1 value
Title: F.60.01.6.pdf 4. (cid:48)(cid:145)(cid:55)(cid:40)(cid:51)(cid:47)(cid:36)(cid:54)(cid:54): ·(cid:36)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:80)(cid:161)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:110)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:78)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:75)(cid:82)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:17)VIKTIGE TELEFONNUMMER:Brannvesen Politi Ambulanse110 112 113JUN 2021O.nr. 5192852GBJDok.nr. F.60.01.6 Rev. 0
Title: FDV dokument 6002266(med flere).pdf 1Porsgrund Seven D Klosett38611, 35611PB. nr.NRF nr.Vekt (kg)3861101301 35611013016002266 600226525,028,5 28,5(cid:129) Klosettet produseres i hvitt (-01).Alle setene i Seven D serien passer til dette klosettet.Denne modellen leveres med trykknapp i krom. Monteringsserie nr6205200001. leveres med klosettet3561101301 3861101301enkelspyling dobbelspylingUniversalmodell, forhøyd 3861101301, 3561101301650 x 360 x 890650205360 320min.100420890460105±5470185±10102±5MIN 400MIN 10022080245385(cid:129) Sittehøyde 460 mm.62046155±5ø 2091312ø891314SILIC
Title: FDV dokument 6002266(med flere).pdf Vanntilkobling enten på høyre eller venstre side, se monteringsanvisning. Avløpet kan tilkobles vegg eller gulv. Porsgrund Seven D klosettet er utstyrt med liten og stor spylemengde samt Fresh WC dosering, se separat brosjyre. 4 liter spylemengde er godkjent for bruk i boliger, hvor lengden på avløpets vannrette tilkoblingsrør er maks 5 m. Stor spylemengde er innstilt på 4 liter fra fabrikk, og justerbar til 6 liter. Liten spylemengde er innstilt på 2 - 2,5 liter, også den er justerbar. Tett foten på klosettet med elastisk fuktbestandig masse, som hindrer at vann trenger inn under foten. Ønsket koblingsstykke bestilles separat. Koblingsstykke 90°nr 62046 (Q-lås), 45°nr 91314 og eksentrisk koblingsstykke nr 91312 for gulvinstallasjon.OBS! Montering med skruer eller liminig medTec 7Porselensproduktenes hovedmål tol.±2%.anbefales. Se monteringsanvisning. Montering med sement er på egen risiko. Hurtigsement kan sprekke foten.
Title: FDV dokument 6002266(med flere).pdf Porsgrund Bad as, Frednesøya 21, 3933 Porsgrunn, Postboks 260, 3901 Porsgrunn Tlf.: 35 57 35 50, Fax.: 35 57 35 51
Title: Gipsplater med stalstenderverk 2 lag (2) .pdf Skruer 1. lag, type/avstand Skruer 2. lag, type/avstand Skruer 3. lag, type/avstand Evt. lydtetting, type/utf¿relse Hj¿rner, tilslutninger m.m.
Title: Gipsplater med stalstenderverk 2 lag (2) .pdf ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................
Title: Gipsplater med stalstenderverk 2 lag (2) .pdf ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................
Title: Gipsplater med stalstenderverk 2 lag (2) .pdf ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................
Title: Gipsplater med stalstenderverk 2 lag (2) .pdf ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................
Title: Gipsplater med stalstenderverk 2 lag (2) .pdf ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................
