The dataset viewer is not available for this dataset.
Cannot get the config names for the dataset.
Error code:   ConfigNamesError
Exception:    DataFilesNotFoundError
Message:      No (supported) data files found in tfoldi/tesla3_av_rosbags
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/dataset/", line 67, in compute_config_names_response
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 347, in get_dataset_config_names
                  dataset_module = dataset_module_factory(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1840, in dataset_module_factory
                  raise e1 from None
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1821, in dataset_module_factory
                  return HubDatasetModuleFactoryWithoutScript(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1215, in get_module
                  module_name, default_builder_kwargs = infer_module_for_data_files(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 591, in infer_module_for_data_files
                  raise DataFilesNotFoundError("No (supported) data files found" + (f" in {path}" if path else ""))
              datasets.exceptions.DataFilesNotFoundError: No (supported) data files found in tfoldi/tesla3_av_rosbags

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Open a discussion for direct support.

Tesla Model 3 ROS Data Repository


This repository contains a collection of ROS bag files (in MCAP format) and video streams from a Tesla Model 3 vehicle. It includes data from multiple runs, featuring a variety of sensors such as VLP-16 LiDAR, CAN bus signals, GPS, a 9-axis IMU, and four camera streams.


Dataset Description

The data is organized into multiple runs, each containing synchronized streams from the following sensors:

  • VLP-16 LiDAR: 3D point cloud data capturing the vehicle's surroundings.
  • CAN Bus: Vehicle's internal communication data including speed, steering angle, and more.
  • GPS: Geolocation data showing the vehicle's position.
  • 9-Axis IMU: Inertial data providing acceleration, orientation, and gyroscope measurements.
  • Camera Streams: Four video streams capturing front, rear, and side views.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For any queries or issues, please open an issue in the repository, or contact me directly at

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