''It's really a sense of power that comes from specialness ... anyone who finds himself at the center of the world they're in has a sense of impunity.''
Ken Dryden, lawyer and Hall of Fame goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.
It's the last day of April, the month which has been claimed by several causes to promote awareness. One of those topics which deserves raised awareness is the frightening persistence of sexual assault in society. I published the article below on Secular Woman earlier this month:
In a down-on-its-luck eastern Ohio town, the local high school's star football players were powerful people. As the town's pride and joy - its hope for the future - the young men in Steubenville enjoyed all the privileges of small town princelings, just like millions of young men in millions of small towns all over the world. One of the privileges of that power was that the football players had their "pick" of the town's unattached girls. For star athletes, the privilege of first pick of the most desirable girls is like selecting ripe melons at Kroger. The athlete gets to choose or discard, never the girl.
Adults treat them like heroes, students treat them like rock stars, and amidst classes, club meetings and exams, there exists a gutter economy where women become a form of currency. Dave Zirin, The Verdict: Steubenville Shows the Bond Between Jock Culture and Rape Culture, The Nation, March 18, 2013.
The moment that a person - usually a female-bodied person - becomes the object of a more powerful person's desire (whether for sex or some desire to exert control), her humanity ceases to matter. She becomes, literally, a thing - "currency" that the more powerful person feels entitled to spend. Human culture is patriarchal: heterosexual men are the only persons whose full humanity is never questioned, while women - and men who are suspected by other men of not being the right kind of heterosexual man - are treated by every society on earth as less than fully human. Their existence and worth is measured almost exclusively within the context of their relationships with and effect upon heterosexual men. Heterosexual men are persons whose living, thinking and taking action defines who they are, while women are men's accessories: their mothers, their girlfriends, the mothers of their children. It is the thing that they are to men which defines what women are.
Pick a girl melon, any melon girl,
young football princelings!
The young woman who was carted from party to party in Steubenville that August night was little more than a ripe melon - or a piece of meat - to those football players. They treated her like a plaything as if there was no human being inside that unconscious body because, on a deeply primitive level, for some young men there is no human being inside a female body. And when she somehow gathered the courage to press charges against the young men who raped her, she became the thing which her town raged could unfairly (!) ruin their princelings' lives. Having also grown up swimming in the rape culture that still permeates nearly every human society, the rape victim feared she would be blamed and vilified for reporting the crime or pressing charges and she was right. She had to be persuaded to go forward with the case, but she finally did - courageously, and in the face of vicious condemnation from her former friends and neighbors.
(trigger warning for sexual assault)
The girl was completely naked on the floor, laying motionless on her side, not far from where she'd just puked out of the side of her mouth.
By her side was one of his teammates, Trent Mays, who Westlake testified was fully exposed and smacking his penis on the girl's hip. Laying behind her was another player, Ma'lik Richmond, whom Westlake testified he saw penetrating the girl with two fingers, "halfway to the knuckle."
"It wasn't what I expected to see," Westlake testified Friday at the Jefferson County Justice Center here in this old Eastern Ohio mill town, where Mays and Richmond stand trial for rape. "I wasn't really sure what to think."
Why didn't you stop it, special prosecutor Marianne Hemmeter asked?
"Well," Westlake said, "it wasn't violent. I didn't know exactly what rape was. I always pictured it as forcing yourself on someone."
Let's ignore the obvious point that you don't need to "force" yourself on a girl who is incapacitated by alcohol. Instead, let's simply ask what did Evan Westlake do?
"I said my goodbyes," he testified.
Goodbyes? And what exactly was the response from Mays and Richmond after having someone walk in on them in the middle of that moment – even if, as the defense is arguing, it actually was consensual?
"They said, 'I'll see you Monday at football,' " Westlake said.
Prosecutors may get conviction in Steubenville rape trial, but it will come at a cost. Dan Wetzel, Yahoo Sports, March 16, 2013.
How is it possible that a modern, educated teenager does not know what rape is? If inserting objects and body parts into the body of an unconscious person is not "forcing yourself on someone", then what is it? How could it be that in a society which claims to abhor rape, a young man stood a few feet away while a rape was being committed, felt surprised but apparently undisturbed by what he was witnessing, then casually "said his good-nights" and walked away. He walked away without the slightest sense that a crime was being committed. The sight of an unconscious girl being casually violated by two young men aroused not a scintilla of basic human compassion in him. None at all. Three football teammates casually said, "see you Monday at football" while two of them were still raping an unconscious, vomit-spattered, urine-soaked girl and Evan Westlake was not sure what to think! How could he not know what to think about that?
One has to wonder: would Evan Westlake have known what to think had the unconscious victim been one of his male teammates? If his buddies casually said "good-night" to him as they shoved foreign objects and body parts into the anus and mouth of an unconscious 16-year-old boy lying naked on the floor right in front of him, would that have seemed a little more surprising to him? Disturbing, even? Would the nature of the criminal behavior have suddenly been a little easier to discern?
Although most people strongly protest that they would never condone rape, the reality is that most people actually do condone rape. Like Evan Westlake, they condone rape because they believe that most kinds of forced sex are not really rape as long as the recipient of the forced sex is female-bodied. Most people think that opportunistic or coerced sex, which is the modus operandi in the majority of sexual assaults, is normal, understandable or justifiable thanks to a culture which normalizes and excuses men who rape women. There may be a general rueful admission that "taking advantage" of a drunk woman or pressuring a date into sex may not exactly be polite, or the smoothest, coolest way to operate, but it is still after all just a guy doing what comes naturally when he wants something and that thing is apparently right there for the taking. If the object of his interest is incapacitated after drinking too much, her failure to say "no" can be taken for a "yes"- at his discretion. If the thing he wants is not 100% clear about her refusal (at least in his own mind - remember boys: no means maybe and maybe means yes!), then a guy feels justified in assuming that he has her consent and society backs him up on that. In essence, society hands over a woman's 'right to consent' to men, who are permitted - even encouraged - to apply it according to their own interpretation of reality, however influenced that may be by anger, alcohol or unreciprocated sexual arousal.
Consider the following rape apologia:
"What did she expect to happen when she went out dressed like that?"
"What did she expect would happen?" reasonable people ask, "If she didn't want to have sex, she ought not to have sent the wrong signal by getting drunk. If she has regrets in the morning, it was her own stupid fault."
"If she didn't say "No', then she probably meant "Yes". She wasn't clear! How is a guy supposed to know, anyway?"
"Why should some poor man go to jail because of some lying slut who only got what she was asking for?"
"If something happened that she didn't really want, then she ought to have thought of that before going on that date/accepting that drink/asking him in for coffee/smiling and flirting/trying to enjoy full rights to free citizenship while being female..." - pick any scenario because they all lead to forced sex somewhere every day.
And of course, the ever-popular "If men don't pursue women aggressively, the human race will go extinct!" which both excuses male aggression and denies normal, healthy female sexuality in one astonishing stroke.
These are common excuses given after a sexual assault. Some rapists may admit that it was not quite consensual sex, but they vehemently deny that it was rape. It does not matter if the woman did not want sex. Too many men feel that if the man wants sex - if he has interpreted anything about the woman from her style of dress to her behavior as some sort of sexual invitation - then he is entitled to force sex on her. In his mind, it is not forcing sex, though; he has been encouraged by rape culture to tell himself that she "asked" for it (even if she actually said "no"; even if the "invitation" was all in his own imagination).
With very rare exceptions, not quite consensual sex is seen as the inevitable result of mistakes made by women (leading men on, dressing like sluts, asking for it, needing to be put in their place, expecting to enjoy the freedom to go places and do things that men enjoy, etc) and not as rape committed by a man. When made by a very young girl or teenager (who is still assumed to be a virgin), these "mistakes" are considered foolish but innocently regrettable (though the sexual assault is still the girl's own fault). In the case of non-virgin women, the use of the word "mistakes" is a transparently insincere way of describing what is clearly believed by the culture to be calculated, provocative behavior on the part of a lying female who later regrets her own bad behavior but who inexplicably still wants to draw attention to it by accusing an innocent man of rape.
She must have led him on - how was he to know she only wanted to enjoy a flirtatious evening and then go home alone? Obviously, she didn't - she just changed her mind after the fact!
Having internalized these attitudes thanks to the pervasive rape culture, most people are uncomfortable labeling such incidents "rapes". It strikes people as somehow unfair to call a man who merely uses a woman's body without her explicit consent a rapist. Most of the time, people agree, women only get what they deserve!
Then, there is the myth which goes something like this: the only real rapists are monsters. When they are not leaping out of bushes to attack a woman with a weapon, rapist monters are hanging out at bars creepily stalking stupid women. Even so, it isn't a crime to be a creepy guy - innocent nice guys are sometimes called creepy and just think of that slippery slope! If women weren't so stupid, they would not provoke real creeps to stalk and/or attack them! But, the handsome, normal guy who won't take "no" for an answer after a date is nothing like those monstrous rapists. Maybe he paid for a nice dinner date and she's been smiling at him all night - so he can't be blamed for having expectations! and anyway his making a move is a natural red-blooded male reaction to female provocation. People ought to give him the benefit of the doubt because he is such a nice guy but they should have a healthy skepticism about the honesty of the girl or woman. A man should be thought innocent until proven guilty; a woman should be thought a liar until she proves she is telling the truth. Reasonable people should always be extremely cautious about casting doubt on a person's character - it could haunt him for life! - so trashing a woman's reputation instead is the only reasonable response to a rape accusation. The accused man is a person - a fully human being whose life could be ruined by the accusation that he is a rapist monster! - the accuser is merely a woman - just a female, and everyone knows how they lie...the question of whether her life might be ruined by whatever transpired is hardly worth asking. Females are, after all, made to be used by men, so why are feminists making such a big deal over this?
Another popular justification for rape apologia is the pretended even-handedness of criticizing young men for walking alone in unsafe places or getting drunk in situations where they might be assaulted and criticizing young women for walking alone in unsafe places (just about anywhere away from male protectors - and even then not so much, but that is for another post) or getting drunk in situations where they might be assaulted.
"Holding a girl responsible for her own stupidity is not victim-blaming! I'd criticize a guy, too, if he stupidly put himself in danger by getting drunk with the wrong crowd or hanging out on the dodgy side of town!"
But here is where this false equivalency breaks down: even if we accept the claim that society really does accuse young men of bringing crime on themselves because of their appearance or their behavior (something so rare that even a determined google search can find little evidence of it - with the notable exception of too many cases which are suspiciously limited to young men of color or other marginalized groups, but again, that's another post in itself), the difference is that no one ever suggests that because of a male victim's stupidity, his attackers should not be held accountable for their crimes.
In no other assault scenarios are victims routinely blamed for inciting envy, fear, rage, a desire to hurt or control or any other emotion in their attackers. Only when girls or women are attacked - and in particular when they are sexually assaulted - is the onus for the crime placed upon the victim. It is not even sexual assault itself that is the exception but specifically sexual assault against women and girls which is reserved for this special 'victim-caused' category. Rapes of boys and men are not generally dismissed as "he was asking for it". One only has to point to the recent public hue and cry over the sexual crimes committed by priests in the Catholic Church to see that this is true.
The rape of a child or teenager - or indeed any person who is in a subordinate position to an authority figure - is unconscionable and deserves to be prosecuted vigorously. However, the deliberately vague term "child rape" that is always used to describe these clerical crimes obscures the fact that most of those victims were not just "children" but specifically underage boys. The stark truth is that it is because the majority of these crimes were committed against boys and young men that society is as horrified as it is by them, and it is because this fact is obfuscated by the coy usage of "child" instead of "boy" that society can continue to pretend that it treats all rapes - of both male and female victims - as equally terrible. The truth, however, is that similar abuses have been visited upon girls and women in far greater numbers for all of human history - at least 1 in 4 girls and women are raped in their lifetime by clerics, teachers, family members, neighbors, boyfriends, employers, husbands and sometimes even strangers - but this ugly feminine reality has never elicited universal societal condemnation like the outrage over the recently uncovered sexual abuse of boys by priests. On the contrary, rape, forced pregnancy, assault and battery of girls and women has been protected all over the world for most of human history by patriarchal social mores and laws, often justified by 'respect" for religious freedom. Rape and male oppression is accepted as the way things are for women. Boys and men, on the other hand, are never supposed to be the targets of this kind of abuse. When it happens, it is considered an intolerable blight in society.
In first world countries, most women gained citizenship, the right to vote and legal recognition of their human rights over the last century. Nevertheless, most societies still do not accept that the majority of rape claims by women are really rapes. The hyper-vigilance over "false accusations" is not because assaults have not occurred, but because society denies that those alleged sexual assaults are equivalent to 'forcible rape'. There is always a justification, always an excuse for why it was understandable for that man to force that woman into a sexual act.
The Rape Culture that pervades all human societies ensures that women are still considered less than fully human - even in the first world - so that abuse of their autonomy and consent is tolerated and condoned even by the justice system. By and large, the reality in most societies is that while there may be laws on the books criminalizing rape, society actually refuses to recognize most forms of sexual assault on women as legitimate rape, and in practice most societies regard nearly all women as unrapable. When the fault lies with the alleged victim, there can have been no crime committed. Rape culture reinforces the idea that women, by their very existence, are always sexually tempting men, always at fault, always to blame. Women make men force sex on them, so it is never rape.
In many parts of the world, rape is accepted as an everyday occurrence, and even a male prerogative. In 1991, at a coed boarding school in Kenya, seventy-one girls were raped by their male classmates, and nineteen died in the ensuing panic. The deputy principal reassured the public: "The boys never meant any harm against the girls. They just wanted to rape." Michael Parenti, "The Global Rape Culture", The Culture Struggle, 2005.
Rape culture serves up a double whammy to women - it not only dismisses the assault of women and girls as justifiable based upon the feelings of their attackers, but it also holds the victims responsible for those feelings. Young men raised in rape culture are accustomed to judging the morality of their behavior toward women according to their own emotions and desires - how they feel around a woman justifies their behavior toward her - and at the same time they are encouraged by rape culture to hold women responsible for how they, men, feel. Rape culture tells men that they are entitled to satisfy their own urges at a woman's expense. Many, if not most, men who assault women believe that what they feel has been deliberately caused by the women they target and therefore the women are responsible for whatever "happens". Surprisingly frequently, especially if charges are laid against him, a rapist will actually claim (and actually believe) that he is the victim in the situation. Plenty of evidence supports the contention that society - steeped in rape culture misogyny - usually agrees with him.
via parenting teens
Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.
Rape Culture affects every woman. The rape of one woman is a degradation, terror, and limitation to all women. Most women and girls limit their behavior because of the existence of rape. Most women and girls live in fear of rape. Men, in general, do not. That’s how rape functions as a powerful means by which the whole female population is held in a subordinate position to the whole male population, even though many men don’t rape, and many women are never victims of rape. This cycle of fear is the legacy of Rape Culture. (Rape Culture, Marshall University Women's Center.)
Many women unwittingly support rape culture by taking comfort in the mistaken belief that rape only happens to a certain kind of woman and they themselves can avoid it by living properly (whatever they think that means). What they fail to realize is that by promulgating rape myths, they actually strengthen the rape culture that makes them more likely to be victimized. Rape myths provide cover for those who actually commit the majority of rapes: seemingly ordinary men who also believe the myths of rape culture and who thus believe that in many situations the consent of a woman can be considered implicit based upon how he interprets her behavior. If he feels that what she is wearing or where she is or how much she has drunk or how much she has flirted is an invitation to him, then it is an invitation to him regardless of whether the woman ever had any thought of issuing an invitation. What she thinks or feels simply does not matter because the possibility that she actually has real thoughts and honest feelings like he - a fully human person - does, simply does not exist. Many rapists have so thoroughly absorbed the poison of rape culture that they truly believe that they are entitled to take what they tell themselves women are offering and therefore whatever they have done, it is not rape.
Thanks to the warped view that rape culture propagates of what is normal sex, many men feel genuinely threatened by the idea that any non-consensual sex might be called 'rape'. Most of these very concerned men consider themselves nice guys but some are uncomfortably aware that they may have skated over the consent line at times. Defensively, they insist that there are grey areas in the mating landscape.
Women are hard to read! Sometimes 'maybe' can mean 'yes', not "no" Why should any red-blooded man accept that ambivalence is a form of "no" and be forced to hope lamely that on another occasion she will give enthusiastic consent? Why should women get to have the upper hand in sexual matters?
They argue that parsing the meaning of a woman's "It's getting late", "I'd like to go home now" or "It's not a good time" is a complex problem and that consent is a very vexing and elusive concept.
Women jerk men around! Why would she say 'maybe' if she means 'no'? Maybe 'maybe' means 'yes'! Why shouldn't a guy interpret her ambivalence as 'yes'? Everyone knows women want to be swept away. But if she doesn't want that, then she should be clear about it. Who can blame a guy for pressing the issue? If he doesn't press, he might never have sex!
They worry that to criminalize all nonconsensual sex is a slippery slope which could unfairly bring innocent men down with the (very, very few!) guilty ones.
Consent can be very ambiguous and difficult to determine! When she accepted the date/flirted/drank too much, who can blame a guy for thinking she was giving tacit consent to more? How dare she cry rape in the morning just because she regrets her slutty behavior of the night before!
Ignoring for now the constant underlying thread of misogyny that runs through all rape apologia (which can be boiled down to: women lie, they lie constantly and they enjoy lying just to hurt an innocent man for the evil pleasure of it), there is an interesting inconsistency highlighted by this claim that sexual consent is difficult to decipher.
At least one study has shown that human beings are perfectly capable of recognizing both verbal and non-verbal refusals, even when the word "No" is not used at all. In every other sphere of human interaction, human signals for 'no' - for refusal - are widely understood by both men and women and yet men who rape persist in special pleading that it is difficult to be sure in just one specific situation: when a woman is saying 'No' to sex. Rapists prefer the emphasis to be on whether a woman said "No" clearly enough because they know that there will be wiggle room for them to pretend that most forms of verbal and nonverbal "no" secretly mean "yes" when it comes to female sexual responses and, unfortunately, society allows them to make - and win - that argument.
It really is very simple.
"Did she say 'yes'?
"Then your answer was 'No'."
"But she said, 'Maybe'!"
"But, did she say 'yes'?"
"Then your answer was 'No'."
"But she seemed like she was not sure, maybe she wanted to consent!"
"Did she say 'Yes'?"
"Then your answer was - undeniably, unambiguously - 'No'."
In spite of the best efforts of women's groups working to reduce sexual assault, no large-scale social movement to accept a working definition of consent such as "Only an unequivocal 'Yes' means 'Yes'" has been forthcoming. Many men - who definitely do not see themselves as rapists - prefer the pliable, male-interpreted "No" because it would be much harder for those Nice Guys to kid themselves about their own opportunistic behavior - and harder for society to excuse them, too - if the only acceptable green light for sex was an unequivocal "yes". "'No' means 'No'" (except when Nice Guys™ think it means 'Yes' to them) has been massaged by the rape culture to suggest the possibility of ambiguity and that leaves the door open for not-so-nice-guys to cash in on the sexual aggressiveness of a few men.
Thanks to the fact that women live in fear of sexual assault, less sexually aggressive men can still benefit from the rape culture which provides cover for more blatant rapists. By pretending to be confused by "mixed signals", a so-called Nice Guy can pressure a woman into sex she doesn't want by telling her that she made him think she had promised him something. More aggressive males pave the way for the Nice Guys because a woman's fear of male anger if she refuses to honor this bogus "promise" seals the deal. By shaming women for being reluctant to trust that their intentions are honorable (even when they are not), Nice Guys often succeed in coercing women to engage in unwanted sex. By accusing women of teasing because they have interpreted a sexual invitation from a little light-hearted flirting, Nice Guys can and do frighten women into agreeing to unwanted sex because women have learned to fear the consequences of being labeled a "tease" (a "tease" can either put out what she has been "promising", or have it taken from her forcibly, which society will judge she deserves). Nice Guys never do anything overtly aggressive, but they trade on the fear of male aggressiveness to manipulate and coerce women into unwanted sex. In other words, Nice Guys do rape, too.
The patriarchal culture which teaches men to view women as simultaneously both lying temptresses and sexually submissive subordinates ensures that self-aware rapists know they need not fear any negative social consequences as they continue to victimize women and girls. It will always be the woman's fault. Meanwhile the self-deluding "nice guys" observe society's acceptance and normalization of male aggression toward females, admire what they see not as rape but as other mens' sexual conquests and regard their own sexual opportunism as perfectly normal and reasonable within that context. This is the reason why many men sincerely believe that false rape accusations are a real thing. If they - normal, nice guys! - have felt and done these things (or think it's OK to do these things), then it cannot be rape! Only monsters commit rape and these nice guys are not monsters!
The Steubenville case, the Rehtaeh Parsons case, the UCLA water polo player case and countless other sexual assault cases, both reported and unreported, starkly illustrate how rape culture ensures that many young men and women really do not believe that forcing sex on a woman without her consent is always rape, especially if she was initially flirting or drinking at a party or has had sex before. A rape victim's recovery from sexual violation is horrendous enough, but rape culture ensures that the society which is supposed to protect her will victimize her again through victim-blaming, slut-shaming, sympathy for the perpetrator and even erasing the victim from discussion of the impact of the crime which is viewed - like almost everything else in patriarchal culture - not from the female victim's perspective but from the male's. Isn't it time that we took concrete, effective steps to dismantle Rape Culture once and for all? We've tried the ridiculously ineffective tactic of urging women not to get themselves raped. Perhaps, at long last, we can begin to urge men not to rape.
The first step is to raise young men who understand and respect that women are human beings whose feelings and wishes are as important as mens'. A man's feeling of entitlement to use a woman's body because he felt that she was offering it does not trump her feelings or her right to refuse consent or even to withdraw consent at any time if she becomes uncomfortable with the man. We need to change the sad reality that, because of our rape culture, men's sense of superior entitlement is protected at the expense of women's humanity. His feelings are of paramount importance, while it is often barely acknowledged that she has any legitimate feelings at all. She is a thing that causes uncomfortable feelings in a man. When rape happens it is deemed justifiable by society because of however the man felt (he felt he was led on, he misunderstood her "mixed signals", he felt she had provoked him, etc) while the woman is held responsible both for whatever he was feeling and for the consequences when he decided not to exercise any self-control over those feelings.
Only men can stop rape.
Obviously, rape culture creates a win-win situation for would-be rapists. Unfortunately, it also creates an environment where the dehumanization of women is so normalized that even some nice, decent men ultimately perceive virtually every woman as "unrapable" in most contexts. In other words, because of the constant stream of misogynist rape apologia in our culture, too many boys and men unconsciously form the belief that almost nothing that they can do to a woman can ever be called rape - even though they still honestly believe that they consider 'real rape' a heinous crime.
The second step is to make men understand that the behavior that many of them do not consider "rapey" is, in fact, rape. That the women whom some men tell themselves were "asking for it" or whose consent some men believe they can assume because of how they, men, are feeling are not there simply for them to take. That when a man decides that because a woman has put herself in one situation willingly (a party, date or whatever) therefore it is perfectly reasonable for him to presume she has given her consent for anything else he expects the evening to lead to - even if he has to push it a little - that is rape.
Below is an ad aired in the UK which addresses Rape Culture in a gut-wrenching, all-too-common scenario: a party, drinking, the initial trust of the young woman, the expectations of the young man, and the eventual rape. This ad underlines the truth that rape occurs whenever one person coerces another person into sexual activity against the second person's wishes. The only thing that will prevent rape is if rapists stop raping.
Teaching men how not to rape: Hey, it's so crazy, it just might work!
Indeed, it is the only thing that will work.
TRIGGER WARNING! Please be aware that this ad portrays a common scenario where a rape occurs, and though very well-done, it may be painfully triggering to some viewers.
Further Reading:
How a victim-blaming system excuses rape, Jen Roesch,, January 7, 2013.
Sexual Assault and Rape Resource Guide, R. Graham, Carolina Women's Center, UNC Chapel Hill, Spring 2003.
Acquaintance Rape of College Students, Rana Sampson, USDOJ, COPS Problem-Oriented Guides For Police, no.17.
Posted by NiftyWriter at 4:00 AM No comments:
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Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sunday Inspiration - Women It's Now or Never
Posted by NiftyWriter at 7:32 AM No comments:
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Friday, November 2, 2012
Barmy Bible Study - The Biblical Kind of Rape
It's Wednesday Thursday Friday night! Time for Barmy Bible Study!
In light of recent public confusion about the rape thing and what the right-thinking Christian view on that whole thing should be, our text for tonight will be a selection of verses pertaining to this issue. Because the Biblical promises and exhortations for righteous rape are so numerous, I will only post a small sampling here. For extra credit, go and read more on the subject yourself. The Good Book™ is stuffed with stories of the Biblical kind of rape so you'll have no trouble finding plenty of references.
TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual assault; violence.
(Atheists and other haters of God's Holy Word skip down past the blue text)
Exodus 21:7-11 (Righteous treatment of female property)
When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.
Judges 19: 20-28 (A rape is prevented)
20 Then the old man said, “Welcome! Let me take care of your needs. Just don’t spend the night in the city square.” 21 So he took the Levite to his house and fed the donkeys. After they washed, they ate and drank.22 While they were enjoying themselves, some worthless men from the city surrounded the house and pounded on the door. They told the old man, the owner of the house, “Bring out the man who came to your house so that we can have sex with him.”23 The owner went out to them. He told them, “No, my friends! Please don’t do anything so evil! This man is a guest in my home. Don’t do such a godless thing! 24 Here, let me bring out my virgin daughter and this man’s concubine. Rape them, and do with them whatever you want. Just don’t do such a godless thing to this man.”
Thank God! A legitimate rape was averted!
25 But the men refused to listen to him. So the Levite grabbed his concubine and forced her outside. They had sex with her and abused her all night until morning. They let her go when the sun was coming up. 26 At daybreak, the woman came to the door of the house where her husband was and collapsed. She was still there when it became light.27 Her husband got up in the morning, opened the doors of the house, and was about to leave. His wife (that is, his concubine) was lying at the door of the house with her hands on the doorstep. 28 The Levite said to her, “Get up! Let’s go!” But she did not answer. So he put her on the donkey and left for home.
2 Samuel 12:11-14 (David's punishment)
Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'
Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."
It isn't legitimate rape if a man has
paid fifty shekels for that girl!
That's Biblical rape - the godly kind!
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (Justice for stolen property)
“If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days.
Judges 21:10-14 (God will provide)
Then the men of Benjamin returned to their homes, and the four hundred women of Jabesh-gilead who were spared were given to them as wives. But there were not enough women for all of them. The people felt sorry for Benjamin because the LORD had left this gap in the tribes of Israel. So the Israelite leaders asked, "How can we find wives for the few who remain, since all the women of the tribe of Benjamin are dead? There must be heirs for the survivors so that an entire tribe of Israel will not be lost forever. But we cannot give them our own daughters in marriage because we have sworn with a solemn oath that anyone who does this will fall under God's curse."