Title: APOLO ATELIER 7X14 BOSQUE Q6200.doc DV – dokumentasjon for konstruksjoner medkeramiske fliser( Felles retningslinjer for FDV- dokumentasjon for keramiske fliser er utarbeidet av Byggkeramikkforeningen)Ad. prosjekt:Utførende bedrift.:Utarbeidet dato:Leverandør av materialer: Firma: Adresse: Telefon / Fax.: Kontaktpers.: Bergersen Flis AS Enebakkvn.123 23304900/23304901 xxxxxx PB.218, Manglerud 0612 Oslo Produkter: Fabrikk: Serie: Typebetegn.: Størrelse: Aleluia Urban Atelier BOSQUE Q6200 7x14x0,9cmProduktets anvendelsesområde: Veggflis innendørs i tørrsone.Egenskapsdeklarasjon:Vannopptaksklasse: EN- 14411 BIII ( EN 99 ) Sklisikkerhetsklasse Klasse- XX ( Iht. IOS 10545/17 ) (Gulv): Slitasjestyrke: Gruppe / Klasse- XX ( PEI-gruppe etter NS/EN-154 ) Kjemisk bestandighet: GA ( EN ISO 10545-13) Frostmotstand: Nei ( EN ISO 10545-12 )Vedlikeholdsinstruks: ( Pleie og rengjøring)
Title: APOLO ATELIER 7X14 BOSQUE Q6200.doc Byggrenhold: Syreholdige og høyalkaliske produkter må unngås, når det er benyttet sementbaserte fugemasser. Førstegangsbehandling: Ingen Daglig renhold: Ordinært renhold, syreholdige og høyalkaliske produkter må unngås. Forslag; Varmt vann og mikrofiber, rengjøringsmiddel må være tilnærmet nøytralt med en PH på mellom 6-8. Vedlikehold og pleie: Kun ordinært renhold.Eventuelle andre opplysninger: Eventuelle andre opplysninger: Lim: xxxxx Fug: xxxxx Silikon: xxxxxSe også hjemmeside – www.ardex.no
Title: Montasjeanvisning FR-grafitt.pdf LYDKLASSIFISERINGSERTIFISERINGKonstruksjonEnsidig fuge 25mm dybde uten bakdyttLydklasse53 dB RWDenne montasjeanvisning er basert på produktets European Technical Assessment (ETA) utstedt av UL i henhold til regelverk (EU) nr 305/2011 på basis av ETAG 026-3, utgave 2011, samt nasjonale norske bestemmelser i henhold til Plan- og bygningsloven av 27. juni 2008, med byggteknisk forskrift av 1. juli 2010 og tilhørende veiledning.Hvis man fuger med større dybde, tosidig eller med bakdytt så vil man oppnå samme eller høyere lydisolering enn angitt ovenfor. Lydisoleringen gjelder kun i bygningskonstruksjonen. Lydklassen angitt er testet ved det akkrediterte laboratoriet BM Trada i Storbritannia i henhold til EN ISO 10140-2. Testrapport kan leveres ved forespørsel.fugemassen ogikke andre elementer
Title: Montasjeanvisning FR-grafitt.pdf Som del av vår polise med stadig å forbedre produktene, tas der forbehold om rettigheten til å endre eller forandre produktspesifikasjoner uten varsel. Produkt- illustrasjonene er kun illustrerende. All informasjon i dette dokument er kun veiledende, og siden Polyseam AS ikke har noen kontroll over selve install- asjonene eller byggeprosjektene, så gis det ingen garantier for klassifisering på de ferdige branntettinger. Det tas ikke noe ansvar ved tap eller skade som følge av bruk med produkter som dette dokument beskriver.Montasjeanvisning i henhold til sertifikat ETA 14/0242www.protecta.noPolyseam AS tlf.02944 1 (1) 2014 8 10
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: Testskjema 16678-2.pdf Ordre nr. : 166782Prosjekt : Philip Pedersensvei 20Tavle :+01=433.102.1 TGenerelt:iltrekking av effektbrytereiltrekking av skinnepakker o.s.vnspisert bunn av automater osv. (speil)SRESEEENHTETET0<P EPEREP1/X2 osv. (For internt bruk)NHEBHEBEBBEHEE g I E ] = 3 FAES = 3 3 @ B alel3 L = 3 ~|cls = YEL o 5 o =lale = Q 3 <=1 = § alels o () H A EY o < = K - = il B3 E =3 o 2 vlo 3 (3 3 113 = d I Z1<13 o o — S = ® 5 FIEA S = = 1B EIREHBHE 3 ® ?53 = ] (] & M HE a 3 E HEB o agg 3 31812 3 ~ls * S E 5 3 3 S = Z|%P(]==(]=[}33[}3o2=3«Q5Ey(7]=[}3Y.;Avstand mellom kontaktorerSpasielieting ved 400\IerkEtiNdledere | Nlede\BlgderRabletri[Easimeliom N:leder ogAUOEIINEC=S/CE/O.NR400\ OV ENECS/C400\P2XC dersom usakkyndig‘|ndehylser for malere montertMerket tilkoblingspunkter med Nm: J.F.B)NE B N EEBEBEEE a|8|& AN B EBEHEE = @ =3 FHEIEIEIE A E 21\ Q@ |Q |a EA ER K 2 = 3
