Today the old banana warehouse in Llandudno Junction is full of antiques, but in the olden days scary spiders were... [More] Oddfellows’ Hall, Flint Oddfellows’ Hall, Trelawny Square, Flint This building, now occupied by Gap Personnel, was originally the hall of the Loyal Flint Castle Lodge of Oddfellows. It was formally opened in March 1894. It was built on part of the land of Trelawny House, home of the wealthy Muspratt family at the time. Richard Muspratt was one of the founders of the Muspratt Bros & Huntley company, whose chemical works opened in 1852 and produced sodium carbonate alkali for the textile, soap, glass and other industries. Richard (pictured right from his portrait in the town hall) was mayor of Flint for many years and died in 1885. Two of his descendants also became mayors. One of them, Sidney Knowles Muspratt, was made an honorary member of the local lodge in a ceremony at the Oddfellows’ Hall in 1897. The Oddfellows began as a friendly society, long before the welfare state. Members helped each other in times of need. For example, a Flint saddler called Morgan received a pension of 2 shillings a week from the Oddfellows before he died, aged 86, in 1898. In 1810 the Manchester district of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows broke away to form an independent order known as the “Manchester Unity”. If you look up to the roof of the Oddfellows’ Hall you’ll see the letters M and U above the date 1893. The Flint Castle Lodge was founded in 1839. Its headquarters was at the Raven Inn for 19 years until 1884, when it moved to the King’s Head Inn. One lodge member was Private Bert Parry of the Ship Hotel, who served in the South African War and died, aged 20, in Johannesburg in 1900. Another member was Robert Ellis Johnson, who joined as a youth. He became a foreman at the alkali works before running the King’s Head Inn. He died aged 44 in 1913. Another member at this time was journalist Thomas Chambers, who wrote for the Chester Guardian, Daily Post, North Wales Pioneer and Daily Mail, among others, and died aged 56 in 1919. The hall was used for many other groups and activities. Local events organised by the lodge included an annual sports day. Postcode: CH6 5NN View Location Map Website of Gap Personnel ^ Top Home Buildings Structures Nature & Parks Memorials Place Names Arts Sites Other Objects Tours & Themes © Copyright History Points (inc' contributors)2012-2020 Content must not be reproduced without written consent.
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The Special Collections Department consists of rare books, archives, and a few manuscript collections, which relate to the history of medicine. The core of the rare book collection was purchased from Dr. Morris Saffron, and is rich in works on both dermatology and the history of medicine. Three other collections of note are: the Frank B. Norbury Collection (neurology and psychiatry); the Kemper/Buckmaster Collection (a 19th-early 20th century working physicians collection); and the William Moore Collection (homeopathy and popular medical texts). The archives consist of 334 linear feet of material dealing with Southern Illinois University's School of Medicine. A few manuscript materials are housed in special collections, mostly related to the central Illinois region. Reference service is available both in person and by phone. The hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Photocopying is by staff at their discretion. Holdings: The total number of volumes in the collection is 5,188. Current information on dates of publication: incunabula, 0; 16th century, 13; 17th century, 26; 18th century, 138; 19th century, 1,112; 20th century, 1,242. Archival size: 334 linear feet; manuscript collection: 11; photographs, 878. All rare books are available in the online catalog, and an online finding aid is available for archival materials. The collection also includes some oral histories. Subject Strengths: History of Dermatology; History of Medicine; History of Neurology; History of Psychiatry Last Updated: 15 Jan 2016 Collection Home | About the Directory | Table of Contents | Add Your Collection | Edit Your Collection | Collections Help
Transl. by Michael Hoyle. Leiden: Primavera Pers, 2005. 312 pp, 14 color, 192 b&w illus. ISBN 90-5997-013-6 Review published April 2008 In this book, a translation of his 2002 Leiden dissertation, Elmer Kolfin has written the first comprehensive study to date on the merry company in Dutch art during the first half of the seventeenth century, expanding the subject to inlcude an extensive treatment of the roots of this iconography in the preceding century. The book comprises three parts; the first two divide the material into the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Part I, “Ideal, Moral and Satire; The iconological development of merry companies in the sixteenth century,” attends to both Southern and Northern Netherlandish paintings and prints from the middle of the fifteenth century on, and considers links with the Dutch merry companies of the next century: Hans Bol, who emigrated from the South to Amsterdam in the 1580s, emerges as a key figure in the transmission of the imagery to the North. The book therefore offers more than the geographical or chronological parameters that its title suggests. Kolfin’s organizing thesis, on which he plays minor variations throughout, is that merry companies can be divided into three iconographic categories: “ idealistic”, which present mainly positive views of the festive activities depicted; “moralistic”, in which such activities are condemned from a moral point-of-view; and “satirical”, in which they are held up for ridicule, but chiefly for comic rather than moralizing effect. Kolfin’s terminology can mutate in confusing ways. “Idyllic” appears at least once as an apparent synonym for “idealistic”. “ Satirical” and “comic” are mostly interchangeable, though the author at times seems to attempt a slight distinction between the two (p. 52). These categories (described by Kolfin variously as “lines of development”, “traditions”, or “ modes”) will strike some readers as overly rigid. In fact, the author acknowledges that they are not airtight, speculating that with certain prints “it must have been possible (as it still is) to link the associations across modes, giving the prints rich clusters of meanings” (p. 43). There is here perhaps some room for dialogue with scholars more enamored of clusters than categories. Kolfin’s laudable balancing act between the Southern and Northern Netherlands tips towards the latter in the concluding pages of Part I, which offer much more abbreviated glances at what happens to the Flemish merry company in the seventeenth century, chiefly as a foil to the Dutch part of the story that will follow. Part II, “From Workshop to Parlour; Production, sale and ownership of merry companies, 1620-1660,” shifts attention to the Northern Netherlands in the seventeenth century. A chapter on “Stylistic and iconographic developments” examines the work of David Vinckboons, Esaias van de Velde, Willem Buytewech, Dirck Hals, as well as that of the Amsterdam painters Pieter Codde, Willem Duyster, and Pieter Quast, among which the subtype of the guardroom scene appears in the 1630s. Here we encounter Kolfin’s view of the relation between the sixteenth- and seventeenth centuries: that the “ moralistic” mode largely vanishes, ceding the future of the Dutch merry company to the “idealistic” and, perhaps to a slightly lesser extent, the “satirical” categories. Such categories may seem all the more reductive in Kolfin’s narrative because he rarely enters into a sustained reading of individual images. Interpretation tends to stop once an artist’s work is positioned on the idealistic-moralistic-satirical scale. Thus “[Esaias] Van de Velde’s approach appears to be more light-hearted than rigidly moralistic” (p. 105), is all Kolfin has to offer on the meaning of that artist’s merry companies – a remark that probably struck this reviewer as particulalry unsatisfying because of his own past involvement with (what seemed to him) certain interesting subtleties in Esaias’s work (see R. Nevitt, Art and the Culture of Love in Seventeenth-Century Holland, 2003). But Kolfin’s rather strict division between the ‘light-hearted’b and the “moralistic” surely leaves out a lot. The author’s informative journey into the realm of lesser known artists continues in Part II with sections on painters in Utrecht (Jacob Duck and Jan van Bijlert), Delft (Anthonie Palamedesz.), Dordrecht (Jan Olis) and Middelburg, where one Laurence de Neter, who probably worked there in the 1630s, finally gets his due. Kolfin notes that De Neter may have been influenced by Christoffel van der Laemen, who worked in nearby Antwerp, reminding us of all the seventeenth-century Flemish material that is of course excluded from this book; the welcome breadth of Kolfin’s account, however, makes one yearn for even more. Part II continues with chapters on “ The merry company in the studio,” which considers the physical production of paintings, focusing on Dirck Hals’s compositional methods, his invention and replication of poses, and his application of paint – all designed, it seems, with the aim of streamlining the process and lowering costs (though one wonders how to draw the line exactly between market-driven brushwork and that produced by a genuinely painterly taste: Dirck’s brother comes to mind) – “The market for merry companies,” including what we know of the sale, distribution and pricing of the paintings, and finally “The merry company in the parlour,” which finds indications in probate inventories of the time of how pictures were displayed in Dutch homes. There are limitations to what can be extracted from documents of course: that some merry companies were hung in the most public rooms of houses probably does imply that they would not have been seen as “offensive” to many viewers, yet this is a long way from the notion that such paintings were unproblematically “ light-hearted”. Kolfin’s discussion of merry companies in the context of painting technique, the art market and contemporary modes of display however achieves genuine insights into the appeal of such paintings at the time, and dovetails nicely with his previous argument that the iconographic erosion of the moralistic merry company in the seventeenth century was the product of painters trying to reach a wider market. Dirck Hals is indeed a plausible hero of this account. Kolfin rounds off his volume with Part III, “ ’Why the young once came together in gaiety’; Youth, amusement and love as fashionable subjects in illustrated literature, 1600-1650,” which examines the merry company as it appears in the illustrations to three types of books: amatory songbooks and love manuals; didactic, moralizing literature like the voluminous writings of Jacob Cats; and the various genres of emblem books, secular and religious. To consider the genre of illustrated books separately, rather than together with those of paintings and independent prints, is not without justification: on some level, such texts and images do deserve their own treatment rather than merely being pressed into service to explicate the independent works. It also seems symptomatic of a method that privileges somewhat the historical taxonomy of clearly defined “pictorial traditions” over the close reading of works within a literary, social and cultural context. The former approach has its own very real contributions to make to our understanding of the pictorial tradition of the merry company, as Kolfin’s book amply demonstrates.
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Holocaust Teaching Trunks: "The trunk made it REAL. It really brought home the lives and humanity of individuals." - Teacher. Free for teachers in Washington State. Learn More and Reserve Yours! NEW Graphic Novel: More Than Any Child Should Know - Learn More & Order! Finding Light in the Darkness: Interactive Virtual Exhibit. Explore Today! Through stories and the history of the Holocaust, we see that our actions have the power to make a difference. Your support makes this possible! Make a gift today! For grades 6 and up. 30 minutes. Docents can tailor the material to your class and answer students' questions. Learn More Learn how to implement Best Practices for teaching the Holocaust. LEARN MORE Events Teacher Workshop: Cultivating Questions & Curiosity through Holocaust History Teacher Workshop: Cultivating Questions & Curiosity through Holocaust History Thursday, January 20, 2022 | 4:30-6:30pm (PT) | Free Register Now In... Read More Hours of Freedom: International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27, 2022 | International Holocaust Remembrance Day 7pm at Town Hall Seattle In-Person & Virtual | Tickets required | Free RESERVE YOUR... Read More Past Lunch-and-Learn Programs Enjoy past episodes from our weekly Lunch-and-Learn series featuring Holocaust survivors and their children and grandchildren, notable speakers on... Read More "I would enthusiastically recommend this program. I believe that nowhere else would a traveler get the experiences that you provided." - Traveler Poland during the Holocaust and Today | A trip about connecting - connecting to history, connecting to people, and understanding that each one of us has the power to make a difference. Trip includes: Warsaw, Warsaw Zoo, Treblinka, Tykocin, Bialystok (where the group will help to restore a Jewish cemetery), Krakow, Schindler's Factory, Auschwitz-Birkenau; meetings with a survivor, rescuer, and dinners and experiences that highlight the culture and history of Poland. "I would definitely recommend this trip to others. Absolutely. The trip gave me a much needed moral clarity about what matters in the world, in politics, and in human relations." - Traveler Register Now Deadline for registration - February 15, 2022 Itinerary July 1-10, 2022 Itinerary is subject to change. Meals provided are listed in ( ) Day 1, Fri, Jul 1 | Arrive in Warsaw, Welcome dinner (D) Day 2, Sat, Jul 2 | Warsaw - Walking tour of Old Warsaw, POLIN Museum, Free evening (B) Day 3, Sun, Jul 3 | Warsaw - Jewish heritage sites, Warsaw Ghetto, Warsaw Zoo (B, L) Day 4, Mon, Jul 4 | Warsaw - Treblinka Death Camp Memorial Site, Visit with rescuers in Stoczek, Tykocin, Bialystok (B, L, D) Day 5, Tue, Jul 5 | Bialystok - Day trip to Jedwabne and community service project at Jedwabne Cemetery (B, L) Day 6, Wed, Jul 6 | Bialystok - Drive to Warsaw and continue on train to Krakow, Krakow walking tour (B) Day 7, Thu, Jul 7 | Krakow - Tour Jewish heritage sites, Krakow Ghetto, Plaszow Camp Memorial Site (B, L) Day 8, Fri, Jul 8 | Krakow - Auschwitz and Birkenau (B, L) Day 9, Sat, Jul 9 | Krakow - Galicia Museum, Free afternoon (B, D) Day 10, Sun, Jul 10 | Depart Krakow, (B) This trip is geared toward those who want an in-depth and meaningful experience with other open-minded travelers. Pre-reading materials will be suggested, and a pre-trip meeting will be held in late May. For those researching and exploring their own family histories, we are happy to help make suggestions or connections. Clock hours are provided for Washington State teachers. Custom extensions are available. Please note: Each day’s schedule is quite full. Please consider extending your trip if you want more personal exploratory time. This trip includes a significant amount of walking. Costs (airfare is not included in price) $4150 (per person, double occupancy) | Single room supplement: $725 $3950 for teachers currently teaching in a classroom (per person, double occupancy) | Single room supplement: $725 $500 deposit is due upon registration. Deadline for registration and deposit - Feb. 15, 2022. The deposit will be applied to the payment balance. Payment due in full May 1, 2022. Deposit is fully refundable until May 1. Penalty for individual cancellation May 2 - May 25 is 50% of the cost of trip. After May 25th, penalty for cancellation is 100% of the cost of the trip. Scholarships - Limited number of $1000 scholarships available for Washington State teachers of grades 5-12 who are teaching the Holocaust. Scholarship will be applied to the cost of the trip. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for application. Deadline for scholarship application is Feb. 15. Scholarship applicants will be notified by March 4. Tour Package Includes: Accommodation in four- and five-star hotels based on double occupancy per itinerary with breakfast daily, local service charge, and tax (standard hotel check-in/out times apply unless otherwise noted): Warsaw (3 nights); Bialystok (2 nights); Krakow (4 nights) Land transportation per itinerary by private minibus or coach with A/C Tickets for the express train from Warsaw to Krakow in 1st class All sightseeing and excursions, including entrance fees per itinerary Local English-speaking guides throughout itinerary, excluding Warsaw, where the MIR tour manager is the guide Special cultural features as stated in itinerary, including special tours and visits Services of a professional MIR tour manager throughout the program Meals as listed in itinerary: hotel breakfast daily, 5 lunches, 3 dinners Dinners are three-course meals with tea or coffee and mineral water Baggage handling at hotels and railway stations Radio guide listening devices for the duration of the program Price Does Not Include: Airfare; Pre- or post-tour services; Arrival and departure airport transfer; Gratuities to tour manager, local guides, and drivers; visa or passport fees; medical and trip cancellation/interruption insurance; emergency evacuation costs; food or beverages not included in group meals; items of a personal nature such as laundry, alcohol, telephone expense, excess baggage fees, photo/video expenses inside museums (where allowed); other items not expressly listed as included. Questions? Email Paul Regelbrugge, Director of Education at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. From past travelers: "From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this experience. I didn't know what to expect at the beginning but I know I could never have asked for a better experience." "The experience was once in a lifetime and the information was so in depth!" "I am blown away by the experience I had between the people I met, the tour guides we were lucky enough to have, as well as the opportunities for seeing what tourists don't get to see." "I'm still processing all the information we received. It was truly a trip of a lifetime. Thank you!" "The meaning and depth of emotion and learning with both head and heart seems to increase as time passes and I contemplate all I experienced." "I never experienced a tour that was so well put together and carried out as this one." "The trip was one of the best experiences of my life. I will never forget it." Make a Payment In 1959, at a time of political unrest in Rwanda, Paul Karemera’s grandparents on both sides of his family left their homes in Rwanda and became refugees in neighboring Uganda. They belonged to the Tutsi tribe – the group targeted in the Rwandan genocide. Throughout the 1960s through the early 1990s, tribal tensions flared back in Rwanda. Paul, his siblings, and parents remained refugees in Uganda. As a young student, Paul was harassed and bullied as an outsider in Uganda, despite having been born there. When civil war and then genocide gripped Rwanda in 1990-1993, Paul’s father was active in transporting soldiers over the border of Uganda into Rwanda. These soldiers were part of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) that fought the genocide’s perpetrators and eventually took over the nation’s government. At 16, shortly after the genocide against the Tutsi, Paul went back to Rwanda as a “returnee” to the country. Many friends and family had not survived. Paul’s next years involved attending an English language high school and settling into life in Rwanda, which was not easy for him. Nationwide, the genocide’s wounds were still raw. Gacaca courts for restorative justice were instituted, but many Hutu perpetrators were never apprehended. Paul has been an English interpreter and travel guide since 2000. In 2009 Paul and his wife, Shelly, founded a travel company, Intore Expeditions, in Rwanda. He now splits time between Seattle and Rwanda. Paul wants students and other audiences in the United States to learn more about Rwandan history and the genocide. Daphna Robon tells the story of her parents, Imre Friedmann and Naomi Kraus. Imre was born in 1921 in Budapest, Hungary. Higher education was always his goal, but by the time he was ready for college in 1939, it was almost impossible for Jews to attend university in Hungary due to antisemitic restrictions. He finally enrolled in a university where he endured terrible discrimination from both students and professors. In 1944, Hungary was invaded by the Nazis, and Imre, like many Jewish men, was forced into hard labor. Luckily, he survived the labor camp and was later saved from being deported to a concentration camp by a very courageous person who impersonated a guard. After World War II, Imre escaped from Hungary to Vienna where he received his PhD in botany, zoology, and philosophy. He later immigrated to Israel where he became a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Naomi was born in 1933 in Budapest, Hungary. She was hidden in Budapest during the Holocaust, first in a Swiss “safe house,” then with a family, using a false identity, thanks to courageous non-Jewish upstanders. After the war, Naomi was united with her mother in Budapest and finished high school. She then escaped Hungary to Vienna and later immigrated to Israel. Naomi and Imre met in Israel on a blind date and married in 1953. Naomi, as the spouse of a faculty member, could enroll for free at Hebrew National University where she received a PhD in biochemistry. Later, the couple immigrated to the United States and became highly successful professors in their fields of science. Imre became quite well known in his field and is mentioned in Carl Sagan’s famous book Cosmos. He was featured in National Geographic and Discover magazine, amongst others. Daphna was born in Israel and spent most of her childhood years in Houston, Texas. She was a lawyer and worked in insurance before changing careers to become a real estate broker, which she continues till today. Daphna lives in the Seattle area with her family and began sharing her family story as a Holocaust Center speaker in 2021. Her presentation is filled with primary source documents and video clip testimonials of her parents. Daphna has a strong passion for doing what she can to stop antisemitism and racism. Daphna dedicates her presentation to her Grandmother Gizi, one of her strongest supporters throughout her life, and the person who taught her what it means to be resilient. Jessica Fenton grew up in South Florida very close to her grandparents, Natalie and Murray Borenstein. Jessica knew that her grandparents and their friends and neighbors were Holocaust survivors, which drove her to learn more and ensure their legacies lived on. Murray and Natalie were both Polish Jews. Natalie was born Naska Grunwald in Sosnowiec in 1918. Natalie and her sisters, all skilled seamstresses, sewed for Nazi wives while imprisoned in the Sosnowiec ghetto. Natalie then suffered terrible conditions in several forced labor camps of the Nazis, including a sub-camp of Auschwitz. Natalie was liberated at Ravensbruck concentration camp in 1945. Murray (originally Motek) Borenstein was born in Lublin in 1919. He survived by escaping the Nazis en route to the Majdanek concentration camp, and subsequently taking on a non-Jewish Polish identity. With his new identity, Murray was able to work for German factories and businesses until the end of the war. The two both managed to get to a Displaced Persons camp in Stuttgart, Germany in 1945. While there, Murray taught Hebrew, and Natalie was as a student. They met in class and fell in love. The couple married in 1946, and Jessica’s mother Esther was born in Germany in 1948. The family immigrated to New York in 1949, where they raised two more children and worked hard to create their new life. Later , the Borensteins retired to Florida. As an adult, Jessica dug deeper to learn Natalie and Murray’s past. Jessica collected documents, video, and photos of her grandparents’ lives and shared them with the Holocaust Center for Humanity to create her presentation. She officially joined the Holocaust Center Speakers Bureau in 2020. Jessica and her husband live in Bellevue with their three sons. Page 2 of 15 1 2 3 4 ... 6 7 8 9 10 Home Visit Plan Your Visit Finding Light in the Darkness - Virtual Exhibit Field Trips - Virtual & In-Person Anne Frank Tree Library Programs & Events Upcoming Events Virtual Lunch-and-Learn Series Writing, Art & Film Contest Continuing Generations Ambassadors for Change Stories Among Us: Traveling Exhibit Teach Best Practices: Teaching Materials Speakers Bureau - Virtual & In-Person Teaching Trunks Field Trips - Virtual & In-Person Professional Development State Requirements Educators for Change Learn Survivor Encyclopedia: Washington State What Is Genocide? 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While the Holocaust Center for Humanity has attempted to maintain as accurately and completely as possible the content on this website, including without limitation content submitted by others, such content may contain errors or omissions, for which the Holocaust Center for Humanity disclaims all liability to the fullest extent allowed by law. All photos property of the Holocaust Center for Humanity. Questions and comments: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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All categories All categoriesAppliance PackageBathroom AccessoriesBathroom FaucetCompact RefrigeratorsCooktopsDishwashersDispensersElectric FireplaceGrill AccessoriesGrill CartsGrill PackagesGrillsIce MakersKitchen FaucetKitchen SinkMicrowavesOutdoor KitchenPizza OvensPortable GrillsRange AccessoriesRange Hood AccessoriesRange HoodsRangesRangetopsRefrigerator AccessoriesRefrigeratorsShippingSHOPSTORM_HIDDEN_PRODUCTShower SystemWall OvensWarrantyWine CoolersWorkbench Close Main menu Packages Ranges Range Hoods Appliances Grills Sinks & Faucets Bathroom Best Sellers About Live Chat 1-800-495-0144 Account Login to my account Enter your e-mail and password: Email Password Login New customer? Create your account Lost password? Recover password Recover password Enter your email: Email Recover Remembered your password? Back to login Create my account Please fill in the information below: First name Last name Email Password Create my account Already have an account? Login here Wish List 0 Cart Packages All Packages Browse All Packages By Range Size: 30" 36" 48" 60" By Brand: ZLINE Packages Thor Packages Forno Packages Thor 5-Piece Suite The Complete Kitchen ZLINE 48" 4-Piece Ranges All Ranges Gas Ranges Dual Fuel (Gas Cooktop, Electric Oven) Electric Ranges Induction Ranges Wall Ovens Cooktops Rangetops Drop-Ins Induction Griddles & Accessories Range Hoods Wall Mount 24" 30" 36" 40" 42" 48” 54" 60" Under Cabinet 30” 36” 42” 48” 60" Island Mount 30” 36” 42” 48” 54" 60" Inserts 28" 34" 40" 46" 52" 58" Outdoor Wall Mount Island Mount Insert Range Hood Accessories Crown Molding Extensions & Short Kits Filters Appliances Dishwashers Microwaves Refrigerators Ice Makers Wine Coolers Grills Grill Packages Natural Gas Grills Liquid Propane Grills Electric Grills Charcoal Grills Side Burners Grill Carts Grill Accessories Sinks & Faucets Kitchen Faucets All Sinks Farmhouse Sinks Undermount Sinks Bathroom Shower Sets Bathroom Faucets Bathroom Accessories Best Sellers About About Us FAQs Happy Customers Financing Blog Home All products ZLINE 30" Unfinished Wooden Wall Moun... Click to Zoom in ZLINE 30" Unfinished Wooden Wall Mount Range Hood (KBUF-30) Save 42% Brand: ZLINESKU: KBUF-30 No reviews Authorized Dealer Free Shipping 30-Day Return Policy Price: $899.95 $1,559.99Save 42% / Stock: In Stock Delivery: Ask for restock estimate Dec 13-20th *Estimate Size 30" 30" 36" 36" 48" 48" Financing Options: Add to cart ZLINE 30" Unfinished Wooden Wall Mount Range Hood (KBUF-30) No reviews $899.95 $1,559.99 Add to cart Description ZLINE 30" Unfinished Wooden Wall Mount Range Hood (KBUF-30) The ZLINE KBUF-30 is a 30-inch wall mount wooden range hood designed to be both elegant and powerful, featuring the industry's only lifetime warranty motor. The beautiful unfinished light wood gives you the ability to customize your hood while the stainless steel inner frame make it both durable and long-lasting. This durable construction, along with ZLINE's lifetime warranty motor - a ZLINE exclusive - guarantee a range hood that will last for a lifetime. This classic wooden hood contains many modern features, such as: Hand-crafted, hand-finished wood Dishwasher-safe stainless steel baffle filters Built-in LED lighting High performance 4-speed motor with speeds up to 400 CFM All ZLINE range hoods come equipped with everything needed to easily install and use, including a 24-inch chimney with crown molding. This hood will fit most ceilings up to 9.5 feet, though the chimney is designed to be cut to fit lower ceilings. For ceilings between 9.5 and 12.5 feet, a 61-inch chimney extension is available for purchase. Unfinished Wood may be predisposed to higher rates of damages/blemishes. Returns may not be accepted for minor damage. Not compatible with stain - paint only. OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES Ductless/Recirculate Option - Yes - requires CF1 Filters and CM6V-KBUF crown molding with air vents (both sold separately) Ceiling Heights Options: Less 9.5' - No Ext or Short Kit required 9.5' to 12.5’ - Require Ext KBUF-E Crown Molding(s) - Included Certified Outdoor Use - No Available in - 36" (KBUF-36), 42" (KBUF-42), 48" (KBUF-48) Product Specifications Brand: ZLINE Kitchen and Bath Dimension: 30" W x 19.7" D x 13.25" H Chimney: 12.5" W x 9.25" D x 23.5" H Venting Size: 6" Outlet (Transition piece to round ducting included) Airflow (Q/L/M/H): 120/240/320/400 Lighting: 2 Directional LED Lights (3-Watt) Noise Level: 20/29/34/41 Voltage: 110V/60HZ Motor: High Performance 400 CFM/4-Speed Motor Mount Type: Wall Mount Range Hood Speeds: 4 Speeds Control Type: Speed/Timer Panel with LCD (3 Minute AutoTimer with Delayed Shutoff) Filters: Stainless Steel Baffle Filters (Dishwasher Safe) Material: Solid Wood Exterior with Stainless Steel Insert, Unfinished Warranty: Unfinished Wood is predisposed to a higher incidence of damage/blemishes. Returns may not be accepted for minor damages. Features: Model No. KBUF-30 (ETL Listed) UPC: 817299029342 Certifications: ETL Certified Range Hood Decibel Levels ZLINE Range Hoods are supposed to be seen, not heard. That’s why even at the highest speed our range hoods only reach 56 decibels, which is quieter than your average conversation. Rest assured that your new range hood will not be interrupting your dinner party or when you’re helping with homework. Download Installation Manual Shipping & Returns Shipping Shipping is FREE Large appliances ship via FedEx Freight or similar courier. Delivery is curbside, meaning the carrier will drop off your item on your property not inside your home. The courier company will call ahead of time to schedule a drop off date For more details, visit our Shipping Page Returns 30-Day Return Policy. If your order arrives damaged, we will exchange you for a new one Extensions, Short Kits, Charcoal Filters, and Crown Moldings are non-returnable items. For more details, visit our Return Policy Page Customer Reviews No reviews yet Write a review 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) Payment & Security American Express Apple Pay Bitcoin Diners Club Discover Dogecoin Elo Ethereum Google Pay JCB Mastercard PayPal Shop Pay Venmo Visa Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. Refund Policy Home Outlet Direct believes you will be thrilled with the products you purchase from us and stand by all of our products. However, sometimes you may need to return a product. Please review the following terms relating to refunds and returns: Please email to initiate a return Returns: If you would like to return your purchase, you may return an item for a refund of the merchandise total within 30 days of delivery. All returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee. We will cover the shipping cost of returning the product. Cancellations: All orders are processed immediately, if you decide to cancel your order a 15% restocking fee will apply. The restocking fee is dependent on the product and brand. Because we have to re-stock and process your product, cancelled orders may take up to 1-2 weeks to process. All product(s) must be returned in their original condition, never been installed, including the original packaging, manufacturer's containers, documentation, warranty cards, manuals, and all accessories. Refunds will be issued after the warehouse receives, inspects and processes your return. Refunds are only processed once our warehouse inspects and restocks the product. This process can take up to 5-10 business days from date of return. Refunds will be credited to the original payment method and can take up to 3-5 business days to reflect on your statement. Return re-stocking fees are not refundable. All returns are subject to inspection and additional fees if returned unusable or damaged due to improper packing, installation, and/or modification in any way. Please note: chimney extensions, chimney short kits, crown moldings, and filters are non-returnable purchases, please contact one of our specialists if you have questions about short kits or extensions. Exchanges: Due to complexities with processing returned products, we cannot exchange items. Instead we will process your order as a return and you may then order the product you prefer. Returns are processed in the order they are received at our, or the manufacturer's, warehouse. Refunds are only processed once the warehouse inspects and restocks the product. This process can take up to 5-10 business days from date of return. Customer shipping charges are non refundable and there may have to pay a small shipping charge for exchanges. All exchanges are subject to inspection and additional fees if returned unusable or damaged due to improper packing, installation, and/or modification in any way. Damaged or Defective: If your item arrived damaged or defective - we are happy to arrange for a prompt replacement. Please email us with your order number and photos of the damage at within 48 hours. Prior to shipping, all Home Outlet Direct products are individually inspected to verify that they leave our facility in brand-new condition. We re-package all of our products well so they arrive on your doorstep undamaged. When you sign for the delivery, even if the package appears only slightly damaged, please write "Package Damaged." If the package looks significantly damaged, you may refuse delivery. In this case, please notify us so that we can expect the return shipment. Once the package returns to us we will send you a new one right away. If you have already accepted the package and notice missing or damaged parts, please contact us right away and we will ship you replacement parts free of charge. We usually only have a 48-hour window to file freight claims. If we cannot replace the parts, our carrier will pick up the original package and we will send you a full replacement. If you are missing any parts, we will ship them to you at our expense. If you decide you do not want parts or a replacement unit, you can return the item under our standard return policy. Before installing your unit, please test the item(s) for proper functionality by plugging it into the wall and testing if the product works (such as fan, vent, lighting, etc.). If the unit does not work, please contact customer service right away. If your product has a manufacturer's defect, we can either replace the defective part or, if necessary, the entire unit. PRODUCT NOT ELIGIBLE FOR RETURNS Any product(s) that have been modified Any product(s) that are not in a resalable condition Any product(s) not that is not accompanied by an order number Any product(s) that is not in the original box with sufficient packaging materials Please note that range hood extensions, chimney extensions, chimney short kits, crown moldings, and filters are non-returnable purchases. Please contact one of our specialists if you have questions about short kits or extensions. All returns must have return authorization from Home Outlet Direct prior to shipment. Shipping charges, customs duties, brokerage fees, and local taxes, are not refundable. Special-order items or altered items cannot be returned. Why buy from Home Outlet Direct? Home Outlet Direct provides luxury designed appliances at an affordable price. We make appliance shopping easy and enjoyable through our knowledgeable sales reps. Whether you are renovating your home or a builder looking for an appliance partner, we have the selection and expertise to help bring your project to life. What Our Customers Are Saying from 10917 reviews Love it! Classy and elegant!Great buy! Customer service was awesome! The 1st shipment was damaged but we got the replacement right away🤗 Gigi Francisco ZLINE 30” Convertible Vent Wall Mount Range Hood in Stainless Steel (KB-30) 10/17/2021 It took over 3 monhs for delivery during covid pandemic, but the product looks great in my kitchen. I am happy with it. LIDA VELASQUEZ Thor Kitchen 48 In. Duct Cover / Extension for Under Cabinet Range Hoods in Stainless Steel (RHDC4856) 10/12/2021 Love this range! Works as great as it looks. Working with Home Outlet Direct was easy and it arrived quickly. Thanks will shop again here Steve D ZLINE 48" Stainless Steel 6.0 cu.ft. - 7 Gas Cooktop/Electric Oven Range - with Reversible Griddle (RA48) 09/21/2021 I'd give it 10 stars if I could! I LOVE this refrigerator, but lets start with the "possible drawbacks" of this item.. 1st) This is counter depth so despite being a HUGE unit, it doesn't have as much internal food storage space inside as you'd expect. The same goes for the freezer drawers. (read the unit specs before deciding if this is right for you). 2nd)There isn't much you can do to reconfigure the shelving to accommodate taller items. If you are like me, and don't like storing dairy items like milk on the doors, you might need to use the retractable shelf in order to fit your gallon & 1/2 gallon containers. Those are really the only possible drawbacks I can find. Now the Positives: You can use touch pad on the door-front to check & change the freezer & refrigerator temps independently(Lurv!). The French style fridge doors have a rotating gizmo along one inside edge to ensure that the doors maintain a perfect seal every time they are closed.(Lurv!) Two separate freezer drawers means you can find things "at-a-glance" with less time with the door open.(no more freezer splunking, Yay!) Each produce drawer has it's own independent humidity control, and the "full width chiller drawer" is my favorite feature of this unit. I'm able to organize all our lunch making meats n' cheeses (and a lot of other small packaged items as well). This drawer keeps my fridge from becoming a hovel of small misplaced bags & packages.(super LURV that!) This is a great looking and excellent performing refrigerator for this price point. John OBrien Thor Kitchen French Door Refrigerator in Stainless Steel - Counter Depth - 20.85 cu. ft. (HRF3601F) 09/21/2021 Great service! Could not be happier with Home Outlet Direct's service! The salesperson that helped me was super knowledgeable and helped me make my purchase. My ZLINE appliances arrived fast and I'm ecstatic to have them! Susan V. Home Outlet Direct 08/25/2021 Gorgeous Not only is it beautiful, but the delivery was way ahead of schedule! We could not be happier with the range or the company who got it to us! ashley vetters ILVE 30" Nostalgie - Dual Fuel Range with 5 Sealed Burners - 3 cu. ft. Oven - Brass Trim in Stainless Steel (UPN76DMPI) 08/23/2021 ZLINE DUAL RANGE STOVE We had to replace the gas hook up piece that was defective but now its working and the oven is great. Also was great working with Home Outlet direct. They shipped the oven out quickly, the customer service was top notch. I would definitely recommend buying from this company. Dawn P ZLINE 30" Stainless Steel 4.0 cu.ft. 4 Gas Burner/Electric Oven Range (RA30) 08/23/2021 I was completely impressed with the quality of the unit. It is better than expected. Excellent product, would recommend it highly. William Henkel Thor Kitchen Modular Outdoor Kitchen Bar Center with Storage Tray (MK01SS304) 08/16/2021 Thor 48” Home outlet did a great job! Tim Coleman Thor Kitchen 48" 6.7 cu. ft. Dual Fuel Range in Stainless Steel (HRD4803U) 08/04/2021 Beautiful well made stove make any kitchen inviting. Linda Adams ILVE 40" Professional Plus - Dual Fuel Range with 2 Ovens - 6 Sealed Burners - 4 cu. ft. Oven in Stainless Steel (UPDW1006DMPI) 07/23/2021 Zline sink We love ZLine products and this sink is no exception. It is beautiful! Sara Humes ZLINE 30" Zermatt Farmhouse Apron Mount Single Bowl DuraSnow® Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink with Bottom Grid (SAS-30S) 07/15/2021 GREAT!!! The ZLine range is outstanding! Everything about the range exceeds expectations! I am so glad we decided on the ZLine range and that we order from Home Outlet Direct. Linda Powers ZLINE 36" Stainless Steel 4.6 cu.ft. - Gas Burner & 220v Electric Oven Range (RA36) 07/06/2021 the materials use in this grill are good quality Francisco Cifuentes Thor Kitchen 24" 5.4 cu. ft. Built-in Indoor/Outdoor Undercounter Double Drawer Refrigerator in Stainless Steel (TRF2401U) 06/27/2021 Dual fuel range Love this range. It looks like a high end commercial range with beautiful blue enamel inside both ovens. It’s a cooks dream. Chet OBrien Thor Kitchen 48" 6.7 cu. ft. Dual Fuel Range in Stainless Steel (HRD4803U) 06/16/2021 Just installed And so far loving it! Dang this thing is gorgeous! Having to learn to cook on gas but enjoying every moment of it ! Jamie Odom ZLINE 48" Stainless Steel 6.0 cu.ft. - 7 Gas Cooktop/Electric Oven Range - with Reversible Griddle (RA48) 06/11/2021 Real Customers. Real Results. You may also like Builder Bootcamp Blog View all About Thor Kitchen: A Comprehensive Look at Thor Kitchen Appliances What is the Difference Between Thor Kitchen’s LRG and HRG Ranges? About ZLINE Kitchen and Bath: A Deep Dive into The Fastest Growing Appliances Companies in America Free Shipping On all orders! Easy Return & Exchanges 30-Day Return Policy Buy Direct & Save Skip the middle man to save money Questions? Call Us: 1-800-495-0144 Review Medals 189 Home Outlet Direct Appliance Packages Best Sellers Sale Ranges Range Hoods Kitchen Appliances Grills About About Us Builder Bootcamp Financing Trades Discount Happy Customers Info Shipping Returns Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact 1-800-495-0144 Monday-Friday: 9:00am-9:00pm Sales: Support: © Home Outlet Direct Follow Us We Accept American Express Apple Pay Bitcoin Diners Club Discover Dogecoin Elo Ethereum Google Pay JCB Mastercard PayPal Shop Pay Venmo Visa ★ Reviews Let customers speak for us 10917 reviews Write a review 86% (9431) 14% (1479) 0% (6) 0% (1) 0% (0) C Forno Pro-Style Refrigerator and Freezer - 2 x 28" - 27.6 cu.ft (FFFFD1933-60S) CB FORNO Pro-Style Refrigerator and Freezer - 2 x 28" - 27.6 cu.ft It’s a beautiful fridge/freezer. It is not complete without custom cabinetry, something I feel the sales person should have told me when I asked if this is a complete fridge ready for kitchen use. I am not able to place the grill on the fridge without cabinetry, so waiting to get the fridge off the ground so it will look a normal height. It also sticks out several inches further than my countertop which is a bit frustrating, since it is supposed to be a counter depth fridge. I measured and did my best to be sure everything would fit well in the kitchen. Just want others to know you need a professional to make this fridge what it is supposed to be. Dents very easily, I have a dent on the freezer side and on the fridge side already, just received it a few weeks ago. I gave it 4 stars because I like the size and I think once I get the custom cabinetry complete, it should look nice. T Thor Kitchen Cast Iron Double Burner Griddle Plate (RG1032) Tina Schmidt Kitchen Cast Iron Griddle We have an NXR range but that company doesn't make a griddle that can be purchased as an accessory. I found this one online and called the company. The dimensions were identical to what I needed so I ordered. It is a PERFECT match and no one would know it didn't come with my range!! We use it for something with just about every meal we make! Absolutely love it!! M ZLINE 4-Piece Appliance Package - 30" Dual Fuel Range, Stainless Steel Dishwasher, Microwave Drawer & Premium Hood M.G. Love This Package I am in love with the dual fuel range and the rest of the package. Great quality and look. R ZLINE 2-Piece Appliance Package - 36" Gas Range & Convertible Vent Range Hood in Stainless Steel Richard Sweat Makes AWSOME grilled cheese sandwiches We looked for 2 years before choosing the 36" gas/gas range. We live in Hurricane country and a gas stove/oven will make you VERY popular in an all electric neighborhood.