Then they thought of the annual festival of the LORD held in Shiloh, between Lebonah and Bethel, along the east side of the road that goes from Bethel to Shechem. They told the men of Benjamin who still needed wives, "Go and hide in the vineyards. When the women of Shiloh come out for their dances, rush out from the vineyards, and each of you can take one of them home to be your wife! And when their fathers and brothers come to us in protest, we will tell them, 'Please be understanding. Let them have your daughters, for we didn't find enough wives for them when we destroyed Jabesh-gilead. And you are not guilty of breaking the vow since you did not give your daughters in marriage to them.'" So the men of Benjamin did as they were told. They kidnapped the women who took part in the celebration and carried them off to the land of their own inheritance.
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 (Justice for woman's sinfulness)
Why didn't she cry out?
Evil temptress! Stone her!
“If there is a betrothed virgin, and a man meets her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbor's wife. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.
Zechariah 14:1-2
Behold, a day is coming for the Lord, when the spoil taken from you will be divided in your midst. For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Deuteronomy 20:10-14 (Enemies who ask for it)
“When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. And if it responds to you peaceably and it opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall do forced labor for you and shall serve you. But if it makes no peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the Lord your God gives it into your hand, you shall put all its males to the sword, but the women and the little ones, the livestock, and everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as plunder for yourselves. And you shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the Lord your God has given you.
Judges 5:30
‘Have they not found and divided the spoil?— A womb or two for every man; spoil of dyed materials for Sisera, spoil of dyed materials embroidered, two pieces of dyed work embroidered for the neck as spoil?’
Study Questions for The Biblical Kind of Rape
1. Does God intend for rape to happen? If so, what would be Biblical rape?
2. Is there any such thing as "legitimate rape"?
3. What can we learn from God's rules about Biblical rape and how can we apply these lessons to modern Christian life?
Yes, exactly as God intended!
What is the matter with
you silly feminists?
Read your Bible, Ban!
Before these questions can be properly answered, we need a little background. Bible-believers understand that there is a foundational Truth™ upon which all of the Abrahamic religions are based. Everything written in the Bible about rape - and every "extreme" thing that Christian hardliners have been saying - makes perfect sense once this fundamental Biblical Truth is clearly understood. It is about time for every righteous person (and you too, ladies!) in the Christian United States of America to shout it out, loud and proud:
God's ultimate creation is MAN.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2.
The book of Genesis tells us with crystal clarity that God did not create two "equal" sexes at the beginning of time, contrary to the revisionist theology of liberal so-called Christians. God created man, who alone was given dominion over all the other creatures of the earth and over the land and the waters, too. Adam was the prototype for all mankind; the original - the only soul-breathed, fully human creation in our male God's image. All of the politically correct, feminazi-controlled language which insists on twisting God's Holy Word to pretend an unBiblical, inclusive equality obscures the Truth™. Feminist women and men (may God forgive them!) have caused enough confusion and it is time to put a stop to it. It's time to take back the language, too, America! God did not create "humankind"; He created "mankind". Man is God's only fully human creation and it is high time we stopped bowing to godless liberal pressure and pretending otherwise.
Thank you, God,
for not making me a woman!
(Men's daily prayer)
This is the Biblical Truth™ which Christians intend to restore to its proper place as the foundation of human society: Man is the ultimate, soul-breathed godly creation while wombman woman is an afterthought. She is a flawed thing - not quite human and not quite animal - created to serve man's needs. The men who wrote the book of Genesis were unquivocal: God had no prior plans to create woman in her own right like the beasts of the land, the fishes in the sea and His pièce de résistance - man. She was merely pulled out of man - a fraction of the man, so to speak - a little bit like him but much less than he. Man is primary, the pinnacle of creation, moral and thoughtful, a living soul - the delight of the Almighty. Woman is derivative, an animal made from a spare body part, amoral and thoughtless, devoid of the god-breathed soul which entitles man to his amazingly god-like dominance over all of creation, including her - the afterthought of the God of man.
Before the fall, man was right with God. He ruled over all the creatures of the earth without cruelty or strife. That was before the mistake of woman. Woman - that afterthought probably best left uncreated - brought man down and they were expelled from Eden and condemned to die. No longer guaranteed eternal life, the man had to procreate so that his kind could live on after his death. For this, he was able to use the womb that God had provided, which is why for all of Bible-influenced history women have been ruthlessly reduced to their biological reproductive function. Finally, the female helpmeet's role was defined! Sex was employed (reluctantly by man, lasciviously by woman) after the fall as a way for man to reproduce and carry on his line (while he awaits the day when God finally relents and restores him to eternal life). Bible-believers understand that the womb woman's duty is to be the vessel through which man brings his issue into the world. Look, don't blame Christians, this is God's Holy Word.
Tch tch! Is it any wonder people
don't believe he is a Christian?
Thus, a woman's sole purpose in life, according to God's Holy Word, is to conceive and bear children to men - sons to carry on his line and daughters to provide wombs for his sons to continue the line of man. Males are persons while females are empty vessels to be used by men to produce more persons. A woman is meant to suffer in childbearing; it is God's punishment on her for the sins of Eve. She must never have control over any man; she is the tool of man so that he can beget sons. Her daughters will also be the tools of men. She has no right to choose, to consent or to deny. Like a man's livestock and beasts of burden, her purpose is to serve man. Like the livestock, she has no thoughts or feelings that are worthy of notice; she is the property of her father until she becomes the property of her husband. As our own CHIC, Ann Romney, so succinctly put it: It's how it is. This is simply the inerrant Biblical Truth.
It isn't that Christians want it to be this way - indeed, in their human frailty, most men mistakenly believe in the humanity of women and many are deeply troubled by the Biblical god's insistence that females have no intrinsic worth. But we are a Christian nation! The Bible has tough parts that liberal men may not want to hear, but righteous Christians must insist that they listen. It is imperative that this humanist morality be rooted out and replaced with stronger, righteous Biblical morality, which is why getting Bible-based teaching into our schools and into our laws is the top priority of Christian fundamentalists.
When the Truth™ (according to the author of Genesis) is understood, the lessons about sex, rape and procreation in the Bible - and indeed, the teachings of all of the Abrahamic religions regarding relations between men and lower creation - make perfect sense. Armed with this knowledge, the sincere Bible believer can easily answer the study questions in tonight's Bible Study.
1. Does God intend rape to happen?
Listen up, Liberals: there was no mistake.
These godly men speak nothing but
the Truth™ of God's Holy Word
The short answer is yes. God allows - and sometimes even commands (2 Samuel) - men to force sexual intercourse onto unwilling women and to force pregnancy upon women without their consent. Because He loves man and recognizes the weak human morality which tends toward empathy for others, God would prefer to see mankind enjoy the dignity of loving, consensual unions with willing women. Indeed, that is the Christian ideal, but the provocative nature of fickle, flirtatious females sometimes gives some Christian men no choice but to force the issue.
But, that is not legitimate rape. It is Biblical rape. As explained above, women were created for the use of men - in particular, to be used by men so that men can have children. As human breeding livestock, women have no more right to consent to sexual relations or to pregnancy than a dog can consent to fetch or a hen can consent to lay eggs. Because they have wombs, women must be forced to exist in a perpetual state of readiness to accept precious gifts from God, even if those gifts come through the actions of men whom they may not know, nor love nor want to have children with. As noted above: what women want or feel or experience is of no consequence. This is about every man's right to reproduce. This is about human life!
Recently, the news has been full of reports about good Christian men in government under attack because they have dared to speak the Biblical Truth™. The Bible makes it clear that God does intend rapes - and pregnancies caused by rapes - to happen. It is all part of His Plan. This is uncontroversial among Bible-believers and indeed, it is plainly written in dozens of places throughout scripture. Willful denial of these facts does not erase the truth, it only confuses the masses. If people would only pay attention to what the Bible actually says and stop trying to make it all so politically correct, there would be far less confusion in this country. Hopefully, this Bible Study will help to dispel the confusion.
Yes, it is what God intended.
Read your Bibles, heretics!
Think of Biblical rape as an umbrella term for all of the resourceful ways that God provides wombs wives and children for the less fortunate of mankind: the men who cannot find willing wombmates. A multitude of passages in the Bible clearly show that it does not matter how a man manages to take a wife - trickery, rape, abduction, slavery; everything is allowed (sometimes even ordered) by God - nor what methods of conception he uses to get his issue into the world. It doesn't matter whether he impregnates a woman through stranger rape, wartime rape, slave rape, incestuous rape or legally-purchased spousal rape or through trickery, sabotage, intimidation, or coercion - just so long as his right to reproduce using whatever womb woman he can thrust his penis into is protected by Biblical mandate.
Godly men can opt for the straightforward sale (eg. Exodus 21: 7-11) by the father of a breeder daughter to an eligible man (thirty shekels of silver was the going price in Moses' day). This usually requires that the man pass muster with the woman's owner father, since the mating will also impact the father's genetic line. A suitor found wanting by the prospective grandfather may be turned away. This situation might quite rightly enrage a rejected man, but luckily, the Bible has a solution...
To wit: the forced sale (Deuteronomy 22: 28-29) If a rejected suitor can manage to rape a female breeder, her father will then be forced to hand over his property to the rapist. The rapist must then, in addition to the usual price paid for a woman, pay a premium (fifty shekels of silver) to the father for the insult of having robbed him of the ability to choose a son-in-law. This form of Biblical rape is meant for the disadvantaged yet daring man. He may not have much luck securing a wife unless he steals one, so this form of Biblical rape provides the perfect solution to the less genetically-favored men in Bible-based societies. Praise God! He will always provide!
'A womb or two' - or more! -
'for every man'.
That's the Biblical way!
When large numbers of "wives" are needed for restless armies of (ahem) vigorous young men, God has the solution: Biblical wartime rape (Deuteronomy 20: 10-14, Judges 21: 10-14). God orders His armies to murder all the people (in other words, all of the men) in some ill-favored place and carry off their livestock (including all the virgins) and chattels. Divvy up the spoils evenly among the godly young men, including the virgins, and voilà! Womb-shortage averted!
Yes, the women may be taken against their will and impregnated against their will, but that is not legitimate rape because God wills it. The Biblical God clearly sanctions rape as a method of conception for men who might otherwise be at risk of not having any offspring. Think about it: if given a choice, some women might refuse to have children. Some women might reject the sexual advances of perfectly nice guys. Already, some women actually demand that all women be given the power to control when and if they will become pregnant - literally threatening all men's right to reproduce! - and in some places, there are simply too few women to go around. Women must be prevented from holding reproductive power over men. We are talking about life here - the sanctity of a man's right to continue his genetic line. It is what women were created for and what a Bible-based America will insist upon. Read your Bible.
2. Is there any such thing as "legitimate rape"?
Yes, there is such a thing as legitimate rape. When a male says he has been raped, that is legitimate rape. The seriousness of this heinous crime should be obvious to all and it is clearly forbidden by the Bible (Judges 19: 20-28). Terrible stories of the abuse of boys and young men by trusted religious and community figures are met with universal outrage and public demands for the arrest and severe punishment of the perpetrators are entirely appropriate. While centuries of Biblical rapes of millions of women and girls were of course unremarkable, the relatively rare instances of legitimate rape against (non-slave) males are quite rightly front page news. This is because it is virtually impossible to legitimately rape a woman, and of course Biblical rape is A-OK according to our Moral Guidebook, but the sexual assault of men and boys is a defilement, an abomination, an outrage against mankind.
Got that, Girl?
Come on, you know you think I'm hot.
Now use that little ladybrain
and vote for me.
My sex appeal will shut that whole
thinking thing down.
3. What can we learn from God's rules about Biblical rape and how can we apply these lessons to modern Christian life?
The Bible makes it clear that women are entitled to absolutely no rights over their own bodies, over their lives or over their fertility. A woman's destiny is to be a mother, under the control of the father of her children. Every pregnancy is a gift from God, no matter how it occurred. A man is a person and the fruit of his seed is also a person. The vessel into which the man deposits the seed is not a person: it is a mere woman, sinful and fallen. These are the Biblical principles upon which godly men rely when they declare that abortion is murder, but denying an abortion to a woman who will die without one is not. Under no circumstances - not for rape (which never legitimately happens to females), nor incest (Genesis 19), nor to save a woman's life - should abortion ever be permitted. It is a crime against mankind. As soon as we restore its Biblical foundation, the Christian United States of America will re-criminalize all abortion without exceptions.
Likewise, female-controlled contraception is unBiblical and immoral. It is woman's role to conceive and bear children. She is a vessel, a breeder of men - but she is also untrustworthy, immoral, licentious and a liar. No woman should ever be permitted to indulge in lustful degeneracy and escape the consequences. She is incapable of moral behavior; she lacks normal human feelings toward life and will murder for convenience; she is a captive to her sexual urges and will sink into promiscuous dissipation which will destroy the American dream unless men regain control and restore order in society. In a Christian United States of America, female-controlled contraception will be banned and women returned to their rightful position of fearful submission to the will of man God (and man).
Our Christian nation must elect godly men who will enforce these Biblical precepts and restore this country to Bible-based righteousness. Finally, we have such men in the Republican party.Gov Mitt Romney (MA), Rep Paul Ryan (WI), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA), Sen Todd Akin (MO), Richard Mourdock (IN), Rep Steve King (IA), Rep.Joe Walsh (IL), Gov.Bob McDonnell (VA), Gov Mike Huckabee (NM), Gov Rick Perry (TX), Rep Frank Guinta (NH), Reince Preibus, Gov Jan Brewer (AZ), Gov Dennis Daugaard (SD), House Speaker John Boehner (OH), Sen Marco Rubio (FL), Gov Rick Scott (FL), Sen Rob Portman (OH), Gov Tim Pawlenty (MN), Sen John Thune (SD), Rep Jim Buchy (OH) and literally hundreds of other state and federal respresentatives are leading the final charge in a war on women that has been brewing for more than thirty years.
These brave crusaders for a Bible-based Christian United States of America are not outliers: this is the Republican party today, on both the federal and state levels. God's Own Party is strong, revitalized and - after the election - you betcha, they're ready to push women back where they belong - out of the workplace where they currently are stealing men's jobs (for less pay), out of the military and out of college - virtuously married (to a man only) unemployed and forced to bear as many children as possible. That's the Biblical way!
Praise God!
Class dismissed.
Posted by NiftyWriter at 11:30 PM 2 comments:
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Labels: Barmy Bible Study, Bible-Based Inhumanity, Contraception Rights, Feminism, Rape Culture, Reproductive Rights, Republican War on Women, Wake Up America, Women's Rights
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114 | Covid19 has changed everything forever and the longer this madness continues the more normalized it becomes as we forget what life was like before Covid19. I mean I can’t imagine that I used to leave the house without a pocket size sanitizer, now I have one perpetually in my car. Working from home used to be taboo and extremely frowned upon, so much so it could negatively impact your career in a company, but now most companies have embraced it with some committing to continuing to work this way post Covid19. There are many such examples of how life has changed irreversibly and in some cases for the better. This change is not restricted to the way we live our lives but also to the manner in which business is conducted – service offerings have had to change as the business world strives to evolve with the times.
The marketing and events industry is a classic example of the evolution I speak off, this is an industry that has changed forever. As a pre-dominantly below-the-line marketing and events agency we focused mainly on face-to-face events and brand activations, Covid19 was the catalyst for us to pivot to digital platforms but still maintain our rich heritage of customer centric brand activations and events. Having made this pivot it has become obvious to us that events and activations will never be the same again, that from here on in there will always be a digital component to any event or brand activation, even if it’s a live event/activation. Our belief is that moving forward events and activations will take on a hybrid approach with a mixture of both online and offline elements being employed to formulate an event/activation that caters for customers who want to connect online as well as those who want to attend physically. Music festivals, lifestyle markets, exhibitions, trade shows, etc will move to employ a hybrid approach where customers can purchase tickets for the virtual event or the physical event or both. This not only makes financial sense because it creates an additional revenue stream but also protects the business financially by ensuring they have a back-up revenue stream to the physical event, and if there is one thing the events industry has learnt it’s the importance of having sustainable revenue protection in the event that the live event can’t continue due to external forces like a global pandemic or a local epidemic.
We commenced work on Hybrid Events for our clients in 2020 and have seen that the model works, thus we intend to continue on this path for the foreseeable future as we see the benefits for all stakeholders involved (brands, customers, suppliers etc). Therefore in 2021 and beyond, depending on how matters unfold with the pandemic and lockdown, expect to see more digital events, a sprinkle of live events as well as the emergence of hybrid events and brand activations. |
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Horror in Haiti – imperialism to blame
UK Socialist Appeal Editorial Statement
20 January 2010
There is a manmade element to the catastrophe confronting Haitians. The country doesn’t just happen to be poor; it has been made poor and kept poor. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, with the worst infrastructure and a people most vulnerable to disaster and disease, because of the machinations of imperialism. Although the earthquake could not be avoided, the scale of death and destruction clearly could have been avoided.
Contribution from Haiti: Principled position on respect for the February 7th, 2006 ballot
In Defence of Marxism
09 March 2006
We have received the following declaration, in both English and Creole, from student groups in Haiti on last month’s elections. The declaration details the difficulties the masses faced in voting and the alliance of the Haitian ruling class with imperialism.
Haiti: Préval declared winner
In Defence of Marxism
16 February 2006
In the face of mass demonstrations against the fraud in Haiti’s elections the Provisional Electoral Council of Haiti has been forced to declare René Préval the winner and the next president of Haiti. The masses have come out onto the streets in celebration, justifiably jubilant and euphoric at their victory. However, these elections have solved none of the problems the Haitian masses face, and the reactionary opposition has not been completely defeated. What is needed now is determination and vigilance against the forces of counter-revolution.
Haiti elections – the outcome will be decided on the streets
In Defence of Marxism
13 February 2006
Mass demonstrations have erupted in Haiti over the manipulation of the results of last week's election. René Préval, the front runner, and the choice of the overwhelming majority of the Haitian people, has seen his percentage of the votes fall from as high as 65% to 48%, just under the 50% needed to avoid a run off. The vote tallies are clearly being manipulated and the Haitian people have had enough.
The Slave Revolution – Saint-Domingue 1791-1803
In Defence of Marxism
18 April 2005
After 12 years of upheavals, war, carnage and betrayals, the revolution which broke open in 1791 in Saint-Domingue finally succeeded in abolishing slavery and achieved independence in Haiti. This revolution was the consequence and the prolongation of the French Revolution. Its successive stages, marked by numerous shocks and turnarounds, was largely determined by the flux and reflux of the French Revolution.
Haiti: Growing struggle against UN occupation
In Defence of Marxism
21 January 2005
Eight months after the overthrow of Jean Bertrand Aristide and the occupation of Haiti by UN troops, the puppet regime of Gerard Latortue has shown its true colours. The mass media claim that gangs of Aristide supporters from the slums are attacking the Haitian police and UN forces. In reality these “terrorists” are the poor and working class supporters of former president Aristide who are fighting back against mounting repression and reprisals from the coup-installed government.
Haiti: The Reaction bares its Teeth
In Defence of Marxism
21 January 2005
US Secretary of State Colin Powell paid a visit to Haiti yesterday, Monday April 5, in an attempt to legitimize the new regime and stop the spread of instability in the region caused by the coup that overthrew Jean-Bertrand Aristide at the end of February. His visit, if anything, has further inflamed the situation and will only lead to further instability.
The Nature of the Coup in Haiti
Rob Lyon
02 March 2004
Jean-Bertrand Aristide stepped down as President and left Haiti early in the morning on Sunday February 29. Shortly thereafter the US announced that it was sending in marines to help 'stabilize' the country and make way for a UN 'peacekeeping' force. The UN Security Council also decided that it will send a multi-national 'peacekeeping force' for at least three months as well as a 'stabilizing force' that it will send later in the year. These developments clearly demonstrate the reactionary role played by US imperialism in the region and far from solving the crisis in Haiti it is setting the stage for further unrest and instability in the whole area.
Haiti: Which Way Forward Against Imperialism?
Rob Lyon
22 January 2005
Haiti celebrated the 200th anniversary of its independence on January 1, 2004. The history of Haiti is a long history of colonial struggle against imperialism and has recently been the scene of deep political and social unrest. It is not yet clear what the outcome of the situation in Haiti will be, what is clear however, is that the workers and peasants of Haiti can only rely on themselves to solve the problems they face. |
116 | Although the museum, bookstore and restaurant are closed, please take our virtual museum Out of Egypt tour! |
117 | Long time no see! Even though I had a week off work, these past few days have been terribly quiet on the blog front. That’s because I’ve finally decided to move out of my parents’ house for good after 25 years. Even though I spent most of my time at university away from home, I decided to relocate back to my old room while searching for a job.
As it turns out my field of employment is almost exclusively based in Brussels, which is almost a two-hour train commute away from my hometown. That’s almost four hours every single day! Even though trains provide the luxury of being productive on laptops, four hours is too much.
Furthermore, most of my friends were still living near my university and much closer to Brussels. As a result I was constantly going back and forth between work, home and friends. Something had to change. Moving was, for me, the only option, even though it meant giving up my awesome savings rate.
I am happy to report that the entire operation went swimmingly – apart from one of my monitors that was killed in action and sent to Dell for repairs! Because my parents and sister helped me move the bulk of my stuff over past Saturday, I had the entire week to clean my new place and rebuild my furniture. My friend moved in the same day and together we made sure that the kitchen had an ample supply of beer food and that the bathroom was fully equiped.
Boring! Here are some pictures of my new room:
As you can see, it’s still a little rough around the edges, but I plan to fix that this weekend. I have to finish some of the cable management behind my desk and television, put up some decorations, clean everything again and put my clothes on hangers in the room behind my desk.
So what does all of this mean financially? I’ll probably be €500 more out of pocket every month, which reduces my savings rate by approximately 25% to 50% on average. The rent I payed my parents for my old room almost completely transfers over to my new apartment, but now I’ll have to pay my own utilities, internet access, home insurance and food.
A shorter commute sadly doesn’t mean reduced spending since my employer pays for all commute expenses. Even though my railcard used to cost over €2,500 every year and it now costs a mere €1,000 that doesn’t affect me financially. Quite the contrary! Because I now live 25km away from work I can take my bike when the weather is nice. I expect non-reimbursed maintenance costs to be around €25 every month.
Of course, that’s what I expect based on estimates my friends throw around and on my own gut feeling. I hope to give you guys a nice overview at the end of the month. Let’s hope I stay above the 50% goal! For now, enjoy this picture of my best friend’s teddy bear who is living with me and eating all my stuff since Tuesday. Sadly he couldn’t join her to Ireland to pursue a job opportunity.
Thanks for reading! Now I have to read through all of your awesome posts from the past week. Also, bonus points if you know who is guarding my collection of PlayStation 3 games next to the large window!
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Jay @ says:
August 9, 2014 at 22:46
Sometimes it’s not so bad to spend a bit more for some happiness. Congrats on the move.
No More Waffles says:
August 9, 2014 at 22:56
That’s exactly the reason why I moved! It’s not worth the four hours and the relationship with my friends to stay at home any longer than necessary. And living on my own gives me a sense of accomplishment too in a way.
Thanks for stopping by,
Kapitalust says:
August 9, 2014 at 23:28
That looks like one swell bachelor pad! I thoroughly approve the double monitor set up! Hmmm only thing related on this end is that I’m finally about to upgrade my RAM from 4GB to 12GB, hoping to see some major speed improvement!
No More Waffles says:
August 10, 2014 at 07:38
I’m very pleased with it as well! Funny that you mention bachelor pad… That’s the one thing our landlord didn’t want us to turn the apartment into! 🙂
And the double monitors are actually a triple monitor set-up, but the third monitor died during the move. I hope to have it back soon because I miss playing Skyrim in Nvidia Surround! First world problems, I know!
You’ll definitely see a nice speed bump when going from 4 to 12GB, especially if you play video games or render a lot of videos. 8GB is the sweet spot at the moment, in my opinion, so you’ll definitely be future proof! Are you going for 3x4GB sticks? Make sure that your memory runs in dual channel and not single channel for optimal speeds.
Kapitalust says:
August 11, 2014 at 02:11
I’m keeping the 2X2GB sticks in and got a 4GB and 8GB stick to go in. Thanks for the tip on the dual channel issue, will make sure to be aware of it when I install!
Henry @ Living At Home says:
August 10, 2014 at 04:01
Wow, I love your set up! It’s very modern and retro at the same time. I believe you said you commuted two hours to work. That’s just insane. I’m sure your time is better spend moving here than commuting.
No More Waffles says:
August 10, 2014 at 07:48
Thanks, Henry! The building is quite old and it shows in some places, but it gives a lot of the rooms a certain charm.
Two hours without any delays is a really long time. I’m really glad I won’t have to go through that again. Thankfully my parents were cool about it and tried to make my time at home in the evening as pleasant as possible. I’ve gained two hours and a half at least to do fun stuff now, just by moving.
Best wishes!
Geblin says:
August 10, 2014 at 09:22
Congrats on the place:). 500 EUR rent isn’t to bad. My housing cost is almost the same after the woonbonus. A small place is good since it is cheap to heat, insure, etc…
Good luck 🙂
No More Waffles says:
August 10, 2014 at 09:29
Thanks, Geblin!
The rent is great (only 420 including utilities, actually)! It’s probably the lowest you can find in a five mile radius for an apartment of this size and quality.
€500 after your tax return isn’t much for a property you own, well done! Now if they just could eliminiate the ‘woonbonus’ entirely for future purchases so the real estate prices would go down… 🙂
Have a nice sunday,
Geblin says:
August 10, 2014 at 09:39
I would also welcome lower real estate prices since I’m looking for a second piece of real estate so I can become a land lord. Brussel isn’t the cheapest place to live in so you did a great job.
Have a nice sunday to.
Tawcan says:
August 11, 2014 at 07:10
Congrats on the move. Looks like once you clean up a bit it will be a very cozy place.
No More Waffles says:
August 11, 2014 at 19:24
Thanks, Tawcan! It felt great coming home to my new room after work today!
Will @FQF says:
August 11, 2014 at 15:37
“friend” eh? Friend who lets you watch her beloved teddy bear? Me thinks she’s more than that.
But lol I think he’s in the sink 2nd pic.
No More Waffles says:
August 11, 2014 at 19:37
Haha, he totally is sitting in the sink! His paws were still wet from the washer so I put him there until he was all dry! 😀
Nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean, eh? Having tons of girl friends is what I get for following literature at university! Tough life.
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I'm a 28-year-old guy from Belgium who is trying to save and invest his way towards financial independence. I keep this blog to stay motivated, inspire my readers, and learn from others. Read more
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118 | [Image: Stefana McClure "Protest Stones" installation view. poetry-wrapped stones, waxed twine, cut nail]
Ends in 8 days
Bienvenu Steinberg & Partner presents I See You Seeing Me (Meeting the Female Gaze), Stefana McClure’s 8th solo exhibition in New York. Translating, transposing and decoding the synesthetic structure connecting text and image, McClure unveils the layers of embedded information to which we are constantly subjected and brings to light the complexities and the aftermath of violence on societies.