Title: Testskjema 16678-2.pdf ol2|3 Q HEAHBIBRR 2lola @ Sla AR E — HEREBEEE =IS5|2 ) Slale || 21713 [ E] =l=|= Slzls 3 — Nlslsl= o = R HH HREBEEHEEE Z|€|% SHHHEHEE HHHENHEHBHHE aA =513 = B HEIBHEE =13 A E N EAEAE < 2121212123 e ele|Tz]=]|2< c|12|2]|Z]|Z]|2] 3$=@mgQ3 xX|1%1=1&12]5(2] K ala |8SHBHHE= [N 8"3 K4=] ooRj.f.panel,skjotelasker..akk, derer, hengsler OK?—E = eolol=sS=18Qlo |5al=|2HEAEA EX Eg ®2= ®g << =o =)@ o==3©==@2Side 1Ordre nr. : 166782Prosjekt : Philip Pedersensvei 20 fl TaVIe byggernTavle :+01=433.102.11TVerifikasjon av beskyttelsesleders effektivitet:Dette gjgres ved at motstanden mellom beskyttelsesleder og utsatte ledende deler males med instrument som gir en teststrgm pa minimum 10A gjennom en impedans pa 0,10hm Motstanden skal ikke overstige 0,10hmVerifikasjon av beskyttelsesleder Ihht EN 61439:Wflested oK | [Fovedjord -Tordskinne topp av skap || Rammeverkjord || Dorerjord | |ommentar
Title: Testskjema 16678-2.pdf Hgyspenningsprgving: Utfgres pa all hovedstrgm med alle vern pa. All styrestrgm, overspenningsvern, instrumentering og kWh-malere m3 vaere avslatt ellerfrakoblet fgr test! Prgven anses som bestatt hvis det ikke forekommer gjennomslag eller overslag og grgnt lysIsolasjonsmaling: Det skal utfgres isolasjonsmalinger mellom strgmkretser og utsatt deler med en malespenning pa 500V. Kravet er min 10000hm/VWilested oK |(R VAom |Tegnforklaring i godkjenningsfelt: Underskrift kontrollar: ) s o - 1-\S |"V" tegn betyr godkjennelse av kontrollpunkt "0" tegn betyr ikke aktuellt for tavlen "-" tegn betyr aktuelt for tavien, men ikke utfartRL, TavicV=]
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Type of poles 4 Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) kA 20 Nominal voltage AC V 280 Nominal voltage DC V 0 Max. continuous voltage AC V 280 Max. continuous voltage DC V 0 Max. PV-voltage V 0 Voltage protection level kV 1.4 Voltage protection level L-N kV 0 Voltage protection level N-PE kV 0 Short-circuit-proof No Mounting method DIN rail (top hat rail) 35 mm Construction size 4 modular spacing Max. conductor cross section solid (solid, stranded) mm² 25 Max. conductor cross section flexible (fine-strand) mm² 0 With remote signalling contact No Integrated backup fuse No Signalling at the device Optic Category type 2 Yes Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Additional equipment Auxiliary switch Attached at delivery No Assembly width (TE) 0.5 Number of normally open contacts 0 Number of normally closed contacts 0 Number of change-over contacts 1 Number of fault-signal switches 0 Rated switch current A 2 Nominal rated voltage V 250 Control voltage type AC With autotest for earth leakage function No Suitable for max. number of poles main contact unit (total) 1 Suitable for max. current main contact unit A 0
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 25 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 40 0 IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Degree of Protection2 x 10Standard front dimension415WWWINNSTIKK:http://nettbutikk.baelgros.no/mediabank/store/2/2773775/Eaton-DS-279057-FAZ-C10-4-20190307.pdf|id=2773775|sourcepage=1
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf 40 Operating ambient temperature max. °C 75 linear, per +1 °C, results in a 0.5% reduction of current carrying capacity IEC/EN 61439 design verification 10.2 Strength of materials and parts 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to abnormal heatand fire due to internal electric effects Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.2.5 Lifting Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.6 Mechanical impact Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.2.7 Inscriptions Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.3 Degree of protection of ASSEMBLIES Does not apply,
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.4 Clearances and creepage distances Meets the product standard's requirements. 10.5 Protection against electric shock Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated. 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.8 Connections for external conductors Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9 Insulation properties 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material Is the panel builder's responsibility. 10.10 Temperature rise The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton willprovide heat dissipation data for the devices. 10.11 Short-circuit rating Is the panel builder's responsibility.