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Meet Mark and Becky, two normal parents trying their best to raise normal kids. But as their children grow older, these sincere parents have a growing sense that they are in over their heads. After all, it’s not like children come with a 445-page instruction manual or a 24-hour customer service line. Yet the problems and difficulties Mark and Becky face are not unusual or far-fetched–in fact, they are the normal, day-to-day battles most parents share. So why is it still so hard? Because no one showed them the basics of good parenting. In Confident Parenting, Jim Burns weaves together the fictional story of Mark and Becky with common sense and accessible parenting tips and strategies. Part story, part information, each chapter explores a different aspect of parenting, such as balancing self-care with family care, and includes the ingredients involved in proper discipline. With more than 20 years of experience counseling hundreds of families and children, Burns offers time-tested advice in a painless and creative way, helping parents everywhere lay a positive foundation for raising healthy families. This resource is also available in Spanish: Padres Confiados. SKU: 9780764205361 Category: Parenting Related products God Made Your Body by Jim Burns God Made Your Body $13.50 Add to cart Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality by Jim Burns Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality $13.50 Add to cart Sale! 10 Building Blocks for a Solid Family: e-S... by Doug Fields & Jim Burns 10 Building Blocks for a Solid Family: e-Study Guide $12.99 $9.99 Add to cart Pass It On: Building a Legacy of Faith for... by Jim Burns & Jeremy Lee Pass It On: Building a Legacy of Faith for Your Children through Practical and Memorable Experiences $15.99 Add to cart About HomeWord HomeWord helps families succeed by creating Biblical resources that build strong marriages, confident parents, empowered kids and healthy leaders. Founded by Jim Burns, HomeWord seeks to advance the work of God in the world by educating, equipping, and encouraging parents and churches. Learn More » Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram YouTube Support Our Mission HomeWord is non-profit, donor supported ministry. If you would like to partner with HomeWord in our effort to help more parents and families you can make a donation. Your investment will allow us to expand this ministry by offering more resources to families and churches in need.
When searching for a house to buy, there’s one feature that can often stop people dead in their tracks, one […]
Responses to the Coup d'etat in Honduras on Sunday June 28, with special emphasis on producing English-language versions of commentaries by Honduran scholars and editorial writers and addressing the confusion encouraged by lack of basic knowledge about Honduras. Friday, September 25, 2009 Military Gases Brazilian Embassy Telesur reports the miltary began throwing some kind of gas grenades into the Brazillian embassy this morning and blocking the admission of food and water. They've also cut the electricity again, and are blocking cell phone service from inside the embassy at this time. Symptoms of the gas include bleeding from the nose, vomitting, diarhea, fainting, headaches. Manuel Zelaya told the AFP that he had asked the Red Cross to visit, and has called on the UN to send a toxicologist to help determine the nature of the gas. He speculated that it was a gas the military use to get people to come out of buildings. He said they have evidence to present to the UN about the source and nature of the gas. Radio Globo is currently transmitting a press conference in which he is showing the press his evidence of the devices that deliver the gas. About 25-30 people in the Brazilian embassy are affected. All of this is a violation of the Vienna Convention but the law doesn't matter to facists like Micheletti. In the meantime, the UN Security Council called on the de facto government to cease its relentless pursuit of the Brazilian Embassy and to resume the supply of services and access to the Brazilian embassy. They specified that the electricity, water, food, and access to continuous communications be restored. Posted by RNS at 10:51 AM Labels: Brazil Embassy, gas, Roberto Micheletti 4 comments: PablitoSinPistola said... According to a doctor interviewed on Radio Globo, he was able to get a sample of the gas and analyze it in a lab. He claimed it was HCN, Hydrogean Cyanide gas. See this for a description of wha this gas can do: I spoke to my source who is at work only a couple of blocks from the Brazilian Embassy. She reports that some are trying to cover up the attack by saying that the folks in the Embassy are simply reacting to an exposure to house-cleaning chemicals and that the overcrowded conditions in the Embassy made everyone more sensitive. September 25, 2009 at 12:10 PM Anonymous said... Just speculation, but I don't think this is tear gas. I hope they can get a pathologist's report, becaus I think the coup just committed a crime against humanity. Another bit of speculation: the gas attack against Radio Globo was a dry run for this. --Charles September 25, 2009 at 12:48 PM Anonymous said... Vos has a piece saying that ammonia and hydrogen cyanide were found in the residue. Ammonia is used as pepper spray. HCN is used to kill people. No indication of whether the HCN was there in more than trace quantities or whether they did assays for conventional agents such as CN and CS. --Charles September 25, 2009 at 1:07 PM felipe said... Note sure what the Golpistas thought they could get away with/accomplish with this but, for me, I have gone from "passively documenting" to "actively recruiting" people on the anti-golpista side.
Marc Stein: Hearing that the Hornets, despite Stan Van Gundy’s prediction, are happy with the Briante Weber move and unlikely to pursue Brandon Jennings More on Brandon Jennings Free Agency 5 years ago – via Twitter ESPNSteinLine Marc Stein: Word is multiple teams are interested in Brandon Jennings' free agency .... with the Wizards, (via @chrisbhaynes) at the front of the line. 5 years ago – via Twitter daldridgetnt David Aldridge: Hearing from several places that Brandon Jennings not a lock to go 2 Charlotte; Wizards among teams still working. (All due respect to SVG.) 5 years ago – via Twitter TimBontemps Tim Bontemps: Assuming Brandon Jennings clears waivers, won't be at all surprised if winds up DC. Wiz were looking for backup PG upgrades at the deadline. 5 years ago – via Twitter AaronMcMann Aaron McMann: Stan Van Gundy spoke to Brandon Jennings' agent this morning. Apparently he's headed to Charlotte. 5 years ago – via Twitter Vincent_Ellis56 Brandon Jennings to Charlotte? Vincent Ellis: Stan Van Gundy scoops everybody and says Jennings headed to Charlotte. I don't see it anywhere else. #Hornets 5 years ago – via Twitter detnewsRodBeard Rod Beard: Brandon Jennings appears headed to #Hornets. 5 years ago – via In addition, guard Brandon Jennings has been waived. 5 years ago – via New York Post The Undefeated reported Jennings asked to be waived to go to a playoff contender, and the Knicks, according to a source, felt he “was no longer a fit.” The Knicks (24-35) are in 12th place in the Eastern Conference, four games out of playoff position. 5 years ago – via New York Post Jennings mysteriously sat out the game before the All-Star break/trade deadline with a sore Achilles and claimed it had nothing to do with the potential for a deal. The Knicks had received trade offers for Jennings. He also deactivated his Twitter account for several days in a possible indication the New York market got to him. “Just needed a break from it,’’ Jennings said. “As a Knick player you get all sorts of weird tweets. You play for the Knicks. You’re going to get a lot of tweets. A lot. I just wanted to get off social media for a minute, that’s all. I was able to clear my head.” 5 years ago – via Twitter ChrisBHaynes Chris Haynes: One team, league sources tell ESPN, with interest in newly released backup point guard Brandon Jennings: Washington. 5 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: NYK looked into trading Jennings after he expressed a desire to move on, per a source. Worth noting: his cap hold this summer was $6 million 5 years ago – via Yahoo! Sports The Knicks’ front office and coaching staff hadn’t been enamored with Jennings’ mindset amidst the team’s struggles this season, league sources said, and ownership agreed to pay him the balance of the $5 million owed him on his contract this season. 5 years ago – via Twitter NetsDaily Nets Daily: FYI, Nets had workout set up with Brandon Jennings the morning after they met with Lin last July. Lin agreed to deal, no Jennings. 5 years ago – via Twitter Brandon Jennings: Thank you to all the Knicks fans for the love all year long, and thanks to my teammates and the organization. 5 years ago – via Twitter WojVerticalNBA Brandon Jennings done with Knicks Adrian Wojnarowski: The New York Knicks are waiving guard Brandon Jennings, league sources tell @TheVertical. 5 years ago – via Twitter WojVerticalNBA Adrian Wojnarowski: The Knicks are planning to use Jennings roster spot to sign free agent guard Chasson Randle, league sources tell @TheVertical. 5 years ago – via Twitter MarcJSpearsESPN Marc J. Spears: Brandon Jennings told NYK recently he wanted to play for a playoff team, source said. NYK released the vet PG, plan to sign another. Woj 1st 5 years ago – via Twitter SBondyNYDN Stefan Bondy: Knicks are waiving Brandon Jennings a day after Charley Rosen called him a "profound disappointment" who "resists the triangle." 5 years ago – via Twitter Brandon Jennings: I plan on staying. It's nothing like being a knick I feel the energy already! 5 years ago – via ESPN Brandon Jennings said back in July that he felt some around the NBA questioned his love for the game. It sounds like he’s looking to prove that perception wrong this season. “I’m as hungry as I’ve ever been now. I’m on a one-year deal. I’m coming off an Achilles injury, everybody [wrote] me off. So right now I’m hungry, I’m more hungry than ever,” Jennings said last week on The Stashed’s “33rd & 7th” podcast with Anthony Donahue. 5 years ago – via ESPN Jennings said in July that Jackson expects him to win the NBA’s Sixth Man award this season. He’s fine with those expectations, as well as coming off the bench in New York after starting 90 percent of his first 460 regular-season games. “At the end of the day, right now I just want to win, man. I just want to be in a winning environment,” Jennings, whose teams have won 45 percent of the games he's played in, told Donahue. “I’m in the biggest market, the greatest basketball city, the Mecca, so who cares [about coming off the bench]? Let’s just win. We win, the whole city loves us.” 5 years ago – via New York Post The Post has learned Jennings requested a one-year contract to give himself a chance to prove himself and boost his stock for 2017’s free-agent bonanza. The Knicks were obliging as they seek to keep open 2017 cap space. 5 years ago – via Ian Begley: Update: the Knicks have rescinded the $2.7 million qualifying offer to Langston Galloway, per league sources. This was likely done to fit Brandon Jennings' deal into cap space. This doesn't preclude the Knicks from re-signing Galloway but makes it a bit more difficult. The club has not renounced free agent Lance Thomas, so it can use Early Bird rights to sign him to a deal worth a max of approximately $6.2 million. 5 years ago – via Twitter BobbyMarks42 Bobby Marks: On the Jennings signing. New York can still sign Lance Thomas and Langston Galloway but would need to renounce Derrick Williams. 5 years ago – via Ian Begley: The Knicks have their backup point guard in Brandon Jennings. Jennings' deal is one year and approximately $5 million, league sources confirm to ESPN. CSN Chicago first reported the terms. The Knicks will likely have to renounce their rights to free agents Derrick Williams, Lou Amundson, Sasha Vujacic and Kevin Seraphin to fit Jennings' deal into cap space. The club should still be able to sign restricted free agent Langston Galloway and free agent Lance Thomas by going over the cap to do so via the Early Bird exception. 5 years ago – via Ian Begley: The Knicks have their backup point guard in Brandon Jennings. Jennings' deal is one year and approximately $5 million, league sources confirm to ESPN. CSN Chicago first reported the terms. The Knicks will likely have to renounce their rights to free agents Derrick Williams, Lou Amundson, Sasha Vujacic and Kevin Seraphin to fit Jennings' deal into cap space. The club should still be able to sign restricted free agent Langston Galloway and free agent Lance Thomas by going over the cap to do so via the Early Bird exception. 5 years ago – via Twitter Brandon Jennings: Can't wait to play in the Mecca!! Excited to be joining such a historic franchise @NYKNICKS!!! 5 years ago – via Twitter vgoodwill Vincent Goodwill: Jennings agrees to a one year $5 million deal with the Knicks according to sources 5 years ago – via Twitter ESPNSteinLine Knicks to sign Brandon Jennings Marc Stein: The Knicks are about to strike a deal with Brandon Jennings, according to league sources 5 years ago – via Twitter vgoodwill Vincent Goodwill: Brandon Jennings agrees to deal with the New York Knicks 5 years ago – via Twitter Chris_Broussard Chris Broussard: Free agent point guard Brandon Jennings will work out for the Brooklyn Nets Friday morning at UCLA, according to a league source. 5 years ago – via New York Post The Nets also have legitimate interest in Orlando’s Brandon Jennings. – who should be available with the Magic all-in on their youth movement and Elfrid Payton – but have not yet secured a meeting with the 26-year-old. 5 years ago – via Twitter NYPost_Lewis Brian Lewis: The #Nets don't currently have any free agent meeting set up with point guard Brandon Jennings. Not saying they wont, but haven't yet. 5 years ago – via Twitter stevekylerNBA Jacob Rude: Can I report on this? - Steve Kyler: If you want -- add Rajon Rondo and Brandon Jennings to the report both are said to be mutually interested in Nets. 5 years ago – via Twitter Brandon Jennings: Me & Jamal Crawford should team up. 6 years ago – via Twitter stevekylerNBA Steve Kyler: Brandon Jennings would like to stay - have not talked to Ersan about it - always comes down to money.… 6 years ago – via Booth Newspapers Since being traded to Orlando, Jennings has played in 18 games - starting six - and averaged 7.5 points and 4.1 assists, a significant drop in production from the 15-plus points and seven assists he was averaging during the peak of his career in Detroit. "If a team believes in me and believes that I'm capable of getting back to myself and run a team, I'm down," Jennings said. "The first thing is taking care of business this summer. That's the biggest thing. I've got all the way until September, so I've got a whole summer this summer. My love for the game is crazy, so I'm going to be ready." 6 years ago – via SheridanHoops Brooklyn is one of the teams with the biggest need at point guard after losing Jarrett Jack for the season to a knee injury. The Nets are willing to give Jennings a long-term contract as they begin the process of rebuilding following the reign of error directed by Billy King. 6 years ago – via Twitter David_Mayo David Mayo: SVG says he wants Brandon Jennings back with #Pistons but noted whether they can agree on role, money is TBA. 6 years ago – via Detroit Free Press And if it's his last season in Detroit, he hopes to be a main cog in a playoff push. "My main thing when I come back is to help this team get to the playoffs, because that's our main goal," Jennings said. "Everybody feels that's the goal and what everybody feels around the city. "If I don't come back the way I was last year, I'm going to be very upset with myself. I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself first right now. I'm not thinking about re-signing here, not re-signing here. I'm just thinking about getting back on the court and taking care of business." 6 years ago – via Detroit Free Press Still, Jennings mentioned the escalating salaries at media day. Not that it was jealousy. It was more a reminder of what the injury could cost him. The talk with Gores was welcome. "Yeah, especially during the time of when I was injured, and to hear what he had to say to me definitely opened up my eyes and just really helped me through a lot of stuff I was going through," Jennings said. "Like a father-son type talk. It was some good things that were said, and he definitely gave me a different perspective on things I need to work on and what I need to come back and do." Free Agency, Uncategorized Free Agency, Brandon Jennings, Briante Weber, Charlotte Hornets, New York Knicks Storyline: Brandon Jennings Free Agency 247 shares share tweet pin sms send email More HoopsHype Rumors December 7, 2021 | 8:26 pm EST Update CJ McCollum to miss time with collapsed lung Upon further examination, a CT scan revealed that Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum has a pneumothorax (right lung), the team announced today. McCollum sustained the injury during the 4th quarter of Portland’s game versus Boston on December 4. He will be further evaluated before a prognosis is determined and his status will be updated accordingly. 5 hours ago – via Injuries, Top Rumors Top Rumors, Injuries, CJ McCollum, Portland Trail Blazers This rumor is part of a storyline: 53 more rumors share tweet send sms email McCollum did not travel with the team for Wednesday’s game at Golden State. 5 hours ago – via Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, CJ McCollum, Portland Trail Blazers share tweet send sms email Casey Holdahl: In more injury news, Anfernee Simons (right ankle), Ben McLemore (left hip), Nassir Little (left ankle) and Cody Zeller (right quad) are questionable while CJ McCollum (right pneumothorax) and Damian Lillard (abdominal tendinopathy) are out for Wednesday’s game vs. Golden State. 5 hours ago – via Twitter CHold Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, Anfernee Simons, Ben McLemore, CJ McCollum, Cody Zeller, Damian Lillard, Nassir Little, Portland Trail Blazers share tweet send sms email Jason Anderson: The Kings are listing Harrison Barnes (foot) and Maurice Harkless (knee) as questionable for Wednesday’s game against the Orlando Magic. Neemias Queta (G League), Jahmi’us Ramsey (G League) and Robert Woodard II (G League) are out. 5 hours ago – via Twitter JandersonSacBee G League, Injuries, Maurice Harkless, Uncategorized G League, Injuries, Maurice Harkless, Harrison Barnes, Neemias Queta, Robert Woodard, Sacramento Kings share tweet send sms email Mark Medina: Clippers list Nicolas Batum as questionable for tomorrow’s game vs Celtics. He’s cleared NBA health and safety protocols, but status uncertain amid conditioning concerns 5 hours ago – via Twitter MarkG_Medina Uncategorized Nicolas Batum, Los Angeles Clippers Storyline: Coronavirus share tweet send sms email Chris Grenham: Ime Udoka says Romeo Langford is still a little sore, but he won’t be on a minutes limit. Just a pain tolerance thing. 5 hours ago – via Twitter chrisgrenham Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, Romeo Langford, Boston Celtics share tweet send sms email Chris Forsberg: Celtics say, in addition to Jaylen Brown, Jabari Parker (non-COVID illness) and Bruno Fernando (low back spasms) are out vs. Lakers. Romeo Langford is available. 5 hours ago – via Twitter ChrisForsberg_ Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, Bruno Fernando, Jabari Parker, Jaylen Brown, Romeo Langford, Boston Celtics share tweet send sms email Frank Vogel not worried about job security in Lakers Jovan Buha: When asked about his job security, Frank Vogel said he’s not worried and that he believes he has management’s support. He said he hasn’t spoken to Rob Pelinka about how the Lakers’ 12-12 affects his job status.
Ian Begley: Mitchell Robinson (foot) hasn’t been cleared to play yet. NYK’s Leon Rose & Tom Thibodeau both said they were very encouraged by Robinson’s play prior to his injury. When asked about Robinson’s contract, Rose said: “We love Mitchell Robinson. We look forward to seeing him play.” More on Mitchell Robinson Injury 2 months ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Mitchell Robinson may not be full go to start training camp Marc Berman: Leon Rose spoke today. Mitchell Robinson may not be full bore to start training camp. “Work in progress.” 3 months ago – via David Aldridge @ The Athletic Mitchell Robinson, Knicks (broken foot): New York’s starting center early last season is progressing fine, but he is not yet a full go as camp starts. The Knicks will be “conservative,” per a source, in bringing him back. 6 months ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Mitchell Robinson (out: right foot surgery) is the only player listed by the Knicks on their injury report for Game 3 7 months ago – via Twitter IanBegley Mitchell Robinson steps away from returning to the court Ian Begley: Tom Thibodeau says Mitchell Robinson remains several steps away from returning to the court. 7 months ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov No timetable on Mitchell Robinson return Mike Vorkunov: Mitchell Robinson's broken right foot is healing "as planned," Thibodeau says. Could he be back before end of Knicks season? Thibs: "I don't want to put any timetable on it bc to be honest I don't know...We don't want to take any chances w/ it so we're going to be very patient" 8 months ago – via Marc Berman @ New York Post Mitchell Robinson out for the season? Less than two months after hand surgery, Robinson went under the knife again. The Knicks announced he had successful surgery Monday to repair a fractured fifth metatarsal in his right foot at Hospital for Special Surgery. The Knicks offered no timetable for his return but nobody expects him back this season — unless the Knicks go far in the playoffs. 8 months ago – via Marc Berman @ New York Post Robinson will enter the final year of his contract next season on a team option. There’s no expectation the Knicks would not want to exercise that option now. The theory was potentially making him a restricted free agent to lock him up long term rather than risk unrestricted free agency in 2022 where they couldn’t match an offer. 8 months ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Knicks exploring market for big man insurance Marc Berman: Thibodeau on center shortage and 2 roster spots: “We’re always looking at whose available. We’ve been through this when Mitchell was out earlier. We feel good about what Nerlens does as a starter and what Taj does. We probably need a little insurance there.'' 8 months ago – via Twitter StevePopper Mitchell Robinson undergoes surgery on fractured foot Steve Popper: Knicks annouce Mitchell Robinson had successful surgery today to repair a fractured fifth metatarsal in his right foot at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. 8 months ago – via Peter Botte @ New York Post Robinson had sprained his left ankle in his first game since Feb. 12 last Sunday against the 76ers, but he remained in the lineup for the next two wins against the Wizards. “It’s tough. I feel for him,” Barrett said. “He worked so hard to get back, to see him go down again, man, it hurts us, it hurts the team. But we’re gonna be with him every step of the way until he gets back.” 8 months ago – via Greg Joyce @ New York Post But the news appeared to hit Rose like a ton of bricks when he learned of the diagnosis on a postgame interview on MSG. “Ahh,” a visibly crushed Rose said after MSG’s Mike Breen revealed the specific injury. “Oh man. I’m lost for words right now,” Rose added as he got choked up. “Just stay with him, pray for him and … man.” 9 months ago – via Twitter JShawNBA Mitchell Robinson suffers fracture in right foot JD Shaw: Mitchell Robinson suffered a fracture in his right foot and will be re-evaluated when the Knicks return to New York tomorrow, per club announcement. 9 months ago – via Twitter TommyBeer Tommy Beer: With Mitchell Robinson out indefinitely - expect the Knicks to put a full-court press on Gorgui Dieng 9 months ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Thibodeau said that Payton is a game time decision and Robinson is a go. 9 months ago – via Twitter MarcJSpears Derrick Rose out of COVID-19 protocols Marc J. Spears: For Washington game tomorrow, Knicks say Derrick Rose is no longer in health and safety protocols; Probable - Immanuel Quickley (left ankle); Mitchell Robinson (left ankle); Questionable - Elfrid Payton (strained right hamstring); Out - Austin Rivers (personal reasons). 9 months ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Thibodeau said that Mitchell Robinson has been cleared for all contact, "getting close" - still questionable for tomorrow, waiting on how he responds to today's practice. 9 months ago – via Twitter MarcJSpears Marc J. Spears: Knicks say Elfrid Payton (strained right hamstring); Immanuel Quickley (sore left ankle); Austin Rivers (personal reasons); Mitchell Robinson (right hand surgery) and Derrick Rose (health and safety protocols) are out against Orlando. 9 months ago – via SportsNet New York Mitchell Robinson has been cleared to practice and take contact, a big step in his rehab from a fractured right hand. Robinson was expected to be sidelined for at least a month following surgery in mid February. The timetable was roughly 4-6 weeks, a source said, confirming an ESPN report. 9 months ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Knicks hopeful Mitchell Robinson can return from injury soon Marc Berman: Center Mitchell Robinson is sans cast and shooting here pregame at Barclays Center 9 months ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Mitchell Robinson, now sans cast on his once-fractured right hand, is "doing well," Tom Thibodeau says. Thibs says the Knicks center "has to go through contact and practice, that sort of thing. But he's moving along and hopefully it will be soon." 10 months ago – via Twitter JShawNBA JD Shaw: Mitchell Robinson had successful surgery today to repair a fracture in his right hand, the Knicks announce. He’ll be re-evaluated after the All-Star break. 10 months ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Thibodeau said Mitchell Robinson will have his surgeon consult tomorrow. 10 months ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Knicks announce Mitchell Robinson will have surgery to repair fractured right hand. Sources confirm that the hope is Robinson will be back within 4-6 week timeframe, which was first first reported by ESPN. Big loss for NYK; Robinson is backbone of their top-10 defense. 10 months ago – via Twitter wojespn Mitchell Robinson to miss four to six weeks Adrian Wojnarowski: ESPN Sources: Knicks center Mitchell Robinson will undergo surgery on his fractured right hand and is expected to miss four to six weeks. Robinson suffered a fracture of the fourth metacarpal on the hand on Friday night vs. Washington. 10 months ago – via Peter Botte @ New York Post Mitchell Robinson to miss significant time? The team’s starting center will be reevaluated Saturday back in New York, but it appears as if he will miss some time. “It was probably the best half of the year for him. We know how important he is to the team,” coach Tom Thibodeau said. “Any time someone gets hurt, you certainly feel for him. He’s got a fracture, so we don’t how long he’ll be out. He’ll be examined further [Saturday] and then we’ll have more information.” 10 months ago – via Twitter FredKatz Mitchell Robinson fractures hand Fred Katz: Knicks say Mitchell Robinson fractured his right hand against the Wizards tonight. 10 months ago – via Twitter FredKatz Fred Katz: Mitchell Robinson, who killed the Knicks in the first half, is out for the rest of the game with a right hand injury, the Knicks say. 2 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Knicks say Mitchell Robinson (sore hamstring) won’t play tonight but Kevin Knox is available. 2 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Reggie Bullock (illness) is probable for tomorrow, Knicks say. Kevin Knox (contused left leg) and Mitchell Robinson (sore left hamstring) are questionable. 2 years ago – via Twitter ChrisIseman Chris Iseman: Mitchell Robinson is good to go tonight 2 years ago – via Twitter ChrisIseman Chris Iseman: Mitchell Robinson has a sprained right ankle and won’t practice today, Knicks say. He’s probable for tomorrow. 2 years ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Marc Berman: Fizdale said Mitchell Robinson likely will be cleared to play. Will come off bench. 2 years ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Knicks center Mitchell Robinson is getting a pregame workout on the court here in Chicago. He's out tonight and still in concussion protocol. He suffered a concussion last Wednesday in Detroit. 2 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Knicks announce that Mitchell Robinson is in the NBA concussion protocol and will not play tonight and also will be out for Tuesday's game in Chicago. 2 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Knicks say that Mitchell Robinson (concussion) is out tomorrow against Cleveland. 2 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Knicks just announced Mitchell Robinson - concussion like symptoms - will not return. 2 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Knicks say Mitchell Robinson (sprained his left ring finger) will be in a splint but he is available to play tomorrow night against Sacramento. 2 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Knicks say that Mitchell Robinson is probable for Monday's game versus Chicago - sprained left ankle. 2 years ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Elfrid Payton and Mitchell Robinson will start tonight for the Knicks tonight against the Nets. RJ Barrett, Marcus Morris, and Julius Randle will start too. 2 years ago – via SportsNet New York Mitchell Robinson will miss Wednesday's season-opener with a right ankle injury but there is reason to believe the injury isn't serious. Robinson, the second-year center, is wearing a walking boot, but he said Wednesday that it was just a precautionary measure. David Fizldae is optimistic that Robinson can return for Friday's road game against the Brooklyn Nets. 2 years ago – via Twitter RebeccaHaarlow Rebecca Haarlow: Taj Gibson (sore right calf) and Mitchell Robinson (sprained right ankle) are questionable for tomorrow’s opener in San Antonio. @KnicksMSGN @MSGNetworks 2 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Knicks center Mitchell Robinson suffered a sprained right ankle in practice on Monday and is questionable for Wednesday’s opener in San Antonio. 2 years ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Marc Berman: Per source, Mitchell Robinson's knee that shut him down for much of Team USA training camp is 100 percent. He's been at Knicks voluntary scrimmages on and off. Saturday in Atlanta, MRob will host his third FREE basketball camp. Did ones in NO, Portland. 2 years ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Marc Berman: Knicks center Mitchell Robinson expected to be held out of tonight’s televised Team USA Intra-Squad game at T-Mobile Arena to rest sore knee, per source. 2 years ago – via Twitter SBondyNYDN Stefan Bondy: Mitchell Robinson’s sore knee is minor. He underwent MRI on Monday and it was clear, a source says. Team USA is holding him out of practice for precautionary reasons. You can see him tweak the knee at the 50-second mark of video from yesterday’s practice 2 years ago – via New York Post According to a Team USA source, Robinson suffered a knee injury and missed the first two days of practice that began with an informal workout Sunday. He returned for two days but re-injured the knee Wednesday. Robinson is expected to miss Thursday’s set of scrimmages and practice. A member of the Knicks training staff is in Vegas with Robinson. A Team USA official did not know the specifics of the knee injury. The Vegas scrimmages end Friday. 3 years ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Mitchell Robinson might come back against Wizards in London. Fizdale aiming for that game for his return. Robinson will practice in London. Knicks announce they've signed Kadeem Allen to a two-way contract, taking the spot opened when Allonzo Trier signed an NBA deal last month. 3 years ago – via New York Post Ntilikina is being listed as questionable for the game. The other injured youngster, center Mitchell Robinson, however, will remain out with a groin injury. Fizdale said there is a shot he could return Thursday against the Wizards in London, though it’s not “set in stone.” Robinson has missed the past 12 games, first due to a left ankle injury and now a groin problem. 3 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Enes Kanter is still out sick - doubtful for tomorrow vs. Sixers with illness. Frank Ntilikina is questionable. Tim Hardaway is probable (left hamstring). Damyean Dotson is probable (left calf). Mitchell Robinson is out (groin). 3 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: No Enes Kanter (illness), Frank Ntilikina (sprained left ankle) or Mitchell Robinson (groin strain) for Knicks tonight versus Indiana. 3 years ago – via Bergen Record Mitchell Robinson is close to returning. The Knicks rookie center is making progress in his recovery from a sprained left ankle, and he could get back into a game soon. "He’s progressing," coach David Fizdale said after the Knicks' shootaround Tuesday at Pepsi Center. "Yeah, he went through shoot around today. It was good. Had a couple of dunks. I figured if you can dunk it’s probably about that time. So he’s getting close." 3 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: The Knicks say Mitchell Robinson (high ankle sprain) will be out for the next week. He has progressed in his rehab and he expects to make the West Coast trip with the team. 3 years ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Knicks center Mitchell Robinson, formerly in a walking boot for his left ankle sprain, is shooting free throws and has what looks like a light brace on now. 3 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Knicks say Hardaway Jr (sore right heel) is questionable; Dotson (sore right shoulder) is doubtful and Robinson (sprained left ankle) and Trier (strained left hamstring) are out for tomorrow night’s game at Philadelphia. 3 years ago – via Twitter SBondyNYDN Stefan Bondy: Trier, Dotson and Mitchell will remain out tonight for the Knicks. 3 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Knicks say Ntilikina and Burke are probable tomorrow versus Pacers. Robinson is out. 3 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: And Knicks say Mitchell Robinson has a sprained left ankle - x-rays negative. Will not return. 3 years ago – via Twitter StevePopper Steve Popper: Mitchell Robinson has been cleared to play for Knicks tonight. 3 years ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Courtney Lee and Mitchell Robinson will both play tonight against the Bucks. No set plan for Lee. Fizdale will use the game to gauge his minutes. He won't throw him out there "for a lot of minutes." 3 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Mitchell Robinson was available to play on Friday and David Fizdale says he will play tonight. Fizdale said he probably should have played Robinson last night because of his shot-blocking but it sounded like hame had some concern about his ankle. 3 years ago – via Twitter IanBegley Ian Begley: Mitchell Robinson (ankle) will play tonight. Courtney Lee is out. 3 years ago – via Twitter MikeVorkunov Mike Vorkunov: Mitchell Robinson is out tonight with that sprained right ankle. Fizdale: "Most 19-year-olds think they can heal overnight, which they do and I hate them for it." And Emmanuel Mudiay will start tonight instead of Trey Burke. Fizdale wants to see if that helps Mudiay. 3 years ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Marc Berman: Mitchell Robinson designated as questionable for tomorrow vs. New Orleans with right ankle sprain. 3 years ago – via New York Post One game after baiting Washington’s Markieff Morris into an ejection, Knicks rookie center Mitchell Robinson was forced to leave early, suffering a sprained right ankle early in the fourth quarter of the Knicks’ 107-102 victory over the Nets at Barclays Center on Wednesday. ... Knicks coach David Fizdale said the injury “is not terribly bad, but I think he got a pretty good sprain.’’ Robinson differed. “It’s good — just a little tweak,’’ Robinson said. “I’m definitely going to be playing Friday. It ain’t nothing serious at all. I sprained this one before in summer league.” 3 years ago – via Twitter Krisplashed Kristian Winfield: Knicks say Mitchell Robinson has a sprained right ankle and won't return. 3 years ago – via Twitter NYPost_Berman Marc Berman: Rookie C Mitchell Robinson will play finale but Luke Kornet will now rest sprained ankle. Kornet, who had a hamstring, played just one game. 3 years ago – via Twitter wojespn Adrian Wojnarowski: A sprained left ankle has limited 7-footer Mitchell Robinson to only jump shooting in recent workouts, sources tell ESPN. He will be back to full strength soon. He's the 28th-rated prospect in the ESPN Top 100. Injuries, Leon Rose, Tom Thibodeau, Uncategorized Injuries, Leon Rose, Tom Thibodeau, Mitchell Robinson, New York Knicks Storyline: Mitchell Robinson Injury shares share tweet pin sms send email More HoopsHype Rumors December 7, 2021 | 8:26 pm EST Update CJ McCollum to miss time with collapsed lung Upon further examination, a CT scan revealed that Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum has a pneumothorax (right lung), the team announced today. McCollum sustained the injury during the 4th quarter of Portland’s game versus Boston on December 4. He will be further evaluated before a prognosis is determined and his status will be updated accordingly. 4 hours ago – via Injuries, Top Rumors Top Rumors, Injuries, CJ McCollum, Portland Trail Blazers This rumor is part of a storyline: 53 more rumors share tweet send sms email McCollum did not travel with the team for Wednesday’s game at Golden State. 4 hours ago – via Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, CJ McCollum, Portland Trail Blazers share tweet send sms email Casey Holdahl: In more injury news, Anfernee Simons (right ankle), Ben McLemore (left hip), Nassir Little (left ankle) and Cody Zeller (right quad) are questionable while CJ McCollum (right pneumothorax) and Damian Lillard (abdominal tendinopathy) are out for Wednesday’s game vs. Golden State. 4 hours ago – via Twitter CHold Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, Anfernee Simons, Ben McLemore, CJ McCollum, Cody Zeller, Damian Lillard, Nassir Little, Portland Trail Blazers share tweet send sms email Jason Anderson: The Kings are listing Harrison Barnes (foot) and Maurice Harkless (knee) as questionable for Wednesday’s game against the Orlando Magic. Neemias Queta (G League), Jahmi’us Ramsey (G League) and Robert Woodard II (G League) are out. 4 hours ago – via Twitter JandersonSacBee G League, Injuries, Maurice Harkless, Uncategorized G League, Injuries, Maurice Harkless, Harrison Barnes, Neemias Queta, Robert Woodard, Sacramento Kings share tweet send sms email Mark Medina: Clippers list Nicolas Batum as questionable for tomorrow’s game vs Celtics. He’s cleared NBA health and safety protocols, but status uncertain amid conditioning concerns 4 hours ago – via Twitter MarkG_Medina Uncategorized Nicolas Batum, Los Angeles Clippers Storyline: Coronavirus share tweet send sms email Chris Grenham: Ime Udoka says Romeo Langford is still a little sore, but he won’t be on a minutes limit. Just a pain tolerance thing. 4 hours ago – via Twitter chrisgrenham Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, Romeo Langford, Boston Celtics share tweet send sms email Chris Forsberg: Celtics say, in addition to Jaylen Brown, Jabari Parker (non-COVID illness) and Bruno Fernando (low back spasms) are out vs. Lakers. Romeo Langford is available. 4 hours ago – via Twitter ChrisForsberg_ Injuries, Uncategorized Injuries, Bruno Fernando, Jabari Parker, Jaylen Brown, Romeo Langford, Boston Celtics share tweet send sms email Frank Vogel not worried about job security in Lakers Jovan Buha: When asked about his job security, Frank Vogel said he’s not worried and that he believes he has management’s support. He said he hasn’t spoken to Rob Pelinka about how the Lakers’ 12-12 affects his job status.