The women we now see looking back at the world are women we can identify with and believe in: strong, independent, non-fetishized. I See You Seeing Me meets this gaze, celebrating films, poetry, novels and comics made from a female vantage point and embracing a feminist sensibility. Upon entering the space, one is confronted with a mighty double-string necklace strung with Italian ruby spring twine. It is made of ten vintage steel axe heads, wrapped with the poetic prose of Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking. As Franz Kafka famously said “A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us”.
Five sculptures on a table are the centerpiece of the gallery. Deconstructed books reconfigured as continuous balls of string, the paper sculptures are shown here for the first time, a massive undertaking McClure has been working on since 2018. The sculptures are complete reconstructions of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s five major novels, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, The Possessed, and A Raw Youth. These behemoths are collectively known as The Five Elephants, a phrase coined by Svetlana Geier, perhaps the world’s greatest translator of Russian literature, who spent her life retranslating these texts into German, offering a new reading of the masterpieces.
Much of McClure’s practice involves using processes more often applied to textiles than paper. She has created a series of finely woven objects reminiscent of wall tapestries. Wonder Woman, one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC universe, battles an evil group of mermaids created from tiny sharks. The comics, cut into strips and hand knit back together, are transfigured into a delicate fabric, weaving alternate storylines that are barely perceptible. Knitted reconstruction is also the technique used in the making of Possible Side Effects May Include (Zoloft). Women are still more than twice as likely as men to be prescribed this drug that treats depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder.
Discreetly intertwined throughout the exhibition are invisible hair net sculptures inspired by the admonition to carry one’s knowledge lightly. The ultimate in self-effacement: “you are the only one who knows you are wearing it,” these text depositories, magic knit of sheer nylon yarn and woven into a self-conforming and durable ultra-invisible mesh, enable the wearer to bear their learning quietly on their head.
Emily Wilson’s fabulous translation of The Odyssey — the first English translation of the epic poem by a woman, has been deconstructed and reconfigured into a ball of cut paper as well. It stands as a single sculpture, a complete world unto itself. Coal from Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein is placed on a single shelf reminiscent of a Ryoan-ji rock garden. Taken from Gertrude Stein’s enigmatic collection of experimental poems describing everyday objects, it consists of chunks of anthracite, a hard, compact coal with a submetallic luster, word-wrapped and polished.
An installation of Protest Stones occupies the wall. These hurling weapons hang with braided twine. Made of either two, or three poetry-wrapped stones, the sculptures are nestled in knotted and tied Irish linen twine, or polished Hungarian hemp cord. Reminiscent of gaucho bolas or Arctic yo-yos, the stones are bolstered by the weighty words of iconic poets Emily Dickinson, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Joan Jordan, Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Eavan Boland and Forough Farrokhzad.
A selection of Films on Paper punctuate the show. A body of work McClure has been developing over the past twenty years, the drawings are minimal compositions of two blurred lines at the bottom of a monochromatic field. McClure traces scene after scene of spoken dialogue, removing pigment from the paper with each transcription, ultimately condensing the entire text so that it can be viewed at once. The female gaze is central to Yasujiro Ozu’s Noriko Trilogy (Late Spring, Early Summer, Tokyo Story), named for the female protagonist of all three films played by the inimitable Setsuko Hara. Ingrid Bergman is the abused wife manipulated by a diabolical husband to paranoid extremes of self-doubt and anxiety in George Cukor’s 1944 film Gaslight. Jane Campion, the first woman to win the prestigious Palme D’Or award at the Cannes Film Festival, is featured with her ground-breaking early film Passionless Moments, which explores the awkward trials of everyday living. Patty Jenkins’ film celebration of Wonder Woman is presented as two small DVD-sized films on paper, one with closed captions, the other with Japanese subtitles. Japanese subtitles are also used to convey Atom Egoyan’s suspenseful thriller, Chloe. Films made from a female standpoint, (as measured by the Bechdel test), are remarkable by their scarcity — despite the recent history of the art form, the representation of women in fiction film is still extremely confined to assigned roles.
Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, Stefana McClure lives and works in New York. She has exhibited extensively at museums and galleries internationally. Recent exhibitions include: The Immigrant Artist Biennial, New York (2020), Carlow Arts Festival, Carlow, Ireland (2020); The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York (2019); Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN (2019); CENTRALE for Contemporary Art, Brussels BE (2018); Kunst Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch, Austria (2017); Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH (2017); The Flag Art Foundation, New York (2017); Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, DE (2017); Dublin Contemporary Biennial, IE (2011). Select collections include: The Museum of Modern Art, New York; The Museum of Fine Arts Houston, TX; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT; Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, MA; Portland Art Museum, OR; Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN; Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA; Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, DE; Kunstmuseum Bonn, DE; The Machida City International Print Museum, Tokyo, JP; and Hood Museum of Art, Hanover, NH. |
119 | Winery Tour at Ash Ridge. Our vineyard and winery walking tour takes you behind the scenes into the world of wine making – a true ‘grape to glass’ experience. Tours are once a day at 11am and areق hours long. Walk through the vineyard and winery with the winemaker to see the processes to get from grapes to bottled wine. Finish with a tutored tasting with six of our current wines.
Winery Tour at Ash Ridge - Hastings, New Zealand
Hastings Information
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Wine Tour
More Information and Bookings
Duration: 2 hours
Price: Starting from $49.00 per person
Our vineyard and winery walking tour takes you behind the scenes into the world of wine making – a true ‘grape to glass’ experience. Tours are once a day at 11am and areق hours long. Walk through the vineyard and winery with the winemaker to see the processes to get from grapes to bottled wine. Finish with a tutored tasting with six of our current wines.
Our vineyard and winery walking tour takes you behind the scenes into the world of wine making – a true ‘grape to glass’ experience. Tours are once a day at 11am and are 2 hours long. Walk through the vineyard and winery with the winemaker to see the processes to get from grapes to bottled wine. Finish with a tutored tasting with six of our current wines.
Our vineyard and winery walking tour gives a behind the scenes look at the whole process – a true ‘grape to glass’ experience; our relaxed, fun and informative tours take you behind the scenes.
What is involved?
Our tour consists of three parts:
• A walking tour through the vineyard, here we will discuss a year in the vineyard, going through the key steps that get us through to harvest.
• A walking tour of the winery, here we will discuss the main processes to get from grapes to bottled wine.
• A tutored tasting in the cellar, here we will go through the main aspects of how to taste wine, and run through a tasting of six wines.
We operate one tour per day starting promptly at 11am. (Please be here no later than 10:50am to register)
The tours are run daily from the 1st October through to Easter Monday, then the tours are closed for the winter season.
Each tour has a maximum of 12 people, ensuring a personal experience.
Tours take between 1.5 and 2 hours, approximately 1 hour is walking, so please wear appropriate footwear for the vineyard (enclosed shoes are essential, no open toe shoes will be permissable).
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120 | What exactly is a Condotel? It is the convenience and luxury of a motel with the comfort and feeling of being at home. Have you ever stayed at a motel and said, "I wish I had this kind of service at home?" Well, here is your chance!
Brilliantly located by the pristine beaches of Topsail Island, North Carolina, and surrounded by restaurants, shops, fishing piers and golf, is Tiffany's Condotel. Tiffany's, having first been a motel, has been known for many years for the hospitality and personal attention they have shown toward guests. Recently transformed to a condotel, Tiffany's is continuing to provide these very same characteristics to individual condominium owners.
Individual units are being sold starting in the mid-$100s. Each condo sleeps four and has a refrigerator, hair dryer, microwave oven, coffee maker, breakfast table, air conditioning and cable TV. There are also two-bedroom, two-bath suites with full kitchens, living areas and private decks. An open-air veranda is included for you to enjoy the beautiful views of the Intracoastal Waterway and Surf City beaches. And just like a hotel, there is an on-site manager and daily maid service.
The demand for these condos is so high that Phase II will be completed in 2006, featuring two bedroom, two-bath suites with full kitchens, living areas and a private deck. Phase II will include new on-site laundry facilities for guests, a new pool area with outside showers and an elevator.
Although individual units are being sold as private condominiums, Tiffany's will continue to function as a motel, with all of the associated conveniences. Enjoy owning a condominium while taking pleasure in the services available at a motel. This is an affordable opportunity to own a condo at the beach and enjoy what many have called,"hassle-free beach living."
By Kristy Flynn
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121 | During this pandemic, advocacy work was challenging. Franciscan International has the difficulty of bringing partners from outside Europe. On that note, they maximized the opportunity that Br. Angel Cortez, OFM was there with them.
As a Filipino Franciscan, he worked with them for almost four years before his mission in the office in Rome. He is part of the Philippine Human Rights Delegation that does lobby work every UN Human Rights Council. This time he was asked by FI to meet some diplomats for some lobby work and read a statement during agenda item number ten of the council.
The statement calls that despite the attention paid by the Human Rights Council to the situation in the Philippines, there has been no substantial positive change on the ground. FI and partners denounced the widespread and daily State violence against the Filipino people. Noting that domestic mechanisms have failed to show meaningful progress toward achieving justice for the many victims of the so-called ‘war on drugs,’ the statement reiterated the call on the council to establish a Commission of Inquiry to start a long-overdue investigation.
On the same day, a solidarity protest for the Philippines was held in the infamous Broken Chair landmark in front of the UN flag of Nations. It was attended by different Human Rights Church and Civil Society NGOs in Europe led by Geneva Forum for Philippine Concerns
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122 | I’ve done it! It’s a bit bigger than normal but we’ve managed to fit a lot in (meat, poultry, mince pies, veg, cheese, pork pies etc)
Just click here to download a copy. You can either…
fill it in and e-mail back to me –
print it off and bring in to the shop
pop into the shop and pick up a paper copy
if you’re having any trouble downloading the file drop me an e-mail and I’ll send an attachment through.
It would be helpful if we could receive orders by 12th Dec and there are certain items that are limited and will be first come, first serve (e.g. hams/gammons, beef rib and sirloin) and if you are after a smaller turkey, these tend to sell out first. We will not be picking up the poultry until Sunday 21st (for collection from Monday 22nd) so late orders can be taken up to Saturday 20th although no guarantee for all sizes at this stage.
We have asked for a weight range in the turkey orders – this just helps us to allocate the birds although we do try to match them up as closely to your preferred weight as possible. A £20 deposit is required for all orders > £50.
Christmas Opening times:
Sun 21st : 10.00am – 3.00pm Sat 27th : 9.30am – 5.00pm
Mon 22nd : 9.00am – 6.00pm Tue 30th : 9.30am – 5.00pm
Tue 23rd : 9.00am – 6.00pm Wed 31st : 9.30am – 5.00pm
Wed 24th : 9.00am – 2.00pm Normal opening from 2/1/15
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Old Farm, Dorn: Nr. Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 9NS Telephone: 01608 650394
© Copyright 2011 Old Farm, Dorn, All rights reserved. Site design: Loat Davies
This project is part financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2007-2013: Europe investing in rural areas. |
123 | Money market savings accounts can be a great alternative to standard savings account as they often have a higher APR, but there are some catches to watch for when opening an account.
Health Savings Accounts
It is estimated that about 6 million people are currently using Health Savings Accounts (HSA) but by 2010 that number will increase to approximately 25-30 million. Some insurance companies have ignored the new legislation which allows families to redirect some of the money they have been paying in taxes and social security to help pay family health expenses.
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124 | While it is difficult to give a complete and adequate definition of justice, most observers can recognize clear examples of serious injustice when they arise. Such injustice comes in various forms, wherever the norms of distributive justice, procedural justice, or human rights are violated.
Some actions, such as theft and murder, are commonly recognized as unjust by governments and prohibited by domestic law. However, there are also systemic forms of injustice that may persist in a society. These traditions and structures give rise to profound injustices that can be difficult to recognize. In some cases, these unfair conditions are imposed by the ruling party itself, whether it is an authoritarian government or an outside aggressor. Those in power sometimes use the state's legal and political systems to violate the political, economic, and social rights of subordinate groups.
Political injustice involves the violation of individual liberties, including the denial of voting rights or due process, infringements on rights to freedom of speech or religion, and inadequate protection from cruel and unusual punishment. Such injustice often stems from unfair procedures, and involves political systems in which some but not others are allowed to have voice and representation in the processes and decisions that affect them. This sort of procedural injustice can contribute to serious social problems as well as political ones. If voting or litigation procedures, for example, are perceived to be unjust, any outcome they produce is liable to be unstable and produce conflict. In addition, any procedures that are carried out in a biased manner are likely to contribute to problems of religious, ethnic, gender, or race discrimination. When the procedure in question has to do with employment or wages, such issues can lead to serious economic and social problems.
Economic injustice involves the state's failure to provide individuals with basic necessities of life, such as access to adequate food and housing, and its maintenance of huge discrepancies in wealth. In the most extreme cases of maldistribution, some individuals suffer from poverty while the elite of that society live in relative luxury. Such injustice can stem from unfair hiring procedures, lack of available jobs and education, and insufficient health care. All of these conditions may lead individuals to believe that they have not received a "fair share" of the benefits and resources available in that society.
Even more serious than the injustices discussed above are war crimes and crimes against humanity. During wartime, individuals sometimes perform acts that violate the rules of just war set forth in international law. When soldiers engage in wars of aggression, attack non-combatants or pursue their enemies beyond what is reasonable, they commit not acts of war, but acts of murder. However, these are not the only injustices associated with war and protracted conflict. Such conflict can also lead to severe human rights violations, including genocide, torture, and slavery. These crimes violate individuals' most basic rights to life and physical safety.
When political or legal institutions fail to protect individuals' fundamental rights and liberties, members of the unjustly treated group feel disempowered. They are likely to view the institutions that impose such conditions as unjust, and thus find themselves in the midst of a justice conflict. If the subordinate group believes that it lacks the power to change things through political or diplomatic means, it may conclude that the only effective way to pursue justice is through violent confrontation. However, such confrontations tend to produce even more injustice. In addition, because the dominant group typically has more power to inflict harm, such struggles often fail. Therefore, violence is often an ineffective way of addressing injustice, and many believe that it should be used only as a last resort.
Responding To Injustice
Many scholars and activists note that in order to truly address injustice internationally, we must strive to understand its underlying causes. These causes have to do with underdevelopment, economic pressures, various social problems, and international conditions. Indeed, the roots of repression, discrimination, and other injustice stem from deeper and more complex political, social, and economic problems. It is only by understanding and ameliorating these root causes and strengthening civil society that we can truly protect human rights.
There are various ways to address the political, economic and social injustices mentioned above. Whether a response proves to be appropriate and effective depends on the nature of the grievance.
Addressing political injustice is often a matter of developing institutions of fair governance, such as an accountable police force and judiciary. Legislative action and executive decision-making should likewise be held accountable. Such measures are sometimes a matter of reforming state institutions or revising state constitutions.
In cases where some groups are excluded from political participation, the state can remedy violations of political rights by promoting political inclusion and empowering subordinate groups. Public decision-making should respond to the will of the citizens, and members of the society should have the opportunity to participate in the formulation, execution, and monitoring of state policies. In other words, a culture of political involvement and public participation should be fostered. In addition, there are various social structural changes that might give groups more social, economic, and/or political power. This is often accomplished through the strengthening of the economy and civil society in conjunction with democratization efforts. In some cases countries require outside assistance for election monitoring, nation-building programs and the development of governmental infrastructure to make their political system more stable.
Addressing systemic economic injustice is often a matter of economic reforms that give groups better access to jobs, health care, and education. In many cases, lack of access to basic services stems from enormous inequalities in resource distribution. Redistribution of benefits and resources can thus be an important component of social structural changes to remedy injustice. There are various institutional and economic development reforms that might be put in place to raise living standards and boost economic growth. In addition, by creating social and economic safety nets, states can eliminate tension and instability caused by unfair resource allocation.
For example, development of programs that provide assistance for the poor, pensions for the elderly, and training and education for workers help remedy injustice, tax reform, giving workers the right to unionize and demand a fair wage, advancing ecological policies to protect and preserve the environment, and improving access to land ownership can also help in particular cases.
Balancing out gross inequalities in wealth might also be part of compensatory justice after periods of war. During periods of postwar adjustment and peacebuilding efforts, long-term economic policy must aim to achieve equity, or balance in the distribution of income and wealth. Such efforts to ensure a just distribution of benefits following conflict are typically accompanied by democratization efforts to ensure a more balanced distribution of power. When neglect of economic rights stems from the destruction caused by protracted conflict, countries may require outside aid to remedy injustice and avoid future instability. Humanitarian aid and development assistance are often needed to help a society build its economic resource base and ensure that the needs of its citizens are met. Issues of distributive justice are in this way central to any reconstruction program that aims at economic vitalization and rebuilding post-war economic systems.
Responding to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
Severe violations of basic rights to life and physical safety are sometimes enacted through government policies or inflicted during the course of warfare. It is commonly recognized that government leaders and soldiers, as well as civilians, must be held accountable for perpetrating such injustices.
International humanitarian law has been enacted to preserve humanity in all circumstances, even during conflicts. Various international committees are in place to monitor compliance with human rights standards and report any violations. When breaches occur, the perpetrators must somehow be brought to justice.
According to the notion of retributive justice, past acts of injustice or wrongdoing warrant punishment. Those who perpetrate war crimes or crimes against humanity should be brought to justice. When injustices are committed in the initiation or the conduct of warfare, retribution is typically accomplished through international courts or tribunals that carry out war crimes adjudication.
In other cases, human rights violations form part of national policy. Most believe that government officials should be held accountable for institution policies of apartheid, forced disappearance, torture, or genocide. Such breaches are typically brought to the attention of international tribunals or tried in an international court. Punishment is thought to reinforce the rules of international law and to deny those who have violated those rules any unfair advantages. In addition, many believe that punishment deters other would-be offenders from committing similar crimes in the future.
However, international law and adjudication is often insufficient to address grave injustice. When breaches do occur, they are brought to the attention of international tribunals or a war crimes tribunal. As conditions escalate in violence and more individuals are taken prisoner, tortured, or executed, it becomes more difficult to resort to the legal path.
Some maintain that the vigilant observance of the international community is necessary to ensure justice. Various nongovernmental organization (NGOs), including Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists, are devoted to bringing injustice to light and pressuring governments to address the injustice. Historically, the United Nations has likewise played a central role in dealing with international justice issues.
Many maintain that massive violations of human rights, such as genocide and crimes against humanity, warrant military intervention. If, through its atrocious actions, a state destroys the lives and rights of its citizens, it temporarily forfeits its claims to legitimacy and sovereignty. In such cases, outside governments have a positive duty to take steps to protect human rights and stamp out injustice.
However, this sort of response is limited, because governments are often reluctant to commit military forces and resources to defend human rights in other states. In addition, the use of violence to end human rights violations poses a moral dilemma insofar as such interventions may lead to further loss of innocent lives. It is imperative that the least amount of force necessary to achieve humanitarian objectives be used, that intervention not do more harm than good, and that it be motivated by genuine humanitarian concerns. Otherwise, such interventions are likely to simply cause more injustice.
Restoring Justice Once Conflict Has Ended
A central goal of responding to injustice is paving the way for future peace. Once conflict has ended and policies of oppression have been repealed, society members face the task of rebuilding their society. Many believe that measures aimed at restorative justice are well-suited for this task.
Restorative Justice is concerned with healing wounds of victims and repairing harm done to interpersonal relationships and the community. It can play a crucial role in responding to severe human rights violations or cases of genocide. Huge advances are made when governments tell the truth about past atrocities carried out by the state. It is thought that true healing requires remembering the atrocities committed, repenting, and forgiving. War crimes inquiries and truth commissions can aid in the process of memory and truth telling and help to make public the extent to which victims have suffered.
Restoration often becomes a matter of restitution or war reparations. In cases where clear acts of injustice have taken place, some type of compensation package can help to meet the material and emotional needs of victims and remedy the injustice. Repentance can also help to re-establish relationships among the conflicting parties and help them to move toward reconciliation. In some cases, conflicts can end more peacefully when parties acknowledge their guilt and apologize than when formal war crimes adjudication or criminal proceedings are used.
In cases of civil war, because the line between offenders and victims can become blurred, a central goal of peacebuilding is to restore the community as a whole. Restoration often becomes tied to the transformation of the relationship between the conflicting parties. However, such restoration cannot take place unless it is supported by wider social conditions and unless the larger community makes restorative processes available.
Many note that an adequate response to injustice must involve social structural changes, reconstruction programs to help communities ravaged by conflict, democratization and the creation of institutions of civil society. Only then can the underlying causes of injustice be remedied. |
125 | Osbon Erecaid is a long-time “standard” in vacuum therapy treatment. No review of vacuum therapy devices could possibly be sufficient without at least mentioning the Osbon Erecaid system. Owned by Timm Medical, the Osbon Erecaid system is considered the tried-and-true option for many men who need a solution for erectile dysfunction without the use of […]
Tags: erecaid, erecaid pump, erecaid review, erecaid rings, osbon erecaid, osbon pump, osbon review, product review, surerec rings, tension rings, vacuum therapy, vacuum therapy pump Posted in Featured, Product Reviews | 2 comments |
126 | A Forum to ask questions and share advice that pertain to self drive, self-sufficient overland safaris to Botswana. Questions about border procedures, National Parks, Lodges and destinations welcome.
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Mabuasehube again
Postby Geoff » Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:02 pm
Father & son’s Easter 2014 Trip
Botswana Mabuasehube Second Time Around
Our 10th annual father and son Easter trip was go Mabuasehube (for the second time) in Botswana. The title of this report is a bit ironic as we missed Easter by a week and only one of the son’s (Dave’s son in law) was going. We had visited Mabuasehube last in 2007 and then the park for only 1 day. The plan was to spend a bit more time there and also to traverse through to the South African side via the Nossob trail. After battling to get any bookings (I don’t like booking in advance as it spoils the spontaneity of the trip) I was referred to Tara Lee from the SA 4x4 Community Forum and she proved to be a gem. Thanks for the bookings Tara Lee.
The participants for this trip were
Geoff Hill alone in a Toyota Land Cruiser 100VX 4.2TDi aka Meneer
Dave Nixon and son in law Craig in a Toyota Hilux double cab 3.0D4D diesel.
Steve Hill with his mate Kevin in an Isuzu 280 doublecab.
Going through my old records I realized that Dave and I were the only ever present participants in these Easter trips. The vehicles had changed but we were still there
I left White River on Tuesday 22 April 2014 at 11h00 en route to my son Andy’s place in Sunninghill in Johannesburg. As I left Janice noticed my brake lights weren’t working so I stopped at the local Midas & bought a couple of globes. Even though he wasn’t joining us on the trip I still stayed at Andy’s place and he took me to supper at a local Indian curry den which was the best curry I’d had since the UK last year.
I left Wednesday morning at 06h43 to meet the rest of the traveling party at the Wimpy in Lichtenburg. I met up with Dave & Craig on the N14 around the Lanseria on ramp and we travelled together until we came across a “service delivery” road closure near Randfontein and had to redirect towards Magaliesburg which ruined our timing a bit but we still arrived at 09h30, had breakfast and left for Ramatlabama border where I filled up with diesel @ P9.74.
Our plan was to camp at the same spot where we had bush camped for the last night on our previous trip in 2012. We arrived there at 16h45 and settled in for our first night back in Botswana. Steve and Kevin produced a Pork belly stew which went down very well.
Next morning we left at 08h11 and went to Bray for a top up of diesel. After refueling and putting on the shade net radiator covers we hit the road. We stopped along the way once we had entered the lower approach track to Mabuasehube near Makapong for our traditional Bacon sarmies. It was good to be back.
After Goa pan there were new fences that had been put up and the cutline running next to these were recently plowed. So the going was pretty heavy and then I realized we had veered away from the track but there were new fences in the way. After going for a while and getting further away from our intended route we doubled back and next to one of the new cross fences we picked up the track again. Unfortunately the track went in a northerly direction and we were south of a fence. So doubling back yet again we picked the track on the other side of the fence and made good ground for a while until yet another fence. Anyway we eventually found the cattle gate and we were through the private farm area. The next problem was this track hasn’t seen any traffic for a long time and it was very overgrown. So bush rash and grass seeds were the order of the day.
We finally arrived at Mabuasehube main gate at 15h30 and booked in. Our first two nights were at Bosobogolo pan. After meeting the resident friendly squirrel and setting up camp we settled in for some “African TV”. A great meal was provided by Dave. We set about sorting out of the world’s problems and we hit the sack.
05h30 the next morning we were woken by the resident lion pride. There were 11 of them frolicking through the camp including a huge male. They weren’t there for long but they certainly got the adrenaline going. A short while later the campers from the other camp site at this pan arrived enquiring about the lions. The lions had apparently harassed them all night and as they were in ground tents they were rather frazzled.
We took a day drive around the park with me being the lucky one who didn’t have to take down the roof top tent. We saw loads of buck and bird species and got back to camp to resume the problem solving of the previous evening. Around our camp site we spotted a Crimson Breasted Shrike (similar to our Fiscal Shrike aka Butcher bird) but much more striking.
That night I made a chilly con carne which I’m pretty proud of.
The next morning at 08h30 we set off for Matopi camp which is en route to Nossob. As we had all day to do the 70 odd kilometers we took it very leisurely and had many photo stops. Even so we reached Matopi at 13h03. As it was the hottest day so far we found a shady spot and just parked off until much later before setting up camp.
It was almost dark and we could still hear vehicles going past so who knows where they were headed at that time of the evening. An Ostrich stew was the fare for that night.
We were a little worried about the distance that needed to be covered to get to Two Rivers so we set off before 08h00 and tried to keep a decent average speed going.
Along this route I was wondering where Flippie had had his problems if indeed it was on this route at all. For those who don’t know the story go to the 4X4 community forum and do a search. It’s quite a story.
We also spotted a Cape Cobra in one of the community weaver nests going from nest to nest.
Nevertheless we got to Nossob by 12h00 and made bacon sarmies and then set off for Two Rivers. Corrugations from Nossob to Tweerivieren were the order of the day. We were lucky and saw lion and cheetah near Two Rivers. We arrived at Tweerivieren at 16h00. At over R15 per liter for diesel I only put in R500 to make it to somewhere more reasonably priced.
As we had cell phone reception once in Two Rivers and after setting up camp all the important phone calls were made. I also phoned my son and congratulated him on his engagement that had happened the previous day. We also had hot water and we enjoyed a magic shower. Dave made arguably the best meal of the trip which was a pasta dish with bits of this and bits of that.
The next morning we went through the easiest border crossing ever and we were on our way home. We were going via Van Zyl’s Rus and as Steve had work commitments the next day he decided to push on so he left us and went all the way home. Dave and I set course for Kameelboom Lodge in Vryburg where we enjoyed a Kalahari steak which was great. The rooms were very comfortable and I slept like a baby.
Next morning after filling up at the truck stop on the other side of Vryburg we set off with me having to go all the way to White River some 850 kilometers away. I arrived home at 17h10.
