[ "Horrible Bosses 2 Review\n\nHorrible Bosses 2 is the kind of sequel that shouldn’t exist. ", "It’s an obvious cash-in to the original’s success and panders to the cheapest of cheap humor. ", "You’ll watch it late one evening, while flicking through channels and wondering: “what have I done with my life?”", "\n\nRelated Posts\n\nThe film stars the original protagonists, Nick (Jason Bateman), Dale (Charlie Day), and Kurt (Jason Sudeikis). ", "Taking place after the first movie’s events, the three decide to go into business for themselves. ", "They come up with the idea for a unique product, The Shower Buddy. ", "After showing off their prototype on a morning talk show they are approached by Burt & Rex Hanson (Christoph Waltz & Chris Pine) who offer to invest in the product, but via a verbal agreement. ", "Once production is complete the Hanson’s back out of the deal in order force the closure of the business, and then obtain the stock on auction at a much cheaper price. ", "Our numbskulls decide to kidnap Rex, ransom him, and use the money to save their business. ", "From there on hilarity ensues. ", "Apparently.", "\n\nAs I said earlier the movie uses cheap comedy, which just isn’t funny. ", "It doesn’t even border on “stupid funny”, like The Hangover. ", "Jennifer Aniston’s character is still after Charlie’s, which is where my biggest complaint comes in: male rape. ", "It’s used for a large portion of the jokes and really isn’t something that should be joked about, and honestly made me cringe through a lot of the film. ", "In one scene if Jennifer and Charlie’s roles had been reversed the movie wouldn’t have made it to screen. ", "It not only shows a lack of understanding, but creativity as well.", "\n\nThe actors are pretty terrible in this. ", "Jason Sudeikis needs to be throttled, and Charlie Day just plays his same character, Charlie Kelly, from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. ", "The only redeeming part of the movie is Rex Hanson, played by Chris Pine. ", "His character is funny, bizarre, crazy, and Chris plays it to a T (like James T Kirk). ", "If it weren’t for him I’d have fallen asleep.", "\n\nLet’s be honest here: I hated this movie. ", "I really did. ", "I don’t recommend it to anyone with an actual sense of humour or dignity. ", "I’d rather have watched a found-footage film than this." ]
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[ "\n\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER ONE The Dangerous Passion\n\nWhy Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex\n\nBy DAVID M. BUSS\n\nFree Press Read the Review The Dangerous Passion\n\nJealousy is not only inbred in human nature, but it is the most basic, all-pervasive emotion which touches man in all aspects of every human relationship. — ", "Boris Sokoloff, 1947, Jealousy: A Psychological Study\n\nEvery human alive is an evolutionary success story. ", "If any of our ancestors had failed to survive an ice age, a drought, a predator, or a plague, they would not be our ancestors. ", "If any had failed to cooperate with at least some others in the group or dropped below a minimal position in the social hierarchy, they would have met certain death by being cast out from the group. ", "If even one had failed to succeed in choosing, courting, and keeping a mate, the previously inviolate chain of descent would have irreparably broken, and we would not be alive to tell the tale. ", "Each of us owes our existence to thousands of generations of successful ancestors. ", "As their descendants, we have inherited the passions that led to their success — passions that drive us, often blindly, through a lifelong journey in the struggle for survival, the pursuit of position, and the search for relationships. ", "We usually think of passion as restricted to sex or love, the burning embrace or constant craving. ", "But it has a broader meaning, referring to the drives and emotional fires that propel us in our quests through life. ", "They sometimes glow quietly, but at other times they burst into full flame. ", "They range from tranquil devotion to violent eruption. ", "Their expression yields life's deepest joys, but also the cruelest suffering. ", "And although we commonly think of passion as a force opposed to reason and rationality, something to be tamed or overcome, passions when properly understood have a crystalline logic, precise purpose, and supreme sensibility. ", "The drives that stir us out of bed at dawn and hurl us headlong into our daily struggles have two sides. ", "On the positive side, passions inspire us to achieve life's goals. ", "They impel us to satisfy our desire for sex, our yearning for prestige, and our quest for love. ", "The dazzling plays of Shakespeare, the mezmerizing art of Georgia O'Keeffe, and the brilliant inventions of Thomas Edison would not exist if passion had not stirred them from repose and impelled creation. ", "Without passion, we would lie listless in bed, for there would be no motivation to do anything at all. ", "But passions carry a darker, more sinister side. ", "The same passions that inspire us with love can lead to the disastrous choice of a mate, the desperation of unrequited obsession, or the terror of stalking. ", "Jealousy can keep a couple committed or drive a man to savagely beat his wife. ", "An attraction to a neighbor's spouse can generate intoxicating sexual euphoria while destroying two marriages. ", "The yearning for prestige can produce exhilarating peaks of power while evoking the corrosive envy of a rival and a fall from a greater height. ", "The Dangerous Passion explores both the destructive and triumphant sides of human desires. ", "Together with many colleagues, my research over the past decade has centered on exploring the nature, origins, and consequences of the passions of men and women, with a special focus on jealousy, infidelity, love, sex, and status. ", "Our goal has been to seek a deeper understanding of what makes men and women tick, the desires that drive people to heights of success or depths of despair, and the evolved mechanisms of mind that define who we are. ", "This book illuminates the dark side of sexual treachery, the mysterious puzzle of romantic love, and the central role of jealousy in our intimate relationships. ", "Some argue that these mysteries should be left alone, pristine and untrammeled, shielded from the harsh glare of scientific scrutiny. ", "But is the woman who has her freedom and sense of safety crushed by a jealous husband better off unequipped with the knowledge of how to prevent her torment? ", "Is the man obsessed by unrequited love better off failing to understand the underlying reasons for his rejection? ", "Ignorance may sometimes be bliss, but it can also cause needless anguish. ", "My hope is that revealing the underlying logic of dangerous passions will be intellectually illuminating, provide one path for understanding the distress we experience at the hands of our lovers and rivals, and just possibly improve in some small measure the tools for coping with the untamed demons in our lives. ", "At the center of The Dangerous Passion is an exploration of a hazardous region of human sexuality — the desires people experience for those who are not their regular partners and the jealous shield designed to combat its treacherous consequences.", "\n\nThe Green-Eyed Monster Think of a committed romantic relationship that you have now, or that you had in the past. ", "Now imagine that your romantic partner becomes interested in someone else. ", "What would upset or distress you more: (a) discovering that your partner is forming a deep emotional attachment, confiding and sharing confidences with another? ", "or (b) discovering that your partner is enjoying passionate sex with the other person, trying out different sexual positions you had only dreamed about? ", "Both scenarios are distressing, of course, but which one is more distressing? ", "If you are like the majority of women we surveyed recently in the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Korea, and Zimbabwe, you will find the emotional infidelity more upsetting. ", "The answer seems obvious, at least to women. ", "The majority of men, however, find the prospect of a partner's sexual infidelity more agonizing. ", "The gulf between the sexes in emotional reactions to infidelity reveals something profound about human mating strategies. ", "The explanation for sex differences in jealousy lies deep in the evolutionary past of the human species. ", "Consider first a fundamental sex difference in our reproductive biology: fertilization takes place inside women's bodies, not men's. ", "Now, internal female fertilization is not universal in the biological world. ", "In some species, such as the Mormon crickets, fertilization occurs internally within the male. ", "The female takes her egg and literally implants it within the male, who then incubates it until birth. ", "In other species, fertilization occurs externally to both sexes. ", "The female salmon, for example, drops her collection of eggs after swimming upstream. ", "The male follows and deposits his sperm on top, and then they die, having fulfilled the only mission in life that evolution gave them. ", "But humans are not like salmon. ", "Nor are we like Mormon crickets. ", "In all 4,000 species of mammals, of which we are one, and in all 257 species of primates, of which we are also one, fertilization occurs internally within the female, not the male. ", "This posed a grave problem for ancestral men — the problem of uncertainty in paternity. ", "From an ancestral man's perspective, the single most damaging form of infidelity his partner could commit, in the currency of reproduction, would have been a sexual infidelity. ", "A woman's sexual infidelity jeopardizes a man's confidence that he is the genetic father of her children. ", "A cuckolded man risks investing years, or even decades, in another man's children. ", "Lost would be all the effort he expended in selecting and attracting his partner. ", "Moreover, he would lose his partner's labors, now channeled to a rival's children rather than his own. ", "Women, on the other hand, have always been 100 percent sure that they are the mothers of their children (internal fertilization guarantees that their children are genetically their own). ", "No woman ever gave birth and, watching the child emerge from her womb, wondered whether the child was really hers. ", "One African culture captures this sex difference with a phrase more telling than any technical summary: \"Mama's baby, papa's maybe.\" ", "Biology has granted women a confidence in genetic parenthood that no man can share with absolute certainty. ", "Our ancestral mothers confronted a different problem, the loss of a partner's commitment to a rival woman and her children. ", "Because emotional involvement is the most reliable signal of this disastrous loss, women key in on cues to a partner's feelings for other women. ", "A husband's one-night sexual stand is agonizing, of course, but most women want to know: \"Do you love her?\" ", "Most women find a singular lapse in fidelity without emotional involvement easier to forgive than the nightmare of another woman capturing her partner's tenderness, time, and affection. ", "We evolved from ancestral mothers whose jealousy erupted at signals of the loss of love, mothers who acted to ensure the man's commitment. ", "But who cares who fathers a child or where a man's commitments get channeled? ", "Shouldn't we love all children equally? ", "Perhaps in some utopian future, we might, but that is not how the human mind is designed. ", "Husbands in our evolutionary past who failed to care whether a wife succumbed to sex with other men and wives who remained stoic when confronted with their husband's emotional infidelity may be admirable in a certain light. ", "Perhaps these self-possessed men and women were more mature. ", "Some theories, in fact, propose that jealousy is an immature emotion, a sign of insecurity, neurosis, or flawed character. ", "Nonjealous men and women, however, are not our ancestors, having been left in the evolutionary dust by rivals with different passionate sensibilities. ", "We all come from a long lineage of ancestors who possessed the dangerous passion. ", "Jealousy, according to this theory, is an adaptation. ", "An adaptation, in the parlance of evolutionary psychology, is an evolved solution to a recurrent problem of survival or reproduction. ", "Humans, for example, have evolved food preferences for sugar, fat, and protein that are adaptive solutions to the survival problem of food selection. ", "We have evolved specialized fears of snakes, spiders, and strangers that are adaptive solutions to ancestral problems inflicted by dangerous species, including ourselves. ", "We have evolved specialized preferences for certain qualities in potential mates, which helped to solve the problems posed by reproduction. ", "Adaptations, in short, exist in modern humans today because they helped our ancestors to combat all of the many \"hostile forces of nature,\" enabling them to successfully survive and reproduce. ", "Adaptations are coping devices passed down over millennia because they worked — not perfectly, of course, but they helped ancestral humans to struggle through the evolutionary bottlenecks of survival and reproduction. ", "Jealousy, according to this perspective, is not a sign of immaturity, but rather a supremely important passion that helped our ancestors, and most likely continues to help us today, to cope with a host of real reproductive threats. ", "Jealousy, for example, motivates us to ward off rivals with verbal threats and cold primate stares. ", "It drives us to keep partners from straying with tactics such as escalating vigilance or showering a partner with affection. ", "And it communicates commitment to a partner who may be wavering, serving an important purpose in the maintenance of love. ", "Sexual jealousy is often a successful, although sometimes explosive, solution to persistent predicaments that each one of our ancestors was forced to confront. ", "We are typically not conscious of these reproductive quandaries. ", "Nor are we usually aware of the evolutionary logic that led to this dangerous passion. ", "A man does not think, \"Oh, if my wife has sex with someone else, then my certainty that I'm the genetic father will be jeopardized, and this will endanger the replication of my genes; I'm really mad.\" ", "Or if his partner takes birth-control pills, \"Well, because Joan is taking the pill, it doesn't really matter whether she has sex with other men; after all, my certainty in paternity is secure.\" ", "Nor does a woman think, \"It's really upsetting that Dennis is in love with that other woman; this jeopardizes my hold on his emotional commitments to me and my children, and hence hurts my reproductive success.\" ", "Instead, jealousy is a blind passion, just as our hunger for sweets and craving for companionship are blind. ", "Jealousy is emotional wisdom, not consciously articulated, passed down to us over millions of years by our successful forebears. ", "One goal of The Dangerous Passion is to bring to the surface the deep roots of the inherited emotional wisdom we possess.", "\n\nThe Othello Syndrome Despite its value for people past and present, jealousy is an emotion that exposes partners to extreme danger. ", "The dark side of jealousy causes men to explode violently to reduce the odds that their partners will stray. ", "Women seeking refuge at shelters for battered women almost invariably report that their husbands seethe with jealousy. ", "In one study of battered women, many of whom required medical attention, the typical woman reported that her husband \"tries to limit my contact with friends and family\" (the tactic of concealment), \"insists on knowing where I am at all times\" (the tactic of vigilance), and \"calls me names to put me down and make me feel bad about myself\" (the tactic of undermining self-esteem). ", "Jealousy is the leading cause of spousal battering, but it's even worse than that. ", "Men's jealousy puts women at risk of being killed. ", "Consider the following remarks made to police by a 31-year-old man who stabbed his 20-year-old wife to death, after they had been reunited following a six-month separation.", "\n\nThen she said that since she came back in April she had fucked this other man about ten times. ", "I told her how can you talk about love and marriage and you been fucking this other man. ", "I was really mad. ", "I went to the kitchen and got the knife. ", "I went back to our room and asked: Were you serious when you told me that? ", "She said yes. ", "We fought on the bed, I was stabbing her. ", "Her grand-father came up and tried to take the knife out of my hand. ", "I told him to go and call the cops for me. ", "I don't know why I killed the woman, I loved her.", "\n\nJealousy can be emotional acid that corrodes marriages, undermines self-esteem, triggers battering, and leads to the ultimate crime of murder. ", "Despite its dangerous manifestations, jealousy helped to solve a critical reproductive quandary for ancestral men. ", "Jealous men were more likely to preserve their valuable commitments for their own children rather than squandering them on the children of their rivals. ", "As descendants of a long line of men who acted to ensure their paternity, modern men carry with them the dangerous passion that led to their forebears' reproductive success. ", "A professional couple therapist I know related to me the following story. ", "A young couple, Joan and Richard, came to her with a complaint of irrational jealousy. ", "Without provocation, Richard would burst into jealous tirades and accuse Joan of sleeping with another man. ", "His uncontrollable jealousy was destroying their marriage. ", "Richard and Joan both agreed on this point. ", "Could the therapist help cure Richard of irrational jealousy? ", "A common practice in couple therapy is to have at least one session with each member of the couple individually. ", "The first question the therapist posed to Joan during this individual interview was: Are you having an affair? ", "She burst into tears and confessed that, indeed, she had been carrying on an affair for the past six months. ", "Richard's jealousy, it turned out, had not been irrational after all. ", "He had been picking up on subtle cues of his wife's infidelity that triggered his jealousy. ", "Since he trusted Joan and she had assured him of her fidelity, however, he believed that his jealousy had been irrational. ", "In a sense, Richard had failed to listen to his internal emotional whisperings. ", "He came to the wrong conclusion because he overrode his feelings with \"rationality.