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf The specifications for the switchgear must beobserved. 10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must beobserved. 10.13 Mechanical function The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instructionleaflet (IL) is observed. Technical data ETIM 7.0 Circuit breakers and fuses (EG000020) / Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) (EC000042) Electric engineering, automation, process control engineering / Electrical installation, device / Miniature circuit breaker system (MCB) / Miniature circuit breaker (MCB)(ecl@ss10.0.1-27-14-19-01 [AAB905014]) Release characteristic C Number of poles (total) 4 Number of protected poles 4 Rated current A 10 Rated voltage V 400 Rated insulation voltage Ui V 440 Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp kV 4 Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn EN 60898 at 230 V kA 10 Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn EN 60898 at 400 V kA 10 Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu IEC 60947-2 at 230 V kA 15
Title: FDV 16678-4 (2) .pdf Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu IEC 60947-2 at 400 V kA 15 Voltage type AC Frequency Hz 50 - 60 Current limiting class 3 Suitable for flush-mounted installation No Concurrently switching N-neutral Yes Over voltage category 3 Pollution degree 2 Additional equipment possible Yes Width in number of modular spacings 4 03/07/2019Eaton 279057 ED2019 V53.0 EN2 / 8
Title: FDV dokument 6004272.pdf FDV-DOKUMENTASJON2020Geberit ASPorsgrund Seven D hardplastsete1. PRODUKTBESKRIVELSESete i hvit og sort hardplast. Velg mellom toalettsete med Soft-Close (myktstengende) i kombinasjon med Quick Release (hurtigkobling) eller faste hengsler, eventuelt sete med Quick Release (hurtigkobling) eller faste hengsler. Passer klosetter og veggskåler i Porsgrund Seven D serienGeberit varenummer: se side 2Dimensjon:se side 3Farge:Hvit, sortOverflatebehandling:Øvrige opplysninger:2. ANVISNINGER FOR DRIFT OG VEDLIKEHOLDRengjøring og rengjøringsmetoder for overflateprodukter • Ta av eller løft opp setet når du vasker klosettet. Dette fordi såperester etter vaskingen kan skade plastikken. • - Den glatte overflaten på dette produktet gjør det lett å holde rent, for å holde optimal hygiene. Derfor er det viktig åbruke milde rengjøringsprodukter. Unngå grove skuremidler, klorin og syrebaserte produkter.-Tørk godt av hengslene etter rengjøringenEttersyn/kontrollJevnlig rengjøring
Title: FDV dokument 6004272.pdf Vedlikeholdsinstruks og -intervallGeberit garanterer reservedeler i 10 år etter at produksjon stanser. (Slitedeler)Side 1 av 3Informasjonen er tilrettelagt av© Norsk Byggtjeneste ASFDV-DOKUMENTASJONGeberit ASPorsgrund Seven D hardplastsete3. DRIFTSTEKNISKE OPPLYSNINGERAntatt teknisk levetid uten utskiftningerGaranti og vilkår Iht. forbrukerkjøpslovenFuktbestandighetGod Renholdsvennlighet God Øvrige opplysningerGeberit varenummer:Side 2 av 3© Norsk Byggtjeneste AS2020Informasjonen er tilrettelagt avFDV-DOKUMENTASJONGeberit ASPorsgrund Seven D hardplastsete4. TEKNISK SERVICEProdusent/importør Postadresse Postnr. og poststed E-mejl / WebbGeberit AS Luhrtoppen 2 1470 Lørenskog order.no@geberit.com www.porsgrundbad.noPorselensproduktenes hovedmål tol.±2%. Setet er testet 240 kgSide 3 av 3© Norsk Byggtjeneste AS2020Informasjonen er tilrettelagt av