Two problems I had with the Cruiser. My left rear trim fell off again. It’s the third time
and each time it’s about R1600 to replace. The second problem was the corrugations set off my idiot lights i.e. the battery, oil, sedementer, AT oil temp and hand brake light. The Cruiser is at the auto electrician as I write this.
The auto electrician replaced the voltage regulator, rectifier and bearings and all is well again.
Great trip thanks again guys.
2785 kms @ 13.71 lt /100km not too bad for a Cruiser.
Geoff Hill
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Re: Mabuasehube again
Postby Geoff » Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:06 pm
Some random pictures but in reverse order
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Re: Mabuasehube again
Postby Geoff » Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:08 pm
Some more pictures.
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Re: Mabuasehube again
Postby Geoff » Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:10 pm
And the last pictures.
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Re: Mabuasehube again
Postby KevinLab » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:41 pm
Nice report Geoff.
Was great to be with the boys in the bush again and those lions where something else, so huge
never mind that snake
Thanks for the awesome trip!
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Joined: Wed May 25, 2011 4:07 pm
Re: Mabuasehube again
Postby jayefe » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:53 am
Thanks for sharing the trip report ;
We went to mabua in 2012 ; would like to revisit ...but with our off road caravan next time ; in 2012 we did nossob > matopi1 >boso trail > mabua 3 > wilderness trail back to nossob ; fantastic trip ; highlight - leopard callling at night behind the tents !!!
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127 | In recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness Month, Jewish Child & Family Services (JCFS) invites synagogues across the Chicagoland area to embrace this opportunity to increase awareness of the needs and strengths of people with disabilities in our communities. Held in February, Jewish Disability Awareness Month was created by The Jewish Federations of North America and a consortium of Jewish Special Educators to raise awareness and support meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities and their families in every aspect of Jewish life.
JCFS, a leading provider of programs and services for people with disabilities in the Jewish community and beyond, is pleased to share this list of “10 Ideas to Promote Inclusion” for Synagogues and other Jewish organizations. This list was compiled in consultation with JCFS’ expert clinicians, drawing from guidelines set forth by the Jewish Federations of North America in its Jewish Disability Awareness Month Resource Guide. JCFS is a partner in serving the community with the Jewish Federation/Jewish United Fund.
Speech, Occupational and Developmental Therapies for children, overnight camp for teens with autism or social impairments, Sibshops for brothers and sisters of children with disabilities, and Family Bridges futures planning for aging parents with adult children with disabilities, are among the many services provided by JCFS for people with disabilities and their families.
Jewish Child & Family Services is at the forefront of providing vital, individualized, results-driven services to thousands of children, adults and families of all backgrounds throughout the year. Services include counseling; therapies for children and adults with developmental disabilities; special educational programs; autism assessment, care of abused and neglected youth; respite and more. For information about our services and programs for people with disabilities, call the Disability Helpline at 773-467-3838, or visit us at
10 Ideas to Promote Inclusion for People with Disabilities
1. Use People First Language in all communications. Calling someone a “disabled person” puts the disability first, as the sole qualifier of that person. A “person with a disability” is a person first and foremost, and that language emphasizes each person’s individuality, dignity, value and capabilities.
2. Make sure that your facilities are physically welcoming to people with disabilities with accessible entry ways, access to the bima, even as simple as making sure shoveled snow doesn’t block access.
3. Use volunteers or teacher’s aids in the classroom to provide extra attention to young students with special needs. Vary activities so that there is plenty of movement between lessons to help keep active children focused.
4. Create a “buddy system” for congregants with special needs, someone who will introduce him or her to others, make sure he or she is included in Kiddush or other synagogue social activities.
5. Send out a regular newsletter or email message focused on your initiatives and upcoming programs. You can also include a relevant quote in your general congregation bulletins about February and Jewish Disability Awareness. Involve the people with disabilities from your congregation in the creative process.
6. Plan an inclusion Shabbat with other congregations for future initiatives. Creating new approaches may mean adding music, crafting a modified religious service, or bringing in a storyteller. Jewish Child & Family Services can offer resources based on its experience serving individuals and their families who address these issues.
7. After assessing your congregation’s needs, consider special funds or volunteer resources for adaptive technology, special equipment, transportation services, sign language interpreter, large print books, or books in Braille for the blind.
8. Launch a Jewish service-learning project involving children with disabilities and their peers. Incorporating Jewish ideals into service projects strengthens communities and provides volunteers with an opportunity to explore and strengthen their Jewish identities. JCFS offers several collaborative possibilities and resources to increase and reinforce inclusion.
9. Encourage people with disabilities to lead a program or participate in a synagogue services. Help them educate your community on the “do’s and don’ts” of working with people with disabilities. For example, greeting people at eye level is a DO, while mentioning a disability when it is not relevant is a DON’T.
10. February as Jewish Disability Awareness month is an opportunity for Jewish congregations and organizations to engage their communities, volunteers and members to look for new, meaningful “inclusions” in the congregation’s activities on every level.
Posted by Lindsey_1 at 2/22/2011 2:33 PM
My Career Israel experience
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By Talia Kurland
While applying for a doctorate in clinical psychology, I decided to head to Israel. I had just spent the year working as an Early Intervention Specialist for toddlers who demonstrated signs of autism or other pervasive developmental disorders. Yet, I knew that I still needed something else to set me apart from other applicants. I enrolled in Masa Israel’s Career Israel, to gain professional experience abroad.
My experience during those five months after college could not have been more distinct. I began Career Israel in September 2008, during the time when Qassam rockets were fired regularly from the Gaza Strip into Sderot and were making their way towards Tel Aviv. I was in Israel when the army responded with Operation Cast Lead, and saw many of my Israeli peers leave to fight. Still, despite the fact that I was living in a “war zone,” I felt safe.
Maybe this was because, in Israel, a small country colored with conflict, petty worries are dismissed and life feels immediate. I experienced this while taking part in discussions about current events and my day-to-day internship responsibilities. At Kadima, an after-school program for disadvantaged youth with a variety of behavioral and emotional issues, I was able to develop a variety of important skills and truly feel connected to an Israeli team of volunteers. The sense of community in Israel enabled me to feel emotionally safe.
At Kadima’s Jaffa location, which served Jewish, Arab, Christian, and Ethiopian Israeli youth, I worked with the staff to prepare meals and activities. Given the opportunity to explore the world of counseling through hands-on work, I took three individual students for one-on-one time each day, helping them with homework, playing games, and just talking in Hebrew. My students’ resilience amazed me, as did the dedicated staff members, 18-year-olds who postponed army service for a year of community service.
While in Israel, I found that daily life seemed more meaningful. Surrounded by a diverse community that celebrates the Jewish faith, it was incredible to experience the Jewish calendar as the national calendar. There was nothing more comforting than seeing Hanukkah lights brightening the entire city or enjoying the weekly tradition of Shabbat dinners followed by a true day of rest. It was also thrilling to be able to light the Hanukkah candles alongside Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, an opportunity provided to me, thanks to Career Israel.
Being in Israel during a time of heightened conflict allowed me to experience the collective passion and perseverance of the Jewish people whose common goal is to maintain a Jewish homeland. I found this reality remarkably humbling.
Now back in the U.S., I am in my second year at a Psy.D. program at the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, en route to becoming a child and adolescent clinical psychologist. I think about my Career Israel experience frequently and I believe that my letter of recommendation from the Career Israel program helped me gain acceptance to some of the more competitive psychological externships in Chicago.
Last summer, I returned to Israel to interview first-aid responders of Magen David Adom (MDA) as part of a clinical research project. As I progress with my studies and clinical work, I hope to become professionally involved with the mental health field in Israel. Israel is one of my homes, forever woven with my identity and I simply can’t get enough of it!
Masa Israel Journey connects young Jewish adults to 5-12 month immersive, life-changing experiences in Israel. For more information or to find the right program for you, contact Aimee Weiss at and visit
Last Edited by Lindsey_1 at 2/17/2011 9:25 AM
Yali’s handbags help cancer survivors carry on
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By Stefanie Pervos
While talking with 20-year-old Yali Derman, I wondered how it was possible that someone so full of life has had to fight so hard to survive.
A two-time cancer survivor, Yali spoke with poise, elegance and maturity beyond her years about her time at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago and how she used her creative talents to help her combat illness and now is helping other children do the same through her handbag collection.
Yali was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of four and had a recurrence at the age of 10, when she received a life-saving bone marrow transplant from her brother.
“At the time of my treatment, sibling bone marrow transplantation was a new and evolving type of treatment for my condition so it really was a remarkable experience,” Yali said.
During her treatments, Yali was often in isolation, and found comfort in the creative art therapy programs offered by the hospital’s Family Services funded by K.I.D.S.S. for KIDS: Kindness Is Doing Something Special For Kids, an all-volunteer fundraising auxiliary of Children’s Memorial Hospital. It was there that she first began experimenting in handbag design.
“What I always say is that I needed a powerful vocabulary to express my autobiographical voice and I wanted to feel like a person, like a creative, fun-loving kid, and I wanted to be seen for who I was aside from a sick child,” she said. “Sometimes the hardest story to tell is your own and that’s really where the art therapy program helped me and ultimately that’s where the power of the purse came to me.”
She used the concept of the bandana, typically used to cover the heads of cancer patients, for inspiration.
“My main idea was that I took the bandanas that were intended to cover my hairless head and really defiantly made purses out of them,” she said. “Soon that paisley bandana became the symbol of the cancer experience that I always place in as a design element in my handbags. It’s a symbol of transforming this experience and my situation into something different, something positive.”
Yali, who attended Solomon Schechter Day School, Chicagoland Jewish High School, and Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, says it is part of her personal philosophy to embody the idea of hiddur mitzvah. She first learned the term, which means “beautifying the commandment,” while serving as president and founder of Va’ad Vogue, the CJHS fashion club.
“This was really how I found my voice, the way that I could praise the Almighty and observe tikkun olam,” Yali said. “I would say that my Jewish education and religious background really emphasize to me that when I’m fulfilling a commandment or performing a good deed I can do it in a beautiful way.”
At 17, Yali had an incredible opportunity to design a personalized handbag with Kate Spade to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the organization that orchestrated the experience. The bag raised $50,000 and Yali and Kate Spade were honored as donors of the year.
Soon after, Yali started her own brand of handbags, trademarked Yali’s Carry On ® to signify how cancer survivors carry on in the face of their medical baggage.
While still in high school, Yali created a pink beach tote as part of a school charity project, which marked the alliance between K.I.D.S.S. for Kids and Yali. The beach tote raised $10,000 in just a few months—more than surpassing her original goal of $1,000—for K.I.D.S.S. for KIDS to go toward funding the new playroom being built in the new Children’s Memorial Hospital, due for completion in 2013.
Yali calls her newest bag her “pride and joy so far.” The bag features a peacock, a symbol of renewal with a tail composed of varying paisleys, long to represent each survivor’s story. The tail does not circle the entire bag because Yali’s story is still ongoing. There are 18 colors on the bag “that symbolize life’s vibrancy, chai.” She says the purse encourages “moving forward and carrying on in the face of adversity.”
There are also elements of the bag that come from biblical interpretation and midrashim. “I think that’s really where handbag design relates to Torah, which sounds somewhat hilarious, but it’s true,” she said.
So why purses?
“I really do believe in the power of the purse,” Yali said. “The purse is something that’s very unique to a woman. People don’t necessarily only invest in handbags because they look nice, but they also have to be functional… Bags tell a story about the person that is carrying them…it’s sort of a biography of the woman when you empty out all of its contents.”
So what’s next for Yali?
Currently, she is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania in the school of nursing. Her dream job is to be an advanced practice pediatric oncology nurse, where she could integrate her creative talents with nursing.
But, she said, handbag design is most definitely still in her future.
“Absolutely,” Yali said. “[It’s] one of the ways that I carry on fashionably, Judaically, philanthropically and really my handbags are carry-ons and they’re a metaphor for the way that I want to carry on with vibrant elegance, vast purpose and a meaningful voice for the cancer experience—I think that’s where my future leads me.”
Yali’s Carry On for K.I.D.S.S. event will take place Sunday, March 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Saks Fifth Avenue Renaissance Place in Highland Park. Meet Yali, and help her support Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago with her limited edition tote bag ($85). All proceeds from the sale of each tote plus 5% of store sales to benefit K.I.D.S.S. for Kids.
To learn more about Yali or to pre-order the bag, visit
Last Edited by Lindsey_2 at 7/25/2011 1:58 PM
Listen to your mother
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New online Jewish dating site lets moms be the matchmaker for their kids
By Cindy Sher
Danielle and Brad Weisberg, co-founders of, with their matchmaker mom, Barbara.
Siblings Brad and Danielle Weisberg were checking out a dating website one day last year. When Brad left to run errands, their mother, Barbara, also in the room at the time, asked if she could sift through profiles for him in his absence. By the time he returned a couple hours later, Barbara had jotted down a list of 10 Jewish women’s screen names for him to contact. It turned out he was impressed by many of the profiles his mother chose. “My mother had put more effort and time into the process than I ever could or would and she enjoyed doing it,” said Brad.
While some young Jewish singles may think this scenario is the set up for a bad Jewish joke, and would have been mortified at the thought of their mother coaching them on a singles website, not Brad and Danielle. They appreciated their mother’s help, so much so that she gave them the idea to start a website called “The” for Jewish moms—and some dads too—to match their single children up on dates with other Jews.
Brad and Danielle’s aunt also inspired them to create the site after she fixed up her own son with a woman, who he later married, so the siblings thought maybe there was something to this matchmaking mother concept.
Brad, age 30, and Danielle, 26—both single Jewish transplants to Chicago from Louisville—launched The JMom in November with their friend, computer programmer Matt Pulley.
Danielle, who initially dreamed up the idea for the site, fends off criticism that it’s geared toward pushy, meddlesome parents. “We’re close to our parents and they’re not overbearing or pushy by any means,” she said. “They care about us and want us to be happy—and that’s who the site is for.”
Their mother, who lives in Louisville, echoes her daughter’s sentiments. “As a parent, you are only as happy as your least happy child,” she said.
Back before the internet, during the Fiddler on the Roof era and much more recently too, it was common for parents to fix up their children. In fact, like so many Jewish couples, Barbara and her husband—Brad and Danielle’s father—met on a blind date more than 36 years ago, and they’ve been happily married ever since.
Unlike when she and her husband met, dating is more challenging today, according to Barbara, with life busier and more complicated for her children’s generation than it was for Baby Boomers. “Younger people today have seen the world—many went away to college and work outside of their hometowns,” she said. “They’ve had more life experiences. They’ve seen so much and they’re not going to settle.”
Brad and Danielle hope to modernize the old-fashioned way of parents fixing up their kids by bringing the setup to the internet, which means parents who live in different cities than their children can still fix them up hundreds of miles away.
Here’s how the site works: A parent—or another relative—writes a profile, including information and a photograph of their child and information about their family as well. Then, if the parent spots a potential set up, they contact the parent of the potential date. Once both parties agree to set up their kids, the profiles are emailed to their children. The kids then take it from there and can choose whether or not to email their potential match.
“There is no negative to it. You don’t have to go on a date with somebody if you don’t want to,” said Brad, “but it opens up a new network of people so you could potentially find the love of your life.”
As hopeful as they are that The JMom will lead people to their beshert, the Weisbergs are also keeping a sense of humor about the site. “The information the mothers are writing about their kids is hysterical,” said Brad. “Every parent thinks their children are wonderful—and they are in their eyes.” Barbara wrote profiles for both Brad and Danielle. “She said stuff like, ‘He’s a great dancer.’ I would never say that about myself,” said Brad.
The Weisberg siblings have had other funny interactions with people using the site. One mother recently e-mailed The JMom with a technical question, and then wrote the following: “I don’t have much time, I want grandchildren!” Another mom said she had signed her single child up without permission to do so and was soon found out by her kid. The busted mom e-mailed The JMom with this: “Take me off! I’m in trouble!” The site’s creators advise that parents get the green light from their offspring before signing them up to avoid conflict.
Ultimately, The JMom offers one more tool to fix up Jewish singles, according to Brad. “If we can match up 100 people and we get one marriage out of that, we’ve done our job.”
Posted by Lindsey_1 at 2/1/2011 1:05 PM
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When Yoga meets JudaismThe 10 Commandments of Farmers MarketsTwo young Jewish women, former White House staffers team up on new book'Humans Of Tel Aviv’ tells a new story of Israel’s metropolis |
128 | In 1912 Palm Island become a Holiday Resort for tourist, there were two resort situated on the Island, at Butler Vale (now known as Butler Bay), and Casement, (old Catholic School Grounds).
Palm Island was gazetted as an Aboriginal reserve in 1914; Chief Protector J.W. Bleakley designated a specific role to Palm Island as ‘a penitentiary for troublesome cases’. The establishment of Palm Island was part of a wider, national attempt to control the locals by taking control of all aspects of Aboriginal lives at a time now known as the "Protection Era". In every state and territory, laws were passed governing where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people could live.
Representatives from over 40 tribes were displaced and sent to Palm Island for a variety of reasons including it being used a prison camp for troublemakers at other locations and the destruction of the Hull River Mission at Tully. More than forty different language groups were sent to Palm, locating their camps in areas to mirror their positions on the mainland. The enforcement of so many tribes living in one place has generally been cited as a major cause of unrest on Palm over the years.
Palm became exile and punishment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who disobeyed these strict laws, or refused to comply with Government policy. During this time people worked for rations and not wages.
The Island’s first superintendent, Robert Henry Curry, a returned serviceman, set about establishing control and instructed residents to clear the land, housing himself in a tent on the beach, White residents, schoolteachers, storekeepers, and other staff were housed in ‘the white’ section, in homes built by Aboriginal residents. Following construction of Mango Avenue by the Hull River people, it was subsequently declared ‘out of bounds’ to all who were not white, with gates barring access at each end of the road.In 1912 Palm Island become a Holiday Resort for tourist, there were two resort situated on the Island, at Butler Vale (now known as Butler Bay), and Casement, (old Catholic School Grounds).
Palm Island was gazetted as an Aboriginal reserve in 1914; Chief Protector J.W. Bleakley designated a specific role to Palm Island as ‘a penitentiary for troublesome cases’. The establishment of Palm Island was part of a wider, national attempt to control the locals by taking control of all aspects of Aboriginal lives at a time now known as the "Protection Era". In every state and territory, laws were passed governing where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people could live.
Representatives from over 40 tribes were displaced and sent to Palm Island for a variety of reasons including it being used a prison camp for troublemakers at other locations and the destruction of the Hull River Mission at Tully. More than forty different language groups were sent to Palm, locating their camps in areas to mirror their positions on the mainland. The enforcement of so many tribes living in one place has generally been cited as a major cause of unrest on Palm over the years.
Palm became exile and punishment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who disobeyed these strict laws, or refused to comply with Government policy. During this time people worked for rations and not wages.
The Island’s first superintendent, Robert Henry Curry, a returned serviceman, set about establishing control and instructed residents to clear the land, housing himself in a tent on the beach, White residents, schoolteachers, storekeepers, and other staff were housed in ‘the white’ section, in homes built by Aboriginal residents. Following construction of Mango Avenue by the Hull River people, it was subsequently declared ‘out of bounds’ to all who were not white, with gates barring access at each end of the road. |
129 | DJ's know how to get the party started!! They are there to provide a soundtrack for your party or event, and to get the crowd moving and shaking! Search here for DJs in Allegany, Maryland. |
130 | JACOB ERNEST KELLER It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Jacob Ernest Keller on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at the age of 74 years. Jacob is survived by his children Shawn and Jacqueline and five grandchildren. He will be greatly missed by those who knew him best. Many thanks to Dr. Donnelly and the nursing staff of the Arborg Hospital for their compassionate care. Cremation has taken place and a private gathering will be held in Jake's honour as per his wishes. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Arborg Hospital Guild.
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132 | The Fast Eddy’s™ by Cookshack Competition Cooking Class will be taught by Pitmaster, Ed “Fast Eddy” Maurin and World Food BBQ Grand Champion, David Bouska (Butcher BBQ Team). They will be teaching their own personal competition cooking techniques they have used to win numerous grand championships all over the USA. This is a hands-on class where you will learn how to prepare and cook the four KCBS meat categories: pork ribs, pork butt, brisket, and chicken. You will be cooking on the Fast Eddy’s by Cookshack pellet-fired FEC100, FEC120, PG1000 and the FEC rotisserie smokers.
Left to right: David Bouska, Reed B. and Kurt O. (2014 attendees), Fast Eddy
The cost of this class is $450. That price includes lunch and dinner on Friday; breakfast and lunch on Saturday; all cooking supplies and meat; tour of the Cookshack manufacturing facility; one-year membership in the KCBS (Kansas City Barbecue Society); one year membership as a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge; one year subscription to the KCBS Bullsheet; and a tote bag filled with the following: monogrammed Fast Eddy’s by Cookshack class apron, Digital Thermapen with Cookshack logo, a binder with class recipes and blank paper and pen for taking notes and more.
Learn how to cook competition brisket, pulled pork, chicken thighs and ribs.
This class includes a complimentary KCBS Certified Judging Class that will teach you exactly what the judges are looking for when judging barbecue competition entries. You will also become a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge and KCBS member for an entire year.
2014 Students Judging Sample Boxes to learn how judges score.
All classes will be held in Ponca City, Oklahoma at the Pioneer Technology Center located at 2015 N. Ash Street. Judging class will be on Friday, Dec. 4th 9:30am-2:00pm, registration begins at 9am. The cooking class will start on Friday from 2:30-5:00pm with a Welcome Dinner prepared by Cookshack at 6:00pm. The cooking class will continue on Saturday, Dec. 5th 8:00am-4:00pm.
To register for a class, please request a registration form. When you receive the form return it to Cookshack at or fax the form to 580-765-2223. All classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. We hope to see you there! |
133 | Johanne volunteered her time practicing Latin dance with a group in 2006 and 2007 while working as a dental hygienist for nearly 25 years; she also was fascinated with Tai Chi since she could remember.
She met Peng You for the first time at his workshop at “55 plus” Centre during her placement while studying in Physiotherapy Assistant Program in 2008-2010 and bought the video “Six Forms for Health” and practiced daily Qi Gong exercises. The neck pain was an issue and practicing Tai Chi even for a short time, really improved her quality of life!
December 2012, Johanne took the Qi Gong “Six Forms for Health” Instructor course with Peng You. Johanne learned the International 8 forms and currently working on the 24 forms.
At Tai Chi & Friends of Marathon, she teaches “Six Forms for Health” in the community and soon with the local seniors club.
Practicing Taiji at home with a video is fun but it’s great doing Qi Gong and Taiji as part of a group; the energy generated in a group is amazing! You can “see” it in people’s eyes! |
134 | Some of these entries will ink to other pages, some will just be references. When you are writing pages in the Pencyclopedia, you should restrict your use of acronyms and slang. See the Style Guidelines for details. |
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Perseus has been most recently funded by the Alpheios Project, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, private donations, and Tufts University.
Prior support for the project has been provided by the Annenberg/CPB Project, Apple Computer, the Berger Family Technology Transfer Endowment, Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2, the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education part of the U.S. Department of Education, the Getty Grant program, the Modern Language Association, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Packard Humanities Institute, Xerox Corporation, Boston University, and Harvard University. |
136 | Information vs. instinct. When it comes to investing, many people believe they have a “knack” for choosing good investments. But what exactly is that “knack” based on? The fact is, the choices we make with our assets can be strongly influenced by factors, many of them emotional, that we may not even be aware of.
Investing involves risks. Remember that Investment decisions should be based on your own goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. The return and principal value of investments will fluctuate as market conditions change. When sold, investments may be worth more or less than their original cost.
Deal du jour. You’ve heard the whispers, the “next greatest thing” is out there, and you can get on board, but only if you hurry. Sound familiar? The prospect of being on the ground floor of the next big thing can be thrilling. But while there really are great new opportunities out there once in a while, those “hot new investments” can often go south quickly. Jumping on board without all the information can be a mistake. A disciplined investor may turn away from spur-of-the-moment trends and seek out solid, proven investments with consistent returns.
Risky business. Many people claim not to be risk-takers, but that isn’t always the case. Most disciplined investors aren’t reluctant to take a risk. But they will attempt to manage losses. By keeping your final goals in mind as you weigh both the potential gain and potential loss, you may be able to better assess what risks you are prepared to take.
You can’t always know what’s coming. Some investors attempt to predict the future based on the past. As we all know, just because a stock rose yesterday, that doesn’t mean it will rise again today. In fact, performance does not guarantee future results.
The gut-driven investor. Some investors tend to pull out of investments the moment they lose money, then invest again once they feel “driven” to do so. While they may do some research, they are ultimately acting on impulse. This method of investing may result in losses.
Eliminating emotion. Many investors “stir up” their investments when major events happen, including births, marriages, or deaths. They seem to get a renewed interest in their stocks and/or begin to second-guess the effectiveness of their long-term strategies. A financial professional can help you focus on your long-term objectives and may help you manage being influenced by short-term whims.
The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG, LLC, is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Copyright 2021 FMG Suite.
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137 | Selina Jen confesses that she was heartbroken during her birthday this year - POPPY TV - PREFERRED VIEWER'S CHOICE
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Selina Jen confesses that she was heartbroken during her birthday this year
Taiwanese singer-actress Selina Jen’s latest post on Instagram was a heart-wrenching read for both her fans and fellow pet owners.
The post featured a photo of a handwritten letter she addressed to her beloved pet pooch, Pinky, who had passed away in March. It was a difficult time for Selina as Pinky was her loyal companion for 15 years.
She previously shared that her fellow S.H.E member Ella Chen gifted her a portrait of Pinky for her birthday. Upon receiving Ella’s gift, Selina was so touched that she promptly burst into tears.
In the letter she posted on November 11, Selina mentioned that her birthday, which falls on October 31, was “unbearable” for her this year.
“It's my first birthday since you left (this world). It was unbearable that everyone that I loved was there, except for you,” Selina wrote, confessing that she often looks at pictures and videos of Pinky whenever she was feeling down.
“You lived a meaningful life. You allowed me to understand that love could transcend beyond species, that love is boundless and never ceasing,” Selina wrote in her later.
She also added a number of screenshots of a conversation she had with her younger sister, Taiwanese actress Lorene Jen. In the text conversation, Lorene shared that Pinky appeared in her dreams for the first time since Pinky’s passing.
“(In the dream), so many of us went for a walk with Pinky. She seemed to have a little trouble walking, so we took turns to carry her. When I was carrying her, you helped me to take a picture of us together. She looked just like a lion’s head, but we said she resembled a sunflower instead,” Lorene shared. |
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Aug 22, 2018 · The excellent creep resistance and corrosion resistance of the Alloy 709 has made it the ideal candidate for next generation nuclear power plants. In this study, in-situ scanning electron microscope (SEM) tensile tests were conducted on Alloy 709 to establish its yield and ultimate tensile stress at various temperatures, from room temperature ASM Handbook, Volume 15, Casting (2008) - SILO.PUB498 / Principles and Practices of Shape Casting The critical velocity is close to 0.4 m/s (1.3 ft/s) for dense alloys such as irons, steels, and bronzes; it is 0.5 m/s (1.6 ft/s) for liquid aluminum alloys, and 0.6 m/s (2.0 ft/s) for liquid magnesium alloys.