\" ", "This episode gave me the first hint that jealousy represented a form of ancestral wisdom that can have useful as well as destructive consequences. ", "Despite the possible hazards of conducting research on jealousy, its potency convinced me that it could not be ignored by science. ", "In surveys we discovered that nearly all men and women have experienced at least one episode of intense jealousy. ", "Thirty-one percent say that their personal jealousy has sometimes been difficult to control. ", "And among those who admit to being jealous, 38 percent say that their jealousy has led them to want to hurt someone. ", "Extreme jealousy has been given many names — the Othello syndrome, morbid jealousy, psychotic jealousy, pathological jealousy, conjugal paranoia, and erotic jealousy syndrome. ", "Jealousy, of course, can be pathological. ", "It can destroy previously harmonious relationships, rendering them hellish nightmares of daily existence. ", "Trust slowly built from years of mutual reliance can be torn asunder in a crashing moment. ", "As we will explore in a later chapter, jealousy leads more women to flee in terror to shelters than any other cause. ", "A full 13 percent of all homicides are spousal murders, and jealousy is overwhelmingly the leading cause. ", "But destruction does not necessarily equal pathology. ", "The pathological aspect of extreme jealousy, according to the mainstream wisdom, is not the jealousy itself. ", "It is the delusion that a loved one has committed an infidelity when none has occurred. ", "The rage itself upon the actual discovery of an infidelity is something people everywhere intuitively understand. ", "In Texas until 1974, a husband who killed a wife and her lover when he caught them in flagrante delicto was not judged a criminal. ", "In fact, the law held that a \"reasonable man\" would respond to such extreme provocation with acts of violence. ", "Similar laws have been on the books worldwide. ", "Extreme rage upon discovering a wife naked in the arms of another man is something that people everywhere find intuitively comprehensible. ", "Criminal acts that would normally receive harsh prison sentences routinely get reduced when the victim's infidelity is the extenuating circumstance. ", "The view of jealousy as pathological ignores a profound fact about an important defense designed to combat a real threat. ", "Jealousy is not always a reaction to an infidelity that has already been discovered. ", "It can be an anticipatory response, a preemptive strike to prevent an infidelity that might occur. ", "Labeling jealousy as pathological simply because a spouse has not yet strayed ignores the fact that jealousy can head off an infidelity that might be lurking on the horizon of a relationship. ", "Excessive jealousy can be extraordinarily destructive. ", "But moderate jealousy, not an excess or an absence, signals commitment. ", "This book explores both sides of this double-edged defense mechanism. ", "To understand the power of this extraordinary emotion, we must trace it to its origin, long before capitalism, long before agriculture and cash economies, long before writing and recorded history, and long before humans fanned out and colonized every habitable continent. ", "We must trace its roots to the evolution of one of the most unusual adaptations in primate history, yet one that we take so much for granted that its existence is hardly questioned: the emergence of long-term love.", "\n\nThe Evolution of Love Our closest primate cousins, the chimpanzees, lack exclusive sexual bonds. ", "Most mating takes place within the narrow window of female estrus. ", "When a female chimpanzee is in heat, a variety of physiological changes take place. ", "Her genitals become swollen and pink for four to six days. ", "The swellings peak just before ovulation when she is most likely to conceive. ", "She emits pheromonal signals, hormone-saturated substances that males find especially attractive, sometimes driving them into a sexual frenzy. ", "Sarah Hrdy of the University of California at Davis notes that males sometimes touch the vagina of the estrous female, gathering her secretions on their fingers to smell or taste. ", "Males use these signals to monitor the female's reproductive state. ", "A male chimpanzee's position in the social hierarchy strongly determines his sexual access to estrous females. ", "Among the chimpanzees at a large zoo colony in Arnham, the Netherlands, for example, the dominant male achieves as many as 75 percent of the matings with estrous females. ", "The relationships between male and female chimps are complex and can extend over time, but chimps do not form the long-term committed relationships that most humans desire. ", "Men and women have always depended on each other for survival and reproduction. ", "Love was not invented a few hundred years ago by European poets, contrary to conventional wisdom in this century. ", "Love is a human universal, occurring in societies ranging from the !", "Kung San of Botswana to the Ache of Paraguay. ", "In my study of 10,041 individuals from 37 different cultures, men and women rated love as the single most important quality in selecting a spouse. ", "Across the globe, people sing love songs and pine for lost lovers. ", "They elope with loved ones against the wishes of parents. ", "They recount personal tales of anguish, longing, and unrequited love. ", "And they narrate great love stories of romantic entanglements down through the generations. ", "The German writer Herman Hesse summed it up best: Life is \"the struggle for position and the search for love.\" ", "Love is the universal human emotion that bonds the sexes, the evolutionary meeting ground where men and women lay down their arms. ", "The universal existence of love, however, poses a puzzle. ", "From an evolutionary perspective, no single decision is more important than the choice of a mate. ", "That single fork in the road determines one's ultimate reproductive fate. ", "More than in any other domain, therefore, we expect evolution to produce supremely rational mechanisms of mate choice, rational in the sense that they lead to wise decisions rather than impetuous mistakes. ", "How could a blind passion like love — a form of dementia that consumes the mind, crowds out all other thoughts, creates emotional dependency, and produces a delusional idealization of a partner — possibly evolve to solve a problem that might be better solved by cool rationality? ", "To penetrate this mystery, we must start with the scientific evidence for mate preferences. ", "Worldwide, from the coastal dwelling Australians to the South African Zulu, women desire qualities such as ambition, industriousness, intelligence, dependability, creativity, exciting personality, and sense of humor — characteristics that augur well for a man's success in acquiring resources and achieving status. ", "Given the tremendous investment women undertake to produce a single child, the nine months of costly internal fertilization and gestation, it is perfectly reasonable for women to want men who can invest in return. ", "A woman's children will survive and thrive better if she selects a resourceful man. ", "Children suffer when their mothers choose \"slackers.\" ", "Men, in contrast, place a greater premium on qualities linked with fertility, such as a woman's youth, health, and physical appearance — clear skin, smooth skin, bright eyes, full lips, symmetrical features, and a slim waist. ", "These preferences are also perfectly sensible. ", "We descended from ancestral mothers and fathers who chose fertile and resourceful partners. ", "Those who failed to choose on these bases risked reproductive oblivion. ", "Although these rational desires set minimum thresholds on who qualifies as an acceptable mate, rationality profoundly fails to predict the final choice of a mate. ", "As the psychologist Steven Pinker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology observes, \"Murmuring that your lover's looks, earning power, and IQ meet your minimal standards would probably kill the romantic mood, even if statistically true. ", "The way to a person's heart is to declare the opposite — that you're in love because you can't help it.\" ", "One key to the mystery of love is found in the psychology of commitment. ", "If a partner chooses you for rational reasons, he or she might leave you for the same rational reasons: finding someone slightly more desirable on all of the \"rational\" criteria. ", "But if the person is blinded by an uncontrollable love that cannot be helped and cannot be chosen, a love for only you and no other, then commitment will not waver when you are in sickness rather than in health, when you are poorer rather than richer. ", "Love overrides rationality. ", "It's the emotion that ensures that you won't leave when someone slightly more desirable comes along or when a perfect \"10\" moves in next door. ", "It ensures that a partner will stick by you through the struggles of survival and the hazards of childbirth. ", "Love, however, has a tragic side. ", "The stories of great lovers of the past, in fiction and in history, are often marked by disaster. ", "Juliet died of poison. ", "Romeo chose to kill himself rather than live without her. ", "Love suicides have pervaded Japanese culture for centuries, a final vindication of the intensity of a person's commitment. ", "When parents and society conspire to keep lovers apart, lovers sometimes tie themselves together and jump off a cliff or hurl themselves into a well. ", "The most perilous side of love, however, comes not from a folie à deux, but from a folie à un — the demonic possession that consumes a person when love is not reciprocated. ", "Unrequited love is the foundation for fatal attraction. ", "Consider the case of John W. Hinckley, Jr., who scrawled a final letter to the actress Jodie Foster on March 30, 1981, shortly before attempting to assassinate President Ronald Reagan:\n\nDear Jodie: There is a definite possibility that I will be killed in my attempt to get Reagan. ", "It is for this very reason I am writing you this letter now. ", "As you well know by now I love you very much. ", "Over the past seven months I've left you dozens of poems, letters and love messages in the faint hope that you could develop an interest in me...I know the many messages left at your door and in your mailbox were a nuisance, but I felt that it was the most painless way for me to express my love for you... Jodie, I would abandon this idea of getting Reagan in a second if I could only win your heart and live out the rest of my life with you...I will admit to you that the reason I'm going ahead with this attempt now is because I just cannot wait any longer to impress you. ", "I've got to do something now to make you understand, in no uncertain terms, that I am doing this for your sake! ", "By sacrificing my freedom and possibly my life, I hope to change your mind about me. ", "This letter is being written only an hour before I leave for the Hilton Hotel. ", "Jodie, I'm asking you to please look into your heart and at least give me the chance, with this historic deed, to gain your respect and love. ", "I love you forever. ", "John Hinckley\n\nCases as extreme as John Hinckley are rare, but the experience of unrequited love is quite common. ", "In one recent survey, 95 percent of men and women indicated that, by the age of 25, they had experienced unrequited love at least once, either as a would-be lover whose passions were rejected or as the object of someone's unwanted desires. ", "Only one person in 20 has never experienced unrequited love of any kind. ", "Although unrequited love is a perilous passion, producing fatal attractions and unwanted stalking, the dogged persistence it produces sometimes pays off. ", "One of the great love stories in history is that of Nicholas and Alexandra. ", "Nicholas inherited the Russian throne at the end of the 19th century. ", "During his adolescence his parents started looking for a suitable mate for him. ", "At age 16, contrary to his parent's wishes, he became obsessed with Alexandra, a beautiful princess then living in England with her grandmother, Queen Victoria. ", "Despite parental objections, cultural chasms, and a separation spanning thousands of miles, Nicholas was determined to capture Alexandra's love. ", "Alexandra, however, found him a bit dull and did not relish the thought of moving to the harsh climate of Moscow. ", "She spurned his advances. ", "In 1892, Nicholas turned 24 and, having loved Alexandra for nearly eight years, resolved to make one final effort to win her heart. ", "Given this state of mind, he was devastated when she wrote saying that she had definitely decided not to wed him. ", "She asked him not to contact her again. ", "All seemed lost. ", "Nicholas left his beloved Moscow immediately. ", "He traveled across Europe, suffering rough terrain and treacherous weather in the journey to London. ", "Although exhausted from travel, Nicholas immediately began to persue Alexandra with great passion. ", "After two months, she finally relented and agreed to marry him. ", "The young couple thus became man and wife, rulers of the Russian empire. ", "Although Nicholas's love was initially unrequited, their marriage proved a joyful one. ", "Diary entries from each revealed sublime happiness, the great joy of their union, and the depth of their love for each other. ", "They produced five children. ", "Nicholas so enjoyed spending time with Alexandra and their children that the Russian empire apparently suffered from his neglect. ", "When forced to be apart, they pined for each other, wrote often, and endured great psychological pain until their reunions. ", "Their mutual love lasted throughout their lives, until the Russian Revolution brought down the czarist rule and they were executed. ", "They died on the same day, their lifelong love never having diminished. ", "Had Nicholas given up when initially spurned, their great love would have been lost forever. ", "The same passion that led John Hinckley to pursue Jodie Foster with desperate measures led Nicholas to succeed in turning an unrequited obsession into lifelong love. ", "In retrospect, one seems irrational and unbalanced, the other logical and normal. ", "One we call pathological, the other a love story. ", "But what if Hinckley had succeeded in winning Jodie Foster's love and Nicholas had failed in his quest for Alexandra? ", "Love is a dangerous passion that cuts both ways. ", "There's a rationality to the irrationality. ", "Once humans evolved love, the bonds they created required protection. ", "It would be extraordinarily unlikely that evolution would fail to defend these fragile and fruitful unions against interlopers. ", "In the insect world, there is a species known as the \"lovebug.\" ", "Male lovebugs venture out in a swarm of other males each morning in search of a chance to mate with a female. ", "When one succeeds, the couple departs from the swarm and glides to the ground to copulate. ", "Because other males sometimes attempt to copulate with her, even after the pair has begun mating, the couple maintains a continuous copulatory embrace for as long as three days, hence the nickname \"the lovebug.\" ", "This strategy guards the union against outside intruders. ", "In humans, guarding a bond must last more than days, months, or even years because love can last a lifetime. ", "The dangerous emotion of jealousy evolved to fill this void. ", "Love and jealousy are intertwined passions. ", "They depend on each other and feed on each other. ", "But just as the prolonged embrace of the lovebug tells us that their bonds can be threatened, the power of jealousy reveals the ever-present possibility that our love bonds can be broken. ", "The centrality of jealousy in human love reveals a hidden side of our desires, one that we typically go to great lengths to conceal — a passion for other partners.", "\n\nHidden Desires\n\nOne Sunday morning William burst into the living room and said, \"Dad! ", "Mom! ", "I have some great news for you! ", "I'm getting married to the most beautiful girl in town. ", "She lives a block away and her name is Susan.\" ", "After dinner, William's dad took him aside. \"", "Son, I have to talk with you. ", "Your mother and I have been married 30 years. ", "She's a wonderful wife, but has never offered much excitement in the bedroom, so I used to fool around with women a lot. ", "Susan is actually your half-sister, and I'm afraid you can't marry her.\" ", "William was heartbroken. ", "After eight months he eventually started dating again. ", "A year later he came home and proudly announced, \"Dianne said yes! ", "We're getting married in June.\" ", "Again, his father insisted on a private conversation and broke the sad news. \"", "Dianne is your half-sister too, William. ", "I'm awfully sorry about this.\" ", "William was furious. ", "He finally decided to go to his mother with the news. \"", "Dad has done so much harm. ", "I guess I'm never going to get married,\" he complained. \"", "Every time I fall in love, Dad tells me the girl is my half-sister.\" ", "His mother just shook her head. \"", "Don't pay any attention to what he says, dear. ", "He's not really your father.\"", "\n\nWe find this story funny not simply because the ending carries a surprise. ", "It's amusing because the mother ultimately gets payback for the \"father's\" philandering. ", "Cuckolds are universal objects of laughter and derision, and a constant source of engaging tales from the tragedy of William Shakespeare's Othello to the middle-class marital dramas portrayed in the novels of John Updike. ", "To understand the origins of sexual passion we must introduce a disturbing difference between the sexes. ", "Everyday observation tells us that men are more promiscuously inclined than women. \"", "Men found to desire more sex partners than women desire\" would be no more likely to make the headlines than \"Dog bites man.\" ", "But scientific verification is always useful, since common sense, which tells us that the earth is flat, sometimes turns out to be wrong. ", "Science, in this case, has verified the everyday knowledge that men do display a greater passion for playing around. ", "In one of our recent studies of more than 1,000 men and women, men reported desiring eight sex partners over the next three years, whereas women reported desiring only one or two. ", "In another study, men were four times more likely than women to say that they have imagined having sex with 1,000 or more partners. ", "Observing that men and women differ, however, is not the same as explaining why they differ. ", "There are compelling evolutionary reasons for the fact that this difference in desire for sexual variety is universal, found not just in cultures saturated with media images of seductive models, not just among Hugh Hefner's generation of Playboy readers, and not just in studies conducted by male scientists. ", "To explain this desire, we must introduce another key fact about human reproductive biology. ", "To produce a single child, women bear the burdens and pleasures of nine months of pregnancy — an obligatory form of parental investment that men cannot share. ", "Men, to produce the same child, need only devote a few hours, a few minutes, or even a few seconds. ", "Wide is the gulf between men and women in the effort needed to bring forth new life. ", "Over time, therefore, a strategy of casual mating proved to be more reproductively successful for men than for women. ", "Men who succeeded in the arms of many women out-reproduced men who succeeded with fewer. ", "An ancestral woman, in contrast, could have had sex with hundreds of partners in the course of a single year and still have produced only a single child. ", "Unless a woman's regular partner proved to be infertile, additional sex partners did not translate into additional children. ", "As a consequence, men evolved a more powerful craving for sex with a variety of women. ", "This sex difference in desire creates an intriguing puzzle. ", "Sexual encounters require two people. ", "Mathematically, the number of heterosexual encounters must be identical for the sexes. ", "Men cannot satisfy their lust for sex partners without willing women. ", "Indeed, men's passion for multiple partners could never have evolved unless there were some women who shared that desire. ", "Is casual sex a recent phenomenon, perhaps created by the widespread prevalence of birth control devices that liberated women from the previous risks of pregnancy? ", "Or did ancestral women do it too? ", "Three scientific clues, when taken together, provide a compelling answer. ", "Men's sexual jealousy provides the first clue, the ominous passion that led us to this mystery. ", "If ancestral women were naturally inclined to be flawlessly faithful, men would have had no evolutionary catalyst for jealousy. ", "Men's jealousy is an evolutionary response to something alarming: the threat of a loved one's infidelity. ", "The intensity of men's jealousy provides a psychological clue that betrays women's desire for men other than their regular partners. ", "Second, affairs are known in all cultures, including tribal societies, pointing to the universal prevalence of infidelity. ", "Prevalence rates vary from culture to culture (high in Sweden and low in China), but affairs occur everywhere. ", "Sexual infidelity causes divorce worldwide more than any other marital violation, being closely rivaled only by the infertility of the union. ", "The fact that women have affairs in cultures from the Tiwi of northern Australia to the suburbs of Los Angeles reveals that some women refuse to limit themselves to a single partner despite men's attempts to control them and despite the risk of divorce if discovered. ", "A third line of evidence comes from new research on human sperm competition. ", "Sperm competition occurs when the sperm from two different men inhabit a woman's reproductive tract at the same time. ", "Human sperm remain viable within the woman's tract for up to seven days, not merely one or two days as scientists previously believed. ", "Indeed, my colleagues have discovered hundreds of \"crypts\" recessed within the vaginal walls of women in which they store a man's sperm and then release it several days later to enter a marathon race to her egg. ", "If a woman has sex with two men within the course of a week, sperm competition can ensue, as the sperm from different men scramble and battle for the prize of fertilizing the egg. ", "Research on sperm competition reveals that men's sperm volume, relative to their body weight, is twice that which occurs in primate species known to be monogamous, a clue that hints at a long evolutionary history of human sperm competition. ", "Human sperm, moreover, come in different \"morphs,\" or shapes, designed for different functions. ", "Most common are the \"egg getters,\" the standard government-issue sperm with conical heads and sinewy tails designed for swimming speed — the Mark Spitzes of the sperm world. ", "But a substantial minority of sperm have coiled tails. ", "These so-called kamikaze sperm are poorly designed