Title: quickstart installation niagara.pdf QUICK STARTINSTALLATIONSMANUALFOR ISBANK VANDKØLER H2Omy - JClass - HiClass - Aquality - NiagaraAirConsult ApS - Vandkærsholmvej 2 - DK-8400 Ebeltoft. Tlf.: 70 20 30 72www.friskvand.dkH2Omy TOPJClass TOPNiagara TOPNiagara INH2Omy INJClass INHiClassAqualityFig. 11: Fyld isbank.2: Isbank fuld niveau.3. Vand forsyning.4. CO2 ind.Niagara GulvFYLD ISBANKBenyt medfølgende kobling og 8mm slange til fyldning af isbank.Afmonter rød blændprop (1), ved forsigtigt at presse sort låsering ind imod kabinet og udtage proppen.H2Omy, JClass, HiClass, Aquality Påfyld isbank, indtil vand fremkommer i det gennemsigtige rør på bagsiden, op til reference mærket (2).Niagara TOP, Niagara IN Påfyld isbank, indtil vand kommer fra overløbet (2).Niagara Gulv Påfyld isbank, indtil overløbsvand løber i drænrøret (2).Sluk for vandet. Afmonter 8mm slangen og genmonter den røde blændprop (1).Slangen gemmes til senere genopfyldning.TILSLUT VAND
Title: quickstart installation niagara.pdf Tilslut vandkøleren til vandforsyning. Selvom den medfølgende kobling og slange til påfyldning af isbankenen kan bruges til dette, anbefaler vi at man bruger en PEX rør eller evt. et godkendt montagesæt fra Air-Consult ApS, inkl. PEX rør, Waterblock, jordstik og fittings.Hvis der monteres en Waterblock indstilles denne til 8. (se medfølgende vejledning).Hvis vandtrykket er over 3 bar skal en trykreduktionsventil monteres. (Niagara Gulv har forudinstalleret trykreduktion).OPSTARTÅbn langsomt for vandtilførsel. Tjeck at der ikke er nogen utætheder ved waterblock, re- duktionsventil osv.Tænd for maskinen og indstil termostaten. (Drej termostaten helt mod uret for at få øje på den gældende ende af kærven. Derefter juster til 4-5). Hvis termostaten er indstillet for højt er der risiko for at Isbanken fryser og man kan derfor ikke længere aftappe vand.Tap mindst 4 liter vand.Når vandet er nedkølet (Ca. 20 minutter) smag selv på vandet!INSTALLATION
Title: quickstart installation niagara.pdf Ved installation af indbygningsmodellerne, skal følgende forskrifter overholdes.Maskinen placeres med en afstand på minimum 10 cm til væg/sider, bagvæg og loft.Se fig.2 for korrekt placering.I skabslåge/ dør skal der være en udluftningsrist med et areal på min. 700 cm². (1).Der skal samtidig være luftindtag ind over sokkel (Huller i bundplade).Kondensatorgitter skal vende mod risten i skabslågen/dør. (2).Der skal samtidig sikres luftindtag, enten i loft, sider el. bund.Rigtig placering:Fig.2Forkert placering/montering:Fig.3For tæt placeret på sidevægKondensatorgitter vender indad (forkert) - udluftning ikke tilstrækkelig.MINERALVANDObs! Vandtrykket må maks. være 3 bar. Ved brug af CO2 skal der monteres en kontraventil på vandtilførsel. Rekvirer evt. montagesæt fra Air-Consult.Mineralvandskvaliteten afhænger af vandtemperaturen samt trykket, derfor bør man efter installationen vente til vandet er nedkølet (Ca. 20 minutter).
