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"") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // clickability, via CNN || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // Dead domain parking // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // Search engine "optimizers" // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // Spyware/worms // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // "Surveys" // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // "Casino" ads (scams) // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*adclick*") ) ////// // // Spammers // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // Directed at extra annoying places // // Attempts to download ad-supported spyware without asking first || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // ebay || ((dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "")) && shExpMatch(url, "*/pics/mops/*/*[0-9]x[0-9]*") ) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") I just spoke with Shaneen Allen’s lawyer, Evan Nappen, who had fantastic news for me: The prosecutor in Atlantic County has relented, and Shaneen Allen will be admitted into a pre-trial intervention (PTI) program. In consequence, she will avoid jail time, a felony conviction, and the destruction of her life. Allen, a single mother of two, had been threatened with up to ten years in prison after she drove from her home state of Pennsylvania into neighboring New Jersey with a concealed handgun in her purse. Allen had thought that her Pennsylvania concealed-carry permit was accepted in New Jersey. When she was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, she discovered that it was not. Inexplicably, the prosecutor, James McClain, had sought to punish her to the fullest extent
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Fulham winger Alexander Kacaniklic is a major doubt for the start of the season after picking up a hamstring injury. The 21-year-old was hurt during the pre-season friendly against Werder Bremen on Sunday and was taken off just before the half-hour mark. He now faces a fight to be fit for the opening Premier League fixture, away to Sunderland on 17 August. Kacaniklic, who was loaned to Championship side Burnley last term, is hoping to establish himself in the Fulham first team this season. See also: Fulham edged out in friendly in Germany 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 Follow West London Sport on Twitter Find us on FacebookWith the arrival of a new year, the ski season has also been launched in Slovakia's southernmost and lowest-located ski resort in the village of Čechy near Nové Zámky (Nitra region). The slope with the lowest point at the altitude of 240 metres above the sea level and with the elevation of a modest 38 metres is covered with 40 centimetres of natural and artificial snow. The ski lift is being operated by the municipality of Čechy, which is with 300 inhabitants one of the smallest villages in Nitra region. Zuzana Botíková, Photo: TASR
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
definition of R2, R3, R5, R7 and R8; the xe2x80x9clower alkylxe2x80x9d moiety of the xe2x80x9clower alkoxy group substituted with at least one group selected from Substituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9clower alkylthio group substituted with at least one group selected from Substituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9clower alkylsulfinyl group substituted with at least one group selected from Substituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d and the xe2x80x9clower alkylsulfonyl group substituted with at least one group selected from Substituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d in the definition of R7 and R8; the xe2x80x9clower alkylxe2x80x9d moiety of the xe2x80x9clower alkoxy groupxe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9chalogeno lower alkoxy groupxe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9clower alkylthio groupxe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9chalogeno lower alkylthio groupxe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9clower alkylsulfinyl groupxe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9clower alkylsulfonyl groupxe2x80x9d, the xe2x80x9cmono-lower alkylamino groupxe2x80x9d and the xe2x80x9cdi-(lower alkyl)amino groupxe2x80x9d in the definition of xe2x80x9cSubstituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d;which any two alkyl groups are a straight or branched alkyl group having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms, more preferably a dimethylamino, ethylmethylamino, methylpropylamino, isopropylmethylamino, butylmethylamino, diethylamino or diisopropylamino group, particularly preferably a dimethylamino, ethylmethylamino or diethylamino group. The xe2x80x9caryloxy groupxe2x80x9d and the xe2x80x9caryloxy groupxe2x80x9d of the xe2x80x9caryloxy group substituted with at least one group selected from Substituent group xcex3xe2x80x9d in the definition of xe2x80x9cSubstituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d represent a group in which the above xe2x80x9caryl groupxe2x80x9d is attached to an oxygen atom. The xe2x80x9cheteroaryloxy groupxe2x80x9d and the xe2x80x9cheteroaryloxy groupxe2x80x9d of the xe2x80x9cheteroaryloxy group substituted with at least one group selected from Substituent group xcex3xe2x80x9d in the definition of the xe2x80x9csubstituent group xcex1xe2x80x9d represent a group in which the above xe2x80x9cheteroaryl groupxe2x80x9d is attached to an oxygen atom. The xe2x80x9carylthio groupxe2x80x9d
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
the notebook, and change those back that # we really don't want changed) widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "notebook_bg" widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "notebook_bg" widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "notebook_bg" widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLabel>" style "notebook_bg" widget_class "*<GtkScrolledWindow>*" style "scrolledwindow" # Toolbar default: dark class "*HandleBox" style "pixmap-dark-toolbar" class "GtkToolbar" style "pixmap-dark-toolbar" widget_class "*HandleBox" style "pixmap-dark-toolbar" widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>.*" style "dark-toolbar" widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>*<GtkEntry>*" style "pixmap-dark-toolbar" widget_class "*<GtkButton>" style "button" widget_class "*<GtkButton>*<GtkLabel>" style "button" widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "notebook" widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>" style "statusbar" widget_class "*<GtkSpinButton>*" style "spinbutton" widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkButton>" style "notebook_button" widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkButton>*<GtkLabel>" style "notebook_button" widget_class "*<GtkRadioButton>*" style "radiocheck" widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*" style "radiocheck" widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "comboboxentry" widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "comboboxentry" widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "menubar" widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*" style "menu" widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "menu_item" widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" style "separator_menu_item" widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorToolItem>*" style "separator_tool_item" widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "menubar_item" widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" style "frame_title" widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "treeview" widget_class "*<GtkProgress>" style "progressbar" widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>.*.<GtkProgressBar>" style "progressbar_menu_item" widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>.*.<GtkScale>" style "scale_menu_item" widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>.*.<GtkCalendar>" style "calendar_menu_item" # Treeview headers (and similar stock GTK+ widgets) widget_class "*.<GtkScrolledWindow>*<GtkTreeView>*" styleThe present invention relates to an improved fuel rail and a method of manufacturing the same. In known extruded fuel rails, integrated manifold mounts were used to mount the fuel rail to an engine manifold. As a result of the extrusion process, the manifold mount extended the length of the fuel rail. After extrusion, excess material from the manifold mount was removed from the extrusion. The excess material was removed to reduce weight, to allow room for or to avoid other engine components, and/or for general cosmetic appearances. The excess material was typically removed by shearing or machining processes. The processes add additional steps to the manufacturing process, resulting in additional time and cost to manufacture the fuel rail. Further, the previous one-piece extruded field rail was usable only
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
Mount Owen.—Progress through a broken country.—Night without water.—Another route explored amongst the gullies.—Plants found near Mount Owen.—Route for the advance of the carts.—View of mountains—from Mount P. P. King.—View from western extremity of Table Land of Hope.—Mount Faraday.—Strange Hakea.—A running stream discovered.—Return towards the camp.—The party with the carts advances.—Course of the new found river.—New plants.—A large lake receives the river.—The outlet dry.—Enter a scrub.—Return to the Salvator.—Discovery of the Claude.—Rich soil on the downs.—The party moves to the Claude.—Cross that river. Fossil wood.—Again shut up in a rocky country.—Slow progress in a gully.—Balmy Creek.—New plants.—Emerge from the ravines.—Tower Almond.—View from Mount Kilsyth.—View from Mount Mudge.—Two natives met.—Remarkable tree Head of another river.—Water again scarce.—Abundance found.—Climate and country—under the Tropic Line.—Plants.—Peculiar character of the water-course.—One cause of open spacesin the woods.—New plants.—Causes of the outspread of channel.—Plains of wild indigo.—Large river channel from the south.—Cross.—Novelties beyond.—The river much increased.—Long journey through scrub.—New plants.—Journey along the river bank.—Character of this river.—Distant prospect.—No water.—Fatiguing journey through scrubs. Reach the river by moonlight.—Large lagoons.—New tributary—from the S. W.—Excursion to the N. W.—Night without water.—Interview with natives.—Camp visited by natives during my absence.—An affair at the camp.—The party crosses the river.—Conclusions.—The party returns.—Tilled ground of the natives.—The shepherd astray.—Singular phenomenon.—Extraordinary vegetable production.—Heavy rain comes on.—Probability of finding a river.—Singular meteor.—Intertropical temperature.—Effects of the rain.—Recross the Tropic.—Regain the higher land.—Remarkable tree.—(Hakea?)—Dip of the strata.—Character of the Belyando.—How to explore a river in brigalow.—A more direct way homewards.—Successful passage with carts and drays.—Open downs.—Fossil wood.—Recross the Claude.—Mantuan downs.—Natives of the Salvator.—Position taken
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
The current Firefox release creates content processes with very long and ugly commands. Here’s an example, as reported by ‘ps’ on my Linux64 machine (with wrapping to make it show up entirely on your screen): /home/njn/moz/mi8/o64/dist/bin/firefox -contentproc -childID 2 -isForBrowser -in tPrefs 6:50|7:-1|20:0|35:1000|43:20|44:5|45:10|52:0|58:128|59:10000|64:0|66:400| 67:1|68:0|69:0|70:100|75:0|76:120|77:120|162:2|163:1|167:60|168:30|169:512000|17 8:5000|180:6|194:8192|195:524288|196:5|209:10000|230:24|231:32768|233:0|234:0|24 3:5|247:1048576|249:100|250:5000|252:600|253:4|254:1|262:20|279:4|291:60000|309: 300|310:30| -boolPrefs 1:0|2:0|4:1|5:1|25:1|28:1|29:1|30:1|32:1|33:1|34:1|37:1|3 8:1|39:1|42:1|46:1|47:0|48:0|49:1|50:1|51:1|53:0|56:1|57:1|60:1|61:0|62:0|63:0|6 5:0|71:1|72:1|73:1|74:1|78:1|79:1|80:0|81:0|82:1|83:1|84:1|85:1|86:1|89:0|90:0|9 3:1|94:1|98:1|99:1|100:0|101:1|102:1|103:1|104:0|105:0|107:0|108:0|109:1|110:1|1 11:1|114:1|115:1|116:1|117:1|118:1|119:0|120:0|121:1|122:0|123:0|124:1|125:1|126 :0|127:1|128:1|129:0|131:1|132:0|133:0|134:1|135:1|136:0|137:0|138:0|139:1|140:1 |141:1|142:1|143:0|144:1|145:1|146:1|147:1|148:1|149:1|150:0|151:1|152:1|153:0|1 54:1|155:0|156:0|157:0|158:1|159:1|160:1|161:1|164:1|165:0|172:1|175:0|176:0|177 :1|181:0|183:1|184:0|185:1|187:1|189:0|190:0|193:0|197:1|198:0|199:1|200:1|201:0 |204:1|208:1|210:1|211:0|213:1|216:0|228:0|229:0|232:1|235:0|237:1|238:1|240:1|2 41:0|248:1|251:1|256:0|257:0|258:0|259:1|260:1|261:0|266:1|269:1|270:1|271:1|272 :1|273:1|274:0|275:1|281:1|284:0|285:1|286:1|287:0|288:1|289:1|290:1|292:0|293:0 |295:1|304:1|305:1|306:0|307:0|308:0| -stringPrefs 3:7;default|215:3;1.0|226:332 ; ¼½¾ǃː??։֊׃״؉؊٪۔܁܂܃܄ᅟᅠ᜵ ???‐ ’․‧??????? ‹›⁁⁄⁒ ⅓⅔⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚?⅜⅝⅞⅟∕∶⎮╱⧶⧸⫻⫽> ⿰⿱⿲⿳⿴⿵⿶⿷⿸⿹⿺⿻ 。〔〕〳゠ㅤ㈝㈞㎮㎯㏆㏟꞉︔︕︿﹝﹞?./。ᅠ???�|227:4; high|280:36;97c47c17-80b5-497c-b5ee-1c5db2d06af6| -schedulerPrefs 0001,2 -appdir /home/njn/moz/mi8/o64/dist/bin/browser 4500 true tab That’s 1733 characters! Most of it is for three flags, called -intPrefs , -boolPrefs , and -stringPrefs , which are used to pass values of prefs that are required very early in the content process’s existence, before the first normal IPC message is received. These pref values are encoded compactly, butA 15-year-old minor boy from Bhiwandi in Thane district of Maharashtra allegedly killed his elder brother, Mohammad Shaik (19), for scolding him over playing the PUBG game on his mobile phone. The minor boy infuriated by his brother’s interference allegedly banged the head of Shaikh against a wall and stabbed him repeatedly with scissors, said senior police inspector Mamata D’Souza. Shaikh was rushed to the nearby government hospital where he was declared brought dead. A case has been registered under section 302 (Punishment for murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), said D’Souza. PUBG is an online multiplayer battle game developed by a South Korean Firm. Several concerns have been raised across the world regarding the addictive nature of the game, which also has a tendency to push children towards violent
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
the trial court for a punishment determination.           The trial court admonished appellant, ensured her plea was entered knowingly, freely, and voluntarily, and explained the range of punishment applicable to this case. The State then informed the court that on April 18, 2007, a narcotics officer received a tip that two women were selling narcotics at an Amarillo apartment complex, less than a block away from a school. The tip included a specific description of the vehicle and the women involved. Officers investigating the tip saw a vehicle matching the description they were given backing out of a driveway. When a passenger left the vehicle, officers saw she was wearing clothes like those described in the tip. After officers stopped the individuals they observed that appellant, also a passenger, also was wearing clothinglike that described in the tip. Appellant admitted to officers that she was at the apartment complex and admitted that she was holding “a lot” of drugs. During a search by a female officer, 9.61 grams of cocaine were found on appellant.           Appellant acknowledged to the trial court that she heard the prosecutor’s recitation of the facts and admitted that she had that “9 grams or so of cocaine” on her. Appellant persisted in her plea of guilty and the court accepted it. The court further found the evidence sufficient to find appellant guilty of the offense as charged in the indictment. Appellant then testified on her own behalf with regard to punishment and, emphasizing her young age, expressed her desire that the court grant her application for community supervision.             Following this