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A thermo-mechanical treatment process is disclosed. A nickel-base alloy workpiece is heated in a first heating step to a temperature greater than the M 23 C 6 carbide solvus temperaNickel based alloys- Applications, corrosion resistance Corrosion Resistance. Nickel alloys are much better than from traditional stainless steels and super-austenitic iron based alloys in preventing corrosion by a wide range of acids, alkalis and salts. An excellent feature of nickel alloys is outstanding resistance to aqueous solutions comprising of
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147 | RAF Scampton is renowned as the former home of the famous World War II Dambusters 617 squadron. However, Scampton was established in 1916 during World War One.
Originally known as Brattleby, the station was created as part of the nascent air defence of the country against the Zeppelin threat and simultaneously played host to an air training element.
RAF Scampton Heritage Centre is housed in one of the original World War II hangers. Entry is free to the general public but bookings need to be made at least two weeks before the intended visit. This is to allow time to conduct appropriate security checks. Visitor numbers are limited and requested dates may be subject to change due to military operations, events and availability of Station Tour Guides. |
148 | Life in a small town can be pretty boring when everyone avoids you like the plague. But after their father unwittingly sends them to stay with an aunt who’s away on holiday, the Hardscrabble children take off on an adventure that begins in the seedy streets of London and ends in a peculiar sea village where legend has it a monstrous creature lives who is half boy and half animal. . . .
In this wickedly dark, unusual, and compelling novel, Ellen Potter masterfully tells the tale of one deliciously strange family and a secret that changes everything.
This is one of those books that I feel I can recommend with absolutely zero hesitation. It’s entertaining, fun, adorable, suspenseful…you name it. It’s a little bit of a different read for me, as most of the books I read are YA romances of some sort, but I LOVED The Kneebone Boy. It’s just one of those sublimely pleasant books that you pick up, knowing you’re going to enjoy it.
The Hardscrabble children are enchanting. They are funny, clever, brave, and at times extremely stubborn. I love different Lucia, Max, and Otto are from each other, and Ellen Potter does a masterful job of differing their characters and giving them solidly unique personalities.
And I just have to share some quotes, because this book so whimsical 🙂
First of all, the chapters have these wonderful little descriptions:
Chapter 9: In which the Harscrabbles worry about the title of this book and other things.
Chapter 11: In which there are no vampires or ghosts but you’ll like this chapter anyway.
I loved those chapter titles. They gave an idea of what was coming without giving too much away.
The narrative is so informal and entertaining:
“So we’ve come to the part of the book in which the Hardscrabbles begin to be less ordinary and more heroic. I wish it had come sooner, so you didn’t see us arguing about stupid things so much.” (167).
It was just so cute. I found myself smiling through the majority of this book.
Now, there was conflict. There was suspense and mystery, and it’s quite dark at times. I’ve only read one book in A Series of Unfortunate Events but The Kneebone Boy reminded me of that stylistically. Although it seemed happier. I was not expecting the twist at the ending. Quite clever in my opinion.
This was one of those books that you don’t necessarily feel compelled to fly through, but it’s always a pleasure to pick up and read a chapter at a time. Highly recommended.
Enter to win a hardcover copy of The Kneebone Boy!
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149 | So it’s been another busy month. It is so hard to believe it is nearly September – nearly one year since we got on a plane to bring our wonderful boy home!
We had our last post-placement interview with our social worker early this month and the completed form went to our agency last week and should be winging off to China in a few days! So, yey! Done with social workers for now. And the CCAA probably forever (somewhat sadly.)
A few weeks ago Darren’s sister Mindy and her husband and kids came out from Boston for a visit to SoCal so we headed up north one Saturday morning to visit them at Grandma and Grandpa G’s house. It was a really nice day. Alexei especially adored his cousin Kyle and Uncle Craig was pretty fun, too! He played catch with the whole family, chased feral kitties and ran up and down Grandma Sheri’s gravel pile for hours. He really seems to like all those crazy people we’re related to. LOL!
The next week we decided to take our boy to the Ventura County Fair. Mind you we have lived here now for nearly eleven years and this was the first time we made it there. Alexei wasn’t terribly thrilled by the bus ride over, maybe because it was a school bus and really noisy and cramped, but he was way excited by the fair. All the lights and people and then the animals!!!!eleventy! Man do I wish we had room for the miniature donkey he fell in love with (did I mention all animals of a certain size with four legs are now Jo-Jo?) And we learned the wonders of corn on the cob. Yummy! He got to go on his first carnival ride – a train of course – although I think he was more excited about looking at the ride than riding on it.
Then a couple weeks ago we decided we needed to take a trip down to San Diego. Now those of you who know us IRL know we don’t drive to San Diego anymore due to some curse on our cars that makes it impossible for us to go past OC. So this time we decided to take the train, figuring if THAT doesn’t get us there we can never go to San Diego again (since there is no way we’re taking a chance with a plane!) Well, thankfully the train got us there with no mishaps and Alexei enjoyed the ride (he even napped some!) Although I am still not quite sure he understood he was ON a train. He sure enjoyed looking out the windows at all of the other trains and making us walk up and down the aisle a million times. Toward the end of the trip he made friends with a little 1 year old boy and they crawled up and down the aisle for quite a while. It was too much cute!
So the original reason to go down to San Diego was to see the celebrations of the new Asian exhibits at the San Diego Zoo. We decided to spend the morning at the farmer’s market in Little Italy (a short hike from our hotel) in hopes that he would get in a normal nap and we could spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at the zoo. We had a pretty good time at the market although it is definitely more of a trendy/touristy thang – a lot more prepared items and crafts than farm fare. Still we got some good eats and wandered around enjoying the music and dancing with our boy. Unfortunately he fell asleep in the stroller on the way to lunch, slept half and hour and promptly decided that was enough nap for the day! Ah, well, we decided to head over to the zoo a little early instead.
Got to ride the bus around the zoo and see some of the exhibits we hadn’t seen before. Also got to watch the Chinese acrobat show which was worth the price of admission all by itself! Alexei enjoyed looking at some of the animals but he was more interested in climbing and swinging on stuff especially the railing at the panda exhibit. And by dinner time he had entered the Meltdown Zone. First meal out with Tantrum Boy was tough but not nearly as mortifying as it could have been since pretty much everyone else there was with small children, too.
Night time zoo is way awesome by the way, even though many of the animals have gone to bed. Alexei passed out on the walk back to the front gate then stayed asleep most of the way back to the hotel. The one downfall of taking the train down is no car. Since taxis require a car seat we ended up taking public transportation to the zoo and back again. It was fine to the zoo but the bus “home” was 45 minutes late! Ugh!
Sunday morning we got to have a much too short brunch with Auntie Vicky at a nice little cafe. Then back to the hotel to pack up and make the train home. Alexei made yet another friend on the train ride home, a little four year old girl on her way home with her grandparents from the zoo, also, which helped make the trip back a little easier – well, other than when she didn’t quite understand that Alexei needed to nap but ah well. All in all it was a nice trip though there are a few things we’ll do differently next time including just heading down to the zoo first thing and going till he is ready to sleep.
The kittens are getting big and are increasingly Alexei’s entertainment of choice. He recently learned that throwing or rolling a ball for them to chase is The Best Game Evah and he will go on doing this until the kittens are too tired to run anymore. They now have the run of the house which both Alexei and the kitties think is great. They deal with him pretty well. Sazerac is much more patient and fearless than her sister so she’s the one who’s really our boy’s buddy.
Our attachment continues to become stronger. He gives and asks for hugs and kisses, makes really good eye contact and lots of other subtle signs that things are going well in that department. He is growing and developing so fast and except for height – and some language milestones – is right where he should be for his age. We are so blessed and happy for how fortunate we have been that he came to us so obviously well-loved and cared for and that he has adjusted and thrived as well as he has.
He’s coming up on 2 this week. And we’ll be celebrating our first Family Day as well. It’s been an amazing year and I am so excited to see where this journey takes us next. |
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Veterans Eat Free at All 10 Bombshells in Texas on Nov. 11, 2021
HOUSTON—October 28, 2021—All 10 Bombshells Restaurant & Bar locations in Texas will provide free meals for veterans on Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11, 2021. Active service members and accompanying family members will receive a 20% discount.
With eight locations in Houston and one each in Dallas and Austin, the chain, which is owned by subsidiaries of RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RICK), is open 11AM to 2AM for lunch, dinner and late night.
"Bombshells has always recognized the service of those who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe," said David Simmons, Director of Restaurant Operations. "We have been honored to do so since we opened our first location in 2013."
Bombshells plans to support its appreciation for veterans with a social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
To qualify for the free offer and discount, veterans and active service members of any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces are asked to present military ID, such as U.S. Uniformed Services or Retired ID Card, Current Leave and Earnings Statement, veterans' organization card (e.g., American Legion or VFW), or military discharge (DD214). The free offer and discount are not eligible for rain checks, gift cards, or take-out. On other days of the year veterans and active service members can receive a 20% discount on meals at Bombshells.
Veterans are encouraged to bring a photo (ideally 8x10) in uniform which Bombshells plans to frame and hang on a "Wall of Honor" in each restaurant.
About Bombshells
Bombshells Restaurant & Bar is a fast-growing, military-themed casual dining chain with a focus on sports and fun. The restaurants come alive with their large, hangar-like interiors, outside patios, Bombshells Girls with military inspired uniforms, big flat screen TVs, DJs, and energetic atmosphere. Attracting singles, couples, and families, the concept does a strong lunch, dinner and late night business, featuring a scratch kitchen and an extensive food and drink menu. Visit or
Media & Investor Contacts: Gary Fishman and Steven Anreder at 212-532-3232 or [email protected] and [email protected]
© RCI Internet Services, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Rick’s Cabaret, Club Onyx, Silver City, XTC Cabaret, Foxy’s Cabaret, Hoops Cabaret, The Seville Club and Bombshells Restaurant and Bar are registered trademark of RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc. |
151 | Location: Spinelli Barracks, Mannheim, Germany, Bldg 1566, Rm 404 · Approving Officer Training: 0900-1600: 24 July, 14 Aug · ODTA 3-Day Training: 0900-1600: 21-23 July, 11-13 Aug (includes instruction on set up/re-organize an organization hierarchy in DTS) Location: Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Bldg 3200, Rm S205 · Approving Officer Training: 0900-1500: 10 July, 7 Aug Location: Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany, BLDG 3200 · ODTA 3-Day Training: 0900-1600: 14-16 July, 4-6 Aug
For DTS questions, please contact the 266th FMC DTS helpdesk. E-mail: [email protected] Kaiserslautern Helpdesk: DSN 483-6746/6747 The Bavaria Helpdesk: DSN 475-7285/8969
RM N216/217
June 12,13, 14, Normandy, Grafenwöhr, Distance Training Facility (DTF), Bldg 3144. Location: Camp July 19, 20, 26, 27 --0900-1300 Traveler training June 12, 13, 14, July 19, 20, 0830-1500: 25 June, 14 Aug · Approving Officer Training: 26, 27 --1300-1630 AO/Traveler training JulyODTA 2-Day Training: 0830-1600: 23-24 June, 12-13 Aug for DTS POCs) 10-12 --0900-1600--ODTA Training (3 day training ·
Please contact the DTS Helpdesk if interested in attending a training class, provide name, unit, telephone number and e-mail address. Travel Operations for the Army in Germany now reside with one POC. So you will now see news articles pertaining to manual travel processing in the Travel Advisor as well as DTS & GTCC news. You may hear new voices at the DTS Helpdesk. Two personnel move from the manual Central Travel branch to the DTS Branch in May and July. They both bring a wealth of travel entitlement experience with them and will greatly aid us in keeping the phones manned, while concurrently conducting training classes, which has been a challenge at time in the past. You will soon see the expanded list of choices under types of travel, with Special Categories being added with the program update later this month. While it doesn't add many types of travel that we cannot currently pay, it does add the capability of classifying them for reports purposes, etc. HOOAH to the 208th Financial Management Company Tiger Team working Finance Reintegration on the ground in Baumholder for doing a fantastic job of getting 4,000 TCS claims to us, and to the Central Travel Branch who processed them for 2nd Bde, 1AD over the last three weeks, while still keeping all normal travel business received within a 5 day turnaround!!!
Government Travel Charge Card USAREUR GTCC Program Manager can be reached at DSN: 483-6740 or by email: Email: [email protected]
Many airlines have recently modified checked baggage policies. For the most up-todate information about fee exceptions for government and military travelers, review GSA's Baggage Allowance Fact Sheet available at:
Upcoming APC classes: Bldg 1566, Spinelli Barracks, Mannheim, 0900-1200 7 July Bldg 3200, Kleber Kaserne Kaiserslautern, 0900-1200 11 August
Did you know . . .
Travelers can access destination reports using Travel Explorer (TraX), DTMO's web solution that offers a centralized source of travel information. Click on the Trip Tools feature to review loca tion reports that include travel advisories, health and safety consid erations, embassy phone numbers and weather forecasts. To access TraX, register through Passport, DTMO's web portal, at
Call or e-mail to reserve a seat!
As of May 15, 2009 domestic airlines are required to request and provide a passenger's full name as it appears on a government issued ID. While a traveler's DTS profile only allows for a middle initial at this time, TSA has indicated that "for the near future, small differences between the passenger's ID and the passenger's reservation information, such as the use of a middle initial instead of a full middle name or no middle name/initial at all, should not cause a problem for the passenger." DTS is being modified to meet these additional future requirements:
August 15, 2009 - TSA will require date of birth and gender for travelers on all domestic flights. October 31, 2009 - All international flights will require this information. Suggested Action: Update your DTS profile with your middle initial as necessary. Notification will be sent when DTS has been modified. Then, update your DTS profile to include date of birth, gender, and your full middle name if required to match your government issued ID. Review frequently asked questions about the Secure Flight Program, on the TSA's website at For an overview of the program visit:
The Defense Travel System (DTS) is in the process of being modified in order to provide travel agents with the necessary Secure Flight Personnel Data (SFPD) to comply with the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) Secure Flight Program. The Secure Flight Program prescreens passenger information against federal government watch lists for domestic and international flights. Until the modifications to DTS are made, your Commercial Travel Office (CTO) may ask you for your full middle name, gender, and date of birth. By providing this information in advance, most passengers will not experience any differences from the way they traveled before. It is important to note that the name used to issue your ticket must match the government issued identification you present at the airport. How Secure Flight Affects You Under the Secure Flight rule, commercial airline passengers will see many benefits to air travel such as enhanced security and consistent customer service. Under Secure Flight, you will also notice that airlines will request additional information from you when making a reservation to fly within, into, out of, or over the continental United States. Under the Secure Flight Final Rule, TSA will require airlines to collect and send to TSA the following information: · Full Name (required) · Date of Birth (required) · Gender (required) Passengers are only required to provide their full name, date of birth, and gender to allow TSA to perform watch list matching. TSA is not requiring you to provide other information such as passport information to aircraft operators. However, covered aircraft operators must send such information to TSA if it is provided by the passenger. Providing the optional information is beneficial to you as it helps ensure you are not misidentified as a person on a watch list. Secure Flight does NOT assign a score to individuals, use commercial data or predict behavior. After making a reservation, most passengers would not experience any differences under the Final Rule from the way they travel today. Under the Secure Flight rule, as is the case today, a passenger may be selected for additional screening at the airport, or may be deemed ineligible to fly if his or her name matches one found on a watch list. Secure Flight will strive to facilitate air travel for legitimate passengers by reducing the number of individuals who are misidentified. For those who encounter misidentification, Secure Flight will help prevent watch list name confusion by using DHS TRIP, the central processing point for redress inquiries. Requests received online will be routed for redress to the appropriate DHS components. Components will review the request and reach a determination about a traveler's status. Secure Flight will use the results of the redress process in its watch list matching process to help prevent future delays for misidentified passengers.
V O LU ME 3 , ISSUE 4 JU NE 20 09
effective when printed in the JFTR/JTR on 1 August 2009
***** Communication Services. GOV'T-owned/leased services should be used for official communications, but when GOV'T services are not available commercial communications services may be used. Prepaid communication (i.e., prepaid phone cards, cell phones) or in-flight communication services are not reimbursable unless the AO can determine they were used for official business. Computer Connections. Connections (e.g., Internet connection) used for computers to perform official GOV'T business is reimbursable when authorized/approved by the AO. In-flight computer connections are not reimbursable unless the AO can determine they were used for official business. ***** Global Positioning System (GPS) for a Rental Car. The optional Global Positioning System (GPS) for a rental car is not reimbursable unless the AO can determine it was necessary for official business. ***** X X X X
Is Your Organization's CBA Correct?
Is the Centrally Billed Account (CBA) used for your organization loaded correctly? Has your organization recently gone through a transformation? In the last few months, several travelers were unable to purchase their roundtrip airline tickets using the CBA account due to incorrect account information. To ensure your organization has the correct CBA information loaded, go to the maintenance tool under organizations. Click on "View CBA list" and search your organization. (Remember to include sub orgs).
For each organization in your hierarchy, you should have a central account number that begins with 4614 2600, representing an active Citibank CBA. For the CBA label, you should be using the Central Travel Office (CTO), located nearest to your office. For example, our office is located on Kleber Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. The CBA label for our organization is, "DA K'Town Citi".
If your organizations active CBA label begins with 4486 1600, this represents account data from Bank of America which is no longer valid. If your CBA label does not include the word "Citi" in the description, it is not a valid CTO location. If the name of your organization changed due to a recent transformation and the CBA list is blank or the incorrect CTO location is listed you will need to contact the DTS Helpdesk so we can load the correct CBA accounts for your organization. Alert! - Review Bank of America and Citi Travel Card Accounts for Misdirected Payments
It has been determined that a small number of Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) split disbursement payments were sent to the wrong bank. In a few instances, charges made on the Bank of America card were paid to Citi and charges made on the Citi card were paid to the Bank of America. Since these payments were made electronically, cardholders may be unaware of the misdirected payments. Cardholders should review their Bank of America and Citi account balances to determine if a split disbursement payment was misdirected. If a split disbursement was sent to the wrong bank, cardholders should request a refund from the bank that was erroneously paid and pay the correct bank. Only a cardholder can request a refund, and it is the cardholder's responsibility to settle all charges. Affected cardholders should also closely monitor account balances with both banks based on any revised vouchers related to the bank card transition period. MISDIRECTED CITI PAYMENTS - If a settlement payment was made on a Citi account, but it was for Bank of America charge, cardholders should request a refund from Citi. Please call Citi Customer Service at 1-800-200-7056 (outside the US, collect 757-852-9076). MISDIRECTED BANK OF AMERICA PAYMENTS - If a credit remains on a Bank of America account, but it should have been applied toward Citi charges, cardholders should request a refund from Bank of America Customer Service at 1-800-472-1424. If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact your GTCC Agency Program Coordinator or the Travel Assistance Center at 1-888-Help1Go.
GTCC Information you should know. New GTCC e-mail address. Effective with this Newsletter please send all inquires to the new address: [email protected] New Policies, Procedures, and Responsibilities for the Army Travel Charge Card Program. Commanders, Please be aware of the Policies. There are new changes effective 14 May 2009. All AOPC's have the information. Training: If you are a new APC or not had the training within the past 6 months please contact your APC POC they can sign you up for the next available class. Please ensure all GTCC cards have been activated prior to traveling. It has been mentioned that the card holder's trying to procure airline tickets through SATO for official travel were not approved because their Citibank card was not activated. All APCs must verify the cardholder's account has been activated for use prior to any official travel.
Good news for travelers PCSing
Effective 10 June 2009 the Citibank Government Credit Card can now be used for Official PCS travel. The card holder must be enrolled in the GTCC program as well as have no past due amount's outstanding on the GTCC. For more information contact your APC at the unit level.
Use of the travel card is mandated by the Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998. DoD utilizes a central policy approach by including Travel Charge Card guidance in the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 9, Chapter 3
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller's Memorandum of February 18, 2000, to the Military Departments and Policy Statement can be found at:
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152 | Good post. I learn something tougher on different blogs everyday. It'll at all times be stimulating to learn content from other writers and observe somewhat one thing from their store. I’d choose to use some with the content on my blog whether or not you don’t mind. Natually I’ll offer you a link in your internet blog. Thanks for sharing. |
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154 | This 35 rounds gas magazine is designed to work with the TOKYO MARUI HOWA TYPE 89 Gas Blowback rifle. The design is that of the standard M4/AR magazine and will fit most/all standard 5.56 style magazine carriers and putches. |
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156 | Go to . . . TREASURES PAST: Highlights Sold HISTORICAL ARCHIVE: Recess Time! MORMON PARALLELS: Precursors to Mormonism 116: Novel in (slow!) Progress
A quiet place to explore interesting things from the past, uncovered off the beaten path. It is always exciting to discover the rare, the unique and the unforeseen.
TREASURES PAST reviews some of the highlights I have sold over the last two decades.
The HISTORICAL ARCHIVE will share unusual information, pictures, and sounds which I have encountered and preserved while hunting for early papers and publications.
MORMON PARALLELS are a special area of research interest which I have pursued for some twenty years. Much broader and more detailed than most Latter-day Saints might suspect! Here are a few examples.
116, my Mormon collectors' mystery novel, is now finished and in final editing (March 2012). The early chapters, which were originally linked here, are now revised and no longer available on the website.
Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here.
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
— Robert Frost, From Snow to Snow (New York: Henry Holt & Company, [1936]), poem for December, page 20. Scene in my back yard, February, 2001. Mushroom picture further above taken between the yard and the main creek, August, 2000. |
157 | Our goal is to provide you with industry leading products, expertly trained staff and unparalleled customer service. |
158 | Mary Lou New, 57, of Kenova, WV. passed away Tuesday, May 26, 2020 in St. Mary’s Medical Center. Graveside services will be conducted 1:30 P.M. Friday, May 29, 2020 at Dock’s Creek Cemetery. She was born January 31, 1963 in Huntington, WV., daughter of the late Alfred Clinton and Mary Bertha Thompson Moore. Survivors include her husband Eddie New; brother Elvis Moore (Ayumi); two nieces Mai and Hanna; great-niece Adyson and her Great Dane, Trouble. Friends may call from noon to 1:00 P.M., Friday, May 29, 2020 at Rollins Funeral Home in Kenova. Online condolences may be expressed at
One Reply to “New, Mary L”
Delores and Donny Spears says:
May 29, 2020 at 8:14 pm
Please know that Don and I are praying for all who loved Mary and send our love and deepest sympathy.
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All flowers, sympathy plants and fruit baskets ordered by the Sympathy Store are hand delivered by a local florist. These items are available for same-day delivery if ordered on a weekday by 2pm or on Saturday by 12pm.
Notice to our site visitors:
Due to a data loss with a previous site host online obituaries prior to April 16, 2018 are unavailable online at this time. |
159 | Note: Routefriend is not affiliated with GotoBus. We strive for accuracy but we are not the official source. |
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Conference Summary
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2014 Papers
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The 2014 Conference
The 4th International Safer Roads Conference took place from 18-21 May, 2014, in Cheltenham and was a great success.
It was particularly so for the quality of the papers presented from nine different countries and for helping break down the divisions between the agencies and specialisms involved in creating and maintaining road networks.
The Conference programme included papers by the police, medical doctors, traffic safety professionals and highway maintenance and asset management engineers; a truly significant cross section of those involved in producing safer roads.
The keynote speakers from Holland, New Zealand, UK and USA were inspirational:
Questioning complacency generated by reducing headline accidents rates while masking increases in deaths and serious injuries to the most vulnerable;
Questioning our attitudes to road safety and explaining that:
People make mistakes and so achieving safer roads needs everyone to be involved;
People are vulnerable and our bodies have limited ability to withstand crash forces without being killed or seriously injured;
Responsibility needs to be shared - system designers and those who use the roads must jointly create a road system where crash forces do not cause death or serious injury.
Explaining the developments that will occur in the immediate future through the use of technology in the car and how this will reduce the risks we face when driving. However, it will also produce ethical issues, such as increasingly having a rich middle aged class driving safe cars, while the young and disadvantaged, will be driving the least safe, which are associated with the highest risk of death and serious injury when involved in an accident;
Presenting examples of best practice in maintaining high standards of road safety within highway maintenance asset management plans.
The Conference is unique in being almost entirely electronic; delegates already have access to the papers and presentations and these will be available, free of charge, to everyone from the end of June, on the Conference web-site. The papers and presentations for the three earlier conferences are also accessible.
The 5th Safer Roads Conference will be held in New Zealand in 2017 and those interested will shortly be able to register for future updates on the Conference website.
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2014 Safer Roads Conference Report
Conference Summary
Keynote Speakers
Conference Papers
superior singing method venus factor the venus factor venus factor the venus factor superior singing method eat stop eat cruise control diet |
161 | The dream... to live on a boat and explore the world. It may be slow, it may be hot, but this little boat can take us anywhere we want to go. A bucket list check, we’ve sailed to our nation’s capital. 39 days ago and a thousand miles or so we left Stuart, Fl. Emily wanted to sail to DC instead of the Bahamas, and so we sailed to DC, meeting amazing people and seeing beautiful places along the way. We are moored in the heart of the city, just around from the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument in our back yard. We can explore all day and come home to our own beds at night. I do have a feeling I’ll need a secluded anchorage at the end of the week! The bucket list only grows. Perhaps one day we’ll sail to New York Harbor, and we can’t wait to get to the Bahamas, and who knows where the wind will take us after that.
How a white fluffy dog does DC! I’m not really a crazy dog lady, but he doesn’t like being left alone on the boat, so he gets to ride along in a backpack.
Farewell DC. On to new adventures!
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162 | Online Cremation in Calgary is a company that specializes in Nonclassifiable Establishments. Our records show it was established in Alberta. |
163 | Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended. |
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SOX - Sarbanes Oxley Forum Topics
Sarbanes-Oxley: IT Issues
CAS technologies and Sarbanes-Oxley... 1475
CAS technologies and Sarbanes-Oxley... 1475
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CAStech last edited by
Has anyone heard of or had experience with CAS storage technologies? If so, does this new category of technology meet your compliance requirements with regards to Sarbanes-Oxley? CAS is a new category of automated networked storage established to store large volumes of fixed content over extended periods of time. Unlike NAS that is designed to facilitate collaboration and file sharing or SAN that focuses on performance, CAS is specifically designed for fixed content which might have a significantly extended life-cycle compared to transactional data.
Just looking to hear some of your experiences first hand…
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Chhaava last edited by
If it is a business contingency tool (sounds like), then it does not have SOX implication. If you are using the tool for automated back-up and restoration, then it may have a SOX implication.