for swimming speed. ", "But that's not their function. ", "When the sperm from two different men are mixed in the laboratory, kamikaze sperm wrap themselves around the egg getters and destroy them, committing suicide in the process. ", "These physiological clues reveal a long evolutionary history in which men battled with other men, literally within the woman's reproductive tract, for access to the vital egg needed for transporting their genes into the next generation. ", "Without a long history of sperm competition, evolution would have favored neither the magnitude of human sperm volume nor the specialized sperm shapes designed for battle. ", "All these clues — the universality of infidelity, men's sexual jealousy, and the hallmarks of sperm competition — point to a disturbing answer to the question of ancestral women's sexual strategies. ", "They reveal the persistent expression of women's passion for men other than their husbands, a phenomenon that must have occurred repeatedly over the long course of human evolution. ", "Modern women have inherited this passion from their ancestral mothers.", "\n\nWhy Women Have Affairs Because scientists have focused primarily on the obvious reproductive benefits of men's desire for sexual variety, the potential benefits to women of short-term sexual passion languished for years unstudied. ", "The puzzle is compounded by the fact that a woman's infatuation with another man comes laden with danger. ", "An unfaithful woman, if discovered, risks damage to her social reputation, the loss of her partner's commitment, physical injury, and occasionally death at the hands of a jealous man. ", "Undoubtedly, many women weigh these risks, and choose not to act on their sexual desires. ", "The benefits to women who do act on their passion for other men, given the possibility of catastrophic costs, must be perceived as sufficiently great to make it worth the risk. ", "For the past seven years, Heidi Greiling and I have been studying why women have affairs. ", "Our lab has focused on the benefits that are so alluring that women from all walks of life are willing to take great risks to pursue sex and love outside of marriage. ", "Our research centered on three questions: What benefits do women reap from affairs? ", "What circumstances are most likely to drive a woman into another man's arms? ", "And which women are most prone to affairs? ", "Historically, women may have benefited from an affair in countless ways. ", "The first and most obvious benefit comes from the direct resources that an affair partner may provide. ", "A few expensive dinners may not seem like much today, but an extra supply of meat from the hunt would have made the difference between starving and surviving during ancestral winters when the land lay bare, or between merely surviving and robustly thriving during more plentiful times. ", "Women also can benefit from affairs in the currency of quality genes. ", "The puzzle of the peacock's tail provided the telltale clue to this benefit. ", "A peahen's preference for peacocks with brilliant plumage may signal selection for genes for good health. ", "When peacocks carry a high load of parasites, their diminished health is revealed in duller displays. ", "By selecting for luminescence, peahens secure good genes for health that benefit their offspring. ", "Research by Steve Gangestad and Randy Thornhill of the University of New Mexico reveals that women may be choosing affair partners with especially healthy genes. ", "Women who have sex with different men can also produce more genetically diverse children, providing a sort of \"hedge\" against environmental change. ", "Although genetic and resource benefits may flow to women who express their hidden sexual side, our studies uncovered one benefit that overshadowed the others in importance, a benefit we call \"mate insurance.\" ", "During ancestral times, disease, warfare, and food shortages made survival a precarious proposition. ", "The odds were not trivial that a husband would succumb to a disease, become debilitated by a parasite, or incur injury during a risky hunt or a tribal battle. ", "The paleontological and cross-cultural records reveal this clue — the skulls and skeletons show injuries mostly on males. ", "A woman's husband, in short, stood a significant chance of suffering a debilitating or lethal wound. ", "Ancestral women who failed to have mate insurance, a backup replacement in the event that something happened to her regular partner, would have suffered greatly compared to women who cultivated potential replacements. ", "Modern women have inherited the desires of their ancestral mothers for replacement mates. ", "In the words of one woman in our study, \"Men are like soup — you always want to have one on the back burner.\" ", "Mate insurance provides a safeguard against reasonable risks of losing a partner. ", "And mate insurance remains relevant today, even though we've conquered many of the hazards that felled our forebears. ", "American divorce rates now approach 67 percent for those currently getting married, up from the mere 50 percent figure that alarmed many over the past two decades. ", "Remarriage is rapidly becoming the norm. ", "The Dangerous Passion explores how women's desire for additional partners is ancestral wisdom that, however alarming to husbands, continues to serve a critical insurance function for women today.", "\n\nUrges of Ovulation Women's attraction to lovers has another mysterious ingredient: the puzzle of concealed ovulation. ", "Unlike chimpanzees, women's genitals do not become engorged when they ovulate. ", "Women have \"lost estrus\" and engage in sex throughout their ovulatory cycle. ", "Conventional scientific wisdom has declared that a woman's ovulation is cryptic, concealed even from the woman herself. ", "But have the urges associated with ovulation totally vanished? ", "In the most extensive study of ovulation and women's sexuality, several thousand married women were asked to record their sexual desires every day for a period of twenty-four months. ", "The methods were crude but straightforward: women simply placed an X on the recording sheet on each day that they experienced sexual desire. ", "Basal body temperature was recorded to determine the phase of the menstrual cycle. ", "These thousands of data points yielded a startling pattern. ", "On the first day of a woman's period, practically no women reported experiencing sexual desire. ", "The numbers rose dramatically across the ovarian cycle, peaking precisely at the point of maximum fertility, and then declining rapidly during the luteal phase after ovulation. ", "Women, of course, can experience sexual desire at any phase of their cycle. ", "Nonetheless, they are five times more likely to experience sexual desire when they are ovulating than when they are not. ", "Women sometimes act on their passions. ", "A recent survey of 1,152 women, many of whom were having affairs, revealed a startling finding. ", "Women who stray tend to time their sexual liaisons with their affair partners to coincide with the peak of their sexual desire, when they are most likely to conceive. ", "Sex with husbands, in sharp contrast, is more likely to occur when women are not ovulating, a strategy that may be aimed at keeping a man rather than conceiving with him. ", "None of this is conscious, of course. ", "Women do not think \"I'll try to time sex with my affair partner when I'm ovulating so that I'll bear his child and not my husband's.\" ", "Psychologically, women simply experience sexual desire more when they are ovulating, and if they have an affair partner, have urges to have sex with him during this phase. ", "Ovulation may seem concealed to outside observers, but women appear to act on the impulses that spring from it. ", "And when that desire for men other than their husbands occurs, it's difficult for most men to tell when their mates are straying or may be likely to stray. ", "I call this the signal detection problem.", "\n\nThe Signal Detection Problem Across cultures, people have affairs that are specifically designed to avoid detection. ", "In Arizona, one motel marquee boasts that it is the \"No-Tell Motel.\" ", "In states across America, you can rent some hotel rooms at an hourly rate. ", "The woman returning from a business trip does not make her brief fling on the road the first topic of conversation. ", "The husband who conceals his finances from his wife may be funneling resources to support a mistress on the side. ", "Spouses experience a signal detection problem. ", "Consider camping in the woods at night and hearing a sound somewhere in the dark. ", "Was that the sound of a twig snapping, merely the wind blowing, or the unfamiliar night sounds playing tricks on your ears? ", "Assuming that you have correctly detected the signal as a twig snap, the possible causes of this event are many, but they are not infinite. ", "It could be a rock that somehow got dislodged. ", "But it could also be a dangerous animal or a hostile human. ", "The signal detection problem is not merely about picking up accurate signals in the face of an uncertain and ambiguous welter of information. ", "It is also about making correct inferences about the cause of the signal. ", "Since sexual infidelities are almost invariably secret, the signals they might emit are intentionally muted. ", "An unfamiliar scent, the purchase of a sharp new jacket, the running of a yellow light, a new interest in Beethoven or the Beastie Boys, an unexplained absence — all of these can be signals, but they can originate from many causes other than infidelity. ", "The jealous person experiences an elevated sensitivity to signals of infidelity: \"He may see a red flush on his wife's cheek, she may appear to be standing awkwardly, or sitting sideways on a chair, she has put on a clean dress, there is a cigarette-end in the fireplace...the jealous man sees a handkerchief on the floor, a wet cloth in the bathroom, newspapers in a ditch, and attaches to all the same import.\" ", "Consider the case of a European psychiatrist who counseled many couples referred to him in which one of the spouses experienced \"morbid jealousy.\" ", "Most cases were husbands who had delusions that their wives were sexually unfaithful, and these delusions destroyed the fabric of trust required for harmonious marriage. ", "Because he believed that extreme jealousy was a psychiatric illness that could not be cured, his most common recommendation was that the couples separate or divorce. ", "Many couples followed his recommendations. ", "Because he was keenly interested in the subsequent fate of his patients, he routinely contacted them after a number of months had passed. ", "To his astonishment, he discovered that many of the wives of his patients had subsequently become sexually involved with the very men about whom their husbands had been jealous! ", "Some of these women actually married the men who were the objects of their husbands' suspicions. ", "In many cases, the husbands must have been sensing signs of infidelity. ", "But because the wives proclaimed innocence and declared that their husbands' jealousy was irrational, the husbands ended up believing that the problem was in their heads. ", "The problem of signal detection is how to identify and correctly interpret a partner's betrayal in an uncertain social world containing a chaos of conflicting clues. ", "Jealousy is often triggered by circumstances that signal a real threat to a relationship, such as differences in the desirability of the partners, as illustrated by the following case. ", "The man was 35 years old, working as a foreman, when he was referred to a psychiatrist and diagnosed with \"morbid jealousy.\" ", "He had married at age 20 to a woman of 16 whom he deeply loved. ", "During their first two years of marriage, he was stationed in military service in England. ", "During this two-year separation, he received several anonymous letters saying that his wife was carrying on an affair. ", "When he returned to America to rejoin her, he questioned her intensely about the allegations, but she denied them. ", "Their own sexual relations proved disappointing. ", "He became obsessed with the earlier time in their marriage, repeatedly accused his wife of infidelity, and hit her from time to time, especially after a bout of drinking. ", "He tried to strangle her twice, and several times he threatened to kill himself. ", "He openly admitted his problems to the psychiatrist: \"I'm so jealous that when I see anyone near her I want to hurt her. ", "I have always loved her but do not think she has returned my affection. ", "This jealousy is something I feel in my stomach and when it comes out of me there is nothing I can do about it. ", "That is why I behave so madly....My wife is always telling me that other men are stronger and can beat me....I'm not a big chap or a handsome chap but my wife is so pretty and I don't think I come up to her high standards.\" ", "In other words, he perceived a difference in their level of desirability; she was attractive and alluring, and he saw himself as beneath her. ", "When the psychiatrist questioned the wife in private, she admitted to meeting and having an affair with a married man. ", "The affair was carried on in secret, and throughout the duration of her affair she insisted that her husband's jealousy was delusional. ", "The affair began roughly one year before the husband was referred to the psychiatrist to treat \"his problem.\" ", "Differences in desirability — when an \"8\" is married to a \"10\" — can heighten sensitivity to signals of infidelity in the partner who has fewer outside mating options. ", "Elaine Hatfield and her colleagues at the University of Hawaii discovered that the more desirable partner in the couple in fact is more likely to stray. ", "Those who have been in relationships with both more attractive and less attractive partners have an acute awareness of how jealousy is attuned to these differences. ", "These differences represent one among many signs of actual or impending infidelity explored in depth later in the book.", "\n\nEmotional Wisdom Jealousy is necessary because of the real threat of sexual treachery. ", "In a hazardous world where rivals lurk, partners harbor passions for other people, and infidelity threatens to destroy what could have been a lifelong love, it would be surprising if evolution had not forged elaborate defenses to detect and fend off these threats. ", "Exposing these threats, and the psycho-logical arms we have to combat them, is a first step toward comprehending the wisdom of passions that sometimes seem so destructive. ", "The Dangerous Passion takes us on a journey through the rationality of these seemingly irrational emotions, examining the fundamental desires of what men and women want, and why these longings so often produce conflict. ", "Chapter 2 introduces the jealousy paradox — why an emotion that evolved to protect love can rip a relationship apart. ", "It explores the evolution of conflict between men and women, why painful emotions are necessary in resolving conflicts, and why men and women are locked in a never-ending spiral of love and strife. ", "Chapter 3 focuses on why men and women differ in their underlying psychology of jealousy. ", "It reveals that men and women are neither unisex equivalents nor aliens from different planets. ", "When it comes to adaptive problems that differ for men and women, passions diverge; for adaptive problems that are the same, their emotions joyfully commingle. ", "Chapter 4, \"The Othello Syndrome,\" investigates seemingly bizarre clinical cases in which a jealous person becomes untethered, resulting in delusional suspicions about a partner's infidelity. ", "We explore why our minds are designed not merely to pick up on infidelities that have already occurred, but also to detect circumstances that signal an increased likelihood that a partner will stray in the future. ", "Chapter 5 delves into the frightening abuses produced by the dangerous passion — battering, stalking, and killing — and identifies when women are most vulnerable to these violations. ", "Although I call jealousy the dangerous passion, it cannot be disentangled from the risky cravings that men and women harbor for other lovers. ", "Chapter 6 examines the qualities of relationships that make a person susceptible to infidelity, the personality characteristics that predict who's likely to cheat, and why some people unwittingly drive their partners into the arms of a paramour. ", "Chapter 7 explores why women have affairs, and why modern women have inherited from their ancestral mothers a roving eye. ", "Chapter 8 identifies the strategies we use to cope with jealousy and infidelity and why some therapeutic efforts to eradicate jealousy are often misguided. ", "The final chapter reveals the positive uses of jealousy for enhancing sexual passion and life-long love, and examines how we can harness emotional wisdom to enrich our relationships. (", "C) 2000 David M. Buss All rights reserved. ", "ISBN: 0-684-85081-8\n\n\n\nHome | Site Index | Site Search | Forums | Archives | Marketplace Quick News | Page One Plus | International | National/N.Y. | Business | Technology | Science | Sports | Weather | Editorial | Op-Ed | Arts | Automobiles | Books | Diversions | Job Market | Real Estate | Travel Help/Feedback | Classifieds | Services | New York Today Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company" ]
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[ "Brain\nAge makes Edu-tainment fun...for the first time ever.", "\nby Cole Smith\n\nApril\n13, 2006 - For\nthose of you that believe that you may have suffered\nirreversible brain damage from playing mindless shooters\nand watching too many episodes of Nick and Jessica,\nhelp is on the way. ", "There's no doubt that you've suffered\nbrain damage, but thanks to Brain Age, it is irreversible.", "\n\nThe\nslogan for Brain Age is: Train Your Brain in Minutes\na Day. ", "I know it sounds like work, but this is way\nmore fun than flossing. ", "It's like playing a bunch\nof puzzle-based mini-games. ", "As long as you still have\nthe capacity to learn, you will get better at these\nchallenges each time that you play them and thus you\nwill train your brain.", "\n\nYou\nbegin with a test to determine your brain age. ", "You\nwill receive a score that you can think of as a relative\nIQ level. ", "The older your brain age, the worse off\nyou are. ", "You don't want to have the mind of the average\n70-year old, but it can be a real shocker when you\nfind that out. ", "However, your brain age will become\nyounger over the days and weeks as you play this game.", "\n\nNow\nhere's the bad news, there is math involved. ", "Yes,\nyou will have to perform some calculations. ", "None of\nthem are exceptionally hard and it's nothing that\nyou haven't done in school. ", "It's just that you might\nnot remember your multiplication table if you've been\nout of school for a while and do everything with a\ncomputer or calculator. ", "I didn't do very good on the\nmath at first but after a few days it comes back to\nyou. ", "You really do have all the resources to do well\nin this game, it's just a matter or retrieving those\nold files that might be buried in a sludge of gray\nmatter. ", "Now here's the good news, you are limited\nto playing this game for only five minutes a day.", "\n\nThe\ngameplay is based on the theories of Japanese neuroscientist,\nDr. Ryuta Kawashima who believes that these exercises\nwill stimulate somewhat dormant areas of the brain.", "\nNourishing oxygen is then introduced to these regions\nwhich are stimulated by these challenges, allowing\nthem to become more functional in your day-to-day\nactivity. ", "As these newly stimulated regions become\nlinked, your brain will become a much more powerful\ntool.", "\n\nThe\nDS is held sideways so that it opens like a book.", "\nYou will make use of all the controls as well as the\ntouch screen and the stylus which is used for drawing\nand writing. ", "When writing the correct answers or numbers,\nyou might find that the CPU doesn't recognize some\nof your handwriting. ", "This could be due to poor spelling\nand poor handwriting. ", "In any case if you continue\nto play the game in the nature that it was intended,\nyour spelling and handwriting will show signs of improvements.", "\nI found the other controls functioned perfectly.", "\n\nThe\nmath segment is basically a drill. ", "You'll be shown\nseveral simple equations that you have to solve. ", "There\nis a speed element to it so you'll eventually train\nyourself to be faster and more accurate. ", "You'll notice\nthat you improve a lot quicker if you have an audience,\nor better yet, some competition. ", "Up to 16 players\ncan take part in the various tests. ", "Brain Age also\ncomes with a version of the popular puzzle game Sudoku.", "\nIt's a popular number-based game similar to a crossword\npuzzle. ", "You have a series of grids, nine rows by nine\ncolumns. ", "Each puzzle begins with some numbers appearing\nin various grids. ", "You have to fill in the empty grids\nwith numbers from one to nine without repeating any\nin either the corresponding row or column. ", "There is\nonly one number that will fit into each of the 81\ngrids. ", "It can really bust your brain. ", "In yet another\nmath game you will have to keep track of the number\nof people at a party, as they come and go.", "\n\nThere's\nmore to Brain Age than just math games. ", "In another\ntest you will have to memorize as many four-letter\nwords as you can in two minutes. ", "You will also have\nto memorize sequences of numbers. ", "There are dots to\nconnect, syllables to count, differences to detect\nand even a segment which will have you read out loud.", "\nApparently reading out loud is very brain stimulating.", "\nHere, try reading this out loud: \"Why am I so\n#~*&+%$ dumb?