# Configuration File Instructions |
Below are the instructions to create a valid configuration file. |
## Configuration File Structure |
The configuration file should be in YAML format (.config file) and follow the structure outlined below for **ICU Data**: |
```yaml |
disease_label: <disease_label> mandatory only if the prediction task is Phenotype |
timePrediction: <timePrediction> |
timeWindow: <timeWindow> |
timebucket: <timebucket> |
radimp: <radimp> |
predW: <predW> |
diagnosis: <diagnosis> |
output: <output> |
chart: <chart> |
proc: <proc> |
meds: <meds> |
disease_filter: <disease_filter> |
icu_no_icu: <icu_no_icu> |
groupingDiag: <groupingDiag> |
select_diag: <select_diag> |
select_med: <select_med> |
select_proc: <select_proc> |
select_out: <select_out> |
select_chart: <select_chart> |
outlier_removal: <outlier_removal> |
outlier: <outlier> |
left_outlier: <left_outlier> |
``` |
Replace the `<variable>` placeholders with the corresponding values specific to your use case. Detailed explanations of each variable and their valid values are provided in the next section. |
## Variable Definitions and Valid Values |
- `disease_label` (string): Specifies the disease label for Phenotype prediction task. Don't provide the line if the task is not Phenotype. Valid values: CAD, Heart Failure, CKD, COPD. |
- `timePrediction` (integer): Specifies the time prediction (days). Valid values depend on the task: |
- For Phenotype task: 30 |
- For Mortality task: 0 |
- For Length of Stay task: Between 1 and 10 (inclusive) |
- For Readmission task: Between 10 and 150 (inclusive), multiple of 10 |
- `timeWindow` (string): Specifies the time window. Valid values: |
- For Phenotype or Readmission task: Last X hours (with 24 <= X >= 72) |
- For Mortality or Length of Stay tasks: First X hours (with 24 <= X >= 72) |
- `timebucket` (integer): Specifies the time bucket. Valid values: Between 1 and 6 (inclusive). |
- `radimp` (string): Specifies the imputation method. Valid values: |
- No Imputation |
- forward fill and mean |
- forward fill and median |
- `predW` (integer): Specifies the prediction window. Valid values depend on the task: |
- For Phenotype, Length of Stay, or Readmission tasks: 0 |
- For Mortality task: Between 2 and 8 (inclusive) |
- `diagnosis`, `output`, `chart`, `proc`, `meds`, `lab` (boolean): Specifies whether to include each respective feature. Valid values: True or False. |
- `disease_filter` (string): Specifies the disease filter if focusing on a cohort with a specific chronic disease. Valid values: |
- Heart Failure |
- COPD |
- CKD |
- CAD |
- No Disease Filter |
- `icu_no_icu` (string): Specifies the dataset type. Valid values: ICU. |
- `groupingDiag` (string): Specifies the grouping ICD option for diagnosis. Valid values: |
- Convert ICD-9 to ICD-10 and group ICD-10 codes |
- Keep both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes |
- Convert ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes |
- `groupingMed`: Specifies if grouping Medication codes should be done to use Non propietary names : Valid values : Yes, No |
- `groupingProc` : Specifies the ICD codes version to perform grouping for procedures : Valid values : |
- ICD-9 and ICD-10 |
- ICD-10 |
- `select_diag`, `select_med`, `select_proc`, `select_out`, `select_chart`,`select_lab` (boolean): Specifies whether to do features selection as describe in https://github.com/healthylaife/MIMIC-IV-Data-Pipeline benchmark. Valid values: True or False. |
- `outlier_removal` (string): Specifies the outlier removal method. Valid values: |
- No outlier detection |
- Impute Outlier (default:98) |
- Remove outliers (default:98) |
- `outlier` (integer): Specifies the outlier threshold. Valid values: Between 90 and 99 (inclusive). |
- `left_outlier` (integer): Specifies the left outlier threshold. Valid values: Between 0 and 10 (inclusive). |
## Example Configuration File |
Here's an example of a valid configuration file for **ICU Data**: |
```yaml |
disease_label: CAD |
timePrediction: 30 |
timeWindow: Last 72 hours |
timebucket: 2 |
radimp: forward fill and mean |
predW: 0 |
diagnosis: True |
output: True |
chart: True |
proc: True |
meds: True |
disease_filter: No Disease Filter |
icu_no_icu: ICU |
groupingDiag: Convert ICD-9 to ICD-10 and group ICD-10 codes |
select_diag: False |
select_med: False |
select_proc: False |
select_out: False |
select_chart: False |
outlier_removal: Impute Outlier (default:98) |
outlier: 98 |
left_outlier: 0 |
``` |
Feel free to modify the values to fit your specific requirements. |
## Usage |
Provide the full path of your configuration file while calling the loading dataset function with the parameter config_path=`<path_to_config_file>`. |
For more understanding of the configuration please refer to https://github.com/healthylaife/MIMIC-IV-Data-Pipeline. |