The Francis family has lived in Cane Bay (Lindera) since Fall 2019 and has truly enjoyed making Cane Bay their new home. Prior to moving, they weren’t completely unfamiliar with the area, however, as Nathan and Lori came to Charleston for their honeymoon. The area has always held a very special place in their hearts, which makes it even sweeter that they now call Cane Bay their home. Six months after they moved here, COVID hit. Despite being new to the area, Nathan and Lori decided to do what they could to help out their quarantined neighbors. They made a simple postcard offering to pick up groceries, prescriptions, or pray for any neighbors. They gave those postcards to their 600 nearest neighbors. A number of great friendships were formed over the phone and from a social distance. Sept 2020, they started a Missional Community which multiplied in June 2021 to meet in two neighborhoods in Cane Bay on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm. As a group, they are striving to come up with creative ways to serve their Cane Bay neighbors. The Missional Community also organized a Christmas Kickball Tournament in the Hammocks which provided a fun opportunity for many children and families to get outside and meet their neighbors. Looking Forward We currently meet for Sunday services at 9AM at the Cane Bay Family YMCA Pavilion. We are excited to continue to get to know our neighbors in Cane Bay and serve them in any way we can. We will continue to organize events and activities to serve those around us. If you are interested in being notified of events, please let us know on our Contact form. In the next few years, as soon as we can get the church to a cruising altitude, we intend to begin making preparations to help launch a daughter church in the area. We do not exist as a church to make a name for ourselves, but to advance God’s Kingdom through planting new churches. Phone: 843.695.7108 Email: [email protected] © 2021 Hope Community Church Contact Have a question or want more information about Hope Community Church? Send a message and we will reply as soon as we can or give us a call at 843-695-7108.
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Cartoons will probably be posted Monday and Wednesday, and definitely on Friday. Additionally, cartoons and graphics will be posted randomly on our Facebook page and Friday we'll add the week's postings right here to kick around in one of the greatest comments sections on the Web. Note: please feel free to repost our cartoons on your favorite blogs! Email Address: Stilton(at)Cutcheese(dot)com. No shirt, Sherlock? 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I regularly use music and footage from these folks. Good quality, good prices, and lots of freebies. Videoblocks Stock Footage Audioblocks Stock Music Friday, April 24, 2015 Mirth Day Some time ago, Hope n' Change announced our intention to initiate "Good News Fridays" in which we would report only the positive, uplifting stories in the news. This didn't really catch on, though, because it's easier (and more pleasant) to pan for gold in a cesspool than it is to find good news lately. But undaunted, we're taking another shot at it. Mostly because we're absolutely sure at this point that there is no gold in our cesspool - it all turned out to be undigested corn. And so, with hip-waders pulled high, let's wade into the good news... • Starbucks has announced plans to open a location in Ferguson, Missouri. After critics lambasted the coffee franchise's "Race Together" initiative and pointed out that Starbucks locations are highest where people are whitest, the company's CEO has announced that there will soon be a store in 70%-black Ferguson. In furtherance of promoting racial dialogue, the baristas will be encouraged to explain to the patrons why a "damn cup of coffee" is unaffordable. • Showing that some agencies can actually show fiscal responsibility in Washington, the IRS is receiving Congressional attention for their thrifty decision to gut their customer service budget. Sure, it meant that the previously horrible customer service actually descended into being "abysmal," according to the head of the IRS - but with the cash saved, the agency was able to give generous bonuses to employees who showed special skill and initiative in mission-critical tasks like destroying hard drives. • Excitement is building about the upcoming human head transplant surgery which, if successful, will finally realize mankind's oldest dream: being able to graft your head onto the body of someone who lived a healthy lifestyle and did all the working out that you couldn't be bothered with. The donor body for the experimental surgery has not yet been selected, but Joe Biden is said to be leading in the early write-in votes. • Hillary Clinton, who is running for president on a platform of ending mean-spiritedness in our lifetime, has issued a clarification about her previously reported statement that she wants to "topple the one-percenters." Actually, it turns out that the eternally fundraising (and frequently blitzed) Mrs. Clinton said she wants to tipple with the one-percenters. Bottoms up, Hil! • Proving that substantive, hard-hitting journalism is still alive, tonight ABC will air a two-hour interview between Diane Sawyer and Bruce Jenner, in which the former Olympian will finally get some things off his chest. Well, not his chest exactly, but trust us - things are coming off somewhere. Among the questions the nation wants answered: following surgery, will the one-time pole vaulter be keeping the leftovers in a "pole" vault? And there you have it - every iota of good news we could come up with. And frankly, it all still looks like undigested corn. Posted by Stilton Jarlsberg Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 27 comments: drjim said... It's a tough job to find "good" news, Stilt, but you're up to it! April 24, 2015 at 12:09 AM REM1875 said... War with Iran was narrowly averted when the Iranians notice vj in the corner trying to contain her laughter and a large, rapidly increasing yellow puddle at the base of the president's feet. We were only Ernestly Joshing. April 24, 2015 at 2:11 AM Geoff King said... I Googled "happy news" and found that, although there are several sites dedicated to that elusive commodity, many have not posted a new article in years. However, I did find this Fox News Opinion article from Earth Day to be quite uplifting: April 24, 2015 at 3:13 AM Cat Whisperer said... More good news! The Clintons only sold half of our domestic uranium output to the Russians. It was an all or nothing deal, but they are shrewd negotiators. April 24, 2015 at 6:34 AM Fred Ciampi said... I have some good news; my chickens are laying again. Probably due to the warm weather. Um, leeme see, in other good news, I decided to keep the TV off for the rest of the day. Well, that's all folks. April 24, 2015 at 6:54 AM American Cowboy said... I may be one of a few who see the humor in this link contained in the article about the IRS. PHOTOS: 21 best guns for home protection April 24, 2015 at 7:35 AM Bruce Bleu said... Yes, Stilton... this is a veritable corn-uh-copia of good news, (koff koff). One issue that REALLY stands out is the "customer service" at the IRS. Reminds me of the joke about the bull that "services" the cows! It's like great white sharks having a express line at a feeding frenzy! If there was concern about "money saving" issues, how about we break lamont's writing hand so he can't generate any more executive orders, HUH!? Or, better yet, let's send lamont, magilla, molWookiee and sachet to Kenya where lamont can hook up with "his people"! (Oh, wait... maybe he's afraid that magilla will be kidnapped and forced into the sex trade... koff... gag... glurg... BLECCCCCCHHHHHH!!!!! sorry for that repulsive suggestion, my typing was going faster than my envisioning.) April 24, 2015 at 8:31 AM Anonymous said... I don't know, are STILL a lot more optimistic than I am. Upon consideration that is probably a good thing. April 24, 2015 at 8:44 AM Cookie said... Well done once again, sir! April 24, 2015 at 9:26 AM jimp8606 said... thank you for finding humor in undigested corn but of course who doesn't love a good poop joke April 24, 2015 at 9:27 AM John the Econ said... There's always good news if you're willing to look for it. Starbucks: I recall a few years ago Progressives making hay over the the fact that Starbucks were mostly located in affluent white neighborhoods. So Starbucks made a big deal about opening a store in a "poor" neighborhood in Seattle. Because if there's anything that poor people need, it's a $5 cup of coffee. IRS: They're just doing what bureaucracies do. The good part? Merely vindicating what people like me say always say about government bureaucracies. Head Transplant: Instead of urban legends about people being kidnapped and waking up sans-kidneys, they'll be stories of people waking up sans-bodies. Watch out, Kim Kardashian. Hillary Clinton: Here is the really great news of the day. As I've been saying here for a week or so, I think Hillary 2016 is toast. Her phony "pretend to be listening tour" was a total bust. "Mailgate" is not going away. And now the purpose and inner workings of the Clinton Foundation are now under a the media microscope. Did I say "media microscope"? Why yes, I did! And we're not talking "Fox". We're talking the pinnacle of the establishment left wing media; the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News and others. Hillary was not expecting this; this was not supposed to happen. Hillary was clearly expecting the kind of media that they had 24 years ago; one that had a "tingle going down its leg" and would brush aside and ignore anything that was the least bit unsavory about the Clintons. Clearly, that's not going to happen this time. Why? Is it because the hard-left Progressives running the Times et-al have no illusions about what a Clinton presidency would be like?; A hopelessly corrupt White House open to the biggest bidder? Heck, even the Koch Brothers could have their way with Hillary if the price was right. They certainly can't allow that kind of bipartisanship in Washington! At the end of the day, the Clinton Foundation is little more than a massive money laundering machine vaguely disguised as a charity devoted to saving poor Africans from malaria. It's real purpose is to keep Bill & Hillary living the lifestyle they became so accustomed to during the '90s, and buying and selling political favors. Unlike legitimate charities that spend most of their donations on their stated purpose, almost all of the income of the Clinton Foundation is spent on salaries and "travel expenses" for the Clintons. So given that the media is clearly not going to let obvious corruption and hypocrisy of the Clitnons slide by, it's going to be extra difficult for Hillary, who makes $165 per second giving 30-minute speeches to bored college kids to peddle her "I wanna topple the 1%-ers" shtick. Instead, I predict the media is going to turn their favor towards Elizabeth Warren, who is nearly as hypocritical as Hillary, but mainly differs in that she honestly believes her class warfare rhetoric and has a net worth of only about 1/6th of what the Clintons have. April 24, 2015 at 11:47 AM John the Econ said... Bruce Jenner: Seriously. Who cares? If anything, this is an object lesson in what happens when someone peaks before they're 25, and then have no real plan for the other two-thirds of their life beyond that. An aside: Now watching an interview with John Boehner on the Clintons. Boehner, you are an idiot. First he goes on about the mail server and how they want it. What for? The mail you are interested is gone! That server was scrubbed months ago. The Clintons are "Good public servants"? Seriously? This is why the GOP is going to lose to Liz Warren. April 24, 2015 at 11:47 AM Stilton Jarlsberg said... @drjim- I swear that I looked for good news, but couldn't really find doodly squat that didn't involve pictures of cuddly animals. @REM1875- When you think about the control wielded by Valerie Jarrett, I'd say that it's the VJ team vs the JV team on the terrorism front. Or I would say that if I thought they were on opposite sides... @Cat Whispered- Hey, that IS good news! Well done! @Fred Ciampi- Every little bit helps. @American Cowboy- I see both humor and wisdom. @Bruce Bleu- Maybe I should give up on "good news" and just make this "free association Friday" (grin). @Anonymous- I'm not natually optimistic, but I've learned a lot from my friend Johnny Optimism. @Cookie- Thank you! @jimp8606- Among life's truisms, that one is near the top. @John the Econ- I, too, am skeptical that Hillary can go the distance this time around. She and her husband are involved in so much corruption that I think the power brokers on the Left will decide she's not worth the gamble. Regarding Bruce Jenner, I don't really give a rat's hiney about his surgery or transgenderism. If he wants it, fine and good luck to him/her. But I can't pretend to care. And finally, John Boehner. It makes me nuts that people are still making noises about wanting to get their hands on the Clintons' email server. Not only have the hard drives been wiped, I'd bet the relevant hard drives themselves are long gone. Mind you, I'd also bet that Hillary was telling the truth when she said the emails were all erased, but that everything was backed up first, encrypted, and hidden offsite. And for Boehner to praise the Clintons as good public servants is appalling. Hillary smoothing the sale of 50% of our nation's Uranium in return for campaign donations makes me think of her husband's greasing the skids to sell missile guidance technology to China in return for campaign funds. How these acts don't constitute actionable treason is beyond me. April 24, 2015 at 12:17 PM dk99 said... Call me a hopelessly reactionary neanderthal, but I can'y buy the "If he [Bruce Jenner] wants it [sexual mutilation surgery], fine and good luck to him/her." While I find that I see eye to eye with many libertarians about specific issues, I draw the line at the laissez-faire attitude towards mainstreaming acceptance (a de facto promotion of it, in fact) of unnatural behavior. This is all being socially engineered, and it's a deliberate attack on common decency and the very fabric of society, which is marriage and the family. Not okay with "good luck to him/her." April 24, 2015 at 12:31 PM Stilton Jarlsberg said... @dk99- Perhaps my opinion is tempered somewhat by being almost related (via marriage) to an individual who was born an actual hermaphrodite and had to choose a sexual identity to live with (and a bit of surgery to discard the sexual equipment not chosen). Personally, I don't think the Bruce Jenners of the world represent as great a threat to traditional marriage as all of the rampant infidelity and failure of heterosexual couples to really honor their vows. Mind you, I think a fair amount (maybe even most) "transgendered" people are actually mentally ill and need help other than that delivered by unscrupulous surgeons. It's a complicated and frequently sad world out there. April 24, 2015 at 12:45 PM Colby Muenster said... Good ones, Stilton! And two gold stars for giving Good News Friday a go again despite the odds against success. I know our chances of that hateful bag, Hillary getting eliminated from the election are slim, but it is indeed enjoyable seeing her crown getting tarnished on a regular basis. The best part is seeing some of the major LSM outlets getting in on the action. Perhaps Mr. Econ has nailed it. The NY Times et al may have a new darling in mind. O'Liar came out of the blue in 2008 and beat HRC. It could happen to poor widdle Hillary again. And yes, "the" server is long gone. Prolly smashed into dust, melted with a brazing torch, and tossed into the Arctic Sea by now. But... I have actual good news this week. A vendor of the company I work for took me to dinner, and I scored a $50 steak and topped it off with a $30 shot of 18 year old McAllan. That's about as good as it gets, right? April 24, 2015 at 1:24 PM PRY said... That's as good a take on the 'good news' as I can find! I'm definitely becoming a believer in 'no new is good news'! But, of course, even if there were no news stories at all, the cable channels have allll those hours to fill! And...'no news' will be the norm after our power grids have been fried by terrorists! April 24, 2015 at 1:31 PM John the Econ said... I don't see the Bruce Jenner freak show as any more a threat to traditional society than traditional society itself. If there is a bigger problem, it would probably be that in the elitist Progressive/media sphere, Bruce Jenner isn't considered as suffering a mental issue any more so than they believe traditional conservatives like myself are. If Bruce Jenner wants to mutilate himself into something else, then he's a breakout hero. It's the free-thinking people like us who are the real threat. April 24, 2015 at 1:41 PM Stilton Jarlsberg said... @Colby Muenster- Oooo, steak and 18 year old McAllan. I think we can just go ahead and declare you the day's winner. @PRY- So your "good news" is that we won't hear the bad news after the grid goes down? Man, talk about a glass half full attitude... (grin) @John the Econ- Interesting, the surgery to change a conservative into a liberal is exactly the same as that being performed on Bruce Jenner. April 24, 2015 at 2:00 PM John the Econ said... @Stilton, I have no doubt that if as an obscure Libertarian/Conservative, I were to present myself for gender re-assignment, I would immediately become fodder for the magazine news shows and become a cause célèbre for the left, which would celebrate it as a "breakthrough" for both myself and society as a whole. April 24, 2015 at 2:09 PM Rod said... Been gone for a while; no news; nice break. I've not paid attention to Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mz Jenner since 1976 when "he" was a hell of an athlete. That's also when our first kids were born and a long time ago. Using Wikipedia I must say it's a diverse summary and one couldn't make this stuff up. I also suspect that much time spent with the publicity-hungry but no-talent K. family is enough to mess with anyone's mind. God bless; and it's otherwise not my business, interest nor problem. This all goes into the same file as Kim K, & old tired liar Hillary. Could we please just put them on the optional interest list; not right in our face all the time? April 24, 2015 at 7:35 PM PRY said... Oh, how the mighty have fallen! That's what I was thinking this morning watchin some of the Bruce Jenner interview! Pretty stinking sad, peaking that early...your face on Wheaties boxes, all the adulation...then when that was over....well, here we are! Most of us won't have to worry about stuff like that, though...just freakin' SURVIVAL!! April 25, 2015 at 9:05 AM REM1875 said... Breaking news-media slobbering love affair with bruce jenner is over! Media sources are dropping jenner like a hot patatoe and are trying trying to distance themselves faster than an Olympic 440. "We have given jenner alot of passes but that is over! Our public will not tolerate that he/she came out of the closet as ahhh hmm a damned republican" This was followed off mike by some rather crude transexual slurs surprisingly common repeated by many former media supporters. April 25, 2015 at 1:11 PM Dieter said... The one thing Hilary should be taken to task for is her statement that they were flat broke when they left the white house. For a couple not only to be at the very top of the salary scale for years but also have almost all their expenses paid for and then turn around and say they are broke can only mean total fiscal irresponsibility. If with that sort of income they cannot manage their own finance they should not be allowed anywhere near the national finances. April 25, 2015 at 9:50 PM Geoff King said... It does not matter that Hillary gloated about getting a child rapist off on the most minor sentence possible. It does not matter that Hillary deleted sensitive emails dealing with national security issues from her illegal private server. It does not matter that Hillary ignored multiple requests for more security from Ambassador Stevans prior to his execution in Benghazi. It does not matter that Hillary was kicked off of the Watergate investivgative council for being a lying piece of crap. It does not matter that Hillary gave almost half of our county's uranium production to Russia in exchange for major contributions to her "charity organization". It does not matter that Hillary defended her sexual predator husband and conducted character assassination operations against every female that brought forth allegations against her man. All that matters now is that Hillary must be the next president because...vagina. Anyone who thinks otherwise is sexist...period. April 26, 2015 at 12:21 AM Rod said... Stilt, you sicko, I know you're thinking about it. Please do NOT do a cartoon feature Hillary's vagina. April 27, 2015 at 6:50 AM Stilton Jarlsberg said... @Rod- Oh, you know I'm going to... (grin) April 27, 2015 at 9:17 AM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Free Hope n' Change Ebook! 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i) To approve the Sustainable Procurement Charter for implementation (as set out in the appendix to the report), with a formal review after 12 months to take account of feedback from businesses. ii) To delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Resources to finalise the Charter and make arrangements for the future monitoring and reporting mechanisms and to make minor amendments to the Sustainable Procurement Charter when required due to changes in policy or legislation. The latter will be in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets. iii) To note the process for obtaining carbon data from suppliers delivering high value contracts flows from one of the commitments in the Charter. REASON A Sustainable Procurement Charter ensures all of the Council’s priorities relating to its environmental and socio-economic ambitions, along with compliance with procurement best practice and legislation are stated in one document, with a proportionate and transparent approach to the commitments required of suppliers. Minutes: Councillor Philip Circus, Cabinet Member for Environment, Waste, Recycling & Cleansing, introduced the Sustainable Procurement Charter, which would support the Council’s journey towards becoming a carbon neutral organisation for its indirect emissions. The Charter would commit businesses, as part of the procurement process, to demonstrating practical action to reduce emissions. He advised of the importance of achieving a balance so that the Charter would not be unduly onerous for businesses. There is therefore an exemption for contracts for goods up to £50k and for works up to £100k, where the Charter could be adhered to but not as a formal obligation. The Charter would be reviewed in 12 months to ensure its effectiveness in supporting the Council’s environmental objectives, and that the Charter is not causing any undue problems for businesses. The original draft had a requirement for companies to use their ‘best efforts’; this had been changed to ‘reasonable efforts’, as was common practice in commercial practice. It was noted that the reference to ‘best efforts’ in the executive summary of the report should have read ‘reasonable efforts’. RESOLVED i) To approve the Sustainable Procurement Charter for implementation (as set out in the appendix to the report), with a formal review after 12 months to take account of feedback from businesses. ii) To delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Resources to finalise the Charter and make arrangements for the future monitoring and reporting mechanisms and to make minor amendments to the Sustainable Procurement Charter when required due to changes in policy or legislation. The latter will be in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets. iii) To note the process for obtaining carbon data from suppliers delivering high value contracts flows from one of the commitments in the Charter. REASON A Sustainable Procurement Charter ensures all of the Council’s priorities relating to its environmental and socio-economic ambitions, along with compliance with procurement best practice and legislation are stated in one document, with a proportionate and transparent approach to the commitments required of suppliers.
In most nursing home cases, it is all about the standard of care. In South Carolina, a nursing home negligence case will generally have an experienced and knowledge nurse who testifies that there was a breach of the standard of care (if not multiple breaches). In this way, these cases resemble medical malpractice cases, except most of the time you are dealing with corporate wrongdoing as much as human error. Couple of extra points: First, the expert requirement increases the complexity of these cases as well as increasing the expense. Normally, I will have two nurses review, although only one to testify. Sometimes, I may need a wound care expert or a pain expert or a dietician or even a doctor. And sometimes there are differences of opinion and it can take time and money to wade through all of the issues. So, a lawyer who takes these cases on must not only believe in the the truth and merit of the case, but he must have an experienced health care provider who validates his belief with an objective opinion based upon the facts of the case. Search for: Categories Book Review Business Litigation Trade Secrets Constitutional Law Employment Law COVID 19 Discrimination EEOC Employment Contracts FLSA Non-Compete Litigation OSHA Retaliation Overtime Severance Agreements Sexual Harassment Unpaid wages USERRA Foreclosures Guest Blogger Health Care Power of Attorney Litigation Mediation News Nursing Home Law Personal injury Bike Law Products Liability Philosophy of Law Practice of Law Reading Recommendations Uncategorized Still Have Questions? The best way we can serve you is by starting a conversation. Speak to an Attorney Home Attorney Profiles Practice Areas About Blog Contact Follow Follow 307 Pettigru Street, Greenville, SC 29601 | (864) 233-4351 | Copyright © 2021. Horton Law Firm, P.A. All rights reserved. Website designed & built by Tangible Strategies.
Mr. Eisen is a trial lawyer with more than 35 years’ experience in the trial of jury and non-jury cases in federal and state courts throughout the country. He has tried numerous cases to jury verdict in federal and state courts and arbitration cases to Awards. Mr. Eisen represents plaintiffs and defendants in litigation matters involving contracts, securities, banking, class action, construction, bankruptcy, intellectual property, real estate, and trusts and estates issues. Mr. Eisen is a Fellow in the American College of Trail Lawyers, in which fellowship is extended by invitation only to experienced trail lawyers within the top one percent of the trial bar in the United States and Canada. As a member of the National Panel of Arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association, Mr. Eisen is a certified Level II Arbitrator who has arbitrated more than 100 multimillion-dollar disputes involving major corporations and individuals and is a lecturer and author in the field of arbitration. He is also a member of the CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals and the CPR Panel for Banking, Accounting, and Financial Services. Mr. Eisen has been selected by his peers for inclusion in Washington D.C. Super Lawyers – 2007 – 2017 Alternative Dispute Resolution). Mr. Eisen currently practices with K & L Gates, received his B.A from Princeton University, and LL.B from Yale Law School.
Search. The family systems theory relates to the translation and interdependence of family members’ emotional states onto other members of the family, which means that a family is a unit and a single member cannot be studied independently without the other members being considered. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, /doi/pdf/10.1080/01926187608251144?needAccess=true. Bowen believed all therapists had experienced challenges wi… In this part, it is suggested that the limitations of either theory can be overcome by their convergence. This paper concerns inself with therapeutic difficulties in marital and family therapy due to an inability to resolve value discrepancies between the therapist and the family in question. Yet another disadvantage of family therapy is that it takes time. Introducing Textbook Solutions. tip-34-brief-interventions-and-brief-therapies-for-substance-abuse-60 (1).pdf, Reflection on the Strengths and Weaknesses of Family Systems Therapy.docx, Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy.pdf, Ivy Tech Community College, Northcentral • HUMS 102, Grand Canyon University • NURSING nrs434v, Textbook-of-Family-and-Couples-Therapy.pdf, Psychology of the Family Dr Geoffrey Wango.doc. Horticultural therapy, or even simply gardening, is another concrete way to understand all of this. ——Dr. STUDY. The combination of families forms a society thus helps the members to interact with each other and learn the diversity of other families (Christenson, 2017). Therapy helps family members establish trust and encourage forgiveness for past behaviors. Although digging through the past may help the client understand their situation better, it doesn’t always provide the tools they need to deal with present and future situations. Bowen Family Systems Theory and Practice: Illustration and Critique By Jenny Brown This paper will give an overview of Murray Bowen’s theory of family systems. Therefore, it makes sense that clients are best understood within the context of the family system. Candice Knight, Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse The family system is a social unit … Family systems theory is one that suggests that individuals are best understood in relation to their family system, that families are systems of interdependent people, none of whom can be fully understood in isolation from the system or from one another. This takes time so even if the challenges that the family is facing aren’t … We use cookies to improve your website experience. Weaknesses of a Family Systems Therapy Approach The potential weaknesses of this approach seem to be very few. In conclusion, it is true that family systems therapy plays a significant role in solving family, conflicts and uniting the members. Note: this article was originally published on by Dr. Richard Niolon, Psychologist and Professor of Psychology (reprinted here with permission). PLAY. Because of the time it takes to reflect on the past, not many clients are able to stick it out through the end as life situations happen such as financial hardship, time, or a move … Having relationships with others will ultimately make us happy. For a limited time, find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises for FREE! Strengths and Weaknesses of Family Counseling Family counseling is […] To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Some critics believe that Bowen Family Therapy lacks action. 8-11. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Unlike individual sessions that concentrate on only one individual, family therapy has to work with several individuals. The issues that face most families could mean that it's a, fascinating element of family system therapy, Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. * You have a lot of people sitting in that room - and one person, in particular, that they usually all *think* is the one with the problem. Create. Here Are 6 Different Family Types and Their Unique Family Dynamics: Nuclear Family; Nuclear families, also known as elementary or traditional families, consist of two parents (usually married or common law) and their children. Registered in England & Wales No. The weakness of family systems therapy The major flaw of the family system therapy is an unrealistic idea that family discussions can handle all problems. Structural Family Therapy (SFT) is an approach used in family therapy settings. Strengths And Weakness Of Strategic Family Therapy. Family systems therapy is based on Murray Bowen’s family systems theory, which holds that individuals are inseparable from their network of relationships. That’s a kick, because it’s never true. Some limitations of family therapy. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. First, the paper explores the premise behind family systems therapy. Looking at family type and dynamics can also give you a better idea of the strengths and weaknesses that your family is likely working with. This kind of, claim is naïve and, and it shows just how little is known about the field of psychology. The Concepts Of The Reality Therapy 902 Words | 4 Pages. Family therapy is usually pursued when a family is afflicted by some kind of traumatic event or circumstance. Start studying Bowen Family System Therapy. It is the nature of a family that its members are intensely connected emotionally. The choice that you and your family or loved ones make can truly be a life and death decision. Choice theory is an example of “human nature and how to best achieve satisfying interpersonal relationships” (Corey, 2013, p. 473). This can have a very negative effect on the results of the sessions. The authors discuss the benefits and limitations of Bowen family systems therapy for psychiatric inpatients. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. In fact, family therapy may actually cause children and teens to be more closed up than before. Family therapy decreases an individual’s chances of relapse, aids in the development and maintenance of positive behavioral and attitude changes, and promotes long-term recovery of the individual in substance abuse treatment. The practice of therapy will be described as well as recent developments within the model. I, think the success of family systems therapy is dependent on family unity and it doesn't mean that. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. The weakness of family systems therapy.docx - The weakness of family systems therapy The major flaw of the family system therapy is an unrealistic idea, The major flaw of the family system therapy is an unrealistic idea that family discussions can, handle all problems. In every family there are both strengths and weaknesses in how the family functions, this type of therapy focuses on the ability of families to move forward any dysfunctional issues they can encounter. Family systems therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that helps solve individual people’s problems in the context of their family units as that is where many issues are likely to spring from. In family systems therapy, family members work together to understand their group dynamic better, to help the family work better together overall, and how their behavior can affect other members of the family. The strengths and weakness of Adlerian Therapy Shane Wilson Rio Salado Collage Adlerian Therapy, which is based on the theory’s of Alfred Adler, points to the essence of normality as having a feeling of concern for others and places emphasis on social interests, the family dynamic, and ones influence based on early memories in life. Improve the emotional health of the family as a whole. Often people feel distant or disconnected from their families, but this is more feeling than fact. It's a great model for couples who can't seem to see eye to eye when they're parenting a child. There are a lot of psychotherapeutic schools today claiming that their approaches can cure any conflict found in the family systems (Schwartz, 2017). Family systems therapy is a great model that can help families of all kinds. It is, wrong to argue that a single approach can solve all the problems facing the family units, what, about the families that are not united? We all long to belong and desire to love. Structural and Strategic Family Therapy Individuals are born into families, grow and develop in families, and live most of their lives in families. Notably, the model can help families who are struggling with problems and unresolved conflicts. Log in Sign up. Get step-by-step explanations, verified by experts. 4, No. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. Log in Sign up. Family therapy is *wild stuff. Family systems therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals resolve their problems in the context of their family units, where many issues are likely to begin. The guiding principle is that "what happens to one member of the family, happens to everyone in the family." it can automatically solve all the problems. 3099067 Translation of Emotions (Photo Credit : magic pictures/ Shutterstock) The Emotional Skin. Bowen Family System Therapy. 2, pp. Johanna_Denton . Reflection on the Strengths and Weaknesses of Family Systems Therapy Family system therapy is a form of psychological therapy that aims at solving conflicts within the family unit. This paper describes and analyzes family systems therapy, further pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of this therapeutic approach. Like other psychoanalysts of his time, Murray Bowen was interested in creating more scientific and objective treatment processes as an alternative to conventional diagnostic frameworks and pathological language. (1976). It might not seem like it, but there is a world of difference between group therapy and family counseling when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction. What is Bowenian Family Therapy? There is a possibility that it might advocate more so for the collective than the individual seeking counselling. Humanistic Psychology, Family Systems Theory, and Experiential Family Therapy. Although this method may enable some patients to deal more effectively with crucial problems in their families of origins, its application for psychiatric inpatients has met with varying results. Also, studies of two different health care systems (and a cost projection study) suggest that including family therapy as a treatment option does not significantly increase health care costs. It will describe the model’s development and outline its core clinical components. 16 terms. How can family systems therapy resolve their issues? The practice of strategic therapy has raised a number of critical issues and has stimulated criticism of various sorts. Historically, there are three broad theoretical models of criminal behavior: A) psychological. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. Among the criticisms leveled at strategic therapy are that it involves the taking of too many risks, that it is deceptive, that it is controlling and manipulative, that it is disrespectful, and that it is superficial and narrow. Then, it shows examines the self in relation to the family unit according to this perspective. Additionally, the paper addresses conflicts that may arise in a family when the system is … Bowen family systems theory is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Journal of Family Counseling: Vol. Family members are encouraged to listen to each other and understand how these family patterns developed. It also can … Introduction. give love. Leading Figure: Bowen. This is often the first kind of mental health counseling a person receives and can be of great help both to the individual and the family as a whole. There are a lot of psychotherapeutic schools today claiming that their, approaches can cure any conflict found in the family systems (Schwartz, 2017). It might also not be universal in its application and … Patterns developed weaknesses of family systems therapy success of family systems therapy is usually pursued when family! S never true one individual, family therapy is that `` what happens to one of! Flashcards, games, and it does n't mean that are three broad theoretical models of criminal behavior a. Examines the self in relation to the family unit according to this perspective the Concepts of Reality... Systems therapy plays a significant role in solving family, conflicts and uniting the.... Way to understand all of this there is a great model for couples who ca n't seem to be closed! 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In September and October 2016 with the support of the Trust for Mutual Understanding, HowlRound Cultural Strategist Vijay Mathew and I went on a trip to explore, deepen, and build new HowlRound partnerships with theatremakers and organizations in Eastern Europe. While I grew up during the fall of the Soviet Union, it’s important to acknowledge that Western anti-communist propaganda and the lingering effects of the Cold War kept me distanced from any realistic notion of life and culture in Eastern Europe. This trip was an opportunity to see the region for the first time, firsthand, and to engage its people and history through a lens that only art and culture can provide. All in all, it was twenty-one days on the road, four cities, four currencies, three festivals, a conference, lectures, countless new faces, meetings over coffee, over food, over drinks, and to cap it all off, twenty-three shows. Stop 1: The International Festival Divadelná Nitra in Nitra, Slovakia We met a Festival volunteer, a student majoring in translation, originally from Ukraine and eager to practice her English, and a grumpy Slovakian bus driver straight from central casting in the parking lot of the Flughafen Wien / Vienna airport and drove East. The countryside was beautiful—farmland and massive wind turbines for miles, the light seemed different here. Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia is only an hour from Vienna, but it might as well be half way around the world. Later in the trip I learned that these two capitals used to be much more economically and culturally linked—before the communist era, a short tram ride used to connect the two capitals. It was twenty-one days on the road, four cities, four currencies, three festivals, a conference, lectures, countless new faces, meetings over coffee, over food, over drinks, and to cap it all off, twenty-three shows. Though it entered the European Union in 2009, Slovakia has not fully recovered from its time behind the Iron Curtain. When Czechoslovakia split in 1993, Slovakia and the Czech Republic were born. Slovakia was the clear loser in the split. Nitra, a college town nestled at the foot of the Zobor mountain in the central part of the country, is the fourth largest city in Slovakia, with a population of 80,000. As we drove into town, “Careless Whisper” was playing in the background like it was 1984 all over again, and our guide made sure we noted the castle sitting above the city, a hometown point of pride. A building on one of the main drags in Nitra, Slovakia. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. It felt like we were entering a time warp. The town seemed fifty years behind its neighbor to the West. Brutalist architecture and pre-Communist leftovers lined the streets. The theatres were full of rotundas and hard lines and symmetry. There was a kind of kitsch we branded “Soviet Lux” that is inescapable—fake flowers, silk-ish napkins and slipcovers, gold accenting, blonde theatre ushers wearing matching red skirts and suit jackets who bear a distinct resemblance to Ivana Trump, and in the background, American pop music from the 80s and 90s. It seemed cool to wear T-shirts that say “Cali Bay Area,” or “Detroit Mich.” A sort of English was heard. Everyone smoked, and it showed. A pack of cigarettes was about $1. Our hotel reeked of smoke, but they tried to cover it up with a sweet, strong deodorizer that smelled like peach. Later, I’ll recognize this smell again in Belgrade and Bucharest and it will almost turn my stomach. I went for an early morning run in Mestský park. The pavement was uneven, and the monuments looked unkempt. A fountain sat, filled with green water, in disrepair. Old men walked tiny dogs. A man squatted to shit as I passed by. This was most definitely not Vienna. There was an old broken clock across the street from the ultra-modern shopping mall that displayed local time as well as times in Moscow, Hanoi, and Havana. It took me a while to realize that what united those cities was communism. The clock. Nitra, Slovakia. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. International Festival Divadelná Nitra was celebrating its twenty-fifth year. It’s a regional festival, and had a strong reputation in earlier years, but general consensus is that the programming has suffered recently due to a decrease in government subsidy. The main program was half local and half regional. The theme for the festival (they all have themes) was “Ode to Joy?” Europe is a big and proud ship… The ship sails today under the flag of democracy and peace, ethnic religious, racial and gender tolerance. It strives to keep the course of liberalism and solidarity, to pass on the legacy of cultural maturity and protect the environment… What are the genuine European values? Which of them have withstood globalization, commercialization or skepticism? And which of them has Europe buried under the layers of disappointment from the unprecedented commotions and catastrophes? —Darina Kárová, Festival Director This festival, as did every other festival we attended, talked about being a home for the meeting of East and West, and featured multiple shows that dealt with immigration, war, and otherness. In the circular plaza outside of the main festival location, the Andrej Bagar Theatre, sat an art installation of large white letters surrounded by plants called “Message from the West.” It read “You Are The White Guys From Eastern Europe.” “Message from the West.” Photo by Jamie Gahlon. We saw eight of the eleven shows that were part of this festival. Pillars of Blood by Iraq Bodies, directed by Anmar Taha featured an Iraqi dance theatre company who have been in exile in Sweden since one of their company members was shot and killed; a Slovakian double feature of playwright Ewald Palmetshofer’s absurdist pieces Hamlet is Dead directed by Svetozár Sprušanský (Slovakia) and Faust is Hungry directed by Braňo Holiček; The Hearing by Tomáš Vůjtek, directed by Ivan Krejčí, a much lauded show from the Czech Republic which was a fictional reconstruction of the war crimes hearing for Adolph Eichman, one of the architects of the Holocaust. This was my first foray into watching theatre with simultaneous headphone translation and it was a trip. Next up was Kantor Downtown by Teatr Polski Bydgoszcz of Poland, created by Jolanta Janiczak, Joanna Krakowska, Magda Mosiewicz, Wiktor Rubin. The show explored how the work of Tadeus Kantor impacted the avant-garde scene in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s, and its legacy today. Empty Hole by Michal Vajdička and company, directed by Michal Vajdička from Bratislava, Slovakia, was perhaps the best received show in the Nitra Festival, and it was entirely about the (depressing) reality of contemporary Slovak life. The cast was filled with well-known Slovak actors who do TV and film as well. It presented some facts about Slovakians, presumably from some kind of national survey, which painted a pretty bleak picture, such as: 90 percent of Slovaks believe the government is corrupt, 60 percent of Slovaks want to leave the country, 11 percent are on the brink of poverty, 33 percent of Slovak women are victims of violence, 11 percent of Slovaks are alcoholics, 11 percent of Slovaks are happy. People were rolling in the aisles. I was confused. Opernball by Petra Fornayová of Bratislava was a contemporary dance theatre piece about the effects of mass media (and mass fan culture) looking at the immensely popular Viennese Opera Ball, a high society/debutante/cotillion type event that is now broadcast live on Austrian TV with sports-like commentary. French Compagnie Du Zieu, Fère-en-Tardenois’ Suddenly the Night by Olivier Saccomano directed by Nathalie Garraud featured a group of passengers quarantined at a French airport after a passenger on their plane who was using a fake passport dies. Is what he died of contagious? And was spreading this sickness part of a terrorist plan? At this festival we were able to meet HowlRound contributor and Hungarian critic Tamás Jászay in person. One of the interesting perspectives he shared with us was that nearby Hungarian and Czech theatres are more financially backed than those in their more economically depressed neighbor, Slovakia, who gives a lower percentage of GDP to culture. The plaza in front of the one of the festival theatres. Nitra, Slovakia. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. Every morning there was two-plus hour discussion with creators of shows from that night or the previous night. We livestreamed the closing session (in English and Slovak). These events were open to the general public, but primarily attended by the participants in the V4@Theatre Critics Program, a program for emerging critics from the Visegrad (V4) Group countries, now in its second year. The program was created to train the next generation of critics, and also to try and solve the practical problem of loss of critical coverage of the festival. The twelve participants saw every show, wrote reflections about them, and had in-depth conversations with the program’s mentor, French critic and educator Patrice Pavis. On this trip we met many people who are cultural critics, a role that felt more important and legitimized in Europe than in the US. The Dirty Dancing soundtrack played during the closing night party in basement bar of the Andrei Spesak theatre. Almost exclusively young people crowded into the space, sitting on stairs. One of the young critics remarked that this space would be sad tomorrow, once the festival was over. I asked why, and she responded that while this used to be a really vibrant theatre community, just recently a local official had fired the artistic director and theatre staff and installed a friend instead. The same thing had also recently happened at four theatres in the Czech Republic. When theatres are subsidized so heavily by the government, it seems they too are at the whims of those in elected office. Stop 2: The Belgrade International Theatre Festival (BITEF), Belgrade, Serbia Belgrade is a lively capital city of 1.3 million, situated on the Danube and Salva rivers, at the geopolitical and strategic crossroads of East and West—bordered by Hungary to the North, Romania and Bulgaria to the East, Kosovo (though it is currently disputed territory) and Albania to the South, and to the West, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzogovina, and Montenegro. Belgrade, Serbia. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. At once a bustling modern metropolis and an olio of different eras, political actors, design imperatives, best understood by the fact that through history it has been destroyed and rebuilt forty-four times. What you see in the city today is one part Darwinian survival, one-part total chance. We stayed in what was once known as the artsy, bohemian district, Savamala, but is now beginning to gentrify, in part due to the city’s rapid and so far partial transformation of the waterfront into a commercial and tourist destination. The city, bolstered by foreign investment, has razed homes to make way for new luxury hotels, boutiques, and food trucks. Driving to the hotel we were told that we may even see the tail end of protests over this redevelopment. There was a dark edge to Belgrade; I wouldn’t want to walk alone at night. It didn’t help that half of the signs were in Cyrillic so there was no telling where I was most of the time. Graffiti, street art, and murals were everywhere. Many of the concrete buildings erected during the communist era following World War II were beginning to crack. There was a pretty pervasive sense of disrepair. Stray dogs and cats roamed the streets. Mural on the side of a building in Belgrade. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. A part of Yugoslavia until its break up in 2006, Serbia is currently a candidate for European Union membership. During the Kosovo War in 1999, NATO bombed Belgrade. At this same time, former (and first) Serbian President Slobodan Milošević was charged by the International Criminal Court with war crimes in connection with recent wars in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo. Looking over the Danube one night, I commented on the beautiful view—someone remarked that civilians laid down on the bridge I was looking at to keep it from being bombed out during the NATO campaign. Kosovo separated from Serbia in 2008, but Serbia still does not recognize it as an independent state. The people I met on this trip knew the history of their region deeply. It was not uncommon to hear references to the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires in daily parlance. They were also quick to point out their own country’s failures as well as to note their personal shortcomings. This was in such stark contrast to the American way (point the finger, don’t admit weakness) that it was disarming. Maybe this behavior was just a part of accepting and reckoning one’s place in the nation-state food chain, of which everyone was painfully aware. As Americans, we’re safeguarded by our own privilege as leaders of the free world. One of the venues for BITEF. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. The Belgrade International Theatre Festival (BITEF) was celebrating its fiftieth year. The theme of this year’s festival was “On the Back of a Raging Bull.” From the program: Half a century ago, when Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov conceived BITEF, Belgrade, Serbia and Yugoslavia were on ‘no man’s land,’ between the two parts of the ideologically deeply divided Europe and the world as a whole: on the boundary between the Western and the Eastern Bloc. Among other things, it enabled BITEF to become, on a worldwide scale, a singular meeting and exchange point of artists who could hardly come together in a different context. … When the Berlin Wall fell we believed with a great deal of sincere enthusiasm that it meant the end of ideological divisions, and even the ‘end of history,’ but it turned out that, historically speaking, it was a very short-lived illusion. Of late we have become horrified witnesses to the rage of the bull which carried away Europa on its back in the ancient myth. … Europe is splitting up again, digging trenches and putting up barbed wire fences. Serbia and Belgrade are in a similar position again: as a boundary—except that this time it is the boundary between the rich and arrogant North and the poor and impotent South, the center and the periphery, the societies which close up and protect their interests and those which are a transit path for a sea of desperate and helpless people, refugees from the Middle East and Africa. We watched four shows here. Only Mine Alone by Ana Dubljević and Igor Koruga was a Serbian contemporary dance show about depression and its societal taboos. Riding on a Cloud by Rabih Mroué, is a one man show inspired by and starring his brother, who at age seventeen was struck in the head by a sniper bullet in an attempted assassination during the Lebanese civil war. The Patriots by Jovan Sterija Popović, directed by Andraš Urban was a large-scale show, at the Belgrade National Theatre. It had a lot of regionally specific humor and references. It semi-reenacted the quick succession of occupations in the region and how a group of self-proclaimed patriots kept changing their political allegiances to always end up the victor. It’s depiction of the shifting alliances in times of political change and turmoil is extremely resonant in this region of the world. I kept hearing again and again that many people who did very well for themselves under communism are now doing just as well today. This was kind of a mind fuck. The Ivan Zajc Croatian National Theatre’s On the Grave of Ignorant Europe by Sebastijan Horvat and Milan Marković Matthis, directed by Sebastijan Horvat was the festival closer, and it played at a beautiful modern theatre space across the river in the city of Zemun. Because the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts did not grant official rights to adapt for the stage, this piece was a loose adaption the very popular Croatian novel, Croatian Rhapsody by Miroslav Krleza. A husband, wife, son, daughter, grandma, nanny, and family friends gather for dinner in a large, ornate dining room. A butler walks in and out, setting up for the meal. What ensues is a Who’s Afraid of Virgina Woolf type evening, replete with twisted parlor games, unhinged behavior, and a whole lot that I found offensive but have no idea how to begin to explain. Suffice to say misogyny on and off stage is not uncommon, and many shows we saw contained things we would not see on US stages today. The locale for “BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: Theatre Festivals and Geopolitics.” Photo by Jamie Gahlon. We had the pleasure of attending and livestreaming a two-day conference, “BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: Theatre Festivals and Geopolitics,” that was produced by the festival and the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management of the University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia. Returning to our hotel by cab, the driver pointed out an overflowing refugee center—a line of people from Syria wound out the door and down the sidewalk. Stop 3: Bucharest, Romania Landing in Bucharest was a sweet relief after the frenetic pace of Belgrade. The capital of Romania, with roughly two million inhabitants, it’s the sixth largest city in the European Union. The city is a mix of art deco / Bauhaus, neoclassical, and communist era architecture and it’s breathtaking. It used to be called “Little Paris,” and it was easy to see why. A short walk down Calea Victoriei (Victory Avenue), where we were staying, was a monument commemorating the revolution. It looks like an iron head skewered on an obelisk. There was red spray paint dripping down one side and I couldn’t tell if it was part of the original design or an apt afterthought. Counter to other peaceful Eastern Bloc revolutions, Romania’s did end in violence. In December 1989, in one hour’s time, Communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife Elena were tried, found guilty, and executed in a public square, ending forty-two years of Communist rule. Monument marking the revolution. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. Romania has been a member of the European Union since 2007, and I got the impression that folks there were better off than in the places we came from. There was no festival time out in Bucharest, but plenty of people to meet thanks to our host, Iulia Popovici. We met Simona Cuciurianu and some other Romanian theatre artists at Point, a new privately funded (which is almost unheard of) space featuring a small theatre, bar, and gallery space. We talked about HowlRound and they told us a bit about the current scene. Performance space is hard to find. An actor/director in attendance was trying to create a shared workspace and studio called ArtHub, but acknowledged that sustainable funding was a challenge. The national theatres and the well-resourced theatres don’t seem interested in challenging work (this was a common refrain in every place we visited). They continue to employ the “gold generation,” and there isn’t room yet for the younger folks who might be less inclined to make mainstream fare. Independent theatre companies are eligible for subsidy by the government but only on an annual basis, so it’s hard to plan for anything long-term. And it was commonly acknowledged that, while outright censorship is gone, money only goes to projects that have a certain level of acceptability in the government’s eyes. Simona’s dream for Point is to create a new writer’s theatre, but finding Romanian playwrights that fit the bill has been harder than she thought, partially due to a lack of available training. The black box at Point. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. We went to dinner with an actress at an old communist private club where we were told not to take pictures. We talked about the US election and I said (with too much confidence) that there was no way Trump could win. She talked about watching other countries in Europe turn increasingly nationalist, and her own fear that “Europe is going in the wrong direction.” That night we watched Typographic Majuscule written and directed by Gianina Cărbunariu (for more on her read this interview). Based entirely on records found in the Romanian archives from the Securitate/secret police activity and surveillance during communism, the show examined the life of a teenage boy after he is caught writing dissident statements in chalk in his neighborhood in 1981. It was commissioned as part of a larger project to explore the legacy of the secret police in the Soviet bloc during communism (Bela Pinter’s Our Secrets, which just played here in Boston at ArtsEmerson is another such project). Theatre where we saw Typographic Majuscule. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. We went to the Green Hours to see Gadjo Dildo created by Giuvlipen Theatre Company, directed by Mihai Lukacs, starring Elena Duminică, Mihaela Drăgan, Zita Moldovan. While entirely in Romanian with no translation it was still easy to follow. The Roma are the largest minority group (or second largest, depending on who you ask) in Romania. They are still extremely marginalized and fighting for recognition in the arts and otherwise. This show was created by and starred three Roma women deconstructing stereotypes of Roma women through cabaret style song and dance. Giuvlipen Theatre Company is the only self-proclaimed feminist theatre group in Romania. Our Daily Hunger directed by Radu Apostol and created by Replika Center of Educational Theatre ensemble was an immersive show which cast us as guests to a full dinner in honor of a late philanthropist who did much to try and combat hunger. Through the course of the show the audience is asked to reckon with their own moral compass and belief systems through a series of interactive activities. We had dinner with the Center’s founders and makers: Radu Apostol (director), Katia Pascariu (actress), Viorel Cojanu (actor), and Mihaela Radescu (actress). Against all odds, this collective found a space, rented it, successfully crowd-funded for a roof repair, and have been operating Replika Center as a theatre venue since February 2015. From their website: The space was conceived as an independent, interdisciplinary space, promoting the collaboration between professional artists and members of vulnerable communities and encouraging a theater for young audience, deeply involved in our society. At dinner Katia and Radu recalled that the transition from communism to democracy was not without hardship. They commented that while Romania is no longer third world, it’s not first either—they agreed on second world. On the way back to the hotel, we got to a roundabout and Viorel pointed to a cross in the middle, “Many people died here during the revolution.” Radu added that the whole roundabout used to be consumed by a big platform that had been erected to hold a monument of Ceaușescu, at his request. However, despite three or four different attempts, he had never been happy with how the monument looked, and kept tearing it down and rebuilding it. In the mid-nineties it was finally demolished, opening the street to traffic. Bucharest, Romania. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. Through the course of our stay, we met Nico Vaccari and Sinziana Koenig, founders of Teatrul Béznă, an Anglo-Romanian theatre collective dedicated to challenging inequality. A Brit of Italian lineage and a Romanian who met in drama school in London, they have a unique perspective on the local scene. Against original expectations, they settled back in Bucharest because they felt that their work (political, feminist, engaging issues like sexual violence) would have more direct impact there. And so far, money for projects has eventually materialized too. They brought us to MACAZ Bar Teatru Coop to meet one of the founders, director Davey Schwartz. It was a super funky bar and black box theatre space that opened last January and is so far doing really well—turning a small profit and providing much needed space for political action, activists, and theatrical events too. Davey talked about the originating impulse as two-fold—one, to solve the space problem, and two, to give some of the group steady jobs. They are structured as a coop, so everyone in the collective has equal shares. They run the space and operate non-hierarchically. Davey explained that in Romania there remains deep suspicion of any collectivist tendencies post communism, which makes their intentionally horizontal structure that much more radical. On the way out we noticed words painted on the wall in huge white letters: In Acest Spatiu Nu Sunt Tolerate Atitudinile Rasiste Homofobe Sexiste Clasiste In this space we don’t tolerate racist, homophobic, sexist, or classist attitudes To see this on a wall, in a public space, in a country that does not even recognize homosexuality and has barely scratched the surface of gender inequality, is mind-blowing. The artists are leading the way. Bar Teatru Coop. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. Stop 4: Festiwal Konfrontacje Teatralne, Lublin, Poland When we touched down in Warsaw, the temperature felt like it had dropped fifteen degrees. We rented a car and drove two-and-a-half hours southeast to Lublin, the ninth largest city in Poland with a population of 350,000. In the car we heard two Alanis Morisette songs on different radio stations, which felt really appropriate. Through the thick fog huge churches dotted the little towns along the highway—we had entered Catholic country. Later someone said that the Poles replaced communism with Catholicism and credited that choice with creating their solid economy. Poland is the only country in Central/Eastern Europe that didn’t collapse in the recent economic crisis. It’s also huge in comparison to its neighbors, and has turned politically to the extreme right in recent years, with other countries following suit. A few days before we arrived, women successfully protested against a proposed total ban on abortion. Throughout the festival some women continued wearing all black in solidarity with these efforts. The road to Lublin. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. The Konfrontacje festival is in its twenty-first year, and is curated by Marta Keil and Grzegorz Reske. Marta wrote a fantastic piece for HowlRound on the state of Polish theatre last December. The theme for this year’s festival was “Autonomy Institution Democracy.” As public arts institutions, festivals have very precise responsibilities, obligations and roles to play—both in relation to artists as well as to their public, at local and international level… One of the core aims of performing arts festivals is their endless searching of new, original ways of formulating and understanding theatrical language, as well as developing a discourse which would enable the artists and the audience to talk. Festivals should provide artists with the conditions in which they can work and develop their practice and to stimulate the free flow of people, works, concepts and ideas. Festivals are responsible for discovering new phenomena, movements, ways of thinking and producing the arts, as well as becoming open to ever larger and more diverse groups of audiences….In our view, a festival should create the space for independent exchange of thoughts and experiences, offering artists and their public room and time to think, to experience, to talk. It should leave however additional space for unexpected encounters, coincidences—and clashes. Broadly, there are loads of festivals in Poland and throughout Eastern Europe. Curators program the shows, and some, like this one, have co-curators. Curating is often not a full-time job, but rather balanced with other gigs. Every show that we saw here at Konfrontacje was artistically excellent and thought provoking. The two curators managed to program shows that were perhaps more closely aligned to our Western aesthetic sensibilities. The Konfrontacje Festival headquarters in Lublin, Poland. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. On the morning of October 8, when the Hungarian government unceremoniously shut down the country’s major left-wing newspaper, we met Zenkő Bogdan, a Romanian currently based in Budapest, at the time serving as Eastern European Project Manager for the Center for International Theatre Development. She lent valuable context to our time in Poland. We livestreamed a lecture by Bojana Kunst on her book Artist at Work: Proximity of Art and Capitalism, which was newly translated into Polish. This event was part of a launch of the Performative Centre, a new program of the Eastern European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) that shares many deeply rooted HowlRound values: Its mission is to create a space which enables an open, animated dialogue, not subordinated to the market principles and free from hierarchical academic structures. The Centre’s main goal is to offer the artists, thinkers and culture workers time and space to think and practice instead of forcing them to produce a new event, “a cut-and-dried commodity.” … the Centre offers a space which is focused on developing the choreographic and performing arts practices and, by doing so, on strengthening a critical reflection around them in the social, political and economic context. War and Peace by Gob Squad invited the audience to a salon to discuss Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Four audience members sat at a table on stage and answered questions relating to War and Peace the novel but also to war and peace as concepts. Throughout the salon discussion, we were presented “distractions” that related to the evening: a fashion show of characters from the book, a moving harp rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine”—the distractions cleverly built on each other, and by the end of the night we were all in. Next up was a concert revue Songs From My Shows by Ivo Dimchev—imagine a more tawdry and Bulgarian Taylor Mac. Parental Cntrl by Ground Control, was directed by Ferenc Sinkó and created in collaboration with kata bodoki-halmen, Kinga Ötvös, and Krisztina Sipos. It explored through movement and music three Generation Y women and their relationships with each other and to their families. Penny Arcade starred in a solo show, Longing Lasts Longer, about the dangers of gentrification, mass media, and mind control (the “integrated spectacle”). Time’s Journey Through A Room by Toshiki Okada / Chelfitsch, from Japan, presented a man trying to begin a new relationship after losing his wife in an earthquake. Birdie by Agrupación Señor Serrano of Barcelona, Spain, integrated video from The Birds with live video of action on a miniature set. As a jumping off point the show used a real-life photo taken in Melilla (a Spanish autonomous city located on the north coast of Africa) of people mid-swing on a beautiful golf course while not far behind them, newly arrived refugees climb over the top of a tall metal fence. Incredibly precise and timely, the show asked questions about migration, fear, hate, politics, and our own humanity. The theatre where we saw Time’s Journey Through A Room. Photo by Jamie Gahlon. Experiencing the rise of fascist and isolationist ‘America First’ rhetoric, I’ve been reflecting on the role arts and culture can play in fighting repressive government and bolstering democracy. Theatremakers I met commented again and again that politicians aren’t acting responsibly for the people of their country, and that the ruling government remains corrupt. Everyone knows it, and everyone seems to accept it. One actress said she felt that most people still (incorrectly, to her mind) see the government as an apparatus entirely separate from themselves; a holdover from communist times, that despite the revolutions, the new governments that emerged are something the people aren’t able to impact. They stand apart. As much as it’s hard to admit, hearing these sentiments pre November 8, I felt some small sense of satisfaction that my country doesn’t operate like that; we have a functioning democracy by the people for the people. Reflecting post-election, I’m not sure I still feel this way. Life under this new US administration has given me ample opportunity to feel a bit closer to the people I met and the world I encountered in Eastern Europe. Experiencing the rise of fascist and isolationist “America First” rhetoric, I’ve been reflecting on the role arts and culture can play in fighting repressive government and bolstering democracy. Last month, following the mobilization for the Women’s March on January 21, Romanian citizens took to the streets to protest the government’s passage in the middle of the night of an ordinance that weakened anti-corruption laws. These protests were the largest in the country’s history—and they worked! Four thousand miles away and across a cultural divide, I felt connected through resistance, resilience, and creative expression. Next month, when we return to Eastern Europe to present the World Theatre Map at the IETM Bucharest Plenary Meeting, I look forward to meeting again with fellow theatre practitioners, curators, and producers to support one another and share innovative models of collaboration to shape and reshape culture and society. Author (right) at the epic Boston Women’s March—the poster was inspired by a poster seen in Bucharest and made in solidarity with the Polish women against the total abortion ban. Photo by Ramona Ostrowski. *** Unless otherwise indicated, all photos by the author. Email this Page Share this Page on Facebook Share this Page on Twitter Print Print this Page Topics Aesthetics Conferences Cross-cultural Exchange and Cultural Mobility Festivals HowlRound TV Infrastructure Project in Central and Eastern Europe Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Most Discussed National Institute for Directing and Ensemble Creation (NIDEC) Friday 3 December to Sunday 5 December 2021 Most Watched Livestreaming: Roma Theatre Retrospective 2021 Tuesday 19 October to Friday 10 December 2021 Upcoming Livestreaming a Conversation: SEGAL TALKS: Anne Cattaneo Wednesday 8 December 2021 Interested in following this conversation in real time? Receive email alerting you to new threads and the continuation of current threads. subscribe Comments 3 Add Comment The article is just the start of the conversation—we want to know what you think about this subject, too! HowlRound is a space for knowledge-sharing, and we welcome spirited, thoughtful, and on-topic dialogue. Find our full comments policy here Newest First Donald Sanborn III 4 years ago I enjoyed reading about your international playgoing, and seeing the photos. "Opernball" sounded especially interesting. There already may be something like this, but there should be more international festivals, so that more American audiences could be exposed to the kinds of works you described. It might be a bit more than professional theaters are willing or able to undertake, but academia might be more up to the task. Perhaps you could compile and edit a volume of some of the plays you saw? Log in or Register to post comments Permalink Matt Opatrny 4 years ago Thank you for this report on a part of the world that I love, having toured the Balkans several times with co-productions by Blessed Unrest (NYC) and Teatri ODA (Kosovo). One correction, or perhaps a difference of opinion: Serbia’s south is not bordered by Macedonia and Albania, but by Macedonia and Kosovo. Though Serbia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence, 111 UN member states do, including the US and virtually everyone else but Serbia, Russia, their close allies, and a few other countries that fear separatist movements of their own. Thanks again for your work! Log in or Register to post comments Permalink Jamie Gahlon 4 years ago Hey Matt, Thanks so much for pointing this out. We have no difference of opinion--I have amended my text accordingly to indicate that Kosovo, while disputed, is to the south. Thank you for commenting! Log in or Register to post comments In reply to Thank you for this report on… by Matt Opatrny Permalink Meet the Commons About Accessibility Advisory Council Comments Policy Intellectual Property Privacy Policy Terms of Use Participation Black Lives Matter Contact Donate Logos & Press Shop Work With Us Footer menu Contribute Content Convenings National Playwright Residency Program Supporters Theory of Change World Theatre Map The staff of HowlRound Theatre Commons at Emerson College wish to respectfully acknowledge that our offices are situated on land stolen from its original holders, the Massachuset and Wampanoag people. We wish to pay our respects to their people past, present, and future. Learn more.
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Musician David Berkeley has gotten a lot of requests in his life, but none quite like the offer his agent got last year. A fan wanted Berkeley to come to his house and help save his relationship by serenading the troubled couple with a personal concert. This American Life This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange.
We tell the story of that patient, Alan Pean, and how his delusions lead him to a situation that's just as strange as the worst thoughts his mind is cooking up. This story is a collaboration with the New York Times. This American Life This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange.
This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange.
By Jackie Valley. Mary never called her mother. Instead, Mary spent three days in the county jail. Meanwhile, Metro Police delivered the news to a frantic Swanson. At the advice of investigators, Swanson played ignorant and continued sending her daughter text messages each morning and night, Merced CA escort gta she had been doing for months:. Home is where this story begins, where a predator named Kobe Hogue worked his way into the family and stole its youngest member, a junior at Centennial High School in fall who fell for a boy. Nearly two years later, Swanson discovered the young man she welcomed into her home had thrust her daughter into a life Escort hbg Cincinnati Ohio OH prostitution. Metro Police say Hogue appeared to be an unsophisticated pimp trying to establish himself in the underworld of sex trafficking. By the time police arrested Mary for soliciting prostitution, she already was 18 years old. Last year, Metro investigated juvenile-prostitution cases, most involving female victims, according to department data. Quality escorts everywhere in the world Of those, 74 percent were from Nevada — Amelia Fort Wayne escorts increase compared with past years. Metro has investigated about 2, children exploited through sex trafficking in Las Vegas sincethe year the department began tracking the issue. The peaked in when Metro detectives made contact with children, police said. On average, 50 percent of all juvenile sex-trafficking victims police made contact with were from Nevada. Hughes considers Scranton theodorova escort Vegas ground zero for sex trafficking, a buzz phrase she equates with prostitution. Look no further than the handbillers congregating at corners along the Las Vegas Strip, advertising the company of a female to nearly anyone who passes. Or browse the Las Vegas adult listings on back. In the end, money drives the sex-trafficking industry. Criminals have realized they can make more money repeatedly selling girls and women compared to a one-time sale of an illicit drug, said Esther Rodriguez Brown, the sexually exploited youth program administrator for Family Court. They can blend in Lafayette LA female escort service they can look for clients. Other escorts Police say recruitment of girls and young women into prostitution can start in person — through friends from school, Ocala escort agency a party, in a club — or miles away via the Internet. Often, investigators say the pimp-prostitute relationship starts out on a romantic note: He acts like her boyfriend. She falls for him. He claims they need money and asks her to help by entering the sex trade. Other escorts in madrid He promises her riches and, in the meantime, buys her new clothes and pays for visits to hair and nail salons. She makes the money; he keeps it. Somewhere along the line, police say, many of the situations turn violent. The victims, though, stay out of fear. Escort girl in madrid, andrea Mary, who once wore clothes from Abercrombie and Hollister, began dressing in provocative outfits bought by Hogue, who also paid for Mary to have her hair and nails done. And then there were the occasional bruises. Swanson, a school nurse, and her then-husband, an FBI employee, had tried to give Hogue a chance — even after his stint in prison Private girls escorts Sunrise stealing vehicles. The parents reluctantly gave Hogue one more shot, organizing a list of rules he must abide by to date their daughter, by this time a senior in high Mojo escorts Newport News. A woman walks into an escort call center identified by Metro on Tuesday, Oct. Simple questions turned into arguments. Best escort sites Delaware home meant taking a shower before leaving again. She was never home. At this time, she was The secret their daughter had been guarding finally unraveled close to her scheduled high school graduation. In or create The answer Swanson received had never entered her realm of possibility:. More than two years have passed since Swanson learned her daughter was involved in sex trafficking, specifically working as a prostitute in Strip hotels and along Boulder Highway, and giving her earnings to Hogue. Police arrested Hogue several weeks later. He pleaded guilty to attempted pandering and Wyoming escorts caf serving time at Three Lakes Valley Conservation Camp, according to court records and the Nevada Department of Corrections. Swanson and her daughter, who will turn 21 later this month, have started rebuilding their relationship. They eat dinner together on Tuesdays and sometimes go shopping. Training of school staff members will follow, he said. In addition, he wants to examine any correlation between truancy and teenage prostitution — in other words, data that could explain the scope of the problem. Efforts within Prostitution rate in Sunnyvale CA school system are one part of what authorities say is a broader campaign needed locally and across the state. The department plans to hire a director for the Southern Nevada Human Trafficking Task Force who, in part, can corral a community coalition to spread awareness, Hughes said. Two churches in opposite parts of the Las Vegas Valley are among several that already have heeded the call on their own volition. Active warrants as of: saturday, november 06, at A plaza on Industrial Road with both an escort call center and massage parlor identified by Metro seen on Nashville Tennessee TN daily escort, October 30, He and his wife, Danita, also recently started a side business, Be A Voice, with the same goal in Butler Maine escort. In Henderson, members of New Song Church plan to meet with nearby schools, hospitals and other service providers to spread information about sex trafficking and see where they can help, said the Rev. 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The Northern Iowa Panthers open their 2016-17 dual season with a double-header against the University of Nebraska-Kearney and Utah Valley University. This is the first time that the Panthers and the Lopers have met, while the UVU Wolverines come into the dual 1-1 against UNI all-time. The two programs are former members of the Western Wrestling Conference. The Panthers went to the Grand View Open last Saturday and crowned six champions. The biggest thing that Head Coach Doug Schwab wants to see out of his Panthers is growth. And that’s not only from last season, but from last week’s GV Open. Starters who didn’t win the open – Josh Alber, Jake Hodges, Jake Koethe, Cooper Moore, and JJ Everard – all need to have a good showing on Friday night. Alber took second at 133 pounds, losing by Jacob Colon of Grand View in the finals. Alber had an up and down year last season, something that had been attributed to his weight. But both Alber and his coach have said that weight control was a focus going into the season and its under control now. He does have two matches that he is heavily favored in, so we’ll see if Alber can get back on track with some wins. The match of the night will come at 157 pounds, where #12 Bryce Steiert is expected to take on #1 (Division II) Destin McCauley. McCauley is a two-time All-American for the Lopers, which includes winning it all last season at 149 pounds. Steiert was UNI’s first true freshmen to make the NCAA tournament last year since 2003, and he had four wins over top-20 opponents. Steiert was right there with the top of the weight last year and this will be a great early season test to see where he stands now. Neither Hodges nor Koethe won the GV Open at 141 pounds, and both lost to Iowa State’s Kanen Storr by 8-4 decisions. The open was set to provide UNI a guide as to who would start, but as it stands now we’re not 100% sure who we’ll see on the mat this Friday. Koethe was ranked pre-season by some, but since that first performance has fallen out a bit. Hodges was the next man up in 2015 at the MAC Championships, could this be the year we see Hodges wrestle an entire season for the Panthers? Two debuts fans are very interested in seeing are at 149 and 197 pounds. Max Thomsen, the nation’s #15 overall ranked recruit, is set to see action at the lighter weight. The four-time state champion from Union redshirted last year, going 20-4 as an unattached wrestler, but fans still haven’t seen him wrestle in purple. This is his big debut with high expectations from all sides. At 197 pounds UNI has some options, but after two years of waiting I think fans really want to see Tyler Hoffman take the mat. The two-time NJCAA Champion at 184 pounds has bumped up a weight and that may have been a bit of a problem for him at the GV Open, where he went 1-2 on the day. Jared Bartel also returns for the Panthers after taking 6th at the MAC Championships last season and going 6-9 overall. Generally the Panthers should win both of these duals handily; look for everybody to be putting on a show and lighting the scoreboard up for home fans. The squad went 0-5 last season at home and that needs to turn around for them to have a better season. We’ll be in the West Gym on Friday night covering all both UNI duals, action is scheduled to start at 5:45 and we’ll have a live play-by-play thread going, so be sure to check in with us! Wrestle Stat Predictions, with the projected starters listed above, for UNI vs UVU – Northern Iowa over Utah Valley 30 – 6
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This story is of a man who falls in love with a stranger girl. This is a short story so I can't tell anything but I will say that you will enjoy after reading. The last Repentance Author:Samir_Gautam Serialize: "A love story whose one mistake took away everything from her. He was too late till his mistake was repented. His love was not accompanied by her. There is such a twist in the story that will make the story very interesting. I believe that you will enjoy reading the story." MERI MAYA Author:Samir_Gautam Serialize: ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? All the novels on this website are reprinted, all chapters are uploaded by netizens. Reprinted to this site just to promote this book for more readers to appreciate. The works included in this site, community topics, library reviews and advertisements mad
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Isaacson, Emily (2019) "Front Matter," Selected Papers of the Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference: Vol. 10 , Article 1.
Ideal Merchant Services will find for you the lowest cost to process your customer's credit card payments. The Process Defined There are four participants involved in the credit card transaction process. One is the Merchant, which is the party that receives the credit card payment (you). The second is the Merchant’s bank, which is referred to as the acquiring bank. The third is the issuing bank that issued the card to the customer. The fourth is the customer, which is the person using his/her credit card to make a purchase. These four parties work together to complete each transaction and this is done effortlessly and safe. What Factors Detemine Pricing: Pricing can be tiered pricing, interchange plus (wholesale cost plus) or flat rate pricing. Depnding on your business type, the types of cards you accept, the ways in which you accept cards (swiped, keyed-in, online, card holder present, cardholder not present, over the phone), the volume of specific types of cards you receive (high cost reward, mileage, corporate cards, debit cards or basic credit cards, risk factors, your monthly volume and your average ticket sale determines the rate structure that will be best suited for your business. The Two Types of Fees When it comes to merchant account fees, there are two types of fees. There are Wholesale Fees and Markup Fees. The difference between the two has to do with being negotiable and non-negotiable. Interchange Pricing is the most transparent pricing model, but also the most complicated. Basically, Interchange Plus is combination of both the wholesale (by issuing bank) and markup (by processor) fees. The Two Types of Fees Interchange (Wholesale) fees are non-negotiable and determined by the credit card issuing bank—they are the pre-determined fees that they charge for making the transaction possible. Markup (PLUS) fees, however, are negotiable and should reflect a fair price. These fees can vary from processor to processor. Tiered Pricing is a bundled or tiered pricing structure, which a majority of businesses use. Tiered pricing categorizes credit card transactions in the three different categories. With the tiered model, you have qualified, mid-qualified, and non-qualified transactions. 1. Qualified Transaction ( Swiped Rate-debit/basic credit card): The lowest rate charged per each transaction when the card is physically swiped through a credit card terminal.These types of transactions assume the lowest risk and involve a personal card rather than a business card. 2. Mid-qualified transactions: This is the rate charged when a transaction is manually keyed-in using AVS - Address Verification Service (card #, expiration date, address, zip code and CVV code all match). By manually keyed, this means an employee or owner takes down the information relative to the card, but the owner of the card is not present, or does not swipe and sign the transaction. These types of transactions are deemed to be “Mid-Qualified Transactions” when one or more of the “Qualified” conditions were not met. 3. Non-qualified transactions: This type of transaction rate is charged when manually keying-in a transaction without using Address Verification Service. Non-Qualified Transactions are when one or more of the “Qualified” conditions are not met, or: When the transaction is electronically deposited (batch transmitted) greater than 1 day from the authorization date or when the card that was used for the transaction was of a business or commercial card Flat-rate pricing is a billing platform in which the merchant is charged one discount rate regardless of the type or volume of card transactions. Submit a processing statement and Ideal Merchant Services will beat or match your existing rate. If your rate is exceptional, I will tell you that too!! If you are a new business tell me your monthly volume, your average ticket size and your business type to get a quote. If you are an existing business submit 2-3 statements to get a side by side analysis and receive a competitive quote. (The statements will show us the type of cards you usually see in your area.) These types of transactions are deemed to be “Mid-Qualified Transactions” when one or more of the “Qualified” conditions were not met. Standard Credit Card Processing Ideal Merchant Services and our processing partners will offer your business a fair and competitive payment solution that works for you. We have solutions that include everything from flat rate pricing to tier pricing and everything in between. If you have statements available, we can offer side by side comparisons and uncover ways to save you money. Ask about hard wired terminals, wifi enabled terminals or 4G mobile platforms. GET STARTED Mobile Processing: If you think your business could benefit from a mobile payment solution that includes WiFi, Bluetooth and 4G mobile processing then Ideal Merchant Services is here to help. We can provide your business with handheld terminals to phone swipes. These are perfect for anyone on the go! GET STARTED Virtual Payment Solutions: Eliminate terminals completely. Send invoices directly from your phone or desktop. Enjoy a centralized place to set up monthly membership payments, track revenue and conduct transactions. Standard processing and no-fee credit card processing solutions are available.