\" ", "Say it again, this time louder.", "\nWhat word did you use in place of all those symbols?", "\nSay that word again, but louder. ", "Go ahead, scream\nit\n\nAt\nfirst some of these challenges might seem almost impossible.", "\nNumbers race past, sequences and questions are popping\nup all over the place, but it's something you'll get\nused to in a few days. ", "Kawashima is the game's genial,\ngenius host. ", "He guides you through the series of tests\nand helps explain why it's important to stimulate\nyour Prefrontal Cortex. ", "Maybe if I play the game long\nenough I'll know what that is.", "\n\nLike\nthe writing recognition software, the voice recognition\nsystem is pretty darn good. ", "It's not perfect and it\ncan be particularly frustrating when you do have the\nright answer, or read the text perfectly, and the\nsystem fails to register it. ", "You will usually find\nthat you have to speak slowly and enunciate more clearly.", "\nIt's not a big deal to get used to in the long run.", "\n\nThe\nmulti-player mode is fun for competition and while\nit can be inspiring, it's not all that interesting\nand you'll tire of it quite quickly. ", "The replay value\nis in the single-player mode. ", "The game will keep track\nof your stats and you'll be able to see how much you've\nimproved. ", "I've only been at it for a few days and\nI'm already seeing some improvement. ", "I did twice as\ngood as last time - I got two answers right instead\nof one\n\nFeatures:\n\nBrain\nAge presents players with a series of mental brain-training\nchallenges that incorporate word memorization, counting\nand reading.", "\n\nBrain\nAge: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day for Nintendo\nDS is a fun, rewarding form of entertainment everyone\ncan enjoy, as it helps players flex their mental\nmuscles.", "\n\nBrain\nAge is inspired by the research of Professor Ryuta\nKawashima, a prominent Japanese neuroscientist.", "\nHis studies evaluated the impact of performing certain\nreading and mathematic exercises to help stimulate\nthe brain.", "\n\nFeatures\nvoice recognition and handwriting recognition.", "\n\nCome\nwith the popular newspaper puzzle game, Sudoku.", "\n\nBy\nCole SmithCCC\nSenior Writer\n\nRating\nout of 5\n\nBrain\nAge: Train Your Brain In Minutes A Day\n(DS)\n\n2.5\n\nGraphicsNothing\nspecial in the graphics department, not\nthat it needs it.", "\n\n4.0\n\nControlEither\nthe voice and handwriting recognition system\nhave the occasional glitch or I can't talk\nand write properly.", "\n\n3.3\n\nMusic\n/ Sound FX / Voice ActingNot\nmuch of a show but the entire game is presented\nin a professional manner that is not clinical.", "\n\n4.5\n\nPlay\nValueOnce\nyou get hooked, it's a one-way ticket to\nNerdsville for you smarty.", "\n\n4.1\n\nOverall\nRating -\nGreat\nNot an average. ", "See Rating legend above\nfor a final score breakdown.", "\n\nMarch\n2, 2006 - Video\ngames have always been given a bad rap. ", "If you're\nnot shooting at someone, you're running over someone.", "\nIf you're not running over someone, you're stabbing\nsomeone...and so on and so forth. ", "Yeah, we get it.", "\nVideo games are usually violent and they don't learn\nyou much, as is evident by my lack of proper grammar\nin this sentence. ", "Darn you video games!", "\n\nIf\nyou've been noticing lately that ye olde cerebral\ncortex has been diminishing in all aspects of functionality,\nfear not, my fellow braindead vegetables! ", "Nintendo\nis using their DS technology and the research inspired\nby Professor Ryuta Kawashima to make you smart again,\nbut be forewarned - If you're stupid now, then use\nthe Brain Age to get super smart, then stop playing\nit, you'll become dumb again - just like the book\nFlowers For Algernon (Charly) and let me tell you,\nthat was one sad book. ", "But you should read it anyway\nbecause reading is good for you and video games are\nbad for you. ", "Well, all video games with the exception\nof Brain Age and Panty Raider. ", "Oh wait....I've just\nbeen handed something....it appears I was mistaken\nand I owe you an apology. ", "Panty Raider isn't good\nfor you.", "\n\nI'll\ngive Nintendo credit - after years of reducing our\nbrains to mush with fantasies of pointy eared elf-like\nheroes who seem to be as common as Elvis impersonators\nin their universe, plumbers who save the world without\nexposing their buttcracks when they bend over and\ngiant tie-wearing apes that throw barrels instead\nof their own feces, it's about time Nintendo gave\nus something back. ", "Namely, the ability to think again.", "\n\nBrain\nAge: Train Your Brain In Minutes A Day! ", "is scheduled\nfor an April release and if history has shown us anything,\nnone of you idiots will buy it. ", "Why is that? ", "Because\nyou're idiots and aren't interested in getting smarter.", "\nCare to prove me wrong? ", "Please note that the awesome\nmathematical puzzler Sudoku is also included.", "\n\nCompany\nLine:\n\nWhat\nis Brain Age?", "\n\nBrain\nAge: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day for Nintendo\nDS is a fun, rewarding form of entertainment everyone\ncan enjoy, as it helps players flex their mental muscles.", "\nBrain Age is inspired by the research of Professor\nRyuta Kawashima, a prominent Japanese neuroscientist.", "\nHis studies evaluated the impact of performing certain\nreading and mathematic exercises to help stimulate\nthe brain.", "\n\nBrain\nAge presents quick mental activities that help keep\nyour DS brain in shape. ", "Activities include quickly\nsolving simple math problems, counting people going\nin and out of a house simultaneously, drawing pictures\non the Touch Screen, reading classic literature out\nloud, and more. ", "You can also play sudoku, the number\npuzzle game which has become an extremely popular\nfeature in U.S. newspapers.", "\n\nOn\nyour first day of exercise, you will take a series\nof tests and get a score that determines how old your\nbrain is. ", "This number is called your \"DS Brain\nAge\". ", "By performing daily exercises just minutes\na day over weeks and months, the better you'll get\nat the exercises and the lower your DS Brain Age will\nbecome.", "\n\nWhy\nis brain training good for you?", "\n\nWe\nall know as we grow older our bodies change and it\nbecomes important to regularly exercise to maintain\nhealth and fitness. ", "Our brain is no different. \"", "Use\nit or lose it,\" as the adage goes. ", "New research\nindicates mental acuity may be strengthened, like\nmuscles, with brain exercises.", "\n\nThat's\nwhere Brain Age comes in.", "\n\nBut\nhow does Brain Age work?", "\n\nThe\nBrain Age exercises are designed to stimulate your\nbrain. ", "Solving simple math and logic problems quickly,\nand reading aloud, have been proven to be effective\nmethods of achieving this goal.", "\n\nThe\ndistinctive Nintendo DS Touch Screen lets users write\ntheir answers with a Stylus pen, just as though they\nwere writing on paper or using a Personal Digital\nAssistant or \"PDA\". ", "Furthermore, the Nintendo\nDS's voice input identifies particular words you'll\nspeak during the Stroop Test.", "\n\nBrain\nAge tracks your progression through each exercise\nwith easy-to-read line charts. ", "Consistently using\nBrain Age each day will open new exercises to test\nyour ability.", "\n\nBaby\nBoomers and test-prepping school kids alike want to\nchallenge themselves and find ways to stay sharp.", "\nBrain Age acts like a treadmill for the mind. ", "With\nthe simplicity of the Nintendo DS, and Brain Age's\nchallenging and rewarding exercises, everyone can\nstimulate their DS brain, improving speed and accuracy\nof their game play." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhere did people watch trailers before internet was invented?", "\n\nNow, with the Internet, we can simply watch trailers of a film on YouTube or other sites. ", "But how did people watch trailers before all this was created? ", "Were trailers shown in the cinemas only?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhere did people watch movie trailers? ", "Before the internet, there were movie theaters, broadcast TV, and cable TV. ", " Before cable TV there were movie theaters and broadcast TV. ", " Before broadcast TV there were movie theaters. ", " Before movie theaters there was no place to watch trailers that were not made to advertise movies that were not made.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "just seeing if you were back from your trip. ", " maybe we can go for lunch \nsometime this week. ", "let me know when you're free." ]
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[ "//\n// SectionModelType.swift\n// RxDataSources\n//\n// Created by Krunoslav Zaher on 6/28/15.", "\n// Copyright © 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n//\n\nimport Foundation\n\npublic protocol SectionModelType {\n associatedtype Item\n\n var items: [Item] { get }\n\n init(original: Self, items: [Item])\n}" ]
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[ "/*============================================================================\n\nThe Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)\n\nCopyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)\nAll rights reserved.", "\n\nUse of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be\nfound in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n============================================================================*/\n\n#include \"berryIWorkbenchPartReference.h\"\n\n\nnamespace berry {\n\nIWorkbenchPartReference::~IWorkbenchPartReference()\n{\n}\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "The content of the Library of Parliament has moved. ", "Please update your bookmarks.", "\n\nThe link may also be broken.", "\n\nFor more information, contact the Library or return to the Parliament of Canada homepage." ]
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[ "5.6 the slower ball does the trick. ", "A 87.5kmph back of the hand ball. ", "Wells comes down the track in an attempt to loft it away. ", "He is deceived by the lack of pace and is well into the stroke by the time the ball comes to him. ", "There is only one place that the ball can go after he missed it- middle stump. ", "It hits the top of middle and Wells is disappointed 37/15.6 the slower ball does the trick. ", "A 87.5kmph back of the hand ball. ", "Wells comes down the track in an attempt to loft it away. ", "He is deceived by the lack of pace and is well into the stroke by the time the ball comes to him. ", "There is only one place that the ball can go after he missed it- middle stump. ", "It hits the top of middle and Wells is disappointed 37/1\n\n17.4 the change of pace does the trick. ", "Birt is looking to paddle the ball away and makes his intentions clear as Starc is running in. ", "He sees the movement and pitches it short. ", "Birt looks to adjust and ends up gloving it to the keeper. ", "Good, entertaining innings by Birt 144/2\n\n17.4 to Birt, the change of pace does the trick. ", "Birt is looking to paddle the ball away and makes his intentions clear as Starc is running in. ", "He sees the movement and pitches it short. ", "Birt looks to adjust and ends up gloving it to the keeper. ", "Good, entertaining innings by Birt 144/219.3 to Jaques, he is gone now as he plays a tired drive straight into the hands of Henriques at long-off. ", "A very good innings by Jaques 162/3\n\n5.6 to Wells, the slower ball does the trick. ", "A 87.5kmph back of the hand ball. ", "Wells comes down the track in an attempt to loft it away. ", "He is deceived by the lack of pace and is well into the stroke by the time the ball comes to him. ", "There is only one place that the ball can go after he missed it- middle stump. ", "It hits the top of middle and Wells is disappointed 37/15.6 to Wells, the slower ball does the trick. ", "A 87.5kmph back of the hand ball. ", "Wells comes down the track in an attempt to loft it away. ", "He is deceived by the lack of pace and is well into the stroke by the time the ball comes to him. ", "There is only one place that the ball can go after he missed it- middle stump. ", "It hits the top of middle and Wells is disappointed 37/1\n\n1.6 and that's the celbration for the Test recall. ", "He bowls one on the off stump and it straightens a touch. ", "Nevill doesn't help himself by coming down the track. ", "He misses the ball and it hits the top of off 7/1\n\n2.1 to Lumb, that's two in two. ", "Lumb makes room and looks to drive the ball. ", "He misses and the ball hits the middle stumps. ", "Sixers in serious trouble now 7/211.5 to Maddinson, full-toss on the middle stump. ", "Maddinson looks to sweep it and misses. ", "He is struck on the pads and has to go 73/4\n\n1.6 to Nevill, and that's the celbration for the Test recall. ", "He bowls one on the off stump and it straightens a touch. ", "Nevill doesn't help himself by coming down the track. ", "He misses the ball and it hits the top of off 7/1\n\n10.3 to Smith, does anybody remember the catch by McGrath off Vaughan? ", "Laughlin has pulled off a similar catch. ", "Smith goes for the slog sweep and Laughlin puts in a forward dive to pull off a stunner 64/3\n\n14.5 to Thornely, fuller ball on the off stump. ", "Thornely looks to slog it and gets an inside edge. ", "The ball crashes onto the off stump and Sixers slip further 93/616.4 to Henriques, short ball outside the off stump. ", "HEnriques is early into the pull shot as he gets a top edge that is taken easily by Jaques at short fine-leg 110/716.5 to Lee, fuller ball on the middle stump. ", "Lee looks to drive and misses. ", "He is bowled 110/818.2 to Hazlewood, on the off stump and a slower ball. ", "Hazlewood goes for the drive early and is beaten. ", "The ball hits the outside of the off stump 114/9" ]
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[ "In many hydrocarbon well applications, well logging is used to collect data on formations which may contain reservoirs of hydrocarbon fluids. ", "Various types of well logging instruments utilize a pulsed neutron generator having one or more sealed neutron generator tubes. ", "A traditional method involves storing and introducing tritium gas to the neutron generator tubes via use of a uranium reservoir. ", "A sealed stainless steel cylinder is employed to contain a uranium hydride storage bed. ", "Heat is applied externally to an outer wall of the uranium-based tritium reservoir until sufficiently high temperatures cause tritium to be released from the uranium. ", "At sufficiently low temperatures, the tritium re-adsorbs to the uranium. ", "However, uranium can be difficult to use and it has certain inherent disadvantages because of the pyrophoric characteristics of uranium. ", "Additionally, the structure of existing neutron generator systems can create difficulties in servicing or replacement of system components." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Established 1949 - Men's 70th Birthday T shirt\n\n£14.95\n\nBirthday T shirt for 70 year olds\n\nThe design shows the image of a Roman / Greek Temple with the year of birth printed in Roman Numerals.", "\n\nThis is a premium quality T-shirt ethically made from 100% soft cotton and it is designed and printed by Da Londra in London. ", "The T-shirt comes folded with a tissue insert and is presented in a Da Londra sleeve ready to be given as a gift.", "\n\nYou can machine wash this T-shirt at 40c.", "Also see our other Da Londra designs for T shirts with 70th Birthday Messages." ]
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[ "Coordination polymers built from 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene: from crystalline to amorphous.", "\nThe supramolecular chemistry of the bis-imidazole ligand 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene, popularly known as bix, has been explored by various researchers in order to synthesize functional coordination polymers (CPs). ", "The flexibility of the bix ligand, its unpredictable conformation and its coordination behaviour with transition metal ions have resulted in a huge number of structurally diverse and functionally intriguing CPs. ", "In this perspective review we discuss the progress in CPs of bix between 1997 and today. ", "More precisely, this review emphasizes the developments in functional supramolecular coordination polymers built from the bix ligand, from crystalline materials to amorphous nanomaterials." ]
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[ "Aneurysm occlusion in elderly patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: a cost-utility analysis.", "\nAneurysm occlusion after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) aims to improve outcome by reducing the rebleeding risk. ", "With increasing age, overall prognosis decreases, and the complications of aneurysm occlusion increase. ", "The balance of risks for aneurysm occlusion in elderly SAH patients in different age categories and clinical conditions is unknown. ", "A Markov model was used to evaluate quality-adjusted life years (QALY), additional costs and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) of aneurysm occlusion in 192 patient subgroups, based on age, gender, neurological condition at admission, time since SAH, and aneurysm size and location. ", "Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. ", "For patients admitted in poor condition ≥ 10 days after SAH, and patients older than 80 years, admitted in poor condition admitted ≥ 4 days after SAH, occlusion implied QALY loss and increased costs. ", "Only for women younger than 79 and men younger than 74 years admitted in good condition within 4 days did the ICER of occlusion fall below €50,000 per QALY. ", "Occlusion was beneficial and cost-saving in women aged 74 years or younger admitted in good condition within 4 days with a small posterior circulation aneurysm. ", "Conclusions Aneurysm occlusion is harmful in some subgroups of elderly patients and beneficial in others. ", "It is cost-effective only in specific subgroups that comprise a large part of the patients encountered in clinical practice. ", "Beyond the age of 80 years, the balance between risks and benefits is often no longer positive for occlusion, and it should only be considered if the predicted life expectancy leaves margin for benefit." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Let $F$ be a closed surface and $i:F \\to S^3$ a generic immersions. ", "Then $S^3 - i(F)$ is a union of connected regions, which may be separated into two sets $\\{ U_j \\}$ and $\\{ V_j \\}$ by a checkerboard coloring. ", "For $k \\geq 0$ let $a_k$, $b_k$ be the number of components $U_j$, $V_j$ with $\\chi(U_j) = 1-k$, $\\chi(V_j)=1-k$, respectively. ", "Two more integers attached to $i$ are the number $N$ of triple points of $i$, and $\\chi=\\chi(F)$. In this work we determine what sets of data $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }}, {{ \\{ b_k \\} }}, \\chi, N)$ may appear in this way.'", "\naddress: 'Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel'\nauthor:\n- Tahl Nowik\ndate: 'January 7, 2007'\ntitle: Complementary regions for immersions of surfaces\n---\n\n\\[section\\] \\[thm\\][Lemma]{} \\[thm\\][Proposition]{} \\[thm\\][Corollary]{} \\[thm\\][Definition]{} \\[thm\\][Remark]{}\n\nThe setting, and statement of result\n====================================\n\nFor $F$ a closed surface and $i: F\\to S^3$ a generic immersion, we will be interested in the connected components of $S^3 - i(F)$. They will be called the *complementary regions* of $i$, or simply the *regions* of $i$. Choose one point $p_0 \\in S^3 - i(F)$ and color it black. ", "This determines a color black or white for any point in $S^3 - i(F)$ according to the following prescription: If $p \\in S^3 - i(F)$ we connect $p$ to $p_0$ with a curve $\\gamma$ in general position with respect to $i(F)$, and we color $p$ black or white according to whether $\\gamma$ intersects $i(F)$ an even or odd number of times, respectively. ", "This is indeed well defined by simple connectivity of $S^3$. The color of points within one region is constant and so we may refer to the color of a region, and this color changes whenever crossing a sheet of $i(F)$ from one region to a neighboring one. ", "We will be interested in the collection of Euler characteristics that may appear for the set of regions, so we first prove:\n\n\\[l1\\] If $U$ is a complementary region of $i:F \\to S^3$ then $\\chi(U) \\leq 1$.