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
stated that Rafi had given him the gun, and told him to deliver the gun and the car to a friend who would be waiting for him on Merwin Street. He admitted, however, that he had originally told the police that he found the gun under some leaves. Paredes' trial before the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts began on November 4, 1996, and continued until November 12. On that date, the jury returned a verdict finding Paredes guilty on all three counts of the indictment. On February 24, 1997, Paredes was sentenced as described above. Judgment was entered on February 25, and Paredes filed a notice of appeal on April 19, 1997. II. Analysis A. Jury Instructions other evidence that could support his conviction on the conspiracy count, Paredes contends that the possession count was the cornerstone of the indictment because evidence that he was in possession of the cocaine was the strongest evidence for a conviction on the conspiracy and weapons counts. Paredes claims that, since the cocaine was found in a plastic bag beneath a towel underneath the front passenger seat, some distance from the reach of his outstretched hand, he could not be said to be in actual possession of the cocaine. In order to convict him on the possession count, he claims, the jury had to find that he was in constructive possession of the cocaine. However, Paredes objects to the court's wording of the instruction on constructive possession, specifically challenging the omission of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
# Group ## Entities |Name|Description| |---|---| |[SMAAgreementGroup](SMAAgreementGroup.cdm.json)|| |[SMAAgreementInterval](SMAAgreementInterval.cdm.json)|| |[SMAConditionTable](SMAConditionTable.cdm.json)|| |[SMADiagnosisArea](SMADiagnosisArea.cdm.json)|| |[SMADiagnosisCode](SMADiagnosisCode.cdm.json)|| |[SMADispatchTeamTable](SMADispatchTeamTable.cdm.json)|| |[SMADispatchWorkerSetup](SMADispatchWorkerSetup.cdm.json)|| |[SMAReasonTable](SMAReasonTable.cdm.json)|| |[SMARepairStage](SMARepairStage.cdm.json)|| |[SMAResolutionTable](SMAResolutionTable.cdm.json)|| |[SMASalesPriceSubscription](SMASalesPriceSubscription.cdm.json)|| |[SMAServiceObjectGroup](SMAServiceObjectGroup.cdm.json)|| |[SMAStageTable](SMAStageTable.cdm.json)|| |[SMASubscriptionGroup](SMASubscriptionGroup.cdm.json)|| |[SMASymptomArea](SMASymptomArea.cdm.json)|| |[SMASymptomCode](SMASymptomCode.cdm.json)|| |[SMATemplateGroup](SMATemplateGroup.cdm.json)|| |[SMATimeAgreement](SMATimeAgreement.cdm.json)|| When TransLink took over transit in 1999, the Millennium Line was announced by the provincial government and about to break ground. Construction began in October 1999 and the new line opened in 2002. As part of the project, SkyTrain added 60 Mark II cars to the fleet to the new line and to meet booming ridership. The Mark II cars were the next generation that followed the original Mark I cars that arrived when the Expo Line opened in 1985. But did you know – the first bit of work designing the next generation of SkyTrain cars began about a decade earlier? A mock-up of what a Mark II could look like was developed by BC Transit in 1991. It was displayed at the PNE and Scott Road Station to gauge
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Bryan Barnhart responded to a call to investigate a traffic accident on State Highway 198.  He promptly arrived at the scene to find a three car collision.  Two of the vehicles were still in the roadway, and Trooper Barnhart asked a sheriff’s deputy who arrived at the crash site to direct traffic to keep the traffic moving on the highway.             Trooper Barnhart determined that the lead car driven by a Ms. Pratt had stopped behind a vehicle waiting to make a left turn.  The second car, driven by Appellant and registered in his name, collided with the rear of the Pratt car.  A third vehicle quickly collided with Appellant’s vehicle.  Each of the drivers identified themselves.  Appellant said he was the driver of the second car.  The only passenger in any of theof Appellant’s vehicle.  The vehicle was registered in his name.  No companion appeared on the videotape.  Appellant was apparently intoxicated at the scene.  His complaints of pain are further proof of his involvement in the collision.  There is sufficient evidence to establish the corpus delicti of the offense.             Appellant next contends there is insufficient evidence to establish that he was intoxicated at the time he was driving.  Appellant emphasizes that the State presented no evidence of when the accident occurred.  He argues that there is therefore no evidence that he was intoxicated at the time he was driving.             Trooper Barnhart arrived at the scene within a minute of receiving the report of the accident.  Traffic was still backed up down Highway 198.  Appellant refused to be taken to the hospital, but Ms. Pratt’s daughter was sent to the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
"ByteSize", AttrBitOffset: "BitOffset", AttrBitSize: "BitSize", AttrStmtList: "StmtList", AttrLowpc: "Lowpc", AttrHighpc: "Highpc", AttrLanguage: "Language", AttrDiscr: "Discr", AttrDiscrValue: "DiscrValue", AttrVisibility: "Visibility", AttrImport: "Import", AttrStringLength: "StringLength", AttrCommonRef: "CommonRef", AttrCompDir: "CompDir", AttrConstValue: "ConstValue", AttrContainingType: "ContainingType", AttrDefaultValue: "DefaultValue", AttrInline: "Inline", AttrIsOptional: "IsOptional", AttrLowerBound: "LowerBound", AttrProducer: "Producer", AttrPrototyped: "Prototyped", AttrReturnAddr: "ReturnAddr", AttrStartScope: "StartScope", AttrStrideSize: "StrideSize", AttrUpperBound: "UpperBound", AttrAbstractOrigin: "AbstractOrigin", AttrAccessibility: "Accessibility", AttrAddrClass: "AddrClass", AttrArtificial: "Artificial", AttrBaseTypes: "BaseTypes", AttrCalling: "Calling", AttrCount: "Count", AttrDataMemberLoc: "DataMemberLoc", AttrDeclColumn: "DeclColumn", AttrDeclFile: "DeclFile", AttrDeclLine: "DeclLine", AttrDeclaration: "Declaration", AttrDiscrList: "DiscrList", AttrEncoding: "Encoding", AttrExternal: "External", AttrFrameBase: "FrameBase", AttrFriend: "Friend", AttrIdentifierCase: "IdentifierCase", AttrMacroInfo:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
Imex Corporation sued Nextel Communications, Inc. in the federal district court in Massachusetts. The gist of the complaint was that in 1995, Nextel had constructed an antenna or "monopole," over 100 feet high, within several feet of a building leased and occupied by Samos Imex under a lease that required Samos Imex to make repairs to the building. Samos Imex claimed that the antenna, which itself involved subsurface construction, had caused Samos Imex's building to shift, resulting in structural damage and rendering its freight elevator inoperative. Prior to the suit being filed, John Carota, a structural engineering expert, gave Samos Imex a report evaluating the condition of the building, recommending repairs, and identifying "the probable cause" of the damage to the building and the freight elevator. The probable cause section of the report began by concluding thattrial by the expert, a list of his publications, disclosure of compensation, and a list of other cases in which the expert has testified within the preceding four years. In the same motion, Nextel sought summary judgment on the separate ground that the report, even if believed, did not establish that the antenna had more likely than not caused the harm complained of; rather, according to Nextel, the report dwelt solely in "could haves" and "possibilities." In August 1998, the district court heard oral argument and decided the matter from the bench. It rejected the request to exclude the engineering report as a sanction for violation of discovery rules, but it entered summary judgment on the ground that the report did not purport to establish that "more probably than not" the antenna construction was the cause
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Hodžić – Galatasaray 1983–84, Sarıyer 1984–85 Kenan Horić – Antalyaspor 2016–17 Demir Hotić – Fenerbahçe 1993 Damir Ibrić – Gençlerbirliği 2003–04 Senijad Ibričić – Gaziantepspor 2012, Kasımpaşa 2013, Kayseri Erciyesspor 2013–14 Sanel Jahić – Karabükspor 2012 Zlatko Juričević – Karşıyaka 1987–92 Goran Karačić – Adanaspor 2016– Suad Karalić – Fenerbahçe 1983–84 Mirsad Kovačević (Mirsad Güneş) – Beşiktaş 1984–86, Galatasaray 1986–89, Göztepe 1989–90 Josip Kvesić – Antalyaspor 2015 Haris Medunjanin – Gaziantepspor 2012–14 Deni Milošević – Konyaspor 2016– Zvjezdan Misimović – Galatasaray 2010–11 Samir Muratović – Kocaelispor 1998–99 Vedin Musić – İstanbulspor 1997–98, Antalyaspor 1998–01 Safet Nadarević – Eskişehirspor 2008–12 Fahrudin Omerović (Fahrettin Ömerli) – Kocaelispor, İstanbulspor 1992–97 Rade Paprica – Beşiktaş 1986–87 Ivan Radeljić – Gençlerbirliği, Antalyaspor 2009–12 Sead Ramović – Sivasspor 2010–11 Srebrenko Repčić – Fenerbahçe 1983–85 Sead Sabotić2012 Dejan Lazarević – Antalyaspor 2015–2016, Karabükspor 2016–17 Džoni Novak – Fenerbahçe 1992–93 Milan Osterc – Bursaspor 2003–04, Malatyaspor 2004–05 Miran Pavlin – Samsunspor 2002 Aleksander Rodić – Kayserispor 2005–06 Ermin Rakovič – Diyarbakırspor 2006 Rajko Rotman – İstanbul Başakşehir 2014–17, Kayserispor 2017, Göztepe 2017– Miral Samardžić – Akhisar Belediyespor 2017 Marko Simeunovič – Şekerspor 1997–99 Nejc Skubic – Konyaspor 2016– Emil Šterbal – Siirtspor 2001 Etien Velikonja – Gençlerbirliği 2017 Luka Žinko – Kocaelispor 2009 South Africa Ryan Botha – Denizlispor 2004–07 Elrio van Heerden – Sivasspor 2010 Fani Madida – Beşiktaş, Antalyaspor, Bursaspor, Antalyaspor, Bursaspor 1992–98 Donald Khuse – Gençlerbirliği, Antalyaspor 1993–97 Steve Komphela – Gaziantepspor, Çanakkale Dardanelspor 1993–97 May Mahlangu – Konyaspor 2015 Lebogang Manyama – Konyaspor 2017–18 Helman Mkhalele – Kayserispor, MKE Ankaragücü, Göztepe, Malatyaspor 1997–2000, 2001–05 Teboho
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
its course.—Numerals cut on trees.—A native scamp.—Fine country.—Splendid reaches of the river—Lagoons near it.—Lake Parachute.—Seek a position—for a depôt camp.—Ride to the north-west.—Character of the country.—Search for water. Uncommon birds.—Return to the camp.—New Acacia Advance with a light party.—Fine river scenery.—Junction of rivers.—Trace one up, then cross to the other.—Mr. Kennedy instructed to explore it.—Fine country for grazing.—Turanimga lagoon.—Trace up a small tributary.—Mountains discovered.—Camp visited by three natives.—”Cogoon” the name of tributary.—Charms of the Australian climate.—Mount Minute.—Extreme cold.—Traces of high floods in the Cnogoa.—-Mount Inviting.—Mount Abundance.—Ascend that mountain.—Fitzroy Downs.—The Bottle Tree, or DELABECHEA.—Frosty Creek.—Travel due north over open downs.—Advantages of mountains.—Ascend one.—Mount Bingo.—Thenod Tagando tribe.—The party advances to the Amby—followed by the tribe.—How we got rid of them.—Enter the country through the pass.—Find one pond.—A large river discovered.—Position takenup on its banks.—There await Mr. Kennedy’s arrival.—Explore to the north-west.—Ascend a hill and tree to take angles from.—Interior country visited.—View of the western interior.—Its character.—Determine to trace the river upwards.—Ascend Mount Kennedy.—Extensive prospect.—Native visit during my absence.—Arrival of Mr. Kennedy’s party.—The Tagando tribe again.—Their visit to Mr. Kennedy.—Prepare to advance again with a light party.—Instructions left with Mr. Kennedy My departure.—A team of bullocks sent back for.—Good grassy country.—Ride north-west during rain.—Hostile natives menace our camp.—The party crosses Possession Creek.—A small river found.—Another ride to the north-west.—Banks of the little river.—Mount Owen seen.—Travel towards it.—Flank movement to the Maranòa for water.—None found in its bed.—View from Mount Owen.—Names of localities on the map.—Scarcity of water impedes our progress.—Water found in rocky gullies.—Excursion northward.—Mount Aquarius.—View from northern summit of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
M Viola | RD1-score13-1=5 | RD1-score13-2=6| RD1-score13-3=6| RD1-seed14=  | RD1-team14= M Granollers | RD1-score14-1=7| RD1-score14-2=3 | RD1-score14-3=1 | RD1-seed15=Q | RD1-team15= D Brands | RD1-score15-1=63 | RD1-score15-2=4 | RD1-score15-3=  | RD1-seed16=5 | RD1-team16= G Simon| RD1-score16-1=77| RD1-score16-2=6| RD1-score16-3=  | RD2-seed01=1 | RD2-team01= R Federer| RD2-score01-1=6| RD2-score01-2=6| RD2-score01-3=  | RD2-seed02=WC | RD2-team02= T de Bakker | RD2-score02-1=3 | RD2-score02-2=4 | RD2-score02-3=  | RD2-seed03=  | RD2-team03= J Benneteau| RD2-score03-1=6| RD2-score03-2=6| RD2-score03-3=  | RD2-seed04=  | RD2-team04= V Hănescu | RD2-score04-1=1 | RD2-score04-2=3 | RD2-score04-3=  | RD2-seed05=WC | RD2-team05= I Sijsling | RD2-score05-1=2 | RD2-score05-2=4 | RD2-score05-3=  | RD2-seed06=  | RD2-team06= M Kližan| RD2-score06-1=6| RD2-score06-2=6| RD2-score06-3=  | RD2-seed07=Q | RD2-team07= M Viola | RD2-score07-1=3 | RD2-score07-2=1 | RD2-score07-3=  | RD2-seed08=5 | RD2-team08= G Simon| RD2-score08-1=6| RD2-score08-2=6| RD2-score08-3=  | RD3-seed01=1 | RD3-team01= R Federer | RD3-score01-1=3 | RD3-score01-2=5 | RD3-score01-3=  | RD3-seed02=  | RD3-team02= J Benneteau| RD3-score02-1=6| RD3-score02-2=7| RD3-score02-3=  | RD3-seed03=  | RD3-team03= M Kližan | RD3-score03-1=78| RD3-score03-2=3 | RD3-score03-3=0r | RD3-seed04=5 | RD3-team04= G Simon| RD3-score04-1=66 | RD3-score04-2=6| RD3-score04-3=3 | RD4-seed01= | RD4-team01= J Benneteau| RD4-score01-1=6| RD4-score01-2=77| RD4-score01-3=  | RD4-seed02=5 | RD4-team02= G Simon | RD4-score02-1=4 | RD4-score02-2=62 | RD4-score02-3=  }} Bottom half Qualifying Seeds Qualifiers LuckyTuesday, November 16, 2010 IT'S LIKE MAGIC! Toys & Collectibles Car Boot Sale: 21 November 2010 The Toys & Collectible Car Boot Sale is happening this Sunday, November 21 at the Singapore Philatelic Museum. It is partnered with the friendly people from The Falcon's Hangar, BEST place for toys and collectibles. Bargains galore, with free comic giveaways! FREE admision to all SPM exhibits, including the Iron Man CollARTible exhibition! Check out the many exhibits in my post HERE but the best thing to do is go down and check it out yourself :) Activities for the whole family! There'll be cosplayers dressed as superheroes for photo-taking opportunities and Magic with Syros, Master of Illusion! Steve McQueen as Josh Randall Robert De Niro Taxi Driver clint eastwood dirty harry Léon: The Professional enterbay jack bauer Playhouse GSG-9 Subway 24 Hero DiCaprio as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
the origin of the cash. She says that she was told by the police of their general policy to detain persons carrying cash and that she was ordered to remain in a separate location until the DEA arrived to interrogate her. On January 20, 1994, the United States filed a civil moved for entry of forfeiture judgment on July 14, 1994. Echeverry filed her response on August 4, 1994. The district court entered an order on September 23, 1994, again denying the claimant's dismissal and suppression motions, granting summary judgment for the United States and ordering forfeiture of the money. This