Title: quickstart installation niagara.pdf Aftap mineralvand indtil der kommer en jævn vandstråle (Vigtigt: uden der er åbnet for CO2 kulsyre).Tilslut trykreduktionsventil til CO2 indgangen på vandkøleren (4).Fig.4Fig.5R-UGN Trykreduktion for 0,6kg flaskeFig.3 R-RIC+ Trykreduktion for 6kg flaskeSkru cylinderen i trykreduktionsventilen.Cylinderen har en ventil, som åbner når trykreduktionen er monteret og som selv lukker ved afmontering.Kontroller pakning (B) inden montering af trykreduktionen på CO2 cylinderen (C).Åben ventil (D) på cylinderen.Note: Trykreduktionen er præjusteret til optimalt tryk (Ca. 4,5 bar) men kan justeres ved at dreje på skruen (A) - med uret for mere CO2 og mod uret for mindre.Note: Trykreduktionen kan justeres ved at dreje på skruen (A) - med uret for mere CO2 og mod uret for mindre. Den bedste mineralvandskvalitet opnås ved CO2 kulsyre på 1,5 bar over eksisterende vandtryk. F.eks. med en vandtryk på 3 bar skal CO2 tryk indstilles til 4,5 bar.Aftap mineralvand for at efterse justering af CO2 mængden.
Title: Preterminert kabel R†kabel.pdf 2-24 fiber kombinert inne/ute kabel, LSFROH, metallfri, fast kledning fiberkombinerte inne/ute kabel er en kombinasjonskabel til bruk innender, og innendar/utendar i kanaler. Den slanke konstruksjonen sammen med fibere Tight buffer som er enkle § avmantle gir en problemfri forlegging/installasjon.Liten diameter Fiber « Bredt temperatur omrade o Tarr konstruksjon med fuktighets blokkerende garno Typiske applikasjoner: LSFROH sheat o Forlegging inne og inne/ute i kanaler o Strukturert kabling Kevlar/Water swellable yarns o Stamkabel i LAN o FTTxSM 9/125 fiber (G.652D). Bla kabelkappeArtikkelnummer: Beskrivelse:GJF)ZY-2B1D G2-9/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROH GJFIZY-4B1D G4-9/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROH GJIFIZY-8B1D G8-9/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROH GIFIZY-12B1D G12-9/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROH GIF)ZY-24B1D G24-9/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROH i Artikkelnummer: Beskrivelse:GIFIZY2Ala G262,5/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY4Ala G462,5/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY8Ala G8
Title: Preterminert kabel R†kabel.pdf 62,5/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGJFIZY12Ala G1262,5/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY24Ala G2462,5/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHArtikkelnummer: Beskrivelse:GIFIZY2A1b G250/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY4A1b G450/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY8A1b G850/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY12A1b G1250/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHGIFIZY24A1b G2450/125 Inne/ute kabel LSFROHStandarderIEC 607931IEC 607932IEC 607942EIA/TIA 598 BITUT G.650ITUT G.652KonstruksjonFiberStrekkaviasterKledningFlamme ratingIEC 603321IEC 603323IEC 607541IEC 607542IEC 610341IEC 61034 2Fysisk parameterTensile strengthMax installation loadCrush resistanceTemperatureMekanisk parameterNom. cable diameterNom. cable weightMin. bending radius2-24 fast kledning fiber 900pym + 50 um. Fargekode, se eget databladKevlarLSOH flamme hemmende, UV bestandigSingle vertical wire test
Title: Preterminert kabel R†kabel.pdf Vertically bunched wires and cablesNo halogensNo acidNo dense smoke2F160 N325NN/10cmOperation:Installation:Storage2F2,8mm13kg30mm4F200 N400 N4F4,6mm21kg45mm8F340N680 N8F5,5mm29kg50mm12F450 N900 N50040~+70°C10~+60°C40~+70°C12F6,2mm39%g50mm24F700 N1400 N24F7,8mm59kg60mm