\n\nLet ${{\\partial}}U$ be the natural notion of a boundary for $U$. It is enough to show that ${{\\partial}}U$ is connected, since then $\\chi({{\\partial}}U) \\leq 2$ and so $\\chi(U) = {{1 \\over 2}}\\chi({{\\partial}}U) \\leq 1$. So assume ${{\\partial}}U$ has at least two connected components $S_1,S_2$, and let $T {\\subseteq}U$ be a surface parallel to $S_1$. There is a path in $U$ from $S_1$ to $S_2$ crossing $T$ precisely once, and since $i(F)$ is connected and disjoint from $T$, this path can be completed to a loop in $S^3$ crossing $T$ precisely once, contradicting the simple connectivity of $S^3$.\n\nGiven a generic immersion $i:F \\to S^3$, color $S^3 - i(F)$ as above, and we define two sequences $a_0,a_1,a_2,\\dots$ and $b_0,b_1,b_2,\\dots$ of non-negative integers as follows: Let $a_k = a_k(i)$ be the number of black regions $U$ with $\\chi(U)=1-k$ and let $b_k=b_k(i)$ be the number of white regions $U$ with $\\chi(U)=1-k$. We attach two more integers to such immersion, the number $N=N(i)$ of triple points of $i$, and $\\chi = \\chi(F)$. Our goal in this work is to determine what sets of data $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$ may arise in this way. ", "We will prove:\n\n\\[main\\] Let $\\{ a_k \\}_{k \\geq 0}$, $\\{ b_k \\}_{k \\geq 0}$ be two sequences of non-negative integers which are not identically 0. ", "Let $\\chi$ and $N$ be integers satisfying $\\chi \\leq 2$, $N\\geq 0$. Then there is a closed surface $F$ with $\\chi(F) = \\chi$ and an immersion $i:F \\to S^3$ with $N$ triple points which realizes the sequences ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$, iff the following equation holds: $$\\sum_k (1-k)a_k = \\sum_k (1-k)b_k = {{1 \\over 2}}(\\chi + N).$$\n\nThe “only if” part of Theorem [main]{} will be proved in Section [onif]{} and the “if” part in Section [if]{}.", "\n\nAny immersion satisfies the equation {#onif}\n====================================\n\nIn this section we show that any immersion $i:F \\to S^3$ satisfies the equalities of Theorem [main]{}. ", "This has been shown for orientable surfaces in [f]{} using an elaborate order 1 invariant appearing there. ", "We will present a self contained proof which covers both orientable and non-orientable surfaces. ", "For generic immersion $i: F \\to S^3$ let $A(i)$ be the union of all black regions and $B(i)$ the union of all white regions of $i$, then $\\sum_k (1-k)a_k = \\chi(A(i))$ and $\\sum_k (1-k)b_k = \\chi(B(i))$. We now define $a(i)$ and $b(i)$ by $a(i) = \\chi(A(i)) - {{1 \\over 2}}N(i)$ and $b(i) = \\chi(B(i)) - {{1 \\over 2}}N(i)$ (this may be a half integer). ", "Our goal is then to show that for any immersion $i:F \\to S^3$, $a(i) = b(i) = {{1 \\over 2}}\\chi(F)$. We will show this by first showing that $a(i)$ and $b(i)$ are constant along regular homotopies, and then verifying the equalities for one chosen immersion in every regular homotopy class.", "\n\nAlong a generic regular homotopy, there are some finitely many times when the topology of the complementary regions may change, namely, at the times when the regular homotopy passes through non-stable immersion. ", "There are four types of such occurrences, which we name $E,H,T,Q$. They appear in Figure 1, and a model immersion in ${{{\\Bbb R}^3}}$ for each configuration is given below, depending on a parameter ${{\\lambda}}$. The immersions depicted in Figure 1 correspond to some ${{\\lambda}}> 0$, and the unstable immersion corresponds to ${{\\lambda}}= 0$. We will now see that for each of the four types of occurrences, if we continuously carry the coloring along the regular homotopy, by keeping it fixed on points which are remote from the given occurrence, then the topology of the regions and the number of triple points change in a way such that $a(i),b(i)$ remain constant.", "\n\nModel for $E$:  $z=0$,  $z=x^2+y^2+{{\\lambda}}$. When moving from ${{\\lambda}}> 0$ to ${{\\lambda}}< 0$ a new 3-cell region appears. ", "Say this region is black then it adds 1 to $a(i)$. The second change occurring, is that the region just above the plane $z=0$ has a 2-handle removed from it. ", "This region is seen to be black, since one needs to cross both sheets involved in the configuration in order to pass from this region into the new 3-cell. ", "And so all together $a(i)$ remains fixed. ", "The topology of the white regions has remained unchanged and so $b(i)$ remains fixed as well.", "\n\nModel for $H$:   $z=0$,  $z=x^2-y^2+{{\\lambda}}$. The changes occurring in the neighboring regions when passing from ${{\\lambda}}> 0$ to ${{\\lambda}}< 0$ are that a 1-handle is removed from the region $X$ just above the $x$ axis, and a 1-handle is added to the region $Y$ just below the $y$ axis. ", "It is seen that the color of these two regions is the same since they are on opposite sides of both sheets involved in the configuration, and so $a(i),b(i)$ remain fixed.", "\n\nModel for $T$:  $z=0$,  $y=0$,  $z=y+x^2+{{\\lambda}}$. When passing from ${{\\lambda}}> 0$ to ${{\\lambda}}< 0$ a new 3-cell region appears. ", "The second change occurring is that a 1-handle is removed from the region near the $x$ axis having negative $y$ values and positive $z$ values. ", "The color of this region is seen to be opposite to that of the new 3-cell, since it is on the other side of all three sheets involved in the configuration, and so $\\chi(A(i))$ and $\\chi(B(i))$ both increase by 1. ", "But on the other hand, two triple points are added to $i$ during this occurrence, and so all together both $a(i)$ and $b(i)$ remained fixed.", "\n\nModel for $Q$:  $z=0$,  $y=0$,  $x=0$,  $z=x+y+{{\\lambda}}$. When passing from ${{\\lambda}}>0$ to ${{\\lambda}}< 0$, a simplex region vanishes, and a new simplex region appears. ", "They are of the same color since they are on the opposite side of all four sheets involved in the configuration. ", "All other regions are topologically unchanged and so again, $a(i)$ and $b(i)$ remain fixed.", "\n\nWe have thus shown that $a(i)$ and $b(i)$ are constant on every regular homotopy class. ", "It remains to find this value by direct inspection of one immersion in every regular homotopy class, and see that indeed $a(i)=b(i)={{1 \\over 2}}\\chi(F)$. It is shown in [p]{} that if $F$ is orientable then any immersion $i:F \\to {{{\\Bbb R}^3}}$ is regularly homotopic to either a standard embedding, or a standard embedding with an additional “ring” added along a particular circle in the surface. (", "A ring along a trivial circle is seen in Figure 3b). ", "It follows that the same is true for immersions in $S^3$. For a standard embedding the regions on the two sides indeed have $\\chi(U) = {{1 \\over 2}}\\chi(F)$. If a ring is added, this adds a solid torus region, whose $\\chi$ is 0, and it does not change the topology of the previously existing regions, and so the equalities still hold. ", "It is further shown in [p]{} that if $F$ is non-orientable, then any immersion $i:F \\to {{{\\Bbb R}^3}}$ is regularly homotopic to a connect sum of Boy’s surfaces (right and left handed), where by connect sum of immersions we mean the following. ", "If $i:F \\to S^3$, is an immersion of a closed surface into $S^3$, and if $p \\in i(F)$ is a point not in the intersection set of $i$, then let $B$ be a small 3-ball neighborhood of $p$ disjoint from the intersection set of $i$ and delete $B$ from $S^3$, obtaining an immersion $i|_{F-D}:F-D \\to S^3 - B$ where $D = i^{-1}(B)$ is a disc in $F$. If $i':F' \\to S^3$ is another such immersion, do the same with some $B',D'$. Now glue $S^3-B$ to $S^3-B'$ along their boundaries, so that the boundaries of $F-D$ and $F'-D'$ will match, obtaining an immersion $F \\# F' \\to S^3 \\# S^3 =S^3$ which we call a connect sum of $i,i'$. When such connect sum operation is performed, then the two complementary regions of $i$ on the two sides of $i(D)$, merge with the corresponding complementary regions of $i'$ on the two sides of $i'(D')$. Each such merger is along a disc, namely, a hemisphere of ${{\\partial}}B$.\n\nIn [p]{} Boy’s surface is depicted with a small window removed, so one can peak inside and convince one’s self that the complementary regions of Boy’s surface are two 3-cells, one of each color. ", "Also, Boy’s surface has one triple point. ", "And so the complementary regions of a connect sum of $N$ Boy’s surfaces are still two 3-cells, one of each color, and the number of triple points is $N$. And so $a(i)=b(i)=1-{{1 \\over 2}}N = {{1 \\over 2}}\\chi(F)$. This completes the proof of the “only if” part of Theorem [main]{}.", "\n\nWe make the following remark. ", "The “only if” part of Theorem [main]{} is a refinement of what may be deduced in this setting from the result of Izumiya and Marar ([im]{}), namely $\\chi(i(F)) = \\chi(F) + N$. Indeed, present $S^3$ as the union of a regular neighborhood $U$ of $i(F)$, and the union $V$ of all complementary regions, slightly diminished, so $\\chi(V) = \\sum_k (1-k)a_k + \\sum_k (1-k)b_k$. We get $\\chi(S^3) = 0 = \\chi(i(F)) + \\chi(V) - \\chi( {{\\partial}}V) = \\chi(i(F)) - \\chi(V)$, or $\\chi(i(F)) = \\chi(V)$. This shows that the Izumiya Marar equality is equivalent in this setting to $\\chi(V) = \\chi(F)+N$, which is the sum of our two equalities $\\sum_k (1-k)a_k = {{1 \\over 2}}(\\chi + N)$ and $\\sum_k (1-k)b_k = {{1 \\over 2}}(\\chi + N)$.\n\nRealizing the data by immersions {#if}\n================================\n\nIn this section we show that any data $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$ satisfying the conditions of Theorem [main]{}, may be realized by some $F$ and $i$. The proof is by induction on $N + \\sum_k a_k + \\sum_k b_k$.\n\nLet $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$ be data satisfying the conditions of Theorem [main]{}. ", "If $a_0 \\geq 1$ and there is $r \\geq 1$ with $a_r \\geq 1$, then let ${{ \\{ a'_k \\} }}$ be the sequence obtained from ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }}$ by subtracting 1 from $a_0$, subtracting 1 from $a_r$, and then adding 1 to $a_{r-1}$. (so if $r=1$ then $a'_0=a_0$). ", "If ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }}$ satisfies the conditions of Theorem [main]{}, then so does $\\{ a'_k \\}$, and we have $a'_{r-1} \\geq 1$. By induction there is a surface $F$ and immersion $i:F \\to S^3$ realizing $(\\{a'_k\\},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$. Let $U$ be a black complementary region for $i$ with $\\chi(U)=1-(r-1)$, and change $i$ in a disc on the boundary of $U$ (which is disjoint from the intersection set of $i$) as in Figure 2. ", "Then $\\chi(U)$ decreases by 1, and there is a new black 3-cell region appearing. ", "The topology of all other regions is unchanged, and so the new immersion realizes $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$. So we may assume that either (i) $a_0=0$, or (ii) $a_k=0$ for all $k \\geq 1$. By the same argument, the same may be assumed for ${{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$. ", "If say ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }}$ satisfies (i) and ${{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$ satisfies (ii), then $\\sum_k (1-k)a_k \\leq 0$, and since the sequences are assumed not to be identically 0, $\\sum_k (1-k)b_k > 0$, and so they cannot be equal. ", "It follows that we may assume either both ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$ satisfy (i) or both satisfy (ii).", "\n\nWe will first assume both sequences satisfy (i), that is $a_0=b_0=0$, and so $\\sum_k (1-k)a_k \\leq 0$, and so necessarily $\\chi \\leq 0$. If $N \\geq 1$, then by induction we have a surface and immersion $i$ realizing $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi+1,N-1)$. Take the connect sum of $i$ with Boy’s surface, then since Boy’s surface has 1 triple point and one complementary 3-cell of each color, the new immersion realizes $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$. So we may assume $N=0$.\n\nBefore dealing with this case, we introduce two more operations on immersions. ", "Let $i$ be an immersion and let $D {\\subseteq}i(F)$ be a disc disjoint from the intersection set of $i$. $D$ is part of the boundary of two neighboring regions $U,V$ (of opposite color). ", "For $g \\geq 0$, a $g$-operation on $D$ is an operation as in Figure 3a, adding $g$ handles to $F$, by this reducing $\\chi(F)$ by $2g$, and reducing $\\chi(U),\\chi(V)$ each by $g$. We will say that this $g$-operation was performed on the pair $U,V$. The second operation will be called a ring operation, which is adding a *ring* on $D$, say on the side of $U$, as in Figure 3b. (", "Only the immersion changes here, not the topology of the surface.) ", "The only effect of a ring operation is the creation of a new solid torus region which is a neighbor of $U$, and so of color opposite that of $U$. The topology of all previously existing regions remains unchanged. ", "We will say that this ring operation was performed in the region $U$.\n\nBack to our sequences ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$, recall that we are now assuming $a_0=b_0=0$, $N=0$. Assume first that the following holds: There is a $p$ such that $a_k=b_k=0$ for all $k \\neq p$, and so (since the sequences are not identically 0) $a_p \\geq 1$, $b_p \\geq 1$. If $p=1$, then by our equalities, $\\chi = 0$. Start with a standard embedding of a torus, and perform $a_p - 1$ ring operations in the white side and $b_p - 1$ ring operations in the black side, obtaining an immersion realizing the data. ", "So we may assume $p \\geq 2$ and so necessarily $a_p = b_p$. If $a_p=b_p=1$, then $\\chi = 2(1-p)$ and we may realize our data by a standard embedding of an orientable surface $F$ of genus $p$. Otherwise $a_p = b_p \\geq 2$. Let $\\{a'_k \\}$, $\\{ b'_k \\}$ be the sequences with $a'_p = b'_p = a_p -1$ and $a_k =b_k = 0$ for all $k \\neq p$, and note that necessarily $\\chi \\leq 2(1-p)$. By induction we have an immersion $i$ realizing $({{ \\{ a'_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b'_k \\} }},\\chi+2(p-1),0)$. Now perform a ring operation on $i$ in some arbitrary place, creating a new solid torus region $U$. In $U$ perform another ring operation creating another solid torus region $V$ which is a neighbor of $U$ (and so of opposite color). ", "Now perform a $(p-1)$-operation on the pair $U,V$ to obtain an immersion realizing $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,0)$.\n\nIf there is no $p$ as above, then there are some $r\\neq s$ such that $a_r \\geq 1$ and $b_s \\geq 1$, and assume $r < s$. Let ${{ \\{ a'_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b'_k \\} }}$ be the sequences obtained from ${{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$ in the following way. ", "Subtract 1 from $a_r$, subtract 1 from $b_s$ and then add 1 to $b_{s-r+1}$ (so if $r=1$ then the sequence ${{ \\{ b_k \\} }}$ remains unchanged.) ", "The sequence ${{ \\{ a'_k \\} }}$ is not identically 0 since that would imply that $\\sum_k (1-k)a_k = 1-r$ which could not equal $\\sum_k (1-k)b_k \\leq 1-s$. Note also that necessarily $\\chi \\leq 2(1-r)$. By induction we may realize $({{ \\{ a'_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b'_k \\} }},\\chi +2(r-1), 0)$. We have $b'_{s-r+1} \\geq 1$ and let $U$ be a corresponding region, i.e. $U$ is a white region with $\\chi(U) = r-s$. Now, first perform a ring operation in $U$, creating a new black solid torus region $V$ which is a neighbor of $U$. Then perform an $(r-1)$-operation on the pair $U,V$ of neighboring regions, by this decreasing $\\chi(U)$ and $\\chi(V)$ each by $r-1$, and decreasing $\\chi(F)$ by $2(r-1)$, and so realizing our original data $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,0)$. (If $r=1$ then the $(r-1)$-operation means doing nothing.)", "\n\nWe are left with the case both sequences satisfy (ii), that is $a_k=b_k=0$ for all $k \\geq 1$. Since the sequences are not identically 0, $\\sum_k (1-k)a_k \\geq 1$ and so $\\chi + N \\geq 2$. If $\\chi < 2$ then $N > 0$, and as before we may use a realization of $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi+1,N-1)$ to produce a realization of $({{ \\{ a_k \\} }},{{ \\{ b_k \\} }},\\chi,N)$, so we may assume $\\chi =2$ i.e. the surface $F$ is $S^2$. So now ${{1 \\over 2}}(2+N)$ is a sum of integers and so $N$ is even. ", "Our task then, is to construct for any even $N$, an immersion $i:S^2 \\to S^3$ with complementary regions which are ${{1 \\over 2}}(2+N)$ 3-cells of each color. ", "From the “only if” part of Theorem [main]{} we know that if all complementary regions of an immersion are 3-cells, then necessarily half of them are of each color. ", "And so when constructing our immersions below, we need only verify that the *total* number of 3-cells is $2+N$.\n\nFor $N=0$ take an embedding which indeed gives two 3-cell. ", "For $N=2$, we must construct an immersion $i:S^2 \\to S^3$ with 2 triple points and 4 complementary 3-cells. ", "Start with three spheres, each embedded, and intersecting each other with two triple points, as in Figure 4a. ", "They divide $S^3$ into eight 3-cells. ", "A small neighborhood of one of the two triple points is as appears in Figure 4b. ", "The 8 different regions appearing in this neighborhood, belong to the 8 different complementary regions. ", "In the figure, one of these regions is hidden.", "\n\nWe now attach two tubes to the three spheres, merging them into one sphere. ", "We add the tubes as in Figure 5 which we now explain. ", "The horizontal tube connects the two vertical sheets, and is half way above and half way below the horizontal sheet. ", "The upper half of this tube creates a path merging regions 1 and 3 of Figure 4b, and its lower half merges regions 5 and 7 of that figure. ", "The vertical tube connects the horizontal sheet with the left hand vertical sheet and is half to the left and half to the right of the right hand vertical sheet. ", "It opens paths merging regions 1 and 6 of Figure 4b, and regions 4 and 7 of that figure. ", "All together, regions 1,3,6 of Figure 4b have merged into the one 3-cell region 1 of Figure 5, and regions 4,5,7 of Figure 4b have merged into the one 3-cell region 3 of Figure 5. ", "And so we have four complementary 3-cells as needed. ", "This completes the case $N=2$.\n\nFor general even $N$, take a connect sum of ${{1 \\over 2}}N$ copies of the immersion we have constructed for the case $N=2$. Each additional such immersion adds two new triple points as needed, and two of its four 3-cell regions merge along discs with two of the existing ones, and so precisely two new 3-cell regions are added, as needed.", "\n\n[StoPC]{}\n\nS. Izumiya, W. Marar: “The Euler Characteristic of a Generic Wavefront in a 3-Manifold.” *", "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society* 118 (1993) 1347 - 1350.", "\n\nT. Nowik: “Formulae for Order One Invariants of Immersions of Surfaces.” *", "Advances in Mathematics* 206 (2006), no. ", "2, 358-372.", "\n\nU. Pinkall: “Regular Homotopy Classes if Immersed Surfaces.” *", "Topology* 24 (1985), 421–434.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPython function doesnt work inside a loop\n\nI am trying to create a code to compare gene file with gene panels.", "\nThe gene panel file is in csv format and has Chromosome, gene, start location and end locations.", "\npatients file has chromosome, mutations and the location.", "\nso i made a loop to pass gene panel information to a function where the comparison is done to return me a list of similar items.", "\nthe function works great when i call it with manual data. ", "but doenst not do the comparison inside the loop.", "\nimport vcf\nimport os, sys\n\nrecords = open('exampleGenePanel.csv')\nread = vcf.", "Reader(open('examplePatientFile.vcf','r'))\n\n#functions to find mutations in patients sequence\ndef findMutations(gn,chromo,start,end):\n start = int(start)\n end = int(end)\n for each in read:\n CHROM = each.", "CHROM\n if CHROM !", "= chromo:\n continue\n POS = each.", "POS\n if POS < start:\n continue\n if POS > end:\n continue\n REF = each.", "REF\n ALT = each.", "ALT\n print (gn,CHROM,POS,REF,ALT)\n list.append([gn,CHROM,POS,REF,ALT])\n return list\n\ngene = records.readlines()\n\nlist=[]\ny = len (gene)\nx=1\nwhile x < 3:\n field = gene[x].split(',')\n gname = field[0]\n chromo = field[1]\n gstart = field[2]\n gend = field[3]\n findMutations(gname,chromo,gstart,gend)\n x = x+1\nif not list:\n print ('Mutation not found')\nelse:\n print (len(list),' Mutations found')\n print (list)\n\ni want to get the details of matching mutations in the list.", "\nThis works as expected when i pass the data manually to the function.", "\nEg.findMutations('TESTGene','chr8','146171437','146229161')\nBut doesnt compare when passed through the loop\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that findMutations attempts to read from read each time it is called, but after the first call, read has already been read and there's nothing left. ", " I suggest reading the contents of read once, before calling the function, then save the results in a list. ", " Then findMutations can read the list each time it is called.", "\nIt would also be a good idea to use a name other than list for your result list, since that name conflicts with the Python built-in function. ", " It would also be better to have findMutations return its result list rather than append it to a global.