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Ramius. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Warlock Grimaldo has been slain in the forest by Studious Young Sorceress."Maybe next time you won't be so cocky!" laughs Studious Young Sorceress. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Warlock Grimaldo and Violet were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Archangel xiljin has defeated his master, Gadriel the Elven Ranger to advance to level 13 after 6 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Soldier SlothTheDreaded has been resurrected by Ramius. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Soldier SlothTheDreaded has been defeated in the graveyard by Eater of the Dead."Die, my dear Eater of the Dead? That's the last thing I shall do!" boldly declared Soldier SlothTheDreaded. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Archangel xiljin has defeated his master, Celith to advance to level 12 after 6 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Soldier SlothTheDreaded has been slain in the forest by Seductive Vampiress."I see London, I see France, I see Soldier SlothTheDreaded's underpants!" reveals Seductive Vampiress. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shepherd Rizz has defeatedhis master, Fie to advance to level 3 after 1 day!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Archangel xiljin defeated Tribune toledoviking in fair combat in the fields of Qexelcrag. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Archangel xiljin has defeated his master, Sensei Noetha to advance to level 11 after 6 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Soldier SlothTheDreaded has defeated his master, Adoawyr to advance to level 14 after 23 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shepherd Rizz has defeated his master, Mireraband to advance to level 2 after 1 day!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been slain in the forest by Willie the Wonder Hamster."The paper burns, but the words fly free," proudly declared Dragon Imperator Arathorn. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, EauSalee to advance to level 3 after 2 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tribune toledoviking has defeated his master, Celith to advance to level 12 after 9 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tribune toledoviking was hunted down by their master, Celith,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Boston (1992). , [*Formal asymptotic expansions for symmetric ancient ovals in mean curvature flow*]{}, Netw. Heterog. Media [**8**]{} (2013), 1–8. , [*Dirichlet sigma models and mean curvature flow*]{}, J. High Energy Physics [**06**]{} (2007), 057. , [*Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow with pinched curvature*]{}, Duke Math. J. [**158**]{} (2011), 537–551. , [*Classification of compact ancient solutions to the curve shortening flow*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**84**]{} (2010), 455–464. , [*Classification of ancient compact solutions to the Ricci flow on surfaces*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**91**]{} (2012), 171–214. , [*Interior estimates for hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature*]{}, Invent. Math. [**105**]{} (1991), 547–569. , [*Four–manifolds with positive curvature operator*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**24**]{} (1986), 153–179. , [*The Harnack estimate for the mean curvature flow*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**41**]{} (1995), 215–226. , [*Ancient solutions of the mean curvature flow*]{}, arXiv:1308.4095 (2013). ,[*Mean curvature flow of mean convex hypersurfaces*]{}, arXiv:1304.0926 (2013). , [*Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres*]{}, J. Diff. Geometry [**20**]{} (1984), 237–266. , [*Contracting convex hypersurfaces in riemannian manifolds by their mean curvature*]{}, Invent. Math. [**84**]{} (1986), 463–480. , [*Deforming hypersurfaces of the sphere by their mean curvature*]{}, Math. Z. [**195**]{} (1987), 205–219. , [*Mean curvature flow singularities for mean convex surfaces*]{}, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, [**8**]{} (1999), 1–14. , [*Convexity estimates for mean curvature flow and singularities of mean convex surfaces*]{}, Acta Math., [**183**]{} (1999), 45–70. , [*Mean curvature flow with surgeries of two–convex hypersurfaces*]{}, Invent. Math., [**175**]{} (2009), 137–221. , [*Integrable model of boundary interaction: The paperclip*]{}, Nuclear Physics B, [**683**]{} (2004), 423–454. , [*Convex solutions to the mean curvature flow*]{}, Ann. of Math. [**173**]{} (2011), 1185–1239. , [*The nature of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
police investigation. When she insisted she had told the state police all she knew, the Chief handed her the letter of suspension and told her she was suspended with pay until the state police concluded their investigation into her alleged conspiracy with Duffy. The Chief also barred her from participating in training activities and from entering her personal and professional reputations. On several occasions during her suspension, Molloy was required while testifying as a witness in connection with arrests she had made before her suspension to explain in open court why she had been suspended. On June 9, 1994,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
"UNKNOWN (322)", "UNKNOWN (323)", "UNKNOWN (324)", "UNKNOWN (325)", "UNKNOWN (326)", "UNKNOWN (327)", "UNKNOWN (328)", "UNKNOWN (329)", "UNKNOWN (330)", "UNKNOWN (331)", "UNKNOWN (332)", "UNKNOWN (333)", "UNKNOWN (334)", "UNKNOWN (335)", "UNKNOWN (336)", "UNKNOWN (337)", "UNKNOWN (338)", "UNKNOWN (339)", "UNKNOWN (340)", "UNKNOWN (341)", "UNKNOWN (342)", "UNKNOWN (343)", "UNKNOWN (344)", "UNKNOWN (345)", "UNKNOWN (346)", "UNKNOWN (347)", "UNKNOWN (348)", "UNKNOWN (349)", "UNKNOWN (350)", "UNKNOWN (351)", "UNKNOWN (352)", "UNKNOWN (353)", "UNKNOWN (354)", "UNKNOWN (355)", "UNKNOWN (356)", "UNKNOWN (357)", "UNKNOWN (358)", "UNKNOWN (359)", "UNKNOWN (360)", "UNKNOWN (361)", "UNKNOWN (362)", "UNKNOWN (363)", "UNKNOWN (364)", "UNKNOWN (365)", "UNKNOWN (366)", "UNKNOWN (367)", "UNKNOWN (368)", "UNKNOWN (369)", "UNKNOWN (370)", "UNKNOWN (371)", "UNKNOWN (372)", "UNKNOWN
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
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{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
1925_ ) 1 **Amérique** ] Amerique _LR, US 1920, 1925_ 4 **à** ] á _LR, US 1920_ 5 **conférencier** ] conferencier _LR, US 1920_ 6 **banquier,** ] banquier; _1919, AraVP_ 7] _enclosed in brackets 1919, AraVP_ 9 **noir** ] noire _1919_ 14 **tra là là** ] tra la la _printings prior to 1925_ 15 **jusqu'à Omaha.** ] jusque à Omaha; _1919, AraVP_ ‖ jusqu' à Omaha. _1963_ ‖ jusqu' a Omaha. _1974_ 16 **célébrai** ] _1925_ \+ ‖ celebrai _LR, US 1920_ ‖ célebrai _1919, AraVP_ 17 **une** ] un _AraVP_ **d'Afrique** ] _LR, US 1920_ \+ ‖ d'Afrique, _1919, AraVP_ 18 **Vêtu** ] Vetu _LR_ 20 **côtes** ] cotes _US 1920 3rd printing_ ( _1929_ ) **brûlantes** ] brulantes _1919, AraVP, US 1920 3rd printing_ ( _1929_ ) [Poems I 40–41 · Commentary I 516–19] ### _Lune de Miel_ Published in**St.** ] St _Penguin_ ( _only_ ) 264 _**The**_ ] _Toe Hogarth proof, corrected TSE_ _**Churches**_ ] _1974_ \+ ‖ _Churches: printings prior to 1974_ ( _with swash "C" in Hogarth proof, emended TSE_ ) ‖ _Churches: Hogarth, Sel Poems 1954, US 1963_ \+ ( **P.** ] P. _Boni proof_ **Son,** ] _1925_ \+ ‖ Son _Boni, Hogarth_ 266 **Thames-daughters** ] _Hogarth, 1925_ \+ ‖ Thames-|daughters _Boni_ **line 292 to 305** ] line 292 to 306 _all eds, emended Hayward in his copy of 1936_ _**Götterdämmerung**_ ] Götterdämmerung ( _initial letter italicised_ ) _Hogarth proof emended TSE_ ‖ Götterdämmerung _Hogarth_ **Rhine-daughters** ] _1936_ \+ ‖ Rhinedaughters _Boni, Hogarth_ ‖ Rhine-|daughters _1925, 1932_ [Poem I 73–75] 279] _Note misnumbered as_ 276 _Hogarth_ _**Elizabeth,**_ ] _Elizabeth Boni, Hogarth, 1925, 1936_ ( _corrected 2 nd
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
aggravated assault and had about two years remaining on his eight-year sentence when he was charged with harassment.  Specifically, appellant was charged by indictment for harassing Blanche Jackson, a corrections officer, by causing appellant=s urine to make contact with Jackson while imprisoned in a correctional facility.  Prior to trial, appellant filed his medical records with the trial court, along with two business records affidavits from custodians of the records, and gave notice to the State that the records would be offered in evidence at trial. At trial, appellant pleaded guilty, and the case was set for a punishment hearing.  There was no agreement with the State on punishment.  At the punishment hearing, the State began by presenting three witnesses who testified about appellant=s previous assaultive and threatening behavior during his incarceration.  John Wright testified that while he was working as acorrections officer at the Michael Unit in Anderson County in 2002, appellant threw a four-foot long fluorescent light bulb at him Alike a javelin.@  Samuel Hayes, Jr. testified that appellant threatened him while he was working as  corrections officers at the Michael Unit.  Jemal Chambers testified that while she was working at the Darrington Unit, appellant grabbed a large rolling shield that had been left in front of his cell, pushed it into her forearm, and threatened her.  The State then presented Mr. Blanche Jackson, the named victim in the instant case, who testified that while he was a corrections officer at the Darrington Unit, appellant squirted him with a liquid substance that smelled like urine. Appellant also testified during the punishment hearing, describing mitigating circumstances in his life.  After he testified, the State offered his medical records into evidence under
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
at McDonald=s so she could spend time on Super Bowl Sunday with Flores and his family.  However, Hernandez indicated during redirect examination that what she told a police detective about the time of the shooting was that the victim had called her crying the night that she died and asked Hernandez to work for her because she and Flores had gotten into it again.  Hernandez stated that her memory was better at that time than at the time of trial.  On further cross-examination, she again acknowledged having made the later statement to a defense investigator that, when the victim called, she was not crying and was looking forward to spending time with Flores and his family.  Hernandez recounted that the victim said three days before she died that she was going to leave Flores.  Hernandez stated that, onthe same day, Flores (who was very jealous) had told her that he would kill the victim if she ever left him. Frank Reyes, the victim=s stepfather, testified that Super Bowl Sunday, January 26, 2003, was his birthday.  He said that, on that morning, he told the victim he was going to go to his sister=s house later in the day.  He related that the victim came to his sister=s house about 7 p.m. and that  she left after he had eaten saying she would be back and did not want him to leave because she had forgotten his birthday present.  He testified she never returned.  Ellie Muro, the victim=s mother, testified that on the evening of the murder Flores called her and told her he had killed the victim.   She said that, when he placed the phone down, she heard a Agagging kind of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
of 12,600,000 – 1,355 Proofs 1880-CC: Mintage of 591,000 1880-O: Mintage of 5,305,000 1880-S: Mintage of 8,900,000 1881: Mintage of 9,163,000 – 984 Proofs 1881-CC: Mintage of 296,000 1881-O: Mintage of 5,708,000 1881-S: Mintage of 12,760,000 1882: Mintage of 11,100,000 – 1,100 Proofs 1882-CC: Mintage of 1,133,000 1882-O: Mintage of 6,090,000 1882-S: Mintage of 9,250,000 1883: Mintage of 12,290,000 1883-CC: Mintage of 1,204,000 1883-O: Mintage of 8,725,000 1883-S: Mintage of 6,250,000 1884: Mintage of 14,070,000 – 875 Proofs 1884-CC: Mintage of 1,136,000 1884-O: Mintage of 9,730,000 1884-S: Mintage of 3,200,000 1885: Mintage of 17,787,000 – 930 Proofs 1885-CC: Mintage of 228,000 1885-O: Mintage of 9,185,000 1885-S: Mintage of 1,497,000 1886: Mintage of 19,963,000 – 886 Proofs 1886-O: Mintage of 10,710,000 1886-S: Mintage of 750,000 1887: Mintage of 20,290,000 – 710 Proofs 1887-O: Mintage of 11,550,000 1887-S: Mintage of 1,771,000 1888: Mintage of 19,183,100 – 832 Proofs 1888-O: Mintage of 12,150,000 1888-S: Mintage of 657,000 1889: Mintage of 21,726,000 – 811 Proofs 1889-CC:Mintage of 350,000 1889-O: Mintage of 11,875,000 1889-S: Mintage of 700,000 1890: Mintage of 16,802,000 – 590 Proofs 1890-CC: Mintage of 2,309,041 1890-O: Mintage of 10,701,000 1890-S: Mintage of 8,230,373 1891: Mintage of 8,693,556 – 650 Proofs 1891-CC: Mintage of 1,618,000 1891-O: Mintage of 7,954,529 1891-S: Mintage of 5,296,000 1892: Mintage of 1,036,000 – 1,245 Proofs 1892-CC: Mintage of 1,352,000 1892-O: Mintage of 2,744,000 1892-S: Mintage of 1,200,000 1893: Mintage of 378,000 – 792 Proofs 1893-CC: Mintage of 677,000 – 12 Proofs estimated 1893-O: Mintage of 300,000 1893-S: Mintage of 100,000 1894: Mintage of 110,000 – 972 Proofs 1894-O: Mintage of 1,723,000 1894-S: Mintage of 1,260,000 1895: Mintage of 12,000 – 880 Proofs 1895-O: Mintage of 450,000 1895-S: Mintage of 400,000 1896: Mintage of 9,976,000 – 762 Proofs 1896-O: Mintage of 4,900,000 1896-S: Mintage of 5,000,000 1897: Mintage of 2,822,000 – 731 Proofs 1897-O: Mintage of 4,004,000 1897-S: Mintage of 5,825,000 1898: Mintage of 5,884,000 – 735 Proofs 1898-O: Mintage
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Tek Enetheru (Rattlesnake) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. GeneralAleksandr (Rattlesnake) Surreal corp The Afterlife. Jabbrail (Rattlesnake) 5.11 The Afterlife. roninpirat (Rattlesnake) Far East Inc The Afterlife. Yrvi (Rattlesnake) Far East Inc The Afterlife. Vindicator8 (Rattlesnake) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Sergio63rus Ept (Rattlesnake) Surreal corp The Afterlife. Mutafakaz (Rattlesnake) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Lord Colin (Rattlesnake) Lunar Republic The Afterlife. Slithor (Rattlesnake) Surreal corp The Afterlife. LangolierX (Rattlesnake) The Flying Dead. The Afterlife. dream processing (Rattlesnake) The Versa-Ex Corp The Afterlife. Redrik Schuhart (Rattlesnake) Far East Inc The Afterlife. cell187 (Rattlesnake) The Flying Dead. The Afterlife. Villetta (Rattlesnake) DARK TEMPL The Afterlife. TylerJames (Rattlesnake) Lunar Republic The Afterlife. Space Truckin (Rattlesnake) Gipsies The Afterlife. Frakiets MN (Rattlesnake) Watch your six The Afterlife. Komolov (Rattlesnake) Far East Inc The Afterlife. FWC (Machariel) Gipsies The Afterlife. Unionn (Golem) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Liten Lorian (Legion) Solitary Men ws26 (Tengu) Far East Inc The Afterlife. Leo Ros (Tengu) adepts of Lucifer The Afterlife. Tamer (Tengu) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Trigos Trilobi (Tengu) The Versa-Ex Corp The Afterlife. FallenDarkAngel (Basilisk) Surreal corp The Afterlife. KpeBegk0 (Basilisk) Surreal corp The Afterlife. NewRoman (Basilisk) DARK TEMPL The Afterlife. NaltDi (Scimitar) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Trigos Trilobi (Huginn) The Versa-Ex Corp The Afterlife. PetrOFF (Huginn) Raging Ducks The Afterlife. Shar Gath (Rapier) Rage and Terror Against ALL Authorities Skaylain(Omen Navy Issue) Surreal corp The Afterlife. Tamer (Gnosis) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. GeneralAleksandr (Svipul) Surreal corp The Afterlife. LangolierX (Svipul) The Flying Dead. The Afterlife. Andre Lok (Svipul) Raging Ducks The Afterlife. PetrOFF (Svipul) Raging Ducks The Afterlife. Tek Enetheru (Svipul) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Archuenon (Malediction) Gipsies The Afterlife. HeZuka (Malediction) Far East Inc The Afterlife. Skaylain (Crow) Surreal corp The Afterlife. KamatoZik (Crow) Raging Ducks The Afterlife. Ze Ka (Crusader) Gipsies The Afterlife. HeZuka (Stiletto) Far East Inc The Afterlife. Tamer (Stiletto) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. VOVA space13 (Stiletto) Gipsies The Afterlife. Tek Enetheru (Stiletto) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Aoi Hane (Garmur) Surreal corp The Afterlife. ws26 (Garmur) Far East Inc The Afterlife. VOVA space13 (Worm) Gipsies The Afterlife. Ze Ka (Worm) Gipsies The Afterlife. Andre Lok (Worm) Raging Ducks The Afterlife. Fluerz (Ares) Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Aoi Hane (Ares) Surreal corp The Afterlife. FWC (Ares) Gipsies The Afterlife. VOVA space13 (Capsule) Gipsies The Afterlife. Ze Ka (Capsule) Gipsies The Afterlife. Unionn Russian Thunder Squad The Afterlife. Anastasiya Okanata (Revelation) Elite pilots Project.Mayhem. BorisThe Blade (Archon) Elite pilots Project.Mayhem. Bestiy Sima (Archon) Imperial Academy Antyk Kelam (Naglfar) EvE Champions Project.Mayhem. okayman mamajoker (Naglfar) Elite pilots Project.Mayhem. Teh Tripple (Naglfar) Paradox Collective Project.Mayhem. Lynx Claw (Naglfar) EvE Champions Project.Mayhem. Aza Skin (Naglfar) EvE Champions Project.Mayhem. Tau AD (Naglfar) Elite pilots Project.Mayhem. Gerard Naskingar (Naglfar) What Could Go Wrong Snuffed