Title: quickstart installation niagara.pdf Aftap mineralvand for at efterse justering af CO2 mængden.Note: Hvis der aftappes for meget mineralvand ad gangen, kan karbonatoren ikke følger med og vandet vil begynde at sprutte. Karbonator pumpen kan ikke genfylde karbonator beholderen, da det er blevet fyldt med kulsyre. Så må man lukke for CO2 tilførelsen og aftappe mineralvand indtil der igen kommer vand fra udløbet. Herefter kan CO2 blive sæt til igen.BEMÆRK!Af hensyn til sikkerhed skal kabinetter eller skabe samt opbevaringsrum som indeholder trykflasker, mærkes med lovpligtig advarselsskilt som er leveret med i maskinens montagesæt.Ekstra mærkater kan bestilles. varenr. 46-100747MONTAGESÆTEt montagesæt indeholder de dele som er nødvendige for at tilslutte vandkøleren til vandforsyningen. Indholdet af montagesæt variere afhængig af vandkøler model, men består Bl.a. af:-Kontraventil - for anlæg med mineralvandBallofix fittings - for tilkobling til eksisterende ballofix hane
Title: quickstart installation niagara.pdf Waterblock - (stærkt anbefalet) - beskyttelse mod større vandskade i tilfælde af lækageTrykreduktion - for vandtryk over 3 barPEX rør - godkendt rørmaterialeDiverse fittings - for opkoblingFILTERAktiv Kul filter Purity C1000 ACFilterets primært formål er at forbedre smagen af vandet i de landområder hvor man synes det er nødvendigt eller ønskeligt ved at reducere klor, partikler, lugt og bismag.Kapacitet 10.000 literLet udskiftning af filter patronVarenummer:Filter50-001400Refill50-001405SERVICE-PAKKEVi kender alle problemet fra tappehanen derhjemme - Perlatoren bliver kalket til og vandet løber langsomt eller sprutter i alle retninger.Service-pakken indeholder et ekstra udløbsrør og perlator samt en perlator-nøgle så man kan erstatte de monterede og undgå driftstop imens de bliver rengjort.Vådservietter som indeholder hygiejnisk rengøringsmiddel for daglig rengøring af vandkølerens tappe området er også med i service-pakken.Varenummer: 48-000050
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf MIRU ....................................................................................... 55 4.19.1 Takvifte MIRUVENT, versjon MIRU-1 og -2 ........................................... 55 4.19.2 Takvifte MIRUVENT, versjon MIRU-3 .................................................... 56 4.20 Innganger/utganger ................................................................. 57 4.21 Kommunikasjon ....................................................................... 58 4.21.1 Ekstern port B ....................................................................................58 4.21.2 Trådløst nettverk ................................................................................ 58 4.21.3 E-post ................................................................................................ 59 4.21.4 EIA-485..............................................................................................59 4.21.5 Modbus TCP ...................................................................................... 59
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf 4.21.6 BACnet IP .......................................................................................... 59 4.21.7 EXOline TCP ....................................................................................... 60 4.21.8 Driftsmodus kommunikasjon .............................................................. 60 4.22 Grunninnstilling ....................................................................... 61 4.23 Bruker ...................................................................................... 61 4.24 Notater .................................................................................... 62 4.25 Manuell test ............................................................................. 62 4.26 IQnavigator (håndterminal) ....................................................... 63 4.26.1 Koble til IQlogic .................................................................................. 63 4.26.2 Lysstyrke
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf ............................................................................................ 63 4.26.3 Lyd ..................................................................................................... 63
