Come here to me.
Kom hit.
Well, yeah. I mean, I have to, right?
Det må jeg jo.
Uh, you're Joan, you're Joan Watson?
Er du Joan Watson? Ja.
Mission accomplished.
Oppdrag utført.
He was murdered.
Han ble drept.
Its a light ebola scare, but, uh... ah...
frykt for ebola.
Who ..? Is there something the Pastor would like to ask?
Ville pastoren spørre om noe?
Yeah, you know what?
Vet du hva?
Good afternoon, everyone.
God ettermiddag, alle sammen.
What a fucking disappointment.
For en skuffelse.
Erik B ckstrfim.
Erik B ckstr m.
Oh, Jackie.
Navcom does not have those coordinates.
NavCom har ikke posisjonen.
The end.
And theyre moving your furniture back in later.
Møblene kommer senere.
Youre the expert on BinKhalid and what he was planning.
Du er eksperten på BinKhalid.
I'm going to get crazy.
Nå skal jeg feste!
When a woman says, Come with me and she doesnt tell you where youre going, shes taking you to Jesus.
og ikke sier hvor, da tar hun deg med til Jesus.
I apologize for the delay and I appreciate your patience, and I'll get back to you with an update. Thank you.
Jeg beklager forsinkelsen, og skal holde dere informert.
Thank you.
How can a wolf be worse than it already is?
Hvordan kan de være verre?
We have got to move.
Vi må stikke!
It has something to do with the light. I think that they cant be in the light.
Jeg tror ikke de kan være i lyset.
Will you find who did this?
Fakker dere gjerningsmannen?
Gary. Yeah? Did you gt my...
Gary, har du...?
Angela, listen to me.
Angela, hør.
That's it!
Good talk.
Fin samtale
sighs I'm sorry.
Luther has something to say to you.
Luther har noe å si.
I appreciate your business, maam. Im gonna transfer you over to my associate Madison.
Jeg skal sette deg over til min kollega Madison.
You mean they made it? Theyre onboard?
Er de om bord?
Go, Martha!
Heia, Martha!
Nice job, nice job.
Bra jobb.
And who might that be?
Lucy Wilson missing for over a month and presumed dead...
Lucy Wilson som ble antatt død...
l mean, do you understand?
Forstår du?
I'll stay a little longer.
Jeg blir.
Disengage overload suppresser.
Kople overbelastning suppresser.
Um, salt?
You must, Papa!
Du må, far!
Let's go. Sounds good.
Høres bra ut.
Do not resist. Do not resist!
Ikke kjemp imot!
Just don't small talk, okay?
Ikke småprat, ok?
You know, I actually thought of buying in this neighborhood once upon a time.
Jeg vurderte faktisk å kjøpe hus her.
Fair enough.
You know, doing an investigation into a possible burglary in the neighborhood. Uh...
Jeg etterforsker et mulig innbrudd her i strøket.
Why would you do that?
Hvorfor da?
We'll take my car.
Vi tar bilen min.
Did your daddy buy you out of the Army? Can he buy me out too?
Kjøpte faren din deg fri fra hæren?
Shes in league with Jason Bourne, for Christs sakes!
Hun er i ledtog med Bourne!
We can jump together.
Vi kan hoppe sammen.
I'm sorry?
Don't forget about that martini mixer tonight at the Delta Lambda Zetas.
Og ikke glem møtet i kveld. Delta Lambda Zeta.
Thank you very much.
Tusen takk.
Why? Because you cannot physically access it.
Fordi det er utilgjengelig.
Oh, oh, hes running.
Han løper.
Fort dere!
One iced raktajino.
En avkjølt raktajino.
Stop him! Someone stop him!
Noen stopp ham!
Don't do it, Bill.
Ikke gjør det, Bill.
Can we talk? Uh, thats okay.
Kan vi snakke?
Tell them what? What are you talking about?
Hva snakker du om?
Brown has it... we were watching the game and, uh, one thing led to... I'm...
vi så kampen, og det ene tok det andre ...
She needs you inside.
Du må gå inn!
You could say, uh, Im very sick.
Jeg er veldig syk.
Who are you?
Hvem er du?
Thank you!
They have a staff doctor in the emergency ward. We'll be fine.
Det er lege på avdelingen, det går fint.
The time has come.
Tiden har kommet.
We'll be there to clean up this mess for those foreigners in a couple of weeks.
Vi drar og får orden på rotet på et par uker.
You know, I dont want to give em any ideas.
Jeg vil ikke gi dem ideer.
That That's different, man.
Det er noe annet.
Then sit down.
Så sett deg.
Oh, okay. Good.
Ok, bra.
Shut up.
Hold kjeft.
Thank you.
You bringing Adam to the Christmas party tonight?
Kommer Adam på julebordet?
825 a night... With our government discount.
825 dollar per natt.
Take it.
Ta den.
Come in. You don't see very happy to see me. I'm surprised to see you.
Du virker ikke glad for å se meg.
Get the door! Get the door!
Åpne døren!
Oh, really?
What did she say to you?
Hva sa hun?
All right, you...
Ok, du...
Oh, my God. There.
Der er det.
Stop right there!
Stopp der!
All right, lets see if I can find a ball to sign for you.
Har vi en ball jeg kan signere?
Snickers. Snickers.