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
long declare function caca1_draw_box alias "caca_draw_box"(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as ulong) as long declare function caca1_draw_thin_box alias "caca_draw_thin_box"(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long) as long #else declare function caca_draw_line(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as ulong) as long declare function caca_draw_polyline(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval x as const long ptr, byval y as const long ptr, byval as long, byval as ulong) as long declare function caca_draw_thin_line(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long) as long declare function caca_draw_thin_polyline(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval x as const long ptr, byval y as const longlong #endif declare function caca_draw_cp437_box(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long) as long #ifdef __CACA0_H__ declare function caca1_fill_box alias "caca_fill_box"(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as ulong) as long declare function caca1_draw_triangle alias "caca_draw_triangle"(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as ulong) as long declare function caca1_draw_thin_triangle alias "caca_draw_thin_triangle"(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long) as long declare function caca1_fill_triangle alias "caca_fill_triangle"(byval as caca_canvas_t ptr, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval as long, byval
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
is an application of the van der Corput lemma. We let u n : = (T n ​f) ⋅ (T 2n g) and write ![ $$ \\displaystyle\\begin{array}{rcl} \\left \(\\left.u_{n}\\,\\right \\vert u_{n+m}\\right \)& =& \\int _{\\mathrm{X}}{\\bigl \(T^{n}\\!f\\bigr \)} \\cdot {\\bigl \( T^{2n}g\\bigr \)} \\cdot {\\bigl \( T^{n+m}\\overline{f}\\bigr \)} \\cdot {\\bigl \( T^{2n+2m}\\overline{g}\\bigr \)}\\, {}\\\\ & =& \\int _{\\mathrm{X}}T^{n}{\\bigl \[{\\bigl \(f \\cdot T^{m}\\overline{f}\\bigr \)} \\cdot T^{n}{\\bigl \(g \\cdot T^{2m}\\overline{g}\\bigr \)}\\bigr \]} {}\\\\ & =& \\int _{\\mathrm{X}}{\\bigl \(f \\cdot T^{m}\\overline{f}\\bigr \)} \\cdot T^{n}{\\bigl \(g \\cdot T^{2m}\\overline{g}\\bigr \)}. {}\\\\ \\end{array} $$ ](A312822_1_En_20_Chapter_Equ32.gif) Hence, for fixed ![ $$ m \\in \\mathbb{N} $$ ](A312822_1_En_20_Chapter_IEq237.gif) ![ $$ \\displaystyle\\begin{array}{rcl} \\frac{1} {N}\\sum _{n=1}^{N}& \\left \(\\left.u_{ n}\\,\\right \\vert u_{n+m}\\right \) =\\int _{\\mathrm{X}}{\\bigl \(f \\cdot T^{m}\\overline{f}\\bigr \)} \\frac{1} {N}\\sum _{n=1}^{N}T^{n}{\\bigl \(g \\cdot T^{2m}\\overline{g}\\bigr \)}\\, \\rightarrow \\,\\,\\int _{\\mathrm{ X}}f\\,T^{m}\\overline{f}\\, \\cdot \\int _{\\mathrm{ X}}gT^{2m}\\overline{g}\\,& {}\\\\ \\end{array} $$ ](A312822_1_En_20_Chapter_Equ33.gif) as ![ $$ NHence, , and therefore . By standard measure theory, see Lemma B.7 , is sup-norm dense in BM( K ), so by (2) we obtain E = BM( K ). □ As a consequence we recover Lemma 5.​5 . Corollary E.2 (Uniqueness). Let K be a compact topological space. If μ,ν are complex Baire measures on K such that then μ = ν. Proof. Define . By dominated convergence, E satisfies (1) and (2) in Theorem E.1 , hence E = BM( K ). □ To prove that the mapping d defined in ( E.1 ) is isometric, we need a refined approximation result. Lemma E.3. Let . Then is dense in for each . More precisely, for there
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
recall whether he was positioned beside or behind appellee's vehicle when he observed the expired stickers. He did recall that he was unable to get to the left of appellee's vehicle to see the stickers because appellee was traveling in the far left lane. Officer Thrash only remembered that he observed that the stickers were expired. After reviewing his offense report to refresh his recollection, Officer Thrash related that when he was directly behind appellee's vehicle, he believed he was able to see that the stickers were expired by looking through the rear window of appellee's vehicle, a 1987 Suzuki Samurai with a convertible top and plastic rear window. Officer Thrash testified that he stopped appellee due to observing the expired stickers and not because of the statements made by the unidentifiedwitness about erratic driving. Officer Thrash subsequently arrested appellee for DWI based on his observations and appellee's performance of field sobriety tests. During questioning by defense counsel, Officer Thrash was unable to relate objective, articulable facts as to how he was able to clearly observe the expired stickers from the rear of appellee's car. He offered only the conclusory statement that he had seen them. The trial judge stated that in order to make an independent determination whether Officer Thrash had adequate probable cause to stop appellee's vehicle, he needed to hear testimony containing objective facts, not just the officer's conclusory statements. After a brief recess, the trial court heard further arguments from the attorneys. The trial court determined there was inadequate probable cause for the stop. Both attorneys agreed with the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Nem Ormand (Ninazu) Liga Freier Terraner Northern Coalition. ANGAL 2000 (Devoter) FinFleet Northern Coalition. Araris Valerian (Devoter) FinFleet Northern Coalition. Jettison Shepherd (Legion) FinFleet Northern Coalition. Yamod (Legion) Macabre Votum Northern Coalition. RichThugster (Legion) BURN EDEN Northern Coalition. Juan Ignacio (Legion) Burning Napalm Northern Coalition. ortaga (Legion) Syndicate Enterprise Northern Coalition. Magnus Yassavi (Legion) Free-Space-Ranger Northern Coalition. Ranor (Legion) Tr0pa de elite. Northern Coalition. WillusKillus (Legion) Hooded Underworld Guys Northern Coalition. NickSuccorso (Legion) Burning Napalm Northern Coalition. Data Fox (Legion) Repercussus Northern Coalition. Zephla Muu (Legion) Macabre Votum Northern Coalition. Save You (Legion) Tr0pa de elite. Northern Coalition. K3nsai (Legion) Van Diemen's Demise Northern Coalition. Pacala (Legion) Evolution Northern Coalition. DerAchim (Legion) 20th Legion Northern Coalition. Poision Kevin (Legion) Burning Napalm Northern Coalition. Nephalite (Legion) 20th Legion Northern Coalition. Mira Anderson (Legion) Liga Freier Terraner Northern Coalition. Karn Bheskagor (Legion) Burning Napalm Northern Coalition. Tharkunn (Legion) Macabre Votum Northern Coalition. Tiberius StarGazer (Legion) Destructive Influence Northern Coalition. Nerogk Shorn (Legion) Burning Napalm Northern Coalition. Yiolo Lemorti (Legion) Shiva Northern Coalition. SeVenNight Deng (Legion) Tai-Chi Northern Coalition. Rover Vitesse (Phobos) FinFleet Northern Coalition. Warang (Phobos) Free-Space-Ranger Northern Coalition. Zequather (Loki) Militaris Industries Northern Coalition. Mining dude (Loki) FinFleet Northern Coalition. LeeXin Equ (Proteus) Macabre Votum Northern Coalition. Aidoann Argelian (Proteus) Militaris Industries Northern Coalition. Theazy CS (Proteus) Repercussus Northern Coalition. Deltire Neo (Proteus) Macabre Votum Northern Coalition. Quackers Duckington (Proteus) Tr0pa de elite. Northern Coalition. Piotr Poleand thus represent unpaid forced overtime work. Freklin worked at the Century City store near Los Angeles; Pelle worked at the Lennox Mall store in Atlanta and in the West 14th St. store in New York, among others. As the policy was company-wide, and as Apple employs about 30,000 workers in stores, the total potential liability could be in the ballpark of $45 million. The suit was filed a couple of days ago and Apple has yet to respond. The company did not return a message from GigaOm, where we first heard of the suit.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
42: .standard(proto: "repeated_double"), 43: .standard(proto: "repeated_bool"), 44: .standard(proto: "repeated_string"), 45: .standard(proto: "repeated_bytes"), 46: .unique(proto: "RepeatedGroup", json: "repeatedgroup"), 48: .standard(proto: "repeated_message"), 49: .standard(proto: "repeated_enum"), 51: .standard(proto: "oneof_int32"), 52: .standard(proto: "oneof_int64"), 53: .standard(proto: "oneof_uint32"), 54: .standard(proto: "oneof_uint64"), 55: .standard(proto: "oneof_sint32"), 56: .standard(proto: "oneof_sint64"), 57: .standard(proto: "oneof_fixed32"), 58: .standard(proto: "oneof_fixed64"), 59: .standard(proto: "oneof_sfixed32"), 60: .standard(proto: "oneof_sfixed64"), 61: .standard(proto: "oneof_float"), 62: .standard(proto: "oneof_double"), 63: .standard(proto: "oneof_bool"), 64: .standard(proto: "oneof_string"), 65: .standard(proto: "oneof_bytes"), 66: .unique(proto: "OneofGroup", json: "oneofgroup"), 68: .standard(proto: "oneof_message"), 69: .standard(proto: "oneof_enum"), 70: .standard(proto: "map_int32_int32"), 71: .standard(proto: "map_int64_int64"), 72: .standard(proto: "map_uint32_uint32"), 73: .standard(proto: "map_uint64_uint64"), 74: .standard(proto: "map_sint32_sint32"), 75: .standard(proto: "map_sint64_sint64"), 76: .standard(proto: "map_fixed32_fixed32"), 77: .standard(proto: "map_fixed64_fixed64"), 78: .standard(proto: "map_sfixed32_sfixed32"), 79: .standard(proto: "map_sfixed64_sfixed64"), 80: .standard(proto: "map_int32_float"), 81: .standard(proto: "map_int32_double"), 82: .standard(proto: "map_bool_bool"), 83: .standard(proto: "map_string_string"), 84: .standard(proto: "map_string_bytes"), 85: .standard(proto: "map_string_message"), 86: .standard(proto: "map_int32_bytes"),
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
S.Ct. at 2413; Brimage, 918 S.W.2d at 501. In this case, the police officers received a dispatch that an aggravated assault involving a gun was in progress.  When they arrived at the location, there was a crowd on the sidewalk.  People in the crowd were screaming and pointing at Appellant.  They repeatedly yelled to the officers that Appellant had a knife.  Officer Grass recalled that Appellant was standing confrontational, with his legs spread apart, moving back and forth and acting very agitated, upset, and angry.  After repeated commands, Appellant eventually dropped a knife that he had pulled out of a sheath on his waistband.  Appellant was forced to the ground and handcuffed.  Officer Grass patted Appellant down for weapons, but did not find a gun.  People in the crowd, however, told the officers that Appellant had a gun.  Officer Grass asked Appellantwhere the gun was, but he did not respond.  A child in the crowd told Officer Grass that he knew where Appellant lived.  Officer Grass followed the child into the apartment building to the second floor.  The child pointed to an open apartment.  According to Officer Grass, she was concerned that the emergency call was for an aggravated assault with a gun, but no gun had been found on Appellant.  Not knowing whether there was a suspect with a gun in the apartment and out of concern for the safety of her fellow officers and the crowd downstairs, Officer Grass entered the apartment and began checking the rooms for people.  When she entered the bedroom, Officer Grass observed a gun lying in a partially open suitcase that was halfway under the bed.  Officer Grass picked up the gun and went outside
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Officers' Bill of Rights, the jury was entitled to infer that the Chief's proffered explanation for his more harsh treatment of Molloy the state police's advice that she was refusing to cooperate with them and the ostensible advice that the granting of rights was unnecessary where, although suspended, she was still beingRights, yet he refused to grant Plaintiff her rights even after, with the assistance of an attorney and a union representative, she had requested a hearing. The Chief said that he had refused to grant Molloy a hearing because the City Solicitor had told him no hearing was required. Yet the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
up for a depôt camp.—Interesting plants Preparations and departure.—Mount Pluto.—Route amongst the three volcanic hills.—Interview with a female native.—Cross a range beyond.—The Nive and the Nivelle.—Burning of grass by the natives.—Water found, after a night of thirst.—Pastures green, and quiet waters at sunset.—Morning view from a rock.—A new river followed down-over extensive open downs.—Brigalow scrubs away from the river.—River much increased.—Security from natives—Thoughts in these solitudes.—The downs and the river.—An emu shot there.—A river joins from the east.—Structure of native’s huts.—Two separate channels unite.—The river well filled.—Packhorse unserviceable.—Rare pigeon—numerous.—A wild tribe—surprised at a lagoon.—Recross the river—and return homewards.—The savage compared—with the civilized.—Hills in the S. W.—Short cut along the left bank of the river.—Name it the Victoria.—Privations in exploring.—Return to the Nive and Nivelle.—Gallant charge by a snake.—Sources ofthe Salvator.—View from Mount Pluto.—Arrival at the camp of the pyramids.—Rare and new plants collected there Fossils and plants.—A new genus.—LINSCHOTENIA DISCOLOR.—Ascend Mount Faraday.—Valley of the Warregò.—Meet an old native.—Return to the camp over the gullies.—Encamp by the Maranòa.—The river found to be near our former track—with water in abundance.—Loss of a horse.—Cattle tracks.—Arrival at the camp of Mr. Kennedy.—Visits of the natives—during our absence.—Plants gathered at the depôt camp.—New plants.—Fossils at Mount Sowerby.—Ascent of Mount Kennedy.—The party leaves the depôt camp following the course of the Maranòa.—Discovery of a fine open country.—Numbered trees at camps.—The country on the Maranòa.—Singular habits of a fish.—Name of river obtained from good authority.—The Acacia varians.—Water scarce again.—Some at length discovered by a dog.—Country between the two routes.—Plants.—Arrive at the Balonne.—Return to St.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