Everybody's pulling out IBM PC stories on the 25th anniversary so I thought I would relate mine. I had been an active developer as a teen for the 6502 world -- Commodore Pet, Apple ][, Atari 800 and the like, and sold my first game to Personal Software Inc. back in 1979. PSI was just starting out, but the founders hired me on as their first employee to do more programming. The company became famous shortly thereafter by publishing VisiCalc, which was the first serious PC application, and the program that helped make Apple as a computer company outside the hobby market. In 1981, I came back for a summer job from school. Mitch Kapor, who had worked for Personal Software in 1980 (and had been my manager at the time) had written a companion for VisiCalc, called VisiPlot. VisiPlot did graphs and charts, and a module in it (VisiTrend) did statistical analysis. Mitch had since left, and was on his way to founding Lotus. Mitch had written VisiPlot in Apple ][ Basic, and he won't mind if I say it wasn't a masterwork of code readability, and indeed I never gave it more than a glance. Personal Software, soon to be renamed VisiCorp, asked me to write VisiPlot from scratch, in C, for an un-named soon to be released computer. I didn't mention this, but I had never coded in C before. I picked up a copy of the Kernighan and Ritchie C manual, and read it as my girlfriend drove us over the plains on my trip from Toronto to California. I wasn't told much about the computer I would be coding for. Instead, I defined an API for doing I/O and graphics, and wrote to a generalized machine. Bizarrely (for 1981) I did all this by dialing up by modem to a unix computer time sharing service called CCA on the east coast. I wrote and compiled in C on unix, and defined a serial protocol to send graphics back to, IIRC an Apple computer acting as a terminal. And, in 3 months, I made it happen. (Very important side note: CCA-Unix was on the arpanet. While I had been given some access to an Arpanet computer in 1979 by Bob Frankston, the author of VisiCalc, this was my first day to day access. That access turned out to be the real life-changing event in this story.) There was a locked room at the back of the office. It contained the computer my code would eventually run on. I was not allowed in the room. Only a very small number of outside companies were allowed to have an IBM PC -- Microsoft, UCSD, Digital Research, VisiCorp/Software Arts and a couple of other applications companies. On this day, 25 years ago, IBM announced their PC. In those days, "PC" meant any kind of personal computer. People look at me strangely when I call an Apple computer a PC. But not long after that, most people took "PC" to mean IBM. Finally I could see what I was coding for. Not that the C compilers were all that good for the 8088 at the time. However, 2 weeks later I would leave to return to school. Somebody else would write the library for my API so that the program would run on the IBM PC, and they released the product. The contract with Mitch required they pay royalties to him for any version of VisiPlot, including mine, so they bought out that contract for a total value close to a million -- that helped Mitch create Lotus, which would, with assistance from the inside, outcompete and destroy VisiCorp. (Important side note #2: Mitch would use the money from Lotus to found the E.F.F. -- of which I am now chairman.) The IBM PC was itself less exciting than people had hoped. The 8088 tried to be a 16 bit processor but it was really 8 bit when it came to performance. PC-DOS (later MS-DOS) was pretty minimal. But it had an IBM name on it, so everybody paid attention. Apple bought full page ads in the major papers saying, "Welcome IBM, Seriously." Later they would buy ads with lines like Steve Jobs saying, "When I invented the personal computer..." and most of us laughed but some of the press bought it. And of course there is a lot more to this story. And I was paid about $7,000 for the just under 4 months of work, building almost all of an entire software package. I wish I could program like that today, though I'm glad I'm not paid that way today. So while most people today will have known the IBM-PC for 25 years, I was programming for it before it released. I just didn't know it! Share on: brad's blog Add new comment Comments Kaleberg Sat, 2006-08-12 22:10 Permalink Florida Computer Systems I was working for Bob Frankston at Software Arts back then. We had an IBM PC in a locked room. It had no case. The various components were nailed to a wooden board. Since it was being developed by IBM in Boca Raton, we called the company FCS, Florida Computer Systems. Back then, everybody had to use some kind of API for dealing with the screen, the keyboard and the filesystem. There were just so many systems out there: Bally, Commodore, Radio Shack, Sinclair, Atari, Sony, Apple, IBM, and probably dozens of others. When a friend of mine heard the IBM announcement, she figured it meant that the Japanese were going to walk away with the market. After all, IBM was the default standard. She was wrong about that, but she was right when she predicted that whoever did the OS for the IBM PC would own the OS market. We should probably be celebrating the day as Handoff Day, the day that IBM handed off its OS monopoly to Microsoft. IBM was hurting from all the antitrust litigation. I remember mentioning the case on 5th Avenue and one middle aged Cravath, Swain and Moore type went bonkers. He was on a team of lawyers managing teams of lawyers and so on. He was going crazy, and at IBM his name was legion. IBM passed the torch, and Bill Gates ran with it, and even hired his own team of anti-trust lawyers. reply Add new comment Your name E-mail The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Homepage Subject Comment * More information about text formats Text format Filtered HTMLPlain text Filtered HTML Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Plain text No HTML tags allowed. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Navigation About the Site Robocars Search form Search Donate Bitcoin 1JLEzkRutp2q5xrv9 jzd9CVgLp4g79S4M8 If you Buy a Tesla, get 1,000 miles free supercharging for you and me. 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The Republican Party, which fielded its first candidate in 1856, was opposed to the expansion of slavery. Abraham Lincoln, the party’s nominee in 1860, was seen as a moderate on slavery, but Southerners feared that his election would lead to its demise, and vowed to leave the Union if he was elected. What was the 1st Southern state to secede? state of South Carolina On December 20, 1860, the state of South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union as shown on the accompanying map entitled “Map of the United States of America showing the Boundaries of the Union and Confederate Geographical Divisions and Departments as of Dec, 31, 1860” published in the 1891 Atlas to … How did Abraham Lincoln’s election caused the Civil War? A former Whig, Lincoln ran on a political platform opposed to the expansion of slavery in the territories. His election served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1865, Lincoln was instrumental in the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which made slavery unconstitutional. What was Lincoln’s main goal at the start of the Civil War? Abraham Lincoln’s main goal in the Civil War was the preservation of the Union. Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation freed about 20,000 of slaves in Confederate-held territory, and established emancipation as a Union war goal. Why did the south think Lincoln was going to end slavery? They were convinced Lincoln was going to end slavery. The South came to this conclusion for a few reasons. In the Lincoln-Douglas debates for the United States Senate in 1858 in Illinois, Lincoln made it clear he thought slavery was wrong. He also believed that slavery shouldn’t spread. When did the southern states join the Union? On Feb. 4, 1861, these states formally aligned and created the Confederate States of America with its first capital in Montgomery, Ala. Upon taking office in March 1861, Lincoln attempted to ease southern concerns and bring the Confederacy back into the Union by agreeing to allow slavery where it currently existed. When did South Carolina secede from the Union? Radical South Carolinians led the citizens of their state to believe that slavery would eventually be abolished under a Republican president. The convention met Dec. 17, and South Carolina voted unanimously to secede from the Union on Dec. 20, 1860. Who was president at the start of the Civil War? In the following weeks, six more states seceded, and the Confederate States of America was born with Jefferson Davis as president. The attempt by Lincoln to resupply the garrison at Fort Sumter led to the start of the Civil War in April 1861. Why did the southern states leave the Union in 1860? Americans had hope for the future because they would have a new leader. But they feared that even a new president could not hold the nation together. The states of the South were very close to leaving the Union over the issue of slavery. The election campaign opened in the summer of 1860. They were convinced Lincoln was going to end slavery. The South came to this conclusion for a few reasons. In the Lincoln-Douglas debates for the United States Senate in 1858 in Illinois, Lincoln made it clear he thought slavery was wrong. He also believed that slavery shouldn’t spread. When did the South secede from the Union? Their answer was secession. Beginning with South Carolina (which seceded on December 20, 1860), the Southern states started to secede from the Union, forming the Confederacy, which had its own constitution and government separate from that of the United States. This began the road that led to the US Civil War. How many electoral votes did Lincoln get from the southern states? Lincoln dominated the Northern states but didn’t carry a single Southern state. Douglas received some Northern support—12 electoral votes—but not nearly enough to offer a serious challenge to Lincoln. The Southern vote was split between Breckenridge who won 72 electoral votes and Bell who won 39 electoral votes.
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This is an update for all followers of IGLUS. We indeed feel the need to inform you about our new course design, as it has developed since the Covid-19 outbreak last year. Ever since our first executive master training module in 2014 that took place in Mexico City, we have visited different cities from around the world to have on-site experiences and acquire first-hand knowledge. Our alumni and those who are interested in our master program are surely aware of this approach. However, due to travel restrictions after the pandemic, we have evaluated the options in order to continue our learning journey. Online teaching was something we were already accustomed to. We already had two MOOCs on Coursera back then and were in the course of launching the third one. As we knew we would not be able to travel, we adopted the same approach for our executive master program and have observed that, even if it is not the same experience as in physical modules with site visits, we can still continue IGLUS. Traditionally, we have visited a city every three months for two weeks; Dortmund, Lyon, NYC, Detroit, Mexico City, Seoul, New Delhi and Nairobi to name just a few. For two weeks, we covered almost all urban infrastructures in lectures on transport, energy, housing, water/wastewater/waste and cross-cutting topics such as smart cities, sustainability, resilience and efficiency. Of course, there were some unique topics or site visits based on the location; local government bankruptcy in Detroit and large-scale projects in Istanbul are some examples. When we considered organizing online modules after the pandemic, we realized that we cannot continue the same approach. Therefore, we have organized four thematic online modules since (smart cities, transport, energy and housing). These modules are a combination of MOOCs, recorded and live online lectures. There are pre-assignments based on selected readings and post-assignments based on recorded lectures, in a similar fashion as physical modules. The number of live lectures and discussions are limited due to time constraints, as we have participants from all over the world. On the other hand, MOOCs, assignments and recorded lectures provide participants some flexibility since they can complete them in a self-paced manner. We wanted to inform you about online training in IGLUS with this post as we are having a lot of queries regarding our master program and its current situation. We will revert to our physical format as soon as we can, yet we are planning to keep some parts online from now on. We may reduce the physical presence required to 8 days and complement it with recorded or live online lectures in the future. In the meantime, we encourage you to apply to our master program. Perhaps, online education is more preferable for some of you for the time being and in the future. IGLUS is calling new contributors for the IGLUSblog! IGLUS is looking for ways to extend the scope of its research with good writing and now it’s calling new contributors from around the world to share the knowledge. Reach us to become a contributing writer and help us grow together. Please check IGLUS Blog Guideline before sending your writing. Name Email address* Upload Please type the characters* This helps us prevent spam, thank you. Send This field should be left blank Categories Case Studies Case Study General IGLUS Center of Excellence IGLUS on COVID Lyon & Dortmund Module Mega-regions Nairobi Module New Delhi Module News Russia Module Smart Cities Smart Mobility Urban Governance Urban Mobility Tags andrea finger stich biocities forum BRTS Budapest Bus service challenges case study citizen engagement City of Johannesburg Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Delhi traffic congestion Delhi transport Digital Disruption governance structures ICT IGLUS Innovation istanbul London mobility mobility solutions money in Public Transport Mumbai Mumbai Transportation Transformation municipal government new governance NIMBY Prepaid Electricity Public Transport Public Transport improvement renewable energy Smart City smart city moscow smart mobility smart technologies technology ticketing Transportation transportation systems transport system Urban Entrepreneurship urban highway urban planning Urban transportation Vancouver walking About us What is IGLUS? The IGLUS way IGLUS History Our Team Partners Executive Master Overview and Calendar Application Scholarship Facts and Testimonials Participants Completed Master Thesis Photo Gallery MOOC Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems MOOC Management of Urban Infrastructures MOOC Smart Cities MOOC Resources Case Studies Blog News Quarterly Drive Forum Report Facebook Twitter Instagram © 2020 IGLUS | All rights reserved. × If you are interested to become a member of the IGLUS network, please fill in the below registration form.*
A document repository where all types of the documents of the organization can be searched and located in the shortest possible time. About Us Who We Are What We Do Citizen Charter History You can find information on Our Ministers, Key Officials, Our Vision,Mission and Functions and more details about our department here.
IHPI builds upon and accelerates the outstanding health services research and health policy work of multiple University of Michigan centers, programs, and academic units across three campuses, as well as partners from local research groups. Breadcrumb Home Our Experts & Partners Share This Page image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255) Search the IHPI member directory below to explore the broad range of expertise in health services research and health policy represented by our members, or contact us at
IHPI builds upon and accelerates the outstanding health services research and health policy work of multiple University of Michigan centers, programs, and academic units across three campuses, as well as partners from local research groups. Breadcrumb Home Our Experts & Partners Share This Page image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255) Search the IHPI member directory below to explore the broad range of expertise in health services research and health policy represented by our members, or contact us at
Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL).
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Bitcoins have been making their way into the mainstream media recently, and I’m sure many have been wondering what is it all If you like this blog post, please feel free to make a donation and share my blog with others about? First, a Bitcoin is a form of digitally encrypted currency (or a commodity, depending on how you look at it) that allows individuals to make secure payments over the Internet or in person for almost no cost. There is no central organization that runs Bitcoin. Instead, it runs on a peer-to-peer network technology where everyone who uses it contributes in one way or another to the management of the system. There are many good resources online to learn more about the technical aspects of how it works, but for those who want an easy to understand version of how the system works, I recommend this video: Why should my business accept Bitcoins when I already take Credit and Debit cards? Businesses need to offer as many choices as possible to make the process of buying your products and services as easy as possible. Unfortunately, it costs money in order to accept money. If you are not simply doing cash transactions, then you need to pay for banking fees, a Point of Sale system and the monthly fees that come associated with it, a percentage of all payment received for credit card transactions (usually around 3% but can vary) as well as the merchant account you need. All in all, accepting payment by credit card can be quite expensive and eat into your profit margins. Bitcoin transactions can be exchanged for very little costs. In order to process transactions through the Bitcoin network, computers have to handle the transaction and record it in the general leger of all Bitcoin transactions. That takes time, usually an hour. If you pay a small fraction more, you can have your transaction sped up. The cost of accepting Bitcoins is probably around 1% or less of a total transaction value. As well as them being cheaper to accept than traditional payment forms, they are easier and safer for electronic fund transfer. When you buy something online with your credit card, you are providing your card number, expiry date, and the security code to the business. You can be sure they do their best to keep your information safe, however as we have heard about in the news recently, large data breaches in major retailers have led to the loss of millions of individuals credit card information. With those numbers, criminals can make purchases on your account. With Bitcoin however, a transaction can only be done between the two parties buying and selling. Once a Bitcoin transaction occurs, it can not be undone, and the information you provide for the payment can not be stolen and used to make other purchases. This benefits the consumer since there is little risk of fraudulent activity after your transaction. From a business perspective, accepting the payment means secured funds. Since a transaction can not be tampered with, the funds you receive are yours and there is virtually no risk of being clawed back. It is about as close to having cash in hand as you can get in an online world. Who uses Bitcoins? There is a bit of a “What comes first?” scenario with Bitcoins. You want to spend your Bitcoins on things, but not many places accept them, and businesses don’t think they need to accept them since no one has them. As described above, the time and costs involved in accepting Bitcoins is fairly small, so it makes it worth it to investigate it. Consumers are starting to come more on board with the idea and are wanting to use their existing Bitcoins. It will create a snowball effect as more businesses begin accepting them, more people will start using them. Recently, in the US announced they would begin accepting them as a form of payment, and as of the time of this writing, announced they were going to begin accepting them as payment for products online. These are just 2 of the many businesses that are beginning to offer them as an option alongside their traditional payment methods. I hear the cost of Bitcoins changes rapidly. What if I make a trade for Bitcoins and then the price drops? Just like any currency or commodity, the value for Bitcoins has been fluctuating recently. This high degree of volatility may make some businesses worried about jumping on the bandwagon. For those that don’t want to play around with the risk of fluctuating worth of Bitcoins, there are merchant solutions that will handle the Bitcoin sale for you and immediately convert your Bitcoins into traditional currency. BitPay allows you to integrate their merchant services into payment process. You can then offer payment by Bitcoin on your website and have the funds converted into your home currency. They will then do daily deposits into your bank account with the value of your sales. Since you are getting the transaction value at that current price, you do not need to worry about how much the price for a Bitcoin fluctuates. Your money is safe, and in your traditional bank account. I thought Bitcoins were associated with a lot of criminal activity? Recent news has been about the FBI shutting down a website that offered illegal products and services in exchange for Bitcoins. The semi anonymous nature of Bitcoins has attracted some criminal activity online. In actual fact, Bitcoins do leave a trace online and are searchable. Although everyone has a unique and anonymous address given to them, all transactions from an address are part of the worldwide leger of transactions. This makes Bitcoins more of a security risk to criminals than traditional cash would. Therefore, Bitcoins should be less of an interest to criminals than cold, hard cash. Are there any downsides to Bitcoin? As with any option, there are always pros and cons. If you want to get involved with Bitcoins, there are a few things to consider. As mentioned previously, Bitcoins value fluctuates quite a bit. For the most part it is moving up, however if you are going to hold on to Bitcoins for a while, keep in mind that it can change in value compared to other traditional (fiat) currencies. Right now, acquiring Bitcoins is a bit of a challenge. You need to find someone in person to trade with, or set up an account with an exchange to convert. It is getting easier to buy them now with Bitcoin ATMs starting to spring up all over the world. While still few and far between, they are making headway. Making sure you manage your Bitcoins also requires a bit of thought. Many online wallets are available, but it is still best to keep them stored on a computer for security. Just remember if you do store them on a local hard drive, don’t throw it in the garbage without backing it up! I am interested, but don’t know where to start There are many great places to start investigating how to get involved. The website is a great place to get information on how to get started. There are a number of other resources online such as online wallets, exchanges, and Bitcoin businesses that are popping up that will help you get set up. Many major cities are also building up communities of Bitcoin enthusiasts who are more than willing to share their knowledge. If you are a small business and want some guidance on where to look for information on Bitcoins, feel free to contact me by Twitter @Stealth2377 or fill out the contact information below. 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OMNOVA is now part of Synthomer, a global specialty chemicals company and one of the world's major suppliers of aqueous polymers. The combined organization creates a US$2.8 billion global enterprise with a broad array of specialty products and services. The acquisition provides an expanded geography for improved customer proximity, greater scale to more efficiently produce and distribute product, and increased breadth of products and technology offerings.
Regulations No. 43 of 1997 to amend the Reward and Compensation Regulations and the Fund for Savings of the Officials of the Jordanian University. Adoption: 1997-08-19 | Date d'entrée en vigueur: 1997-09-01 | JOR-1997-R-48325 Shall be read with Regulations No. 27 of 1964, as amended, and shall be referred to as the Original Regulations. Amends article 4, paragraph (a) of the Original Regulations. Jordanie - Enseignants - Règlement, Décret, Arrêté, Ordonnance Regulations No. 33 of 1997 concering the Officials in the Jordanian University, issued under Article 120 of the Constitution. Adoption: 1997-05-06 | Date d'entrée en vigueur: 1997-07-16 | JOR-1997-R-48328 Jordanie - Enseignants - Loi Education Law, 1994 (Law No. 3 of 1994). Adoption: 1994-02-24 | JOR-1994-L-43445 Chapter 2 outlines basic education philosophy and objectives, including: the values of Islam, the belief in the ideals of an Arab nation, the support for the "Palestinian cause," a balance between national and Islamic priciples and an opening into other "universal cultures," and respect of individual liberty and dignity. Sets forth the basic curricula for kindergarten through secondary education, and provides regulations governing Education Ministry staff, teachers and school administrators. Provides for an Education Council with the responsibility of establishing criteria for textbooks and school curricula. © Copyright and permissions 1996-2014 International Labour Organization (ILO) | Privacy policy | Disclaimer
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Located in central Maricopa County near Luke Air Force Base, many people consider El Mirage the gateway to the Greater Phoenix Metro Area’s Northwest Valley. Key Features Nest Picks Search Homes Key Features Small Town Vibes: Despite its large size, El Mirage feels like a small town thanks to its many distinct neighborhoods. The laid-back lifestyle here attracts a very diverse population. Commuter Convenience: With a prime location just northwest of Glendale and Central Phoenix along Route 60, El Mirage offers commuters a breezy ride into the big city. Nest Picks Gateway Park Have some fun in the sun (or shade!) at Gateway Park, where you can picnic, play ball, and enjoy some good old fashioned family recreation. Pueblo El Mirage Golf Course Up for a challenge? This championship golf course features 18 holes of excitement set among stunning water features. Humberto’s Mexican Food If you need a quick burrito fix, Humberto’s has you covered with breakfast, lunch, and dinner served all day. Don’t miss the carne asada fries!
More boutique in feel than other surrounding areas with commercial development, locals call the area of Apex and Holly Springs the "peak of good living." A fast-growing community, expanding in step with RTP, much of the new development has been in Holly Springs. In 2015, Money Magazine named Apex the "Best Place to Live in America." Key Features Agent Picks Search Homes Key Features Proximity to RTP and Raleigh: To drive from Apex/Holly Springs to RTP is 20 minutes via Interstate 540 North. It's just about the same drive time from Apex/Holly Springs to Downtown Raleigh via Interstate 64 East. Historic Downtown: First founded in the 1870s as a railroad town, Downtown Apex is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. More than 60 buildings house locally owned businesses - ranging from coffee shops to boutiques to restaurants - in a charming, turn of the century environment. Agent Picks Peak Fest Each year, hundreds of vendors and more than 20,000 people come out to Salem Street for the largest event in Apex. Peak Fest is a day-long celebration with live music, artists, entertainment, and food. New Hope Valley Railroad An all-volunteer nonprofit that benefits the North Carolina Railroad Museum. Operate-a-Loco and Kaboose Birthday Parties are just two of the fun ways you can experience the eight-mile railroad adventure of the New Hope Valley Railroad. Halle Cultural Arts Center Built in 1912 as Apex's Town Hall, the Halle Cultural Arts Center is now host to movie events, visual art galleries, and theatrical performances. The center features three galleries, studio classrooms, and a 150-seat theater and offers classes in youth and adult drama and art.
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One foot equals 12 inches, to convert 50225 feet to inches we have to multiply the amount of feet by 12 to obtain the width, height or length in inches. 50225 feet are equal to 50225 x 12 = 602700 inches. Definition of foot A foot (symbol: ft) is a unit of length. It is equal to 0.3048 m, and used in the imperial system of units and United States customary units. The unit of foot derived from the human foot. It is subdivided into 12 inches. Definition of inch An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length. It is defined as 1⁄12 of a foot, also is 1⁄36 of a yard. Though traditional standards for the exact length of an inch have varied, it is equal to exactly 25.4 mm. The inch is a popularly used customary unit of length in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Feet to inches formula and conversion factor To calculate a foot value to the corresponding value in inches, just multiply the quantity in feet by 12 (the conversion factor). Feet to inches formulae inches = feet * 12 The factor 12 is the result from the division 1 / 0.0833333 (inch definition). Therefore, another way would be:
In our annual Sustainability Report, we report on the way in which Indaver has fulfilled its role in the circular economy over the previous year. Sustainability is embedded in our company, not just in our activities, but also in our techniques and processes. Our Sustainability Report which is published every year, illustrates this integrated approach. The report is divided thematically into sections concerning people, planet, prosperity, and partnerships. We operate in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are relevant to our industry. This Sustainability Report therefore also contains a number of references to these SDGs. Anticipating expectations A working party consisting of staff from the various regions and departments determines the content and scope of the report. This results in a report that it is balanced and representative of the entire organisation. The working party ensures that the Sustainability Report is written with our various stakeholders in mind. The stakeholders are mapped here according to their interest in and potential impact upon Indaver. Our experience and our frequent contact with these groups and individuals have enabled us to compile a report geared towards their interests and those of the government. The Sustainability Report is sent to our stakeholders. Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an internationally recognised system for reporting on corporate social responsibility and setting out a company’s economic, social and environmental performance. Inspired by the GRI we have charted our own performance in the same way.
Solving a Problem of State Tyranny: Director General Siddhanta Das: Have Forest Service Officers been threatening ordinary citizens, seizing their property, then threatening them with arrest if they complain? If so, how many cases of wrongful seizure and wrongful imprisonment have WCCB caused among India’s villagers and forest dwellers since 1994? There is immediate need for an Ombudsman to independently review all cases in each of your Five Zones! Thoughts, words, deeds: My work 1973-2020 My American years: Part One 1980-90: battles for academic integrity & freedom Become a US Supreme Court Justice! (Explorations in the Rule of Law in America) Fixing Washington: On Improving Institutional Design in the United States What happened in the American Presidential Election of 2020? Some obvious observations… (An ongoing note) Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry (1989) Apropos *Philosophy of Economics* On the plagiarism by Amartya Sen of my work (and that of others especially T. W. Schultz) Science, Religion, Art & the Necessity of Freedom (2004) The 1982 Subroto Roy Critique of the KJ Arrow Amartya Sen “social choice” theory, plus the FA Hayek and IJ Good comments, plus the 1989 chapter from *Philosophy of Economics* “Remarks on the Foundations of Welfare Economics” A General Theory of Globalization & Modern Terrorism (2001) Physics & Reasoning (An Ongoing Tract) by Subroto Roy DRAFT 01.12.2017 Is “Cambridge Philosophy” dead, in Cambridge? Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… Economics as a Beautiful Subject: Its Concepts & Principles Explained for Everyone (DRAFT)…. by Subroto Roy Pricing, Planning & Politics: A Study of Economic Distortions in India 1984, uploaded as pdf 2021 Now 36 years! Silver Jubilee (2009) of my (1984) *Pricing, Planning & Politics: A Study of Economic Distortions in India* “I’m on my way out”: Siddhartha Shankar Ray (1920-2010)…An Economist’s Tribute Rajiv Gandhi and the Origins of India’s 1991 Economic Reform Three Memoranda to Rajiv Gandhi 1990-91 Did Jagdish Bhagwati “originate”, “pioneer”, “intellectually father” India’s 1991 economic reform? Did Manmohan Singh? Or did I, through my encounter with Rajiv Gandhi, just as Siddhartha Shankar Ray told Manmohan & his aides in Sep 1993 in Washington? Judge the evidence for yourself. And why has Amartya Sen misdescribed his work? India’s right path forward today remains what I said in my 3 Dec 2012 Delhi lecture! “Haksar, Manmohan and Sonia” My (armchair) experience of the 1999 Kargil war (Or, “Actionable Intelligence” in the Internet age: How the Kargil effort got a little help from a desktop) Sonia’s Lying Courtier with Postscript 25 Nov 2007, & Addendum 30 June 2014 Much as I might love Russia, England, France, America, I despise their spies & local agents affecting poor India’s policies: Memo to PM Modi, Mr Jaitley, Mr Doval & the new Govt. of India: Beware of Delhi’s sleeper agents, lobbyists & other dalals Modi & Monetary Theory: Economic Consequences of the Prime Minister of India 1 May 2020 Statement of Dr. Subroto Roy, Economist & Citizen, Proposing PM Narendra Modi & Home Minister Amit Shah Apologize to India’s People, Create Remedy, and Resign to Do Prayaschit/Atonement; 9 May: A New Cabinet for President Kovind Introduction and Some Biography Some Recent Work On the Simplest Smallest Most Universal Direct #FlatTax of 500 Rupees per annum for India — accruing to the States, with a BPL exemption too December 1, 2021 Foundations of Pakistan’s Political Economy: Towards an Agenda for the 1990s, edited by William E James & Subroto Roy, 1986-1993… pdf copy uploaded 2021 November 12, 2021 Foundations of India’s Political Economy: Towards an Agenda for the 1990s edited by Subroto Roy & William E James, 1986-1992… pdf copy uploaded 2021 November 12, 2021 Critique of Amartya Sen: A Tragedy of Plagiarism, Fake News, Dissimulation July 26, 2021 Glimpses of Indian Politics (& World Events) Seen Via Some Statesman Editorials 2005-2008 July 12, 2021 What happened in the American Presidential Election of 2020? Some obvious observations… (An ongoing note) December 13, 2020 1 May 2020 Statement of Dr. Subroto Roy, Economist & Citizen, Proposing PM Narendra Modi & Home Minister Amit Shah Apologize to India’s People, Create Remedy, and Resign to Do Prayaschit/Atonement; 9 May: A New Cabinet for President Kovind May 1, 2020 Critique of Monetary Ideas of Manmohan & Modi: the Roy Model explaining to Bimal Jalan, Nirmala Sitharaman, RBI etc what it is they are doing (Drafts 4 August, 7 August 2019; 27 August, 28 August, 30 August, 31 August, 1 September 2019) August 4, 2019 Solving a Problem of State Tyranny: Director General Siddhanta Das: Have Forest Service Officers been threatening ordinary citizens, seizing their property, then threatening them with arrest if they complain? If so, how many cases of wrongful seizure and wrongful imprisonment have WCCB caused among India’s villagers and forest dwellers since 1994? There is immediate need for an Ombudsman to independently review all cases in each of your Five Zones! May 4, 2019 S N Roy hears from Lytton: A 1922 case of British imperial racism in Indian governance (with lessons for today) [Draft text 12 August 2018] February 8, 2018 Is “Cambridge Philosophy” dead, in Cambridge? Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… October 27, 2017 Physics & Reasoning (An Ongoing Tract) by Subroto Roy DRAFT 01.12.2017 September 26, 2017 Modi & Monetary Theory: Economic Consequences of the Prime Minister of India December 9, 2016 Fixing Washington: On Improving Institutional Design in the United States November 24, 2016 On being reunited with Arrow Hahn after a dozen years July 3, 2015 How the India-Bangladesh Enclaves Problem Was Jump-Started in 2007 Towards its 2015 Solution: A Case Study of Academic Impact on Policy June 8, 2015 Pakistan’s & India’s Illusions of Power (Psychosis vs Vanity) March 3, 2015 Delhi can never be improved — until the rest of India improves! February 13, 2015 Haksar, Manmohan and Sonia August 7, 2014 “Haksar, Manmohan and Sonia” August 7, 2014 My Recent Tweets My Tweets drsubrotoroy Economist View Full Profile → Index of Names and Subjects 15th Lok Sabha 16th Lok Sabha 1918 Influenza epidemic 1962 War Abdul Ghaffar Khan Academic economics Academic fraud Academic freedom Academic research Accounting and audit ACLU AD Shroff Adam Smith Aesthetics Afghanistan Africa African ivory Agriculture Ahimsa Ahmadis Air warfare Akbar Aksai Chin Aldous Huxley Alec Douglas Home Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn Alexander Dubček Alfred Lyall Alfred Marshall Amartya Sen America's Civil Rights Movement America's housing market America's impatience America's military-industrial complex America's mortgage crisis America's torture debate American academia American Civil War American democracy American elections 2016 American financial crises American history American music American philosophy American politics American popular culture American society American voices Amit Shah anarchy and governance Andhra Pradesh Government Andre Malraux Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov Anglo-American relations Anglo-Russian Treaty 1907 Animals Ann Dunham Anna Karenina Anna Karenina Anna Schwartz Annie Besant April Glaspie Arabs Archer Blood Aristotle Art Arunachal Pradesh Arvind Kejriwal Arvind Panagariya Asia and Latin America Asia and the West Assam asymmetric information Atal Behari Vajpayee Athenian democracy Attlee Attorney fraud Babar Bal Gangadhar Tilak Balochistan Bangladesh Bangladesh currency history Bangladesh India land Boundary Agreement 2015 Bangladesh's economy Banking Bankruptcy Barack Hussein Obama Senior Barack Obama Battle of Borodino Bayesian probability BBC Beauty Ben Bernanke Benazir Bhutto Bengal Bengal Constitutional Politics Bengal Legislative Council Bengal Primary Education Bill 1919 Bengal's Public Finances Bengali Adda Bengali modern literature Bengali poetry Benjamin Disraeli Benjamin Strong Bernie Sanders Bertrand Russell Bhagavad Gita Bhagwati-Sen spat Bhutan Big Business and Big Labour Bihar Bill Clinton Biology BJP Blowback Bolsheviks Books Botany BR Ambedkar BR Shenoy Brendan Whyte Bretton Woods institutions Britain Britain in India Britain's Chilcot Inquiry Britain's Parliament Britain's immigrant communities Britain's monarchy British foreign policy British history British imperialism British Library British military doctrine and traditions British philosophy British politics British Universities Brothers and sisters Buddhism Bulls and bears Burma BYU C Rajagopalachari C Rangarajan Caliphate Cambodia Cambridge Univ Economics Cambridge University Cambridge University Philosophy Canadian Senate Capital and labour Capital punishment Cardiff Business School Case by Case Philosophical Technique Caveat emptor Central Banks Chandrayan Charles Dickens Charles Eliot Charles Sanders Peirce Cheryl Misak Chiang Kaishek Chief Red Cloud of the Sioux Children's stories China China's exports China's macroeconomics China's savings rate China's Commonwealth China's dissidents China's Economy China's expansionism China's History China's internal passports China's military China's nationalism China's Politics China's religions China's wars China-India Relations China-Pakistan relations China-Taiwan problem China-Tibet problem Chinese pilgrims to India Christian forgiveness Christianity Christopher Bliss Chumbi Valley Clausewitz Cold War Columbia University Common Law and Equity Common markets Commonsense Communist China Communists Comparative Government Confederation Confucius Congress of Vienna Congress Party Congress Party Congress Party History Conservative Party Britain Constitutional law Constitutional monarchy Constitutional Politics Conversation Cornell University Corporate Finance Corporate fraud Corporate Governance Corpus Christi College Cambridge Cost Benefit Analysis Counter-terrorism CPI-M CR Das Crash of 1929 Credit markets Cross-Strait Relations Curzon Czechoslovakia Dabhol/Enron fiasco Dalai Lama Darwin David Hume David Ricardo Delhi Demand theory Democracy Deng Xiaoping Deposit multiplication DH Lawrence DH Lawrence's novels DH Lawrence's travels Dharma Kumar DHN Johnson Diplomacy Diplomatic protocols Diplomatic recognition DMK Dogras Don Patinkin Donald J Trump Dorjiev Dostoevsky Double bind Dr Zakir Hussain Drama Durand Line Dwight D. 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Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… October 27, 2017 — drsubrotoroy “What is the use of studying philosophy if all that does for you is to enable you to talk with some plausibility about some abstruse questions of logic, etc., & if it does not improve your thinking about the important questions of everyday life?” Wittgenstein, letter to Malcolm, 1944 1. In my current excursions into “Physics and Reasoning”, I stumbled some days ago upon Professor Cheryl Misak’s 2012 lecture at the Cambridge philosophy department about Ramsey having linked Peirce with Wittgenstein also her 2014 lecture at London’s Royal Institute of Philosophy I note too Professor Misak has a 2016 book titled Cambridge Pragmatism whose contents are advertised by Oxford University Press as follows Part I Cambridge, Massachusetts 1: Peirce 2: James 3: Bridges across the Atlantic Part II Cambridge, England 4: The Anti-Pragmatism of Pre-War Cambridge 5: The Pull of Pragmatism on Russell 6: Ramsey 7: Wittgenstein: Post-Tractatus Conclusion I have not seen the book, I enjoyed her talks published at YouTube, and I look forward to seeing results of her original archival work with Ramsey’s papers. Whether Wittgenstein’s later work was affected by Peirce more than a dozen years after Peirce’s death in 1914, and how it may have done so through Ramsey in particular, has been studied extensively if sporadically over years by Jaime Nubiola of the University of Navarre “Scholarship on the Relations Between Ludwig Wittgenstein and Charles S. Peirce” in I. Angelelli & M. Cerezo, eds., Proceedings of the III Symposium on History of Logic, Gruyter, Berlin, 1996; Mathieu Marion of Quebec University, “Wittgenstein, Ramsey and British Pragmatism” in European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy [Online], IV-2 | 2012, 24 December 2012; Albert Atkin of Sheffield University and doubtless others. Professor Misak’s findings in Ramsey’s papers will add to existing scholarship that is already large. 