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Photo : Alex Wong/Getty Images\n\nLike a group of friends at a remote cottage in a campy serial killer film, your consumer protections are being stealthily killed one at a time, as you run around trying to put out other fires.", "\n\n\n\n\nWell, make that two at a time. ", "Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that Title X of the Dodd-Frank Act, which created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is unconstitutional “in its entirety.” ", "And the Trump administration’s Department of Labor failed to appeal a court ruling that voided the Fiduciary Rule, thus killing it.", "\n\nBut that’s not all the Trump administration has been successful in rolling back.", "\n\n\nConsumer Financial Protection Bureau\n\nThe CFPB was created by Dodd Frank in the aftermath of the financial crisis to hold institutions accountable for their bad behavior.", "\n\nThe CFPB has gone after predatory student loan and payday lenders, banks like Wells Fargo who have swindled customers and, in the case of the lawsuit referenced above, was suing a company it alleged “deceived 9/11 first responders with cancer and other illnesses as well as NFL football players with brain injuries out of millions of dollars.”", "\n\nIn fact, for pretty much any financial infraction now, the advice when you’ve been scammed or believe something illegal has happened—say, your student loan servicer says you haven’t made X number of payments when you know you have, or Wells Fargo opens an extra checking account in your name without your knowledge—is to file a complaint with the CFPB, which can then investigate the claims. ", "And for that reason it’s been a target of the “pro-business” lobby since its inception.", "\n\n\nIt is likely that the ruling will be appealed, but it’s bad news for people who want more methods in place to hold lenders, banks and other financial institutions in check.", "\n\n\nDepartment of Education\n\nEducation Secretary Betsy DeVos is working overtime to make sure minority students and those who fall victim to predatory for-profit schools and student loan lenders have as little federal (and state) recourse as possible.", "\n\n\nAs I covered previously, so far during her short tenure, DeVos has put rules that would protect students from predatory for-profit schools on hold and rescinded a 60-day grace period for students who fell into default to get their payments in order and avoid a 16 percent fee. ", "Education is also telling states to drop their efforts into regulating student loan servicers, and DeVos has rolled back rules meant to help disabled students as well as guidance on sexual assault cases on college campuses.", "\n\n\nBanking Deregulations\n\nLast month, federal officials proposed rolling back the Volcker Rule, another aspect of the Dodd-Frank Act that aims to “prevent Wall Street from making risky bets with customers’ money for the bank’s own profit,” as I reported at the time. ", "Kimberly Palmer, NerdWallet’s Banking Expert, told me that consumers aren’t likely to feel the effects of this action until there’s “a problem, like a financial crisis or bank failure.” ", "Which is exactly when you want to find out.", "\n\n\nPresident Trump has also rescinded a rule protecting African American and Latino consumers from discrimination from auto lenders, and signed a law that exempts small- and medium-sized (read: most) banks from Dodd-Frank altogether.", "\n\nFiduciary Rule\n\nI’ve written about the Fiduciary Rule before, and it’s one of those things that feels so obvious it’s head-scratching\n\n\nWhat it would have done: Implemented by the Obama administration, it would have required all retirement advisors to act in their clients’ best interests instead of their own—in other words, to meet the fiduciary standard. ", "That’s something Certified Financial Planners and other types of advisors already have to do, but there’s a whole industry of broker dealers and other types of financial advisors who don’t.", "\n\n\nAnd that means if you go to one of them for investment advice, they could sell you a product (say, a certain fund) that gives them a kickback while you’re left with potentially lower returns and higher fees than another, similar product would have produced. ", "Obama’s White House’s Council on Economic Advisers found that non-fiduciaries cost us, the average 401(k)/IRA retirement investors, $17 billion per year.", "\n\nThis comes in the midst of America’s retirement crisis, making it even more egregious that the government is doing nothing to ensure the average American’s already insufficient retirement savings aren’t reduced further by brokers looking to make a quick buck at our expense. ", "To avoid that fate, you want to make sure anyone you get financial advice on specific investments and plans is a fiduciary. ", "Here’s information on how to find one.", "\n\n\nNow, Barron’s reports that the SEC is creating its own “best-interest rule,” which also requires brokers to put their clients’ interests before their own. ", "The SEC is hearing public comments until August 7.", "\n\nTaken one by one, the rollback of our basic consumer protections is alarming. ", "All together, it could be devastating for our collective financial future." ]
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[ "\nWhat is prob of sequence ppoo when four letters picked without replacement from oopopop?", "\n3/35\nFour letters picked without replacement from {y: 6, n: 2, w: 3, b: 2}. ", "Give prob of sequence nybb.", "\n1/715\nWhat is prob of sequence mz when two letters picked without replacement from zmzmmmqmmmtmmm?", "\n10/91\nWhat is prob of sequence aat when three letters picked without replacement from eatthemmtamhah?", "\n3/364\nCalculate prob of sequence kk when two letters picked without replacement from {t: 4, k: 2, x: 1, i: 6}.", "\n1/78\nWhat is prob of sequence nn when two letters picked without replacement from nnnnnnnnn?", "\n1\nWhat is prob of sequence iiri when four letters picked without replacement from {i: 3, r: 1, w: 1}?", "\n1/20\nCalculate prob of sequence yya when three letters picked without replacement from tyyayayyyyyayayya.", "\n55/408\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {j: 3, k: 3, n: 1, s: 7, u: 2, l: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence jj?", "\n3/136\nFour letters picked without replacement from ghwzkgg. ", "Give prob of sequence gzkg.", "\n1/140\nCalculate prob of sequence uduu when four letters picked without replacement from ddddduuddud.", "\n1/165\nThree letters picked without replacement from {p: 2, n: 3}. ", "Give prob of sequence ppn.", "\n1/10\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {t: 12, l: 3}. ", "What is prob of sequence tt?", "\n22/35\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {y: 1, k: 11}. ", "Give prob of sequence kk.", "\n5/6\nCalculate prob of sequence hdd when three letters picked without replacement from {a: 2, h: 1, d: 4}.", "\n2/35\nCalculate prob of sequence gny when three letters picked without replacement from {g: 4, n: 4, p: 5, y: 5, i: 1}.", "\n40/2907\nWhat is prob of sequence xbb when three letters picked without replacement from vbbvvvnvbnvvvxvvxnn?", "\n2/969\nWhat is prob of sequence ttg when three letters picked without replacement from {j: 4, t: 7, g: 2}?", "\n7/143\nCalculate prob of sequence hd when two letters picked without replacement from qdfhd.", "\n1/10\nTwo letters picked without replacement from wppwfpppzwwppywfa. ", "What is prob of sequence pf?", "\n7/136\nWhat is prob of sequence uubb when four letters picked without replacement from buubu?", "\n1/10\nCalculate prob of sequence eev when three letters picked without replacement from {e: 7, j: 3, d: 4, v: 5}.", "\n35/969\nTwo letters picked without replacement from ssscscs. ", "What is prob of sequence cc?", "\n1/21\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 1, t: 2, o: 1, f: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence ef?", "\n1/20\nFour letters picked without replacement from uukkukuilulkuluuju. ", "Give prob of sequence uujk.", "\n1/255\nCalculate prob of sequence chho when four letters picked without replacement from {h: 8, o: 1, c: 2, u: 2}.", "\n14/2145\nWhat is prob of sequence sssp when four letters picked without replacement from gpsgggspsg?", "\n1/420\nFour letters picked without replacement from tttmpttttplttlmlu. ", "Give prob of sequence lulu.", "\n0\nTwo letters picked without replacement from mmmmm. ", "Give prob of sequence mm.", "\n1\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {x: 7, o: 5}. ", "What is prob of sequence xx?", "\n7/22\nWhat is prob of sequence ezbe when four letters picked without replacement from eeegbyzbybb?", "\n1/330\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 4, r: 10}. ", "Give prob of sequence re.", "\n20/91\nCalculate prob of sequence oyc when three letters picked without replacement from lcoyv.", "\n1/60\nCalculate prob of sequence gnw when three letters picked without replacement from snnwrrngarg.", "\n1/165\nTwo letters picked without replacement from llllvlvvlvl. ", "What is prob of sequence lv?", "\n14/55\nThree letters picked without replacement from ooosososyysyosoyse. ", "Give prob of sequence yyy.", "\n1/204\nWhat is prob of sequence xn when two letters picked without replacement from nnxnxnxxxx?", "\n4/15\nWhat is prob of sequence lv when two letters picked without replacement from xvlvdvxvvjdd?", "\n5/132\nWhat is prob of sequence fxx when three letters picked without replacement from xfxxfxxxx?", "\n1/6\nCalculate prob of sequence ill when three letters picked without replacement from {d: 3, k: 7, i: 4, l: 4}.", "\n1/102\nFour letters picked without replacement from zzzzzzzzz. ", "Give prob of sequence zzzz.", "\n1\nWhat is prob of sequence xj when two letters picked without replacement from {j: 1, x: 2}?", "\n1/3\nWhat is prob of sequence ie when two letters picked without replacement from {i: 1, a: 1, e: 8, y: 1, u: 1}?", "\n2/33\nCalculate prob of sequence qhqb when four letters picked without replacement from qblqqqbqlqqbhqfbb.", "\n1/204\nCalculate prob of sequence dhtt when four letters picked without replacement from tthdt.", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from pygpggbgggpe. ", "What is prob of sequence eg?", "\n1/22\nThree letters picked without replacement from fyfaydgiagddgyyagi. ", "Give prob of sequence gaa.", "\n1/204\nWhat is prob of sequence cac when three letters picked without replacement from {o: 9, a: 6, i: 1, c: 2}?", "\n1/408\nWhat is prob of sequence em when two letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, m: 1, u: 1, e: 1}?", "\n1/20\nThree letters picked without replacement from {v: 4, a: 8, q: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence vaq.", "\n8/429\nThree letters picked without replacement from cccccwccclcccccccc. ", "Give prob of sequence clw.", "\n1/306\nCalculate prob of sequence jj when two letters picked without replacement from {l: 2, d: 2, j: 3, q: 4, c: 2}.", "\n1/26\nThree letters picked without replacement from {d: 1, j: 1, r: 1, x: 2, y: 1, n: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence ryj?", "\n1/210\nWhat is prob of sequence esx when three letters picked without replacement from eauszseux?", "\n1/126\nWhat is prob of sequence kygy when four letters picked without replacement from {k: 2, e: 2, g: 8, d: 2, y: 5, l: 1}?", "\n8/2907\nCalculate prob of sequence gvaa when four letters picked without replacement from {v: 11, a: 5, g: 2, s: 2}.", "\n11/2907\nTwo letters picked without replacement from wyiljyd. ", "What is prob of sequence li?", "\n1/42\nCalculate prob of sequence ft when two letters picked without replacement from {z: 3, f: 4, t: 8, r: 2}.", "\n2/17\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {z: 4, l: 10}. ", "What is prob of sequence ll?", "\n45/91\nFour letters picked without replacement from sssssxsxhhssshxhhhh. ", "What is prob of sequence hxsh?", "\n63/5168\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {w: 2, g: 2, t: 2, i: 3}. ", "Give prob of sequence wt.", "\n1/18\nThree letters picked without replacement from {o: 5, e: 1, s: 5}. ", "Give prob of sequence eoo.", "\n2/99\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {p: 1, x: 1, n: 2, o: 2}. ", "Give prob of sequence nx.", "\n1/15\nCalculate prob of sequence bf when two letters picked without replacement from fvavyvvybvafvvv.", "\n1/105\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {t: 1, p: 2, m: 2, z: 2, k: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence zz.", "\n1/28\nFour letters picked without replacement from wzaczaczawyz. ", "Give prob of sequence zzwy.", "\n1/495\nCalculate prob of sequence vnr when three letters picked without replacement from {o: 3, a: 4, h: 3, r: 1, n: 2, v: 4}.", "\n1/510\nThree letters picked without replacement from {g: 3, k: 5, a: 5}. ", "Give prob of sequence kgg.", "\n5/286\nCalculate prob of sequence gv when two letters picked without replacement from tgugv.", "\n1/10\nCalculate prob of sequence yy when two letters picked without replacement from {y: 3, x: 5, c: 3, f: 1}.", "\n1/22\nWhat is prob of sequence ki when two letters picked without replacement from ikzikizkzfzim?", "\n1/13\nCalculate prob of sequence dp when two letters picked without replacement from {o: 2, d: 1, p: 4}.", "\n2/21\nWhat is prob of sequence uuuu when four letters picked without replacement from uttqttttuuutuqtutuu?", "\n35/1938\nCalculate prob of sequence wiwr when four letters picked without replacement from rrriwirrriirwririii.", "\n1/646\nWhat is prob of sequence fr when two letters picked without replacement from rrrrfrrrfrrrfrrrrrrf?", "\n16/95\nWhat is prob of sequence hoo when three letters picked without replacement from hbohvbboobovvh?", "\n3/182\nWhat is prob of sequence dkk when three letters picked without replacement from {k: 3, i: 1, d: 3}?", "\n3/35\nTwo letters picked without replacement from jjjjjfjfmgjjmjgewj. ", "What is prob of sequence ge?", "\n1/153\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 2, b: 1, a: 3, q: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence aa?", "\n1/7\nCalculate prob of sequence ipip when four letters picked without replacement from {p: 18, i: 2}.", "\n1/190\nFour letters picked without replacement from {m: 5, p: 7}. ", "What is prob of s" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0016, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0012755102040816326, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00018765246762994932, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00010628122010840684, 0.00006503642039542143, 0, 0, 0.0012755102040816326, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0016, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00010628122010840684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0002040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Child-Report of Family Accommodation in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: Comparison and Integration with Mother-Report.", "\nReducing family accommodation (FA) may be beneficial in cases of childhood anxiety disorders. ", "Assessment of FA has so far relied on single-informant maternal report, which may be biased by factors including maternal anxiety. ", "We compared child and mother reports of FA, and examined whether maternal anxiety moderates the association between mother and child report. ", "Participants were fifty children with primary DSM-5 anxiety disorders, and their mothers. ", "Mother-child agreement was good for overall FA and moderate for subdomains of FA. ", "Mothers reported significantly more FA than children. ", "Maternal anxiety moderated the association between mother and child report of FA, such that the correlation was stronger in more anxious mothers. ", "Children agreed that FA helps them feel less anxious and did not agree that parents should accommodate less. ", "FA is an important clinical characteristic of childhood anxiety disorders and assessment can be enhanced through child report and consideration of maternal anxiety." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.00007561436672967865, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\nCalculate the common denominator of -2/63043 and -119/138.", "\n378258\nFind the common denominator of -23/41754 and -29/18.", "\n125262\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 5955 and 15880.", "\n47640\nCalculate the common denominator of -59/31371 and 93/4.", "\n125484\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 252 and 6768.", "\n47376\nWhat is the least common multiple of 28 and 33397?", "\n133588\nCalculate the least common multiple of 7168 and 9072.", "\n580608\nFind the common denominator of -37/290 and 17/105.", "\n6090\nCalculate the common denominator of 65/9752 and -97/530.", "\n48760\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 11970 and 57120.", "\n3255840\nFind the common denominator of -91/208932 and 17/6.", "\n208932\nWhat is the common denominator of 23/595548 and 109/252?", "\n4168836\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 75612 and 114?", "\n1436628\nFind the common denominator of -119/1250 and 13/1050.", "\n26250\nWhat is the common denominator of -83/400 and 81/13900?", "\n55600\nFind the common denominator of 23/95 and 57/6280.", "\n119320\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 3560 and 470?", "\n167320\nFind the common denominator of -11/649344 and 123/28480.", "\n3246720\nWhat is the common denominator of 29/2100 and -91/4800?", "\n33600\nWhat is the common denominator of 37/76770 and -131/61416?", "\n307080\nFind the common denominator of -37/33838 and -35/9668.", "\n67676\nWhat is the least common multiple of 2 and 54720?", "\n54720\nCalculate the common denominator of 119/13884 and 79/30.", "\n69420\nWhat is the common denominator of -71/906 and -59/1881?", "\n568062\nFind the common denominator of 17/30348 and -139/80928.", "\n242784\nWhat is the common denominator of -149/72 and 107/2004?", "\n12024\nWhat is the common denominator of -47/2794 and 47/2866?", "\n4003802\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 103056 and 206112?", "\n206112\nWhat is the common denominator of 97/16 and -67/36834?", "\n294672\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 3588 and 138.", "\n3588\nFind the common denominator of 67/4 and 58/22335.", "\n89340\nWhat is the least common multiple of 32 and 5796?", "\n46368\nCalculate the common denominator of 41/69549 and 1/2642862.", "\n2642862\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 57 and 139185.", "\n2644515\nCalculate the least common multiple of 6368 and 22288.", "\n44576\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 242 and 39.", "\n9438\nWhat is the common denominator of 127/9870 and -111/13580?", "\n1914780\nFind the common denominator of 75/2768 and -57/80.", "\n13840\nWhat is the common denominator of -107/266 and 93/179474?", "\n1256318\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 1215 and 135?", "\n1215\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 22680 and 34965.", "\n839160\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 11850 and 3160.", "\n47400\nCalculate the common denominator of 83/1834218 and 53/18.", "\n1834218\nCalculate the least common multiple of 95136 and 71352.", "\n285408\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 351360 and 6100?", "\n1756800\nCalculate the common denominator of 38/1179 and -16/1179.", "\n1179\nWhat is the common denominator of -71/1715 and 59/5985?", "\n293265\nWhat is the common denominator of 113/20 and -21/1095604?", "\n5478020\nCalculate the common denominator of 55/27048 and 169/6762.", "\n27048\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 453 and 18255.", "\n2756505\nWhat is the least common multiple of 646756 and 14699?", "\n646756\nWhat is the least common multiple of 2961 and 714?", "\n100674\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 435 and 30875.", "\n2686125\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 1167 and 28?", "\n32676\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 27048 and 2024.", "\n297528\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 130 and 396240.", "\n396240\nWhat is the least common multiple of 528 and 544224?", "\n5986464\nFind