relationship in 2007, however, after she moved to Corpus Christi.  She moved back to Denton in December 2007 and moved in with Pedro and Zaida, but she took steps to ensure Appellant could not contact her.  Despite her efforts, Appellant located Rocio, started calling her repeatedly, and threatened in early March 2008 to hurt anyone who was around her and involved in their break-up.  On March 30, 2008, Appellant drove to Pedro and Zaida=s trailer with an acquaintance.  With a gun in hand, Appellant walked toward the entrance, but Pedro blocked his entrance into the trailer.  Zaida joined Pedro at the trailer entrance, and they pleaded with Appellant to leave.  Appellant insisted he wanted to see Rocio and fired a shot into the air before shooting Pedro in the leg.  A struggle ensued between Appellant, Pedro, and Zaida.  Pedro sustained gunshot woundsto his leg, chest, and arm; Zaida suffered gunshot wounds to her face, neck, and arm.  After Appellant had fled the scene with his acquaintance, Pedro and Zaida were careflighted to Dallas. Appellant was initially indicted for two counts of aggravated assault but was subsequently indicted for the single offense of attempted capital murder.[2] Appellant was charged with attempting to murder both Pedro and Zaida in one criminal transaction.  He pleaded not guilty and was tried in December 2008. At trial, the State, seeking to convict Appellant for attempted capital murder, argued Appellant went to Pedro and Zaida=s trailer with the specific intent to kill them.  Appellant=s trial counsel countered that the March 30, 2008 struggle was an unfortunate incident that escalated out of control, that Appellant was guilty of committing aggravated assault against Pedro and Zaida, but that Appellant did not
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
machine. The guard's suspicion was aroused by a mysterious shape in the first bag; the guard asked Echeverry whether the bag was hers, and Echeverry replied in the affirmative. The guard opened the first carry-on bag and discovered large amounts of cash wrapped in four towels. The guard then summoned a -2- and was delivered to her in a brown paper bag by a stranger. On the other hand, Echeverry denies ever consenting to a search of her bags and says she was detained, isolated, interrogated, and that prior to her alleged detention she made no statement whatever about
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
end surface 104 of the mating projection 103. For this reason, there is a case where it becomes difficult to uniformly fuse all of the plurality of sets of mating projections 101 and 103. In order to simultaneously apply the ultrasonic wave to a plurality of sets of mating projections 101 and 103 to melt the projections105 and perform the ultrasonic welding, the time for applying the ultrasonic wave to the upper and lower halves 100 and 102 becomes long. Further, in the disc cartridge, to prevent the staining due to the adhesion of dust etc. from being conspicuous, fine pebbling formed in the main surface on the outside of the upper and lower halves of the cartridge body. Such fine pebbling is smoothed by the contact of the phoneunchecked [Types] Name: "full_english"; Description: "System language"; Languages: english; ;Name: "full_armenian"; Description: "System language"; Languages: armenian; Name: "full_brazilianportuguese"; Description: "System language"; Languages: brazilianportuguese; ;Name: "full_catalan"; Description: "System language"; Languages: catalan; ;Name: "full_corsican"; Description: "System language"; Languages: corsican; Name: "full_czech"; Description: "System language"; Languages: czech; ;Name: "full_danish"; Description: "System language"; Languages: danish; Name: "full_dutch"; Description: "System language"; Languages: dutch; Name: "full_finnish"; Description: "System language"; Languages: finnish; Name: "full_french"; Description: "System language"; Languages: french; Name: "full_german"; Description: "System language"; Languages: german; Name: "full_greek"; Description: "System language"; Languages: greek; Name: "full_hebrew"; Description: "System language"; Languages: hebrew; ;Name: "full_hungarian"; Description: "System language"; Languages: hungarian; Name: "full_italian"; Description: "System language"; Languages: italian; ;Name: "full_japanese"; Description: "System language"; Languages: japanese; ;Name: "full_nepali"; Description: "System language"; Languages: nepali; ;Name: "full_norwegian"; Description: "System language"; Languages: norwegian; Name: "full_polish"; Description: "System language"; Languages: polish; Name: "full_portuguese"; Description: "System language"; Languages: portuguese; Name: "full_russian"; Description: "System language"; Languages: russian; ;Name:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Github" ] }
mail to Jay Aldis at the Harris County Attorney=s Office on December 22, but it was sent to the wrong address and was not received by Mr. Aldis until December 27, 1999, a fact neither party disputes. The TWCC appeals panel determined the deadline for Harris County=s appeal was January 6, 2000.  Harris County mailed its notice of administrative appeal on January 10, and it was received by TWCC on January 12.  In a February 22, 2000 decision, the TWCC appeals panel concluded that the TWCC administrative hearing officer=s decision was final because the appeal filed by Harris County was untimely.  The appeals panel stated that the Ajurisdiction of the Appeals Panel was not properly invoked and the decision and order of the hearing officer have become final under Section 410.169.@  The TWCC appeals panel did not address the merits ofHarris County=s appeal contesting the impairment rating assigned to Hamilton. On March 31, 2000, Harris County filed a lawsuit in the district court of Harris County, seeking judicial review of the TWCC appeals panel=s decision.  TWCC intervened by filing a plea to the jurisdiction, asserting that the district court lacked jurisdiction because of the untimely administrative appeal filed by Harris County.  Harris County responded that the district court did have jurisdiction, and asked the district court to determine that its administrative appeal was timely and to remand the matter to the TWCC appeals panel for a review of the merits.  The district court granted Harris County=s second motion for summary judgment on January 17, 2003.  The court reversed and set aside the TWCC appeals panel decision, determining that Harris County=s administrative appeal was untimely, and remanded Harris County=s administrative appeal of the hearing
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
"cheap Long Distance" || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // AOL || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // animated ads shown at techbargains || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/linkshare/*")) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/lib/supermediastore/*")) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/assets/*")) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/media/*")) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/affiliate/*")) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && (shExpMatch(url, "*/pocketpcmagbest.gif") || shExpMatch(url, "*/link-msmobiles.gif"))) || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/ppc_top_sites.gif")) // more animated ads... these really drive me crazy || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && shExpMatch(url, "*/sponsors/*")) ////// // // popups/unders // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // Popups from ezboard || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host,"") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // more ezboard crud (from Miika Asunta) || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // User tracking (worse than ads) && hit counting "services" // // "web trends live" || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // 1x1 tracking images // ** (but also used in some pay-for-clicks that I want to follow, // ** so disabled for now. 9/2001) // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // one whole class C full of ad servers // XXX this might need the resolver // || isInNet(host, "", "") || shExpMatch(host, "66.40.16.*") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
noise.@  She indicated that she thought the victim was gagging on her own blood. Anthony Lopez, who was living with Flores=s mother at the time, testified that the victim was in and out of their house all the time.  He stated that he spent all of Super Bowl Sunday drinking, a super bowl tradition.  He said he went to bed about 9:30 p.m.  He indicated he was subsequently awakened by his daughter banging on his bedroom door.  He said Flores came to his bedroom carrying a shotgun and saying that he had shot the victim but that he had not meant to do it and was sorry.  Lopez recounted that he Atook off out of the house@ to go use his neighbor=s phone.  He recalled telling police he did not want to get trapped in the house.  He said that he heard anothershot go off while he was on the phone with the dispatcher. On cross-examination, Lopez acknowledged that he thought the victim was dead and did not try to pull her out of the room where she was.  He also acknowledged having told the grand jury that the victim and Flores appeared to be happy together.  He said the victim never talked to him about leaving Flores. Darrell Hobbs, a retired Seminole police officer, testified that on the night in question he was shot as he approached the back door of the residence when he responded to the call about shots fired at the residence.  He said Flores knew he was a police officer because about a month before he had taken a criminal complaint from Flores. Ronnie Pipkin, a lieutenant with the Seminole Police Department, testified that he went to the residence
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
the back while Appellant began stabbing Mr. Vega.  Mr. Vega rolled down the stairs and then ran away with Appellant chasing after him.  Mr. Vega looked back and saw Appellant being apprehended by police, but he kept on running.  He later returned to talk to police and was taken to the hospital. Officer Susan Grass and her partner, Officer Moises Avila, were dispatched to the apartment building in reference to a subject with a gun call, which en route was upgraded to an emergency call on a stabbing.  When the police officers arrived, there was a crowd gathered in front of the address.  The people in the crowd were screaming and pointing at Appellant who appeared very angry and was arguing with the people.  The crowd told the officers that Appellant had a knife.  Officer Avila asked Appellant three or four timeswhere the knife was before Appellant pulled the knife from a sheath on his waistband.  Appellant started waving it above his head.  Officer Avila commanded Appellant to drop the knife, and after a couple of requests, Appellant complied.  Officer Avila then forced Appellant to the ground with assistance from another officer who had arrived at the scene. Members of the crowd told Officer Grass that Appellant had a gun.  Officer Grass asked Appellant where the gun was, but he did not produce one.  A small child in the crowd led Officer Grass to Appellant=s apartment.  The apartment door was open.  Believing that somebody else in the apartment had the gun, Officer Grass entered the apartment and found a loaded gun in a small, open suitcase which was halfway underneath the bed in the bedroom.  She retrieved the gun and took it outside
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Barber in a blanket. Sarah Waters, a homicide detective with the Fort Worth Police Department, testified that at approximately 2:30 p.m. on September 30, 2003, she received a dispatch call to the Peppertree Apartments.  She stated that when she arrived thirty minutes later, she noticed that appellant was jittery and nervous.  Appellant approached Detective Waters and told her that he had been on crack for the previous twelve days and that he had found his friend Barber four days earlier.  Appellant said that he has a psychological disorder, that he hears voices, and that he hallucinates.  After talking with appellant, Detective Waters then went inside the apartment and saw Barber lying on the floor in the living room.  She stated that Barber appeared to have been dead for a while because the decomposition was advanced and there were maggots on Barber=sface and clothing.  She noted that a TV, stereo, and VCR appeared to be missing from the entertainment center in the living room.  Detective Waters testified that she thought someone else lived in the apartment, so the police secured the apartment and left until a search warrant could be obtained. Detective Waters stated that when she left Barber=s apartment, she went to the homicide office, wrote an arrest warrant for appellant for tampering with evidence, and interviewed appellant along with Detective Carroll.  She said that appellant seemed to be intelligent and not mentally ill or intoxicated.  Detective Waters stated that she took a written statement from appellant, which he signed at 8:30 p.m.  In the statement, appellant stated that he met Barber through his ex-girlfriend, Tricia Bryant.  Appellant said that he had Barber=s car the week of September 20.  Appellant stated
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
=> 'الفرنسية (النيجر)', 'fr_BE' => 'الفرنسية (بلجيكا)', 'fr_BJ' => 'الفرنسية (بنين)', 'fr_BF' => 'الفرنسية (بوركينا فاسو)', 'fr_BI' => 'الفرنسية (بوروندي)', 'fr_PF' => 'الفرنسية (بولينيزيا الفرنسية)', 'fr_TD' => 'الفرنسية (تشاد)', 'fr_TG' => 'الفرنسية (توجو)', 'fr_TN' => 'الفرنسية (تونس)', 'fr_KM' => 'الفرنسية (جزر القمر)', 'fr_WF' => 'الفرنسية (جزر والس وفوتونا)', 'fr_CF' => 'الفرنسية (جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى)', 'fr_GP' => 'الفرنسية (جوادلوب)', 'fr_DJ' => 'الفرنسية (جيبوتي)', 'fr_RW' => 'الفرنسية (رواندا)', 'fr_RE' => 'الفرنسية (روينيون)', 'fr_CI' => 'الفرنسية (ساحل العاج)', 'fr_BL' => 'الفرنسية (سان بارتليمي)', 'fr_PM' => 'الفرنسية (سانت بيير وميكولون)', 'fr_MF' => 'الفرنسية (سانت مارتن)', 'fr_SY' => 'الفرنسية (سوريا)', 'fr_CH' => 'الفرنسية (سويسرا)', 'fr_SC' => 'الفرنسية (سيشل)', 'fr_GF' =>over Sanders in the popular vote is 2.9 million. The difference isn't because the total excludes Washington. It's because it includes more recent contests from the past 14 days. AD That number will continue to change. There are only two big states left — New Jersey and California — both of which vote June 7. Clinton leads by a wide margin in New Jersey, where more than a million people turned out in 2008. She has a smaller lead in California, where about 5 million voted in the Democratic primary eight years ago. For Sanders to pass Clinton in the popular vote, he would need turnout like 2008 in California — and to win by 57 points. What's very much worth adding to this conversation is that in 2008, Clinton won
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
At a stated term of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, held at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, in the City of New York, on the 24th day of January, two thousand fourteen. PRESENT: RICHARD C. WESLEY, PETER W. HALL, DENNY CHIN Circuit Judges.  _____________________________________ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Appellee, DEBORAH R. SLATER (Robert M. Spector,  on the brief), Assistant United States                                                                     Attorneys, for Dierdre M. Daly, Acting                                                                              United States Attorney for the District of                                                                          Connecticut, New Haven, CT. Appeal from a judgement of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut (Bryant, J.).