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harrywaldron last edited by
The new Content Addressed Storage (CAS) systems won’t be specifically named in SOX compliancy guidelines. However as part of the SOX 404 standards, the Information Technology area must adhere to best practices and sound security controls to protect the companies information resources. A company may or may not have SOX compliancy requirements.
More specifically with CAS files, you would want the best practices in security to ensure sensitive financial records cannot be accessed or altered outside prescribed controls. As CAS based systems may be more suitable for long-term archiving of data, they may or may not SOX compliancy requirements (e.g., the latest financial results may be other storage systems). Still, it’s beneficial to look for indirect relationships and the always implement the best levels of security possible.
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milan last edited by
New data storage technologies or processes may or may not impact SOX compliance requirements. In short, regulations that may impact data storage and retention have common requirements:
Generally, the requirements provide for tighter control of record retention and disposition:
Content must be retained for defined periods
Content cannot be modified
Content cannot be deleted
Must be accessible in a reasonable timeframe
As long as these basic requirements are achieved to the extent appropriate for your business, the choice of the data storage technology employed is irrelevant. And as was previously noted in an earlier posting, Business Continuity (BC) is specifically not relevant for SOX compliance purposes. |
165 | Alfons Mucha, painter, graphic artist and decorator, created photographical sketches during his stay in Russia, gathering from them inspiration for his Slavonic epopee. |
166 | Note: This genus is now accepted as a synonym of Calamagrostis Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 31. (1763) and the combinations above need redirecting.
Host, N.T. 1809. Icones et Descriptiones Graminum Austriacorum 4: 24.
Govaerts, R. et al. 2021. Ammophila in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2021 Oct. 27. Reference page.
Simon, B.K., Clayton, W.D., Harman, K.T., Vorontsova, M., Brake, I., Healy, D. & Alfonso, Y. 2013. GrassWorld, (Poaceae) Ammophila (Poaceae). Published on the internet. Accessed: 2013 Oct. 27. 2013. Ammophila. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2013 Oct. 27.
International Plant Names Index. 2013. Ammophila. Published online. Accessed: 27 Oct. 2013.
USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Ammophila (Poaceae) in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 2019. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Taxon: Ammophila (Poaceae).
Vernacular names
English: Marram Grass, Bent, Beach Grass
suomi: Rantakaurat
Nordfriisk: Halem
français: Ammophiles
Türkçe: Kum otu, Kum yulafı
Ammophila (synonymous with Psamma P. Beauv.) is a genus of flowering plants consisting of two or three very similar species of grasses. The common names for these grasses include marram grass, bent grass, and beachgrass.[2] These grasses are found almost exclusively on the first line of coastal sand dunes. Their extensive systems of creeping underground stems or rhizomes allow them to thrive under conditions of shifting sands and high winds, and to help stabilize and prevent coastal erosion. Ammophila species are native to the coasts of the North Atlantic Ocean where they are usually the dominant species on sand dunes. Their native range includes few inland regions, with the Great Lakes of North America being the main exception.[3] The genus name Ammophila originates from the Greek words ἄμμος (ámmos), meaning "sand", and φίλος (philos), meaning "friend".
The Ammophila grasses are widely known as examples of xerophytes, plants that can withstand dry conditions. Despite their occurrence on seacoasts, Ammophila grasses are not particularly tolerant of saline soils; they can tolerate a salinity of about 15 g/l (1.5%), which makes them "moderate halophytes".[4]
Ammophila builds coastal sand dunes and thus stabilizes the sand. For this reason, the plants are seen as a useful means of reinforcing sand dunes around the world, and have been introduced far from their native range. Alfred Wiedemann writes that Ammophila arenaria, the European species, "has been introduced into virtually every British colonial settlement within its latitudinal tolerance range, including southeast and southwest Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Falkland Islands, and Norfolk Island and has been reported from Argentina and Chile."[5] Ammophila species were introduced in the late 19th century on the Pacific coast of North America as well, and massive, intentional plantings were continued at least through 1960. In essentially all of the locations where they have been introduced, Ammophila plants are now listed as invasive, and costly efforts are underway to eradicate them.[citation needed]
Only two species seem incontrovertible: A. arenaria and A. breviligulata. Two other species have been proposed, and are discussed below.
A. arenaria - European marram grass or European beachgrass. Native to coasts of Europe (north to Iceland) and northwest Africa. Inflorescence to 25 cm long; broad.
A. baltica - Purple marram. A. baltica has now been identified as a hybrid between A. arenaria and Calamagrostis epigejos. The hybrid occurs in parts of northern Europe, mainly from the Baltic Sea west to eastern England, and is known as × Ammocalamagrostis baltica or × Calammophila baltica.[6]
A. breviligulata - American marram grass or American beachgrass. Native to coasts of eastern North America, including the shores of the Great Lakes. Inflorescence to 30 cm long; narrower than A. arenaria.
A. champlainensis or A. breviligulata ssp. champlainensis - Champlain beachgrass. Native to shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain. Inflorescence to 22 cm long; very similar to A. breviligulata, and no longer considered a distinct species by several authorities.[7][8][9]
In Europe, Ammophila arenaria has a coastal distribution, and is the dominant species on sand dunes where it is responsible for stabilising and building the foredune by capturing blown sand and binding it together with the warp and weft of its tough, fibrous rhizome system. Marram grass is strongly associated with two coastal plant community types in the British National Vegetation Classification. In community SD6 (Mobile dune) Ammophila is the dominant species. In the semi-fixed dunes (community SD7), where the quantity of blown sand is declining Ammophila becomes less competitive, and other species, notably Festuca rubra (red fescue) become prominent.
The ability of marram grass to grow on and bind sand makes it a useful plant in the stabilization of coastal dunes and artificial defences on sandy coasts. The usefulness was recognized in the late 18th century.[10][11] On the North Sea coast of Jutland, Denmark, marram grass was traditionally much used for fuel, thatch, cattle fodder (after frost) etc. The use led to sand drift and loss of arable land. Hence, legislation promoting dune stabilization came into force in 1779 and 1792, successively leading to a system of state-supported dune planters overlooked by dune bailiffs. Marram grass was – and still is – propagated by root and shoot cuttings dug up locally and planted into the naked sand in periods of relatively calm and moist weather.
Women from the village of Newborough, Anglesey, Wales once used marram grass in the manufacture of mats, haystack covers and brushes for whitewashing.
Marram grass has been widely used for thatch in many areas of the British Isles close to the sea. The harvesting of marram grass for thatch was so widespread during the 17th century that it had the effect of destabilizing dunes, resulting in the burial of many villages, estates and farms. In 1695 the practice was banned by an Act of the Scottish Parliament:[12]
Considering that many lands, meadowes and pasturages lying on sea coasts have been ruined and overspread in many places in this kingdom by sand driven from adjacent sand hills .... His Majesty does strictly prohibit and discharge the pulling of bent, broom or juniper off the sand hills for hereafter.
A single leaf of marram grass, showing the rolled leaf which reduces water loss
Like other xerophytes, marram grass is well adapted to its surroundings in order to thrive in an otherwise harsh environment. The natural loss of water through transpiration is not desirable in a very dry landscape, and marram grass has developed particular adaptations to help it deal with this. Sandy conditions drain water quickly, and very windy conditions will further increase rates of transpiration.
Marram grass has a rolled leaf that creates a localized environment of water vapour concentration within the leaf, and helps to prevent water loss. The stomata sit in small pits within the curls of the structure, which make them less likely to open and to lose water. The folded leaves have hairs on the inside to slow or stop air movement, much like many other xerophytes (though these are typically found on the outside of the plant, but in marram grass they are also within the leaf as this has now become a structure with more volume). This slowing of air movement once again reduces the amount of water vapour being lost. A waxy cuticle on the leaf surface also prevents evaporation.
See also
List of Poaceae genera
"Species in GRIN for genus". Archived from the original on 2008-10-11. Retrieved 2008-04-24.
"Ammophila". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 19 September 2008.
Preston, C. D.; Pearman, D. A.; Dines, T. D. (2002). New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-851067-3.
"Comprehensive Report Species - Ammophila arenaria". NatureServe. Retrieved 2008-09-28.
Wiedemann, Alfred (1998-02-12). "Ammophila arenaria on the northwest coast of North America". Botanical Electronic News - BEN #183. Archived from the original on 27 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-19.
"Calamagrostis epigejos x Ammophila arenaria = X Calammophila baltica (Flüggé ex Schrad.) Brand". National Biodiversity Network (UK).
"Ammophila champlainensis". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 6 September 2008.
The identification of Champlain beachgrass as a species that is distinct from A. breviligulata is still under investigation, and some authors consider Champlain beachgrass to be a subspecies A. breviligulata ssp. champlainensis (Seymour) P.J. Walker, C.A. Paris & Barrington ex Barkworth. Recent work on morphological differences between varying populations assigned to A. breviligulata and to A. champlainensis do not support the assignment of a distinct species for the latter specimens, despite significant differences. See Delisle-Oldham, M. B.; Oldham, M. J.; Catling, P. M. (2008). "Taxonomic Recognition of Ammophila champlainensis and Morphological Variation in Northeastern North American Ammophila (Poaceae)". Rhodora. 110 (942): 129–156. doi:10.3119/07-07.1. S2CID 86593875. Retrieved 2008-09-21.
"Champlain Beachgrass Guide". New York Natural Heritage Program. Retrieved 2008-09-27.
Viborg, E. (1788) Efterretning om Sandvexterne og deres Anvendelse til at dæmpe Sandflugten paa Vesterkanten af Jylland. København. Full text (in Danish)(Subsequent German translation: Beschreibung der Sandgewächse und ihrer Anwendung zur Hemmung des Flugsandes auf der Küste von Jütland etc. Viborg, Erich Aus dem Dänischen von J. Petersen. Kopenhagen, 1789)
Andresen, C. C. 1861. Om Klitformationen og Klittens Behandling og Bestyrelse. - P.G. Philipsens Forlag. Full text (in Danish)
Gimingham, C. H. (1964). "Maritime and sub-maritime communities". In Burnett, J. H. (ed.). The Vegetation of Scotland. Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd. pp. 67–142. |
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On the benefits of total separation from our ex partners
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08-09-2018, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2018, 09:40 AM by Tamagoto.)
Over the last 18 months of picking myself up from a quite calamitous break up, and subsequently speaking to hundreds of people here and local friends in similar situations, I can honestly say the thing that will help you keep your sanity the most is an almost total physical, legal and emotional separation from your ex partner.
Yes, you have children, yes you still need to parent and communicate. But you don’t need to do anything else and if you want to really heal, being away from that ex is the way to do it, regardless of what feelings you may still have.
This means:
Not being facebook friends. In fact, it means blocking them so they can’t stalk you. The same goes for all social media
Not having any financial links, no shared bank accounts, credit cards, bills or savings
Having a written agreement (legally binding or not) with regard to child care, financial support, living arrangements
Not speaking to each other for any reason other than the children, and keeping that to a minimum required to keep them safe and happy
Not engaging at all with unreasonable demands or questions. Things like “Don’t take my kids there”, “Don’t let my kids meet XX”, “Don’t do this, don’t do that”. Just flat out ignore these, you are not endangering your children, you get to choose what they do on their time with you
Not respond to anything other than a genuine emergency (serious illness of the children) faster than 24 hours
Essentially having everything already decided in advance so you keep communication to a minimum
Get rid of everything you can that you bought together. Sell it, get something new or second hand to replace it. I really mean everything, plates, mugs, cups, cutlery, sofa, bed, the lot
Get rid of any photographs or mementos you bought each other, old love letters, marriage photographs
If you have any of their stuff they still want but you're being used as cheap storage, box it all up at least and seal it. put it behind the sofa or in the back room. Better still, get it out the house somehow.
Let the kids keep a picture of your ex in their room, but lose every other image of them from your home or devices
Change their name in your phone to "Children mother" or similar.
Refer to your ex as "The children mum" or "their mum", not My ex, or 'Sandra'
Arrange drop offs and hand overs through a third party / at school
I had a great deal of trouble doing this, then, because my ex was trying to get legal aid, a legal thing ended with there being a restraining order against me for 12 months and I couldn’t speak to her. This was a huge gift to me it turns out. Any time I wanted to send an angry text, every time she wanted to wind me up about something, it couldn’t happen.
Time and time again I read here about guys being pulled around by the heart strings, their penis or just out of habit of supporting someone emotionally and financially, unable to move on with their lives and truly become their own person.
Quick example, one woman I’ve seen for a few dates, she’s divorced, after 20 years, but they have a key to each others house, share a bank account and borrow each others cars as well as leaning on each other hugely for emotional support. Other than not having sex, what’s the damned difference after separating?
Be brief, polite & businesslike in all of your communication, you can set the tone for how things should be, they can be as angry or fast as they like, if you remain consistent it will bring their communication inline with yours.
Couple of good resources:
"The life changing magic of tidying up"
"The Minimalists" - (watch their documentary on Netflix, read their books)
This is all about momentum. Start with one thing on day 1 if you need to, 2 things on day 2, 3 on the third etc. Keep going until there is nothing in your life but things you believe to be useful or beautiful. Make sure they bring you joy.
Any thoughts or improvements to this? I'll update it as a guide if it's useful
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08-09-2018, 07:32 PM
I think that’s a pretty good summary of how best to do things. The difficulty is of course that pulling away and fully separating as far as possible, especially for those people who didn’t instigate the separation, can emotionally be very difficult. But as with any relationship, you have to discipline yourself to accept when it’s over and keep your distance to allow you to move on properly.
I would add to the list the need to recognise that the relationship you now have with your ex is now only as someone who is the other parent of your child, and everything must be seen in those terms. Change their contact details on your phone so instead of their name it now says “Xxx’s mother”.
Mr Sandman
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08-10-2018, 11:07 AM
Tomato: I couldn't agree more, my first relationship post separation was scuppered because I was too close to my then STBXW, she had a key, I used her car on occasion, we met for tea etc. I was trying to cushion the blow for her but it was a foothold for me into something more stable than being all alone.
After that I had the 'Purge'...
Her remaining clothes and possessions removed, keys taken off her (I'm in the old family home), every ornament she bought, bedding and some furniture removed or changed, every single photograph of her removed, every file, letter and keepsake removed. The computer was purged of digital photographs (loaded onto a hard drive for my daughter, sealed and put in a safe), about five photos of my ex with my mum and grandma I kept as I have few photos of them, I keep them in a sealed red envelope that says 'photo of family members with ex wife on them'. Divorce pursued and completed, clean break done, facebook blocked. Now about to change her phone ID to XXXX's mum!!
All accounts severed, even the pet insurance. I had to threaten her with an NMO at one point and even now she suggests going to the theatre or for a meal, I still sometimes give her too much voice in the affairs of my daughter and it is a struggle to keep them out sometimes.
It is important that the clean break is emotional, as well as financial...
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08-11-2018, 07:12 AM
Absolutely true and heres why
In my early twenties I got engaged to the love of my life, we were kids and living it up so it was never going anywhere but hey, we were kids. It ended badly, she slept with her boss, we argued for 6 months and then I left. I saw her 3 years later and we greeted like old long lost friends, couldnt talk fast enough about our families, jobs, relationships. It was amazing and we still have a yearly text to catch up.
I split from my current ex about 3 years ago and because we are still in each others lives [because of daughter] things have just gone from bad to worse. I truly believe we'd be amicable now.
People who stay friends with their ex are Psychopaths, its true I read it on the internet.
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08-11-2018, 07:03 PM
Mr Sandman. You posted, "Her remaining clothes and possessions removed ..." Might seem a dumb question. I'm in the family home and there's still a lot of her stuff in drawers and cupboards. What did you do to 'remove' the stuff? Insist she collected it? Dump it?
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08-11-2018, 08:16 PM
The least you can do with all her stuff is box it all up and seal it. Next best is putting those boxes in storage. Even better is delivering them to her family. Best is delivering to her.
Get it all out.
I even changed the cutlery and mugs.
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08-12-2018, 12:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2018, 06:21 PM by Jim.)
Hi Tam. Thanks. It seems almost an act of spite or despair but I think I'm at that point.
LATER. Made a start. Moved a large proportion of the stuff into a cupboard in one room. The trouble is it's not just 'hers' it's a kind of ours because of all the memories. It's a previous life that looking back starts to look like a dream or another world.
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08-13-2018, 12:44 AM
Very good advice right there. If it was up to me i would never see my ex let alone have to have any contact with her as she and her boyfriend are just toxic.
However the fact we have 2 children means that it is impossible. She is Jekyll and Hyde depending on if she wants something or if her BF is home from offshore. Almost immediately i found it easy to deal with which maybe says a lot about the marriage and where it was at that stage and she would often be foul and abusive to me. Even to the point of one day throwing a punch and a headbutt before spitting at me. The best thing i found was to smile, lap it up and be nice as it seemed to annoy her even more.
The kids are the most important thing in any separation. One thing that did and still does help is to have an output for any hassle and/or ex related stress. Mine is martial arts and running as it is was a time to switch off and allow myself to come back down which works for me.
So on top of the advice above i would add that you need to find an output to settle and calm you and vent your frustration however you do that is up to you but it is definitely worth doing as it saves any arguments. After all, even if you ex wants to argue she will soon get bored when you don't argue back or even reply to any messages provoking and attack.
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08-13-2018, 08:29 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 08:39 AM by beehive84.)
The financial side is one of the biggest advantages longer term for your own mental health. I'll never tolerate another womans frivolous spending ever again. You want it, you go pay for it.
My personality is one of someone who could live like a beach bum and save up. Its the rampant consumerist keeping up with the Jones I can't stand especially on cars and kids.
Some of the best self made individuals I've met in my life grew up with nothing.
A lot of women seem to think paying for everything and giving everything to your children makes the child appreciate them. It has the opposite effect from what I've seen. They just end up having entitled, unappreciative children when they are older who don't value anything.
Mr Sandman
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08-13-2018, 11:39 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 11:47 AM by Mr Sandman.)
(08-11-2018, 08:16 PM)Tamagoto Wrote: The least you can do with all her stuff is box it all up and seal it. Next best is putting those boxes in storage. Even better is delivering them to her family. Best is delivering to her.
Get it all out.
I even changed the cutlery and mugs.
That's proper bad ass separation skills right there - even I didn't think of that - granted my stuff is just plain white stuff from IKEA. Also - you will need to do regular sweeps right? Even yesterday I was sorting the old tech drawer out and ended up with a bag of crap to leave in the garage for her, including her old notepad who, my 15 YO daughter informed me 'that's what mummy used to look at porn on, older man porn'.....
(08-12-2018, 12:22 PM)Jim Wrote: Hi Tam. Thanks. It seems almost an act of spite or despair but I think I'm at that point.
LATER. Made a start. Moved a large proportion of the stuff into a cupboard in one room. The trouble is it's not just 'hers' it's a kind of ours because of all the memories. It's a previous life that looking back starts to look like a dream or another world.
Jim - Sorry, but for you there is no more 'ours', it's over!
Anything that is hers is her property, just box it up, seal it and put it in the garage for her to collect, or drop it off somewhere for her. If its joint stuff, think photos, wedding albums, keepsakes from trips away then its now valueless tat, its emotional as hell to stick it in a box, but once its done its done and you can tell her to either collect it for her to pour over or take it to the dump. You will feel better for it.
That old world, that other world doesn't exist any more and is holding you back.
Imagine the shock of my first proper girlfriend after my wife and I split, when she came back to my house and on the third or fourth visit realised 'my' house was full of my exes stuff, she said to me it doesn't feel like you've separated.... |
171 | Definition, Synonyms, Translations of krypto- by The Free Dictionary Its name comes from the Greek kryptos, meaning 'hidden.' Chris Smith. This also means it has 8 valence electrons. 1898, in the meaning defined above. Krypton was discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and his student Morris Travers in the residue left after liquid air had nearly boiled away. ‘Sometimes a mixture of krypton and argon are used instead of the mercury.’ ‘Other gasses - such as argon and krypton - can be used in the space between the glass panes instead of air.’ ‘They attributed those lines to the presence of three new elements, which they named neon, krypton, and xenon.’ Krypton's Background Information. Krypton is named after the Greek word that means “secret.” Which explains why krypton was most likely given this name? Krypton is a member of the noble gas family (abundance 1.1 × 10-3 %). Krypton is used as a filling gas for energy-saving fluorescent lights and as an inert filling gas in incandescent bulbs. Krypton is a noble gas which means it does not react with many other elements. Krypton's symbol on the periodic table is Kr and its name derives from the Greek word "kryptos" meaning hidden. The All served as links to colonists on hundreds of different worlds by imprinting the memories and goals of each colonist that it came in contact with. The metre used to be defined as 1,650,763.73 wavelengths in a vacuum of krypton gas. Atomic number 36 ... Greek krupton neuter of kruptos hidden (from its rarity) from kruptein to hide. But in real life krypton is an element on the periodic table. Before you dive in, it's worth noting here that Kryptonian is its own language, and has its own rules about language structure. Krypton is also a noble gas which means it can be found at the end of the periodic table. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas that occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps.With rare exceptions, krypton is chemically inert. It is often a suffiix in angelic names (such as “Gabriel”, which means “God's strength”, or “Michael”, which means “who is like God”). ‘Sometimes a mixture of krypton and argon are used instead of the mercury.’ ‘Other gasses - such as argon and krypton - can be used in the space between the glass panes instead of air.’ ‘They attributed those lines to the presence of three new elements, which they named neon, krypton, and xenon.’ Kryptos is a sculpture by the American artist Jim Sanborn located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia.Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the four encrypted messages it bears. Origin of name: from the Greek word "kryptos" meaning "hidden". It was discovered by the English chemist Morris W. Travers while working with William Ramsey in London in 1898. The radioactive gas krypton is used in the production of nuclear reactors. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas that occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps.With rare exceptions, krypton is chemically inert. It was discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers during their experiments with liquid air, air that has been liquefied by cooling. Examples translated by humans: Κρυπτό, Πρωτόνιο. 83 ... What's left, then, is the joy of finding what is hidden, a fact reflected in the very name of this element, Krypton, taken from "krypto", Greek for hidden. Atomic number 36; atomic weight 83.80; melting point −157.36°C; boiling point −153.34°C; density 3.733 grams per liter (0°C). What does krypton mean? The ground state electronic configuration of neutral krypton is [Ar].3d 10.4s 2.4p 6 and the term symbol of krypton is 1 S 0.. Krypton: description Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element. Contextual translation of "krypton" into Greek. Krypton atoms have 36 electrons and the shell structure is Because of this, Krypton doesn't typically bond with other elements as much as the Alkali Metals or Other Non Metals. Krypton definition is ... First Known Use of krypton. Krypton Fluoride lasers are used in the production of semiconductor integrated circuits, industrial micromachining, and scientific research, meaning they are extremely powerful and can puncture many metals and other hard objects. The name is derived from the Greek 'kryptos', meaning hidden. Keep scrolling for more . It is used in fluorescent lamps, flashbulbs, and as a wavelength standard. However, the inert quality of these gases was disproved when Xenon compounds were created in 1962 and a Krypton compound (KrF2) was synthesized successfully a year later. When they discovered the element Argon, they figured other elements could be found in Argon. Explore Urdupoint dictionary to find out more meanings, definitions, synonyms and antonyms of the word Krypton. Krypton was discovered on May 30, 1898 by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist, while studying liquefied air. It is clear and has no taste or smell. Krypton (from Ancient Greek: κρυπτός, romanized: kryptos 'the hidden one') is a chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. The dictionary here should be used as a tool to help understanding or learning Kryptonian. Krypton derived its name from the Greek kryptos, meaning 'hidden' Krypton Presence: Abundance in Nature and Around Us. krypton (n.) inert gaseous element, 1898, coined by its discoverers (Sir William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers) from Greek krypton, neuter of adjective kryptos "hidden" (see crypt); so called because it remained undiscovered for so long and was so difficult to find.Scientific American (July 9, 1898) announced it as "the discovery of yet another element." This proved that this group of gases is … Allotropes Kr Krypton 36. Learn More about krypton. what is the meaning of the name of each of the inert gases? It is used in... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Contextual translation of "krypton" from Afrikaans into Greek. The name Krypton is derived from the Greek word "kryptos", meaning "hidden". There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Krypton in Urdu is کرپٹون, and in roman we write it Karaptoon. Krypton, chemical symbol Kr and atomic number 36 - is a mostly unreactive noble gas, discovered in 1898 by William Ramsay, who also found helium and argon. need sources please? The element Krypton's name derived from the Greek term, Kryptos, meaning hidden/secret/covered. A colorless, ... Krypton meaning. The relative abundance of krypton versus hydrogen can be used by astronomers to measure how much nucleosynthesis (element formation) has taken place in … Krypton Meaning in Hindi is Kripṭan क्रिप्टन. The word “El” means and is one of the names for “God”. Krypton was discovered by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers. Krypton is a halogen, so it is a secret element because it is always part of a compound and is difficult to find by itself. It has a concentration of … The name kypton comes from the Greek word kryptos meaning hidden. Human translations with examples: κρυπτό, Κρυπτό, κρυπτόν85, Κάλιο Κρυπτό, Î ÎÏ Î±Î»Î»Î±, έκλυση κρυπτού85. Krypton definition: Krypton is an element that is found in the air in the form of a gas . The atmosphere is only about one millionth part krypton. Krypton Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Krypton in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. The name "Krypton" comes from the Greek word "Kryptos", meaning "The hidden one". Share krypton. Greek, neuter of kryptos hidden — more at crypt. The following is a glossary of terms related to the fictional planet Krypton, the birthplace of Superman: All, The (Post-Crisis) — A collection of artifacts created by the Cleric's people. The table below shows the abundance of Krypton in Universe, Sun, Meteorites, Earth's Crust, Oceans and Human Body. krypton: A colorless, largely inert gaseous element used chiefly in gas discharge lamps and fluorescent lamps. Krypton (from Ancient Greek: κρυπτός, romanized: kryptos 'the hidden one') is a chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. Dictionary. And nothing to do with a SuperDog. It is atomic number 36. Krypton is a noble gas, meaning it does not usually react to other gasses. krĭp'tŏn' Filters A colorless, largely inert gaseous element used chiefly in gas discharge lamps and fluorescent lamps. cross-reference : Periodic Table . Its name comes from the Greek word kryptos , meaning hidden. For the naming of krypton, Ramsay suggested using the Ancient Greek adjective kruptos (κρυπτός), meaning “hidden, secret, secluded” (as in cryptology). Krypton (from the Greek word kryptos, meaning "hidden"), is the second heaviest of the noble gases. History and Etymology for krypton.