2. What I found disconcerting even shocking, however, has to do with her audience at the Cambridge philosophy department in 2012. That audience, with its noted Professors in attendance and participating, was evidently clueless that two Cambridge people, namely Renford Bambrough, philosophy, and myself, economics, decades ago in the 1980s had described the link between Peirce and Wittgenstein via Ramsey. If someone asserts at Cambridge today a claim of linking Peirce with Wittgenstein through Ramsey, one expects a Cambridge philosophy audience to be sufficiently informed to know Bambrough, in an extremely difficult achievement, had already done so in 1979. Bambrough sent me, then in Blacksburg, the proof of his article reproduced below; a clearer copy of the published article may be found at My Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry published in 1989 in Routledge’s International Library of Philosophy was the first work by an economist in that series, known earlier as the International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method and even before that as the International Scientific Series. It sold out quickly and was in paperback two years later. Chapter 5 and Chapter 9 had long passages placing Peirce and Wittgenstein together in regard to doubt and certainty, and the use of mathematics. Keeping with my purpose of addressing extant problems in economic theory while using philosophy as discreetly as possibly, I noted Bambrough had established the link between Wittgenstein and Peirce via Ramsey: To repeat: 3. Now before its publication my book manuscript had been mostly under contract with University of Chicago Press, not Routledge. About 1984 one of Chicago’s half a dozen reviewers hit me with a large surprise: my argument had been anticipated decades earlier in America by MIT’s Sidney Stuart Alexander! I had no idea of this though I knew Alexander’s publications on other subjects the balance of payments. Alexander, who was Paul Samuelson’s contemporary and Robert Solow’s teacher, was extremely gracious, read my manuscript and immediately declared with great generosity it was clear to him my arguments had been developed independently of his own. Alexander had come at the problem from an American tradition of John Dewey, Peirce’s pupil, I had done so from Wittgenstein through John Wisdom and Renford Bambrough. Alexander and I had arrived at similar conclusions but had done so completely independently! Before we had met, Alexander wrote in support of my work: “(This) is a very ambitious work directed at the foundations of normative judgments in economics. The author arrives at some conclusions very closely matching those I arrived at some years ago. It is clear, however, that Dr. Roy arrived at his conclusions completely independently. That is all the more piquant to me in that the philosophical underpinning of his work is the development of philosophy in England from the later Wittgenstein, while mine derives principally from earlier work in the United States by the pragmatists and those who may loosely be called neo-pragmatists. A prominent Cambridge ethical philosopher of the early thirties referred to the United States as the place where moribund English philosophies were to be hailed as the latest thing. Now the most characteristically American philosophy seems to have arrived first by a wide margin at a position gaining wider acceptance in England as well as America. Dr. Roy reveals a clear understanding of the methodological positivism that invaded economic policy analysis in the thirties and still dominates the literature of economics…. Following Renford Bambrough (Moral Scepticism and Moral Knowledge) he arrives at a position equivalent to that of the American pragmatists, especially Dewey, who insist that the problematic situation provides the starting point for the analysis of a problem even though there are no ultimate starting points. The methodological implication is the support of inquiry as fundamental, avoiding both scepticism and dogmatism. Roy develops his position with a great deal of attention to the ramifications of the problem both in philosophy and in economics….” When we did meet, as he drove me around MIT in his car, Alexander joked how it used to be bad form in his time to make comparisons about a trio of pairs: Cambridge vs Cambridge, baseball vs cricket, and “American English” vs (what is now called) “British English”! I asked whom he had referred to as the “prominent Cambridge ethical philosopher”, he said C D Broad and decades later I found Broad’s condescending passage “… all good fallacies go to America when they die, and rise again as the latest discoveries of the local professors…” Five Types of Ethical Theory 1930, p. 55. No wonder Alexander found “piquant” that I had reached via Wittgenstein and Bambrough an equivalent position to his own decades earlier via American pragmatism. [Besides by Alexander, a most perspicacious review of my book is by Karl Georg Zinn.] Within economics, Alexander and I were pirate ships blowing holes and permanently sinking the positivist Armada of “social choice theory” etc. Amartya Sen arrived at Cambridge in 1953, the year Philosophical Investigations was published, two years after Wittgenstein’s death the year after Wittgenstein died. Professor Sen told me, in 2006, John Wisdom and C D Broad both knew him at the time, all at Trinity College; if anyone, Amartya Sen should have conveyed to Kenneth Arrow in America in the 1960s and 1970s the implications for economic theory of Wittgenstein’s later work. Instead I had to do so in 1989, Arrow graciously admitting when he read my book: “I shall have to ponder your rejection of the Humean position which has, I suppose, been central in not only my thought but that of most economists. Candidly, I have never understood what late Wittgenstein was saying, but I have not worked very hard at his work, and perhaps your book will give guidance.” 4. Last week I wrote to Professor Misak at the University of Toronto: “Dear Professor Misak, I do hope you accounted for Renford Bambrough’s 1979 linking of Peirce, Wittgenstein and Ramsey, here My 1989 book Philosophy of Economics applied both, and Sidney Alexander of MIT recognized it. Of course my book was viciously attacked in America. Your U of T colleague (GBC) was an old friend from Cambridge days and knows all about me. Cordially Suby Roy …” I expected to hear back something like: “Dear Dr Roy, Thanks for this. Yes I have acknowledged your 1989 book in a footnote, though I was unable to locate the earlier Bambrough piece and will do so now.” Instead Professor Misak replied “Dear Suby, Some Americans don’t like anyone to have had thoughts similar to those of their heroes! Thanks for these references. Cheryl” Excuse me? “Some Americans don’t like anyone to have had thoughts similar to those of their heroes”? I have had to take this to mean “Subroto Roy (doubtless an American national, surely he isn’t still an Indian? Answer: He is) objects to Cheryl Misak having had ‘similar thoughts’ to his hero Bambrough”. A puzzling response from an eminent Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. I wrote back: “Hello, I’m afraid your paragraph is too enigmatic for me”. Professor Misak’s second reply was even more curious than the first: “Apologies. I just meant that some Peirce scholars don’t like to think that Ramsey and Wittgenstein might have been promoting the same ideas. The reasoning behind their aversion is enigmatic to me! Cheers, Cheryl.” I am afraid I do not accept such a completely irrelevant mention of “some Peirce scholars”. If through negligence or some mishap, Professor Misak, not having received the effort due to her during the peer review process from either her 2012 Cambridge philosophy department audience or her Oxford University Press referees, has failed to acknowledge in her book the prior work of Bambrough and others including myself it is necessary and sufficient a corrigendum be now inserted into the book giving references to these earlier works, that’s all. 5. The case is evidence that while Cambridge obviously has a fine department teaching academic philosophy, that could easily be mistaken for a fine department at an Australian or American university or even Oxford, the distinct product once known as “Cambridge Philosophy” in the line descending from Wittgenstein through John Wisdom and Renford Bambrough is quite dead there. Several lines descended from Wittgenstein through his several disciples, including Max Black whom I visited and talked extensively with at Cornell throughout the Fall of 1983, and whom I was privileged to count as a friend, an experience I have yet to write of. “But there is one disciple who stands apart from the rest; the work of Professor Wisdom is truly Wittgensteinian, yet at the same time original and independent…Wisdom carries Wittgenstein’s work further than he himself did, and faces its consequences more explicitly… Wisdom’s approach is much less esoteric than Wittgenstein’s, and his conclusions are perhaps easier to come to grips with. We see in Wisdom something like a new application of Wittgenstein’s ideas; we recognize the same forms there, yet cast, as it were, in a new medium…” (David Pole, The later philosophy of Wittgenstein, 1958). Wisdom in his obituary notice of Wittgenstein said if he was asked to say in one sentence what Wittgenstein had accomplished he would say it was asking the question “Can you play chess without the Queen?” Wisdom’s disciple Bambrough in turn said if he was asked to say in one sentence what Wisdom accomplished he would say it was Wisdom replying to such a question about Wittgenstein as he had done. I said in my 2004 public lecture at the University of Buckingham: “If I was asked to answer in one sentence what has been the combined contribution to human thought of Wittgenstein, Wisdom and Bambrough, indeed of modern British philosophy as a whole, I would say it has been the proof that there are no unanswerable questions, that there is no question to which there is not a right answer. By “common reasoning” I shall mean merely to refer to the structure of any conversation well-enough described by F R Leavis’s operators in literary criticism: “This is so, isn’t it?, Yes, but….”. My “yes” to your “This is so, isn’t it?” indicates agreement with what you have said while my “but…” tells you I believe there may be something more to the matter, some further logical relation to be found, some further fact to be investigated or experiment carried out, some further reflection necessary and possible upon already known and agreed upon facts. It amounts to a new “This is so, isn’t it?” to which you may respond with your own, “Yes, but…”; and our argument would continue. Another set of operators is: “You might as well say…”; “Exactly so”; “But this is different…” This was how Wisdom encapsulated the “case-by-case” method of argument that he pioneered and practiced. It requires intimate description of particular cases and marking of similarities and differences between them, yielding a powerful indefinitely productive method of objective reasoning, distinct from and logically prior to the usual methods of deduction and induction that exhaust the range of positivism. We are able to see how common reasoning may proceed in practice in subtle fields like law, psychology, politics, ethics, aesthetics and theology, just as objectively as it does in natural science and mathematics. Wittgenstein had spoken of our “craving for generality” and our “contemptuous attitude towards the particular case”. Wisdom formalized the epistemological priority of particular over general saying: “Examples are the final food of thought. Principles and laws may serve us well. They can help us to bring to bear on what is now in question what is not now in question. They help us to connect one thing with another and another and another. But at the bar of reason, always the final appeal is to cases.” And “Argument must be heard”. In all conflicts – whether within a given science, between different sciences, between sciences and religion, within a given religion, between different religions, between sciences and arts, within the arts, between religion and the arts, between quarreling nations, quarreling neighbours or quarreling spouses, whether in real relationships of actual life or hypothetical relationships of literature and drama – an approach of this kind tells us there is something further that may be said, some improvement that can be carried out, some further scope for investigation or experiment allowing discovery of new facts, some further reflection necessary or possible upon known facts. There are no conflicts that are necessarily irresoluble. Where the suicide-bombers and their powerful adversaries invite us to share their hasty and erroneous assumption that religious, political or economic cultures are becoming irreconcilable and doomed to be fights unto death, we may give to them instead John Wisdom’s “Argument must be heard….” Bambrough, applying Wisdom applying Wittgenstein, and integrating all this with his deep classical scholarship and knowledge of Aristotle and Plato in particular, showed how objectivity and reasoning are possible in politics, in ethics, in theology, in aesthetics, in literature, as much or as little as in science or mathematics. Bambrough’s path-breaking works of general epistemology and ontology are two three four humble papers in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society “Universals and Family Resemblances” “Unanswerable Questions” “Objectivity and Objects” “Thought, Word and Deed” I, applying all of this from Bambrough to the economic theory of Marshall, Keynes, Hicks, Hayek, Hahn, Friedman, Arrow and others Frank Hahn, Milton Friedman, Kenneth Arrow and others showed in 1989 the same for economic policy and normative economics. I have since then tentatively applied similar methods of reasoning to diplomacy, politics, psychology, religion, literature, and presently explore physics. What Wisdom did was far more astonishing, showing, among many other things, how the confluence of Freud and Wittgenstein could be found to help us comprehend all that seems so irrational: hopes & fears, dreams & the unconscious, psychoses & neuroses, everything said or done has an explanation, usually when there has been an adequate description. Modes of reasoning are manifold, well beyond the deduction and statistical inference induction known to the positivist. Then besides, there’s reflection about known facts too. Really if you can make reasonable sense of dreams and the unconscious, of the psychotic and the neurotic, as Wisdom did, the differences between Pakistan and India over Kashmir, between the West and Islam, between Einstein and Quantum Mechanics too become amenable… My praise of Wisdom and Bambrough in my 2004 public lecture was extravagant: “For some 25 years I have been learning of and reflecting upon the work of two great modern British philosophers, John Wisdom (1904-1993) and Renford Bambrough (1926-1999). In the 1980s in America, I came to apply their thinking in Philosophy of Economics (Routledge 1989), a book which got me into a lot of trouble there. Returning to Britain in 2004, I am dismayed to find their work almost forgotten or unknown today, even at the Ancient University that had been their home. “Orientalists” from the West once used to comprehend and highlight the achievements of the East for the peoples of the East who were unaware of them; I am happy to return the favour by becoming an “Occidentalist” in highlighting a little of the work of two of Britain’s finest sons of which she has become unaware. Wisdom and Bambrough played a kind of modern-day Plato and Aristotle to the Socrates played by Wittgenstein (1889-1951); the knowledge they achieved in their lives and have left behind for us to use and apply to our own problems make them, in terms of Eastern philosophy, rather like the “Boddhisatvas” of Mahayana Buddhism. I do not expect anyone to share such an extravagant view, and will be more than satisfied if I am able to suggest that we can have a grasp of the nature and scope of human reasoning thanks to their work which may help resolve the most intractable and seemingly irreconcilable of all current international problems, namely the grave cultural conflicts made apparent since September 11, 2001….” In 2007 I added: “I had been attracted to Cambridge partly by its old reputation for philosophy, especially that of Wittgenstein. But I met no worthwhile philosophers there until a few months before I was to leave for the United States in 1980, when I chanced upon the work of Renford Bambrough. Hahn had challenged me with the question, “how are you so sure your value judgments promoting liberty blah-blah are better than those of Chenery and the development economists?” It was a question that led inevitably to ethics and its epistemology — when I chanced upon Bambrough’s work, and that of his philosophical master, John Wisdom, the immense expanse of metaphysics (or ontology) opened up as well. “Then felt I like some watcher of the skies, When a new planet swims into his ken; Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes, He star’d at the Pacific…” It has taken me more than a quarter century to traverse some of that expanse; when I returned to Britain in 2004 as the Wincott Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Buckingham, I was very kindly allowed to deliver a public lecture, “Science, Religion, Art and the Necessity of Freedom”, wherein I repaid a few of my debts to the forgotten work of Bambrough and Wisdom — whom I extravagantly compared with the Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism, also saying that the trio of Wittgenstein, Wisdom and Bambrough were reminiscent of what Socrates, Plato and Aristotle might have been like. I had written to Bambrough from within Cambridge expressing my delight at finding his works and saying these were immensely important to economics; he had invited me to his weekly discussion groups at St John’s College but I could not attend. Between 1979 and 1989 we corresponded while I worked in America on my application of his and Wisdom’s work to problems in economics. We met only once when I returned to Cambridge from Blacksburg for my doctoral viva voce examination in January 1982. Six years later in 1988 he said of my Philosophy of Economics, “The work is altogether well-written and admirably clear”, and on another occasion he said he was “extremely pleased” at the interest I had taken in his work. The original preface of Philosophy of Economics said he was not responsible for the use I had made of his writings, which I reiterated in the 2004 lecture. At our meeting, he offered to introduce me to Wisdom who had returned to Cambridge from Oregon but I was too scared and declined, something I have always regretted since. It is only in the last few years that I have begun to grasp the immensity of Wisdom’s achievement in comprehending, explaining and extending the work of both Wittgenstein and Freud. His famous “Virginia Lectures” of 1957 were finally published by his admirers with his consent as Proof and Explanation just before his death in 1993. As for Bambrough, I believe he may have been or become the single greatest philosopher since Aristotle; he told me in correspondence there was an unfinished manuscript Principia Metaphysica (the prospectus of which appeared in Philosophy 1964), which unfortunately his family and successors knew nothing about; the fact he died almost in obscurity and was soon forgotten by his University speaks more about the contemporary state of academic philosophy than about him.“ Single-handedly I have over a few decades restored the philosophical work of John Wisdom and Renford Bambrough. That there was good reason to do so is now obvious. Will Cambridge Philosophy wish to revive “Cambridge Philosophy” within Cambridge? Well if so, here’s a reading list from this Indian economist… yes in India (get over those racist thoughts at once!): John Wisdom (1904-1993), Main Philosophical Works: Interpretation and Analysis, 1931 Problems of Mind and Matter 1934 Other Minds, 1952 Philosophy & Psychoanalysis, 1953 Paradox & Discovery, 1965 Logical Constructions (1931-1933),1969 Proof and Explanation (The Virginia Lectures 1957), 1991 Secondary literature: Wisdom: Twelve Essays, R. Bambrough (ed) 1974 Philosophy and Life: Essays on John Wisdom, I. Dilman (ed) 1984. Renford Bambrough (1926-1999), Main Philosophical Works: “Socratic Paradox”, Philosophical Quarterly, 1960 “Universals and Family Resemblances”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1960-61 “Plato’s Modern Friends and Enemies”, Philosophy 1962 The Philosophy of Aristotle, 1963 “Principia Metaphysica”, Philosophy 1964 New Essays on Plato and Aristotle (edited by R. Bambrough), 1965 “Unanswerable Questions”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplement 1966 Plato, Popper and Politics (edited by R. Bambrough), 1967 Reason, Truth and God 1969 “Foundations”, Analysis, 1970 “Objectivity and Objects”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1971-72 “How to Read Wittgenstein”, in Understanding Wittgenstein, Royal Institute of Philosophy 1972-3 “The Shape of Ignorance”, in Lewis (ed) Contemporary British Philosophy, 1976 Introduction & Notes to Plato’s Republic (Lindsay trans.), 1976 Conflict and the Scope of Reason, 1974; also in Ratio 1978 “Intuition and the Inexpressible” in Katz (ed) Mysticism & Philosophical Analysis, 1978 Moral Scepticism and Moral Knowledge, 1979 “Thought, Word and Deed”, Proceedings of Aristotelian Society Supplement 1980 “Peirce, Wittgenstein and Systematic Philosophy”, MidWest Studies in Philosophy, 1981 “The Scope of Reason: An Epistle to the Persians”, in Objectivity and Cultural Divergence, Royal Institute of Philosophy, 1984 “Principia Metaphysica: The Scope of Reason” also known as “The Roots of Reason”; a work and manuscript mentioned several times but now unknown. Of course it’s more likely Cambridge Philosophy fails to move from its inertia, is uninterested in what I have outrageously called “Cambridge Philosophy”, and instead continues to provide the homogeneous, Americanized, philosophical product that is available in Australia, North America, Oxford etc. If so, People, not to worry…. enjoy all this “Cambridge Philosophy” at your leisure… and come to see me… in India… [Postscript 1 from Twitter 22 November 2017: I was still not in Kindergarten when Wisdom delivered his Virginia Lectures: published decades later in 1991 which I bought at a Bethesda bookshop in 1993…I had been to see Prof SF Barker at Johns Hopkins too. I regret I was too scared to meet Wisdom in 1982 when Bambrough suggested it. But yes for a few decades now I have single-handedly restored the work of Wisdom and Bambrough. My intellectual debt to Britain repaid with interest… Postscript 2 from Twitter 9 January 2018 What is remarkable is John Wisdom’s Virginia Lectures 1957, published eventually in 1991 as *Proof and Explanation*, remain as fresh as a daisy if you read them now in 2018… It was the pre Elvis Presley age in music! …] Posted in Amartya Sen, American academia, American philosophy, British philosophy, British Universities, Cambridge Univ Economics, Cambridge University, Cambridge University Philosophy, Charles Sanders Peirce, Cheryl Misak, Conversation, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Einstein, Epistemology (Theory of Knowledge), Epistemology of Economics, Existentialism, FR Leavis, Frank Hahn, John Wisdom, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Renford Bambrough. 3 Comments » “Oh, Renford? He’s a genius!”: A post-War Cambridge story September 7, 2009 — drsubrotoroy “Oh, Renford? He’s a genius!” That is what the late Dharma Kumar (1928-2001) said to me in the summer of 1998 at her Delhi home in what would be our last meeting. I was taken aback. She and I had met after a long decade. Discussing what I had been up to, I had mentioned my application of the work of Renford Bambrough to economic theory in my 1989 book Philosophy of Economics. “Oh, Renford? He’s a genius!” — Dharma repeated blandly, seeming surprised that I did not get it. “Oh, Renford? He’s a genius!” — she said a third time more slowly, and then, seeing my uncomprehending stare, explained to me that that was the common saying at Cambridge about the young Renford Bambrough back in the post-War years when she had herself arrived there as an undergraduate. Now, finally, I got it. “Oh, Renford? He’s a genius!” In “Conflict and the Scope of Reason”, Renford Bambrough recounted that he had, around 1948, crossed the great Bertrand Russell himself at a meeting of the Labour Club. Russell had made a proposal (which he apparently denied later ever having made) of preventive atomic war against the USSR. Sooner or later there would be conflict between the USSR and the West, the argument went, on balance it would be worse to live under pax Sovietica than pax Americana; therefore, Russell had argued, the West’s existing power should be used to ensure the Soviets never acquired the same. At question-time, young Renford, aged 22, asked Russell why, from a purely philosophical point of view, it mattered “if the human race did destroy itself rather than die of natural causes later”. There was laughter among the audience, and then Russell said he had enormously liked the question, and wished he could “achieve the degree of detachment here displayed by one so young. But I confess that I, for my part, have never been able to overcome my feelings of concern for the welfare of the species of which I am a member”. Russell had misunderstood the question or deftly avoided it, but even so he had noticed in his young interlocutor the calm detachment that would mark all his later thought. John Renford Bambrough was born on April 29 1926 and died on January 17th 1999. I have written a little about him here and shall write more fully about him anon. See especially Is “Cambridge Philosophy” dead, in Cambridge? Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… Also “1.24. Bambrough publicly asked Russell in 1948 if it made a difference if humans as a species perished before their time. If we are destined to be extinct in x years does it matter if we perish by y<x ? Russell dodged the question. I’ve said yes it does matter because we don’t produce the Da Vinci etc work we may have done… My answer is yes it does matter if humankind perishes at y< x as the good (or net good) we would have produced between y and x never gets created. A future intelligence would find less about us…” Physics and Reasoning Subroto Roy Posted in Academic research, Bertrand Russell, Britain, British philosophy, British Universities, Cambridge University, Cambridge University Philosophy, Cold War, Dharma Kumar, Epistemology (Theory of Knowledge), Epistemology of Economics, Ethics, Genius, Life and death, Metaphysics (Ontology), Nuclear conflict, Philosophy, Philosophy of Economics, Reason, Renford Bambrough, US Military Doctrine, USSR. Leave a Comment » John Wisdom, Renford Bambrough: Main Philosophical Works May 8, 2008 — drsubrotoroy John Wisdom (1904-1993), Main Philosophical Works: Interpretation and Analysis, 1931 Problems of Mind and Matter 1934 Other Minds, 1952 Philosophy & Psychoanalysis, 1953 Paradox & Discovery, 1965 Logical Constructions (1931-1933),1969 Proof and Explanation (The Virginia Lectures 1957), 1991 Secondary literature: Wisdom: Twelve Essays, R. Bambrough (ed) 1974 Philosophy and Life: Essays on John Wisdom, I. Dilman (ed) 1984. (Foreword) The Structure of Metaphysics, Morris Lazerowitz, 1955 “Epilogue: John Wisdom”, The later philosophy of Wittgenstein, David Pole, 1958 Renford Bambrough (1926-1999), Main Philosophical Works: “Socratic Paradox”, Philosophical Quarterly, 1960 “Universals and Family Resemblances”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1960-61 “Plato’s Modern Friends and Enemies”, Philosophy 1962 The Philosophy of Aristotle, 1963 “Principia Metaphysica”, Philosophy 1964 New Essays on Plato and Aristotle (edited by R. Bambrough), 1965 “Unanswerable Questions”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplement 1966 Plato, Popper and Politics (edited by R. Bambrough), 1967 Reason, Truth and God 1969 “Foundations”, Analysis, 1970 “Objectivity and Objects”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1971-72 “How to Read Wittgenstein”, in Understanding Wittgenstein, Royal Institute of Philosophy 1972-3 “The Shape of Ignorance”, in Lewis (ed) Contemporary British Philosophy, 1976 Introduction & Notes to Plato’s Republic (Lindsay trans.), 1976 Conflict and the Scope of Reason, 1974; also in Ratio 1978 “Intuition and the Inexpressible” in Katz (ed) Mysticism & Philosophical Analysis, 1978 Moral Scepticism and Moral Knowledge, 1979 “Thought, Word and Deed”, Proceedings of Aristotelian Society Supplement 1980 “Peirce, Wittgenstein and Systematic Philosophy”, MidWest Studies in Philosophy, 1981 “The Scope of Reason: An Epistle to the Persians”, in Objectivity and Cultural Divergence, Royal Institute of Philosophy, 1984 “Principia Metaphysica: The Scope of Reason” also known as “The Roots of Reason”; a work and manuscript mentioned several times but now unknown. A personal note by Subroto Roy for a public lecture delivered at the University of Buckingham, August 24 2004: “Renford Bambrough and I met once on January 31 1982, when I had returned to Cambridge from the USA for my PhD viva voce examination. He signed and gave me his last personal copy of Reason, Truth and God. Three years earlier, in 1979, I, as a 24 year old PhD student under F.H. Hahn in economics, had written to him expressing my delight at finding his works and saying these were immensely important to economics; he invited me to his weekly discussion groups at St John’s College but I could not attend. Between 1979 and 1989 we corresponded while I worked in America on my application of his and Wisdom’s work to problems in economics, which emerged in Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry (Routledge, International Library of Philosophy 1989, 1991), a work which got me into a lot of trouble with American economists (though Milton Friedman and Theodore W. Schultz defended it). Bambrough said of it “The work is altogether well-written and admirably clear”. On another occasion he said he was “extremely pleased” at the interest I had taken in his work. The preface of my book said he was not responsible for the use I had made of his writings, which I reiterate now. Returning to Britain in 2004, I find the work of Wisdom and Bambrough unknown or forgotten, even at the great University North East of Buckingham where they had lived and worked. In my view, they played a kind of modern-day Plato and Aristotle to Wittgenstein’s Socrates; in terms of Eastern philosophy, the wisdom they achieved in their lives and have left behind for us in their work to use and apply to our own problems, make them like modern-day “Boddhisatvas” of Mahayana Buddhism. My lecture “Science, Religion, Art, and the Necessity of Freedom” purports to apply their work to current international problems of grave significance, namely the cultural conflicts made apparent since the September 11 2001 attacks on America. As I am as likely to fail as to succeed in making this application, the brief bibliography given above is intended to direct interested persons to their work first hand for themselves.” April 2007, March 2020: See also Is “Cambridge Philosophy” dead, in Cambridge? Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… *Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry*, “Science, Religion, Art & the Necessity of Freedom” *Physics and Reasoning* Posted in Academic economics, Academic freedom, Academic research, Aesthetics, American academia, Aristotle, Art, Asia and the West, British philosophy, British Universities, Buddhism, Cambridge Univ Economics, Cambridge University, Economic Theory, Epistemology (Theory of Knowledge), Epistemology of Economics, Ethics, Frank Hahn, Freedom, Good and Evil, John Wisdom, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Metaphysics (Ontology), Milton Friedman, Philosophy, Philosophy of Economics, Plato, Political Philosophy, Psychology, Reason, Religion, Renford Bambrough, Science, Science, Religion, Literature, September 11 attacks, Sigmund Freud, Socrates, Theodore W Schultz, University of Buckingham. 3 Comments » Science, Religion, Art & the Necessity of Freedom (2004) August 24, 2004 — drsubrotoroy Science, Religion, Art & the Necessity of Freedom: Reason’s Response to Islamism by Subroto Roy PhD (Cantab.), BScEcon (London) (A public lecture delivered as the Wincott Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Buckingham on August 24 2004, based on a keynote address to the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats, Manila, November 16 2001.) I am most grateful to the University of Buckingham for allowing me to refresh and carry forward my research these last several months. For some 25 years I have been learning of and reflecting upon the work of two great modern British philosophers, John Wisdom (1904-1993) and Renford Bambrough (1926-1999). In the 1980s in America, I came to apply their thinking in Philosophy of Economics (Routledge 1989), a book which got me into a lot of trouble there. Returning to Britain in 2004, I am dismayed to find their work almost forgotten or unknown today, even at the Ancient University that had been their home. “Orientalists” from the West once used to comprehend and highlight the achievements of the East for the peoples of the East who were unaware of them; I am happy to return the favour by becoming an “Occidentalist” in highlighting a little of the work of two of Britain’s finest sons of which she has become unaware. Wisdom and Bambrough played a kind of modern-day Plato and Aristotle to the Socrates played by Wittgenstein (1889-1951); the knowledge they achieved in their lives and have left behind for us to use and apply to our own problems make them, in terms of Eastern philosophy, rather like the “Boddhisatvas” of Mahayana Buddhism. I do not expect anyone to share such an extravagant view, and will be more than satisfied if I am able to suggest that we can have a grasp of the nature and scope of human reasoning thanks to their work which may help resolve the most intractable and seemingly irreconcilable of all current international problems, namely the grave cultural conflicts made apparent since September 11 2001. 2. The September 11 attacks aimed to cripple one of the world’s largest and most important countries in a new kind of act of war. The perpetrators apparently saw themselves — subjectively in their own minds — acting in the name of one of the world’s largest and most important religions. Since the attacks, the world has become an unusually bewildering place, as if notions of freedom, tolerance and the rule of law have been proven a lie overnight, as if virtues like patience, common reasoning and good humour have all become irrelevant, deserving to be flushed away in face of a resurgence of ancient savageries. The attackers and their friends taunt the West saying their love of death is greater and more powerful than the West’s love of life; the taunts and the counter-taunts of their powerful adversaries have had the effect of spraying panic, mutual fear, hatred or destruction across the surface of everyday life everywhere, so we now have bizarre scenes of people taking off their shoes and clothes and putting them on again while travelling, and of the British public being advised on how to cope with nerve gas attacks when they might have much rather been watching “reality TV” instead. An Age of Unreason appears upon us. The very simple proposition I put forward here is this: there are, indeed there cannot be, any conflicts that are necessarily irresoluble. To put it differently, the logical scope of common reasoning is indefinite and limitless. There is no question to which there is not a right answer. If I was asked to answer in one sentence what has been the combined contribution to human thought of Wittgenstein, Wisdom and Bambrough, indeed of modern British philosophy as a whole, I would say it has been the proof that there are no unanswerable questions, that there is no question to which there is not a right answer. By “common reasoning” I shall mean merely to refer to the structure of any conversation well-enough described by F. R. Leavis’s operators in literary criticism: “This is so, isn’t it?, Yes, but….”. My “yes” to your “This is so, isn’t it?” indicates agreement with what you have said while my “but…” tells you I believe there may be something more to the matter, some further logical relation to be found, some further fact to be investigated or experiment carried out, some further reflection necessary and possible upon already known and agreed upon facts. It amounts to a new “This is so, isn’t it?” to which you may respond with your own, “Yes, but…”; and our argument would continue. Another set of operators is: “You might as well say…”; “Exactly so”; “But this is different…” This was how Wisdom encapsulated the “case-by-case” method of argument that he pioneered and practised. It requires intimate description of particular cases and marking of similarities and differences between them, yielding a powerful indefinitely productive method of objective reasoning, distinct from and logically prior to the usual methods of deduction and induction that exhaust the range of positivism. We are able to see how common reasoning may proceed in practice in subtle fields like law, psychology, politics, ethics, aesthetics and theology, just as objectively as it does in natural science and mathematics. Wittgenstein had spoken of our “craving for generality” and our “contemptuous attitude towards the particular case”. Wisdom formalised the epistemological priority of particular over general saying: “Examples are the final food of thought. Principles and laws may serve us well. They can help us to bring to bear on what is now in question what is not now in question. They help us to connect one thing with another and another and another. But at the bar of reason, always the final appeal is to cases.” And “Argument must be heard”. In all conflicts – whether within a given science, between different sciences, between sciences and religion, within a given religion, between different religions, between sciences and arts, within the arts, between religion and the arts, between quarrelling nations, quarrelling neighbours or quarrelling spouses, whether in real relationships of actual life or hypothetical relationships of literature and drama – an approach of this kind tells us there is something further that may be said, some improvement that can be carried out, some further scope for investigation or experiment allowing discovery of new facts, some further reflection necessary or possible upon known facts. There are no conflicts that are necessarily irresoluble. Where the suicide-bombers and their powerful adversaries invite us to share their hasty and erroneous assumption that religious, political or economic cultures are becoming irreconcilable and doomed to be fights unto death, we may give to them instead John Wisdom’s “Argument must be heard.” Parties to this or any conflict may in fact fail to find in themselves enough patience, tolerance, good humour, courage to take an argument where it leads, or they may fail to find enough of these qualities in adequate time, as Quesnay and the Physiocrats failed to find solutions in adequate time and were swept away by the French Revolution. But the failures of our practical human powers and capabilities do not signal that the logical boundaries of the scope of reason have been reached or even approached or come to be sighted. 3. The current conflict is said to be rooted in differences between religious cultures. We may however wish to first address whether any religious belief or practice can survive the devastating onslaught of natural science, the common modern adversary of all religions. What constitutes a living organism? What is the difference between plants and animals? What is the structure of a benzene ring or carbon atom or subatomic particle? What is light? Sound? Gravity? What can be said about black holes or white dwarfs? When did life begin here and when is it likely to end? Are we alone in being the only form of self-conscious life? Such questions about the world and Universe and our place in it have been asked and answered in their own way by all peoples of the world, from primitive tribes in hidden forests to sophisticated rocket scientists in hidden laboratories. Our best common understanding of them constitutes the state of scientific knowledge at a given time. Once we have accounted for all that modern science has to say, can any reasonable explanation or justification remain to be given of any religious belief or practice from any time or place? Bambrough constructed this example. Suppose we are walking on the shore of a stormy sea along with Homer, the ancient Greek poet, who has been restored to us thanks to a time machine. We are walking along when Homer looks at the rough sea and says, “Poseidon is angry today”. We look at the waves loudly hitting the rocks and nod in agreement saying, “Yes, Poseidon is angry today”. We may be using the same words as Homer but Homer’s understanding of and expectations about the words “Poseidon is angry today” and our understanding of and expectations about the same words would be utterly different, a difference moreover we are able to understand but he may not. To us with our modern meteorology and oceanography, and the results of the television cameras of Jacques Cousteau and David Attenborough, we know for a fact there is no god-like supernatural being called Poseidon living within the ocean whose moods affect the waves. But to Homer, Poseidon not only exists in the ocean but also leaves footprints and descendants on the land, when Poseidon is angry the sea is vicious, when Poseidon is calm the seas are peaceful. We use the words “Poseidon is angry today” as an accurate description of the mood of an angry sea; Homer uses the same words to mean there was a god-like supernatural being inside the ocean whose anger was being reflected in the anger of the waves. My second story is from 7th century AD located here in Buckingham, from a spot a few hundred yards behind the Economics Department of the University where there is St Rumbwald’s Well. In 650 AD — just a short while after The Recital of the Prophet of Islam (570-632AD) had been written down as The Q’uran, and just a little while before the Chinese pilgrim I-Ching (635-713AD) would be travelling through India recording his observations about Buddhism – here 12 miles from Buckingham was born the babe known as Rumwold or Rumbwald. England was hardly Christian at the time and the first Archbishop of Canterbury had been recently sent by the Pope to convert the Anglo-Saxons. Rumbwald’s father was a pagan prince of Northumbria; his mother the Christian daughter of the King of Mercia. St Rumbwald of Buckingham or Brackley is today the patron saint of fishermen at Folkestone, and he has been historically revered at monasteries in Mercia, Wessex and distant Sweden. Churches have been dedicated to him in Kent,Essex, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, Dorset and North Yorkshire. Pilgrims have washed themselves at St Rumwald’s Well over centuries and it is said Buckingham’s inns originated in catering to them. What is the legend of St Rumbwald? It is that on the day he was born he declared three times in a loud voice the words “I am a Christian, I am a Christian, I am a Christian”. After he had been baptised, he, on the second day of his life, was able to preach a sermon on the Trinity and the need for virtuous living, and foretold his imminent death, saying where he wished to be buried. On the third day of his life he died and was buried accordingly. When we hear this story today, we might smile, wishing newborn babes we have known waking up in the middle of the night might be more coherent too. Professor John Clarke has shown Catholic hagiography over the centuries has also registered deep doubts about the Rumbwald story. We might be tempted to say the whole thing is complete nonsense. If a modern person took it at face value, we would look on it sympathetically. We know for a fact it is impossible, untrue, there has to be some error. At the bar of reason, all religions lose to science where they try to compete on science’s home grounds, which are the natural or physical world. If a religious belief requires that a material object can be in two places at the same time, that something can be made out of nothing, that the Sun and planets go around the Earth to make Night and Day, that the Earth is flat and the sky is a ceiling which may be made to fall down upon it by Heavenly Wrath, that the rains will be on time if you offer a prayer or a sacrifice, it is destined to be falsified by experience. Natural science has done a lot of its work in the last few centuries; all the major religions pre-date this expansion so their physical premises may have remained those of the science understood in their time. In all questions where religions try to take on scientific understanding head on, they do and must lose, and numerous factual claims made by all religions will disappear in the fierce and unforgiving heat of the crucible of scientific reasoning and evidence.Yet even a slight alteration of the St Rumbwald story can make it plausible to modern ears. Just the other day Radio 4 had a programme on child prodigies who were able to speak words and begin to master language at age of one or two. It is not impossible a child prodigy of the 7th Century AD in his first or second year of life spoke the words “I’m a Christian”, or that as a toddler with a devout Christian mother, he said something or other about the Holy Trinity or about virtue or that he wished to be buried in such and such place even if he had had no real understanding of what he was talking about. If such a prodigious infant of royal blood then died from illness, we can imagine the grief of those around him, and how word about him might spread through a countryside in an era 1200 years before the discovery of electricity and invention of telecommunications, and for that information to become garbled enough to form the basis of the legend of St Rumbwald through the centuries. The Rumbwald story is a typical religious story that has its parallels in other times and places including our own. It is impossible for it to have been factually true in the way it has come down to us, but it is completely possible for us with our better knowledge of facts and science today to reasonably explain its power over the beliefs of many generations of people. And if we are able to reasonably explain why people of a given time and place may have believed or practised what they did, we have not reason to be disdainful or scornful of them. The mere fact such religious stories, beliefs, experiences and practices of human beings over several thousand years across the globe have been expressed in widely different and far from well-translated or well-understood languages – Egyptian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hawaiian, Samoan, Apache, Kwa Zulu, Hausa, Swahili – let aside English, Arabic, Yiddish or a thousand others, provides more than ample explanation of how miscomprehension and misapprehension can arise and continue, of how a vast amount of mutual contempt and scorn between peoples of different cultures is able to be irrationally sustained. The scope for the reasonable “demythologisation” of all these stories in all these languages from all these religions, in the way we have sought to “demythologise” the Rumbwald story here obviously remains immense and indefinite. Next consider religious practice in the modern world, and the