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
mp3 players) View Links to Program References May 15 to 31, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References May 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References April 15 to 30, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References April 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References March 15 to 31, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References March 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References February 15 to 28, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References February 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipodmp3 players) View Links to Program References January 15 to 31, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References January 1 to 14, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References December 15 to 31, 2014. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References December 1 to 15, 2014. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References November 15 to 30, 2014. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References November 1 to 14, 2014. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References October 15 to 31, 2014. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References October 1 to 15, 2014. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
of the second house on the left after the second Checkpoint. 16. BP: Across from 12. 17. WP: Next to 13. 18. SC: By the right wall across from the second Checkpoint. 19. BF: Along the right wall by the archer targets, across from 14-15. _______________________________________________________________________________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Money [APX005] ŻŻŻŻŻ Ninja Mountain 1-8 In a barrel to the right of the first Tengu in Ninja Village, in Shun's yard. 9-13 In a barrel by Tora's House. 14-21 In a jar in front of the dojo. 22-29 In a barrel on the ride side of the dojo. 30-37 In a barrel my some boxes of apples in the fruit glade. 38-47 In a barrel on the pathway up to the Temple. 48-55 In a barrel by the houses near the first group of real enemies. (Just after you leave the mountain) Leaving Home 1-9 In a barrel in the middlebarrel next to three animal cages by the bridge leading to the samurai camp. 6-18 Destroy the tents in the enemy camp. 19-36 Found in barrels at the back of the enemy camp. 37-57 Destroy the barrels by the cages and behind the house to the right of the enemy camp. A Distress Signal 1-15 Follow the left path through the second cave and it will be at the end in two jars. 16-19 Break down the tent to the right of the Tengu. 20-22 In a barrel on the first island in the big lake. 23-28 In barrels on the third island. 29-38 In a jar in the enemy camp once you leave the islands. 39-44 Destroy the two tents in the enemy camp. Haunted Forest 1-8 From the Tengu go forward hugging the left rock face until you go up another raised
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 6 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 12 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 11 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 5 lettersfrom Musters to Jackson[Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 7 letters from Musters to Jackson[Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 6 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent;5 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
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Inquisitor Snugglerump inquried to the nature of her nervous gallop, "Alas, 'tis not the condemned harlot's young family that quickens my movements and makes one uneasy." the God-Empress of Equestria responded with the sincerity of Harold Camping delivering another doomsday prophecy. Upon reaching her inner sanctum, the party of advisors, acolytes and soliders left her side. "May you rest verily 'til our next requisition of heretics, dissidents and jaywalkers, my most wonderous liege, eternal queen of the sunny skies of the Thousand Year Kingdom of Equestria." Pope Equus XXX bade fairwell to the royal pegasus unicorn. Behind Celestia's ornate five poster bed was a small door leading to her private chapel, the only place in Equestria where she
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Thompson committee funding contingent on Lott's agreement to consider reform. But Daschle quickly dropped Durbin's amendment and others in his rush to agree to the new GOP proposal. The Democrats were eager to sign on because their three key demands were met: that funding be reduced from Thompson's original request of $6.5 million, that a deadline for completion be set, and that the panel's jurisdiction be expanded to include Congress and outside groups. For the moment, Democrats were savoring their victory. In a late afternoon meeting in Daschle's office, they chortled that a broad investigation of soft money might put a prime nemesis, Kentucky's McConnell, in a hot seat, not just Clinton. McConnell is an implacable foe of campaign finance reform and head of the GOP's Senate Campaign Committee. But in andnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // internetfuel and _some_ of the sites they redirect to // (more internetfuel - from Sam G) || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // banner servers // (typically these set cookies or serve animated ads) // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || (host == "") // (flash ads), but CSS get loaded || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && !shExpMatch(url, "*/css/*")) || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // "undergroundonline" // comes from iframe with this url: || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // web ads and
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Robinson National Stadium on Thursday searching for their second bowl win in the FBS era, Stockstill and the Blue Raiders faithful expect one thing. “We just have to prepare and play sound, fundamental, competitive, tough football," he said. Reach Aldo Amato at 615-278-5109 and on Twitter @Aldo_Amato. NEXT GAME What: Popeyes Bahamas Bowl Opponent: Western Michigan When: 11 a.m., Thursday Where: Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium (Nassau, Bahamas) Series: First meeting TV: ESPN Radio: ESPN Radio Notable: This is MTSU's fifth bowl appearance of the FBS era and marks the ninth bowl game in school history.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
a sexual-contact complaint against him.  Appellant told Williams that he picked up T.J. and then returned to the apartment to make a cup of coffee and let T.J. use the restroom.  Appellant told Williams that T.J. touched his Aprivate parts@ as they were leaving the apartment.  Williams testified that seven days before the alleged assault, she noticed that the pillows and other items on the bed in her guest bedroom had been moved.  She asked Appellant about it, and he said that he had cleaned up the room for her, which struck Williams as odd because Appellant had never cleaned up for her before.  On the day of the alleged assault, Williams again noticed that one of the pillows was askew on the bed.  A few days later, Appellant laundered the bedclothes from the guest bedroom, which struck Williams asphotograph of the guest room in Appellant=s apartment.  She also identified the bedspread that was on the bed at the timeCthe same bedspread Williams said Appellant later washed. Appellant testified in his own defense.  He said that he often picked up T.J. early because Asometimes we have so many people booked up.@  He testified that the GPS tracking device was often inaccurate.  Appellant said that after he picked up T.J. on the morning of the alleged assault, he drove past the day care center because T.J. said she wanted to ride with him to pick up the next passenger, whom Appellant was supposed to pick up at 10:00.  Appellant testified that he stopped at his apartment to get coffee even thought he knew it was against MITS policy to do so.  He said that he left T.J. in his car while
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
vehicle, and he took pictures of the victim's injuries.  Investigator Rodriguez further testified that after completing the interview, he contacted Sergeant Rudy Delgado.  Investigators Rodriguez and Lawrence Cole went to the Dixon residence to locate appellant.  They found no one home but did find  blood outside on the cement steps.  Investigator Cole testified that he observed a blood trail from the front door to the carport.  Investigator Rodriguez related that they went to the unit where they called an all points bulletin (APB) and advised the District Six area of the person they were looking for and his vehicle. Sergeant Delgado, who was in charge of the investigation and had sent officers to the hospital to investigate the aggravated assault, testified that he issued an APB after receiving information about appellant from his officers.  He further testified that, upon notice that appellant hadrelatives in Corpus Christi, he asked the dispatcher to contact the Border Patrol checkpoint in Sarita, Texas, to advise them of the possibility of appellant traveling north.  Shortly thereafter appellant was detained and arrested by Border Patrol agents at the Sarita checkpoint. Considering the evidence, the reasonably trustworthy information elicited from the victim was sufficient to warrant Investigator Rodriguez to believe that appellant had committed an aggravated assault, that appellant=s wife was the victim, and that appellant was about to escape.  The sheriff's department had knowledge of appellant's name, his relationship to the victim, the victim's statement and a description of her injuries.  The APB was issued based on information provided by the officers, and Sergeant Delgado had the dispatcher contact the Border Patrol checkpoint to advise them that appellant might be traveling north.  After being contacted, the Border Patrol agent detained and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Marquis Holy has been slain in the forest by Malevolent Death."Maybe next time you won't be so cocky!" laughs Malevolent Death. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spartan has been gone for a while, and those who have looked for him do not come back. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spartan has defeated his master, Fie to advance to level 3 after 1 day!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Marquis Holy has defeated his master, Dwiredan to advance to level 10 after 6 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spartan has defeated his master, Mireraband to advance to level 2 after 1 day!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Farmboy FessingtonTrott has defeated his master, Gadriel the Elven Ranger to advance to level 13 after 40 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sonic Enchanter KrsnaAvatara has been resurrected by Ramius. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Farmboy FessingtonTrott was hunted down by their master, Gadriel the Elven Ranger, for being truant. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sonic Enchanter KrsnaAvatara has been slain in the forest by War Golem.War Golemdeclares, "Sonic Enchanter KrsnaAvatara has been weighed, they have been measured, and they have been found wanting." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spartan has earned the title Steward for having slain the Green Dragon16 times! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spartan has slain the hideous creature known as The Green Dragon. All across the land, people rejoice! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Marquis Holy has defeated his master, Ceiloth to advance to level 9 after 6 days!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Warlock Grimaldo has been slain in the forest by Studious Young Sorceress."ARRRGGGGGGG!!" Warlock Grimaldo screams in frustration. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sonic Enchanter KrsnaAvatara has been resurrected by Ramius. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sonic Enchanter KrsnaAvatara has been slain when he encountered The Green Dragon!!! His bones now litter the cave entrance, just like the bones of those who came before."I am a leaf on the wind," said Sonic Enchanter KrsnaAvatara, "Watch how I soar." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Warlock Grimaldo has been resurrected by
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
your job when children arrive is a significant economic risk. Going on a date can end in sexual assault. Leaving a marriage is financially, socially and emotionally risky. In the United States, being pregnant is about 20 times more likely to result in death than is a sky dive.” Our habit of defining risk in traditionally male terms has rigged the game against the perception of women as risk-takers in their own right. Well, then, what about the even more entrenched idea that evolution has primed men to desire many and varied sex partners? Here Fine quotes the Bradley University psychologist David Schmitt: “Consider that one man can produce as many as 100 offspring by indiscriminately mating with 100 women in a given year, whereas a man who isa day is nothing. But what about a week? A decade? A thousand years?" Gasps, murmurs, and shocked whispers at her daring. She strips, she strides towards the Chamber and sets it to 1,000 years. It is small. It is uncomfortable. What flavor will her vintage bear? An assistant rushes onto the stage, sealing the Chamber with the Anartist inside. It has begun. She twists. She withers She gnarls. but she does not die. She lives. She looks like death She is a husk frail and brittle a faint, pale shadow surviving but not living. in the clutches of life.