the common denominator of 131/24 and -71/456420.", "\n912840\nCalculate the common denominator of -53/6 and 34/128429.", "\n770574\nFind the common denominator of 99/8 and 63/78875.", "\n631000\nCalculate the common denominator of -83/5920 and -91/296.", "\n5920\nWhat is the least common multiple of 1824 and 41568?", "\n789792\nFind the common denominator of 56/15 and -85/1076.", "\n16140\nFind the common denominator of -65/327446 and 10/163723.", "\n327446\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 34866 and 127842?", "\n383526\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 280 and 10080?", "\n10080\nCalculate the common denominator of -51/8 and -32/8647.", "\n69176\nWhat is the common denominator of 77/6240 and 109/480?", "\n6240\nWhat is the least common multiple of 2264 and 109521?", "\n876168\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 454608 and 240.", "\n2273040\nFind the common denominator of -137/18 and -83/10368.", "\n10368\nWhat is the least common multiple of 423 and 84459?", "\n253377\nWhat is the common denominator of 113/644 and 50/13087?", "\n366436\nWhat is the common denominator of 6/1534709 and 45/1309?", "\n10742963\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 96 and 8544?", "\n8544\nFind the common denominator of -15/15356 and 79/76780.", "\n76780\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 345750 and 69150.", "\n345750\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 3878 and 42?", "\n11634\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 1782 and 116028.", "\n1044252\nFind the common denominator of -97/2339592 and 91/8.", "\n2339592\nWhat is the least common multiple of 1204 and 15218?", "\n1308748\nCalculate the common denominator of -113/25346 and -1/6003.", "\n228114\nCalculate the common denominator of 67/450 and 33/424175.", "\n7635150\nCalculate the common denominator of -139/358872 and 24/14953.", "\n358872\nWhat is the least common multiple of 45 and 4995?", "\n4995\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 1960 and 1660.", "\n162680\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 1456 and 2704?", "\n18928\nFind the common denominator of -89/45705 and 169/1213260.", "\n13345860\nFind the common denominator of -11/944 and 19/47200.", "\n47200\nCalculate the least common multiple of 1358 and 12.", "\n8148\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 13076 and 4480?", "\n2092160\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 13092 and 4364.", "\n13092\nCalculate the common denominator of 99/2470 and 61/5681.", "\n56810\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 15436 and 4964.", "\n1126828\nCalculate the least common multiple of 138684 and 130.", "\n693420\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 18 and 119?", "\n2142\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 6356 and 7945.", "\n31780\nWhat is the common denominator of 16/9 and -1/17006?", "\n153054\nFind the common denominator of 48/348601 and -125/887348.", "\n9760828\nCalculate the least common multiple of 47560 and 4756.", "\n47560\nWhat is the common denominator of -59/41850 and 157/5580?", "\n83700\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 60 and 6228.", "\n31140\nCalculate the common denominator of 151/53712 and -101/50728.", "\n913104\nFind the common denominator of -9/2 and 15/41057.", "\n82114\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 4055 and 95.", "\n77045\nFind the common denominator of 73/16 and -79/12608.", "\n12608\nWhat is the least common multiple of 47196 and 304?", "\n188784\nFind the common denominator of -113/2310 and 129/560.", "\n18480\nFind the common denominator of 47/16 and -95/15556.", "\n62224\nWhat is the common denominator of 59/5049 and 52/21573?", "\n237303\nFind the common denominator of 13/48657 and -41/34755.", "\n243285\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 2592 and 1458?", "\n23328\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 6670 and 459?", "\n3061530\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 133472 and 24832.", "\n1067776\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 470 and 179352.", "\n896760\nWhat is the least common multiple of 40444 and 101110?", "\n202220\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 2806 and 2135?", "\n98210\nCalculate the common denominator of -1/3861 and -29/9009.", "\n27027\nWhat is the common denominator of 7/16944 and 111/112?", "\n118608\nCalculate the common denominator of 97/14256 and 89/66.", "\n14256\nWhat is the common denominator of -141/4130 and 99/11800?", "\n82600\nWhat is the common denominator of -95/5041456 and 121/10?", "\n25207280\nFind the common denominator of 8/61199 and 58/22547.", "\n428393\nWhat is the common denominator of -40/4347 and -85/1512?", "\n34776\nCalculate the common denominator of 11/5217 and -17/1036.", "\n146076\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 137550 and 1540560?", "\n7702800\nWhat is the smallest common multiple of 21483 and 33201?", "\n365211\nCalculate the common denominator of -97/20 and 83/151052.", "\n755260\nFind the common denominator of -71/344 and -105/4558.", "\n18232\nCalculate the common denominator of 65/5312 and 8/249.", "\n15936\nWhat is the common denominator of -71/1240 and -62/1275?", "\n316200\nWhat is the common denominator of 137/18 and 121/37962?", "\n37962\nCalcul" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0.0002872737719046251, 0.0002777777777777778, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000244140625, 0.000244140625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0002872737719046251, 0.000244140625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0002295684113865932, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0002601456815816857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00021626297577854672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0002601456815816857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0005039052658100277, 0, 0.00591715976331361 ]
[ "Floral Lace Push-Up Plunge Bra in Black/Red\n\nOur push-up plunge + a brand new cup! ", "Soft and sexy, this dark purple bra has tonal floral lace on the cups and closure. ", "With the padding you love, the cups push the breasts up and toward the center for dramatic lift and sexy cleavage. ", "A dare-to-bare plunge, this design adds another sexy touch with keyhole accents along the adjustable straps. ", "Plush, uplifting padding with underwire. ", "Nylon/spandex. ", "Hand wash cold, line dry. ", "Imported plus size bra. ", "Women's Floral Lace Push-Up Plunge Bra made of lace. ", "Torrid is your destination for cozy fall and winter clothes to keep you warm and comfortable. ", "You'll want to wear these basics every day." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0002903178980984178, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00035599857600569594, 0, 0 ]
[ "Palate Lung Nasal Clone (PLUNC), a Novel Protein of the Tear Film: Three-Dimensional Structure, Immune Activation, and Involvement in Dry Eye Disease (DED).", "\nPalate Lung Nasal Clone (PLUNC) is a hydrophobic protein belonging to the family of surfactant proteins that is involved in fluid balance regulation of the lung. ", "Moreover, it is known to directly act against gram-negative bacteria. ", "The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible expression and antimicrobial role of PLUNC at the healthy ocular surface and in tears of patients suffering from dry eye disease (DED). ", "Bioinformatics and biochemical and immunologic methods were combined to elucidate the structure and function of PLUNC at the ocular surface. ", "Tissue-specific localization was performed by using immunohistochemistry. ", "The PLUNC levels in tear samples from non-Sjögren's DED patients with moderate dry eye suffering either from hyperevaporation or tear deficiency were analyzed by ELISA and compared with tears from healthy volunteers. ", "Palate Lung Nasal Clone is expressed under healthy conditions at the ocular surface and secreted into the tear film. ", "Protein modeling studies and molecular dynamics simulations performed indicated surface activity of PLUNC. ", "In vitro experiments revealed that proinflammatory cytokines and bacterial supernatants have only a slight effect on the expression of PLUNC in HCE and HCjE cell lines. ", "In tears from DED patients, the PLUNC concentration is significantly increased (7-fold in evaporative dry eye tears and 17-fold in tears from patients with tear deficiency) compared with healthy subjects. ", "The results show that PLUNC is a protein of the tear film and suggest that it plays a role in fluid balance and surface tension regulation at the ocular surface." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I get variable values in my stack trace dump?", "\n\nI maintain an application that sends me an email when an error occurs in the application. ", "I dump the stack trace into the email, and it seems to work ok. ", "The only thing missing is the values of the variables. ", "I get all the calls and such, just never any variables. ", "What am I missing in order to get these variable values dumped into the email too?", "\nBelow is the code I use to dump it into an email:\nUtilityClass.", "SendEmail(shortNTID,\n \"admin@mydomain.com\",\n new string[] { \"support@mydomain.com\" },\n \"MyApplication error has occured for user: \" +\n shortNTID + \" (Main).\",", "\n \"Message: \" + ex.", "Message.", "ToString() +\n \" Source: \" + ex.", "Source.", "ToString() +\n \" Target Site: \" + ex.", "TargetSite.", "ToString() +\n \" Stack Trace: \" + ex.", "StackTrace.", "ToString());\n\nAnd here is the result in the email:\n\nMessage: Specified cast is not valid. ", "Source: MyApplication Target Site: Void FindFormAndActivate(MyApplication.", "MDIParentForm, System.", "String, System.", "Object) Stack Trace: at MyApplication.", "UtilityClass.", "FindFormAndActivate(MDIParentForm frmMDIParentForm, String formName, Object parameter)\n at MyApplication.", "DashboardAlerts.", "NavigateToAssignment()\n at MyApplication.", "DashboardAlerts.utAlerts_MouseClick(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)\n at System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Control.", "OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)\n at System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Control.", "WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)\n at System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Control.", "WndProc(Message& m)\n at System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Control.", "ControlNativeWindow.", "OnMessage(Message& m)\n at System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Control.", "ControlNativeWindow.", "WndProc(Message& m)\n at System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "NativeWindow.", "Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)\n\nEDIT\nSome answers have suggested that I add the variable values myself to the email. ", "How would I get those values though? ", "This snippet of code that sends the email is not in the method that is failing. ", "This is code that runs any time an exception occurs. ", "If the exception isn't handled and corrected, I let it bubble up to the top of the thread a la Application.", "ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(HandleError); and the HandleError method is the one that makes this email call. ", "It has no idea what the variables or parameters were for the method that caused the exception.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe StackTrace property is just the call graph at the point the exception occurred. ", "If you're interested in the state of arbitrary local variables, you'll have to add them to the email yourself in the exception handler.", "\nUpdate: If you want to communicate variable values through a chain of exceptions, you'll have to insert them into the exception (i.e. in the message) when you catch it in the appropriate scope. ", "\n\nA:\n\nInstead of trying to put them in the stack trace, just add them to the string you're sending.", "\nUtilityClass.", "SendEmail(shortNTID,\n \"admin@mydomain.com\",\n new string[] { \"support@mydomain.com\" },\n \"MyApplication error has occured for user: \" +\n shortNTID + \" (Main).\",", "\n \"Message: \" + ex.", "Message.", "ToString() +\n \" Source: \" + ex.", "Source.", "ToString() +\n \" Target Site: \" + ex.", "TargetSite.", "ToString() +\n \" Stack Trace: \" + ex.", "StackTrace.", "ToString() +\n \" MyVar1 Value: \" + MyVar1.ToString() +\n \" MyVar2 Value: \" + MyVar2.ToString() +\n \" MyVar3 Value: \" + MyVar3.ToString());\n\nEdit:\nSince the email is being sent outside the variables' scope, you're going to need to collect them when they're in scope and add them to the exception being thrown. ", "I'm afraid I don't know much about the ThreadException object, but I'd create a custom exception that holds the values of those variables. ", "You won't be able to automagically add them to the stack trace; that's not really what it's for. ", "So, off the top of my head:\npublic class CustomException : Exception\n{\n public string MyVar1 { get; private set; }\n public string MyVar2 { get; private set; }\n public Exception OriginalException { get; private set; }\n\n public CustomException(Exception original, string myVar1, string myVar2)\n {\n MyVar1 = myVar1;\n MyVar2 = myVar2;\n OriginalException = original;\n }\n}\n\nLater, deep in your code:\ntry\n{\n //code that might throw exceptions\n}\ncatch (Exception e)\n{\n throw new CustomException(e, myVar1, myVar2);\n}\n\nThe fact that you're preserving the original exception by keeping it in the OriginalException property should (hopefully) also preserve the original stack trace.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTopic Challenge: Michael Mann and his films\n\nLast week saw the release of Michael Mann's new movie Blackhat and due to popular opinion we're starting a new weekly topic challenge from 2015-01-19 00:00 UTC to 2015-01-26 01:00 UTC asking for any kind of question about Michael Mann in general or any of the films he directed/wrote, or the TV-shows he ran.1\nOnce the challenge is over, we'll tally the results and winners here. ", "Also don't forget to suggest new topics for our next possible challenge.", "\n1) But don't feel compelled to add a michael-mann tag to each and every of those questions, tag responsibly instead.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere were no questions asked about the topic during the challenge.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Investor Gabriel Brener bought the home from the Disneys in 1998 for $8.45 million and rebuilt a new home.", "\n\nReceive the latest open-house updates in your inbox\n\nA look at the home that now sits on the land that Walt Disney owned in Holmby Hills.", "\n\nUpdated at 6:33 AM PDT on Tuesday, Jun 18, 2013\n\nIn 1949, Lillian Disney expressed interest in a piece of L.A. land in a neighborhood called Holmby Hills. ", "Lillian and her cartoonist husband Walt purchased the property and built their dream home, which still stands today.", "\n\nAnd now, more than six decades later, the home is on the market for $90 million, reports Forbes. ", "Chief executive of private investment firm Brener International Group and co-owner of the Houston Dynamo soccer team Gabriel Brener bought the home from the Disneys in 1998 for $8.45 million, a year after Lillian's death.", "\n\nBrener tore the house down and built a brand-new 35,000-square-foot mansion, which boasts eight bedrooms, 17 baths, a two-story entry foyer, and staff quarters. ", "There's also a custom movie room, three bars, a library, gym, wine cellar, and two safe rooms. ", "The property includes a swimming pool with pool house, tennis court, and putting green. ", "It also offers the utmost privacy.", "\n\nWhen the Disneys owned the property, Walt built a 1/8-scale steam railroad with a half-mile of track (including overpasses, a 46-foot-long trestle and an S-shaped underground tunnel) with a standalone barn with a control room in the back yard. ", "The train would become known as the Carolwood Pacific Railroad, and according to Forbes \"would serve as part of the inspiration to create Disneyland.\"", "\n\nThough the home has been razed, the 90-foot subterranean tunnel remains, with an ivy-covered stone archway with the date \"1950\" marking its entrance." ]
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[ "(1) Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a data signal loading circuit for performing high-speed signal transmission and high-speed data signal loading, a display panel driving circuit and an image display apparatus equipped with the data signal loading circuit, and particularly to technology that is useful for a driver which drives a liquid crystal panel.", "\n(2) Description of the Related Art\nAs shown in FIG. ", "7, a conventional data signal loading circuit 100 includes: a latch circuit L1 (i) in which small-amplitude differential clock signals CKP and CKN are inputted to a non-inverting input terminal and an inverting input terminal of a comparator CMP1, respectively, and small-amplitude differential data signals DAP and DAN are inputted to a non-inverting input terminal and an inverting input terminal of a comparator CMP2, respectively, and (ii) which loads a data signal DL1 outputted from the comparator CMP2, at the rise of a clock signal CL1 outputted from the comparator CMP1; and a latch circuit L2 which loads the data signal DL1 at the rise of a clock signal CL2 outputted from an inverter circuit INV1 which generates a reverse-phase signal of the clock signal CL1 outputted from the comparator CMP1.", "\nThe configuration in FIG. ", "7 enables the data signal DL1 to be loaded synchronously with the rise of the small-amplitude differential clock signals CKP and CKN.", "\nAs shown in FIG. ", "9, a conventional data signal loading circuit 200 includes: a latch circuit L1 (i) in which small-amplitude differential clock signals CKP and CKN are inputted to a non-inverting input terminal and an inverting input terminal of a comparator CMP1, respectively, and the small-amplitude differential clock signals CKP and CKN are inputted to an inverting input terminal and a non-inverting input terminal of a comparator CMP2, respectively, and small-amplitude differential data signals DAP and DAN are connected to a non-inverting input terminal and an inverting input terminal of a comparator CMP3, respectively, and (ii) which loads a data signal DL1 outputted from the comparator CMP3, at the rise of a clock signal CL1 outputted from the comparator CMP1; and a latch circuit L2 which loads a data signal DL1 at the rise of a clock signal CL2 outputted from the comparator CMP2.", "\nIt should be noted that Japanese Patent No. ", "3833064 (Patent Reference 1), for example, is known as prior art document information of the invention in the present application.", "\nAccording to the configuration of the conventional data signal loading circuit 100, the characteristics of the comparators CMP1 and CMP2 for amplifying the small-amplitude differential signals vary according to conditions such as frequency, power supply voltage, process, temperature. ", "Thus, when the duty ratio between the clock signal CL1 and the data signal DL1 deviates significantly, there is a possibility that the latch circuit L1 and the latch circuit L2 will be unable to load the data signal DL1, and there is a possibility of causing misoperation particularly when the data signal loading circuit operates at high speed, and so on.", "\nHereinafter, the behavior of each signal in the conventional data signal loading circuit 100 shown in FIG. ", "7 shall be described using the timing chart in FIG. ", "8.", "\nFirst, the rise and fall of the clock signal CL1 are outputted delayed from the rise and fall of the small-amplitude differential clock signal CKP inputted to the comparator CMP1, by a delay time T1 and a delay time T2, respectively. ", "At this time, with the variation of the characteristics of the comparator CMP1 in response to conditions such as frequency, power supply voltage, process, and temperature, the delay time T1 and the delay time T2 do not become equal and the duty ratio between the high interval and the low interval of the clock signal CL1 deviates. ", "Furthermore, the rise and fall of the clock signal CL2 are outputted delayed from the rise and fall of the clock signal CL1 inputted to the inverter INV1, by a delay time T3 and a delay time T4, respectively.", "\nIn the case of such a circuit configuration, it is predicted that a total delay time TS1 for the rise of the clock signal CL1 inputted to the latch circuit L1 becomes TS1=T1, and a total delay time TS2 for the rise of the clock signal CL2 inputted to the latch circuit L2 becomes TS2=T2+T3, and the total delay time TS1 and the total delay time TS2 will be significantly different.", "\nIn this manner, in the conventional data signal loading circuit 100, when