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Forum Atla -- Forum Seç -- Genel Nasıl Yönetici Seçilmeli? Yönetim Kararları Alternatif Tıp neden terçih ediliyor? Ne tür bir rahatsızlığınız var? Güncel Haberler Tecrübe ettiğiniz ilaçları bu bölümde paylaşın Saç Sorunları Aşırı Terleme Cilt Sorunları Ve Bakımı İstenmeyen Tüyler Zayıflama Bitkisel Tedavi Kitapları Meyve ve sularının faydaları Bitki Çayları ve Faydaları Bilinçli Hipnoz Bilinçsiz Hipnoz |
173 | ? Consult for everything Rugby in Florida? To watch Rugby internationals in Florida,? go to the PUBS page on this website. Then call a pub to ask if they show it—many do!???????? RUGBY?FACT:?? ?THET FIRST INTERNATIONAL?RUGBY?FIXTURE WAS BETWEEN?ENGLAND?AND?SCOTLAND?IN 1871. The English team was composed mainly of Lancastrians—people who live in Lancashire–who adopted their county’s emblem, the red rose. That’s why?England‘s rugby team have the rose on their shirts today. ?Most other sports in?England?use three lions.
? ?RUGBY WORLD CUP. See details about the next one on? ? ? ?
? ??TO WATCH?RUGBY?INTERNATIONALS LIVE ON TV IN?FLORIDA, just phone [NOT Email!!] the British and Irish pubs near you. They are listed on the PUBS page on this website.? Many of them show the matches.? They will know where you should go.?
??? MIAMI….The long-established and prominent Miami Tridents Rugby Club has British Players, supporters and a British coach but players are of several nationalities. ?Call British coach Mike Toms [305] 989-5665 or for club events and details or Mike Kress [201] 456 8713.? See
?? ?MIAMI RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB:? Florida’s oldest and most successful team. Want to play rugby in Miami? Contact British Head Coach Bill Clements via email? call [786] 239-5912 and ask for partially British general manager Rick Comisky.? [See more Miami clubs below…]?
?? ??WESTON [northwest of Miami]. The Okapi Wanderers Rugby Club, established in 2014. This local Weston club has over 250 registered players who love rugby,? from youth (U9 to old boys). They would “love to continue teaching everyone the lovely sport of rugby.”? Some British coaches and players involved.? For info see website ? Or call British coach Gavin Mcleary on [305] 340-7113
? FT. LAUDERDALE JESTERS TOUCH RUGBY CLUB…….players and supporters welcome. For matches and full details look at
website? ?
? JACKSONVILLE AXEMAN are a major Rugby team which organises year-round events with teams from the UK. ?DETAILS: ? To get involved in any way, contact Spinner Howland?of the Jacksonville Axemen Rugby Club.? Tel. [904] 536-7501? email?
? ?All Florida rugby fans can stay up to date with the USA Rugby League via their website??
??? FT. LAUDERDALE?RUGBY CLUB?established many years.? INFO:?? ?Call John Murphy on [954] 553-4440 —he knows the entire Rugby scene in Ft. Lauderdale.???Also phone club hotline (954) 351-1075.? WAXY O’CONNORS Irish pub in Ft. Lauderdale [954] 525-9299 always shows the rugby internationals.? Gather there to watch it with fellow rugby fans from all countries.?
???FT. MYERS area Rugby fans—-to watch local teams or get involved call fellow Brit and Rugby coach Stewart Campbell on [239] 209-4983?
??BOCA?RATON?RUGBY?CLUB? Supporters/spectators wanted!!? Call British president John Devonport? on [561] 870-6836???
? ??JACKSONVILLE?area?Rugby?club seeks expatriate rugby players and supporters.? Call [904] 536-7501?
??? TALLAHASSEE RUGBY CLUB,? [TRFC]? reformed in 2009.? Over 70 active members and coaching staff now and looking for more,? plus supporters and social members. TRFC competes in Division 3 in the Deep South Rugby Union. ?INFO?call Welshman Huw O’Callaghan on [850] 339-8077
???? Orlando Rugby Club,? with some British players and supporters,?is always seeking new members. ? Established in 1970 this club is one of the most successful in?Florida, with past titles in national sevens and winners of the?Florida?cup 2006 & 2007. ??INFO: ?Contact Matt Wise, Director of Youth Rugby at? ? 407-810-7888 or ?Eric Jacovetti at ? They also provide youth rugby for all ages in Central Florida.?
? ? ?RUGBY TEAM for children and youth in Miami with coach from England. ? Learn to play rugby with people from UK, US, France, Argentina and other nations. Miami Rugby Youth Divisions. ? Phone [305] 400-0134 or? email?? for info. ?INFO: ?? ?
? ??ST. PETERSBURG?AREA?RUGBY:? ?Pelican Rugby Club. Has British, South African, Aussie and American players and fans.?INFO: Call Tim Madigan cellphone [321] 501-5586? OR Dave McFAdden [813] 952-6420 and see?
??? BOCA RATON RUGBY CLUB? has British players of ages and abilities and supporters. They seek more! Details Call British president John Devonport [561] 870-6836 or email?
??? MIAMI?[Kendall area]?RUGBY?CLUB?? A recreational rugby club. ?Players and fans wanted. Focusing on the working professional who wants to learn the sport, get in shape after work or just have fun playing one of the world’s most popular sports.? Contact? Andres Zamora?[305] 335-9580
??? NAPLES?RUGBY?CLUB…seeks players, fans and supporters. [239] 910-2758
???? TAMPA BAY?area RUGBY.?? Krewe Rugby Football Club has British players and supporters. Call Club coach, Dai Morgan, a Welshman who knows?his rugby!? (941) 993-9850
????RUGBY?PALM?BEACH TOUCH RUGBY CLUB?welcomes new players, fans and supporters. ?Call fellow Brit Dwight Gray on [561] 644-2718 for latest info and events.
?? SARASOTA Rugby Club, formed in 2010 is a multi-cultural team with players from?Australia,?New Zealand,?England,?Zimbabwee,?Tonga, the?Bahamas?and the?USA. ?Call the Sarasota Surge who play and train at the Sarasota Cricket and Rugby Club. ?Details?call Dai Morgan on [941] 993-9850 or?Adam Walker?the Aussie club treasurer on 941-350-3993 ?Website: ??
??+? ?YOUR UK PENSION:??ARE YOU OVER 55? ?DID YOU PAY INTO A UK COMPANY/PRIVATE PENSION??? ?Do you know whether and how you can access your lump sum and bring it over to the USA? ??For a FREE review of your UK pension contact Mark Solomons in Florida with Florin Pensions direct on [561] 793-1311 or via email ? On Subject line put: “To Mark Solomons—UK pension query”. ? ?Include your name + city + phone + a sentence about the type of company/private pension you paid into. Mark is a longtime member of the Florida Association of British Business. ?As FABB’s UK pensions expert he has unfrozen many pensions for USA expats over the years.? ?
?££$$ TIP:? WANT TO SAVE WHEN TRANSFERRING over UK CURRENCY??? DON’T USE YOUR BANK! ?Use Moneycorp.??[ I use Moneycorp myself–FABB President.]?? TO FIND OUT MORE: ?? Phone Moneycorp’s Kelly Cutchin on? [863] 207-6616 at their USA HQ in Orlando to ask all your questions.? Or email your query to pound is shaky.? That affects all expats in Florida who still have UK dealings. To transfer your precious funds, we highly recommend you use the services of Moneycorp. ?At lower rates than any bank!? This will save you fees and grief, as we Londoners say!? What your own bank won’t do is save considerable ?exchange fees, like Moneycorp. ? NOW is an advantageous time for you to transfer any funds you have.? THE BEST WAY:?? Moneycorp, the UK company with an office in Florida and droves of satisfied Florida clients. It is the only UK currency exchange company licenced to deal in 50 states. ??Many expat Brits here have used this currency service for years and report huge savings and satisfaction.????Moneycorp’s HQ is in England.? ?Posted by the Florida Association of British Business [FABB].? Moneycorp have been trusted members since 2005. ? |
174 | We must track many sessions concurrently. If you are inactive for a long enough time (usually, 20-30 minutes), this information is discarded to make room for active users. |
175 | Today we are featuring the incomparable Lisa Beaulaurier in our who’s who camper profiles. “Because a day without floor sliders is a day without sunshine.” That’s probably my favorite quote from Lisa B. If you’ve been at camp with her for 10 sessions or 10 minutes you know what I’m talking about. Smart, hilarious and sometimes irreverent Lisa puts the friendly sass into camp. She also keeps it real and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Lookin’ lively nearly everyday and sporting her 8 lbs. weights, Lisa brings both grit and levity to camp and shows us all how to keep on keepin’ on.
Now that you know all that, it won’t surprise you that Lisa spends most of her time working with the movement that brought you the weekend. Yes that’s right Lisa is a Lead Union Organizer at SEIU local 925. What is she working on these days? Lisa organizes family child care providers and center staff working hard to make sure we have strong services especially for low-income children. Look below for how YOU can take action today to support a powerful and progressive labor movement.
Here’s some fun facts and some tips from Lisa about how to rock camp:
How long have you been at camp?
Lisa JUST celebrated her 5-year anniversary with Booty Camp this month!!
Why do you come to camp?
“I love my class, the other women in the class, it’s a very welcoming place.”
How has Booty Camp impacted your life?
I work a lot of hours, I work late in the evenings, and morning is the only time I have. Booty Camp keeps me connected to doing things that keep me healthy.
What’s one Camp exercise you would actually do on my own?
“Can’t think of one. That’s why I come to camp!”
What’s one Camp exercise you would never do on my own?
“Who likes the burpees??”
What’s your secret to making it to camp?
“Make it a habit. I don’t think about it. I just set my alarm for 6:45 everyday. I just get up and do it. And I’m always happy I got there.”
Favorite jam to listen to while driving to or from Booty Camp?
NPR – The Stephanie Miller show.
Booty Camp =
“Physical and Mental Health”
Take Action:
Lisa asks us to call our senators and tell them this:
“Close tax loopholes and fund early learning and education.”
Lisa says if we could just make that call, “that would be huge.” Sounds hard? Here’s a quick and easy way: Call 1-800-562-6000. It’s the legislative switchboard. You give them your message and your address and they will route it to your legislators. Easy-peasy. I just made the call and the whole thing took under 2 minutes.
Thanks for being super awesome Lisa and keeping it real! See you at camp!
-Contributed by Beck Tilsen
Tagged Lisa Beaulaurier, SEIU
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"The workouts were hard, yet throughout the day after every workout I felt a bit of energy and a bit more space to do what I had to do." - Michelle |
176 | There are a number of options available to communicate your wishes and instructions in event you are not capable of doing so yourself. Your personal circumstances, and their type of advance care plan you wish to create will influence the options you choose.
In BC your advance care plan should consist of the following:
Conversations with family or friends and health care providers about your beliefs, values and wishes
A written record or video of your beliefs, values and wishes for future health care treatment
The names and contact information of Substitute Decision Maker(s) – the people who qualify on your temporary substitute decision maker list
Advance Care Planning Options
Standard Representation Agreement: Section 7: Allows you to name a person(s) to make minor and major health care, personal care, routine financial management and some legal decisions. Does not allow the person(s) to make life support or life-prolonging medical interventions for you. It is a written legally binding document.
Enhanced Representation Agreement: Section 9: Allows you to name a person(s) to make minor and major health care, personal caredecisions, including decisions to accept or refuse life support or life-prolonging medical interventions for you. It is a written legally binding document.
Advance Directive: Allows you, as a capable adult, to consent or refuse consent to specific health care treatments (definitions below) in the event you become incapable. It may not include anything that is prohibited by law or an instruction to omit to do anything that is required by law (for example providing food and fluids). It is a written legal binding document.
Registering with BC Transplant Organ Registry is best way to record your decisions to organ donor, and ensures that health care providers in every hospital in B.C. have access to confidential donor information. You can sign up online or call 1 800 663-6189 to get a registration form in the mail. |
177 | In order to login you must be registered. Registering takes only a few moments but gives you increased capabilities. The board administrator may also grant additional permissions to registered users. Before you register please ensure you are familiar with our terms of use and related policies. Please ensure you read any forum rules as you navigate around the board. |
178 | Xmas is right around the corner and you may be encouraging your child to think of gifts for friends or family members. The pic below is from a chart I use when one on one coaching. I use it help to help students remember the interests of others to make small talk a lot easier. This will also work for birthdays and any gift exchange event. It is very simple to do. Your child asks questions and can be very direct "What is your fave genre of music". Record the answer w/ as much detail as possible. For instance, add names of bands they like. Now they can research that music and talk about it in the future....or buy a special edition version of their fave music. Feel free to use the chart below if you feel it would be helpful. I strongly suggest you practice using the chart w/ family and friends first. When I coach students, we spend a lot of time practicing how to ask and record answers. Remember, this may not be an innate skill for your child. Practice, be patient and do not forget to explain the nuances of tone of voice and Non verbal cues. They can make or break a good conversation. This is what Spectrum Insights specializes in for our coaching and Summer Programs.
November 10th, 2021
November 02nd, 2021
October 29th, 2021
Does your child have trouble making friends?
Are they confused about social rules?
Do you wish they had better listening skills?
If your child is not doing what is expected socially, or if their words, emotions and actions are not congruent, they may have Hinky Behavior.
What is is Hinky?
Watch the video below to find out!
October 23rd, 2021
October 16th, 2021
Specially designed Social Spaces for ASD/ADHD adults work!
My vision for the program is to create social spaces for adults to connect and develop lasting relationships. Recently, several students, 7 actually, have been spending time together outside of the socials. This means the friendships developed at the social have now moved beyond the space created. Check what they have been organizing on their own. And by organizing, I mean contacting each other, making a plan and seeing it through. How many parents here want to see their child doing the same thing?
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•Lunch at Decon Brodies
•Swimming party & BBQ
•Meet for Lunch and discuss the election
•Shopping at the Mall
•Online movie nights
I am so proud of our Moving forward students! Special shout out to Denis, Leo and Brittany for organizing events!
October 13th, 2021
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What Our Clients Are Saying
I have accompanied clients for 2 summers to John's camp. I have been to the Social & Life Skills Camp and the 18 and older "Moving Forward Camp." My clients and myself look forward each summer to attending his camp.
John has excellent behaviour management skills, teaches the clients social and life skills (planning your bus route, bus etiquette, looking at a menu and ordering, tipping, planning and organizing outings, getting to know people, body language, budgeting money, etc.) that are important to daily living as well as incorporating the clients' interests that are age appropriate. He develops a great relationship with the clients and jokes around with them to develop a rapport. Sometimes our daily schedule changes, which helps clients deal with changes that can occur in every day life. The clients develop friendships with each other and help each other out thanks to John's teaching. John allows the clients to make mistakes and encourages them to work as a team to solve the problem. John captures our daily outings on camera and/or film so parents can view their children interacting and having fun at camp.
It is a great camp for fostering independence while incorporating your child's interest which in turn creates motivation! I have been to many summer camps and this camp is one of the top camps that my clients and myself look forward to attending each summer! |
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180 | Dental Surgery Instruments Market Hit $8,002.27 Million by 2027 – The Insight Partners – Srinagar Magazine
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Dental Surgery Instruments Market Hit $8,002.27 Million by 2027 – The Insight Partners
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Dental Surgery Instruments Market Hit $8,002.27 Million by 2027 – The Insight Partners
November 23
02:12 2021
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Major factors boosting the growth of market include the rising incidence of dental diseases, rising demand for cosmetic dentistry, and technological developments in dental surgery instruments market are anticipated to drive the growth of the market.
According to The Insight Partners market research titled ‘Dental Surgery Instruments Market to 2027 – Global Analysis and Forecasts by Product, Therapeutic Area, and End User.’ The global Dental Surgery Instruments market is expected to reach US$ 8,002.27 Mn in 2027 from US$ 4,868.42 Mn in 2018. The market is projected to grow with a CAGR of 5.8% from 2019-2027. The report provides trends prevailing in the global dental surgery instruments market and the factors driving the market and also the factors that act as hindrances.
Strategic Insights:
Report Coverage
Market Size Value in
(US$ 4,868.42 million in 2018)
Market Size Value by
(US$ 8,002.27 million in 2027)
Growth Rate
(CAGR of 5.8% from 2019 to 2027)
Forecast Period
(2019- 2027)
Base Year
No. of Pages
No. Tables
Segments covered
(By Product; Therapeutic Area, End User and Geography)
Regional scope
(North America; Europe; Asia Pacific; Latin America; MEA)
Country scope
(US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Argentina)
Report coverage
(Revenue forecast, company ranking, competitive landscape, growth factors, and trends)
Get Sample PDF Copy of Dental Surgery Instruments Market at:
Dental surgery instruments refer to products that are used to conduct dental treatment surgeries. These instruments are based on various mechanisms and innovative designs that helps to reduce trauma during certain procedures that helps in reducing patient discomfort as well as post-operative pain. The growth of the global dental surgery instruments market is attributed to the rising incidence of dental diseases, rising demand for cosmetic dentistry, and technological developments in dental surgery instruments market. However, limited access of dental care in rural areas and lack of reimbursement for dental surgeries coupled with high cost of dental surgical processes are the major factor hindering the market growth.
Rising Incidence of Dental Diseases to Drive Global Dental Surgery Instruments Market Growth
The incidence of dental and oral conditions such as tooth canal infection, dry mouth, tooth loss, cavities, and dental trauma is rising around the world. Periodontal diseases, injuries, tooth decay, and accidents are among the major causes of tooth loss. According to a report of the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), 178 million Americans are losing at least one tooth per month. Moreover, on an average, 40 million people in the US are losing all of their teeth. Additionally, according to a report of the American Association of Endodontic, over 15 million root canal procedures are performed every year, with >41,000 procedures performed per day. According to the data published by the “Global Burden of Disease Survey” in 2016, oral disorders affected at least 3.58 billion people worldwide, with permanent teeth caries being identified as the most prevalent of all conditions. Globally, 2.4 billion adults are estimated to suffer from permanent teeth caries, with 486 million children suffering from primary teeth caries.
Further, support from various governments is also helping people in gaining access to treatments for their dental problems. The dental problems are more common among children; therefore, governments tend to focus more on implementing dental health programs in schools. For instance, the CDC (Center for disease control and prevention) assist in the management of the state- and community-level programs by helping the organizers in the planning, setup, and evaluation of school sealant programs; such developments also complement the services provided by private dentists.
The COVID-19 has affected economies and industries in various countries due to lockdowns, travel bans, and business shutdowns. The COVID-19 crisis has overburdened public health systems in many countries and highlighted the strong need for sustainable investment in health systems. As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, the healthcare industry is expected to see a drop in growth. The life sciences segment thrives due to increased demand for invitro diagnostic products and rising research and development activities worldwide.
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In terms of product, the global dental surgery instruments market is segmented into instruments and consumables. In 2018, the instruments segment held largest share of the market. However, the consumables segment is estimated to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Based on therapeutic area, the global dental surgery instruments market is segmented into restorative dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics and other therapeutic areas. The restorative dentistry segment held the largest market share in 2018. Also, the same segment is estimated to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Dental Surgery Instruments Market: Competitive Landscape and Key Developments
Dentsply Sirona Inc., Danaher, 3M, Coltene Holding Ag, Brasseler USA, A-Dec Inc, Hu-Friedy Manufacturing Company, LLC, Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corporation, Nakanishi Inc. Biolase, Inc. among others.
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For instance, in July 2019, Dentsply Sirona has launched a device namely MultiMate Cube and MultiMate Cube pre ensure a high level of process reliability and guarantee cutting-edge firing results to the dental market. These devices will deliver the A multiple stage heating program and a two-stage cooling program and ensure a high level of process reliability and guarantee cutting-edge firing results.
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Surgical Power Tools Market Forecast to 2028 – COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis By Product (Handpiece, Disposables, Accessories); Technology (Electric-operated Power Tools, Battery-driven Power Tools, Pneumatic Power Tools); Device Type (Large Bone Power Tools, Medium Bone Power Tools, Small Bone Power Tools, High Speed Drilling Systems); Application (Orthopedic Surgery, Dental Surgery, ENT Surgery, Neurology Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Others) and Geography
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The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Device, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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187 | For and about business in Surry County, N.C., including Dobson, Elkin, Lowgap, Pilot Mountain and Mount Airy
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← Surrey Bancorp’s quarterly earnings up 1.3 percent Goodwill Industries will open new store Nov. 7 →
Check your school’s report card for 2006-07
October 30th, 2007 · No Comments
School district and individual schools’ report cards for 2006-07 have been posted on the web at by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction.
The annual reports provide information about school enrollment (by gender and race or ethnic background), students’ performance on standardized tests, teachers’ qualifications, safety and security, sources of funding, access to computers and the internet, parental involvement, graduation rates and other aspects of education.
There are three public school districts (also known as local education agencies or LEA’s) in Surry County. They are the Surry County Schools, Elkin City Schools and Mount Airy City Schools. The NCDPI website also as the annual report card for the county’s only charter school, Millennium Charter Academy. |
188 | For and about business in Surry County, N.C., including Dobson, Elkin, Lowgap, Pilot Mountain and Mount Airy
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← Check your school’s report card for 2006-07 Pike Electric presents annual report as a video →
Goodwill Industries will open new store Nov. 7
October 31st, 2007 · No Comments
Goodwill Industries will open its new 13,000-square-foot facility at 1986 Rockford St. (on U.S. 601) in Mount Airy at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7.
The building has 9,000 square feet of retail space, 1,000 square feet for future workforce training and development services and much more room for processing, repairing and storing donated items. The new facility replaces one at 208 Moore Ave., which will be closed. The new store will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday — two hours later than at present — and 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The staff size will be doubled. Jerry Johnson will continue as the store manager.
“We are very excited about the new Mount Airy store,†said Goodwill’s director of marketing, Jaymie Moore. “…A larger location, the addition of a donation drive-through and extended hours offer a more convenient and pleasant experience for our shoppers and donors.”
Goodwill Industries sells donated items to underwrite its costs for career-development and training programs that help people find jobs.
GARANCO Inc. of Pilot Mountain built the new store. Construction superintendent John Wayne Flippen noted that the new location should bring the store more customers, because it’s on heavily trafficked U.S. 601 between Cookout and Scenic Ford.
Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina is a private, nonprofit organization that has been serving the community since 1926.
“At Goodwill, we believe that all people, regardless of situation, should have access to meaningful employment,” said Moore. Through workforce development programs, we help individuals develop the skills they need for today’s job market.”
Goodwill Industries serves more than 15,000 people by providing employment and workforce development in northwest North Carolina each year. |
189 | SusValueWaste had its end conference on the 13th of June with 50 experts from research, industry and policy. The project has resulted in a large number of research publications, reports, conference papers and policy briefs. Another output of the project is increased interdisciplinary collaboration which has led to the development of several spin-off projects among the... Read More
Adding value to side-streams: Lessons for the circular bioeconomy
June 17, 2019 NewsComments Off on Adding value to side-streams: Lessons for the circular bioeconomy
SusValueWaste has published its third policy brief which addresses main challenges and opportunities for the valorisation of side-streams in the food and beverage industry. The brief is based on comparative case studies in Norway and in Denmark: on whey in the dairy industry, on animal by-products in the meat industry and on spent grain in the... Read More
“From Waste to Value” – Our Book is Out
April 12, 2019 NewsComments Off on “From Waste to Value” – Our Book is Out
The need to go from the oil economy to a bio-based economy is ever more acknowledged. In our book, From Waste to Value: Valorisation Pathways for Organic Waste Streams in Circular Bioeconomies, we share the research from the SusValueWaste project. The focus is on how streams of organic waste and residues can become valuable products, to... Read More
Sustainable Wood-Based Energy
March 7, 2019 NewsComments Off on Sustainable Wood-Based Energy
Bioenergy from wood biomass can be important for taming dangerous climate change, but the rapidly evolving forest sector should ensure that wood-based bioenergy production entails both environmental and socio-economic solutions. Such production can stimulate both climate change mitigation, adaptation, and rural development. Julia Szulecka, SusValueWaste’s postdoc based at TIK (UiO), has recently published her work on... Read More
SusValueWaste partner TIK celebrates 20 years
March 5, 2019 NewsOpen SeminarsComments Off on SusValueWaste partner TIK celebrates 20 years
SusValeuWaste’s partner TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (UiO) will celebrate its 20th anniversary on March 20th, 2019. To commemorate the occasion, TIK’s Anniversary Conference “Interdisciplinarity in the Age of Uncertainty” will be held at Blindern (Mar. 20, 2019 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Eilert Sunds hus, Aud. 1). Specific sessions with renowned researchers will... Read More
Waste and other residual materials from industries and households are of increasing value in today’s economy. Substances that have long represented a cost to the economy are now becoming a valuable resource. Exploiting the full potential of these resources requires increased innovation, systemic change as well as better regulation and governance. |
190 | Suwada Blacksmith Works Inc. (“Suwada”) recognises the importance of protecting personal information and considers proper usage and protection of such information a social responsibility. For the purposes of offering products and services that customers can use with ease, Suwada has established a privacy policy, as described below, and keeps all of its directors and employees informed of it and always seeks to improve its management and maintenance of customer information.
Privacy Policy
1. Acquisition, Usage, and Provision of Personal Information
1) Definition of personal information
Any information that can identify the specific individual is defined as personal information.
2) Acquisition, usage, and provision of personal information
When acquiring personal information from an individual, Suwada shall acquire and use the information within the scope of necessity, after informing the concerned person regarding the purpose of the acquisition and obtaining that person’s consent. Suwada shall not provide personal information to any third party unless prior agreement from the concerned person has been obtained or unless such provision is required by law and/or regulations.
3) Consignment of processing of personal information
Suwada shall never consign handling of person information to any third party.
4) Entrustment of processing of personal information
When entrusted with the handling of personal information, Suwada shall manage the information strictly and use it only within the scope of the contract with the customer.
2. Appropriate Management of Personal Information
Suwada shall endeavour to prevent the leakage, loss, alteration, or other misuse of personal information in its possession and accumulate and store such information under the strictest controls.
3. Compliance with Relevant Laws and Regulations
When handing personal information, Suwada shall comply with all laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information.
4. Internal Organisation for Securing Personal Information
Suwada has established an internal organisation for the protection of personal information and shall endeavour to secure the personal information in its possession, ensure that it is accurate, keep it updated, and make continuous improvements to its system for storing and handling such information.
Handling of Personal Information
1. Purpose of Using Personal Information
Suwada may request that a customer provide name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, credit card information, and other personal information. Suwada shall use the information for the purposes described below.
i) To deliver products; to send brochures, DM, and email; to provide information relating to products/services
ii) To respond to enquiries and/or requests from customers regarding Suwada’s products and/or services
2. Consent to Acquire and Use Personal Information
Suwada shall abide by laws and regulations to acquire personal information from customers through appropriate and fair means. When a customer freely provides Suwada with personal information in the manner described below, that provision shall be regarded as giving consent to the usage purposes stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
i) The customer fills in a form on the company’s website with personal information and presses the Send button
ii) The customer provides Suwada with personal information via telephone, post, fax, email, or the like or fills in and submits a designated form to Suwada
iii) The customer provides Suwada with contact information when making a maintenance request
3. Provision of Personal Information
Suwada shall not provide personal information it acquires to any third party without prior consent from the person concerned. However, when required by law and/or regulations, Suwada shall disclose the information without prior consent.