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46,557,284 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}", "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced ?x0 .\nM1|ns:film.production_company.films ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0\n}", "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced ?x0 .\nM1|ns:film.production_company.films ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced ?x0 .\nM2|ns:film.production_company.films ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}", "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.producer .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0.\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}", "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.writer .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}", "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:people.person .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}" ] }, {
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sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And thethe next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next,
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54,196,525 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}" }, { "frequency": 33.0, "value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced ?x0 .\nM1|ns:film.production_company.films ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced ?x0 .\nM2|ns:film.production_company.films ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}" }, { "frequency": 32.0, "value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.writer .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0 .\nM3| ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0\n}" },
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{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 8 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 9 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent;11 letters & 1postcard from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's othercorrespondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Autographed & Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 12 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 9 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been Shaw's second secretary.] 115 Musters, Judy : Typed Letters Signed : to Ann Carr Jackson16 Grimston Gardens, Folkestone, Kent; 10 letters from Musters to Jackson [Judy Musters was Shaw's first cousin. Mrs. Jackson's other correspondence is under her maiden name: Carr. She has been
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "DMNEdge", dmndiPrefix), "DMNEdge"); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "DMNDecisionServiceDividerLine", dmndiPrefix), "DMNDecisionServiceDividerLine"); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "DMNLabel", dmndiPrefix), "DMNLabel"); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, DMNLabelConverter.TEXT, dmndiPrefix), DMNLabelConverter.TEXT); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "Size", dmndiPrefix), "Size"); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "FillColor", dmndiPrefix), "FillColor"); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "StrokeColor", dmndiPrefix), "StrokeColor"); staxWriter.getQNameMap().registerMapping(new QName(KieDMNModelInstrumentedBase.URI_DMNDI, "FontColor", dmndiPrefix), "FontColor"); the war against ISIS and in its dreams for independence. Earlier that day we had been in a sandbagged position looking through binoculars at a Christian village in the Nineveh plains occupied by the extremists. Now we understood what the Kurds were fighting for — not only for the Kurdish people, but also for all these refugees and minority communities, including Sunni and Shia Arabs, who have fled the onslaught. In Erbil we met Zach Huff, a 22-year-old Idaho native. Like others, he was so taken with the Kurdish struggle that after he moved to Israel to volunteer for the Israel Defense Forces, he decided to go to Kurdistan and join the peshmerga. Now he works on political and refugee initiatives in Erbil. “The latest news is that ISIS
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
right? Funny, I seem to remember a guy named "Mohammad Amin al-Husayni", you know the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, urging Muslims to kill Jews before the "1950's". I also remember some guy named "Hassan al-Banna" founding the Muslim Brotherhood, with the explicit purpose of resurrecting the Great Caliphate (and subsequently purging all other cultures and religion from this area) in 1928. al-Hsayni was a palastenian nationalist. I doubt he would of had many problems with Jews if it wasnt for the state of Israel and their shennaningans. And as for Hassan: "Hasan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna (Arabic: حسن أحمد عبد الرحمن محمد البنا‎,Known as Hasan al-Banna (Arabic: حسن البنا‎ was born on October 14, 1906 – February 12, 1949) was a schoolteacher and imam, best known for founding theand their shennaningans. And as for Hassan: "Hasan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna (Arabic: حسن أحمد عبد الرحمن محمد البنا‎,Known as Hasan al-Banna (Arabic: حسن البنا‎ was born on October 14, 1906 – February 12, 1949) was a schoolteacher and imam, best known for founding the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential 20th century Muslim revivalistterrorist organizations. al-Hsayni was a palastenian nationalist. I doubt he would of had many problems with Jews if it wasnt for the state of Israel and their shennaningans. And as for Hassan: "Hasan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna (Arabic: حسن أحمد عبد الرحمن محمد البنا‎,Known as Hasan al-Banna (Arabic: حسن البنا‎ was born on October 14, 1906 – February 12, 1949) was a schoolteacher and imam, best known for founding the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
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(for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Feb 1 to 15, 2011. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Jan 15 to 31, 2011. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Jan 1 to 15, 2011. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Dec 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Dec 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Nov 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Nov 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Oct 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhancedpodcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Oct 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Sep 15 to 30, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Sep 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References Aug 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years Aug 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years July 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years. July 1 to 15,
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"value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.director .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0 .\nM3| ?x0 .\nM3 ?x0\n}" }, { "frequency": 39.0, "value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.writer .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}" }, { "frequency": 38.0, "value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.director .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
604, alin. 2 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 200, alin. 3 şi 201, alin. 1– sus, din Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 604, alin. 3 şi 605, alin. 1 – jos Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 200, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 605, alin. 1. Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 201, alin. 2 şi 202, alin. 1– sus, din Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 605, alin. 2 şi 606, alin. 1 – jos Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 202, alin. 2 şi 203, alin. 1– sus, din Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 606, alin. 2 şi 607, alin 1 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 203, alin. 2 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 607, alin. 2 . Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 203, alin. 3 şi 204, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 607, alin. 3 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 204, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 608, alin. 1 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag.204, alin. 2 şi 205, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 608, alin. 2 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 205, alin 2 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 608, alin. 3 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 205, alin. 2 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 609, alin. 1 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 205, alin. 3 şi 206, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 609, alin. 2 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 206, alin. 3 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 609, alin. 3 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 206, alin. 3 şi 207, alin. 1 – sus, din Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 609, alin. 3 şi 610, alin. 1 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 206, alin. 3 şi 207, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 610, alin. 3 Istoria Transilvaniei, pag. 207, alin. 2 şi 208, alin. 1 – Schimbare şi devenire, pag. 611, alin. 2 Istoria Transilvaniei,
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n.5, 100 S.Ct. at 1690.  At the pretrial suppression hearing, Officer Avila testified that he read Appellant his Miranda rights in Spanish while at the scene.  Appellant was then transported to the police station for processing.  While Appellant was waiting in the holding cell, Officer Avila explained to Appellant that he had presented the case to the District Attorney, it had been accepted, a bond would be set, and Appellant would be transferred to the County jail.  In Spanish, Appellant told Officer Avila that he had stabbed someone, but he did not point the gun at anyone.  Officer Avila stated that he was not questioning Appellant at that point, but merely making Appellant aware of the process he was taking in reference to Appellant=s case.  The trial court delayed its ruling until the trial on the merits at which timedenied being arrested on March 16, 1994 in Riverside for assault, denied being convicted for public lewdness in Riverside on August 4, 1993, and denied being arrested for possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia in Kansas on December 11, 1995.  Appellant admitted that he pled guilty to an assault charge in Kansas in 2000.  Appellant admitted that he had been deported on October 1984 from California, but denied that he was deported to Mexico again in September 2000 from Kansas City County, Missouri. After reviewing the record, we find that Appellant gave misleading responses to his counsel=s inquiry into his problems with the law in that he implied that his criminal history consisted only of minor traffic offenses and a justifiable assault on an animal control officer.   The trial court could have reasonably concluded that Appellant left a false impression
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Links to Program References December 1 to 15, 2015. Don't treat fevers in ICU. Don't get bit by a mosquito in Arizona. Don't inhale vaproized rodents in Wyoming. And lots more. November 15 to 30, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References November 15 to 30, 2015. Why caution is advised when having squirrel or armadillo sushi. Zika: a potential pandemic not causing acne. Platelet counts predicting osteomyelitis. Infected fibrin sheaths. Abdominal cocoon syndrome. Hepatitis from a fruit fly endosymbiont. And lots more. November 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References October 15 to 31, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References October 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipodmp3 players) View Links to Program References September 15 to 30, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References September 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References August 15 to 31, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References August 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References July 15 to 31, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References July 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References June 15 to 30, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References June 1 to 15, 2015. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download (for non ipod
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considerable importance for the history of the Gupta Empire, because it is the last known record of the later Gupta king Budhagupta. Moreover, it provides a secure date for Harivarman, the first recorded king of the Maukhari dynasty according to the Asīrgarh seal. siddham [||] samvatsara-ṣa(śa)te=ṣṭsa=ṣaṣṭyuta (yutta)re mahāmāgha-samvatsara(re) Śrāvaṇa ... myāṃ paramadeva-Budhagupte rājani asyāṃ divasa-pūrvāyāṃ śrī-mahārāja-Sāṭana Sāla (or rya) na kul-odbhūtena śrī-mahārāja [Gī]tavarman-pautreṇa śrīmahārāja-Vijayavarmma-sute[na] mahādevyā[ṃ] Śarv asvāminyām utpanneana śri mahārāja Harivarmmaṇā asya brāhmaṇa-Kautsa- sagotra-gosvāmina [e]tac=Citrapalya tāmu(mra)paṭṭen=āgrahāro-tisṛṣṭaḥ akaraḥ acaṭa-bhaṭṭa-pra- veśyaḥ [|*] candra-tār-ārkka-samakālīyaḥ uktañca bhagavatā vyāsena [|*] svadattām= paradattāṃ=vā yo hareta vasundharā(rāṃ) [|*] s(ś)va vis(ṣ)ṭhāyā(yāṃ) kṛmir=bhūtvā pitṛbhis=saha majyate [||*] bahubhirv=vasudhā bhuktā rājabhiḥ=sagar-ādibhi (bhiḥ) [|*] yasya yasya yadā bhūmis=tasya tasya tadā phalaṃ [||*] kumārāmatya-bhagavad-rudrachadi-bhogika-mahāpratīhāra-lavaṇaḥ bapidra-bhogika (ke) [na] dūtaka(ke)na likhitaṃ Śrī Yaṣṭarājena Nāga(sa)śarma-su[tena] [||*] See also Related topics Ancient inscriptions Of Raju Rulers Ancient iron production Ashokan Edicts in Delhi Ashoka'sWhat would the diagnosis be for this client? What would the diagnosis be for this client? Roger comes to your office because he has recently been laid off from his job as a store manager. He is concerned because he has started to drink heavily as a result of this and finds himself feeling incredibly sad and depressed. His wife is supportive, but he is afraid she will get tired of dealing with his moods and leave. Although she says she won't, he is becoming preoccupied with the idea of her leaving him. He tells you that his father abused alcohol and that his mother ended up leaving when she couldn't take it any more. His father always drank, according to Roger, would get really down, and, on at least
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9 0x000000010830e618 -[NSObject(DVTObservingConvenience) _dvt_newObserverForKeyPath:options:owner:withHandlerBlock:] (in DVTFoundation) 10 0x000000010828e5d3 -[NSObject(DVTObservingConvenience) dvt_newObserverForKeyPath:options:withHandlerBlock:] (in DVTFoundation) 11 0x000000010e9d1815 -[Xcode3Project initWithFilePath:extension:workspace:error:] (in DevToolsCore) 12 0x0000000108d899ef __73+[IDEContainer retainedContainerAtFilePath:fileDataType:workspace:error:]_block_invoke_2 (in IDEFoundation) 13 0x00007fff91d9d2ad _dispatch_client_callout (in libdispatch.dylib) 14 0x00007fff91d9e166 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke (in libdispatch.dylib) 15 0x000000010833a0ec DVTSyncPerformBlock (in DVTFoundation) 16 0x000000010825dfe3 -[DVTDispatchLock performLockedBlock:] (in DVTFoundation) 17 0x0000000108d893f5 __73+[IDEContainer retainedContainerAtFilePath:fileDataType:workspace:error:]_block_invoke (in IDEFoundation) 18 0x000000010830f2ed -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation) 19 0x0000000108cc9579 +[IDEContainer retainedContainerAtFilePath:fileDataType:workspace:error:] (in IDEFoundation) 20 0x0000000108d9eb40 -[IDEFileReference _recalculateReferencedContainer] (in IDEFoundation) 21 0x0000000108cdcf48 -[IDEFileReference referencedContainer] (in IDEFoundation) 22 0x0000000108ce4200 -[IDEContainerQuery _traverseContainerGraphObject:forDeletion:checkedContainers:insertedMatches:deletedMatches:] (in IDEFoundation) 23 0x0000000108ce617b -[IDEContainerQuery _traverseContainerGraphObjects:forDeletion:insertedMatches:deletedMatches:] (in IDEFoundation) 24 0x0000000108ce5ec4 -[IDEContainerQuery _objectsDidChange:] (in IDEFoundation) 25 0x00007fff8d6eefcc __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ (in CoreFoundation) 26 0x00007fff8d5e2c5d _CFXNotificationPost (in CoreFoundation) 27 0x00007fff8a3c14aa -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] (in Foundation) stoppage of a few minutes, during which those who had not dined hastened to purchase some provisions. Moreover, the ailing ones were constantly drinking milk, and asking for biscuits, like little children. And, as soon as they were off again, Sister Hyacinthe clapped her hands, and exclaimed: "Come, let us make haste; the evening prayer." Thereupon, during a quarter of an hour came a confused murmuring, made up of "Paters" and "Aves," self-examinations, acts of contrition, and vows of trustful reliance in God, the Blessed Virgin, and the Saints, with thanksgiving for protection and preservation that day, and, at last, a prayer for the living and for the faithful departed. "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen." It was ten minutes past eight o'clock, the shades of night were already bedimming the landscape--a vast plain
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Caption 11 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Graffiti Bridge" (1990) Hide Caption 12 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Diamonds and Pearls" (1991) Hide Caption 13 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Love Symbol Album" (1992) Hide Caption 14 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Come" (1994) Hide Caption 15 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "The Black Album" (1994) Hide Caption 16 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "The Gold Experience" (1995) Hide Caption 17 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Girl 6" (1996) Hide Caption 18 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Chaos and Disorder" (1996) Hide Caption 19 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Emancipation" (1996) Hide Caption 20 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Crystal Ball" (1998) Hide Caption 21 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Newpower Soul" (1998) Hide Caption 22 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale" (1999) Hide Caption 23 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic" (1999) Hide Caption 24 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "The Rainbow Children" (2001) Hide Caption 25 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "One Nite Alone" (2002) Hide Caption 26 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Xpectation" (2003) Hide Caption 27 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "N.E.W.S"(2003) Hide Caption 28 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "The Chocolate Invasion" (2004) Hide Caption 29 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "The Slaughterhouse" (2004) Hide Caption 30 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Musicology" (2004) Hide Caption 31 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "3121" (2006) Hide Caption 32 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Planet Earth" (2007) Hide Caption 33 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Lotusflow3r" (2009) Hide Caption 34 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "MPLSound" (2009) Hide Caption 35 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "20Ten" (2010) Hide Caption 36 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Art Official Age" (2014) Hide Caption 37 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Plectrumelectrum" (2014) Hide Caption 38 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Hit n Run Phase One" (2015) Hide Caption 39 of 40 Photos:Prince: The albums "Hit n Run Phase Two" (2015) Hide Caption 40 of 40 (CNN)Superstar Prince was a man of mystery, and there's a treasure trove of hidden facts, stories and memories still being uncovered about the pop icon. Here are the top 10 things you probably didn't know about "The Purple One." He killed