the timing for both the rise and fall of the output signal of the comparator CMP1 is used in data signal loading, and the like, in an internal circuit of the data signal loading circuit 100, the inability to perform correct data signal loading arises, and it is assumed that this becomes more prominent as the operating speed of the data signal loading circuit 100 becomes higher.", "\nIn the structure of the conventional data signal loading circuit 200, the characteristics of the comparators CMP1, CMP2, and CMP3 for amplifying the small-amplitude differential signals vary according to conditions such as frequency, power supply voltage, process, temperature, in the same manner as in the data signal loading circuit 100. ", "However, since the delay times for the rise of the clock signal CL1 and the clock signal CL2 outputted from the comparator CMP1 and the comparator CMP2, respectively, are approximately equal, it becomes easy to load the data signal DL1 synchronously with the rise of the small-amplitude clock signals CKP and CKN, compared to the data signal loading circuit 100.", "\nHereinafter, the behavior of each signal in the conventional data signal loading circuit 200 shown in FIG. ", "9 shall be described using the timing chart in FIG. ", "10.", "\nFirst, the rise and fall of the clock signal CL1 are outputted delayed from the rise and fall of the small-amplitude differential clock signal CKP inputted to the comparator CMP1, by a delay time T1 and a delay time T2, respectively. ", "The rise and fall of the clock signal CL2 are outputted delayed from the rise and fall of the small-amplitude differential clock signal CKN inputted to the comparator CMP2, by a delay time T3 and a delay time T4, respectively. ", "At this time, when the comparator CMP1 and the comparator CMP2 have the same circuit configuration, the delay time T1 and delay time T3, and the delay time T2 and delay time T4 become approximately equal delay times. ", "In addition, when the comparator CMP1 and the comparator CMP2 have the same circuit configuration according to conditions such as frequency, power supply voltage, process, and temperature, the duty ratio between the high interval and the low interval deviate in the same manner.", "\nIn the case of such a circuit configuration, a total delay time TS1 for the rise of the clock signal CL1 inputted to the latch circuit L1 becomes TS1=T1, and a total delay time TS2 for the rise of the clock signal CL2 inputted to the latch circuit L2 becomes TS2=T3, and the total delay time TS1 and the total delay time TS2 become approximately equal.", "\nNext, FIG. ", "11 shows a circuit configuration diagram of the comparators CMP1, CMP2, and CMP3 which configured of transistors.", "\nFIG. ", "11 shows a configuration in which the comparators are connected in multiple-stages.", "\nThe conventional comparators shown in FIG. ", "11 include, for example, a comparator C1, a comparator CS, and an inverter I1. ", "The comparator C1 includes: a constant current source transistor MP1; transistors MP2 and MP3 to which the drain of MP1 is connected and a differential signal is inputted; and transistors MN1 and MN2 to which the drains of MP2 and MP3 are respectively connected. ", "The comparator CS includes: transistors MN3 and MN4 to which the drains of MP2 and MP3 are respectively connected; a transistor MP4 having a gate and drain to which the drain of MN3 is connected; and a transistor MP5 having a gate to which the drain of MN3 is connected. ", "The comparator CS outputs the drains of MP5 and MN4 to the inverter I1. ", "The inverter I1 includes transistors MP6 and MN5 having gates to which the output signal of the comparator CS is inputted. ", "The inverter I1 outputs the drains of MP6 and MN5, and has a function for shaping the output signal of the comparator CS.", "\nWhen the comparators shown in FIG. ", "11 are applied to the comparators CMP1 to CMP3 of the conventional data signal loading circuit 200, there is concern over an increase in consumption current in the comparator CMP1 and the comparator CMP2 since these comparators are connected in multiple-stages. ", "In addition, as shown in FIG. ", "12, when a configuration which connects the comparator C1 in two stages is assumed, as a comparator C2, in place of the comparator C1 shown in FIG. ", "11, consumption current increases further as the number of stages of the comparators increases. ", "Furthermore, the load connected to the small-amplitude differential clock signals CKP and CKN are the comparator CMP1 and the comparator CMP2, and the load connected to the small-amplitude differential data signals DAP and DAN is only the comparator CMP3. ", "As such, the small-amplitude differential data signals DAP and DAN become approximately half compared with the small-amplitude differential clock signals CKP and CKN, and there is the problem that the same impedance matching is not possible between the clock signals and the data signals." ]
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[ "What's your ministry? ", "Summer opportunities\n\nIn this series we celebrate how our skills, interests or hobbies can open the door to a new ministry or opportunity. ", "This month: holidays. ", "Interviews by Sharon Barnard\n\nPrudence Bell is 71 and both she and her clergyman husband, Stuart, are now retired from full-time ministry. ", "For many years the couple have travelled around the world, taking services and providing encouragement and pastoral support to holidaymakers, Christian workers and indigenous churches. ", "This year the intrepid Bells are planning trips to Switzerland, Jerusalem, Tanzania and Zambia.", "\n\n\"When our three children were small we knew we could never afford to travel abroad for holidays. ", "As there was a need for holiday chaplains on the many campsites on the west coast of France, and my husband didn’t mind working on holiday, we spent many summers serving with the Intercontinental Church Society. ", "We organised services and were available pastorally and to talk about the Christian faith.", "\n\n\"As well as France, we have served several times in Switzerland, Ibiza and also Norway. ", "After a sabbatical, where we travelled around the world visiting growing churches in different settings (Nepal, China, New Zealand and America [Los Angeles]), we returned to Nepal four times to do some teaching in the indigenous Church.", "\n\n\"In recent years we have had a policy to visit all the members of our congregation who are serving abroad. ", "At one point there were 18 missionaries. ", "This took us to Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, France, Spain, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. ", "Last December, we were in Tanzania and then went on to Zambia to visit and share ministry with folk from our last church who work there.", "\n\n\"Our trips have varied in length from two weeks to two months, and a couple of times three months. ", "The church was very supportive because we were visiting ‘our’ people or churches we supported. ", "Now we are retired we are not restricted.", "\n\n\"We often feel out of our depth and even frightened, but the Lord has always been there. ", "And he has always provided; we have never been out of pocket.", "\n\n\"One highlight for me was when I was visiting a young woman working in China. ", "She said, “I would rather have your company for these three days than any money you could send me.” ", "This had a strong influence on our future planning.", "\n\n\"But the biggest highlight happened in China, on our round-the-world visit in 2006, where we discovered the church where my great-grandparents had served before being murdered [in the Boxer Rebellion]. ", "They were still honoured. ", "Their names were on the inside of the new church which is now 4,000 strong. ", "I have since co-authored a book with Ronald Clements about this amazing journey.\"", "\n\n+ Prudence Bell’s book, Lives from a Black Tin Box: Martyrs of the Boxer Rebellion, their Chinese Church today and the power of prayer is published by Authentic\n\nHow your travels can be a blessing to others\n\n+ I want to ask churches to help their congregations to think about where they holiday. ", "Is there a missionary or a Christian worker they could visit, bring encouragement to and pray with? ", "The blessing that brings is immeasurable.", "\n+ Always keep a journal or diary of some sort. ", "It really helps if you make a return visit. ", "Write down your reactions and reflections whilst they are still fresh. ", "It is an effort and I have often felt like giving up, but I am so glad I didn’t. ", "I now have a whole row of journals to go with the hundreds of photos.", "\n+ Prepare yourself by reading a Lonely Planet or Rough Guide.", "\n+ Be organised well in advance.", "\n+ Cover the whole time with prayer.", "\n\nBarbara Morrison is a volunteer co-ordinator for The Smiles Foundation and part of her role is to prepare and accompany volunteers on short-term mission trips to Romania\n\n\"A friend introduced me to Smiles in 2007 following her mission trip (MT). ", "I fell in love with the people as I looked at her slides and felt God calling me to go to Romania, which I did in October 2008.", "\nThis work has changed my life! ", "Kevin Hoy (CEO) has tremendous vision for what we’re doing amongst the poorest and almost forgotten people in Romania.", "\n\n\"A Smiles MT is manageable for everyone because we work together on mission and it is all safe and controlled. ", "We reach 1,500 people on a daily basis and share God’s love through a variety of projects and programmes.", "\n\n\"Currently we have two churches, a homeless shelter, counselling, medical help, two elderly care homes and rehousing programmes.", "\n\n\"We have had several baptisms over the years, but last year there was a revival in one village where 10 families had been re-housed and 18 people were baptised.", "\n\n\"Smiles is a lifeline for so many vulnerable people; we are making a difference and changing lives for eternity.", "\n\nNaomi Colwell, a school biology technician from Kent, relishes the long summer holidays so she can look after the under-fives at the Christian event, Revive!", "\n\n\"I have been volunteering at Revive! ", "for six years and for the past four as the team leader for Noah’s Ark and Rainbow Club. ", "During our daily morning sessions we care for about 70 one to four-year-olds.", "\n\n\"My biggest challenge before the event is to keep trusting the Lord for the provision of volunteers to join the team and provide really good care for the children during the week. ", "Each year, it is a real joy to see how the Lord builds the team and blends together people from different church backgrounds, ages and experiences.", "\n\n\"During the week itself my biggest challenge is energy! ", "It is very full on. ", "I am flat out through the sessions, but it is great fun and it is incredibly rewarding to see children playing happily and to hear them proudly retelling the Bible stories to their parents when they come to collect them.", "\n\n\"I do see this as a ministry and it’s an incredibly pleasurable one. ", "Serving at Revive! ", "is exhausting, but I find it rejuvenates my regular children’s ministry at church.", "\n\n+ Revive! ", "conference is organised by Ichthus Christian Fellowship and runs from 29 July–4 August 2017. ", "Details from www.ichthus.org.uk\n\nMore inspiring reading, every month.", "\n\nGet much more with a subscription to Woman Alive, from just £29.50 for 12 issues.", "\n\nMore inspiring reading, every month\n\nOur magazine is written specifically for Christian women who want their faith to impact every area of their lives. ", "Subscribe today and look forward to thoughtful articles, fresh ideas and good advice - all delivered to your door every month. ", "Click on Subscribe for our latest offers." ]
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[ "Adams High School\n\nAdams High School may refer to:\n\nIn the United States \nAdams Central High School, Monroe, Indiana\nAdams Central Junior-Senior High School, Hastings, Nebraska\nJohn Adams High School (Indiana), South Bend, Indiana\nRochester Adams High School, Rochester Hills, Michigan\nJohn Adams High School (Queens), New York City, New York\nJohn Adams High School (Ohio), Cleveland, Ohio\nNorth Adams High School, Seaman, Ohio\nAdams High School (Portland, Oregon)\nBryan Adams High School, Dallas, Texas\n\nSee also\nAdams School (disambiguation)" ]
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[ "Mario Gotze’s Twitter account hacked, showers Arsenal flop Chamakh with love\n\nSomeone has it in for Mario Gotze, and really likes Marouane Chamakh!", "\n\nBayern Munich’s young star Mario Gotze had his Twitter hacked this morning, and apart from the mild inconvenience, it’s fair to say he got off lightly!", "\n\nWith all of the acrimony from his Borussia Dortmund exit, one can easily imagine the source of the hacking; in which case Gotze can feel relieved he didn’t suffer any serious abuse.", "\n\nInstead, his hackers showered new Crystal Palace signing Marouane Chamakh in love, quirkily declaring him for the Ballon d’Or, and placing the Moroccan ahead of Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.", "\n\nThe Tweets have now been deleted, so apart from Chamakh’s ego being given a much needed boost, it really could have been worse for Gotze…" ]
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[ "As Washington struggles to respond to brutal acts of violence from Syria to San Bernardino, much of the conversation is about the size and scope of our response to defeat our enemies.", "\n\nAlthough Americans by now understand that we are not in a traditional war against an armed state, we still fail to comprehend the true complexities and profound challenges of conducting a broad range of military and law enforcement actions in smaller, less straightforward operations against terrorists and their organizations.", "\n\nWe are trying to oversimplify the pandemonium of war. ", "Violence, frequent and savage, is brought upon us by non-state entities and their ideological subscribers who do not hold to the traditional justifications or methods of armed conflict. ", "Barbaric behavior has become the norm. ", "Our enemies’ use of technology will continue as cyber attacks become commonplace, digital media are used to frighten and incite, and remote detonation of bombs is exported from the roadside improvised explosive devices of Iraq and Afghanistan to the streets of Middle America.", "\n\nOur national security is of course dependent on the entire U.S. government—including the CIA, State Department and others—but I want to focus here on the armed forces. ", "We need to rebalance our military forces to develop capabilities that are very different from the wars of earlier generations.", "\n\nOur military units must remain, without doubt, masters of death and destruction. ", "The need to kill our most violent and unrepentant enemies is real and urgent. ", "Deploying special operations and other combat forces for this mission is necessary, and we should be unhesitant and unapologetic about doing so. ", "But it is not always the first or best answer and it is never enough on its own. ", "We must be ready to kill, but we cannot kill our way to victory.", "\n\nIncreasingly, violent conflict is taking place in what experts call the “gray zone.” ", "That is, as the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, Gen. Joe Votel, said, where entities or groups “seek to secure their objectives while minimizing the scope and scale of actual combat.” ", "It is in this murky middle that, Votel explained, “we are confronted with ambiguity on the nature of the conflict, the parties involved, and the validity of the legal and political claims at stake. ", "These conflicts defy our ‘traditional’ views of war.”", "\n\nLook around the world: it is hard to find a conflict that is not in the gray zone. ", "Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its continued activities in eastern Ukraine; the self-proclaimed Islamic State’s barbaric control of key parts of Iraq and Syria; Chinese construction on disputed reefs in the South China Sea; Boko Haram’s continued reign of terror in Nigeria; and the ongoing Houthi rebellion in Yemen are just some of the most recent examples.", "\n\nIt is not only the outbreak of new violence that should be forcing us to rethink conflict—it is also the underlying environmental, economic and social trends. ", "These include resource competition; radical demographic shifts; the rise of coastal mega-cities in developing countries; increasingly visible corruption and patronage; the changing climate; and explosive technological advancement and information connectivity.", "\n\nSo amidst all this disorder, how do we organize and prepare America to excel against non-traditional threats? ", "What is the role of our military in addressing this emerging range of non-traditional national security issues?", "\n\nAdversaries the world over are developing new approaches to conflict in ways that are designed to mitigate the advantages of more powerful military opponents. ", "But we in the U.S. have neither changed our military enough, nor developed non-military alternatives that are trained, equipped and expeditionary enough to respond robustly to crises that are not primarily military in nature.", "\n\nThere is an element of the U.S. military that arguably specializes in these kind of ‘submilitary’ conflicts: special operations forces, or SOF. ", "But only about 3 percent of U.S. troops are SOF. ", "What SOF—whose operators are older, speak more languages and operate in smaller teams—do well is leverage larger organizations and networks, especially in working ‘by, with’ and through’ local partners. ", "They are pioneers in adapting emerging technologies (such as man-hunting drones), restructuring organizations, flattening communications and developing new tactics and equipment.", "\n\nOur special operations forces are already sufficient in quantity. ", "We shouldn’t ask them to take on every military mission. ", "But the SOF example is a good one. ", "It should inspire us to recruit into the armed forces more mature, more globally oriented and experienced people who can be further trained and educated to manage complexity and deal with ambiguous threat environments and diverse populations.", "\n\nI am not just a former SOF officer arguing that SOF answers all, but the new era does require much more SOF-like thinking. ", "It is worth reviving the approach of the World War II-era Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. ", "We need experts not just in warfare, but also in languages, foreign cultures, religions, global micro-regions and more.", "\n\nWe need institutional fixes for a U.S. military that has not yet fully accepted the value of non-traditional career paths in which coveted command positions may not be the best use of individual talent. ", "We need to renew or reinvent our forces for the new normal. ", "Our initiatives should include temporary appointments of civilians to officer and non-commissioned officer ranks in order to answer unique and precise needs, focused recruiting of foreign-born personnel, sabbaticals for travel and research, and repetitive assignments of individuals to specific countries and localities around the world.", "\n\nWe need to reject old doctrine in favor of relevant knowledge, reject quantity in favor of quality, and reject our traditional notion of military victory in favor of local acceptance of enduring success. ", "The budget, not just the conversation, must also reflect this." ]
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[ "Diffusion tensor MR imaging of the pyramidal tract can predict the need for orthosis in hemiplegic patients with hemorrhagic stroke.", "\nDiffusion tensor magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used to evaluate motor functions in stroke patients. ", "The aim of this study was to clarify whether imaging can be used to predict orthotic needs in patients with hemiplegia. ", "We studied 25 patients (age range, 16-78 years) with intracerebral hemorrhages (putamen 15, thalamus 7, frontal subcortex 3). ", "Diffusion tensor MR imaging was undertaken on admission at rehabilitation hospital for stroke patients. ", "The fractional anisotropy (FA) value of the pyramidal tract was calculated. ", "We compared the FA value in the ROI of the cerebral peduncle with the necessity for orthosis at discharge from the rehabilitation hospital. ", "As a result, the FA values of the affected side in patients who needed orthosis at discharge were lower than those in patients who did not need orthosis. ", "There was no significant difference in the FA values of the unaffected side. ", "We concluded that the need for orthosis in patients with hemiplegia after stroke rehabilitation could be predicted using the diffusion tensor MR images of corticospinal tractography." ]
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