universal act of praying. (Economists have not seemed to look much at this before though a lot of mankind’s energy and resources are rationally spent towards it every day across the world.) Some weeks ago, on the 60th Anniversary of D-Day, Lady Soames, the daughter of Churchill, recalled the incredible fear and tension and uncertainty felt during the buildup to the invasion of Normandy; she said that when she finally heard the roar of the aeroplanes as they started across the English Channel: “I fell to my knees and prayed as I’d never prayed before or since” (BBC 1 June 6 2004, 8.40 am). A policeman’s wife in Costa Rica in Central America is shown making the sign of the cross upon her husband before he goes to work in the morning into a crime-ridden area from which he might not return safely at the end of the day. Footballers and boxers and opening batsmen around the world say a prayer before entering the field of contest. So do stockbrokers, foreign exchange dealers, businessmen, job-candidates and students taking examinations, and of course hospital-patients entering operating theatres. Before a penalty shootout between England and Portugal or Holland and Sweden, many thousands of logically contradictory prayers went up. All this praying is done without a second thought about the ultimate ontological character of the destination of such prayers, or even whether such a destination happens or happens not to exist at all. The universal ubiquitous act of praying might be a rational human response to fear, uncertainty, hopelessness, and despair, as also to unexpected joy or excessive happiness. Blake said: “Excess of joy, weeps, Excess of sorrow, laughs”. When there is excess of sorrow or excess of joy, praying may contribute mental resources like courage, tranquillity and equanimity and so tend to restore emotional equilibrium in face of sudden trauma or excitement. A provisional conclusion we may then register is that religious beliefs and practices of people around the world are open to be reasonably comprehended and explained in these sorts of straightforward ways, and at the same time there is a good sense in which progress in religious understanding is possible and necessary to be made following growth and improvement of our factual understanding of the world and Universe in which we live. We still speak of the Sun “rising in the East” and “setting in the West” despite knowing since Copernicus and Galileo and the testimony of Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn and Neil Armstrong that the Sun has in fact never done any such thing. Our understanding of the same words has changed fundamentally. Tycho Brahe thought the Sun went around Earth; his disciple Kepler the opposite; when Tycho Brahe looked East at dawn he understood something different from (and inferior to) what Kepler understood when Kepler looked East at dawn. It is similar to Homer and us with respect to whether Poseidon’s moods affect the waves of the sea. Examples of traditional religious belief and understanding may get modified by our scientific knowledge and understanding such that the same words may mean something quite different as a result and have a new significance for our consciousness. Indeed it extends well beyond natural science to our understanding of literature, art and psychology as well. With the knowledge we have gained of ourselves — of our conscious waking minds as well as of our unconscious dreaming minds — after we have read and tried to grasp Blake, Goethe, Dostoevsky or Freud, we may quite well realise and comprehend how the thoughts and feelings residing in the constitutions of actual beings, including ourselves, are more than enough to describe and explain good and evil, and without having to refer to any beings outside ourselves residing elsewhere other than Earth. It is like the kind of progress we make in our personal religious beliefs from what we had first learned in childhood. We do not expect a person after he or she has experienced the ups and downs of adult life to keep to exactly the same religious beliefs and practises he or she had as a child at mother’s knee, and we do not expect mankind to have the same religious beliefs today as it did in its early history. Bambrough concluded: “There is no incompatibility between a refurbished demythologised Homeric polytheism, a refurbished demythologised Christianity, and a refurbished demythologised Islam…. The Creation and the Resurrection, the Ascension and the Virgin Birth…may be very differently conceived without being differently expressed….we can still learn from the plays and poems of the ancient Greeks, although we reject the basis of the mythological structure through which they express their insight and their understanding. The myths continue to teach us something because they are attached to, and grounded in, an experience that we share. It would therefore be astonishing if the Christian religion, whether when considered as a united and comprehensive body of doctrine it is true or false, did not contain much knowledge and truth, much understanding and insight, that remain valuable and accessible even to those who reject its doctrinal foundations. In and through Christianity the thinkers and writers and painters and moralists of two thousand years have struggled to make sense of life and the world and men…. What is more, the life that they wrestled with is our life; the world they have portrayed is the world that we live in; the men that they were striving to understand are ourselves.” Bambrough was addressing Church of England clergy forty years ago but in his reference to a refurbished demythologised Islam he might as well have been addressing Muslim clergy today — indeed his findings are quite general and apply to other theists as well as to atheists, and provide an objective basis for the justification of tolerance. Judaism, Christianity and Islam each starts with a “religious singularity”, a single alleged moment in the history of human beings when a transcendental encounter is believed to have occurred: the Exodus of God’s Chosen People led by Moses; the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ; the Revelation of God’s Book to His Messenger, Muhammad, Peace Be Unto Him, the Seal of the Prophets. Each speaks of a transcendental Creator, of just rewards and punishments awaiting us in a transcendental eternal life after mortal earthly death. A different fork in the road says, however, that the wind blowing in the trees may be merely the wind blowing in the trees, nothing more; it is the path taken by Buddhism and Jainism, which deny the existence of any Creator who is to be owed our belief or reverence. It is also the path taken by Sigmund Freud the ultra-scientific rationalist of modern times: “It seems not to be true that there is a power in the universe, which watches over the well-being of every individual with parental care and brings all his concerns to a happy ending…. it is by no means the rule that virtue is rewarded and wickedness punished, but it happens often enough that the violent, the crafty and the unprincipled seize the desirable goods of the earth, while the pious go empty away. Dark, unfeeling and unloving powers determine human destiny; the system of rewards and punishments, which, according to religion, governs the world, seems to have no existence.” We then seem to have a choice between a Universe Created or Uncreated, Something and Nothing, One and Zero, God and No God. Pascal said we have to bet on the Something not on the Nothing, bet on the One not on the Zero, bet on God being there rather than not being there. Pascal’s reasoning was clear and forms the basis of “decision theory” today: if you bet on God’s existence and God does not exist, you lose nothing; if you bet on God’s lack of existence and God exists, you’ve had it. The philosophies of my own country, India, speak of Zero and One, Nothing or Something, and almost leave it at that. Perhaps we know, or perhaps we do not says the Rg Veda’s Hymn of Creation.. Does our self-knowledge end with our mortal death or perhaps begin with it? Or perhaps just as there is an infinite continuum of numbers between 0 and 1, there is also an infinite continuum of steps on a staircase between a belief in Nothing and a belief in Something, between the atheism of Freud and the Buddhists and the theism of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Generalising Bambrough’s findings, it would be surprising if we did not find each and every religion, whether theistic or atheistic, to contain some knowledge and truth, some understanding and insight, that remains valuable and accessible even to those who may otherwise reject the doctrinal foundations of any or all of them. In and through the religions, the thinkers, writers, painters, poets, sculptors and artists of thousands of years have struggled to make sense of our life and the world that we live in; the men and women they were striving to understand are ourselves. 4. Just after the September 11 attacks, I said in the Philippines that the perpetrators of the attacks would have been surprised to know of the respect with which the religious experience of the Prophet of Islam had been treated by the 19th Century British historian Thomas Carlyle: “The great Mystery of Existence… glared in upon (Mohammad), with its terrors, with its splendours; no hearsays could hide that unspeakable fact, ‘Here am I!’. Such sincerity… has in very truth something of divine. The word of such a man is a Voice direct from Nature’s own Heart. Men do and must listen to that as nothing else; all else is wind in comparison.” Carlyle told stories of Mohammad once not abiding by his own severe faith when he wept for an early disciple saying “You see a friend weeping over his friend”; and of how, when the young beautiful Ayesha tried to make him compare her favourably to his deceased wife and first disciple the widow Khadija, he had denied her: “She believed in me when none else would believe. In the whole world I had but one friend and she was that!” Carlyle’s choice of stories suggested the simple humanity and humility of Mohammad’s life and example, even an intersection between Islamic belief and modern science (”a Voice direct from Nature’s own Heart”). Carlyle quoted Goethe: “If this be Islam, do we not all live in Islam?”, suggesting there might be something of universal import in the message well beyond specifically Muslim ontological beliefs. In general, the words and deeds of a spiritual leader of mankind like that of secular or scientific leaders like Darwin, Einstein, Aristotle, Adam Smith or Karl Marx, may be laid claim to by all of us whether we are explicit adherents, disciples or admirers or not. No private property rights attach upon their legacies, rather these remain open to be discussed freely and reasonably by everyone. Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, politics is too important to be left to the politicians, economics is definitely too important to be left to the economists; even science may be too important to be left to the scientists — certainly also, the religions are far too important to be left to the religious. Yet Mr Osama Bin Laden and his friends, followers and potential followers, indeed any believing Muslims, are unlikely to be impressed with any amount of “external” praise heaped on Islam by a Carlyle or a Goethe, let aside by a President Bush or Prime Minister Blair. They may be wary of outsiders who bring so much praise of Islam, and will tell them instead “If you like Islam as much as you say you do, why not convert? It’s so easy. You have merely to say ‘God is One and Mohammad is the Seal of the Prophets’ – that’s all, you are Muslim, God is Great”. Indeed Mr Bin Laden and friends are unlikely to be impressed with any kind of economic or carrot-and-stick policy of counter-terrorism, where incentives and disincentives are created by Western authorities like the US 9/11 Commission or the Blair Cabinet telling them: “If you are ‘moderate’ in your thoughts, words and deed you will earn this, this and this as rewards from the Government, but if you are ‘extremist’ in your thoughts, words and deeds then you shall receive that, that and that as penalties from the Government. These are your carrots and here is the stick.” It is Skinnerian behavioural psychology gone overboard. The incentives mean nothing, and the disincentives, well, they would merely have to be more careful not to end up in the modern Gulags. We could turn from carrot-and-stick to a more sophisticated mode of negative rhetoric instead. If a doctrine C, declares itself to be resting upon prior doctrines B and A, then C’s reliability and soundness comes to depend on the reliability and soundness of B and A. If Islam declares itself to depend on references to a historical Moses or a historical Jesus, and if the last word has not been spoken by Jews, Christians, sceptics or others about the historical Moses or the historical Jesus, then the last word cannot have been spoken about something on which Islam declares itself to depend. We can be more forceful too. Suicide-bombers combine the most sordid common crimes of theft and murder with the rare act of suicide as political protest. Suicide as political protest is a dignified and noble and awesome thing – many may remember the awful dignity in the sight of the Buddhist monks and nuns of South Vietnam immolating themselves in 1963 in protest against religious persecution by Diem’s Catholic regime, which led to the start of the American war in Vietnam. Six years and half a world away, Jan Palach, on January 19 1969, immolated himself in Wenceslas Square protesting the apathy of his countrymen to the Soviet invasion that had ended the Prague Spring. Socrates himself was forced to commit suicide for political reasons, abiding by his own injunction that it would be better to suffer wrong oneself than to come to wrong others — suicide as political protest is not something invented recently. And certainly not by Bin Laden and friends, whose greed makes their intentions and actions merely ghastly lacking all dignity: they are not satisfied like the Buddhist monks or like Jan Palach with political protest of their own suicides by self-immolation; they must add the sordid cruelty that goes with the very ordinary crimes of theft and mass murder as well. Yet this kind of negative rhetorical attack too may not cut much ice with Mr Bin Laden and his friends. Just as they will dismiss our praise for Islam as being a suspicious trick, they will dismiss our criticism as the expected animus of an enemy. To convict Mr Bin Laden of unreason, of contradicting himself, of holding contrary propositions x and ~x simultaneously and so talking meaninglessly and incoherently, we will have to bring out our heaviest artillery, namely, The Holy Q’uran itself, the Recital of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). We may have to show explicitly how Mr Bin Laden’s own words contradict what is in The Q’uran. He and his followers would then be guilty of maintaining x and its contrary ~x at the same time, of violating the most basic law of logical reasoning, the law of excluded middle, of contradicting themselves, and therefore of speaking meaninglessly, incoherently, nonsensically regardless of their language, culture, nationality or religion. The Q’uran is a grand document and anyone reading it must be prepared to either considering believing it or having powerful enough reasons not to do so. “The great Mystery of Existence”, Carlyle said, “glared in upon (Mohammad), with its terrors, with its splendours; no hearsays could hide that unspeakable fact, ‘Here am I!’. Such sincerity… has in very truth something of divine. The word of such a man is a Voice direct from Nature’s own Heart. Men do and must listen to that as nothing else; all else is wind in comparison.” Certainly, as in many other religions, the believers and unbelievers are distinguished numerous times in the Prophet’s Recital; believers are promised a Paradise of wine and many luxuries, while unbelievers are promised hell-fire and many other deprivations. But who are these unbelievers? They are the immediate local adversaries of the Prophet, the pagans of Mecca, the hanifs, the local tribes and sceptics arrayed against the Prophet. It is crystal clear that these are the people being named as unbelievers in The Q’uran, and there is absolutely no explicit or implicit mention or reference in it to peoples of other places or other times. There is no mention whatsoever of Anglo-Saxons or Celts, Vikings, Goths, or Gauls, of Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Confucians or Shintos, no mention of Aztecs, Incas, or Eskimos. There is no mention of any peoples of any other places or of any later times. Certainly there is no mention of the people of modern America or Israel or Palestine or Britain or India. Yet Mr Bin Laden evidently sent an email to the head of the Taliban on October 3 2001, in which he referred to “defending Islam and in standing up to the symbols of infidelity of this time” (Atlantic Monthly, Sep. 2004). We are then able to say to him or any of his friends: “Tell us, Sir, when you declare a war between believers and unbelievers in the name of Islam, whom do you mean to refer to as “unbelievers”? Do you mean to refer to every person in history who has not been a Muslim, even those who may have been ignorant of Islam and its Prophet? Or do you mean to refer to the opponents and enemies the Prophet actually happened to encounter in his struggles during his mission as a proselytiser, i.e., the Arabic idolaters of Mecca, the hanifs and Qureshis, this local Jewish tribe or that local Christian or pagan tribe against whom the early Muslim believers had to battle strenuously and heroically in order to survive? If it is these local enemies of the Prophet and his early disciples whom you mean to refer to as “unbelievers” destined for Hell’s fires, there is textual evidence in The Recital to support you. But if you mean by “unbelievers” an arbitrary assortment of people across all space and all time, you are challenged to show the verses that give you this authority because there are none. Certainly you may have military or political reasons for wishing to engage in conflict with A or B or C — because you feel affronted or violated by their actions — but these would be normal secular reasons open to normal discourse and resolution including the normal laws of war as known by all nations and all peoples. There may be normal moral arguments to be made by radical Muslims against the US Government or against the Israeli Government or the British or Indian or some other Government — but there are no generalised justifications possible from within The Q’uran itself against these modern political entities. We should expose Mr Bin Laden and his friends’ lack of reason in both maintaining that Prophet Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets, and also maintaining that they can extrapolate from The Q’uran something that is not in The Q’uran. The Q’uran speaks of no unbelievers or enemies of the Prophet or the early Muslims who are not their local enemies in that time and place. Pritchard, the distinguished Oxford philosopher, once wrote an article called “Does Moral Philosophy Rest on a Mistake?” We today may have to ask a similar question “Does Islamist Philosophy Rest on a Mistake?” 5. If all this so far has seemed too clinical and aseptic in approaching the mystical matters of the spirit, I hasten to add finally that a decisive counterattack upon natural science may be made by both religion and art together. Our small planet is a satellite of an unexceptional star in an unexceptional galaxy yet we are still the centre of the Universe in that it is only here, as far as any of us knows, that such things as reason, intelligence and consciousness have come to exist. (Finding water or even primitive life elsewhere will not change this.) We alone have had an ability to understand ourselves and be conscious of our own existence — the great galaxies, black holes and white dwarfs are all very impressive but none of them can do the same. What responsibility arises for us (or devolves upon us) because of this? That is the perfectly good question asked by art and religion on which science remains silent. Life has existed for x million years and will be extinguished in y million more years, but we do not know why it arose at all, or what responsibility falls on those beings, ourselves, who have the consciousness to ask this. Religion and art cannot battle and win on science’s home ground but they can and do win where science has nothing left to say. That is what DH Lawrence meant when he said the novel was a greater invention than Galileo’s telescope. Other artists would say the same. Art expresses life, and human cultures can be fresh and vigorous or decadent and redolent of death. The culture that evaluates its own art and encourages new shoots of creativity will be one with a vibrant life; the culture that cannot will be vulnerable to a merger or takeover. There is and has been only one human species, no matter how infinitely variegated its specimens across space and time. All have a capacity to reason as well as a capacity to feel a range of emotions in their experience of the world, something we share to an extent with other forms of life as well. And every human society, in trying to ascertain what is good for itself, finds need to reason together about how its members may be best able to survive, grow, reproduce and flourish, and this vitally demands freedom of inquiry and expression of different points of view. The lone voice in dissent needs to be heard or at least not suppressed just in case it is the right voice counselling against a course that might lead to catastrophe for all. To reason together implies a true or right answer exists to be found, and so the enterprise of truth seeking requires freedom as a logical necessity. It takes guts to be a lone dissenter, and all societies have typically praised and encouraged the virtues of courage and integrity, and poured shame on cowardice, treachery or sycophancy. Similarly, since society is a going concern, justice and fairplay in the working of its institutions is praised and sought after while corruption, fraud or other venality is condemned and punished. Leavis spoke of the need for an educated public if there was not to be a collapse of standards in the arts, since it was only individual candour that could expose shallow but dominant coteries. Freedom is logically necessary to keep all potential avenues to the truth open, and freedom of belief and experience and the tolerance of dissent, becomes most obvious in religion, where the stupendous task facing everyone is to unravel to the extent we can the “Mystery of Existence”. The scope of the ontological questions is so vast it is only wise to allow the widest search for answers to take place, across all possible sources of faith, wherever the possibility of an insight into any of these subtle truths may arise, and this may explain too why a few always try to experience all the great religions in their own lifetimes. A flourishing culture advances in its science, its artistic creativity and its spiritual or philosophical consciousness. It would be self-confident enough to thrive in a world of global transmissions of ideas, practices, institutions and artefacts. Even if it was small in economic size or power relative to others, it would not be fearful of its own capacity to absorb what is valuable or to reject what is worthless from the rest of the world. To absorb what is valuable from outside is to supercede what may be less valuable at home; to reject what is worthless from outside is to appreciate what may be worthwhile at home. Both require faculties of critical and self-critical judgement, and the flourishing society will be one that possesses these qualities and exercises them with confidence. Words are also deeds, and deeds may also be language. The crimes of September 11 2001 were ones of perverse terroristic political protest, akin on a global scale to the adolescent youth in angry frustration who kills his schoolmates and his teachers with an automatic weapon. But they were not something inexplicable or sui generis, but rather signalled a collapse of the old cosmopolitan conversation with Islam, and at the same time expressed an incoherent cry of stifled people trying to return to an austere faith of the desert. Information we have about one another and ourselves has increased exponentially in recent years yet our mutual comprehension of one another and ourselves may have grossly deteriorated in quality. Reversing such atrophy in our self-knowledge and mutual comprehension requires, in my opinion, the encouragement of all societies of all sizes to flourish in their scientific knowledge, their religious and philosophical consciousness and self-discovery, and their artistic expressiveness under conditions of freedom. Ultra-modern societies like some in North America or Europe may then perhaps become more reflective during their pursuit of material advancement and prosperity, while ancient societies like those of Asia and elsewhere may perhaps become less fearful of their capacity to engage in the transition between tradition and modernity, indeed, may even affect the direction or speed of change in a positive manner. To use a metaphor of Otto Neurath, we are as if sailors on a ship, who, even while sailing on the water, have to change the old planks of the ship with new planks one by one. In due course of time, all the planks get changed one at a time, but at no time has there not been a ship existing in the process — at no time need we have lost our history or our identity. Posted in Academic economics, Academic freedom, Academic research, Aesthetics, American academia, Aristotle, Art, Asia and the West, Beauty, British philosophy, Buddhism, Cambridge University, Case by Case Philosophical Technique, Chinese pilgrims to India, Christianity, DH Lawrence, Dostoevsky, Epistemology (Theory of Knowledge), Epistemology of Economics, Ethics, Existentialism, FR Leavis, Freedom, Good and Evil, Hinduism, India's Philosophy, India's secularism, Iraq war, Islam, Israel, Jainism, John Wisdom, Judaism, Liberalism/Libertarianism, Life and death, Literary Criticism, Literature, Love, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Metaphysics (Ontology), Moral reasoning, Occidentalists, Orientalists, Osama bin Laden, Philosophy, Plato, Political mendacity, Political Philosophy, Prayer, Psychology, Radio, Religion, Renford Bambrough, Scepticism and Dogmatism, Science, Science, Religion, Literature, September 11 attacks, Sigmund Freud, Socrates, Unconscious Mind, University of Buckingham, USA, United States, War, Winston Churchill, World History. 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The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of people, institutions or organizations that the author is affiliated with, in a professional or personal capacity. TORONTO (IDN) – Humanity is in the midst of an unfolding global public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus is spreading at an alarming rate and there are no vaccines or approved treatments so far, except assisted breathing. Mental stress affects all of us to a greater or lesser degree just like physical stress. We need to learn how to cope with the stress, fear and anxiety in these exceptionally difficult times. We need to safeguard the physical and mental health of ourselves and our loved ones. We must stay home and maintain physical distancing with a sense of togetherness, unity and social caring. "Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants." (William Osler). If Charles Dickens was alive today, he would have said, "It is the best of times, it is the worst of times, it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness, it is the epoch of belief, it is the epoch of incredulity, it is the season of Light, it is the season of Darkness, it is the spring of hope, it is the winter of despair, we have everything before us, we have nothing before us…." (Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens) It is the best of times, as we have the best selfless and dedicated frontline health providers, the best medical equipment, the best hospitals and the best scientific knowledge to deal with the infectious COVID-19 pandemic. It is the worst of times, given our greed, selfishness, lack of common sense, lack of faith, lack of compassion for others, lack of unity, lack of cooperation with the preventative guidelines and safety protocols. It is the age of wisdom, as we have been able to extract knowledge from the overwhelming flow of information and the wisdom to act appropriately and safely. It is the age of foolishness, as many of us have defied the safety precautions, ignored hygiene guidelines of handwashing, indulged in the hoarding of household items, acted unethically in price gouging, and do not practice social distancing and social isolation. It is the epoch of belief, as we have hope and faith in the Creator that tomorrow will be a better day for all humanity. Patience, empathy and compassion in tribulations are noble virtues indeed. It is the epoch of incredulity, as many of us harbour fear of the unknown, have doubts in our system, and some are cynical. It is the season of Light, as we have learned to overcome every difficulty with our faith in the Creator, our spiritual strength, our realistic optimism, our resilience, our ability of emulating patience, self-denial and sacrifices, and our compassion and charity for the needy and the poor. It is the season of Darkness, as tragically many precious lives have been lost due to COVID-19. It is the spring of hope, as we humans have overcome many challenges posed by pandemics in the past; we shall succeed in conquering the virus and in flattening the curve of this pandemic. There is hope that effective treatments and vaccine will be available soon. It is the winter of despair, as we were not fully prepared for what is yet to come, we were tardive in taking immediate steps of containment, testing for the virus and mitigation. We have everything before us, as we have highly qualified medical, nursing, paramedic and public health staff, who are taking risks to save our lives. We have nothing before us so far, as we lack evidence-based treatments and vaccines, lack of enough hospital beds, lack of ventilators and personal protective equipment, and the uncertainty of how long it will take to control the pandemic. We have experienced sudden changes in our daily life, family life, work-life, social life and our financial situation. These changes and factors such as social isolation, shortages of household and food items, unemployment, worries about the uncertain future, and overload of news and social media have caused high levels of stress for many of us and precipitated despair, fear, anticipatory anxiety, apathy, sadness, panic and sleeplessness. Stress tends to compromise our immune system and weakens our body’s response to infection and recovery. We all need to cope with the stress on a daily basis, as stress increases exponentially like the COVID-19 virus. Stress is defined as a series of physiological or behavioural responses to an environmental or perceived threat or danger. The threat of the present pandemic is both environmental and perceived. We tend to show a heightened flight-or-fight response to the threat or danger. Everyone of us could experience some degree of stress differently, depending on many factors such as the capacity of resilience, personality traits, socio-economic status, social support and individual lifestyle. Stress affects both the body and the mind. Most of us are worried well, although some might develop psychological symptoms of anxiety, depression, fear, anger, guilt, apathy, boredom and loneliness. Some of the bodily symptoms include insomnia or hypersomnia, fatigue, unexpected change in body weight, lack of appetite, muscle tension, headaches and pain. Some of the factors that increase our vulnerability to stress include social isolation, alcohol and substance abuse, poor anger management, dysfunctional relationships, and chronic illnesses. The ABCs of stress busters and stress management: A: Accept the inevitable situation Adhere to accurate facts from authentic sources Avoid alcohol or substance abuse, or excessive caffeine intake Avoid overindulgence in social media and television B: Balance work, family and leisure time Beware of phone scams and "text-scams" Beware of sensationalism in news and social media Boundaries on time spent for news and social media C: Common sense in screening fake information Compassion and charitable contributions to the needy D: Deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises five times daily E: Exercise the body and mind to relieve tension and boost immune system F: Family communication and support on regular basis Fasting intermittently for the body, mind and soul G: Godliness and faith in the meaning of suffering as a blessing rather than punishment gives courage and strength to fight stress H: Hope dispels fear and overcomes tribulations Humour that is not offensive releases tension I: Imagery: mental imagination of the sounds and sights of nature and of pleasant experiences of the past J: Journaling: keep a diary of your feelings K: Kindness toward others uplifts your spirits L: Love all to enhance your brain’s chemicals M: Mindfulness meditation, music and massage Mindful eating N: Nutritional foods and vitamin supplements O: Optimistic attitude of the future One day at a time approach Organize your daily routine P: Prayer uplifts your soul with positive energy Prudent financial management and savings Q: Quiet time for peaceful contemplation R: Relaxation exercises daily and relaxation apps with visual cues S: Sleep enough to revitalize your body and mind Smile often Spiritual mindset to renew your hope and patience Stay in contact with family and friends virtually Stretching exercises to ease muscle tension Social distancing with a sense of closeness T: Time management every day Togetherness and sense of belonging even in social isolation Tele-Counselling/therapy online via telephone or secure video U: Use your time wisely and avoid procrastination V: Volunteer to assist the elderly and the disabled Virtual work from home W: Wash your hands often Waste not your food and resources X: Exit all negative thoughts from you mind Y: You and you alone have the power to adapt to change Yoga for healthy body, mind and soul Z: Zealous enthusiasm keeps you going one day at a time In closing, let us reflect on what the pandemic has taught us: Let us salute and express our gratitude to all the selfless frontline healthcare workers, law enforcement officers, paramedics, firefighters, and all essential service providers, as they are risking their lives to serve the sick and the frail members of our society. Notwithstanding the risk, doctors are also faced with making tough ethical decisions. Let us transcend cultural, racial, religious, linguistic and social differences, as we are all equal. Let us make humanity our race. Let us believe that coronavirus does not threaten the existence of humanity. Let us accept that our lives have a meaning, purpose and value. Let us appreciate the importance of maintaining a balance between family, work and leisure. Let us value health more than wealth. Let there be no place for ego, pride, prejudice or hatred. Let us keep our faith and hope alive for this pandemic is not the end. Let us help the most vulnerable persons in our society, as our moral character is reflected by how we treat our weakest fellow human beings. Let us together make this a new beginning of a better life and a better peaceful world. Let us strive to change ourselves, even though we might not be able to change the current situation. Let us all become citizens of the world and work for humanity across borders with cosmopolitan ethics. In the end, "Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away..." - M.K. Gandhi. Author’s note: The phrase ‘What the dickens’ has nothing to do with Charles Dickens. It is a euphemism that Shakespeare used in 'the Merry Wives of Windsor’. * Dr. Dilkhush Panjwani is a highly qualified psychiatrist who is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto's department of psychiatry and consultant staff psychiatrist at Trillium Health Partners. As a community psychiatrist for over 30 years, Dr. Panjwani has vigorously promoted dignity for those suffering from mental health issues and workplace injuries, dedicated his career to helping patients without access to care, and advocated to end the social stigma of mental illness. He has also promoted pluralism by connecting diverse community organizations and initiating interfaith and intercultural dialogue. He was appointed to the Order of Ontario in recognition of his outstanding contribution and achievements. [IDN-InDepthNews – 09 April 2020] Photo: The writer IDN is flagship agency of the International Press Syndicate. - Opinion Editor OPINION 09 April 2020 Prev Next Newsletter UN INSIDER BEYOND BREAKING THE NEWS (BBN) Daily News Search PARTNERS RELATED WEBSITES About IDN IDN-InDepthNews offers news analyses, features, reports and viewpoints that impact the world and its peoples. It has been online since 2009. Its network spans countries around the world. more >>> Latest News Biden and NATO Need To Drop Their Ukrainian Obsession 07 December 2021 Truth Commission Concludes Inquiry Into ‘Reign of Terror’ Under Gambia’s Former Head of State 07 December 2021
NEW YORK (IDN) – The day of reckoning is arriving in Southern Africa for the hundreds of thousands of blacks whose lands were taken forcibly by white settlers – a crime that goes unpunished despite promises for land reform year after year. Pressure is growing on governments to take action and return ancestral lands to their original owners. But government leaders have been cautiously backing away from some of their early militant calls for justice. "It's true whites stole the land, but they also have Namibian blood," said Namibian President Hage Geingob. "Whites are also Namibian," he said diplomatically at a Heroes Day commemoration in northern Namibia on August 26. Geingob was the country's first prime minister and was one of the drafters of the Namibian constitution, which protected property rights of people who owned land prior to independence. At the time of independence, nearly all commercial land was owned by the white minority, which constituted less than 0.5 percent of the population, while 70 percent of the population lived on what is now classified as communal land. More than 17 million hectares of land are still in the hands of whites in that country. President Geingob has admitted that national efforts to restore lands to black farmers over the years had flopped. In response, he is planning a "national land conference" from October 1 to 5 to discuss ways to speed up "peaceful and sustainable solutions to the challenges of inequality, landlessness and the pains of genocide – whether voluntary or uncompensated." Meanwhile, in South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa pledged to speed up land reform in order to undo "a grave historical injustice" against the black majority during colonialism and the apartheid era. It was a reference to the 1913 Natives Land Act that reserved almost 93 percent of the land for the white minority and legalized the historical dispossession of the African population. At a gathering of more than 350 farmers on a game farm in Bela-Bela‚ Limpopo‚ to discuss land reform, they were caught by surprise by a tweet from President Donald Trump reading: "'South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers'." It infuriated many of the attendees for its misinformation. "I'm worried about the politicians and the politics in our country if they don't get (land reform) right," said Andre Smith, 49, who grows pecans and other crops on 100 acres in the Northern Cape. "We don't love Donald Trump and his outspokenness." [IDN-InDepthNews – 28 August 2018] Photo: A resident of Stofland township returns home, South Africa, 2011. Credit: 2011 Marcus Bleasdale/VII for Human Rights Watch. IDN is flagship agency of the International Press Syndicate. - Global Information Network THE WORLD Africa 28 August 2018 Prev Next Newsletter UN INSIDER BEYOND BREAKING THE NEWS (BBN) Daily News Search PARTNERS RELATED WEBSITES About IDN IDN-InDepthNews offers news analyses, features, reports and viewpoints that impact the world and its peoples. It has been online since 2009. Its network spans countries around the world. more >>> Latest News Biden and NATO Need To Drop Their Ukrainian Obsession 07 December 2021 Truth Commission Concludes Inquiry Into ‘Reign of Terror’ Under Gambia’s Former Head of State 07 December 2021
NEW YORK (IDN) – The coronavirus is reaping a “grim harvest” in Zimbabwe. Those were the words of President Emmerson Mnangagwa acknowledging the deadly reach of the virus in the nation’s highest ranks of government. Zimbabwe’s transport and foreign ministers both succumbed to the coronavirus less than two days of each other. Four ministers have died so far, with several more reportedly fighting for their lives in hospital. Foreign Minister Sibusiso Moyo, 61, was a military general who declared the coup against then-president Robert Mugabe in 2017. He died on the January 20. “The pandemic has been indiscriminate. There are no spectators, adjudicators, no holier than thou. No supermen or superwomen. We are all exposed,” Mnangagwa said in a nationally televised address. Mnangagwa presided at the burial of one Cabinet minister last week. Then came the death of transport minister Joel Matiza, less than two days after Minister Moyo. Agriculture Minister Perrance Shiri died of the disease in August. Cabinet minister Ellen Gwaradzimba died from COVID-19 last week. Opposition spokeswoman Fadzayi Mahere said she tested positive after being released from prison. She was freed after seven days of detention for tweeting a video showing alleged police violence. Several other cabinet ministers are reportedly fighting for their lives in a private hospital, according to unconfirmed local media reports. Zimbabwe shows what happens when the coronavirus collides with one of the world’s most run-down health systems. Nurses at a major public hospital are on strike after colleagues died because of a lack of personal protective equipment, while medical facilities have run out of oxygen and undertakers can’t keep up. Meanwhile, ReliefWeb of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced the donation of 20 ventilators to Solidarity Trust Zimbabwe to help Zimbabweans with the virus. This comes after former ruling party lawmaker Killer Zivhu tweeted that people must buy their own ventilators. Although vaccines have been administered in 50 wealthy nations, Guinea is the sole low-income country on the continent to receive doses, with only 25 people being inoculated so far. And in a new report by the non-profit Oxfam titled The Inequality Virus it finds: “Worldwide, billionaires' wealth increased by $3.9 trillion between March 18 and December 31, 2020... The world's 10 richest billionaires have seen their wealth increase by $540 billion over this period." [IDN-InDepthNews – 25 January 2021] Photo: Africa needs timely access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines. Credit: WHO IDN is flagship agency of the Non-profit International Press Syndicate. Visit us on Facebook and Twitter. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to share, remix, tweak and build upon it non-commercially. Please give due credit. SUSTAINABILITY Health & Well Being 25 January 2021 Prev Next Newsletter UN INSIDER BEYOND BREAKING THE NEWS (BBN) Daily News Search PARTNERS RELATED WEBSITES About IDN IDN-InDepthNews offers news analyses, features, reports and viewpoints that impact the world and its peoples. It has been online since 2009. Its network spans countries around the world. more >>> Latest News Biden and NATO Need To Drop Their Ukrainian Obsession 07 December 2021 Truth Commission Concludes Inquiry Into ‘Reign of Terror’ Under Gambia’s Former Head of State 07 December 2021
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The ZTA Foundation fulfills the founding principles of our Fraternity by providing support for programs that are educational, philanthropic and leadership-oriented. Zeta Tau Alpha’s national philanthropy is breast cancer education and awareness. Think Pink® is the umbrella theme for all of our breast cancer education and awareness projects. In addition to national efforts, chapters host their own local events and distribute Think Pink® ribbons and breast health tip cards throughout the year. Each October, ZTA and our members recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month to increase awareness about early detection and to raise funds for this cause that is so close to every sister's heart. Zeta Tau Alpha partners on a national level with several prestigious organizations in the fight against breast cancer. American Cancer Society®: ZTA is the National Survivor Ambassador of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer®. Sisters provide assistance with survivor recognition at the nearly 300 Making Strides walks held in communities across the country. National Football League: As the official fan outreach partner of the NFL, ZTA has worked with all 32 NFL teams to spread the message of breast cancer awareness. Bright Pink®: This national nonprofit organization focuses on prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer. Using their Assess Your Risk® tool, ZTA works diligently to educate our sisters, family, friends and campus communities about the importance of early detection.