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
'en_UM' => 'anglų (Jungtinių Valstijų Mažosios Tolimosios Salos)', 'en_VI' => 'anglų (Jungtinių Valstijų Mergelių Salos)', 'en_KY' => 'anglų (Kaimanų Salos)', 'en_CX' => 'anglų (Kalėdų Sala)', 'en_CM' => 'anglų (Kamerūnas)', 'en_CA' => 'anglų (Kanada)', 'en_KE' => 'anglų (Kenija)', 'en_KI' => 'anglų (Kiribatis)', 'en_CC' => 'anglų (Kokosų (Kilingo) Salos)', 'en_CK' => 'anglų (Kuko Salos)', 'en_LS' => 'anglų (Lesotas)', 'en_LR' => 'anglų (Liberija)', 'en_MG' => 'anglų (Madagaskaras)', 'en_MY' => 'anglų (Malaizija)', 'en_MW' => 'anglų (Malavis)', 'en_MT' => 'anglų (Malta)', 'en_MP' => 'anglų (Marianos Šiaurinės Salos)', 'en_MH' => 'anglų (Maršalo Salos)', 'en_MU' => 'anglų (Mauricijus)', 'en_IM' => 'anglų (Meno Sala)', 'en_FM' => 'anglų (Mikronezija)', 'en_MS' => 'anglų (Montseratas)', 'en_NA' =>'es_PH' => 'ispanų (Filipinai)', 'es_GT' => 'ispanų (Gvatemala)', 'es_HN' => 'ispanų (Hondūras)', 'es_ES' => 'ispanų (Ispanija)', 'es_US' => 'ispanų (Jungtinės Valstijos)', 'es_IC' => 'ispanų (Kanarų salos)', 'es_CO' => 'ispanų (Kolumbija)', 'es_CR' => 'ispanų (Kosta Rika)', 'es_CU' => 'ispanų (Kuba)', 'es_MX' => 'ispanų (Meksika)', 'es_NI' => 'ispanų (Nikaragva)', 'es_PA' => 'ispanų (Panama)', 'es_PY' => 'ispanų (Paragvajus)', 'es_PE' => 'ispanų (Peru)', 'es_PR' => 'ispanų (Puerto Rikas)', 'es_GQ' => 'ispanų (Pusiaujo Gvinėja)', 'es_SV' => 'ispanų (Salvadoras)', 'es_EA' => 'ispanų (Seuta ir Melila)', 'es_UY' => 'ispanų (Urugvajus)', 'es_VE' => 'ispanų (Venesuela)', 'it' => 'italų', 'it_IT' => 'italų (Italija)', 'it_SM' => 'italų (San Marinas)', 'it_CH' => 'italų (Šveicarija)', 'ja'
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D8*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D9_ES2 ), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D9*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D10_ES2), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D10*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D11_ES2), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D11*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D12_ES2), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D12*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D13_ES2), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D13*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D14_ES2), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D14*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(ETK_D15_ES2), (IEN | PTD | DIS | M0)) /*ETK_D15*/\ /*Die to Die */\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD1), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad1*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD2), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad2*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD3), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad3*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD4), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad4*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD5), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad5*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD6), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad6*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD7), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad7*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD8), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad8*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD9), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad9*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD10), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad10*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD11), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad11*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD12), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad12*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD13), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad13*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD14), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad14*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD15), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad15*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD16), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad16*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD17), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad17*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD18), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad18*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD19), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad19*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD20), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad20*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD21), (IEN | PTD | EN | M0)) /*d2d_mcad21*/\ MUX_VAL(CP(D2D_MCAD22), (IEN |
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
the search; handcuffed, appellant accompanied the officers in their search.  Appellant told the officers how to open the garage door.  Savell smelled a strong odor of marihuana within a few feet of the garage door, and when the door was opened, he saw some blankets covering some objects in the back of the garage.  The objects were sixty-five bundles of marihuana, weight scales, cellophane wrapping paper, duck tape, axle grease, saws, and cutting saws, items used for packaging and repackaging bundles of marihuana.  During the search, appellant sat in the front of the garage and watched.  Marihuana also was found inside the house. Sergeant Pierce next testified at the motion-to-suppress hearing as to his recollection of the events of January 22, 2002.  Pierce accompanied Savell and Barber to appellant=s residence at 812 English, and he went to the front door with Savell. accompanied the officers when they searched the garage.  Appellant told Pierce the marihuana was in the back of the garage.  Some marihuana also was found in a bedroom, and a small amount of cocaine was recovered. Sergeant Barber also testified at the motion-to-suppress hearing.  Barber testified that when he, Pierce, and Savell arrived at appellant=s residence, he walked around to the side of the house to make sure it was safe in the back and to prevent anyone from escaping through the  back door.  Pierce and Savell knocked on the front door.  Barber testified he did not go through the backyard fence.  He saw appellant exit the back of the residence, and, when appellant was asked by the officers to come over and talk, he was cooperative.  Pierce and Savell spoke with appellant while Barber maintained security around the residence.  Barber was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi notsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and
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(in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit) 38 -[NSDocument writeToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:originalContentsURL:error:] (in AppKit) 39 -[IBDocument writeToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:originalContentsURL:error:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit) 40 -[NSDocument _writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:forceTemporaryDirectory:error:] (in AppKit) 41 -[NSDocument _writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error:] (in AppKit) 42 -[NSDocument writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error:] (in AppKit) 43 -[IDEEditorDocument writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error:] (in IDEKit) 44 __66-[NSDocument saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_22463 (in AppKit) 45 __66-[NSDocument saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler:]_block_invoke2460 (in AppKit) 46 __66-[NSDocument saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_22313 (in AppKit) 47 __50-[IDEEditorDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:]_block_invoke.74 (in IDEKit) 48 -[NSDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:] (in AppKit) 49 -[IDEEditorDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:] (in IDEKit) 50 __101-[NSDocument _fileCoordinator:asynchronouslyCoordinateReadingContentsAndWritingItemAtURL:byAccessor:]_block_invoke_2 (in AppKit) 51 __68-[IDEEditorDocument continueAsynchronousWorkOnMainThreadUsingBlock:]_block_invoke (in IDEKit) 52 __62-[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _onMainThreadInvokeWorker:]_block_invoke2079 (in AppKit) 53 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ (in CoreFoundation) 54 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks (in CoreFoundation) 55 __CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation) 56 spiritual vision. The energies and their respective senses include: light as sight, sound as hearing, molecular vapors as smell, dissolved molecules as taste, and bulk mass as touch. The nervous system processes these signals and presents them to the higher nerve centers of the brain, which are then perceived by soul, and ultimately displayed and perceived by the human consciousness. o The Soul: The layer of subtle physicality which forms as a result of the configuration of the physical substance comprising the body. The soul transforms the signals of the nervous system and forms a soul-level analogue of the molecular configuration of the body. The soul passes the information perceived by the body onto the spirit for cognition of awareness. o The Spirit: This layer was created by God as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next,I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou tsugi no tsugi no tsugi mo choushou shiyou And the next, and the next, I'll still sneer. And the next, and the next, I'll still
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years June 15 to 30, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years June 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years May 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years May 01 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years April 15 to 31, 2010 Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years April 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast(enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years March 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years March 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years February 15 to 28, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References No CME after two years February 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References CME. No CME after two years January 15 to 31, 2010. Download podcast (enhanced podcast) Download podcast (for non ipod mp3 players) View Links to Program References CME. No CME after two years January 1 to 15, 2010. Download podcast
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Fuer, dragged her from the booth, bruising her legs in the process. Insisting that she was "not resisting arrest," Alexis asked the officers to allow her to walk out. Instead, they hoisted her by her elbows and carried her from the restaurant to the police car, where Leporati pushed her into the car with the instruction, excessive force, without a warrant and without probable cause. She also claims that Domina deprived her of procedural due process by summoning Leporati into the restaurant and directing her removal under color of state law. Finally, she alleges that Leporati determined to arrest her, and effected her arrest, in a discriminatory manner, based on her race and in violation of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
the Yukon and went and talked to Rafael's wife, who was waiting in their car while her husband underwent the sobriety tests. While Appellant was thirty feet away, Trooper Burkett told him to leave. Appellant, according to Trooper Burkett, said he was not going to leave. Trooper Burkett then approached Appellant, and noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage about him. He ordered Appellant to stay to be sobriety tested because he believed Appellant was the driver of the red Yukon. The patrol car video shows Appellant walking back and forth and going to the front passenger window to talk to another occupant of the Yukon. The video also shows the passenger door being opened from the inside and a foot briefly coming out of the passenger door whileAppellant remained outside some distance away. Appellant's brother passed all the standardized field sobriety tests and was given a warning ticket for a minor traffic violation. He could not leave, however, because Appellant's vehicle blocked his exit from the parking lot. Appellant was not so fortunate. He failed the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the nine step walk and turn test, and the one leg stand test. Trooper Burkett also offered Appellant the opportunity to take a preliminary breath test. At this point, Rafael yelled from the other car that he had his lawyer on the telephone and the lawyer advised that he not take breath test. Trooper Burkett arrested Appellant, placed him in the patrol car, and went to speak to Appellant's wife, the other occupant of the red Yukon. She was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
during this journey have been deposited in the British Museum, and their original locality is shown on the maps by the numbers marked upon the specimens, so that they may be available to geologists; hence, in the progress of geological science, the fossils now brought from these remote regions will be accessible at any future time, and something known of the geology as well as of the geography of the interior. As Professor Forbes most readily undertook to describe the freshwater shells after the work had passed through the press, that portion of the collection also has thus been brought under the notice of geologists. CONTENTS Objects of the expedition.—Unexpected delay—by reference to Lord Stanley.—List of the Party.—Departure from Buree.—Sheep stations.—Scattered population.—Passage through Hervey’s Range.—Encroachment of sheep on cattle runs.—AAborigines.—Water insufficient for cattle.—Want of water.—Small ponds destroyed by cattle.—At last find abundance.—Aboriginal preferable to modern names.—Cattle again astray—and delay the journey.—Junction of the Macquarie and Bàrwan.—The Darling as at present, and formerly.—Admirable distribution of water. The ford at Wyàbry.—The party crosses the Darling Plains and low hills.—The Caràwy ponds.—Delayed by weak cattle.—The Narran.—Arrived at—encamp by:—Narran swamp.—A bridge required.—During the delay of drays take a ride forward.—Rich pastures on the Narran.—New plants.—Arrival of drays.—Bridge laid down for their passage.—The party fords the Narran.—Advances but slowly.—Low hills examined.—Good grassy country.—Food of the natives.—Rising ground west of the river.—Ride up.—Abodes and food of natives.—Rich grass.—Parley with a native.—Gravelly ridges.—Two natives conduct us to the river.—Approach the assembled natives.—Interview with the tribes.—Cordial reception.—Cross the Balonne.—Reach the Culgòa.—Cross that river.—Route beyond.—The Upper Balonne.—Explore
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
}, { "frequency": 46.0, "value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.director .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}" }, WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.producer .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2| ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0\n}" }, { "frequency": 36.0, "value": "SELECT count(*) WHERE {\n?x0 a ns:film.writer .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM1| ?x0 .\nM1 ?x0 .\nM2 ?x0 .\nM2
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[[Cruciatus Curse]] during the [[First Wizarding War]] and was unable to avoid [[Azkaban]] following [[Tom Riddle|Lord Voldemort]]'s downfall. Fought in the [[Second Wizarding War]]. Participated in the illegal break-in and [[Battle of the Department of Mysteries|battle]] at the [[Department of Mysteries]], killing [[Sirius Black]], and was the only Death Eater who escaped Azkaban following that battle. Tortured [[Hermione Granger]] and killed [[Dobby]] at [[Malfoy Manor]]. Killed [[Nymphadora Tonks]] and attempted to kill [[Ginevra Weasley|Ginny Weasley]] during the [[Battle of Hogwarts]]. She was subsequently killed by [[Molly Weasley]] in the same battle. |Participated in the torture and permanent incapacitation of [[Alice and Frank Longbottom]] with the [[Cruciatus Curse]] during the [[First Wizarding War]] and was unable to avoid [[Azkaban]] following [[Tom Riddle|Lord Voldemort]]'s downfall. Fought in the [[Second Wizarding War]].Participated in the illegal break-in and [[Battle of the Department of Mysteries|battle]] at the [[Department of Mysteries]], killing [[Sirius Black]], and was the only Death Eater who escaped Azkaban following that battle. Tortured [[Hermione Granger]] and killed [[Dobby]] at [[Malfoy Manor]]. Killed [[Nymphadora Tonks]] and attempted to kill [[Ginevra Weasley|Ginny Weasley]] during the [[Battle of Hogwarts]]. She was subsequently killed by [[Molly Weasley]] in the same battle. − |Deceased, killed by Molly Weasley + |Deceased |- |- |[[Crabbe Sr.]] |[[Crabbe Sr.]] |Male |Male − |Fought in the [[First Wizarding War]]. Having avoided [[Azkaban]] following [[Tom Riddle|Lord Voldemort]]'s downfall, Crabbe was present when the Dark Lord was [[Rebirth of LordVoldemort|reborn]]. He later participated in the illegal break-in and [[Battle of the Department of Mysteries|battle]] of the [[Department of Mysteries]] during the [[Second Wizarding War]] and was subsequently imprisoned. Crabbe, along with
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
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going to just play my ward Robin. HECTOR: You're welcome. IVAN: Grant me immunity. BECCA: Batman. I'm gonna guess that Bane has Poison Ivy. IFY: You're wrong! BECCA: You'll never have Poison Ivy. IFY: I'll use Catwoman. BECCA: To look at another player's hands. HECTOR: Pause for error. IFY: I will look at Poison Ivy's hand. HECTOR: Don't do it Bane, don't fall into that venus fly trap. Get it, 'cause it's a trap, 'cause it's. It's a plant based pun. IVAN: Good job. Chinese: [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] Chinese: [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] English: IFY: Ah. IVAN: There it is. IFY: Ah. Ah! IVAN: Robin, Robin go ahead. HECTOR: Okay, here we go. IVAN: What's it gonna be? HECTOR: I'm gonna play Batman. And I'm gonna guess that Bane Has a Batman card. IFY: You are wrong. IVAN: For once he doesn't have a Batman card. IFY: I want to point out to the watchers. Hector looked at my hand. HECTOR: Oh I did, that's true. IFY:has Two-Face. IFY: You are wrong as well. IVAN: He has the Joker then, or something. How can you throw that many Batmans at a single man, and not get what he's got in his hand. HECTOR: He really did break you, he really did. And now I'm Nightwing, great, that's how long that took. Chinese: [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] Chinese: [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] [小休] French: MARISHA: C'est bon pour mon dos. ZAC: On est en ligne. MATT: Comment ça va tout le monde, c'est cette caméra juste ici au milieu, c'est ça? ASHLEY: Bonjour. LIAM: Oh, salut. MATT: Merci à vous de nous regarder. J'espère que vous vous êtes amusés. English: IFY: I'm going to say. Two-Face can trade hands with Becca. BECCA: (sighs) IVAN: That's where it was. Robin? HECTOR: It's my turn. IVAN: Diddly fingers. HECTOR: You guys think you're gonna win this? You don't know Dick. Greyson, because that's my real name. I'm gonna play Bane. BECCA: Bane-in it up. IVAN: What's up,
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