stringlengths 51
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Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You are exhibiting some specific traits of a particular temperament type. Seek out a counselor who provides NCCA temperament therapy and discover the joy of being you -- God loves you as you are!", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "That is intense. Depression is a liar. Sometimes depression places these glasses over our eyes, these dark sunglasses that change how we see things.\'a0Depression tells us things like ""you're worthless"" ""no one likes you"" ""don't worry about doing anything."" And it is so easy for us to listen and to be tricked into thinking that just because we feel something means it is true. Please know that even if you are feeling worthless right now, that doesn't mean you are worthless.The first step to working through this is recognizing what is going on. Recognizing when depression is telling you the same story (ie; being worthless) with different words (ie worthless here, worthless there) and making an effort to talk back.\'a0While I can not give you a diagnosis of depression, reading what you are going through, it sounds like you might need help to get back on track. Seeing a counselor can open an entirely new option up wherein someone who is not involved in your life can help you without judgement and with an objective perspective. This can do wonders in unwrapping these kinds of thoughts. Wishing you the absolute best!", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be putting yourself last. You wrote that you want to fix your issues but never get around to it. I wonder how you are spending your mental and physical energy. Are you spending time taking care of and doing for others? I also wonder where the thoughts and feelings of being worthless are coming from - are you around people who treat you poorly or are hurtful? Or do you feel it is more of a worry you have but aren't really sure how others feel? It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings - a counselor perhaps - to clarify your feelings and move forward from se that are hurting you.", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It must be really difficult to experience what your going through right now. \'a0It takes a lot of courage to reach out. It sounds like you want to get better, but perhaps need some help to get over the hump. \'a0Many of the symptoms you have described are consistent with a person who is dealing with depression. \'a0 Depression is a treatable condition. \'a0Typically, if these symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks, then it is a good idea to seek professional help. \'a0 Someone who is trained in dealing with depression. \'a0Initially, a comprehensive assessment would be completed to rule out any other causes for your symptoms and to determine the exact nature of your presenting concern. \'a0Then, in collaboration with one another, a tailored treatment plan would be developed, focusing on how to best help you reach your goals. \'a0The good news is that their is hope for getting better! You don;t have to do it alone. \'a0Allow me to be your ally in healing.", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "People who feel worthless were, in one way or another, were told that they are worthless. This is the lie that they are living with. The work of therapy is to help people see their true good selves. This gives them self esteem.", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this intense emotion of worthlessness.\'a0 I'm glad to hear this has not reached the point of suicidal ideation; however, it does sounds like you could use some additional support right now.\'a0 I would recommend seeking out counseling to help you challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself.\'a0 Although many types of therapy would be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be a good approach for this type of struggle.\'a0 A CBT therapist can help you identify your negative thoughts and beliefs, figure out the ways your thoughts are being distorted (for example, all-or-nothing thinking, or discounting the positives about yourself), and reframe your thoughts to be more positive.\'a0 You might also consider EMDR therapy, which helps the brain reprocess traumatic or distressing memories and helps you move forward with more positive beliefs about yourself.\'a0 Best wishes!", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "It sounds like you may be struggling with depression. Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed to change. I would suggest that you connect with a provider who can help you get to the root of where the worthlessness is coming from and help you develop a plan for recovery. In the meantime, small steps can go a long way. Self-care interventions such as journaling your feelings, mindfulness meditation, and regular exercise are all helpful to reconnecting with the present moment and gaining internal motivation. Focusing on one day at a time and bringing your thoughts back to the present can also be beneficial. There is hope!", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | The feeling of being worthless is caused by your inside being not matching your outside result. Your comparison to others and you thinking you need to be someone other than who you are. You are not worthless. No one is worthless. You need to find your worth and not let yourself talk yourself out of the good you find in yourself. I hope these words resonate with you and that you start looking for your worth even if it\'92s as simple as I am able to get out of bed and call someone and make a joke., | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "Hi there, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Let me see if I can guide you in the right direction. Often when I talk to my clients about feelings of worthlessness we start with a little bit of self-exploration. We start with noticing. Start to notice when these feelings come up for you. Is there a particular time\