4. Disclosure or Termination of Provision of Personal Information
Customers wishing to disclose, correct, or erase personal information should contact Suwada’s enquiries desk to do so. Suwada shall take corresponding action upon confirming the identity of the person making the request.
5. Termination of Use and/or Provision of Personal Information
When Suwada receives a request from a customer to terminate the use and/or provision of the customer’s personal information, Suwada shall stop using said information promptly upon confirming the identity of the person making the request.
6. Contact for Opinions and Complaints regarding Handling of Personal Information
Opinions or complaints concerning the handling of personal information are accepted at the contact indicated below. Suwada shall send a reply and attempt to deal with the issue in a swift and appropriate manner. |
191 | Syracuse Dental Associates, PLLC - Sara Beth Bonacci DDS, Jourdan H. Freed DDS, David M. Caryl DDS, and Joseph R. Bonacci DDS (emeritus)
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When you visit our office, your smile and comfort is our top priority. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve. At Syracuse Dental Associates we offer patients a full service business office to help with insurance claims and a large clinical staff that is ready and willing to answer all your questions and concerns. We are also a handicapped accessible office, and have an on staff dentist who speaks Spanish and French.
Part of our commitment to serving our patients includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their oral health needs. This website is a resource we hope you’ll find both useful and interesting.
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Syracuse, New York Dentist, Dr. Joseph Bonacci is dedicated to family dentistry such as Exams, Teeth Whitening, Veneers and more. |
192 | Hello valued readers! It is August and officially vacation season in France. Many of my favourite boulangeries and patisseries are shut down for the summer. Therefore, if there's ever a time to be self-sufficient sweets-wise, it is now!
Before I came to Paris to study cuisine and patisserie, I was a music student in Auckland majoring in Jazz. What I loved most about composing and soloing, is the freedom and virtually limitless possibilities that it afforded me. However, though complete creative free-range is all good and well, it can make it more difficult to focus your ideas. Therefore, I would often look to specific scenes/objects/emotions and other genres of music for inspiration.
In creating and designing my own cakes, I feel as though the same process could be employed. After favorable results and feedback from last week's lipstick-inspired cake, I decided to ask one of my favourite bloggers Natalie Smith who blogs for the Simon James Concept Store, to suggest an object from which I could base my next pastry. I was a little nervous to be honest, but I knew that opening this up to suggestion would force me to think outside of the box.
Before long, my next delicious mission was set for me:
"A dessert with a wedding focus and inspired by one of the Curio Noir candles."
So I jumped online to the Simon James Concept Store and scoped out their Curio Noir candles. I was quickly drawn to the Curio Glass Vetyver - which has notes of orange flower and jasmine along with vetyver and cypress. The choice was easy as I am absolutely obsessed with floral flavours. I would sooner leave Pierre Hermé with a box full of rose and jasmine macarons than anything else!
And this is what I came up with!
Orange Flower and Jasmine Cake
I incorporated orange flower water lightly into the chiboust cream which has a meringue-like melt-in-your-mouth quality. I chose to make a rich "crème brulée" by infusing jasmine tea into the cream. The two main components are separated by the subtle nuances of the caramelized pear center. The cake is enrobed by an apricot and vanilla glaze which is totally OUT OF THIS WORLD GOOD. It was probably my weekend's proudest moment to have adapted this Adriano Zumbo glaze recipe.
The cube is placed on a square of almond and cinnamon streusel for crumbliness and textural contrast. I topped the cake with a caramel-dipped hazelnut. The reason being because to me, not only does it resemble a burning flame of a candle, it also brings the "glass" element into the dessert. The cake is finished with rose petals for a romantic wedding feel. I am very happy overall with this cake - which I find to be the most flavorfully successful dessert I have created to date :)
I am glad to be able to share the recipe for this heavenly dessert with you!
Talita's Jasmine and Orange Flower Cake
- inspired by Curio Noir's Vetyver candle
Makes 8
Almond and cinnamon streusel
100 gr sugar
100 gr flour
100 gr ground almonds
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
tiny pinch of salt
tiny pinch of vanilla
- - -
100 gr butter - cold, cubed
Place all dry ingredients in a food processor and combine
Add in cold butter and process into a dough
Cool in the fridge/freezer until very cold but not frozen
Whizz again in the food processor into small lumps
Spread out on baking sheet at about 8mm thickness, press down with palm of hand
Bake at 170 degrees C until golden - about 12 minutes
Cool completely and cut into squares slightly bigger than the moulds
Orange flower chiboust
80 ml heavy cream
20 ml milk
20 ml orange flower water
3 egg yolks
15 g sugar
10 g custard powder
2 gelatin leaves - soaked and drained
- - -
90 g egg whites
35 g sugar
Whisk egg yolks, sugar and custard powder, loosen with orange flower water
Warm up cream and milk to a gentle simmer
Pour cream into the egg yolk mixture, whisk and return to saucepan
Bring to the boil, whisking to prevent burning
Transfer to a clean bowl, cover with cling wrap (in contact)
Cool to room temperature
Whisk egg whites and sugar to very firm peaks
Fold in 1/3 of meringue into the pastry cream with a whisk
Add in the rest of the meringue and fold carefully with a rubber spatula until just incorporated
Mixture should be light and voluminous
Jasmine tea and brown sugar crème brulée
600 g heavy cream
3 tbsp jasmine tea leaves
90 g brown sugar
9 egg yolks
3 gelatin leaves - soaked and drained
Warm up cream to a simmer
Add in the tea leaves, take off heat, add on lid and steep for 10 minutes. Strain.
Blanche egg yolks and sugar, add to cream and cook to 84 degrees C
Add in the gelatin off heat, strain if needed
Cool to 35 degrees C before piping into moulds
Caramelized pear
1 pear - washed, peeled, cubed
12 g butter
20 g sugar
tiny pinch of salt
Melt butter, add in pear and sugar
Cook over medium heat until pear is soft and caramelized
Strain excess liquid, cool completely
Vanilla-Apricot Glaze
40 g glucose
35 g water
200 g sugar
5 gelatin leaves - soaked and drained
400 g cream
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
150 g apricot flavoured pastry glaze
Warm up cream and vanilla until it almost comes to a simmer
Cook glucose, water and sugar in a saucepan until a light caramel - around 170 degrees C
Deglaze caramel with warm cream, whisk to dissolve caramel
Add in gelatin leaves off heat, stir to combine
Add in apricot glaze and blend with an immersion blender
Cover with plastic wrap in contact
Set aside to cool, use at 20 degrees C
Caramel-dipped hazelnuts
recipe from
Fill silicon molds half-way up with orange flower chiboust
Place a teaspoon's worth of caramelized pear over the chiboust - being careful not to touch the sides
Freeze until set
Pipe in the jasmine crème brulée and tap onto the counter to flatten
Freeze completely - preferably overnight
Unmold cakes and glaze
Place on top of a streusel square
Decorate with caramel-dipped hazelnut and rose petals..
Delicious! So what's next?
Posted by Talita
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Labels: cakes, inspiration
Polly 7.8.12
fantastic, you definitely should create a book :) Some Dipytique candles next?
Polly x
Talita 8.8.12
I looove Diptyque!!! And yes.. I definitely want to write a book someday :) thanks for always commenting.. you are the best.. heheh x
Anonymous 17.8.12
Talita! This looks so beautiful. I particularly like seeing what your desserts look like inside...makes me so hangry. Georgie xx
Talita 17.8.12
Georgie! thank youuuuu..... you are too kind.. I get to feed you soon I hope :) xx
Unknown 6.9.13
Amazing blog, thank you so much for sharing all this recipes. Some recipes seems like mystery now it look so easy. Thanks...
Talita 8.9.13
Thanks Mr Morabit. Yeah there's nothin to it :)
Unknown 1.1.15
Hi talita , Your blog is so adorable, but eould you mind telling me how much to subtitute from leaf gelatin to powder gelatin? And do you have a glazing recipe without using pour fondant because I find it hard here in medan, indonesia to find that ingredient, if you wouldnt mind please drop me an email at thankyou for the time to read my comment
Unknown 4.1.16
Thanks a lot cause you really inspire me and it calm me when i do things like you do .
Thanks for sharing with us your recipes and time .
i give you a huge hug from Morocco .
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193 | The Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) was established in 1988. It was initiated with the support of the Tanzanian Government to strengthen the private sector. |
194 | A member of Safe Ireland, Teach Tearmainn is a non-profit organisation, with charitable status, serving women, with or without children who are in or have been in abusive relationships. |
195 | Happy Saturday! Today I will share my entire positive lifestyle I had when I was in Saudi Arabia for eight years and about the reason why I love the place. I've been here in the Philippines for two years now and I haven't visited my beloved hometown in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Since my father is already working here, there is no chance for me to go back any sooner. But with all hope, after college, I'll go back because I miss the country so much.
Abaya is a lose black cloak that cover up the whole body of a woman. All women must wear abaya and tarha because of course the place is an Islamic country and it's a rule that all women must cover up. Mutawwa (Islamic police) always warn women to cover up their hair with tarha because not all actually wear it properly but I can't blame them because not all women in Saudi are Muslims. I remember when I was still using the abaya before, I feel like I was a witch in Hogwarts, lol. Example of abaya is shown in the photo above.
Middle East is known as a desert place that exceed 40 degrees celsius of weather in summer. But no, as experienced by truly yours, it doesn't bother me, because aircon is everywhere. Plus, the electricity bill in Saudi is very cheap compare to the Philippines. So unlimited aircon 24/7 isn't a big deal as it is here in the Philippines. And brown out doesn't exist in Saudi unlike here in Zamboanga City, we deal with brown out like 2-3 times a day and I'm sure other cities are also struggling with this.
I'm sure a lot of people who were from Saudi would definitely agree with me. The internet speed here in the Philippines is poor. But either way, as long as I have internet and it doesn't bother my patience, it's alright.
When we go for a grocery in the mall, we only pick our most necessity and pick just a little bit of junk food. We only buy like 1-2 chips for the whole week. And my father loves fruits, so he often insist to buy loads of those and I'm going to pick my yogurt and milk, that's all. I have this favorite yogurt drink that was strawberry flavored, and I unbelievably forgot what it was called. My love for milk is everlasting, however, I don't fancy much the milk here in the Philippines. I'll forever love the Saudia brand. And Almarai too. My weight increased when I went here in the Philippines because I can just go wherever I want and eat. If I'm hungry, I eat. I don't know why but back in Saudi, I don't eat too much as I do here in the Philippines.
Before Kylie Jenner, there's Modern Arabian Women that grows all over the crowd everywhere in Saudi. Yes, I'm talking about the lips, hips, bum, and boobies. I actually have this Arabic teacher back in highschool which wear this brown lipstick everyday at school and she intentionally overflow the lipstick on her lips to make it look like a chubby and bigger lips. And her body figure is Kim K. Sometimes there are people who are gifted to have larger lips like Kylie that you can just normally see in Saudi. There are also loads of Zayn Malik look alike that walks around like a boss, well sometimes, Arabs are really humble, or aggressive (like narcissistic guys), or they just don't care about me because I'm Asian. Oh there's this funny story about the guy I met in Jarir Bookstore, damn he's cute. I will just talk about it more in different post.
Arab food, I miss you.
Oh how I miss choosing restaurants and food stalls freely and don't have to think if they put pork or pork ingredients on their food. Because Philippines is a Christian country, most of the restaurants and food stalls here sell pork. I'm a Muslim and we're not allowed to eat pork, so if you have Muslim friends, please treat them well, and serve them halal (non-pork) food. It's a major deal to us. So, looking for a pure halal restaurant is hard for me so sometimes I just choose eating sweets over a proper meal in a restaurant, fast food chain, and others. And since halal food doesn't compose of any sort of pork, then it doesn't make you fat. Well, lots of Arabs are big, maybe because they eat way too much or their metabolism are slow.
We had a Fortuner back then and the transportation is luxurious and very comfortable. I sleep way too much in the car, like most of the time I sleep in the car on our way to school or home or anywhere else. I even change clothes there, lol. And I don't have to commute cough college students cough. And the traffic is bearable but most of the time there's no traffic. Here in Zamboanga City, we don't struggle much about the traffic because the city has fewer vehicles than in Manila. I've read so many tweets of my friends in Manila complaining about the traffic in EDSA and in some places, they actually take hours to get to their destination. It's horrifying.
I haven't been into a roadtrip here in the Philippines because first, the driver isn't my father, and second, my mom thinks I'm gonna get raped and die if I'll ever go to a roadtrip without my father, which I think is very sweet but after all, I'm not really into doing that. But I enjoyed every single roadtrip we had back in Saudi, to Jeddah, Dammam, Al-Khobar, Jubail, and Madinah & Makkah. Happy memories.
I don't like summer, I've been very vocal about that for a long time now. And a lot of people in America and other countries love summer so much. Why?! But wait, what if you guys try to live here in the Philippines and those Filipino folks that doesn't like summer will live in the winter side of the world. Sounds great. I love the winter in Saudi, the coziness, laziness, negative degrees, and when we speak there's this visible cold breeze that comes out of our mouth. And we always blow and show each other's breeze. I mean, come on, I miss and love that so much because all we blow here is sweat, amazing right, yucks.
I remember that we go to Salam Park all the time because my mom loves parks. Where it came to the point where in I get upset and annoyed when we go there. But honestly now, I want to go back and enjoy every second of my time in that park. I'll eat lots of ice cream and corn and batatas (potatoes). There is this dried potato swirled in a barbecue stick and they put sauces in it which I really really love, I already forgot what it's called though, damn it. But I think, it was dried batatas(?). When I get back to Riyadh, I'll definitely visit Salam Park often.
or Villa
We rent Villas for parties and most of the villas have swimming pool which I really enjoyed back when I was younger. I remember, on my Grade 6th graduation, we rented Esteraha and I invited all my friends and it was the best party ever because basically we spend the day in the swimming pool which was funny but really memorable. I will never forget that. Renting for Esteraha isn't that expensive that's why lots of Filipino folks love renting Esterahas.
I have to admit that when I was still in Saudi, I don't like Corniche. But now I miss it. The photo above is me and my sister, Fhar, in Al-Khobar Corniche.
Yes, you read that right. Some malls in Saudi actually have their own private women section, because you know it's an Islamic country and they separate guys from girls. But it doesn't mean that guys and girls are actually separated in the mall, it's just, there's a women section which obviously only women are allowed to enter and the sellers are women as well. Basically mostly like 90%, the sellers and cashiers are men. I love to go to the women section because it makes me feel more safe and comfortable because what could go wrong when you're with your fellow sisters.
I miss this so much because back when I was still in Saudi, I don't convert the Saudi riyals to Philippine pesos at all. Chocolates are 1-5+ riyals, Clothes are 30-90+ riyals (there are still 100-500 riyals but I don't buy things like that because I don't like wasting my parents' hard earned money), and chocolates here are 50-100+ pesos and clothes are 100-600+ pesos. It blows my mind.
That's it for now! I would like to proclaim first and foremost that these are all based on my experience and I'm sure lots of my friends could relate. I just miss Saudi Arabia so I wrote this Saudi Arabia appreciation post because the country deserves it and for you to be able to see the positive side of the Middle East. And I feel so grateful that I experience the luxurious lifestyle in Saudi, it's something I will never forget and will forever be grateful for.
Love, Fads
Comments (41)
Tags: Personal, Travel
Fads A April 23, 2016
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Carina Vardie April 23, 2016 at 10:19 PM
I never visited Saudi Arabia, but it sounds nice. Hopefully I'll get to see it one day.
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:46 PM
I hope you'll be able to visit Saudi Arabia, Carina.
Unknown April 23, 2016 at 11:01 PM
This is such an interesting post to read, as the culture in Saudi Arabia is very different to that of here in the UK! xx
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:46 PM
Ahw thanks. Yes, I know, Saudi is surely different from the other countries.
Ashon April 24, 2016 at 10:39 PM
Wow, great post. I love how you write everything in details. Absolutely enjoy reading your post! will definitely come back for the next post!
Kisses Ashon
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:47 PM
Thank you, Ashon. Please do, thanks.
Emelia Paige April 25, 2016 at 12:54 AM
Great post. It is necessary that every shopping mall establish WOMEN SECTION IN THE MALL.
How to Create the Illusion of Bigger Looking Eyes
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:48 PM
Thank you, Emelia. I know right! I hate how Philippines doesn't have the Women Section, it makes me miss Saudi even more.
blossomikebana April 25, 2016 at 2:42 AM
This was so interesting to read, they were so many things I didnt know, thanks for sharing! And I hope I can go there soon :)
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:49 PM
Oh thank you, Paula. Yeah, I hope can go there.
Unknown April 25, 2016 at 11:41 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sparkles of Light April 26, 2016 at 3:52 PM
This was such an interesting post to read, I've never visted either Saudi Arabia or the Philippines so I'm super interested to learn more about these places :)
Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:50 PM
Thank you, Rosy. Really? Philippines has also lots of amazing places and adventure awaits for you here. This makes me want to do a blog post about the Philippines. Come back, so you can learn more about the place.
Bash Harry April 26, 2016 at 9:41 PM
I live in Brunei, a Muslim country in SEA so finding Halal food isn't hard at all. It's wonderful to learn how Saudi Arabia is different but still so rich in culture.
xx Bash | go say H E Y B A S H
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:51 PM
Oh I need to go there, Bash.
The Velvet Runway April 30, 2016 at 8:26 PM
Such an interesting post! Thanks for sharing :)
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:51 PM
Thank you and you're welcome. Haha.
Unknown April 30, 2016 at 10:52 PM
wow! i would like to visit saudi arabia someday! i bet the places is so beautiful in there!
have a great day
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:51 PM
Yay! You should.
The Nerdy Me April 30, 2016 at 11:54 PM
Wow, South Arabia sounds like a such incredible place! I bet it is very rich in culture and has a lot of places to explore :)
-Leta | The Nerdy Me
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:52 PM
Saudi Arabia has an amazing culture, indeed.
SissiHope May 1, 2016 at 2:14 AM
I like your post :-)
INSTAGRAM: sissihope
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:52 PM
Thank you, Sissi.
Lindsey Elyse May 1, 2016 at 8:20 AM
I hope you get a chance to get back to Saudi after you finish schooling! I have moved a lot as a child, but luckily I always stayed in the same country. However in Canada the climate can change quite a bit from the East to West ends!
There's nothing like home - I loved reading what you enjoyed about Saudi Arabia. Hopefully one day I can visit :)
Lindsey Elyse | lindseyginge
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:54 PM
I knooow. I'll definitely go back because it's my home. Ahw thank you, Elyse. I really hope you can go there.
Bambi May 1, 2016 at 8:02 PM
Amazing post, I've never had an occassion to read about culture in Saudi Arabia until now and it's interesting because it's way more different culture than European/Russian one. In my opinion it would be amazing if every mall around the world would have women section - we've got couple stalking accidents year ago in my city and sections like this would help women to avoid stalking at malls.
Have a nice day :)
Fads A May 2, 2016 at 2:55 PM
Oh why thank you, Emilia! Indeed, actually all countries must have the women section, right? Stalking accidents are horrible. Thanks for dropping by.
Casualllyawkward May 3, 2016 at 12:14 AM
wow what an adventure, lovely post and beautiful photo
Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin'
Fads A May 3, 2016 at 5:30 AM
Thank you, Steph.
Vildana Šuta May 3, 2016 at 5:46 PM
In love with Saudi Arabia, want to visit it so bad!!! Lovely post dear! xoxo
Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE
Fads A May 3, 2016 at 7:23 PM
I wish you can visit Saudi Arabia soon! Thank you, lovely.
DownTownSofie May 4, 2016 at 6:55 AM
I really liked this post, you wrote it in such a pretty and funny way. I've never been to Saudi Arabia but with this post I'm able to get a little more of an insight to what's life like there. Really enjoyed it! x
Fads A May 4, 2016 at 8:51 AM
Ahwww thank you so much. It means a lot.
dreamofadventures May 4, 2016 at 11:15 AM
Saudi Arabia sounds so heavenly! I hope to visit one day and enjoy all the halal food and explore the parks =o) It's so great to see that Saudi Arabia has a special place in your heart =o)
Lily Kanaya - www.Glowlicious.Me May 4, 2016 at 4:24 PM
I've never been to Saudi Arabia, but i've heard its a nice place :)
- Lily Widjaja
www.Glowlicious.Me | Bloglovin
Unknown May 5, 2016 at 1:50 AM
It so cool to hear about a place I've never been! Saudi Arabia sounds like a really amazing place. So much culture!
Rainbow-Rose Blossom May 9, 2016 at 7:34 AM
Oh wow this was so interesting to read, I hope you get to go back and visit soon! <3
Unknown May 9, 2016 at 3:18 PM
I love hearing about what it's like living in different places. I think when you leave a place the place where you lived for so long, you're bound to miss certain stuff. Even when I leave home for like a month I start to miss things.
Face to Curls May 9, 2016 at 10:27 PM
Lovely post! I've never visited Saudi Arabia, but it sounds like a very nice place. It's nice to hear about a place I've never been!
Augustin Ra May 10, 2016 at 9:20 PM
Wow. Just by reading this makes me want to travel to Middle East. I have a classmate who grew up in Bahrain and I love to ask her questions about her life, culture and her splendid experiences there. :)
Augustin Ra | Indie Spirit
Joenah Joyce May 22, 2016 at 12:43 PM
I've been to KSA for only 3 days tho i wish I could've stayed longer.
Nice post here! :)
- Joyce |
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Google profits in the red-hot advertising market almost doubled, which will also affect the market of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor
wallpapers News 2021-11-04
Google profits in the red-hot advertising market almost doubled, which will also affect the market of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor.
Google said its profit in the quarter benefited from accounting changes related to the depreciation of servers and networking equipment, which boosted net income by $460m.
Much of the company growth has come from e-commerce advertisers eager to reach customers whose product searches start online. The company partnered with Shopify Inc. this year to simplify search listings and AD purchases for 1.7 million merchants. The effort to revive its e-commerce division has helped retail advertising become Google biggest contributor to growth.
In recent months, the search giant retail advertising arm has benefited from Apple new privacy policy. Since April, the iPhone maker has required apps to ask users if they want to be tracked. The changes have weakened Facebook Inc., according to AD buyers and small businesses. And Snap Inc. Many brands have therefore shifted spending to Google.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king," said Brian Weiser, global president of GroupM Business Intelligence. "Whatever data they have [at Google] is better than what most other people have."
YouTube has been another major driver of Google AD revenue. The video giant reported that sales rose 43% to $7.21 billion in the quarter.
The business is expected to generate nearly as much revenue this year as Netflix Inc. Is a subscription business worth nearly $300 billion. Revenue missed Wall Street expectations, sending Google shares down about 1% to $2,761.01 in after-hours trading.
Google finance chief Ruth Porat said Apple changes had a "modest impact" on YouTube revenue, but did not elaborate further. The company relies on iPhone and iPad data to locate and measure some of the inventory it sells.
Regulators and lawmakers may be the biggest challenge to Google continued commercial success. Last week, the attorneys general of Texas and more than a dozen states filed an early, unredacted antitrust complaint against Google. They highlighted how the company cut advertising spending through its system by 22 to 42 percent, two to four times that of competing AD exchanges.
Trailing with 6 percent, Google reported that cloud sales rose 45 percent to $4.99 billion over the same period. Sales fell short of Wall Street expectations of $5.19bn and the company reported an operating loss of $644m for the unit, which analysts said prompted investors to sell shares in after-hours trading.
Google profits in the red-hot advertising market almost doubled will also affect the market of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor. For more information or get the latest price of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor, feel free to send an email to: [email protected].
The market trend of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor
Due to the impact of the global spread of COVID-19, the global MARKET size of LED display screens in 2020 is estimated to be $5.7 billion, down about 10% year-on-year. It is estimated that the global outdoor LED display market will reach 12.9 billion yuan in 2021, and 23.9 billion yuan in 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.0%. However, certain application areas, such as outdoor transportation, advertising billboards, and some municipal-related application places, are expected to pick up in the second half, and 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor will also benefit from the government economic stimulus. Regarding the development of the next few years, if there are no big macroeconomic changes, it is expected that the global LED display will maintain a compound annual growth rate of 18% from 2021 to 2026, among which the small spacing display is still the biggest driving force for market growth.
The world leading outdoor LED display manufacturers include Daktronics, Samsung, Unilumin and Leyard, etc. The top four manufacturers in the world account for more than 40% of the market share. At present, China is the world largest Outdoor LED Display market, accounting for more than 60% of the market, followed by North America, accounting for nearly 15% of the market.
The market distribution of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor
In terms of regional market pattern, North America and EMEA are the most severely affected regions this year, which are expected to decrease by 7.7% to 6.7% respectively, and their share will also decrease accordingly. China is now slowly recovering from the impact of the epidemic, and stimulated by new infrastructure policies, the Chinese market 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor is expected to maintain the world fastest growth rate of about 3.8% this year.
The markets most affected this year are mainly applications related to clustered events, such as cinemas and commercial and retail venues. However, for security monitoring or control room, it will benefit from the government new infrastructure policy this year. It is estimated that this will be the fastest-growing 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor application market this year, with the market share expected to increase from 13.3% to 13.9%.
With the decline of LCD cost, size continues to enlarge, currently can see more than 80 inches of LCD TV, electronic whiteboard into commercial, coupled with the rise of LED display market, commercial projector in enterprise conference space shipment quantity will also decrease year by year.
However, the outdoor LED display screen is different from the indoor LED display screen. Since it is applied to outdoor scenes, in addition to meeting the display function, the 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor screen needs to ensure the transmission quality under direct sunlight, so it needs to meet the requirements of a high brightness display. In addition, the outdoor environment is changeable and harsh, so the outdoor LED display should have strong weather resistance, fully adapt to all kinds of bad weather, and can be used for a long time.
Future development estimates of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor
Nowadays, the limelight of MiniLED backlight display technology is rising day by day. All kinds of information about MiniLED backlight display is overwhelming, which means the comprehensive arrival of MiniLED display technology. At the same time, an easy to be ignored market, outdoor LED display 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor market is also booming. According to data from relevant research institutions, the global LED display market in 2021 has gradually recovered from the impact of the epidemic in 2020, and the scale including 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor is expected to reach RMB 51.9 billion. Among them, the scale of P2.5 or above spacing LED display exceeds 20 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 50% of the total scale.
The high-quality 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor supplier-RISINGLCD
RISINGLCD ( WITH BRAND OF RISINGSTAR ) is a professional highlight LCD manufacturer from China, as a superior global 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor supplier, a modernized high-tech enterprise with 100 employees including 20 highly qualified and well trained engineers. Rising LCD is a professional LCD panel, TV, display, outdoor display, display modules, LCD TV display equipment supplier providing high quality products for home and business uses such as LCD modules, outdoor monitor, digital signage, interactive touch screen, digital menu and more. For more information or get the latest price of 17 inch widescreen lcd monitor, feel free to send an email to: [email protected], the sales team will reply within 48 hours.
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