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-1 trinn 1 - 4 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-1 avvik 1-7 K Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-1 knekkpunkt (gjelder avtrekkslufttemperatur)12-26 °C2 3 K 22 °CInnstillingsområdet for knekkpunkt og avvik begrenses av min.- og maks.-innstillinger.10www.swegon.comNO.GOLDSKFFI.200320TemperaturStatusInnstillingerFRT-regulering 1C °20Knekkpunktr i nn 1r u t a r e p m e t s t f ul l i t15FR T 1 diffTrinn 2Trinn 3id r e v r ø BTrinn 41012152025Avtrekkslufttemperatur °CFabrikkinnstilling innebærer:Ved avtrekkslufttemperatur under 22 °C (knekkpunkt) reguleres børverdien for tilluftstemperatur automatisk til å være 3 K (avvik) lavere.Ved avtrekkslufttemperatur over 22 °C er børverdien for tilluft- stemperatur konstant 19 °C (trinn 2).Med forbehold om endringer.FRT-regulering 2FRT-regulering 2
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf Benyttes når særskilte behov og forhold gjør at den fabrikkinnstilte kurven i FRT-regulering 1 ikke gir ønsket resultat. Avhengig av hvilke innstillinger som gjøres, kan det være nødvendig å ha luftvarmer for ettervarming installert. En individuelt tilpasset kurve regulerer forholdet mellom tillufts- og avtrekkslufttemperatur. Kurven har fire innstil- lingsbare knekkpunkt.. Se diagram til høyre.C °r u t a r e p m e t s t f u222012Innstillinger:VerdiInnstillings- områdeFabrikk- innstillingAvtrekkslufttemperatur Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 X1 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 X2 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 X3 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 X4 Børverdi tilluftstemperatur Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 Y1 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 Y2 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 Y3 Avtrekksluftrelatert tilluft-2 Y410-40 °C 10-40 °C 10-40 °C 10-40 °C10-40 °C 10-40 °C 10-40 °C 10-40 °C15 °C. 20 °C 22 °C 22 °C20 °C 18 °C 14 °C 12 °C
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf Funksjonene børverdiforskyvning og sommernattkjøling kan også påvirke innstilte temperaturer.Tilluftsregulering Med tilluftsregulering holdes en konstant tilluftstempera- tur uten hensyn til belastning i lokalene. Denne reguleringen kan brukes når lokalenes belastning og temperaturer er forutsigbare. Det kreves som regel at luftvarmer for ettervarming er installert, eventuelt også luftkjøler. Innstillinger:l l i ti153d r e v r ø B = Y41091215202527X = Avtrekkslufttemperatur °CKnekkpunkt iht. fabrikkinnstilling innebærer:Ved avtrekkslufttemperatur under 15 °C (X1) er børverdien for tilluftstemperatur konstant 20 °C (Y1).Ved avtrekkslufttemperatur mellom 15 °C (X1) og 20 °C (X2) reguleres børverdien for tilluftstemperatur ned fra 20 °C (Y1) til 18 °C (Y2) iht. kurve.Ved avtrekkslufttemperatur mellom 20 °C (X2) og 22 °C (X3) reguleres børverdien for tilluftstemperatur ned fra 18 °C (Y2) til 14 °C (Y3) iht. kurve.
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf Når avtrekkslufttemperaturen er 22 °C (X4), reguleres børver- dien for tilluftstemperatur ned fra 14 °C (Y3) til 12 °C (Y4).Ved avtrekkslufttemperatur over 22 °C (X4) er børverdien for tilluftstemperatur konstant 12 °C (Y4).VerdiTilluft (temp.-børverdi)Innstillings- område 0-40 °CFabrikk- innstilling 21 °CAvtrekksluftregulering Med avtrekksluftregulering holdes en konstant temperatur i avtrekkskanalen (lokalene) ved å regulere tilluftstempera- turen. Man oppnår en jevn temperatur i lokalene uansett belast- ning, og reguleringsmodusen krever at ettervarming er installert, eventuelt også luftkjøler. Avtrekkslufttemperaturen måles av COMPACT-aggregatets interne temperaturgiver. Hvis denne interne temperatur- giveren ikke gir tilstrekkelig representativ avtrekkslufttem- peratur, kan ekstern giver for romtemperatur installeres og kobles til styreenhetens kommunikasjons-BUS (valgfri COM1-3). Innstillinger:VerdiAvtrekksluft (temp.-børverdi) Tilluft, min. Tilluft, maks.
Title: goldskffi1.30.pdf_2020626134714.pdf Innstillings- område 0-40 °C 0-30 °C 8-50 °CFabrikk- innstilling 21 °C 16 °C 28 °Cwww.swegon.com11