of day, a specific person who brings it out, a phrase you hear? Just\
start to notice. Usually it's tied to something but it may take a while to figure out what that something/someone is. Try to be patient.Next we start to explore. When did these feelings start? Where do you think they come from? Is there something - a statement - perhaps that repeats in your head over and over again? If so, whose voice is it? These are difficult questions, and just a few of them, so take your time answering them. (We usually do it over a few sessions.) It might even be helpful to write them down somewhere. If you have a journal that would be a great place as research has shown that our brain works differently when we put pen to paper versus typing on a computer. Now comes the good news. Our brains are able to rewire themselves. This allows us to change habits we don't want as well as statements we say to ourselves that are no longer serving us. The next step is to select an ally. Someone who is or has been in your corner, someone who is always rooting for you. If you don't have someone like that, that's ok - a lot of us don't - you can just make someone up. Close your eyes and try to describe that person in great detail from the way they look to the way they act to the way they sound. Now, pick a phrase you would like that person to say to you whenever you start to think that you're worthless. Something that will help you feel better about yourself - a characteristic, a skill, a great joke you tell, a physical attribute. This also takes time and may involve you asking for help from someone who knows you.Once you have all of that together - the noticing, answers from where these feelings and statement(s) come from, your ally, your new statement, you can try to put it altogether. When the feelings come up, notice what is bringing them up and then call upon your ally to try to change the statement in your head from the self-defeating one to the more positive, uplifting one. I hope this was helpful. Again, I do this with my clients over quite a few weeks, if not months, and I am there with them the whole time. It is quite an involved process and can bring up a lot of very difficult feeling/memories. If at any point you find it too hard to go at alone, please seek help. If you take anything away from this reply, know that there is help out there and that it is possible to change the way you feel.", | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "I'm glad you are interested in changing your feelings of worthlessness. Visiting your doctor is a great first step to address your lack of sleep. First, you want to make sure that you are physically healthy and that there isn't a physical condition causing your problem with sleep.\'a0Changing your feelings is something that is difficult to do, especially on your own. Make sure that you have someone you can trust and you can talk to about how you feel. This can be a friend or a family member. If you find that there isn't anyone you would feel comfortable talking to about this issue, find a therapist close to you who can help.\'a0One activity that people have found helpful in feeling better about themselves is keeping a gratitude journal. You can do this by journaling daily about the things that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as you focus your journal entries on the things you are grateful for in life.", | "I am sorry you are feeling this way. \'a0We all have narratives that we say to ourselves whether it is valid or not. \'a0In your case it would be beneficial to explore when and how this belief began and rewrite your story. \'a0There are different ways to explore and rewrite. \'a0This process requires commitment, self-reflection and courage.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "Hello, you sound like you have so much on your mind! I am relieved to hear that you have never tried or have contemplated suicide, but not being able to sleep, feeling worthless, and like you shouldn't be here are big issues that need addressing.Please get around to counseling. \'a0Having someone to listen to you is a gift to yourself. You deserve the help of someone helping you change your feelings of worthlessness. You have not been able to do this alone. It's time to reach out for help. \'a0You can do this! Best to you!", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", | "It sounds like you are having some pretty severe depression. Depression can cause insomnia, and make a person focus on their own perceptions that they are ""worthless"". It is important to remember that other people may not truly perceive you as worthless. This is the depression talking.