GUEST POST: Disclosures, Prefaces and Caveats, by Queen Maisha the Good – Welcome to infinitefreetime dot com Skip to content Welcome to infinitefreetime dot com The blog of Luther M. Siler, teacher, author and local curmudgeon Menu Home About Contact me My Books The Benevolence Archives Balremesh and other stories Searching for Malumba Skylights GUEST POST: Disclosures, Prefaces and Caveats, by Queen Maisha the Good Posted on August 4, 2017 August 3, 2017 by Luther M. Siler This is a little different– my amazing friend Maisha posted this to her Facebook feed a week or so ago, and I begged her to let me repost it. She’s actually the person who got me into blogging, way back in the Xanga days, so basically my entire writing career and everything you’ve seen here is her fault. The name’s an inside joke, by the way. She doesn’t call herself that. I’ve been meaning to sit down and do some writing for a long time now. I needed to write being a teacher, being a mother, being a wife, being a person, and all my levels of self prescribed failures at those identities. I haven’t written anything about my daughter in years, but today I am forced to put some words down and start stringing a level of coherence to my thoughts. I was leaving Target, headed to Del Taco, and I started to cry. I started crying because of a phone conversation twenty minutes prior. I was still feeling, still aching, still worrying. That’s when I knew I had to write something. It was a call from the dentist’s office. I’m setting up Leia’s first appointment. The anxiety started to mix in my chest when I asked how they get the children to cooperate. I know they’re pediatric dentists, of course they know how to work with kids. She explained how there’s a playroom and a tv on the ceiling and how the dentists have their ways. And as I listened my heart started beating faster because I knew what I had to say. “The reason I was asking…I feel I should disclose…my daughter is on the autism spectrum.” And I don’t know why that was so hard to say out loud. It’s lived every day. And I didn’t realize how much fear, worry, uncertainty curls in wisps around my chest about it. I was scared. Not for Leia, not worried for her to go to the dentist; it’s something she has to do and needs to be consistent with. I was worried what the person on the phone was going to say. Maybe she was going to pause or stutter or take back the appointment slot. Maybe she was going to pour out some saccharin coated “We won’t be able to see a child with those needs.” Ridiculous fears and worries, I know, right? I used the word “disclose.” Like, I feel I should tell you this, so you have all the information to make an informed decision. That’s what it is. And that’s what it feels like a lot. When I talk to people who haven’t spent much time around Leia, I find myself having to explain. And I don’t know if I over-explain, or under-explain, or just say enough not to having lingering dread. “Why don’t you bring your daughter?” “Do you think she would like…?” “You should put her in…” “What’s your name, little girl?” And then I have to explain how neither of us will enjoy xyz because I’d be chasing her around making sure she’s not climbing, jumping or stomping. I have to admit that I don’t know what she’d like because there’s a big chance she won’t sit still or attend to whatever is grabbing the attention of the other children. I have to talk about how I don’t know about her ability or willingness to follow directions or to do what other kids are doing because she’s pretty oblivious of other children. I’ll answer, “Her name is Leia, and she’s 3. We’re still working on saying (whatever it is they expected her to say).” Talking about it reminds me that she is different. But everybody is different. Every single f-c-k-i-n-g person on Earth is different. And I remember that and forget that within a matter of minutes. Sometimes I can stay in the present, but most of the time I’m worried about the future–her future. I’m worried about the first time a teacher says she’s bad, or the first time she believes she’s not a good girl. I’m worried about something happening to her, and her inability to communicate what’s wrong. I’m worried about whether she’ll ever have friends, because I see other people’s kids and what seem like beginning friendships and I don’t see that anywhere in her life. Kids say hi to her, know her name, and play near her. She’s not necessarily responding back or interacting. I don’t know when she will–if she will. When we go to park and go down the slide together, she’ll say, “This is fun.” And it makes me so happy she’s saying a sentence in the right context, and then sad because I wonder if me and her dad are her only friends. And thinking about, talking about, worrying about the future makes me cry. When my mind turns back to past, I feel like I can remember when she would say “Hi” to everyone she saw on the street. She would repeat some of the things you asked her to say. She would hand you books to read to her. She would point to things so you could name them. She was developing fine…or so we thought, just a little behind because of the prematurity. So we kept subtracting from that chronological age when she didn’t reach a milestone. Then at a point, the things she did before, the things that were developmentally on track, stopped. Some part of my mind thinks if I look at enough pictures and old videos I can see when she stopped and started taking steps back. Looking at the past, where she was, where I thought she was and where I thought she was going, makes me cry. Sometimes I think it’s my fault. I think maybe I wasn’t supposed to have kids, that I was too old, too unhealthy, or just the wrong genes. Sometimes when I think back to the NICU days, maybe she didn’t get enough breastmilk. My milk never came in like that. We would nurse and I would pump, but it wasn’t enough. I think if I wasn’t her mom maybe she would have been okay; she would have been neurotypical. Thinking about what I wasn’t able to do, what I am not able to do, makes me cry. So I have to find my way back to the present. When I am able to stay in those brief moments of the present, I marvel at her. She is fearless, creative, strong willed, musical, loving, and energetic. She is the girl who lived. He who shall not be named tried three miscarriages, preeclampsia, and three months early. But she is the girl who lived. Her life is a miracle. She is a miracle. She is amazing, and she has autism. There’s so much I don’t know. There’s so much I don’t know about early childhood and development. There’s so much I don’t know about the autism spectrum. There’s so much I don’t know about how to tell what she can and can’t do, will and won’t do, should and shouldn’t do. Everything is uncertain. I crave certainty because faith is fleeting. God doesn’t just show up and tell you what to do and promise that everything is going to be alright. That’s not how life works. That’s not how any of this works. So what do you do? What would Tim Gunn tell you to do? Make it work. 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Siler Post navigation Previous Post GUEST POST: Writing for Yourself vs Writing for an Editor, by Steven D’Adamo Next Post The itinerary, now that the trip’s almost over One thought on “GUEST POST: Disclosures, Prefaces and Caveats, by Queen Maisha the Good” Jesska August 4, 20173:40 PM Can you pass some hugs on to her? Virtual or otherwise. And to her kid. Cheers! LikeLiked by 1 person Comments are closed. Search Search for: Ko-Fi Donation/Begging Box Read Around the World My reading goal in 2021 is to read one book from each of the 50 US States as well as from as many other countries as I can. Check out my progress! Look at the map Look at the list of books Become a Patron! Short stories, microfictions, deleted scenes, all sorts of stuff! Show yourself to be a person of taste and character by clicking here. At the $2/month or higher level, you get an entire exclusive novel: CLICK!
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MEDICAL DEVICE NEWS MAGAZINE DIGITAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PRACTICING MEDICAL SPECIALIST, INDUSTRY EXECUTIVE & INVESTOR Medical Device News MagazinePhone: 561.316.3330 Privacy Cookie Policy Contact Search Search Facebook Linkedin Twitter Home ABOUT Editorial PRESS RELEASES MEDICAL DEVICE NEWS MAGAZINE A DIGITAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PRACTICING MEDICAL SPECIALIST, INDUSTRY EXECUTIVE AND INVESTOR SUBSCRIBE Market Reports FDA Executives Funding Non Profits Hospitals Acquisitions Health Biotechnology News Magazine TRENDING NOW American College of Radiology Association Announces Scope of Practice Fund Recipients Roam Robotics Launches Partnership with the San Francisco VA Health Care System FDA In Brief: FDA Takes New Steps Aimed at Advancing Development of Individualized Medicines to Treat Genetic Diseases Key New Drugs to Add to Your Watchlist Carestream Mobile Imaging Systems Enhance Patient Care, Improve Workflow at Midwest Hospital HomeEXECUTIVES Todor Jeliaskov Appointed CEO of inHEART October 21, 2021 inHEART, the leader in image guidance for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, has appointed Todor Jeliaskov as CEO. He will lead the French company in its mission to bridge the gap between cardiology and medical imaging with a digital twin of the patient’s heart. Todor Jeliaskov will work closely with co-founder and former CEO Jean-Marc Peyrat, who transitions to the role of CTO at inHEART. “I am thrilled to welcome Todor as our new CEO,” said Jean-Marc Peyrat, co-founder of inHEART. “His proven leadership and experience perfectly complement our existing team to scale up the company and to support its ambition to be a major player in the double-digit growing market of cardiac electrophysiology.” Todor Jeliaskov brings over 20 years of experience solving customers’ needs and generating returns for investors and shareholders at large, complex enterprises and startup organizations across continents and various industries. Before inHEART, Todor Jeliaskov was CEO of NuVera Medical, acquired by Biosense Webster (Johnson & Johnson) in November 2020. NuVera developed the next-generation of ultrasound imaging technology for cardiac interventions – 4D ICE. Todor Jeliaskov previously served as VP at GE Ultrasound, the worldwide market leader in diagnostic ultrasound. Todor Jeliaskov started his career at Siemens Medical Solutions. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and an MBA degree. “I am honored to join the exceptionally talented inHEART team that developed a unique solution for the guidance of cardiac ablations. It is rare to see new technologies with such a substantial impact on patient care.” said Todor Jeliaskov. “I am excited to be part of this revolution and I look forward to driving its international deployment to make it accessible to most patients.” “At Elaia, we congratulate Todor Jeliaskov on his selection as Chief Executive Officer, we’re excited by the tremendous progress inHEART has made since Elaia’s investment in 2020 under Jean-Marc Peyrat’s leadership as CEO and would like to thank him and welcome him as the new Chief Technology Officer of the company,” said Samantha Jérusalmy, Partner at Elaia. “We are confident that inHEART is poised for strong growth and Todor’s commercial leadership and management experience are unique assets in this new phase.” explains Sacha Loiseau, Venture Partner at Elaia. Tags Cardiac Arrhythmias inHEART Jean-Marc Peyrat Todor Jeliaskov Other News HypnoVR Raises €4.5 Million December 7, 2021 The funds will allow HypnoVR to accelerate the commercial roll-out of its virtual reality-based medical hypnosis solution in France and globally. The company will also be stepping up efforts in its award-winning R&D program in order to further increase the therapeutic efficacy of its solution and broaden its scope of application to other medical and paramedical fields. Fluidx Medical Technology Announces Series A Led by Multinational Strategic Investor December 1, 2021 Fluidx Medical Technology, a privately held medical device company founded to develop GPX, an innovative embolic material, and other technologies today announced the oversubscribed... Trajan Group Acquires Axel Semrau GmbH November 22, 2021 Trajan's automation business and Axel Semrau have worked in close cooperation for several years. Alpheus Medical Closes $16M In Series A Financing For Novel Glioma Brain Cancer Treatment November 17, 2021 Funds to support first-in-human (FIH) clinical trial of the company's proprietary, non-invasive sonodynamic drug-device therapy system for recurrent high-grade gliomas. Load more Medical Device News Magazine keeps our readers up-to-date on breaking medical device industry news and more! Contact us: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Learn how Medical Device News Magazine can help promote your medical devices. Advertising Contact:
MEDICAL DEVICE NEWS MAGAZINE DIGITAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PRACTICING MEDICAL SPECIALIST, INDUSTRY EXECUTIVE & INVESTOR Medical Device News MagazinePhone: 561.316.3330 Privacy Cookie Policy Contact Search Search Facebook Linkedin Twitter Home ABOUT Editorial PRESS RELEASES MEDICAL DEVICE NEWS MAGAZINE A DIGITAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PRACTICING MEDICAL SPECIALIST, INDUSTRY EXECUTIVE AND INVESTOR SUBSCRIBE Market Reports FDA Executives Funding Non Profits Hospitals Acquisitions Health Biotechnology News Magazine TRENDING NOW American College of Radiology Association Announces Scope of Practice Fund Recipients Roam Robotics Launches Partnership with the San Francisco VA Health Care System FDA In Brief: FDA Takes New Steps Aimed at Advancing Development of Individualized Medicines to Treat Genetic Diseases Key New Drugs to Add to Your Watchlist Carestream Mobile Imaging Systems Enhance Patient Care, Improve Workflow at Midwest Hospital HomeAir PurificationWellAir Launches New Air Cleaning Device That Is 99.9% Effective Against Indoor... WellAir Launches New Air Cleaning Device That Is 99.9% Effective Against Indoor Airborne Pathogens November 17, 2021 CLINICAL TRIALS, STUDIES, REGISTRIES, DATA Roam Robotics Launches Partnership with the San Francisco VA Health Care System December 7, 2021 LEARN MORE CLINICAL TRIALS, STUDIES, REGISTRIES, DATA Saranas® Announces Initial Enrollment of SAFE-MCS Clinical Trial December 6, 2021 LEARN MORE CLINICAL TRIALS, STUDIES, REGISTRIES, DATA Cancer Patients Overlooked in COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout December 2, 2021 LEARN MORE CLINICAL TRIALS, STUDIES, REGISTRIES, DATA MRI Reveals Altered Brain Structure in Fetuses Exposed to Alcohol December 1, 2021 LEARN MORE CLINICAL TRIALS, STUDIES, REGISTRIES, DATA Popular Blood Thinners May Lead to Brain Bleeding after Head Injury November 30, 2021 LEARN MORE WellAir, the leading health technology company that provides indoor air disinfection solutions, is charting a new path forward for healthy indoor environments at a time when air quality has never been a bigger priority. Backed by more than a decade of research and innovation, WellAir recently launched the Defend NV 400, an FDA-cleared Class II medical device that is 99.9% effective at inactivating airborne pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 proxy virus (MS2 Bacteriophage) and MRSA, bacteria, and fungi, and also purifies the air of particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, gases, and odors. “COVID-19 has focused more attention on indoor air quality and has elevated the importance of safer indoor environments by reducing the risk of exposure to airborne pathogens. This is exactly what the new Defend NV 400 is designed to do,” said WellAir President and CEO Todd M. Pope. “This portable device expands our product portfolio, delivering powerful air cleaning in multiple device sizes. This product launch continues to demonstrate our passion for improving the quality of the air and surfaces each of us interacts with daily.” The Defend NV 400 features WellAir’s unique, patented NanoStrike™ technology – a transformational method of air disinfection developed by a team of scientists and engineers, which bursts airborne pathogen cells, rapidly inactivating them to help ensure they are no longer a threat of infection. Unlike other technologies, NanoStrike’s effectiveness lies in its ability to inactivate nanosized pathogens on contact. The Defend NV 400’s four-stage pathogen inactivation and filtration process also utilizes medical-grade filters from Camfil® in order to capture bacterial debris, fine and large particles, VOCs, gases, odors, and impurities. The Defend NV 400 is ideally suited for healthcare settings but is effective in a wide array of indoor environments, such as schools and offices. As WellAir continues to innovate solutions to one of the world’s most pressing public health challenges – improving the air we breathe – it is supported by a Medical Advisory Board, a diverse group of leading public health, environmental and medical experts. The board works collaboratively to study and advise upon the advancement of indoor air and surface quality with an emphasis on improving respiratory, immunological, oncological, and general public health outcomes. “Improving indoor air quality is essential to the health and well-being of individuals as well as our communities,” said Dr. Regina Benjamin, Chair of the WellAir Medical Advisory Board. “Indoor spaces are typically two to five times more polluted than outdoor spaces, which is especially concerning since we spend much of our time indoors. 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Thoughts on “soft power” and the dynamics of informal coalitions in organizations - informal coalitions informal coalitions mastering the hidden dynamics of organizational change Home Archives Subscribe About Consultancy The Books WWW Categories Acting Politically (38) Book Endorsements (2) Books (8) Building Coalitions (27) Buy the Book (5) Chapter Summaries (2) Coaching (2) Comments on the Book (1) Complexity (187) Creativity and Innovation (8) Current Affairs (31) Embracing Paradox (18) Facilitation (13) HR Management (17) Informal Coalitions - Origins and Approach (168) Key Influences (16) Leadership (119) Negative Space (3) News Commentary (15) OD (1) Organizational Consulting (27) Other Perspectives on Change (62) Performance Improvement (7) Performance Management (28) Providing Vision (16) Reframing Communication (24) Science (2) Social software (2) Strategic Management (26) Targets (2) Team working (6) Thinking Culturally (23) Why is it that ...? (2) Xtras (3) See More Twitter Updates follow me on Twitter COPYRIGHT The content of this weblog is ©Chris Rodgers Consulting Limited. All Rights Reserved. Comments from readers remain the copyright of the specific contributors. Blog powered by Typepad « Decoupling empowerment and complexity | Main | Mystic Megaproject – Predicting the future with Big Science and Big Data (or not) » Thoughts on “soft power” and the dynamics of informal coalitions in organizations Over the years I’ve had an aversion to the use of the adjective "soft" to describe anything associated with the dynamics of organizations. Most particularly, the use of the term "soft skills" to describe the people aspects of leadership capability tends, in my experience, to subordinate these in some managers’ minds to what they see as the ‘real work’. More importantly from an informal coalitions perspective, the association of 'the people side of organization' with what is often dismissively referred to as the "pink and fluffy" stuff means that the very fundamentals of organizational dynamics – the complex social process of human interaction – get lost. This process is far from ‘pink and fluffy’. It is power-laden and political. It involves the coming together of people with differing and often competing interpretations, interests, ideologies, and identities. Much of the process takes place informally, ‘in the shadows’ of the formal structures, systems and procedures. And it is influenced by taken-for-granted patterns of assumptions that have arisen over time as a result of past sense-making-cum-action-taking interactions. All of these factors, and others, arise because organisations are dynamic networks of people interacting with each other. So it seems to me that an understanding of these dynamics, and how they impact upon business change and performance, should be at the heart of HR practice. Sadly, it isn’t. "Soft power" exercised through coalitional activity So what about the notion of "soft power"? Mark McKergow has identified this as one of the central characteristics of "Host Leadership" that he advocates in his related website, and about which I blogged earlier. Is this similarly tainted by the use of the adjective "soft"? My short answer to that is "No". The term "soft power" was coined by US political scientist Joseph Nye, over a decade ago, in relation to the conduct of international affairs. It is now used extensively in that field to describe the ability of ‘states’ to attract and co-opt others to a cause or desired course of action, rather than seeking to influence them through the use of force or economic means. Leaving aside the implied suggestion that an imaginary construct – the state – has the ability to influence anyone (whether in "soft" or "hard" ways), the broad thrust of the idea resonates strongly with many of the themes that are embodied in the dynamics of informal coalitions. The fundamentally political nature of the process involved in using "soft power" is clear from its roots in international diplomacy. And much of the writing on the use of this approach in practice highlights the centrality of formal and informal coalitional activity in mobilizing action behind the desired shifts in policy and behaviour. In the book itself, and in various posts, I have identified the broad characteristics of coalitions. Amongst these are the following: Participation in coalitions is voluntary - people ‘sign up’ because they want to. This is consistent with McKergow’s idea that "the soft power of invitation" is a central characteristic of host leadership. The coalition-building process relies primarily on emergent social interaction (i.e. conversation) to define membership and mobilize collective action. Coalitions magnify the ability of those involved to influence organisational outcomes. They do so by harnessing the power of collective action in a concerted manner ‘outside’ the formal, 'legitimate' structures and processes of the organization. People do not have to agree on everything or share an identical set of values to make progress. Coalitions emerge from the temporary coming together of people who may have diverse - and potentially divergent - motives for participation. Despite this, in relation to a particular objective, they set their differences aside. Coalitions may therefore have the characteristics of a ‘partnership of principle’, a ‘marriage of convenience’ or anything in between. The leadership of coalitions arises from people having sufficient power (in the eyes of relevant others) and a compelling enough story to cause others to perceive, interpret and value things differently, and to ‘sign up’. Whilst a single leader of a coalition might exist, or emerge over time, leadership behaviour is likely to occur at many points in a successful coalition. Coalitions tend to be transient and relate to specific issues, rather than being long-standing and all embracing. They necessarily have fuzzy and ill-defined boundaries. Because of the shifting patchwork of issues that surface at any one time, no single coalition is likely to be dominant for long periods. Coalitions come into being to facilitate the achievement of a commonly desired outcome, which participants believe will help them to further their diverse individual and/or collective agendas. Co-option rather than coercion According to Nye, "Soft power – getting others to want the outcomes that you want – co-opts people rather than coerces them." (Ref.#1) As originally conceived, the concept applied to inter-national relations. Coalitions are often spoken about in similar contexts, as well as describing a particular form of inter-organizational arrangement. However, in Informal Coalitions, I focus on inter-personal (i.e. intra-organizational) dynamics. That is, on the complex social process of everyday interaction that comprises what we describe as "the organization". In an organizational context, informal coalitional activity happens all of the time. It occurs with or without a manager’s mindful involvement - and whether or not they themselves are inclined to favour what might be seen as "hard power" choices (such as "command and control" and/or "incentive-led" approaches) in relation to their formal management task. In the light of this ongoing, 'shadow-side' activity, the only meaningful choice that a manager has is whether or not to engage with these dynamics in a deliberate and informed way – seeking to mobilize collective action around organizationally relevant themes. With one qualification, then, the notion of "soft power" sits comfortably with the coalition-building activity that is embodied in the informal coalitions approach to organizational leadership. The qualification might appear semantic but is, I feel, fundamental. That is, it is not power per se that is "soft" or "hard". Power is a relational dynamic. And constantly shifting power relations are played out continuously, in the give and take of day-to-day interaction. The relevant question is therefore whether people perceive this interactional process in which they and others are involved to be co-operative and inviting ("soft"). Or if instead they feel that the exchanges reflect a coercive or calculative relationship between themselves and others ("hard"). Going soft? Earlier, I asked if the term "soft power" might be tainted by the use of the adjective "soft", in the same way that I believe the notion of "soft skills" has been. I’ve answered "No" to this, given that its use as originally conceived by Nye recognizes the inherently political nature of the process. My only caveat would be if its application within the frame of "hosting" were to deny these dynamics and imply that host leadership was in any way a ‘soft option’ – devoid of the hidden messy and informal dynamics (including 'hard' choices) that characterize everyday human interaction. Ref.#1: *Nye, J. (2004) Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. Public Affairs, US. Posted on 03 January 2013 in Acting Politically, Building Coalitions, Complexity, Informal Coalitions - Origins and Approach, Leadership, Other Perspectives on Change | Permalink Tags: host leadership, informal coalitions, Joseph Nye, Mark McKergow, soft power Digg This | Save to | Comments You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Hi Chris, as usual this is an excellent and thought-provoking piece. I concur wholeheartedly with what you are saying - 'soft' is not a soft option, whether it's power, skills or anything else. In response to your caveat, the idea of 'hosting' as a leadership paradigm is interesting precisely because it points to a messy, dynamic, complex and evolving process - which definitely includes informal coalitions, power dynamics, in-groups and out-groups, and everything else in real life. I think the host paradigm is interesting because it starts at a position of co-option rather than coercion, which is more and more the position in which leaders find themselves. And can host leaders coerce - yes, of course )at least occasionally), and they find that it's much easier to lean on people a bit when you've built up a relationship of co-option and trust. Posted by: Mark McKergow | 03 January 2013 at 04:20 PM Thanks, Mark, for your kind comments and for helpfully clarifying your views on the nature of “host leadership”. I'm glad that we agree that implicit in its practice is managers’ (and others’) active engagement with the complex realities of everyday organizational life. The caveat in my post is meant solely as a cautionary note. It reflects my experience of what often happens when concepts such as host leadership enter the management (and particularly OD) lexicon. A recurring pattern is for these concepts to be seized upon as potential 'cure-alls' for the perceived ills of conventional management practice. And, more often than not, these presumed signs of organizational dysfunction include all of the hidden, messy and informal dynamics that you rightly characterize as “real life”. In my view, this response tends to arise from an over-socialized view of organizational dynamics, in which visions and values are universally shared, difference and contention is readily resolved, and ‘everyone lives happily ever after’ – provided, of course, that people behave in the ways prescribed and ‘get it right’. But, being human, they never do! It seems to me that it’s essential for advocates and practitioners of host leadership to reject this characteristic pattern of response. This is particularly important here, since the language and metaphor of “hosting” might naturally evoke images which suggest that achieving unity of purpose, widespread collaboration and high levels of engagement is straightforward and unproblematic. Posted by: Chris Rodgers | 03 January 2013 at 08:52 PM Verify your Comment Previewing your Comment Posted by: | This is only a preview. Your comment has not yet been posted. Your comment could not be posted. Error type: Your comment has been saved. Comments are moderated and will not appear until approved by the author. Post another comment The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image. Please try again. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. This prevents automated programs from posting comments.
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On August 13th, 1961--the night the Berlin Wall goes up--three people must make a decision that will change their lives forever... Upon learning of the building of the Wall, the director and scriptwriter changed the story they... Read more On August 13th, 1961--the night the Berlin Wall goes up--three people must make a decision that will change their lives forever... Upon learning of the building of the Wall, the director and scriptwriter changed the story they were working on to focus on this historic event. For four months a small team filmed with mobile cameras on the streets of East Berlin, capturing both its ordinary life and the extraordinary atmosphere of the period with precision and humor. Although the Wall itself would later become a taboo subject for East German filmmakers, And Your Love Too deals openly with the topic. The role of the border guard was one of the first major parts played by Academy Award nominee Armin Mueller-Stahl (The Flight, Shine, Angels & Demons).
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South African President Jacob Zuma takes his mediation role in Zimbabwe seriously and is pushing the Commonwealth to readmit the country, the director for Political Affairs at the Commonwealth Secretariat Amitav Banerji told the last Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, in November 2009, according to one of the cables released by Wikileaks. The cable says the heads of government commented on Zimbabwe briefly in their communiqué stating that they welcomed the Global Political Agreement (GPA) and expressed hope that this would be implemented “faithfully and effectively”. They also looked forward to conditions being created for the return of Zimbabwe to the Commonwealth. Zimbabwe was suspended from the Commonwealth in 2002 over concerns with its electoral and land reform policies. It voluntarily withdrew from the organisation in 2003. Banerji said President Zuma took seriously his mediator role in the process and was pushing for the Commonwealth to readmit Zimbabwe. He said there was some ambiguity as to the conditions under which Zimbabwe should be readmitted. Was full implementation of the GPA enough, or was land reform a prerequisite for readmission as well? he asked. Brenda Cox, special advisor to then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, said the UK hoped that the call for faithful and effective implementation of the GPA would send a clear message to President Robert Mugabe that no country in the Commonwealth was willing to let Zimbabwe back in without real reform. Zuma is sending his facilitation team to Zimbabwe this week to iron out problems that have surfaced and are threatening the inclusive government. It is not clear whether he will raise the issue of Zimbabwe’s readmission at this year’s Commonwealth Summit which will be held in Australia in October. Full cable: Viewing cable 09LONDON2819, C/NF) COMMONWEALTH TACKLES CLIMATE CHANGE, MOSTLY STEERS CLEAR OF HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES REF: A. PORT OF SPAIN 00482 B. LONDON 2743 C. LONDON 2769 If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on the structure of a cable as well as how to discuss them with others. See also the FAQs Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: * The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was. * The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject. * The bottom box presents the body of the cable. The opening can contain a more specific subject, references to other cables (browse by origin to find them) or additional comment. This is followed by the main contents of the cable: a summary, a collection of specific topics and a comment section. To understand the justification used for the classification of each cable, please use this WikiSource article as reference. Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number. Linking to a specific paragraph in the body of a cable is also possible by copying the appropriate link (to be found at theparagraph symbol). Please mark messages for social networking services like Twitter with the hash tags #cablegate and a hash containing the reference ID e.g. #09LONDON2819. Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin 09LONDON2819 2009-12-15 16:04 2011-02-04 21:09 CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN Embassy London VZCZCXYZ0000 RR RUEHWEB DE RUEHLO #2819/01 3491647 ZNY CCCCC ZZH R 151647Z DEC 09 FM AMEMBASSY LONDON TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC 4433 INFO RUEHJL/AMEMBASSY BANJUL 0066 RUEHBY/AMEMBASSY CANBERRA 0907 RUEHLM/AMEMBASSY COLOMBO 0181 RUEHCP/AMEMBASSY COPENHAGEN 0727 RUEHSB/AMEMBASSY HARARE 0180 RUEHKM/AMEMBASSY KAMPALA 0206 RUEHLGB/AMEMBASSY KIGALI 0090 RUEHOT/AMEMBASSY OTTAWA 0004 RUEHFR/AMEMBASSY PARIS 3544 RUEHPL/AMEMBASSY PORT LOUIS 0149 RUEHSP/AMEMBASSY PORT OF SPAIN RUEHSA/AMEMBASSY PRETORIA 0760 RUEHSV/AMEMBASSY SUVA 0034 RUEHWL/AMEMBASSY WELLINGTON 0299 C O N F I D E N T I A L LONDON 002819 NOFORN SIPDIS STATE FOR EUR/WE, IO/PRF (MARIA GERMANO), AND S/P E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/15/2019 TAGS: PREL PHUM TSPL KSUM KGHG TD RW ZI GA UG FJ SUBJECT: (C/NF) COMMONWEALTH TACKLES CLIMATE CHANGE, MOSTLY STEERS CLEAR OF HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES REF: A. PORT OF SPAIN 00482 B. LONDON 2743 C. LONDON 2769 Classified By: Political Counselor Robin Quinville for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1.(C/NF) Summary: Officials from both HMG and the Commonwealth Secretariat gave Poloff their separate impressions of the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that was held November 27-29 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Officials told Poloff that the major focus of the meeting was on climate change, and the heads of government issued a 14-point Climate Change Declaration (Reftel A) that member states, Commonwealth Secretariat officials, and members of civil society are both publicly and privately endorsing strongly. Officials noted other CHOGM accomplishments: the admission of Rwanda as the Commonwealth’s 54th member, a call for Zimbabwe to implement “faithfully and effectively” its power-sharing agreement, and an expression of “deep concern” about the further deterioration of the political situation in Fiji, which was suspended from the Commonwealth earlier this year. HMG officials said that heads of government, led by Prime Minister Brown, blocked Sri Lanka from hosting the 2011 CHOGM but accepted Sri Lanka’s offer to host in 2013. Commonwealth Secretariat officials noted that sensitive human rights issues such as those present in Uganda, Sri Lanka, and The Gambia were omnipresent in media reports and in comments from civil society but were notably absent from the CHOGM communique and formal discussions. This year’s CHOGM included participation by Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen, French President Sarkozy, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, all of whom chaired the special session on climate change. End Summary. Climate Change Consensus ———————— 2.(C/NF) The UK government, members of civil society, and the Commonwealth Secretariat are both publicly and privately praising the climate change consensus issued from Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago on November 28 as part of the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) for its importance and strength ahead of the COP-15 meetings in Copenhagen. In a December 11 meeting, Director of Political Affairs at the Commonwealth Secretariat Amitav Banerji told Poloff that the consensus, a 14-point declaration that called climate change “the challenge of our time” and called for a “comprehensive, substantial and operationally binding agreement” at Copenhagen that would set the stage for a “legally binding outcome by 2010,” would be seen as key for consensus-building ahead of the Copenhagen talks. Banerji noted that the declaration pointed out that many low-lying coastal states and small island nations– which carry equal weight within the Commonwealth– face an existential threat as a result of climate change but have contributed least to the problem. The declaration also expressed support for the initiative to establish a Copenhagen Launch Fund that would provide fast-start funding for climate change adaptation in the most vulnerable countries; this fund would start in 2010 and build to $10 billion annually by 2012. 3.(C/NF) Banerji said that Prime Minister Brown was “especially keen” for the Commonwealth to issue “an ambitious declaration,” and that it was Brown who brought French President Sarkozy into the meeting in hopes that he could help “drum up a consensus.” Banerji said that it was always the intent of the Commonwealth to have the declaration be a political statement and said that the power of the agreement was political, in that it allowed the Commonwealth to say that it gave a “major push to the quest for an agreement” at Copenhagen. Banerji said that Australian Prime Minister Rudd played a “star role” in the negotiations, essentially taking over for Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Manning in leading the drafting process and “pushing for a meaningful statement.” Banerji further said that Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, and French President Sarkozy chaired the special session but were not involved in the drafting process, making the consensus a true product of the Commonwealth. 4.(C/NF) Brendan Cox, Special Advisor to Prime Minister Brown, told Poloff on November 30 that the special climate change session provided an “important opportunity to gather momentum before Copenhagen,” and noted that the proposal to establish the Copenhagen Launch Fund was put forward by the British and subsequently agreed to by all member states. In a December 11 meeting, Mike Smith, Communications Officer at the Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit (CPSU), called climate change the “dominant issue” at the CHOGM and said it was seen as “the sparring before the big fight” in Copenhagen. Smith said the strength of the statement came as a surprise to CPSU; in particular, Smith said that Commonwealth support for the Copenhagen Launch Fund was unexpected. Commonwealth Health Compact ————————— 5.(C/NF) Cox told Poloff that “one of the most significant agreements” at the CHOGM was on health care. According to Cox, the Commonwealth Health Compact, proposed by PM Brown, represents the first time the Commonwealth has committed to universal coverage of free health services. The compact calls on donor countries to deliver on existing commitments for financing in health, welcomes steps taken by low-income countries toward universal access to free health services, and supports the role of civil society to advocate for and contribute to universal coverage of basic health care. Mike Smith said that the health compact “went further than it had to,” and noted that some low-income Commonwealth countries had experienced recent successes in health care, citing Tanzania as one example. New Financial Social Contract —————————– 6.(C/NF) On development and the global economy, the heads of government echoed PM Brown’s call at the G20 meeting in St. Andrews for a “new social contract” between the financial sector and the public. Banerji said that the five G20 members that are part of the Commonwealth agreed to advocate for the interests of the rest of the Commonwealth within the G20. Rwanda Admitted as 54th Member —————————— 7.(C/NF) Heads of government approved the admission of Rwanda as the 54th Commonwealth member. Rwanda, a French-speaking former colony of Germany and Belgium, is only the second country to be admitted to the Commonwealth without historic ties to Great Britain; the first was Mozambique, in 1995. Mike Smith noted that Rwanda’s application for membership had been somewhat controversial due to concerns about human rights in Rwanda, but Banerji said that if the net result of entry was a boost for reconciliation and good governance in Rwanda, that the decision was a good one. Rwandan Information Minister Louise Mushikiwabo said that Rwanda was pleased by the decision and said that Rwanda sees its accession to the Commonwealth as “recognition of the tremendous progress this country has made in the last 15 years.” (Reftel B). Zimbabwe ——– 8.(C/NF) The heads of government commented on Zimbabwe only briefly in their communique, stating that they “welcomed the Global Political Agreement (GPA) on power-sharing in Zimbabwe, and expressed the hope that this would be implemented faithfully and effectively.” The heads of government also said that they looked forward to the conditions being created for the return of Zimbabwe to the Commonwealth, but Banerji pointed out the ambiguity of what these conditions were: was full implementation of the GPA enough, or was land reform a prerequisite for readmission as well? (Note: Zimbabwe was suspended from the Commonwealth in 2002 over concerns with the electoral and land reform policies of President Mugabe; it then voluntarily withdrew from the organization in 2003. End Note.) Banerji said that President Zuma took seriously his mediator role in the process and was pushing for the Commonwealth to readmit Zimbabwe. But Cox noted that the UK hoped the call for faithful and effective implementation of the GPA would send a clear message to President Mugabe that no country in the Commonwealth was willing to let Zimbabwe back in without real reform. Fiji —- 9.(C/NF) Banerji told Poloff that CHOGM discussion on Fiji was guided by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG), which suspended Fiji from the Commonwealth on September 1, 2009 for its abrogation of the constitution in April 2009 as well as for ongoing restrictions on human rights and the government’s decision to further delay elections until 2014. Banerji said that the heads of government “stood firmly by the CMAG” and that the only contentious point with regard to Fiji was its suspension from the 2010 Commonwealth Games; in the end, the heads of government affirmed that sporting ties under the Commonwealth name are inseparable from the values of the Commonwealth itself and endorsed the decision taken by the CMAG that countries under suspension from the Commonwealth should be ineligible to participate in Commonwealth sporting events. Sri Lanka ——— 10.(C/NF) According to Cox, the UK “worked with like-minded governments” to prevent Sri Lanka from hosting the 2011 CHOGM, as they had offered to do in 2007. Cox said that the reversal was on the basis of “serious human rights concerns, a lack of access for aid workers to the camps, and the lack of reconciliation.” According to Cox, PM Brown “personally intervened” to get unanimous agreement to have the 2011 CHOGM in Australia instead of in Sri Lanka. The heads of government did, however, accept Sri Lanka’s offer to host the 2013 CHOGM; according to Banerji, this was part of a “package deal” proposed by the UK and included an acceptance of Mauritius’ offer to host the 2015 CHOGM. According to Banerji, Sri Lanka now has a much stronger claim to host the 2013 CHOGM than it ever did to host the 2011 CHOGM, and it would take an actual reversal at the 2011 CHOGM to deprive Sri Lanka of its hosting duties. For his part, Cox said that Sri Lanka’s hosting duties “would only be on the basis of real progress in human rights and genuine reconciliation.” Mike Smith noted that the decision to have Australia host the 2011 CHOGM came as a “complete surprise”; previously, only Sri Lanka and India had been mentioned as possibilities. Banerji said that there had been no formal discussion of the human rights situation in Sri Lanka during the CHOGM and noted that Sri Lanka had announced on the eve of the CHOGM that Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) were free to move out of camps; this may have helped Sri Lanka keep its human rights record off the meeting agenda. Uganda —— 11.(C/NF) Banerji acknowledged that human rights issues in Uganda and The Gambia had dominated media reports and civil society meetings in Port of Spain but said that neither issues were raised in formal CHOGM proceedings; however, Banerji said that bilateral talks on the margins of the CHOGM had addressed the “appalling and draconian legislation” that would introduce the death penalty for homosexual acts. According to Brendan Cox, PM Brown raised the issue of gay rights with Ugandan President Museveni and expressed concern with the bill. The Gambia ———- 12.(C/NF) Banerji said that the human rights situation in The Gambia had not been raised during the CHOGM but said that the Commonwealth Secretariat is “very concerned” about what it sees as “Commonwealth values being undermined.” Banerji noted that the human rights community was “up in arms” and admitted that the Memorandum of Understanding that had been brokered between the political parties was now extinct. Banerji said that the Commonwealth Secretariat was going to engage with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and hopefully get Nigeria to weigh in before scheduled Gambian elections. Banerji said that he hoped a high-level delegation would visit Banjul by February 2010, and intimated that the delegation could be led by former Nigerian President Obasanjo or Commonwealth Secretary General Sharma. (Reftel C). Administrative Matters ———————- 13.(C/NF) Banerji said that a new Commonwealth budget scale, the first since 1989, was adopted. Banerji said that certain countries (e.g. Singapore) that had developed quickly since 1989 were now paying too little, while other countries (e.g. Papua New Guinea) were paying too much. The budget negotiations were at one point stuck on the UK’s position that it would not provide more than 31% of the budget; the UK eventually agreed to provide just over 32% of the budget on the understanding that no country would ever contribute more than a third of the budget. 14.(C/NF) Banerji said that Commonwealth Secretary General Sharma would like to visit Washington at some point in 2010, ideally before April. Banerji said that he would follow up with Poloff to further discuss a potential visit. Comment ——- 15.(C/NF) Despite representing a third of the world’s population, the Commonwealth’s relevance to international relations is often subject to debate; indeed, a UK Minister this week told the House of Lords that the organization has been the subject of “many, many obituaries.” But with strong outcomes on climate change and health care and a promise of Commonwealth sherpas at the G20, Commonwealth proponents will cite this CHOGM as proof that the Commonwealth still has meaning. The lack of significant dialogue on several sensitive human rights issues, however, will lend support to the common criticism that the Commonwealth is soft on long-suffering human rights and governance issues within its membership. The Commonwealth’s utility is as a sounding board forum on global issues, as the climate change discussion at CHOGM provided a useful preview to COP-15 positions. As the Commonwealth, under SYG Sharma’s leadership, continues to tackle global issues, the discussions will offer insight into the varied concerns and priorities that will arise in other international fora. Visit London’s Classified Website: XXXXXXXXXXXX Susman (24 VIEWS) Don't be shellfish... Please SHARE Twitter Facebook Linkedin email Print Post Pagination Previous PostPrevious Next PostNext Like it? Share with your friends! 0 Posted by Charles Rukuni The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing. 0 Comments Cancel reply Connect with: Facebook Google Twitter Your email address will not be published. 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