\'a0 I think that it is extremely important when you are this depressed, to sit down and write down some positives about yourself. What are your strengths? What are some positive things that your have done in your life? It concerns me that you are having suicidal thoughts. It sounds like now is the time to act on the idea of getting some help for yourself. If you feel like you might actually take your life, I would recommend that you go to a hospital emergency room, or a mental health crisis clinic right away to get some help. The most important thing right now is to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling like you are not going to hurt yourself despite your suicidal thoughts, I would recommend that you focus on finding a therapist as soon as possible. I don't know what your situation is in terms of insurance. The back of your insurance card should inform you how to obtain mental health services. There are also low cost services available with such places as Catholic Charities, and others. Your local county mental health agency should be able to refer you to some appropriate places. Good luck. Remember to identify your strengths, and the good things about yourself.\'a0 Marie", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You can, for sure... and the first step is to believe you are worthy TO YOURSELF. Recognizing you are in a quest is already a big first step. Taking the time to start figuring out who you are is definitely the next... do so with SELF COMPASSION and kindness. Know this is a process and just look forward for what you might find.\'a0 I do recommend you find someone to talk to (there are many options out there that can fit the situation you are in), and I also recommend you start by giving yourself the importance to invest some time and effort in this quest. YOU DESERVE IT. There are some excellent TED Talks you can google, great books you can read, or even joining a yoga practice, team or some kind of hobby may help. Anything that shows yourself you are worthy of this effort. Have patience and start!!!! the answer is out there waiting for you. Asking these questions already set you on the right path.", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "Oftentimes we can change our feelings about ourselves by building a better relationship with ourself. \'a0It sounds like there is a very critical aspect of your self that is alive and taking over. \'a0Sometimes when we are stuck it is because a part of ourselves, a way that perhaps we learned to cope with difficult situations earlier in our lives, has decided to run the show. \'a0Like a highly critical part that may actually be desperately attempting to protect us from a past hurt.\'a0Slowing down and even forming a relationship with this critical internal part will help you get some space from it. \'a0When we can begin to observe parts of ourselves, be curious about them, get to know them like a new friend, then we have room for other ways of being. \'a0Beginning therapy could be a great way to change this feeling of worthlessness. \'a0Beginning to build a better relationship and understanding of yourself will deeply influence the relationships around you. \'a0This first step may feel hard, to reach out to someone, and it could be the beginning step to a path of radically shifting your relationship with yourself and others in your life.", | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", |
Can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?"I'm going through some things with my feelings and myself. I barely sleep and I do nothing but think about how I'm worthless and how I shouldn't be here.\
I've never tried or contemplated suicide. I've always wanted to fix my issues but I never get around to it.\
How can I change my feeling of being worthless to everyone?" | "You have\
several things going on here. The sleep should be addressed with a primary care\
physician to rule out any physical issues. Sleep is the big reset and allows us\
to function in the day. What happens during a depression is that our thoughts\
race and it is as though our \'93brain won\'92t shut off.\'94 Medication can help with\
this.\'a0I also use a Pranayama yoga breathing technique called the four\
fold breath which has great usefulness for relaxing us \'a0and often does work quite well with allowing\
us to sleep.. You can read about it here: \'a0\'a0\'a0\
thoughts on feeling worthless to everyone fall under a heading of thinking\
error in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as overgeneralization. In CBT\
thoughts lead to emotions, so we are going to pick the statement apart and then\
reframe it. First list\
the evidence that contradicts the thought. Has anyone in the past made positive\
comments toward you? This might be hard to recall if we are in a rut, but at\
some point in life we frequently have had some positives expressed towards us\
by others. \'a0\'93Everyone\'94 is an absolute. The\
specifics on why you are thinking this need to be addressed. How are you\
arriving at this conclusion? There may be specific people that we want more\
validation from. Or specific people might have made offhand hurtful comments, (such\
as a family member, teacher or co-worker) but if I extrapolate that to a global\
and think that everyone thinks I am worthless, that thought is not rooted in\
facts.\'a0 \
What are\
the Pros and Cons of thinking this way? What are the Benefits and Costs? There\
are very little pros or benefits to thinking this way. It\'92s just going to\
continue to tear you down and make you feel bad. So can we reframe the thought\
about the situation? Is there another way of looking at the situation? Again,\
we need the specifics on how you are arriving at this conclusion, and a one on\
one therapist can definitely help you with this, but the thinking that you are\
using to arrive at the conclusion needs to be re-cast into a more helpful\
mindset.", | "Feelings of worthlessness often originate \'a0from what you learned about yourself when you were young. Improving your self esteem needs focus on that original message from parents, teachers or siblings that may be suppressed. \'a0Most of us need help to uncover the ""lie"" because you were born valuable!", |